The Morning Record, July 11, 1897

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The Morning Record, July 11, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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«moiAL FAra»


V&4TSBBX 0^7<X»ra0XB> IT
Vww.MMoUte ]
ITictrt-XomlBclUoord Smt OiMttec* to OOm of Itwid BopKto B«.
•Id Prom ttpMB 01^ of the Voith
to-the Touejr Otty.
Tneane a^le
ttao ooWde worid >7 Wephoat. Md.

-Two Cent*.


First T«tr—No. 59.


omoxAX. r^niB

CEITffle »D8i sai^

a wore awmf the dalafatae ta the
eUcao naUoaal eoneaatioa laat
There wUl be aoma eeotaato
eredaaUala, notably tram Oolorado OOAL lAIOTB IHBXI AtMOT
« of the ■
aoeordiny to tbe oSean oT the leayae
H to thoorht that then will be no Frioaa Bialng and the t
eariou dybU orar tbo* '
Bring Frit in tho Si
iniaolplm by the oonraaUon.
manta by Water Out OT and C
tor* .Onncalad-So Froapacto c

MOTHER ticni

.Buy a Hammoek

aarliaat poaaiUa data If tb^ m^Met to
enter a bonk giring a daeeripUon- aad
tbe riea ot the boat, ao toat wa may
amn^ onr claaMe to iadnde ail types
aadatoaa. Aa pragrama wlU be ptorad
in the printark Imnde within n few
daye we wonld like to bo adriaad

And take some comfort They are so cheap Uiat
you can’t help but have one. Sec
the prices we are making.

t to the
Addram nil
C. a Paor. Saey.
Bapidt Yaehtanb.
Grand Baplde. Mich.



M. B. MOLUY. mm«m
derriana. Jnly lo.-Dan
Taatarday of the firm of M. Hanna A Oa.
Tbantrteai Hotae.
Bantanelll will no donbt have large
thto morning 'that the West Virginia
BKT7 le^oonroepoiidlagly
The aueaelra heat found another mlnara wonld nerar qnlt work, aad raeae all next weak at 8trinbarrk
▼tetlm near Intorloehen Tbnreday thnteoni wonld be ao.^ tram that Orabd. Ha to a yoang mao of Btriklng
the loot dieMoe metoUk Uoe
ni^ Edwin 8weet,.a yonnc marrted
and mnatae a plaaaant Imif tbai
to thii
RtahoBt » o'elodi. luxate theUm man. afe^ thliV. wae oTereome by thf bnnl to. Oolanel Barriok. raerircr. waa pramlnn the momaat ha atapa npoa the
d ap aod eomiDoaieaUon heat ahont B o'clock in the afternoon nqprapnrad to my whether the WhmlwbOe
lag A Lake Erie rrilroad would haul
taany oMoMkhed loeraiT laive eity
BASKETS of ail kinds, sort*
fincdcley A Dongtaa. dre mnae eoeth
Weat\-irginin eonl. He knd raoelTed,
ta the Oalted Stataa. Whan the
Intarloehan. The young man wat ta- adrioee from DUlonrlUe that hie minora
and sizes at—
Mrthwwm aeaplatad Thcw. T. ^tae
ban to hto home at Intarlochan, where ware stOl ont, with oo launediaU proawaa at ^ anhaafe aad the flnit to
mad teal attantion waa prorided.
paefot wtnrning.^lbe erent of the
Mraaii’Ti*! orer the saw Uaa troa
died yeeterday morning et B o'eloek.
etrik# WM a froaUc effort for
to Oiaad Baplda.
ipd laerae a wUe and two ehU- the UtUe dcalara to aeenra coal from
» oallad mp the.
a fraternal inenrence thehigdealoiB. la eeery Inetance the
I of the Otaad Ba^ dren. He carried
poUoyinthc K. O. T. M., for f l.OOO. daalararatneadtodrijeir thaaoaLand
Barald BBd arat i
Cnderlaker Oaftor embalmed tte body the effect of the atrika to bagianlng to,

of the Hortb to the Valley
yeeterday. The fnaeral will take place he frit in the bomae. The price of
City. Thera waaaaa«hsaf« of aoarttomorrow, and the temalna will be ta­ auam coal of the ran of tbe i
«■!«, aad the oorreepoadeat of the
ken to ManlMMfOTbwteL
grade hae alowly ndrancad. and to
BaraU hara aeot a ^>aeUl amngt to
tl above vrtrit it w4e TaewUy. The
' t^ p^er. The Eaooao reealred Id
demand to greater honrty. and the enptBta the oaore of the haee hall ga«M
J. W.
p]y to oaoetantly leaeening.
. peetarday hetwaaa the Oiaad Bapi^
PofflUvely tba blgMt you will
. A. Templeton of MonwaA to
A feeling of alarm to beginnii« to
aad Coluabu Weaton Leapoe taaaa.
My grest Jnly Olesrsnee Sals. I will qnete a few
•praadamiA«the men who yaato
whkh waa (Itob ae 8 to 0-ta (aeor of
prices that are bai^ains, bnt space is too expennre to qoi^
Pntobta A Crotaor. the newly.formed
one oat of erery hondred. A good Lonnge, w^ made, foil
atoga. Hie program to made 19 of
raUroada are onaOnriag to oonfiaeatc laughable fwtniea. and be giree a
Ihlt to an Important addition to the Uw firm. wlU aeenpy the
nring, 54.00. A good Gooch, fall ipring,- tSJSO. A good
Trnraree City enebnnge nnd wUI prore anlta of offioca in th«
Coocb, cordaroy, So springs, 650. I wiU posidvdy sell bat 4
ooal. tboagn
ally U the way ot whatie called SaatoTiararae
of theae at this price. A' WMd large 3-piooa Bodroom Bail,
inralnaUe to the
aeUi Stotnnry. Be tokae nbont ii peo­
Uige gluB, pateot caetots, m 1L75, A fine lam 3.piece Sait,
paetaeUy. nnd n vote can meat in Montogna haU Monday after- Mlnad aetanlly
ple. nnd wnile they are in the net of
be braid aa dtotlnctiy aa between tbe soon to pack another box for the Uke gard it thto
' r IS^. A fine A
lugbtng, playing bnU. dancing
^ihanea In thto diy. The line to now Ann Mffcrara.
mpariaghetnm tham.,ae It ware, to,
open for toiainaaa nnd thoae haring
Maatotae to preparing n dramntie
auna, and they ramnin in that porittoa;
mead of qnlek ------- wlU find prodactloD of the Clemeaoann Chae to aad etraet raUway traffic to
for 10 or 18 minatok While playing at
.. _ .
Book Cesee from 450 on.
Um '"»f
Una of apedal ad- be preoented by local talent for the Thto wfll probably be the reanlt in Bamerateln'e Olym^ New York, he
Cleveland nnlem
» these,
uieae, bat
1. what we have most be sola by
. Joly
, 15th.
eantac*. •

benefit of the Lake Ann aafleme.
ennsadayoong man to eleapudaya.
those that come early will be hsp^ sod those that miss this
on Monday ha WlU,pat a
A large nomber ot Grand BapUa peo­
John Botonaa In Tronbla.
Sblpmente by water are eat off an- alaap in Steinberg's store window,
sale will always regret it.
Bolmea, fonnarly a aaloon- ple WlU oome op from that city tomor­ Uraly and cbnrtera have been cancelled
nad he wUl aloep antil Wedgoeday
haapar fa thto dty. waa arreatad In row on the amitoon. Frank Frladrieb by tbe wbolaeale. Ae more than half
aighk when be will ^ tokaa to the
Korthpert Friday afternoon by Under expecu eerer^ triMda. whoa be will
ctoge and wakened before the andito a e^l oo the bay in bto yacht; the line of
SberUt Brown of
to go up light, to hae Increaaed
the H. S. Plngra* Jr.
charge of rielating the Uqnor law',
toe ©tteringa of tonnage for down carThere are a Urge nomber of aeoU
Arthie Ctomaran had a ooUtolon with goee materially aad hae wrakened tke
wha token before dodge Bartlett for a
heoriiw aad baU waa fixed at fsoo ' a party coming aronnd the corner of freight market aU aronnA Searly aU aaiwerihad for tbe entertrinmant to be
be 83d.
I act tor
>renne and Front etracl the ooal which to contlgnod to tbe head givon by the eriebratad '
unrd Bamenyl. Jnly i«. yet tbarc are
' Bolmea ran a bonaa boat Joat eotaide yeeterday morning. Tbe party
of the lake to held by the rallroade and
theelty Umita near here for aoo>e time, Uonad wae on the wrong elde ot the ore bonto having ahipplng orders are many who Utmid to ^ who have not
yet eubwvibed. It to hoped that thoae
than morad to^ Korthport. where <
•track Arohlrt wheal waa wrecked.
bring deUyea'
of thto
plaint waa antoredagalnat him. .
Rer. W. A. Frye wae kept awake all price for fuel tofil.SO.bat today vaaeri.kind will not overlook thto opportnaiFriday night and obliged toriea eereral man are paying f2.oo. Monday they
ty. Traverae aty has never had soeh
tlmee to ehnto a too tamiUar cow from wUl ba paying P-H
a noted parformar upon the king of
1 Ooatlnnaa to hie wall-kept uwn. The good parior tokUg alack and almost anything that morical Imtrumentt. aad thto to n
To ba elnaad oat at thato priaaa;
deetorea that be hae eympaUy for the vrlU bora._________________
chance that all al
w. bnt la not kaeplag a pnhUe pnawwa HtJBBBBL ZH THB TOtXF.
loUowlng an the e
bntionefar the Lake Ana enffarerm;
Cbartae Eoeenthal retnrned from 0»l- BraaghtFrom Blk BapUto Ifr Under
: cago yeatorday. He pnreheaad a large
Sheriff Aabton.
1 nm •> JO to «J» wAim
qnanity of tall roode. nlao a complete
Agnca Bnbbril. the woman who waa
Addltinnal from U L. A..
Li^t shade Tkn Shoea. 183
Bar eaah a«^ F«<;hrira carrier oatfik bmght ba^ from Mackinac telaad
8. E. Wait...........................
prill at half price. Udtoa’ and
with other modern fixtnree for hto
Jndga B. L. Corbett..........
gentlemen's ahoea
Btore in the Boeanthnl block. Eight
iw U jaU U thto city
U Elk
•SM 00 antofiaphle regtotaia will comprtoe a _________
These goods will be placed on sale SATURDAY morn­
Bapids night before Uat hy Under
MtoaeUaneona-Mtoe OUra Bpencer. part of thh oatfik
Arthur BoeaatW. who haafor aloag Sheriff Ashton upon a
Mia. Gao. Laaey. cloUln^ the Cnthoing. Come early and get the best selections.
lie ladlm' eodaty. L. C. B. A., three time been a ealeaamn for Cbarlee Boe- The examination wUl uSm place before
elethiag. act chalrt: Willard enthal In the Boetoa atore. wQl leave
Union of Second M. E. ehvch. four today for Newberry. Northern Paninhoarato clothing aad dtobea. three boxM aula, to vlelt hto rietar. In n abort
ha wUl gn to aome town In Wtoalothiag. aat bed apringn. cook atora.
Mrs. A Hammond bu ratornad from
Reliable Dry Qoods, Carpet, and Clpthic^ House.
Ln to MDbark In boelnam for'hlme^vtolt U Moakagon.
ketdaa nnd atoee pipe: C. M. Beera,
ooek Btore: W. 8. Andanon, Mia. Ed. aalf. ^day n<gbt a large aamber of
Maf J. M. Sinter nad- Mtoa Kata
Martin. Friend at the. naylnm. pack- triende boaored tba yonng man with n D(»te.v
Ilk ..pW.
mgm elotUnr Hra. B. Cnrtto. bad- farawall party.
to apend Sunday.
Mia. Walter Back aad Mtoa Baeale
atand: Mra. Laandar Pnlmntoar. pock
Beak of Blk Rapkto apant aome time U
Babrimh XnaUUatlod.
1^ clothtw and gnaaUty baana.
At a maaUng of Grand Travena Be- thariW yeatorday.
Uaa. A M. Oatohaon of Grand Bap• Jaka'e Btoggera mat their fiiat defeat bekab Lodge. No. IB8. 1. O. 0. F., last ids. who to apoadlag tba anmmar at
< of the aaaaon yeatorday aftarsoon. oigbk the following o«oera were in Omaoa. waa U tbe dty a few hotra
stalled by Paet Grand Stolar. A. A
They played a game of ball with the
boeket factory team, and were let down O-Nanl:
Mr. and Mrs. T- J. Tninar nnd Mr.
Mra. BetUc MUUrd. Noble Grand.
bynaacMofSttols. BaUertca-^akek
and Mrs. A^ A Hciwnrd of Ooldwatm
Or disprove claims made
Mlm LUcto Belnkia. Vice Grand.
Slaggara. C. Helm, Arch .Soratay;
were among the tooriaa who pamed
ilrn' Amanda M. Smith. Secretory.
PS S3 to clone oak
kat faetw. FW Imngenbagb, WiU
'SJaCUraA. Dean. Flna«tol Saera- throogh town yeatorday.
for any flour. That’s why
and Mrs. Fetor Horn ot Cbnrlotto are vtoltlng tlmlr son. Prof. A B.
we everlastiiif^ly asking
fiabMba Myrtia Hooker. A 8. N. G.
ing in the Grand Traverae Ukaa nnd
loBth Uda Baaiilaiito Object to Oowa, Mra. Anas Lomley. L. A N. G.
*3 pairs Oxfords, formnr pdea
you to nae the “BEST'^
trout brooks.
tl.h. fl.». tl.73 and fit. Oar
Booming Over Tholr Lowna.
Mim Alton Babble. A 8. V. o.
price $1.00 to C
Mim Edna Thnekar want to BU BnpBMidantton tbe Sonth Side ara ofMtoe MaryStrabm. L. A V. G.
You’ll say after
iMdad at TarioaedrareBot oowa, which
Mrs. Mary Harkner, Condnetor.
leave for Eaehaaha oa tha alaamar
roam the atraau at night aad make too *Mto.
dim Franc Gage, Warden.
using it, that we don*^
TttUle. Siw wUl make tha raand trip.

with the Inwna for gamhoUni
Mra. Myra Foa. larida Guard-.
Mmi-e Paleat Leathri and BnMrs. Salome EUar. Ontaida Owtrd.
claim too much for it
-Among thar
amato. former prioee 13 and fie,
yonag •hnde^''^ bring
Mia. ArttmlUa CTNaal. CbapUii£
Fark PUoa yeatorday for a few weeks'
oaod moatly pw rafrarianant-^
Mrs. Maud Strang. Oignatok
cattle. Tlia oBcmdod pnrtim hipe Jnet
EapraaaatntivaB to Grand Lodge— net aad raereation are Mrs. W. A
ana. Mr. aad Mrs. Allan A Bnnoanto tar eomplntot. It to aaggariad Mrs. Baloma EUar. Mn. CUra A. Dean.
that theI paw
poanilinaBltT ml^t add to
eraftof Chiengo.
a to that
Xary A Banana Dead,
locality- ComplaUta to that oOriri by
SyJIu^SUppara. for
liary A Bawlriaa, wile of CoraaUaa
g^ going htesc.
d ttdgfat nlao ba pr^ao.
nyat II o’clock
Mra ot good reeolta.
at their borne at Arohia. Daeaaaad
waa to years of age. Tbefaaaiml wUl
on THOUSAVD mmoAns. take pUoa at om o'eloek from the To Ali. Y*cht»>cm:—The Grid Bnphoaaa. aad the ramaina wiU ha intandd ide Yacht Club and Mtorimlpm VaUcy
47 palie ladlM' Black nad -fun
n witf bold tbrir an­
U Oakwood eametary.
Uoas ~
Flagrae A Smith Jnlleta. formar
nual lottos at Black Lake (Ottawa
price «l.cloring oat price *8.
Defrolt, July 10.—Frealdant D. D.
Obicago Xariwt Baport.
Beach. Maoatnwa Park aad Jontooa),
Woodmaaaea, of the Kationai BapabUKakeHoXiai
Angnei 6th. fith nnd Tih. SaOlng racoe
- can Ltogna arrived tod^. Be rayn
A Few Bargani, in Ladies’and Gent.'ShoMi
wm be nrmpgod for nil e'^naMS, ineladthat tha attaadanee nt the laagaab nniag muW aanoae. About »too
•'t wtU
New Liaie of Children’s Shoes.
doabtodly-ba aartaUad aomawha't by
Saptomhar;_WWc- paidlaaaah.
the aeeenty of tiia hast Utaly. Ba
The Original.
Waoxtaadneacdinl Invitation to nU
ttiafet, howaear, that tha nambm- of
ya^tomaa to ntttod. aad would ba tUfSOMTSC.
...................... 3 erfll
plaaead to bora them adriaa aa at tha w« antra TUB arace rrae u
kta at UMt iAi». aaat of
Sdvlp Ivaat





Get Aboard I ^
Don’t Miss Theke Bargains.

1. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,

Great Bargains in. ..
Ladies’ Shirt Waists!

He* Bools list Roceiml-AII Hew aid Utesi Pinetik





........... 49c




Results Prove





Razor Toes-They Must Ga.



TBa XOBHZHO B900BD. 8VH9AT. 7ULT 11, 1897.

•hipmst nd wtot ali^t
tedad ta
tlw amt of A tkU«M to Mac aUtbe
WkM PrMtd«8tBat«htedwaaMkad
M to tlM trath o( Uu report' be fmU
We bare beea keeplBc that feataie
e< tbeetrOnfroatba
'-(■Dfc T. &&ni An J. W. HAma. eereral dajs. I wOl
boirerer, that
eatod with tbe beade
t. W. HA«n». Editor nd “—f~ ol aU Mlwap orcaalnttone la tbe
ooaatiT. aad I bdUm that we «QI
bavetbelreappart. At to aeklac them
to call c» tbe raUtra; emploTte to refate to baal ooat aatU tbit troeUe wae
■lMMks.t9MU. •
ntUed. tbU wat ealp doae after we
bad eabawtod eeery eflort to eloee
Biae li^tbe
ooal Belda. I do aot ear* to dieeaw
tbk nbjeet ftutbit We aie ovtaia
o< eoeeeM. Tbe eitiiat<eB todap U


Tba Ttaaecrtpt aoeaaea tbe Baooaa
•(bolactbe oriciaator of a “edieaie'
erbkb bat foriU objeet tbe parehaMof
tbe Cotier property lor a city park.
WhM tbe e^tor of ^e Traaeeript c«te
IhoroacUy lalo tbe aaw^»per beaiMB be will lean that aa Item of aewe
It Mt tlwaye a ■‘tobeBe” of. tbe ptqier
wbtdi twUta ik Not are tbe rlewe of
tbe peUitberB ftrea la the eolattat
. vbleb are devoted exdatiTely to aewa
Opialooa of the editor ef a Bedeea, aptwAate pe^ are foaod ia tbe editorial
oolaBae. Aafor tb* dty i»rk propeaWon, tbe Etooas efreB that a park
«the bay abore woald be a fiae tblac:
bat tbe beilnwt smb who eimwted
tbe vCetler property bad la Blad
fatare pebUe baUdlaga, dty baU.
•le. wbkb eoeld aok tor
wdlanoe, be loeated on tbe ebOTe

tioa needa tecb atreetarea, aad tbe
froper anrrooadiaca tor paUlc balldare ebade treee. flowere, plcataal
■ Jawae. aadptber eBbeUiebaiaaU to af. lOTd pieaaaie to tbe view of the baalpom aaea ead a relief troro the boay
■ erUrl of trade. Hdwerer. let aa hare
• park aa the aboia of tbe bay. by
all aadaba Let «• alee bare the
•onaty ^aada .bcaatlfled, aad add
Ctotbe prorerbbMatyof a
Iq) eaterprlae of tbe dty; aad.^ if we
Bare eaoBgt left after we yet oar
. mater werka. let aa bay the CaUcr
property or eome other nJt^le dte for
fatare aeeeeaaiy Btraetsrea for the cityIf we can't do it now. let m thiak
abootitandKet.into line and make
Trareree City HatlraetlreaBtbepablic
'tfsdieqaer will pennlk
Thb eitaation lb tbe eoel Blaera'
ahrikeiabecoiDiByMriona.'Now It la
ed to^ealiit the aid of railroad
OBployee to force cmpl^era to
•eeede to tbe dema^ of
Ibo mea. It thii plan ia aaeeemfal meMrBl barm to maanfaetorinc ma *
aaH. It la eerioaa aa it ia. and
hoary eonauaere of ooal bare
•ripped for tbe time belat. It la a
battle between powerfal labor orcaai.pattoM aad greatcorporatiotia Attbe
beet tbe atnke U diaaeUvrao, bat tbe
faaaH wiu determine wbieh la tbe
more powerful. It ia a qaeetloB aa to
wbetber capital
daflaenoe wbicb
«a*t manufacturinc cnterarlace not
directly iatereated la tbe exlaliag dUB«nlty’ between the aOae owaersaad
tbolr employea.
fta new woman ia not confined eaHraly to tbe L'nlted Statea New Jot■ay eomen forward with a apeeiaen
wkM will excite tbe eary of erary
- loBlBiae hcark She ia a aiebt watch— and ramblea aroaad o' nlchta trylac ttde doore of aalcona. cirlac fire
«larma and perforalnc ereiy other
fieat known to the aomaolrat ooaeub•lary.
«enl MUama'StAke Kv Oaaae Watpr
Chicago. Jnly 10.—At a rcaalt of the
poal mloera' auike ereiy pninplng ata«Bn aa^aU public intUtaUona of Cbl•ago are tbrbatened with a'coal abort' age. aad tbe eUj U la grant dangar of
haring ita water aopply cat off. It
• araa diacorered today that there U only
■ *wo daya’supply of coal OB hand at tbe
aarjoaa pamplag tUUoaa.
0. S. Cycle Olab Boa.
Tbe e. E bicycle elnb ^ make a
taaloEaat Bay Hoadayralgbk atartJag at ? o'clock abarp. froW-tt^e home
pf Klaa Celia Orlatk All C. E. \bleyele
tMaca. wbetbOT membere of ttl^ dab
pr not, are Inrited to jola la tbe ran.
fOenI Xlnata Win-Btrengthen Aeii
Ptttabnnr, July 10.—The mlnerx’
/ laadcrx are learlng nothing aadone to
old tbmn la any way ia bringing tbe
graatatraggleloatneoeMfnl torminattffw Aa a laet rcoort tbe rttlroad «mfiofoo* win be bronght Into tbe fight
If pomibla. The beada of Abe trariona
. ■ taBway organlaatloaa bare bMa ap­
pealed for amialanoe If needed add
It la Md that they wUl reader all poaMblaaid. Itwaa repertad that Chief
Arthur, of tbe Bratbarbood of Lopomottre Bagiaoere. had been aakad to
Mean ordore to tba aaglaean aot to
teal ooal BBttl tbe mlaare' dlfferaaeM
w^adjaatod. Tbia mould affoetaaUy
gla ap all tba ooal wkieb waa ready for

any tiae dace tbe ttrike ^

Tboaaaade Attoaded Berdoee Teetarday, aad tbe City Za Tiaetloiaiy
PoBtttiea of tbe TieitoTB.
San Fraadeeo. daly lA—Nerer bat
Saa Fraadeoobeea called apoa to eatortala eech'a Ibroac aa ia catbrred at
tbe CbrittiaB Eddeavor ocnTeatlon.
Tbert bare beea reriral Beetiace. reaadall
lone, bat the ChrtaUaa Badeaw
■eatioo ie a rereUtloa. fbodtiac by
___ r eaperieace of prerkwa aiaiiian
when tbA ease too late to ret wiUia
balliac ^taaee ef Meehaaloe. aad
Woodward-a pariUoDa, maay of tbe Endearoreia were ap with tbe dawa.detenniaed to be aBonc
ODoa la aeenrl^ aeata.
AU roada
teemed to lead to tbe beadquartei
tbe MecbaalOT' parUkm. By -8 o'clock
they poored la from aU direetlana until
tbe broad eatraaoe of the blcetrac

nUki8aBefmagaalaea. tbebatt pabUcatioMaabMcbalreaataUtiBeA Bat
what U ^t demanfiM tbaae etoae
Umea ta a good book
priee. latkeaew beak ataraof Mr.
HaokeU la tbe Maritkam bloek tbara M

oog-Bmth. an OetuHo trurtUDg mnn
auMed Hugo Koea
Btaaoilagtcn. Ilia.. July M.—Teeter,
-d^ cupped tbe ettmax e< the heated
term. Tbe tberaiagpetar toai~»eA lec.

tkme ooenrred m thla dty. The dead
are Dr. Jaraee A. MMitiBg.' "JacT' UtUe. uad Mru Joba F. Trotter.
■ o^vAre/eenta par
Bnrilimioti. la.. July 10.—John 8wai»
book. Why not edl aad
mdbs^a •
000 deed and oaariy a dosen praetraUon-wbiokwUlliarBontxe with year tlooa more of leea
of boioe* killed waa yeatetdaFa bent'
record In Burilagtoa
Dnbuqo*. Ia.1 July 10.—Three day* ef
exceadve-beat waa broken at 4 o-clwA
traeUona la good baoka for Bnaday aad yeaterduy afteraooo by a deluge. The
areiy day in tbe week than the areiaga etorm lasted an hour and over two
of ralD fell In that time.
bookaiore. Popular antbora caa be
LaCnyettalnd.,Juty la.-Three dmtba
had la cheap or fine bindiaga, from fire occurred here yestetday from tbe efeenta up. The magazlaea tbia month feett of beat aaod1 Uhotber ricUm Is dyare BMra laiereatlBg than aaaal.
Beriew of Berlewe offert a Mmmeai
the hotlcM day of the yev here. Tbe
upon pablie aflairt at borne and abroad dead are Oacar P. Maybew. aad Doalel
la tbe " PitVM of the World
aim J. Somll. Three other caaee ere
a eketeb- of Setb Low. one of tbe ddered UtaL
Washington. July lA—United Sutra
ncM world -of New York aad one
o< tbe great ateamboatmea of tbe Coneul Oeoerel Lee ba* been tender­
ing eome account to the goverotpent <ff
Mnnaey'e la more ^bean- bif ncpendltune from (be fund appretlfnUy llloatreted than erar. "Artlatt prUted by congtvm for the relief of
at work" prcMOta many ftae anb- destRnie American ddsena In Cube.
HU figures were preeentod to tbe cab­
jeeto in balf-toae. and '
inet and tbe showing was rrmark
log matter. There U more about "Cam­ tor It appeared that of the tout of IM.paigning with Grant," In Ceatnry.wklcb
U kiatorieal and
Juattbe thing fortbemdaya of patriotiam." Tbe Old BngUab Maatere" ia aaother fine article
Tbe Foram, Arena. Seriboeta, aad aU
BufUo. N. T.. July 10.—Ex-ProMdest
tbe other magaalaeeare fall of jnat
BeciaiDlD Hi
kind of read^aa Me eoaha on r
Ua odfe end

SixtMn PaepU Fall
Raya at Chicago.'



“Wben do you take ytwr vacaHon.
Mi. TbcaapklDar'
"Cant leU yet W« all have to wait
and me when tbe typewriter gltl wnta
ben."—Gbleago Beoord.

ramiabed by tbe BeopeetlTe Oban
Bev.O. A Bsnhree. laater.
I aerricaa aa oaoal at tbe Baptlet
eboreb today. Ia tbe eraaiac Dr. Mar­
garet McKeUar, retoraed mlaaioDary.
wlU epeak. A apodal iaritatioa to tbe
erening eerriee.
Tbe U. Y. V. V. at 6:1S in tbe parlore
of tbe ebareb will be led ^ Mlaa Dar­
ling. Sabjeek "Tbe Katoral Ulat^
of Sin.". JamM L, lS-»; BbiBana rk,
Beware Boore a»« Berr Beore. Pa«ore
Yoa will feel better to attend ebareb
thaa to remala at boma. Come and
bring yoar family.
Morning aerrice. I1H» a. m
Sabbath ecbool. V:«t a. m.
JnnSor endcaror. 4 p. m.
C. E. meeting. 6M p. m.
Breaiag aerrloe. T-AO p. m.
Strangera altraye welcome,
ixi auu ettwciMt 3. MscUrreor. Llmi. X. WlUUismb
Morning prayer meeting at 7 a m.
Cbriatiaa praiae meeUng at 3 p. m.
ScbjOTt—.'Tbe L'naelfiahneaa of Lora"
Cbriatlana of all denumlonUona eapeeted to "Stand op. atand np for Jaaaa.
ye eoldiere of the croea."
Erening eerrieee aa naual at 6 p. m
All 'imeetlnga are on faat tima
or cawar (aCTEsnariSerriew are held in K. O. T. M. baU
at 10:30 o'clock erery Snnday.
Snbjeck “ Paal and SlUa act at Lib­
erty throagb the power of Truth."
Ooldea Text: " Be broogbt ttem oat
of darkama and tbe shadow of death,
and brake their banda aanader." . Pa.
Fooutepe—1. Prayer and rejoicing.
8. Tbe priaon walU ahaken OM tbe
godly dellreraA 1. Tbe jaUer <ff&aged
from Pagan bo Cbriatiaa by percMring
tbe Cbriat priaeiple
Friday erening expOTienee meeting.
7:30 o'clock.

LmO«. Wkere IWple Mmp «a
BHdOT-t>M>lh Eecnea »«whMw.
CtalcagD- July 10.—Of all (be hot days
thal have made life a bujd .n alnce
wana uealher of 1817 began, verier
»ai the woreu There were more deaibt
ofttumen Iwliiga and enlinalt. an3 the
number.of prvxiiatiuna wsagrraterUian
upon any other day of the tong botapell
that hanga over Chlengo. Sixteen peo­
ple are dead from beat, two Icaane. And
.Mrt of Blaiy-hve nroatratloru ten <
arv-crHIrml. Th- dead are, OhAriee
Bena-jn. John Eaum. Itev. Father Otu>
Itro^nehaum, Heuir HaaemarJi. Helen
Ualloren. Fndriick KaVer. Dora Jobnaon, Thoma* Lynch. Ai.nte O'Dosntll,
narbel Klrt-in. Frede^-hlomann, Jai^b
.‘llaub, W^Iiaih SM-lebberger. Iter. FaAuxud Tcit'>r.. unldenllfled \
and Aiiguai Vandvrrlee.
Brtdewe I l-.4~aee.Oo la.aaA
Ont In the i>-idiwell. where wreii prianer* went inner Thurxlay bnwtirr of
Iheheai. rtheir Mift. red thr nir.e fate
yretrrdar Thre. men. eliq*r atror* in
• IwHef ihsi a lilt of reeUlade inaured
eteiral a>«><'r In w-re plare Krr
thee lhl». or dtl. rm|r.ed lo be parked
e at ary rcM. trok their H\-et.
Thurrday :i!xht war a HaaDng hi'iror;
there war comfort to be foned nowbete:
aa the hettrat , bight Chlcaxo hae
known. The mertSiry aar 87 at
mldnixbt. and aUhrugh. near the lake.

m the roern- In the u-ratber oBke bad climbed
M. and th.-re
la e alcady. o
erlny bull mi.vej tl unUl 3 p. It
» reached, the high poliil Of the

where the wtid had a chanre at ihe ibermrmeter. The weather man aui In hi.
• •fflre and tald: -Thl* la Ihe botun
place hi the coOlUn' today." but be wu
wrrjiK A Herentrer.Mor>-aide down thr
elevator abefi wculd have placed him
In a pkacF eilllwtore torrid On iheataet t.
wh-C' tbe h-wl wag-radiated from th.
hakltiKcavemcrt. and eun-reaked brick
wail* It wa> 3 to 8 degree, higher than
Id the inww. and m. Uma. to bf had.
Th> day war eapeclally revere on burMo.
Oi-er H» d,mg in the '.tre-i.. StxlMti
hundred men and l.-j-e wer». icmpotarUy (brown . ut of employmreit In Pull­
man ycHerdar Owlrjt to the Interne
here (hr roanar-e* found ll nece-aury to
ci.*e ih.' wirk. at noon and rend the
workmen home The ahop. will remain,
clowd today If th. hot weather ocetUiuee and tmOl the (empetature deRKAT DBATRa AT OTHgl


aa Ami* Hmd. the LM with
aaetwaati Bepret. Kli Wiww.
8L Loola July 10.—Seven people died
tmm the heal In Bt. Loula yealerdty.
Two people, one of ihem a New Oiiren*
negreaa hare hren driven inune and Ma
cuher. wi)o hare beeo auiwira^ wUI
prohebly die. 'mere hare been trumberIrvi pnoftratlotw. The Uat of the dmd
follow.: MIchaerEdel. Bobert Wright,
meodore Scbole, Joeeph O'Bcy. Reben
Mutwter. Henry Campman. Julia Fried­
la tba abaaaoa of tba paator Bee. J. man. Jacob Orimmont. Chartea Diedler
W. Miller wiUoccapy tbe pulpit at tbe
quarterly ifieeting la tbe moraiag.
Tbe EpwOTtb Leagae wUl hold ear*leea at tbe anal boar for eeeaiag aerr- Trerey. "Theodore Schultx. Mike LareoMlm Barney wUl deliver an ad- vlaarh. and an unknown man Hun­
dred* of people iJept on tbe Bad# bridge
last night
.ClnctrnaU. Jnly 10.—Tbe number of
Bummer Beudlng.
IM death* yeaterday waa elx—Jacob
Tbb hot wculber suggeaU u ebedy Stenael, Urs.'Cbarin Rmltb. Alex Kenthana H. Ku*a. Michael McHugh and
moeka are legloii. abady apott are Bva EMbelbetger. Thirty pnatruUese
irouaaad eool breciae are more were reported writb the tuuai quota at
aeriooe caaea ,
plentiful In tbe Grand Traveraa r^ioa
Decatnr. lUa. July lA-Jnhe Bblrey
than anywhere alae in Micbigaa. Good died of annatroke yaterday afterrmoeI are'eqonliy nameroua anAtbe U>e third dmiih In three daya of beuL
boat In tbe land ean ba bad for tba Tbur were illae proetretloaa
July lA—The beau klded
aakliig. If tba reqaWta priea aoeom- byMilwaukee.
the high humidity euoaed May,
paalM the refjoaeS M. E HaakaU kaa dmtba b) Wlacouto reatCTday. la tbi*

lawkatwefinverev Bodn
mttbWtdoaatnmaxttMtantOOTfonBtnin. A

nn nn'-nir.snfv. WAIT'S DRUGSTORE.

Pennell, Tbe Han IDtnef
la aeUhig cheaper Uiaa ever
DOW. EverTtbiog ia, tbe store
cot half in two.
If yoa ever
bought cheap yon cnndoitDow.

120 Front Street.

SteinbergiGnod Open H«nu.
One Entire Week,

Monday, My 12.

l-be moat Original. Baring
Masterful ExpoDwtof
PbyelclAt»—Pat oat yoar toogoa.
Padest—Oh. dootnr. oo tongue- e
tngl Eognlre Vithin.

Tbe weather ia eool enoach to briar
back tbe color which bad been UmporarUy driran from the eboekt ef
aaada of tbe pretty yeaac wbraei
bj tbe hanUbipe of tbe traanoontlaeatal Joaraey.
At e o'clock all of tbe 9.000 MaU <
filled, aad eeeeral tboaaand peo^e bad
formed a frlnce of hamaaity aroand
tbe oaUr edgw. and aad packed tbe
aialea antll tbe pollee barred tbe dooca
to farther arrlrala, when tbe tea '


The Pure
Fruit Juice

Ever before tbe Fablm.


Friedrich Block.

Uoliday Dargains
MoUeo Btewa or Boaata. perlb. .d to do
Veal SteWe OT Bboam. per lb...•Stole
POTk,-pcrlb..................................... dtolOa
Batter, per lb ..........................lOtolto
Ftoa Cbetee, per Ik.....................It tot—

Doa't Fail U Call Triaf.

Coml^ from a Trinmpt

BoaUer—There is ootblog tike wtrfc.
Drooe—Thank beeves!—New T«k
Boturday^ Arrivals at FlatcbariB Oo-

I Great Performiiice!
la laterestiae Parformaacal
I Parfonnanca Full of Bright
PgpiluSimwPiiw-IO, tout SOc.:

Bonry Musa. Penningtoa, Mleb: E
B Murteugh. L Sonias, JH Daweoa. J
S Adams and wife. J Foroley, J C
. city: Benrr Rnndaon. W H
Cork. MMle
MMle City
City: i Don. N Dorn.
Empire; ECorroU,______
. Arable:_________
H Douarl
Moodoy nigbt.wilt be Lodim' N>gbL
rewick; A Conom.^S

Jo^KeudM. Krewick;
very purebaaer of a 3Ue- ticket being
: O Dobwm. C
. lUtled to an extra ticket admitting a
pforncr. Arcbie Brown. lady free of chargelUiamsbnry;
Grant: C A llennlford and wife. Cedar:
MltoCarrie Dell, Wm Nickereon. Kingi.iej;^Pep^. UrCNCudney. Mn E
ran*. Grand Bap:d»: :
• G Cl • -•
Jlk Bl, .. _ - .
LewU Beverford.
D* Bey;. E
Kingdom, F Lai
Bro« D.
Long Lake:
Saylor. D B Newcomb. Yuba: Jos
John Hemge*. A Crone, Monroe
' i^^eliff and eon. Boaii

- ‘WBaj:
.................- _
___________ rife. Ma
Bleton: U C
Smith and wife. Dulntb.
Ueniy hte^l ood wife. Benton Harbor:
J W WUooa. Beaaoam: S O Sanford and
wife. SundUh. Captain C U
wife. Nortbportt Mim G Grebsi
vipdla; Albert Krooae. Uonaa
C^lne. Orawn.



be without

Fire Insurance
On your Dwelling,
Store, Factory or Stock,
carry a certain amount
at all times.


Cer. CnloaaOT.niBtk aae.

Has Your
AttentionPure Powdered BpioeB,
Pure Cream Tertar,
(aaS Pare Baking FwUev. U yea warn ■■ to wakelulpeaiidaferllOT. nnbbre BbaKlre.
nabherTvbIng. *0
WOiar HwUe. (gnaraauod lev two y*an.l reuntala ‘ayTtred*.
aiyeerlnc a*4 Wueb B0a«l Utlea tor S

At Our
Soda Fountain
otolwaya uy •• lBl>wre.

For Rates and any other im-


formatloD. consult.

E. W. Hastings’
,A.q:glT<J X.

We are haalqBamrs for than.


Phone 73.

Johnaon Block.



Fruit Jars. Canning Season.

Commencirg on Monday
morning. July 12. 1897. I
will sell tickets to and from
all points on Carp Lake for
one fare for the round trip.
2 Quart—65c. doz. 1 Quart—55c. doz.
Lady Watts can be charter^
Get them before Moaon is over.
at airtimes for Pishing or
Picnic parties at very reason­
able rates.' There is nothing
more ddightful than a trip
on Carp Lake, these warm
Salmon. Bass and
Correspond with
Pickeral fikbiog best in
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We h^ve for sale Good, Sound Hem­
jAMES-il. Watts. lock Luihber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. La»ds for sale. Mill Machinery, of all descriptions, including 2 Edgines, Set Works, Caiiiages»
Alice T. Boberta. graduate of Brood and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.


If You Have Logs to Soli


Street Oanaervatory of Mnsle. PbUa..
will receive papUa in voice eultare and
pianoforte playing. Newret and bmt
metboda Botee remooable.


Delicious Drinks... Livery, Dlls and Feed Stabie.„
From tbe Haw Proeem Sofia 7o«n^.

W. Beck Serves Them

Fopding ftnnwi hotses *. spAculty. Eorwd boaidad, ''

J4IMA mr th* Rkwauu taUBAt bM
l«d to a aiacuwtoa u to ih« Rrnictb
«r tb« Afoerteu nsvr *na lu ovall*blllty tor actloa acainot tb« Japaaoi*
PrMidant WIU 8^ id «8pMU Boot. Tbo JatBBooo outoombor no ta
aoaUobl* mar remela la tlw partfle
on tho Currtney.
ojfcteia. but ow flo« ta «r«aUy th*
of tbc two. u4 by Mndlnc
-fauTZ VUHESi SBtUBSt SEUT Uw vfwou tbrooBti tbo Snos eanoJ a
foraldablo Boot could b* ooiteoned ta
JapaacM. water* wlthla a. oerjr few
weeka A naval otBeer who M folly In.
on thl* •uHJoct aay* that
' *NT «•
'TaHff BUI Pm-Fmt have now about thirty vceaeU of war.
. n*w far • Oommimtc* BUI.
van^ It* Pm>«* tb* o<
_____week* a fleet of e««elf outniun• wuiiAM.
bcring In atrencth that iW Japan can be
WhehUwtba July 10.—Tb* preaVItM placed where an acxrenfve fight can be
baa neither been fiiahiened nor dl*- jarried
agalnat thewartlkeOrlentala
■ttaded from ■endln^to umaifo ane*>
■age aaking tor the cnaUcw of a cur­
Wartilrgton. July lo.-ll can be anrency Mtnmlaaioa.
~ — -...h— ____ _ .. w u
o® authority that with the preMirary are without foondaUoif- He | *.n„tlon to the eenate of the large IM
kaa coMcated to f deUy; ta compliance
* of dlpiomaUc and
the reqneot of o«DaU Uadera* who
hich kaa
baa haan
been nr
prepared and will go 1
u !.»*“
(«aiud that the Intmdoctlon of thl* the Capitol today or Monday,
« « I prealdeet wHI docitne poaKIvciy to make
to place* of t^ila
dHay in Ute paaaage dt the tanff bill,
until after the adjournment
but thl* poatpoa«aent of the inaMace character
of cODgteai. Thla oottee la btapired by
. doe* not mean tta abandonment ’flu a dcMre to tp*r» uaeieaa imporiunitie*
trunainlaaton to congre** before the by eeeker* after diplomatic and oon*u>
doe of tbc apcctal auden U oertalo a* Jar place* and all
o afford the prealasythlnc can be." cald a member of the dent come rallef.
cahtnet yeaterday afternoon. By. today
vUfhlngtai. July lO.-Tbe prealdeara
tummer plan* were ictormally talked
event at the meoage being ae
over with the members of the cnhlcet
flora the uriS Ull U voted t II aad yesterday. If congre** adjourn* In ma­
r that son he will go to Chicago to attend the
, / would *MBe upon the metaage aa 4.iocen monument eeremonle* on th*
^ pretext for hanging up the revenue nod inau and it t> poaUble that he may
meantr aa totUnated.
•eUe ibe opportunity to go fuetber we*,
Banna •* Intarvlnw TdU«.
a* be le not expected at the Lake C%amCbaJnnna Banna, of the execnttve plain resort before Aug. l.^At thlr pUce
t the Indlanapolla ."aouBd the prmideBl wU spend hu summer vamoney"
iventlon. hat taken upon
hlmaelf the tank of vlalUng Teller and
other* of the tudlea) frele *llv*r eod?^
Ungtmt. and getUog tram them dimA a
. July lO.-Tbc cornmis•tatenunt of their lnUtitMiir~Haatin
wtll not rtpreaenl the
f about 1^ v<
fnaklBg thU canvam. but he has
be pnislm offle



:ialey and Secretary Qan
and any
- • may hung bach
will be thankfully re Ived as ai
tattve. The belief la held at the White



Geo. R. Winnie,

aaida, valM'away tne> bar and paw; ad out o( tfea traTcyard with tbe atr of
Ttaay bad bean «thm .
Tbey adcvad ooa abothm.
; a ebUd tb^ bslnt
youag. Be was
M yooBg
jooBg also,
also. Two happy i bidiien aef, takes to
laoeal Two cbarmiog souUI
n sad C'atae Uta.
Op. Kagl* OBes.
Why bad tbsy ooats to »M» «tUe cdd___ ______ ________________
■bd imlatad vUlas* 100 ttMM-troo) ‘ ii^ wfailber be went, aot bavlog tbe
Paris? Sorely the guldea badwra rie- | sour^ to enter the viUage. Be feared
' ' '
Ben tbegram 4rawr tiea j to men OcUa for. loriag and Jealous
twees the oaved in paring stdBea^^ , a* be knew ber. to be, afae would be fnritbe atreata At>d
' ' '<
ooold bear sow ' ooa—or aad. wbicb would-be niU'
■ wbM 'be h
and tbes. with its JolUng and Jogging. .
tbe iisgling of belU and tbe rattling (d ; long
Have ysu tried oar
wlndowa, tbe yellow
eoecb. whlob t«‘ be
.................................IS' be
bi bad loved a younggiri—that be had
tunwoi oeeriy atways
alwaye empsy.
empty, uwb
from sub
tbe i: iotwu
loved ner
ber ienurviy.
tenderly, suwc
sinoe ne
be bum
^11 wept
diatast ntllway sutioo.
' for bet. Perbape abe would have parIt was Ceclle wbo bad thought <d doned btm tbi* early lore—tbit love
tblstrip: Bogerbad aiflist said, "Ha“ ^tbattae bad felt before be met ber, tat
omning eloeer to him. erid ! abe would Mfver pardon tbe tear* that
In » and loe. Cigun
| tbe old lore revived. Ko, tbe woojd
Waa it Bot down there in tbe little ^ never forgive tbak He thought of tbe
. that reproacbea
village, cloee to the i
«bea tbe (aruel ward* with wbicb
you were born, passed yonr eblldbood abe woold sbortly reoeive bim. Vainly
and became a man? Was it not tbera be told blmeelf chat tbU youttaful tesyoQ lived with your aged puentt. over demesi bad leftlabim only a languishwhom we wept tc«eChfr. ■ yew alooet ' ing remembrUMe. a very vagne
I wish to see tbe good old country ' Tired by bU return to the vUlage and
booaeaf which you - have so often apo- by tbe sight of tbe barren and naerly
ken. And tbe garden, too, wbiob aeea- fmgotten grata Waa tbere tbe sligbMt
ad aoUrgewbenyouwere a little child. reenublaw» between thia dream of a
Vta aball ibow me tbe well where you 'ebUd.fsded andtanlabed.und the-----Died to throw stonea to bear them ty nalityy of tbe ardent and imperiabaplasb in tbe water—tbe tulip tree.
wbeaa yon found
tbascM of
... dovea 11 «Uo? Sbe Jealous? Jealous of a little
want to see tbc road yon traveled to girJ wbo had died before bet beart bad
You umd to atop by openedl WbatfoUyi It would be well
; tit* mt
goer- eooagh to agy tbe*- things and many

___ad that you were. How I shall laugh otbwa to Cecile. But the would never
aa 1 pietve you paming by. when you. ; Ultra to him. Sbe wmld repeat with
Boger, were not taller than a botN and ■oba
' and teaia, “You
- .have loved ber,'
wore abort trousers. On your m you ; or else (and this woold be much wane)
alwnje In eiodn
oarried a basket in which your%otber | aba would sit nnmoved and look at him
bad placed e luncheon of bread and pre- | coldly—aiiratly.
• A. W. JAHRAU8, •
wrvm. No. Bgger. 1 eball not Uugh.
Nevertbel^ be oonld not remain ad
Do not think me so frivoloua If 1 wish ■ day in the Adda He moat tetnra to
to go down there to your native village, 'the Uvtra,
rabbets decile bad already
itiabeoaoBs I love yon—1 love you » gone,
srell—and because I am Jealous cf a {I He
" seambed for tbe path and tugain—WB -HAVE MADE—
resolved to walk rapidly, but
CDL They ai
•ome day yon might think
tbtse as be appmebed tbe village be slaekred, and wher
tbing* without thinking of ma ’Ti* ened bis p*je, and it took bim am aa
this that grieve* me aa Take me where boor to get to bl* lodgings and tea
will be n
mingle me with that wbicb minute* more to mount the tuim
Let ae make eose foe
undM you, so that bence- fere tbe docs bU heart beat alnngely.
ssblnaton. July KL—Tbe senate ad­
ever have a reverie in : At last hr enhsed.
journed yesterday out of respect to the
BO Prsat»
) that I may
AlasI Wbat woold abe say. if abe M B. BOLLEV. K«T.
memor)' of Beoaior Harris. KescluClrms
were adopted for a publlc«fuBeral In never be absent from your memcriea ' deigned to speak at all? He awaited a
the senate chamber today, to which however distani tbey may be." Speak- sad discourse or a swlder ailrace.
Ing thus, sbe raised ber tips to bis. and | Bnt nol Sbe spoke. ^ very sweet

ti.x. D.I. /Painter and
\Paper Hanger




A ootnplete loM of tbo Tny
best Tbbb, Coffees, ETeiTt^ing.


Till RetMUTOil Usfers

Ererjtfaing Freah «nd id 8eaacn.




Jacob Furtec^

Hie beat to WbBd-Alwaya.




3380 Frames


•chemc rtwan H*s than it would appear,
And everything in the line
and that direct Inquiry from those who
are expected to make trouble will dis­
close t^ fact that the aniagonlMn 1*
of first class jewelry and
more fanctod than real.
Some of the president’* advUrr* are
toilet articles.
dIncoDCcrted at tbe apparent .opposition
•Ahl •Tt*yoo."*be said, awhsmllDUN’S VIEW OF THE OUTl.pOK.
which th* currency commission pn>;oct
log. sbe raised ber forebead for a kim.
has met with, and they will not believ^ Best Kstleesble ran Is aa Advmace of
Whatt Sb.-was not angry? Sbe
Tbe ftist day* pasaisl in thb little
Fioe* Merchant Tailoring.
a 1.4 Oesul* Wheat.
that thard^ I* anything subsuntlal bebkid the clamor. It may be (bat this
New Tork. July 10.—R O. Dun A Joyed rwrything iu tbe great, kmely were a little red. a* tboogb sbe
estimate Is correct, but It as Co.'s wevkiy review ef iradr nys. sfter
»mo. w.».
though they are to be dlsappuInteJ. A referrlcs t<> (he real t(rlke and (he ser- plM Even tbe ugly, somber streets been weeplug. Perbapa be fbongbt, she
IVWMr Masonic B «k. Coloo 8>r«c 1
- commission at Ibe suggestion of the llement of (he Un platesrslt:: Thec ltoD delighted bar. Tbe villagers wbo pass- did nol'reiri Ibe name upon the stone,
president will be regarded by all the mills have a steady and IncreaslnR de­ ed turned to look after ber. marveling . Another surprise awaited bim.
n u a dl
dlstlnctat ber Parisiau grscu.
Upon tbe table, in great pi-rfumed
ly administration mea*vre. and all mand. and the quotation of mlddllna
One evening tbere was a fete in front bunches, were lllira and wbue rosea
these elements are arraylra themselves upland* bss l*-en sdvanetd a rlsteenlh, of tbe town ball—a abootiug gallery, . One would have safd that tbey were for
by pecutsllve strvrRth on report*
aaalost it. with the excepuon poesti'ly aSit-d
‘in'three turnstile* and *nme wooden e fote day. abd that tbe floriri had just
of the three "atunfl nn>ne}'' Demo,

enm m the senate. A careful canvaM TVxa* and Arttmi*** The w«Hen mill* horse*. Mme. I^deuce. tbe elairvoy- left them.
be aAed
.yaeirraata the cncluslon (hat If a vote ar. geitina devidvdly mon- order* for |anl, was there. Oecile entered the worn- ' "Tbew flower*. t>wfle?
on i-| an'* •place. to letru t>er fat&
could be reached a lilll auihnrWina a fall u-anii. and iK-ginaing bc]»fuily
“No WMiy
currency commlwlon w.-uld have a raa- spring g<«d*. hut are csuil,^* in con- | “N'o
"•eki to barm you, and , “WbatV riteaaid.and bervoioegrew
Ginger Ale. Sbert
Jortty of not less Yban three In the sen- «racl* fur future dellv.rj. There (* a lerery possible bappi ■ 1* your*.”
attll sweeter. "Did yon not see that it
ate. tat th* strong oppr*Uloriv.h-(-h haa |‘»"*r demand for d.^niMIc wool to es- j
j, . ' -cn^ Gmle.. fall- . wis all bare -x~—
v ——
and •
Tbe iBBurune* GmaoUsa Stove ia afaaoIuUy
been aroused in thai body l» sure to
higher prlt-e*.
Impulsively upon ber husband’* grave lu tbe oemetety? Here are some
safe and «ill net explode. It la ebuBP. too. J.
B at thl* sprclal s ■ wbesi ri'w%atri“ri™ar"T?hit
A.- Montague. 1ST Front St.
Ibe clair- flower*. Bogw. Take them to Draise."
the Ofur.te Judd to tri.ooO.tioo. Ivoyant
, ’’Ah. dear o»-." he said, falling rricce hire lifted nearly stt cent* here. ! Sbe visited tbe old bou*e where B<«- on bu kne^j "how memfol yon ar
lice of an kiada.
It *erm* lb i>* (he fact (hai rr<p* In ler's motbt* bad dii-d "Wbat a pity we me and taotr kiud to tbe poor little
r <-ountriM are lea* i rumiklng (ban jare not rich enough to buy it.” she , wbo fell asleep so young. Yes, I will
1 .and (hr demand /fir AmeriranI Igaid
]said Th« she naac
made him rt lste.-sriih
lstr.-wiih carry
carry tbe
Ibe flower*
flower* to
i ber. or rather we
Strong. msBager
l**upplem.nt«d even at thl* -rs- Inmnydriails. tbe life be hiri led when' Will take them logelber.
* conatiturnc)- that waa brtilnd that
Front atreet,. adjoining
RtoinBtx CecUf said;
convention, wtll hr railed Uwrther for rrn by r»ivd-t, .f S.dOS.SM bushel.
a boy—-at wbat boni he anise, at « hat
the purpoae of appolr.Uiig a i-ommta“No, DO.I Nol (hat." And abe emiled
alon of lu own: Th* commlasion will
imtr aadiv. " ‘Ti* Ibe same with
Failnie* ffr (h* week have brentot Inplace at taUe
m**t either here, at Chicago, or In li»- (hi
Tinted Piaiea against. »S Uat year, t by ^ member of tbe family and to , children, tw tbe same with tbe dead.
winner. Thurtell A Gane. eor. ?tb and Umion.
dlanapolL* very *o.jn efl-r congress ad­
A commission thus er ated and 30 In Canada, agairst » last year : bestr of tbo*e evening* when be set be- | We
Death tb* lamp reading aloud, while tbe d,-*:
Peaa—to. Corn—Tc. Tot
Star Unxary. 24S Front St.
Wankfoha. - WU.. July 10.-At the oM mothn. listeniug, would fall aaleep j the
tanker*' meeting
armchair, bet feet upoo the j pleased to have flowcmopotj bw tomb.
aasuiwriLe that the admlDlsiratlon
opcnlna of tbs
—Fram tbe Fr>-u<-li For t-lmil Storie*
•ymisuhy with Ibe Idea, and
, yesterday President A J riwinr.
Frame. oi IfenHor.
glad to ns-Hve aaslsiance a
Wauktaha. delivered the annual i«dBut the gttfden inteitoted her mo*t of
from a atnngly ..rganlsed Uidy of
w hich w*» an argument on the all. Fhe at once recogulted the well,
Th* WeHS a.Mi«.*4fflgM SYI |________________
aul-Ject Y'Afi the SeveHty of Panic* he and ai>e lu her lorn dropped in atone*
The rep n* or the sec- to hear them splato-io tbe water.
the question
■ r.i.r^- «o,t treaeuror were read and afT
^ .^ore dove*’ DeiW in
and M* w

‘betuliptree. “Wbataplfy!"
wUl be of ■ ht-lpful kind and »li:
a ev*n SSe. Special driv*.
be Innjked upon
liy the administration
on lo’
. 1,^ fXuJ? Whkh ' Behind Ibe hedge ran th, ^ to tbe
M.Se Ost* seS Pl,*w

In any way oOen, r artniolhonse. Oeile stained ber red
ns arrange for tobt
It of Markham Bfaek.
- August Franks, of Kailne.
eve* I
WeMere nOM Uretteg ' detrgstes I., (be Amciiran {tankt-ra' as* Joy. 'she followed where Aoger led.
.a- He
Hi- was obaruxel to *ee ber so lenderly
Waahlngton. July lu.^The navy de. |
. ^
■e Dwll neht
affecteiL' He. tiowever,
• very silent
partmeai ta about to undertake to get , cgif^go. July . to — Foil. »leg are ainl smil'Ht bat little. iryti r in vain w
more w .-slcm blood In the ngvy- and to ' League tai 1- tall n-oivs: At Ibtt.buig- bide a feeling of dem
Ye*, truriedricb. Prmit fit.
1 Ueoten
tenant C-iromandsr J. U. : n,-w York S,I, Piitsl.urg
Plitsliurg l:
I si Bi I. u »- jy.
,h<.V tiad re'lurui'd to the little
, with ai aurgi-iin and a boat- j Brof-klyo t. Kt. LffUt* »: at Cltf-jimall— ViUmp- 1»- »a» ljeii«ive atrd mnnaie
If not. take your bicycle to hltmapd get t
-'iladiljhla 1*. Clrclnoatl T; at Lf.ul*. •
, “Tb« droned in baste and
•w-aln. Rillatan fi'roin Washlr.gton n
chain oiiee,
oiled, ciraneo
cleaned ana
and ute
the wbaeiwheel- adjuata
weck'iinn a tour of
o the tanpr weatvin
■ ilumc^ », IsiulMlIle 4; at Chi^^1^
" quickly left tbe/inu where -OcUe was
for SSe. Holdsworth Block, nnion street.
cllle* with a Kieu to aef-yrlng rccfulla.
RI—B'.siwi T. Chlt-sgi'
The first sloi. ulll le made at Duluth
■'esiem foagu*:
foaguf: At foiroK-Colqm. Mill sleeping, 'ft*- did uoi evra pUoc
lit« the kis* that
l‘r*clical_aorreshoer. Trottlag and Boad homfo a mand (hen Chli.-igo. Milwaukee, Toledo, , |hu
Hinmai>.lls- upon bar forehead or lips
eialty. Third door west Of Morgana Idva^ Barn.
would haw swaki-tivd her.
auBTaiy 4, M
ItuffaJo and V^ttrer lake rttlt-s wtll be | Kaai
Wlslted. The i'Un'l* to oi>en temporary ' Paul—Milwaukee S.
He traverwd tbe village, pamed Ibe
recruiting ofliie* In tbi-*-- |ilare* and disnatioll*-Kaln.
last houw aud catered a jmiwyard.
■ecure for the r.avy n« rnatiy of the, Western Aseot-lsllon: .
Joaeiih— I jjp *iii(iped in front of a "lab of stone
lake aallor* as possible. The depart- ] De* Moines 0. 8t. Joseph
which was luacrih-d a name,
meet came to reaJtse (he fact that not ' toBy-QuImy ». Burllhglr
at R«h-j-D.uise.” and tbe age. ’’16 ycara’^
a alaglr vetael In the naval serclc* had fold—Pedtla S. Rockford to
Here be fell upoo Ills knees, bis face
a full -cpmplemeni of ordinary aeamen
$S in plam of 8.S0. A. 8. Fryman. 314 E Front 8L '
in bis hands. Roger had not
and gallors. and that men of the high
Siwlngfleld. 111*-. July 10, -George loia
fold au
all to tA-cue,
Cecile. ne
He naa
had iras
DO* reuim
,vy could Dot
ed by tl;he navy
ion 6U OaU aad gat
Only iippeoronce tn JVowrse CUu <./
itilbef* It, thr Howey. ol this place, hired a l?3r*. and *]1 his youthful memories. Sbe did not
be procured in sutbvtei
------------------------ r anything in Dr^
foUet artidea. 0. A. JohnK» A Ca

Suits to Order.





IEA-16, 25, 35,50c.







I Haved Moved

lated the navy would be benefited ^


atfll.M. Misaes Tan Oxfords at 75a. Yonth’s I
Shoe nt 81.00, at South Side Sbaa Btewe. A. T. Johnami. 404 Booth Untan 8L


^ *?'
, grave where hr bad knell down, h*
•*y was ai^ aeemaa m see ner again aiive, aua m
Amcrirsn stock IB It* eultstmcnt. Let­
(B* rkvy
raw department
cmanmeni rested No acmer had the ..(Bceiw gotten ' pwlfo. wUb ber sweet, paJe eye* and
ter* received at■ tbe
obsucie to thVemry of i ‘“n* ““'J* **»* station than be .Upped . delicate lips which woold never again
ghew-ed that o
the service
service waa the fact •
* revolver and shot himself thrvugb , be red. He lived ovit again those furo the
tbe .head, drindtoriantly;___
tivS boon of their rtiidcsvons behind
that the men who were vlUlng
Male Raiiwwy BsgwiatbMi.
j th* garden bodge, tbc hope, tbe Impi^
tous IIS enter had not the rrteans.lo reach
the e«*i>ort ciuea where enlistmeota ar*
Bprlngfli-ld. Ills.. July to.-The state Hence with which be awaited tbe 1^
maderailroad and warthoutc
tvanhoutc commission
commlsslnr. yea- I| trx which Denise every day ias sbe reu waa for this reanm that Ueuteoaw ,«-aay isnied a circular gdRg into ef- toned from aebool would slip beneath
Commander Hswley_*-us Insuwted to f«ci'Aug. S. changing the rallrcad rate* the gate. Hhre tn the gilaioe of tbe
5 mineral water, empty 1| gruveyard
»,,eev*rd be teemed to bear h« vc
s may ap- , bottle* being relumed, and on log* and
bMter certainty that sbe
ply and ta rent In batches of
f ten or a j p,gt*.
p,*„. For ale. beer and mlnerut
mlnerul water
cuteerdlrw^^^. B.THkAKLE.
dosen to charge of the lioatswala to the |
minimum of f.OOO poundt 1* atririfoa dead, a rislao of the bead as it mted
naartet navy yard at the govem'tneni’s ] out; -pear* are chaeged from suih to
expetim. Tbe terms offered to the tsks fifth class: log* are placed la tbe same loreneM and cioseo eyea, orerwoeimeo _ ,
him. Heeoflervdaga^^trayeart. SplendW Progr^ latrodQo*
Mllors arv fm oidlnury.antmen tit per etas* as soft coal,
be euSered before
HI* eye* doaed
doted I
tn» FflWOrlte Vombsn.
tnoetb. and for aallorv CY with an altowance of n p«r month extra to eacn
Hpon re-eelistment. and retioiu. Tbe re'STEINBERQ'S GRAND,
arultlng offlew also hope* to aecure scan*
1 to* lake ports for th*
erte siandiag then cIom to him. 6b*
powsrs yesterday, pnaentsd a e
•nvy. Th* par of tbeos men in the navy
.looked at him. Bh* loobad at the gnva. VOMSAT KVSHm, 7UL7 IWt
M to be t» per mento. agatart an av«r- ttve DM* to the Turklto govemi
She mri htv* nad the lasBriptita, aod
of tbs obi
Barely aha had iUvlo«l aU. Ha aron
r at trouble with

The Coieen Event of the Season


original drug man. first door east of postofliee.


New Process Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
146 front St.



-j-*^ ■■^7r>'T>*'~‘;.-

gg» yoayiyo -i«oo»Pr*g?^yr



.Tlrciata. Mrf ri». .—--------------- ,----------------------- ----------------------- '
*0 Be MeM Into (he neld—MmOm That
Mar Be iti' t-oreraaaer mt m Oeaerml
BUiae a( Laloa Labar.bat Thai U Xat





tatbeHng-ot labor leadefs that ever asBnaUed In this counirr dortne a naUoB«I strike war held Is Uds cKy last m«bt
to deviae means lo awlst the (nicer* Is
heir coDtMt for Increased wapea The
conflermcc war called auddeidr. but the
oAriaM rwpondlnc. rwpressnted’ paarlr
^ery branch uf orranlaed Mto la the
IJdJM etatea Those'present a-ere 6asitiel Ootnpen. prefdent of the American
l->detaUoR e( labpr; U. D. Batchlord,
BhitosMl presldem of the United Hue
TVoekSfa ut Afnedca: H. U. Owiaed.
president of'the Amalgamated'AaodatlsB of Irao a&d Sieti Workers: Bteptee
Hadden. aacmarY of the AmalvaBMied
AMKMtlon; J. U. Hephes. Aral Tie*
prestdect of the FVderatkB of UHal
Tirade*: H. J. Counahan. national secre-;
tarjr uf the Journeymen Ptambera' assoclaUon: hL P. Canick. praaldent of tbe
Bnxbtrbood of Palnaeraaad Decorators;
R- Tbomss. prestdimt of ths Nattooal
.ken' Ivapue:
•: W. a J
It of the Amalpamated Asaodatan of Street Ralluay^Employea: Paitlck Dolan., dltirlct piasldeat of the
United Mine Worker* of America, and
• W*. U. Warner, dlrlrict secretary of tbe
Vnlled Ulne Workera.

Mr troa 4kf Joabo nlM mrU« tbnt
«nlr wf-n ncn <if*n m wrotb &i that pu
reMrnlar. m be had made a apaeiar invaailcatiCB (it «rd*r (a pn the (aeU Is
the case. Fro& (he aame aourae It «ai
leamd (bat ar«rrUiu« «m ^atet and
B UlUer’a run. Tha Jumbo iclne
«a» reporu-d to tw vorUnp. and <\ U
prrur rrrtain that cearlr Mie>thlrd ri
tte Panhandle mlnen of Hanna * Co.
arc at
The micere' officials bad
0 daAUU Informailon from there, but
claUMd that the pit »as pracOcail>' det
Brrled. Pitun all operator It vai learned
the mines of (he WaMitnaton Coal and
Cobe oomi«n> In BtlcKles' bdlow are
erorklna full time aticf Tburadar loaded
lep cars of coal, which went to Cleve­
land. where (here If said to be a scareUr- Tbla mine Is on the line of the Pittsbur«, McKeteport 'and Tou#hlc«h<.ny
>alUoad. and- has nca h«r•u>^.re been
onsldeied In the Plttsburi dlatriei. '
The best iRformatloQ p«u the preaent
state of the rtrlke In tbU district as
.shoot fopldete, with (be exception of
the pita i the New Tork aad Clsvtlaad
O.-k mbaII
(our or Ave
amall mlaea, and
J cthvT* In tbe fourth pool.
that the Offlrlalf are havinp more
trouble In petilnp-the mlnet* of the up­
per river aectlon.oui than tn asy other
portion ot the ttritmry. It ia too. with
that of the DtAimItt ntne.'tbe vital
point of the'dlstrlot. fitroep eCtortr will
be made this week by Presided Dolan
I pet all I
er dlxneiu in
It. By hlf caerti Thursday the
miner* at Whfttsetl and West Newvo*






BraMwood.lUa-.July lO.-W. D. Ryan,
atate secretary of the miners' unlun.
rsoah-ed the foUowtcp
rram Senator
hlaaon In reply to R>-an't open letter
of July 1: >‘l have been acrprlved and
Bhoeked by your letter. ‘I heard yester­
day that ao'me plan Is to be propusAd In
the senate, and If tfw not done I shall
try my haod at It myself."
Operator Hakes, of Rutland, wired
.Btaie Ewmeuiy Ryan yaaurday aahing
permindon to work hts miners ontll
May L im. at last >-ear-i pncea R}-an
aos- ered oo such permlssloB.ooold be




l^ABIX X BOBTOK, M. D- Phrtteiso u4
Q(I SursKut,. bs* igstoS Is TrsT*r*> Cl».

the tanuer boys in tbe vicinity had a |old, and yet that man may Ik mean
scpply. Finally a sporty manager got; *nd •siallin all'ntbei maUerw—Rev.

^ rkUArvb-* Cim-sm*. Beam U, B»tol WkU

h61d of tbem. wtint wherever them WM
a game to be had. took a profcarional
tectary with him and bet all tbe money

;. E. Cathcll, Episcopal. Uca Holnc*.

G;cte Owners Look Here!

Alas, alas, everywhere we see m««

Bakfar ksclsr To* CUps-CaaltoM year

*‘By a imu octet sklnniahlng In To-1 ^
lado. Cleveland. Cincinnati
-.............— m
... ^Colnm- |
bos I got together a nine that was fast
With th* diigiii
eoongb foranyoampany. Itooktbcmto!
We are all lingoes ic this oonntiy. all
a little eoantry town about 80 miles
^ ths clcb I've been Wiling
•bout. nMDSd t^m after tbe plMe. aW

very fellows we woe after. We TOt |
over there in oW fatm wagoni. looking !
Ufa tbe ruUest lot of gnngera that


Acaomy a

even ventured away from borne.
la '
“ **>■» tbe dead man
Wactl« my boywgot tangled np in their i •'ben be reoobe* a eyrtaia point, wl^



*** m<»ey order funda He wsa mtOrnnmlsWcoer Mc-

Lohdon betweenthcDdttof 8



right with him as dong as 1 had a dol-

Rot » irishman,

la, and thcie wai a big roll for tme of !
St l»atjlck belongs not to any partloAi when the game wa ova. Now there ■ nla sect or race, bat to fanmanlty. 8t


wu a ohangG. Hy boys came out of the ^ Patrick was not an Xtisbman. Tbe act
dreoing room tn knickertnekera, sweaP be bcilt up in Ireland, many biatorians
a* and canvas shoes, as tliek a lookiDg laay, was a arml-ProtesUaL—Byr. Willotorringeraasyoar^evaaaw. It waa liam T. UcBveen. Oongregaiiaotl.
a cinch, and 1 wa* only hot becaoM I Williamsburg. K. Y.
bad DO more money to pot up."
Bom *• th* «»‘chest.
"Too made a good thing of Itr’
W«^ tbe 6nlts of
"Oood thing? 1 got tbe dooble eroK die. of Ocmfudanisin in CbinR of HoHy bptiery aold oot to tbe otba mi
;: hammedanlam in Ttt^. We see tbe



a-B. a.s.; rtt. .fa.
Ar.i a.u. 1 r. B-ir^*
emu* 4 « Trar. Oty I » 16 I IS T CD
y t:, U 06 t « Waltoc i T S U U 6 H


10 tU;..........
10 a


« B B. SpHDg*

4 8^ ..... jicaek. Oq
■I S

6 4' Cadillac
7 6, Bateaty


uao)........ Id.oaan.
of many maBllsti today that far moa
cnonclstiaai of bare' ethical principles



would have been aeffleieut to ratsbliah
----------------------------- -------------------------- --------------- B* ' • acbool. to found a great movament '
■poke la HI* Oram*
|i,at would have incred to tbe mtnl




O. a


Ectottoi B-PUB. Ctocto.

T. «>. -bo lot., bon— uid u to-

-I Udok roo moM h.t. met him Iwt tow-ted to boot.i tpoit, ttb.t mtirfmBlgbL"
oo. cioo cac tbero Ui iuvritnemiugtbeiDQd'•tbougb <d eouself you bad met him «« bora.-race, when be know* that not
then you would bare temembood u ou tbe tnck. but iu some poolroom—it
wltboot any trouble. I only kuow that “V be mUes away—tbe wituta is deafta youtrent to bod—yon got borne ,Tbe race* are “fixed.'', *•
nbOBC 8 o'ckMk. John—you (all Into a. U»«T aay. lo*»g before the race U begun,
troubled alesp. Ton muttoed -a good '
deaL but 1 oouM not dlstlnguUb i^-:
thing very clsaly exo^ ue name
oacM of;
or i

lODn't. M.C.
n 40!kal -I

‘■Aidin.’' aeid Mra Eastlaka to ba : fattennent of humanity and swept
bosbeDdassbe poured oot btoca»se atway tbe eorniptiqp* of tbe ancieot
tbebnakfast table, ”I ibihk yoo have.lotda.—Babbl LeooUarisan, 8L Louia
seva inmdooed your friesd. Mr. High, ;
tome, have yonP'
*‘l have DO (itead named High." «*{died Mr. Eeatlske m -be devalued buP
stem hsd dtcadful fact. We cannot de­
terwl tooM.
stroy a even abciisfa tbongbt concas“Ob. but yoc mast bare, dear,’’tnd Mrs. Eastiafce. ■'Yaoere faatUa ing soeb a pifae- 1 mtut believe is bcU
(»TO»^luth to U»«onia Ood
b with bim to oaU him Jack.
■■jKkmslI Oo.Hkitowuirl,odjol
toUto 11« cUIltoBlraa^ .h,,.


erul Bipidi & IldlUt A S


wm'iaaqua* guca'’—Draoit Fra*

did 1 OM, of bimr

% to' Calcago,
J 40 Ft. Wayo
6 a Blrhi
7 •Ctsch
I to (Ddla

"rfomOra^Bapite^Matektev-asd Pvua-





It contains all the news
while it's freah.



West Michigan


Barstow. CaigregattaaalMedford. »—



Mr. Bigb—Jock Eigb, you called him. \
tbm are men poor and is want toOuce 1 tboogtat 1 bmrd yoo moBtlaD a day beewose <d oppraosloti and in^lco
tranan’a name—Kitty—but I*m not and robbery and wrong. Strang ihstitnsnsa."
itious, wbi<^ is but anotfaa term (ora
Mra Fastlafa looked narrowly at ha
husband as tbe said tbia and be looked
at baoxpictotisly and then said:
“Oh, yea, I believe a man named Jack
High did drop in to see tbe sick friend 1

pomhiiwricn of strong men. bare set
tbemalva to (reeae oot a atarve out
those wbo are doing a amall but bonest
Imslneas in tbeir line.—BtA-. A. B. Mel'tram. Presbvtman. St. PauL


UnSRB i»

aueh abort acqualDtanae."
TickeU will be aold via the Grand
- "OfoonrseDOC BotwbowM Kitty?" Raslda A Indiana EaUway toBay View
''There «M DO one named Kitty. You jand retnru July is to SS. good nUtn-


rtmod trip from all Michigan polnU
anybody of that name—absolutely no­
Send for lilnitrated descriptive matta
C. L. L0CXW0..P.
Then Mr. EastMfa pot -his oust ou
«. ?. * T. A-.
and left the boom, sfta kiaring hie
Grand Rapids. Hieb.
tboogbtfnl little trtte goodby.—Looliville Coaria-Jonmal.


Tbe Eiafas. a handful of Eaktmo*
oumboing psobably 100 pouana ora
tbe most Dortbern pecqile of tbe world.
W boBweark. At
They bsvs ibeir abiding plaee on tbe P.O. h.i> m.aty.
weM odfat td Greenish badean T6
and 78 degroea north' Udtnda Fa
■uuiy year* afta Or. Kane com borne
with tail vivid BOd absortdng atosy of
It. Fla* propart*. mar (erwa tmdr or lov
tboM isolated nativa they were sop
. At>plytoHHj«an.M>Wufalacun^
posed to base built tbelr stone buU


neera (be pole than any otba boman
fainga It 1* known now. boweva. T UMBkB rOK SALE—l.An |«m *e*io*e0
Xj j>la*. el AngcU ^Olag. rKANKESOVU.
(bank* to Bamtla Kan* and Gnely. Bk dapIO*.
' u-et.
that tbm an onmerous tsaoa of bo­
man occnpuncy a* far north as tbe

Tbe DaMO.

ooost of France and aoutbero aboes of
Great Britain.
Tbe daringiof tbtas
bardy geameo was remarkaVle. fa in

yBBKKJCf **^» JB^pr^tro

Ever Burned Out ?
If'do yon know
tbe Tklos of


Because^ ,

tbelr BBOU abljn they
aaboard populatioo of Italy. Sicily
and Grteoe. Tbe flnt king of Denmark
la said to have bean Bkiold. 80 B. a

Fuk StxMt, bgtwwB Front ft Cw.

are pigeon's blood robteg fire opala and
dlanKsd* tbat an pun but abed a diatinotgloircd bine or gink. Av^parleotpealtd gsBUoasiae and InstraH
■kill, tlatad a nioly baMtUul coUan
gnea, was vaiuod. nnast, ad fil.fM.


Rates. $1.50 per Day.

'PlntCU**IteB*a*4. bpeeiaihau*
. 918* week.




The people read It and
because it is the only
morning di^y north of
OrandBapids. Also the
best daUy la this part of


j r.A^N.fasii.'.'.'.*^


sSsrsLij-ri;;:.-:.': =



by using the colnmna of


eigbty-spo^ panllcl, and ao loug ago
wa* it tbat they built tbeir but* and
aledgq and faunted tbe bear and walroa
Id tbe far north cd OtantdAod tbal the
Etab nativa of today Iwva tmly tbe
dimmest and moat unoartain tr^tian*
of tbem.—Pittaborg Diapaioh..


The readers enjoy it at
ttie breakfsst table.

SLroi‘.JU‘'fc.^‘orStoTS j

Tto Danea, tm Nuribmen. first beoama
prominent in European bistoy in 788.
when they began to nvage tbe north


—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.


own feet, fell ova each otlia and made • «« »» •aranc^a whatera pnbUc
tbe tyipcBing maoaga feel so good that optaiem bai to w •»<»» it.^Rev. L J.
be was betting at every ram. I was Landag. Congregnlkauaist. Boston,

ptatlonand tboi tookaboxca.

otba BaaSrlto «s Proponloci. BekUng of
sllktod* proapllT tea. Pawblo* Tlr«* by
Vakraatttaser eifarwisi. I te *M csi year
Ufva 10 repair tbrau ainfl* Tub* Work a
BSMlslty CfaSpeMplterlD Um city
•c a trial. 8aU*favuse guaraotarC at—

^ ^

it-0-* s*M *h» »—•
«lifln*w* between a dead and a



2-! S.


pcm^ucy blowing through tbe coonty
Mwapapa »d got a challeoge from tba •

rf^ckM^n ^
*'« depar^rha Plotted 1*0..
gesictday strengthening his cause there. I
“> ‘be lOinoto mlUba for !
aad will vWi several of/6e river ra
before be murru. TeUgnme and let- tlon made fa all the Sates aggregates
tor* of an encouraging' n«Qre from dif- Uoojoo.
The total bank claartng* of the prtn. Carem piu in ihl* dtsuici am pouring
Into the miners' oAcc. <Wof tbCM dipal elUe* of tbe United Stata tor the
writtcD by a mlna on the Wfarilng di- week. Just pas past were
vfaeo of the B. and O. coaplalns tbat an increaee of OA pa oeaL compared
the'operaiore are Uking unfair mean* fo with the corrapondlng week last year.
The steamship Etruria will take oat
whip ibe men In.
The wHta alleges that they are In- from New Toik today IM.0W ounca of
Suenring the boarding house keepers Silva.'
PblUlp Ihshley. convtcled of kllKng
to iMUe sttacbnirnu against the slttglc
-men (or tbe small aneounts they owe John Bandera, a United SUtM soldier at
and are also threairnlng the men hav­ Hoachlta. AT..aVcar ago. u-as hang»J
ing families wiih landlords' warranu at Tucsod. A T.. yesterday. He made
and cjcriion If (hiy don't return towoik. JocaUr remartca. danced a Jig and aaM:
Preacher Green, a miner who was chair. "lAt her go OaJIagtaa''
Judge Ong. of Cleveland. O.. has
handed down a deelslbn declaring that
Ute law unda which members of tbe
Cleveland baa. ball club were arrested
at that place. Bevrval Herr oeeebt* for playing on Sunday I* unconsUtawere made, resbltlng a^attuUy Jn a tfanai
The tree-for-all-rkce at Put-ln-Bay
onanimou* yote favoring tbe strike. In
a letter to BecreUry Wama. Oreen tor^e Hotel Wtury nip was taken by
stated that the whlsUe fw the man to the Typhoon. a'UtUe (7-footer of Cleeego to work at Gastouvlll* blew yasley
day morutng a* usual, but not s sntna
(nan Id* home entered (ha pit. Only a
(ear were In Thursday.
Aaottaa miner wrou Ssaatary Ww

ITIWEUOLX * CeOOS. Altornrya.

Mstr CoBuneretsi Mow*^.

Ptnpplng alp footen, card blckory bata I
a man's word may be as good as tda
and knocked a live ball ao far that aU ; tend, and liU bcod
be as good as

ainiATlOK AT TBi: rmuNT. S. M. Harris. <m a cbsrfce of robblic
-------hi* bank ef PWO in prJd, bad hi* prennsbars l>IMrt« Saam* to Bare ltoah*d ; Mmlnarr eXAmlnsBun before JusUce
Ilia foiai of Poiaiyu.
[ Hs&away St Spring Greoh and was dlsPlttsburp, July
lO.-Tbe Unes art > miihed.
Gpbtralnp in all section* of the PlttB-|—troUey-cars were MM upat night
burg mining dUtrl.t with' the exception at Chicago and ervw* and paaatuger*
«f a few mola The digger* In the New j roi.fad of thair valusbieic
York and Cleeelsr.d Gas Coal company |
Edward F. Thomas, postmasta of

to aqaaTe qaat
IbarKaifroutmter.—Brv. aobn a \
odB|itt^ tberet-

prer apv. All ibc incpln thVjshtnvere I

* hailstorm which raged for hour* In
aouthern WurinDbtig-GrrTnany.oaaaed
' thedeatbof
j to croM aroounUnp to more
~ M'..............



was a* good a local orgiUitat^ as I , Cougrcgatlona]. Ban Fnndsoa

Dr. tvalter P. Mitchell, of Bprifat
1 Oreen. Wla.. who wa» urreeted In Chisympathetic *tr1to- had been dlucUBied.
aiPCUSSM. j, ego last »|i,.
May __
on p.,n»t)Uint
c.mplnlM of Itonk.-r

an. still wortiinx. but Presidsni Dolan
and Kecretarr Wsro.r are preparing for
a move of a seiuational order on that
point. It was loukbd for yatenlay. but
M «III fa made some time today or Sun-


-T’-. 'sr.-lKwe. Uroet sad atu- OOev to mg
ncBBtovk. PkctoM.


vrould fa made. Presideot Dolan said
be thoupht such action would eventually fa taken. He^raild oot admit, however, that the matter of-------------------- •—*
t last night's coar.:rence. or that qu**1»on*

: BBOWN, AiMvay ss« Cb*a—Ua s*
fair Byotsl »tme«>«* to coU*vtlsee
•rarsatos. til Fivst at.

bdfoK tbo league syatetn was perteettd ,to the eylindw and does not eaoape in
I used to see some ctiriCai* UjUMa. 1 »•
ttantdemWlotJi* rpiriinal
member Oil* dob in eeStfl ahlo that [ tatempen^-^-v
William Bader,

The eor.rcience was Axed Tor 10 o'clock
pwUrday momlnp at tbe Mooontrabela
Rocs*, but owlnr to tbe dstentloo ot
President Ratchfurd. whomtasedconnec« and dM«fl«r I o'niock last eienioc. >i va* n<ar>
PItUbUTg. July 10.-The joint scale
ly • o'clodt before the meetlnp convened.
The seaHon war reerrt. and n was al> conference of Iron and steel sheet manmost mldnlKbi before » was over. Tbe ulacturcra and the Amalpamated asso­
pi am committee—Oompera Ratehford ciation. which has been (o session her*
and Counahan—then pave out the fol- (or t«-o dsiya. wag unable to agree, and
fowler statement. In whMli was incor- n Anal adjournment uas taken wuhuut
(wrated. they said, all that was done a) settlement st U;*(i >-estcrday aftemoun.
the oonfereece. Tbe manifesto follow*
The Amalpi
*d assrcauion
"Aftir an Informal dlscutslen report*
w ere made by Measr*. Batchrord. DoUn declined to concede
and Warner Id rerard to the altuatltm rolllcp
«f the nioretnent. and U was demimrtra- oyer the price (or rolllcp
ted tbst the miipaoBoe hms pracUcally WILL HAVE TO PROVE HIS CHARGES
«ennal In tbe oompetUive biiuralnoui
4Mal dotrlcc exuedinr also to Keotutky
and Tennesme. excepUnf » fe" *T«lr.U
In 'Wasi VlrplDla.
Cbtcapo. July lO.'- Amonp
West VlrsUta Need* Attrs'toe.
cfaarpad with bcodllr.p by Henry Bran*Tt was realised that (be niuailon
denburp In hls'sull Is Lucius Oark. who
West Virrlnia required att 'for.. In i
U ai the head of the Oeneral Electric
Use that the sUMwr.drs n..uM heceme eompanv. In behalf of which all the atabsolutely renersLacd rutcer* sacund
taped rascaltty was rxeccted. Thecbarge
Wllh that oL>.-<i^ In vUv. acilur. Was apaloit Clark (t penerally tuted in the
neommreded t y'Pixldent Oomper*. «f foilowinp cxisaci fiom Urandenberg's
dhe^hmertrae redeiatl- c of Labor. And bill: "Claili rfltertd Into negoUsOona
It was dMermlred -upr* to
with one John Powera then a raoiber
ihli hwture of ih. ccritsl. I
of the eitp council of Chicspn. to secure
dewnnlned that e\kry effort be made the passape or said proposed ordUtanc*:
on* tbe tan •>( those preaent to aecure that thenafta and lo tbe fall of UU
(he co-upeniuur and practical aid of or- mid CUTk informed >-our orator that bt
paniaed labm for the atruritllnr miner*. had airanprdwllh *sld Power* to secure
All -the rlrrumstaccse warradicd the the pasmpe U said onltnance for tSSU.Brm convlotlco that the mihen will nlll- ODO for said Power* and cbriaki of said
inatrly achieve Hitcry. and to this end aldermen «-hoae vote* he controlled, and.
tbe aid of lalK^T and the s)-mpathetic supxeeted to your orator tbal mid sum '
puUlc M lovektd.
could fa raised by m'u of stock* and
OeoS Word Held fbr ArbKialMa.
bonds and that your orator refused to
''Conadoo* of the preat Interwa wTdeh consider mid proposlUon or to any ihaji(he public has In a ctmtrst sowideapread ner mak* of said ordinance what Is
as that of the mlrLf*. It ptves us preal known a* a -boodle’ rheasure."
The sequel «f the AUnp of the bill Is
tiave nol been and are not now opposed the armet of Brandenburs for perjury
to arbRralion. We therefore urge aad
Clark's complaint, and a threat to
•dvist that a oreifemK* fafadd by rep- J have him anysied also
iimuintlva* uf the miner* and operator* ' CUrk m>o that Brandee
has been
with tbe view of arriving at aarttleiDent 1 polity of both oneme*. A
_____ .
«rthe present suriwnslon.-' An orpaniMd t or* Said; "I never In ny life have seen
affort to tocure * freeeral suspeedbn of i Brandenbur*.
Rlchsrd O'Orudy came
SDlnlnc in West Vlrpinta was faalded { tome when the matier was up and*sk»d
-tipon. After a tborouEh cani-aas of the ^ me to meet him. But I never.kept any
MtusUon It was unanimously sirre>ed , of the eompemenl. and no* 1 am told
that the West Vlrplr.i* miners held the that Biunderburp ha* been to O'Orudy
key to tbe dtuatlcn and without their {tiylitg to p«t him to swear that he Intmlted Mipporl the suoreSsof iheReneial | (roduced -me lu him. As to these other
tooseoient would he greatly }topardlsed.; ebarwea. I want to my that 1 never met
Baw tfay Will Oo Abost It.
{ Luclus Clark, ncr Efarhardt. the Kal* tn furtherance of this detormlnatloo ' amaa<» caplullst. unUI about three
tbe -dBcial* pre#.n pltdaed themselves month* am>.;;____________________ .

After adjournment. In re- j
Senator Cullom , hopes to sail
Sponae to the questkin whether a I p*r Europe oo Au«. t.



M tM^Bwhan WaeaiwT OsaaNd MM
ChStBa BafMw thar Wet* Hstehsd


BoMMr MaM^s-* Meply to Bysu.



1 rUer’* Swlli..'..... “

55S-o;amt:: -


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