The Morning Record, December 18, 1897

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The Morning Record, December 18, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Fiiwt Te»r-Ko. 196.


ownaux rATMM


» toTk on -‘KHore

! foMUrr drill »m »-t ttiU mtUrwoM
•t S o>U>ck wlU> Mfm. E. U. 8t«uo» ,
ud Mn. J. O. Oil leapt* oa/^aabloK-

Yes, we have Bibles and Testaments

rather than am text book*. To
gy^ igg ksKBEEI TAA** I»
XOST •UOCMBnn. ihbtitutji
oofTMt asd oieful kaowledjo oil
OXX>»0 lAST noST.
oatDT* jea «ou*l bar* th* habit
_____, the Tr»r«»e Olt wshooU. thirty rala*plaaU lb detail. o*la»!^
O. T. *- OTrtCBRBL,^ Beomaaahip eharia Thoar will
> Is their sataral atat* asd
proec of real raloe to Utt acbool* and
day* 1> earefal atady
if pneMiaaed wmild hare eaat BI.SO earh.
rspoo yoor
Harad* la th* He^alaf With 400 pt i Th* Klk Rapid* Profre** 1* rajoyiaf
Tlo* PiMldant Ohoaas for BaebTowa owB eye* to dltooeer thew eompoelttoa.
Xda*-^Barn*t da** Hear laetallad I proaperltv aad dlaplayiaf it by a Urf*
He preeented the papUa with pamiB Coast7—Addi*«ea os Bhoop
phleto opoB the atody of botaay. which
*»*-<-§ and Prapa^tioa of Boner—
th, HBrTOaadlBf' holiday Bmab*r. Itia «ll*d with adthey will find of freat Taloe to them ia
Betti* Omr^ Bin* ABdrOM «a their work. It U hi* belief that the
«cboel Work BoathlBg About beat way toetody natare te io lake
i eaurpriae oa th* part of the pa
aatore aa ahe ia. fo into the woodi V*
Teaterday wa* a red lettw day for
. T«terdar wralac'a aeaaloB el the l*am the natare of the treeaaad ahrebTraedraa City Tent. Mo. 871. K. O. T.
imrmmn' toaUtot* wa* op«»ed with a bery. had for winter aiady, ptoeore a H. asd more than 100 a*w aame* are
^eaMOt aedal boar Is which th* memnow aarollad oo the record* of the
la ««a*«t. He thiaki ehrahe are
. beta asd their r««et* imprmna the
brat for the front yard* of the ecboQla. teat. MaoeabM> oolof* w*r* oeo»pleaoft* on the atreeta from early moraasd'pat th* Bower bed* la th*
eoraer*. aa they only bloaaom darlof iBf aad membera of the order from all
<Wtta tarored with on* *1 their
the aammer moatha wbea the acbool ia erer northera Mlchtfaa cam* her* to
iifbtBal aaleetiooa
aot la leealoD H* fare the neoeeeary atlaad the freat apeetal trerlott- The
Bow to Bala* Bheep ProflUbIr.
ibera of ST l ape* t Ihcfieaur portloB
The drat paper wa* "Sheap Buabaa-' ixepantloa which a teacher maal hare
dry; the beet breed* for thil teclon, befw* ah# can teach botany properly. | of, th* day Is
—r. ll-~ ,
and ear* aod fewllar Beeeaaary to isC1«
b«Bsr* the rrrateat profit.*' by H. C. Bai­ people an paUoak aed wiUtof to carry .lU t™.
ler. Mr, Bailer oooMdeia the Shrop- oa tb* dfodfery that fallt apos all pltoUty.
At T:l0 ia tb* ereeiaf the parad*
•kirttbe heat bread lor thl*r*r<OB, oa who do their wprk well, they will fail
aeeoast of tbrlr extreme hardlaeM asd la their uodartaklef. Thw wa* fol­ formed at tb* lodfe room* and stored
aeUeity. food hablta, -onperior wool lowed by maale. aad a plaMlof itolta- down Fraal at^ek than up Cam
* asd th* food care fieea by the ewe* to UoB to Mlae Edna Marrel. aoUtled. Seatb kde aad hack to Eroat on t'atea
atreek There were nearly too la Ho*
•heir yeoBf, aloe the way they lattlU- '•Tbe'Cowboy and the Whael."
ply, averaflBf aboel three lambe to VeadaofOar 8ebool*-by Ktee Bray. asd lasu from masy ooialde (owa*
ispreaealed. Theh^^-^^OOV
siaiy two ewaa The muttoa from
E O. Ladd fare a abort talk abaci
oafa ln wa* ; eold
iMle. too. iboafb
tb* letUtaw. which wa* fallowed by
ythb ts- for either Chriatmw or Mew Tear** U
•socfb to iBcat
ter he asy other. He f*« »«**®
e of oar Maale Clabiaeta. Book <M*aa.
a eery iatareetlaf artlele os "The -----------ita The Boy*' <mad ^ Crmraiaeble ■affcsUoa* for the care of aeeda of oer achoola." by Mia* Mettle
Writtof Deaka. to the la teat aad i
i laaifsa. wbloh are td*dcU of
eheep, aad their tareadlaf. Ihe beet Gray. Mica Gray eeoaldera that one of chat bead of Ihla city were to Uae. alas
..sieaee aad atUUy.
Oer atoek of
iook for the eheep |a pea. bean, oet aad i the meat Impertaat mBirite* la a the fis* basdt fromGrawa and Old cbote*
blta of aaparb Faraltarc for hol­
wheat Btrew, alao root*, aoch a* tv teacher U the lore of ^lldiwa. and aaiday preeeeto' east be eqaaltod to
Trorene City. Com* to aod look at
•Ipa, ptdatoea. etc., twoor thre* time* lea* l^hen bare e lare for little ebll- *r« ooaapleiKm*. to feU Nfalte.
Trarar** BayTedkNo. IM. torsed .H”
Uocau atorsd tree o< charfe
yerweak. He coaildar* beasa te be th* drea they eboold serer ea(*r a aehool
aattl Cbrtatmsk
beet milk prodaoiaf food, aad balterw room aa teacher*. Sbe apok* of the oat to lar»* anmbere both to lb# pa­
nda and at th* lalttotory eerrmoaiea.
that timothy hay driaa ap the mUk. etweealty of aast aad laaty
Sbaep ahoold hare a dry. ararm place. iBf*. aad tb* teBaeaee whlek U baa
' saray from dratla ia winter, aad -ia apoB the patdla oi the achoola; of the Grown. latarloche*. SUfbta. Ktofiley.
sammar paatare that it dry aader took acceaaity of harlaf a food library,' Old Mimloe, Wllllamabarfh. Wexford.
Houm ForniahiBg 8tor«,
M* faae ac^a rery food adrtoa rcfard- whleb th* lAUdMS ooald aaaial to per- Barker Creak. Aldea. Elk B^da. Masiate* aad Maple aty. bealde* eeatteriaf
'sxtermiaatloa of that llula peat, the ehaatof:
membm from other clUea to Michi- ite-m Frant Sk TBAVBBSE CITY.
aheap tick. Beeeyaa wy foed way
I CuMinuad on Tttd Pot*-)
to f*t rid Of them I* to lake a eommos
lK«*head la tb* fall, aad eaw oB'mbool
olfht isehe* from the top. aad la
he pau the Cooper dip. and with the
amletanee of aaother mas. (hey can Vtoal laatmeUes Boottred TaeUrday.
Bay City. Both theca official* were
eaaily atteafl to a fioek of 100 eheep la JKsmeta Aasifsad to Xacb Oamar
beapitably entertaiaed by local
cot * Life Oertifieau to leach Art to
asd Actir* Broparatios* Bafoa.
aboBttweboar*. Thte dip caa be proe*l»ey broach, eroa to ocrewa eoaalry.
cerod of H E. Miller of tbi* city, aod
Poatoiaatar hViMlricb baarecrirrd of­ bath, ead both eapreeaed than
„ I Tat our work to aleaaiaf the public.
k bet rety cSectlra
ficial iaatrscGoo* from the poat ofle* u aarprlaod aad fratified a
„ I Gto* yea juat what w# repmeat It to
/Tbi* paper weadbeamed by Mr. Joba
be. and r<ia*l to that which to pat badepartBMBl at Waablaftoc w
to befia
la the ereBlag the d
j fore th# public at triple It* ooak
> Metkmald aad H. 1
Who ] (he free delWery c.f ,m*a Monday
ra addreaaad the
1b(. Id acoordaee* with theoe toatroeUoaa tha aarerol carrtcea were aaot out kaicht. aad dtopaaaed wor
over their rontea yeatrrday dlatriboV and of toatracUoa aad iaf<
ProduoteoftheBiwy Bea.
B. K- Beecliam road aa artlele oa lay bleak* epoa whicb the
.mmediately a.»ter the parade the
••Home propafatloa of honey for mar-.
kalybu marbbed to& ihllr tody* room
kek" to which be far* valoabla pedate
leaf ^ i* in the Broach block and bey** work
to the ear* of bee* aad tba extroctiM rier*. The chrlaUai
at <me* to the tolttetorr
of koaey from the eomb. He fa** a lo be riroa. ♦'or laataaoe. "Mra. Mary There were i06 caadtdatea. all
‘ dcaeriptloB of tbc method la which the 3emt*r aboaB not be wriUon Mia. bat five Of whom were for aiembeea proenr* the boaey, alao aaomerot- John Joac* it the name of her baabaad berahlp to 871. Tha fire heiac
ed the blcaaoma which aSorded the bappeaa to be "Jobo.” FoUewiar era UlUaWd here for oatoide teala. Th*
beat hoary. He thlaks that any farmer te aoatea aaclyaeb to each carrier:
Artbar Uebbard. carrier. Mo. 1—Eeet work wee exemplified by the degree
who arithea can hare aU the hooey he
toam of the tank when* dramatk la-'
ae«d* for dallyjoae. ateo aeU eoeoxh Froot 8k from Caa* to Railroad aeeaoe „ ,_______ of tb* fleremooy toettraetto make a larfa profit Be c»r* *ome Eaet State from Railroad aT*ao* to iag tbc atteeltoa of tbe high oOelato
Terr Rood potou to the care which Park etreek except Park Plaee. C^lect of the rteta. ladeed. Supreme Oomma*i be need to awarmia( bee* and mail* oo Float aad Vatoa beforo each laader Markey ga»e, a eery fiattoriag
oanaklcr* a ^aeaa baa aeea her beat Inin.
Jed^n 4. Sbler. carrier No. S-^rom rmplimeat to tbe team. After the
daya. when ahe arriraa
work the *BUre body, i
aO of two ytar*. Be apoke of tha CSm* toElmpood aeeaoe. oaFMotialao aaide from tbe new member*, filed Into
WTOBf Idw aome people have to thlak- FIfU atreet aad all aortb of Front tb* loaf dtoing room aad parlor*,
lay that honey that rroanlataa ia afiol Btraet between Elmwood aroaoe to whero tb* ladle* of Amanda BIr*. L.
toroted. BeaaidlfitdidBotrTuaUte Chaa atreet.
Joba Tatmaa. carrier Mo. S—Baton O. T. M.. *errod a epleadid baaqoet
b* woold be afraid that it waa adeltorcootaialag
ated. Ftolcy M. Hammood ya«c tiom* from Front to BtoTf>atb atreet aad all eiaad* wbleb were bogaly eajoyed by
eery good petot* to the car* of awarma, weat to niTtoSoa atreet: aU eaat of he great throng.
which waa followed by remarita by L'atoh to Lake aeeaae.
Tbto wa* wllhoai rxeepUoa tbe mmt
OacarThomaa, carrier Mo. 4—fvom
Mr*. Cbrliale aad othpn.
la the htotory of 871
Park to Lntoe oa State toeledlaic
Offieon For IText Tear.
Piece, all aoatb to doardmaa riear aaii aad will raaalt to great geaefit to the
already protperoo* teak Among the
At the baMaca* meetiac loUowiar lake, aad o^ to Railroad aronaa
new member* are many of Tro_jlhe *ecreUry'* report wa* read and of­
Caiyt leodtogbaalBcaamea who
ficer* cl eled for the aBiainy year, bar
many good word* to aay of Ue work
rtoclDc y*y 1*^ a* follows:
Oeort* H>ma* Baaderml a Soitabto and the order.
1‘rvkldcot—Robert Barney.
Oaxtdidau ter Hoaplial
Scvmary aadTreacarer—B.O. Imdd.
Cbmrlm Slade of Slight* Siding,
Vioe-prealdeot*-William Selkirk. B.
H. Mooror. Bl*tr;,^wtB Blake. Beat an^tod l»at night by Und*r*h
JBey; Leocard llaher. Fif* Lake; Oeo. Ashton, on a oharg* of amaalt aad
A. Boberuon. Garfield: J. & tlertoa. batwry. preferred by Oeorg* Blmea of
The holiday eaenUoa of tha pablic
Oroak WiUUWiybima'b. Oree* Uka: Kayatoae. There wa* a froa fight at
B. J. Baak Lcay Lake: D. 8. Mlekar- Kryetob* to which Him** wa* terribly ecbeola bagtae today aad tba toaeben
eoa. Mayfield: D. E. Wyacoop. Para- pooaded. A broken ankle, two black wiU go to tbrir homea aad ,ai
dttc: D. B. McMullen. Peainaala; By- eaad *yea and a ma** of bratoa* oa frieada to apead tbe boUdaya. at aanoaaeed ia tbs Baoomo a tew days ago.
roe Bb^bard. Cotos; L. S. Waraer. eartoo* porttooa of kto body toatified
Wbltowaten J- B. Moaraa, Trarero* tbe fan tbe Bther-feUow had. Slade Is torn* of the batldtog* Uere were
taken before Jiuteee Brown last CWrleuaa* tree* aad th* Uadargartoa
City; thoodor* Taylor. Maple ,aty.
Oommlttoa on Procram—Ja*.
skea toi*n.
tie folk* were treatod to Tarioo* pleaeMoaroc.4. A Bortoa. D, H. UcMallea,
«re* aad appropriate gBtt ware dieMr*. A. B. McBaa. Mik'E. A Gray.
tribated In many of ihe rooM
PrMldeBt Barney and Secretary Ladd.
were eboaea delevatm to the Fai
Bor. aad Bra. Howard Hoar* Hao*
••EooDd-ap-at the A*rteal(nrol oolMany 'Warm W*ada.
PreedeUroiy Moeday.
lost ereatog wbUe
aad Mro.
A Tot* of thank* wa* (eadered B.
<Ihr W. B. a li preparing ter aa
^Howard Moero. paaton of th* Frittida
I.add for hto faithfnl terrie* a* awa
elaborou lAseat eopper to Onnge hall
ehoroh. were abaeat from home,
tary. and tb* ArebU arehaetta. who email army ef good frieada of the txrai
Monday algkk
rntmto^ dartay took forcible, tboogh
The glri* of Ue High .eehool are
the *cuioaa.
plaaaiag a faaey dree* hall to take
Tbe puplto aad teaeharo of tba Hick
place after the heUday*.
ashool atteaded to a body the aftmooa
The time of th* feaerol of the late
a, whicb waaophaed with eeeal •dwith Iricad*. U wa* a •arprla* 4
Mim Bmma Oook has been ohaaged to
k by the peplU. tod by Ml** Bar- tton party aed many aaafal gifts
MM Boodmj. iBttoad <d 10 o'^teric aa
toft to remind tbe ectoemad t^riaiiaa
l>r. Beal oa Batov* BMdy.
worhero ef th* good wlU of tb* atom
.n* Woa.n'. Cl.b ,0m. la fwU..
Dr. W. J. Beal gave a very tolecaet- Sero of their flock.

All kiods and st.vles and prices.
Just the thing
that yoi» want for a present lor mother, father
or friend.




Bring Them In...

i BudsoDU Holidi; Gill

We wiU TrsmiyiM Vlctare. *e yoa eas bpre t^ to tlm# ter

Oood. Woarfc—X-owo- Fx'i.oeB.

Haskell’s Bookstore.-

your choosing
will be satisfactory
in lH« hifitter of Christmas remembrances for your fimdfi,
if yoii buy NOW. Stocks are still complete. Never be^MW
was there the opportunity to satisfy one's self with gift-pur>.
basing as there is this season. Useful gifu will more
ever have the preference. Buy such from our Clothing stodc,
our Furnishing Goods stock, our Hat aod Cap stock, our
Dress Goods slock, our Cloak stock, our Underwear stock or
our Carpet stock. Prices the lowest known, on equal qualities.



Prevail in our Holiday Bale of Cloaks.


leUahte hry Oee&a.
OMpa aiA OMhUt I




Craioi, Water Colors
aif Ink Portraits...


There is Nothiog so Pleasing for a Christmas. Present
as a pair of

Nice Slippers
We are showing a Very Handsome Line.

THE SHOE HOUSE of Tuverse City.

When Looking for


Bemember you can
get elegant

-White Aprons,

Bsmsthing flnsP WshAwslt.
Ho slsTAtorwhoAtmlxtoTss ontwr
Into a single terrel of


Fkmr. Trr it.

Hannah & Lay Co.

Imported Baskets,

Celluloid and Leather


Bnge, Glpves,

Suite. Overcoats,


Don’t Wait
for After Christmes Priow on
JnckelB awa many nioh ttiagn.

We’ve Anticipated January Prices.
-Ton oan get BArgatus HOW.



Fine Neckwear,
Etc., at



ity. at $1
dontpay $i.10—orChild-s Rolibeis,floec*Uned,
at ipc. While we do business here we will not be undersold •
by Jew or Gentile.-




. Md wkM •

oonr... Bt apokool tb* o-o-JiT
obMkinf Uiaoooood growth tb* flnt
nor yo«»» tr«* on pUaUd a»d f»n
^mAVKMg omr. » miohk»m
UatdoMofroToottwit- HetoUotrod
jroW Of
. any «0Midw«
rnouot irlU iho eon of Uo tn. oaUl motond.
ood ttot'o f«w won the nUoble fnloU
ot «I iltlrtti ~h«.u
' «m. T.
W. B&mn.
which boon- Towif tn-»ho«l^ bo
i. tho'oooBMT. M th« »«*«* P'ooo^ bofon »rowlb •loru, owl Vo
J. W. Eactmi. BdUor Mid lUnAcer.
have an obaodoaM of food fnit. It
that on, odBWtod
ahonid be tblBoed la I
Bormola aod hlA aebo^ ronl^ r»
iolo the dtatrirt oehoola whan tbo' darlnff the cnmmer.
After a eelectioa by the oreheett
JO betweeo •«> osd >30 par
•Goth. She Urteha If wo wlah tnlaed the liatitnte cloaed with an reeolra

^ _ 5.T:


At «be l»»t m»«Ui>r of *fce ««»eU
a chemieftl fin
orl«d in fer
favor of the
•xUacabber. reported
spporatna of the Fin Extlaf
ef Chleaffo. a alayle tonk maeblne.
with a capacity of abont 100 r*»h>na.
for Sipoo. Bat the oenacil In adopUaf
the report of V»e oommlltoe did not
thorUa the porchaee of the i^paral

leoeban la oar alotrict eehoob. the
eoaalry people moat prooan their owa
teamen froattaalr diatrieta. Better
paid to oaporteaced teochota,
bet we do oot want eheop ooeo. and
abe portrayed Ue dlaadeaataffea to the
•ebeola by chaaclaf teocben eTery
jmr. Her Moo U that when yoa ^t
(ood teachen. raiae their wociO a lltUe
eo they will-maala In. your echool
uulher year and your eblldnn wlU adraace moeb awn rapidly.
Piofaaeer Homb TIewe.
Profeaior Horn r*'T a very latereav
iBf talk on Ue mme aebjeci. In which
he heartily opprored the line of
Iboarht adraaced by Hlaa Gray. Be
^ what aonree
explained from

VoMae to Tas rayA
I will be In my offlee oa weeh daym
troni thte date natil Febreary Ut. IWA
to neeln Stole aad Oooaty taacc aad
deUaqaent city tanate the pment
fleeolymr. Oa State aad Oemety taxee
y of only oot


Millions of Stockings
This Christmas

MS^henia, a a'elei^ to ll*i oblor
. m. and t o'clock to 4 o’clook a. m.
OOea la room t. BaraU Balldl^.

vfll be GDed vHb
feet Ite flat win dance in &eir giee or
will at least feel the inqvbe to eibibit tbeirgbdness. We aie di^
our share in the makinf of glad fed. Our sboesaret^^^^^
the wear-wen sort, nude
the worid's bed
makers and guannteed.
The prices are enoujji toatr than ofters; you
can save enough to make a neat tittk esuzstmas
prestrt to somebody with your saving.
Our assortment of Rubbers and Ovs^KCS
is just right fortheseasoa

Onedoa Oan Vp la the* Wtoeath
Boued la Bto Fl^t With
-Bid” XeOoy:
Kperlia uTbi Hoakiieaedoen. Kew York. Dec. 17.—Cnedoa thnw
np Ue epoBCe la Ue itU roaad U hto
fipbi wlU “Kld ' VlcOey today. The
fipht wae etrmicht all Uroaph.

Grand Rapida. l>ee. K.-Wbeal. »7c.


Hiph School Talent Bqjoyed by An •land Trunk MaUwny Annual SxThs Old Bsliabls Bhoemsn,
ApprodaUbe Audience.
Wurabarg Block.
The «. A K. E. K. A Oo. wIU eeU 118 Front SW
•Ike Senior Lyceum met la Ue amembly room of the HIph echool laet enn- Uckeuatone fan the round trip to
potato la Canada via Ue Qraad Trunk
top aadv^reeentod a very pood tfro- Railway oe Dee. tc, IT aad IB. re
Umll Jan. 7. HUB. For nine enqol
B. W. Ct'itoieuBaM. Aj
Alice-Aikine favored Ue audlenee iW-UK
city end lauatry eehoola l,t U
pnniiaeed reaalne a matter for falnn wUb tbet|UeUme will atrlre when wiU a'plasoaolo.
When U K. Olhbe. arent Ue country boye and pin* wUl be free
An oripinal . etory by MUe Mabel
O. B. * 1. tecuiaimi Baton
^ the Baclne Co-, enbcnltted hie eeUeeteri the city eohoeU whem Uqy GreeDoupb and a declamalloa by MUa - State Tee
■late for a
machine, he oom- have fiaUhed the Bth prade la Uelr Hay DevU wen preaUy
Dee. T7 and ZB. Bau S&.0I.
mltud an wror la makinc an altora- owa eebooU, without Ue tuition which
A a oretioa. - Tbe Ulee aod FaU of
d New Yean
Irdtere. Selllap. day*.
tkm la hie bid. wkicb carued the eem- Uey an now oWlped to pay.
CIviilxatloB.'' by Walter Gray, ehowed
■luce not to take It late coaalderaeanfnl atndy and deep tboapbt and Dec Z4. Si. SI aad Jen. 1.
The Womaa’e Section.
MoB. HU eetlmate wae for a*e*mMyOpenitig has been a Grand Success.
wae rendered rxoalleaUy.
T^t Ue woman •■eoetlon of the In~^»enr* air machine, which the oomA nproductioD. - LaddU." by MUa
• C. E McnaxT. Apent.
Now I am ready for business
. I^ttoe wa* not fawahly Impreaeed etltnie U prowlap In feror ae U U lo- Bltdie Horn, followodbyabioprapbiaal
Ihroopfa the BtoW wae ehowi
o^ith. the price to be llJiO. bat
Msey. '-Neal Dow.” by John Bcou.
a-price wae aleo fina on a by Ue larpetaUendanoe. then brinp wen aleo eaJqyabUfeaurea
earboaatod pat appaiata. at $m» over twlcelee many ImdUe preecat UU
Maaie by Chelae aad T.otUe Helm
‘Tbe eeielon *ee
ThU lattor part of the aeilBate wae year pe
wee heartily eaeored aad Uey nfpoad•eaeed throoeb error and ao ezplelned charpe of Mre. Irma T. Joaee of Loa- ed wlU aaoUer pood eelectioa.
«e the eommittoe after the meeUnp by elnp. aad It waa a aoerce of npnt to
An Impromptu apeeeb by MUa Kate
Mr. Glbbe. UU claim wae that the part all pneeat that every womaa la Ue Moon wv
oraeed dmcribed a machine felly equal repioD could aot have heard her eUrThe qumtloa for dUenmlon
in the Brosch Block. I hare a large stock of the
to that of the Cbteaco Co., thearb leee riap aad eloqtent worda Uer talk
Beaolved, Thet womaa elroald be ad­
Fiaest Groceries which I can sell attheI.owest
la price. la ooaeideraUoD of the fact waa oae to iniplra Ue beet aad hipheet mitted to the* kiphar
that the eoatraet baa net yet beea let In every womaa. aad Ue braaUUea al- learalap.”
aad that the prie* of the Beoine Co. U taatlea of alt preaent ehowed the
W* mach lower than that of the aMona Shielda aad Rlaaebe Lipatoa: for
an noeived.
On. Uen will be a chaaoe for the
Ue nepative. ApaB*
Everything Fresh, Goods Delivered aa aooa aa oiiered.
Ml*. Jonca waa toteodacad by Mra.
«U to neooeldor Up matter baton
----- AND THE------ .•
apoadlap SltOOdor Ue Cbicapo appan- A. P. Gray, and betoi4 taktop up her
Aaoaecrf Ua Jadpue toU part^ tbe
No Delay. Prompt Service.
toa If Ue Cbicapo maeblae U bet^ eubjeet Ue urped upon Ue todtoe. u
peaeral dUcaaaloa Ue quaa^lpn '
Ceronr neede thaa Ue Radae pndaht,
aot dedded.
tt ahonid be pnrehaeed evea Uooph Ue
The eriUeb nport wae pivaa by Mlae
■rice U aomewhat hlpber. but if the todiot to tbaea maetlapa Their I
uppuatoe icr which the prieaU Bt U far reaehtop to the Idaae broapbt
WithoDl distinction of age
qmMod atSimUluetaefood ae Ue out to Ue dlecumlopa She eald Ula APfXJOAVCS BOB OT.BBBIKIFB.
or claim, aad back of onr
oUer. tbea Ue oomuil iboold eeve Ue la Ue -praadmoUar ape." Ue era of
promise stands onr spleii'
Alfianaee to ptV». The eoaacU wUl Ue older women, aad Uef have an o^
stock ot..........................
Wbe PBMBdOtmSentoe Bn>
pnbably look Into Ue matter Ihcr- porwnity to help eUm- womaa by
oaphly hefer*.plactop the order aad If briapiup to Uem Ue Ideae patoed at
the atochUie offered by Ue Raetoe Oe. eueh paUeriapa.
Ue apFollowiap
to eaffletoot tor our neede. and eo dam­
aa ctoria to Ue
plicanie for \
Whoee Imape.” waa Ue mala ibeme peat effloa who |mmen the civil
Utopa belnp equal Uat oupbt to
of Ue aftoraooB. Said Mtu. Joaee.
Ue ena aalaetod. la any event let ua '•we all bavu to have a paltofa for Mra. Rone A. Bunk-..
have to chemical eaplae adequate
Ue eommea worka of llfe- C- M. Imneaetor......
KeetM^abrtoiaae TUe Trimmiapa. Oaodtoa. aad OaadU Holdera. Chady
evea* mon a acute
we ehould keep to oar mlada a pattern John C. FroaUc..........
1S7 Front StrMt
wklek wa ehould atrtve tofdlew to our
Ilvaa nud Uen it eoaa better for Ula Harry P- Phrke................................ 70*40
The preaeat arrampcmcat to Ue ofUaaUa-Divlac Imepe-'" Skednwa
6ee win prevail, however, for a time.
pIcMn of Ue moUer love Uat i
Wemanb Olab Bajoyod an Afior- far Ue body, or the mind, aldao.
aooa WiU a WoUer for
trnatinp It wlU Ue men divine mother
Mra. C. O. Taiwar la vialtiap rataUvaa
love Ual looba after Ue developl
The Trmveiae City Womaa'a dab of Ue eoul at well, aad urped that In Uwaaao.
Uoae Dwermierlahyestentoy for a
woaea ahonid ayt be no oeeopled wiU
pave oDoUer of iu deliphtfpl n
Ua aecetairy drudfqry of life aa
eteil to Montreal.
ttoai yeeterday aftoreoea. Ue pu«
M<m Alice Bepotef Elk Baplda. U to
hoBor beiap Mn. Irma T. Joaee of naploet Ue bettor park, not oaly for
Lanatop. «x-pnaldeat of Ue etaU fed- Ueir own lakaa bnt for Ue kepplaem Ue city vUiiiap friaade.
Mlae FediU Tbompa wfU leave lor her
yraUoB and pan of Ue beet loved end
Then U a wonderfnl ezteat of undla- borne la Alien today to ^ead Ua helleovared torritovyla erery woman wbleb dare wlU bee parasU.
we owe Uto|be world tedleco^ Wa
Mra. Ixmpabere will ttove Ulamora• elDb flowera, caraetioai. aad Uk club each have aotoe oae who baa beoa ea iop to apeod Ue bolidaye wlU her
eolera. wbito mad paid, were-ehewa to iaaplraUoB aad help to ua. and we otoUer to'Graad Eaphta
RacUope aad Byron RoldaUe delicate bloom ot Ue potted chrye-; eboaW rao-cm
worU ratoraed from Ue Apricallural
aatbemaou. The refreabmeat MblelUap.aa exam]
waa dalaUly arraapad, wlia col plam |
of Xlada^partaa Tralalap. :eoll(«e leal alpht to epead Ue helldeyt
Wewoeldeu^ltoUeeellvtopto and about town to make Uelrpvy
■md loM ..pray._^of emlUx.
i she epoke of Ue bceuUful Ueoriee at home.
chaem now aad not wall on Ue toll day. We hoeet of trade oomtap to ^lea
Aftor ecloa by Mm- J. T. Haaaea and ,
trainlnp aad ^ Mra. Jamae U. Bebarta aad Mra. Wal­ Johnson Block . Thons 78.
deal at Ue Boetoc Store, oetfally about*
Cbrtotma*. It
MIm Wilhelm, which wera much ea-;’“^’^ _ ^
j ler Trumbull of Old Mlaeloe. ware to
our faclllUee Ueu. uod early cuetomere wlU naturally receive betUeeliy yealerday maklap Vk
>^ba.Ue prtoldeat. Mea J. A.
reatmeat and beve bettor eelectioae.
rae. Id praoefol worda to^aoed Mrv ,
,Bflaeuoe of Ue llvae of pareato purebaaea.
E. A- Beatty.' formerly repreeeatlap
1, who epoke for a few i
Ue Cbicapo Oottope Grpaa Co., has
to Ue ladim. • Kbe told of bar loop ex-!
a posickni to Ue atore of Ue
pmdeDcatDclDb'work.dellBpfaack for aad everTOBc proeect fell Ue roepoaeiKimball
twenly-flve yeara. U baa been her yi- bUity of Ueir Ilvee a> aever before.
Mea-e eWU*‘ Tlea. flee liaeo. eambrie aad rilk ladlee' aad pAttoMab
partooce Ual womaa'a cluba. mare
Hanakwchlefe. Wool, 8Uk aad Kid Glovm aad MUtea* for todies aad fWta.
Koi« OtothaaUaa ThleeM.
Uaa any oae oUer Ulap wad to keep paper, aad the iDfiaeiee of Ue moeUnp
Mra. Pciar Bnua of FifteeaU etreat
waman yooap la aplrit, aad op wiU win loap remaia with Uoae preaer*
‘terrieek ofladlee'and peate’ faderwear toetfU eomplete.
reports Ue depradaUoae pf eloUcallae
Sbe enrreal Uoophi of Ue worU. The
Aa elepaaX Ilae of Jaidtoien. A fine Uae of StatioMcy.
Uleves but U walltop for Ue retora of
■ora women live to Ua praaeal toatoad
CbUdrerab nobby Salto, Reefers and Gverooato. A fall line of. Ooth an^d
A abort Ume waa devoted to eedabll- brr property. Sbe eayi ebe kaewt Ue
•( the paau Ue bettor will It be tor
Capa Itodlee'. mimee' aad cblldraa'e Jaokete and Oapea at preaGy ra
ity at Ue erialoB laet eveulap. after pulltv pertlee and wUl eomplata to Ue
•kerndueed prtoea.
Mte had one word of eaattoa for which Ue queelioB box wae opened, autboriilm if Ue cloUea are not re­
Men's Balts and Overcoate la abaalance. Buy useful prveeeta. uad da
aad thequer^ee mtlefactorily aaewered. turned.
womaa'a cluba to peaeral.
not spend your money oa wortbltoe trtokaie. Aecertato prices on everyUtor
.-.womaa woeld tovlia-Ueir baabaade E. O. Ladd read a abort arUelo. eoULean to dance aewaad enjoy yonrto ear Uaee aad eome to your moMy eavart.
•ad bcoUera to meet WiU Uam acca- tiad. "Are Uepatoe properly paard- eelvea. Do not wait naUI the daaclap
alooally aad ^d out mere af wbal adr Tbte vrae follawed by a dvllpbt- eraeeato rr wlU. Uaa bleiae your■Ivrn In br e^ap for mlaalep ae
they are ioeomplUblap. asd etrivtop fnl raritottoa by Mra. J. 11. MarUa.
inch fun. Paur.'aiLvxto.
to da. it would be a profiubl* aa wall which ao pleaded Ue aadlenoe thaf eke
alu> Block,
rvo”* eirret.
ae pleaaaal Utop for all
The flaaariai report wae read by Mr.
8he arped tbehJhe live q
Lsndledy—Tbe price of Uto room to
Ue I Ladd, to whlob ba statod that the exhUw^^of Ur pest, and epoke of Ue ] peaeee were all paid, aod Uare eUll •0 maika Will Uet euit yon?
Correspond with
oxoeUeat aad praetlmJ work for wo-j remalae »4-M la UAtreaeary:
Laadledy—Tb<S) yutttna’t beve it. A
■Ml, that bae recently been takea up
the Traverse City
man who suiekly eivepte eorJi aa ex'orBolead MorrlU pave a leapUy and bitaot pice obviously does not intend
_____ .^lal oonrae to Ue Aprioultoral
Sound Hem*
•allepe. UaaBaltoalatopto Ueeeboola InetracUve talk oa "OulUvahloti and to pay bis bill.—FUi«ni<to Blatter.
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Floofing,
to aa exoelUnt Ulap for elub vromea l*roatop," llluelrated by eurtoptlcaa
Awhy Ahead.
vlewe. wkWh wore, a preat help
Short Maple Wood. Unds for sale. Mill Machinery, of R«
Mabel—I'm pettinp a new tooU to
Her talk aboaaded to axealtoat enpde^ptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
. He bwae wtU "Ue beri
pmttoto dad waa preetly appreAtod
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
hwailoo for a erehard." towhad upon
W Ue Club wommi.
• dmttot. end 1 can hava oil Ue new
At Ue a«»fllasloB dainty refreeh- Ua aaoeealty of buytof the bmt
tMth 1 wM-PUMaelthto XoU
Mte wma sairved and a eoetol bov and oetop Ue ntoaoei<
them, ae Ue irminei el vitoUty M Ue


Ready fi[[ Business!

We Proznise the

Best in Quality,
Most in Quantity




Witclies, Clods, Jeielrj,
Traverse City
Siliertiie, Koteltis, Etc.
Candy CoW. C.&B.A. Gannett


E.W. Hastings....

Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance.



A Busy Weel^ Coming

Mihib; to Loan We.EiiiOct the Neil Serai Dajs to ta tlie Bump l«k

Improved Farms and
City Property.

Jeweliy hr

OoT Deprtments are M Giiristinas Bai^!

Xlegaat Rings


Ftnej Gold ltd Silra Noreltis

If You Have Logs to Sell





XHk KdlUmrs iaiiodUi. sAT^uiATi dboxkbbb is, issr.

CtMM th« LM« Eivag«m*nt <*
- William Tarritt, th« NoM
Brittah Actoc.


dows bt a obwabd.

Wb* AttMs flIiB WttbMl WanilBC. AfMS Um MAbst «f th» Alvirs.
mA aub. HIM IS lbs Hasn->Oblr asas
(M tbs rssl Oasi •. r%r AapwMl
Mmwf-mnuk Maks. Bs AllsH^ la 1
as«M aa4 Is ArrasIsA.

Loodon. D«. 1T.-Wim*iii T*r»l«. tbs

BaalaraaBH KaswsH AeHaa Lnrtaa.#ii«
Ta Be BsalsIaA
labA l>ec. 1*. — On Wsdaeaday
4u*e Kejraer. of ibe dlatrtci conn. la*,
ao tnJuncUon which forbade Tbs
id-Hsrald publlsbiu or rafsrrli« to
wIbUod of ths llesnss board paaatd

licanaes by a former
board that Ths World-Hsrald »
pdWrof cbs,lar«sst|rlrcalatlon InDoua*
lu county. It.also'sAjolned ths a»enta
Of tbs papar from aoUcIllBa.such adeerUaamtoU. Tb# Wortd-Hrrald «as not
a party to Ibs Injoerilon proceedlopa.
but ailbsri U. HItcboock. publlaber- of
ItM papar. waa aarvad wltb At oi
Its publUhsi ao open letter to
Keyaer' in Tbs World-Hsrald
which ths followloi la taken. -| cooalder this to be an allempl to abrldca
tbs liberty of tbs prsabTH believe It to
be lawleas. I bellns It le be malkloua.
I aball resist It by all lawful msansln
my power, and notify you that The
World-Heiald IS ope Institution of thk
cr'Untry which will n-i be run by In
juncilon.- In ofdi-r it. put Ihe m.tler
to the leel the publisher ibrrsfo|B pub­
the proserllwd - matter tb the
same article, callliic atteoilob U tbe

ACtOTi a*as asaaiBinaifd last nlxhi as be
vu ■tepplnc raoiD bts cab i^roa« Us
pavstnsDt to tbs tbsstrc. ns aasaasln
Usd a kbits and stabbed Tsmas Just
balov tbs hsarv Tsrrias tsU. aboutinc
•*Mr Ood^ Us’a atalibsd msl ^n’t
blin sanps!" Tbs aaaassm wllhdi
tbs Aanisr and mads i ascond plui
•t btorvJciiR), tot be nas .sstasd by ths
Bpsctaiora. of •'bom t^itrs is alaay.
a crowd about ths Blue sntranse
wllooB the arrli-al of ths Actora. Ter.
rlaa was puesd on tbs laodl&s ut lbs Bionilnc It issusd'an order rltlny HI
auirwsyjusi inside ths loeairs. wbsrs sock to appesr and ahow chuae why ha
should not be punished for contempt.
h« lu druanlna toudly
Once or tarUe
The cur Is set for hrarint tomorrew
................ 1 to apssk.
quiikly SI
y lb. ihsatrs atalTaulNOIS LEGISLATIVE OOINGS.------- — tiu HasDiad the Tbsalra.
M Bsaolatkas R.M'oot-Saua Bllte <
Vbe niurdt rsr was taken to Bow
atrast polirs station, followed by an
•Spnorlleld. JllA. Dee. »7 -Tbs Vuse
aagrr crowd His name was civsn as
was In aeaalon only a few minutes yes­
Archer. It is saM that he bad been A
-auper- at ths Adrli>hl thratta aeveeal terday momlny.tranaarOoB no business
The roll wu called for tbe Intnduttlon
je aodl- of bills, but noos was presented. In
already aaaembl.-d for the (he aetiate Hulllvan offered a rraoluium
performance, noil the iranaser] instmctlns L’nltsd Biataa ssaatort and
.ntaltves tO vote on
I, Crawford
It as TsrriM had m<
itb an accU ,h« postal aavtne
1 be ylvsnF, m.^e the point «if order that
I-------- .. —.a forelyn to the• yovemor'a
ir Nortbimtl
da^ svsniny aHted ths keeper ..f the I f,|].
Usulenant Oovemur
atajp enuancs u to Ue whereabouts | a^iBinsd the polDl and ths reaoluiloi
of Terrlsa. and hla behavior wu then | «ais ruled out.
________ ______________ . WII authorlalny
so obnoBleus that Hary Ntchola one of
tbs iHlncIpal
rollsauyuss of Trrriu. citlea. vlllayea and tdwhs to levy a ^
. wu obUyed to rsmunstrals an^ to or­ of k per omil. on the gross receipts of
der bim to leave the premises
yu and eleelHc light oorporaUuna- Fulllvan intrcMiuced a bill for the taxi '
Blal a. (a AreberV Ballsa.
Tbe aevDss aluny tbs Btrmnd at Us of telephones tl each.
me aenaic oommlttes bn appropHahour when ths theatre tioacd last nlyht
wu rsmukaWt By Ua: Urns Uis spe- tlons baa ordered a faforable report
Slal editions of ths svsniny papsn were on ths blU approprtsttqgW.tU for Ue
«oi and the newahoys were shoutiv Quincy Soldiers' at* Sailors' home 1
around ths tbsaue rslta that Tertias ; DsmocTBilc sutv central commlltee
meeting here yesterday named a CO
badlM-sn murdered Atdrst Ihs ps-iplls '
lilted to confer with memlwrs of i
tTfuasd to place soy credence In tbs
report, nut when they found li true aaaemhly and cause to i.' introdueVi
borror and indlynallun were yeutally reveous ati primary billa in oppos.cioD
ezpreaaed When AW'her arrived at tbs to tbs Republican tneuores.
'police station, he stlli held tbe weapon
Civil kaesle. Mvlonwen Bass.
apparenlly a biy butcher kn:fs. conCincinnati, pec. 17..-Tha Civil Seretee
ecalid bsneatb hta cape. On belny Reform League met here yeetenlay.
eharysd wtu murder be Is reported to Carl Schort In the chair, and that genbavs replied: •'He'a done me out of the ilemsa proceeded to "roaM" the antl..............................
and I am
fund Ule morwiny
dvU service reformers after a ml
ent of II for life" Ths murderer was for whica the said Carl Scharx la faplaced in a cell nod IS under a apeclal moua
Later reports of jdogreat m watch.
__ ___ mads from a number of.stale* and
PantaM la aa Aelarb Xteastaa.
were sncooraglng to the members
Tbe undersludy of the deceased actor
lUiMb Mate Oroaga. ^ .
tens a eurlouf aiorj pf how Wedoesda;
V T«nu I StwInglleM. Illa-.'IVi . IT.-At the i
Btybt he drammed that he
1 by a'alon of Ibe Illinois auie grange the foltold • lowing oRlcera were elected- Uasler.
crosrd. and ravlny. He i
hiy cuUsayues this m rning iind could; Oliver C. Wilson, of Putnam county:
hot yet the borrihls di am oR my {Bind ! overseer. F. C. Seller, of WabaU tounty: steward, Charles Oraen. of Macon
the,whole f
■ *.igbt lust as county. The fvi«rt of tbe committee on
aiTIvlDC at
deed was iM-rpel rated.
1 believe eo-operalluo wu adopted
thal but for tbs police lbs rroerd sreuld ,
have lynched Archer " Another msm- ;
bsr of tbs Adriphi company myw Ual
aasaasln was known at ths ihsatra as ],
“Mad ArcheV ' and that wbsB ordered I,
OR the premise, iaal night be muttered |


Ul»r F^MTEtloi. Mm TO» E«etptiMiE to Romorko by
Bookor T. Washing.

BgMbsaraBsrasIsTbvrwof Dag Vp 4a a
la Ua BlswoH.


Free Storage
for Bicycles.

Correct StylBB.

Kansaa City. DSc. 17.-Wb»n Ua Hrar
Btcamboal Arabia sank la Ua Baaourl
rivar near Pkrlivme. Wo., orar forty
yewra ago bar caryv Included 1« tartalt
of whisky. For aevstwl wasks paB a
amaJI force of river men baa been dig­
ging iDto Ue sand bar near ParkvUU
In search of the Arabls-y va:uablecargo.
Lata yvaiarday afiernootj ibv digger!
. .
utwovvred thv whisky, flading tbv bar- COmC ID and lOOk them OVef.
n-ls w-etl preaersed and lut night Usy

Most Complete Assortment
ever shown in this Citj now
on sate at
Na 131 SUte Street,,
Traverse City, Michigan.


para. Whs PlaallyB

The dlggviB will reallxs a handaoms ^___
am for tbsir worx and Ihs governnvnt ■Wlll{


Kaahvllls. Dee. Il.-Ths
tioB occupied the major portlorf of
sssBoD of the Federation at 1.[jtbor yraArday and a healed disci
-. .
..--------- iuluUonIn nducedby

OouH Side of Ue-rlvet. but owing i
shlfllny of ibe Missouri's fickle cunr
tbv wreck now ll-r under a dry aandb
on tbs Kanus »de aud Us revenue <
ftcera at Lvavsewortb will auiwmlae tbs
Henn- Uoyd. reaHlrmlnr ths dscUra- removal of th- ,»iyo. Therv Is alat
Ilona of ths fsdsraitun that all labor, bly conslynnieiii of oureuswarv In I
Atwbata'a hold.
without ra«srd to volot. I. welcoire
Mara TrowMs la Ua Lwetyest CpM.
ranks: dsnouiuiny L« uninis tn fi
tbs rsi.irled slaismeni of Booker T.
Chlcayo. Dec. 17,-A new <left.enl In
Ihs Lurtgrrl eaos. lovirivlng tbs old
WashlnatoD Ual the UadM uhlonai
flyhl Iwlwsen union and non-union la­
plactix fbsiBcles Is the way of tha
rapeenieol of the m-yro. and bor. waa Injected In Ibs curus of prw
o tberocordsoTihefederMloii csodinys An aflldsvii from A. i. Mailory, a union presaman. drtlaroa that
eonvrntlona as complete BOBwerS
Boasbrrg. Us last juror chusen, bad axsuch falts aasenlonii.’ This teooluUoB prerasd biroeelf In favor of banging
cauaeil much spirited dlarusalon. Dels- Luetgert. -bslors be got on tba Jury.
(Ble JooML of Autttala. Oa. spoka Boaahery Is a non-union praaaman and
olalmlu that tbs whits laborer could has been assaulted hy men aupporad
•omiieye with the ne«ro tabqyvr. to be union workmen. Be aays tba Ualtbouyhoryamui
lury story M falsv. But Judge Gary
Presldsnl Gotnpers derided to obtain another Juror In his
look pariiTii the dlai ussion. explalnlay place. In tbv mvantlnu- having tl
that the movei-ietii was out acalnai *
osfro laborer bur aualnsi the rhsap
laborer and that lbs tsBillr workers of
east had lieen coinpslird
trlbulr nuwi of their mi-ans to teach labeen born tn the world for
10 the avuth tbs brnrflu
She Is lbs dauebisr of M
Fr-dsrli* PTi'.her. and weighs a
ibar a pound without her clothing.
BsWT Uoyd said hs dld.not aUwblt.
iborars to iske negro tsborers Inti
underwear of - -.................
^helr.oan bomea. but true irade unionfare Is not mnch la'gvr around t
lem did not a* uuestlons as tn rolur;
Mlver half dollar, the Ongrra are no
that Ibe Intention cf the rewdutlOB was
tbl>'k, r than a darning needle, and bra
nut to bring up the quesibin of the colur
feet are one-quarter Inch In length, and
Une. bui tl wae against Ue srords of her legs about as large aa ths little fin­
B-Kikei T. W.-I«I Ir.gton lhai the resniuger uf an adult. Her body could be
lion waa'alme.l •' P. Pishvy. s Sashplaced In a quart cup. But aha Is growvlllv ‘delegst- Inei-led that the negru
was net the equal oi the white mans oclslly or Inllualrtslly He grew wann Ic
sp.aklng of'President Oompera' re­
Grsnd Rapida;, Mich-. Dec. J7.^l»marks regsrding lb- negro In Ihs labor ton I>. Rmith. >bs.Ran Joaa raale lnmuvsmsni, and sisted that IheiRealdrni aperiur, hag-'returned from Otuwa
bad not revukeJ jbe ■■ommltslun
a county, whera hs found a lIRsen-acre
national organuei who had paironlaed orchard badly Infected with tbe disease.
a non-union »tils barbersboplnprefer- The urcbsfd contslns l.TOO iseea. snd
encs lo a union nsetv barbsr shop Ths all of them will have In be dcstroyrd.
organlaet bad simply heeu allowsd lu The loss will bankrupt Ihe young Urtoresign, and no publlciiy had treen glvse er w-hn owns them Other orchards In
lbs maltre m answsr to a qlueylam^e- the nvightawbood will be examined.
siting Ue name of the partyrTFTwhv
Metsty Weddlag M Usgtaaw.
BUtsd thal It was Jesse Johnson, prrfiSaginaw. Ml<h.. Dec 17 -Hiss flqpWa
deel of Ibe presismeB.
Mills Ayerg only dsughlrr of Colonel
Oompera wrap, the PUiunliaFhen R. Awes, uf this clly. afd Howard
W. D Mahon charged thal Jones
James, of Dululh. were united In i
not a rapresritapi' of eonihern trades
riage In >U 1‘aul's rburcb at S:H
anlonlam. having j.t joined tbe rwnks.
Rev W. H Oallagber. rwcior
Jones then. In bis own behalf, daclared of 8i Paul a ■•ffk-(sird. Cbartsa D. Va­
be dld'nol OPI...S- the negro, but did
ils. of Minnsapulla. acted as grocoisomtendtbal the negro ub-rer w aa low­
er than the while. clHng an AlUnli
case where whilva and blacks bad been
Dec. l7.-Cbamplon FogUJolnllr employed and ihe whliea atr^.
He wanted to know If there bad 6ben
any efforts made In Ihe esig to orgaalae
nilnrae who came In confilrt with un­
ion labor. PreaJdeai Gompen tben
has retired from
ruled U«l the discussion must cease
Tbe reaolutiun which had caused (be the ring for gi>od and rlll (py ao attenheated debe.r was adoplr^ and'the dellu cballenges fro II any one In tbe
egatrs went KUu executive aesstou
Rapait aa Caaelta Labvr.
One of tbe most Imj-.riani reports of
xson Lily. la, Urc 17.-Ex-BtAte
the araalon was ihai «■( the s|-v. :sl-eom- ftenalor H. Q. Parker died here yester­
mtltee en convict IbImt
It was the
day from Blight'* dm.-ase. Be waa eery
s. nae of the commlltevtbat the employ ­
prominent In state jKiimcA
ment of convict labor should be prtmartly for aelf-supporl -ami for making
goods which shddld be used U sUle InRprlngnetd. IllA. Dee. W.—Tbs IlUboU
Protscllvr Building and Loan asanrlaslltolJoDs_______ ^
Uon with head ..mces at Fprtngflsid la
THi'ic fxmmMtrr anKMa »o la<*.
•torefrssly inaolvent.'


Half an hour after be w as toM by
cf une .ff tbs best-known apetlaUsW In
,»i-; Chlcsgo thal be bad no frara of heart
roe, u nicn nso
____ ul a: dls-a^. Rev. 'William R VlBceoL of
m.-vlmc uf mnnufaftureraef that I Dy«irt. Ia,. was deed of angtnaTectorla
i Iti
'i wiU never be hanged. I know Ibat
In St. Louis, met In Chicago
mora. aa h has aL
help is comli
yesterday, but
t..'iBS before lo toy egtraofectlng ihMr <________ ________
■COKurns are stUI standing OUL and it Ity.'' saye Theodore DurranL allbough
«a admiiied ihai the tru»t cannot be be was senieDced Wednesday
banged Jan 7.

•parativs wiiboui them.
Oovensor Desha, of Kentucky,
than a half cnetury-ago bad a w;
%bo waa coBvleted of^ordar in that
•athisg la known ken of any Ineulu Ua aon and ba dlaappasgsd. That ana
Mm aAarud to Oennaa ofllcrau at Port Is jww tbe moM ^^ueat praacbi m Pilnee. Haytt.


OppoHM M. A ■- g. DtpsL

^Silver Turned Into Gold!
Great Ackievemeat of Famous Modern
Alcbepiist, Dr. Emmeas.'

The Wheat Outlook
By Pillsbury, tbe Flour King.

|ss PaciliG CoastJwal Penitenliaiy

Hurtsy. Wls.,
AararaU Had a tWrarao. Vrievraww.
Others say 'that Archer nursed, a;
mbs ,ti
grlsvame Aralnsi Temra even before ,
e left
Ws ertiploymetrt at ibS thealra. ;
Klnr George and the sultan
BB^lBdg1y-d tln aarrastic commenit on Turkey havv finally slgnHl tbe tro
. such as ' Fo,is often u7 i«ate. and I hat Incident Is r1,«ed.
How Ibe Msvsraest gtsndt After Beewiwl
_________ -.1 life where men of genius
Burglsf •nl re.'I J. L.eschlnger's
Th. aasasaln made
attempt Mwn
““ at VVao riown.'Wls and siola a
Pittsburg, Det 17-—Only fo per cent,
, lo-«scap>- When arlaed he oRered U go . nlckv1-1n-*b—»loi machine- costal
qf the oteratoi! of the l•mabufg dis­
‘ guletlv tn lb't^'Ilce alallvO
‘ .
.about S:w
ward, w-h.-ii n was seen i
The wholesale groccy house of I
Instead of tbe U
wwa dying.
broke down with
Flrtcher A C-. .<t Mai «h.mown, oi
I4ndlng/aad It d.m,
make the d
lb Iowa wai
agTrasilenl will nr
'*Wlillam Terri* was borVi In London. \
royeu o> lire
Oct II. IKI. and came of an exceUent , stroyed
famtly. Hie father was a Kentish coun­
dvr exlailng cnnifUl
commltive net a
ty gentleman and hla mother a staler
of tlreeco.
semhli-d aborfi iweniy-llve «oal rolnr
Ihs late George nrotr
Farmers In the
i! opetBlors -Not a river operutur was
Bora dr ilK-aiie. the real name'nf the
Mich , hs
», allendance. of the IJ« otmiaiura Iti i
deceased aiior Iming WIilam Lewtn
l».e aterMv Prtc*
^pprailng M: romes ..n;> flf’i
Tlray Had AB Pssrad Tbsl r«ls.
> l>u*H.
I! ojierstoiA
ajicrsiuiA rapreseotlng
Grwat Fslla. Wont.. t>.s
r-If It
Albert Oallop and family, of CoM- ' miBva. signed the Bgreen.enl
pruxer genuine IheJIuet ic — g.^<4r "f water. Mich., are fcsstlrg yet on water­
more win sign If there is a hare
th* I'nlted RMe. .Ll'a, ^ e ..f |SN melons raised In his garden last euiu- blllty of II ■‘•ina effect .‘'r- l•lll
has t>ren dlaoo%ered In <>•
.ivrti Mon- mer He will bavv one fur «'hrtsimas.
Jillb JL-ymi'ur. a ImrlenJer at
fulUe the rf found or o,l.l-l,-.kEne dollar In
appvarad In^m-ourlng xmlfontxlly
Tenn.. .
couniii i th.- ••■•h a few days at.- Th- tli.aOO from the firm of Cbarliw R.xern. j t.v the
d W. P. DuArmt
follcwiix da) beevlilblird It ti> several helm A's'u. tvf whdnx he wasronOden- made « mutiuu. shich ww* adopted,
frtends. omur.g wjrom was one Who revai.puint a cunmltlee to aaiertalh If the
llal clerk
«gnts,d It ns s dnlLsr of ItM
In a
,er» would tO-ui»-taie with the opTwo b.>ys surted from BiockbrMge.
•hail psisel
lors In sx-curlng iimformlty through
Rla., tchskate acruaa l-sks Winnebago
S-jm-iii's bar I
a dollar o
metbud .if havlBc coal mined at 10
ciahkosh. Wls.. and have ool been
llm Ihe diillar.
IS a tan leas,at mlnva where uni­
seen alm-e It Is feared Uxat they Yiave
formity pravallsd. J. e Djaart. J. B.
bM drowned
Among the paassngera arriving at Serlw snd-T K Tuung were appolBt.-.l
i-ummlttee lo see the miners' ofClaelllbaU. Dec K -The date for the Tork on tbv Kalaer WllhvIm IL
.Vdjuuined until l>e£. XL
uatlcoal eneam|.ii.enT ..r xhe Grand I yrem oenoa were ei-Vlce PraCldeot A. ficlsls.
Army of ths Kepubllc was fixed late i; Bisx'snaon and Mrs. Stavenaoc. of through Thy meciing it was said by th*
operal»n> that li was not the intentlun
yeaterday aftertiuon for th- week be-1 uKxmjmgton. lUa.
uf the operalurw to pull wages duwn t-.
gtliBthg BepL E Toeom. lulhlacoiirlo.l
^ ,h. Railway Revjew. 3. 3. Hubsraure 10 cents a ton dIffereotUI lo *aalOB It required a long ntilerenca —
«or of the failoe nperalurm'encouragtiiLg
IS time
.......... .....................nudd pins lands b
uniformity, but tatber to Inrrewse '
emmended the week pm .-mug - Aug
; n„n-payment of isxqg be set aaids In
present mining rale 10 cenis a
.Aw-Fspt. I Tbia met op.K-itlon on the;
for repUnlln*
iBf n n cepts a ton »i mlnea wb'
ground that It wopM come Ju«!
« jj. e(„i, of 8t Johns. Mich..
uniformity dxiss sol prevail.
pension spaymi-m in OhIu nod several;
rooeiw between gill.*# and llir.olhrr stAies t» also was cbjrallon.i.le ^
v.xrlooa policies upon the
bsvmura It lapped over from one mouth
hosband Rome of the
Ludingtoa. Mtch.. Dec. K-—WilUnm
to lbs oiber____________________
| companlsa have already paid.
Ban was arresfed In ibis city charged
Ksamet Trait Msa St CM—

V youeoa yetAftiaUe



having four wlvsa- Revet
married a woman.
brother. She now llvee at Muakegun.
Mich. Numbers I snd : were mrarted
and deserted In torr and are now resid­
ing at Fentwater. Mich. .Vumber 4 Is
now under arraai' She has Bred with
btm nearly a j'ear, pan -of tbe tftnc be­
fore marriage. Hall made a oonfOaalua

The Waathes «Ve May »:apsr«.
•Hurioa. Bsc. 17 Pollus-ltit are tbs
hr- iBxtrolteca for tbwaiy funr basrs
s p. la. ywisedsT Fra tBaiasa-OssW..,{ SaU wealber: ixauUr Usbi now la ex
traow- saiibmi porbob; sorthsrty winds: odd
er la suothert. portJoe. For minuls-rslr
wealker Is bortbera. Ilf M kxml asa^,

Jri.'wiS.' 'S'‘uS^
ram. oMra tnaUasi brisk sorthwti
W4»da tr-T Dmm MkrtdgSb-Fsir >*<
aaWsr la casufe portiSB: brisk Borthw I
wl ^ For WlwraxUa-Fair. roaliaeed ouM
wrathte: wralsriy Wlbds- Fur luwa-Oao•rally fair wralbrT today; low bst slawlr rw
lag Mravsrmtara: eartabie wtsda.



Mig Silvtr NowHUr!
HaodRome Btlvar Baeka.


BOW in.

Hava t

Hiionn Block,

worrM tbv hue $>>'««>■
wbai as tuUuws;
PxtftCT. be sore
re my
mj trunk ia wfs.'
Iter, "Ptwi
my tmnk. ’ bb'jtly again. •'Ponra.
uov are ytm quite aura that niy trunk
The porter lost bia temper. •'Anuh.
mid bo. -and bo jib«» It’s a pity xpo
warn'I as sdi-phaait Instsad of an am,
ai-ltbch you would alwdya hare your
trunk under your nose.”—Nu«o«a


SgUers Talk!
Md PRICES Sell Them.
Several caee« more jiutt received.
Price* fixed as foUoTg;
M™'» 'Lretio............................ 86c
AbiUo...................... ^
ChUdri-n'e Arctics................... 88e
Weoen'.fl«»lii.oi Robber.. To
Child™.'. Robb...
Women H op-to-date Shoes-----76c

A fi-lriciy old guutlcnaD at a railwar
stailrai was UiTibl.T afraid that be
would Uwe bis trunk sod onus

klBff Xsaid Aaido for Proaenta.

F. A. EARL, Je'weler,

Yon wilj boy them of os for tbe Price.

I pay eash for my poods aud attend to my own bastneas.

186 Front Street


C/hristmas Turkeys
- Oysters, Candies and Nuts.
Bverythinff for Complete Christmaa Binnar, Inclnd^
inff Groeerlee and ProTialona,


aC IlUaals Mlassa.
Hla.. Dee. If.-Tbe mlnera
ity. have atruck ■ ••WaaLdEdtaain'taaapeoutini Baak
____________________________«C M canu par
I ta «dl
lar de baU an cwt And
tau tn tbalr xntgau Maay of tham hart
Yorii JoumaL
COM to Mliaourl to work.

Order by ’Phone and have Gooda Dellrared.


813 Front St.

» Bwek Becelrad Ttouu .Timm

fMAei'S OfStei IWl tHl


TH* wuBKnrg
twx or norMa t»
ww many aueh
thwarted, whal Vft-

im pyzM,&-s-...,......


there was no

eATPaPAtc, paoMCB»B la, leer.




Ever Burned Out?

Var ae baa. H--* Cw-rwit the «Mac : BattnUy ebe blwbfd rcty vmtUj..
->I don't kBow wrbaUMT yon «an or
pr4<tlQn« «er* titk«n; «a4 br »h»t ■«• rlH-raHl.
if yw ean’l yoo'w
“Did yon w iUni* tbu CTnjtruewv **>*t
' thurtlyof law thaawTelarj- ot the traaa- wnUCdiit tbedr-ih «ftkadao«wdr not a Twy .man tj»o "
OvtriC0UpUofPoint«Cenj»Cted ary acted tn the miner.
Jg it UtO MU
•ppnn''4atme Bik.d tbu ooiuiHT Uandiy.
--Chicago i'a
reliur Ilf «h< im-plc wh'
Yafcoo river country and:
1 naked yon It ym» yrU®*^ ^
tl.o the 1-;i: i>»a.e-.l hy tb* iwitate topr...:
I aArd Uiu lioliKhtlyif
;pulty In which Ike ihiTv wai h.
itivTod In.CuhaB aniiaxiuiy."

withh Sectary.rCa£e*»F*e
^nciai Biil.

Seed Soee ei Fertile Soil
Briegs Rich Reteres....'

"Wbirijl Whor *«9«Bdod the wit.

,0. p. CAI^VXE- A^t.

HOW ABE PEOPLE TO GET GOLD? 1 practically noop|v.itloci

TheWllto pro-„„
.boat H. 1
-MrUt dio ihe myJ ’ prUcic ».-aim« »»• wnnniy
y,., kii..vrlMe»l it all. lAe i
dw. im.rd that It whM
Irlicre in it thou to
- - ---------- P.tnl■■r» taroniiod ly JoKnu-a -.t Ncrth
,tuuv ItfvHtNtlu antuud vattaww , carKt fnr her to Irliar*
full and the flapd tty to iu.d.-r»W»i what It

fcr«.rTl..Kl.«4iarr.-Wo»«4t Jtot.m

of the cou.M of OUT BehrtlW | aiMJblt U.0 land^WJ-- hiKkCf U Mo-|
l*e«Wt*i'e hit! cottalootrol- He
lie war that
mat fanl
luim i
«he.Wee»e4 A BnBler.
t’ei^ ^4 netiolIttlolW. < aat and |<r^nl
............... .. .» ih.A
EaptnrDn* Vniih—-MUdreri. 1 woold
ttlsIU thr bllTto prohibit pelaitk Mol- of hi"-eit that he txioWn'i tdJjuy the I
«iVI **» up Hitt Mid-our «ovA.mtiitbt Tnaoo aud Uanuotiy that war jvio’ailin | ark for no ba| H«r cteruiry toau to be
to »it by yonr rtde and pm*
>l admit that pelaplL aeaMn* *a» •
•aemed to cauaa meal poBfuaion in the
ia-« barbarity
Wc wen Caniy-.o honly pmb’ witboot cWpiiin J your band ooeei in_a frmi, meat wbila
,,,. ..mb.™ of .b, bbb>n Qrea: Hritaln a ner>tt»
into the BwiK.Vben
he didn't bold i«d
iUWmJ—Well, yon're tditirejy
aommltlee .m banldn* and currmey.
^.e proiectlon
e erals
too lory a lorer to a^ nie.~.CfaMMU
Which had Svrvlary Qa«e on the wit.
poeemmenu hid iti.edy apreed
BOM aland yeelerday In rclalipr to bli to. If »e wwfe tlncere we abould paar
b4U which wan before the htia mraeure.
that buuora tfam, who war takin a
mmmlttea. The Urat Of tbeae wa» a»^
Jn».ion arpticd that the etlert of thle
«r fur a cocktail, war the beet dan«bb. ,b«
in Uw camp and be&<ai to eboot at
tor their lepmma.rbu.ineM
two preal Brltkb InduitHM.
hii toM to Mteonrage liaD to be agile.
%ttamcya at Law>
aWe to pet I. If the treaeu^ abaor^ Bebrlnp Me and the other in Uindon SamwartbollmUtvwt man'in U
terto tia Mtetaa. Bat Tril. Ke Btary
•U» P<ui^ UeM-natBed.

V..WW.- Dec.
TW 17-Two
IT.-Twe qneatiou

Suits to Order.

The Record
Readies Out tmue
He People-

Fine Merchant Tailoriug.





the whole, or nrwtly the yole. of Ihe
wolQBie r.f notea now redeeAatale in fold
B1 the demand of the bolder. Uroalut
avecdally prraoed thl. point in a aertce
of qutailon* on the pmund that if the
p«ple could not pel foW to pay their;

*orth pn- riiiPT. conunw. tmul Ike'r gnn. wart , ob«m i. noeupwe
„ctlBp- The punKae
*p' *>°‘'d up empty, and tb«j-;^wby, oonmer
prrd. He declared that Canada
wani-tno difflmlty aboot it. Ton
would only be wllllau to Join wlih tie
Ikv tbar. It > a plumb oaitcr the*, nf-1
In prohihltlnf pelaplr aallnp on condlooer. But Otar warn’t »o -AMBcnlty 1 gj b. bbowk, au«
H«n that w* .hould allow her to write
about It. not
Porelpo bwUnceafor Inaianee. all Amer-1 eur
r. MKaivr. dead «My.*'—iian FnmJohnw.D aald w« had b
lILhfkT a <1*T»I. aiuwwey*- apeelalat
teas trad* w-oold po t« a allver JiaalAj
eiMM Kianiiurr.
r teaiUauPrebatepewAlee. iteame»BB4
"The peuide." anawrred the aecretary. I ,.
BcreaBtll* Co. Uark.
••coufb po to the hank* and demand Uw -1
A LeW^PareweU.
BiraBIE g BOKTOB, M. h. Pajwlelaa M*
tul mon. y ok the I'.iilrd State* In ex- j” Vi. 'refeWncr. li Hon John W.
A M)oad oS rttTBiU weroat ttrill. and
ehanpe fur bank nouw- H any bank fe- ;
termed -the preat wire
auoug tbcin wa. an Irishman named
<uacd to mlerm lU
■ derer.: Ro preat wa. hie rcpula.Uo
;.|v .elir the bank e an•
,rt , DtAeriy. « f-« 1>, iochw In bright.
— , i^ant tnajirr at that time wn* I «aiw•eu and Bell tbem
... and
..A do
.1., the
.H. redeem-,
-------------- .urrendeHof to Japan i
at might be calJi'd ratiiey a sbtn%
inp liai-ir.Johnaon. aa anniher phawe «f the qui*n. -4* ing only 5 ftwi 4 iuebea Un
'■‘■1 ■■'1
S'"-— —----------- I lion, dewrrlbed thr deetrucUon of fo«id .
-But UwfOl money loclodea boih fold,
wolve. Of the _
day be waa
ap|iruacbiue ibo
and allver. and » am euppoaisp that the'
completely cxtenrinaled
B]nad. ItokiuK. ibarrly abont Itc ernoa
.pie wanud oUy poM." arpu^ Bro-'
be Mndlnc relief lanlt. AUe.)tiayed np wlUi thewcepwould th- note bolder who
Alaaka Cach aeal re- UoD of Duberty, aud tb*- K»K»m>l major
»to thr miner*
loHalna all' ..
I qnlred ten pound* or n«n a oay
tua^e atraigbt fur him. wii«8UM>luUuaBt ibe ireasuo' and'demand pold In
Hepburn eapn **ed the opinion that
ingidialuKue onwotl;
ehanpe for Itf' • Cinalnly." anowe
we had the power at any time to com­
&TgMUt Uaj(ir—Uoid* np.
man I
IU>e aecrrtan-. "bul whether
pel Canada t<> adjuei ihl* whole ijue*.
ex(Dubmy laiaed bi* b>ml eligtaUy.) Cp
inn' would be able to pltw
•eallnp w
tion aa tu the *eal*. Pel
a another matter. That efculd
worth more than
Th« tbe aergwait mayor,
acb Dobwty'a , UWaeeisatiamllydsud._____________ _
waa a nrady
i' Canadian
canaoian. road*
roans ot-er
over which
woilb we
-v bad
aw™ al
—~- bn bli tow, managed to reai
heaaop that my t
,11'': aolste control w a*-worth twenty Ume. chin and puked it bigber Mill, with Uw j jy^p Bjxr
that load by at leait B200.000.000.
a* much to Canada a* the Hpht of pel4VX>.W«,000 at leaat of allver which It
Bftc aeallnp
He advocated retaUaUon
“Tbat'abener. Dnci'ti«meaeeyOBT ,Xrr B. FOSTEE. IttMam at baw. Sp
KDUii ctlll keep at parity with pold. e\ws a* tbe weapon t*. be uaed to briap Can
hatddown again, iir.'’
| W. wtMiiMtetMthiss._____________
U the prorl»i.m» of my bill are adopted, ada<o term*, and »atd he could not up
are enomth to keep It brty." Thl* dla- demand why It bad not already been
cuMilon led by natural *tapea to the
conalderalloe ct the Fecund problem.
Bamely. how the aecretary propoaed to
make Ihe sepr^allon of SM0.0P0.IM0 of
|««*eBl<*k. >
------------il Nerrttw-Ne C.
gold-iwartnp paper have any coiwlder••Soto and am ) to bo ^hraya Mka
able effect InTlrw of tbe tarl '.Sat by hi.
IT.—A caucu. of tbe tbU, aMpruanumajayf
own e*llmat(« there ere t»30.(«o>« ot
Sergeant hlajoe—Yea, air.
PepnlM membere of the house of rvpDoherty—Th«» 1 11 Mygoodby toja.
reaeniatlvea w-aa held at the National

Bvsfxess CAR^-.


Professional Hen,
lAborinp Men,

r." -N...

I I'D nW

.................... .
axplanallon of hi* theory: ~Ret down
»S0.«M.tMt pp onr towl volume of out- |
dtandlng currency excbanfeablr tor
gold, and therefore liable to cause annoyar.-e to the treasury. Deduct »SP.- j
which we k.HT>aaa working bal- j
ance for the .lally tranim.llon* In tbe treasury, and II leave* BSO.Oto.M#. Next,
deduct the amount of Iswfut money >
wiilrh we require the banks to keep In
If their
f*.r Ibe red . .
1* 'now a matter of* tit.*

to «8».on.«ee.
aa provided under
my bill, and you have only (CO.Oto.WO
to cure for. Now prohibit the Imue of
any national 'l>ank noic* of a smaller
denomination fhan *10. so ms to give the
gnvemincnl a monotaily of the money
emrdt'Ted In the domestic trade of the
people, and as It Is now we fled that tbe
popular yctsll trade aecro* 1.. absorb I


and passage of
Joint r
ognUlng th
^Twe a
baa republli
the early passing of an
nnurr bankruptcy_t



yet made a report to the '
i ana It was uncertahi when a
..uld be made. Neeoti.tioo. f,.r
a Wm-tallic confer, me, be aald. are aUIl
pwdine. bul Wolcott BMured the BenBta that tbe commliuSoa had ne' inf prulonglng lia effort beyond
the I.nlnl where rvaspnable hope of sue-I
otos exists. Woleolt promised to ax-;
plain fully the work of tbe cammlssloo
in a speech to be delivered after the I
bolidsy raeca*.
• resolRtlou dlracUng the aecyetarr
die* t.. American
gton wBstassed. fnwhard of^ortb
chairman of th* c^'<l

nmlttre. dellve^
lowstigatlng committee,
brief tr-ech upoo thl-

Ardmore- t T_ D*-c. IT -Flre. aald to
be tbe work of Incendlariea. yesterday
deatroyad the court bouse here, conaumltig the w rUten testimony *
Indian cltlsensh;i> ease*, affecting LSM
peraons. beside* many vsluaU.- court
The Are slej destroyed Hie
implemeni-bouse of the K. a. Dm*
cwflpany. caualng aa addition*! Iom of
gMAM- ««h iU.W Innirwnre- The
o tbe court bouse cannot bt ast-mate
Marinette.- WB.

Dee. IT.-Wnilam
« age.' wa*
Jail for a tvtm of thirty

*^‘*’^.*’5. ?, • i tsk-s for throwing snowlglla al tbe Bal;ek. ai-i
rdiatly ...
league*. Little bus:scM was done, aaeh
of the above-mentioned events except
.tbs appearax^e of Haasa, gtrtng rise
to a number ot speecbea.
• Cannon of Itah offered and bad
directing tb* aacretbs Jwsaury to tumbta the *«n> Baaea of tbs

f the .nodball* a

It the taplain |

< hri. Mer.-y. WHe Bardetvr. Caagba.
Ch cseti. Dec. IT.—THegrama frrnii tha
Chhago detective sent to Princeton.
Ky.,*»y (he two men undee arrest Iberv
are Thria MertT. the peddler, and hlS
alleged aoooift«ee.-SBatb. -Tbe pair
wanted for tbe murdef ot Metry's b






•* PMsakry

ga-.....- Bagla;*



It reaches the
PM Ft- Wars*. On—
___________teaask asiliss at Ud>B m.


O. P. A-Pt1»«wsaito

Chicago —
West Michigan.



The Home.

Thai U the Reason
i KKBtJK. iwh¥lMW*?feu
OBO. PB MArKgrOsa^Ptog^Agsto^


Wint Ads ’ UDSTU UD ittnusm
in tbe Receri. MS

.Honey to Loan
OsJasgtoved rtty lesgsrty.
PAXOKXB A OBetCTBidftomaya.


Kaitwaal BMud'oTTrad.
.Ws«hlriglun. Dec. K.—The National

^^ptSf that of this ceuDlry and
^ aneake rpr«i*a
apeake t^isiu-----------------

Read It.

nV’ito lisv.cng'


to pan pay

.!? !. mV"?? ' Ji 11*!.!' “.kI,,'!*
rr*‘«rt*y adjourned
' .
ifler a three dM* -esslon. Tbe most
heiwe..f, J6.0O0 bank*. Including the ,„norisnt
importsnt awlon ef vesterdar-a.acsston
trust •-.anpanl-B saving* Instltutkirs was the IndMsemcm
idi^mcn! of a pooling meas­
ure o hlcb would
wduld p'Ace
ihl* question onder Ibe aupervieiun of Ihr Inierstste
tqmmeree commleslon. Tbe resolution
in favor of a permanent tariff eomnU■lotr was adui.ied again. Rewdutkint
adopted opposed government oaurrahlp.
, appr-ved the antl-sealpiRg law
.. asked congress to strengthen thr InterTo PeemW Cbl
M>*hington. Dee. i:.-Wo1coit of CW. ,
Washliurtch. Dec. IT.—BepreaenUtlve
etado. chslTnan of the'commission ap-;
*e- p!i ith. ol lUlBols. by request Introduced
pointed by Prcsidcni McKinley
yesterday 1«' iwrmlt tbe natural!cure. If pomthle.the co-operation
itlon ot Atnerteanlsed Cblncae. making
cign .vuntrlea In
Bald la ellglbleonlymale Chln^^ofgoodropul
the aUver q
; rcaldem In thr Vnlled
■esienlay that the eommli

Society Women,
Club Women,
Cburch Woznen,
Working Wbm^

Wbaa Ba Wasdd 0«ae E

NclUsaaAei^hMtrd SerJasihw.
WaOilngfon. Dec. IT.-James H. EMf
cU foraptroller of the curreBcy, pre­
sented bis lesignallon yrsterdsy morning io Pn-sld«-ni U< KInley It w ill take
effect Dec ri
lAler In ihr day th.
president iwni the f.ilkwln* ncmti.stlonu to the *. natr- Joecuh McKenna.
ver dollar* In other words a
aif'iJallfornia. to be asaoilate Justice of
tlons <if hand-tii-hand trade In Hit* the supreme court; t'barles Q- Dawes,
Unking 1I-- brortest allow. of Illinois, to br comptroller of the cor.y country.
aaees. w» might wafcly count upon but­ rency court 'of-private cjalms. Joseph
R- Reed, of Iowa, to be chief JuaUce:
toning up not tesr tbai) t30.0M.Wo
Lewis UIIU. attomep-of Ihe t'nlted
this way In the pockets of the profrieStates t<w tbe southern district of Iowa
•Thl* would leal- tSl
reilcally to i-lagu- the.
. , ii

Gtud Ripids S Iiiiiu R. K


The ft-llow-lnp i
adopted uonnimoualy except
I u the
fcrrlnp, to civil aervlce; Tha
'j.'sHSr » We»« SUi
acnac of thl* caucus that we urlll
efforu to au ^nodlfy the existing rirlt
••aetwIdM 0* min«.^mid JynnnK
^rvice taw a* to enable any party that „
-MndinB yon a iynwrritteu
may w In power to nil the different puajJl-™', 4,
t,|„„ m dtll aervlce with i».r.»an* \
^*7 ‘
T ABagROOVTO^g!(T.laWBnb>irsbIsrk.
That we are oj^imwd tV and wilt resUt |
Mr*. FitUl de- J_l mRsM* faw llg«< bastsAw. iorBcrly am
ptrdbrlWTrsBarrtiW Igply u> Fraak Fltodpn effort* to destroy onrgrenba< k> and , wanded.
treasury notes, whether It be by direct
icgisiattm or by ibe

fusing to reissue the 1
>e except in r
.change for gold
"That we are opposed <o any acbema
of enlarging the power* of naUonal
T>arv*TgPgrBPHVg WORK-StrteUr esc.
banka- That we oppoae the conferring
0«a* refereaee. »BfW^—'
AS^tos Urk Baa U». TrsTerwe OSy.
Bad to Oauh Ben
"Bow did be cBthb iiis bridar'
“Well, 1 beliwe she threw beraeM at
iln. ud be simply bad to oatch bM."

raw* Ooaipaai—toe^

—Watch Repairing.

Bring Good Reeults.

—John Yerly.
DtuKRD—Aye. sii: boll t
—wbni he's bdngry.

-Front Street.
.Ml classes read tbe

HORSE FAIRISandaj Record
Because it is Finely
with UpI have just arrived from Ligo- Illustrated
to-Date Features by
nier, Ind., with the Finest Lot of Noted Authors.
Horses ever brought tb Traverse
City. Come and see them at Euro­
pean Horse Hotel.
iU Unit itAdiertiiijiA
Prices to Suit Your Pocketbook,
ReuA AU liids of Feeple
and Stock of the Best Kind..


through the RECORD.



psto-. Pvtiea; .... “

Lt- tBCps swlytotoka


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