The Morning Record, July 29, 1897

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The Morning Record, July 29, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Pi»t Tear-No. "i


Md Mcked Of) too btnh«U ud
Mnt them 1»ck hare *o ihe dock for
!*bi|MDenV Wh«D Ute pvir befM to
BOA&P or SDVOATIOV OOVSXD. load the haUnee of the etaek WUliam
Uitefaell ateppA Into the ear an<l
aaked McCoy bow mucfa he paid to
tXsfon 6u«*t School '
1 Vet B« GeoT^ Coortade for the psutoaa. He'
the potatoM
Alee Bmiala Wh«e It la for ^e not booarhl of Conrtade, bat had be­
longed for a long time to McCoy and
now belonged to Zsbel. wdio was work­
Muibeio ol the board of ada- ing like a slare to basten the work of
oattoo were' aearee at the refolar aacking the sioek. Mitchell then made
monthly neeUnf of that body
effort to explain that COortada
last nbrbt. O. C. Moffatt. the
I the owner, anli told why- Mc­
aew member from the. flrat ward, Coy began to think
ml^t be
was there early. Mr. Pybaa was on aome mIsUke and went to nee
handalmat the nme time and Mr. Ooniiade aboat IL ' That gentle­
Moore eame eoon after foUowed by Mr. man told McCoy that young MeOoy bad
Kiehols and Mr. Boonda. Mayor Smith taken his potatoes away<weeks ago
wea sharp on time., at el^bt o’clock and that he bad taken the same
and a akirmUb was made for anoUer aome of bis own. This
’ member to make np a qnomm As not worry McCoy eery much, beoanse
there were no other members avaUable
wu the eaaieat thing to the'world to
s remembered that the praaldent oBer Oourtade is eenU a bushe* for the
of the board caa dll'll to eonaUtote a potatoes, more than the prices prevail­
qnoram whan oeeaaion demanda, there­ ing. and cwen then be wonld oome ont
fore there was no farther delay.
A^rmnoea to this end were made
‘Ihe bnainew of ibeecesion eras die- to Conrtade, Hnl that gi ‘
'patchedto jnet-iS mtontea after the ellnad to sell, even Choagb the prloe
meeting was called to order.
belter than the preralltog rate.
Then McCoy b^n to worry. One load
te M) ways and <
of; too basbels had been sent on to
reported claims amonnting to 81.474.9S.
town and by tbU time was at the
which wpre ordered paid.
dock, and another load nearly ready.
The eommittoe on bnUdlngs nnd Bat all the commercial fai
dUdsfortberemoeal which McCoy ooald bring to bear upon
^ the ebemleal laboratory from the Coartade were-frnlUem. He was obupper floor of the Central,school bnlld- darate and refas«|i abeolntely to sell.
to the basement of the new part. Be angeneroDsiy refused to sell thoee
There were two bids, one of 8149.10 that were by thU time already
- and another of 194 os. The committee dock at TraTerse City. There
ted ine^Ugated the matter and were help for it. the poUtoes mast go back
. notprepared to report In faror of the into the ear and those on the wagon
rad the change did. at onee. The dteppolnted J|^y
impraoUcabto and onwlso. The renart then drove
to town and
. of the eommlttof was aeeeptod and the load aliAdy at the deck
bnt DO farther action taken.
hanled back to East bay and pat Into
the ear with the rest of the stock be­
T%e same eommittee reported that It
longing to Coortada Now McCoy is
would OMt 8144 to move the Onion
telling hU friends wbat a aloe tlms be
atreet bnUdtog farther south from
and his friend Zabel bad at Etet bay.
Tteth street, bn| thatamonokdkl not
Indods the price ef a lot which would
have to be purchaaed.' Tbe prop»ition
to mart tbe strnotnre was not received Baw An Air Ship with His Powerful
with tovor at this time, bat iaetraeVight Olass-tt Had Ho Winp.
tkrna were given for neeesmry rep^s
and that tbe hollding^ ehall remain
where it U for tbe preaenC It waa
argasH that the remoral of tbe bailA
tog woald make the bardea upon the
Central eekool heavier.
Several bide for snppllee were reoeived and anbmittod. They were refenred to the committee on ways and
maana, with power.
O. CMoBattwasaddedto tbe committoo on ways and means in plaee of
^.'L. Johnson, and pennisslon was
given tbe eonnty school
bold the toachere' insUtoto
Angost in the Central boUdtog.
W. B. Thacker was appotoiod
•ehool eeasna taker, at a
•f 8»0.
___ Bopnds
worried about tbe
repairs upon the school balldings and
expreeeod bis disapproval of paying
Mr. NicboU fifty cento a day more
was pidd other men at tbe same
kind of work. Iteeldes it did not look
well for tbe board to keep on paying
^ a day to one of Its membera Be
wae catiefle^ when-notified by Mr.
Moore that Mr. McboU had come down
Bfty nento per day in bU price.

Sow Be Brought lOO Bnshola of
Anolfier Man’# Property to Town
Bert McCoy, of the firm of A- A.
MoCoy A Sod. is In Grand Rapids at­
tending the races. If be bad been at
borne be woald have saved Ms paternal
partner a deal of trooble and bard
It seems thst several weeks ago Mr.
McCoy, senior,boaghtS(^ibDshelsofpo-'
tatoeeat l&oentoabukbel from parties
to Acme, and as tbe car into which tbe
toHtos were loaded waa not foil be had
It moved to East Bay. where he ooold
get at it handily when wanted. When
te went to Baffslo a few daye later he
i Bert woald look after
the poUtoea ini m that they, were
property ahlpp*^
YcnWrday morning S. K. Northam
called npon Hr. MoCoy and oaked him
If he eonld not remove the car from tbe
.track at that point and get It oat of
the war Mr. -MoCoy proUeted that
toe oar wae moved weeks ago. But
Hr. Northam.insisted that toe car t
Then Mr. MoO^ eoncloded to^t Bert
ted overlooked the matter anr^t

toe ear '
jbaabeU of poi
John Zabel was locdclng for a cargo of
potatoes for a boat st toe dock.
MeCoy saw an opportnni^ to get rid of
0 basheU and at the
who oBpred IS eents a bnstel, jnst the
prlto paid tor toe two fanndred bastels
o^rly to toe spring. Tbe dMl
dated, and MeOoy. Zabel and a
tmM and wagon went down to East



' Toung ToU^ SnterUtowl last Might
•t Tia'
Lnat night twenty yoong people in

The Tariff Bill Is Passed.
And people are happy. We have had jndgpassed on our picture framing, and received


SknU Shown Set
As a result we are making, more frames than ever*
informal inritation from prize.
bat the Ky«ery WUl Probably Be- •!»»“
main Unaoleed-VrldenUy a Bkelo-' Landlord Wefeodorf to come oat and and our mouldings are the newest and most np to dat^ ,
hare a good time. The company of
ton Of a White Peraon(
city -eisltors '
AbomsnskaU .MTtbed’w
tertatoed by
roe Center a few weeks ago
to the hotel, and to tt
M. B. HOtXCY, RlAllsate.
malader of the skeleton from
belp*d make It' pleasant for i
.yesterday morning.
resorters. The early pmoloa of i
eitement to. and aboat that locality., ^.f the ereoing rtos derated to a «
and the greWsom* And U lUll sbroaded ;
mjeealng .game which
inamystery which Is deep aod pnisling, and which will prohably eev«r in toe epactooe dining romn. Imring
toe evening Mrs.
Sevml weeks ago toeaknli alluded to Ices to toe visitors snd goesU In the
qoanUty of terto hotel. Mbs Alms Desprss won,tbe|
which had been removerj from two dlf- honors to the gnesilng eontest. Trav­
As you can ask for. at----plaoes.* A sewch for the remain­ erse Reach b one of those plaoee where
ing parte was msde at the Ume, but yonng
folks, and Indeed old______
wlihoQtsalUfactoryremilta. Yesterday j
tune dnrmorning It oocurred to the eearehlng i
jj,, .ummer and the boepltoUly of
party thst ooe load of earth had beenj^j^ management U always fully apUken from a bank, some dbUoc«
preebted. The hotel b open to city
toe spot where the bulk of toe dirt bad vbltors Wednesday and Kridaj «
Sec Our Fall Neckwear—Now Here.
been taken. One of toe ia"
foond in tbs road, prohably baring
drofqied from the first load. Tbe reM}st Wiley, who has been vblUng
about rix feet to too aide ol the bank Blossom Jarrb, has ^ne to qileago.
Archie Cameron and O. C Moffast and
where the first load wsi, taker. It was
famllisB have returned from
first thought tost toe b dm might
formerly hsve been a part of toe form Ttecb Lake.
Prof. C. U. Bom will leave today for
Indian, but cIomt exanrination
Indicate that toe party who evidently, a ten days’visit vrito Us Mstor, Mrs.
laid claim to them was a while person. Dr. Grant Speer. In Manbtee.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Gales and their
Tbs ooodlUon of tos skull Indicatea
foul pUy. toongb toe bones shop such gnwte, Mr. and Mrs. Pbiopen. sg.«t
eridsBce of' dwsy '’ihat toere can yesterday at Ne-ab-ta-'
C. A. EXlfon of Grand Bapida. went
searosly be any oertaUity upon that
point. There b a hole throngh one of ^ to No-ah-i^wanta. yeeterday morning
toe tomplee and another on the oppo-1 for a two weeks'onUng with hb tarnHy.
aitc aide of the head. apearanUy
Him Jenab Kirby of Charlevoix
by a bnllet. The back of the skull b
crushed In. and it appears as thoo^ came to toe city raterday to care for
We'd llk» your Inspeetton.
toe fracture might have been made by ber ebter. Mra P. T. O'Neal, of Fifth
■me blunt instrument, though toe de- htreet. who b quiU eick.
Judge Booker, of the Sapreme court.
lyed eondiUon of the find leeves thb
yesterEserely a matter of oonjectnre.
Whatever may have been tbe eiper-ldey- They are spending toe bested
bnoe of toe |*rty to whom the bonce j term at Ne-eb la-wanu with their famReliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
oooe belonged, or whatever may have Hba.
MissMoUieQaiDUl. instraetor of mu­
been hb or ber fate, there b nothing.
indicate Wentltyor the aieans by sic In toe public schools of KsUmazoo,
wblefa the person wss deprired of life,
toe remainder of the summer with
wbetoer by foal or natnnl meaaa.
Mrs. J. W. Uannen.
The Bkcoxd reaches v^e people who' |
Base ball today and tomoreow.
‘’"y- V._____^___________ I ,
Bon. B. Goodrich hsa added SS la
cash to toe Lake Ann relief fund.
J. W: MUllken snd family and gneatt
.spent the day at Omens yesterday.
Aboat eighty young people enjoyed
Were saying, nothing in the
the picnic of toe BaptUtBuii Jay eehool
LadlM’ Ptngrie & Smith Basor
at Ne-ah-to-»raa.t*y*eterdsy.Toea. Hand Tams, aoto Tops.

Charley Cavls has taken to seeing air
ships St night. The other eveetng he
observed s great ball of firey briUianoy
eailtng toraagb space at a tote of speed
that snggeeted that tbe mocb abased
air ship was at large again. Be haatened into tbe honte and
powerfnl night glass, which he keeps
on hand to view air ships and things
with, and his first
a UUle donblfal at
first, howevec^ahont its being a real
air ship, becaose he saw no flying
wings and there was an absence of the
neceesiry eannd of biasing eb
Queea Qty Camp. JIo. 973, E* K. of
which shonld go with the flight of all A., will meet tonight in MonUgue hall.
well regnlatod wrial monsUra

There will be a regular mMUng to­
night of toe looal branch of the NsUonal Aeeoeiatlon of Stationary B ‘
H D. Campbell A Sons have eecnred
toe eloctrie llghUng ooatrset for toe :
new Porestors- ball, la toe Bronchi
A new member of the family took
quarters at the resldeoee of 'Ur. and'
Mrs- Frank Bchwallbr. ok Cnlon street
Tbe PoUto Implement Co. b prepar­
ing to add a wood working plant to
their factory. Thb
will ■ able the
•c all toe wood
gronnde shonld be crowded Ibis mfter- parte of toe implemente prodaced from
aad tomorrow. The games wiB toe factory
be called promptly at J:».
The echooner Seamen U loading e
cargo of tan bark from I. M. Winnie,
DtSTlHOtlZBBBZi VOLWTZXB for MUwaukee. Tbe Seaman b toe
vcmel which was dismasted st the
Bere This moato of Grand Traverse Iby two
yean ago and picked op by the steamer
Mrs. Lieot.-Col. C. C. Bcrroin of ColumbU o« Marion bland, snd towed
Grand .Bapids. arrived yeetorday and to thb tity. Thb b ber first visit here
wUlamlsiln the Volnuteer meeUngt
nee that tima
this week and next. She is the wife
B. J. Morgsn'e fast mare Bicycle Olr)
of tbe Miebigan dlvislcm offloer. and -aaenteiadistbesns poM st Grand
benulks will be Inspiring to all voton- Bapide Tneeday. hat failed to get a
tete friends. Tbs public b invited to piBW
pla^ aitm
She — —v-—. —--------ri -hear bmr toalgbl and toe rest of toe however. In Aiavringeleventh posiUon
£____________ ■
ai toe etart. In the firet heat ehe wsa
tenth, la the aecond ninth, and In the
■BSDors for Hite Ltodley.
third elihih. Ananbs took first money.
In toe annnal catalogue of toe ChlWtnalngtotae straight -heats in 2.19.
oagD Moslcol College, the i
Mbs Cbrrle P. Bindley appears ae a
A oompaay of about 30 gypeles ar­
member of the taeolty to the
tiivblon. A fine balf-tone portrait “b rived In tos city yteterday moralag
west, and pllebed toelr tenU
alao given of Mbs Bindley together
with other members of toe faMjty. la Ih toe eastom suburbs. There are In
addlUon to toe distinction tons aoeord- toe party men. women and children <4
ooc of toe “talented Traveroe Olt^ all agee and eisee. thiae bears and a
glrb,'' a flattering mention of ber rarr mdnke/, and other neoemarr crib
mu U givMi lib­ luenal with that olass of people. On
toelr way throagh the elty several of
eral space.
them gra^Md toe opportnnlty tor eoUeObtoego Market.
iUng alms.
Cbtoago, Jnly U: —Wheat-Jnly,
Boot Hb BlOTola.
7«Sej September. 7tl4e:
WhUe engaged m praetite’wito the
7»Xc- '
a few nighte ago Ed. New­
Com^uly. teXe; s
ton left hb Heycle ou^e ths^teU^
December. teWe.
Oatt—Inly, iTVe; September, 17K9 ing. Whan he needed toe
17Xe; October, 17ke: Deoembw. I8Se- wae ™b»ing and now be b
lay vkdent hsnde upon toe party who
Pork—Jnly. 87.67;September.f7.70.
Lerd—;inly. 84-10; September, 84 is. etotolt.



The Largest

Blank Books


An Examination

.Foresters’ Caps

Better Heteriels, Better Trimmings end Better WerlmeesUp
....... .Tliee Ton'll Get Elsewhere.....

............. ;..,.85c.


24 Pairs l!
A. B. andC. 84 SO Shoes at

line of flour can get awaj
with the--------


Good BaM B^ Today.
Tkle 'afternoon the fast Moskegoa
Beds will give the HosUere a-tasstie to
Twelfth Street Park to one of the best
games of tbe eeasao and another of
The (games
theee teams in Mnskegon
went on record « being the best of the
year played by either team. Hereto­
fore the local games has
been seer whst the
iport has warrant^. Tbe team
now in fine abape to pot up gilt edged
hpll and toe organisation ahould_be

Always in the lead. Never
in the rear.


33 Pairs
Men's Pstent Leather and Baameb, former price 89.nO and
8^1.00. to eloee ontat $8.00.

108 Pairs
Menh SaUnCalf Shoes, regu­
lar 8179 Shoea. DOW going at
$1 11.

69 Pairs
Meo'e Bight C-olor Tan Shoes
86 to 60 per cent, diteount.

118 Pairs
Ladies^ Black and Tte Pingree
At^to Julleta. foraer pries.
83. cleeiag oat prim •&.

Xfiks Ho Klsteks.

Th« Original.


Fruit Jars. Canning Season.

8 auart-yOOo. doz. 1 auart—90c. doz.
Get them before s



If You Have bgs to Soli

the Traverse City
Lumbef Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple-Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions. Including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriagesand Satvs. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.


Seamless Shoes
Bound to Wear end Good style.

Ol Bloods aod Cboeolites io bys' aod Tootlis' at Cost
'TmObb Alwaye Do BBSTm



r«M)ud U Mrtons
to Jobs Tibbito.»«tw7«, udwUehMTM*^
ib« licbtafbtoUHv^ A telt.eon-,
Metod with Uw totohtnwr p*ned
while to ototioa end etroek him la th«
tu*. faedlj iMerattAf
Ud mtUnt h BMh la the
Dr. Hooa attraded him aad foaad It
>t7 to Uke MTcral MUrbee la'
i. yr. Hankbi. Editor ud lUaagw.
wpt.twy rBbk VOBTltPOST.
On *Mk. br CAnMr.
■or the Xoka Au ftra Baf. «l«l
•U antbik. br
Onjmr.mBAlU •
tkma are iwported for the Uke Aaa
Are eaflerere. Prota Northport: Wm.
Olll. cheek (or $t.00; ceeh «S.O0; two
boSeeo(«lothiacframtheW. C.T. U
valaedal ftl.OO. The hocee will arto «l Ux fmoSee M T
M(««to clAww
rtto today on the Creneant A dteck
(ortAOOwaealaerMelTwitroo) Alder*
Bow St BalpathaTraiV
mau Keabea Ooedricb of Ihla «lty.
The ettacAa o( DeauieraUe aew^wpanapeethenpebUcao eeati
Ui aeUoo la fixSaff the dv^ apoa eacar
are met la a eatelp laaaacr bj 4he tellowias from the SreBiap Prm
lXX kvbov.
Oraad Bapide, an iadepeadeat aewi


A atnarte to • pmiwn WhMh iBtaw
MAto the car.
A mreler . teocAUj witaetd aa
aunriiiB epiamlr na a tnlo behreea
Gbioain aand Keata* City. A rery reGbioaira
■pcc^e ead
aad well to do old geatlemaa
»H ia tbe
ear. When M
MHtM mm.
d With bis
bit boou.............
boota He flnl
he ftntggM
pel one (dbt oa bit kifM and tagged.
Ae bewai trareUng hii boottwetetiew.
The boot woaldn't bodge la that podtioD, to be plated tbe toe of the other
boot agetnet tbe heal and tried it that
way. The boot etncAV The»^ booked
hie foot atooad tbe
legAad took
bold of tbe heel end trieA to ‘!Wa(k" it
Off, bgt it wotdda’t
la« be
wcat in Kerch of the porter and de­
mand«1 a bootjack.

, ^i
Batiirday Harkat.
-«4ieion D. called for.
Mrs Victor Petartyl, Snperiatandeat.
MeLellaa, fi, & Mass.
Melatyre. B. J. MorgM. B. Mimtagaa,
F. D. MeMenne. M. 8. Blebial. L. R.
McCoy. 3. A. ,McMenna. Gertie Molr.
M. C. Orlatt, JcaepbOHrer.W. J. Park­
er. C M. Parker. B. B. Pope. A Pay
dea. C. M. Prall. nekett. C tt. PetoraoB, V. PeWtyl, T. Pteraon. M. A. S.
Roberts. J. Beeale. B. P. Brea. Bsaeom. B. Morgan. Chaa. Paige. M. G
It U hoped that the abore named
membera srUl rrspoad b«arril> to the
call as tbe Satorday msrbeU aare falIan below teat eammer maikete. If
each member srlll raapoad once ia fire
wcaka they wUl eooa be ap to the old
Bread—-white, brown and aalt-rielag;
cake, eookieeaad (riid eakea, Dnteh
cheese, baked beans ead flowers..

.’mpetbixing paiecageep tried to
think the uld taan .oat of hie troablee,
erid s dnmawr. as nsaeL braogbt forth
the brat enggeeiloa:
“Make tbe porter pnU them oft,
•be Bad 100 PaMengere Vbo «noSo tbe porter took off bli jacket and
tanied back hie onffe and went to work.
aafareb^doparaUtothe adeaeta^
Hr tagged end poUtd ead eeeeewed
Without laJnry.
adaalMtitatio^Uke tbe ca«ar tniea
bat the ofaaife that it waeanaared
wlththalead tpeelallj la rlew doee ; Port Baron. July SB—The eteemer
wot apptor to be borne oal bj the fif- Cambria of tbe Wlodaor. Detroit end
aroe. In tael, tlte treth eeeme to be Soo line, which left DetroH Tneedey
that the tm>t la (erored by the new with ose haadred pemeoffari for the
tariff to a much leeederree than aader
wrecked tblimomieg oa Lake boots off Hinrflmef when I was a boy.''
the ffilwa Uw which it dieplacea
be aaM. “Tell yon bow I did it '-Tan
'air idea of tbe operaUoe of both Hmon. TbrM mllM north of Serala. toaud,” be said to tbe darky. Tbe
Thwtrtal Motes
te followiar M rreael ran into a drift of ioga, darky taroed. “Now Uke tbe boot haTbM evening Ai. O. Field'e geanine
table arran^ by the Spriarfieid.
hleh bad broken away from the raft tween y<mr legs, grasp tbe heel aad toe negro miastrel troops vrill appear in
1 if oppoiwd to aay ai
maebiaery became ditobled. The pae- gmtieiaan clang deepceaiely
It U ^poeed to be kin
<...................licking performance. ThU company
•aagen were wildly excited bat at day­ The hoot iMgsn to more ead flBally slid
preaeats the geanine article and acenm
light thU moraing all ware Mfely lud- Off. atmori throwing tbe pnUrr eerwe
of the South will be firen vritb more
car. Tbe
•d oa tbe-bekeh aad are now at dariaa. 09 Star._________________
realUm than can be done with black
The CambrU Umob mndy bottom
face artistt. Botirely free from all dbTHB O&AKATIO MAOFBS8XOM.
poawl to a high wmt tea and had c
jeeUonable (Mtores. the person most
go to pleoM before the laet
Bart Upon tbe befaaUdloas indeed who to^ld fled
wee taken off. The Cam­ •aarimeaU of.,W.
fault with the gsonlne hamor.
' Work of the Actor,
bria waaeTaaeelof l.eoouma. of the
la W. 6. Bart, the yonag actor, who
r the proteelioB enjoyed by old faahloB^ •ride wheal typa Sbe
esgroes A great deal of the
doing e beery baitaai
bee made himself a favorite- la Travthe tract t| eboat oor-UOrd 1cm then bee beef doing
muric introdeced Is of e high order.
nader tbe Wilioa bUl. aad that there . tbe peer fonr ]year* on the roote be­
Qity, as elsewhere, ihrongb hie
la nothing ia the edopUon of the differ- tween Detrrit and Senlt St Marie, ria natural ability, pccnliar pprsonal char- Surely Ue aagro ie edvaaetng ead hie
wUl have to look to bis
•Btial Kbedniee to Inflate tbe ralne of
acicristiet. and ladefailgable rffurte
•agar treat etock. The rtee U dne no Georgian Biy.
Unrels, ss Ue natural adapubtlity of
to exerl la hU profeMioa. is prearattd
An of the paeaeagefa ware ta&ea
doebt to the fact thettbe trait In antithese people flu Uem for the stage as
riphtion of the duty oD raw eugar Im­ tbe Sarnia boteV According to their oau of those who combine all tha elenroperly as if Ury had boea oa tbe
parted aa ImmeDse qeaaUty which it aceonau the Cambria, after going
mcuU snccem ie bU ch<rcan BOW reboe and dlepoae of at a
boards rinee infancy.
era] miiei np the lake, started beck to eeaealiiag. Mr. Bart bse e.imbed the
baadaome probu BiUier that
“The Chorus Glrr vree preeeaUd by
-la oootrol hare adraneed tbe prioe by Sereia on aeconat of the brnry weath­ ladder of soeeees from the very bottom:
aaaipalatloa of the market with- the er. when »he elreek e rolling
seen and known tbe bardahipe and dlir Uc Ferria eompaay. at Sleinterg's
nnloading their boidlogi at io«* and her wheel was broken and thp
experieoc<d by tbe Otsnd laaterealng. Tbe audieoce war
tbe\igh flgarei ead beriog them back
byliader head blowo off. Tbe frtghi- determiaed ee-t eoavc; oUou« a..u->r, appreemUve as usnal and Ue applaum
agala when tbe market eollepiee.
uoil now k< la r<-><'gn!z.d s> one uf •*M li'bcrally bestowed upon Ue dM
Aalde from iu hffeet upon the traet
the bin aeem* to be drafted in such a tivelyquUl nntil tbe steamer strnuk he brigbles-.surs Iu Uir drAOiAtlc dr- f.-'ent members of Uc east. S-m
maaarr ee to make Ita potent factor it, ■bore and began poeudiag. Tbea they insmonL Mr.
is bere to open the tt>:ie -.V "Mr-Booooer" a Uaalrieal
ihe ereavloD of a.great iadniirr in tbit
•oaatry. Tbe tariff placed noon raw were paaie striekea and the conferion •eeeoa of a V>ur esd oa* cho­ tnnaevr. was easily Ue fav.vrate and
eagar givto the growere of VeU and was iateasifled by tbe bnrutlog of • kes e CMpkuy r-fte entec pe»pV e» intrudeerd aeme original dases etepa
Bteera pipe which el»o canoed tbe elec- aseocUtca. Bis U prxuually .Lulu May In ba'iijmie solos was alao
Paul Ladr«w in female imUic light dyaemo to stop. leavlag th. sksured. as eoutiaiMd eucosaeea bevel1 vetT
very r
boat in total darknraa. The oapuin
him a fsvuritr all over Ue ceuubed moat of tbe eodleaer
wonld tanneh no boaU aaii'. daybreak try. That Ur Bert has tne proper in doabt ae to hU mx f..r Ue greater
fn ^Ufomla and Nebraska when- when, after a two boars' vralt. alt ,'>Dcv, uoa ol his art is cvioest ie part of bU turn and was warmly re­
Hayward was up to her
„ extend
______ 1
>:-aaI form. This company will not
an inwfview wiU Ue Badtea
boeloeK on a large aeala Other loeet
10 beginning 1to feel tbe im
TboH who adt^t the stage wiUotis play toetght but vrill resume FVldey
paler, and It will not be long hefr-* an
oUet means of insuring them Uelr Bight.
ladastry wHeh. ae shown by an oflieia) Being Bade in Mniformity OooTsnI'vellbood bagtn Ue wor:d baevUy
report enbmitted to tbe Inwa lrg'.«'a.BVMSAT
tiOB in Fitts’'nrg.
A weighed down, as it ware,
tore reUtive to Ue Sebraeka *
Piltsborg. July 99 —The alow prog- in Ue nos for tonane; perhaps mure
•elds, pays the farmer from gt« to
aa acre net profit will command i
reei la tbe aniformlty eoaveoUon ladl
Making, living. Tbe folera! aneatton. Tbe nddltk
ealeethatlt will uke several weeks iitwing of Ue stage is. as I Uke IL a
m ead arrive at
rrea City at
before aa agreement U reaehed wbicb very differeat UUg u tbe foUowiag of Grand BapMs
a Betaru train
wiU be mtiefaetory to »S per eent of other profsesionel aad m.-ruaatile will leave e;S0 p.
Bound trip rate
•broad aad gins the haelaaM greater the operator* of the dUtriet, which U walks of life. In boalneoi Uc proper- $z 00 Ma^^k
ma la Ue Valley
ball oa Ue 8U.
aeMasary before “irne eaUormUy"
Uoaete ebere. heitaver to small, of
Oxo.bxBAxmi.o. PTA.
Ihae tbe bill wbieh adds to the
tbe proflu of baying. Millnc. import or
aat iroflu of tbe tnat ooatatna that
hieh in the end will orerthniw it It rather dased by the aeeood attempt to.
whatever it may be. ia aeMotiee to Tax Fayara.
III be
enre for Ur beginnor who givea bU
Tbe tax rolls of Ue flve vrards of Ue
phyriral rStru and Urewd commoo City uf TreretK City, for the ooBectioo
y BO exUasive end so widespread
because it U sense in rrinre: but In stage life, ia ofbe..........................................
-fnehooL city aad special.............
wr^gaHaTnst^ u'^^w^^er eibleof
tain to becrae with tbe foeteriag it U too (air.
aJdlUcw to Ue tallBieaf Aneaclal sup­ taxm for Uc fiscal year 1897-1S98 hare
reeelving froe the slate aad aatiooal
The refnsal of the river operator* port are the reqairtmaaia. tbe doable beenBeUvered to me by the City Clerk
Held taxes may be paid to me at imy 0
goeeramen ts.
who have beoosK ideaUSed with the
of body ead mind end Am at aay Umc before Hepi mbm 1*
Tax free trader* are eoekiag to eyade uaUorauty moretnaat. preaaau a new those draogbte which ere made upon 1897. without ebar^ for eoUeetion
cact. pdoaltj for ooUeetioa
the fact that the redoctloo of the tar­ ohelecle. Without their aid Ue re­
end Ue ImaginaUua. The
larged end coueeted npm all
iff daUK by tbe Wilson law caused tbe quired es per cent eaonot be aaenred. must dellealc fibem of Ue brein ere
■—..luiMf nspaid iUplember Ui.
fwdeetlee la coal mio«* wagee. bv ae- BQwever, Ue peace oommlaBiaaet* are uxed. Ue eubUe inner workings of 1897. I will be at my t fBor to receive
‘amttag that'there vrav no taerease id , eoofldeat UCt Ue plan vriU yet be eoc- thought ere brought into active play told taxes OB eil week days from 8
the ImporUtions of coal under toe ceKfuL The eoaveatloa west Into a ead Uc tempefameat becomes daily, o'clock until 11:80 o'clock e m. and
Wilm law and benee it eonld not bare' eomsslttee of tbe whole to eeavider the bonrly. mure flnely strung, ia some from 1 e'eloek duul 4 o'clock p7 m
reduced prices They sKume appsr- proposed agrennrDt which was passed
fluriy. ac Uet deaU le.Ue rv- utH 8:M od^"
•atly that the pshlih doM not under- opoo by e oomipiltee of niee opereun. salL aa to the eases of Jobe MeColMlLOoa WuuctB.
stand that the redaction !• tariff «o- It dors not differ meterially from the lough, Toay Bart. Billy biaisiau. poor
abled the low-priced Nova 8oo0a cosi
of February. iSM. It leaves li'wy aaddoseaa uf oUera. The more
Fraot streeV to come Into compeUUon wttb that dog tbe dlfferenUal betwvwa the Ulek aad sensitive Us aetare Ue more heealy
Morica to Water Ooawtmeru.
by the miners of tbe Galtod SlatM. thin ooal mining to be eetUod .by
alive to every emotioa ii Ue actor.
and by reason of i|e low pricM drove
"CM course Uere are aeme ectore who
Oa West Virginia ooal ont of the eaeb
arc aot so ponetltated. bet they are
homs cf-ra m. end 8 a m.. also s.p
avneserkeU This was the (act and ae
gOMraUy penonswboby thair flnaa- m and 8 p. m.
kalogffiag of the sitaatloa will prevent
cial posttioos hare aov beee foreed to
All plocK where water ia found run­
anybody aadarataadiBg that It was the
go Urpggh Ue bardUipe of Uetr call ning contrary to shut
xedactliiB la the prioe at wbieh Nora
iog. It'e llhe a oerfd haU wiu the nff—except where a facial permit has
sac grunted.
•ooti^ ooaU irare laid down la eaeter%i_yWashlngtoa. Jaty M—The
Uermometar at aero. Few wiU tackle
H. D CsitreBX A Soxa
eoplM of Ue tariff set in lew farm ter iiofUrirovra voliUoa.
the east aad Into the west, prodoefug einmlatloa have baen isaaed in a pern
“Of oouree thoM who have passed
the war wbieh reenited la the redoc- phlet of Kventy pages Tbe membere UnMgb Ue mill bare Ue aatiataetloa
of tbe bosK will have U.OOe. the sen- of knowlag that they are In tbe better
tkm of coal mlaer*' wagM.
atorvIB.OOOsad Uefiaaaee eommntee sttte tor the pablle to jedge of Urir
-PTax atoal nmaatactarera have de- lh.000 oopios for dlstribntioa.
work. Bbow me e mao wheae initial
ellaed to furaieh armor plate at 8S00 a
entraaM open the emge was made
too for the three hettU ships sow in
through e parlor window and 1 vrill
•oucee of eoaelrnetioa for the United
point out to you as actor who —weU,
BUtM. That price wapAxed by coa- But Labor Leaden Will Motors ftp
waTI pat it mildly, doesn't bold
grme as the limit. FbUlag is placing
his podlenee.
BM Stage
mmtiMU tbe secreU/y oT^ navy vrae
leducatlou ie Incomplete: he bee
iaairuetad. to KtablUh a gpferam«at
not etmggled—now mimly, patiently.
plant far the perpese. P^haps the the eoaferenoe which was
blindly and deepaMngly. nuw
steel OKD hope sUll to fores Cac'.e Ssm ymterday did aot take a more radical
wlU food and now without: ever tcoato rtoMthe limit, by a nnltod stand action than merely t<toffrr seatiment--PA1HTBE.
clonely atrivinf to atmln eemad^rae
•gainst the ludection. However, ac­ at eympaUy wiU no finaaeial or strike
of perfeetion end never mtiafled wlU
cording to tartractloae. the only thief aid- It ie believed uat within tbe
bmtcBorte. howevm-laudable U«y
todonowUtoprocMdMoaee la ear- oomlag week, there will be such
r he.
lytag out the InetraetkM of Goagresa army of organiKi* and agllntor* la
WMt Virginia that the miam who Tork tow
have Una far refused to quit work wUI peodest Theatre, 1]
Ftm Merchant . Tailoring.
An eeridwt oeearrad at Caaaat A be oompaUed to do so from sheer force and naUre. they promise. It ie becked
BrowaV ehlairie mtIL «a th* IMxd^ ol aambrns It ie believed tMri Us by moB'ed man whom pyslar iAiae do
... ..................................................... flay, that
aot trighton. men who. to nee the






The Pure
Fruit Juice

It tu to be ladapeadent of the eommoto
place public, they mf: a eoraer of aselnrioa, to be at the dieperiUea of e
aalaet few. ead wUl preaeat palaeea of
•U'ciUw aad foraata of aU laadeeapea
Good! bat win it present actors, good
aetoreof one eityS If it dom It will
pay for them like any of tta iaae indepeadeot hlstar oharehM of the great
metropo^a, aad they will be aetom who
bare emae throngh the iwahs aad «p

ts what we flneor ear Soda Syrepa wHh.
WedoDOtneecxUaeUetev'faantaie. A
ri^ UsT^aeyTS
^^t^EvefyUlff strictly elcM abort



Grand Opera Honse. SGROCERIES,
Great 10 Gent Sbof

Musical Farce Comedies.


Suits to Order.




The IrtQMhabie Comedy,

“A Box of Dynamite.”
New' Specialties.
Ooc'l UU to one tbo eblMmi w tbs

415 Union St TaLphone 34.'

Gnid IttinK Sitiirdtf,
e u> sur Ml to oU mri resi


ItilT stow PROMESS.


8 Ni^u More,

Friday and Saturday,
July 30 atil 31.

Lady 'Watts

'LfiirbEsr ‘"-

Now for Business!

Fishing Parties
From this date this boat
will aot make ngolar con­
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parlies, how­
ever, can nuike airangements
for the use of tbiK handsome
jacht, b^-communication by
mail or wire, with



. B.

Leland, Mich.


Career of Unioe and Bay Btreota.
near M. A N. R. drpot. wLbrs to annbeoee to Uc peblic Uat be has refltledaed Ue Bold Paagbora better Usa itevrrbsc barn be­
fore end can acewnmodatr the travdiug podk ie good shape. ' John May.
formerly with the Haul WhlUng. will
hare charge of-hr oOce and attend to
the wanu of W.e gneete. Satialacrioa

ir M. a K a Drew.




^ uw




Fire InsnraDce.

Has Your
AttentionBt^ been called to the feet
that you can get at the Drag
Store (our store)

Ptsre Po^And 8plo^

ton wmsHiMiin

----- By Baying Your------

Meats and Qrocffies

Pur* Oroam Tartar,
(ami Pure Bekhtg Powder. U yo* wash
ns to make it. a porede Icr fll.tiD ) Bubb-r Bbrering. Bobber -Tnhing. all
i two years.) Fimataia t
jUa hands and face.

At ear etore.

Orders b; Telefhiie Ptenplif
Uetded Te.

At Our
Soda Fountain
well eaotaU aloac' but atwaye try to


IKS. 6. JOfflISOR.

car Cskw MSC Vtalfe SM


3439 Frames


Latae ceake Boma'fhryoa.

Pu» gtiMt, bitwiBi ftont * Cm



Raton, $1.50 per Day.

Ever Burned Ont?

fliairKtets It Rtdend Rates.

If aoyoakaow
. thevaiaeef



FMdint PArmers' Hozmb



Hotam BoAr4ftd.



B. J. MOROAB, Prop. -

s not any for 83oo

lUwiHlef th* MMtific of
Union Or^i '- *•


riaera aafl thetr.nunmts.
ihai the
ka* baah
enhy and t

alrted by

Undo 8*m Will HiV« to Mkkt'

Hi* Own
Armor Plat*.

Special July..,^..
Prortdnsee. R. 1- July a.-39df_J.
R. DoNltOe. of Wtscowrto. la dead. Tbe
end came at l:» a-' a. yesterday, and



^'BealteA. That r.e favorthc .
adJueliiMi.i Ol (he Btrllse and all qttealli'OL under nlyuveralee cuaciested thereUh by cor.cilliOoti employed Ih a»lht
; 7. ’ K. if miner* and tbein enfployfc.1 tb. i Uitlu*. of an adMdkatloa
rf arWtrator*. cewsponed ,
.. Stateo Judae*
I three
or three i
ik»r rmnemeh of osuoual repute, and |
in abom Ike ectlre (;ounlit7 can repwi
I oenve
■ - Tk*l
we favor the prfB-'
Ilple and riartlce of unlfonalty in lu
true and hrnest sensa. but we are onalterably ;mneed to ft In tbe false and
pefvrrted sen**- iB which It has beeB
cloak I
scbcoa aad transfrauds.

■•ii«a,ieeA That ae favor irwe and i
honert wricku and meanirea..eaab pay'
menu and. all inker ]un and uqulUtala
methods in the |•^us«cutlsn of tbe cual i

Aad Ike *M»«Bll4laa Cwayaala W«'>
IVnhably Poilee tan ana iIm tU* Snip,
Ou Wall—ladtaia Uae ta Ut. la llalta*
•a He Ooeked-Tnaaory nnei.1 o^alo
• Ooad Word (or U>a toitil INIi as •
Keeeaoe Halnr.
' .. *
, ,
""hlnptoB. July f*.—Ths
r*.—The armor p
hairtli* a-ein-h
detitoed tr
fnrtilah tbe aavy department tin; armor
aeeded for tbe* three IwtUtsblps now
hultdinc .at the pHce of tasO per tOB
py <eiBRreM. Seendary I«n« has
.,^r. m the line

aas e.yeara old. 1*Ibb a oaiive of .Near
York. He was the eoa of Reuben IXto*
mua, a |>ruatwreas farmei-mercbaol of
OeOMW-e eounty. and war the eldest ol
ata cbHdreti. H» aludird for the bar
sd4 b> aan the hrmclkr thereof at Warlater to the weat.
«e soon anteJH buHtlca and eraaaketed
^f,ct atUr^y of Wyymlna cwaaiy.
j,. y
resWeftce at
. .tlphq^.ktti*
------- . wp
... kli
Rarlae. Wta. In I»l he ran for
- etrcull
Rider and was ei«ded. ml>eth< IB IBM
to dc^ btmself to his private Uw


M p^r* ol Moor* A Sbafrr Sboas, rrmA Kid. oom-M aaoM *M
*5.00 ...................... ................................................
.......... ...........
40 pairs Oroaet Parta. band um^. tormtr prtoe *5...................V>'ta««UnK. W.
July, tt.—The
: *5 pain PbMp. Dod^ A Potmor. ikod cnrMd. worth »-M............
fer»BE* of Utnr >««d«n which mel bm
M pairs Harrr OraY Preach KU. eosnoa aaow ua. ebaap at *4..
rMYhnUr trrw toother iIk
10 pair hand toraed S! aboaa............................... .................................... >rr-.... 1 *0
Maber ef {uxanlMnt meh tn tbhl lln*
Ladias' Vici.Kid bSeyeWahoao....................................................... .......... ........... t M
tw ta* «v*r b«nf In oouicU locMber
Ladies' Kiac Doafota. Utaat stylaa. from............................................ .1 00 fh S 00
OQofvrvnce vu keU brhinO closed
1 *5 id 4 00
Ooora wnn
with irompers
Oump«n Ih
chair ana
in Use
use cnair
Slone" resoiotlun. upon srtilch tbe frasShoes..................................................................................................... . a*c t^s'oo
' adjoamed laal nl*ht Just aa the clock
.X *#lJ 1 50
Men's Oil Urala shoes.......... ........ ......... ......................................
atwk the ratdnlxbt bdur. It wa* deUs^li^lcur- whifk Uariln Van Uuren made bis
elded that PrealdentOoawnt ahould act
wives io
Cblldrea’a Hboa......................... '...................
.................. .. • •
tn UM. Opposed to slavery,
as a commlttse or ooe In arranping for
!nf aod Biiina the armor,. OiWaf^em. campaign
5. JO. SS«
ol sik-'Wan- 1bv left the Ucaracrattc party, becomlnt ShosOrsMin*. all kinds. .;............................... .......................................
qrmpathetic maaa meeUnss all over tbe
decIlBln* one of the founden of the Republican
. eouDUy on Attf.t. OScersef tbe Amehpirty. He. was elected TO the United
foul falsehood and a clartnc oulr*** , y,* department
iTodsfatloci of
sas and limlnMttoBS so olteD '
d..ubt-tlmt U»e ..iberv will mak. K'ales nenat' from WIsi-obsId Jba a.
iw;. tn ltd he was-re-elected In UCS
W cummuBlcat* wftk union orjanbu- pja,,.,, 7^..
stibouah iberv I* a ^ became oRended at the policy of the
Ooos as to what shall be done to furbeen piMllced Id wrlshls aadraeastker-ths idaa outlined tn tbe appeal ; ur\.t Id the mlninc Indsstry ol weslara amsll chaniv that some of Ih* ablp- n„puWMan» and le« the jany. but recoibUbv to
sscurs tbs:
u»». mined bis
hii seat ito tb* senate, altbough
adopted. Offlewrs of the Vnitrd Mine, Prnn*yHiutla.
, builders may comnor
r his rsaicnaof the plsnw which 'the. his coosllluenU
Wortcet* are to krranfe for tbe sys- } ".leadved. That the effoOs to fatten { --unfrol of
............... ....... prufcaa On-lr readlncM to tlua.
IS and ' arm
temaUe work of lOV Ubor ar*anltcrs in » the pobllc mind iheae slander .................
alPOcl.'Us ebann*. are a moral crime. I sell and turn out the armor they need
In 1«1 he was defeated at Demotic
West VlTslBla. IB which sUte and
and ibki a-e denounce the *ulUr author tor the ships in thalr haoda It how-, ^Wsie tor
• Pwmarlvaala renewed eflurts to
3t thU treosatloB as a moral criminal. I
«. ^ eepecied. all of the shipd1str« and
the strtks •eneral will be made.
„„favoraU*. Sec-'
’»*»‘***d- *^.r‘*‘*
lulHray brotherhoods, .except tbe eo.- rk. aili.« ood s bo»y rommaodant; j
iwtal» L-.t« will kroceed one step furetpeera. are In hearty
rty sympathy wl
with Ti m Shalt pot boar falsa
; e.., and arP-.-ol a b.mrd of .dh.^ra to, h'* dau»hter. Mra rrlndell, of Racine.
; nmke tbe atrlk* ef- , aaimsl thy neWiW.'
I ■■ll-aolved. That we are readk and : enn-y „ul ihe direction of r.,ogres* and .
krareaM the iwii rt-ia
Oae Night Only.
' *«»*■«
u'lvaoce tte
« « '««>
.he aatabllsbnwnt ol |
t*.-LcSsue base ball
Have you tried ow make*
Th*^^ adopted beam.- with th. , »*her.. but
i a aovernmcht armor plant.
: ^eViT^mbiSay were: At LoulsvUls
fWlowIn*: "A wall ol anpulsh. mln»l«d : iWs to the^ extent deiwiMW
Mbm Oeeh l* BHtlah Wsurs.
'-Brooklyn U. LoutavUIr f; at St. IxniU
«Hh despetuuoa. arises from tbe bow- th««. »!*: » IW cent sdvance on tlw |
i.oq, h,« decided to send _B<aton *. 8t lAmIs 4; st Chlca»o•i* of Uw e^ sad tbe ulnw*' err '
the l.iileship Indians to I'*”'"
for relief, for some deftee of Justice, and now belni paM 'W
I »» uocksO and cleaned. It h .— mb*, tvaatern Lcsriic:
Hlnnespollstoaite the rrsponAve chord In the ««»> companies In western Pennsyl- |
u, do this In order D prevent,
la 5 *ad lOc. Cifwm
hearts «id conscience, of the whole
•fatp from waukee-Columbus I. Milwaukee 4; al
I------------- The department rould have r, Paul—Indianapolis lu. St Psul tl
psople. DrodplDK at wage*
when <
ployed whlCb are Inadequate and per- ,
tojwnd tbe
, .. Kansas Clty-Detruit
tend misery. stsrvstloB and slavery. I
readi^ns had
^ . p^rt-iioyal. A C» for this pgrpos*. bat q,, g
tfkt miners see confronted with s con- *»•* ebsirmsn y^
the ..pinion of the best navigators In ,
^tloB by which their scant earulngs V"*.
! the navy department . .. thit it would ,
irtingtun 1
/are denied them except through the
“** preaeot up-1 iuplds-I>obuque «. Cedar Rapids *;
company phick-me stores which out- ^
scmdltion of tbe apprdsebss ke-rls-Ilockford APeorta 5; at Kool
worst feature* of the
V,*hlle the naval o«- -gulrury «. «• Jo**l‘h

...: * «*

The New Shoe Store.


C. O. SMITH, Proprietor.
No. 135 Front Street.


Thors, Jnly 29
... —• —
Tie RwoRiiiBN IdlN*

»L G. lltlOS'


OT.—... wwrt...

“i S'.'ir ScouBtry.
aad of aU omnloed labor of th* United


50 ProDiiDciit People 50


' «S’
'»•' «*»* ■* bl» hotel and asked that,

'i;»"'srsv .r.;..'.!»~i
ancommon. She will n.n be fit-

4trst conVfiUlon of lIllBot* state's attorneys as
i bllgv keels a 1 /Itallfaa. This semblol yesterday ofleniun with fblrty
hie repair* are ’ present. Addresses were made by John
work NIchaua M Fei.rla conntr. no "Criminal
durA ' Judge Sherman, of Me‘ Don<-uelv‘ rounty: on "Oral Insiruc-

eSftm TO ^n^ t»embled to con- here
r-cons.der his action, sod enter the I
re asain to liuure suLcesi of ^
•tder tbe pandlDg sinigsle
the meeting. Hr replied tbat be wodld j
•is tor waces suSkJeni to enable tbci
indorse and co-operateJn_atw 1
to Uve and to eUoy at least tome
Kiwe ot- tbe nseessltles of life, ate de. j plan the
district niwralois
■ termloed to lorwi-er put a stop 1 0 , I per cent. oflJfcTOst
t tbe same. H* I*'
___r consent
- — .nt to
State of starwailon TO which they • re Rive their
____ It impossible to secure « P- r cent.
now encnlfed."
fhe tfisttesAHisei TOMAstU iiy wm-oin-ees ele-rted were. President. Burafor uniformity as De Artniil demands,
elt M. Chlf-eilleld. of Canton: secrrlaryf1|ey Hsev Wltew Ttisc*'
The Wsy It I. To
In order to n-deem tbe above promise and Is wtlllDg to do as SO (ler cent, of
Wsthltigiuij. Joly fv-^-Tbe principal '.Ireasury. John Wily, of Peoria Peoria
opetsti>TO wl*h. ^
was wieetsd as the meeting place fur
tt was deterrnlned that: "We hereby the
C' Hir.el Reed took the mlnoHty report topli <-f dlmiflon al yesierdgj's csl 1-. the next ronvmtkm.
call Upon each national and Intama- with
and Chairman Dempeter de. net tneeilng was the l*gsl aspect cf the |
tlonal orgahlsalk>n of Utnr td'send rep- rld'H! him
ibal a* Cchnel.Herd had left the proposed esIaMimn.'f-r.t of a mlliUryp<.sl!
tu act fut and by tbe
In AUfka near TO. c Id fl.lda In seme
Cry«sl Fall*. Mirh.. July ».~Tbrr*
rectloD »r the United Mine Workers as me-tfng and take>i tbs report with him
^ , quarters .her* P dm,I ■ a* to Ihe pemwr ss-.n* rt.vdopm.rt. TO the Pearl
ocTtnlxers TO West Virginia. Pennsylirttd upon w, P.i J,,
^uiivv t..
*1,1,»h a psiwllh- M«ert*.m murd-r case. the ttamp.
VanU and sm-b other stales as may be
Armltl *all he watit-J It dl-tlnclly
auTO>,r,ssU,>n by Cxngrera. - war.lwhre ibe coilrer'* Jury fer feur
■ irirnTT Fully Imbued with the heroic r>*
undrrei.-od that-th- .all 10 adept uni- I
.p. w<-lghi .-f .,|.inl.;o apn-wr d m hours *pd un.Mlcnr were p-und Inic
stmnte which the miners are making TOrmlly
did nrrt have anytMngto dn with t
u,, exfrrtec ,.f euch right by TO* blm thick ami fatt. but bla r.. r>-e carried
tor pure womdohood and TOnocenl child­ the wnVe.
ar be did B<>t prornre tu arW- ,
,, ** emMg.nry measure. : him thr-Ugh the irylBg ordeal with lljhood. for decency, for manhood, and for
the consciousness-i
' Rertelso' Alger ha- ali.ady made the «n* 'v-Jor* The court wa» packed w-llb
rtvIIUatioii. and v
the consciousness
--------------------------------c*,t>1i« nut »b-et»lurs. mtr.y Udlesr being prssenl.
I ihsl the or
of the jnstice of ihHr cause and of the
tune Ibe plan* t., e-tnl4i»h 'h- post.' ».«i B<*s ws« the most ononceroed perlATIUk <1 WMT UftUINtA
rssponslMltty of
of TO. in.qo will be ,-nrt In TO* r.iom- Ml It rumore<l. that
upon tbe workli
iqulpisd new erd Important evidtnee has
. Captain P. H. Ray,
to lend ail possible assistance
Aiwat 8«M pbelr Oerw.
* In'•
XfM^rWee Tor th.
'found agalr.*i ttor.a
In •xp<^rWre
knSerIng. struggiing fellaw workers >if
CIpcInnalL July ZS.—A sp«cln1 to Tb4 , Uui n has been Jlnooversd now that
the mines, and to onlle In defense of
our borne*, our fights our cUlsqa^lp OommerrUI-Ttilninr from Wheeling. W. legal nomplUatlr.n* may yd Intwweo*
>. Ills.. July 9 -There •
VA. ays: Tbe c si strike in this state W prevent the detail. These compUra.
and our country."
Illlr-cls Firemen's
appeal reiterates the
lournamml. Krlgbt. cf UoBmouth.
gah miner add.d a
Fairmcrn thD the aiiurcv uf some •
ladder cllmbmade by Debs and Ralchford t
number «f n
-It of free speech and fi
makir.c ahr.iit tw/-thlrd* of tbe fore* awrvlng body of
^^/'has been denied the mlbers and tbe Id- hefree the e/tike. Fighly men came into *.yU-brlBg of tbe peepl* who are flock- flrst t-am bovelty bom race. l» yard*
JODcUeii is referred to as followa: 'Wi ihefltVJ from 0*r.ellrvi:ie and were pul mg to fbe-goULeountty. So doubt an- eras won by SapervlII*. Tbe bob ant
denounce the Usance of Injunctions hy
race went Ir Meuni Carroll. Uoothe vart-ms mines- All lb*
m be eaiertalned of the power hub
Ihe Judges of West VlrT-nla. Pennsyl- ;
nwmih won Ihe boi-k ar.d ladder Dovrllj
^b* preeldent to send a company of
voBla and other state* as wh-llj' un- 1 Wauen mines s-ere wwklB* full, as
Ihe Oastes. »lcptana. New Erg- ^mrs. but the qiieallon raised is Just, 'and the bub aod hub book and ladder
matlflsd.unwarTamed and unprecedenl- . were
ba,borltr they will have after,
«d. more especially in the absence of i land s-d We«t Kslrmoel. Tbe aglUlort
rf th- field except the local betag located,there. Can they he or- !
any exhibition or manifestation of force )
Walling C41 the dcto quell dlslurtwhce without ■
on the pkrt of IK.
Ih* »..irwe.»i
oulruted fwior-rw

i;r-. '*,r

‘hough th* workera *T»r'
other slates and all public ofllrlals for '
“>» Kanawha

h r-

.„r a marshal be j
cl.nhed with authurity to dispatch the ;

(he head with an
miwkeL The sUfBinStd cause la f»llgtous ma^a________ .

_H_ «h.nd„, dp-p ,d t .v; ';7,^'."sir ;?rt."r':s,'5.,s:3

■s by tbe found,-rs of the republic.**
I hesvlly Ar Ihe renill 'uf s Ms m.elTOg
,. Id l,y 8e*-retar>-Tr.a*uier T
* M Mrardrvllle ye-terday murr.Irg th*
BIghte-Nlw* MIim. Bepermstsa at the
r.iipd«vm- ard rllendalc
pltulHirg rsUorwiiiy Mr«U-g.
lt,e« we-e all ■
Plttabutg. July Sk-Elghiy-nlnr coal',
... l< •nppi,
wompany mlnea tocatsd In the PllUburg,
Rrlilmore and <''hlu rnllrn*da with
dtstrlct were repreaeDied al the coal'
, •peralors' uniformity meeting here yes- u'hirh the rompohlr* have coetrarta
This a<lds lOfi men lu Ihe ctHk*. Al th*
• .Urday. The operators who ahlp by rlv- R r«e Rob mtoe* in this city Ihe men
■ ‘

7;;”rr',^ =',xst.':s

Frut Haibtock'i Orcteln.
- Watch iGirte Big PaiaJt.


i Pipes
j .

and every kind of--------

PBJCI»:—EoUr* o.*i U vw. Sdt. I
FiratSrowsi- RaleoBY. SO*.
Next 6 rowa it"wleoBy. Ue.
exit* ebaiT* l--r reserved traia
Lael i rowi JTO cony tor childre
not reserved, t.i *.

always tsatoek.


BERRIES“"Th6 Pjlacc Bakory

berrtea. ikuaeberrl,-. and all kinds ol frail for cauaiag. Thutteli A Haae. Ltd.
Coruer UoloB and S vestb streets

Boys’ 1'“*

A. T JobBsoB. tleaih Side Hb-ie lit- la. 4iM UoTOb Street.

■jreat Cut in Bicycles

pay to look at the elegaat line.


H B Gib's In EMIe bieyele abop. Nil Frost 8t

nfur SmoBd basd opriebt Pism. Boaum make. Is food oooditioa'. with
VllU. alool aed rover. Worth gSSi; pne* at IHti If talma at oaoe. Pyiimte
If desired. W, WK mballOr. X. E. Stronv. Mgr. Traverse City fcmadu

Accidents Impossible
Cyclists, Look Here! SL*piST4lrtl.’S.,n,.''£!r,at


J. A Moaisgae. m Froat St.

Wafor FlqesUa tbe dty. All tbe brntfruu flavom. Frultasad
A rtcb gcM And Is reporttd In MTOne- QoHa
aota within fifty mnee of Duluth.
I OlHJd TTdlCl o-nfectioBery tbebeav A A. McCoy A.Sob. Front 8k
Char',*s HambauC. of l-'Ana*. Hteh.,
Hal Trm. «m-ledlo« th- si.s Taksa m tka wa« wtmrcd'to eight monlhs* Imprl*rmmeBt aifd ftiHd H-600 fur
(Beam eoda McLeilaD A Aab. eor. Front and Park, aad rear Mssoulc Blocfc.f
vrrnmrht land.



The Best Candies

Atr.eiiran Lout* Bomellar.. new o nflned for sellin* Wquor witbout a Ucenae
m ]all al Havmns. Ihere wlU remain a(
The pre«d»nl has appointed Major
American citlsecis Imprlentted In Cuba Is More* I* Handy, <J tl'lnolr. speclat c. inaddlll'4) to thr five Competitor prtsoo*r* mlr^iiner .-f the Ur.iled Plates to tbi
ulbwlng: Manuel F-fwande*. Parb iDierralloDal expotlllOD of IHO
i Fon Cabana*: Rafail FerIt b asid that a compajQr has beet
. Dlaa al Rangua.TO Uiasde.and
Julio Toma* —■
Patna asd Frank A.
... «.v, c...
----------------------elded to take no jan In the uniformity
Ornm. 11 at Santiago. Alt of these pdamovem-DU No allenUOD was paid to
are charged with rrbellloo with
I oig I* tor ,
• th* call bt. the WestmoreUnd people.
In band and are held (Uideci te th*
Very Hl^ w
OhIluBry: At P)efcMOB..lBd. Beo•Iona Tbe • <M i
' ’ t Uanxanillo has Jainln T<dui. St At Tetrv Haute. Ind..
ers werv paid off yesterday and told
___ b the new clauses Inserted
cabled tbe eecrelary cf Mate a contra­ ex-Mayor Alexander ntomas; Burn*
■ Foned aa by a cooiiBlUee and the meet- cltber to load coal for tbe local trade diction of tbe slury that Alim Sluxaer. Dunlap. At DayioB. O.. HethtiaaiaWbrtag today will taka op the agreement or Ukr iheir looU Iron, tb- shaft,
an American, bar been captured by
by clauses tor dlscumion. Other '
desperate effort will
lo hoist Bpanirh Irtvms and taken tu that place.
Iraac N. v'eavsr. lau secrelsry tf tbs
■ be
- made
■ the conditions slDCe UM warrant j eoal foi thrvwhlng purpnsrs bwa. Tb*
Cmxan*' 8a* «a Loan and BuJdlng aa.^sreot provltloBa.
.farmer* have offered to prolset TOooe
aoclatloo. Is In Jail al Pana.llta.charged
xrlll be appointed to draw up cl
willing to work al the risk of their lIvAa airoe..with etnbctxllng M.OOI cf tbe fUBd* cf
■awwll's Optwtaa wrthe TsnWINIt.
tbkt will cover the polnU at issue. The
All yesthrday farroera came In from
the erganl»TI,qi.
Waablngloc.'July it.—Arvislani Hrtreonly aeawtlcBal inddeBt of the aes- the country for caU. only to be disap­
At.the naticnal Jcwitfa Chautauqua.
rtons oecumd when Colonel W. *' pointed.' The crop .>f oat* Is vary Urge tary Howell, of thr treasurydepartmctit. Atlantic City. N. J.. Dr. K. SphJer. of
J a mlnorlly report
In Ihls'^ SMTltcn and 1* rarejy stacked, who (s lo rhargr of customs matters, New TorK aseerted that "tb* Jew la
the unifofipiw agreement, denouncing ...........................
mid. .yosiertay: "The new tariff Mil i« tbe genius ot the Bible, aad Iherefote
of tb* meeting TO severe . --------Monday,
•. the
— -procedure
_ n.ghi
— a large body of Pana ....
: the beet Intararetrr of It."
lertiu and bolting
baiting tbe
the eonferenca.
.nd- Moweaqua
M..weaqus miners, beaded by a : wbicb-desplu
whlch-despl the moM rerrfal efforts- , Kllbourne Seeback. of Port
I and.
When the commluee reported the oM arum and Oh- corpa. inarched on tb* am liable to creep mt» such msonrea i
UoKonnlt)- agreement wITO the new I Asaumiitton shaft and forced the men H Is a rerenue producer, and TO my by a blow (hat broke htanrik andcsiaaed
-cUuses and preamble prepared by the jj,bo wervIcMKllngoat for TO* localtrade opInloD *rlH produce at least tin.OOe.ODO Instant death. Oweu McAarao. another
r;*lUnB arbllraiora. the peporl waa read and thresher* to era** work. Tester- durlr.g the present fiscal year. and. I boy, I* In Jail or susplcInB.
and Captain BteyUer moved that It bs day momtng when the wbtstib blew not ‘ look for al l*a« SSD.OOO.teO durlnc tb*
Three pewb* cummitled suicide TO
awceh ed and tb* cooBDitiee dlacharged. I a miner went to work. The fanoers are ' ftscal year 1*»» “
Detroit. Mta Franc** Schivbkr, aged
Etond demanded reoognlUon lor the very Witer TO their denenstoUoo ot Ui*
--------ta WUMi
Cma PlalaHff Ha* OalL
U: CharlM Weitike. a Utler. aged U.
bsarlBg of a mlDortty report. Be pre- miner*. Inasmuch or they have oonand SB unlmowB man who Jomped off
laced the roporl wllb a fcw
tribuled to tbe miners' rouse
at Alden. was arreslad Monday night: Ihe terry boat
on wbal he termed the ''bitged" Inten- rraiiy
by ftbenft MlUerwr and brought to i Mra K. P. W. Packard; who wen an
tloo of the .-etlng- Rend ^d h* bad ,
rrok Hems Whar Tkli
bssn mlaled by UtU* as td ^pgrpoas ,
I forts to reform tbe meihoda TO rogue TO
cf.tbe mtetmg. He uodeietood &at it
Insane Baytuna « third of a ceBtury
r Eikbert. hail. The TOformallon
larmcr living
- ago. dMd At HahsemanB bomItaL Chi«. have left
• .............................Pariro.
on lb* J. W.
a larw
tfaai at a e«TO«i4iiro with
O'clock Ualn we« Sunday night i Alden. who -charge* tbe defendant with cage, from Uw effects of a surgical opSIT iXrol on Moi^y ^r^PhsTha “• »“«5 •*'»' '»
* »<»'•
re- erallon.
.f learnsd
*(or« since CbHstmsa Monday tnorn-1 volver. tha bullet F^erlBg cmedftbel Atdsnaan WiUtam Mangtsr. of CUwtlBg h*
that (
lag (be taf* waa found opened, robbed artmiss TO his lag. from which bs cam* cagg,. irbcT staled that an attei^ bad
itrik* was not to be taken inio co
f btoedTOg to death. The defeadant been made to brtbaJdm. and later daMdcraUois or dlaeomad 1b eoBnaettOB

:..rr.s r'

Prof. Bub Thnmpson’s Mam.
moth Military Baod.


-r.*..X .... .......

^ ago Virglek remarkad that h* Uitended
rt^ *a imt dsMre of the oooJ ep- “
SatV TaeaUc* U be couM
duRng tbe absence of her ta
mra of wcoten Pennayiianla u, ds-

• edtb* «a>«

Ice Cream Freezers

Frust SL. sdjolBiBc McNanra'a abiw eima.

Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots

Have You Seen Finch?

wheel adjnatad for >50.

Friedricb Black.

Bpldaweetb Bloek. Unte atraM.

Angus McCoH
1 Oc a Gallon
10 per cent Dfrssr(;!:L''"o?si:S

{■foMtbeMSDgallltasetFrdotSt. A.8.F>Tmaa.

1 have moved
Paris Green

clseaor*ronetartlcTOa. 0. A./obsesa A Oh.

and fiiaect Piowdora. *nila la potato bog tSma. Look oat
fortbem. Get your egumlnator from KB.MUler.tbe
origiBhl drug mab, fimt door east of F



New Process Vapor Stoves,
tee Cream Freezers, Etc.

146 Front St-






Oooqna RonUj teoUert a <nanat ia
1 Kcouda

Vikelj To Bo Head Planty in t)i<
Cold Region*.

mgns»r«j a i&-'


by Dims. 1:05,4.

I» wported

f,ullj ;® ?•*»
vourded ita tni.thi;r with a hauhti at;
Honea ralt^e far cavalry.pbipt
a. m. yeMorday. Uay Rirttoi had are beioR aoU now in Calilqraia


for fomf tlm. U«a ll\inR n-|lh UIhfR ^ 9lb0and hr flalinn! it, w ib.- iraiher of the; • Seoietfa’afirtrt taK work for ihJi ace« ftl'Ives her by I'raioer Blckuk at
ctoa.Ap.1 fUM>
r» I
mndtbf rcon» iTom- CtcwlBOcl ItvoeuUy.
thA D(^r» I. Onto.
*ould nu h«v» uiyinmUo d.' ullh
1 Wilkca, now in
Mrf Mtort H»r W1 *H«i tb.
bim. nvB
1» in
John SplanV
—■as' r»lry T»«a
rirkHy old buUdlnc ‘In Uieafy

the LuU-at gijwu trotteniuttae countiy.
. SMiUlt. Wa>rti. July «.-C»pUln Ray.
Monroe SalUboiyiaya that Lndy 1
The ipoUter and ihe babe were ale»t>*
Tl. R. A., -allh nve offlnr. and flfly-ali
t&K wh«n Ulr,Kle dealt the t>al>y v tear­ iibury, a S-yruTKtld cbcatnnt Blly
rem. win Irav.- H*aulc for»Clrde CUy.
ful blow acrrto the toreEead over the DUecna. IiOSH.if tbe ba« tnun
Aluka. vU RL AlIrhaeU, Auk. 6. Ordin
eye and under the rtahl. klUln* It
antly. The"Bri»tct

■ wiman be (truck'
taaTs been 8TM lo R*n Praaclaco to abtf Instant
FTwlaDd,tbe bayitel
a year'8 eui'r’S
ciotblBK. vhlrfa win four t
ever the head and face and' ,eon a tnatioee
-«i.. ______ ___
_____________ amanucw
and aR »be dar hardly Ktever. After Ihe cHine
iRCtude «vx.l*n'
h« tire's^
tbe^ ^ile in
land leoenUj, trottlhd
toob n»c««ary it. be used tn •■hutllfta." Hlnsle made hU ei are. The a


Twelve Irojin v.-d conical lenta will U

bor» were In purantt. MlitKie denied
belnc the rhUty. party. Cnii a larRe hltod
stain was on hli abtrt and a nuratter of
the inbal.liapu of the rew idcntlSed
He was taken to Jail and Joined
in a Knme cf cards

flipped in Statue from Philadelphia by
express. Pareaer has been secured by


tbe United Stater officer* and tbeir meb
on the North Amertcao ‘^nroonattoo
and Tradlna company's Heamer Cleve­
land. which lesyet Beattie Atl*. A Eaefe

Joe Thajrr. tbe Kentacky bomman.
is laid to have a auiaatioual eolt in tbe
»-year-ol4 p«»r Billy Andrewa, by Bow
Tmlner Bert Van Bm*. at ML SterUnR. Ky.. KoenUy drove the bay mare
Zeltoa, 8:i*4. by eeoortet, a mile in


nan's fare will cost the rovemmdot *tK
and each ton of frelpht wUl be charred

Tbe TermoDt mare Mabel W, t:l7, ie
Boaton. July S.-Lyman J. bate, sec­ not on a rUigins tour, as yeported, but
retary of tbe treasury, was the yuest of -ii In tbe stable erf B. Wesley, at Sarantbe boainesa men of Boston at a dinner ton. 14.
teamshlp company In tbe Tuillertes yestrrday afiernoon.
It is probstile that Ananiss. 8:IS. by
They will rn In Money was talked almost axtduslvely. I4troB. will make bia first iurt for I bisfrom rryea. imvellnK U«hl. Uklna pro- and a number of cold Demoerdu were
season at tbe Cleveland. stand elrooli
amont those who contributed to the
TWOD after they set in.
Oace's reception was s mseting.'
Other-%ee«>l*tbal WltlML

The steameblp City of Topeka will aafl
today frcm St-attle With XIO patsenfera
She roes only as Car as Juneau, whence
a inajtwilyofihe paMnrer* wm branch
out for Ihe mlnc- will sad today fi
with ever S» raasencer*. Nearly all
Uioae rnlna on the blander are from
, Beattie. The next vcasel ualllaa froth
Beallle for I>yea will be the steamer'
Romtle. chartered last Batnrday fortwe

ithualastic one and his adbrvss
WM keenly listeoed
the tariff bRi was touched upon
D as Inadenial lo what was called the Kreai.
1 problem a r confronUnK the counSecretary Oace held a reception be­
fore the banqneL Represcnlalive Will­
iam C. lATVerittK. cf Massachusetts, pre­
sided at tbe feast, briefly stallnK why
Boston business men felt so keen an
national flnanctol af­
fair*. The secretar)-*# speech was on
flDsnclal sffairs snd was a viKorous
plea for "sound money."

■ the chanc t.f still
be BMOssas.
the tost moment
Lcccrdlnc to The
As Old yaiMi I Mars a Waralar.
-Dally -- .
- In an inu-miew last nl^t with the nant that the contracts fer tbe traction
Aasodited Prem correspondent L. M. plant of the'ix.ndoii Central-railway,
Turner, who apmlelcvenyearsiDAlaska which Is to be an underKroued-elecirtc
and tbe Arctic rertosa In the employ of line. amouBiUtK In value to hundreds of
tbe Kovemment said: "It toabouttlmeU thoomndsQof pounds havr b«n Riven
call a ball < n thU mad mat> to cheKlonTbe secretary of the com­
dyke Belda Hundreds of men are Kolaf pany explains that tbeecntracts for esras far as they can. reijin* on olhera
riaRea locomotives and machinery were
em. ThatI help wlU be• meacer Riven to American Arms on the advice
enoi^ snd scores will eertalnly endure of electrical experts, who'represent that
e will relieve.
Rreiler ure t.f elecirtcal traction In
the United Stales ha* brouRht Its manu­
e tbe number folBK facture to a hlRher deRvrs «/- perfec­
by (he way of St. Michaela The enuill tion snd made It far lem expesive than
• river steamers will not afford room for in Enciand.
one-third ih> r.umlwr foleR by that
Half a Mlllloe In Ashwk
route. T'bv prtnistuns will have to be
•New York. July
Flrv at.Yonkers.
furnlabed by the transportation eompa.
N. Y., yesterday afiernoon destroyed
Blea and two-ihird* of tbe
will Uani at i^l. Ulchatls r alone t
Yukon and will not ree Dawren
cn Cljr n
til it'Xl n>r1nK Many of t
Pao Bros., silk manufacturers and the 1
by the way r.f B>-ea will i
Tonkere 8IIk company.
The Itws will ]
to winter at the head Of the watera o
pri>i«irfy reach t&oc.uoo and MO people |
the Tuk.-i-___________
are thrown out of vmrloymenL
W»-re no casualties, IhouRh thehuUdlnKr
were croivded wHh employes when the
ttowitalM Pet pa«s« to Bses Bndie mf Che
a discovered.
ttealih Thr*l la I>w« O- h
AS rrebsWy llwt aUaesv
Ottawa. <mt., July U —At the dcarof
( the second rtltlr.« of the cabinet last
n.).. says: AR Kane KldRt
cverir.F It was announced that (be rov■e fiunday thirty Miota were
errmenr had dedded*to Impoae a royally
elween EKIII Casey
on alt placer dlRRliiKS on (he Tufccn lo
adiUon ,lo |)t rertotratlOD fee at
annual asoannoin. The royalty '
Casey and two of the Baileys wrre pslnle par cent, on each claim with an cntpui
ly wounded. No arrests. All claim
of tin or lers raontLIy and » per cent,
on every claim ylcidlnc atiove that
Aslrtde of a Psnser.
IteBdea thla royally It has
been .derided In recard to ad future
dalms staked out cn other streams
rivera that every alurnate claim ehould
be the pn t-erty of the rrveremtr.L and
be reserved fir i.ubllc purposes and sold
or worked by the for the
benefit of the r» venue of t^ Dominion.

Clinton a Brisst. proprietor of the
Alma Mater stock farm, at Omaba, bai
employed Dick TUduu to eampaisu a
aelect lot from Up farml

Ti-u- -rinrimts m'sRVTL

- ■ i-'t5R[ATEST5Tp\\TPARADE-'“S[EN


reUroad and >
AUR. .L wli. ou that dam mxcoee,!
Richard Sloan as aiatataBt.^blet egRioeer ol tbe Illineto Oentrml railroad. I
F.'W'atlace. reslRned.


"Do yon. regard that pobtidu as a
^ ^
, . .,
. _____
®cU*Wel eriwed «be
vrere to glva
abouldeayao. Iftbati
rd. back it with
toe a tip on toe I
nylari dollar."

BoMoe. July n.-One cf tbe bkw
ernetional tennis manbas
seen was played jreoterday afteroooa tn the toumamept of the LWRwoed Oitcket dab at Lnegwood' and
naiilliiil la a vlctoer tor tbe American
Larned ovar bis Brttlah opfwnenL Mabowep, after tour briUUat eria bad

Me Css Far

Utila Ksst—Mamma didn't
Motoer—Yea, toaPa-wbat be ulA
KBU-19Mn wty did papa drop
buttou in tbe plau.*—GfariatlaBia

Chicago —
West Michigan



..^Otyssd Bto.
L'.TrererM City.
Ar.Bk kapids...........* xu.k. ....
Le. RlkkapUt. . «tta-B.
It w
Ar.Traesra* City. 7

in tbe vicinity of Down,
Hd a driviug

■mociatioa and Mcored the Gardiner
tXBok, where a meecixH will be held the
latter paft erf tb ifmobtb.




ParleecartoaTet torOrasS
3 unnx.*.

unsm UD lotnusmi l i
Te lake enact easSay. Jane B, UK,
StltaOe'elscka m.

and lace hi*'worn with nearly aUdremy
MwWtmM t
Yoong girls are wearing wteattia <rf
flowers aronad their beads at parties
and enteitalnmesu.
Tam 0*Sbanter bats cf the finest straw
mn trimmed with roaettes of black vel­
vet and a eoople of UacA qoUla.
Ammg tbe important revivals
dritos ia groagrain silk, which is to be
ooe of tbe popolsr fabrics trf tbe season.
There are but few women to whom
“ i* the perfectum of
jbe effort to broaden tbe sbooldcn is
evident in tbe straight out epaolets.
capeibapedtrill----- j——J!--------1—i



Reserved Seats and .Admissions Show Day Withoat Extre
Charge av Postoffloe Kews Btand

r puffs.

Crape dreMs are vi ,
are tboogbl extremely elt^anL eupecialIt in the finest grades erf ’............... .... *

••Then, proud beauty, yon refuse my * o w Bi
j O- La••tr,.ll ”
* aal «>oreJ

Ofaina crape.


v,'sr«.'” ■


—Milwaukee SentioeL
............... r .Ures>>Bd«kla. OOloc I

with colored beads and met<

To be in moat peifect style

it U m^ op with iUU cUlar, OU^
revera and sometime* there is an exB*
vest with a thnied over cUlar.

“Prioce Conatantioe
moeb Btaiity.-



*’WeU. I don’t know. Wben be bad
to retreaL be knew enongfa to etart earavoid tbe rub."—Kew York

lU, MeresDtUc
lie Oo. Btork.

I. Co Of« BItaH HM«.

O/TAUK 1. HOKtOK. M. D . PhjO.Oo-----JU. Cr,-aA A—lonUA Ui Trmora. CM.
AAd vui aiodA pramiHl. o .1] Aa. or


Troll SALB^My reetdeare o narileld Are.
ly iHKss, earf SBall paywral down,
rlare eaiter sad karseeelo b
eSavr. Mrs. W. r. uriOa.


OOP* ________
XV ehyrret the
SHrs sultabk re

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

wtu be

by lesTlay

■^AOTKO^AT OXCk-P^t^_^ * krte*
eore* Km'nS^rroulred. AddM Mrs &
iblo, Oeoeral Delirrry. TTOrtree Oxy. I*«

John B. Kellerd baa been engaged bj
AugBStas Pitou touriginate to* leading
me to‘'Cumberland '61."
"flodal Ariatoerati" la tbe title of
new play by Amo Hols, which will
•OOD be perfonned at Berlin.
Marie Yalleau baa been engaged to
take Caroline Miakell Hoyt's place in
"A Contented Woman” next seaaoi
Ousuve Waliwsaf toe San Fnmriaeo
Orirfwai baa leased toe American thea­
ter in Kew To^ for vaodeviUe pnrTbomai Whiffes bas recovered Bom
hla attack of lypbold fever end baa
miled for Enrope, to be gooe nntil Beptomher.
William a Crone may be' eeen alBOM any day enjoyltig life oo bla swift
maamyaetal toeflenaUr between Baaton and Oobnasei



it ill

iPsaasBfvr* lor poUtu sank
1 M&ama^u moo. take thu trsis sad
> w>Ko. I. mxapaesly to taks


$32B'-S3f;.sr iS-asK.-'Li' Rortlien licliigaii"
<—-V TraoBiHirtatioB Co. Tnierse Bi; Line Of Steanien.
Booosb Are. Frank Freldrtrb



Northen Ifiehigsa line

rTAMTRO-Oaod rl


* «wL plraosut ridsoe




An exUbltioo anno-


WS wa,ne.. De
Detrctu CklCMU asR
Oram. kapto.
P^ «i-BRaT.A,-t,
o. L. LoeanrooB o. r. A-oranskastaa.

Mr. W. R. Brasfield trf Lesington re-


leprosy will be given.


T ttClaetsBBtl
S <D loSU'epUs

AHo Cfiof owe A PI6. aLOftioua p

trotting gait—Ttuf. Field and Farm.

own ooe.

priate to tbe oocfweaakand leodam ~

Vm^'ELAH. .
4 lObriXM.C

Ky.. in tbe band* of Douglam Thomas.
P. Hngbes
i Ed
Ed Bedfo


lapcoiy (|MMica.



Ran Pracitisok July SI.—Return'd
Tukonltes deny the stcry tiid by Frank
A stylish ooewme erf black Japanese
Moss, of Great.Falla Mont., ti
fret that S.(Mi rravesat Pony-HIIT p<al
oape bas a plain skirt with riilrrcd
tell (if the ti rrlt.Ie sufferinit* ^f the Ko.ld
The tt'Mtber W> May EasMt.
flouneea cowing tbe lower half erf tbe
F G. Bowker eayi t
CatbloRtMi. Jolr S.-FuSowllw are th» bUtL Tbe waiA to gathered foil and
far from I'rinK over S.WO deaths
Ktbnr bnU<-tlutu> tor>
back to tbe wUn
KIoKdIke durlr.K the past three years, fritnrp. m. r-eterdsy:
r»dt.^oo- link Tbe front to Jooae on either side
there was nrAndy there lo die ifnill noM-Falr wrstber: aortberiy
somelblr.R l..» than a year aKo. and la* rsrlstto. For Uu-hiF'D Oaaw^ (air of a drooping vest of fancy material
wnatbirrs nortb-wterty wiad____
»bJcb i* tocked inside cf a folded belt
alnae then there have been three dealhi ala- Fair wnstber; artterly to...BorthwesleriT
L. BO far as known. winds For Iowa—Fair
—New York Ledger.
; Ftorty-Mlle
which hs» • rved for all that section fer
some yean last, there are only between
thiriy and forty Kravas.
"Jabanne*’* ii Mie Atle of 8ad«rA LoiAon omnibus carrin on an av­
•eeSMiow la the Royal Lsacoe.
manu's latatt playChlca^. July ».-Trculjle between erage ^600 paaei-DttTs a w«y^
Glen McDouoogb'i nrw farce to «nthe suprmie couorit and advisory cot
Tbe average ccat of a cuminal |woetitled "Tbe Marqniae Michigan."
cU of tbe Royal.^aKue culminated
•cutlao in Britain to at
Mabel Amber will play next season
0|>en s>vvesi<.i cn the pari of the lalUr i
Tbe New York stookbroki-rs are aatd
lead in "The Wandering MinatreL"
body lad rikbt. When preliminary st.tx
louklOK.>o the fi.rmatinn of a new fra- to wear out tbe flour of tbeir Stock Ex­
Otia Skinner baa flulabed a new play
lernal crBartoaUon b«* uken.
OD ■ French Ibema, Id tbe Direotoim
mertlitK was attended by sot- rtprcs<ntaTbe people of tbe Dolled flutes reed
tlves ilf varlcpua councils In <N»k county. and suppert as many newapapers at
Amelia Summerville baa been en­
(^•resentlHK lE.OOO members, at well-as Englafi^ Franoe and Oeraaany- ocangaged by Anguatui Pitou for “Oninber- from EljriD and two or three poinu In bined.
the stateAb Old Kngliafa "Maniwn Book'
In bev t« years of buaygtage Ufa
Fo«d pood Neire (Ms Traakfc
mvs. "A Isdv MumM din ottlv tbe tins
aint^ Jun^ WU, July
In the aa^ bowl and Sarab Benta«rdt baa played 11* tedea,
Ketooe^ a kwedSwede, wn.
was found drad
dead nra,
Collet foOd fall 0« Of bST of wblob abe created 8A
the railroad tracks st this place yesteeI
John and En^ Bay are to have a
Aajr. The clrcumetances point vtronRiy mouth tm tbe tabirointh.
^n* farce ocanedy next aeoKOWiUitbe'
a murder. His feet s'ere crushed
a palp, bis riRht arm cut off and there
srere three ugly wounds la bto bekd
___ ____________
_ be
_ _
ooe to be
wbkrf. are believed to bare bren made[f*QQ, QcL JLto 16 next to dtooiui tba

. will Bsve • BuHwsy P-etM—.

. :i';g !SJSSit::;:!llS:S
t8..?.S..r“,l!«SLr Igfl

Thirty-five bead of horse* are in
tfsining at MaichmoDDt, near Paris.

Bboolder capes in tbe extreme mer «yUa are little mure than vary
wide, fluffy collar*. They are made of
Elders. lu.. JtUy ».-Cart Ou. a farm­ lace or other tWn or semlttanipareni
er' lIvtnR four miles north of RadcUfle, | •ommer materiaU and elaborately trim
committed suicide yesterday by hang- j
Bed with jet and edging.
iuR btmaelf. He was ST year* old and ,
Tbe velvet coMnme is xnDCb liked,
d wife. Family
was UvlnR with bis iblirf
and KKMt well dressed wtmieo like to
trouble was the cause.
New York. July «-The Alonquln
rwlen MJlto cpropsity. of Passaic. N.:
J., has Riven noUop that on and after |

“■■■' --til
be iwreseed from iO to II per cenL

aUs* Tolda (iewewmM-ralTT Tale.


l^'Cniiil B411I1 f Iidiiu i. I


A> eare* Apply Thurei
raothiof. Kea &«aeh Bla

iwle load Ar.H«ror*W^resrerac



es't«u Bar. TSMtey

rhUNda) sod


i'S2U:^}} s:s
ouiKc aocn
rfcsrr Jis;:
rAhatardw.. 1 Maa


( raftere.




rrsBktari .
HABtawa .



■Mltwsake* ..
.. AaMfeay.

TTrAXTB>-A few g<
: W Loab>rO«

Cycle OfnersLookflere!


rostsaku St

___ jmM













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