The Morning Record, November 02, 1897

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The Morning Record, November 02, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







I lafonaad teat tee boya ware let off beAmpUflad X. O. >. X. laitlatte
leaaae It waaoaUrely la tea dlaerattoa
At tea laat iprtaar of Trarana 'OU7
jof tea ooort to allow tbeaa to ro if ba
a'r.MMTAW XOVTASUX OATS Teal, Bo. B7l, K. O. T. M-. a larlta- JVMZ OO&BSR BAS BBKX OB- eoaaidand teat teey woald oonie wbea
tloB waa aeeaptad to latarloebra to aaBXBBD TO SHOW 0A9SZ
■ ' TALUABLX X»rO»]CAT|0».
waated. Besides tba egdaty agent
aUt la eoBfarrior daraata Tbaroday
wonld be aoUAed to
alpbl. ' Slaea tboa tea data baa bna
Siwm of AM^nsca Owrtea Xk^ teaarad to Priday aIckL Tbera »iU Wby Bla Order Xada Baterday
Sbe«U Bat Ba ▼aeatod—Hirboot
B* ■—Uikrt ABd OlMmiekI BbcIm ba «t oaodidAMa to taka tea work
Oatue te OoagratalAUoa.
Tribtsaal of State WiU Padda
Adted «o VtM Bkjwrtaa
aad tee dafrea taan of Teat 8TI wlU
It b reported from Kl^eley teat
lUb Law ia VpeaaaOtaUoaal-<
X««r Ak Ldibtk Ord«*d-OrM ed eoBfar it ia amplidad forai. AU tboaa
Loab HaaIgnU. foraaeriy alatk la tee
dar Betamable Satarday.
wbodaalratoffeareaxpaetadtoba e«
BoatlM BMiaMi Di^tOMd cC
BoM luaUaan la teb city, aad Mbe
Jadn Corbett reorirod a meman HaS of Kiageley. have been aailod ia
For t)M drat ttm« iB A lone Ume than haad promptly at tear o'clock Friday
yaatorW from Attorney Ueaeral May- marriags Bote are ai^l kaowa
A tell AUadAAM of tea eoueU
aard adOfylarbim teat tba Sapremc yonag people aad teeir trlaads wUI be
iMtalckV ABd tfce AldMMB war* all
com _had baaed aa order' to abow glad of tkb opportatety to eopg
than baterc tke Uma to btfte boalMBA
oaoM ^ why tbe order aiada by Jadn late teem.
TMTawAaBOtarnkt AeAl to oaU far
f»A«c dalibwAtioa and tka roattea avaa Paoollar Aoetdoat Taataiday Xora> OorbeU laat Satarday. apoa tba Sab
eoatrorany, aboaid aet be raeaiad.
B. Hord. oeatamker for F. O. BeaAk^tebad ia qalek erdar.
tar to m oamaa Wbo Ooold
Tbe Older Umade reta^ble Than- ■aa, bu moved bb tamQy from War' Om of Ue lataroaUBr faataraa of.
Xot 6paak Good XarUab.
day,. Mdrember tte.
aaw. lad., to teb city aad teay wUl
tea Baatiac ana A raport froaa AlderDr *B*aaaaraaa
teb teab pmuamt boiaA
aaa Maatarae of Ma rWi to tba Oaua
Iwa \forka la Chloaro. for tea parpqaa I yaatarday moralaf by aa aivat wbkb torweya for tka Babermaa ia CbarUooaed bla to eoaelade teataaae oaa roia. wbo are debtiag the Uw,
Of laapaaUac atooa eraaberA iHa
dwe U tee city laat alirbt oa ttetr oa baad. McLallaa A Aak. 142-tf
aalAAble lafonnAUoo.
way to Laaaing to praaeat arfeamab araiaat tee racatiar of tee
arhao UafaAlI baeOBaexpedlaat ^
They elated to tee Saooau
%p laa«t ia a atoae eniihlac oatdt.
men waa adfferlar from a bad waiuid teat there w^ too tUbermea U Chai'
rroB bia abaarrattoe Aldanaaa Moa- ia one of hb Ian and wbeo UA doc­
tacaa eoaaldarad it 0MMA17 arbaa tea tor probed It ba aatracted a larfe leroUc aioae wbo are iateraated ia tee
Aablag ledoaVT direeUy. besldm Dear­
Mxipar Uate dwaaa. lor tee olty to prorerolrer ballet. Tba ball catered
oere a eraabar aral«bla« aboat 7.000 tee lar Jail below tea kaee ly all of tea popslatioD of tee Bearer
poDDda Aod arlte a capacity of froai too aad was takea oat atar tea aakla. Tba
to taralra tona of eratead atooe per boar. mea ooald aol apeak Barliab rery Batee Sapremc court they would br oocaBe araariraa coadUtoBAl
.... - . rrtlautaa for
tbe’doelor ntbared from akmed a lorn of many taonteada of delaa ootf t oomp.eta. bat Mr MoaUcae 1
e,nteaaOoiia teat tee wooaded
lara. Tbay bara tarasted la boats aad
Mridaredteat a ateam roUw woajd |
apparatea for fUblag many tbaaaaada
ba aaabaaaary adjuact to tea
wa. tranafarrinf a rerblrar
of dollar* and teelr mteh lor tee eramWB he bad dabbed bb latereatla,
aoa aggrrsktm more tbae a valoe
flMMlpHna erery member of tee board
dfera faaorably iotpremed wUb the ad- lated. Dr. Emos draeeed tee lalarr of 000.000. Their afterae^ atau
tea iateal of tba UW^bea)drat
vteUniy of barler a eroobw at ao aad prbeared a rik from Morraa'a bara
lalrodmmd late tee legltlatoie wte to
dbtaat dau: thoorh ao aetkm waa ta- to bear tee weoaded maa to bU
regalau tea aim of mcob of^u aad
kra at teb Ume. Tbe ooaacD teaderod
I distaaee la tee . ».U7- Tk. a,. I,
I Inteaded teat tba law
• nteof teaav. to Mr. Moataroe for hb
of tee party eoald aot be aboold go teto effect Jaanary 1. luoa
«S^ wblcb bad .coal tbe cUy aotblaartied. owlag to tbelr ifacraaca of After tee Taw was Brat introdneed
tec EaglUb Uaroace;
teem was injected into tbe act a clanm
Aldarmaa OarrUoo bat aoH«
proridiog tor a clcaed acaaoa aa bafora
eal eairiae idea aad last slgbi
bnlteetiUaof teeaclwaa
not cbeaged U. laSlcete tbet Uiera
teat tea eommitlae.oa Bra aad water, Pr. aad Xra. Xartte HappOy Soraay aneh eleeaeor teat it wm' to go of yonr life b ipeat In bed. It b well
with tee Are ebUf and mayor aad
ftrbedLaatXlcbt ■
into effect natll «he yeer itdo. Upoa u have teat comfortabls W« can
clerk, aaeore mUmatea epoa a aeltabla
Yesterday was tee flftaeatb aant-, teaec grounds It b claimed teat tee make it so at a ven lliUe ceat to yon.
A good IroB Bed. brass trimmed, aad
eagiae aad report to,tea eooocH ml rmary of the marrian of Dr. aad Mr*.
Uw b oacaaeUbitloBa). It b said aa estra good Woven Wire Spring oomtheir aarllaat coorepleace. Mr. Oarrl- J. U. Martin. Last ereolag tea popnteat a eomblaeUoo of Arms wbo deal plate for ss (K). If yon want wood beds
'aea ^ made a carefni lDTaatlgatl*» of
ooaple were graatly
ia froxea Ash lobbied for tbs we <UD sell yon a good aalld well made
Uu ».d. oI ,b..K,. ... b. U.U4
bad aad an extra good Spring for BS. 7b.
Uw at Uaeiag. -To tboee Arms
U«. .b«.t T00a..lll.». ..M.

such a law woald te of vast beaeAt and
€rtbCTbnUdl«.,-er. noww»bln.lon ..rerl U> .fford Umid'. anaUe teem to Aad a macb heavier


The Very Latest Sheet Music
PbtDDey'tH.aBaodMaidi; 01dBrttie Flag March; "LeeBom,” author of “Ambaj^. Sdow;" *‘Wboia Tme;” “Ooo
Thing;that Gold Chnnot Bnyf’ "Sareetef Than All the lUmm-/
•Everybody Sbont fo' Ma Baby;" *^e Baby in the Basket.**
nnd forty otbera. Call for a Uat.


M. B. HOLLEY. MAnnaa.



A Full Third

trade.for tbelr frosuprudeeu «f tee
lakes At the same Ume it wonld de­
prive tee ooasnmer of froeta Ate dortog
tea eloeed aeeeea and throw not of ampioyiMt a large Bomber of man.
WbUe it b conteadad teat a probibr
lory Uw for a oertala period would be
a good tblag aad tend ;te
of tee Aeb of
' maa OaxTben, a* bb rcfolatloa mat I ws.T* be a pleamnt memory to tea eait b deemed a farce tc
/ wUb aaaalmona approval
teemed pair waa tea prteentaileB of
a uw U Mleblgaa wbea Miaaevalnable sat of cat glamware. gi^a aa
A veu of teaaka waa teadarad to a mark of the esteem la wblcb they Mta. WbcMUlD. Ipdlana aad Illinob
are aUU permtued A» Aal
Boa. Perry Baanab lor Ab gift to tbe arebeld by tbelr friends.
tea lakm tbe'raUra fmr} It bu
city of tba rigfct of way to tee exteauggeaUd tbst e oemmbaioa be apeiiM of Wadawoetb bitmI. wbieb b
b« •«. Uiu. 100 .r.
lo U.. ' .
Flltb «ua. Mr. OarrUo. b» -.d" „ u,.p|„„ „,...a. .po. tb. U.m
™.U...»»t.Io,.lo«,l~.V.^ pi,
— p_l In d..n,p,. «r«

aaw betag eemplated.
Aldarmaa HneUmaatel reported that
n>-Pira CkUf Deapre* bad mida oibar
.atTaagemaato aad bad witedrawa kb
propoMtloa to aeU bb bolldlag adjalatag .tee Cam street oagfaekenae to tba
-City. Therefore there will be'ao far­
ther aegoUatlona aloag that Uae.

aoox AT IBTZ

Saw Xill aad
Sblagla Plaat will Sooa
Zmploy 40 Xoa.
C F. Said of teb city has laaaei!
Bart abtagle aad aaw mill plaaU la labrlocbaa aod U preparing to nin them
bote. When tee allb aiart Mr. Bald
-Ul employ about 40 men.
The Wylie Cooperage Co. b making
axtaaalve imprbremeab to tbelr niant.
among teem being acreral dry kUaa

from Canada aad tee atetee mute
to trams a Uw which wonld be blading
npon all, would be a vMt buaflt to tbe
fntare of tea Aablag ladnau-y and oae
Btoto would aot have tee edvaatage
over aaoteer. Tbe duUkn of tea Su­
preme eoart wUl ba aaraltod with latereet.
Fnbk Cook aaked~ptrmbeloa
Wbu IbedeeWoBpf Judge Corbett
move hb bnildlag to tee Bey Side
urea received la Cbartavolx Satarday
-dltfda. but hb peUUon wba not
night teem waa a mgalar Jabllea
oatvad wite favor, bet wu referred to
To Mortbem PealaauU.
tee Asharmu ud tee blowi^
tee eemaltlea aa atree'u aad walke.
of wbwUm aad tooUag of boras mode
Ibe ateemer Onakama in. eommai
Aldermaa Goodrich latlmatlag teal
tea welkin ring nnUl tee aaull boon
wonld aot be a wbe eoatoe to porane.
brday for tbe aortbera paBlaanla with ottee moraiiig. TbepetlUonalorarellgbboB tea<
inetlag party eoaposad of Will
aen of WaehlBgton street and OarSeld Mitchell. D. Vabaa and Joe Cbaravaane aad Saveatb and Maple alreeU. tade of l-Uat Iby: Richard Etna
tiCaDdar Moaaey. Frank Coartade aad
« on pablfe llgbUng.
Blljab Cos of Long Lake; J.
Mar- Fotttcu Sold Taatorday for 40-4S
dof pW tibek. John smite. Mbnt. Wtboa. P. J.
Outo pad Oaa Loa^Xut For
tag tee llgbb aaUl tee whole b
DsoB and Aorokt Patoadm-of teb
40 Outs*
whara llgbb are Beaded ^Id ba anr- city. A party’ of Are man wUl Jala
Tba bighaet price for teb aaaau
-'^ad, aa tear* might ba places where
a at CbarlevolB.
roachnl yenterday.
they arc Beaded more tbaa at tbe
While tee pmvaUlogprice ranged from
Social and Sapper.
peUb dcalgaated: Bb Idea did act
amet with favor, so ba voted with all
Tbe Imdiaa' Aldeoebtyof the Coe- M to 42 cute, there Waa ope load eold
-tba other memben to have the
ragatlooal eburcb will .girr one ^ for 4B cuts This however, b more
teclr^popnlar ba-eeat aappera la tbe than tbe Chicago market will atead at
praeeot. 38 uata being aorroal. Tbe
Tbe petUlon of sitjab MUb to have ekareb parlors tbb eveaiag from Are
reeaoa of the Jamp In prioe b* that
pari of kb tasee mmlUed was denied. to ttM o'clock. Allareiavltadbx
team am a dosu bnycm la the city aod
«« reeemmeadetloa of tee eomslttoe to tea upper and aby for a adelal Ume
la teair eegeraeei to get all they wut I
00 way* aad meaoe. bat a almOar petl ia teeerning. Tbb b tee Aral of
tee prieeit crowded up to the hlgheat
tloB from tea asylum trnstem was series of uppan io ba glrw teb
powIMe poUL Many of tee bnyem.
graatod. bacaaaa tee property of tbe wlabr.
however, amaeuriag stock for atoratab b aet taaabto.
aga betom cold wuteer aeto In. wite
Heavy Volgbt Fotatoaa.
Baaldubof Weabiagtem street aaer
BM mu of Bingham bca«ta of tee-bops of a aobstuUiU advance a
the O. B A I., eroaslag peUiioned tee kavlBg ebowa tee beet bill of potetaee liula Utor Ip teaaeaaon. which b a
bright prcapect at tbe preeent Uass
conaeU to re-eebbllab teeirgradr, aa a of tee eeaeoa.. In oae hill be reieed
*nem am large qnaaUtimof peutem
raout enrrey by tee eiiy englaecr bad ZmplKpotetoeaweigfatagiaV poaada
Bmlag ia bow and aa fut u they
aaublbbed p grade sU laebea lower and la anoteer 10 tirma Uonai
}ma they am bongbl.- 'Tbb places a
teaa formarly wblcb vroald oeat tbe walgblagblt ponade.
Urge amout of money la eirenUtloa.
proper^ owaeri eoaaideraUe moaay.
Tbe Suto Bank has paid uI deriag
Alderman OreUlek esplalaad how It
tee put week more teaa A10.000 a day.
wae p^lble teat tee eagtnear bed
Chicago, Kov.
Fimt NeUcaU U aUo paylag out
.medeembuke. ae be bad bM beralix'-lwc: December, wbe; Jaanary. (HHet
large wuas daily aad tba total dally
ordered to eeublbb aaeh a giada. 7%a May. MHe- .
paymuto will probably uoaodAU.OOO.
J. K. Greillck Oa. owaed ume pioperly


Two lor 2*0.


It’s your money’s worth
that you want.
No matter how cheap a price yon pay, ^ jron
get a poor article, it's false eoioomy. £s«
pecially is this true of CL0AK&
We take a pardonable pride in our im>
mease showing of Ladies\ Misses’ and
Children’s Good Cloaks—which is the
Greatest Cloak Stock in this region, with
prices-oiamed on them that make this stock
the banner values:
Pay a visit to
our busy Cloak room.


138-132 Freat Stmt.


aUoay wn




A T.TTn^-Brn v*. Z*XirBX33RXC|B.
SUw VopnOO^ muow Koxiaw ex Xxe-v exae Ol^.

Good Loolcing?
Woooiee you arte It’s that ohosp floor
that ipakM thoao «*w^Uaa*’ and brlags
on that “tlrod foaling” that makas ^on old
bafora yottr tima. Battarbny.................


teteet locality ud Mr. Uraillek bad
naked the eegiaem to eet atalcm eb that
be would know where to eztead kb
walk- It wae prmnmed thet the grmle
bad bera re-eetabUabed at teat Ume by
wbbbe sod tee matter wae radarred
to tea coBBiitteaoaatreeU aad walks

»C«e; May. SOKc.
Oat#—November. isMc; Do
her. ivkc; Mey. 7i)<c.
George W. Mateewa i
Apgell y
Pork-Sovemher. ML4S; Deoembw.
•AfSi Junery. MlA.
> uneeiCUad and Oeoage Roriots whom
Laid-November. M.tO; Deeembm.
ebargml with atoatlag ehlokus
dt.At. Junary.Ai.U.



Hannah & Lay Co.


$l.O0 a Yard


PHdB CMHr. BsOff ttf FnttR.
f*<»veutm..rt» TmumOw.

Is Cheap
r teay> the beet

Will S-A-TTS ^

Ladiei’ Boi and Kangaroo GaV Shoe for $1.50
Also Gent’s Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $2,50.
Boy's and Youth's Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.

paekeB brothers,


VKB Moucnra esoobd.

PhUlip B.

nuTXBSsomr. .


Vbdb. 1. Bat— act J. W. Buor)
J. W. Ea»«mi. Editor MAJUMge



bj MU.


To Udofc«»oble oBorta of Aldera«B Oorrteoo to perenode the eooBcU
to prooure o anltoWo ehonilBl «r» eatlBrnUbor oorhl to be reworded with
- rnrrnr He baa kept op o pardatOBt
•riUUoo BBtU BOW the ooBBdl haa
tokea the inltiatorp «lop
prorlda a
»e« apparotoo *1110 iwat
that a rood ehoaikal eaftao wodd be
a rood lllTeetaae8^ beeooaa there b
n> BDOh terrllorr which la ootprorSded
twlth water lor pobltooeea. Baperleooe
AorlBr the paat few BWtha boa
fwtod the wledoB ofebattor ftre protoetioe te propertp owaere la the outaklrta of the dtp aod there ehoald be
•o delay la proetdiorlor poaalWe dan^ (roB Are where toare are not
BMOBi to flrht It.

bhonld be bolt or isoe hU own Bn-

akvlAff m

phUllp S. Bom Md Biip B«Uc B.
GlMrte(< Both w«n WB«ra ud pop»l*r
,OMf peopld of Old BlRh^woro
B«t. Q. a Mrtbnip
oOcUvlDf. Thr; will tokk* their hone
-i-f whore Mr. Boed' baa bMB
or ooaw Ui»e pooL
Bmno BtoffMU Dood.
Hlw Ban* SufleD*. doerhtor q(
Mr. end Mre. Oeorfe Btoffena of L«Uod. dUd Saadoj ot their bone, of 1bnamatorj r-beonoUam. ot the e«e of
10 reoro. i nootha oad e dopB.
She wea o eonalo ot W. H. BtoSeoa.
the Bitau teoeberof thU dtp. The
(BBorol wUI he hold from the Uload
>) honoe WedBoedop ot 10 o. n.
Burt BB the B«UitMd.
Alden, Mich.. OcU U.-Will Blataid.
reoldlar a few aUee eoath of thU plaee.
war badly hart whUe hUaUar eioBpe
aSenr the rli^t of way of the sew
Orasd Baplda, Kalkaaka A Booth.
Be waa broarht hoBc toolrht os
: a atretchor in a critical oondlUsB.

r u ru
■eened tohla an iBondlbty
abrrt tlae In which to naBon a Addle
(ran the nVincest volley the plrl reoppBUed withoaoiB-ber bond end «noorted the relwtont end imtaBdBf
i-utka to the bead of the teoa. innoAndDB him to the 'cdlo, the Boatb orfan and Ifaedloar BBoasd.
*'Now. boya," add be. when tbe
mi nee had twned away, leavinf
him with hli fellow aneldatM. who teCanled him donfatfoliy. "let'c have an
ttidantandinic. I ain't in thlc like yoo.
(or a dollar a bead and (lee diinka, hoi
X'b doing K to oblige a lady. I expect
to Bake aoBe pretty had braaka, and

•‘I’ve oevw board Mra BUkhen talk
Bti^ about 1^ bnahaadl 1 wcoder
‘ " (stoaayabootbvdtM."
-Otovalaad Leader.
Mra B. H. Hehto paeeed (hroogfc tbe
city yeetorday on her way from Elk
Bapida to Chtongo, wkere abe wUl nuke
herfntare boBa
_______ _____- lag Ma
Arat elam otachlna for a liule
l»e-tf __________

Te eld eoldlerm and all wbo deelre
panaioB matwra adjuated. 1 beg to asdbanre that I will be at the Botel
WhiUng. Treveree City. Friday. No■ Ul bs t
- ' •a requir
to not afraid of any Indirldnal attend to
Jamks OBcacaa. '
Ban, perhaps not very Boob afraid of
SoUeltor of PunMona
:&iy wonan, bat when b« ctood tip on
that platfcra wltb the Addle in bto
neck and fared the erowd be waa bndly
it StibtatTiDudBiEill
“Play a waits Atet.” atid tbe Aoor
Banagd. "and play'dowly." With a
sigh at relief and tbe tboogbt VWbat 'U
Ido t.ben ih.-y demand fad^oiior'

. !£•;

Dancing School!

hieb Ata tbe werdi "Wbere. oh. wbem OfMlBK eb Prof. Bllwn' Oaaelar .hcbeei
to ny little dog gouer* tbe 'oello and rriaarBirbi.xet.v weevurta* Dorv'a
a la Xadinff’
noDtb organ ctmek in. tbe girU cboae (eU wvaMtre. ACbUW<w tor tor rreaJ
lorludlDC IrMoe. OveUk B «vau; LeAlre
■nw WoBW'a Foreign Mlaaloanry tbe beet waltaera, tbe Aoor Ailed i
rrsto- Tveebtes li»B* te *40. Da>rlo«
aoetoty oftheM. B. ehardh wUl iMal feet ebnffled, board* creaked, and 1
ell. Sl’lacrvoeekeerele tirerttev ebet
U the ebureh parton Wadpeeday attor- ball waa opened.
berv bwe teosto. trow »:»<«» e'< tark.
Booaatcw. Sah}ect. “OrphanageeU.
India.'* Mra. Kallofg will glre a-re- tbedlfficuliIty eapDJ
i-thoir A
port of the hraneb Beettag held at think
an aodirnoe for the flrst time and <
JackaoD. BcfraahBrata from 5
ing away diwperaiely at tbe Aral
o'doek. All are Invited.
and repeal of a alow wallx, bad no sneb
trooble. Hi- told ine^lcrward that bit
tbaugbt|''tbanktbamselve* and eamr
ilaU BB off
n-nmuing." and that be was eaiaeioui
ttoBa. there» will he-eoatesU
at I
of three dUUnct trains of iboogbt run­
a07B< h I atom Mraetpella la tea atntaa today. In bobc
e of Mr. Stine Janka ning on parallel trorka Tbe Ant oonthcB the rwBlia are awaited with at length irorived tto due t
eerutd Mr. dnitb. tbe delinquent mu.
ooBdderable intoreot and U nearly wu aaked to Addle for a dai
stcian; tbe eeooiid(sub>^«Bi *'wtast
Too may rvBeBber^at tbto gentle. very prrtty girl wBto'fte^oghi.'' so
Me BaJorlUee to It the par
Ban. wbo 'wai aeeond to none wten it the third, nooenud lb wal^ time, ran:
la Greater <Kew York the name to close qaarttve in tbe branding “Ob, 1 never can plav'Mu;b tbat reound
dealk ot Benry Ge<w»e haa coaplicated pen. or following a wild calf Ibrodf^ strain. I know i'll break down if I
Batten loBCwhot end orery eondldato tbe aagebrnab'. bod not one onnee of
To at
BlolBa OBoerb -Bojorily to eorry the Biudeal retwltr in tbe bnndred and
repeating the first atralu aome
oleetioB eafely. lo Detroit the recall sixty odd poenda of taU make np. yet tiniie J.'ukiaiade a dwts-raie effort lo
had a particular - SBfalUoo and an ntiOapltEl, $100,000
to o Better of eoBjeotore end both Saggltig seal to hereme a Addler. Tbe strike tbe serood movemoni, failed aud
The 'cello and Boaib organ
Bldwere hopefal. It to [qelte It
object 3l thia wrltii« to. tosbow'that be
Snrpliu, $86,000
■. for a tima
however, that the deta barcoaa
neelved ample retorne upon tbe acnland
ceoB to-do bealBea oboBt Are o'deck invesied, bat nevar euained to tbe amted tbe Atxir like boau becalmed on a OFFICERS—Pa
For K» many yean that tbe metuory
c( man nmaelb not to tbe cooirary be
OovKBxna PlaoBBi: eoB« «e^
tbeir own efforu, and tbe rest of us in Morgan, tnd Vice PrvUdenl; J.T. HnnpetUep btofool In It. when he boldly had packed a riolia in bU bed roll on
r tbe BU- nab. enabler: Aamuel GarUad. AaatoV
tbe annual round np. and at every op•otiAad the'navy departneat that
tie Btton- antOaehiar.
ptvtnnlty. when tbe day's work was
Mfehlcan would not dps a receipt for done, be ireined hia bow. Thrangbont ticn. Wbre tbe player broke down, DIRECTORS—Perry Bannah. A. Tracy
the wardilp YasUe when abe arrived tbe winter aontba. when work was tber^ waa oDly 'a gviM-ral movenient of Lay. Jaaiea Morgua, J. T. Bu
light and erenlngs long, be b&d prao- ImpBiienee. at tto inierrnption. aod I Aairuel lUrUndlooked lo see tbe persisteut Ji-uka start
the vaouT la good repair. Tbe depart- tioed feiifafully. if not InteUigeotly, in
np aguiu 00 tto same eight lueasona.
N. B -dddrem nil OellecUou and
uent promptly wired the governor Uat, tbe boukhouae nuiil banUbed by a But lie bad coiiivly r««>ve^d-hl* ulf
Uarerelptwa.noialgnedatoBeetoe|plcW*o.B to a ^by dugoni. where pemvaion. L^iiDg tto fidrili-aside, to Oomepondence regarding Banking
Halter to the Treveree City AtaUBank,
craft eroald be ordered elaewbreo.- »t
advanced lo meet tto girl at wbeoe reTraverae
City Mkh.
oiade the
baa been decided that iher* ataall be no
a^rded. to some
Lsa , you think.''
daisy in exacutlng the neeeasaiy doen-1
year^ onlAt bad boaatod
Bent npOB the arrival of •the■ boaL

'I man wbo
, . any
, it
U'ell. It dorse.
I and Jenki, seeing bow easy it waa de­
cided to bee.
• • * d(‘imatsiraiic«i."wb<' auvwcred. ''but T
was not his Am choice, but tbauk you mynincbfcir bvlping n«ant.
Tbe ragular Bsetiag of tbe Eiaswni Tto violin.’was
. aieyele aspslrtar a SpaeUny.
' nrtnnity. and. having ao
bis Arsf tqipur
Btar lodge wUl be held this eveolng at oppied it, bis or
nuSeof etbies bound him
Mr.H B.(1IMea*Aliiat rota.
Ml break tto critter or break tto ctoob.
AMproW Cycle a HU Os.. I
Jeuka took Tbe girl's band ftr lb» first ebero hr b»(* ta» awWW aa* •
Dunlel Dake to making aosa attract­
On tto t»tb of February there
proIttoB ■■ ta* WereC>Ml««e>^S
ive tBprevemento to hi* reeldenee leap year danos at BiebmoBd'a Tbto
a sncvwre
place was on a bUl to tbe boederUnd
proper^ on Aixth atreek
(any bout* afterward, m we rode |
a. oure. aewias
between tbe igws range ^ tbe settle-pity bomewanl in tbe gray light of,
The r^lar review of Traverae Ray BcBia And. however moeb onwboye
uiog. Jenks
j„i.. said
-Id to
» me. "Wh...
---------------------Blve. No. 71. wUl Beet thto aftorooua Bigbt les^ fannete and tarmeti devet%vnay girl wtou she laugba”
creprv Prtroc rorj lev. P
•t > o'clock U Moatagne hall.
''Wbai did sbe say about your playThree thoound beohels of poutoae rarely disturbed end tbe reoniry
reacneyw fty.le U* OHrtonayaKre
togri aaked.
mere shlived out vto the M. A N. E
''Raid I Bust play at tto next toap
Bioe voiced tbe general arnitBcnt tboa.
•saurday. lone ear eontMatog 1.070
“1 like 'em todansa everybody to n-to'p- year dance—1900 to not a leap year. UCvUerBdc.
DaleeatroaC. *<
meelgfat years
tog and a-akipplag. and If anybodytalU
Bd, WaldreBesnda the Exconn an down be gite up again.” Tto plain toIwenee
•oho of eBBBar in tbe ab^ of green
- pea Meaaoma. aqaaahMnuoM and ripe that at any other than ■ country dance
if one fail*'
Rime Jeuka is a rather tadtnre tel_
Baud endamerfala betThere will be a regular meeUng to­ tm. When leBilBd Rlce'e-aUeniloa to low, and 1 an not in his oanfidence,
tbe UbUotb Bank. K. of P. tbto. to explained that be in«aBt''ia bot 1 know ibal be goes pretty often to
UilL aod to baa traded bto
AU Air Kntghto are rwiaretod to ettend your mind.'' "it's like getting on to a
bucking borae any maming aflor toeak- Addle (ot a cow. 1 hare also ooticed
to transact importonl bualaau
(aetand beingdutuped.''said to. "You him studying a book wUUed''OoBA Urge quantity of game, Ineluding
don’t mind it mod, bat Jnsi tigbire (ortabla Ooitagei For t«oa”—O. R
•eue wildreu were bagged by Will your oineb auoibrr bole and cltiub ca OBubaa in San Franoiaeo Argonaut
lUrrow andliWill Blchards. wbe r«- again. But aoppoae yoa ore dring eone
torped from the Hog's Itoek yutarday.. fancy ridiug or roping at tbe conniy
I Im- fair and your saddle geu emptied, why,
yre feel so low down yon don't get over
it far a week."
bald Uat Friday been >o*tOnr boya ell went over to tbe dance
Oakland postmark. Hi-gtouoed at
It’s a Fall and Winter Shoe,
poaad to thto evcBlog. U will h* held at Rlc^moua'a and ■>»» one evidenUy it. rebbed bto ftmJMwd it^nvlvely a
to the Wut Aidephapel and all mem- told the eomtuittre that Mr. Jenks waa motm-nt and thru, without opening Ito
It's a Water Proof Shoe.
bere are-lurfva to atlond to consider a oampeteni Addler, for aoon after bis onTclipe. bae It iniobiia
arrival be waa appraacbed ty a bright
“Whydid yvo dotbair* atkod bis
Caai Monroe, formerly employed by eyed yoong wutnan, wbo aaked if ha panoer. '“niat might hare wjBBftned
bad toougbi bU violin.
suoHWblng of imponanre"
tbe Traveree City Iron work*, has ae*'Na I did not,” replied tbe startled
“No. it didn't. 1 wrote it myaetf.”
eniwd apoelUon u ran an engine at Jenka, neivaosly Angering a latpe ptode
“Are you ill tto babil of writing Ut­
ThompeoBvy^ F.. U Bwwart aajl of rcato wbieb be prodoeed from a ter* to yonnolP"
WUUb Chataey. aUo formerly of the pootot, “bnt If yoa want to uae it ru
■ Yea. I bare to. Mow. if 1 hadn't
Ifim works, have gone in Mantotee to to vtsy glad to go back to tto ranch wrimiB that yewetday and mailsd it I
'* btL IttoaoiyabouttOmUea'' would hare (oegotttoL that baneb <ff
work In Bay's maeklnc ahop.
vua told.” said tto girl. Joel breld. two doicti pasrt but«Ba.and Are
•Ugbtly abowing several white teeth, yard* of baiicloth that I have g« to go
Bd. NewtcawanttoFlfa Uks yea- •tbai yon cerry you widln aritb yon down Uiwo and bay ri^i dow. Udos,
wherever yoa go. end I'm soriy to And. tbougfa. t wrote a Irtter to myarif aboat
that it's not tree. Our music bae dUap^ aomotbiag 1 wanted to resHimbar and
L. E Baku of Rattoaa Bay. was In pototMl ns. tbti boom to foil of pet^ -fonna to mail it for two waeka.' "
Aown yesurdsy.
nod nobody ben to play (or tbcB bot n
Mia. U O. Itoyloe has letainad aflor •nallo aod a monib organ. Bat I think
we can gel a violin wltbin tom than M
•a axtsodad visit U tka euV
Mra. E L. Hprague to eetarUUUg ail«.'aiid”—berestoabewedbta tto
Tto loogerity enjoydd by aatrooa
fuU set—''will yon kindly play for nt
Mip Prank Lewto of Bay View.
U proverttaL and an astrcoamuml J
Lao RoUmoa hu gone back to Ligo- nnUl Mr. Hmitb airivesT”
"Mto. 1 Pbould to delighted,” mU nal glvtn a Icag Itot of ibem wbo bare
alsr after another car load of boreca.far exceeded tbe thrueeoon yean and
Mia. Wllltom Brown of .LeUnd to in
“Uh. thank yoa. no muchll' totat- ten. Amoogttoemlnont aameeare (to^ elty vtolUng hw son WUl of tha poied tto girl.
Heavy Solee. CaU Lin«l.BtiU
rioL wbo lived to 97. Uareline Hereriiel
"if 1 knew bow.” to eqnriniwd, to 98. Sir W. Benubel to 84. Nt<wt(B Dog and Coin Toea. It'eagenOo.
Bhgla oAlee.
Dr, O. C- JcolU CUM over from Sot- ••bat t don't Voaaee 1'b only learn- to84. Mai7 SomemUe to 9*. Halleyto
88. Sir Gedrge Ain-y to 9a Rir David
ton* Bay to spend Aonday. Ba regto- tog^ 1 can Jnst start a tow.
ron sore
nro yon
enn 'will
»«ll do ft weU.” ! Brewster to W. Air E AaUne to 9A
'Oh. 1] am
teredatPark Plan*..
•to replied. "«nd twill gorigbt oot ; Humboldt lo 90. Sebwabe to 88. Aantini
Mra. Hlnapeler. wbe baa been vtolt- andateid faran ineiroBenL” Andoto . to9l. oBd Fuotreelleto lOO BcguUrtog her daughter, Mra. E Aalsbuiy. buxried away.
I Ity of habit caodooee to icatgevlty in any
fi»^ July, baa retnreed to Uweaeo.
" JmA* waa Munirited and po^ I walk of Ufa. and it u a neoemie to tto
Bev. E ttoUbury'BoooBpanled her tnd
L orixBne to bad bofad to pUy ' asir<
wBit «B to BUtoieU. bh tormar
at entue tlina. hot thU
Idea. Be wee not U a hany.
•harga, wbtre to oWlehtad at a aarWanhwrEUek
111 Front At.
feo^ sad
tto Bight ole.
al^ Uto yaot toaaKtgpppa «aoogh.






J- I M


Goodyear Welt



In Box Calf
In CordoY-an
In Enamel.

ns OLD IQiUU saoQui,


i*Bui Ovtto-It'a aU right.
Da TMMnox—Yea I wear it and i
Wm Bxmtaa Finest I
Ono. LABxa—Wore It
U two
.wintare. Uhe it
FnAXs BMecH-YoubetUtoaUrigbt WouIdnHdoarttboetIt.
CAtt. C a. Wann-Olvea good rettofaeUco.
Treverre aty. Mich. Oet. ». IWT.
“Tin Baulvos CLormxo Co.“
Oento;-! aa weU acquaUted with tbs' “Jaros" UaThey are so soft aa toot to IrritaU tbe taadereatakiu. They ahaorb'tto
mototnre ao perfectly, and prevent tbe sudden eooliag. or ehangaa of the
tcBperetare of the body, (tbe uaual eanaee of eo]d»l. If yon can get
men and women of tbto plaee to we»r iheoi i instead of the Amp cot­
ton goods) there wUI be bat liule oompUUtef nasal catarrh, eoegba.
eolda. ^ Another point U theto^Uvor. they do not shrUh a* acet

Hamilton Clothing Co.


Take Off
Your Screens
and put up STORM SASH. If you haven’t
any we’d like to make yon some.

J. E. Greilick Co.
Misses’ Lace or Button,

ChoeoUte or
Oxhlaod Sboea. rise* i: to i. e
solid, for CSC puto, av A. 8. FRYMAN’S. XH East Proat AtrMt.

Shoe l>epartm$nt 2nd Floor
Largest and brighteot Shoe Salearoom in Northern Michigan.

November Days, Look Out for Squalls!!
to open the Fall
the sale and •
Departmeat, and to better fscilitaw
ha^Uld'outanumWhf Bargala Tabl^^d tore beoched^WgMtor^m^
.N<rte*ttom cloeely:""



inelsdlng all i
WalroTchlf. E .
Wcita. uad Flexible ae
•et sbapee and toea. patent leather aad
yre« A'
A Amiifaa
toilba aad other
eelgbratcd •teek tlpo. at lowwt prteea. W« hare
L B^Ur pricnfromlStoASto
for »l.».
Aee oor mea'a hand welt Box CMf
BaK neipeat ahapea, beaniiea worth
94 tv for 9> 88.
eo pain Woiuao'a Ane Doegola aad
Our line of men's ahoea at 91 U la the
Cbrome KW Betton and Lace, fair Btrongvet In tbe sUto. AU shapes and
atrich. aad flexible eolea. faahlosabU atylre. Cota. Bulldog. Globe. Lranox
abape* aad toes; regular AS.80 gred*; ato Yard Wide toea
all go at II ta
Woman'a Bos (UK- BalsoraU now
Lennox Me for gJ.iS.
A Urge line of Ladles’ Band Writ-,
and tarns at very low price*.
Children's eehooi shoes It to * .legnUr 8L*8. good ter 79 cento.

ChlMn’s brsm Tibh
Urns'Bvsm Wtli


IGD'I Btrfib nui R S

FkU and Bearer tUp per* Uaad»8c to
on and Uee
Felt and
1 ahapw for

lot of Meu’s fine aboea different goods and eoapare thcB with others
.a, good makta.
makea, ttaeli
ttaelndlng C M. at Me and 7Se Bore. Overebesa for
' ant* otbera, worth» 90 op men, wonwa and children, evary styU,
for 8I.X8
and price* away down.
Tto largest stock of Lc *
Ovore. F«H* aad Soeka U• tto
ettj ah
78 pairs Mea’a Ahoea, broken oliea. eat rate nricca
Hand Walta, Cork AoUe. burlhh BnMen's fVrteeUea* from BSe.
Boys' Paiteetlons froB 58c:
Aa iavitoUon Uaxtendsd If oU to'

Qian Block.

Travorak City. Midi.

If You Have Logs to Sell

.CorrespoDd with
. the Traverte City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engine^ Set Works, Carriages
And Saws. A complete Saw Mill Rant for saIc.






or ttM Way «h« Elaetien U Going
at tho Petit at OrMtor Now
York Tomorrow.

SMtMU). Lmm mm*

Oartf OM Ht. vub«|r*i f

tfwUoo or OoiuTol TracT.
Mob »(
tha Bapobtlc-aa Umnich tMMa.
Uaria, atoordlni to » ataumast
rwlarOar. lltal thr .VMC for IlacrT
Oaorg* Is the burvuctu ot
•ad U>c Brou will cunaldanblr varrcd
OM *0U or tba Clllaes*' Uslcs.
Abartuulr eoondwl tbai Brib low «U1
»0( (wnr a ilssle aaaamblr dtaidci Is
tba (•raaeU du oT New Turk, asd that
(he oBl)- ooe where there le any real
aeotMt between Trarr and Lew W IB
Twesty.nlsth.dletrtct. w-Ueb Tracy

TboBsSliatH tncbeakiill.
A aaoUrsi knot is e.loo (ml
A rtaa in DhSs la half an ^
A qtwrWr o( «4oih to »InchM.
A kinaiw tana Mb to
Or t».
nw royal Mna page to
A b« B tar a
A-M tvnU
netodttesABShnmto. •
A boi M Inobea I7 1S)< and fi inobea
tell vriU bold a hubol.
A I ont bresn ptora to three qnnr*
tonofantnch indianetir. -I A box »> Incbtn I9 IB and *4 twte
deepwm oanlainaterTol odlH bas^Md
r “^ov-bh-rii wnltc -«Af.."lb«ibeto.
-___ I A tboniMd sbii«l<a laid 4 inobM to
rbs Wwwie t'B4esb«ndly OBII This Tot

10il7 18 19
24 25 26

tiOB PAxn cuoa i nroKT
a* lUm. •»*


1897 NOVQIBEE. 1897

***"■ eh.
tn mem KM
siv netniMi
tbe wcatbur MH.
IsSlHi > <'baia|4eB «.*|>.
It of ruid.
Chelsea. I. T.. Noi-. L —’-T
Tacks are frtaii a <;h*rRT to a bnU
ohB Watka. a Creek Indian «bo sb...
Junaa Deer, another metnlier of hla own Incli. tbnigh. wlien arcloentally step­
ped ou. t^ liuFtb •ciua lobaBinltltribe, was lesally
plM Xiji-100. A punnd id tbe imallet
slsid riMtains IC.OOO tackK

Iba bMTtoft maDw Vinniac ttotMR
It tbe year started
iBdtos'yaoes woaltl bcTmcm popnlar
tf road wigond w« naad InsMad (d
Atromr Waring tbe pleasing name
jg light Lnnoh tomdng in tbe Kit*
■tcoe i^iate.
Conmees Km. I

taitwt—Wbat in tba wold baa Old
BnUpatofODe west fat
BoMfoB—Wby. ba's gone ovt (baa
in tbs bopa <g having KTO hair
tag adTOttsrw.—Ksw To^ XonmaL

Tbe Wife—Did tbe editor m T««
OMB had no mecitt
Tbe Post—Oh. no! Be mtevly mid It
ably Uw bast trotter ev« auldto ablpI van *t tbe kind tbw fnid for-—Town
ment to Soropa

FM Batter


JoeWbsetor. IKJT^.to tbe tasMt
new peiloniKS of tbe year. Ha standi
over 17 bands and to 4 yean old.

Pff PnM.

. Get yosr OyaUta tratn MrLdtoa A
A new stallioo bam, wbiob eo« $10.Aah. -Ibey ara fretb trom BalUaaora.
OM, baa iwomtly been conplMod at
Fatoben Wilkm tarm. Ingingtm, Ey.


. Tbe.Sagle Bird gelding Eagle Flaa«ir baa trotted to bto imud ot t ;1 S14
s «i;di oinereni oceuiaas uus man. , i.Tili^'then


Parkers, »«6) the faiteal gray ,.**T**“*f**-

“^ New Departure!


uiv 1iiichee
luy naito urv
«, ujchea Icaig
ride who should ssla her. Wsika kill'd and
BOO k>*!«'
tbiv pimud. b.xiawytariw
........ ...............
Deer and afterwanto married the Indian ,! nails
Bail are 3 Inobni atMl 80 jo tbcpotuxl.
maiden. Several days prior to the lli
*re^ Inuhin
wife's future


j, ,
htaae by King
I Wilkes, oot of Keiad. by Belmoot. own.
Dr. A. B. Spinney, of Dsti^n^^atoo
Niath East, kid., who bas t:M
aM, MU, wb«baii:W;^g^^j„of Reed City teiitari^ij}
, ^^
^ and ran aim pnee v«(7 Sangtoyoar tosrn. where iewM.
Temaia for ooe day ool>-to_giye thrf^.
tbs cddwartMcae, «U1 Hck an opportunity to eonault hita!
him at hto Saoitarinm.'
Us ao much faith la the;
waigb a pound.
I At Alltotown recently be
e beat a good
be bas had in treatiagj
1^. Aooording to tbe EagUsb aetfaod.
<dlbe beats In «:lTt,

public ezeculiuli
II aruunda.
he arrived', lire cruw'd
was wslUn*. The
prldmer assum«l
im«l hls poMtlon,
puMtlon, uo bett­
ym, It cUlhii, tarty over low by a ed knees with arms tied behind and a
^ L«t VDica. The majority by whk-b
OovfRtor Hlark delMled Porier Uat
Tbe rifle was plare^ In the bands of a j
year will be Just aboat tbe majority by
^rblcb Tracy will defeat Vas Wyrk. la
makes a UtUe niov thu tbr^
the borouiS of Uruuklys TriuT wU dlaoiiWred with tVe arnmina bliyod
mused by the deadly bullri. lAie last olgbUis in tbe circamftmioe. Tbe
beat Low 2 to L
her Walks ,wen|^to Kansas t'iiy
and Ovnuan
Btll the -other fellowe" are BOt l«UBS It
at that.- Tbey alao make
some dalma
Tbe district kadeia I
ipe. but r
tbe meeilas of tbe committee ob orsasl
hls ow n accord t
aatkai od Tammany Hall have made re* be carri^ uul.
porta Acvordlns td tbelr reiKiru Joba
pwsna m-a-oiri a
C.' ShMhab paid that Tammany's plur­
Osuses imiwrficially very dlvera *•*
ality IB the elecOon will br stsio. Ohae.
emrntiaJly tbr same in that tb«y
0'CoBDt>rHeiineM}.<fibe Henry Oetrse That He HmlsT
aaecOUve coBunUtre. said
i trum (tod still dr|«md omu
a hick
-r^-------------- -of
- In-

u an m.*



Onetff tbe gwotest yoong
.noxt TO
Atnerioa t« the lay gelding
Woodlawn by
now bring tniucd
aced three
Al« UcKay. Ur iwreotly paced
Betoby the results obtained by hU treatment.
All forms of ebronk diseases and de­
Yuiutg JiUL
in ama
amnuucw savwawaa.
aw mm.a aaa
« j
Sviygy, Til 8 4. pacing, gets bis ni
hmn tbe terms wbicb d.sisuatc kte tbr lunK ana and ninoo______ ____
He grado* j
are to Utin W. B Carter. Mexico. Mo.. [D^BA^
rears ago from demand, I
dcvclofkd bimaud hasdri'
a I&
years in gen^l^praclOhio! Iwas
ifter that
Ju key Kb
who bad tbe tnona*; o/Anatomy
in Detroit
on Bill.r Masni in tbr stekr nwv n««iP ________ .palhic
,c Medical
teal <College for f
ly. was nil
bit in
to me
the c.vr
eyr w
iiu s
a ciuu
clod u*
of:, years] was a
3 years Snpettnicnuvui wt
flying mod and su injorwd he conlii not! Alma and Ypsilanti Ssaitariams.
be CiribUwp. to
jj,,. moant on pitfall in ibe la* ' Thia experience, comWacd vfith many



bMts in *;I7.

*:ll Betoby

cor. t-wlQW^«


mto sUgbUy different bun thto.

OI^ASM'aa tbe doctor. He grado. i ^






UucAie ouu ot a most U vlng
Belweea us baa' sohslsted the
eoraiwnlensllp. I haw a clear under
Blaedlna of and -pmfound admlrallon
lor ail that he haw said and dune. A
man has but one life here to live. I
Wlemnly dedicate mine

New Y.rt I ataall h..ld myself pledged
to fulBll every roodHlon and premise
made ly him. and m.«t esi'eriallly shall
1 bring swin Justtc'e U|e t> Ifasae rul llc
. who f. r w
le the
o pe«.|le whom they
r..».l»d. To ail tbe
wmli 1 pfvclalm this;
Uy father's
Arnrk. as he nianred and pursued It.
yShall be carried forward without faP
terlitg cr swerving. 'Let all who took
hope at sigbl of hls sunddrd keep hesiii
and follow, for It presses oo. and riiall
pisaa cn and cn while life Is Jen.”
Oi-aiHa tx T«K IOWA noBC.
• V SsTMiam iaetlse rieMl;-!tetaaaha Cm
pHgm V«7 OulL
Dcs UclDca Is., th't. 1.—Tbe Iowa
campaign of ItoT is .
• The cbairmen of the rsspeellve com*
mluesa bare issued tbell
and cUims. Chairman
tbe Republlcana cstlmatca w majority
of at least 42.ass: Chairman Walsh, for
tbs Democrau I free B1

a bslaorvu
pell M.ew voi
«r. 5Unr of
publknn Ticket. Tbe • ITohiblUentsU
eialni ILtoO votes sod ibe "mlddle-of.
tbe-ruad" Fopullna. IP.OeO. -There are
six tickatt lo the Held;
nirer DenwcTsUc. natkmal'

ratic. People's.
> Labor. T
HOT are rcapK-IKeU ; I.
LeUod and
WUU. J. B. CUgglU. «.
C. A. Uoyd.
UactoB. Neb., Noe. L—Tbe eampalgn
to Nebraaks which virtually closed Sat­
urday nigbl has been tbe dullest, moat
nneventful. atoce yrars ag‘> wbea Ui..
BepuUiraa tnabrity pas so rrilaMr as
to-inake a on that UcliAt
equIvalsBl to an elei lion. PTve tickets
are IB tbr field and rondliluna
the same at tost year, with only iwputor
OomiWo lur
—toirrest tocking. Oom|iai.-l
bscn pvrfu-tcd by Ibe stiver f.ircSB com*
lebrssks Is kaoww as
I. the IMpnlMa aod

DamM-racy ot Chicago stopped
Btotolo or; lu way borne from New
York yest.rdsy alfrraoon. paraded up
and down the strsets, serensdod tbe lo­
cal DemoenttU' newspaper ofBce an<l
Mayor Harrison made s speech to a bto
erawd that hsd assembtod. Tbe party
toft for-Cbicago at T;IS Sunday eveotog.
Prior to comlDg to Ruffalo the Chleagoana ^ent mvenU hours at Niagara

cislon which erris tbe attem|.ts 1>f toe
tuHuclsU to eaclude the Mldd.:)e-uf.iheroad Popnliaw from tbe oRlrial faalM.
Tbs HMtlim to diamlw tbs superasdeu
which was graatad a few days ago was
dlimlamd. This will probably end the

Wa& Bapsrlor. Wla; Nov. 1.—CMef of
PrilneCrumpicn has nuttflad high wbeol
pupils that fo(4 baU gamaa mast b»
Hoimed. Hr sajs that be will treat a
game |asl as bs a«aU a prise flgbl ar
other dtoturtaiiee of tbe public ptaca. Tea Aiw CsarTtag a IwH—
Ulile JtAto:; Ark„ Nor. L-^w SBpeame court to tbs ease cf J. B. KHc
aad wife agatost r. J. Teaim. e* appsal fron tots dtp. daridsd that a hnahaad to responHhts for tbe Bebts rf tlw
•te coeirwried before marriags.

At 10 » Blancw tond. d, | «sl stnwv as tomteniiug nc* tMiy

Ac.ordlna to thr .dflcl.l


l..• ,oowlm«l that tombr


but the

Fire Insurance.

Free Storage
for Bicycles.

I and itae

AlfAeis.. Kill with Marshal Hlanro. the i.____
York. 1 (eel mess runlUcni < ( hts etecnew guvemor general of Chi>«. cn Iwiacd { gor own tiiuu.,to MnLlUrocwsUiutoa RThat
tlaa than J 'ever felt to ihr clvciiun of watrisMedc.a Havana yesterday morn- ! garM gg qtutnrilies o'. iDKv^in tbe
Bcao' Ceorge wh.> Is d-ad." James
log SI s:su. Al 7 o'vl.-t tbe Alfonso :
iiitcriuBicrialPolati.MK What-------------- '-------------,-----IL BerBolds (CIMieBS* l-Elon) mid;
-Ws Urlievr Ur. Lew Will he Heeled
Uanfuls ,
^ waUT. IB tbrnucaras «W ifl their
----------------by a Urge plurwmy. I exiwl that the tenant
Admiral ' Nsvairo
aad aorrciondiBga whulrvi-r thrir prmeot
Silk fringta, especially in tbe ni
majority of tbr (leurge men will sioBd Abuntada.
by tbe SOB of the man who for st> masy
yaara stood by tbem.'*
< oca-P^
put. oreruppiug bto. fold. ^ in^
it Bewry '
ricnfcremv M*,SrTwi wey'er to-**^*"
tto-ir pcJihoU or au inch mid • baU
an-ilw only
yleld.d up MS command to hts sacc- ' and tailllary Kupartauce. In tbo bruad- dacTwatlon ai tbr top of tbr new iJrevea

^ QnESTioN' V
OF SAFBT.Y. .. *

I'A*. .. «Ai o» uu« w r;*7'
thecooniitry, and examinln

|lng thou
I prepared him to care when the general to isosr who issts tocir wSwU-wIUbs tor
I oractitioner
faile. ______
beeaaick iv.rws«»Uas or sspwm smug tos wisuv. I
llw yearmT
Are you dlseouraged? wtuchar*.mwaiagtorcwrrail sistwgw



"c^ you or not. ll we cannot
cure you, w/^iU «U you what relief
wej^o give
B^RemeiBheT, om month vrtll «

Bnsalan blouam c< black and mane of j



Uiedark.ridi Hiad« of 'rJvri. «i««i 1

Vh^ ^re^cST^So^^

}^. Bl«h ^ Uua g«
f«r, win be wcenwlth siU |0^‘ ‘^etb^of trc7lirat^lUhff?:
l'*'' ; both an. links in a chain <rf.«nmuwra- and
.bJ cloth
doth skina
I known br all the acboolK with tbe aid

Urutenant nrn. ral Weyirr and Mar- i
.... ....................... .....
U«rd ihr Alf.irs.. Xlll.aBd the wteamer
U..miwrrai rail'd al
It J1 o'ctoch
o'ctoch D.
p- m. She
r by np.
4ttrd outsnir the
tun toilrn with
p frlrnds of
thr di-parllDg
owd •'»*
Ihi dritfiitur.- :r»in tbr wharves.

We bare Klwdike cnlUn

j B"** »**
I oumpatvd with
e of tbfie commoo frattuna

on our ' •*

>.a.u.u ^
ms system^^^

tiua from the mlA

1 oB abd^^iitaiT. which eondition ita display the truuniing which eones'ii
of am pow.
entely oe ratendi tip eitbm side to


MMlumorau. as' to abowii by iu buMp. It ucTM) man. fim-iWy true <d
4-WIWMM 1.WW W.lto
tbe Cbrtbtxan. partly InunH. tbe cunCbicag.’. Nt>>. t.—Jn
pmr eff its aboriw docs nut. ss to tbe
dn-ldrC that MarihS
Irto.UFB is the Medlterramtto pmiuuulaa. tbnist ibe
Widow ot Allen
..rj' and
sns^nof the land so tor nod
Bbuul tl.ew.uat'of h!s .lri>l
riJ. r-Tuli
imu tbe seni istftly...................................
Ku. totan
al. Li ihlr.y*..!h»r h<lr>...............Jeged marriage »ss pert.'rroed by ai hlstortuU aOte«dotiU alnsuij- aUOdtd
womaci wM- Tad no auiix.ritr to per*^t>h to tbe obanchtr of Ibe lirst ciuo'Itbout a nists and from -the shortness
form such .vmr'tiles srd 'without
shortneas of ibe
“fwmmoB time tbe gronud has
to ciTUixed
he belts
tow marrlsr.
have appravd
ABBREVto-fco TELEGRAKB..ftecretsry Aerniai. left WsjihItigten
for Ma'.sfl.;<!. U.. Katurday night to

s; wied. skifUeg »s sirfksrir omb
wo pwtiiia P<r OHnsto-LIgbt r
ed to aswMa' wi'asksr; aonb
:cwDto PwMimimB-Ooadrwsall
mewsrs: Ugbl to trsto rmiahkiwt
. Fiw Whs

— •

! Still on IDOCk

w irriistVi

at the Old Stand.

Ovcnkirif cr draperies are said to be
fully eaulJisbed to fasbicn's.favur, but ptsHaimUsUsd
al pnem they apianr nioatly in aide
pnnela ruaebing To the bonon
b shows betwMB tanok
drese skirt, which
hod front
fitutim. ts.tb at the back and <
mtw I»..ld»eM.d to tbe orar future,
so we ran coctanplatc the prospect ct a
trauMwmatioO to <Kir
r flgaito
will al lenri bare the merit <ff itiAng
tbe rraltotie Fnsofa tcitrb to <mr tosh

ca-cyiAU-A -n-yA..Aa.A,.i;.;;^„“^yg5;^
.•rrTz v«k a™.

The . Ideal daughter of Ibe h«r, pre*
^rrptlve of a minor OrrmaD court In­
sists u|s>R ms trying a toefcry
court. In fsiT marriage Is mid
a nerwrity. •'
FvWlrsrd parriere. a crank from
Relnor.»kl. Qoe., who went to Ottawa,
with the avowed Inlentloa of killing
Lauricr. thr premier of Caimda. was
sent to an Beylum.
At He>'wo-d. England. Mellor. -the
chanpl'n mlddlc-welgh'l
wrestler of
Kngt^.d. defeated Jack Omy. the 14Cpound. cham|.lin of- Amerira. llellor
Aron two.out cf three falls.
John Duhti. former asslslanl lo Pre Si*
dent fltuyvemnt FWi. trf the Illinois
Ontral railroad, riled Saturday monilr.g
at 1 o'clock at Chh-syo. He was
i; years rid. a native of Engtoad.
CrionrtWaring.cvmmtoalooer of stint
cleanlBg at N’eg Yorje. bos brought salt
fw libel against Richard Croker for
RgD.asg datragea for rhatvlng him srith
runnlnp hls department lo bis own ad­
One msB arms kOIed and another Cbtofly injured by ah ssplasloii of dynatntle IB a shaft of the serthweat toed
tuanei at Cbtoagn. Tbr dmd nan was
‘WHUsm Selllratr. Patrick Imerrcnoe Is
lbs other.


apan tran tbe Cniied titatra—any land
Tbe bjg'uty. advantage and gttMcally
power at aU cumparable lo Uium-graat beocantog effect of tbe irln

atnogtb llm to their amuea tor
ion books, and
(baa in tbcir navies.
tbe teasoB's special fashions, bol as yel
Bo far as uatioial inrilwatlotts, as dto- It to raraly smir ontside of the draw*
tlnct fnan the raorionsaodotia of saws- makw's prectoctn
be dlmunsed. to Urn Medlt«*'i
Tbe new puke bonnet to a team
; when it traiD^B iretty faoa It tomada
Britoto. FYaara
Pram and Italy, aw ow«ed. ^
^ riSi^aad pUa, wiih
to tbe land powen. Umnaay. Aottrla
““ia-BiedtwB high iTowiiAndaB
and Snaaia. and tbe '
I wide brimwhiefa dlmpprar* ~>ri ^at
tloB. DoabBOtbeaotoauynoarfnturai .

foURlrifTlt.'-s are puling allvrr del*
tore put in ir.> soulbwest heller than
ITr.tle Fom's.
Bran h Ugbl at Rama Ana.Cal. mads
a mile ir.
He is a x.year*old and
tbe Hiue Is a record.
The i*.• il’s.l Iron company baa
posted rollers cf sB locressr of wages
' tif all Us 1' *» Vmplm es.
A rwlsl.le edu.alur and oralw. PrOfepsdr William D Bandm. died at 'Jackaonvllle. Ills.. Friday night.
Reuresentatlvea of IM ysebt clobs tn
e Ito'ied fStates and Canada
New Tcrk and •irganla'd the Tacht
Raring I'bIob •* North AmerUw.
The tTOpe* dtotoSM betwi
Hiss Roar Rllingrr. anAmerlcM from !
Wsirrlou, la., Mrg Iwfore Rmpercr to tbo width of CDS eya
William at a caBmr last week. Hit.
maJeMv compitmemed Ibe singer upoa
her K.Irr,

.-Meriag are lbs

- «J

Many of the new aklrta i

Vrnr.s" and'^hi|


•<Wte to K> nra as a dsy In JbmP*^
"A (%inaiimii with tide wbteRa to
rang,''—-Kew York Sopday JottaaL

RUPTURB. Also, ore 1 see a lying^n
hospital department li ottr Banitar
lam. Bead for Journa'.

DR. SHHIEyS^.^&aS/SSli. Th' Enterprise Grocery
SSta'ami «“'**'**“**“ ‘^"■^'**^1*®
doiOg busioess OD
Froirt Street, just w«t of
Grand Opera
Jno. R. Santo,
j House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be foand in the city.


Enterprise 6nKiei7,


-John Verly.
-Front Street.

Our Opening 'was
a Gruid Success!


W. J. ROBlKBCa;. Mai

—Watch Kepairing..'


B. cr. DM:oEC3-.^2sr

> o±ty-.


was thronged with bnjrera WHO POUND

. :

They’ll Come Back
oecaaee they foued goods as advertised, both
inPriceandQaality, NEW GOODS, LOW
PRICES will cootiaoe to prevail at

Brosch Block


Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ST
tarrb Madtotoe naad by Vapor IsbaUttte & 8 WAlT.,.OtVf<«t-



Also everything in the line of

Goods prompUy deiivei


Olden by Phone given qoiok tttention.





tAha'MM la Uaei.hat«Mamaaa
Oewde Alan# the ■eola
The pramarian which aoeorapaoled
the ramalna to BrooUmwaaln maar re.
aperta the moal iwmarhAhl* ever witnaaard la Nrw York. The catafahiae

Which It to Sty. on tht MotropeW
htn Joumtltpf tfwWin^
Wertd> FtJr Ohy.

> KattMHwwl

Oalr •>-> Mm wiM •• i«
feat wtda. Tbefe ware dvr alapa laa-lMU l^fcr
■to* M IM I>Mt BMrd AU 0*«r Uw
Allew BUI Mri the H twIagM-Lagw-Day*
ltd hr aixtoen Kiwoma.
—Koemiy la AftMDIaaaeBpBeebaw.
•nlr emUatc on the top of the oai
Nm Tof*. Nm. l—a BonnliK utr.
Chlc^o. Nn>-. L — Ouvernor Tanner
aaU while arreaih. The arpi
A tntf-«u1ckpepcop>e.mtardmralu>uM
(ound'Hle opponunlly of bla life Balur.
boaor U> Ute nw wbo b«4 UUec In Um
day Bight at the rvrular meeting and
tetU* for what br.MlFvod to b* ibc
banquet of the Comm.rrial club Aa
rtdit. Hash' Owt**.
ct itae clu' with the aub}e«t
«ncte-ta«. l«a«<T cf iba New Jeftermuf taxation befur- Q 41 tor dlaniaalOB.
IhB Oeoiorrart. «(H<*aa on the eve .4 onmber of follawen. and II waa ran- be let kriwe the vlaU cf hla wrath upon
alacfUoai. waa honored aa oo pftvate rlt' mrvaUvely eeUmaird thal whan thr
pnrtr pamrd Tblitr-fourtb atiwet 00
IM of Amtriea woe ner Dnored he>
tore. PubUc' grioTi hare bna maar >a
»i*e «reat mrlrupollt of the weei -ra
“■ —•
; many have
ave ‘bece Mniwralr
hunraed, but Bone—ea'
•ave be who Vral
' to otaraal real aner bavtiic aerred hia
\heoHe aa a leader of aOldiera and aa
thief -ecacallrc of athe laad-dmd Uhl
al bla trier euch evidemn of puhlh
(tM. widaahRad aorruw and ataoare
wawfhlad aa waa Uid al the Mar of
Uanry Ooorcr. No one wuuW parniu a
reminder that hr had be>ee a candtdale
r warfare oa tbcM he l.'Urvei
warassanilni «:
reraltt the all
lloa ^1 fell
the palltiral ruairum; be waa rdmembrred onlr aa a nr^an who no loved tba
peopl* Chat he mve bla Ufa for them.
Whale Dnr belated ta eanw*.
M: tbouaanf
heiored fcj
amlllna aer
Btfteeni niloOtia npua the dead. In ev•rr lesiple of Ood. wherever men path.
•rnd to wonhlp or catheird lo baar
teiuilee BDd pbllgaophr. taught, gar-hmdi of pralae were iweiowrd upon the
maRkorr at- tba revervU dead. Ia ibe
vaai auditorium whne thr dead reeled.
. .
Cbriauana. Bonum CathoUce and epB*
ropalUne-wlih hmrta wrung with pala
apuke worda wbleh’nmfmnedly fell far
abort of the great wavea of emuUoa
that aoughi to And uuaraare. Not a
dlfMlIng voice waa beard. to the
Aerlaratlun that Henry Oeorge waa'a
fover of the i>eo'{^. who hr liellrved
lumanlty might live.
Thr rulngtre

e dar
. *lth 1 .
W'ho Wlehrd
thr fuaeral cortege
a> It '| a»rd
pioceaalon down
>e«'e grealeet
ai r<M tv the Brooklyn city
the puMk have over the body {o
family. aW the oaafcet waa taken I o lo'
brone'ui Fort Hamllloo. from which n


Thafv were marfca of raapect all alorf
the tine. Bared hcada won the rule oa
both MdfO of the atreet «nd maar bmb
a^ women were noUcod to be ootag.
B’hea the open Moe la front id the
huUla la Twealy-thlrd and Tventrftflh atreeia waa reached there waa an
ahomona crowd. There were a niimlwr
of old mm here who neme^
______ ______Irt. for Iber atood wUh
Imr^ beada from the Ctme the police
appeared UDIII oearly all the pnvemloa
had paaeed them. B'bro the aoulh aide
of t'olun aqoare a-aa reached the latid
irrreded the catafalque ':cll
and lal
ay« a dirge while th* reMewalk pUy.


aa t o'eluck e a (he bead id the
a fouogrd In
Bruadwar again
leecilb elreet. An eiphclan:
of Oeorge worablpere naaked
Iwar at Canal eCrael. Here It aaa
noticed that there waa much weepluf.
The proceealim fran that paint to City
for tba
Ball 'path waa'without Inddem atte earefuliy prepared
•enl to a bKitT’anack
for a repetition of ibe acenee of griaf governor gave veal
U;> "moi^^tgaMk
lied Ur*
which had been maalfealed along Ibe upon what be called
entire route.
rmatdenl .Md WIfc TIM (be Bnehii]
toy bad noetiBuoua ovatlotB la tbla clly
Baturdmy from the time of bU arr-val
at lfi:U a. m. till after mldBlgbl. when
thr banquet of the CununeiVlal dub
(Where he made a wpeech) waa uvrr. Ha
roeetved ovalluna all along the UttU
Miami valley raachlng the vlly.
When the prvaldeollal party |rft Ibe
train al Turrenre Hoada there yvaa a
muIUludevt aurbufbanKm there tugrect
him and the ovatim continued en route
to Walnut UllU. Then followed the
ovallana eg ronlr Into the clly at noon,
the public receptlona by the Chaniu.r of
Comm.Tce axtd Ibe Toung Men'i PuvInem club In the afternoon. Frum them
gowm Iowa rerepiPma the prraldeBlIal
ponj waa driven beck tn Walnut Htlli
to the ftcbmldlap minalun. t<. attend a
miialcale In honor of Hra Mcklnley.

era'for damagee. He waa conUdem tho:
be waa ameuible Co the crtmlnal Uw for
tlbdouB language, and lavltcd pranecu.
iU aatened Ihat a (allure on the part
«f the pubUaher* to bring' aa acUon
agaloM bim would convict them of all
the charge* hr had Rtadc. That there
iBi^l be no truuhle aa tn bringing the
aun he culled one of the e^hon be de­
nounced by Banw. "Tba newnpaper iruat
U an anarchy tuewiler.*' xaid be. -|t
tnvadea the penKralWriea and draga out
atorle* lo uar agalnat boneat rocD. Jt
complain* uf unequal taxation, but pay*
a lower pruporUoD of uxr* than ary
«her tnatliuiluD. Jt lower* the *tanda>d
of public mirala By tt* unfair way*
It bM loel ite iiuwrr for iniUlc good cn ■
llrely. It U pruverblal thal nolxidy beIIA'c* any linger elhat be *ee> In theae
|«pee*. There I* no greater menace lo
tbe pulillc welfare than the tone of tbit
venal rew*|wper trust.*'
h*r* lb* rxpee* A'rk (ar mte.
xoverpor char
puhlbriiers with all
lUuUvea Tbe ne**»>«|>ei* were for aale,
be claimed, (or art remalderatlon that
night be olT«r<d. Tb.. fact had become
go ru.turlouf that Hrol pruenoler of a
public enlrrpiiae knew lhal the flIUt
aiep inward autcea* for hla wbeme waa
lo obtain the support of the new t|>apcrs.
Rcferrini lo attacks made upon him in
oonrwclloti with west side park board

neodon Baboook baa Mgsad yritb
Chariaa Frobmaa lar "The Zrtapb c«
eoree hlama. thouab dh«r did net
Cbariea B. Ooebnaa'a plat («r as
mr ear. • • • bui 1 hitow, and rot> "tsdayasdcMt tbuMr" is Kev Yoek
know, a^ The Trlboar hnew, wbea U
race, wfakh appeafd the next moralBc wnpur ww aooo to cloae ia dcatlad bj
la lia oolumna, thatlt waa ^le. • • • Um txflumnr'* nT'«M>tatlva
■■Later, whan mr vlalt to the Naih*
David Warflald hot tvtini bun tba
rUIa aaposlUaa <
aatirf "TbuBeUeof New York" aid
goao to San Fnnoiaoo for a luM.
nothing but what ether governor* of haa
Ode!) Wiinaaa. Sbaridan Biak.
&Mt Haating*. Una Bon and Lillian

me aa a coward and
afrald,.c,r yellow fever-the law charge
wtrtrt. I bad Mppoaed would ever be
broughi agalnat roe-and aa a liar, who
bad mlereptcaented the fee'lngs of the
alaS. Toaupport Ible falaeboodit aought
by aa Ingenloualy worded telegram to
the marabera of av oIBcial family to
aeoore fium than rapUai which could be
dlatorted ao aa to appear like a eonof lu meaa and ooetcmptlble
want UUa
Ibunc wired to varloui peraona
the train and at the railway aula. aaying that It was reporled In
Ooveraor TanaeFa trip
waa for thr purpom of poker yriaytag:
that my party (which Indoded my wile
and thr wivre of every other gentleman who ac«vi
for high aUk'e. and that I «
Inner. *tnvv*Ugate thoroughly and wire
the facte.' To a newapaper reporter In
Deadwood It telegraphed: Viet all the
facta; are ponert on the car and write
up a good etfiry for The Tribune.' *'

Scrapt&i. Pa., Nov. 1,-The moat fatal
mine dlaaatcr in the Lackawanna, or
Wyoming, coal flelda alace. th« Twin
Bharrhorror at Pltixtoo over a year
ago wae developed lo the fln which
gutted the Blver BI<WM of the Delawc
company'a Von Bioreb
Hudwm cor

mi »w- irt~.a(V«
Joirf aabnnsn. U»a idnidM urtm ^
| peniud ben aone yean ago m so inbat
{Oudigy. will IMuni lO |lb7 tUl maOB
iwlth Ibeodoun
‘ —
Hdnxy E. DinyaigBed Uatwaek to
tov H a BvMidigltBtRtf. uDdar Bdwwd L. 1


n." who !».

Ever Burned Ouff

124 e U Jft.AJfl’OSU

Suits to Order.
Fine M^chaat Tailoring.

Mmoale Bleek. Oataa tiraM.

See Our New lin

Picture Mouldings

debataaAsacl«rin"Tballaanaf (fan
Olga Netfaamla wboan LoBdon aaam will iKgln next uonth. baa baas requaated to appear Is "Detilae" before
tbe Prinoe and Piinoaea of Walaa at
Sandringtiam iwlaoc
Miu. Lealle Oarler will apptv ta a
uaw play In New Y(gk aarly seart aaa•cai. Tbc charecW which aba will
crlginatF will brmtln-lydtSarcBt tram
that of Uaiylaod Onlviwt
atanagor m
vt naniry
Hanl^'aa oompany.
! boded by Waller E. Puikl&a and Eva
B A Du Sooebet'a
Wile’a ^
lek-ad fucanUy. Tbe pieoa wiU be »■
I «riuan

eruil Bpiti i Iidim LI


^ , Polapder «
u,* dead
g«d for iwl
a«rhUe. Tbe dead arc;
AttdRMTa at Law.
Thomas lilU. boas; Jobd FarreU. com­
la ^ugee Week, riararee City. Mleb.
pany man; John FrancU Moraa. drivsr;
Michael Walsh. lalurer; John McDoanelUmlneriTbomasPaddeD. Tbemlaslng
BnsiitBsa CAJUis.
men were al work In the deck and aurvelna. Ibe former m and the latter
Mity feet from the eurface. They bad
but two avenue* of eccape. Tbe shorter sad caevcysselag. tltPyasiai
i'waa by way of the tlopr. which
a aea of flamea. and Ihe other
■ wu via crom-cuta to rangwa>-*
Vhlcb lead to ao air abaft nearly a mile
frum the M>ot where the men werework/TAaigg 8OUT0W. H D.. Phyaletaa aai
leg ta Tie's*■* City.
workings prv'venled earape through (be
ila. Miner* and city Branco In
tbalr eRorU lo fight Ihe Are In the
ilope werv bandleapprd hy neveral ex'
oof, caueed
d b>
by the
burning of the tl
*. and by the (ear
ent downward Inf upward Thr urorker* 1
>( the Walt*. Chief Hl<^e]

Thv>- were driving Ibe wnoke before
by tbe nse td weter front a big
tpray noxxle when the air current waa
I aullixnes glltiend In her ewre and eumc
changed at the abkfi and tbe amoks
! pearl* and d.lamond* gtekmed am >ng
wal hew Turh-A
loped, the party. They groped tbeir
berUcea Tbe llltk saimldtap children
. »0 («ct to the opening and eolNew T<irk. Nuv. 1.—Tbe body of Han- hoverrd about bar chair eocetaoily and
lapM In the open air.
her me« devoted adntrvrx. Tbe
ry Oevrur lay In .rute yeetrrday la (ha were
Joseph Tomaskl. oar of the mtn.engroup made a charming picture. Mtu.
Orand Cmlral palace apd UO.aau people MfK
.omled In (be mine, was rescued al IB
Klnley'a aafl gray bair and
O'clock BstuRlay eight. The bodies of
retereDlly iwbaed tbe caakri and looked profile broughi out by the dark
Dibet men w-erv afierwarde found
upon tbe fatv uf tbe dead phllueupbrr. ground of the rweved high back of the
br\>^bt lo jhe sorface. Tbe Pole
Fratu > o'cliick In tbe muiulna till 1 la
tir and (ha buy a i girl In Mg’lace
tn aa Inf^-lew explained that when a.s
lar* perrlld 00 1 e br>wd ana* of
tbe afternoon a etrcam of mra. women
began to suffer their death

' and cbildren puined laiu tbe haiL In tbe the rhali
early dawn the body waa moved la a
low hi
plain heerae from Cbka Square hotel Itenut Hllla M. E. ctasrcdi. wplch It
to Uw Uraad Central palace, unattended
d (aa. Mver w hich he placed 1
had been friendly lo me and lo my admve by Uw guarda of bvnur and (our
mlnIciralloB. Immediately upon tbetx l>ox sad In that Inaened hU bead. H
puUcetnrn. Behind tbe btarae came a
removal II publlabcd a iwo-mlumn ar­
aUtgle carriage; Anna Ueprge. the
youngeot daugMer, who lualaied upon Ofclefoflbo lUlMt. MIm WoHweeftalof ticle virulently attaciilng my adminis­
tration nnd myaeir personally. From
aocompanylrkg lb.- body to the Orand
,^'Wga. Nov. 1.—FoiJow'Ing are the
Central iwlace. No pereuaaum conld
RprlngfleM. lUa, Nuv. l._Tbc axeco- than, until now it haa puiwoed me.
AUaeh M iMtetaUve BMer.
cor** in the principsi college fool ball'
attar her from her purpoae. WeaplBg tlve Uwrd of the I'ntUd Mine Workera
"Wbea Che Allen Ull was pending, and games Raiurday: ‘ Qilcago I*. IlUnol*
Muerly ahe aloud at tbe bead of tb* of llUniM met In ihia city Batanlay and
BUire al the hoUl and bTgged to be ooradderrd tbe diargea of bribery, made upon IU third nading In tbe houa*. U; Wlacunain n. HlBheauts O: KaaBta
The Tribune announced thal Hr. Terkve H. toWu 0;'NorihWf«tern (. Pbralrisn*
permlll.d to go. Keadlnaa provlag in
1*1 Pn-eldent Jaraea M. Caraun. was reported 10 be paying ll.«e each
nd Fiirgewn* 0: Purdue <*. Indtana «;
vain ahe l.-catne importunate and rrlarturd *4. Cornell 1; Tale I. tVasI
fuaed l« p-rniK tbe body to be tahet. Th** reeuli of their drllberatlona waa for vote* for Ihat nMaaure. It doubl­
ed whetber lhe bill would pass, but ex- .ulnl 6, Pilncelun M! Darimouth •;
away unlem ehe aMMnpanled It. wbkh
organUallun (or a prrl'd <ri Mx montba prerard (be "irinlon thal If It d|d the Pennerl'wnla *i. Brown «; Anrapolla-dl.
abe llnaily did.
ghvernor would veto IL because, Mtould Penn.-ylvanls Ftatr •; Indiana SZ,»PenDThe m/wd paeerd by the conn at (he
lenoubllc would begin 1
be sign II. the pul
■ylvanl* CoUegn #; LafayMte IA Larate of from l.»a to <.NS an hour.
Auguat l.ewta a i.mmlnerl alogla-ux- dmd hi* rewlgnallon aa pnwtdent of figure oul thr vali
or. wept iritlerly ai ha paaaod by. and the I'nlird Uir« Workera of the alale, on IlM baaU of tl.
Ita^WlUara I* Iwve tbe TempU.
Uaderly laid a bunch of violeta on the i Vico. ITwIUenl James M. Uuntar waa
I MllUrd le to
gUm. The floral drvarallou were pro*
itO' foe the temple. Hey
row. A mam »f *r«*tbed flowi-re waa
than all tbe votea rwat for Ihe bill pul plan of aaUing fbr Europe Nov. H has
aciit by tbe Chlragu Single Tax dob.
Chicagu. Nov. 1.—A new a
together, • • • This partlrvler bill been given up eatlrriy. 'Tutt! w« aow
plalfcir n Nuod a
At the front of L
Luelgrn caae Salurtay: pamrd by a majoriiy of nearly two- lo the gentiles." she m)-*. "White ribvrloped In t
buai of Uie fallen leader roodeicd by hu
bla !I Altorney
Pbalen received the In- thirds In each of the two house*. Of boBcrw ara not to b» aeked for help-"
aun Ktchard. At tlU' foo] of the |•edreuI
Mlm Willard will appeal parannaUr to
that Hra. Loulae Loetgeri'a
-Tjp«m ublcb the Iwoiiae rreted were nu- fomiailon
rich friend*. On* woman, whose name
mlaelbg brother la new living in the floral irlboiea Includiagwcr — ; viclnit
vicinity of Ihieblo, Colo., and nculd be for it. More l>ian W.WO tagpoyer* and oaannl f>e learned. U expected to make
from one arm of which hung a wre
-oduced bare In Chicago at Ibe eecond legal vntrra of Uie-rity nf Chicago a d<aiam>B Iremedlately of CMAMphnlu.
of while arfl] pink roaca from Mr.,
tgerl. ThU mlaalng brother elfurd and prraentfd a petition for tbe
aeems to Have tteowgli Aeeam
lira Tom L. Johnaim: a wraath of
Igerl and c.r Deluicb Ulck- pamage of the bllL"
fBoriellea and pink orebtda. from Jooepb
jUtron, a, Nov. I.-Lai* Saturday
dbupr«ared Iwiniy-iwci year* ago
puUtaer;r..«w andcl
Rlebard P. Marvoa waa ap­
aim oHJCAOojrmEm a maf. afiernom
j ar.d had never born heard of aince. But
pointed rvwrivvr of the Werner eom, __
I ihrf ush all Ihote year* be appear* to
They flbawM M Wee* Ooni paity. the big printing vstabitahmeni
hill i
warAJertrg In a partially de- 1UU* Them
w ith erorka here and a brazmh In Chi­
rib They net* Nat TrM
among ....

a pari
The governor thee mid that If tba cago. The UablUtlm ara given as !»».ramh.t In Ihe r.cighborbood uf Pueblo.
the auditorium werv nwerved fee Ihe
Allen wn burl Chicago It would be to- am. Bbd ih* I
tamlly. thr Inunnlute frlcnda of Uw
eanae of a venal council slacted by lb*
«en«ai4, Ihe pall-lMrerw and the uahChicago.' NOV. L—Tbe body of John mh.... or rhtragn If Chkago eltisene
ara All tbe reel of the main floor ww* Coatouric. riddled With ala bulleta. waa ;
.-^^Icb they dare act
op«i to Ihe crowd, and li look but a found In the old Archer road, four nQra elecVad
Tbey mag -«sa mve tb* Ossa^’*
Miort time lo flll tba hall. The pUl- aoutb of Will#* Springs.
>ringa. at an early in«l. It U uselem for lha people of ibl#
Bnnalo. Nov, L-At Ibe W. C. T.
foem. of noorpe, waa reaerved. Tbe
Saturday mornli
aing. (jy bl* wife, grant.and magnlBeetii city to run down
Saturday a larg* number of
pall-benrvra were T.m L. Jabnaoa, Au- who It now under pulloa hurvaUlance, to Springflald and appeal to tba leglNa. eonveniloa
(rateroa) ahd,vlalUtig daiagatas •
gual 1-cwla, Andrew McLean, Thomaj and who mys ah* had growe atai
._r and t'.re novel__ .. .. .
'-ir there wn.
U. Bbrarroan, Arthur. HcKwen, Loula al hU abaemv from tb* booae. and with (lutn tbe reeulu of Iheir own IndlSerr. Fan. Jerome O-NHIl and Cbarle* «*r mue daughier bad gun* 001 In ,,
^ thelr
.__own Intereata
Fredeele Adama Tbe horrurarr pall- Bcarab of him He was lying heride n 1*“
. Tb'B la a fundsbwrtTU. w»ne ^ whom ml an tbe plsl- smolderingliruah (Ire and bad beer dead t »» »*“M**f
•denttwratk lastltuferm. iMdvded Mayor William L sm.e h-virs. He had gone out wane
rapubilean goveramenu
Sirorg. ut New Tork. and Mayor Frril- bouri before lo see about the lira la UMa .. . And
of _T*pui
ThU U what tbe newapaper trual clam­
■ Wureler. of Brooklyn. Mayor
ored (or. und thi* U What the general
■thep amembly ha* given them. • • •
"Ii (tb* "newapaper tmat' l iiialnualed that my Mgnalure to the AUan
n electrical typairtting ap- WU was procured by bribery, a rhaige
u which, at a oust of lUi. can which 1 disdained to noUra. If ibll U
h a telegraph wira and true 1 ought to be Impeached, and «an The deflcjl for the moaHl waa M.MtOI.
be Imjwacbed and removed from tbe or »1.WS.T» grealer than the deflcll fur
which an typed
nr, Mehtv Newum. who wae Oeorge'
keyl>oard at one end, are reproducoj 1 . high ofllew wblcb II 1* pretended I ba\-e the mme monih last year.
warm neawnaal friend a* wHI as paaKv
I dlagrwced."
the other end.
r*«d the EpIscoisJ Wrlal eervlca. Di
Dlga*l Kill EMwgh tor AtqwIttaL
1 Rovernor Tanner then referred to U»t
Nrwlon did bet wear hi* rrlexUy robe*
Watenowa. N. T.. Nor. l.-Bdward
ThtefB-totfc Mast af the MMey.
! fctaae*
a for him oo
on Ibe atrerir
atrerlr the
thr day Of
and there were no rff-otoo. At ih*
a tialnaa. allaa Oriug* ADan. whe
, W/o.. Nov. I.--W*It*rJL line Arficnilon.ol • •
aunclualirii uf the huilal aeraloe Bar.
wWle a aolffiar ta th* Ninth Infaatrr at
k armled for'.aaytng:
, Miytng: “The i
Dr. LsnnaB Abbott spoke briefly upon Houghton, the j*
bamoka ta April last Ulled
neunced la advaace tl
lb* character and puUlc aewtee* of xb* the thcfl of a I
to tbe uAea tlLfW which of tllinoU ahoUM appear in a praeaaMoa Mary Croaeb art Mary Daly, baa bcaa
^ad man. He waa (aUowad by lUlriil {
th* bara aed eWebap upon th* ■iraqta of Chicago be would b* fbupd guUly of muidar la tb* aacoud da-Ooubrit Th« tbera m a bywm a»d > had
tb4i Dr. MeOtma apeka m MoquanUy eoop al hla riMdmo*,


Beriiheie Sltek^p

.....___ ClarU'.aUL Oraad Ba^
laskey at t mip w.
______ w^as. Crwad ksyads, DrtnU sad
^’Lm?^i^eatewm»nrrlracaillAOa m.
L. LOCEWOOD a. F ai.CIrMdVlfpkfi'^' -'


Wo«il*' tlalm eleiit. TriwAcasm.

W. “.iiSlSSil-SSl ai Law.

Chicago •«-

West Michigan.



•W'g^is'.r ’—
^■ariaeat. tsqelraalt

OBO^^Sa-EATEM. «ra^mmdT*gmL

unsni AU Hsmisrm li

pus a*LI CHEaP-Tee^aere^wosUy
001x0 EOBim.

■aai JarCa. Ulfk. tw-U____________
l^tedrteli Sleek.'
IU. alw you a Us torawts la a tear ra
___ l racsal IM will be lakee as p
JokB reely. tayraatwreet. lUtf





iBfor^d that tka kiyBiraralatot baA-pi4o^ X. p. T. X. miotlao.
l«Aaaa it waa aatlraly U tea dlaeratloA
At tka lut rovlew of Tr*t«t«o City
|0< tea eoort to allow teaa to r> If ba
OB.! eoBoktarod teat teay womld <ptoa a
AtATOfAW KOItTA0VX OATS TMt. »a •«. K. 0 T. U: M lATlt*. jrnxiB oonsxT bas
tlMi WM MoapUd Id jBterloebao W mDB&BD TO BBOW OABU
aUt I* oaBferrfBf d^ioaa Ttaaraday
weold ba' aotiflad to I
DtfbV SiMa Uas tka data boa bMa
3>rM» of AUfims a*rrim Mmj ebABTod «o Prtday oirkl- Tbara wlU Wky 8ia Ordv Bada Batarday
■kOBld Bot Ba Vaeatod-Bickvt
s« BMUMd
OhMateal SBCla* ka «» aaadMataa. to aaka tka work
Mb^ Will Darida If
AdMa to Hf«
ao4 tke dar«*
It to reported from Klayalay teat
TM Xav U UaoooBmitttaaaloonfar It in MapllSad fm. All tkaaa
«•« Ak IdSbti 0r<
dar Batanabte Baterday.
wkedeBiratorooraaspaatadtoka oo
Botal lAaUaaa la teto efty. and MUt
haad fDOBpUy At <oor o’aloak Friday
JadfA Oorbatt raaaltad a moomf Has of Ki^ay. tea* baaa aaltad la
yastaraay^om AttOTBay UtMral May ■arriaya. Bote are wall kaowu
d tka eo«*dl
Bard B^tyiBf kl» teat tea ftBprataa ywaaypaopUABd tealr CriaAdswUI ba
M Bkrbt. aad tka aldanaaa «w* all
had teaad as ordar to akow ytad of tbto eppomalty to eoayi
tkara kafora tka time to barlB botUaaa.
oAMa wky tea ordar saada by Jodya Utoteam.
Tmio waa Bot a fraat doal to aAU ter
FooBliar Aoddant Tatearday Kon. Oorkatt laat Batarday. apoa tea dak
daUkarAtlcB aM tka roatiaa
B. Nord, eeatmakar far F. O. Banlaw ooatroraniy. akeatd Bo^ka rkeatad.
iBff to A OarBAAB Wko Ooold
AtepAtekad IB qalek ortar.
Tba order la «ada ratniMkla Tbstw AB. baa AMWAd bto taaUy from War- Oaa of tka ialaraaUa* faatBraa of
Vot ^aakOoAd SacUak.
4W, lad., to teto oity aad ibey wUl
day. Soraaabar tth.
tea vaaOsc waa a rapon «to* AldarDr BrADa <ra* AWAkaAad vary AAriy
bV aaka tela thalr parmaaeat koina.
aaaBMaota(«aof Ua riatt to tea OaIm
yattacdmy aorBlBf by ab aIatb wbleb lorMya for tea dabaratan iB CbBrlaWorka IB CMeafo. tor tea porpAa oaoaadkln--------- ---------------------—
T<d^ wka BM tlyhilBC tea law,
^ iMfmirr atooa erAteara.
Ba aoBfbt hU o
WkaB|^^ I* Uj, city laat Blybv ob thalr
gLm aoae ralBabla IsforskatJoa. ka rpBpoBdad to tec ksoek at bla door I
y, lABainy to praacBt atr«'
Whiab wUl ba of ntaierial baaa«t to
teroa OarsABa who diaplayad {ayalaat tea raoaUac of tka
bU azdlameat. One of tea.ortar.
Thay atated to tea Bboobb
to U*»t la a aloaa eruahla* o\
aottariay frost a bad wkoBd
,00 daharatea la Char.
tram bla abaarrattos AldanUB ModiB aae' M kla laya and wbaa tea doealaoa who are istatwlad Is tka
taoa oooaldarod it Btewaafy «kaatea tor jirobad it ba
‘ a --------aatraoted
Urya y,iilBy laduatry dlraoUy, baaldaa
■ynniT Use m----- for tka city to proreroleor kollat. Tka ball aatarad
--------- - ly aUofteapopulattooof the Baarar
«w^a oraakar wetchtar aboat
tka lay . Joat kalow tea knaa lalasda, wBicb are tribatary to Cbarlt
po«iwlaaAd«lteaaaparitycrf from tan aad waa takeo out aaar tea aakla The
aolx. SbooU tea law be aaatalaad by
to twalra tOBo of cruakad atooa p!* bw. naa oostd aot apeak Boyllte very flotea Bapraaea oourt tbay woatd
ABtly. bot tea
of dollooaof owiy
uplapatioas teat tee
laia. Tkay baas laaaaiad la boata
A tee rieUa af an aoet
ktaa forteklayBBay teooa
___________ / adJoBot to tea ooldu
dollar* aad thalr catch for tea
Bkas be bad ti^ad bla iDiaraBUay troM oaa kip poekat to the atkar whea
«bar of tee board It was dlaekaryed wlte tea raaaU re- aoa ayyrayate* awra UiM>-.^oe
daaeriptiaB arary
of dtuu.inu. TBslr attorSry* ^aU
woM iaaorably lotpraaoed wHk tka ad- laiad. br. ETaaa'dreaaad tka lalarr
teat tea lotaal of tea law w'^ drat
etebUlty of bariBy a omtear at bo aad procured a riy frow Maryaak baip
Introdoowl late tee layi«!atura
dbtABtdate, tbooyh bo aetloB waa ta- to bear Ike wooadad piaa to kla kotaa
rafBlata tea ales of Deek of aots aad
ksBpttelatlBa. abaooBBeUtSBdarad aona dlalaaoa la tea eouatiy. Tke
teat It was lateadad teat tka law
arotaof teanka to Mr. llo«ay»a for hU
aaBw af tea party ooald not be akoald yo iato ellaot Jaaaary I. >9oa
oSorte. whiak bad eoat tka oity aotk- leantad. owlay to tl^ iyaoraaea of
After tee Uw was drat iatredaoad
tea BayUak Uayuaya.
teaia waa lajaeted lato tea aet a elaaaa
a baa pot faryattaa
proridiay for a oloaad aeaaoa ae before
Ua rkamlnal aoylkk idea aad Mat alybt
maotldaad. b*t ted UUa of tea aet>aa
■ ba UtrodBoad a
nut ebaayed to ladloate teat tea^.was
___ ______
o dra aad water. X>r. aad Bra. Kartta Happily Bar.
. teat
any aoeb elaata or teat it wpa to go of your Ufa to apewt la bed. It to
wlte tea dra eklaf aad sayor aad
into affect uatU tea year.llMW. Cpoa to bsTs teat oomfortabla
make it so at a vary little east to
eiark. aaeoie raUmaiaa apoa a aBlUbla.
VMtarday was tee ertaaate abb!- tkaaa yroaads U to claintad test tea
A rood IroB Bed. brau trimmed. .
Wlaa BBd repart to tka ooa^il at eetaary of tea taarrlaya of Dr. aad Mr*. law is uaeoaatlloUooal. U is laid an extra yood Woven Wit* Bprlay eonteeir aarllcat eoBTaDfeBea Mr. OarrI- J. B. MarUa. LaateraBtay tea pppo- teat a eombiaatloA of .bras who deal plete for H 0«t U .voo want wood beds
we csto sell yea a good salld wall made
baa Bade a careful leaaatlyatiaD of
--------^ lar ooople were rraally aatoaiahod
Ate lobtued ' tor tea bad
aad an eztr* rood dprlay for I
tea aaeda of tea city, aad ba ateted
^ trit^i^
paalay., To teoas firms
.. ----------------------- —U.
tealr'kcwplUble born#
aboat TOu'd'
suck a Uw would be of vast beaaflt and
'■ BOW wlteoot ad- Waaklaytoo atrael to afford Ikaoi
anable. them to flad a nook kaariw
bapi^ remlodar of tea rTeot. Doriny irads for teeir trosee products wf ibo
tea eaaoioy tee H<7t' Bead raadered lakea At tec sams tiae it would da128-132 Troat Stmt.
Flfte ward, -.Mr OarriaoB bas Btade aB lBaptriayaercDada apoa tUa laara prire tee ooasoiner of fresh fish dorioy
ooaiumt afterto for a looy Ubm to 'probad Boale tadooro, Tka the eioaed »aesaa aqd throw out of amear* aekawlcal aaylae; aow tbara U a
a paaaad-lo danciry, <
uymeBt a Urya oxtoberuf Biao.
ataony probabimy teat a ■aatle alml- yaBtaa aad aorial eoararea bad' Hay tea
WhUa it to eooteBdad teat a prokib.teat which yraoaa tea fcroi of happy areot.
I.lyhl retreten
torj Uw for a oarulo P^lod would be
UaaUayv wiU
were aarred. The dallyktfol feature a food tklay aod tend to the presar-'
yraeafolly arrap the dlyolty of Aldar- of tee afealayaod oaa which will al- aaUoB jof tee fish of tee Ukca.
/ MB^OairlaaB. at bla reoolotioB laai w*.v* be a plcMABt oteiBbry to the oa- U U daaatsd a (aroe to pass sock
- ’ *aite Baaotooo* apPforal aad
teeaied pair waa the praaeattUoa
Mlcklyaa whsa MUoaraloablc aal of eat ylaaaware. ylvaa as •Ota. tVUeassU, lad Use and lUisolt
A rata of thaak* waa taadared to a otark of tee eateem in which they
atUl paraluea U fish in
Boai. P-tyB^Boahlorhlaylfito tea are hold by tbetr friaada.
tee Ukea tea cBthA year. It baa baaa
^tjjot tea riybl of way for the azteathat a coBBilaaion be ap^ of WadBwarte atreaV wblek to
pouted by tee yavaraor of teU sUU
to eonfar wlte a almlUr eomatlssloa
Baw Kill aad ShlBgla Plant wiU Boon from Ooaada and tea autaa mautioaad
S»ploy 40 Kaa.
to frame a Uw wbioh would ba bUdlag
«s-Ftre Chief Oaapres had aiade other
C. r.'Beld of tela eity has laaaed tke upon idl, would be a vaat baaaBi to tee
•rraayamaaM aad had witedrawa kto
propoalUoB to »a'.l hU baUdiay adjalo- Hart ahlayte aad aaw alll plaau la la- future of tea ftsbiag ladastry aod one
lay tba CAsa atraet aarlaa baoad to tbs tarloebau and U prepartay to ma tbam atete would aot tei* tea advaotaya
aaotear. Tba deeUloa of tee Ma•dty. Tkarafore there wUl be ao for- bote. tThao tee ntlla start Hr. Bbid
wUl acoploy aboat
preme ewurt wUlbeawallod with latear aayoUaUoos aloay teat Use.
Tba WyllaObopar«ye Co. to Bakloy tereat.
niok Cook asked pertol^ to
to tealr plaat.
Wbeo tea daeUloD of Jadya Corbett
mL hto boUdlay to tee Bay Bids adamony teea bainy oareral dry IdlaA
was raeoivad lo CkarUvoU ttoiurday
■dltiV hot hU petliloa. was not re­
olyUt teare was a reyaUr JublUe
paired with teror. bot was raterred to
amooy the flahanaea aad tee blowlay
tbs comBlttas a« slraeu aad waUu„
of whwUaa aad tooUay of barns mode
Ooodiiek UtlBiailBy teal It
tkawriklarloyoaUltee aatall boor*
aroold aot ba awtoaooataa to poraoe. of (Upt. J. U. Ksiaty. left this port yaatarday for tba oortbera pasiasgU with
ThapatlttoMforareUyktaoB tbaooi- a fauaUay party oompoaad of WIU
aar* af Waskloytoo ktreet aad Uar«eld Mltekell. D. Mahau and Joe Cour.
araaoa aad Bereste aad Maple •treats, tade of Baat Bay; BUbard Bmemoa.
woraymatad apoa reoosiBiaDdaUM of Laaodar Muosay. Prauk Oeortada aad
tee eoBiBittea oa puMle IkrkUay. At- BTlJab Ooi of Long Daka: J. X. Mar- Foteteaa BoU TsAtardAy lor 40-48
Aarmaa Goodrich dlsapprored el plae- Uaak. Jriin Bmlte. Moat. WiUoa. V. J.
Canto and Oaa Load Waav For
AoyustPataadarof thU
^tea Uykta bbUI tbs whole territory
49 Oaata.
I wUl jola
■^are Ilyku are aaedad eoold be aor- city. A pariy of fire a
blykaat price for teto atoaou
rayad, as tear* mlybt ba places wker* team At ChartereU.
fur pototoea wa* lAAchrd yaatorday.
they era aaeBad'Kora than at tee
WblU tee praralUay priM ruaged from ; <
SoeUl and Sapper.
polait daalyaatad. Bla Idea did aot
Thr Ladira- Aldaoeletyof tea Coo. 08 to 4* eaato. tbara waa ooe limd aoUl T *
Met with faroT. ao ka rotad with all
for 49 aaatt. Tbto. bowarar. to mure *
yray^Uenal church wiU yive oaa
teeir MpAlar tao-eaataappara is the teaa tee ChUoyo mariral will ataod at
prmaoi, W eaoto beUyAormal. Tba
Tka paUUon of Blljah MlIU to bare okom parlor* tela arcuiay from t*« reaaoB of tea Jump la price to, that
o'eloek. All are Uritad to <
part af kto tesaa renlttad waa daaled. to
tear* are a dosea buyera la the city aod i
«a raaoBBaadatioa of tea eoMBlttaa to tea aoppar aad stay for a social Unm io tealr aayamea* to yet all they want'
M w^aad maaos. botaalBllar patl U tea araalay. TkU to tba firat of a tea price to srowded op to tke hlykast
Moa <rea tea aayluB trustaai waa •ariaa of auppera to ba yteed teU paaaibU point Many of tba bayer*.
yraatad. kaoaosa tea property of tba
bowavar. araaacorlay atoek for atorstate to sat tasabla
laya.batoT* eold wcAtber aatois, wlte:
Haary Welyht Potatoaa.
tea hope of a aobatoatUl advaaee a
Baldaatoof Waaklaytoo atreat Bear . Jama* Hill of Blayhaut boatU
: little Utor in tkeasaaoB. whiak to a
the O. B. A I. arosalay peUtiooed tee hariny abewn tea beat hill of potatoes
briyki project at tke prABsat Usie.
oooaoU to ra-asteblisk thalr yrade. at a oftee aeaaoa. la one kill he raiaad 1»
Tbara art Urye quantlUeauf potatoes
reeant aorrey by tba rity eaytacer bad Bstplra potatoes welybluy
eocaiiiy la acw aod as teat aa they
eatabltobed a yr»da alx laeket lower and la afvotkw 10 Ofsaa Mouataiiia eoaa Ikty are booykt This ^aees a
teaa formerly whieb would ooat the welyblaytHipoBada.
Urya amoABt of moaey in cireAUtioa.
property owasr* ooaaldetakla metuay.
Tba State BMk baa paid oot dnrlay
Aldarm^ GreUlck pzplaluad how it
tea paat w*ak raor* than SlO.OOO a day.
WAS paaaible that tea anylaaar bad
Tka Fint KatUoAl to aUo payiay emt
made a Blateka. as ba had aet beaa
Urya oam* daily and tea toWl dally
ordered to satabllah aueh a yrada Tba
pAyntaato will probably aaaeed SlS.OOO.
J. B. OrelUek Oa. owned aoma property
la teat locality aad Mr. Oralllok had
Xr. Katttowa wa# Xltoplaaaad.
tooked tea eayineer teaet stebasBoteat
Oaorya W. Matkawa was la tow*
ka Would know* where to sstesd kto
Vptk. It was praaBBed teat tea yrada
Pork-Norembar? SfifiS; Dasamher. from Auyril y«alerday vary wratey beWMCBaAiAndOaoryeBoalaiA. wkete
had bees ra-aatebltohad at that Uo*a by
i tea Battar
altoaaoaatoAatoakdwAlka. SLtl. Janoary.M.U.



The Very Latest Sheet Masic
Phinney’sU. a Band March; Old Battle Flag March; “LeoBora," antborof “Amhalena Sno*r;’’ “Who la True;" “On#
Thing that OoU Cannot Buy;" “Sweeter Than AD the Boaen}*
-Everybody Shout to' Ma Baby;* ‘The Baby » the ^aAat,**
and forty bthm. Call for a lint


M. B. ttOLLEY. M




A Full Third









- MpriirCMIto.btUrnIPnUH.


Maaxaam Biock.

It’s your money’s worth
that you want.

No matter how cheap a price yon pay, if^yon
get.a po6r article, it's false economy. E«*
pecially is this tme of CLOAKS.
'We take a pardonable pride in onr im­
mense showing of Ladies’, Misses’ and
Children’s Good Cloaks—which is the
Greatest Cloak Stock in this region, with
prices named on them that make this stock
Pay a yiait to
onr busy Cloak room.

TiA'TBa on. m..

IdUaUi DryOtAUOuptt abA ObthtacIsttN.


j Extra



All any we

la teto city.'

Good Looking?
OfeooTM TOO are. It’s thnt ohenp flour
thnt mnk«n thone -wiinkles” and brings
OB thnt “tlmd fb«liag” that mnksn jea old
befors yonr timn. Bettor bay.................


Hannah & Lay Co.
$1.00 a Yard
for MokbaAotlfAl PUld SUkaaa w* are akowtny far tea M Mm* teto warii

Is Chea^
TbayarAatriklAy; asma aro reahy kmaUfal-AaywAy tkay*iA tea beat
faekloA—*0 laebaa wide.



Ladies’ Box and Kangaroo Calf Sboe for $1.50
Also Gent’s Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $2,50.
Boy’s and Yonth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in StylCw Wear and Price.



I xoBvnro



MUip •. Bam w« Mim tthnimc
nATXKsxomr. . inoBiaA)i
MM MS Cf?Kt •» Ml
PUUIp S. Bom ua Mte BoU* B.
Obortar. hMk wait kaova oad pof^Ur
j«uf iMipU b* Old KiMkM. wv
T. Bath ato i. W. Ba>». mATiiAd SAHfdaj. Bm. Q. B. K«rtttnip
i. V. Bajmsk. Bdltor^d MaMfW. oaolAtlar.'nry will makc-ibelr koow
la CAOAiBf. wbm U*. Bom hu bM
for MUM Ume pML


BboBld M holt or laoe bli owa
Mar "B'bat a *«*pprettp rlri whs she
1aasba''^ttk»«btha ’TU Map. Widi
I bad practioed bom Wooder U ru
break ap tbe partp.
la wbat Mined to hla as laaiedibtp
abort time la wblcb to nxamtm a fiddle
from tbe eab^aoeat palkp the pU) reap­
peared with OM la ber badd aad eaoorted tbe relootaiit Mid proMtlog
to tbe be«id of tbe room, Inirodeeiug him to tbe 'crllo, tbe moatb or(aa uod tbe flour manaitM.
••Now. bopa,” aald be, -wlmo tbe
eomuittec bad taroed ewap, Icarinc
hlB-eruh hii fellow BiDdrlatiB. wbo reparUed bia doabtfollp, •*let'e have an
Badentaadlnp. 1 ala't ln ible like poa,
for a dollar a bnd and tm driaka, bot

*'1*M Barer heat^ra BUbbrns talk
H«oh hhou hm hwtwBd. 1 wiadar
••Prohatdp becaoM •bebaaao aaap
■ to av
btf dap.''

3. W. platB. the Hottfb BaniiabM.
Bln SiBBik BUffoBk. daerkter of
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorfe BUffeak of LeiBBd.
rafe RUBT,
Botica tb
flaMto«7 rheaMtlkiB. at the bfe of
le pear*. « iBoothe aad e daps.
-Toeld aoldlera aad all wbo dealra
paasioB Batten adjesied. I bep to aaShe waa a ooeala of W. U. BUffeak.
tbe AM one of' poa that anlekeft will uoooee that I will be at tbe Hotel
the saaie teaekerof thU dtp. Tbe
•A SI a* MMoBc* M TM*mt Ctgi. taaval wlU beheld froai the LeUad aal foe iMUameat ripbi ben. Are poo WhitUir. Trarerae CItp. rridap. Norecsber ft, wbea I will bs prepand to
KMA-, M mmM cIms
baoM Wedaeadap at 10 a. m.
attaad to peaaloo b^acae ae reqalred.
maa. perbapa not rerp
Boliclterof Peaaloes.
Bart WB the BaUroad.
. wbea
HM OarriMS V> powade tbs oooaeU
Aldea, Mleb.. OcV M.-WUl BlRard,
H iwoeoM A mitAblo obnlcal ere oz- rcddiar a few allea eoatb of thb plane, Beck aad faced the eroprd he waa badlp
•l^lAbM.osrbttobortnrded wiUs WH badlp hart whUe bleaUar etaspe
■HOMi. He bM kepi up k penktaat aleac the rirht of wap of the aew
■ttuUoD BoUl BOW tbe ooBBell bM Oraad Baplda, Kaikaaka A fioatheaatHkea the IbIUaUtt itep to prdblde k era. He wae broarfat beoM toairbt oa
MW kppMtiik. Tbe pHt bki proTkB aatrctober le aoritieal eoadlHaa.,
Ur. J.'uks Upaa that rUadeal siraia
\ «kkt kCOodeheRlMleBftM woold be
wb:ob flu tbe wordt '•Where, oh, where OpMltw ot Trel. ailT*i»- OMeUr aekee,
• rood iBMktMeat. bMOM there U
la tnp llitlr dop (mier' the 'cello and rrider Birbt.M<n.A Medetv the Bun'BMd
Booth orpati «rnc}c iu, the pirU cboee fall orrtaws. AdwUdos lor Ur orMlu.
H «BBb tenilorj-wbkb H Bot provided
the bed Waltaera tbe flocr tUlfd ap. tsrliidus leaww. <ioBI>, » eesu: LMWe. U
with WBtorfor pabUe-BM. BspHtewse
TMrkUs livw S to »A DmcIbc for
aodetp ef the H. B ebareh lAin ant
■faampd. boards creaked, ead tbe nwe.
dorl^ the pHt few Hoalbi bw earall. striae joe a rk*r<« to prartlr* vkal ran
U the ebareh parlm Wedaeadap afteropeoed.
hoT* faeea Ua«*l. In..> t A lo IZ a'rlork.
gmUi the wlkdom of.better fire ptoBooaat::A0. Babieet,
Ooar aad Irani to daoer aad hare a feed
(eelkm to prepertp owsen 1« the ont^
ladte." Mn. Kellocr^H
• ■*- tbe ditHoallp esperirond itTlMraU^o
..■•kiruof tbeeitpkBd there aboold be
tbiok apoa their fret, boi Joika. tadat
»o deUr iB pewridioftor poeiltde dkaaa eadiuioe for tbe fird time aad nw(er from'fire when there are bow bo
tbe fiiat bars
o’clock. AUarelarited.
a slw walfa, bad bo each
■MBBi to firbtit.
troobla He told ne afterward that his
tfaoDctdd -tbaak ibeBMJres asd came '
Wbiu this le aa off pear ter elecWiu Uwo U BiOk. nr«n trow B.
tloaa. there wUI be-«Bt«aU at tbe
MT BoaU l atea ilcreet.
polla la tea atatM today, lo bobc of
I of Ur. Blme Jeokt
Dg on parslirl tracks Tbe first c
them tbe renlu are awaited with at laaptb rreeired iu dae i
rued Ur dmith. ib^^Mfaqbmt i
eooalderable latereet aad la Bearip | raa aaked to fiddle fw a daaoe.
akian; tbe s<«aod sut>pr^,wu Twbai a |
Too Biap rrB«Btwr that this geatle- rerp pw-ny girl wtarn ebe Ugjlk" and
Wa BsjoritlM to flt the partiaaa las. wbo was aroond B bom when it tbe ibird. aeeeottri to walu time, ran:
la Grcatar «New York tbe
) close qaartfOd la tbe brasding
Aath of Hearp Uootpa haa oosplkstad ,| pea. or foliowiop a wild naif thtai^
Hattars eoBewbataad 'ererp eaadidatei tbe asRobrasb. bad not ooe oonoe of
olalBt eaooph Bajoeitp lo earry the! BOiieal capacity i« the hoadred aad
Am.i iv^K-acuig uie um aumiij m>zntf
oleetioo eafelp. la Detroit the reeuU! •!«» od"! poondsof his make op. pet
i...^ . n.nim.ur BBblt^ aad an ha- tiau's Jeuks made a desperate tiffort lo
-.tmr qfoHjectan. aad.
Btrike Ibe eecond morrment, faiird nod
OaplUl, $100,000
become a fiddler.
•Idmare bopefal. It la [quite likely. SK^^af tbte writing 1. tosbow that-h# ooli^twed. Tbe 'oelJo aod memto orgau
Sorplnfi, $85,000
bowerer. that the claim barmas will receiTad ample retarne apoa tbe seal banimrrrd aloog BDcrrtaiDly for a time
MOM M do buklBcae aboat flee o'claek iBTestad. bot aerer atuined to tbe aa- and et«wd. Tbe stteodfil waltarar dot-'
ted (be door like toiaU becalmed on a OFFICBBS—Parry Haasah. Prealdenti
thU afiarBooo.
iaiatore lake.
For eo aany yeare that the memory
A. Trnep Lay. let Vice PreeidHt: JamH
Tbe waltscn bad bneti eo engreemd in '
of man rnnseUi act lo the ecotrary be
OovsazoB PiaukKk came eery
-their own rfforta, aod the reel of w in , Horpaa. $ad Vice Preaidrat: J. T. HaaIBttiaphiafoollBlt. when be boldly had packed a rtolin in his bed roll oa
aak. Oasblcr: Samuel Garlaad. Amlat■oUfled tbe Ba»y departmeat that tbe aanaal rouid ap. and at erery opaat Chahier.
porttpity, wbea the diy'e work was
Uicblpan woold aot eipo e rroeipt for
doae. he roMaed bis buw. Tbroapboat tioo. Wbea tbe pleytT broke down, DIRECTORS—Perrp Hannah. A. Tiiaep
the rrarkhlp Yaatie wbao she arrleed tbe
wiater Bmaths. wbea srtirk
Lay. Jsmm Morgan. J. T. Baamh.
BBlemthe porerameat apreed to pet iipht and erTealaps long, be bad prao^ impntleuce at tbe ■nterrapiioii, and I Samoel Uarlaad.
the reeael la pood repair. The depart, j tioed faithfnlly. if not IntelllgeBtlp. in look'd to see tbe persisieol Jraks etart
same eight measarea.
N. B —Addrem all CollecUoH and
Heat promptly wired the pwreraor that: the bonkboose natil baaisbed by a
;iiely rerorerrd his aelf Oorrespoodnict; repardlap Raakinp
If a recalpt waa aot alpaed at once the ! pleblaeim to a nearby dagoot. trbere
poHCMini. Uping the fiddle Hide, he
crmtewaaldbe orderrd elaewbere. ui***™"^ Hoks of onions and biiit of
ddraooed to mis^t tbe girl at wbom rc- Matter to the Trarere* City State Bank,
Clip Mich.
h.. b...
U..,,!.... d,.ll b. bb I
qnest be bad made tbe efftirL
"Dna't poo think.” be asked, “tbat
y «bbl upbb lb. bm™i bl Uibbbbb ~ l„<«b,kl-pl.r«,rlDn,bb«bW I bkre prored that 1 paanot plapr*
"Well, it dots cotoe |weltp cine to a
and Juoki. aseiag bow easy it
lenKoistTaiiou,'' sb« answoted. ''boi 1
> bacoote eqaaUp i
tbaak poo rerymuvbfor hclpiDgaaoot
The repalar meeUap of the Eastara Tbe riolin was not Kls flm oboiee, bot Mr. timitb bucoiue and wnU rvlicre
his first opportanitp. and. haTiag aoBteyele Bspsirtat a BpseUliy.
•tar lodpe will he bald thik eMolap at
eepud iv bu code of etbics boond him you."
Mr B X'iIbWhw ]iu> irlsraed Yrda lbs
ik, Nr. Smith look tbe «ddU and AaAsraan
IM o’clock.
W break tbe critter or brcMi tbo ciaob.
Cirlr A lUs Co.. Oriroll. Mich.,
lbs btcbsM sod bob' iwponsoi
OBsiel Da'ke U maklnp aoma aUraetOn tbe fi9tb of Pebrnarp there wh a Jeaks look the. giri'e Had ftr the first steir belebrid
lbs birrsis booloeos sod >• boo Is b
Ire ImpreeeiDenla to bU fHideaoe leap pear dance at Bicbmend'k This erraing was a suroem.
Dsomoo 10 do Sbsr rspolnbt Ihsb so; otbsr
CsMtbKbsrlix Islwdorsostal rspsirtos.
pla« was (ff a bill in Uk- boidtrlaad
property an Sixth etroet.
h we rode sBCb bs (loss. Brwios Ubsb'ost. Ussolloe
between tbf open range and tbe settleS<osss.Csipstewesprsm.Ve>brsilss; Ks,s Bu
Tbe repalarroTiew of Tr»»«H Bay
Mmeward in tbe gray light of Ud. Be* BllbS. msrmr Door Bolls, ood stesoi
moroing, Jenks aald to me, "What a SB,>bLo(IBDsrd 01 rspsir.
Blve. No. 71, will meet tfaik aftaraooa
AU owk rssrsoissd M rt>*
very pretty girl when sbe laogbx"
•t : o'clock ia Uoatapoe ball.
rbsrss Frless rsrj loo. I
“Wbet did abe Bay aboat yaw pUy.
Three thoasaod bnabela of potatoee
Tte CbM|^ftses lo lbs Otr U> Bsr s Ksv
Ingr 1 Bdced.
srsre ahlpped oat eia tba U. -A N. E.
“Said I most play at tbe Best leap
yeeterdap. 1.0M t»r ooBtaisiop i.oro Bme eoiced tbe geseral aenbrnrat tbas. pwr daac»->IM)0 to not a leap pew,
"1 like ’em beoanaeprerybodp Isp-le'pIsCetloraUt.>
bodplalls poo know—woold gire bh ^bt peart
lag and a-akipping. aad
aad if anybody.
booki an down be glu ap again
the Bbcobd
' " Tbe plain in.
"Did poo pramiter
! shape of preei
greed j ftresce troai Ur. Bie>
lice's staumeat is
of eammer la tbe'sbape
"1 promiacd not to: told ber 1 had
PhUomobb. sqaaah
metbing better to weak for bow. *'
iif oaefi
tod raapbarr^ea.
BimejJemks ia a rather tedtarn fel.
low. a
and I am aot in hU ooafldmice.
There will be a repalar. meeUap
waen i emieo time i.
■Il^tef theUallorm Baak. E. of F. ! (Us. be explained that be meimt'la
All BtrlUiphUarerpqatetedtoaUoDdlpoarmlixL" “Ife like getting cm to a
for a cow. 1 bare aim nocieed
to traaeaet important beiliese
| backing borse nap nxniag after breakhim eladping a book entitled ''Comtatable Oottepea For fidoa*’—O. B.
your cinch aaot ber hole and climb cn Donham in Baa Fraaoimo Arponaat.
narrow aadRWm Blchar^
•««'»• But eoppoM you are doing some
HTBed from tbe Bop'a Back peaterdap. fuep riding or roping at tbo eoaolp
'The maetingof the Wmt Bida Im- fair and poor saddle gcU emptied, wfap,
_________ _
w... i.^ : pon feel ID low down poa don't pet OW Mucired a ieiler tbe olha dap addma.
ed in a rotud basimsa hand and braring
Md laat Friday ereelnp.baa been post- Uforawei-|L"
bops ell srent orcr to tbe dam
- ^aed to Uts erealap.' 11 will be held at Kicbmoud'i. aad aonie ooe erideatlp tbe Oakland pottmart. He gUnoed H
It’s a Fall and Winter Shoe,.
It. rnbbed bis furebead -reflocvirelp a
U the Wmt Bide chapel aad Ml amw- told ibe comnntue that Ut. Jeuks was momMit and fbca. wiihniu opening the
It'a a Water Proof Shoe.
bess are-lprped to attmid to ooaalder a ocnpeteni fiddler, for aooo after bis enrelope. tors it into bita
arriral be was appraacbed bp a bright
"Why did poo dothatV aiked hU
Oaah Moaroe. formarly em^ed by eyed poang womaa. wbo aaked if be partner.
eiliing of ii
tbe Trnreree Oin Itoa woila. haa ae- had brought bU sioUn:
.-•■No. Ididimt,”r«pUed tbestartM
Nu. it didn
didn't. ! wrote it myteU."
enrwd a poalUod^ ran aa eapias at ' ’
Dslp fiaperiDg a large pleoe
Are poo iu the habit of sriiang lat­
ThompaoBTille. F. L. Stewart aadjef
•iota boI) prodaeed from _ ter* to pooneirr*
WUUam Chauey, aleo tosmerty of the {pocket,
pocket, “bot if poowaat'tonmltl'U
"Yea.1 bare to. Mow. if 1 hadn't
IroB worka. hare pone to Uaalatee m be reiy glad to go baek to tbe raaeb written that peMdap. and mailed At I
aadfMcbiL ItlsaolyebOBtPOBilcx'- would hare fosgotWB that banoh of
work la Bap's macbiae aho^
"1 wa^ told.’- said tbe girl. jiiM bswid. two doeen pearl banco* and fire
■ligbtlp abowing aererkl white teeth. panto (d halrclotb that 1 bar* gut to go
■d. NewtoB want to Fite Uka yarn •That poa gurp yoar riolin with poo down town and • buy right now. Once,
poa ga and ,I'm sarry to find Abongb. 1 wrote a loner to mpmU aboat
that it’s not true. Oar mosic has diaapU B.B^of8atteM Bap, wh _in pointed tu. Tbo boom U foil ef-fieople •ometbiag 1 wanted to ramtimbcr and
forgot to maU it for two rraeka San
and nobody bere to pUp for them bat a Fraaomn Post.
Uia. L. O. Hylor has ratniBad after •oeUo and a mootb organ. Bot 1 think
BB «KtMdad risit iB the east.
we can pet a riolin within Uh thas fiO
Mtm B. L. Bpsapae te eatertalainp milea, aod"—bero she abowed him tbe
l^lcaigariQrenjoyed bpaatrcMnen
Mra. Fraak Lewte of Bap View.
ia iwrrarbiM. aod an astrcmoHicBl PoorLm Bolemoa bM poBe baek to Llpo•■Utoa.fsboald be deliphted." gud nal giraa a Itaig bat of thesa who bar*
akr Bfter BBOther oar lead of boraee.
inka '
far ezoeaded tha thieaaoore pHtBaad
Mtk. William Brosra of LeUad
—*»'«ak poo. m mochl” tatm- ten. AmoagtiweminentnamHareOM.
the elW risitlcip her
WUi of the poKd tbe girL
ainl. wbo Uvad to *71 UaroUpa Hanttoel
■Vl* office.
"If i knew imw," he oontiaaed, to W. Bir W. Hermbel to M. Newton
Dr. O. C Joelia came over from Bat- **batldau'L Too tee I'm oolp hani- to 84. Mary BcaMS-rlUe tops. Hall^to
BB. Sir (itorge Atrey to W, Sir Darld
tone Bar to specid Soadap. He taple- lap. Icaujoftstart '
'Ob. 1• ain sore poa will do it well, '• Brewstw to 8B. Sir E. Sabuie to 94.
tored at Park Raea.
replisd. •aad IwiU go_rt^ w Humboldt to «0. Scbwmbe to U.Saatiiit
Ura. Hloepeter. who hM ban rtoitto 91, and Fonteaelle to 100. Bapalaraad eend for a^
lap hm- daagbter, U>«. H Batobarp,
itpcf habit omrdncH to tongcritp in any
harried away.
alBee Jnlp. bn ratnrBod to Owoaso.
Mr. Jeaka wh aamDlshed and per-' walk of Ufa, and it to a neeaHitp to the
w_ e u.ui_i.>kM. ...I plas^ Of ooBTHbabadhopedtepUp aatramtaar. Tltte added to tba calm
Mt «B w Bltortsld. bto formar b^aidto at schs Uaa. bnt this wm h pnrsali of IbcH who itmlp tba bHrena,
onatewmtebntowe. where ba ciffidated at a mar- .HddH Ba WHsot ta aboRp. Sonte
Mte ^peMHial4.l«ppqn enoagh.
WnrVbvp Book
m Frasl BU
taga and axpoaw* to tiw night air.
•u MMhs. IV ka:


Hia. H. a. Hoble paaeed throapb tba
dtp peaterdap oa her way from BIk
Bapids teChleapo. whar^e will make
ber fotare booM.

Da- Tbompw
Nelhlap botur
Wk ScmiBB—Plaeat 1 arer w
Oio. 'Uaboib—Wora It two wl
CaPT. p. A. WlBS---------- ,-----------------------Traraiaa aip. UlA Oot. T}‘ l»7.
rn aAMiLToa fhAmipfo C<>."
OeotA:—I am well aeqaaiated with tba ’'Jaroe- Urn
, derwear, aad I waal to plre poo my heartleat eodoraeaeat of tbaB.
ThepanaoMfiaaBottolrrlutetbeWedercatakia. They ababrb tba
tore ao peifretlp. aad prarrat tbe aoddfa coollap.orebaapea of Uu
Usperatare of the body, (the asaa) caoseaof folds). If pon caa pat
mea aad wocaea of this plaoe to waar tham i Inatead of tbe cheap eetloB pooda) there will be bolllttle eoBr’
' -..........................................
eoldc. Me. Aaother polat is tbrir
. faei
.jeor. they do i t ahriakaa boH
BlBoerMp yoora,
B. F. BkABHaLCT. U.-D.

It amiarri Dudl Bill


Dancing SchoDl!







Hamilton Clothing Co.



Your Screens

,b bb«b,bb,

.bbb- isr; ^r5»”s,;fr.?-b.s,r:

BDd pot up STORM SASH. If yon havenT
any wcM like to make you some.'



J. E. Greilick Co
Misses’ Lace or Bunon,
ChoeoUte or Ozblood 6b<^ else* If to 7. erery pair warranted
• aotid. for fiSe pair, at A. S. FRYHAN-fi. SM BMt Froat Strwet.


New "■ Nobby

Goodyear Well

In Box Calf
In Cordovan
la Enanxel.

I {


Shoe Pepartment Snd Floor
Largest and brightest 8boe Salasroom in Northern Ificbigan.

November Days, Look Out for Squalls!!
We m^mea to opH ttte Fall and Winter ■
Departmenk and to better teeaitete the aal*
hare laid out a namber of Baipnla Tableaotnd
Unda and *tyl«* of Bboea, rapardles* ef r^^
atewoftheprlM Note them cloHly:
77 paiie Woman'* fine Vtoa KM l
Doogola Button.
Hand Tarn i___
Waite, and Flrzfblc eolea. Some Ptafree A Kmltbi aad other celebrated
make*. Itegalar price* framgr to H
lor fil.99.

\ fOBU'8

TaMrIt. S

Oar repalar Hue* are eery eemplete.
iaeladlap all Uw Uteet pradarttesu of
tbe InSap maduteeturcr* la Ban Calf,
WaliHCalf. Eaaparoe aad Klak. ae—
HtftbapMand toea. Htent laathoraad
etoek Ups. st losrast priaes. W* hsee
BO ouHpeUtion.
8e* oar men'* hand welt Boz Oalf
Bale. Bcwrat shapes, heutlH srorth
W CO for g* M.

eo pair* Woman * floe itoagola a
Oar line of men's shorn st fil ts is the
Chrome Kid Ituttoa aad Lsee, fsir Btmnp'at in the state. All shMH and
eUtek. aad flszlble aolra. fseblonable styles. Cota. Bulldog. Globe. Iteanoz
and Yard Wide toes. Ask to see them.
Womsa-e Boz Oalf BalmoraU new

CUUm'i Bd$iIi Tibit
B8 pair* fine Kid aad Hmtt Shoea. and taras at eery low priem.
beets and epriag heels worth fil to fil SO
Chndrea's achool ataoM n to » ttn*
tor 59c.
iar 9I.U. pood for 79 <90810.

Baai’Bv^ TiMt


Id's Bugtla lum -lo.)

Feitaad BHMraUppen lined Ue to
pad Bhmt bottos aad



A lot of Mea's fine ahom diffmaat poods and oompare them srtth othare
' "e and 7fte more. OeenboM for
womea aad Aildren. arary atyte.
aod priem away down.
•~-THt alook of LamberteMla
...... toandSoeka U tha ^ ai .
. out rate ariee*.
pair* Mea'iBhoe*, hrolras i
___ d Write. Cork Solea. Bogliah _ •
Mea'a PsrfHtlOH from 9ta.
aawto. almost esery kind of eboe, pood
Bop*' PerfeetloM Itm ftfte.
ralae at fiS.ftOtogS.tO. all go
Aa laeitetloa toazteaded to all H
prior fil-AA.
rtUtm '


Traverse City. Mioh.

If You Have logs |o Sel]

Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. SuHaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring.Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale* -Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.


r*.--- V' -• T—TT. .




1897 NCfrailBEE. 1897
So. Ho. Til. Wo. Th. Tr. So.

Of th« W«y th« Eitotion it Going
■t th« Pollt kt Croktor NkW
York Tomorrow.


M4I7W. Md1 A* tw

1 2
8 9
15! 10

CmrVT 0«t Hi.


4 5
11 12




nwBallUIK IbcbMloBC.
fte beaTlest tnooey wlnntaf tntMn
« tbe year eurted <mt rrmi.
A aaotieal knot is e.lOO feet.
A M is oaSt ia haU aa iDoh.
LadlM'twees wotild be more popnlar
rmi waccoe
bHMd of
A quarter of tOoib' U 9 iaOm.
> kltiare itoa pace is 4>* by IJ*.
tur WwrinsiEk nlaaslng nasBe
Tberciy^StaML pacsis SK by 9HC in tbe KeyA bn e by 6'f«« hpias AM hamls.___________
ad foot bta AM battels.
| Oo^ate,,®^
j* Mq^wion-


Tenrtn—TTbat in the world bee oU
SaldpatocoM vee>f«’
Bwfnts—Why.'be'e fiaeaattbwe
fa tbebt^ of baving acsac bair laisfaiC adTentjata.—S*w T«k JosnaL
Klghl Baee Base Wsssa.

Fresh Bntter


ne Wife—Did tbe editor say yotot
posD bed no merit?
The Poat—Oh. nol He merrfy mid it
; aWy the « trotter er« sold f« shipmwit to Enrope .
; y»’t the kiad tbqy jaid ftr.^Towa
JoeWheeke. I;07!*, is tba fasMt Toptos.
new porfoRDw of ibo year. Be etaade
box M iBcbecby 1< aad *4 iaebca orer I? hands aad is
wUleoataiaabarrelafa)* heaped
______ Btalll«ibain.wbldboaat$10.jr a>o freeh from Baltlinoie.

6A«i6 Wnlic «AM. ‘

Wha WeatO CaSeaMsdty Gall TbU XaWBg

A tbonnnd #jnylM leid 4-iaobes to
tbeweatbur are required tooorwlOO
anper^al fwt d ruuf.
Teoks are fiven a quartor-toabalf

PH fWlf.

000, baa rwocotly bea oonpleted at
Fhicbsm WUkee lam. Ledinctai. Ky.


Tbe Ea«1e Bird celdinc Eagle Flanama baa trotted to bis reoeddof »il2^
Cbelspa. I. T.. Nov. L —Yv.xr're
OB eight diflenait oorasinrta this
iobn Wslka. a Creek Indian who sb...
Palter B. 9
U tbe farteet fcrey
Jonas Deer, another member of his own
pacer .on nwd. Ony and Banafter
tribe, was legally executed f<» the
UavM. ac«or4lnc t
WWW fotiDiTly tied ter tbe bonor at
crime. Tbe men were rivals for tbi
band or ihv aame Ctrl and fought
danor at which she was prearnl to de- !
IH iiichtw louR j
berw by King.
ue (be Bronx will cwnHdnwbly exceed ndr Wbo should gala her. Walka kill'd gad KW to< tbi pmud.
BUiM^y ftxioe ( Wilkes, out of Kaiad. by B< hneat, own*>, A B. BalnneT of Detroit, also
«be TOU ot (be CUIxenr Vnlcn. U U Deer and afterwards married tbe Indian | naiisklti
i tnebta
bO w“»P^led at Korth Eatt. JJ4. who hM S :80
AMutelr cmindeBt' Ihel AMh Bow wMl maiden. Beveral days prior I* the lime I
I speed at tbe trot and can also paqevwy'gSiu^
I ootniugto
to your
your twwu.
town. wScre •«
In wiU
■et cerT7 • findc umdUx district Id preparation, for hi. wife-, rulur* w.l- land 700 to the pound. TwtwtypMmy i
the pr«MU cUy of New Tork. «efl tbei fare were completed, the pain or parting
the only one wbere (here U any reel
s. Vales and Math at
OOBtMt belwewn Trecy end Low U id be arrived: the crowd
weigh a pound.
' ,
AUOTtown^ reewn^ be UatTgwd! The doctor bits ao moqh' faith Tb^ihe ■ Fb«
tbe Twenty^nlntb district, which Tmry prisoner assumed tals puslil
A aiM in bata ii tma eighth «f M geld lo a five b«l rmwand «««»
WOL U clelm*. carry o*er l4>w by e ed knees with arms tied
d Ibehind a
tull 1.00# voice Tbe me}ur1ty by wbkh blindfold over tbe eyes.
wiudler diameter of tbe bead
One d tbe gmataa young jwoee* la
The rtOe was placed In the band* of
Oorenior HUck defewled Porter* le*
America is the Uy gelding Alim W_ AIX THOSg THaT AUK TOO rOOg TO FAT.
•V jteer wlU b.' Just.eboui (be melorUy by good marksman; a sharp crack, and t1
■«W in return ia that
Uthat he a
DOW U-ing trained at Woodlawn by
\wblA Trecy wlU defeet Ven Wyck. In white spot marked for the heart
Ute to their fri
than tiw»- Alex McKay. He r*<x*ily paced three
\tbe borough of Brooklyn will discolored w ith the spurting blood
d be hia treatment,
caused by Ihe deadly bullet, lAie last dlghtha in tbe drentofrawu*. Xb* heata in S:i7. 9 :lf H. i! :IS. He is by
Wt Low SI to L
i All forma -of'cbronic diseases and de- “
summer Watka went to Kansas City IPwtodi and Oennan haimakers have a
Young Jim..
- What UM •OihfV Fellows’ I
in^n this j
with a baiw ball nine of hi# fellow i rule alightly diflentit trum tbla
SytyKT. *
pnribR-Rft* hia
But tbe “otber fellowe" ere
fieds and played a game -■ —' '* *•" '
ttsx It "Fo et thau" They elso
I from tbe astronornkw) t<mw which dcample opportunity t
paraa«DH>» clelme
Tbt district leaders la
the meetini of the cofiunme* on orgenlf*) Ar* FOB lasBTSd. I. W. HAaTINOa la
MllOB of Temmer,} Hell bare made re^ Us JohasiA hlsek ssUs
ports. According to their, repoiu John
(MBS sf lbs Land Dirt baa.
C SbeWian aald that T«mmap>> plur­
Oaoiwa wpvrflirially
ality In tbe riecti' D #11 be «:.!
- v^
^ dietawi.
Jotlcy Narrara. whbhad tbe monnt |of Anatomy andPliysioloiryio Detroit
That to* Bm taTTell i:« What the -ioaMta Brntiallv the samo in
O'ConnorUi-nneso . a the ]lei;i
tn t^
tijBl they
UUT aroso
u, tl.c stake ntoe rcomit-' Homeopathic Medical CoUece for S
Arcs.r Asssssee..
' from and atiU dcprfld1 oj«i
t coBunjaiev.
oiuo a
a lack
lack oMonflo- j» ,raV
hit in tbe eye with
a clod of .years; was 3 years Superintendent of
.that H«nryOw»rfe.whelam.wlhellvmg
IS. .Nov. I.-Thc Ppanl* cHilaei ; <*1 p,4itluil mponcy. hat« brought tbe ayiheAtinil and so Iniured
nonld not;
Djurtd be
and Vpailantl Sanitariuma.
e. will
wl l<e elected mayur of New
ibined with many
3CJII with Marahal BIsm-o, the , Meditemuman and tlw CnriUMia. in
munnt ouI Pitfall in the laat!
last; This eiperiencc.
elecispitaU in
Turk. 1 feel
nes'giiverhiir grtieral uf Oults. <n lioaid I Qor ott-n (i:ui\ tn Kiniilar oouditicBiA re1. .i, .h. D.»
r relt to Ihe rlecllon
tion than 1 •
_______ _____________ _ ,
_ and treat­
waaMsrfatrdoB Havana yrrietday room- ggrdnl as qoanntiiw uf iutiTuet in the aa_t(.brid.
Betirv Ueurge^whu U d.ed." James
* chronic
■ route cases,
ing at t;J0. At 7 .AiiKk the
itiu-ruatiinal^'Utk^‘What■ - Iteynold. - fCiUa^na' I rion) said:
prepared him to core when the general it„
who Itbtv Urir sb.vl*'» Hk ar for
tntrin<uo value hPtbn ^o bode elected xm riitcred the harlmr., and Uru- .
practitioner failA Have yob ^n nick ; t*^».a»iitix w rrp^r. dsnsg ihr wisisr. I
-We bcJlev.
MarquU <
gf ^Tat<■r, in tlicuindv^ or ia tbolr
y a large pluiwllty. 1 «x|ieci that the (f-nant . GenemI
and !
SJ’k fringes, caprriaHT in tbe narrow ^
_____ _
majomy ol the Ovorge m.-o will sUrd
Call and ^
see us.we win
tell you
.rr high military and nat-alomi'ra.^^j,^,.^ the widiha are u*bft»-diwa trimming.
i ^ can cure yon or trot. Ifwecannst
by the son or tbe'man who for so many


New Departure!




RTOrtWant AdslE




__---------— ...........-

a CO.

,i DISEASES _lW.locio,.


.“"i I.'' U

Fire Insurance.

Free Storage
for Bicycle^.


KT;-.“7 "i'-l

i 5:5S.”..s«~~r.3;


years stood by them.”
ammsent of Hsety O.isrge. Jr.
Benn* Geirge. 'sun aild successor o.
Dm late Henry Ueurge. has laued tbt
(olluwlng statement; :l am ao arfec
I Icvirc father

n>»«klnd. their coDapimoua
Flat, overUpping biis folds an Inch ' cure yon. we will tell you what relief
SuipUigs^OrBl^Blsti’'’* *** gelArUoUe
_ i.i..ii*naiit licnErsi wVvVr I ^»«»etoit*tioi DOW
thriT i^iticu] or Bu ioch aod a half Wide aiv the Only , wecafi give you.
yli-ldrd.up t t commifnd l.. hm surer- | and militaiy iiupwtanoe. in tbe teoed- deewation at tbi- lop of the new alrevea j ^Kci^mi^oM_ m^^
! ast acnsei. as oaureruing not only tbe
HussUn Wimsua of black aad aome of |
sor. At 10 .
- ofa"
According ti
e M. a M. K. Depot.
akill to all who are too poor to pay.
iBstIcally gcm-KwI ' by tbt
arnuul with fur. will be won with silk Our methods of treatraest U all that la
:ho shouted "Long Uv:
knows by
br aU the acboola, with the .aid
■nd cloth tkirtA
Blanc,. '
don betwran an esM aixt a jpt^
r. that moat -wonderful of
Wv have Klondike cnllan CO ear ’ #f eldctnc=—
Ueulenant Gcn-rsl Weyler and MarParalysis, Loss of Power,
both tbe chato ia heokso be anlathmaa
fdial lilalUA. exrhmrured
farewell* on
.ickcts DOW. and they are all i
Rheumatism, a
and all (
Both are of omiuacted extont wl
iHwrd the Alfurso XMi.and the steamer
BUKgwts as regards height and |0O(a0great ocoana. aad
Momserrat rull-d at I o'clock p. m. ftbe ,
s vi'/e—v.*^
m fvsnires '
was emirted ouiFide the harbor by nu­
Many of the new *klna are cat with <
1 form the,
merous tux* laden wtih Ih* friends of
tbe departing general and thr ofllceia ^^'^aiidtfae hndtuuoim pMiiiof his staff
An Imntense erowd wit- cal and military, whit* gDodiUos Uie display the tnmmlng whi^*# !.
aemed the d'partup' fpim the wharves.
Aicsdlng m the ,ifn,-lBl account ,fhe |
people cheered for "tVeyler. tbe paHfl- 1 MitUUmiiuaii. as is abirwn be it* hisOvoskirts iw dnprries are aaid to be I irrA-mssiilw l°w*ii of asy saslurlBBac bas-1
ton. It Is uveu more fceriblv tree id fuUy esubllahod ia fashiun'a favor, but ‘ |H«*ile‘b» b'sHsdsui»


ar ilbdcr
jundlRg of atid airotouiMl admirailoc
fm all that hr has mid and dune.
Bmn has hul i<nc life bers to live
aotennly dcdlcste mice to tbe caus
Which mr father gale hla If elected
to tbe exal'ed • fllce <if mayor of Oreati r
New Trek I ahalPhold myself pledg.d
to fulBIl every «-wndltior and pnetilse
made by bim, and mmi espedaJlty
I bring swin lustU-r up>n those i
thievsa and 'rorruptlunlns who I
long have nsunled their deed* li
(acca of the commun p«0|4e whom they
raSEWa^law WIB Oct. a Mllliaa.
have Insulted and ret.lwd. T.. afi the
Cbicag-I, Nc.v. 1 -Judge Koblaaat has
■ world I ptrelalm lhl»;
My fa
:d-lded that Maltha r*JyU>urn la Ihe
work, ag-pt planred and pursu<
aball be earrird fi^ward wlthont fal­ widow (.1 Allen >lreg,ey and enillled UJ
tering or '»»en-lng. 1-ei all who i.«>k about ai.otn.uoti .if hi* icoperty, rhulilcg
feqgtr at sight of bis sundard ke*». heart oul aU.n ihlny .-e.hee h'lr». The alJeifed inartlage was performed by a
^yCnd follow, fnr It pres*r. cm. and ahi
woman »h.i lad ro authority lo per■/ptrm ou and cn while life U WU" ^
fewm such e-retr.viie* ard without a
sr. Iiut Iliam'i- undrr, Ibr "common
roarrlaire -- i-, r,-lple. The heirs
klaTteksSa la tW tVId-Wilirsa^ CBasappeal'd the • ssF.
i«lgti Very OaU
, I>e* Molnr*. la. c«-l. I,-The Iowa
enmpalgn of 18»T la piavtlcally closed.
Tbe chairmen of the rsapecllvc commlUecs bavl issued their fins) sstlmatea
•ad cUltir*. Chairman McMHUti. for
the itepubileana eailmates a maJoHiy
of at least U.OM; Chairman Walab. (or
the Demn-rata-ifree Mlveri. Halms tbo
mate by n.eOD majority; Chairman Buitin. Gold Democral, thinks ihry will
poll M.WO votsa being a laUme ofpowrr. Many of tboov will vole for the Re­
publican ticket. The Pruhlblllontsts
dalm 1&.000 votes and the "mlddle-ofthe-ruad" Fopbllsia lo.o##.There ar«
■tx tickets In the field:
Silver DemoeraUc. naUooal
Democrafllc. Peoples l>rohlbllloBlsl and So:
dallBB Labor. Tie caudldatea (orgovsrnor are rrgpvcUvely: L. N.THiaw. P. EWbUe. J. F~ Cliggitl. B. P. Letand and
C. A. Uoyd.'
UncolB. -Veh.. Nov. L-Tbe campaign
ta .Vebragka which virtually closed telurday eight has beee the dullest, most
nneventful. athce yesri ago when thr
Republican majority was so reUable as
to make a nomination un that Hck«t
uiulvalmt to an election. Five ticket*
are In tbe field and c-ndlUons are mt
the same as last year, with only pupu
Interest lackliig. C^ipaci furtun I
been perfecled by Ihe silver fureea co
prMng what In Nebraska Is known as
Bhun DemocralB. Ihe Populists and
Free Bllver Republicans
__ ' Buffalo. N. Y., Nof. 1.—The Couuty
Dsmoerwey of Chicago slopped 'off la
Buffalo on its way home from New
Tork yesterday afternoon. tAraded up
. and down the alreela. serenaded lb* lo­
cal Dsmocratlc newspaper o
Mayor Hamsun made a speech to a big
crowd that bad a^mUe^ Tbe party
Ml (or Chicago n 7; 1# Buoda]
Piler to coming to Buffalo tl
gDBM apsat several hours at Niagara


DCS Molsca. la, Nov. l.-Tbr au|ir
court Raturday handed down the
ctslOD which end# the aiieiapis of the
fukostata to cxdsds the Midddle-of-iheread Populixta from tbe oAclal ballot.
Tbe iDoUOB to dtsmlaa the auperssdeaa
w1»lch was granted a few days am was
dlsmlMcd. Thu will probably end the
Waeted.k Let sf Dtaw Oaasa.
Weet fiuprtlor. V.'la, Nsv. 1—Chief of
PollcvCrempion has notified high trhool
puplU that fort bell gnnte tnnj
He says that he wfn tn
game ]iiat as be would a prise fight or
«lh* dlsturtaacv cf the puMIe pcaM.
kow. If Veu Are Osartl^ a dlrl—
Lillie Hnek. Ark.. Nov. L—Tbe ed*
gme court tn the (ast of J. H. Rato
aad wife against P. J. Toang. on epaaal from thU dty. decided thet e kneiuri B respoMbte for tbe debU sf the
firtte eoniracird brforo marriag*.





still on Deck


tbe Carilibraa. Imnl.v bmama-tbe Am •


tbe Old stand.

jmwrtii they ainawr mostly in aide j

WD of us
d..w noc m. in tbe panela n-ching to che bottom of tbe
Itsiiuerencwn pmin-iUa ihre* .be drwa skirt, which .bow. bmw«. back
ppw*r.dtbeUnd» into the aed; partly las-amu. frum
bistAwioal antvndeau alrwuly allmlMl
tbe ebaraevr of tbe first c«Joh.of (be.

and frimt.
Bssil^ both at the baiA and <w tbe
bijm are profibesud is (be ntas fntan,
nioiciuplau- tbe pnwpect d a
oar figtma which

ott-ntwtimi. Unue daw u,a exist in Ww> tbe zealigiic »cDcb to»ch to our fashOuibbean c» ib lb.' gulf of Mexioo—
^atft from tbv United Stales any laud
power al all oampsimble to those great bwxmilng «Cect of tbe priiiowsdaqa
eanciiMmtal sUt«M,<ff( Eurepu whoae geoeroDaly extoUod by tbe fmeign ti
strenitai 6w ui tbnir anuea tar more iuo bndu, aad it U act fmth as cd
«h-t. in tboir naviw.
Cuunmftlli-'s' arc puling al|vec-'dolBo far as —e"-~i «—n»-sei_is as dla- it is tafriy Bwu
lanlc d tbe drewIts out 1nfi> siulhwesl better than
tioct frtxu (becantiaosaotienuaf ttatea- maker's prednvt
'C'l* Fam'E
fican-h Light ai Hanu Ana. Cal . made i t&Mi. diaoereed. in Uw MeditcrTbe new poke btmnet it
_ mile In
Hr U a S-year-old and
the llmr I* a rectitd.
E Riwdiey (Pa.l Iron company baa
poxrd<-es of SB Increase of wages
of ull tis J l«p «-mrto)e*.
A r.<nsM' edui-at' r and mtor. Pro­
In the Caribbean. TlieCtoribbpan U prefessor Winiaii'D.Rander*. died al-Jack- eminratly tbe dexuain of tea poww.— a nue ur two tneked inside next tbe
hair.—New York Smi.
sonvillr. Ilia. Piidey night.
CaptMn A. T. Mahan. U. 8. K.. in
prescntsllves of 10* yerhi cluhs In
Uanwr's MagaalDe.
miled Btetrs and Canada met at
New Yrrk arid ortanlar.d (he Yacht
Raring t'ninn iit North Amrrlca.Tbe proper
batweea tbe eym
Mla* Ilos* Etllr-gT. an American from
«r. "—New York Snirdey JownaL
WaterKiu. la . sang iwfore Kropen-T , » **» Width tff a
William at a concert last week. Hls!_
majesty rompllmented the aingrr upon
her voice.

a lyin“s
Send for Joursa'.

Tbe Enterprise Grocery
is' still doing business on
Front Street, jnst west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
lin^f good goods-cheap to .
be found in the city. .

Jno. R. Santo,


Our Opening ■was .
a Grand Snccessl ^

Feedlnard Carvlere. e -crahk from
Relnohskl. Gue.. who went to Ottaa'A
with the avowed Inlenikm of kllUng
Laurler the pcrmler of Canada, was
aeht to an-hfylum.
At Heywasid. RngUnit. Hellar. the
ehampicn ml.Mle.welrhl
wrestler of
JJitglarid. defeaicd Jack Omy. the ItOponnd champion of Amcrlee. Meilor
a-on two oui .of three falla.
John T>unn. fnmer aasUtstil to Prekdenl Btuvv.-iani Flki. of Ihe nilnols
Cpolrml railroad, died Saturday roorelrg
at } o'clock at -Chicago. He was
(T years old. a native of England.
ColonElWarIng.c-ommlaalsBer cf street
cleaning at New Tc.-k. baa brought ault
f-w m»l agelnst Richard CMksT for
lioo.fvd damages for charging Mm with
running hU department to Mt osna advaitUge.

a theft of the r
tunnel et Chicago. The dead man wat
wniiim Snlttvam Patrick lasrrenee U
Ihe other. ■
YU* Wsstiwe Wo Bay Bxpset.
Wi^ilnttca. Nor. l.-Foaowteg ar* lb*
wMtksr ladIwtHw far twsnly-foer bnno

_u yrt-erday: f1w"lSuS-l
»• riEsrtor w * * ■

U'-rtharB porOoo
totloeed by (4<srtw w>a»w: sartBeru
wtBds;«nlsr. FnrMIebIxaB-Ctoady eilttw
•Ilk shoF*rs: bgbt to rrasb varlaU* wmdsd by Ugbt abowsci la aaatats porBse: Shite
friiti Dotihsrty wtada *himag Is wwMy.
For tews-Ooewatly 'latr -wtbar ftskaMe
ataady le tbo mimMl asr1B^wfa»B: oaalw



Enterprise Groceiy,

-Watch Repainng.

W.'J. ROBINSON. Managtr.

—John Verly.


—Front Street.

B. iT.
Tura-o-efae Oity,




was thronged with buyers WHO FOUND

They’ll Gome Back
because they iound goods as advertised, both
in Price andQnality, NEW GOODS. LOW
PRICES wiil continue to prevail at

Broach Block


Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
tank MedtatM need by Va«or 1

8. S. WAIT. Oreiglet-


K gArmm aunKETB

Also everything ia tbB line of

Otden by Phone given quick rU


ti..t be WBJ apmaudtd JdkB B. Croabr.
wCc baa baae ooe of the Wat aodea
camraicnen for Uenir Qaarre. waa Um
ta« aiMkar. aad the oalr Ufiw' «bo
woke: be evoked applauae.aree tnore
•nerteUc tkas the rttnartta of Dr. Ut>

extraordinary Honert Paid totha omm.
Marrwry «f
Tax Laadar.

•• P- *>—■—


N*« Tork.
L—A Boamttv <J(r.
A arl«f^cli
boBor to Ui« mBB Tbo bkA Ullet. is Ux
bBtUe for whBt br b«llrv«4 to be ihe
ncht. Hmrr <Men«. B>atlr Ot'ib*
•Uwl«-tu. leader cT tbe New Jefle^nUa Demucrao'. atrtekeo ob the cv* uf
atoetloB. enu honored a* bo ^ral* rU>
bpB df Amertea eras rear oonored be*
fore. Public ptefa hove bees many in


ai M

The promaloB wbleb an
tbe renatu to Brcoklyawaala
«Mta tba moal ramaikable rver w«.
BcsBd lb New ToUc. The eaufalauc
waa a magnlBceot ctaaUob of bUck
braadeleth, and at tba baae waa twelve
tret widk There Wert Bve atepe lea<l‘
Ibg to the lop The horaea. of }ei black,
were covered with black allk bCttlBK
and were led by slaleco grvotna. The
only MBUeas on the top of the caakH
waa a imall white wreath. Tbe organlaaUopB that paid honor w Oeorge by
totlowlng the funeral car fell cato line
Cron the aide atreeta oB Badtexi av.
anue and below Puny*aecpBd atreri.
There waa acme dlaappatnunenl Is the


Theodore Babcock baa ai«D«i with

pn«lacd7 vb«i Cbariea mbinaB for *^Tiw trikmfk ti
baUrve that tbeee were tbanilMaea.*blaae«. thooxti they did bot reach
OhartM a OoehnM’a plaa tor m
aar • • »^t I kaow. and
I Uiintw- in Knr Yofc
lean l«.iie«ala ~T eka WlnHw
kBow. Bod The TrlbtU)# kaew, wbeb It
ciC7 baa brai atandened.
piepared and printed the lytog aooouDt
A miBor that the 'Eakx7-8hsBb«B
WortfTt rhlr Ci^«
or mr reception apoB the aCrecta of Chl>
finnan i1 Ihe
cage, arhleh
whlcta aappeand
the nul
naat mornlnr
mamKg ' npany was aoan to ctona U denied bj
In ttacoluiDba, that It waa a lie. ■ • ■ tbe ojuipany's rvprwntatlTn.
"L-aUr, when my vlal^o Iba Natoi« I David Waidnld hat neiied fttn tbe
expoallloo waa
la glf-ea
gltea up
un •• • »
Tribune, wltbougb I bad dona I CM of ‘“nieBeaiecf bVw Ycak” and
nothing but what other govemom of i baia gone to Sas Fnwctooo tor a rM.
other itatea bad done, againto Whom I
OdcU W^Jlalat. Sberidab Block,'
nutbUif waa aatd by way of reproach ! bneto Etotoiaga. UnnltonatMlLiUtoB
to the nawigapef* of
aUtW. under- TraendaU have
engaged for -Tbe
aka' took to brand me aa a coward and
of Iberaandike.”
■wlbtialr^lUeetwgaategia Hay afraid of yellow fever—tbe laat charge
I' Joaef Hatmaim. tbepbodetwbo mpwbleb 1 bad auppoM would
IkNMight agatoat dm—and aa a liar, wbo ! pentad hesa Kone yaws ngo ae an infabt
had mlireorewnted tbr feeling* of lb' prodlfCT- will retimi to fday this ecaeon
tousd the opp
I tbia talachood It auught I With Ibeodtaa Tbcanaa' weboBa.
day ^bt at the terular meatlag and | by an
I Henry B. Dixey eigned IM waek to
_ club.
_ ' tbe rnmlxn
Bv o«cUJ family to
banquet of the ComiiMn-UI.
I tow aa a isaetldlgitatew. nbd«g Edtbe aubject;
“““ *»
Uusfnicat'of the civ' with
' dlatorted *o aa to appear Ilk* a coo- |srwd L. Btoott'a niartogiimiMl. wdag
of ugatloB bef<.r> t .a fur dlKSabon.
SraiatlOB of Ita mean and contemptible I tbe pan^bcgnalto cd tba Into rtaoertek
be let looae the vlaU if bla wrath upoB
I BaaerutL
•'Finally when aliwnt In the weat tbla I
Jaaqoin Miller, “tbe^'^^ Biwsame TrtbuBe wired to varloua persoea
|tae." wbo bee l«n in AlaebS^
on tbe train aad at tbe railway ata-

Ever Bonied Oat?
U wyoB know
tha vklae of

d. P. CA'BTER. Agant. '

Suits to Order.



tcBloefc. CateaBiiwat.

$M Otr New line

Picture Mouldings

ladlaoD avenue there were leak tban : HameB Is Use.
Uona aaytog that It was reported to
There were marka of reaped all alorg
Chicago that Ooi emor Tanner's trip
the line. Bared beada were tbe rfi1e oa
waa lor tbe purrxiK of poker playing:
both ddra of tbe atreel and many men
;whlcb Inclu
Olga Hetberw^ wboes Londmi eealo.etenal rret after bartne eereed bla and women were noticed to be crying.
ten will b(«to utigt Buntb. bat been re­
people aa a lt«der of «>ldlera and aa When tbe open apace to fnmt
rmianled me) was playing
man w ho ac*'tr,
In Twenty-third and Tw*nty-'
quested to Hipnar to -Diaiim" befege
^ etalaf asecutlve of the land~bad laid bntela
a a heavy
high alak-«. and- that
Bfth atmu waa reached tbale waa an
at bta Uer auch evldeacea cf pubUi anomoua crowd. There were a nwinl^r
loser. Inveatlgatc therm
and wirq... the fMnon.hl>d Prtooeea of Waite at
^jsitortogbain palsoe.
Pltf. wldcapraad aottow and liDcere of old men here wbo aeemed to U
tbe factaneurWns aa vaa laid at the bier of greatly tnterralrd. for they atnnd with
Mra Lndle Carter trill appear to a
bared beada from tbr time tbe poUce
new play to New Ynrk early nett etacandidate gpp,
ftipeared until nearly all the pruccmlon.
eon. The cbaqmtor which Mw will
n carrytn* | had
cs a »*-»
' * paaaed them. When tbe aouth Me
crlgtoatc will bo oitirvly diSennt from
■T warfarv on iboae be
je hfllcved of VL'nion aquarr waa reached the land
that <J Uaryland Calvert
were enetnire
the iiuhUr weal: Be ob« that bad preceded the catafalque loll
e .rilb the
Cltr IWsUea. to aBoet aep<. rr. II
recalled the elroiiK r.unle of deauDcia- out of-llor and taking a aland on the
tloB that Ml frum bla )l|w while on Mdcwalk placed a dirge while the re­
Bcr^ton. Pa.. Nov. 1.—The
a fatal
tbr iMdllU-al ruMrbm: he maa ,ren>en' mainder of the pro
mine diaaater In tbe Lackawanna, or VtouuiL ptvaniuiig U A l>n bouchet'A
bered only aa a man who au loved tha
It waa I o'clock when Ihe head of tbe
Wile* Bep-Hoabaad." ..... n»; 7 as,
Wyoming, coal Brlda alncc. the Twin farce, -'My
people that he ini\r bla life for them.
cnluina rounded Into Broadway again
pi«» wilt b« <•........ 1 or! f tf Kalkaska
year dawd taontiay.
■le Itay
at ninrteenlh atraeU
An eapectant
.. . I as: e MNaaer;«M
ago waa developed la tbe Bre which wHuai
Ftoid dai'iichl to tar into the night , ciowd of Oeorge korahiperw flanked
gutted tbe KIver Slope of tbe Detawi
tbe oulward manlfeautioa of grief
irf laat*
laat- I Broadway at Canal atreel. Here It wws
........I 1 tv.......... CaSiliae
gated U|<0D Uir famllrnr. noticed (hat there waa much weeplii
Hudson rvmpany'a Von Storch
.. ..I tm. ........ meeacuy
. W. Pawhin.
W. P. CratiMV.
balored featui
1 dektb. yet The preccsalon from that point to City
aufr.waled b
........1 *»,............ bagUaw
Rat] park wim without Incldem aive earetally i«par*d for » oecauos tne
for a rrpelUlon of tbe acenea of grief governor gave *-en« to aXbltur attack ] ^ ^ inlander was n
Wam what be called the “tbugf glganlk; Uio dead fbr aWhUe.
BIBcent ealuglra upon tbr dead. In ev­
AUotMjs al Law.
ery temple of Ood. wherever men gath­
and dangerous aa well aa the moM
Hilt, Uwa: Jc^n FkirvIL com­
ered to wuratalp or gathered to bear
venal and eorrvpL iruit that ever ag- pany man; John FTancto Moran, driver;
fecturea and pbllnsophy taught.
lated " Tanner then Invited an acllca Michael WaMb. Uborer: John McDonn«U.mtoer:TbomksPaddeQ. Tbemlaalag
I aM WltaWtaW tba Bwehaye lb the c»brts by tbe
era for damagea- lie waa conndeDl'lbat men were at work In tbe deck and aure the dead rewted.
. -'B«
tM was amenable le the criminal tow for
anrlnnatl. Nov. 1
t. BgOWN. Anai-Mr aad Oe*
.1 ovat^na In tbU Mty llbetoua laoguagr, aito Invited pruaacu* but two sveoura of escape. Tbe aborier
Saturday from tbe time' of bU arr-val , U<<B.
route waa by way of tbe slope, which
at 10:M a. m. till after midnight, when ; MMvpmIHmo A>wmal. Awarehy-to..<e.a waa a aea of Bamea. and tbe other
l of the .
tbe toinquel of tbe Commercial club!
He aeaerted.lbat a tUlure ob-ibe pan rmite waa vis cram-cuts to gangwaye
that Bought tu and utteranre.'
twberr hemadeaaiavcb) waaot er. He
«*» pubUahrr* to tulng an action wMcb bad to an air abaft nearty a mile
aiaKDtlng voice waa beard
received ovatlcma all along tbe UUIe Vifm him wiuld convict t^m of all from tbemsM where the men werewotk- 1^A»g X Btonyn, ■.!>- PkyalriaB^M
declarwllun that Henry Oeotge wga a Miami valley l» rvacblng the Ut). ' U>eJ-harge. he had mad*. That there |
lover of the iceople. who be''bellrved When the preeldenllal party left the !
be no ciouble aa to bftoglng ^
Plrc kept them out of tbe slope; and
'a there wB« a - *bh be called one of tbe editor* he de- tbe smoke-which backed Into all Ibe a^a^mea's .
ere being opprcaaed, and Chat 'te gave
M J ■ iiaar* a,
to greet ’ hounced by name. "The newepaper irurl worklnsa |■rvvented escape Ibruogh tbe
• life that humanity might live.
■ rx. Waywr.t
t* an noaiThy bitvder.'’ eald he. “It crom-ebu. Miners and city firemen to
Bwriod al Breoklyw TWk Meralag.
_____ ai «9W.
him and ifar ovalhin conUnued
2fcal^gjite^b •areaMTesaillMa. m.
The eulnglra uttered, the day gone, to Walnal HiUai' Then Mlowed the Invades tbr penitentiaries avd drag* out tbelr efforts to fight the fire In the
the alreeta ' became hiled with |iro|>l< ovailana'co'route Into the city at Boon. Btorlea
slope were handlcapped-by nrveral exC. h. NCMAT, Asm.
tenrive fall* of roof, rauerd by the •rboBm ica. WL tm
0. L. LOCKWOOD t -F A-qraadRsMe• who wiahtd *o »
e funeral cortege
burning of the Ombera. and by tbe-tauInetlP
of furctog tbv air current downward toNew Yoik'a greatcit. nrecia thence I nem club In the aflcmooD. FTum tb*es
arnin tu Ihe Brooklyn Hiy ball. Thtire'l down town reception* the prerldenllal of public mcrala lly Its unfair ways atewd «-f upward. The wurkere wer* tv«atrt'.«y*. oeci. FHedricb Week. 'Phoa*.
Ihe j.ol ll<- gave over the l«idy to the-: party wa* drlrrn l«rk to Walnut Htlla it has lost lU pow i-r for public guod en - Ihrestt-ned by. falls of ronf and tbe
famlly>'and the raskrt waa taken to Ije ; to the Schmkllap tnanrlon. to attend a tlrcly. It le pnivvrblal that nolaidy be- •Wqu-ealng" of tbe wall*. Chief Hickey,
(Irve* any longi^ what
of tht Scranton fire deiArtment. abd
borne to ^ort Ilamllioo, from w hich It : muNrale in honor of Mra M'Ktnlry.
eight a'ron>ca narrriwly rsiaped death. fluaisUnioaHroit. Telrohoaelfi.
wn* Imme tu Ita final rvstlng place In I
Khe looked beautiful to her gown of paper*. There f»I no gnat
e 1^1.11' wtlfare than lb
uf this They were driving tbe «TH>ke before
_^<3r«nwccd IhU mondng.
heavy aatln brocade, pale blue In co'or.
-nal ni-w*i>ai-er iru»i."
them l>y tbe use of aster from a big
the bodice
vaihid to i>olnt lace. Superb
of *vw *ar. e<— end thioat.
noaxle when the air current was atiMitku to
iolharle* glliu-rrd1 In her
and Bome
changed at tbe i*b*^ **nd tbe omoke
pearl* and 'dtoinondil
lAiDond* gjearned
Xnaeeal Serrlcee at hew Turk—.
her lacea The-Ilnle ftchmtdiap
IP ehll
ehlldr-n puhlUben with all of wurupt enveloped tbe party. They groped tbelr
That Were Ay^taaded.
RioUvra Tbv urw»|-apriv were for mJe. way toe feet U> tbe opening aad oolhovered about her rbair Auwanily
New Yoik.'Nov. L—The body of Hanwere her most devoted admircra Tbe be claimed, fur ary consldi-ratlon that lapmd In tbe open air.
.ry Oeotge lay to »ute yeaierday to the group made a charming picture. Mrs.
Jowph Tomaakl, one of the men rnmight be offered- ^
Grand Central imiUcc and UO.OOO peoto* McKinley'* mfl gray hair and fine au nulurlou* that evrp- pngnoter »f a tnmlx-d In the mine, was to
revermily fwraed the caakrt and looked pmAle brought out by the dark bark- publk- ealerprlaewkndaeolerprlaewknda' that tbe first o'clock KatnSSay night: Tbe bodies of
ntber men were afterward* found
upon the face of Ihe duad phlloaupher. ground of Ibe cam-ed high back of tbs step toward sweea* for hie scheme was
From » o iUk In the mumiti* till J to ebair and ibe-boy and gtrl to big Uce to obtain ibe sui>port of (he newepapcia. and brought to Ihe surface. Tbr Pole
In an Jffle^-lew.cxplalned that wbeii n.a
the afivinoun a nireaa .of men. women collars peifbed on tbe broadTrsu uf Refeertog to allsck* made upon him In
connection with west aide park board ------------- -— ‘------ "o suffer thetr death
the chair. I
in poN
urged them to (olTesterda/ the pnsldent alteaded th* aSalre. |)e mid: ‘T'p to tbe time of the ^Dl|
early dawn the body
* moved to a
hnt they refused.
He es, plain brarie
f from I'nlon
-Square hotel Walnut Hina M. R. chUKb. waleb It rwmoral of Mr. Medlira DetnocraUC caped
•d to an old air-way where'hr knew
to the Grand Central palace, unattended goes without saying, wae crowded. The MePda <•! Ibe weat aide The Trttame of a band t
r whit h he plated a
mve by tbe guarde of honor and four remainder of tbe day wws spent quietly. bad been friendly to me and to my ad- ho* and in uJat Inserted hla be«d. Re
Immediately upon thetr
polkemrn. Behind tbe hiarae came a
vat It publlabed a two-coluifm atratagir vamagv. Anna UeuiT*'. Ibe
admlnlavirulently atiaykli _
younge*! dai^bler. wbu tomned upon CkMsrtha llUwsU Mine WseksnOwtaf
tratlon and myself perworg; f.
PctwHyul ttoUege Past Ml t1*w*i.
bocomi-anytug the b-dy to tbv Qrand
then until now It has poreueo me.
Chicago. Nor. 1.—Pollowlng are the
Ocnlral iialace.
i<rrsuaalon evuU
RprlrgHeia. Ilia. Nov. l.-Tbe execnAttse* wa Lact*ialt«e Mawar.
corm in the. principal college (out ball
swAy her fnini her puri>uae. Weeping tlve hoard of tbe t'niird Mine Worker*
“TfbCB the Allen bill waa pending, and
latum Saturday; Chicagu U. IlltouM
e stood I
of Illlnut* met In thi* city Saturday and
t; Wlacor.Un ». Mlcnraou t; Kansas P«>^Bm^^all»eo»at. IweainatMt
cvrialilered the. charges of bribery made x^T^bo^announclS^
Mr Tertea M. Iowa #: Northwwien: «. Pbysiclana
Ts tabs ogam bmtay.JaaamiMT.
* proving in
ag'dinM PrvNdcnt Jamc. M. furwor,. ; ^ reported to Iw paying gl.MO each and Rurgron* C: Purdue to. Indiana •: mob BALE fraEAP—Tee aeiea. ■iiety
The result >J their delibcralkins wa* tar that measure. U doubt- Harvard H. Cornell t; Yale C. Wewt a archere.lbreewllcsSreai ten. ararW.
fused to permit the'body
t <; rrinceluB aa. Dartmouth «;
away unlem ah* acrumiianled It. wbl<# that t-arkon wa. Min>esdsd fron tbe 1Whether tbe bill would paaa. but agorgatiiaalluJi fer a jwrh-d of Mg month*. Urewwd the uptoluD that If It dW Ihe Pennaylvacia W. Brotfn O; Acnapedb 4. atrrH. IM-«t.
■be Rnally did.
The crowd pansrd by tbr coffin -at tbe Prior t.) Ihe adoption of the rnsoluclon : governor would veto It, beeauae. Miould Pecn.’vlvanla Sute t: Indiana SL Prfia,i|-o
public would b«*ln
-IranU College •: Lafayette*W. L*^
rate of from l.UO to an hour. looking to hla expulalvn Canon lea- i
W ferw goMI dHtlagbaror; or wiU sell
drrrd hi* realgnatloc a* prraldem ut
value' of his signature,
rSew C. C. Uaee. the Arwymaa- UXetLrwta a
tbr I'oiied MIm Worker* of the ataU. on the baat* of tl.HO wplsce to tot aea................l bitterly
Wniaed <e Uaee tbe Tswpta
Vice Pp-aWent James M. Hunter was ator* and reprrwrotalivrw tthe tolkl
teodcrly laid a laincb of vloleu on tbe
ctouen to miccecd Canon.
Buislwrl. OB Che theory that bis name
giam. Tbe floral dccormtlona were pro­
would be w.«b more to Mr. Terkea lour the cuuniry fue .^h* temple. Her
fuse. A mam of wreathed Auwvre waa
Mr*. Laetaenv MWag Brwtber.
plan of nailing, for Kurope Nov. M has
tbgn all the vote# ewst for tbe bill put
pent by tbe Cbic-wgn Single Tas club
Cbh-agu. Nov. 1.—A new- arnsa'tbsi debeen given up entirely. Turn we now
At tbe front of the platform Hood a reluped lb tbe Luetgert case Baiurday. together. • • • Thla particular bDl to the geotllea." abr says. "White r1^
bust of the fallen leadar modeled by bis AUori.ey Albcn Phalen received the In- iwmrd- by a maiorUy of nearly twe- borer* are ool to be asked tor brlp~
Utlrd# to each of tbe two houaew Of
non HIrhard- Al the foot of the pedi-*tal
formailon-Thal Ur*. Loulor Luetgert'a tbe senator* and reprtaenUtlvea from Mlaa Wlllanl wtU apreal pkrwmally to
-upon which Ibe bronxe crated were nuirtlaelng brother’ I* now living to the Chicago more than Ibreq-fourtb* voted rich friend*. Ore wemaa. wboae name
lueroua flural tribute** Including a cross,
cannot be learned. I* e*i«-cted to niaks
vh-lmty- of'Pueblo. Colo., and rould be
More Jhan W.«M Uxpayer* and
fruoj one arm of which bung'a wnAtb produced beta |s Chli-ago at tbe aecoed tor II
maUon immediately of SIM.««.
vntetw of the city of Chicago
of w hite wnd^dnk nwm, from Mr. and
trial of LiHlgert. Tbl* missing bTOtbef
Mra Toro L. Jobamn: a wrewth-of tm- of Mra lAictgrn ard of Delirh-b Bkk- signed and preerfited a pettlton for the
pasaage of the bill"
monellr* and pink orchlda from Joaeph
Akron. O, Nov. 1.—Late Ratniday
ncre dlroppcarcd In-enty-two year* ago
Pulltaer.rueee andchrywanibemunn to a
tUcbaid P. Marvon was apa map
and had never here heerd of alm-e. Bui
wreath, (rum John C. Mllbolland,
point'd recet\-cr of tbe Werrer comton usb all thoie yearn be appean la
puy. (be big printing astabllshiDcat
tlefure t O HCM Ibe people wei* per­ have been wacdirUg to a partlany de­ TalMTbem They ttosaM Nat Beet Cam
with works here and a branch to Cbimitted tu occupy the •cats In tbe halt mented cpr.dlllon around among tbe
ell* They Itore Nat TVwH.
Tbe front tix row* to Ibe mala part of 1
cago. Tbe liablUtles are gives as «M0.Tbe grvretpor thee mid that If th
tclghbu-hqod uf Pueblo. I
WO. and tbe aaseu at «t.«W.<
the aodlt'Ulum were reaerved for the
I Allen bin hurt Chicago It would be b<
family, tbe tmnedtale frierds of tbe
Wks Hardaead daka Oa*
- of a venal oouncU elected by. tbe
deceased, tbe pall-twarrr* and tbe uaborw AD the rest uf tbe main floor ww*
mien to tbe crowd, and It took but a
They mag
mee lbs Owsew."
short llm< to flU the halL The plat­
Bunalo. Nov. L-Al tbe W, C. T.
form. of oourwF. was reserved. Tbe
cUBVentloo Saturday a large «ombef
pall-btarcrw were Tcm L. Jebbaen. Au­
W AprH
Springfield and appeal to the Icg^I under police lurveUlanoe., K*
wbo U I
detcgatcs warw
gust l,cnlv Andrew McLean. Thomas and w ho auya she had grown alanned ‘ <urr
of tbelr •wm bdlBer- Inirudueed. there betog representaUva*
O. SheaRnan. Arthar McEwen. Louis at hU abaaoce from the bouse, and with from the
i-B toteregm
• • • of Orcat-«rltalB and her eulonlaASpain.
r. Pott. Jerome O'Neill and Charles bm UlUe daughter bad gone out to fo« “>
and Sweden.
FTadcrlc Adams. The bonoiwry t*U- •cu*to of' him. He was tying beMde a
at they may. TbU Is a tanda- Tbe umuh vlaltotw. with MMa Willard
branra. aorne af whom aa( on tbe pisi­ gmc^denoglguah Are and bad been dead : t* '
le of democratic loatltu- to tbelr eerier, lined up os the stage
form. -lorluded Mayor WUUam
He had gone <
abne boura.
sang "God Save tbe Queen."

CifY bookstore. ,

r to-K^Bn of tbe


Gnnd Sipiii i Iifiiu E. K









Chicago —
West Michigan.


D"^S‘. *u.‘^'Si.‘SratrS.=7S:





At Sfi- lii.......





lumu mNnuniBLi

Ui.J-.rJs'wJr.-—* t... -S

: • orm raicAoo cmxKic*

Strung sat at the center of tbe plai
and. he « a* turrr unded by a number «(
tba more dlalinguiahed peraetta preaent.
^hlnd tbi- mayot- aat Seth Law. with
Colonl George H Waring by hts aide.
The exercleew began with the Mngtng of
the hymn •'Laad, Kindly Light." Rev.
Dr. Heber Newton, whp was George's
warm uem.nal friend as well as paslo*
twad the F.ptacoial burial etrvlre. Dr.
Kowtnn did not wear hi* primtty robe*
and I heI* were no^n

Dr- Lyitian AWntt *i«cke briefly upon
tbe charwrler and public scrrices Of tbe
<Md man. Be waa followed by Rabbi
t Oottbefl. Thee there wws a hymn and
tbec Dr. MeGIm MX*# so MoquagUp

Bcmn. Nov. L-Tbe German p
depanmewt la wgpertraenUng '
InvenUon. an elartrleal lypewrti
paratUI. wbleb. a


Thla la what tbe newspaper trust
ored for. and Ibis la what tbe general
assembly has given tbeia. • • *
“It Ithe "oew-iqtapc'i trust") tootoOBled that my signature to the Allen
bUI was procured by lirtbety, aebarge
wrblch I disdained to nuilcw. If this Is

Waablhgton. Nor. L—Af the close of
boslneis Saturday, tbe last bnsinees day
of tbe mosth. the gold reaerve to tbe
treasury amOBBted to flU.Ul.lU. which
U by a few tboumtod doUan (be bighest
pclnt record^ since Kewmber, IBt.
The dclblt lor tbe mopth wasD.StCU.
ILOn.lSJ greatt r Iban the deficit
e aaDM'mCElb 1*

tbe other r
Governor Thnner then referred to the
I hUnc* for him on the Rtvete the day of
Ibe dcdlcatinn of the Logan moeumeet.
•ayt^: 'The Chicago Tribune an­
nounced to advance that If tbe
the theft of . ......................................
has roturned to the odflee CLTM which of llUnMs shMiW appear mam
be had concealed In tbe hM and eblefctB upon the atreett'of Chicago be wronid oe
1 -ba

O. Baines, altaa Georg* ADefl. vbc
wtaO* a soMler to (be Ninth totantry at
MadUoe baxiaek* to April.........................
' aad Mary Dal..
tt murder te th* mend de-


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