The Morning Record, September 12, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 12, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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fanU of boU. It b toU that Kaes
•OB bothered by the treeMr. Soothord eteted that Ue baMoeae
r of Mttle U h
of the hotel thie eeoeoo hoe been tor.
bettw than any prerfcKia oaoeoa and RtOB SOBOOL BOTS OXITZBO field. Lately, it bee been aid that he
OOLM T**a.eteteBeBttbateowe hereafter
that aoay of the rteitore of tUe year
fonnd 1b hb fidd woald gel ehoi. ot
eeaethlng to that eSat. It b oleo al­
n Bent year. There on htUl
leged that, Knox eoae time ago loaned
«nmM aty-TMB Xnltod th« Omm
rol geMts there waiting
AetlTO ProeUee Begna-Bzeitlng hb goB to a neighbor and that reoenV
Oat thaZMtHolf natX Znni«t— eeley the bat boa flehlor the lav
OoBteeto Ahead with
ly it bod bee* loaded fa heary
Soon WaaaTtoVp Vo That point ter port of the aonth. Mr. Saithard
Boninaa, Big Bapido, OodlUae The oow of AUen had on oxpateace
—BnUer Pltchod Sapoih Oono and te omaging to inieh off foor i
that rroold le4d te the oupl
BBd Otha Oitieo.
lioldiBC Woa StmiOBV
tooae in the «n«ehe hadbean tha rletiaof jMtraeb a
which will be oeoceeary for the laA toet loot ballteoa to reppeoaet the ohorge. iWhea the erUtenoe la enb*01U H«BnM Baoonereoeed heelaea of the hooee oext TratMoe City uigb School U on
MmUMO. 8ipL U.—Tbh (MtMt OBd
expeeted that than wlU be
Moot CTriMf tamo of boll pUyod la
Additional fodUtia for flahing «ni OBd the W wUl be the harlat oad iDteredOagd
tbh oltr thto Mom WM pot op b/ Um
be prorided sext year. Arrmagea
the dty hoe erer hod.
. EiuUm and Oolto lodaj. Tha fom*
hare beam aode with Leale OreUlek
Trnmball. a feet Cbloon oaotenr.
atood atio, l M l. wbM tho HoaUor*
for the boUdlag of MTOrol eUnker hoe oBteied the Bigb eehootrW yui
wMt to bat in tho mat half of tha
The Popnlor Pacta and PoaUy Wore
beau for Me of hotel gnaU wUch wUl
A good aOnoIbdIos* '
Barpriood Doat XTeaing.
will be eecared oad gama^r^ongTo BatherfOid beloafs tbo erodit dT
Ber. and Mrn. W. A. Frye, were greaV
ed with CbdUloe. Monbtee. Big Baplde
. mU^ the hit that won the Roma for
and oiba dtia a towne that hare ly eetonbhed loat trenlng when nboet
Traeone CSty.
of the. Fiat Melbodbt
Batler pltobed a freat coae. allowHigh echool teoae.
chnreh inroded. their home on '
L J; FleaborgenUlngon
lor only eeron oeattartar hlto. and not
enl team in the city, and eome oborp Ington etreet. The eaprbe m
» alngle OoUdldbeMod to Ant o«
Wocan Pram KOBton Ooae To Find eontaU will be bod betwan the two piete tat Mse the lea enjoyable. The
Dying Bietor Bat Did B«t Bacerening.wokqientiBaiBglBg and eolocal taai fa proeUoe.
Qaina o1k> pitched finelp, ood tha
OBOd Xant Bigfab
aee beta atill greater earIt wUl be eeea from the
•apport reoeifod bj both ^tehora woe
cpmng npon the good pettor
A woaoh whoee aoae U hire. Mary line-np Utet the pratige of the Qneen
'pheaoaeoalaadltaeeiaedjaalae eohj
and bb atiaable wUe when Geo. W.
to r«t a ball poet a etoop wall oe pant McAbee, orrited oa the 7-.W trols City wOl be npheld in the fooiboll
to Mr. Frye a bean
wald in a way that wUt refiect credit
the delden of both uoato.
releable gold beaded
' The placing of Watkise oad Boll froa MoiVa. la rapeoa to e let- npoB oa High abool e» well a the
and to'Mn. Frye e haodUr eUUog that her eUta. |be.
Theee ore
wM portaealarl; brilUoab
eUrer frait dbb and cpeon.
The wlaniog ran woe oade Uke tbU: George MorgOB. woe dying. The lev le aoaa and poaiUone of the pUycre:
Ball prefaced the prenentetfau
Berber! Joboeon. full beck.
HoeesoBh wUd thraw allowed Ateae Ur aleo e«eted Uat ha hrotber-h>-taw.
with rtmake appropriate U the oca
ThM Loale -«■»« ! Mr. Mngoa. woold meet ha et the
Sure Lordie. right haU book.
respoaea fitting and ofTaUag
bo one there, bowTmabnll. left half beck.
a pretty hit ood Adoae reached thUd.
weregiren. Thecrldenuof
Valin Thoaoe. qnarter hoek.
Bell teat a long fly a Mocooe (a right era, and diligent laqalrla by the po­
which Rer. Frye and hb foaUy ore
Nalington. eentre.
Sold OBd be^ he ooold rcton the lice foUed to loeau aoyene of that
Walton Gray. Captain and left teckla held in the city oregreotiy appreeiated
hall Soavr hod eoered ood the goae aa^ In the elty. The leiur woe pUinby them and when they eholl depart to
ly dated end poeVaerked Tyei
W.> Leighton, right tackle.
’ eroa was- Seooe:
fields of Uba tbae wUl be scores
A B. n. City. Mib. McAbee.wae acoeapoaied
Ueea Thoaoe, right end.
who wUl r^ret their deportnre tat aCcdfit.......... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 o_i ; s by a
in oraa, and oeeoed
Choria Oorna. left end.
9hftlm .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1—: 6 1 . great iBCoareoleBee loat night when
iber with pleosere the good wak
Ike PenoiBgtoB. right gnord.
^ BotMrfee: Hattleta. Batterond Bant: ehe feand no one at the trdn to ma
they bare performed among thrir fel­
Fred Slleby. left gnoifi.
ha. She b now-qaartaed et the Pani
The team eterted in yaterday and lows in Trareree City. The oa
bom Botel and wiU ettdwra to fin pat in areml bonre of good bard pme- enitably engared.
Mr. Fr>-« will leare fa Kalai
ba friend! thb aomlng.
tice. Thb will be conUnsed nntil the
toowrrow. where Be will attend the
•eoeon onene in eamat. and aery m
le In ebape tosley tbg gome.
Aan. b Beard Proa—Bin X^erproba.ble that be wlU he retaraed to
Huotien and Koniatee Oota B
ianee WUl Be IntereeUng.
thb chorg^ Bowera. w]
Ploy BoU Ikiusday oad Pridny.
highat rcgad
. So aneh hoe been writUn. reed and
The Uel beelball goaa to be played Bembert D. O. X. X. WUl be Ac- and uteea of the eoraaunlty.
eold nboat the ridia of the Klondike
gold field* and the proepecU of gaining ^ by the Buetlamthbeeaeon will be next companled by Lodiee Vext Week.
Korie X BoKoa, B. D. dalra
Next Thoredoy a anmber of th
wealth, that a letta from the eeene ef. Tharwiey and Fridayo<rlag to illi
the report! of Irnmnitr findiegi of , Coltt wUl be hereegaia fa two goaa.- members of the L. A. W., also of the infoTTB ba paiieau that owing
nea ehe •rill,. ior
a Uae, be nnsble
ansble to g
gold, froa oae well known bereabooU. 1 eo«l the hbtory of reetnl oontaU be- D. O. E. K. who ore eomisg from kttend to ha' practice.
wUl be of inlere*. W. B- Sohroeda. 1theee teaae wOl eare to draw Gfoad Ba|dde to oesbi la the organiza­
Prepare to attend Orond Trareree
formaly poetmoster of Lake Ann, j crowds. Lately MenUtee and Trar- tion of a new clnb of the Utter order
weatloAloakaaboata year ego oad ene City bare t>e«a pntUng np fint wUl be aeoomponled by their wires. CoqntyPair, BepL SI, B8, SB and SM.
- _

haabeen there era elnco.' Hb porenU eloa ball and at the lost two goma The ladies and gentlemen will bring |
their bleyela along and while the men
hare reeelred a letta tron him rcoeaV the gronade ehoold be crowded;
ly, from DewMi City. The following only -hecaMe than will be fiat clea ore bosy with tee torturing of asplrante
U the nibataaec of the letta. a copy of bail. bolbecaoMthe Bnsuen deeerre for honora in the D O K. E. the Udiee
a wlnd-ap of the eeoeon that will make •rUi be eeoorted oboot tee city and subwhl^ hoe been eent to the Bboood:
"D-wra. B. W. T..
U,.lr work» Ih. nrbe by local wbeelwoaen. T^b wUl
•I,. HK.-I »m, h.™ ,o b., .ri..;—" b- b»b
Tb. be on opportanity for Trareree Qty
bi, piA. Tbi. u . b.iw pi..,ibo™
b»pu,.atb.b.u .u a« WclbU to show tee ci^.te weU kuwn
doe them that the lost Grand Bapidi wbeelwoaen. A
than loet comp at the InleL Dollars
nit. oboot oe plenUfol oe peaaiee ore la games eholl be Uberolly attended. wUlbearraagedoaddeteUe oanoi
I woriced it daye and S ^ FlrM'eloa wort may be depended Uter. A Urge party of tee rbltors
•riU roaoln here eererol deye.
team and mode SIM, nr SI« per day. :
Xnt loU ot people are coming in ereiy
xxsvxaiox TO FXioaxxT.
Any, ta Ubor wUl be down to tio eoon.
Bta.-BebMU a Went Dud.
1 am not working now. bnl oa proe- Tbe OolnabirWUl Carry • Oro^ To
Mrm. BebwM C Weetof Garfield dl< d
v'-fwting; hare a claim. ifT con bold IL
yenterday mornUg athnr home near
that le worth eome money, eo ft will
The steamer ColnabU of tee Trer- Reyetone. The fnaerai wUl take ploM
tekelromMw till foil to eat wood, eree Bey Line, will take oa exenralon from her Ute ruidcnoe on Tneeday.
ihafL and taUd cabin for the to Peteeker Wednsedey for the annnal The urricee will be condncud by Ber.
Is what erery mntbei b look­
wlnlM and to get ready for work.
ing for. now that echool bu
Q. 6. Xortenp and Ber. D. CoehUn of
eaeoapaent of tee Ocand Trai
Men here opMtd theU money oe fact at Soldim and Sallora' AseoeUtlon. The
bersa. We piece on ute
t WiU be in
teUwuka deslmble lot of
they -sVs iL Sotib here epent S300 boni «tUl lure et e a. a. in tee i
tkwood cemetery.
Clothing et rery
elnce they come into town and now ore lag and the roud trip rate wiU be but
Mrs. West wu bom in Hsnorer. Lebbroke, tat they hare good gronnd left.
soo Co.. Ps.. Norember J8. IMO. She
PotetOM ora worth Si.OD. baoon 81.00
lures three children Mm. Elizsbeth
perlb..beaat:5e. rolled oeU fSc per
Bicyele Basioeu Oooi.
Hammond of Garfield. Mrs. Battle X
lb., and ererythlng in the eome propor­
The blcyeU bneiaem in tee
this Dyke of thb eity and Mm. EUa M.
tion. Woald not adriee anyone to eeeeon hie bun rery bury, and it le Moaipe who liru at the old home near
eome here, ae they take their liret la eorprieing wbete eo aony wbeeb go Reyetone.
their bonds in oomlng. os it b donger- to. TbeBenuhALey'MerconUUOe.
Jnnlor Bontiem Buten.
oes. Would not Mke tbs trip again bee eold >:v daring tee season, which
for SS.OOO. Jut to come down the riref b tec lergeet sale erer mode by any
The GremekrUle base boli teem deat one place we go a mile in lees than e one firm in thb city. J. W. HUter, the futed tec Junior Butlers of the East
and prieu that down all
mlnnte andd aat other places If it
i famiterc duler. comet next witeeeUe Side, In oanxcltiiig eontutat tee fair
competitere, baring bongbl
t we ehoold of IS6, and JoUu Campbell next with grounds yuterdoy afternoon. Score
not few t
oar winter stock before tee
hare been dromed. Bet now we ore;
tariff blU went into effect,
Besides the ulee muUooed J. A. 15 10 IL Betteriee, Greiliekrille, Delout of danger u tee rirer hue b not Montagu and C. J. Elmer hare'sold a •ell and Ely: Jnalor BeoUers. Earl and
lo that alone we ure yon
40c. on tee doUor.
ewlftuyoenudaotworfy, u'l con namber and the Famou bu also db- BnadfooL_________________
get hAw to write often, and after ay' poeed of meny, which wiU bring the
grab gets on tee creek 1 wUl not be loeol seise, wite what bee beu bought
down nntU ■pring.*'
from OBt of town, to orer 500 daring That Wu the Onoatity ot Whut
Bought by Hannah ft lay Oo.
wsr.T. OABX DXBPtrrXD.
The priu of whut remained at 85
hulacu b tbal out of the nnab«
bays a Bey's good School SniL
BoknU Slnggeta and XDc Bnpide Xids whuUeo'id teem bare bean eumely ina yuterdoy and the Hannah A Lay
flour aUl hongbt about l.toe bnshels.
PoUed to Agru nn Xunlte
anyukn bock for non-pa yaui
The total amount reeelred at the aUl
The Slk Baplde kids pUyed a gome
Ian wete iru e.OOO buhele.
- of tall trite Joke’s Sloggea yuterdoy
hays a rmol Salt wferth
Pienie at Poplar PolnL
■arriHita. Wkteb is clalaed by both
Lnaber PoU m Him.
t.»m. pum relUble information reThe taoehem of tee pnblb eehwb
X Tmaoine on emplaye of tee TmrMlred by the BxooBD It woald sum eojoyed a piuic at Poplar Point yceeree City LnmW On., was •rorkiag oa
thaCtee gome belonge to the Slnggere. terday oftemooa. The etuaer Ada
tee ed^ in t^rir uw aUl-yuterdoy.
hbrenort the eeore stood
nptoyed for tee trip and
when fire bury maple plonks teat
4 to 4 in ten eighth Uniag wl
»eoBtng tercagk tee machine feU
other ran wte mode by tee 8
We hare thru leU wf Boye'e
and badly Jemraed ab left fooL
OUoogo Uukmt.
Snits. tisu from S to 14 yurs.
and oUowed by the empire. The Elk
Gamer dreued the injury and it will
regular priou *re *4.75. A5.00
BapU* boyerefasedteoontiaM. lur­
Chiugo. SepL 11.—Whut—Septea- be some time befom Mr. Tremaine wiU
and 85.50. They eOl go tor.......
ing the uore S to 4 in farer of the slag- bw. MHei Deoeaber. ««Me; May
be able to get oboot entily.
gem. Batteriu: Elk Boiddo. TnrkeV MHO.
tUnndXaforge: Slnggem. Aaberrer.
TWrtby nnd Pennington.
50Ke: Deoeaber, llXe; Mm. tSHoHe;


Right here to Michigan—Klon<)ike can't compare
wTtir Michicopicton. Same wiA us—nothing cax
eompaxe to our stock of School Tablets, Pencils, Com'
position Books and Slates. CANT BE BEATEN.


M. B. HOLLEY.Ti7-|iiingB




A Handsome Woman Handsomely
)res8ed, is a Thing: of Beauty.


Our New Fall..

arc Beauties, and show the Latest Ideas in
Fabrics and Fashions. Suiwble for Every
Occasion, and Ppced for Modest Purses.
The GrMtest Cloak Stock and the Greatest
Cloak Talnes Ever Shown in the City are at


The Best

Here are a few barfains:

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

.We Still Lead..
Notwithstaading the general
depression in the milling
business, we are having a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our....

^our. Send in an order.


Water Proof
Box Calf Shoes
For Misses aiid Children.



Just the kind of a Shoe to we^ to school.
Latest. Co'm Toe, Stylishly Made and Lots
of Service. ASK TO SEE THEM........



We late jest reeeimi aa eaiira Hew liia ef.....

Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes


Hotioa To Taxpayers,
Dr. will paoUoe htopro<«ri» U an<^ mualc of tbe kind that Veeelraa
tour'or Are eneorea.
The .eompany
will be to m; office to reoelre tbe
tbol buMltafMVflpoU*
OQtUte of moatly all new talent tbU City sad School Taxes of tbe aty dur­
)wit.-Baipln LMd«r.
eaaaoe and beaded by Ada Bothner. ing the month of September.
<nekeu tor tb« wtcrtelnnoBt to bo
from8o’eloektoll:»o ciock a m. and
aa Tfddy.. Tbare to an abundance of from I o’clock to 4 o’clock p. m. and on
olron br too WoMn*« Qub will be
bright mnalc and araga. pretty coe- Tneeday erentoga from 7 o clock to 1:10
pUeod OB eele tomorrow manitoc Bt
tumee and appropriate etage aetUnga. o'clock p.
___ otBoe, StolBbMv'e Urud. end
Said taxes may be paid during Sep■ it'j. A. MoatBr“«'*»b>reBt7 o’clock..
additional fee of one
,Tm». T. Bbtw ato J. W. Hawi
tember with
Oa all taxes
SeeU me; be roMrred et tbe box office
«r I. 1997. there
g. W. Baxxm. Editor ud JluMferJ
IB tbe oiare boutPnmlahed by tha BanpeotteaObdtohaa. will be charged a penalt’
aty of two per
Tbe exblbiiioo of peeee pertout ptocent, for eolItoUon.
■yaxeEucst. cacaca.
Office to Herald Building, ha ISS,
toree in tbe pwlor* ol Perk Place ype- a. aslstWTT. Pxicr.
aa vMk. b)r CARter,
Froot street. Boom f.
CMa<«lb.briuM. •
Mrd^ end I>idey. by Miw Dorfee, wee
Sunday eerrioea are as foUows:
Maiavlh Wwxto.

riiiled by large nnmbere of ledlee end
Preaching at 10;J0 a. m.
aty Treneurer.

an edditloael iBlareet wae oreaUd U
Sunday acboot at lt;«l m mDated Sept, let. 1BP7.

tbto cbannlnf etyle of amklht worke of
Y. P. A. meeting at a p. m. '
. - •
Cm caemwa
art etlU more arUeiie.
Preaching at 7:sa



All ar* welcome.

*0 at tb* Fa

Tbe etrike amonc tbe coal mlnere in
pMuylrania bM reached a aerlona crlBaman Urea hare at laat been aaeXifced: but ai yet It la dlAeBlt to detern.ig> who U mponaible for the deatha
«f neaxlv a aoore o( atrinia Thero
baa been no poaitire eridenec tbal Ue
alrikera reaorted






Ft. 6. A Kortann. Fsstor.
The paster srfll be to bto palpit again


M. train will leave Trarerse
BungarUa Eooiety WUl Xaha
City at lOtOS a m. and arrive at Elk
thto morning. The rtetpe of tbe aer- BMto at 11:10 a m. Leave »:3o p. m.
Warm tor Martin for Bto
wllf be ’’The generation In wbkh EMBd trip rate 40 eenta Don't mlm
Part in Strike.
thp chance to enjoy yoniaelf at thU
we lira”
ptola U will be e great place for fun.
Bhxleton. Pa.. Sept. U.-Warranto
The .Young I’eople'e meeUng at the
Uco. DkHavvx. U. P. a.
were awom oat by tbe United flungarnaual hour will be led by Mias Bthal
ian aoeiety thto afternoon for the arreet
Prepare to attend Grand Trav­
Subjact, (•’Co^pleUnaea of
of Bberlfl Martin and 107 deputy aberCbristiaa CharacterV^P^ I:.v».
iSe who ara allegwl :o bare bees con­
All are cordially InWM. ’
ed tn yeelerdty'a ahooUng. The
TULl'XTXXB? or ^tHcklCA.
wananta were plpcad to the haada of
UT MSW mmr\.
Uobert EUey. manager of tbe Anthra- Capt.tlsFOref«. Utu.-ChsoelrT.

erse Comity Fair, Sept. 21, 2B.
23 and 24.

arne they wvt maipUag to a mine to

Meeting* aa usual all day Sudsy.

try to Indnoe working mlnere to de.

The proeecutor named to Jowpb Me-

7:00 a. m. prayer meeting.

ffiat from work; but tbare la nothing balto. preaident of tbe St. George eo-'
3:00 p. m. chrtotton pratoe meeting at
yet to ibow that acU of lawlem
dety. of which moet of the dead mto- which Comrade Ftoher will be preeent.
•nfficient t» warrant the killing of
T:W p. m- regular Ptateeoatal Uma
irere member*. ^The arreaU will
had been eommltted. The dapstr aber- be made 1ato ibto afternoon or tonight.
All are welcome.
Ufa would ba<

been juatlAed in nalng


Bet. W. a F»J». pwior.

to prarent tbe dee meaiurea
and baman life
•tractienof property
when it came to an bane, though in

$3.00 a Biontli

Utoa Sarah Oreaao to vidtinc her ato-

Dr. PanoB'tClUdc.W

Class meeUng 0:M to parlors
Preaching 10:30. followed by Sunday

tar. Mra D. Cocblln.

thia inatanee ft an>eaie that tbe atrlk-

<%arlie GennaiBe cams hack from a^ool.
ere were mer^ marcblng towarda the tbafalrlnG----------------------- --.
with the purpoae of nalng their
,Ioe Banaon of Morgan's llrary bam.
F.pworth Irague at 6:1*.
bmt ondeaTota to get the miaem to to barns' from Grand Ba^da and the
Preaching at 7:30 followed by eoafer>oiB the rtnlca of the atrikera.
enee meeUng.
Thia cataatropbe bringa to mind tbe

E E Pratt baa retemed from Cad-

Music by tbs male quartet.


hymn*, to mnke tbe bonrof tbe grent-

rirsd home last night.


to danger of an ambarramment of raid

h»*a bMU muktogu briuf vtolt with

wbtob tha toereaslng anrplus to making

Be*. B. Sulbbery und tomUy.

ntUl mote aggraTaUng.


Jnntor ChrilUn^ Endenvor nt 3 p. m.
for the children from lu te 13 yent* of

At tha preeant

Pnt^. B. Cotwu of UeunmiA pumed ngnttoM tbe treasury eontaina »HS,000,000 tbroogl the city ye*tentoy on bto wny
of tba yellow ooln and more to coming te Norlhport, where be wiU
With tbe national eoffeie orerflow- thU eveniug.


Bundny Khoel 1wk» to Bom. i::»-71.

K. Stlckney and family of t







CAtArr* IDQ« be itTAtMl hiMb IofaU; •
FMiOI1utU,DAa;. Ill* A p»v>n IB tbe W<
vu«brRA..,.e4betoRA n


mcering to "Bible Direction* for Pmotacnl life."

Come with n

faig. wheat at one dollar a bushel, po-


J. M. Longneeker of DelU Md A. L. ver»e committed te memory.
tateea forty oenu and other farm prod- Ftock of Tiffi*. 0-. memben of Use
Tbe Sunday etentog goAprl •erviee to Is ererr rik«e. r/meultAttcn ab4 EiAmtBAtlncl.
oeu to preporrioa. and upon the top of 0*»1 Wood Dtob Co., returned home nt::3i)p. m. Uring your friend* lo thto ihrlB.llnr I iriAl ireatBFBt. VKF.K. tsee'i (All
InrAll oe tBree eoiln
a» a tMI
It all a (urprising rerlral to manufae- yMlerduy ufter • vi»U witb.U. & Hull. brlpfnl meetiug'.
Tboee wtobing te unite with the
WiU Xewasns returned te tbe ngriwlU fall icnUuml eolleire nl Lun»tog yeiterdny eimrch nt tbe next commneion *erWoe
te the deacon*
morning te r«eume bto •Udim to tbe u/ould give their nam

But, tbe blow

heariest apom those who last fall pre­

dicted dtoaater if free aUrer was de;

lAuicAl und electrtonl engiimi '

or patter na boon a


U>v*e v tobtog tecualribaie te Ue *upJacob Eoebler. the prominent h
Ir a apeeUter wlthemlng a pnctlee'
port of the church for the balaaeo of
game of fool hall from a oommasding denier of Cbiongo, nrrieed to the city
ardny nocompnnied by Mr*. Roehlar Ueyear. Your help to needed.
yoMllon on a face U liable to enffer a
hnkan limb, what may ba expected by

for a vtoll WiU Ue family of B. J.

tbe player* parUclpattog In



Perhaps tbe Bxcukd

Mr*. J. C. Bnner nnd


Mr*. Senry

Fine TenderMnn Tneaday nt J. C.
Vtack'* meat market, Front atreet.?ooenta ___________ ___________
113 «

Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.

mmmel of Elk Bnpld*. pnmnd Ur.

ttmUUy angfeet tba wisdom of an am-

Little GoYernor
-------- UtDf-—

Little Captain
^ Boys’ Snits:!!^^

RenoIuUona of Sympathy.
Ue city Ual night on Uelr wny I
Revdred. That we a* a lodge of the
from Ue ainte fair nt Grand Bntdda Nattonal Be*irvr Amoelation, do ex­
beaebatltoTraT- nnd oUer pototo to aonUnm Mlebi
tend onr aympaUy te Slater Alice Pargive way to tbe nnmerter. in time of her trouble in Ue
m*e aty will
aieknee* and ioe* of Hmb of ber lUU*
eertatottas of footballbov. Gleny Parmerter.
Roodml. that a copy of Uto reaolnHow Ho Proepect of Adjoatmmi
tion be apread upon Ue mtoutee of Ue
Knera Btriko Tory Boon.
record, a copy be ecat to Ue delly pa­
Colnmbn*. O.. Bept. 11.—The mlaete per* of TravefAC Oly and al*o a copy
Perry Bad an XTbpleaaant Xxbe Mnt te SUter !>armerter.
have voted te reject Ue Hi cent propopmlanos Teeterday Aitomoon.

are the best profKtl.
Handsoiric new patterns now on sale
and the price is;-within the reach
of all, at.......:..

Wilhelm Bros.
Is what you will observe in everjihing in our New Meat
Market ip the Brosch Block.

Offertory calendar* may be had by


Hamilton Clothing Co.

B^right, Fresh, Neat

•nring induatriea. there to indeed eauie
- tor alarm.

We call your attention te two eepeeially drelrable and durable Bebo
Snite—Godd value* for Ue money—Aak to eee them.

B tl. Uolrl W*ltlB(.

0( IbF bFATt ABd BFBAFb. lin-rAsia kico*

« cordlally-lnrited te the a
from a tUU to relatIVee at QrauE
The preaent eit- Bapids.
Wm. Bclteer. who has been in Chi­ Be«. D. OeehUa. *A*ter.
Sermon nt ]0:3U». aon”Tbe l^ind
B wiU be made cago looking after bis lumber IntereeU,
tbat alnUli
otCbrtot." Allnrei
■Ad tbereaponalblUty of tha deaths of enme back last nlgbL
the atrikere plaoed whare it balonga
Mra Fred Bechtel, who has been rto- M join to the ratponrive rending nnd
iUeg friends to eocthen Michigan, ar-

, Our Line of Knee Pants... ;
Have double seat and knees, are extra well sewed and
will not rip: are made only of such goods as wjll give
the best of service, even with the hard usage, cost no
more than many knee pants that have none of these
good points—50c. to $1.00 for the best all wool Chev­
iots wnd Kerseys.

Catarrh, Chronic and
Prirate Diseases,

id It y to be hoped



leans a little more monej' at the suit perhaps,
This means
but a great »ving in the end.

rltum ■■

Utoe. where be has been attending B. White wUl sing a aolo at the'^ mornreaebert In the oontroretay by an .ae- eonrt.
lag •errica
ccptapoe of the to oent rate.
NetUe Wurzburg returned yesterday
Last Sunday of


to inoth6F8.^T

r«U*^ And MFcrvrtAl ri|vn<
- And
CAR Ol -

fact that a aetUemeot mlgbrUaTe been

Tu United Sutea treasury to threat-

Don't try to see how little
money will enable you to
clothe the children—\Ve know
the tendency the past two
years has been toward- goods
^at had fa small price attached, but >taHy-deaf'-l^hny
t^y price—Our aim is
« to give
yiiiic cnn rue nQ||^y

One Solid Week

4he adjnetmeat of the difficulty will be

Med with a eerioua oondiUon.



Fresh Meats—always fresh; Salt Meats.




MUBoa eorpa »ad a bo^dtaL


It baa gefcraliy been eoneeded tl


The vote ateod 407 te aeeept

413 agaiaftUe acceptance of 6S
Prepare te attend Grand Tmv*me
lertaking, but that there eenta a ten tor mining.
Oonnty Fair. SepC ai. BS.S8 andSd.
It to eetUed U*t Praident Raicbtwd
It danger to wntcbliig n pmetiee gai
and Ue national ofltoen left no 1
of footbnll baa never been taken tote
O. A. B.
•vion* eotsaldemtion. Ray Perry had
tieo forUeneeeptaneebtUe «S cent
nneb na experience yeeterdny. Be wn*
The miner*, howrver. are pari
mtebtog a practice game of Ue High

The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
he found in the city.

*0 engage in a foot ball game to a n

•ebool team nnd when be attempted te

Ue fenceof Hon. Perry Bannah'e' to boU vote mod •plril. The splrlf to
Uto ea*e. backed by lettruotion in

tolling bit left arm wn* fractured.

placm. wa« agaleii Ue national officer*

Wilhelm redeced Ue fmctnrc nnd Ray too »troogly to br overenmo
erUl noon be able te watch nnoUer foot


i*S On Aooonnt

of TeUow Fev

Alderman Oook and wife entertotoed
• party of fnenda at Uelr home Friday
•TMtog. A plenmnt time wae enjoyed.
Mlm Gertrude Blggiaa gave a
lo a few of bar friend* yeaterday after- ;

New Orleaaa. Sept, it.—Town* on
every trunk line renntog tote New

* te Bay
n auore date nt gl W
~ ale will li
grano pacaae
pac*de wiii
will aieri
alert a*

• will
-••• •leave
It.- r’
.t 0:30
My View at
6-.: p. m.. Peteakey 0:40
for Elk
k Rapid*
and Trareree
On>. DxHavxK U. I’. A.
,t J. C

have declared a quarantto*

agalest Ixmtolaw.
All eiUf* and town* to Mtoatoalppi.

soon to honor of Mtoa Benodict. who Texan and Alabama declare that no
to viMttog bar eonato, Mr*. Gayle Oria- peopU coming from Uto atate ahall get

Go te Ue Uon Barber lUiep for hair
lau and bnU*. II eenta each.
B. M. Gnirm
O. B. A !.

Wkmn W/M. AAn I.HV
buy nAW
new FinjM
one* ./.
*0 /.k—n

toprise Grocery,
W. J. ROBINSON. Manager.

ticnlar to rep'reaent their contUtoene**

lot bto foot caught to Ue picked and In

i Flnebto Bicyele Bepair Shop
SouU Union Street.

ICall and intpect Ue n
Fryman'*. 314 Ea*t Front Street.

Green that will kill Bugs
oa Erery ponod full weight mod gu*r*Dteed to kill l^cm. S fc. Walt. Drugtot. MaAoelc Block. ______ _________________________________________ ;__________ _

Bicycles loHent

KnU line materlat

' Suits to Order.



•- Rmf MaMKtir Block, t'BioB m

•y OF SAFETY....
X. W. HlgtlKUa 18
0 s?jS“Bis:"^k *fU«

Fire Insurance.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Correspond with
the Traverse City# .
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring, Short.Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mifl Machinery, of all
descriptionsr'including i Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Hant for sale.

oft Ue tratoa at Uelr atatlona.

The ■lyveivg neademy of Profemcr B.
B Mnrtasgb vrlU A>pen Uto monU.
Boeanl n’---------vriU be formed and Is^toaction* vrUl be given to aU Ue ^w


Peter OiiOB. an employe in the oval
Wednmday. September »U. Ue
wood diah factory, bad Ue index finger Graad Rapid* * Indiana Railway wUI
Ue annual Pall exenraian te Ue
above meattoned potota. S3.O0 Detroit,
Dr. Gamer dremed Ue Rlcbmond or U Ckoaae and retam.
wanndad member.____________
SO 00 'hbiengo and- retnra.
will be *o1d from *11 atotien* Mack­
Bigfa School Oy«le Club.
inaw aty te Big Bapid*. inelnaive.
A btoyrfoclnbwaaorgaatood Friday good going mUy on ■pedal unto*
of Beplamber K>U. and good
te U kuoWn a* Ua High Behool Bicycle turning on regular trato* until and
cleb. l*roleaMrC. H. Horn waa elected cludieg Oeober *U- Pamenger* may
preMdeat and Ml** H*too Norton *eo- atop at Kalamazoo, Gmod Lodge Cod
Holtond. or point* *ouU or ea*l there­
of. on 0. R. 4 I. By.. C. 4 W. M U y .
TbentrionI Hotan.
or D.. U. R. 4 W. B. R .and Uckeu can
"A Bunch oAKeya." pbltobod be made good rvtuming from auah
notoU. Tbrongb eoaebe* will be mn
te Ue aavenl dMOnatloa*. For time
bergto.Otnnd. Monday eventag. Bept. of apeelal train* nnd further toformalOU. Tbe ^aea to well known to Ue Uw eHMltO- R. 4 I. tleket agent or
C. L. Lockwoop,
UaatmgMBg public nnd nearly ovary
O. i>. aad T. A..
OM tea alUaraaanor beard of "A
m m
Gland Bapida, Mieb.
BuMh of Koya.” tha fnanimt of all
Pmfinra to attand Gr^ tinv—a
nnwilllii moat
Of hie left band bndly cat on n planer

We Oan Save for You


The rwT«l»
on Ue M. 4
H. B. to Maslatec wiU leave Uto momtog nlBsM.

An additional aUraeUow


vlU ba Ue BnaUer* and

Colta’ ball game.

Laoamtad n Ftogar.

Tba train *riil be

bald natil after Ue game.
Angai Orayaon. who ba* filled /Ue
^oopomlWe poeiUonof night foreman
of tbe MuBsmo B*oau> Affiee nareral
monUa very mUtaeterUy. kaa leMgned
to teka aaoUor poaltton.


will be filled by V. A. ^troag.
Or. a A. Ontee bna
toiU good* toTtovenantr and wOl
toUow Monday whore be hu rented a
hoM* asd Mra Gate* and ^rtole we
onertwIlnaUeettfe. Teralle will
UaaxerilMtnBbMd Uor* and

rldlentoan altaattaa, wHty mytog*

Oonnfy Mr, Bept. tl. SB, B8 and 94.

We «re clonng out «t Cot Priom #846 Pairs ot oor Best
Plngrte 4b Smith Shoes soc] Oxfords in Black nod Tana, to
make room for oor New Stock of Cmn Toes. OsU early before
tbe beet sizes are token. ::::::: r :::: :

The Old BdiUile 4hoe Uu,


c*rUlB pUe*. They were *M *»»*f*- *
i toM tbwn to keep eo«J ““4*^ •“ ***
b»*«i «t I «
l .mrt
the rntrchtof colunui. 1 toltH U»em


Troop.<!_to th.


Pa, Strika RagJen a« th.
RmuH of a Tragady. ^

Then 1

Bank of England Changat tta Pol­
icy in Regard to tha
White Metal.


. I . *1W «t>™ m> 4rpuu«i to .Id mt <

s'j,- s 'vuKo ".r'

1 Ib^ *otne<

It* u to tb* Fku
OWor^Wut the Sheriff Sot*.
■Mkm Ibrfo*- ^ nu>«*J to W.lh 0«* tk.uab«e«l

th* D^mUM niiMI Ml tk* M-h.
HmrTUbunt. Pe.. Sept- U.-Oovt*Tor
Haitluf. lut Blfht ordered cut the
' Third of tshlch Qet. OoWd U
commoeder. .nf Iniirvcied t}en. 8cb.ll
to bold IM Flr*t brtfmde tt rendloem
The troop, mobllteed at HM.llon end
were on the mow before dwl«*k tbi.
Wilkrab.m. P... Brpt. 11.—SberlfT
aUrtUi wiit . t.leffWB to Ooemior
H*»tlnir» U« Blfbi »t»ttnf that mob
law prevailed Ig thee lower Mid of tbe
couoty and aekliic f
BaaeitoD. Pa.. Pepi. ll.-Tbe.KrBtealtttalloo reached a terrilile crUU o« tbe
outAina of LallBier ytaterdpy afterBoca wbea a hand of deputy ahertfta
bred Into an Infurjaled tnob of niloeia.
Tbe men fell like ao many *eep and the
ezrit-mnt elnre baa liren ao
that DO aecurate flfute* of the d«
wounded can' be obtained. Bepc
from fifteen to twenty Odd killed and
forty or ihare wounded. One
reached the aceoe coocted thirteen
corpaee. Four other bdic*
nDuotaM between l.atlmer an4 BarMfb. 'Tbeoe who were net Injured carrted ibelr dead and wounded friend* Inw
wood, and eetlinat* U bafled.
Bom* of tbooe known to he dead are:
Hike CbMloll and Frank Cheka. Har­
wood: John Slanlaka, ,Cry«al Rldce:
Oewfe KuUck and Steve Horrick. Bar-

wouM be killed. 1 called to Iht depulle*
to dlwharfe their fire amu Into tbe air
the head* of the atrlken. a* li
I probably frlffaten them. It wai
at once, but It had no cRect witol
on the Infuriated foreljnirra. who
uaed m. >o mfich the roufhrr and beramc fiercer and fiercer—more like wild
than human belufa.
( Biriker* then made a atm bolder
and eodcavtred to nsmiufid my
entire force of deputlea I fully reallted
that the foretanere were a dteperate
and valued life at a very amall fifure.
aleu taw that parleytnc with aUv
fane of inturialM men wa» entirely
of the queetlon. a* 1h<-y were loo
died to ilatea toTeaaoo and that myeelf
ami doputlea would be killed If we u err
p*rued. or If we did not defend
d upon
the depuouradvea. 1 then called
defend Ibemaelve*
they reuat to protect their llvee
protect tbe property that they had been
> cuard. The neat e.-cond thttre
few arattriT-d •hoto'flfrt Into tbe
forel«n-r», and a moment l-ter the enUre force of deputlee dlacbars^ a toUd
I ill' crowd.
:<i five the command toriiout

_____aorry-that .
polled lo dn ao; but I wa» IheP.lo do
my duty and I did It a* beat I knew bow
and aa my cooacten.v dlcUled...* the
alriker* were vkilattof the law* ..f the
commonweallh and flally r’-Iuacd lo
obey the piwdaiisallon that 1 n ad to
them. ’ • • 1 wa* there to aer that


noi <ra: The drromata*ee are quite dif­
ferent. BTiere Peel may have I.mb ^
we riKWld be vaceedltifly foollab. For.
aa th* only dublou* polct to our finan­
cial ayatem to tlw Ven- oecaaloii^ mr»%fin* of our fold reaerri- at ih* bank.
Idiy aboul we deUberetely cbooue to
water that twtorve by j.ractlcblly r^
duetof It one-fifib. Sir Botori , Peel a
Dtber rtwaon wa» that a .lock of allver
mlfht oemalonally be eonvenlent f«
- P «r eaal. But Wnce tbe
--------------------tovent«l that rea** no
loBCtr p*UU W* cun order allver from
, anywhere In a f*w aeciisda; and a* LonI doti ta the i»lBclpal allver man of tbe
I whole world we fsMd no al«b al

Butter, Butter,

Boiling Beef and RoasU
Sold Cheap Friday and
Saturdi^. e e e « e >


— - —-

Oaue IlMl « bleb Mbr ttofhl M to Mae*
Daae—SevalnltoB to l-elicy.
AfaiM.t Ibr I
l^ondorC Sept. II.-Tb. “nmee thla
momlnc. In an article from b Hwcial cor- wbal It call* "dnimT’b aurptlac*." -ay*
reupondent to whoa, accuracy »t aay* M the aati»ftl»hm«ni oI ih.- pulillc will Iw
trf place voofidemc. make* Immeasurably ar-if.,t th in at the acthe important announcement that the tloD'^he In.l a .TjUIUll The rdlU rl*!
Erfland dIrMiota have

tent to bold une-fiflb of the twnk'a re
aervvd In alls er. nse article, which U



'Tlii* rv\olulliin In p>illcy—
the atuck
In tbe
T the b

Park Btrert. toWM Fro«t * CM.!
\^. -WT,
Rates, Sl-50 per Day.

mlaht have fourul »um* l*M obj-ci
able nop to throw lo Ih* Am*rlcan •
nileMunerw. nr ibi- biiii-islti«(a amung
bask eharlrr-ac :l and the authority o
lb* mlntairrial >np|»rir>’. ut wbunwoSir Koloi i Fee). It a eciuBlIy aa< U** t>
ever II may hr Muii ha* lo be conmbrv.thal at th* Faria m-rviary HUatrd
It would have b-rw preferable
confert-o.’- In lv« th. liank. on thr *uf- , !.• ibe < n-Tepealrd »ll«*r.lli
f.wUos of luly-and tor I nlted Btaica. I ceaw (Vlnlnc half *>>**>.-lg»* to
fBV* • Mil «f piomlM- that, ahnold
Intemarioi nl blmrulllecn hr <«tabU*hed.
It miflit alb.a tbe ivaj>p*aranie <f rilver
bulUun a* en aa*« to toe laaue deiwil-The measure now aaid In be
mtni vt thr liank. Tbe rtaann* whieb templai.Hl can chly create a temporary
actuated Fir Itulvrt Frol are uf oo ap- TBcuum in lb* allver market which wljl
:tb«> In the preeeol rircumatanc-a. tncvlialdy 1» rapidly filled by the prar. Important to rememlier that ""
llcall* ln*ahau»tlble suppllea available.


Thar-Mi Put* I. .»
Wnkeabsrte. PW.. Sept n.-Sheriff]
indianapolU. Sept IL—8< nator ThuraMafUn arrived home OB tbe T o’clock
of Nebraska. 1* In the city au. udtoi
tzato from Has •Itoa. He wm* cool and 1
DDllcctrd. He wa* met al tbe aUtlon 1 the oallcmil eoeampmer.t of the Sun* ■)
“» two got Intof Veteranw He Wa» very much *unTiaed
a ,^b and dro e
,o,rti,er tor from Honolulu. 6y wwy of Victutto. thal
jWhore they were
wr ,^ ^
----- cloaeted
fCM-.alor Wh,,..
While, „r
of Calif.iriu..
EDC ouuMuw.— — ...... ate. nie »enalor called aitcnlion lu ll
admitted that
1 fac iha, M favored aancwlton
Bket *w Taktag Aa-toar Naa-* Ptom.
ar bm-ftrikeis
early thta mentog thar
Paducah, Ky- Sept. 11 -Tom Corley
.(ere golhg to mateh to toe bre^ ^
fatally abot J. C. Jackson at Stllea. near
I^aUper and ebmpel the,
thM city. The fomer had been foreQuit work. I remiTved to iBi^
Md If poaBblepreveDt thn ft—.
M the brwker. On* of *7 depkttoa
Sd M thK tbe btronn wooU prohS>k*hwvHrfi»«A iffct.ya-1*- •bot pleruad Jadm's I



alnly atronf attain
without even wlnrlna: bat why abnuld
II I.* subjected ihereiu’ fr lb* fovern-

V cenlcnd that the plai
I Ibr (K-rmtaalon uf Ik

la toe arm. wm seen by a rctKirtev and u„true.
tol. veiSoti of toe affair. -'^Ve
were going along the road lo Latimer
And.-Twon. Ind.. Sept ll.-Tbr a
Bed tb* depullea were lined acrca* toe
a spU-*plr
road, harrtpg our pcogreo*. W* tried to
T Cowrit b
« through them and did not attempt to
ttt or molfgt them, when they fired up- chall.-ngod Muse* Hull
oa M. We ran, bul they kepi on ahool- hate. I*rofpmor J. D.
Adrian. Mich., offer, to w-»ger
egpUlB or dupllcale any
lucfd by a medium who
* mrlim h*an to brush by the rtieriff. 1 phenomena pmdt
____ ____
_ manlfeetalkm |* due tt
^STtorffring began. All the Hoaa cUlm*
that toe
aplriluall»tlc power. Leading aplrttoaltell ihe rtCTT a^ot ihtt way.
IK* from all over tbe country,have beea,
aAW it
mg WAT
^• they are trying to
' - the antl-apirKualM



i<e em|*atl.-ally aaalnM any *ucb
uollon ar.d It ha* n.jt done It



> nnihins b*» iban .
w to
— - ......... - -.

With the .ufffWlon pg.h.-dXm^ by
one-fourtb In .Uvrr.
certain Ameriiuna that It «boWd hold a
»,u*lne». cuanmunlty will hope
fifth of Ihe rv*erve to allver’ Perbapa
may be al^e to .how
tbe ar-xtit was ftven In very guarded lotoimanl that he la ntirtaken.
IKiCbatw II waa done to obllfc diver would be qjiltc uerleaa. »«
e mwM beadpervon* In hlcb quarter*; prrbtin It wa* body, al

I while appr-vlailng the f
— —


Don't Fail to ^ our Cutt andJ ^
Slices for th^ two da>-S-

Lady Watts


Now for Business!;

! From this date this boat
'will not make rejpilar con' nections with trains on M. &
. S. E. Fishing parties, how-ever. can make arrangements
(for the nse of this handsome
! vac^t; by commnnication bj
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

See Oei Hea Uie


BS- FM^<3-2£OXiN.

Picture Mouldings

itcoi-aiETua.iy Twr



ICycle Owners LookHere!

Coraer of Coioa abd Hay Suwi*.
r. oepoi.
M. a K. R.
depot wimcb
wl*bm mi
iBce to tbe piWlc thal he bt*
e__r.K-.i tbe Hotel Paag-1



B—tlk-iBe-l Pe4-U. wlia*-*

fore and eaa accorrmodate th«- travel-' irr-ei-’-ro*-. ,-om cw*^
ing pohlie in good abape



The Last Gall

mory TM by a Haa.


k to tbe UlifwWM

Angus McCoii



Fine, Fresh Butter!

b S.« r-r rent.
New Tork. W U.-Brartatreefa
•aya: Tbe buWnera baa been marked
Jl I* nredlcM lo deal wllb the mechantcal dllficullie*. vu.h as Ine qo—iion ol
by a cominuallnn of comparaUvely free
laraliun lo favor of bOn»talll*in. and bmi. the value ■•t tbe aUver now *lan.llna
from Johberw and
b-*n a handle uf annoyance again* u* in the lank'e book*, or Ibe cvor»r l» blo anticlpaiMh f wanU t
purvucl when larae wllhdrawaU'if goU
almbtt al
ralae the prcportlot uf WIver urn.wrw^
• ..jmiwr of cmiftw aiwclal___
"We do not Itvr to U*4 and we ougbl fifth. Thre.' are mere delad* whka
■: Oeorff Krcoe cursion*
of merchant* have Increawd
fh lec. hip and the week-, volume of huatoewa, not- to leara w isdom from tor rapertenee uf shrink before the Itnputlaote of toe
knee: John KerlavUh..*ot In neck; An­ wIthMandtnK the Intervenitnn uf a holi­ 1»0- Nowaday* H w.fiild be M uerlee* prioiiplr Involved We hope fW «drew SiaboUek. ihol In breart: John day. ^Mctilallve totercet to the Ua the B»ik of Bigtond to keep ST.- reclort will eperdlly eipUlo KuUeb. <bot la atomach: John Damen*- (trenfth of wcaal remains the feature of 000.(«« or £*.,9*".«W to Ibe *ba|.e of sli­
■'a.II t-Ml Faiatoe »a Ibe harthweat.
ko. thot tn both less; Georfe V.rcblck, that markeu Cotton fabrtiw J»ave Im­ ver reaervr a. It would be fur jarllaDullUA- Mlno-. 8epl n —There la c/abot la both lec*: J«bn Forth *hoi in proved the* posiUon In view of to- m«et i" paa* a law for toe cTcail..n of cry
evldeniv thal there will be a *oft
bead, will die; John Kl.abtk. ,ihot In created d.iSatid and cheaper raw ma­ rotten Imrougha. The Bank .< Kngland coal famine to the n.nhweai tbl* wtoought
btp: Katlmir l>ulla. »bot Ir brean; Ja­ terial. The Aufust advance to price,
I* miw only slwul ».««» tun*
cob Knlahoi. abot throucb body, wtlldle; for mote than IMO rtapic raw and man- mid this Sir Hubert Peel r*plali.ed to ' ler There
Block al tor bead of Lake

Bteee Rrakukl. diot In liody; John Kotl. ufarlurrd artlclt*. pruducta live *t'wk. tc be In a pieliluB lo etxj.y thr cpl- rtu- 8ui»-rlr.r.ID *j*ln»l
*b,ti LJuklrid loos
abot In ami and left »ld.; Jeaeph Bo- etc:, amnunird (•>> ii
SI per
per cent.,
cent- folluw^nc nlty aBurded ua by hlmeianii- Frame to u*l year ___________
Wck. shot tbrouph Iwc-k; John Trelble. . S.I per cent, advbnce.
advance, to Jv
th. h-, m
a derutr. ihoi m arm.
Hg Ihe ftr»t *1* month* of thr calendar
ha-.tolei..dowiUito*i«-werlArorr*|l«^ ^ baj^
Oepurte. oaA atHkee. Paewm »kr-«.
year price* r«farr,-d to f,-H away about h»n *UB«r»llon’ The very i-Jni ufll U hid rtdiioeU bet (tCOM
tr>i. is a
The etiikerf I'ft HaaUKn at IiM ’C IWT cer-t.
our rra-rve b i.. roni4»t pctrr.aoeri- ^wiutog raOfc_________
o'clock In the afternoon. ann«nrrtr.i:
Thrt. arr IT3 burincm failure, re­ 1} to part Pf »ilv t
that w-e may aawri I .
loonlh, and
A‘ port <1 thr.-UKh..ol the rnli.-d 8ul««.
tbdr Intention to ao -to IAllmer.
aocn a* thia became kn.wrc a band .f Baamn li-v la*i w».-k. So* in the w.-ek
deputlee waa load.d cr. a tri'llcy ear and one year
■Trat «r. .Sruld dl*l-r- ..f II al a

went Wbtrlina ace.-* the mouraaln to ihrt-.-ya
profll lo Frum, or Amrii-a l» toe very
the acene where the blo«.dr confilct fol­ • if Septemlirr. I«>S Tberr
torn ur-lrr the pr,du-d »<h-nir Qoiinty Fair. aepL 81. 88.89 aod 84lowed. After reaehina Latimer Ihiy K-n ■ma faUure* reported ff.m the U-.mln- rhiitf
,f Inlernalirr.jl Mn'.-tanbm we cu'd
the ear and formed tetn three compatile* lon of Canada thl* we-k, cempared
under Thontaa «•«He*i''and with » la*l week. 41 In the we^-k a yeur
Samuel B. Price. They drew up In lint aao. 70 two year* ago aod.M to the like
at the edfe of the vlllaite. with a fence week of IWS.
and a line of hou*e» In ihclr rear. f»berftootv. Ml the Hall FleM.
10 Mania wa> In entire command and
r wheo jea call for le*
Chltwgo. 11.—Leagur tiaae ball
•tood In from of the Une until tbe.ririkera apprewebed. They were Men pomlnK record*: At Wauhlnaton—Cleveland 4.
Washington *: at FhUad-lphla-Cbi
rnenm the ride*, and lUrlto went to
to meet tlietn. Tbe men drew up tullen- g.3 S. Philadelphia «; at Balllmoi
Jy and llaiened to Wlence untile bad Loulavllle 0. Balrimore y-forf.-lled by
^ more read the riot act. Thl* fto- Loulavtlle becau** toe club quit pUytog
protr*|.4h.-ato*t Kelly-* umpiring;
Wted. a low muttericK aroee amonf tb«
' fWMfEeia and there was a *Uebi mw Baooklj-n—Ctorlnnait 4. Iln-dilm ll; i
Btcm forward. Percrivlra lbli..the *hn- New T'.rk—-HUteburq 7. New York f: i
Iff atepped toward th-rr and I a deter- B.wlon-fit. le.ul* ». Uaaloe 10
i Liul* >. Il.afinn it.
mtood tone fofbade a.lvanre.
\Ve*4-iti league: Al iDdl]
Stow U tbe aicwwl to ^-e- ■'
*.* If: at fib. Paul
Bcme one atrucktheaberiff ardthenext )>truii
and Bllnnea|v>ll»—Ilalii
momcBl there wai a ccTumard to tht
Wrxi.rn A«*ucialtiio: At Rix-kford—
depvue* to flte.^e kun* of the ^n- Cedar
Rapid* X Rockford K. at 1
tlca toatanUy hrirtted torlh a terrible Mdhe»—Muln. y 7. I>a Molm-* «:
, eoUey. The report acemed
Hufcuquc — I’.orla IL IiobudUc S
eery moui.iainei, and a cry i-i
came CantliUnlon, mipaei-' »f Du­
went up from the pv pie The wrlher* Ibla
erere taken entirely by nirprlae. and ai buque. wa* bn.-l tlL)i and placed
the mer toppled and Ml cv.r each oth­ bench PT the Uiv aw*
er: tbcae who mcalr.ed ut.lurt riam- IndiffcriHI pHylr.g.
pnled. Tbe men went d.wr. Uf
1 of bullets like teepin*. and tor
UadlF.m. Jfin*. A-pi It.-'Th- r.iK.rt
groans of toe dying and w.ur.rted filled of Ih. Mjtr l».ar.l .f,cn
the air. The dtputle* eecmed tc
t. r- vvatlcal*. n of toe rharcew madpor-«trtrtien ,.t the d-odly ,w.cuil..r rf Lynn .-i. Praiu- acalnel Suprim.-nd.
their gtirj, and went lo <!>* aid .'f the Hart, of Ih- Induelrial .Wch.. I fur It-ye
qjifortunsie* whom th.} bad brouebt al Wauk.'-eha. ha* l-rn»»nl i..<5ov.-rruT
For Men's Colored, Soft and
down. A rcprrter who *r«r after- .<• .ifleld Tberrport findelballhecbarce*
watiU reached the acene f.:jir.d tbe road are n..i auatalmd • xerpt to one iwrLandered Bosom
o Latimer filled with graupe
llcular. and that I* that It l» iwulul.le
■i Hungarlana Sone aoc- the imr.lvhiTH m <f lb* t-.y* was In wunf
roioiAed their d>-!ng companion*,
I <aeea onnecciwarily a.-v.-rv. ih» b-«r\
Dtoera. fearful of pumilt, .lung V{ thinking that a *trwp Uislend ijt a
MW-comer and beggid hla proleclU
j horarihlp W cM havr been Fufflclent.
mn irvtii Muur. r---

IF YOt w

; sea trial


SaUafartlm gaaraalMd ---------



Wa have concluded not to carry over a single garment
in this department and will ont the prices on the m«rehandiae below right in two. It will pay yoa to bay them
in half dozen iota.
Men's Negligee-Lanndered Shirts. wortiiSOc for----Men's Fancy Bosom. Detachable Collar and Cuffs,
also J'^hgee, worth 75c for......... ................................. 370
Men’s up-to-date Fancy Shirts, some plaid bosoms
among them, worth at least $1.00 for...........................600
Men's fine Percale Fancy Shirts, detachable CvSs and
Collar, worth $1.25 for...........................................-...........74C
A lot of finest Percale and Madras Shirts, white bands
and soft bosom, l>est makes, worth $1.50 at..............98c

Come quick before this sale is over, as the
quantity is limited.

THE BOSTON STORE,! S ^he j. e greiuck oo. g

Traverse City.


t»eauM« Conductor H«d «n Am>
bition to
Tim* «nd


0, P ,


Cblcafo, Sept- II —Three eaperta who
teatifled le the Luetam trtal yeaterday.
ware rrofrtwjr D. Ufontalnc. teacher ot

eee-ure more ihaD eallmaie of tbe loaa of
life, and not even tboae kDown ti

It la pTwallde that tbe oiuDlxlr UUed will
always he in dr.ubl. From tbe brat In(unnaUon obtainshjc now fully thirty
icrrons are believed to have pcrtWied,
while IK were- taken out of the wreck
anaertnir from aertoua Inluilea.

r^e of forty mtles u hour ud a apecial
Colorado Midland atocli train running
a wved ot probably thirty tnUri. So ti
rifle waa tbe ecetcuaMon that bolh <
Ctoea. the bvetrage ud ezprtre can. the
, areoker ud day coacbea. aod two nock
' car* were totsOly demedtahed and the

strike trum the OSttanal

‘Kn." ■


Cetttug Oai vt tire Cara
The dead u far aa recogtiiaed are: F.
■3. KeerAn. mall a^t. cf Denver: Rnh-

Xut-CBSE Cm, Mich.

enlla. IMvcUl enrnileti girea tv utMeteice
1^ ehUdrre .Sneeeea. Beem I*. Be«e

Thirstaf, SiftMtar IE, 1897.
Ooa Dar ObIf Sacb Vonth.
a Ftm and Strictly


. onmlfca so tax titlm.

Sisi,i?!'r2rs£i"s: C^“iIESJSha'{SSi5,
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

r, KOfT.tTT. Abrirsris of TUIs. {
vA. atitwaad CtB

aoflerlns fra ear •eakeewea. we'



r. KewmsilUla.
.. POe«.'Tape Ww-

Oysiepvla. ffek E
fa'led ivenrr.
for analystsTlMar wko are anaUr lu eaO ran weiie fall panlcnl
wet b| riirere. wKS fall lastruclUina bo* to brukea.

finii Bipiili t Iitou K. R

SU bsre reedk-toe seat
with a eapual ol tMASO.
napu^i^ and wdl fcsun


“ " DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box leO.


t^cpl. 11__ Justice



Dtlley. of Iowa ud BuckTbc next eontest tn ’,
be place sf
of «e
the next i,
cocvenlloa O
i. Denver, Cine'-----Clncbmatl
and Put-Bi-Bi
•Bay are candidates

Che ttagarTiwst.

■■ U lA »M
tX »
I ft
t IT,

I (*

WaJ —

e i* Balk.
e » Petnskey
» » Mack. City]
e IS Cadillac
7 to Seed Qly

-' r. a. I rM.
. I K> TS
- It U « S




Vs It to

tbe vicUsittitkii <f life will uiake
Mcular and ptadniatic. It ia a
culamitons thing wbes a luu begins to
ku faith to and eympethy to hia fel­
IfOtanncc is OD of tbe greateat foet low men and iotenwt to tbe metnoctos
gf the rue. It is icune to faith and of bUcbildbood.—Bov. H. A. Clever->.
made gueds as su;h. lo the case qf : j,gpc and an allv J oppgnwuuL—RcT. i-ret Methodist, Mankato, Minn., at
Themas Hawkins. Who wat Indicted for } v p Cttmt " *
diioisoprush made In an OhH.
'• “***’
r. B.
Xotbiag U 1.
branded as a ton»n 7to
• «,.Cai
vlct-made article. He says that a sute
Kothtog is Inst,
effect, cf whl.h Is to re«rlct. where
countenance pnlyganiy aucog to nwm___ ____
_ lire on. «>l rally
in cten
__Itden or pcphlbW In^eretaie^OTi^eTre but to the hearts <d men.—B«w.,W. ]
benuow. It U md pructicud at aU. Brii «b .
as Bid
e*T raw knows that, but many tbto^
^ <=■•
e aoiodA'osUs
tlM it is oily bucAuat the Uw traUda
II W Vols^
enacted u
and punisbea it. No ffond Mramoo can
,„.„b brush mas properly owned
laurticc polygamy without offending bia
defendant and hr had a'right
..-issseriretna CiselnraiU. Grand Bv
ehuich._liev. E. Christiuiaen. Travel_
. risers* and dis|Hire vf It wuh> ut - the ____
Altnightr. The rt^it
<ff a majority j
reyli1cii<>n whaievir.
whaievtr. The ccurfa • la «
a AvwJirrarr
demonarr 1*
ia e/>
tn rMfrin..
eufrau- rllentie
divine Imic,
Uw. | “* Mta™* rioeg. at fct. iraiiA
canr|uslor Is that the law so far a* ap- |i„,
,1L—Bcv. Lytuu AUiotl. Cra» I
~ Lo^frelto OB brsocb arrires st II AD a a.
dEfcndacu wasnotalih|
Abraham Lincoln «tu<U

I 10. looecrd i
uao' ...; ! 1

U today, the Suns of Vet- ; Ms assoctale jd^es concurred, decides
- • T Ume yeater- jthe law untooslltutlohaJ which compels
labelling of ccnvlct9-chlcL L. U Rake.
announced .himself out of tbe race and
two oihrr proapectlye randidatn. Nee- ]
ly. of Warhlngtun. and SUUaon.of MichIgan. ^led to appear at tbe encamp-j
ment. Those wbu will make the coo-

V. tiV Vtojfer.Ctta'


Indluspolls, Bc|.t Il.-AIUwugh the *riUng the . pinion of the appelUU dlselectlon of a

Ttae moat Kenerally accepted ibeory
u to tbe cuae of the wreck aeema to be
that Cohdvclor BurbarJu of the MidUnd apecial antkl[Atlr.g the time of the
pataenger. ucdertoo'k to.. wiral a
tion- and beat the pamenger Into New
Gaatlt Rurlwnk eacatn-d uoinlured. and
opoo order* Tmm Coroner Clark
been placed under am-n by the aherlff.
- Midland Rngtnerr Ostrander la mlseing.
and a Ihoroocb search all about hit en­
gine falls to rcvral any re-atlg* of hit
remains. It Is ihi light that when he
. uw the threetentd danger be Jumped
from his engine, ar.d nollsing^hls negli­
gence tork to the hllla Mr. and Mrs. E
H. Btrouse. «*o llvr a qutrtir of a mile
from Ihr arene of -the accident. rep<-rt
thai when tbe two trains met the sb<vk
an great as lo merally hurl them out of
bed Some say the nciae was heard aod
fell In New Castle.


Kew Vet* dwdges Hay They ClaaiwC Ur tire
sIrtMrd as tv Hair.


t front a
Auk on
a baroed !V rapidly that many
ra ptered faesMatb the debrla
wed to dealh before help covid

OSeat la Reeiegwe BteA. Tnrem Oly. Kith.

Hotel Whiting


, wrf« affeoted
sUehtly. awl Ihr Ji^lr
ud hand ItwH of all. The restdu. .
«» '*>e rreuU cf the experfner.l
... - rlriklrb-brov-n color------ --baled an ir.ieniwly etic.-y and dlaagrreable ed.4-.
Oslfx lr«l'i Bailey prrved t. l«- a very
With rservaiir rs
ImpbMan ivltneas.
he asM rie<l ihki one of the I < i es found
In the ashelory rtreml.l-l * >-irta!r, l■i•r* of ttu ».<*“
‘'•f' Y' "l
a huioti l-ra wuniiin________

Atweyi at Uw.

aedevoeereartag. til Psei

that the matter n>IUrt<d In the crevtcea
of •djoyrnintnl a auliatUut* reaoloaon’ of the puckelkalt> alven I y ib<- atlered
vbirb thr mioen' oUtdate ooafldenQjr murdvn r to hla former »we< Iheart. Ur*,
rt will be adopted vaa voder 4bi> reldt, on the ere qf hla arreet ctmialed
Neutr *«* Seriw-y Wmatti to *
00. Tiro piTrlov. reeK.luOoi» proi of blood ana i«rtK-lea of muXular UaFrifhltol R»ilw»y Wreck Nw
« for an acreptanrr of lot- Pltu* aur. Iiut of what aUir.aJ was lu.l stated.
NmucmUc, Colcnde.
burg operator^ propnaiitont enre de> I'li.feaMr l>'latoatair.e t< tllfiid that the
feated becavae U>r lUlnola. Indiana and etnall pleeer ot.bepe ah< wr. by the dcWcot Virctola tfitopra did not UUok f>nrr were email boro of Ibe head aod
tbeir Intereata were ninelently pro­ foot, be dio rot qualify hit tretimooy—
tected. The avbMItute renoiuUon, it la be JurtVald the bonrewen auchaedneb.
Bndtmor Maine- atscrted that 'lo three
dlDermi had Immeraed a
g of-crude p
they could reasonably a I alnce it pro- humu hods it
toekOtWrW Anl
« strike
aa> Rad Ne Wiwi «M^a Loot Tlnw.
dlffirtnl rreul
le to
, grant
hair. ffelB.
Near Caatle. Colo-8epL 11.—Theworat the advure to tbeir miners. However,
leather boot* ud wr«.lcB elothea were
wreck lo the tiel. ry of the atale <rf CoJo- the oOdaU are anding It egtremely dU- conpleie'y distcisgrwtyd; mutrular tl»Ocult to contince tbe ddcgales oppowd
aado occutrul at U;» yeaierdaj' mnrxi;s Wtre,lauely
- eaten
a reitlciiMat that they are in the ruca and vital organs
w lito^^^tre afaway, the d<.grec
taw «o the track of ibe Dearer and Rto
Crude ud the Colorado Midland rail*
'Rcaolvea. that we ihdorae the rvo- fected vary ing with. the d'Wereiti expertoienta In all (bj * the lihgaiid verieommendalton
wayv. one and a half mllee wcat of here.
board, and that work be resumed on the brae shewed the crewtesl effect cf the
After twelve hoare Inceaaact worfebythr
basis of to evnu In western Pesnayl- actloe of the alkalL becoming pertlally
> iTilllr I
> In clearing away the ravlB with a correspondlag advance
•' lourh. The tkvil was
debrla and rewcilliw tbe bodlea ot thooe
1 be continued
t of 10 per cent, i
af all tbe money earnell by the mlnere .<
at work he collected and tmd for the |
purpose of maintaining the ntlPert' idle
until such lime as Ibe scale
be obtained fur them
“ttetolved. That a «1m)lu appeal, be '
Issued by th<- national raecutive board \
lo organised lalM>r and tu the puldlr
grneratly asking them
.... cartng for ud~kreidv of'all mine 1
worker* lo the field who are Idle for '
tbe egiforcement of scale ratei; all mon- ■



Hu Celebntad 6BpiHkUSlivv^

Cirivmbaa. O.. Sept- U.-Tbe uathmal
.Inera- conremton adjourned la« even- .
,tac BOlil thli moTTilo* when the quea- ,«*«nlwr> tl.Huto Medical eoHe*e. and
lion of > KttUinent of the alTtke Will
VlBC«il Boll y, oileeloaift ot the
tlon of a aettUment of the alrtke will
ColumWan muwum. It waa ahown


who iwreahcd U was atilt Impoaalblp to


ings todRcat


Milwaukee. Sept 11.—The Amextcao
Ualilng compuy. the combine ree»Blly
An Age af rattk.
, Ingtriias
of manhood .made by
formed In New Turk. .Is to be erndocted
on the lines which have made the sugar
TEm- Ev D.V.,
V, V- rf fjnt«iiE Vlnn.
syndicate one of th< nxal pmfllable and
lulE U»E lU- t—EE Oet .E,tM.Em. ,m,,j-,EE EvwtheCmhma I
i a WeO
pea-erful trusts In the country, . Instead
jting caplutUvd
y..f»ii».ei Toma.
ctaan cd Uday in Us Units and limited tiers. cUmUng inanx^bu-bei^ta. toof bting
caplutUed for
for ll&oeoono
ti&,«M>.onc. Bsan-{
. high difBcultira,
|Tveal«oord.T-p.-r iail
htl-incvd In tbe New York
isniiichva I
MadrlA Brpt.
fifid. II.—The
U.-The mIrlAer
mlrlRcr cf
cf war'ITveal-oord.T-p.-r
fork disrwichva
Captain General Wey ler hlH to tofeuu-.—tolhi iiamiicl Crt»wIbe rapltal stock will be tW.WW.OeO. of
| hae ca
not of outride aid or
which onc-half will l«- preferred stock. 1
exiilanjtliB rtgardlrg the ther. Bcistan.
KhooU. but by the sheer native fotoe
guaranietd to pay ' per rent. The stock '
d ITaattyby the iBsuim-tu of VIci.tU de
U to be pUced on tb- ir


West Michigan

ie..,„e,eoe. e,

Wlth a Rarer awl PaH. firmeo.
Marinetu. WIs.. Sejn. U. - Barney
O’CunroT. ah-Hit «C ycarx of age. living
at lOsber. Mich., tried to snklde .caHy
Wedo.-sday morning He c-ul his throat
with a rarer, and «-bvn that tailed to
ftnd hli life he took a dose of FArl*
green. The cause arwlgood I* daspondeucy over lll-heallb. He will dia.
strike ferag-Ceai Ralre.

«n 8 HolUr«J, fl.eman Denver and Illo |
Nsgaunee. Mich.. Sept. ll.-The tramGrande railway. Salida: Mrs Alrxsrdor mer* at the Negaunee mlm qull m-urk
0 yona, of Hermcher, : yeslerdarmornlng becaure tbemanageIlls.; James Hrick. of- Chicago:.
, " -t refuaed to grant them a raise ot
They have been gvtI^eeper. of Clarion. Pa.; Wflllam Oor- 1 - cents per
nt more as the tram­
don. euginera of the paraenger train: j ‘‘"K

mer* at the Cambria and UUle mine*

having t
arniamert. 4t te «ateo nere ina
I. ntloti of the tnaurgenl* I# to .
th.-lr government ihtre and lo obtain
the recwnUlon of Uulr bemgepenry liy
the IT.irrd Bute*. A S|«cl* expedition
Win be organised to recapture Victoria
de las Tunaa___________________

DaoMT cxcrpl there Ic a penalty f«fjcs
rioUtiem. — Rev. Jamea D* Phelps.'
MetbudUt. Roffalo.^
ctock at Uw waddtoff instead o
ent, Tran.
Tom—All righL We’U bare tbe o
iDooyuU«hiiorai.cben.iiMtead«f at4

Weliare ttsuo into the panntorai of

Biagniff.«ot ideas, bora of the tratuil of
inds. peodi
orH's Dobl<«t minds.
Ko ladlelreMta for RatreCmttlmg.

I worked
Mlnncapolla Bept- ll.-The I'nited ; thrure of prut
Ftaies grant Jury i-port.-d
afternoon thi
mrnl* ard was dlarhargtd.
the efterts of MiC Intelwtate
ueeo .
■n*"‘"bi a lirtle more praeTb rhnw that there ....
has heni
railcnad* tietog and poaribly a little leas rate-cutung by
• I ii^ Tlie time inmn emnr when finnd
itiicusliip and good Christianity w
i citii
TV Weallrer We Kay Expeet.
ttw. ' be aymiuymous trmiA—Eev. IL
Wa-hlngtcm. Sept Il.-Pollowin« -e
,wr. ■ White, UniversnUrt. Cbicaga
libBob. Fair w-athrr. exrepi U__________ sod
llakt lo »1 .bower- la B. rtVru pnrtMtu, twli- hrarible crime, is written up to
cr. .arleble ulods. bee.relog t......... ..................
Lower MIrbtgsa-hlaiwern: ewdiAui wmlbero
E TV sjan
(nnine: In-Ui u>nb'

QUdyw—Why, wba( te. dear?
Tran—Banka okwe at A—Dt


.. Injured
irtgrually: Mra
1 fVrm ra John Webu «ar FrtnkUn. Ind
njured interaallj. D. H. Mr-|

.. ....s-.z

are expected le Washington in
e a cabiaet meeilr.g ucsl TUes^eaS; R. H. Bricklry. Chicago, Vek In- (

Juted; 3 'C. Tuung, 8l_1>-uU <»l
Thr lop works of Long's coal mine;
fOTVbead. not serious; 'momas Narii.
I Uskalorea. la . burned to the
MobaK-t'iab. left arm broken, badly ./
Loan. W.OOO; partly
burred In farr; B W. Sh.iV Ls^per- P*..' ground yeraerdsy
irulard; Brakeman Knapp, lag insured..
plly liru
By IV exploslv of a VOtr at a brewC- Foley ar.d wmam
ushed;; James
moisrngera. ery at HiEensta-dt. ru-ai o.rnulx. Aus­
bruised The case of r.nglnerr Ostrand­ tria. eleven perSEms were killed and
er. of the freight cnglnt. I* Him In <ta>uirt. many injured
John KUly plunged US tgel from a
Charred fragments of IlmV
nnmlH-r of persons We | derrick Into Ih.- Calumet
bodies of
e hr could Doi ublaln~Work
Vsr taken out c
•ol likely that ahs
— ..e
— --------- --Boritlvely Menllfled. and It seems cerit is alleged IVt a mlsUV wa» madi
IVt tv number of tolled will
rvmain In dvlt. The coroner tend a ........... _
Vavlng mug with to' vme. ~W - CVIIanpuiui is if th< lallei stair
KlcVlsor" upon “l «*•“ •
watch ■
attempt was made to wreck the
with Ibe
Ibe name of F. C. Potter engraved Chicago "palace express'
road l-y saturating a lirldg*
bridge Just ui
on the oBJride.
As soon Of the ws of tV wreck ride Alton are] seula C it M tire.
ruehed Clenwciod* relief iraia»u »«»i
nark Graves, an -Jd n.ldler ..d Margram »>»«« place and ycxteiday aflernuun BcsvUlA Ind- has re-futod longer lo acthe more tECloualy srounded were *ent eepi a prhai,-u V>«usr thr rb'-umaUtm
to the Denver and Wo Grande com­ for irhich V re<vlve,i It has dlaap
pany* nospllal at Salldo. General 8u- peered
An sltempi to bold up a passenger
tram V tbe MlMOurl Kansu aV Texater aod anon reached aa road at Bold. I r.. uas foUrd by Uiv
the temt. -Aklu cbaivs of tV work evlD^. who refused to oh^ a slgnaJ
and removiv <he bodies Too bodies
ware toknd In tV ruins of one car aV ''^^riek TT. WhIteheaA porter lo a
tour lo anoHier. The charred remain* tea store at Kew York baa fallen Vlr.
ra two women, apparently clasped In according to rumor, to a fortune to
each others anna, were found. Thrlr England amounting to sm.i»ci. left by
beads and leg* were Vrned off.
tv drem bvom of each wu found a
ladys gold watch, uvn ov of which
vlce ud deputy Uelled Btates co
waa Inscribsd "FTom Mother to Mamis."at Cape Towii. South Africa.
Telegram* from all porta of the counav-bora at Rockford. Ilia., and IJved
t*7 Inquiring for friends and relatives
mur yuan to Mlcblgas^are pouring In consunlly. FTvk P.
Ad oifflunr* to regulau the nae of
Mvna. a newspaper mu qt Victor.
blcyriat Vo been prepared end srJU V
Colo., who WM In tv si^er ud eaIntroduced tn tV Chicago eouneli v a
(Aped with aomr vlnfui braises and
suVtlime fi?r IV vrilirte Uw brtd by
bnrwt. via: "WoiV taH ibw«presa the
ppmr of tv scencA The crash came Judge Tuley to V Invalid.
Edward J. Burt, a mall dlrirtVl
--------------ctedly. BuddenI
tv ptwtofliee at Cbriagu. diad of
with rindsrs. rplinters aod beatod tog In u ambulancs. Be waa at a botri under aw areumsd tsine. toiiBBi'
I-------- Then flames darted up v ettVr

irriBc S>a Vrt. portk.
erly winds. •eaEB.log
LlgM <i


_ .


*0 sake «ffsesSsoAoy, Jobs fll U»7.
ntlBas’eloeka m.

i« I'—iins-rls.
uxAre. Ill


H.tHS^AJ^BtkKiY Fes Bale.
■ ■ “
There'* a d< al cf toute in nion yet
tv retiring enbM- lHh; larie and tosttoct tff wararv riroug Hotel'iriiiiv

eral Frencfa oorporatioDs aud have acted Mitbodiri. t'hicva
to both tbe French and Auftariu gv- >


. __________ .



inOEritr it >“ OE, dE,T ,0

a daughter of VlUiain Meaner, a well to ,
do Missouri farmei. She viriW tV In-!
dton Twritoi
opeoing of
and taughtt ecbooL
ecbooL Alvord
Aivoru is
u half
nau Indt-1

| iruni *ut«i.



Ytiuigitneu ebould give tbeir affen- ^aO^*^

„ rtE. V.


«» » ™.E.rr <=«,-E-cu-sir ceaoc to be brixinff and
tv natloa wiU not eoon fcaget



Oanbron. Baptiri, Philadel-


.“lu—EKoney to Loan


------------------------------------- Cnielty 1* by far a
eteaUng, andwhnever and wbtrever we
aee a nan cnelly beating a bone or ill
treattog any animiil it le our dn^ to
TV Old OrehaM track ia aafeatM
oranpeJ him to desist or bring npaa him
tv ptmiriimcnt that tV lew bee made
EUaree'afllly. by Allertoa, has a foaT to mon each caaea.—Bcv. W. A. Gard­
at foot by (Vt botaa
ner Cbririiu. San Frandaco.

Ob inproTsd city propeny,


Bed Star.
hat ben ant brane
andwlU ptobably to retired to the
Before being defeated oooe Minnie
MeOtecK wes nine atraigbt noec tble
JoeepbiM, 8:10, and VetnoBie &
gilSH, ore both oat cf KaaeaaWUkaa

Oar Yaws Orawtag Batesr.
A mas moat be a veiy igDonnt .
Toy bad man who doce not believe tVt
tv Btanderds which V ap
tawBundcrwfaidi hie dolly
Iwaya steadily if akwly appwKimating toward higher ataodatda—
Bev.' W. & Batoitod. ^plaooptl. TShnr



—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Ever Burned Out?


ride. TV aeev wae Mtoplr indeaeriha-'
MSL. TvflwBcs wars la a psBm a Ood-

o. T. OAMVEK. Affoat.



s. .w

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