The Morning Record, September 19, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 19, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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uTvltokrOU bMwMB tbe ter* of ttot
•iMt wa tlM Jttoler
Boor* ioto4Ute««rof tke OrillW^
,0i» d»W. Thto
»*«• CMo*
Mt of
(bt JukM te?o loM «o thk

-|r««lr OM Sndn4 0. S. ▼otkaift
!■ AttMteM»>~XalpM Tnfnm

m w. 0. T. V. oownmoM.

on. XiSB to BsruEv

Ttoare wUi baaervieu to-day la the
East State Street eehool houe at tO:to
a. m. in BkwUeh. aad V 700 ^ ta. .ia



Wbvaabi-It kofeovaih-fetayperacata^kaowtaora tMaho
kaowanow.topalB thk“know"yon ahould kava apaoG
SoOaba teAstiva Barrioe teXhla
dIetiOMry. le a day wQl buy Wtbourto UtarmatXoMla^
mraaaaat-Ooadittoa MM «o De­ B«v. O. A Henkraa. Pamer,
ad Xvvedtata aadOarAlOeoThe thamaot tha nuiralapvr
daratfoa—Mann BOt fat Otvas Oat i wOl ba '*Tha Ftoithfal Saytep."
MM BwM ibrSait Tmt-BpoI*'
toe VaaMe to toe rzooest.
MondayochootWiU fMlewthorn
tlM VO U Good OoBdittea.
ICn. J. W. TrmvtorooelToaa taUrw
WtaUaptoa. Sept. IS-Oeseral Flta tapaorviaa. Toaara eordiaUy iavltad
- •pMWMTnit«m«kao».
yMtHday CroB Kra. BooJatalB. atata
Baph Ua, ooaeal paaeral to Coba.
Ilia aaxt maattap of TravorM Oity
KoThvko. Sopt. ia.-n« BlBtb oo- proaideBtoftho W. a T.D..aBB0
had a loop eoofaraaea with tha praai- Lodpa, Na 106. HaticMl Baurra Aeao■«»1 OMTMtioa of tka nth dktriet iar ttet ohe wooU be BoatoU to toe
daat today. Allvialtarav
ciatloa, vrlU be held in the Odd Fellows
T. P. 8. C. E. OBioo of MlaUfvi. oow pnooBtat the coaTeattoa beroToeedartnp tha oonfaraBoe axeapt oaei
is ■Makahvo.iooMoftko bort oad dayoTOBlar. Boworor, adaeprofroB
Alparwba ramalnad eatUaftar
A foU ittendaaee M dealrad u arraape■Hot ooUioitoc BMtlBgB U tho hbtorr letoMar prepared taad HI* expaotad
mm are 40 be •
for tha
of tha diotrtet. Noorir loo 4olo(oMo that tha atteadeaea froo the eeaaty
■M proooot from V fv Borth v Oaao BBtoae tor the perpoee otorsaaUiava
Lee earefoUy reriewed the aitaatioB
Talma the place of ladlaa auba. Dumb Bo^ Etc.
VIUHto OBdMfvaOoU M BooooiiiB. BBlOB of aU the BBloBe, wlU be vary
ia C«ba. Be pare hie Tlewa freely to

-A WboU OytaaaaUm la Itaalt Foraaioby
Wd U» r»d P»Pl« of KBlta*kO hOTO
I. Tha pncraB will be prlatad tha praaideat bat after tbe iBiarriew
Ou Spaaiah aaltod BaaaaU are Ukopoaod tholr hoorto aod tbolr boBM
wee vary letieaat aboot tfaa aatara of
'•Bd f»TV thM » royal woIomdo. 1b
tha report ba bad made- BWidttot
tbo *bo-HOofthopro^«VMtaoOo^
the praaldant had not pivao ht* the
Prapara to attoad Grand Travaiaa
hoy Of PQoihoy. th« bmoUbto bto proooUiv of hie policy. EvidoBUy.-haw•idod tmr by the Tloa |wooldOBt, Bor. Larpe Attaadaaoe Xxpaetad aad
.. Ooaaty Mir. Sapto 8(. 9S, 98 aad 9A
r. H. BuooU of KBltookB. BBd the oeea tor a Baay Weak.
with the ertUeal ehaiacM- ofthealtnTotBiy: M. E Hrdley of Ttototv Oty.
The OOBBty tall of the Oraad Tiar- ationln Cuba. It iawdatatood that
Tbe «*tobUo« r^'od FrUay o«ob- eioe AcrieBltaral aad ladvtrial Society
ha etmply nrpad Lea «o retain hie ofiar. BBd ofur the oddnoe of woIeoM wlU becia lo thie dty'Tneeday aad
acetorthe praeeataad relamtoBaud the roqnoee the ehief addiooe of eoBtlnee 'WodBeeday. TtoBieday bb4
vaaa at hie earlleet ccmveBleaea.
theoTOBia«woBrlTdh>yBe*- D 0«*h. Prldey. Tbe eoBBiUtaee
llnofTrowneaw- Hi»e«bJocV ‘•Tbo workinc eBerretioBUy for eome ttne to
plodfo, lU Oee Md Aboee.** wh baa- make the expoalUoB a e«eoCta aad
dlod ia as eloqooBt aunav.
there are proepecta that thie wlU be Btatoa Harbor Flret HattoD«l Bank
YeoMrday Moralat
ooeoptad by the beat fair bald bere ia yean- Tbe
M veil, by paying tbe atore a riait
Oloeed ite Doom Teaterdiy.
the ocaotazyB Toport, wUeh hM alroady
will tab* attiaeUrc
expreaa pnrpoae of aaeing bur atoek of.......
Beaton Barbor, Sept. W.-The Fbat
beta aoUeod la the Bkwbd; aa able exbibite aad tbe fariDeie will bare
MalloBal bank of thie city did not open
talk OB Bible etady. by Levi T. Pea- taaCBiSoeBt dieplaye of acnetatoral
for butinee* today and Nattonal Baok
■i^tow of Traeoioe Qty, aad a talk
The fralt vhibit wlU aot
■boat JoBlor work by Mia* Mabel be aa extCBalva tt laat year, bat the Bxamiaar Oeorpe B. OaldwaU of De­
I a Jonlor pralB and vepetaUe dieplaya wlU be troit U in ebaipa.
Aberat 9M.0M i* dae to depoeitM*
The real of equal if not euperior te asy fortaer
rally la the i
tha afteraoea wv ooeapied by tha yev. The eehool exhlblU wUl attract and It I* paaemlly believed that 7S per
We make no trade boaat when we vy that onr line comprihea tbe
iL will be about a* mocb w can ba
raportaofthertepraaidaaU Mr. Baa- epedtol atlCBtioa and tbe miKellaaeraalliad. Ttoa eoepoaaloo U not wbMly
wideat range and fineat variety over abown in thia locality. Tho
aett; tha mtaMoMry aapariataadeat OM dieplaye wiUald la Btakinp tbie
aurpriae. a* tbe depoaiia have da.
truth is nndiqmtably proclaimed by tbe aaaortment itaelf, at tbe
MMe Wlaltrad Pratt, asd the reporta
ix^tlaa which wUl
need aboat »».OM durisp tbe put
of indiftdaal vdetiee, ell of which are with tha beet iB prwrtoo* eeBeoae.
LOWEST KNOWN PRICES ever made on equal qoalitiv.
three oMBtha.
ia altre woritiair eoadltioB.
If. not B»eb hatter. Fartaere here
The bank's capital atoek w*a SM.OOO whan alttiap OB oae of oar laxarkraa
^ile areaiar e delirhtfvl raoepttoa h^ pood crop* end ntoney ie eaeiar
WMhald. iBtareetlBC exarr^ hare than for three yearypaet. ttoeretore with a esrplui of WO.OOO. Jamu eotae ia an euy matter for the daintily
BaUey, ei-caahlar, makea no aUtemeat dreiaed waldea, Time' aUpa by when
toaeBplaBaad for today, anoBA tbem there will be a larpe atteBdaaee of
imfortably enacoaaad. and the viatoMBAB BtadoBary proffrae# thieaftar- UMeewboheve bepsa to feel the en- axeeptlap that in bia opinion the deilar rtaUxta when he luvu. that be- BeUaUe Dry 0eedi.0upft tad Oethlap Beam.
BOOO. iB eharye of Leri PenalofftoB. 1b coarapameBt of better Uiaee. Proa- poaltor* wilt be paid is fall.
The hank will be opened Moodey to
tbeaeaeaccof MIm Prattwbe waeto parlty . I* eantapioa* aad when the
Hoiva panbooto from Abe idepoeltora
t of datar's fomi.
hare oaDdoeted themtarrear cornea to Trevaraa City the aad other maltera preparatory to aa
Aapedal feature of the eoBTeatiaB
Bhent. U boaod to axobaapa adjoatiBoat af tbe aecoanta. Tbe
mind tumeA to borne eomforte aad 11
ia the elabccaU decoraUoB. is Mae
for momg of the proeperi^ of baak'a embarraakiaeBi ii attrlbated
tboupbta of love.
aad poU. to be aeea U erery bnaioeee the farmer. ThAfora It may rcatoachiefly to bad loan*.
We've the Furaitur* at dadde
pUea aad in the chorehee where
ably be expected that bneiDcee will be
Examiner CAldwell aajs the failnre the loweet prieea
aeeettBCeare belB# held. Tbeyareof pood ia the city and that the vialtore
tl bcBBty aad ehow the aai- wiUteke heme meoy neoemlUee ibei Udae to the apecalatlona of the exc^ehier.
,t of pood will toward have been denied for eome time peMBeeldee layinp In a eapply of neceeeiUea
Tbe next aBBoal' seetiap wfll be the vleiton from the cooBbry wUl ooote
bald ia Maaealoaa. Tbe aewly elect- bvefvepood Ume. They wiU have
Kmau Hoatapue aad Korpaa Baterit. both ea the fair proond* and in
taiaed Lut IHpbk
Praddeat—Ber. B. Beeae'tt. KaUcae- town, and tha eaenry of the local bosiA Mleet diaaer party wu pivea lut
Bcae maa ped intareat of tbe people of
Vtoe praeldeot-MiH Oraoa Oabocne. the Mty will coetribate iaamkiapthe BiHit at the home of E J. Morpa» by
Mim Gertrude Mentarue and Mlm
Evelyn Morpaa to a few of their laUBaerotary-i-M. E Ballay. Tbavaroa
mate Mead*, a farewell patberiap proHAEBT X- sum.
view te the departure of them ladle*
Fopalar Oatchar of tbe Euatlera Left for oollape la a few days. Mim Moatapue will ^ to Ann Arbor to eontiaue
for Zadiaaa Teaterday.
. Jb
Ooae yUlapa.
Harry L. Huat. who bu flUed the her mueieal etadiee la the University.
Meaibar axeaattve eoaimittaa—Prol mtetaer** peMtioa for tbe BneUam dur- Mim Morpaa wiU leer* eoon for OiiO. E C»ttoB. Baaxaala. •
lapthe aeaeoB, left yeeterdayfor his eapo where ehe wUI vieit Meads tor a
boaie in UtHrty. lad. Bunt is the few days betore poiap to the Natioul
best catcher that ever played oa a Pwk Semiaaty at Forut Glen. MA
TravaneCiQr tan* aad it U doubtful
WiU ba Appr^oiataty Obaarrad i
if there bu bees- a catcher with any
Thia Otty Boptatabar B6 and 97.
visiUop team who could equal hie work Furniahad by the Bupeotrre Chufchu
The featiral of Ttcrfhaehoneh. the He- He ia a oeaacieaUooa hall player and
brew New Tear will be obeerred in thie would rather take a tbruhlap any XrT.O.Oeeklls. outer.
city. M elaewbore, on Monday and time than loee a pame. Beeidee hie
Sermon at IftM A m. Subject; "The
Toataay. SepteaberMaadPT. bepis- base haU playiap abUity Mr. Quat bu Creed of laa MacUren.” Tbe poeoel u
Biap npon the Sonda^ipht prertoo*. many flue peraona! cbarBcteriaUee and Tiewed by the author of " The Mind of
Oa theae two daye the Babrews of tbe
a favorite with ait the member* the Muter" and "BeMde the Bouuy
Is what
seem to be
city WiU ckM their place* of baeiaeae ^the turn and maaapemeat. After Briar Bnah." Pleue be on Ume if poenod pire attanUon to ralipioa*
a short reel he wUl go south with a elble, that yoa may enjoy all the ser­
doing (in the rush for
aad excrclMe to be bald is tha eyna- Icapue team. ____________
do it one
papne. I'raparatlov are ao
Sunday eehool at 11:50tray, some another. We
Baosipta Were S0OO.
rav for tbe holiday feetlralJuniorUbrlsUaa Enduror at 3 p. m.
Wedeeadey, October dth wiU be Tom
are not averse to making
T. P. S. C- E. at 6:15 p. m.
Eippor, or the Day of Atonemaat and tie reeeal oelebraUoa werh S»00. Of
Subject of sermon at 7:»0 p. m. wUl
an honest dollar, but profit
this amount $500 wu expended ip be "The Kloadlke at Borne" Eriap
it wUl be
T. A. Choala. formerly of Bay
is not taken into consider­
City, who bu had many yeurs
Traveru aiy, »oo paid for a special your friend* to this pospel meetinp.
expMeau in
b^aad the remainder went into the Mim Alio* Cnwtord wiU ainp a solo at
ation in our endeavor to
Tbe Hebrew
taUbriap buloeu (makiop him
ataeet, Ua
truaearyof the order.
the evenlap aervle*.
give the best bargains ob­
aa artist inbU line.) Wedoaot
M and WiU prenent
buitaU la pnaruntcelnff saUstainable
in the SHOE
faction ia flt a
and altracUve atyuraace whoa tbe
rr. W. A ri7«. outer.
With the above additice to our
holiday aerrieee take place. It ia alw
_ Uaion pospel muUnp by. all tbe
.Mammoth Stoidi of ready made
.expected that the exterior wUl be ra-1 >nrehaaed by Hutoert Vorthrap aad ChitoUaa Youap Puplu’ SoMeUrn of
The particiUar line of
elothlap w* ate safe la tayiap
painted 1^ that time.
| Hr. Lookhart WiU Goto OoUepa.
tbaeltytbiseveainpatthatrat M. E
that it WiU be one of the but
Tbe aty News Stand, which hu chareh at 6 o'elook. Subject. "ChrlaIsMl^lgba.
oea eoadutod by WlUtam Lockhart, Uaa atoadfutaem asd Chrietlaa UberAXATZUE BABB BALL.
ru cold yuterday to Hutoert M. North­ »y.“ UaL 5-.I. Everybody is iavited
Sevmal BxeHtap Ooataata Teaterday rop. aaa of Bev. O. E Nerthiop. Mr. aad vrfll have opporwalty to leave tor
>s an exceptional bargain—eveo with us—and is unap­
Northrop wlU taka peetmina tomerrow
ehlsp eervieu at tha other eharehproached by anything in the City. There Is nothing
Bated tbe morainp. Mr. Lockhart wiU po to Aaa
below a $4X0 Shoe in the IfH. See Samites in \ATindow.
Arbor to_ take up tha stady of dutleBut Hide Mam ytatatday ia a «
ooBtaet by a aeore of ts to S. Bat- b-v. The new proprietor is a yoaap Bev.atalUU7.PsMr.
of ability aad husUe and wlU
Suaday aerrtota are u toUosra:
tariee-Jaketo Slappars. Ttolrlby aad
Bovot^y: But Side. Defeadorf, Davidrruchlnp at UhtO a m.
— - — •• raaad
Sunday eehool at IldOam.
Ohieapo KaikoA
Hlta-^ake'* Stappars 7; Bast Side. A
Y. T. A. mutlnp at 6 p. a.
Chioapo, Sept. 18.—Wbeal-Septemoa baU»-By But 8idA 16; by
at7:»ATtolriby. 1. Errors, Jaketo SlBgpms, Ij ber, KHci December, KKe; May.
Wu* Slda A ^ta^V flrst-buM
playiap tor Jaksto Slncpan wu a fealSBHe: Deeembm. iPMGWe: May. sikA
IPe: October. iPMe;
a m. ptv«r
Ttoa Btw Boys aad Feeawood pk, ..
1^. nMG h A
a splrtMd pame whkA reaaltad is the
Beat AMortineBt of SCHOOL SHOES
defut of rvawood. the aeore helap
of aU deeHmlaatloM. ako the chart
iB the city, at11 to 10. Battarias, Bine Bcya. Ham
NT. 8A7D; Ontatom, lectar* by Ueak Amu Wood that
'daraaaaadBardM. Fbrawood. Bobba.
BaahiMaad DeMtA
Npriir CWUr 04 Mnl WIG,
.AUwa waloo
An nxeUtap pmma wv playsd v



I The Whitely Exerciser



Gratify Our Pride
and Your Owii Sense of Beauty








■IF so.

Use the'BEST
Hanufactured by




..Chasing the Almighty Dollar...


MM’S me shoes at $1.98



The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

We hare jist received Ml estire New Uie of_

Ladies’ Well and Turned Sole Shoes


I MOMnaro asooBd, STmATt i
CBS KOBsmra ssoosd.

Meabarte a adriae ad rarieal maaU
B* wUl ratm ta laastai tb* work thta

T. J.Botetteatethtertetha Friadrteh bteak. tea added a wirah—t tent ta hla teMsata ad
dothter»d r^ta*

T. 'B*«M AM9 3. W. HUMBI. T. A. Chaata. formarlp odBdp atp. ha*
aharraof thaaaw dapartMt.
J. W. HAsn, Bdltor mmi tUrngm.
loAdlaflutW framfk* AoekioftiM
Tmn>a«r LwWOo. toM alfkt


t tba Planl
e'etock Tkufedap morning and hta Mda
of oelr fear dapa awallowcd a do** of
the stuff, but wni recover. Buodsp died.
Bv waa « aad ted married Ua Md*
knowing that atteh a marriage waa more
teM dtaumrul to hta parents, upon

I wUl tetampwMssto laaalii tha
atpteA&ihoolThMMffftte Utp dar>

...sip IPlipGK FANCES.

fm 1 dtefiek to * oWtMk p. m. ate cm
TBoadap •voal^ faem 1 oUtMk ta 140
o’eiate p. m.
Bald taxaaMpteaaU daring Saptambar with aa addlii^ 1m ef oa*
par esab far oaUeettoa. Oa all i


Everyope should see oar Fine Fall Lbe
of CLOTHING BOW on sale....................

will ba d
aaab farai

We fay-reqr pro^^ our purchases of
OiUftlM eter^ for (Maco with*
«Mt« •( hudwMd IwW for EIMm- boBw be was toU that be wosU be wcleom*. bat net bit wife. Tbm tb* two
« ASateM.
^ cniCucn^rtm
decided to eoBunlt snlride. Hta wile
was Uta* Blsncb* Wsrrea. a Bap Otp.
Haroa paaterdap bp a meman as- Mich.. glH whom proftmioB was test at
a Buim.
BooadBff the death of Mr*. Jobs
Before taklag tb* drug the two wrot*
a number of Irttet*. twoaf wtaleb were
4 M th« I
b*Baatttehom*ol hw atatar darter to Buadap-s qolber forgiving her for ter
-rtsgc. Tb» morhw Uteam. Mr. aad llr*. Boaadi wlQ eppoMUon to tb*
was aard hj te .na of bppodannle
Tha Oeutj Mr.
raters la a few dapa.
Inlertic.n. A verp
..i case cw.islalng
re tail of th« 0mA Ti»t« A*rtall of the luBtraatrnu arcesaary briongvd

Mttml Md UdMtrtal aoetoV *• be
haU fa«« thta wa^. dawraa U(a moat
.t of the people
^ the d^. Exhibiuof tha ■
arm attiMttha atteatioii ad Ua rWtare from the farma; wbUa tha prodocta
odthaltail aad toowladcaol tha term•rahottld Urttetha fr«»ta*t lataraat
«dthadtj people. Thta taw ere of
proaparllj aed tha farmer ta betaf viattad with tar«n which ha hea not
IftaWB for Tcere The iadaatrlal het11* err haa baas that pcwparity of the
farmer steasa pro^tarilp to aeearbody.
Thta tahradaalljr b*ta« aaempUflad
la thta aeeUos: therefore wbee
tha farmer eomea her* thta • pear
with tha frelt of .hta labor it amp b*
upaeted that the dtaplap wUl be
ttarthp of BMC* thaapaadsf atteattos.
Other exhiUte wfll U abore the aperOf*, with the 1
'' trait. A Uttle extra path os tha part
«d each mercbaat. alUad to tha istaraat
Of tb* taaeral pabUe, wm make thta
teir tb* badt is the btatorp of tb*
doastpsiasdittada* tha eodetp that
Orarpbodpt aak* a tpaeial effort to
briar aboat thta and. With the eoatWaadeMi«teaof the teimw aad boat•ata mas thara ta so naaoo wbp Grand
Ttarataa aoantp ahoaU not forr* ahead
te asp othta oonatp te nerthars Micbi

iartb* rcoaral cxoellnea of tha
y oxhiMta-aad the asm** of the eaterVrtaathtanear.
IP baa rmaaisad for the Sarasth Dap
▲dreattata todafp tbepopalar aestl■Mst. The faesttp of the edlare la
Battla Oaak tee* deeraad that there
« ta be tao foot ball raaae* aad eo
with that Is•oQ«« pall. U
. teitattasofla)
irflaai^isr- It Bowremaiu
far them to proea that aa

Tcbkst and Greece hare flaallp emteaaed and made sp. The loar delap
aad mack aboacd treatp of ^eaca waa
sirnad paaterdap. There will probabip
be aothlsr farther ta larita the atuaMte of the worid Is'ttet direetlea
aatU after aometUsr ten>eaa is the

Tteaoaa^ talrwOl harlaTaeadap
aomterMtaaCrawfewd wUIster te the Con*' rnratieaal ehareh tadap.
Ten poeada of famlslaa homanltp
•rrlTOd at the home af Sam Ilea Pridap
B. 3. Morran tstahed potUar ia 100
^^pwaaof wheat paaterdap oa hta farm
waatef thealtp.
Beeipbodp ahanld attend the fair on

a 3. Do^ wUl be the new poatmaeter at Harriett*. Wbzlorddaaatp. riea
J. A. Barry, reairsed.
The Woman’* Oee
Asaoriatioa elearad »i.U is the SatorAap markat paaterdap.
Tba Colsmbta wm mn ta Snttans
Bap Utaorrow. Fare for the trip.
kwea^Bta oanta. Leave at 10 a. m.
Dr. Marie Hortaa baa takes oOea* is
tea Marbbatn bsQ^ over UaakaUk
hook itare aad wm b* is pcaaeaiiim


Charlaa F.'GatchaU retoraed tnm
Bsftalo Uet slrbt.
G. O, OoeeU wat Is Tl
oalaralboateaw paaterdap.
Eimar B. White af the EbrU west ta
CadDlao paaterdap ta apasd Saadap.
Mta* Cora Kanpoa retaraad pea
from* loar ririt with Maadals
iw Tark.
Mr. and Mm Balpb Bpan and Mtaa
NIaa Duffp of Pomona, are r***ta of
Bar. arSataberp.
Him Mabel Bataa'ratoraad laet airht
from Kalkaaka, where ate attaadad
tb* a B. ooBTaatioa.
Attamap J. W. Pattels want ta Bmplra paaterdap oa l*ral byaiaeaa
will rctara Taaadap.
lbs* Boldaworih, attar a ear/
bla rUit is tb* aoatta aad aaat.
arrieed borne paaterdap.
JameaMarrap will rota Jaaktaa to­
morrow ta look after baaiaaaa for the
Isdtaaa Bead Maehiaa Oo.
Wbitaap wiU laaT* for
Orasd Bapld* tomorraw der a few dapa
rtalt before r^BT <* Aaa Arbor.
Mr. aadMra Wni Jobaacw, who
wadded teat waak.
Dr. aad Mr*. Great G. Spoor of Mastatoa, arrivad la tha dtp laat avaolnr
for a vidt with Mr. and Mia. Frank
Mr. and Mik. Saaep^ Fahl who war*
married in Mt CUman* laatwaak.airived in the
paatardap after a abort
weddlBA taar.
-Mr*. GaoiT* Steward and chUdrea of
Oarflald. who h*v* bean vtailteff retaUvea is the aaat. >>ln*d Mr. -Steward
hare pe*t«rd|p.
Mta* Croeln. tha weU kaown mUl!Bar, arrivad in town laat sl^L She
wm preet ter eld friend* at Mta* Tackabarrp’e millioarp afore.
Prof. Jobs teotaar west to Ctadillae
paatardap to vtalt a few dapa befora
gdar VI Aan Arbor, where ha will inatreet tha aaginaerlng daaa.
A. J Fsllw of Chicago, arrivad te
the dtp paaterdap to visit hta brother,
Imrts FsUar. The brother* have not
metlsthlr^ pears and the visit will
be one of great plasaara ta both.
dpragae Pratt, who ha* been workteg with the reportorial ataff af the
tegla daring the aammar, i* preparing
to attead the irnlveraltp at Aan Arbor,
whale he will take a Illerarp eooraa.
Miaaee Laura aad Loataa Friedrich of
Grand Bapida. lataraad pcetardap from
their aammer home te KertbporU
bp Mta* Alma
haaapent aaveral
with them.
Cb«rl«a F. Watkins, who has twirlad
the ball far the HuaUara doriug tbe
if*anil aad made, aaora friead* tbas
aver.,will leave tomorrow tor hta borne
wbp^ be will vtalt awhU*. before gotegta.Ann Arbor taeoin^ataaeowaa


Thaatrtaal Votes.
‘iaoptb -'A B«a2b of Kepa" will be
aaao at Sleinbetr’a Grand Opera Bona*
Mondap evealog. Ada Bothnar. tbe
star of tha ootffpanpi ta psa of tha moat
popular aoubrattaa oa tha Amarieas
atsge, ah* eaa ateg better than most
len who daao*. ate ta a better
«aae«r than BM*t womea who can ting
Sba ta as aeknowladgad actras* and
Bd. Wtatelar. third hiumis for tha
bar great veraatmtp ta admitted hjaU
BaaUam, left fer CkdOtea paatardap.
thataadteg Aritka: ate ram»».n that
Be ta praparlnff ta aotareaUac* at Abb
harandiesecfeslasUaha was akin to
Th^ will be a reralar maatteff of them ^d Uey an prood of her.
Daebam Ckmp. No. sau, M. W. A.,
Mondap slrht la Moatarae balL Let
aU aaemban be praaaaL
. Tb* eatartaismaat af the Womaa'a
ash Wadseadap waa a ftaaarial aa
araliaaaaarttatieeaeoaaa. Tb* amoost
aaaltaad above expeasea waa tS3.
HapV* “A Bnaeh of Eapa,- oa* of
the JoUiaat, moat roIUekisr' aad plea*teff of aomadtaa. will be aaea is dtelaberr’B Grand Opera Honae tamarrow
Tcotardap H. B. E
tomatota from hta fardaa. wUeh arwalpht. Ha tevtta* 1
aaaqaal ahewteff.
Tba aasaal azeandoa via the M. A
B. E. ta Tblado aad petet* te Ohio,
rfir^ai Bathner-haa swroondsd
laavea hare Oct A Tba rata far the
mad ^ wm te te. Tbar* wm a* a
tanMfh oaach from thta aUp.
gate ate gtvta them aU a
Be*, a Batahwp. paatarad tteBvaa- Mmneetateewwtet (tegeaado.a*d

Awten te a

iB tte “BgBte -of
gte firii wntefi Sar tteir naMfig.

Datad Sapi. ik, 1W7.

Bought the prettiest patterns we could
ffxrni bouses who make them up right.

Oas Wssk oL.


You are assured of a fit in just such goods as'you wut
from so large and well selected a line as*we now show.

to Stan In tbr Uw burinem for blmaetf.
bv having left tee lae- ofBcr of a Isrgv
firm In Cbtcego. To tee beet of her
knowMgv it vs* bis dcelrv ttet bis
fsihvr fit up an ollicv fbr blpt.aBd wbvn
hr learned of hia rsteb^opitrilon to
tbt marrUge.' tee blow wm a truablcc
one. He ted bvee la bopeks^ mps. of
living Bl home for a t.m« untlTh* eeold
estshllah bimsvU.
Bundsp*s mother and alMer came bere
when they learned of tbe suletdcterougb
the letter* from tbe potnig roupie. Tbep
refused to ere the aon's wife and spcA* owsw VO WOT a0w
very bitterly of her. The Utter rbnsentcd
to allow her brother. Bop ■Warren, of riU*eoOT°*'*aSU(md* ***
Bap Clip, to be lelegrapbed far.
Bat* YouTms.

Hamilton Clothing Cot

One Week Uipr, ntil
Setinlar lii{lit,SepL 25.
Dr. Parson'-s Metkod Ceres.



Cbirago. Sept. lA—Tbe prosecution will
rest Its case in the Imetgvrl trial today,
after three weeks given te prcMoutloo
of evidence agalnei the prlamcr, and
four weeka spent la tee IriaL lb* praaecutlon will ckae Its ease with some
erideoce tending to prove tb* motive far
ibe alirged crime. Tb* state
dearor to abow tbi
Mary Slemering. a
Luetgert bouaebold.
tbe murder. It will be claimed ttet tee
leaned to make tee
It he put Air*. LaHla order to permit
tag* with the glri. To prove
this theory Frank Blalk and FrarA
Odorofskp. empiorc*
emidorc* -of
-bt Lurtgrri who
have already teatlfled In tbe case, will be
pm upon tbe tund and wUI give sridene* relaUsg to tte domestic aSaln
of Luetgvrt.
Tbep are expected to testify as to the
foodseas of Laetgen fiw Msry Slemertog snd the indlgoZcl OppeudUon to tte
Ctrl's prvsrocc In the bouee mad* by
Mrs Luelgert. Fivoueni rUlU of Mary
Slemering to Aueigert In tee sausage
fanory at unusual fannry of tbe nlgbt
win bv dftslled. Dote men «1U tell of
svHng LAietgert chasing bla wife open
one ocCMiun with a revolver, and they
win tell of threats which they heard him
mike. With ibla evidence Is tbe auir
w.ll rest.
Veeirntap Attorney Ttncent concluded
bit tevete crcer-eiamlnstlon' of Expert
D-rsey; who he!<t In and emphasiBvd the
claim tbat bis idenllflcatinr of the bores
was ccrreri. Expert Delaf'-nlafne and
biHwrtor Srhaack'a idenl’flmtlon <r the
hetHw ae human was stricken fn-m the
record at Jodsre TuihlU’s direction. At­
torney VIrreni moved to strike out all
teatliriony rerarditig the temporal hen*
found In th> fumarr an4.was overriilvd.

Chippewa Falla 'Wla. ftept. It.—FKe
killed! three Infurrd and on* narrow
*acap* Is the result of a b«ad-«nd -ollislon which occurred oo tte Wiaconxin
Central railway between two freights
at Howard. Wla. a small place tervc
miles north of here, at_ aa early hour
yesterday. ‘The dead are:
Warren, engtnevr. Chippewa Falls; Bd
J. Smltb. engineer. Chippewa FaHa:
John Smiley. Arem*in.-t>it.wdvH1e.Wla;
l«iier Dysn. steck man. Faribault.
Minn.: Oeorge SchteSer. Morkmati.
Faribault. Minn. Tbe other fireman.
William Thompson, esrai>ed. Tbe Infared ar«:C. H. Miller, hrakeman. Chip.
pews FriU; Will
William T>lxcin (col.ircdl.
horseman: W. F. lUlvr._________
The trelgbts were Na S west-bound,
loaded with general merebandlsc. and
No. 14 east-bound. loaded chtefip wllb
The west-bound
freight. Na II. wm delapvd
ami passed Irvine ronalderably behud
Upiv. -It is rappeaed that tee engineer,
being behind, forgni that he was to
pass Na 14 near teat point andwM canneath their engine* and were taken out
dead, death* prohablp having been mrled Horn, -conductor
Of Na Zl. claims teat te sun had oo*
minute to make the switch before the
scbedulsd time of Na IA
Chks«a Sept. IL-Lcague base ten
records: At Pittsburg — BL- ls>uls Z.
Pltuburg S; faecood game) St. Louis 4.
Pittsburg U: at Baltimore—PhUadO-;
phis 1 BalOmorv 11; tstcood gsmv
Phlladeltels L Baltlmon 1; at BMtce
—New Torfc *. Boston 17; u Oereland
—CtBctnaati L Ctavelsnd M: at Brookly»-W*aUagtoo A Brooklpn A.
Weaters Lwagne; At Detroit—Colum­
bus 5. Detroit t: st KanMS Cttp—MU-

Joseph A OatBcp I; at Cedar RapMaDubugo* 1. Cedar Hspids 4; ai Borllagtoo-Oes Mol^ A BiirUngtoa t; at

as premier of |saads and tee repre­
sent*live of Cahsds to the queen's fobllec. U being entertained bp tte board
of trade. At a banquet be said a new
star of liberty bad risen te tte west,
aad wtetrvar tbe Amertcans could
claim that Caasds coaM claim
also. Tb* dap was not far distant
when tbe tide of ImmlgraUoa te tte
eiatas would be twereed and


V*0«ar*st**a0utlarrtr7eaa* d
Oatoirti. Ohnsle tad MvaU


hssdarhv. that had grusw to tte Uwi Uwy



OUR LINE----OP----0hUdren*8 and IObmb*

srs-lff iS*p5KTSl-2t2:

Best Stock we have ever shown
Prices oeT|^8o attractive at ^

■* rftdiw taw ewrsd
. stma sad teep wiU

Wilhelm Bros.

! YoaagfMtddl* Aged sad OM Msa who.
- at the mstit o( laditcrvtloaa. are wrtuivd bp
N'errmt DrWIitp. rvmr brturr B Is too late.
|Wrhs>rorTei jet tailed erra la tb* worst

Dr Parwo.' Hit
hwaMd at HflCH
Wbitiss lew uwT «<
retm.tha Hum*


Si:'3:.‘S2I tbe. uSn- U alvsjsfaU is


Uw sfureust.

Dr. Parsons Clinic
Botal YThlUbg.

V Tbavkbsx ClTT.

for th« Opening of oar

Steinlng's Cniid-OiKn House



Monday, Sept. 20
Tte Moaaieh of Hrea Ccteadtaa


A Bunch of Keys

aada Onpaagof BriUtaBt.Co*-*
adlBBS and BparkUag Hoabrettaa.

hftEt iK M TiUig hnttkL
ImtastaBd Bast SiBgiug. Daoei^.
and Buriesqaa Featares.

An fill wod. extra hefirg Keneg Jkeket, silk htoecL eoniuWed sood

.iu. It te W

A ladies’ Boocle Jacket, sstia fiuied. good vslne st

Of b»id.

for this gymni

A heavier Boncle Jacket satin lined throoshoot present valoe ISjOO
onr price st this special sale, $6.25.
A ladies’ gennine Sealskin (pieoa) Collarette at this Qieeial sale fS'iX).
Onr stock of Cloaks is nearly complete on tbe second floortrkere god
will find great varieties of infant’s Cloaks and Fur Sets, nussee'
snd children's Cloaks, For Edgings and ladies’Mob.
We solicit visits from onr friends snd patroos. CoorteoH treatment
sbovn to all, vbetber yoa bay 4>r not

Bmj InUMktePnnUijitaL
Seats sHSalaalBozOfSee
Friday McnlBg.


The Boston Store

Bci Scats 75c oimn bio^


We Oan Save for You
From 10 to $0 Per Cent on Mtr.TawT.w FOOTWXAB.
We «re elosiag ont at Cut Pripes 8S46 Fain ot oor Bnt
Plngna * Smith Shoes and Oxtoids in Black and Tana, to
make nxw for onr Kev Stodtof Coin Toes. Oatl early befoce
tbe best abea are taken. ::::: t

The end Bsliahle a»e Kan,
118 Fkort Stsxkt, WnBZBUFG Block, .

BaUer,, Batter,
^ Mtile»)MebMak«aTritlofth«
W0Mld>B« AMUSifl of pTMi*

d«nt Diaz Unnaoacaary.


Camp Anayat. ria PanKajom. I
l.-«eTer* flgbUag has taksn Afct bstwem tbs ■seood brigade iM Owwral
Btr Blndoo Blood s dlTtalsn and ^
Mohmimda. Tbe British leas was
killed and wounded. Tbs briga^
moved out to attack the Hohmuhto
the valley north of the camp.
gal lancers foemd the
00 the bills sbool eight miles «iet__
R..namiMt. li
»»»■ ™*• on Utaml camit^ CUcaga
W.SW the attack. The regUnent

Mnle l*«Bart.butUekirfallMtlt
’ tbe Mdtotty (or expMbcn. Tbenteia
Meeasity te
vithtti wbicb be an
t tbe left
flaak.|-drove back the cavalry and sur­ Bee. A. J. Wdle. DaitKian. Baa Fnmrounded a company of WIkhs The .dao).
c^yajry charged brllUanUy aad re­
uutnhpt upoe tbe |i<c et PrcAdeat lieved tbe Sikhs, and the guides eomswept the
. .
ZNU. wu
vpoe by a. mob of ioM Ume. dertro^ng the
terUud citlseop teU Tharadar
fores hal
then retired,
tha enemy's towers. and ^hen
retired. j( Van
homeBity. inevmwiee aod taSdeU^^
kUled with knUe aUba
Oooeral aatltfactloD wu «xpt«m»d PENSION DERCIENCV IN PROSPECT ! Oat dsy.—Ree. J. Q. A. Heniy, Bepdat.
aw* roierdar » tb«
^ ^ lyoclilat spnad tbroufh the rtty. «libou*S
th« Dior*
people, •mpeclai:)'
\ The wbolwhilUde at faumuB life it
WasUngton. Bept. iL—Cotninlasii
uid profeslonal aieo. mid they
’ eomed with pUlan cd ctooe imegee <g
«(pIor*d tb* act f mob violetic* and Bvara of the penelon borvao. aaM yes-; - dead Wittes, immortally.
faand li woulJ l>* miiloterpr*Bd terday .thatbe thought itwought be neciry (bis year to ask congress for a
•broad. Some of tr.r Hlpbeat o«claIi of
tha hovemmenl mkJ th.l lb«y were deflclency appropriation on account of
penalona He
“1 esUmate I
vkoUr pornW to account for tbH cui- tbe toutarn of popular f«*lln« aad rcRrctlctJ exeeed t
Man has a
few 1
- (bat iMwaurm had tiol b«*n tahed to Uon for tbe year Is tl4lACa.lse. U tber> ’ natural as bis thin* for inter.
guard the pri»ontr more (arefuUr- From Aould be an nneapected falling off In ■ enrimity M natural as his
lb* moment Arroyo wa# arreete* Tbnn- the revenue* the -pension payments
a>ore be know* Ibdj
day maawa of people kept ciamorlng fw
hi* Bf*. A rrcat crowd of lower claawi
TtAowed the i*n 'd-anne* to the nallOBal
. valace. where the prieoner wa» tamed
1 payments, be
erer to the iHrll autborttlea by teqoi
rfly 4o tbe t
This matter.of motivM and
of Pmaldent Dias. w& was o^Ktaed
_t JM.«M old clal
a very compUralcd me in eieij heart.
havlac tbe man tried by eoatt martial.
Ing which It Is the Intention of‘
{ Oftai men think they are acting tren
lU to sdJudImteAt rapidly
P°»~^s»e motive when nallv they are inftnActlDC on the wish esprewed by Pres­
. The claims allowed prubal
““f emerdby another.—Father Thcanaa If.
ident Dias. Artoyo^ai taken under
d call for something Ilfceett.tmi.OM.
guard to the police headquarters In tbe
* also had been a remarkshle In- Ayerea, Catholic. Kew Orleana
Wea Wbe Bhew -te!.*
dty taaU. At night be was taken, dad
ir in the number of new peniCen apThe histerv cl |;000 years is written
In a straight Jacket, to tbe ofllce of
tluos and these would Increaas CsILures IsTirelv
Ssapector of police, whlcb ecmslsu
in blood spilled bymeawbo cried. “SSee
two rooms with two windows opening
myaeall 'andthaipltingid tbe swod
OB the street. Tbe prUoter was given
to tbe bill into the beartiiof tboaewban
a„ mat to rest on. and was carefnlly
Tta first
they phused to call beretka-Eev. R
guardad. Kear at bant In an adjoining three miles from tbe nmoth. It U,ffl ;
apartment were four oltlcers of the se­ feet high. In three pitches about eqael,
cret terrlee. Arroyo manifested a eynl- in height and with seething pooU be- i
oway-lnTbe sps wning beds of t be ealmco ^
are cei breed, gravelly bars far np tbe eigneltred ebove
*»*»*»«« t* ^
river They muA ennaoual this feU
r»1>ul>lic and ee the
ttaen. taking bU anall sword, l
ODceave^rin trier to reach them. We herald to the world of the two erangels
sniped m a mad bar below tbe faU and ! <<
end religious lit^.—mer A
t was vary alJll. except waS^ tbe etragglA Tbe breed pool < W. BmleM. Scwmtb D-y Adrentw.
e murmer of tbe c
below the fall was so full of three royal, Ooeego.
___ __________
teh that their taUs. and dorsal fine !
Tbe Sikbs drove tbe en
bma but eventaally fell b
Buffs before supertw m

Of PMoa SaCwM Tutor
wftolbpyls. Sept. U.-T»m trtugr
6t piMetotteMB Tutoy aad <

^ would make aroab bum the depths
below, spring f» into the air, every
fiber quivering. midtitM after time laU
back, only tbe moat powerful and deterlined

Boiling Beef and Roasts
Sold Cheap Friday and
Saturday, e o • e

Sought by TeUoer Fewer BefaiMO

mayor at Braadoa. Mtototypl. MoUag
that a BBWbar of yelloer faver itifiigeee
there in a eorry pUghk eteiaf to
the laek of protoetM aad laahfUty to



Don’t Fait to try oor^Sutsand
Slices for these two days.



Tbe Only TWng la meleoa ia Paul
aaa'a -PeUiakey'' muakaeloa MeLaUan A Aeh. \ __________ U«

The annual axentaieD for Toledo. O.,
aad poism U Ohiooa the W. A L. R.
O. C.. H.^.andt
aad C H.
e. A D. By*!.
~ ' wUl
start from the
leM. AN.
~ ~
RB. B. depot
at B;Wa. m. Wedaeaday,
October Gth.
throsgh ccack to______
Tdi2& Ticketo
______ ..»
te T^edo. O., and one fare aad tfaasfarm added for pointB beyoad. Umilad
to Novaiaber «th. I»e7. Gall earty aad



Ftik Strsri, brtwNa Prat * Csss.

m Anything ia theUaa of
Smetofs* Matariala. eall «■

om PAk Aan aneKT.







rotary Alger wfU eam^ with their
roqueet 11 tbay flto that the law par-

_________ ___ _

imping of many feet on tie stairs
I up te tbs floor on whicb tbe offlim are attuated. and there were con­
fused abouu of "Long llvq President
> nas:” "Long live Mexico and death to
. anarchists." Arroyo abuddered. and with
good reason, for Immedlslely the door
I burst open snd a great crowd of
people apparwitly of lb* lower eu» en,tered. the leader bearing a small MexI-uan flag on a sUcA omcer Sanches
cried to.the crowd to fsll back snd sdvenced on them with his sword, when
tbe mob overrairw. him and throwing
him down advanced over ble body to
where Arreyo lay tfrohllng, artd at the
reme time other member* of tbe party
aelsed and bound ,two gen d armee Ir

Fine, Fresh Butter!

•iguad bw« (hie aftwBosa.


Rates, $1.50 per Day.


Lady Watts


Fishing Parties

Now for Business!



for—a chance U> visit your friends
little expenaea A W. M. By. tiaia will leave Trav­
erse City on above date at t:50 a. m.
and arrive in Chicago about 640 p. m.
LaOuaac about 8:0o p. m.. aad Detroit
(via D.O. R A W. R B ) about 7:45 p.
m. Bound trip rate to Chicago S6.0U.
Oetroit and LaCroaee $5 00. Betara
limit. Oct. 6th. Ttckeu may be aaed
to principal atatkma aonth of Holland
and eaatof Grand Ledge. Aak ageata
for fall InforwtloB.
Ggo. DxBAvn. G. P. A

From this d^te this boat
will not make regnlar con­
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fish ing parties, how­
ever. can make arrangements '
for the use of this handsome'
yacht, by commanication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

Prupare ta attend Grand Traverae
him to aay that the qnwtiqn of .
Oodnty Fhlr. Sept 81, SS, 8S aadSA
governed by enktomic
“"I <>»«»
count up hit divldesds. aay hie prayers
-G. R A I.
and n« aretmd.—Her. William Sbott,
EpiscopaL bt. Looia

See Our Rew liee

Picture Mouldings


It has come to pesa«Ui^i in son
B3. FURiTO-lSOIiaS-.
onrclm»cbreyoucau|t»-t lOOyoung;
Wedoreday. S«.
they ; to attend an <Dtrriaiutut'ui where you Grand Bapids A Indiana Bailway
pBoe-BiKToB OP Tine
(he wuxha) Fall exenraioB U ...
------ Dettet
I tbe second and any real work te God. 1 tliiuk that'is above mrniioaed pmata. $5.00
How they
not know, te tticre a v.-ry eed Kiale of nffairv —Bit. Olin , RicbmMd or La Croree and
third pitches I

was not tbe good surting chauce that b. Roedte;, Episcopal. New- York.
sold from all stations Mack- Comer of Uaioe aad Hay Streets. 11,
(bey bad in the deep bole bvlotr the
iuaw City to Big. Kaptda. iaeluaiv*.
first pUeb.—Frederic Irland 9 Scrlb' '
M. A N. R depot wtabre to M-1 ..'U.^^ciip.-Caatkw.reThink of the UrtaViiig down of bei- good going only on special trains
lee to tbe pnblle that he hag te- p*dai>. p«r pair................■................
Tier* of lii^uunv by Uml and wa, of tbo • ■ ptember WUi. and good reregular trains until and in- fitted aad furuiabed tbe Hotel Paag“•
MOB art* m nmii to riwr*.
thousand U-actsi lights ot.kuowU-dgv, of
Mu '
bettor than it ever baa been bethe
tbcIreTmSvreyXreWavCo.M4>« at the Awasria
ing pinreg Ibis is <x.-]ti^. Hralixe the Slop 1
rutoia,gees sen.'
Kalved BJm.
intv south or east there- fere aad can aecommodato thu travelrecovered dsmages in a suit te
... c polm______
Ye1\s were kept np: "Klll.hlm; he be- against a newspaper which eriliciaed
0. R. A I- R y .C. A W. H. R*y . lug public in good ahapa. 'batlMaetkm
leogs to tsa" and tbe dtn arose aa of a her. a London weekly says: "If journal­ —Bit. Unify T. Milligan. Epucoj^ ... D.. O. R A W. R R. aad JekeUeaa
be made good rctarniug from each
horde of aavages Window s were tireken ists bate anyiuprli dc corps, or, indeed, Chicago.
points. Through coaebre will be run
and the noise aroused tbe offleers of the spirit of'any kind, they will negleec to
to the several dreUaatiaoa. For time
secret service in' the adjoining room, notice any perfomets who refnae to ao------------who rushed to the scene but dlfl not Are oopt adverse criticistn and abeolotely to boesu-d cinlixanigi ts a f.^ Cruel of apreial trains end funher inf<
on tbe crowd, tearing they might klU. ignore them. If we do not stand togetb-: btiulH-ry u>d dnastatum and tnhmnan- UoB eonault G. B. A I. Ucimt ageat or
•ome of tbe comrades of the poller In- «r in three mn tter*. t he prvre may as weU ; ity and tjwuy
go on right at ow 6oe«
G 1’. and T. A..
SBde. so they contented themselves with
:<mec rease to pieiMid
to exmem its and we ^
do “"I
not dare say a word,
word. We
Grand ^ida. M
firing ahoU from the windows, thuscalllased judgment CD anything or any-,
“ tebt bat it must be eiiBg tiwether the police on neighboring
Oraad Tiaveree
Cost' coruera. who were ordered to prertm*.
88, S$ and S4.
any persons leaving the city bulldii
in the
above a frightful 1 vile adulation. ” That seesas to be as
tragedy bad been enacted. Many knives | >0^, a view to take at the dntiee at', In a tioM- of peace
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
piungvd into tKA
the tw..4v
body of
of Arrov..
Jno.R. Santo.
Market in the Bfoseb Block.
who. of courr*. was enUrrly helpless.
hard, businees is doll.
x>x«^ax«xxoe b
inspector Velasques bad Just left the who gave hcr.Samegea. As Stephen I Z,UW.000 lut-ti who waat vutksffe idle.
natlpoBl palace, where he hi ' '
gciv- Blackpaol remarked. *‘it’s a’ a mod-j trasU and lyiidicaU* are moucqioliEiiig
- nlly of t
! vmd iudusmre and (^ring 4be peu_ . . of the federal district, when be die."—New York Timre.
1.J1 ■* .A—
-------------------------: pic. tbe large renrern* are crowding out
rectly there,
beard the firing
ring and^ei
and^eot dlrecth
ivdri^'a 8ln*
ude and all
Over twenty arresU w<
BaMB Ttinibias
' the smaller oDcf anil l(ie4iiMvare being
VWTC locked up Incoi
To tolk tbreogb a human tiody—or g ^ draw-n Uiweca tbe tuaaes and the
ending a strict row a human bodice, te tbe matter of r-lnaM —Kcr. H. W. Ihcenai, People's
_ __________
. Tbe body
which It b
of Arroyo had bm^dragged to the that—it cue of tbe weirdest of the eleo- Chutvh. Chtoaga
balcony with tbe evhlenl perpose of trielan''s feats. If a lelcpbone wire be '
throwlns It Into tbe street. Arroyo's severed, and tbe two ends be held by a ! There ie a greut deal of reouDOD sente
arms were badly cut. as be bad erideot- perms, ooe in each head, but far ^art, [ in G»e answer uf a rundu-tar of oneof
ig and Bead borere a spe­
it is quite possible to two Individnale ‘ our railway trains. There was
ly struggled with hts raorderera.
lt of Morgaa's Livery Bara.
When the tumult had subsided the to renyao goonvenstiein tbrou^ tbe I etroctiixi on tbo track, aad tbe engineer
body was taken to tbe Fourth pollee body ri a medium as rredily and as , bk-w his whistle as a sipial <rf danger.
staUon where an examination was made. distincGy re it tbe line had baeo trep- ' An aged lady pnsreDgtT. who bad not
Showing a great gaping wound in the
’ been aceuBiuined to iravcL was greatly
left Initg. a dee;, Bound In the left aide,
-----*------- -------j slanucd. and aa tbeumdoctorwas paseone on the right shoulder and ethers
,0m aad ri ~ T
I ite ttuough the coach she exclaimed,
The Enterprise Grocery
on the arms and feet. There were hloi
I "Ub. sir, what wiU become at oaf'
wounds .In all. Onr of 4hr gen d'armre ,Beeentlya colored
eowreo exnoner.
csriactor, "tba* is still doing bosiness
vras wounded fn the right m-Ub the mob. ing en tbe impomiUlity of
o rich tov. .



Cycle Owners Look Here!

Lederle’s STT-S74:

Bright, Fresh, Neat

Fresh Heats—always fresh. Salt Heats.


Still on Deck
Angus McColl SS
at the Old Stand.
The Pure Juice

oncer Banchea suffered contualoas getMag into beavea, old: ------Look at!
... '
from bring trampled upon.
Latberaa When be was on de airth, be j
Arroyo bad been In prison several ax Diwere te de crumbs del tall fnim
I acqualnlanee* say fa* was his tabla Ed what did Oiweee do tor <
Tbe old regime <d in
eomewhat craay. and Inclin*^ to acts him? -He call hia dog Moreover ea Mok
. way
. to tbo ti w regime ?tto
of violence. He drov-e hla father him on UtberuA Utberns jmi up a, is ^giving
^alr and death by hla conduct, having pnrty good fight, but dedog lldteid him. furigtoeracy cd ■
forged fits father's Haine. He was :: Dun Diweee was eo mad dat be took a danghtcre of fll advised
advi« -wealth are be­
years of age. son of a tailor, but was fU en died, «s when be wake op be
ing trained into bolpfolMre,
given a liberal educalloa and became himrelf in bell fire, en be look troo de eucc
euoe and akillfnl
skillful eclf
eelf redianoe.
Tbe tout
tor a time a military cadet aad then skylight eo see latberos en Petbtt end daogbten of renancipaKd slavee go
took np law. Prseldent Dias In a speech Abnbim in e hoggin metoh. ea be cell, in and out of colk«e halla In tbe light
yesterday deplored tbe lynching of Ar­ terUtberus ter turn on de water en of tbe next oentuiy who will doubt that
royo, and declared that If there was
any fault la the TigOanre on the part be'd pey de bill. En wbet did Latberus tbe bkaed yean of Amriean history.
of the pollee It should be (avretigsted aayT He des lean over de baaiKer ea ; the great good yean tenotth and eonth,
________other than tbe awful yearn
and the conaequeacee Call.-on the beads boiler out: ‘Qo ’loag, n
ef the culpable pereona.
monL OdvraterwMoataS code tenth. from IMl to ISflO—Bev. J. Ia loMt
Milk en boney it de bre* I got.'
At- OnltMiaa, Chicago.
Bapa* a
Canton. Dla. SepL lA-Tbe Urmen'e iBBte Odnetitatioa.
Tbedaagreof tbe year are wdofna
asoAaUon of the Central IDJnds eonferCBce yesterday adopted reeolntloas
becaaae they weapon vrith new coange
dartag It to be the aensv of the i
our drooping bo^ and faint bopea
"Oolaael, dcai’t yon know that tbs Three is no ooc'iree but bopee 18»T
cation that the timelimitofapaetoratebe
CDDtlooed at the Uve-ycar limit: (hai a good book says. ‘Svrear not at all?’ "
will he men benevolent and more bencSnational eoDventlon of tbe Methodiat
"Bartiai do. Tbel'a all right ~
1886 ww. Bat if we mreely
laky at the Uelted Sutee be called not aware aTMindividiufly."

hope and cease to sot we.become but
Mter than October. UM. Horn Oikrlcs Plain Dealer.
ehildrcn of f<^, te fataliam and peePiper, od Chkagu. preposed thetelewlag
gitaism are eloe^ allied. Theehangiiig
ptatfona te the lannen’s ocgaainttoa:
pme DO decrease ia mlalwerial repreyear -makre noohenge in tbe man who
*Dad^, eaa whi^ talkr'
is under the infinenoe «f theprerinlM.
Be who mreely fatqire and will not aot
‘thea* .
ricacr union ta the
may write hiiMslf dows what .
VMtilU^CB yoamote
pleaeSA bat be isia reali^ only a fatal­
Pick Me Op.
ist—RabM Iteiil a Hlreeh. CUoago.

Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
Hoase, and presents the b^t
line of good goods cheap to
be fonnd in tbe city.

Butter, First Class

Uatoa stow






A.RFBTHANYi,ll4W AtmtStowat.

Enterprise Groceiy,
W. J. BOBINBOK, Maaager.

Bicycles to Rent
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
r Bear Mauiwli Sleek. C

I ^ yg jy'y;**-.

Fire Insurance.

•U IBM hutot I

II You Have Logs to Sell

Correspond. with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Madjinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriages
end Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.



^ ha«l *fid who dmian ttoe^Itw M
OaB.ecmeiuenirais iiwu» ii^wsdsal
AadfasUbeysssUhlmhemMSalopUaUSh. wM eUe this tifsefhb must bet
'Be foioto ibewe. hat ao tramp deg la Us
■efaekatrem wisdewi. esse, the white m»

AttarMja at L»w.
Wees la tfeeiageeSleea. Travetee CIv.lQth.



Wtu Tabs All LoMhanW KXsSs.
Chkago. Sept. U.—The board of ims- BW. la eO Jory ds^ _de yod
lees of the University of Illinois has be­
gun suit nralBst -the eeutc of the Uu
John W. Lanehart to recover HtUCl.
tAnehan was one of the
Charles W. Spalding,

; ssLTsrssSiSls?

K»« OrlMci. Sept. U.—The tever •«.
«Uon IB New Orlewu 7«n*t4ar
•BDMd k abiaewbkt more Mtiew Mpecl
*fc«n kt aor time klaee SoBdar. when
«z or the Su Okude ekaea were
dktad to be rell^ rever. At < o'clock
M ereelof th* board at hoklth otedkllr knoouDMd the app«ar»hce of
oUtht new caaeo. kod ot tbeoe «m death.
. that ot Zefik B.rauner. At the oOec of
the board of beaUh the rwoorta wue
' aoBiideTedaoDtewbai rarprtatbf and dia*
kapoloUnt The aituatloo had ao matartkllr Improred Thuradaf otabt that
It araa felt that prettjr much the wor«4
bad eome, a^ that eoodltloaa would
iBproee.' Thuradar. however. «
Aar ot weather there aeemo to have
bees a rapid development ot senna. The
ana aUll feel that the
It la true that the new t
e dty. 1
then has been no aerloua aprcad from
the onalnal foci, and the optnloo U aUU
' ' t the dtaease mar be cun*

eoBid be reached,
to a propoaltlon to allow the mlnera t>
retume work at U cenu a ton unUI nest
Wedneodar. when another Joint confer
•oce la to be held to try to arrive at
a flnal aetUemcnt. The operatora'prcpoaed to the mlnen that the latter aO
to work at 6l eenu a ton nubject to tnt
prteo thni may fcereafter be ayreed npoe in the Orape eraek Held. The ralaera
would, not aeecpt tbeoe Urma. boplnr
the mlnera of tlllnoit will either aecurv
the Columbaa acale or vote to contlouc
the Mdke.
It Is expected that President Batchlord alU be here at the Joint conference
on next Wednteday. Word raaefaed lu-rc
Inst nlyht from DanvUle, Ills.. (Onpe
creek) Umt nfter the operators and mln>
Vra* delcfates ot the Held had returned
home from the conrenUoD here three
of the operators signed the Columbus
scale, which bolds till Jan. L It Is also
aaid J^t several Other Danville operatore wflh^UB.
HIUsboTor'Ma, Sept. II.—Benjkmin
Clotteltcr and Jasper Isdbrs, young n
itvlsg between thli 0ty and Cofteen.
who were deputy aberlffs at the time of
Oeneral Bradley's crtiaade. wen driven

Moweaqua. Ilia. Bept. IL—The eotke
force of the striking mlnera re^ed
work yesterday. A alight advaaoe In the
1 aald three
» that the p
to point to, the development here of et
. least Sfty csm as a result of conatant
Intettxnirae we have been having snth
the Infected tosma on the gulf coaM and quesUon of a special aessloB of tbe leglsthe fact that a promiMmous throng ot latuK next week. It U understood that
BOCDC 7W or m people had baatened Into Martin R Madden baa conaentpd to
the etty'on the Monday evening foi; withdraw bis opposItioB to the reaplowtng the declnratlon of tbs Oecan ponlonment. In tbe event of a special
Spstage atekneas to be yellow fever.
Tkhra s Bapstfal riew.
*^c have bad now twenty-eight suing of a rail.
caaSB and two deatha. The majorHr of
three Giris BarwMl l« Dratli.
a are Improving.

but the Bltuatlon Is n
. the (diances of a dlaaatroos epidemic art.
Zena Brnuner. of Webster and Secosd Blreeta. Carrolton. Is Che death rvported. The Branner ease was flrM
brought to the atUnlloD Of the boo:d
early In.the week. Close attention bad
been given IL but while the symptoms
Jestlfl'.* fuspklon they a-fre not sufliclecily aggravated to warrant ao abso.
lute declaratloo that the case was yel­

death yesterday mdfhing In their home
at Port Alma, on the shore of LakeEnr
The rest of the family escaped from tbe
burning building. The gtrli were aged
It, to and t yean respectively. One of
them had esru>ed. but met her death b)
returning t kuilst her alslera ..

uikra*rMlch.. Bept
Sepi lE-Word hat

low ftVVI.

AX rar tmiKB r

B CkklUS.

drad on (he trail four mile* from Bkaguey. Alaska. Uls life was Insured fur

BlUU-lneraaiiMt Kd'
Mobile. Ala.. Sept. lt.-Yesierday-s re. port ahnns no increase in tbe ratio of
cases and but one addUlunsI death, itol
of J. 1.. Taylor, a bricklayer, who came
here from West Virginia four wsekaago.
Tbe guarahtlnc agelrut Mobile has Increaaed In eeveiiiy. Peranton bad no
new cases of yellow fever there (esterSay. The cases {irerlmisly reported arc
reported Improving:
New Orteena Bept. It-The report of
the board of bealtb at Ullosl yostenlar
■ays that there are nineteen cases of
actual yellow f« \-ev under treatment with
diagnosis nverved as to twelve cases.
There were seven .pew cases reported In
* the tweniy-four hours endlror Tfaurad%y.
Oc^ Springe. MIm-. Bept. U.-The
attoalton here Is not encouraging. Sever. al of the dengue patienU have taken a
turn for the worae.'altbi.ugb nonr of
them are cmsldered as imically IlL
Tbere were wwn new esmes i,t the pre­
vailing Jev)'/ rvjioried yerterda'y. Total
number row sick twenty-flys. *At AugoMa. Miss . Uev. T. B. Powell. Of Bran­
don. dk-d of yellow fever.
t'icksbura. AUw . B«pL It.—ThSlerday's rrport fSRn Bdwarda gave fifteen
Bew cases of y< liow fever.
Cairo, Ills.. Bepl. 11.—Two am erere
taken suddeni) III yestirday at rolfit
Pleasant and brought to the city and
placed In tlir Marine horiiltai. The pbyMrlant have n'd derlsnd Ihrm to be
suffering from yt ilow fever, but ibey
are bring treated as susperta


Bnl ef all drasma,tha rirdiwaiV hah h
EtotaM Blobs the wawhaan'isoa

That like 01
• Hke M UhistnMd ootaide of netUoal pcaotiea
Tbe means nsed by tba negmt on tfan
Qainea coate. tbe cam of Simwer In
Barbur. eome faUn and annka ebanera In India tbe inhabitants of MosambiqM and some Kaffln in
to meuce immunity from snake Tanom
ooniiat in Uking aa medteim tbe van
Baltsbury wisely refrtlned from answer­
om, cither frenh or dried, from tbe
ing tbe dispatch In detalL He confined
himself to Imparting a abort note to
Bprlngflrld. IIU.. Bept W.-The coal venom glands cd snakea Tbe majority
eat tbe Yeoom. bnt in Moaambiqne tbe
Ainbaaaadnr Hay. dated July ». tOT. operaiorv of the Bp
■Utlng that lbs government was willing held a meeting h'en
aame reeult ia gained by'inocnlaCing
to agree to a meetlrg of the.experts In only tt cenf*
with it That these peoples mnlly do
rowwa-to O.^JBB.
October, preferably In WsshIngtrn, and mining coal, t te amount paid
tbe make themselves proof against SDake
that other imrtlons of Mr. Shurman'r strike began. Tbe mlnera' demand It Ute* In this way seems to be sore be­ aor arrival was «•
dlypaich. In so far as thej- required any
City StoUsa.l^
yond a doobt Altbongb this method
reply from her malrety's guvrmmrci.
wasmade known icmg ago InEtue^by
had been answered by atiUrlpan-'B In
dUpaichea he [Lord 8b1UI«0'1
s ciiy
lim' iw| waiMB
n April
I« and Mav :. which b
Ul» Sh! Kalkaska
abort In hla accounu to the extent of tbe pomibility of utillalng it—Popnlar
nleated to the govemmeal of tbe United about
Btates on July
4M »46 Kaek. Oily
Beyly to MierensN'* Fsntoin LeSter.
1 m « 4S
In a long letter from the crlonlal office
to the Torvlgu ofhee. Mgned Edward
Wingfield, occupying four columns of
sraall print. The Time* deals with Bbrrrasn't dispatch In detalL In this docunm,. ... D.OAA
aa. DMiwIt.
tala the latter poinu c
man’s conlenllon that tbe
of fur fa
rtelDvt'- "

cftMSS8i!aar?s;y.'5;„O. LSSOfHii!

erud Bijidt t Iidiiu L 1




as to that caae-there would l>e nclhlng
at all toform thesubJeCi msttef of negnttatlcn. TTw doruraent proceeds; 'Txird.
Salisbury pointed out In May that the
English Interests had for som- years eXthr advantage of the British govern­
ment or (hose whom ll rrpfesenls that
the seals shenid he exterailneted. The
dispelrh explains (hal the object <-f the
rnntereneb Is to arrive. U poeslblf.atcorreel conclusions respecting the numlwrs.
enndltlons end helilt* of the aeals fre­
quenting Ih* Pribyloff Island auhepre*ent time as compered wtih several seeorj prrtlnns to and sul>se<iuetit to the
Parts award. But It must be elesrty un­
derstood that this limited Inquiry does
not Involve an ssserl to Mr. Bherman’s
strengc mls:v.Brepi|nns.’

a arriT* frow ClaHana
wa n.'vU^^Ow^^bpIda.Deirott
—KOI fregrbi oo brwoM srriras a> 11 GO a. m.



West Michigan.


aiy. la., failed,
n tlS.OM
asset* and llO.OOe lUhlllllea. The credRon are all Chicago Jewelry Jobbers,
r J. r. Labounty. a dry goods dealer al
Ashland. Wia. assigned to E. E. Tei.>
nani.caahlerof the First NBtkwelbapk.
IJsbilltie* are Nl.OOO and ameu about
tJ.OOO more.
The bishop of Majorra, Balearic tsl-

aklnn because |
Inspection would nerve any usefui pur-

rarlMear toaeea forOraad RapMa at U: H s. m
3 KXBOg.afMi,Tro*Mw any
oao. DB BATXX, OMilr^ Paaigr Agvat,

unsRE in mimismi l i
^ Milk Safe


Incbe*. Ueiwa Soar* act lop. pi
British government, hr asaerts.
. Loser pan restUaMI
has performed
. t rigor all
the requlremenu Of the award; but it
has had to make "rontlnued unavalllnc
protests against the attenibta of the
(tnltcd Rules to hamper and embSrraas
the oiwratlons of BritUh rUbJeeta pur­
suing their lawful vocaitua But the
fur taking pcaassaloD of tbe treasury ot fact that In spile of those nubarraaaa church ta hi* diocese.
tnenls British sealer* have been able
II M sold in Beidin that Archduke
Induatry successfully
Frans Ferdinand, h-lr preaumllve to the ha* led to continual
>1 ieffort by the ITnIted
of Austrta-Huneary. baa married
M1BCELLAKEUU8 WANTSimam fnrmerl;
lion* a* would effectively prevent (bat
reeult. without regard to the objects
TJ1D9 WA\TBD-P«» pMatltw hoo*a , strU bj iho Oimi Eistora BaBwaiiir *'* do
of the award."
O la DiMrici No. I. (BriMd. l'<v iwnlculan si* *pr«ce. as maar call It bet ibwtns^rMfervd a reward of »se each for tbr reThe colonial office dispatch coneiudea apply
to (J. k. Rotvftsan. Oiractor.
II*-tt* ] «T*te «l«n sad Iff toglTeorsryw.MMBsctlM.
covrry of the bodies of HlllUamcn as follows: 'The'government has never
Kchm snd Itrhel, First tlllnala, who i argued that the is-gulstloni axe perfect;
weiedronnedln IhelakcnearWaukrtan ' but 11 ha* mBlnuim-d that before they
; can l>e scirntincally revised accurate In.
Ex-Kcnatur and Mra. Donald Cameron
■» “i the Increase or dehaw usued Invitations to the vp-ddlng [ creaw- of the herd must be msdc svallaof Ihrir daughter, Rachel, to Chandler i *''*•
Information Is only nbialnHslr. anr of Beuaior Eugene Halt, of •*>>« ‘>1'----------- ---------- - -----------0 take place
'period suffirlent to enable uccltM..-------- clrcumetanoes to be eliminated.
oo iBprarsS «Ry prapany'PATOKIH * OSOTBEB.
An aatonlahlng feat of hnman ecdur- I *•
as that is at hand the govern-

Mosaomlng e

days dBTltiff the cwUimate-sE tbo BL

Ballot Cowtoat Is Iowa.
Dm Molnca. BepL IL—Argumenu la
the ballot case between tbe fuMonlsts
and middle-of-ibe-raad P^ullsu were
finlabed ^efere the state board of elecUon yeste^y and the board retired for
dellberatii^n. The oontest ll over the
right pf tbose who refused la affiliate
wlih:the Democrata to appear under the
PeepM'a party head oB_lbe_baUoL
—.^Mty Pvmsws Draws d la Kasala
BL Petrrshutg. Bept U.—Two steamera'the Txarerilch and MaJpIlka. oelUded in the Volga e
former sank. Her

The annual oonventlon of the Wis­
Chemlxrlatn contends that Orvat
consin Christian AlllBnce wUl be held in
Britain has taken adequatr measures
Madison Nov. It
■V. U. Bowlea of Milwaukee, was —much more complete In some.direrelected president of the National Aaoodatlon of Life Underwritera.
The fir* frost ot the season at PUln- the Parle regulations, and says It was
never Intended by the tribunal of erhltratlrm that TTnlled Btalesoffleersehnuld
hilling garfiaa eora peUloaO and bu<
The grading os the Fox River Valhr
(Wls) railway U Dearly completed and and customs offiivn with regard to the
work will begin on the traek-laylng U a Inspection of skins. Hr contends that
the BrttUb govcniment has even ex­
Renopu rveelvMl at nenvee loillests • ceeded the limits of Its strict
Strict obligations
general snowuii in me nwuniaina me to the
. tetcrcsts
of ik.—
Ihiwr it
It ....
was bound
snuw la several Inches deep t CHpple
he continue*,
Creek and at Central City.
ban not omitted to enact Icgtslatlon nccLymaa" J. Qage. secretary of tDe
of the
Treasury: grrlved In Chicago yesterday
rooming, having come west for a Jew
weeks' real anda recreation.

New Tork. Bept U.-Brads(reei'g
•ays: Noihwlthsandlng iinscaaonaHy
Warm, watlier ar.d the apptaranre «f
yeJIuw teverlnscverat gulf stairs. cheAlog locally the distribution of merebandlse. businews tbrougbuul the country
has Increased more then snlklpatetL
Ue cmtei of Improvimcxl Is Chicago,
Which furntshek- the roost favorabls
trade rc)M.n within five years. Advices
from Ksnsas Cliy. ft. Paul end Bt.
Louis also reflect acUvliy In demand
among Jobbers and whoksslen. There
la a temporary sUmniiis to Uuilhtat at
Savannah owing to the withdrawal of
oompetlUon from merchanu at towns
cut off h>’ the fever quarantine. Tlx settlcmenl of tbe bliamlnout coal strike, a the^vTorld'. twe«y.four.hour Weyd.
by riding fil mllw and MB ya^
further rising tide of demand for Iron
and steel produoia the wlfhdrawal from
the market of some 'manufaciures of
wo«J«Ds. eKtraordlnary large bank clear- mour * Oo. will go Into the butter a
tugs, and reports ^at mercantile ci^jec> deaih blow
> Boutb Water street
the sebeme of
of the week.
There atv IW hustiiesi failures reported men to force « ) the pries of oonutry
throughout thc.Uulird Bute* this week. butiv^.
cl week. tU In the
boasts of an apple tree
le two crops of applet and U blowti for the third. Tbr first crop was
’ealtid very sarty In the aeaaoa The

aatos to the M. Lml> Fair.
Chkatfq. Bept. IL-Tbe Chicago Mid
Kontawrsisrn road yesterday announeed
a raie'of tlkM from Omaha. tlO.U from
OmucU BIbBa sad «1 .frapmaa MoIdm.
to b* BSMtlve <m TMsAan and TBura-

Sept U.-Thc TImts this
morning publishea tbr girt of the corrvapoodanne between Secretary Sherman
and Lord BaUsbury In the Behring sea
controversy. The book covera a period
beglnnrng with UH and ending erlth
July H of the praenl year. Altogether
there an lOT dlapalct.ea w.hich abow
that the Uiflled BUtes has pressed tor
revision since Jantfary. UH. Tbe Timn
remarks 'Though Mr. Bhcrman n tar
forgot btmsetf as to sign the famous dis­
patch wr cannot supim that be actu­
ally wrote II." Only( the^foncludlng
paragraph of tbe dlspefa^reWblMed.
all the tshns dee '
' '

r the third.



====^^-=; EaSSiSLya s

'i'KId—MoBoy to Loan

W«|dly apirlt with ^ch the gm
confidently claim It has i
thrwgbout th* «

C at Iba ti
Waahlngton. Bept.' It-The prvaldeni
yeRrrday made tbe following appointmenu: Oeorge D- PelUt. of Plltahurg.
cODSul at (Duesraldorf. Oermany; A.
lATk ToaSer. of Cantqn. 0.. aiautant
commlasloncr cf Indian affairs; Edwin
D. Coe. pensloD ngenl at Milwaukee; Brown. Ill PnatslraM. MB-tf
Dewey H. Oeorge, agent «ar the Indians
of the Orsen Bay Agency In WIeconala
In tbe lilt of nomlnattons was a cousin
af Praddant McKlntey and alw oor of
Vies Prsaldcnt Hobart. Fredartek K. Mo—


H”S£.SJ‘rS;5'.SfaES rs:

of public

New Tork baa decided to nut a fall
straight ticket In tbe field, Ignortng. the
nemlnatlna of Seth Lots. The party
sUU. as practleally agraed upon hr the
leadwk It WUUam M. K. Olpett Iw
------------ —. —U. — Frederick
Maysr. Bfiaa B. Dittebar tot eonipMgiBir
•htt K. Bo^ AppleUB for presldsot ot
Montroat. la., suldded by al


oodra nocTK.

—Watch Repairing,
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

Ever Burned Oat?

AamvaiJiamtMM o. r. mtopsaalrielS
O. P. OAftTU A«ent.

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