The Morning Record, September 10, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 10, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




BrtdlMk. TheweMthetwow^
that teerihe the Haetterh defwt yeert the haiUe of the Oolu. Jut
thiek o< Iflatnc a (ame te the alath
wtth two MB oett
The heow.tMaihUBohb be«4 Md
«tl«. there wve ealj **0 luiaf*
to -whteh hili were sot Mde hr the
the error otaemB ehowe u eqeel
ef error* tor eeek toes. The
ealy oe* that wee oeetly lor the BueV
tort wee the owe Mde by Adaaa. It
wee one of thoee Una* that a flelder
(*to aa errar throack m <aalt «t hi*

.f SS?5f?SSiJ

OKAVQB vdm TBS unnl


Md of Ttotd •tone-Balldtoy
Oowiinittoa Vrt Xiart Bt^t oad
Awaited Oentrort te Bart of tb*

The Jakeb Slnyiar* hereby ehallaare
the Baaaah Slflee to a yasa of baae
W«rkMbatoyiMMiJtetbodea tte
ball te be played one week froB to­
morrow on the lllh etreet baU park.
V of WaahtoytooaadPoihatNeta.
Challeaye to be
ond hateu aaow flieo too now ehuah
than Tnaaday to the Moanm Kacoap. wUl be waU andw way. Aa planned
T. HoTOTJtT. Myr.
hytoearehttoeteltwUlha oa* of to*
toOBMtohareteato M^qhrtWMlehlyaa and a cr*dlt to Travwua^ly. )

oscoMS Humf loss.

nio •weptthaTowaandtheXnOH la
AhMt MB.ooa
Oeooda. Mtoh.. SepteaUwrb.-A
htoek of baetoM bellitof*. ee
dwellto^ the TUlar^ hall, aad the
hoe* tower bented thle Borntor The
Are erlcioated to Boaetasura aaleoa,
Wbeator tod with the *tUc tor Trac­ aad *|irMd qalekly la aiolti dray Btora,
er** <aty with two atortoe and a two- whtoh baised with the aatlre aloek
' tmfiii Hall era* a eloa* eeeond with whioh wee wotrth K.oooaad
three atortoa Tony bad a doobto and. •ared at tt.00a Tb*Tllla«« boildtog*
e atorto. AdaM and Watkto* had two la the rear of the Boae taBte'e baUdtoca.
to the BeanUa*. were deetroyed and
Wheeler Bade a pretty maaui( oateh the flaB** eonttooed to eweep aortd on
•t QatoBh toal fly to the atoU. Saif- the boetoeB etreeb Chariee Brneat'e
ha ffot Behash hard ItoerlB the aer-jatoi^ of haxaar yoode waa Beariy all'
' aleely,
' '
aared bat the baUdtoy waa d
Moeea Mark’e storea aad a eODple of
Parka aoeapted ala* chaaeea at
ond. Aad Saatny. too. yot Are hard taoaat baUdlBfi aaecaetbed althoarh
Mvke nieoeeded la reMMiay a porttoa
Battor ^tohad a yaB*4^ wOald of hie tlt.OOO worth of etoek of ototoiria atoe teatha of tha tUaerVet lack iBf. dry yoode aad alieee. The old
Cooper Hotel, which waa eaeaat. aad a
WM't «Hlh Ue Barttor*.
Bomber of
;«toaeaah kat wae to oTldaaoa aad-----------------------------------------------------.-dtla two-kayyar to tha ntotk to whatTbaraad. Tha atoek baa been ramored
amrted the boetooee that, broke the
hearte of the (aaa. Hie fleldtoy. too. from Boet of the dwcUlur hoaaee <
waeflae. Behaa leaetraayer hero bat the ■traeti adloletoy. The toern re
hlaeeoendbaeeplayUrtlrlyhb QaUa orde were all dMtro.\-ad. ThetoUlloea
•artaalaanay^to^t a eoaple of to eaUmalad at trt.OOQ. The toaataaee
to aBBlt. The Are to bellerad to ha of
The Baaitota atarted off htarely to toeradlary oriylB. tha flnt toal^ aad btamped the earree
roruis^BArruro inooi.
Xi Mr. Bohb for a two-hayyar aad two
atoylaa. aad thaeo. coapled with a ylft
The Tay Mary HoL«aa WUl Oo Te
af flret (roB the
Tha trareiaa City Waaaar Oo. haa
flatobed rafUay loy* from Blk Eaplds
Oeaeral Maaa^ KUleeah"‘'hired aad other hoy potoU aad the toy Mary
■d oS to their half of the MeLeoa wUl yo to Charleroto |or the
toatoy lika a bonte afire, aad bolaaoa of the yeor. Copb Biram KtowlU three atoylrt. a etolea baae aad a aey he* beaa rellered from duty oa the
hrte oa hallo, yot toyether throe ruaa. boot apd haa reauaed hto po*t a* aifht
Mote toe dUBeroae*: Tim hlta. ooe o poUee.'
floohlc, oad oaly ooeraa. Three alayXn^oie Sladar Bound Over.
laa. ood three raaa.
Loui* Sladar. who keep* .the Mlooa
It woa aeoeiaory in toe eeeond laoe toe Weet Side, woa orreated y«*'tornlay for toe loeoto to pooad oot o «w»day oa twoeharyco One of kaeplay
koyyw oad four BlayUo oad teataol a
hit plate opea oa Soaday aad aaotoor
baae. to yet two meaaly
of kaeplay opea oa Labor Day. Sleder
A hoae on haUa.oa error aad a hU
yove thoB oaotoar ia tha feorto. Aad
r ia to** nef SWO ball to aooh
Their half of the flfth wae prodooBBOBPnoM AMD aaBMAI
ttee of Bothlay. bat too rtoiun* Jobpad
to mad earaed two. oad took the lead
Mrtn. Blnylee by KioBoad oad .Olao- la Kaaor Of Mr. oad Vro Ba<^ Of
LoatovfUa, My.
aon ond o two-eooker by Boyam waM
to toow for toot.'
Mr. aad Mia. W. A. Bock of LooiaTkv didn't keep ahead loot, kow- Ville. Ky.. who kare bean vlaltlay theto
•fw, oa toe aecre wa* tied for the eee- relatlvaa. Rev. D. O. Baryar and Boto.
oad tlBebyoorbMOBatai'hhitoad er of Klayaley, were yivea a dellybtfal
etool. OB error by Hohbob aad Wot- aorprlm. Toeeday evealoy by their
Klayalvy Meada. Befreataoeou
ktob out at fliab la the alxth.
Tke aooro romrtaed toto way—S to & eerved aad all ware eharmtoyly eater->«atU tba Blato leelay.
It really
The aoUhla feature of the
looked at flret yUaoe a* If the Baatlei* eveatoy waa a aareaada by the K'oyewere yoiay to enete ia their half of lay hand toot woa much opprecUtod.
toot laalay. Wotktaa atortod off with
Beceptioa te flcbool Teoehoro.
a clean alayle, oad Wkeelor tcdlowed
oalt. Solfka ottomptod to beat, but
The C. E. of toe Cdoyrayotioaol
toe boll went la the air oad Bobb
<h«reh ore plooalay a reeepUoa for the
toted Ik Teoy and Bob both tried for toooher* of the public aebooU oad
• hit but Bahaa yot la the way and atodeau of the Biyh achoM. to take
thmir thoB out at fltet. while Wheeler
• W«daeeday eveetoy. Septai
oad WotklM died oa eecoad oad third
Tlia event wa* to have takea plaea
oa toe l&to butowiny to the eatv
'*Su^!!^iiot a dlffereaoe ia the loot totomeat of toe Woatan'a auh to be
Qalah weat out W Wheeler oe a blyk
fool tty. HaMama eiiaeoBbed to to*
wUMOflkeoadatraokook It looked
Be Win Be a Oeod Xmwyor.
mmj BOW. OleeaoB waa the next maa
ThoBoe A. Cootoa. a yrodoou of toe
apt be 1* kaowaaa ‘-Kid- Oleaaon.
Wrtl. te a kid he te pretty rtroay. for a Trovara* City Hlyh Mhool, aad who
ptonte two-hpyyer la aatflam aaea. hoaforeevwolvaonpOBt been at the
head of the tetoa Rnpida aobooia. haa
Hayaea lookod wiekad whea he eteppad
to toe plate oad Betlar let him walk. raalyoed that poolttoa oad will take a
Tboa BehnaMBaupoadkitthe koU loareottiueottoc Dalvoralty of Miehlyaa.
to Adoma that woa the yomo Bvaiy
body tboayht Bob woeU yet It. bat
. WUl Btorr'a Bleycto Trip.
]B» aa he teaehed down te the ball It
WUl Starr of Ckknyo U vMlUay at
r. tookoaaatyhooadoadhoteeU oeold
hi* old hoan here, for to* flm time to
he raturoed to tb* dtomaod GI
thro* yeoro Mr. Starr wheeled from
' ted aoored. it waa oa eaeltiay i
Chtoopo-to Mllnouka* Monday, venatoy to Moaieta* oad whealtoy tram
tter* to Trover** City Toeeday.
wlU irtorn to* Ian of to* waak.

. ...

^giij .



OMtMt Inert Xn the VM XbbUc-.
the FlBieh W- ■nittar.-Serte
Vew 0«th4tu4^ten»Bl li '
WMAcmlarttlM—nWai M Well
ae»*wnh««ed Veatiiim


Ohtoaca Waikot
WhMt—Septomhiw. MXei December,
Bbar. II
rr UM9M« May. UK


bat oaly wUl h* pat tote to*
belldlay at praaaat aad the alu of the
atraetar* will he abeat doohled whaa
it to -flaally eoatplrtad. Tha toarch
will be flatobed la every detoU tola tall,
howerar. oalylBBBiallerrtae, aad tha
addition ooa he aiada without aay
aperlal dtotarbaBco to the hatUtoy.
'hea It to deemed adrtoabla. The odlfler will be eoaatracted of
field atoo*. with rock fao* flatok. Tb*
mala eatnaoe will he uodar a picturaaqae towar oa Park atreeb aad thare
wUlatoobea BBUllar tower orar the
haeemeat eatroaca ea tor eoraer of
Pork ood WeahlsyUB aUeeta. There
will ha aodtotlayultoloy mark hot*
the boaemeal oad flrat floor, ea toe ea-1
torlor walU. A haadaome triple wladow of atalaed ylam wUl be plaoed oa
the ebrto aide, aad toe addlUoa to he
ode UUr will olmoat dapUoate the
taaa for tola, feclay toe aoab
The plaaa for the latertor ooll for e
mala atoty aad baeeiaant. The audli«OB will be
brt^t t) feet Opoalay from tola are
two atom rooBa Itolt eoeh, oad the
Bain aatraaeahaU UxU., Thto tooea
ea Pork atroab oad'\b«i^ to oleo o
•bbUw oatroBM to too boeemeat oad
Bola floor oa Weaklaytoa etreet.
The hoeeateat to three feel below the
lerel of the etreet. oad alx feet obore
it, yirlay llybb olry rooom*, aiae feet
hlyh. It will he divided into aU rooma.
one loir* room for beatlay parpenaa.
tvro yood aiaed rooaa to be uaed for
prayer meetlay, claa* rcoma. Mo, aad
a amallar oaea. ooriwpoadlay with

toe yam* yeaUrday. Tte maa .
uMBt docoBotapprpveof tok eUm of
reteahmoat to the park It b hoped
that tooa* who dealte to be refre
to that way wiu wrti unUl afwr to*
yarn** are over.
N. B. Made, the popalar elyar MiceiOBtarto*teytoCi^ Detroit,
b to th* elty mUtoy oa hb frinda.
waa ramared that it waa hb eoac
which Bade te ateyaBeat Wadneaday.
but Mr. Stoda tertrea hb trtonte ted
eaatoBar* ter* to uadarataad thi
wa* th* AamriiBB Bayto Tbhaeoe On.
which -faiied. aad art tte Bayl* OyarOo;
L. C. Ooto aad Joha W. Wlboa of
Bowllay Otmo, a. aad J. P. Loar
BMker of Delu aad H. 8. Ftoek oY TUfla. O.. to* two latter of to* Oval Wood
Dbh Co., war* the yurtte of B. 8. BuU
k two day*’ dihtoy t|lp to Carp
Itea It wa* totoaded to flto troa to*
yacht Li^y Watta tet ah* wa* dbahied aad eano«a were need toetead.
Ttey retaraed last aktotTte railroad haatoee* b a *are index
> better Ubm. Ftaak Cobh, elty pa*•eayer ayeal to Broad Baidd* of to* C.
A W. M. *y»teB. b In toe elty arraiir
lay for the fall excaraleatto theaooto.
and h* report* that toe aortbera cxearrtontbave been far to oxeeee of prevloas year* to aoiuber* of pae**ay*r*:
abo that to* Maie proepeet b to si^t
for toe eoutoera exeanlea*.
Fred fllBiBS' Birthday,
•dnmday wa* toe flfueath birtokaalveraary ot Fred SlBBe. one of
toe carrier boy* of the Moosmo Ebola honor of to* event a eeere of
Fred'* friend* wore haadeomely eaterUlnod et toe home of Mr. end Mra
Slwne on Weehlnytoa etreet to the
toy. Fred received many handBOB* and aeffal yifu bj- whleh he wUl

Ort Tour Winter Jacket.
Oar etoek of Fall aad Wintar Jaeketa.
ape* aad Skiru have Juet arrived,
eyardleat of larya advance ia cloak*
e offer them ei lower pte* toaa
ever. WUl be pleaeed to have you caU
aad to^wet the eam* wbetoer yoa bay

JThey have proved their sufienority. We are
are- on u^. We have proved we can take care
of an enormous crowd, and we carry the largest
stock of school supplies in Northern Michigan.


aao FBONT mteiT.

M. B. MOtlAY.BlAWdiflMI.



Clothing Manufactnring History
The past fire weeks shows an increase of froii
16 to 35 Mr cent in the Actual Cost of All
Bought Our Entire Stock in
JiiJj, at Old Prices, and this advantage is yours.
Men’s Fine Black Clay Suits, pnre
worsted, all Wool,Tailor Made and
Trimmed, In Sack. D. B- Square
Cut or Cutaway Styles. Heavy
Weight............................................ •
^ __ , -w -w


They’re worth fully $12.50 to 113.50. and that’s what
you’ll pay at other stores for Equal Quality.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

Tux Boen« Sioax.
Marie Z. Hortoa, M. X>. deelrce to
tofora her patirnte that owhay to lUaeeeebewiU, foraUBO, be aaable to
attend to her practice.

__________ ^ jompletod toe church
wlU ooeopy to* eotlr* width of to*
proper^, extendtoy bock lOo feek Tke
lot b MX2S0, luachloy bock to the river,
aad oa toe rear U a reeideaoe that will
future time be refitted for a
The plan* tor the ehorck were dra<
by Mean* C. M. Proll oad F. E. WalThe excoraltoy, whlrii wa*
plated yeeierday, waettoa* by Tho*.
Botrtreou. ond Mr. LewU hm the
Wort for fleiahtoy to* rtoao
' The buildtoy oosBltto* oonrirte of
a M. PtoU. P. B. Wolkdr. H. B. SteW'
ord. Dr. B. B. OoineroodO. C. Thomp'
Th* ooBBitMe bald n au*Uny
tort alybt Mooaalder to* hide for to*
amin atraetar*. Oaly ih* hid tor the
Mideiod. however, ond
tb* eoatroet for that portios of the
work WB* let to HUl Bttn.. who wUl
bryia work laBediaUly. Tb*


■We Still Lead.
Notwithstanding the general ’
depression in the milHugf
bufliness, we are havi^ a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our....

flour. Send in an order.
1* what every motoai b look*
toy te, BOW that eekool haa
h«ra. We place oa Ml*
tob week a deelrabl* lot of


The Best

flnbhed li wlU be n hcanUtal ornn-'
t to toe eliy ** well ec a monut to toe efforto of ChrbUea workBreribea.
A bible readtoy wUl be held Jn Fernwood chapel tob eveatoy M TdO.
erybody welooBM.
John McLaio. eyed «l. died of paralyeb at to* bom* of hb tootoer-tolaw, R. Brblol ol Kioto etoeot, ycetor.
day Boratoy.
Mr. aad Mm. F- P. Beddea wUl ra>ov« frVB Umad Bapide to tbb ot^
te toe wintar. Mb* Bertha ha* alyaady airivad aad aataead aebool hare.
There ehoald be a better crowd at
to* baU yam* today. Tha home <
b paettoy ap yrMt ball aad ehoald yet
oppork Tteyamatotey *riu
be oallad at 1:30 prompk
Stephen Kebehtweki of JUbet died
Wedneeday of Brlybr* dbeaea . Be
•an of aye. Paaeral wtU he
held froB Sk Praaeb ebaite to thb
Ity MMBTOw itecatoy at lo e'eloek.
Dr. a P. lMUoa.whoha*heaaepead'
toy to* eaMBcr with hb family at:
Torte Uka. peaeed torohyh the rity
r OB hb *ray to BaehviUe,
lad. Tte teeily have vaeatod toeir
eouay* te toe eaxuear.
Tte faiMnl of Mm. Fraaeae Bart•riek, who died Toeeday at toe Cutler
hMBe, WM held yartrttey. The exoff to* tertol la Oakwnefl were
bytoeeity.aeMef hveetoUvM
dtoy to aotoNC.rtter death.
Bev. Howard Moon eeadartea tor ear-

TIi8 Husllers are oa Top»


oar winter etoek kadore toe
Urlff toll went tato effeek
In that alone we mv* yoa
toe. on toe dollar.

Hen an a law baigaias;
79c. .
boynaBogr’oyood Sehool Salk


Made ’ppn Hmior
to Retail


VromAKSBdP 1



hay* a wool Balt wortoflS.


.......1.... 09g



bay*aaaU wool doatoehreaetod
We have tore* toto of Boy***
Bulb, atoae frea s to 14 yeara.
reyalarpriOM ara •*.?!. flS.OO
and SUO. They aU yo te..;...


Wa bwjisi nctlnf ai aiHn law Uaa of...

Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sola Shnas
t. J. HOST.
PopnlK CSothte.

m>v*atak.p»bto4b tok.



Best Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
la the city, at- ■ .



m xoBjnHQ saoQU).

(UaA Mr. g«M. «t tto Ktttad Gw
m4 tka OMca. ud M OMM< tk» riOMi
Mwn» •m MOM utwrasAT. mM iwaaft Mritl aiw nimra. Tra*>
TKAVx&SK cmr, - aacBioAN «M 0«T ywvl* wlU W ftod to W »bto
toVrwa«a»«M*)MMCrowm mtiam
Md «lM «U hM «1U b« » COOA «M.
Tm t. Raw



3. W. BAran.

M. W. Hazxu, ISdltor ud Wafv.

rLsxijr.- •• ■■




Tn MawaStaa eBeerattoa plaa may
Mt CO tkroecii eo ewimlatly after
•U. Heweton White aad Tbarataa are
to attend a laaee meetlnr of aatleee la
BoMtlale at wkleh It ie aaU that aa
rt to to be
Qeeea U1 to alao eapeotod to be at toe
Mitlat ood of eouee her latereeta
arm be oae of the ohlef eleMaia eooeUwed Igr mm* of the aaUna. Tbe


Ko« a theory to adrmacto that Oae^ler Strehle of toeSbepherd baaharfeht
hare ooBBlWea eaielde. Thto prepoeltloB wUl ooBe la all richt after the
leatolla eooatp ofioete hare 'pi*** «P
the eeareh for toe aardere.

Work apoa the teBodellac of the
Otp Opva Hoeee to proFiBlnc la a
ewp eaTtofatoiry Baaaer aad whqa
oospletod ml to a tenoiae niprtoo
to the toeatra-ftoar pahlto. Oae of
the toi^ftotareeaftoe toproTac
will to a ooaapleu bow oetdt of i
•ip. wUeh wlU to of a BBdera I
ton atoedau
•d that toe hoBM will to ooaplatad i
•fter tha drat of NoreBber. aad a hlyh
etooe attraetoB wUl to eecared for toe
opaalBC- Bert Halltoaow boep preparlor for the decmUooA wUeh wUl
to all hand work aad rerp elataorato.
Thaaa^aat Free Baae i^.
It hae beam toe baWt of aerenl antfcaeiaeto at the toUraiaae-le wltaeae
the eoeteoto from toe roofe of hoene
■ear the park atoo from warm aear
toe taaea. Taeterdap tooae who had
pafal their wap la Bade It war* for
eoBO of thaae partleaaad It to qaite
protobli that the eaetoB will not be
M popalar ae berotofora. Tboee who
wtohtooooarwdbaUraBeUoald at
leaat to wQUar to pap toe price of ad■iBlfB The b^ teas aeade all toe
qaarton it caafotaadthe aatertaUMat aOertod thto aaaaoa daoarrai
man Uboraliw troB toon who 00)07
too fame. Btarpbodpwhoattaad ret
toefr Boaoph worth oTBp raBo.
y. H. O. AaBaal Pleale.Tkanno Otp Ballac. Mo. SM. P. M.
C. wlU told their aaaaal haahet ptoato
•« tafar POUV aato Wodaaadap afterMto. toptoBbar Ut^u MaBton an
nqanted to farlta thato frlaato The
I1------ Ada wOl aato laratar kripa
Aartar the attnomaad aeealac to
aetoap toon deaMar to attend: /
thae An Good SaloaB.
Paal&oaa. who U aarafad axtaa
Mntp la the neloa heMaan In ladtoat
Alia toto anM hn lantad aaatoar
r-*— "fhm” at Month Piaakfort,
wtontohaalf an it and to now oaad> ehlMtof to to* "
aaodtoMoLalUa A A^ who wQl
ladla the TMnn Otp aad of the
aAana Thto bMoo to nlM the
Mnihlg Oa«.“ Ittoaenn. pi

IMy Pn>tMt

WtoUafftoa, D. O.. Sept. «.-MloU|M etude at the top ot,Ue Uet ot
treat tnm ere ptedaelac atatea. aoeordtar to tbeaueat report ot tbe OBlted


}eet uea oHapiewo. Tbe mtpat of
the etoto for Ue paet year wat'equal to
Mere tkaa cae>thlrd ed the eattre pndnet of toe Oaltoe
•.TW.OOO toaa. “The eattre prodaet of
Mtohicaa, of Miaaaaota aad of Wtoeoaala (aaeaptaomof the area ■lead la
toe eaetora eeatnl parttoa of tbe
atata)." tope the report “ wereebtalaed
fromwhat.toc«MiaUp eeoaldared toe
Lake Sipertor dtotrict. aU the one be'
lee Barhatod aa Lake Boporier orea.
aadde^Cwtedbpearloei eharaetortottoa. eeeh aa apeealar. MCMtle. heaiaUta. baid or aoft; or bp the aatoaa of
apeelAe tolaov ete. At a auber of
Blow aeeetal fradea of ore are Bleed,
toaeehof i^toha^etol trade aaew
eea. 't'aeqeaawtpoi
Theqeaatttpof tBeoeBpenw'
t '-"----ew prodeoad la ItM reaohed a total of
10.SM.U9 loaf toaa, eeleed at the mlaea
at aa arermce of
per loaf tea.
OoBpared erlth the prodaetloB of arr
- -yeara, thto lathe larcaat reported.



wa* An ■•ua.rMeKnNOTlwA*■
tow Who w*w Icaip—*>■*»
Codv «aAr Ova Boten.
Hsaolulu. Tla Vletorto. R C. Sept. I
•I toe dlffiealty of aa altered


tbe oppeetotoi la Coatreae thto trlaler.
It to atoo auted that Sematon Morcaa
aod Qeay, whoaieto^ake a toer of
ttoffeirtlMi ea the Bawallaa tolaada. are
to be aab}eotodto
I of tke I
■oweeer, thae to UtUe fear that what
the eatlre aattoe decree aad what to
Aeaieaded bp the beet latereeta of Haerall. will BMot the proper e
L. A. Pratt to la tha edtP ton Aaa
tioa of toe aaxt eonfreaa.
W. A. Whoeloek wn la Lake Aaa
Tax report of toe United Statea feo- peateidap.
iogtoal eanrep plaeee If toblpaa aa the Attoraap M. W.
AiethBoaf the Iroe prodadaf atttM. laet alrkt froai Kowapco.
There are other tolace la which MleU- Mtoi Ben Laidle ntamod trepa
Cea to at toe head, hat few people have Oraad B^idepaatardap.
eeoeJdBef the talee of the tree ore Jadfe J. O. BaBtdell eaM op fron
Aac oat of the Blaee la toe elate, la Oread Eapldi Int alrht.
Ur. aad Ur*. & W. Bon an aatarother parte of toetooutiy. The auf- tolaiar MIb Mprtto Oflbert
•itade of that iadeebr bmj to fairlp Mr. aad Mn.'WUllaB Moodp are la
oatlBatod hp the aothaatto etaui
Oread Baplde attaadiar the fair.
that thto eOBBOBwealto leodeoB i
V. B. BoUadweattoOraad B^lde
pntardap to atiead tbe raen aad kap
ahaioh la thto eltp are aboat to becla
the eraetlea of a toeatlfal ^oBe of
ttofr owa. ThepwUlbaild a etraetara that will to a laatlaf aMBaBaot to
Chrtotlaa procieaa. Bat oM of toe
maM eattofaetorp ooo^deratkBa to that
tha ehareh will aot to budaaad


to^Jeaaia Latorop kn ntaraed
Fifod Bapida. after etottl^ C 8.
Vadn aad Caadlp.
W. A. Oeahrlar af Oeaatdl BlaMa
Iowa, to la too dtp. the fmaat of Mr.
aad Mia. Caarln Goonr.
Bov. 8 8ta!iUoof HortoporteaB
the eitptoattaadtoefaaaralof L. M.
Been Wodaaedap aad ratanod pnterday.
Uto BU Stolaberr retamed ya
dap aftaraooB froa Patoakep.

raa aad Quay, who are expected to ar­
rive here *ocm on a loot of iBvetelraUoa. They aay that Senator* White, of
CaUfonl*. and Thnretoa. of Nebntha.
who will lead the flqU-aBatoct anocaatloo to coDxm* thto .wlBt^. wlU al*o

the purpoae of coaTlBctnr the *eDalore
that toe native* bltteriy oa»*e aruiexaUoB. It to aiated (bat White and Tbur*Ion will niuerlntend (be dnfliDr of a
tnoBS(er pedtlea to eoarreae Id which
the Hawaiian* wlU aaert that the reverameot wa* torn fron them throurh
the action of Amerlran Utateter Stev­
en. It 1* ateo altered that the maa*
Beetlac will be conducted eoUrcly by
Hawaiian* and will lie made a* dramaitc a* powible. Tbe idea I* to work
upon (he *ympathles of Horraa and to
peiwnade him. if powible. that the natlvw have been deprived of toad*
and -power by a handful cf rich and
powerful white*, harked by a treacberou* Ameiicaa mtnIHer.
(AMh ter Qvwv ta Atm.
It la believed that the ex-ou^ IBay
arrive on tbe *aiDe tteatner «a toe *esator*. and. that *be will *ddr«w tbe
peapte at the maw meetlas*. The *e«ond card of (he aoU-anDexaUoelsU wiU
be played n the arrival here late la
September of Senator* Pettlrrew. of
Booth Dakou: Uaotle. of Heotaba.
■od Cannon, of rtah. They are bow
la Papaa and China atudylnt the Alvw
queWkm. Before they wUed by oae cf
the Emprww liner* from Victoria. B. C..
they aecund tvtuni pawac* by the P*.
otfle mall *(camer Doric, due here from
iohama on Sept 14. and aapoanced
week'Id tbte city to study tbe annexa.
tlon question. PresIdeBt Dole ba* to•ued a proclamation calllnc tbe wnalc
to meet la epecUl aewlon on Sept A la•lead of the 14th. as previously aaDoobced. After the annexation treaty
to ratlAed tbe aerAte will adjouni um1
the regular session. An stiemu to
hrtnx ncKTO Isborer* to this country
ba* fslled. The nutter ww* lefqied to
some southern senAlor* for sn oplalon
who. iacludlnc'Senslor Uorsan. ob.^ert
I', aay attempt to take tbel.* labor from



Satad Gapt let,

HUwaohoe. Sepc t.-Jads* *------- r
to the Ualted StoUa court, has ytvsa a
daeias to tbe Otomohd Hatch eompaay
aastolatBS sn of the altesatloiu ot the
eomplatot In the suit ayalnst the OtokoBb Hatch eooipaay. The machioee
o< tbe Otokosh company are declared
to be aa tomasametii, aad the demand
far an aecoanttog to aMrtala damassa
la yrantad. There trill be no aeeouat1^ howHrer. and toare orlU be ao damaxes palA for tha decree was enteivd
by coatoBl aad tbe suit, which was tma
of the'moat bitterly coatcated of tha
snaay that the match tmai baa fought.
ime to aa end.
plant ot tbe Otokosh Hatch cob.
^y 1* atui to operstom and the
It WlU coattoae to operatA ostensibly as a

WlA. BepL d.-A bog of a
to the tarmers. Is ravagtog tbe com In (h4 town* to the southera port of this county. It cleans ofl
both buikf and kernels, tesving the esra
looking as If hog* bsd been st tbeo.
One farmer had half aa aciv totaUy de­
stroyed to Ihl* way in two day*. The
bug t* abrul the else end srmewlut of
tbe appearsnre of a bumMe bee.
Tbe hrUer CbrHete at 'Frtw*.
&-T Praarlsco. Sept.
Aft*.- the Hose
Ol the aefaiOB of the letter carrleis' rooveetloe yetirrday a caucus of secondcla*r city delegates waa held ahd rvaolutlon* atoing for retorou to tht aervlcq,


Don’t try to lee hew little
monc>' will enable you to
clothe the children—We know

tached, but really dear at any price—Our atm is to give

ThirnteAes a little more money at the start perhaps,
but a great saving in tbe end.

Our Line of Knee Pants.....
Have double seat and knees, are extra well sewed and
will not rip; are made only of such goods as will give
the best of service, even with the hard usage, cost no
more than many knee pants that have none of these
good points—50c. to $iAO for the best all wool Cbev*
lets and Kerseys.
Salto Good valM (or tha a

■ate aad Xxhlblt.
MlB Darfoa «HU hold hor OMkBd aanaalaxhlMtaadtoteof paaaa partoat
work la tba Park Plaeo parlom Pridaj
aftenooB and evaalac aad fiatord^
via and
arte kap
_____________ lio-tt*.
City at lOKH a. b. aad arrlva at Elk
I^da at il:l9 a. ta. luava diW p. b.
Booed trip rate 40 centa Doat bIb
toe aiaaee to ea)op paaradf at thto
pleate. It will be a rt«a\
tor tmm.
Dio. DaHAt-U. U. P. A.
Jaat la
Freeh Opattn at J. C
Vlaek-sBiarket. Front strert. 107-tf

• aad darabte School


Hamilton Clothing Co.

Little GoYerDor
Little Captain
, Boys’ Snlta.™

H. M. Oaxyms.


mite last prilMtl.

Handsome new patterns now on sale
and the price is' within the reach
of all. at............

Wilhelm Bros.

Tko “B” to la toto maath. and
re've got 'em—Op*ter*—direct from

ba* a otokt to tox.

Bright, Fresh, Neat
Still on Deck ,
at the Old Stand.

Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Marketqh tbe Brosch Block.

Fresh Meats-always frest|. Salt Meats.


The Boterprise Grocery
is still doing basineBS on
Front Street, jnst west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
Honse, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.

To Rent
Ice Cream Freezers

IB's, 114 Bm Froat Strabt.

Enterpiise Groceiy,

ma. Broap pooBd fall waigbt aad raaiaatead te

iW SB. Walt, Orw.

Bicycles to Rent
Suits to Order.
Pine Merchant Tailoring.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk nank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple WM. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descripriotts;' including 7 Engine^ Set Works, Carriages
I to jiw laeyy*..
HAIPtaa la and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
r Bm* Hmeale Blaek. CatesBi

Fire Insurance.



Special Dollar Sale.
'To clow oat
w« bfive piaoed on m1« a faroken line o( oar beat gooda only, which inelnde #4.00, $8A0,
$8.00, $8.00. $8A0 and $1.76 Shorn and Ozfcwda at OV^
DOLIsAB A PAJB. ITe are ekmag oat many other lined
and can mve yon money if poo want good, reliaUe footwear.


penalty of two pm



dsena S*t os lawHbelat in tb* Man*r«d

will proceed to kn boBo la OadUlae
SeatUe. Wash.. SepC a.-PpofeswJr C.
Carrothers of Kcb*. Japan, who for tbe
last twenty-flve years ba* lived In tbe
Mau Taaadap Bnaiac.
Orient and has been an laatnictof la
PtoL SUnn wOl orcaaln hto daw BnaUah la tba Japancae coverameat
to daaotoreaTaeadep aeaator. Sept. erttooia, la In thto city.
14. Prtea for tenon U oaaB aaoh.
Toaeklac Inna tioB 6 to
daae- tot batwi
lar for pnettee «:K) to n:»a
habit to apaak ta riowtav termi of toe
Httte Aatotk aoplrc that we bad the
“A leaaek of Eope.'' poltoked ap to boner of tetrodoclay to the aoclety of
date Bopth beet ntlra. uUl peanana natlona We have locked upon Japan
much as a mao retard* a promistat
rrnt attnettea for too
paWe. It to aaanttelip aa eatertato- ehQA The toontfat never orcurved to
a* that this same nathm woold aoroe
t lor tha manaa, and to that drawn
toe patrom of torn aowedp. TMenV for ttory and power, klcfe up Its heeir
atalast a* like a boy who Imacines he
Utor tardal |
knows more than hto fathar, but such
at eo dooolp loUowtor •re
the facta
apoa eaek other that the aadteaee to to
"As to tor acroDt pwltlon Jaavn has
alBoet a eoaUaaal peal of toarkter token atalnst us in cur propose] an
naifl toe faU of toe oartato. The neaatlon of Hawaii, there Is no acM»rB. dATUTAA and Bodtopa. wkiek {otb caaatlhx for It. except on the suppnaltlon that Rntland to aatne Japan at a
aa iBportaatiUBto^eplap.ara ea- cat's-paw to frustrate (ur plan of UkUrdy BOW aad an ateelp rendered. Int ponesBi.m of Hawaii. This I* tha
Miw 4da Bptoaer appean ac Teddy. new token of tbe nutter by Amrik-uia
Uvlnt In Japan. Eaylubmen (be.- • are
The rent of toe aoBpaay are Tory o*aa- ptalsinx toe Japanew for tbel bold
Ip kalaaead aad ooatatoe eoiae errp
e Tpnfcm la fart. 1
rcret that the real ot
deeer people. The TrUbp Sextet to a Japan
of Count Itn * riccol vlalt «r Bnxetronr teatare.
land with ibe Eocileh tnlntoter to Ja­
measures for * se­
Uniton a< Pnw BWb IWew
cret understaadlnx between the two
Oacef toe BOA carteoi pbeooBwa eounirles.
cf Baton to the taeolpUatloo of (net,
"Japaa will be (Iritted to death if she
ttoh, tra^ oartowaraa eta., with can make us bacl: down. She aanti
rain froB toe eloada Tbe warp to told Hawaii herself la order toe belter to
to tbe anaato «f tbe Freach aeadesy carry oat
n., MU
ber Ions matarrd ptons wi
hitenati to the wjatera
aad nay be foaad to the Aacaot bob- poabtnt: her
at by
tbe wsy of Mextev and
ber, 1804. The aamtlTa to kp ope Pro- conllneat
Central aod South Amerlea. To nip
feBorPontaa la It be
whole thins In the bod.
of aatottaawof alllion* of fncawbloh tola
serve our dlfnliy a* a natioo. and to
fdl la a diowar aear ToalbaM. Be protect ooroelves from fiirthrr tnable,
otatnthat be hiaeelf nw bbbwom* there to bat one way otit of tbe Hxpoaar tiara oa the ooato of twofeatle- wallaa dlfllcnlty—the speedy aaaexaBB> who wen oat to the toower. Pxo- tlon of tbeee valuable oUada
"la Japan BasUahmen are now bto«
feBcrPoatn Bye that ba “fMbwitb
npaind to tba apot wb«n to* aton UonUed. white Aatertreua have yrowa
bad bant aad foaad to* raadt aad to dlatovor. are apokea U1 of aad ucca•teaaBy
attodwi la the streeto.' aa wet*
field* IttefallpaUTewlto jnm Inc*
• •
to Kobe wUae 1
aadtBdpotea“ “la *Bn plaeu" aay*
it city. ,
tb*pnfo*Br, “they WB« tom or foai
1 toaolt to toe
deapaU oeer to* rnaod, aad to* boofi
dr tbe benn aad tbe oaRtoce Vhaali
Anted tooBBadad ihaB."
i that would Tcaalt I
srer* toe to term a cloae alHance with
BnStood. Thqy like to dwell upoo the
iMtaaces ot EBslaad'a sood win. one
of which la her poaltteo ea the Uawallaa qoeatloa. That the Jaraa-KBIbto etanblaatloe wOl leave no stone onfrom 1 o'clock to 4 o'eteek p. m. aad oa tamed to fmatrau our a
Tn^y erantore fm* 7 ohloek to 8tM Hawaii Is entato. W« should b* prvany hold neve oa the lateDda
r to the directioa of fomvatBig t
Oa .all tai
aad p

OOea to Hwald BaDdtor. No. lU.
matatroat. Boon A

UawBiL It toe Ctetod States to ksBBi
to aaiMB Hawaii be thlaks that u eaa
he done te poeh a aaaaar aa to avoid
Mctloa. Aa to toe advlaabiuty of aaaaxlii* Hawaii Dos did aot cxpiMhlB•sU ter pahBeattea.

MBwaakoA amL A-Bdwto Xma. «OaUad fitatea mtotolar to Japoa, to aa
tatervlew y«f day nya ha deeo aot
•ppetoMad aay troabte hetwme Japan
aad tot Hatted Steua *«h lagard a

The Old Beliatde Shoe Man,

118 Fhort Steeet, Wuszbukg Block,




•1 tb« Bt Aram nlBM wbo mtfa OM
-M «Wk*.« ewtalD wMst «t nOBcr
«kk» wm b« waeMt » pr«T«< tbm

mtm A TRAP

_______ _____________
lotottata a«r«en«Bt.Md that tbeaebcma
wOi bt amerarfttUr earrttArat.

And CttohM a Dextn or Mere Pmttnttmwt of th* Convention of
of a Wettem ftaHway
Coal Mlnoft It Agtinrt tht LUCToenrs etooov khife smowk. •engert
OfMntan* Prepetition.
tthmm!■ Hill" ‘-r............ *"—

oAraao, tcpt. l.-Th« teftnat la th«
Umcart Burfler trial wu •

) b* OM at tb«
otrucicnt ptccM (« ovldeiK* io tb* trial
- Mra. CtuirtiM F>Wt.
hoart. «aa
Duetgert's oae-tlB
i< a«irvr—1W VIcM Av4a« B*
Kicht Ateaa.
McBwra haoded her an u
- ColaiDtnu, O.. tept. a—The tawr^tat*
aaatra' cooreBUon aOlouriMd lait cvui>
las ostu thU laaraliw wubout havtag
tokOB a vot* OB the auealloB e< acadptta« or rojecUac th* prvpond MtUc- her this knife for i
raest of tb* Mka.- tee proafwcU for
the aecoptaoce of the •ettlemrat are
aoDevhat doubtful; to tact a eanvaot Idadng her body to tho
. at the alUiattoti abon that a ma}orUy where n dlwolved.
The knife was peeped around for the
h* hnogtat abaat-ru-Ul be caet aaalut tnraeetloa of the attorneys and handed
to Uirtaert. wbo opened and cloaed the
the aruMoed'aelUcment
Ike creator {art of the afieraooe eet- btodeo. gastog curiously at the weapon
tkm oC the eonrebtlbD wai arcrct, the and scraping a blade with hla Unger aa
If to leel the stains which covered '
He evinced no emotion, though he knew
yrwiaima Faran. of Ohio; Knlcht. of
ladlaaa; Caracm. of llltoota. aad Dolan.
«( FttUburv- All of tbeoe amdato with
Uw eaweriloB of Caraon argued to favor
at the acceptance of the Plttaburgopefa*
ton* propoattloD. They told the Me*
•aua very putnly that It the propoal' ttoa vae rejected the etrlke vouM toll
stterty; that the cooieat could t>ot be
Wttou^ ae all reaourcCe had b^n oxpatMod.
Why CUBM OppoM the totooBa.
they advioed that toasnuch aa the
•trike had been predplutod to thePIttoburg tiairfet It yrae very prtgwr that It
nwuld be aettlcd iberc. Preaideiat CarWNt of nueola. told the delegatee Just
••pdatoly why they could not support the
prapoauton for oetUenent. He mid the
nUhola mtoero were praetically ignored
X hla Mote bad
>t aUdr by
h the PUUburg
Meta, meeeovei
Mndad contracts which run until
>May. Should the Piuebura and Ohio
and Indiana mlnars rraume operations
the lUtooto opcratoia would'becompelled
«o open tbclr mlnro alao. and the only
roeoume the mtoera of the elate would
haVe would be a loced etrlke. for which
they wore unprepared. The b*« they
could do would be to accept i‘
' tors' temi. and that would c
forte a reduction again In i

including the'court, jury .no.iwv-u.un.
cloeeiy wntching and taking note of
hie every actlun. In talking with hie
attorneys he admitted thavtbe knife
was hU propwty.
The afternoon mlnn was devoted
eetlnioay. Profeaeor Chaa
whom newepapermcn
Id they drew from tbc vat. wa
lined and teatlfled to flndlnK oru
matter In a pinkish brown fluid which
he lubjetxed to chemical analyoli.
doUverod elowly and'dellberately and couched In technical
terma II requ
Uos the wllnee* so (hat hie teedmon)*
could be made clcur to the Jury. The
wltaeae asaerted that In hU opInlOB the
of the fleehy portkma of
body eould be accomplished In tbe time
Ibe cnndl
would be materially affected.
The wiincaa alao stated that the hair
would be tbe Sret thing about a dead
body to dtaeolve In a caustic
Thiawaaa hard nne u)
It has tome atteged hair to show. The
!etonea had anolher shock wken Emms
ihlmfike cnrrobnrBted her young nlstFf's
lory of hsvlBg seen tuetgvrt and his
wtre at ahnul 11 p. m. of tbe nUrht of her
the tocas hav-

gton.|s^ S
In the luivy
the baMs of reptvaeBtatJon. Pome of tb>
Magalss. wanted a rule thsi no dcle(ateshonld be allowed to cast more that
Hz votes Thia tf adcpled. wouU
hav* settled the quret oo
t of tbc accept
ance of the alrlkeUettlrment
nukkly. It was the scnllment uf (he conventtep. however, that ivprvsenutlonMiouM
be psVd so that aU miners should have
a voice In tbe settlement. Accordingly
U was decided (hat one vote should Is
cast for every ll» miners repreaeoM
Thto makea Ihe vote to be cast by eart
•Ute about as follows: WsMem Penn,
sylvanla. »; Ohio. f»; Weet Vtf»tola,
U*; Indiana. W: Illnole. MO. The tUlnoA
. VMS. Which will be cam ag
espunce of the operators'
win about offset (be vole of weMern
reuBgiTlvanto (Pittsburg dMrlct). The
t Virgtols

ent plsnt for {hr manutoriure
r pUtc for war vesaebi. The
vwrfl appointed by the seer*r«ect t
,wny eaiabllthmenta erlll preMI such
data that Weervtary ts>ng may legiti­
mately frame conclueinrts adverse to Ibe
suggetolnn. The naval experu
atatc that. In/hHr optnlon. UOS per ten
far armor pUle wlU yield the manufarturvrs a handsome pmftl. but ihst
the government would wsve money by
paying tlial price to peefereoev to undertaklog the work on Ita own account

Bewant •( gl as S»c ■ Tlira.
Bpring Valley. III..Bept.t.-Tbe
Italian society ai Ijidd has oSen .
ward r.f SIM for the capturr and coavlctlon of (he murderer of MIchaH Vtcilll.
who was murdered gt ll
night last vreck by an ui
power to the bonds
potlev up to dale have abac
«Btea Should they
as to the idsiTtiy of the a
.^Jchleta some of ths delecaiee soy they mined the deed.
hart iBttrurtlor.B to do by Infrrrpee. If
■ot by direct language—the propoaed
aStUSMSnt will undoubledly he defeated.
Tht Indians delegates »ay they
Michigan's oldest rttlien. Barney Me■trwed not to vote to favor of Ihe op- lllr. w Is d.«d at bla home
ril set.
(Tharles Ward had hla collar
Ilsmeut will be effected by it. In view hrozPB to a ball game at Oahkoali
or tbe poaitloB of tkPIUnoU miners they
Air the big msIlUig oompanles of Md8o not art their way clear (o vote to ac- WBuked, have ttoally Jtinrd th« lualt
•spt tbe prtiposMlcm. It developed laH trust.
Bight that the role of Ac Plltebarg dieH B. Perry was banged for the mur­
tHet win not be unanimouB In favor of der of Bely Lanier at Decatur, Oa.. yaa>
aespMltg the aetitemrni. as smor of the lerday.
deleffatCS have sUted openly that Ibcy
Richard C^er baa told his friends hs
would not vote for It. The leaderw of Is willing to be TsmraaBy's candidate
arepttng the sstlement. aa some of the for maj-or of rireaUr New Ti
sloBary w-u* and have hopes thit '
The 'A'oodlawfl ((AlAtgo so'Mtrb) Wtr
srtll be aWe to turn the tide tn favor
mnl.'s elut has passed a rnv'lutlon dc•stOemenh Today the members of th* nouix
'ng Governor 'Tanner for removing
mtlosal escrullve biwrd will be heard- Mrs. Florence
Kelley from the ofliee.tff
by tbe convrpllan. and as they sll factory Inspector
tnrOBgly indorse the setOement their
In a locust tree at Caasopolla. Mich.,
views may have considerable weight
there U a big crack six tm from tbe
sritb tbe delegates.
ground, from which axieads. four feet
tnlu the air. a sunflower stalk
TO P« pntNHiT TO Twr Brrrm ■
big yellow flower.
fctimikraner of Currency James H.
Erkels. vrlfe and daughter, have arrived
PHtlburg. SepC S.—Tbe fight of tbe at Tellow Lake, Wyo. He aid Bank
MiBsrs against the NewTorh and Clevs- Examiner A. D. Lynch wept Bsbtog.
■ ■■
' '
*swA Oaa Coal company Is to be waged
Hr the death of Andrew Ely It CaUM the Utter end. It tbe strike It deomia Osot .............. - .....................
fftorod off In tbs rsat Of ths district
Hra. nora
tbe CUumbus coareBtiCB It will s
and a son of
be kapt up at
the heirs to ptnperiy appraM at AWT.-


Atotpey General Maynard nilto that
d ths light. This plaa took the hawkers and peddlers' taw passed
dsdBtts dupe aad wlU bo presented to by the last MUhlgan Irglatoture Is void
far aa II appllps to agents of conesras
the Columfaaa caaference, where Its
aiopiloB is almost a foregoos eswclu- ot other Mates who solicit oiden to
•loa. Tbe Mca Is to wage a aaUoBal Michigan.
' Oght agalait this etnapaity.
The miners iff the Plttobuf* dlstrlcl.
a mining___________
■tagtb of tin* If the miners of the
. ToA and OevetoBd Gas Coal edmpany
■ ars to be allowed to wc»k at a rate of M
.raau a ton. ThU would give the latter
Bompany sd undue advanugr over all
. lha Teat to the matter of aelllna their
aoal. and it -would nm br long until the
•thsriipscBlon would begin to aafc their
MB to bring down their price. Oonse.
atriEBt^. the Mrikera argue, It behooves
tht mlBsn of tbe Pittsburg district »upeesglly to ate that the Ds Armit mtow
are kept tdls until such time as jKeonmpaay asas fit to give Its mea
phot for their work as tbe -ofbm-4ip-



*•■ hs smabnsbsd to eaiTT an ths
•tht. n is pioposad to pay ths maa

of her Ukarhlog. Balutes wvrs flrsd
and Abw^ old vessel was basatltnlly
A very besTT crop of clover bay was
aecurod from four acres of ground at
Odcecrd. Wla.. oa the farm ct Peter
libodk. FTom the four acrca erteen ton
wsi cut and the seeoad cutting, Sept. L
produesd neventeen toai.
Tho country More ai O. H. Trachto
at KbrnensT. four mnea anith,of Wawvtown. Wta, was buniod to the ground,
togetbar srtth tbs conunta Leas about
M.gW. This I has burasd u
•plea Valtay towuahlp, Lasrraaca oousty. ink. and Judge Martla. <ff Ibe Mremit CMK. has raltad upon (he ctmad
jmr for a rigU tiiTaaUgaUoa and as


aty: R- A Derso. postal elcfk,
i. died at 11 ffcloek:-----Bbor>Ut. BremsB; Daniel McKenaon. boy,
,K..----------I City:

Boiling Beef and Roasto
Bold Cheap Friday and
Saturday, e o a e • •

: j. rll

and California sxprem'^ puj^
wi> locanoUvsa. and wbm ^ ' bro|,„; c. D. Adams. City of Mexico,
struck the engine drawing tbe fast^teaU p,i„fuii, bruised: Mike Sweonoy.
the boilers of aU three engtoea explodad , QaiueevUle. Tex., back huK
and tore a bole to tbe ground so deep | Tbe engineer of the west-Mund Unto
that tbe smoking car of the west-bound bad received orders to meet tbe tost maU
train went In on top of the three «n- a-. Emporia, and was making up lost
gtoes.and two mall can and balanced (to'c. ■niese two ate ths toMeM trains
there without turulng over. The paaaen- I In the Bants Pe irMest, aad the
gars to tbeamoklng ear escaped through ; bouitd train muM have bsen runniiig i
tbe wlndowa The front end of f '
-------- ---------------- ---------------------‘- -sms enveloped In n volume of
MBoke and steam, belching up from tbc
wreck below, and the rear door was
Jammed tightly to the wreck of the car
behind. Tbc wreck caught fire from tbc
sngtncs. The cuiu to tbe bole and the smoking cars were destroyed. 'The coach
amoUng car burned to ashee to no time. following the smoker wns badly spunIn climbing out of Ihe smoking cur sev- tersd. Tbei* were not mere than a di
sral men fell through tbc rifto Into tbs psmrngen on tbe fast mail, all tn om
•ck lielvw; and II la Impossible to coach, and wbUe none of them was acwhether tbey caeapedmwere buracd rldutly Injured their shaking np was
tarriblc. Every seat In the coadi eras
to death.
tora from tbe floor and many planks
W. g. awycB oa the Tralm
The weM-bonnd train carried srven eatue up with tbc seats
ll Is stated that ths wvs^ was eautsd
•r eight cnaches.-aad Its passengers In- • • ; wbo bad be*n by a mlsrarrlart of orders from tbc
bear Mon. W. J. -Bryan speak at the trainmaster. At Emporia the eastcounty fair at Burlingame. Bryan blm- bound fnsi mall train received orders to
srif has on the train, but was riding In pans the Cplirornta express at tang,
the rear Pullman some SW feel from seven mnea east Another mder was
the curs wbk-b were wrecked. He state# sent to Lang for the CaUfomla express
that BotblBg but a bmvy Jolt was ei- to toke tbe aiding there. But this order
was not dcllverid, and the wcst-liound
e of the first men
!t Emporia.
He helped ti
crowd of r
out the dead and weuaded
greatest altrntloa to thrir ears. One
poor fellou wbo was badly maimed
called to Bryan and saldv "I went to OeveUird t. Washington S; (seebnB
hear you todAff. I as dyltog now. aad ^une) Cflevslaad L Waahtogtan •: at
want tn ^ake your band and ear God , BrooWyu-ClncInBatl A Brooklyn *: at
btem you. If you poealhly can. Mr. i Baltimore—Loulsrllta L Baltimore 8: at
BfTUii. get me a drink of water.** Bryan • BoMon-Bl/Louta K Boston 17: nl Phil.
tnio the Cast mall car.
___ A Philadelphia
ood ot' ___
I; at
which was Uurutog. and came out with ] New' Tork-PlttsbuTg’?. New'
the drink <ff water which he gave to tbe seven Innings, dsrki
~ ~ '
He broBght out
WeMern League:
cushions for others of Ibe Injured, and Kansas City i. Mllwauki
was everywhere present
tor a lumbu*—Indlanapc
lumbus-lndlanapolls 11.
i: Odum
tbe wants ot tbe suffering.
Wraiern Amociatton of Uw Wrad Md laJuwA
' Cedar Kapidi t Psoria 1: at Bt Joseph
Lsler.-The Utrst estimate of the —Oes Moto. 4. 8t Jaw;* 7: at Burdeath roll I* that II *111 nnt exceed ten Ilnglon-Qulncy A Burllagton It; at
or eleven. Durlrs the exulirmeol earir Rockford—Dubagur 2, Rockford A

Butter, First Class


Fine, Fresh Butter!

l TUeae Usr— weswes sisii i .
g Oal a Chaw toto WUtA the
A the TIMtas mat To tae Crashed
d Owe. wm IMS gsmihagy
itoed Hsu. TT. 4. Bryan, aa Va­
le Week AMag
Them are a
Claud HUIlday, Lawrence, express mesEmporia, ^aa. SM>t k—One of the sreger. bom It^ bixkep; D. C. Br(cr,
vrast wrecks to the history of tbs Kansas City, .'exrrias mratmgvr. legs
Santa Pe raUread oecwved thrM mOea broken. wlM'iUe; John Dagan. Topeka,
of here at dboul t:» o-fioek last ftce smashed; J. T. Butler, county atnight. Twelve or flfieea peraona ware
killed and as many mors more badly
hurt. The fast mall train gotog east aud arms broken: R. P. Mnik. Atchison,
and *e Mexico and Calltornla azprtn 1
bruised: PhU Schler. Kacmt City.

Angus McColl JStty.
The Pure Juice

Bntfer, Butter,

In thh avaatog ft was rrported that
nearly aU of the six poatol clerks on
the two trains srern kUled or mtsMiig.
Two of tho darks ware killed. AU of
Ihc others aava one arc more or leas
•arioualy tajurad. The list <ff dead as
km>WB at this writing U as foltawa:
Jsasa Brennan, aaglncer, and Nats
HotUstar. fliumaa. Topeka: WUUam
maby. angtoaar: ----- Oonralea. dre-

smhoer, Trotting aad Road horu
Third door wratotMorgaa'a Livery B

SKS. art-STeS” *°*'
Cnton etMwtk.



Don’t Fail to try our Cuts and
Slices for these, two days.




Oor. Calea aad Rtatk me


Ptfk Stmt, bstwsta Frost A Osa.

«r Aajthlnr iB the lisa «f
BMWkaia' UawrWs. chU «■

-W*. J-ATTTtA.TyB,


Rates, $1.50 per Day*

Meat Tickets at RedieeO Hates. Lady Watts

Now for Business!


Fishing Parties
From this date this boat
will not make regular con­
nections with trains on M. &
N. Et Fishing parties, how*
ever, can make arrangements
for the use of this handsome
yacht, by communication by
mail oy wire, with
Leland, Mich.


See Oer New line

Picture Mouldings


Cycle Owners LoolBere!

Conor of Uuloa ud Boy StroeU.
BMT M. A N. K depoL wUbea to onBMaMo to the puhlto thnt be hnn rrfitted Md (nrnlihod'the Botol Rung
bora better thu It over faei been be- BMlPv4>ta,wlibh1l
Tore nnd eon ueoommodnte tbc travel-

.- £

tog public to good ahope. SuttetooUos



The Last Call

Bay«lvorarM.kV A Depot.

Lederle’s SviS:^

M of the oil
!henhdvortle*d, bat It

For tCen'B Colored, Soft^And
Lendered Boeom


We hAYO oonolnded not to 0UT7 orer a alncle garment
tn this department aad wlU out tho piioea on the mer.
ohandiae btiow right in two. It wlU pay you to^uy them
In half doaen lots.
Men's Negligee Laundered Shirts, worth50c for.... B4c
Men’s Fancy Bosom, Detachable Collar ^od Cuffs,
also Negligee, worth 75c for................... .................87c
Men’s np-to;date Fancy Shirts,' some plaid bosoms
among them, worth at least $1.00 for.......................(90
Men’s fine Percale Fancy Shirts, detachable Cuffs and
Collar, worth f1.25 for..............................................74o
A lot of finestPercale and Madras Shirts, white bands
and soft bosom, best makes, worth $1.50 at... ... 980

Come quick before this sale U OFer, aa tbe
quantity is limited.

B Milk Safe



Qlaa Block.

Traverae City.


below, yoaol ou4o. Lower {W^'iatfliiSit



THB MuBinira asoobd, rmssAY, i
T«Me 18 80MBTMI

a; ■Bv'

Cbi<»fO. 8«'t ••-Th*
■Utc4 to hm« beoti ctl«a«a by U«tMMi Squirt «7nchT»«»r»Ph •cb^
fw um tiwumMoa bt Utopaphke dl*.
MtohM to»» a fr* taok^u. nt IBVatioo c<we»ni» oBly lb. tfBBunte^
^ tlir BifBW Bfter It bM be«^ wAl«
*t>er rtbto • Miie* of pupoturr* lb • r«l
\ bob. Tb« InvfBtIun. It U
\«0W not Inctndr i^drvW
tb«B>'puDctnrM Inllhr ortsliu)
at hicbbr BPMd. thme bu alrondr bm
bttbliwd, nor for in irBB»l«tloo bt bXbBrBpMdmt Ibe recelviBKBUllOB.
TUf UMr >» )>*rt of tb» •rndlnc of
tb« iDtBBBrt. It ro«y be done by a
torpe number of fawn* a orkln* od dlf.
(•rwit parta of the aame mea««e. but
tbU involew irreater outlay for labor at
both enda of the line. What It beeeaaary
to DtlUac the itniiMaaCa lovcntloa to
lu fuU limit It amini aomelhlnf that
■re and tram
tranalata the
vould prepare
- _
htfh.rete of speed. When
this It done It will be time to Ulk of
•sadlng the entire cuntrals of a a««a>
paper la an hour.___________
•dPhMtheChMNm «ell bMarlee OseaaOe•Aa day* «a lae Marar.
Chlraca R«PI. > —Uembrre of the Chi*
ca(o dvii aenin- roramlaalt n wUI tender
their re«mill>n* to Mayor Uaivtooo
tmnwdlaiely upon'hU rvltirn to the elly.
Thli c«m«e ai a climax lo the atrunle
hetwero the runimUikio and the Democrallc Icadera, which baa bean wased
alnce ttu- rlolli'p last apiinc. A o^nference of the nu-mlicra ct the comtifiBalun


<d civil eervU-e lapeira which were aaid
t« haw tx«D ctrculatrd by iiepry Leut*
aenklri'hefi, eecrctkry'vf the department
.of puMli rn orke.
I^uticnklrrben,‘when railed before

dbaato CMItofa PtottUi Atmmtf.
Waabtovtoo. SepC •.-wteUa* Pm.
tnauar Oroanl flwib had a (batmnec
yaaterday with tb* attortiay aaberal mi
to the courae to be putauid by the o<D>
I of the
wbere old poaUBaatera rrfuaa to vmrat*
for new omb. or mhere ciertta decline
to aMerd tiantM- or removal no the
groaitd that they are protected by the
fdvU eervka leculatloha. The allnrary
g«aam] adrlMd him that the propat
* _
aurb 0BM« wae to refer the




. Attorneyi at Uw.
la Moatacae Pleek. Tneetae City. Mtek.

n«ciUto.t.4 8pKui&h..

Hotel Whiting

d attorneys and their dep«<

tBibcddud in the fionr brwoatb the ■
WMloorvn of the tualu hnOdlM of Iba
Three Mf* torwek by a TMla.
VMibwburMa'abradqsarimatWaab- .
Rome. N. T. Brpi. I.-Jamea Oraham. iBCttB li a arlUDOdtapb, th« only Id*
of t’Uto. and Heibcn KooarvelL.of Ptab
Ciedi.'were struck by a train and killed
while drlvinx acroat the Ontarto aod OBB be rw
Wcatrm railroad rronlni al North Bay.
Tbia'narhlDe nay ha d<
A Iblid member of the party. Henry
la pivoted 1
WilUama, of Fish Orvrk. was Injured Id- A heavy* lead welcbt
taraally ax^to noi expected to live abort airel link I ' mrasi of a an«w.
theaharppoitrtof which U jtnt abora
the oaBMT €t 4
. iui«rKir. Wla.. Be
that tha lauer
tal ore a
prrtor mod Wcalrrs dork for the Deaaoo •Ubla ou the poiuird aappert. Itw top
of ltl7. up to BepL i. amoum to dn.ew of Che Uuk bangs tran a small proj^
loea. all of this bHex from the MahOBlng tta fran the trana of tha ii
tolDc .oD tha Ueaaba ranie.
keeeOBaeeama There awpeme at BlleiL
New Orlemaa Sept. I.—Mayor harry
Mowart baa Issued a'proctoraattoo tb
the people »f Biloxi upouatink three
easas uf yellow fever apd three suattreta. 1
He aaya they are all tsu..........................
0 facts « Ill be wilhbeid. Rcatdeats of,
North Back Bay have ai>pealed
BfloxI counoU. ajitloc (hat qumranilhc
be railed ao.that they mfS' secure sup*
pUta. They sy they are sufTeiitifr.
WaahlnktoB.8ept. *.-Burkeon Oenetal
W'eyman. of tbe MaHoe huapltal arr*
Vice, reported yesterday to the arcretmo' of the treasury that the auppueed
yellow fever altualiou In the soulb had
very much improved.

ar8/s-£ss CA/W5. .
'' a M. PkOWV.^AluM-wy mad L

w :ll Pk A^-.____ _

■a-the Oaly Oas la the

* fraseof tbr lustra-


'Akis a. Brn-taH.
i D~ Phyeieima uS
mrTOH, M.

I Thirsil'af, Stptinliei 16,1897.
ThAvaaBE CiTT, Mich.


Ooa Say Only Sa^ Voath.


f^mnyCMv.^taee Feiaditok block. -PUwe.

8 sad Strlotly

cSSm ■dtodiki^ mSl **'■ °‘** **^


^oat alx iacben Ioor
>HR axtii«ida
extofids a^lBbt
. .
apward tran the topnoat adgp of the
Uuk. and its platlnan dpped point nor* or deieatioe ftuw Iwelawa. and
sally paSM exactly tbraagh tha cantor
cf a ■ ■
atotioBaty «



To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

Bafferlnafreoi ani ueskMeesu. «v ci

One pole of an electric dtcait
Ns with tbr urcdle al tbr pivot, and
1 oppoeiie pole is

gar We will vice •pcetsi auuailva ts dlMrali eaem eua to e
U'lratocuc*. PeisuiM apfJrlax tee tmatsieat wOl ptiuae brtas i»
__ ,-V|l {
TkosewkesreabeUetnealleas Wrtleridl a
trilk full IMrartiuee bow lo hr

aF I ,
Tbe ara of Dr*, ll.. a. a CD. WB* ineorpwalev
' ■ .....................---------------- HjosewiO.---------

X- Gnuid Sipidi & Iidlui R. E


depDRuiuto truiMui Travel
D. la adpct AuxikMfdt. IW7.


. I r.B..tru.

j I to t a
u «a r
' u tt' e a
poration Counsel Thomlun. and.hts dla: A. a..
. It •«' S «• XalkDDka
alaval war at once rrdervd. The mem*
11 ■
ObtM B. BUI to an arteat athaW
V-n of the (.iimmlnlon then reuniv'd In
I*; ta/,*i^^I^
»<0 sto
band In Iheir reatynallorj Id order In re­ of tbe natiaaal gaae and apends inany
a u; teo
lieve Haynr Barrlton c4 rmberraadntmt of bis sfxm monents la watobing nr^
Bhuuld be disapprove of tbeir aMhm. llie
aSINFECTiON BY STEAM. j at any mofeent tbe speaker «au toe bow
ayor wrVar has pruaerved an attitude i Cnltod Statoe Senator Qqotge Friable
« II. « ta
•a I a
I maob ttiM be Mill has at btodtoponL
f neunality.
7*. t a
Boar of Maaaacbosntt and SeBator
IW Beatth Mtoer to New Task toys IB
k. a.
Julius C Bumnrs of Mldblgim an
b the Beal Method.
Bludying modern Graek.
la Tbe Amrritou Jooraal of Mfdtcal
Bat Appeer TiiBeXewml the Buelaaas
Bclcnoes Dr. Alvab H. Doty, health
Joseph Jeffenoa rroeatiy fxpsBStod
end Uet Ka Haader.
tw York,
Ycri aays Atoerican Bectriclan t>y Dr. Bell, asd
of tbe port of Kew
lAlhrop, Cal. Sept- *.-The 8oulhe«t bis Him belief that in M yean aolanee ST^to ttoto st^‘ule*^ti™
lojOelX M.C.
PactOc rxpfewa train No. 17. from Baa will bare ptvved beyond doubt tbe imMWkal'uaae
' ****”
Uie aO}.-rtority for many
7 of tbe earth to aoa
Franclaco to l*os Anpelca. waa held Up Bonality of-tbb bumaD souL
.at a awiuh near Morraao. at I o'clock
aslttod to tbe laoording
lacxBdiiig Inatnuneat hi,
He wiys: -TbecortthHyol
r very minute curreuta. It to quite inlast evralac. Klaborate preparatknst of tbe Beoteb aa a tUM and thinks that BDOtber building.
t Mi'n. Way*
f aesniddal
• • eof aei
guifli-aui Id preotical affain; in nilhad been made by the robbers, who had
______ _
regiaWT to a revolving cylinder. ^
k» UehBDto
Idled ten tire acmm the track and set
BootUnd to ^ cruKtot
which aio»es fay etockirorfc and makes
the pile OB fire. Aa the irmlo slowed up
I » UOladU'upti*
Senator Forakw to building a fine one revolutioB every six hours. A broad ;
-ernf^niioAi* ti* onto to
...i II W LoulaviUe
the robbers, who were etaodloB bealde
ito«S^lto^2S1pSSh fmee pear the truck. Bred Bve ahoU lemdtmce in Washington. P. i*Jtolti. ; band of paper crom ruled with heavy ;
.... %*isa» Louu
at the tralniDca. A tramp ridlnic on
TnvlB* arriva fMu> CtacUit aul. Ofued Baptop of the bakrape cur wms ahot In the
IMdoO PWMkryailtolp ■
hip. brink the only persoa wounded.
^^fvew to.
Uraad kapMa.DamM aad
Two deputy eherill* who haMwned
Jo*. E.**.-. *** u *000 *,. i£*,*o
ae bnarh arriwa at 11 dO a. a.
to be on the train tried to return Iht
The _wri^ ^ de^bm tbe app^ grmmd ret« eireotto that tbe ocm.
Bre. but tbe robber*, brmmtok trikht* proved, ai^ be to taking an awive-in* :
" C. K.mrxUT.Anu.
1' ductiviiy <d tbe earth to Inflnita
LOOAUrOOD a.P.A..OraadkaA«aed. run acrow the Orlda to the dl*
joo»k,.*,i,.i uo. oij.E,.™oo*.
’ruction of the Ban Jnaqulu^vrr with­
out maklna a^y funhrr attempt '
V'S ■’’i'
V »■**»«■* .1 1* N.» York ,0*. I
V~- _ .
the train Thec dipUIlr* |c
sbmB, las.
oouo-.*iioo, T.O hooOrrf *.d uunj , A oor* ood«ukio« * th. *«.o*oChaplain Beniy llasiertui ..Mmo ' ZlTT,,.;.
•A Rlj>on
of the Grand Amy in Lii
lAO^o. E>b.. .„o E, „k .■*..o„X^,* ^
>«C» If •«
wae the robbers.
to Wbo
to probably tbe only
toX ot^rw iae
OROVER CLEVELAND'S TAX VALUE. wbo attended the wedding of <}utoa ;
^ ha AatkanilaA nnna An kill .11 knnoaa A____ 1____ - 1____ a>l___ L____ ____ AAs___
triMM.1* *• a aai*Ml nf hnnne
ji *.
magnet on tbe tw of tbe ri«U- ‘ be dtreaded open «o kill all koown fita honey beM. They have two differ*
Mara t^ttUg |SI*
•Ity al Vtowxia as a guard of boooe.
lawbicbmaybe in olotb-.em ways of ccUecting. Tbe bees ate
BookerT. Wasbingtoosayatl^ many , !«, wbicb is caonwied with tbe
Baud IViDDatoAiat
--------- *“
.......................... y tbe
Trunlon. K. J., Rvi>i. t.—The county
“i' «i—>.i-.«o'ui tbopoi«o..d*
board of asrvseuir met Tueeday tit ad*
, aeuawgnpa.
n, loerwore, tne «r of 15 mliiutua to tbistJegm-ol beat At haw btoo emptied. In tbe aecood they
Just the arrratseinculi of the townsbltu tbe flret colon-d maa rince tbe w r to , ooli toglowd
raiicm of this lime to a
are placed la a bottle cm wire netting
and murlclpslltiee of Mercer ccuDty asd
’ and enraged until tbe tiny drops of
to As the Ux rale. The board was people in tbe south.
^ ^
**to. au»c degree of venam f^ into tbe aluob^Vbich' fills
graatly pleaatd by the slaleaKoi i>re.
1a England Banaab Brewer, i
After the VMmnmtffkOincbea p«i of tbe bottle, 1U. venoto toaaM
aaated by the areceanrs from Prlnceloo Mf of fl years, baa Just raiirei
3*ai»di’diattt^oa ^
«**»h»ed tbe fr^ ato Inlet to to be a remedy for caaeer, rbeumatin.
boroukh. who exhUiiivd tbe relufu blaak the pOBial aervioe attar a term
fDe nine os auen oisturMnea u aa, current of ftatti air al- «iake bite and a hundred olbsr ilia of
Biadt ly Orover CIcvelaod. who plvee yenta. She began delirertag too
'the bMoukb a little lift by baakly aqobamberand bumanttr.—Medical Preto.
knoaledglr.k tbe value of hU personal bar fatbsr, wbo e
be uad^r* * *
’Ufa tba -»■**— ' Balttanore OyaUra. BtricUr freab and
estate. It fixed the value of his aew tbe TlUage of Blttoa and «ba outlying : the poinM tegnlarly
I mlnuMliiMi eimeeding
, ketne at and hla peiaonal proper* dtotricL ■
«sA,D»v«. wbi^ to. aUU kept al wort, i
« neteber'a Oulami
It. and then applying a i
ty at tlJO.toc.
‘Ucoive W- Joliao. tbe first nan wbo
for the Kct
Tbe fi.rm>.t prcBdecC toys An bis re““
hreaka ta*
tbe vacuum, but tbe extaaaetei:----extaaaetei
>*»«T dootnaa W ffrantona tbueuof. -j.*-r.-VT^n
his ir
Finally any error
in wtm*
Ir aaa near aa he o
tbe air «P‘'»T
rapidly ““«gh
tbroagh the
aaatbm Indiana, to a toll, flaely built
^ Carrie* ^
it the vslue 6
I. because
man. e feet 9 Inebea tall, and altbon^ ^^clo^ wt^ drivea ^ cyhndto to ebamber. After an eipceore of eight «w T o>n-«ip w«la»-ky.ab*m
kci and i
be to in teniiiy bcctoning weak fteta
£T to* «»toai« to tbtottratmeut tbe elMbAactuaitDK value of slock.
i»ch IS legalated by teto- .
tocreasT of fl.noo.wo In the valuaUon of bto Bdvanoed age looks patfaolly Mund grapbio ^-Bato*^^
unrolled and exposed tbr8.osx.D««.^-»
the rouDly. and UM.«» ct thU Is In 5*^
: Sr^SSLSTto*lL“.:^^
«* ““"I" becomeadry Mid
toty. TbeduratitmtoiDdieuled bytbe
Princeton lownthir. Hstf of tht latter
Oarl Uioobeiln of Sweden, wbo baa »«mbar of snoceMive toteial atroke* «“ I* “
comes through i.r»ver Clevelaiid luB).
Inberiied a title and tbe eetatM lo aapr made in the tracing by tba fooniaia
b« into tbe cnuBiy. .
Q.lRLwIsfhO-AI we SB
port it, has eugaged a prtdessional bar- . pea.
tander at 85.U00 pur year as tsavalilg :; Tbto seianwrapb
seinnevrapb was Idventad
Iffveoted by : “
•« fumisbed
famisbed perfect
prefect ma- ^________________________ :
oono NMTtt.
Chlcagu. Fepl. a.—Al a p. .m. yester­
inion. He
to bkTa-bto'p„fmsorC.P. Marvinaod ba. ragto=»“•
ato I
day a bill for an InjunrUoa was filed
in, toto that I gmd ttx eartbqaakai daring its (oar
to tbe Vnited Slal • clrrult ccurt i
of commerce—Was what it parportato'
IMSW ANV BL'twy Fer toto
unilifonn cooiisteiioe I
ag_s^ svwl «W»er. Appir at
ue yuDu* ««.*». wv - »«« of tbe sartfa xnaU c« i » beam
grnt in
bouse extraordinarily fall of
It. bat ahbougb tto utility te re-1 f-bw vUwdi uum to Bt I.e tto
---------------------- ^ lay 11
eracka and Impecfeei L, .o«u,gwistsr e«.-,*-L P.o.BosttL
fore Judge Jniklne acd to secure a*re- young 1 n. maived bis totucatiem la cording tba time and duratian of mto-t
_» bU
V.J.native town,
___ 1 _i*
V... K-A..
welda, s^ always cold sbnrt. or red (------ -------——
atralntcg , rd-r agslnrl the Rock IsUcd. tbe pnblto aebcxtto of
; Biio shock* baa
been fully
or neiiber;
If teat iron never bad ,
Ilia, people ic prevt ni them fn-tn inter­ Fort Wayne,
» not
■ a newspaper carrtor . •• u«»
uu* indicate
Aiwuvjaw tbeir tuiiecuua. uu- abort,v,i««-he,i
fering alib th.' Modrni WoodmiD onoes
ever was dense on om
£U Ftvai
** E* nlEod **!*■* «.t **«, Mmor * **,, *■W
at runon. me.
Mil Ibei.
iDbi Vbile
W.II* ' eemnDne*
Iq Qse in Japan.
: Me and poroue on the otter,
working in tbe shops be studied law.
off from tbe bub in tl^
An.yervoD. Jnd.. fiepL S.—The Natlcnal
the world
-----------------------------------------------Anll-K|.lrltBallstk' aaeociatlun organ*
- of- s -'
^ dtuwnwilb Intemal strains tovraakTmirww
1M<9 ycaterday .Ly elecilpg J. H. ^ker.
that with a netwoik
, eoad wiihtoUd .but.; if. In f«N. la tbe i W c,tyhc«.toeto. latAf.
-------a Daytuo. O.. presideoi: £ n. Caylor.
oarctully installed, aueb
ctf Columbus. O, vice prtaldent: J. D. weta several other Arab pamengen
iesof theeoantty.
i upoa a
Itagaman. of Adrian. Mich, teemary. aboard, and tbe apfiMraace of Uhm. as
Bysitbio tb
tbe world's htoand W. C. Covert, of 81. Louis, treasur­
vrtaeels did not onrosioneUy fly apart,
er. There was s large allendacce and It ateamer, vtm tbe xigiial for a shoot
wreck tbe works and^icattw ruin, dewas voted to give Mosea* Hull, the splrit- dMlilve Uo^u
KRMioo and death to tbeir pMh, than
uallsi lecturer, a heating and aa oppor*
throwing onD tbe part of tbe otowd of iU
tanliy lor tests._____________
Tbe new Dismal Swamp canal, ^ material might be tested, not. indeed, ;QgMLOCS WOW F^1^
fed BDd ill eondltiosed boys wbo throng, tnilea long, 11 feet deepandOO'
in oonfotmity with tbe amaapctons <ff
od tbe qeay. For downright htook. vrlde, may be eoraphited within tbe ^ erode, iamaniu bypotbesm. bat la aoAakaridwnff <Mih tfarullwb

Ottuabta. A. C. BepL ».-Heartelc« gaaidtom notbing can beat tbe typu of
says tbe Portomoutb (Va)
aoUtvao was cut to death vrith raaort tbe youth of Ualaga, whom expnudon. ^
d Bile feeder trma Uke
to Laarms by two other woosu Hen- Uke their morak, to of as dttemd a typa
has been deepened Id •
, rieiu had Just hees marned. Mary
Foote claimed abe had woo her swml■timrt from her and pnaoaded another of tbe Moon. wbo. had they dtoemSd*tL“iS: i **»rfHi«a. every piece tnuet be tsM
weman to aid to tbe murder. AU
barked, would
have run a gieM risk «
cf fgoTttasnl *0 Means. Banted A Bioota! *
. It to a tow onto iwaif. ami
ao ptceea, so
great u tbe an- y nlnced
at about 81 000.000. Of the ■ *
O. tmstuT.4 «HyM,»SwyttPiPbyof tbe Spaniards to tbeir fewmer '
I. F. Otodia to "Age'bt BteaL'
PAToaiH A omO««BB.AtsecBera.
Provijunta. R. I.. Sept. B,.—PreMdeat

.r , ., , .1 ,
•• iwMig *»»JS ana w ime a*
Acdmri, et Brown nniveralty. yester­
day sent to the oun«ratioD a letter for­
etophooe ovar long
mally dacUalag to withdraw hla rvMgustog tfaellna to
aattoe and auttog briefly ato dedatsa bwUy amployed in Mealing figs btm
kk* WMs Omu kur ■
te withdraw toaiB tbe unlverelty.
^ tbe eaiRO and paM »ttto owu-pRentlon
made te flve mtoatta’ oonmattoo.
to tbe fact that ao infar^ cnrwd of
TheoMTCot eMiaatkB of time when
r We HayKapssa.
tbe worst obarncaen of Halaga-that to
d al the talepboM to a rathar dHBWhsoev»awhatol*»l‘ «»«»*«•
Ptoipto ai» to a
nSm lsr"^tSDly3mr bosue to toy, tba wool to the world. , warn
. tha----------------------------------------- --,—
pattoDtoosa rowadl‘'«*y. »hiiikl^ it to bat a short ttow;
fmaa* a Bi ««•
aad Lower Micht
■rad. Affalra. howsvtT. iwtebed a oB- ovw to tb* wertx to whtoh the aateal j
the pariod and talk
when me of the Hoora, wkeunoke to oat ap. tbe wfaatoia fUg a narrow aiawiy. and Ibe flve aim_______ _____
Uppw^ MJri.,
Bpaniih. raked after tbe bralth
grave to tbe body, and to this tbe pa- bates they laaltos iL To avoid aitber
cbowvn la extrvB* wwieia
aral MargaUq tbe gene^wbobad
fianl lira te two boaia to to a Tarkinh eonditloB a BarUn watchmaker bad
killed batee MaUUa, and than tbarav- bath, tbe denonpoaiito Msbber of tba tbe anaUast idea to provide a Mtopbons
Brer Bunted thit?
tain was aUlgad to order than \mS. whale ekto^ aroand Ua body and Md- aloto. wbtoh storti to tba mcteM aratfaoagb the ill oondtolootd crowd boaM togMabagapoalttoa. TUstoknownra
lewa-OaMr^^itoMtttor^a^ andJamdnntU to auMltbatoaMr tbe "whale cars for rharanatton.’'—. of tbaflve'mtoutosaoands m alaekria
WL-Batris>‘*Ffe« Bton to B«. Fopalar antooea Mewa.
haU. TbealaoktotoHenadtotuUftow
O. P. CAJIVXS. Agant.

Lock Box leo.


!S !S-SiC'




*.o * A*oH»

0*,,. ,0.. oSok “Si !r o'lrro^ro.f'jTood o*.


est Michigan




unsni UD


'its,—Money to Loan

nsHuui u ^

' ■>“'««* *> ■“

*,4 -m,.

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.



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