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The Morning Record, July 08, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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■■ ■" ■-
' Tim Yeu-JSo. Sfi
Tttn VUl Be e WtndalU is the o«m«tW7 «>r W»ur Servioe-O. 0.
Mofttt Appointed Veaber of
Bowd of BdnoftleB-lMiic, Xdealy
The meeUnff of theeooncU Uat niffht
' «H loi«, lirel; end interwtinf. Menr
tUnfe enae np for ooaeldentloe. ni><
ttoee whleh f^ed to oome «p themeeieee were tnkeaVp: pu-Ueoierly
eeteml mntten which hwl been Ukd
nwnj for failure reference.
The rood IntenUone of Alderman
baOdh« npparetoe for thie
not brMfffat the deeired reenita and
the aM»tion> of that alderaaa bare
^eea nipped In the bad. Thle wae
Urt alrht
:h a letter from the WaehinrwUeh
ereatinr experiment atotl^: merely
aidinc the exietlnr etationa
Beddento of Webeter atreet naked
for the rradinr of that atreet aa tar aa
. Barlow atreeV The peUdon waa rtterred, with power,
c BeaideBU of Wellington atreet naked
'lor a newer. Tfae-oomalttee om ae<
will look after their wanta
A petition for the grarelinf and
rndinB of Barlowjatreet from Hannah
aveirae to Bifhth atreet, took the ■
Prominent bnalncM men naked the
oonneU to aet aaide a anltaUe atreet
place for a market elte. Tbia «
deemed a matter worthy of eeriona conaidenttra and waa referred to the com'
miUee on waya aad meana
farther eoeUbatlona to be aent la, aafi
if any names hare been omitted (n the
printed liat they ehonld aleo be leporv
ed immedUtely eo that proper credit
fo) ooaaidwation. Be aad Mr. GrdUek
can be riren. hadffiren theanbject a ffreat deal of
WUlard Colon. W*. C. T. C.. and the
attenUon aad both knew what they
dinrcb M eodety at the Second M. E.
were talking aboak Mr. Ooodrich in.
xo emad to
timated in (daln terma that there waa Xdat of Ofteinga to tte Baetitnte at chnreh are paekinr
Lake Ann fire rletlma aad a larye
adispoaltion to make, aH aorU of imMeoeviW Bent by •ympatbixiBC qnanUty of ralnable artlolM hare nlprarementa in other parte of the olty
- ready been reoetred. Thoac harinr
and to neflect the Second -w^ Be
Oittnenn-Llbeinl Oaah and WacAleontribatinna to make an reqaeatclaimed that be knew more <bont maked te leare them with Mra. Binaldo
Inr rood roada than Alderman MostaTbe
MooPnller. on Bandolpb etreet.
rue. altbonrb that gmiUeman waa' an
Tbe eontenu of the boxea eent orer
expert in nelUnt rooda Aldermen
to Lake Ann by Trarerue City Bin, L.
and Lardie tarored modifieatieoa end Alderman dahrane nired
delay in action until the matter opald
be looked np more thcvonrbly. When
with which
iteame to a final rote the reenlt wae a
to the call. Eretytin, and Mayor Wtk roted in faror
layinr the reporta on the Ubla
planed in the inaane aaylnm or 4hdr
The report of the committee which
had in charro tbe oemetery water mat
ter' waa alao taken from the uble and
after eonalderable
n of the <
aecept the.prepoailion of Arms A Cole,
fora wind mill eyetem, waa finally
Tbe report of the committee on fire
and water, relating to tbe fire chief
ana^t and reeomnwndlng the rea^
Ointment of &■ C. Deepna, waa takni
from the table end only the memben
of tbe eommittee rated foriuadoptlon.
Later in the ewing Chief of I^ioe
Rennie wee api^ted fire chief withont
extra pey, and given power to employ
Ed. Hardy ae engineer at »5 per
month. -The tou oa thie wae themme ae <m the aeceptance of the re
port of tbe committee.
A walk wae ordered Mid at the bnmed dietrict oc Front aoeet.
-On motion of Alderman Deamond
Street Commls&loaer Kelly waa in*
etract^ to employ In etreet vTork
theae men dependent upon the ri^ for
enpport. as mneh ae nobble.
others cheap in proportion.
•Largest Stock in the city.
920 rRONT BTfteCT.
The Bate
for the Bnaday-Sebcol
Belly. •
to taka action in refahd to the annual
fnnday-echgol raUy met laat eTcninr
and derided upon Wedneedny, Auruat
n. aa the date. Sereral enb-commltteeawill be named when thoae Chfreeted hare been conlemd with, and
theefahirtnanof each wilt mMt with
tbe exeentirb eommittee next Monday
ipletc the arranremenu
Large Party of B«
Tbe mMolag tr^ on the G. B. A 1.1
yeeterday bronglil in ti paaeengere'
from Cinrinnati. and they immediately !
took paeeage on tbe Colnmbla for the i
Omena reeort. Tbe party wae eem-i
poeed of Lew Voigkt and family. Mr.
and Mra- Barry Ponlde. Mra. Fonldc'
rnothos Burdette Fonlde. Bon. Frank
Klrchncr and farailyand Aogwt Enienkering and family. Six more are ex-{
period thie morning
soo'Lortn Boberta &»-electad Prealdent |
33 ooi
nt.Annnal Kee^hg,
S W.I At the annual meeUag of tbe North
I W>|en Michigan Asylum board of truetee* I
1 00: arid yesterday. Truetee <Liorlo Boberte
S 001 wae re-elect^ preeldent oT the board. |
>]and Trustee B. C. Dsvie.secrctaty.
I. A. Thompson of this city has ^
10 001 been appointed a member Of thfc board |
& 00, af tnitteca of the new benefictary order ‘
ft <u - at Elks just organued in Grand Bapida.
The committee oa rtraet* and walki I
, .___I
Total.................................mo 00
recommended that Woodmere aven ne i
WiU Be Bare for Two Hot;
KiaeaUaneons OontribaUona.
be graded for a walk on the cast side <
- Games.
of the street, aad tke tepart was ac- i The Uostler* cross bsU with their j
Mercantile Co..
epud ,pd
Pdpptrf. i oW rt-k. U.. Xmpl.,, Colt., lor U., I
................................«» »>
The eommittee a
HP. .u». b. pkdod „d
two good games are certain. Manistee
Claims were allowed to the amonnt comse elated wtth three vietorieeriit
3ft 00;
of S3,313.33. and the repwt of the board of four In ManUtee. and' ounfideat of
of public works Called for S491.S3. All gresb lanrela.
Tbe UnaUera.
tbeoe were ordered palA
bedding, dishes, etc
straight defeats, are equally deter
The eonnetl adopted a rcaolnt^ ex- mined to make the Colu trot In better HaaUton'Clotbiog Co..riothiag. W oo
More wiU be seat by AhU firm
preeaing in warm larmi thanks and ap than two mlnntca to win a beat.
the special needs are
preciation for tbe excellent work of
Manlktee 1* much stronger this seaknown.
the water worka eafflmhtee In eompil- jn than ever before. Frank Quinn
ingsoeba valuable and eonuplete
' re- > will probably pilch one of the games Woman's Club, eight new eomforters. one doten new towels,
port aslhat anbmIUed at tbe last meet-1 lor iisnisttt. with Watty on tbe mb;
clothing valued at fi4.3S. fil.OO
ing. The only i
' ber for the UnsUara. and it shenld be a
cask and a cook store ...___
Alderman Goodrich, who explained
royri. Quinn held oor team
3 00
that he did not earn to voU for a gilt-; ioma to five hiu at Manistee. Then T. J. Host, clothing ....<...........
edged eerUfeato for one who conld not iuicre k Billy Tlebald. the Trarerae I f
measure distances eorrectly. parlleu-lcity favorite, and -Kie -Uleasoa with j ^
larty whom them was a dlacrepaacy of i hia-big bat. and Bnrke. with an equally
fonr or five bnadred feetI big voice.
Sympathixar, enit of elothea.....
IlurpoIth.l,lpbl,w> T.!..'
k <""» >« Meadames F. 8. Uamlin. Bobert
pboov ^Change
was oniaraameu
entarU^ by
• »*•“ of good ballplayers
lacnsn^ wss
uy a
Mabn. N. A Bnller, A. L: EofrearintioD provkUng that tbe oommltabaeher. Materand A. Kqnires,
toeen ordinances draft an orJlaanee team. Games oaUed at 3:30 aharp.
barrel of clothing, dlshea, etc.
Michigan Tqlepboni
B. C. Davis, bar^ of fioor........
Company to pay an anneal rental of'
Dr. J. D. Mnason; box elothlng.
' 9800 for «hense of the etreeU of the
Mra. M. J. Wolfe, bedding..........
ri^foriusys^m. Tbe resolnticm waa
Mra. A. L. Craw, cook stove ....
Mew Btraetara.
referred to the eonimlUee on ways and
H. Byman. gaeriine atove'..............i) 00
The IVeebytorias church is planning J. A. Montagne. eook stove........
Tbe propaeed improvement of Slxto. to bnild a 93.000 chapel on the the , Oeoige Jameson, eoeketove and exSeventh and Cedar atreetooecaaionM I front of their lot, eoFner of Park and tenaioD table.
CoagrcgaUenal church aid society.
jiplritod dlseamion when the mtnoritV Washington Btreeta. .They will leave
- and ^drtty reports of the eoamitten the anditoriom to be added later. Tbe dUhee and cash. 91A
were'takea from the uble. Alderman fra^
bnildlng now oecnpytag
the 'No name, two bondlm elothlng.
Mra. L. Roberto, riothteg.
d to accept the majority ypot will sooa be moved to the rear of
Mrs- Roxburgh, riothteg.
repork Alderman Montague m^yed
t 'the lot and reatod at before.
ilbUl Wkltteg. riothing.
he table, e^^inTbe bnlldlng committee met last
J. W. MlUiken. box riothU«.
lag that be faUed to •ee tbeficMiXHy evening and uUred the matter v
Prof. C. H. Hon. elothteg.
aatthlBlime or the nee« | Tbe plans will be e
Miaaee Jennie Bigga. Mary Poboral.
. .
Alderman De^j week. The newaddllion will be bniltof
mond favored the miBority report, bnt | itane and brick and will be of modem aad Alice Philllpa. clethlag.
Jamea Dnnn. lot chairs.
wonld make modifieatlaaa. Alderman | deslga._________________
N. B. Chapin, lot pillows.
Goodrich declared that be and Alder- ■ while op hU way home last evwlng
A. L. Bachant and Dan Landon, box
man Greilick bad lived la the Beeond > Qarbert Montagne picked np la‘ the
ward maoyy<
■* ’
alreeia dog collar with license tag No. ehU^'s cloUi«.
the need* of .tliat locality. Be urged' ts» attached. The owner can recover
T. D MeManns A Co-. Fhmona, tin/
the aeeeptaaoe of the report of the ma by applying to Mr. Montogna
warn, oatlery, disfasa. etc.
jority of tbe committee as it
P. Boodraaa, box bedding. .
Ohieaco Market Beport.
waa, without modification, aad deJ. A. Jofanaon, drugs.
- dared that if thr eouncU oould
G. W. Paul. mlseelUneona enpplii
Qiieago, July.7—Wheat—July. Toxe:
not let them have what they wanted September.
Tbe oontribotten from the BriUiar
Deeembar. new.
new, the maUer iti better not be eoa- 68We; Deo,mber. old, «TXe.
fariory terindee every empteye te the
aiderad at all. They were both yonng
Com-Jnly, *6Xc; September. »7X® antiro froUry, the gtrU on waU as tbe
and-eould wUt a few yeara. Tbb Uat SBri December, Me; May. 81c.
mengtedly giving their ahara.
ebeervatioB was meant to more thorTb< above Itotteriadea tbe ecBtribnOato-dalyf l?He: September, IftMe;
oaghly impreaa the eoanril with the May.WMc.
tfama Uft with tbe-eommiUeenpto.thU
' tmportanee of UamedUte aetloa. Be
Pork-Jnly. r.fo; September, *7.77. momter rb» ooamBtlM obould
deeUMd te riering that the majority' Lafd-jJflUr.- «..fi#5 8«»tomber, 94.11. notified aa aooo as peiaible If thore
Have It Framed—
"We frame pictures, so cheap that ybo
can afford to frame any pictnrfr-yOB’^.'i
Thoa. T. ^t«a made a propoaition,
The eoanril extended a formal Into laaae the preeent city offieea in the
_ ___________
Herald bnlldlnir to the city for three vlution to the K. O. T. M. of the___ ____
yeate at KS per month, or PSa per Northern and Central axkOciaUon to I y. C. Dmmond.................. .............
month by the ye^. Alderman Cook hold their annual meeting in thie city | Beitner'e factory ...'..........
j F. ThnrtcU
larored the one yev plan, ar^ed that next yfiar.
by that time t^ clerical work of the
Chief of I'ollee Bennie wae inetrnct* i ^*"*7
cityonfht to be done'for aboct «:>ou ed to make example* of vioiaton of |
per year and other anaagemente could |
bicycle ordinance.
be made that would be leas expeaelve. I ^
lOecarChaee............ ...........
Alderman OoArieh favored two year*.! ° C. Mofl^wa. appointed a mem-; „„ Jacket.........................
^ by that time a city bnUding might:
: G«. Tarbnck ..
beamatter of a^ons oonelderation. 1
i Wee AHoe Crawford.............
Tbeee two oplnione created discuesioo.; >**• Col- J- D- Billing*.
}oaldwril A London.
Tbe one yearpropuelUon wae accepted, j
.......... - ' '
Think of a good
Hammock for 29c.
Try us,
MAWBriTAnf’ mr^cCTC.
Get Aboard I
Don’t 3Iiss These Bargains.
PosiUVsly the bigguBt you wiUnt this
year. Hty great July ClaitfBnoe SalA I will quote n few
prio^ that are bargnios, bnt apace is too expenaire to quote
one QBt of crery hondred A good Lounge, well-made, full
«>ring,M.OO. A good Cooch, fall gpring,-fesa A good
Cooeb,. corduroy,
tduroy, 36-springfi.
36-npringfi. 65tt
65a Lwill posiHvely
poaiHrely aeU
nell bnt
bat 4
of these at this price.
A.good large 3-pisoe
1-pinoa Bedroom
Bedioom Snit,
large glasB, patent castore, for 11."‘
large 3-pieoe Suit,
patent doat-proof drawers, patent castors,
i, for 12^. A fine S.
liece Parlor Suit, pest plash, silk bands,
la, si
apring edge, 22.00,
_ ..
High back
Bockera from 05c. np, Iron Bedateoda from 3.75 up. PoUahed
oak combination Book Casas from 450 an. We bavon’t many'
of these, bnt what we have must be sold , by July 16th. So
those that coma early will be happy and those that tniae tbia
sale will always regret it
J. W. Stater’s Furniture Store,
raojrr sTKur.TaAvxBar cnr.
Your Choice
Fine Shirt Waists
geetlemeo'-. shoes
Broken assortments of sizes is tbe only reason for these
cuts in prices on desirable foods.
Come promptly.
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothihf I^ouse.
Bszor Toes. Rand Turns, aoUt
Tops. A. n and C. to.fto shoes
at 9:.S3 to close ont.
73 pairs Oxfords, former price
9T.3S. 91.&u. 91.73 aad fiS. Our
priee 91.00 to close oak
Men's Pstont Leather aad Eteamela. former aiiees 93 and 98.
torioaeontat 93.00.
...In FEI Off T8X3S...
They haven’t beard of our
flour as yet, but when they
do they will be sure to
wast it
u Men's Ploah very
rlCh Sllppera. fornur tl.53
goods going at 63e.
47 pain ladies' Black aad Tba
Piagrec A Smith JnlUm, former
psioe 93. rieateg ont priee 93.
Maks No ICsUke.
A Few Bargains in Ladies' aad Gents' Shoes!
New Line of Children’s Shoes!
Ye« Can Alvars DoBEST at—
THm MOMmro MMOOMb, mUMDAT, TTOT 8. 1«97.
trm tta «a*M ta (kb laeaUty» ■ad^te
yeoaatatbalr CHmde ad laOaaateUa
thab ttarn we tai M mea aa warn and
aata In Mioh^ th« Miwta n
Tta ICcHRV* BMW iMiHM «0
poaadeaf dnnadflM tam to Mekla
trom lalMloekM
taai^b^tbobMataa Mr. BaWiteMMBtac.bMw
Tbli«o ora bo(tn^ bo look a Uttio arbat^caUadtaau on mbi kaoV
WUlUMVM^wbOMBtlt VlMM fl**
nmlbwladtbanyalyta, men than
>wth»»|«irw<ndlt«ube- *
nMMWwWb Mr trtp aad aa^ima.
bnt mntlbt»>»*—‘ ^ taytambar.
oWtfc JmUm
MoBlatoo tab tacn V mit,
oowlMo ond oittooM «t ttat piodota^
wUeh md* two boort* tan>7- Tb* erfMiaado ncnlnr
Damimy, Jr., ata OaocB* L. HULoko ond MMe BMie B. BDl of Alanoob, Utar formed a aommittae frm that
plaoa. and yaataeday ttay tadtad Laka Prof. T. Bath 6
>. maek^ dinaJ. J. Bbkor woe oieroomo bj omoke Aanatalodkodaptba eondHtofie ear- toratB
at tbo lake Ann An Bntwdor. and madlta the plaae and tha InunadUta Me famoea band ad that tooUtatfoa.
They oonlanad with tha wUilaanBaaaaaia AaffaetM. to ae•ftorword dnnk lo»«o qaoMilioo of
warn. wbiM mdo Aim UL Tbeoarr.
too and amnd then that ewt a atoUlar fcatMan to Alma coUaca.
tam of a pbnWan wera naooamr thb
I cattiay to tha frota with Tba prnfmttT laana Slf
atnTha gocA work denta la the Benioola eoUara. after banlfht, and ba aUU f««U the eifaata.
cn4! . mcmiaui.
T. B*t» *»P JX W. HAin«.. BdHor «>d
‘.^tio «bW d«B«tty b“ ft»U7
ChMef PdteBM-
Stowtu B»k« M ea^tk«d«l tb«
»M«to*U.d.p«rt-W «wHl —
MU mem work opoo Urn mai loqBlrt
Tm MWO BOW w W * ftOiBMt
*tot U*oemeMTj wUlbB.BppUod wJtk
^MmrmUmpBTjw KaanooMBM
U tka illintwitTB of Ibt mV
m eeaU be otUUed U«ro immU bo a*
4IOnltT wbofmr.
Mo eoBocU loM ni«bt to ftU ttw ooooB‘ tf on the boord of odaeotioa, eooood
^ Um deoth of Oob J. D. BUUnfO, it
.4fttb«t«W HmV wuk tbo onoeml
Bl t&dooftaflbUy.
Tm&ur ro» vhs ootxbvom.
bnocht ap by t)
die ootna in front
A Pw on Otiy Lafea brVMbk Med- mtona City, and tba <
kept boay ataantiay tad elamifyinc
' rtMMOaaata.
Dapatr Oil Inepootor W. T. Barton of tbam for imatadiatc naada. A ayatamDaooik 8«kta Food and Daiir Oommla- atta dtarlbnUoa (• bainy made and orWhat la
. bMoU. WUlard BoM, Oorom- arytaiaytefolaf on
■Wta needed now an aataribli for
_____ prlTote aacrotnrx. and
Ftank FrladriM want to Laland yaa- woman’a olotblny,. aooUay ntanaUa.
HVanl Cor ebUdna. «nd a qoantordaraad were tbo Aneata of J. M. taaa^
tity of Inmbar. TbiM M aama lambar
Wata of that pUoa: Tlta party wara
to be had at Laka Ann. b«t oa It weald
wiM •
to ban aU kinds eutaUad
7»ebt Lady Wntta. aad eyMt the from then, oommltteae of rallat an
IHMor Baetbm erf Ua day ftebiny.
aakadtoBakathbiomiof thalraoaaidTk^ tad 7—IneX bb4 of thalf
mtab throe fine Mltnon trout of the fratteaa
the moat deUetooerariaty wara ahlpyad tba Ubar^V "ta prr«i*>— •*
oympathUara ban lent eeanfo aad
ba ttowwr Pta«r«b- Bblmd ^t
an tat pbataKal iA NcaMoiw MkhV anarfT to thew who yrerf barmd ant
bat Oup laka ie........................ and dlepamtaead of enrythlay, and
they nn nady to bnetla to aad
help thamaalna aa mnabaepoealbU ubacportaoB^
U1 appiwtaaltlaB an praaaatad for thorn
BAMT KOBvxn AJuaa.
BoiidMMo of I. X ftooU Boom
Mn. J. W. MUier ata data^tar ban
Mm bo Bay Vlaw for tba aammer.
Ono 0<Uock. ,
MMa Snan DoMoa of IndtabyeUa (a
AboM ou o'doak thit men!
TtelUnc Jacob Cnimn of TwmX tbnet.
■Urm oollod oat the firo Boporto
Me foeldeM of L X Oovte. on Sontb EUeworth Halo ntnnad Taaodey
tim hie Ttat be OnenrUla, Onad Bar
Cnmotroov Fire bod borim
____ ootrooc odor of gmiltae
•boot tbo piece, bat Mn- Oerls doelor>
•dtfeottbare wa* so (oaoliM Ifi tbo
AoMo. MoaUtedthotobewM owokMod bj the eooodof onox^caiem. end.
Veo ortelnr. dlMorerod the reor of the
boHdiny. ocor o ooapto of bocnio. In
nAloto. She throw tbo bocrolo onbdde
and gar* tbc olona. Mn. Oorin
OtronBinheropinknMottheflro woe
, oet b; oome one. One of Uie borr^
me wet with coeolme.' tbo wire omoeo
woe pertlolly tore from the door ond
twe bnodlee of rnge were found onv
aide Mto^ted with tha oU. .
toAy But Blaapy.Blaharman.
Prod Beebul, liam Un and W. J.
Hobtaa want oa the CSOtnlnyaeterday
te Babin and returnad on tha U;20
p.m. with a larye oateh of treat.
them a lin rainbow waiyhiny
S peonda. which tbie mornlny yneee
tba aqoariuD in Fred*a window. The
koya want te sleep waltlny for the ratnrn tnln, bat the euylnam lortnnate^oawtbe pa>^y'and baekad np for
Aaap Bata for Ma Annual Kaattny
yaly Id.
A eommlttae of local Maeeabaas
Mbeaedcd in amnyiny tor aapaeial
nta for Me asnoal naatlay of Ma Canmi and Northern 'Mkblyan K- O. T.
M. te be held in Petcokey Joly U. Tke
nte for Me roand trip will ba only II.
Aa tnia will lean at «a. m. aad a
Hii riel will return tor Ma aooomm
Mon of Moee attaadlny frm MM direc-
way trdm MUwankaa.
MiaaAcnaaB '
Arbor Toeadw to
tha aam
neatioa with bar panala.
Mn r. T. 0-Naal aad Mn Baaaloraw feternad lent mybt fnm lake AnA
whan they ban been rtohiny.
Mn J. W. Markham hne ntaraad
from a «lait with bar brother. Bom
Tbemaa SmorthwaiU of Mnntotaa.
Mn B. >Blyham aad Mn Oiin
Oota «ama orer fiom Cbloayo yeotarday
ud wiU Tieit Mn B. J. Palybnm.
Praaident Spony of OUrat CoUeya
pnmad throng the dty yeMarday on
Ua way to HaniAre from Harbor
Mias Alloe Flateher. of Bay Oty. is
in tha dty to spend tba earnmar with
her onele aad aont. Mr. aad Mn 3. B.
J. E. Santo aooompaniad Oaorye B.
Ooloman to Lake Ann yaetarday te adlaeonaoe lemat on Mr. Colamank
property. ‘
MMa Birdie Webb, danytatar of Ckr
tnto Webb, of ChoaopoUa. west te Nei-ts-wanta yaatarday to spend Me balMe of Me enmmer.
Mn P.-B. Bnbaat leaves MM after_3cm lor Grand Bafdda She baa been
Me yn«t of bar moMer, Mn M. JWolfe, lor eevenl weeks.
Paat Wmten aad Jamee Mattbews,
of Grand Baplde, arrived yaetarday.
and left on Me slaamar Croeoedt for
Omens, where Mey wUl fvnMb moele
at Me Omeoa Inn.
Oaorye Lardie shipped TM enteo of
•tnwbcmca to Chln^ yoatarday.
A Iniya party of Mnnletaa fane are
to accomptay Ma Colts on
Malr Tialt to the Qoaen Cliy today.
At alt Me sarrioea In Bt Fnnta
taonb Bonday the eoUaeUbne wUl be
devoted to Me aid of Lake Ana aafferM. E. Barton. M. D.. a wawiliW pkymb
taps from Grand Bapida. baa lotatad ia
. Ma «ityi«rtik rooms at MaBoMWbit-
W cm ta hM Mamba ytaMtday'
Mavliiy a patant is bM 1^ on
' An «nr was made ia Ma taUoa of
Me daaMef T. C Britton. He wae
married to Mlm Mary MiUar in 18S5. is
TbaateamerOdlnmbta will yive aa
maatoy exonrtion to Torch Lake MM
wveniny, lenviny at 8:M and retain by
moonllybt. Bonnd trip «> oonta.
Tbiouyh a typoyn«Ueal error to a
of the noetylena yms maebina
Iwt pat In by AsMoay Oreillek Me
name of John F. MUler. Me ayeaL wm
The frtanda of Job)
Mm ioraams ta Me Tnvatae City Lnmber Co.'s yardn-wUl ba ytod te leant
Mat ha baa token a poaltlm to Me em
ploy ta Ma WhUa Lnmhar Co. at Boyad
Tha tomlliaacrf C. E. BoM and J. W.
««««*— have taaetoA » |ta*W
taitaua apbt te lamytoy mLMwd
Washlnyton. Jnly 7.—Senator DavM.
of Me eommlttaa oa ioctatn
ralatlona. oalled a maetlny of Me aom
mittae on FYidey tor the porpoM of
eanst4ariny Me BawaUaa banexation
Xtooyg. It Mnow Me inteatinn of Me
of Me annexation to repdrt Me
treaty at MM eaaaioB.
Olosad .Down TwtacAay at
Pittobory. Jnly 7.—BaporU from'the
river mines in Me Pittobory dMtrlet
ladioata almost total aoepanrios ta
work in Me pits today and tOit Me
strike oa far'as Me river mtnara M eo«eemad to yenaiaL A dtopateh frm
Me Mosoayihela City oaya: “The biV
ter Inellny between the river and Me
raUroad mlneie Mat has always laterfared when etrikee here bees inanye
d heretofore bee been ioet riybt ta.
Today Mere are aboat Bl^ maa at
work and 7,000 tdleis Me MononyabaU
vaUey.” _________________
Is what we Aavur oar Soda Ayrna wtth.
Wo da not naaax^li at ear foontaia. A
PtDiiell, The Han Hiiner
ytoninc with oaly atfbA Ba wlU tear
tha aoeth thie wialar with a band trom
Aleea, aad probably briny Ua atym
Hen ta Tnnaoa Oty for a ocm
Prelmnr Olaaaoa te a mataiaa a<
atdmabla naaa. aad ba will ba mlaaad
la aeUmg ofaenper than aver
now. Evai^thuig in the itore
cot half in two. If yon ever •
booght cheap yon candoitnow.
190 Front StrMt
Frledilch Block.
1^ a Vajatfty ta Tan to the Bamlo
Amt Bvanlnf.
Tba lollawlay ■iiiaya raaalvad at
S:ts o'clock iMt alfbt-frem Conyraae
an Maaiek wlU be of yreat totaroat:
••Waeblnytos. Joly 7.—Tha aawu Flaw Ma Vow Pro
baa Jwt padaod Me tariff tdU by 20 onJwity.
W. B. Mbic
Delicious Drinks.. Holiday Bargains
W. Heck Serves Thom
AtMaBraM BkU Oonfactkmaty Btora.
Union Btraat.
Two tonau, made ep mosMy ta Preat
toeet beeteam men, aeateatod to a rUto
maleb yolWrday ta WU MarraPa yallory. There ware ten men on each
bo atfn ~*-**"^*t***y
tide. WUl Mnrral aad Fred BoMmoa
It wM at Ant taand that tbara wontd
ebcoe teams, and Bobtoaen'e team
baUttto.U any. nbnildtoc. bet It la wlM a score ta hM ota ta a peafWa
now eaaand that aetin prapan '
l.m Tbalr appeaeato made
wUl ba made toatartamoTanmt ton- Tba foUowlny to a list ta IhcM
ptoaaaomaol tbabomm aad bneloeai pewtoy aaeh team aad Malr aemm:
BoMnaon's team-BoWnaon, M: PU1-.
A tampoevy depot kaa alnady baaa
earn. »; Ed Brooch. »1: Bleb, 9T.
ataotod. and Ayant Dayan wlU taka Oalre Oortto. M; J. 0. LanyworMy. W:
pematan tUa montiny. Tha IL A M. Vinton, 91; C. M. Parte. 91; D.
K. X railroad oompany baa almdy Btrieklan. 93; Kinney. «. Totol, WW.
dan for a oomplate saw
MarTtahtaam^Marrel. M; Weatherfolly as rood if not batter wax. U; C O. CarTSr.'9li Perry, W;
than the old one.
Cntman, 99: Martinek. 90; Boover. tl;
S, 8. Bornau bn laid Me foondaUoa j
Jabratt, 81?
WiU be Baportod at This Beaaios
The Pure
Fruit Juice
JaUt.i. M. WMiT
MMf* »taw te
One Entire Week,
Prfme^.Atem and Boaala.
Mtatsn Slawa or Beaato. PM tb-.» M M
Vaal MewoorBsaato,per )b....8laAa
Pork, par lb...... ..................... *MtM
Bntte.pMl'i........... ..............lOlaUa
^Chaeaa.parlb..-.............. UteUa
*ihe most Oriyiata, Uariny
Mostarfal ExpoMt ta
Ever beteo Me Pnbbe.
lor a new atara *0x»0 feat, and expaeu Totol. US.
to be dcOny baalneee to ten days Ha
Half toda taryato ware osad. eo-faot
ractaVed a carload of yroaertoa yaatar rtoa. and Me wtonataararayad 90day frm Oimad Bapide. whleh be will
Wedneodayto Axrivsle ta Fletoharh Oa«n bave.a place to.
si«>«ifc Stack baa a new bnlldiay alW B Vanmeter,
mmeter, SouM Boardman; W
rmdy aaoloaed and wiU soon have it
- 3- E Dnnton,
O Cotton. El Paso. TiV.
Dnnton. Already for ooeupaney.
Bend. ind
peon; W Clement SooM Bead,
-barber shop to nearly em- W aark. Grawn; W B Dnrya. D Beeley.
pleted by J. T. Biebardeon. aad C. E. Acme: A Otto, Bnttoa-m Bay; W B
lUca to prepartayiolay Mo fenndaUoa Miner. Baitiett; B Lardie. EWcrchomb. Old Hitoioo: W B York, Lonto
Pure PowdAted 8pio«a,
ir a new Urery eUble.
Skinner. C IleVorat D E Wrlybt W T
A. a HeoUmaatal hne aot folly de Mason. B Ooedrieb, city; John Pierce
Moadny nlybt wUl be Ladies' Kiybt.
Pur* Cremai'TArtAr,
cided what to do. bnt be atotad to Me and wife. Ionia; Mrs Mary WUlard. Mrs Every poFcbaser of a SOe. ticket beto
BxcoXD yesterday Mat be woald prob C C Lake, Lake Aon; 3. Gberte, W F eatlUed to an extra ticket admtttlny
Farmal. C 3 Cordra. Benton Barbor: lady free of ebaryc.
(a^ FsnBtatac Fvveer. U rm vast
ably rebaUd.
A Farrow, T T ScboBeld. P HormoM.
- — ------- Jaekaon.
The nnaeoa ta a healthy start
j nsUw Tehtae. tai Wm. Wawr B
towards fntare prosperity, bowet-er.
Akera, Elmwood;
wlU be Mo robnUdlny ta Me axianelva Barder, Ezra Glnyleieb. Orawn;
mwn; B.
"eVu. T niiliTie nadnata ta Brand “•»
min and store baUdiaya ta WUllam
_____ _______
-_ja. Pearl,
Heme: (Mas.
-n. M
I., mImi enltnre
.mltara ia^ haoS* an4 taec.
GarAald; Mm A Sharp, laHabWer, who stated yeeterday Mat be
ve p«tai*
woeld rebnild everyMiay Icav Moeyb
npon a lees extenalva eeato This will
xin famtob employment for a larye
amber of men.
Jndye C. A Llnkletter, of Frankfort,
il ticketo aa below:
use np yesterday wiM 1500 in hM in
atone-’ bnt alnnye try m larmm.
side potaeV Me reenltta liberal eonbe without
tribotkme frm people in Frankfort.
EpworM lonyas Intcmatlenta Cmmndtrip. Bell
The eommiiiae asked him ta bold Me venilon. One fare for room'*-*im limit tttk.
maoey eobjact to Melr order, to be ex Joly IS. It-and J5 Eeinm
oynet I2M will
pended for lumber aad baildloy mate-. be made if deelrad.
riU which will be parebaeed of Mr.
Babbler as laryely aa poarible. Mne
Camp MaeUny aad Aeaembly.
belplny him and ylriny employment to fam for roond trip. BeU Jnly IS b
Retnm limit Anyatatl.
O. C. Case, who lives aboat Ava milea
■oaM of Me villaye baa Mrowa open
bM borne te a beadqoartere at Mat
^wm limit July 16.
ptant for those deairlpy to oontribote.
A ladtaa tad eoeiety Mere bat already
Baptist Yonay Popple's t'l
done yood work aad
nnke np all materiaM tecloMlny. atd. toy. One fare te ronad
Jnly IS. 14 aad 1&. Bainm
Mat may M sent in. Farmera in Me SL Limit WUI be extended to Acynet
nelybborbood are also doing yood re- IS if desired
Uefwork. Mach M yet to be done and
For Rates and any other imLDDINOTON.
it wUl be some time before help to no
■ formation, consult,
lonyer needed.
Has Your
1 Great PttfonniBCil
te literestiiG Petfonuml
1 PerfonnaeN Fall of Brigin
At Our
Soda Fountain
Fire Insupance
VavciUny Loyan :
Twe XndlaaapoUa Kan Hava Bplandid
^ ‘
BpoTt in Otaad Tmvarna Wtaaia.
Wall Paper at coot i
In planniny for a trip darlay vaei
tion. Me mtaa point to decide to where days at Ma aty Backat
toyotoaaeore Me most bealtbtnl en
joyment In looklny over Me list of
fashionable plaoea aad raaerto ta staid
oomfart. wiM all Me eecemorim. each
On July lOM Me C. A W. M. aad D.
as boaUny. Aehlay. yood wator. and in- G. B. AW. Unas wUt eall Ucketa t.
Portland, Me-, and reton, via C. P- By.
and G. T. By. M the toweal rntae. ever
found to Micblyin.
made for sneh an oeeaatoii. Tiekala
HavtoyAebed to Diamond lake, at wlU be yood to -retora anUl Jaly tut
Bt Otar Plata and ta Niayara Ftale, toclnelva. Bannd trip rate from Travene City wUl be S17. Oao. DeHaven,
0. P. A.
51 It as hie honest opinion that
aroand Traveme City afford
to Me-sera Man any oM<
to hto bnowledya.
C. 8. Bante, a tmvtatoy maa tram
WMbfatyton, July 7—The bones to- .Cbieayo, atoo wye that be baa Aebed to
lay. by a vote ta 1S4 to 11. adjoamed Me Golf ta MaxiM. Sanaea lake, and
Laka Lnmokaa. N. Y., and a ntunbar ta
MeMlIUa <Dem., Twn.) aooybt to lakaa ta WtoecMto, batteffoailnaiaa
ko affraaa wlM Dr. BaaMMstlUMlyM
mm Me Cl
I ta tbo mlaa, bat
Dpaakar Bead UanA^ lyBoead him aad
\o mom %a ad. BoMh BaUite a weak. «nWM <n Mat
ttma over IM pouda ta Ma Anay tribe
On your DweUiny,
Store, Factory or Btook,
carry a certain amount
ot aUtlmea
We are ttailqearwrefnrtlieiiL
—Watch Repairing,
—John Verly„.
—Front Street!
E. W, Hastings'
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond' with
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptvons. including 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws; A complete Saw MUI Plant for sale
traverse city lumber
livery, Bus and Feed Stable,
Psedlng fBrstts hooM a
Horsed bosrdsd,
TSa K0aanrO3S00BI>» TBirBSI)AT, nrLT 8. 1887.
ag^^ggggg V vuami
u» mm «r A Mtut cMim
at MOorAv.
ft vauft and
Xhm ffliHfcift giuftftM tOi to ariMinatoi^
toftirp(aou.*‘«Mtto «kfffftS WiV
SmBM Bfttoft^ Vito ftftS:*
■ftCtaftw, ^ r—Ite Ifttor-ftttoB
•ftraftftMttetoUfftbMWM kvftftftd
•vpOto toJft HBWlftg. gitor ttowit^
Tha MBldMt «et«md •« 11 e*rtodt.
^tMftfftOfttotoftdftftftpimmin. A
WMftftU toTM ttOldMft toM Bay
Qto. vhOM ftftMi hfttftBok MTMbeoft
wwn diowsed. The bodj U
. toft WOBftft KM IfttftT «ftftW—d ftftd
toaarkt to ■■ wtortoktoc ftfttofcH^
•to<ftt ftar*. T. P. Zla^p, m tiavaliiur
MU tram Qftftftto. OUto ww to badly
lajftiftd toftt hft tosaot toaefftr. ▲»otoM tftftMftfw WH B. s. OfttUftft. *r
■ifttoM tftftftui
irut <rf toft
lUehtgaagntoftL QvldHwupftrUy
oftlofftWladowwkwtoft eui^oadftd
Iftto toft ztoftr. 8ft «w ftOQridftiftUy
iBjvnd ftbovt toft artoft aad bud.
Ptoftb Mft^, a abofttoftlMr od Btoftavma, WH kftAij iajuad atoai to* l«r*.
Tto car WM is etorfft at gftrbwi
SIU^. ■nbirtoftn ftftd JftM <yBri«ft.
ftf^htoftr. boftk c< «1MM IftMPftdft^
ftto>p»i1 wlto ftlUbt tftjartto. nftCxaetftaaftftctf toeafteUftstiau
pat aakaom. bat U to baHwftd that
toft MBtoraan «ru ra^ with aa P. A
P. K. tnla. ^kh to a wto^ilitoi ««r
•abarbwtaa«ftl.aBdtkathftaBald not
■top toe ear after toe brtofe eocaBipoeftd to ftwiar. It to htotoaad that
toft draw had jnt'bau OctU aftar
lattoar a
throath aad wMoputd
■fata topamil a todthoa* to pua
Thft BftBM od the wanaa who wu
ct Bajr atj. Thft aaMca o{ tiMr ehU
draa have aet pet baea toaraad.
I Xftftft Attiead ta flaa
sir? Swiss'S
epntitoof latuoiDgto^^palBtito
bat eren toll to not a aet^wit ,Ortift.
toato. by toe way. aea* a^ to atoto
Moee pidn ttan perftcnia( ttonafttia•ttooto and baUta l%a dadie to be tofttooftd, bowerer. to the atnageat and
mom tnoompcebeadble freak «( toft
ertMlnel isteUftOt Itoanaotfae
ad for « any other hypotoeda tbif
toftt toen to wnyialdiaf and iaeail>
•bto ooBHWurttof law <d satae wbtoh
oneratM in toe Intoteto of cederly ooto
dnot and btoarioe.. Bat for toe tattoe
Muka ertto wUito many bMitotd and
' ~'
....................................... to
8aw«»eraAte*8eAtTlwten»Wi iminilinMT rras tobUd ft to *. TUtor
eaaitoftd that be wanted it to go to
ihft oannle «< dw aonhwftftl that ttp
oeiB 10 nAinoin iftKEiiiiiT
Russtt’s mwp
U fibown
the Tnrktob IHA
, July 7.■utadreotornoto te toe powara coggeating toftt stepa be taken to expedite
the eonalwion of peeee between Ureoee
aad Turkey. Tbto ution <m .the
, part
of Basato ta r
ere u being o
ing that Bnaato dratie* to foreatoll
cbnllar {nropoaal upon tbe pert of the
otbarpoweie. Both to* patoMaad toe
Tnrktob mlntoWre were immedtotely
informed of Beeato** action.
Tbe Oermu Ambassador here. Baron
teornm von Jeltaeb, hu reerived treah
and prectoe InstmcUons to inatot opoo
Tntoey'a aceaptanu of tbe atrategie
tnmtiu proposed by the powora.
e party atobt hare pUoea a
wftheVlulBtol OftM ■
«be Qialtoe-AeiiMw Awaowa
at Afttt-rreet too*>totlMi b • Ptolere.
WftftaUtftoft. 4nly t.-lbe final r«to on
toetartC bUI wiU be taheo In tot eeaau
baftoie edtoununeM today, a dcflntto
by an partita
fotlowi: That debaU on tot tariff bill
■hftU proerrd nnder toft flre-niiDete
role ftfur 1 p. m. tomoftfow. and toeflnal
reu oa toft bUl
be lahen betoie adJoaiemeat tenorrow.” AlUaen dU not
aM that toe boor (or too rote be ait. be
ing eoniftni wttb'toe podOTe agreeaicnt
that It ftboald be aoae tlm today. Ibe
UmjuUaa of ftpeechcft after 1 p. n. to
ftr* ainuiM wtu brtog toe dabau wltonarrow Utotta The annoencenMnt by
toe rice peetodent that tH •
wu perfected led to genenl
beau do the voridtoe toafttanoanl
rf tttn wttoid bft at Uboty todg^ Dwlng toe day the utl-tnwt ancaticn
wu debated at Iragtli. aad Pettqr
amendment on to* aubiect wu deftaud
alM atoonf tot «etoato eriaOnali ft
gBKtof toenatoA thoogh woM we^
Alton again oflered toe.
haee the naik pMlnaa
plaeai u toft aen. Tbm to an iatoMh
Irely and m
Afield of fttndybente the fttadenl tnm
ar erlmlBolcwr. Lonbrao bu ntftieW vrtiiEhtoft
toft ft
to toft fact«f Whlohl ■T to
toe Popi^ aaf gl^ tepab-
WatolDgton. Joty 1.—Tbc potot tong
Mooted waetoer Oftnerei Bcbftrt B. Left
did or dM aol ifttogn afWr to* tottit of
Oftttyaburg. Is now oftHIftA. In d votasn*
of war rcccrda which toe war departmeet U ahoat to pabluh. Ocnoral tec'a
tolUr will appear. It U dated from
Camp Orange. A«g. A 1KA one moeth
after Oftttyaborg. Jefleieoa Devto d*dtoftd to eoeapt toe nggiittu.
Dtvttoaftft ftf Patiftd teaka
Wuhlngton. July T.~Tb* comptroller
of the cnnency bn dedared dtvtdendft
to favor of cteditora of iMOhreot nation'
nl banka u follow*; Plfteaii per cent.,
rtm Nnttoenl bnnk oft FenUttn. Ol:
IW per cenL and inierdt. Merchanto’
NnUonal bank of Devil'* taka N. D.;
U per cut.. Flat Naiioanl bank of
Dftcorah. ta: U per c«nL. Second Nallonal bank of Bockfoed, Dla
icnwnakfte. Joty T.-The fint gcnefal
1*1 tm of toft nttioit*l Bdocatioaftt a*aodattoe «ene« tn the Bxpodtian bond
ing at • o’cloA toai ttlgbt. The aodltorinm wu oowded to UftotMOMoacaatty. .BabbI A Hftebt. D D.. opened thft
OUVftMtoti vdlb piayftr. “AMlcn" wu
then reniiMd by a efaoroa Addreumof
of the NftUonal OouBdl nf Education
were ftlected u followe:
Charlcft Degarmo, of Bwartreore. la
vice pruldftDt. W. P. KliM MoonLVe
Aon. la: ftecreenry, MIm Bfttlle A. Do
Wi^pritot. 10. *0 »nd w —ita.
X oomplatg Um of Ute my
bedTeaa, Coffaaa. EperTOiBg.
BnvopNbrted «ar makH
Tte RlWBiltM HUbb
ET«3iliii«FMtADdin 9»Man.
Tbe beat to be had-ahiaT^
Jacob Furtsch.
aS OricSt
3380 Frames
Let u make some for rm.
CITY BOOKSTORE. And everything in the line
of first dhsa jewelry and
Suits to Order.
toilet article*.
Fine Merchant .Tailoring.
A Black. CaloB
S'. ^ j A TlTft.,
, Baa
cot WftBWBr.
MHIV ormr, cMreoi^wa,
Sherbet. Bto., Fru Delivery, temily trade a apsetol^.
Nubvllle. Tenn.. July 1.—The PopaItftl canferenre yeelerdmy adopted TeftohuioDft pRntdlng for tbe appointmut
of a OBounlttee oa orranluOan <
poeed of three frooi each auta
cbalrmu u> be elected by toe confer■enev: Jfto
national executive coa
coouninae acts upon the line of Pupu.
m* eocnmlttee will a,cl
national cooveotMti. Tbe
report dectoru la lAvoe of iboreugta rv' 'ftduanOon. evei
if e
sft aoon as anybody oirjccted
Chicago. Joty T.—Folloaing are the
The counirr ought to un- dls^Trocoriof tbeNaO&I Uague
Olgmty ano wtain.
dennand." he said, -boi this is a pure-! i*j* ball dnbe:
At Brooklyn-New
commanded, dto- ly »i*ctacular performance; a per-: yonc 7. Brooklyn S; at Phlladelpblaperge, I aayl Wecan't have uo bnrlaata , furmanre iniecded to amuse, if not to Boston $ Pbltadrtphto »; at Cincinnati
,daortve. .it should know that our Re- -^BaUltwre X. Cincinnati 10: at PiuaTbe awed yonth did not dtewrae. bnt
l-reihrat mIM on tke Dam-I borg-CTeveland
.Pfratic hrvthren to help them out: H | weatem League.
[the. Democratic brethren could be 1 Q^^^d KapUs t ln_
a__ - • - . ■■
I l^'o'tobt forward ;to scare them, then ; troll-Columbu* i. Detroit 17: at Mineapniu
“ *“• “
-I.Tbaatrleal Jlotaa.
Western Auociatlon:
At Du =■
Psakbaas,.tes recently bcu rnnob u-1 Thutauw replied briefly to his toiWbu Bdsa^ Bammyi. toe nelabrat- Doyed ^ the perxiatency with which imgue. ^^ing he promised to confine Peoria ». Dubuque it; at Dei MoineaBurtlngton L Du Moines 4: at Cedar
od viollntot, comes here be win'probblmaelf
___ _____________ ________ ____
ably be gruli by a crowded boeu at
®*A fit- joaepk
at Stftinbegrft- B«
oome Indoned
by tbe leading ioumato in Uto ^d
Bn. U 0-. « nem rather thu barxher nteaanret and nod tut on toe vote to repeal tbat law, ■ was pulled off on Barnm'i tolaod, near
toe noUftc* from a metropoatu paper: told the Mneber to aend tbe ofluder to the firat name recorded in tbe afflrma- : LaCnase. early Satuiday morning. Blltlve wu that of Allen of Nebraaka. | ly Mitchell, a colored pugiliat of fit.
Bftmuyl to toe fiaeat ud moat fin- berbaoMtbeDexttimabewutiaDbto' Again
be found on a aecond vota In- ’ Paul, ftrughi Billy Dtnckman. It was a
tobed viollntot who bu ever vtoJted
■ than aivenaed at to* voicing eoMc maasar* of lelief to the Uvely battle. At the ehd of the seventh
toeusborea' At to* eooeluion of hi*,
industry tha first name round the fight wu given to Dmckman
Tb* Mpurtoor wu beet ■sogar1 ,w.
perfonaaau tha tbaator rancxAgain tody's boBM ft
. .___ .
the negative
wu ak..
that of u a
and tg^ with aboar* -*
'------ aU smiles and altontietk and abe trwtred him to a “sproad” tbe like of which
bat'd otdkSlng Mia for 'those i
Ctftveland. 0_ July 7.-Olas* wortterv
be ixobably bad never u^oyed befon.
began a conference here to agree on a
Be was anen made to feel perfectly at i
demand, for" Intreased wagea Two yters
He wUl ftppftar here July lA
"Kow." tbon^t tbe beneftetitu. repuL In UK * Rcpubllcno legtslator* ego (he vrorkftfa'iceepted a cut. owing
"to tbe lima to piuoh my little ‘Mc- ' restored the boonty of 3-t of a cent a to tbe rodacilon in the tariff. It Is uteataneUl. the great bypnottot, wUI jgioB."' So ebe potbefote him tbe erito pound over the veto of a Popotlatic peeted that the demand will be mads to
be at StoUbargi Opera floue aU of of playing trout and beaoogbt him to governor, Holcomb. Then when the coeform to the eontamptoted tariff' In
Popniists came into power ageln they crease.
next week
Msiwg Monday. He be a model boy in tbe fotore.
promptly repealed the bounty law. So
to U MantotM toto weak and tte AdvoImagine ber eorpriae wbw be arid to mach. sold Thorston. for tbe conalatetijDly T. — C
ey of his imUeagne’s erlUciama
eaito of Tuftftday Mye:
Alton, in turn. Jostlfted bla oonito. .________________ naariy every
"1 ain’t tte boy that nma away,
tentoaelU opcaad a aenaon at tte
mtevlel traveler In the coonur ■* the
oporahooutoatal^ttoa good aadl- ma'am. Be gave me a penny to oome mytag te had entered the sehate at a manager of the Bate* Boom dear ud
UiDc when tte govemnent wu bankftooa He gav* a performaaea that wu ben in bto p)nee. "-^Sooftito Lendn
rapt aad when eome otMipc wu bn- MW* stand, wu druwaad yestardar
almply woaderfnl ud At to* ftame ttme
peraUve to redoee goeerTUDenl. examnung, wbieb mAku tte pertuvaa party of frtftwda
peosM. avoid bond Maaca and pat mte
Aaouoftoou that have bean befora
Money in tte treaftory. Be had voted
him sink into Inrignlfiaaiyda . With lived Cm ISM to l«?a Bto Utoraiy lor
tte'WUsoo MU repealing tte bounty
it of thto woodftrfol
Tin Plate eompuy. df thto dty, and tte
u-mind and wito sack life begu with tbe play "Heny lU."
bto toboea oemtitmtA to bto
Amatleas Tie Plate cetnpany, of B. admitted that tte 1
wood, yaaurdty started tbelr ptoMB ac
aio at hand, tte op«ta hoia aborid
eardlag to tte tew wage acato.
te naekftd at every eMfiarmAou and no
at peratar; toeamoateeRd
director* of 4he National ]
itwurftvuled ttet be ^ at tbe mo^
arrayed in tbe whole «ix, one over
tbeotber Tbegoodjurtioevrutooeked. bon of time and to avoid long debate.
‘•WbfttaviUalnl” he exclaimed. Tbu Chandler aald. be appealed to ihe aena- ‘*nL.,
bft added leproachfnlly: "Wby didn't: tor to let the Mate pau "tol* bill of ,
yon ten me you were a rillninJ Why! pfwverlty and plenty in place of tfa« j
Democratic panlet. declar>s
dMn'tyi»u4 tbe tlMoof
agatattl fusion, uys free sQver will n:t
bring relkf until tnisu. combine* and
U^tbout replying to tola appeal Al- rlrg* arc atnllstacd: reafflnu the plat) yon were a villain in tbe fiiel;,
ing o^_y
‘jlm proceeded to crtticise Repubitcu
. fsifnatotB for- abaadanlng tbe
, inlUAllre end rvferwidur
A few year* later a oooatable of tbe ; ment. declaring that they had
I on All to join in fhe conti
Mme toerd made a remark worthy of to betray thalr trust aad Abandon a Tbe organisation ramir
£>opbmy bimaelt A knot of little boys pruposltlon to which their p^tform ;; pointed. Milton Parhsr, of DsUu. Tex.,
bed been buging abont the entrance'to Pl^ed them. He a i-unJ op by chargtbetown ball.befe*eapobliomeeting.li|^_!!i“...^*ttea Juoarud sine die. ,
Gm. B. Winnie,
ty. eopeneiun—I w ^
of to* eMta; Mayor W. O.
naHwawwgM. tor «te diy. al B. O',
Hcan beler toeuly one* ------- * * a aun. poperinMlftni of pobUc
eatlut the Motion la Ubto. Eft
only «eetoltol canola to«tft>aw-«s
have firen toe afttter uy notloa » trem the ftundpotnt u be ftAnoonced.
of w ftdroeate at "fair trade and free
: 3. L. BoUoway. ■
gtoer.** Bft mAolied the ateftdy
toftt ainlaftlftwbo ftebmit to the
Men of thft proftutlre policy, ftaytag the
'tooofte ft dwdgn Rf- Moffu of toe day wu “» taiiS-tor roband UbidinOM. and buy.*' iBciead of *a taiUI for re
The ‘■•otdtora’ Charaa' toon Faut.
In^ to ooDtftM the Mi4ve hint «ff It arvayrd ue againat the wortd.
a dtoftMed ouditou of nind whieh toft United SUtea toe
probably explaixM toft Mnl MOM «f to*
el pobUft MfttioeUea of Ow etaM of New
fooUch and onbofttneMlite esaum. Tha
York, tou dftUvcrcdI hi*
bto addiw OB
ft B1 B
babilfteenift to beaotmiret»l tznoag Pettoft' ameodmeBt declared nntowfol
I tor to* iCmmr
tofaC. Dc
inttnetire erimioato that 1 am inollaad the baporutloa of ftagar by any tmet
to beUere there aut be ftonw one «r or ecfBbteatloo operatlog In reetratnt of
la toe oou’tiy wbftge trade, or for the porpofte of advancing
price of aagv. The
toey get toft work done. Fewoftbeat the
provided for the forfOtorr cf near
At thft Mftfttug Of toft nattoaal eowadl
ycaterday the repctl of toe eaminilftM
. . ,
. .
.bnpofted, arA dlraclcd the fttteraey gi
jjr Wbere they bad toe work done, wblto 1 „i to enforce the forteliure and prore- on the qiMftUoft of eoeducaUu la' Ugh
leada to ttfft nippo«i:iaa that it to one eff ««,« tniaiA comblutlana etc. The
ochoolft declatto that ayeum wu toUlng
ator (poke at length li
arauidmcnl referring to the gradual ab- <
A Lonia B^bUa
ftcrptlon cf wealth in the heoda of vait of the covociL
tea Fraactoeo. Jelp r-Tte city ta
ilUad with CbrtoUu ~
Foar Tftfrator tralae ud aia* ftpadato
hare aiTlred ftiftca laat ftreator. Aboet
13.000 delaffttaft bare reftotared at the
'aonreatioa bereai. t.OOD of wboM are
Mritig be favored the a
It of hU
ftoffi the Pftdfte ftoaftk The Ueehat-left'
gbftkeftpenie, wbo rendered etofocat colleague YPettui). but would allach
parmoa, where the rartoM ofioeft are tribute to the natira aotbority of kiaga it anolhv and more far-reaching pkploftetoa, preuBU • bnftp aeeaa The iordft ud military «
lUoa. He tbooght fteicmv and conA*I
oalioB provided for by PeUuy araecddalftfatcft M they enire ere taken
of 1^ a cominlttM and eondneted to ' drio dignitartoa Jnatioa StaaUow aad meat might.'u Id the caae of the sugar
truat. enabling the tnui to pat ap the
toa'bofteU and lodging ptotoi aMigaed Dogberry, te Uicano^ an ao deUdoop- price of sugar pending acUon Id the
ly ahannl tbet their nyliigi bnve efton
tooM. Thto
been cribetoed u too go^ to be traa ecuru and he ruggeeied a raodificatlon
Oregon. >80 from Miehigan. toO from Pezbapft, bat they cfto onvutnwally be
Wtoftonala, ud sao from Kew York an- pretty cloaely palleted.
- rived. '
There to noelbing qoin in the.
Booth* are being beUt In tbepariUon
ft former magtotratetd Kewtniypcnt,
by the different mlrnknai? ftootottoa
TBrlffawd HB«ar Beaaly.
aad aereral of the ttaUa are fitting up
ADen now brought forward the
boftoma A Cftse wu being tried
amudinut for n bounty on beet eiumr,
ipeirtftl qnartera. In addition to the tbirt
befon blm in wbicb tbe aemwed. wbo
ragntor rellgiou eerriou of the oon- •tontly denied tbe ebaxge, wuaneried aad took the door to aurnon the
reatton. which wiU begin thto evening, to have ftiolu totm a gentleman a new i amendment. At the buiael he wu Unrin^remuUare belbg made for ngoft- aet of sbirta
pnl meeting at the rulcu balto In the
** A*ptetty ftoiy that I sboold taka bto'
rity. Airignmutoof slergymu have ■fahtsretolaimadtbetoatooalprit. Botl”!^;?^
bau made from among ibe moat prom
wnteeMd to twftstir yeen to toft pant-'
^toNadftd 'tte laetoent” wi to*
■ tototowhlaheila>
toftt a 1i8i||ii|ift<iift ti latotoidiee
A. Montagu, 1>7 Front Bt.
Front and Park tea.
brnnek. Ftwsf atieet, ad
b tbe ptoee to bey a fiiet alaaa loaf Bread the
in town. Try oer toeun Bread. It to a
winner. Thnriell A Qua. ear. Tib aad Dntoa. .
IEA-18,25, 36, 68c. Srr
Pees-ac. Oora-Te. lb*
tfrooftry, Ul Frcat BA
■ptetol attutton to fanrily trad*.
lAAto, eu. Prut ftftd Park, ftftd
rear Maacmto Bloto.
HAYE !00 SEER FfflCBf L'£o5i!S=^!L,'r,:;,’.5S.2;
forSto. Hridawortfi Block. Dniu atrsu
Botuakoer. TroMag aad Bond borwa a apeI'hlrd door wut of Morgau Uvwy Bara..
1 OaiTOW. 817
Futim* Ptoaur* to
ffiABTT, COIFORT! S5,lS?.!srir'
Bltoft to wear tbm. Prtaa
A. & Flyman. 3U BPrutBC
•3 la plftM of 3 M.
A. & i
Datoa St. Gill aad gte'
I Haved Moved TbttebandaomastoReoe,
LADIES chocolate
tUs to potato bog ttme.
from X. X }
origlul drag eau, firet doorei
Ok oat
te. tha
N8w^*roG6ss Vapor Stovis,
„ , IcPlhBain Fiwzab, Be.
146 Front St.
Cydenic Wind Blow* Mo«t of
Lowry. Minn, Aw«y.
8lto.»»n rt
the mwcury did not rtae abm-c ». The
dead ai«: Bdwatd O. Bhn. Bren J.
Jobaaon. Charles .^^nlth and Admpb
Balkaian. There were (our emsea of
proMraUim. only ooeef which U amiiiua.
0-.W* i>»»*
At New Tork, wheye the bot ware ,ha«
W O,.
)um arriaad tbert warn one death and
rWDltr KUted
lh» Often Bart- •Seven premratlona At Clnctnnatl them
rmua Tratwcar AWlteiil *«
wen Bve deaths-and about twenty
Often I>ria»
Dototh, JuJx 7^0l«
ben iatfl UB nie*>s *t »»llra«d
mr th«l * cyrlonr b*M obllmted tlw
town ot homy. Mtmw «¥l th»l eerea
iwoirie wen Xilk-d a»d muiy lajufBd.
l^wrr U BluateO oa ihe. -Soe" Uae.
' •erco RiUet fvM OleawcioO. oa lb*
NollMni PerJflc nnroad. PartJcolMt
•re n««er. l>u\ it !■ learned tbat Ute
from aoatbweat to
crctoM uaveird fro
tbe llUle town of
tzadc o! Ihe clout
LowTT wde ..
aluo In this district win bare an Impor
tant besriny on the outcome oN tbe
While it U emunated that
least Iwo-thirds of the mlacri have
thrown down their picks, enonyh men
are aUll at worft to sertoualy Impairtheir
ehancea unless they can ultimately be
brouyht out. This Piwldent Dolan eon.
Bdently rUlms can be'dODW The opera
tors on the Other Tiand. are In tiuwile
disconcerted and asoen that the atnke
cannot auoceed. The flrat break in the
made yesterday
afteroao by J. W. Steen, of tbe O. I. C.
mines at Rosstltic. Tbe dlyyers refumd
to work and tbe mine was closed down,
but a n«ticc wa7 ported that after yeslerday the O-eem rate wonld'b1 be paid.
3U way into tbe 'crock ahaad.
— -
aod pfooes of Me botte^ wars
Terre Rants, Ind.. July 7 —Tbe 1nT«>rtnation tbat the Grape Creek (DaovIUe)
mfnera w ill not yo out moves PresideC:
Knlyht. ot tbe United Nine Workers, to
aay: “Northern and central Indiana are
prepared to suy. cut aa Jony as neces
sary. hot they expect eaMern imnoll le
aaftst ’them. They have decided that 11
they eannot yet the aid of svlern 1111noU they will return to work at S cenu
a ton. They do not Intend to wislke for
(he simple purpose ofytrtny work to tbe
fastrtn llllncls miners, whose
- je-*..*;r..r“
Gouldsi>;r- and was In the tanning tfnal.
nera . He raid his wife tived in ettber
the north, ri. iw, westcro part iff New
Fork state. At that time he apgwared to
• smart. IndoBrlou* young man. very
'>'>'1*1) I'V’klBX. and did not appear to
uverM or 13 years old._____
waBsd w Bbw Over
Mnnt^.v rii
Jure - _ a- dire.e
* created here
play uf a Portuguese Aay betide tbs
Ameri<-an-ensign instead of twlow.lt
over Ortin's grocery sturv.
Mr. ^wockene—Wbat do ya tbtok
Sllwraje^imd I^ITlltia*^^ minee:
that there it a strike., among the mine
workers ot Ohio and other states emder
tbs direction of the United Minr Kurk.
era: that all of the W mtpen at DUleerale and
If umhe MO at the Long
Run mins are desirous of temalnlny at
work, but have refreturtUfram so dotny
by reasa of tbraats
and -wanilagt
from other mlpera w1k> bare Jotned the
•trlks: that U Is Decenary for tbe mine
._________ .._L_ ■_
la c^ieratloD. ____•
and .w^.
tbat .k.
unMnue aa woik If
protected from^yslcal iojury tothemaeive* and iftelf property.
Tkie recehwn also repreanted to tbe
court that they have ben lUrlsed that
tn tbetr opMXtta ofAbe Wheeltag and
Labe Erie (telway (bay will dm be
parmKted to tranaen «ror tbe road
wbat H known as Vir«tola ooai reu that tbHT
m’to gaatd (bs wooden
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Meal Tickets at Radacal Ram.
Flrel Claa*
^apertal Balm
. Far arrival ate
- —------, K«tkaaks
Wise I
.. !5!S JV»'.'
H ........
; aji.
T W Dvi’i. M.c.
II 13
I I WXal'saste
It contaioB ftU the news
whUe It’B fresh.
The readers enjoy It «t
the breakliwt table.
. ..I ----------II H, »n
........ II eg * H
.... 8HIM
.„ i'.“"
^7r^V<jre Watee. I
olh-ssriarChicago —
West Michigan
0. L jLOegWOOD
TralM betweenTirarere OUy ate Bb tigigs
L'-TravreMCUy.. SUaJL-.'........... (3Br4L
Ar.BkbapU*........ «m*.a. ............... IHPA.
Lv Bik BapulB........(Bam. II »v*- gWrm.
Ar.Trarere* OUT TBaJL UHr. ■ (Urm
unsm lu Htnunoi li
oonro BOBXB.
by oslny the coltunns of
The people read It and
beoaoee It is the only
morning daUy north of
Grand Bapida. AJao the
beat daily In thfapartof
:s.SasLas».’t“, 7t.''SL'73
‘• '.-L'Pr-A.'to
k pan <
Fark ^fNt, bttwBm Frest 1 Cbm.
w1U*iSy ^S^U,
removed It
______ 'Broitag' *
PMehlag Tlrra by
tlfra~io repair iteK.
•*> —'*■ -
•( (to un to ux U^elatf
Cycle Owners LookHere!
Bwbter ksrisg To* CUpo-^t lore yw
pteate. per pair...........................
Crefc BaMl* Gnpa. aickle Ups. pat sw.
(bat a ride in • trolley oar enrea bis
nva 1IV, w.o «w„a .
• j, : _____
brodaehea. After a lag day's
recelvera of tbe Whrttay and Lake Erie I TT»!:?.ETO.BT->T--Orf«raU. Ggot sg^.
oOce be suria borne with a^beod- .Railway company, wberriiy (be Uolte^ ;
•ebe. and after riding three mile* tbe' Blatm
siatm marabai Is dlrscaed to Dreiect vrat Appb toH. Uywaa. t*v WwAiagten tw
bcodaobe U gooe. Be thinks tbe air of their mlaras at work spd
» preveni
I tbs opera.
t aALB-L«0U fee* s
tloB of their ranway.
at Asgell stdtag FRA.’^ E-BOCyt
Tbe recelvyri ^le that they are enmr. It b oftly tb* J
caged in (be operattou uf two coal
mtiMi of the IMieellBC. Lake Erie and
Tab Wltber—W^'wai yoor Unite
JfMb Mnck by any of tbe modorAaIn city Utat
A saMWUoBIs ptrractiteurauue*.
wlt"»» told blM she was S y«ira;
be had a wife
child.'but hr dtd nut say whether It,
— . failure: • “We bad m-we men at!
--------albre: U^ut soolberl}
........................... ................ .
i work t.«Uy," said be. "Ihan any day j
Oeperal PelroU has revised a ptan tc
Stp^ Sbu^rw erattnaed hiyb teap^me: ; for a number of years after a h dlday I : smablUb the yvid standard for the cMto smjtbrrlT t
ailritiuli- this to the fact that the men : rroi^of Peru.
lovw-OeucraU} f
■■are I
A,^Crdln* lo dispatches Ju« rewired
be IdeniiRrd with this movwrtit. (ntoiidcn. lAke Nyaraa Is now tn teleMore than Iweoiy-Sv*
_________________ with
----------------------' graphic
lbs east
distrtct to- i African coaat.and with England.
Tbm bad bwa • little faaity juaai.
Maj-JT McKinley's moUi*r was not seMw was tnlking.
I vf>u*ly buriv-r her fall at Canton. O..
"Y'ta hare no rtcht to ft^
—T- •
M'frday. Bhe i» up and il«mt again.
'‘Wben 1 i»WiacdtotDany.
: Arts laI 1Vftw of FrotebU r*. The
president fa • rrtornej toVashingFOdrT told yon that I always wanted
my own way. and ytm said tbat made
Ctnclnnall. July J.-A very Impoetmnt
ao diffeieucc.*'
step was taken here yesterday In oon. : dstehter af William Btevrn'on. of Siru‘•Well, it doean’t dora It?" be retort- (wcaion with (be coal mlaces' strike. , beS Crawford county. WIf.. died from
of a rattlesnake bite.
•d. "You don’t yet it, do you?"
B«tne oeejbrew a.Ug drrerarker at
Thu it happened tbat ab« cnllod him Statra against ail rioleime or uirlaw'ttfl ;
acu m at Irasl a portion oftheierrltray
I*«rsoW«l Whltewalrr. Wla. tear■ mean tfalng.—Cbicoyo PoM. tc iRilo. An oeder.of tbe CnUcd Xtates 1
•»»'’ ‘be.towsr pcrttmi of bts fs<*.
eIrcuM court, aoutbero dlatrici of uhlo. 1
........... ........ ,...
Trellay CMs Fre Bradrafte,
MiXrftLL-l.VEOrS tTAhTS.
A Brooklyn man bai find ■ leportw ewsiera dlMHon, wraa ma^ by ,Judye I
■ -
pracerdinys for contempt of
be UwUtuted acalnM tbe oSendeiw
The recmreiw are also directed te
immediately fUe a bill for Iclunctlon
•yateat all persons aasayed to any at- !
tonpt to interfere with the Uwful operatiCD ot tbe mlnsa, or of (be raUnud
la tbetr cbaiye under order of thb
court. Mantaal Devaiiney was served .
with this order tau yesterday and w1U I
at once proceed In person to tbe locali
ty and after oonsulUtloo srttb tbe recelvcra win take meaaurea to fully
obey tbe order of the coart.
Lower Mebiy-B-;
wanarr is rasires
For Uppe
HartsvOle. Tean.. July 7.—A frtyhtful
Aad tire (MM Wm Z«ar.
boiler expiorton occumd on tbe farm
"Im't it itrangeP’ aba wbbpei^ a*
«( W. A. Alleo In the Tenth diaMet of
they sat in (be gloaming.
,(bis county yfBtr^*^Jay afieroooh. by
•'Wbat, dearr’ 'came • stale foiae.
> srhkh nine people were Instantly killed
"Tbat it la gas-wUefa makes a cork
mai Are badly injured. The doad are:
nop aod.qbc abaeaoe m it wMcb maku
W. A. Alien. James Alien. UnHey Al
• maado tbattane thing."—Yonkm
len. Mock Tuasriii. Asa Barr, Porter
AvertiL'-— Boli.m, hen Barkadale. and
^'lil AJlch. Tbe.latter tsro were-neWhsa Uo WraMiwM
The wounded are; Calhoua Stona. I(g
.troken Id two places; Oeot** Dice. had.
iy scalded and manyied. win die; Jobs
Foley, colored,
mangled, will
me: Albert Haley, colored, badly In
Jured, may-recover; Bam Vkeeler. oMjured.
orad. lag broken.
Alleh and bla bmb wm« Just ««iidudu
the woik of tbraablnc wheat
• -rure prepariny to Mar* Ma AM
the CHdoBni oorurred. Borne of
«h* vicUcH were mangled hayystdTMag-
wod to Jef.
Belter, wf a Thrreblwy Ha.
HteS Hste moWB
t»i» «*>««
low the men lo work until a malorliy of
opentots have ayrved to tbe miners' deRe Uya sf fltrite at Craps Creak.
Danville. Ilia.. July T.—Tbe mlr.eraera- Mlaen Are Klew la Wmt TlettBla.
ployed by tbe WeetvUle Coal cOmiwcy
In West VirylnU the mlbm hav< twen
went out yesterday, but their yri^ncc.
Mow In respocdkiy to the strike ordw.
wfalch was adimandfOrchecki^ylytamcn.
A dtspatcti says that a yenenl sulhe was promptly complied with and they
i-rubable. Tbe
! will yo 10 woA today. The KeUyvIlIe
wyaWsHl and-the}- mrr ircUncd ” Coal company, which furnUbes the lUlelsewhere te (svorable Dots Steel company with two train load*
ehanees tf s«ur1ay plenty of of coal per day. says lu men are aaUa“ *» l*»dlay. iBed and at m-ork. There U do alyn of
I«*«t»re Is Winy brought to bear atrtke tn the Grape Creek reylon or any
I’mird Mine Workers*
where In the Danville fkld*.
officials to Mn the strike.
without wccees. The Impression amonf
both operators and miners Ic this sute (S
that West TTrylnla will be able to sup
Baswh Ate Aaielfs ftehall.
ply the demand for coal in ihe event of
a prolcnytd strike, and tbat the opera
New Turk. July T-—Tbe efforts of ^rw.
tors will tw luslifled to offer Ihe miners Sarah Ann AnyelL a residenttif UIcblIrdncemenu to renain at work, as th>y yan. to eitabllsb beBolalm as the widow
did In 1(M. Chief Mine Insepclor Pan! of thy late Jay Oould In a suit against
says he does not look for much respame
Edwin and Helen Gvuid to rece,ver bet
to. the order. He says; 'Tf (be West
Vlrylnta miners remain at wom duriny dower Ir. tbt premises at East Fortythe strike tn other states, net' msrkeu aevertb street and STS Fifth avenue.
wUl open up for West Vlnrlnls coal, Wert recalled yiatcrday la the supreme '
which Wset TTrjtinIa operatori can ho'd
_ court wbm the depralllcn or Mrs. Busan
after tbe (ermlratlun of tbe siHke “ This J. Fillmore. , a w uneas In Wbalf of the
aryumeni has had yirat effect with the claimant. was-Bletf. Mrs. Fillmore Is a
mineral and the I'nltsd Mine Workers' resident Of Oakland, Cal. In her dcpost- • ■
may have great dlffl'uity In { tiun riie ii-Kiflcw that tbe moved (rum
' Homer. N. T.. to Scranton, Pa.. In June.
persusdliiy ftiem to join tbe strike.
UZZ. B.me time tn ISSd^ 1IS7 she and
I 1. .~c-cthe'
•w.'cat>oaaeor ellh................................
j her hoslwnd bearded
estimate of
onclals alxty-lwo railroad minee are ■ " •
freight train on ti
Ad' twmly-ttx are still In opera- |
*Hai»f«rd tu Scranlor, Pa.
Tbe miners' offlcUUs aar tbe on. I
husband Introduced bro to Gould.
eratnra wUl
claim a mine to
to 'l<e
In np- '' ----------------------»l>o wai^ ridln* In ---------------------the cslcuose...............
be in
Sr'S ^-“75 jjswa:
by from 10.000
en tn tbe Plttrburr dlauici yesterday.
The yreat straccle Is now on In earnest,
and the levelopmata of the next few
days will determine Ihe anecem or tailure of the Dahl for a uniform mlnla«
rale. Plttsbary la the piroial point Is
the flvf suiet enrayed In tbe cootcB.
and (he succcm of the local officials In
their efforts to atvorc a ycneral suspen-
the yoreniment has stationed
Wreck »f--------- ---------------------------yuarda at the bridyes leading t
The a«zt point of Iniarr la the path quarter.
of the stotm was Thsmaa AndreWe
rsllare St CUo>c<k
boose, where the family took refute In
Ctaicayu. July 7.—R.ilwru Droa..
the cellar aod esiaptd with brultea All
bis farm iwildiriRa Icdudlnf a new ^actnrers of mackinuwhes, ruirfier
Frankbrick housr. atr a total wreck. From yooda and awntnys at
Un street failed yesterday mornlny.
• the cyclone moved aboot due
Clande 8. Roberts is the owner of the
to Bam Morrv u's, whose It left'drath
aatnbUrtiment unu has conducted tbs
. (is path. Tbe f.mlly were prepariny
enter the cellar wh*n the storm rtnM:. bustncBB. for soom time under the ume
•weeplny every vestige -.
____ —„ of Roberts Bros. Hr made an ,u£ra.
I the buiidlay
from (he faundatb-r-. rarrylny the In- *"“1 In ,the county court to'Martin
(Dates several nd- Urk In the direction KimbalL; A sUtemom was IlM show,
from wWch the storm ewme. • All tbe IhK that tbe aasru art ltt.M0 and the
•ther buUdlnjrs ».te llktwt^ scattered UabUI^ tW.oui.
to Ihe four Wind*.
MlssreaBts Ure Kssij wtela
Two of Ite rsBiUs KIIWM
Camden. Ho.. July 7.-ln the peaceful
San Morron dl.-d within yh hour after farm district of Grindstone etrak, six
the cstasire^Aiywinr horrtbly hrulsrd
and msnyled. and a K-year-old daughter.
Annie, wapiroui d drad' by the resrulny • hBe Id a At of Jeat-nis rare, shot and .
party. The Injuries of the other Are tniianUy killed
^lis Th.,mason.
are' Mra. M'*m>w. ebalp waned, tack
Injured, badly l>mlsed. recovery doubt
ful: Xlfred M.m.w. II ycyfs old.
brmsi-d: Oswald Morrow. U years old.
plrtol on hlm^^
bif braIrA ,
^.^^ted as usual yesJeg bruken: Minnie MorTOW.arm'brofcen:
Ihros Baadrad PewpW (wSwaaO.
' teretay. The intnera. <s> tbe other band. I
baby, arrcrel} bruised. A tarye spIlDler
raris, July 7.—Adcv-icrroai these lib’tAat tbe cntlm Millers' and |
s taken from the back of Ttdof LaaV. van.'the hlrc-dipian, who iis'a brokenly Franc* Ibow that the dertructlOD '.y IRun. district, ^wbera these
. ankle. He m^die. At Lowry tbe au-! «»
there was yn-aler than, W"** tee located. Is out on a strike,
tloo was splintered Into a
thousand t e»r!Irr icyorts tndicalod.
The Inters 1 Th* operwiors tbemaelvea admit that
.— ...A.!
the usual number of I
fr*3,>w m | tb"* were
t'»* atfgreyate- Hardlyta vlMi'ye bss ...................................... the BsiowilAn and Gas- ■
escaprel tUmage and the num’serof p-i- tomnlle mines operated by tbe Puts- I
bury and Cbtoago company, where tbe'
eons drow^ ts quite 300.
IroDciad'is als» tn force.
Srewu-wBIII (oa trash M'lbe Baftom
WelkHiraww UIvnra Las* DIrsv
Gvsr •• Pre t'esL Are Owl.
rows Patally Bwrt.
Lmdou, July 7.-“Tommy Rnraa the
A fair fvilraate shows that there are
PitUbOTT. July
Four people srere wcIl-krcwB diver, was killed y«aterday
about 10.800 of the liOW railroad min.
tataly Inlurod and eWtiteen or twenty
while dlrtny from
rrom Rhyl pier.'
er* now out. The operators assert that '
were more or lew hurt in a etreet car
the river mines are nsart]- all runnli
Wratker We Msy KapMC
yfrock laa ulytit egt t
Followw are tb* while the mlnere' otBclals say they
Tine of the C.wlldat*
tsB-farlwest] fuwr boots fres
pany- The names of tboae aerioueiy .... , ^
— ere are
sirikr W F Ikearw^J i
leg bruken. will dir. tv. A. Manly, acalp
laid bare and hurt ImerDally. will prohably die; Ml*.> Sinitb. oknlt fractured.
rrtU die; 'C. C. Kogera le« and arm
broken and hun 'mternaliy. will, die:
Mrs. Mary H. VUson. Arch sU-reL .AIleyheny. two rths. right' leg and left
ADkle broken, naiy recoW.
The lews seriously Injured srere: Edsrard Blench. Mrs. Edward Dleench. W.
U- Elsrabeit. John M< raroy. Henry Mc
Henry. John Carr. Mira Alice Mooney.
Mackte. Psier Fay. Mira l^tle Smith.
s Afifoe
Afiale BnUlh. two unknown
wom. one \uiknown iQaX, John Hoover.
Ud.Bdwaad Kinney.
The wreck •occurred on the Soho hill
at a time when the Immense crowd
which attended the Areworks displav
Bchenley park was r
y hoii^w
Atwood aireex car bad
. _
. _ .
way down, the bill when U Jumpbd the
-^Track; closM} followiDy It came An open
summer car wUh a trailer, both denser
packrel JS-ltb people. Before It co^ be
Mupied H cra^^ into tbe teraUeOear.
Hardly had the Am eo&iB^ happened
before a third'oar. heavt,
1 district a suflVcbmt nurfber of Untied
As tm MsMsn la th.
giates liuirst^B to protect um mlnlns
the Bey of the Mracsle—AhMt M l*ee | and labroad prupenr now betnc opCswt. of the Rlter Mlaen Ute the Day) «iwced by Ihcoe recrlvers under ordei
After-a KeUeasI BetMay-WeM VIr. I Of this court. . The mar^al and hit
(tala Men laeliaed (« Caeltaise at Thatr dcputles ar« directed by Judye Taft
arrest and’detain any persona destroy*
' Werk-Appral ie Ooert.
tny property or threatralny or dmni
Plttsbura. Joly 7.—The atrtke prdw ot vloleoce to any persons tn the empluy
the national cxecuUre board of tbellhU- of the recBt er* tar the purpose of pre-
Dee Nolne^ la. July
The aound
money Democrats held their state conventlmi here today. Amony the leadlnc
men on (be rmund are Chairman W. C.
community are la a state of anxious expectane^ as to the Aevel^meais df the
•arly future. It la nimofed that aUthe
mm bands up to the Hooyly bars struck
work and that they are prepariny to
march. *.W strony. to reinforce the
Tiotert here. The yovernment has ordered the mUHary to lolvcepi them.
The UabommedarA * Garden Reach.
a soaib suburb of CaVutta. and a fashr Rurepeanu are *ow-
o..... „
-------------tj—I od States maiAal to consult with the 1
MuUla of the tute committee; J. RMiardeoiufs-member of the national commlticvrW. I. Babb, oandldau for yovernor of the Democratic party two yean
ato.1 and others eauaJly prominent. It
is bellpvee that 300 deleyates will have
Tba ejrrtoce etnick X-»wtt ibortlr aeats In thFcoarentioB. Judiee Nathan
after ( fTcIork In the erenlair- Erl> iel Prench, of Darenport. will make the
flwica of ibf O’floalc cloud wm •een •ddiras aa the temporair ebairmaa
bi DalnUt M-out T o’clorti.
The akr There U no doubt now that there will be
wae orenaw «lth cloud, that clrelep a full ticket pteced to (he field on a Tdntform of “aound money." tariff (or reve
a. ther moved ra;>l<Ur nortfceaM and
nue and personal liberty on the l^uor
thwe wan a yellow oaat that wa» a»>
oribcd to- ttie eun penetratln* thro«i»h
TV. L Babb, who led the Democratic
Ih^ People looked la wonder on the
party two years acn, Sf talked of for can
Bcene. hat nobody aecHbed the eoodldidate for toramw. but he deslras (hat
to a ryrlona llie oload. mored
•one man be obbaen who ewn gtrt all hU
Mch In (he elr and e(itM wlii a pertime to the oampalsn. The Mdffe may
ftctlr ateady motion.
be selected as the candidate fur the auranter tUaU* af the Mon.
prerae court. John Ciinetl. of Mason.
8t Paul. Joly T -A Glenwoot »nnM
City: J. E. R. Markeley. of the mme
apetdal to The Pioneer Prepa ay«; A
plaw: t^aiaamri
Nathaniel rrenen,
Flinch, n
itf uarenpurt,
deMrucItre cyclone.paraed (hR>nah the
and S. H. Mallory, at Charlton, hare
town of Rene yefierday afternoon aboot
been talked of tor rorernor.
I o'dock. II atirifd about a mile aoutbANNmil^E TNE MAHO^MEOAN.
caft of the rlll.ire of Lowry, deatroytn*
the bait: and part of the home of Ivor
Lielfee. Every bulldinf In the rtllas* irf
Loa-ry waa injured, eeven dwrlllcK
Calcutta. Joly
All aectlona ot the
boaaea the rallnay etatHm, dtnreb. He-
Tator and l.uirh.-r rtiop belna totally
deairoyed. while iherailrcad (racks were
(wuied and Uleerraf* »Hrea tom down
and part of, a mill was carried ^way.
From I^owry the worm oanllnued In a
fionheastirly dlivclion to the farm of
Robert Peacock, where St made a clean
•weep of all Ihe buildinca If
Ura Peacock.
' ber dauirbier Nettle, and a boy named
Robert UacGowan were In the house,
which wa< carrkd about twenty rods.
All wsie kijurol. but will probably re^
C! M BbOWX. AUoraey ate Oo%
O. La«. apwtal uuaum *• «
ateerareyaaclo* niFrema*.
th. Big
' Tim Yeu-JSo. Sfi
Tttn VUl Be e WtndalU is the o«m«tW7 «>r W»ur Servioe-O. 0.
Mofttt Appointed Veaber of
Bowd of BdnoftleB-lMiic, Xdealy
The meeUnff of theeooncU Uat niffht
' «H loi«, lirel; end interwtinf. Menr
tUnfe enae np for ooaeldentloe. ni><
ttoee whleh f^ed to oome «p themeeieee were tnkeaVp: pu-Ueoierly
eeteml mntten which hwl been Ukd
nwnj for failure reference.
The rood IntenUone of Alderman
baOdh« npparetoe for thie
not brMfffat the deeired reenita and
the aM»tion> of that alderaaa bare
^eea nipped In the bad. Thle wae
Urt alrht
:h a letter from the WaehinrwUeh
ereatinr experiment atotl^: merely
aidinc the exietlnr etationa
Beddento of Webeter atreet naked
for the rradinr of that atreet aa tar aa
. Barlow atreeV The peUdon waa rtterred, with power,
c BeaideBU of Wellington atreet naked
'lor a newer. Tfae-oomalttee om ae<
will look after their wanta
A petition for the grarelinf and
rndinB of Barlowjatreet from Hannah
aveirae to Bifhth atreet, took the ■
Prominent bnalncM men naked the
oonneU to aet aaide a anltaUe atreet
place for a market elte. Tbia «
deemed a matter worthy of eeriona conaidenttra and waa referred to the com'
miUee on waya aad meana
farther eoeUbatlona to be aent la, aafi
if any names hare been omitted (n the
printed liat they ehonld aleo be leporv
ed immedUtely eo that proper credit
fo) ooaaidwation. Be aad Mr. GrdUek
can be riren. hadffiren theanbject a ffreat deal of
WUlard Colon. W*. C. T. C.. and the
attenUon aad both knew what they
dinrcb M eodety at the Second M. E.
were talking aboak Mr. Ooodrich in.
xo emad to
timated in (daln terma that there waa Xdat of Ofteinga to tte Baetitnte at chnreh are paekinr
Lake Ann fire rletlma aad a larye
adispoaltion to make, aH aorU of imMeoeviW Bent by •ympatbixiBC qnanUty of ralnable artlolM hare nlprarementa in other parte of the olty
- ready been reoetred. Thoac harinr
and to neflect the Second -w^ Be
Oittnenn-Llbeinl Oaah and WacAleontribatinna to make an reqaeatclaimed that be knew more <bont maked te leare them with Mra. Binaldo
Inr rood roada than Alderman MostaTbe
MooPnller. on Bandolpb etreet.
rue. altbonrb that gmiUeman waa' an
Tbe eontenu of the boxea eent orer
expert in nelUnt rooda Aldermen
to Lake Ann by Trarerue City Bin, L.
and Lardie tarored modifieatieoa end Alderman dahrane nired
delay in action until the matter opald
be looked np more thcvonrbly. When
with which
iteame to a final rote the reenlt wae a
to the call. Eretytin, and Mayor Wtk roted in faror
layinr the reporta on the Ubla
planed in the inaane aaylnm or 4hdr
The report of the committee which
had in charro tbe oemetery water mat
ter' waa alao taken from the uble and
after eonalderable
n of the <
aecept the.prepoailion of Arms A Cole,
fora wind mill eyetem, waa finally
Tbe report of the committee on fire
and water, relating to tbe fire chief
ana^t and reeomnwndlng the rea^
Ointment of &■ C. Deepna, waa takni
from the table end only the memben
of tbe eommittee rated foriuadoptlon.
Later in the ewing Chief of I^ioe
Rennie wee api^ted fire chief withont
extra pey, and given power to employ
Ed. Hardy ae engineer at »5 per
month. -The tou oa thie wae themme ae <m the aeceptance of the re
port of tbe committee.
A walk wae ordered Mid at the bnmed dietrict oc Front aoeet.
-On motion of Alderman Deamond
Street Commls&loaer Kelly waa in*
etract^ to employ In etreet vTork
theae men dependent upon the ri^ for
enpport. as mneh ae nobble.
others cheap in proportion.
•Largest Stock in the city.
920 rRONT BTfteCT.
The Bate
for the Bnaday-Sebcol
Belly. •
to taka action in refahd to the annual
fnnday-echgol raUy met laat eTcninr
and derided upon Wedneedny, Auruat
n. aa the date. Sereral enb-commltteeawill be named when thoae Chfreeted hare been conlemd with, and
theefahirtnanof each wilt mMt with
tbe exeentirb eommittee next Monday
ipletc the arranremenu
Large Party of B«
Tbe mMolag tr^ on the G. B. A 1.1
yeeterday bronglil in ti paaeengere'
from Cinrinnati. and they immediately !
took paeeage on tbe Colnmbla for the i
Omena reeort. Tbe party wae eem-i
poeed of Lew Voigkt and family. Mr.
and Mra- Barry Ponlde. Mra. Fonldc'
rnothos Burdette Fonlde. Bon. Frank
Klrchncr and farailyand Aogwt Enienkering and family. Six more are ex-{
period thie morning
soo'Lortn Boberta &»-electad Prealdent |
33 ooi
nt.Annnal Kee^hg,
S W.I At the annual meeUag of tbe North
I W>|en Michigan Asylum board of truetee* I
1 00: arid yesterday. Truetee <Liorlo Boberte
S 001 wae re-elect^ preeldent oT the board. |
>]and Trustee B. C. Dsvie.secrctaty.
I. A. Thompson of this city has ^
10 001 been appointed a member Of thfc board |
& 00, af tnitteca of the new benefictary order ‘
ft <u - at Elks just organued in Grand Bapida.
The committee oa rtraet* and walki I
, .___I
Total.................................mo 00
recommended that Woodmere aven ne i
WiU Be Bare for Two Hot;
KiaeaUaneons OontribaUona.
be graded for a walk on the cast side <
- Games.
of the street, aad tke tepart was ac- i The Uostler* cross bsU with their j
Mercantile Co..
epud ,pd
Pdpptrf. i oW rt-k. U.. Xmpl.,, Colt., lor U., I
................................«» »>
The eommittee a
HP. .u». b. pkdod „d
two good games are certain. Manistee
Claims were allowed to the amonnt comse elated wtth three vietorieeriit
3ft 00;
of S3,313.33. and the repwt of the board of four In ManUtee. and' ounfideat of
of public works Called for S491.S3. All gresb lanrela.
Tbe UnaUera.
tbeoe were ordered palA
bedding, dishes, etc
straight defeats, are equally deter
The eonnetl adopted a rcaolnt^ ex- mined to make the Colu trot In better HaaUton'Clotbiog Co..riothiag. W oo
More wiU be seat by AhU firm
preeaing in warm larmi thanks and ap than two mlnntca to win a beat.
the special needs are
preciation for tbe excellent work of
Manlktee 1* much stronger this seaknown.
the water worka eafflmhtee In eompil- jn than ever before. Frank Quinn
ingsoeba valuable and eonuplete
' re- > will probably pilch one of the games Woman's Club, eight new eomforters. one doten new towels,
port aslhat anbmIUed at tbe last meet-1 lor iisnisttt. with Watty on tbe mb;
clothing valued at fi4.3S. fil.OO
ing. The only i
' ber for the UnsUara. and it shenld be a
cask and a cook store ...___
Alderman Goodrich, who explained
royri. Quinn held oor team
3 00
that he did not earn to voU for a gilt-; ioma to five hiu at Manistee. Then T. J. Host, clothing ....<...........
edged eerUfeato for one who conld not iuicre k Billy Tlebald. the Trarerae I f
measure distances eorrectly. parlleu-lcity favorite, and -Kie -Uleasoa with j ^
larty whom them was a dlacrepaacy of i hia-big bat. and Bnrke. with an equally
fonr or five bnadred feetI big voice.
Sympathixar, enit of elothea.....
IlurpoIth.l,lpbl,w> T.!..'
k <""» >« Meadames F. 8. Uamlin. Bobert
pboov ^Change
was oniaraameu
entarU^ by
• »*•“ of good ballplayers
lacnsn^ wss
uy a
Mabn. N. A Bnller, A. L: EofrearintioD provkUng that tbe oommltabaeher. Materand A. Kqnires,
toeen ordinances draft an orJlaanee team. Games oaUed at 3:30 aharp.
barrel of clothing, dlshea, etc.
Michigan Tqlepboni
B. C. Davis, bar^ of fioor........
Company to pay an anneal rental of'
Dr. J. D. Mnason; box elothlng.
' 9800 for «hense of the etreeU of the
Mra. M. J. Wolfe, bedding..........
ri^foriusys^m. Tbe resolnticm waa
Mra. A. L. Craw, cook stove ....
Mew Btraetara.
referred to the eonimlUee on ways and
H. Byman. gaeriine atove'..............i) 00
The IVeebytorias church is planning J. A. Montagne. eook stove........
Tbe propaeed improvement of Slxto. to bnild a 93.000 chapel on the the , Oeoige Jameson, eoeketove and exSeventh and Cedar atreetooecaaionM I front of their lot, eoFner of Park and tenaioD table.
CoagrcgaUenal church aid society.
jiplritod dlseamion when the mtnoritV Washington Btreeta. .They will leave
- and ^drtty reports of the eoamitten the anditoriom to be added later. Tbe dUhee and cash. 91A
were'takea from the uble. Alderman fra^
bnildlng now oecnpytag
the 'No name, two bondlm elothlng.
Mra. L. Roberto, riothteg.
d to accept the majority ypot will sooa be moved to the rear of
Mrs- Roxburgh, riothteg.
repork Alderman Montague m^yed
t 'the lot and reatod at before.
ilbUl Wkltteg. riothing.
he table, e^^inTbe bnlldlng committee met last
J. W. MlUiken. box riothU«.
lag that be faUed to •ee tbeficMiXHy evening and uUred the matter v
Prof. C. H. Hon. elothteg.
aatthlBlime or the nee« | Tbe plans will be e
Miaaee Jennie Bigga. Mary Poboral.
. .
Alderman De^j week. The newaddllion will be bniltof
mond favored the miBority report, bnt | itane and brick and will be of modem aad Alice Philllpa. clethlag.
Jamea Dnnn. lot chairs.
wonld make modifieatlaaa. Alderman | deslga._________________
N. B. Chapin, lot pillows.
Goodrich declared that be and Alder- ■ while op hU way home last evwlng
A. L. Bachant and Dan Landon, box
man Greilick bad lived la the Beeond > Qarbert Montagne picked np la‘ the
ward maoyy<
■* ’
alreeia dog collar with license tag No. ehU^'s cloUi«.
the need* of .tliat locality. Be urged' ts» attached. The owner can recover
T. D MeManns A Co-. Fhmona, tin/
the aeeeptaaoe of the report of the ma by applying to Mr. Montogna
warn, oatlery, disfasa. etc.
jority of tbe committee as it
P. Boodraaa, box bedding. .
Ohieaco Market Beport.
waa, without modification, aad deJ. A. Jofanaon, drugs.
- dared that if thr eouncU oould
G. W. Paul. mlseelUneona enpplii
Qiieago, July.7—Wheat—July. Toxe:
not let them have what they wanted September.
Tbe oontribotten from the BriUiar
Deeembar. new.
new, the maUer iti better not be eoa- 68We; Deo,mber. old, «TXe.
fariory terindee every empteye te the
aiderad at all. They were both yonng
Com-Jnly, *6Xc; September. »7X® antiro froUry, the gtrU on waU as tbe
and-eould wUt a few yeara. Tbb Uat SBri December, Me; May. 81c.
mengtedly giving their ahara.
ebeervatioB was meant to more thorTb< above Itotteriadea tbe ecBtribnOato-dalyf l?He: September, IftMe;
oaghly impreaa the eoanril with the May.WMc.
tfama Uft with tbe-eommiUeenpto.thU
' tmportanee of UamedUte aetloa. Be
Pork-Jnly. r.fo; September, *7.77. momter rb» ooamBtlM obould
deeUMd te riering that the majority' Lafd-jJflUr.- «..fi#5 8«»tomber, 94.11. notified aa aooo as peiaible If thore
Have It Framed—
"We frame pictures, so cheap that ybo
can afford to frame any pictnrfr-yOB’^.'i
Thoa. T. ^t«a made a propoaition,
The eoanril extended a formal Into laaae the preeent city offieea in the
_ ___________
Herald bnlldlnir to the city for three vlution to the K. O. T. M. of the___ ____
yeate at KS per month, or PSa per Northern and Central axkOciaUon to I y. C. Dmmond.................. .............
month by the ye^. Alderman Cook hold their annual meeting in thie city | Beitner'e factory ...'..........
j F. ThnrtcU
larored the one yev plan, ar^ed that next yfiar.
by that time t^ clerical work of the
Chief of I'ollee Bennie wae inetrnct* i ^*"*7
cityonfht to be done'for aboct «:>ou ed to make example* of vioiaton of |
per year and other anaagemente could |
bicycle ordinance.
be made that would be leas expeaelve. I ^
lOecarChaee............ ...........
Alderman OoArieh favored two year*.! ° C. Mofl^wa. appointed a mem-; „„ Jacket.........................
^ by that time a city bnUding might:
: G«. Tarbnck ..
beamatter of a^ons oonelderation. 1
i Wee AHoe Crawford.............
Tbeee two oplnione created discuesioo.; >**• Col- J- D- Billing*.
}oaldwril A London.
Tbe one yearpropuelUon wae accepted, j
.......... - ' '
Think of a good
Hammock for 29c.
Try us,
MAWBriTAnf’ mr^cCTC.
Get Aboard I
Don’t 3Iiss These Bargains.
PosiUVsly the bigguBt you wiUnt this
year. Hty great July ClaitfBnoe SalA I will quote n few
prio^ that are bargnios, bnt apace is too expenaire to quote
one QBt of crery hondred A good Lounge, well-made, full
«>ring,M.OO. A good Cooch, fall gpring,-fesa A good
Cooeb,. corduroy,
tduroy, 36-springfi.
36-npringfi. 65tt
65a Lwill posiHvely
poaiHrely aeU
nell bnt
bat 4
of these at this price.
A.good large 3-pisoe
1-pinoa Bedroom
Bedioom Snit,
large glasB, patent castore, for 11."‘
large 3-pieoe Suit,
patent doat-proof drawers, patent castors,
i, for 12^. A fine S.
liece Parlor Suit, pest plash, silk bands,
la, si
apring edge, 22.00,
_ ..
High back
Bockera from 05c. np, Iron Bedateoda from 3.75 up. PoUahed
oak combination Book Casas from 450 an. We bavon’t many'
of these, bnt what we have must be sold , by July 16th. So
those that coma early will be happy and those that tniae tbia
sale will always regret it
J. W. Stater’s Furniture Store,
raojrr sTKur.TaAvxBar cnr.
Your Choice
Fine Shirt Waists
geetlemeo'-. shoes
Broken assortments of sizes is tbe only reason for these
cuts in prices on desirable foods.
Come promptly.
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothihf I^ouse.
Bszor Toes. Rand Turns, aoUt
Tops. A. n and C. to.fto shoes
at 9:.S3 to close ont.
73 pairs Oxfords, former price
9T.3S. 91.&u. 91.73 aad fiS. Our
priee 91.00 to close oak
Men's Pstont Leather aad Eteamela. former aiiees 93 and 98.
torioaeontat 93.00.
...In FEI Off T8X3S...
They haven’t beard of our
flour as yet, but when they
do they will be sure to
wast it
u Men's Ploah very
rlCh Sllppera. fornur tl.53
goods going at 63e.
47 pain ladies' Black aad Tba
Piagrec A Smith JnlUm, former
psioe 93. rieateg ont priee 93.
Maks No ICsUke.
A Few Bargains in Ladies' aad Gents' Shoes!
New Line of Children’s Shoes!
Ye« Can Alvars DoBEST at—
THm MOMmro MMOOMb, mUMDAT, TTOT 8. 1«97.
trm tta «a*M ta (kb laeaUty» ■ad^te
yeoaatatbalr CHmde ad laOaaateUa
thab ttarn we tai M mea aa warn and
aata In Mioh^ th« Miwta n
Tta ICcHRV* BMW iMiHM «0
poaadeaf dnnadflM tam to Mekla
trom lalMloekM
taai^b^tbobMataa Mr. BaWiteMMBtac.bMw
Tbli«o ora bo(tn^ bo look a Uttio arbat^caUadtaau on mbi kaoV
WUlUMVM^wbOMBtlt VlMM fl**
nmlbwladtbanyalyta, men than
>wth»»|«irw<ndlt«ube- *
nMMWwWb Mr trtp aad aa^ima.
bnt mntlbt»>»*—‘ ^ taytambar.
oWtfc JmUm
MoBlatoo tab tacn V mit,
oowlMo ond oittooM «t ttat piodota^
wUeh md* two boort* tan>7- Tb* erfMiaado ncnlnr
Damimy, Jr., ata OaocB* L. HULoko ond MMe BMie B. BDl of Alanoob, Utar formed a aommittae frm that
plaoa. and yaataeday ttay tadtad Laka Prof. T. Bath 6
>. maek^ dinaJ. J. Bbkor woe oieroomo bj omoke Aanatalodkodaptba eondHtofie ear- toratB
at tbo lake Ann An Bntwdor. and madlta the plaae and tha InunadUta Me famoea band ad that tooUtatfoa.
They oonlanad with tha wUilaanBaaaaaia AaffaetM. to ae•ftorword dnnk lo»«o qaoMilioo of
warn. wbiM mdo Aim UL Tbeoarr.
too and amnd then that ewt a atoUlar fcatMan to Alma coUaca.
tam of a pbnWan wera naooamr thb
I cattiay to tha frota with Tba prnfmttT laana Slf
atnTha gocA work denta la the Benioola eoUara. after banlfht, and ba aUU f««U the eifaata.
cn4! . mcmiaui.
T. B*t» *»P JX W. HAin«.. BdHor «>d
‘.^tio «bW d«B«tty b“ ft»U7
ChMef PdteBM-
Stowtu B»k« M ea^tk«d«l tb«
»M«to*U.d.p«rt-W «wHl —
MU mem work opoo Urn mai loqBlrt
Tm MWO BOW w W * ftOiBMt
*tot U*oemeMTj wUlbB.BppUod wJtk
^MmrmUmpBTjw KaanooMBM
U tka illintwitTB of Ibt mV
m eeaU be otUUed U«ro immU bo a*
4IOnltT wbofmr.
Mo eoBocU loM ni«bt to ftU ttw ooooB‘ tf on the boord of odaeotioa, eooood
^ Um deoth of Oob J. D. BUUnfO, it
.4fttb«t«W HmV wuk tbo onoeml
Bl t&dooftaflbUy.
Tm&ur ro» vhs ootxbvom.
bnocht ap by t)
die ootna in front
A Pw on Otiy Lafea brVMbk Med- mtona City, and tba <
kept boay ataantiay tad elamifyinc
' rtMMOaaata.
Dapatr Oil Inepootor W. T. Barton of tbam for imatadiatc naada. A ayatamDaooik 8«kta Food and Daiir Oommla- atta dtarlbnUoa (• bainy made and orWhat la
. bMoU. WUlard BoM, Oorom- arytaiaytefolaf on
■Wta needed now an aataribli for
_____ prlTote aacrotnrx. and
Ftank FrladriM want to Laland yaa- woman’a olotblny,. aooUay ntanaUa.
HVanl Cor ebUdna. «nd a qoantordaraad were tbo Aneata of J. M. taaa^
tity of Inmbar. TbiM M aama lambar
Wata of that pUoa: Tlta party wara
to be had at Laka Ann. b«t oa It weald
wiM •
to ban aU kinds eutaUad
7»ebt Lady Wntta. aad eyMt the from then, oommltteae of rallat an
IHMor Baetbm erf Ua day ftebiny.
aakadtoBakathbiomiof thalraoaaidTk^ tad 7—IneX bb4 of thalf
mtab throe fine Mltnon trout of the fratteaa
the moat deUetooerariaty wara ahlpyad tba Ubar^V "ta prr«i*>— •*
oympathUara ban lent eeanfo aad
ba ttowwr Pta«r«b- Bblmd ^t
an tat pbataKal iA NcaMoiw MkhV anarfT to thew who yrerf barmd ant
bat Oup laka ie........................ and dlepamtaead of enrythlay, and
they nn nady to bnetla to aad
help thamaalna aa mnabaepoealbU ubacportaoB^
U1 appiwtaaltlaB an praaaatad for thorn
BAMT KOBvxn AJuaa.
BoiidMMo of I. X ftooU Boom
Mn. J. W. MUier ata data^tar ban
Mm bo Bay Vlaw for tba aammer.
Ono 0<Uock. ,
MMa Snan DoMoa of IndtabyeUa (a
AboM ou o'doak thit men!
TtelUnc Jacob Cnimn of TwmX tbnet.
■Urm oollod oat the firo Boporto
Me foeldeM of L X Oovte. on Sontb EUeworth Halo ntnnad Taaodey
tim hie Ttat be OnenrUla, Onad Bar
Cnmotroov Fire bod borim
____ ootrooc odor of gmiltae
•boot tbo piece, bat Mn- Oerls doelor>
•dtfeottbare wa* so (oaoliM Ifi tbo
AoMo. MoaUtedthotobewM owokMod bj the eooodof onox^caiem. end.
Veo ortelnr. dlMorerod the reor of the
boHdiny. ocor o ooapto of bocnio. In
nAloto. She throw tbo bocrolo onbdde
and gar* tbc olona. Mn. Oorin
OtronBinheropinknMottheflro woe
, oet b; oome one. One of Uie borr^
me wet with coeolme.' tbo wire omoeo
woe pertlolly tore from the door ond
twe bnodlee of rnge were found onv
aide Mto^ted with tha oU. .
toAy But Blaapy.Blaharman.
Prod Beebul, liam Un and W. J.
Hobtaa want oa the CSOtnlnyaeterday
te Babin and returnad on tha U;20
p.m. with a larye oateh of treat.
them a lin rainbow waiyhiny
S peonda. which tbie mornlny yneee
tba aqoariuD in Fred*a window. The
koya want te sleep waltlny for the ratnrn tnln, bat the euylnam lortnnate^oawtbe pa>^y'and baekad np for
Aaap Bata for Ma Annual Kaattny
yaly Id.
A eommlttae of local Maeeabaas
Mbeaedcd in amnyiny tor aapaeial
nta for Me asnoal naatlay of Ma Canmi and Northern 'Mkblyan K- O. T.
M. te be held in Petcokey Joly U. Tke
nte for Me roand trip will ba only II.
Aa tnia will lean at «a. m. aad a
Hii riel will return tor Ma aooomm
Mon of Moee attaadlny frm MM direc-
way trdm MUwankaa.
MiaaAcnaaB '
Arbor Toeadw to
tha aam
neatioa with bar panala.
Mn r. T. 0-Naal aad Mn Baaaloraw feternad lent mybt fnm lake AnA
whan they ban been rtohiny.
Mn J. W. Markham hne ntaraad
from a «lait with bar brother. Bom
Tbemaa SmorthwaiU of Mnntotaa.
Mn B. >Blyham aad Mn Oiin
Oota «ama orer fiom Cbloayo yeotarday
ud wiU Tieit Mn B. J. Palybnm.
Praaident Spony of OUrat CoUeya
pnmad throng the dty yeMarday on
Ua way to HaniAre from Harbor
Mias Alloe Flateher. of Bay Oty. is
in tha dty to spend tba earnmar with
her onele aad aont. Mr. aad Mn 3. B.
J. E. Santo aooompaniad Oaorye B.
Ooloman to Lake Ann yaetarday te adlaeonaoe lemat on Mr. Colamank
property. ‘
MMa Birdie Webb, danytatar of Ckr
tnto Webb, of ChoaopoUa. west te Nei-ts-wanta yaatarday to spend Me balMe of Me enmmer.
Mn P.-B. Bnbaat leaves MM after_3cm lor Grand Bafdda She baa been
Me yn«t of bar moMer, Mn M. JWolfe, lor eevenl weeks.
Paat Wmten aad Jamee Mattbews,
of Grand Baplde, arrived yaetarday.
and left on Me slaamar Croeoedt for
Omens, where Mey wUl fvnMb moele
at Me Omeoa Inn.
Oaorye Lardie shipped TM enteo of
•tnwbcmca to Chln^ yoatarday.
A Iniya party of Mnnletaa fane are
to accomptay Ma Colts on
Malr Tialt to the Qoaen Cliy today.
At alt Me sarrioea In Bt Fnnta
taonb Bonday the eoUaeUbne wUl be
devoted to Me aid of Lake Ana aafferM. E. Barton. M. D.. a wawiliW pkymb
taps from Grand Bapida. baa lotatad ia
. Ma «ityi«rtik rooms at MaBoMWbit-
W cm ta hM Mamba ytaMtday'
Mavliiy a patant is bM 1^ on
' An «nr was made ia Ma taUoa of
Me daaMef T. C Britton. He wae
married to Mlm Mary MiUar in 18S5. is
TbaateamerOdlnmbta will yive aa
maatoy exonrtion to Torch Lake MM
wveniny, lenviny at 8:M and retain by
moonllybt. Bonnd trip «> oonta.
Tbiouyh a typoyn«Ueal error to a
of the noetylena yms maebina
Iwt pat In by AsMoay Oreillek Me
name of John F. MUler. Me ayeaL wm
The frtanda of Job)
Mm ioraams ta Me Tnvatae City Lnmber Co.'s yardn-wUl ba ytod te leant
Mat ha baa token a poaltlm to Me em
ploy ta Ma WhUa Lnmhar Co. at Boyad
Tha tomlliaacrf C. E. BoM and J. W.
««««*— have taaetoA » |ta*W
taitaua apbt te lamytoy mLMwd
Washlnyton. Jnly 7.—Senator DavM.
of Me eommlttaa oa ioctatn
ralatlona. oalled a maetlny of Me aom
mittae on FYidey tor the porpoM of
eanst4ariny Me BawaUaa banexation
Xtooyg. It Mnow Me inteatinn of Me
of Me annexation to repdrt Me
treaty at MM eaaaioB.
Olosad .Down TwtacAay at
Pittobory. Jnly 7.—BaporU from'the
river mines in Me Pittobory dMtrlet
ladioata almost total aoepanrios ta
work in Me pits today and tOit Me
strike oa far'as Me river mtnara M eo«eemad to yenaiaL A dtopateh frm
Me Mosoayihela City oaya: “The biV
ter Inellny between the river and Me
raUroad mlneie Mat has always laterfared when etrikee here bees inanye
d heretofore bee been ioet riybt ta.
Today Mere are aboat Bl^ maa at
work and 7,000 tdleis Me MononyabaU
vaUey.” _________________
Is what we Aavur oar Soda Ayrna wtth.
Wo da not naaax^li at ear foontaia. A
PtDiiell, The Han Hiiner
ytoninc with oaly atfbA Ba wlU tear
tha aoeth thie wialar with a band trom
Aleea, aad probably briny Ua atym
Hen ta Tnnaoa Oty for a ocm
Prelmnr Olaaaoa te a mataiaa a<
atdmabla naaa. aad ba will ba mlaaad
la aeUmg ofaenper than aver
now. Evai^thuig in the itore
cot half in two. If yon ever •
booght cheap yon candoitnow.
190 Front StrMt
Frledilch Block.
1^ a Vajatfty ta Tan to the Bamlo
Amt Bvanlnf.
Tba lollawlay ■iiiaya raaalvad at
S:ts o'clock iMt alfbt-frem Conyraae
an Maaiek wlU be of yreat totaroat:
••Waeblnytos. Joly 7.—Tha aawu Flaw Ma Vow Pro
baa Jwt padaod Me tariff tdU by 20 onJwity.
W. B. Mbic
Delicious Drinks.. Holiday Bargains
W. Heck Serves Thom
AtMaBraM BkU Oonfactkmaty Btora.
Union Btraat.
Two tonau, made ep mosMy ta Preat
toeet beeteam men, aeateatod to a rUto
maleb yolWrday ta WU MarraPa yallory. There ware ten men on each
bo atfn ~*-**"^*t***y
tide. WUl Mnrral aad Fred BoMmoa
It wM at Ant taand that tbara wontd
ebcoe teams, and Bobtoaen'e team
baUttto.U any. nbnildtoc. bet It la wlM a score ta hM ota ta a peafWa
now eaaand that aetin prapan '
l.m Tbalr appeaeato made
wUl ba made toatartamoTanmt ton- Tba foUowlny to a list ta IhcM
ptoaaaomaol tbabomm aad bneloeai pewtoy aaeh team aad Malr aemm:
BoMnaon's team-BoWnaon, M: PU1-.
A tampoevy depot kaa alnady baaa
earn. »; Ed Brooch. »1: Bleb, 9T.
ataotod. and Ayant Dayan wlU taka Oalre Oortto. M; J. 0. LanyworMy. W:
pematan tUa montiny. Tha IL A M. Vinton, 91; C. M. Parte. 91; D.
K. X railroad oompany baa almdy Btrieklan. 93; Kinney. «. Totol, WW.
dan for a oomplate saw
MarTtahtaam^Marrel. M; Weatherfolly as rood if not batter wax. U; C O. CarTSr.'9li Perry, W;
than the old one.
Cntman, 99: Martinek. 90; Boover. tl;
S, 8. Bornau bn laid Me foondaUoa j
Jabratt, 81?
WiU be Baportod at This Beaaios
The Pure
Fruit Juice
JaUt.i. M. WMiT
MMf* »taw te
One Entire Week,
Prfme^.Atem and Boaala.
Mtatsn Slawa or Beaato. PM tb-.» M M
Vaal MewoorBsaato,per )b....8laAa
Pork, par lb...... ..................... *MtM
Bntte.pMl'i........... ..............lOlaUa
^Chaeaa.parlb..-.............. UteUa
*ihe most Oriyiata, Uariny
Mostarfal ExpoMt ta
Ever beteo Me Pnbbe.
lor a new atara *0x»0 feat, and expaeu Totol. US.
to be dcOny baalneee to ten days Ha
Half toda taryato ware osad. eo-faot
ractaVed a carload of yroaertoa yaatar rtoa. and Me wtonataararayad 90day frm Oimad Bapide. whleh be will
Wedneodayto Axrivsle ta Fletoharh Oa«n bave.a place to.
si«>«ifc Stack baa a new bnlldiay alW B Vanmeter,
mmeter, SouM Boardman; W
rmdy aaoloaed and wiU soon have it
- 3- E Dnnton,
O Cotton. El Paso. TiV.
Dnnton. Already for ooeupaney.
Bend. ind
peon; W Clement SooM Bead,
-barber shop to nearly em- W aark. Grawn; W B Dnrya. D Beeley.
pleted by J. T. Biebardeon. aad C. E. Acme: A Otto, Bnttoa-m Bay; W B
lUca to prepartayiolay Mo fenndaUoa Miner. Baitiett; B Lardie. EWcrchomb. Old Hitoioo: W B York, Lonto
Pure PowdAted 8pio«a,
ir a new Urery eUble.
Skinner. C IleVorat D E Wrlybt W T
A. a HeoUmaatal hne aot folly de Mason. B Ooedrieb, city; John Pierce
Moadny nlybt wUl be Ladies' Kiybt.
Pur* Cremai'TArtAr,
cided what to do. bnt be atotad to Me and wife. Ionia; Mrs Mary WUlard. Mrs Every poFcbaser of a SOe. ticket beto
BxcoXD yesterday Mat be woald prob C C Lake, Lake Aon; 3. Gberte, W F eatlUed to an extra ticket admtttlny
Farmal. C 3 Cordra. Benton Barbor: lady free of ebaryc.
(a^ FsnBtatac Fvveer. U rm vast
ably rebaUd.
A Farrow, T T ScboBeld. P HormoM.
- — ------- Jaekaon.
The nnaeoa ta a healthy start
j nsUw Tehtae. tai Wm. Wawr B
towards fntare prosperity, bowet-er.
Akera, Elmwood;
wlU be Mo robnUdlny ta Me axianelva Barder, Ezra Glnyleieb. Orawn;
mwn; B.
"eVu. T niiliTie nadnata ta Brand “•»
min and store baUdiaya ta WUllam
_____ _______
-_ja. Pearl,
Heme: (Mas.
-n. M
I., mImi enltnre
.mltara ia^ haoS* an4 taec.
GarAald; Mm A Sharp, laHabWer, who stated yeeterday Mat be
ve p«tai*
woeld rebnild everyMiay Icav Moeyb
npon a lees extenalva eeato This will
xin famtob employment for a larye
amber of men.
Jndye C. A Llnkletter, of Frankfort,
il ticketo aa below:
use np yesterday wiM 1500 in hM in
atone-’ bnt alnnye try m larmm.
side potaeV Me reenltta liberal eonbe without
tribotkme frm people in Frankfort.
EpworM lonyas Intcmatlenta Cmmndtrip. Bell
The eommiiiae asked him ta bold Me venilon. One fare for room'*-*im limit tttk.
maoey eobjact to Melr order, to be ex Joly IS. It-and J5 Eeinm
oynet I2M will
pended for lumber aad baildloy mate-. be made if deelrad.
riU which will be parebaeed of Mr.
Babbler as laryely aa poarible. Mne
Camp MaeUny aad Aeaembly.
belplny him and ylriny employment to fam for roond trip. BeU Jnly IS b
Retnm limit Anyatatl.
O. C. Case, who lives aboat Ava milea
■oaM of Me villaye baa Mrowa open
bM borne te a beadqoartere at Mat
^wm limit July 16.
ptant for those deairlpy to oontribote.
A ladtaa tad eoeiety Mere bat already
Baptist Yonay Popple's t'l
done yood work aad
nnke np all materiaM tecloMlny. atd. toy. One fare te ronad
Jnly IS. 14 aad 1&. Bainm
Mat may M sent in. Farmera in Me SL Limit WUI be extended to Acynet
nelybborbood are also doing yood re- IS if desired
Uefwork. Mach M yet to be done and
For Rates and any other imLDDINOTON.
it wUl be some time before help to no
■ formation, consult,
lonyer needed.
Has Your
1 Great PttfonniBCil
te literestiiG Petfonuml
1 PerfonnaeN Fall of Brigin
At Our
Soda Fountain
Fire Insupance
VavciUny Loyan :
Twe XndlaaapoUa Kan Hava Bplandid
^ ‘
BpoTt in Otaad Tmvarna Wtaaia.
Wall Paper at coot i
In planniny for a trip darlay vaei
tion. Me mtaa point to decide to where days at Ma aty Backat
toyotoaaeore Me most bealtbtnl en
joyment In looklny over Me list of
fashionable plaoea aad raaerto ta staid
oomfart. wiM all Me eecemorim. each
On July lOM Me C. A W. M. aad D.
as boaUny. Aehlay. yood wator. and in- G. B. AW. Unas wUt eall Ucketa t.
Portland, Me-, and reton, via C. P- By.
and G. T. By. M the toweal rntae. ever
found to Micblyin.
made for sneh an oeeaatoii. Tiekala
HavtoyAebed to Diamond lake, at wlU be yood to -retora anUl Jaly tut
Bt Otar Plata and ta Niayara Ftale, toclnelva. Bannd trip rate from Travene City wUl be S17. Oao. DeHaven,
0. P. A.
51 It as hie honest opinion that
aroand Traveme City afford
to Me-sera Man any oM<
to hto bnowledya.
C. 8. Bante, a tmvtatoy maa tram
WMbfatyton, July 7—The bones to- .Cbieayo, atoo wye that be baa Aebed to
lay. by a vote ta 1S4 to 11. adjoamed Me Golf ta MaxiM. Sanaea lake, and
Laka Lnmokaa. N. Y., and a ntunbar ta
MeMlIUa <Dem., Twn.) aooybt to lakaa ta WtoecMto, batteffoailnaiaa
ko affraaa wlM Dr. BaaMMstlUMlyM
mm Me Cl
I ta tbo mlaa, bat
Dpaakar Bead UanA^ lyBoead him aad
\o mom %a ad. BoMh BaUite a weak. «nWM <n Mat
ttma over IM pouda ta Ma Anay tribe
On your DweUiny,
Store, Factory or Btook,
carry a certain amount
ot aUtlmea
We are ttailqearwrefnrtlieiiL
—Watch Repairing,
—John Verly„.
—Front Street!
E. W, Hastings'
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond' with
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptvons. including 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws; A complete Saw MUI Plant for sale
traverse city lumber
livery, Bus and Feed Stable,
Psedlng fBrstts hooM a
Horsed bosrdsd,
TSa K0aanrO3S00BI>» TBirBSI)AT, nrLT 8. 1887.
ag^^ggggg V vuami
u» mm «r A Mtut cMim
at MOorAv.
ft vauft and
Xhm ffliHfcift giuftftM tOi to ariMinatoi^
toftirp(aou.*‘«Mtto «kfffftS WiV
SmBM Bfttoft^ Vito ftftS:*
■ftCtaftw, ^ r—Ite Ifttor-ftttoB
•ftraftftMttetoUfftbMWM kvftftftd
•vpOto toJft HBWlftg. gitor ttowit^
Tha MBldMt «et«md •« 11 e*rtodt.
^tMftfftOfttotoftdftftftpimmin. A
WMftftU toTM ttOldMft toM Bay
Qto. vhOM ftftMi hfttftBok MTMbeoft
wwn diowsed. The bodj U
. toft WOBftft KM IfttftT «ftftW—d ftftd
toaarkt to ■■ wtortoktoc ftfttofcH^
•to<ftt ftar*. T. P. Zla^p, m tiavaliiur
MU tram Qftftftto. OUto ww to badly
lajftiftd toftt hft tosaot toaefftr. ▲»otoM tftftMftfw WH B. s. OfttUftft. *r
■ifttoM tftftftui
irut <rf toft
lUehtgaagntoftL QvldHwupftrUy
oftlofftWladowwkwtoft eui^oadftd
Iftto toft ztoftr. 8ft «w ftOQridftiftUy
iBjvnd ftbovt toft artoft aad bud.
Ptoftb Mft^, a abofttoftlMr od Btoftavma, WH kftAij iajuad atoai to* l«r*.
Tto car WM is etorfft at gftrbwi
SIU^. ■nbirtoftn ftftd JftM <yBri«ft.
ftf^htoftr. boftk c< «1MM IftMPftdft^
ftto>p»i1 wlto ftlUbt tftjartto. nftCxaetftaaftftctf toeafteUftstiau
pat aakaom. bat U to baHwftd that
toft MBtoraan «ru ra^ with aa P. A
P. K. tnla. ^kh to a wto^ilitoi ««r
•abarbwtaa«ftl.aBdtkathftaBald not
■top toe ear after toe brtofe eocaBipoeftd to ftwiar. It to htotoaad that
toft draw had jnt'bau OctU aftar
lattoar a
throath aad wMoputd
■fata topamil a todthoa* to pua
Thft BftBM od the wanaa who wu
ct Bajr atj. Thft aaMca o{ tiMr ehU
draa have aet pet baea toaraad.
I Xftftft Attiead ta flaa
sir? Swiss'S
epntitoof latuoiDgto^^palBtito
bat eren toll to not a aet^wit ,Ortift.
toato. by toe way. aea* a^ to atoto
Moee pidn ttan perftcnia( ttonafttia•ttooto and baUta l%a dadie to be tofttooftd, bowerer. to the atnageat and
mom tnoompcebeadble freak «( toft
ertMlnel isteUftOt Itoanaotfae
ad for « any other hypotoeda tbif
toftt toen to wnyialdiaf and iaeail>
•bto ooBHWurttof law <d satae wbtoh
oneratM in toe Intoteto of cederly ooto
dnot and btoarioe.. Bat for toe tattoe
Muka ertto wUito many bMitotd and
' ~'
....................................... to
8aw«»eraAte*8eAtTlwten»Wi iminilinMT rras tobUd ft to *. TUtor
eaaitoftd that be wanted it to go to
ihft oannle «< dw aonhwftftl that ttp
oeiB 10 nAinoin iftKEiiiiiT
Russtt’s mwp
U fibown
the Tnrktob IHA
, July 7.■utadreotornoto te toe powara coggeating toftt stepa be taken to expedite
the eonalwion of peeee between Ureoee
aad Turkey. Tbto ution <m .the
, part
of Basato ta r
ere u being o
ing that Bnaato dratie* to foreatoll
cbnllar {nropoaal upon tbe pert of the
otbarpoweie. Both to* patoMaad toe
Tnrktob mlntoWre were immedtotely
informed of Beeato** action.
Tbe Oermu Ambassador here. Baron
teornm von Jeltaeb, hu reerived treah
and prectoe InstmcUons to inatot opoo
Tntoey'a aceaptanu of tbe atrategie
tnmtiu proposed by the powora.
e party atobt hare pUoea a
wftheVlulBtol OftM ■
«be Qialtoe-AeiiMw Awaowa
at Afttt-rreet too*>totlMi b • Ptolere.
WftftaUtftoft. 4nly t.-lbe final r«to on
toetartC bUI wiU be taheo In tot eeaau
baftoie edtoununeM today, a dcflntto
by an partita
fotlowi: That debaU on tot tariff bill
■hftU proerrd nnder toft flre-niiDete
role ftfur 1 p. m. tomoftfow. and toeflnal
reu oa toft bUl
be lahen betoie adJoaiemeat tenorrow.” AlUaen dU not
aM that toe boor (or too rote be ait. be
ing eoniftni wttb'toe podOTe agreeaicnt
that It ftboald be aoae tlm today. Ibe
UmjuUaa of ftpeechcft after 1 p. n. to
ftr* ainuiM wtu brtog toe dabau wltonarrow Utotta The annoencenMnt by
toe rice peetodent that tH •
wu perfected led to genenl
beau do the voridtoe toafttanoanl
rf tttn wttoid bft at Uboty todg^ Dwlng toe day the utl-tnwt ancaticn
wu debated at Iragtli. aad Pettqr
amendment on to* aubiect wu deftaud
alM atoonf tot «etoato eriaOnali ft
gBKtof toenatoA thoogh woM we^
Alton again oflered toe.
haee the naik pMlnaa
plaeai u toft aen. Tbm to an iatoMh
Irely and m
Afield of fttndybente the fttadenl tnm
ar erlmlBolcwr. Lonbrao bu ntftieW vrtiiEhtoft
toft ft
to toft fact«f Whlohl ■T to
toe Popi^ aaf gl^ tepab-
WatolDgton. Joty 1.—Tbc potot tong
Mooted waetoer Oftnerei Bcbftrt B. Left
did or dM aol ifttogn afWr to* tottit of
Oftttyaburg. Is now oftHIftA. In d votasn*
of war rcccrda which toe war departmeet U ahoat to pabluh. Ocnoral tec'a
tolUr will appear. It U dated from
Camp Orange. A«g. A 1KA one moeth
after Oftttyaborg. Jefleieoa Devto d*dtoftd to eoeapt toe nggiittu.
Dtvttoaftft ftf Patiftd teaka
Wuhlngton. July T.~Tb* comptroller
of the cnnency bn dedared dtvtdendft
to favor of cteditora of iMOhreot nation'
nl banka u follow*; Plfteaii per cent.,
rtm Nnttoenl bnnk oft FenUttn. Ol:
IW per cenL and inierdt. Merchanto’
NnUonal bank of Devil'* taka N. D.;
U per cut.. Flat Naiioanl bank of
Dftcorah. ta: U per c«nL. Second Nallonal bank of Bockfoed, Dla
icnwnakfte. Joty T.-The fint gcnefal
1*1 tm of toft nttioit*l Bdocatioaftt a*aodattoe «ene« tn the Bxpodtian bond
ing at • o’cloA toai ttlgbt. The aodltorinm wu oowded to UftotMOMoacaatty. .BabbI A Hftebt. D D.. opened thft
OUVftMtoti vdlb piayftr. “AMlcn" wu
then reniiMd by a efaoroa Addreumof
of the NftUonal OouBdl nf Education
were ftlected u followe:
Charlcft Degarmo, of Bwartreore. la
vice pruldftDt. W. P. KliM MoonLVe
Aon. la: ftecreenry, MIm Bfttlle A. Do
Wi^pritot. 10. *0 »nd w —ita.
X oomplatg Um of Ute my
bedTeaa, Coffaaa. EperTOiBg.
BnvopNbrted «ar makH
Tte RlWBiltM HUbb
ET«3iliii«FMtADdin 9»Man.
Tbe beat to be had-ahiaT^
Jacob Furtsch.
aS OricSt
3380 Frames
Let u make some for rm.
CITY BOOKSTORE. And everything in the line
of first dhsa jewelry and
Suits to Order.
toilet article*.
Fine Merchant .Tailoring.
A Black. CaloB
S'. ^ j A TlTft.,
, Baa
cot WftBWBr.
MHIV ormr, cMreoi^wa,
Sherbet. Bto., Fru Delivery, temily trade a apsetol^.
Nubvllle. Tenn.. July 1.—The PopaItftl canferenre yeelerdmy adopted TeftohuioDft pRntdlng for tbe appointmut
of a OBounlttee oa orranluOan <
poeed of three frooi each auta
cbalrmu u> be elected by toe confer■enev: Jfto
national executive coa
coouninae acts upon the line of Pupu.
m* eocnmlttee will a,cl
national cooveotMti. Tbe
report dectoru la lAvoe of iboreugta rv' 'ftduanOon. evei
if e
sft aoon as anybody oirjccted
Chicago. Joty T.—Folloaing are the
The counirr ought to un- dls^Trocoriof tbeNaO&I Uague
Olgmty ano wtain.
dennand." he said, -boi this is a pure-! i*j* ball dnbe:
At Brooklyn-New
commanded, dto- ly »i*ctacular performance; a per-: yonc 7. Brooklyn S; at Phlladelpblaperge, I aayl Wecan't have uo bnrlaata , furmanre iniecded to amuse, if not to Boston $ Pbltadrtphto »; at Cincinnati
,daortve. .it should know that our Re- -^BaUltwre X. Cincinnati 10: at PiuaTbe awed yonth did not dtewrae. bnt
l-reihrat mIM on tke Dam-I borg-CTeveland
.Pfratic hrvthren to help them out: H | weatem League.
[the. Democratic brethren could be 1 Q^^^d KapUs t ln_
a__ - • - . ■■
I l^'o'tobt forward ;to scare them, then ; troll-Columbu* i. Detroit 17: at Mineapniu
“ *“• “
-I.Tbaatrleal Jlotaa.
Western Auociatlon:
At Du =■
Psakbaas,.tes recently bcu rnnob u-1 Thutauw replied briefly to his toiWbu Bdsa^ Bammyi. toe nelabrat- Doyed ^ the perxiatency with which imgue. ^^ing he promised to confine Peoria ». Dubuque it; at Dei MoineaBurtlngton L Du Moines 4: at Cedar
od viollntot, comes here be win'probblmaelf
___ _____________ ________ ____
ably be gruli by a crowded boeu at
®*A fit- joaepk
at Stftinbegrft- B«
oome Indoned
by tbe leading ioumato in Uto ^d
Bn. U 0-. « nem rather thu barxher nteaanret and nod tut on toe vote to repeal tbat law, ■ was pulled off on Barnm'i tolaod, near
toe noUftc* from a metropoatu paper: told the Mneber to aend tbe ofluder to the firat name recorded in tbe afflrma- : LaCnase. early Satuiday morning. Blltlve wu that of Allen of Nebraaka. | ly Mitchell, a colored pugiliat of fit.
Bftmuyl to toe fiaeat ud moat fin- berbaoMtbeDexttimabewutiaDbto' Again
be found on a aecond vota In- ’ Paul, ftrughi Billy Dtnckman. It was a
tobed viollntot who bu ever vtoJted
■ than aivenaed at to* voicing eoMc maasar* of lelief to the Uvely battle. At the ehd of the seventh
toeusborea' At to* eooeluion of hi*,
industry tha first name round the fight wu given to Dmckman
Tb* Mpurtoor wu beet ■sogar1 ,w.
perfonaaau tha tbaator rancxAgain tody's boBM ft
. .___ .
the negative
wu ak..
that of u a
and tg^ with aboar* -*
'------ aU smiles and altontietk and abe trwtred him to a “sproad” tbe like of which
bat'd otdkSlng Mia for 'those i
Ctftveland. 0_ July 7.-Olas* wortterv
be ixobably bad never u^oyed befon.
began a conference here to agree on a
Be was anen made to feel perfectly at i
demand, for" Intreased wagea Two yters
He wUl ftppftar here July lA
"Kow." tbon^t tbe beneftetitu. repuL In UK * Rcpubllcno legtslator* ego (he vrorkftfa'iceepted a cut. owing
"to tbe lima to piuoh my little ‘Mc- ' restored the boonty of 3-t of a cent a to tbe rodacilon in the tariff. It Is uteataneUl. the great bypnottot, wUI jgioB."' So ebe potbefote him tbe erito pound over the veto of a Popotlatic peeted that the demand will be mads to
be at StoUbargi Opera floue aU of of playing trout and beaoogbt him to governor, Holcomb. Then when the coeform to the eontamptoted tariff' In
Popniists came into power ageln they crease.
next week
Msiwg Monday. He be a model boy in tbe fotore.
promptly repealed the bounty law. So
to U MantotM toto weak and tte AdvoImagine ber eorpriae wbw be arid to mach. sold Thorston. for tbe conalatetijDly T. — C
ey of his imUeagne’s erlUciama
eaito of Tuftftday Mye:
Alton, in turn. Jostlfted bla oonito. .________________ naariy every
"1 ain’t tte boy that nma away,
tentoaelU opcaad a aenaon at tte
mtevlel traveler In the coonur ■* the
oporahooutoatal^ttoa good aadl- ma'am. Be gave me a penny to oome mytag te had entered the sehate at a manager of the Bate* Boom dear ud
UiDc when tte govemnent wu bankftooa He gav* a performaaea that wu ben in bto p)nee. "-^Sooftito Lendn
rapt aad when eome otMipc wu bn- MW* stand, wu druwaad yestardar
almply woaderfnl ud At to* ftame ttme
peraUve to redoee goeerTUDenl. examnung, wbieb mAku tte pertuvaa party of frtftwda
peosM. avoid bond Maaca and pat mte
Aaouoftoou that have bean befora
Money in tte treaftory. Be had voted
him sink into Inrignlfiaaiyda . With lived Cm ISM to l«?a Bto Utoraiy lor
tte'WUsoo MU repealing tte bounty
it of thto woodftrfol
Tin Plate eompuy. df thto dty, and tte
u-mind and wito sack life begu with tbe play "Heny lU."
bto toboea oemtitmtA to bto
Amatleas Tie Plate cetnpany, of B. admitted that tte 1
wood, yaaurdty started tbelr ptoMB ac
aio at hand, tte op«ta hoia aborid
eardlag to tte tew wage acato.
te naekftd at every eMfiarmAou and no
at peratar; toeamoateeRd
director* of 4he National ]
itwurftvuled ttet be ^ at tbe mo^
arrayed in tbe whole «ix, one over
tbeotber Tbegoodjurtioevrutooeked. bon of time and to avoid long debate.
‘•WbfttaviUalnl” he exclaimed. Tbu Chandler aald. be appealed to ihe aena- ‘*nL.,
bft added leproachfnlly: "Wby didn't: tor to let the Mate pau "tol* bill of ,
yon ten me you were a rillninJ Why! pfwverlty and plenty in place of tfa« j
Democratic panlet. declar>s
dMn'tyi»u4 tbe tlMoof
agatattl fusion, uys free sQver will n:t
bring relkf until tnisu. combine* and
U^tbout replying to tola appeal Al- rlrg* arc atnllstacd: reafflnu the plat) yon were a villain in tbe fiiel;,
ing o^_y
‘jlm proceeded to crtticise Repubitcu
. fsifnatotB for- abaadanlng tbe
, inlUAllre end rvferwidur
A few year* later a oooatable of tbe ; ment. declaring that they had
I on All to join in fhe conti
Mme toerd made a remark worthy of to betray thalr trust aad Abandon a Tbe organisation ramir
£>opbmy bimaelt A knot of little boys pruposltlon to which their p^tform ;; pointed. Milton Parhsr, of DsUu. Tex.,
bed been buging abont the entrance'to Pl^ed them. He a i-unJ op by chargtbetown ball.befe*eapobliomeeting.li|^_!!i“...^*ttea Juoarud sine die. ,
Gm. B. Winnie,
ty. eopeneiun—I w ^
of to* eMta; Mayor W. O.
naHwawwgM. tor «te diy. al B. O',
Hcan beler toeuly one* ------- * * a aun. poperinMlftni of pobUc
eatlut the Motion la Ubto. Eft
only «eetoltol canola to«tft>aw-«s
have firen toe afttter uy notloa » trem the ftundpotnt u be ftAnoonced.
of w ftdroeate at "fair trade and free
: 3. L. BoUoway. ■
gtoer.** Bft mAolied the ateftdy
toftt ainlaftlftwbo ftebmit to the
Men of thft proftutlre policy, ftaytag the
'tooofte ft dwdgn Rf- Moffu of toe day wu “» taiiS-tor roband UbidinOM. and buy.*' iBciead of *a taiUI for re
The ‘■•otdtora’ Charaa' toon Faut.
In^ to ooDtftM the Mi4ve hint «ff It arvayrd ue againat the wortd.
a dtoftMed ouditou of nind whieh toft United SUtea toe
probably explaixM toft Mnl MOM «f to*
el pobUft MfttioeUea of Ow etaM of New
fooUch and onbofttneMlite esaum. Tha
York, tou dftUvcrcdI hi*
bto addiw OB
ft B1 B
babilfteenift to beaotmiret»l tznoag Pettoft' ameodmeBt declared nntowfol
I tor to* iCmmr
tofaC. Dc
inttnetire erimioato that 1 am inollaad the baporutloa of ftagar by any tmet
to beUere there aut be ftonw one «r or ecfBbteatloo operatlog In reetratnt of
la toe oou’tiy wbftge trade, or for the porpofte of advancing
price of aagv. The
toey get toft work done. Fewoftbeat the
provided for the forfOtorr cf near
At thft Mftfttug Of toft nattoaal eowadl
ycaterday the repctl of toe eaminilftM
. . ,
. .
.bnpofted, arA dlraclcd the fttteraey gi
jjr Wbere they bad toe work done, wblto 1 „i to enforce the forteliure and prore- on the qiMftUoft of eoeducaUu la' Ugh
leada to ttfft nippo«i:iaa that it to one eff ««,« tniaiA comblutlana etc. The
ochoolft declatto that ayeum wu toUlng
ator (poke at length li
arauidmcnl referring to the gradual ab- <
A Lonia B^bUa
ftcrptlon cf wealth in the heoda of vait of the covociL
tea Fraactoeo. Jelp r-Tte city ta
ilUad with CbrtoUu ~
Foar Tftfrator tralae ud aia* ftpadato
hare aiTlred ftiftca laat ftreator. Aboet
13.000 delaffttaft bare reftotared at the
'aonreatioa bereai. t.OOD of wboM are
Mritig be favored the a
It of hU
ftoffi the Pftdfte ftoaftk The Ueehat-left'
gbftkeftpenie, wbo rendered etofocat colleague YPettui). but would allach
parmoa, where the rartoM ofioeft are tribute to the natira aotbority of kiaga it anolhv and more far-reaching pkploftetoa, preuBU • bnftp aeeaa The iordft ud military «
lUoa. He tbooght fteicmv and conA*I
oalioB provided for by PeUuy araecddalftfatcft M they enire ere taken
of 1^ a cominlttM and eondneted to ' drio dignitartoa Jnatioa StaaUow aad meat might.'u Id the caae of the sugar
truat. enabling the tnui to pat ap the
toa'bofteU and lodging ptotoi aMigaed Dogberry, te Uicano^ an ao deUdoop- price of sugar pending acUon Id the
ly ahannl tbet their nyliigi bnve efton
tooM. Thto
been cribetoed u too go^ to be traa ecuru and he ruggeeied a raodificatlon
Oregon. >80 from Miehigan. toO from Pezbapft, bat they cfto onvutnwally be
Wtoftonala, ud sao from Kew York an- pretty cloaely palleted.
- rived. '
There to noelbing qoin in the.
Booth* are being beUt In tbepariUon
ft former magtotratetd Kewtniypcnt,
by the different mlrnknai? ftootottoa
TBrlffawd HB«ar Beaaly.
aad aereral of the ttaUa are fitting up
ADen now brought forward the
boftoma A Cftse wu being tried
amudinut for n bounty on beet eiumr,
ipeirtftl qnartera. In addition to the tbirt
befon blm in wbicb tbe aemwed. wbo
ragntor rellgiou eerriou of the oon- •tontly denied tbe ebaxge, wuaneried aad took the door to aurnon the
reatton. which wiU begin thto evening, to have ftiolu totm a gentleman a new i amendment. At the buiael he wu Unrin^remuUare belbg made for ngoft- aet of sbirta
pnl meeting at the rulcu balto In the
** A*ptetty ftoiy that I sboold taka bto'
rity. Airignmutoof slergymu have ■fahtsretolaimadtbetoatooalprit. Botl”!^;?^
bau made from among ibe moat prom
wnteeMd to twftstir yeen to toft pant-'
^toNadftd 'tte laetoent” wi to*
■ tototowhlaheila>
toftt a 1i8i||ii|ift<iift ti latotoidiee
A. Montagu, 1>7 Front Bt.
Front and Park tea.
brnnek. Ftwsf atieet, ad
b tbe ptoee to bey a fiiet alaaa loaf Bread the
in town. Try oer toeun Bread. It to a
winner. Thnriell A Qua. ear. Tib aad Dntoa. .
IEA-18,25, 36, 68c. Srr
Pees-ac. Oora-Te. lb*
tfrooftry, Ul Frcat BA
■ptetol attutton to fanrily trad*.
lAAto, eu. Prut ftftd Park, ftftd
rear Maacmto Bloto.
HAYE !00 SEER FfflCBf L'£o5i!S=^!L,'r,:;,’.5S.2;
forSto. Hridawortfi Block. Dniu atrsu
Botuakoer. TroMag aad Bond borwa a apeI'hlrd door wut of Morgau Uvwy Bara..
1 OaiTOW. 817
Futim* Ptoaur* to
ffiABTT, COIFORT! S5,lS?.!srir'
Bltoft to wear tbm. Prtaa
A. & Flyman. 3U BPrutBC
•3 la plftM of 3 M.
A. & i
Datoa St. Gill aad gte'
I Haved Moved TbttebandaomastoReoe,
LADIES chocolate
tUs to potato bog ttme.
from X. X }
origlul drag eau, firet doorei
Ok oat
te. tha
N8w^*roG6ss Vapor Stovis,
„ , IcPlhBain Fiwzab, Be.
146 Front St.
Cydenic Wind Blow* Mo«t of
Lowry. Minn, Aw«y.
8lto.»»n rt
the mwcury did not rtae abm-c ». The
dead ai«: Bdwatd O. Bhn. Bren J.
Jobaaon. Charles .^^nlth and Admpb
Balkaian. There were (our emsea of
proMraUim. only ooeef which U amiiiua.
0-.W* i>»»*
At New Tork, wheye the bot ware ,ha«
W O,.
)um arriaad tbert warn one death and
rWDltr KUted
lh» Often Bart- •Seven premratlona At Clnctnnatl them
rmua Tratwcar AWlteiil *«
wen Bve deaths-and about twenty
Often I>ria»
Dototh, JuJx 7^0l«
ben iatfl UB nie*>s *t »»llra«d
mr th«l * cyrlonr b*M obllmted tlw
town ot homy. Mtmw «¥l th»l eerea
iwoirie wen Xilk-d a»d muiy lajufBd.
l^wrr U BluateO oa ihe. -Soe" Uae.
' •erco RiUet fvM OleawcioO. oa lb*
NollMni PerJflc nnroad. PartJcolMt
•re n««er. l>u\ it !■ learned tbat Ute
from aoatbweat to
crctoM uaveird fro
tbe llUle town of
tzadc o! Ihe clout
LowTT wde ..
aluo In this district win bare an Impor
tant besriny on the outcome oN tbe
While it U emunated that
least Iwo-thirds of the mlacri have
thrown down their picks, enonyh men
are aUll at worft to sertoualy Impairtheir
ehancea unless they can ultimately be
brouyht out. This Piwldent Dolan eon.
Bdently rUlms can be'dODW The opera
tors on the Other Tiand. are In tiuwile
disconcerted and asoen that the atnke
cannot auoceed. The flrat break in the
made yesterday
afteroao by J. W. Steen, of tbe O. I. C.
mines at Rosstltic. Tbe dlyyers refumd
to work and tbe mine was closed down,
but a n«ticc wa7 ported that after yeslerday the O-eem rate wonld'b1 be paid.
3U way into tbe 'crock ahaad.
— -
aod pfooes of Me botte^ wars
Terre Rants, Ind.. July 7 —Tbe 1nT«>rtnation tbat the Grape Creek (DaovIUe)
mfnera w ill not yo out moves PresideC:
Knlyht. ot tbe United Nine Workers, to
aay: “Northern and central Indiana are
prepared to suy. cut aa Jony as neces
sary. hot they expect eaMern imnoll le
aaftst ’them. They have decided that 11
they eannot yet the aid of svlern 1111noU they will return to work at S cenu
a ton. They do not Intend to wislke for
(he simple purpose ofytrtny work to tbe
fastrtn llllncls miners, whose
- je-*..*;r..r“
Gouldsi>;r- and was In the tanning tfnal.
nera . He raid his wife tived in ettber
the north, ri. iw, westcro part iff New
Fork state. At that time he apgwared to
• smart. IndoBrlou* young man. very
'>'>'1*1) I'V’klBX. and did not appear to
uverM or 13 years old._____
waBsd w Bbw Over
Mnnt^.v rii
Jure - _ a- dire.e
* created here
play uf a Portuguese Aay betide tbs
Ameri<-an-ensign instead of twlow.lt
over Ortin's grocery sturv.
Mr. ^wockene—Wbat do ya tbtok
Sllwraje^imd I^ITlltia*^^ minee:
that there it a strike., among the mine
workers ot Ohio and other states emder
tbs direction of the United Minr Kurk.
era: that all of the W mtpen at DUleerale and
If umhe MO at the Long
Run mins are desirous of temalnlny at
work, but have refreturtUfram so dotny
by reasa of tbraats
and -wanilagt
from other mlpera w1k> bare Jotned the
•trlks: that U Is Decenary for tbe mine
._________ .._L_ ■_
la c^ieratloD. ____•
and .w^.
tbat .k.
unMnue aa woik If
protected from^yslcal iojury tothemaeive* and iftelf property.
Tkie recehwn also repreanted to tbe
court that they have ben lUrlsed that
tn tbetr opMXtta ofAbe Wheeltag and
Labe Erie (telway (bay will dm be
parmKted to tranaen «ror tbe road
wbat H known as Vir«tola ooai reu that tbHT
m’to gaatd (bs wooden
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Meal Tickets at Radacal Ram.
Flrel Claa*
^apertal Balm
. Far arrival ate
- —------, K«tkaaks
Wise I
.. !5!S JV»'.'
H ........
; aji.
T W Dvi’i. M.c.
II 13
I I WXal'saste
It contaioB ftU the news
whUe It’B fresh.
The readers enjoy It «t
the breakliwt table.
. ..I ----------II H, »n
........ II eg * H
.... 8HIM
.„ i'.“"
^7r^V<jre Watee. I
olh-ssriarChicago —
West Michigan
0. L jLOegWOOD
TralM betweenTirarere OUy ate Bb tigigs
L'-TravreMCUy.. SUaJL-.'........... (3Br4L
Ar.BkbapU*........ «m*.a. ............... IHPA.
Lv Bik BapulB........(Bam. II »v*- gWrm.
Ar.Trarere* OUT TBaJL UHr. ■ (Urm
unsm lu Htnunoi li
oonro BOBXB.
by oslny the coltunns of
The people read It and
beoaoee It is the only
morning daUy north of
Grand Bapida. AJao the
beat daily In thfapartof
:s.SasLas».’t“, 7t.''SL'73
‘• '.-L'Pr-A.'to
k pan <
Fark ^fNt, bttwBm Frest 1 Cbm.
w1U*iSy ^S^U,
removed It
______ 'Broitag' *
PMehlag Tlrra by
tlfra~io repair iteK.
•*> —'*■ -
•( (to un to ux U^elatf
Cycle Owners LookHere!
Bwbter ksrisg To* CUpo-^t lore yw
pteate. per pair...........................
Crefc BaMl* Gnpa. aickle Ups. pat sw.
(bat a ride in • trolley oar enrea bis
nva 1IV, w.o «w„a .
• j, : _____
brodaehea. After a lag day's
recelvera of tbe Whrttay and Lake Erie I TT»!:?.ETO.BT->T--Orf«raU. Ggot sg^.
oOce be suria borne with a^beod- .Railway company, wberriiy (be Uolte^ ;
•ebe. and after riding three mile* tbe' Blatm
siatm marabai Is dlrscaed to Dreiect vrat Appb toH. Uywaa. t*v WwAiagten tw
bcodaobe U gooe. Be thinks tbe air of their mlaras at work spd
» preveni
I tbs opera.
t aALB-L«0U fee* s
tloB of their ranway.
at Asgell stdtag FRA.’^ E-BOCyt
Tbe recelvyri ^le that they are enmr. It b oftly tb* J
caged in (be operattou uf two coal
mtiMi of the IMieellBC. Lake Erie and
Tab Wltber—W^'wai yoor Unite
JfMb Mnck by any of tbe modorAaIn city Utat
A saMWUoBIs ptrractiteurauue*.
wlt"»» told blM she was S y«ira;
be had a wife
child.'but hr dtd nut say whether It,
— . failure: • “We bad m-we men at!
--------albre: U^ut soolberl}
........................... ................ .
i work t.«Uy," said be. "Ihan any day j
Oeperal PelroU has revised a ptan tc
Stp^ Sbu^rw erattnaed hiyb teap^me: ; for a number of years after a h dlday I : smablUb the yvid standard for the cMto smjtbrrlT t
ailritiuli- this to the fact that the men : rroi^of Peru.
lovw-OeucraU} f
■■are I
A,^Crdln* lo dispatches Ju« rewired
be IdeniiRrd with this movwrtit. (ntoiidcn. lAke Nyaraa Is now tn teleMore than Iweoiy-Sv*
_________________ with
----------------------' graphic
lbs east
distrtct to- i African coaat.and with England.
Tbm bad bwa • little faaity juaai.
Maj-JT McKinley's moUi*r was not seMw was tnlking.
I vf>u*ly buriv-r her fall at Canton. O..
"Y'ta hare no rtcht to ft^
—T- •
M'frday. Bhe i» up and il«mt again.
'‘Wben 1 i»WiacdtotDany.
: Arts laI 1Vftw of FrotebU r*. The
president fa • rrtornej toVashingFOdrT told yon that I always wanted
my own way. and ytm said tbat made
Ctnclnnall. July J.-A very Impoetmnt
ao diffeieucc.*'
step was taken here yesterday In oon. : dstehter af William Btevrn'on. of Siru‘•Well, it doean’t dora It?" be retort- (wcaion with (be coal mlaces' strike. , beS Crawford county. WIf.. died from
of a rattlesnake bite.
•d. "You don’t yet it, do you?"
B«tne oeejbrew a.Ug drrerarker at
Thu it happened tbat ab« cnllod him Statra against ail rioleime or uirlaw'ttfl ;
acu m at Irasl a portion oftheierrltray
I*«rsoW«l Whltewalrr. Wla. tear■ mean tfalng.—Cbicoyo PoM. tc iRilo. An oeder.of tbe CnUcd Xtates 1
•»»'’ ‘be.towsr pcrttmi of bts fs<*.
eIrcuM court, aoutbero dlatrici of uhlo. 1
........... ........ ,...
Trellay CMs Fre Bradrafte,
MiXrftLL-l.VEOrS tTAhTS.
A Brooklyn man bai find ■ leportw ewsiera dlMHon, wraa ma^ by ,Judye I
■ -
pracerdinys for contempt of
be UwUtuted acalnM tbe oSendeiw
The recmreiw are also directed te
immediately fUe a bill for Iclunctlon
•yateat all persons aasayed to any at- !
tonpt to interfere with the Uwful operatiCD ot tbe mlnsa, or of (be raUnud
la tbetr cbaiye under order of thb
court. Mantaal Devaiiney was served .
with this order tau yesterday and w1U I
at once proceed In person to tbe locali
ty and after oonsulUtloo srttb tbe recelvcra win take meaaurea to fully
obey tbe order of the coart.
Lower Mebiy-B-;
wanarr is rasires
For Uppe
HartsvOle. Tean.. July 7.—A frtyhtful
Aad tire (MM Wm Z«ar.
boiler expiorton occumd on tbe farm
"Im't it itrangeP’ aba wbbpei^ a*
«( W. A. Alleo In the Tenth diaMet of
they sat in (be gloaming.
,(bis county yfBtr^*^Jay afieroooh. by
•'Wbat, dearr’ 'came • stale foiae.
> srhkh nine people were Instantly killed
"Tbat it la gas-wUefa makes a cork
mai Are badly injured. The doad are:
nop aod.qbc abaeaoe m it wMcb maku
W. A. Alien. James Alien. UnHey Al
• maado tbattane thing."—Yonkm
len. Mock Tuasriii. Asa Barr, Porter
AvertiL'-— Boli.m, hen Barkadale. and
^'lil AJlch. Tbe.latter tsro were-neWhsa Uo WraMiwM
The wounded are; Calhoua Stona. I(g
.troken Id two places; Oeot** Dice. had.
iy scalded and manyied. win die; Jobs
Foley, colored,
mangled, will
me: Albert Haley, colored, badly In
Jured, may-recover; Bam Vkeeler. oMjured.
orad. lag broken.
Alleh and bla bmb wm« Just ««iidudu
the woik of tbraablnc wheat
• -rure prepariny to Mar* Ma AM
the CHdoBni oorurred. Borne of
«h* vicUcH were mangled hayystdTMag-
wod to Jef.
Belter, wf a Thrreblwy Ha.
HteS Hste moWB
t»i» «*>««
low the men lo work until a malorliy of
opentots have ayrved to tbe miners' deRe Uya sf fltrite at Craps Creak.
Danville. Ilia.. July T.—Tbe mlr.eraera- Mlaen Are Klew la Wmt TlettBla.
ployed by tbe WeetvUle Coal cOmiwcy
In West VirylnU the mlbm hav< twen
went out yesterday, but their yri^ncc.
Mow In respocdkiy to the strike ordw.
wfalch was adimandfOrchecki^ylytamcn.
A dtspatcti says that a yenenl sulhe was promptly complied with and they
i-rubable. Tbe
! will yo 10 woA today. The KeUyvIlIe
wyaWsHl and-the}- mrr ircUncd ” Coal company, which furnUbes the lUlelsewhere te (svorable Dots Steel company with two train load*
ehanees tf s«ur1ay plenty of of coal per day. says lu men are aaUa“ *» l*»dlay. iBed and at m-ork. There U do alyn of
I«*«t»re Is Winy brought to bear atrtke tn the Grape Creek reylon or any
I’mird Mine Workers*
where In the Danville fkld*.
officials to Mn the strike.
without wccees. The Impression amonf
both operators and miners Ic this sute (S
that West TTrylnla will be able to sup
Baswh Ate Aaielfs ftehall.
ply the demand for coal in ihe event of
a prolcnytd strike, and tbat the opera
New Turk. July T-—Tbe efforts of ^rw.
tors will tw luslifled to offer Ihe miners Sarah Ann AnyelL a residenttif UIcblIrdncemenu to renain at work, as th>y yan. to eitabllsb beBolalm as the widow
did In 1(M. Chief Mine Insepclor Pan! of thy late Jay Oould In a suit against
says he does not look for much respame
Edwin and Helen Gvuid to rece,ver bet
to. the order. He says; 'Tf (be West
Vlrylnta miners remain at wom duriny dower Ir. tbt premises at East Fortythe strike tn other states, net' msrkeu aevertb street and STS Fifth avenue.
wUl open up for West Vlnrlnls coal, Wert recalled yiatcrday la the supreme '
which Wset TTrjtinIa operatori can ho'd
_ court wbm the depralllcn or Mrs. Busan
after tbe (ermlratlun of tbe siHke “ This J. Fillmore. , a w uneas In Wbalf of the
aryumeni has had yirat effect with the claimant. was-Bletf. Mrs. Fillmore Is a
mineral and the I'nltsd Mine Workers' resident Of Oakland, Cal. In her dcpost- • ■
may have great dlffl'uity In { tiun riie ii-Kiflcw that tbe moved (rum
' Homer. N. T.. to Scranton, Pa.. In June.
persusdliiy ftiem to join tbe strike.
UZZ. B.me time tn ISSd^ 1IS7 she and
I 1. .~c-cthe'
•w.'cat>oaaeor ellh................................
j her hoslwnd bearded
estimate of
onclals alxty-lwo railroad minee are ■ " •
freight train on ti
Ad' twmly-ttx are still In opera- |
*Hai»f«rd tu Scranlor, Pa.
Tbe miners' offlcUUs aar tbe on. I
husband Introduced bro to Gould.
eratnra wUl
claim a mine to
to 'l<e
In np- '' ----------------------»l>o wai^ ridln* In ---------------------the cslcuose...............
be in
Sr'S ^-“75 jjswa:
by from 10.000
en tn tbe Plttrburr dlauici yesterday.
The yreat straccle Is now on In earnest,
and the levelopmata of the next few
days will determine Ihe anecem or tailure of the Dahl for a uniform mlnla«
rale. Plttsbary la the piroial point Is
the flvf suiet enrayed In tbe cootcB.
and (he succcm of the local officials In
their efforts to atvorc a ycneral suspen-
the yoreniment has stationed
Wreck »f--------- ---------------------------yuarda at the bridyes leading t
The a«zt point of Iniarr la the path quarter.
of the stotm was Thsmaa AndreWe
rsllare St CUo>c<k
boose, where the family took refute In
Ctaicayu. July 7.—R.ilwru Droa..
the cellar aod esiaptd with brultea All
bis farm iwildiriRa Icdudlnf a new ^actnrers of mackinuwhes, ruirfier
Frankbrick housr. atr a total wreck. From yooda and awntnys at
Un street failed yesterday mornlny.
• the cyclone moved aboot due
Clande 8. Roberts is the owner of the
to Bam Morrv u's, whose It left'drath
aatnbUrtiment unu has conducted tbs
. (is path. Tbe f.mlly were prepariny
enter the cellar wh*n the storm rtnM:. bustncBB. for soom time under the ume
•weeplny every vestige -.
____ —„ of Roberts Bros. Hr made an ,u£ra.
I the buiidlay
from (he faundatb-r-. rarrylny the In- *"“1 In ,the county court to'Martin
(Dates several nd- Urk In the direction KimbalL; A sUtemom was IlM show,
from wWch the storm ewme. • All tbe IhK that tbe aasru art ltt.M0 and the
•ther buUdlnjrs ».te llktwt^ scattered UabUI^ tW.oui.
to Ihe four Wind*.
MlssreaBts Ure Kssij wtela
Two of Ite rsBiUs KIIWM
Camden. Ho.. July 7.-ln the peaceful
San Morron dl.-d within yh hour after farm district of Grindstone etrak, six
the cstasire^Aiywinr horrtbly hrulsrd
and msnyled. and a K-year-old daughter.
Annie, wapiroui d drad' by the resrulny • hBe Id a At of Jeat-nis rare, shot and .
party. The Injuries of the other Are tniianUy killed
^lis Th.,mason.
are' Mra. M'*m>w. ebalp waned, tack
Injured, badly l>mlsed. recovery doubt
ful: Xlfred M.m.w. II ycyfs old.
brmsi-d: Oswald Morrow. U years old.
plrtol on hlm^^
bif braIrA ,
^.^^ted as usual yesJeg bruken: Minnie MorTOW.arm'brofcen:
Ihros Baadrad PewpW (wSwaaO.
' teretay. The intnera. <s> tbe other band. I
baby, arrcrel} bruised. A tarye spIlDler
raris, July 7.—Adcv-icrroai these lib’tAat tbe cntlm Millers' and |
s taken from the back of Ttdof LaaV. van.'the hlrc-dipian, who iis'a brokenly Franc* Ibow that the dertructlOD '.y IRun. district, ^wbera these
. ankle. He m^die. At Lowry tbe au-! «»
there was yn-aler than, W"** tee located. Is out on a strike,
tloo was splintered Into a
thousand t e»r!Irr icyorts tndicalod.
The Inters 1 Th* operwiors tbemaelvea admit that
.— ...A.!
the usual number of I
fr*3,>w m | tb"* were
t'»* atfgreyate- Hardlyta vlMi'ye bss ...................................... the BsiowilAn and Gas- ■
escaprel tUmage and the num’serof p-i- tomnlle mines operated by tbe Puts- I
bury and Cbtoago company, where tbe'
eons drow^ ts quite 300.
IroDciad'is als» tn force.
Srewu-wBIII (oa trash M'lbe Baftom
WelkHiraww UIvnra Las* DIrsv
Gvsr •• Pre t'esL Are Owl.
rows Patally Bwrt.
Lmdou, July 7.-“Tommy Rnraa the
A fair fvilraate shows that there are
PitUbOTT. July
Four people srere wcIl-krcwB diver, was killed y«aterday
about 10.800 of the liOW railroad min.
tataly Inlurod and eWtiteen or twenty
while dlrtny from
rrom Rhyl pier.'
er* now out. The operators assert that '
were more or lew hurt in a etreet car
the river mines are nsart]- all runnli
Wratker We Msy KapMC
yfrock laa ulytit egt t
Followw are tb* while the mlnere' otBclals say they
Tine of the C.wlldat*
tsB-farlwest] fuwr boots fres
pany- The names of tboae aerioueiy .... , ^
— ere are
sirikr W F Ikearw^J i
leg bruken. will dir. tv. A. Manly, acalp
laid bare and hurt ImerDally. will prohably die; Ml*.> Sinitb. oknlt fractured.
rrtU die; 'C. C. Kogera le« and arm
broken and hun 'mternaliy. will, die:
Mrs. Mary H. VUson. Arch sU-reL .AIleyheny. two rths. right' leg and left
ADkle broken, naiy recoW.
The lews seriously Injured srere: Edsrard Blench. Mrs. Edward Dleench. W.
U- Elsrabeit. John M< raroy. Henry Mc
Henry. John Carr. Mira Alice Mooney.
Mackte. Psier Fay. Mira l^tle Smith.
s Afifoe
Afiale BnUlh. two unknown
wom. one \uiknown iQaX, John Hoover.
Ud.Bdwaad Kinney.
The wreck •occurred on the Soho hill
at a time when the Immense crowd
which attended the Areworks displav
Bchenley park was r
y hoii^w
Atwood aireex car bad
. _
. _ .
way down, the bill when U Jumpbd the
-^Track; closM} followiDy It came An open
summer car wUh a trailer, both denser
packrel JS-ltb people. Before It co^ be
Mupied H cra^^ into tbe teraUeOear.
Hardly had the Am eo&iB^ happened
before a third'oar. heavt,
1 district a suflVcbmt nurfber of Untied
As tm MsMsn la th.
giates liuirst^B to protect um mlnlns
the Bey of the Mracsle—AhMt M l*ee | and labroad prupenr now betnc opCswt. of the Rlter Mlaen Ute the Day) «iwced by Ihcoe recrlvers under ordei
After-a KeUeasI BetMay-WeM VIr. I Of this court. . The mar^al and hit
(tala Men laeliaed (« Caeltaise at Thatr dcputles ar« directed by Judye Taft
arrest and’detain any persona destroy*
' Werk-Appral ie Ooert.
tny property or threatralny or dmni
Plttsbura. Joly 7.—The atrtke prdw ot vloleoce to any persons tn the empluy
the national cxecuUre board of tbellhU- of the recBt er* tar the purpose of pre-
Dee Nolne^ la. July
The aound
money Democrats held their state conventlmi here today. Amony the leadlnc
men on (be rmund are Chairman W. C.
community are la a state of anxious expectane^ as to the Aevel^meais df the
•arly future. It la nimofed that aUthe
mm bands up to the Hooyly bars struck
work and that they are prepariny to
march. *.W strony. to reinforce the
Tiotert here. The yovernment has ordered the mUHary to lolvcepi them.
The UabommedarA * Garden Reach.
a soaib suburb of CaVutta. and a fashr Rurepeanu are *ow-
o..... „
-------------tj—I od States maiAal to consult with the 1
MuUla of the tute committee; J. RMiardeoiufs-member of the national commlticvrW. I. Babb, oandldau for yovernor of the Democratic party two yean
ato.1 and others eauaJly prominent. It
is bellpvee that 300 deleyates will have
Tba ejrrtoce etnick X-»wtt ibortlr aeats In thFcoarentioB. Judiee Nathan
after ( fTcIork In the erenlair- Erl> iel Prench, of Darenport. will make the
flwica of ibf O’floalc cloud wm •een •ddiras aa the temporair ebairmaa
bi DalnUt M-out T o’clorti.
The akr There U no doubt now that there will be
wae orenaw «lth cloud, that clrelep a full ticket pteced to (he field on a Tdntform of “aound money." tariff (or reve
a. ther moved ra;>l<Ur nortfceaM and
nue and personal liberty on the l^uor
thwe wan a yellow oaat that wa» a»>
oribcd to- ttie eun penetratln* thro«i»h
TV. L Babb, who led the Democratic
Ih^ People looked la wonder on the
party two years acn, Sf talked of for can
Bcene. hat nobody aecHbed the eoodldidate for toramw. but he deslras (hat
to a ryrlona llie oload. mored
•one man be obbaen who ewn gtrt all hU
Mch In (he elr and e(itM wlii a pertime to the oampalsn. The Mdffe may
ftctlr ateady motion.
be selected as the candidate fur the auranter tUaU* af the Mon.
prerae court. John Ciinetl. of Mason.
8t Paul. Joly T -A Glenwoot »nnM
City: J. E. R. Markeley. of the mme
apetdal to The Pioneer Prepa ay«; A
plaw: t^aiaamri
Nathaniel rrenen,
Flinch, n
itf uarenpurt,
deMrucItre cyclone.paraed (hR>nah the
and S. H. Mallory, at Charlton, hare
town of Rene yefierday afternoon aboot
been talked of tor rorernor.
I o'dock. II atirifd about a mile aoutbANNmil^E TNE MAHO^MEOAN.
caft of the rlll.ire of Lowry, deatroytn*
the bait: and part of the home of Ivor
Lielfee. Every bulldinf In the rtllas* irf
Loa-ry waa injured, eeven dwrlllcK
Calcutta. Joly
All aectlona ot the
boaaea the rallnay etatHm, dtnreb. He-
Tator and l.uirh.-r rtiop belna totally
deairoyed. while iherailrcad (racks were
(wuied and Uleerraf* »Hrea tom down
and part of, a mill was carried ^way.
From I^owry the worm oanllnued In a
fionheastirly dlivclion to the farm of
Robert Peacock, where St made a clean
•weep of all Ihe buildinca If
Ura Peacock.
' ber dauirbier Nettle, and a boy named
Robert UacGowan were In the house,
which wa< carrkd about twenty rods.
All wsie kijurol. but will probably re^
C! M BbOWX. AUoraey ate Oo%
O. La«. apwtal uuaum *• «
ateerareyaaclo* niFrema*.
th. Big
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