The Morning Record, July 28, 1897

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The Morning Record, July 28, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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omexAx vAvn
ovnv oiT^




First Yen—No. 78.




tloo After AU.
iTeebingtm. July t?.—The omMeot
lodey eoDooaoed the foUowtog raeeen
eppolntaienU: T. V. Powdsriy. ooagenenl ' of ImsUgintloo;
e P. Bendy, <
for the Peru BzpoeiUon, AU of tbeee
here bees prerioosly sent to the
The hooee felled to to peae the senste
bUI proriding for five
one of tlie snmber to be o
gencrel. end en epproprie^on ef ASM.0(10. The deficiency bill, however,
which pessed both boasee. noo^ted
Pmnee's invHetka end entbwiced' the
president to eppolnt e epeeiel oominli^
siMter to visit PerU. seenre spooe end
Beke general erreagemeeU fer the
American exhibit. Ae epproprietipo
of SU.DOO was mode. The ^wolotment
does not roseire a oanfinnetiaa of ^e


went to thp-n^ on Us hoot for the
trip The (oating has been dofemd
for two v^ka


Thessaly Evacuated by the Turks
Who agree to the Powere’ demandg.

qatbebieo at


A. tv. Wells of the bosket factory
agree to please onr cafitofflers, and we b^ve
has retomed from St. Jospeh.
Koay Attunded
led Prom Har^v^Sa^^
XaitihtM ofPrthiMEsTsSskM ZM.
Mra WhitMy of Saginaw. U viaitfag
the most up-to-date stock of Picture MouM*
teiM Aotton snd iOomaiUM is Apttdpated in
the fsmOy of C. L. WUtaey.
Began Teetordsy'-^d
ings in the city.
|>otat*d to Amsco Z>«tsU»-OtiMr
Fred Hunter of th^ Uamlltoo CkrtbOoBtUnso Today.
. Towns Will B« BsprssmUd.
lag Co.. U Uklng hU vaesUota.
Bev. Don F. Bradley and fomUy of
At the mesUac 0<- the KnlffaU of
A large number of delegates and
yem«rPXtblM Uet birhl set<ec etepe were
others left on the steusef Crewent
token townrde the orcnnlssUoo of s
yeetoniay sflerwoon. to attend the dU- day.
Fred AldrUh who U rmertlng at Old
henseh of the Dmmstie OrOer of the
triet oonvenUoB of the Bpworth Lesgof
Knifltto of KbonMen. Uoe hnndrod
tUorthpori. Among those who went ;i Misoiou, eaiied over to the city yeeterare leqoired to InsUtote s
lodge of the order end oone bat
all assortment of....
kalgfate of PjrUlse in good etnoding
Em. WU,. EIwE,: Em. Ert-m... «”■
‘“J'"* “IHloee.
ere eligible. Tho/ter thp loeel nemPinnkfort; Eev. D. .^.Oreon, WiUUmsT. J. Host left yesterday morning tor
beee of the Koightt of Pjthlse hebarg; Bev. A. >. Bldred. Traverse City:
a week s basinesa trip to Grand Ksplde
Eev. R T. Flswelling. Bellsire; Kev.
and Detroit.
of the new oder. over helf enoogh
W. Hollenbcek. Charlevoix: Miss
E A. Treodvroy, one of the owners
faering elreeldy elgolfled their intnaAs you can ask for. at----Blrtnley. Mrs. HonUegton. Mr. Barney.
of Ne-ob-ta-wanta, to^dinnerai lUrk
lion of beooaiiig ' sembere It le *x^Ileoood M. B. chnreh. Travs.-se City:
Place yeolurdsy.
iwetdd that the remeiolng nomber will
Matthews and Mr. Kennedy
be reodUy secured from emong the
Bear L«ke: Mta. Kenton and Mim Ootat the Whiting yesterday aecompaaled
lodges of edjoining towns. LeUen
Kingsley: MUs/sgieUllI Msyfleld:
here been raceived from Herbor fringe Slnltontte Amngeota for a Good Miss Harths Barney. Traverse City; by bU mother.
Mra K. B. Clark'and Mim Otnee
end Kelkeske Uiet eeverel mey be de­
Mrs. W. H. Clark. Central L«ke: BobTime Best Tneedey.
Johnson of Grand B^do. ore gneeto of!
pended upon from those pUoes. WhUe
Waiter. Fife bake; and many othThe committee for the fifth onnaal
Mra J. k. Santo.
the ^te Is not poeitlvely fixed, it U
exptated thet the order wUI be Instihere Angost 19. Ust night eo
menic. which will be held at Hnrdlekville aest Taesday, Angost a! Rrery- A. A. Darling, Monroe
from .Kebbi
bedsy is invited to leave dull oore and drees of welcome by Mrs I*. K Wbit- hU ooa, Dr. j'. A. Snyder, boa returned
■ Orend Repids. wee eppolnted to per­
go down and have a vUit with the old man of KorthporL The rt*p~ose was to hU home in Kingsley.
----- TO TELL YOU OP 1
fect the errengemente The oommllsettlers. After dinner the following given by John Mlllerof Bear Luke, and
Cborles Kceenthal of the UoeWi)
we oonsum of K. ti. Benmano, chair- j
on sddreeo. - The Yent^ of |Uie Cbnrch.
su»re. went to Oeiroll yesterday altermm, ». B. G.lm, mm.Umr J. T.
-U t. 1. cmlm.
i'rsyer—By Che Rev. C W. WlUii^ Past. Pnsenl find Eolnn." by Presid­ noon after s new stock of gcxids.
Hannah, trwanrer. The eomasitteea
ing Elder Kellogg.
Music-By the Empin Bond.
Mn. A R^ewetL.tbme diTldren sad
will at once Inangnrate the necemory
The exercises will open todsy with, a
Address of
preulnurse passed through the city yester­
oriea andAhare .U no doubt
enoriss prayw meeting. oonUane alt
We’ve received and are now ohowing.
dene .
day on their way from Chicago to Korhot that the project will be a. sneema
Seng. “The Beil''—By Mspis City dsy and clase’wl'Ji a sermon at 7:S0 p. M Lodge.
and folly meet the ontidpaUoni of the
m. by Rev-J. W. Bolleabeek of Char­
Glee Clob.,
I Mr. Dudley Lnnd^ of this'city, sad
local knl^ta
OraGoo—By the Rev. M. W. Woods.
Mbs Anns Hill of Isdiaaopolia. Ind..
good featnrea
Mnric-By the bond. '
w'ere ma.-ried by Bev. G. S. Northrup.
The Old SetUen' Addnoo—By Mrs.
at bb
J. E. KUber.
Yalomstelc. Joe Bonwa sad
Ennow BMope of a PoMengor BnSoog, "We An Marry MonatoinCharles Knapp of Kingsley has been William Moody of b! J. Moiyaa’s livery
. ' gins oo E.AM.X.
See our'Window Display.
By the Maple pity (ilee anb.
granted a reaewol of pension.
bam, vweai to Grand Bapldi yeaierday Great Values at 25 aad 50c.
The train dne hen at 10:so on the M.
Addreat—By John Helm of BnrdickSamnel Allemon of Sbermsa hositu the hu...
sad to help BU-yrle
A- N. E. yesterday morning, met with viUe,
been granted on original pension.
l<;irl win out.
an acnldeni that'ennsod .* delay and
Solo-By Mrs. Ashley.
Harry Kent bos accepted a positloa I J. E. Soueb. manager for Michigan
nearly resnlted le aerioos injury, if not
Ensic-By the baaA
la thg office of the BomiUon dothiag | of ttU Cbnsda Life iasaranee Co., b
doaUi. to Engineer John Halter, and
Addrem-By the Rev. C. W. Williams.
spending a vsentien with the family of ^
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothintf House.
hUIwother George, the finmoo. When
"The BOl of Pan "-By the Glee
The Bnaday-odhool of the Bopibt bb daughter, Mrs Dr. A H. Hollidgy.
near Traverse Beach a pin in the Onb.
Mbs Xsa Mil'.lkeo, o! WoicMter.
church wUI held their pleaW at Xe-obdriver broke, letting the bar drop
Addrem—By S. 8. BnrneU.
Moss , b vbiting the tamil;
’ to the ties; it rebonnded and eroohed
Musie:^Br Uieband
into the eab. and broke some
Mrs. C-- K. Buck entertained a few uncle. J. W>Mniikso.
Addmes-ByMr. Clement of MnpU
of the atenm fixtures of the boUer, City.
friends very pleomnUy lost evening at
Will Stay Another Week.
oanii^ the steam to escape in soeb
ter home on Waat Eighth street
Mnak-By the bond.
Dr. McDonald the speclalbL will re- ,'
volome os to render the cab nnlsbabtl- -Addma—By the editor Wf the Em­ - WmU SiUby left for Boeomnmoa a main at tbe Whiting another week.
able. Engineer Halter pat on the air pin Leader. ■ '
tew days ago. making the entire dbJgfikf and jompsd, Inektly enaplv
Mnsio—Bv the band.
tonee from ben. 7S milea,--on hb W>
with a few eent^es and s seven -JoltAddnm-By C D. i'oole of Solon.
Uig. When thw bar strock tbe cab the
Mooic-By the band.
A meeUngof-the Lo^’Aid Socie­
fireman was thrown npon the teller,
Addms—By George Barth of Komon. ty of the First M. E. ehttiyh. will be
bot also eoeoped injury.
Mnsl«-Hy tbs bond.
held thU afternoon . In the church
An engine was sent from here and
BecluUcm-By Mr*. G. W. Probek of pnrlora
Ladles’ Ptngrve * Smith Bosor t
Is BOde too good for^ yon.
the Uaio was hanled to the depot, and Maple City.
Toco. Bond Tnma. Ctolh Tops. ^
The Bridge Builders will meet with
thedmsbled loeomoUn tokea to the
Mnste-l^By the bond.
A. B. ondC. St.M Shoes
shops St MsnUtee for repoiio. Iteeab
BeclUUon—By Mr. Cooper of Tnv•A8S.
o’clock, for thrir r^Ur monthly
Song-By Cedar City choir.
Large numbers of rasorters arrived
Mnoie-By ^e bond.
Mr. J. W. VanNoatrood U appointed in tbe city yesterday via the G. B. * I.
Outen Oionts to be Ben Angnst 88— marahol of the d^.
and ocattered to the varioni reooru in
take no other. We guaran­
Other Good Tnmo.
Xo danring wU! be ollowod natll tbb .vicinity.
Manager Kehoe haa.rloeed amnge- after the speaking Md exereiaes on
Prince, one of
fire tcM which
tee yon aatiafaction.
menu with the management of the over.
has been sick, b now better nnd TtemCuban Oiania, the great colored team
So iutoxlastlQg IkiQors will te al­ Bler Dunn expeeU he will te entlmly
of New York, form gome in thU city lowed on the grounds iw vicinity.
well ia a few daya
Election of offieers for next year will
Angnst *5. There ore few leogne
An informal hop in -I’tofeiaor Mnrteonu which are better than the Cuban take place at eloee of the exercises.
Uagtak dancing oendeiny gave the
will be Uken for the wmng society people on opportunity U
Gionu and when they come ben the
benefit of U}e Empin bond by a
fans will see good ball.
'* spend a delightful evening.
The dVtes with the Joekoon Athlst- mitn of ladles.
P. C. Gilbert sod fsmily and fall
To all wbe do not con to carry a*
iea have been canceled oa ooeount of a
brother A. B. Gilbert of ThompsonmU-up which wUl prevent them com­ loDcb, dinner will be served in the M
viUe, left yeuierdsT morning for s
B. church fiy the lEodies' Aid Sodety.
ing here at present.
week's camping at Long Lake.
The iisstiogs team will be' ben oa
Oaptolc J. S. JenalDgs soned Over
the ard. circuv <tsy.
fnwNe-ah-U-vrahta yesterday, iu hb
Thursday and. Kridsy «f this
the Moskegon lieds wiJI erbes teu
la Ann Arbor.
panied by s party of four young peo. with the iiuaUers.
Mcd's Psteut Leetber and Ea-1
Ann Arbor. July S7.—The borne of plcamvb. former price SS.Oo ond'l
» dsrs. August 1(1.
Charles Godds in Bridgewater town­
Tbere will beaa
cream social in
' Bound te Wear and
»r,.<io. to eta»e out at E3 00.
be Fomiers* dedication. .
ship, was the scene of t-agedy tpU the rolled. Brethren church tonight.
Other firol class tenma wi'.l be monlng when N. Jamee shot Martha All Are invited to attend and. have a
m.4 I| Miner
brought hen during the scomd sod
sod then killed blmteU. Godds good Gme. oa thia'srill te the loot
fine sport will invite liberal alien I had gone to Ae ham and
knew noth- tbb season.
* .
log of thop/esence of-Hiss Miner in
IB of ths
The large dbplay
- tbr house ontU after be heard
Meu's Gatia Coif Shoes, n^norc of Julius Steinberg preeeat s fine
nod ----------]arei.7&Shoeo. now gotog at
he fmad
of the artistic toaVe of
. t— Runnlog
---------- “ in,
•1-UImdieo’ Wswisisy Club of Bail WUi
to file. A j the trli
Joke Kampeoga, whose
U.1. Bo,.
I. nppe-, O. b.« long' experience
to window dressing
canseo tbr crlnse. James, who b abonj
. Tbe lAdim’ McKinley Club will give !>0 years old. bos teen paying oonaider enables him topremn^
metropolitan atyla<
a noveilif sociol at the home of Mrs.
lo Hiss Miner, a girl of tm
St baste
Warren Neal, at Neml. Wednesdav tyfirv. Itbowapaeors that she bod
le benent
afternoon. Aqgnot tth. for the
benefit teen secreted In the bouse fur several are fortnaste enoogh to have their
Uea's Light Color Tan Sboea
0. Every
, of Ue Lake Ann fire snlferefO.
86 to 60 per ceaL dmoonoL
u.y» v iihoattisdds' knowledge. MbsCipixqierty teantlfied by abode trees,
see that the lower bmnetee
one b cordially Invited and
Miner U slUl sUve. but
naked to bring oome orUcle.
Get them before oeoeon b ovw.
James was a farm &aad working for
Mn worn or any otbw asetnl thing, td Mr. Gsdds sad hb victim was a do- ly to allow the ttrrying of
under them npon rainy dayn.
' pat in the .box for Lake Ann.
The board of ^blic work* met to
To Explain tbe DiAronoe.
Good .
speeial sesuhm last night to consider
Lodlea’ Block sad Ton Kngtee
Elder Oombb at the Latter Day the Hnstli
and Muskegon Reds. ThU [ u,e Seventh street immoVemenL s proA Smith JaUetaK.fommr price
will ben fiot game and the af-endooce I fii* of which hss been prepared by City
HolDts. win explain the diffi
$3. cloalag «BV price $a
tween the doctrine of that sect and ehonid bes large. It will be remem- Jkigtoeer Xorthmp On accoont of tbe
Ihst of Uie Brighsm Young sad llenvef bered that the two gomes pU^ in obsenee of J. T. Beadle sad William
Make Ko mtakA
. Ulsha Mormonism, thb evMlDg to Maskegoo between them two teams Cslkios tbe matter was deferred nttU'
LumJjcr Comp&ny. We have for' sale Go^. Sound Hem­
the tent at Sixth and Oiv’iaion slrseto. were tbe bmt of tbe aeoaon to Mooke- the regnlar meeting Satnrday night.
lock' Lumber. Surfaced Sidcaialk Plank, Maple Flooriog,
. Tbe Sixth and Seventh street bridges
Tbe plCBle of the Chrbtiaa Eadeavor
Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
The eoae of Eebeecn Pierce vs. W. eodetUn of the Priends’ and Prmbyter" ware repaired yesterday. While Umm
descriptions, iuchidiog s Eogines. Set Works, Carriages
pimee, porUtioD of property, sros toktm ion ehnrebea, to have been hehS at
•imnom wlU te rooten
The OriginaL
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plaot for sale.
bfiabted, the nnduf mdrbement by Judge Corbett belanowrar.
OB aeooniit of fom toe Obenlt eonrt ndjonmed Ksn.-gegnte were
or. fiooM of toe toemtero, however!
■ n«v K Besgai Of Oa
tenvy honltog over them.



The Largest

“ «>"'pi«e

Blank Books



Ladies’ and Gents’ Neckwear Headquarters.

We’d Like Your Attention

New Fall Neckwear

f{,i<ih pesigns, He.aatifal Qolorings,
All JCaTest Shapas.




24 Pairs

Ask Tour Grocer
For It,


Seamless Shoes

Oi Rloods and Cbopolatas in Roys' and loaths' at Cost

108 Pairs I PARKER

69 Pairs


Fruit Jars.™*""”
Canning Season.
2 auaxt-60<^ dpz. 1 auart-HBOc. dox.

118 Pairs

enterprise grocery,

If You Have Logs to Sell




loOMf to prtAlWt Um IlMHbM Trau
Croa jrlrln* BonOoy pieala or Mdur*
TBATKR8E CITY. - MICHIOAH MbMpienioiskUorro^rbit^- U wm
voted Uat the Motei saaberm jolaisf
the ^ek usd Mcideal depenmeat la
the etatea where there an ao freat Aav Om Wlw t
ipa will be reliend (rom pajlag par
^■M. T. Bath ±sa> J.’W. Bax«kx.
capita tax, X W. Bakku. Editor m4 Mmcw.




mr. br ami
Cm CocriAna

A> Tt»*WM cilr.
•e w (kt
(te PctoOrc

lAxariM wm Help Pay Bxpeaeaa
It hae beee eeeerted by eotae who
teve erilieieed certaia echednloi la the
mow tariff law, t^et the loxorlee of
life have laryely eecaped datiea Surely
•Uactatemeni mtut have beeo taade
> before a careful reedloy of the biivley
MU had been made. The fact te. the
satM on " loxoriee *' ha^ been ffreatly
taenaaed over the t\;^laon bUl, and this
iMrease U ao lanre tltet tally S30.000.COO of the additional reTeaae to be detfead from the new law willeomedrom
thia aonree alona Some of the “Ibxariea''. that will yield the total are as
rm........................................... '..«unaem
laelcanasd Krapperwbaees . lAUXOao
. -aUuf^ktawWasdT


A pHoling Pietfrepb tnMroBant
wbwh -la jMt being introdneed and
whWh 1« as clmple U> operatc-Htbe
OPPIOXAXA OP UtBOB OBOAVIS- ordinary typpwrltrr Is of *tbe clam
known as psgn
and |uaub«
prints Oil
<m ■
*' |M
alxwt Of roUofpaj
of paper xis
loebea wide.
after the
nfT of e typmrriter, a type
Aa a XmM JUaort Train Man WIU Ba
which baa dttsiii^ ocm.
Aakad to BsTom to Saadis Coal Irtdersble pi^Urtty dnrlht.^
Prom Waat Virginta-Oanaral As- two yrank bnt whan use bte
vtrirted by its slow speed and t]
aaaamant May Be Laviad.
Wheeling. Jnly tT.-rAoonfereaoe « its operntioD. B.v tbe new instromal
the exeeuUve o«eiala of the
>,t00 words an boor are readily trans­
Ubor organlsatiou oh the coantry mitted as against only »00 or 1,000
called a meatlog at Wheeling
worths au boor by tbe old one, a perfectl
record being kept of tbe imasage sent lir
today for the purpoae of ea
the ways and means to win tbe onal' ordioaiy figures and slpbabeGcal char.
On tbe arrival of IVasldeal Ratcb^
ford, the eonferanoe aaaemblad with
Prealdent Bamual Obmpars in the ahair.
All outaidara are excluded but a elatement will be given out after ndlonmof tbe A°>blgazaated Aaeoelation bu arrived. Tbe
reports Which.were received by
etrike leaders todi^ do not veri^
aituaUon they defdcted lut night, that
aver halt of the West Virginia mlnen
wpre ouL It is seen that another and
I ATO BxcrrTXB—saw nurrrrxG TSLEcaArw.
enn a more determined effort mnst be
made to bring about a general strike aetprs and no attention whatever being
niy eltbe
t rot^iver. Itt rimplieity
In West Virginia.
The leaders are now eoneldering the

Here are over fie,000,000 fram Inx■rtea laryely thrown away by the aocaUed-'-revenne tariff " of 16M and re•tered by the present law.
A Thriff-fer I
Mr. Din^ley. the author of the aew
terlffUw emphasises the republican
Aoetrine of a tariff for proteeUon as
eraU as revenue as follows:
A vrotecUre tariff ao framed m to
emeoQTBCe domestic pradncsions and
wmniifarture. and frequently eo aa to
tnercaae the eamiry and oonsuminy
power of tbe masses, .always affords
Chie largest revenue, because h eueonrages a higher standard of living and a
larger eoDanmpiion of imported loxn—

’ -kry ua '
^ prot
Saefg U Ureele Heeit-ed ' Under
Uod. ihe

advimbUity of levying a general
ment on all organised la)x>r for the
maintenance of tbe atnkm Some of
the leaders say that it tf impossible to
bring about a general atrike in West
Virginia. The Uainmen will be.Uked
to Vetuse to carry West Virginia «
This, however, is the last report. .
Another Hasting in Pittatmrg.
PitUburg, |uly 27.—The long looked
for conference of tbe coal operators at
Pittabo^ at which the joint arbilraUon eommlssion fully expecU to adopt
a plan which will settle the atrike. wu
called at eleven this morning in
the court bouse, but owing to tbe slowaeSB of tbe operators, it wu almost
noon before it was called to order. It
a the iaigeel meeting of tbe kind erer
held jo this district The convention
being an open one. m
interested eitisens are present
™»OJ ‘"•“'»****

Thaatrical Motes.
For more than twoyeanAI. G. Field,
who te the proprietor of the Al. G.
FWd Wg mlHtrela, the largmt ainetral eompany in America, bM heaa
galhering material for a big negro
The company
mgaaised a
litUa more than two years ago and bM
made a tonr of ihe prioel|Bl cities of
the United ^tee and hM met with
popalar an«^> evrrywhHa. Fifty
genhine Sonthera n^roas will depict
the oddities'of tbe negro life on the
old plantition. Twenty colored dodea
will a«ay to show off negro life in npper tendom. Severwl very novel and
fetching speeialttes wiU be introdsead,
among which arc Marah Craig. D. W.
banders' monkey and dogclrcna, a very
large brarn band, a big parade. etcT
Ife among the nrgroes of onr
my south fdrmi thf basis of aa
entertainment that has met with more
popclar favor tbe iMt two years than
anything that has been pat before tbe
pnbllc. The aggregation will appear in
bteinberg'B Grand tomorrow night.

Japax bu filed her reply to the
Onitad States government regarding
the annexation of the Hawaiian
knd in preaentlag her protest
states u OTB reason why there should
ha ao annexaUon. that the act arouid
he the signal for other nations to eraate a revival of territorial expauion.
It iq added that by mutual oon»ent
tkoae nations bad heretofore eeaaed to
to grab islands in the Pacific. That
may be true, bat if other nations
should indulge in the grabbing of ter­
ritory rightfully belonging to the
Dnited SUtca. there might he trouble,
and we have nothing seriona to fear on
that score.
Is addition to tbe hardships of dig­
ging gold from tbe rocks,' froien
stnLms and almdsHna
along the Elondyke river, mlnen will
probably be obliged to pay a royalty to
the Dominion of Canada for every dolInn'a worth of tbe meU3 they secure
from within Canadian bordera The
government is not greedy, but when
ooe bu tbe privilege,of gaining wealth
with eo litUe effort it U thought that a
demand for a alight diwy wiU not be

id's wish, they are
ready and anxious to discuss and adopt
plan of arbUratioo which wiiT
bring about peace and put the miaera
work. 'Trae unifqrmity calia for
eaab payments for every :.o«) pounda
of ooal that is mined every two weeks
The abolishment of company stores
and uniform screen differential be­
tween thick and thin vein coal and' be­
tween Ohio and PennsylvanU coal may
also oime op for eoariderat'ion.
Tbe operatora of the thin vtun coal
that the proposed
e in favor of tbe thi
ww much. There are
mtnea in tbe Pittsburg dUWict and
----- are operated by'V firms. Thlr-'
of these Are trid to mine and con-'
wol almost » per cent of tbe coal

Houahten. b
Canron. agent
cigar manufacturer of Dctrall. ass ar­
)r it shall be determined that ealvee rested Saturday evening on a charge of
nra eatUe. nnder tbe new tariff law, embecslement preferred by Mp employ­
then the American calf may breathe er. Th^ alleged ahorugv 1( about $Ltraely onu more: and not fanr Indiaerir^nate ^peUon with the ealvee of
tha Old WorlA
CaMdtaiM Oetae I'a the RlmMlrke.
Montreal. July 87.—A. T. OenesL a
wril-knuwn local .engineer, leaves on
<the tth of Aufiusl for tbe Klotidyke
wUh eight or ten asststanu in behalf of
It Wanta a Bhara a Canadian syhdleate.
Merrier, a
of Xialag Prodnote.
French Cansiltan scout and explorer,
Vaaeonvar. B. C., Jnlyt7.-It te re- well-koown In eoanevttoir->wltb other
explorations In Alaska. Is also going.
ponoi hire that the Doming governteal
mat hu decided to plaee wiiiyalv on
julily 87.-Tl
•U gold mined In Oanadlah-to^toty has remittedi. tbe
fine In t
ahd a corps of officials will lea^ hers Addle B. Holland, sentenced in Michi­
immediately to enforce this d^laion. gan. November. 18*8. to two years'
floe for emben
It U fxobable that the Oanadian govecnatent wiU .build a telegraph line
from -Lynn te Elondyke and that the
Washington, July 81.—It Is said at tbe
syatott of raeervlng alternate aecUona White
House that tbe president will to­
erUl beadegited.
day reappotol all of the peraons wboee
nominations failed of action at tbe last
semloD of the senate.'
Obmt mmO Kilted HI* Wtte.
Hot Hot Taka PlaM on ■nndnya
Keokuk. U- July H.—Alouao RobWns
Miol and kllcd bis wife yeaterfiay afteri,
qnarrvuad three Weeks agw
Pert Baron. Jaly 82.—The Saprama
wTkad baan ll


taLKaighte of tha MaBeahsea.dacldad,


Grand Opera Hoase.

Mpnday, July 2oth.



^ FoantoU. Albion. Mieb; F
,i Aiwick. Kalamaioo; tiberiff David
r .iton and wife. Baldwin. Mich: Wm
Cox. Grawn: Geo Jenne and wife. Lake
; Ann: MUa Harriet Wiley. Boston. Maaa
-------------------------f Tha Closing Hour-Tbe Boston Store

; '«ft “F '*•3 •»<!
*1^ *any aqpplles, goods o
credit on my*
al^ July i


iworugr'iit «.r thx

CoRier of I'nlon and Bay Steeeta.
near M. A N. P-. depot. wGbes to anlee to tbe public that be bas re­
fitted and fomisbed the Hotel Puagborp better than it ever baa been be­
fore and can accommodate tb<- .travel­
ing pubUc in good shape.
Jobs May.
formerly with the Hotel Whiting. w(U
have charge of tbe oSm and attend to
■ranteoftbr guests. Saliafaetkm

BaySt,es»r'M.AI( X. Depot.

}0 tojtbe Uon Barber

tor hair

off—except wberv a spe^l permit 1
any morion in tbe pin cylipdei df tbe been grunted. .
H. D Campmu. a Soxs.
tronsiDitte is enctly duplioated by tbe
type wheel shaft of tbe reoeiver.
Tbe reoeiver has a type wheel with
attached rotating power, an araatora
on tbe left, moved back and forth by
nugneta, releasing the type wheel abaft
and allowing it to revolve step by step
Tbe ntimbm of steps is determined by
tbe nomber of impolsee of current nt
ont by tbe trunamitler. Tbe paper is
Btotiotiaiy. and tbe DT*
'moves bmiaoptally from left to rig^
being cbet^ at each step-thai a anaU
bammer may strike tbe papm egainst
tbe riwraota opporite it on tbe type
wbteL When tbe carriage has been
moved to tbe extremegigbt. tbe operator
depamma a key, when tbe carriage is
drawn baofc. and the poper is fed upward
a abort distanoe for a iww lina of print­
ed matter. Tbe iostrumenta may be mt
np and prlmalrly adjoated by any intel­
ligent person, when they may afterward
be pperuted by any typewriter and with­
out diffionlty kept in operating adjnat-.PAZHTEE.
meaL—BoieAtiflo American.

I 18 years ago and ooaaiRs
meraly of a pieoe of mien painted witb
snlphide of calcium and snbjacted to
tbs aetloo of catboda rays in a vaonum.
AcBording to ProftMor Lodge, tf It baaomea pMriUe to ooovart meclifalcul
aoa«r into Ugbt alona. a lingla man
taraiag » orunk could devulop auflloient


The GhjTiis Girl!

oomes against tbe riid of tbe asoewUng
HoBoe to Water Oonanmeia.
lever. Tbe tavolring pin cylinder, by
_ tbe ttomber of inpolam
Tbe nae of water for ^niobllng pursent ottt, contnla tbe rotatiot) of tJ
poaet is. by onr rules, confined to tbe
type wheel Tbe cylinder faas geared t honra of S a. m. and 8 a. m., also S p
it a I
• •

«Ws Ugbt of tbs FirtBsa.
Aooordiag to rrofeaarx Ebert, tbs
wall known German pbyakdat, a ringla
apowar wonld be auffleient to mn


Great 10 Gent Show

E Call. Mis
C S Allen
Yuba; W K
Gill. GilU Pier; Lvvi Kealler. F B 1
bri^ a uaiwm key to nl.ww
cylinder and allow It to rwolvr iudeflDitely. A lower left -h;iud spaoe key
eiopa tbe pin <7linBer at a blank print
with which tbe prinilng mwtanlam of
tbn receiver is biopghl Into uniaao as a
narUng print, or ««t», tbe other 87
figures and a key for returning te
line. Tbe q>ace key is usually down
when the enrrenl is on. to lock the pin
cylinder from rerotvlng. If any other
key is pressed down, its lever arm. coming np -nodertbepin WlindeK pnsbes
hack a boriaontal bar Uteb fn<i
and releases
• tever then np and is itself
eanght by the nme latcb ssd held nntil
anotbm key Is ptamed down,
■ As ao* aa cm lever is released and


July 26.27. 28.30 and 3L

Now for Business!

^th 80 kiya tb.. u,^ i.'f.


5—Nights Only—5

Grand litiiiee Saturday,

1. u.. auwcw Tb. „biu«! '.-Ji- i.plb.T^ba?
of the arbitrators {• to have VS per pent
of tbe eighty-nine operatora agree to
adopt the system or standard of doing
The number of opentora increased
to about seventy-five before the meet­
ing began.
aeveland. Jnly ST.—Thomu, B
Young, reprmsnUUve of M. A. Baci>a
A Co., goes to Pittsburg witb instruc­
tions to use every effort to bring about
>pe«dy settlement of the etrike. All
__ Cleveland operatora are hopeful
that the oonference will result vriih
some aatisfaetory adjurtment.


la what we flavor onr Soda Sympa with.
We do not oac extracts at oar foantaln. A
lane. eod. aparfcling giom of lea ersam
aodalthe^wstin the rity. they aay) for
five eeate. Kverythlng strictly clean aboat
the toantaiB.

Dainty Grace Hayward and Dick
Ferris, with their excellent company
of comedians, entertained another
large andience in Steinberg’s Grand
Opera Bouse Usl night. Tbe pragtani
began with Nat Goodwln’a great sne' . {•RBbENTlNG
cesa. ■' Lend Me FiveUhUUngs." whlrh
Musical Farce Comedies.
WBS presented with tbe dash necessary
to make tbe comedy " go." The sketch
was followed by a series of specialties
The Delightful Comedy.
whleb dUplsyed the peculiar
tions and charaeteristlea of the indlvidnal members of the eompany. and
tbe evening cDDcIiided with the farce
" Uncle Joah.’’ which was in line with
tbe rat of the entertainment. All tbe
Olio of Specialties.
of the company did clever
lines. ooe^>ert opetslor being reqnlred, work and will repeat their aneceee to­
Don't (sU to artiC Ike eklMra u> tbe
as well os for all potpoaea where tbe night •

ordiuBiy tickers are employed. Tbe in•truTDent is
covered vj
by uumnvum pawiuts , Tneaday Arrivmla at Fletcher’S Ooaitd is bring plaoed before tbe pabllo by I
AIt:»v.a. lOr. to asyMal loeUkedjrous.
the Priotiog Telegraph News company'
WmKoberta. Him Hand MeDcm^d.
of New yotk. Motv^tbaii 80 of tbe new
Hiss Lena Crotser. Mrs Kenton. KingslnstTumenu%av« renntly been pot into
J L bleeper. Bay View; tV U CrodaiJy um in <Chicago. aird 800 more are
Marselluj; Geo Barrengor.
ready for abipment Barreagw; Grand. Bapids: tVm tSannfor the same city, to be placed In imrae- dera, DAid bsandeia. bllver Lake;
dlBie service.
Geo Wbiiaon and son. Batea; W M Cox.
Tbe-imnamltter. with the generator U Boaa. Grawo: KSeabrook. Elmwood;
of elertricily. may be regarded aa form­ Wm Anser. Mrs Anser, Frank Coe.
ing ooe part <ff tbe ^atam, tberneivm. litogham; W O Colton. Ill: Frank
Boben ' B
Knapp. A B
with tbe line wire, forming another; Cook.
V Carris.
Widrich. JuM-pb Barpart, in tbe tranttoiarion of messages to';
>. Fred Brow
E Bemis
a diftanev. bat these two peris are nnit-;
Miner. M:
ea ID uieouujuiuMU lusiruiauii Asmall ;kion: Mr. Wm. Enowlton and sUter,
elocCTic motor takes tbe
the pis
place of the M^ j KimhIfK ItatL.
• • Creei
weightt and springs formerly oKd. and naford, W J Cnlver.Cediiar: Jno Kroupa,
the electric power Deeemary may be ob­ Bowen llartior; B A Jobbeti, Maple
W Soon Eaton and lady, j
tained by simply attaching it ti sn or­
dinary direct eo-*-it incaui-ieac. nt lamp
s>K'k>-t. lOe
tbe CQrr-31
co'r- nl IVnUg
b»iug C.TUinilllNl
ci'nitnillol Oy
by wife. City: Leonard Bros. A w!

efaeapneaa has beeneecnred at a fearful UioB. u the only one that has been pre-j te^
Siarro*. -! B Iiurga. Inii
ooat. I1 venture to aay that, noiwiib-l_
_ .... for action k
. .h.
tbe mnierenrconference iI The trffnimittet aco-i« out impale so.on: W J Kncbam. An
ateoding tbe apparently cheap prices
While tbe eperiatora are geuemlly apa^ i
of tbe last four years, the mat
paid ao much in labor—with
peoduetk are ultimately bongb
ngtbis period Any
_____ -- ........... ...................... U to
transfer to Europe or other countries
^'the making of articles, which can be
psxduced bere without natural diiadvaauge can never produce amythlog
but ruin to our/tonniry.

The Pure
Fruit Juice



416 Onion 8t Telephono 34.

Fishing Parties
Proni this datv this boat
will not make regular con­
nections witb trains on M. &
N. E. .Fishing parties, how­
ever. can make arrangements
for the use of this handsome
yacht, by communication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

Arvmlwred. E. W. HAgriNGS te
tb* Jobaaia Uock arils

Fire Insurance.

Has Your
AttentionBvar bean eallad to tbe fact
that yon can get at tbe Druff .
Store (our store)

Pure PowdHod Sploea,
Pore Oroam Tartar,
you WILL SAVE MONET^. (and •pure
uiv ammiaK
Baking rvwucr.
Powder, if
ii vou wuam

OS to make it. 8 mnds for 81.00.) sBub...............................................................................
ber BbaeUng. Rubber Tubfag. uU

----- By Buying Your------

Meats and Groceries
At our afotu.

Orders b) Telephone Prontpily

aizea. Water Bottles (guarutead for
two years.) FonnUla fiyrlagaa. Many
kinds. Throat Bmabea. and Atomlxen.
Glyeerine and WUeh Haael LoUne for
anda and faea.-

At Our
Soda Fountain
OouBtar we are navar eoateated to "let
wall enough alone" hat always try to


' Oer. l-BMia aad PaathSte.

r«A etmt,

rront 4 Cmi.


Rates, $1.50 per Day.


3439 Frames^
Let ue make epate for yen.



Ever Bomed Oat?

Meal Tickets etRedeced Rates:
Suits to Order.
Fioe Merchant Tailoring.
tmr KssteU BIsek. Ortea Stisst.



Feeding PArmen’ Horeee a Spedmlty. Hor«ee BoArded.
'7SIE12A8 BHf


B. j.Koxaax.Pwp.


MitUading Pubtl

bom and ha* alwaya lived- H*
hold! a podtlon which pay* tt.O(Kl per
annum. The aecrtury of the Interior
1 kny
mcourayertent. The Democrat In office

ThrsatoTths 8lrik« LaadaraThat
Maana Bvainaaa.
l ________

Wortil^ Cm a PtaM for
Wa»tln«ton. July «.—Harry SmUh,
r at XalamCBU}. abo «u kept
Id the posttlor at iourtial clerk of the
Ikonae.ot reprereauUvev tor many year*
• by Cc
ward* the klndnew cl hlr frlerd b> an
endaawr three yean hyo to difeat him
when hr «aa a candidate for the »:nate.
«tiU rhertftie* mattce cf the mcti i-IrMICDt ton. and attack* the Junior aecator
Crom Uichlnn oe ftfry occarlon and
Id every coneelrahle mar.rer.
Mr. Smith recently aecured the poblloatlon of an Interview in a Wachtnytoo
•paper to wbttk be nald: **Tou fee. Beh- Burrowi la what pomiciac* cal)
a iiDooth cltlaen. Ur hd* a large and
e^thttalaetle conatliuiepc)' claoiunr.y fr
the exuaafon of aid tACutaana
not wai
woe time 0» eenatcr does
n It* Cn
bao policy untu. he can *enire a few
owre office* for hi* ounttltoeota:’'
Aa'a matter of fict. there U no better
frtend of the atniyyllny Cuban* In eltb-r
boiue df conyrem today than Senator
Bormwa He war reported to have pro
pared a veecb in appotmoc to the bclUfereocy readutlon. but It may
atated poettlvely that he made jn tuch
preparwtloc. but on -the contrary, waa
Inclined to apeak In behalf of the resoln' tin. bm the meaaute rawed the fcnate
jmhout the need of uriceni deliaie becauae a large majority of the sen
werr In favor of lu
CrtUalaed by BepabUcaa Wraatiwv.
Senator Burrow* has been aeverely
ertUciaed by some.of the R*|Ubllcan
■esatom because, ar a member of the
eonfcrence committee, he did not stand
Brmiy for the aenaie rate of *1 per t.OOO
on white pine. They aay that the. will
of the aenate. ahonid alway* be malnlAlned by Us conferree*; wherea*. Sen­
ator Bnrrows capresaed and veted hi*
own Individual conviction* on the lum­
ber schedule.
Sfoalor Burrows says:
“1 BUMd With tbe.aenate conrerrees all
along the line. In framing the bill In
the senate and ccmpletlng It In conferfor blf own people.'
0 the Interest* ot


wiOT YiBsniA vror eufiPEiB.

by 8> A
mmt Uemtuy ^ tb* fr—rnty Kpatdlac
Dmm Not KspMt A VM»U«m Thb Sw

Special July . .

It U eaUed the -plncktne~ by dn mlrera whether Jnitly or no;
the rnnpany tepement la a very crad*
atmnnrc and renu for from ft to M a
month, and. It 1* dylmed. pay* the com.
pany a tremendoM prrflt on the Inveat.

_r._j-n. „!

] company by
peiently. i^Wlde' ayndirste.

of the Capitol building are large
fact. Iminenae. but they lack arttatlc
rm. bat framl*** tor the hear ralomtouch and the power of true genlua.
Wbaellay Oalherlag the -ewator oT laMany of the atatuea In the puMIc
tetaat Now—Report oa Um- MtaoUM at
Bcjuare* are worthy of dntructive citliHlctoboiy—True CaUormlty.
dam rather than pral*egThe bad out^

nunitieia the good In airtblng* artMtIc
L W. Va.. July ITJ
.X ,
yet there it much that la m
I'able. The •public building* are ed w ould be gener»l yerti rday h
without rivalry In the whole world iP j
, g.,
gf,„ d,y, of
many rreiajcta.
effort by Deba. Mahon. Coaletl. Killer
In the

.h. .-.nv

« .A

are Inirted fn.m right, a«d lew of our
rt'ttaen* cr vlal^ to the national capi-




SI' ‘Ar.s

Ladiea- Fine Donfola, lateaV atylea. from.......................... ...............................

ma**-me«tla*8. In many pUce*. the rnlner* at Falrmort remain Miuhaktt. A>. weighed for the miner, atihnugh (he
U1 ever aee (he porlfaKa of Daniel agree that yerterday'wa* the crttlcal
tVe.bater and Herd Aabburtnn. which | amy. It wm* agreed that if there wa* no
diplomatic reception room I'acrtke Monday effort* would c
of the
They were „ npp«%l be made to the mllroad me®
palDted at the time <rf
________ of
, the ;
len In Up mine, and thereby
A raovaee
to atop hauling c ___
*ltu:»tlon iJeow. th* New England. Oa*- he W every man In debt to the
artlal gave_ooe_palr to Wehater and Che .
fkirtnont and

»<'e* each man half a*
other to the BnglUh tnlnlMer.
Briar HIH W.t«n miner*, with l.«» :
otherwife obAahburton, who helped make the treaty.


Moncr.gah ha* |
-----------------I.ord Avhburton took his |plcturee tojmen. ar* all w crklrV
alned In the ' flfty more than Saturtay. a total cl |
atrtker* Mae Aaamer Traia.
England, -rhe other* r
Weiwter (Emily, and
were the ««ly JM. The Pritchard mint- rerumed with!
St- l»ula. July 3T.—One hundred of
things saved by the heir* from the ftre I twenty of (heir old men. The Plnnl- ,
marching Birtkers who are operatat Marwfle^ aome year* ago. Con^ klnnlck mine* at Clark»burg are werk- foe under the leademhlp of Oene_^^
seise an llUnot* '
bought them of Oanlel W oha^» wld-1
The cnly tweak- came when thirty,
Belleville. Ilia, last
ow and Jewed her down to *3.000 apiee« <^half of the Hulcblnwin mine .force.
and declared UsHr intention of
In paying for them.
1 ,u,t. fallow ed by Luther and Opeklrtia.
wha with
with Au^m 40- K^dlng to the Leniburg and Harlasa
The Bey af Twal*.
! a total r.f » men. who.
. mlnra, where they wished to Inaugurate
• la an ante-rvom, also devoted to the . Palatln. 40. and Klnga 36. are all <>ut
a strike. The crew refused to carry
dlpk’Xtata. there are portrait* of Will- here. SberMf Cunningham had depuI the Mrikets and halted the train at the
1am H. Seward and Dainlel Webster and ties at all the mlne« ready fut trouble,
: ataiion. Master of Transportation Oav;
a li((-*lBe picture of the Ib-y of ITunla, .
> Itelw Chasg** t•(llaMsliua.
' en. at PincKneyvilla was
coihmunlwhich wa* preaeoled lo
by the bey
Before leaving PalmK.D(. Deb* said;
calid with. Ife *ent a IdegraphlC' dehlmpeTf to the I'nlted State* govern- ' **1 have done nil I cculd to make the
Sheriff Rhein, of. Belleville.
opportte -Fairmont miners appredatr the sltuar the •mtrH'tloD of t
The peer fell.iwa

«*te. In the navy department and the ' locked in the mine*, discharged for alwar department yon will find plctuce* tetKfing meetlrjir,, and ihiealtned like
of the. men who have l>een at the head ' alavea They know It and f>el powerlevs
of them from the beginning. The pul>- to prevent It. All depe^ rn the
banding* are. In fact, iiortralt gal- | ^'beellr.g conference. Tke obeiktcr* win
ntlng* of the now. but they are *
lerie* n
the nation alncv 'the , reap the whirlwind.
day* ot Hamtltoh and Burr.
The ce>Ileciio()f<f portraltsiof the
relaries of thevtreasury ta very
given full
Here you may am,- Aleaander HafzUlton. | day* the agitator*
Albert fJalUtIn. WlUlam H. Crawford, .witg. They have un-d < ■ery effort to
During that
Judge Taney. Thomas K-wIng. Salmon . get out men and failed.
P. Chase, and In faol. almngt every lime w e haw been put to an ecoiess
secretary from I7*» to*l»o. It t* the ; penev and worry-.
The effert* c,f
mine In the attorney general's office, a. , agitator* have proven fotlle. Our r
ilch few men visit, snd sirang- i want to work and we prop. M to
neref. FUll. here I* an old family mme ffghtlng i;. w ar.d protcci cut r

boom fob itbw goods.

welytu meanr that Sf thecOm!.0® pound* t f coal for a ton 4A paira of Moore A Shafer Shoaa. Freseb Kid. emniBoa aa
ft rhall pay the mlprr at the fame rate
Inrtrad of paying him for 1.300 ponnda
40 palm Oe&Mt Paria. hand loread. former price 8S..........................
for * ton and aelllny only toot pound*.
Similar acreena mean* (hat an the* coal 3S palm PheJp, Dodffe A Polmer.^haod iarped. worth 83.M>....,
rtiall run over the nme alied icreen. 33 palm Barty Gray Preneh Kid, common aenae foe; cheap at M.
Some ure a %-lnch nreen and irrrr a
IH Inch—the latter, uf counw. proflltlng 16 pair hand foreed 83 ahoM...........................................................................................
by the larger rt*e of ffie acrtM. De Ar- Ladiea' Viei Kid bieyele ahoca.........................................................................

' iCiii-nT.
He read Caven's message to tb>

Hot*' Shorn .
Men’s Oil Grain aboea...........
Shoe DfMMng. all kind*.

The New Shoe Store,

C.-O. SAIITH. Proprietors
No. 136 Front Street.

Thurs., July 29 The RecoRniied Ueders
MINSTRELS, triOerse belle
One Kight Only,

Have yon tried oar makca


striker* and they at once alwndnn^
the train. There was no disturbance.
PVwdlag Bl> ifcrtktaa Mlam.

Menk Fine Coin and Eaior Toaa . . ........................................................................


Spring Valley. Ills.. July n.-Al Marquelle.^hrev mile* fpon thi* city. C. J.

50 ProijDeDt People 50

M. 10 pound*
cm beef and 0-pound* I
Devlin, said l.i a report*
; that he did not want the miner* of hi
Irtlne to go antond the enumo' ammg
I the firmer* to beg and steal, ar '
idereil hi* »uj>ertniend<nt (.• give
the abm-f arthle* to (be end .if tbe
strike.. IVvlln ol*.. say* ^
synifiath) 'with the mlnera and would
be gUd (u 1

Prof. Bob Thompson’s Mam.
moth Military Band.

Fnuit Hailstock’s Orchestra.

In 6 and 10c. Clgan

aud eyery lc»d of-

Bade by (hetaadrsa.
led SUtes.
>'hl» people in' Ntvada, or ; allomcy general of tbe I
fuas xvltli I
ng. tv. Va.. July ft.-The i
Snior Allison to hlr people in lew*.
.Washington: a fine p^>rirBlt of Levi ' leaders gathering for l.nlay'* conferTtaf Is all there U of these romora
TROUBLE WITH THE. TARIFF BIUKo tariff hill T^a* every paamd that Llncoln.’ |«tcted by n« one knows who. , once rialin that 4.«Xi out of the 6.OU0.
PBICITS;—EntlrC^trsifloor. Site
the other* of Bvarta SUnton. Alphnnso irUners In the Fairmont and Munongah
aiways'lB stock.
pleased everyls'dy ''
Firat 2 rowa it. K dcony. 60c.
, a ' Taft. John J. CrlKenden. and In fact of ; railroad district are MU-; (hat S.MO of
When Thoma* W. Palmer
Nextn row* in bstcony. 3Sc.
•' ta laaiwirters
member of the foiled States aenaie for;;; every leading Uw y-y who haa ever been ^ the lu.«w men in ih- Held* along the
No extra charge for l eaerved seat*
•A.. ■W'. 4TAL.UR-A-TTS,
Michigan he bum and residrt! In a *plee-l a piWldenf* consUlutlonal .advlaw. and Western P«d lo thr wnilb-j
Wa^ July 37.—TTit treasury
Latat 2 row* R* 4.v>ny for children
did tnanilcE on K itreet opprile Mo j
Mary by rwaatar rrartar.
I era end uf the *uiv hate quit, and un- .dliclBl* air.a.iy hsv.- disct.veredd a nijmnot reserved. 2-V
TimnelH-i Bkc*
lew tariff
Pherwm rquare In the mc*t fashionable I
Senator Pnwtor nf Vermont, who ' vonflrtned a.Ll.e* slate that a large ,
„f io„-.nsi*temye* In the ne.
part of tbe city.
For reveral year*
^ aecrviary of war. and who I'f’fortloir of the 7.0i». men In the gryjat
„r ih..m It 1*'feared being
•- nfler hie rellremcrl from the senate tbe '
goveraor of Vermont, .
reirtiu. are t tle. Dehs MaboO. Ir. apalile
oVrecunrillalli-n. ll l» -..uinled
home remtlned unoccupied. Ab..oi one , j, , dffenined statesman, but given to t
toadev* W1 greatly mt that an-tl-xi 263 pUcc* the doty
year* ago. however, an eaj«-rieneed|„urhJ-KyiIartl>lnprt»wte<-.r>verwatlon.l«>‘''’"'*«*'*plum* at S cents per bushel, and s
'heust keeper rented th?. Palmer man- ' j„ ,. mile he recently ;
a SmtH Bertta*. 264 axes- the fate at 3 cenlg per
. skn hnd llued It up as a reclusive and ;
• ...............................................
r.. u,„
p..yind. A.
I boarding house. halills of the original Inhabitants
• \Y. Va.. sa>>: The o.wer, held . r«eet- •
cwriwnt* was corTwled lo conferenee

, .
Ftatl.->n h>re snd rvEartSed
the,Palmer manrl. n has been
Anofher section ftsiw th- rate t.f duly berries. ilcuscberHe^. ajpl all kinds of fruit for can-ing. Thorteli A Gane, Lfo.
union < f I'nlted UU.e Werkars of Amer-.
.JiSTnlng 11. The iw. fronts ate exactly
cattle hide* at U ]>er cent, ad valorem Gunter Colon and Sreentb aUieta
alike and the new bultdinr Is rt> ar­
but w-tih such cl.ise •.vonomy that her
i^vet 2<W men attended kr.d signed
and admit* raw skins free The ques­
ranged as to give iMrty-nve more room* saving device* Uswme farnuu* among
agreement, tfuard. were, put ml
tion Involved is'lbe cUssincatlun of calf
to tbe boarding b'ure. Il Is popularly the nelghhr-r* for many miles around,
i ■nd newspaper men .wep ned allowed
skins. II
known In fasbicoable circles u tin
Next lo h<r eeoct my‘f pr«>vlslons her
The meetlilg was rirrel. bui
rially calf skins are classed as hide*
. - '
...k... -. ..1,4 4__ 1...-.
Palmer bouse.
Chwmlate and Ox Blood Sbeea, Biff Barf^na.
that an men stH-uId li governed ly the
tl Alcee** Daatata.
chief concern,
which U liable to be cvtntran'
Codw sarlv before all broken alsea are fona.
Oeaeral Alger find*
her late huftiard fp m -dewn the oiunat Wheeling today. All the men are — punsise ot rtrngresa. Attention Is &. T. JohnaoB. Sooth Side Shoe btore, 404 Cnkm Straet.
double In Washington.
_ visit
iry" caret i” rnak- her-a
also called m the fact that the provIsloB
recently an army officer called upon the ; became convinced Ihal tieirey was try. organlied and ready lo g4> out ar.d If
. f^ymeoU of 81.60 t
■eeretary of war and began tc state a ing to freese her out. Bot peihapr ihli at rwfaeellng today the word b given
by Inadvertence H H believed, left onl
proposllloc to him whrn Oeoeral Alger j ^-a* net tc.. a* the temperature was ar they will gi..
pap u> look at foeeisfant lino. B. E GibEe. lo SlUa'bLcpelaabop. 311 FraetBi
(be OeraW ft-aoK.
.............. .
as Mrv. Hlckf urually kept
^Clrcklara are In preparajlon constru­
PlnnKbjecl shd
"1 dcclBr.,".the vIHIor ventured to exing a number of the aectlons of the act:
y ce.n<Tu»l<n-"
per* before
cUlm. -I would th:nk ycu kept Hr pret­ Irtrlnnick mine*, said yesterday bis men Fetwns entering this country are perPayaianto
re<-4.ive^ fp':m »IB to CN per week and
The army officer txpi
ty rc.ld here. Beisey!"
* to
I tnitted under certain
if deaired. W. W. K
X. E. Strong. Mgr. Traverae City
ty Braanh.
prim, saying: "Why, 1 sbowcil
•That, "ere pesky tbermofneieFs l<
paper* to ycu In your public office yea- blame,
ae. Snaan." tald Beisey. 'I guen.
This I* InterTbe Insniance Gaaoline Stove is ahaolotto .
terday morning, and you expressed
chfked up. I ean-l get M above U prertnlUrdlcatki:* all the
!v eafe as<l will not explode, ir U ebeap,
atMcxllcrn at receiving information u®
,• tfev'
;bu* by that time. If tbry'do
too. J. A. MoDtagne. 137 Front 6t.
K subject.” •
r~1T»e'r‘ she ' tuined erver th* stick of ' ®UI • boycott will I- d. i lar.d knd any aonal u*4* of {wraon* In their conditl
Oer^I^Alger Bwred the army offi. .
the sheet-lron wove, while her
1 life.
r heard anything
and down the room : »'bere In the Fnllrd Plates will be boy> Cbcapeatabopio the city. Ill E
OB me mbject tl all. and that before '
■ ■ 'cetted l>r all lahorcrcanisallr^s. Mahon
geatsa aa the Boll FIsM.

Watch lor Ihe Big Parade.



,BERRIES-The Palace Bakery
Boys' Blouses i

Ijr63t Cut iri Bicycles F,ic Amier^.wbeei«?»to •«. tra

Accidents Impossible

Cyclists, Look Here!?”’

he would take the mattcr.up for consld, say* they have th.. help cf all except 1
Chicago. July 37.-league base boll
aratloD he must receive tb4 oOrial paAunt Belaer* CT'"’^Aclhur and that he win I*-brought [
yesterday were: at aev.?landvlsltor n
e btot A A. MeCoy A Soa. Front SL
par* from army beadquartrn.
for several days, however. In splje irf to time. The meeting at WheJlng will I
4 Cleveland 6; at St- Li;ulsJust at this Juncture Ccngreni Iherraor
”■ ■
I «<*t. n 2 SL Louis 3: St FlUsbutgIowa eetfred the . ffira
ul*—----------„----------- -.liverad at reai^ce frae. Ion
• aerretadr cf war. when Jhe army r.ffioer.
oral from
. arouggte a rtick li
MeLellmn A Att. oor. Front and Park, and rear Maaonfo Block.
with ar. exrhunatlcn of surprise, tamed ............. ..........................................................
M rents B t.;i
to the feeretary of war and said: -TTil*
tate one .afterar^r. she happened to 'w*wk where It 1* used. _
W4-stera Leaigur:
to the gcntLman to whom I ffaowed tbe ' go out lot.) tbe wo.dfhed ami found **a:TIMj'oy TMK COAl. OPBBATOB*. j Orand Rapid* 3. Mlnn4.a (dis 4; at Kai
papers yesterday, and ! supp-wd that Aunt Betsey there with an old shawl
-------sss City—Detrvll S. Kai lag City 16'; I
1 waa coDverslDg with the secretary cf ; w-raM*d around her ehculder* and a 'nttsi.Brg tHstrtca Walts Tbertwa-Msaa- uilwaukee — Columbus 4. Milwaukee
Front SL, adjoining McNamara’a shoe afora.
atick In her hand, eiigaged In violently .
lag-Hhe I’aU.rmlty Hlaa.
! o. at St. Paul—Indlanap lls 4. St.PsDl S.
* CoDgressman'l-acey smiled as be said: surrlnc snimlhUig In a Urge lie .can. ! putsburg. July 17.—Tbe mining altuaWeatvn AasocUllon:
*1 presumed lhai you w^re showing mc
streng smell of petroleum ailed the ' u,,n m this dlatrlct U quiet snd un- (Juincy 3. Dulmque "
' Ida—Burlington
PriedHeh Block.
tbe papers yertepUy for my own 1n6. iCedar Rapid* 13.
Both aide* are waiting
tormatlun and had n>- Idea that ycu sup­
Rockford—Da Motsa 4. Ri^-klord 4—
tbe meeting today of the
posed m to be the Fcreury of w«r.”
Me inning* fn allow De* Moines to catch
Tie arbUrators are highly
General Alger wae IsugUng vetr
jMartlly a* be aro»e and said to tbe
'thciTht iVrte if 1 ranldri •»»««'<» « “>e prosjwcta. 3Ul agi
wfaaal Bdlnsfod for 36c, Beddawortb
Doimt atraat.
tb Block. DoiMt
ar^ officer: “Lock at ihe difference s«, a tat'le'mu:^ Vatw taf‘ ihe'kVr- >-y‘M
Mne. I reckoned It'd go a leetle fnr.meratora ever held In ihto dto- ,
Mitwaukee. July 37 -Trinity Ev-^l
TYotUng and Boad boTMa .
thee 'th so much comn'ny In th* bouse *''*‘'7. All of the pestera men are here! leal church U up'In arms sgalnst lls
elally. Third door wrat of- Morgun’a Uvary Bara*1“ east*ra.^ple will be- WbU* ' pastor. Rev. George Hlr*. who reonUy
I mual'confess that we look very much MM 1 seem to' have*”
alike. I hope, however, that Major La­
Her gura? went' away early tbe naxt *
number ar* not in favor of th* j married a colored man and a y^mna
old unifarralty pUn. all are anxious to ..hlle woman wl
cey will not aoume-tbe authority of morning.^ the stag* coarti.
hear what new phase tbe peace com- wedding took pUev a few day* ago and
was quite a swell affair. A. rid. bowWhen the congress convena. as It does misslonei* hsve ffi»'«i *........................ Borne
.. .. unlfortnit:. ever, wa* hardly averted at tbe llm*.
KxpM a Vacattira.
OB the first Monday of December every I
decidedly opposed
Bnu. O. L. Bpalding. SMlsiant secrc- year, a Joint committee of the senate but all an- Is favor nf arfailralfbn for but now the young Udy member* of the
prior* foe mna at 614 BMt Front BL A.SsPiymaa.
congtegsllon my they
settlement of Uiv strike.
and bouse cf representatives cslU
Renaior Benrui was In the city yester-' sent to
,l believe that 1 will l* able
Harr^ Bryan, who was
_________________________ 406. Onion SL Callaadgaia
in speaking of the effbrts lo aetUe I b
e In Michigan thu summer. „
, private secretary to Se6foe strike by arbitration, be said
to leave In a body.glaaa lae Craaa Soda or anything in Drugm MadtThe work of th* ^ury depertment « I
myt that he eften beard
In favor of any plan that will better
u ar Toilet
artidaa. G.
- A.
L Jobnaon f
A “
tbe beginning of an admlnUtraitoc U ;
main* i ■11 a charttlerlstlr anec. BaUwayTeBeBi
alwaya unusually beavT and H Is not :
Prestdeot -TAncoln- foe condition of the men; that U th*
Houghton. Mich-. July r.-There U
a vafalion
vafalion, cer—
PuriQ (*rA0n hBd insect powder*. TbU Is poUfo bug time. Look oat
probable that 1 can gH■ a
Blaine was a your.g member of congrtm male point of the altuallon. TJielr eondlr<lll5 UIWH forfoetn. Oat yonr axtmnlnafor from E. E Mmar. foa
ttlnty not unfll some time In tbe foll^
commencement of a sessHm.
and I will give my beany support and
original drag man. first door east of poafotfiee.
N. N. Pickard of Lansing got <poBcongress he Tiad been appofbted
ji memaieiy
exteuuvw to Calumet,
\.aii4iiic4. 4ibeUrgmo^ral 1^0*
_ ____ extended
, .
in tbe guvernmenl. printinga „c„ber of tbe Joint commllle* to wait
esi town of the copper dlatrlct. 1
sard that
mooibs ago under the elvtl santa
I* ususL and ad, , upon t,,,
tbe p„^dent,'a*
The m4Mv4mnarrow a«4ie*
gauge IvaHre
irariu nf
of the
th* Mlnwal
In many respects
r«ka .Mr- Pickard v
working OB «P I yiae him that oeogTcaa bad duly aaaemRange raHrisid. foe property which Iva*.
ggpenslve. printing
ess when foe mm i
etc., of which commuire Senator lly t* Ucking. and that It
have always advocated.” Oolonel W. p. first wrecked, and now oa-ned by the D_
uhlne wak badly d
aged and PlckaA : ^oot ot Verrooiit. one of tbe mol dig8. 8. and H-. will be widened, and. pas­
He resui^ this ^c-: nineu
tiifico men wa*
was cuairman
chairman. cm
On oemg
being Rend, foe Chicago operator, has arrived senger and freight trains run through
tlwi. however, and hi* claim that be wa* ; mfoered into the presJdenUal pretence
‘he rily. 'WhUe he favor* arbItratKa
tbe--------------true uniformity
movement Is to Calumet-___________________
0 burnt is sustained by hla riilef. 1
Foot struck sn attitude and said tn he
humbug. If the .meeting today U not
Olvs* Vorh ta l.fiao Mem
> Samuel W. Smith ays; ]
amtehest manner:
'Mr. Pmide»i.
strike by
‘■Allbougb Pickard Is a Democrat, he Is |
have appointed a committee on the for the purpose o
Lonuvme. July S7.»-The Avery'^ow




.. a.;.; The Best Candies


Ice Cream Freezers

Ladies' High Bicycle Boots

Have You Seen Finch?

-- I

Angus McColl

10c a Gallon
10 per cent off

1 have moved S>f


from my dlatrlct In Michigan, and I do
the two houee* of congrea to
t M . nd t
gerthe wcrrl of It If I can help IL"
receive any
Corgremmep Bnover and Samuel W.
> which II I ay he your
Btniih are Still making a fight against : pwMure to
' Mr. LIDHatry King tn tbe general land office, | ,*ib stepped up to ht'ra. and patting him
fiemsndlng that tbe pUee be given lo ^ the shoubIder. said: ”Ko« look here, A. F. Dtnwnora ot Michigan.
matter of Ufe and death
Barry King Inslatt that be U now a R»-pgbUoan. but he wa* jtol in a* a Daso•cfmL and to MoogBised aa such by

factory rvsuroed opoatlon* yeoterday

And Just here. wUle we have
oplnlntks <m unirormlly of Ranns
Rend, perhaps It would be well lo
«^t be demands Is foe absolute a^
hoeent abcdlUou of fos company stors
ut. similar welgfau and BmUar. acfoeaa. tbe company store needs

CM CMU « foe WMla Boaes.
Washington. July r.-VbL late _
to Oeiiuany.
oalUd at foe
White Bitoae and
tarday to pay hla nspects to foa pta*>

Refrigerators, '
New Process Vapor Stoves,
Ice Oreafli Freezers, Etc.

1« Front St




ira MOBimro

Hawaiian AiMtaiatien Premlaw

cheek Cba fwttoar
JapatMW trade, the axtanaton^ Peltafi
•tatea naiurallBattcai and imnilcraUao
iawa would be detnwenui to the tu.
tore natdaatlal and Industrial rivhta of.


wpgB8P4Yi ravi w,




ffBs tSBiHlshlos b UkelyTs •• ■><••

Crystal Falb. Mich,. July r.-A papar has contalnlnc a lunch plvsn U|
ITatied States aavlcatlan Itaw maklnK
Peter Bans, the tramp, by Mrs. Hanls. i
the carrrinv tnade between this ewunand founl^ near tbe spot wbfre Pearl!
try and Hawaii a part of the coastinc
Momsoiywas murOerrd Friday arenua,'
trada. wsuia ptvbably prove fatal to
the iBtrreSU of Japanese Maamshlp
lines crtwlnv the Paclflc to the United Wants tSaVolM of B
Several other cltcnm-1
for her death
sta^ bsip t build a atronc chain of i
“With referwice lo the third poM art
evidence around Uni.and'
forth In my •Ms of the l>Ui ultimo, I
one of the stronvest U tbe fact of him
have the honor to observe that the Im­
reportlni; the Ondinf of tbe body. It b i
nnnow known that Ua object ts dolnv so i
herlala KspUw
was in hopes of recHvinv a reward. I
WBiblnctoB. July *T.—There vm • for
London. July r.-Thc
(real cruwd »t Uir Wbtte Holier yeeirr- and deliberate violaiioQ* of thr treaty, mens eras cruwdud >-este>^lay/aflen>oos
o'clock unUl
. aeynevarditur the Inherent lusUee of these la expectation of a spirited debate upon
claims the impertal'ituvemneiK enter.
the report of tbe select South Africa known tbe crime was'cummlthd. What
Ulos no doubt whatever, and bearinc
____ ____ _ Would take him luto that vldnlty ts a
vade.” aa oer of thr efflclala pot It; the In mind the clear j<n>\isloDS of Inter­
oottduc* of the aBalta of the j mystery, as tbe >lacr has no attraction
national law It rannut admit that any
la«i attraipt of the ofice- aeeken to vet
alteration In the rtawallaa statuswould emisb S.>uib Africa Chartered com-1 *or men of hb stripe.
a word wltn the pretfdebt before be
vallery and the!
The Ulsney Oeek road b seldom
in-the least tend lo rHlrve Hawaii of
---------by lierry pKkers and II wAa
leavea Waahtninon for weeka. Thr moet UablUtyUdlee' fallen- were crowded wHh wen
■e of lucatlnic a aood place
laieraetlrjE fl/ure. however, wae Queen
“It mlisfat easily batipen. howevrr. known women, who betrayed the live­
lo -pick IwTTtes the next day that toMi
Uliuokalani. accompanied
by JuDua that thr ebanfe In the place of nevoUa- liest InlereM In the proceeding After
Miss Mornson on thai road. Bnns la
Palmer and Jo. Hrlelolt. 6he came to Uons eoaseouent upon the .eopsurntna- a number of.question!. Hon. PhlUp Jas. known n have tune In that .dlrectlc
tlPO of the proposed project tof snnexa- Stanhope, Kadical member for Burnley. J sbortly
leave aome pat«;ra for the
r Mbs MorHson. KhouU i
n>eae raio ri* werr-^memortaia from the tion would tend to delay an a .
mov.’d amid knid Uadlcal chren. a rea. I few mi-re *
S l>olnts be brouchl ou
ouvht not .
.be _______
three«rent i«irlotlr aodettes of Hawaii,
nhitlon that “the house rcfretled
should BlvnalJy fall in the duty which
the finding
and ahiir th.-j^oere not made pubUc
has been Intrusted to me If I did not ^conclusive character of the report of |
of the
it b understood Sthat the tDtmortaUsu add that this full and trank-explana- the commlllee. and m. re parlKiilarly"
' “ coroner’s Jury, but will meU out
J"*'" “> t***
acvordJrtg to their
represented themselves as beloir opposed Uon of the vtraa nt the imje nal vos-- the failure' lo r^-yromend that
to any iHiljcy that touched Ih* oueon'a emipnnt b due hut alone tu their wish atei* be takes with regard
tnr attorrtey of Iron county, left for
I.ster a the day Utuo- lo protect the interests eontkded to their milted
Cbtcafo Sunday evening to oevure the
kaUnl bemn had asboft Interview with Care, but also tu ibrir sim-ere derlrr to Bjdtliig
first-clsM detective.
the ptvKjjcm, hut what nras said has not remove all possible cauiv for mbunder- Ktaodes. be ordered to attend at
standloK between thrirovemmeiit ofthe of the house and to produce Uie^teie- [
The &)ECii>ni} reaches the paopie who
. ,
United States and themselvs.
cram* which he refused to show the ! hoy.
Japan’s BepIp to Msss-Hasy Vhsrmaa.
*1 should als.1
Stanhope, who ha* been
Another tsniter that has awakened It^
tetvat In the pru|>oatd annexation of the celved trlth n^t pleasure your courte- describe as “s' revolutionary aristocrat
JlawaHan- Islands it the Tvj iy of tbs .vus Bt-knowledkment of tt|e disclaimer twithout l>clDg a Ulraj-eau," supported
Jspanesv eot ernmenl to eermarr 8bsr> 1 had tbe honor tu make on behalf of hb resolution In a vlgnrous speech.
man's last m ir in reply lo the Jatwnese my fovernnH-nt lu rt-fsrd to the false
Js{«n has deelfns asaJnst
Stanhopc. In *i<eaklng lo hit motion, kud Cfwraiaorlaf ttl Prool
protest asalnst anoexailuD. TliU docu* '
regret to uy, however, (bat allarfci-d tb< Char^red Company: Joshows that the Jap Is no ■’slouch'
A DItaM. Areklleri as! KopsrlBlesd
reports are
are constantly
-ronslantly appearapprai
when It cieucs lo a dtpi^^-M^ ecnlro- ' similar reports
svi-h Chamberlain.»(Vetary of state for
. medrtrh Block
the coIoDiM. aiiil Cfcll Uhi.drs. and exverwt and ihM Japan U well artiualnted
K. MOOR. PbykI. lac a
presssed a desire that the latter should
with Amerfctn dlHomaUc .hl^My. T»o ;
««L«up>ed wUh baae. _____________
Spselkl aitrotloii Ih'^ **' ^
Jaianere rejdy Hiorn of prellntlnarla. l, •
areounUof occurrences u,.
deposed fmm his membership In the
o««- _______
pnvy enuiirll..
He also wan'ed the , rich Block PkooeM
a. followr-m.e Impertil fovertt^nt
has no hsMutl.o In admitting the pm- ;» "»f°"ned, beinf «**«
charter of the comiiany
raalerially |’ VT.":
dominant Inmience « the -Tnlled Rtates'
d“*rtefs as a pretext t
m<vllftedj Hvnrii I.j(bou'-herS spoke In
wstlo. ’
In the

j that If Canada should Iv raided by *thj
however, the very fact that
ivKboLg a dioas, ..tlturLoys. SMlal
•Them^. J have the hpiww'to rs- .ecrHary of state of the mitrd states
domlnapcr has esltlcd *o P-ng unijucstasduUe* Haem
boned mighj
ursed a>
reason post tha^vwn baa absolutely no de- without the assent of the presWent ! l7cu??h’
asalnK fhr dirturtance of t>u «(aiui sign* or 4iy kind unatever lolmli:aI to 1 England would not It .ailsned i
^^ARIB K. BOBTXaC, M D.. Fh^laa
dHtllBgs . a.-. n la*r> of stale were tntaled aa
quo. (wpeetslly at-ptartirally toe
Haw mi avknowl- '
; Rh.m.-e had l«ii.
[ ind. -111 slteoC *•- ...
ree to
Icffl!imate means i
Hafeloaft It
n Ik. Basel Whii.
of Ji
Sir Michael Hlrks-Beach, chancellor | isf.
a;-Sato 1
:I of the exchetiuev. said the gnx emosent ,
' voly a rma^ fracUoo of.Ahrir. rumber
would have to cx'iiklder
■ r whelh-r ilbodes '
Aad Thai Bs Was heart to the tVa
waiue J should rvaiRn In tlie pr
um-ii. nut 1^--::_____ _____________ ;________________________
. He Wskaa A. P. A.
j In dealing with him l( musi take Into .^ibl WaMTKU—< •eseeal
Osr *»—I-----iTri—r Oaatwateed.
Hub-j vonalderation the serxice* ht .... ....
isonatily inferred i
Topeka, Kan . July f7.-A I
j,l,„ |dered feoeraily. All the damaging rg.'l****’
and (•ramoonl I hard, who was tonvicted . f embexxllng
thllumce of ’.hr I'nlled Stale!, • which. fS.WP a* rvivivtr of the llamliii n I'r nl‘ofiTT?
the colonial omoe had been
as yon remark, 'has been tbe one mea; lag romitary. «a» ytrurday .nolmrtd
tel aj> they ha<l been pn-<iu<ed.
tlal fesiu(e of the riatus quo through
' to three years In thr |>ei;tl. cilary by ti'llllani Harcourt. the Liberal hUirve-quaiten of h erntury. in which
; JuiSp. Hatrn. When senlenc. wu* pro- ' defeuded (hr cummlltet. Wild sal
RHI W. U Plrtckee
the coM’tiiutU'D and fgoyVmmeni <4 Ha­
waii and the tommrroe of the Mand* I noum^. Hubbatil mad< a
with the wtrld have undergoiie notable ;«reeth. He said the Jrlal »a> a fariy
;*nd htr rtrtivl.tbj:
{d C’tta'’'^TrlAln an.4
^ .ii
changea' fnmidies on the one band the - . ..
i at..,
that t.1.
hi* I BKn-k

Attempt to Condofnn tho Treno*
vaal RaM Committaa.


d^ ^rild- !


“• “i

Ihe lewd-

AND se


All trbo kfp DOW tuxler Dr. HeDonald’s treatment-wxclsua

is n.l
..........{. « w .Csicsiga..
........, twrv



ThAnka to liia acienev and ^U.


f S^aelamul

Prsfuraod HapM*. Mnekissw aad Pvtas
W^oe. Detroit. CShesce aat
UratKl hspMsT:


I Chicago --c
West Michigan

A positive and pemunent cure
aiwired in all caara accepted. Now
is the time to oummenoe treatment


i iff *« i i»

,!S: 12 IS

a* CMCBBO ..............

Free Consultations^

, "r'i.rn;?

OF «>( B ffBUrngtlt.
"“‘"••‘n • «’«« lb th- "U«'
I sense of the lemi ThI* arrangement to
la a Case « here I'ocU tUm ’Hu) Bectmae ! •neel Taylor'* convenience was brought
hv coui
I’toM—rdor Bighto.
{about thi
f the I
The note then proceeds;
__ ______ ,
be seen-how- this xxould affect tpe Interr It Is without pm-x-dent
Csta of Ja|>ancsc ruhlecis xvho are sow
engaged in inenasing numbara In valioua und.-rlakmge and cnterpiire* In
the •Parifn, xviih prom to themselves


Will Act.

IndlahapollA July CT.-Hugh H. HahRB yeet< rday anm.unced-tbal he will call
toguher xxlihin ih< -wexii rlihxr at Chi­
cago or Raratoga the exmulix* cooichltIT appointed by tbe monefary eonvep
Mon which met b<-re la»t Janoary. The
convenUui^authorUedlU exfculixe
mlliee 10^ry ti. privall upon
> declare li> the Qerman -govemnienl
lo request the prefadrnl Ic appoln
iment altacbed great cotnmiulr o to. frame a currancy bill. 1
, Ing In whbh ihr cnmmltlee waa
lo which
nll.d 8im« ha» iTrtmw ;
•erilllled In thr f*w remaining regloris
how under Indcjr-ndent and auKinomou*
govi irnicnt* In' tbe
•The jurtl.r of that deelaratlnn cannof
be'iiuertlonid >a;.l Iheimpertal gnx-rmannul
titeni. eri-rtalnli.g similar (iew*. could
*(Tt Mhold ixnh .Indlflmmcc rtaangr* in lem’aiwnal Bill 1'
of Ihiwe giAremmenlA
and advantage to Jai«e. ' It waa es­
pecially on account of the pr«val»« of
this grirti->.f oh nUI ahsart'llnn tbal one
Of your honoralilr predecessors was led


r bouse
1 dedarv h> x-otx'
they did I
>t tbe word of it* stalrsmen.

lain reminded the opposition that^lt was
duviu tbrir InatsU’iico IbsttbecvmmUlee
bad been appointed and that be him* If
bad been made a mamber of ll.
had IreiD In a posMIun. he said. In which
Judge. wltneeses
--------------------------------and deferdanl. and he thoughi
tie deserved
the aympalhy
.-rnpalhy uf the boum
tram thr (act
that during the eighteen minths xf dlf-



! charge* and suspicluCA and ht was glad
I that, be waa aide to speak at last as a
! free man. As to the telecrams. he aaid.
; be had nothing sqraln*i th'dr puUkatlon.
hWbai.xvr they c-onUtneia was no vvldvr.r. agalert Ih. roloclal otBce. He was
convinced that while Crcll Kbudes' fault
I wa* a* grtai a*A |h lliiclan and suiesI man cculd ct mmll, iheiv wa* nothing
' that affecled hla ixeraonal character a*
I a man of htiu-r.
It w-B* Mid he had deceived others. Bo
also did OarUaldl. Cavuur and other
It wa* a military necesrity.
would i-xllngiit«h Japanese right*. They
The annual mox tiiig of tie AowrliWD
1y bringing
held at Owe.
have no In1i r.ij>ri cf questioning the act- { B*>i 'aaaoclalb
-.arger agairhil K:
Rhode* and Hkrrt* had
r I'acir
and■ , land.u , Aug.'N,
p; and T-.
bused the I rlvllege
certrtlnly no d.-slr- tr-In
dl*tVIlIIam lun-A.n. the prt-pf(etor of the
turb II. l.ui ih-lr leasltlon In that pari of West r,r-en Hay. Wla. ewnuery.
been h>av1ly punleli<d. The goxthe world rtnder* It Imj-osslble for them I.W nettle engagikJ Ir. pitking i-ma
I emmem wa* n.a going
pmaecute him
to X K-xt Mith uni-oncerti and In a splrll
Judge McAfee, cf Bprlnglli-ld. Ho., Ir, and lo dei rive him of I...........................
pert y ctmnrllof aequl-weiH-e ihe eonsequene**' xibich hi* charge .
J Jury held that ' urvbip. which bad la-*n c-or-ferred
would i-rcl«bly ff.lloa the cxtlDCf Ion of I'Hh.t machine*
gamidinc _dc- : him Uf hi* gixat "erxii c. wrold at
Jlaxtallan sm-erclci.ty.
i bts'li-yalty to South Africa,
'The Imperial g-vJ . br.Kdi lnf.‘r»"Il.
d :
Chamt-erUm raid he »a* gUd to be
vr>ll-taliibll*h«d pHrclpIe of In- I ,xmnn --f RcilH'it *• Ingr.rsoh, attemi led aUc lo slate
poslilcn of
lerqail riil law that tb* compIrtlOB "(j,ulcldi In a drug *K-ft!
'l-eavlk I Afrtn was Iwtter now thai
than It had Uvn
annexAilnn xiculS render the treallesghd j orv.klyn.
rvinvinlioe.. «r
eeuvd exlallng
.xrlkllne between
hetwCT j^
. .
,1 prctoM
Tlmmf«!. of Danv ll* m
Japan end IlawaH voldablf either at y„,w.y
Maggd. Krtlem.
■nmenl li?a proper aplrtt
Ibe’on of Jaiwn or the I’nlled Btal»w,
fvrj He believed that the'time was rot ‘•f
tiul Ibey canon anllclrate withiul ap- juiJ.. da'.
dlsmi wTwi. Rhodesia would have ■
prrt.mA*'" 'hr conaaqurnce*. whether
direct or lrdirti.-t, which 'would f.Jlow
farm at Rli-m. Wl*.,-hanged him- 1 UmiI Uie ehaitrr bf the erwnpany would
lb* pracllial i-oogi
^w**70year*oldkndb.dmad.,nat be r.-xck.d, but that rocans would
that annexetum. Uwo fact.
! lakva to strengthen the directorate
Imm'dlale ■•■rmlhBtlao of Ih'cu- tnallta
no a* to secure more direct ImpeilaJ
and coBVentb.n* and the coniequenl esa- 7 * '7
on national banka for n roiilml of lUw.deala. He was preparing
Millon for the tuiuiy of the irrtx-llegea '"“"O
report on their condition at IhV clnae of a scheme xvhich he n|«cled would be
.gyanlcd ihereui^cr. ___
put In temporan' »hai-e before -partlabusima* Friday. July ft ' orim: K or IKTERniRTA'nOK.
The l^xejoy Monument naaoclatlon ment Met again.'
■ slsed to to eTtoted Blghta-- AapaaW
QOBcrel With Haapli.
Referring lo the quoUHon from “one

ha* ftxl-d UPDO Nov ; asTbe date for the



frev speeob qt^Alt.

of your honoralJe
pceW^ra" the
a Uevastopol <Wla) farmer aayi'tbw
Japanese note proceed*;
Ywithoul i la nothing like |>p** for egtermthatlng
' pausing
lo- (vinslder the ntAlogr In | Canada thistles,
don- the seed early
nfMy particulam between ihe’^nclple] »nd eitlMvalr well, and they are certhus snnouneed by the UnlU-d SUtea In !
‘he Man of tbe weei
me and that now malnlaloed ijjapaq.
t h«ee Ihe honor «o Stale thst If the
I'xpieaeejD -v«ned
rights' xit
Ibe ' ■aiq>aamr |
algnlDi-aiice glitn In Mr. Bayard’s note
ibed rlghlff
-to the
the Impertal
would havu
Ultle to crtn
exllnctioo of JapAH’a
trvatliT and i
iKwtloB* wHbout even
the fomismy
previous hoUoe cnatea
a very dlffei
situation, not stone
rvmorlng cunxi-ntlxmal prtvil^ee
and eieioptlons. but also Jiy sutifftUuttherefor new and


, ^

^ ®*1*“"'* ‘i"

•* Bayfield, W la., of having elcx-en
a poaaesV Oral ecnrx'lction here
V law. The c
h foot anmng the Indenla ol the western
n a w holeaale In-


m If

tH lor sale SI « per MO)
L> Trareeto CU> Leukher

—Watch Repairing,
—John Verly.
—Front Street. »
weffk laarer than be flm latohded and

GycIeOfiiers Look Here!
koMaer Baclna Toe aipk-OwBI low your
peClala, per pair.............................
Cork BsDdV Oripa. Dickie tip*, pat sm

he will V at Boui
SoDdar. Angnatl.

WhiUng utU

Dr. Mi’Donald locates and dpacribea tbe moat obscore diaease«
SE jnst an soon as be seea tbe patient
ioK at tbe tonpie or feeling the
pulse. He tells at once inat what
the troable is and wbat &e
He putd bU -fit^r direct!)' npon
aiiy ache.
I bistorp i
case from beginning; to end, much
better than the patients cad tbein•elves.
Tbe reason why ao many people
doctor BO much .and ao long and
Kert)Mro Idchigui Ub«
are not ctirei U Ixecanae their case
is sot properly nnderstood. A con-131 CWI^ER -PETOSKEY.’ eultstion with him u worth eveiything, as ihe patients are shown
precisely wbat tbe trouble is, and
are told wbat thev must do in orMaolklee......................
e UUa m. der to get well. No person should
• hi a. •.
think of
dock ‘
)f doctoring
any further fw
t-karleeots ..........
Petoakey ...................
of taking any
tbw have conaolted Dr. McDonald.
the advice
ht-Haj^^yisg* . .^edeetoay, II tu p. m
he gives is certain to save endlesa.
" ‘
migtakea^ trooble, expeoae and sof>tlon wps defeated-m
faring. No matter what yonr con'to n.
___________ ___
ditii^o, how long you have bi^
Lahlgli t'atvemUy All RIghk
uck, nor bow many doctors j-tra
BelHlcbim. I*a., July n.-Th* iruileM
have tried, no matter what your
of the Lehigh uolvertliy have author­
ised an emphatic denial of the report
donbts may be, there 'ia hope. A
that the anlver«ly may be cranpelled to
perfect knowledge ol' disease is
close Ilk dcore In September. TbU refiurt
l»-w.iido^h{ Ilia
wsstnllrtly nnauLhorlted. Thi unlx-snlty

.. .Jala. wUk M! ball*, per pi
' »

eeTBbea.gooeoaak.cara ...
ibor AoBdriek la PropoeUoo.
a)l klade peempU*
Paxchio* The* by
VokkolilBsorottu—lie. I do o«n col year
Ufe* UI repair Ikeio Blofle Tube Work a
Knwikliy. Ckeaptox place la the city. Ole*
loe a trial. Bailalarllon gaaratileed a< —

Mertlieni Michigan
Transportatim Co,




Poeaetosed as a iUllway.
. Springfield. lUa. July n.-The Centynl
Trust company, of New York, and H. L.
Morrill. Irustaea aader the Biafievllle
dlvliloc first mortgage of th/ P^rla.
DecAtnr and Evas*xllle railway, have
filled a bill In (be United SUtes ctitmit
cotSri forecloMng the sama

ckai^ at guorUoii'IS Ro 1. ariopa osjy to

Ledcrleis JTl'-i.'j::

f «0a.ail

will be open a* usual In 8eptemt-cr with
all dc'parunepto in full efficieney.

Woahlogtoa. Jnly n. - The BriOob
government has again deeUned/fo In­
terfere Id the egemUon of the aantasoe
of Mn. MAybrick.'on the ground that

Bidnlgfat of rrtday, Jslg S.

llilism UD lOBTHEiSTfiU E.I

P|^^ALB-Bmg^ load

-^J^ARTB^-I^ Alierv

Campbell-Uanruj-man. Liberal, mifportid ibe commitue's report. Chamber­


' ParlorcsrUseesforOraDdRaatdsanr-iSjaB
J UaOB. aaesL Traears* ouy
UBO DS HAVn. Ocaeral Pisigr agsart.
Orsad Baplda. MUA.

LDV CAfmlER Wanted.

tee had ;ai»k
yq’tB Uk'K


. . ..

i ss

c thr raid M-curred dls

> BUplwvrtB

■ u^

ettk.R. II ■)».


••tplisl guaraiilrv agaiaat anything In- t
; said, that he was convlrud because <
Imiral lu eilh.e the CnliedI Biaie*
his corjiwilua w 1
HawalL while on the other hand ll
obx'Ute* tbe qrtxrfliy of a charge Ir ex­
isting .-.’nd.lhT.* which will InJuri-rtiMy
■pain Very asitoak to rieto- fa
'aOeci ih-lrtere*i*x-f others." Thr n-.
, tVaablngl.m. July
—Tbe elate dethen myr that by apparent nuiiual
Bl cyn- ■ partnf al has l«vnlnfi'rm<-d that a very
. a«u tbe
graclMu* exitpilon ha* l>«yi made by
fTsbling Irtand* In'ihe
Iwii that.
that. .
n the Pacllli.
ncilli. Irtii
quetn regent *.f Ki-aln In <^-nsenilng
the Cn
*,*ln Did lakt HoWall
Ta»lor. the retIHng United
ll KotiM I. the for a lexlval M Igf,,.., ml(xl*t.-r. and Wtaxdford, the new
lerrllonnl ikj-areli r alt abT.g 'h- line. | ,„)n|,ter. U Ban Belastlan. where, she

Trwssese City sad CU fiapMa

a*. Trw


I- ■ ,

I »' f Oi CaSIUM





ter if th^e beatphysiciaus have giv­
en yon up. or noapitala have turn*
ed you away aa incurable, no mat­
ter what aojbody aayai' look ypnr
needs aquaray in the face; go jior
—to-day—to this most e«ioent
special^. Secure a oorrect hisa foil alatetoiy of your oaae and a...................
mept aa to wbat can be dene Cor
yon. Thia he girea Cne of e^ieaae:
aMBtaAL ornca* aim ooch
to all boseat aeekm after health.
Kaat Ehd Mlehicn SL. ChiohTk
Hoozb daily from 9D0 a. m. to
m. B. port. aasnuTlAsSwCUy. -

...KSH-fc-ili ;





Traiate Bi; Line of SteamoL
Time CARO.
gv*ry day yeti «SB uk* a cool. pWwaaat r
OrmadTran-Tve Bb).

• uasi
* Ua B
iHBTkk. ii4*.*itriT;da.<«>r and md*i n • a


0OIR« soiTfl.



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