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The Morning Record, November 10, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
rATEZB rmox Aafon.
AAOn «f X>«fiuiet‘B4ak In OnyUac
to Look Bottor—A Pro^oot
Xku X»q>otitoro VQi
• But of
Tkoir K0B0)r-WUM8 Btnlor Fold
Bohool Fond*.
OnVIlBB. Mioh.. Kot. fi.-Tbe Utaot
dorelopaenur U rafoid to tb* £1bonk teilare ora th»t WlUon
eul*7. the BOB ot CkBhiar Sinter. '»orrowed SMM from kie Detroit friend* end
repold tbe boUsoe doe the aehool
food*. thvB, no doabt. eecDriar laiatfnltrfor hb father. *• the warrant
•woro oot wu fer the eaheueoient of
Tbera b • better feellSK •«»» the
r* from the fast that tbe pronei*
tr here and lo the Dpper reolneola.
eald to be worth B*.000 ha* been to^
~ .V. orar 10 oorer the lorar*. and that d C.
Tk«a<A of Blooot4borf.lv, a partner
to the dcfonct bonk, ha* property rai
ned at from SM.OOO to *37.000 In that
city, a part of wbleh b eiibjeet to lefal
At a Boetlof of the creditor* held
laet nifbt. It wna deeided to antborlie
Attorney Oeorfe Alexander -of Gray
Unf, who b now in Ulooaaborf, to beftn nltM for *!6,000 tn
oaaeca of a
nnmber of depoaltorai
Wbaterer amonotoaenred will be dleMod pro raU aaonf ail eraditora
The Hew 0- M. Faper.
The flret namber of the "EadeaTor
Tldlnf*," the new Oirbtlaa Bade
pap«- whkdi bi* been mentioned
oently. wna ieeaed yeeUrday from the
Bafle nSee. The new poblleaiion b
nn^ the edltarbl and bnalnem c
nfament of Mbeea Oertrade ^irafne
and Winifred Pratu The journal b
one which ia boond to 611 n frnlttel
field and lu monthly rblu wilt be
neferty welcomed by the End
oran of the Sieranth Dbtrlet,
wboed interaeu it b pnblbhed. The
flret namber b neelly prtnted. eonmnch intereelinf matter devote^
to the aoeiety and lu oejecU and if
'thb b a eriterian tb« paper meet snrely become a ralnable belp to the eoebey in Ub dbtrict. The EleTeolb b
the only dbutet In Mlebifan which
ha* a paper detoted U> lu own wel
fare and tbe roterprbe deeerree enIf the enpport of the
mbera of Ue e-wlety i
au with the enerry and ability of Uc
pnbtbher* Ue‘ Tidiiici" wU) foliUl iu
of City Opera Hoom.
/ OpMtaB
The deoeratton* of U*> City Opera
■oaee are about completed and Ue
whole Improrement will be felly oempleted by the itU of Ue month. The
rafular openlnf ot Ue theatre will
be wbea Ue firel number la Ue
nohool leotnra euane
prenented on Ue i«U ot thb month.
'The firat ettraeUon will be Ue
imperial tVeUh Qaartet, aa affreffatlOB of centlemen of ' yreat meeleal,
ability, who wilt be aeebteMUT Mb*
Ad* Urvenwaod. a ulented reader end
bnmorbt. When the flret ejtertalnmenibBiraa th^ pratty Ueatra will
be crowded and Uc audience will be
rra^Wd wlU a pleaaent *erpri«e in the
appearanee of tbe houae. The decora
tion* are modern, beaatifully harmonlied end artbUela daai«B.
o'eloek, and a weleome will be flrea
anee Bnrrae, ^me np from Grand Bapto all ladbe whether membera of
Id* yeeterday'on biutoea* wlU Ue lo
eeebty or not. It b the aim In tbeeh
oal aerate.
literary pracram* to make them pree- HHFOHTKD OAPTITHS OF IB
Wlllbm Perk* of Central Lake, who
b employed by Ue Cnmeros Lumber
tbal and helpful an well ae enterlaln-1
inf. Tbe procram for thb atteraoen'
Oa.blnUaelty e^Unf friend* and
b a* follow*: .
War BtUl Tery. Aetlea to Onbn and
The kitchen and'ib nnoAntmontn—
Bpantoh Defento are Huneronn- ^^Ron.’s^L. PickeH.mai^ ot the
Hie. B. J. Morfan:
WeyUrb Barberana Xethoda Oon- !*toW lecblatnra of Ha**aebn*ett*.
Tbe dialaf n
ttone$. Acatoto In*ur»ento-Oiiban and bb wife are here to ebtt the
famlUca of Chaiira Temple nnd N. B.
‘■Row to Ureon*lo a week" rand
BonpHal Xnlded.
by Hra H. Montofea
Harana. Nor. Ai-The newt b elrcaBow te eook meet—Mre. 8. C DeebUnc In Hnrana that Oen. Cklixtn
L W. Htotar. U* Hoon*
Stfinhe Oak Pealnealer Hee
Leftoeere-Nra C. J. Kneeland.
WlU ei
Eheh paper will be followed by a town ot Uolcnto, to Santbeo de Qiba
dbenmlon, open to all.
Mayari, aaoUer Important toerL
the e^ prortoee. he* toUen. without ^
any doabt. into Ue hand* of Ue bwnrAnatia Banfleld Hronfht From BUrar C*oU nnder Vcr»- The caniaon of
Lake Under Arreeb
Uolcnto b 1.000 Sp^bh aoldlera
At PeralaJo*. to Ue eiipe proctoee,
UnAemherifl Aehton wentju Stleer
Lake le*t eecalnf end arrmtm Anelto Ue .ltorarreat* under Gen. Jeeu* Babl
Canfield, who b eoenced of dbtarbinf here, captajmd e larfe Spanbh oooray
a reliflon* Beellar. Oaadeld pleaded boend for Baynmo. The oolamn nnder
ra Jestlee Brawn and General Aldera. Tbe flcht leatad a
tlOO k^l to appear No- «rhole day. but Ue Spaniard* b^ to
eember 3v. It b elltfed that Oaafidd abandoo U* conray, wlU money end
Ik* war b very edtlee all oecr U*
toy of the BraafeUcal Allianee emoebUoo. Olhere ckarfed with the dSenae blaad. At Ue eery door et Pieer del
apolobiaed tor their coodnet. but Can- Bio city U* Spanbb Col. See Mertto
field rafneed to make any apelofy be- WM defeated on Tboradey by Ue Iseanae. he declared, he wee not gwlWj aercenu. and bad to retire ie ba*u
dbtarl^ the meeUnf. Hb arreat isU Ue elty. Irattoc os Ue held twen
ty killed and forty-nine wounded. A
crest many yno* ud mueb ammnnlHXATXBBT OF THX BXABOH.
tloB were abokkeadoaed to Ue Blcht
Of Ue Spanbh eotomn.
About IS,000 Bnaheb Fotitoee ^
Tbe mom taarbarltlc* that were praeUeered to Town TeaUrday. '
Ueed under Weyler'a raclma are bninc
Yeeterday wee the banner day fer eemmitled by Ue Spe^ opiums*.
to the looal mariiet, n* for Pnrtlee from Ue battolM^ NallnsaeaUty. It b eeUmated that the re- dolid raided e Cakes boaplUI et WeeelpU were 13.000 bnaheb. mere then srina. to Ilnar del Rio murderad flee
and ef your life b epedt in bad. Itb
ha* been bronfht to . to any an* day
bar* Uet oomforubla We
Ub neeeon. The blfheet priee paid ato chUdrae. and Uen burninc Ue koe- to
make it to at a very little co*i to
wa* to eeata When the montof train plUl.
A fond Iron Bed.'breM trimmed,
arrirad on Ue M. A,K. B. the team*
an extra (food Woreo Wire Spring eompleU tor
If you want wood bed*
w-r*toUiekat Ue warabooee Uera
w* can **11 yon e good tolid well made
that Ue trela oooW not paAl to at U*
bod and aa extra good Spring for C3.7V
depot for tome Urn* and
alifkted weet of Ue warak
The prayer mrattor in Ue Braacelical ehnreb wUl be held Ub eraatoc Pt
7:M o'clock.
There will be a recular meetinc of
Traeerae City Balinr. FraUumel Myetle
Circle. Ubevralay.
Hera WrlCbt Snrprtoed.J_
Neva Wrlgrfenjoyed a »erprbe par
ty at bar home u WeehlogUn etrrat
Monday nighv A Urge namber et her
jDveaile friend* came to belp eelebrete
her birthday aaniveraary: An after:'
nooa et good timee. rafreekmenU emi
general good ehrar U Ue hbtory of
Ue evenL Neve received many cm*
to honor ot Ue oooeMon.
wtotor. The k—ofBems will hoU
Gcnnnla Area era axeerating two
large edIUre near the warUoeee of the
G. R. A l. forUe purpoea of etoring
poutoea The eapeeltr of Ue oelUr*
WiU be aboet li.OOO batheb.
The committee os 6re and wpter, of
U* council, met In Ue offi.:* of the
lememberyoQ^edb^et Ptetaraa framed and a
r haveyoarteapieWHsframed.
^^askell’s Bookstore.
few of each kind
but many kinds, and all of them d^
sirable, comprises a lot of
Ladies Fur Boas
- we picked up at a small portion of -tlie
cost to manufacture. We've plac^ the
lot on sale, at corresponding prices, and this
is the range:
29^39^49c.69c-75^8Sc-Up to $2.90.
They ipclnde all the styles of fur. The Real
Values are 75c to $5.60.
Come Soon for they’ll disappear Quick. .
tel^Ue Sry Ockv Cnlpri sad ObtUBg Bosm.
m-m rroBt strut.
Get Ready for
A Cold
We Keep Them
AneUer Ntw Lot of Ledb*' Fine Shoe* jnri la.
have never before nbown each np elegant line aa »
No wonder we have te keep them ramtog.
Our Buckwheat
It's Sure to Come.
Buy where yen caa do ihv beet
'We are Ue eriginatore of low
priee* on goad good*, not thoddy.
For Ub week we offer Ue followletg priera on A No- 1 mrachaodbe.
from Petoekey where be raid as eboUe deebioa of the Supreme court b
Ibk to C. B. Call for bb family burial
anncniDeed the temporary injunction
plat It vrlll be U* Bneet shaft to
andwiUerat HIM.
Swears alto aold to Charlea Roe
Burned lu Banda
eophaga* for SMO.
,Tbe tofaat child of Mr. ead Hra
Mb* Mery Pohoral-left yesterday af
B. Bristol bad Itn band* badly burned ,t«
terneon tor Detroit where tbe goee to
yeeterday wfatb lry>BK'to rabe iUelf!* prirau hoepital to have a delloau
byabotetova The UlUe oae b juet >*urgieal operatloB performed, to hupee
ebb to get abedlUe bouse by grasping ef rvgetolng bsr be^U. Sbebaeuempaaled by bar •bter, Mra Henry Lederla who will be wHh~ her fer e few
to n*a Ue etov* for eoppurt
weeha Or. Thempeen will also be
preaeat at Ue
Boy*'good Sulto for *1.00
Boys'ell wool SolU tor Sl.aY'
Boys'good OvereoCL wiU cap*.
• 1.3S
Boys' heavy Llstan, sold laat
year for KL7S—e* theraeaUra b
warm, they go for *4.47
Boy*'Corduroy Knee P*nta.4*e
Hea's heavy Cbevlot Suita, to
black or brown. •& .
M elaganL all wool, doubled
breasted Suite—Bret eoaae flret
C. A. Nelaen ot Kerttport wrate Ue
eity yeeterday.
J. W. Mnrray of Manbtae. took din
ner at Park Plaee yatoarday.
Ondhrahariff Martin Brews of Leelaenu eonnty. eameoverfram Lelnnd
Bra. Jeha (Mtmar of Mt Bta Ma
rie, b U* gneet of Mr. and Mn. Crbpra ef FifU atreet
Mra. M. lii
Bay. 'where she ^ee
called to era hra ebtor wb* wae m.
T. J. Boat wUI bare for BoUrator
Ub* mmilng to pnrnhnn* a ntoek ml
CuUimuk tarnbhtog goodn te U*
Men's extra heavy eroel Ov
xmte. Navy Blee, SLto
Men's extra 6n* wool baavra
Ho Dectaon Tot
Bagtoe Co.. Urongh Uelr local agent
t of Michigan 1
L K. Uibba and •npnriauadmt W. B.
adjourned wiUoul dato. end no deeb- SmiU.
M. B. HOLLEY. lilaaaBBh
Uxl.., X. 71.
.l™.,. Tb. h..U, t.lM 1. m a, I K. rf p. ...rk I. U.. .«k ol P«.and Mr. Campbell ha* oea Iraa yun U
B. L. Basenmha* placed a eet of
net Uan formerly. Ue would, lib* to
eealhe at the O. B.-A I. depot for the
interview tbe a B pho hired Ue c«opnrpora et welchtoc kb ehlpmeota of
Tbe adjourned meettoc of TraVeree
AttracUve i
mndeanmndUe depot ot then. R. i Bay Hire. No. 7*. L. O. T. M., wUI be
The plank walks and platform are held Ub afternoon at 3 0'clrak.in Mubeing removed end will be raplaeed by urn* Hell.
eemenu The work m In pragrte* and
At U* meeUnc' of Ue Beaeeoleat
when eomidetel wiU be np te date.
Delmto of the Xraneelical T. F. A.
Tbborow HT*nin(.
oraalato plan* will report at the
The meetlnt «f the Y. P. A. la Ue meetiag ef Ue eeebty Ub eeratog.
eambera ere urged to be prseent
Eranfelhal ehafch Tbnredey eTentor
wlU be aa anuanally IntereeUbfi. oaa
Him Fo< of the Benecm.
IsnddlUontoa pracram of apaaktoc,:
readtoce and mnato. Uera wUl he e deWUltom HeCknm of Ub dty claim*
ef bavlng killed -the
beuoa UeqMatkm: “Baaolrad, That te
then b mere pewar to U* palpli Uaa flret fox of U* eaeeem WbUe bunUag
to the iwam.” William B«C erill toad Monday be aeonred a large and Ina
the aSlnnetlra and John FtalBnr the
A Full Third
How Jntlue Oampbell Would Like to
- Beer From Him.
A few day* aro * man entered Ue
hardware *torr of Juline OempbelL *n
SonU I'Dioa *ueeL and «nc«^ a r<*o
New coloriogs. new Patterns, and the
price is cheap. See it before yon bny*
FLOUB -IB the kind that makoa OBkM that
taste Uko BUCKWHEAT, and vhieh startbA
AmsrieB*B appetite tor BUCKWHEAT
Hoetol FarW by Bl. Frnneb Literary
Boeiety Tooiebt wiU Add to Fond.
Thera will be a eeeial party to SL
Praneb ball Ub creolnc nader Ua aeapieaeof Su Kraoei* Uterary Society.
A noralnel admbeioa fee of 10 eenU
will be ebaryed aed a prafiram of eery
nnleruiolBc feeUre* wUl be (<'*«■
pruoted* wUi be dPeoUd to the
fud for e new library for BL rraneb
•ebeol. liU.Mrpoeed to aatablbk a
fine library for Ue u*e of Ue eebeol
MdaqnaaUtyor book* bar* ilraedy
Overcoats and
Men's extra h*My Ubtara,
hl^ ecdlnr. SLW
Menh extra CUnehOln Ubtea. '
W« ftrieUy -gMgnnto* '
goototo five ■ntbfeH
let Sl:».nii^tod
Will doe
ttonai Aid BoetoW Today. '
C iLOoveDof WkltohaU. arrived to
The am menUly literal jrafinm MRe: Mny.MH9»oa
town Monday sight and iprat yeeterie—Hoeember. l»«Me:
pt the wiatar wUl be flran Ub aftardny atthatoOMedKaUj A CavaU at
■eem by Ue Cooci^UomI eknrak aid bw. »K9Me; MnyftlXa.
' eb Hoeember. r.40; Dm
B. Sl Wut^ the MlUigaa Iraar- pepnrato,Mae»«nato.
•LU; Janneiy.Cd^
cakes yoars ago.
Hannah & Lay Co.;;
We have
with a most •xosUent Wool Oarmaat, Ladtss* atess,
at bOa
Ltdies’ Boi and Kudino Calf Slioa for tl.60
Also Gtnt's Box Calf invimble cork Shoe Rt $2^
Boy's and TMth's Heavy Sole Shoes that are
ffight in S^le, Wear and ^oe. -
avivos WAS HOT DBAS.
Sbo—Don t JOB &ud ^oaraaliM latkK
ihaukkOT work;
klf tl»e! H»—Oh. oo> AtooM rttrylhluf I
u rMsnwd wjlh I
Daiae. WllUa*. aad Oto^ Oil yr«t.
i, .
ra«m T*I omcs w TMI
Me Ufi
/ \j_
haailac a tew dar*
tanoioe HKon: end vieltwj to the i
lB( the woode Dear tVed Dnaa'a tarm ,*-bo are maTmaCintaU; turliaed orret
PreUy eoon Ue^m ful to aek hua qoMiccie. luaetod which
IteOA T. Batc* ucd J. W. BAJtro. th«7
wpoct of Ue fsa «( QaldW , ereid a jurwi
i. W. Bamiu. Editor mad Uaatttt. aad ri»hUy ooociuded that eomethinp
-r- •‘Oo.i hundred and tt
had hew klUad. O*or»e wallod a-ahori;
..iw u.
b.1 Wd n: “T "
OetyovOrMara tiwM MeLellaa A
r.H. ..IM K>l>. ■«>» • •l-l'"' j b™t b<« brii*
‘|Aah. ‘lAeTarefrcab frov^BaltiiDora
svssr muiA«nxr*M«My.
TmATKRSE orrt. -
------------' Cbeofttwiniutt
•tor7 flf a Babt utd K«« Xr. WiU. Brouklrti. i« a Mi
TbJ» ta brirz.r. »bo<
-------- ------ ----- ----------------------- ^
ia—It'e all r
>x-Yce. I t
Oaeyeer.hr mall,
> lifK there
i* uu reaaco i
Cctt omcnataa thoarhthehwidthesbot. HeeoaUaot ibiohAhat hr hai beeo ell.iwed to |won«w'S
eluded tbet he bed loet the polaU of ^
be haeln^ tn«eTe«r.Uuii»
,pama»diiDa*loedgDli»«elylD« he <»n count corr.vUyhiaeiifw«rMtl;cald aad licid i a bunterb death, ia wayethe
*‘Arv you marriod. Barney.'" the cce»>
la tht reply of Spain to the note of
aeeluded epot. Gwrje pa»« ««>
Mlaleter Woodford, that rowment the anarch ftaaily nod re^ed to etireaUQU tnahiuit
• niiur
.. next Inqolrre,
^poeeded to declare la forceful tonne D™.-.!-... a.r.l.V.J U. ci™..-. “J >° U»>
v«.u»r n.,«- j
tMt the Called Btatoebad riolated the .u— u.
Ospits^ $100,000
frteolpice of lalerMtieaal law la per- ,v..d U U.. TOd. «d
SurploB, $86,000
•Uttiac thle ooaaU7 to become the re exeitod ecareh hftnr their ^IMap |
ondUns ri^uad aad priaeipal couiee friend. When it beearae apparent that I
mitrfnrth.r --iMeyanaie
«f eupply of the Cobaa laearreata- Uey conld not ttad the body they! a Uh.irir m tnairinMoy."beMd. "but.
____ _
ereni Wk to the houee.
Barlas wbT dun t yoo marry a fdorih tio»;”<OH'ICKES—lArry Uaoaah. Prenldeat.
ooeaaioB to CO U the bam the fireii.Tbrti tbmey prew onttdeotlal. iboniai A. Tracy Uy. let Vice PrealdeatiJemea
I by Preeldeal McKinley «
J. T. BaavMiaUtor Woodfbpd waa laairactoa
V atato to the SpaaUh troeera- n a boadle of bay.
Mat that the railed Staton lepodi- Qoiace. and U wae alire. tbonsh wnpniKErrOBS-Perry Hannah. A. Tracy'
dlaM U the etroareet faebleo the no* ped la peahefal.eluaber. Beeido the
wamatod ebanree la the reply of •leeplar man wae e plump pdrtridfe
l«y’ Jamea Moexaa. 3. T. Hannah, j
Samuel tiarlaad.
Spain. When the Spaaiab eahUet mad whidb had tallea befotn the enerriap {leir apieuvul and ae
the aaawer of Hreeideal MeEialey that alatotgaioea. Whea the mbalnf
otoHd. Crown Pnom OoeatoatuM Hbuoid
N. B.body laUaiatod vary eharply that the awoke he explained that after kiUlas | hatv taken mn- to t>vm-rvc bu life.
Alaelaiaerand lepudielloa ot thbeooetry would aol be eooeptod. Thie eorre^madesoe doca not twd to ald.aeco- u™i
U. br. to . quto .
tlatlone lowarde a peatofni aeulen>eat .to., to. tob.au.
► ayoonc]I rhonaiiK Hubb»l.a«.ll
__ ___________
Of the Cabaa trpntde.' Ia the mean. maii kuim u a* a i<«(l«;r t txdtlloi* in •
time Spain le rapidly iaereaelar her
; Aibcn* ui<) wba w 1 i
aaral etreasth and thnrnlt etronc talk
Im. rvfu-.ltolb;l.ln^dw.u'BICYCLE SHOP
U Madrid Ihat eear with the I'aitod
Statee b not uhUkelr
^^STfir' r'dti'LrbS;
Tax Tbit of Premier Lecrier of Cba•da to Weahlertoa. eeem* to be tiau(bt
with poaedfal iatoat. It b elated that
the maia object ot Ue mbaloa ot the
Cbaadlaa premier b to efieet aa adjntUaeot of border'dlfllealtia* eabtiaf
between the Cnlted stole* aad Canada.
The premier eeem* to be atoeei* la
hb aurpeetioae tor amisablc eolattaa* to Ue difBcalUee that have
*r-- i
Ue cardeae of aeirhtwra. Aa inveetiratioB revealed Ud deplorable fact
Uat Ueee boye were eent out by their
peireatt each day to etohl whatever
U«y eould Had. Tbe faUen arc men
who vrork, bol do not eoatribnle to Ue
anpport ot Uelr familiea Oae of Ue
boy* will be eeal to the mfocm •ehool.
•ppemat that he - wU! be
t aad Uat
half way by thb fo<
aooB our relatione wiU Canada in Uat
recard will be aetUee to Ue pmat advantofe of boU eoDBtrira One PMtler Yellow,Pevor in the SonU OmditaUy
of speedy aetion b Ue modifleaUoa ot
New Orleaaa. Sov. ».—One case and
or* la Ue Kloadlke reptoa which will two deaU* from Ue yellow fever were
Tameve Ue objectioaat compUcatioa* reportod W^y. latemst ia Ue fever
»ow in forta The eoafereaoe. npoa ha* abontdiod ooL
From all Mected polato Uteaato dlthese tsbjecto will tnrely reeall is
watoal advaatare to the rovemiaaBU mlDUtioa b reported and It b expected
Uat Ueaexteoldtp^wUl wipe oot
Ue pmtileaea
Today b bleak and eold wd Ue pro*Pauuc* Spedn woald Qke to mbdoe peets for a lent eold ^ell m excellent.
^ by Ue paeilcatiOB
preem*. bat ao eacoaator WiU
aavy would probably liapiem npoa her
“Tb«<re u in Tmimmw
lUy erf
ihe fact Uataaoh aa arfnmmt
titrve xicten which pewou acme ofUe
heatrieUybaMaamaaddmU of aw
itartlinff pict
..............•' J. J. Kenoedyrnd that
datm live higcther
aol* mean*o( eiib*MSTAVOELZBTtO SXXyXOBH.
Mantlwn:-Ccaintuotllii- thir prtnev wuu
Service* vrill be haU Uk •vaalag.
Everycme te oerdkUy teritod to be
h«*e«V _________________
9. V. RUtor. U* Boom Vanlahar,
Balk Us HtoP^td Bawtag MaUiaa. p
'lothing Co.
*u Pmi Mrcvi. Bam.
i ■ ■
, StiU on Deck
M. Jaoi]Di« Niorfa* Upr. ibo new
Euitian minister to U>** Lniitd Staten
a fine l«r>kiM awn of abuaiSB.''
my* Uc- BcwtooTYnaiicripc. “with an
inienipeni aad cHliKid face and mo*t
niauurrx ......... ............
-■ —
fulI lcuKth cm Ui- platlnr
Grvvk papm u> deHcnbuit lbc^jUcbtof|
till- lutm-n pnnee mi<l in an edfional. —— ■ i
*'Wc are happy to *tole that cm the ar-.
flvnl erf tbe imin it wa» foond that not I
(*M- piehil haudkeerbu’f U ltaiKtnk to‘
the iiriuop wa* luet. and no tbi- tauoce of'
rvlinvd Dcirty. Not yet pcrtivcly ac
ted with Eaclinh, hi* cuuvmatKB
if «low.
m. bat in hui name langnagn.
Frvuch. be 1* a ftnvot and pneerful wri
ter. M. U|« U a d^vKvfidaai of tbe n^
pnen who Touftbt in the famoo* taenrncrion which pave Haiti her beedaoi,
at the lieeiiuiinit trf the ceotary, hi* an(Julooel Lejp*r. a oemmander,
41 tbe patriot army Hu father
a KDatorib Ue'ccmtrem He
edneated abroad, raomly lu Faru.
XMt nghth Xaettne U the X^tldt fleldi Ue Uird dote tbeoookln« and was
at which poet be wm< a member of Ue
IfftMtitoi. letimiUR Uter to hU native
"There is hot one period erf the year laud 1
D*a at Ue Bapwhen any member <rf tbe trio hai
pmcnoe of U« Uw at Fort-aB-Frinaa
I Iasi
the cnpitoL Here he rapidly toae in bb
lemicn and bxat
Covert. Them pmtoeaarvtoe. will be
tbe hv
rb«b 7:U mad lanlar nntil ?:>o whan Ue
wd they
break the lileoae and Ueo only to qaarwfalar mrvtoe beciaa
Be*. O. S. KorUrnp mad Ue Scrip nl over Ue divuiuo <rf the prooeed*.
'There aioirt be 20.000 bead of wild
ts Imma aad led in prayer. afM When eeefa ba* sDooeedod a> ftettlar all
ee* la Dorthvm Anacna." mid WlU
which Ee*. Covert mn^ a eolo, “Unto that she thinks poantOe. eUcaae teirn* 8. Bamca. utic nf (he Urpt-M oaitle
apaia ontil the mat barmn time. The
all Uam Uat lorn bb appearinr."
BUtCTS, ** yon may )odp«. have made a •re in Narayo conuty. rrcretly. “They
Mr. Covart preaebed aa lateree
aataefor tbumw-lrea They are known are the woret nnuaune that oaa be ba•nd iMtmeUve dbooane. toklaf two far and near a* the 'deal aad dumb nip- JUiuied. It baa reached tbe potat
'‘hoxia. Paalm* &1:12 and Bev. l:t. “Be- leu.' altboorh such a litle le auueely wv cannot mfely tnsi ont a ridinp bore*
. raaa. We have to kwp oar awidle
•tore ante me U« Joy of Uy mlvaiioB." appnynatc -WaUiagtou FtoL
aninial* and ruoud up tranee atabled all
••Nevartheleae I havetomewbatacaUei
wint er or briny them down to I*
T.mi aad Mt* Week.
thee beeanae them ha* left Uy.Srst
pairfamge. Thr wild stock out only
Verdi uspmKliBc bu rime and moeb
eat the food that oBgbt to go to Ue caF
-Mr. Covert flmt spoke of Ue Umet
Milan. The tie. but Uey ran cuttle off tbe nnga
have cbaM off all the catde tnaa
whoa nalom teemed to drop. Ubaot baildinp u advancinr rapidly toward
ooetpli-ticm and will he tiniabed in a few thr wen ebd of' the HaU Knife raoge,
alway* freak
fi—*- So *<ib
phyMal etAoirU. We are not alway* Bwatba OuitiUo Bottu. brother of (me (rf tbe b>w giamjlutnctB la aonheaftom Amona. It m oMem to pot oat
•troaf. Sometimea we an oWired to Vwdi'a friciid aud oollaboraur. Airigo mlt fer Ue Rock. f«r Ue wUd horse*
atop ©or work and rmt. 8a wlU onr BoiM. ha* obaiKC of the utxumictioB erf ohaae away the cattle that come near
People oqf not aUdy always. Ue aqylnm. which will emo 000,000 it. At tfau fraaco of the year they are
fiahca. in addlttoa to whiofa Verdi will
Their meatol etrearU rive* ont
baqoeaU ii fnad* yielding aa anaaal fat and bare shining hidea Theyeweup
A* aU Uinr* icoa Ueir trsskw
Ueorae of 'u.ouu naaoa It will aeoam. over Ur oowtry in great baada. gather
ear apiritnal atrearU and aarm
modato 100 people aud will ooomia a ing up any Rray animal* they may
oome acre** A bone la aa good aa Ion
aamstlmm aaema to be loat. Oaa 1ob(b <
Uat joins them.”—Uec. 8k 1
for Uat SrsL earn, earacat leva.
Husband aad wife eftea aak each 84 years Verdi gOM every welA from
pther the qaanloa. “Do yoa lave mo as Boat' Assta to Milaa to iaspeel the
yoa dldr Bo Jena aak* as Ub qaaw fogrem erf the work._______
tbrn. If we feal that we do an we
man eome back to him wiU aU oor
heart* aad onr first leva wUl retorn ta
w Chrbllaa* skonld live pare lives if Ev^ CM know* of I
they wbh to briar ao«b to Christ, as
er olr oocn a
their U*m are beinr watched, and to noUlng u mcev refreUing. a* aoUlng
briar other* into Ue fold oas's ow
is mov iuRBlem: if properly- mkeu
life mast be Uved near to Ue Msator.
ThU rmwa* Uatoae Uoal« oof Ue hot
Be\ JeknOamaaotSanUSM. Mariej faaU. aa cme doe* Uat of very cold wa
it aad snag a baaatlfal aolaita. merely a* a plonga. foUoi^ .by
••Whal Use aewan Uoa ahah also
A the -Jaeae’-Caderwear. aad I want to fiwr yea my
Tbry are ee eofi a* not to
irritate the
*kla. Tbry abaorb tbe
mobtare eo perfrctly.
perfectly, had prevent the eudden coolisp.or ebaacee of tbe.
teapeeatare of‘ -.be
the body, itbe oeual
ueual eaneee of coldvi.
If yoo can ret
men aad wtaaeo ofthbpiace
of thb place to woarthem
wear them iio»teed
i in»le of tbe rbenp edA
ton raodkl there WiU be b«l little maplaiatef ai_....................
cold*, etc. AaoUwr poial la Ihrir favor, they do not ehriak aa
pood* da
Siacemfy yoor*.
B. F. Bx*aii«j:t. M. I
Take Off
MiS==Your Senens
Mich.. Nov. A—Three i yooU who nmied tbe lim<.l^>ee ooi ree r.j«i Ab* <-oloe
boy*. CtarlmSaider. Theobold Bick* 1 «rf ■ milroed <»maBo .o make rauu fiw
„rE.»., toto. to.i b... .mbto <to pr.b...bto.b„ to.Bu. » ..1 u, Ptor- bbtofbd .iuCbtollb, tobb..- I... I
>■“it -1. pimmat'“™
b»l ■»—■■«!
that when be was a tmy hi* moUw amit
him to get hi* father eg
The buy lAdolged in a liiUe flUing en
mate aad ton Ue gUmm oembeard
wbUeUDdihgaRTulpui. BewentbooM.
got inmuately
with hia
mother'* uJipper aud went bnngiy
bid Six rbilly month* pamad before be
dared to go fldilog again, bntwhen at
Ian be Urrw hu Uue a tag ~~****« ram
to Ue sorUce near him, aud there oo
Ihefidi * D<**-re*ted Ue gold bow* that
bad ooR Ue spaakiag. Of eon
cod wo* mfeiy landed aud Ue
d. The jnvtmile
fiidat go wbedenau mapty .
that night. It is aartnuig u ■* how
(rftea ecRie erf Ur axpenmicM of MoUw
Ueoae-a hobr* ue repeasefi U mX lit*.
eat i e<
<ixu. LaaMx—Wen
It two
t« winter*. Like It.
tAAkK BBoacii-YonbetltballrirbL
Wonlda'tAo without it
Carr. C. A. Wxaa—Oleen r«d enlbfaeUoo.
erne Qty. Mich. Oat n. IW7.
at the Old stand.
and put op STORM SASH-. If you haven't
any we'd like to make you some.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Misses’ Lace or Bunon,
Cboeolato or Oxblood Sboae. slxe* 1! to ae^ pair warrantod
mUd. for «te pair, at A. & FRYMAN'S. »H Ban Proat Stiaet.
The Enterprise Grocery
business on
Front Street.' just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents thejtfest
line of good goods cheap to
l>e fou^d in ^e city.
22 clerks emjdojed aad more experienced clerks wanted.
That is the condition of things at
Euterprise Groceiy, THE BOSTON STORE
W. J. ROBINSON. Manager. -
And wonder whj. when others are barely employed
with small forces. The problem is easily solved. Noth
ing but reliable merchandise here or.no srfe. We exchange
merchandise 'purchased of ns, or refnnd the mon^ if
We place a nniform low rate of profits on alt duses
orgoods. We do not come down on one item and mark '
np «n another.
A child can deal with us. We have gained the con
fidence of the people and we mean not to abuse it. We.
will keep the ball rolling with low prices—as we own onr
own goods—cheap enough to undersell any one in the state.
In our Cloak Department we have disposed of more
garments np to date than any three ordinary houses com
bined. Onr low prices bn high-class garments does that.
Jokers who buy the name of a bnsiness house to cheat
the city ont of their jnst taxes consider 100 per cent an
. ordinary rate of profit, today here, tomorrow elsewhere;
so recourse to the unprotected victim-
--- MADE ON---
OUl at *1, Baum star, <br OniiilB, B*i*Uiu. '
Qlam Block.
Treverie City. Mioti.
—If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company^ ^e have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
I Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descripdons, including a Engines, Set Worics, Carriages .
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Frank Friedrich,
RXlaUe nkiini
of NorUuM XkUgaa.
SlKty V*«rt Aft*r Hit Foul
sauination lilinott Oom Hon*
or to Hh Mamory,
feouO «a wMch «*rc tvs leJttat* wu
aUs*d at tb* brad u; tbv arava Many
y**™ aft«r«rard. k-y <rter «f the mayir
at the city, the t*m*m« aorr r*m<n-*0
ban- Tb
r w.u I
AID om A MOimilElf to HOI
. tm a>r. OM iwmm II*
>** ka U»rOM>iilfT<,l W*ali>
h« D>nai«l^ *r
> AJtMk
WWr. «. «v Mala-ak^k *1 HI.
Ul* ^d Waiy of Ilk Mantor.
Alton. Illv.
a—Thr Ln%>j''yinot|.
tuncBt In Ibi*
aa> tonnally dfdl'
catad yrstarday. It aa. alaty yr.Ars ac<
Suoday Uiat lA>v«Juy was aaaahalcntefl
la tbU city brcanae ot bis MiUpekctJ aod |
flery cditurlula asalpat slaverr. H*-!
»aa Ihp OnB itisilyr In thr ranx isabol- '
lab Navrry. laivVJoy's rrmaiiw nould
hav* bcrn ioat had II not ba«ii lorTbnm■* XMimtiuA. Alt St. la>uia »bo >>at. (h*
aravr'located by an old wiioc. tir only
pawn vbu Aaew vhar*. bh cofllo
•aa burird. The i-omn aaa pla> rd In a
Taoll until a au iiiM* lot couid be eac«f*d. and bare a modr.i acrell bl*
^UrhS hla reatine p4*r>-. Two tuindred
nrda to tbe M.iiih la (be dlnHty.fool
ereci<-d 10 hi. mentory b> ihe'citlaans of Alton and the peonlr .<T IIUcol*
at a coat ..f *3s,«e. The e»ero-e* yeaderday hail to be chaiif ed on aii uunt of
tb* baav) tala Instead of beti.s at the
monutneri tbe exoTlaes were h<-id at the
Temyle Ihraier aa lonows; Invoratlon,
Ber. Hr. M. Jaetenn; music, "Arntrka." chorus: "The Klv of the Uonu>
ment.''. tlr. E. P. trade: aildreMi. Bon.
Thomas liiinmock; ptearntatlon.’ by
Um ll'Tb; Coocora hymn. <b' iup;Lad>
droa. Rev. J, M. MTlkeri-in: l.lbi-te tc
Hoa C. A- Herb. Strn ^ fddra: «t lb*
a*a>rt*tl<:n. Hoa P. R- Piiark«: music.
*3*tt|p Hymn cd ih>- Re|>ubHi." churtB:
address. Qoveninr Nortbcti; ii.OsI''
' ••Old Tlundred.". chortfs; ItenfdKlioi..
BeA-. H.. K. Hanl-ofne.
Maa H bve Mevary H'a. Hsa.ei A
Elijah Parish Isttejoy. aix.liiKinlat
. martyr, aaa bom In AlMun. Kunrbec
Jumy. >Tr.. Nov. », ivte He <tas the
» bf Ret. Daniel Is>vejny, a PrishyAmhersl. N. H.. to Albion
Ker.neliec coun|) was still
Elijah was the oldest cl nine chtlderr..
At an early ape h^ahowid a flisne for
«ud> and wread the Ki .
. and serliitural rxinrta Kis ei-rly life
•was siN-nt on the farm nf his fainer and
durii-E tills liT..' bv aiuaded li.e uislii.l.
larbool a few months every y, ar. Then
he entered the aophomnre clav of tb*
Waiervllle eoIle«r and waa Kradi.ated
vttb the hlrheal hon'.pa In 1RW deliverhut a poem at tbe rommencemet.i -xerdata entllled '‘fast’IrBiliin nf thr Muaa.**
Recaa IAH as m. Laalv
The year fQllowinit hi* craduei«ii RtlJab l.TveJny removed to Ri .Louis, where
be eMabUthed a a-bool and wLere hie
n wrii-ir. In b
e became Ih. editor
f a polRi. al1 i«|wr.
In which *.e aupd lleory Cla> aa candidate fi-r the
p^ldency. He c.inilt ued tn Joutnallam
in this time for rearly thrte yesr-, and'
•'tben. a* the rewilt of a rhanae In hla r*Itflcnia rlewa. turned tats ausmlnr le the
, ministry. He entwed the Prlni-. t* n Tbeolo«l(al seminary and A|-ril ». IlCt. AnIsbed his course The Phlladeli.l a pres
bytery lleenaed him to preach, a^d dur. Ira the summer of l*ss he temporarily
Ailed pBlpits In New York and Newport.
’.•t*r4ar by Jualic* Kbitaa In whicb
If Some llUnoit Coal 6peraton
. Replace Striking Minera
witVt Chineael
•ditor. "“tl* bad marrlM C.-Ua Ai^
PY«twh. of Si. Clair*. «.i-. lo litt. t»*
rear* l>«forF h* »a» klllrd.
largely aiirn<l,',l by mlrcr* from
'Se plai.-*. ('harles J. n(
■bl- cooniry as to destroy tbe l,u*ln«a«
MamuvMe and Cahllr.
of Intermediate polnta.the unly mlnSs workiny
and they are tutylny
Sunday (he Uaruueiie ni'nrr* •>(f%
sad^tSin Ranwdta U
ylv’e a day^s coal <llnlri; In the
era rvillne will yl,< th- nwl and
Hflt Sprlnc*. Ark..
Nov. »-A Are ] miners will dir u. ThI. |.arily solves
with friEhIful results *ooi-tined here 1 pretdem of fuel fr>r Winter. Tl Is
yesierdar m-rtilrr at I o',-|tv-k
tTank peciul ihai rahlir*-men al Peru
KaufTiuan, fharlle Johnsoo. and Clam mak-a like offer. Thve hundred Sprln*
Krhart were loimed to d'.-atp The Ar*' Valley miner* have ^ound employment
ilnm. and yesi.rday
•reutred iD Krharl'a tiakery on t'entral
■d niu m
avenue The liulMlns wa* a three.story
r> fai
Sev.-ral - X lh«
Idiiy,.. of the Uaker\.Includln* Frank
ami Charlie J,.hn»«n. Hepl qb
Ibe -m.nd A-r. The Are ..rtylnaled In «A"Y *“'-«■ A'*'
th* r...n.jn * hirh the ,m-ns are loratrO !
In Ihi- rmi ..r the hulldinr, and spreatf llement. U I„mp1e|ely den-tied
nei^ poiuilalKdi
• ml'y criorrd man I
Aoure. wjirre ih* slevplnr-..jidrupant*
e e.;Tored-.*'
*' >ftrsn who
were nlimwl •iiflm-aii-d •with amokc l»-*
Third wa-J
lore Mirv mad,' an effort to save tb*minell. Word was reeetved here SonFdhart sofveeded by benrtf effort* tn
ttlrW that al.«t sixty miner* wl^
brltlnv hi* family -ut ihmiich the w-ln- ' l.«Ra11e had »l»n-.1 eonlrart* m rentitne
dow* tl. 'be r—f* -r adjoin),« Inillillnaa. i wnrk’at the r,—-or^n vsle. The tnlrdt-.pi.irx them on th,- awninr* iw- !
bet, d,- r,-i laV'e much slick In It-e
III. ll-v-ai-oM ■tiariter tiaia. ;However tf ,h.-y ff., resume work
there b lUlle doul-i r1 a 01 Red effort
aRee -------------------------..............................................
buildlnr for her mothi'r.aod wife* l,urii,-l Inr made to e-I them oui'srolr
lo 'il-aih Tile laidli e of Kauffman and.
KNHinTw or LANOIt Ah*S.I
Jehiieor ni-ie
f-iiiiil In ih,-lr bed*,
frlrhtrolly hurra-d. They were inu,xteated wlien-lliev
nJlii-v. ■•4in-d
i.^in-d and were doubt-
nv. »—The memlwra uf
eemMy of the Knlyhts
Tiial <d
B thylr tweiity-Arst
n in this 1-llr gthls mumlnr.
le nuide yealeprlaj In tnlb* I Tht* will be- Ike
the mos
Uueene ••oun'ty ,*>oti .rf »ve
if latxirlna men ever held tn Louisminer, al leme lAand ''ity.
vllle and I* attended l>> upwards of IW
riairl aitjoiimi-glhe lory had laieD
drlerales from every part of this eounpleird
|l bar
tb* { try and Canada, and several repi isenta8 Mads a palal-HMake I. S
Jury would be a lonr tlve* from Ibe dlstnct aascmhlles of forand led)..,I*
e«,v owina to th* wide *l*n counliie*. a jirellmmary meeUnc
Betumlnt to Al. l»uls In the ML puhluily rhsi hart beet, rtven to tbe of Ibe executive tioard «a* held yes
liovejo)’. at the request of a friend, loik crime ullh
hi<-h Thom Is charffed - terday aflenioan at <he Willard hotel
charie of a tellalnus paper called ib* Thorn l. , hatred wKIj Ihe murder of
Ihe purpose of arraiirtnc the details
Observer. In Ibis paper he wrrely on,' CuUlensuiipe. who dlmppeared Jo»i of Ibe com I nr meetini.
ooodemned Haverp and advocaiAd iratl- at (hr lime In whl< h • mutilated body ! All the aeaatons will t»e secret, even
B8l emanciMlion uf tbe colored rare. was fooprt at rtiffercni plaie*, laat June. I local member* bclny bam-d abd (be
excepi Ihe head
A woman named j atlendasce on the A,a>r belnR limited
Xn tns a letter ataned hy many of the all
Nai-k. who was the mieirem of both the ■ —- *•>—— **»-.-------------------meat hwpe, ted men of At. Louis was men. Is In he tried for (he same erlme
•SOI tAi Editor Lovejoy requeallni
matter* of the iravest Importanre to
Hun by rapspllnr hU views. dUlmlna a
riabt to caprest them as he aaw At But
'lane* b* at last remowd bl* paoer to
Alton. Ills. This was In July. lOd. a
little moee than a year before his sad
death Three time* within tbe p-Tlcd
'VefeUw Sever U UyiaaOaU
New Orteana, Nov.
»—The 'Ysllew
fever (diuellon conilnuMi lavotable
There bas been no markM chahrea
Sunday and yellow Jack bas ■<«(
* for f
rreally elated over tb* nwilfylnii
of affair*.
Omal news ha* t>eer
relied fiom all iB'InlA and II la
dlnsdihai trade wiU have assumed Ha
imrmal cndillnn hy Ib* middle of the
ere l,ul IS im-w r«iH
nth. Tl
e ynie:
Them were & deatba.
Amonc the must Important members
already upon the ymund are J. P. SoverelRjt. crneral ma«E,-r workman; T. W.
MvCuIrr. of New York, aiand worthy
foietnaii. and John W. Hay,-*, of “
inataiv rrand secretary
and ireasurer.
r*raC*a) (-ewtmrl. bat HN lUd I*
«ej*<«aa. Thnach IwweW.
Pliubura. Nov. r-W. p. DeArmlfs
Hew Y6rk aod ClevelainJ (las Cual com^auiy was refuwd the cortract tor supThe Ohservor dmb-d liefare the people
that he had eomnilii-d any •■Benae and
mfrrtt* je fe*w WeMS Man.
plylBA Plltsl,urr's n atrr work* at
ciaijned the rtahl* of a ciliirn under lb*
RtouT CUT. Ja.. Nov s -Kmmu H lar- |
w lUi coal tot the comlnc year,
am. of (Ills place, say* she ws< oierriert | The clly councils yestr^ay afirmoou
Uv spoke of hts ronilDued persect
to Julius Knre,J, under Ine In.irresl.m rcielved B -nrcatlvr r«Guminenda(l"D
Hdhiitls. andlKadwlih I from the puUlc-«.,rlu> committee, and
............... rr a Bphitad delotr'ni was decided
moeiih# twforeah*dl*coveredber
tba» who were roemle* of bl* policy,
raadvertlse for bids for the water
stdO' Is
sad ot the resulu It the miads uf {be
In West
poopU or Ills edlturlala. At he spok* of tbouffhl well of him, Ksrash was related
Durtne Ihe day II was said by some
tb* dauftT ii, hlni*^ and to hi* W.
to him and slmnBty Traembled him He enunellmrii -that Ih* reason of tb* ueRaand children t.srs fnied his eyes, b
<1 marry heir and represented live auiow of the committee was on ac
b* tsiterwled bl< di i.mdnatlun of ea
count of (be dispuiv between tile eaal
:r as Rchulla
tlpDlns a* he had Ir-Kun. Arm ID the
ooiniany and tia employes, and that It
convletiaB that b* was rUht and that
was feared ihe company mlRbt not be
rtett moat, prevail. A few day* Uler
MentWnloee. Mich.. Nov. *-The hljt- Bbl* to fulAll lu contract. Other*'
be called « tbe editor of tbe Altna Rest loiiRlnR enntia,i closed for
(houRht the councils should iRnore ibU
Tblayrapb apd handed him a card tor ■on Is Ibe culliRR of 1T.0M.cmi0 (pel of and award tb« <-onlracl tothcDeAnnlta.
publication whlob slated that Lovejuy pine »m Ford nver by Capi
a* (bey were the lowest bldderm BalilUm ^ul^n" fnre tbe councils met Praaldoit M. M.
was weary Of ahalention and In order Holden and bla nephew, wuil
to restore hanBony had decided to tewvf of Ihl" clly, for niey A.DunRlaa.
DonRlas, the Oarjaud: of the
hla connsrUon with Hie Observer. But lumbei and sail men of Uai
laniBlee. Mich.
1 before tbe public work*
before this was prlated Rrv. w. F.
e and asked U not to'approvs
Oravea, pastor of tbe Prrsi.yterlaa
Ibe coal rontract.
church, called on him and took away
of Ib* comthe caid.
Phlladaliihia. Nov. ». — Five yeauK
A fourth aaw pre waa rsceived at Tmaatonerx who have been to Europe In
midnlxbt Ifer. d. liin. Tbe followinf ttfee Intere*! of hlmclaillsm returned ts womea from tbe ranks of tb* atrlkliiR
nichi tbe nob acalu attaefeed tbe bulU- th* city tonlibi. He went tmmedutely
arrested yeatcrday
-hre* shirt
Ini where The Observer was publish'd. tp hU borne and from there to the Wbll*
iryed by three
lAve],r)- and hi* friends were prepan-l HOUM.
conspirai m lajure
:b conspiracy
suItluR sirla
aad with
for the atusk and defended tbbraaelvr*
• aICblamw.
ir ability.
Cbicasa .Nov. E—Oeii*ral Den. narri- toBtloue
e Inirudina m^b i a fcOlad In Bon. or Indiana, la In CbIcaRo. He bai
■lAael MMm Uke Ih* WtaC
com* on letal bualncaa. and will ap
Atlanta Nov, »Wlramy Mlcbael. tb*
to Are the Inilldlna. and Captala Lor- pear In • latent Infiinyement ease la
mldcel cyclist, ran a (real race BRsInat
tas. one of tb* defendna. askad v'
tbe federal Court today and this arenlnR •(ffne here last DlRht. and altbouRb b«
tsars to make a sortie. Xxft-ejoy
b* expects to return Id Indianapullt.
failed tc accompllth (be feat under
aa* of the (hr** who UDhcBltallnply oftaken. bis performance wa* a maffulAr**e K.
a me Barutass.
tm6 his tervloas On dtilac outside be
cent one. He attempted to rtde twenty
Hudson. Wla.. Nor,
raealved Av* buiieu Id hla body and
nllea lo forty mlDute*. and would have
diad almoM lanaatly. ,
• raid upon tbla ciV Sunday niRl
Two dsyt Uter. oa tbs thiny-aflb «r*t« poorly rewarded. J. Ds'wyl*r*s Abne R but tor tbe taU that tala pacers
s»- lacR*d aat eup^allad th* W*IHi woudsr
awdeanary of bl* birth. Bljab Lovajoy bakary wa* •ntoad aod only K
eras burled in the Alton Mcnetery b*- eurad. Jobnaon'* markst was n>* aext to stow tip at a drttlcal Um*. Ttmt
M mlDutaa n LI SBCoada. '
tw^ two larye oak tr**a. and a pins pUoc. wbert tLS waa found
of a year after he
r plant i
>ba. Nny
Will present the latMt and best Dress Goods
at a scale of uniformly low prices—so low in •
fact they may be called “price coDcOmons,”
A look will convince you these are no idle,
Will you call and give it?
Pa reevm lb* CaWlal. frav B*la«
Mrvacbl lots Ihe Wale-SMnaaiy Byaa
•ap. TMte Will &> UlanM>.d If tbs;
Chiaewv4aav-tillualt«ai la lb* aprtas;
Vallet lil.inrt-tlcaaBtaMll«bar Maev j
tvemih'd The ac ti.m was iMPaun before:
the tnlerslate nmtmerce comml-aliMS la
«»• aa iMArvlt. .
IW U|o.n 4ii»lltt.>n frnai th- Inutrd of
trade of Troy. Ala. allealnt a dia.
Sprlnefleld. Ills. ,\ov. *.-W. D. Ryan,
crimlnatl.'ii by >ne mads Scalnia ihsl of Hroi.l’Swvt. rtatv VA-relarj- of th*
town Intlie Inteiest of M.inte-cnery siol lll•Ilu|p Sliiii'ia' union, uas in the c^y
other I'lMta The toa.U de(-nJ>-<l tlieir
raiea »»
... ..... . .--.,-1 .. uie- >**1 erdd>. to eev 'lovernor Tanner and I
artlnst th^ alleged ln.|««ati..n 1
acBia*t them and alan Tu-I.l that) and enujoyment of SM Chin*** oiloer* |
lire/eiem-o tn rat,a Hiould not it- Blti-a - by il.»' tVllmmitloB Coal comiaiiy
astei't u|>'i< aiiiliorlir of ilie i-nmmls-: tr..- |n.,idu.'<sl (lifltM. Oov^rhor Ti
The .LUtt overruled tin , ..minis-1
I'hlravs. and Hyan n tum-d .
p,»lnla holdlnc fltsi «h*4
iprilliiin is
uf the IIIIWI obvleut
Sei iviary Rian said be
,'f^,-ellve •'ir.'UinKisrH'v* that
led iunlew Oov.
tbe i-.Hidltkois under which :*‘n«"and I
lUertrrid arJ iifuMsI to alirtr
be imiorti-d Iclo BraidUsalmllar.
whether w^ and w.irk In the mine* about there.
rpon thrViher point
_ , ... ..................-___
cntni«nlea Vanlie
>* rejlevcl from Ryan said that the owner ot moat of tbe
the »|»-ratlor) of the lone and ah.iM hatfl mftn-* al RraMwood own,*! several In
Claus.' tif the Inlertrtale r.imnierve
. >Vaahlnst«n, ai.d that hr 'worked n»lbWithout Arst inv.Aloa tbe cune. r.t of th- • ,
chli.nmen th- re Th. experiment
somml.*;...., JU.OCC Shlra* i<...l: »
u, ,„rd with aablCbtnamen Aral,
are unable to suppose that cmaw In,f ,b, Hr,Ww.«l dirers allow thcoe
rt t.T
t.> If..rl.(d e-ommon rarrlers in ,e w„ek more wmiie Wounhl In
where the clrcumelanres and
se (he MHk* All Wlaler.
dlllnns are sutwlanUBUy
Aldina Valley. III*.. Nor. S.-Bleps
makinc dlAerent rate* until and unlesa Were taken yndi-rday at a mav-roe,-tthe cummlaiSon rtall authorise them to Idr of mlr*r* h-ld at Var,|ueue to eon3 so ”
ihrt'UEb.'the winter
Justice Harlan dloenied rn.m the by rreaiinjr.Btirlke
nub-distn,'t board conopinion, remarkinir: 'it noi unly min. vlsllns
"f three inlni-rs trum ^prlay Val>
Imlae* the power of Ihe Inlersinte trimley.
latdd. R«slonv:n.
metre c mn>ls*i"n far l-l.>» (he Infmu™ »r
-i.h M-,™.- to
t,u, I..... lot,, ,h, i»„«. f, ,h. hit. i"™:.;{ mo'Unf; al Maruuetl* Sunday
ruud ,-nmpiitiles Ihe power to so sr-’ ^
"Tea. 1 Wish dat <
Srtke du fataUiahin
•10 jiieccK gfxid Dress Brocades, worth 15c a yard, for 12c.
! Fancy Brocade Dress Goods, worth 25c a yard. forj^Sc.
BitaMicTBae YidjlS picccs Dress Xoveltic.A. fancy colors, worth 30c, for 23c.
It!"—Kew York;
40-inch Pompadour Suitings, worth 35c. for 2^
j 10 pieces Andorra Plaids, worth 15c, for 9c
VTefhUedDgDiBiGood Black Brocaded Dress Goods, worth 18c, for 12c.
“^iBetter Black Brocaded Dress Goods, worth 30c for 18c.
half your mlary.
Uood Viuudvr—Ko
matter. 1 Utd
and mynll aaiipumiud a muHoMiy to
Uis lioubuu aiMi
ai will uoun te la Uie pay
of tbe board uf ntixsiotuk
-Ebt Air you piiu to Atrtoar',
•■Ko. 1 shall stay n^t
Tort Waukly.
Our Be.«t Dress
ress ^^tidK in all
al colors are being
sold at k>we;^ prices
ever befiSre.
■aJor naller«,M«h le V**y in.
Cleveland. Nov. »-The cdndltloB «f
Major Butterworth showed no Impiwve- j 244 FrOUt 5t. BroSCh Block.
R.*m fan .-veEln*. His physirlBB Md .
be only bad a Axblinc chance fur Uf*. j
FRCDH fr6i*
.\Ia6 WbrythioR in Uie line ot
(roods prompt!]' deliver^. Ordert bj Pbooe given quick at
tention. *
Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
EveiT bottle #uara»teed. Tbe only OaS. E. WAtT. OiwtoL
tarrh Medicine used bv Vapor lab
Free Storage for Bicycles
enameled op-to-date. with artistic atriplDC aad omamentatkna.
r FroDL CnUerbnildiDr-
L'aioa alracT.
I will have a car loaj of horses in Trav
erse City on Saturday, November 13.
Weight from 1200 to 1600. Come and see
them. Will be as good a load of horses as
were ever brought, to Traverse City.
You can save from $15 to $20 hy buying a horse from me.
All horses nut as represented will be
made good.
Can be been at the Cutler barn, Union
Wint Ads Paj!pFresh Batter
Oost Light
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
To tb**e wb» 1*ST« their wk>«l» -wttk w* f«r
lepBlr* da^ Ik* wtsfev, 1
win ehaiw* asUlarfoe
------- aar*i3 mcuffi.
Per Fond.
•Ms a. A N. B. BapM.
Per Dun.
Oct, tTaloaaadmaibDm.
—Watch Repairing.
Jna R. Santo,
The BeconI
-John Verly.
—Front Street.'
B*twft«n'tht Unittd 8tsto» and
CvMdA That Uuri«r Will
W»rtilnru«. Nev. • —Tlw •ulVirllUf
W» b»v» t»m
th«t the ArrlvM
lodar of Sir Wilfrid Ldurler. pr<mi-r'
of Conado; Mr L<onli tIoviM. mlnlMer
Of marlM In ,lhe l,aart*e CAbinet. <trd
other oflldeU of the T>o<hlnliin. le in
have an Imp-irlaoi Ivarlna not onljr on
the Behiis* sea o-itlemeni hut oo all,
—namely, the paaaaae of. alien laborers
to and from oahada. the North Atlayl:
..flrtienee qutsilnn. the pmenre of many
Ameneane In the KhiiKlIke territory txU|^Bg 10 (Uirada and m the tnlnlng
rertonaKf ilrlUeh Onlumhla.ltbe Asherlaa crauble along the graal lakes, the
boodini: pHvllege granted Canadian
tvllroada. ihe roittruversy over rights
In the Praser.nver tlirltl'sh (h>lunil>'a)
and tn the Pogrt aunod and alas the
queellon of a iwlpr>>rliy arrangement
belnscn the I'nhed Stalea and Canada.
There U dlre^'i and dellnlte Informa
tion ihal mr Wilfrid conies prepared u>
take up all them dUeatlona, and If feue
Blble Include them In one genval aetered may
Wallaoa—Wbat is tbe rwkb Jobany
Un't wearuig hu lAtUe Oetead* hadg*
any Boref
Mrs Wallace—He dowt mi to be
■3 food of mmuuntig le dumb
Etcf Burnea Out?
If ao you know
Um ta lJ
be ovri-
WmAs the llsefce rWarMl of UhpoMa.
On some nf lh<«« aubjevla be will con
fer srlih PrealOrni UrKInley, and on
at least ohr of l^em—thal relal.ag to
alien laborers croaslng the t>ordie--he
• III suggest tnch mutual modinraticn
of present regulations aa In hU opinion
will ba
t<f ' the thouaanda
lah Columbia mining o
to Canada along the American border
The •aarntlal (ealjim of Sir
tnlnSon w>o* rummunkated i
fleiaU here by persons fully adviwd
the pesinlrr's plans, and It can 'it.hild
' that the suggestion that the dr<-ks be
cleared of ijaiiiing diaputee between
Canada and the I'nllrd tUalea met with
Jhe favor of ihi admlnlairathiu
Beel UaeallM KM ImpeHMI.
Whiii' lb.- Hehring aea aeiile.T-nl ccoaalniie the Vlall <.r Ibe sCnadian pre
mier. the CanadUn authorltle< aHach
mot h lea* lmporUn<-e to it Ihsi they d >
10 the other quesnotit reenlluned ^ey
Wtalm. ibeti." mid Dunaia. "aa
'ulian fidcea. Julio was swim
ming In a small siream when he became yer btgieg'a right, but, like tbe nwt iv
detached from bis companions and fellt tbe landlords, bc's an abwaiUw an liraa
k 0-. Noe. ».-•Col1tempt pro Into the hands of tbe PpanUrda. Hr was la Loudon. "__ Kagceta
ceedings wen bn ugbl I
taken to the Ban Ambrosia mluiary
hospital as a prhwher and Uier sea/
Oeoeral Uunm against the Siaodard Oil (enred to be shot.
"The boy's inulher left no stone un
company. Il la claimed the cximpany bai
«"» nano, meuoiias * ose. i12-lf
not abided by tbe decision of (he su- turned to davi
preme cxxuit of March f. U«. In Jhe r
of the aiMic es rvl 1). Waieon.. aitori
general, ra (he Standard (
known I*
friendship for Julio's father.
charged in that suit that a t
11 then a prcfeimir In the Medical unlverunlver-1
as Ihr Standard Oil trust bad
. Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailbrmg.
W OF SAFETY...........
fuimtd. The auprerhe court held Uial
the alleged (rust w as In conRIrt wilh the :
Uw-a of the Maisand cuuld uul be main
In lbs "lnfo»matl.u>"-nlsd by the at-:
lorney general ycalerday It Is efaargod
that,'Ihe iruei hai imiI been dissolved.'
but Ibal uniliT a prvtenae of winding up
Its aAalrs the trust haa arrarged to non ;
llnue Ibdeflnltely. The Informathm up»a|
which the conlempi prnceedliigs are begun was fuewebed by Oecrge B .Rlc*.
of the yviung man, and she
10 have been euccmiful.’' Young Que*-'
aila's father died three yiars ago In
Wsrid-s Fair Ha* pay tbe FiS^u
Chicago, X*pv, r—Judge, Gresn^upT'^
icb. yesie^ay m.inilr^
in npl.bia ^nl.lieg ||
B'orld' Columlilan Rgpoaltton company
tedtsKinIble (or the ha* to the French
and Krciw-h exhlhltnrs by reahs Are of the night of Jan. A
New Departure)
Or. A. B. Sdnudy. of Detroit,
proprietor of Reed City Sanitarium, it
coming to your town, where I e willremgln for one dav only to give tbe
Bspart ol^ M
aick An opportBolty to consult him
RImU. Nov
that cannot see him at hia SaaiuriBm.
irrv that f nsllve
Tbe doctor baa ao much faitb in the
Sgperienee he bae bad in treating nmii have been inirreepted by IheliibesshtODie dJaeaaea that he will .give one men In s ravine and alaughten-d. but
kl«T~" cl
Toi.^ t?e s^: I
^ f.r..d.,hae «ceivwd m. ornontli's treatment and medicine free. tbe rumor li not yel offlclal^ conflrmsd.
preme court will Rk the dale on w hich '
n'l«'« fur
Auo PRB^li’gciCALopEaaTiOKa to
the Riandard Oil company shall be cited .
Insurpem tanka Tbe order LU. TBOsg raar arb too pooa topay.
Mas.l V-ariai I. Aellea.
to appear In .-ourt to answer the charge
Ura ir an embarrasaUf p<alllon.
All that be'aaka in return la that
Naples Nov. ».—Mount Veeuvlue Is
I II has lgtioc>'d the declsjati of t
tvery patient will sute to their friends In great scllvlty. A mam of tavs pour
ing out of the Alrlu del Cavallo mier,
I years ago was aniy released frr m M
which opened In 10&. Two wide vtre
, castle upon idedglng bis word nut
are Rowing down In the directioc .Of
again take
V up arnis agslns. R.w.n, Ban- |'S^“S.‘bJd*tncb*:gt“d“eJ“eiS Vltrova and Hlano del fneatre.
BVlAed Ym Play I
gullly g le this pl*ige after much hmU
, lutlon.
AlUnla- «la-, Nov. t.-Wllhnul
Not long aflerwsrds
gnduword of diacumlon Ibe house xif repre-1
ated B7 y>
ago from CleroaBd,
IS years in general praeIf he did
hat lectured aa Professor
way to (he setiatt
, bit Amerlcsr rliltenL____
of Anatomy a td Physiology in Detroit
markable result was
as anllcipaled nol- , rrom Home* is lu the rffei t Ihst H Ran
Homeopathic Medical <Vlege for I
w ithstanding the
he warm
opp.«li|..n of tbe gullly. who Is a major general by com.
years; was 8;
KlAtt university,
wh b after re**.ver1ng mission from itomei. does nol rcpori by Vi-. ’
I). whh
Altna and
from Ihe abtx-k
-k of Rtn^ent
Von (Jam-, Dec, jo hr will lie reduced — tbe ranks
--------Xhj, experience combined with many
m th<
raiin's daalh irled to stem
the tide cf op- j and discharged w Ithput honor.
yeara’ atudy in the best bosplUla in
poaltlon In order to am-e tb* game A
_ ;the cenntry, and oxamining aad treat
puwerful card was played by an appeal |
««w«we is bsm Harw Han
ing tbottsseda of chronic Cases, baa
to the mother of (be dead student, to'| Columbus. O., Nov. t -A l.xwl IVmprepared him toenre when tbe general
which she responded by rallirg on (be ; oFfwOc newspa|>er. prints an Irterriew
practitioner ft ••
legislaiure not to prohibit a game which «^lh C. V. Harris. src4w{ar>' of Ib^Mnyears t
Are you
ber eon had loved so well
ocrallc sirir renlral comnilHee. In'which
approve." Mie said, "of foot bail as : the genllpenan U QUMed as saying that Call hod *v< ua.we will tel
• 'm a.onference of lemocrailc leaders we can cure yon or not.
we will tell yo
ore an interesl In i'of
if the
(he stale II was dtsldrd
decided 10
lo pledge the
tbe ,
atai-tlm." The bill as passed prevldea ; votes of as many n.-murrats of the gen- ,
nber, c
ITild BijeitjtT—I ** I s(« bow you
manage to fare ao well at Uus hnanAiay
boose, i have iodosmonaly courted tbe
bf ly Hj-Mik. bU4«
have .
Tbm am wtj apna la Inlasd fe
wbleh are Atlaabed
U> whleh
Ua Mtnnic mA)a*t7 pL^^a [gomliMol
Sear Tork. Nov. I.-Dr. O. J. de ftoas- )Br(. Bach 'ara tbe Devli'a gap. tbe
ads when Informed Iasi night of tbe gi> Oerll'a bow) apd maaj- otben. A good
shipping at Canadian porta,
etc. Tbe llcenae aralem baa proved l» UoB tit Orneral BUnro In pardoning ttcoT U toMcd aalriabmaa'a wit te
be a hardship, and eKoru will ««• ma«W JuUo Qvesada.' a Cuban rebH'Vfho had tbia ocamectloo.
to reach a mor* aatlsfartory tyslem. II beer, arntenrsd to be shot, was almoM
One day an EogliiA KariM wm being
overcojie.wlih Joy. He mid JuUo Or
•bowa "the cightf'' b? • galde. wbon
nm tp Wi
tega Qursada was . tbe yewng man's we wlU call IXonU Tbe DerU's gap
g a plar o
had been aeen. and. tnorlng away, tbe
"Ho U a matily pour.g fellow," said !>r.
merit, the details to be ►ollled by a coi
mlahon repp-sentlog both cout l»res.
Klat St T
IfTttMtac TkUi I* IlM- Alt*
in a dilemma
If He Obeys (tomesY Order Be lltsaki a
ris^ Made U aaes Mb I4le.
Phlladelphta. Nev. s.-The Prvm prlaU
under New York dale Uwiay a story to
F^e Insurance.
rSSS Want Ads iRim
erud Sipidi i Iidiiu K. I
II «a ....
:r. a.
» «. 4«
AttCTBeya at Law.
priU or match garnet foot ball In ^y .mator on oondUl.m that Ibe governor ^ X*^***”,' *"kV?^*f
park olher place In the stale where a vould command Repiibllraii voles to
eaUa. Bprelal
fee l»rt.rged f-r admlimon to thrgamo make hla elecl^ possll.le^____
by^luU ac^ls. ^thVl^lui aaS rhilitva-.
(fhusand dUUrs Ant or .sie yeor In
w.. wa— i. iw. rw..-e
«( electricity, that most wooderful of Mairs.
^wty^'d^S'RaptAs.Detroll sad
rtsvIgMoekewaeaamesBalUAda. m.
>. f.—iVbeu the e
western irriiton. where
om. and ihirt there is a conaderibls
le-nwiilage of -the a<-called Oaiis'dlan
oealvre ■twillr.g frnm tleBUIe. Kan FraneiBcO'inJ other American pun*, who At
•MT'lb'Canadinn pivts under the ftil'lth
What liasts of wHtlenx-il can be.>mB<.hed IS n«l disclosed, but mile doubt,
ir is’wtid. is fell by Ibe Ca^adlana lhal
an amirable adjurlmeni can Iv made.
Amofls ihe plans suggested 1* that of
an. Indeninily Urge enough to permit
Canada to buy out the wwlem and re
tire them from boMnega.
Wnn this
• done the t'nilsd Stales. Russia: Japan
. nreai liniain and Canada w.inl l V '.ugelhsr ^n a supprvmlon uf pelag.c seal'
Tall-Bad CMibJaa la MlebigaB.
ber'a market two I,rasa buttons with the
«Tiampl0B, Mich.. Nov » -TBere was Initials oT the |«llce deiwrtmesl uf Dua isil-end collision reaulting In a'wrw k : Inih were found In ihe sicms- b. PaiBst eveamg on the Mputh Mhore* Une at ' tn.irfian IUpIi Smcller’ls i ui on a mooor
Iirowii's KIdIng. betw i«n Hlchtgamnie I hum and (he lleulenanl
and Cshmrhiii The eaM-bound passen-|yvl relumed,
ger ran Into a freight train going l|^ '
-MUber We Htry-Eipeea.
same dlreclhm. .iVilUsm Jl Orren. :i>e '
oldest engineer on the luau. was faislly
ilagioa. N»v.
r IsdUatHPUs
' •
Klilsd by a rietism BeU
Webater Cliy. la.. Nov » —Fi>r twen wloda
ty minutes Runday night J M IVailen '
Iwtii-d will) a vicious bull on i..s
TTi, hull'vas dehonuii. hilt Jt
bulled And m
aumped lilm to deotn 'TVal
edln^hls cattle whn. Ihe
child wilh bim '
Fa Uiwer V rhlga -I
brt*k1aUgb nortbMlr
dieesaes of tbe
nervous aystera.
Go early, aa my -|>b<aMa iia. lot. IB____________________________
office it always crowded,
1/0*210*30 oin s
' Borns avOTW.
_____ ho
lUsd Sislss.
Remember, we give a written cuirdr : aotee to cure every case of PILES and
(«• RUPTURE. Alto, we f rve a lyingdn
■iiJ IS:;:
IS la.::
H.rOsrgR. AUM^ at taw, aim
wind*, rue
roe lowi
’ «1 anog Is the I
^ o.
Lmt FuWMiriiriw'Lahe.
•a aa B.Wb HMea.
Duluth. Jillnn.. N.iv t.—J.isepi, Bums,
Sir tVlIlriii l.aurlrr and his as*«Utea a draUt In rd.uhing at 3» luU.- svrnu.'
will urvr stningl) (hsi the lK>rd. 1 imml- *>uth reports lhal h» Mat a p.. s-nhuuk
graUxn qurelli n be .«.(i|ed spd^nn tbW ror'sinng II.Pd In raidi overU ..iil from
(he , ..winrr lilior ahllr rrtuiniug from
pdlrt will ..infer w^Ih the pn-md ni tin
a (iJp down (hr north shore.
der Ihe pren.ler'n dlreitUu. ihe ( aradlan
twriiamvnl pasaed an alien Inmilgiallon
law tael si-rlrK b> whivli A'mri.tvir. ca.'ll r.«ts II.OM a year to sMI Hgnrvtuu
trertor. snd Atnrrh'an labor wJut bamd
at IVijvrr.
from r> mm-llhg in tbi wm-W vr (he
Buoth'-Turker’a Arst Salvation Atwiy
Cruw's V si I'aka railway—a gvvem- (edr.ny has li<-n iJanitd at Ralcdad. Cal
tnenl u' d'-nshing-1i. w«-»ters Csnads.
Thr kupivoo'v -url of Illinois nan
On Ihr "Ibrr hand II Is rlalmid by lh^| tided that a ben bourn vanoot be burgCanedisns that al*wit t.WO An^rioarwl larUf^
-arv in Ihr Kl.uidike iwTllviy—I. lunglng |
lu ttaiiads -siid that full) le.fnv Amri- 1
) lluateauUa
wiiraing hi j
kill] lltuiduiaa
r nilhrs uf tirllld)
tlnii.hl RiHlea Immlgratli r. lawn, 11 Is aisrv|sirled lo have btwn*found In
aeriid. are adminisirred with h.ir>iin**
alone the Cwf.adUn Ikrtilrr. a..d are a Trrvu* cuunly.
A areere Hnmnrlal ertrta exMs In Vendaily fcourw of Irrltstton. Sir Wilfrid.
Ihrr.d.-r. , will auggest Ibal Ihrvausrsid efuela. The isyimsi Of pretly'murh nil
Kevercnteit obllgatlnns bns been pualIrriufi. n be rrmoved .m l«lh »l ira.
In lhi» CMnnerllon, als.-, ihe • ■.-o|wta- poned
W'llllnm Applrton. tbe slayer >f Wlnin..' Ill the t'niled Slules'ts di’SlivO In
ptars of Ihe Caradlan auth.iiiiisa to .Rrld Rc-i-H Ih-nilne. has Wn aepienrsd
Rilke an easy r^i.Ihr K.undike. Bl Tuscola. Ilia, lu twroiy-flvc 3wara la
The i.r'itsiaetY rooir Is by b-inl (him thr |•c^llrnllary.
Thr grand I.Mlgr of Arisons H
|Surt W ranglr lo the fUyekroe, river..
whi.'h le Ir lertilory brionging 'to the! 'hirb mreis (ow-oiTOW, will bell I
T’nii.d Wales, an.1 up the Blyiaenr %1u j
ual siwrl.-n In a cave IN fret
Taalaoil lake
r K.
l< ihe^Yuktia.i
ih^Yuktia .river. aDd-j round a Ulslew.
thence !•< the gold tiflSs
11^1. AsIhePlycken
n Amerlmr soil It is .1 slie<l to I
overi’OTOe ary iMwelble ronirov.isy, al of John IMmun at Wauktg
though the iivaiy of Waahingtvn IS said Carr B an ..Id man.
lo nialis the ravigailun of Hie river free
NelMin-Oaen. of Kllsworth. WIs./whIlr
lo Ibe CsnaiUiins and America;! alike. attempting to couple bit thresn’ng e
The ns*>d ..f this ahort r.siie und.r ihe gtre to the arparalur. was caughi b
patronage of the (himlnk* Is fe.i by the tween the two and crushed to disih.
Canadian premier to lie tmiw.uUve. la
Thr crlebratloo of (tie aanlvefnarT
vtea of Inturmatlon reaching him that thr lialile Wetasenbutg a| Prague. H
JLOIIl AustralUna will couir lu Uiu Kloa- hernia, was uf tbe slromleat descHpUeA
dika In Iba spring A Jidal of V OHO col- .And in conflicta with (he police Many
ooisj* are aiiWIed to bead Uiai way.
people were Injured.
On (be mailer of rertprurlly itu gt«.
CJharlea WHUe. who Mole a blcyeia
cral porpoaa of the negoHalloi. will be from Oir Oood Luck Drug cot .
to give the tintied Blales the ix-neBi of Chippewa Kalla Wia. waa aebieoced to
th. minlmuhi clause of tbe pr»>^t)( Ca■Ml« priaun (or a year by Judge CondlL
aaiUan law in eichangv fur tb> » per
c( liw RiunIcliAl court.
oenl. radoctlon allowed under the DingBorne MU Irading farmers in Alabama
lay law On the i«n of Canada iIm arhare pledged tbemselvee to sow frutt
llclra likely to he prupoaed (or reciprocBve to twenty bushels of wheat thM
fall In tbe hope of rnnking Ihe Mata
jmrt of
aalf-supportlng to point of white broad.
a likely to figure Is the pagollathaa
Charles McDonald, who u rusparia
are coal, coal ell. earn, railway am. clseto be tha man whii waa Impllcalad In th«
trleal auppllas. machlnerr of all hinds,
agricultural tmplrmrnta. native woods, DarllngtoA Win. nuider and lobbcry.
waichaa ciocka ooiioc. and certain la kept In the Monroe. Wla, jn.l. It la
that a tmehing might result if
forma of Iras and steal. The Canadian
be ware lakea to DarllngtoA
law penults
Tbe fulled But^ aupreme
a yaay and onf-f
the daclsioB of (be CalUomU
year to such couninm a< glet
courts In the ease of Theodore DwmnL
who was ooBTtcicd (d the murder of
Blanch Lamonie Ih a BapUM chwch
Baa Pranalaee. Dumat may. pmha
Chicago "*
West Michigaa.
rpaarsjrrss^.r “.ws
v - iSJi
— y- tBsJI.
lUISKI i» lOmmiHUI li
Hotel Whitiog
TkaVERSE CiTT. Mich.
-Tm> b
.. aod tub. *1 Vest '
i'^it^jr fir»
I Thonday and Friday,
HoT«mb«r 11 and 18, *97
Oaa D«y Ofily Xacb Moatb.
a Ml «if
, BsarOraak...........
J W1^^ g»"wls
Oonaultation and Examination Froe and Btrletly'
A a AAA OO- Aieots ^ Wtjit^
■ SSfLi.
sirie-i Vacaai lot wUlbe takra as pa
' JubuVerij.'iWI'eualBiTeel. lit tf
rf t^^ Bye.
iilk; t'nM^r^Mne^D^lM
I'lcer*. HrishlTblM*. kkmaislis*. all DiMws aflCidneiw aadBU^.
------ aarl.,aaJKtv»*i.l>i«ms«a. CtsemlHi. VHa.Daotei.iljeylDiSUtiyi8endaia.Hkla
II--- Disraws ot Hso aad W vam. soS all 41*
BPILVJWV on KITR isMUirircvrrd b; sen
nrw aad berwr (aiUas rsnsdj.
Ota. a. n A Co. Biahr a siweiJir <J aJIhvWfc..
a# ul Rsrtal
Ui*a*s. rUe* ti
aal. Kcsloa’and bb—Hag. Bsctal Cker*. »Wurr.. m
i.-wlilrU are .1
m4 Laua Tiwsbir. sb rsiw4. Sr*r*le* vr cure all
Ds of PiWo will
or a«eatl*i fn*> hoslaaa. and eilhoul.tbe use el I
eausuc or ligature. Oea* a
■CtOR WALg-gM arc* or land ca Lear Lake ■
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
rt^'mesiw through
land, neety of U*her
TTWkS AMD CAKCBBA rated wltbvut aeida. kalte. i>ala or aaar.
STSi i'lSSSi'SlI'SS—.- rum. taps m-«gi
mr whs are waableW oall eae wrilr tell yarttenlanaf
_ eapresa. wiib tub laairoetiuas huw lo hs lahea.
Tbs Si* o( Dm. A. A a 0». waslseorp<wB4ed BSTsiwIysw
baamyoeiakr BueoaBtaa ir reoempbglaam. Thayaremsp
r.DOU.Il al roadiNaereo.*
Um. 4f arras with wtater wh*
«t;yOOD BOB MMt--PeaM^eyt load ^
DRS. B. S. &CO.
Look Box leO.
B. J. oiff:oiia--AJsr'
Tj.’^’vexmo Oltsr,
ligam. ,
Wonay to Loan |
rATEZB rmox Aafon.
AAOn «f X>«fiuiet‘B4ak In OnyUac
to Look Bottor—A Pro^oot
Xku X»q>otitoro VQi
• But of
Tkoir K0B0)r-WUM8 Btnlor Fold
Bohool Fond*.
OnVIlBB. Mioh.. Kot. fi.-Tbe Utaot
dorelopaenur U rafoid to tb* £1bonk teilare ora th»t WlUon
eul*7. the BOB ot CkBhiar Sinter. '»orrowed SMM from kie Detroit friend* end
repold tbe boUsoe doe the aehool
food*. thvB, no doabt. eecDriar laiatfnltrfor hb father. *• the warrant
•woro oot wu fer the eaheueoient of
Tbera b • better feellSK •«»» the
r* from the fast that tbe pronei*
tr here and lo the Dpper reolneola.
eald to be worth B*.000 ha* been to^
~ .V. orar 10 oorer the lorar*. and that d C.
Tk«a<A of Blooot4borf.lv, a partner
to the dcfonct bonk, ha* property rai
ned at from SM.OOO to *37.000 In that
city, a part of wbleh b eiibjeet to lefal
At a Boetlof of the creditor* held
laet nifbt. It wna deeided to antborlie
Attorney Oeorfe Alexander -of Gray
Unf, who b now in Ulooaaborf, to beftn nltM for *!6,000 tn
oaaeca of a
nnmber of depoaltorai
Wbaterer amonotoaenred will be dleMod pro raU aaonf ail eraditora
The Hew 0- M. Faper.
The flret namber of the "EadeaTor
Tldlnf*," the new Oirbtlaa Bade
pap«- whkdi bi* been mentioned
oently. wna ieeaed yeeUrday from the
Bafle nSee. The new poblleaiion b
nn^ the edltarbl and bnalnem c
nfament of Mbeea Oertrade ^irafne
and Winifred Pratu The journal b
one which ia boond to 611 n frnlttel
field and lu monthly rblu wilt be
neferty welcomed by the End
oran of the Sieranth Dbtrlet,
wboed interaeu it b pnblbhed. The
flret namber b neelly prtnted. eonmnch intereelinf matter devote^
to the aoeiety and lu oejecU and if
'thb b a eriterian tb« paper meet snrely become a ralnable belp to the eoebey in Ub dbtrict. The EleTeolb b
the only dbutet In Mlebifan which
ha* a paper detoted U> lu own wel
fare and tbe roterprbe deeerree enIf the enpport of the
mbera of Ue e-wlety i
au with the enerry and ability of Uc
pnbtbher* Ue‘ Tidiiici" wU) foliUl iu
of City Opera Hoom.
/ OpMtaB
The deoeratton* of U*> City Opera
■oaee are about completed and Ue
whole Improrement will be felly oempleted by the itU of Ue month. The
rafular openlnf ot Ue theatre will
be wbea Ue firel number la Ue
nohool leotnra euane
prenented on Ue i«U ot thb month.
'The firat ettraeUon will be Ue
imperial tVeUh Qaartet, aa affreffatlOB of centlemen of ' yreat meeleal,
ability, who wilt be aeebteMUT Mb*
Ad* Urvenwaod. a ulented reader end
bnmorbt. When the flret ejtertalnmenibBiraa th^ pratty Ueatra will
be crowded and Uc audience will be
rra^Wd wlU a pleaaent *erpri«e in the
appearanee of tbe houae. The decora
tion* are modern, beaatifully harmonlied end artbUela daai«B.
o'eloek, and a weleome will be flrea
anee Bnrrae, ^me np from Grand Bapto all ladbe whether membera of
Id* yeeterday'on biutoea* wlU Ue lo
eeebty or not. It b the aim In tbeeh
oal aerate.
literary pracram* to make them pree- HHFOHTKD OAPTITHS OF IB
Wlllbm Perk* of Central Lake, who
b employed by Ue Cnmeros Lumber
tbal and helpful an well ae enterlaln-1
inf. Tbe procram for thb atteraoen'
Oa.blnUaelty e^Unf friend* and
b a* follow*: .
War BtUl Tery. Aetlea to Onbn and
The kitchen and'ib nnoAntmontn—
Bpantoh Defento are Huneronn- ^^Ron.’s^L. PickeH.mai^ ot the
Hie. B. J. Morfan:
WeyUrb Barberana Xethoda Oon- !*toW lecblatnra of Ha**aebn*ett*.
Tbe dialaf n
ttone$. Acatoto In*ur»ento-Oiiban and bb wife are here to ebtt the
famlUca of Chaiira Temple nnd N. B.
‘■Row to Ureon*lo a week" rand
BonpHal Xnlded.
by Hra H. Montofea
Harana. Nor. Ai-The newt b elrcaBow te eook meet—Mre. 8. C DeebUnc In Hnrana that Oen. Cklixtn
L W. Htotar. U* Hoon*
Stfinhe Oak Pealnealer Hee
Leftoeere-Nra C. J. Kneeland.
WlU ei
Eheh paper will be followed by a town ot Uolcnto, to Santbeo de Qiba
dbenmlon, open to all.
Mayari, aaoUer Important toerL
the e^ prortoee. he* toUen. without ^
any doabt. into Ue hand* of Ue bwnrAnatia Banfleld Hronfht From BUrar C*oU nnder Vcr»- The caniaon of
Lake Under Arreeb
Uolcnto b 1.000 Sp^bh aoldlera
At PeralaJo*. to Ue eiipe proctoee,
UnAemherifl Aehton wentju Stleer
Lake le*t eecalnf end arrmtm Anelto Ue .ltorarreat* under Gen. Jeeu* Babl
Canfield, who b eoenced of dbtarbinf here, captajmd e larfe Spanbh oooray
a reliflon* Beellar. Oaadeld pleaded boend for Baynmo. The oolamn nnder
ra Jestlee Brawn and General Aldera. Tbe flcht leatad a
tlOO k^l to appear No- «rhole day. but Ue Spaniard* b^ to
eember 3v. It b elltfed that Oaafidd abandoo U* conray, wlU money end
Ik* war b very edtlee all oecr U*
toy of the BraafeUcal Allianee emoebUoo. Olhere ckarfed with the dSenae blaad. At Ue eery door et Pieer del
apolobiaed tor their coodnet. but Can- Bio city U* Spanbb Col. See Mertto
field rafneed to make any apelofy be- WM defeated on Tboradey by Ue Iseanae. he declared, he wee not gwlWj aercenu. and bad to retire ie ba*u
dbtarl^ the meeUnf. Hb arreat isU Ue elty. Irattoc os Ue held twen
ty killed and forty-nine wounded. A
crest many yno* ud mueb ammnnlHXATXBBT OF THX BXABOH.
tloB were abokkeadoaed to Ue Blcht
Of Ue Spanbh eotomn.
About IS,000 Bnaheb Fotitoee ^
Tbe mom taarbarltlc* that were praeUeered to Town TeaUrday. '
Ueed under Weyler'a raclma are bninc
Yeeterday wee the banner day fer eemmitled by Ue Spe^ opiums*.
to the looal mariiet, n* for Pnrtlee from Ue battolM^ NallnsaeaUty. It b eeUmated that the re- dolid raided e Cakes boaplUI et WeeelpU were 13.000 bnaheb. mere then srina. to Ilnar del Rio murderad flee
and ef your life b epedt in bad. Itb
ha* been bronfht to . to any an* day
bar* Uet oomforubla We
Ub neeeon. The blfheet priee paid ato chUdrae. and Uen burninc Ue koe- to
make it to at a very little co*i to
wa* to eeata When the montof train plUl.
A fond Iron Bed.'breM trimmed,
arrirad on Ue M. A,K. B. the team*
an extra (food Woreo Wire Spring eompleU tor
If you want wood bed*
w-r*toUiekat Ue warabooee Uera
w* can **11 yon e good tolid well made
that Ue trela oooW not paAl to at U*
bod and aa extra good Spring for C3.7V
depot for tome Urn* and
alifkted weet of Ue warak
The prayer mrattor in Ue Braacelical ehnreb wUl be held Ub eraatoc Pt
7:M o'clock.
There will be a recular meetinc of
Traeerae City Balinr. FraUumel Myetle
Circle. Ubevralay.
Hera WrlCbt Snrprtoed.J_
Neva Wrlgrfenjoyed a »erprbe par
ty at bar home u WeehlogUn etrrat
Monday nighv A Urge namber et her
jDveaile friend* came to belp eelebrete
her birthday aaniveraary: An after:'
nooa et good timee. rafreekmenU emi
general good ehrar U Ue hbtory of
Ue evenL Neve received many cm*
to honor ot Ue oooeMon.
wtotor. The k—ofBems will hoU
Gcnnnla Area era axeerating two
large edIUre near the warUoeee of the
G. R. A l. forUe purpoea of etoring
poutoea The eapeeltr of Ue oelUr*
WiU be aboet li.OOO batheb.
The committee os 6re and wpter, of
U* council, met In Ue offi.:* of the
lememberyoQ^edb^et Ptetaraa framed and a
r haveyoarteapieWHsframed.
^^askell’s Bookstore.
few of each kind
but many kinds, and all of them d^
sirable, comprises a lot of
Ladies Fur Boas
- we picked up at a small portion of -tlie
cost to manufacture. We've plac^ the
lot on sale, at corresponding prices, and this
is the range:
29^39^49c.69c-75^8Sc-Up to $2.90.
They ipclnde all the styles of fur. The Real
Values are 75c to $5.60.
Come Soon for they’ll disappear Quick. .
tel^Ue Sry Ockv Cnlpri sad ObtUBg Bosm.
m-m rroBt strut.
Get Ready for
A Cold
We Keep Them
AneUer Ntw Lot of Ledb*' Fine Shoe* jnri la.
have never before nbown each np elegant line aa »
No wonder we have te keep them ramtog.
Our Buckwheat
It's Sure to Come.
Buy where yen caa do ihv beet
'We are Ue eriginatore of low
priee* on goad good*, not thoddy.
For Ub week we offer Ue followletg priera on A No- 1 mrachaodbe.
from Petoekey where be raid as eboUe deebioa of the Supreme court b
Ibk to C. B. Call for bb family burial
anncniDeed the temporary injunction
plat It vrlll be U* Bneet shaft to
andwiUerat HIM.
Swears alto aold to Charlea Roe
Burned lu Banda
eophaga* for SMO.
,Tbe tofaat child of Mr. ead Hra
Mb* Mery Pohoral-left yesterday af
B. Bristol bad Itn band* badly burned ,t«
terneon tor Detroit where tbe goee to
yeeterday wfatb lry>BK'to rabe iUelf!* prirau hoepital to have a delloau
byabotetova The UlUe oae b juet >*urgieal operatloB performed, to hupee
ebb to get abedlUe bouse by grasping ef rvgetolng bsr be^U. Sbebaeuempaaled by bar •bter, Mra Henry Lederla who will be wHh~ her fer e few
to n*a Ue etov* for eoppurt
weeha Or. Thempeen will also be
preaeat at Ue
Boy*'good Sulto for *1.00
Boys'ell wool SolU tor Sl.aY'
Boys'good OvereoCL wiU cap*.
• 1.3S
Boys' heavy Llstan, sold laat
year for KL7S—e* theraeaUra b
warm, they go for *4.47
Boy*'Corduroy Knee P*nta.4*e
Hea's heavy Cbevlot Suita, to
black or brown. •& .
M elaganL all wool, doubled
breasted Suite—Bret eoaae flret
C. A. Nelaen ot Kerttport wrate Ue
eity yeeterday.
J. W. Mnrray of Manbtae. took din
ner at Park Plaee yatoarday.
Ondhrahariff Martin Brews of Leelaenu eonnty. eameoverfram Lelnnd
Bra. Jeha (Mtmar of Mt Bta Ma
rie, b U* gneet of Mr. and Mn. Crbpra ef FifU atreet
Mra. M. lii
Bay. 'where she ^ee
called to era hra ebtor wb* wae m.
T. J. Boat wUI bare for BoUrator
Ub* mmilng to pnrnhnn* a ntoek ml
CuUimuk tarnbhtog goodn te U*
Men's extra heavy eroel Ov
xmte. Navy Blee, SLto
Men's extra 6n* wool baavra
Ho Dectaon Tot
Bagtoe Co.. Urongh Uelr local agent
t of Michigan 1
L K. Uibba and •npnriauadmt W. B.
adjourned wiUoul dato. end no deeb- SmiU.
M. B. HOLLEY. lilaaaBBh
Uxl.., X. 71.
.l™.,. Tb. h..U, t.lM 1. m a, I K. rf p. ...rk I. U.. .«k ol P«.and Mr. Campbell ha* oea Iraa yun U
B. L. Basenmha* placed a eet of
net Uan formerly. Ue would, lib* to
eealhe at the O. B.-A I. depot for the
interview tbe a B pho hired Ue c«opnrpora et welchtoc kb ehlpmeota of
Tbe adjourned meettoc of TraVeree
AttracUve i
mndeanmndUe depot ot then. R. i Bay Hire. No. 7*. L. O. T. M., wUI be
The plank walks and platform are held Ub afternoon at 3 0'clrak.in Mubeing removed end will be raplaeed by urn* Hell.
eemenu The work m In pragrte* and
At U* meeUnc' of Ue Beaeeoleat
when eomidetel wiU be np te date.
Delmto of the Xraneelical T. F. A.
Tbborow HT*nin(.
oraalato plan* will report at the
The meetlnt «f the Y. P. A. la Ue meetiag ef Ue eeebty Ub eeratog.
eambera ere urged to be prseent
Eranfelhal ehafch Tbnredey eTentor
wlU be aa anuanally IntereeUbfi. oaa
Him Fo< of the Benecm.
IsnddlUontoa pracram of apaaktoc,:
readtoce and mnato. Uera wUl he e deWUltom HeCknm of Ub dty claim*
ef bavlng killed -the
beuoa UeqMatkm: “Baaolrad, That te
then b mere pewar to U* palpli Uaa flret fox of U* eaeeem WbUe bunUag
to the iwam.” William B«C erill toad Monday be aeonred a large and Ina
the aSlnnetlra and John FtalBnr the
A Full Third
How Jntlue Oampbell Would Like to
- Beer From Him.
A few day* aro * man entered Ue
hardware *torr of Juline OempbelL *n
SonU I'Dioa *ueeL and «nc«^ a r<*o
New coloriogs. new Patterns, and the
price is cheap. See it before yon bny*
FLOUB -IB the kind that makoa OBkM that
taste Uko BUCKWHEAT, and vhieh startbA
AmsrieB*B appetite tor BUCKWHEAT
Hoetol FarW by Bl. Frnneb Literary
Boeiety Tooiebt wiU Add to Fond.
Thera will be a eeeial party to SL
Praneb ball Ub creolnc nader Ua aeapieaeof Su Kraoei* Uterary Society.
A noralnel admbeioa fee of 10 eenU
will be ebaryed aed a prafiram of eery
nnleruiolBc feeUre* wUl be (<'*«■
pruoted* wUi be dPeoUd to the
fud for e new library for BL rraneb
•ebeol. liU.Mrpoeed to aatablbk a
fine library for Ue u*e of Ue eebeol
MdaqnaaUtyor book* bar* ilraedy
Overcoats and
Men's extra h*My Ubtara,
hl^ ecdlnr. SLW
Menh extra CUnehOln Ubtea. '
W« ftrieUy -gMgnnto* '
goototo five ■ntbfeH
let Sl:».nii^tod
Will doe
ttonai Aid BoetoW Today. '
C iLOoveDof WkltohaU. arrived to
The am menUly literal jrafinm MRe: Mny.MH9»oa
town Monday sight and iprat yeeterie—Hoeember. l»«Me:
pt the wiatar wUl be flran Ub aftardny atthatoOMedKaUj A CavaU at
■eem by Ue Cooci^UomI eknrak aid bw. »K9Me; MnyftlXa.
' eb Hoeember. r.40; Dm
B. Sl Wut^ the MlUigaa Iraar- pepnrato,Mae»«nato.
•LU; Janneiy.Cd^
cakes yoars ago.
Hannah & Lay Co.;;
We have
with a most •xosUent Wool Oarmaat, Ladtss* atess,
at bOa
Ltdies’ Boi and Kudino Calf Slioa for tl.60
Also Gtnt's Box Calf invimble cork Shoe Rt $2^
Boy's and TMth's Heavy Sole Shoes that are
ffight in S^le, Wear and ^oe. -
avivos WAS HOT DBAS.
Sbo—Don t JOB &ud ^oaraaliM latkK
ihaukkOT work;
klf tl»e! H»—Oh. oo> AtooM rttrylhluf I
u rMsnwd wjlh I
Daiae. WllUa*. aad Oto^ Oil yr«t.
i, .
ra«m T*I omcs w TMI
Me Ufi
/ \j_
haailac a tew dar*
tanoioe HKon: end vieltwj to the i
lB( the woode Dear tVed Dnaa'a tarm ,*-bo are maTmaCintaU; turliaed orret
PreUy eoon Ue^m ful to aek hua qoMiccie. luaetod which
IteOA T. Batc* ucd J. W. BAJtro. th«7
wpoct of Ue fsa «( QaldW , ereid a jurwi
i. W. Bamiu. Editor mad Uaatttt. aad ri»hUy ooociuded that eomethinp
-r- •‘Oo.i hundred and tt
had hew klUad. O*or»e wallod a-ahori;
..iw u.
b.1 Wd n: “T "
OetyovOrMara tiwM MeLellaa A
r.H. ..IM K>l>. ■«>» • •l-l'"' j b™t b<« brii*
‘|Aah. ‘lAeTarefrcab frov^BaltiiDora
svssr muiA«nxr*M«My.
TmATKRSE orrt. -
------------' Cbeofttwiniutt
•tor7 flf a Babt utd K«« Xr. WiU. Brouklrti. i« a Mi
TbJ» ta brirz.r. »bo<
-------- ------ ----- ----------------------- ^
ia—It'e all r
>x-Yce. I t
Oaeyeer.hr mall,
> lifK there
i* uu reaaco i
Cctt omcnataa thoarhthehwidthesbot. HeeoaUaot ibiohAhat hr hai beeo ell.iwed to |won«w'S
eluded tbet he bed loet the polaU of ^
be haeln^ tn«eTe«r.Uuii»
,pama»diiDa*loedgDli»«elylD« he <»n count corr.vUyhiaeiifw«rMtl;cald aad licid i a bunterb death, ia wayethe
*‘Arv you marriod. Barney.'" the cce»>
la tht reply of Spain to the note of
aeeluded epot. Gwrje pa»« ««>
Mlaleter Woodford, that rowment the anarch ftaaily nod re^ed to etireaUQU tnahiuit
• niiur
.. next Inqolrre,
^poeeded to declare la forceful tonne D™.-.!-... a.r.l.V.J U. ci™..-. “J >° U»>
v«.u»r n.,«- j
tMt the Called Btatoebad riolated the .u— u.
Ospits^ $100,000
frteolpice of lalerMtieaal law la per- ,v..d U U.. TOd. «d
SurploB, $86,000
•Uttiac thle ooaaU7 to become the re exeitod ecareh hftnr their ^IMap |
ondUns ri^uad aad priaeipal couiee friend. When it beearae apparent that I
mitrfnrth.r --iMeyanaie
«f eupply of the Cobaa laearreata- Uey conld not ttad the body they! a Uh.irir m tnairinMoy."beMd. "but.
____ _
ereni Wk to the houee.
Barlas wbT dun t yoo marry a fdorih tio»;”<OH'ICKES—lArry Uaoaah. Prenldeat.
ooeaaioB to CO U the bam the fireii.Tbrti tbmey prew onttdeotlal. iboniai A. Tracy Uy. let Vice PrealdeatiJemea
I by Preeldeal McKinley «
J. T. BaavMiaUtor Woodfbpd waa laairactoa
V atato to the SpaaUh troeera- n a boadle of bay.
Mat that the railed Staton lepodi- Qoiace. and U wae alire. tbonsh wnpniKErrOBS-Perry Hannah. A. Tracy'
dlaM U the etroareet faebleo the no* ped la peahefal.eluaber. Beeido the
wamatod ebanree la the reply of •leeplar man wae e plump pdrtridfe
l«y’ Jamea Moexaa. 3. T. Hannah, j
Samuel tiarlaad.
Spain. When the Spaaiab eahUet mad whidb had tallea befotn the enerriap {leir apieuvul and ae
the aaawer of Hreeideal MeEialey that alatotgaioea. Whea the mbalnf
otoHd. Crown Pnom OoeatoatuM Hbuoid
N. B.body laUaiatod vary eharply that the awoke he explained that after kiUlas | hatv taken mn- to t>vm-rvc bu life.
Alaelaiaerand lepudielloa ot thbeooetry would aol be eooeptod. Thie eorre^madesoe doca not twd to ald.aeco- u™i
U. br. to . quto .
tlatlone lowarde a peatofni aeulen>eat .to., to. tob.au.
► ayoonc]I rhonaiiK Hubb»l.a«.ll
__ ___________
Of the Cabaa trpntde.' Ia the mean. maii kuim u a* a i<«(l«;r t txdtlloi* in •
time Spain le rapidly iaereaelar her
; Aibcn* ui<) wba w 1 i
aaral etreasth and thnrnlt etronc talk
Im. rvfu-.ltolb;l.ln^dw.u'BICYCLE SHOP
U Madrid Ihat eear with the I'aitod
Statee b not uhUkelr
^^STfir' r'dti'LrbS;
Tax Tbit of Premier Lecrier of Cba•da to Weahlertoa. eeem* to be tiau(bt
with poaedfal iatoat. It b elated that
the maia object ot Ue mbaloa ot the
Cbaadlaa premier b to efieet aa adjntUaeot of border'dlfllealtia* eabtiaf
between the Cnlted stole* aad Canada.
The premier eeem* to be atoeei* la
hb aurpeetioae tor amisablc eolattaa* to Ue difBcalUee that have
*r-- i
Ue cardeae of aeirhtwra. Aa inveetiratioB revealed Ud deplorable fact
Uat Ueee boye were eent out by their
peireatt each day to etohl whatever
U«y eould Had. Tbe faUen arc men
who vrork, bol do not eoatribnle to Ue
anpport ot Uelr familiea Oae of Ue
boy* will be eeal to the mfocm •ehool.
•ppemat that he - wU! be
t aad Uat
half way by thb fo<
aooB our relatione wiU Canada in Uat
recard will be aetUee to Ue pmat advantofe of boU eoDBtrira One PMtler Yellow,Pevor in the SonU OmditaUy
of speedy aetion b Ue modifleaUoa ot
New Orleaaa. Sov. ».—One case and
or* la Ue Kloadlke reptoa which will two deaU* from Ue yellow fever were
Tameve Ue objectioaat compUcatioa* reportod W^y. latemst ia Ue fever
»ow in forta The eoafereaoe. npoa ha* abontdiod ooL
From all Mected polato Uteaato dlthese tsbjecto will tnrely reeall is
watoal advaatare to the rovemiaaBU mlDUtioa b reported and It b expected
Uat Ueaexteoldtp^wUl wipe oot
Ue pmtileaea
Today b bleak and eold wd Ue pro*Pauuc* Spedn woald Qke to mbdoe peets for a lent eold ^ell m excellent.
^ by Ue paeilcatiOB
preem*. bat ao eacoaator WiU
aavy would probably liapiem npoa her
“Tb«<re u in Tmimmw
lUy erf
ihe fact Uataaoh aa arfnmmt
titrve xicten which pewou acme ofUe
heatrieUybaMaamaaddmU of aw
itartlinff pict
..............•' J. J. Kenoedyrnd that
datm live higcther
aol* mean*o( eiib*MSTAVOELZBTtO SXXyXOBH.
Mantlwn:-Ccaintuotllii- thir prtnev wuu
Service* vrill be haU Uk •vaalag.
Everycme te oerdkUy teritod to be
h«*e«V _________________
9. V. RUtor. U* Boom Vanlahar,
Balk Us HtoP^td Bawtag MaUiaa. p
'lothing Co.
*u Pmi Mrcvi. Bam.
i ■ ■
, StiU on Deck
M. Jaoi]Di« Niorfa* Upr. ibo new
Euitian minister to U>** Lniitd Staten
a fine l«r>kiM awn of abuaiSB.''
my* Uc- BcwtooTYnaiicripc. “with an
inienipeni aad cHliKid face and mo*t
niauurrx ......... ............
-■ —
fulI lcuKth cm Ui- platlnr
Grvvk papm u> deHcnbuit lbc^jUcbtof|
till- lutm-n pnnee mi<l in an edfional. —— ■ i
*'Wc are happy to *tole that cm the ar-.
flvnl erf tbe imin it wa» foond that not I
(*M- piehil haudkeerbu’f U ltaiKtnk to‘
the iiriuop wa* luet. and no tbi- tauoce of'
rvlinvd Dcirty. Not yet pcrtivcly ac
ted with Eaclinh, hi* cuuvmatKB
if «low.
m. bat in hui name langnagn.
Frvuch. be 1* a ftnvot and pneerful wri
ter. M. U|« U a d^vKvfidaai of tbe n^
pnen who Touftbt in the famoo* taenrncrion which pave Haiti her beedaoi,
at the lieeiiuiinit trf the ceotary, hi* an(Julooel Lejp*r. a oemmander,
41 tbe patriot army Hu father
a KDatorib Ue'ccmtrem He
edneated abroad, raomly lu Faru.
XMt nghth Xaettne U the X^tldt fleldi Ue Uird dote tbeoookln« and was
at which poet be wm< a member of Ue
IfftMtitoi. letimiUR Uter to hU native
"There is hot one period erf the year laud 1
D*a at Ue Bapwhen any member <rf tbe trio hai
pmcnoe of U« Uw at Fort-aB-Frinaa
I Iasi
the cnpitoL Here he rapidly toae in bb
lemicn and bxat
Covert. Them pmtoeaarvtoe. will be
tbe hv
rb«b 7:U mad lanlar nntil ?:>o whan Ue
wd they
break the lileoae and Ueo only to qaarwfalar mrvtoe beciaa
Be*. O. S. KorUrnp mad Ue Scrip nl over Ue divuiuo <rf the prooeed*.
'There aioirt be 20.000 bead of wild
ts Imma aad led in prayer. afM When eeefa ba* sDooeedod a> ftettlar all
ee* la Dorthvm Anacna." mid WlU
which Ee*. Covert mn^ a eolo, “Unto that she thinks poantOe. eUcaae teirn* 8. Bamca. utic nf (he Urpt-M oaitle
apaia ontil the mat barmn time. The
all Uam Uat lorn bb appearinr."
BUtCTS, ** yon may )odp«. have made a •re in Narayo conuty. rrcretly. “They
Mr. Covart preaebed aa lateree
aataefor tbumw-lrea They are known are the woret nnuaune that oaa be ba•nd iMtmeUve dbooane. toklaf two far and near a* the 'deal aad dumb nip- JUiuied. It baa reached tbe potat
'‘hoxia. Paalm* &1:12 and Bev. l:t. “Be- leu.' altboorh such a litle le auueely wv cannot mfely tnsi ont a ridinp bore*
. raaa. We have to kwp oar awidle
•tore ante me U« Joy of Uy mlvaiioB." appnynatc -WaUiagtou FtoL
aninial* and ruoud up tranee atabled all
••Nevartheleae I havetomewbatacaUei
wint er or briny them down to I*
T.mi aad Mt* Week.
thee beeanae them ha* left Uy.Srst
pairfamge. Thr wild stock out only
Verdi uspmKliBc bu rime and moeb
eat the food that oBgbt to go to Ue caF
-Mr. Covert flmt spoke of Ue Umet
Milan. The tie. but Uey ran cuttle off tbe nnga
have cbaM off all the catde tnaa
whoa nalom teemed to drop. Ubaot baildinp u advancinr rapidly toward
ooetpli-ticm and will he tiniabed in a few thr wen ebd of' the HaU Knife raoge,
alway* freak
fi—*- So *<ib
phyMal etAoirU. We are not alway* Bwatba OuitiUo Bottu. brother of (me (rf tbe b>w giamjlutnctB la aonheaftom Amona. It m oMem to pot oat
•troaf. Sometimea we an oWired to Vwdi'a friciid aud oollaboraur. Airigo mlt fer Ue Rock. f«r Ue wUd horse*
atop ©or work and rmt. 8a wlU onr BoiM. ha* obaiKC of the utxumictioB erf ohaae away the cattle that come near
People oqf not aUdy always. Ue aqylnm. which will emo 000,000 it. At tfau fraaco of the year they are
fiahca. in addlttoa to whiofa Verdi will
Their meatol etrearU rive* ont
baqoeaU ii fnad* yielding aa anaaal fat and bare shining hidea Theyeweup
A* aU Uinr* icoa Ueir trsskw
Ueorae of 'u.ouu naaoa It will aeoam. over Ur oowtry in great baada. gather
ear apiritnal atrearU and aarm
modato 100 people aud will ooomia a ing up any Rray animal* they may
oome acre** A bone la aa good aa Ion
aamstlmm aaema to be loat. Oaa 1ob(b <
Uat joins them.”—Uec. 8k 1
for Uat SrsL earn, earacat leva.
Husband aad wife eftea aak each 84 years Verdi gOM every welA from
pther the qaanloa. “Do yoa lave mo as Boat' Assta to Milaa to iaspeel the
yoa dldr Bo Jena aak* as Ub qaaw fogrem erf the work._______
tbrn. If we feal that we do an we
man eome back to him wiU aU oor
heart* aad onr first leva wUl retorn ta
w Chrbllaa* skonld live pare lives if Ev^ CM know* of I
they wbh to briar ao«b to Christ, as
er olr oocn a
their U*m are beinr watched, and to noUlng u mcev refreUing. a* aoUlng
briar other* into Ue fold oas's ow
is mov iuRBlem: if properly- mkeu
life mast be Uved near to Ue Msator.
ThU rmwa* Uatoae Uoal« oof Ue hot
Be\ JeknOamaaotSanUSM. Mariej faaU. aa cme doe* Uat of very cold wa
it aad snag a baaatlfal aolaita. merely a* a plonga. foUoi^ .by
••Whal Use aewan Uoa ahah also
A the -Jaeae’-Caderwear. aad I want to fiwr yea my
Tbry are ee eofi a* not to
irritate the
*kla. Tbry abaorb tbe
mobtare eo perfrctly.
perfectly, had prevent the eudden coolisp.or ebaacee of tbe.
teapeeatare of‘ -.be
the body, itbe oeual
ueual eaneee of coldvi.
If yoo can ret
men aad wtaaeo ofthbpiace
of thb place to woarthem
wear them iio»teed
i in»le of tbe rbenp edA
ton raodkl there WiU be b«l little maplaiatef ai_....................
cold*, etc. AaoUwr poial la Ihrir favor, they do not ehriak aa
pood* da
Siacemfy yoor*.
B. F. Bx*aii«j:t. M. I
Take Off
MiS==Your Senens
Mich.. Nov. A—Three i yooU who nmied tbe lim<.l^>ee ooi ree r.j«i Ab* <-oloe
boy*. CtarlmSaider. Theobold Bick* 1 «rf ■ milroed <»maBo .o make rauu fiw
„rE.»., toto. to.i b... .mbto <to pr.b...bto.b„ to.Bu. » ..1 u, Ptor- bbtofbd .iuCbtollb, tobb..- I... I
>■“it -1. pimmat'“™
b»l ■»—■■«!
that when be was a tmy hi* moUw amit
him to get hi* father eg
The buy lAdolged in a liiUe flUing en
mate aad ton Ue gUmm oembeard
wbUeUDdihgaRTulpui. BewentbooM.
got inmuately
with hia
mother'* uJipper aud went bnngiy
bid Six rbilly month* pamad before be
dared to go fldilog again, bntwhen at
Ian be Urrw hu Uue a tag ~~****« ram
to Ue sorUce near him, aud there oo
Ihefidi * D<**-re*ted Ue gold bow* that
bad ooR Ue spaakiag. Of eon
cod wo* mfeiy landed aud Ue
d. The jnvtmile
fiidat go wbedenau mapty .
that night. It is aartnuig u ■* how
(rftea ecRie erf Ur axpenmicM of MoUw
Ueoae-a hobr* ue repeasefi U mX lit*.
eat i e<
<ixu. LaaMx—Wen
It two
t« winter*. Like It.
tAAkK BBoacii-YonbetltballrirbL
Wonlda'tAo without it
Carr. C. A. Wxaa—Oleen r«d enlbfaeUoo.
erne Qty. Mich. Oat n. IW7.
at the Old stand.
and put op STORM SASH-. If you haven't
any we'd like to make you some.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Misses’ Lace or Bunon,
Cboeolato or Oxblood Sboae. slxe* 1! to ae^ pair warrantod
mUd. for «te pair, at A. & FRYMAN'S. »H Ban Proat Stiaet.
The Enterprise Grocery
business on
Front Street.' just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents thejtfest
line of good goods cheap to
l>e fou^d in ^e city.
22 clerks emjdojed aad more experienced clerks wanted.
That is the condition of things at
Euterprise Groceiy, THE BOSTON STORE
W. J. ROBINSON. Manager. -
And wonder whj. when others are barely employed
with small forces. The problem is easily solved. Noth
ing but reliable merchandise here or.no srfe. We exchange
merchandise 'purchased of ns, or refnnd the mon^ if
We place a nniform low rate of profits on alt duses
orgoods. We do not come down on one item and mark '
np «n another.
A child can deal with us. We have gained the con
fidence of the people and we mean not to abuse it. We.
will keep the ball rolling with low prices—as we own onr
own goods—cheap enough to undersell any one in the state.
In our Cloak Department we have disposed of more
garments np to date than any three ordinary houses com
bined. Onr low prices bn high-class garments does that.
Jokers who buy the name of a bnsiness house to cheat
the city ont of their jnst taxes consider 100 per cent an
. ordinary rate of profit, today here, tomorrow elsewhere;
so recourse to the unprotected victim-
--- MADE ON---
OUl at *1, Baum star, <br OniiilB, B*i*Uiu. '
Qlam Block.
Treverie City. Mioti.
—If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company^ ^e have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
I Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descripdons, including a Engines, Set Worics, Carriages .
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Frank Friedrich,
RXlaUe nkiini
of NorUuM XkUgaa.
SlKty V*«rt Aft*r Hit Foul
sauination lilinott Oom Hon*
or to Hh Mamory,
feouO «a wMch «*rc tvs leJttat* wu
aUs*d at tb* brad u; tbv arava Many
y**™ aft«r«rard. k-y <rter «f the mayir
at the city, the t*m*m« aorr r*m<n-*0
ban- Tb
r w.u I
AID om A MOimilElf to HOI
. tm a>r. OM iwmm II*
>** ka U»rOM>iilfT<,l W*ali>
h« D>nai«l^ *r
> AJtMk
WWr. «. «v Mala-ak^k *1 HI.
Ul* ^d Waiy of Ilk Mantor.
Alton. Illv.
a—Thr Ln%>j''yinot|.
tuncBt In Ibi*
aa> tonnally dfdl'
catad yrstarday. It aa. alaty yr.Ars ac<
Suoday Uiat lA>v«Juy was aaaahalcntefl
la tbU city brcanae ot bis MiUpekctJ aod |
flery cditurlula asalpat slaverr. H*-!
»aa Ihp OnB itisilyr In thr ranx isabol- '
lab Navrry. laivVJoy's rrmaiiw nould
hav* bcrn ioat had II not ba«ii lorTbnm■* XMimtiuA. Alt St. la>uia »bo >>at. (h*
aravr'located by an old wiioc. tir only
pawn vbu Aaew vhar*. bh cofllo
•aa burird. The i-omn aaa pla> rd In a
Taoll until a au iiiM* lot couid be eac«f*d. and bare a modr.i acrell bl*
^UrhS hla reatine p4*r>-. Two tuindred
nrda to tbe M.iiih la (be dlnHty.fool
ereci<-d 10 hi. mentory b> ihe'citlaans of Alton and the peonlr .<T IIUcol*
at a coat ..f *3s,«e. The e»ero-e* yeaderday hail to be chaiif ed on aii uunt of
tb* baav) tala Instead of beti.s at the
monutneri tbe exoTlaes were h<-id at the
Temyle Ihraier aa lonows; Invoratlon,
Ber. Hr. M. Jaetenn; music, "Arntrka." chorus: "The Klv of the Uonu>
ment.''. tlr. E. P. trade: aildreMi. Bon.
Thomas liiinmock; ptearntatlon.’ by
Um ll'Tb; Coocora hymn. <b' iup;Lad>
droa. Rev. J, M. MTlkeri-in: l.lbi-te tc
Hoa C. A- Herb. Strn ^ fddra: «t lb*
a*a>rt*tl<:n. Hoa P. R- Piiark«: music.
*3*tt|p Hymn cd ih>- Re|>ubHi." churtB:
address. Qoveninr Nortbcti; ii.OsI''
' ••Old Tlundred.". chortfs; ItenfdKlioi..
BeA-. H.. K. Hanl-ofne.
Maa H bve Mevary H'a. Hsa.ei A
Elijah Parish Isttejoy. aix.liiKinlat
. martyr, aaa bom In AlMun. Kunrbec
Jumy. >Tr.. Nov. », ivte He <tas the
» bf Ret. Daniel Is>vejny, a PrishyAmhersl. N. H.. to Albion
Ker.neliec coun|) was still
Elijah was the oldest cl nine chtlderr..
At an early ape h^ahowid a flisne for
«ud> and wread the Ki .
. and serliitural rxinrta Kis ei-rly life
•was siN-nt on the farm nf his fainer and
durii-E tills liT..' bv aiuaded li.e uislii.l.
larbool a few months every y, ar. Then
he entered the aophomnre clav of tb*
Waiervllle eoIle«r and waa Kradi.ated
vttb the hlrheal hon'.pa In 1RW deliverhut a poem at tbe rommencemet.i -xerdata entllled '‘fast’IrBiliin nf thr Muaa.**
Recaa IAH as m. Laalv
The year fQllowinit hi* craduei«ii RtlJab l.TveJny removed to Ri .Louis, where
be eMabUthed a a-bool and wLere hie
n wrii-ir. In b
e became Ih. editor
f a polRi. al1 i«|wr.
In which *.e aupd lleory Cla> aa candidate fi-r the
p^ldency. He c.inilt ued tn Joutnallam
in this time for rearly thrte yesr-, and'
•'tben. a* the rewilt of a rhanae In hla r*Itflcnia rlewa. turned tats ausmlnr le the
, ministry. He entwed the Prlni-. t* n Tbeolo«l(al seminary and A|-ril ». IlCt. AnIsbed his course The Phlladeli.l a pres
bytery lleenaed him to preach, a^d dur. Ira the summer of l*ss he temporarily
Ailed pBlpits In New York and Newport.
’.•t*r4ar by Jualic* Kbitaa In whicb
If Some llUnoit Coal 6peraton
. Replace Striking Minera
witVt Chineael
•ditor. "“tl* bad marrlM C.-Ua Ai^
PY«twh. of Si. Clair*. «.i-. lo litt. t»*
rear* l>«forF h* »a» klllrd.
largely aiirn<l,',l by mlrcr* from
'Se plai.-*. ('harles J. n(
■bl- cooniry as to destroy tbe l,u*ln«a«
MamuvMe and Cahllr.
of Intermediate polnta.the unly mlnSs workiny
and they are tutylny
Sunday (he Uaruueiie ni'nrr* •>(f%
sad^tSin Ranwdta U
ylv’e a day^s coal <llnlri; In the
era rvillne will yl,< th- nwl and
Hflt Sprlnc*. Ark..
Nov. »-A Are ] miners will dir u. ThI. |.arily solves
with friEhIful results *ooi-tined here 1 pretdem of fuel fr>r Winter. Tl Is
yesierdar m-rtilrr at I o',-|tv-k
tTank peciul ihai rahlir*-men al Peru
KaufTiuan, fharlle Johnsoo. and Clam mak-a like offer. Thve hundred Sprln*
Krhart were loimed to d'.-atp The Ar*' Valley miner* have ^ound employment
ilnm. and yesi.rday
•reutred iD Krharl'a tiakery on t'entral
■d niu m
avenue The liulMlns wa* a three.story
r> fai
Sev.-ral - X lh«
Idiiy,.. of the Uaker\.Includln* Frank
ami Charlie J,.hn»«n. Hepl qb
Ibe -m.nd A-r. The Are ..rtylnaled In «A"Y *“'-«■ A'*'
th* r...n.jn * hirh the ,m-ns are loratrO !
In Ihi- rmi ..r the hulldinr, and spreatf llement. U I„mp1e|ely den-tied
nei^ poiuilalKdi
• ml'y criorrd man I
Aoure. wjirre ih* slevplnr-..jidrupant*
e e.;Tored-.*'
*' >ftrsn who
were nlimwl •iiflm-aii-d •with amokc l»-*
Third wa-J
lore Mirv mad,' an effort to save tb*minell. Word was reeetved here SonFdhart sofveeded by benrtf effort* tn
ttlrW that al.«t sixty miner* wl^
brltlnv hi* family -ut ihmiich the w-ln- ' l.«Ra11e had »l»n-.1 eonlrart* m rentitne
dow* tl. 'be r—f* -r adjoin),« Inillillnaa. i wnrk’at the r,—-or^n vsle. The tnlrdt-.pi.irx them on th,- awninr* iw- !
bet, d,- r,-i laV'e much slick In It-e
III. ll-v-ai-oM ■tiariter tiaia. ;However tf ,h.-y ff., resume work
there b lUlle doul-i r1 a 01 Red effort
aRee -------------------------..............................................
buildlnr for her mothi'r.aod wife* l,urii,-l Inr made to e-I them oui'srolr
lo 'il-aih Tile laidli e of Kauffman and.
KNHinTw or LANOIt Ah*S.I
Jehiieor ni-ie
f-iiiiil In ih,-lr bed*,
frlrhtrolly hurra-d. They were inu,xteated wlien-lliev
nJlii-v. ■•4in-d
i.^in-d and were doubt-
nv. »—The memlwra uf
eemMy of the Knlyhts
Tiial <d
B thylr tweiity-Arst
n in this 1-llr gthls mumlnr.
le nuide yealeprlaj In tnlb* I Tht* will be- Ike
the mos
Uueene ••oun'ty ,*>oti .rf »ve
if latxirlna men ever held tn Louisminer, al leme lAand ''ity.
vllle and I* attended l>> upwards of IW
riairl aitjoiimi-glhe lory had laieD
drlerales from every part of this eounpleird
|l bar
tb* { try and Canada, and several repi isenta8 Mads a palal-HMake I. S
Jury would be a lonr tlve* from Ibe dlstnct aascmhlles of forand led)..,I*
e«,v owina to th* wide *l*n counliie*. a jirellmmary meeUnc
Betumlnt to Al. l»uls In the ML puhluily rhsi hart beet, rtven to tbe of Ibe executive tioard «a* held yes
liovejo)’. at the request of a friend, loik crime ullh
hi<-h Thom Is charffed - terday aflenioan at <he Willard hotel
charie of a tellalnus paper called ib* Thorn l. , hatred wKIj Ihe murder of
Ihe purpose of arraiirtnc the details
Observer. In Ibis paper he wrrely on,' CuUlensuiipe. who dlmppeared Jo»i of Ibe com I nr meetini.
ooodemned Haverp and advocaiAd iratl- at (hr lime In whl< h • mutilated body ! All the aeaatons will t»e secret, even
B8l emanciMlion uf tbe colored rare. was fooprt at rtiffercni plaie*, laat June. I local member* bclny bam-d abd (be
excepi Ihe head
A woman named j atlendasce on the A,a>r belnR limited
Xn tns a letter ataned hy many of the all
Nai-k. who was the mieirem of both the ■ —- *•>—— **»-.-------------------meat hwpe, ted men of At. Louis was men. Is In he tried for (he same erlme
•SOI tAi Editor Lovejoy requeallni
matter* of the iravest Importanre to
Hun by rapspllnr hU views. dUlmlna a
riabt to caprest them as he aaw At But
'lane* b* at last remowd bl* paoer to
Alton. Ills. This was In July. lOd. a
little moee than a year before his sad
death Three time* within tbe p-Tlcd
'VefeUw Sever U UyiaaOaU
New Orteana, Nov.
»—The 'Ysllew
fever (diuellon conilnuMi lavotable
There bas been no markM chahrea
Sunday and yellow Jack bas ■<«(
* for f
rreally elated over tb* nwilfylnii
of affair*.
Omal news ha* t>eer
relied fiom all iB'InlA and II la
dlnsdihai trade wiU have assumed Ha
imrmal cndillnn hy Ib* middle of the
ere l,ul IS im-w r«iH
nth. Tl
e ynie:
Them were & deatba.
Amonc the must Important members
already upon the ymund are J. P. SoverelRjt. crneral ma«E,-r workman; T. W.
MvCuIrr. of New York, aiand worthy
foietnaii. and John W. Hay,-*, of “
inataiv rrand secretary
and ireasurer.
r*raC*a) (-ewtmrl. bat HN lUd I*
«ej*<«aa. Thnach IwweW.
Pliubura. Nov. r-W. p. DeArmlfs
Hew Y6rk aod ClevelainJ (las Cual com^auiy was refuwd the cortract tor supThe Ohservor dmb-d liefare the people
that he had eomnilii-d any •■Benae and
mfrrtt* je fe*w WeMS Man.
plylBA Plltsl,urr's n atrr work* at
ciaijned the rtahl* of a ciliirn under lb*
RtouT CUT. Ja.. Nov s -Kmmu H lar- |
w lUi coal tot the comlnc year,
am. of (Ills place, say* she ws< oierriert | The clly councils yestr^ay afirmoou
Uv spoke of hts ronilDued persect
to Julius Knre,J, under Ine In.irresl.m rcielved B -nrcatlvr r«Guminenda(l"D
Hdhiitls. andlKadwlih I from the puUlc-«.,rlu> committee, and
............... rr a Bphitad delotr'ni was decided
moeiih# twforeah*dl*coveredber
tba» who were roemle* of bl* policy,
raadvertlse for bids for the water
stdO' Is
sad ot the resulu It the miads uf {be
In West
poopU or Ills edlturlala. At he spok* of tbouffhl well of him, Ksrash was related
Durtne Ihe day II was said by some
tb* dauftT ii, hlni*^ and to hi* W.
to him and slmnBty Traembled him He enunellmrii -that Ih* reason of tb* ueRaand children t.srs fnied his eyes, b
<1 marry heir and represented live auiow of the committee was on ac
b* tsiterwled bl< di i.mdnatlun of ea
count of (be dispuiv between tile eaal
:r as Rchulla
tlpDlns a* he had Ir-Kun. Arm ID the
ooiniany and tia employes, and that It
convletiaB that b* was rUht and that
was feared ihe company mlRbt not be
rtett moat, prevail. A few day* Uler
MentWnloee. Mich.. Nov. *-The hljt- Bbl* to fulAll lu contract. Other*'
be called « tbe editor of tbe Altna Rest loiiRlnR enntia,i closed for
(houRht the councils should iRnore ibU
Tblayrapb apd handed him a card tor ■on Is Ibe culliRR of 1T.0M.cmi0 (pel of and award tb« <-onlracl tothcDeAnnlta.
publication whlob slated that Lovejuy pine »m Ford nver by Capi
a* (bey were the lowest bldderm BalilUm ^ul^n" fnre tbe councils met Praaldoit M. M.
was weary Of ahalention and In order Holden and bla nephew, wuil
to restore hanBony had decided to tewvf of Ihl" clly, for niey A.DunRlaa.
DonRlas, the Oarjaud: of the
hla connsrUon with Hie Observer. But lumbei and sail men of Uai
laniBlee. Mich.
1 before tbe public work*
before this was prlated Rrv. w. F.
e and asked U not to'approvs
Oravea, pastor of tbe Prrsi.yterlaa
Ibe coal rontract.
church, called on him and took away
of Ib* comthe caid.
Phlladaliihia. Nov. ». — Five yeauK
A fourth aaw pre waa rsceived at Tmaatonerx who have been to Europe In
midnlxbt Ifer. d. liin. Tbe followinf ttfee Intere*! of hlmclaillsm returned ts womea from tbe ranks of tb* atrlkliiR
nichi tbe nob acalu attaefeed tbe bulU- th* city tonlibi. He went tmmedutely
arrested yeatcrday
-hre* shirt
Ini where The Observer was publish'd. tp hU borne and from there to the Wbll*
iryed by three
lAve],r)- and hi* friends were prepan-l HOUM.
conspirai m lajure
:b conspiracy
suItluR sirla
aad with
for the atusk and defended tbbraaelvr*
• aICblamw.
ir ability.
Cbicasa .Nov. E—Oeii*ral Den. narri- toBtloue
e Inirudina m^b i a fcOlad In Bon. or Indiana, la In CbIcaRo. He bai
■lAael MMm Uke Ih* WtaC
com* on letal bualncaa. and will ap
Atlanta Nov, »Wlramy Mlcbael. tb*
to Are the Inilldlna. and Captala Lor- pear In • latent Infiinyement ease la
mldcel cyclist, ran a (real race BRsInat
tas. one of tb* defendna. askad v'
tbe federal Court today and this arenlnR •(ffne here last DlRht. and altbouRb b«
tsars to make a sortie. Xxft-ejoy
b* expects to return Id Indianapullt.
failed tc accompllth (be feat under
aa* of the (hr** who UDhcBltallnply oftaken. bis performance wa* a maffulAr**e K.
a me Barutass.
tm6 his tervloas On dtilac outside be
cent one. He attempted to rtde twenty
Hudson. Wla.. Nor,
raealved Av* buiieu Id hla body and
nllea lo forty mlDute*. and would have
diad almoM lanaatly. ,
• raid upon tbla ciV Sunday niRl
Two dsyt Uter. oa tbs thiny-aflb «r*t« poorly rewarded. J. Ds'wyl*r*s Abne R but tor tbe taU that tala pacers
s»- lacR*d aat eup^allad th* W*IHi woudsr
awdeanary of bl* birth. Bljab Lovajoy bakary wa* •ntoad aod only K
eras burled in the Alton Mcnetery b*- eurad. Jobnaon'* markst was n>* aext to stow tip at a drttlcal Um*. Ttmt
M mlDutaa n LI SBCoada. '
tw^ two larye oak tr**a. and a pins pUoc. wbert tLS waa found
of a year after he
r plant i
>ba. Nny
Will present the latMt and best Dress Goods
at a scale of uniformly low prices—so low in •
fact they may be called “price coDcOmons,”
A look will convince you these are no idle,
Will you call and give it?
Pa reevm lb* CaWlal. frav B*la«
Mrvacbl lots Ihe Wale-SMnaaiy Byaa
•ap. TMte Will &> UlanM>.d If tbs;
Chiaewv4aav-tillualt«ai la lb* aprtas;
Vallet lil.inrt-tlcaaBtaMll«bar Maev j
tvemih'd The ac ti.m was iMPaun before:
the tnlerslate nmtmerce comml-aliMS la
«»• aa iMArvlt. .
IW U|o.n 4ii»lltt.>n frnai th- Inutrd of
trade of Troy. Ala. allealnt a dia.
Sprlnefleld. Ills. ,\ov. *.-W. D. Ryan,
crimlnatl.'ii by >ne mads Scalnia ihsl of Hroi.l’Swvt. rtatv VA-relarj- of th*
town Intlie Inteiest of M.inte-cnery siol lll•Ilu|p Sliiii'ia' union, uas in the c^y
other I'lMta The toa.U de(-nJ>-<l tlieir
raiea »»
... ..... . .--.,-1 .. uie- >**1 erdd>. to eev 'lovernor Tanner and I
artlnst th^ alleged ln.|««ati..n 1
acBia*t them and alan Tu-I.l that) and enujoyment of SM Chin*** oiloer* |
lire/eiem-o tn rat,a Hiould not it- Blti-a - by il.»' tVllmmitloB Coal comiaiiy
astei't u|>'i< aiiiliorlir of ilie i-nmmls-: tr..- |n.,idu.'<sl (lifltM. Oov^rhor Ti
The .LUtt overruled tin , ..minis-1
I'hlravs. and Hyan n tum-d .
p,»lnla holdlnc fltsi «h*4
iprilliiin is
uf the IIIIWI obvleut
Sei iviary Rian said be
,'f^,-ellve •'ir.'UinKisrH'v* that
led iunlew Oov.
tbe i-.Hidltkois under which :*‘n«"and I
lUertrrid arJ iifuMsI to alirtr
be imiorti-d Iclo BraidUsalmllar.
whether w^ and w.irk In the mine* about there.
rpon thrViher point
_ , ... ..................-___
cntni«nlea Vanlie
>* rejlevcl from Ryan said that the owner ot moat of tbe
the »|»-ratlor) of the lone and ah.iM hatfl mftn-* al RraMwood own,*! several In
Claus.' tif the Inlertrtale r.imnierve
. >Vaahlnst«n, ai.d that hr 'worked n»lbWithout Arst inv.Aloa tbe cune. r.t of th- • ,
chli.nmen th- re Th. experiment
somml.*;...., JU.OCC Shlra* i<...l: »
u, ,„rd with aablCbtnamen Aral,
are unable to suppose that cmaw In,f ,b, Hr,Ww.«l dirers allow thcoe
rt t.T
t.> If..rl.(d e-ommon rarrlers in ,e w„ek more wmiie Wounhl In
where the clrcumelanres and
se (he MHk* All Wlaler.
dlllnns are sutwlanUBUy
Aldina Valley. III*.. Nor. S.-Bleps
makinc dlAerent rate* until and unlesa Were taken yndi-rday at a mav-roe,-tthe cummlaiSon rtall authorise them to Idr of mlr*r* h-ld at Var,|ueue to eon3 so ”
ihrt'UEb.'the winter
Justice Harlan dloenied rn.m the by rreaiinjr.Btirlke
nub-distn,'t board conopinion, remarkinir: 'it noi unly min. vlsllns
"f three inlni-rs trum ^prlay Val>
Imlae* the power of Ihe Inlersinte trimley.
latdd. R«slonv:n.
metre c mn>ls*i"n far l-l.>» (he Infmu™ »r
-i.h M-,™.- to
t,u, I..... lot,, ,h, i»„«. f, ,h. hit. i"™:.;{ mo'Unf; al Maruuetl* Sunday
ruud ,-nmpiitiles Ihe power to so sr-’ ^
"Tea. 1 Wish dat <
Srtke du fataUiahin
•10 jiieccK gfxid Dress Brocades, worth 15c a yard, for 12c.
! Fancy Brocade Dress Goods, worth 25c a yard. forj^Sc.
BitaMicTBae YidjlS picccs Dress Xoveltic.A. fancy colors, worth 30c, for 23c.
It!"—Kew York;
40-inch Pompadour Suitings, worth 35c. for 2^
j 10 pieces Andorra Plaids, worth 15c, for 9c
VTefhUedDgDiBiGood Black Brocaded Dress Goods, worth 18c, for 12c.
“^iBetter Black Brocaded Dress Goods, worth 30c for 18c.
half your mlary.
Uood Viuudvr—Ko
matter. 1 Utd
and mynll aaiipumiud a muHoMiy to
Uis lioubuu aiMi
ai will uoun te la Uie pay
of tbe board uf ntixsiotuk
-Ebt Air you piiu to Atrtoar',
•■Ko. 1 shall stay n^t
Tort Waukly.
Our Be.«t Dress
ress ^^tidK in all
al colors are being
sold at k>we;^ prices
ever befiSre.
■aJor naller«,M«h le V**y in.
Cleveland. Nov. »-The cdndltloB «f
Major Butterworth showed no Impiwve- j 244 FrOUt 5t. BroSCh Block.
R.*m fan .-veEln*. His physirlBB Md .
be only bad a Axblinc chance fur Uf*. j
FRCDH fr6i*
.\Ia6 WbrythioR in Uie line ot
(roods prompt!]' deliver^. Ordert bj Pbooe given quick at
tention. *
Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
EveiT bottle #uara»teed. Tbe only OaS. E. WAtT. OiwtoL
tarrh Medicine used bv Vapor lab
Free Storage for Bicycles
enameled op-to-date. with artistic atriplDC aad omamentatkna.
r FroDL CnUerbnildiDr-
L'aioa alracT.
I will have a car loaj of horses in Trav
erse City on Saturday, November 13.
Weight from 1200 to 1600. Come and see
them. Will be as good a load of horses as
were ever brought, to Traverse City.
You can save from $15 to $20 hy buying a horse from me.
All horses nut as represented will be
made good.
Can be been at the Cutler barn, Union
Wint Ads Paj!pFresh Batter
Oost Light
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
To tb**e wb» 1*ST« their wk>«l» -wttk w* f«r
lepBlr* da^ Ik* wtsfev, 1
win ehaiw* asUlarfoe
------- aar*i3 mcuffi.
Per Fond.
•Ms a. A N. B. BapM.
Per Dun.
Oct, tTaloaaadmaibDm.
—Watch Repairing.
Jna R. Santo,
The BeconI
-John Verly.
—Front Street.'
B*twft«n'tht Unittd 8tsto» and
CvMdA That Uuri«r Will
W»rtilnru«. Nev. • —Tlw •ulVirllUf
W» b»v» t»m
th«t the ArrlvM
lodar of Sir Wilfrid Ldurler. pr<mi-r'
of Conado; Mr L<onli tIoviM. mlnlMer
Of marlM In ,lhe l,aart*e CAbinet. <trd
other oflldeU of the T>o<hlnliin. le in
have an Imp-irlaoi Ivarlna not onljr on
the Behiis* sea o-itlemeni hut oo all,
—namely, the paaaaae of. alien laborers
to and from oahada. the North Atlayl:
..flrtienee qutsilnn. the pmenre of many
Ameneane In the KhiiKlIke territory txU|^Bg 10 (Uirada and m the tnlnlng
rertonaKf ilrlUeh Onlumhla.ltbe Asherlaa crauble along the graal lakes, the
boodini: pHvllege granted Canadian
tvllroada. ihe roittruversy over rights
In the Praser.nver tlirltl'sh (h>lunil>'a)
and tn the Pogrt aunod and alas the
queellon of a iwlpr>>rliy arrangement
belnscn the I'nhed Stalea and Canada.
There U dlre^'i and dellnlte Informa
tion ihal mr Wilfrid conies prepared u>
take up all them dUeatlona, and If feue
Blble Include them In one genval aetered may
Wallaoa—Wbat is tbe rwkb Jobany
Un't wearuig hu lAtUe Oetead* hadg*
any Boref
Mrs Wallace—He dowt mi to be
■3 food of mmuuntig le dumb
Etcf Burnea Out?
If ao you know
Um ta lJ
be ovri-
WmAs the llsefce rWarMl of UhpoMa.
On some nf lh<«« aubjevla be will con
fer srlih PrealOrni UrKInley, and on
at least ohr of l^em—thal relal.ag to
alien laborers croaslng the t>ordie--he
• III suggest tnch mutual modinraticn
of present regulations aa In hU opinion
will ba
t<f ' the thouaanda
lah Columbia mining o
to Canada along the American border
The •aarntlal (ealjim of Sir
tnlnSon w>o* rummunkated i
fleiaU here by persons fully adviwd
the pesinlrr's plans, and It can 'it.hild
' that the suggestion that the dr<-ks be
cleared of ijaiiiing diaputee between
Canada and the I'nllrd tUalea met with
Jhe favor of ihi admlnlairathiu
Beel UaeallM KM ImpeHMI.
Whiii' lb.- Hehring aea aeiile.T-nl ccoaalniie the Vlall <.r Ibe sCnadian pre
mier. the CanadUn authorltle< aHach
mot h lea* lmporUn<-e to it Ihsi they d >
10 the other quesnotit reenlluned ^ey
Wtalm. ibeti." mid Dunaia. "aa
'ulian fidcea. Julio was swim
ming In a small siream when he became yer btgieg'a right, but, like tbe nwt iv
detached from bis companions and fellt tbe landlords, bc's an abwaiUw an liraa
k 0-. Noe. ».-•Col1tempt pro Into the hands of tbe PpanUrda. Hr was la Loudon. "__ Kagceta
ceedings wen bn ugbl I
taken to the Ban Ambrosia mluiary
hospital as a prhwher and Uier sea/
Oeoeral Uunm against the Siaodard Oil (enred to be shot.
"The boy's inulher left no stone un
company. Il la claimed the cximpany bai
«"» nano, meuoiias * ose. i12-lf
not abided by tbe decision of (he su- turned to davi
preme cxxuit of March f. U«. In Jhe r
of the aiMic es rvl 1). Waieon.. aitori
general, ra (he Standard (
known I*
friendship for Julio's father.
charged in that suit that a t
11 then a prcfeimir In the Medical unlverunlver-1
as Ihr Standard Oil trust bad
. Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailbrmg.
W OF SAFETY...........
fuimtd. The auprerhe court held Uial
the alleged (rust w as In conRIrt wilh the :
Uw-a of the Maisand cuuld uul be main
In lbs "lnfo»matl.u>"-nlsd by the at-:
lorney general ycalerday It Is efaargod
that,'Ihe iruei hai imiI been dissolved.'
but Ibal uniliT a prvtenae of winding up
Its aAalrs the trust haa arrarged to non ;
llnue Ibdeflnltely. The Informathm up»a|
which the conlempi prnceedliigs are begun was fuewebed by Oecrge B .Rlc*.
of the yviung man, and she
10 have been euccmiful.’' Young Que*-'
aila's father died three yiars ago In
Wsrid-s Fair Ha* pay tbe FiS^u
Chicago, X*pv, r—Judge, Gresn^upT'^
icb. yesie^ay m.inilr^
in npl.bia ^nl.lieg ||
B'orld' Columlilan Rgpoaltton company
tedtsKinIble (or the ha* to the French
and Krciw-h exhlhltnrs by reahs Are of the night of Jan. A
New Departure)
Or. A. B. Sdnudy. of Detroit,
proprietor of Reed City Sanitarium, it
coming to your town, where I e willremgln for one dav only to give tbe
Bspart ol^ M
aick An opportBolty to consult him
RImU. Nov
that cannot see him at hia SaaiuriBm.
irrv that f nsllve
Tbe doctor baa ao much faitb in the
Sgperienee he bae bad in treating nmii have been inirreepted by IheliibesshtODie dJaeaaea that he will .give one men In s ravine and alaughten-d. but
kl«T~" cl
Toi.^ t?e s^: I
^ f.r..d.,hae «ceivwd m. ornontli's treatment and medicine free. tbe rumor li not yel offlclal^ conflrmsd.
preme court will Rk the dale on w hich '
n'l«'« fur
Auo PRB^li’gciCALopEaaTiOKa to
the Riandard Oil company shall be cited .
Insurpem tanka Tbe order LU. TBOsg raar arb too pooa topay.
Mas.l V-ariai I. Aellea.
to appear In .-ourt to answer the charge
Ura ir an embarrasaUf p<alllon.
All that be'aaka in return la that
Naples Nov. ».—Mount Veeuvlue Is
I II has lgtioc>'d the declsjati of t
tvery patient will sute to their friends In great scllvlty. A mam of tavs pour
ing out of the Alrlu del Cavallo mier,
I years ago was aniy released frr m M
which opened In 10&. Two wide vtre
, castle upon idedglng bis word nut
are Rowing down In the directioc .Of
again take
V up arnis agslns. R.w.n, Ban- |'S^“S.‘bJd*tncb*:gt“d“eJ“eiS Vltrova and Hlano del fneatre.
BVlAed Ym Play I
gullly g le this pl*ige after much hmU
, lutlon.
AlUnla- «la-, Nov. t.-Wllhnul
Not long aflerwsrds
gnduword of diacumlon Ibe house xif repre-1
ated B7 y>
ago from CleroaBd,
IS years in general praeIf he did
hat lectured aa Professor
way to (he setiatt
, bit Amerlcsr rliltenL____
of Anatomy a td Physiology in Detroit
markable result was
as anllcipaled nol- , rrom Home* is lu the rffei t Ihst H Ran
Homeopathic Medical <Vlege for I
w ithstanding the
he warm
opp.«li|..n of tbe gullly. who Is a major general by com.
years; was 8;
KlAtt university,
wh b after re**.ver1ng mission from itomei. does nol rcpori by Vi-. ’
I). whh
Altna and
from Ihe abtx-k
-k of Rtn^ent
Von (Jam-, Dec, jo hr will lie reduced — tbe ranks
--------Xhj, experience combined with many
m th<
raiin's daalh irled to stem
the tide cf op- j and discharged w Ithput honor.
yeara’ atudy in the best bosplUla in
poaltlon In order to am-e tb* game A
_ ;the cenntry, and oxamining aad treat
puwerful card was played by an appeal |
««w«we is bsm Harw Han
ing tbottsseda of chronic Cases, baa
to the mother of (be dead student, to'| Columbus. O., Nov. t -A l.xwl IVmprepared him toenre when tbe general
which she responded by rallirg on (be ; oFfwOc newspa|>er. prints an Irterriew
practitioner ft ••
legislaiure not to prohibit a game which «^lh C. V. Harris. src4w{ar>' of Ib^Mnyears t
Are you
ber eon had loved so well
ocrallc sirir renlral comnilHee. In'which
approve." Mie said, "of foot bail as : the genllpenan U QUMed as saying that Call hod *v< ua.we will tel
• 'm a.onference of lemocrailc leaders we can cure yon or not.
we will tell yo
ore an interesl In i'of
if the
(he stale II was dtsldrd
decided 10
lo pledge the
tbe ,
atai-tlm." The bill as passed prevldea ; votes of as many n.-murrats of the gen- ,
nber, c
ITild BijeitjtT—I ** I s(« bow you
manage to fare ao well at Uus hnanAiay
boose, i have iodosmonaly courted tbe
bf ly Hj-Mik. bU4«
have .
Tbm am wtj apna la Inlasd fe
wbleh are Atlaabed
U> whleh
Ua Mtnnic mA)a*t7 pL^^a [gomliMol
Sear Tork. Nov. I.-Dr. O. J. de ftoas- )Br(. Bach 'ara tbe Devli'a gap. tbe
ads when Informed Iasi night of tbe gi> Oerll'a bow) apd maaj- otben. A good
shipping at Canadian porta,
etc. Tbe llcenae aralem baa proved l» UoB tit Orneral BUnro In pardoning ttcoT U toMcd aalriabmaa'a wit te
be a hardship, and eKoru will ««• ma«W JuUo Qvesada.' a Cuban rebH'Vfho had tbia ocamectloo.
to reach a mor* aatlsfartory tyslem. II beer, arntenrsd to be shot, was almoM
One day an EogliiA KariM wm being
overcojie.wlih Joy. He mid JuUo Or
•bowa "the cightf'' b? • galde. wbon
nm tp Wi
tega Qursada was . tbe yewng man's we wlU call IXonU Tbe DerU's gap
g a plar o
had been aeen. and. tnorlng away, tbe
"Ho U a matily pour.g fellow," said !>r.
merit, the details to be ►ollled by a coi
mlahon repp-sentlog both cout l»res.
Klat St T
IfTttMtac TkUi I* IlM- Alt*
in a dilemma
If He Obeys (tomesY Order Be lltsaki a
ris^ Made U aaes Mb I4le.
Phlladelphta. Nev. s.-The Prvm prlaU
under New York dale Uwiay a story to
F^e Insurance.
rSSS Want Ads iRim
erud Sipidi i Iidiiu K. I
II «a ....
:r. a.
» «. 4«
AttCTBeya at Law.
priU or match garnet foot ball In ^y .mator on oondUl.m that Ibe governor ^ X*^***”,' *"kV?^*f
park olher place In the stale where a vould command Repiibllraii voles to
eaUa. Bprelal
fee l»rt.rged f-r admlimon to thrgamo make hla elecl^ possll.le^____
by^luU ac^ls. ^thVl^lui aaS rhilitva-.
(fhusand dUUrs Ant or .sie yeor In
w.. wa— i. iw. rw..-e
«( electricity, that most wooderful of Mairs.
^wty^'d^S'RaptAs.Detroll sad
rtsvIgMoekewaeaamesBalUAda. m.
>. f.—iVbeu the e
western irriiton. where
om. and ihirt there is a conaderibls
le-nwiilage of -the a<-called Oaiis'dlan
oealvre ■twillr.g frnm tleBUIe. Kan FraneiBcO'inJ other American pun*, who At
•MT'lb'Canadinn pivts under the ftil'lth
What liasts of wHtlenx-il can be.>mB<.hed IS n«l disclosed, but mile doubt,
ir is’wtid. is fell by Ibe Ca^adlana lhal
an amirable adjurlmeni can Iv made.
Amofls ihe plans suggested 1* that of
an. Indeninily Urge enough to permit
Canada to buy out the wwlem and re
tire them from boMnega.
Wnn this
• done the t'nilsd Stales. Russia: Japan
. nreai liniain and Canada w.inl l V '.ugelhsr ^n a supprvmlon uf pelag.c seal'
Tall-Bad CMibJaa la MlebigaB.
ber'a market two I,rasa buttons with the
«Tiampl0B, Mich.. Nov » -TBere was Initials oT the |«llce deiwrtmesl uf Dua isil-end collision reaulting In a'wrw k : Inih were found In ihe sicms- b. PaiBst eveamg on the Mputh Mhore* Une at ' tn.irfian IUpIi Smcller’ls i ui on a mooor
Iirowii's KIdIng. betw i«n Hlchtgamnie I hum and (he lleulenanl
and Cshmrhiii The eaM-bound passen-|yvl relumed,
ger ran Into a freight train going l|^ '
-MUber We Htry-Eipeea.
same dlreclhm. .iVilUsm Jl Orren. :i>e '
oldest engineer on the luau. was faislly
ilagioa. N»v.
r IsdUatHPUs
' •
Klilsd by a rietism BeU
Webater Cliy. la.. Nov » —Fi>r twen wloda
ty minutes Runday night J M IVailen '
Iwtii-d will) a vicious bull on i..s
TTi, hull'vas dehonuii. hilt Jt
bulled And m
aumped lilm to deotn 'TVal
edln^hls cattle whn. Ihe
child wilh bim '
Fa Uiwer V rhlga -I
brt*k1aUgb nortbMlr
dieesaes of tbe
nervous aystera.
Go early, aa my -|>b<aMa iia. lot. IB____________________________
office it always crowded,
1/0*210*30 oin s
' Borns avOTW.
_____ ho
lUsd Sislss.
Remember, we give a written cuirdr : aotee to cure every case of PILES and
(«• RUPTURE. Alto, we f rve a lyingdn
■iiJ IS:;:
IS la.::
H.rOsrgR. AUM^ at taw, aim
wind*, rue
roe lowi
’ «1 anog Is the I
^ o.
Lmt FuWMiriiriw'Lahe.
•a aa B.Wb HMea.
Duluth. Jillnn.. N.iv t.—J.isepi, Bums,
Sir tVlIlriii l.aurlrr and his as*«Utea a draUt In rd.uhing at 3» luU.- svrnu.'
will urvr stningl) (hsi the lK>rd. 1 imml- *>uth reports lhal h» Mat a p.. s-nhuuk
graUxn qurelli n be .«.(i|ed spd^nn tbW ror'sinng II.Pd In raidi overU ..iil from
(he , ..winrr lilior ahllr rrtuiniug from
pdlrt will ..infer w^Ih the pn-md ni tin
a (iJp down (hr north shore.
der Ihe pren.ler'n dlreitUu. ihe ( aradlan
twriiamvnl pasaed an alien Inmilgiallon
law tael si-rlrK b> whivli A'mri.tvir. ca.'ll r.«ts II.OM a year to sMI Hgnrvtuu
trertor. snd Atnrrh'an labor wJut bamd
at IVijvrr.
from r> mm-llhg in tbi wm-W vr (he
Buoth'-Turker’a Arst Salvation Atwiy
Cruw's V si I'aka railway—a gvvem- (edr.ny has li<-n iJanitd at Ralcdad. Cal
tnenl u' d'-nshing-1i. w«-»ters Csnads.
Thr kupivoo'v -url of Illinois nan
On Ihr "Ibrr hand II Is rlalmid by lh^| tided that a ben bourn vanoot be burgCanedisns that al*wit t.WO An^rioarwl larUf^
-arv in Ihr Kl.uidike iwTllviy—I. lunglng |
lu ttaiiads -siid that full) le.fnv Amri- 1
) lluateauUa
wiiraing hi j
kill] lltuiduiaa
r nilhrs uf tirllld)
tlnii.hl RiHlea Immlgratli r. lawn, 11 Is aisrv|sirled lo have btwn*found In
aeriid. are adminisirred with h.ir>iin**
alone the Cwf.adUn Ikrtilrr. a..d are a Trrvu* cuunly.
A areere Hnmnrlal ertrta exMs In Vendaily fcourw of Irrltstton. Sir Wilfrid.
Ihrr.d.-r. , will auggest Ibal Ihrvausrsid efuela. The isyimsi Of pretly'murh nil
Kevercnteit obllgatlnns bns been pualIrriufi. n be rrmoved .m l«lh »l ira.
In lhi» CMnnerllon, als.-, ihe • ■.-o|wta- poned
W'llllnm Applrton. tbe slayer >f Wlnin..' Ill the t'niled Slules'ts di’SlivO In
ptars of Ihe Caradlan auth.iiiiisa to .Rrld Rc-i-H Ih-nilne. has Wn aepienrsd
Rilke an easy r^i.Ihr K.undike. Bl Tuscola. Ilia, lu twroiy-flvc 3wara la
The i.r'itsiaetY rooir Is by b-inl (him thr |•c^llrnllary.
Thr grand I.Mlgr of Arisons H
|Surt W ranglr lo the fUyekroe, river..
whi.'h le Ir lertilory brionging 'to the! 'hirb mreis (ow-oiTOW, will bell I
T’nii.d Wales, an.1 up the Blyiaenr %1u j
ual siwrl.-n In a cave IN fret
Taalaoil lake
r K.
l< ihe^Yuktia.i
ih^Yuktia .river. aDd-j round a Ulslew.
thence !•< the gold tiflSs
11^1. AsIhePlycken
n Amerlmr soil It is .1 slie<l to I
overi’OTOe ary iMwelble ronirov.isy, al of John IMmun at Wauktg
though the iivaiy of Waahingtvn IS said Carr B an ..Id man.
lo nialis the ravigailun of Hie river free
NelMin-Oaen. of Kllsworth. WIs./whIlr
lo Ibe CsnaiUiins and America;! alike. attempting to couple bit thresn’ng e
The ns*>d ..f this ahort r.siie und.r ihe gtre to the arparalur. was caughi b
patronage of the (himlnk* Is fe.i by the tween the two and crushed to disih.
Canadian premier to lie tmiw.uUve. la
Thr crlebratloo of (tie aanlvefnarT
vtea of Inturmatlon reaching him that thr lialile Wetasenbutg a| Prague. H
JLOIIl AustralUna will couir lu Uiu Kloa- hernia, was uf tbe slromleat descHpUeA
dika In Iba spring A Jidal of V OHO col- .And in conflicta with (he police Many
ooisj* are aiiWIed to bead Uiai way.
people were Injured.
On (be mailer of rertprurlly itu gt«.
CJharlea WHUe. who Mole a blcyeia
cral porpoaa of the negoHalloi. will be from Oir Oood Luck Drug cot .
to give the tintied Blales the ix-neBi of Chippewa Kalla Wia. waa aebieoced to
th. minlmuhi clause of tbe pr»>^t)( Ca■Ml« priaun (or a year by Judge CondlL
aaiUan law in eichangv fur tb> » per
c( liw RiunIcliAl court.
oenl. radoctlon allowed under the DingBorne MU Irading farmers in Alabama
lay law On the i«n of Canada iIm arhare pledged tbemselvee to sow frutt
llclra likely to he prupoaed (or reciprocBve to twenty bushels of wheat thM
fall In tbe hope of rnnking Ihe Mata
jmrt of
aalf-supportlng to point of white broad.
a likely to figure Is the pagollathaa
Charles McDonald, who u rusparia
are coal, coal ell. earn, railway am. clseto be tha man whii waa Impllcalad In th«
trleal auppllas. machlnerr of all hinds,
agricultural tmplrmrnta. native woods, DarllngtoA Win. nuider and lobbcry.
waichaa ciocka ooiioc. and certain la kept In the Monroe. Wla, jn.l. It la
that a tmehing might result if
forma of Iras and steal. The Canadian
be ware lakea to DarllngtoA
law penults
Tbe fulled But^ aupreme
a yaay and onf-f
the daclsioB of (be CalUomU
year to such couninm a< glet
courts In the ease of Theodore DwmnL
who was ooBTtcicd (d the murder of
Blanch Lamonie Ih a BapUM chwch
Baa Pranalaee. Dumat may. pmha
Chicago "*
West Michigaa.
rpaarsjrrss^.r “.ws
v - iSJi
— y- tBsJI.
lUISKI i» lOmmiHUI li
Hotel Whitiog
TkaVERSE CiTT. Mich.
-Tm> b
.. aod tub. *1 Vest '
i'^it^jr fir»
I Thonday and Friday,
HoT«mb«r 11 and 18, *97
Oaa D«y Ofily Xacb Moatb.
a Ml «if
, BsarOraak...........
J W1^^ g»"wls
Oonaultation and Examination Froe and Btrletly'
A a AAA OO- Aieots ^ Wtjit^
■ SSfLi.
sirie-i Vacaai lot wUlbe takra as pa
' JubuVerij.'iWI'eualBiTeel. lit tf
rf t^^ Bye.
iilk; t'nM^r^Mne^D^lM
I'lcer*. HrishlTblM*. kkmaislis*. all DiMws aflCidneiw aadBU^.
------ aarl.,aaJKtv»*i.l>i«ms«a. CtsemlHi. VHa.Daotei.iljeylDiSUtiyi8endaia.Hkla
II--- Disraws ot Hso aad W vam. soS all 41*
BPILVJWV on KITR isMUirircvrrd b; sen
nrw aad berwr (aiUas rsnsdj.
Ota. a. n A Co. Biahr a siweiJir <J aJIhvWfc..
a# ul Rsrtal
Ui*a*s. rUe* ti
aal. Kcsloa’and bb—Hag. Bsctal Cker*. »Wurr.. m
i.-wlilrU are .1
m4 Laua Tiwsbir. sb rsiw4. Sr*r*le* vr cure all
Ds of PiWo will
or a«eatl*i fn*> hoslaaa. and eilhoul.tbe use el I
eausuc or ligature. Oea* a
■CtOR WALg-gM arc* or land ca Lear Lake ■
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
rt^'mesiw through
land, neety of U*her
TTWkS AMD CAKCBBA rated wltbvut aeida. kalte. i>ala or aaar.
STSi i'lSSSi'SlI'SS—.- rum. taps m-«gi
mr whs are waableW oall eae wrilr tell yarttenlanaf
_ eapresa. wiib tub laairoetiuas huw lo hs lahea.
Tbs Si* o( Dm. A. A a 0». waslseorp<wB4ed BSTsiwIysw
baamyoeiakr BueoaBtaa ir reoempbglaam. Thayaremsp
r.DOU.Il al roadiNaereo.*
Um. 4f arras with wtater wh*
«t;yOOD BOB MMt--PeaM^eyt load ^
DRS. B. S. &CO.
Look Box leO.
B. J. oiff:oiia--AJsr'
Tj.’^’vexmo Oltsr,
ligam. ,
Wonay to Loan |
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