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The Morning Record, August 11, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Pint T«*r-No. 86. .
; tw® ba_______ _
BtnnxBa wo» a olou oaxb
XI Bw jAybodT^ OSBU VstU «h«
X«M Bu WMOaVud Oacoftba
. Bom A»MMd OntMti of th« A^
OM Ooed TMm Woik Ail AmobA
ABOlk« OM Of ttHMeloM, ■oopvT
«OM bitvrM Ik* BiMiM sad (Mtt
THtOTdoy; aad-1^ b men pUMloff
«o tM foM.
hem tMB ««•.
IheoUanoiid wort of M tewM
WM of a Ufh order. The Heetlm fot
eecwfcw- oad pUyed the gw they ore
«o|»Me ed. oad their taoB
• irm w«j towatd fotBlar the rh^
In the
gam aad Ui work wae of. (h<
COkedved order.
He . tnade one
ortor. a poor Umw to drat In the
Arot taalag. bet aa thlage tamed oot
U eoet Bothlng. After that he “ate
•m opAnd, paring thaeredltof eaTlnr the
gam beloofe to hist, le the aloth
taalBg with two oiea on haaea, aad
two oat he tnade a great catch of
Thompaea'e fiy aad ended the gana
BmU aleo wade e flae raanlng
eatahof afiy la the third iaalag.
^nat*e work with the etiek, ae wall
•I hhhtod the bat wae good; he wee ia
Batherford wae la the gone., and
■ aeeepted hie only ehaaoe tn left field In
Another featare of the Hoetlen'
gam wae their team work at the hat.
TrorkMa to yeeterday'e gam bat one
eaerafioe hit had bMo made by them;
two were esade yeeterday. one each by
WatUiie aad Honk
Wathlna aad Bayaee boU |dtcbed
Aae baU. bat Watty wae more eaoeeeefal la keeping the hita aeettered, and
w ofUe aeren hita eradi'
ted to the Colte were two-haggath they
woold ftot hare eeored dariog the
gam. bat for two eirore in the foarth
Billy ribald eomredflret haee for Ue
Tlritoce la plaoe of Tkompeon. who b
aaroliw a eore arm at the reenll of a
bit with one of Batherford-e epeedy
«M la
Sunday. Be waas
■imeii. howerer. aa BUI played welt
. Qainn’B eeeond haee pUy wae aleo
He ecoepted nine hard
witboet an error.
la feet all the Colte played greathaU.
aad emryone went bom eatiefied that
tbore tea't iwoaton oraaly mtcbod
tmee in the baeineea.
The Haetiera-eooree wm made aa
la the firat. Boat, the flrat
made a pretty eingie and Hall foUow^
with aaotber; then Wetkiaa eame to
the front with a caerlfloe. placing HaU
«■ eeooad aad Boat on . third; aad
wbmi Heyaee threw Wheolar oat at
Aral “DaeW" •Mred. Oaeraa.
Tbelr olimr two wem made ia the
foarth. Wbealer etarted tUnge with
a haee hit aad went to aeeoad on WilAelm’B hh, and to third whoa Adaiaa
taaAad trot oo a hit that forced
jMBiiii at aeooaA
Sammy etole
aeeoad aad both be and Wheeler
•cored oa KomUyb elngla. Tbay
triad k> make aeeoad wbao the hall
ww throws to the plat* hat Klnmood
wae too quick tpr him aad he wae
Salto foaled oat to FoxOoly owe hit wae made aftm thia laalag by the Haetiera; a etogie by Tony
. la the ^lath.
Kasletee'e two raae ama aim made
la the fourth. Heyaee pat the hall
over the faooe for two baeee aad
to third when Wetklae' threw Xagnae
ootat fink Kinmood drew a haae os
heHe nod etarved to tleal eeooad. Boat
threw wild eod wbUe Kim
lag to third. Hayaee etored. Tihald
rftrV-* flrel aad ITlnmwnrt
when Tooy let Adam'e throw-get paet
Vlmt but be reooeered la time to retire
AUly at aeooaA
The Colb oearly tied the eeore la the
nialh. After two mra wm oat Fo*
hit for a haee and eo did TlbalA Otla
~ bado't been ]^iulag the ball aad
It Into bat: he hit a
high fly back of eeeood aad Hall,
Adame and Wilhelm, all Marted for Ik
and tUage looked dabtode. bat U
all right, aad everybody heaved a aigh
of relief whaa they heard the ephem
hU yartmu’e glova, aad aaotber wImb
they mw that It atayod thera.
. . .V r t
Abz7 DeeUUd Be Sid Vot Polat o
OOB o( BkAoel Z«r Wltfaeot BoUoo.
The trial of Terk Barta. who wot
-eeoeid hr Bkhari Zty of barlaf
potated a Ktwkat at Urn wlttiOBt oultoe. oeeapiedaffrtaterpqrtioD of ye*terduy laJestieeVerle^'aooort. The
jeiy retonied a vetdlet of
foUty at
10:is loot Blrht. after belnf-oiit fnUy
Aboot Aotloae Bay Xrofody.
Dr. L A. Tboama west to SoUdoa
Bay yeeterday to aeaiet Dr. O. C. Jaelin
of that piaee U bdUlag aa aatop^
Bpoa the body ai it» Hop. the ladfan
who died from the effecte of eeriOm
lajarlee reeelTed at the haada of parUee> onkaowa. The aatopey proved
that death wae oaoaed aa atated.
The oofoaer'e Jaiy b etlll eagaged la
InTmtigation and every
effort b being nude to find elnee that
might lead to the detecUon of the
guilty persoB or pereone. One maa hae
been arreeted ahd'b nojr la jaO at
LelanA It b Die Haeeby. a yoong
maa who b eald to hava boon bepUcsted la certain aeb not ooantenaaood
by the law. There b no peritive eridaaee that he know* any more about
thb tragedy tlm any one elee. bat~ he
b bald oa eoe^e
■iMiMippi VanwT Otnmn Wut t.
Bow Ob Oiaad Trarerae Bay.
la OMamenUag on the regatta raoently held at Ottawa Beaeb. the GvealDg
Piuee eUtod laat night thet Traverte
ClW wae favorably eoneldered ae the
beet point for each an event aezt year,
and adde;
Traveree City wee talked of and that
r BoKar.
ehor Tletlm of an Xleetrie Shook
at Island Boaday Aj^aeap—
DwaUlag BAdly Abattond.
Dangtbor of 1
Thera wUl'be a meetjag of Trtvweo
aty Om^aodory. Ho. 41. Kaighte
TemplarAllu evanlng.
A H. Vla^ aad Del Lafoataee left
yeetarday on their wheeb for Kalkaoka. They wlU retara today.
Toeight “The Kan of to Iron Haek'
will be preeeated la eploadid etyle by
W. u. HaK aad bb flae
A baby girl hae taken up her rerily at the horn of Hr.
aad Hra C. Hoe tm E
Thera wtD be a regular eoaventlcs
of Travene Cl^ Lodge. Ho. 71. EL of
P. thb oveaiag. Work iafliM aad
ond make.
There wUl be mom good beae ball
today and lib expected tot the Haetleia will keep ap to faet gait demonetrated yesterday.
TWe wUl be a regular meeUng thb
erealng of to Fraternal Hyetie Circle,
No. su. la Hoetagae ball. Alt membon are urged to be preeenk
The Onbr of Hetaal Proteetlos held
h regalar nmtiag U Hoatagao hall
laat evaalag aad after to work ram^ aad a social
hoar enjoyed.
One of tomootiadaadbearkii^lag acoldeBU which baa viaitod thb
loeaUW for a loaf Um wae raported
yeatarday oHming from Lelaad. The
fbmily.of Alex. MoEoreber. ax-proeocnttag attorney of Uelanaw county, b
morning to tragio aad sodden death
of thelr'UtUe daughter Beosb. oaly six
The blow b to harder to bm beeaaae to Uttie oar wae etriekea withoat an laetaat's waning, and expired
In the midet of tboee wfio loved her.
U wae daring the thaader ehower of
Hoaday evenlog tot their dweUiag on
to Brady farm near Lelaad. wae
etrart by tightalng and badly riddled
by the deMraeUve fluid which eotored
to roof aad travened nearly aU over
the boildittg. leaving rain ia ita tralL
Hr. HcEeritor. hb wife aad daaghtera B^mle aad Oraoe were rittlax upon
to landtag at the aead of the etairs ia
Alt mmben of Ceart Traveree. No.
to front portion of the honee when
to tightalng etrack the baUdiag. .11 S&S. era reqaected to meet promptly at
.. over In
_ SI. Hr.
....I aad
Hia. McKetahor worn 'both eererely to prepare for tda <
Bedgaa can be procarod at to baaar.
ebockoA, bat
Bemb, who wae aboat to croee a abort
L. F. Perkett retaraed yeeterday
apace to reach her owtor. faU prone morsing from Grand Eapide and in the,
upon her face vUhoulamdrmar. Hr. afteraooo left for Ladiagtoo. From
McKerchor recovered la a mmoat aad there be wtU goto Hiewori to bay
whan ha picked to chUd from the Iralk na eearci^ of trait la thlc
floor them wu no eign of life. The region om^b buyera to seek
Vsmiiy wugpef ctriekan when toy| aeura eonatry.
malbed the extent of tolr lam aad
Them will be an excartion from
when the dbaeter became kaowa kind Hanbtee tomorrow oa the H. A K. B.
friende eipreaeed a elnoere eympathy. briagiag a large body of Forestera aad
There wae not a veeilge of a brataa
, .ahoadrad or to haee faaU faai. Tto
mmrk iXuiklil
'lU "“I-. •
and it b aappesed that the ebook which the bleaobere
and in to grandetand
experieaoed by to mat of to at to
tamUy wae too severe for to llttb
The Prinoeoi Barber Shop.
The foaenl wUl be held from to
or an artbtb hair cak drop In at to
: church la Leland tomorrow mortlng.
circumstanK ont of which money
be made—
Hbe Habol ^ of Fomona. b vleltlag to family of Bov. S. Baleboiy.
We have a snap. Got a new lot of box papeterie
(24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes) which we will
sell for a few days at seven cents the box '
( '
Fred Bordaa Had a Hoad Sadly
Bart Taetarday.
Fred H. «ordm, who maa a knot
kw at Kelly A Covetlb mUl
SUghta, bad a themb aad two flngera
badly torn cs to mw yeatarday after
Booa. He cam to thb city bet night
aad to injary wae dreaead bv Dr. Oar
Br. eOhert Vet a Oaodldeta..
Tlta members of Cot
ess. deeire to tmproae apM the pahtb
tot P. C. GUberk Chief Banger of to
Oonn, b not a eaadldata tor the gold
ided caaa The eaae U to be preited to the meet popular preriding
offltar OBtalde of to orgaolmtioo for
whoa* benefit to fair b being belA
Bade Charley form Very D chappy
CharUa W. Joyea met with e palafal
aoddeat yesterday mornlBg wUb
work In to,’
AEfoycaACo. A bottb banted and
badly Bma^lad oae of hb flngem.
Bobbed a Sepok
The railway atatloa at BeaioBia wae
robbed Aagnst Bib. aad awhey to to
amout of SIOM, inriadiag one 1100
bUl, one gsobUlaadlBOOlnaold
taken. A reward of gsoo baa tern oftmed by Agent Heacham and a»
SU by Sheriff Kooo of Frankfork
Chtoago ^Bartek
CUoago. AagaeklO—Wheat—Aagaak
TSKciSeptamher. 7B97»Ke; Deoember,
TOkOBOe; M%y, «skc.
t7Ke.'' Deoembor, MHe; May,
Oata—Angnet. Kko: September.
ItH&llci October, ITke; Deoembor.
Pork—Aagno^ fT.TC; Aeptmahar,
taid-Aafari, St-I7; Saptmahor.
'' I If'* i 'I lifihflltt 1- - "-ui
d- « 'i
M. B. HOLLEY, MaiiAegn.
----- FOR____
.■ ii
The only true test of merit
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
O. E. BBOT*.Prop.
The Opening
..of the..
To the crippled condition of
the times we consider it onr
duty to inform you that,
quality Considered, our........
flour is the cheapest you can
Kuoaie. Sam Garland—4.
Knigbu of Pythlao. Bto HoOoy—«.
Traveru Oty Teak K. O. T. H. Ho.
«7!,X J. Boot—t:.
Traveru Bay Trak K. O. T. M.. No.
IM. C. S. Voder—«.
Odd Fellow. WlUbm Cham^on—1.
C. H.B. A.AM. Hi
Banitah Rlflm. Oapk 3. V. Melataoh
Elka, Dr. !. A. Tbompua—10.
Biso ooxraxT.
Trarmw Bay Hive. L. O. T. M.. Mt.
Hia. W. B. Tba.
I Hive. L,0. T. B. Mra.BvBebekabe—Hra. MUlor-lA
Butera Star. Mm. B. L. Oarbetki-14.
-----------<-#aroetaia. Mm John
Boyai Nrighbom, Hm C. How
A pleaoaat mneleal program'
given by to Boye* Bead aad vocal
erieerione by Hbe Alice Crawford. Male
Qoartet. Heoem Hohha. Bimter, Parke,
and Snyder. Beritatiou by Seott
Wood want aad Hbe Carrie O Neal, and
ealeetlone by the Haadriln Qab.
T%ere wUI be a ohaage of program
TMTene Beach Aoolal Bvant.
Lwt night a party of adoma or t
rang peopU of to city drove ove
Tiavaru Beach and enjoyed a pleae
ant evening. A name^gaemlng eoateet ooea^ a portloa of to evenlag.
la wJUeb Ed- Wheeler won the firat
nriM aad Janb Llngb to oaaeobUo
Daaelag in to parlom wu iadulgad
by Mm Dbtodori.
PnfHner a HBornb hooM from
T. J. Host’s,
Wan a Cracker Jack
The only drawback being
we could not wait ob all the
trade: The following remark
was made by many at our
store: ‘ That's the kind of a,
sale I like to attend.” Gen
uine stuff—thisr is no fake and
if you are not suited you get
your money without a kick.
Sale will continue until further
ocaaom roa
$4.33, $4.98, $5.39
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.,
' nonsiuR.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traveree City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all *
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Crash Hats,
Prinoeee, Srd door west of Hotel Wblt>
lag. No waiting. Three firat claaa
nbbee pretty nearly an ideal
and one which affords speotaton ai^le
to watch the raeea. The
polled along to edge' of
the bay end people trom to ehore can
watch the oaramen to moch bettar ad
ittge than b poasil
poesiblc at Ottawa rated a great deal of time in bard • gs u
kCb where oaly the hotel piaxeae
work and to reatUl wae gratifying, [ ___
the etcam busehea farnbb poiaU of both finaaclally and eoebUy. In to '
evening a good eopper wu eerved for
A Board BUI Ooatroveray.
tea oenta la to large etore below to
Alexander Stewart and PhU Horgaa hall aad SU pernou enjoyed Ik
wem arreeted yeeterday, torged with
The oonfectlonmy and refreriimenl
Jumping a board bUl at the Botaa bootfae wem patroobed freely aU to
Paagbora. They pleaded not gaUty evening aad to attraciloneU to babefom Jndga Boherta and wem held earhroaghtgood mturae. The maaefur trial Thniaday moraing.
am. which b filled with rarUba In tax
idermy aad aamerou eoriorillee from
I of Sqaleia A Beohere,
to eoUec
Smith Bora, and othera. afforded an
other pleaeant attraction. Everything
went off amoothly aad to firat day b
a earn indication of a grand
to entlm affair. The voting oonuata
for the grided can aad emblemAtb rig
Fair of the Foreeten Xmrgriy Pat- An Xxblbition of Fine Bothlng will
roabod and SaJoyod Last Higfak be made at oar euve today by Geo.
The firat day of the PoreataTa' fair HlUer. mpreaeating K. Kolb and
> new
was a BBceem la every detalL AU day
tr fall
the Foraetere end Lady Pometere de- . -Jit or
do*...... 29c
new line of-----
School Shoes
Good goods at Low Prices
our motto..
U Off pi all Til CilomI Sloes from this dote.
Fopolaj dottier.
THI xoiurrso KBOOSS, WKDBBBDAY, AtTOTTST 11, 1887.
Pred K. Btraafa, wae fatally UJorad. erer r1*<B fa Traeetea <Sty. W. 8.
aad hie brothar Edward who aaatotad Bart la the raU of Amand Deral diahim te tha break (oc Uher^, waa aar> ^yed eeary requMte which r>7ee
of BU JiMph u« in tte eltTMr. Mi Mf«. C B. Marmy ot Waih- kmely'woBaded by tha gamria. Ed reaUan lo <ne of tha stranfeat oharnAVXIlBX CITY. • MIOHIOAH
ward WUUa, who had fou ieto the acten ereatad by the rreat Preach
nM *■! vrrtcm or «■■
ui tenily of Bomrd City. . ptlaM to TWt hla braUn. bad ooa- aathor, Alexander Danaa. Tha la\ OEAMD TRAVXI^ BEBALD.
trteed to fwaa a ravolrar to Barberl. teaai^ with which Mr. Bart raadare
MIb Lo. Oo«»h«iy. *ko ^
retalalaff a waa|wa hlnaalt aad wUh the part nakn Ito portnyal a trianph
TBM. T* B*» *»»
B**»»*. TUUnr Mi« JraaU SaltB. .ratww'
than they tried to ororeone the
tha art la which
be hat
ywurday U> bv bon* ^ Bk Baplifc
j. w. Bamw. EBttor~iijd Muogw.
Oed eo lofty a poeiUoa. Min
WUliana la tha titla role gart a
iatetbo dty. Mi w».m laumtod
acaraaly len ^U^ylnt InpenoaatdMtowr a» tk« k»U r»o y««Urd»y
tion and dleplayad her own peealiar
a A. OrMoy.
Seidac Maoblae Oo. ot Qraad Baplda, •aflWad a Xanfbla BaU VMM a Zna< talenu In the part which htiaad maka
bar PUa.
Pauy Dareapert fanooa. Tha apla&‘
la lathe dty oaboalaeaa aad pleaaora.
GeorfeB.'ooU a watAnaa m Ue dor of the ooetamn of Min WUUant
Mlae Pallet PraU will Uka the plaee
ot OayU Ot^waii la the eflee ot the atcantbarte Harrey J. Kendall, eoa- ia each ae tokxcita theeavy of every
MoKsntiU Oo. dariap t^ raeatioa of Ulaed a brokea toff yaaterday meraior fenlolna heart and the perfect porabeot 7:00 o'clock. Cole, aa dlnWar trayaL.of tbepari axciUa admiration
the latter.
Mia. Mika Idtaey of Weat VboBt oearthaeadotapilaoflambar at tha aad late^ latemb Detailed nen•< al Um reoieBM ot Trowoo Ctv, •trael. U aatertalnlar Mia. H. A. Ovr Trareae Qty Lanfaer Oo>a dock. wh«a tioa of theei
ofCharleroHaad Mra. Mattie Lltsay the barte la Icadiar lanbn. when one paoy would be eaperffooaa. aa esc
la hk or bar partleoUr part and
of tha boards
«y 'hBd-^ ,waa
m OMS U> k»M BO urrort of Petoekey.
p^pitated a dlstaaoe of twenty ^t It laeoaeeedad that Mr. Ran pm
Boalee aad PiaAle Kdley
for tb* tebden «f the ctrlkisfr mlaenty which U parUoalarly weB
PUit Bbcw*
*** enidaed hot hone Uet ereatac aftw a|iaadh>g tha and Btroek on a boon of locajp the
aad one which readan tha
4e MMdM too ii>aok tTMdoB ot epMch —m«er With raUUm la Detroit aad water, spon hie rlrht ihlrh, reeolttar
la a aerere fractara of that nenber. very brat topport to oac ef tha iaaat
•Mf tttakon, k«e^ of the tohdohcy LakerlUa. lad.
lialay yoany aotorn of the oooi
waa takea to tha Hotal PaarDr. aad Mra. Joha Baherteos. who
•o laelto them to riolehoe. Mr. Deho
la the literal aeaae, to
4oeo«aood the )oir> *»»o i*»odth« la- hare baaa Tidtlag Ifr. aad Mia. A. bora where the traetnre waa redsoad Mr. Hart haa alraedy reached aa anlto their bona la by On. Wabalm aad Qamer. Cola la
)«a«tkio. then weat ripht aloa« aak86 yaara eld aad annarrled. and llrce nenee la hie profenlob which wUl
«Bf tho ^ooehee bf wm waraed Mt to CUmanaU yaalerday.
Min B.Tradaaad taaiil) rataraad In MaryevlUe thU eUte. Be bac two tlana to win Uorela for him.
-«w. Kow Prodioat pdaa hao
kooB the rtotim at eiailar JodMel ao- to their hone la Parta. Onurio. yeatei- aUUrc employed la the factory of. the
* Mob: had he. too. ilwoEarde tho
day. after a vldt of aeTeral weaka with Oral Wood Dlah Oe. In tbia eltf.
, Bate at the aaat*. There eootM. to be Mra. J. B. Addt of Oak Park.
One Baeand Ayainet Preaidwt Bolaa
•hooked Oaorya OattyThe Ulaen of B. J. Baaalonky.
• qaeotioBaetotbe ri^tof theecTorta
Who Did Mot Bead It
t of the trdrhtareotfor tbeM.AK. E.,aeeaa
Kalk«aka.Mieh.. Any. 10.—A heavy
n^aeadT^C^lt MI aot u- dtahed tha retora of B. W. Caaalar aleetncil itompaeMdoverthlaaacUon
klooday mornlny, the Bret for oaveral
likely that the natter will co to * ham from Carp Udsa yaaterday.
Tony Petcrtyl waa called to Chkafo ncotha. Llyblnlny etraek la aeveral movement. A meetlay ef the commit
hifber Mart aad that the actios of the
Weat Virrlala oeart will be flvan aa yntnday afternoon by a tdefmn ah- place*, but fortotxataly did little dam- tee waa to have been bald lart niyht,
bot to many of tha membere wore ont
aoondac the death of hie brother-la- ay<-. Qolu a nomber of telepl
law, who had been alck for the paat
horned ooU A telephone po^l ot town that it was postpooed Tbe ob
ject of tbe meetlay le to dlscnn tbe
Taa ooal nlaeia' etrlke ia Paaaayh
three nontha.
cl«ee to the ofiiee of the Preemaa
M aad Wnt Virrlala U beoonliit a
P^y'b Iny f.clury- waa ahattared b) a plans for forther steps in the promoloor diawa oat affair aad tbara bae
which followed the telephone wire Uon of the canee.' Ibe eommlttee wfll
' bm ae oiatarial ebaare la the dtoaIn to the omea. dniroylny the phoee. oryanlxe aad arraaye to make a per^ for eeeerml daya. It aeeni eo
Waa One of the latweatlny Thames ard aeverely abocked Oeorye GcUy. one eonal canvan amoay tbe oparotora who
have alynUed their.anwmtnyneei
^ thourh U le a eaee of which caa boU
of the M>okkee,>era. Several of
at tha Teacbare* Xaetltnte.
alya the aaifomlty ayraemenV
e complete net of the atteadanti at aiployaee of the taetory received
An lajoacHos waa aeeared ayalaat
the taachera' laaiitau op to Uat evea- allyhi abeeka. hot none of then were
the mlaars' offleials at Bnaola and
lay were B5 menbere. and la aa followa:
tfoo of Prcnler Oaaofaa of Spaia.
•erved oa pmident Dolaa when bp left
Edith Webster. Henry Bolatt. Bon
the object of a deep laid aaarehletie
tbe train tbera last alyht He dlareBackett, Kiayaley: Hlaa McDonald,
plot, which wae wldeeWead la proporyardad It and addressed a larye wieetBdmoad Deaa. Yobs: Mlaa Boxala,
Ueaa, aad one which nay antoiuly
near the mlaa. This mornlny
Obaryed Wtto Oattla Btoeliay In
Batn: C. J. Petvy. Soatb Praakfort;
affect the fntore at the forerancat of
Jo^ CoUiar extendad the lejonettoa
BcUe Dixon.^Oeorye 0. Bvana,—Wex
iaeladfe Sneea addiUoaal defen
Uaaiatee. Any. 10 -SbeHff Koaynford: Eva ^la. Fife lAks: Uara
The body of etrlkeis marched
Wiley, Robert Wiley, CUnd D. Polver, •er and Qepoty Chat. Knayener armtod Gordon and Geo. Bomp. father to Oaaonabory this morslny and en
Zena Dean. Bonnut City; '
camped Bear the mian which are la
WKlBaala HeZialay Olob VUl Ha^
Walla Deflaaoa.0.i Lilia Word*. C. &
eatUe belocyloy to Lonle Banda Tbe operatiaa. Operator Cook nye that U
Champney. Mabel:
tha atrlkare interfere with hU men
The PealBBola McKinley Qab did
Baanab; Loyd Beat, Alma OlUhal. arreat waa nade at 6ve o'eloA thU wilt have tbe entire party armted.
>iay ^bt seiln beyond Corfo. aad
-TO—am work for the parfy la that Neal; Lola Dana. LIxxle Bloat. Lula
towaablp laat year, and the otpanU Holmaa. J-MietaMloer. Old Mtekn; tbe priaoaer. were found in bed.
Oa Wednaeday, AoyoM 11th.
Tbe old nan baa had prerloo« experatfin kaa been kept ap. and the an- Vlryll Plaree, Ida Barber. Dora Wheat,
ueoiye muiar,
Wttler, uaveut
tTaveliBy talesman tor
^ meetiny wUl be held at Bower* OrawBi Sadia Kinydoo, Lake Ana: lenen wKk tbe majniy of tbe law. 'Gfoiye
• C othI
-Mny Honae. wUl
a larye New
Barber oo Friday. Anyoat KL It will John L. Boyd. Anna Boyd. Mary Bjyd. baviay already earved a un year
exhibit bit line in oor istore. Special
he aa all day affair and It le expected Sril'ieBeyd. Blancke Carpenter. Will- teaee for masalaoyhtor. The oSceia orders taken for
. totoro
Uamiltox Cuithiiio Co.
there win be a larye featherioy. There lanabory; Bather Archer. Conlla 7.1m- feel confldeat that they have a yood
will be a baaket plnle and everybody 'ncmaa. Olive Oreaoooyb. SuUa Bor Bad and eUte that aameroaa cattle
will be expected to brlay aometktaj to den. Winifred Cortit. Jenie Lanywor- have been mieeed fron Sands' farm tbe
paet two jcsri. Other armU may
eat. Then- will be yood ^sakiny and thy, Bnna Meaea. Laey
oOeera for the eoanloy year will be
____________ •
Special atttmeiion at the Assembly c
.sUcted. Maalc by Old MlsOon E. O.
Olive Wlckermhan, Anil - _
lUrdM In which fmers will be I
T. M. banA There will be ban ball Hater. Otie MUlar. Chaa. Welbome. Lae
aaorminy and artcraoon. Tbemerniny Horaaby. Claode Abbott. Henry Brakel.
C. A W. M. tialn will leave Traverae
Bert OiUaad and Min law Ball Mai City
at 6«) a. m. and arrive at Bay
fame vrill be betweaa the Old Mlnloa Wm. Needham. Wm. Cblaa, Oraca
rlod Monday Miyht.
View at 0. Retarolny laave at 7 p m.
sod eonc yood TraveraeCity team, aad Baahee, Jennie Bare. Baby ADbrlykt,
Boond trip rata 81 U, which loclodea
Bke wianlny clnb will reoelve lio.ob. noy Theebald. Eva McIntyre, Mlanle
admhaliMi ticket to all Asaembly Enterboth
-There win be a oae-fare ronad trip Oarpeatcr.'jeede Ptober. Inei Tbomptalamenta
evealay by Rev. 8. Salebery. at Us mTabeyov'laaek aloay aad have
sate an the boat Everybody <a lavitAnna Mertea. Orave Bldred, Lm/
•d.reyardlen of elnbnenba^ip. It Brows. Bdith Boleonb. LluU Evaaa, ideaoe. Tbey_Uft at onoa lor a wed. food Uma.
Gxo DxBavxii, O P. a.
win be the yreat ottUny of the Pealn- e. Beby Ocaa. Mattie Millar, Alania diny trip to Otaod Baplda and
make tbeir borne in-Pomona on their
pala for the aeaaoa.
Tbe Xlehlcaa Oold Oara
Teaay. Hayyle Oraenonyh. MyrUe
retaraDr. J. O. Omoer, atedlcal director ef
0. m. BIOTOLB OLDB KLSOTIOM. Laaworthy. Ida Coortnda Oraoe Bratdm. Mellma Daaford, Iva Perria, Bai
the Mlchlyaa Gold Core. U now located
City aad wir
BkfiTahle Bun, BoaiaeM Keetmy and da Evaoe. Alloa Archer. Clara Feoto,
To all who have ever been yraayers aboel " - ' Jnde Besjanla, Mina Rlckerd. Loella DO matter whether they now belemy to
After a ebort roa laat alyhu the C
the yraaya or not. a special Invitation
B. M^cle Ciob held a bsalaen neet- Pratt, Traverae City.
Is extended to join oor yocay and .old
Tbe cxerdan yntrrday eunslay
iay at the borne of Min Bataa OfBcsro
people'! social lo yraaye ball. Tta'
opened with ainyiay, after which Rev.
•or the eaaainy yeai^were aleetad ae
City, on Satorday. Anyaat zi. Brlay
& Balabcry of the BvaayeUcal ebordi.
>d of TAUeata
yoorbaakeu; take diaaer wltk os la
d prayer.
treated here a year aye.
Praeldeat-Bev. W. K. WrlybL
tbe yood old way; aad lat's have the torosatloa in rvyard thereto
Min Martb yave a talk on "Prinny
TIee Pmldenw-Min Mabel Batn
very beat klad of a Uan.
•eeieury aad Twaarw Min OOia Nambar.” Tha priadpal thoaybta ware
84 6t
J. O. Conn. H- p.
By order at
that the. child ahaald laars eonbiTaamasE Cnr Oaajiax. 870.
saUoaa throoyh one baadred, aatomatlOapialn-C. J. Ebaer.
cally. There ahoeld be no eeanloee
ikaatMaat-Fred 6. BUaby.
ital proyren In ylvtay the anawer,
Aftaraeptriiadeoateat Joha Miller
Tba aama eboald be tree of worklny
DlMion At Wotk Zb Ctiaaga Aowaa eboaen repairman for naaes.
^mplc ftactiont.
cordlay to ladiaaapeUe PUtform.
Shaalao yave a lenon on “Rasdiny
•An the mectlBy. Tbla part of the
Chleayo. Aoyosl lO.-To cany for
aa a tbooybt proorea'
^agram wm followed by a yeaeral
ward Ito work theaoood money -execoAND BANQUET
The norolay eanlon wae cloeed by tive cemmltue appolntad at Indtaaapo••ed eaelal Ume.
bar with a yeaeral talk oa ohtldrea'* lia last Jannavy. mat kera today to anItyvea decided that all whoeaa, i
nnet thie aveoisy at the boon ef Bev.
deavor to proo^ with tha task of eraW. K. Wrlybt. 588 Bute atreeh at «;4S. lln which eprlay froa the Inaylne- Btiny tha naUoaal eommiaalen which
tlow. fron haroian. hen yeneraelty
. dMHV. to make a raa to ANbie for
psrpeaaof holdlay a prayer maetiay and from faar. aad told bow each lay by tha fallara of e
aboold be treated.
la the afleraooB Min Manh yave lay b<m of tbs axtta iseelDB The
alttee U oompoeed ot tfton i^reMka Bose Bhadek aad Mka Ivy another latsmUny talk oa "Natwe
Under the aos|4eee of
t to Settoac Bay ynto^ Work.
tUve boslnses men resldlny la variProfenor Bw*
^ '<Mrra«aP-.
tare la tbe nomlay. tolday op *The body. Boyh B. Hanna of
Mito 1
Merchant of Ventea." readlay U from lls U ebUr^. -The bnalnem of ohlaf
tm tey W EfB Ba|Ma,aftar a vWi wit
literary aide and alao naktay a jcban
wiU ba to aalaet alevaa
Min LoUto Cook.
The M^ Ida. Daley aad Orpha a^ Mody of the play.
men to devote tbalr Ume to the woric
U tba leeeoa eo hiitory be ehowed mapped oat foe them, to eompoae the
deny are in the dtyfor a three weaka'
edTo them be Intraeted
At. Steinberg's .'^rand . Opera . Monse.
Fireweil Performance of America’s Greatest.
•Young Actw,
. Miss Constance Williams
AadUaaoperb mpany of players, in the Great Bomaatlo Dram^
“ The Man in the Iron Mask,"
By Alexaader Domaa.
The Greewst Plei Etti Wrinen I
Don't Miss This WoiM Treat !
Prices—25c., 35c., 50c. and 75c.
Would You Buy.
A Shirt Waist if >*ou found one =
that suited you exactly----<
Provided the price was ve^
low. much less than earlier in
the season.
There’ll be plenty of hot days in August =
and S^tember.
We offer you some
very choice things at....
J. W. MILLir^EN.
Ladies' Slippers, vamp
cloth tops, laOB, band
lora cole. Pinyrae A
Smith Bboea
AttentionPure Powdered Sploee,
Pure Oreauu Tertar,
(and Pare Baklny Powdar. if yM waat
os to make It. 8 pouada fortl.OO.) Babbn- Sheetlv. Enbbac .TaMay. all
etsaa Water BtoUto (jtoMaataad tor.
* MMa Oamnda Ifnailabd wtol%i?Htot
•laslnr from a vtalt with tha tttolly «d
Bo^ W. H. Portar Wbdt to BaMah
Bayyeatorday «a> bsdM
wMb tha ladlaa trayedy.
Laan Taa Usw, a few dayn
lityof ondertaklByto deBe aln faald aclan la vertleal writlay. ehewlay them how to write to
yaad reyo
Ia the afternoon a
oa "Pedayoyy" at ytves, lUastratod by a aerln opm Uie yeaeeal eehema malted oat
of Profeaanr Hoyt's own ebarta.
by the iBdiaaapaUs imiUkin.
Tbe aftoneon aenlm waa 4
erith a talk OB ••Child Btody."
ABfeak flor Liberty
vrrt iteW.l br • ku. bhum.
tbe oonveatloa ta tl
I aadet
dam aad
. $2.25
Tiebts for Bell lifBatqeei
tl.DO per
wuxamnw muL
mi ORCrtElFRifc
GlyceriBeandWuSHaaU Lottoa tor
the baada and faoa
At Our
86da Fountain.
OoanUr w* are n
wri! eaomrh altmc** bat alwv* tiy to
^ JiS. fi. JOffliSOI. ^
Suits to Order.
flaaaUU i^tom for the fw
OF oAr b< A A •a.A •
Ever Burned Ont?
If so yon know
TT<r«TTTa A ’KTcrm •
o. P. CARVER. Aeoat.
Has Your
Tteday Night,
Mn. P. L. Orayoty. who kaa beea
stoUtny Mra. C. M. Bee
pVsak BamUtoa left yeatorday aftersoon far New Terk |o porebaae faU
•ad winter elothioy.
Mra. Shepard, who haa haMvtalUay
Mr. aad Mie. E.
Fire Insoraiuih
Fbe Merdlut
_ ftMr*tanr Alg*r Did Not Favd^
j»it HOT nin oxE XEcn&m.
I ta
M m4 W*
lacreuiT aad the otbera wan
broa-tae, aa ha iaia< -Ton can jm Hr.
ChadUth. hit ana not moralaf ylt" Tba
treat man tram Hlehltan rtppea oS
____________________chaimtaa ot
coimntuee tata hen. Oo an« tall
tbe» to report tor daty."
The a«!ntai7 *»a elerta wpre awahcued and put to warh. and at about I
e'oloek Mr. <%aedler drojqMd oO into
a aenUc aeven-honr doae la bit ofllce
chair. Tba aacreury and clarha were
oMteed to Btay.awake and sUaod to
theU dutlea all day. becanae pahWe sea
ware .eomlnf and etdao all tha Uma. '
AtTOTTBT 11. 18»7.
pe^TtM kaowledae of the ertroe w^h
baa )uai atarticd the whole world. T1>e
peraaaa ltnen‘'wtd alto claimed that
I of th« Attuhlna- i the
tion of th« Spanish StatM.
man CastiOo.
Have 7*0 tried oar a
hU iwraecttOOB of
waa preruked by• hla
of the Utter, bowever, aild: "It had to come. We han
been cai^tlni » dally. We knew a
hlcb per*ona#r waa r>lna to be at
tacked: but It rolcbt have bees any
Kber than Canovaa.’'
trtee OeUlbaafeeeee Hl«raryme. WhM
Wae AleotoAeeapetheDeothnfoPaU.
A «ood itowt tnay
may be ipolled r
talllnc. No two men UU tba aaaae TiaaelT ‘iiiin flr~-r~~*^*~^ ”**•*
itory In the tame way. Bee. Ed Aah> „
Aeld rMt bI the loIUael of all lotle ** ** «»*F '
-Tai^ol^ aaked. ^
Madrid. AtMt. lO.~Ool»- the
am one In coneenaUon it one the baa coafeaaetf that be kUled SenorCanopoint of teUlac a atory. whether 1 haae ' vaa del CaaUllo to avenae/the Baroebeard oo and ao. New, it la poaalhle
anareblau and the I
that I may ban
that atory hidf
m..!, who waa'
Em!■■■■■ by ite Bead Tbareof at the
e«ham'^ ef the rithl.
New Tork. Aug. It.-At the beadquai-iera ot'ihe Cuban junta jreaterday
r. Batradal Palma talked bNedy about
the aasadatnatlos of Spanlab mme
Minuter-Caatma He said that in hU
opinion Canovaa waa more reapoa
tor the oumgee In Cube than waaWeyUr. and bU ktUIng teemed u> be ai
ef retrlbuikm. At tbe aame Ume
Cuban party bad nothing whatever to
do with the death of Canovaa and had
TTbAIbCWC. A««. H—T*« 4<klU«**
mmb«r of iht cBWiirt. 0«BtnU AI«ct.
te »taMt rr«m th« dX$ m Ui ybcbUoa.
Be«*« MrtM Washtaicloa. tiowmr,
h« isvwacBWO a matur at Mtloaal
uA imor»*»toMl ImportWiee ai»J «et- tM It wW> hU BccHitiMB«a Tt«or ana
OtumloaUati «t ««iaraMer.
Altar «raa MMd.U lB«nc an hrOer
•BtablUb a mniiary poat on the upper
TokoB (or Ue- purpoae of protectlnf
contemplated t.
- I- can troth
fully: : Plne rebellloa.
atoma at Cbrle City.
peraon Wttl
tell It. 8u
------------- Dr.
-• Rlaal
------ denied
, that
.rf ,
elae. PllvaU. who waa eecood
WWla the mauer waa «B«er dtaena- my t^t 1 nevdr heard It. and that U that he bad drawn up the ataiutm of ,
tfOB at the cabinet Bfeetlnc Qeneral Al> my iDvartaUe pracUoa. Everybody, that be hid
had dmwa UP the ataWtt of of the Coneen'aitvc party *J
C«r tnCarn^ the preahlent that hr “ who baa undertaken ,to tell a etory. the Phlllpploe .
preaaed tbe opinion that If he bad the
kaowa wbal a aenaatiou la produoid
police found
power and waa In poaiemtoa of the at»
•olute knowledge that the Cuban dimth* I the taoiiae ftioday hr carried a panel
wu the cauae of a general nprU.
poet might not beweaUy noceaaary for
t conree them la i
" ^
the preeeat. The HMlgan man loll-1
feiing when oni who thlnka
he which te believed to have coatalawl a , ing of Cifhatu and not of any clique, be
mated M the preMdent and hU ^blnet ^ ^ ^^od thing to ten b headed.off bomb. Tbe theory U that be hid thU [ would adt-Ue tbe epanUb to evacuate
• that Ibere aeemed to be eomething ex- |
remark that It haa been beard,
Palma aald that from every view the
traordinary la the premore whli* waa, already No atory U ever told twice from Barcelona aaya that QolU arrived eonfualon cauaed by the death of Cano
lltH. coming from vaa could not but help the Cuban caum.
brought to baar for thd esublUhmcnt., pradMly alike.
Tbe Individual ale- ............ .. . .
of a
a ralUtary
mlUtarv poat
coat iat that point, and 1 meni alwaye comm la So n U no eva-1 ttgraetllee. He waa einpluyired In the The Cubana had no ezpreaMon of armfit
Review Social pathy to make for the act of tbe aaha aald that In bU ftlgmenl It «•»*»'» ! my of aome Incident that may be aowu-' gclmce. uianaged by‘ the”anarchlel
Snbe batter to delay tbe matter traUl It what famliur to me and that 1 have I fineer Tarrtda Marrnel, formerly Im- mtaln. but at the mme time Cubana
oouM be Inrcwtlgated and viewed from not heard it: 1 am aure that I have prtwjieO In MonUulch fortreae aiBame- could not but feel that they would
1 benefit by It. Canovaa had bean Ibrealall polnta It vu decided by the pheb. nol heard It In'predaely the way ihU' •
. • -j....
I *t>«i •>»
anarchlata of Piuln and of
dent and the cablael, however, that the teller will narrate It. And it makea
Oaaaat B
poat BhouM be eawUUbed. and the or thlnga much pleaaanler. too.
-pppi.r.r,p*-rr..p. i
ieatsiiKl Groceries
Orders b} Tiliilioie PronpOf
Gee. Cnusaaeviaihau.
Tkt Rieogiized UidiR
la s and loa Ogmia
---- AND----
aU oviKT Wad of-
Park Btrsst, bstwsta Prsat A Out.
slamja is atsek.
A.. -W. JA.B3ia.TTS,
Rates. $1.50 per Hay.
■til Tickets at Redsceil Rates.
Want Ads
Lady Watts
Fishing Parties
a minuter."
long run. eapecUlly
crime of the celebration of ^nruav^jj^^,^
aelectad to au.t-.wd Canovaa
Maw the TelUag Bpalted aMw
Chruil, although he left Barcelona a ;
po,»vleJa would turceed Weyo^„,ral hulavirja haa retently
'And by the way." continued Falher few daya before It .wu^ed • He wm j
.pli.lty. turned to Bnaln
o the police f
It ap- Ulanda. The Cabana would
. tiarouri) frteoda and offlcUU on the aub- |
.From this date this boat
a apeclfle |‘ peai
pare t:
m at tbe
any more humane
nc aaoerinineo
t, ana
and be
aaoertalned u».
that • oo.o.m— .
a corraepondfot
of W I’npulo
The MOtu
r atupplng a
I —
. —.---------... ___
handa m
of wi.nma
Oeneral •PbUvIeja.
j.^. aa
•— he
. U
“ a
will aot make re^Iar coH'
be trtrf under the Uvm :
^ eompany at Chicago bad
hotel tn Waahington. . . . . . .p .Of. them
. . . ,. prla.mer
. . - - - carinot
- . ...o. —,w «.
.^amoualble for the atrong praaenre which ^
nun ranging ; providing for tbe trial apd punl^mcM - m»in.«u of outtage and a
aections with trams on M. &
had been brought to bear for the ee-, fyom le to «5 yeara of age. .After du- of anarchlaU. aa Ihli uw u to rramca r
,rroy hadfougl
N.E. Fishinir parties, how
taMuhmeni of a mllltAry V«et at Or- i «w*ln* aome Iroporiant church quea- that a peraon proaecuted
Ig^er which ^d commanded the reapect
ever, .can make arrangements
da City TbU Chicago company haa a tiena for aome time, they lighted clof alt natlona while WryUr and bU
........... .....................
imlaalon or men hsd brutally murdered and com
Uae of Btmmara plying upon the Tu- gara and a weatemtUhop aald:
for tb^ use of this handsome
empt to commit .the crirar charged mitted ouTma w whk-h called for the
kon river with warebouaea dealgned to , "Oentlemen. 1 WUh to aak a queayacht,'t)y communication bj
i ^naemtull-n
condemtull-n of ail
all cmiiiea
cIMIlied peopte.
funlab auppllaa to tbe jnloBIg aettu- tiou" Tbe otbera drew near aa the agatnat Mm. However there U
be autwmaElly tried and |
Pre.kld~nt Pafma aald that
manta They will make a great deal Uahbp carefully adjusting hU apacu- doubi OolH
mail or wire, with
oubara would not accept lem than
' of money out of tbatr iBvmtmcnta and i claa conitoued: "Ocnilemeii. why U aeeiteoced. The public dcmand> the i
against .^a-.lute indr; >nd*tice. The rooms of
at oertAlB aeasona'of the year can aeU grim death like k tin can tied to, a adoption of alrlngvnt
JAMES M. WATTS.anarchlata and also agalnat th.we who the Cuhanc
Wiw cr-wdcd Wih
r price that they i dog a
! the membera of tbr
o ebanre. it e a ter the 1 * MUitee enitfed. The two dargyiMai
Leland. Mich.
------- • for awhile and
___ ______________„..i the «ommar-i then thook ihetr beada. "Olve It up."
dlapatcb Hum Par- any that the
anarrhlal. mal company of Chicago brought auch th«y aahL
nam. of a..|U la OulacrTw Bant... ,
' -- _
premore to bear upon tbe admlnletra-1
«bIIc apread over the blabop’i face-,
TT: ; If this la a - A la a rvmartal.Ie comCwUllW*. ItaAh Wa.
UoB for tbe emabllahmeni of e mlllury „ a* added; ■Ortm dyat
I cidenev fer the name of the aasaaalD I - Malaga. Aug 1«.-01d inhaUtantii of
! ran tied to a dog e tall
of Prcaident Oamot was CeaarU. Baai.t. ' Ui‘e city relate that when Cpikovaa del
B!. 3-AlSfOBOItBI.
Oaaeral Alger .dlacovered ^ that bound to a pup." Then he burai
CM a y.-ni, _
the conunarrial company czp^ed fruoriuKToaur THK
_ ti.illl saluted Senor Can-kvaa each at a acheol here a gypo' weman tuhJ hla
auf^ the eoldlera at Circle
mornlna »Ith great pallteneaa. HU ..f. f< rtpue. She rredi.Ted that b. would
vIelBIty. and to charge tl
fuaiverrsi* amused the Muapk-kwi of the ^ l-et-.-nie ctral ard.lhal be-wiuld m«et
vi'l.rl dt-ath. Omar of Unit* and Bay StreeU. .
alao discovered' that certain'omcera In ' r<^^J^"’iiU"thI^~mefi 'met again ta ;
' ; rievelaad-. tWl
tbe war department who were tHTtng
corridor, and the imbop I^J:;^;rbim V» . H^f.^
tails nay. Maas.. Aug la-Ka............................... 'a mllliary po« tn
amhapraaaed. mid; "Oentla-;
froaen north «
Bteklng arrMste- *
that .tory‘wrong that after- ‘
Jor In“lJ i Presider.i CTeveUnd iMrt ed of
aae -------------,U to hM-e thcrnaelVM d^aned .o g
lunlty when he ~uld sun^ly acexnrooming.
,honi better than It ever baa bten be-]
to that point wllh the expectation
. h hU purp.»e He say. he regrets
aeveland said:
galbering aome of the gold, anmehow. i a dog’s laU because H ‘ “Ouho tu
very mut h '
^ aro rnmndate th«> travel- j omUsMU OSps. awkU u^. p>i aa. __
I .fc.i
that he has been unaUe to k.ll t>.nera1 deplore ,the
k. ,h«.ir
After ascertaining all of these
Pulavleja, wh.- waa governor general
mlnent Btelesman who hss fallen a
Irtltn t( anarchistic rag^ The world’s formerly with tbe Hotel WhiUur.
McKJnP-y, Ju
. of aa actual fa« 1
ssi jnr.
J*nr. Ill
tu Pmportloa.
pvoponioaF BmWeg
hrwxisg SI
nuky well contemplate tbe have ebargb of the nffic and attend to I other Sai
BTC. and laid
. pe>UBpdi dune, rstchtas
'itag Ttrm
Tires by
event with gloomy aiprehCo- ttta wanto of Ibe gueatA Sallafaetloi
and waa autborlaed
ila« or vtb'rwUw. 1 de not rnl year
der far tbe ertabiuhmeni
I repelr ib«m. Steele ‘Tsbe -Work a
IT. CbrsiivM staes la tbe elty. Olm
post tn AUika. and -the order waa
>^|y revoked, Tbr seereiary of 0»e writer of tbw letter etlpiwd on toe — , .
•The counlrr’a poll___r fv clone application to duty in thla sleety aides elk. and sal flat
depend upon an iBsaasIn. ^Ib' aad
a)eiru>t Hm nite a>^
Bay M-. near M a S g. Dspoi.
case alone, baa saved the
Oomn. with A dull thud Looking up
Uvea ought to remain in
' --^ers taken fvr future deat Joe. I said
Joseph . Nutwltb-- power under the
aUDdtng." .
I Marshal Csmpoa. £em>r Pidal and 8«ivaHAUIt.TOS CkxmBsu Co
I Riduayan. Neverthelesa, if tbe que-n
Ite tenglKd at the attempted JokA ' regeal appeaM to tbe IJberala they are
Frank MoaXord. who resided for agw
e went on In tbr c
wral years In Kent county, but who has
tong been eonnected witli theI Detroit »«»« «« Ifertlrtl Ju* *i*P‘ <•
■ ^ tn Inc at the Joke, and that evening he
Washington. Aug. l0.--4jfflclal notice
jasnaiLsr Icid Sam Busbnell. now a preacher at of the klUtag of the Siunlah premier
tbe aUle departnumt yerterOreut
toviait the
had fallen, 1
FPr a long Ume he confined bU journalMUc efloru to Tbr Free Prese. but now coolly looked op and aald; *?<*v«rtlia..
on tbove date'to Mackbe repreaenta a paper tn Chicago, an- leea " But nobody teugh^, No Joke , ~canoVM aaaaaslrated today by ,BHar- toac Island and reium for Cl.00 rood
| phut. Have expressed profound aym-. trip, via Bay View and U. R A i. Ry-.
Mbcr in La Craase, and anutber In aas apparent.
On another occaalon Orimo told me p,thy.
Aaaeonda. Mont. He also does poUUtests leaving ’’ raverse City at • a. m.
that St. Peter waa the "abortcgl man < me secretary of slate Immediately •U.S will ^veatthelMasdnt 11:1
ml work for a paper in ihM city,
.wing roesthough Uoaford U
Democrau In Ihe Und.
warm personal friendship ef very many
When I undertook to tell the story I hem sumhitted by tclegrspb to PreslTicpubllcaas throughout the country,
A. T. Johwon. ttoeik Side Shoe Sura. «M UntoB 8iraeU
tbr reepeet snd per- said that 8l Peter was the ■‘mnaUert’’ d.-nl McKinley. "Your action approved.
Might tehool
and be___________
legai^ of tbr Mtcblgan aenatora' man. etc., thvreliy robbing the joke of Krnew m name of the president hta
and rvpresvelatlvta
all Its risible. poaslblUlIrs.
; exiii>«el''n of deep sorrow and sym- ut tha Bualnem Oollega. hfter Septemd 121
On tbeday precMlIng the adjournment
CongreMinan Boutellr of Maine. y«thy fur the loaa home by Spain In tbr bar.lsL
pay to look at tbealacaul Hue- H & Qlbka. to ElUa Meyuto ab^ 111 rrogtSk
0t ceiggress Senator Burrows delivered a ebalrman of the cammittee on naval dosih of Senor Canovaa del Castillo,
This to tha Day that Om. MUlar
apM<A on 'tbe lumber ach«luie of tha affairs. Is an^ oW »!<«■. a^^
j rte pr^e mlnUterj-f Spalm <wr of the
Steep to akaoluteDingliey bliu wbirt> has Just been laib- more atoriea of the ses than Ned Bunt-1_____eminent of the slaieamen of our
rard of
"It I time, and convey condnleoce t« family
n-fralned from
- senator
.1 had..................................
Usbed The
-------------------» M co'me to (of
Ibr Duke ot York ahi'uld e
Bpeaking and would have made no
lUek Che throne of England hla subjects wW ,
——.. . _
■mrim cmt tbr Mil but ffor thr atl
satur al Icsal have the satisfaction of knowMATANA WAS WILULT BX4TITBD
> made ulxm h:
FMUgrew of South Dakota :
t tbe Kvwa. bet
and fwaraiitead te kuT tooB.
Walt. Dr^
US. Rvwry poBBd
pemud full
otipiiru .11
• ...
■ ...»,----------—
- .— -■ ■■ — I
has just
led. tot. Maaooto btotor.
and Michigan people of the good, uld-fashloovd word spank- |
. . Aug. W.-The 1
To Whom it Mav Cojckast-The.CUy
> of the
mg.' When
as -a midshipman.
abouM write the senator for copies at ma
—--e —
..m—. ;
......... ........,
SI they may have hts tu- be declined one nlghl.lo turn out. as be assaaslnatkn of Sencr ennovas caused Ckuinell of. Urn City of liteversa Cliy.
Tbe speech U a itiw should have done, to go on the watch , great consternation
mnatematlon hem. On lu
lU mre- ^Jdwad^a'^Myi'la main tewer laW
if tbe subject
• Bis fellow-middy. wb»m be was de. : orlpt the autborlllra and many promi- la Sawur Dlatrtot Namber Throe (J) ot
I mgsed to rrilevs, a^ who wanledMo '
local politicians went to tbe pal
nuBt to tba tow- AU toe b«vtmt ftavura Prulta apd
IV city of Trava-—
ThB nau
otog took mato itoww te be laid
OoBlaettoBasy the beat. A. A. MaOoy * Son. Front
usually talk poUllcS ‘ prince Tbe toHer. after receiving two
,here was wild emcltement tottold
ar. and
............................... - good ahakli»gs.awddti)ly vqmned on tbe stork exchange and throughout
te Blfkth atraat.
sworn a Mg oath, and ici drivs j m, p,,,
pi«a, ,nd rhpms fell con- gtrwet
Part of ttir «*» to
mato sgwar
tbe fellow.rolddy's right eye ...
Captain fier.eral Weylvr still
M* ftot
te ba aaaaaaad upon the
Sgssked tbe Prtsew,
J mmalni te .tbv
fleld. At fiml them
IV deldba foBta) at ow atero. alao toe eraam tor
to. said ftowar
The young fellow made no reeponse. ^ scute anxiety with i fervnev to the
famOy trade. daUvarad at roabtooeu traa. Im .
Mit returned to his post, resumed hla
. f]thr
Csnovas.' arhl Hewar fund.
__ _ .
this eventm
.. . , polltirei eirect
HcLatlanAAah. aor. Front and Park, aad roar Maanafe Bloek.
It beoKme known IhAt Oeneral
suted a story of tbe campalga «
:bus did duty for the prince hut t
; watch sndjtbus
Tba plate dla«m«A plana and aaUr “Old Rack" waa
t the Ifollowing day be stated bis Aaranaga bad amntned office coafidenm
mstrrvd snd the effert of
___ .atui showed bis eye to bis aom*1.00: windw''» or BOB 8. K Rortbaia,
manifvrted on tbr rschange.
ww —------; — — I radrs TT>e midshipmen held a drumFront BL. adtointog MeNamarob abew ateaa.
fffVu. to tba ciy Clark of ‘Travarw City.
rmb Avenut hotel In New York «ty. I head court-martial, found tbe prince
He was dally and hourly a surprise
«nd sentenced him to be spanked
of Public Works to *bM
party to every nor eonuecied with the by tbe lad whose eye he had blackeoed.
eommltiev In any oapacUy whatever. ' Acroidtogiy the royal culprit was
B s. Using teBagpaa.
Itw;. at 7:>0
One morning about t o'sloek bs walked ‘ sciavd by tour ot tbe seniors aad held
Parto Aug .la-Tbat tbs agitation o’aloek pri . and coBMder ^
Into tbs room of lbs secMtary to tbe - mce downward on a table. wWla tbs
r. TroMinc and Road borosi a ipacommHtee and bis ptewnm aiartlod the 1 midshipman with the dlafigumd optic. against Ssnor Canavas del CaMlUo was parti* tow^ wish rmpact te te!d
wMt to MoifM'a UveryB^
dally. Third door west
out of a year's hts sleeves roiled up to his etbowa. oar- wldeapmad U evidefccad by tbe fact
growth. The sable cIttoM was sratch rled out tbe aeotence of ibr’wildablp- that the police ot this city recently
tag the offices with both syss glued maa's court natll bis hands amartsd tomfromtlglavatmisaof Pnrisplacarda
ttgfeOy by Morpheus. *IU bmb -llpe When tbe prince was released be was taacribed: "Down with Caouvas: Tbs Clofk to Bontd to Public Workato tba
X. «rot daw sMt to poatoA^
gaptBg at apace, with btob /-postrtls furiokw with rage and threatened vewe atartym win be awngad. Long llv<
Oty to T»ii « Q9.
— HleblChBmamai to anurvu. It waa ignrcsiy gaanee. but tn a day or two be Ihougfet aaarchjrl" and other capreaatoas U
dgyUgbk Abd when Mr ChabdtartBRsd better of tl and cAme to bu measmaiq. Spaatob gronalr iBsulUng to the qiMSi
f bag sM who bad apanksd him and apotagtoed i^Mt aad Pramier canovaa. Is addiMottoa to Wndw OoB—mwh
fer the blew iwblef..............................
tot aB> a voUc
tlon tbe oOclals of tbe Spanlah smbami
here have facelvrf many
gteteS ktad. I
Hot88b Boardsd.
ctum for tbe toiteia It la ateud that at
htocBABma U
Smtoimm. and » a
otoo • p
metalv tovt«» tSBiqMi tatugaaa at______
der waa onaaequenily lasucd.
Ocoeral Alger In the Buantlme had;
See Our New lint
Picture Mouldings
Lederle’s S TSU:'
Butter, First Class
Boys’ Blouses
•“‘""o-rM-Uo P,*.
Great Cut in Bicycles fs.“_
Accidents Impossible
cell that
lliai will
will kill
Mil Bugs
to '
Bicycles to Rent
Soda Water
To Rent
The Best Gandies
Ice Cream Freezers
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Angus McColl
Paris Green
AoaM that ha
aad that Benar Oanovaa wogM umb CMFfSKjttaa agpgdalpartoUha.
pay hla dsM » IMm w^ hto htofj: KSU/iIUa.
Tha Malta PUbBakaa taterrigwu >4. I Md3
B.. D. CaiimiaA A Bon.
IL *L*.
8Ku«tf»n at Coffin Dom
■ Chang* for tfc* B*ttw,
It r
on the aererai mlnea »ow te opeTati<«,
One rarty want to
Hut mm*,
operated by Ale\ Dhmpater. tocaud
Bear 'tltemdUto. Thto mlnr ha* betapupplriad the De AraUt tototpahy wuh ,
oanL Another party tnarehed to* <talr.
HU) ai uaual. and ibe third eonpenr
- - ' to Baadr Creek, 'ntc Bocae mine
etarted oncKpoctedlr
yaateiday with thlrty-ave nea. and thto
DwrrhiA a tnarchln* force of about WO
men marrhed and •seamtwd i
lUnus In Op«n R*b*Hien Ag«In«t
•n Of^r of » Unlt*d .
^U« Court..
I j. tr. Pawkbc
Kaiduette. Mtrb . t
AttfiTMTa at Iaw.
terday forenoon. Meeake’* brewery and
three dwellincn were atruek by Ushtnine The warehoOM and barn at the
brewery were bumcA________
iv*aod. Utoa.. Au«. U.-43«orte WID.
lama, bcuthar of AwUtant But* TreaaWlUiaau. wa» killed by tlchtaJnr
The iioU
Mooufae Btoek. tam. Oty.ll-k. j tar a«S;»> ■»*jyysU
M^BkO^.^ AW'wy
ninUrlon. returned to the cl
•t U>ola Auc. 10.-A
to TOt
BapoMtc ll«m CuRm, Ula. Mtr«: TWo
town ti uader morUAl Uw. A. tom o<
m omod doputr abcrtaB to coordUtf
tb* town, uid i»rticuUrtT tb« ptoportjr
of the CoiReeD Cool ood Ooppw con. panr- One hundred And tv«etr-av«
nw vee* at work in.the ■baft TMt«rdA7 onder protection of an aniMd force.
Itov Kftttod to a-ork vOtm the aan.
Ura pew ilnMl cuard at the bUm m>trance to pr^reot the ponatbUItjr of aa
oatoauKht frtwn the «rUtera. •'6«neral’
Bradler'a men are eDcamped aofi atr>jnc
In the wood* Juat wt«t of town. Thcr
hace been forWddeii to eeter the vlUace
tiDder penaitr of arreat. Itoputy.toMr.
1ft8 carryiDS •boMruna. WInebestora and
other weapon* lataad (uard at every
roadaar rumitBS la bare and no one
to aliawed to enter UDl«M he can ahow
that hi* bualnea* to o< a nature havu>(
DO connection with the atrlke.
myt the wprk or e^rlv alcnalurec
wtU be patoied eameatly, and be belleeaa
the required Buie>>er will be aecured.
The mlr-m. he tara. cannot poiMbly
eriB the Mrthe. aa the mlBaq atUl to
apcratlCB cab aupply the demand. Some
a( the coal eperater* are yettlnp reeileaa
and thraaun to attempt to etart tbeir
mtor* ihi* week. W. R. Simmona a
UtfO' coal ^aler.
eaye there to no
acatcUy of ceal. "Bunday nlpht m car*
of eoal came Into Pliubury from Wm
%*lrftala and toryc guaitunc* are betry
*lA«d to Plitdtmry from the tntoaa
.alo^ the PeBBayfraBla railroad,
_____________ ___ .0 Klanllp on a almtlar
utoaloa; afad from there to Decatur,
where deleyatlon* from SprlnyflelA
Jf*an* and other placet will meet theta.
Ttoe operator* at Uncola odiaiad thedr
8Wh work every day to kke week—they
bare been havlny but two dayr Work
per week,on an averaye—If they erould
return to work. -Tbe propoatOon was
Tanner yoterday moralny received a
teleyram from B B. Ray. whom he
dlapaicbed to CoBeen Sunday to ex*
amine Into and report the altuaiton at
' that place. yivwiDC out of tbe move
ment (if coal mlnera.
The' trlrsTam
■aid: ’'Bver>-thtoy I* quiet thto momlay. I have advUed the abertfl to,re. duce bla force. Nut over NO Btlnen* ate
ancamped. I waa at thHr camp at t
o’clock ihl* monupy. They ahow execedtayly yood temper. About.Sfiy mto*
cn went doo-n to woik thi* momtoy.
1 wlU, atay here today and keep you
folly advtoed."
lowa Miner* Kul Ukely to atztkn.
Ottumwa. le.. Auy. W.—Tke meettoy of loan mlnera here yeaterday dentded «Di le etrtk.
tke to aynspath/
aynapatfar with the
' all tbe men
week for alA The meeting
poorly attended, only a fourth
ih «f
■umber of mloere to the atate bel^y-repreaer.lrd
llrit the aentlmmt
wa* tor a alrlkr. ana
IBtoolB worked hard at
Clare a Miike. The mi
they could do no yr-d o
with euch ■ amali nun
to all. the campe to the atate
other meetiny
If two-third* of the miner* to the ati
■lynltr their IntenUon el aendlny dele*
yat«B the meetlny will be held If not
It mil be eaUed off. Aa It to not thought
poMlble to yet thto number to make
a move to attlke. It to probahle that a
meeting wUl not oecur. Tpe lympathy
move with tbe caatemera to at an end.
^d earb camp -will aettie Its own acato
and yiievances with the opeiwtora
■eke* a ■*■■> In H—m Caavaa* ef Hto
Mm—mrlkn* Air BMy.
PllUbnry, Auy. Id.—Tbomaa B. lie
Armlt. aupcrtnleedent «f the New Tor*
and Clcvclaod , Oaa Ceal company,
erorked bard yeeteiday to yet the min' ee* at Oak Hill to retnrn to work. By
a bouse-le-honoe caa^naa be aucceeded
In yutUny a tew more digger* than
had been al work, ndrtr-erren miner*
went to.
The men were told by Ue
' Armlt that they would ioae ail they had
■anted If they would not work, and
would be ytven five day* to vacaU tbe
The atrlkera ear thatEB out of fSt were at work
D Creek mine ycateiday. Tbe
__ ___ _
aim* that idmeat a full force
a irorktoy. The atftkm arc hopeful
that Ibe remalalay digger* «r11l quit
work after yMttoy their pay. The PIdm
Creek mea woi* not paid yaaterday and
'Itt to ekpectad that the oompw wUl
feiQult* the men to alyn a new agreement before they are ylvaa their totveiofNA
They ape hopetai me
ri iaeldr ABe~dMrtraeta of
courta win aei
wtakfa tthe (Mu>^ b*.
tbe oompany which
.t t«
to wo*. Hu^^ to do*
for* they wont
T n
10 toe
caaee 5tha mlmSny more Injury
•ra than any ether
efher one thlay.
thlas. a
uad the
oommtoMrr department to dotny «
« CaSna-
rrr*Mritil Doton wiK yo to tbe
tPUiy reyioa and defy the intonctioas
by apeekiny at a meetlny achadalad
lor t^ nth teat- There to to J»e a My
I tUi raoraiof at Piam
Ora*. *r«ph the
SdU haehla to ch_a doara the mine.
The aMfcera at TiAla Crack have
«Mded latothraa dlei^a ued matokad
. w—— .—-.-.m-mt tor- tw*aly4ogr ■ eon
■o’tremea'm. yimwday: yer iDk^aed lib.
^ ' uele-GraermBr tob ww bw. iiraeatod by
■>*t II Oat-Ttew ef «to Alton**/ flea-
____ __________- For U_________
=srt?s' ssa
Bute* eourtr and
the auta of Kinm*
|ito*rdar iao«bo.«.r»y otoda For lewa-ftoearallF
wbaa Auortiey General
acUpy ir...-rr-lT- T"a*-tlT —-*t-T iilllbiUpia
upon tbe advice an^ wlih-toe coccurtence of the atate admlnlairatKm. took
action to the atata courta to opM de-
lirtten Uchi^
<—r- Trusportitln Ct.
________________ Wiekllnahl.
OB duty at tb* pmie. shot at the atlaAiny party. He was badly baiiared
and thra* Pelaa raMived
to Iba lyhL
• at totor MM
TUa |
actios Is thi ouicv-me uf an tojunctloa |v*han
iKued on July ft
t>y Untied Stot«
Dtoirlct Judge John A wnHama of
Arkanaak al Colarado Bprlnye. Qolo..
Koney to Loan
Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
unini uDiHiBinmkr^
Bast 1^ Mlohigas
.Youp Choice.
ooora SOtTB.
Building; Lots
Houses and Lots
3^ f iSli
-Oeaad TraTerat Bar-
,Por All Cash or Low for
Part Cash
•An!^»EE;i::;:;:::::::::: JSis
wbelber a slats ha* any rtgbta that
federal Judge mnm rrapMt. If w* have
no aneb rtybia than state
to a uaatoa* expenaa’' AUat
Boyle homptotoa partlealariy of tb*
tact that Judy* Will
at Bftgbty dtotam. aged «.
o<»i*o aocni
OUr LeDbtoOa***** **** * ***’*^ *TShu"
Quincy, nia. Any. Ik-Hai
.—Hattu* a IBarrtmaa cf St Joaafk.
the Bnrtinyum tinm
Mi::?:SiaS“ ,’StE
Paddy. At
At lAcoda. HU..
John & Tbompmm. At Webeter
Otty. tau. 4- P- Alltagtau. fl. At MartlMdsla InA. Robert a MtMsHL of
Member* of Holy Cross Poltoh Bomaa
CatboUe church srare attacked by cppouents et tatdrpcndant Kbrnan Catl
• -------------- ihelr pKulc at E
overeoe. bommm. or eeaDer roMTi
a> HatoeffTtoSlare. toto*
by which to poattlvcly enJolDrd Stoic
r Webb UcNeal
and Altoraey <3enenl Boyle, ot Kanana
from brtoytny
fprcceedlnys whhtever under the aute tows to prevent the
Mutual Uf* Ineurance company from
dotoy buslnew to Kansaa Tbe tojuactlcn of Judge Willtome waa iwerpiny to
Iw effect, and amounted, accordto* to
^yle and Ccmmlraioare UcNcaL to a
pfartiral anoulmiot of a crtmlaal tow
of Karras under wBch the Inatiranca
company Involved ha* been barred (rom
Cbkayo. Any. 10.-Judye Jackaoowas tranvaciloy buainem to Kar.raa
enounced aa a lawbreaker al ibe Sun
Kaa>M d^a* lb*
day afteiT.oon ineettoy of Lccal Branch
Not only thto. tuu tbe'Kansa* anL Social Democracy ef Asurlra. Il tboiitlc* matotatoed that thv lajuncUcis
declared that he abould be punched of Judge WiHlame waa to viotatton ot
InTractlou of tbe tow, Tlie rwlu- tbe ronitUuUoh of the United SUleo, to
. ecumeratce aa hi» crime* that he that It prevented thr atste frem enact
haa ovetTJddeo ihe coiumutloB by for- ing and rarryln* out It* own taw*, and
hlddtoy certain jeraon* to walk On the ator, ir. Cl Dlraveetlcn of decisions ol
puNIr talyfawaya and ba* prrreMed the United State* eupreme court. Artfree metch and free anemblaye. and toy upon this belief Attorney General
-cloaea with a bint that II may be Dec
Boyle yefttrdar went befere thr state
ry to flyht for tboae rtynta
•upreme fouu. bficylng pn<ecdlny» In
quo warranto against thr Mutual Uf<
unto latettot !• Waalf—toA
Insurance ccir.r^ny to compel that ccrilmlnjrton. N C. Any l«.-An elec*
porallon to appear before the Male »uUOB to yotny dn throuyhoul North Caro*
premecourt and »how^ry ahal aulhority
Itoa teday on tbe qoutkm of addl
It to (ranractiny buiinear to the Mate
But UtUe tntarut haa bees manUewted of Kanraa
And Mew lO* TaHe ■am'* Tern.
and there la no dcaibt that tbe move
Attorney General Boyle barltiy doe*
ment for the additional tax wUI beeverpre^tody what the injunction of Judye
whelialiyly gefeated.
William* forbad* him doing tbe prrDM BwYVT It aa UtoChlUr
■umpUor. to that ifee federal Judye will ‘
DaytcB. O.. Auy. Ik-Monla Bppler. cause hi* arreot and imprlaoniueet for ’
ayed I. foun* a revoiver, and while try- eonteibpt Tn this
toy tbe we*pon.8hot and killed BudoINt _ Writ of habeas eerpu* «UI be made
rratkle. nyed I. He drnyyed the body ■I once to the T-Blted States auprem*
Into the yard and went to bed. b«i to court, and tn Mirb a pmceedlag the at
torney general wonU have tb* tupport
of the ecllr* stole admlntotratk*. Gov
ernor Deedy has dreiared that the imue
Plan* bare been prepared for reatoe- Itoa beea mad* and that the maitcrannat
Bg Mtnint Vernon to Ifa oitftoa) aute. be fought to a termtoaMonWith ex-Secrelary H^e Smith as ar
■oTUi TAUu or m cash
bitrator tbe color-line labor troublca al
Attonu hare beea aetUed.
BktoA* htoto Bomr^to a Myth M SudB*
VUltaiB* to BlyUk
Of the llt.wo.aw oM copper ceatt
which were wnt out from the mint «ly . Kansas City. Auy 10-The Tlmeatbto
:ie aoo.WJ have been accounted tor.
morning prints an imerrlrw with At-!
Tbe Cb^Uati Alliance at tu meettoc* toner General Boyto. of Kan*ha. M
t Ibe camp grounds at Old OrchaiiL to the laaue ralaed between the Kanaaa
He., ratoed >n.«W for fOrHyn mlaaloca
■utborttlea aad the federal eoun*. The
John HalleiDaD was run over and
BUoney general atataa that be baa no
killed -at Chicayo by a Port Wayne
dralre to defy any one. but that ba I*
train at One
Hundred and Seumd
■Imply acting according to hto duty ufiatreet.
dee tbe tow* of Kanaaa He exidatoa
Bert Colton, aon of a weU-knovu
that tbe elate law* arc plain that no
ockfOrd. Ula.. family, waa an aertoaAy
foreign tnsuianr* company ahall d^
Injured in a runaway accMrat that hi*
buslnee* in tbe atate without a Ueraae
ecoeery to doubtful
from the aupertntendent of toaurance.
Governor Adama of Catorado.haa been
The Mutual Ufa, be aar*. haa no auek
preaenlcd wtih a paper-eeight of ore.
license, though It* general agent. Mcy<dd eeamed. from the Scotia mine. It
Lord. continue* to aiUctt buslneaa Tbt
I* worth al tbe ratic of tW.OW to the ton.
attomey general add* that If the In
surance con nilsdoner to IHeyally withboldiny a license from that company
the court* of tbe state are apen to the
company to compel tbe ccmmlaaloner to
grant such a Uceua and be adds that
John RayaUp and Mac E. Oordiey got the corporatloo ba* nera fit to .wholly
ito a dlspntt while returainy from a Ignore the stole courts and coaUnuea
plehic to Weatt Union. O.. and Hayallp tO'do boatoeaa y rl(4atioa of tbe taw.
■hot and klUad Oor«er. Hayullp wa*
autoy. Attorney Genera] Roy)*
'*rhU to a-pa*mve defiance ot
Charlm Faabody. ■ tonBar^rtaMlDy our state lawa It cannot be poaalbla
two mile* aoutb of WItoon. Claik coun that Judye WlUlama mean* by hto of
ty, Wto.. wa* kUlad by Uyhtalng while der that be «1U rratruto aa exocntira
lylt^ ea a oouA talking to a aalykbor, officer oDk auvereigs state trmn dotiui
who wa* etunntd.
hto plain duty. If a fufcral Judy* of
Aikanaaa white taktny bto baths at a
aummer leuort in Colorado, caa suapead
.. m.«NjOOO ta mto* you la noraMa ttw a lUDitud time Che operattoB of any
county. WTa The company hu eawtta portion of tbe law* of tbe atate Kanaaa
then a fedetal Judy*, no matter where
on tb*
■top the whole mamlnea
Pete Veth. «f Chicayo. appUed a ehtoery
t as yenerul d
lighted match to a cigar to a room ta polal a receiver and
which hi* wife wa* eleanlny a bed with tator of atate affalra If thto order,
with lU aweeptny Intent ran htasd ft
to almiilr reveloUonaiy*T baee k> deult* to prveipitat* a
a between tbe federal and loral
Chicago —
West Michigan
QOOS WANTBD-trare c cur Laato* Co-
w i*c»T.
ibr fidctal authotiura
*s ~
■pyykujcy woo^ m
VertEtn lOdhigu lias
Vi, !s;k«s
The atiUdny uloera tried to induce
the nten of the Juhs tnyle
compareto yo ouu but were only partly ai..oaaafuL Another rRort will he made t->day and II I* conBdently expected t-Ut
all the uen will yo out. At a mam
mmuy held here la*( nlyfat to thetvut
End park every miner la tbl* kjcailty
expraaaed aympatby for the movetneot.
and the nujmty of them alyniBed tbeir
InteBUoD «f folBlny the etrlke.
John layle Company yol out an lojuae*
!S !S____
l.OHrO|»raBo*to Bbtok.
M‘SVU“2T2Ui‘!; aiSTfe
Topeka. Ran.. Auy. to—Tbe long
thnaunrd elato beyreen the I'nited
nr «SB utoiAXA rocKR.
t’nOl hla mum noUinv U
:erDooB. and Judye Uaito be
" will
wHl be
on On- yn>^ i itoon art' Bep)
>1 M aa the date to bear
lliw and
tben It to *■• I the mae. Tbe outlook
here le more hope*
pected that the ■triken will more
j ful for the miner* than It ha* been at
' any Ume yet. .
It was feared before the advent of the
mfiaoled fay a a Baj;. tbe ■trike that they would meet with but
fpreaentaove et Oovemor
but the Ude
it to tbe mine and
» to have turned la their favor.
In rejjy to queatkooe be Another mara meetlny will be bcU at •
naked, the mlncn eaid they wanted tbe o’clock this momtoy aad tbe atnkera
yuarda about tbe plu mtalned; deriared will be at tbe vnriou* mlnea to toduce
they wlabed for bo conferenec with tbe the miner* to attend Ibr meettny
Mriken. and aaSd they wen enUrety vwdal from Sullivan, lad., aar* that
■atltoled (0 Btay at work, ttay tbe» the atrlklny miner* throughout tbe In.
held a eonferenee with the atrUer* and diana field were aunpUed wuh food >eamade them a apeeeh. la which be aym. terday, over l.a« bHny fed'at Braatl.
patbUed with their condltUn.
Cruaadera are again on the mSTcb from
KInee. DeeUa M Haech.
there toBvanarUle. from which point
Bprtnyfleld. DU.. Auy. Ik—A atate they wllf cToaa Into Kentucky and mBeyUter apcclal tram Uaeolo *ay« tha dcavot to doer the St. Bernard mint*.
mlnera ot that city met and decided It to aatlmated here that 1.000 miner*
will be to Evanavllle thto moralpy.
Pint T«*r-No. 86. .
; tw® ba_______ _
BtnnxBa wo» a olou oaxb
XI Bw jAybodT^ OSBU VstU «h«
X«M Bu WMOaVud Oacoftba
. Bom A»MMd OntMti of th« A^
OM Ooed TMm Woik Ail AmobA
ABOlk« OM Of ttHMeloM, ■oopvT
«OM bitvrM Ik* BiMiM sad (Mtt
THtOTdoy; aad-1^ b men pUMloff
«o tM foM.
hem tMB ««•.
IheoUanoiid wort of M tewM
WM of a Ufh order. The Heetlm fot
eecwfcw- oad pUyed the gw they ore
«o|»Me ed. oad their taoB
• irm w«j towatd fotBlar the rh^
In the
gam aad Ui work wae of. (h<
COkedved order.
He . tnade one
ortor. a poor Umw to drat In the
Arot taalag. bet aa thlage tamed oot
U eoet Bothlng. After that he “ate
•m opAnd, paring thaeredltof eaTlnr the
gam beloofe to hist, le the aloth
taalBg with two oiea on haaea, aad
two oat he tnade a great catch of
Thompaea'e fiy aad ended the gana
BmU aleo wade e flae raanlng
eatahof afiy la the third iaalag.
^nat*e work with the etiek, ae wall
•I hhhtod the bat wae good; he wee ia
Batherford wae la the gone., and
■ aeeepted hie only ehaaoe tn left field In
Another featare of the Hoetlen'
gam wae their team work at the hat.
TrorkMa to yeeterday'e gam bat one
eaerafioe hit had bMo made by them;
two were esade yeeterday. one each by
WatUiie aad Honk
Wathlna aad Bayaee boU |dtcbed
Aae baU. bat Watty wae more eaoeeeefal la keeping the hita aeettered, and
w ofUe aeren hita eradi'
ted to the Colte were two-haggath they
woold ftot hare eeored dariog the
gam. bat for two eirore in the foarth
Billy ribald eomredflret haee for Ue
Tlritoce la plaoe of Tkompeon. who b
aaroliw a eore arm at the reenll of a
bit with one of Batherford-e epeedy
«M la
Sunday. Be waas
■imeii. howerer. aa BUI played welt
. Qainn’B eeeond haee pUy wae aleo
He ecoepted nine hard
witboet an error.
la feet all the Colte played greathaU.
aad emryone went bom eatiefied that
tbore tea't iwoaton oraaly mtcbod
tmee in the baeineea.
The Haetiera-eooree wm made aa
la the firat. Boat, the flrat
made a pretty eingie and Hall foUow^
with aaotber; then Wetkiaa eame to
the front with a caerlfloe. placing HaU
«■ eeooad aad Boat on . third; aad
wbmi Heyaee threw Wheolar oat at
Aral “DaeW" •Mred. Oaeraa.
Tbelr olimr two wem made ia the
foarth. Wbealer etarted tUnge with
a haee hit aad went to aeeoad on WilAelm’B hh, and to third whoa Adaiaa
taaAad trot oo a hit that forced
jMBiiii at aeooaA
Sammy etole
aeeoad aad both be and Wheeler
•cored oa KomUyb elngla. Tbay
triad k> make aeeoad wbao the hall
ww throws to the plat* hat Klnmood
wae too quick tpr him aad he wae
Salto foaled oat to FoxOoly owe hit wae made aftm thia laalag by the Haetiera; a etogie by Tony
. la the ^lath.
Kasletee'e two raae ama aim made
la the fourth. Heyaee pat the hall
over the faooe for two baeee aad
to third when Wetklae' threw Xagnae
ootat fink Kinmood drew a haae os
heHe nod etarved to tleal eeooad. Boat
threw wild eod wbUe Kim
lag to third. Hayaee etored. Tihald
rftrV-* flrel aad ITlnmwnrt
when Tooy let Adam'e throw-get paet
Vlmt but be reooeered la time to retire
AUly at aeooaA
The Colb oearly tied the eeore la the
nialh. After two mra wm oat Fo*
hit for a haee and eo did TlbalA Otla
~ bado't been ]^iulag the ball aad
It Into bat: he hit a
high fly back of eeeood aad Hall,
Adame and Wilhelm, all Marted for Ik
and tUage looked dabtode. bat U
all right, aad everybody heaved a aigh
of relief whaa they heard the ephem
hU yartmu’e glova, aad aaotber wImb
they mw that It atayod thera.
. . .V r t
Abz7 DeeUUd Be Sid Vot Polat o
OOB o( BkAoel Z«r Wltfaeot BoUoo.
The trial of Terk Barta. who wot
-eeoeid hr Bkhari Zty of barlaf
potated a Ktwkat at Urn wlttiOBt oultoe. oeeapiedaffrtaterpqrtioD of ye*terduy laJestieeVerle^'aooort. The
jeiy retonied a vetdlet of
foUty at
10:is loot Blrht. after belnf-oiit fnUy
Aboot Aotloae Bay Xrofody.
Dr. L A. Tboama west to SoUdoa
Bay yeeterday to aeaiet Dr. O. C. Jaelin
of that piaee U bdUlag aa aatop^
Bpoa the body ai it» Hop. the ladfan
who died from the effecte of eeriOm
lajarlee reeelTed at the haada of parUee> onkaowa. The aatopey proved
that death wae oaoaed aa atated.
The oofoaer'e Jaiy b etlll eagaged la
InTmtigation and every
effort b being nude to find elnee that
might lead to the detecUon of the
guilty persoB or pereone. One maa hae
been arreeted ahd'b nojr la jaO at
LelanA It b Die Haeeby. a yoong
maa who b eald to hava boon bepUcsted la certain aeb not ooantenaaood
by the law. There b no peritive eridaaee that he know* any more about
thb tragedy tlm any one elee. bat~ he
b bald oa eoe^e
■iMiMippi VanwT Otnmn Wut t.
Bow Ob Oiaad Trarerae Bay.
la OMamenUag on the regatta raoently held at Ottawa Beaeb. the GvealDg
Piuee eUtod laat night thet Traverte
ClW wae favorably eoneldered ae the
beet point for each an event aezt year,
and adde;
Traveree City wee talked of and that
r BoKar.
ehor Tletlm of an Xleetrie Shook
at Island Boaday Aj^aeap—
DwaUlag BAdly Abattond.
Dangtbor of 1
Thera wUl'be a meetjag of Trtvweo
aty Om^aodory. Ho. 41. Kaighte
TemplarAllu evanlng.
A H. Vla^ aad Del Lafoataee left
yeetarday on their wheeb for Kalkaoka. They wlU retara today.
Toeight “The Kan of to Iron Haek'
will be preeeated la eploadid etyle by
W. u. HaK aad bb flae
A baby girl hae taken up her rerily at the horn of Hr.
aad Hra C. Hoe tm E
Thera wtD be a regular eoaventlcs
of Travene Cl^ Lodge. Ho. 71. EL of
P. thb oveaiag. Work iafliM aad
ond make.
There wUl be mom good beae ball
today and lib expected tot the Haetleia will keep ap to faet gait demonetrated yesterday.
TWe wUl be a regular meeUng thb
erealng of to Fraternal Hyetie Circle,
No. su. la Hoetagae ball. Alt membon are urged to be preeenk
The Onbr of Hetaal Proteetlos held
h regalar nmtiag U Hoatagao hall
laat evaalag aad after to work ram^ aad a social
hoar enjoyed.
One of tomootiadaadbearkii^lag acoldeBU which baa viaitod thb
loeaUW for a loaf Um wae raported
yeatarday oHming from Lelaad. The
fbmily.of Alex. MoEoreber. ax-proeocnttag attorney of Uelanaw county, b
morning to tragio aad sodden death
of thelr'UtUe daughter Beosb. oaly six
The blow b to harder to bm beeaaae to Uttie oar wae etriekea withoat an laetaat's waning, and expired
In the midet of tboee wfio loved her.
U wae daring the thaader ehower of
Hoaday evenlog tot their dweUiag on
to Brady farm near Lelaad. wae
etrart by tightalng and badly riddled
by the deMraeUve fluid which eotored
to roof aad travened nearly aU over
the boildittg. leaving rain ia ita tralL
Hr. HcEeritor. hb wife aad daaghtera B^mle aad Oraoe were rittlax upon
to landtag at the aead of the etairs ia
Alt mmben of Ceart Traveree. No.
to front portion of the honee when
to tightalng etrack the baUdiag. .11 S&S. era reqaected to meet promptly at
.. over In
_ SI. Hr.
....I aad
Hia. McKetahor worn 'both eererely to prepare for tda <
Bedgaa can be procarod at to baaar.
ebockoA, bat
Bemb, who wae aboat to croee a abort
L. F. Perkett retaraed yeeterday
apace to reach her owtor. faU prone morsing from Grand Eapide and in the,
upon her face vUhoulamdrmar. Hr. afteraooo left for Ladiagtoo. From
McKerchor recovered la a mmoat aad there be wtU goto Hiewori to bay
whan ha picked to chUd from the Iralk na eearci^ of trait la thlc
floor them wu no eign of life. The region om^b buyera to seek
Vsmiiy wugpef ctriekan when toy| aeura eonatry.
malbed the extent of tolr lam aad
Them will be an excartion from
when the dbaeter became kaowa kind Hanbtee tomorrow oa the H. A K. B.
friende eipreaeed a elnoere eympathy. briagiag a large body of Forestera aad
There wae not a veeilge of a brataa
, .ahoadrad or to haee faaU faai. Tto
mmrk iXuiklil
'lU "“I-. •
and it b aappesed that the ebook which the bleaobere
and in to grandetand
experieaoed by to mat of to at to
tamUy wae too severe for to llttb
The Prinoeoi Barber Shop.
The foaenl wUl be held from to
or an artbtb hair cak drop In at to
: church la Leland tomorrow mortlng.
circumstanK ont of which money
be made—
Hbe Habol ^ of Fomona. b vleltlag to family of Bov. S. Baleboiy.
We have a snap. Got a new lot of box papeterie
(24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes) which we will
sell for a few days at seven cents the box '
( '
Fred Bordaa Had a Hoad Sadly
Bart Taetarday.
Fred H. «ordm, who maa a knot
kw at Kelly A Covetlb mUl
SUghta, bad a themb aad two flngera
badly torn cs to mw yeatarday after
Booa. He cam to thb city bet night
aad to injary wae dreaead bv Dr. Oar
Br. eOhert Vet a Oaodldeta..
Tlta members of Cot
ess. deeire to tmproae apM the pahtb
tot P. C. GUberk Chief Banger of to
Oonn, b not a eaadldata tor the gold
ided caaa The eaae U to be preited to the meet popular preriding
offltar OBtalde of to orgaolmtioo for
whoa* benefit to fair b being belA
Bade Charley form Very D chappy
CharUa W. Joyea met with e palafal
aoddeat yesterday mornlBg wUb
work In to,’
AEfoycaACo. A bottb banted and
badly Bma^lad oae of hb flngem.
Bobbed a Sepok
The railway atatloa at BeaioBia wae
robbed Aagnst Bib. aad awhey to to
amout of SIOM, inriadiag one 1100
bUl, one gsobUlaadlBOOlnaold
taken. A reward of gsoo baa tern oftmed by Agent Heacham and a»
SU by Sheriff Kooo of Frankfork
Chtoago ^Bartek
CUoago. AagaeklO—Wheat—Aagaak
TSKciSeptamher. 7B97»Ke; Deoember,
TOkOBOe; M%y, «skc.
t7Ke.'' Deoembor, MHe; May,
Oata—Angnet. Kko: September.
ItH&llci October, ITke; Deoembor.
Pork—Aagno^ fT.TC; Aeptmahar,
taid-Aafari, St-I7; Saptmahor.
'' I If'* i 'I lifihflltt 1- - "-ui
d- « 'i
M. B. HOLLEY, MaiiAegn.
----- FOR____
.■ ii
The only true test of merit
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
O. E. BBOT*.Prop.
The Opening
..of the..
To the crippled condition of
the times we consider it onr
duty to inform you that,
quality Considered, our........
flour is the cheapest you can
Kuoaie. Sam Garland—4.
Knigbu of Pythlao. Bto HoOoy—«.
Traveru Oty Teak K. O. T. H. Ho.
«7!,X J. Boot—t:.
Traveru Bay Trak K. O. T. M.. No.
IM. C. S. Voder—«.
Odd Fellow. WlUbm Cham^on—1.
C. H.B. A.AM. Hi
Banitah Rlflm. Oapk 3. V. Melataoh
Elka, Dr. !. A. Tbompua—10.
Biso ooxraxT.
Trarmw Bay Hive. L. O. T. M.. Mt.
Hia. W. B. Tba.
I Hive. L,0. T. B. Mra.BvBebekabe—Hra. MUlor-lA
Butera Star. Mm. B. L. Oarbetki-14.
-----------<-#aroetaia. Mm John
Boyai Nrighbom, Hm C. How
A pleaoaat mneleal program'
given by to Boye* Bead aad vocal
erieerione by Hbe Alice Crawford. Male
Qoartet. Heoem Hohha. Bimter, Parke,
and Snyder. Beritatiou by Seott
Wood want aad Hbe Carrie O Neal, and
ealeetlone by the Haadriln Qab.
T%ere wUI be a ohaage of program
TMTene Beach Aoolal Bvant.
Lwt night a party of adoma or t
rang peopU of to city drove ove
Tiavaru Beach and enjoyed a pleae
ant evening. A name^gaemlng eoateet ooea^ a portloa of to evenlag.
la wJUeb Ed- Wheeler won the firat
nriM aad Janb Llngb to oaaeobUo
Daaelag in to parlom wu iadulgad
by Mm Dbtodori.
PnfHner a HBornb hooM from
T. J. Host’s,
Wan a Cracker Jack
The only drawback being
we could not wait ob all the
trade: The following remark
was made by many at our
store: ‘ That's the kind of a,
sale I like to attend.” Gen
uine stuff—thisr is no fake and
if you are not suited you get
your money without a kick.
Sale will continue until further
ocaaom roa
$4.33, $4.98, $5.39
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.,
' nonsiuR.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traveree City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all *
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Crash Hats,
Prinoeee, Srd door west of Hotel Wblt>
lag. No waiting. Three firat claaa
nbbee pretty nearly an ideal
and one which affords speotaton ai^le
to watch the raeea. The
polled along to edge' of
the bay end people trom to ehore can
watch the oaramen to moch bettar ad
ittge than b poasil
poesiblc at Ottawa rated a great deal of time in bard • gs u
kCb where oaly the hotel piaxeae
work and to reatUl wae gratifying, [ ___
the etcam busehea farnbb poiaU of both finaaclally and eoebUy. In to '
evening a good eopper wu eerved for
A Board BUI Ooatroveray.
tea oenta la to large etore below to
Alexander Stewart and PhU Horgaa hall aad SU pernou enjoyed Ik
wem arreeted yeeterday, torged with
The oonfectlonmy and refreriimenl
Jumping a board bUl at the Botaa bootfae wem patroobed freely aU to
Paagbora. They pleaded not gaUty evening aad to attraciloneU to babefom Jndga Boherta and wem held earhroaghtgood mturae. The maaefur trial Thniaday moraing.
am. which b filled with rarUba In tax
idermy aad aamerou eoriorillee from
I of Sqaleia A Beohere,
to eoUec
Smith Bora, and othera. afforded an
other pleaeant attraction. Everything
went off amoothly aad to firat day b
a earn indication of a grand
to entlm affair. The voting oonuata
for the grided can aad emblemAtb rig
Fair of the Foreeten Xmrgriy Pat- An Xxblbition of Fine Bothlng will
roabod and SaJoyod Last Higfak be made at oar euve today by Geo.
The firat day of the PoreataTa' fair HlUer. mpreaeating K. Kolb and
> new
was a BBceem la every detalL AU day
tr fall
the Foraetere end Lady Pometere de- . -Jit or
do*...... 29c
new line of-----
School Shoes
Good goods at Low Prices
our motto..
U Off pi all Til CilomI Sloes from this dote.
Fopolaj dottier.
THI xoiurrso KBOOSS, WKDBBBDAY, AtTOTTST 11, 1887.
Pred K. Btraafa, wae fatally UJorad. erer r1*<B fa Traeetea <Sty. W. 8.
aad hie brothar Edward who aaatotad Bart la the raU of Amand Deral diahim te tha break (oc Uher^, waa aar> ^yed eeary requMte which r>7ee
of BU JiMph u« in tte eltTMr. Mi Mf«. C B. Marmy ot Waih- kmely'woBaded by tha gamria. Ed reaUan lo <ne of tha stranfeat oharnAVXIlBX CITY. • MIOHIOAH
ward WUUa, who had fou ieto the acten ereatad by the rreat Preach
nM *■! vrrtcm or «■■
ui tenily of Bomrd City. . ptlaM to TWt hla braUn. bad ooa- aathor, Alexander Danaa. Tha la\ OEAMD TRAVXI^ BEBALD.
trteed to fwaa a ravolrar to Barberl. teaai^ with which Mr. Bart raadare
MIb Lo. Oo«»h«iy. *ko ^
retalalaff a waa|wa hlnaalt aad wUh the part nakn Ito portnyal a trianph
TBM. T* B*» *»»
B**»»*. TUUnr Mi« JraaU SaltB. .ratww'
than they tried to ororeone the
tha art la which
be hat
ywurday U> bv bon* ^ Bk Baplifc
j. w. Bamw. EBttor~iijd Muogw.
Oed eo lofty a poeiUoa. Min
WUliana la tha titla role gart a
iatetbo dty. Mi w».m laumtod
acaraaly len ^U^ylnt InpenoaatdMtowr a» tk« k»U r»o y««Urd»y
tion and dleplayad her own peealiar
a A. OrMoy.
Seidac Maoblae Oo. ot Qraad Baplda, •aflWad a Xanfbla BaU VMM a Zna< talenu In the part which htiaad maka
bar PUa.
Pauy Dareapert fanooa. Tha apla&‘
la lathe dty oaboalaeaa aad pleaaora.
GeorfeB.'ooU a watAnaa m Ue dor of the ooetamn of Min WUUant
Mlae Pallet PraU will Uka the plaee
ot OayU Ot^waii la the eflee ot the atcantbarte Harrey J. Kendall, eoa- ia each ae tokxcita theeavy of every
MoKsntiU Oo. dariap t^ raeatioa of Ulaed a brokea toff yaaterday meraior fenlolna heart and the perfect porabeot 7:00 o'clock. Cole, aa dlnWar trayaL.of tbepari axciUa admiration
the latter.
Mia. Mika Idtaey of Weat VboBt oearthaeadotapilaoflambar at tha aad late^ latemb Detailed nen•< al Um reoieBM ot Trowoo Ctv, •trael. U aatertalnlar Mia. H. A. Ovr Trareae Qty Lanfaer Oo>a dock. wh«a tioa of theei
ofCharleroHaad Mra. Mattie Lltsay the barte la Icadiar lanbn. when one paoy would be eaperffooaa. aa esc
la hk or bar partleoUr part and
of tha boards
«y 'hBd-^ ,waa
m OMS U> k»M BO urrort of Petoekey.
p^pitated a dlstaaoe of twenty ^t It laeoaeeedad that Mr. Ran pm
Boalee aad PiaAle Kdley
for tb* tebden «f the ctrlkisfr mlaenty which U parUoalarly weB
PUit Bbcw*
*** enidaed hot hone Uet ereatac aftw a|iaadh>g tha and Btroek on a boon of locajp the
aad one which readan tha
4e MMdM too ii>aok tTMdoB ot epMch —m«er With raUUm la Detroit aad water, spon hie rlrht ihlrh, reeolttar
la a aerere fractara of that nenber. very brat topport to oac ef tha iaaat
•Mf tttakon, k«e^ of the tohdohcy LakerlUa. lad.
lialay yoany aotorn of the oooi
waa takea to tha Hotal PaarDr. aad Mra. Joha Baherteos. who
•o laelto them to riolehoe. Mr. Deho
la the literal aeaae, to
4oeo«aood the )oir> *»»o i*»odth« la- hare baaa Tidtlag Ifr. aad Mia. A. bora where the traetnre waa redsoad Mr. Hart haa alraedy reached aa anlto their bona la by On. Wabalm aad Qamer. Cola la
)«a«tkio. then weat ripht aloa« aak86 yaara eld aad annarrled. and llrce nenee la hie profenlob which wUl
«Bf tho ^ooehee bf wm waraed Mt to CUmanaU yaalerday.
Min B.Tradaaad taaiil) rataraad In MaryevlUe thU eUte. Be bac two tlana to win Uorela for him.
-«w. Kow Prodioat pdaa hao
kooB the rtotim at eiailar JodMel ao- to their hone la Parta. Onurio. yeatei- aUUrc employed la the factory of. the
* Mob: had he. too. ilwoEarde tho
day. after a vldt of aeTeral weaka with Oral Wood Dlah Oe. In tbia eltf.
, Bate at the aaat*. There eootM. to be Mra. J. B. Addt of Oak Park.
One Baeand Ayainet Preaidwt Bolaa
•hooked Oaorya OattyThe Ulaen of B. J. Baaalonky.
• qaeotioBaetotbe ri^tof theecTorta
Who Did Mot Bead It
t of the trdrhtareotfor tbeM.AK. E.,aeeaa
Kalk«aka.Mieh.. Any. 10.—A heavy
n^aeadT^C^lt MI aot u- dtahed tha retora of B. W. Caaalar aleetncil itompaeMdoverthlaaacUon
klooday mornlny, the Bret for oaveral
likely that the natter will co to * ham from Carp Udsa yaaterday.
Tony Petcrtyl waa called to Chkafo ncotha. Llyblnlny etraek la aeveral movement. A meetlay ef the commit
hifber Mart aad that the actios of the
Weat Virrlala oeart will be flvan aa yntnday afternoon by a tdefmn ah- place*, but fortotxataly did little dam- tee waa to have been bald lart niyht,
bot to many of tha membere wore ont
aoondac the death of hie brother-la- ay<-. Qolu a nomber of telepl
law, who had been alck for the paat
horned ooU A telephone po^l ot town that it was postpooed Tbe ob
ject of tbe meetlay le to dlscnn tbe
Taa ooal nlaeia' etrlke ia Paaaayh
three nontha.
cl«ee to the ofiiee of the Preemaa
M aad Wnt Virrlala U beoonliit a
P^y'b Iny f.clury- waa ahattared b) a plans for forther steps in the promoloor diawa oat affair aad tbara bae
which followed the telephone wire Uon of the canee.' Ibe eommlttee wfll
' bm ae oiatarial ebaare la the dtoaIn to the omea. dniroylny the phoee. oryanlxe aad arraaye to make a per^ for eeeerml daya. It aeeni eo
Waa One of the latweatlny Thames ard aeverely abocked Oeorye GcUy. one eonal canvan amoay tbe oparotora who
have alynUed their.anwmtnyneei
^ thourh U le a eaee of which caa boU
of the M>okkee,>era. Several of
at tha Teacbare* Xaetltnte.
alya the aaifomlty ayraemenV
e complete net of the atteadanti at aiployaee of the taetory received
An lajoacHos waa aeeared ayalaat
the taachera' laaiitau op to Uat evea- allyhi abeeka. hot none of then were
the mlaars' offleials at Bnaola and
lay were B5 menbere. and la aa followa:
tfoo of Prcnler Oaaofaa of Spaia.
•erved oa pmident Dolaa when bp left
Edith Webster. Henry Bolatt. Bon
the object of a deep laid aaarehletie
tbe train tbera last alyht He dlareBackett, Kiayaley: Hlaa McDonald,
plot, which wae wldeeWead la proporyardad It and addressed a larye wieetBdmoad Deaa. Yobs: Mlaa Boxala,
Ueaa, aad one which nay antoiuly
near the mlaa. This mornlny
Obaryed Wtto Oattla Btoeliay In
Batn: C. J. Petvy. Soatb Praakfort;
affect the fntore at the forerancat of
Jo^ CoUiar extendad the lejonettoa
BcUe Dixon.^Oeorye 0. Bvana,—Wex
iaeladfe Sneea addiUoaal defen
Uaaiatee. Any. 10 -SbeHff Koaynford: Eva ^la. Fife lAks: Uara
The body of etrlkeis marched
Wiley, Robert Wiley, CUnd D. Polver, •er and Qepoty Chat. Knayener armtod Gordon and Geo. Bomp. father to Oaaonabory this morslny and en
Zena Dean. Bonnut City; '
camped Bear the mian which are la
WKlBaala HeZialay Olob VUl Ha^
Walla Deflaaoa.0.i Lilia Word*. C. &
eatUe belocyloy to Lonle Banda Tbe operatiaa. Operator Cook nye that U
Champney. Mabel:
tha atrlkare interfere with hU men
The PealBBola McKinley Qab did
Baanab; Loyd Beat, Alma OlUhal. arreat waa nade at 6ve o'eloA thU wilt have tbe entire party armted.
>iay ^bt seiln beyond Corfo. aad
-TO—am work for the parfy la that Neal; Lola Dana. LIxxle Bloat. Lula
towaablp laat year, and the otpanU Holmaa. J-MietaMloer. Old Mtekn; tbe priaoaer. were found in bed.
Oa Wednaeday, AoyoM 11th.
Tbe old nan baa had prerloo« experatfin kaa been kept ap. and the an- Vlryll Plaree, Ida Barber. Dora Wheat,
ueoiye muiar,
Wttler, uaveut
tTaveliBy talesman tor
^ meetiny wUl be held at Bower* OrawBi Sadia Kinydoo, Lake Ana: lenen wKk tbe majniy of tbe law. 'Gfoiye
• C othI
-Mny Honae. wUl
a larye New
Barber oo Friday. Anyoat KL It will John L. Boyd. Anna Boyd. Mary Bjyd. baviay already earved a un year
exhibit bit line in oor istore. Special
he aa all day affair and It le expected Sril'ieBeyd. Blancke Carpenter. Will- teaee for masalaoyhtor. The oSceia orders taken for
. totoro
Uamiltox Cuithiiio Co.
there win be a larye featherioy. There lanabory; Bather Archer. Conlla 7.1m- feel confldeat that they have a yood
will be a baaket plnle and everybody 'ncmaa. Olive Oreaoooyb. SuUa Bor Bad and eUte that aameroaa cattle
will be expected to brlay aometktaj to den. Winifred Cortit. Jenie Lanywor- have been mieeed fron Sands' farm tbe
paet two jcsri. Other armU may
eat. Then- will be yood ^sakiny and thy, Bnna Meaea. Laey
oOeera for the eoanloy year will be
____________ •
Special atttmeiion at the Assembly c
.sUcted. Maalc by Old MlsOon E. O.
Olive Wlckermhan, Anil - _
lUrdM In which fmers will be I
T. M. banA There will be ban ball Hater. Otie MUlar. Chaa. Welbome. Lae
aaorminy and artcraoon. Tbemerniny Horaaby. Claode Abbott. Henry Brakel.
C. A W. M. tialn will leave Traverae
Bert OiUaad and Min law Ball Mai City
at 6«) a. m. and arrive at Bay
fame vrill be betweaa the Old Mlnloa Wm. Needham. Wm. Cblaa, Oraca
rlod Monday Miyht.
View at 0. Retarolny laave at 7 p m.
sod eonc yood TraveraeCity team, aad Baahee, Jennie Bare. Baby ADbrlykt,
Boond trip rata 81 U, which loclodea
Bke wianlny clnb will reoelve lio.ob. noy Theebald. Eva McIntyre, Mlanle
admhaliMi ticket to all Asaembly Enterboth
-There win be a oae-fare ronad trip Oarpeatcr.'jeede Ptober. Inei Tbomptalamenta
evealay by Rev. 8. Salebery. at Us mTabeyov'laaek aloay aad have
sate an the boat Everybody <a lavitAnna Mertea. Orave Bldred, Lm/
•d.reyardlen of elnbnenba^ip. It Brows. Bdith Boleonb. LluU Evaaa, ideaoe. Tbey_Uft at onoa lor a wed. food Uma.
Gxo DxBavxii, O P. a.
win be the yreat ottUny of the Pealn- e. Beby Ocaa. Mattie Millar, Alania diny trip to Otaod Baplda and
make tbeir borne in-Pomona on their
pala for the aeaaoa.
Tbe Xlehlcaa Oold Oara
Teaay. Hayyle Oraenonyh. MyrUe
retaraDr. J. O. Omoer, atedlcal director ef
0. m. BIOTOLB OLDB KLSOTIOM. Laaworthy. Ida Coortnda Oraoe Bratdm. Mellma Daaford, Iva Perria, Bai
the Mlchlyaa Gold Core. U now located
City aad wir
BkfiTahle Bun, BoaiaeM Keetmy and da Evaoe. Alloa Archer. Clara Feoto,
To all who have ever been yraayers aboel " - ' Jnde Besjanla, Mina Rlckerd. Loella DO matter whether they now belemy to
After a ebort roa laat alyhu the C
the yraaya or not. a special Invitation
B. M^cle Ciob held a bsalaen neet- Pratt, Traverae City.
Is extended to join oor yocay and .old
Tbe cxerdan yntrrday eunslay
iay at the borne of Min Bataa OfBcsro
people'! social lo yraaye ball. Tta'
opened with ainyiay, after which Rev.
•or the eaaainy yeai^were aleetad ae
City, on Satorday. Anyaat zi. Brlay
& Balabcry of the BvaayeUcal ebordi.
>d of TAUeata
yoorbaakeu; take diaaer wltk os la
d prayer.
treated here a year aye.
Praeldeat-Bev. W. K. WrlybL
tbe yood old way; aad lat's have the torosatloa in rvyard thereto
Min Martb yave a talk on "Prinny
TIee Pmldenw-Min Mabel Batn
very beat klad of a Uan.
•eeieury aad Twaarw Min OOia Nambar.” Tha priadpal thoaybta ware
84 6t
J. O. Conn. H- p.
By order at
that the. child ahaald laars eonbiTaamasE Cnr Oaajiax. 870.
saUoaa throoyh one baadred, aatomatlOapialn-C. J. Ebaer.
cally. There ahoeld be no eeanloee
ikaatMaat-Fred 6. BUaby.
ital proyren In ylvtay the anawer,
Aftaraeptriiadeoateat Joha Miller
Tba aama eboald be tree of worklny
DlMion At Wotk Zb Ctiaaga Aowaa eboaen repairman for naaes.
^mplc ftactiont.
cordlay to ladiaaapeUe PUtform.
Shaalao yave a lenon on “Rasdiny
•An the mectlBy. Tbla part of the
Chleayo. Aoyosl lO.-To cany for
aa a tbooybt proorea'
^agram wm followed by a yeaeral
ward Ito work theaoood money -execoAND BANQUET
The norolay eanlon wae cloeed by tive cemmltue appolntad at Indtaaapo••ed eaelal Ume.
bar with a yeaeral talk oa ohtldrea'* lia last Jannavy. mat kera today to anItyvea decided that all whoeaa, i
nnet thie aveoisy at the boon ef Bev.
deavor to proo^ with tha task of eraW. K. Wrlybt. 588 Bute atreeh at «;4S. lln which eprlay froa the Inaylne- Btiny tha naUoaal eommiaalen which
tlow. fron haroian. hen yeneraelty
. dMHV. to make a raa to ANbie for
psrpeaaof holdlay a prayer maetiay and from faar. aad told bow each lay by tha fallara of e
aboold be treated.
la the afleraooB Min Manh yave lay b<m of tbs axtta iseelDB The
alttee U oompoeed ot tfton i^reMka Bose Bhadek aad Mka Ivy another latsmUny talk oa "Natwe
Under the aos|4eee of
t to Settoac Bay ynto^ Work.
tUve boslnses men resldlny la variProfenor Bw*
^ '<Mrra«aP-.
tare la tbe nomlay. tolday op *The body. Boyh B. Hanna of
Mito 1
Merchant of Ventea." readlay U from lls U ebUr^. -The bnalnem of ohlaf
tm tey W EfB Ba|Ma,aftar a vWi wit
literary aide and alao naktay a jcban
wiU ba to aalaet alevaa
Min LoUto Cook.
The M^ Ida. Daley aad Orpha a^ Mody of the play.
men to devote tbalr Ume to the woric
U tba leeeoa eo hiitory be ehowed mapped oat foe them, to eompoae the
deny are in the dtyfor a three weaka'
edTo them be Intraeted
At. Steinberg's .'^rand . Opera . Monse.
Fireweil Performance of America’s Greatest.
•Young Actw,
. Miss Constance Williams
AadUaaoperb mpany of players, in the Great Bomaatlo Dram^
“ The Man in the Iron Mask,"
By Alexaader Domaa.
The Greewst Plei Etti Wrinen I
Don't Miss This WoiM Treat !
Prices—25c., 35c., 50c. and 75c.
Would You Buy.
A Shirt Waist if >*ou found one =
that suited you exactly----<
Provided the price was ve^
low. much less than earlier in
the season.
There’ll be plenty of hot days in August =
and S^tember.
We offer you some
very choice things at....
J. W. MILLir^EN.
Ladies' Slippers, vamp
cloth tops, laOB, band
lora cole. Pinyrae A
Smith Bboea
AttentionPure Powdered Sploee,
Pure Oreauu Tertar,
(and Pare Baklny Powdar. if yM waat
os to make It. 8 pouada fortl.OO.) Babbn- Sheetlv. Enbbac .TaMay. all
etsaa Water BtoUto (jtoMaataad tor.
* MMa Oamnda Ifnailabd wtol%i?Htot
•laslnr from a vtalt with tha tttolly «d
Bo^ W. H. Portar Wbdt to BaMah
Bayyeatorday «a> bsdM
wMb tha ladlaa trayedy.
Laan Taa Usw, a few dayn
lityof ondertaklByto deBe aln faald aclan la vertleal writlay. ehewlay them how to write to
yaad reyo
Ia the afternoon a
oa "Pedayoyy" at ytves, lUastratod by a aerln opm Uie yeaeeal eehema malted oat
of Profeaanr Hoyt's own ebarta.
by the iBdiaaapaUs imiUkin.
Tbe aftoneon aenlm waa 4
erith a talk OB ••Child Btody."
ABfeak flor Liberty
vrrt iteW.l br • ku. bhum.
tbe oonveatloa ta tl
I aadet
dam aad
. $2.25
Tiebts for Bell lifBatqeei
tl.DO per
wuxamnw muL
mi ORCrtElFRifc
GlyceriBeandWuSHaaU Lottoa tor
the baada and faoa
At Our
86da Fountain.
OoanUr w* are n
wri! eaomrh altmc** bat alwv* tiy to
^ JiS. fi. JOffliSOI. ^
Suits to Order.
flaaaUU i^tom for the fw
OF oAr b< A A •a.A •
Ever Burned Ont?
If so yon know
TT<r«TTTa A ’KTcrm •
o. P. CARVER. Aeoat.
Has Your
Tteday Night,
Mn. P. L. Orayoty. who kaa beea
stoUtny Mra. C. M. Bee
pVsak BamUtoa left yeatorday aftersoon far New Terk |o porebaae faU
•ad winter elothioy.
Mra. Shepard, who haa haMvtalUay
Mr. aad Mie. E.
Fire Insoraiuih
Fbe Merdlut
_ ftMr*tanr Alg*r Did Not Favd^
j»it HOT nin oxE XEcn&m.
I ta
M m4 W*
lacreuiT aad the otbera wan
broa-tae, aa ha iaia< -Ton can jm Hr.
ChadUth. hit ana not moralaf ylt" Tba
treat man tram Hlehltan rtppea oS
____________________chaimtaa ot
coimntuee tata hen. Oo an« tall
tbe» to report tor daty."
The a«!ntai7 *»a elerta wpre awahcued and put to warh. and at about I
e'oloek Mr. <%aedler drojqMd oO into
a aenUc aeven-honr doae la bit ofllce
chair. Tba aacreury and clarha were
oMteed to Btay.awake and sUaod to
theU dutlea all day. becanae pahWe sea
ware .eomlnf and etdao all tha Uma. '
AtTOTTBT 11. 18»7.
pe^TtM kaowledae of the ertroe w^h
baa )uai atarticd the whole world. T1>e
peraaaa ltnen‘'wtd alto claimed that
I of th« Attuhlna- i the
tion of th« Spanish StatM.
man CastiOo.
Have 7*0 tried oar a
hU iwraecttOOB of
waa preruked by• hla
of the Utter, bowever, aild: "It had to come. We han
been cai^tlni » dally. We knew a
hlcb per*ona#r waa r>lna to be at
tacked: but It rolcbt have bees any
Kber than Canovaa.’'
trtee OeUlbaafeeeee Hl«raryme. WhM
Wae AleotoAeeapetheDeothnfoPaU.
A «ood itowt tnay
may be ipolled r
talllnc. No two men UU tba aaaae TiaaelT ‘iiiin flr~-r~~*^*~^ ”**•*
itory In the tame way. Bee. Ed Aah> „
Aeld rMt bI the loIUael of all lotle ** ** «»*F '
-Tai^ol^ aaked. ^
Madrid. AtMt. lO.~Ool»- the
am one In coneenaUon it one the baa coafeaaetf that be kUled SenorCanopoint of teUlac a atory. whether 1 haae ' vaa del CaaUllo to avenae/the Baroebeard oo and ao. New, it la poaalhle
anareblau and the I
that I may ban
that atory hidf
m..!, who waa'
Em!■■■■■ by ite Bead Tbareof at the
e«ham'^ ef the rithl.
New Tork. Aug. It.-At the beadquai-iera ot'ihe Cuban junta jreaterday
r. Batradal Palma talked bNedy about
the aasadatnatlos of Spanlab mme
Minuter-Caatma He said that in hU
opinion Canovaa waa more reapoa
tor the oumgee In Cube than waaWeyUr. and bU ktUIng teemed u> be ai
ef retrlbuikm. At tbe aame Ume
Cuban party bad nothing whatever to
do with the death of Canovaa and had
TTbAIbCWC. A««. H—T*« 4<klU«**
mmb«r of iht cBWiirt. 0«BtnU AI«ct.
te »taMt rr«m th« dX$ m Ui ybcbUoa.
Be«*« MrtM Washtaicloa. tiowmr,
h« isvwacBWO a matur at Mtloaal
uA imor»*»toMl ImportWiee ai»J «et- tM It wW> hU BccHitiMB«a Tt«or ana
OtumloaUati «t ««iaraMer.
Altar «raa MMd.U lB«nc an hrOer
•BtablUb a mniiary poat on the upper
TokoB (or Ue- purpoae of protectlnf
contemplated t.
- I- can troth
fully: : Plne rebellloa.
atoma at Cbrle City.
peraon Wttl
tell It. 8u
------------- Dr.
-• Rlaal
------ denied
, that
.rf ,
elae. PllvaU. who waa eecood
WWla the mauer waa «B«er dtaena- my t^t 1 nevdr heard It. and that U that he bad drawn up the ataiutm of ,
tfOB at the cabinet Bfeetlnc Qeneral Al> my iDvartaUe pracUoa. Everybody, that be hid
had dmwa UP the ataWtt of of the Coneen'aitvc party *J
C«r tnCarn^ the preahlent that hr “ who baa undertaken ,to tell a etory. the Phlllpploe .
preaaed tbe opinion that If he bad the
kaowa wbal a aenaatiou la produoid
police found
power and waa In poaiemtoa of the at»
•olute knowledge that the Cuban dimth* I the taoiiae ftioday hr carried a panel
wu the cauae of a general nprU.
poet might not beweaUy noceaaary for
t conree them la i
" ^
the preeeat. The HMlgan man loll-1
feiing when oni who thlnka
he which te believed to have coatalawl a , ing of Cifhatu and not of any clique, be
mated M the preMdent and hU ^blnet ^ ^ ^^od thing to ten b headed.off bomb. Tbe theory U that be hid thU [ would adt-Ue tbe epanUb to evacuate
• that Ibere aeemed to be eomething ex- |
remark that It haa been beard,
Palma aald that from every view the
traordinary la the premore whli* waa, already No atory U ever told twice from Barcelona aaya that QolU arrived eonfualon cauaed by the death of Cano
lltH. coming from vaa could not but help the Cuban caum.
brought to baar for thd esublUhmcnt., pradMly alike.
Tbe Individual ale- ............ .. . .
of a
a ralUtary
mlUtarv poat
coat iat that point, and 1 meni alwaye comm la So n U no eva-1 ttgraetllee. He waa einpluyired In the The Cubana had no ezpreaMon of armfit
Review Social pathy to make for the act of tbe aaha aald that In bU ftlgmenl It «•»*»'» ! my of aome Incident that may be aowu-' gclmce. uianaged by‘ the”anarchlel
Snbe batter to delay tbe matter traUl It what famliur to me and that 1 have I fineer Tarrtda Marrnel, formerly Im- mtaln. but at the mme time Cubana
oouM be Inrcwtlgated and viewed from not heard it: 1 am aure that I have prtwjieO In MonUulch fortreae aiBame- could not but feel that they would
1 benefit by It. Canovaa had bean Ibrealall polnta It vu decided by the pheb. nol heard It In'predaely the way ihU' •
. • -j....
I *t>«i •>»
anarchlata of Piuln and of
dent and the cablael, however, that the teller will narrate It. And it makea
Oaaaat B
poat BhouM be eawUUbed. and the or thlnga much pleaaanler. too.
-pppi.r.r,p*-rr..p. i
ieatsiiKl Groceries
Orders b} Tiliilioie PronpOf
Gee. Cnusaaeviaihau.
Tkt Rieogiized UidiR
la s and loa Ogmia
---- AND----
aU oviKT Wad of-
Park Btrsst, bstwsta Prsat A Out.
slamja is atsek.
A.. -W. JA.B3ia.TTS,
Rates. $1.50 per Hay.
■til Tickets at Redsceil Rates.
Want Ads
Lady Watts
Fishing Parties
a minuter."
long run. eapecUlly
crime of the celebration of ^nruav^jj^^,^
aelectad to au.t-.wd Canovaa
Maw the TelUag Bpalted aMw
Chruil, although he left Barcelona a ;
po,»vleJa would turceed Weyo^„,ral hulavirja haa retently
'And by the way." continued Falher few daya before It .wu^ed • He wm j
.pli.lty. turned to Bnaln
o the police f
It ap- Ulanda. The Cabana would
. tiarouri) frteoda and offlcUU on the aub- |
.From this date this boat
a apeclfle |‘ peai
pare t:
m at tbe
any more humane
nc aaoerinineo
t, ana
and be
aaoertalned u».
that • oo.o.m— .
a corraepondfot
of W I’npulo
The MOtu
r atupplng a
I —
. —.---------... ___
handa m
of wi.nma
Oeneral •PbUvIeja.
j.^. aa
•— he
. U
“ a
will aot make re^Iar coH'
be trtrf under the Uvm :
^ eompany at Chicago bad
hotel tn Waahington. . . . . . .p .Of. them
. . . ,. prla.mer
. . - - - carinot
- . ...o. —,w «.
.^amoualble for the atrong praaenre which ^
nun ranging ; providing for tbe trial apd punl^mcM - m»in.«u of outtage and a
aections with trams on M. &
had been brought to bear for the ee-, fyom le to «5 yeara of age. .After du- of anarchlaU. aa Ihli uw u to rramca r
,rroy hadfougl
N.E. Fishinir parties, how
taMuhmeni of a mllltAry V«et at Or- i «w*ln* aome Iroporiant church quea- that a peraon proaecuted
Ig^er which ^d commanded the reapect
ever, .can make arrangements
da City TbU Chicago company haa a tiena for aome time, they lighted clof alt natlona while WryUr and bU
........... .....................
imlaalon or men hsd brutally murdered and com
Uae of Btmmara plying upon the Tu- gara and a weatemtUhop aald:
for tb^ use of this handsome
empt to commit .the crirar charged mitted ouTma w whk-h called for the
kon river with warebouaea dealgned to , "Oentlemen. 1 WUh to aak a queayacht,'t)y communication bj
i ^naemtull-n
condemtull-n of ail
all cmiiiea
cIMIlied peopte.
funlab auppllaa to tbe jnloBIg aettu- tiou" Tbe otbera drew near aa the agatnat Mm. However there U
be autwmaElly tried and |
Pre.kld~nt Pafma aald that
manta They will make a great deal Uahbp carefully adjusting hU apacu- doubi OolH
mail or wire, with
oubara would not accept lem than
' of money out of tbatr iBvmtmcnta and i claa conitoued: "Ocnilemeii. why U aeeiteoced. The public dcmand> the i
against .^a-.lute indr; >nd*tice. The rooms of
at oertAlB aeasona'of the year can aeU grim death like k tin can tied to, a adoption of alrlngvnt
JAMES M. WATTS.anarchlata and also agalnat th.we who the Cuhanc
Wiw cr-wdcd Wih
r price that they i dog a
! the membera of tbr
o ebanre. it e a ter the 1 * MUitee enitfed. The two dargyiMai
Leland. Mich.
------- • for awhile and
___ ______________„..i the «ommar-i then thook ihetr beada. "Olve It up."
dlapatcb Hum Par- any that the
anarrhlal. mal company of Chicago brought auch th«y aahL
nam. of a..|U la OulacrTw Bant... ,
' -- _
premore to bear upon tbe admlnletra-1
«bIIc apread over the blabop’i face-,
TT: ; If this la a - A la a rvmartal.Ie comCwUllW*. ItaAh Wa.
UoB for tbe emabllahmeni of e mlllury „ a* added; ■Ortm dyat
I cidenev fer the name of the aasaaalD I - Malaga. Aug 1«.-01d inhaUtantii of
! ran tied to a dog e tall
of Prcaident Oamot was CeaarU. Baai.t. ' Ui‘e city relate that when Cpikovaa del
B!. 3-AlSfOBOItBI.
Oaaeral Alger .dlacovered ^ that bound to a pup." Then he burai
CM a y.-ni, _
the conunarrial company czp^ed fruoriuKToaur THK
_ ti.illl saluted Senor Can-kvaa each at a acheol here a gypo' weman tuhJ hla
auf^ the eoldlera at Circle
mornlna »Ith great pallteneaa. HU ..f. f< rtpue. She rredi.Ted that b. would
vIelBIty. and to charge tl
fuaiverrsi* amused the Muapk-kwi of the ^ l-et-.-nie ctral ard.lhal be-wiuld m«et
vi'l.rl dt-ath. Omar of Unit* and Bay StreeU. .
alao discovered' that certain'omcera In ' r<^^J^"’iiU"thI^~mefi 'met again ta ;
' ; rievelaad-. tWl
tbe war department who were tHTtng
corridor, and the imbop I^J:;^;rbim V» . H^f.^
tails nay. Maas.. Aug la-Ka............................... 'a mllliary po« tn
amhapraaaed. mid; "Oentla-;
froaen north «
Bteklng arrMste- *
that .tory‘wrong that after- ‘
Jor In“lJ i Presider.i CTeveUnd iMrt ed of
aae -------------,U to hM-e thcrnaelVM d^aned .o g
lunlty when he ~uld sun^ly acexnrooming.
,honi better than It ever baa bten be-]
to that point wllh the expectation
. h hU purp.»e He say. he regrets
aeveland said:
galbering aome of the gold, anmehow. i a dog’s laU because H ‘ “Ouho tu
very mut h '
^ aro rnmndate th«> travel- j omUsMU OSps. awkU u^. p>i aa. __
I .fc.i
that he has been unaUe to k.ll t>.nera1 deplore ,the
k. ,h«.ir
After ascertaining all of these
Pulavleja, wh.- waa governor general
mlnent Btelesman who hss fallen a
Irtltn t( anarchistic rag^ The world’s formerly with tbe Hotel WhiUur.
McKJnP-y, Ju
. of aa actual fa« 1
ssi jnr.
J*nr. Ill
tu Pmportloa.
pvoponioaF BmWeg
hrwxisg SI
nuky well contemplate tbe have ebargb of the nffic and attend to I other Sai
BTC. and laid
. pe>UBpdi dune, rstchtas
'itag Ttrm
Tires by
event with gloomy aiprehCo- ttta wanto of Ibe gueatA Sallafaetloi
and waa autborlaed
ila« or vtb'rwUw. 1 de not rnl year
der far tbe ertabiuhmeni
I repelr ib«m. Steele ‘Tsbe -Work a
IT. CbrsiivM staes la tbe elty. Olm
post tn AUika. and -the order waa
>^|y revoked, Tbr seereiary of 0»e writer of tbw letter etlpiwd on toe — , .
•The counlrr’a poll___r fv clone application to duty in thla sleety aides elk. and sal flat
depend upon an iBsaasIn. ^Ib' aad
a)eiru>t Hm nite a>^
Bay M-. near M a S g. Dspoi.
case alone, baa saved the
Oomn. with A dull thud Looking up
Uvea ought to remain in
' --^ers taken fvr future deat Joe. I said
Joseph . Nutwltb-- power under the
aUDdtng." .
I Marshal Csmpoa. £em>r Pidal and 8«ivaHAUIt.TOS CkxmBsu Co
I Riduayan. Neverthelesa, if tbe que-n
Ite tenglKd at the attempted JokA ' regeal appeaM to tbe IJberala they are
Frank MoaXord. who resided for agw
e went on In tbr c
wral years In Kent county, but who has
tong been eonnected witli theI Detroit »«»« «« Ifertlrtl Ju* *i*P‘ <•
■ ^ tn Inc at the Joke, and that evening he
Washington. Aug. l0.--4jfflclal notice
jasnaiLsr Icid Sam Busbnell. now a preacher at of the klUtag of the Siunlah premier
tbe aUle departnumt yerterOreut
toviait the
had fallen, 1
FPr a long Ume he confined bU journalMUc efloru to Tbr Free Prese. but now coolly looked op and aald; *?<*v«rtlia..
on tbove date'to Mackbe repreaenta a paper tn Chicago, an- leea " But nobody teugh^, No Joke , ~canoVM aaaaaslrated today by ,BHar- toac Island and reium for Cl.00 rood
| phut. Have expressed profound aym-. trip, via Bay View and U. R A i. Ry-.
Mbcr in La Craase, and anutber In aas apparent.
On another occaalon Orimo told me p,thy.
Aaaeonda. Mont. He also does poUUtests leaving ’’ raverse City at • a. m.
that St. Peter waa the "abortcgl man < me secretary of slate Immediately •U.S will ^veatthelMasdnt 11:1
ml work for a paper in ihM city,
.wing roesthough Uoaford U
Democrau In Ihe Und.
warm personal friendship ef very many
When I undertook to tell the story I hem sumhitted by tclegrspb to PreslTicpubllcaas throughout the country,
A. T. Johwon. ttoeik Side Shoe Sura. «M UntoB 8iraeU
tbr reepeet snd per- said that 8l Peter was the ■‘mnaUert’’ d.-nl McKinley. "Your action approved.
Might tehool
and be___________
legai^ of tbr Mtcblgan aenatora' man. etc., thvreliy robbing the joke of Krnew m name of the president hta
and rvpresvelatlvta
all Its risible. poaslblUlIrs.
; exiii>«el''n of deep sorrow and sym- ut tha Bualnem Oollega. hfter Septemd 121
On tbeday precMlIng the adjournment
CongreMinan Boutellr of Maine. y«thy fur the loaa home by Spain In tbr bar.lsL
pay to look at tbealacaul Hue- H & Qlbka. to ElUa Meyuto ab^ 111 rrogtSk
0t ceiggress Senator Burrows delivered a ebalrman of the cammittee on naval dosih of Senor Canovaa del Castillo,
This to tha Day that Om. MUlar
apM<A on 'tbe lumber ach«luie of tha affairs. Is an^ oW »!<«■. a^^
j rte pr^e mlnUterj-f Spalm <wr of the
Steep to akaoluteDingliey bliu wbirt> has Just been laib- more atoriea of the ses than Ned Bunt-1_____eminent of the slaieamen of our
rard of
"It I time, and convey condnleoce t« family
n-fralned from
- senator
.1 had..................................
Usbed The
-------------------» M co'me to (of
Ibr Duke ot York ahi'uld e
Bpeaking and would have made no
lUek Che throne of England hla subjects wW ,
——.. . _
■mrim cmt tbr Mil but ffor thr atl
satur al Icsal have the satisfaction of knowMATANA WAS WILULT BX4TITBD
> made ulxm h:
FMUgrew of South Dakota :
t tbe Kvwa. bet
and fwaraiitead te kuT tooB.
Walt. Dr^
US. Rvwry poBBd
pemud full
otipiiru .11
• ...
■ ...»,----------—
- .— -■ ■■ — I
has just
led. tot. Maaooto btotor.
and Michigan people of the good, uld-fashloovd word spank- |
. . Aug. W.-The 1
To Whom it Mav Cojckast-The.CUy
> of the
mg.' When
as -a midshipman.
abouM write the senator for copies at ma
—--e —
..m—. ;
......... ........,
SI they may have hts tu- be declined one nlghl.lo turn out. as be assaaslnatkn of Sencr ennovas caused Ckuinell of. Urn City of liteversa Cliy.
Tbe speech U a itiw should have done, to go on the watch , great consternation
mnatematlon hem. On lu
lU mre- ^Jdwad^a'^Myi'la main tewer laW
if tbe subject
• Bis fellow-middy. wb»m be was de. : orlpt the autborlllra and many promi- la Sawur Dlatrtot Namber Throe (J) ot
I mgsed to rrilevs, a^ who wanledMo '
local politicians went to tbe pal
nuBt to tba tow- AU toe b«vtmt ftavura Prulta apd
IV city of Trava-—
ThB nau
otog took mato itoww te be laid
OoBlaettoBasy the beat. A. A. MaOoy * Son. Front
usually talk poUllcS ‘ prince Tbe toHer. after receiving two
,here was wild emcltement tottold
ar. and
............................... - good ahakli»gs.awddti)ly vqmned on tbe stork exchange and throughout
te Blfkth atraat.
sworn a Mg oath, and ici drivs j m, p,,,
pi«a, ,nd rhpms fell con- gtrwet
Part of ttir «*» to
mato sgwar
tbe fellow.rolddy's right eye ...
Captain fier.eral Weylvr still
M* ftot
te ba aaaaaaad upon the
Sgssked tbe Prtsew,
J mmalni te .tbv
fleld. At fiml them
IV deldba foBta) at ow atero. alao toe eraam tor
to. said ftowar
The young fellow made no reeponse. ^ scute anxiety with i fervnev to the
famOy trade. daUvarad at roabtooeu traa. Im .
Mit returned to his post, resumed hla
. f]thr
Csnovas.' arhl Hewar fund.
__ _ .
this eventm
.. . , polltirei eirect
HcLatlanAAah. aor. Front and Park, aad roar Maanafe Bloek.
It beoKme known IhAt Oeneral
suted a story of tbe campalga «
:bus did duty for the prince hut t
; watch sndjtbus
Tba plate dla«m«A plana and aaUr “Old Rack" waa
t the Ifollowing day be stated bis Aaranaga bad amntned office coafidenm
mstrrvd snd the effert of
___ .atui showed bis eye to bis aom*1.00: windw''» or BOB 8. K Rortbaia,
manifvrted on tbr rschange.
ww —------; — — I radrs TT>e midshipmen held a drumFront BL. adtointog MeNamarob abew ateaa.
fffVu. to tba ciy Clark of ‘Travarw City.
rmb Avenut hotel In New York «ty. I head court-martial, found tbe prince
He was dally and hourly a surprise
«nd sentenced him to be spanked
of Public Works to *bM
party to every nor eonuecied with the by tbe lad whose eye he had blackeoed.
eommltiev In any oapacUy whatever. ' Acroidtogiy the royal culprit was
B s. Using teBagpaa.
Itw;. at 7:>0
One morning about t o'sloek bs walked ‘ sciavd by tour ot tbe seniors aad held
Parto Aug .la-Tbat tbs agitation o’aloek pri . and coBMder ^
Into tbs room of lbs secMtary to tbe - mce downward on a table. wWla tbs
r. TroMinc and Road borosi a ipacommHtee and bis ptewnm aiartlod the 1 midshipman with the dlafigumd optic. against Ssnor Canavas del CaMlUo was parti* tow^ wish rmpact te te!d
wMt to MoifM'a UveryB^
dally. Third door west
out of a year's hts sleeves roiled up to his etbowa. oar- wldeapmad U evidefccad by tbe fact
growth. The sable cIttoM was sratch rled out tbe aeotence of ibr’wildablp- that the police ot this city recently
tag the offices with both syss glued maa's court natll bis hands amartsd tomfromtlglavatmisaof Pnrisplacarda
ttgfeOy by Morpheus. *IU bmb -llpe When tbe prince was released be was taacribed: "Down with Caouvas: Tbs Clofk to Bontd to Public Workato tba
X. «rot daw sMt to poatoA^
gaptBg at apace, with btob /-postrtls furiokw with rage and threatened vewe atartym win be awngad. Long llv<
Oty to T»ii « Q9.
— HleblChBmamai to anurvu. It waa ignrcsiy gaanee. but tn a day or two be Ihougfet aaarchjrl" and other capreaatoas U
dgyUgbk Abd when Mr ChabdtartBRsd better of tl and cAme to bu measmaiq. Spaatob gronalr iBsulUng to the qiMSi
f bag sM who bad apanksd him and apotagtoed i^Mt aad Pramier canovaa. Is addiMottoa to Wndw OoB—mwh
fer the blew iwblef..............................
tot aB> a voUc
tlon tbe oOclals of tbe Spanlah smbami
here have facelvrf many
gteteS ktad. I
Hot88b Boardsd.
ctum for tbe toiteia It la ateud that at
htocBABma U
Smtoimm. and » a
otoo • p
metalv tovt«» tSBiqMi tatugaaa at______
der waa onaaequenily lasucd.
Ocoeral Alger In the Buantlme had;
See Our New lint
Picture Mouldings
Lederle’s S TSU:'
Butter, First Class
Boys’ Blouses
•“‘""o-rM-Uo P,*.
Great Cut in Bicycles fs.“_
Accidents Impossible
cell that
lliai will
will kill
Mil Bugs
to '
Bicycles to Rent
Soda Water
To Rent
The Best Gandies
Ice Cream Freezers
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Angus McColl
Paris Green
AoaM that ha
aad that Benar Oanovaa wogM umb CMFfSKjttaa agpgdalpartoUha.
pay hla dsM » IMm w^ hto htofj: KSU/iIUa.
Tha Malta PUbBakaa taterrigwu >4. I Md3
B.. D. CaiimiaA A Bon.
IL *L*.
8Ku«tf»n at Coffin Dom
■ Chang* for tfc* B*ttw,
It r
on the aererai mlnea »ow te opeTati<«,
One rarty want to
Hut mm*,
operated by Ale\ Dhmpater. tocaud
Bear 'tltemdUto. Thto mlnr ha* betapupplriad the De AraUt tototpahy wuh ,
oanL Another party tnarehed to* <talr.
HU) ai uaual. and ibe third eonpenr
- - ' to Baadr Creek, 'ntc Bocae mine
etarted oncKpoctedlr
yaateiday with thlrty-ave nea. and thto
DwrrhiA a tnarchln* force of about WO
men marrhed and •seamtwd i
lUnus In Op«n R*b*Hien Ag«In«t
•n Of^r of » Unlt*d .
^U« Court..
I j. tr. Pawkbc
Kaiduette. Mtrb . t
AttfiTMTa at Iaw.
terday forenoon. Meeake’* brewery and
three dwellincn were atruek by Ushtnine The warehoOM and barn at the
brewery were bumcA________
iv*aod. Utoa.. Au«. U.-43«orte WID.
lama, bcuthar of AwUtant But* TreaaWlUiaau. wa» killed by tlchtaJnr
The iioU
Mooufae Btoek. tam. Oty.ll-k. j tar a«S;»> ■»*jyysU
M^BkO^.^ AW'wy
ninUrlon. returned to the cl
•t U>ola Auc. 10.-A
to TOt
BapoMtc ll«m CuRm, Ula. Mtr«: TWo
town ti uader morUAl Uw. A. tom o<
m omod doputr abcrtaB to coordUtf
tb* town, uid i»rticuUrtT tb« ptoportjr
of the CoiReeD Cool ood Ooppw con. panr- One hundred And tv«etr-av«
nw vee* at work in.the ■baft TMt«rdA7 onder protection of an aniMd force.
Itov Kftttod to a-ork vOtm the aan.
Ura pew ilnMl cuard at the bUm m>trance to pr^reot the ponatbUItjr of aa
oatoauKht frtwn the «rUtera. •'6«neral’
Bradler'a men are eDcamped aofi atr>jnc
In the wood* Juat wt«t of town. Thcr
hace been forWddeii to eeter the vlUace
tiDder penaitr of arreat. Itoputy.toMr.
1ft8 carryiDS •boMruna. WInebestora and
other weapon* lataad (uard at every
roadaar rumitBS la bare and no one
to aliawed to enter UDl«M he can ahow
that hi* bualnea* to o< a nature havu>(
DO connection with the atrlke.
myt the wprk or e^rlv alcnalurec
wtU be patoied eameatly, and be belleeaa
the required Buie>>er will be aecured.
The mlr-m. he tara. cannot poiMbly
eriB the Mrthe. aa the mlBaq atUl to
apcratlCB cab aupply the demand. Some
a( the coal eperater* are yettlnp reeileaa
and thraaun to attempt to etart tbeir
mtor* ihi* week. W. R. Simmona a
UtfO' coal ^aler.
eaye there to no
acatcUy of ceal. "Bunday nlpht m car*
of eoal came Into Pliubury from Wm
%*lrftala and toryc guaitunc* are betry
*lA«d to Plitdtmry from the tntoaa
.alo^ the PeBBayfraBla railroad,
_____________ ___ .0 Klanllp on a almtlar
utoaloa; afad from there to Decatur,
where deleyatlon* from SprlnyflelA
Jf*an* and other placet will meet theta.
Ttoe operator* at Uncola odiaiad thedr
8Wh work every day to kke week—they
bare been havlny but two dayr Work
per week,on an averaye—If they erould
return to work. -Tbe propoatOon was
Tanner yoterday moralny received a
teleyram from B B. Ray. whom he
dlapaicbed to CoBeen Sunday to ex*
amine Into and report the altuaiton at
' that place. yivwiDC out of tbe move
ment (if coal mlnera.
The' trlrsTam
■aid: ’'Bver>-thtoy I* quiet thto momlay. I have advUed the abertfl to,re. duce bla force. Nut over NO Btlnen* ate
ancamped. I waa at thHr camp at t
o’clock ihl* monupy. They ahow execedtayly yood temper. About.Sfiy mto*
cn went doo-n to woik thi* momtoy.
1 wlU, atay here today and keep you
folly advtoed."
lowa Miner* Kul Ukely to atztkn.
Ottumwa. le.. Auy. W.—Tke meettoy of loan mlnera here yeaterday dentded «Di le etrtk.
tke to aynspath/
aynapatfar with the
' all tbe men
week for alA The meeting
poorly attended, only a fourth
ih «f
■umber of mloere to the atate bel^y-repreaer.lrd
llrit the aentlmmt
wa* tor a alrlkr. ana
IBtoolB worked hard at
Clare a Miike. The mi
they could do no yr-d o
with euch ■ amali nun
to all. the campe to the atate
other meetiny
If two-third* of the miner* to the ati
■lynltr their IntenUon el aendlny dele*
yat«B the meetlny will be held If not
It mil be eaUed off. Aa It to not thought
poMlble to yet thto number to make
a move to attlke. It to probahle that a
meeting wUl not oecur. Tpe lympathy
move with tbe caatemera to at an end.
^d earb camp -will aettie Its own acato
and yiievances with the opeiwtora
■eke* a ■*■■> In H—m Caavaa* ef Hto
Mm—mrlkn* Air BMy.
PllUbnry, Auy. Id.—Tbomaa B. lie
Armlt. aupcrtnleedent «f the New Tor*
and Clcvclaod , Oaa Ceal company,
erorked bard yeeteiday to yet the min' ee* at Oak Hill to retnrn to work. By
a bouse-le-honoe caa^naa be aucceeded
In yutUny a tew more digger* than
had been al work, ndrtr-erren miner*
went to.
The men were told by Ue
' Armlt that they would ioae ail they had
■anted If they would not work, and
would be ytven five day* to vacaU tbe
The atrlkera ear thatEB out of fSt were at work
D Creek mine ycateiday. Tbe
__ ___ _
aim* that idmeat a full force
a irorktoy. The atftkm arc hopeful
that Ibe remalalay digger* «r11l quit
work after yMttoy their pay. The PIdm
Creek mea woi* not paid yaaterday and
'Itt to ekpectad that the oompw wUl
feiQult* the men to alyn a new agreement before they are ylvaa their totveiofNA
They ape hopetai me
ri iaeldr ABe~dMrtraeta of
courta win aei
wtakfa tthe (Mu>^ b*.
tbe oompany which
.t t«
to wo*. Hu^^ to do*
for* they wont
T n
10 toe
caaee 5tha mlmSny more Injury
•ra than any ether
efher one thlay.
thlas. a
uad the
oommtoMrr department to dotny «
« CaSna-
rrr*Mritil Doton wiK yo to tbe
tPUiy reyioa and defy the intonctioas
by apeekiny at a meetlny achadalad
lor t^ nth teat- There to to J»e a My
I tUi raoraiof at Piam
Ora*. *r«ph the
SdU haehla to ch_a doara the mine.
The aMfcera at TiAla Crack have
«Mded latothraa dlei^a ued matokad
. w—— .—-.-.m-mt tor- tw*aly4ogr ■ eon
■o’tremea'm. yimwday: yer iDk^aed lib.
^ ' uele-GraermBr tob ww bw. iiraeatod by
■>*t II Oat-Ttew ef «to Alton**/ flea-
____ __________- For U_________
=srt?s' ssa
Bute* eourtr and
the auta of Kinm*
|ito*rdar iao«bo.«.r»y otoda For lewa-ftoearallF
wbaa Auortiey General
acUpy ir...-rr-lT- T"a*-tlT —-*t-T iilllbiUpia
upon tbe advice an^ wlih-toe coccurtence of the atate admlnlairatKm. took
action to the atata courta to opM de-
lirtten Uchi^
<—r- Trusportitln Ct.
________________ Wiekllnahl.
OB duty at tb* pmie. shot at the atlaAiny party. He was badly baiiared
and thra* Pelaa raMived
to Iba lyhL
• at totor MM
TUa |
actios Is thi ouicv-me uf an tojunctloa |v*han
iKued on July ft
t>y Untied Stot«
Dtoirlct Judge John A wnHama of
Arkanaak al Colarado Bprlnye. Qolo..
Koney to Loan
Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
unini uDiHiBinmkr^
Bast 1^ Mlohigas
.Youp Choice.
ooora SOtTB.
Building; Lots
Houses and Lots
3^ f iSli
-Oeaad TraTerat Bar-
,Por All Cash or Low for
Part Cash
•An!^»EE;i::;:;:::::::::: JSis
wbelber a slats ha* any rtgbta that
federal Judge mnm rrapMt. If w* have
no aneb rtybia than state
to a uaatoa* expenaa’' AUat
Boyle homptotoa partlealariy of tb*
tact that Judy* Will
at Bftgbty dtotam. aged «.
o<»i*o aocni
OUr LeDbtoOa***** **** * ***’*^ *TShu"
Quincy, nia. Any. Ik-Hai
.—Hattu* a IBarrtmaa cf St Joaafk.
the Bnrtinyum tinm
Mi::?:SiaS“ ,’StE
Paddy. At
At lAcoda. HU..
John & Tbompmm. At Webeter
Otty. tau. 4- P- Alltagtau. fl. At MartlMdsla InA. Robert a MtMsHL of
Member* of Holy Cross Poltoh Bomaa
CatboUe church srare attacked by cppouents et tatdrpcndant Kbrnan Catl
• -------------- ihelr pKulc at E
overeoe. bommm. or eeaDer roMTi
a> HatoeffTtoSlare. toto*
by which to poattlvcly enJolDrd Stoic
r Webb UcNeal
and Altoraey <3enenl Boyle, ot Kanana
from brtoytny
fprcceedlnys whhtever under the aute tows to prevent the
Mutual Uf* Ineurance company from
dotoy buslnew to Kansaa Tbe tojuactlcn of Judge Willtome waa iwerpiny to
Iw effect, and amounted, accordto* to
^yle and Ccmmlraioare UcNcaL to a
pfartiral anoulmiot of a crtmlaal tow
of Karras under wBch the Inatiranca
company Involved ha* been barred (rom
Cbkayo. Any. 10.-Judye Jackaoowas tranvaciloy buainem to Kar.raa
enounced aa a lawbreaker al ibe Sun
Kaa>M d^a* lb*
day afteiT.oon ineettoy of Lccal Branch
Not only thto. tuu tbe'Kansa* anL Social Democracy ef Asurlra. Il tboiitlc* matotatoed that thv lajuncUcis
declared that he abould be punched of Judge WiHlame waa to viotatton ot
InTractlou of tbe tow, Tlie rwlu- tbe ronitUuUoh of the United SUleo, to
. ecumeratce aa hi» crime* that he that It prevented thr atste frem enact
haa ovetTJddeo ihe coiumutloB by for- ing and rarryln* out It* own taw*, and
hlddtoy certain jeraon* to walk On the ator, ir. Cl Dlraveetlcn of decisions ol
puNIr talyfawaya and ba* prrreMed the United State* eupreme court. Artfree metch and free anemblaye. and toy upon this belief Attorney General
-cloaea with a bint that II may be Dec
Boyle yefttrdar went befere thr state
ry to flyht for tboae rtynta
•upreme fouu. bficylng pn<ecdlny» In
quo warranto against thr Mutual Uf<
unto latettot !• Waalf—toA
Insurance ccir.r^ny to compel that ccrilmlnjrton. N C. Any l«.-An elec*
porallon to appear before the Male »uUOB to yotny dn throuyhoul North Caro*
premecourt and »how^ry ahal aulhority
Itoa teday on tbe qoutkm of addl
It to (ranractiny buiinear to the Mate
But UtUe tntarut haa bees manUewted of Kanraa
And Mew lO* TaHe ■am'* Tern.
and there la no dcaibt that tbe move
Attorney General Boyle barltiy doe*
ment for the additional tax wUI beeverpre^tody what the injunction of Judye
whelialiyly gefeated.
William* forbad* him doing tbe prrDM BwYVT It aa UtoChlUr
■umpUor. to that ifee federal Judye will ‘
DaytcB. O.. Auy. Ik-Monla Bppler. cause hi* arreot and imprlaoniueet for ’
ayed I. foun* a revoiver, and while try- eonteibpt Tn this
toy tbe we*pon.8hot and killed BudoINt _ Writ of habeas eerpu* «UI be made
rratkle. nyed I. He drnyyed the body ■I once to the T-Blted States auprem*
Into the yard and went to bed. b«i to court, and tn Mirb a pmceedlag the at
torney general wonU have tb* tupport
of the ecllr* stole admlntotratk*. Gov
ernor Deedy has dreiared that the imue
Plan* bare been prepared for reatoe- Itoa beea mad* and that the maitcrannat
Bg Mtnint Vernon to Ifa oitftoa) aute. be fought to a termtoaMonWith ex-Secrelary H^e Smith as ar
■oTUi TAUu or m cash
bitrator tbe color-line labor troublca al
Attonu hare beea aetUed.
BktoA* htoto Bomr^to a Myth M SudB*
VUltaiB* to BlyUk
Of the llt.wo.aw oM copper ceatt
which were wnt out from the mint «ly . Kansas City. Auy 10-The Tlmeatbto
:ie aoo.WJ have been accounted tor.
morning prints an imerrlrw with At-!
Tbe Cb^Uati Alliance at tu meettoc* toner General Boyto. of Kan*ha. M
t Ibe camp grounds at Old OrchaiiL to the laaue ralaed between the Kanaaa
He., ratoed >n.«W for fOrHyn mlaaloca
■utborttlea aad the federal eoun*. The
John HalleiDaD was run over and
BUoney general atataa that be baa no
killed -at Chicayo by a Port Wayne
dralre to defy any one. but that ba I*
train at One
Hundred and Seumd
■Imply acting according to hto duty ufiatreet.
dee tbe tow* of Kanaaa He exidatoa
Bert Colton, aon of a weU-knovu
that tbe elate law* arc plain that no
ockfOrd. Ula.. family, waa an aertoaAy
foreign tnsuianr* company ahall d^
Injured in a runaway accMrat that hi*
buslnee* in tbe atate without a Ueraae
ecoeery to doubtful
from the aupertntendent of toaurance.
Governor Adama of Catorado.haa been
The Mutual Ufa, be aar*. haa no auek
preaenlcd wtih a paper-eeight of ore.
license, though It* general agent. Mcy<dd eeamed. from the Scotia mine. It
Lord. continue* to aiUctt buslneaa Tbt
I* worth al tbe ratic of tW.OW to the ton.
attomey general add* that If the In
surance con nilsdoner to IHeyally withboldiny a license from that company
the court* of tbe state are apen to the
company to compel tbe ccmmlaaloner to
grant such a Uceua and be adds that
John RayaUp and Mac E. Oordiey got the corporatloo ba* nera fit to .wholly
ito a dlspntt while returainy from a Ignore the stole courts and coaUnuea
plehic to Weatt Union. O.. and Hayallp tO'do boatoeaa y rl(4atioa of tbe taw.
■hot and klUad Oor«er. Hayullp wa*
autoy. Attorney Genera] Roy)*
'*rhU to a-pa*mve defiance ot
Charlm Faabody. ■ tonBar^rtaMlDy our state lawa It cannot be poaalbla
two mile* aoutb of WItoon. Claik coun that Judye WlUlama mean* by hto of
ty, Wto.. wa* kUlad by Uyhtalng while der that be «1U rratruto aa exocntira
lylt^ ea a oouA talking to a aalykbor, officer oDk auvereigs state trmn dotiui
who wa* etunntd.
hto plain duty. If a fufcral Judy* of
Aikanaaa white taktny bto baths at a
aummer leuort in Colorado, caa suapead
.. m.«NjOOO ta mto* you la noraMa ttw a lUDitud time Che operattoB of any
county. WTa The company hu eawtta portion of tbe law* of tbe atate Kanaaa
then a fedetal Judy*, no matter where
on tb*
■top the whole mamlnea
Pete Veth. «f Chicayo. appUed a ehtoery
t as yenerul d
lighted match to a cigar to a room ta polal a receiver and
which hi* wife wa* eleanlny a bed with tator of atate affalra If thto order,
with lU aweeptny Intent ran htasd ft
to almiilr reveloUonaiy*T baee k> deult* to prveipitat* a
a between tbe federal and loral
Chicago —
West Michigan
QOOS WANTBD-trare c cur Laato* Co-
w i*c»T.
ibr fidctal authotiura
*s ~
■pyykujcy woo^ m
VertEtn lOdhigu lias
Vi, !s;k«s
The atiUdny uloera tried to induce
the nten of the Juhs tnyle
compareto yo ouu but were only partly ai..oaaafuL Another rRort will he made t->day and II I* conBdently expected t-Ut
all the uen will yo out. At a mam
mmuy held here la*( nlyfat to thetvut
End park every miner la tbl* kjcailty
expraaaed aympatby for the movetneot.
and the nujmty of them alyniBed tbeir
InteBUoD «f folBlny the etrlke.
John layle Company yol out an lojuae*
!S !S____
l.OHrO|»raBo*to Bbtok.
M‘SVU“2T2Ui‘!; aiSTfe
Topeka. Ran.. Auy. to—Tbe long
thnaunrd elato beyreen the I'nited
nr «SB utoiAXA rocKR.
t’nOl hla mum noUinv U
:erDooB. and Judye Uaito be
" will
wHl be
on On- yn>^ i itoon art' Bep)
>1 M aa the date to bear
lliw and
tben It to *■• I the mae. Tbe outlook
here le more hope*
pected that the ■triken will more
j ful for the miner* than It ha* been at
' any Ume yet. .
It was feared before the advent of the
mfiaoled fay a a Baj;. tbe ■trike that they would meet with but
fpreaentaove et Oovemor
but the Ude
it to tbe mine and
» to have turned la their favor.
In rejjy to queatkooe be Another mara meetlny will be bcU at •
naked, the mlncn eaid they wanted tbe o’clock this momtoy aad tbe atnkera
yuarda about tbe plu mtalned; deriared will be at tbe vnriou* mlnea to toduce
they wlabed for bo conferenec with tbe the miner* to attend Ibr meettny
Mriken. and aaSd they wen enUrety vwdal from Sullivan, lad., aar* that
■atltoled (0 Btay at work, ttay tbe» the atrlklny miner* throughout tbe In.
held a eonferenee with the atrUer* and diana field were aunpUed wuh food >eamade them a apeeeh. la which be aym. terday, over l.a« bHny fed'at Braatl.
patbUed with their condltUn.
Cruaadera are again on the mSTcb from
KInee. DeeUa M Haech.
there toBvanarUle. from which point
Bprtnyfleld. DU.. Auy. Ik—A atate they wllf cToaa Into Kentucky and mBeyUter apcclal tram Uaeolo *ay« tha dcavot to doer the St. Bernard mint*.
mlnera ot that city met and decided It to aatlmated here that 1.000 miner*
will be to Evanavllle thto moralpy.
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