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The Morning Record, November 16, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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eivxoxAi. rAncK
FIr»l Tem-No. 16a
Utimimioc or Xiehtcu Omtnl from
m^wia M this 01^ WouU Ibk*
IHfet OoauotiM and Short B.
Pram Bw* to l>oti«tt •&« tbo
Soot. *
Ko town ia thcoUte i* aUraettnc
»or« atteotka jaat oow thaa Trararaa
a^. aad tba laat •‘aflUtioB*' U thli
dtraetioa la a railroad Uaa botwoea
■OUdwia aad Trmverae CiCj. Below is
direa a dl^teb traai Uladwia to the
DoMt Brealar'
wUefa ebowe
the latetaattakaa lathe aew prejwH
atthateadoftheUae. The extraaioa
the HkMfca Ceotnl apokaa of
-eoald a»ke ooDawrUoa with the extaailoa of the C. h W. M. aow baia|
-4»llt tett Vaa Btirea aoaUeaal
an diaOhariaf it, hat before doiar i
Mid call pBblle aUeatioB to the telwlar prarldoea la the elty eharU
which «)orera ehtldna cf aebo^ hr*:
Part of SoetioB iS-The bald troaat
officer ahall bare all the power aad aathortty of a eoastaUe to arreat oSeadera, withoat a warraat. aad eaeh other
Ipower aad aatborityaa Biay he
' tarj to carry oot the prerUioae of thia
8ec. IB.—The foUowiaf rlinre of
pereoae hetweea the afn of eiirht aad
•iztaea yeara ahaU he di
fly peraoca, aad dtall be' aabjeet
> the proriaioBi of thb act:
aaae I. HaWtaal traaata fros
aebcol la which they are carolled aa
Oaaa t. Chlldrea, who. while aV
teadlBc aat pahlic echool. are looorrirlbly tarhaleat. dieohedieat, tawhofdiaate. or are tIcIoiib or Iznuoral ia
j. ca,nareo who ______ ...
ytri a direct oatlel at Trarene City. | jy freqoeal atreeU aad <
* 'The Oladwln dUpatch referred to ie ae plaoea. harlny oo Uwfol b
“Seltlerm hetweea Gladwia aad Tnr'-ana CUy an etnuay la the faith that
tbahraaeh of the MlebiyaaOeatral, t«
Mllee la lenyth. tnw Plaoouiay to
' .-OUdwia. will, la the aaar tetore, he
exteaded ta Trarene City. They aryve ▼alnabU M from Saerotary of War
that thU Uaa woold opea ap Urn
to Tnm^
XadUa Xd.
traeu of hardwood aad fanuay Uada.
aad woold affiard aahM aad dlrwit paeSaaettUoiutsprUyitcamete the
BOBfOTaad tr^fht reale from Trarene
aoUco of
ehalmae of the LadlM
City to Iwtroit. wlthoot ehaan ot
Uhrary/AnocUtloa. Xra
thte^y^ the papwa. that a my raloaOV propeeed Uae rroold atrike BarMa. wheaaire aad ootnpieU hUtary of
rUoB, tha eoaaty Mat of Clare: Lake
■City, Mat of Hlnankfaoold aUo he pat U
,------------------- ------------- fm- Utarary
frith QidllUe orer tha tia«da of the
^tetioaa. Mra-Batee wrote at
-OBBBMr loaher rowipawy fiOM i^w
to Secretary of War Alyer; aaklay that
lftbtewaeeotbeL.L.4. of TrarerM
The eUin U Blade that teal e
atymlybtbedwliraaMdaeoBe of the
ataad ready ta Make heary
Oeaeral Alyer replUd that
^ thU woold aot ho poeelbla By aa aet
the read.
of cioayrrm, approred Aoyut
oiRht tboiuaad thne i
OMUUIT WAXJC PMPOSmOX. wen erdered to be Mot to eoeh librarioa oryaaUaUoDt and iodiridoaU aa
aUd that the City Pay Oae- eboold be dealyuted at that Uou by
dofOoetto ProjUrty Owaen.
Dtotlree aod delI hae been made re- eyetee to the
eaaUy that
U If the eUy. r^u; bBOMt bot that fortha than that then
,ble for free dbiribolarye BOBber
iber woold Uy eeiaeat
eemeat eidei
time ho
tlon. At the I
wolka oo their prembea Bentofore that if he eonld erea pot the Tnreree
the expooM hee proreated Bony who City aetoeUtlon oo the Ibt bt woold
woold like that kind of rralk tram dOBol
CraUfyUy their teney at well ae boUdA tew deyr xIbm Mn. Batm roari*«d
lay a more dotable walk. It b now
aayMOtod that the city pay one-third
War Departmeat, War Baoerd Office,
«f .;|ihe ooet of each walkt U the reei- WariiUytoa.
. Oetober, U. 1P97.
dtbea portioB of the city and the prop
Mm M. B. C. Bene.
owaera the baUnea. TMe propo
TrarerM City. Itlekiyaa.
/ritioo mMU with iaror aad It b
Daaa Mebaa—Batertiay to the
probahU that at a folore mMlUy of prombe of the Secniary of War. made'
the eeoBrii aa ordlaaaee wUl ht aamed 1g hb letter to yoo dated April lA. IMT,
lay for Me^ an arraoyemeat bo- that by woold "Ube yreat oUatan io
i- . ~
tweea property owaan aad the cityThen an aow a few eemeat walko U
the city aod they an ylriny aoeh yood
r* are deeirooe ed
l^lay them if the eoet b not toayreab
The eoet after the city payiny oaothlrd nronld be aboat doable what a
hoard walk eoate now. bpt the added
Aanbimy woold m^ than make ap
tha addiUoaal mb and many woold
eoanraet the propoeed walk ebeold the
ordineace be adapted.
___ _ __
Boe^i 'ohoold iVtalo bb 'powv'to'.^
JOn tha^ the War
t fall a
and the Secretory of Waahaa dineted
that toCM hooka heaentto yoor ----riaUoo.
The hooka. noBberiiiy lOT. U doth
blsdlay. with the AtlM In >0 parte. U
eorern, wil be forward^ by raySeM^mairin a few dan, and the
ame of yoor library baa Men placed
a otirdUtribuUon booka for the folore
WAS MO avoaniL
anee aa they an pobllabed.
Veryeiooerely yoor*.
Caly Fire Aldennea Attended the:
Uxo. W. Davi*.
KaetlBg Lari Viybb
Major. U. S. A.
Uat aiyht for the fint tiaie aiaee the
Tbe bookn arrived Uat week ia aix
city ana laeorponted, there
biy mail pooebea. and anat the llfatary
> at a reyaUr meetlay. Mayor ooma.
Imith area preaeab abo Aldrrmcs Thb bji Btotvaluhle addition to
Ooodrieh. Cook. LardU. Ha
thb Ufaraiy aadoae that few ef the
and UarrboB. An effort waa mpde to Uryer librarba of the coentty will
Sad ooeof tbcotboraldermea. hot It oWB,'and It U one that will yrow UryeI, thenfon then i
ly in valee m time yoee on.
BO mMtlBf. Then an
bailBBrn abmd ao an adjeora'meat arm.
Olotbeeliim ThUrm Abraed.
taken to 8 o'clock thb mornlny. The
Offieer Elaaey waa ealled to tbe reaiboard will Uen wieetat tho oSUe of
deaee ef Mr. Sabheiy. earner of Klyhth
tha eity clerk, when the
haaUem will be traameted.
aad Wadiworth itnett Uat aiyht to
eariw* thUrea who had beu too Utlmate with aelothaallae aad lie
Aayiun TroMeMMl Foatiae.
BaperintendentUaDnaa and Troetoe teato. The offaaden wore deteetod U
Utbeyard of Mayer
M. C Darb will yo by Ub morainyh
C. A W. M. train to Grand Bapida. Do- SmUh’a raSdeaM. bat wen triybteaod
away hater* aaearlay anythlny.
trait aad PeatUc on ujinm
aad ariU attaad the aeBl-anBoal JoUt
heard maotiayof th« MIchiyanaayUBa
for tho iBBtao, which will be bold at
tha FoatUe iaatiMtlce on Thonday.
Troatoee Bobmty aad Batm may }ola
them then ea that day.
Win Bateroo tho Law and AtTMt
Becaloltiant School OhOdfOa.
Traant 9ffiaar Marrlp hM made a
ajatomaUe toor of tbe city aad haa jut
aboat made ap hb mlad aa to the ehUAru who do DOb hot eji^t to yo to
aAool. Hb larmtinUoao hare ' '
Usi toadoptetornmaaaarMtoooi
Vaitad Btataa Aaka ter ToatpoiarT
Oaaaatioa of ZUUb( Se^a-Oaaadlaa f$&hrtaiB Do Xot Beeat la.
ellaed to Acoade to the Oealre of
TTaela San. Bat Parer Oonproaila#.
Wathinftoa. Hor. It.—Wheo the
Bering eea Beetlaf heffaa today thf
deleyatee atptad that there waa erery
proapaet of reaohiiic the &aal etaye to Todye ^oy Zaeaod laJnaoUoB to
day. 7W axparta, after protraeted
nMlaae. were ready to nport aa
•man at Alpaaa.
' la^ateal featarea of aeal life, aad
Laariny. Nor. iS.-Jodn Cor^U >•
it wae reliably ateted that they had
reatdied a eotaaMO roaad'trf oader- aot the oaly Clrecitlodn to beu
r the laryer -pbaae of the
that of reaeblay a joiat
hetweea the Uaited SUtee
and Omt Britaie for a woMtloe of
peUyic Maliey. Thii Ir tell to ha the
rital inne of the ai«olUtloaa oa which
blayee dot oaly the eetUeaieat of the
BarliiR Ma <|ee«ttoB. hot aUo.p«>bahly.
that of
tioa aad all qaeatioai peodtoy hotireea the Caitad Sutet aad Cauda.
It Unadentood that the propoeitUa
A Chance that You Musi Not Miss'
Tbare will be a fine opportonitr eiran for yoo to
jut wb«f '
yoQ want at onr grept able. This nftamoon ererylady leueires
a fine aonvenir. There are rthain prorided for ^ the ladteSi
Sales three timu a day—at nioe'b the morning, at one o’doek
and at aerfen in tbe arening.
Chain for all aha UdJm who attud
the yrvat aoellce eab at the aty Book
•torr. Yon will reoelre the beaiof attaatloB. poaH mim lb
offieUU do not reyard thU propoeltion
with farm. They hare takaa yroaad.
It U mid, that they will be yUd ta
rearil any faaBUotMttUmeat by eom.
prombe or telr eaaeemUo. bat they
rUw thb propoaltloa h oae of ahaolotoM/readM OB their part.
Pocket Books
A new line eS LadSei^omblnstion^ooket
Books Slid Hsndkefehlef Holdu*
“• Haskell's Bookstor«.
ic wae booed by. Jadn Krilcy
BO OB peUUon of CMpar Alpera of
that city. Thao far the Utter lajanotioa hae aot been dhaolred.
The attorney nnwal fan wired
Jodye Kelley aeklny his to racatc the
order on hb own motion. If thb b aot
doae Ur. Uaynard will Imre for Alpeaa
thb oTeBiay to make a teraal moUoa.
rolree two featarea Pint, that CaaLeant Wdaaee aow and
ada. throoyh the 1
Do not wait eatll the
eball eoaMBt to e atoppaye of peUyle aeaaoa b orrr with, thee blame yoorMahay for oae year: aad eMoad. that
of aaalUy heyoad thU tara> W oAt
««ew Ueaa ter Woman's Wear,'a brtyh*
mmyaalBa. publbhad by tha Haw Idea Pah^
Oo.,b hate, aad OB sale. Zteoamber aombte
If You Want Goodness
of qnnlity. and cheapnees of price aa well, in yoir
Cloak Purchases
(whether your wants are for Ladies’, Misses' or Children's
garments) we ask your- inspection of our stock. We've a
grand assortment of both styles and clotlis. and the prices
make them wonderful Values. Come in and take a look at
what onr Cloak Department'offers you.
BodoetUu ter llwelUiiya Ordered by
erty owaen will be pleoMd to know
Lbat qolle heary n
Ie by etanderd Intoraaoe compaalee
la the n'tM herrtofore eharyed ben.
The redecad ratoe apply oaly to ritba
aod towae barlay eoitabla fin preteeUon. ay b the cbm ^ere. Thb wQl
mean tho mrlay of a yood many hun
dred dolUn ban eaeh year, aad rrtU
enable property owaen to eany mon
iaearanee, m la many caMd they woold
Wadnrorth Street Xmproramaab
Tbe improyement of WadBwmth
etTMb wUrt h aow exteaddd to Weet
Froat etTMb b alnady proriny Ite
tbIu aad ooByeaieaee. Tbe pamaye
of toami and pedmlrUae which b aow
proridad b aa ^mproraawBl whleh tha
pahlic U yoaoml and thoM wae reeide
an Fifth. Sixth and Sennth elreeta in
particalar will fally appneUto. It
'ca what hM heretofon bMB
leny walk and onahlm aU who
hare need to yo to that portion of the
ri(y a maeb eherter roole thaa before.
The eetlmetod ml of the improremant
waa two; hat the eommluee.oa otreoto
and walka ha« acoomplbhad the work
at a ooet of »no. Tbe atreet b yraded
and ynreled at that point and an Sfoot walk b aeonrealenoe to pedee-
of yonr life b epeat la bud. It b well
to bare that oomfortobla.
We can
make it Boat a very llUle rnttoyoo.
Iron Bed, faraoi trimmed, aad
aa axtn ynod Worea Win Bariay complate for te.on. If yoo want weod beda
we oaa aelt yoa a yood aolid wall rude
bod aad an extn yood Spripy for St.TS.
Laid Up.ter ^a Winter.
Frank FrUdrleh epeat yattorday !n
repariny hb yaehb the B. 6. PlayrM
' wUtor qoarten at Onilick
Court StoBoyraphar J. B. Beadenoa
oTChdiUae, pamed throoyh the eity
ypaieiday oa hb way to dharlerolx ta,
attetid ooorb
B. TbompaoB. eaylaoer U tha
mill of W. 8. Jobnaon A Co. at Baat
Xoidaa. b ta tho city oa boeUmi ter
A -taUyTom wu raerivad Soaday
attend echool or naffer the eeHoqnaaTaeaday wlU be “^Ue* Say* at
«oe prorided by Uw. Bo dm doter- the CfW Bookaton Bnry lady who hy Mr. and Hn. & &. Wait annonaoUy
iha adrant ofayooay danyhlnr
mteed te mforee the Uw with all who ealU will noeln a Sm aoonalr.
Booanss we saU GOOD SaOE8.
« xzmwmxwe Oiev.
128-1S2 he&t Stmt.
C you want a Perfect Rgure»
Gomlortof Body»and
PfesceoC Mini
Tke ‘Best*
FLOUR has more and stronger friends
than moat other floors kewe, after yeara
-labor have boon expended in making it
what it is, *the Standard.”
Out of Hb Blemeab
A bly white owl perched-on the
emoke etorii of the Potato Implement
Go'e factory all yeaterday after
aad watched the people paaainy. with
Kip Van Winkle exprcMioa on hb
B. E. Borka of Laaelay b in the rity
3. M. Watboamoonrtiom LaUhd
yMterday meralay.
D. H. Day mad wife af Olaa Harao.
Mae to tha city yeuerday.
J. H. Wbltmaa of Sooth Arm. wall
How Winter Apple.
lambmwma. b la town es hoab
Albert Kent ef Bmdoo.’ hM hrooyh't
to thb eSoe eom bMatifol apoeii
Mim Jooe^lae Vader went-to Old
of the ‘'Oideoa*' apple. Ihb b Miaaefraltaadbnew U thb part of Mimioa yeaterday for a Tbit with
It b a.nry haadoome frieada.
W. B. Oampholb adltor ef the Bmpln
wuur appb aad jaamlim weU ban.
It Waa a Oab
Will aad BA Bnsoh wcat hoatiay.
Their dc« etarwd what looked like a
Urye nbbit from a hollow Uy. WUl
Snd at It hat mimed. Bd-bUaodaway
aad the rabbit kealad orer. Batitwa*
to thehomeoflfr.aadMra.Fked ColTOT la SeyUaw.
F. a HcaBana Irit yeetmday
galamaioo. when he wUl attaad the
anaaal eacampmeat of the Knlyhta of
PyUriae m a deleyaU tram the'Ualtera
Bank of thb city.
F. BOToId ofKMwlck. wae U the
city yeeterday oa hb way to Pbrt Ho-;
roa, when be will attend the SUto
Snaday School AmoeUUon M deleyate
a^d Long
Everythmg good in
the line of Corsets
can be fotmd at
Hannah & Lay Co.
Lines of
Ladies' Fleeced Cflr*
imitation Jaros
ladies’ Boi and Kangaroo Calf Sboe fpr $1.60
AIsd Gent’s Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $2,50.
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.
I. 1897.
ChrieSMUrjaMlee of the ppMe to
Dotmit, Abd hU brAihv Ed., both old
The (onul epwilDf of the rmodeled
4OT oa «< u>e anv wnw ao laa
UeoM will take pUe* Uib trwl^ the mitb »bo« itaelf end iM
Use ab4 otoU kaows Ull pUfera iB Clt^
, OpuA
mATSBBEcrrr. • migbioan Mi^lCAB. AiTirod lb the «itp pMMrdbp !^«tOBlbS, bad wfU Bb>k •!«> (he ^o- Mbb Uia tmih aboDru<^'ead hli good*
nea «u •mn or Tin
(or •
with their old friuu) WUtar I lor of the Bijrb eohool teeure bad Mb—Bw. A W. Weddea BeptiM.
|muleoeiiree. The bttroeUoo will be
-------------------------^Ube iDperibl WeUh -qobttet. e
L T. Batm An> J. W. BAnn.
, I me kp thie; Ibe teUe ^Mbkaolwv*
t. W. BAnu. Bdlior
^ ^ ' of gM. get. get: the trite epeoke elweTt
at ^ra.»BeT. P'tMik Gnae. Metho8VB8CBJPT10MR.
diet, Ghkaga
Bubleo ihlpplBg f om Here to
sHiPKiiTs OF pomoEs.
szSiXtr-.’ •. ■. ■
Berkshire PantsCloth wovea and made up by Berkshire
Mannfactnring Co,— .
. Will not rip—
Are made of the very best woolens—
In very desirable patterns—
Phlobgo to AdTbaUge.
BotieeB from the i
I all .qrer tbe
Tbov U Uio nraob nffolaft too naob
Yeet^dbj ww bbothar bboser dip oaoBtip. Tbe ^oarMt U oompoeed of degtbdatiuo. too mooh povar^ in the
(or poibtoM Ib the «U>. It U eetimet- eoleee of Aha floeat tone aad It U qaite world. Ihero lea real and aedonagrierbd that bboot ti.ouo boebeU were probable that tbe drat aaiaber la the ance back of the labor dauoGetratloai
boogbi bj leobl boperb DeaplU the eoorae will ecHpap aspdiiBg of that <d oar timea—Ber. E. A. BioeUig.
Caiurian. philad«lphla.
diaagreabble webther tebtaa thronged
ir gl'
Into the eitp (rem ell dliecUou botU Tbera will be d<
Judging from tbs trsmendoos salo we hare had
Utelathebftenioon. The priee naged of the elogere at well at merit Ib t^elr
on them in the oomparativaly short ‘time we ham car
from M to t< eenta per bnahel bad aoDo work, s^e eale of tlekeU (or the
■atreah bom Baltimore.
Terp large load* were hbaled Ip. Ib eooree ^ beea large ead (he elagle
ried them, we eonolnde that no o^erpaat eqoala Uie
eererbl lattbocee loi baeheU to the edmlMloBi for thU eBterUlameDt era
-BB&KSHIBE" at the same price.—Ask for the Berk
Tn oaUaltf bo^len who ur«* lobd were reported, bad verp ^p of aleo eery aBmeroiu. Tbe boeae will
J. V. autor. the Eonae rumlaher.
shire Pant
iritjr te but A myth. niA]' bo 1(M baeheU each. The beenge, how- bold 1400 pereoBt aod there are ladioeef. wbe bboot «0 bnehela.
eatioBt that thera wUl ba (Ow If aap
•eerp bUet fornboe is the Pitubnrg
A. A. MeCop A Sob bra
‘ dtatrtetUpowlBfoUblbrt. ThbU b
>d ^KewYorke
to Mew York e trela of teo care
Too obo get good* at poor own
Sbturdby. th •
Baptiet BerlTal Serrlce
at the great euetioaaele at the
pobn bad la peitienUrlp gratlfpiBg to leboot I.OOO boahee each. The cara
Boolmt^. Daa‘t o
'Ibe apeclal rerleal I
'■ of Uboriagaep who fagee wUl ba tlBed aad proeided with atoeea lbtpi»i choreh araeooUoolBg with la'vbeeB B long time Idle. TbeeeeloBtloa ao ^topraeoBtfrmelBg la eaae cold urr.t. Ailhongh there wm* laia lad
Elxcluaive A.^ents.
d( eertblB demoereU Ib BortberB Miehweather ,.ebo«U oeerieke them ea j„,>hv aaother lateeroilag eerrioe waa.
Slleere weal
...... forty or
that the good timet here ere OBlp
There will be e loag eerrice . ladle
call oa
>B bli
bim at hU dai
lOBbl ABd doe to the lemp,
itofbeaTpehlpmeBU from .tuiigbt
|tMi.gbt at T:IJ.
T:JJ. It it rolled early
1 eloBe. ie fre^aeBUp «
. Monday
, 'Nor....
I :______________________________ weet lain rtalrogo, at radooed|.o „ toclror la lime (or the eaUr_
^ raporU of thit kind from the Urge
(relghljAtea the Chlrogo market baa uianmeL The iwaageltot will prra.h :eiep pertocUy la^oae leaeoa. free of: WAI I Kirm OI IDDCDC
seaefeetBriBg dUtrletA
beea sued .with wroiera pototoae. Bal|aml*lDg. A weltome toalL
,chenre. There will proitlrely be ao^YUU INLh.l> nUDDLnO........
Uet weektraUroed oSriale held a
-------------------------epectatorm. except aewepaper reportere, i
meetiag and ralaed the frelghu. Oa
Oeorge Bhacklatoa Karriad.
“’.•‘J' ^ eanrolmUy lo.ltod to at- '
thU wet weather. Voe ean bop a w. the beet kind at a dUeonatof 20
A. & FRYMAN. 114 B. Front BU
aecoeat the pnoe baa jnmped
The Uread Rapids Preca notloes the. Teacblog fro^ s
Mat of border dtaienlUee e*l»tiDg be- this
froml eboot 42 to
ss eeats per aaeael. wedding of .Ueo Khaekleioo. ead H'miUlf for ey/roth l>:30 to 12 «'cl.«k, gl»-j
•ween the Uaited Stetee ead Cbnede, it
baa prareBied
• wae etbted that there woald be bo dlt- eira afalpmeaU from Michigan, bat the
Every bottle gnaroatbe leeReoltp Ib eoialsg tp e eetlefBCtarp mo. adranee ed freight rotas from the
teed. The only OaGente.
ron I terrh Ued:
r regbrdiBg certbia has edronoed the prtee la (^loago aad ployed Id P. UemlltoaVoIotfalDg store «5c and ladies itc. IMrof '
■ed by Vapor InhaUtioa. S. E WAIT. Drnggtet.
(or sevetal yean aad has many frieade be bad Moadey's aad Tocedap's obLt.
I dlapotea. Tbe
ow tbe bapers la Ulehlgaa wlU Sad here* who will axtead sinoere eoogrotn. from two la tbe afternoon aoUI tea at
d sineere eoogrot
Bight. BeapeeUallp.
It proSlable to ship to that potat.
■Chabda cbB hb?e her OWB wbp the bd> Heretofore eboot, elf-thet hero beoo
Puor. Knaos Sitma.
jMlaiBt wUl bbbmiobblr: othorwMa shipped from bore baee goae aeath or
there wU> be'bo adJoeUBeaL
east or plaoed in etotege. New shipThe edvaucemeot uisde ia k1«d
>W to Chicago trom here bg boat literature and art which baa ogbic
--------OF--------as I* to live on and on The great Intead-,Gearge Lardie pieced on the ties of tbe mrld have not bam fongbt
. elmUar to that of Jadge Cor*
I dock 500 baeheU ts be Abkea by the Pe- in vain, for we today are eujoping the
ben. Attorslep Geaeral Mayaerd has
(roil* of these victorioa—Bi>hop Etbelsotrri' Jadge Kelly to dlaaolTc the ia- tookep' toalgbt, aad today as many If bart Talbot. EpteoopaL at Chicago.
NOW te the Time to Insara Year
JenettoB oa hla owa rnoUoe. aod If .be ool a meek larger iioaaHtp .will bo
Dwclllag Hoaro and Oonteatt at
' Tw asMa mey oMvs.
-------- AT THE--------stored oB.the dock. Prom UU oo the
4bm pot the Sapreme ooart wUl be
It U nanixel chat beaTen chooid be
sblpmeats bp the Nortben Hlehlgaa
eebod to do it for him
daroriUd »• e mty. Tbe earth loay dUUne are tare to be rery beaep.
aolro-^bat'a a very mnaJI tiling
ahall Snd it w^-bat tbe fonndetiai
wnx or d. w. ooobxav.
tlmt city, whlohjrare boilt for eternity. POUCIBS Written U
wiU endore.—Rev.
R Wright.
^ (am and droft be»aaa traoi Indiana.
Hetlttoa 'to-BaTe It Sot AMda
Mrtbodirt. of Oocdiltaeta.
Troeeiea Bap Hire. No. 71. L. O. T.
Now Yorit.
XUaUd bp dodge Komroe.
M.. wUl hold 1« rogalar rerWw .thU
Btanp oolsrs. aoma amosig them are doable (aeedeaUn. nambma »12-idgd to."
hare the will of hU (ether, the UU 3.
h. J. Morgan'reoelrod Saadap tg W. Coehrea, set aside, waa denied la
dome goods .m high aa tSe. aU go at
m bedn made punible by the liiecettn^
Aboal the NEW RATES.
boat a Urge aamber of-Sne bmeee the probate eoort here Setardep. Wal
The nnir
uireaidty taicion
ter. Coehrea pctlUoard tbe eoart to 1* a iDcre ntaalnal earn, lu aricooeand
The clem la jUpeical coltora mrill have coaveped to him all tba property meihanatloi and igiiloaopbp and hieaeeet with Mra. M. K. Beck TneedaiP of deceased bp the eisecators, 8pm Gar torywe reorive the.«*-t reealta o( the
nftonocn at l o'clock.
JohosoD Block.
land and 1 Boa. Perty Haaaah. Tbe delving of tbe aefauUn of all the agea
—Kev. R. P. Peny. Beptim, Chicago.
maap black among tlwm. aoma sold as Ugh as 16c per yard. aU gs at
foha Bpaat. a pUncer of Maple Oilj. axaeatcce were represented bp l*roU A
^Ud at hU home at iha\ place Sandep. DevU aad Walter Oochraa bp Dodge A
I bvaeroleace has i
'Deeeaeed wa* M yean of age.
OovoU. ThU'U SB iateraatlag «nae la
port in real .oynipaihy. tkitno people
Member* of tbe Trovene City Teat, which the peUtloa'er eU^ an rcUte wrop ov,T ntrtriug aod still do noth
Ho. eri. K. O.T. M„ ehoald bear la ralaed at lltS.Ouo. The facte la the ing. If the .■Utuarilan had at down and
and tbe story of the wUI and life •h<4 tear* <if eyuifnthy and uflend a
Mind the special reriew u> be held thU
IS deeroeed. were printed U the (rrrent prejt-r and
I Wtu Ao TOST Besmr
...... .’tSaaeer eUw shop_____.
OlVM Block.
TraverM City, Mich.
Tbs Ladies'Aid Booletp of the nroti Raoonp lOBie time ago. whan the pstlM. E. efaorah wUl eerte eeppar la the Uon wee Bled.
vWM. Aiw,y
PlrMOsBTssvrTubM tim.
parlms of the eharch this croalag,
Trorig^ Oltp Xarkot.
ft«m 4 aaUl 7. Sapper 10 coats.
Sold at $l 5a-$2.ob-4iZ5<^
)thirig Co.
Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
A Weeding Out Sale
— ■r..,
Boston Store
Sc per 5-ard.
3c per yard.
Below U a Uet of the baplog aad eellTonight the Scot aamber la the High
■ehool mealcal aad lluterp eoarae wlli lag priosa of poetardep (or groeerias.
be glrea la tbe City Opera Horoe. The pcwrUlana and firm prodnete la TreeCity
bus sheet show, e tale which wUl tU
The Mieera Varo aad Ploreaee RaV
tonbary of Weet tih street, w
prised Setardep night at tbeU borne,
bp e Urge aamber of frieade. Maeic.
ptagrmm of e plaeaant erdaiag.
rraak TomlUsBB. formerlp ooodoe«ar oa the U. R. A I.. has aeeepted the'
^tkm as bookkeeper for the aewlp
mganlMd Kelly ShlagleCo. He will
.sroke hU haedqaertere at the offieee of
the eompaap. la the Warsboig block,
on Front etreeb
Chpt. W. a Klpnep. the aocUc
of Uread Rapids who U eondacU^ the
atp BookstM enle, U one of the oldoiL-dod best known mllliarj
MfaUlgaa. lie U at preeeat 4aaHei>
roeaUr of the Seeopd lafaatrp. M. N.
O. end was for aeeea yean capUia of BFTiao RATM or -nteVEMK
Omapaap U.. Ue oldest oompahy la
Oroad Rapids. Be.hae aUaperred npoa
the etaSr* of two goeemon and Bereral
brigadier geoerolt of the Michigan
JIaUcaal Guard.
The ateamerOnekama. wbUh want
•orth daring the early part of tbe
month with e party of deer haataro.
mtained to CUd Mlseloa Satai^
. Bight. Poor deer-were hroaghl dowe,
ooe at them sold to Prank Broeek A
Hone and the otbere dlstribaMd emeag
the famiUee of the eaeemaful haaUre.
The heat went hack .to Ibe aortbero
pentMaU last night.
We do not experi the milletinlnm to
■WptervtBlbvrU;. Ptoesa gtre ssaf '
begin In IMS. We do not expect It
begio then any more than any other
y.nr. No one has the right to Mt aap
ni PresisuMt. B
•peeiSc date for tbu U-gluiiing of neh
an eveai
Tbe lime of the tulUronlBia it a very ono-naiii thing I peraousllp hero no Idea that it wiU btglo
in 1W02 ariiivuUitr nror duta—Rev
A. H Him|w>u. OhnMian Allianee. at
N.vsck. K Y
the KlroAlhs BaTO.
In Seattiv ■taros are aben banded, all
llneetg buMiivwi have "help wanted"
adrntijwtDaiis out. and the osoda* will
still he graBUT tn the «|ring. 1
truviKicn store that bad berp cleaned
It a. if bparyvlona Tbe Klondikers
had bought euryihing. and tbe pro----- MADE ON—
irictor was kicking his buds yuyonslp
■gauist an empty roomer — Her
Oiarlie H -Kvirett. UougrvitatiaaaliBt.
East Unoge^ N J
the Biau MS ta»
Itmigbt ba an^saggerodon totep
«iv Lot it ^ (vrtAluI.v 4iTit toomnehio
could unlv 8ere U«t» prtiiinl by
who driighiod in the lueuty. groos and
sptod of this Qohle animul ludeed.no
equal to that uf Job In which tte spirit
Come early and often and stay
as long aa yon want to.
'REMEMBICR that the Ladies have a Special in
vitation to attend each sale—Special accommodation
provided for them.
\ ■ ■
Noclril power upon earth has tbe
right .to inttgfere with the oob '
wsof tboKhig of naticds tn
chstge of their nufaaMgo. T_______
Itenoe of tbe cjty of BcHton forbidding
Ibe fro* imblio pnmcfalng of tbega^xd
• witboat a pmniit (niui the inaytg '
dlrert oautXBT«ti(i<«i ig au lii|b - mimioiL This uriUnaaro. baving beea
SBitalned bp th<i kopn-me eoart of Mae. jariiuens and the «aprem«oanrt <d tbe
Wears net eelllaga dl.so aboeand
UalMd Sutce. has Urome tbe aotion of srpreswUttebe'atxjmsboe. Wera.tbit tJstlQo of tbe t:uited htatea—Bov.
faad.aoorp wbea goads .araaM as we
rapreecet them.
Xko BelUdaph Xsjurft .
Uiue LoaHoUldapUetmian imrj
* eoodiuoa and It wm be waaka
before hb recorery Is
fopsd neoessary to ra-epea the wmand
M hU teg was brokaa. ymdmShp.
MMva (reganate o' the bona, and dBimiA.
Inrited te av
'**^are me. ’* obe niuaued.
Bat Aie was anreloutuig.
•■Ko.''beenroer«L 'TU not epara
Frank Friedrich,
The Sale is on--
Books—Albums-Flcture Frames-DoUs—
Framed Pictures—Wall Fockete—Box Paj»or—Writing Desks snd Imndrsds of ar
ticles you will have to see to appreciate.
Three sales each day—in the moming at 9 o’clock,
in the afternoon at one, and in the evening at 7.
Remember tbe time
and be on time-
H. B. HOIXEY, Manager.
mrnm. m
Something of a War*Ctoud Loom* for thd Chsmplen BtHlnthtNs*
tional Lynching Compdti*
ing Up in tha Horixon^
tkin for 1897.
' V.
tha Oiiant.
■ IW roft* «*T SB
mmd I
.■**dar WIU
Au*ir«-HurK>riaa anbaaaaor U> tb* punt. h*a d«Biai>M Ut* dl*>
Btlnal of tbe valf of AiUn4. AaU Ulnor.
•b4 o( th* nutMMHf or Mvrdu. tb»
portf of Adana, thr iwo nfllclala M»jx>n■IMc fur a r«^l ill*nUy lo tbe Au.01as mrrt^tet. HnaaaMl, avrnt at
Mmtna pf tht Anurias Llo)-.! 8ieain■bip eooipan)-. He has atoo deinaiidrd
a aalute to Ui« AnurtsD na«. ' Is U>*
. arsnl of a falinrr to rumpl)' «rlib twib
kanda Baron dr Caller wUl quit Oiailuraday nrst. AnordB Thura
me to dlrpaii'broia** Thurulaj-tb* arml*
aSrial »'n-mdrnl>Utt. of Vienna. *BBPoaerd ibal day ihal a -nutkatUa
i” Wwrrn Ibr AuitrlanrinbaBif
tb* Wal I
• aernt at
layd fil'raniitUilp
r uf tbr AuairtBn
UB*d Krasxai
■Mash Umo to BMlt iq War.
It arrMrrthaibrnntlneurrTd Tnrklib
.Ine tbr ti
fay tbr Anurtan Uii)-d Atramidilp com*
panj'a vraarla. Laai nignth Ibr Turk*
lab BBlborUlra rxivIM him frt>m Urr*
alna- Tbr Au.lrUo cpvrn^nitni pro*
ttolad. Mbrrrupoti Ihr p..'rlr Blldwrd
Branfull to mum f<3 Mmlna nitm
be catnr to Und ihr looal Turku* uffi*
dais mallrraipd him: nul runtrat altb
. ^«h»i tbry alau Inrulted thr Aurtrlanoua*
sol. vbo Inirrvrnrd
trta Iromedialcly arot a urons notr 10
tbo TurUab sotmub. nl drmandlss an
axplanatlon. The noir waa fullowrd up
br ordar* lo tbr Auurlan crutarr L>ro*
pard to praerrd to Urmlna lo protrrtlbt
ABWrldn oonaulatr and tbr Chrtulaoa at
that poria
I- a>—aa WalrT>las»r.
London. Nor. )L-Thr uaoally vrll-la*
(om«d corroix ndrnt of Thr T
VMnna aais; -Thr fljhl troall ,. poaer
boiWMK Turfcry and <lrf«rr baa not yrl
boa* alsnrd. and tbr nrcmialiora of Ibr
poaroT* vllb ivuircl to auiueomr for
Cm* havr hardly*mnard from the in*
itlBl BUsr when alrradr thrrr arr.dir*
qnIrUrc em>-pi<w e In the Balkans. Tbe
mrta and fbr pone
arc etmlnrd. Tbr auUdh Is prepaiint
for all rrcnioallllro. ard IM.ooo Turklab
aoldirrs are rdielcard on
frontlrr. armrd erl^ih Ua
ply prov Idrd «1tb horcM
M and suns. Prr*
Tia. off
r Involred In any
etton »Ub Mace*
•nm Al*
■aula rriMirt alsns of sroalnc unrea
On tbr abolr. tbr outkxdt la tbe east J
faowloe iTasfiiTlr.r______
Corlnsum, Ky.. yetterday'tbr executive
' oommlitec of Ibr North Amerlcnn Turn*
•sTlBsl bund passed tbe tcdluwUis:
A (briBra posse under
ClvIUtot Law a Lap* Into
MbarMy ' command of Sfaenff Martin at Haaellun..
TOfato risse asdTnm'AtwTbi
krd a party of.joal
reawy alonH the
Dnasttos ream • Berf WlB<llaw*P«Hr
MaM Mr* Flod lb. Werli ktoiy.
I Stfst'lnar.y; therefor
Blwuanrk. K- tk. Nov. 1L-Alrx Coosolved. By the executive o'
dot iVdlin half-breed, and Paul HUj •
Irsrk and Phillip Ireland. roll-l>lood<d
Indiana ibe drat uf whom was sentenced latlrn of every taunjanr stmtliirni. of all
to deatb for Uw morder of six of tbe
r.lal ptlnrJplro of our ron*tUuB|4eer tnmUy law iWuso' and had
Juat heen rranlrd a new trial by tht ru- tUio, That In harmory wllh all wrlltnranlnc add law-aUllny cltlirn*. wr
preme court, arul thr lailre Iwo erll*
detoiuore this mamai re a* n iiu.dt bru
Meed arcesaurleo la thr inurd.r. tal murd^ without parallel in in<ejem
were taken frt m the county fail li^ Km- hlatbry. 'That wr demand the lawful
man* ccuRty Saturday nishi
and puclsbmrnl of Ihr.ahrrUI and bi* drpulyMbrd hy a mob. Tbe lynchlnt bad llcr by tbr aulborlllrs.''
been appamitly coolly planned, and was
Baab PWUare la larflaata
rmrrlod out without a break In (he pro*
Knslleb. liid.. Nov. Ik—Kvrry'rwfidriil
tratrme. 'as Is nalurally Ihr rase In Of ('mw-tord fi-unly wai alua-ked riattb'Sr mile aflalrm. Wllllameiain-where uroay wl^n It wa« learned that tbrKnc-
rne .:f Ibr haurflns was receixd
mounird mresrnarr arrived, his
In a foam from a swin ridr. and
nnunetd that the three m<n bad l>rTn
fbertWWm Nat Mb at the naath.**
The ehVrin of the ccunly was in Ibis
City at (be time ibr hanninc oevurred.
and It'was to him that the memrnyrr
rode In such hot haste. The rm n bad
seen under the rnw-dy-of tvpulv Sbet>rr Torn Kelley, and they wrir lakm
under hi* control hy
hanaed ■' a l*rf wlndlam several bandrrd yard* fir.m Ibe Jail. <
bodies acre iialnKtnc
yesirrdav. thr coroner not havlnx v*' at*
rivrd and nu onr else volunieerlr^ to cut
tbem down. There were at«ut f.-rty
concerned Ir. thr lynchinx. ’n>ey rode
Inlu wmianispun on boiwhat k tale at
Bleht and'leibered their horre* a adKTl
from Ihr city that they mtyht
uhlrh tbr prisoners were mnllrrd la
Mrto'ture. asd wai In
rtiantr I
She WsyvWaleaBma Rriley W*
81IX*. (hr mnnnrmnl of (br
(bey tnlchi eta-ape In sotne wav II
man has wattled all nichl will
fall, and FViHay nlaht Kelley t
watch There u a* a merllnr of th
of W.K><!n»-n in the hulMlna nr
fall, and as K
ihera of
^ kwlxr aft
To while BWB............................ ............ ............... _. .
hour* hr wto pUylic Mlllalrr In fmni
of (be eell* 4d wbbih tbr mirdrrrra wee*
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
the expert of tobacco from Cuba. Scaer
Mom baa promimi Qrpeml Woodford
to study the probllUiioo carefully, and
baa cabled Marabal Blanoo for btfonaa*
lion Oh tbrjiufafsci._____ '
it Wise
Waahlnatoo. Nov. IL-H.face White,
aulbrr of -Money sad Itankins." ha*
suhmlltrd a paper on currency reform
to tbe motteurf commission, tbe pith «d
burtneas essesi*. and the unequivocal
adoption of ibr r>ld siardatd He say*
the allvck dolUtrs are *-meUlilc sreegfaarka"
Cfaan*esa to-WI*re«i»la Paat aaH Rtoto
U.-The coaches and
i bdekera nr(flK*Blven9ty of Cblcayo foot
1 ball tram y^-strrday oBered the Wlm-on*
j an uninrralty eleven a cuararlirot tS.*
________ _____ _.
I ocily p»ve the H
tllartoeaUi Oaury.
tbe sraco and smemflly of thr loral
tbemiea. Tberrupon Ibrw Indlvldualt.
like many Mhrra undrr Ih* akmr ondl.
tbr Ua-B. Aflrratrds tbrr authorUIra
occuplrd tbrimrlvee wltb tbr lark of rr- eurtns for tbem a place of refuse and
providrd than wiU all tbe necrMllire of
Hfe trt enahlr Ibrtn to Uvr borreily
oo«ez wotxn aat A woKik
Ltodeeaftbereha* Itobrb Waato te C
meeWwIloa *llh Uee. 1m.
Nrw Totk..S'c\'. IS.—A dk>iiatrb lolbe
TTil.une from WasblopUti aajre
poriar.t advlcea ere eapertrd from CoaMl Orn.eBl Lev In Hv«»a this w. '
Tpa-l'r..>I<.rt of nrsoUallude beta
the Bia!:*h autbJtItim and thr lu
■enis may w drtrrmJned by thr p
oaoc of Grnrralf Le*.
alr>-ad>- staled unmls^k*
ably that th<> will ci.t acceptauiunamr.
NercrtbelrBs an intlniatloa bai booa
throws out that Uto^ai Uomra aad
his avociataa to ibr ilTTd were valtlns
the repnautaUi-c or iIh- united Staten
Tbeir pMltlot is said t.. be that as «n
country baa oOerad Its suod
. _____
Stain to cod the war It U comprtrni to.
receive a atmi'UloB from other parties
to tbr war.
An inUiBs of tbeir paipcM bae-bern
This Is to make kn.>wn
ibmuab Ra eonsa) ■cneral tbeir desire
to have the United States act
termrdJary with'Spain tai amarine ibc
term* of penes, but pence on tbr hasla
erf Independeoea SpalB hat already de
clared Ihal Cuba cannot boy indcprn*
>u d
do pet'enre
f tnnurcenu
. ___________ _________j ftum the I
■ursrnu for mediation by the United
■tat-* on tbr basis aunrstsd micht be
ttaiirmmed to WatUlBCtun. but It wotfid
hardly Kutfuritarr.
Bat ana. Nor. U. — Consul Oeneml
yiUbuEb Lee nod WaRer B. Bariut
<«t>a»l at Sayus U
. OSMdel arrived yealrrday aft
TINS were welcomed by tbr e
rnmm» of thu dty and a larss a
Lu. lyrrf. arcosa Irtal ci-a
„ chlcaan baa
! bieti aet fur Nov- &
Uoraea ate cheaper than com In Kan*
Tbe owner Vf a Kanma ranch
. buy* them to fallen fcl* booHIcbarl drtea
the twenty-five, ,,
puty sbcfiir atu^, tuM bim they fbr OoUarum. Chlcaco. da'turday nlghL
wanted hU priaoxcra. and draianded'
klx-Hepreeentailve Prank \V. MondcU.
(hat he <rfwn the Cell* a-hh'b
b they w
of WoymilDi. will br
connard in. KelSy <
f Ibr yeneral laud o»ce
that reslstBu.v was usrlen and un
locked the cells Two uf Ihr prliamrrB
Idle Harper, ibe U-year-.>1d son a(
werw <111'nnl In <-nr <*-11 and the other J.P.Harper.uf Westport.Mo.. ahJt hlBr*
IB a •-jaratc ..II.
bad (leen siir tuescaprawhlppluitfrum bis achool
anmanl from efep by tk- cniraiKe of
Ibr ti^en and sat up, half awake and
■^•o «*rr had _he
the door
than thr m..b .mwdrd Inio yfae cor*
rldora. AH < f Ibr imA were masked and
thr Iradrre .wrrl.d p-i-*." Kelley at
Ltcr rwwilsed that th* m.Oj had come
after hlv pilsunm. Th- lyncher* were
from tbrir la-K. topr* wrrr I
about tbeir necks and Ibrr wrrei
out'on tbr around* aflfr belnx
prepare for dralh. Tbr
bad Twen rm-lcd lo suspend the «-atra»w* <•! Blaushtrrrd lKi-.r* and sirunx
up..«i a cruiu'lumm. Cvudoi wa* tbr
flnt man u. (x- hanyed. It Is, rvpurtcd
that h.- »a*
wa* a**.-u
a>k>-il oei./ie
brf.irr Re
br war
was .•a.iaeu
Wb-Iher Black Hawk and T>rf.-odrr bad
ala., been c'n.ertMxl to' tbe murder for
which be waj. au.ui to l.r banyrd.
Hr answered Ihal th. y had to-n. The
top* whirti bad bc-n fa*i.rcd about Ml
net'k wa* Ibm (brown ..tvr thr cruM.beam and he wa* ratord off tbe ynwind
aBd'Sum~-ndrd -In tbr air. Hulyira.k
and IrriaKd w.-r* ao ncvily uncunwHcu'
from th* cffecls.rf lh« dranlny tba)
they did n-'t nnjir wtaal was about u
bat-twn whrn th* ropesabcut tb*lr neck*
wrre tua*.-.! • vrr thr aamr beam. They
were. unaU.- tv stand ami were slowly
rwiMd from Ihr ffround on which they
Uy UBIII Ih. lr bodies .wurjt Intu
Into tht
air and dasitled from thr w-lndlaaa wrltb
that trf (oudot.
Th* iDub’ then dl»perwsd and A«lr away.
WlUtesbarr*. l*a.. JJov. lS.-Tb* Jwrr
TSlumed a verdict of n.it (uUiy.lialur.
day- IR ttk*. caar of elfftat miorra who
warn cbaifft-d by th* LsUeb Ta^y ~ '
property ai^d with tnUmldallna
wTrltnH-n^nw mm on trial -rr* th*
Iradrre of a stiik* »t Avoca In October.
n* dermto was that nu v-toleatw bad
been commuted.
Jn addltloB to tb«
acquittal of tbo strikers the Jary dlroetrd that th*. proarcuUn* company
BbaS pay th* coma oI Ox
bone at Washlnvt.
Ji»rphWmiama.BremaD of tbr Nor^
truer dlrccdCK that hireafiar all rlalM
for acrvlcr* of the I'r.I.w: Pacific Kallyond
compary *axalnst (hr evvemment
'»'►'<M«nrr M. lley«x:ld.. the youna preal”* “**■ ^ Moines National tank.
mnocutw-a that br ban ace- pted-lbr offer
cashlrrahlr .-f the CuBtlOrtiUI
NatlonAl bank al Chk-nffu.
Ublef Jyirtic* Lhmtrr and Aaaorlat*
Jusllo* Alim. constUUlIna a maforiiy
of. tbr Kinaws i>u.nrrm* roun. named
Mr*. Annie T. t>m». thr "llitle plalform ocwhw," a* stair Ubrartam
Jola Alllc* * (Ja.. wholrsal* bardware, U and M l.akr street. Chi
. have «4d out lo Hibbard.
Bartlett A Cn.. a rlval'l
' Ihonnishfarr 1
a itn* of tonal-
Want Ads Pay!
Enterprise Grocei?,
-Front Street.
J. BOBUJSON. Manacer.
More Good Horses
At Remarkably Low Prices.
I have just received a large number pf
Fine FARM and DRAFT HOKSiiS which
are to be t.old at 1.0W Prices. They are all
Fine Stock and you will mate money bycalling at Ferris’ European Horae Hotel
and looking them over.
LEO Solomon:
wr*«l Isio thr i«n(ry
l«R(ry and at* a piece erf
wbiai bad been pr»par«d
. Hr la sow lyUw at <b*
point of death.
Thr famous trial of niaria L. t>rajxw
for in*
tbe murucr
murdtr ci
cf m*
hi* leiiow
B««»nsw. last aprtnx. cam* up al Jack*
«>*• R«B*«Uy. A motUm for
'rnur was denied. Tbr
^ *
Am Hodaman. unlO tbiw* w*«k*
aec-rrtary at tbr di*trk-( eaundl
- Abo crerjtbing la
Um of
Oost Light
The Record
Tate Off
Your Screens *
and pot up STORM SASH. If jon buren’t
any we'd like to make jon some.
J. E. Greilick Co.
ewaam Oa* ■«- nm M*^.
IVAar, Ida.. Nov. IL-Tb* Boiao Srotlnrl. uffWial orcan of th* People's party
of Ibe *laU. announced In It* laat bmte'
that heix rfurth l( will fly tbr banner of
flat u:i«nry Instead of free allwr at If Wiitfaw- todfawham tm twaaty-foar baar
tom • W. B- ym-rHay: For ladlam a^ mp
to 1. thr atialsicenl of the latter tortne atm Bala foDowsd
rlautas wmtorr tfah
WBBlderrd too renurtr.
TbMik O.. Nov. tL-After aeesral
futO* attompta to form « falcffcto paol
dstaSs of a atrona combtelta has
“Baksf out hero, which topraamts ful
ly n per c«rt. of (te BMdIwm snda
«mtp«l at thia cowtA.
—John Verly.,
Ooodi pKXDptly doUverad. Orden bjr Pbooe giren quick ttteotioiL
—Watch Repairing. ;
a Ralurday's ric*
■Wa*lB*tut. Ncv. JL-<'hlrf Haxen. ef
tbe secret airMce. has IdmUfled Albert
I Tbomai, ahv was recently arreftrd at
hr iwn
I New IMfiird. Maas., fur paaNne raised
railed Riaira notra. as Albert Untner.
Kaew Swat (SWU TWe« Wasi«l->iyaMaa*
A-aablrpton. Noe. U.-Thr Turttlab »e^Uoc has autborlsed Ibr .followUw
Atatemrni ronrrrstns rreer.l Armrntaa
^^onthprskr: "tmiy rTeecll> tbr aovemor
Benrral of thr ella^-rt of «l\-aa and tbr
■nvrmor of JanUt have rrportrd that
Anornksn band* «f bricand*. under ordartof Uuoaarp and UlnaaOrbUm. were
poroosd and arrvelrd, ramptloc tbeir
ebleta and ta^ mnnbrra of tbr band,
wto aer* able to carapv. Thr wife of
Hooiani. who Ilkr -hrr hu.hand was
armrd allh a Maninl rtflr. bavins alao
dreoird hrraelf to tiiiiandase, aut
a rroundtlie
Tbe Enterprise Greo^
is still doing 'business op
Front Street, jnst west of ‘
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
House, and preKents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in tbe chy.
nttmurs, Nov. li-Tbe Sbrlby Tube
company whkh wa* Incorporated und-r
the Uwe of Pennsylvania.Oct.l»t.
a* oncauland hri
l. W. K. MHI.W. of Klyrla. O.; Irras*
r, Tf. A. Miller, of Bbelby. O.; soerr'
r. H. H. Blncklry.
Binckley. of Shelby. O
O. Thj “T.
rfbees of the Shelby
Ibr Steel Tub.
compaar will be a( BIIw<
S'lllns omca* are to be
Still on Beck
at the Old StaniL
llah bank had falli-d to ojan Its duura
ik>»n a* thr fallurr became known
thr bank * braoche* at Lrwrrnworlhaiid
irarfo alM clo»rd Nearly every farm*
and bualDeis man In Craatord apd
l*rrr>' coumir* I* nid lo br ctmceetiid
In Ibr failure* for amounts taiurlrjf frotn
ties In K.QOO. Couny Treasurer BrWn
ba> plaird more than *1«.«M with tbe
suapubdrd liaDk.
"t» Ihsas who tram tbstr wb*eU wHh M Me
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple ‘Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Xands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Worics, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Fiant for sale.
U>w«r Hkhlaaa-haM:
■ Fm
FIr»l Tem-No. 16a
Utimimioc or Xiehtcu Omtnl from
m^wia M this 01^ WouU Ibk*
IHfet OoauotiM and Short B.
Pram Bw* to l>oti«tt •&« tbo
Soot. *
Ko town ia thcoUte i* aUraettnc
»or« atteotka jaat oow thaa Trararaa
a^. aad tba laat •‘aflUtioB*' U thli
dtraetioa la a railroad Uaa botwoea
■OUdwia aad Trmverae CiCj. Below is
direa a dl^teb traai Uladwia to the
DoMt Brealar'
wUefa ebowe
the latetaattakaa lathe aew prejwH
atthateadoftheUae. The extraaioa
the HkMfca Ceotnl apokaa of
-eoald a»ke ooDawrUoa with the extaailoa of the C. h W. M. aow baia|
-4»llt tett Vaa Btirea aoaUeaal
an diaOhariaf it, hat before doiar i
Mid call pBblle aUeatioB to the telwlar prarldoea la the elty eharU
which «)orera ehtldna cf aebo^ hr*:
Part of SoetioB iS-The bald troaat
officer ahall bare all the power aad aathortty of a eoastaUe to arreat oSeadera, withoat a warraat. aad eaeh other
Ipower aad aatborityaa Biay he
' tarj to carry oot the prerUioae of thia
8ec. IB.—The foUowiaf rlinre of
pereoae hetweea the afn of eiirht aad
•iztaea yeara ahaU he di
fly peraoca, aad dtall be' aabjeet
> the proriaioBi of thb act:
aaae I. HaWtaal traaata fros
aebcol la which they are carolled aa
Oaaa t. Chlldrea, who. while aV
teadlBc aat pahlic echool. are looorrirlbly tarhaleat. dieohedieat, tawhofdiaate. or are tIcIoiib or Iznuoral ia
j. ca,nareo who ______ ...
ytri a direct oatlel at Trarene City. | jy freqoeal atreeU aad <
* 'The Oladwln dUpatch referred to ie ae plaoea. harlny oo Uwfol b
“Seltlerm hetweea Gladwia aad Tnr'-ana CUy an etnuay la the faith that
tbahraaeh of the MlebiyaaOeatral, t«
Mllee la lenyth. tnw Plaoouiay to
' .-OUdwia. will, la the aaar tetore, he
exteaded ta Trarene City. They aryve ▼alnabU M from Saerotary of War
that thU Uaa woold opea ap Urn
to Tnm^
XadUa Xd.
traeu of hardwood aad fanuay Uada.
aad woold affiard aahM aad dlrwit paeSaaettUoiutsprUyitcamete the
BOBfOTaad tr^fht reale from Trarene
aoUco of
ehalmae of the LadlM
City to Iwtroit. wlthoot ehaan ot
Uhrary/AnocUtloa. Xra
thte^y^ the papwa. that a my raloaOV propeeed Uae rroold atrike BarMa. wheaaire aad ootnpieU hUtary of
rUoB, tha eoaaty Mat of Clare: Lake
■City, Mat of Hlnankfaoold aUo he pat U
,------------------- ------------- fm- Utarary
frith QidllUe orer tha tia«da of the
^tetioaa. Mra-Batee wrote at
-OBBBMr loaher rowipawy fiOM i^w
to Secretary of War Alyer; aaklay that
lftbtewaeeotbeL.L.4. of TrarerM
The eUin U Blade that teal e
atymlybtbedwliraaMdaeoBe of the
ataad ready ta Make heary
Oeaeral Alyer replUd that
^ thU woold aot ho poeelbla By aa aet
the read.
of cioayrrm, approred Aoyut
oiRht tboiuaad thne i
OMUUIT WAXJC PMPOSmOX. wen erdered to be Mot to eoeh librarioa oryaaUaUoDt and iodiridoaU aa
aUd that the City Pay Oae- eboold be dealyuted at that Uou by
dofOoetto ProjUrty Owaen.
Dtotlree aod delI hae been made re- eyetee to the
eaaUy that
U If the eUy. r^u; bBOMt bot that fortha than that then
,ble for free dbiribolarye BOBber
iber woold Uy eeiaeat
eemeat eidei
time ho
tlon. At the I
wolka oo their prembea Bentofore that if he eonld erea pot the Tnreree
the expooM hee proreated Bony who City aetoeUtlon oo the Ibt bt woold
woold like that kind of rralk tram dOBol
CraUfyUy their teney at well ae boUdA tew deyr xIbm Mn. Batm roari*«d
lay a more dotable walk. It b now
aayMOtod that the city pay one-third
War Departmeat, War Baoerd Office,
«f .;|ihe ooet of each walkt U the reei- WariiUytoa.
. Oetober, U. 1P97.
dtbea portioB of the city and the prop
Mm M. B. C. Bene.
owaera the baUnea. TMe propo
TrarerM City. Itlekiyaa.
/ritioo mMU with iaror aad It b
Daaa Mebaa—Batertiay to the
probahU that at a folore mMlUy of prombe of the Secniary of War. made'
the eeoBrii aa ordlaaaee wUl ht aamed 1g hb letter to yoo dated April lA. IMT,
lay for Me^ an arraoyemeat bo- that by woold "Ube yreat oUatan io
i- . ~
tweea property owaan aad the cityThen an aow a few eemeat walko U
the city aod they an ylriny aoeh yood
r* are deeirooe ed
l^lay them if the eoet b not toayreab
The eoet after the city payiny oaothlrd nronld be aboat doable what a
hoard walk eoate now. bpt the added
Aanbimy woold m^ than make ap
tha addiUoaal mb and many woold
eoanraet the propoeed walk ebeold the
ordineace be adapted.
___ _ __
Boe^i 'ohoold iVtalo bb 'powv'to'.^
JOn tha^ the War
t fall a
and the Secretory of Waahaa dineted
that toCM hooka heaentto yoor ----riaUoo.
The hooka. noBberiiiy lOT. U doth
blsdlay. with the AtlM In >0 parte. U
eorern, wil be forward^ by raySeM^mairin a few dan, and the
ame of yoor library baa Men placed
a otirdUtribuUon booka for the folore
WAS MO avoaniL
anee aa they an pobllabed.
Veryeiooerely yoor*.
Caly Fire Aldennea Attended the:
Uxo. W. Davi*.
KaetlBg Lari Viybb
Major. U. S. A.
Uat aiyht for the fint tiaie aiaee the
Tbe bookn arrived Uat week ia aix
city ana laeorponted, there
biy mail pooebea. and anat the llfatary
> at a reyaUr meetlay. Mayor ooma.
Imith area preaeab abo Aldrrmcs Thb bji Btotvaluhle addition to
Ooodrieh. Cook. LardU. Ha
thb Ufaraiy aadoae that few ef the
and UarrboB. An effort waa mpde to Uryer librarba of the coentty will
Sad ooeof tbcotboraldermea. hot It oWB,'and It U one that will yrow UryeI, thenfon then i
ly in valee m time yoee on.
BO mMtlBf. Then an
bailBBrn abmd ao an adjeora'meat arm.
Olotbeeliim ThUrm Abraed.
taken to 8 o'clock thb mornlny. The
Offieer Elaaey waa ealled to tbe reaiboard will Uen wieetat tho oSUe of
deaee ef Mr. Sabheiy. earner of Klyhth
tha eity clerk, when the
haaUem will be traameted.
aad Wadiworth itnett Uat aiyht to
eariw* thUrea who had beu too Utlmate with aelothaallae aad lie
Aayiun TroMeMMl Foatiae.
BaperintendentUaDnaa and Troetoe teato. The offaaden wore deteetod U
Utbeyard of Mayer
M. C Darb will yo by Ub morainyh
C. A W. M. train to Grand Bapida. Do- SmUh’a raSdeaM. bat wen triybteaod
away hater* aaearlay anythlny.
trait aad PeatUc on ujinm
aad ariU attaad the aeBl-anBoal JoUt
heard maotiayof th« MIchiyanaayUBa
for tho iBBtao, which will be bold at
tha FoatUe iaatiMtlce on Thonday.
Troatoee Bobmty aad Batm may }ola
them then ea that day.
Win Bateroo tho Law and AtTMt
Becaloltiant School OhOdfOa.
Traant 9ffiaar Marrlp hM made a
ajatomaUe toor of tbe city aad haa jut
aboat made ap hb mlad aa to the ehUAru who do DOb hot eji^t to yo to
aAool. Hb larmtinUoao hare ' '
Usi toadoptetornmaaaarMtoooi
Vaitad Btataa Aaka ter ToatpoiarT
Oaaaatioa of ZUUb( Se^a-Oaaadlaa f$&hrtaiB Do Xot Beeat la.
ellaed to Acoade to the Oealre of
TTaela San. Bat Parer Oonproaila#.
Wathinftoa. Hor. It.—Wheo the
Bering eea Beetlaf heffaa today thf
deleyatee atptad that there waa erery
proapaet of reaohiiic the &aal etaye to Todye ^oy Zaeaod laJnaoUoB to
day. 7W axparta, after protraeted
nMlaae. were ready to nport aa
•man at Alpaaa.
' la^ateal featarea of aeal life, aad
Laariny. Nor. iS.-Jodn Cor^U >•
it wae reliably ateted that they had
reatdied a eotaaMO roaad'trf oader- aot the oaly Clrecitlodn to beu
r the laryer -pbaae of the
that of reaeblay a joiat
hetweea the Uaited SUtee
and Omt Britaie for a woMtloe of
peUyic Maliey. Thii Ir tell to ha the
rital inne of the ai«olUtloaa oa which
blayee dot oaly the eetUeaieat of the
BarliiR Ma <|ee«ttoB. hot aUo.p«>bahly.
that of
tioa aad all qaeatioai peodtoy hotireea the Caitad Sutet aad Cauda.
It Unadentood that the propoeitUa
A Chance that You Musi Not Miss'
Tbare will be a fine opportonitr eiran for yoo to
jut wb«f '
yoQ want at onr grept able. This nftamoon ererylady leueires
a fine aonvenir. There are rthain prorided for ^ the ladteSi
Sales three timu a day—at nioe'b the morning, at one o’doek
and at aerfen in tbe arening.
Chain for all aha UdJm who attud
the yrvat aoellce eab at the aty Book
•torr. Yon will reoelre the beaiof attaatloB. poaH mim lb
offieUU do not reyard thU propoeltion
with farm. They hare takaa yroaad.
It U mid, that they will be yUd ta
rearil any faaBUotMttUmeat by eom.
prombe or telr eaaeemUo. bat they
rUw thb propoaltloa h oae of ahaolotoM/readM OB their part.
Pocket Books
A new line eS LadSei^omblnstion^ooket
Books Slid Hsndkefehlef Holdu*
“• Haskell's Bookstor«.
ic wae booed by. Jadn Krilcy
BO OB peUUon of CMpar Alpera of
that city. Thao far the Utter lajanotioa hae aot been dhaolred.
The attorney nnwal fan wired
Jodye Kelley aeklny his to racatc the
order on hb own motion. If thb b aot
doae Ur. Uaynard will Imre for Alpeaa
thb oTeBiay to make a teraal moUoa.
rolree two featarea Pint, that CaaLeant Wdaaee aow and
ada. throoyh the 1
Do not wait eatll the
eball eoaMBt to e atoppaye of peUyle aeaaoa b orrr with, thee blame yoorMahay for oae year: aad eMoad. that
of aaalUy heyoad thU tara> W oAt
««ew Ueaa ter Woman's Wear,'a brtyh*
mmyaalBa. publbhad by tha Haw Idea Pah^
Oo.,b hate, aad OB sale. Zteoamber aombte
If You Want Goodness
of qnnlity. and cheapnees of price aa well, in yoir
Cloak Purchases
(whether your wants are for Ladies’, Misses' or Children's
garments) we ask your- inspection of our stock. We've a
grand assortment of both styles and clotlis. and the prices
make them wonderful Values. Come in and take a look at
what onr Cloak Department'offers you.
BodoetUu ter llwelUiiya Ordered by
erty owaen will be pleoMd to know
Lbat qolle heary n
Ie by etanderd Intoraaoe compaalee
la the n'tM herrtofore eharyed ben.
The redecad ratoe apply oaly to ritba
aod towae barlay eoitabla fin preteeUon. ay b the cbm ^ere. Thb wQl
mean tho mrlay of a yood many hun
dred dolUn ban eaeh year, aad rrtU
enable property owaen to eany mon
iaearanee, m la many caMd they woold
Wadnrorth Street Xmproramaab
Tbe improyement of WadBwmth
etTMb wUrt h aow exteaddd to Weet
Froat etTMb b alnady proriny Ite
tbIu aad ooByeaieaee. Tbe pamaye
of toami and pedmlrUae which b aow
proridad b aa ^mproraawBl whleh tha
pahlic U yoaoml and thoM wae reeide
an Fifth. Sixth and Sennth elreeta in
particalar will fally appneUto. It
'ca what hM heretofon bMB
leny walk and onahlm aU who
hare need to yo to that portion of the
ri(y a maeb eherter roole thaa before.
The eetlmetod ml of the improremant
waa two; hat the eommluee.oa otreoto
and walka ha« acoomplbhad the work
at a ooet of »no. Tbe atreet b yraded
and ynreled at that point and an Sfoot walk b aeonrealenoe to pedee-
of yonr life b epeat la bud. It b well
to bare that oomfortobla.
We can
make it Boat a very llUle rnttoyoo.
Iron Bed, faraoi trimmed, aad
aa axtn ynod Worea Win Bariay complate for te.on. If yoo want weod beda
we oaa aelt yoa a yood aolid wall rude
bod aad an extn yood Spripy for St.TS.
Laid Up.ter ^a Winter.
Frank FrUdrleh epeat yattorday !n
repariny hb yaehb the B. 6. PlayrM
' wUtor qoarten at Onilick
Court StoBoyraphar J. B. Beadenoa
oTChdiUae, pamed throoyh the eity
ypaieiday oa hb way to dharlerolx ta,
attetid ooorb
B. TbompaoB. eaylaoer U tha
mill of W. 8. Jobnaon A Co. at Baat
Xoidaa. b ta tho city oa boeUmi ter
A -taUyTom wu raerivad Soaday
attend echool or naffer the eeHoqnaaTaeaday wlU be “^Ue* Say* at
«oe prorided by Uw. Bo dm doter- the CfW Bookaton Bnry lady who hy Mr. and Hn. & &. Wait annonaoUy
iha adrant ofayooay danyhlnr
mteed te mforee the Uw with all who ealU will noeln a Sm aoonalr.
Booanss we saU GOOD SaOE8.
« xzmwmxwe Oiev.
128-1S2 he&t Stmt.
C you want a Perfect Rgure»
Gomlortof Body»and
PfesceoC Mini
Tke ‘Best*
FLOUR has more and stronger friends
than moat other floors kewe, after yeara
-labor have boon expended in making it
what it is, *the Standard.”
Out of Hb Blemeab
A bly white owl perched-on the
emoke etorii of the Potato Implement
Go'e factory all yeaterday after
aad watched the people paaainy. with
Kip Van Winkle exprcMioa on hb
B. E. Borka of Laaelay b in the rity
3. M. Watboamoonrtiom LaUhd
yMterday meralay.
D. H. Day mad wife af Olaa Harao.
Mae to tha city yeuerday.
J. H. Wbltmaa of Sooth Arm. wall
How Winter Apple.
lambmwma. b la town es hoab
Albert Kent ef Bmdoo.’ hM hrooyh't
to thb eSoe eom bMatifol apoeii
Mim Jooe^lae Vader went-to Old
of the ‘'Oideoa*' apple. Ihb b Miaaefraltaadbnew U thb part of Mimioa yeaterday for a Tbit with
It b a.nry haadoome frieada.
W. B. Oampholb adltor ef the Bmpln
wuur appb aad jaamlim weU ban.
It Waa a Oab
Will aad BA Bnsoh wcat hoatiay.
Their dc« etarwd what looked like a
Urye nbbit from a hollow Uy. WUl
Snd at It hat mimed. Bd-bUaodaway
aad the rabbit kealad orer. Batitwa*
to thehomeoflfr.aadMra.Fked ColTOT la SeyUaw.
F. a HcaBana Irit yeetmday
galamaioo. when he wUl attaad the
anaaal eacampmeat of the Knlyhta of
PyUriae m a deleyaU tram the'Ualtera
Bank of thb city.
F. BOToId ofKMwlck. wae U the
city yeeterday oa hb way to Pbrt Ho-;
roa, when be will attend the SUto
Snaday School AmoeUUon M deleyate
a^d Long
Everythmg good in
the line of Corsets
can be fotmd at
Hannah & Lay Co.
Lines of
Ladies' Fleeced Cflr*
imitation Jaros
ladies’ Boi and Kangaroo Calf Sboe fpr $1.60
AIsd Gent’s Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $2,50.
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in Style, Wear and Price.
I. 1897.
ChrieSMUrjaMlee of the ppMe to
Dotmit, Abd hU brAihv Ed., both old
The (onul epwilDf of the rmodeled
4OT oa «< u>e anv wnw ao laa
UeoM will take pUe* Uib trwl^ the mitb »bo« itaelf end iM
Use ab4 otoU kaows Ull pUfera iB Clt^
, OpuA
mATSBBEcrrr. • migbioan Mi^lCAB. AiTirod lb the «itp pMMrdbp !^«tOBlbS, bad wfU Bb>k •!«> (he ^o- Mbb Uia tmih aboDru<^'ead hli good*
nea «u •mn or Tin
(or •
with their old friuu) WUtar I lor of the Bijrb eohool teeure bad Mb—Bw. A W. Weddea BeptiM.
|muleoeiiree. The bttroeUoo will be
-------------------------^Ube iDperibl WeUh -qobttet. e
L T. Batm An> J. W. BAnn.
, I me kp thie; Ibe teUe ^Mbkaolwv*
t. W. BAnu. Bdlior
^ ^ ' of gM. get. get: the trite epeoke elweTt
at ^ra.»BeT. P'tMik Gnae. Metho8VB8CBJPT10MR.
diet, Ghkaga
Bubleo ihlpplBg f om Here to
sHiPKiiTs OF pomoEs.
szSiXtr-.’ •. ■. ■
Berkshire PantsCloth wovea and made up by Berkshire
Mannfactnring Co,— .
. Will not rip—
Are made of the very best woolens—
In very desirable patterns—
Phlobgo to AdTbaUge.
BotieeB from the i
I all .qrer tbe
Tbov U Uio nraob nffolaft too naob
Yeet^dbj ww bbothar bboser dip oaoBtip. Tbe ^oarMt U oompoeed of degtbdatiuo. too mooh povar^ in the
(or poibtoM Ib the «U>. It U eetimet- eoleee of Aha floeat tone aad It U qaite world. Ihero lea real and aedonagrierbd that bboot ti.ouo boebeU were probable that tbe drat aaiaber la the ance back of the labor dauoGetratloai
boogbi bj leobl boperb DeaplU the eoorae will ecHpap aspdiiBg of that <d oar timea—Ber. E. A. BioeUig.
Caiurian. philad«lphla.
diaagreabble webther tebtaa thronged
ir gl'
Into the eitp (rem ell dliecUou botU Tbera will be d<
Judging from tbs trsmendoos salo we hare had
Utelathebftenioon. The priee naged of the elogere at well at merit Ib t^elr
on them in the oomparativaly short ‘time we ham car
from M to t< eenta per bnahel bad aoDo work, s^e eale of tlekeU (or the
■atreah bom Baltimore.
Terp large load* were hbaled Ip. Ib eooree ^ beea large ead (he elagle
ried them, we eonolnde that no o^erpaat eqoala Uie
eererbl lattbocee loi baeheU to the edmlMloBi for thU eBterUlameDt era
-BB&KSHIBE" at the same price.—Ask for the Berk
Tn oaUaltf bo^len who ur«* lobd were reported, bad verp ^p of aleo eery aBmeroiu. Tbe boeae will
J. V. autor. the Eonae rumlaher.
shire Pant
iritjr te but A myth. niA]' bo 1(M baeheU each. The beenge, how- bold 1400 pereoBt aod there are ladioeef. wbe bboot «0 bnehela.
eatioBt that thera wUl ba (Ow If aap
•eerp bUet fornboe is the Pitubnrg
A. A. MeCop A Sob bra
‘ dtatrtetUpowlBfoUblbrt. ThbU b
>d ^KewYorke
to Mew York e trela of teo care
Too obo get good* at poor own
Sbturdby. th •
Baptiet BerlTal Serrlce
at the great euetioaaele at the
pobn bad la peitienUrlp gratlfpiBg to leboot I.OOO boahee each. The cara
Boolmt^. Daa‘t o
'Ibe apeclal rerleal I
'■ of Uboriagaep who fagee wUl ba tlBed aad proeided with atoeea lbtpi»i choreh araeooUoolBg with la'vbeeB B long time Idle. TbeeeeloBtloa ao ^topraeoBtfrmelBg la eaae cold urr.t. Ailhongh there wm* laia lad
Elxcluaive A.^ents.
d( eertblB demoereU Ib BortberB Miehweather ,.ebo«U oeerieke them ea j„,>hv aaother lateeroilag eerrioe waa.
Slleere weal
...... forty or
that the good timet here ere OBlp
There will be e loag eerrice . ladle
call oa
>B bli
bim at hU dai
lOBbl ABd doe to the lemp,
itofbeaTpehlpmeBU from .tuiigbt
|tMi.gbt at T:IJ.
T:JJ. It it rolled early
1 eloBe. ie fre^aeBUp «
. Monday
, 'Nor....
I :______________________________ weet lain rtalrogo, at radooed|.o „ toclror la lime (or the eaUr_
^ raporU of thit kind from the Urge
(relghljAtea the Chlrogo market baa uianmeL The iwaageltot will prra.h :eiep pertocUy la^oae leaeoa. free of: WAI I Kirm OI IDDCDC
seaefeetBriBg dUtrletA
beea sued .with wroiera pototoae. Bal|aml*lDg. A weltome toalL
,chenre. There will proitlrely be ao^YUU INLh.l> nUDDLnO........
Uet weektraUroed oSriale held a
-------------------------epectatorm. except aewepaper reportere, i
meetiag and ralaed the frelghu. Oa
Oeorge Bhacklatoa Karriad.
“’.•‘J' ^ eanrolmUy lo.ltod to at- '
thU wet weather. Voe ean bop a w. the beet kind at a dUeonatof 20
A. & FRYMAN. 114 B. Front BU
aecoeat the pnoe baa jnmped
The Uread Rapids Preca notloes the. Teacblog fro^ s
Mat of border dtaienlUee e*l»tiDg be- this
froml eboot 42 to
ss eeats per aaeael. wedding of .Ueo Khaekleioo. ead H'miUlf for ey/roth l>:30 to 12 «'cl.«k, gl»-j
•ween the Uaited Stetee ead Cbnede, it
baa prareBied
• wae etbted that there woald be bo dlt- eira afalpmeaU from Michigan, bat the
Every bottle gnaroatbe leeReoltp Ib eoialsg tp e eetlefBCtarp mo. adranee ed freight rotas from the
teed. The only OaGente.
ron I terrh Ued:
r regbrdiBg certbia has edronoed the prtee la (^loago aad ployed Id P. UemlltoaVoIotfalDg store «5c and ladies itc. IMrof '
■ed by Vapor InhaUtioa. S. E WAIT. Drnggtet.
(or sevetal yean aad has many frieade be bad Moadey's aad Tocedap's obLt.
I dlapotea. Tbe
ow tbe bapers la Ulehlgaa wlU Sad here* who will axtead sinoere eoogrotn. from two la tbe afternoon aoUI tea at
d sineere eoogrot
Bight. BeapeeUallp.
It proSlable to ship to that potat.
■Chabda cbB hb?e her OWB wbp the bd> Heretofore eboot, elf-thet hero beoo
Puor. Knaos Sitma.
jMlaiBt wUl bbbmiobblr: othorwMa shipped from bore baee goae aeath or
there wU> be'bo adJoeUBeaL
east or plaoed in etotege. New shipThe edvaucemeot uisde ia k1«d
>W to Chicago trom here bg boat literature and art which baa ogbic
--------OF--------as I* to live on and on The great Intead-,Gearge Lardie pieced on the ties of tbe mrld have not bam fongbt
. elmUar to that of Jadge Cor*
I dock 500 baeheU ts be Abkea by the Pe- in vain, for we today are eujoping the
ben. Attorslep Geaeral Mayaerd has
(roil* of these victorioa—Bi>hop Etbelsotrri' Jadge Kelly to dlaaolTc the ia- tookep' toalgbt, aad today as many If bart Talbot. EpteoopaL at Chicago.
NOW te the Time to Insara Year
JenettoB oa hla owa rnoUoe. aod If .be ool a meek larger iioaaHtp .will bo
Dwclllag Hoaro and Oonteatt at
' Tw asMa mey oMvs.
-------- AT THE--------stored oB.the dock. Prom UU oo the
4bm pot the Sapreme ooart wUl be
It U nanixel chat beaTen chooid be
sblpmeats bp the Nortben Hlehlgaa
eebod to do it for him
daroriUd »• e mty. Tbe earth loay dUUne are tare to be rery beaep.
aolro-^bat'a a very mnaJI tiling
ahall Snd it w^-bat tbe fonndetiai
wnx or d. w. ooobxav.
tlmt city, whlohjrare boilt for eternity. POUCIBS Written U
wiU endore.—Rev.
R Wright.
^ (am and droft be»aaa traoi Indiana.
Hetlttoa 'to-BaTe It Sot AMda
Mrtbodirt. of Oocdiltaeta.
Troeeiea Bap Hire. No. 71. L. O. T.
Now Yorit.
XUaUd bp dodge Komroe.
M.. wUl hold 1« rogalar rerWw .thU
Btanp oolsrs. aoma amosig them are doable (aeedeaUn. nambma »12-idgd to."
hare the will of hU (ether, the UU 3.
h. J. Morgan'reoelrod Saadap tg W. Coehrea, set aside, waa denied la
dome goods .m high aa tSe. aU go at
m bedn made punible by the liiecettn^
Aboal the NEW RATES.
boat a Urge aamber of-Sne bmeee the probate eoort here Setardep. Wal
The nnir
uireaidty taicion
ter. Coehrea pctlUoard tbe eoart to 1* a iDcre ntaalnal earn, lu aricooeand
The clem la jUpeical coltora mrill have coaveped to him all tba property meihanatloi and igiiloaopbp and hieaeeet with Mra. M. K. Beck TneedaiP of deceased bp the eisecators, 8pm Gar torywe reorive the.«*-t reealta o( the
nftonocn at l o'clock.
JohosoD Block.
land and 1 Boa. Perty Haaaah. Tbe delving of tbe aefauUn of all the agea
—Kev. R. P. Peny. Beptim, Chicago.
maap black among tlwm. aoma sold as Ugh as 16c per yard. aU gs at
foha Bpaat. a pUncer of Maple Oilj. axaeatcce were represented bp l*roU A
^Ud at hU home at iha\ place Sandep. DevU aad Walter Oochraa bp Dodge A
I bvaeroleace has i
'Deeeaeed wa* M yean of age.
OovoU. ThU'U SB iateraatlag «nae la
port in real .oynipaihy. tkitno people
Member* of tbe Trovene City Teat, which the peUtloa'er eU^ an rcUte wrop ov,T ntrtriug aod still do noth
Ho. eri. K. O.T. M„ ehoald bear la ralaed at lltS.Ouo. The facte la the ing. If the .■Utuarilan had at down and
and tbe story of the wUI and life •h<4 tear* <if eyuifnthy and uflend a
Mind the special reriew u> be held thU
IS deeroeed. were printed U the (rrrent prejt-r and
I Wtu Ao TOST Besmr
...... .’tSaaeer eUw shop_____.
OlVM Block.
TraverM City, Mich.
Tbs Ladies'Aid Booletp of the nroti Raoonp lOBie time ago. whan the pstlM. E. efaorah wUl eerte eeppar la the Uon wee Bled.
vWM. Aiw,y
PlrMOsBTssvrTubM tim.
parlms of the eharch this croalag,
Trorig^ Oltp Xarkot.
ft«m 4 aaUl 7. Sapper 10 coats.
Sold at $l 5a-$2.ob-4iZ5<^
)thirig Co.
Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
A Weeding Out Sale
— ■r..,
Boston Store
Sc per 5-ard.
3c per yard.
Below U a Uet of the baplog aad eellTonight the Scot aamber la the High
■ehool mealcal aad lluterp eoarae wlli lag priosa of poetardep (or groeerias.
be glrea la tbe City Opera Horoe. The pcwrUlana and firm prodnete la TreeCity
bus sheet show, e tale which wUl tU
The Mieera Varo aad Ploreaee RaV
tonbary of Weet tih street, w
prised Setardep night at tbeU borne,
bp e Urge aamber of frieade. Maeic.
ptagrmm of e plaeaant erdaiag.
rraak TomlUsBB. formerlp ooodoe«ar oa the U. R. A I.. has aeeepted the'
^tkm as bookkeeper for the aewlp
mganlMd Kelly ShlagleCo. He will
.sroke hU haedqaertere at the offieee of
the eompaap. la the Warsboig block,
on Front etreeb
Chpt. W. a Klpnep. the aocUc
of Uread Rapids who U eondacU^ the
atp BookstM enle, U one of the oldoiL-dod best known mllliarj
MfaUlgaa. lie U at preeeat 4aaHei>
roeaUr of the Seeopd lafaatrp. M. N.
O. end was for aeeea yean capUia of BFTiao RATM or -nteVEMK
Omapaap U.. Ue oldest oompahy la
Oroad Rapids. Be.hae aUaperred npoa
the etaSr* of two goeemon and Bereral
brigadier geoerolt of the Michigan
JIaUcaal Guard.
The ateamerOnekama. wbUh want
•orth daring the early part of tbe
month with e party of deer haataro.
mtained to CUd Mlseloa Satai^
. Bight. Poor deer-were hroaghl dowe,
ooe at them sold to Prank Broeek A
Hone and the otbere dlstribaMd emeag
the famiUee of the eaeemaful haaUre.
The heat went hack .to Ibe aortbero
pentMaU last night.
We do not experi the milletinlnm to
■WptervtBlbvrU;. Ptoesa gtre ssaf '
begin In IMS. We do not expect It
begio then any more than any other
y.nr. No one has the right to Mt aap
ni PresisuMt. B
•peeiSc date for tbu U-gluiiing of neh
an eveai
Tbe lime of the tulUronlBia it a very ono-naiii thing I peraousllp hero no Idea that it wiU btglo
in 1W02 ariiivuUitr nror duta—Rev
A. H Him|w>u. OhnMian Allianee. at
N.vsck. K Y
the KlroAlhs BaTO.
In Seattiv ■taros are aben banded, all
llneetg buMiivwi have "help wanted"
adrntijwtDaiis out. and the osoda* will
still he graBUT tn the «|ring. 1
truviKicn store that bad berp cleaned
It a. if bparyvlona Tbe Klondikers
had bought euryihing. and tbe pro----- MADE ON—
irictor was kicking his buds yuyonslp
■gauist an empty roomer — Her
Oiarlie H -Kvirett. UougrvitatiaaaliBt.
East Unoge^ N J
the Biau MS ta»
Itmigbt ba an^saggerodon totep
«iv Lot it ^ (vrtAluI.v 4iTit toomnehio
could unlv 8ere U«t» prtiiinl by
who driighiod in the lueuty. groos and
sptod of this Qohle animul ludeed.no
equal to that uf Job In which tte spirit
Come early and often and stay
as long aa yon want to.
'REMEMBICR that the Ladies have a Special in
vitation to attend each sale—Special accommodation
provided for them.
\ ■ ■
Noclril power upon earth has tbe
right .to inttgfere with the oob '
wsof tboKhig of naticds tn
chstge of their nufaaMgo. T_______
Itenoe of tbe cjty of BcHton forbidding
Ibe fro* imblio pnmcfalng of tbega^xd
• witboat a pmniit (niui the inaytg '
dlrert oautXBT«ti(i<«i ig au lii|b - mimioiL This uriUnaaro. baving beea
SBitalned bp th<i kopn-me eoart of Mae. jariiuens and the «aprem«oanrt <d tbe
Wears net eelllaga dl.so aboeand
UalMd Sutce. has Urome tbe aotion of srpreswUttebe'atxjmsboe. Wera.tbit tJstlQo of tbe t:uited htatea—Bov.
faad.aoorp wbea goads .araaM as we
rapreecet them.
Xko BelUdaph Xsjurft .
Uiue LoaHoUldapUetmian imrj
* eoodiuoa and It wm be waaka
before hb recorery Is
fopsd neoessary to ra-epea the wmand
M hU teg was brokaa. ymdmShp.
MMva (reganate o' the bona, and dBimiA.
Inrited te av
'**^are me. ’* obe niuaued.
Bat Aie was anreloutuig.
•■Ko.''beenroer«L 'TU not epara
Frank Friedrich,
The Sale is on--
Books—Albums-Flcture Frames-DoUs—
Framed Pictures—Wall Fockete—Box Paj»or—Writing Desks snd Imndrsds of ar
ticles you will have to see to appreciate.
Three sales each day—in the moming at 9 o’clock,
in the afternoon at one, and in the evening at 7.
Remember tbe time
and be on time-
H. B. HOIXEY, Manager.
mrnm. m
Something of a War*Ctoud Loom* for thd Chsmplen BtHlnthtNs*
tional Lynching Compdti*
ing Up in tha Horixon^
tkin for 1897.
' V.
tha Oiiant.
■ IW roft* «*T SB
mmd I
.■**dar WIU
Au*ir«-HurK>riaa anbaaaaor U> tb* punt. h*a d«Biai>M Ut* dl*>
Btlnal of tbe valf of AiUn4. AaU Ulnor.
•b4 o( th* nutMMHf or Mvrdu. tb»
portf of Adana, thr iwo nfllclala M»jx>n■IMc fur a r«^l ill*nUy lo tbe Au.01as mrrt^tet. HnaaaMl, avrnt at
Mmtna pf tht Anurias Llo)-.! 8ieain■bip eooipan)-. He has atoo deinaiidrd
a aalute to Ui« AnurtsD na«. ' Is U>*
. arsnl of a falinrr to rumpl)' «rlib twib
kanda Baron dr Caller wUl quit Oiailuraday nrst. AnordB Thura
me to dlrpaii'broia** Thurulaj-tb* arml*
aSrial »'n-mdrnl>Utt. of Vienna. *BBPoaerd ibal day ihal a -nutkatUa
i” Wwrrn Ibr AuitrlanrinbaBif
tb* Wal I
• aernt at
layd fil'raniitUilp
r uf tbr AuairtBn
UB*d Krasxai
■Mash Umo to BMlt iq War.
It arrMrrthaibrnntlneurrTd Tnrklib
.Ine tbr ti
fay tbr Anurtan Uii)-d Atramidilp com*
panj'a vraarla. Laai nignth Ibr Turk*
lab BBlborUlra rxivIM him frt>m Urr*
alna- Tbr Au.lrUo cpvrn^nitni pro*
ttolad. Mbrrrupoti Ihr p..'rlr Blldwrd
Branfull to mum f<3 Mmlna nitm
be catnr to Und ihr looal Turku* uffi*
dais mallrraipd him: nul runtrat altb
. ^«h»i tbry alau Inrulted thr Aurtrlanoua*
sol. vbo Inirrvrnrd
trta Iromedialcly arot a urons notr 10
tbo TurUab sotmub. nl drmandlss an
axplanatlon. The noir waa fullowrd up
br ordar* lo tbr Auurlan crutarr L>ro*
pard to praerrd to Urmlna lo protrrtlbt
ABWrldn oonaulatr and tbr Chrtulaoa at
that poria
I- a>—aa WalrT>las»r.
London. Nor. )L-Thr uaoally vrll-la*
(om«d corroix ndrnt of Thr T
VMnna aais; -Thr fljhl troall ,. poaer
boiWMK Turfcry and <lrf«rr baa not yrl
boa* alsnrd. and tbr nrcmialiora of Ibr
poaroT* vllb ivuircl to auiueomr for
Cm* havr hardly*mnard from the in*
itlBl BUsr when alrradr thrrr arr.dir*
qnIrUrc em>-pi<w e In the Balkans. Tbe
mrta and fbr pone
arc etmlnrd. Tbr auUdh Is prepaiint
for all rrcnioallllro. ard IM.ooo Turklab
aoldirrs are rdielcard on
frontlrr. armrd erl^ih Ua
ply prov Idrd «1tb horcM
M and suns. Prr*
Tia. off
r Involred In any
etton »Ub Mace*
•nm Al*
■aula rriMirt alsns of sroalnc unrea
On tbr abolr. tbr outkxdt la tbe east J
faowloe iTasfiiTlr.r______
Corlnsum, Ky.. yetterday'tbr executive
' oommlitec of Ibr North Amerlcnn Turn*
•sTlBsl bund passed tbe tcdluwUis:
A (briBra posse under
ClvIUtot Law a Lap* Into
MbarMy ' command of Sfaenff Martin at Haaellun..
TOfato risse asdTnm'AtwTbi
krd a party of.joal
reawy alonH the
Dnasttos ream • Berf WlB<llaw*P«Hr
MaM Mr* Flod lb. Werli ktoiy.
I Stfst'lnar.y; therefor
Blwuanrk. K- tk. Nov. 1L-Alrx Coosolved. By the executive o'
dot iVdlin half-breed, and Paul HUj •
Irsrk and Phillip Ireland. roll-l>lood<d
Indiana ibe drat uf whom was sentenced latlrn of every taunjanr stmtliirni. of all
to deatb for Uw morder of six of tbe
r.lal ptlnrJplro of our ron*tUuB|4eer tnmUy law iWuso' and had
Juat heen rranlrd a new trial by tht ru- tUio, That In harmory wllh all wrlltnranlnc add law-aUllny cltlirn*. wr
preme court, arul thr lailre Iwo erll*
detoiuore this mamai re a* n iiu.dt bru
Meed arcesaurleo la thr inurd.r. tal murd^ without parallel in in<ejem
were taken frt m the county fail li^ Km- hlatbry. 'That wr demand the lawful
man* ccuRty Saturday nishi
and puclsbmrnl of Ihr.ahrrUI and bi* drpulyMbrd hy a mob. Tbe lynchlnt bad llcr by tbr aulborlllrs.''
been appamitly coolly planned, and was
Baab PWUare la larflaata
rmrrlod out without a break In (he pro*
Knslleb. liid.. Nov. Ik—Kvrry'rwfidriil
tratrme. 'as Is nalurally Ihr rase In Of ('mw-tord fi-unly wai alua-ked riattb'Sr mile aflalrm. Wllllameiain-where uroay wl^n It wa« learned that tbrKnc-
rne .:f Ibr haurflns was receixd
mounird mresrnarr arrived, his
In a foam from a swin ridr. and
nnunetd that the three m<n bad l>rTn
fbertWWm Nat Mb at the naath.**
The ehVrin of the ccunly was in Ibis
City at (be time ibr hanninc oevurred.
and It'was to him that the memrnyrr
rode In such hot haste. The rm n bad
seen under the rnw-dy-of tvpulv Sbet>rr Torn Kelley, and they wrir lakm
under hi* control hy
hanaed ■' a l*rf wlndlam several bandrrd yard* fir.m Ibe Jail. <
bodies acre iialnKtnc
yesirrdav. thr coroner not havlnx v*' at*
rivrd and nu onr else volunieerlr^ to cut
tbem down. There were at«ut f.-rty
concerned Ir. thr lynchinx. ’n>ey rode
Inlu wmianispun on boiwhat k tale at
Bleht and'leibered their horre* a adKTl
from Ihr city that they mtyht
uhlrh tbr prisoners were mnllrrd la
Mrto'ture. asd wai In
rtiantr I
She WsyvWaleaBma Rriley W*
81IX*. (hr mnnnrmnl of (br
(bey tnlchi eta-ape In sotne wav II
man has wattled all nichl will
fall, and FViHay nlaht Kelley t
watch There u a* a merllnr of th
of W.K><!n»-n in the hulMlna nr
fall, and as K
ihera of
^ kwlxr aft
To while BWB............................ ............ ............... _. .
hour* hr wto pUylic Mlllalrr In fmni
of (be eell* 4d wbbih tbr mirdrrrra wee*
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
the expert of tobacco from Cuba. Scaer
Mom baa promimi Qrpeml Woodford
to study the probllUiioo carefully, and
baa cabled Marabal Blanoo for btfonaa*
lion Oh tbrjiufafsci._____ '
it Wise
Waahlnatoo. Nov. IL-H.face White,
aulbrr of -Money sad Itankins." ha*
suhmlltrd a paper on currency reform
to tbe motteurf commission, tbe pith «d
burtneas essesi*. and the unequivocal
adoption of ibr r>ld siardatd He say*
the allvck dolUtrs are *-meUlilc sreegfaarka"
Cfaan*esa to-WI*re«i»la Paat aaH Rtoto
U.-The coaches and
i bdekera nr(flK*Blven9ty of Cblcayo foot
1 ball tram y^-strrday oBered the Wlm-on*
j an uninrralty eleven a cuararlirot tS.*
________ _____ _.
I ocily p»ve the H
tllartoeaUi Oaury.
tbe sraco and smemflly of thr loral
tbemiea. Tberrupon Ibrw Indlvldualt.
like many Mhrra undrr Ih* akmr ondl.
tbr Ua-B. Aflrratrds tbrr authorUIra
occuplrd tbrimrlvee wltb tbr lark of rr- eurtns for tbem a place of refuse and
providrd than wiU all tbe necrMllire of
Hfe trt enahlr Ibrtn to Uvr borreily
oo«ez wotxn aat A woKik
Ltodeeaftbereha* Itobrb Waato te C
meeWwIloa *llh Uee. 1m.
Nrw Totk..S'c\'. IS.—A dk>iiatrb lolbe
TTil.une from WasblopUti aajre
poriar.t advlcea ere eapertrd from CoaMl Orn.eBl Lev In Hv«»a this w. '
Tpa-l'r..>I<.rt of nrsoUallude beta
the Bia!:*h autbJtItim and thr lu
■enis may w drtrrmJned by thr p
oaoc of Grnrralf Le*.
alr>-ad>- staled unmls^k*
ably that th<> will ci.t acceptauiunamr.
NercrtbelrBs an intlniatloa bai booa
throws out that Uto^ai Uomra aad
his avociataa to ibr ilTTd were valtlns
the repnautaUi-c or iIh- united Staten
Tbeir pMltlot is said t.. be that as «n
country baa oOerad Its suod
. _____
Stain to cod the war It U comprtrni to.
receive a atmi'UloB from other parties
to tbr war.
An inUiBs of tbeir paipcM bae-bern
This Is to make kn.>wn
ibmuab Ra eonsa) ■cneral tbeir desire
to have the United States act
termrdJary with'Spain tai amarine ibc
term* of penes, but pence on tbr hasla
erf Independeoea SpalB hat already de
clared Ihal Cuba cannot boy indcprn*
>u d
do pet'enre
f tnnurcenu
. ___________ _________j ftum the I
■ursrnu for mediation by the United
■tat-* on tbr basis aunrstsd micht be
ttaiirmmed to WatUlBCtun. but It wotfid
hardly Kutfuritarr.
Bat ana. Nor. U. — Consul Oeneml
yiUbuEb Lee nod WaRer B. Bariut
<«t>a»l at Sayus U
. OSMdel arrived yealrrday aft
TINS were welcomed by tbr e
rnmm» of thu dty and a larss a
Lu. lyrrf. arcosa Irtal ci-a
„ chlcaan baa
! bieti aet fur Nov- &
Uoraea ate cheaper than com In Kan*
Tbe owner Vf a Kanma ranch
. buy* them to fallen fcl* booHIcbarl drtea
the twenty-five, ,,
puty sbcfiir atu^, tuM bim they fbr OoUarum. Chlcaco. da'turday nlghL
wanted hU priaoxcra. and draianded'
klx-Hepreeentailve Prank \V. MondcU.
(hat he <rfwn the Cell* a-hh'b
b they w
of WoymilDi. will br
connard in. KelSy <
f Ibr yeneral laud o»ce
that reslstBu.v was usrlen and un
locked the cells Two uf Ihr prliamrrB
Idle Harper, ibe U-year-.>1d son a(
werw <111'nnl In <-nr <*-11 and the other J.P.Harper.uf Westport.Mo.. ahJt hlBr*
IB a •-jaratc ..II.
bad (leen siir tuescaprawhlppluitfrum bis achool
anmanl from efep by tk- cniraiKe of
Ibr ti^en and sat up, half awake and
■^•o «*rr had _he
the door
than thr m..b .mwdrd Inio yfae cor*
rldora. AH < f Ibr imA were masked and
thr Iradrre .wrrl.d p-i-*." Kelley at
Ltcr rwwilsed that th* m.Oj had come
after hlv pilsunm. Th- lyncher* were
from tbrir la-K. topr* wrrr I
about tbeir necks and Ibrr wrrei
out'on tbr around* aflfr belnx
prepare for dralh. Tbr
bad Twen rm-lcd lo suspend the «-atra»w* <•! Blaushtrrrd lKi-.r* and sirunx
up..«i a cruiu'lumm. Cvudoi wa* tbr
flnt man u. (x- hanyed. It Is, rvpurtcd
that h.- »a*
wa* a**.-u
a>k>-il oei./ie
brf.irr Re
br war
was .•a.iaeu
Wb-Iher Black Hawk and T>rf.-odrr bad
ala., been c'n.ertMxl to' tbe murder for
which be waj. au.ui to l.r banyrd.
Hr answered Ihal th. y had to-n. The
top* whirti bad bc-n fa*i.rcd about Ml
net'k wa* Ibm (brown ..tvr thr cruM.beam and he wa* ratord off tbe ynwind
aBd'Sum~-ndrd -In tbr air. Hulyira.k
and IrriaKd w.-r* ao ncvily uncunwHcu'
from th* cffecls.rf lh« dranlny tba)
they did n-'t nnjir wtaal was about u
bat-twn whrn th* ropesabcut tb*lr neck*
wrre tua*.-.! • vrr thr aamr beam. They
were. unaU.- tv stand ami were slowly
rwiMd from Ihr ffround on which they
Uy UBIII Ih. lr bodies .wurjt Intu
Into tht
air and dasitled from thr w-lndlaaa wrltb
that trf (oudot.
Th* iDub’ then dl»perwsd and A«lr away.
WlUtesbarr*. l*a.. JJov. lS.-Tb* Jwrr
TSlumed a verdict of n.it (uUiy.lialur.
day- IR ttk*. caar of elfftat miorra who
warn cbaifft-d by th* LsUeb Ta^y ~ '
property ai^d with tnUmldallna
wTrltnH-n^nw mm on trial -rr* th*
Iradrre of a stiik* »t Avoca In October.
n* dermto was that nu v-toleatw bad
been commuted.
Jn addltloB to tb«
acquittal of tbo strikers the Jary dlroetrd that th*. proarcuUn* company
BbaS pay th* coma oI Ox
bone at Washlnvt.
Ji»rphWmiama.BremaD of tbr Nor^
truer dlrccdCK that hireafiar all rlalM
for acrvlcr* of the I'r.I.w: Pacific Kallyond
compary *axalnst (hr evvemment
'»'►'<M«nrr M. lley«x:ld.. the youna preal”* “**■ ^ Moines National tank.
mnocutw-a that br ban ace- pted-lbr offer
cashlrrahlr .-f the CuBtlOrtiUI
NatlonAl bank al Chk-nffu.
Ublef Jyirtic* Lhmtrr and Aaaorlat*
Jusllo* Alim. constUUlIna a maforiiy
of. tbr Kinaws i>u.nrrm* roun. named
Mr*. Annie T. t>m». thr "llitle plalform ocwhw," a* stair Ubrartam
Jola Alllc* * (Ja.. wholrsal* bardware, U and M l.akr street. Chi
. have «4d out lo Hibbard.
Bartlett A Cn.. a rlval'l
' Ihonnishfarr 1
a itn* of tonal-
Want Ads Pay!
Enterprise Grocei?,
-Front Street.
J. BOBUJSON. Manacer.
More Good Horses
At Remarkably Low Prices.
I have just received a large number pf
Fine FARM and DRAFT HOKSiiS which
are to be t.old at 1.0W Prices. They are all
Fine Stock and you will mate money bycalling at Ferris’ European Horae Hotel
and looking them over.
LEO Solomon:
wr*«l Isio thr i«n(ry
l«R(ry and at* a piece erf
wbiai bad been pr»par«d
. Hr la sow lyUw at <b*
point of death.
Thr famous trial of niaria L. t>rajxw
for in*
tbe murucr
murdtr ci
cf m*
hi* leiiow
B««»nsw. last aprtnx. cam* up al Jack*
«>*• R«B*«Uy. A motUm for
'rnur was denied. Tbr
^ *
Am Hodaman. unlO tbiw* w*«k*
aec-rrtary at tbr di*trk-( eaundl
- Abo crerjtbing la
Um of
Oost Light
The Record
Tate Off
Your Screens *
and pot up STORM SASH. If jon buren’t
any we'd like to make jon some.
J. E. Greilick Co.
ewaam Oa* ■«- nm M*^.
IVAar, Ida.. Nov. IL-Tb* Boiao Srotlnrl. uffWial orcan of th* People's party
of Ibe *laU. announced In It* laat bmte'
that heix rfurth l( will fly tbr banner of
flat u:i«nry Instead of free allwr at If Wiitfaw- todfawham tm twaaty-foar baar
tom • W. B- ym-rHay: For ladlam a^ mp
to 1. thr atialsicenl of the latter tortne atm Bala foDowsd
rlautas wmtorr tfah
WBBlderrd too renurtr.
TbMik O.. Nov. tL-After aeesral
futO* attompta to form « falcffcto paol
dstaSs of a atrona combtelta has
“Baksf out hero, which topraamts ful
ly n per c«rt. of (te BMdIwm snda
«mtp«l at thia cowtA.
—John Verly.,
Ooodi pKXDptly doUverad. Orden bjr Pbooe giren quick ttteotioiL
—Watch Repairing. ;
a Ralurday's ric*
■Wa*lB*tut. Ncv. JL-<'hlrf Haxen. ef
tbe secret airMce. has IdmUfled Albert
I Tbomai, ahv was recently arreftrd at
hr iwn
I New IMfiird. Maas., fur paaNne raised
railed Riaira notra. as Albert Untner.
Kaew Swat (SWU TWe« Wasi«l->iyaMaa*
A-aablrpton. Noe. U.-Thr Turttlab »e^Uoc has autborlsed Ibr .followUw
Atatemrni ronrrrstns rreer.l Armrntaa
^^onthprskr: "tmiy rTeecll> tbr aovemor
Benrral of thr ella^-rt of «l\-aa and tbr
■nvrmor of JanUt have rrportrd that
Anornksn band* «f bricand*. under ordartof Uuoaarp and UlnaaOrbUm. were
poroosd and arrvelrd, ramptloc tbeir
ebleta and ta^ mnnbrra of tbr band,
wto aer* able to carapv. Thr wife of
Hooiani. who Ilkr -hrr hu.hand was
armrd allh a Maninl rtflr. bavins alao
dreoird hrraelf to tiiiiandase, aut
a rroundtlie
Tbe Enterprise Greo^
is still doing 'business op
Front Street, jnst west of ‘
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
House, and preKents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in tbe chy.
nttmurs, Nov. li-Tbe Sbrlby Tube
company whkh wa* Incorporated und-r
the Uwe of Pennsylvania.Oct.l»t.
a* oncauland hri
l. W. K. MHI.W. of Klyrla. O.; Irras*
r, Tf. A. Miller, of Bbelby. O.; soerr'
r. H. H. Blncklry.
Binckley. of Shelby. O
O. Thj “T.
rfbees of the Shelby
Ibr Steel Tub.
compaar will be a( BIIw<
S'lllns omca* are to be
Still on Beck
at the Old StaniL
llah bank had falli-d to ojan Its duura
ik>»n a* thr fallurr became known
thr bank * braoche* at Lrwrrnworlhaiid
irarfo alM clo»rd Nearly every farm*
and bualDeis man In Craatord apd
l*rrr>' coumir* I* nid lo br ctmceetiid
In Ibr failure* for amounts taiurlrjf frotn
ties In K.QOO. Couny Treasurer BrWn
ba> plaird more than *1«.«M with tbe
suapubdrd liaDk.
"t» Ihsas who tram tbstr wb*eU wHh M Me
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple ‘Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Xands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Worics, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Fiant for sale.
U>w«r Hkhlaaa-haM:
■ Fm
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