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The Morning Record, June 16, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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■pliBdM TracnB !■ *ba Oltr 0pm
IfoMi fluid ^*‘»*«* aad SIplmM
ffiiietiil Balm a larga Aadl-
... Laka Aas. Petoaand WUUambntg.
kkr. Si----------------featt
The Udiee eojoyedla
i eamptnoBB *—.
at aooD aad epcat a wetol bm afteclaAlTB POIMT ATTItAOnVX.
want. Ose eaadtdate wae iattfated.
- - aati and vMtiaffAfter the Initiator,---------------- ---ib» lady Vatta wiU Bon Bogolariy
waa a pUamt pregiani of waate.
Botwaan the Point and Poneb
reeitaUana etc. Moat of the ladiea ra—•be to the Ptaaat Plaaonre Oiaft
taraad home laat eeealar.
on Oarplaka
WhM 8t Fnaata’ aeboo) aadaialraa SVBBSB TAKKXBJ' ZVtTITTrTB.
Htytldar it to alnza aaaaeaM. both
twaftollyaad arttottoaUy. The am- Progtam Sertbe Beettsg In thto City,
duly 6.
f ■yrn.at eaantoae Uat airbt were
The program tor the aammer far' - BO aaaeptloa to the niie.aDd a targe
................ to hw heU is Orange
* the • ■
hall, Jaly «, to giraa belowr
•mat arar gleea by the chureh.
The prograa wae opened by a (Hano
»-M o’clock — OpoSing eserdaea.
aelaetoflB by the Mlatea A. Martaa, M.
OelUm «Bd M. Beedhaia. Thto waa Addrmcf Wdaomo.Bos. W. W. Smith,
fteely readerod. aad reeeired the ap- mayor of Trartoae City: reaponeo Mr.
S. H. Saylar. preaideat at the oMoty.
ptam dna nal naaleal enltareg
The eaeond aanbar waa a vlUtary eodoty.
10 o'doek-“P&atfag aad care of
driU by the Jaator boya, with Haatar
A. Bam aa aaptaia. The captatogave Oroharda," Prof L. H. Taft. Agrtenltoa Mdiatia«; white the hoya. in atteac- ralodlege. PlieamliM.Jooeph ArAer.
Mee miifor* aad armed with air ga>»> Wm. A. MarehalL
of ooa*
n o’doek-“The
gave a.fine exhibition of the maanal of
tiaaisg aioek ratoing with frail grow
“Only U»e Fiah Swim Dp the ing,- A. P. Gray. Dtommioa. NeU
HWeem" waa the title of a credltahla
amay ^ Mtoa N. Coyaa Tht aompoai'
1:M o'clock—“Fangl aad Pnn.
wae inaritortow and the randigiddm.-Yrof. L. B. Taft. Agrienltaral
Mob axcallent.
Dtoeaidon. A. S. ^ Dokaoa.
The -Marry Ttadoe»ea« waa aang eoUeg^
' la eharaetar by a acore of Ultie boy* Oeoige Boaeh.
t:S0 o'clock—“Tke rarioaa moiboda
r potting ap trait," Mrs. J. ti. K
hoBM ring with eTideaeea of entbiiaielL DtoemioB. Mn, A. B. M^ae,
aatto atideaeea of pleaava and appra
Mn. B. £. Stowarv
Tke Archie orckeetoa wlU be prcoeBi
' -Mowa'a Blae Watari- waa redted
ehamlBgly by S. Bora, which waa fol- and foraiah maalc.
8. B. SannJL. Pnddent.
lowed by the “Bogle Ho«»," by a ohoS O. Lass, Secretary.
na of the aeaior girla One of the anXyhble maaieal aelaetioaa at the areafa^r waa gtraa by Mlaa M. Oampaao and
OadlUach Big Odebration.
. Matw 3. Laboate at Ue' ^aao aad
AU roada lead to CadiUae. and the
1U«« M. ChnoU. Beaale Pulgham cad
> are that they wiU be crowd
Lama Tngea, rioUtia.
ed with people attending the magnidA dialagne. “The Modcal Dtreator.-’ ceat eelebration at that plane on Satwaa glrcD by Maatar J. Laboate. W. arday. Jelj 3. Traretee City will be
Boodreaa. A Beam, J. Boeak. 3. tr lek- wau reproMatod. aad the Bacons it
ca, T. Vanreae. aad K. Kraata:
aeked to promm aU a day of esjoyAs amy on ‘*1he Uberatlag power ment oneqaaled la the celebratioi
of aAmtfen,'’ waa giree by Mtoa A. line.
Martaa, foUowed by fas fastaalaa by
“Praotieal aee .of Blaetrleity'.' waa ■flbm to Bo aude to Boat Boodida
of Orand Be«^ B^h SebooL the BBbjaot of aa amy by Maater d.LaMemben of the Trarene City Ath
boate, who diapUyed is theoompeeitioB maob th^bt aad a \borWh letic amolation ere aetirelypropartng
f» an aU aroiind field day tor next
haowtadga of bto thama
Mime Baaaia Falgham aad B. Bow- Friday on the fair gronnda There wUl
Bsa aatansisad with a oharmtng rlO' be Nblcyole raece by Trareree City'*
faemt ridera. ranning raeee. Jemping
•The Coat of a ProBiaa-waa the title and patting the abot. TbeboyewUi
try and beat the reocCde made ln.4he
ofaakatebwhieh waa
seated by Mtoa C. Seymoer. M. OoUfsa. field day eporu of Iha Blgh ecbooFln
e MoOU£ 8. Bwry. M: Barry. K. War« Grand Bapida
bnrg. Miaeaa 3. Baodreao, &. Dyer, T.
Biehard, B. Martineao. A.
Maatara J. Laboate. T. Verrean and K.
doaeph Wagaar aad wife of CineiBraata. Thia waa weU reoeired aad nattl, arrlred in'the city ycelarday and
•worthy ct the liberal applaaae be left Immediately on the Aeamer Oolstowed.
_ombU forOmeaa. Mr. Wagacr to the
A piaBO quartet, "The Trinity new manager of The Lealaaaa at that
Chimee.” wae readored with akfll by reaort.- Aoeompanylng Ihsm wart the
Mime V. BeeUmanlei. B. 1^. B. toUowlng ladiee: Mtoa OUn Bbea.
.Batmbery aad B. Martlnean.
Mtoa Leaa Byabarg, Mice Bom aad
A ^aad. medley of popnlar abewaa MtoiATaU._________________
am of. the meet anjoyabto meeioal
Bambeta of the erealng.
Btom 3. Baoker. M. CarreU. B. Fnl-
gkam; mamWim Mtonee K. OarroU. C
Kiahotooa. A. Dnsalagbam: gaitara.
wOl Boeeiee Doatrlbotiona.
Mtom B. Bowaaaa. V. Benllmaatei and
The Womaa'a Cemetery Ii
The regalar program wm ooDdaded aieoemwen wiU open their Hatnrday
market Jose l»th U Mr. Baakell'e
by aa eemy apos “AttaiamoBt of Soc^^
«m~ deliyarodby Mtoa M. Needham.
Per the Bm two maiM daye Toiaa*
The axardm were eloeed by the
. preeentatioa of gold medala aad diploam^UoB will be expected aad
maa to the gradnatea. Mtom M. Needtidleeare In hope* a goodiy number
ham. A. Mertaa. N. Coyaa aad l|Mter
' will reepoad to t^ reqamt.
i. LaboBU. The
win'll Ooatrlbntiona are to be delirered at
.nada by Be«. Father 1
t totbere- Mr. BaekaUh booktton not Inter than
.'of ^toe a^ eneonragei
- J o’dook p. m. and tooonatot of brand
—white, brown, aad aalt rtolng; eake.
Aaa Olab Bstertainmeet Detonad to
a Xmter DaU.
OwtaiftB ao many attraetioae next
- woMt. the Olec Oeb, nt ita meeting Uct
BiffO. dedded to pcetpoae the pcopoeed
eoBoert aatil toter. whom there are
M many ameeemont and eoeial aUiaetlona. In the meantime reheareaUwUl
oonUnee and when it to giren the oateHainmeat wlU be cm of aepedal
■ merit
__ _______________
Olorksvm Play Baa
The elerka on the aootii tide of Front
•koethareimed a challeage to the
otarka on the north aide of the atraet.
erhSA wUl be aeeapted The game
WlU take plaro naxt Tomday afterooon
-dn Twelfth atreet park. U it oaa be
1,.0.T.4L viatroBB.
* Tkavecae B^ Blya Sntertalsed Ptat^rge aambanof ladiae were in the
dly yefrday aa gmto of Tramae
Bay Hiea. L. O. T-M., a datogatk
Rrrt Te»r—Ko. 83.
ornouJf >A?»E
Dateb ekem, eta.
0. H. Bdwatda of OadlUae, regtoterad
at Bark Plaoe yentarday.
Mra. M. E. C. Bataewent to ManUtoe
yeetafday to riait Mra. C. W. Loa.*
Manly C. Dodge west to Chxriotto
yaptarday tor a few daya Heeded net.
A. W. Writo, of the baekst factory,
eame mp from 8L J«aeph Moad^ ai^t.
A. W. Jahrane and W. P. Kenny wUJ
drira to Empire aad Olen Bares today.
Martin Broton. nadm-abarlS of Loelanan ooonty>,<^nb onr from Leland
Bceidee thto, eoreral yeatarday.
-F. M. Gardner, formerly of tkto city.
emalUr cottagcaare ooBtampti
the sarreyor, topreparing I now of Otaod Bapida, waa in town
to lay out thegroonde which will be ap- ynxtarday.
Kimae Irene and Bade Alta Btelnportioaed Into lota which can be eeenred by tboee deelring to make earn- be^ bare retarsed from a rtoU to
le thto del'^tfcl epot. .Mr. Petoekey and 8t. Ignace.
Mra. Bean and Mtoa Boae Daffy of
WatU will hare Si bath beiuce erectod
next week, and for bathing tbU U en- Pomona an bore to be gneata of Bar.
eqnaled U noribem Michigan, haring a & Batobery-e famUy thl# weA.
J. M WatU of LeUnd wae la the dty
beach of fine white xand and erery
Be eanu aa far
thing reqntolta for aafety and healthfnlexereixa. Boat boom wUlaleobe axFonehinhto k
The -Lady.Watta,- Mr. Watte' pretty
e« geaoline Uaneh.
Satarday aad on her total trip ebe
of >8 milea in tonr bom.
SkeUthe.dDOet craft on Carp Lake.
Sia to M feet orer all and » feat beam,
aad to deeigned to carry
aeiigera. Tb.e Utarior datohinga arc
•f aeb aad oak and
A B^-plaud
rail axtanAx aitwnd the it>ak and a
oanopy to rato^ abbre the boat, with
to exelade the rata and wind
The boat wQl make regniar (ripe between Poach and LeUod
■t forahe aoeommodation of rtoitoce at the reaort.
Bcaidm goad beatiag, thoe to ao
prdnt In the regloa where there to eatii
good fishing aad no place in thto rtalniW where each fine aalmoa tooat tan
Mr. Watte Utande to make thto the
ideal reeort of the loealiW-
Thoetrleal Vol
PUkwiekClobtoroae of their eatortainmuu to barren on Monday.
Jane flat. The Pickwick Clab wmee
highly oommeaded and thetr program
to a deelded norrity U t
They ^re two exoeUent
playa, ooc from Ue pea of Sidney
Orondy. “In Boaor Boand,” a
fnl heart etory: aad the oUa le entitlad “Mtomatad."a
by.CherUe Daaoe. EagUad'a leading
Bandwiebed to between
there to an Intereai of twenty mlnatae
which to derotad to a mneteal and dr»matic redtaL
from Shakoepcara. Diokaax, WUl Ctorlton. BUej, eta.
••Oar Bittareat Foe” wUl be the
ppeelal feataro of WaU A Jobaetoa'a
perlormxnee at the Oper»*fieaae Thanday omiag. It to a ooe aet drama of
IntenM latareetaad wlU ^eaec the eery
beet eleaeeat of theatrical patrona
rock JnBi r.tos Jaly.k7.HB7.r.
Jaly. •AtI.
roata to Ne-ab-ta-wanta. They
hare Uelr ppUagea at Trarene Point
palntad and oUerwtoe fitted np for ecenpaney by Uelr tamiliae. who wIU arriee U a abort time.
Eaadaome 1
J. W. Slatatr. the Front ktoeet farnltare dcala. bae been awarded Ue er
tract for fnrntohlag the new lodge
roome of the Foiwaun. The appointmentawUlbe haadiome and modern,
and when the roome are omnpleta they
wUl be Ue moat attnetire ia the dty.
AffaBt,"a aimrUlag anmeiy. waa OBO
,I« music, from the Largeet Music Houaea ia.
off-« o8->i Aft
flao PROMT emcET.
«g. e. holleV, buiuom
Are cheaper in 1897 t^n th^ '
were in 1797.
OfUet* Bt^tetPhe
waU to bare that comtortaUa.
Ifa al>o well to elpcc yo«r cyca
Uam on artiatic and
WahmiUBAiffatmitak^ add
aecMBmodwiarlcmSMC we* x^
- yonr po&etbook.
eloae, joxt tha aama aa wa do
g In Uc FnmiUrc Una
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
oprofirin BAscnxB noontonn.
rrieaa Tonight.
Paetor Arlasdar wUl preach ia the
Ba^tixt ebnreh thto eeea^ la Ue
Swedtoh Ungnxge. All tomUUr wiU
Umraa^arcoordUlIy Isritcd to
attention to
Fancy Linens,
fore Bednoed aad Mr. Praidrleb to
one of Them.
The ealary of the poeumtar of Trartie City hu been redaeed from K.4C0
low, 300 pa year; the Utta fignre
being Ue iaou>t It wae before Ue Ingeaee of two yean ago. Other towne
enffered ax welL LodUftoa wax cat
tromW.S0a to W.ooo. Then wae an
laereaee la CadlUac from W.OOO
W.100. aad In Maaeeloaa from fil.tOO
to fil.SOO. Tb# towns of Lake City.
An Sable aad Milan were relegatad
from third to foarU claee ofioee.
The Latest Hits
A. V. Friedrich went to Empire ycB-
J. M. Watte of LelanA to preparing
te mpke'of UUnd Pdni the moat atr
tnotire aad Inrlttng littU reeort on
Chrp Imka. It to dtoated aboat l«
mUee from Foaeh. and to wKhin oaly a
tow mlnotee walk from L
a the paninMla. Ita nataral
!• are beantif al and a Uttie art
wUl make tbto a chnrBlag apotla
whUk to apead the ^t^ ter
campioff oat. A wmtortable cottage of
Wedded Imt VigbV
happy weidiw oeenrtad Uat m
at the home of F. FMmbolU, tix miUe
When Maaeger Sutotberg bobkei
frm town, la which tbednnghtar of Stan of Comedy be did e Uiag which
Mr. Fromholtt and 3. 'Stmbm wan
%a» etroek the- popoUr chord. Last
prtaelpaU. After the oaremoay •
night etandlng room tieketa
demand, wbleh tcatifled Uat Uto nU
adanoeinthe ban.
ttacttoa > appredated at Itt true
of fcUada were preeei
worth. WaUAJohneoahaTeemplpyed
nrttoto of so mean al^ty and the Udtoa
OrerbyMeUased on BalL
and gaatiemdb of UeoompanyareeaLorn. Orerby. who wae acreetad
tiUed to high ptatoe tor Ue exception
mlsma eosaly. barged with haring
Tbepitoeo^Utad a oHmiaal amitit spoa gram laxt nl^ was opened wlU n
Barbara Barlan. baa tom releaeed on domwUe ebOtah wl^ wae filled wiU
ball in the »nm of SUM. for hU ap|
anoa tor examlnatioa Jane tcth.
jagallty. John P. Carroll kept Ue
aadioBca In roan of ridaapUtting
Uagktar WlU hie fanny aad redieplou
ChUage. daaa U.—Wheat-Jane, •oage aad moBotogna^ TBk-Lerpyn
TDh; Jnly.,»h; September. MHs Da- woe agnia ncoorded /eaUnatootic
pUnee and Grade Ctommlaga da
imhm.aow.fldM: old. «7Xaad aang ha way into faror wlU tte
Ocn Jam. UHi J«lJ. «: Bee
bar, MHOato-Jana. Ms Jaly, Mlf:
bar. MMLard-Jam
of the engaging teaterea. and the epeetaenlar danea. “La OtoamaUoa." by
IQIa Axiei. oloaed the das program
Toaigbt tha ompaay wlU prodnoe the
Ulatinn “Llriag Shadowgrapha,- which to atom worth c
than the prleo of adatoeioB.
We have just received a very pretty line of CENTER
Hold undisi>uted swa.y
over our competitors in—
and other articles too numerous to ihention. Saatfdes of
these goods can be seen in our window display. Those
interested in Fancy-Embroidering would do well to loc^
over the line before the choicest sues are gone.
Why? Because we do
not cheapen the goods. It's
the price that we lower, not
quality of goods. Will cost
yon nothing bu^our time to
Inves'tigate. , We place on
sale this week many lots of
well made and up-to-date
Broken Sizes at
Less Than Cost
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
in order to close out entire
stock of ChildrenVClothing.
Thonsandu of dtfllara by
' because they ,'used our
huudred, of people, aO
1 lot of $2.00 Suits
1 lot of «3.00 Suita
for.......... .............
1 lot of ,$4.C0 Suita
2 gg
« Best” Flour.
I lot of *3:00 Suita
ReMmkw pio gM toptmktr
Mtas H til Straw fati.
A Few ]l^rgains In Shoes;
. .BSO
Taa Can Atawgra tta SSfiT ai
TBB lioaroro bjoobp, wbp»b»pat. ixm ity iam.
Bvwy mamhw of Northoa Star
a M. P.. to reqaeMed to he praaat at the reyslar Beottoyat a otoioA
«*TO«*onT, - «o«OAl.. thto eveatoy.
Tha Baettom asd Aaylama played a
peeetlee yame a<tbe yronadaof the
totter yeeterday, aftarsoaa aad the
Battoft wwe defeated hy a oeon of M
«M. T BAW* AFP 3-^^
to 14.
X W. BamAm. Editor >»J
d. r. Portsrasd MM Asaa SteSeM
It to laid they were armUlolma«M«Mk.l>r<«rrt»r,
atoy. wherea marrlaye oeraiOBy.to to
««B»lk>.brmEll. •
At the toat reysler awoUny of Hecm cnccuTOB PhereoB Belief Oarpa.
FM»atmv. •
waa, etoeted asd isaialled a prealdat.
asdOartla Maea aa aeeretary^ffieee
made vacant by the rcalyBatlo& of
M TraTMM 0l»». Sarah BiUiker aa prealdeat-
■ ^ ^^^^S'eTrau.,
erl^MM of Inprot*
•A todwtrlk) ooBdlUou to tb« Menmato*to«of**rl8r»oftoborlBf p«)pto. la
/ f Moraport of Cotnailtaioner Jo*t. rombUj oomplctcd.Ukt shown tiMi the
bMks OJ
of MicniB»u
MIcblcaD oonUlB
4»rtaf«4epo.luoTef‘tfc« raport made
to DMmnWr. iw-s to the amooBlof
ThU meau that worktMg BUD and womea an bertulat ««
mn mmtr and If 11k7 "* «▼!>#•
•oaey tbeymo»tbedolac«o«
«r raoolTlng more
*»»«» Uat
y«ar. ^e
abc wci
poaito alao ebow afe tacTaan. amoaatisf lo kSW-tss-iMV. Tho-torra oMMa of
oomm-retol dopeaito arrw* AtraBrl^
TBs Krai-iFO Phkm 4m sot a(t«c
with the i^mtoUtert'
mtm that ilhere ha* bM a ehai«e
MBtlaioat dnriaf the paet few yoaia
the day of real U the oo'y time when
«ha maeaca of laborlarmw bare^as opportaslty for recreatios asd ontdoor
SUE It U alao arrned that if
•uday ball ia atopped is Oraod Baplda
•Imt tltwUl be the end of baae bail
apdrt to that city-
Btobop ChelghtoB of IxaidcB. who rePOLLOWCO flV THOSE WHO TEND THt eatly wwe e mitoe and oope, wea the
Am btobop of LoBflonto doaotnIM
Oom Pnl’a' ytaDdaoa hw hem re
moved from a yarcramatoSoeat Krnyetedtcp beoaeaa betooke Innlttoyly
of Qofacn Yiotwia.
Oeorye D. U. Petootto of Cleveland
A llybtbooae keeper to eppoisted by to painttoy a portrait of Bewetaty Oaye
the seceeuiy of the treeahry on the rco- ud haa u order to paint three partim of the Uybthaae boeid. {
PreaideDt McKinley.
aod .at firm ^ivee uly u actisy apThe Bev. Ferdinud A. Uta of BalpolBtmut. At theend of three mcotha. timare. the proTinoial cd the easieio
if he paaaea u examinatioe by the na-1 provinoe of the Bedemptonet order, baa
val otBocr who to U14 ioapectat of the 1 dnat cel
dialrict, be reeeivM a^foil appolotmcBt; ,{ -----Mra KmiUe deweU. aged M.___
If be *.................... ...
I xbel Lewia,
be ia dn^. fR»
17. have been married in
A keeper mutt be able to Knort
ooBoty. Ky. Thto ia Mra' dew>
read and write, keep aecouta. aali qnd eU'a fifth matiimmitol ventoie. ud aba
to aaid to be the mother of SI ohiidren,
al ability to make the neoeaaary minor the yoonyeto older tbu her boahud.
repaire abont.tbe atatioa and keep it in
The new city yovcmmeirt of St. Lonto
order. There ii only one grade of keepto dutdedly Teotosio. Mr. Zi««vnbeltt
Wont Oet aOut Bndor tha Vew* „ rteoyolied by law. bot the
to m^or, and uxxiy the other eoccMHairalton Treaty.
tbe service has divided the keepers into
for mtmldpal offioe are
Waabli«toa,JBaa Ift.^-Thetraatylor dlffvwnt ^w. with different pay and 1
|Best. J
the amoesation of the Bawalton tolanda
W the Onlted Sutea will be aeht by the
prealdent to the
Iwa the preaent plana are ebanyed.
Mu oXoae to the admlolatralion. aod
those eayagMl in poahlny tbrooyb the
treaty will be tranamiiud tmnorrow.
One po^t of importance to which the
truty^erofrom that n^ltoted by
Foetar to Prealdent Barrlkon’a adDtototratiM la the vmiaslra of
uy provtoton torex-<io.eu Lili
ud Prtooces Koiotool. That truty
provided that the United Btetee
pay the ex-qoMo the um of tso.ODO
oaah and the same amount of aaohey as
apremlos euh ywr. dnrtoy the rw
matoderot bernatarml life, peovided,
ibe to yoed faith, eobmltted to the
yoveramut of the United Btatee and
the Boyal yovemmut of the Island.
Prtooaaa Kotolanl being next to line of
the Boyal blood, was to reoelve tha
eaah paymut of S150,000, bot no puolu uder similar {ooviao. u to the
ease of tha ex-Ooen.
' It to Boderatood that uy objeetim
that might have beeo axpaoted to the
aanexaUm of the island, bnaed u
of Coollaa to Uie.populaUon.hu huo foraalallwl by u ar-
pointed to the eorvloe end omigDea to e
particnloratation. hot he may be moved
at any time if promoted or if the intereeto of the service demud l» At etaUona rniBirlny but one keeper a retiv^l
aeafoiing mi^'Vilti
man.'Vilti a family,
family. la nsnally selected, and to general psu of tha
•eatariny clam are moat wuted. At ateUona where there la e fog aigtial one of
■afiftante is a man who has u enytoeer'a liouae end is sometbiny of a
Keeper* are paid cm an avenge aboot
|800 a year, hot the individual toms
paid vary tram $100 to Si.000 a year,
aooording to the importuce of tbeataUon aad the amoont of amice render
ed. The prioolpal keeper et Minot’*
Ledge light. Jon ootoide of Baetoo. reoeivea $1,000 a year for bia aervicea.
and this fnmiahea tha only ioaunoe
where the pay of a keeper to apeclfled
ty law.
Tha fceq«rs who lire et isolated
UfhUiooses ud on the oSabore liyhlabips lead a very monotonraa life broku only by tbe sight of pasting vaaseU
aod tbe qaancrly visit of tbe Ugbtbooae
“The Best
I Ever Tasted"
Is what many people remark after drinkink a glass of lea Cream Soda at otir
foutato. It will only cost yon 6 oute to
try a glaaa -Yon will have toe eama exM otoeri—Beat frnlt Jntcaa
Nteokfy Ie« Cream—eiamaa. spoons, ete.. :
always eleuuAoap and water cu eaako
deaiynerof the imperial :
ard. tbe linen ctf a
by tbe tote o
Dr. Wiley, tbe cdiemtot of tbe nyrienl
twnl depa^mt to Wi '
Chat to bis opinion tbo omning salad oil
will be made of sunflower seed. It is a
perfect aobatitote for olive cdl and*wiU
be so cheap that It^may be used on tbe
pogr mu'e table
Matthew Amold*s Olynpiu ma
are said to have excited amnsed
8. Z. WAIT.
Bring Your BabiesGet ■ bonnet or bat nt half-price.
New stock—150 different style*—sre
nil .going this
018 weea,
week, eincuy
strictly ai
nt wholewuuteenle price—from 10c. to nn nil nilk nt
Pennell’s Millinery,
Let u make aome for yon.
tfkrnMI *8
rias Your
Pnr. Fowdmsd Spies.,
Pnre CreBm Tartar,
197 Pairs
<*aaPiir«Bakhixre«eer. V roa vnaa t
■■X* II. a pvaaS* tor llAO. Suberr Um
ftaMerTBMax.aUa*M,WM*r Bottle* U
aatM* tor ltr» yuarm.) rgaetot* ant
■any UaSa IPiwa BnMhrt. asd AumI
OlywrlDv aad Wask Ba**l LMtaa. to*
buds *nd iaee.
Meo'P, Ladies’
and Misses’
At Our
In Light Tan Colors.
NsArlj all AM the Pingree dt
Ss^tb mehe of ShOffl.
.... $2.50
“£r."°r....... .....100
... ..... 1.60
...... ..... 1.25
...... ..... 1.00
of them in to close at one
Caries de.Kay. tbe art criU®, whom
afterward pnt several lines
cents while they lasti-this is" best."
ten£^ u onr conaiil geoeral in Berlin
hu Joat expired, haswon new Unieto to
Oermuy ai e clever tenoer. Hto por
trait recently appeared in Sport Im
Bild M Um Vonimuder dee Bwltoa
Mn. Halley, widow of David Halley. bu ^n pieaeoted hy tbe exai
cents that were good—We
your choice of same now for sevejit^-nin?*
^ Abhed^wbo CO yeexa
Tonafler hroUm explored
boa Jtat died to Paris al
I the aye of 87 yeim. He wee,bom to
Dobho of u Iriab motber and a Frueb
e keepere yet w
aboot two weeks in three monUia. dor
Babkkt Bak^^to. the Kaffir Klof.
tog which Ume they vtoil tbvir families
' the Btoders MoMe Ototo, to dead;
on foil pay. A ligbthonae
on u ootly- toclxiiig waybewonld yeoerally
4oad • by hto owe acU haetor leaped
log ivef. for ioataoce, to on tbe aame U argument by, "Yea, yea, my good
fcdlow. yon an qpite right, hot yoo see
ieom a ateaaier Into theoeean. The
............... _
aatoidewe* ■■ example of stoetaeotb
•aatery fleek. ahrewdsern'or fesina. yretiooofaocb leborm to the totonda.:
lcave.lt except when they are re- 1 have little dosbi it to tbe tne ooa
Prcfeeeor Bacrisof Coniell ooiveraity
ioy the oomloy of uy lieved, as a etorm might oome np ud
whatever you cbcoae to call It
to having
having a napblba Uuucb boUt •hieh
era* repeted to be the w^ihleat mao (^oeae from tbe totoods to other ports prevent their retom.
oae in a aummer course to 1
Mach to duae by the lightbooee board
ia the world, which waa the height of of the United Stntea
stu'iy of the fomil rockt of Kew F<
itaemhto ambltioe when a dretu perforster.
I ployees, but moat ia done for tbon who aUli-udrlaeu-bm. Srienoc teacbers in
Bowever, this U> cash whereto riehea
udnre tbe aolitary life « tbe toolaled the acbool* of tbe etate aoay take thto
failed to brioy eoetioued earthly haplights ud cm the ligbiabipt. Libranea coorae with do more expeose tbu
Beyardlny Cedar ] are fomtobed tbe krepen and their would attend a atuumer rcaidpooe to
I familiea. Each coDtaioi aboottOvol- lUiaca.
Bx-Qt>:k.v;Lii. may sow paoae asd
ecffworkaof bwtoty. acience ud
Sam StvveneoB
a o( MePberaoo oonnty,
Waabtoyton, Jeaelt.—TbeHlchiyon ;
refleet how saeleaa were her eoeia)
Ku.. went away
to Cuba
Cobs aod Joined
ealto epos Brealdeai Cli
toe inmirgrnta. He waa captured by
*'*M**‘: nation for three moollu. and to then Spooiab and. afuo^ rvusiniug in ptoon
ae it U wrlttes »he wUllhot yet the toy, are laboriay ooder a decided mto-. tnuiferred to another atatioa by
for aome time, waa given tlie cboiae cf
flM.000 aoBsIty «bich«M Wepoeed I appreheoakmwlth'r^erd to what the | apecior on biaqaatteriy viait There are being abot or swearing eltoyianoe to
‘ l.ObOof
■ ...............tbeaeijihri
aeute did with the importrot pan-! Dearly
jihrariea in cites Spain. He naively wrote to hto friends
her favor. I'odr tblni^,
graph of the lumber echedole ooveriny |ponabto caee. in MoPbenou tool "while I
trolley, elec- j “'*• ^
jndioioot interehange. the pMrtot I wa* not a d----- gl fool
Via. Kalvtoa flttowos Itaad.
I keepers, of atatioo* where they are for,
^ volnme* a year.
Mie. Malvtoa htimeoa. wife of the trie light aod Mleynpb pedea
Aa a matter of fact, the Iwnbrrj
^ forbidden to eoyage in
3ala Levi B. HUmaus of Old MUelOB,
41ad at that place yeeterday momtoy' aehedole u it pameii the eeoate pro 1 any ln><loeai which will prevent tlwir
Emily Blgi it ootwlderiiig an offer to
cf heart trouble LTbe heabasd died vides a prctecUon of *0 per cent ad va-1 preeeace at (heir atetiooa or interfere tw«*rto Tudeville.
4jrU«a. Mta.8tiBiao8W«B7fyeaieof lonimontbearUetoereferredlotfbelbcr-with the proper perfononnoe of their
H. Orattu Doanelly to at work npu
of eadar or of other wooda This { dniiea Many have oaefol and profllable a new comedy drama for Ada BoUim.
■yia The fsoeral will take plaM from
« tbe form in which the blU «
«he tote realdesce of the deeeaaed ud
Cbaonccy Olcou i* aaid to eootemrutiona while name fill polpica, are
the iBterBtest at Mapletos. Jamea B. ported to the bonee and paeced. Vhec Juiticea of the peace or trsrb school plate a tour of EngUud tpA Ireland
the bin
MmaoB. aoB of Uie. fiUmaoe, i* the
Ail keepen are fomUbed with qoarten
10 th. ....U U,. word, -or oihrr
•■ly esTTivioir mimber of the family.
Ebiffla Pollock haa ooeced artrony In
wtmda" were etrlckvo oot, bot wbeo j iheir famiiin. to eome eaeea ihev ate dividual bit at Loudem aa tbe conbrette
I "•fbo Oouty Fair."
the bill waa passed, on Senator Alii-1 faniabed wiUi food and• ntiooa Other
eon's motion they wen relnaerted. eo, autiona have horu* fonuabed for cattle
Alctoe Only will be a member of tbo
At the bualDPA* meetlsy of the Ep- that the meeanre as it went thronyb >t>d.boi«H. and bouti are fomiabt-d sU Oirakl AVeune Theater stock oompany,
worth leayve UoDday
Id—, u .d ..lorrdi d.t, ol Mlo—x-IU. ... luid
Fbiladi'iphia. next aeasoo.
day otfieen were elected:
tollian Kbaaell baa received u offer
oenl OB tocae arUclea without regard
always rigid, as befitting
X. B. Pieroe; first eicvprri
from b'Orly Carte' to *pp>-ar next
to the kind of wood of which they arc
where negliycaioe or iaelfirieDcy may montli in one of hto London opera pn>iwekhart; eeeoDd Tioe-prealdrat Hay wade.
meu toe la*a of muy tivet ud moeb dnetiono.
third vlce-prealdeot Cffie
valoeblu ptoperiy.
a; fourth vlee-prealdeBt Flora
A. Do Sonebet. utlmr of “Ky
Dtoffltosal inauntly followa to two
«t aeeretofy. iVuitcr Lyoo:
-where a keeper ia foood intoxl Friend Frexa India" ud "Tbe Man
oatrd and where b« allow* hi* light to Prom Mexioo," to to write a play tor
•anatot TUlmu Wuta Them u Pay
yo oot Keeper* are tcaioed to ooutider Walter E. Perktoa.
$1 a Bead.
Ulliu Nordica will retnrn to Amer
Sheet Two are Vow Oae.
the care of toe light ud tbe ligbihonse
Wtahlnyton, Jnne IS.—Senator Tlll- property above any and all peraooal. ica to Septombrr for the Maine mneical
WOltom Uilbert of Beat JcddtB aod
loday yaVe notice to toe ammd- coutideraUnns, ud it ia rate iod««d feaUval, after wbickabe wiU begin a
Cela Kouybt of thto oKjc
^ ’.wefi
when they fail to realim tbia high lov of 40
, werTlefl toat eveciDy. The omaioBy meat of toe tariff MU. providing ter a ideal. There have been a uember of laDway aod William Schn;
Henri Dnmey
hta. ,The
./'waa performed by the ' Bev. D- Ooehlto. head tax of SI on all immlymata.
of St Loots have sold to Richard Mi_.
* •« hto reeldeaoe 00 Waahtoytoa *t^; naaeadment makea it 'bvcraaary for a of tbe aervice—
keepers of tbe ; field tbeir new ploy. "Nellie Moray,
ncroon to enter toe United States for Miuot'a Lodge light tbe
first bnlU
for Now -York pr^ooUm to October.
toa pnrpqae of eayayiny to trade or down with the light ud died at ibeir
Srevltiaa. Z'
^ 'Whyi
labor with toe tnteaUon to bMme
poato, bow one keeper eeved kto lena
The Boy*' basd b
oittora. Thd prorlao shall only mmato ud let hto family look out for tbsmto it nn-rraarr
pai^oBeat to yo to
la effect naUl alJver la admitted to oar celvee, and tosteocee where they have people loap
totbseaeh year
mints for eotoaya at a ratio of IS to I saved pnblio property ud lost Ibeir ia idieacM, aa toe boya• and giria of
tola eitydo every yaavTr To be
.. Sara
Aaa. C Avery ha* laM a i
oa tha aama oonditiona with y«
toe dtf eehooU are oloeed bnt the boaiFortunately the service I*
araik.at the reeidaoee of
peted by uy qoaetion ot politics.
ilitics. 1
^ fact ooopled with lb* excell
Or. Hoes went to Old Mtoalon torn
A poor old widow living Tn tbe Soot■lyht to atwad the child of Joho Lar‘
ih hlyhlamto waa oaUed open cm day
men who take u honest pride In tbelv : take oa* or more atodlaa ud dmdve
Tbooid 1
woric. and ttoose totereat makef Ibe ef-; gn at benefit from them.
The dat« of the Ooeyram of Statw,
of her oendiUoa aod n
d that her fideapy of. too aervice what it it it it '
to he yiveo hy Profewor Martaeyb. aoo waa to Australia and doing well
•rile, epelling aod panmanaMp and
nnfoTtnnate that ibe oavy baa no retir
Baa heea flimd for dime tl.
of varallw
are Just the
“Bnl doea be do ootolny to help yonr' tog lawa for its mamso which wonld toeae weeks
'bich to per
Teke the eUUna to eee Beeaty asd Inquired toe vtoitar. "Ho.Dotolny,”wa* allow men after <0. U or BO fears serv- Umeia which
eonld also be aeeompliabrd In
the Beaat at the Opnm Uoime flatarday toe reply. "He writes mo ngelarly loe, dependtag on to«. pbydcil eoodl
onoe a month, bat only oendi roe a lit Uon of tbe man. to be retired and
aftwmoea. it will pieaaalhem.
are weU up to
in the BngUab braneCte.
tle plotore with hto letter. ” The gem
placed in the ligbitaonse aerviM for toe }>reatt.
----------- think
...Bk tbl* onn- and do not
B. M. FraskUa wUl yo to Jfe-ah-tame one of the piotn
red of toelr live* A valnabls dam of allow valnable Uma to be wuted. bat
waata today to p^t two eoUayee fbr
men woald tons b* added ud tbe na- «*ai at the College ud nxaM------O. r and WUllam P. Ooeklla of Qrasd
ton to be a draft for iCltk
Uon would be paying a debt wbidi
Thai to toe eoodltlon of many of gownnpaid.I.—Pbiladel
tolphia Udger
Ood'a eblldxvn. Ho bo* given ns muy
Mta. a P. Dlekermaa loft yesterday
Warrtan ad<* CaUama
4w Oiaad Bapide aftw a two waeks' toes” which 9 edtber are igmrut of
"Wbo to tbat taiber plainly dreaaad
vtolt wiU ker atotor. Mie. A. L. Joyae
il to appropriate
appropriate. Many of Uiem mu wito tbe Iran grayrbau sitting to
to be intty plotmea of
"ThatUOolaoelBluk. Retouold
poaee and rest, bat are not appropriated
W D. Oc
upraottoal helps to dally life. Andnot oompalgBas wbo boa won
aaad Bydor. and (lA.VbMrv
oatoWty as u Indlu fighter."
to Carp lake Teetwflay toonlay to
“1 have bea^fl"Sr-M^Wbo to tint
■pad the day dthtoy.
OBU ahM pUeea them wiUito reach of fiaree looking gian to Uh gotgMms naiWilliam Beek.tbeaoathaldaeaaJaa- nil. aad «• may aneiqglaM theblem- form, with apaatots, oockad Mt aiM
gnU brald7"
ttopar.haeetanodhtoBodawatwtoaat' ‘Thnt-s OdgMl vu Oeavn ••
Mnsfly ^ todM'
•fa, whtoh to aa waaMt aad a aouae
“Whom haa-ha aver tonghiT"
•I oeoUar aammer haveratea.
We luve a line of liata
at one dollar and fifty
- dollar and nineteen cenU—that was better—
>•: •
I Better,.
Come early before sizes are
broken. - Make no mistake.
* The Original.
WOBBB^'atX. :
Soda Fountain
OeuBWr w* a
It Makes
No Difference
Wbetoar yon nre ueadtor
$1 or $1(1. yon <rant to get toa brnk,
vela* R
tor toe pertieaiar amonnt^ent.
yon iwvuiu
retnrn swu.
from m
a ahr“’““
Whu yi»u
trip there U eatlsfncUu
uUsfncUon in feeling
feelto that
wr.. have
h.M mm
ImiA tolr
fair retnrae
pmtima tor
to yoer
moeey. My prieee ere low. my valM*
are high. Whatever emoantyoaopetofl
toonr et^ yo«^ g«^ boneat ehou
Ever Bnmed Ost ?
o. r. o
Livery, Bus and Feed Stable..:
Fwdiug turner, hoim, s .peeWty; Horn, bmided,
8. J. WOBOAX. Plop.
Wk* Ar« Ato«» TlMlr MwlMi
'Ut mr
OoV*mm*trt ln\mlgr«nt tetion •• tdoo'i WAN
Aiv more
»0» wiina.
Altlm. •■ mm Stood by Hit Fri«ndg.tlM Nmvg‘pgpAf Man.
ball Baaoafer
who gave tba
tb« Biulo ball
■tNtwYerk InAthM.
bnrlMqoA -Tba pMpie t to* art
(blog bDl taama
lUUDI «Dd BOtblOg
WHOLE PLAIT IB SWEPT lWAT,'f^*““,^*SoB !«» .d aoiorirbo---------------■
loaUa bIwK ao arti«. I'm going to
' ti
' ar I tolfh* loaa ▼aaA*mir> ..gMi nr* h« a
tea mm-1 taar ag the Irfier tot
* with All IM 1>
t aaT«a. BT
pr^BTiHw of BlBd
alcd and
eogaga blm
If ibe {lUr't a taotjeia. the aitial did it.
If tt'i a fallore. it waa tba aattaor
BocnetiBM 1 wooder. wbe^ baar tbeae
■mU *»wa Mawlr WiaaA Oat aaA
XawipMiar *,
~-------KllM-.r«eh»r tianwg All**.
amtutalk. wbai u tba Baa (4 tbetr
Aahevme, N. C.. June IL—An «nes■ttg plaja written for ibem at all.
New Tork, Juise u\-Tbe IJnliedgutM
pacted lneldcn(.of Prealdent HcKlnlera
B OB DIU Tbar^' ind^Ddant of tba draaailau. vlalt developed yeaierday' nfwmoon
Uiand. U New Tork barbor. nj dc and 1 aiK^d think tbey wuald }ntt ttep when It became knowo to newapaoer
. atrorad bjr nra tbU inonlag, but wlib
men accompanying the party that per*
probablr ae loaa of life. The Arc vaaOrat they don’t dc that Tti«7 meiely eon- Bl**i-n to eater niltmorc Honee. Oeotg*
aaan at U:H a. b. by tba lookout from tent tbemaeUe* with refnnng 10 apaak W. Vanderbilt'a aplendid raanalon. bad.
at barbor pcdlea atailon.' He ftrat eo-1 thli or Chat Unr becaaae li'a‘nittrii.’
tlaed a flame about at Ian* ai a man'a
hand coming out «f the window on the aAd ibeo aaring U'« the fault of tbe au■aentd floor toward tba eaBiero end. Tba ibor that wdiod)’ langbi at their atspld
An apraad rapidly. At l:tt a. m. tba gaga: I ban«^ to have a Oniich of
w along tba anilre itwf Wgan to fall, 'am ben. and that laned me for tbe
Are to the wordan pier* anA feat of Bjr Ufa. Uenafler I’m oat of
ibKUagr An
o/«ocka CBB aaltbar aide. At >:U »• "»• «ba
‘Whal an «mMT“ uked Um IaboWbola waa a maaa of
tba entire Inner barbor and the lower
'•Tbay're chiefly actor* whoTe conpart of New Tork. A* quli-kiy u pnoldemoed
u ooma and act lo tba mualo
bia two Bcttoo* «f pQllre. tw ehiy
lunchea wm lent taalla for Ibrea timea a* moch aa they
bill laui
and tbe pon « patrol
a«ar got to tbair Uvea heft.,
to tbe UUm
Tw> rtn-BMU BMtl t« the Bmm.
they do la to call everything rotten.' da- noMB w.vAgpggKLTTciiinuti D warn
An alarm waa Immediately aant tp the dda that tfaay know niora about the
lower preclnrl police etailona of the city play than tbe man who wrote M—aod been refuacd to them, while extended
a»d iwemy'ltve rotn were ordered to walk aroood adtbongh It were beneath other member* of the parly. Vanderbilt
atlve. Cba*.
* the aeene. The Are beat New Tcrker them to do at^Uig^noro like atnlng
waa aoon under headway with Amnen. than that whan ii came to thatiBeatWo McNamee. I* w lih him. In the abaenoe
policemen and other*. Tbe Are boat
of bulb tbe eaiete U governed by E. J.
Bephar Mtlli waa wnt to the Irlaod aa
Harding, aald lu be an Engliabmah by
‘'And hama. what are they—the aort
Quickly aa the aould be made ready.
birth. tVbrn walled on by the local
Tbe and of the building In which tbe of ba&a yoo meanr* .
of arrangementa a day <
■ ‘Tbry'ra ehiedy variety acton acoat- two ago for |■erml■slan for the proBdei
Are aurted wae twed for eli
tooted to bard work, toegh aayba. with and party to enter Bllimore Houae
Hour- he
a qaallty of get there that makea-tba objected atrongly terwelvlng any
BonalderelUe number of iBmlThey’’
aod tbe aniati think tbey’vegotiedown.
Tbe dlSereace I* between trying to do
Benlloeied there a
weU. heoanae ll'e tbe beat
hotel. In charge of the party here, and
binfecting department.,
ncDi., ang
and gi
greet eta* opportanlty you've
In the course of coaveraallon had with
Intereat at all In It
term in which are atored large quai
two member* of ibe committee aald;
tlea of rainwater gathered from tbe roofa 4n the habit of doing what yon think la "Mr. Vanderbilt splu on newspaper
better. ”
do L*'
' -Bat laA't it better, aa 8am Bernard
MeKlBley V'
aayt, to be a baa bean than a never waa
After ihl« ihei wa* nothing for the
local committee
do but withdraw. So
"Maybe it la, bat it'a rough on tba the matter rested till yeaierday when
tranaferred from the laland to the barge
president arrived and J. Addlqiq)
•Ace at the Battery, leaving no om on maDa^er who pays bli Boney oat for
try. •**
told of ihe
tbe laUnd except the firemen and a few them I• bad oie'of them bare, and IIncident. He muxt have Informed the
stiendante The ftrrjrrf.at John O. Car*
ildeut. for later Harding wa* called
Male, vhlrti pile* between tbe Italtery
the ielepbone by Torter and
and'Em* Utand. arrived at l:tO o'clock
1 tickle Ihe andlnewepaper
thta morning from the Uiand with the ence to deatbhy some cniwely original rmn would nol be admitted to the man.
^.^elfk from tbe hoapllal.' There were griudaof btanwn A'beo the Imd came, j alor. Potter waa told that It
MWMafw.w..* r**^cn andd forty-flve
poBeo be wi
went on the stage and did the quna | he then informed Hard ng that the pre*.
ly of tl
Idml c-inslflerrd' that the newspaper
tbtugi he bad done 11 year* before
WB« never able to do anything else dar men were hla.inviivd guewt* on tbe trip,
ing the rest of Ibe lime I bad aoiM and that they were a* much a con
tingent of Ihe party aa member* of the
other* like bini. aixt thgt is why 1 any cabtnrt. Furthermore. Porter notlfl-d
UaaeripeUa af the BglMtae*.
Tbe building* on ElIU UUnd
•Und 1werertra- pow that 1 only want bamt. not artlita Harding that tbe president had aulborply vaet w ixiden ebed* made of tbe moel —bani« ibat work hard and know bow ited him to My lb
tnflammabir materlaL
build. lo wake an andience enjoy itself, not
e barred from
the mansion be
>4 by IS4 feel and three aturiee am«i« too flue lor anything
Kew Would not step hi* foot Inelde tbe es*
high, il wa* i-imrtrjcled ei.ilrely i.f York Ann
‘ pine. The Aral floor «a« devrtrd to the
r(Mb nge Par Nartberw MarkeM.
baggage room, the ou.it.m bnufr.ofltrea.
ThI* brought ihli
Fnwli flge'arv not known or appreci Harding
with tbe beat grace
ling capitulated
ated ill oortbern astkeu. and ronaa- pnatible and the
Aoor was occupltd by IImmigrants Tl qoeally the demand ii too llBited to
. II (pare dlvKStd IrtP petu
' It aeeins doohtby plrket fences The thlrdA«r-w*a a
' - of freth flgt
gaUery from whlca.lhe riyrdi b-low '«" »
reacniBllve Pearson persusdwl Me]
coold be iiaperieq v-ltbout mmlng liT Will ever become a proBubla buemeas ley lo attend a meeting at the Young
contact with tbe tnepecinra n>e whole Tbe fruit It more periabable than any Men> Inalltuie hall ilhe gift of O. W.
Other that ii'geamllyniarbeled Itcan VanderMlO of colored |>efli>ls Tbe ball
I valuable peoprriy hat war. how- be handled only ty tbe moat rarefnt
mi*A to lla utmost capacity with
»nd rs|i«rieiiced persons and even then colored people, comprising the laboring
af tmlgranis Into the United fitaiee sIdm
nol in a oondlnoa to show tta beat | claasea as w ell as local colored pollthe beginning of i^goveram^L
; tirlane and their wives and children.
the ut^beni luairkeU are crowded with I
many well known fruiU and not briAg *''»> R«P»vw«>tatlve Prar«n on one
ghagbaap* It aad aa-KsplaaUB JUIM a ,
(n tiu. CM ^
*•“ minute* he ehock band* at
Wamaa and IrJaM OiMea.
|A^wco!d at heal gain favor alowly
^ whim. It waa very warm work. Piva.
Auburn. Cal.. June U.-^eorgrlt
people do not cam [ „„y the prealdenf . ailed for air and
BIlBlng town In RIdoradn eouiily. twen- ! The fa« that many
flrei would be another ■even
seven colored mrn fanned blm while
iy.|lve mile*
mile, from here,
h^. bqrned
bqraed to Ihe ';
p„pnUrity the handshaking went on. At Blltmore
ground yerterday. The Ary originated ! Monow. the flg U a teditm* crop lo ■ he luxuries of tbr lllnmry were lingered
in Abenard’i
In Ihe.Vmiddle dsho
, *
.... TT.
V .ndstore
le wDcu
luc •'ver with especial delict. Mrs. Mcof .b.
tbe n.ain
main ).i^
uireart >K,.b-.v.
w^n lu
iD projiTr
ooodlliao fwihC
of the main blc»k and apread h.ibwayA
ti .. nrnmarr rn nirk thr tirra Klnltw wae given a handsome booqu l
I u.i. * vui.^1 .««uiirs
Aa OiitlMpoa.
Why Go
. Cor. DbIob and Niath at*.
lewalk within the eitv Ilmila. i
• theaameia provided wlihaati
or gong.
ralk.ahallbe rang, ■truckor
•oanded when meeting or passing a
Aeraon within hearing diatanoe and not
leas than forty feet dUtaal from aoeb
p<non, and. when riding in the atraet
HIMES, tbe Pho
upon approaching a walk ercaa'
nnUl fnrther notloa t)
ahaHUlOm Banner be rounded
leeathan forty feet diatast fitm aach
Attention, lest Side!
Beerytklag ta tha line of
Groceries I
The Beat Grades at the Lowest Prteam
Frank Stepan,
Sudflltih 8t,Vflfk 8UU.
^’sa&^^No person diall rldeabk- and no extra charge for groapa. !
yda or aafen or aay almliar vebida aa meaber this work la guaranty first
aay aidawalk wlthla ^ city
eiaaa in every reapeet or inotiey refund*
per hoar. Nor on ant aUaei at a pUee-Front aad :
grMtar rata of apMd than twdve aUea
; i-ltahall beanlawfal for any parto throw, aeattrr, Ikavr.aweap. depodt, dr<9 or place In any pc bile atraet.
or alley, or upon any of Ua bridge* or
aldewalka within the eorporau Tlmlu
Iron, aaUa,*lo.
. lo. wire, electric light car
bons, asbes. or any other things, of a
ibataoce liable to esuse
eaute a ponetare
ponetafe to
the tires of such vehicles, aa are bcreiii
nsBcd or that would interfere with
the ose of such vehides. aod the
_e ex
OMSIVC sprinkling of any atraet. alley
by I • per*
-an extent aa to leave
atandlog water or mud thereon, i*
herely cxprvmly fc
8x4 i —Any perso n or pereoea wlo
hall vioUie any of the provUionr
requirrmenia of ihU ordinaace. on cii
vtction thereof, shall be punlal ed by
fine of nut leaa than one dollar, nor
more than fifty dollar^ and eoau of
prosecution, and the court may make
furtber sentence that the offender, o
failure to pay such floe and ouaU. be
imprisoned In tbe County Jail of Urantf*
Traverse <oqnty or in the the cUy
prison ...
pruvided however, the term of iaprlsonaent akall not exceed the period of
twenty <$oi daya
Skc 6.—It sball
Chief of Police
RIMES, PhotopajhH.
Ct’y. are
kaiwby repealed
age. a.—Tb s ordlra-oe shsll'uke
at tbe
• rtpir ktluh of twenty'
aftar lu publication.
We do hereby certify that tbe fore
going ordinance was passed by thr
____ jll of
of ibc
tbe city
city of T- averae City on
the Ttn day of J^e^ieoT
.............. -IT*. Mayor,
A. TT RicKxwp,^ty Clerk.
Jana B. lfi-l»
Take Lessons
Flour I
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Family Groceries
OsllTtr«4 «e aaytpart of tbs diy.
Fltischmai's Comiiressiul Tust
etlMtaoB Violin, Mandolin, t
Jo. OuiUr. Cello aad'Baaa.
iBitfudE ul FM iMk o( iS kMi.
Terms Beeeoneble.
Boeat a. Otty Opsrs Hoaa* Hook.
Steinberg's Cniid Open Hoase
146 Front St.
■i? SPECIil TODH...
Geo. R. Winnie,
New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
of L’nloa atreat from Front atreat
Wban you caaaot better tbeaa
to Tenth atraet: on tha weat aide of
OaM beiwena Froat atreet aad Caaa
atreat brtdgw; on Park atrMt between ______ LESa THAN WHOr.T&>ALB
Front Btreet and Suu atraet; <« the Con>.aoUdpacS..
iOBth aide of Bute atraet from Unloa
atraet to Park Place Hold;
the aebool year and wl
school U ia at
or weal tieveni>ib street from I'nlon
•treat to (Mk street; on the north aide
of wr»l
■tract tram Union
atraet to (i
ton atraet froB ChM auaat
O. E. A I. railroad, cb the
Jy called the Sabbath, aftw nine
ickA B. On all bridges haViag
left ibe chsiesu. The drive continued
over the Fi nrh Broad boundaries of
,h, esisie
«ai.ie rn.in
from the river cottage
entrance lodge, and the Hlltmor*
dcni was cl.w4-d Tbr train wa* taken
at.UiltinMrr atailon and thr Journey
Washington reat^
rd al abuul .6 o’clock,
vas mdlaposKI from ona of-an ordi;___ ,
Bwretary -Mgev^ ws
tbe extreme heal of ibr past twu dara. Oooncll of tbe City of ^
but Irp Aabevflle
Deovmber flat. luvn. and
nr* lai iwetbera Cwl Mlaa.
■sms 0*Hm «f ladUa Chlldvea._________________
Isausry idth ISBT.and
« rvlatlra to Billiard
r U.—TbeHrn- ' Tbcte are boae dutu-s as well m TANNER VETOES VOTlNO MACHINES,
Table* aod Baililag Uooaaa
ry Rllrn coat mlnea fifteen mile, rsM pjenret for tbr children Bova ate re* ------------ ---------- .TT7______ __ . _
Be it <
rad by tha OuancU of
”•' Traverac Oily;
2">, are on lira. Ab- ui neon JraSer- ■ ka*«l m pUniiug. lo help in Ihe har
Springfleld. Hi,.. June iL-THUertay
Bkc «—The tret aeeUon of an ordinpaaaed by tl
• r the fire was r<fund arid tbe flaniM wt. and ibry arc often wade to done- »** the Uai day provided by law for
leadway. — e duty as scarecrows in thr----_™„
laaDcr to sign
I '?Blii.d .conddvrably bsad
«l7 ,. vruvetwor
Governor Tanner
aign me
tbe on
bnispaaaed of tbe City of Tritecr«« CUy. Ml bbigan.
OB D-cetnbor :
IHWt and anwraodad
Atipartntcndrni Ormsby waa
medlkle* , pliwlrd field, wbrtc. like ante Bopeep. n«y tbr forUrih griieral aaaemi
. I«th.
enilUod anoi
ly nmlfled and the tim thing he did waa
fall fast arirep The guT» help to vetoed the bill providing forihe
to Ml ahoul a<-ul>i; miners
gather W4k«1 bt»ug water and look after pf voilng marhlnr*. bolding ibat It ann rvlaUv* to BllUard Tables and
lereby aaaended u.
rarioui |>arts of ihr mine* to tb« <
tbs younger miet Ai they grow older would l« apconatltutlunal jodr'r Ibr aide. Al l o'r|.K-k rvrry mlhir^was
they are tanght to rnt. raw and wake preont law providing for vuilng by
That aU rooms and p-aen wber* Wleonnled for. Tbe aeam 4>f cuat
baHoi. and that It might rt-svlt In vanHard t> blew or pool Ublaa are kept
Us flnrat In the dlsirici and ahould
•ay. BO aftrl wa, ransidered Biassysirms of returns. He also vetoed
at parsons a.’* permitted by
Arc gain much headway great
I WT.OOO for addi*
bad tearued to tan .
ork’cp-r thereof to p'ay and
will result. Repreaemstive* of i
for wbleh money or lla aqu
lulvaleui or
pany have gone to Henry Elirn and the akloa maka-tenlt and cloihlug, p
.. or
uonnter lu lieu
. _________ ,
Aamea will be fought unOI suiidued.
I for drylfiff
emld “llT.*.
* , Rud
.•i.M.a.w M7.«0 iu(
f .uivix-Tesurni, %m l..« aay ebt.
ia paid or raoelved
■ aball
aball ■be etoaed on
laaawdUry FIs* B.rasa Maa «• Death. oora and beau* while a yoong man who Hoaplut f .r the Incurable Insane at tbe flrat day of the week eommiooly
deB. Paul. June IL-A Mlawiula. Mont.,
ailed Sunday and aftor the bourc
u not pletpletcd condlitnn of the tuifa funda
wacial to The J^ontwr Prew aaya: a poniaod to be'a skillful bouterifu
. _ o'olnok In tbe afteraooaofeaeb day
Ar* Bundar nigbi deairoyed tbe bread* coifaidered fitted to uke upon himself | Among other
of tbe previdrt of a
repcahng the Ithel law; (be bUI ex* from November lat lo May 1st In each
igg Mablaa of Hlgglna Bros., the well* .Ihe I .
after the
boar of oli
- -lb- etnptlng tt l>er week fr<m gamtebmMt ye_-___
n of thto city. Wiih Ihe family—"Home Life ABohg tba
jono Mcb day
and (he bill to prevent tbe qolorlng of o'oloek
Ubiea five horaea
diaue." by AlieaC Fteichar. tp Ow- buiirrtn* or Imltailuna-or butter.
from May 1st to November
In each
ng Brine Triclu. I
year and until aeven o'clock la the
Cara *r MIsed Morality.
. known pacing horse* of tbe west. Pr<d
morning of tka next aueaedlng day.
A PwBtar iNitsb Cuataa.
Airnuacr. a Jockey, Was burned in death
Danrllle. nit., June iL—Louita Hnnt. Tbe playing of pool ot btlllaids aball
In Bitempilag to save a mil which was
A peculiarity amoug Dutch fannan daughter of pomi
poMmaeier Hunt, and a aot •bo allowed
' Bwod^a^,
^ any poraoo _ or per*
hi* apeclsl chaive. The Arc wae in- wbo live et a dmauoe from a lowu la , popular young lady fr.
ling, keeping, ranalng,
I tbe teuib that hat , .. bavs a oofBu in readiona for Ibair '
having eoutrol
- ' of aald bUllard Ub'M
Ub'c or
accurred lo this city wtlbln a fewwrefca. i burial
[ era to keep her lover from getlln
pool Ublre
Ublrm during tba Ume when eaid
burial It le by no mean, nucommon
’-------re by this ordluaaoe
sac a mil sturdy old patmteh gaiug
rariod Hair Hwl Barwog.
bound over to the federal court In Unit* reoulred to be
• At Louis. June It—Plr* destroyed tbe an outbonat and gravely oostemplatli
Sue S—ThU
plant of lb. At. Louie CuHcd Hair com*
feet In twenty daya after its puhlteapuny at the fw.t <>r lirenan avenue last abnfflca off tfaU mortal (ofl This rharttoa.
BighL The lr«a U placed at !».«».
ncieriftic bsi alra appeartd In Preaitfeut
We do heiaby cerUfy that the tawOttumwa, la.. June ll.-ne sheriff
Kruget. wbo baa reoeniiy
baa arrived bet* from Burlington. Vb,
At: Paul. June IL—Insurance Commte*
- ..........
atones Dtanh yesterday notified the
legaj Urhe tbe leader of the gang which
. “
W. W. &m*.
Iowa fkfurance cumranles that their U*
roblMd tba BdM bank. Murray la In
ccnaca aiand
A.W. Skxikd.
and that any Uuinsas written la this
aty Clerk.
■UU ber^fier until furtber notlea will Ua (o have one die in your chair afne
be held to be In vioUtion of tbe law. yon bave given bin ether
rui D Blmplr anotbar step In tbe war
DastUt—Tan It to for (hal cumob
I and Mlnnci. tbe formar
rmar baring
ruled MlnnaaoU ate* *• adapMd a futo that whan on
M. B. Onrmn.
out of that auu on what iiwAliNiniaAdatBlMand tha paOant
BtMt pgy te advaAflA^BoMnn XnhThtBAOOAD naehaa thapMpM who
before tbe flrv bad run Its course there *00 or tooeb fruit will be ovt-rrljw.
lerrincjfxpioaion of glam iwwder With ^arge tree* thi* luvolvee Buch
lab «•
id JOU'V ol ihc immatate
ibc Bugera ol tbe picke»
and parkri* while rainy weuilici
her oc
•rt had bis 1^
heavy lo,, by tbr oracklug of
broksn and many etbera .
fruil )wh«ch nudera it anflt tor
kijuriaa Th* total low win
will rvacb IITL*
_A«,beni hum
protect tba aae of
................... ........... PsUalaa laaad
apoa tba pabtle atreeta, avaaaaa, lana*.
parka. Migm, aad other pablkidaeea.
Si aacB lb* aidawalka wlthla tb>
altjr of Tnveraa Ckty. and to prevent
tba depoalUng la and apoa any of aach
pabtie atreata, aveaaaa, laaaa. alleya.
parka, brldgya, and other pebUepUore.
aad apeo tbe aldewalka.
aab_. aay
aUacca or
_______ to each vabide or lo travel thercOA. Be it
Aalned >y the Ooaboil of Traverse
hBcnog 1.—No peiaoa
ill at
na 1 Ida aay valcdpade. M^da.
g trl^dfl ^ or Lloag------t*k^oa Mat ^iSwt~ atnieT fm ^tha
etloa of Froat and L'aioa atreeU
.Dne Solid Week..
June 14
Tta HlgBt, lot ulOdNsn
Wall & Johnson’s...
Fresb Vegetables DtOj.
Jacob Furtsch,
416 Union St.
teephone 34.
At* yoa iMsrcd. ]
Fire lasurance.
Stars“' The BewfliiMd Ewiiers
lo B and loe. GffaiB
Bringing waera and gale* of
langbtrr—abowvnng a deluge
ofdetigbu. Urvulsat maldvoa.
newcet tnirae. Fuonl
lAkc* and dancei
lot of funny plays
1 CollectioB of Nottl teiile- Pipes
>iRe People.
Always iBotoefc.
10 ant) IS cents.
[.BlChUj. SworaM
All for Smiles.
Do Ton Know
Suits to Order.
Tire Me^fhant Tailoring.
Oltv HMra.Oa
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Floorii^
Short Maple Wood. Lands ior sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 3 Engines, Set WorkSs^ Carnages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mfll Plant for s^
tH» yoMTHTg aaooap. ’waoiraapAY^ jtob ib. wbt.
I tbera of a booM. If tbeg* he a yard, no
-.-lb itor____ ____
1 nl
ol katafO whtata,
whto vrlater and atimmer,
lid Mbs a tbeaaace tram tbc woodo. i
u Aould have flowen In their aeaeoa,
and v^ riicmld be plnted wbtnver
thiakkhatKaw P““lbk. Witbin tbe arbool everr color
labosld be agreeable and *--------- - ««bt lo «o
XummaM^m. •
W*.lUnffW. #unr j; -Tb* mbM« d«teic DO (be *u^r .. hr.Jule o{ (b« urUr MU |«««*ded }-.H.rdojr with only
«M dJvmtn* incldrtx W .Pr»ev» Uu
■mxMoor »ino ■ohi.h the dlocwoMDo hu
Ut*e4. ThU «M ihr'ihbrp ezchoofc
Ul«Mb no*r and Titltnaa, rn>naeBt'
Inc tb# two »*lretn« "f •WlorUl K®cwdora.. Tinman rtf.n-^d acaln (o (bo
CUbUahed charcei ot iprectiUrtty ih
•ouaetiao vltb tbc (Unr ocbadulc. Odd
•Mirted that (be *< nai* would aund
con\irtad before the A.nerleab paopla^
II failed lolBeeiUttai. theehaicM. Jioor
ewlmlr and
repelled tbU
•UMmm; hi* tune and loocvacc baMg
caWiilaUd a* a n tiukr. ■ He declared
that the vafue churv'^ of tirecularlt}'
were Bat only i>rei«>ti'iya*. but lotam.
AttoB IttaMi (bo Trwala.
Abolber feature of the day waa Al«en-* bloat aaain.t the truata.
ebaicad that the irueu la the Uat cam.
paicb all oppox^ lioan'a election, and
that many <f them etaaad down
aoma of ihelf fa< t..rir* lolnUuaBOe ibclr
worltmeB. H> named eleven truat* and
aald they were raHielttad at dUhOM.*
cod aaf bonded at MMMO.m, wbOe
reaeattnc an actual invcetnent of anly
tlTl.OM.OOO. 'Ur *i> k<- of ^tae tniata a*
••modem plAte»" The awNTtlOD that If
the ami-tru«t amendment prevailed the
yevenue dmlsncd to lie provldad by the
' unfr bCU would rolhtpae, be wOd. waa
abeurd. and aobmiiird flcurea to abow
that the propoaed dutica on artleleo eontrolled by ibear trui»< baaed on praaeot
tmporuUoni wouKM ' liut tl.0«.«ah It
oome .remedy acatnei trtiata waa not
adopted Ibeo the eiireme remedy' of
covemmem o»ner>hlp would loom up
aa a practical qureiUm. “^'hlle tbat.aald be. "la aociaiiam. yet aoclallam la
e to de5i>ullam
»ro».»TK.H F0» THo« WHO iH.lS.^SSS'e'SrrSo'Ci r:
= w-.
amoaniad to tTt.BlAr, of which-M.'
•n.ne waa free of doty. The Incraaae
In the total tmporia of rterchandUe over
May. I«M. wa« over nt.oeo.00t. p‘or the
alavaa monthi ended May •« laat, the
e*partaofdomeatkmemhandlae««td. York U „ oyvanaiva
period laal year
nn.000.000. Vhiu the taaporu frion of Hew Vock at flm clcaa plaoco
fell off durinff the Mine period over t44.>
RepuMlen aenatc tanme lart nlcht wat M cm*
Mon from I o'clock nnill 11:00 o'clock and wife coina ovee bii Wll with Iba balr; »* ««*.«* ^ aroW* color to the |
alowly rldoc epob bia bead.
eye and perf^ aiaUckgrotmd faemmh ,
There are |deoty of plaoea ib’Patia
an raMproe where ynn otnseta
a son yciiow wiu no lanno oi aomiramo ,
r of civin
p^jue. Tbe oeiUnga oboold be uBifaraJy ;
of an antl'truet amendmeat. Tbe Ha« mtenranaaren
wLW, ,lUb>
vaUan treaty queaiion wu fwa*ad over, »d tbej
^t and will be t»-ligbl__------------g flgara. But tba ........... - .
tba aucar bounty propoalUon waa with* cookad at a ri
"ygoeatoUia fined and in key with all other colon. ‘
drawn, and the anil-tnm amendment averace Am
vrae referred to the RapubUcao mmihen ewell plaoM. wfal^ ue about II |b Tbc treatment d wood to a ctndy in it*.
of the Judiciary coAiMttee.
aumber. Tbern 1* tbc Cafe da Pari*. ■eU. Briefly and te praetical use, wood
can be treated to two togithnate way*—
Uvam b hat radar B
Oabai’A ObevUlard'A OnraDd'A . Jo- eitber-il can be palaied with relation to.
I'A tl "
■Lana, tba ~
WaMilafftoa. June U. —The Spaalah
tbe wall ookm, or it can be atained to mlnitter baa received an oAeUI com- i'Anani, lUite'a, PaUlard'A <tba Mat anticipata tbe reanlta of ttone upon wood '
muntoatlon ttatlnc that the report com- aoo Dorec. tba'Oafe Vobdn and ure Be»Inc from Hahana trta Key Weal that taunoit lAoaa, tpget^r with tbe Oafe
the lABurreni leadera. Rivera and Ba- AnfUi*; tbe Lion d'Ot. Foyot'a and
calloa, arc tp dancer of btlnc Mint, la Marqnery'A if yon cbucae to indada
Bocto the anmeier ptKt, anta, will be
talee. tbr not a alocle innrcaat leader them. Tba Cafe Anglai* i* no longer
gin Wwony tbe tidy booaefceeper. Hen
Is under
rr |he death aent
ftnt olaa, tbe lion d’Ot bar been cloaed, to what to alleged to be a aore remedy. '
Foyot'a la In tba Utin qnaruw and It to inexpcaialTe and oomparaiiv^'
Mount Vernon. Ilia. June U.—Dep- Marqnoy'a i*«nly middle clam. Tba bamtoaa. at all mbta: IBaKilve 1 part '
higbMtprioadplaoeaare DcnDd'a, Pail- of oorraive imbUnuite in 100 para wa
** ^'i and tba Oafe VoLctn. and tbeaa ter. which drill be a very atroog dom.
Each year.tbe Betnove everythinc toon tbe Mwlvea
... „.etal day* eluded arrert ~ ^
- , betbemoMfreqaented.
ebarce of wUe abandanmenl. u«rry ”**™»“*
• . led by
- the
. “ewelk” where tbe anu are. or the carpet from
will have to face tble charcc. which ' changea Two yearn ago .ft wa« Do- tbe floor where they aiqiear to romc up.
pe^dea for a heavy money penalty i rand'a, la*t year it waa fbUllard's and
I Jail
ent. and aayt
t be will : Ibis year it it Voiai
ind every dollar of bit fort'--'
luaa and ,____
ricane are generally dtoappolnted poor tbe oorrocive
die In the court bout* jyard
before he ' (n
^ipearance of tbeae jdaoea beij
tiU it leeoht
aflU return to^a wife. It Iaeemt he ba«
qomtly small and by \
^od let It dry la Tben flUyoar
Mintbeireqnlpoenta j^^dcr ballowa with red pQipcr and
sTBa Levy
—. in aboottb*
nwy are all arranged
tame , touetnlly jjow
blow tbe cracks and crwlee*
Lanclbg, Hlch.. June It.
Auditor way—a row of ctudiiotied mau or di- i f»u of that Cover the abcivm with paOcneral DIx ha* determined that
auie uxea or * eon
b* M»q.00e less than for IM a
Boar offered hi* amendniaBt for Ibe'ap* HENRY IRVING AS A JOKER.
. potmmam by the preaident of a eotnrala*
Mon of five mem'-er* to Invcetlcate luto ■a and «Mds Made a itpw 1
the eubject of aucar pniductloo an* the
Btr Baoiy Irving leila an anoaing
beat ineana of aupplylnc tba Ameiicab
marhet at the K-aeucoL The framera •toiy of jh'lake.tbatbr. with Mr. Toole
Of the laris bllla aere boborabie loea. and a thlitl party, played not yean
and althourb I
ago at a OlMgow hotel. After tbelr
had been brib-, Krock they were eupping at tbe hotel,
InC ^tor. ih«e etaiementa.are re- where, aayt Sir Bcnty. "there wa* in
•«d by «■!
ihroucbout th* ! tbe room a high aneen. Th«i««.n*
Tbe instant tbe
Blry “Wll
•wiib ^woiuir oonlempL"
waiter wa* gone we ooanmctx'ed operaniAMAM critka
We stripped the ailverwaia, of
tha aeaU next to tbe wall and are Hrved '
A OuMtisd-^ w«%kt
6«n tbe other aide of tbe.tablet by tbe 1 Blbffer—I’U flgbc tbeoanthatetaied
waiters. OoeaaiooaUy, when tbe place ! »e a liar behind my back if be weigha
will aeat tbemielvca j « p
butO atarily
, Onffer—I^D tbe aunt Whydon'tyoa
dtbettable. Aa' begin?
Blnffo—Ten don’t weigh a ton.—
, and tota. they ate by no maana a* fine ! Hew Toifc Jonmat
- aa we find in many d (be Aaerioan
Imteto and reatanranta Tbe cooking |
boweter, to bard to excel Tbe reawm 1
that tbc Pari* rmtaoranti d)tein aoeb ;
Udfe r»
Jeba Var
. high prtoM to owing to Uielr peculiarity
of petting what they call primenia. i------------------------------Tbcir Purto cpicureaa gneace seem to [
avsivmm cards.
' rrmruDDL* a cBora. Attmrr^
; X aumtoa te perfseua* laaS tUm. Vsom
, l,CHyO|i*faHuB«« too*>- (
50c., 75C $1 per dpz.
I People
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
> —Front Street.
\ Morning
E Record
luisiii in HraiuRii 1.1
T. Mto .W«t
WH-W. w.
c It is delivered before H
c breakfast.
It contains all the =
= local news up to mid- r
It contains a resume :
I ofimponant and gnn..=
- era] news of the world :
E of the previous day.
E It is the neatest and =
: most attrattive daily E
Cnetvspaper north of:
^ Grand Rapids in all ^
It is the only mom- :
E ing daily paper in :
E Northern Michigan.
""“t.irj i'
lone Mrvlce. a> wai lodlcaied fay tbe
feet (door friend, tbe waiter, along tba, They charge you. by tbe way, so era
autement (bat the U*l pMt>l* of bolli
aaaaga. ttgiw or 10 oCuta, to sit down. There l^pAPVmasaLk—kBowBa>ib«llamd|^im! Z
panim iresied wlih o^itampt (he »uie**Tbe daAewdicbm amaaed him and fore fca tbe two plaoea. cr coo vert*, pi
meet that ibmvtat irr^laUtr In mak< I tbe cold air trom tie window aeeiuid down I franc; an apiritlf, tba sulaii
tog (he'augar arheduir Ob the centhry,
to atrike him with affright.
I (uM for oor American oucktaU. another _
----------------------------------------tb* pMffMe wanird an Itivcatlgatlim;
they wanted the hunor >■( the SMiair vtu*
i who slandered It thieves they are. A Ibocht a» mneb Iraa 8 francs; a hottla of ordinary burgundy,
pubished. Portlai ivuion.T.Umansaia. tbe tnik* o’ them, and than their gay , 7 toBitoa; a tsreeo cf bouillon, asotb^ —1.-» m>ivna
be had coMrmidatrd an ameodmanl to talk and their laaobict. Fh, bat 1 m ' franc; a note with nonuandy aanew, S R'
Hcare prtjpoiitiun eo that tb* eomml*- a twined man.. A wish a' had nae tmw francs; a duckling with turoi]
nips ■__
ilh ■
TTOtfK TO RETT—roMrvUonat
Inquiry iBio tb* tbs baleo'that lattbnttto. Uturl Bt-arl tawain. 15 frunch; axparagn* wit
mr mafcmg but Tbtoweal Tbicvivl Murderl Ttakrrsl ijeate saooc. 19 frauca; ir»-cwm. ___ .________
rt^ has used iThtovral’and sbcullBg at tba top Of hia.S franca; rwffte. half a fraiice;liqnenra. W*fTlt^B|^DrtrWw *wJr »« T. C
acanm.llegUtoticn.andj,olceberMomcff tberooaandakngil
i.ie. ---------^ Luwberc^___________________ i^] . INVESTMENT
60 fnuK-., or about $1A •
'----------------------------------------------------------____________ ean't I tbe paaaage.
cooktouch auxar without acttlaa cooiam- FOR THE
I the Ocor, m ibcgaa. restated tbe lUvar I lag
Hoar wat iDsiar.tiy again on tall feet '
itoe tebk and sat round aa befct*. pie. eggs with tbrimpa. aciwmbled eggs 8,WrBaeiasTe*CUy*-OMiilM*yoar
and tumlna to thr 8.,uih Oaroltaa sen* , wajoying a quiet clg«. Piearatly Uwte with cbickiw inwvy. and srramUed egge i
-- •* ; : MERCHANTtor said there «err tom* men wbo wat a confuted murmur along tbe paa-{with almoxt i-vrrrtliius. much belter. ^
*te ^
teemed to ihlDk that dovm bcasatb tbe ipge. 1( grew louder and loudcg, uodt you find, than in Aanrica. Tber also BMW^Twntte-wiiuBtabktwr sMt Jite _
eS "
Cycle Owners Look Here!
tt'oB&Su^jBBctlaa. tahs
te*t Janctlee toKo. t. tetute—tr to (aha
-They are." b* t>r.« erd*d imprttelvely. oax agonlsi'd friend, tbe waiter. One , gotowhich yilll make your montb wa-1
rampl*. ataeerc. houm. iib*rty-loviag. »i*n wa* armed with a p«4cr and tbe , ter. Tbe average AmencaD chlckra to
TTity ttalBk TO evil, VMM.*/
otber/earrisd m
a toonae tBMirttp
atanette ■■IWIIJ
ready baked in an even—although tb* oook
and (he appral "to tilt
fall* OB lojuirl at tbetbief. Aa tbeyeunasd wa
■ba to Kwsting it wtara aba to
deaf *a^ with ihttn ' Ttw
wbo ! .11
i«ck and looked at then to w^ only Uking it—and. as a rule, it to dry
mak* up the farm* and factories were feigu<
Toole aaid and tastelcM and nnS* to' aat
to tbe
iltbedand Uwlldrad____
can gat a lonob. or what the
agar, ‘I>o you always come in ibis way French call hreakfsat, at any of tbeaa
body of tlieae people ihsae cbiuge*
with your frtond* when a grattoman
Dclnding a bottto «d . ordinol only prcpoa.ier^iut but tntaidpu*.
Tilman again made reply- tnile he aaksfurbis btlir
Claimed no raeclal mMon. he had oome
____ _______ ____ _jicbofca
.from (M farm and the people and to the
brarta, atrawbcAy lart, coffee and
lore receDil)- thaa tb* HaasstHitherto tbe coin of-Sthyaainia baa obeeaa for about 86 franc*, agy #6. But
janalor. He knew, h* aaid. bara tbe Maria Tbercaa ibator. caUud allot ibaae bilto that I am giving you
"that ther only th
. tnfai^* Iw^thta ty tbe Ahyauman* “talari," bat King are tba dinnera and breakfatra ordend
< the people, Mcnelek ha* determined w barua new
BB, In thr view or
by people-wbo arc oaiefuL Tba avenge
te lb* refusal toInvestixateaMthlaeSatt
ooini^ and .baa tniiwated it* prepara Anegteau to aj>t to take things which
to hide behind the M-natdrtoTRiga.'
tion to tbe Paris mint. Tbe siandard are anggeated to him by the waiter,
ttte senate penMed in this. (henMt
when he has eaten with hia tabic c
dtraraced before •"- -------panira say four diibe* and And* (bat h
costoflOapiocaitniake* him very tired.
y*ct. "and unieas you invcsilgaie you with a triple tiara and toia^ inuud
U yra will mtioe, 1 have put ra the
stand convicted." asMertsd the senator. '
dreuufereaca the inaoriptioo bUto of fare above* only onUnary wise*
AlHson. in ebaye of tb* bUL Mde an- j "JMm Mcoclek U. King of King* of If you place yooreelf in tbe band* of
Mbw apsaeh in defene* of tb* whedule,,
.. Qb tbe cevarae aide wiU be
lUeg, or wine abeward, and
« cd tbe lira of Jadah. bolding*
bolding a tell him you want aotnelhlngvuiT good.
lOteinitopaw. and tbs foUowing mo*-1 be will txing you up taddoi^bby’
■ ‘'Btbiopia extendi tbe band only ta bottle of burgundy witlwnt ray tag ou
than under tbc -cktottiig law. Peitlcrew
it and wiU
■poke at length to favor of bla amend Odd." vitoi tb* year.
ment to plae* M tbe free Utt artlelet
It to. Ii
conttoUed by trwaU. Only one rollHwII
occurred during tba day. ra Idodtey'a
I'a social atandlng it to better Iban
amendmeat to pUce all sugars <m the to gauged by tbe dogs be keep* 1«*-j rara find rat tbe ptoecewbaretbaykiave
same lasto This was rajacud-lt to ». Muhar bearing aeveinl planten at a i good burgundy and bardeamx. but tb^
. McEnery voted with tb* ItopubUean* In Uttto way etatira in tbal atate dtoetw, have to pay for tbon. I wouid adviM
the negative and Petigrew and Mantle
a new arrival among tbeo. wbo. of j tbeae Amcrioans always to trust in tba
with the DemoevaU In tbe affirnativ*.''
aoantnelltor rather than attraipt to find
. "Ho,” aaid rae old fellow. “It
baln’t tbioga tbcmselvcs bum tb* wine list,
net np with btoa yak. and 1 don ■«
-------- - ,_____
tbe wiae liii to meantiMtoa*.
. June It.—Tbc r
eran* are ruthlnr forward their aimU**- tu nntbeg. I dra’t like tbe looks of bto All it ■ toll yra if vintage and pgloet.
Uon. f.JT fwnaUnf Under the new adadn- dogstxdiow. Fine bknled ds^ alwaye > aod a
that—Paris !
iBirattor., sEd the incrrute id the volume go with floe blooded folks. Hesurkpra Oor. Ban Fn
of *uch bukneir hat been an eztraordl- It- to lalh .Ho’t ft •or«b.”-Chioa»o
ngiT at to nirtmlau the detail of thirty TtoBea-Hteftld.
aMKIonal rierkt tc the record dlvMra
Tftityde Hindt,tl
of the peaaion cOee to look after the
dthid Mmn aboftld took ft number of woodmtB4f tbe Anclalmt. la th* ten days ending teal Sat
,(rmi polcr
Mvlar balloBi-Jcr'diatributira
hallrtei. Irr 'd>atrihatlMi
r boor for feeding poul^. ‘ dree
urday the number of .pp»»—«»"v at all
ng Ibe mtfre* Of
of nfartbt
klndt for penilnut aggregated UAM.
le ftulvaA Xhto.heala. Qmdg^benotlM
Durtng tb* slgbiy.ihre*
Qutni to March & left Ihs tUaetdI dm*,
to egfctony so with dnekft.
andytig ora tf tbepiotuea totratly
tan of the oOrv dlwnted of MAM
eatiora n*.apppf«xite*t* «M *
auch clalma new peodiug la th*
Lederle's 2T-£-£'4!;
West Michigan
IdMS iB^—
Quick leturns
■ATW. Oeaa^yatear Agate.
Fancy Tojiet Articles,
Cut Glass.
. mA-SZe,
FukSkmi, WirwarreBt ft Cug,
OPIMAftT AXO moor.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
------- ------
rate MX ftasMi
Dst. K. 0.
Pi. Vayaa
Telephone 33i
■pliBdM TracnB !■ *ba Oltr 0pm
IfoMi fluid ^*‘»*«* aad SIplmM
ffiiietiil Balm a larga Aadl-
... Laka Aas. Petoaand WUUambntg.
kkr. Si----------------featt
The Udiee eojoyedla
i eamptnoBB *—.
at aooD aad epcat a wetol bm afteclaAlTB POIMT ATTItAOnVX.
want. Ose eaadtdate wae iattfated.
- - aati and vMtiaffAfter the Initiator,---------------- ---ib» lady Vatta wiU Bon Bogolariy
waa a pUamt pregiani of waate.
Botwaan the Point and Poneb
reeitaUana etc. Moat of the ladiea ra—•be to the Ptaaat Plaaonre Oiaft
taraad home laat eeealar.
on Oarplaka
WhM 8t Fnaata’ aeboo) aadaialraa SVBBSB TAKKXBJ' ZVtTITTrTB.
Htytldar it to alnza aaaaeaM. both
twaftollyaad arttottoaUy. The am- Progtam Sertbe Beettsg In thto City,
duly 6.
f ■yrn.at eaantoae Uat airbt were
The program tor the aammer far' - BO aaaeptloa to the niie.aDd a targe
................ to hw heU is Orange
* the • ■
hall, Jaly «, to giraa belowr
•mat arar gleea by the chureh.
The prograa wae opened by a (Hano
»-M o’clock — OpoSing eserdaea.
aelaetoflB by the Mlatea A. Martaa, M.
OelUm «Bd M. Beedhaia. Thto waa Addrmcf Wdaomo.Bos. W. W. Smith,
fteely readerod. aad reeeired the ap- mayor of Trartoae City: reaponeo Mr.
S. H. Saylar. preaideat at the oMoty.
ptam dna nal naaleal enltareg
The eaeond aanbar waa a vlUtary eodoty.
10 o'doek-“P&atfag aad care of
driU by the Jaator boya, with Haatar
A. Bam aa aaptaia. The captatogave Oroharda," Prof L. H. Taft. Agrtenltoa Mdiatia«; white the hoya. in atteac- ralodlege. PlieamliM.Jooeph ArAer.
Mee miifor* aad armed with air ga>»> Wm. A. MarehalL
of ooa*
n o’doek-“The
gave a.fine exhibition of the maanal of
tiaaisg aioek ratoing with frail grow
“Only U»e Fiah Swim Dp the ing,- A. P. Gray. Dtommioa. NeU
HWeem" waa the title of a credltahla
amay ^ Mtoa N. Coyaa Tht aompoai'
1:M o'clock—“Fangl aad Pnn.
wae inaritortow and the randigiddm.-Yrof. L. B. Taft. Agrienltaral
Mob axcallent.
Dtoeaidon. A. S. ^ Dokaoa.
The -Marry Ttadoe»ea« waa aang eoUeg^
' la eharaetar by a acore of Ultie boy* Oeoige Boaeh.
t:S0 o'clock—“Tke rarioaa moiboda
r potting ap trait," Mrs. J. ti. K
hoBM ring with eTideaeea of entbiiaielL DtoemioB. Mn, A. B. M^ae,
aatto atideaeea of pleaava and appra
Mn. B. £. Stowarv
Tke Archie orckeetoa wlU be prcoeBi
' -Mowa'a Blae Watari- waa redted
ehamlBgly by S. Bora, which waa fol- and foraiah maalc.
8. B. SannJL. Pnddent.
lowed by the “Bogle Ho«»," by a ohoS O. Lass, Secretary.
na of the aeaior girla One of the anXyhble maaieal aelaetioaa at the areafa^r waa gtraa by Mlaa M. Oampaao and
OadlUach Big Odebration.
. Matw 3. Laboate at Ue' ^aao aad
AU roada lead to CadiUae. and the
1U«« M. ChnoU. Beaale Pulgham cad
> are that they wiU be crowd
Lama Tngea, rioUtia.
ed with people attending the magnidA dialagne. “The Modcal Dtreator.-’ ceat eelebration at that plane on Satwaa glrcD by Maatar J. Laboate. W. arday. Jelj 3. Traretee City will be
Boodreaa. A Beam, J. Boeak. 3. tr lek- wau reproMatod. aad the Bacons it
ca, T. Vanreae. aad K. Kraata:
aeked to promm aU a day of esjoyAs amy on ‘*1he Uberatlag power ment oneqaaled la the celebratioi
of aAmtfen,'’ waa giree by Mtoa A. line.
Martaa, foUowed by fas fastaalaa by
“Praotieal aee .of Blaetrleity'.' waa ■flbm to Bo aude to Boat Boodida
of Orand Be«^ B^h SebooL the BBbjaot of aa amy by Maater d.LaMemben of the Trarene City Ath
boate, who diapUyed is theoompeeitioB maob th^bt aad a \borWh letic amolation ere aetirelypropartng
f» an aU aroiind field day tor next
haowtadga of bto thama
Mime Baaaia Falgham aad B. Bow- Friday on the fair gronnda There wUl
Bsa aatansisad with a oharmtng rlO' be Nblcyole raece by Trareree City'*
faemt ridera. ranning raeee. Jemping
•The Coat of a ProBiaa-waa the title and patting the abot. TbeboyewUi
try and beat the reocCde made ln.4he
ofaakatebwhieh waa
seated by Mtoa C. Seymoer. M. OoUfsa. field day eporu of Iha Blgh ecbooFln
e MoOU£ 8. Bwry. M: Barry. K. War« Grand Bapida
bnrg. Miaeaa 3. Baodreao, &. Dyer, T.
Biehard, B. Martineao. A.
Maatara J. Laboate. T. Verrean and K.
doaeph Wagaar aad wife of CineiBraata. Thia waa weU reoeired aad nattl, arrlred in'the city ycelarday and
•worthy ct the liberal applaaae be left Immediately on the Aeamer Oolstowed.
_ombU forOmeaa. Mr. Wagacr to the
A piaBO quartet, "The Trinity new manager of The Lealaaaa at that
Chimee.” wae readored with akfll by reaort.- Aoeompanylng Ihsm wart the
Mime V. BeeUmanlei. B. 1^. B. toUowlng ladiee: Mtoa OUn Bbea.
.Batmbery aad B. Martlnean.
Mtoa Leaa Byabarg, Mice Bom aad
A ^aad. medley of popnlar abewaa MtoiATaU._________________
am of. the meet anjoyabto meeioal
Bambeta of the erealng.
Btom 3. Baoker. M. CarreU. B. Fnl-
gkam; mamWim Mtonee K. OarroU. C
Kiahotooa. A. Dnsalagbam: gaitara.
wOl Boeeiee Doatrlbotiona.
Mtom B. Bowaaaa. V. Benllmaatei and
The Womaa'a Cemetery Ii
The regalar program wm ooDdaded aieoemwen wiU open their Hatnrday
market Jose l»th U Mr. Baakell'e
by aa eemy apos “AttaiamoBt of Soc^^
«m~ deliyarodby Mtoa M. Needham.
Per the Bm two maiM daye Toiaa*
The axardm were eloeed by the
. preeentatioa of gold medala aad diploam^UoB will be expected aad
maa to the gradnatea. Mtom M. Needtidleeare In hope* a goodiy number
ham. A. Mertaa. N. Coyaa aad l|Mter
' will reepoad to t^ reqamt.
i. LaboBU. The
win'll Ooatrlbntiona are to be delirered at
.nada by Be«. Father 1
t totbere- Mr. BaekaUh booktton not Inter than
.'of ^toe a^ eneonragei
- J o’dook p. m. and tooonatot of brand
—white, brown, aad aalt rtolng; eake.
Aaa Olab Bstertainmeet Detonad to
a Xmter DaU.
OwtaiftB ao many attraetioae next
- woMt. the Olec Oeb, nt ita meeting Uct
BiffO. dedded to pcetpoae the pcopoeed
eoBoert aatil toter. whom there are
M many ameeemont and eoeial aUiaetlona. In the meantime reheareaUwUl
oonUnee and when it to giren the oateHainmeat wlU be cm of aepedal
■ merit
__ _______________
Olorksvm Play Baa
The elerka on the aootii tide of Front
•koethareimed a challeage to the
otarka on the north aide of the atraet.
erhSA wUl be aeeapted The game
WlU take plaro naxt Tomday afterooon
-dn Twelfth atreet park. U it oaa be
1,.0.T.4L viatroBB.
* Tkavecae B^ Blya Sntertalsed Ptat^rge aambanof ladiae were in the
dly yefrday aa gmto of Tramae
Bay Hiea. L. O. T-M., a datogatk
Rrrt Te»r—Ko. 83.
ornouJf >A?»E
Dateb ekem, eta.
0. H. Bdwatda of OadlUae, regtoterad
at Bark Plaoe yentarday.
Mra. M. E. C. Bataewent to ManUtoe
yeetafday to riait Mra. C. W. Loa.*
Manly C. Dodge west to Chxriotto
yaptarday tor a few daya Heeded net.
A. W. Writo, of the baekst factory,
eame mp from 8L J«aeph Moad^ ai^t.
A. W. Jahrane and W. P. Kenny wUJ
drira to Empire aad Olen Bares today.
Martin Broton. nadm-abarlS of Loelanan ooonty>,<^nb onr from Leland
Bceidee thto, eoreral yeatarday.
-F. M. Gardner, formerly of tkto city.
emalUr cottagcaare ooBtampti
the sarreyor, topreparing I now of Otaod Bapida, waa in town
to lay out thegroonde which will be ap- ynxtarday.
Kimae Irene and Bade Alta Btelnportioaed Into lota which can be eeenred by tboee deelring to make earn- be^ bare retarsed from a rtoU to
le thto del'^tfcl epot. .Mr. Petoekey and 8t. Ignace.
Mra. Bean and Mtoa Boae Daffy of
WatU will hare Si bath beiuce erectod
next week, and for bathing tbU U en- Pomona an bore to be gneata of Bar.
eqnaled U noribem Michigan, haring a & Batobery-e famUy thl# weA.
J. M WatU of LeUnd wae la the dty
beach of fine white xand and erery
Be eanu aa far
thing reqntolta for aafety and healthfnlexereixa. Boat boom wUlaleobe axFonehinhto k
The -Lady.Watta,- Mr. Watte' pretty
e« geaoline Uaneh.
Satarday aad on her total trip ebe
of >8 milea in tonr bom.
SkeUthe.dDOet craft on Carp Lake.
Sia to M feet orer all and » feat beam,
aad to deeigned to carry
aeiigera. Tb.e Utarior datohinga arc
•f aeb aad oak and
A B^-plaud
rail axtanAx aitwnd the it>ak and a
oanopy to rato^ abbre the boat, with
to exelade the rata and wind
The boat wQl make regniar (ripe between Poach and LeUod
■t forahe aoeommodation of rtoitoce at the reaort.
Bcaidm goad beatiag, thoe to ao
prdnt In the regloa where there to eatii
good fishing aad no place in thto rtalniW where each fine aalmoa tooat tan
Mr. Watte Utande to make thto the
ideal reeort of the loealiW-
Thoetrleal Vol
PUkwiekClobtoroae of their eatortainmuu to barren on Monday.
Jane flat. The Pickwick Clab wmee
highly oommeaded and thetr program
to a deelded norrity U t
They ^re two exoeUent
playa, ooc from Ue pea of Sidney
Orondy. “In Boaor Boand,” a
fnl heart etory: aad the oUa le entitlad “Mtomatad."a
by.CherUe Daaoe. EagUad'a leading
Bandwiebed to between
there to an Intereai of twenty mlnatae
which to derotad to a mneteal and dr»matic redtaL
from Shakoepcara. Diokaax, WUl Ctorlton. BUej, eta.
••Oar Bittareat Foe” wUl be the
ppeelal feataro of WaU A Jobaetoa'a
perlormxnee at the Oper»*fieaae Thanday omiag. It to a ooe aet drama of
IntenM latareetaad wlU ^eaec the eery
beet eleaeeat of theatrical patrona
rock JnBi r.tos Jaly.k7.HB7.r.
Jaly. •AtI.
roata to Ne-ab-ta-wanta. They
hare Uelr ppUagea at Trarene Point
palntad and oUerwtoe fitted np for ecenpaney by Uelr tamiliae. who wIU arriee U a abort time.
Eaadaome 1
J. W. Slatatr. the Front ktoeet farnltare dcala. bae been awarded Ue er
tract for fnrntohlag the new lodge
roome of the Foiwaun. The appointmentawUlbe haadiome and modern,
and when the roome are omnpleta they
wUl be Ue moat attnetire ia the dty.
AffaBt,"a aimrUlag anmeiy. waa OBO
,I« music, from the Largeet Music Houaea ia.
off-« o8->i Aft
flao PROMT emcET.
«g. e. holleV, buiuom
Are cheaper in 1897 t^n th^ '
were in 1797.
OfUet* Bt^tetPhe
waU to bare that comtortaUa.
Ifa al>o well to elpcc yo«r cyca
Uam on artiatic and
WahmiUBAiffatmitak^ add
aecMBmodwiarlcmSMC we* x^
- yonr po&etbook.
eloae, joxt tha aama aa wa do
g In Uc FnmiUrc Una
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
oprofirin BAscnxB noontonn.
rrieaa Tonight.
Paetor Arlasdar wUl preach ia the
Ba^tixt ebnreh thto eeea^ la Ue
Swedtoh Ungnxge. All tomUUr wiU
Umraa^arcoordUlIy Isritcd to
attention to
Fancy Linens,
fore Bednoed aad Mr. Praidrleb to
one of Them.
The ealary of the poeumtar of Trartie City hu been redaeed from K.4C0
low, 300 pa year; the Utta fignre
being Ue iaou>t It wae before Ue Ingeaee of two yean ago. Other towne
enffered ax welL LodUftoa wax cat
tromW.S0a to W.ooo. Then wae an
laereaee la CadlUac from W.OOO
W.100. aad In Maaeeloaa from fil.tOO
to fil.SOO. Tb# towns of Lake City.
An Sable aad Milan were relegatad
from third to foarU claee ofioee.
The Latest Hits
A. V. Friedrich went to Empire ycB-
J. M. Watte of LelanA to preparing
te mpke'of UUnd Pdni the moat atr
tnotire aad Inrlttng littU reeort on
Chrp Imka. It to dtoated aboat l«
mUee from Foaeh. and to wKhin oaly a
tow mlnotee walk from L
a the paninMla. Ita nataral
!• are beantif al and a Uttie art
wUl make tbto a chnrBlag apotla
whUk to apead the ^t^ ter
campioff oat. A wmtortable cottage of
Wedded Imt VigbV
happy weidiw oeenrtad Uat m
at the home of F. FMmbolU, tix miUe
When Maaeger Sutotberg bobkei
frm town, la which tbednnghtar of Stan of Comedy be did e Uiag which
Mr. Fromholtt and 3. 'Stmbm wan
%a» etroek the- popoUr chord. Last
prtaelpaU. After the oaremoay •
night etandlng room tieketa
demand, wbleh tcatifled Uat Uto nU
adanoeinthe ban.
ttacttoa > appredated at Itt true
of fcUada were preeei
worth. WaUAJohneoahaTeemplpyed
nrttoto of so mean al^ty and the Udtoa
OrerbyMeUased on BalL
and gaatiemdb of UeoompanyareeaLorn. Orerby. who wae acreetad
tiUed to high ptatoe tor Ue exception
mlsma eosaly. barged with haring
Tbepitoeo^Utad a oHmiaal amitit spoa gram laxt nl^ was opened wlU n
Barbara Barlan. baa tom releaeed on domwUe ebOtah wl^ wae filled wiU
ball in the »nm of SUM. for hU ap|
anoa tor examlnatioa Jane tcth.
jagallty. John P. Carroll kept Ue
aadioBca In roan of ridaapUtting
Uagktar WlU hie fanny aad redieplou
ChUage. daaa U.—Wheat-Jane, •oage aad moBotogna^ TBk-Lerpyn
TDh; Jnly.,»h; September. MHs Da- woe agnia ncoorded /eaUnatootic
pUnee and Grade Ctommlaga da
imhm.aow.fldM: old. «7Xaad aang ha way into faror wlU tte
Ocn Jam. UHi J«lJ. «: Bee
bar, MHOato-Jana. Ms Jaly, Mlf:
bar. MMLard-Jam
of the engaging teaterea. and the epeetaenlar danea. “La OtoamaUoa." by
IQIa Axiei. oloaed the das program
Toaigbt tha ompaay wlU prodnoe the
Ulatinn “Llriag Shadowgrapha,- which to atom worth c
than the prleo of adatoeioB.
We have just received a very pretty line of CENTER
Hold undisi>uted swa.y
over our competitors in—
and other articles too numerous to ihention. Saatfdes of
these goods can be seen in our window display. Those
interested in Fancy-Embroidering would do well to loc^
over the line before the choicest sues are gone.
Why? Because we do
not cheapen the goods. It's
the price that we lower, not
quality of goods. Will cost
yon nothing bu^our time to
Inves'tigate. , We place on
sale this week many lots of
well made and up-to-date
Broken Sizes at
Less Than Cost
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
in order to close out entire
stock of ChildrenVClothing.
Thonsandu of dtfllara by
' because they ,'used our
huudred, of people, aO
1 lot of $2.00 Suits
1 lot of «3.00 Suita
for.......... .............
1 lot of ,$4.C0 Suita
2 gg
« Best” Flour.
I lot of *3:00 Suita
ReMmkw pio gM toptmktr
Mtas H til Straw fati.
A Few ]l^rgains In Shoes;
. .BSO
Taa Can Atawgra tta SSfiT ai
TBB lioaroro bjoobp, wbp»b»pat. ixm ity iam.
Bvwy mamhw of Northoa Star
a M. P.. to reqaeMed to he praaat at the reyslar Beottoyat a otoioA
«*TO«*onT, - «o«OAl.. thto eveatoy.
Tha Baettom asd Aaylama played a
peeetlee yame a<tbe yronadaof the
totter yeeterday, aftarsoaa aad the
Battoft wwe defeated hy a oeon of M
«M. T BAW* AFP 3-^^
to 14.
X W. BamAm. Editor >»J
d. r. Portsrasd MM Asaa SteSeM
It to laid they were armUlolma«M«Mk.l>r<«rrt»r,
atoy. wherea marrlaye oeraiOBy.to to
««B»lk>.brmEll. •
At the toat reysler awoUny of Hecm cnccuTOB PhereoB Belief Oarpa.
FM»atmv. •
waa, etoeted asd isaialled a prealdat.
asdOartla Maea aa aeeretary^ffieee
made vacant by the rcalyBatlo& of
M TraTMM 0l»». Sarah BiUiker aa prealdeat-
■ ^ ^^^^S'eTrau.,
erl^MM of Inprot*
•A todwtrlk) ooBdlUou to tb« Menmato*to«of**rl8r»oftoborlBf p«)pto. la
/ f Moraport of Cotnailtaioner Jo*t. rombUj oomplctcd.Ukt shown tiMi the
bMks OJ
of MicniB»u
MIcblcaD oonUlB
4»rtaf«4epo.luoTef‘tfc« raport made
to DMmnWr. iw-s to the amooBlof
ThU meau that worktMg BUD and womea an bertulat ««
mn mmtr and If 11k7 "* «▼!>#•
•oaey tbeymo»tbedolac«o«
«r raoolTlng more
*»»«» Uat
y«ar. ^e
abc wci
poaito alao ebow afe tacTaan. amoaatisf lo kSW-tss-iMV. Tho-torra oMMa of
oomm-retol dopeaito arrw* AtraBrl^
TBs Krai-iFO Phkm 4m sot a(t«c
with the i^mtoUtert'
mtm that ilhere ha* bM a ehai«e
MBtlaioat dnriaf the paet few yoaia
the day of real U the oo'y time when
«ha maeaca of laborlarmw bare^as opportaslty for recreatios asd ontdoor
SUE It U alao arrned that if
•uday ball ia atopped is Oraod Baplda
•Imt tltwUl be the end of baae bail
apdrt to that city-
Btobop ChelghtoB of IxaidcB. who rePOLLOWCO flV THOSE WHO TEND THt eatly wwe e mitoe and oope, wea the
Am btobop of LoBflonto doaotnIM
Oom Pnl’a' ytaDdaoa hw hem re
moved from a yarcramatoSoeat Krnyetedtcp beoaeaa betooke Innlttoyly
of Qofacn Yiotwia.
Oeorye D. U. Petootto of Cleveland
A llybtbooae keeper to eppoisted by to painttoy a portrait of Bewetaty Oaye
the seceeuiy of the treeahry on the rco- ud haa u order to paint three partim of the Uybthaae boeid. {
PreaideDt McKinley.
aod .at firm ^ivee uly u actisy apThe Bev. Ferdinud A. Uta of BalpolBtmut. At theend of three mcotha. timare. the proTinoial cd the easieio
if he paaaea u examinatioe by the na-1 provinoe of the Bedemptonet order, baa
val otBocr who to U14 ioapectat of the 1 dnat cel
dialrict, be reeeivM a^foil appolotmcBt; ,{ -----Mra KmiUe deweU. aged M.___
If be *.................... ...
I xbel Lewia,
be ia dn^. fR»
17. have been married in
A keeper mutt be able to Knort
ooBoty. Ky. Thto ia Mra' dew>
read and write, keep aecouta. aali qnd eU'a fifth matiimmitol ventoie. ud aba
to aaid to be the mother of SI ohiidren,
al ability to make the neoeaaary minor the yoonyeto older tbu her boahud.
repaire abont.tbe atatioa and keep it in
The new city yovcmmeirt of St. Lonto
order. There ii only one grade of keepto dutdedly Teotosio. Mr. Zi««vnbeltt
Wont Oet aOut Bndor tha Vew* „ rteoyolied by law. bot the
to m^or, and uxxiy the other eoccMHairalton Treaty.
tbe service has divided the keepers into
for mtmldpal offioe are
Waabli«toa,JBaa Ift.^-Thetraatylor dlffvwnt ^w. with different pay and 1
|Best. J
the amoesation of the Bawalton tolanda
W the Onlted Sutea will be aeht by the
prealdent to the
Iwa the preaent plana are ebanyed.
Mu oXoae to the admlolatralion. aod
those eayagMl in poahlny tbrooyb the
treaty will be tranamiiud tmnorrow.
One po^t of importance to which the
truty^erofrom that n^ltoted by
Foetar to Prealdent Barrlkon’a adDtototratiM la the vmiaslra of
uy provtoton torex-<io.eu Lili
ud Prtooces Koiotool. That truty
provided that the United Btetee
pay the ex-qoMo the um of tso.ODO
oaah and the same amount of aaohey as
apremlos euh ywr. dnrtoy the rw
matoderot bernatarml life, peovided,
ibe to yoed faith, eobmltted to the
yoveramut of the United Btatee and
the Boyal yovemmut of the Island.
Prtooaaa Kotolanl being next to line of
the Boyal blood, was to reoelve tha
eaah paymut of S150,000, bot no puolu uder similar {ooviao. u to the
ease of tha ex-Ooen.
' It to Boderatood that uy objeetim
that might have beeo axpaoted to the
aanexaUm of the island, bnaed u
of Coollaa to Uie.populaUon.hu huo foraalallwl by u ar-
pointed to the eorvloe end omigDea to e
particnloratation. hot he may be moved
at any time if promoted or if the intereeto of the service demud l» At etaUona rniBirlny but one keeper a retiv^l
aeafoiing mi^'Vilti
man.'Vilti a family,
family. la nsnally selected, and to general psu of tha
•eatariny clam are moat wuted. At ateUona where there la e fog aigtial one of
■afiftante is a man who has u enytoeer'a liouae end is sometbiny of a
Keeper* are paid cm an avenge aboot
|800 a year, hot the individual toms
paid vary tram $100 to Si.000 a year,
aooording to the importuce of tbeataUon aad the amoont of amice render
ed. The prioolpal keeper et Minot’*
Ledge light. Jon ootoide of Baetoo. reoeivea $1,000 a year for bia aervicea.
and this fnmiahea tha only ioaunoe
where the pay of a keeper to apeclfled
ty law.
Tha fceq«rs who lire et isolated
UfhUiooses ud on the oSabore liyhlabips lead a very monotonraa life broku only by tbe sight of pasting vaaseU
aod tbe qaancrly visit of tbe Ugbtbooae
“The Best
I Ever Tasted"
Is what many people remark after drinkink a glass of lea Cream Soda at otir
foutato. It will only cost yon 6 oute to
try a glaaa -Yon will have toe eama exM otoeri—Beat frnlt Jntcaa
Nteokfy Ie« Cream—eiamaa. spoons, ete.. :
always eleuuAoap and water cu eaako
deaiynerof the imperial :
ard. tbe linen ctf a
by tbe tote o
Dr. Wiley, tbe cdiemtot of tbe nyrienl
twnl depa^mt to Wi '
Chat to bis opinion tbo omning salad oil
will be made of sunflower seed. It is a
perfect aobatitote for olive cdl and*wiU
be so cheap that It^may be used on tbe
pogr mu'e table
Matthew Amold*s Olynpiu ma
are said to have excited amnsed
8. Z. WAIT.
Bring Your BabiesGet ■ bonnet or bat nt half-price.
New stock—150 different style*—sre
nil .going this
018 weea,
week, eincuy
strictly ai
nt wholewuuteenle price—from 10c. to nn nil nilk nt
Pennell’s Millinery,
Let u make aome for yon.
tfkrnMI *8
rias Your
Pnr. Fowdmsd Spies.,
Pnre CreBm Tartar,
197 Pairs
<*aaPiir«Bakhixre«eer. V roa vnaa t
■■X* II. a pvaaS* tor llAO. Suberr Um
ftaMerTBMax.aUa*M,WM*r Bottle* U
aatM* tor ltr» yuarm.) rgaetot* ant
■any UaSa IPiwa BnMhrt. asd AumI
OlywrlDv aad Wask Ba**l LMtaa. to*
buds *nd iaee.
Meo'P, Ladies’
and Misses’
At Our
In Light Tan Colors.
NsArlj all AM the Pingree dt
Ss^tb mehe of ShOffl.
.... $2.50
“£r."°r....... .....100
... ..... 1.60
...... ..... 1.25
...... ..... 1.00
of them in to close at one
Caries de.Kay. tbe art criU®, whom
afterward pnt several lines
cents while they lasti-this is" best."
ten£^ u onr conaiil geoeral in Berlin
hu Joat expired, haswon new Unieto to
Oermuy ai e clever tenoer. Hto por
trait recently appeared in Sport Im
Bild M Um Vonimuder dee Bwltoa
Mn. Halley, widow of David Halley. bu ^n pieaeoted hy tbe exai
cents that were good—We
your choice of same now for sevejit^-nin?*
^ Abhed^wbo CO yeexa
Tonafler hroUm explored
boa Jtat died to Paris al
I the aye of 87 yeim. He wee,bom to
Dobho of u Iriab motber and a Frueb
e keepere yet w
aboot two weeks in three monUia. dor
Babkkt Bak^^to. the Kaffir Klof.
tog which Ume they vtoil tbvir families
' the Btoders MoMe Ototo, to dead;
on foil pay. A ligbthonae
on u ootly- toclxiiig waybewonld yeoerally
4oad • by hto owe acU haetor leaped
log ivef. for ioataoce, to on tbe aame U argument by, "Yea, yea, my good
fcdlow. yon an qpite right, hot yoo see
ieom a ateaaier Into theoeean. The
............... _
aatoidewe* ■■ example of stoetaeotb
•aatery fleek. ahrewdsern'or fesina. yretiooofaocb leborm to the totonda.:
lcave.lt except when they are re- 1 have little dosbi it to tbe tne ooa
Prcfeeeor Bacrisof Coniell ooiveraity
ioy the oomloy of uy lieved, as a etorm might oome np ud
whatever you cbcoae to call It
to having
having a napblba Uuucb boUt •hieh
era* repeted to be the w^ihleat mao (^oeae from tbe totoods to other ports prevent their retom.
oae in a aummer course to 1
Mach to duae by the lightbooee board
ia the world, which waa the height of of the United Stntea
stu'iy of the fomil rockt of Kew F<
itaemhto ambltioe when a dretu perforster.
I ployees, but moat ia done for tbon who aUli-udrlaeu-bm. Srienoc teacbers in
Bowever, this U> cash whereto riehea
udnre tbe aolitary life « tbe toolaled the acbool* of tbe etate aoay take thto
failed to brioy eoetioued earthly haplights ud cm the ligbiabipt. Libranea coorae with do more expeose tbu
Beyardlny Cedar ] are fomtobed tbe krepen and their would attend a atuumer rcaidpooe to
I familiea. Each coDtaioi aboottOvol- lUiaca.
Bx-Qt>:k.v;Lii. may sow paoae asd
ecffworkaof bwtoty. acience ud
Sam StvveneoB
a o( MePberaoo oonnty,
Waabtoyton, Jeaelt.—TbeHlchiyon ;
refleet how saeleaa were her eoeia)
Ku.. went away
to Cuba
Cobs aod Joined
ealto epos Brealdeai Cli
toe inmirgrnta. He waa captured by
*'*M**‘: nation for three moollu. and to then Spooiab and. afuo^ rvusiniug in ptoon
ae it U wrlttes »he wUllhot yet the toy, are laboriay ooder a decided mto-. tnuiferred to another atatioa by
for aome time, waa given tlie cboiae cf
flM.000 aoBsIty «bich«M Wepoeed I appreheoakmwlth'r^erd to what the | apecior on biaqaatteriy viait There are being abot or swearing eltoyianoe to
‘ l.ObOof
■ ...............tbeaeijihri
aeute did with the importrot pan-! Dearly
jihrariea in cites Spain. He naively wrote to hto friends
her favor. I'odr tblni^,
graph of the lumber echedole ooveriny |ponabto caee. in MoPbenou tool "while I
trolley, elec- j “'*• ^
jndioioot interehange. the pMrtot I wa* not a d----- gl fool
Via. Kalvtoa flttowos Itaad.
I keepers, of atatioo* where they are for,
^ volnme* a year.
Mie. Malvtoa htimeoa. wife of the trie light aod Mleynpb pedea
Aa a matter of fact, the Iwnbrrj
^ forbidden to eoyage in
3ala Levi B. HUmaus of Old MUelOB,
41ad at that place yeeterday momtoy' aehedole u it pameii the eeoate pro 1 any ln><loeai which will prevent tlwir
Emily Blgi it ootwlderiiig an offer to
cf heart trouble LTbe heabasd died vides a prctecUon of *0 per cent ad va-1 preeeace at (heir atetiooa or interfere tw«*rto Tudeville.
4jrU«a. Mta.8tiBiao8W«B7fyeaieof lonimontbearUetoereferredlotfbelbcr-with the proper perfononnoe of their
H. Orattu Doanelly to at work npu
of eadar or of other wooda This { dniiea Many have oaefol and profllable a new comedy drama for Ada BoUim.
■yia The fsoeral will take plaM from
« tbe form in which the blU «
«he tote realdesce of the deeeaaed ud
Cbaonccy Olcou i* aaid to eootemrutiona while name fill polpica, are
the iBterBtest at Mapletos. Jamea B. ported to the bonee and paeced. Vhec Juiticea of the peace or trsrb school plate a tour of EngUud tpA Ireland
the bin
MmaoB. aoB of Uie. fiUmaoe, i* the
Ail keepen are fomUbed with qoarten
10 th. ....U U,. word, -or oihrr
•■ly esTTivioir mimber of the family.
Ebiffla Pollock haa ooeced artrony In
wtmda" were etrlckvo oot, bot wbeo j iheir famiiin. to eome eaeea ihev ate dividual bit at Loudem aa tbe conbrette
I "•fbo Oouty Fair."
the bill waa passed, on Senator Alii-1 faniabed wiUi food and• ntiooa Other
eon's motion they wen relnaerted. eo, autiona have horu* fonuabed for cattle
Alctoe Only will be a member of tbo
At the bualDPA* meetlsy of the Ep- that the meeanre as it went thronyb >t>d.boi«H. and bouti are fomiabt-d sU Oirakl AVeune Theater stock oompany,
worth leayve UoDday
Id—, u .d ..lorrdi d.t, ol Mlo—x-IU. ... luid
Fbiladi'iphia. next aeasoo.
day otfieen were elected:
tollian Kbaaell baa received u offer
oenl OB tocae arUclea without regard
always rigid, as befitting
X. B. Pieroe; first eicvprri
from b'Orly Carte' to *pp>-ar next
to the kind of wood of which they arc
where negliycaioe or iaelfirieDcy may montli in one of hto London opera pn>iwekhart; eeeoDd Tioe-prealdrat Hay wade.
meu toe la*a of muy tivet ud moeb dnetiono.
third vlce-prealdeot Cffie
valoeblu ptoperiy.
a; fourth vlee-prealdeBt Flora
A. Do Sonebet. utlmr of “Ky
Dtoffltosal inauntly followa to two
«t aeeretofy. iVuitcr Lyoo:
-where a keeper ia foood intoxl Friend Frexa India" ud "Tbe Man
oatrd and where b« allow* hi* light to Prom Mexioo," to to write a play tor
•anatot TUlmu Wuta Them u Pay
yo oot Keeper* are tcaioed to ooutider Walter E. Perktoa.
$1 a Bead.
Ulliu Nordica will retnrn to Amer
Sheet Two are Vow Oae.
the care of toe light ud tbe ligbihonse
Wtahlnyton, Jnne IS.—Senator Tlll- property above any and all peraooal. ica to Septombrr for the Maine mneical
WOltom Uilbert of Beat JcddtB aod
loday yaVe notice to toe ammd- coutideraUnns, ud it ia rate iod««d feaUval, after wbickabe wiU begin a
Cela Kouybt of thto oKjc
^ ’.wefi
when they fail to realim tbia high lov of 40
, werTlefl toat eveciDy. The omaioBy meat of toe tariff MU. providing ter a ideal. There have been a uember of laDway aod William Schn;
Henri Dnmey
hta. ,The
./'waa performed by the ' Bev. D- Ooehlto. head tax of SI on all immlymata.
of St Loots have sold to Richard Mi_.
* •« hto reeldeaoe 00 Waahtoytoa *t^; naaeadment makea it 'bvcraaary for a of tbe aervice—
keepers of tbe ; field tbeir new ploy. "Nellie Moray,
ncroon to enter toe United States for Miuot'a Lodge light tbe
first bnlU
for Now -York pr^ooUm to October.
toa pnrpqae of eayayiny to trade or down with the light ud died at ibeir
Srevltiaa. Z'
^ 'Whyi
labor with toe tnteaUon to bMme
poato, bow one keeper eeved kto lena
The Boy*' basd b
oittora. Thd prorlao shall only mmato ud let hto family look out for tbsmto it nn-rraarr
pai^oBeat to yo to
la effect naUl alJver la admitted to oar celvee, and tosteocee where they have people loap
totbseaeh year
mints for eotoaya at a ratio of IS to I saved pnblio property ud lost Ibeir ia idieacM, aa toe boya• and giria of
tola eitydo every yaavTr To be
.. Sara
Aaa. C Avery ha* laM a i
oa tha aama oonditiona with y«
toe dtf eehooU are oloeed bnt the boaiFortunately the service I*
araik.at the reeidaoee of
peted by uy qoaetion ot politics.
ilitics. 1
^ fact ooopled with lb* excell
Or. Hoes went to Old Mtoalon torn
A poor old widow living Tn tbe Soot■lyht to atwad the child of Joho Lar‘
ih hlyhlamto waa oaUed open cm day
men who take u honest pride In tbelv : take oa* or more atodlaa ud dmdve
Tbooid 1
woric. and ttoose totereat makef Ibe ef-; gn at benefit from them.
The dat« of the Ooeyram of Statw,
of her oendiUoa aod n
d that her fideapy of. too aervice what it it it it '
to he yiveo hy Profewor Martaeyb. aoo waa to Australia and doing well
•rile, epelling aod panmanaMp and
nnfoTtnnate that ibe oavy baa no retir
Baa heea flimd for dime tl.
of varallw
are Just the
“Bnl doea be do ootolny to help yonr' tog lawa for its mamso which wonld toeae weeks
'bich to per
Teke the eUUna to eee Beeaty asd Inquired toe vtoitar. "Ho.Dotolny,”wa* allow men after <0. U or BO fears serv- Umeia which
eonld also be aeeompliabrd In
the Beaat at the Opnm Uoime flatarday toe reply. "He writes mo ngelarly loe, dependtag on to«. pbydcil eoodl
onoe a month, bat only oendi roe a lit Uon of tbe man. to be retired and
aftwmoea. it will pieaaalhem.
are weU up to
in the BngUab braneCte.
tle plotore with hto letter. ” The gem
placed in the ligbitaonse aerviM for toe }>reatt.
----------- think
...Bk tbl* onn- and do not
B. M. FraskUa wUl yo to Jfe-ah-tame one of the piotn
red of toelr live* A valnabls dam of allow valnable Uma to be wuted. bat
waata today to p^t two eoUayee fbr
men woald tons b* added ud tbe na- «*ai at the College ud nxaM------O. r and WUllam P. Ooeklla of Qrasd
ton to be a draft for iCltk
Uon would be paying a debt wbidi
Thai to toe eoodltlon of many of gownnpaid.I.—Pbiladel
tolphia Udger
Ood'a eblldxvn. Ho bo* given ns muy
Mta. a P. Dlekermaa loft yesterday
Warrtan ad<* CaUama
4w Oiaad Bapide aftw a two waeks' toes” which 9 edtber are igmrut of
"Wbo to tbat taiber plainly dreaaad
vtolt wiU ker atotor. Mie. A. L. Joyae
il to appropriate
appropriate. Many of Uiem mu wito tbe Iran grayrbau sitting to
to be intty plotmea of
"ThatUOolaoelBluk. Retouold
poaee and rest, bat are not appropriated
W D. Oc
upraottoal helps to dally life. Andnot oompalgBas wbo boa won
aaad Bydor. and (lA.VbMrv
oatoWty as u Indlu fighter."
to Carp lake Teetwflay toonlay to
“1 have bea^fl"Sr-M^Wbo to tint
■pad the day dthtoy.
OBU ahM pUeea them wiUito reach of fiaree looking gian to Uh gotgMms naiWilliam Beek.tbeaoathaldaeaaJaa- nil. aad «• may aneiqglaM theblem- form, with apaatots, oockad Mt aiM
gnU brald7"
ttopar.haeetanodhtoBodawatwtoaat' ‘Thnt-s OdgMl vu Oeavn ••
Mnsfly ^ todM'
•fa, whtoh to aa waaMt aad a aouae
“Whom haa-ha aver tonghiT"
•I oeoUar aammer haveratea.
We luve a line of liata
at one dollar and fifty
- dollar and nineteen cenU—that was better—
>•: •
I Better,.
Come early before sizes are
broken. - Make no mistake.
* The Original.
WOBBB^'atX. :
Soda Fountain
OeuBWr w* a
It Makes
No Difference
Wbetoar yon nre ueadtor
$1 or $1(1. yon <rant to get toa brnk,
vela* R
tor toe pertieaiar amonnt^ent.
yon iwvuiu
retnrn swu.
from m
a ahr“’““
Whu yi»u
trip there U eatlsfncUu
uUsfncUon in feeling
feelto that
wr.. have
h.M mm
ImiA tolr
fair retnrae
pmtima tor
to yoer
moeey. My prieee ere low. my valM*
are high. Whatever emoantyoaopetofl
toonr et^ yo«^ g«^ boneat ehou
Ever Bnmed Ost ?
o. r. o
Livery, Bus and Feed Stable..:
Fwdiug turner, hoim, s .peeWty; Horn, bmided,
8. J. WOBOAX. Plop.
Wk* Ar« Ato«» TlMlr MwlMi
'Ut mr
OoV*mm*trt ln\mlgr«nt tetion •• tdoo'i WAN
Aiv more
»0» wiina.
Altlm. •■ mm Stood by Hit Fri«ndg.tlM Nmvg‘pgpAf Man.
ball Baaoafer
who gave tba
tb« Biulo ball
■tNtwYerk InAthM.
bnrlMqoA -Tba pMpie t to* art
(blog bDl taama
lUUDI «Dd BOtblOg
WHOLE PLAIT IB SWEPT lWAT,'f^*““,^*SoB !«» .d aoiorirbo---------------■
loaUa bIwK ao arti«. I'm going to
' ti
' ar I tolfh* loaa ▼aaA*mir> ..gMi nr* h« a
tea mm-1 taar ag the Irfier tot
* with All IM 1>
t aaT«a. BT
pr^BTiHw of BlBd
alcd and
eogaga blm
If ibe {lUr't a taotjeia. the aitial did it.
If tt'i a fallore. it waa tba aattaor
BocnetiBM 1 wooder. wbe^ baar tbeae
■mU *»wa Mawlr WiaaA Oat aaA
XawipMiar *,
~-------KllM-.r«eh»r tianwg All**.
amtutalk. wbai u tba Baa (4 tbetr
Aahevme, N. C.. June IL—An «nes■ttg plaja written for ibem at all.
New Tork, Juise u\-Tbe IJnliedgutM
pacted lneldcn(.of Prealdent HcKlnlera
B OB DIU Tbar^' ind^Ddant of tba draaailau. vlalt developed yeaierday' nfwmoon
Uiand. U New Tork barbor. nj dc and 1 aiK^d think tbey wuald }ntt ttep when It became knowo to newapaoer
. atrorad bjr nra tbU inonlag, but wlib
men accompanying the party that per*
probablr ae loaa of life. The Arc vaaOrat they don’t dc that Tti«7 meiely eon- Bl**i-n to eater niltmorc Honee. Oeotg*
aaan at U:H a. b. by tba lookout from tent tbemaeUe* with refnnng 10 apaak W. Vanderbilt'a aplendid raanalon. bad.
at barbor pcdlea atailon.' He ftrat eo-1 thli or Chat Unr becaaae li'a‘nittrii.’
tlaed a flame about at Ian* ai a man'a
hand coming out «f the window on the aAd ibeo aaring U'« the fault of tbe au■aentd floor toward tba eaBiero end. Tba ibor that wdiod)’ langbi at their atspld
An apraad rapidly. At l:tt a. m. tba gaga: I ban«^ to have a Oniich of
w along tba anilre itwf Wgan to fall, 'am ben. and that laned me for tbe
Are to the wordan pier* anA feat of Bjr Ufa. Uenafler I’m oat of
ibKUagr An
o/«ocka CBB aaltbar aide. At >:U »• "»• «ba
‘Whal an «mMT“ uked Um IaboWbola waa a maaa of
tba entire Inner barbor and the lower
'•Tbay're chiefly actor* whoTe conpart of New Tork. A* quli-kiy u pnoldemoed
u ooma and act lo tba mualo
bia two Bcttoo* «f pQllre. tw ehiy
lunchea wm lent taalla for Ibrea timea a* moch aa they
bill laui
and tbe pon « patrol
a«ar got to tbair Uvea heft.,
to tbe UUm
Tw> rtn-BMU BMtl t« the Bmm.
they do la to call everything rotten.' da- noMB w.vAgpggKLTTciiinuti D warn
An alarm waa Immediately aant tp the dda that tfaay know niora about the
lower preclnrl police etailona of the city play than tbe man who wrote M—aod been refuacd to them, while extended
a»d iwemy'ltve rotn were ordered to walk aroood adtbongh It were beneath other member* of the parly. Vanderbilt
atlve. Cba*.
* the aeene. The Are beat New Tcrker them to do at^Uig^noro like atnlng
waa aoon under headway with Amnen. than that whan ii came to thatiBeatWo McNamee. I* w lih him. In the abaenoe
policemen and other*. Tbe Are boat
of bulb tbe eaiete U governed by E. J.
Bephar Mtlli waa wnt to the Irlaod aa
Harding, aald lu be an Engliabmah by
‘'And hama. what are they—the aort
Quickly aa the aould be made ready.
birth. tVbrn walled on by the local
Tbe and of the building In which tbe of ba&a yoo meanr* .
of arrangementa a day <
■ ‘Tbry'ra ehiedy variety acton acoat- two ago for |■erml■slan for the proBdei
Are aurted wae twed for eli
tooted to bard work, toegh aayba. with and party to enter Bllimore Houae
Hour- he
a qaallty of get there that makea-tba objected atrongly terwelvlng any
BonalderelUe number of iBmlThey’’
aod tbe aniati think tbey’vegotiedown.
Tbe dlSereace I* between trying to do
Benlloeied there a
weU. heoanae ll'e tbe beat
hotel. In charge of the party here, and
binfecting department.,
ncDi., ang
and gi
greet eta* opportanlty you've
In the course of coaveraallon had with
Intereat at all In It
term in which are atored large quai
two member* of ibe committee aald;
tlea of rainwater gathered from tbe roofa 4n the habit of doing what yon think la "Mr. Vanderbilt splu on newspaper
better. ”
do L*'
' -Bat laA't it better, aa 8am Bernard
MeKlBley V'
aayt, to be a baa bean than a never waa
After ihl« ihei wa* nothing for the
local committee
do but withdraw. So
"Maybe it la, bat it'a rough on tba the matter rested till yeaierday when
tranaferred from the laland to the barge
president arrived and J. Addlqiq)
•Ace at the Battery, leaving no om on maDa^er who pays bli Boney oat for
try. •**
told of ihe
tbe laUnd except the firemen and a few them I• bad oie'of them bare, and IIncident. He muxt have Informed the
stiendante The ftrrjrrf.at John O. Car*
ildeut. for later Harding wa* called
Male, vhlrti pile* between tbe Italtery
the ielepbone by Torter and
and'Em* Utand. arrived at l:tO o'clock
1 tickle Ihe andlnewepaper
thta morning from the Uiand with the ence to deatbhy some cniwely original rmn would nol be admitted to the man.
^.^elfk from tbe hoapllal.' There were griudaof btanwn A'beo the Imd came, j alor. Potter waa told that It
MWMafw.w..* r**^cn andd forty-flve
poBeo be wi
went on the stage and did the quna | he then informed Hard ng that the pre*.
ly of tl
Idml c-inslflerrd' that the newspaper
tbtugi he bad done 11 year* before
WB« never able to do anything else dar men were hla.inviivd guewt* on tbe trip,
ing the rest of Ibe lime I bad aoiM and that they were a* much a con
tingent of Ihe party aa member* of the
other* like bini. aixt thgt is why 1 any cabtnrt. Furthermore. Porter notlfl-d
UaaeripeUa af the BglMtae*.
Tbe building* on ElIU UUnd
•Und 1werertra- pow that 1 only want bamt. not artlita Harding that tbe president had aulborply vaet w ixiden ebed* made of tbe moel —bani« ibat work hard and know bow ited him to My lb
tnflammabir materlaL
build. lo wake an andience enjoy itself, not
e barred from
the mansion be
>4 by IS4 feel and three aturiee am«i« too flue lor anything
Kew Would not step hi* foot Inelde tbe es*
high, il wa* i-imrtrjcled ei.ilrely i.f York Ann
‘ pine. The Aral floor «a« devrtrd to the
r(Mb nge Par Nartberw MarkeM.
baggage room, the ou.it.m bnufr.ofltrea.
ThI* brought ihli
Fnwli flge'arv not known or appreci Harding
with tbe beat grace
ling capitulated
ated ill oortbern astkeu. and ronaa- pnatible and the
Aoor was occupltd by IImmigrants Tl qoeally the demand ii too llBited to
. II (pare dlvKStd IrtP petu
' It aeeins doohtby plrket fences The thlrdA«r-w*a a
' - of freth flgt
gaUery from whlca.lhe riyrdi b-low '«" »
reacniBllve Pearson persusdwl Me]
coold be iiaperieq v-ltbout mmlng liT Will ever become a proBubla buemeas ley lo attend a meeting at the Young
contact with tbe tnepecinra n>e whole Tbe fruit It more periabable than any Men> Inalltuie hall ilhe gift of O. W.
Other that ii'geamllyniarbeled Itcan VanderMlO of colored |>efli>ls Tbe ball
I valuable peoprriy hat war. how- be handled only ty tbe moat rarefnt
mi*A to lla utmost capacity with
»nd rs|i«rieiiced persons and even then colored people, comprising the laboring
af tmlgranis Into the United fitaiee sIdm
nol in a oondlnoa to show tta beat | claasea as w ell as local colored pollthe beginning of i^goveram^L
; tirlane and their wives and children.
the ut^beni luairkeU are crowded with I
many well known fruiU and not briAg *''»> R«P»vw«>tatlve Prar«n on one
ghagbaap* It aad aa-KsplaaUB JUIM a ,
(n tiu. CM ^
*•“ minute* he ehock band* at
Wamaa and IrJaM OiMea.
|A^wco!d at heal gain favor alowly
^ whim. It waa very warm work. Piva.
Auburn. Cal.. June U.-^eorgrlt
people do not cam [ „„y the prealdenf . ailed for air and
BIlBlng town In RIdoradn eouiily. twen- ! The fa« that many
flrei would be another ■even
seven colored mrn fanned blm while
iy.|lve mile*
mile, from here,
h^. bqrned
bqraed to Ihe ';
p„pnUrity the handshaking went on. At Blltmore
ground yerterday. The Ary originated ! Monow. the flg U a teditm* crop lo ■ he luxuries of tbr lllnmry were lingered
in Abenard’i
In Ihe.Vmiddle dsho
, *
.... TT.
V .ndstore
le wDcu
luc •'ver with especial delict. Mrs. Mcof .b.
tbe n.ain
main ).i^
uireart >K,.b-.v.
w^n lu
iD projiTr
ooodlliao fwihC
of the main blc»k and apread h.ibwayA
ti .. nrnmarr rn nirk thr tirra Klnltw wae given a handsome booqu l
I u.i. * vui.^1 .««uiirs
Aa OiitlMpoa.
Why Go
. Cor. DbIob and Niath at*.
lewalk within the eitv Ilmila. i
• theaameia provided wlihaati
or gong.
ralk.ahallbe rang, ■truckor
•oanded when meeting or passing a
Aeraon within hearing diatanoe and not
leas than forty feet dUtaal from aoeb
p<non, and. when riding in the atraet
HIMES, tbe Pho
upon approaching a walk ercaa'
nnUl fnrther notloa t)
ahaHUlOm Banner be rounded
leeathan forty feet diatast fitm aach
Attention, lest Side!
Beerytklag ta tha line of
Groceries I
The Beat Grades at the Lowest Prteam
Frank Stepan,
Sudflltih 8t,Vflfk 8UU.
^’sa&^^No person diall rldeabk- and no extra charge for groapa. !
yda or aafen or aay almliar vebida aa meaber this work la guaranty first
aay aidawalk wlthla ^ city
eiaaa in every reapeet or inotiey refund*
per hoar. Nor on ant aUaei at a pUee-Front aad :
grMtar rata of apMd than twdve aUea
; i-ltahall beanlawfal for any parto throw, aeattrr, Ikavr.aweap. depodt, dr<9 or place In any pc bile atraet.
or alley, or upon any of Ua bridge* or
aldewalka within the eorporau Tlmlu
Iron, aaUa,*lo.
. lo. wire, electric light car
bons, asbes. or any other things, of a
ibataoce liable to esuse
eaute a ponetare
ponetafe to
the tires of such vehicles, aa are bcreiii
nsBcd or that would interfere with
the ose of such vehides. aod the
_e ex
OMSIVC sprinkling of any atraet. alley
by I • per*
-an extent aa to leave
atandlog water or mud thereon, i*
herely cxprvmly fc
8x4 i —Any perso n or pereoea wlo
hall vioUie any of the provUionr
requirrmenia of ihU ordinaace. on cii
vtction thereof, shall be punlal ed by
fine of nut leaa than one dollar, nor
more than fifty dollar^ and eoau of
prosecution, and the court may make
furtber sentence that the offender, o
failure to pay such floe and ouaU. be
imprisoned In tbe County Jail of Urantf*
Traverse <oqnty or in the the cUy
prison ...
pruvided however, the term of iaprlsonaent akall not exceed the period of
twenty <$oi daya
Skc 6.—It sball
Chief of Police
RIMES, PhotopajhH.
Ct’y. are
kaiwby repealed
age. a.—Tb s ordlra-oe shsll'uke
at tbe
• rtpir ktluh of twenty'
aftar lu publication.
We do hereby certify that tbe fore
going ordinance was passed by thr
____ jll of
of ibc
tbe city
city of T- averae City on
the Ttn day of J^e^ieoT
.............. -IT*. Mayor,
A. TT RicKxwp,^ty Clerk.
Jana B. lfi-l»
Take Lessons
Flour I
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Family Groceries
OsllTtr«4 «e aaytpart of tbs diy.
Fltischmai's Comiiressiul Tust
etlMtaoB Violin, Mandolin, t
Jo. OuiUr. Cello aad'Baaa.
iBitfudE ul FM iMk o( iS kMi.
Terms Beeeoneble.
Boeat a. Otty Opsrs Hoaa* Hook.
Steinberg's Cniid Open Hoase
146 Front St.
■i? SPECIil TODH...
Geo. R. Winnie,
New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
of L’nloa atreat from Front atreat
Wban you caaaot better tbeaa
to Tenth atraet: on tha weat aide of
OaM beiwena Froat atreet aad Caaa
atreat brtdgw; on Park atrMt between ______ LESa THAN WHOr.T&>ALB
Front Btreet and Suu atraet; <« the Con>.aoUdpacS..
iOBth aide of Bute atraet from Unloa
atraet to Park Place Hold;
the aebool year and wl
school U ia at
or weal tieveni>ib street from I'nlon
•treat to (Mk street; on the north aide
of wr»l
■tract tram Union
atraet to (i
ton atraet froB ChM auaat
O. E. A I. railroad, cb the
Jy called the Sabbath, aftw nine
ickA B. On all bridges haViag
left ibe chsiesu. The drive continued
over the Fi nrh Broad boundaries of
,h, esisie
«ai.ie rn.in
from the river cottage
entrance lodge, and the Hlltmor*
dcni was cl.w4-d Tbr train wa* taken
at.UiltinMrr atailon and thr Journey
Washington reat^
rd al abuul .6 o’clock,
vas mdlaposKI from ona of-an ordi;___ ,
Bwretary -Mgev^ ws
tbe extreme heal of ibr past twu dara. Oooncll of tbe City of ^
but Irp Aabevflle
Deovmber flat. luvn. and
nr* lai iwetbera Cwl Mlaa.
■sms 0*Hm «f ladUa Chlldvea._________________
Isausry idth ISBT.and
« rvlatlra to Billiard
r U.—TbeHrn- ' Tbcte are boae dutu-s as well m TANNER VETOES VOTlNO MACHINES,
Table* aod Baililag Uooaaa
ry Rllrn coat mlnea fifteen mile, rsM pjenret for tbr children Bova ate re* ------------ ---------- .TT7______ __ . _
Be it <
rad by tha OuancU of
”•' Traverac Oily;
2">, are on lira. Ab- ui neon JraSer- ■ ka*«l m pUniiug. lo help in Ihe har
Springfleld. Hi,.. June iL-THUertay
Bkc «—The tret aeeUon of an ordinpaaaed by tl
• r the fire was r<fund arid tbe flaniM wt. and ibry arc often wade to done- »** the Uai day provided by law for
leadway. — e duty as scarecrows in thr----_™„
laaDcr to sign
I '?Blii.d .conddvrably bsad
«l7 ,. vruvetwor
Governor Tanner
aign me
tbe on
bnispaaaed of tbe City of Tritecr«« CUy. Ml bbigan.
OB D-cetnbor :
IHWt and anwraodad
Atipartntcndrni Ormsby waa
medlkle* , pliwlrd field, wbrtc. like ante Bopeep. n«y tbr forUrih griieral aaaemi
. I«th.
enilUod anoi
ly nmlfled and the tim thing he did waa
fall fast arirep The guT» help to vetoed the bill providing forihe
to Ml ahoul a<-ul>i; miners
gather W4k«1 bt»ug water and look after pf voilng marhlnr*. bolding ibat It ann rvlaUv* to BllUard Tables and
lereby aaaended u.
rarioui |>arts of ihr mine* to tb« <
tbs younger miet Ai they grow older would l« apconatltutlunal jodr'r Ibr aide. Al l o'r|.K-k rvrry mlhir^was
they are tanght to rnt. raw and wake preont law providing for vuilng by
That aU rooms and p-aen wber* Wleonnled for. Tbe aeam 4>f cuat
baHoi. and that It might rt-svlt In vanHard t> blew or pool Ublaa are kept
Us flnrat In the dlsirici and ahould
•ay. BO aftrl wa, ransidered Biassysirms of returns. He also vetoed
at parsons a.’* permitted by
Arc gain much headway great
I WT.OOO for addi*
bad tearued to tan .
ork’cp-r thereof to p'ay and
will result. Repreaemstive* of i
for wbleh money or lla aqu
lulvaleui or
pany have gone to Henry Elirn and the akloa maka-tenlt and cloihlug, p
.. or
uonnter lu lieu
. _________ ,
Aamea will be fought unOI suiidued.
I for drylfiff
emld “llT.*.
* , Rud
.•i.M.a.w M7.«0 iu(
f .uivix-Tesurni, %m l..« aay ebt.
ia paid or raoelved
■ aball
aball ■be etoaed on
laaawdUry FIs* B.rasa Maa «• Death. oora and beau* while a yoong man who Hoaplut f .r the Incurable Insane at tbe flrat day of the week eommiooly
deB. Paul. June IL-A Mlawiula. Mont.,
ailed Sunday and aftor the bourc
u not pletpletcd condlitnn of the tuifa funda
wacial to The J^ontwr Prew aaya: a poniaod to be'a skillful bouterifu
. _ o'olnok In tbe afteraooaofeaeb day
Ar* Bundar nigbi deairoyed tbe bread* coifaidered fitted to uke upon himself | Among other
of tbe previdrt of a
repcahng the Ithel law; (be bUI ex* from November lat lo May 1st In each
igg Mablaa of Hlgglna Bros., the well* .Ihe I .
after the
boar of oli
- -lb- etnptlng tt l>er week fr<m gamtebmMt ye_-___
n of thto city. Wiih Ihe family—"Home Life ABohg tba
jono Mcb day
and (he bill to prevent tbe qolorlng of o'oloek
Ubiea five horaea
diaue." by AlieaC Fteichar. tp Ow- buiirrtn* or Imltailuna-or butter.
from May 1st to November
In each
ng Brine Triclu. I
year and until aeven o'clock la the
Cara *r MIsed Morality.
. known pacing horse* of tbe west. Pr<d
morning of tka next aueaedlng day.
A PwBtar iNitsb Cuataa.
Airnuacr. a Jockey, Was burned in death
Danrllle. nit., June iL—Louita Hnnt. Tbe playing of pool ot btlllaids aball
In Bitempilag to save a mil which was
A peculiarity amoug Dutch fannan daughter of pomi
poMmaeier Hunt, and a aot •bo allowed
' Bwod^a^,
^ any poraoo _ or per*
hi* apeclsl chaive. The Arc wae in- wbo live et a dmauoe from a lowu la , popular young lady fr.
ling, keeping, ranalng,
I tbe teuib that hat , .. bavs a oofBu in readiona for Ibair '
having eoutrol
- ' of aald bUllard Ub'M
Ub'c or
accurred lo this city wtlbln a fewwrefca. i burial
[ era to keep her lover from getlln
pool Ublre
Ublrm during tba Ume when eaid
burial It le by no mean, nucommon
’-------re by this ordluaaoe
sac a mil sturdy old patmteh gaiug
rariod Hair Hwl Barwog.
bound over to the federal court In Unit* reoulred to be
• At Louis. June It—Plr* destroyed tbe an outbonat and gravely oostemplatli
Sue S—ThU
plant of lb. At. Louie CuHcd Hair com*
feet In twenty daya after its puhlteapuny at the fw.t <>r lirenan avenue last abnfflca off tfaU mortal (ofl This rharttoa.
BighL The lr«a U placed at !».«».
ncieriftic bsi alra appeartd In Preaitfeut
We do heiaby cerUfy that the tawOttumwa, la.. June ll.-ne sheriff
Kruget. wbo baa reoeniiy
baa arrived bet* from Burlington. Vb,
At: Paul. June IL—Insurance Commte*
- ..........
atones Dtanh yesterday notified the
legaj Urhe tbe leader of the gang which
. “
W. W. &m*.
Iowa fkfurance cumranles that their U*
roblMd tba BdM bank. Murray la In
ccnaca aiand
A.W. Skxikd.
and that any Uuinsas written la this
aty Clerk.
■UU ber^fier until furtber notlea will Ua (o have one die in your chair afne
be held to be In vioUtion of tbe law. yon bave given bin ether
rui D Blmplr anotbar step In tbe war
DastUt—Tan It to for (hal cumob
I and Mlnnci. tbe formar
rmar baring
ruled MlnnaaoU ate* *• adapMd a futo that whan on
M. B. Onrmn.
out of that auu on what iiwAliNiniaAdatBlMand tha paOant
BtMt pgy te advaAflA^BoMnn XnhThtBAOOAD naehaa thapMpM who
before tbe flrv bad run Its course there *00 or tooeb fruit will be ovt-rrljw.
lerrincjfxpioaion of glam iwwder With ^arge tree* thi* luvolvee Buch
lab «•
id JOU'V ol ihc immatate
ibc Bugera ol tbe picke»
and parkri* while rainy weuilici
her oc
•rt had bis 1^
heavy lo,, by tbr oracklug of
broksn and many etbera .
fruil )wh«ch nudera it anflt tor
kijuriaa Th* total low win
will rvacb IITL*
_A«,beni hum
protect tba aae of
................... ........... PsUalaa laaad
apoa tba pabtle atreeta, avaaaaa, lana*.
parka. Migm, aad other pablkidaeea.
Si aacB lb* aidawalka wlthla tb>
altjr of Tnveraa Ckty. and to prevent
tba depoalUng la and apoa any of aach
pabtie atreata, aveaaaa, laaaa. alleya.
parka, brldgya, and other pebUepUore.
aad apeo tbe aldewalka.
aab_. aay
aUacca or
_______ to each vabide or lo travel thercOA. Be it
Aalned >y the Ooaboil of Traverse
hBcnog 1.—No peiaoa
ill at
na 1 Ida aay valcdpade. M^da.
g trl^dfl ^ or Lloag------t*k^oa Mat ^iSwt~ atnieT fm ^tha
etloa of Froat and L'aioa atreeU
.Dne Solid Week..
June 14
Tta HlgBt, lot ulOdNsn
Wall & Johnson’s...
Fresb Vegetables DtOj.
Jacob Furtsch,
416 Union St.
teephone 34.
At* yoa iMsrcd. ]
Fire lasurance.
Stars“' The BewfliiMd Ewiiers
lo B and loe. GffaiB
Bringing waera and gale* of
langbtrr—abowvnng a deluge
ofdetigbu. Urvulsat maldvoa.
newcet tnirae. Fuonl
lAkc* and dancei
lot of funny plays
1 CollectioB of Nottl teiile- Pipes
>iRe People.
Always iBotoefc.
10 ant) IS cents.
[.BlChUj. SworaM
All for Smiles.
Do Ton Know
Suits to Order.
Tire Me^fhant Tailoring.
Oltv HMra.Oa
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Floorii^
Short Maple Wood. Lands ior sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 3 Engines, Set WorkSs^ Carnages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mfll Plant for s^
tH» yoMTHTg aaooap. ’waoiraapAY^ jtob ib. wbt.
I tbera of a booM. If tbeg* he a yard, no
-.-lb itor____ ____
1 nl
ol katafO whtata,
whto vrlater and atimmer,
lid Mbs a tbeaaace tram tbc woodo. i
u Aould have flowen In their aeaeoa,
and v^ riicmld be plnted wbtnver
thiakkhatKaw P““lbk. Witbin tbe arbool everr color
labosld be agreeable and *--------- - ««bt lo «o
XummaM^m. •
W*.lUnffW. #unr j; -Tb* mbM« d«teic DO (be *u^r .. hr.Jule o{ (b« urUr MU |«««*ded }-.H.rdojr with only
«M dJvmtn* incldrtx W .Pr»ev» Uu
■mxMoor »ino ■ohi.h the dlocwoMDo hu
Ut*e4. ThU «M ihr'ihbrp ezchoofc
Ul«Mb no*r and Titltnaa, rn>naeBt'
Inc tb# two »*lretn« "f •WlorUl K®cwdora.. Tinman rtf.n-^d acaln (o (bo
CUbUahed charcei ot iprectiUrtty ih
•ouaetiao vltb tbc (Unr ocbadulc. Odd
•Mirted that (be *< nai* would aund
con\irtad before the A.nerleab paopla^
II failed lolBeeiUttai. theehaicM. Jioor
ewlmlr and
repelled tbU
•UMmm; hi* tune and loocvacc baMg
caWiilaUd a* a n tiukr. ■ He declared
that the vafue churv'^ of tirecularlt}'
were Bat only i>rei«>ti'iya*. but lotam.
AttoB IttaMi (bo Trwala.
Abolber feature of the day waa Al«en-* bloat aaain.t the truata.
ebaicad that the irueu la the Uat cam.
paicb all oppox^ lioan'a election, and
that many <f them etaaad down
aoma of ihelf fa< t..rir* lolnUuaBOe ibclr
worltmeB. H> named eleven truat* and
aald they were raHielttad at dUhOM.*
cod aaf bonded at MMMO.m, wbOe
reaeattnc an actual invcetnent of anly
tlTl.OM.OOO. 'Ur *i> k<- of ^tae tniata a*
••modem plAte»" The awNTtlOD that If
the ami-tru«t amendment prevailed the
yevenue dmlsncd to lie provldad by the
' unfr bCU would rolhtpae, be wOd. waa
abeurd. and aobmiiird flcurea to abow
that the propoaed dutica on artleleo eontrolled by ibear trui»< baaed on praaeot
tmporuUoni wouKM ' liut tl.0«.«ah It
oome .remedy acatnei trtiata waa not
adopted Ibeo the eiireme remedy' of
covemmem o»ner>hlp would loom up
aa a practical qureiUm. “^'hlle tbat.aald be. "la aociaiiam. yet aoclallam la
e to de5i>ullam
»ro».»TK.H F0» THo« WHO iH.lS.^SSS'e'SrrSo'Ci r:
= w-.
amoaniad to tTt.BlAr, of which-M.'
•n.ne waa free of doty. The Incraaae
In the total tmporia of rterchandUe over
May. I«M. wa« over nt.oeo.00t. p‘or the
alavaa monthi ended May •« laat, the
e*partaofdomeatkmemhandlae««td. York U „ oyvanaiva
period laal year
nn.000.000. Vhiu the taaporu frion of Hew Vock at flm clcaa plaoco
fell off durinff the Mine period over t44.>
RepuMlen aenatc tanme lart nlcht wat M cm*
Mon from I o'clock nnill 11:00 o'clock and wife coina ovee bii Wll with Iba balr; »* ««*.«* ^ aroW* color to the |
alowly rldoc epob bia bead.
eye and perf^ aiaUckgrotmd faemmh ,
There are |deoty of plaoea ib’Patia
an raMproe where ynn otnseta
a son yciiow wiu no lanno oi aomiramo ,
r of civin
p^jue. Tbe oeiUnga oboold be uBifaraJy ;
of an antl'truet amendmeat. Tbe Ha« mtenranaaren
wLW, ,lUb>
vaUan treaty queaiion wu fwa*ad over, »d tbej
^t and will be t»-ligbl__------------g flgara. But tba ........... - .
tba aucar bounty propoalUon waa with* cookad at a ri
"ygoeatoUia fined and in key with all other colon. ‘
drawn, and the anil-tnm amendment averace Am
vrae referred to the RapubUcao mmihen ewell plaoM. wfal^ ue about II |b Tbc treatment d wood to a ctndy in it*.
of the Judiciary coAiMttee.
aumber. Tbern 1* tbc Cafe da Pari*. ■eU. Briefly and te praetical use, wood
can be treated to two togithnate way*—
Uvam b hat radar B
Oabai’A ObevUlard'A OnraDd'A . Jo- eitber-il can be palaied with relation to.
I'A tl "
■Lana, tba ~
WaMilafftoa. June U. —The Spaalah
tbe wall ookm, or it can be atained to mlnitter baa received an oAeUI com- i'Anani, lUite'a, PaUlard'A <tba Mat anticipata tbe reanlta of ttone upon wood '
muntoatlon ttatlnc that the report com- aoo Dorec. tba'Oafe Vobdn and ure Be»Inc from Hahana trta Key Weal that taunoit lAoaa, tpget^r with tbe Oafe
the lABurreni leadera. Rivera and Ba- AnfUi*; tbe Lion d'Ot. Foyot'a and
calloa, arc tp dancer of btlnc Mint, la Marqnery'A if yon cbucae to indada
Bocto the anmeier ptKt, anta, will be
talee. tbr not a alocle innrcaat leader them. Tba Cafe Anglai* i* no longer
gin Wwony tbe tidy booaefceeper. Hen
Is under
rr |he death aent
ftnt olaa, tbe lion d’Ot bar been cloaed, to what to alleged to be a aore remedy. '
Foyot'a la In tba Utin qnaruw and It to inexpcaialTe and oomparaiiv^'
Mount Vernon. Ilia. June U.—Dep- Marqnoy'a i*«nly middle clam. Tba bamtoaa. at all mbta: IBaKilve 1 part '
higbMtprioadplaoeaare DcnDd'a, Pail- of oorraive imbUnuite in 100 para wa
** ^'i and tba Oafe VoLctn. and tbeaa ter. which drill be a very atroog dom.
Each year.tbe Betnove everythinc toon tbe Mwlvea
... „.etal day* eluded arrert ~ ^
- , betbemoMfreqaented.
ebarce of wUe abandanmenl. u«rry ”**™»“*
• . led by
- the
. “ewelk” where tbe anu are. or the carpet from
will have to face tble charcc. which ' changea Two yearn ago .ft wa« Do- tbe floor where they aiqiear to romc up.
pe^dea for a heavy money penalty i rand'a, la*t year it waa fbUllard's and
I Jail
ent. and aayt
t be will : Ibis year it it Voiai
ind every dollar of bit fort'--'
luaa and ,____
ricane are generally dtoappolnted poor tbe oorrocive
die In the court bout* jyard
before he ' (n
^ipearance of tbeae jdaoea beij
tiU it leeoht
aflU return to^a wife. It Iaeemt he ba«
qomtly small and by \
^od let It dry la Tben flUyoar
Mintbeireqnlpoenta j^^dcr ballowa with red pQipcr and
sTBa Levy
—. in aboottb*
nwy are all arranged
tame , touetnlly jjow
blow tbe cracks and crwlee*
Lanclbg, Hlch.. June It.
Auditor way—a row of ctudiiotied mau or di- i f»u of that Cover the abcivm with paOcneral DIx ha* determined that
auie uxea or * eon
b* M»q.00e less than for IM a
Boar offered hi* amendniaBt for Ibe'ap* HENRY IRVING AS A JOKER.
. potmmam by the preaident of a eotnrala*
Mon of five mem'-er* to Invcetlcate luto ■a and «Mds Made a itpw 1
the eubject of aucar pniductloo an* the
Btr Baoiy Irving leila an anoaing
beat ineana of aupplylnc tba Ameiicab
marhet at the K-aeucoL The framera •toiy of jh'lake.tbatbr. with Mr. Toole
Of the laris bllla aere boborabie loea. and a thlitl party, played not yean
and althourb I
ago at a OlMgow hotel. After tbelr
had been brib-, Krock they were eupping at tbe hotel,
InC ^tor. ih«e etaiementa.are re- where, aayt Sir Bcnty. "there wa* in
•«d by «■!
ihroucbout th* ! tbe room a high aneen. Th«i««.n*
Tbe instant tbe
Blry “Wll
•wiib ^woiuir oonlempL"
waiter wa* gone we ooanmctx'ed operaniAMAM critka
We stripped the ailverwaia, of
tha aeaU next to tbe wall and are Hrved '
A OuMtisd-^ w«%kt
6«n tbe other aide of tbe.tablet by tbe 1 Blbffer—I’U flgbc tbeoanthatetaied
waiters. OoeaaiooaUy, when tbe place ! »e a liar behind my back if be weigha
will aeat tbemielvca j « p
butO atarily
, Onffer—I^D tbe aunt Whydon'tyoa
dtbettable. Aa' begin?
Blnffo—Ten don’t weigh a ton.—
, and tota. they ate by no maana a* fine ! Hew Toifc Jonmat
- aa we find in many d (be Aaerioan
Imteto and reatanranta Tbe cooking |
boweter, to bard to excel Tbe reawm 1
that tbc Pari* rmtaoranti d)tein aoeb ;
Udfe r»
Jeba Var
. high prtoM to owing to Uielr peculiarity
of petting what they call primenia. i------------------------------Tbcir Purto cpicureaa gneace seem to [
avsivmm cards.
' rrmruDDL* a cBora. Attmrr^
; X aumtoa te perfseua* laaS tUm. Vsom
, l,CHyO|i*faHuB«« too*>- (
50c., 75C $1 per dpz.
I People
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
> —Front Street.
\ Morning
E Record
luisiii in HraiuRii 1.1
T. Mto .W«t
WH-W. w.
c It is delivered before H
c breakfast.
It contains all the =
= local news up to mid- r
It contains a resume :
I ofimponant and gnn..=
- era] news of the world :
E of the previous day.
E It is the neatest and =
: most attrattive daily E
Cnetvspaper north of:
^ Grand Rapids in all ^
It is the only mom- :
E ing daily paper in :
E Northern Michigan.
""“t.irj i'
lone Mrvlce. a> wai lodlcaied fay tbe
feet (door friend, tbe waiter, along tba, They charge you. by tbe way, so era
autement (bat the U*l pMt>l* of bolli
aaaaga. ttgiw or 10 oCuta, to sit down. There l^pAPVmasaLk—kBowBa>ib«llamd|^im! Z
panim iresied wlih o^itampt (he »uie**Tbe daAewdicbm amaaed him and fore fca tbe two plaoea. cr coo vert*, pi
meet that ibmvtat irr^laUtr In mak< I tbe cold air trom tie window aeeiuid down I franc; an apiritlf, tba sulaii
tog (he'augar arheduir Ob the centhry,
to atrike him with affright.
I (uM for oor American oucktaU. another _
----------------------------------------tb* pMffMe wanird an Itivcatlgatlim;
they wanted the hunor >■( the SMiair vtu*
i who slandered It thieves they are. A Ibocht a» mneb Iraa 8 francs; a hottla of ordinary burgundy,
pubished. Portlai ivuion.T.Umansaia. tbe tnik* o’ them, and than their gay , 7 toBitoa; a tsreeo cf bouillon, asotb^ —1.-» m>ivna
be had coMrmidatrd an ameodmanl to talk and their laaobict. Fh, bat 1 m ' franc; a note with nonuandy aanew, S R'
Hcare prtjpoiitiun eo that tb* eomml*- a twined man.. A wish a' had nae tmw francs; a duckling with turoi]
nips ■__
ilh ■
TTOtfK TO RETT—roMrvUonat
Inquiry iBio tb* tbs baleo'that lattbnttto. Uturl Bt-arl tawain. 15 frunch; axparagn* wit
mr mafcmg but Tbtoweal Tbicvivl Murderl Ttakrrsl ijeate saooc. 19 frauca; ir»-cwm. ___ .________
rt^ has used iThtovral’and sbcullBg at tba top Of hia.S franca; rwffte. half a fraiice;liqnenra. W*fTlt^B|^DrtrWw *wJr »« T. C
acanm.llegUtoticn.andj,olceberMomcff tberooaandakngil
i.ie. ---------^ Luwberc^___________________ i^] . INVESTMENT
60 fnuK-., or about $1A •
'----------------------------------------------------------____________ ean't I tbe paaaage.
cooktouch auxar without acttlaa cooiam- FOR THE
I the Ocor, m ibcgaa. restated tbe lUvar I lag
Hoar wat iDsiar.tiy again on tall feet '
itoe tebk and sat round aa befct*. pie. eggs with tbrimpa. aciwmbled eggs 8,WrBaeiasTe*CUy*-OMiilM*yoar
and tumlna to thr 8.,uih Oaroltaa sen* , wajoying a quiet clg«. Piearatly Uwte with cbickiw inwvy. and srramUed egge i
-- •* ; : MERCHANTtor said there «err tom* men wbo wat a confuted murmur along tbe paa-{with almoxt i-vrrrtliius. much belter. ^
*te ^
teemed to ihlDk that dovm bcasatb tbe ipge. 1( grew louder and loudcg, uodt you find, than in Aanrica. Tber also BMW^Twntte-wiiuBtabktwr sMt Jite _
eS "
Cycle Owners Look Here!
tt'oB&Su^jBBctlaa. tahs
te*t Janctlee toKo. t. tetute—tr to (aha
-They are." b* t>r.« erd*d imprttelvely. oax agonlsi'd friend, tbe waiter. One , gotowhich yilll make your montb wa-1
rampl*. ataeerc. houm. iib*rty-loviag. »i*n wa* armed with a p«4cr and tbe , ter. Tbe average AmencaD chlckra to
TTity ttalBk TO evil, VMM.*/
otber/earrisd m
a toonae tBMirttp
atanette ■■IWIIJ
ready baked in an even—although tb* oook
and (he appral "to tilt
fall* OB lojuirl at tbetbief. Aa tbeyeunasd wa
■ba to Kwsting it wtara aba to
deaf *a^ with ihttn ' Ttw
wbo ! .11
i«ck and looked at then to w^ only Uking it—and. as a rule, it to dry
mak* up the farm* and factories were feigu<
Toole aaid and tastelcM and nnS* to' aat
to tbe
iltbedand Uwlldrad____
can gat a lonob. or what the
agar, ‘I>o you always come in ibis way French call hreakfsat, at any of tbeaa
body of tlieae people ihsae cbiuge*
with your frtond* when a grattoman
Dclnding a bottto «d . ordinol only prcpoa.ier^iut but tntaidpu*.
Tilman again made reply- tnile he aaksfurbis btlir
Claimed no raeclal mMon. he had oome
____ _______ ____ _jicbofca
.from (M farm and the people and to the
brarta, atrawbcAy lart, coffee and
lore receDil)- thaa tb* HaasstHitherto tbe coin of-Sthyaainia baa obeeaa for about 86 franc*, agy #6. But
janalor. He knew, h* aaid. bara tbe Maria Tbercaa ibator. caUud allot ibaae bilto that I am giving you
"that ther only th
. tnfai^* Iw^thta ty tbe Ahyauman* “talari," bat King are tba dinnera and breakfatra ordend
< the people, Mcnelek ha* determined w barua new
BB, In thr view or
by people-wbo arc oaiefuL Tba avenge
te lb* refusal toInvestixateaMthlaeSatt
ooini^ and .baa tniiwated it* prepara Anegteau to aj>t to take things which
to hide behind the M-natdrtoTRiga.'
tion to tbe Paris mint. Tbe siandard are anggeated to him by the waiter,
ttte senate penMed in this. (henMt
when he has eaten with hia tabic c
dtraraced before •"- -------panira say four diibe* and And* (bat h
costoflOapiocaitniake* him very tired.
y*ct. "and unieas you invcsilgaie you with a triple tiara and toia^ inuud
U yra will mtioe, 1 have put ra the
stand convicted." asMertsd the senator. '
dreuufereaca the inaoriptioo bUto of fare above* only onUnary wise*
AlHson. in ebaye of tb* bUL Mde an- j "JMm Mcoclek U. King of King* of If you place yooreelf in tbe band* of
Mbw apsaeh in defene* of tb* whedule,,
.. Qb tbe cevarae aide wiU be
lUeg, or wine abeward, and
« cd tbe lira of Jadah. bolding*
bolding a tell him you want aotnelhlngvuiT good.
lOteinitopaw. and tbs foUowing mo*-1 be will txing you up taddoi^bby’
■ ‘'Btbiopia extendi tbe band only ta bottle of burgundy witlwnt ray tag ou
than under tbc -cktottiig law. Peitlcrew
it and wiU
■poke at length to favor of bla amend Odd." vitoi tb* year.
ment to plae* M tbe free Utt artlelet
It to. Ii
conttoUed by trwaU. Only one rollHwII
occurred during tba day. ra Idodtey'a
I'a social atandlng it to better Iban
amendmeat to pUce all sugars <m the to gauged by tbe dogs be keep* 1«*-j rara find rat tbe ptoecewbaretbaykiave
same lasto This was rajacud-lt to ». Muhar bearing aeveinl planten at a i good burgundy and bardeamx. but tb^
. McEnery voted with tb* ItopubUean* In Uttto way etatira in tbal atate dtoetw, have to pay for tbon. I wouid adviM
the negative and Petigrew and Mantle
a new arrival among tbeo. wbo. of j tbeae Amcrioans always to trust in tba
with the DemoevaU In tbe affirnativ*.''
aoantnelltor rather than attraipt to find
. "Ho,” aaid rae old fellow. “It
baln’t tbioga tbcmselvcs bum tb* wine list,
net np with btoa yak. and 1 don ■«
-------- - ,_____
tbe wiae liii to meantiMtoa*.
. June It.—Tbc r
eran* are ruthlnr forward their aimU**- tu nntbeg. I dra’t like tbe looks of bto All it ■ toll yra if vintage and pgloet.
Uon. f.JT fwnaUnf Under the new adadn- dogstxdiow. Fine bknled ds^ alwaye > aod a
that—Paris !
iBirattor., sEd the incrrute id the volume go with floe blooded folks. Hesurkpra Oor. Ban Fn
of *uch bukneir hat been an eztraordl- It- to lalh .Ho’t ft •or«b.”-Chioa»o
ngiT at to nirtmlau the detail of thirty TtoBea-Hteftld.
aMKIonal rierkt tc the record dlvMra
Tftityde Hindt,tl
of the peaaion cOee to look after the
dthid Mmn aboftld took ft number of woodmtB4f tbe Anclalmt. la th* ten days ending teal Sat
,(rmi polcr
Mvlar balloBi-Jcr'diatributira
hallrtei. Irr 'd>atrihatlMi
r boor for feeding poul^. ‘ dree
urday the number of .pp»»—«»"v at all
ng Ibe mtfre* Of
of nfartbt
klndt for penilnut aggregated UAM.
le ftulvaA Xhto.heala. Qmdg^benotlM
Durtng tb* slgbiy.ihre*
Qutni to March & left Ihs tUaetdI dm*,
to egfctony so with dnekft.
andytig ora tf tbepiotuea totratly
tan of the oOrv dlwnted of MAM
eatiora n*.apppf«xite*t* «M *
auch clalma new peodiug la th*
Lederle's 2T-£-£'4!;
West Michigan
IdMS iB^—
Quick leturns
■ATW. Oeaa^yatear Agate.
Fancy Tojiet Articles,
Cut Glass.
. mA-SZe,
FukSkmi, WirwarreBt ft Cug,
OPIMAftT AXO moor.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
------- ------
rate MX ftasMi
Dst. K. 0.
Pi. Vayaa
Telephone 33i
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.