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The Morning Record, June 23, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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ram OF Him
Ole Beetram n BtW .Isesraaee
tenpasy; ttaepaaeen Ihejeaee. Pratt
A teria: pjOOQbert, Tlmse Bates.
nssBomrnta KomET. aia 0 Woed et aL ajertnent. l^raddU
A Cron: Dodge A OoraU.
Asthoay Pohoral n leas Dans, as' tom Adssn Win Sot Ms Msipatoe
EA. Timtt win beXlM.alM Eetact
Taaa-Bome Good Pltohan 00 the
KoAliT, os MosaOhsccss-E^oh
Btitogandthe Mtoe WUl ■oos Be
ofUqsor VioMuOSBd' Otkw U- Twaddle A Orsee.
Mania Sheridas ea. Heraaa Hynaa.
anasvait. Twaddle A Oroea: Piatt ^
The nergantaed Haetlan held a
Hsxi Mosdsy the Jane term of the Daria
Monday and bagaa artlra
OtOBitoo^ of 0**s4*»aTarie ooaoty
Oeoege Lardle ea Ma^ M Mather,
- SrinWB with «:e lattm ealeadsf neanpeit. PnUAOaTia; Patthls A preparatloDe far the begisalsg of the
'^•eardUiMMdoflBtbiBeoa^Ite boA istanetiBC oaee to be tried
aafeseeJMarttsra AahVay B Csr- to be smde b that Bern Adame, the fe■s ebertetop, has dodisad the offer
wQl he that of the People Tt. aieisnel E ^ anempelt. appeal. Taraer A Qatae;
fromMaabtee asd wUI ramUn with
Ttaertt. who hae bees eoofloed is Ue Palehih A Lorasger.
the Ssetlan thb eeaao's.
oossty }an eeewsl weeke spos a oharr*
FAKsaelaadaadJHOoIen Praak
Maslger Kehoe hse .all Ue poekrte
of taUac isdwwst Ubertiee with Iwb^ 0*KeU et ah eJeetnasL Twaddle A
fall of oorraepoBdekle from ptoysre nf
I Kbacr Ware ihe wse 14 yean of affs- QraaK.
stnry knows aUU^ asd aU sorte of
Xhe/otfesn k aUatod to hare takes
QaAsad Bedsit Oo ea Jaane 8
,a^lBthledtyabosttwo yaanafo. lodges. aaesmpdt, ^peal. Dodge A peealiaritiw—pleyen from good teame,
bad teams, isdifferast teasie, laagoe
Oeacfe Martis. a wdl-ksow. harher. OOeeU; Patohia A Leiaager.
m mad dab teams. Ap^loatiooa
wae aeeaeedof erimlsal anaslt apoa
Prask Decamo n Jullns MarrigoU,
the eawe girl, asd amated and rdsePiaUA Daria.
pltohan and eatohen, and there
on haO some week* ago. Xhe ban waa
The A W Web iCfg Oo re Teas
at PSOO asd Dos. B. Dess west Oerb, anaaislt. appeal.
Pratt A wQl be so difieal^ is aeearisg atrosg
pt^en who wiB hels'*to 'malotato
earety ferHaitis. WhostMnnewae Daria.
«Ucdtorczamiaatloa os the 8tot of ChrbtophsrJ Ltoydrt Albert H Me;^ Trarane City ae tha borne of tha heat
lli^. Martis taUed to snUrialiM. and. PiattADaate PoatnACrotter. aaatoor base baU team is Miebigas.
WhUe to Ornsd ReW* tke Bnt of
PnteeedisgB-wiUheboraBstthia term
to wartc Mr. Brttoe asd Oany Boll
toneoeor the aneast of thakond.
B B PoUoek. traetoe. as AUtertaa T
id IstorrlewB with aerrral wall-kaown
Iterett wOl he reaemberad la the
3T of the Sew York Tea HosiaataLtiaapaeiOBthenaa. Prau base ball BM, among them BobOleaflrls, aeanager of the Grand R^dds
Store, later ae nasager of the Hotol A Darts.
Wattom Leagne team, who priwbed
caasoasy rso ooSrano.
Wkltisg. Wbes ha ^gne here he
loaa the Baettm the bell-known
wee aeooapasied 4y hU wife asd
Adaltt 8oM re Jaisn Sqett; Airarae.
oetehor.'Bont. The offer b belsg oosdasgfatn. Beth died is this elty. After Tarsar AGataa
Eonpp. who played here last
glrlag ,mp the WblUag, Teerett reMillie Basse rs Praak M Bassa; dlyear,
b also biilsg eoertderod, ae preneeed to43read Bepide. where he mar- was. Twaddle A Oroae.
riedagals. It wae is Grasd Baplds
Addb M. LyilaU re WUlistt' Lgdfll: rtonsly mesttooed; also King of Bt.
Loab and Bnrss of Ue Begteaw rtnte
he wae ameted, and broaght diroraa. I^tt A Darta.
haekAsia. Hewaassahle to foralah
Battle B LeGrat re WlUlem H Le laagseteam. Amoagthepitoheca being
eenetdarad smtoaaly are ReUertoid.
- hMl asd hn bees obliged to stay ia Qrtff; dlroree.
alee of Ue HaaUen lart yean Kid
ja& arer etnee.
Laticr of Maek^os. Warner of SagAaotbar ease which has attraatod
fkask Erttoefaril re Jonph Smith toaw.Balm of ChrmaL Isd.. asd WiUay
oeaaiderable atteatioa b .that of the
etaLbUl for aeooasUag asd toast of Grand Rapida. Bffertt am brtsg
People re. Robert MeAlay. who b ae>
adds deed. Taraer A Gatm.
made to get dowa to baelane tmmedoaied of crtnlaal aaeaalt apoa a flees.
Fred Beleos re AUea M. Poleipher. lataly. asd is a faw daye Ue manageTkW will alee eons OB far triaL
Moegas B Poleipher sad Charba B maat wGl baas enabled to anSoosoe Ue
Besflee these theca arenrnal Uqnor
flcgmlre. bUl to reetrala ioroeloeare of make-np of tha team, when regalar
rioUtioneeeee. The foUowiag b the
DMrtgage asd to dbeharge aeartgage. praetloe wUlbehegns.
eonplete oelender:
Uadrrwnod A Undor M B Poleipher.
Laara A Bto^tog ra OUrar P BtoekSOUTHBXDBBS WOV.
The Peopls re CAnter W Josae: Uq> tog. diroroe. Dsderwood A Dmlor.
Wm H Arms at al re Shattnek Mfg
nor rtolatSon. i J Twaddle lor
Waa Istoraetlsf.
waopta; P C Onberi, dafena.
The baas baU gams playe l yeaterday
Iha Pat^le ra Martis B BOlr. llqoor AGataa.
Katfe MUlar re Mery J Asdereoa. attameon betweea Ue clerks reprmeatrtolattoa. JJ Twiddle for thapeople.
Tba People re John Hoisue: Ugoor bUl to set nide deed. Tweddb A tog Ue sorU and eoaU rtdae of Froat
rtottttoB. JJ Twaddle lor the peoida!
■treat, meolted to a rietory far Ue
■oatktiden. The game wae matorlally
P C GUbert. defease.
toterfered with by a high eo«U wiad.
The People n Pater Boatram: U41
Warrea Pieree re Rebeeea neroe, di Than was, bowerar, eose good play
riolatloa. J J Twaddle for the
tog; a sharp doable play wu oaeeated
T>e People re Jobs W Whiteford; roree. Twaddle A Croae.
FrasUqaorrhflatips. J J Twaddle for the
by Barilasd and Knapp of Ue aoeU
cb B Ball rt aL.^bUl to qoiet UUa side, asd a dUBcolt fool fiy eaptsred by
paoW: Tamar A Oatca, defesae.
V The People re Martia B BUteUgdor Twaddle A Crom; C W BaU asd B T
■et of Ue other side, after e long
rtoUtlon. J J Twaddle Jor the'peopl*.
m. Tbe^erelpUy on boU rtdae
FARnealandMdJBOoto re Ber
oslformly mood, bat RerUasdh all
The Pei^ re Saoiael B Trerett; taktog b^eaat Ubertbe with tesiele oknd man Bysms. MIT to qabt title. Twad amand wort. boU la Ue field sad at
sDdarMyeeraofega. JJTwaddletor dle A CresK Pratt A Osrb.
Ue bat. was deaerrlag af mesUoa.
Bmma Orahem re Fiaok Graham, Parka ebo mads e briUiaot stop of e
the peaple; Tomer A Gates, defense
The Pec^ reBobertMcAley: tooeet. dlroree. Uederwood A Cmlor.
bat hit. Bat elx tonlsge ware playad.
3 J Twaddle for the people; P C CIUTha final asmn:
bert. defepse.
SonU Bide.. t 0 t 4 s 4—17 n 4
The People re Mark Morrto: Uraeoy. AUlotto Ofab Boys Proaitoe to lUka K«rUBide..O 0 1 0 .t 0—6 T 7
J J Twaddle for the people.
Bettorlee-^BoaU Btdy Fima Somare,
The Paopto ra Qaorga Msrtto; oerti*
The memben of Ue Trerene CSty asd Parke: KorU Bide: Ash sod Qaa•ad laeogabasce oa beU bosdAUletle Clab art getting raagy far a nett. Thtriby sad Botona aatpirrd the
Twaddle for tha paopla.
eplriud time oa Ue frtr groonde FrilaetTasorracT.
day aftersooB. The loeal fart Ucyole
Pasl and BUm.
Sarah BhabaH ra Mattoaw Ortgar; ridan promise some high rates of speed
Among Ue srrtrala U attend Ue
asd Ue klekm asd raolton of Us Baptiei aaeocbtloa. which begins Its
tapierto Appeal. PraUAOarb;0i
rtob wUl make efforta to beet Ue
eltUngiin Ue BaptUt eharoh et l;Sa
PA«Ksaalasd and J BOoleraThoa ordsof UeGnad Baplde Sigh School Ub aftemoon. an Pent sad Bilee.
O Kbbottos asd Tito OoeUar aj«et- AUletle aeb. The field day wiU be Theee nre Ue aamee<^ UemagBlfleent
Hient. TweddtoAOaiKUadarwoodA one of gnat totaraet to loeal toren at
I bf beys that, draw Ue Ocepel
Wagon «t Sanderechool Mieeionary
■Joseph Fowler raWilUam Bbskatts;
kaason. The horem wen oa
OoiUraaa-nf Btotss.
by the Bondey eeboel of the Flirt Bay
The poUS^U be treated to a fiae
JaUas BMUouhtal re Medad Vlstos.
tbt chnrah of JaelnoB. The wagoa b
Foetar A Orotaer; D^dge A C.>reu.
■applied wiU e portable organ and a
Uub MeGUl. b/ sezt frieed, Blbe- sight iotbe City Opera Hoaee. Pro- large stock ef Blblee, booke and ether
feamr Martoogh b
beth MoOiU, re Aag Beitser. FresM,
rlooe Uterstorc. Serrmee were held
.sreparatlont for a aplesdid perform*
Votraba, Astos Norotsy. Br-.aadJohs
en Fraat etreet lart areaing. after
A Jaokan:. travae* oa eeae. Uader- haeeandalarge aadiesoe eboald wlt- which an fatereedsgand well-attended
The ehorfieee asd rarioar
, wood EOmlor; Pratt A Derb.
ting wae heU la Ue choreh.
. FA
<t asd J 11 Ck>le re Derid raeese^ 'beaaty sad
talent will be worthy of high
O Bali; dJeetaiesb Twaddle A Crow; by^lt
l^tshia A Loratiger.
AnanalXerttog of Wortham WirttlAt Badepeat
laebelle Whiting asd Howard.Whlu
^ fa OpaiyTosseUer; treepaee os the > Dr. L A
4MS Uiderwood A Umlor; PraU A ^ttar from hb wife. Dr.'
The annaal boatoem meeting of Ue
meriMag n fire d^’ rtelt SorUemHiehigaa Annl*enary Aaeo(Ba Bertram re Mtagara Rn lasarDr. BooenUal- diattw. of Ue I. O. a F. wae held in
aseeOonpaay; treepen oa ease. Pratt Thompte b UU^ a medlcnl eoHTM is Tbompeosrtlle yreterdey.. There
- AOarte;PCDUberv
Vienna.anda TaenOen enabtod berto waeataUrtprteeototlooof Ue dUterAsgoet Uek ra Ptuamaa Blaeki
That Radapert. of whleh aha gtree e ant lodges present, and e veiy good
y replerts appeaL Pratt A Darts; P C long and lotermUag deaeripttoa.
ting was bad. The following ofiGilbert.'
were eleetad for Ue eaealag year:
OUeago<Markrt Eeport.
The Phraoae Paper Oo re Robert A
ddent. Cbailce Oaee, Beesonb; rice
£ Beba.Jaoet M Haire and the Hadley
CUcago, Jane n. — Wheat — Joly, preeidaet,'T..W. Forth. Maabioe: seeT- Paper Co; ettaehnrat. Tbylor A Eddy; BTXe: oom.
oata. Ito; pork. retary, M. H. OrtflIU, TraTorse City;
^^tt A Darb.
MarahaL Mr. Klmey. Manbtee. MaaClosed—Wheat-Jane. 691<c; Jaly. btoe was Ue pbM.-and Ue foarU
^ Ola Boetrom ra. laenranee Oompasy
MKe; (kpUmber, Othe; Deeember, Wedsaeday In May. 1898. Ue time set
oMforth America; tre^aaa oa the <
Piatt A Darb: V C GUbart, Thoaue S6k«- Com—Juoe. rtH9t4He; Jely. for Ue next anslTere^mertiag. The
S4K«94Ke: BMembee.
getoe tram Ub 'rtly
A B.
Ola Eaetram T» Weatobemr Firs la- Oati Jane. ITfifc: Jaly. 18c; Septem Brown and M. H. OriAU tar Ue L O.
aaraMt Oompasy; traepaei on the oaae. ber. 17X«18e. Poik-Jane. S7.S7; Jnly. O. F. asd Mrt Amasda. Smith, far Ue
r.4«. Uid-jsse, BATt; Jaly. BAfS.
Pratt A Darb: P C uaben, Tkt
<He Bostmm ra The Pesagylr
B(«a-6«7H« Ugher. UghA fl-W
tba Inearaaee Oemptay; ttaepam
9't 4B: mtosA «AB0«A4A heaiy. BAto
^tt A Oerb; PCOilbart. 91.40; raagh. BA109ABO.
enmo Btfeng. Beegea. SA8D9A1D;
^B^nHet^Fhatoa eowtaaiWilBin. BL-y8«4AO: etoUeea
and fn^gt <091^0.
IMP Plria^>AirtehlgW.
M.E BoUsyb rtAi^.a aew'rt bieyele,«haBfftaf
;r^A Soilg of GralHlldiU
Frank BRMk
to trant of hb
Tba Baby Light Qateara Oab wUI
mart with Mm. A. W. Peak Frtday
Btoet be the tie Unt btode
The people to ow etara:
They art so good, wa find.
Well adTarttorfrar mom.
Frtflr Fttodrtoh hne roeeiTod hb
oemmimlonaedepMyoO toepertor for
The puts glam for the large dbptoy
wlirtowa of the trant mt the BoeenUel
SSO FftpNT BTftCrr.
.Croquet Sets
{Aland win oalebmto the FrtirU of
Jely on the trd, nnd great preparaUone
an being made for a great time.
Loo Solomon hae gone to Ugonier,
Isd., after n <vtoad of hornae. Mr*.
'olomM wlU oome to TrsTeree City
MS to ^esd the nammer.
The Maaton Olw band Rne prortded
mUM far the park at that pUee and
will give a eerlm ef Soaday eosoerU
batweea hoan of ehnreh serrtoe.
W. L. PraemsB and John Traheide.of Port Oneida, left yeaterday for KmhTllle. Teas., to attend Ue axportUm.
They will be Uare aboat twanW day*Tbe pabUoatlon of the Dally Reeorter. In Petoeksy, Ue enmiw dsHy of
Chas. 8. Hampton. wUl begin to a abort
ttma. wtU Wni A BeegmUleree editor.
Agraad apreed-eagle FoorU ef Jaly
wQl take plaee to Empire
A Blabortte preparations
bel^ made, asd TrsTcrm Ow »
inrttod'to go orer In a body.
has attraeted eyelbto who ^ae chain
hae mored to the ehop
of Angart Petander. wbera he wlU be
pleased to rsertre Ue ordeta 6f bhTde
ASC tozoo^ '
Ith also weU to eUni yovT^m
^Qjpra them on mrttrtta and
Wa bars it in d
Is Ira
The steamer Crae Bent of Ue Trareree
Bay Ltoe Will reeame bar t^pe on Ue
bay roete h»errow. The ColomUa
will lay off a dar. bnt aftsrward boU
bonti wi^ make rtteraete tripe daUy to
Ue bay potato .aooerdlag to Ue poV
Ibbed time card.
Tbe Sbterhood of FormSera are prapartog far a good tton in MeKaa
tmll this erening. Th^. will eerro a
good .lOAsat eappar from S antU 9
o'^oek. Afterwards there will be a
^Ma.andioe<seam sad sake wfU be
■tfrad daring the erening. Braryone
who attends beeenred ego-d time.
WeTl rtfira to mi
J. W. Slater's Furniture Store,
Prices Cut Deep„^
Ladies’ Tailored Suits I
.. 7.28
: 8.60
worth 812.00,1450; 1350. yonr choice far... a7oW
Select Tour Fall Suits low.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
John Kaiser
* ' Brprceyntlug tbe weli
of Fine CtoUtog.BoUeehUda. Lert A Co..
Boebeeter. K. T.
Is Here
■Doesn't make any better,
WiU e oompWte ltoe
of eamplM, pfrpnrad to
any whiter, any lighter.
Mr any more bread than
, any other «onr, bnt U
make, jut u good, buides.
being a borne product.
-wu •WTT.T. OX VJD ^
Call aal liMtct tke Uat.
•••• .
T.j. host:
OS an L«dics’and GeqtB’Ruortoe Shoes is Stock.
Yen can Ainnye tio avr nw-*.
m» MOMtUrtf MOOHD, W^JBBDAT. jpmi «a, 1697.
,sa momino kboobd.
sstart maaMT.
nUWcrri’ - io™o«.
T. BAtw *K» J- W* Hiana.
j. w.
^ .• tka noMclBe* ftt TT»Tai
Tf»*M9* OU».
PaMisg ct Soft Dm.
Ttu Qr*Dd B-pUta H«*ld defUerm
«h« fMt ttot tb« aoft «lm.of MielUfU
^ fendsall; falHof iato dteoM for for■ltm.mwufMwre.Md beeomlaf
MbUed op b;’tUTe, reOMT ud taeMiK, eoBcerM The prodocf of the
QrMd Tr*»ert« .reclM ie ooMlderod
^ dneet of thu liiod of wood, ud U
to reaU; too bed ihkt whftt romalM of
it Bwet be deroted tOMoboommoo
pcrpctt*, when « might froeo the
fMton of - the beet Is the iMd. The
MOM of the iursioff of tfato prodoet of
te northera MkhlfM for«to in the
Slrectioo It kw Uhen. to that eUre,
•oopen^ud betdlog factorlee have
IwM located >D the hiart of the aim
4totrict and high prieca, with faeUitiee
lor worhiBg the timber op oo the Bpoi.
aotoipeak, bevepraotlcelly ehnt out
the fon^itore atanofedtorere from the
*K3oD &AVI. nik CjL'KUf.*' wee the een*
ttmentlyeeterday ia England, aod
ell the poweaaknm of Orept
BriUln. Tbr ijneen’e jobilee was the
Boat gorgeouk. kiupeadons public dem■nstiatloo ever recorded in the fatotory
of the BrUiih empire. WbUe ail the
. oab>eets of Her Mejeety aredoiag bom
■ge to their ecvereign. thinking mind,
mreit to the feet that her reign from
this OB mnit ntc.-marily be ehort. and
•ariDni-coDcidereticin to given to tbe
ohangea In cooditioneamoag England'e
pnaiTtt‘-T- which most aeocasarily fol
low her demUe^____________
ct. whara ^ haa
baauvte^ag. .
Htos Chna OTIsal wuat to Barlnr
Ouakyeaterdayteatwowaaks’ vhdt
with frtoods.
Quo^ H. OtOM ratunod last ma*
lag from taadag. whara he had baas
oo<Atfal bustoma.
Ctopt^ McOond and BagiaaarW. L.
mUtr of the steamer a. B. Tattle wmu
OTor from Elk BapMs ymterday.
Mn. r. M. NaUrirk. fonaariy af this
eity, BOW Urlag la
B^da. to
TtolUag the family of Cbarica Oonaar.
Mra. Allatta Corbett of OrMd
Bapida. left bate yeataiday for Korth. port whara aba will apand the aanmar.
a guaet at tha Waukasoo.
' GaatNalson, a groeer of (
to rtoltiag hto brotbar, August Kelson,
hto eonalu, Godfrey Esgstrom. Md
oUar reUUvM in the d^.
p™.k tw^driok ..a 8. C.
««oo SBTB THS avnv”
Was tha Ba6ala iu Londoa Tsatar.
day^OraBdsat Display fa tha Klatocy of XugUBd-«ruat BEftalato
VobUity in tbe Proosaaion.
Londoa. dnua *?.—The last str^ of
It bad Bot died away last Bi|^t whea
from a hundred metropolltM eteeplae
a tumnltaous peal af bells announoed
Olamoad JnldlM Usy. Tbe rail erowd
that filled the milee of etreeU aod
squaree aaswerad with ringing ebeera,
aod here and there the singing of ■‘God
Save the Queen."
The erowd that peopled tbh etroete
.11 „i,hi 1» a. hop.
tanr. woat over to Lelaod yeaterday. 1
^ tbom were vromen. Some
Hie II. E. C. Batee, presideat of the | ^
^0011. eome sat on projecMichigan Woman'. ITes. AseedaUon. |
buildings, ou curbstonfu. or
went to Grand Rapids yesterday to at-Befrushments
tend the annnsl_meeUBg of thalorgan- i
everywhere and the poliaUon. today and-------------’! lice had litUe troable, cheery good bu; mor being the note of tbe night,
j The streets on She noyth elde of the
About Tbamee were el<^ to ordinary vrhic.
the Club Honsp,
1 ular traffic at ?;S0 this moralng and oe
I the eonth eide at H o'eloek. London
At^^ve I
„ooo.o,o. pro,... .boor Uio w,. i brW,. 8*4
lor-toh, oloh ho,» 0.8 ,-.48 “
Apaobea Itwy waa aooa baagtn on our
trail, BB erne day t^t'ronoded na
They waa fiOtoonri.M allweaDold
look for'ard to wna to die a-figbOn.
n«7 k^’ a drclln an a dicUn an a
gittin nearer all tb' time, an ns stan'in
trltkosr tiaofca,Metb«rwaitln till we
aonld .iioot to kill ■ Jkt when wa was
a wbtoperio goodby to aaefa other them
nd devils took to their beels like tfa'
Uoitod Suies snuy wss arter them. It
WBs M sirtbquske dooe it, as we
wam't tieohlcd no nwra."
' *Wns tbey a voloaoey neartberer' ask*
ad tbe lUUe mao with high abouldera
and a weaaened face.
'•New. Wnaferyoo tolkiB ’boot rol-
“1 haerd yon. Bot 1 went Urangh
that tame decsCrict tbsl year. Them
Apm-hea got arter ns. an wo buttled
into tk' cratu of a vokouey, 6 as to
Stan ’em off. We built a klu of a plat
form inside, an tbeyoonldn’ stooknr
in 1,000 years if we'd bad grab. One
Bornin when wewus fist obont starved
that ole volctuiry kirn to life, cut loom
like a dynermlto nplcnioa, an we
blowed PO miles to U»’ west alow we
landed in a san kill. Not a duh cma of
ni bad a arraUh.*'
Tbe long legged man reached for bis
weasel akin, took on a sickly grin and
mid. "WbBt'll yon felleta take?T'—Detrait Pres Prtoa
fha War an* WoeaM la
“Of oonrse you can take a bint," Mm
siiA looking at bim tkoogbtfully. Ue
ODoldn't, and she knew it, and that's
*ky she said it. It wooldn't bars
Deoemsfy otherwise.
course." hf replied. "Have yon
beeu hittUisg at anythingt"
“Ob. dear, no." the answered, with
Windows full men's Summer Suits—dosing prices
S4.95 3nd
HAMILTON Clothing co.
I Ever Tasted"
-koof <o *11 ■ "“r
jTiS Cream Sote at cor
. It wKl only coat you S
which hour all persons yookooy.”
a—Ton will have tbe ■
"Tbioking of wrbatrveraedat with banging pots of were removed tram Westminster aod
■Why. .
planu and other oruamenU to beautify London bridge
Decoration for her tpa}eety'e JsbOee know—that i waa a bint." *******
tbe building. And Ubles. Md ehsire
After poadering the natter deeply for
has been univeraal and wiUioai atlnt.
have bees provided for
several miontm he decided to Uke her.
' B. I. WAIT.
>uid the queen have -passed this momdesln to esloy picnie dtouiaiu at the
. . —Chicago Pori. XtMBleSloek.
g Ih.
elsbhouaa. Comfortable settoas have;“«
through some of the wretched
also been added. In tbe basement the “«*«*
her grral Londoa. where
sod hunger and disease
Tbe other day Manager Wardlow of bowling alley has been refitted and
telegraph ufflre in Brasil took a tele
prepared for um mA the billiard table the year round, she could have found gram wlilcb read:
to provided with a new cloth. Besidm no more striking evideaoe of her abid
■•Mim------ . vfinyoubemluer'
these improvemea'ti the aaUre buUdIng ing place in the hearu of her people.
It was delivered to tbe proper petty,
OrMd. Dassliag PageMt
has bMn furetobed with Ineandeewnt
and loan abe eanic tripjilitB Uio tbe
lights. Tbe manegemenl to preparing
Leodoo. <Iu«c K.—The royal salnte €<Bre to Wirt- bar n-ply. it reed:
. "Vea. Tea Tea Teh Tea- Tea
for M active etaeon and several feu- of WgansMBooseed tbe moment wb<
Tea Tea Tea T<a"
tnres of smosement are In oonrse of | the sged queen IdTt Buckingham !*slGet a bonnet or bat at baif.price.
Ten worda yon see, and ebe paid ber
' sue this fumoon for her proccaelon of qnancr, and tiien tripped oat of tbe
Xew stock-160 different styles—arc
triomph to Su 1‘buI'bcathedral. The
all ($oit^ this week. stricUy at whole*
with tbe fweeu-st kind of a blush.
oDlontal proceesion esme first, and was! —Evausvilk- Ooarier.
sal^price—from 10c. to sn all silk «t
headed by an advance party of the'
A OMt Man's Msr
«isr» ^ropoeiiiuD of the oommittee on enjoyed tbe fine entortainBftnt given t HojWl Uorse tioarda Tbeo followed a
“Tea" said Liei
Sre and weUr to rc-ragage ex-Flre
looked about him peeparatory to start*
Ohtof Oesproi at a Mlaiy of Woo per
' Yea STS
jaar, and permit him to have hto cventagitohlmMlf.-wiihtbe proviso that preaeaUd Md hugely erjoyod. Musi- <'mnadlan premier, Laorier.
' fof got joumey.
iouraev. We are
art prepared to
hs shall alwsyh-be on bMd at sight it cal Md Utorary selaetlons followed
The New ZMland i
n- face tbv coldest kind of climate."
Re psoiwd e moment and added
nqiilred. will meet with quite general aad tbe program oloaed with “Mis- geot eaoortod 1‘rvmier 8eddon. aad the j
^proral. and c> meat any 111 feeling mswd," an extremely plessiog sketch Cape premier, eilr Gordon Bprfgg. wse'»*«t'ly:
that might exUt because of tbe farmer which was fully ai^irecisted. This ag-i «»corted
escorted by the Cape of Good Dope
aotloo of>tbr coonctl whleh led to hto gregatloD to one of excepUonal UlenU Mouutod Kiflca
Let «v make aoBse tar yoo.
I>remler Nelson of Australia wav perroaigaatioD. The lecommendation wUl
While: the advantage
advantag is
ewted by bU troona. and tiir WUltom
alao be ludcnaed by tbe membera af tbe
"WebuntedupChat intelloctoaltNnCITY BOOKSTORE.
____ here
lere to take.
Wbitewayof Newfoundland followed. ah who inrenifd tbe self rncking era*'
Sra department, who are practically
H.B.BOLtXT.IIcr. .
Tbe mouniad troops of the varioiu dl& We wanted to give her a vote of
■naalmous epoe the ao^ect,
crown colonies rame next. mauT of
"Well, bow did she reralve you?"
Xs F Ferkett Amuug Potato Buyera them extremely odd.and pietureeqne to
"Tbe inw iitor larwd ont to be a
Who Bhippad XATge OuantiUea.
(be eyea ot .Londonars.^be enaemble
msfi who wanted to get off to tbe base
■tartad the matter of maeadem roads
In the report at the potato bnsineea cmpbaslsUir repeatedly bow widely
arlll be -worthy tbe atUnUon ot the in thto region, printed la the Bci-osn acauered are the racee the queen rules. ball game.Dotnilt Free Prem.
■l^oouaell. WebaTeuBllmitodquaa- yeatwday morning, the name of L F
Beside her-majeety rode the Priueese
Mtias of the twet stone for the parpeae, Parkett waa omitted from the list of ot Walea. oppoalte Prlacese CbrtoUan.
"That brute," mid tbe iodlgoant
BBd. being in need of batter thorough- buyers. Mr. Perkett bought during On the left rode tbe Ihikeof Cambridge buyer, “balked for three boura the flrat
:t ttra mb' 'J
IMS. the macadam method seemi to be
time I took bim ont."
tbe eeaaon tally U.OOO buabela This Md on the right the Prince of Walea,
csid the seller, as be chewed
* the one .khlch to beat for our aeeds quMUty awelto the purehases in thto who was fcdlowed by the Duke of Cooa straw, "I told yon he was a horse of
mad the moet ^oonomtoal ot
Tiolnity to about SOO.OOO bushels.
wonderful etaylng ebility. didn't 1?"—
Pore Powdwod BpioM,
Toe Boyal Law CottrU were
Indianapolis JunrnaL
Ir BngeaeV. Detae ean peiauade
______________ ________ —______
at 11:45 and tbe boundary of the city
Pore Or«MD TAFtAr,
Mlckt Hhv* Ua4 Men.
IL Boekafellertobeeomoapartytokbe
Beoeut experimcols is Styfia cm tbe ’ bad btea errssad by ber tMjesty, who
Orifon—Lmle Jack tbere to a Chi
BTopooed “BocUl Democracy." and In- breaking np of bail»tnnns by tbe firing , received stalely homage from her chief
cago orphan.
il yaa WM^ ns to
4aaa him to invest a IIUU eatplus eapl- of gnns have met with rtmerkable suo-! n»*jUtraU. «»n the arrival of
Briggs—What In tbe world is u Obi-.
sake ILtpouaM for llAt. Rakber MeBtlBS.
talta Uc .eoterprtoc, there mey be
eag<> orpbsuf
SabUrTuMas. aUalSM. Water BalUee <s«ar- 4
CBwfor eletm among the poor
Griggs—A child who bss only one
aateeS fee i«« yean.) PaaBtala ayrtafas. - Bksuy klaSe. TWroal Bruakea. asS AloslMoi: 1
fstber end mother.—New York SunGlyeenae aaS mwh Basri iMtoa Mr Wto 4
BcbtniWbrig, loth tbe following pr*.! ceremony of dnWnl submisalon. The
'------ a indicated her aeceptanee. then
BatoS te Do It.
ed the lord mayor and aheriffs
“Iknow," tuurmnrrd tbe robber, as
a VloUntot to exposed: On-r an extent of about tlx |to prwMied snd ths |
«haBatlnant 1
the acircM'
a# City
Appear iol
<8.7 mile*), "
at ‘^‘"^Itov^rdSt.l'aul'a.
etomted'toward St. Itool's. '
"this to an twtal choatuut. but what is
* ’'**
At 1«:S0 tbe bells of BU Paul's broke ■ starring man with a large family to
bolding ten large mortars. At eome I , ,,
^ .e____ ^__________
do?"-Fiok Me Op.
and'tha eootiaet aigbed. for tha ap- distance from escb of the struriorra he
bar maj^
poaraase Inlthto clty.of thefamoai
local.d a bat to be used as a powder
cMri*g« stopped la Iroat of the
High Grade Shoes at
Uarirtuoao, Eduard BemanyL The magasiiie.
jeataedral. AU around, like s vast—
Baptist society have takril,hold of ^
1k>w Prices.
M. StiscT -then organised a body tff [ phllheatra, walls of people
■Blarprtoa and already a large number
rompowd of tbe.lobabitoDts '[stands
stretched upward,
higher than
-«d eeats bare been subaeribed fur. The of tbe
ioUiat bscb post at any polut on the route,
be mspned
iitybei--------■ "■oelaty wUl oontinna to sanvim the could In caw of neoiaaity
The "Te Drum"
Nwarly aU are ths Pingi^ &
six peteoiu. In tbe-eeursv of lest sum .occasion wasaung. and as the "Amen”
oiW and it to hoped Md upectaA^i
mer tbe residenU of Wiudircb-FetolrlU
Smith make of 8ho«a
.■ large audieuoa wOl grmt/thto tale able to make their flrat experl- died away the t
OBtad BaaldM is Sltoberg's Oiaad
It.' Masses of black and tbreateniog
great eboir
oa the aeoBtog of J«iy~i?. This dty
ids npprosebed from tbe neighbor*
mm BBoxa
haa Barer been favored with m enter- iiig moQouica At a givtu signal tbe reepouded, "And mercifully hear
» of t|jte 60 Dorura bwait. Aft* when we rail upon Thee." Tbe bishop
fialamaM glvee by radt an^rtor talent " ‘
minutes tbe clouds could be of London read a short eoUect Md the
BBd tha aBCagomestof Bdna^ BameByi
pause. Ixeak np and dispiree Archbiahep af Chi
toaomethlngthat vriU mdat vrith apwithout Jetting down cither bail or
tM W. mb MaM.
-44. TO* . WC*T O* TO, BO**..
prodalloB among lovcfu of aiaasie me- nin on the protected region The ex- the beaedletlqn. Tbe aatiohal anthem
—Knr York Sond,. WoiU.
ate. AeoompMylng the vioUatot wlU peximect was repeated in the coarse of was sung Md the queen's carriage
he Loutoa H. Brakanay. faraous mapso- the same snnmet. taking place- six paaaedon.
Oototh, LlTO U-rber Shop for fe»lr
As ber majes^ re-entered tha gatee
aopraao, and Mr. Wm. Hauvlat. aminent times end always with tbe asme sneTOU *n4 b,U», it oniu Moh.
Idantot. While the ooattaot has baan cem. Tbe efficacy of the divchsree ex- Buckingham palaee at t o’d^ a
- I
M. o. Oumra.
(eoded ow aboat one square mile.— tant gun in Hyde park ahndnneed that
dgaod there must ba many moru ■
the great prooeaalon waa over. The
aatneribed before the uode^ will be
aontfd of the royal ralnto wm ms
amured ot uleartng expensea.
Come early before sires are
by eheeriag. thea the .crowd before
A mMical weekly paper pnbltobe _
broken. Make no mistake.
the gutee faded away. The queen was
FVed Johaaon wont ta CUeagoyea- tbe city of Vienna nyt that lira Mar hap^, amlUng Md not over fatigued.
ianas Hohn, tbe wife of s ^tinner of
The whole aCalr passed without a
Ever Burned Ont f
E- U and John nsasnin hare gqne «d
to tbe mother of fit obUdren—mamely, faiteb, and there was no seriess aod*
teVms end 6 daugblers. TSiew 6hU* dent.
Dr. J, W. OaunUeU wm la Elk Eap- dm were born m foltows; Fonr. three,
The Original.
Ui Monday.
fdnr, two, three, two, three, three, two,
e. r. oAavma. aoms.
Dr. J. C. OaunUett of BU BapUs waa three and three, oc 11 blrllm is ea Tbe
moeber has noised tbe wbde of ber ehBia tha'd^ Monday.
E. & Hull rewmed yustarday tram a dran. aod tbey ate still alive. Mm. „ " ’Bout th' okaeet oaU 1 evur bad.'
Befan WM bettolf one of four otaUdrea,
K trip to the padic ooaat
aatd tbs long legged a» oBsbaoUes
^M. A. Kroupa hM ratBroad from Aan bora together, and ber mother bed fifl ebsir in front at tbe grocery, "wm
children. -It to a remarkable dzoom1 have remcrad to
Alter for the cnmmrr vaealioo.
staocermt thto woman from her fif- wbea I was emigiMis to OnlUoney b
" "
MS a flpedahy. B
Botnt boaida^
Bay and Elmer Browa want to Moa- toentb y««r to tbe preaeot time bM suf 1849. Ttaen;wBS.:boBt''60 of bi atutMi
IBS OMtre ycetarday on a (tohlag trtp. fered almost erwy wuA tram BB uttoA togribee. Mt dlAsHkgneracy well, ■
B. J. rulgham wMt to OUeago yea- «f mdtopv. bat aoM flf ^ eUMtaa Bp lOof BSoi^CMBdi&th'nMMni
State St. wmt of
torday tor a budoam trip to OMaama a to lie pna«t Mae has bsM efiUetod aoxpacdi^tdaiiro
aU xighi^tiU we j
with the dissM.
Bring Your Babies.
Pennell’s aiilllnery,
Tale Advantage 3322'“FXes
Has Yotir
166 Pairs M)
Half Trice.
At Our
Soda Fountain
PhOnS 90 farattigi5
20c. per do^
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Livery, Bus and Feed Stable.
:;:^ i:^-*.si,^ fjf;
*Bi KOMjoro ^igoM. win)H*6iT, JUOT TO, 18BT.
«se «r two ojBtaadlng toopa o< hair oa
tfaa topwt the bead, with a bow ctf rib
bon and a eoaob for a flniah at the baok.
are the BoRlldi faahioo.
Out M t.. .
cue, tt U set iSkeIr that ksr csoc^
Umi to the ml* i)iH b« mate.
aiafUMI aa betteh
APITLL LIHB OF..............
Tbe (TMe (or violet, masre and all
BmtUaat' in Belgium
the Amiei at pnrple baa aktaaded to tba
oooTMa, with a change ai i
Ifcem was an aairr o*e«f aii« a 41a.
oorwtA and jarda. of rtolrt allk and
ri<», hot not a change ot
man at
aimr.r*^.,,1-. ..aiA-. n,, rinlh itrrot»e«a>te» I <«*»
Tb«e Implemoiti mnet be need I mMa. dtbet plain
plain or
oc Bowored,
Bowawl, an
ate made
A W«*pIlTiaoB flag marked place | «»r^h aiKWiiTe oootaea. howaw np in thU impewtant artioie of dwte
>• All Rttunml
ntecEsi nxLs.xccB, xelietzb.
when talented muna men mar «« a
ualform. racioni and fit a month In ntom for ■ promlTO to aerve Uncle Sam
three r«are. lu bright
lb« bre
dlnarllr daontt deOai
. in “J*
cam. wind or ahlna At the doer there
VMCte TOTiAfte^-n
File a Pieft Tr—Me Oero Ow SaM
.rap I'ppro r«lTO.U rero-fco.
AptoBC cd ample ptoportlooa are aaid
to be the faahlon In Faria (or bome
either'moming <v aftecnoon, and
forgot to emploc, eendittg taf knife pod I they re made of alternate rowe of rib
■ fork put on myjjate, Co tbe maid’a eon-1 beat and laoc inaertlon, printed allk or
mnalin trimmed with laoe.
_*» Miib
pcOlabed. be !• aa epmee ai a colored
/Ba bai been oecupylng a ponUoa of re' apoeatbillty duHni ^ paat two weeka
Kr. BmckTO baa bean ebUged to took ; jwe.
afwr the Interaata of ttie entire ataW j
dnrma that tlma But the other
I Si
of the nattan
yonf CaliforaU
Theb^ :
ing breakfart.
“y**®'*^*****"™“Ff^l at borne." «ti^
greromen have all retomed-all of them iB,e,r<igator and fell on the flag, droop- ' another lady pleaaantly. "Here la aonie
aneepl Bhetdon. Tbe Bmltha eamc.etrtr j ug dejectedlr Union n^wr.
f ^.„.e
” Aa
A* bar
her pranundation
nmnniirintion and
' [mauaepca."
taat weak. bMh of them. WHliam
Injunal*' yelled the w<)I-\ tba dtRb itanlf—« ao called mioco pie—
and Baxntta] W„ ready for work, and fDer a* be bounded up tbe atalm. "What j na6mUed oothlu-' familiar to tny ear
teeUnad to remain Here iwUl the cowdninfernal doughboy a been fooling wUb!o^ridon I waa baffled far the monu-Wt
mtm at Um term.
Hair loaldeM ftaeollte
at.KM.»4> i>MMent Angell of Am Ar
il laat retiered of anx__________________
illme port* hat given
teUnwtIon erf hu accepubiuty. Dr. Angall waa wlro to cancel hie engagement
to aall for Bnrope on June U. When
a government Indlcataa thal s propnaed
minuter will be peraona non grata,
which meana a perron not welcome.
< aa to the natora of her kind iiiteutioDA
e down wiih a j
if I viiitad a weaving achool at 6 in
tbe motniug, when ah the men weia
in the proper-powtlon. The aeniry ra-' yet In that startling bome nndmai
anned hli poto and the-offleer on duty which prevail* is some botunbolda Ixv
raiirtd Indonn it la not km'«-n who ; fore the formal drjpuncr, the wife at
aiept In tbe guardhouse laat blghL
i -the weaving master would preaa ina,
"Prenex qoelqnecbcBo. io vuasbn ptlo,
^Where. dld the awlft llnei of tbe '
modem cutter ei^nate?'' This waa tbe I
queauon anawered by Profeaaor iUU T.;
Mason of the Aallonal muaeum yrater- ,
day before tlJ boitae committee of agri- i
culture. ProSaeor Hason was addrasaIng the committee on the eubject of tbs'
Bsqulmoe who wore ranged around the ,
reotB. The eetabiuhmeni of experimea- ;
tal Btatloas tor tbese g>eople to asalat la '
the development of agnculiuiwl Inter- '
aeu. up near the froaen regions, wme .
beinc conaldared. Prof.-aaor Mason .took ;
_ I
iLook Herol Attentioii,.fffflt Sldjl ;;j
Mcati and tbe (mlu [ principal trimming. To tbeae are added
ink tooM, black velvet bows, looa and
by glanced up and taw Old Olofydro^ Bolginm, but - Tankoe prodneta
thinastone amameutt.—Naw Tork Son.
tag aadly around the .maat. Union down.;
tablea. "I dmi'l know wl
-^-bar. .b._m.,.err- be «kcd^ nK^OKmt.yon^r^ tdtracta ^
which bti made litirf aervoui and anxkma Ail of the other Ml^lgan cosgrim-rn havrbaea ont of the dir. and
146 Front St.
Piotura bate of white Icgbom and fine
prodneiiona _
Waablngtoa. JoM n.—OongTemaaan
Bmcker of Sagloaw ta-greatly trtleved.
New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
| dlatliLilar. Rating between whUea on
I glam or cilver bolden, plaoed bealdo
' eac^ com. tba
bolden, alaa, I • often
be boldin,
Bxoeadls^ pevtty finger bowbara
In the shape at an open flower tasting
Pin trays, alwapa in demand, are ont
hair wbloh shows nndcr the boonet
with rare Jewola
mademoiaclku" I <Sled early owe day
on a acotxtery at Charleroi, with whom
bnriwwa. bearing that bo was
He waa oot on the
and ail klada of
In sUver, glaro and efalaa and repiaaaat.
In fact averrtblnr kept in a first
aqnare, oblong and heart afaapaa.
elaaa Maat Market or Oroeery.
Oreeo is a color moofa employed this
season in both glass and ofaina It ap
pear* in every form of deearatian and
eBDecially in oomblnatioo with goU..
Groceries I
Cor. CsUm aqC Nu.it 8u.
The S^t Grades at tba Lowest Pri^
An Ordlaanoa.
An ordiSiaBoe to regulate, oontrcl and
protect the'use of bicycles, relocipedea,
tricycles and similar vehicles la and
upon the pnblie atreeta avennea, lanes,
parka bridges, and other public places,
HIMES, the Photographer will make
aad upon the Sidewalk* within the
otil further notloe the nest gradp of
formed the aeervUryof rtaie that Mr.
city of Traverse City, aad to prevent
Blair would be unwelcotn* becauat of
the depositing in and upon any uf sneh
Talaphona ordan to NO. 106.
' oertaln anU-Cblheae apeechea Vblcb ha
pablio strecta srennea lanea alleys,
had delivered In the aenata. Tbe aecad BO extra charge for gronpa Eoparks, bridgea aad other pnblieplaoes,
retary of aUte teirgraphed to Mr. Blair
and upon the sidewalks, any sob- membar this work is guaranteed first
tojaAttre to ^aehlncioe.-and be did ao.
’ was the spectacle that, declining the stinees or thing ibjuHoos to such ve class in every respect or. money refund
effort! would be followed by
Don't make a misuka in the
An eOort waa made to convince tbe CblBe it or ed.
nnembarrasaFd l•nt*pall^w of monaiaur’s hicle or to trarel thrnon.
•Me govenuncni that Mr. Dlalr waa a reeulii for the reeaon thal the Zeouli
place—Front aad Park bU.
' Bponae, "Pray toko something, made- dained by the Connetl of Traverec
good man and not Inimical to Cblncaa
been Inelnuaied. only capa moistlle," 1 dispaichod my Inquiriaa
taterera, bot irithnut avalL Mr. Blair
SncTiox 1.—No person shall at any
ble of copying without the faculty lo
fled.—Oiate dc tiraaenried is Har
never went to Cblna.
time ride any
velocipede, bicycle,
per's Uagasna.
Thna it 'teamed to be In -the cam of origtaate.
aafety or t-icyole on or aloog any aide
Holding op the model of an liUgubno
,ik on oast Front street from-the
esDOC the proteeeor pointed out tbe tact
that tpe lines on which It was built
There wa* A alright of hand perform
i*a rellgiouarttlhiuUrl.an antl-Turk------AT—
% enthufiaat. and that hU preunee in were those of the modem record break ance ill tbu opera htxiMO that night, and
er. as adapted In the bulldli
ding of
F tbe Ar
way down <m on» of tbe fnmt seau
menian* to oppooe the Turkiata govern- kinds of rrafl. ^e Eequli IMS did I
then- sat a man bolding a kT>iny silk bat Cass between Front street and cast
gel ^1
a boat from the t
meat, and It wa* dlOicnlt lo remove
at between
the RuTOiene had breughi amont them. ; oeWnUttoaidy U-for.- him with an ei- street bridgej on Park street
that Impreaalon. Nevertbeleai. the oOP>ont street and Stale street:: on tbe
foa the letter were built with blunt ! pwmion of deep anxloiy and watcblnl
daU or tbe etate de'panmer.l had all
south Bide of State airret from
B Uni
1 In
no way auggeatlng the , txes npno hia faoe.
along expreraed tbe belief thal the obTbe
The tact
Beioro the {a rfurmance began a friend street to E'ark Place Hotel; nor daring
jeedon would be cvereome by ample ex-' form 0*!-! by the K»qulm<«.
was. the Inhahltanta of the frewn tone ' wIk) luil
Itumidiah-ly behitid him aud the school yrar and when the Ceotrml
bad Invents^ a boat that waa today b-- ; i„ni ,„rtieod hia manner leaned over and -chool la in seseiun. da tbe sonth side
Wrote a Ktiwng tetter.
• >f west
Ing copied in lu form, by the moat ad- ,
him what Uw fnmbta
OsUrereS to may pari
lbs city.
Senator McMillan ba* acccmpllihed a
street b
vsneed *hlpl
• w.irld.
good thing fer ihe Mounl PIcajant In’in wWcn!"ftfll. yon rev. Ttm.," raid tho man
of w.st Eighth sWt from
wmi. a let •
Peibtrt out oth
4tan achool.' TKo i
.-...reive* »n. '
confldtuually. "ifa this Mreel u. <)ak street; uor on Waahingtbe interior.-and I
tar to tbe aecreury
of Inventive j
polittra now for ten | ton street from Tai* street east to the
a atroeg letter, loo, naiing that the la
StDlut. Theya-erv
the flr»i people'onf"tre. and
I’vi'been coa*^ and abtuvd >» B * I rallrowd. on the day comIndian children *heltered al Mount
the gloli- who had carved Ivory, andand t-allod
all enrta uf tianj name* until monly called the Sabbath, after nine
Plesaaet are expected to .become farmthe canairucilon of ibeir b<iw* and rr- : 1*111 jaai luuging lo boar soiotihudy ad. an and take land* In aeverwity when
rows .ahnwed an Inventive rkHI of no iin*>8 me in a d-vat DitmiH-r otic more but one sidewalk wheels must take tbe
they become of age. but they arc being
time. tVhen llii* luagioinnoamPB on the
Uugtal farming by a blackamlth from mean order.
person shall ride
Ohio, who learned all he knew about
siagt', hc'a guitig
gtiiiig lo Bay. ‘Will
s bicycl
or safety or
other aim!tarmiog on the bleak hiJlaldea of Col
iidly 1
streetororado. The aecator further ataled that
ing lo }Qiii{> op and give
----------------limit*, una
tbe predececaor cf the prvaenl taauUer
It'll make
make me f(«l good for a Iras tbe
be same i* provided with a suiv
of farming had hren a droler In tpectathat way.
able bel
rail or goag.
_ _
If riding on
eleaaadcyeglaaaea Heaaked-that
the sidewalk; shall be rang,
aeiema atrangely out. of place there. As- ! h«n lookiui
n with at least five y
sounded when meeting or passing a
sirtar.l Commfiflnner .>f. Palenti Vance, [ftriwowrck*.
ooB e, OUy OpTOw KeoM Block.
;rson within hearing distance and not
who sorved a four %-rarV term of of- ; for I'll have to jomp quick wlirn be person
flee during Mr. Cleveland's find admin- , speak* foe 1 aco one of ourul'fh-rtiico alt- leas than forty Jvet distant from such
Teephone Sd.
perooD. and. when ridlug in the street
talratlon. dl^n'l prete
. ,■
himaplf yet
ment prored too true, i
ered whan an apparition appeared i
the thrcwbold, unwashed, nneembed.'
^Jth oveiTOal and neckhandkerchiof by
Aonoealiiig tbo «»..m4.^v«hU
Frank Stepan, .
cuhets fob m per dose.
ss.rj.'.’i 1
HIMES, Pbotopapher.
Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Piilsbury n
Family Groceries
FleiGchmafl's Compressed Yeas
Fresl Vegetables Daily.
__ .... .........
•lotiuati u< SkMt lule el iB UidL
Jacob Furtsch,
disunion St.
chanle. and received
cfflclal a leraon be la not soon
likely to forget.
Mr. Vance used at
his drak an ordinary swivel chair. Th*
chair suited him exactly, exe^i la one
respect. Hr found chat it lack'd about
ordered the timntfer of the I
to some ether point In the Indian acretea and that bswill asr.d to Mount Pl«*eant a practlcwl farrrsr to fill ths posi
tion. The secretary also raid that be
would aurtain Superlniendsni Spencer
rays that the record if the clerk at
ertiool It eieellenl. and that he will not
McMillan U not an extrema i
brown derby in hi* baud, and I'll bet a
The Clock CaiBO 1
Vance called the laopeny clerk, “ntat
old employe shout
“'-wCsI '
anree looked with
" ”
wmmireioner told him wtat I
A Louitville man ha* i oow with
pccnliarappvute. Ah
.... _ KuiaU alrcr clock on the
* **( “7 »•’» > know lust what
ril go ks atraigbt and qidck
tbe carall taka me to Kaw Tork.' and
when I gal tbare I’ll
• pee llna
for Delmoalco't ate I'll gt tba blankediflr^O '
-btankedest dinner that money can
tonns of femr year* oacn.
Removals '
care ff It coats ma l»;
wHI not be made. eVen when the tarma !
er lacnmbents expire on or btgore July I ^ U
"Now, what do you think yon would
U. It has been rumored that chaagea
«" hTtSsSo I" *•" ****’” **•“ "** “
would fas made In aaeh efflees. li
^ j S'^
ra.> Bt
be DO*
has so
no Baco
■--h iBieouoo.
Coogreroman Snerer baa returnad tc
VraabingtoD and ba* eome tale oolllMso with the postmaster gekaral over
...................................a new pestoOee at
la penlr
pMon has Ixvn eatablla
or raya that the a
. samad by the poatofnee departmant aa ,
»*, :
M l* natnte cn the railroad time ublaa, !
1 would;
LaskS Dny atTblaagw
Never Mnee the civil erar has thara
bean such a gathering of United Btataa
fulgr army who <
*"<* >f »*>• Prota-
May ysare.
Tbe pomnaeter gsnaral partaeat. In addiUon there wilt be tba
has bean unable
‘0 get the congreraman '’entire National guard of lUtaota-T.oea
Id aU tbe,^rate Army peats
id that there Is an aaubd the poriofllea departmant which can be brou^t here. The trooparaQUlriag all naw posiofflcea to
0 roealva wui ba ander Ue command of Oenerai
. abaRNwaiak This ta for the <____ ...
deha R. Brooke. Upltad Btataa W4H<7,
It Of Um MisMnea ef tbe railway mall arvlea. Tba
travsHag praui darks are obliged to do •ourt. Oaasga R. Pack srOl ba th* arator e( tba day. Chief Jnatloa Fnilar
aad a
K»;r I—No person shall ride a bic
ycle or safely or any similar vehicle on
any sidewalk within the city ilmita at
a greater rate of speed than six mile*
ognised the mao and asked if bo remem'
hcrwl him. Tho strauger said bo did
3thc general aaid; ••lam
Plcaacmtou. 1 bad yoa drummed
B<7 camp for cowardice before
! Antletam
Get out of thU place, air!"
' Tbe man hs^ bla bead and barrlad
posit, drop or plsce in any pahllc street,
or alley, or upon any of the bridge* or
sidewalks within tbe corporate ilmita
of the city of
f Tr*v(
Traverse City, any glass
or broken glass,
:lasa. ta
k». crockery, acr
iron, natla, Ub, wire,, electric light a
boo*, aabea, or any other things, of
o; a
Bubstanec JiablaAo cause a puncture to
tbe tires
a ofaueb
ofwueb vebicIcA as are
named or that would
>uld interfere with
the use
.. of
. such vebteies.
bteies. and the exe s|wtakIiDg of any street, alley
ler public
place, by any peyaoa or
or other
.an extent as to I***®
□a. to sorb
standing water or mud
hereby cipre**ly
Skc S.—Any peracn pr persons who
ahall violate any of tbe provision
' of this ordinance, o
And'everything in the line
of first class jewelry and
toilet artidek.
more than
i doll______ ________
d the court may make a
* that the oBender, oo
failure to pay such floe aad «>«u. be
impriaoaed ia tbe County Jail of Grand
Traverae ooooly or in the tht
prison nnUI the same ahall ba .
provided however, the term of impriaonment ahall not'extend
not exoaad tbe pui(&
period of
twenty (SO) days.
PeCGboata at ecru linen batidta with
oolond IKAka dota are aold In tbe sbopa
for aonaar wear, and they oertainly
bareqaaltttM at eoplvt« a hot flay
which Mlk float am^nanBr,
TietorlBB oaMm wuA ocarfa* cf
Fire Insurance.
SBC- A—It edtall be the dnQr of the
liief of Police and his aaeiitanw to
Delicious Drinks...
Prom the New Preoeaa Soda Pountala,
W. Heck Serves Them
visior In thbacb
Geo. ft Winnie,
ol OganT
The RecoCTlzeil iwiers
In s and loe. Oigare
are niy
aad avary kind o
SkT 7.—Anyaad-aUpriorordlna
ralaUve to the ranafag of Veloeipe ....
Bieyclaa and SafeOaa, apd the proteotien of the aame, on aidawalka and
Bogta baada and bl<»d laoe have ooma streets intha eity«f Traverse City, are
taok from the '|«at, with a olaim for hereby repealed.
Sac A—This ordlnaaoa shall take
aflaetat Ue expiration at twaa^ days
BibboDS of gradnaf
S.pot (B
after ita pnbUcaUon.
atraigbt aroond or In intricate pattams.
We do hereby certify that the (oraare a.vary faahionahle akin trimming.
vninw ordlnaaoa wa* paaasd by tbe
ofthedtyof Travarea Cfity on
Tba naw shin waiata of tranaparant.
maBErials are improved by a fitted and the 7th day of Jnne. 16»7.
W. W. Snin. Mayor.
booed lining at lawnin acane plain ooks.
A. W. Rtokxko. City Clark.
Tbe tnrban trimmed with tsfca <rf
Jnnefi, le-ts
flowera asd a scarf is thaUtaarfanoy In
re you iMBite. K. W. aasTDiaB ta
ta! Johnaoe Woek *slb
Have<yoa triad oar makaa
-Tartan plaid silks are used for wide
draped belta on both do7 and\ ava^
milUnatT, aad it is vary iwatty and baeomingwhen tba hair is asanged per-
« Tew momentt. and
htT return Ibw tiiucjtjiwkvaa mls*-
l^ur iu the evening Hie email bqy
partisan, nor te he much gtvin to epl.•'“""r*
'untwilfg "
wo* IU the yard. Sad. gramA but be recently oent a teUgracn
eilvetycluuiv floaii.d on his ear.
to eittaens of Beldlrg, la reply lo their
a minute I'll aer If ] can
It." : hv luih-tted. AtKiUicr and another,
dtlon for yhe early paraage of the
and - Ul tive uinea Ute chime bad souudt*!.
iriff bill, which read* Ilk* an rmaaa- I J*"*
chair a and bv tccugnixod it aa oncuiog from
on from
trem an extreme fiartinn. Th. tal- 1
Lgfat by
agram read;
I senate whirl, railing
a coutke of ibe l.wt dock Thera wa* nothing
revolution a.
but the oow. Tbe hoy anarelted
American laborvrt and products: are remarked the rlerk. while the nfflcial'a
bre*alng Democrau as hard and as auc- (ace showed signs of aurprire at the
wonderful chair that could be made
ee«*ruU>- as Otani preratfl tbe cneiny ie
; At U o'clock the .tiunily Iteanl tbe bonr
Che Wllderne**. Appomatox it In HghL** high or low by being turned aroucA
j toUfd frnas tin^oow'a iiuldc. A powerfrotoM Agalrat tbe IMlv.
itor Fred Dubois of Idaho la | (alnmvcic did Ihe work. Thi-clock was
The BuriciJ* Hen's aaroclatica of
l-'Ar.te ha* tant to tbe Michigan acna- a guA^ior teller, and always mokra ' a Uuh- diaoahired, hut wa* atiil tacking,
tors a prriif^t against the propoked duty a point with his narrailon*. He told —Son Francisco Arnonant.
lodayabnuianevenlngepeni with some
oe bides, at Iwlng against the puhlle In
mlnerv lo the Koctenal c.iuntry. They 1
nu adoption of the proposed
duty would ruin I/Aiite• by clodng
taig. tannrricf there
It, «-j,en they '
u Abut one night while be was in a
ta about to be narled.
.............................. minea. It'bad AViudfitigion lulouu a man cutmd ano
of tta^twndlng ,
iwy winter, with bad road*, hrgafi tu aitack the cbarucior and ouor
tatloB, ate very mue- ogv (rf the Cuufcdcrale aoidien. Pieaautoa gave a start of lurpris
w^ lodav I
upon approaching a walk croasing,
shall in like manner be sounded not
Isos than forty feet distaut from sneh
Do Tou Enow
Suits to Order.
Pine Merchant Tailoring.
■City Hews Oo.
IW lUsr Maarale BtaeX. CM.
If You Have Logs to Self
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We Cave for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Ma^inery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, CairUges,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for tale.
TH* Koiroro kR>obo, ^rBslrassAY, nm sa, imt
fecit 14 :t
v.hj live undar U.
••AfiJ t !ijy i
to have yaor ma.
I the estabtWwnent of a co-opsrattve canJe-ty in tu bcly .^ptnf.
----------- motwealth by-which the brotharbood at
“I>c«ia at 'U'a-hlrrtcn this tlih day gt
Social Osmoeratic ^nsms
achsms ^lan will
a rat^**directors of tbe
Ifilllont a Thrblt* OrMtt lUy. A. D.. 1»7. Tour r»d friend.
n« 9I7CW
^ become«f
“inLLlAM U KINLET.VIotwta. Bittain’t auMn.
Plannsd by Dst^
Dsmoerwey of AJSiriea last nlfbt
*Sy the Praaldsnt: JOHN SHERMAN,
---------------j the followlnf cfll«n were elected; B. V.
- Bectetary of Slate.
•;--------^------! WlllUm E. Bumi. feneral orranlser.
Ad.eptod tor IteUawel ead ^ne tolary of eerh ottcer WM placed M
• OM -LMr Cfceet frc* Wtod«» «• mndty MiHafwIsIwd Cwaato BMaetaUad OeMUaUeBs
' Suto OrfBelseawto-Orlftwater of Ow ' tlM per month
si&isfUiB P»lke« ie the
The queen at 8:4S last evenliw enter’duarmdn Deb* has ether matter* than
the Bdoptlco of consututlon* apd pUn*
taJoed at dinner ninety of her most dlsBe Decluto the Mevnneal
Utlves of land
Unfulahed fueits In tl* stats dlnlnf
ttoaal Ob* wad That It Will Work sa to look sfier.
room of Oucklr-cham palace. A
Lcfsl Uato-OtBran ElMted. z '
maklnf hit life a burden by aakinf tor
Chose present were ibe Prince .. .
ChlfAfO. June Si.—IlUfthe V. Debs. an opportunity to set forth the advanPrinceai of Wehc. with all the membeis 1n concludlnc bta tpec-cb omimiuf hit takes of the particular elate In which
- w^-oar
l«M.r to .to Ot the royal famUy; the royal fneata.the
M^totr-HMor. to r.naJIa— Md Oto- snvoye of stales with the rank of amfor the ctJonlasUoo schema
1or. and the freat ottsen of the ynierday, aald be bad never drwwn the
> ItoUto -TU.- Ml.
salarici offered him by tbe labor orhonaebol
lold. who
wore full cctirt dre
fanlsattons'Wlih which be was offclslly XMall* of the Kllllaf e« dos. MsdUa by
Ixndoto June S -Tht «ae«B U >b music was«---------------- ------------------ —
daha SolIlBfOr El AL
X^Ddisn. »iM ibF diamoDd lubttec cel»- Royal Eiiflnecrs. The suites of the en
Vlncennea, Ind.. June &—Some chD' braUan can nt>» i. aaid to be fully In- voys and the ladles and fenUemen In and prepariiif for the final adoptn-n of
•ucunoed. Tbe early raorelnc boon attendance dined In the rardenvesUbule. the consututlon and plans of the nrw dren playtaf in • lane In Ldwrenev
feur mllrs from this -city,
anerr cnlh-entd by ibc.pealUig of bclla
Social Democracy of America. \Tbc found the dead body of a man lylnf le
and in the niurnlu i>r«ae eretywhere In the ftwnd hall and vestibule.
oommJUeea held conferences with the a fence eoroer Sunday roorelnf. InAfter the dinner ti
fleeued the ruyal aiandard. The flm; RtMn the mnd mjon
isle A. R. V.-leader at soon as he vesUfation shewed that It was the body
point of. Interwi in me day** 'proceed- receive her fuesta, the
reached tbe cUy from Cedar Lake. of Joseph Medun. a farm hand of that
lAd wai WUidfur. "here by < o'cloch kultes, the Indian prii
'where he apent-tunday. and when the |
was also found that Medlln ; Z
the obort route'ii sdiny froin the caaUe nf the Imperial forces and of the native favel dropped cverythinf was In Aape i
been shut with a shotfun. the load
to the Great Wmtem railway otatloo Indian eacorta and the oRlcers
to launch the latest scheme of Deba. havinf struck him In the back.
waa lined by a niaa> of people paUiTred queen'a Oerman reftmrat. The cobsiisl As toon as the deletttas had convened [ picloii at once potnted to John Solllnker. ‘ ~ EJ f* f* f* W«fW
toaae the guMti etari. Flan and flow- premiers, aitb tbrir wives were pVe- Chairman Delta took the floor to outUne ; a farmer near whose house the body ; = .n.wWYJL il
ire wm evcry-aluri-, And the ordv oC tented to her .majesty by Chamberlstn, .-e plans for co-,Ntratlve common- ! was found It ^ known Itot Medlln
aecretary of state f^ the coloniea and
(he day. “Cod Save the
ap- the suites of royal and other rueeu were wealth which tbe Social Dem«roiy of ’ »ho was a cousin of Mrs. Boiler, had
W »ollln»efs bouse Saturday niKht , ^
. peated on houee* and banaere without presented severally by tbelr cfalefa The America hopes to eslabllsh. The pian •
- end. The eutuv of, the queen near the freat ofllcers of aute attended In full won the unanimous appUuse of thoae I Intoxicated, where he, It Is alKy.-d. ^
II coatemplales
empisle eradlcatlna aU created a disturbance and broke up the
caaiJe waa dno^aiad and poiveoualy court dres. Headames Vhltelaw Reid. present
• viili «r the ptosekl
‘ r loval.
.■ elate and. furniture and threatTnedBolllnx-v. Med
canopied In the reiiauMnce etyle. and 'NelsoB A. Miles and Ofdeo Mills were
worked for BoUlncer. but was
national covernmenca.
fit Venetian maru with their flutter- presented by,the queen's special comdfschaored because of an alteaed IntiHaldThl. Oae Mill Haeeoed.
tna pennooe lltud both aldea of the
Mr. Debs painted a picture of Ibe pro macy ketweea.blm and Mrs. Solltnker. ]
d about the palaoe
route. Queen Vntorla-left WIndeur
Is told
posed conuroCMealUi In xluwina colors
It is delivered before =
Caatle at nuini. and at U:S0 ohe waa at
He said, that while other co-operative Jealous and Uireatem-d to kill hit wife'*
d foInfSbf U
PaddlnctoD euti n in the metiupoll*.
colony schemes had failed, be was cun- eousln. funday nlxht BotiInBcr, who
which at that time held at least ten Prince and Piincea of Wales and tbe fldenl tbe pres-nt one would culminate bad been In hidin« all day. went to
Duke and Dnehest of Tork. «si retumatlUloni of her loyal rubiecta
lAwrcnee and surrendvred.
Inf from Mariborouith Huusu were reIt contains all the z
Om t«na A Ir-KpUtttefl Cbedr.
ft t< allered that
confessed (hat hr
Tou could tell w here her majesty waa eelvsd with roar j>i>on roar of cheer*. would be taxed out of existence. He wtd kdled Medlln. but after aolnr to Jad
46cal news up to juid- =
' by the ruar
cheers. whM beflnnina The children of the Duchess of York an ImpresaloD had nme abroad that chU. denied knowirt anythinx about .
at the WlndaLr niatlon rw^t down the occupied seats uoon the farden wall was to be an exodus of pnemplored, cate, ft t* charred that ftolllneer In his :
tm from there Into 1‘addlactec station: at Clarence Houie. Tbelr Identity was from the east to Washlnyton. or what-' firm
rd and for hours the
thence alone the ri'uit (be queen took
ui«m by
oy the
me colon!cwoni-,---- coroner's verdict h-ld Adever state I* dei ldedI u|uin
It dontains a resume =
.to Bueklnflham paUrt It era* one lou
'’•Fd' of Medlln. and aalbw eommlssioa. This
Thla he denied
denied. The ' >*«*«■ "
of important and gen- :
cheer-one tremendoue roar of BtscUnp
■tifw.pl.t« •
Panee and
and Joe jcarr u aceem- |
plan doM not contemnUte
a Coxey ' l-ewls Pariee
and ^lldren.
to (he queen. -Ood bl.-ai her.“ FeopleT Muses
army. Tbe plan at to take only such 1 rUces It is charrvd that BoIUnrer sent I
eral news of the world :
Never probably In the wurtd'e hlatory.
s number of mi SI Brat as may b* I Partee tp Pair's house to borrow the
CUD and that he stated that he wanted
avre there 'eo many- In one dly; never <me for the Canadian premier. Wilfred Uken care of. and then Increai
of the previous day.
more parked alony one llneof proceselon Laurier, who Is made a privy counctllor. number laler afu-r crupa bad
to afaoot Medlln with IT and that It was
Donald Smith, the Canadian hlfh
loaned with a full
of tbe t
—(ban iboec who rio-d aloof the route Sir
It is the neatest and :
taken by the queen from the elation to
Bow the W»rh Mitt B*«ta.
the palace. Not only on the Immense premiers; WITUam E. Lecky. the hlstorimort attractive daily I
Re aald personally be favorvd W..U. .
aincdt. In the houeie llnlnc the way— an. and Sir Herbert Maxwell, the au hicton a* the best adapted to tbelr use.
newspaper north of ;
and In the diatance when near enouffa thor. have been made privy counctllora. and spoke In the hlKhen terms of Oov- i Prrt^r* of ^rr aqd ^rtee, Mvd tn
' — ~imddercd (be neicbhorhood bully,
tr. aer the I•oule tak.n bv the oueen— —
- - Cnias
Grand Rapids in all z
of the Crwnd
i BL
ss quartvtS'-.me when Intoxlcsted.
people were .
>rpe has been eonId the treee—every*
was done would b
cheeiinK, hel-thriwlna. bandkerchlef- ferred upon Wilfrid I-aurier. Sir Rich- with the cunMItuUun of the federal covard
*aad-flaf-wa\lnc j.^i ie.
There eras a scene of freat enthuelarm enimenL He outlined the plan by say- , ronaroee oaTopof tWPeapUlWhoTeaaat
It is the only mom* s
Kat a Tra>« of miadMto.
li-Twa IMh. Ortala.
on (he stock exchsrjre. The member* Inc that they would send out picked \
■ tier majistys rsrnafe was driven (etrvduced iheir women relatives and men to break the aolL build a saw mllL i SL Paul June « —A watertown. B. ;
mg daily paper' in z
, diosriy: ahe aotv nc fUaeee. and the friends which ls almosa unprecedented. clear forests, build houses and
a prtj
pnqtare I D-. special to The dhoneer Pree* say*:
VT.~ Nortbern
story that she was marly blind, ao per- The bulldinf was packed to the ut for more colonists. Crops would
lid be put i At I o'eloefe Ljt ntetot tbe city was '
aistenlly repeated by rerialo-American most when Chairman Hitchers rroi>ot«d In and tm• morv men wvre needed they •uu-tled by the aencral fire alarm and !
papers was plainly i iovi-n a Ue out of a vole of confratulailcn to the queen. would be aent out. As soon as prov t*l.n*
^^nek. accompanied by a loud '
Wbcit cloth. She ua- evidently, fratl- The pr^mtlllon waa received with deaf- were made to take care of more other*
Tbe fire department quickly |
lied at the warm «.|. .me
receive! emnf and repeated cheer*, and then the would be ront. When the lime e»me for responded
to the *rene an Oak atreet. |
and milled and la.a.nl her (hanks. Ar members sacf 'God Save the (JueeB." a sute election they would put »0 men where the Mwllholtand bulldlmr
rived at llucklnehein palace she wa« ••Rule Britannia." "Ood BI s* the Prince bn the Mump without par and he found In ruins, nis was a larye two ;
received by Trmcv li'iiry’ of llaltenberf of Walls.'' and "Auld Lanf Syne."
thouxbt ihat Inside of twenty-four story brick liulldinv occupied by Bery '
and hei children. Ih> Iiucheto of Cmhour* the Boclal IVemocrac.
Id cai . A Olsen a* a «
aaloon. and ibe unoer
•»BE PLY liTrai OIKTMr.KT.
naushi and the d:ke and other
the siau and rain control of (he le«U- |
Tbe wall* i
rryaUles. and wan »reetlnp prelature.
wsy withoot any warolnc' at a |
parpiory to the iiteir* of (he afternoon.
Veto A«Bla>l aa Addree^
I time when tbe saloon was fun of people, |
Whirb had l-ern devoted 10 B rec'ptlon
-----I many of whom had come from (faecotRtBoth hoiuea of parliament m-l yesterof the rpecla! .nvi.y* r.f (he nstinns. who
Bwt Win Obey Ibe OMUta Wbea Tlwy try to town to see Rtnsllnk Bros' rir-.
had been tent to anti her on the climax day. Tbe lord* adopted unanimously
CMBBtoBd—CoBUItstlea Adepiea.
CDS TlHlr names cannot be ascertained
SMddreaa to \be queen, but (n (hehense
day of her rvlan.
Re raid the plan did not crmiemplate at thU wntinr.
the Irish member* objected. Tbe houM
KBCKmoir T«1 THK ^vora.
»'uHa'nx *■ • ‘"i*! ™»". and the
was crowds when the first lord of the stoppln* with one state but earrylBS
mil a,,, M ™,rel .1
«■» ^
treasury. Balfour, mbved. and 81r W.ll- o. ,1..
lam Vernon HarvourL ibr Liuvral lead
H.' Md ,h..
, by WMIelaw'MaU.
The reception m Ih* envoy* becae at
4 B. m. Thear reoreft-matlve* cf even' Uon' to the queen. Dillon, chslrman of the federal yovernmenl and If the au- McDowell, rut sl->ul head: D. W. Bradthe Irifli Parliamentary party,
premc court cc-urt said to stop that th.y ■ ley. badly rut shoot the head and InE.U« « earth xsth. red .IBucklnrh-Jn
paUoe durtne the afuraobn. all beliw pj*u»«d that the atUtude of blmaeif and would dt so. He told that they would Jured In the hark: Herman B-ck. hack
the ruens of the nail..n and bro^t to ,
they would not vote reoKsJse and def.cd lb< lair.e flax as Injured: Mrs Anttln. cut shout the
the palace In relay equipacca Tbt ttm* ■ a favor of any amendmenL. but would tbe mlllkoalre who bwrt* so loudly l head and ehnuld-rt: Dave Wsllerhoutp.
about It now. Tax.r are to levied by the] will die: Phillip Patterwon. dead when
prevloua lo Uu ret e| ilo; was,s(wntwan' ___ axainrt
rainrt toe adojrUoo < (he adwhen DcU» get* o circl and found. The fire denarttheni It at work
derinx about the jislao and errands or dress, to wUch the Irish cuuM not lexlslaiurt
this money Is n be used lo «*t«bll»hlns . on the wreck, as there are some bodies
Ir.dUKrl' ! ru»i4 ihtc (urr.cd hi* thouxht to~ Iv under the debris
Redmond protested skainsl -Orest
Is line and went emyly 9 (be audience Britain's rule in Ireland and asked tbe
tuom. to which thoy
bouse to adopt an amendment to (be
Colonei the Hm; i
*llllam Jaow* [ eSect that It deemed It a duly to place proceeded it <1* r.y < haryt*. rrt.rrtnx to | pennsylvsiito ha- a di-flcll ot fS.SM.WO , _
the fact that J.hr IKcwt. and the Nai- ; b*rao 4 the lexIristoB* hav» Iwcn ap- i •
The on record l t durlnjc the sixty ]
• - traitors | prr.priaiinx more money than they h— “
^w drawins ro-on. In which the envoys of her mojeaty'* relsn Ireland
>ere received. Is a larre room heavily (cred rrievously from famine. dep.>puia- when they advicaltd reforms
At the cutolusliB of bit vptech the
Captain Bcyeclt. whrse name *
ArnamenlHl with yilt and btrac with toln. poverty and the continued suipKn- committees
reported o.nstj(utlnr.s for | used by the Irish Land L.caxuera to
Mlk. Two Teomet) of the Guard were
of constitutional Hbertlea. with the
ergan- preto their amthema morantha. and i
on duty at the Car. The queen was result thsi the Irish arc dtacuniendrd liallcn, lo be known a* the Poclat
De who was Its first vkum. Is dead.
dressed In black. Wt,p S widow's cwp. toe I and dlsaffecled and unable lo Join In mocracy. Tbe national council Is to
Tbe New Tork Herald hav a Rory
ribbon of the Order <if-the Garter and
eelebrallon. When the amendment
other orders. Fhi rat In a ffUded chair*
,,ui the aml-I*Brnellltea left the
that tbe euyar (rust I* conriderinx
A colcnlaailan commit* on. to i
y ^Ctih
il>a and lure It Into an Im.
toe ctntcr of ih,- room, the Prince house, but they retunHNl for the main affair*.
b. mode nn of (hree men is to l« ! P**"
r Wale* sundlns Immediately
menac rogar plantatlai.
. I hina quesUnn.
and on the speaker toylnx:.
rlxhi htnd was IbePrincitt j -The aye* have IL" tbe anll-PmniellGrasshipperr have made their
<« Wales
iiihtri i.t the royal fam- it** sauted loudly; The no«* have Jf.**
' pcaranec In some of the nerthrm town*
iwcaltb trheme. -The money
ittered a-he^pon a vole had to he taken.
a tbii scheme U to be raised by I In Witcorjln. but they arq ctmflned
of Aaaracadt _a*l^four then moved that the address
oontrihutloe*. No member ef almost wh'lly to Ud msadu** and
be presented to toe qm-en by the whole voluntary
either the executive board or the com- 1
cleartiix* to_yeL
house, to which John J. Clancy. Parnell. mlFilon IS to hold any prJUlcal office.
Enxieword fChlHe. told that after what had occurrtd Tbv commission U to meet before Augigo mihurbL ha* 'sued Frank A. Swantbe motion was al>eurd and an absolute
In which (be. Orat aon. cf Cr.eReTKo, lt»A. for bresrh of
1 thrir letlfr*
nniruth. A vv.i, an* then token, and M colony ehatl Iw catalilisbrd. It wlU alto' promise. She ask* tor I^.OOC dsmagn.
9 (he ktwrst >j
. Tht que.iv.
resuUed In ihV *.l*.|.ii..n of Balfour's adept reiulatluasfor the selection of Un
Edward Fields 4 yiars < Id. l<wi hi*
took each IrtJer a
motion by 411
a in F*.
employed persutw smd lake R<ps Irward
tocp orlltre* tent.
.jflng'them lo the »uie decld.d Columbia cMt i>.
to each •
Reid was -reypoQ,
I Waib I>:(4nl». «■
«lved In toe it»*y ct.rdlal mant-«r potokA __________ New York <wM fhetr
At (he conclupton of the reading of the cultivating the fl.ld n
Her maJcAv .tprcMd Her att- i
commlli« ieporu a resolution wa* car- | fountf ‘he •'•tch.
thank* t<
.1 McKtolv/and
New Tort. June a.—Charle* L. Burn ried adopting the omRItutton as awhole I
1 .if odf klnimtn.''
After Reid had rvtlre.l he rirt lUd ab. ui ham, aBSUtanl secretary of tlie New and detlaring It In cff« l. Chairman 1
the palace a lluli and wshl ffDmr at 4 IS Tork Btort Exohnnxe. by direction of Dei*e announced that the Sorial Demo- I
earth and would proceed .
p, tn. QuMl Alelorle looked vW w»H the xovemroent commlltv.., ynsieOday cracy was stmtempr
rary offlrei*. hut t
uideed and sedmrd to U' entirely Llea’td tent the following cable nirsaagc to tba to aelecl 1
u dure 11II wai decided b
London titock Kxrhanxv: "Titr New fore (his was
nnS Interested in >.v>iytblnx. me '
.......................... Tork Block Uxchange J*un» most cor. take a recets until : o’clock. In tbe Inpressed all toe envi
caucuee* were held
lUonal cornpn-^ dlally to the Joyous celebratiors of ^r
nf her thank* for
developed toe
^ BTval and good queen's Jubilee.
menu paid her.
__t latur from President MeKlnley , the nvenxtb of our iDicrnaiUmal aym- fact that It was not composed cf differ
political and laljor
*ri:>ch was prvaented by Special Envoy pathy promoted by her nlKJisty ever
liald U addrcMMd
'j Increatr."
Usr Majesty Victoria. Quera of I Tbe Chamlor of Commen u cf thisatate and It peculiar featura had not been
ledIGriwt Britain nnd Ireland' and Empicaa) ami the (ullowinx cabtegiam to "Her obUleralfd
of Ii-dia" and is a* follow*;
| Gracious MaJeRy. the Queer c»
egplstord at lergth tot'alms and pnr- ^o^^sj^rttuKEAToB fM sate.,
-Great and (ood friend: In tbe name UnJ:*’
ana on behaU of toe people of to*>
'The Chambertf Commerceof thenate paaea of iht ct*-oper*UreccR)m< nwealth.
Tbe 'cclcnr should be sent to Wsshii
Lr.litd Btaito.1 present tbelr Rncet*
sllriiaUena upon the MxUeth annicisl Inriiwlli bad been recrived. After \ *^u bestwritoiT of your majssty* aocnalto U UlWitriou* ancestor. King George HI.
tender* tu eosgraiulatlons on tolfhsi>ry
the cr,*wi> of areal Britaln. "I ctiws the ■.•ntlment* of «7 f*l-. nocaalac. and In tbe siirit of national
Rart a co-operaiive ccmmonw.alth. wwggujCB ll'iibki
• tow ilus.1* in wlahiBX for your peopU
"The flrR thing wc would do after get- XX feet. Apply to 1
the Mu]unK.tUon pf a rd(n JHuautolH In Dm •ameat prayer that Ood mayblcrt ting control." be told, "would be to call
and marked by advance In adenoe. aru the qBeen-"
Chloafo. Jem tt^^Tbe feltowtei cn- a special session of the legislature. Then‘ 'piagEPnRBALB-ktowa
and popular wriUbelng. On hiBaU of
wc would call a convention to retife the .
rumr^-men I with parttonlarly to Mcftntn waa *an a*-an exprcMon from constitution and gel all Ibr'rOt out of It
Ote msch-OanaOlan rntdenta of Oileago: To Bon. Wilfrid Ixtaricr. at Lon- Ws will have coctroi of tbe uxlo( ptw...................
don. n* m*wt(* *ru in French and tf and can ux syndicawt and ;.........
(Mplifled npan Important oecaaloBA
Und eharta out of tbe sute.
kbaii be *sto*d according to their mean* IV.
LCitBEB oo.
raat (TBCioat to««*«Kn th« rmprotful and «k«ii have according to thelf need*_____________________________________
win have misu-noihlng but tnisU T3ri*n DftnTBX wasted. Apply u Tr*e^ to prolonxed. and peace, honor and bomagsa of HM eoaopBUtot* «rto chM- W*
but wg will all be to tot 4*'
Ow iSWo*.
prua:’*Bty Uso* the people over whom Irt the ENBMit ot baVUif Uvafl udAh —to our tuts
Jtod^l ttot wprit tw*lv*to ;
rt giBay.'Bqtfoardrfiv*. W* ,
M^etd Ih
via be
.. ^ with a ntos ;
waa rtpr*a*M Oa
i Some
I Why
\ People
m* OpstoMMrM
•pselsl atsearie*
A . BtiTBUon lo pci____ _
l.ClgrOper*ao«e Stock.
Cycle Owners Lookflere!
EBbtohactn* Tot dips-Cas'(tos«^y. ^
BMS^Ttoai'^adjssisMr^'i^ »
Best Ptosis. wUhS-14 tolls, per pair........ t«D
UA StTMt, bfltwwB Freat A Otn.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Mul Tickets at Mmf Rates.
6rui Stpidi A bdlui L X
»«. ......^JL*W.
•ii-l! ;s^.5
raOread BaplAa, Macklaa* aad Pstea%ra fien Vayto, Orwett. Oileto* •__
(iratoBap4dsTnbp.v .
c. m. ircBSAT, axma.
O.ULOCNVOOB O.P.A.. Prato (^s
Chicago — a—.*
"West Michigan
Ip-b-U. b.
Traveiss aty.
As. ffik BapUs....
L*. UX Bapida....
At. Traiaeoe CNy._______
T44SJL umr. a- 4MPJL
Parlor carr isavto
toavto Itv'Orato:
rn'Orato Bap4to
at U:as m a
lUBRB UB nnffiuim l i
........ •« 'fii ... .
ram OF Him
Ole Beetram n BtW .Isesraaee
tenpasy; ttaepaaeen Ihejeaee. Pratt
A teria: pjOOQbert, Tlmse Bates.
nssBomrnta KomET. aia 0 Woed et aL ajertnent. l^raddU
A Cron: Dodge A OoraU.
Asthoay Pohoral n leas Dans, as' tom Adssn Win Sot Ms Msipatoe
EA. Timtt win beXlM.alM Eetact
Taaa-Bome Good Pltohan 00 the
KoAliT, os MosaOhsccss-E^oh
Btitogandthe Mtoe WUl ■oos Be
ofUqsor VioMuOSBd' Otkw U- Twaddle A Orsee.
Mania Sheridas ea. Heraaa Hynaa.
anasvait. Twaddle A Oroea: Piatt ^
The nergantaed Haetlan held a
Hsxi Mosdsy the Jane term of the Daria
Monday and bagaa artlra
OtOBitoo^ of 0**s4*»aTarie ooaoty
Oeoege Lardle ea Ma^ M Mather,
- SrinWB with «:e lattm ealeadsf neanpeit. PnUAOaTia; Patthls A preparatloDe far the begisalsg of the
'^•eardUiMMdoflBtbiBeoa^Ite boA istanetiBC oaee to be tried
aafeseeJMarttsra AahVay B Csr- to be smde b that Bern Adame, the fe■s ebertetop, has dodisad the offer
wQl he that of the People Tt. aieisnel E ^ anempelt. appeal. Taraer A Qatae;
fromMaabtee asd wUI ramUn with
Ttaertt. who hae bees eoofloed is Ue Palehih A Lorasger.
the Ssetlan thb eeaao's.
oossty }an eeewsl weeke spos a oharr*
FAKsaelaadaadJHOoIen Praak
Maslger Kehoe hse .all Ue poekrte
of taUac isdwwst Ubertiee with Iwb^ 0*KeU et ah eJeetnasL Twaddle A
fall of oorraepoBdekle from ptoysre nf
I Kbacr Ware ihe wse 14 yean of affs- QraaK.
stnry knows aUU^ asd aU sorte of
Xhe/otfesn k aUatod to hare takes
QaAsad Bedsit Oo ea Jaane 8
,a^lBthledtyabosttwo yaanafo. lodges. aaesmpdt, ^peal. Dodge A peealiaritiw—pleyen from good teame,
bad teams, isdifferast teasie, laagoe
Oeacfe Martis. a wdl-ksow. harher. OOeeU; Patohia A Leiaager.
m mad dab teams. Ap^loatiooa
wae aeeaeedof erimlsal anaslt apoa
Prask Decamo n Jullns MarrigoU,
the eawe girl, asd amated and rdsePiaUA Daria.
pltohan and eatohen, and there
on haO some week* ago. Xhe ban waa
The A W Web iCfg Oo re Teas
at PSOO asd Dos. B. Dess west Oerb, anaaislt. appeal.
Pratt A wQl be so difieal^ is aeearisg atrosg
pt^en who wiB hels'*to 'malotato
earety ferHaitis. WhostMnnewae Daria.
«Ucdtorczamiaatloa os the 8tot of ChrbtophsrJ Ltoydrt Albert H Me;^ Trarane City ae tha borne of tha heat
lli^. Martis taUed to snUrialiM. and. PiattADaate PoatnACrotter. aaatoor base baU team is Miebigas.
WhUe to Ornsd ReW* tke Bnt of
PnteeedisgB-wiUheboraBstthia term
to wartc Mr. Brttoe asd Oany Boll
toneoeor the aneast of thakond.
B B PoUoek. traetoe. as AUtertaa T
id IstorrlewB with aerrral wall-kaown
Iterett wOl he reaemberad la the
3T of the Sew York Tea HosiaataLtiaapaeiOBthenaa. Prau base ball BM, among them BobOleaflrls, aeanager of the Grand R^dds
Store, later ae nasager of the Hotol A Darts.
Wattom Leagne team, who priwbed
caasoasy rso ooSrano.
Wkltisg. Wbes ha ^gne here he
loaa the Baettm the bell-known
wee aeooapasied 4y hU wife asd
Adaltt 8oM re Jaisn Sqett; Airarae.
oetehor.'Bont. The offer b belsg oosdasgfatn. Beth died is this elty. After Tarsar AGataa
Eonpp. who played here last
glrlag ,mp the WblUag, Teerett reMillie Basse rs Praak M Bassa; dlyear,
b also biilsg eoertderod, ae preneeed to43read Bepide. where he mar- was. Twaddle A Oroae.
riedagals. It wae is Grasd Baplds
Addb M. LyilaU re WUlistt' Lgdfll: rtonsly mesttooed; also King of Bt.
Loab and Bnrss of Ue Begteaw rtnte
he wae ameted, and broaght diroraa. I^tt A Darta.
haekAsia. Hewaassahle to foralah
Battle B LeGrat re WlUlem H Le laagseteam. Amoagthepitoheca being
eenetdarad smtoaaly are ReUertoid.
- hMl asd hn bees obliged to stay ia Qrtff; dlroree.
alee of Ue HaaUen lart yean Kid
ja& arer etnee.
Laticr of Maek^os. Warner of SagAaotbar ease which has attraatod
fkask Erttoefaril re Jonph Smith toaw.Balm of ChrmaL Isd.. asd WiUay
oeaaiderable atteatioa b .that of the
etaLbUl for aeooasUag asd toast of Grand Rapida. Bffertt am brtsg
People re. Robert MeAlay. who b ae>
adds deed. Taraer A Gatm.
made to get dowa to baelane tmmedoaied of crtnlaal aaeaalt apoa a flees.
Fred Beleos re AUea M. Poleipher. lataly. asd is a faw daye Ue manageTkW will alee eons OB far triaL
Moegas B Poleipher sad Charba B maat wGl baas enabled to anSoosoe Ue
Besflee these theca arenrnal Uqnor
flcgmlre. bUl to reetrala ioroeloeare of make-np of tha team, when regalar
rioUtioneeeee. The foUowiag b the
DMrtgage asd to dbeharge aeartgage. praetloe wUlbehegns.
eonplete oelender:
Uadrrwnod A Undor M B Poleipher.
Laara A Bto^tog ra OUrar P BtoekSOUTHBXDBBS WOV.
The Peopls re CAnter W Josae: Uq> tog. diroroe. Dsderwood A Dmlor.
Wm H Arms at al re Shattnek Mfg
nor rtolatSon. i J Twaddle lor
Waa Istoraetlsf.
waopta; P C Onberi, dafena.
The baas baU gams playe l yeaterday
Iha Pat^le ra Martis B BOlr. llqoor AGataa.
Katfe MUlar re Mery J Asdereoa. attameon betweea Ue clerks reprmeatrtolattoa. JJ Twiddle for thapeople.
Tba People re John Hoisue: Ugoor bUl to set nide deed. Tweddb A tog Ue sorU and eoaU rtdae of Froat
rtottttoB. JJ Twaddle lor the peoida!
■treat, meolted to a rietory far Ue
■oatktiden. The game wae matorlally
P C GUbert. defease.
toterfered with by a high eo«U wiad.
The People n Pater Boatram: U41
Warrea Pieree re Rebeeea neroe, di Than was, bowerar, eose good play
riolatloa. J J Twaddle for the
tog; a sharp doable play wu oaeeated
T>e People re Jobs W Whiteford; roree. Twaddle A Croae.
FrasUqaorrhflatips. J J Twaddle for the
by Barilasd and Knapp of Ue aoeU
cb B Ball rt aL.^bUl to qoiet UUa side, asd a dUBcolt fool fiy eaptsred by
paoW: Tamar A Oatca, defesae.
V The People re Martia B BUteUgdor Twaddle A Crom; C W BaU asd B T
■et of Ue other side, after e long
rtoUtlon. J J Twaddle Jor the'peopl*.
m. Tbe^erelpUy on boU rtdae
FARnealandMdJBOoto re Ber
oslformly mood, bat RerUasdh all
The Pei^ re Saoiael B Trerett; taktog b^eaat Ubertbe with tesiele oknd man Bysms. MIT to qabt title. Twad amand wort. boU la Ue field sad at
sDdarMyeeraofega. JJTwaddletor dle A CresK Pratt A Osrb.
Ue bat. was deaerrlag af mesUoa.
Bmma Orahem re Fiaok Graham, Parka ebo mads e briUiaot stop of e
the peaple; Tomer A Gates, defense
The Pec^ reBobertMcAley: tooeet. dlroree. Uederwood A Cmlor.
bat hit. Bat elx tonlsge ware playad.
3 J Twaddle for the people; P C CIUTha final asmn:
bert. defepse.
SonU Bide.. t 0 t 4 s 4—17 n 4
The People re Mark Morrto: Uraeoy. AUlotto Ofab Boys Proaitoe to lUka K«rUBide..O 0 1 0 .t 0—6 T 7
J J Twaddle for the people.
Bettorlee-^BoaU Btdy Fima Somare,
The Paopto ra Qaorga Msrtto; oerti*
The memben of Ue Trerene CSty asd Parke: KorU Bide: Ash sod Qaa•ad laeogabasce oa beU bosdAUletle Clab art getting raagy far a nett. Thtriby sad Botona aatpirrd the
Twaddle for tha paopla.
eplriud time oa Ue frtr groonde FrilaetTasorracT.
day aftersooB. The loeal fart Ucyole
Pasl and BUm.
Sarah BhabaH ra Mattoaw Ortgar; ridan promise some high rates of speed
Among Ue srrtrala U attend Ue
asd Ue klekm asd raolton of Us Baptiei aaeocbtloa. which begins Its
tapierto Appeal. PraUAOarb;0i
rtob wUl make efforta to beet Ue
eltUngiin Ue BaptUt eharoh et l;Sa
PA«Ksaalasd and J BOoleraThoa ordsof UeGnad Baplde Sigh School Ub aftemoon. an Pent sad Bilee.
O Kbbottos asd Tito OoeUar aj«et- AUletle aeb. The field day wiU be Theee nre Ue aamee<^ UemagBlfleent
Hient. TweddtoAOaiKUadarwoodA one of gnat totaraet to loeal toren at
I bf beys that, draw Ue Ocepel
Wagon «t Sanderechool Mieeionary
■Joseph Fowler raWilUam Bbskatts;
kaason. The horem wen oa
OoiUraaa-nf Btotss.
by the Bondey eeboel of the Flirt Bay
The poUS^U be treated to a fiae
JaUas BMUouhtal re Medad Vlstos.
tbt chnrah of JaelnoB. The wagoa b
Foetar A Orotaer; D^dge A C.>reu.
■applied wiU e portable organ and a
Uub MeGUl. b/ sezt frieed, Blbe- sight iotbe City Opera Hoaee. Pro- large stock ef Blblee, booke and ether
feamr Martoogh b
beth MoOiU, re Aag Beitser. FresM,
rlooe Uterstorc. Serrmee were held
.sreparatlont for a aplesdid perform*
Votraba, Astos Norotsy. Br-.aadJohs
en Fraat etreet lart areaing. after
A Jaokan:. travae* oa eeae. Uader- haeeandalarge aadiesoe eboald wlt- which an fatereedsgand well-attended
The ehorfieee asd rarioar
, wood EOmlor; Pratt A Derb.
ting wae heU la Ue choreh.
. FA
<t asd J 11 Ck>le re Derid raeese^ 'beaaty sad
talent will be worthy of high
O Bali; dJeetaiesb Twaddle A Crow; by^lt
l^tshia A Loratiger.
AnanalXerttog of Wortham WirttlAt Badepeat
laebelle Whiting asd Howard.Whlu
^ fa OpaiyTosseUer; treepaee os the > Dr. L A
4MS Uiderwood A Umlor; PraU A ^ttar from hb wife. Dr.'
The annaal boatoem meeting of Ue
meriMag n fire d^’ rtelt SorUemHiehigaa Annl*enary Aaeo(Ba Bertram re Mtagara Rn lasarDr. BooenUal- diattw. of Ue I. O. a F. wae held in
aseeOonpaay; treepen oa ease. Pratt Thompte b UU^ a medlcnl eoHTM is Tbompeosrtlle yreterdey.. There
- AOarte;PCDUberv
Vienna.anda TaenOen enabtod berto waeataUrtprteeototlooof Ue dUterAsgoet Uek ra Ptuamaa Blaeki
That Radapert. of whleh aha gtree e ant lodges present, and e veiy good
y replerts appeaL Pratt A Darts; P C long and lotermUag deaeripttoa.
ting was bad. The following ofiGilbert.'
were eleetad for Ue eaealag year:
OUeago<Markrt Eeport.
The Phraoae Paper Oo re Robert A
ddent. Cbailce Oaee, Beesonb; rice
£ Beba.Jaoet M Haire and the Hadley
CUcago, Jane n. — Wheat — Joly, preeidaet,'T..W. Forth. Maabioe: seeT- Paper Co; ettaehnrat. Tbylor A Eddy; BTXe: oom.
oata. Ito; pork. retary, M. H. OrtflIU, TraTorse City;
^^tt A Darb.
MarahaL Mr. Klmey. Manbtee. MaaClosed—Wheat-Jane. 691<c; Jaly. btoe was Ue pbM.-and Ue foarU
^ Ola Boetrom ra. laenranee Oompasy
MKe; (kpUmber, Othe; Deeember, Wedsaeday In May. 1898. Ue time set
oMforth America; tre^aaa oa the <
Piatt A Darb: V C GUbart, Thoaue S6k«- Com—Juoe. rtH9t4He; Jely. for Ue next anslTere^mertiag. The
S4K«94Ke: BMembee.
getoe tram Ub 'rtly
A B.
Ola Eaetram T» Weatobemr Firs la- Oati Jane. ITfifc: Jaly. 18c; Septem Brown and M. H. OriAU tar Ue L O.
aaraMt Oompasy; traepaei on the oaae. ber. 17X«18e. Poik-Jane. S7.S7; Jnly. O. F. asd Mrt Amasda. Smith, far Ue
r.4«. Uid-jsse, BATt; Jaly. BAfS.
Pratt A Darb: P C uaben, Tkt
<He Bostmm ra The Pesagylr
B(«a-6«7H« Ugher. UghA fl-W
tba Inearaaee Oemptay; ttaepam
9't 4B: mtosA «AB0«A4A heaiy. BAto
^tt A Oerb; PCOilbart. 91.40; raagh. BA109ABO.
enmo Btfeng. Beegea. SA8D9A1D;
^B^nHet^Fhatoa eowtaaiWilBin. BL-y8«4AO: etoUeea
and fn^gt <091^0.
IMP Plria^>AirtehlgW.
M.E BoUsyb rtAi^.a aew'rt bieyele,«haBfftaf
;r^A Soilg of GralHlldiU
Frank BRMk
to trant of hb
Tba Baby Light Qateara Oab wUI
mart with Mm. A. W. Peak Frtday
Btoet be the tie Unt btode
The people to ow etara:
They art so good, wa find.
Well adTarttorfrar mom.
Frtflr Fttodrtoh hne roeeiTod hb
oemmimlonaedepMyoO toepertor for
The puts glam for the large dbptoy
wlirtowa of the trant mt the BoeenUel
SSO FftpNT BTftCrr.
.Croquet Sets
{Aland win oalebmto the FrtirU of
Jely on the trd, nnd great preparaUone
an being made for a great time.
Loo Solomon hae gone to Ugonier,
Isd., after n <vtoad of hornae. Mr*.
'olomM wlU oome to TrsTeree City
MS to ^esd the nammer.
The Maaton Olw band Rne prortded
mUM far the park at that pUee and
will give a eerlm ef Soaday eosoerU
batweea hoan of ehnreh serrtoe.
W. L. PraemsB and John Traheide.of Port Oneida, left yeaterday for KmhTllle. Teas., to attend Ue axportUm.
They will be Uare aboat twanW day*Tbe pabUoatlon of the Dally Reeorter. In Petoeksy, Ue enmiw dsHy of
Chas. 8. Hampton. wUl begin to a abort
ttma. wtU Wni A BeegmUleree editor.
Agraad apreed-eagle FoorU ef Jaly
wQl take plaee to Empire
A Blabortte preparations
bel^ made, asd TrsTcrm Ow »
inrttod'to go orer In a body.
has attraeted eyelbto who ^ae chain
hae mored to the ehop
of Angart Petander. wbera he wlU be
pleased to rsertre Ue ordeta 6f bhTde
ASC tozoo^ '
Ith also weU to eUni yovT^m
^Qjpra them on mrttrtta and
Wa bars it in d
Is Ira
The steamer Crae Bent of Ue Trareree
Bay Ltoe Will reeame bar t^pe on Ue
bay roete h»errow. The ColomUa
will lay off a dar. bnt aftsrward boU
bonti wi^ make rtteraete tripe daUy to
Ue bay potato .aooerdlag to Ue poV
Ibbed time card.
Tbe Sbterhood of FormSera are prapartog far a good tton in MeKaa
tmll this erening. Th^. will eerro a
good .lOAsat eappar from S antU 9
o'^oek. Afterwards there will be a
^Ma.andioe<seam sad sake wfU be
■tfrad daring the erening. Braryone
who attends beeenred ego-d time.
WeTl rtfira to mi
J. W. Slater's Furniture Store,
Prices Cut Deep„^
Ladies’ Tailored Suits I
.. 7.28
: 8.60
worth 812.00,1450; 1350. yonr choice far... a7oW
Select Tour Fall Suits low.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
John Kaiser
* ' Brprceyntlug tbe weli
of Fine CtoUtog.BoUeehUda. Lert A Co..
Boebeeter. K. T.
Is Here
■Doesn't make any better,
WiU e oompWte ltoe
of eamplM, pfrpnrad to
any whiter, any lighter.
Mr any more bread than
, any other «onr, bnt U
make, jut u good, buides.
being a borne product.
-wu •WTT.T. OX VJD ^
Call aal liMtct tke Uat.
•••• .
T.j. host:
OS an L«dics’and GeqtB’Ruortoe Shoes is Stock.
Yen can Ainnye tio avr nw-*.
m» MOMtUrtf MOOHD, W^JBBDAT. jpmi «a, 1697.
,sa momino kboobd.
sstart maaMT.
nUWcrri’ - io™o«.
T. BAtw *K» J- W* Hiana.
j. w.
^ .• tka noMclBe* ftt TT»Tai
Tf»*M9* OU».
PaMisg ct Soft Dm.
Ttu Qr*Dd B-pUta H«*ld defUerm
«h« fMt ttot tb« aoft «lm.of MielUfU
^ fendsall; falHof iato dteoM for for■ltm.mwufMwre.Md beeomlaf
MbUed op b;’tUTe, reOMT ud taeMiK, eoBcerM The prodocf of the
QrMd Tr*»ert« .reclM ie ooMlderod
^ dneet of thu liiod of wood, ud U
to reaU; too bed ihkt whftt romalM of
it Bwet be deroted tOMoboommoo
pcrpctt*, when « might froeo the
fMton of - the beet Is the iMd. The
MOM of the iursioff of tfato prodoet of
te northera MkhlfM for«to in the
Slrectioo It kw Uhen. to that eUre,
•oopen^ud betdlog factorlee have
IwM located >D the hiart of the aim
4totrict and high prieca, with faeUitiee
lor worhiBg the timber op oo the Bpoi.
aotoipeak, bevepraotlcelly ehnt out
the fon^itore atanofedtorere from the
*K3oD &AVI. nik CjL'KUf.*' wee the een*
ttmentlyeeterday ia England, aod
ell the poweaaknm of Orept
BriUln. Tbr ijneen’e jobilee was the
Boat gorgeouk. kiupeadons public dem■nstiatloo ever recorded in the fatotory
of the BrUiih empire. WbUe ail the
. oab>eets of Her Mejeety aredoiag bom
■ge to their ecvereign. thinking mind,
mreit to the feet that her reign from
this OB mnit ntc.-marily be ehort. and
•ariDni-coDcidereticin to given to tbe
ohangea In cooditioneamoag England'e
pnaiTtt‘-T- which most aeocasarily fol
low her demUe^____________
ct. whara ^ haa
baauvte^ag. .
Htos Chna OTIsal wuat to Barlnr
Ouakyeaterdayteatwowaaks’ vhdt
with frtoods.
Quo^ H. OtOM ratunod last ma*
lag from taadag. whara he had baas
oo<Atfal bustoma.
Ctopt^ McOond and BagiaaarW. L.
mUtr of the steamer a. B. Tattle wmu
OTor from Elk BapMs ymterday.
Mn. r. M. NaUrirk. fonaariy af this
eity, BOW Urlag la
B^da. to
TtolUag the family of Cbarica Oonaar.
Mra. Allatta Corbett of OrMd
Bapida. left bate yeataiday for Korth. port whara aba will apand the aanmar.
a guaet at tha Waukasoo.
' GaatNalson, a groeer of (
to rtoltiag hto brotbar, August Kelson,
hto eonalu, Godfrey Esgstrom. Md
oUar reUUvM in the d^.
p™.k tw^driok ..a 8. C.
««oo SBTB THS avnv”
Was tha Ba6ala iu Londoa Tsatar.
day^OraBdsat Display fa tha Klatocy of XugUBd-«ruat BEftalato
VobUity in tbe Proosaaion.
Londoa. dnua *?.—The last str^ of
It bad Bot died away last Bi|^t whea
from a hundred metropolltM eteeplae
a tumnltaous peal af bells announoed
Olamoad JnldlM Usy. Tbe rail erowd
that filled the milee of etreeU aod
squaree aaswerad with ringing ebeera,
aod here and there the singing of ■‘God
Save the Queen."
The erowd that peopled tbh etroete
.11 „i,hi 1» a. hop.
tanr. woat over to Lelaod yeaterday. 1
^ tbom were vromen. Some
Hie II. E. C. Batee, presideat of the | ^
^0011. eome sat on projecMichigan Woman'. ITes. AseedaUon. |
buildings, ou curbstonfu. or
went to Grand Rapids yesterday to at-Befrushments
tend the annnsl_meeUBg of thalorgan- i
everywhere and the poliaUon. today and-------------’! lice had litUe troable, cheery good bu; mor being the note of tbe night,
j The streets on She noyth elde of the
About Tbamee were el<^ to ordinary vrhic.
the Club Honsp,
1 ular traffic at ?;S0 this moralng and oe
I the eonth eide at H o'eloek. London
At^^ve I
„ooo.o,o. pro,... .boor Uio w,. i brW,. 8*4
lor-toh, oloh ho,» 0.8 ,-.48 “
Apaobea Itwy waa aooa baagtn on our
trail, BB erne day t^t'ronoded na
They waa fiOtoonri.M allweaDold
look for'ard to wna to die a-figbOn.
n«7 k^’ a drclln an a dicUn an a
gittin nearer all tb' time, an ns stan'in
trltkosr tiaofca,Metb«rwaitln till we
aonld .iioot to kill ■ Jkt when wa was
a wbtoperio goodby to aaefa other them
nd devils took to their beels like tfa'
Uoitod Suies snuy wss arter them. It
WBs M sirtbquske dooe it, as we
wam't tieohlcd no nwra."
' *Wns tbey a voloaoey neartberer' ask*
ad tbe lUUe mao with high abouldera
and a weaaened face.
'•New. Wnaferyoo tolkiB ’boot rol-
“1 haerd yon. Bot 1 went Urangh
that tame decsCrict tbsl year. Them
Apm-hea got arter ns. an wo buttled
into tk' cratu of a vokouey, 6 as to
Stan ’em off. We built a klu of a plat
form inside, an tbeyoonldn’ stooknr
in 1,000 years if we'd bad grab. One
Bornin when wewus fist obont starved
that ole volctuiry kirn to life, cut loom
like a dynermlto nplcnioa, an we
blowed PO miles to U»’ west alow we
landed in a san kill. Not a duh cma of
ni bad a arraUh.*'
Tbe long legged man reached for bis
weasel akin, took on a sickly grin and
mid. "WbBt'll yon felleta take?T'—Detrait Pres Prtoa
fha War an* WoeaM la
“Of oonrse you can take a bint," Mm
siiA looking at bim tkoogbtfully. Ue
ODoldn't, and she knew it, and that's
*ky she said it. It wooldn't bars
Deoemsfy otherwise.
course." hf replied. "Have yon
beeu hittUisg at anythingt"
“Ob. dear, no." the answered, with
Windows full men's Summer Suits—dosing prices
S4.95 3nd
HAMILTON Clothing co.
I Ever Tasted"
-koof <o *11 ■ "“r
jTiS Cream Sote at cor
. It wKl only coat you S
which hour all persons yookooy.”
a—Ton will have tbe ■
"Tbioking of wrbatrveraedat with banging pots of were removed tram Westminster aod
■Why. .
planu and other oruamenU to beautify London bridge
Decoration for her tpa}eety'e JsbOee know—that i waa a bint." *******
tbe building. And Ubles. Md ehsire
After poadering the natter deeply for
has been univeraal and wiUioai atlnt.
have bees provided for
several miontm he decided to Uke her.
' B. I. WAIT.
>uid the queen have -passed this momdesln to esloy picnie dtouiaiu at the
. . —Chicago Pori. XtMBleSloek.
g Ih.
elsbhouaa. Comfortable settoas have;“«
through some of the wretched
also been added. In tbe basement the “«*«*
her grral Londoa. where
sod hunger and disease
Tbe other day Manager Wardlow of bowling alley has been refitted and
telegraph ufflre in Brasil took a tele
prepared for um mA the billiard table the year round, she could have found gram wlilcb read:
to provided with a new cloth. Besidm no more striking evideaoe of her abid
■•Mim------ . vfinyoubemluer'
these improvemea'ti the aaUre buUdIng ing place in the hearu of her people.
It was delivered to tbe proper petty,
OrMd. Dassliag PageMt
has bMn furetobed with Ineandeewnt
and loan abe eanic tripjilitB Uio tbe
lights. Tbe manegemenl to preparing
Leodoo. <Iu«c K.—The royal salnte €<Bre to Wirt- bar n-ply. it reed:
. "Vea. Tea Tea Teh Tea- Tea
for M active etaeon and several feu- of WgansMBooseed tbe moment wb<
Tea Tea Tea T<a"
tnres of smosement are In oonrse of | the sged queen IdTt Buckingham !*slGet a bonnet or bat at baif.price.
Ten worda yon see, and ebe paid ber
' sue this fumoon for her proccaelon of qnancr, and tiien tripped oat of tbe
Xew stock-160 different styles—arc
triomph to Su 1‘buI'bcathedral. The
all ($oit^ this week. stricUy at whole*
with tbe fweeu-st kind of a blush.
oDlontal proceesion esme first, and was! —Evausvilk- Ooarier.
sal^price—from 10c. to sn all silk «t
headed by an advance party of the'
A OMt Man's Msr
«isr» ^ropoeiiiuD of the oommittee on enjoyed tbe fine entortainBftnt given t HojWl Uorse tioarda Tbeo followed a
“Tea" said Liei
Sre and weUr to rc-ragage ex-Flre
looked about him peeparatory to start*
Ohtof Oesproi at a Mlaiy of Woo per
' Yea STS
jaar, and permit him to have hto cventagitohlmMlf.-wiihtbe proviso that preaeaUd Md hugely erjoyod. Musi- <'mnadlan premier, Laorier.
' fof got joumey.
iouraev. We are
art prepared to
hs shall alwsyh-be on bMd at sight it cal Md Utorary selaetlons followed
The New ZMland i
n- face tbv coldest kind of climate."
Re psoiwd e moment and added
nqiilred. will meet with quite general aad tbe program oloaed with “Mis- geot eaoortod 1‘rvmier 8eddon. aad the j
^proral. and c> meat any 111 feeling mswd," an extremely plessiog sketch Cape premier, eilr Gordon Bprfgg. wse'»*«t'ly:
that might exUt because of tbe farmer which was fully ai^irecisted. This ag-i «»corted
escorted by the Cape of Good Dope
aotloo of>tbr coonctl whleh led to hto gregatloD to one of excepUonal UlenU Mouutod Kiflca
Let «v make aoBse tar yoo.
I>remler Nelson of Australia wav perroaigaatioD. The lecommendation wUl
While: the advantage
advantag is
ewted by bU troona. and tiir WUltom
alao be ludcnaed by tbe membera af tbe
"WebuntedupChat intelloctoaltNnCITY BOOKSTORE.
____ here
lere to take.
Wbitewayof Newfoundland followed. ah who inrenifd tbe self rncking era*'
Sra department, who are practically
H.B.BOLtXT.IIcr. .
Tbe mouniad troops of the varioiu dl& We wanted to give her a vote of
■naalmous epoe the ao^ect,
crown colonies rame next. mauT of
"Well, bow did she reralve you?"
Xs F Ferkett Amuug Potato Buyera them extremely odd.and pietureeqne to
"Tbe inw iitor larwd ont to be a
Who Bhippad XATge OuantiUea.
(be eyea ot .Londonars.^be enaemble
msfi who wanted to get off to tbe base
■tartad the matter of maeadem roads
In the report at the potato bnsineea cmpbaslsUir repeatedly bow widely
arlll be -worthy tbe atUnUon ot the in thto region, printed la the Bci-osn acauered are the racee the queen rules. ball game.Dotnilt Free Prem.
■l^oouaell. WebaTeuBllmitodquaa- yeatwday morning, the name of L F
Beside her-majeety rode the Priueese
Mtias of the twet stone for the parpeae, Parkett waa omitted from the list of ot Walea. oppoalte Prlacese CbrtoUan.
"That brute," mid tbe iodlgoant
BBd. being in need of batter thorough- buyers. Mr. Perkett bought during On the left rode tbe Ihikeof Cambridge buyer, “balked for three boura the flrat
:t ttra mb' 'J
IMS. the macadam method seemi to be
time I took bim ont."
tbe eeaaon tally U.OOO buabela This Md on the right the Prince of Walea,
csid the seller, as be chewed
* the one .khlch to beat for our aeeds quMUty awelto the purehases in thto who was fcdlowed by the Duke of Cooa straw, "I told yon he was a horse of
mad the moet ^oonomtoal ot
Tiolnity to about SOO.OOO bushels.
wonderful etaylng ebility. didn't 1?"—
Pore Powdwod BpioM,
Toe Boyal Law CottrU were
Indianapolis JunrnaL
Ir BngeaeV. Detae ean peiauade
______________ ________ —______
at 11:45 and tbe boundary of the city
Pore Or«MD TAFtAr,
Mlckt Hhv* Ua4 Men.
IL Boekafellertobeeomoapartytokbe
Beoeut experimcols is Styfia cm tbe ’ bad btea errssad by ber tMjesty, who
Orifon—Lmle Jack tbere to a Chi
BTopooed “BocUl Democracy." and In- breaking np of bail»tnnns by tbe firing , received stalely homage from her chief
cago orphan.
il yaa WM^ ns to
4aaa him to invest a IIUU eatplus eapl- of gnns have met with rtmerkable suo-! n»*jUtraU. «»n the arrival of
Briggs—What In tbe world is u Obi-.
sake ILtpouaM for llAt. Rakber MeBtlBS.
talta Uc .eoterprtoc, there mey be
eag<> orpbsuf
SabUrTuMas. aUalSM. Water BalUee <s«ar- 4
CBwfor eletm among the poor
Griggs—A child who bss only one
aateeS fee i«« yean.) PaaBtala ayrtafas. - Bksuy klaSe. TWroal Bruakea. asS AloslMoi: 1
fstber end mother.—New York SunGlyeenae aaS mwh Basri iMtoa Mr Wto 4
BcbtniWbrig, loth tbe following pr*.! ceremony of dnWnl submisalon. The
'------ a indicated her aeceptanee. then
BatoS te Do It.
ed the lord mayor and aheriffs
“Iknow," tuurmnrrd tbe robber, as
a VloUntot to exposed: On-r an extent of about tlx |to prwMied snd ths |
«haBatlnant 1
the acircM'
a# City
Appear iol
<8.7 mile*), "
at ‘^‘"^Itov^rdSt.l'aul'a.
etomted'toward St. Itool's. '
"this to an twtal choatuut. but what is
* ’'**
At 1«:S0 tbe bells of BU Paul's broke ■ starring man with a large family to
bolding ten large mortars. At eome I , ,,
^ .e____ ^__________
do?"-Fiok Me Op.
and'tha eootiaet aigbed. for tha ap- distance from escb of the struriorra he
bar maj^
poaraase Inlthto clty.of thefamoai
local.d a bat to be used as a powder
cMri*g« stopped la Iroat of the
High Grade Shoes at
Uarirtuoao, Eduard BemanyL The magasiiie.
jeataedral. AU around, like s vast—
Baptist society have takril,hold of ^
1k>w Prices.
M. StiscT -then organised a body tff [ phllheatra, walls of people
■Blarprtoa and already a large number
rompowd of tbe.lobabitoDts '[stands
stretched upward,
higher than
-«d eeats bare been subaeribed fur. The of tbe
ioUiat bscb post at any polut on the route,
be mspned
iitybei--------■ "■oelaty wUl oontinna to sanvim the could In caw of neoiaaity
The "Te Drum"
Nwarly aU are ths Pingi^ &
six peteoiu. In tbe-eeursv of lest sum .occasion wasaung. and as the "Amen”
oiW and it to hoped Md upectaA^i
mer tbe residenU of Wiudircb-FetolrlU
Smith make of 8ho«a
.■ large audieuoa wOl grmt/thto tale able to make their flrat experl- died away the t
OBtad BaaldM is Sltoberg's Oiaad
It.' Masses of black and tbreateniog
great eboir
oa the aeoBtog of J«iy~i?. This dty
ids npprosebed from tbe neighbor*
mm BBoxa
haa Barer been favored with m enter- iiig moQouica At a givtu signal tbe reepouded, "And mercifully hear
» of t|jte 60 Dorura bwait. Aft* when we rail upon Thee." Tbe bishop
fialamaM glvee by radt an^rtor talent " ‘
minutes tbe clouds could be of London read a short eoUect Md the
BBd tha aBCagomestof Bdna^ BameByi
pause. Ixeak np and dispiree Archbiahep af Chi
toaomethlngthat vriU mdat vrith apwithout Jetting down cither bail or
tM W. mb MaM.
-44. TO* . WC*T O* TO, BO**..
prodalloB among lovcfu of aiaasie me- nin on the protected region The ex- the beaedletlqn. Tbe aatiohal anthem
—Knr York Sond,. WoiU.
ate. AeoompMylng the vioUatot wlU peximect was repeated in the coarse of was sung Md the queen's carriage
he Loutoa H. Brakanay. faraous mapso- the same snnmet. taking place- six paaaedon.
Oototh, LlTO U-rber Shop for fe»lr
As ber majes^ re-entered tha gatee
aopraao, and Mr. Wm. Hauvlat. aminent times end always with tbe asme sneTOU *n4 b,U», it oniu Moh.
Idantot. While the ooattaot has baan cem. Tbe efficacy of the divchsree ex- Buckingham palaee at t o’d^ a
- I
M. o. Oumra.
(eoded ow aboat one square mile.— tant gun in Hyde park ahndnneed that
dgaod there must ba many moru ■
the great prooeaalon waa over. The
aatneribed before the uode^ will be
aontfd of the royal ralnto wm ms
amured ot uleartng expensea.
Come early before sires are
by eheeriag. thea the .crowd before
A mMical weekly paper pnbltobe _
broken. Make no mistake.
the gutee faded away. The queen was
FVed Johaaon wont ta CUeagoyea- tbe city of Vienna nyt that lira Mar hap^, amlUng Md not over fatigued.
ianas Hohn, tbe wife of s ^tinner of
The whole aCalr passed without a
Ever Burned Ont f
E- U and John nsasnin hare gqne «d
to tbe mother of fit obUdren—mamely, faiteb, and there was no seriess aod*
teVms end 6 daugblers. TSiew 6hU* dent.
Dr. J, W. OaunUeU wm la Elk Eap- dm were born m foltows; Fonr. three,
The Original.
Ui Monday.
fdnr, two, three, two, three, three, two,
e. r. oAavma. aoms.
Dr. J. C. OaunUett of BU BapUs waa three and three, oc 11 blrllm is ea Tbe
moeber has noised tbe wbde of ber ehBia tha'd^ Monday.
E. & Hull rewmed yustarday tram a dran. aod tbey ate still alive. Mm. „ " ’Bout th' okaeet oaU 1 evur bad.'
Befan WM bettolf one of four otaUdrea,
K trip to the padic ooaat
aatd tbs long legged a» oBsbaoUes
^M. A. Kroupa hM ratBroad from Aan bora together, and ber mother bed fifl ebsir in front at tbe grocery, "wm
children. -It to a remarkable dzoom1 have remcrad to
Alter for the cnmmrr vaealioo.
staocermt thto woman from her fif- wbea I was emigiMis to OnlUoney b
" "
MS a flpedahy. B
Botnt boaida^
Bay and Elmer Browa want to Moa- toentb y««r to tbe preaeot time bM suf 1849. Ttaen;wBS.:boBt''60 of bi atutMi
IBS OMtre ycetarday on a (tohlag trtp. fered almost erwy wuA tram BB uttoA togribee. Mt dlAsHkgneracy well, ■
B. J. rulgham wMt to OUeago yea- «f mdtopv. bat aoM flf ^ eUMtaa Bp lOof BSoi^CMBdi&th'nMMni
State St. wmt of
torday tor a budoam trip to OMaama a to lie pna«t Mae has bsM efiUetod aoxpacdi^tdaiiro
aU xighi^tiU we j
with the dissM.
Bring Your Babies.
Pennell’s aiilllnery,
Tale Advantage 3322'“FXes
Has Yotir
166 Pairs M)
Half Trice.
At Our
Soda Fountain
PhOnS 90 farattigi5
20c. per do^
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Livery, Bus and Feed Stable.
:;:^ i:^-*.si,^ fjf;
*Bi KOMjoro ^igoM. win)H*6iT, JUOT TO, 18BT.
«se «r two ojBtaadlng toopa o< hair oa
tfaa topwt the bead, with a bow ctf rib
bon and a eoaob for a flniah at the baok.
are the BoRlldi faahioo.
Out M t.. .
cue, tt U set iSkeIr that ksr csoc^
Umi to the ml* i)iH b« mate.
aiafUMI aa betteh
APITLL LIHB OF..............
Tbe (TMe (or violet, masre and all
BmtUaat' in Belgium
the Amiei at pnrple baa aktaaded to tba
oooTMa, with a change ai i
Ifcem was an aairr o*e«f aii« a 41a.
oorwtA and jarda. of rtolrt allk and
ri<», hot not a change ot
man at
aimr.r*^.,,1-. ..aiA-. n,, rinlh itrrot»e«a>te» I <«*»
Tb«e Implemoiti mnet be need I mMa. dtbet plain
plain or
oc Bowored,
Bowawl, an
ate made
A W«*pIlTiaoB flag marked place | «»r^h aiKWiiTe oootaea. howaw np in thU impewtant artioie of dwte
>• All Rttunml
ntecEsi nxLs.xccB, xelietzb.
when talented muna men mar «« a
ualform. racioni and fit a month In ntom for ■ promlTO to aerve Uncle Sam
three r«are. lu bright
lb« bre
dlnarllr daontt deOai
. in “J*
cam. wind or ahlna At the doer there
VMCte TOTiAfte^-n
File a Pieft Tr—Me Oero Ow SaM
.rap I'ppro r«lTO.U rero-fco.
AptoBC cd ample ptoportlooa are aaid
to be the faahlon In Faria (or bome
either'moming <v aftecnoon, and
forgot to emploc, eendittg taf knife pod I they re made of alternate rowe of rib
■ fork put on myjjate, Co tbe maid’a eon-1 beat and laoc inaertlon, printed allk or
mnalin trimmed with laoe.
_*» Miib
pcOlabed. be !• aa epmee ai a colored
/Ba bai been oecupylng a ponUoa of re' apoeatbillty duHni ^ paat two weeka
Kr. BmckTO baa bean ebUged to took ; jwe.
afwr the Interaata of ttie entire ataW j
dnrma that tlma But the other
I Si
of the nattan
yonf CaliforaU
Theb^ :
ing breakfart.
“y**®'*^*****"™“Ff^l at borne." «ti^
greromen have all retomed-all of them iB,e,r<igator and fell on the flag, droop- ' another lady pleaaantly. "Here la aonie
aneepl Bhetdon. Tbe Bmltha eamc.etrtr j ug dejectedlr Union n^wr.
f ^.„.e
” Aa
A* bar
her pranundation
nmnniirintion and
' [mauaepca."
taat weak. bMh of them. WHliam
Injunal*' yelled the w<)I-\ tba dtRb itanlf—« ao called mioco pie—
and Baxntta] W„ ready for work, and fDer a* be bounded up tbe atalm. "What j na6mUed oothlu-' familiar to tny ear
teeUnad to remain Here iwUl the cowdninfernal doughboy a been fooling wUb!o^ridon I waa baffled far the monu-Wt
mtm at Um term.
Hair loaldeM ftaeollte
at.KM.»4> i>MMent Angell of Am Ar
il laat retiered of anx__________________
illme port* hat given
teUnwtIon erf hu accepubiuty. Dr. Angall waa wlro to cancel hie engagement
to aall for Bnrope on June U. When
a government Indlcataa thal s propnaed
minuter will be peraona non grata,
which meana a perron not welcome.
< aa to the natora of her kind iiiteutioDA
e down wiih a j
if I viiitad a weaving achool at 6 in
tbe motniug, when ah the men weia
in the proper-powtlon. The aeniry ra-' yet In that startling bome nndmai
anned hli poto and the-offleer on duty which prevail* is some botunbolda Ixv
raiirtd Indonn it la not km'«-n who ; fore the formal drjpuncr, the wife at
aiept In tbe guardhouse laat blghL
i -the weaving master would preaa ina,
"Prenex qoelqnecbcBo. io vuasbn ptlo,
^Where. dld the awlft llnei of tbe '
modem cutter ei^nate?'' This waa tbe I
queauon anawered by Profeaaor iUU T.;
Mason of the Aallonal muaeum yrater- ,
day before tlJ boitae committee of agri- i
culture. ProSaeor Hason was addrasaIng the committee on the eubject of tbs'
Bsqulmoe who wore ranged around the ,
reotB. The eetabiuhmeni of experimea- ;
tal Btatloas tor tbese g>eople to asalat la '
the development of agnculiuiwl Inter- '
aeu. up near the froaen regions, wme .
beinc conaldared. Prof.-aaor Mason .took ;
_ I
iLook Herol Attentioii,.fffflt Sldjl ;;j
Mcati and tbe (mlu [ principal trimming. To tbeae are added
ink tooM, black velvet bows, looa and
by glanced up and taw Old Olofydro^ Bolginm, but - Tankoe prodneta
thinastone amameutt.—Naw Tork Son.
tag aadly around the .maat. Union down.;
tablea. "I dmi'l know wl
-^-bar. .b._m.,.err- be «kcd^ nK^OKmt.yon^r^ tdtracta ^
which bti made litirf aervoui and anxkma Ail of the other Ml^lgan cosgrim-rn havrbaea ont of the dir. and
146 Front St.
Piotura bate of white Icgbom and fine
prodneiiona _
Waablngtoa. JoM n.—OongTemaaan
Bmcker of Sagloaw ta-greatly trtleved.
New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
| dlatliLilar. Rating between whUea on
I glam or cilver bolden, plaoed bealdo
' eac^ com. tba
bolden, alaa, I • often
be boldin,
Bxoeadls^ pevtty finger bowbara
In the shape at an open flower tasting
Pin trays, alwapa in demand, are ont
hair wbloh shows nndcr the boonet
with rare Jewola
mademoiaclku" I <Sled early owe day
on a acotxtery at Charleroi, with whom
bnriwwa. bearing that bo was
He waa oot on the
and ail klada of
In sUver, glaro and efalaa and repiaaaat.
In fact averrtblnr kept in a first
aqnare, oblong and heart afaapaa.
elaaa Maat Market or Oroeery.
Oreeo is a color moofa employed this
season in both glass and ofaina It ap
pear* in every form of deearatian and
eBDecially in oomblnatioo with goU..
Groceries I
Cor. CsUm aqC Nu.it 8u.
The S^t Grades at tba Lowest Pri^
An Ordlaanoa.
An ordiSiaBoe to regulate, oontrcl and
protect the'use of bicycles, relocipedea,
tricycles and similar vehicles la and
upon the pnblie atreeta avennea, lanes,
parka bridges, and other public places,
HIMES, the Photographer will make
aad upon the Sidewalk* within the
otil further notloe the nest gradp of
formed the aeervUryof rtaie that Mr.
city of Traverse City, aad to prevent
Blair would be unwelcotn* becauat of
the depositing in and upon any uf sneh
Talaphona ordan to NO. 106.
' oertaln anU-Cblheae apeechea Vblcb ha
pablio strecta srennea lanea alleys,
had delivered In the aenata. Tbe aecad BO extra charge for gronpa Eoparks, bridgea aad other pnblieplaoes,
retary of aUte teirgraphed to Mr. Blair
and upon the sidewalks, any sob- membar this work is guaranteed first
tojaAttre to ^aehlncioe.-and be did ao.
’ was the spectacle that, declining the stinees or thing ibjuHoos to such ve class in every respect or. money refund
effort! would be followed by
Don't make a misuka in the
An eOort waa made to convince tbe CblBe it or ed.
nnembarrasaFd l•nt*pall^w of monaiaur’s hicle or to trarel thrnon.
•Me govenuncni that Mr. Dlalr waa a reeulii for the reeaon thal the Zeouli
place—Front aad Park bU.
' Bponae, "Pray toko something, made- dained by the Connetl of Traverec
good man and not Inimical to Cblncaa
been Inelnuaied. only capa moistlle," 1 dispaichod my Inquiriaa
taterera, bot irithnut avalL Mr. Blair
SncTiox 1.—No person shall at any
ble of copying without the faculty lo
fled.—Oiate dc tiraaenried is Har
never went to Cblna.
time ride any
velocipede, bicycle,
per's Uagasna.
Thna it 'teamed to be In -the cam of origtaate.
aafety or t-icyole on or aloog any aide
Holding op the model of an liUgubno
,ik on oast Front street from-the
esDOC the proteeeor pointed out tbe tact
that tpe lines on which It was built
There wa* A alright of hand perform
i*a rellgiouarttlhiuUrl.an antl-Turk------AT—
% enthufiaat. and that hU preunee in were those of the modem record break ance ill tbu opera htxiMO that night, and
er. as adapted In the bulldli
ding of
F tbe Ar
way down <m on» of tbe fnmt seau
menian* to oppooe the Turkiata govern- kinds of rrafl. ^e Eequli IMS did I
then- sat a man bolding a kT>iny silk bat Cass between Front street and cast
gel ^1
a boat from the t
meat, and It wa* dlOicnlt lo remove
at between
the RuTOiene had breughi amont them. ; oeWnUttoaidy U-for.- him with an ei- street bridgej on Park street
that Impreaalon. Nevertbeleai. the oOP>ont street and Stale street:: on tbe
foa the letter were built with blunt ! pwmion of deep anxloiy and watcblnl
daU or tbe etate de'panmer.l had all
south Bide of State airret from
B Uni
1 In
no way auggeatlng the , txes npno hia faoe.
along expreraed tbe belief thal the obTbe
The tact
Beioro the {a rfurmance began a friend street to E'ark Place Hotel; nor daring
jeedon would be cvereome by ample ex-' form 0*!-! by the K»qulm<«.
was. the Inhahltanta of the frewn tone ' wIk) luil
Itumidiah-ly behitid him aud the school yrar and when the Ceotrml
bad Invents^ a boat that waa today b-- ; i„ni ,„rtieod hia manner leaned over and -chool la in seseiun. da tbe sonth side
Wrote a Ktiwng tetter.
• >f west
Ing copied in lu form, by the moat ad- ,
him what Uw fnmbta
OsUrereS to may pari
lbs city.
Senator McMillan ba* acccmpllihed a
street b
vsneed *hlpl
• w.irld.
good thing fer ihe Mounl PIcajant In’in wWcn!"ftfll. yon rev. Ttm.," raid tho man
of w.st Eighth sWt from
wmi. a let •
Peibtrt out oth
4tan achool.' TKo i
.-...reive* »n. '
confldtuually. "ifa this Mreel u. <)ak street; uor on Waahingtbe interior.-and I
tar to tbe aecreury
of Inventive j
polittra now for ten | ton street from Tai* street east to the
a atroeg letter, loo, naiing that the la
StDlut. Theya-erv
the flr»i people'onf"tre. and
I’vi'been coa*^ and abtuvd >» B * I rallrowd. on the day comIndian children *heltered al Mount
the gloli- who had carved Ivory, andand t-allod
all enrta uf tianj name* until monly called the Sabbath, after nine
Plesaaet are expected to .become farmthe canairucilon of ibeir b<iw* and rr- : 1*111 jaai luuging lo boar soiotihudy ad. an and take land* In aeverwity when
rows .ahnwed an Inventive rkHI of no iin*>8 me in a d-vat DitmiH-r otic more but one sidewalk wheels must take tbe
they become of age. but they arc being
time. tVhen llii* luagioinnoamPB on the
Uugtal farming by a blackamlth from mean order.
person shall ride
Ohio, who learned all he knew about
siagt', hc'a guitig
gtiiiig lo Bay. ‘Will
s bicycl
or safety or
other aim!tarmiog on the bleak hiJlaldea of Col
iidly 1
streetororado. The aecator further ataled that
ing lo }Qiii{> op and give
----------------limit*, una
tbe predececaor cf the prvaenl taauUer
It'll make
make me f(«l good for a Iras tbe
be same i* provided with a suiv
of farming had hren a droler In tpectathat way.
able bel
rail or goag.
_ _
If riding on
eleaaadcyeglaaaea Heaaked-that
the sidewalk; shall be rang,
aeiema atrangely out. of place there. As- ! h«n lookiui
n with at least five y
sounded when meeting or passing a
sirtar.l Commfiflnner .>f. Palenti Vance, [ftriwowrck*.
ooB e, OUy OpTOw KeoM Block.
;rson within hearing distance and not
who sorved a four %-rarV term of of- ; for I'll have to jomp quick wlirn be person
flee during Mr. Cleveland's find admin- , speak* foe 1 aco one of ourul'fh-rtiico alt- leas than forty Jvet distant from such
Teephone Sd.
perooD. and. when ridlug in the street
talratlon. dl^n'l prete
. ,■
himaplf yet
ment prored too true, i
ered whan an apparition appeared i
the thrcwbold, unwashed, nneembed.'
^Jth oveiTOal and neckhandkerchiof by
Aonoealiiig tbo «»..m4.^v«hU
Frank Stepan, .
cuhets fob m per dose.
ss.rj.'.’i 1
HIMES, Pbotopapher.
Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Piilsbury n
Family Groceries
FleiGchmafl's Compressed Yeas
Fresl Vegetables Daily.
__ .... .........
•lotiuati u< SkMt lule el iB UidL
Jacob Furtsch,
disunion St.
chanle. and received
cfflclal a leraon be la not soon
likely to forget.
Mr. Vance used at
his drak an ordinary swivel chair. Th*
chair suited him exactly, exe^i la one
respect. Hr found chat it lack'd about
ordered the timntfer of the I
to some ether point In the Indian acretea and that bswill asr.d to Mount Pl«*eant a practlcwl farrrsr to fill ths posi
tion. The secretary also raid that be
would aurtain Superlniendsni Spencer
rays that the record if the clerk at
ertiool It eieellenl. and that he will not
McMillan U not an extrema i
brown derby in hi* baud, and I'll bet a
The Clock CaiBO 1
Vance called the laopeny clerk, “ntat
old employe shout
“'-wCsI '
anree looked with
" ”
wmmireioner told him wtat I
A Louitville man ha* i oow with
pccnliarappvute. Ah
.... _ KuiaU alrcr clock on the
* **( “7 »•’» > know lust what
ril go ks atraigbt and qidck
tbe carall taka me to Kaw Tork.' and
when I gal tbare I’ll
• pee llna
for Delmoalco't ate I'll gt tba blankediflr^O '
-btankedest dinner that money can
tonns of femr year* oacn.
Removals '
care ff It coats ma l»;
wHI not be made. eVen when the tarma !
er lacnmbents expire on or btgore July I ^ U
"Now, what do you think yon would
U. It has been rumored that chaagea
«" hTtSsSo I" *•" ****’” **•“ "** “
would fas made In aaeh efflees. li
^ j S'^
ra.> Bt
be DO*
has so
no Baco
■--h iBieouoo.
Coogreroman Snerer baa returnad tc
VraabingtoD and ba* eome tale oolllMso with the postmaster gekaral over
...................................a new pestoOee at
la penlr
pMon has Ixvn eatablla
or raya that the a
. samad by the poatofnee departmant aa ,
»*, :
M l* natnte cn the railroad time ublaa, !
1 would;
LaskS Dny atTblaagw
Never Mnee the civil erar has thara
bean such a gathering of United Btataa
fulgr army who <
*"<* >f »*>• Prota-
May ysare.
Tbe pomnaeter gsnaral partaeat. In addiUon there wilt be tba
has bean unable
‘0 get the congreraman '’entire National guard of lUtaota-T.oea
Id aU tbe,^rate Army peats
id that there Is an aaubd the poriofllea departmant which can be brou^t here. The trooparaQUlriag all naw posiofflcea to
0 roealva wui ba ander Ue command of Oenerai
. abaRNwaiak This ta for the <____ ...
deha R. Brooke. Upltad Btataa W4H<7,
It Of Um MisMnea ef tbe railway mall arvlea. Tba
travsHag praui darks are obliged to do •ourt. Oaasga R. Pack srOl ba th* arator e( tba day. Chief Jnatloa Fnilar
aad a
K»;r I—No person shall ride a bic
ycle or safely or any similar vehicle on
any sidewalk within the city ilmita at
a greater rate of speed than six mile*
ognised the mao and asked if bo remem'
hcrwl him. Tho strauger said bo did
3thc general aaid; ••lam
Plcaacmtou. 1 bad yoa drummed
B<7 camp for cowardice before
! Antletam
Get out of thU place, air!"
' Tbe man hs^ bla bead and barrlad
posit, drop or plsce in any pahllc street,
or alley, or upon any of the bridge* or
sidewalks within tbe corporate ilmita
of the city of
f Tr*v(
Traverse City, any glass
or broken glass,
:lasa. ta
k». crockery, acr
iron, natla, Ub, wire,, electric light a
boo*, aabea, or any other things, of
o; a
Bubstanec JiablaAo cause a puncture to
tbe tires
a ofaueb
ofwueb vebicIcA as are
named or that would
>uld interfere with
the use
.. of
. such vebteies.
bteies. and the exe s|wtakIiDg of any street, alley
ler public
place, by any peyaoa or
or other
.an extent as to I***®
□a. to sorb
standing water or mud
hereby cipre**ly
Skc S.—Any peracn pr persons who
ahall violate any of tbe provision
' of this ordinance, o
And'everything in the line
of first class jewelry and
toilet artidek.
more than
i doll______ ________
d the court may make a
* that the oBender, oo
failure to pay such floe aad «>«u. be
impriaoaed ia tbe County Jail of Grand
Traverae ooooly or in the tht
prison nnUI the same ahall ba .
provided however, the term of impriaonment ahall not'extend
not exoaad tbe pui(&
period of
twenty (SO) days.
PeCGboata at ecru linen batidta with
oolond IKAka dota are aold In tbe sbopa
for aonaar wear, and they oertainly
bareqaaltttM at eoplvt« a hot flay
which Mlk float am^nanBr,
TietorlBB oaMm wuA ocarfa* cf
Fire Insurance.
SBC- A—It edtall be the dnQr of the
liief of Police and his aaeiitanw to
Delicious Drinks...
Prom the New Preoeaa Soda Pountala,
W. Heck Serves Them
visior In thbacb
Geo. ft Winnie,
ol OganT
The RecoCTlzeil iwiers
In s and loe. Oigare
are niy
aad avary kind o
SkT 7.—Anyaad-aUpriorordlna
ralaUve to the ranafag of Veloeipe ....
Bieyclaa and SafeOaa, apd the proteotien of the aame, on aidawalka and
Bogta baada and bl<»d laoe have ooma streets intha eity«f Traverse City, are
taok from the '|«at, with a olaim for hereby repealed.
Sac A—This ordlnaaoa shall take
aflaetat Ue expiration at twaa^ days
BibboDS of gradnaf
S.pot (B
after ita pnbUcaUon.
atraigbt aroond or In intricate pattams.
We do hereby certify that the (oraare a.vary faahionahle akin trimming.
vninw ordlnaaoa wa* paaasd by tbe
ofthedtyof Travarea Cfity on
Tba naw shin waiata of tranaparant.
maBErials are improved by a fitted and the 7th day of Jnne. 16»7.
W. W. Snin. Mayor.
booed lining at lawnin acane plain ooks.
A. W. Rtokxko. City Clark.
Tbe tnrban trimmed with tsfca <rf
Jnnefi, le-ts
flowera asd a scarf is thaUtaarfanoy In
re you iMBite. K. W. aasTDiaB ta
ta! Johnaoe Woek *slb
Have<yoa triad oar makaa
-Tartan plaid silks are used for wide
draped belta on both do7 and\ ava^
milUnatT, aad it is vary iwatty and baeomingwhen tba hair is asanged per-
« Tew momentt. and
htT return Ibw tiiucjtjiwkvaa mls*-
l^ur iu the evening Hie email bqy
partisan, nor te he much gtvin to epl.•'“""r*
'untwilfg "
wo* IU the yard. Sad. gramA but be recently oent a teUgracn
eilvetycluuiv floaii.d on his ear.
to eittaens of Beldlrg, la reply lo their
a minute I'll aer If ] can
It." : hv luih-tted. AtKiUicr and another,
dtlon for yhe early paraage of the
and - Ul tive uinea Ute chime bad souudt*!.
iriff bill, which read* Ilk* an rmaaa- I J*"*
chair a and bv tccugnixod it aa oncuiog from
on from
trem an extreme fiartinn. Th. tal- 1
Lgfat by
agram read;
I senate whirl, railing
a coutke of ibe l.wt dock Thera wa* nothing
revolution a.
but the oow. Tbe hoy anarelted
American laborvrt and products: are remarked the rlerk. while the nfflcial'a
bre*alng Democrau as hard and as auc- (ace showed signs of aurprire at the
wonderful chair that could be made
ee«*ruU>- as Otani preratfl tbe cneiny ie
; At U o'clock the .tiunily Iteanl tbe bonr
Che Wllderne**. Appomatox it In HghL** high or low by being turned aroucA
j toUfd frnas tin^oow'a iiuldc. A powerfrotoM Agalrat tbe IMlv.
itor Fred Dubois of Idaho la | (alnmvcic did Ihe work. Thi-clock was
The BuriciJ* Hen's aaroclatica of
l-'Ar.te ha* tant to tbe Michigan acna- a guA^ior teller, and always mokra ' a Uuh- diaoahired, hut wa* atiil tacking,
tors a prriif^t against the propoked duty a point with his narrailon*. He told —Son Francisco Arnonant.
lodayabnuianevenlngepeni with some
oe bides, at Iwlng against the puhlle In
mlnerv lo the Koctenal c.iuntry. They 1
nu adoption of the proposed
duty would ruin I/Aiite• by clodng
taig. tannrricf there
It, «-j,en they '
u Abut one night while be was in a
ta about to be narled.
.............................. minea. It'bad AViudfitigion lulouu a man cutmd ano
of tta^twndlng ,
iwy winter, with bad road*, hrgafi tu aitack the cbarucior and ouor
tatloB, ate very mue- ogv (rf the Cuufcdcrale aoidien. Pieaautoa gave a start of lurpris
w^ lodav I
upon approaching a walk croasing,
shall in like manner be sounded not
Isos than forty feet distaut from sneh
Do Tou Enow
Suits to Order.
Pine Merchant Tailoring.
■City Hews Oo.
IW lUsr Maarale BtaeX. CM.
If You Have Logs to Self
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We Cave for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Ma^inery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, CairUges,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for tale.
TH* Koiroro kR>obo, ^rBslrassAY, nm sa, imt
fecit 14 :t
v.hj live undar U.
••AfiJ t !ijy i
to have yaor ma.
I the estabtWwnent of a co-opsrattve canJe-ty in tu bcly .^ptnf.
----------- motwealth by-which the brotharbood at
“I>c«ia at 'U'a-hlrrtcn this tlih day gt
Social Osmoeratic ^nsms
achsms ^lan will
a rat^**directors of tbe
Ifilllont a Thrblt* OrMtt lUy. A. D.. 1»7. Tour r»d friend.
n« 9I7CW
^ become«f
“inLLlAM U KINLET.VIotwta. Bittain’t auMn.
Plannsd by Dst^
Dsmoerwey of AJSiriea last nlfbt
*Sy the Praaldsnt: JOHN SHERMAN,
---------------j the followlnf cfll«n were elected; B. V.
- Bectetary of Slate.
•;--------^------! WlllUm E. Bumi. feneral orranlser.
Ad.eptod tor IteUawel ead ^ne tolary of eerh ottcer WM placed M
• OM -LMr Cfceet frc* Wtod«» «• mndty MiHafwIsIwd Cwaato BMaetaUad OeMUaUeBs
' Suto OrfBelseawto-Orlftwater of Ow ' tlM per month
si&isfUiB P»lke« ie the
The queen at 8:4S last evenliw enter’duarmdn Deb* has ether matter* than
the Bdoptlco of consututlon* apd pUn*
taJoed at dinner ninety of her most dlsBe Decluto the Mevnneal
Utlves of land
Unfulahed fueits In tl* stats dlnlnf
ttoaal Ob* wad That It Will Work sa to look sfier.
room of Oucklr-cham palace. A
Lcfsl Uato-OtBran ElMted. z '
maklnf hit life a burden by aakinf tor
Chose present were ibe Prince .. .
ChlfAfO. June Si.—IlUfthe V. Debs. an opportunity to set forth the advanPrinceai of Wehc. with all the membeis 1n concludlnc bta tpec-cb omimiuf hit takes of the particular elate In which
- w^-oar
l«M.r to .to Ot the royal famUy; the royal fneata.the
M^totr-HMor. to r.naJIa— Md Oto- snvoye of stales with the rank of amfor the ctJonlasUoo schema
1or. and the freat ottsen of the ynierday, aald be bad never drwwn the
> ItoUto -TU.- Ml.
salarici offered him by tbe labor orhonaebol
lold. who
wore full cctirt dre
fanlsattons'Wlih which be was offclslly XMall* of the Kllllaf e« dos. MsdUa by
Ixndoto June S -Tht «ae«B U >b music was«---------------- ------------------ —
daha SolIlBfOr El AL
X^Ddisn. »iM ibF diamoDd lubttec cel»- Royal Eiiflnecrs. The suites of the en
Vlncennea, Ind.. June &—Some chD' braUan can nt>» i. aaid to be fully In- voys and the ladles and fenUemen In and prepariiif for the final adoptn-n of
•ucunoed. Tbe early raorelnc boon attendance dined In the rardenvesUbule. the consututlon and plans of the nrw dren playtaf in • lane In Ldwrenev
feur mllrs from this -city,
anerr cnlh-entd by ibc.pealUig of bclla
Social Democracy of America. \Tbc found the dead body of a man lylnf le
and in the niurnlu i>r«ae eretywhere In the ftwnd hall and vestibule.
oommJUeea held conferences with the a fence eoroer Sunday roorelnf. InAfter the dinner ti
fleeued the ruyal aiandard. The flm; RtMn the mnd mjon
isle A. R. V.-leader at soon as he vesUfation shewed that It was the body
point of. Interwi in me day** 'proceed- receive her fuesta, the
reached tbe cUy from Cedar Lake. of Joseph Medun. a farm hand of that
lAd wai WUidfur. "here by < o'cloch kultes, the Indian prii
'where he apent-tunday. and when the |
was also found that Medlln ; Z
the obort route'ii sdiny froin the caaUe nf the Imperial forces and of the native favel dropped cverythinf was In Aape i
been shut with a shotfun. the load
to the Great Wmtem railway otatloo Indian eacorta and the oRlcers
to launch the latest scheme of Deba. havinf struck him In the back.
waa lined by a niaa> of people paUiTred queen'a Oerman reftmrat. The cobsiisl As toon as the deletttas had convened [ picloii at once potnted to John Solllnker. ‘ ~ EJ f* f* f* W«fW
toaae the guMti etari. Flan and flow- premiers, aitb tbrir wives were pVe- Chairman Delta took the floor to outUne ; a farmer near whose house the body ; = .n.wWYJL il
ire wm evcry-aluri-, And the ordv oC tented to her .majesty by Chamberlstn, .-e plans for co-,Ntratlve common- ! was found It ^ known Itot Medlln
aecretary of state f^ the coloniea and
(he day. “Cod Save the
ap- the suites of royal and other rueeu were wealth which tbe Social Dem«roiy of ’ »ho was a cousin of Mrs. Boiler, had
W »ollln»efs bouse Saturday niKht , ^
. peated on houee* and banaere without presented severally by tbelr cfalefa The America hopes to eslabllsh. The pian •
- end. The eutuv of, the queen near the freat ofllcers of aute attended In full won the unanimous appUuse of thoae I Intoxicated, where he, It Is alKy.-d. ^
II coatemplales
empisle eradlcatlna aU created a disturbance and broke up the
caaiJe waa dno^aiad and poiveoualy court dres. Headames Vhltelaw Reid. present
• viili «r the ptosekl
‘ r loval.
.■ elate and. furniture and threatTnedBolllnx-v. Med
canopied In the reiiauMnce etyle. and 'NelsoB A. Miles and Ofdeo Mills were
worked for BoUlncer. but was
national covernmenca.
fit Venetian maru with their flutter- presented by,the queen's special comdfschaored because of an alteaed IntiHaldThl. Oae Mill Haeeoed.
tna pennooe lltud both aldea of the
Mr. Debs painted a picture of Ibe pro macy ketweea.blm and Mrs. Solltnker. ]
d about the palaoe
route. Queen Vntorla-left WIndeur
Is told
posed conuroCMealUi In xluwina colors
It is delivered before =
Caatle at nuini. and at U:S0 ohe waa at
He said, that while other co-operative Jealous and Uireatem-d to kill hit wife'*
d foInfSbf U
PaddlnctoD euti n in the metiupoll*.
colony schemes had failed, be was cun- eousln. funday nlxht BotiInBcr, who
which at that time held at least ten Prince and Piincea of Wales and tbe fldenl tbe pres-nt one would culminate bad been In hidin« all day. went to
Duke and Dnehest of Tork. «si retumatlUloni of her loyal rubiecta
lAwrcnee and surrendvred.
Inf from Mariborouith Huusu were reIt contains all the z
Om t«na A Ir-KpUtttefl Cbedr.
ft t< allered that
confessed (hat hr
Tou could tell w here her majesty waa eelvsd with roar j>i>on roar of cheer*. would be taxed out of existence. He wtd kdled Medlln. but after aolnr to Jad
46cal news up to juid- =
' by the ruar
cheers. whM beflnnina The children of the Duchess of York an ImpresaloD had nme abroad that chU. denied knowirt anythinx about .
at the WlndaLr niatlon rw^t down the occupied seats uoon the farden wall was to be an exodus of pnemplored, cate, ft t* charred that ftolllneer In his :
tm from there Into 1‘addlactec station: at Clarence Houie. Tbelr Identity was from the east to Washlnyton. or what-' firm
rd and for hours the
thence alone the ri'uit (be queen took
ui«m by
oy the
me colon!cwoni-,---- coroner's verdict h-ld Adever state I* dei ldedI u|uin
It dontains a resume =
.to Bueklnflham paUrt It era* one lou
'’•Fd' of Medlln. and aalbw eommlssioa. This
Thla he denied
denied. The ' >*«*«■ "
of important and gen- :
cheer-one tremendoue roar of BtscUnp
■tifw.pl.t« •
Panee and
and Joe jcarr u aceem- |
plan doM not contemnUte
a Coxey ' l-ewls Pariee
and ^lldren.
to (he queen. -Ood bl.-ai her.“ FeopleT Muses
army. Tbe plan at to take only such 1 rUces It is charrvd that BoIUnrer sent I
eral news of the world :
Never probably In the wurtd'e hlatory.
s number of mi SI Brat as may b* I Partee tp Pair's house to borrow the
CUD and that he stated that he wanted
avre there 'eo many- In one dly; never <me for the Canadian premier. Wilfred Uken care of. and then Increai
of the previous day.
more parked alony one llneof proceselon Laurier, who Is made a privy counctllor. number laler afu-r crupa bad
to afaoot Medlln with IT and that It was
Donald Smith, the Canadian hlfh
loaned with a full
of tbe t
—(ban iboec who rio-d aloof the route Sir
It is the neatest and :
taken by the queen from the elation to
Bow the W»rh Mitt B*«ta.
the palace. Not only on the Immense premiers; WITUam E. Lecky. the hlstorimort attractive daily I
Re aald personally be favorvd W..U. .
aincdt. In the houeie llnlnc the way— an. and Sir Herbert Maxwell, the au hicton a* the best adapted to tbelr use.
newspaper north of ;
and In the diatance when near enouffa thor. have been made privy counctllora. and spoke In the hlKhen terms of Oov- i Prrt^r* of ^rr aqd ^rtee, Mvd tn
' — ~imddercd (be neicbhorhood bully,
tr. aer the I•oule tak.n bv the oueen— —
- - Cnias
Grand Rapids in all z
of the Crwnd
i BL
ss quartvtS'-.me when Intoxlcsted.
people were .
>rpe has been eonId the treee—every*
was done would b
cheeiinK, hel-thriwlna. bandkerchlef- ferred upon Wilfrid I-aurier. Sir Rich- with the cunMItuUun of the federal covard
*aad-flaf-wa\lnc j.^i ie.
There eras a scene of freat enthuelarm enimenL He outlined the plan by say- , ronaroee oaTopof tWPeapUlWhoTeaaat
It is the only mom* s
Kat a Tra>« of miadMto.
li-Twa IMh. Ortala.
on (he stock exchsrjre. The member* Inc that they would send out picked \
■ tier majistys rsrnafe was driven (etrvduced iheir women relatives and men to break the aolL build a saw mllL i SL Paul June « —A watertown. B. ;
mg daily paper' in z
, diosriy: ahe aotv nc fUaeee. and the friends which ls almosa unprecedented. clear forests, build houses and
a prtj
pnqtare I D-. special to The dhoneer Pree* say*:
VT.~ Nortbern
story that she was marly blind, ao per- The bulldinf was packed to the ut for more colonists. Crops would
lid be put i At I o'eloefe Ljt ntetot tbe city was '
aistenlly repeated by rerialo-American most when Chairman Hitchers rroi>ot«d In and tm• morv men wvre needed they •uu-tled by the aencral fire alarm and !
papers was plainly i iovi-n a Ue out of a vole of confratulailcn to the queen. would be aent out. As soon as prov t*l.n*
^^nek. accompanied by a loud '
Wbcit cloth. She ua- evidently, fratl- The pr^mtlllon waa received with deaf- were made to take care of more other*
Tbe fire department quickly |
lied at the warm «.|. .me
receive! emnf and repeated cheer*, and then the would be ront. When the lime e»me for responded
to the *rene an Oak atreet. |
and milled and la.a.nl her (hanks. Ar members sacf 'God Save the (JueeB." a sute election they would put »0 men where the Mwllholtand bulldlmr
rived at llucklnehein palace she wa« ••Rule Britannia." "Ood BI s* the Prince bn the Mump without par and he found In ruins, nis was a larye two ;
received by Trmcv li'iiry’ of llaltenberf of Walls.'' and "Auld Lanf Syne."
thouxbt ihat Inside of twenty-four story brick liulldinv occupied by Bery '
and hei children. Ih> Iiucheto of Cmhour* the Boclal IVemocrac.
Id cai . A Olsen a* a «
aaloon. and ibe unoer
•»BE PLY liTrai OIKTMr.KT.
naushi and the d:ke and other
the siau and rain control of (he le«U- |
Tbe wall* i
rryaUles. and wan »reetlnp prelature.
wsy withoot any warolnc' at a |
parpiory to the iiteir* of (he afternoon.
Veto A«Bla>l aa Addree^
I time when tbe saloon was fun of people, |
Whirb had l-ern devoted 10 B rec'ptlon
-----I many of whom had come from (faecotRtBoth hoiuea of parliament m-l yesterof the rpecla! .nvi.y* r.f (he nstinns. who
Bwt Win Obey Ibe OMUta Wbea Tlwy try to town to see Rtnsllnk Bros' rir-.
had been tent to anti her on the climax day. Tbe lord* adopted unanimously
CMBBtoBd—CoBUItstlea Adepiea.
CDS TlHlr names cannot be ascertained
SMddreaa to \be queen, but (n (hehense
day of her rvlan.
Re raid the plan did not crmiemplate at thU wntinr.
the Irish member* objected. Tbe houM
KBCKmoir T«1 THK ^vora.
»'uHa'nx *■ • ‘"i*! ™»". and the
was crowds when the first lord of the stoppln* with one state but earrylBS
mil a,,, M ™,rel .1
«■» ^
treasury. Balfour, mbved. and 81r W.ll- o. ,1..
lam Vernon HarvourL ibr Liuvral lead
H.' Md ,h..
, by WMIelaw'MaU.
The reception m Ih* envoy* becae at
4 B. m. Thear reoreft-matlve* cf even' Uon' to the queen. Dillon, chslrman of the federal yovernmenl and If the au- McDowell, rut sl->ul head: D. W. Bradthe Irifli Parliamentary party,
premc court cc-urt said to stop that th.y ■ ley. badly rut shoot the head and InE.U« « earth xsth. red .IBucklnrh-Jn
paUoe durtne the afuraobn. all beliw pj*u»«d that the atUtude of blmaeif and would dt so. He told that they would Jured In the hark: Herman B-ck. hack
the ruens of the nail..n and bro^t to ,
they would not vote reoKsJse and def.cd lb< lair.e flax as Injured: Mrs Anttln. cut shout the
the palace In relay equipacca Tbt ttm* ■ a favor of any amendmenL. but would tbe mlllkoalre who bwrt* so loudly l head and ehnuld-rt: Dave Wsllerhoutp.
about It now. Tax.r are to levied by the] will die: Phillip Patterwon. dead when
prevloua lo Uu ret e| ilo; was,s(wntwan' ___ axainrt
rainrt toe adojrUoo < (he adwhen DcU» get* o circl and found. The fire denarttheni It at work
derinx about the jislao and errands or dress, to wUch the Irish cuuM not lexlslaiurt
this money Is n be used lo «*t«bll»hlns . on the wreck, as there are some bodies
Ir.dUKrl' ! ru»i4 ihtc (urr.cd hi* thouxht to~ Iv under the debris
Redmond protested skainsl -Orest
Is line and went emyly 9 (be audience Britain's rule in Ireland and asked tbe
tuom. to which thoy
bouse to adopt an amendment to (be
Colonei the Hm; i
*llllam Jaow* [ eSect that It deemed It a duly to place proceeded it <1* r.y < haryt*. rrt.rrtnx to | pennsylvsiito ha- a di-flcll ot fS.SM.WO , _
the fact that J.hr IKcwt. and the Nai- ; b*rao 4 the lexIristoB* hav» Iwcn ap- i •
The on record l t durlnjc the sixty ]
• - traitors | prr.priaiinx more money than they h— “
^w drawins ro-on. In which the envoys of her mojeaty'* relsn Ireland
>ere received. Is a larre room heavily (cred rrievously from famine. dep.>puia- when they advicaltd reforms
At the cutolusliB of bit vptech the
Captain Bcyeclt. whrse name *
ArnamenlHl with yilt and btrac with toln. poverty and the continued suipKn- committees
reported o.nstj(utlnr.s for | used by the Irish Land L.caxuera to
Mlk. Two Teomet) of the Guard were
of constitutional Hbertlea. with the
ergan- preto their amthema morantha. and i
on duty at the Car. The queen was result thsi the Irish arc dtacuniendrd liallcn, lo be known a* the Poclat
De who was Its first vkum. Is dead.
dressed In black. Wt,p S widow's cwp. toe I and dlsaffecled and unable lo Join In mocracy. Tbe national council Is to
Tbe New Tork Herald hav a Rory
ribbon of the Order <if-the Garter and
eelebrallon. When the amendment
other orders. Fhi rat In a ffUded chair*
,,ui the aml-I*Brnellltea left the
that tbe euyar (rust I* conriderinx
A colcnlaailan commit* on. to i
y ^Ctih
il>a and lure It Into an Im.
toe ctntcr of ih,- room, the Prince house, but they retunHNl for the main affair*.
b. mode nn of (hree men is to l« ! P**"
r Wale* sundlns Immediately
menac rogar plantatlai.
. I hina quesUnn.
and on the speaker toylnx:.
rlxhi htnd was IbePrincitt j -The aye* have IL" tbe anll-PmniellGrasshipperr have made their
<« Wales
iiihtri i.t the royal fam- it** sauted loudly; The no«* have Jf.**
' pcaranec In some of the nerthrm town*
iwcaltb trheme. -The money
ittered a-he^pon a vole had to he taken.
a tbii scheme U to be raised by I In Witcorjln. but they arq ctmflned
of Aaaracadt _a*l^four then moved that the address
oontrihutloe*. No member ef almost wh'lly to Ud msadu** and
be presented to toe qm-en by the whole voluntary
either the executive board or the com- 1
cleartiix* to_yeL
house, to which John J. Clancy. Parnell. mlFilon IS to hold any prJUlcal office.
Enxieword fChlHe. told that after what had occurrtd Tbv commission U to meet before Augigo mihurbL ha* 'sued Frank A. Swantbe motion was al>eurd and an absolute
In which (be. Orat aon. cf Cr.eReTKo, lt»A. for bresrh of
1 thrir letlfr*
nniruth. A vv.i, an* then token, and M colony ehatl Iw catalilisbrd. It wlU alto' promise. She ask* tor I^.OOC dsmagn.
9 (he ktwrst >j
. Tht que.iv.
resuUed In ihV *.l*.|.ii..n of Balfour's adept reiulatluasfor the selection of Un
Edward Fields 4 yiars < Id. l<wi hi*
took each IrtJer a
motion by 411
a in F*.
employed persutw smd lake R<ps Irward
tocp orlltre* tent.
.jflng'them lo the »uie decld.d Columbia cMt i>.
to each •
Reid was -reypoQ,
I Waib I>:(4nl». «■
«lved In toe it»*y ct.rdlal mant-«r potokA __________ New York <wM fhetr
At (he conclupton of the reading of the cultivating the fl.ld n
Her maJcAv .tprcMd Her att- i
commlli« ieporu a resolution wa* car- | fountf ‘he •'•tch.
thank* t<
.1 McKtolv/and
New Tort. June a.—Charle* L. Burn ried adopting the omRItutton as awhole I
1 .if odf klnimtn.''
After Reid had rvtlre.l he rirt lUd ab. ui ham, aBSUtanl secretary of tlie New and detlaring It In cff« l. Chairman 1
the palace a lluli and wshl ffDmr at 4 IS Tork Btort Exohnnxe. by direction of Dei*e announced that the Sorial Demo- I
earth and would proceed .
p, tn. QuMl Alelorle looked vW w»H the xovemroent commlltv.., ynsieOday cracy was stmtempr
rary offlrei*. hut t
uideed and sedmrd to U' entirely Llea’td tent the following cable nirsaagc to tba to aelecl 1
u dure 11II wai decided b
London titock Kxrhanxv: "Titr New fore (his was
nnS Interested in >.v>iytblnx. me '
.......................... Tork Block Uxchange J*un» most cor. take a recets until : o’clock. In tbe Inpressed all toe envi
caucuee* were held
lUonal cornpn-^ dlally to the Joyous celebratiors of ^r
nf her thank* for
developed toe
^ BTval and good queen's Jubilee.
menu paid her.
__t latur from President MeKlnley , the nvenxtb of our iDicrnaiUmal aym- fact that It was not composed cf differ
political and laljor
*ri:>ch was prvaented by Special Envoy pathy promoted by her nlKJisty ever
liald U addrcMMd
'j Increatr."
Usr Majesty Victoria. Quera of I Tbe Chamlor of Commen u cf thisatate and It peculiar featura had not been
ledIGriwt Britain nnd Ireland' and Empicaa) ami the (ullowinx cabtegiam to "Her obUleralfd
of Ii-dia" and is a* follow*;
| Gracious MaJeRy. the Queer c»
egplstord at lergth tot'alms and pnr- ^o^^sj^rttuKEAToB fM sate.,
-Great and (ood friend: In tbe name UnJ:*’
ana on behaU of toe people of to*>
'The Chambertf Commerceof thenate paaea of iht ct*-oper*UreccR)m< nwealth.
Tbe 'cclcnr should be sent to Wsshii
Lr.litd Btaito.1 present tbelr Rncet*
sllriiaUena upon the MxUeth annicisl Inriiwlli bad been recrived. After \ *^u bestwritoiT of your majssty* aocnalto U UlWitriou* ancestor. King George HI.
tender* tu eosgraiulatlons on tolfhsi>ry
the cr,*wi> of areal Britaln. "I ctiws the ■.•ntlment* of «7 f*l-. nocaalac. and In tbe siirit of national
Rart a co-operaiive ccmmonw.alth. wwggujCB ll'iibki
• tow ilus.1* in wlahiBX for your peopU
"The flrR thing wc would do after get- XX feet. Apply to 1
the Mu]unK.tUon pf a rd(n JHuautolH In Dm •ameat prayer that Ood mayblcrt ting control." be told, "would be to call
and marked by advance In adenoe. aru the qBeen-"
Chloafo. Jem tt^^Tbe feltowtei cn- a special session of the legislature. Then‘ 'piagEPnRBALB-ktowa
and popular wriUbelng. On hiBaU of
wc would call a convention to retife the .
rumr^-men I with parttonlarly to Mcftntn waa *an a*-an exprcMon from constitution and gel all Ibr'rOt out of It
Ote msch-OanaOlan rntdenta of Oileago: To Bon. Wilfrid Ixtaricr. at Lon- Ws will have coctroi of tbe uxlo( ptw...................
don. n* m*wt(* *ru in French and tf and can ux syndicawt and ;.........
(Mplifled npan Important oecaaloBA
Und eharta out of tbe sute.
kbaii be *sto*d according to their mean* IV.
LCitBEB oo.
raat (TBCioat to««*«Kn th« rmprotful and «k«ii have according to thelf need*_____________________________________
win have misu-noihlng but tnisU T3ri*n DftnTBX wasted. Apply u Tr*e^ to prolonxed. and peace, honor and bomagsa of HM eoaopBUtot* «rto chM- W*
but wg will all be to tot 4*'
Ow iSWo*.
prua:’*Bty Uso* the people over whom Irt the ENBMit ot baVUif Uvafl udAh —to our tuts
Jtod^l ttot wprit tw*lv*to ;
rt giBay.'Bqtfoardrfiv*. W* ,
M^etd Ih
via be
.. ^ with a ntos ;
waa rtpr*a*M Oa
i Some
I Why
\ People
m* OpstoMMrM
•pselsl atsearie*
A . BtiTBUon lo pci____ _
l.ClgrOper*ao«e Stock.
Cycle Owners Lookflere!
EBbtohactn* Tot dips-Cas'(tos«^y. ^
BMS^Ttoai'^adjssisMr^'i^ »
Best Ptosis. wUhS-14 tolls, per pair........ t«D
UA StTMt, bfltwwB Freat A Otn.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Mul Tickets at Mmf Rates.
6rui Stpidi A bdlui L X
»«. ......^JL*W.
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