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The Morning Record, October 08, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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«metAL tJkrgM
* U tbMT
____________ _ _* r»»*k Bmob 8- Pin-)
Who wUh them ererr u
aew field.—^Un tToee.
mo* KriodrJoh. wbo *rrl*Ml la Tt*r•rw City jnrtaboot iz o’clock Wodne*Yeaterday norwlitr'J. W. Patcfaln
TBmn iuBBiAOW «OLSiar- doT Burbt. Tbe yooBK
left oa tbe K o'clock train for Cfakare
nr TOW TMUXIAT. r^rkabl* ahllHy foe oo reapooolble a WTT.i-WT> *r»a TKSSM-AX t.kw with A»a Cutter,wbo waa meatloard
pot and at the aame tine akow* a de: IB the lUcoBD yeaterday a* baTiafi
t tbat entitlM him i
Puraaed by Oftoet* i
*er»wd to diaeoBtlnae
Vte Von D«Ti« UalUd to AlWt
hU denabd*
n a* a deputy oil It
^ Pat a Ballet U Hia ^ Vraln
Hoa. Parry Ha^bak ifaamcieeli
of «t*»4
The oobby yaehtiaf cap that Prank,
VhUe SherUTaPoi
feed* were fteeo kin to take bim <.ut;
Sapid* T»kM XiM Id* KeDoaald the father of the yoonr nan. kaa been
Hla Boardinc Houee-Shatn aad of tke elate.
to • Vow Bono—Haory B. Toidor- weariDf. ha* been replaced by owe *eTWoBiB Wore Utinata.
I The fanil.v of Jacob Culnaa bare to- ^ I
hoofoBdKlMAnoldofOroMtako. er<l •!>*• larrer.
' Boyne PalU, Hlek.. Oct. T.—WiUiam I oelred a letter fron tbeir dauybtor . ^
\ Mr. klhtn Ooiwctt ud Ml» Km*
fikaio abet and killed Mr* Priiin*ii ‘ Mnnle. wko ie atteodlnfi tbe •eboei for >
SoTts woro ultod la ■*rrU*o yooterLoc Inal araoinc and whan cornarod b.v . the blind at inatlng. Mnnle la darel'! .
day' *t th* koB* of tko bribe-* »l>Ur.
the ofilcar* aadad nattac* by ahooUnp ^ opia* woodarfal Improrenant. wbleb i
Urv £. a Udd. OB WoBhlarMB *irwt Matted a Wonaa Whom- IMay
blaaelf dead. Tba nuider took place arpnee well for the aUte aehool t«r tbe, j
Tbo OMoaMwy took plooe »t boot.
'Ton Prom Bar Boahaad bp
at dark*. ai*bt ^a* from hare. Mrv vafortnaalaa. The letter I* wrltteo oa
«*d teBOdMIoly oftMwd the r>«0
Tloleat Keana.
1^ haabaad and i ike typewriter nnd la na neeatate a* U
CinolnnaU. O., OeL 7—An aapry ! wna on l^tlnate terma with 8haia. who written by ya who U not aflllctad with
that the woman bad eqoaa- i tdindncaa i
aad }all lodny«paa the announMnant dendUea ■r.vI which
mum^ he n^i
had fieen
.. .' '
I .
of a ahocklnfi ueanlt by eleeao man
dirora*. 6a fcTaared ; OyMSm—of tha beat onality a
elMd Mnda of Uie brideproon aad
hoaee—Hateher i
Bpoa the yooac wife of a awltchmnn. hlmaelf by golagr to Mn. Ua-a houae !
who waa reoaotW narrled. The aberiff. ud abootisir at bar tbroafih tba wiaMr. Cbarlea A Oaraett. biother af
(ihllfiad to clear the oorridoc* and | dew. Ue walked back to kl* boardiof! T
aba rraoB. wa* beat man and Min Kel
tbraatt of eaaceace wore nnda
| bonae at Boyne FnUa, wkere ka waa '
lie Stone of Old Minion, brldeamekl
Thonaa Olenaoa and wife etarted out' aarronDded by a aherUT^ifipaeC-Whaa '
Hie bride wa* chamlBitl.v atUred In
maiB *llk,asd tba brideamaid wore t« AlesaodrU Pike to rt*H a friend [tba aherifi entered ^nia'* root tbaj
Uat Bight whan two man arltb rcroly..
«bot hinaalt In the hea^dy^ r
aa ot-|uboar)aUf.
and Min Mabel Sllafield, all preltUy
eepanted buband aad wife and ,
BfietaiP Star Social.
«the B»h«r« aad drarved tba tbrieklB( wonaa into a
droned la whlu.
naid* la waiUnfi.
UlUa Zanna Udd. Peari McDonald, The prnaliy forlhU ^ma In Kentucky ter Ka 147 of the Order of tbe k>»iera |
- jStar will Kire a eoctal in the lodxe*
Vaina Bradahaw and Mniy Bhialda tadeath. •
Today Mtn. Olaaaoa peritlrely Idantl-j roona tebicht. to whicb all Maaona!
ware flower rtrU and aeailered fndrraDt
fladaizof tbenea. wba war* arreeted | aad their fasllieeareaordiaily faTrited.
tfrem bar daacripUen. Jud^ Balm will! There will be mnate aad a fic^ tine la
ealln apecial flraad Jury t
mt oatMn from nany triand*
The Century was Young
'Wien <h« Oval Frvtuea were first iotrudoced.
beBj) MlMb« timea.Kood tbinsa. ar« reptntdd*
Oval Fmmefrwce “the thiDgr See oor new atock.
M. a. HOUXV idniMaaL
with or without Pranee.
Here you eaen than at
■t?-|iASKEll’S B00KT08E,-
New Line of Oufii^ FlannelsChoice Styles—Good Cloths—just received
here- Prices are as low as caa be made oa
a. R. Walt drura orer to Old Minion
/ Min Da*U baa lengbt U tbe aebooU
amm Stax xxFBOTuro.
dependable goods-45.00 and up.- The
pf Traranc City for aar«al year* pa>.t
yaatarday to taka aome view*.
aad ha*
mnay warm Maafie SUa* Ofiw aad O. W. MeVaal are VotL. F. Tita* ratemad yaatarday from |
right price makes sure of qnality—lesser
daiiar bar stay here
a Uip ta Detrcdt apd PUal.
' tar U Obarteeelx.
■ Mr. QamaU hat rcaldad in Traeeraa
Bx-Mayor PakKoad of .Maaialee. ar-1
Tba rapart waa oircalated yaatarday
price is false economy. Inspect oor offerings.
Oily for a flood many ycaia aad M well tbat C W. McKaal. who wa* Injaiod ia rieed la tk* city Inat alflkt ea ki* way |
mad flaoeraUy known.
the hotel dlnam at Cbarlarriz. wa* from th* Dortk.
*' j
Mr. and Hr* OanMt wUI baflln daad. Tba Kacuan conmcnlcatad laat
Min Doyle, who baa bean ber* for I
' eeaalafl with Cbnrlaeolz aad Uaroad the paat tan day* with an exhibit of |
la oa tbe Qomar of WnahlBfltan nnd
jb# noat ralinbl* nulbarity tUt amlwoldery. left ybaterday for Mania-: Dot, not feel n
H<9* auoala
| both Mr. McKanl and Silna Cbw ware
, axed than tbua* who recline oo Slater *
,/Tb» RaoHnu Join* with their many ; .^u impro.in* nod that they were doJTrlaadi in beat wUha* nnd cm
" ^ niealy coaaiderinfl tko aarioo* in iQlaay of CopemUh. aro-le the eity yi^lSThaT?
I Be baa a larr* atock. aod a apecln! lot lallaUa Dry Scoda bupri aad ffletUagBcaM.
itlag tba family af Mra. Comell'a fatb-, of good »• Ml Couebee tbat be i* eetUBg
or. U. W. Cuantarbam.
-^torW.M. -Go and got oa* before they
I /
Mb* Id* McDonald of ibt* city nnd '
Ctngrooaman W. 8. Mnick. a
Oaerf* R Jewett of Qmnd Bapida.
paniod by Judge'Balloy of Antrim |
m town* mFlowhUe vow !J.
inaonno* Co. of North Amorka, The
DoaalA hrotbar of tbe bride, on th* PeeoaylTatiU I'iie Inanraac* Oa. MaT2$~I33
eoraar of Dirlaloo and fVoat auoala. tioaal Fire laMunneeCa. RoyallaanrX
Hla* Bone Wood aad CUad* McUaaald aaea Ca wore^ut over tbe term la tha
' wne brideamaid'aad groomanian aad Circuit court yeaterday. Tbb is tba
There will be a poatpaaed maetiag of
tba emenuBy waa parfortnedby Ba*. A. aaeoad tin* tke caaa* bar* band put
Joaie and Kellia Murry arc tba happy
It b BOW expactad tbat a oonprombe
by friaad* and fluaato tbe bridal pair will be eScclcd by which Mr. Boatrum owmeia of a new wheel.
loft for thair D*e borne in Grand Bafi- will rtaluA a porttoa of hU Ion by tbe
Uroy r. CUmpemob baa beea apTod to snocoed In hsvlnejhs Licktsot,
Ua. They laar* behind many friaada fire wbleb deatroyod tba Proat SUoat Bolntad pntaanatar at Sbarmaal Waxwbo wUl wbb thorn long year* of bap- Hoaae a year ago. _
WhltMt snd Bast Brosd In 'Xlcliicsn,
ford ooonty. Tie* Mr*. M. Roe*, ro-
The Man
on Easy Street
We W^ant
FOOT sni-t. AT wat.wABw*
Hnfy R Taadorboof aad Min
Loriaa Arnold; both «fl Gtaaa Uka. Saooad Tkan of Blgh School Will O*
war* narriad yeotorday at' Ih* rcaicholam norbo* wkila oWtiag nt tUt
Amet of R D. Taylor. Sooth Uakn
Tba Seooad foot ball loan of lb* High nlnev
. atroet. Rot. S. & Kor^rep perfgmad
1 baa been flatting In
Ua Ool* baajnatw
work alnea ibalr laat game, with Tramleat walk la front of the property
ball of tba first loam aa thair eoaeh.
D WOKAV BOVOKVS. They will flo to Kalkaaka tomorrow foa of Arthur Oagnv oa Eighth atreot,
which adda graaUy to th* appear
a gam* with tbe first loam of tbat oftUpromlaev
Xnppy Mounion of tba Rardi* Faikily placv PoUowlng b tbeir lineap:
• iat Old Mintoii Taaterday.
II. E Glbbv tha McTcle agaav hn*
-Tbaekor. R. R; Glbbv R. T ; WaltTbero wa* a bn^y ourprbo and re- arv R. G.; Morgan. C.; Corbett. L. G.: Inaed th* CuGar baildlag oa raioa
utaa at Uld Mbaioa yaatarday. Tba Chdbam. L. T<. Saaabnll. U K ; Raff, atroeu between Front nad Sute nnd
^oenaioa wa* the 67th birthday annl- R U.'ti ; Norihrup (Capt I. L. U. B.: will dlaplay hla line toflatbar with
fell Una of bleyrie aandrlm.
onranry of Miv kntUa Urdle. wife of Gain**. F. B.; J. Jobnaon. G. B.
Oaorge Urdip, aad aba waa greatly no_____glrU
___ __uf tho
Tomorrow from ? to 4 o'clock X. R
Kalkaaka Higb
toBlabad when a la^ numbar of tte
City SUoag. agent af th* W. W. Kimball
Plano Ca. will dUtrlbuM nmoog
family came to help oalebraU ber! boy* a rauepiion la tbe eraning.
birtbday. Aamag thcae {waaaDt wore I
■ob mouth OTflana with tbe
Alderman Gcarflo.nW. ' Lardi* and VOr'iroOB FOB TBB HHXMtPP.
It* ofblmaetfund the i
family and Suva Urdb of TravMM City;
Mrv Jama* Swancy, ftrnad Tiaoaraa County JnU t* With- \ Tho <»ne of BaaJ. Thlriky rv Daaial
It'adangrrona bus! nee* diggiafl
tbrir daogbtar of Old Mlnioa: Mrv
out n Single Prinoanr.
1 fMk* la atUi on trial In tho rtreoit
gold is Alaska this season of tbr
Jabn Bpffmaa, another daughter, of
yesbr. but perfectly safe to buy of
Sheriff SimnoD annooneo* that th*!
«»po^lod tbat it wUi raMapleton; I>. P. Urdle of Uaploton:
iall to now aeiiralr empty, not d pri*-!
*® aubmlt
(-rad Urdle of Menton; Henry Urdb ^ being boardL nt tU expanaTof I
nnl aonplato tha nrand family and Mb* Roae Urdle of
th* people. Tbl*to**ntlalactory*Ute;T"“*“*^
gatbarlng wa* ^one
^ Miaaion. Tbe
, of affair* for the county nnd n aondi-1 Tbe regular maaUng of the W. C. T.
» “ aloo not ofini found in » city of aaarly['--<nfBe1dnt tba homo of Mrv K.
need not be nld that it wn* on* of ox- [ ^
iej,4W,**tv aside from tbe out- { ^ Strong. »H> Soalb fulon elreel. tbl*
trene plenaure to erary one preoant.
WhDe It to n good thing*-“• Snbjoel, "I* It the
Baa's beoey Byfloaie, lleec*
During th* day
nnad.rDderwaarat Wee garmaat
aunty there to not n fortune In
aarrad aad'the boaorad lady waa proMrv P. J.
ark lav
Another lot fleece lined under
aeatod with aayeral oaafal aad ralnawear at Me a garment.
bl* glfto which ovldancad tba lore aad
1 lot man’s extra heavy wool
Tononew orening nt 7:M> win oeenr
-------- laat year
blgh regard In which abe to bald by tha
tk* regular maetiag of Trayeroe City,
price tl.now.Me.
ipim'-an of ber family. Among th*
fyjdge. Sa 4*1. L O. af O. T.. at which 1
1 lot mep's extra heavy canal
gift* wore a eomtortnhlc am chair, a
dal^ta* to the district oonveaUsa!
hair underwear, wool, at tot
ptotcie ia crayon of tbeir daarhtar
I lot men% extra heavy Marin*
Idlllv now deoanaod. nad other litU*
uaderwaar. eompotitotV petoa*
Wlnnepeg. peu T.-’rhe forest
token of lore and
i'll U»> b... b«.
1. ll^lub-.l**"
emadeby AldorSa.»i buys » maa's heavy wintn
Close to tba boundary Unv tor the paat | Twonly-two local
a Gca W. Urdle of thto city.
tM dayv Ure brUea out more furl-!
to buys a mau'a heavy black or
;onaly than arer. Ten or twelre per-|**“ aortbem panfnapl* on • haatiBg
brocaded Chariot nit.
Sana are leportad to Ure baan Umad! ««f«odiaoii. They Ur* charterod the
»4 77 buys a man's heavy brown
Caabmare suit.
to death and th* firs la rapidly tpeead- ‘‘"lllek tug boat for the trip and ■r tbr boundary Unr into Dakota. poet to bo gwe about throe' wackv
'TU man in Uls city wbo ware
np-to-dat* la pattam.
ahicago Barkat.
OompodoceS. C Devpiea of tho yacht
jured latUChsrleroixUlel aocldeal
W* guarutee the above Suiu
H. 8. ilagrev Jr . baa lost his Job at
Chicago. Oct. 7.—Wheat—
:pect to b* able'to retnrn to yrm-k in
to b* worth from to to iia or
-eomnaador of th* yacht nnd that dto- S«Ka Daoa*lbar. 81 \v
a few dayv It la stated tUt a grsat
tiagutohed GUa hn* been tom from bto
MSci Deoambar. many more man are arantad to worii in
natty yachting cap. This retegcUon. Whv
eleariag away tba wieek aad upon the
boweyer. does not ladiaato that Mr.
IHspres to not n capable con- l»Kv
Ray. and Mrv M R Ronaek loft for
Tba leaaon of bto mtoTravem City Batardny, Mr. Bewck
fkrton* to tut U ba* been anpemadad by on* Who cl*in* • Uv
ia tut city. Mr. and Mrv Ronaeh
tar Tight to th* posHlato. TU saw
laave bahiad tham * hart of frtonito atr**atto.rri*dnakWk. ^vcraaoitr-
thsrsfor* sdTis* your natwy
Flonr M s *|sar« thing.’*
For nis flA-li Ofltr
This Touch
of Cold Weather
Should remind you that winter goods
will soon bean absf^nte necessity. In
addition to oor elegant stock adapted to
your personal use, comfort and adornment. we wonld call your attention to
onr Blanket .^tock. Onr absolutely all
wool, both^ays wool Blanket at $2.29
has lots of good, solid comfort.
Bad weather, aad the children. Boys and
Girls, will require BETTER SHOES. We
hare Better Value in this line than erer before.'
^«a —to each, haeoa to tblrty-Sra
onto a poaad. hlaatmt traeiara M.
far twntrSra
ooBta. flro^taaUaeUirty-dro oaata
a ya*^ eotloa blaokota >1 aack. Soar
•• a kaadrad wolght. raadtro Ulrtr
poaod. aamll bo» of aarAtaaa Sfty eoB ta__________ _
Bob OaiBiinghtm end twoaompaa.
at wma eoon hunting near Polatki.
ad wbmi________ __
amt con ba found <mly at night, and
Tre*a>ar to diaaar. Iba aaaa mea bad
— omally mm aeor a aoraftald.
plaoty of axmay. hot be dida-t wend to
wtriawiih their doga, had wander,
OR hit table, .wbicb <m that oocatooo
ad about half the ni^t. when Bob aodQEA}tD TRAVERSE BERALD,
Mxnred bat ecaat tora
polled upwitb “Htotl I — a big
■■paiBoa^'-aidtb^iaaaa moa, *'tiuti
air hard an wwalet Ugh. bat toatcb at one." Ba became aOlcted with a toocb
M. T. B*T«
3. W. HAjran.
I it to yw'ra weloume. Will yoe ax a of tba buck farar and Oanoed about ta a
and weird manas., “Do ycj. W. HA««a. Ediw Md MmcW'
. bt^rI "Iwill.-’ietdied tbeparwm. -‘Fbld mebtoayatP' ba aakad. “l-mgUag<
■hoot •'
uiliiiiinr at Appia tSbot flva yoarhaoda" Aad tbw be mid;
The guB wentoff aad Bob mid. wldi
‘■‘Lord, make at tbaakfel for wbu
ttatoa by a Eobbor. Wbo
wa are atxnt to mdr»—fco theae gre— many an adjaotlre. "I'Ta mimed Urn. "
Oenfiaaad Sia Ortaa.
aritboat haeaR. tbii bread uriiboat mlt. He loaded op again and hlaaad away,
and atill be dacOared be mw tba ayoi.
Sagtaaw. Oet ?.-At aooo ycatotday tbto oedfee witboat aqgar. and, after toe Kona of tbe otbm partlm ooold — the
•ikool ebUdm oa goiag to tba atora imra neatrad it, ^ra thy ■errant dm anupt— of ayaa, nritlMr could
•ad pwtefBoa at Apple, a amall plaee ■reogtb to g« bo— la tlaa for dla- they bear Mr. Goon nutUag ommig tbe
MT. "^ttaato OonmltBtlaa.
>r~y?Jti to'te^n
to'b^n to
t think about it
MU’ Ubley. Baroa oonaty, fooad the
treeu Bob declared that be coulA and
be iboi cRoa more, but tba “ayaa" w—
dead body of l>«»oaa Peal, tba poat’—Time for ns to talk About it—Best'
ftitl tb—.
maater. who bad booa abot S*« Umea
Ha to a pretty
7 goad abot. aad Sriag
ta tba bead aad body by CbariA Vtaa
three tlmm at ao
10 large an aaimal ai
Underwear on the market—Call for
of Ublty. Vtee made a fall oeafaaalon
oocn made him1 think.
think, «o
k be walke
Tn r^UB) of Ort«i BriUla to «BMr to tbeaborlff. girlag robbtry aa tba
OTtr to tbe tree wb— ba mw tbe oocn
Catflogue concerning it
and took a good look, aad tba diacor.
«k* MBllir eosfcruee «ltk U>e Uoiud moUra.
SM«. R«iBBnd4B|»»d-WT«._tA.
and tbalbab^ beeo dmotihg at two;
■tare that w— peeping from between
nSak* tt*l wiu b« Bdml*l»tw«d by
IhteffOTMBMi. T1ieiaM0.0(Or«Bt Aad WhU Oaa Sayh Paauaai aaeiOer
triUidr»wBl at tbto UU boor
- ^-tbaaoM U It
Ibe boy fold^ anaetblog ap tjuiefcly
t« be beeoBM «be tmrm belaf
bjUi. oU.« »lloi» lo ^ aad abcrred 4t lato bia pookat aahiate>d. bothawaitooUta
>*^7 b« ^aUey for
tnnmlt which ragea cm both lidea, and,
» rrodlBgr inqaind. tba
tba RrttWi omplribot neb M atUeluding oar eare. qtwatlon ooruelrca
I alwlberanew adaeaticmal idml may be
^lU iariu tba eoMoro of tbo fair
; arolved ft— tbto etrife of oooteDdiag
goBBroBUta of tb« oortb. It
“What kindr'
facticrie and what tbe gen—1 ebarao.
tUnrtTMloo of tie “wbolo
“ic't aboat a naa that—abed np
Urofthieidmlwaaldbei U we
bebind train robbera aad aoarad tbmn
. that tbe throe featura* which 1 bare
off aad tb<ai reaooed a girl tram amaa
menGcmed may be —ubinid. we abonld
rocB madWoMB for mayor of (roatar oatlawt aad who got kidnaped on par*
, hiTe a pupnlar,
E«« York aro bofUaiBj »bo groatMt poar oa a pinta diip ao'a to awprim tba
^ ideal of fdnnitioo—popular, ooi exolu.
Hoaietpal Mimkre tbe Catted Siatoa pliaiea while tbay alepi and pet tbma
■iTa or artotorratic in tbe
. Of tbf fear Haaiy in treau and ton tban over to tba gor.
ot tbr word: natuaial. sol foreign ouder the collar or in tbe breait pocket of every Coot made by L.
Oaerga rapraaonta a «--------------------or intenutional. but retber tbr remit Adler Bros. A Co. there; u a linen label, of which tbe following u a
*Tt't a dim n^; that'avhat it
B^aalam aad tba alagU tax idaa.
of aneTOlutioa Bun tbe national life repnxlaction in print.
What Mr. Oaorga may leaa tbreogb bto
nmltolic. cfaaractTsiaed hj
The boy timiaadned a goilty atto
■towigtb and action aad not by m—
oapport of Jba Bryao aoBUmaot ba
‘‘Give me that buck tbto into
tbougbi and aembetir mntlmeut; indibopm to gale by bU aiagla tax' paltry. Tb—'■ plenty to read hetodm tra^ like
Tbe cBily excuee for a tnl^to that it Tidnaltoii;>-i. e.. aiming at tbederclBo«r«or. the aptit la tba damoeratlc that."
will wimu time grow to be a llnlecbUd. opmcni of tbe indiridualaod not at tbe
teeaa agalaat a oaltad rapoblleaa
Tbe obtoBtiaoable rotune waa an
Tbo man who haw* a' crowd la gem- amahlUhmeni of dull onUonnity; aot
froet pramiBoa roaelu that ara oaaatag detad. aad tbe boy'a fatbrr left tba
eraUy tbe one who uaiiiee tba wtanan
—re worry for tbt demoeribi tbaa tba
ratomed to Ond hit aon oooa m— fs- with the twin habit.
latbw artotuTBtk-, ia tbe eemaa c
Ercrr man tum an idea Hiat banUy bat n
framed in lettera
anylndy would know him if ba aharod en indiTidnak not a dam. artototaacy.
'Bfwding againr* beWiatfad.
AoooatuxetotbeiatlBiatofrtaBda of
It wcrald be laeanmptnomiattbe pnabto whtokm off.
Uaaaial tVeylar. be eoeld not
If a man agitm with a woman, Ate iDt dar to ctalo wbal tbe ooncRto form
have baae aeeb a bad faUew aftar all. and train rabber yanr
tbtaki be to nuini—rntng. and if be of raci an educational ideal would be.
I winb to my, haweror. that tbe andA g—I demoeatratioa waa gtraa to
■■K& It't a paper that ooaof Oa doem'i the tbinke be ie ignenant.
Ko matter what be doeu ifa^man aty oonrapniding to tbe abo*e ideal
hit boaorlB Ravaea aad aaroral dela- Barellng men wboea— to yoor
When yoo boy yoor “Adler**” Sait this fall, write your
Un't married by the time be U 80 a wo would ba that of an oiiitocntr
gMloaa of promlBaat aoppmtart of tba yeaterday left."
mind to tbto tbe type toward which and tbe date of pnrrbase on the label and vhm yoo are finally nady
-Wall, tb—'■ asaMK— to
•peatobmiaa ergad btm not to rai
we are trading? to tbe artotocra
—New York fW
to discard it yoo will be snrprised to find how lonK it has las^ yoa.
Wkateear Weylar't laellnatioiat ar
birth and wealth to be mipplantad by
^ —ttar it It prababla that bto raaigtbe erimooBcy of penonal worth and There is no clothing that is cheaper tban that made by this ceUbmtoit
in Europe?
••FVom tbe way my mrt bnraed tbto
to tbr pi—era of tba aaw ^aafirm, becanae no other ready-made c}othing will wear as lonR and pre-Ko. I'ra nad about ttuat horrible Btorslng iome <me maat bare been talk- meric? Tbto bae bam tba pUkaopI
dream frem the day of Plato'e •‘Brpub- seire its essential style and perfect shape.
Only custom
mud— and a lynching and a tarring
llo" to Ihr preorat boor. D to tba tradWiraitabigaaraiTaloffaB le eight and fmcberlog aad about a man that
at doubla tbe prioe can be compared with it for daralnli^.
CRC7 of netute. h Would be tba artotocOfBBd Bapidt Bead 'aot eara a rap raa off with Ut next door aeighbor'i About V o'clock, waa it aotr'
tacy <if natniv to have tfreoy indiridual
wifa and DOW I'in.'ia tbe middle trf
mtoatbar tbe waatore laagaa bate b
•land iodrpendratl.v upon bto own per"WvlL at that momeot mmecmela aooa] merit and not upoe the aeUera' Jiaacbiaa gom to DaUoleaa or aoi.
tbe crowd I wa> in wa* raying that yoo meni* of bto fubw.—Prafeoma Bai'
bad eare to burn,"—(Utdianattolii Jour- in Forom
TmATK&SE omr. . moEtaAiii
miBDER imu sMimw.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
In Black and White
Wilhelm Bros.
Mm mTEiiiiii socim.
tbe paper
Wrt ta
“Yoo didn't may long out In tba
••Wet m mt
awhile. Johnny. H—'t year dime
“Xa Our dog CRjoyed it eomneb
noreL*'—DFCroii nee Preoa
that wn bad to oome bomo. “
••Yonrdogimxiyad it? Wbat did ba
aaather MM m T—.
**Tb—'■ alUigetber too mnrb liberty
“Killed 87 chickMu tbe Sm day'we
allowed ta thit cuontxy Look at oar w— there. “—Chicago Record.
pnUic atraeto Tb—e no mfety tb—
formaa or beam "
•'1 tbougbi the etreeat w— full of
“1 look a gnml deal «f cxcrctoe yeeotUatod by Albert ErlbaoD of Maatotae. mfetim. But wbai'c tbe manor oowP' troday,” rouarked one Brooklyn pe^o
. “Our pet dog went out in tbe road loaootber.
oaata orgoaiier.
“Did yon?"
way. wh— he baa a pirfert right to be.
OStoora were eleetod aa fiJlowa:
and fun beeatiBe be aroaldn't get out of
"Ycmldld. When 1 roaebed bcmie.
Pra^aat—Pater Ltadqatot.
the way quick enough toobligeadeqar- I found that tbe rydametorem^ baby
ata wheelman he wat rtm orer aad bad mrnage regtot—d a fraotW orM torn
bit tail half ampnlated. It't aa oatrage, aad ramatiody will bare to pay
for it."
“ What ara yon going to do aboat itr*
Honmm—How to it that you naaw
'••I*m goiag to m Iba fellow who raa tall oa any (g tbe mnart tbingayoor
Tr—erer-WUUam Oad
orer Urn."
little boy aeyt euy racav?
Jwman—I haiipaed to Mop jwt oat.
▼lea Wardaa-Petor Olaea.
•■Be'tmiU in the ho«dttL''--Clat«- Mde the ofScr dour ooe day afur
land Haia Dealer.__________
you mme of them. —Uiiotgo Nawu
Oalor Guard—Joha Spc
Yba loeal hraeeh to e>
‘ ''Bara yon beani from yoor trotber
m ta Traverta City aad who went oai to the KlaaiUke?“ aakad
<me BoMm man of hie wiidibor.
“Oh. yeel" wa. the reply. "He ejnet
Mrw 0«rl>—Well, it wonld be if
amok gt—lack. "
they didn't learn ao many new qnaaMia. V. Petartyl. tepartataadaBt.
•■Ooldr' ^
tioua to a«k.—Chicago Juornal.
Maadamm IJglTellaa. Carrie Mae
^ "Kot yet. bat be't dimir—d a plare
toget baked bmna
Yonket* Buie>.
E. Uetetyra. B. J. Morgue. H. Meat
gee. T. D. McMaeot. R. MeOoy. J. A.
"We bad to put Jinki adiore. Ba
kept rucking the bent "
MeMaeea Gertie Molr. M. C Ortotl.
“Tbe fuiluh yonng fdlowl"
J. Olirer. W. J. Puker. C. M. Parker.
“It will be 110." nanarked tba oourc
“No; you w-r. ho it tbe taiber of 18
E. B. Pope. A. Jtoydra. C. M: PraU. C.
“All fight. y<ior bunur." aaid the
Piekatt. H. Peteraeo. V. Itotortyi. T.
"bull hope yon'Ilgivemaa
time to ^y it."
Ptoraoa. M- A. N. Roberta. J. RcBela. E
Baaaom. B. Morgaa. Chaa Palga. M. U.
Bojack—A wnK-r in a bmtoo papa
dbrnwea the unpcMOblu dfdtar.
Chicago Timet-Bctald.
lAdicaof DirUrton D ara re<iueated to
Ttaudik—That mom tie the dollar a
rat peed to tbe call tb to week for bread,
teUow triae to bolroa-.—Detroit Free
white aad bruwe: ake. eeokiea. fried
Bar Doctor—hick. ehT
oakat. baked beaat. dotrhcba—.ate.
Tb* TUa« TOM TMl*.
Bar DoobawWbae'e tba mattor?
nnulona—Yoa can't Jndga e man by
B—eif—Ob. 1 den t know. Wbai U Hiaclothea beweora
Cynnicaa—Bni yoa can by thorn bto
Mo Eaya p»TraTalar From ^ Xloa. tdilonatae now?—YaUow Bobk.
■rife wean.—Yellow Book.
Taaoma. WaablogtoB. OcL T.—Heary
"Did you mro anything when'yrmr
Eraataobar. tba oelabratcd mtatag ex. Sat bnniad?"
••Yee; my fauebaad aared bto bierdb
pari for tbe Rotbachlldt of Loadoa. bat
rntflirf Taooma. direct from Dawaon aad 1 mvud ay mime."—CbiewaBae>
City. He oama ow, tbr Daltoa trail
aad Blade nearly the whole trip aleae.
When within a baadrad mllat of Lynn
a dau iIntoSiewl of Igldea h*
ba touBd tba mall earriar. who
waa lent, and they eama the raat of the
A dwr Uitle imilr <» WIM m Ma>
Mr dulU«. .VK-Ilr rwll
dietaaet tagalbcr. Mr Brant
<today for ban FraodMO, and refnaad
to talk about bto own butin—,
•aid that the amooat of gold oa tbe
Mr lUrUnc. (inmlr
tiibatariaeof tba Taken waa aotexagg—ud.
Si. Mil^Pa Oat.
Tba gaaorai
impr—ioa to (hat the bento that leave »HullmUhX«rt»w.lt DeumtgTMpi—
b— from tbto lima on WO! not be able
to gat over 1.000 mOm np Iba ifam
>-'JMraat from Baltimore—
baf— tWy will ba fiutan la.
UMaweek-d.|. Kuaduid and
4t St. MtohaePt eagar to vmmlfMn
EkMaalnewatrietebar'e Oolumblaa.
MM parppaad.abmabaUtwn ttom*
' Enseb of Swadlob Veltad Bma of
Amorloa Orgaelaad Laat Eigbt.A aaw lodge waa orgaoliod to tbto
«tty laat eight, eallad tbe Bwadtob
Bratben. a braeab of tbe Swadtali
UaiUdSoet of AeMrtoa. The orgaatoatioo la a, tratersal bpaeSetory ao-
Shjri-Don’t-1 make yonr kg> Brad.
Hcpwitt—What moke U your type-
(Boston Stope.|
{ sPEciiLs asiiai„,
r—Johnny, you mid you'd ham
tt> Sunday arbooL
^Jehnny (with a faraway look}—
{ Mother—Bow doea it happen tkat
I roar hand* amcJI flehy?
Johnny—I-I omriotS home th' Banday Kdiool papti. an—aa th* ootaide
page to all ahoot Jonah an tb* whale.—
Up to Data
<b* ll**< k»f
k*i romerli onetelM t> J.O.
rur*. It wUl be OtU on*
end ■ eouplet* Mock of
TlllbecoeMootti krpxukMie. I»«»e
be unred ^U>e trwk.
I 806.. ot U.«, il.„.,o.rl»i»ld oo;i. .,» d,,. eui in tti I
I In Bfe Clast Block.
Traversa City, Mich, f
PYoet aweei-bpaomte Socel WklUof.
We Have Reduced
tbe piic. oD 3367 I-.!!, of
PiDgree t Smitli
' Hieh Grade Footwear
from 10 to so par cenL Special.
Low Frtem are fouod oa warrow widtka
and amall aiaa* la ladiae’ aad gaatla.
mea'e waar. laapaet (bam.
Millitiery Opening!
Clvea by..f.
Thursday, Friday. Saturday,
October 7, 8 and ©
One hundred Trimmed Pattem Hits. Newest and mMt
axa MareB.a mme—b. handsome designs copied from tiie latest French patterns.
~FP-r-i=i.-i-. Ter ^Fx^ecLpiOlx,
Cbiraxe: Oct. t.-Fanaed hr a atronc
wind from the weac Bre which hrobaoot
h the CftkbratMl C«m of th« In Demer Park »a>1lloii at the Ublon
yarda yeeterday aften>o« ■■road
8«ut«nmaktr,th» V«t and
to tbe dutrirl belwrw Halatead and Du*th« Wif* at Chlcaco.
lea avenue and Forly-thlrU and Fortydflh airoeuk d«noU»blrf , bualneaa
bouaea and reeldercto- It ra«« tor two
boura and the loUI loaa waa only
about IW.oa*. of wrhlcb MC.0W waa tba
Deatar Par* pavilion. Tbe bone tsarkri waa need. Tba muai aerloua aapeet
ot tba fire waa that a eumbtr at oeraan*
Whm wmm-1' a
wm IBtured duHne (he flybl with the
namra and an unknown man burned to
death. The inlured are: Patrick Oaer.
employe td the ctock yarda. knocked
•( Mtarrdown by boraee: Morrta Maloney, AreCblcsso. Ort.'T.—Ih M*U jrtMrrtay mnn. ouemewe by aatoke and beat: P.
eoBBKBccd lu nljBtui IB tb« l.tM<crt r. Sbtarn, bn>ken ley: Henry Walth,
wUt amrdM'CMB. 7%t acbl «ru dlncl- ellxbtly burned: Wllllain Donohua Areman. tnlured by talllnc timber.
•d BpoB tour polhta tn tb« defeuM:
Dexter Park pavtlkm atanda only a.
-«cb«)e)r'a Btaiunm^ UiM fa* bud bm tew yards southweet ot (he hone mar-&
ttn. l.u*t|cn IB KciwBhB Ub>- « and i kH. which U an Immense trama affair
LMlCrrt-t claim Ibal fat tect Bulk tor .-overed liy a buye dome. For (he lailrr
a particular Lrand ot mlBtral water ibc buUdlnC to have cwugbt Are wculd have
Blctat of Mar >. 10 eapiaJa aeodJax out meant (be deetructlon cf the dreateeporat all «tN*i be had ihlrtr-falot boulaa la HoB of the «ock yard*. The pavtilon
the taetcar. The eoateailon at tbe dr>
tasae that aofi acap wa» aeeded lu clea»
up the taciorr. Tbe atatemenu uX Ituaa
lui* tart alxhl It wti stated that
OUleb and utbera wblcb tended to impaUBb Emma Schlmpke la her atotr Rachel Kchfa. 4 years old. la euppowil
that abe bad aeon Mr. and Hra. Luel«crt to hare been burned (n death. Bhe waa
eater U>* tactorr the plsbt ot May L letl alone in her. home. tSOT Halstead
«rc«t and could nm be found after
■aid M taiIMM Biboler.
Balt a doaea w-lini^ma awor« they ward. Tw-enty-elKhl rrwdencea and
would not bellevt Seboky under oath, ■0CM(wrre also dewtroyed. hut tbe low*
aeurr Hula, a aaloopkeepir at U Cly- la earh partlmlar Initance waa amall.
bouix avenue, and CbarltaWacDer.Bao*
ABBAtiLT 01 ns Durmn irou
bln. It wa* IB the cvenlni of Bepe B
that Scboley wa* In bla aaloM. aald
Bula. Ollber Peldahaw. o( KenoMu.
ClaUw Thu Mb Tletam Dvaak tS4Mi Ttat
Cedar Rapid*, la.. Oct. 7.—It ha* been
known (or a Innji lime that Frank A.
Autonomy To B« Crsntod ths WAnd. but No Lot Up in tht
Cvnpsign Agsinst ttw Robs.
■bdB*^ tb* ttteaairY Fat C
9 Cuba under tbe
suxaralnty ot Spain and .to continue tbe
eampaiffb aj low as may be neceamry.
Waahtnxiua, Oct. 7.—The celebrated
LSe uf Julio Ranffullly la prtnenlcd tb B
aerel-ofnilal form In a pamhpicl Imued
by SaMUlIiy's counarf berx. Juae L
Rodrtyuea It tell* tbe story lu detail,
and yit'ea a number ot
beld'ern Bet'ceiary
Bet'cetary (Uney, Renator Sherman. Consul Oeneral Dee and the Unit-
DetrulL Oct t.-Th* center at DaWdt
was the acen* at 1 o'clock (hi* mornlnff
of a ctmnasiwuoa which totally daatroyed three terse bulldlns* and coetenta. damased several oUera and
Unalrned dratructlon to at least aa
enure block at the roost valuable prop
erty tn the cly. The blase ortflna'-d
on the atase of (hr Detroit Opera
House, dunullasevurly with tbe breakIns out of the Bre there were rnveral
loud exploHoaa. probably the bonUns
of atase llsbUns aiqiaratua Tb* Barnes
quickly enveloped the rear of the the
atre and made a faraace <d tb* tnterlor.
Tka Opera House with aJI tta costenta, incluilnt the handaom* seenery.
etwlUBW* an-d equipment of (be Julia
Anbur company were destroyed. In
abort order. The rmr Of (he ten-atory
aothlBS of Ue atruiiure or contents rcmalBS but tb* steel frame. Tbe fourstory J>uMllns of the Michel Supply
company, east uf tb* theatre, waa sui■ and parily .I.-<t<i»cd, aod aevi-rwl
i Mber buildms* slishily damased.
At S;» tbe Are bad been conAned
practically to the above butldiBS*. Tb*
1 losses have nut yet liecB approximated,
| but It la twimed they wm reach tbe
iiiuck »r
r Hastlos* street
caushl Are (ri^ iu>arh* from tb* Opera
partment pubUcatlurm and hi
House Bra^d waa demroyeda whole tbe tS
ruaadlm LaiabrnM Tab* AeCtea.
upbolda tbe couAe of lYewldem OevrUnd and Seeretary Oloty. and points
out that (he ayttatloai In ftanyullly's be- ins of iOmbermra met In tbe board of
dtalf In ctinxrewv aerv ed only to preju trad* yeairtday. A meeaasr wa* r**<
'■iwr presert from (hr Ontario ffev
dice hie i aie. After atatlnc
a.10* that
.oa« .ur
(he a.at- || to
lent, nallns that umll the explrs
teollon of <^>axtTW* and
of the leasra nc* held b> odnera
not attracted
ot limber limn* In OniaHo no anion
very moment In which,I. (hrouo aklllnl 1 01
________ ______
I» Uken by the smrrnmeirt lockdiplomailr
the nVw*^' ■•(
(tensullly from impHsontarat without i Ins tn thr Iwtier iwoiectlon of
tunber sufferlns or bumlllattoo bad . hjmberins InleresU.
Inlemu. Tbl*
‘Tbl* wu mri sail*factory to ihr roeellnx. and a rraolutlon
been secured." the writer aaj's:
wa* pteaed aeklnx that the Ontario sov"But tb* mumem wa* one of extreme ernment mfiiri-r thr irtrufarturr withpefplcylly, wM<h the frn-r.l* tiT SaUSUll- io rarada of all t-.x’. <-ul under pmvrrnllcvote. ard that an rxpnii duly
ty am out ra*ll> fursn. Throuffb an .
iqiruce dealsncd
of paincth- sral abd
B0|d 1' be placed on lop* ard rpru
moat comiDeadalile hiimanllarlhB feel- ' for Ihr manufai-iure of iiulpwood.
Ins* Ob' tbr pan of naln mrmber*_of
mn' Taaimaai te **t*~BiwUi
Mite Pinkwly—An yoo istmted is
•khrlty, Mr. Tatui^
Tuttw (trfcb kntnra that aba Uand
.JMMte » poMtbl* dqmtioA) — WoU.
Him Olath. tbM dopmida Brnne (orbs
orelMffityareeatoaUML OthMamsuadlfOOWl.
Him Pinkwiy—Tek I Mppoae that's
ao. T«b know wa ■» fotaf to siv* a
ttU entwtBivBeU Bt tbe dtofch.
<ran*r—Oh. yea Bom^thinf fortha
baatl.«u. 1 aoppom. Do 70s know. Mtes
ClAra. I havixi'e rauok tailh 1b that aort
at tolns- Now. If it wm Beam tmena.
Mim Piakerlj'—But It la nearor
It's }«st for tbopwr childrmcE Tha.
that's bettor. I aimmvo at tbau Of
fl'l] u.ke a ti. ki-i. A»fullril»A
to Piuscrly—Oh. (hat U ap kiud
T^i-TT—Not nt fUl T.'l
mof uu «a'(..«-iuiu< tJl te It (luiliK tu:
MimPiiilnvlj—t h. tust a silnple lit-'
tie affair
We tbouitiit it boat. yuQ
know, tu have ovnyi)^ as slmplo a*
|xm<ibl*. Tii<ruwiU be ndfr-abmmitB.
or Anythlog in tha Use of
of cuarac, but they trill all be dooBted.'
and Umxi we propose to faBW »cane aort
Bmokan' Matarlals, floll ob
amatem play—puadfaly a chaiwda
Tnttw—Ob. I dec. Wa^ it'aaworthy
obNcL 1 tediew ia that am of tUng. ^ -w. JATTTMlTTS,
Bare you sold many
Mill Fiakwly—Not to many as 1
boped to. hUll there ia aase time yet.
Tbtter—Pul medown firtwotidivU.
Im P>uk.Tly—Kow. Mr. Tatter.
are Rally loo pramrau. Ton moat
eoBXidtr y»nr own ]uofcvib<iok a tinir.
Totu-r—Uno't fwy a wtirri A simple,
inexjaaiiiivc little cotortaiumnrt like
' with aneb a wmfay ol^ io view,
For Friday and
ooght to be eoniuraRivL By Jove, tbe .
) I think uf it
Letter I like thb
tdaa. Charily bi«io* at fautue. It's a
good tfaiag. Mim Clara. I'm mx totieGed. Let me have (oar tidetria Ko. Sirloin and Porterl»QAe Steak*
make it a half d<axxi.
, lOABdiacperponud..
Mia Knkwly—Now. Mr. Tapper,
teat nlphl ibai remcH-ratl.
Tattw-^Dim't my another wwd. 1
man Alndrr. of idabo, h
iBstet a]^ iL Wbwe are tbe tfctolsi
pram dn-lartnt It to hr t
thr Itmrj' Qrorpr Dvmurrary Mould br Have yua got them bwe! I’U take tbam
r«ccpr.te.d as thfl rrputer pany In tbr at oocte
Mia Pinkerly-Ob. yeat Ban they
7 —W. <7. O'Rulllvan.
ilvT of Tammany Hall prrrral
Tatter—Good! Kow. bow BMh did
' committer, last nlpkl teWprrd from
yoo ay they were apicaa}
Mia iHnkcriy—Only U. Hr- TUiarl
EverythiBrolae iB proportlom
Don't fall to avail yearaclva of Umbo,
ofpanlaallcr ba> surrrpdeftd all <1*lm> to true Uem.a-racy and
te currui.l In pulltlra' __
roablBi. Make «»r Mtaee* Pas.
miit-alve luew^f^f^tolrj a '
«'««»" «»»
yood Job. anyway." -What did you ff« i •“
«““«*lracy. bad. made a contor coin* on the elandr- asked Charim . fawalon to C. C Perrin tbe detective.
Wa«i.er “Well." Scholey U quoted a* I w hile en route from ‘ the Kluodykr
aaylnc. myikerloutly. "I won't tell you. I country' where be was captured,
bnt I trot enoueb out of It so that 1 am j Pwmn ha* rvtusid to •aysanythlna
aatlafled." ThU tHtlIncmy wa* ruled oilt. i about It Now Perrin's report to the
but It rot In a wrond lime without ob- I Thiel aachry has been made public. It
Jaetlon—(hat Is cot before tbe Jury.
I I* very leacthy and Is civen up la mo*t
FheUwrwph Wae Plfieew VeM OM.
part to a detailed account of the trip to
Oae Ibinc about thl* (esilmony wa* : Alaeka and return. The conresKuti worked up In ■!><
that It wa* riven by men who hail had t which.Perrin aay* Novak made to him minds of the kind--haarted people uf thw
builaeas trouble* wtth Scholey and In ; twice rxmlalns no surprise*
Cbe or two Inslanre* -the witnesses did j Novak clalnw that be bad a bottle of the fact.
pacated by fatar frtrnd* and Irmn
about wrunp*.and ruffninp* and IndlpMra. Luetaert ebnwlna two sold rlnx* ' ••‘O mlaM break Into I
nltlea upon tbr prlioner. wblcb In fact
t-be and Murr
» her flnaets via* Uken Afteen year*
wrrv never perprintrd or aliempied lo
a on tbe faul
acn. or some tlnso before the rlnx* tourd
hr perpetrated: ihtcaph Ihr draire of
In the val were said to bare been went Into the cellar to Ax the Area, and cmain rulwB asltator*. wltbopt author
bourhl. Oorden CUrk. salesman for when he returned dlanivcrrd
ity to S]<rak tor thr prls- ner. of poslnp
Lord- Owen A Co., who sold l.urtrerl ray had drank a portion of the conicnu aa his fiirnd*. urplnp exln-mr measurra
potash and miperal water, mid far bad of tbe bottle and wa* then atui.ld
and prrcIpIlsUns. If. pnaHI.Ir. a ronAl.i
explained tol.netrerl (bat there was tw put him to bed and went down aUlrw. belwrrn thr t'niled Rutrs and Rpain,"
realdlffereufeloihewateramlthal l.uel- where he lay down on the counter t» etc., 4hr counsri ra»- that a mndliPm
rert had aeetned convinced, nir de read, and fell asleep: when be awoke -of thlofca that mipht bavr provrd fatal
Ur.oin. UK. 0(i. 7.—At te«i the dtffei»
fer^ madi
irwde rtn arweclalile Impremlon (be store was on Are. He claim*
was hroupht about.
he tried twice to rescue Murray,
'-wa* unablr. and (hen. feaiiny his aiory
^ im
®**"’*®* *
wouM not lie Ix-llev^. skipped uuL
h.-., atatr dr|«nmrnt: , ..\rnrr* wartrd ih'ir mm to |«y 1
thtMUsb (hr
n stand of aoinc honor- danape* !(« 7cos they suidalnrd on
AWol Bmp MaklBcT
Ate* tb* La*M Olme ThM
aWr wnatnr* wb. wrre then ■•allHl or- [l-iira coriract* durtr.p thr strike,
One of the atroncest fewtures In the
Lyaebed far la tb* iw>
cana of the m.rrrrnr prneial of Cuba nnd'itp that (bey could eoi tnakr them
rebuttal evidence offered wa* the evi
. Ihir apfred to ray t
HemarJo. Ml**.. fVt. T.—Tratrrday or. the queen of Ppaln.: thrnuxfa thr coPile. *cei
dence of Adart^ Drinker. traoBler ter momtnt slnui It' •■'rlia-k. when Henry Ofierailiei of tbr RpanMi minster, and
fwrh*twtlrt’urhthrr*rtir*t*pp.*l ofih-'
' a anap factory. It was hi reference Cmwrr, colored, who had conli
Nr* Tlaven. Cnnn . Oct 7 -,M yrapHannrr'* courM loihr hnnnraMr chairto tbe n^..^
ulbiw. crease
and chipped ____
boneI j wuunin
s^nf,oL Lwi
s-i—A _.A s.
>r s .Tsui
wrbich Oeorce BUnd mid be delivered
dauehtev uf fohn Frcyuaon,
at (be factory un May I, and William
The rtwult hmra iratltrrny 1 Ihr fart I ta rrfuie memWrMIp. active rr ■
Cbarle* teslIBrd tie pnicured aa aonie er wb»- live* nJ- thl* place, w*
! r-ialr. <0 all liquor drairra and 10
of (be inffredlenre of tbe soft soap uAc* of Juellce ot the Peace PtalUlp*
>!uocr dealer* now memlm tr
which waa lu be made for tbe purpose Bwalllnc preliminary trial on a chaire (ten of Rialn In thl* cntlornt the fnlt_________
of Iburousbiy cleanlni up (he blx of aedurilon. a mol> of about aerrnty ed Ptiirrnf Airtrr'ca are a party to the ikis"—and that
mnaaye factory preliminary to Its pro. armed and unmsskrd mm rode quietly
apeetive sale to aa Enrilsh indicate. Into (own. quickly aeivirgl tbe aesm etemat law * .<t nature, thr wIMea of thr ! ‘Davenport, la.. O . 7.—The featu
BrlnUrr mid be hauled all (be t^low— and rode rapidly auay In an ewalerly poverament of the frll.ed Ptale* "f ]
.HcMni d*^ . *«»lon ot tbr
of w.
slxty-«lz pounds-^ and IM potfnds of direction toniird the home Ot the Fcr- At^c* havr alway. to prevail In the ;
bone awwy from the taclory on May 1.
Walvrwaya was thr addrem of ‘
He ezDlalned that It was bis duty to do
Tayter^ of Fort Wayne, member
Is oster eweb
week—usually tbe last
y of tbe '
k. He conveyed (he ma- Ke waa itrurii up and abut. HI* body
p-maklns Arm by wblcb I* *tlll vwlMrliur fretn a tree,
Mte rhdtewpe to temoem.
was onVrIy but d.-iermlned
be was employid.
I Madrid. Oct.
IlMxir Rapastv tb* aoHclIor n
"Did you see bones, (aljow or mhiad
premier, baa received a cable m«*Bap* tem yeatf-eday for hi
«rea*e In barreU other than the irreaBe
from Captain Oeneral Weyler. who of wheri'he w ilt spend h
yon hauled on May ir’ asked McEwen.
fer* fate servlrra to tbe povernment and
The Enterprise Groo
".So; tb* barrels were all empty tbaf made no outcry when
router We Hay KapM*.
(akm from Herrsndo.
asya: "1 sball not raalpn."
1 saw In tbe factory that day."
•- (hi. 7 PoUowiac an ___ IB «till doing basinesB
Havana. Oct. 7,-In spite of Capuhi
"Did yon ever pul any bone* or taUew
twwBty-foar hoar*
Is tb* leebouaar' "Na"
Street, jnst west of
Webster City. I*.. Oct. 7.—A Wr _
Thl* evidence wa* oonalderwd Imtook place here
b«ee ymter- lllUcwte
ie, we th
came out In the l^ctmcM
Mlcte Steinberg's
' portanl aa contradlrtlnc tbe story of eolncldeore
Grand Opera
daj' In hte honor. The bourse waalF^*" wi-trrly winda
the defense to the eSect that Luatxim of T. 3. nick by the yrand Jury of - ........................i«l .tore.
bad used barret* of grtaae and tallow
fr»l. t . hrvk-*weri. w.aa* r«r D|» Honsei and presents the best
uf hte witeby the Hardin and the u.lwcco and uiher roannIn thr factory on tbe niffhl ot May 1 In Mmullaneousl)
faciorlea. All lb. main *tf»et* were -pw Mebt**B-L «wl mower* thte mwnia*. line of good goods cheap to
makiDX soft aiap. Accordinx to the with aamull with attnopt to kill. <>ut is pally deewratrd The vartous pro- folkiwed by f*lr wratb*': Mtshtly wanaieihte
atory of Brinlier there was abwolutely separate
united *1 Central Park, and
wi^rT*^ be found in tbe city.
Tbe offenses were
no tallow, bone* or crcaae In barrel* muted atcase*.
the Bkme hour, Au« U. and then muvrd toprthrr to thr p
w* mwtHWk hpat to tnwb aon ivir wen-'s
which war* Bllryed to have Ixwn rolled , the ladtclmml*
vrere voted at the same front of tbr caplpln prneral's (lalace. Fur luwi rale wratbre. •liphtlr warmM- la
hour Tueads)-. (tick I* accused of *tali- where a* many as JO.ttio pmpir were
rape 1 a.Uphl vartette *
addeil (hat ^ knew Mra lAielyvrt 1 trine a man named Rbidcrknecht
pairkoUc muMc. Thr pUsa and tbe
a chary*
quiet wHi.aiid had aecft and talked with Mr* Mick must anwer
thoroaphrsrr* lrad:nx Into II were
who bad calkd
(tensely crowded. A numlirr of denThe battle of Corro Oordo took ita
ulallon* WCI I 4.. the palace, where they ■ame froui a miiuutaiii from td llesicu
did wiuib of m-r own buuaework. ThU '
were re.-el«ed by Ihr <wplaln pmeral 40 milM u<Pthw«m uf Yen Crtix.
Isttee natem.nl wav* orntrwdlcUon of ■ su*«*u, Mkh.. tvt. 7.-At n.<
They ***ur«*1 him that 1t wa* llv- de
tbe story of Mary m-meritut.
; ,.rd*> whr-.I ehlldren on yulnx
Tbe bbipkA pw*m«. wbere tetribW
sire of all the li val InhalritanU of the
.inq-otb tuierlfr Frank Moran wa* t
ivau iAfe at Awln. a small telpnd that he should
coofticte uiiik plac« betweco tbe Bu*called to the »itn. -» etaud
tell about J p;,p,
I'tOey. Huron county, found
K nemi-ieni and carry on aiau* and tbe Turks aiv' iu the cvxitral
wbai be found at the I.». ig.-rt mosate i
d..,d t«j, „f Pumam Paul.ihe poat- the camii*lcn ayalnet the Insarpenta.
Hulk.... vrest of bchorolm.
fariory on -May 4, a Ic r. he made a oiaMer. Who had Uwn abut five times
FLAMING MAI^OC AT MEDORA, TbeTilUjtvof Naoeby ffire its
aelaure under focec-loiiur.. He aald that u, ,b, h«a ,nd fcidy by Charira Vtee,
wi:—......_____to tbepivat vuierj wcpi by the troop*
be took iiaaeraluB uf evenihlns In the
After klllln* the ..Id 'mat.
Wwerr store connaeted with (be tar- ; vise vra* arvated. He made a full cun- ^tor il^i7!^ Ma«^^ I »i» fwrl&ummt .tecr Charlm 1. It i.
He found ar^jt other thins* frmloB to the aberlff.-fflvln* rolibyry
Medeiw. Ills. Oct 7.- nr, broke out
tn Nocthampwmahiru. I» mika
IM iK.xe* of saap <d different brand*. : ,,
at » w. m. y„teraa> in the rear erf
TTiti point wa* hrvncbl out t.. Imt.r.w*
-....... ......... .—- — Urvb McdMne oaad by Vapnr lahalaliow. A E. WAIT. DroggiM. Rnbl'nss' hardware store. am«Bd rairid- \ GcRyaburg. when the tide cd HOthupon the Jury .that l.uetcert did not ce- ,
'>«•• FbewMabe. Mrldm.
quire the soar It l* aaaertid he prvNew Orlean*. Oct. 7.—The yellow fever ly. and In two hour* had dfr'ruyed that cm tnvbskai W»* mopped, U to mibpoaed roaklns.
, «x-nUni:ra to spread and the record »*- ! bulIJlns and aeventcer oil,era adjoin- ! W«q*m Fmin^lvaote, « mileP tron
Emma Beb.mpke wa* revalled to the terdsy >■ the hlybrat In deaths and nor 1 Ins. practically wiplnp out lb. businea* iMarrikbaiK. Tbr cmowmadlus at U«wUnem stand and an rflurt made to < caena a., far. TTicre wm Bve death* i poftlonn of th*
the (us-u
(ua-n and caiteins
catteins an **■ i: tytourg
tyMurs during
durius tb*
tbe thlm
th^ dava'
da.va' hauls
.• by bef that all the Impeacblitk ! arril (..rtyali
d ]<•* of HI«.M0:-In.urai>ce one- *raj< diitlteexly beard in WmiungUm.
• red by the I opMemIr d.w*-• not
o rtrulencr. ’ half. Th* J.rlnclitel lone* jrv aa fnl- |
evidefxe that
had te
K.nM_-w> Irt
there were four
Iowa: J. R.-Mnsi. M.*W; Rank of Metmpurcr N^kid IH
deatb' At Bdwarda alxleen ^doro, IS.IIM; T. L Lsp*r A Co., n.lM: jtofrimd.Tid himanif tod hte wmy to
• and at Nltla Youma oae acw '’T. A. I-wmla W.0M; A. Rtc-wd. V.tO. j
On direct examinatten abe had
Ovri.iaaA. » a imaU foruSed town
that >n7 saw loictSert and hte wife
Several iH-rauna were more or less I at the Freoch dqiortlwait erf -AfdtoBea.
polos toward tbr musare factory at I
rerluuily burned and hrulaed while try- IM mUm aiirtbt««t of ^rU. It is fa
!*:» oViu.-k OB the nlshl ><f May 1 { ClTteal Fall*. UK li.. »V-t, 7.-Th* sixty ins to rowu* gaud*.from tb* wtmwa I bms for having hem tbe place w bow tba
She wa* n»kfd OPOB eroas-cxi
Amot B ihem are; i‘ W Ttei*ari.
. .,
days drousM ti.i*
tesUAad lo aevluc LoH-__
_ ai test br«(i dtiprlkd aevercly burned on hand: -W. T. Hoarh.
• freqorrt ab<w*c*.havc
b where--------Ueh»to|wt* burned, w jb pruliably lose on*; • Tbel>nle<ff.Bni
Mtri A* hl'ri ula*
**" " '*”*"* 1
UohdB) niBht. 0» Inx lo lb* core- W. F. Keller. *ev*rel> buroed about tb* . Brit U1 1»» hte Ufe, Wa* fought at a ■W
Itodlea. Mime*. Mea aad Chlldraa at
ofc. h.A Lii ». ,■■ ■■
M. (W lewshcws <■( humrra valualil* tract* of face: Jo* Drennan. hurt by * fallins I lltile bamlM of tbe tome nama 11
.N'8, ki4 Beat Front Stfoec
|.Ubo; E. E. P*tnl*.brul«ed and burned, jmlltswam «f Lclccrier. Un tbe hUI
asd lb* cih— te-i* at about lb* aain* 1
d,siructH|i uni'l thr rain put Dr. J. E Waium, cut by flylr« slasv pvm^ the Wwn. now oiled Olrirn htU.
point Sh* mr. Ihrm on^ BlSbt „r |
' Beftwv b*lnsdmvcrredtb*flre e«t.»uch lamunuimul hmriis tbe spat wb«» tbe
May 1. Ute-n whbli 0*tr sb* had a*rO i
BalUtoM* tabs* AouttM-r Clotor.
puemK. um
lAtotxrri ard hi* wif.-, .(iiornay Fhalcn [ Boator. Oct. 7.—Tb* third ball same
abowerrd qu«stl.in> ui-m th* wUnem re- l |„ ,j.. Tempi* oup scHra wa* dull and • urk IB xeitiBS th* «am* ondrv cm“««7- .
tell* tn h** mfvilne Ih* buya at ohebL , unloteraatlBS.
fte1iln»«v wxm with ireL to addUkm to this the water wa* i The bottle of Plaaey took fta oame Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem
Her faiv Itoram* scartel. and ah* br- , ,iaii,ji„u* roa* by a »«w* of X to L Thte
and ra>ot of t^ w«li* w ere I fruo tbe town in tbe presidiuy <d B
cam* aasry and anapi.-d ttrk her rv- i ,pvra aaltlmon two sanira to om for turnmndad by
• poOEt
lock Lumber. 3urfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Or^hleh rsBdend U
pUra ia a masurr that amuwl w*B Bctoim.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
Juds* TuthlU, while the *|i*cut<'ra
WuWrww* team tb* XVbet.
diao anay of 4U.OU0 Infanoy. ILMO
amited bniadly. There were acvcral
Including 2 Engines, Siet Works. Carriages
NSW Ten. Oct. 7.-Tl>t Joiutoi asd
lBd*f*«dwBCW. U-. (
..................................... tllltoy.
vrItBnwm .hruutet forward to Impiarb
date for ffoverBSato Oteteb. They swore that they Advsrilssi aajm that Jacob RupperL Jr.,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
I a laifft aodteBo* beew.
wwn Bot with that psuas womaa aad ToBonaBy caBdldaic for prwaiamt of tb*
s OB th* ai^t ot May L
Ute UtoaC
as ah* bad tastUed.
•y OF SAFETY....
Fire Insurance.
Jao*.R. Santo.
RKoniWant AdSii
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Enterprise Grocery,
w. J. »imiNw*s.ii
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ST SI-oSTS
Bicycles to Rent
.s; S“«.TiX’Z'f,Ty ziSi
If You Have Logs to Sell
omr luicbeb go.
,,, 11
_____ _________
. a WaMB aa4 (he otaMm «Ma
AnioloeW M DMjila*- U
Mt.-oeapolle. Oci. 7,-A ipeclal to The »ejl. who ba. tt-d wnek
IfnixBo trem pianktotua, a D.. »r«: frotn.tlM- rtale paper* in \
wortt dl»a*»™ li> the MKWT
tbe mlnnte diflletiHjea and i»&*T«n-
Paal T^ain
Uk« K 0 >es Men Who Are
. Nc^ ''iutthrotte.
Eaaton daean'l wmb td be able ta get aiI ux* remalnlag unpatn Nmwmher !
Baidge up CO «dge*lnee the gelding ban l*t IcVT win be retamed. OSee U'l
hi* knee.
{Herald Balldiag. Boom a
Mat4J»bu Wiania.
Yitetlo. S.-0»<e. ha* benn a good mem-'
City Treiaorar.
ty'wliuMg lor gmiial I'red Uptoa <d
IS5 It
Dated Oct. 7. IW.
Merry mua In a l>-tter to Marla
-I nitwt call atuntlun to the
that the datn^luv. who* paiae i»
uf «.t)00 livrre a month, ha*
Time ,
_ -: Habri Ti*bert. aprd
r rail*; U«Ne Merby. a*ed
Sprtnira; Ida Warner, a*»d
. CUy WUhJa a
w.e... ciU'. Oct. T.—Bandit* held on
a Caueaco and Alton expm* train ia«
night at a point le*a than *lz o«c* fnjn
KaMi at>s The robbery t* the third
noeumne or the rhUroad within a year.
a{] within efteen mOw of thl* city- The
Chicago and «t. Ixmlo expreo*. which
polled oot of the Unton sulioa al 1:1*
I ■"
uem every tucoib ft* j«*i*l<au> ttrautdd
()»*«*. and Which hate taU-
« /^^ortTcco
Sn Oar lew tin
Picture Mouldings
Thu managfTi of the mnningSHwiiiig
•t Kon Eric haw Tvdnced the prtoMd
iLanr^a oarH. auaroer*!
M Pretwie proMln. i
and axpeoi a tT
to Ce Btoek.
Urgm aUtstdanoF a* a re*alk________________________________ ______________
Barvm Wilke* ha* four new perf«niiT?
fdnnfc who ^o» ke^ _ .
«■ tbi* aMUtm. the laai one being Ylr-: ^ wUI
vu) aueaC peowyilr
per***ir is
u> all
aii day tMor eirhi
own di^M*i. bhe U eerily not well
drewd. bat that U the fault of the Udy who ha* the charge of her
Thi* lady pay* lltUe htuaitlMi to Hand I park. Prhrideoce. InlrlbS-
K.'W. Babinger i* anxioa* to ham
FaieM Hnr get Into abapi- and fergrt
will* aad Tnaa*.
get, tbe.lhaUt be has lately acquired
trick* in all crndea.'bat j-Udg ■hat «*ut. a*th«ireaAefe0.000worth
b1m*1 in which be u cstered.
in oUTi," nmmrkvd a luwyur
i haa not mnoh I
B W. C. Brann. editor of The Icono[ ela*l. warpubth-lybeatvB by Judge J. U. ,
_____I .
K H. HamUion.
The dlfflculty began
■anaee of (folB. M Ti
LB oOb* aeta. r. w
ia *hli^,wr |l- k after
: U«
1 the traik. , tnek. Brace «
Wi-.h.n« ' «« *avage cui* OB the head and face. In '■
1.K-. *■ ’
^to'^eTjod'S-a-LS -
r.n : m.
“Unlu* a lawyer i» witbont mpo-
e win hare the Imd- i
While thl* n
nn.'nf the rntitiar. hiiated him !
tf i
cola in Jbe meaaUm* thehandlU
rumb down o
prcT.nt it.
AlMBl the laet Muie thi* :
Judge Pcarhorough t* Blniaieeot Baylor UBiveralty and ha* a daughter In
BDlverally. He *)•* BrannW tecetu atODlveralty.
“rt "> XI* r*t*t on the ur.lverdty i.
• X**
‘Xe trouble. Toung ScarXorough and Hamilton were atudent. In
u l rwuember ffwreru u»e
1 000.000. Mr. Uoald neicr paid ....w
: tm any nooh an amount a* that, bat bu
j heiri had w do iu They did f« awhile
l«,d tb« gaw up their TiuldeBte In the
^ ^ty._ Tax* W.™ lower ei*wh«. Thi.
beyond eodumnee. * After
tanicbt lawyer* a le*oo they hare
affair Brann made Ibis statement: "I
fog^t^ Tbe tax cnoimiMitawTi mn'
wn* standing at the elevator wh^n sud
icaa all will* and other gmiUr papeoa
denly thrw pl»tol were «u<k In my
wichooi gutting the beM «d any eaUta
•CM whtoUlng by bt» eara He and
tbe Sreman
gllmbed doo-n quickly and two of tbe
robber* immediately took tbeir plaeea
Bao the Oa*> m th. Tioek.
: frin cxhauMloa and Ic* of
Tbeotbm of thebandlt CTojrd jumptd
abchrd the baggage and expmp cam
Make, a
.Tbla parl of ihe train they ran up the
track toward* Indejwndence. Mn„ aboutNew York. Oct. T.—Seth te'w.Cldien*'
a quarter r1 a mile, "niere they com- Vnlon candidate for mayor, last night
pMM the frightreed exprvn mcNeeger opened hla campaign at a Urge and ento open the d'MT i>f his car. The door thufUaatlc'maa* meetli^
Btjknr K*irt:i>BM TO UO OFF.
1 ■ S
> A. TIinhPSONMC. n. OS*lsH*
:X. a Milh^ m«|k^H«oia.» to It »
--------------------------of the math and we*t in "Pndd'ttbead ,
,y .^- , ... _________ ___ •,
WUson" afim hUaeaaaB with Jonepb
yy.eeau w w!*naMi braoekMa*.
iFrootaMeetW k. Otortog. Il*e»*ii ■ a**
Mjai* Jam** pmhiocd hi* new to-‘
ioo*il«* **•»
* after it."
Y«k CUmmerciaL
A*ohaniM»*tndi«d theacri<™<rf T^
rioni kind* of atma* In rrga^ to ihctr
aniotu with erne another to farm mole-
whUo ' «hm
i Home minutes before
• hlmwlf heard, *o
1* Ihe cheering.
- ■« b«. c-' M''3Y !£S".:7’3isnii‘’r-is
for copyright with the librarian of —
and a* many men wuh I
word* added to tbe allnring titla
Tral*arr(<e(e** Ctan stu. Oraa* Ba*.
Me an* PBMaker B> I a* p
Pre* Ft. Way*,<lrBa4 kanUs.D*(r«M an*
Chlesao a> tm.
Local freichlsebfoeek entree at
ii»t* al imp. to.
c. a. HrRaaT, a*nn.
O.L. LOCKWOOD O P. a.. Oread BaWa
"Tbe Tal- :
tbcmwlvm oat at the Berlin Dmtche. tbm^
with two. thrw. ,
tour iir mma. Thu* we *w that oxygcD fuTHuiik a aUigle atom of its
b two atom*
kind and linked ilw-lf with
CTtarly. tbiai. the oxygen ;
atom, dike a aminro with taro hand*..
i* aide tocintcb rwo other atm*, bnt
pr^ that nnd<w any cir-,
L. Harvey Caierry. who
S lust relumed
.Sebnuka where
irm. and had O.OMl on hi*
wylaid by tbm fompa^
West Michigan.
An auditor at a Japancae tbeaur U
allowed. I'V a «mall extra fee.
np. and
the unldrinnatc individoal he- i Browa.tn Froat ■- . «..
. ApS S. H.
bindohim ha* no right to remonauata. ] »wg«oca lckbk
• at K per Mae
m CUy ijitob*
Harrr Dan* ha* added a childmi’* **
Xffrif “
theater'to tbe .pew Otaud Opera Hoaia
in Pittaborg. It i* a novel fmtareand ■
t* *id to bevmyflne in imappoint-:
■«*, .atiafied whan it .ha*
conclusively t:
Tbe beM Main food*, o
CMef Clerk sftbe'lUUwtiyaialL
WaahiBglon. Oct. 7.-L. Dlckeix.n ha* •»* l«« ' *«»»••
ch«»e. mbs.
seen appolcted chief clerk cf tbe rail- i wheat, barley. oatnKol. almuod nnta.
I. biwna. potatoro. llgi
ray mall service at klliwaakac. Wta.
| *oath(n
Oval rartionat«aorbcatpn>.
ifgnnea TheUwi
ar. huttec. rioa.
' docoa. are fat ~
O. SeyterU of Pranaylvanla. consul at
Btralfon* Ont.
• J. K. Jona. a-bo lived at Chicago, fell
dead from heart dlsMae wbJM doing
rescue work at a Ore.
Iter of W. W. Alhours' delay the express isrnmtd Iht ,
iL te.i
fXmm *
Journey toward 8i. I»uls .The psaes- j
mto *_iana «
id was droaatd.
ger*. e*picl*11y the ladles, were very'
that —.
under*tood *t Loadoa ..»>
much frlghl.red, srd when the robber* |
bi^n%ir«ni» *t Sst^iteei V*ueiie.lemln«it RuiMan Jurin will be selected
a* 5 -.Srid .H the j« umpire In Ihe Ven^ueU dispute.
coaches Dtam-md*. Jewelry and «b«
Tbe Gnggwthilm Smelting works at
vaIu*UI'« were h ddeo In even' place Penh Amkjy. N. J . were deetroyed by
flrv. and the ktoi la tortlmated at tZM.MO.
Micetvat.le In < lassenger ecach.
AVlllum PeeL a well-koowa lawTer.
Two Chicago »r.d Alton dctrctlveewere
or Ih. train, but mHther i.f them put (g Cambrtdgs Bngtand. I* reported to be
In an apixaianre ouistdr nf their reach missing. Ml* UaUUUta am *aM to be
until *n «^as ever. Geueral Superlnterd- »600.tMl.
The farm building of
•p of Uawo«
t only 1 of the towi
k«r— were r^bumet
Oa laprcra* eUy peopmy.
PASOBia * OBOWMi. awer—Fk.
OKc* one Maelar*a kafdoar* aaae*.
____ 1^ si*, g.'^ «-
TUeUthamml «
eU,OB attroeUva.
unmi luioinuiRiiLi
You ahoald a
Tea «to (to »u
thoto-who *»d7
t...*tit«glyani«i. T
»«« .
i*.«»» duapwt . U is well
_c u
, taiiember that m hot weather we ffiould
] avoid eart,™t« ,jr beat
! ns fata, nub cereals rwaets etc. A lib|enl fruit diet at each timee 1* well.—
I jjedical Mirrur
-xa-d-------- ISOIiey W
toanch it thr
blood and bad aktn.
iKiosf<«idMirmttacIe maktsa. are venuioelU. eggs ebeeae. meat* ({wrtiralarly
beefi. eonthmi rtn. aalnKsi. tmo* and
rbuqibalk food* for pmoosof
r they. loo.
r, they Bocc
uinrj ■-! Lur ur.iauiiir,
Ju Urtirg down the amall nfe and throw
ing out th. dyramlie The eugire wa*
thee run (ia4-li to thr net of the train
Itt but
plied \it Rl from his private BUtse.
The rssenrers made up • purse of IS
and gave It to him.______
The editmerf aBa*rf*n~p«r h*. aA-^
jtwobcocU: Imi. op tlm ot^ ba^
*d Ooont Tolstoi Iri. opinkm about th* '
of nitrogrw i* able to bold thnd ,
Kiriiaid Wag^. "Wagnv.'
atom* cf hydrogw and dom so in tte .
replied. ‘tU a decadeat who rec
WaWiIngton. Oct. 7.—Bemr Calve, tbe '
le o?
----------------------------b,i. pi^i„„gta*ti«^in,pi,^,rilli
oata BIcan repreeentatlve here, aiate*
lUvely ,h.,
that the ......
rrport* U«, p.™.* af. oxygen.—--------------------------------------------------------------------M. D.. in Uar.
Igtaal* N* Ve«
the ordinary tl.k* W l■■alJ> robbery. H 1* | ^to government yeoterday which ebow
«gpto* 'or. for after waiting a few mMata fur the expected explcolonibry hur
riedly un ibe plaiv. running into the
nnderbuah whirl. Meirt* the railway In
that aertton. The iratcmec who had
been left l«hlnd with tbe paweger
. roaches pclltely suited a reasonable
l«agMi <>f time for the robherp to com-
Mand Hoffman, repata ta tbe centraly notwlOwandittK. will be E. tk WUMid'* leading lady thi* *ra*oa.
to..; ** V... M..iri
arable gold wwirh.
, O.
Al<tW Thw* Wan. afteU. «* TWy
the match
They appUed the
and then rtldenlly
ptoWvt lu Tevtal tbe treasure for which
pe much had been risked. But for toXM
■ reason the expltalve' did not go off. and
Tram the
ttm t»
*. a.:
It *........
II »........
: «e kalkaalu.
o*«ge Backn* i* to play the John
o. TtrsSKE.
-Chri-oph-. Jr.." on-(y»ua. a Bull** E
Lodwig Fuld^ aatb<r
eat by the leg*, throwli
and Ihro look hi* gun away
from him
The measewT wa* then
compelled to walk bock toward the oihcurtnc
e and
the bamge unJ expre* eew the han<UU pUced twenty-four atlck* of dyna
mite on the big through safe and then
Ifted the entailer way safe u]ion up
t»- w*iu.
........1 I cr'
n the aceoe ,.
r made <d the
‘rylndlmilncofiroubie. ii|op of an eaut.-, If Itwnl ai-uii»eu tab ' tng rule in "TheWaaderlng Miuatrel." i W. *Li*S5^toie.^^'^ “
in the hands of four of (be eight road
agent* The other four qalcUy covend .
TX»a» OAJMD.^- .
I “ ^ f”";"
______ ^
Attomoy* at
(oatagae »U^..«*i*il*<W. Keh.
American BtOlc u malrrtaining the
............. ....
otre pul
The police of Kanaa* City and the «
ty manual have aent men to the »
uf the, robbery.
l*aiah Piaapilly. the will known
atartcr.hMbr.'ucUctcd pmddtntuftb*
Maiue I*tate AKri.-nlt-ml lue^ay.
«• chamhre iveeim 100 lool* a month
t«thfiiatijjhutf'»iMdplayiiyi. Whetha —-------------ihewiuo or --------------l«a no jne
*e* anyw
tblngmrgv.iftbwinoncy. Thole-dchambar wmueo lake charge of all the reohieh i« umallT '
pun Jnnt Iwyond Wa*U»gton Park. |
and Ute yeoterday aftentooa I
Brannon I* about eight miua nearer to j Sltad been recovered and were tmmeWan** CUT than Blue Cut. made cole- | diatcly burted. Each wan burwd h<sgang.and yound recognition.
The lo*a on the
» prertou* building 1* »:S.«C._____________
Alton thl*
_____ ___ ________ ^dlt* got no bohiy. beln*
•eared away by their owndynamlle. 'me
rain wa* wnt on from '
' “
(g p e^*afc
Hanuu.4r,h..id.tbeDiinkiik(S Y.I,
nek rrcurd.
rreonL la the five
lit* fur all imca
i-«i be
look a maik <^1.171,.
o. P. CARVCH. Ag*«.
Suits to Order.
eigbteeti tboMwd people in one 4ay
i* the rramd ol atteudanoe at thO
VH^iAUg tau.
I . to pKtok
i„ p^itv not a xinrlo crown at h« dl*Tbore are wandaUmo alrawa b«v
The dan-
oricln <i( (be nrr I* urkitewn. and It aa* ;
dUcovered by the ^atebroan. »1»o
.h. a...,- bumtln.
dow* while
dUtanre away.
mean* of
There wu aboolulely
K-bool and
uunguuhlag the are at the acbool.
mil* I.™
Ue bnlldings being orer a mil*
town no aid could be rendered and In a
abort time the entire annex «a* on-;
veloped In flame* In le* than twenty
fflinal* from the lime the fl
Ever Burned Out?
U aoyM know
bV »he bum.ns of the »lrV dormitory
nf* eecnV hardly t* bellered bai
geve« f* the eoeonKOjy td aanpeUwt witnmo-
*• *hw«»
---------------1 will be in my cfle* daring tha
«fa* drirw of Star IV&Ur qallt hi* aonth of Oelohor IWT. to reooiro eity
am* Modaiy.
I and oiteol (a>«a. OOea horn * o'clock
«w. tjtje
u article In Tb* Ob*W7
, by MIm Anna U Bteknell Ml*
Hwe is a little hll of Baarian hiatotr
OmtUirntDldia tbe school book* and
i* not gitKrally known. Wboi Chtb•t‘x- n met h« hushanl P«ar HI. f.*
^ to,
hu „iito.
Klchard Scaddli a w ealthy rtUaen of faint It ^ only •--------------------eoabled her 1
Hsxel Orveit. Wt*.. aged 12 year
Mrs Ann Edwards aged 96. a well- thruagh with tbe
sthS;:'.', ■ir. v,".:r.r'.s' ..is
Ctiarle# Pannel. Charies ntiaafseit and ' >'
(Mihaiae bad taken up with
ChariesDahwlr. The,-h,dw.tofriwo|J*«-ker^ugt.ter^.vIwhertohave ^
Soltlkrff. who wa* douhtlaa*
bUpt* Which did not explods and they I 4—.,
Xcen .t
- least
*-*- 1»
«» years
wears old.
Ihe father of Catberiue's ad Paul, who
Patrick Moraa. a brakemah on tbe
went to tsveoilga^
to tbe chroosoilyto hea*Paul roaA wa* killed at Ulltaii.
Thirty Pirtaai (wJsrMl M Kaatoi i
top of tbe mmltiated a tew year* later.
■ Btandlng o
w«>M. City, Oct. ,7.—Thirty t
were Injured lam night, aeveral o:
Five coal mlrteg t
. ....Agham
the Blandaid. the Dora,
troaded aiih *uUirb*n restdenu who ;
^ Carrlaaiun. McDonald and
were returalng home ftmn the carnival crlein HHl-emPloylBg 2.000 ccol uilnfeedvltles Tbe platform weat down a
AlaUocc (4 eighteen feet. The most eenonay lejored are; Mrs U -W. Baid
Oewrge R MeUwn. one o
als indtrendeye^ Mg-,,«P»xe lajuref ,
■ may die; Mrs J. T. Walker. iDdepeud- w..
-------------- •tor Ibe bene______
Wto. .totoSM— —el—.
• w.
Ma. leg .brcAes.
cooOniM •erloito
Is crtdiiors J- Beakert Is ap...a»*l«ne«. The asaels are given
^J».0«* aod JUblUtlea at IIO.OOO.
M«i Mac Olttoson wa* playing a pUne
[lartmeal that the gcr»t»- mVM a dance wa* in pr<«r«s* at tb*
Cedar botcL Matteawan. N. T. Sudden
ly iB* Jmwpad ap. exclaimed -I'm.golBg
larergent* the town a< Qaeaatm
to ktB myaeur and ran to her room and
This town wa* eaptured by tb* h
•to* Mrtwttc add. BheMdead.
grat* abou two weMa a^
haugUig in windows, etu. may be made
fnan tbe crdiuaiy geUtin pMta. Um
a alow plate, a* it give* grwer oontro«t. PUctothe Dcsatire trcni which
yoB wiMi to make tbe pwitire film'aide
Bp in a prlDtiDg tmme wbii^ doe* ooi
have very stifr *{xiuKs lay tbe galatin plate film si^ down on tbe negarive, pat in the Iwck fttm hoard and
jnaa the ^xingi into ploce voy gmUy.
this hold it oboat two feu from tha
NO 10
Cupboard Safe fj»"isi“ssi,7r. 7:
lochm QtSto doors os top. cwTrUpanal deots k«X»-. Nag* dretrar.
.1 O—Lw. towlMi to. Isy —II. mI
* U tbMT
____________ _ _* r»»*k Bmob 8- Pin-)
Who wUh them ererr u
aew field.—^Un tToee.
mo* KriodrJoh. wbo *rrl*Ml la Tt*r•rw City jnrtaboot iz o’clock Wodne*Yeaterday norwlitr'J. W. Patcfaln
TBmn iuBBiAOW «OLSiar- doT Burbt. Tbe yooBK
left oa tbe K o'clock train for Cfakare
nr TOW TMUXIAT. r^rkabl* ahllHy foe oo reapooolble a WTT.i-WT> *r»a TKSSM-AX t.kw with A»a Cutter,wbo waa meatloard
pot and at the aame tine akow* a de: IB the lUcoBD yeaterday a* baTiafi
t tbat entitlM him i
Puraaed by Oftoet* i
*er»wd to diaeoBtlnae
Vte Von D«Ti« UalUd to AlWt
hU denabd*
n a* a deputy oil It
^ Pat a Ballet U Hia ^ Vraln
Hoa. Parry Ha^bak ifaamcieeli
of «t*»4
The oobby yaehtiaf cap that Prank,
VhUe SherUTaPoi
feed* were fteeo kin to take bim <.ut;
Sapid* T»kM XiM Id* KeDoaald the father of the yoonr nan. kaa been
Hla Boardinc Houee-Shatn aad of tke elate.
to • Vow Bono—Haory B. Toidor- weariDf. ha* been replaced by owe *eTWoBiB Wore Utinata.
I The fanil.v of Jacob Culnaa bare to- ^ I
hoofoBdKlMAnoldofOroMtako. er<l •!>*• larrer.
' Boyne PalU, Hlek.. Oct. T.—WiUiam I oelred a letter fron tbeir dauybtor . ^
\ Mr. klhtn Ooiwctt ud Ml» Km*
fikaio abet and killed Mr* Priiin*ii ‘ Mnnle. wko ie atteodlnfi tbe •eboei for >
SoTts woro ultod la ■*rrU*o yooterLoc Inal araoinc and whan cornarod b.v . the blind at inatlng. Mnnle la darel'! .
day' *t th* koB* of tko bribe-* »l>Ur.
the ofilcar* aadad nattac* by ahooUnp ^ opia* woodarfal Improrenant. wbleb i
Urv £. a Udd. OB WoBhlarMB *irwt Matted a Wonaa Whom- IMay
blaaelf dead. Tba nuider took place arpnee well for the aUte aehool t«r tbe, j
Tbo OMoaMwy took plooe »t boot.
'Ton Prom Bar Boahaad bp
at dark*. ai*bt ^a* from hare. Mrv vafortnaalaa. The letter I* wrltteo oa
«*d teBOdMIoly oftMwd the r>«0
Tloleat Keana.
1^ haabaad and i ike typewriter nnd la na neeatate a* U
CinolnnaU. O., OeL 7—An aapry ! wna on l^tlnate terma with 8haia. who written by ya who U not aflllctad with
that the woman bad eqoaa- i tdindncaa i
aad }all lodny«paa the announMnant dendUea ■r.vI which
mum^ he n^i
had fieen
.. .' '
I .
of a ahocklnfi ueanlt by eleeao man
dirora*. 6a fcTaared ; OyMSm—of tha beat onality a
elMd Mnda of Uie brideproon aad
hoaee—Hateher i
Bpoa the yooac wife of a awltchmnn. hlmaelf by golagr to Mn. Ua-a houae !
who waa reoaotW narrled. The aberiff. ud abootisir at bar tbroafih tba wiaMr. Cbarlea A Oaraett. biother af
(ihllfiad to clear the oorridoc* and | dew. Ue walked back to kl* boardiof! T
aba rraoB. wa* beat man and Min Kel
tbraatt of eaaceace wore nnda
| bonae at Boyne FnUa, wkere ka waa '
lie Stone of Old Minion, brldeamekl
Thonaa Olenaoa and wife etarted out' aarronDded by a aherUT^ifipaeC-Whaa '
Hie bride wa* chamlBitl.v atUred In
maiB *llk,asd tba brideamaid wore t« AlesaodrU Pike to rt*H a friend [tba aherifi entered ^nia'* root tbaj
Uat Bight whan two man arltb rcroly..
«bot hinaalt In the hea^dy^ r
aa ot-|uboar)aUf.
and Min Mabel Sllafield, all preltUy
eepanted buband aad wife and ,
BfietaiP Star Social.
«the B»h«r« aad drarved tba tbrieklB( wonaa into a
droned la whlu.
naid* la waiUnfi.
UlUa Zanna Udd. Peari McDonald, The prnaliy forlhU ^ma In Kentucky ter Ka 147 of the Order of tbe k>»iera |
- jStar will Kire a eoctal in the lodxe*
Vaina Bradahaw and Mniy Bhialda tadeath. •
Today Mtn. Olaaaoa peritlrely Idantl-j roona tebicht. to whicb all Maaona!
ware flower rtrU and aeailered fndrraDt
fladaizof tbenea. wba war* arreeted | aad their fasllieeareaordiaily faTrited.
tfrem bar daacripUen. Jud^ Balm will! There will be mnate aad a fic^ tine la
ealln apecial flraad Jury t
mt oatMn from nany triand*
The Century was Young
'Wien <h« Oval Frvtuea were first iotrudoced.
beBj) MlMb« timea.Kood tbinsa. ar« reptntdd*
Oval Fmmefrwce “the thiDgr See oor new atock.
M. a. HOUXV idniMaaL
with or without Pranee.
Here you eaen than at
■t?-|iASKEll’S B00KT08E,-
New Line of Oufii^ FlannelsChoice Styles—Good Cloths—just received
here- Prices are as low as caa be made oa
a. R. Walt drura orer to Old Minion
/ Min Da*U baa lengbt U tbe aebooU
amm Stax xxFBOTuro.
dependable goods-45.00 and up.- The
pf Traranc City for aar«al year* pa>.t
yaatarday to taka aome view*.
aad ha*
mnay warm Maafie SUa* Ofiw aad O. W. MeVaal are VotL. F. Tita* ratemad yaatarday from |
right price makes sure of qnality—lesser
daiiar bar stay here
a Uip ta Detrcdt apd PUal.
' tar U Obarteeelx.
■ Mr. QamaU hat rcaldad in Traeeraa
Bx-Mayor PakKoad of .Maaialee. ar-1
Tba rapart waa oircalated yaatarday
price is false economy. Inspect oor offerings.
Oily for a flood many ycaia aad M well tbat C W. McKaal. who wa* Injaiod ia rieed la tk* city Inat alflkt ea ki* way |
mad flaoeraUy known.
the hotel dlnam at Cbarlarriz. wa* from th* Dortk.
*' j
Mr. and Hr* OanMt wUI baflln daad. Tba Kacuan conmcnlcatad laat
Min Doyle, who baa bean ber* for I
' eeaalafl with Cbnrlaeolz aad Uaroad the paat tan day* with an exhibit of |
la oa tbe Qomar of WnahlBfltan nnd
jb# noat ralinbl* nulbarity tUt amlwoldery. left ybaterday for Mania-: Dot, not feel n
H<9* auoala
| both Mr. McKanl and Silna Cbw ware
, axed than tbua* who recline oo Slater *
,/Tb» RaoHnu Join* with their many ; .^u impro.in* nod that they were doJTrlaadi in beat wUha* nnd cm
" ^ niealy coaaiderinfl tko aarioo* in iQlaay of CopemUh. aro-le the eity yi^lSThaT?
I Be baa a larr* atock. aod a apecln! lot lallaUa Dry Scoda bupri aad ffletUagBcaM.
itlag tba family af Mra. Comell'a fatb-, of good »• Ml Couebee tbat be i* eetUBg
or. U. W. Cuantarbam.
-^torW.M. -Go and got oa* before they
I /
Mb* Id* McDonald of ibt* city nnd '
Ctngrooaman W. 8. Mnick. a
Oaerf* R Jewett of Qmnd Bapida.
paniod by Judge'Balloy of Antrim |
m town* mFlowhUe vow !J.
inaonno* Co. of North Amorka, The
DoaalA hrotbar of tbe bride, on th* PeeoaylTatiU I'iie Inanraac* Oa. MaT2$~I33
eoraar of Dirlaloo and fVoat auoala. tioaal Fire laMunneeCa. RoyallaanrX
Hla* Bone Wood aad CUad* McUaaald aaea Ca wore^ut over tbe term la tha
' wne brideamaid'aad groomanian aad Circuit court yeaterday. Tbb is tba
There will be a poatpaaed maetiag of
tba emenuBy waa parfortnedby Ba*. A. aaeoad tin* tke caaa* bar* band put
Joaie and Kellia Murry arc tba happy
It b BOW expactad tbat a oonprombe
by friaad* and fluaato tbe bridal pair will be eScclcd by which Mr. Boatrum owmeia of a new wheel.
loft for thair D*e borne in Grand Bafi- will rtaluA a porttoa of hU Ion by tbe
Uroy r. CUmpemob baa beea apTod to snocoed In hsvlnejhs Licktsot,
Ua. They laar* behind many friaada fire wbleb deatroyod tba Proat SUoat Bolntad pntaanatar at Sbarmaal Waxwbo wUl wbb thorn long year* of bap- Hoaae a year ago. _
WhltMt snd Bast Brosd In 'Xlcliicsn,
ford ooonty. Tie* Mr*. M. Roe*, ro-
The Man
on Easy Street
We W^ant
FOOT sni-t. AT wat.wABw*
Hnfy R Taadorboof aad Min
Loriaa Arnold; both «fl Gtaaa Uka. Saooad Tkan of Blgh School Will O*
war* narriad yeotorday at' Ih* rcaicholam norbo* wkila oWtiag nt tUt
Amet of R D. Taylor. Sooth Uakn
Tba Seooad foot ball loan of lb* High nlnev
. atroet. Rot. S. & Kor^rep perfgmad
1 baa been flatting In
Ua Ool* baajnatw
work alnea ibalr laat game, with Tramleat walk la front of the property
ball of tba first loam aa thair eoaeh.
D WOKAV BOVOKVS. They will flo to Kalkaaka tomorrow foa of Arthur Oagnv oa Eighth atreot,
which adda graaUy to th* appear
a gam* with tbe first loam of tbat oftUpromlaev
Xnppy Mounion of tba Rardi* Faikily placv PoUowlng b tbeir lineap:
• iat Old Mintoii Taaterday.
II. E Glbbv tha McTcle agaav hn*
-Tbaekor. R. R; Glbbv R. T ; WaltTbero wa* a bn^y ourprbo and re- arv R. G.; Morgan. C.; Corbett. L. G.: Inaed th* CuGar baildlag oa raioa
utaa at Uld Mbaioa yaatarday. Tba Chdbam. L. T<. Saaabnll. U K ; Raff, atroeu between Front nad Sute nnd
^oenaioa wa* the 67th birthday annl- R U.'ti ; Norihrup (Capt I. L. U. B.: will dlaplay hla line toflatbar with
fell Una of bleyrie aandrlm.
onranry of Miv kntUa Urdle. wife of Gain**. F. B.; J. Jobnaon. G. B.
Oaorge Urdip, aad aba waa greatly no_____glrU
___ __uf tho
Tomorrow from ? to 4 o'clock X. R
Kalkaaka Higb
toBlabad when a la^ numbar of tte
City SUoag. agent af th* W. W. Kimball
Plano Ca. will dUtrlbuM nmoog
family came to help oalebraU ber! boy* a rauepiion la tbe eraning.
birtbday. Aamag thcae {waaaDt wore I
■ob mouth OTflana with tbe
Alderman Gcarflo.nW. ' Lardi* and VOr'iroOB FOB TBB HHXMtPP.
It* ofblmaetfund the i
family and Suva Urdb of TravMM City;
Mrv Jama* Swancy, ftrnad Tiaoaraa County JnU t* With- \ Tho <»ne of BaaJ. Thlriky rv Daaial
It'adangrrona bus! nee* diggiafl
tbrir daogbtar of Old Mlnioa: Mrv
out n Single Prinoanr.
1 fMk* la atUi on trial In tho rtreoit
gold is Alaska this season of tbr
Jabn Bpffmaa, another daughter, of
yesbr. but perfectly safe to buy of
Sheriff SimnoD annooneo* that th*!
«»po^lod tbat it wUi raMapleton; I>. P. Urdle of Uaploton:
iall to now aeiiralr empty, not d pri*-!
*® aubmlt
(-rad Urdle of Menton; Henry Urdb ^ being boardL nt tU expanaTof I
nnl aonplato tha nrand family and Mb* Roae Urdle of
th* people. Tbl*to**ntlalactory*Ute;T"“*“*^
gatbarlng wa* ^one
^ Miaaion. Tbe
, of affair* for the county nnd n aondi-1 Tbe regular maaUng of the W. C. T.
» “ aloo not ofini found in » city of aaarly['--<nfBe1dnt tba homo of Mrv K.
need not be nld that it wn* on* of ox- [ ^
iej,4W,**tv aside from tbe out- { ^ Strong. »H> Soalb fulon elreel. tbl*
trene plenaure to erary one preoant.
WhDe It to n good thing*-“• Snbjoel, "I* It the
Baa's beoey Byfloaie, lleec*
During th* day
nnad.rDderwaarat Wee garmaat
aunty there to not n fortune In
aarrad aad'the boaorad lady waa proMrv P. J.
ark lav
Another lot fleece lined under
aeatod with aayeral oaafal aad ralnawear at Me a garment.
bl* glfto which ovldancad tba lore aad
1 lot man’s extra heavy wool
Tononew orening nt 7:M> win oeenr
-------- laat year
blgh regard In which abe to bald by tha
tk* regular maetiag of Trayeroe City,
price tl.now.Me.
ipim'-an of ber family. Among th*
fyjdge. Sa 4*1. L O. af O. T.. at which 1
1 lot mep's extra heavy canal
gift* wore a eomtortnhlc am chair, a
dal^ta* to the district oonveaUsa!
hair underwear, wool, at tot
ptotcie ia crayon of tbeir daarhtar
I lot men% extra heavy Marin*
Idlllv now deoanaod. nad other litU*
uaderwaar. eompotitotV petoa*
Wlnnepeg. peu T.-’rhe forest
token of lore and
i'll U»> b... b«.
1. ll^lub-.l**"
emadeby AldorSa.»i buys » maa's heavy wintn
Close to tba boundary Unv tor the paat | Twonly-two local
a Gca W. Urdle of thto city.
tM dayv Ure brUea out more furl-!
to buys a mau'a heavy black or
;onaly than arer. Ten or twelre per-|**“ aortbem panfnapl* on • haatiBg
brocaded Chariot nit.
Sana are leportad to Ure baan Umad! ««f«odiaoii. They Ur* charterod the
»4 77 buys a man's heavy brown
Caabmare suit.
to death and th* firs la rapidly tpeead- ‘‘"lllek tug boat for the trip and ■r tbr boundary Unr into Dakota. poet to bo gwe about throe' wackv
'TU man in Uls city wbo ware
np-to-dat* la pattam.
ahicago Barkat.
OompodoceS. C Devpiea of tho yacht
jured latUChsrleroixUlel aocldeal
W* guarutee the above Suiu
H. 8. ilagrev Jr . baa lost his Job at
Chicago. Oct. 7.—Wheat—
:pect to b* able'to retnrn to yrm-k in
to b* worth from to to iia or
-eomnaador of th* yacht nnd that dto- S«Ka Daoa*lbar. 81 \v
a few dayv It la stated tUt a grsat
tiagutohed GUa hn* been tom from bto
MSci Deoambar. many more man are arantad to worii in
natty yachting cap. This retegcUon. Whv
eleariag away tba wieek aad upon the
boweyer. does not ladiaato that Mr.
IHspres to not n capable con- l»Kv
Ray. and Mrv M R Ronaek loft for
Tba leaaon of bto mtoTravem City Batardny, Mr. Bewck
fkrton* to tut U ba* been anpemadad by on* Who cl*in* • Uv
ia tut city. Mr. and Mrv Ronaeh
tar Tight to th* posHlato. TU saw
laave bahiad tham * hart of frtonito atr**atto.rri*dnakWk. ^vcraaoitr-
thsrsfor* sdTis* your natwy
Flonr M s *|sar« thing.’*
For nis flA-li Ofltr
This Touch
of Cold Weather
Should remind you that winter goods
will soon bean absf^nte necessity. In
addition to oor elegant stock adapted to
your personal use, comfort and adornment. we wonld call your attention to
onr Blanket .^tock. Onr absolutely all
wool, both^ays wool Blanket at $2.29
has lots of good, solid comfort.
Bad weather, aad the children. Boys and
Girls, will require BETTER SHOES. We
hare Better Value in this line than erer before.'
^«a —to each, haeoa to tblrty-Sra
onto a poaad. hlaatmt traeiara M.
far twntrSra
ooBta. flro^taaUaeUirty-dro oaata
a ya*^ eotloa blaokota >1 aack. Soar
•• a kaadrad wolght. raadtro Ulrtr
poaod. aamll bo» of aarAtaaa Sfty eoB ta__________ _
Bob OaiBiinghtm end twoaompaa.
at wma eoon hunting near Polatki.
ad wbmi________ __
amt con ba found <mly at night, and
Tre*a>ar to diaaar. Iba aaaa mea bad
— omally mm aeor a aoraftald.
plaoty of axmay. hot be dida-t wend to
wtriawiih their doga, had wander,
OR hit table, .wbicb <m that oocatooo
ad about half the ni^t. when Bob aodQEA}tD TRAVERSE BERALD,
Mxnred bat ecaat tora
polled upwitb “Htotl I — a big
■■paiBoa^'-aidtb^iaaaa moa, *'tiuti
air hard an wwalet Ugh. bat toatcb at one." Ba became aOlcted with a toocb
M. T. B*T«
3. W. HAjran.
I it to yw'ra weloume. Will yoe ax a of tba buck farar and Oanoed about ta a
and weird manas., “Do ycj. W. HA««a. Ediw Md MmcW'
. bt^rI "Iwill.-’ietdied tbeparwm. -‘Fbld mebtoayatP' ba aakad. “l-mgUag<
■hoot •'
uiliiiiinr at Appia tSbot flva yoarhaoda" Aad tbw be mid;
The guB wentoff aad Bob mid. wldi
‘■‘Lord, make at tbaakfel for wbu
ttatoa by a Eobbor. Wbo
wa are atxnt to mdr»—fco theae gre— many an adjaotlre. "I'Ta mimed Urn. "
Oenfiaaad Sia Ortaa.
aritboat haeaR. tbii bread uriiboat mlt. He loaded op again and hlaaad away,
and atill be dacOared be mw tba ayoi.
Sagtaaw. Oet ?.-At aooo ycatotday tbto oedfee witboat aqgar. and, after toe Kona of tbe otbm partlm ooold — the
•ikool ebUdm oa goiag to tba atora imra neatrad it, ^ra thy ■errant dm anupt— of ayaa, nritlMr could
•ad pwtefBoa at Apple, a amall plaee ■reogtb to g« bo— la tlaa for dla- they bear Mr. Goon nutUag ommig tbe
MT. "^ttaato OonmltBtlaa.
>r~y?Jti to'te^n
to'b^n to
t think about it
MU’ Ubley. Baroa oonaty, fooad the
treeu Bob declared that be coulA and
be iboi cRoa more, but tba “ayaa" w—
dead body of l>«»oaa Peal, tba poat’—Time for ns to talk About it—Best'
ftitl tb—.
maater. who bad booa abot S*« Umea
Ha to a pretty
7 goad abot. aad Sriag
ta tba bead aad body by CbariA Vtaa
three tlmm at ao
10 large an aaimal ai
Underwear on the market—Call for
of Ublty. Vtee made a fall oeafaaalon
oocn made him1 think.
think, «o
k be walke
Tn r^UB) of Ort«i BriUla to «BMr to tbeaborlff. girlag robbtry aa tba
OTtr to tbe tree wb— ba mw tbe oocn
Catflogue concerning it
and took a good look, aad tba diacor.
«k* MBllir eosfcruee «ltk U>e Uoiud moUra.
SM«. R«iBBnd4B|»»d-WT«._tA.
and tbalbab^ beeo dmotihg at two;
■tare that w— peeping from between
nSak* tt*l wiu b« Bdml*l»tw«d by
IhteffOTMBMi. T1ieiaM0.0(Or«Bt Aad WhU Oaa Sayh Paauaai aaeiOer
triUidr»wBl at tbto UU boor
- ^-tbaaoM U It
Ibe boy fold^ anaetblog ap tjuiefcly
t« be beeoBM «be tmrm belaf
bjUi. oU.« »lloi» lo ^ aad abcrred 4t lato bia pookat aahiate>d. bothawaitooUta
>*^7 b« ^aUey for
tnnmlt which ragea cm both lidea, and,
» rrodlBgr inqaind. tba
tba RrttWi omplribot neb M atUeluding oar eare. qtwatlon ooruelrca
I alwlberanew adaeaticmal idml may be
^lU iariu tba eoMoro of tbo fair
; arolved ft— tbto etrife of oooteDdiag
goBBroBUta of tb« oortb. It
“What kindr'
facticrie and what tbe gen—1 ebarao.
tUnrtTMloo of tie “wbolo
“ic't aboat a naa that—abed np
Urofthieidmlwaaldbei U we
bebind train robbera aad aoarad tbmn
. that tbe throe featura* which 1 bare
off aad tb<ai reaooed a girl tram amaa
menGcmed may be —ubinid. we abonld
rocB madWoMB for mayor of (roatar oatlawt aad who got kidnaped on par*
, hiTe a pupnlar,
E«« York aro bofUaiBj »bo groatMt poar oa a pinta diip ao'a to awprim tba
^ ideal of fdnnitioo—popular, ooi exolu.
Hoaietpal Mimkre tbe Catted Siatoa pliaiea while tbay alepi and pet tbma
■iTa or artotorratic in tbe
. Of tbf fear Haaiy in treau and ton tban over to tba gor.
ot tbr word: natuaial. sol foreign ouder the collar or in tbe breait pocket of every Coot made by L.
Oaerga rapraaonta a «--------------------or intenutional. but retber tbr remit Adler Bros. A Co. there; u a linen label, of which tbe following u a
*Tt't a dim n^; that'avhat it
B^aalam aad tba alagU tax idaa.
of aneTOlutioa Bun tbe national life repnxlaction in print.
What Mr. Oaorga may leaa tbreogb bto
nmltolic. cfaaractTsiaed hj
The boy timiaadned a goilty atto
■towigtb and action aad not by m—
oapport of Jba Bryao aoBUmaot ba
‘‘Give me that buck tbto into
tbougbi and aembetir mntlmeut; indibopm to gale by bU aiagla tax' paltry. Tb—'■ plenty to read hetodm tra^ like
Tbe cBily excuee for a tnl^to that it Tidnaltoii;>-i. e.. aiming at tbederclBo«r«or. the aptit la tba damoeratlc that."
will wimu time grow to be a llnlecbUd. opmcni of tbe indiridualaod not at tbe
teeaa agalaat a oaltad rapoblleaa
Tbe obtoBtiaoable rotune waa an
Tbo man who haw* a' crowd la gem- amahlUhmeni of dull onUonnity; aot
froet pramiBoa roaelu that ara oaaatag detad. aad tbe boy'a fatbrr left tba
eraUy tbe one who uaiiiee tba wtanan
—re worry for tbt demoeribi tbaa tba
ratomed to Ond hit aon oooa m— fs- with the twin habit.
latbw artotuTBtk-, ia tbe eemaa c
Ercrr man tum an idea Hiat banUy bat n
framed in lettera
anylndy would know him if ba aharod en indiTidnak not a dam. artototaacy.
'Bfwding againr* beWiatfad.
AoooatuxetotbeiatlBiatofrtaBda of
It wcrald be laeanmptnomiattbe pnabto whtokm off.
Uaaaial tVeylar. be eoeld not
If a man agitm with a woman, Ate iDt dar to ctalo wbal tbe ooncRto form
have baae aeeb a bad faUew aftar all. and train rabber yanr
tbtaki be to nuini—rntng. and if be of raci an educational ideal would be.
I winb to my, haweror. that tbe andA g—I demoeatratioa waa gtraa to
■■K& It't a paper that ooaof Oa doem'i the tbinke be ie ignenant.
Ko matter what be doeu ifa^man aty oonrapniding to tbe abo*e ideal
hit boaorlB Ravaea aad aaroral dela- Barellng men wboea— to yoor
When yoo boy yoor “Adler**” Sait this fall, write your
Un't married by the time be U 80 a wo would ba that of an oiiitocntr
gMloaa of promlBaat aoppmtart of tba yeaterday left."
mind to tbto tbe type toward which and tbe date of pnrrbase on the label and vhm yoo are finally nady
-Wall, tb—'■ asaMK— to
•peatobmiaa ergad btm not to rai
we are trading? to tbe artotocra
—New York fW
to discard it yoo will be snrprised to find how lonK it has las^ yoa.
Wkateear Weylar't laellnatioiat ar
birth and wealth to be mipplantad by
^ —ttar it It prababla that bto raaigtbe erimooBcy of penonal worth and There is no clothing that is cheaper tban that made by this ceUbmtoit
in Europe?
••FVom tbe way my mrt bnraed tbto
to tbr pi—era of tba aaw ^aafirm, becanae no other ready-made c}othing will wear as lonR and pre-Ko. I'ra nad about ttuat horrible Btorslng iome <me maat bare been talk- meric? Tbto bae bam tba pUkaopI
dream frem the day of Plato'e •‘Brpub- seire its essential style and perfect shape.
Only custom
mud— and a lynching and a tarring
llo" to Ihr preorat boor. D to tba tradWiraitabigaaraiTaloffaB le eight and fmcberlog aad about a man that
at doubla tbe prioe can be compared with it for daralnli^.
CRC7 of netute. h Would be tba artotocOfBBd Bapidt Bead 'aot eara a rap raa off with Ut next door aeighbor'i About V o'clock, waa it aotr'
tacy <if natniv to have tfreoy indiridual
wifa and DOW I'in.'ia tbe middle trf
mtoatbar tbe waatore laagaa bate b
•land iodrpendratl.v upon bto own per"WvlL at that momeot mmecmela aooa] merit and not upoe the aeUera' Jiaacbiaa gom to DaUoleaa or aoi.
tbe crowd I wa> in wa* raying that yoo meni* of bto fubw.—Prafeoma Bai'
bad eare to burn,"—(Utdianattolii Jour- in Forom
TmATK&SE omr. . moEtaAiii
miBDER imu sMimw.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
In Black and White
Wilhelm Bros.
Mm mTEiiiiii socim.
tbe paper
Wrt ta
“Yoo didn't may long out In tba
••Wet m mt
awhile. Johnny. H—'t year dime
“Xa Our dog CRjoyed it eomneb
noreL*'—DFCroii nee Preoa
that wn bad to oome bomo. “
••Yonrdogimxiyad it? Wbat did ba
aaather MM m T—.
**Tb—'■ alUigetber too mnrb liberty
“Killed 87 chickMu tbe Sm day'we
allowed ta thit cuontxy Look at oar w— there. “—Chicago Record.
pnUic atraeto Tb—e no mfety tb—
formaa or beam "
•'1 tbougbi the etreeat w— full of
“1 look a gnml deal «f cxcrctoe yeeotUatod by Albert ErlbaoD of Maatotae. mfetim. But wbai'c tbe manor oowP' troday,” rouarked one Brooklyn pe^o
. “Our pet dog went out in tbe road loaootber.
oaata orgoaiier.
“Did yon?"
way. wh— he baa a pirfert right to be.
OStoora were eleetod aa fiJlowa:
and fun beeatiBe be aroaldn't get out of
"Ycmldld. When 1 roaebed bcmie.
Pra^aat—Pater Ltadqatot.
the way quick enough toobligeadeqar- I found that tbe rydametorem^ baby
ata wheelman he wat rtm orer aad bad mrnage regtot—d a fraotW orM torn
bit tail half ampnlated. It't aa oatrage, aad ramatiody will bare to pay
for it."
“ What ara yon going to do aboat itr*
Honmm—How to it that you naaw
'••I*m goiag to m Iba fellow who raa tall oa any (g tbe mnart tbingayoor
Tr—erer-WUUam Oad
orer Urn."
little boy aeyt euy racav?
Jwman—I haiipaed to Mop jwt oat.
▼lea Wardaa-Petor Olaea.
•■Be'tmiU in the ho«dttL''--Clat«- Mde the ofScr dour ooe day afur
land Haia Dealer.__________
you mme of them. —Uiiotgo Nawu
Oalor Guard—Joha Spc
Yba loeal hraeeh to e>
‘ ''Bara yon beani from yoor trotber
m ta Traverta City aad who went oai to the KlaaiUke?“ aakad
<me BoMm man of hie wiidibor.
“Oh. yeel" wa. the reply. "He ejnet
Mrw 0«rl>—Well, it wonld be if
amok gt—lack. "
they didn't learn ao many new qnaaMia. V. Petartyl. tepartataadaBt.
•■Ooldr' ^
tioua to a«k.—Chicago Juornal.
Maadamm IJglTellaa. Carrie Mae
^ "Kot yet. bat be't dimir—d a plare
toget baked bmna
Yonket* Buie>.
E. Uetetyra. B. J. Morgue. H. Meat
gee. T. D. McMaeot. R. MeOoy. J. A.
"We bad to put Jinki adiore. Ba
kept rucking the bent "
MeMaeea Gertie Molr. M. C Ortotl.
“Tbe fuiluh yonng fdlowl"
J. Olirer. W. J. Puker. C. M. Parker.
“It will be 110." nanarked tba oourc
“No; you w-r. ho it tbe taiber of 18
E. B. Pope. A. Jtoydra. C. M: PraU. C.
“All fight. y<ior bunur." aaid the
Piekatt. H. Peteraeo. V. Itotortyi. T.
"bull hope yon'Ilgivemaa
time to ^y it."
Ptoraoa. M- A. N. Roberta. J. RcBela. E
Baaaom. B. Morgaa. Chaa Palga. M. U.
Bojack—A wnK-r in a bmtoo papa
dbrnwea the unpcMOblu dfdtar.
Chicago Timet-Bctald.
lAdicaof DirUrton D ara re<iueated to
Ttaudik—That mom tie the dollar a
rat peed to tbe call tb to week for bread,
teUow triae to bolroa-.—Detroit Free
white aad bruwe: ake. eeokiea. fried
Bar Doctor—hick. ehT
oakat. baked beaat. dotrhcba—.ate.
Tb* TUa« TOM TMl*.
Bar DoobawWbae'e tba mattor?
nnulona—Yoa can't Jndga e man by
B—eif—Ob. 1 den t know. Wbai U Hiaclothea beweora
Cynnicaa—Bni yoa can by thorn bto
Mo Eaya p»TraTalar From ^ Xloa. tdilonatae now?—YaUow Bobk.
■rife wean.—Yellow Book.
Taaoma. WaablogtoB. OcL T.—Heary
"Did you mro anything when'yrmr
Eraataobar. tba oelabratcd mtatag ex. Sat bnniad?"
••Yee; my fauebaad aared bto bierdb
pari for tbe Rotbachlldt of Loadoa. bat
rntflirf Taooma. direct from Dawaon aad 1 mvud ay mime."—CbiewaBae>
City. He oama ow, tbr Daltoa trail
aad Blade nearly the whole trip aleae.
When within a baadrad mllat of Lynn
a dau iIntoSiewl of Igldea h*
ba touBd tba mall earriar. who
waa lent, and they eama the raat of the
A dwr Uitle imilr <» WIM m Ma>
Mr dulU«. .VK-Ilr rwll
dietaaet tagalbcr. Mr Brant
<today for ban FraodMO, and refnaad
to talk about bto own butin—,
•aid that the amooat of gold oa tbe
Mr lUrUnc. (inmlr
tiibatariaeof tba Taken waa aotexagg—ud.
Si. Mil^Pa Oat.
Tba gaaorai
impr—ioa to (hat the bento that leave »HullmUhX«rt»w.lt DeumtgTMpi—
b— from tbto lima on WO! not be able
to gat over 1.000 mOm np Iba ifam
>-'JMraat from Baltimore—
baf— tWy will ba fiutan la.
UMaweek-d.|. Kuaduid and
4t St. MtohaePt eagar to vmmlfMn
EkMaalnewatrietebar'e Oolumblaa.
MM parppaad.abmabaUtwn ttom*
' Enseb of Swadlob Veltad Bma of
Amorloa Orgaelaad Laat Eigbt.A aaw lodge waa orgaoliod to tbto
«tty laat eight, eallad tbe Bwadtob
Bratben. a braeab of tbe Swadtali
UaiUdSoet of AeMrtoa. The orgaatoatioo la a, tratersal bpaeSetory ao-
Shjri-Don’t-1 make yonr kg> Brad.
Hcpwitt—What moke U your type-
(Boston Stope.|
{ sPEciiLs asiiai„,
r—Johnny, you mid you'd ham
tt> Sunday arbooL
^Jehnny (with a faraway look}—
{ Mother—Bow doea it happen tkat
I roar hand* amcJI flehy?
Johnny—I-I omriotS home th' Banday Kdiool papti. an—aa th* ootaide
page to all ahoot Jonah an tb* whale.—
Up to Data
<b* ll**< k»f
k*i romerli onetelM t> J.O.
rur*. It wUl be OtU on*
end ■ eouplet* Mock of
TlllbecoeMootti krpxukMie. I»«»e
be unred ^U>e trwk.
I 806.. ot U.«, il.„.,o.rl»i»ld oo;i. .,» d,,. eui in tti I
I In Bfe Clast Block.
Traversa City, Mich, f
PYoet aweei-bpaomte Socel WklUof.
We Have Reduced
tbe piic. oD 3367 I-.!!, of
PiDgree t Smitli
' Hieh Grade Footwear
from 10 to so par cenL Special.
Low Frtem are fouod oa warrow widtka
and amall aiaa* la ladiae’ aad gaatla.
mea'e waar. laapaet (bam.
Millitiery Opening!
Clvea by..f.
Thursday, Friday. Saturday,
October 7, 8 and ©
One hundred Trimmed Pattem Hits. Newest and mMt
axa MareB.a mme—b. handsome designs copied from tiie latest French patterns.
~FP-r-i=i.-i-. Ter ^Fx^ecLpiOlx,
Cbiraxe: Oct. t.-Fanaed hr a atronc
wind from the weac Bre which hrobaoot
h the CftkbratMl C«m of th« In Demer Park »a>1lloii at the Ublon
yarda yeeterday aften>o« ■■road
8«ut«nmaktr,th» V«t and
to tbe dutrirl belwrw Halatead and Du*th« Wif* at Chlcaco.
lea avenue and Forly-thlrU and Fortydflh airoeuk d«noU»blrf , bualneaa
bouaea and reeldercto- It ra«« tor two
boura and the loUI loaa waa only
about IW.oa*. of wrhlcb MC.0W waa tba
Deatar Par* pavilion. Tbe bone tsarkri waa need. Tba muai aerloua aapeet
ot tba fire waa that a eumbtr at oeraan*
Whm wmm-1' a
wm IBtured duHne (he flybl with the
namra and an unknown man burned to
death. The inlured are: Patrick Oaer.
employe td the ctock yarda. knocked
•( Mtarrdown by boraee: Morrta Maloney, AreCblcsso. Ort.'T.—Ih M*U jrtMrrtay mnn. ouemewe by aatoke and beat: P.
eoBBKBccd lu nljBtui IB tb« l.tM<crt r. Sbtarn, bn>ken ley: Henry Walth,
wUt amrdM'CMB. 7%t acbl «ru dlncl- ellxbtly burned: Wllllain Donohua Areman. tnlured by talllnc timber.
•d BpoB tour polhta tn tb« defeuM:
Dexter Park pavtlkm atanda only a.
-«cb«)e)r'a Btaiunm^ UiM fa* bud bm tew yards southweet ot (he hone mar-&
ttn. l.u*t|cn IB KciwBhB Ub>- « and i kH. which U an Immense trama affair
LMlCrrt-t claim Ibal fat tect Bulk tor .-overed liy a buye dome. For (he lailrr
a particular Lrand ot mlBtral water ibc buUdlnC to have cwugbt Are wculd have
Blctat of Mar >. 10 eapiaJa aeodJax out meant (be deetructlon cf the dreateeporat all «tN*i be had ihlrtr-falot boulaa la HoB of the «ock yard*. The pavtilon
the taetcar. The eoateailon at tbe dr>
tasae that aofi acap wa» aeeded lu clea»
up the taciorr. Tbe atatemenu uX Ituaa
lui* tart alxhl It wti stated that
OUleb and utbera wblcb tended to impaUBb Emma Schlmpke la her atotr Rachel Kchfa. 4 years old. la euppowil
that abe bad aeon Mr. and Hra. Luel«crt to hare been burned (n death. Bhe waa
eater U>* tactorr the plsbt ot May L letl alone in her. home. tSOT Halstead
«rc«t and could nm be found after
■aid M taiIMM Biboler.
Balt a doaea w-lini^ma awor« they ward. Tw-enty-elKhl rrwdencea and
would not bellevt Seboky under oath, ■0CM(wrre also dewtroyed. hut tbe low*
aeurr Hula, a aaloopkeepir at U Cly- la earh partlmlar Initance waa amall.
bouix avenue, and CbarltaWacDer.Bao*
ABBAtiLT 01 ns Durmn irou
bln. It wa* IB the cvenlni of Bepe B
that Scboley wa* In bla aaloM. aald
Bula. Ollber Peldahaw. o( KenoMu.
ClaUw Thu Mb Tletam Dvaak tS4Mi Ttat
Cedar Rapid*, la.. Oct. 7.—It ha* been
known (or a Innji lime that Frank A.
Autonomy To B« Crsntod ths WAnd. but No Lot Up in tht
Cvnpsign Agsinst ttw Robs.
■bdB*^ tb* ttteaairY Fat C
9 Cuba under tbe
suxaralnty ot Spain and .to continue tbe
eampaiffb aj low as may be neceamry.
Waahtnxiua, Oct. 7.—The celebrated
LSe uf Julio Ranffullly la prtnenlcd tb B
aerel-ofnilal form In a pamhpicl Imued
by SaMUlIiy's counarf berx. Juae L
Rodrtyuea It tell* tbe story lu detail,
and yit'ea a number ot
beld'ern Bet'ceiary
Bet'cetary (Uney, Renator Sherman. Consul Oeneral Dee and the Unit-
DetrulL Oct t.-Th* center at DaWdt
was the acen* at 1 o'clock (hi* mornlnff
of a ctmnasiwuoa which totally daatroyed three terse bulldlns* and coetenta. damased several oUera and
Unalrned dratructlon to at least aa
enure block at the roost valuable prop
erty tn the cly. The blase ortflna'-d
on the atase of (hr Detroit Opera
House, dunullasevurly with tbe breakIns out of the Bre there were rnveral
loud exploHoaa. probably the bonUns
of atase llsbUns aiqiaratua Tb* Barnes
quickly enveloped the rear of the the
atre and made a faraace <d tb* tnterlor.
Tka Opera House with aJI tta costenta, incluilnt the handaom* seenery.
etwlUBW* an-d equipment of (be Julia
Anbur company were destroyed. In
abort order. The rmr Of (he ten-atory
aothlBS of Ue atruiiure or contents rcmalBS but tb* steel frame. Tbe fourstory J>uMllns of the Michel Supply
company, east uf tb* theatre, waa sui■ and parily .I.-<t<i»cd, aod aevi-rwl
i Mber buildms* slishily damased.
At S;» tbe Are bad been conAned
practically to the above butldiBS*. Tb*
1 losses have nut yet liecB approximated,
| but It la twimed they wm reach tbe
iiiuck »r
r Hastlos* street
caushl Are (ri^ iu>arh* from tb* Opera
partment pubUcatlurm and hi
House Bra^d waa demroyeda whole tbe tS
ruaadlm LaiabrnM Tab* AeCtea.
upbolda tbe couAe of lYewldem OevrUnd and Seeretary Oloty. and points
out that (he ayttatloai In ftanyullly's be- ins of iOmbermra met In tbe board of
dtalf In ctinxrewv aerv ed only to preju trad* yeairtday. A meeaasr wa* r**<
'■iwr presert from (hr Ontario ffev
dice hie i aie. After atatlnc
a.10* that
.oa« .ur
(he a.at- || to
lent, nallns that umll the explrs
teollon of <^>axtTW* and
of the leasra nc* held b> odnera
not attracted
ot limber limn* In OniaHo no anion
very moment In which,I. (hrouo aklllnl 1 01
________ ______
I» Uken by the smrrnmeirt lockdiplomailr
the nVw*^' ■•(
(tensullly from impHsontarat without i Ins tn thr Iwtier iwoiectlon of
tunber sufferlns or bumlllattoo bad . hjmberins InleresU.
Inlemu. Tbl*
‘Tbl* wu mri sail*factory to ihr roeellnx. and a rraolutlon
been secured." the writer aaj's:
wa* pteaed aeklnx that the Ontario sov"But tb* mumem wa* one of extreme ernment mfiiri-r thr irtrufarturr withpefplcylly, wM<h the frn-r.l* tiT SaUSUll- io rarada of all t-.x’. <-ul under pmvrrnllcvote. ard that an rxpnii duly
ty am out ra*ll> fursn. Throuffb an .
iqiruce dealsncd
of paincth- sral abd
B0|d 1' be placed on lop* ard rpru
moat comiDeadalile hiimanllarlhB feel- ' for Ihr manufai-iure of iiulpwood.
Ins* Ob' tbr pan of naln mrmber*_of
mn' Taaimaai te **t*~BiwUi
Mite Pinkwly—An yoo istmted is
•khrlty, Mr. Tatui^
Tuttw (trfcb kntnra that aba Uand
.JMMte » poMtbl* dqmtioA) — WoU.
Him Olath. tbM dopmida Brnne (orbs
orelMffityareeatoaUML OthMamsuadlfOOWl.
Him Pinkwiy—Tek I Mppoae that's
ao. T«b know wa ■» fotaf to siv* a
ttU entwtBivBeU Bt tbe dtofch.
<ran*r—Oh. yea Bom^thinf fortha
baatl.«u. 1 aoppom. Do 70s know. Mtes
ClAra. I havixi'e rauok tailh 1b that aort
at tolns- Now. If it wm Beam tmena.
Mim Piakerlj'—But It la nearor
It's }«st for tbopwr childrmcE Tha.
that's bettor. I aimmvo at tbau Of
fl'l] u.ke a ti. ki-i. A»fullril»A
to Piuscrly—Oh. (hat U ap kiud
T^i-TT—Not nt fUl T.'l
mof uu «a'(..«-iuiu< tJl te It (luiliK tu:
MimPiiilnvlj—t h. tust a silnple lit-'
tie affair
We tbouitiit it boat. yuQ
know, tu have ovnyi)^ as slmplo a*
|xm<ibl*. Tii<ruwiU be ndfr-abmmitB.
or Anythlog in tha Use of
of cuarac, but they trill all be dooBted.'
and Umxi we propose to faBW »cane aort
Bmokan' Matarlals, floll ob
amatem play—puadfaly a chaiwda
Tnttw—Ob. I dec. Wa^ it'aaworthy
obNcL 1 tediew ia that am of tUng. ^ -w. JATTTMlTTS,
Bare you sold many
Mill Fiakwly—Not to many as 1
boped to. hUll there ia aase time yet.
Tbtter—Pul medown firtwotidivU.
Im P>uk.Tly—Kow. Mr. Tatter.
are Rally loo pramrau. Ton moat
eoBXidtr y»nr own ]uofcvib<iok a tinir.
Totu-r—Uno't fwy a wtirri A simple,
inexjaaiiiivc little cotortaiumnrt like
' with aneb a wmfay ol^ io view,
For Friday and
ooght to be eoniuraRivL By Jove, tbe .
) I think uf it
Letter I like thb
tdaa. Charily bi«io* at fautue. It's a
good tfaiag. Mim Clara. I'm mx totieGed. Let me have (oar tidetria Ko. Sirloin and Porterl»QAe Steak*
make it a half d<axxi.
, lOABdiacperponud..
Mia Knkwly—Now. Mr. Tapper,
teat nlphl ibai remcH-ratl.
Tattw-^Dim't my another wwd. 1
man Alndrr. of idabo, h
iBstet a]^ iL Wbwe are tbe tfctolsi
pram dn-lartnt It to hr t
thr Itmrj' Qrorpr Dvmurrary Mould br Have yua got them bwe! I’U take tbam
r«ccpr.te.d as thfl rrputer pany In tbr at oocte
Mia Pinkerly-Ob. yeat Ban they
7 —W. <7. O'Rulllvan.
ilvT of Tammany Hall prrrral
Tatter—Good! Kow. bow BMh did
' committer, last nlpkl teWprrd from
yoo ay they were apicaa}
Mia iHnkcriy—Only U. Hr- TUiarl
EverythiBrolae iB proportlom
Don't fall to avail yearaclva of Umbo,
ofpanlaallcr ba> surrrpdeftd all <1*lm> to true Uem.a-racy and
te currui.l In pulltlra' __
roablBi. Make «»r Mtaee* Pas.
miit-alve luew^f^f^tolrj a '
«'««»" «»»
yood Job. anyway." -What did you ff« i •“
«““«*lracy. bad. made a contor coin* on the elandr- asked Charim . fawalon to C. C Perrin tbe detective.
Wa«i.er “Well." Scholey U quoted a* I w hile en route from ‘ the Kluodykr
aaylnc. myikerloutly. "I won't tell you. I country' where be was captured,
bnt I trot enoueb out of It so that 1 am j Pwmn ha* rvtusid to •aysanythlna
aatlafled." ThU tHtlIncmy wa* ruled oilt. i about It Now Perrin's report to the
but It rot In a wrond lime without ob- I Thiel aachry has been made public. It
Jaetlon—(hat Is cot before tbe Jury.
I I* very leacthy and Is civen up la mo*t
FheUwrwph Wae Plfieew VeM OM.
part to a detailed account of the trip to
Oae Ibinc about thl* (esilmony wa* : Alaeka and return. The conresKuti worked up In ■!><
that It wa* riven by men who hail had t which.Perrin aay* Novak made to him minds of the kind--haarted people uf thw
builaeas trouble* wtth Scholey and In ; twice rxmlalns no surprise*
Cbe or two Inslanre* -the witnesses did j Novak clalnw that be bad a bottle of the fact.
pacated by fatar frtrnd* and Irmn
about wrunp*.and ruffninp* and IndlpMra. Luetaert ebnwlna two sold rlnx* ' ••‘O mlaM break Into I
nltlea upon tbr prlioner. wblcb In fact
t-be and Murr
» her flnaets via* Uken Afteen year*
wrrv never perprintrd or aliempied lo
a on tbe faul
acn. or some tlnso before the rlnx* tourd
hr perpetrated: ihtcaph Ihr draire of
In the val were said to bare been went Into the cellar to Ax the Area, and cmain rulwB asltator*. wltbopt author
bourhl. Oorden CUrk. salesman for when he returned dlanivcrrd
ity to S]<rak tor thr prls- ner. of poslnp
Lord- Owen A Co., who sold l.urtrerl ray had drank a portion of the conicnu aa his fiirnd*. urplnp exln-mr measurra
potash and miperal water, mid far bad of tbe bottle and wa* then atui.ld
and prrcIpIlsUns. If. pnaHI.Ir. a ronAl.i
explained tol.netrerl (bat there was tw put him to bed and went down aUlrw. belwrrn thr t'niled Rutrs and Rpain,"
realdlffereufeloihewateramlthal l.uel- where he lay down on the counter t» etc., 4hr counsri ra»- that a mndliPm
rert had aeetned convinced, nir de read, and fell asleep: when be awoke -of thlofca that mipht bavr provrd fatal
Ur.oin. UK. 0(i. 7.—At te«i the dtffei»
fer^ madi
irwde rtn arweclalile Impremlon (be store was on Are. He claim*
was hroupht about.
he tried twice to rescue Murray,
'-wa* unablr. and (hen. feaiiny his aiory
^ im
®**"’*®* *
wouM not lie Ix-llev^. skipped uuL
h.-., atatr dr|«nmrnt: , ..\rnrr* wartrd ih'ir mm to |«y 1
thtMUsb (hr
n stand of aoinc honor- danape* !(« 7cos they suidalnrd on
AWol Bmp MaklBcT
Ate* tb* La*M Olme ThM
aWr wnatnr* wb. wrre then ■•allHl or- [l-iira coriract* durtr.p thr strike,
One of the atroncest fewtures In the
Lyaebed far la tb* iw>
cana of the m.rrrrnr prneial of Cuba nnd'itp that (bey could eoi tnakr them
rebuttal evidence offered wa* the evi
. Ihir apfred to ray t
HemarJo. Ml**.. fVt. T.—Tratrrday or. the queen of Ppaln.: thrnuxfa thr coPile. *cei
dence of Adart^ Drinker. traoBler ter momtnt slnui It' •■'rlia-k. when Henry Ofierailiei of tbr RpanMi minster, and
fwrh*twtlrt’urhthrr*rtir*t*pp.*l ofih-'
' a anap factory. It was hi reference Cmwrr, colored, who had conli
Nr* Tlaven. Cnnn . Oct 7 -,M yrapHannrr'* courM loihr hnnnraMr chairto tbe n^..^
ulbiw. crease
and chipped ____
boneI j wuunin
s^nf,oL Lwi
s-i—A _.A s.
>r s .Tsui
wrbich Oeorce BUnd mid be delivered
dauehtev uf fohn Frcyuaon,
at (be factory un May I, and William
The rtwult hmra iratltrrny 1 Ihr fart I ta rrfuie memWrMIp. active rr ■
Cbarle* teslIBrd tie pnicured aa aonie er wb»- live* nJ- thl* place, w*
! r-ialr. <0 all liquor drairra and 10
of (be inffredlenre of tbe soft soap uAc* of Juellce ot the Peace PtalUlp*
>!uocr dealer* now memlm tr
which waa lu be made for tbe purpose Bwalllnc preliminary trial on a chaire (ten of Rialn In thl* cntlornt the fnlt_________
of Iburousbiy cleanlni up (he blx of aedurilon. a mol> of about aerrnty ed Ptiirrnf Airtrr'ca are a party to the ikis"—and that
mnaaye factory preliminary to Its pro. armed and unmsskrd mm rode quietly
apeetive sale to aa Enrilsh indicate. Into (own. quickly aeivirgl tbe aesm etemat law * .<t nature, thr wIMea of thr ! ‘Davenport, la.. O . 7.—The featu
BrlnUrr mid be hauled all (be t^low— and rode rapidly auay In an ewalerly poverament of the frll.ed Ptale* "f ]
.HcMni d*^ . *«»lon ot tbr
of w.
slxty-«lz pounds-^ and IM potfnds of direction toniird the home Ot the Fcr- At^c* havr alway. to prevail In the ;
bone awwy from the taclory on May 1.
Walvrwaya was thr addrem of ‘
He ezDlalned that It was bis duty to do
Tayter^ of Fort Wayne, member
Is oster eweb
week—usually tbe last
y of tbe '
k. He conveyed (he ma- Ke waa itrurii up and abut. HI* body
p-maklns Arm by wblcb I* *tlll vwlMrliur fretn a tree,
Mte rhdtewpe to temoem.
was onVrIy but d.-iermlned
be was employid.
I Madrid. Oct.
IlMxir Rapastv tb* aoHclIor n
"Did you see bones, (aljow or mhiad
premier, baa received a cable m«*Bap* tem yeatf-eday for hi
«rea*e In barreU other than the irreaBe
from Captain Oeneral Weyler. who of wheri'he w ilt spend h
yon hauled on May ir’ asked McEwen.
fer* fate servlrra to tbe povernment and
The Enterprise Groo
".So; tb* barrels were all empty tbaf made no outcry when
router We Hay KapM*.
(akm from Herrsndo.
asya: "1 sball not raalpn."
1 saw In tbe factory that day."
•- (hi. 7 PoUowiac an ___ IB «till doing basinesB
Havana. Oct. 7,-In spite of Capuhi
"Did yon ever pul any bone* or taUew
twwBty-foar hoar*
Is tb* leebouaar' "Na"
Street, jnst west of
Webster City. I*.. Oct. 7.—A Wr _
Thl* evidence wa* oonalderwd Imtook place here
b«ee ymter- lllUcwte
ie, we th
came out In the l^ctmcM
Mlcte Steinberg's
' portanl aa contradlrtlnc tbe story of eolncldeore
Grand Opera
daj' In hte honor. The bourse waalF^*" wi-trrly winda
the defense to the eSect that Luatxim of T. 3. nick by the yrand Jury of - ........................i«l .tore.
bad used barret* of grtaae and tallow
fr»l. t . hrvk-*weri. w.aa* r«r D|» Honsei and presents the best
uf hte witeby the Hardin and the u.lwcco and uiher roannIn thr factory on tbe niffhl ot May 1 In Mmullaneousl)
faciorlea. All lb. main *tf»et* were -pw Mebt**B-L «wl mower* thte mwnia*. line of good goods cheap to
makiDX soft aiap. Accordinx to the with aamull with attnopt to kill. <>ut is pally deewratrd The vartous pro- folkiwed by f*lr wratb*': Mtshtly wanaieihte
atory of Brinlier there was abwolutely separate
united *1 Central Park, and
wi^rT*^ be found in tbe city.
Tbe offenses were
no tallow, bone* or crcaae In barrel* muted atcase*.
the Bkme hour, Au« U. and then muvrd toprthrr to thr p
w* mwtHWk hpat to tnwb aon ivir wen-'s
which war* Bllryed to have Ixwn rolled , the ladtclmml*
vrere voted at the same front of tbr caplpln prneral's (lalace. Fur luwi rale wratbre. •liphtlr warmM- la
hour Tueads)-. (tick I* accused of *tali- where a* many as JO.ttio pmpir were
rape 1 a.Uphl vartette *
addeil (hat ^ knew Mra lAielyvrt 1 trine a man named Rbidcrknecht
pairkoUc muMc. Thr pUsa and tbe
a chary*
quiet wHi.aiid had aecft and talked with Mr* Mick must anwer
thoroaphrsrr* lrad:nx Into II were
who bad calkd
(tensely crowded. A numlirr of denThe battle of Corro Oordo took ita
ulallon* WCI I 4.. the palace, where they ■ame froui a miiuutaiii from td llesicu
did wiuib of m-r own buuaework. ThU '
were re.-el«ed by Ihr <wplaln pmeral 40 milM u<Pthw«m uf Yen Crtix.
Isttee natem.nl wav* orntrwdlcUon of ■ su*«*u, Mkh.. tvt. 7.-At n.<
They ***ur«*1 him that 1t wa* llv- de
tbe story of Mary m-meritut.
; ,.rd*> whr-.I ehlldren on yulnx
Tbe bbipkA pw*m«. wbere tetribW
sire of all the li val InhalritanU of the
.inq-otb tuierlfr Frank Moran wa* t
ivau iAfe at Awln. a small telpnd that he should
coofticte uiiik plac« betweco tbe Bu*called to the »itn. -» etaud
tell about J p;,p,
I'tOey. Huron county, found
K nemi-ieni and carry on aiau* and tbe Turks aiv' iu the cvxitral
wbai be found at the I.». ig.-rt mosate i
d..,d t«j, „f Pumam Paul.ihe poat- the camii*lcn ayalnet the Insarpenta.
Hulk.... vrest of bchorolm.
fariory on -May 4, a Ic r. he made a oiaMer. Who had Uwn abut five times
FLAMING MAI^OC AT MEDORA, TbeTilUjtvof Naoeby ffire its
aelaure under focec-loiiur.. He aald that u, ,b, h«a ,nd fcidy by Charira Vtee,
wi:—......_____to tbepivat vuierj wcpi by the troop*
be took iiaaeraluB uf evenihlns In the
After klllln* the ..Id 'mat.
Wwerr store connaeted with (be tar- ; vise vra* arvated. He made a full cun- ^tor il^i7!^ Ma«^^ I »i» fwrl&ummt .tecr Charlm 1. It i.
He found ar^jt other thins* frmloB to the aberlff.-fflvln* rolibyry
Medeiw. Ills. Oct 7.- nr, broke out
tn Nocthampwmahiru. I» mika
IM iK.xe* of saap <d different brand*. : ,,
at » w. m. y„teraa> in the rear erf
TTiti point wa* hrvncbl out t.. Imt.r.w*
-....... ......... .—- — Urvb McdMne oaad by Vapnr lahalaliow. A E. WAIT. DroggiM. Rnbl'nss' hardware store. am«Bd rairid- \ GcRyaburg. when the tide cd HOthupon the Jury .that l.uetcert did not ce- ,
'>«•• FbewMabe. Mrldm.
quire the soar It l* aaaertid he prvNew Orlean*. Oct. 7.—The yellow fever ly. and In two hour* had dfr'ruyed that cm tnvbskai W»* mopped, U to mibpoaed roaklns.
, «x-nUni:ra to spread and the record »*- ! bulIJlns and aeventcer oil,era adjoin- ! W«q*m Fmin^lvaote, « mileP tron
Emma Beb.mpke wa* revalled to the terdsy >■ the hlybrat In deaths and nor 1 Ins. practically wiplnp out lb. businea* iMarrikbaiK. Tbr cmowmadlus at U«wUnem stand and an rflurt made to < caena a., far. TTicre wm Bve death* i poftlonn of th*
the (us-u
(ua-n and caiteins
catteins an **■ i: tytourg
tyMurs during
durius tb*
tbe thlm
th^ dava'
da.va' hauls
.• by bef that all the Impeacblitk ! arril (..rtyali
d ]<•* of HI«.M0:-In.urai>ce one- *raj< diitlteexly beard in WmiungUm.
• red by the I opMemIr d.w*-• not
o rtrulencr. ’ half. Th* J.rlnclitel lone* jrv aa fnl- |
evidefxe that
had te
K.nM_-w> Irt
there were four
Iowa: J. R.-Mnsi. M.*W; Rank of Metmpurcr N^kid IH
deatb' At Bdwarda alxleen ^doro, IS.IIM; T. L Lsp*r A Co., n.lM: jtofrimd.Tid himanif tod hte wmy to
• and at Nltla Youma oae acw '’T. A. I-wmla W.0M; A. Rtc-wd. V.tO. j
On direct examinatten abe had
Ovri.iaaA. » a imaU foruSed town
that >n7 saw loictSert and hte wife
Several iH-rauna were more or less I at the Freoch dqiortlwait erf -AfdtoBea.
polos toward tbr musare factory at I
rerluuily burned and hrulaed while try- IM mUm aiirtbt««t of ^rU. It is fa
!*:» oViu.-k OB the nlshl ><f May 1 { ClTteal Fall*. UK li.. »V-t, 7.-Th* sixty ins to rowu* gaud*.from tb* wtmwa I bms for having hem tbe place w bow tba
She wa* n»kfd OPOB eroas-cxi
Amot B ihem are; i‘ W Ttei*ari.
. .,
days drousM ti.i*
tesUAad lo aevluc LoH-__
_ ai test br«(i dtiprlkd aevercly burned on hand: -W. T. Hoarh.
• freqorrt ab<w*c*.havc
b where--------Ueh»to|wt* burned, w jb pruliably lose on*; • Tbel>nle<ff.Bni
Mtri A* hl'ri ula*
**" " '*”*"* 1
UohdB) niBht. 0» Inx lo lb* core- W. F. Keller. *ev*rel> buroed about tb* . Brit U1 1»» hte Ufe, Wa* fought at a ■W
Itodlea. Mime*. Mea aad Chlldraa at
ofc. h.A Lii ». ,■■ ■■
M. (W lewshcws <■( humrra valualil* tract* of face: Jo* Drennan. hurt by * fallins I lltile bamlM of tbe tome nama 11
.N'8, ki4 Beat Front Stfoec
|.Ubo; E. E. P*tnl*.brul«ed and burned, jmlltswam «f Lclccrier. Un tbe hUI
asd lb* cih— te-i* at about lb* aain* 1
d,siructH|i uni'l thr rain put Dr. J. E Waium, cut by flylr« slasv pvm^ the Wwn. now oiled Olrirn htU.
point Sh* mr. Ihrm on^ BlSbt „r |
' Beftwv b*lnsdmvcrredtb*flre e«t.»uch lamunuimul hmriis tbe spat wb«» tbe
May 1. Ute-n whbli 0*tr sb* had a*rO i
BalUtoM* tabs* AouttM-r Clotor.
puemK. um
lAtotxrri ard hi* wif.-, .(iiornay Fhalcn [ Boator. Oct. 7.—Tb* third ball same
abowerrd qu«stl.in> ui-m th* wUnem re- l |„ ,j.. Tempi* oup scHra wa* dull and • urk IB xeitiBS th* «am* ondrv cm“««7- .
tell* tn h** mfvilne Ih* buya at ohebL , unloteraatlBS.
fte1iln»«v wxm with ireL to addUkm to this the water wa* i The bottle of Plaaey took fta oame Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem
Her faiv Itoram* scartel. and ah* br- , ,iaii,ji„u* roa* by a »«w* of X to L Thte
and ra>ot of t^ w«li* w ere I fruo tbe town in tbe presidiuy <d B
cam* aasry and anapi.-d ttrk her rv- i ,pvra aaltlmon two sanira to om for turnmndad by
• poOEt
lock Lumber. 3urfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Or^hleh rsBdend U
pUra ia a masurr that amuwl w*B Bctoim.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
Juds* TuthlU, while the *|i*cut<'ra
WuWrww* team tb* XVbet.
diao anay of 4U.OU0 Infanoy. ILMO
amited bniadly. There were acvcral
Including 2 Engines, Siet Works. Carriages
NSW Ten. Oct. 7.-Tl>t Joiutoi asd
lBd*f*«dwBCW. U-. (
..................................... tllltoy.
vrItBnwm .hruutet forward to Impiarb
date for ffoverBSato Oteteb. They swore that they Advsrilssi aajm that Jacob RupperL Jr.,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
I a laifft aodteBo* beew.
wwn Bot with that psuas womaa aad ToBonaBy caBdldaic for prwaiamt of tb*
s OB th* ai^t ot May L
Ute UtoaC
as ah* bad tastUed.
•y OF SAFETY....
Fire Insurance.
Jao*.R. Santo.
RKoniWant AdSii
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Enterprise Grocery,
w. J. »imiNw*s.ii
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ST SI-oSTS
Bicycles to Rent
.s; S“«.TiX’Z'f,Ty ziSi
If You Have Logs to Sell
omr luicbeb go.
,,, 11
_____ _________
. a WaMB aa4 (he otaMm «Ma
AnioloeW M DMjila*- U
Mt.-oeapolle. Oci. 7,-A ipeclal to The »ejl. who ba. tt-d wnek
IfnixBo trem pianktotua, a D.. »r«: frotn.tlM- rtale paper* in \
wortt dl»a*»™ li> the MKWT
tbe mlnnte diflletiHjea and i»&*T«n-
Paal T^ain
Uk« K 0 >es Men Who Are
. Nc^ ''iutthrotte.
Eaaton daean'l wmb td be able ta get aiI ux* remalnlag unpatn Nmwmher !
Baidge up CO «dge*lnee the gelding ban l*t IcVT win be retamed. OSee U'l
hi* knee.
{Herald Balldiag. Boom a
Mat4J»bu Wiania.
Yitetlo. S.-0»<e. ha* benn a good mem-'
City Treiaorar.
ty'wliuMg lor gmiial I'red Uptoa <d
IS5 It
Dated Oct. 7. IW.
Merry mua In a l>-tter to Marla
-I nitwt call atuntlun to the
that the datn^luv. who* paiae i»
uf «.t)00 livrre a month, ha*
Time ,
_ -: Habri Ti*bert. aprd
r rail*; U«Ne Merby. a*ed
Sprtnira; Ida Warner, a*»d
. CUy WUhJa a
w.e... ciU'. Oct. T.—Bandit* held on
a Caueaco and Alton expm* train ia«
night at a point le*a than *lz o«c* fnjn
KaMi at>s The robbery t* the third
noeumne or the rhUroad within a year.
a{] within efteen mOw of thl* city- The
Chicago and «t. Ixmlo expreo*. which
polled oot of the Unton sulioa al 1:1*
I ■"
uem every tucoib ft* j«*i*l<au> ttrautdd
()»*«*. and Which hate taU-
« /^^ortTcco
Sn Oar lew tin
Picture Mouldings
Thu managfTi of the mnningSHwiiiig
•t Kon Eric haw Tvdnced the prtoMd
iLanr^a oarH. auaroer*!
M Pretwie proMln. i
and axpeoi a tT
to Ce Btoek.
Urgm aUtstdanoF a* a re*alk________________________________ ______________
Barvm Wilke* ha* four new perf«niiT?
fdnnfc who ^o» ke^ _ .
«■ tbi* aMUtm. the laai one being Ylr-: ^ wUI
vu) aueaC peowyilr
per***ir is
u> all
aii day tMor eirhi
own di^M*i. bhe U eerily not well
drewd. bat that U the fault of the Udy who ha* the charge of her
Thi* lady pay* lltUe htuaitlMi to Hand I park. Prhrideoce. InlrlbS-
K.'W. Babinger i* anxioa* to ham
FaieM Hnr get Into abapi- and fergrt
will* aad Tnaa*.
get, tbe.lhaUt be has lately acquired
trick* in all crndea.'bat j-Udg ■hat «*ut. a*th«ireaAefe0.000worth
b1m*1 in which be u cstered.
in oUTi," nmmrkvd a luwyur
i haa not mnoh I
B W. C. Brann. editor of The Icono[ ela*l. warpubth-lybeatvB by Judge J. U. ,
_____I .
K H. HamUion.
The dlfflculty began
■anaee of (folB. M Ti
LB oOb* aeta. r. w
ia *hli^,wr |l- k after
: U«
1 the traik. , tnek. Brace «
Wi-.h.n« ' «« *avage cui* OB the head and face. In '■
1.K-. *■ ’
^to'^eTjod'S-a-LS -
r.n : m.
“Unlu* a lawyer i» witbont mpo-
e win hare the Imd- i
While thl* n
nn.'nf the rntitiar. hiiated him !
tf i
cola in Jbe meaaUm* thehandlU
rumb down o
prcT.nt it.
AlMBl the laet Muie thi* :
Judge Pcarhorough t* Blniaieeot Baylor UBiveralty and ha* a daughter In
BDlverally. He *)•* BrannW tecetu atODlveralty.
“rt "> XI* r*t*t on the ur.lverdty i.
• X**
‘Xe trouble. Toung ScarXorough and Hamilton were atudent. In
u l rwuember ffwreru u»e
1 000.000. Mr. Uoald neicr paid ....w
: tm any nooh an amount a* that, bat bu
j heiri had w do iu They did f« awhile
l«,d tb« gaw up their TiuldeBte In the
^ ^ty._ Tax* W.™ lower ei*wh«. Thi.
beyond eodumnee. * After
tanicbt lawyer* a le*oo they hare
affair Brann made Ibis statement: "I
fog^t^ Tbe tax cnoimiMitawTi mn'
wn* standing at the elevator wh^n sud
icaa all will* and other gmiUr papeoa
denly thrw pl»tol were «u<k In my
wichooi gutting the beM «d any eaUta
•CM whtoUlng by bt» eara He and
tbe Sreman
gllmbed doo-n quickly and two of tbe
robber* immediately took tbeir plaeea
Bao the Oa*> m th. Tioek.
: frin cxhauMloa and Ic* of
Tbeotbm of thebandlt CTojrd jumptd
abchrd the baggage and expmp cam
Make, a
.Tbla parl of ihe train they ran up the
track toward* Indejwndence. Mn„ aboutNew York. Oct. T.—Seth te'w.Cldien*'
a quarter r1 a mile, "niere they com- Vnlon candidate for mayor, last night
pMM the frightreed exprvn mcNeeger opened hla campaign at a Urge and ento open the d'MT i>f his car. The door thufUaatlc'maa* meetli^
Btjknr K*irt:i>BM TO UO OFF.
1 ■ S
> A. TIinhPSONMC. n. OS*lsH*
:X. a Milh^ m«|k^H«oia.» to It »
--------------------------of the math and we*t in "Pndd'ttbead ,
,y .^- , ... _________ ___ •,
WUson" afim hUaeaaaB with Jonepb
yy.eeau w w!*naMi braoekMa*.
iFrootaMeetW k. Otortog. Il*e»*ii ■ a**
Mjai* Jam** pmhiocd hi* new to-‘
ioo*il«* **•»
* after it."
Y«k CUmmerciaL
A*ohaniM»*tndi«d theacri<™<rf T^
rioni kind* of atma* In rrga^ to ihctr
aniotu with erne another to farm mole-
whUo ' «hm
i Home minutes before
• hlmwlf heard, *o
1* Ihe cheering.
- ■« b«. c-' M''3Y !£S".:7’3isnii‘’r-is
for copyright with the librarian of —
and a* many men wuh I
word* added to tbe allnring titla
Tral*arr(<e(e** Ctan stu. Oraa* Ba*.
Me an* PBMaker B> I a* p
Pre* Ft. Way*,<lrBa4 kanUs.D*(r«M an*
Chlesao a> tm.
Local freichlsebfoeek entree at
ii»t* al imp. to.
c. a. HrRaaT, a*nn.
O.L. LOCKWOOD O P. a.. Oread BaWa
"Tbe Tal- :
tbcmwlvm oat at the Berlin Dmtche. tbm^
with two. thrw. ,
tour iir mma. Thu* we *w that oxygcD fuTHuiik a aUigle atom of its
b two atom*
kind and linked ilw-lf with
CTtarly. tbiai. the oxygen ;
atom, dike a aminro with taro hand*..
i* aide tocintcb rwo other atm*, bnt
pr^ that nnd<w any cir-,
L. Harvey Caierry. who
S lust relumed
.Sebnuka where
irm. and had O.OMl on hi*
wylaid by tbm fompa^
West Michigan.
An auditor at a Japancae tbeaur U
allowed. I'V a «mall extra fee.
np. and
the unldrinnatc individoal he- i Browa.tn Froat ■- . «..
. ApS S. H.
bindohim ha* no right to remonauata. ] »wg«oca lckbk
• at K per Mae
m CUy ijitob*
Harrr Dan* ha* added a childmi’* **
Xffrif “
theater'to tbe .pew Otaud Opera Hoaia
in Pittaborg. It i* a novel fmtareand ■
t* *id to bevmyflne in imappoint-:
■«*, .atiafied whan it .ha*
conclusively t:
Tbe beM Main food*, o
CMef Clerk sftbe'lUUwtiyaialL
WaahiBglon. Oct. 7.-L. Dlckeix.n ha* •»* l«« ' *«»»••
ch«»e. mbs.
seen appolcted chief clerk cf tbe rail- i wheat, barley. oatnKol. almuod nnta.
I. biwna. potatoro. llgi
ray mall service at klliwaakac. Wta.
| *oath(n
Oval rartionat«aorbcatpn>.
ifgnnea TheUwi
ar. huttec. rioa.
' docoa. are fat ~
O. SeyterU of Pranaylvanla. consul at
Btralfon* Ont.
• J. K. Jona. a-bo lived at Chicago, fell
dead from heart dlsMae wbJM doing
rescue work at a Ore.
Iter of W. W. Alhours' delay the express isrnmtd Iht ,
iL te.i
fXmm *
Journey toward 8i. I»uls .The psaes- j
mto *_iana «
id was droaatd.
ger*. e*picl*11y the ladles, were very'
that —.
under*tood *t Loadoa ..»>
much frlghl.red, srd when the robber* |
bi^n%ir«ni» *t Sst^iteei V*ueiie.lemln«it RuiMan Jurin will be selected
a* 5 -.Srid .H the j« umpire In Ihe Ven^ueU dispute.
coaches Dtam-md*. Jewelry and «b«
Tbe Gnggwthilm Smelting works at
vaIu*UI'« were h ddeo In even' place Penh Amkjy. N. J . were deetroyed by
flrv. and the ktoi la tortlmated at tZM.MO.
Micetvat.le In < lassenger ecach.
AVlllum PeeL a well-koowa lawTer.
Two Chicago »r.d Alton dctrctlveewere
or Ih. train, but mHther i.f them put (g Cambrtdgs Bngtand. I* reported to be
In an apixaianre ouistdr nf their reach missing. Ml* UaUUUta am *aM to be
until *n «^as ever. Geueral Superlnterd- »600.tMl.
The farm building of
•p of Uawo«
t only 1 of the towi
k«r— were r^bumet
Oa laprcra* eUy peopmy.
PASOBia * OBOWMi. awer—Fk.
OKc* one Maelar*a kafdoar* aaae*.
____ 1^ si*, g.'^ «-
TUeUthamml «
eU,OB attroeUva.
unmi luioinuiRiiLi
You ahoald a
Tea «to (to »u
thoto-who *»d7
t...*tit«glyani«i. T
»«« .
i*.«»» duapwt . U is well
_c u
, taiiember that m hot weather we ffiould
] avoid eart,™t« ,jr beat
! ns fata, nub cereals rwaets etc. A lib|enl fruit diet at each timee 1* well.—
I jjedical Mirrur
-xa-d-------- ISOIiey W
toanch it thr
blood and bad aktn.
iKiosf<«idMirmttacIe maktsa. are venuioelU. eggs ebeeae. meat* ({wrtiralarly
beefi. eonthmi rtn. aalnKsi. tmo* and
rbuqibalk food* for pmoosof
r they. loo.
r, they Bocc
uinrj ■-! Lur ur.iauiiir,
Ju Urtirg down the amall nfe and throw
ing out th. dyramlie The eugire wa*
thee run (ia4-li to thr net of the train
Itt but
plied \it Rl from his private BUtse.
The rssenrers made up • purse of IS
and gave It to him.______
The editmerf aBa*rf*n~p«r h*. aA-^
jtwobcocU: Imi. op tlm ot^ ba^
*d Ooont Tolstoi Iri. opinkm about th* '
of nitrogrw i* able to bold thnd ,
Kiriiaid Wag^. "Wagnv.'
atom* cf hydrogw and dom so in tte .
replied. ‘tU a decadeat who rec
WaWiIngton. Oct. 7.—Bemr Calve, tbe '
le o?
----------------------------b,i. pi^i„„gta*ti«^in,pi,^,rilli
oata BIcan repreeentatlve here, aiate*
lUvely ,h.,
that the ......
rrport* U«, p.™.* af. oxygen.—--------------------------------------------------------------------M. D.. in Uar.
Igtaal* N* Ve«
the ordinary tl.k* W l■■alJ> robbery. H 1* | ^to government yeoterday which ebow
«gpto* 'or. for after waiting a few mMata fur the expected explcolonibry hur
riedly un ibe plaiv. running into the
nnderbuah whirl. Meirt* the railway In
that aertton. The iratcmec who had
been left l«hlnd with tbe paweger
. roaches pclltely suited a reasonable
l«agMi <>f time for the robherp to com-
Mand Hoffman, repata ta tbe centraly notwlOwandittK. will be E. tk WUMid'* leading lady thi* *ra*oa.
to..; ** V... M..iri
arable gold wwirh.
, O.
Al<tW Thw* Wan. afteU. «* TWy
the match
They appUed the
and then rtldenlly
ptoWvt lu Tevtal tbe treasure for which
pe much had been risked. But for toXM
■ reason the expltalve' did not go off. and
Tram the
ttm t»
*. a.:
It *........
II »........
: «e kalkaalu.
o*«ge Backn* i* to play the John
o. TtrsSKE.
-Chri-oph-. Jr.." on-(y»ua. a Bull** E
Lodwig Fuld^ aatb<r
eat by the leg*, throwli
and Ihro look hi* gun away
from him
The measewT wa* then
compelled to walk bock toward the oihcurtnc
e and
the bamge unJ expre* eew the han<UU pUced twenty-four atlck* of dyna
mite on the big through safe and then
Ifted the entailer way safe u]ion up
t»- w*iu.
........1 I cr'
n the aceoe ,.
r made <d the
‘rylndlmilncofiroubie. ii|op of an eaut.-, If Itwnl ai-uii»eu tab ' tng rule in "TheWaaderlng Miuatrel." i W. *Li*S5^toie.^^'^ “
in the hands of four of (be eight road
agent* The other four qalcUy covend .
TX»a» OAJMD.^- .
I “ ^ f”";"
______ ^
Attomoy* at
(oatagae »U^..«*i*il*<W. Keh.
American BtOlc u malrrtaining the
............. ....
otre pul
The police of Kanaa* City and the «
ty manual have aent men to the »
uf the, robbery.
l*aiah Piaapilly. the will known
atartcr.hMbr.'ucUctcd pmddtntuftb*
Maiue I*tate AKri.-nlt-ml lue^ay.
«• chamhre iveeim 100 lool* a month
t«thfiiatijjhutf'»iMdplayiiyi. Whetha —-------------ihewiuo or --------------l«a no jne
*e* anyw
tblngmrgv.iftbwinoncy. Thole-dchambar wmueo lake charge of all the reohieh i« umallT '
pun Jnnt Iwyond Wa*U»gton Park. |
and Ute yeoterday aftentooa I
Brannon I* about eight miua nearer to j Sltad been recovered and were tmmeWan** CUT than Blue Cut. made cole- | diatcly burted. Each wan burwd h<sgang.and yound recognition.
The lo*a on the
» prertou* building 1* »:S.«C._____________
Alton thl*
_____ ___ ________ ^dlt* got no bohiy. beln*
•eared away by their owndynamlle. 'me
rain wa* wnt on from '
' “
(g p e^*afc
Hanuu.4r,h..id.tbeDiinkiik(S Y.I,
nek rrcurd.
rreonL la the five
lit* fur all imca
i-«i be
look a maik <^1.171,.
o. P. CARVCH. Ag*«.
Suits to Order.
eigbteeti tboMwd people in one 4ay
i* the rramd ol atteudanoe at thO
VH^iAUg tau.
I . to pKtok
i„ p^itv not a xinrlo crown at h« dl*Tbore are wandaUmo alrawa b«v
The dan-
oricln <i( (be nrr I* urkitewn. and It aa* ;
dUcovered by the ^atebroan. »1»o
.h. a...,- bumtln.
dow* while
dUtanre away.
mean* of
There wu aboolulely
K-bool and
uunguuhlag the are at the acbool.
mil* I.™
Ue bnlldings being orer a mil*
town no aid could be rendered and In a
abort time the entire annex «a* on-;
veloped In flame* In le* than twenty
fflinal* from the lime the fl
Ever Burned Out?
U aoyM know
bV »he bum.ns of the »lrV dormitory
nf* eecnV hardly t* bellered bai
geve« f* the eoeonKOjy td aanpeUwt witnmo-
*• *hw«»
---------------1 will be in my cfle* daring tha
«fa* drirw of Star IV&Ur qallt hi* aonth of Oelohor IWT. to reooiro eity
am* Modaiy.
I and oiteol (a>«a. OOea horn * o'clock
«w. tjtje
u article In Tb* Ob*W7
, by MIm Anna U Bteknell Ml*
Hwe is a little hll of Baarian hiatotr
OmtUirntDldia tbe school book* and
i* not gitKrally known. Wboi Chtb•t‘x- n met h« hushanl P«ar HI. f.*
^ to,
hu „iito.
Klchard Scaddli a w ealthy rtUaen of faint It ^ only •--------------------eoabled her 1
Hsxel Orveit. Wt*.. aged 12 year
Mrs Ann Edwards aged 96. a well- thruagh with tbe
sthS;:'.', ■ir. v,".:r.r'.s' ..is
Ctiarle# Pannel. Charies ntiaafseit and ' >'
(Mihaiae bad taken up with
ChariesDahwlr. The,-h,dw.tofriwo|J*«-ker^ugt.ter^.vIwhertohave ^
Soltlkrff. who wa* douhtlaa*
bUpt* Which did not explods and they I 4—.,
Xcen .t
- least
*-*- 1»
«» years
wears old.
Ihe father of Catberiue's ad Paul, who
Patrick Moraa. a brakemah on tbe
went to tsveoilga^
to tbe chroosoilyto hea*Paul roaA wa* killed at Ulltaii.
Thirty Pirtaai (wJsrMl M Kaatoi i
top of tbe mmltiated a tew year* later.
■ Btandlng o
w«>M. City, Oct. ,7.—Thirty t
were Injured lam night, aeveral o:
Five coal mlrteg t
. ....Agham
the Blandaid. the Dora,
troaded aiih *uUirb*n restdenu who ;
^ Carrlaaiun. McDonald and
were returalng home ftmn the carnival crlein HHl-emPloylBg 2.000 ccol uilnfeedvltles Tbe platform weat down a
AlaUocc (4 eighteen feet. The most eenonay lejored are; Mrs U -W. Baid
Oewrge R MeUwn. one o
als indtrendeye^ Mg-,,«P»xe lajuref ,
■ may die; Mrs J. T. Walker. iDdepeud- w..
-------------- •tor Ibe bene______
Wto. .totoSM— —el—.
• w.
Ma. leg .brcAes.
cooOniM •erloito
Is crtdiiors J- Beakert Is ap...a»*l«ne«. The asaels are given
^J».0«* aod JUblUtlea at IIO.OOO.
M«i Mac Olttoson wa* playing a pUne
[lartmeal that the gcr»t»- mVM a dance wa* in pr<«r«s* at tb*
Cedar botcL Matteawan. N. T. Sudden
ly iB* Jmwpad ap. exclaimed -I'm.golBg
larergent* the town a< Qaeaatm
to ktB myaeur and ran to her room and
This town wa* eaptured by tb* h
•to* Mrtwttc add. BheMdead.
grat* abou two weMa a^
haugUig in windows, etu. may be made
fnan tbe crdiuaiy geUtin pMta. Um
a alow plate, a* it give* grwer oontro«t. PUctothe Dcsatire trcni which
yoB wiMi to make tbe pwitire film'aide
Bp in a prlDtiDg tmme wbii^ doe* ooi
have very stifr *{xiuKs lay tbe galatin plate film si^ down on tbe negarive, pat in the Iwck fttm hoard and
jnaa the ^xingi into ploce voy gmUy.
this hold it oboat two feu from tha
NO 10
Cupboard Safe fj»"isi“ssi,7r. 7:
lochm QtSto doors os top. cwTrUpanal deots k«X»-. Nag* dretrar.
.1 O—Lw. towlMi to. Isy —II. mI
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