The Morning Record, September 18, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 18, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Yekr—Ko. 118.





Haetor ia tba ha«a. a »aB. BaU
IF. Hbator. Mta. J. halllTaB, Cedar. LooelaiBt daaceBt fro* tba rode.
Ito Porter. Mba Miser. Old Mbdon;
Tba hiatorr of AchUlia baf<»pa and
Briiw alone 7*^ yeUaw cold.
FOLOMLSXUt afterthe Trojan war U told by other HVBTLXSB KBPT TIP THZIB BBC- W. E. Hawkiaa. Arebie; W T. TraFor tbera'H
to ba a maetiac
malaa. Maple City; Baa. D. OoebliB:
AWD eauiOM’ Aasooxtfiov writeia tbas Booer.
Aad yon'ra aot to ba In the cold.
Mabel Batoa, Htotc'JoBiorSaperiBtoBdTbara^ lot of ■'Taba'’ awaitlac
Oarinr tba dratBiBC Taan of tba
Aad rdb'nfbt to take them away.
war ba Backed ataay dtiaa and was tba ▼letotT Waa Bot Baay ,Bnt Boma ant: LaUa Pearl. Jannb AndaraoB. |
TMtwdKF ft*
Tbara's Wr^ai^ now far arai^' oae
Ta^ PuDad Oat 1b a Looaaly Bertha Watora. U. B. BaUay. Dbtriat!
•r WM TvteHMt. AtlMdUM terror Of the TroJaoB. Bat It b ^aln
Bnt XatanatiBC Oama- Saeretory: P. M. Paisa, Levi PanBtncBobMta XlMMd to be aaan that tbe iaapalaaa of a pa­
Waiiacar Xaboa Want Into tba
Bd Keith aad aavetal otbars want
triot did Bot ooBtrol blB or he woald
ir Aftd •. a. TAdar Bailor
orar oa tbdr wbaab
OaBta asd BB Ue BaU.
bara rlaea abore a feaUac of paioooal
iBjai7 and baatanad to taka part in tba
Tbe came acataat Lodinctos yaatar\TbaatM8Mr Oolw^bla retanad at dfht, wfaas ba aaw tba OradaB beroat
day waaat a walk-away Ilka tba oae
«:W iMt aiffht wltb bbcmt :00 axeai- balBf dafaaUd mad alais. trbaa ba
saa FBONT BTireET.
* m'. B. HOUAY. Mam
of Thnreday. Tba BaaOata bad aU DoaH Vat Kneb of a Ficura la Oadakstota who attaadad tka alxtb asBoai did CO Torth u> debt It waa aot for
tbeyoonld doto wlsoat. Tba ca<M
■BacaaiiwBaat of tba Grand Tranraa Old lore of bla eootrtry bat to •rmuf* tba
waa rather looaaly sUyad bat tba doaaMaabtoa. Sept. l-.-Laatavaalnc tha
Saldieia and SaUon’ AaaoelaUon
dwtbof bUfrlenA
Ba« of the aoora kept ap tba Istareat. foot ball team ratoraad from CbdUlaa. j |
isFntoak^. ‘Tba Maban of MePbarWBt tba hero of tba Trojaoa.
Apal want in afdn and bb work waa
aoa Poat. Ko. 16. and tbe WomaBb Baba la repraaaatad aa tba par- a rmat improvamaal orar tba day be­ makiac very litUa aobe and tbM tbelj
aaxioas watobaraat tha depot knaw'<
Uaf Oorpa nport a good Ubk and axBobUIty. Alao. aa a fore. ObI/ ton bib ware made frt>m
tha reaalt. The OadUlae taaia ar* all 11,
Takaa tha place of Indian aaba. Dumb BaUa. Etcoallant aaurtainaaav tboo(h> tba at- bnabaad and tatbar. ba aeU an booorahim aad bnt for tha poor aupport riven
A Whole Oymaadam in ItsaU. ForMleby...i..
bla axampla. ^a b alwaya hopafnL him. would ban won hb came. Bb larr* toaa .and oar team waa out-! 9
boya claim that aome of • ■
fiOBBtad apoo. tbe accoBUBodatioBt brara and loaplrinc. Bb raTerenee for
flaldiar. toe. waa of a birb order; a tha daeidMia. which ware rivan by the ^
were aosawhat linltad. Bowaaer, bb rellclon b nasy tlmaa abawn.
hot stop of a Una hitfram Watkina’ rafarae, were moat daddadly onjuat to
tbara waa a wealtb of cordial boapltalAt tba baciBBlac of tba eoataat ba- bat-iB tbe flflh, donbllac Hall at flrat.
them. Tbe aoora waa 38 to 1
Itj diapanaad hj Patoakaj people and twaan Hector and Aebillea Hector
waa a baaaty.
If Aeblllaa aboold fall to cire
Butlar alao pltebed well u-.MQal
Prepare to attaad Omad Txeva
bb body to bb frienda, but AehlHaa BamberoflilU belac ioadr<Som\lm. OoBBty Fair. Sept. 81. 88, 88 aad 94.
t of tba aaaad- ancrily retnaaa to b>ake a almUar promHe. too, dUtinenbbad bimsell^-^op.U... wm M Wdl. T»t™ Htj.
plBC a hot liner in tba Caurth''MiBC.
].tur pu. ^ Jm. IMB. Ti. |
H«.r <»• b. »lra. B.t
that was a weader.
ol boldibt Vb.
cu.. 1.
Obit lb icbllW
MsBarer Kehoe ooenpiad. tor tbe
•b Ib'U blW
ud U.. cbcdK;
^ bl. Im .1 bld«n.d.
flm aiebt ibainca. tba apace is tba
b»d.b«Uddilw.. lb.d.>ir.ot. Tb..U»7»'bb.F.UolTr.j.ddU.. outfldd BsoaUy nUllcrd by a ripht
■bobtidU. m«bb»b Tnrend Cliy n,„j„
Iflaldar. Ha sueoaadad in coonactinc
WU.1M b.»orbl Id Ue mImUd. ol U an Inwreaiuic
way by -M^ Corbett.

U.MU .tnu. o..cla.pora^
Dffloob Jodii. Ldrlo Eobwta m.
Mra. DasB read a abort piper on tba .pth With two man out. that atortod a
.iKUd Cofflmudbr ud C. S. Vplv
daitlaa. Jopttor and Miearva. ri»lw;,«riaa of blBCoa that aattod flva rena.
daseripUoBa of lhair virtnaa and attri-1 a„n
hltllnr for the JlBaUera
• of old
Boj’fi wool CMumere Suit*—
! frith the alaclea. Watkina with a
aaldbra asd naamban of tba W. -B. C.
pDTtar u..
b«.U. I
Doable Seat and Kneoa—
racBtorad at Oanp Boae. Tbe parade'

Burna caarht a aloe cabs for bb
ysTon’t rip—heavy weight—
Tbnraday waaosa of-tba flneat of tba by Mrs. Oibhi.
team aad paatad tba baU Uka mad,
kind aver bald In thb recim- Tba
An intoraaUac dbenaaica doaad tba atakinc two dooblea aad twe dac>as la
ri^t of the lisa, the poaltion of boaor,
Are tlmaa np.
waa atolcMd to MaPharaoa Poa( of
Fulmar cot fab aanal two bits.
thb dt|y. PreaedlBC Umbi was tha
That racnlar old run waa mada in
Petoakay haad and a band of IS yonne
tbe first by tha visitors. Falmer waa<
seat to first bar by Batlan Apel flaw i
to Saifka: Wbaalar't error allowed;
Ptoyed Last Game of Baaaoa
l also aoaaipaBy of boya in BtUitory «niWolf, to reach first ^d Falmer third;; whan dttisc op one of oar Innriona
donas aad abrryiBc rifles. Tha boya
Bums sinclad and Falmer soorad.
| aofaa b an aaty matter for tha daiaUIy
marked and ezacBtod tbe Baanal of
Yaatarday-a taaaa ball cane waa
maiden. Time alipa by when ,
In their half the loeala faiiad to
Bi^ with tha praebion of vaurana. laatracttbr cMtaatof thb
ifortobly enioonaed. and the rb-■ laliabU &7 »ood*. C«p6t lefl Orthiac Hoaie.


The Whitely Exerciser


Boys of All Ages


For Dependable Qualities at Bottom Prices.







.1 AWr UVbAJ


%nui». VUb AAi


Adit, . -"

,4.U '

“"““A I»l «».!>'» b»DUlil ,««■ d Odd'. I.n.1.1,


Ithbaeaaou hat barn the beat ever or j
k Ladiac-1
i mind turned to homJ^^mforta aad i .
! raaifad in thb city. Tba 1
' I ton fat one rva on him b/
bi Bcraa mad I tboncbto of tore.
'Wenabb OlabD
„4,edba*e bean ^e atroucait A»af«r = sbaTtor and a base 00 balb W Shearer.; We’ve tha Faraitur. at decidedly ''
Ht* Works Yeatarday Afternoon.
in *ichican: and Uie, The iluaUeis forced ahead a«ain in the loweat^oea.
Haatlers have 1
A vary iaterea
nne^ualed by 1
by Coon asA three aucceaalve
a brealy attondSana'a Clab, whi
cracaiion intbe auta. The pen
i were the caase of U.
I of cemea won b US. which is r
I The aeere rsmaiaed 3 to S until t^t
Tba rwtmUac of the Lord's prayer
[ bad aevantb inainc. and when the boya'
in eoaoert opened the aeaaioa. after
aau which have playrd acalBst them.
with the "Hie busy" etc. soiUonfinUbwhich a abort basiacM maetiac was ]
h.llll .IddA « U.S1. U.,lr
After (ba reports of tbe rarioua coaib rxcellaat and Tra<
I Sammy aad althoucb cleanly fielded
aaittoaa a vote of thanica was extended
wUl be loth to bare them eaparata.
I I'ulmer ran too fast and waa safe: ba
to the yoanr ladies aad cabtlamea who
Tb.q»»,iO.Dlb.«b.ll ....
O.Ap.l'. bl.D.«- U,.
ambtod ia tba antortolnmeat raeaatly
Clvan by tba dab. abo to Mr. Btroac
b.n .Dcb .. «nir.c.UDb u U«. wbiDb
fior the fiPS aaa of bb piano, aad to tbe
baa efrea ni tba sport thb aeaaon wa aaianoneacb saex: two of them trot­
wariona p^en for tha aotioaa of tba
will be fartaasw. Maaacar Kaboa baa ted boma when ba pat the ball, for a
exerted every effort to fafnbb good
ebaace. over tkari^t feaoe. Baraa
' Mrs. Peek gvn a abort talk on the
base ball and he baa been saoeaasfal. hiiBMlf scored on Moora'a aiacb.
-work of Mba Cdlllna. a cooldac teachTba BaBtlen want them one batter
«r. Tha dab arlU probably eacuraMim Manacioc a ball toam b not a rosy
I dream, aa aome persons may tbiak. bnt ia tfaair half, and after two'iaaa
•toe Fopolsr ClAMhlrr.
' ooUiM for tba aaeoad and third weeks
a busiaeas which damaada tba keenaat ootcotW«etbera pair of two baccm
Tbacbarraa are very ranaort of judemaat and the exereba of and a aonpla of ainclas. wbieb with a
aoaal^ aad aU who poadbly eaa ahoald
vrbdom which b re«|aired to aaUafy base on Wb mada tba aaora 6 to 6 and
taka advaatoc* of the axadlaat opporWe bsve added to oar Clotblac
even iaaiaca.
tanitlto ofiered. U Mbs CoUiaa eomea
and Forabbiac Goodf Stock-----A body blow to Haat a hit and a
Down 168 Feat.
wild pitch aeaoantfor aaottter la tba
-'-Tba pr^ram waa la eharce of tbe
C. II. Gardner A Seal drove the arte- aichtb.
aomnittae oa Lltoratars. axid tbe read­
aiaa wall ou B. S. Pratt'a property 1
Two ware made by Ludlncton la tba
er for the day wad^ Mrs. Gibbs. Tba
aabjaet waa "Httotor aad hb works.-' feat yeatarday. makiac a total depth of ninth on an error by *l\'haalar. a two
At tba opaninc of the procram. Mba ]«5 feet. Tbb well does not aaem to base bit and an ant at first. When
White randerad laaddicbtfol manaer. afford tbe rsanlu achieved with tba Adams of Traverse City threw Adsms
asylum vrell.
ofLodincton outat first lotbaaistb
Inainc it marked the cloaa of the base
ly enjoyed.
ball sessoB la thb city. Score:
Mrs. liibbaca**dAln^««>^*b<^
talkoaUomer. Hat little b known of
BMaerbimMlf Bb character maat be
tbe ef
Jadcad by bb works.
T, A...........................
Cboals. fOTOUrly of Rsy
Many eltito contaad far the boaor of
City, who has had many years
bb birth, bat it b caaarally ooacadad
experience ia tba merchant
Uiioriny baalnw* (makinf him
that ba waa so Aabtlc Orach. He waa
aa artbt In hb line.) We do not
tba father of «pb poetry. All other
braitate to cnsrantorlac satbapie poeau are modeled after bb.
faction in fit aad woikiiiaasbtp.
WbOa a poat of c^cat laaacinaUoa and
With tbe above addition to our
Mammoth Stock of ready mada
iaveatloa. U b baiac proved that tha
facta in bb poeau are a bbtory fOTi
ianatloB which baa attracted tha at«f tha lAM ia which ba Uvad.
BaaaataxaavatoraarsaoBfldaat that toatioa of aebatUto of lata.
in IHehlcaa.
tba Mto of anriant Troy baa at last
XtofactlTa Walka arc SxpaaaivA
baea dbAonrod. aad German explorsra
OatberiaaJ. Hallof ChdUlae raeoatlyraeoverad damacaa la tba sam of


T. J. HOST, ■


J : i
1 ! !



Tbe mytbotoCT of Homer waa not a
prodaetof hbl«Bacl»»^»
daatiy a oorrwrt daaeripttoa of toe raUfioos balbb ot-tba tboM.
BoOMT b sappaaed to have lived
aboat >00 years after tba ttau of Kinc
nniiaiina which b lOOO B. .C. Tba
pala^pal faeU to be noted la bb poetry
aratbestfeactbMd vicor ofhbficaiaaof ^aaehaadbbcreot power of
• Mrs. OovaU read a vary tatoraatlac
teoriptloa oftka atoryoftba EUad.
SbsMld itwar coMldaradto ba-tbe
tet edits kiadsatoac tbavrorks ot
XmOEbba mada paper temparfac
AltboMfk lathe
flipiyAehlDaa>8(BtoaB lBahant.ya(.


B ia Cadillac for •
than ia Ttstotsv City.
Ohieaco Xarkat.
Cbiaaco. Sept. l6.-tVbeat-Saptombar.Oicv'vc: Daeamber. 019 i^e: May.
-September. HMe; Oetobar.
ISKe: Baeambar. Ufae; May.
Oata-Saptmbar. Hb; Oetobar. iSMc;
Daoamoar, MKc; May.
Fork •aptombar,; Oetobar.
•Saptombar, ft.OO; Oetobar,

Xaay J>alacataa XAoft Tastortay for
the Hiatb Aaa^ Oonventtoa.
Tbara waa an afi^tbnaiartle party of
dalwAlM for the nlatb aaaaal eoavaetion of the ChrbUaa Badeavorars of
tbe devaatb dbtrlet. whan tba a B.
A 1. train palled ont yeatarday afuoMB. Tboaa who toft from hero were:
Arthur Faltoa, Bl^ham; Fiaaeb

..W^e Still Lead.
Kotwitfast^ding thegeoeral
depression in the milling
business, we are having a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our....

flour. Send in an order.


A Winter Cape,, fur trimmed collar and
front, three ron-s of handsome braid around
the bottom, all for:..............................

Yes, it reads well, but don't expect a flve dollar gar>
ment, though. The description would be about tbe
same. However, it’s worth $1.25. and when these are
gone we do not expect to get more.
Embrace the
present on>oitunity. at
, "


““"ssrss?'We have jost maiml M eitire New Un

Ladies’ Welt and Turnad Sole Shoes

Fra^ to attaad Oiaad Xraoana
OobbIf Fatt^ BapU81,B8.B8 aadB4. F. Barth. Omaaa: Find. C B. Ghttoa. attoe«m,F,ts«riehBik.


Best Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, at-------


SHX xoBvnro


XhMtrtPkl VoM^
ne^wt of *11 f*«* tomMm th«
••Buck of
wUl be »t Suta-

kichioaii •f«l.r.6epk
SWk. Dertortke
reowe lUMcer Bolkaer bee
hod Ike pU7 oeerkMled; new •oagm.
end eUo*U(»e k»*e beemlaOw
deeed ead eome ekMfw ud edditfawe
9. -m. Baxiiu.' Bditor Md MmsMTar. beoB mode to the oo»j»»y. Th«e ta
U Ike etw.Ada BotkMr.
ker Teddy erUlbetke
BMoe than 60 yean ago end bed been
Offiee to Bhrold BeUdtor. No. ISS,
Uttie mime eeea eo oftMoodtored
to bntinew uHl left naoiBer in the Front etraet. Boom S.
,^ there mreotheii mndonltei
Mau»lm Wusn,
boom, on tbe ooner <d LimeCity Treasurer.
"S lotlof
WoM ud Vine atreets. for 65 yean w
Dated Sept, let, 1»»7.
dmtoty yirU'end denetoffElrlm ''The egroeor. Be antaaaed a Is^ fattone
Beoek of Kcyi" to tke beet oonedy in the bneinew end mray yean ego
Goto the Ueo Berber Shop tor heir
Boyt ever wntoe.___________
bOQghI from old Tommy MoOoy the
tbe ; ents esd bathe. IS oenU oeeb.
EM. Gurm
tana which now tonne the townI of; I'ft

«fcAVE»8E crrr, .



Votioo To Texpeyere,
I will be to my officoto> reeelve tbe
<fity ud School Tsxw of the Cityr dur<
__ _______ ___ __________ jmn.
Tbe BOR lema^bla town to Ken- from ao'elock M lliMoWk o. m. end.
twAy Uw in Payotte eouty and to from 1 O'clock to « O’clock p. m. ud on
Tocodey eventora from 7 o'clock to B:I0
known wOtsawd.
ba town tita ognatota of U^aeaw
^edJaocBttotbatilyUBttoof ttw
_of Lexiartonoatbeborth. Every per cent, for colleetlcm. On ell t
__ OetobcTl, 1B87. there
foot of tha rronnd to owned by Dennto ________ _
MoUigan. wko earn to tkto ooontiy wUl ^eb^a|^ penalty ot two per



I Tr««*rM CI17.

Tbs m»E wko iHed to kmile Pr^
UwtDtosof Mexieo eneoeded to
ttoc klBMlf toto trooble, end me » n
«srd for hie effort wme i»*edimtoJy
lyacbed by m wob of oeaieMB people,
no «mm wM mii mnmickUt m^ it ie ev­
ident tkmt Ikieeortofreatry mre not
• gppmniilr* Iv tke mewee to Mezioo.
XI Speto hme not eouidered Mezleo m
fMd piece to end her mnmrohletm, thle
little toeident nifkt offer vslneble

OomatoeieaeT* XmktoK PrognM to
the Vetter of e Oenel' ffrom
the LnkM to the Atientlc.
Detroit, Sept. 17.—The
n which wee
d to litveotir»to the feetibillty
of end enlect rontoe for e deep eklp
eenel from the lekee to tke Atleatic.
elwtod beedqoerten to tkto dtrThe newbere of the comsitoeton
Alfred Noble of Oktoer>< Geort* V.
Wtoner of Detroit, end llejor Beywond.
U. 8. A. - They kero oonctoded e re-

I Propan to nttand Otud Ttavaina
Gruard baenoatneto. »«>ell.^^ no!o^„jy,^
watcrwotxt, no cleetrio or other iigtata, no stmt can, no fire department, no
Bsyor, no polkemcoi, no eldannen
ho traitew or suy kind of
town offiocia, no lots, perka or any of
thoae-tkingi which are nsoally found
to a town. Bot Gruard to a town, ea
tbe gtmeral natniea of Kentocky show
Chet it ww tocarponieS abool IS yean
ago by Dennis Mclligen. Jamw E
HclU^, Looto E MnlUgen. Jamw
J. MnlUgu ud Paol Uonlon. Tbe leM
named iooorpantor, who ww a Warm
friend ot tbe Mulligenh-diad arverel
yean aso. Jemea BrVolHliaa la tbe

^3 a Month

Everyone should see our Fine Fait Line.
of CLOTHING now on sale.....................

We fe;J V^Q^proud of our purcha^ of ,


Bought the prettiest patterns we could
find from houses who.make them up r^ht.

You are assured of a fit in just such goods as you want
from so large and well selected a line as we now show.

Hamilton Clothing Co,

Dr. Parsons Clinic
One Solid Week

Tn weoen keve token the eonee
•f the etriken ot Benitos, Po., to
. bend end nooeeded to forctor one
knsdred mtoere to qnit work. There
wore two hundred of them to the bend
end reetotesne weenerieee. ThenAB•Moe did net beyto eerty enonyh in
«ke oempolrs to inert tkemeelree.
Bed they ekown Ue eeae eplrit e
nontk eco peekepe oondlttone emonf
ike mlnere nk^t ke*e keen different.




enrreyed to tbet loeelity.
B. E. Beakell or tke oorpe of United la DOW an agent of tbe tmuniy depai
St tke Suit, wko ie Bent. He it tho only child of Deni
u expert on each metton hee fone to MDlIlgan. Lonit E MalUgsn. a son
ssU18etitfCar.aepwab.-r IS(k. OBc* boors
to epend three BoDtto to the lodge, in a yonng pbyticiaa Jam
detormtotog the volume ot water dla- J. Molligu to a younger aoa of tbe
k tell
«• oe<
ige. and be to with.......................
hUweCorspertslIsu wSo arr rw-of
ckaiged through tbe Nlagan ri'
■rical place.
The meet Imnortut problem before
Nobody ever knew 1
Bwt aac poslilTs esrs oi-----tte waterway eommlwlom to to deviee for the •
« way of regniaUng the lake tovela
. .
ud preventing tbe greet f
decade. It to Ratrd by old inbabitanta
Fs£als enerekleta here fni
whtoh occur to them. Wtoner aays Uist at aboot tbe time Gruard ww to«btoc« up tide down to Branele.
on tNifSWsenW bran eeC svrrss. blood
■nnit of e tow ot three fnlr •ooleliet thut he to oonvtoeed that u equilibri­
ktoeextend tbecltylimlu of Lestog- ■bio,Biewarh.liter asC blCsoja sod r*
tovolntlonlete fifteen pemne here um to lake levtie eu be matotalned.
1. wkilicb, bad Itbe plu h'VDaeDom- Trooblra.
keen ermted end thrown Into prlns.
Wu n the y«*g« tfZBRtsity.
plisbed, woold have pnt Oeunto MoUiDior roan I sumrofT
When nen- enyeff* ^ “ offr*«l**
gau to tbe neoewity of paying city taxee Per
0. JPslpnadoe of tbo
novwnent to reform the eoelel oonditen Ike larger part of tbe farm he bad
c wrTiitos pelao ta tb»
iMsefe netion itlihed eMufk. bet
at Vlckaele ut Once.
w not this to tree cunot be learned “IT;. iS^^iSnaSiTore ^
otiMS trotnen ere iimdred with etwh
Tbe olQr Jimiteof Lexlngtoo have vaeW after i tMas ktomwa
Waehlnglon. Sept. 17.-At todayto now.
MBttownte thtoft ere indeed eerione.
—tf h—.
.h-. .8-—.0-. uev tfinnso.aW tedar I aa_y
wbtoet meeting tbe eltnutira to Alee- not been extended, so that the qnwilan
dtocniied. Secrataiy of War
Alger bad a report from CUptain Bay
O. W. FimUek ie the i
Mb ktfsnr ea«
bene poor boy about IfiSt. eonaiiJitonitr ^^tuTp nllmirstolo to
•t Mepto Cl^, Ttoe 8. ^ Berke, re- who bad Jott arrived at 8k Mieknato
intoked thekaato tor dtoeue- B> wn.1 to wo,. I. .
T oioi. uol 1
Best Stock Tve have ever shown and
^ diligence and eoDuasny aoon ecoomu- < w «ff>
aion and Uto oouise which w
Tkk emtof the Obtamtoe wUl rive
Isted enough money to begto
Prices never so attractive at.
• fifiean-oent esewtion. Leeve ot 6
CUptain Bay’a appeal for troope to
•bloek, rMnrs ot 10.
pieecMe order during ike
trllovr cocntTymnirirfao bad erttlfd in i
in the mt of pUaee ofkneinemdeet^ gruntod. Thera ua vast
this city and v><>ioily ud were engaged :
xstod yeetoidey, thot of Ivu Done atorw ud uppltoc at Sk Miekaels and largely in building centre! Kentncky’a
woe omitted by mltieke.
not a lilted Sutee enldier to tke
Praf. E. E Ifurttnrh ronuned'kie rkolet4ritoryof Alaeka. It vrac de-idid nearly all tbeir trading
dionctos rliiiin to the ocodemy to the tided to wild a oompuy of tofutry to 1 Ufia®. und tbnsitwwthet be rapidly |
Tbe UaicteMOeaWa
Ibl. S.. !
tity Open Honee block loet nlrbt,
noB'l faUiorallvetbi
The MuUtee boee boll toom bee diemay sav
konded end tbe menorer of the open
Ro..# brtac tro.
We are now aboet completed with stocluDg'np with New
. hesee to tkot piece wUl remodel hie
Crakuliathw eaC '_________ _
wubitobment ot a ralllury poet at tkr ban borne, Mnxw'cII Place, where bto >rUl
irtwlBeel (arCRenW. nEE.
Fall Merchandist: in All Our .Deparimenta which are
TataTaxKT. incu-'diwu mi
danghter-to-tow, Mte. Judge Mulligan, «L-o
a Moirra.
brimming foil of
The pototo morket to Tnvom <nty
eutntatos tovUbly. and wbere eome cf Or. Paroom'cUeIc
. Mttonee etronr- -The pricee y«oterAoy won S£ end M cento end tbe boy
pnblio men of Kentucky have amemtakd.
P.a.-Wr viU be plowCuiMeU peUmie
an expect to poy « todoy.
Ud Beveral
Dennis Molltoaa was for many yeaia
a member of li^ngton'saammai cou­
> The ElerieeoMhXitob wlU mnt with
Onbana Killed to the Bngugemut
til and aftorwsild ru tor mayor. He
ain, Beynolde on Bth otneU thie evenHavana. Sepk IT.—It to ofieially anSSfathoUpeet tie ehorp. AlVmm- aeuneed that a detackiMnt of troopa was alargyea great friend of Issiogtoo,
and her progiem was in muy ways anhere on reqoenud to be praMBt.
Begatdleaa of advance in all lines, onr pricfs are lower than ever.
recently carprtoed toe Ineurgeet camp tilted by him, but be was always opMembere of Tnveree Boy Hive, Ko. acur Baraoctoi province of Finer Del powd to street cars, espetially in nar­
Today we are offering Specialties in onr Children’s Qotbing DepL
»1. eewtof Circle on reqneated to meet Bio. Ud after kilting ecvernl ot tbe row ftreeta, and when the pteaent streti
at Mre. Tkeekerhon Stole etioet ot i enemy captured flfty-ato boxw of em- luiltoad'e charter peiaed tbe legiitolora
tbe uly nreet exempted ww Bow
0>eloek today for e pieolc et Beet Bey.
itioa, fit^raUriflw and four mutob.
................................... tiongilde of Max.
Tnvom City todrti Ho- 4*1.1.0. G. Military CoanmuderCampo Florida of weDlna^**
A Child’s neat Suit, from 4 to 14 yean, for.......................... .78
Tbe Monarch of FareeComedlw
T.. wiU meet thie aventor promptly et tke proviaee of Bavana, reports that
Mr. Molllgu’s town of Gruard to
A nice blank and blue Cheviot Suit for............................................ ^ 1.38
lewwl to aGermu daiTymen, Fred
« o'eloek. Kpeeiel hoetoen Vieltlnr
A nice heavy oxford gray Suit for............ .................. ...................... | ,88
Good Templen ere. extended e cordlel
A nice Chinchilla Reefer for...................................................................... | .48
1 *“ “**
lavilotiee. An toetnetivoud interri ■
«wy brick bonee of tbe
A cbild’a Aetracban Reefer, in various shades, lor......................... | .98
astinc .procmni will be rendered by
umgregaiioou Mgmg u oeettM W
gg j^een wto, ud here within
A fine unfinished Worsted Reefer Sait,handsomely braided, for 2.28
dlowpony Sa 1.
foroe its way Info tbe eervice to spite of
ehedow almoR Mr. Hsldemu milks
tbe auitude of music oommittew and hto cows and ting. bU Oermu euga
Children’s Union Knee Pants for.................................................................... ^9
It to pupoaed to put Gruard to new
nice heavy Wool Pants for........................................................... 48
<ugn cii.ra mam. xaenjuner unrai uiu- !
that tbe city aotbaritin of
C. A. Borbop ie e
ciato tnvome wttofled that tke awice to
■ to protaibil
We have loads of Clothing in this department and as fine
tor. Mre. L. H. Howard of Kilee.
pooltvoms in this tiiv.
as they make them, bat the prices are die lowest on earth.
gatiu a
J. r. Beekie, ticket eceonntM
boild a poolroom to
We call particnlar attention in our Shoe Department to
Gruard at a point
the C. A W. M.. to to tbe city vtaittor ly tbe w
to for tke w
W.UC... tbe belt railroad otOww
V DUl.
Nonb Broadway and witbln tight of
and a Compuy'of BrilUut ComMn. Dr. Kimball bee returned to
tke bouse of tbe tote Oeuenl W. T.
edlaaeand Sparidtog SonbrRtea.
•WitbeTu. to which General Grut.
BRU WhtoU UtoC OW.
AChUd’aSoUdShoefor..................................................... 67c
I. P. J. Cnrtto.
Bnckerfoid E Hayes and King KalaDwboiivw^t and to right
A Touth’s Solid Shoe for.................................................... 78c and np
Utertalned. Tbe grand
Mr. end Mn. F. A. MltokeU end
A Boy’s Solid Shoe for...............................................:. 98c and up
denrbter of Mentotoe. ere vtolttof the
Utwtaad Bwt Singing. Dudag.
the family of H. Montorne.
'and Bcrtonqne Fcatnrea.
lie which ring ont pweet mutio to make tbe flues prtiilbitive, and it to
Trade in the largest store where tha variety is big and
Mtoe Irene 8totokerr >«««
balieved that a noolramn eetabltohmut
the prioes tbe lowest.
Potookoy Tknndey nl^ ettor vitittor
Seata cm Sale at Box Ofiee
her etotor, Mn.
taku to carry out____
II to
Friday Morntog.
Uktiy that nothing wlU be done btiora
Iwec Wrirht ud wife of Veodelie.
nexl spring Bbonld tbe city utiwriiiw
OlMS Bloek.
Vick., came to tke city toot nlrhi end
eoDttooe to wage war on tbe poolroom
will visit with tbeir aooa. the Wrirht
men it to more thu likely that Gvanard
Mr. end Mn P. W. Fonlda end Mtoe and clviltoation.-Jwrtoh ExpoSk
roolde. who have been apendini
anmmeretOmene. pawed throng
Bagltob.jndgesanabowtog adtotnjwterder eo tbeir way to Olntinneti.
cHnation to CBtorn tbe Snndsy laws on
P. E Sketie of Onnd Bepida. the
Tbera are now 4.48* Ckrtotton En­ the rtatate book. A.penon named WilFrom lOtofiOFsrCMitOBSBUABLE FOOTWSAS,
UacDS broaghi sail agatoH Tbe Timw
newly eppotetod aeerotwy of the Mtoh- deavor wtietiw in Great Britain..
We are closing ont at Cot Prices S846 Pairs of onr Best
for advarttolag a Sanday oosioert. oosiIfH AfrienltwOlOoUere. wi
Inland now repora 160 Ckrtotton traiyto tbeaotaf -1761. In ooaK be
& Bmltb Shoes and Oxfords in Black and Tans, to
the E O. E E who remelwe
Endeavor aotietia, Utoter eouty bav- deoUaed to take oeth on tbe gronnd
i^ 11* aotiettoa.
ttlyeetwdoymake room for onr New ^o^ ot Coin Toes. Call early before
that be had no lelisiou belief and
A new Ckrtotton EndesTor wtiety____________
H. V Boot of ChebeyroH.
sUtad that be objected'
tbe-tow himthe best msaa are taken.
bw bwn orguisM to Borne, but tbera
The jndge squlnned oat of tbe
to nMking papei about ik
, i dlfllonlty by ruling tfaal tbe Ratnto bad
Mernlt* Jownel of-whieh hto fettwr —About 60 tiot maofainw to wlooia,^B« been vlototed. toamnoeb aa "aifautopctitime
to owner, to to the oltyonlioilnew
woo, Vteh.. wen removed withto *4 kbe erata bad to be paid for.
aftor the GbriWton young people
Attwition. Xoyal Vtirhbocsl




Catarrh, Chronic and
Pfirata Diseases,






phildren’s and Kisses*



.op- ^ >»-.


The Boston Store.

Stelnbeiit Gniid Open Hpiiu





Wilhelm Bros*



Monday, Sept. 20

We Offer, While They Last.


A Bunch of Keys

Our Line of School Shoes

Inst Ud lost TaU« MottlK.

25 Si

EMM! mUHktoFmoklidHM

Prices 2GJ540. BoiSeilsTSc

The Boston Store

Siisrofisn^ ptiMra. 15-ST

We Can Save for You


guonCUy ChapKo. S7a.ES. o(

EEa ~


hwa Vvati^rtigblaf them ana Jaaior

- w—w — —

dtond to tbe hbllway.
will famtibitodatde tbedati.tatoytoa^t^iaud^eatt—Ably


The Old Beliable Shoe Uan.

-r :-t:

'Byth* Experts for ^»8t>t* in the
LuotewtWift MurdorCsso
on TridstChiosge.


a» Wracc MS* ■

AISMUr aa a Vaa»

!• hr • Tita af

Mtaaari Bpava erf

S«acUa« OallawiT.

8»pt. i;.—T«M«rdar.
«tVa e»-er to axport taaOmiar In tb«
I<««tccrt-trial, and UR attoneyi tor
the defenae and wltnealea for the atate
vrancled Tlgoroustj resardlnc (he
femura of btmian belBCB. aod Uiefeniura
of abeep and ho*a. When court adlourced for the dar (be flirtit war atill
OD. and wa« mumed Itita (noniinc.
Wbea the court opened r<^erda>- niorotag the defendant came Into ouurt upon
a pair of cratebea. He naid be had r
badlr aprataod ankle aa tbe roult of.a
fan while varring a fHendlr boat with
one of tbe guanla Iq the JalL The laJury la painful and wiu trouble him for
aecM tine. The prtnclpal aitac* of
tbe day waa Profesaor Doney. of tbe
' Field Columbian hlueeum. who took tbe
atand for croaa-eaanlnattoB. Attoiner
Vlnoent. for the dffeiuw. made It hU
builnem to show tbe jury thatProteMor
Dorsey did not knew anything about'
hones, anyhow, and that he waa daossly
Igtioryil on the subject of femnn.
Deftnas aenirm. > Vegy PeUM Pwlat.
bone of a human

uaro Infn mi •
aMMl*nw(>Mr «e« An Dead ar«

wt aeroral hacane convlrcW there waj■ tratb
la IL (be two arreaU fnllowad and now
Jynchlng la atroagly ulk«< «•

four men. Diad-wmiam Qalite*. Ri. ;
I.OUI*. poat^ Clertt; W. R Smlih. Mdber-^i
ly. nrematijN^ ilUaa C. curb atd Paul
BallebuiT. Mo- Injured-Mr. aart '!
iBdiaaapoUa Bept.
Miw. Joba-J. IMatoe. OaUaad. Ho.
ng all avallaUe n
Wtlltam A. Ploa-era engineer; Mrs. i
telegraph aUlkai there a
Barton. Pattonaburx. Mo.: Hm.
no reRinnaM have bean received to tae
governor'B InetrocUon. In wndlng a
r*pr>aematlva lo aaeertaln the true auta
of things he held railroad tralna usUl ron. pottal clerk: P. F. Lawrence, p9tal
the deputy atlorney general could clerk; 'Arthur Sneed.
The pameegtr train which
tnake direct conBecCcB acd get through
o'clock Wednnday nlghi
m-lthnul d<Ur- -I think the las enforce-t
I —
Slight train No.. it.
law has brought
about Ihla dla- | craalied
crarefU act at the hands of lynchera In I freight had received orders to uke the
Klpley counlr." the governor aald. “1 f aiding at Keyteavllle. a flag atatlon. and
undertund that (hlevlcg
thieving and aystenaUc
aysteinaUc •*!
•*( the pawnger
pnawviger pam.
pan. Tbe freight waa
robbery have been earned on there. andi a
«. minute
mlnine late, and a
waa futi entering
that the crlialiiats have not beenproBipt- the switch when the paaeetiger
CTkahed inlo it. The two l«-omottvea
this failure to enforce law cane together with eucb Impetus that
may have occumd, yet it Ir ik>i Jortlfl- »»'rr. were totally ayecked- Three
cation for inoh Uw. No matter what the ' frelgfil ctira were denwllahed erd a mall
pretest b. men who uke the enfun^- , car was thrown from the track. All who
l of the Uw Into their own hands j vataped Injury at once turned to the aslynch men ihall be punlehed in In-' ‘ '
dlana. It malfta jio difference what
crime these oullaww have rommltltd.
cause -................. ... . .
e entitled t
have be« B a deviation In tbe wairbes of
Hole tbe p
the conductors. Tbe property lost It es­
timated at moo«. This la the second
umiMum .vt m wniiwiniL wuix, i
tbe midst of a revolution and anarchy, faul Bccldem on the same division of
and that condition shall cot exist In the road In two weeks
“1 Cold tbe attorney general that the
state would aland by him. and Uiat he ResstWer Teltowrfsrk Kbsw s^i^roysmight use any power In tbe stale to pre­
vent further threatened violence."
New Orleana, Sept. 17.—A brighter
"Does Ihla megn mUllla?^ was aaked- outlook for New Orleans waa evident
"Whatever power may be necesaary,"
last night so yar as the fever slluatbe governor aald.________llon Is concerned- The reports received
NONE BUT UNION MEN>NEED APPLY. by tbe'board of health and compiled
« o'clock from all sections of the city
Piwetd.4 iwtgr Twisy YmpUew the Csss wa
were of a more encouraging nature. Ini
Chicago. Bcpi. i:.-Vlce Prvwident stead of'twenty cases requiring InvestlMOC1CT IS IK BRAD KARKW.

ably that cf a funs!. ......... ....... .. .
corrertion. however, knd aald that when
he had aald Wednesday that tbe femur
was that of a left Ug'be had intended Cusnek. |f thr iwiaril of rducslion. ard
ths five truttees artlrg wHh him bav.-1
Before F
acceded to the demands of the committee I p|r|«u, god tw o declared yellow fever.
Dr. Norval Pierre, who bad
«f thr BnildlRg Trades coui cll rcgardlcg ! onr of the Utter caer* Is situated In a
the bone ahown him at tbe left temporal
of vinior. Ir.lwr. and thr tbirlcly populated mlghborhood.
bane of tbe fetuale. tvaa called
cUlil pain
e being taken by
school strike baa been droUred off. This
gund. but bU
to quarantine a
and as
agieernent war'rrwched with the pruvto--- board of health to
f U^. I
lie the n. :ghborbood.
that the legslliy of the propnwd cUusv.
then Attorney \
Wajblngtun. 8.p(. 17.-Tbe dally re"none l.ut ‘unl>-a JaUir
emr icyed or
be was ready tor cruae-esamlnatlon'
Murray. In charge 4
' rrofemor Dorsey. Jt lasted long enough any part <9 the work where eald work Ocean Springs. Mias , to subaUniiaUy as
for (he defense to make a point that Is
follows; Dr- Dunn reports flee oases
Ukely to be of effect on tbe Jury. "What
Bcranlon. It Is fair to report llftcer.
do gen cwll this bone, doetbrr' asked
cases sod one death at Bllozl since the
the attorney, paaring tbe wltneas
le cucKIlutloiwIlty of tbU hegir.ntng «f Ibe ejildrynic. At F^Iwards.
ttnall fragment.
Him., there are aevemeeo p
T should mw that this might be tbe
cases <of yrl1< w frveg and i
temporal bone of a sheep or a dog."
other eases of similar sympton
anawervd I>r. F*lctce after examining in -the malt.-r of the retention of tho yet devlarvd yellow fever.
Uue^art a minute or two.
Kansaa City. Sept. 17.—What U pos­
^ srlll state at a matter of fact.'' -board n-ho refomd to strike, although sibly a cose of yellow frve^ has devel­
akid Attorney Vincent, impreaalvrly. funy alne-terihf of them are old union oped here In tbe city bo^ial—Tlaade
------ r thing to
men. While
-tbal this I Arfidrrson. a ntcro boy 7 years old.
ting iber
the buildmg coioiriittee tadtly agreed
Id aOow them to stay. The lal-oi: romRIrtilaod Center. W|s . Sept. 17-While
irlttse at first Insisted strongly on Owlr Rev. W. Smith w as onduding services
.ue vAaimiiA.ioa
•wviujoea '
dismissal and a blttrr fight eras made In tbe Methodl^ rbund> a{ Hub City,
In technical terms, and again and again oa (hik prnpiistilnn. the trustees rehitlng
•tlw attorney tried to maki- the nIUtoss to sniT-rdro. The tabor lenders conrid'r
aay he was not sure the bune lo ques­ Ibe fight ae g>»d aa^'oe. as they bt-ll^- threw a bomb w-hirfa larded w lihin a
tion was tbe femur of a human being, Judge TuUy's d^lslon In Ihrtr faVor a I few feet of the bullillrg. The ezp;<«lon
which fnlli'wrd made the strvrture
bnt the witness stuck to hit flrsi ar- certainly.
tremble and caua<d such general conaertloe. Then the-attorney tried to
show that tbe femur was ttagt of a
sternaiinn tl
throughout (he audience that
u c<pm|sMed l‘i dlroonbog. and again tbe witness hafBed him.
Chicago. 8-pi. IT.—lA;ague base Itoll the minister
Then thr attorney tried the femur of a rtcurd vesterday At Btotuo—New York lone his sermon. No clue n lo who
tbe ezptoSTVr can be otaalned.
Sheep, and again he was defeated— EBcsionS; at KalUmore—fnlladclpblat.
that to to my that In each of these Baltimore 4—darkness: 'at Br<v>k1yn—
IIHaoto Pnv aiUer :
rsssa.the wllni-ss persisted that the bone Washington 4. Brooklyn i.
Bprlcglleld. nia. 8«pt; i:.-^eral
wa^fanman ^nd gare the ressonS'vhlch
Wesaern League: At Detroit—Orand
forced bhn to that conclusion. ThenNTn- Rairida 1. Detroit .73: at tndlanapolls.- hundred persors aswemided yiwterdky at
cent offered Urgecollecuonof bancs and Columhus Z. IndUr.apolls C: at St. Paul the state fair grounds to attend a grand
illvcr picric given by the Rangamon BUwanted the wlinoe u> state from what
• 4. St. Paul IS; (M
ver club, a nou-pcUth-al tjrganlntleai.
animal they had oomc. Tbe court took game) MInnrapolls 0. RL Jtonl 10; a
The picnic was an all-day affair, and
a band in tbe proceedings at this point Kansas City—Wet grounds.
and aonnounecd that "there are enough
Weste'ro Aatsadatlan: At Cedar Ray tost night there sraa a land concert In
bones In this case alregdy without ids—Dubuque 1. Cedar Rapids *; (sec­ the court bonse square. Teslcrday morr
bringing In a lot of them that, have no ond game) Dubuque t Cedar Rapids ' erg Dr. Howard A Taylor, of Chicago,
delivered a free River apeerh. In tbe
at Dew Unices — Burlington 4. D
HoIncs-0: at Prorta-Wet groonda

femur and aid
Dr. Allport in Judge ToUilirs
that M waa a left femorV' ' Tes. ' w
tbe reply.
■'Did be not point out to you that It
waa tbe right feraurT' "To."
,_2Tben yon made a mistake when yon
told the Jurors, yesterday, that It usras
the left femorr' "Tea."
'Then you showed^lhe Jurors the haudt
part of the bone aa the front part?"
The sritnesa evad>-d tbe answer.' but
pnctleally admitted that be did.
C'lumhus. O.. BepL IT.—At 4 p. m.
yefterday three penltenttory prisrncra
appeared In the guard room, and levelIng revnh-ers at Captain Edxbe attemptad to ear*4«>; A fight ensued- Two of
Jamas, a auhetttut.- guard, was ahot
twice. BottJ to from Lucoa and Clark
from Cuyahoga tv.ucty.

€hsasftbe>artTlM«waggWs the-pWlaro
Warrensbu^. Ho.. Sept. 17.—News of
wbat appart to be ooe of the most das­
tardly oatiogea ever committed In tbe
stau of Htoaouri has Jnst resrbed this
city. Jamas Hull acd j. N. HceKauln.
two yoqpg men of Jefferwn township.
OIT amder arrat charged with abduc-

country to being scoured In search for
him. Andrew Btills. a young farmer
aaad » year*, and bis giri-wUe. aged U
years, left Waraayr Monday, where their
home had been, to drive over to Knob
Noater. where hla wtte'a totter rttodta
Oh the way tbe boroe died and Btllla
waa at a loaa to proceed nolll Ibe three
young tncD-HulL McBeebln and Jadiaon-4oRered to permit BUlIs to hludi bit
carl bcblod tbvlr buggy and drive the
couple «o their deatlnation for U. Tbe
tioMRcUon was made, and after getting
eat Into the country Btllla claima that
tbe trio aetoed bts wife -and drove

wp —v

M7 hsTs edtiMT. If «e pmtar tbia life.
. are ew flv« up tbe fatoia life aad Uva
I for lUa only. If we prefw tbe better,
; biglMd life, with Odd, wa atoM Mccifioa

Batter,, Butter,

Fine, Fresh BuBer!

tfaia Ufa f« tbe Mgb»
Ufa of tba goal iboo Id girenauotlawglrt
tbe Mgime itfa of tbe
foa) H ao iuftiiitely bgjmnd sBythine
Bdiliog Beef and RoasU
ttiM ire CSB aebieve or attain to in tbia
Sold Chup Friday'and
life that we dtosld not beaitate for <
elogle ttODent la naking cor ebolce.
Saturday, sees
"Forwbat dial) U peoflt a man if be
n tbewbtdewnU and hme bis UfeF’
I faisber life of tbe eoul beyood tbe
ife. If it would not pay se to nari- Don't Fail to try our’Gutaaod
I thie bigber life for all tbe weald.
Slices for these two dal's.
boweotUd It pay lu few eaerifleing it for
iluly MDail i*rt of Uh world
that aoy of ni eao winT Lot at bo wiUto aacTiAoe tbU Ufa lor Uw bigber
TELBraONG 141.
of tbe aoul and do iL
lible Rasdlbga—Hath.:
rri. 84-Sli: Hark eiii. S6-«e; Lake ix.
l»-86; XTiU. 90-t7; 1 Cor. sv. M. »7i
Oor. Cnlen ao4 KIBife Su.
Qal. ii. M: v. id-Sfl; PthL i. I): ii.
1-18; It. 18-14; 1 John iii. lS-17; t, ;


By Ods Owsi Dssda.
Too hava iBGirlduaUtiM that may ba


if you




Park Stmt, bttwwa ?»Bt t Can.
Do tbs week to which
e adapted,
Uakeadlatioct iniin
in tbe apbsra
at ycur aetlvitit*. Be in kagae with
oUwn, for KinwtiiMayoawiU bemtabla
to do ffioeb olcme. but be tat* to do
aanyetbikg. To vote to do MawtUng, or
for others to do Hnsetbliig, is CiaqiMBtly aU Uiat to done. We ■») not be
judged by ibe dee* of tbe rogwiiissHim
ct wbicta we are a part, hut aooording
to tbe deeds that an dtotiti ‘
able to oa—Pbiladelpbia >
Booni—It toaaid that cycling toBKM
.............. Rbyiuilway at by abip.
Hgbm—1 know, 1 met ny wife
wbaeting.—Yookm i

om DAT AKP KiegT.

Fishing Parties

Now for Business!





C. A w’M. BY..
This to wbat you haee been watllag.
Ipr—* ebgpa to eyalt your friends ^tb
Utile expanse.
iTm. By.
•TM City o

From this date this boat
win not make regular con­
nections with trains on M. <&
N. E. Fishing parties, how­
ever. can make arrangemealB
for the nse of this handsome'
yacht, by comninnication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.





UCraaae about N;oo p. m . aad Detroit
<eia D . O. B * W B- B I about 7;4i p.
m. Bsniod trip rate to Chlcwgo •n.uu,
Detroit aed LaCrtiaa $6.00. Botora
limit. Oet. Blh. TickeU may be niRA
to priscipai aiatMBS south of MolUod
and eeal of Graod Ledga. Ask afenu
for full ioformalioo.


Rul Tickets aiReiliceilRa Its. Lady Watts




Kates. $1.50 per Day.

See Der New liee

m. E>jjsroisosusr.
rsursiKTok OP rax

y>1s*o. DkOstcx. G. V. A.

Picture Mouldings

FreBore to attend OroKd Travaioa HOTEL PANOBOBK,
OoBBty Tair. Sapt. 81. 98, 88 aad8«. Corner of Unloe aad Day Btraata.
near M. A N. R dapoL wiabea to an­
nounce to tbe pnblk that he ha# rcfitudaad furotobed tba Hotel
bora better than it aver baa bean be­
fore and can acooBinodata tbn travel­
Wadnaaday. Baptember Sklb, tba
Grand Bapids A Indiana Railway wUl ing public in good shape. -Battolaotion
run tbe annual Fall ezeuraion to the
above mantloaad pointo. E&.OO Detrcdt.
Bicbmond cr La Crnoa and rotnrn.
$6 00 Cbiaogo aad ratnrn. Tiekau
Bar >U Bros M-* X ADrfM.
<rm be sold from all statitms Mack­
inaw City to Big Bapidto inelnalve.
good going only oa spacial trains
of Sepleniber Slitb. and good retaming on regular troina notll and In' •

" ^------------Jndlanpclla. Sepu 17.-Hngh H. Han­ eludi
na. chairman of tbe monetary'ezecutlve
rommUtef. ytalerday announced tbe Hyland, or^ai
oa O. B A I. B y.. C. A W. M. R'y .
t-ciEpIeUcn of the coramlaalon, ascaptD.. G. RAW. R..B..aad OekstofRa
artces having been received from Loulv
Is what you will obserx'e in everything in our New Meat
■ Garnett, of Ban Franctoeu. and Profeamr he made good rautming from aneh
Market in the Brosch Block.
I J. U lAughUe. of Chicago. ATtb- ugh pointo. Tbroogb eoachea will be ran
' pidltlr* was not considered In tbe selro- to the MTeral deatinaUana For Ume
ticn of the rommiPeIcn. it seems that alx
e Deirncreisand six BepUhHfaba. The
L. Lockwotm.
I (be Arlington
O. )•. and T. A.,
botei Waehlr.gton. Sept. 3.
Grand BapUa. Micb.

Cycle Owners LtiokHere!

Lederle's STTiJ

Bright, Fresh, Neat

' a viK

0(1Its Sbeldun. a 8L I
w.... cf the heirs lo ar. BogUah a
»4«A.<IM le rasK
mi. Her.r)' I'luphan tried t(
sulfide twice
Jumping Into

Stole Senatiw Ncrfman B. 8
man of Ihe state rommltiee n place of
fleeatrr Welllngtor..
Jack-Betterson. of Canton, nu.. n baa
ball pitcher known througtout central
llllnolw. was drowned while swimming
after a dude be bad killed.
Mrs. Benjamin Baird, to y«ara old.
committed suicide at CTilcago by leap­
ing from a foorth-Btory window at her
home. 44 North <?lark etreet.
In a run betw-e<-n Wither and THusrlile a New Jersey wheeiman caught
a whole swarm of bees on bis back and
carried Ihtin a number of mile*.
"la the name of the stole of Wljeottrin
Oovaroor Bcofleld baa taken out a« insuMBce poUcy for on tbe capUoI
btrUding. The policy is for three yeora
Alaxaoder ibariff
and politician, was thrown under a UIIwaukek and St. Paul freight train from
hto buggy and killed on Weed stfect.
It to atairo that the dvange from car­
mine to green In thr :-cent poaUge
stamps cannot be made because K to
against the rules of the International
Poatal ITuloD.
H. Hlrocfabergar. of Annawao. lUa.
aay# that pearl* have been, found In the
Green river. In Henry county. III*., for
aooie year* past to the amount cf |LM»
at irmai annually.
The most slgnlflcaet act of tbe Na-'
Uonal Lauadrymea's asauctotlonat Bos­
ton w aa -the laying on the table of certain Tvsolulkma looking for a boycott
of the Chinese tonndrtea:.
There to a fortuM awaiting the man
rho can Invent sotne way of preparlag
:lng the lake Ash caught off tbia
It wjll make them nke to aerrs
malar as a fcoA a
tbe Two
(Wia) Cbronlcle.


Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.



It may warn paiadtixicml, sad yet it
1a true, that to win life we mart 'icaa
It—that to. to win tbe highest form of
Ufa then wiU ba mneb in tba lower
forms of life that mutt be ocriftoed.
Ufa eOBNs Chroogfa death; azaltatioD
tbrongb bumiliatino: self glorification
by mats of self abasement This to tba
Uwttfnatore. "Ezeept aeorn <d wbat
tall Into tbe gxoand and die. it abidecb
aleoe; but if ii die, it briagetb tetfa
mnofafralL” It to tbe law also ^ tbe
worldly Ufa If a man wtoba to get
rich, if be placet wealth before him a
tbe higbeet etaodard cd life, ba mnsi
die to many thinga in life about bim.
'Be otanot enter to any great exteot tbe
neial wcwid, tba world of pleeaura
or tbe world of toaning.
All bis tim^ aU bto enogton. mnst be
eoDoentrated opa tbto one edijeot, and if
with ttato a bia goal be to wiUing
die to aU Other things that be may Uva
fnr wealth be oos osoally win m giaat
fttotme. If a mao wanti to win dtotlaotiOB in tbe w«ld <d wtodom. be must
else go tfazoagb tba mine proeem. He
cannot amiai a groat fwtasc; ba eaanot be a leader in aoeiety. "EveiTtbing
else to a large extent mnet be •
AH bto energtoa must be devoted to tbe
one Use of sroib. and by tbe Merifioa of

Still on Deck
Angus McColl St
at the Old Stand.

gand Briod horses A apd*
Ity. Third dear wat of Morgan's Livery Ban.

The Pure Juice S:rsS.ri't

The Enterprise Grocery
is still d^ng business
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.

dying that we may Utr It
aiy « .
to be paid by Graaea to Tarkey at £4.- lertotto of tba a^tnal world.
tboogbt to have bera Mtzsgcd aad mw- dOOAM. It la provldad that tba atau
• " Ito sb
w«r aban aoM ak sow oa tba pro- '
Tbe tmi men yeong M ^ ^ tn at
Brntaoiy act to ggaad and ttmt tba avoe-'
have been under tbgJnaaare of
aC naaoly by Torktob troops
8CDM ewehad for feta srite antO extemnd. bM coold And m troea of bar.

r .Smath aad


A-EFEYMAITS. luhpat ^imtStroM,

Estorprise GrobeiT,

Bicycles to Rent

alro gat tbe beet work tor leoat i
Bopoir Shop. Ill East Front i

Suits to Order.


— .


ocbcrUii^eBdaiepaiBnitcf4hto<me Fine Merchant Tailonne.
alone ha eon ordinarily win the dtotino-

Houlh L'nion StroeL

Butter, First Class




Fire Insaraiice.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem*
lock Lnmber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple noorihg,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. MUI Machine, of •!!
descriptions, including 7 Engines. Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Bant for sale.


rwt KuBsrivo Asoosp^aATUKDAY. awncBn la. iS97.

lUteMwd OfvM th« R«uent for
th« 8«tt)em«nt ef th« Big

• rr th*



«ti m4 Hrtp IW Mr» rW><
ayi»t»».-Wrtkf ml
M Im
Wwk «m Bm

Mry. Daiagatea ‘haTe baas appelatad
(rocn bere to attend tb* l^trtngeMd ton(erenee nezt Mondar.
Bloomtngtcm. III*.. Sept It—Tb# DUaoU rederatlon of Labor >waterdar
pamrd ratolatlone upon the Haatetoa
aflalr. which after deploring ibe kilUng
of the miners while peacefuUr marchlog upon the public highmar. aaya:
"Reaolved. That we new with alarm
the eeicniachmenl upon tbe legal rights
dutr tt U to enforce tnetead ' '
the law*:
"ReaDlted. That we demand that tbe
autboritJe* of Ibewtate of Pennsylvania
and the Untied Slate* do Ibeir full dut>brlnglng to Jnrtice nil thoee respoola for tbe kllliag of nlners at Haale; Pa„ and should they taU to peaform said duty., we charge to tfaem the
mencaa soil."
V adopted as a aub• “
• 'qrlVase-

•ncvUv* or U>c board of United Mia*
Worker* to the miner* of tbe fountr>■ettiac fortk the revoa* tor tb* rwsen:
BMUefam of the creat aulke. Thr*e
ooadilkioi are cttrd undrr irblcb It war
•Kpected the atrtk*. nlckt be won.
FIrvt, that the tnlnet* ifbuld oult vork
In auflIcleBi aumber* to. create a coal
(amine, and ralbsr than have eucb a
eooditloa or artatn eoaiiniie (or anr
length of time the InduetrUI pnbUc '
woaM inelsl that our demind be con­
ceded and the (ull rale of wages paid.
Second, that a sufflcieDt number eould
agree to call-a Joint eonfereiKe of rainera and operator* from the flelda tnvoleed to mutuallr agree a* to higher


ynocent children appealed to
continue the atniggle where the result
would only be diaastroba. entailing
granler mlserr sad more hardship*.
gappoM of TtMto Who CoaUaae the Strlka.


The*# conditions were recugnlsed by
your executive board and district preaMenu 1.M- some lime, and were exi allied to tbe coovcntlon In detail, aad
er>-»4nt*d to }ou a* furtherlnfurmaI .1. <n the condition* eurrounding Ibe
. « • III. r. rc^-.
follon ing
Penu-yiianln. Oh.o and Indiana, will
iv.4um- votlt in full and a purUon of
Jlllacl*. al tbe expiration of the ten­
ds.)' limit flsed fay the convention an aa
to give all dirirtcl* afTecii-d eh oj>pnrlonlty to comply with the conditions
I'rear ribed by thy vonti-r.Uou. 4'lf West
VlrglnU and a portion of Illlnol* wU|
reture to do » and the fight will have
} ba continued, your repmu-ntatlves
have provid
be levied on
«*• tern

price of pick for machine raining yuur
board made every ettort poialhle to af. cure eonalderaUon of that natter, but
were met with a flat refusal from the
operators to go Into that question at
this lime for the r«a»on that the unlfbrmliy agreement pending in tbe Piiubutg dtstilLi provides for the arbitra­
tion of the qoeaiioa In the near future,
when It 1* hoped tbe faei* aad dgurre
then presented will demonstrate more
ftUlrtbe true aelatiouahlp of prices both
for pick and ciacliiac nilt.ii.g. IVben tbia
^ 8<me our .**e. In our Judgment. *111
be atrengthened by tbe adddltlonaJ data
furnished, and by u-lng reinforced l.y
pick mine oiierar^* «hi win lead
the arUtratloa proceedings aad tm
nor light ihclra-

jx THE iLUKou Durxmim
Pt. Loula Sept. 1*.—The coal mlneraatrlke la over so far,a* the district sup­
plying the 8t. Louis market I* con­
cerned. Peventieii mines lo the Blsth

ZlUnois district n-sumed work yesterday. It U prohabie that all tbe small

Operator* in the district will come Into
line before the end of the week. ‘Htr
Duqnein raqn returned to work this
inoraing. Repnaenlativei of the atrikera were met by aevinteen of the indepeodent operalors. The aien submitted
a propusItKin for a acale of XT cecu a
ton. top Wright, mine run. After n lung
Cuasultstlub It W'B* acc.-pled.
The big cooaolldated nnd Mndlsen
corapanie* Ignored the call fur th* conferenca They now have a tbreccorneied flgbt op tbclr handa Tbe In­
dependent operaturs sad the miners
agreed to make a common wartnre on
the two big companies. The small operatoi* will employ as many aa possible
of the atrlkera formerly employed by
the Madison nnd ConsoUdated companlea n is probable tbat double sklfu
will be worked. The ConeoHdated aad
Madison compaales will not be able to
set men to dig cosJ for tbem vatii they
gign tbe acale.
Spring VaIIct. Ills.. Sept ».-Wednesda} alght word was sent to Mr. Kelson
by the baaam at No. 1 abaft tbat a
gang of men was nurTTing around to
the shaft to prevent tbe company men
. from golngto wontandthat the waated
them disperwed.
Tbe 'mayor hastily
aummooed tlie entire police farce and
sent It to guard the shaft. Trouble
was (eared, but wb« the men were
^ordered away they obeyed. Tbe com­
pany men. bowerer, did not ehew up,
fearing trouble with the men. and the
sntne la ctoeed down tight. Tbe mlnr-a
will noUallow the company men lo lepair the adaea wltbout the aeenraaec
that the mtacre win get tbe scale price
erlMB work Is resumed. Thu aasnraace
the ^iriBg VaSey oparatcra eria not
•tva. maers here h
Mt Cor MXla peleaa a


^een wrporate greed and workinglike the Homestead. Coeurd Alene.
Pullman and Haaleton. the organised

Wbw BUI Kt«wh a bop. hs «bd bB
bratber onoe had.a imt Clae Moobl^

Tbaaaaavatiaaa that ba*« been gid^
« te BMnUmpanobap>Mo( ppobd
tel«fiat to Hot fiehabb. ■ amiufbotom« Tram, base reniUed in tbe
diieovaij-af a Banns prirate booae.
which Will «xdla tbe intenmof antiijuriea almoat aa pincb m ttaa (anow

PmidsMof theMsxican RspufaHic
AsMuHsd on tk« 8t(o«M«f
Nattenal Capital.

after a calf that bad got bMdn a piaoa
ctf wood!. The atarcb wa* kept ap fog

“Too see, rba.
Z’b*. j^sait^r

The tMaw DolBa

tween two bottreaeta and an imtoetne
rbere. MtjberU
A ioog entmuce faaU a abarp loobootgreij al
UmIM for »
tbe faoam from
from Bad that dan call I-ve

_________ ______
t\>p.W tar ai.



kCE AT UAn.nog.

n^tsa sad

esiu.'a^^^ maS^tT’eSi^^
^ a. ■st.i wmi.

^ *• «»«»««» toy anotbet

c... „

, U..U

-Anulfoa. a noi-m character, assaulted
i^to tbe roomk
dur-1 Me ,

of tbe preHdeat. atod was Immediately
taken custody by the autbomlea.
The central tborouRhfar* of this rtty.
estetidlng frum the Oreat Plata to the
A la midi, or the pubHi-. park.aad known

Of tbeae the

I for bot and |
cold water and warm air lie side bj Mda [

latter were supplied with wi
Umugb eobterruaean paaaagea. Tbe escape of tbe sjanke
BiBoke wi
was effected by meaat
aaoiber. Tba


.■sr. Waatea-Traop. ChIM.

Attonwga at Law.
Mee* ta Waaisgse Btaek. tmeeneOts, KMk.

d^. A noniber of Uocke which seread I
-..............a* pedestals for tbewoodeo or stoM' Barope wae

them. Is a light oooH in tbe same part
' thotiaands of people y<-*terday morning. of tbe team there ie a well jseeet iad
d to see tbe rellKary p
wiodow, tbe fint ever fonad ia a Bo-!
» targets, take care c
man boilding.
dead, pass reaulutlona eondemnlng : The sidewalk*, balconlea
a •
Md frequent_____________________
__ __
________ _
BM« ■
- a* brutal, and then tumlfh can- i ly houee tops, were c >*wd>itb-peo- I la ^e magaifieent aad ricbly polor^
dldaie* for the nest conflict." . TBIp
I pie. and the houe<-e and'l
defeated after a lively debata.

and Governor Tanner


} magnlBcent floral dl«>/«Je?Ylmie. i
*1 ***f fourth crotnry when An-,
I Unlng either »ldc
cr*wd ftc.n
; iu splendor under O
IK IiU" t.;' opcu A,-—'
i' Uuotih''w^b'naȣ,
»cd the garloiu bodies '
— Bwlin Dujmteb
of ci^k acd icueral* ou
: *,j- i« i.kc part in in. c
; daee at the A'ln-rd* afwr *ii'-v

6rud RipUi ft IidltH LI


Hawkiui—I tea your folk* are back
tnau tbe aesMswe. How are (beyf
Baake—Ob. they Mood it flm rate. '

la uay
tloaal paUcc lu
vd b, j
' deni Die*.
Pnwkleal .DIa* Cnme on theJtrr-Be.
the hlFlork avrl^ir caii,,i by tievrgr j
Auguetu* Sals, one of the laraou* J
Btregu of the world being all agluw '
with rotor, and tbe Spani*h-faHil«ned
balronlea filled'with ladb
toilets. APer a short wait the murmur
ran thi,.ugb the crowd that the presi­
dent wa* iiiming ami uo foul, dn-a-rd
In the uniform of a general of division. '
Tbe pre«ld*bt. bowing ngbt aad left tq
the applauding croads. came. Imm-di- j
ately behind him being GuneralPradlUo. :
the governor of the natbnal pals-.--,
whq eem ed In the ume capacity under
Emperor Maximllllan. Following them
wer. .•.un.e...u* other ofllcer*. cab.uel

Hkaletoa. Pa.. SepU IT.-The American
Federation of Labor baa taken up the
cause of the mir.e workers In thU r«g1on.
Tbe federation orgnnUeis arealraady at
work here, aad when this has been t omplrted a unlfana scale will befomiuiatrd
aad presented to the operator*,
win be no marching or anything !n th.- (
nature of a demoTutrattoD and so at- .
tempt will be made lo bring about *yni- ;
palhi tlc strike mavemenu. The peace ;
prevailing during the pa*l few dayr w
broken ywierdsy .by n conOlcl b»'Wi._
Suddenly n
tbe Alkmiida there was
; ar.d wqrkjng mlnerd, nhk-h for ,------------------------n dlaturl«Bw---li the crvw d on the side.
. T
*«ik. and a well-buflt. mutcular man
about ISO men and hey*, led by a with fl.wing Hs.k hair, and inuustai-he
score of worn* made a raid on th. Car- ■ forced hU way by ., t^emendoii eff^
SMi. Ftar and Mooan-h colllertee at : part th. gen d arme. and M.ldl-r*
loqeybnok. nrar Audtnri^d.
Audrnri^d. The wo- : J*?^iJd''bJtwprn'
iumned iH-twe-n the •rvs^nl and Ovn-:
mcr.. a* weU as their fulluwet*. *•#?* , eral Pradlll... and the chief w* ...i,
a^d with eJubsand stone*, and tvfoiv ' Mcnnsterlo. and deallb a blow at the
the SOU
he Induesd- to , back of the presldenra neck, but tbe
.w* fIsallea were uaeA
| violence of the Uow w a* dimlnlihed ly
^me^ theCwo^ *,„lonrf them- the fact ibu be wa- crowded beiwe.r.

“Oeorge. dear, what am you dalagr*
‘'Patting op Util tire for good Jo^

... .1
. ..i
.. -.1

Kew York faundaTwogld.

!S. '3feS


s.B. ^Detrolu
I SjO.OR.aK.

Tberefore B*tt«r tban <«De of tbe otbera advertised, tout U
aad no end of oonvenien^


.. ..

1..... .

t« Pi. Waywe

IWIeOla'oril* ..
II M Leslsrilh .

Trwlman1«*frow Clort
Cteria«aul. Oraod BapPraw p7 Wsrse, CraiM


braaefc arriras at II


e. u LOCKWOOD o. p: A. o^^iracsZ?''
OhiC3.gO •»<


West Michigan.


' is II

hsttallon of tbe Eighth regiment, under

d amir*

J® «*»
the trouble, but
ecktiered when
there and the battalion returned
camp The aiMlera bad not beer, on
right ten minutes before a crowi

pinioned him.

rJrrted ‘ r*'


He was taken through
'*'* •»«T. the pe pie

»>‘tn to u«; wrwm

hang him." Rut tbe gen d-armea rue
ceeded in keeping their pilaoncr. being

garlant who were fereenlng cciel ..
the 8ter waaben-. and forced them ..
quit work. 7111* second movemeni reMilted in the sending of a equsdron of
toe go\-ernor‘e troop to the dlsturlied

meraage lo negwral Oohln o
to Buppres* aU meeting* haring a ten­
dency to Inrttf riot. Thl* will doubtlew prevent the proposed labor mteUng
K-hedulcd for tomorrow night.
M. Haw# Apiwsvet^T^r P.btte maese*
-rhlcago. SepL IT__ Judge JenUha of
tot federal court, ba* ausialned Postmaetri- Gordon In hla transfer And reductk-n of eupertnlendral Cnrr. of the En­
glewood pcalal BlatioB. Tbe judge take*
similar ground* with Judge Cos:, of
Washingloc. In the Wood case decided
recetilly. that Ou civil atrvke act does
cover transfer* and remurala It
hold* they are under departmental rule*
and regulattona. over whith the eoart
. no Jnrtadirtir.n. He says the Uw
fotfaida femowala even, only for a particuUr cauae-refuaal to contribute to
grdltlral funda-and that “the tact that
iraovai wa* forbidden for a partlcuUr
cause U strong to el.uw that It was i
derlimcd to l«e fi.rWdder with le*|‘
iher cause*. It
rardlnBl 'cai
ta the coMiructlan ot^ratutes. 'Exjirew
it ur.iu* eat exclualo altcrtu*.'"
With reference to Judge Jackson'* d*elrion holding that a chief depniy mar­
shal could not be dlslurlied by hie su­
perior officer. Judge Jenklai raid: "I
cannol concur lo the contluelon of that
teamed Judge, I find no language In the
Untlng at or suggesUng any aueb
Isteetlon rnithepan orthecoogreraofthc
emted Stataa" At the close of the
Judge's oplBlon he add*; “Blnee the («**•
going was penned I am advised by toe
public-preea of tbe derialoe o( Judge Cox.
of tbe supreme court of the District of
Cslumbla. readenrd Bept. IL 107. In tbe

> have reached tbe a
whlrii {u conatratned.**

ting am
man wa*
taken to the palace _.
snipped. Imt no weapon was found t
lU perwQ 1. He was taken away to tl
lly hall, aevurely i>oub4 aad placed i

autsnr diae takes


Ar.Tia»a»eeCltr. TKsj. tt ftOr.a, 4 It r.

it coollt.

UDsm uiiioniBisnn Li

e 0|A Him aa «
hat often beep employed la
notary'# effler a* a derk. and Is raid by
the chUf cJ pcHce to hate a record as a
maa of vlrlent habits, given lo drink,
and quarTriaome.

NO. 8

Milk Safe KK-Jisfi.r;


told regarding bis design or. tbe preridetiL one theory liemg that be *i
armed wUh a dagger, ae many police b
lleve; but If *« he must have Ihrown It
away. „;,o weapon wa* f..urd on him:
II seem* almi^t cenoln that be inUnded
harm, for at the moment of deallrg tbe
blow he - '
maniacal. The j.resldem on reiun
to |he palace w*« cheered by the croi
and aa Imtnenar crowd eraemblrd .o
front of the palace ebtering a'nd eboutclwtoH and |vi .ra il to
lag and calllr.g for the presldeei.
aiM.Mri«b/clieOnai Eaa>«
ITe»ldcnl DIaa took the mailer calmly
MreM. n^st*
“• ,
and *dri*ed.lh*i the man be kept la
eosiody until tod^- aad be brought be­
fore him to expl*^ ble'mmlve.appareiitly beUevlng tbat Ibe man had no mur­
derous Inletit: but tbe police feel that
toe rase leone that demands the deeneet
laveatlgatlon. and they counselled his
being turned over to the military tri­
bunal. as be bad araaulted tbclr com- f^RL WAVTED-Oood sirady girl, tae who
mander-lo-chlrf while la unltom. It a
varloualy reported that Aaulfra will be
tried by court-martial aad alsa that he
will be handed over to the rivU aajfaor-

'ii ‘iSTr

Geaenl Powell Clayton, tbe United
States mlaleicr. Immediately called upon
Presideni Dlaa and offered bh ccegratulaUona as did ether dlploraau and m.ny
other prominent people. There b no
doubt that If AnulfoB had fallen Ictc the
hands ef the people he would have been
tom to pieces, m Intenae was the rage
of Tbe people. Some think the awaali
wa* tor tbe aabi of gaining actoririy.
having read the account* ef tb* sms*laatloe of Canovaa
Tbe presldrai received an ovation o«
entering the Camber tff deputies last
Bight to open congress, every one prea•nl desiring to show hU ratlrfactlon
that be bad eocaped unbanned from the
attempt made on him le the morning. Iq
leaving tbe hall a man approtched to
addrem him. bat was Immediately arrraud by the gen d'enaea,

nalfcira A Swift. Aw


—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street

Ever Burned Out?


O. P. OA&TXB. Agm

TraTraTTii TB
" ** * *"'• 4 H • ft 5

i'ftXt' 4H



iMr '



"i’SEi,_Honey to Loan

Waablngton. SepL 17.-«ecretary wn•on Is tafortned tbat tbe live stock comloaera of IIUdoIs probablywiU quar>e all cattle shipped to that state
ftopi Kentucky. There bnve been n
Bomber of outbraaka of Texas fever. In
>U recenUy caused byeatUeahli^
lo vloiaUaa of the federal aad state
regulatloDS from Texas, Arkansas and
TeOew tVrer Pratt e* Mebnet
teeasac. It Is asserted that iafaetad
Moldle. Ala.. SepL n.-Aimotoaa Ha-,
e era DOW being driven across tb*
•aa. first yrilow terra case, died yea-:
qvataattac Ua*. shipped to LouMrUfe:
tuHky afternoon. One new cage.

to pMat* la IDlBota.


U H *X w«lA—wta iraMwoialeaa
* <7 t so Pvtoskey
IS VISMack.Cny
1 S « 43 CadlUae
»» TUl ReeCCUy
ft S .... - Swriaaw


J®” •
l>re*ldMH and olDi-crs iram«J.utciy
^licd the workingmen *1Ei Mom =. Onhim. -Tli- pr-e .l-n: to o.-d
llur.nrMn was clubbed over th-- bead ar.>cad and rauchi rlKlit of hta sMaiUiu
arA J|Ad.y Injured. The cncoum- r wa* and rvsuuied hU man h with adrairabhIhc dlrecl reaull of aisaltempt |.. start i coolnraa
up the I..ehlgh and WIlkraliarT. col- '
fVopie er.mtoi m xm hi




dark Finaltvil bad to be abandaed.
EvWfbodr bet tbe banxaiat foegM all
aboet it, and be Mid Dotbing of II to ^ ^
aar ore for tot
mote than » r«wk Ctoe ; 8. Ls»
tame who bad , sod^rm
day his bnai

ixMim lie* parallel with
tbe prioeipal etreet of tbe old Boman



fter aeleettng Decatur a* tbe location
tor next year'a gathering and chcoeing
pclcpa for mine work. Third, that the ] tbe follo*1ng offleert: U. G. Palmer.
fear of a loss of contracts or tbe inablll- Peoria, ——
a.... P. "
>. D^yle! ---------Chicago!
ty In some Urge and Influential dlatrlct wwtary-treaanrer:
to tnt contracts this season If work
B^lrigton d^rajUerto nattona! connot resumed soon would lead to negntle- vcstice at baabvJIlF. The conMIlutlon
tlons and praposlUuna to the termina­
tion of the struggle.
. brtag
prevent pereon* boldlr.g political peelWhy They Agtwrg to a lemweat.
Tbe drrular autes that tbe oaUoaal tlon* from belDg eligible to efBces of the
executive board war Induced to agree to federation. A reeoIuUca was adopted
a aetUement (or the following ryaaoDa;
'That the markeu were being sopplledi
.that tbe au»peiulon was not growing;
that miner* could not be Induced to re­
spond prmnpUy to tbe needs of the hour,
and that tboae who did resjiond were
fast approacblu tbe point of exbaueUoc. and coulAnot continue tbe Dgbt
much longer; that the eupphe* were becoming Umlted; that preetlag went could
not bf appeaaed.caiudngaresumpUoaaf
work In many ca*,«» al operator* lerau;
that orgmnlaad labor was called upon to
r time, r
(fair*, an




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