The Morning Record, May 08, 1897

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The Morning Record, May 08, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



mrnmm mmsix



pttm'c yard Md toor op too flower
bed* tooy M« dcotraylsc too bord
w«ct «f dope oad wooko, m ^oU m
» direct Boaoy ton. Oac tody
Ml e«t » tod of expowire bolbc toct
umLAAT Boaonr.
toU atoltolcwook. jwtoo tocyi wore
oentof latofnlUdooiB. toey were oU
■XMt BatOTtelnaitet of Swood Um^ tokoB dertof too aickt. People wlU Addlttoaol Prinieffcc Osootod HlohIgoD Tel^OM OoBpoay la Bo>
MtMr-TrttatMto tbo •opOTisUB^
BOOH to^ tofMl toot It wJU not poy
OMctraetlog tto ■yotem la Xhie
them to iryoadonketootr yorde oro»*y

t iteBitfi School poneatoL U o etop U not oat to tole
There wee o qhptal naotlay of toe
I UtorwT Sootetp, for tfeooMOOd
ooBoU yeBtordeypftoraooB to eoaetder
tor. WM Uld. loot orcBtar<te tho Hlfb
SelieolmMoaibtp ioaM. BM>THot «*M THOM MLAHT BXDUOTZOVB. too aattor of yroaUaff permleeLea to
toe Miebiyoa Telephoae Co. to amt
tohao oadtbc prien» «M «streoMt7
«atortobili«, olorotlaf ood iMtroctlro. The' HbeoBBtoodattooe of the Oooe- polce la eortalo atmta. Tkle re^oeet
eeade by the eompaay lo farthermlttoo Oroatod OommonV
toeCoMotthe iapcriMoeef Ue carThe propoied\out la too oalhry of oaoo of toalr plooeto proctteelly reoonotnet
the tyston la tbe el^. .nobto oddMop to toe ceaerol ozeeltooee Hln Miaalo WolC. trom $Mh tofllM. eo
lo toe report of the aonmlt- lay It toe moet perfect oad ooaiplete of
oay city of tola Bteeio toe etato. Tbe
•aortanoattofororof toenpntotiiy
loay dletaace tlae polee ore aow la
oftooTrmrtno City.Bifk Sehool oad Borolar, woe aot oatodtoetonI of too
ploee OB Froatetreet, ood toe wlrae
toeotoltod porpooto of too veton. obUitr df Min Welt, bet toe jranree- an beloy etretebad. la oboot two
totoe............................ tioo of eomoeoaetl'ai bf tbe poeittoa nootoa from oow we ooa eoy “belle!"
ebe how bolde. wbieh will rr^olre bet
ir-‘—; of too imtraeton la i
o'portoradoy’ewor'k. Ittotoeiataa- to Oraod Beplde. Detroit. Cbkoyo, Bow
tloB fc pronot* Hlee Wait to a nore toa. New York or ooy etke^ dty la toe
Tto followlat«aatoceooeipo
loerottre poeiUoe id the Cole‘Pork ooBotry oa-tole lioa.
baUdiar Tbe reaeoa of tbU ex­ The loeol eeotnJ ofioe will be eoit toot ooee nay bore tbe tirdy re-lttod; oad aew and boadeome
, i Cewy. “OoUefO eeUlooMsto**—Ddla
Idee toot toe propoeed eat ie o ^Bee-' polea. aleely potatad. wUl npiaee
aaay ef toe old polee aow la oee. TaoDeeUaiottoa. **Tto Droeoo oad too Uoo apoa Min Wolt'eobUliy.Tbe tone te tree of the other tpeeh- tordoy the eouneil yrmatod pamieeioB
Joe Ber*—Jetoic CUounw.
to toe oompoay to ereet poln on aortb
Soleetioa. etrinf Saortotto. two re. The ooaimittse baa noonnebded dde of Proat to Oak: coat aide Oak to
Bwadtdiao. two tidtaro-WmoadI£or> the redaetioabeoeaeeof the aeeeeeity Bey: aortb aide Boy to city Umlta, olee
«eot Haator. Cfaoo. Hein oad Hncfa
on east elde Boardoioa aeeane. FrMt
to Stoto: eoet aide Fraakllo. Froat to
Howe of toe BoMa.
■My. “Modora Oroooo”—Looy HowW. L. HUlei, formerly eopioeer of Waebiayton. The mottor of panalt
for extoadlay the eerriee oa the aooto
OrotioB. ••Oroeoe, Crete oad toed*ow. ncamer WaetootV U aow ao^nocr of dde of the rirer, wbieh wrald aeoeadtoe etooner H. B. TpMU, wbieb wlU
Of«"-Boy Tbonpeoa.
tota tbe ploeiay of <iaito a torye Bom­
Deboto, ••Bbonld the Uaitod Btoto troaepwt on far toe Elk Beplde Iroa ber non polee. woe Uft orer for e
Soaote be oboUtoed"? Bdao CUpp oad Co. The beat wUl run between Elk epeeial neetlay called far next ThanBopida
mrr ^Orolaor o»»ood toe ofllmotlm
■omerMBO oad n^o Moenoaa for tomer place erory Mond^. WedaeeHA HTTESLATh HBW BOAT.
tooo«otlro. U toe fenerol dieoae- deyaadSatonlay.
oSoa Wn- Uytoo opoke in the ofirmo- The eleaawr WaatooU. Ooptala A. A
«tto.oadHokryDanibrUliB /toe anrw Jobaeoa. ia roanlaf wild Ip too^lon- Sleedre Tepor Innach Ztm WleeoB'
ber trade at preaeat.
Tin atnnor Petoakey left here at 3 e. A Mamy. eyoat of the O. A A L,
The deeWoa of toeldicec woo lo
o'clock yeetorday noralnc with o lorpe oad cne of the aeoet ardent aad profovor of toe aefotlre.
yreerin boMnea la the dty. will yooa
Tkto woe toUowed by oa oratioa. corro of opplee oad pototoco
••arlltaattoo^ roaad the world, by The eteenoT Cbarleroix left GUeaffo Introdoee opoa tbe bay p aew craft
laet alybt cn aobedale tine, oa ^er rep• wbiobwUlbctheftiaiofltokiad erer
The prafiato ooded wUh toe eritos'e alar trip Bortb. She will onire here brooybt to tole loeoUty.' Uieaa elec­
tro Topor laaock. anaoCectared by' the
Soadoy oMMlap.
r^ort of toe aredliw. by Pnil 1
Jest before odjocroneal, P. C. OU- CUlrpCartle Ie toe owner ofo boad- Beeiae Bmt Mfy. Co. aad la o erafa deberi woe coltod cibB tor o epeoeh, oad aoneaelUateaaae wbieh waa baUfrby alyaad foraooifort. epeed aad aafety,
otoer thl^ooidbewoatod it Fred Cortle dcrlac the winter OMatbe. and bae aU toe appolatmeato necenerj
•leorty oadcretood toot the hick echool It U eoBBtraetod of eeleeted cedar, with for all tWee. It la e baadaone craft,
cf ‘ftareito-pity etood eeoood to aoo. oak trimmlofB and broea naila. The bdr trtauu., >lUi.I*oI.ur..tiunUfa toe etaU:
Uot aotblar weak bool WlU eorry 330 feet of eaona oad tare, awnlay. and will eocefortablj
bedoaeto loAor the hlyb etoadord of beeaoeo of o Uborol boom of fln feet
ottoioed, oad that no clan wttl be'aure eofe tboa tbe ordiaary co>. ray ordered the boat yntordey dfld It
of people bold the cet^ of the pablic Boeyacht. Her leartbnSO foctoad wiU be ban la aboat two weeka roady
oe did toe teaebore, who hod doae ao ■be le dedfaed for beou^ oad epeed. for Uoadilay. It la M feet Itmy. fln



.Back to plM the ochool wboro It bow
of toe loot toor yeore’wortt of toe Uich
ehowlac toot It hod irrowo
from OB earoUanat of 135 to oror SW;
tooteeoreeof foaUlee. bad morod to
tooolty to oooUe their obildroo
take odraatapo of oar oaporier Hlffh
Sebooi eykton oad that o noet oscol
leatfeeaBCoffri^odehlpoBd lore oxtetodbetwe*BpapUeoad too^re oad
oppMled to them to cony oat the
bifh Mooeeet before toon. AU of
which woe doe to toe pontoaol oad
•worrioc fldoUty toot Bopt. Otswo bu
ylToa It darlof hie tblrtoea yee« of
•‘Btacy eittioB la Troreroe
feel prood of oar oebotUe oad prood of
toe record node by tbooe who hare
toae item then to toe noet aetire
doUniaallwolkeof profeaekaol. oad
BoreoDtUo lifo."

f .


* Bo^ Oonpen.
Mre. Hah Pdery oad oca Boy bare
fOBCooeepiny for the eemmer. They
kan loeatod at e plctaraeqae epot
Beaale Uka. when tb^ wtil onjay aU
toe plaoeam of roayhiey it with erery
faeOity for contort and bcaltofol reercatioB. The /anlly oow forme one
oftoepar^^_______ ■ ,






Where am I ht ?
This> BO JokE—I am at

I2l9 Front Street;
IT A.SgTTn iTa»S

It's Dangerous, and
Foolish as welL
^ . ^ Not to get my prices on

before buying, as I have
a large stock and decided*,
ly the lowest prices. If
you need. a new Couch
DOW is your rime. I have
too many high priced
Couches and 1 will close some of them out at a big

J. W. Slater’s, Furniture Store,
OppoBll«lHMkeU'» Bootautfr.'


Lcrnla TookA XXop.
Uttle UmU I HoUiday, bob of Dr. A.
H. HoUlday. Ww badly ebakaa op yeeterday Ity laaaca of a falL Be bed
been playiay la tbe loft ef tbe boro
wbea be e^tared too aeor the doer,
aadlaa'knoneat.faabd hlmnU apoa
yroo^ below. Oaeol Ua wrtatt
woe aprdaad oad be wae boomwhat
broteed, bat oot aariooely lajurod.




Aboat twdre o'doto Thnradey alyht
Chief of Polioe Baaaia wae caUad 'to
toe eaat aide to qull a <
as- H
wklek WiU Voi
te nld toot toe yooay man imbUed
too moto aad qaarreiad with bta fetoer.
Thefatoerlnterferod wbea Veaderllp
beeana too abotin towards hie wile,
aad reoelred a bnUeed faee for bn
troable. WilUan tarae«r Ue wtfe oat
^ doon oad toe poUoe wne eaat far.
WUlian wee marebed to the eacn
where be had ieiean to repeat of bk


•inMimK raiBES.
Spsoial Jot il JoekBlS-Valnes OS totKHJhoiCO dll)l tl.M. 'i

I latod«!waay!dfa

atop to roaiue toot whoa toey eater e | portment of the Bkxibb.



Bide Heqaeotod far toe Bicyele Path
atXCUEbeU'a. •
Tbe eyelioU Inincetod iatoe baUdlay ef tbe Wcycle path at MltqbeU'e,
• Beet Bay. bold e neetlay laat
Blyfataad decided toaek far pr^oinla
dooBdaikm of toe propoeed
path, wblob U to be 600 feet ia leaytb.
aad two feet la width. Tbta te on imiBt which erery bkTole rider
wUl apprrelete. M it aolree e difiealty
wblto bee latorfered with toe pleoran
of rlden to Hlk ftapide aad iatnnediate pofala, T^oae deetriar to proeaet
H. ». OampbeU Oalle Tbdr Attoa' a oa toe job are reqaeetod to
dea to ProTttieBa in tob Obartor.
0. A Bicycle Olab . Boa.
Movtse BacN»a-Tbe Hoo. M^er The nenben of the C. A Meycle cailoafiarltiyier. Park Pirn barber

la bla loaaywal oddrom aeya. aanoy
Eprlay Beoeb ImproramaDta.
•toor toiaye that. “The wbed bee toia eroaiay at toe hone ef Miee OelU
Haaayor Payae of toe Spriay Beach
Tben wUl be a abort ran,
oone to etay. cad tooae oday tben Oriatt.
banrlybto which ere alMld not ir feUowod by a horiaan meettay «t I hotel ie pnporlay to make It pleanat
far hie eamoier yante, who are alnady
Boro." IbaedapelatorfartoeBlcyale ©•olook. _______________
bookad for ^tartouate for toe.eaaeoa.
. aab, foaak ia the City Chartor. Title
HBOrtAA . ^
aad aU wko ekeU toUow. *na flret
#. itoo. M. that by toe eottoa df toe
coaaeQ pwrUn a maaae far ratalBy Eoheei OhOdna Xaritad to Xhfey ft aiYiral U Mlm Qraec Sobarcrof EbarperUte, lad., aad otoan an expected lo
qolto a oanofmooeyfelarrepart of
a few weeba
which woold not come Iron toe yea- The JareaUe orebaotn of Prof*
Mortaayh’B aqadony wfll fire a rodtal
ArmeACoto bare eeeand toe
ef laatraneatal masle at 3 o'eloek tUa tract for the wmetractlea of. aaew
^ oaewhl wnEi toadnirht be
ia toe academy. AU ■ebool oyetem of Water worke far toe boUd*
xmuil^ ilaiiaitinm (make e Weyate
layiaadyroeadBataeaet eftm.
tncK torooyh toe oity) fnm too atreeta
laryawlBdami oad taak wm be n
udor toe dindOoa of toe board of Than wUlbeaetonT* flora
ed back of toe hotel.
p^ erorhA
tbie nay he
To Oolet Tttiec.
Twaddle A Orem, attonayB for Rod tore a capacity of 8000 yaUoaeaad
made to the
A AGxmpbblx.
I aad Dr. Cole, hare Had Ibne
WUe la toaacory ila toe Oinali ceort. botoL Tbe-water will <
1 be walled
to qalet ^ «Mln of ptopiarty jmrla. Tbe wafar te alwaya eocA aad reOonplaiata an Hade by Lonn of ebaoedaaWlittee. The pnparty wae
owaed by Bermaa Hymaa. Fiaaeia fanUay. Tben Improrenaafa wm
ptoral PeeoraMmw
add totooilEiraiWarUnai a
Than hare hme a asnbyr of ocn- BbU aad B. O. .Oa«a aad Aadraw taenAwtmE^lfaaeA *

pfalafatoioaprtaraCthafl^ '


. You want to rest. The easiest way is to use A
Hammock—Haven't got ai^? Then you haven’t
seen our ne# stock.—Largest and beef assort­
ment in the city.-tCan't help buying if you see

TnTorae City Boalpen Oolleye. 8 8t I

■ -'i
The Qaality and
Price Question. i.
Bonih ITBioB StrsaA

Should alUys be considered 'in your .
purchases. W< claim the lowest ^ces :
on the same'qu^^ of—:—


Best Grades of Footwdar

We are prepared to demonsmte the


HcaunKa becx>rd

BMdriMk Dwatv


termed tnm lUpUatj wltk BO Am The Aaaeml Pleale mad OetlBr to ha
k mew bmee bmU plteker eesie te
yeetedej.mmd he wiU eell
pmpm Ike Better. .
taw. T.
J. W. BAXBn.
Therem >lertmB mmd Oeerfe Oheee r#'
J. W. Biumt, Baitof maA Mumcot. ermte item Aene yMteirder


8UB80UFT10M8. f

S=2;.-^-=r' ■ --. ••■

.• .


*jettettcmi ere tm profrep kekweee khe
Catted ttmkee ead apmntttr covermaemk
BMAlattemferehmeeefkhe talead ef
Cebm hr thtt eoukrr'. Oahe to pcor«rl7
leemtedtoBekemvmlemhlemddikhNi ko
ttM Umtoe mad with khe emkerrrtoe
ehmrmekettoUe at AoMctomae. khe tolmmd
wmM be dereloped towk mm eskeak
Mteamkeikolemek tMportmaee U m
jemMcetol wmj mad mflord epleadld
apforkamiktee for Isewkmtek of Aaeriearn fl^pitml mad the mmeretoe el AmriTaa bamid ef edmernktom bee kmkee
Ike Ank ekefe Im ledmeklea of elkj exMHe. Ikeoomadl will he ezpeeted
lode Ukewtoe. The opermttoe herke
khe kmlfe to Imld. mad eomu mre
dtowktollert A Jedleiooe cwkmUlmf ef
aapeaae will-meek with geaerml Mptfo«ml.hmkbekbkkeeoueUmad heard ef
adaemttoa have deUemte }obe apea kbeir
TBBOfaakemiaaetdtobeartemod by
Iheirraeeak defamk. Prlaee qpmekmp
liM lieadactedkkeretoamtolhto iday
m oeelaew mad order wbt^
•ameBdmhle.maddlq>Ure m ahm im
emrkmekka whleh to Im pmrttealmr de^mad mk khto klme wikh kke Greek iare>
am. TheOreekmmramtmiawaUetmttoaad Md Ik to mow kkelr karm le raeerd m

The Oneeeek Bead wemt. eeoa
Btoeet leek mi^k ko |
ThehoTk an detaf epleadld
TheTooaf Mea'eAeelml Glmhof khe
wwk aide fan m dmaoe Im OetotoWm
BmUlmekalffakw&ieb wmernkteiided by
ThoBma Whlkmey. for^lyehlaf of
pollee of Bemloa Barhor. to Im khe ttky
for m few dmye kroai Aahlaf wikh Beoiy
Teekcrdmy aitkermooa Mr. mad Mra.
JflhmDaaaimcef UBmyekreek farem
eotdtol wetooBee to m hmby flrl who
kipped khe eomlee mk 10 pooade.
F. L. Skewmrk hme Aatohed khe eekef
lafehehmeheea wortriaf oo mkSoleo
lor Mr. Thlrlhy, mod khe lamher wUl
he hroa^k ko towm imaedlmkely.
B. B. Cheer knreUBt pmeeeefer
mceak of khe O.E.AI..tola kheelky
loohtecmfter khe lakereekeof the rmUromd la eoameettoo wtkb khereeork krmv
el. whleh to expeeked ko be aaaeamny
heavy khto

PrepmrmkloM are mow im prernw tor
khemaamml imeeHmf ef the Old SekUeW
dMaetottoB, thedekmU of whleh tofivea
to the toUowiar eim^. Jaek toeaedi
Trmvem Oky. Mioh.. Mep
To khe Ptooeert of Oimad Trarerea

Greatest Hat Bargains

nT^mamoml eeaektocef kheOld
Bekklere* Atoodmttem to khto reftem wiU
he held to khe elky Opera Bomee, Trmrana Ciky. oo Wadaa^. Jeae 1.1807,
_________ Of mk 8:80 a. Bk.

'*'1 .

A ptomto dlM wiU be pmrkmhaa ef
mhoek meom.
Prortotoma ehoeld he
hremfhk by khe Beaben. hnk kam mad
eoftoe will ho formtohed by khe dktoeae
of Trmrene d^y. ■
five Ik to feU mk
Ammddren, will he deUvered hy m
temtieMD who hme nek yek heen eeleek^.amd ikU e^teokedkhmkkhe reporieofkhe Htotortoae wUl he
ally toU mad eoapleke.
The hey homke will he rma to meeoaBwdmke khe aeektof, mad redueed ton
will he fivem. Ik to exp«

Nearly Every Shape Shown..
And the Price—That’s what sur^irises them-FIFTY CENTS

OLekmll khe ^ooean of khe raflea,
whekhw mk preeeak BMnhen or aak, ^

of khe _-----------.
U*k year khe aeektof wme a ve^
eaoenAl oee mad it to ezpeeked to add
mew aew tomkaree te the eoeitof
it eUll
that will
Afkeryon hat reed this eleeelmr t
r mad arye
aide tom
Dom't^ khto melde mad forfek mU
mbeet ik. hot dedda mk eaee that yoe
mod year toally wUl lay mil ekher nmkkanaeide for one day
meek mad
Wil^toa Betoetto Mew Pepmrkmeak ahmke hmode afmto with old k‘-‘
Will Be Bxteamire^
Ik to mlwmye m mmkker of iBkeroek ko a
Came. B. Bam.
eowaaiky ko moke khe eaoeoae ef m
T- Omeof.khehaeleek parte



We’ve Received
New Shin Waists...


We’ve THE Line.

Uetil farther aetiae 1 yHU e«t hair
a BOBhar of yean Mr. Bdkaer, to ad- mk 18 eehto pw head. Abmc laafCome in and look them over. At the same time step^
dittoa ko hto lowher mad ehair atoeh worthy. P^ deer weak new Boeem
into WUl
our X41VUU
Cloak Mwui
Room «uu
and see what we have in
ap ekmin.
^eptokaemta, hee ande a ■pecielty of khel
Ladies’ Suits, Skirts, Capes; :also Childfren's Reefera^
euteto pelea. rtofe, Mdeamd hraekato
Etc. Udics' Silk Wiists, alsi
totheioafh. Thto tortsf he hee InUk
to hto toekny Toeko took to
dee mad pot to m eoapleto ootAt for
-PRICES RIGHT ATTai Mtihltohwwk of m leaf dtokmaee flatohtof the palee, ready to pot oe the
dttepkeaeeaaaaettomla khto ei|r to m rckaO aerkeu Thto hee to khe Mef
tk haa heea rvaatof. proval ao
atep la khe profreeelTe derttepo^ of
Ihe ttkj khmk to U U&e wikh He rapidljr eaeoaaefal that he wUlto e ahark ttoM
ftewime laporkmmee. Thto wlU prove ealarfe khe plaai ko Antoh rtofi, end* Compare the Goods,
to he m freak eomrealemee ko khe loeml ead hreeketo to the nae e^le. The will bear close inspection.
, ,, Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
addltioeal neehtoery aeeetomry far
Merehmmto mad wiU he ^preelmte^
thto wOl be ban hy the Mth. mad ee
Me tome vmlae.
aeea aepoedhle Mr. Bk|toer wttl doov
' Wmn oae rmBeeto opoa the depree- hie khe etoeoftheaewwtof. to five
ftom which haa mflUeted thd eoemtry a "bedroom.
lor ionektoM peek. It to eBeomrmftof
It I* totereeltof to watch the pfOeen
toheerthereporuof m bceltt^ revival by ahi-h Uiepolaean ehaafed from
to hmrtOM by the-najorlty of eoo»ar> tbdr roof e etete to khe Aniehed predffa] mea who fregmeak khto d^.
net. Maple, beech and beet jn the
Toat air ehlp whleh meteatohed khe prlBdpal woode oaed. mad then an
•emmtry hmedtoappearoAJhko oheemrity Aatohad to perfect laikatAom ef aakiqaa
year •
to a mtamaer that leavae its myikery a oak. aeb. cherry, mahofomy. ebony and
■eakker of eoo}eetan mad the eredaloos watoek, to 4. 5. 8 mad tO-fooUeaftha.
I am the agent for this Earnpmhlto to a etate of ptiaSaX eaepemea.
aetnrml wood, bet the ftato to apt to
ous Braiid.
Momnee«BooBD^10^ee^ a wadt. taa eoarea mad khe effect to aot me food
A^ a food arkletoia
Bnd aataMrl^tteaa to lU Prook etreeh me by khe Ant SMthed. The fvdatof
Hena year waato to the *‘wast” d»« for emk mad eah )■ dome tay nmmtof the
pdeT'over aa toked board, whleh hme Ladies' Oxfords—63c
gorttoeat of the Boboma.
Not Sheddy.BleeketeTaa.
beea prepared ee that the frmto to
WaalaoooUtkobatkor tofo with kho
Mlvwe* w mar pan e< tXe eHr.
rmtoed. Thto tom epeetol pmkmmk. mad
taM both Oroamery ate Daily.
then to only One toekory to the Uaited
«f»r the Ohrto- Stakee which prepmree thoM bemrde.
Pran khto khe polee mn roe khromfh e
Wo have to eteek a faU Itoo'ef
»5e-$l 00-Sl.iyei.88-Al.88
M. B. HoUly hamreoelved toformakloa
eflae oomk.
A1 50-A1.76-A*.oa N»w
fma Aaenkmry 1^. of the Uaited So- When tele drtee. wbieb to ia Ian kbma
Prooh ▼agatitalaa Dally.
. netyot Chrtottaa Badeavor, ceacern- 4* boon, they mre rna throafb a pol-, Men's Working Shoes-80c
ak tifhk prloaa. Try oar aow bnte
|i« the latnk ntee allowed ^ the trmf- 1 iier mad thea Ihreafb a ebtttoektof
Motea ate4ava Coffee, kho heck to the
Be anodatlans for the freak
naebiae: mad an ready for the market. Children's Tane
ttty. ak 400. Ik to aim^ etofaak.
toh^held'to Baa Praaetoeo Inly 7-18. The eapaeiky of tee dapart^eak to 10.and Ox Bloods,
iktheamle oeoaday. mad Afteen meaare empU^
8be-80O'78e-W(-Al ,08.
4 $t ttakeu froB Chieafo to Ame Ptmmeto- ed ek preeeak. teoofk khto anmber wUl
8IB Union
^ ASS. mad $85 rekorm to Chiemfe. The be doabled me aooa me kbe new botti
cor. mutate Vatoo Ste.
Telephone S8..
■ lT.-t5c-We-a6c-40..M.
$e«rtokeleeperwUlbeS6, emeta way ex- to fairly nader way. C. B. Pbelpa of
Irm, mad nemtombook S5. eaeh way. Stop- Cblcafo, who to to act oe mamfer. bae Men's Tan and
ayerprlrUofee f^af emmbs badmkmll beea tempenrlly detatoad from c
Ox Blood ShoM
fOtoto to Caiormde, Utah mad Omlifar- tof by other baetoen and hto place to
VM: rteairatof.mkmU pelotetoOmUfer. AUed by bto brother. WUl Phelpe. The
' Blm. by may ronke, mad am the aorthera pole Aatohtof to all Aom by men. bnk Udies’ Kid Shoes
Itaw: bek if hy thto wmyJT.M eddltloB- firto wlU be employed to the ttotohtof
^ will be ebarfod. Prm may pedak to of the rlofa. eade mad braeketa.
Mtohlyma to Ohtoafo the fan wUl be The m^ departmroto ef the teetcry Men's Bicycle Shoes
81.50-81.78-88 00 ate 8* 8a
foe fan for tea nmad trip. TIekate wvre never baxier than ak prae
. Bladi pad Taa.
•rDl beaeU fowf Jmae 82. 88,.80.^ Bix^ mea an emptoyed to the nw'
jMid Jmly 1 mad 8. Yoe Bmek arrive to mUlwad ehair UetMy, ate hea.vy ehlp.Bat ttenan ao agafp madp
tarnmetoeo bytee»kb. Bekufatof neata an bdaf made eooekaaUy.
B0e-78c-«to-81.«> mad 81-tS.
Mkeeto wUl be eold Jmly 12 ip M. mad
' The Blah Are AU Ooae.
Aof. 8. 6 mad e.
No deobk mmafemake will be meda for a khlrty*dmy ex- Thareday areatof the firto of the
8I.80-81.78-8k-00-8t.00 ate
teaalea iron khlee dmkee. fhe naeoe Three Qaerter B. B. dab ead Jaetan
88 80.
the weetem Uace do mot eeU roaad trip Verly made e eeaearted ate ravci
6 OEHT8.
attaek apea eartato ktoek whleh tee
Mtokele U to vroteck kbeuelvee t
8100-81.88-81.40 ate 81.0a
Mttekek broken." bak ee they have
•mde tee nta each way ee lew. it to theeataMday. The toaak wae fivea ak
kharattdaaecof Min Nolaa. a^ hefemlly toww kbma eoa tore ior the TO
cMn kbe Ate. which were deUeioaely
Srip. The oOciml tonka mad theak
•1.80-81.78 ate ALOp..
torpoto« ^
MlchleMi dttafmtee atrved. the company enjoyed other tornNot Sbei^kia.
ertU be decided later. Mr. HoUcy wUl feamof Boeial pleaeara The iaifnk
eatoh ef the trip wa* nadr hy Eltkie
^mAy mpawer mU iaqnlrtoe.
Wm ShliM Colorod Sboca FM«
B<Uaa. Ber prise was a Aae rmtohew
Tteveree Oixy. Bmetoeee 0^w«- >
If Bought of Ua.
troak welfhiBf. whea dreeaed. three
Oe to the Uon Berber abop lor tel poaada Joxttn Verty wUl eprtof aponto mad bmkte. 15 oeato each.
oaatoprakcfn aooaaeertoeof photic
1 tf
• M. B. OHmra.
frapte takea earreptitlenslr whUe khe
I by^earntt- firta wen eajoytef khenealvn
€UBm.*a«d tertofkheAte.


■ -L

We Lead.
Others Follow.


PlIaceMery Pillsbury



Men*» CongreBS Shoes-90o
Men’s Dress ShOBA

Flaisckmaa’s Comprasseil least


Infante* Fine Shoes.

Thurtell &,6ane, Ltd.,
Are Others I


Lftdies* Tans and
Ox BIbode

Ladies' Fine Sandals







Bicycle Leggings

Udies’ Black
Tan Kid Oxfords

Jacob Purtpeb,




FBOxn sxuvB&r
And tba VXBT BMt OeSdi.

Frank Stepan.


or^ to ho.'loa


•'r «;"’; ■

X(homra bboobd, skTvmAT, kat «, iS97.

f. ;,■


' /

btamatloa hf th« Fo«t» V»ver«4
by'th* TBite-^VrMki* Mtm Mtka «» DwMakM Oa« of Qtmi
kihtm, Uf, 7.-Puk vSmOB
LMk,<attwO«U otUat»?»hkhto
■owtt* teM of nppllM for ibo QrMk
teoMst DomIbm. MM7ofU»U>
ksWtoBM wo floalaff from Uie plapo.
U»t th«7 wlU be okteekod by
J. £. TV^’OBWtdaelfmtotor af thb
A ktar Alopota^ }wi roeoivod from Bvaalaf Pnaa Qraad BapMa.waaia
the dtp peetordap.
Hia. H.C. Woodhaafoae to Charle>
ikil Wfodb wriTod thoro tUo
Toix for a abort vtott with her hubaai.
toehiafaafiaacroftha Alice M.
7-TIm Tmrkkh om.
A. 6. Frpmaa, the oboe dealer, roloot Btofat roeoirod tba
Mk from Pkw tamed from <Bca(o peeterdap aooa.
•otoo. '’At down Uo Importal trooia whare he pwebaaid a lax(0 tlae of
boviaf attoekod >ho oooay who wero Itoode
Gap Champaep baa novod with hto
iMopylBr Pbwooloo. tnm wUeb p
• porttoo of tko Onek traepo hod ol- famllp to Maplatoo, wharo ha will
nadj Mr« to rotroot dortoc tho oreraea the maalac of a farm for B. F.
Blfkt, we defootod them oad ooptwod Ferrto thto aammor. .
Mtaa AUaa Pataraoa will go to a few
thetowa. AdlVlaioa of eonlrp pporaaed tbo oaemy oo the rood to Domo- dape to Lompoc, OoL. aoar Lae Aa(w
.hee oad the dirtaioo of Khi^ Pooho lea. wbara aha will topeod amral
hM keoa o>4^ to odroaoe io that
Balph ODoaahle paaeed throagfa. the
dfrocUoo. The
dtp pedetdap m hto wap from Chicago
oad pctwfkow ot Pkoieoloo.’*
r TiUocaeore oo- to Petodeep, -where ha will pat la ao
AUthe I
•apiod bp the Tarka. A moaatoia boV^ np to data atoam laaBdrp.
Mtoi Peart Kdlp, who baa been
-Mp, olfhtoea aaka oad (loot qoaati*
epeadlag aoreral moetha with Mfa.
tiMof omaaltkia oad prarWi
ponoMl tf«eo*> of the Orook Gap Champaep. leavca thto aoralog
(rtOM laU lalo the a.:ite of the Tarka. forbarhooMDawObarUa. 0.
OoHtaattaopk. ICaj
modtatUa of the powoio botwooaTarkop oad <$10000 ki vlowodwlth favor bp ■atoHaacararaBarnMto War Sawltma
aver BTtora.
London. Max 7.—The annual raeetlns
LaadM. Map Y.-A dkpotSh frbm
of the pTlmroae league took place ymAdhoMoapo that a tatafiam woe ro- terdai* at Albert hall. TTherc waa a
large attendance of member*, aad the
a at Dowokoi la oae gallerlc* were crowded. The platform
at (root itreafth. Wo are tooolvod to
ly decoimied with flag*
bold It all ooola. Tba rotroat from ____________ Among tboce pteient were
pfcofaoko waa roadorod aiimirp bp the Duke* of Marlborough. Leede aad
Norfolk, and many eminent perpona and
mboraof the <
member* of ihr houae of commoaa
Mi waa affoetod wUheat a mlahap.”
Mme. Altnnl-*ang the national aathem.

Vdtod •tataBMld teBoVofotiattat
ibr the XaUaA
Mow York, Mbp 7.—A ipoelal to tbo
Joaiaal from Havaao oopb: Yow eor, roopoodeat la able opoo high oothoritp
to eamflnn the roeeat Waahiactoa
pecta aa to the aopoUaUooa paadiar
there betweea Seoretorp at State ShermoB. Daprep. Do. Uormt oad Batlada
Palaao oad loeklaf to a peoeefol eolnMoo bp porekaeii or otharwtaa ot the
Ooboa aomtioo.
The Morp to the
topic of ooovormtloa ia oH of theolabo.
Xoro Bad Woida.


A brifhl oad attraeUvo Mtohifoa
■oralat ^ hot boea laid apoa oar
oaehaairo tp^
The title to The
It to pabltohad at
Trovone OUp bp J. W. Haoaea oad T.
- T. Botea. both aoWbpoper bmo of roaMrkaUa ablH^, aad rrfleeta erodlt
apoa Ua'poWtoberoaad Timvme Qtp.
The eititewt of the <^oeon Ottp ot the
Horth th^ bo pn»d to eopport'oaeb
a Uto popery It'to a dvo ooIbm folio,

fcrtmtol of

------- '

a to tha Raooaiy—Jronlslee Kt

Tba Moralar BatnaD to the Utie of a
MW and pretty 5-oolnmn daUy just
•Urtod la prngr^va Traverse Cliy. It
to toeaed from T. T. Bates' ofloe, with
J. W. Haaaaa, editor aad maaa
and haa tha ear marks of ahiUty aad
food aapport—Jtapfcis Buttottit.
Montm Bboobi>.-I0 osaU a week.
(Md gakaoriptfoae to IM Fraat atraaL'


lep audlOF or *^'ww aefartatofit at
CoJoael W. J. Celboua of
.Bov. B. U KaUoff hat (me to Potow WatolnatoB.
thto city, waa toatrumootal ia arcoHnc
tbia eppotatmcBL Catbooa aad Npe
Ha)erOoe.K. Bowtxnb haafoMto made the fl^t fee McKlalep inetruettano la the VemlUon oeuaty RepobUc*
Aahlaad. Wla.
coBTCBtlon aad won. Ny« waa etoet*
Uo flolomoa hat (ooe to Upoator aa
ed chainnaa of the Venallico ooanty
oCbleacooBdMUwaakao.- "
detoaotUm after a warm ooataet witbW.
B.O. Boaaof Patoahap waa la the It PeweU. aad waa Oolooel Calbeoa'a
4tp poatwiap aad diaad at Park Flaea. Ueateaaat oo the eoBvent^oa deofc
Ftoeel rtree la Wlo
Mia. a MBlab^^aad ehOdi
AsbtoaA Wla.. May. 7.-Flr«a on tto
or ItoUad, aih vtolUaf Mia. C
Peookec raage have worked thdr way
lata a coople ot miilloa fart of valaaMe
F. L. Stawart haa awrad to the board pSae aad 1o*b b^onalac Jta McPada tarn aoathof tha dtp for tha Pbee A Arthur Broa Tpe firm are

9y Mia. Kaeia. BaBdaF aad Moadaj.
An addrrea oe tha tempekaoe wewk
aadito raftnatary meaaaraa will be
gleaa to tha Besood M. B. exarch. West
81da.oa towdhy 'avaaiag. by Mr*. MlBoraof Oyid.Mtoh. Thto lady-to «ktbortoad by tha atoto aalon. aaf tha
Btovaath Dtotrtot W. C. T. U. haa sa•nrad bar aervloaa. She has already
.haaa ttoreagh Beaala aad Lealaaaa
aoBBUn aad ceporta of ba work Uaire
-tevabsaaad the matt aattotoetory aatara. Wa hops for ma^ good from
her vittt to Tlavam City. She wljl
‘ held a ••parlor moattog" oa Moeday
aftoraooa atoa. oo tha West Side.
Thaaa maattoge are very ar^tahle aa
Mr*. Mlaore wUl
waUaa i
•las apwk to tba Baptist ebareh oo
Waabtogtoa etroat, Moaday awglag.
Wa hope aha may ha graatod by a
(all hoaee for. tha (*od aba aaaj do.
aadaaabe giMroaaly oomm toaafor
0or traa-wUl oftortog aad eatartoto:
•eat, aooUecUoa wUl he tokea, wktok
wabope Biayalae begeaerenBoa oar
Mas. M. J. JoBaeon,
Aeitog Coaaty PnaMoaL

•un buralnc. 'aad It to inpoedble to
tell whra they will etop. Vemelnai
eay the emoke on Lake Superior ie ao
deaae aa to hamper navtretloa.
Orrvn Bay. Wla* Ifay 7.—FOrret firce
have brokra out alonr the Chlearo.
Milwaukee aad SL Paul Uadu north
ol here aad are cautons a Rreat deal of

Biet aad, Hecla company bae etarted
BlnUns the Bret abaft on the Oeceoto
lode Two addItloeiBl ehafu on the eame
lode will be becun by the eame oompanji
.not later than Jane. Theae three ahafts
will be fs>eBed on the hit ecalc alwayi
UMd in Ctolumet and Hecla operationa
and will,have a capacity equal to that
of all the ahafta of the Oeceola mlneo.
Veto* tor aa BIcht-Hein- Oay.
y—»—« city. May 7:—The lntema>
Uonal Amoelation of MachlntoU at tbelf
oonventlon yeeterday adopted the re­
port of the committee on
voring m __



damages for an Injury received on a de­
fective highway.
CaptalB Christie, the mete and fotir>
teen of the crew of the Brttlah toip
Traveler died at ee* of fever.. The ship
was afterwards wrecked oR Mauritius.
General McNulta baa secured tbecom*
promise of cm.m of claims against the
old whisky trust for flCNl. which
toa* than ( per ceaL of the amonat of
the ctotms.
The national festival of the North

buad). whicB Is held
opened at Bt. Loula
The govarbmttt of Chile has offers
a premium cf fieo.MO yearly to any per­
son or person* wbo may dlarover a new
use for nitrate tn large qaanUUea
' Jamto N. Tyaer. of ladtoaa. haa been
arpoiated assistant sKomey ge-eral foe
The Marquto of Saltobury. who waa ea- tbe.poatofflce department, aad entered
tbutlaatlcaliy cheered, congratatoted the on the dtoebarge of hto dnUea.
league on.Alie conttnuoua progrem II
had been Akking In celebrating Uie ^ union empl<
reign of QuWn Victotia. Tbia. he mM. j at CUcaga Three-men were injured.
waa aa epoch la EngUah history which | all of (hem
gave 'Jie league special reason to re* I sertoualy hurt.
Jolee at the characteristic* of her ma- ----------------------iesty's great reign.
The premier dwelt at length apoa the
Oraco*Turyeh war and the concert ot
Burope. the main object of which, be
ir nsurance a
■aid. was td prevent a European war.
adding that the behef prevailed that aU
eal sjate
danger of such a war was Anally dimlTgtApaoKt n.
pated. and Uiat the peace of Europe^
_..irt fruen the local conRh-(—bad been ^
placrd un a better tiaslB and had beUM |
hope In Its future thau ever before. Her i
m^esty's goverameai. the premier also
said, would do Ha best to end the blood­
Bhoca at all prtoct fi«m
In hto concluding reference to the war

E. W. Hastings;
—^F ^ I


Shoes For $1.00.

eastern question <

■ greatly <

Hcfenjng to South Africa the ma^uls
lecUrcd tt




Corresp6n<l witb
Have WeLogs
^ to Sell the Traverse Ci^
have foY sale Goo<l, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank,^ Maple Flooring* •
Short Maple Wood. Lan<ls for sale. Mill* Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. ' A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.



Geo. P.

..Contracting and Practical

Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda
and Fine Candies.
The Following Flavgra are mad* to order:

MtKavora-v^mi, caocotaw, 8u..u,w.



Trait lOBB-Lemoa. P1m-Apf1«. Onof*. Stopbany. Chany.
8harb«rt»—Baspbeny. Orange, Ofanwltoiij. Ch^. Lanan. PtotoAppte.

Wo alao put up Brick loe Oroam-aniUra.

u> ia». a.nni>

. bridt V.4dl.wIo.U,.rt.ofUwdt,u4o.toflk<dt,.

Try a Pound Box of oar Eine Chocolates.
. W. Uim



McLellan & Ash,


Fro&t 8t, BABt of Pwk.

The Hamilton Watch

A Sample Piano.

Railroad Men!

...1 P»^Tlme-Keepir..
tosetol AttsBttoa Otvea to gspalriag
agWMcbMwad imhy.




■Oalnibucg. Uto.. May I.-^e Anal ev­
ent of the state Q. A. R. encampment
was s rousing catnp-Areshald la*t night I •
at the Auditorium. Stirring addremea ; g
were madebyOen. John C.Black. of CW- |
cage; B. F. Maiuh. of Warsaw; J. w. 1|
Burst, of Bycanim: A. A,, Adair, of Oak •
Fark. and a: P. Stover, of Pans. The : 9
minute guns were led by General Smith ; I
D. Atkins, of Preepon. W. F. Calhoun. ■ i
of Danville, waa cbalrmau. Action wa^B
taken by the O. A. R. toward rvduclutf 12
the eapaasM of oflievra.
J unlfbrm : |
Verv adopted re
■ widow* of ns a I
pensions lor soldi
Furtbw elsrUoo ot aflkers RSUlteA/1a
the cboire of tbs folloaing: Depart­
ment coramaader, A. L. Sehlmpff. ot







ISO mat Btoaak

Behlmpg. of Pwls. Etostod P*pait»ss

Pttev tor urn tlUmH. Man.
, Danville. lUa. May T.-^eWord bas bum
received ho* that E. A. Nye'. managing
editor of the Danville DaSy Cm





cago. The folloa-lng council of admlalstration waa elected: A.D. Ctodwallader,
of IJnooln: E. B. Hamilton, of Quincy:
O. F. Avery, of Pontiac; T. W. Goto, ot
Rockford: :C. H. Tebbets. ot Chldigo.
Tbe W. R. C. dloaed Its attokma last
evening. It (touted for departmeat
Ptsaldent Kim Jeaale Broas^ of Morria.


I also put in Taps and Connect to city water at bottom
price*. Give me a call.

ImmeDse New Stock Fron

There has t>e«n great terror that any
outbreak la the Bouitaeast of Europe
might lead to a general blase, but It Isto
be Kbped that the danger to past and that
we may look calmly un the larger inter*
eats Involved. It
that Turkey
ha* esbtbUed proofs of strength which
pone suspected, and perhaps a better
future to open to the dominion of the
BUlun. Their goverpmem may iraprova,"^
or maybe the empire will cullapae. >as
n-any hare feared. In either case we arc
justlArd la beuevlng that all changes
will be conducted under the sanction uf

borough propoaed a resolution congratu-.
totlag the queen upon the growth bf the
empire durli
the growth
feeling In the various portion* of her
majraty s vast Ttmtotona. Tha remlu
tioe was adopted.____________


profiuce one it-is necessary to keep it well cut







' "wl

:BZlxo.T3all Go.

N. E. Strong, Mgr. for Traverse City Branch.



The Man Milliner,

Better. .
Fee year hease than geed wk
toad aod ell PBOKBLTwisto e
appitod. Ikaistoektadofataal
uae. XkM'a tha way I mis aad 1

' Geo. B. Winnie,

Uniqoc Resigns,
ABEtato Aiwieg Mauhlp* miltoa.



«S5ro lieo®;8ATlT*Bl-Sr.


-_ .

imam sim ttat tb« nitr*

Has Your
J:ns:s^ i/’ssrsii^ai'-s Attentioh-

Mar 7.~11te eanate
•reeierday acraM to an amendiacot
^ MtDdrr Hvfl Mil revoklns the erdar
e on reb.4S

lenry b*oa«aa
(he. Demorralir hauae had
d dot amendtnenta to Its tarIR blit rammed down
>ailoBa a«> fta throat. *'Bweet ta'revenae: you’ll
acrea. The debate have .to awallow a thousand,“ he
pwiitlntc IT.aaaaM
t ottiRtMhorlliclmefCIovelftad-t
shouted. ’’As «U la to a thousand and
; PetUaiew,
WUbob. Turner, Raw- odd. so Is Democratic Inoompelcncy to
‘•tha and White epeaUns acalnat it Republioan incompetmcy."
Cannon of llUnola maid that the tarlR
lOrajr defended (he ceurae of the preol>
Mil had been sent to ”No Man’s Land."
daftt potminc «ut tbftt It was the result TsfsfTins' to the senate, and he
«f an laqulr>- autbortssd by
dolns nothing not absolutely
... *k^ U.
necasnsry to carry on the government
1 to have DBtfl that measure was disposed of.
- As Dlngley was aboul (o move to adJoarn King (Dem.) of t'lah breought
dent but he was defcftted os a yea and
llste consideration of a resolution
star Tote—14 to tt. Oorman made a
whirh be eras waving In his hand.
•Wbnt M the msolutloor Dlngtey ln-

lore for ns, our kite for Ood, wby ws
lore <lod—tbsokcr, rsUslon and phikaoplv sU oonUnsd.
These verses actwor the quettlcn of
to|do. We love Qod, we love Christ,
they first loved IN
ed their love i& aoeb s v
M th(7 did. It woftld have bees Impos­
sible for u lo bsve knred God bad we
not Imown that God was knro and Umt
He did artnally lore oa The idra of
by their sins they oCcod a pore and holy
behig. men are niturally filled with
horror and dread it the tboogfal oi^ioeotios^God. Tbe idea has never inspired
lore whan it has not been knowii that
God was love. Tbc bcatben ignorant at
this Kreat fact of religion fear their goda*
but do not love them. When men know
that God lorn ai^ that He knrs them
and mantfnmd His lore


usually berontes the piedctnlDant
off tbe resolution.
■»* “*?*Uy
» of the lawstlratlon
pslm iple of . their Urea Wr all know
.nf the condition of the fur seaU In Behr- ,
l>r. Aagvtl Arrive, al WwlUi
fiEpm expetienoe that it was the lord of
fag aea. The sundry civil bill was 1
tfiirim for ns that kindled within our
passed Tate In the day. It carries an agr
brewu the flame of lore for Chzigt and
. gregale of m.OM.SOO. During the day i
(inlted States minister i
it-when that loro grows
Bacon of Omrgla Introduced a Joint res* ; Turkey, has arrived In Washington.
•lutloR deprecating war and aitnounclng ; oalled at the state department, and al-; fold bbd lukewarm. Nothing ao revives
She policy of tbe guvemment In favor of , though It was diplomstio day and Ber- i dio^ilog love ta Christ as to ait Ih
.ftrbltmtlon. The resolution was referred reury Shermsn was very busy In the imaginatioo benealb the cross and to
to the eommlite^oB foreign relaUoiA reception of the dtplojnatlc corps, he look uptm»Hii suflerings and to
This fbaolutlon nflfc Id-lleu of the arM- j was ahow n at once into a private room ' bcrthatHebnethccroasaod
y*,, *(».♦ He fame thecitMand shame
tratloa treaty. A resaluUon by Dodge_____ __________
sd a long imervtow with the ns because He lotad ua ,6ucb a maui- uUs agreed to requertlng the president •ecreUry of sute.
fMlatioD uf luve is sufficient to set ablase
.for all the Information relative to out-'
tbc coldest beart
rages Ml TtolUns in Laubrtans..forwhlch;
Christ’s great krre for us abould lead
rested by , T^snlngton. May 7.—Dr. J. 1
I had been suggesi
the otecuuve,
ustolnreHim. Trocaanjfldoglove de­
bimeuUlc .
mands tbe.aame tbiug in retois. As
4H (tosme ThMell Re Wo Delay.
y«mss of Arfcanms. Democratic mem- ' commission. He Is professor of eoonofntcs Iron sharpoBotb iron, so love sbonld be­
berpf tbs linance committee. caU^' at- ‘ •* *be Johns Hi..
get love. .JUid it does bsget lore, or it
. tdntlon to the fact that tbe comtftratIVe : French and German scholar.
woold bnget love if men dwelt SMte
' otsit^rnt astwthe tariff hill had not yet
PwbUe BelMlM »• >
than they do span U>elove«f Qod and
appeared. It was nxtsi dreimble. be ssld.
ol CbrisL The tnmble is bkr do not
tf tbe bill was to be taken up bo the I8tb
give ft anffickait tbotutbL It's an old
finst. that tbts statement be In band very
■toty, and they paas it by. If they teal•non. Allison, Republican member of
to cost tS.OOO.(IM.
feed ill tnsmeodtmg impoitaiioe end
1 Ibefl
e finance committee, saidthestatemeBt

it Cleveland _______________
had ibreaiened
to veto the entire enndry Hvll bill if that
Stem was .retained. Yielding to tbe
pr«Bldn>i’s\hreal the provision bad been


SprtngflelA May 7.—Tbe opponents of
be Humphrey' street railway Mils In

m nen me eji«r» wee uieuc auu
ft^ends of the bills made no ohjtoUon
Lhe anti-departmentsCore
Mil waa lost making U>e MU aimly to all
cittea insiead of only tnoee of EO.OW and
over„ population. Tbe MU taxing forelgn’’. Insurance companies 10 per e*nL
In the senate s bill was introduced to
permit racing and pool-eclling
ar. no meet
May. 1 and Nov. 1 each year,
daya Btlli
to Iftst longer than thirteen dayi
prMilblUng: ♦!«'
than S
itbfto regulate
>niere« per
practice of borse.ahoeing and
providing for Uoensing borse-aboere; ex­
tending the minimum term <d the pub*
He achcoG lyom five to six months. The
vote by which IJitler's anil-trust blU
falW to pass was reconsldervd and
mads tbe spectdl nnlcr for next Tucsday. The blU exempting cashiers in
public oBIcw from the Hvll service rules '
was advan^

Rioke such a threat." exclaimed PetU*grew, ’’Is a.disgrace to civlllutlon and
a disgrace tn tbe republic.” The presid­
ing officer eonnd^ tbe gavel aharpir
and Gray Interjected the Inquiry "On
What ^tborlly dote the senator assert
that tlt^reeldem made such a threat ?"
"If tvakrac stated In committee,’’'Pet. Hgrew ans^red. Gray remarked that Tea CaaV Have tbe Tbags Caavtoted by a.
Traae JaryWhen tbe ej^tor
I been challenged
Houstdn. Tex., May 7.—If BbeHffUpsBorhis aulhoHiy.h
Mp of the senate C. lamtier.
oomb, of WalGr oounty, G correct In hG
surmise, the receut sextuple lynching
UVRLT TtMi: » niB ROl'gB.
at Bunnyside promises furtber sensa­
tional developmeau. TTie sheriff went
eiarh ef 1
rhtokMM Hometo BeesL
lo Austin Imroedtalely a#*er the occur­
Washington. May*7.-The RepubU- rence u see the governor and exfiGG to
yes of the bokse yesterday followed him why no steps were taken to protect
(Ip their recent Indorsemrat of Reed s
' policy of postponing .the appointment
’ whli
at committees by establishing tbe pot- the mob 1
that some of them were InterestedJG
Gy of bi-weekly
ikly meetings
tbraugb tbe |
adoption of • resolution reported by tbs
g„g ,hgi tbe renW-Mot
•omnilure on rules providing .that the j Thomas broUiers Implicating them was
bouae shall meet on MondsyS and ; atretched to cover the- case, when tbe
Rmradays until further actlcm. On this : wortt of Inducing the mob to make vlcCMolutlon the Democrais and Populists [ Urns of them also Was an easy matter.
- (gere solidly arrayed agalnstrtbe BMbb-I, On tbG presumption the aherllT srill
Ikane. and It was adopted by a voG of ‘ work In bG efforts to locate tbe. roemM to tt after a partGan dchata Tbe here of tbe mob. and If thG liellef proves
gpposiUon. led by Bailey, was based on ; tme tbe chances are that the affair will
ground that nbe |
o eveo a greater
grcveni congMesat on of tbe bankrq^y
bill. Bailey said that Blnee tbe Rcpubll•esrss Ob (he Ball PlrM,
aaas had been G atascriiue eontro) pt tbe
Chicago, May 7.—L,ea^e ecores on
Bouse ks.bad Iwlleved it proper• for
ly were At PlttSn <to nothing to hasten par Usan legGGlIon, partlcuUrly auch Ggla- burg—Olnclnnall l.PUtsburgS: atPblGdeIpbG
— UsItiDibre T. PblladeIpbG
MUoa as tbe tariff bUl. wblHi bad bees
at Boeton—VVaabIngton -L Boston g; At
There could be no excuse fir refusal Cleveland—Chicago 1. Cleveland fit’at
to consider tbe bankruptcy MIL
U New York—Brooklyn I,- New York »—
ten Innings: i
would bring relief to
DouGvIUe to G(e In arriving.
rtby men througboat tbe
Western League: At MlnneaptdVi tnfuo*
acUvtty Into many comMllwaukee C. MlnneapolG I; at BL Paul
rsnsae City 4. BL Paul <; at Grand

nptey MU It would be tbs Torrey MU,
ftBd ended by deelartng tbat be would
Western AsnoHatlom At Burlingt.
•ever vote to adjourn axcopt from day
10. BuTllRgtofi 17; at Quincy—
go day uaUl Ue bankruptcy UU had
Rece acted ea. It was denied by Dal-^ Dubuque 1«. Quincy J: at Bt. JosephRockfotd
4, BL Joseph' U: at Des Molnea
•an that' the ruG bad any bearing ca
-Osdat Bamfe 4._Pss Holnea A
Hie bankniptor MIL He expUined that
1 to ftWftlt the
«an Claire. WG., Mar L-ACrs. Cbm
raom Who had
a of Oei

, m Uw bankruptcy MU G tbs
IWt ooddiMft Re Botiaed B^Gy that
«bs BtwuMlesma were rwgMSIbG fsr
lbs hftHkrRRtoy MU.



UUM. ft De»ocr»Ut booM. ha4 it*«wd
ft bftnkniptcy bill wbicb he roiwMwd Tepis rse the Week SligMshW May S.
bMter thftft the
Osftimssd by Rsv. ft. a. Psylft
made • ahort but fierr apMCh ftoiaM^
the reaolatlQft^ AMweliic the apMker
be uld: ' “The coentry renrembere he# - lots saatMlid. to U led by (be iiiBtar.aBrou rereihtloiilMd tte practice el thlp
foeemmeat in the Piny-flrai coDgreaa
IS ia tbs Bible
0LEVEI.Ajnr8 OBOES 18 pVOlEOT by new mlea. that you ndpht do bual- Tbm us Dotw
« so u than tbs cosh befora
neaa; and now bavinv secured thamlw
God so ktred the world that Be
Aftd VI* AMlea ■uehty CteiMCMtefft by
ffttr HU uoly btgfotgai Bon that wboaplet the house do buslneaa.’* ,
> ef Whmm hve
Clark of Miaaourt. In an amuslnK STiT belltwp^ is Uin sbonld not pcrldl,
mie CMMttMMle Will
torn Tii
speech, laanfrsd why-U lha RepubU* but have svcrlssUii«iife.VaiidlUCNnhM et »• iM, Mri Aah* iWle lew
dsrpart, "WsloreHitn bgtaaae Be fin*
WhM Me U (Mm te^ Wc^
larad-they did not paai loTsd u" Wmiderfal wdtdsl God's

would be very comprehensive and would
be ready probably next Saturday. "Tbere
Is no Imcntion so far ae I know.' said
a«nea -to delay the c
MIL All we ask Is that reaeonahle Ume I
be given for a pnq>er ronsdderatioa of
the bin "
WUi Raw the tlrnWr. RMardlssa.
When the forest reserve
•' matter
HP Wllaon -of Wi
B cha^erM J
Cleveland’s p
as a 'dastardty blunder.’^
ider.’f RIgbt million acres had
been taken out of hie state so that no |
man could cut a stick of Umber without'
d as as thief. Tbe people
affected by these orders-were not to be
restrained, be said.'by "scientific gentle­
men from Harvard college." They were
going to have tlfeitlmber which they
needed, law- or no law. "And wbai are
you going to do about Itr’ be asked.
PeUigrew-B C-Wse Agaiai^ Clevrtaad.
WhMi Oorman referred to a aKnllsr re*
vocation in theUetsundrydvHI bill which

ff. istfT.

meairing, (bey would be all aflame wHb
love for CSirist
The love of Christ idMold also lead w
to love all mm. Tbe mao that loves
Ood G oommaaded also to love bis
brotfapr. John igys, “If a man agy, 'I
love God, and batetfa bG brother be U a
liar, for be tbat lovetb hot bu brotber
whom be bath occn. bow can be love
Ood, whom be hd[A not seen? And thG
from him. That
be who lovetb Ood love bG brother
Bible Beadimm—Dent vi. 6; s. It;
Josbaaxxii. l-^eoo^ii, diviii..^ Jer.
xxxi. 1-S; Mft^ zzii,S7: gziv. IMS;
Jobnx, 1-18; xv. »-U:Boin. v, 6;viii,
85-fi9;xii, 9, 10;Bph.Ui, ]4-fil;ITbesa
i. fi.,8: IJobo iii. 1. fi;.iv, 7-lS, 80, ii.
a ag (be MalUtMsa
It ii a aad fact tbat many pastors and
cburcbes make po special efforts for tbe
onaversion of ilIbe mnltitodes el outsiden in
lity wbo are' not
membm of any ebutefa andwhoaeldom
attend diviM servioe. It G largely from
these, as wcU oa from tbe yoong'in tbe
tbat tbc cborcbea most
■ '
tbe full aeccgsplishmeDt of 4G mGaicui in tbe

world. Some large ooagngadons under
favonUe ciRwxnstaDoes can grow in
uamben without special efforG to reach
tbe opoooverted outsidexs, taut most cmgngallons caonoC add Urgely to tbeii
mu^'n witbunt special efforts aod
for reaching tbe
mnltitodea.—Latbonui Observer.

asd cobTeyaaetog. fUPramM. .


’npsetol sttsstlea
SvsrbssaealteitetbeCsei (hat yse
esageiallhsDrvMbse (ew Store)

Pot* Fbwdmd SplOM,
* CBOna. Aworasys.

For* Otmw Tartu,
laalPsfsBsMMVowtoe. U ra* warn ss w
•sbsILlpswdslarMgO. BaWnr MssiGg.
BebhsfTBbtM.*UsGm.(rs(s>BsHGs (gw
aatos4 for (•• yearat rWuhaG- ■jrHsgm.
•aay kisSs. TWssal Iwaskss, aad Aisstw-n.
Olreertns sad Wn«b Rassi Lottos for tbs

than tfiOO giveuftffmGrions, more than
B.OOO botiks ard pcriodicaG dGtributed,
;0U visits made. 17 cottage prayer mrottng* lield. ao toe water fouutain main­
tained oo a city street und two members
aent abroad- as foreign missicaiarira.
’’Aitrmpt great tliiugi fts-,God; expect
great things from Qo^’’ G tbesooi^'s

^ Though Joys oosm as buds and grtofii
as thorns, G G one ftud tbe snmn vital
energy of lirra which pnG them bodb
forth OR tbe growth at human life—the.
roses, to farnUbe swestnesi amid the
thorns and tbe ttaoms to give security
to tbc yooeo—bofb springing from tlm
Me .&I and toms


dofOOd. I
teUeve in tbe words odJi
in tbe bleuB beart. 1 beUshg lu tbe «rvleeoflove. 1 believe in tlw anworidly
lift- I believe Gi the behtitudra. |
pnnGe to trust Ood and follow Ohriit
So forgive my enemies and to seek after
tbe lighteootoM of Ood.—Ian Man-

Have your piava* «a»ed ^.oar tmi>
dent tuner. Prof 3. W. CUffa. SsRd
Warden, of BIk Creek, mother of two todara to N. B. 8tn«r* Mnti^Btom.
ebUdren and sbont to give Mrtta to an----------------------------- - by Mewtngh
hsad off with bar huabpnd'a abot-^«ft.



At Our
Soda Fountain
OMiBter «s^ sever eestsM to "Gl ,wMl
eaeogh stooe" botalvars try to tapreve.



Thompson, The Artist
trill wake tbs best grade w

Ever burned Out ?

-Hew XdftM In-


Fancy Toilet Articles.
----- ^Pr^BfflKtelii-----

Cut Glass.


-Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
-Front Street.,

Suits to Order. '
Fine Merchant Tailoring. '



See IUnion Drips, per gal.... 20c
Yellow Crawford Peaches
per can.............. .......... • 10c
Dried 'Apples, Peaches
aiid Nectorines, per lb.. Sc

Early V^etables


—Fine ^

There G a notew orthy Clxristian En­
deavor sockty in tbe Etmlid Avenne
Baptist cbniAh
jof Cleveland. Its rMCRi
repwt at a'year'swork


Cor Ydltaff Union Bto.

GsRieyedftll tbe more when you bavu
ft pretty eerviM at eUvwware to
meke your table look iovitlarand^
peUxtng for tbe ssoraGg meaL
have handtoime berry eeto and table
eilverwftre of all kinds, in new aad
ftttn^ve deaigns, st prioee lower tbaa
ever sold at Wfora

GAHNEn BROS,, Jtnten.

Hotel L^mn.
PsrtStmt, hstwMii rient h Cui,




Rates, S1.S0 per Day.

Fimt Claaii Day Board.
Special fhitca by the Weel|h

Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.

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