The Morning Record, September 05, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 05, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ovnozAL PAn»





rannffis «id fhut


This eveatay at the Prionds ebureh.
Levi T. Peaatayun wQl speak cn the
sab^eqt. '‘WUl the Old Book Stand?
Why I Ballava tha Kbla.'
The local C B. Dnioo wIU bold a
•nnrise prayer meatlay this momlny
at eevaao’elaek ia the
dianA. Mim Pratt, laadar.
The Boye' ^Baad will ruB aa exeuralen to CharlevDls today ou the Colum­
bia. TlwlwatlaarMatSrSOa. at. aad
rutnrniay laavea at CterlevoU at 4:>a
The pirty at the club house Friday
aiyfat. thouyh arranyed by the ladim
aad yaatUmea meatloBed ia yestardey's aacDUD. was yivaa aadsr tha
ausplees of the satire club.
Mlmee Miunlu aad Bom Wood, of
the firm of Wood Sfrtars. rataraad yastarday aftar aa estaaaiva brtp throayh
the mttsrn mllllnary markets. They
wUl ia a few days axkiWt a full tine of
flaa miUinery.
^toae who are Intereatad la learalay
the Utaet artistic round daaoes will be
entertained at tha esbtWUon to be
ylven is Stalaberyb Grand
noBue Wedaseday aiybt. The entartaiamant wUl te followed by a sodal

attoB performed. 8eae time afo
bad aa alented tooth aad it af­
fected thejawboaa. aadoaosed tt to OISAFFBABBD
decay. It will be aecessaiy to ras '
a psrtioaof thebssM.
BrichtMiac Pw
U'Was Shoa^t Ha Bad Ooae Oe
HacOhpost XmiraiOB. Bat Whm
FuMR Am Mow la Bita«tat Za
Best Batoraad Ba Was Hot Aboard
«Mr •tock-Saym
Beaeet Teaaa Failed *o Oet Ban
-Faarad Ba Bay Hare Bet With
Forty OnlamUBitAa
From Asylum Beya.
For Fotatow.
The Asylum team sasUy defeated the
Last aifbt Bad Murray, ayad
Tb* top aoteh la (be pouto market hall pla^ra from Old Mfraioa yeetarlatkia^tytortUo poor «ao taacAed day. Ihe feataies^ the fama were of Jobs Murray of State etreet. disaprmtrnritf. Tboprleo poU war forty the pitshlay of North and the seooad peered from hoBM ead hh paruats were
eery mneh worried as te his wb. .
eeati pw bnokol aad oreo at Utat prieo tee play aad hlttiar Of Boaser.
Uaro WM aota Urpe oDppty broofht
Both teases are ereditad with a abonta There was eansdtytlssTla the
ia. OMrv* Lai^ hu baarbt aboat double pfry: tha sas msds by Dues thonjrbt that the lad mlyhThare
MO biiBb^ Aurtae tba pact few i^jt, CosaadPupleoftbsasyluBMbeiBF a on the Creeeset baad escucp^ to
Nsrtbport. wiUiont haTtoy meatloesd
whieklHwfltablptoChleaFo today by beauty.
tbo ataamer Patoakoy.
a iatantioBS to his pareats.
The all-arouad field play of the aar
Xti. Blaokman. aa# MalMlat Wiaaio ims was csoA only f<^errare bel^
Wbea the beat arrived at 1:50 thh
omtay Mr. Murray aad seraral
bottyiit a qaaatlty yeotarday aad A A mads by them
MeOoy A 6m> abwtt MO boahela. The
maa in the team made at least friends were et the desk to Isem U
prctalllBF prlM it the htyhaat that haa
If say fault is to be fonad- Bud was aboard of the Columbia, but
bMB paid bare ia throe yoara Tbe.lo- with their work it was In'base rua- as the crowd left the boat it was soon
«al bayer* aay that U eeaU U reaUy alnir. but perbsps they dida'l try.
apparmt tkat the boy was not there.
all the Btaricet wQl Stand, aad they
A yreat
preat auabar of the atrars made Qoeriss of the membsce of the band
’ predict that 40 seats will be tbe maal- by Old MisaioB would not bare been Mlcd to rereat any
' '
mam prioe.
l atioo. and none of the
- him.
Mr. Murray
WbMt brottybt seats la town yes^ try and play three or four poait
iMsday aad aboat ItMO bosbeU were thia wae eapeclally true at third basa ; stricken. He feared that the boy had
boafbt by the Baonah A Lay flour
The visttore could not hit NorUi to i fallen overboard uaobeerved. be.
mUL With these prises for their prod- udvuatayr. For the flfst five ianlnye had beea made about town at placM
nets the farmers hereaboaia are tradl waa frade from hU deUvery, Bud was Itnowa to freqivot but no
sews of his wherssbeots could bs
naliyieaU^aFttet hard tlBse are be- aad after that bat five were raada
eoealBF a atatter of histoty lastead of a
J. Swaney played well at first baae learned.
Inquiries were eoutlnued for eomA
pTMoat eoodition. It is a lonf time aa did tv. Lslybtou ia eentre and U
Blase aaj-thiaf Uketheprcaeat prises Swaney at eesood baea. Old Miasioa time but they were futile. Mru. Murbare beea paid a^ the result Is a re- kkfrad eome on the dedsiens of 6i
ray euted to the Bscubd that Bad had
no chums who would eoUes him away.
viral aU aldaf theliae. aot only la There was lltUe canse as Buiui
He was last seen about five o’clock aad
bttslasse aad Sfrienltare but in eaerpy {dred s splaadid yam:
failed to yo home for aappv.
^ SBSouTuFemeat. Testerday the
. It was feared that hs. mlg^t have
,jitj was filled with farmecs aad the'' Asylums . 0 1 6 0 0 1 1 1 0—10 1
ooBeeqamee was a food bnsiaass for Old Mimlon 1000002* 1— 7 SIS met with a serious accident.
Batterim: Asylum. North sad HadChief of PoUee Beanie was noUfisd
the Bsr^aata. Thelosall'
are rery much eaeoaraccd aad they | dow; Old Mimion, L. Bdtosaw aad A of the sbeeoee of the boy at 2 o'clock
tUa morniny aad be instltutod a seanfr
aU-syrae that tbsreba briybt preaalone the river aad floar-»Ul dam.
peet of a brisk wUter la all liaea
John Marray. the BBhef. ie foreman
. Herbert Moateyne ef the Mcpraaatile
BusUufs aad Oelty Will BatUe Today of the mUl of K^y A Coveil, at
Sliyht's. _________________
lomi TX


Ai Tommy Snoob iDd Bessie Brooks....
Were walking oat one Snoday, saya Toaiiij'
Snooks to Bessie Brooks, tomorrow will be
Monday, and school b^ns. Yon will
want School B<x>ks and Tablets. We hare

September 6, 1897, School Commences !
School Books and all the necessatr things
that go with them, at---- ^


For the Girls-Tamoshanters £

day mon .
Tbe tonyue of the wayoa dropped,
frlyktoned the team and they na udUI
canyfal near tbe Elmwood
eehool. Tbe wayoa was left near the
bridyS' No damsye resulted.
Alee Strinbery abd aister BUa will
yo to Charlevoix on the Columbia thb
meraiay. FVom there they will yo to
Petoskey to aUend the weddiuy of
Mim Faaay Bceenthal of that place
Samael Wiakleasan of Maalstee. Tbe
mremosty will take plm Tueeday.

26c., 42c. and 60c.

For the Boys—
Good Suits


Specif Vatae. at $1.26, $2 and $3.

Chief of FoUce of BareeloBa ^ot and
Seriously Wounded.

Btyi' Fnalablay Gaods-wvefylhlay of reliable quaUty, at lowmt prieea.

Bereelo^ Sept- 4.-The chief of
police ead amlsUnichlef. who directed
the iBvestlyatioe lato the Bareelona
bomb oeuayea, were ahot at aad
Btriklny Biaere WIQ Hot Aeeep^ wouaded seriously last niyht by u sup­
Propoued efi.O«Bt Bata.
posed aaurchlat, who wue snbe^neaUy
PiUsbary. Sept. 4.—The etrikiny
miners that are encamp about the
Bsrle E. Rorien. B D. desirm
DeArmit mioca do not favor the prop­ laform
ber patients tbst owlny to
osition to rcaniae work st 6S oeaU s aces'she will, for a time, be naable
ton until the end of the year. It is attend to ber practice.
osrtnin that tharo will be eoarideiable

The Hustler^ftyeaterday lor Mao.toe. Some of them left on the morniny train to be in time to eee the yarn#
betwara the Colu and the Grand Bap-,
ids Western Leayne tyam. The bal­
ance went at S:45. Ike Butlw. asHnsUer. who pitched all the eeason,
d of Orimlnal Assault 0 aad made a yrwri record with the Dubaqne. Iowa, team of the Western As•Lena Bumbaoh Aiyssted
sbeiaikm. aocempaaied them. Dave
CampbeU went aiony as maseot. Parks
and Irtlhelm werennatte to yo. but
that the assauUnpon UUle Lena Bumwith Batter the team will not be weak­
bach. near Hatch's Croedity Friday
bos aext week.
ened. They play today aad tosuw
taoiainir. was not so serious as at first
The men made their usaal march to '
xeported by Justiee Caster. Prosecutthe minae thb morniny aotwitbstaaA |
iny Attorney Dayton came down from
iny the rnmor that aa ayreemeat bad i
Ldaadyeatcrday morniny aoeompaabeea reached. Tbs strikers in camp
' led by Undersheriff Brown. The tor- Of Bsctricity Bud Life Of a Detroit
Isolation latorviewed fifty asea from
iA«j—sa Testerday Borniny.
■aer made an iavestiyatloa aad the
Export. Pa., tbb raamlny with tbe re­
Detroit. Bvpv4.-Thom>sCalhaa. a sult that tbty ayreed to quit work U
neman. wae hilled thb morniay whUe the Plum Creek mine Must of tksm
held, pendlny as
have returned to their homea.
Tbompylrl by
Tbe doctor made i cnreful yiasped tbe wire with the pl.vers with
■ aad bis report wee-that
ha^andatthesasM instant tbe
no violence bad been used towards the other bead tooehed tha sine pips that VeyotUtiOBs For a Date With Hrand
yirl. Jostioe Caster was In the eHy
Bapics Leayue Team.
locked syalBst the pole on Vhleb
oyain yesterday afteracoa and returoed
ras workiay. A enrreat of a thou­
It b amony the poaririlltim that the
latm. It was at flrat intended to keep sand volu went tbronyfa bb body, leav Grand Rapids Leayae team will plsy a
the ama in Jail bestynnUl further in- iny It-llfelms.
yame with Ue Bustlers U thb city
vmtiyaUou could be made but ap to
aext Tueeday. A teleyram to that ef­
last aiyht that eoune bad not been
fect was received by the Sxcoun last
niyht from Hsnsyer E^oe. This will
If tbe iarmtiyation of Dr. Tbompeon Flaas lot the Fatertaiaaient by th<
be au exerilent chance for the local
is takes as authority a chaaye in the
fans to eee how hern hell ss pUyed in
eomplatyt ayaln*t the party would be
Bbbornte prepaiatkme are briny the '-Pine Slump Leeyue” eompares
ntiiiiiry. The first ebarye was crim- made fm- the oonceri to be yrlvea at with the fast Wmicrn Leayae arUcIe.
i&al Bsmult upon a ehild under the dlelnbery's Grand, September IS. un­ Maabtee will be here for two yamm
aye of ICyaaia. but under the n
de? tbeauspieosof the WomoaV club. Ihunday and Friday.
pham in the cam it eonld i
The proyram will oonsbt of mnrieal
be more than arnaalt and baUery
numberm and seadlny by the bmt local
Walloped OirilkdcTiUa.
the takiny of indeomt llbertisa. Tbe talent of the city, sad the proceeds
Tbe BastSMers won a yarns from
yirl dom net talk latelllyible Boyllsh will be set aside as a nest egf for the
arrillckrUle yerierda/, IT to JC Batand it b propable tkat the chmye may eiub boom fund. When a aoSi
hava beea exayyeratcd. The same of
inred the ladies will ermt a terlfs Etrl an^ Broadfoot. Dalxell. Ely
the man b not known bere. The- jusdob home which will be a. aad OreiUek: umfriin. Fry. The featof the yame were a three-bayyer
. tiee wtyn hs wss first caUed upon to eredlt to the dty.
by Voyriso^ aad two-bayyers by
Issas a warrant did not know wbat it
Mbaar aad HabbeU. The ^t SUm
was, as being German it wm difficult to
yot nine of their seventcea raas ia
prononnoe. When the praaeentor of
Leelanau coouty returned from Batch’s OolumbU WUl Leave the Bay BouU Urnlny.
and Oo to Petoskey.
XJrossiny be was equally aneeriala.
IbmewOlbe- —
--------------The steamer Oriumbi% of tkc TravJake's Sluyrsrs defeated tbe Lone
.rm Bay li« vrlU yo off the bay route TVee team yestetday by a aeore of 14
j Moodsy aiybt and yo to Petoahey, tolOL
where she will raa eaeaiuksm for the
The tamUy of E N. Moblo wei
BmM Bare Beea Drowned Bnt For balanm ef tbe smma Tbe Cieeeeat carp Lake yeetenUy altemoou for a
will continue tnakiay the bay prints few days' outlay.
dnrlay the open smeon.
Thsre wart 125 psminyers on Ue exUtile Bath Alkea. ayed four, while
oaruloo ylven to Nnrthport by tbe Oresplayiny on the steep river bank
Five Tbonsaad Bnehets Of Oats.
eat bead lest aiybt.
the south end of Uafan strmt brtdye
The schooaer Llaerla arrived ycetm
ymterday slipped uad feU Into tbe day laiSA with torn buehfib of «ab
The Maabtee Crib were defmited by
stream. Tbe water at that polat b ferthc HaaBah A Lay Co's milL
itmad BapUs yesterday la a dose ooa^uite deep, aad had not H. A. Oavb of
test by a aeore of 0 to 2.
Tomorrow wtU be Labor Day aad a
Ornwa. who was OD the bridye. aotioed
Dr. Tkompeoo and Bert EUb wUl
her predieameut. the oenseqm
tke la the riybb at Qiarlevolx today,
mlybt have beeneeriona Mr. Daris
seaaee of the Beys'Baad exeurabm,
Ohieaye Market.
ptuayed la and with the amdstaas
A larye number ef Truvene «ty peo­
cathayo. Sept. A-^CIoeed-WhcatSri. Brateerand H. F. Northrnpyotber
ple will yo W Elk Baplda tomorroi
out all riybt. The little yirl b a yrand- September, MHc; Deeember.~^»Me; purtiripale In the Ubor Day exacriaea.
dan^tm of W.:B. Jackson wko keeps eld,«Se: May.MMe.
& J. Moryanb fast mars -Bleyete
Oora-September. UHe; October.
tbe reetaaraat oo the cornar of .-6x»h
tlMc; Deeambsr, S2H«Me; Msj. WMu. 'i^rPawabeea taken to Grand
aad Usioa streets.
, x
te -September. \*Mei Oecemuer, by Elmer MeOty to eater the rases at
Jlmmey Burdsab Wsfbrtuna.
tbe state fair.
Pat Barden retaraed ysatmdey from
rk-Septambw. S8.B2M: Oetobm,
MimldaJohasenwailMve Memtey
me etate eodventkm of the C. M. B. A •8 6A
tamlay iar SsaltSta MarlA wkacu
at Ana Arbor.
Mr. Burden's sou
St-Ttj Oetobar, she
odes tsrriady to D. E.
JaMS, aeeompaaled him bat ressalaed
Moats'nUDlaffy store.



aad paylny up «1
which is u positive airem
money is yetUng essler.



M. B. Houer, MARAon.


—r*«OM ooir

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

.We Still Lead.
. Notwittistaadiog the general
depression in the milling
business, we are having a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts ol
Northern Michigan onr....

flour. Send in an order.


Watered Stock Sale
of last week. Manybaryaias
left for you to pick ap.

Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our New McAt
Market in tbe Brosefa Block. -

rr-,..,,. .21
,'r-. I.J9
•w'T’.’rT.’^'rz .75
rXM. F—


•SiSrzrr.r^... 3.98
•aisr'-r.r-.'r*... 4.33
“s.-sasxr'.iT-; 6.90 i
.... .29 i

T. J.
Foimlsr Oothiar.

Fresh Meats—always fr^h. Salt Heats.


If You Have Logs to Sell

Correspond with
. .
the TraveneCity
Lumber Company. We haw for sale Good. Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. .Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale- Mill Machinery, of aU
descriptions, including 3 Engines, Set Worics, Ca^ages
and Saw^ A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.

We hm jnt receiib u Ntin In Uh 4.-.

Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
B-jl A»iortii»nt of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, at-------



SKs xouniro


Miaa eteUa Boot of Jaekaea. wbo baa
•aa vaadlBf toms tima at Bap View,
airlrad last aifht for a abort ridt with
tbatxrss orrT, • iocbioak Mr. and Mem. Prank Meada.
Miaa Mlaais and Him NalUa Stafleaa
OD their wap toattoad
T. lUm ixD J. W. Butm. daairlal aehool la Kf B^UU.
Esfeae Packard and Charlaa BaaBia
t. W. BAxm. Bdlfor ud lUMffw.
left peatardap for Bif Bapida to atlaad
the Ferris aehooL Mia. Beaaia
paalad tbam and will reMla b few
Mrs. tmara L. Allaa, whs is wp
tu HatH. ^ m»a. •
•fed aad tea baea la faaUa bealth for
OMmr.tTMll, .
•oma tlBM aa tha leaalt of a bad toll -ia
tha ^riBf, drora orer from Tate with
bar daafhtor, itn. Allen.

“‘&fJSSSt£.SSS&unneL Gomtsm. prMldxat ot the
Amaimm FadmUcm of t*bor,
piMd In » }»eaUAr poaiUo*.
■MM «M BfciMd to the Mil (gr
«n4M’ anlMi ee&MiitioB is 8L
■■« iM dMl«m tkkt BomMM «1m took

tbo litertr ot MiBk hU BMDe is ti>e

wlthont U* eociMBt. He deelwM
•lao tkst the poUer o( the MoTenttoa
WM mapped cot Up mes not is esp
wap ooaaeetod wUh the labor nioreMmL Therefore be iatlmatee that be
lasot reepoiitfblaCfor tbe aeta of the
«i«aaltof the father*
tef oridaUp dace not aalt pio^deat

mfr to fet a partlef shot at the for-

IMUea of Bazoelcmia haa bees ahot asd
^(«««Bslp woBsdcd. ThbwUl|Biib•Wp haatas the basiahmen of thcoi
chjeetkiBable dtiseBa. The 8|Miardwill be satiated to fat rid of them ia
thaaaalast poarible wap, bat a oaretal
wUl be k^t span
yporf to see that thep do not
■nwtriord We bare eamiffa of that

olalm aap rcapoBalUl
•ha Ubor ooarestkm la St. Loala
Bxperteaoe hea Unfht aa that Mr
Debs wUl not hesitate a momeat is
asaamlaf the welfbt «f the bar' daa which acme people woald bare
Oompers bear. Partiealarip aa to the
ndkal ecoUmeBts referdiof Aatericao
Ubarw eapreeied la the fatheriaf.
■ere partiealarip refardiof the la*
juietlea ^aee pt the proeeadlafa la
wUeh tbe eoorU were eoored eo btt-



^aaniDAV potavoeahm reached the
Ufhaat prise for three peara. Portp
eSBtB per be^el waa the preralUap
tMe. bet the market waa pot flooded
ml that price. The farmeia hope for
atUl better pricca. thoe^ the IomI
hmjm think that frill be the maxi■am. Should tbe rale remaia the
aaaee, or erea fire orau leea, the rol■me of moMp let loose la thle eoetioa
■rfU set the wbcela of

DiTHPe the moath of Aefaat the
mm la the Daitcd States wars IT
«SBk lass thaa tha aaata month last

MimJaaniaCanal^bam is I
Mn. Atkiaa of ladianapaUa. la a
Him hlma DeaprmhaefOMto Northpart for a week's rkit.
Mias ftoee lArdie of Old Iflmioii.
«Mit to Oraad Bapida peslMdap.
PtooeeatlDf Attoraep Fred S. Umb
«f OadlUac.-wea la the dtp peaterdav.B. W. Moodp. aoB of William lloodp.
baa g«M to lABalnf for an ladef
Miu. Jennie Bara left peeterdap tor
a«mmk Qtp. rfbere the wiU teach
Mi^ F. A. Earl went to TpsUaatt
jfMtardap in reeponae to word that her
iatber waa rerp Ul.
Mxu. D. J. Becker of CbScngu, airired
iHt night aad WiU rlait bar Stour. Mrs.


MtoaMaadeLoombbmi ratuiMd to
fear borne to Htogalap. attor ridttog


SuppOMd to Htvs Bstn on Mr*.
- Lu«X*r^« Fmnrt Whtn Sht
DiMtpptafMl Lfl.t May.

Wltama mid
esoMk soda or pettaeh tn tbe maaufactore of aauiagea. and he nerer knew
him to we arenlc la the lactorr. The
wUnem described tbe pmermaa used to
tbe tnudMaa from tbe time ran meat to
reedrtd ustll tbe manDfacture of tbe
sauBage to eomplety. Be said that durlaa tbe time he waa aa empiorc la tbe
factory tbe vaii la tbe baaemeat nerc
uwO fer
Voepier toU tbe fatT that that on oaa



nomaa came lolo (be oBke in the tactory one afteraooa. aad Lai-tgen appmred to be la a rage. WJtaeaa waa
aot la the oOtce. but saw l.uelgert
Prettiest cap oa tbe market—made with
push hto
aad ber {^mpualon out
of tbe door Of tbe dflee. Bn. Loftgert
and tbe lady with ber hurried away
patent leather visor—in all latest cloths, :
much exrited. sod he beard Bra. L.Betgen ear “He has a rr\«lver and will
indnding all shades of Cordnroy.
Chicago, Sept A—Briefly 'stated
UU aa*' WUaem aatd be dU aot wet
fnUovlog were the fcaturet yenerday tbe revolver.
Also the new Cassimere Hat—turban
to the Luetgert trial: The defeoae failed
to have important pMcta to CapUla
Wito-John. don't yen think yen bet­
ScbaeUler'e teetlmeay atrtekee from the
shape—made with one or two colors, as ( ’
record. Oflieer Dean tdqatMm.^ Bra. tor give up trying to abave youxaaU aud
Xuetgert'e rlnga and dn^bed Mclr go back to the barber?
'desired—prices fifty cents to one doUax'.
Hnaband—Wtr. of conraa aot 6m
dtoeoverr to tbe middle vat.' Bra. Ida
rreachlnf at 10;l0 a. m.
R Harris deaK tbe drlenw V'aevrre tew tBttcli I asre every oeutta.
Saadap aehool at ll;«5.
We want your bat and cap trade, and
Wifs^Vea, I kdow (tst bnt tbtn
bU-n by ber pcBtlve idenUflcatloB of (be
Jaaior ametiaf, • p. m.
riaga Bra Alvina Slange told of qaar- Willie Is alwsya arcMtl wton ypn
The Jaaloia wUl fire "Paal’a last:
ive, and Im it IccrciDg so tnaoT bad
r>ll between Luetgert and hie wife, and
wish to show every interested customer our
Mimkmaip Joanap." dbder the leader- partly IdentlQed tbe ringt. Carl Toelker
State joumsd.
•hip ot Miaa Oimoe Jobaaon, dtp Jea- IwtUled (bat be uaght Laetgcrt many
new Stock in this department.
It of Grand Bapida
Tte greaUsi c( nil Ingcrica in central
of (be myweriea of cbentotir and told
Y. P. 8. C. B. 6:IS p. a
of an iitolance when tbe sausage-maker Africa to salt. T.> may iLa: a aas caU
attacked hik wife and another womaD to salt wUb bis vicniali to the asms as
EreaiBf aerrioa, 7:10 p. ta.
•aytoig that be ia a rich man. Mango
tbe tactMTAU are Inritod.
Park aayA “Tbe loag coatiaaed urn of
Store Mot Iweblag tor Mr*. Lee taiK.
Tbe crDes-exaratoalioD of PoUee Cap­ vageiabw food orestes so painful a longtain Bchuettler 1^0 resumed where U lag for salt that do words can saffleiaBtlydamrite
Vloat 1D:M o'clock •rerp Saadap.
8ab^ for tha r^alar aerrioa--'Tbe ctnt. (or (be defenm. asked to have
WemaWsWVstricken (run (be case tbe captain’s
Bifhuoenma of Oirlaf.
“So. after they bad fougM (er bar,
statement that be did not go to Kew
Golden text—"Brerp man aeeor__ . York to Had out whether Bra Luetgert aba tnarriad tbe man wbo got wbii^ed,
ae he parpoeefb In his heart, eo let htoa bed teen ««rn there, but to took up (be didater
“Yeu She reaseaed that a man who .
fire; aot fredfinfJp. or of neceealtp. rerutsUon of Grotty, the man wbo said
be had met her on Broadway. Attorney
for God loreth a cheerful ftrer.” Sec- Vincent raid the statement was prrludk would fight a man wbo could whip him I oad Cor. R:T.
ctaL Tbt ccurt refosed to stutoln tbe
lag. A large crowd ateaded their per­
formance last evening.—Dally Beaort' Fridap orenlBf cnperieBce meetinf mottor. and Captain flcbuettler (old of
bis trip to New York aad bis tovesUgaer. FutoMcey. Augwt 17. I«k7.
But it ia a Good Thiag to Fravida a
Ik ecfOrrtiyareRjiiallon. He said (he
The popnlarity of Prof. SUeera and
state'wanted (c be prepared to prove be
Xattar Bos fbrUae Whan Fine
Bto flary spirit bnokad no dalgy— bto daugW WH uvtdeooad Mimday
was a perjurer If be appeared to the
XMlemy Xa BaUbUahad.
DO, aot a momcDt's beritBacyorvaeiUa. night by tha larg
care as a witness for (he defense.
the dancing exfail
Om. W. Bafl baa boM pppoutad
OoldMtogs Tbsl Wsw .to tbsTnA
toweeC Meier ^Ma»Tlfa»cr«.Paeiefa.
r me. aub. tf I Booae. Prof. Btovera
Ueutenaat George Uutdilnean corr^
daaetng rednoed_________
“I was flad when thep said unto me berated the twtlmcnr of Captain don't wait to' yo'
boxM and ontam_____________________
et at fo into tha booeeof the Lord.'
SchuctUer as to tbe visit msde by him boD. umiBg off hto whisky Mnlght— aad Corinne exemplify the
motion ” with a
acm*--------epde^ aad graM'^t and eeeeiverB. Now that taa deUvasy
ar.d ScfaociOer on Bay i re Lurtgert at New^ork JooraaL
MomiBf aerriee, 11:00 a. m.
^Bot be excelled—Gbartevota
Scati- to aasn^ asd wilt be eetabitobed about
the latter’s home to secure from him a
Z8. 1«»7.
NovetoW 1, the matter ought to be
BibU aehool. »riS. -Stadp'to show atairmenl regarding tbe, disappearance
looked after. While there to no eom<g bis wife. He mid lmei«en stated that
Prof. E E Silvers an^ dau^ter pulMou about It. a drop box wiU be a
be had hired Bo detwtlv.s to Irtk for
Jaaior eadearor, 4 p. m.
great cenveuienee and a earing of
bit wife, altbongh be had previously
dancing at G-old atv Monday evening, trouble to the booaewlfe aa well aa the
C. E. meoUiM. «:IS p. m.
Dlckceae be hsd engag'd (wc pri­
over IM aUcading. Il was a crudlU- carrier. Mr. Bafl baa a few eamplea
Brealaf aeAee. T:W to be eondueted vate detectives. Officer Waller 8. Dean,
ble axbibltkm. little Corlnnc'a dancing raoglogtromtSceatato fil.OO. Better
by Leri 1. FeSalafton. latdp letaned of the Shep!eld avenue staiton. Intro­
being exceUapt for one to young, while cull at hto tailor shop to rear of MaaoB
duced the subject of the rings found In
from Preeqme Isle eouatpthe profemor teovrad himself a master to Week and look them over. l08-«b
the vat In (he sausage fartr.ry. K was
of the art A dance waa riven after
All are larltad to these eerricee.
Officer Dear, who (nond the two gold
tbe exb'.bitl<».-St. Ignaea ^terprtoa.
aat-xuni kktsod^.
cbertted Mrs. Luetgert't body »aa dlsB«T. B. W. Ballb. PMUe.
w.lved to caustic potastv "riie offlrvr tcld
Prof. Bdaoo E Silvers, asatoted by
Fourth qaarterlp mMUaf, Bar. A- J. of (be exaxnlnr ul. r of iht vat sn-1 the
hto wife and dawbter gava a fluiahed
Ever Burned Out?
dircevery of the. (rlnkl'is In tlir lame
bitioB of dhnclug at tbe
Bldred la eharfe.
- It had L.rn rarracrd by other
- If to you know
iday night. The skill of
Lora feaet »:M. followed bp preacbWiU Entertain Wednesday
isatracbrHa well illosiBf at lo:to.
Jbs. Hsrrt- and Ibe Slags.
fineacss of the lilUe girl's
Night, 8eptamber 8.
He was foil, wed by Btrs. Ida HatTto.
ra. Silvrrv wbo to alao a
O F. CABVEB. Agmit.
rfho was the first .f a w-rirs of a-|(neea>a
T'rcif- E. E. Silvers, formerly of Oruad pupil shows rapid adruneemcDl. We
aha Idectifled l]-r rings as having been Rap’ds, uuo of tbe moat «(Deient in- have oUm heard Pmf bilvcrs apoto
Saadap eebool at boob.
by Bra I.uttgrrt. Mrs. Harris • iruciar»«Af danring in t^e aute. toar- of in Grand Bapidi.. .Mich., but never
Jaaior Laafae at 4 o'clock.
utd she had Mrs. Luetgert for runging to giw an exhibition, aaatoted bad tb> pleaaare of witneealag bto sldll
Sealor League at «:M.
she bad ofitn vlrlled
»UI last WedsMdsy alghh
hto dangbter. Conone. of all theS
ber at her bnn.c. the was ffrltlve that by
Peatocoatal earlee la the areaiag.
latest and most arUttie dsneet: in ise asouiQ obtnio romerona acbolan
the large grid l and with Ifcr Initials "L. Steinberg's Grand Opem honse. Tbe here —Mantoqne Democrat, ttoptcmbm
The fourth quarterly eoaferanee wUl
and the mrrk •’UK ' In ib« Icalde
be held Tacedap ereaiDg. 7th iaat.. aad was Mrs Lu*(g.ri'twedd:rar'np. About sfaibition WiU iselndeloriy differunt
- va imd aftM-the
Prof, end Bra. E. Silven and little
a jabilee praper meetlag oa Tbaredap ■ -e reerr ago. she said. «Hle ahr v aa
il b^wtU be ^*1
daughter, Cortose, guve a daoetog ex:tlng with MraLurtprrt In hrr kltcben
hiMUte at the opera tease. Wedaea*
krr’s wife took off her
1 arc eordiaUp iaritod.
day evaatog. Tbe Prof, gave the forty
A and showed them I her. The
round daneea alone, tbes many e(
smaller ting wan worn aa a guard 1
r. Silvers and bto them wHb Mrs. Silverm. Uttlr Mim
keep Ibe wedding ring on tbe finger.
W. A. PiTf. raMfr.
Corinne also exhibited ber ekill and
The Enterprise Grocer7
ClammeeUBf 6:MlB parlors; E. J.
knowledge of aereral of tbe latest and
tbe mlinng wai more Are yean
Falfham. lander.
meat faabiorabte round dances to a is still doing
« business
- ----------- —
ago than it is now. Tbe wHneas could
Pnaching 10:»0, followed bp Sunday not tell a faen «h< had last sren tbe rings
Street j«t west of
•eats. Everybody to welon the hand of Bra. LuftgeriaebooL
rmanent elaasea will be Prof. Sllverv. to without doubt tbe best Steinberg's
f '
nior Isagae at 8 o'dodc.
formed. Following ate a few of Oia executor of the T'rpatobarran art that .
was ever to the city. Hto movemeota .House, and presents tbe best
-bal VortkeeTsUor Lastgetrs WsMneWra aad hto daughUr:
totbetnaaydiaenIl>onsddaacrawere ,
easy aod'grwceful. Nearly every one ^line of good goods cheap to
Bad PeMp.”
Tberu «M a large attcndaBca at the of the dancM w«r« heartily eueored.
opera bouse, Friday evening, to wtt- It to tbe ioteattoa of tbe SQve ra to be found in the city.
AU are cordially larited, eapedaUp mld that when shown t
ae*u the dancing exhibiUoa given by
8 the ai
r tha
.raagera aad riaitora in the dtp.
Chicago Avenue
IVof E E Silvers and hto ao
tbs arrest of Luetgert.
Special ainglof by the qaarUU
pliahcd daughter. LilUe Corrine.
membered (>At the InitlaU of T*. L." professor to a tborougfa icaeher of the
▼oLVxraus OF AMtairA.
were to tbe we-ldlng ring In (Jerman
dancing and UtOc Corinne aaIXTiMMraum.
scrips. She said she bad nr>-er seen a
d Ull by ber clever work in percnp(.M
« all the moat diflicnlt moveUrge ring with a cameo to It on Bra.
W. J. BOBIXSON. Maaager. •
7 o'clock, ^per' or, ooneecrnttoa Lneigeri’a hand. She waa asked tf Btal
the uederaigaed membraa of
wlib ease aad grace. They arc
1 Orehratra of Oraad Bapida.
Luelgeri did act wear a large gold ring farailtor -witb all tbe mndera dsnora
. . jUy vecommesti lo the pabUc
At that o'clock pratoe moettoraad with a chain and bcart'attarbed. but and the lltUelady. altbuugb slightly
indisposed. Wna p«^ect tor every dance.
ong awriea for aU CbrtotiaBe. Mr. said she had netcr seen lb Bra. Sophie Tbe profeaaor haa been anorcaafal
toage Berg wlU apeak.
everul occaatona We have so beawbrrever he has formed a cUma, to a
-j to reeommeodiog him aa tbe
Barrest meeUag ia the erentog at B
wbotonprigfatinhto baslfinest
exaeutor wa
instr she t'aik a'sntoll guard ring
! for alt.
elaai will, ra- ever had tbe plcaagre of witarmtog
sumewbsl rvremldlBg that found ____
to thehere again to organise a
cr-AxuKUCAi.cni.'acn. ■
aad we aU unite to eayiag that be «
had bought It of a I oeive bMrty aupport.
tr. a. BaiAbnr.

Jeweler on Larrabee atretl. nei
____ ____
a« daughter have
Sunday aerrieea are ae followa:
conreraa- been at Macfctoae laland thto weak.
Mrs. Tnotay aald abe had
Pieaehisg I0:»0 a. m. aad Sunday Ion
WntetaFdta. ’
' with good anoens.—Sl Ignaee
with Luetgert oa Bay S regarding
ae, Angnat 19. 1897.
FEaxe Tiraas.
he dlrappearance c( his wife. He told
OiMid Bapida. Nov. u; 1893. lot fit
her he had tuld 120 to two private deSondap aehod at 11:».
tectlvsa and bad told them there was
re r..-.rey for them If they needed Ue Oorlnac of Grand Baj^ gave a Oba^ Bate ta Chicago by tte Xmka
Preaching at7:U.
Lne-.sert said bis wife did not bare danelng exbiUtkm at the risk last
cb love (or ber cblldren. He also evening fellowed by a bop. Frof SHTte Jlorthera Mtohigaa Tiaaaporiaaald ber brother Bickneae was angry rera aad dsoghten art the etempkm
faaU-room danerna < f America aad &al- tloD Or. win Iwues a
s round trto *10
n«r. O. A ■ortknp. teaur.
lengara of tbe world. Tb^ dance ee ttoket fromTraverM
Mrs. a D. King rriU speak in the
away as forty dlSeruot round daaoM good until Octoberr let. Thia wfll toB^ttotteoreh Sunday momtog. Bub- Stange was the last wltaeat betnre the •ad aiu amnatoiEae well aa auiartain' e meals aad bertha
jeat: " Lortog One's Naigbbor •• One'a court adjourned (or tbe noon reeesa.
he identified tbe rings as the previous
(inemes btA
Fraceedings jrefa cot abort to Um
uftenooB by aa early adjournment, or­
dered by the court. Judge Tnthlll. ucPm gtoWiia tamer may tettebatar eompanled by Aatostaat State's AttorBtiat.
ney McEwen. and Judge Vincent (for
tbe defenm). visited the Msa«e tac^ hilaie oCtai puls forth 4te brigbtaat lory and msde an esamlnatlea of the

■m Joa^totoa Vader toft ptetaidap
tor Cbtongo to rsauau her atodlaa to
Mm Cbbnfo Mudaal CoU^
- feta. Mark* AnaUn of GfUBd Bapida,
lift puaurd^ for the north, after a
afeart rtolt with Mia. BiUtoga.
Mta BarttePeltoarriwMd to her
hanm to Bingham pasterdap afur a
Aact atop with frtonds to this dtp.
Mr. and Mia. C L. Whitnap tera
fean an}«ptofartoU with thdr
Oapt. ftenk Whitnap of Mnskagen
|t la far eader to tetae taaititen
G. B. Wagtmm. one of the editors of
the WMd at Aldan, waa to tha d^
Wten tte atraig «a. tbap geoamllp
Mslardap on baatoam and plaaanre.
Bin toboofc
Barry BItoa of Baetoa. wbo haa bMO
Paietnermoonoeda a bladion tbm
thiaa waaha with tha Camilp faea Heorere.
«f hto anrla. S. B. Wait, toft fidr boma
Om pen to'nore taatworthp tbtel
L J. flate iteBMd laat erening tram
Tte fool to tte only ana tost doaa not
• ri^ wltb retdUraa to MaakcgjM,
to^t ^^EXddng dowB.
to ODoa to awhUa a rtaroh

Hamilton Clothing Co.




Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.

Enterprise Groceiy,

—Watch Repairing.
—Front Street.


Fire Insurance.

Special Dollar Sale.

and tbe dlSeiTot points in and about
involved Id the evidence. Pi
dge of tbe place, be aaM. woo.« ,,
tbe court to rule (airly on qusa- I
It up as wltneaoea give tbelr
Tbe only witneao examined
noon aeeahin waa Carl Voel*«r, tbe cbemUt. wbo was Mbployte by
Luctgen from the (sll of UM to December, UK. Voelker tetUfled that
Luetgert engaged him flm to nuke
leal analyses of eertaln a^ti used
e preservation of meata
' '
rt engaged with
him In the n
g pot** (er tbe premta. bat the buMiiem
Then be

To doflfl ont qmek, we have ptooed on fifllfl t brcA.
en line (dour beet good, only, whidi include $4XK», $8A0,
$8.00, $8.00, $8.50 find $1.76 Sbofli and Osfbida «t ONE
DOLLAB A PAIE. We are cloaiag out many otim Unm
and can wta you money if you want good, teUalidfl footwear.
We do aa we adrertiae.
Tbe Old BflUableBboe
118 Fbont Stsbbt, WtTszBUBC Block,

:r: ■>«




tut cvanlns
terse number of the;
Btrtkera consregated
the Adamson
mines waiting tor the
to come out.
The aopemiundeni locked the men In the
mines and went for thuheriff. who dlaperaed the strlkera.
GMtge Goldsborough, a miner at Plnnlcklnnlck. was
terriblr beaten and probabljr tatall^ In­
jured hr one of thea trikert.

cry. 1 do not briffve that we ariil aea
' Interast as have




WatU&gton. Bept. ,4.—Bamuel OonpeiB ptcaldenl of the AmerlcaD Padcra- 'Or Aay AMa
iloB ot Labor, when naked rmterdar
why be did not aMtnd the
1 In' Bl. 1
teat Hondar and
stths Psirllsgsof •
Tuesday, aaldf 'Tn regard to the conreatkin held last Monday at Bt Loula 1
have been pUred tn a moat peculiar poLewiston. Me.. Bept t-*-Accordlnr to
elUcn. The call for the convention eqpTbe Lewiston Rvenlog Journal Hon.
Ulned try rAine ae ofActelly Indondng It.
Nelson Dtagley's paper, the origloatorf
TUa was certainly a mlatake In the Arm
Inatance. It was placed there by Mr. of aeCUon S of tbe tariff tow did not
Ratehford under the impressloB that Intend It to affect tbe bonding prisUege
knowing my latense sympathy with the under which foreign merebaodtee can
mlncra In their struggle I would go to be shipped anj forwarded through Canany lengths to order to help them to ada. The Journal edltorteUy says of
suocemi but my naAe was placed there


OrtomboA 0„ S«pt. 4.—The Mia of the
•TMt tsUBera'etrtfce U .la elctR- TeeterA«r afteniooD the nUlenal eiecotlTe
bowa of the Unliea Mine Werketa
.. iLCTeea to reconuneed to the mil
propoittloa troB the PItlahars opentore
thr a straiefat price ot a reoti a toe to
contiRoe ta forv* aetll^e end ot the
Tmr. A dde^c c
eoBvAtloa.ot all mink hae bee*
caned, to meet In Columbn Sept. I

Bshbera Abnwd at Wswptete.
Beaaemer. Mk-h.. Bept. 4.-A mriea of
mbbertea ana commltud la thU city
yesterday toomlag same time between
midnight and dayUghl. and a number of
articles taken beejdes mcney. Tbe rob­
beries acre e\4daoily the work of an or­
ganised gar.g.teho ha
depredallcBs Of
of A
a Uke character In several
northern Michigan and

wlthrmt my knowledge or coneent.
"At you aee. the-call was lamed to 'Or­
ganised labor, lu various divisions and
sub-dlvislocA and to all reform, aoctal.
educational and acientifle bodies who


Itetdiford and the ether meniben of the
lioard «7 there le not Uie lilBbteM
I'cder this call any body of men who
doubt that the mlam wU! apmvec
art opposed, to Boremment by Injunction
the reecsiraesdatior.' The propoetUon would beenlltledto a aeal In Ibe conveadoca not levolve arbitration, and la ef- tioa. In other worda. pecaons eatlrvly
deet provides for an Iramedlaie setOe- remote from and having .nu-i-onnectl.on
mcBtot the strike. President Ratchteed
ertlh labor movement could have been .In
riming nummU last Bl^t that then are special:
pped out Ibe
aeea for the board recommendlnd
policy and dominated the trade ualeti
prcpotftlon. la the Am place it i
cedes the mleert a material ademixe loov'ement. As praatdcsi of tbe Ameri­
Federation of Labor * ■ * I
Had a O-cecl rale been secured he was can
would not dare haaard the InlsTests of
•> ochAdent It could not'bare been malB'
our fellow workers at the hands i-f per­
tatned for enore than seventj' dars.
sons who might be eoiirely tm-sponalblc.
l>Me Awaa WUh t'armala Aeblimloa.
4Tie propotilloc dveaawar with all the
-T Shalt say nothing la criUcltm of tbe
arhRrallon and win
action of the Bi. Louis mnvenUen.
heiBB the strike to a a
• 8r far as I am concerned I have
Aa aoo nas the n '
not lost one Jot of Isteresl. • • • Aa
mob work »111
to the begUinlng. I stand ready today arisen over secUun n has come entlrilr
Hilnea In the second place the pt^^pcsl'
over two aroendmeats. one having been
follow Mr. Ratchferda
Uon provides for a revival of the Joint
made by tbe senate and the other by
ooefetences for the adjurimenl of
Uie conference. The section as framed
The cpeiatom are pledged
of persocs rereaenllr.g ‘reform, acclal by the ways and mean's committee, and
lha miners prior to-the
paned by the house, was the same ai
determine the rate
le all previous tarlffa and If tt bad not
at mlBliig for the next year. Tettsrday almply agreed In their opcsillon to gev- been amended after It left the houae
emmert fay Injunction."
iDorcIng the operalora* committee re­
no question could have artaen respectnewed their Arst propoeliioB for a dSganr.
ing IL The senate amendirtenl to seccent rate pending arbliratioa. Tbia wm
tloo a arrrendad tbe bouse section by
again rejected by the miners' officiate
striking' out the wordo-a'or any act of
Than the operators' ecmirmee got toeongrass" In tbe conditional cteuae,
Btthnand submitted a new propoalllon
which to tbe modlAcatIcn of Importance
tor t^tmlght price of « cents, and after
that to causing the nwat controveiwy.
a lotte diacuarioa it was accepted by tbe yteterday. The objects cf the
mften- board subject to the approval of •tlon. as siatrd. srelr-part; 'To.
"Many papers In coramemlng
Ute mlneis at large.
er the urlflcatloei aad.|itaetlcal c
section assume that the emfero
teanr> nmter te Miasm.
nllon of trades unions and aU other la­
aened this amendment, and proceed
■ The Mine Werkerf esecuilve Issued a bor and reform
In matters-- , rommont on what thev catl a VricX
---------------------------------- --------------------comment
n ir.terete, 7“Ir tbe dark.' etc. The Tart te however.
arately tbe above facta
.K^l I
“>•« amendment

rsperially Iho
alirrahle righl
I open Senate. TTiS o
'••you. however, are tbe court of Ana) rights c
under the conalllutli
now eeenu. was adopted by tbe con•Ajudlcatlon. and must decide for your. .. ..................ilted
... .................
Butea and tbe several
ferrecs simply to prevent an evasion if
aelves what your action shall be and } stole cocteituUors^
tbe sectlnn by tbe landing of foreign.
when work ahall be rerumed.
Addimerchandise In Canada by vessels n»t
tlAal reasons wtll be given and a full
entitled to equal prtvilegen In our porth
report made of ibe general situation at
I ■ I..h" ta'. .
Avetaae af IJabnHles to PWla
tbe corventlca. We would further ad.
lutlons. and untnairurled other I
art la your test Interests. At



Bt Loute


B that provteoito are madi ,U .O,
pendii.g in
ih« pitiaburg district, and
egpec'tqd Win be opcnllve te that dia*
trlcl oa and after Jan. I. IM. to xrbl*
tnte tbe quesUon of relatlredlffercnUal
between pick ard machine mining,
which wIlL we anticipate, da much lowards fumtoblng us with more rel-ible
. data CD that queetlon than we pnaaeas
•t prcaetit. and lo that extent u-iil be
toweActal to ua In aeiuing questions os
between mtehtee and pick mining."
This la tegned by tbe memberx of the
patlonal executive board and district
MMtes Ta Ms Tnmhle Ahead.
Pittsburg. Bept. 4.-l»lstrtci BecreUiT
Wamea tays a call will be Issued for a
eoBver.tloe Lf the Plttburg district min•n and will be called for Tueedsy next.
wben the delegater lo the national c«ti-

. ...
cent leas than lo August. 14S4.
or Uabimiea 70S per re.nt.'
July and August show a lower
i avei
iverags of tlabllltlea per failure than
j boa
been knoa-n tn any year. Tbe
1 to bUq well
ell dtotrib-jled.
j extendiiji' to nearly every
T impirtant
branch aTiaalneas.
The ri
- ________ _________ratio
of de; teulted Ilalelltles
Ilatolltliw to payments
payment at clear:teulted
| lagbou»v has bee.i sensUer In July and
; Xngust than in s-y oth-r mnath rinc;
j early In lie-3. W.ih an extraordinary
I movement In grair. heavy real eat.Me
| nod building transartlona.tnd jnereased
: butentto in Inn. pr. ilucta. the month was
clearly the n.isleat August ever known.
I Tti*hcat continued Us reaction this week
‘ unll U had fallen « cents more, teit
: tlien rr re 1 cents with the Arte revlvi.1 ,
. of foreign hu> mg.
Foreign aoxiums do not Improve, and
unless much mora'decepilve than usual

r exceed tbe qukntlly which can te
arrd. Continued large exports of com,
pat for tbe
rktt. Tbey hope to j and buying fur export, show ailU more
have the support of the other teates In j clearly the extent of deAciencIra nbmn-l.
this because If tl.c FItuliutg diggers 1 The Improvement In the Iron and steel
obUIn tbe adva.-ice of 11 cent* the dlf- ' Industry gates raommlum and a furferertu: which has always been an es- | ther advance in price* makes 4A
tobLshrd (ustom betw^ the '
Rate* udl asteire to the others
MKmdlng Increase In their wages. Tbe i pUirr. rrpeclaUy for tridre and ship
miners IrdiMdually. Judging from talks building. Southern and western
I number of Ihem. consider the ■ hue united t.. advance .price* ot pig
,vn'Iteesemer i
and iblrA tbey should be glad <« «om
I tercager. The demand for
promise on even_» cente
Irg. and work fur railways
The Ar*t ahlpmenteof rt
this counio' to Australia
Pittsburg. Bept. 4—lrwln



I to said, of eoUacUng a number of
to are expected to
the marchea
waa teamed
nufwday that the two ^ ntApantea
have Rpaol^ to .^jpt the mme meaa-

I Ba AM# to I

WaehtegtiMi. Bept. 4.—Ur. George M.
Coffin, acting comptroller of tbe currency. to conAdent of a mote proopervus
Anarrctel aenaon for tbe United Bute# In
the near future. In an Interview with a
reporter he aald: "There to every
,u,, ,n, rmted BtaUw to ac~umulatinx a vast amonnl of rantlal of


Kotwlihsurdlng IMS alarming Ihnwt
Ibe prscldvm went lo tbe
e fair grounda
ana it Is variotuly esUmatsd that he' tween 74.(00 and J0«,0N peoMa »•*«
aihered there to greet btm, but epiy a
. .nctlon of this numter were able tobear
brief tpeeib which be delivered. It
chlldreo-e day at the falrand
i thou«nds of little folk* were srwttsrad
, through the crowd. Praldvnt McKln-

• *»>' dlwated bla remarks la part lo tbam.
land Oaa Coal company to ondecTor to g, received a tremendous ovation.
MPPMB the marchea They Intend to •
driving over the grounds tha
athtoiL and rioting to fea^ OavM W.
,hc evening a compUmentary dinner
Van Sman. ge^l manager of lha
the Mate board of agriPlUtemrg and Cdloago Gas Coal com- enj,gre. and a brief Informal reception
pany. tort tor Baowden last rvttiteg. He foHoweA Tbe anonymous leurr warning
hto completad all amngemenu to Mart the mayor agwlnal a plot to amamlaate
hit tnlnas Hunday. It te said a tnla :
prmdder.t la regarded by the mayor
toad of mlBCfS from neat Vlrgtela ^ dlrectcr of puhlk- sgfHy as a hoax.
pteota VIU nih A
leww TlOw Flee awept.
to the miptet u '
WB of a gpeFlan UadtoOB. la.. Sept. 4.-Flre i.t
elBl forea-d.d
* and detocHUMborn. la., early yaaterday daatroyed
mSH wmth of property. taaoriA for
abteit eooHhlrd. T«b butenem how*
a»« CM imtoenea wort eonaumsA. taav.
ttot b«t two hotenam bosats afaniWag
The vflltoga had ae Art protoetto*.

-One result Of this enormous accumutoilon of capital srill be lower twtes of
telerrat for the future. I am sure that
U>U *111 come, and my opinion la shared
by many bankers throughout tbe eonn-

Tbs R^iztd ludsrs

Meats and Groc^^


Orders bj Telephon Promptl|i
JHeefed To.






Car. CakwaadlltelhBto.

mad aver;


, Tobacco

Park StTMt, betwNa Treat k Cm.

CMteVpatChtow-taaa AaaakaaQoa.
Ohleago. Sept. 4.—A alraagly worded
documnit oa the subject of taxatloo and
the protection of wealthy cenwrsUooa
by aaaeaaura la Chicago has ^n given
oat by the Taxpayers' Detenae League.
It It an open letter addressed to Oeotge
M. PuMman.
president of Pullman's
Patetv Car comiAny. and Is signed by
Z. B. Holbrook, president of tbe leagi
The letter contains tabcUled stai
menir of Agurea showing the asters
the Pullman company to have been,
tbe test aanuat meeting, KS.WV.W#: I
amouBi of property belonging to the
company la lilinuU in JOe. t3>.400.<SL7&.
which was valued for taxatlsn purposes
at }i,in.9&L Tbe propnttloa between'
the actual value and the anpralsed
value of property for taxation
city la aald to be aa 10 u> 1. but
fact that In many lastanres It li
to 1.
The Pullman analysU Is a most interateing one. ■> far as it goes, sad seemUtely reasonable and Just, except In two
partlcutera-lt omits to give the ItebllU
of «he car ompany as reducing tbe
value of Its aseeis and also falls to
make any comparlf lu of tbe ratio of
asaestenent of the Pullman company
prop.-riy with tbet of other terge menu,
fScluring romianliw doing burlrete in

Rates, $1.50 per Day.


Lady Watts
Fishing Parties


CABP t.ATnii
From this date* this boat
wiU Dot make regular
nectioQS with trains on .M. ^
N. E. Fishing parties, bow*
ever, can make arrangements
for the use of this handsome
yacbt,4>y communication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mtch.


il' See Qtr New Liae

Picture Mouldings

£]. £>JLXTOljOXUa'.

cation, was lodged tn a cell of the BenrnomxTUB op





the. Btotloo, and the rough-bearded,
haggard - lookirg
Sh ■■■ i In
Ml r
D bteck. w.h
was not
istneqs n
smhs agn. tie discowed hit plan f
e future, but refuard-to dliwusa U



MealTictets at ReducedRaKs.

Attoged tows
itoVinton. Is.,

4.-Frank A. Novak,
charged with murder, arecn ar.d dital-

alwaya ia mm
alwsee U


tbe present sfip-shod methods In appartsing prefwrly
Perhapa-rteultjn a l»tt^i



Ooraer «»(





ntar M. A N. R. depot. wiabM to annaiinea to tbe public that «a baa rafluedand fursMbed the aotol Paafitererb

Cycle Owners Look Here!
SabberBacWToetaips Caatloseyawr

KiSKawaiTigg::^ ,'s

frienda requesilng
em not lo call on Mm. as be had noth, ing public la good uh^te- SaUataetloe
t to my. and
nnd Ihey
they o
eonld go
.Nevak has not confessed, and
yshe baa no rerteateoo to make: that,
the pmwr time be toiys the myteerf^
Barm..Bsarll.aif g-Dapoc
A ctrrumstances surtoucdlu hto dla>pearance will be made etoar.



Mselpt.e.ty with Ft anil,

waablagton. Bept. 4.—French Ambaa.
to show that . aador Patrootre called on Secretarr
A IL,,
Bberman yesterday relative to a piopoaed reriproclly treaty between the
of Great liriteln oi«
United p:»ie* and Frane^ The aubtlon. The current
rate for demand
loaaa in New York togay ts JU per
cent., agalftte a. allchllj' higher rate In
telona Involved It to not expeettd
London, and Ii is not at all Improbable
that under tbes> circignteancew New
York barVers arek srtrg monry In Lon*
n tbe cwclproclty
•In aplte of the esom<
Oldest AaaeeWwa dew PsteL
St. Loute Bept. 4.-^toasrus Qracagard. the oldMt Jew In the Cnttad
Rtetea, died yesterday afternoon at lha
capital in IhU countfy. I retedence of hb ten. Solomon Green!
whlrh to lyin' Idle la hank. , gard. aged IK ytan. Bls p^ngsway
is very qukt and peacefuLThe a

tomiendlng for a cents or nothing lo­
CMwmbua O- Bept. 4.-H turns out!
cated Ina burriadly fromed camp directthat cxnaordlaary prerauilcrA yeater- |
ly opposlle the offices o flhe Pena Gas i ^
takan to take care of tbs praa- '
Coal company. Mardiea to tbe near-by 1,
aecDBBt ot tbe mayor having |
woiBlag mines have atraady coxhmanead \
recteved a note untegned telUog him
atod every*<ffort wll b* mads to indnee be on the guard acalaal a propcaed a^
tte Blhers ampleyad by the Petui Gas sasrinatlon of McKinley becauae ot tbe
00*1 company and the Wctemoratond appolBtment of Powderly aalmmlgraUca
Ceai cawpany to quit arorA Armed


rndouMedly when Anally
this amendment will be construed
thr confetn-es Intended and iherefore
all the contention over U »in fail to the
ground." ________ _____________

Ba wm 4

Smokers I

—BrBitarTom---teen years treasurer oftl
boatff of aid for loltegea and academlta.
He cannot be found.
The American
Sumy company, which Is Chamley's
bond for tfS.Wt. caused tbe warmot tu
Issue, and allcgta that Cbanilcy has
confemed to a shortage of tU.OOt. Ipuat
funds contributed for Vocational Inteltntlont having been uaed
f Trade. Chamli
the Boat
oard of
for years been
the Fourth Presbyterian choreh. of this


mmm tm ua hm lanB*
exalted te OMala TlyU
Tta Tata-Ma Am> tk* H«a' ta Oa «a Wartt lav
*i Vatu the
Ik* Baa »yk- ^---------V-n
B> Haia te limiakar •• Bte
JUal Taark Piteaa



rouwiu smmiiET

Oingtoy'd p«p«r Eitplabis 8«nm
iMygt^ in 1h« Dmgl*y
Tariff M«a«ir«.

p Here's Another I


Hot ao maay MUa M aoBBS otboM WU taaka, b«t

I Roomy, Attractive, Durable, i

. Tb* ftrlorc rf tbe Gceleia
has been ertlmat ri xi **4,MO,on',and the
bulk of It w III rv ir (hr b< y.
J. D. KockYfriler has arr.i totbe Amer­
ican Bapttol Mlari<rsry nrJoa and the
Atnsrlcat. Rspl’.t Ki me Mtoteecary mriety hto creek f.r the latonte of the
t»0.BW pTcmlaad by Mm upon the erndlttoB that the two aoctettoc would
Tutoe «ac.0tA

Butter, First Class

Green that wilj kill Bugs


NO. 7


Bicycles to Rent

Full Una matcHaL,

Soda Water S
To Rent

Finest tn tbe el

It trait Bararn.

naeb<g Btey^ Bcfteir Shop

Ice Cream Freezers
Front 8L, ad}o(Bl^ HeHMMra'a aboa «

Angus McColl

Trattafnad ftond benea a apednltj- IbMBocrwgrti
•nt at Mgggu'u UvaUF Bar*.

^ T1«y reRMSiinlil«h|-J>ri«. Iseli Ttaa Ow. ^



TKS MoBiriiro
to DUkM rtew
CoJo^ 8^ t.-TlM lUMblk«a »ute «uDr«ntk>a to dooIuw «
CMtdld&tt (or Judo of the mprofM
oooit IBM Is tfaU city rMtcrday. Th»
«ttmdsn<.-« «TM sBiaU. Mt murh tolortwtsc'Ukni Is the eampalco this
yaar. Judo Hart. « ~ ~
was Bontsated for s
I to ae....................... — sUw asv. „
tiartOK that the B^blkAa |ianr la
Tha otHy «M thrmh wbidi tl cas be
............. ed. ^ plaum derlaras
II aartm lelaniL

■ r


It of Seaater Teller and HepreseataUve Sbafrotb
aad declare* fnr the fr«* eolaace of all—ir wUhout re;
li ^ to
t the artloa of any
atte- hatloo. T«t Bart vaa called
c tbe ronv.-ti D. and decUred bia
e to thee prlDcIplea
laid down
or ise »uver KepubJIcana. He referred
. to tbe bolt oj Senator TMler and tala
•dUedSbaa at 8L l^nta. wrtch'be Indoreed. Be said be voted for Bryan at
tbe last election and aoold do tbe same
acaln if called upon to rote today. He
mda M reference to bU noralnatlon by
the Denver c^nvenuoa. Teller also made
■ Tralealie la a Celemde Coal Hlw Bm a
reWbOBI Reaalt.
(Meewoed Sprlne*. Cclo.. Sept. 4.-At <
o’clock Uit erenlny a terrfble explosion
edcoal dost eecnrred In tbe old SunAlne

Bevy ptw oBd Br and Malaek
Verc emiae too dMe for an call
Aadekepomat tvtf ob tbe ela tree
. Ite rMcedlBeta deep with peart.
Pna Meaev R>ot«d vltb ovrafB
Cats* skantM-kcr’e niBflM mv,
Ha Mtf talk vere Mfieeed to ewsadat

Uka _I>WB bBTi* wtOrUar

AaaiB I leaked u tbe movtrtl
Aad Iberabt y tbe kodee Iky
Ih»i BCebed o'« enr ftnl cr«el eerrev
Wlwe tket aeead vee be^iy fo Upk
I MBMbar Ike ti^Bkl panimie
TkM Ml teem dMU cioBdllke raov.
fkke ky Sake, toeitoc and hidiaa
She emr y OBTAmp ysaSad v«a
______ ________ikyi'""’’
Bartlat. tbetoMM Patbar
.Akwa caa make irtall.And ana. Uieinaveck. eonld bm ksn



______ _______ ________ named •»««»»• airn»«rt«»M- WU
to martr bus aad ib. rf were dart—----------------------------------------------------------Tto. wboleday*—wbccherrallrlUitwbi
be abonld
ebonid be obliged to marry >M» A1 , i-lJ^^lv. »t«Bv«-. —batroaa
...- ___


e o <.

S •".£__

IIOBai-maM ■■

w. ciir op^ asBM Btk.

ItolnaanliBtlBm ------

Dram Bap.'oeuraaad .

YLtsr^ ■

a u LocanvBoe «■ p.

!—H^TnmiwtiUm Co,
- RorU»n.lOcU*«.Ik<

West Michigan


nipg room op stnin
Dctbingbadiiappeoed. Dr

!------------- :----------------- 5
ooiwo aot'iv.

iili Wi i:

‘ annoyed beyond
“• * meemre.



"What on earth do you mean? Do be 1-TTrA!«TBi>-A kr,
plain Sorely , with me yon might be i ” i-.»b»rCo
Bkl» plain." And ba mored a UnitV.—M^IWIIT-II.
nearer, faeling aaebat Booient V
a wwfl
curiooe ;
____KoZiey tO LOail
kind of attraMao which aimoat a
»iw binp OBOTSXB


She aaid I
dresatiig oonld make me Bt to be
lean, not like con :No due nnderatanda Fine
••WtU?" Mid Dr Jasper, who____ me. no one bai helped me as yon bare, ,
ritiog yoong medico y SO. as be looked and we're got to part. Thai is all"—
grarely and jttoiaally at tbe
"Wbat on earth." said Jasper, reallr
rnncb tried girl, who on.
tonfceo and rronbled—be bad nerer seen'
’ byd a reunion it PIttsbarg Sept. 14.' 17 to hu good wilL
her grow pale like ibac of her Upe
. and 11
"^ tmir^ Uke that, and she was
In a fit of Jealuuay and wbUe drunk
Ing William Hanttellrr. of CInclDnaU.
toot his wife and killed himself.
Tbe sberlB y Areola. Ilk., mad^araid
. that have tafeeled that Welnlty and drove over 4» out of tbe city, jfor a time, as if 1 bw) been ill oramd- |
Barry FreeUnder. 11 years yd. Is ,
mlsrtng from his home at Chicago. Be
bad » with bun and it ia believed be has
ran away.

Mr. and Mn. J. R. Hlemand. «
Bleomlng Grove. Jkne county. 'Wls.. |«« i"-*
c«ne along - And ol t mm td angry rexatko mingled


ooufo xoxn.

Ckkf I




* UrelUekville. .

6ut Little
Here Below,”

OODTO som.

I OrclUekTllla. .


But He Wants That Little

* QUICK. ^
An Ailile[tjsBineiiti.kWant Oepaitinent.L



teeSMtaBBanr.jBM m. imr.

^ S. H^^PX. Ageai. Tramie Oij.


--GoandfetebaomemaroUtite. Your
mother is not very weU.” Indeed, at
that moment Mr*. AJbamm seemad to
the crime, jabe echoed hit optotOH and fanctod bare really fainted
away. Wbetber aba
United States mlnlatar We man to talk to to a atopid plaM lika
Angeil. the
to Turkey, with tbe
iber* ot tbe tttU..........................
ttU." said abe. laying ber___ ____
Atnartcaa legaUon. was granted an
ftdlogly ttpee tbe doetm'a m be aat ^ JaB>« orr* enterad tbe booaeagdto.
dUncs-by the sultan yeaterday and pew- imUtog and agreeing with ber
!»«*«» «I> »»*•
----------- kl. —a—tl-la
Mn Albaaom bad worried one bim- IT*®* •
note to a dUguieed i
band toto »beg»ve—abe was too elerar'»^*®Fb*Ble,wbo 00 tbe following]
yaars old and oome ;
Btrms PolEt. Wla.. SepL 4.—Ftre---- -- -----rmagtoatimi

bad beeu left,
dtocortrtd at * Ccloc* In the mortong: tmagtoadni
tba disgust of bar motbet, by ^
In the luknber toeds of W. W. Mitchell to-tolareating compaoten,
panion. Bba wm b«r. to
Jasper west to
aadbeforeltcouldbepotoOtdertiTayad.Bnlyalitdepaet " and very well pre­
abeut »e.«W feet of floe hardwood and aarred. and toe
set to marty Or
Ptoa lumb^_______________
s bypnottSB or wOl
Be mat hare risen early. Ko om at.
power tbed
4.-Peilvwiss I
again aad agato bis lodging*
him go out Bia bot
wmtosr mdfcB*i0B..fur qraytoer lo^ ^
-not send to bU btU. and (be
doemr-B hUlaerarwaa paid. Be paid boM had noi bitoi
r*]u«. bimaetf.
j Tha artoaoi 'laioehod agato
”*^ratlf?^il^*!rii4*’^ to ewml.—
>^! -----"
-DEB't apeak tOBe.^aald Pbemie door wat not locked bbe entered. Bba
bumedly aa star met the doow eoming ; raw born packed and labeled "Left
dcravetalm after a long confab wito : tiU caUed for." Tbe bed wm empty
-Mdr waatb r. pnbJdr <o
•boWW* tl“' —
ftoovaai by her moUto '■MoOWT'e about TBie’i ; - T1>e stMMU was a mile off Thera
______^,ontalito*no-fo* alasrnoo*L I’regptto ‘were only two ... ......... gin by tbeaarft
■»orib«r*ipr»iiaB::i»»»»towdooes”- And Jasperpastod tr^
out with a aympaibetoa smita Ste
When Mm AlbatroMoamc dowa tt
to tonld oaU and adrisa toe : tocakfaat ato inquind tor RmbM.
eteily tor umshirtm
—*“ ■■^*^:atoutpatottog«todomx BaM'ualL iftamie wm gam-

. OODio aocTB.

Merchant Tailoring.

-t.™ -

iS' ““.sr'".

UBini lu Htnunm li

Suits to Order.


who lu., «*.dci«j! " Vh.i .h.n?" «W Ih. do««. Ilk. . '
twikwr cauM.1 nor
of taking
- .r t In the recent bomb ont. ,mah»k
. mmu-h
rages at Cci.MBtlnople. bare been aen- IS^tiom- yet wid
! twinkle to bit ere wl
: trembling 13a lad bar. w tbs aofs by
tbe fire.
Uaarvntsh. Ills, ase flghtTben. • said tbe girl "I tbongbt
arts over Uw ettate, valned
••lahaUbnre to leave this plaox'you were my fnend at first, bnt I don't ebceaid in a sort ot bard voiee. Tbe
Icaat"ietb Uw lias ^entfled hU aeeeptar
angry tease came into ber eyre Ha bad
eoy the Di^;lr.aiton «f maycr ot Oreai
nerer teen her weep This wat tba
York, ler.derrd him by the borough t*A«L «i»d. tortnug sbarpl.v oo Pbcmie. neareat appruoeb to it.
the dUtens-UDIOB.
Itoid with a snap. "1 nippow you
"1 know wbat yon are going to say
The Amcikar. f.aetd cyrlirA hour rec- I baecn't fed tbe fowls or aorito tbe ItoDon't say it No. yoo «bao;t go You
rd U now thlfty-ti
mUee atd on or done anything M 'idienway gour are nsefnl Tbe people mst yon . It is
asda Jimmy HIrtiaeL the 'Welto time, as nasal?"
your tpbere I am tbe marploL "
ronder.~ made It Thursday at DetrcIt.
‘*1 wai called when Dr 4aspc9'euma
•‘toll* shonlA
A St. Louis judge has reversvd
.. .._ Judge
Murphy's d- < isiun acd dedarrd ths Mis­
souri linedirs' law to be constltullODaL
abonld either of u go? Wby not stay— |
P^ room managers sought anotber deand stay—stoyiogetbetf"
tjolte an alinto tone, at Pbemie'
"You don't mean it?" Men at aneb |
Orgaslted cyclists of Chicago deeded shrunk sway ont of the lotn: "Oo times are more fools than kaerru
to agitate for Ih- liSvliig of Dearborn ytm mind tming np to my sitting
"Ye*, yee—I—da"
street with asphalt from Jatksoti boule­
I? r want to have a talk wiib yoo
Jasper bad Ukec ber band.Tbewo-.^
vard to tbe bridge. Tbe earth was made about those ’baizes at the infirmary. 1
mao wilfa tbe iron will, the keen ioiel-1
tar wheelmen.
yoo wiU agree with me and IcMt. the nainre «eM eODUined. which ;
Ariatocratlc rertdraM ot Lexox. Mato, ; yoo will be moat titefol We can’t al
teemed nt timae at fasrd asnaila tnnied i
are aatlcfiiatlrg plcasutohl)’ la cod- jlo« ibtogatogoorn 'etc.
toward him and in anotber motneut fell
UmpUud visit ot Prince Alexasder
Dr Jasper always did Mree with crying and laughing hyttewcaUy into
Oeoege. roorgeti ■« of tbe* Duke and
Mn AlbatToaa but aomebow be mold­ : bit arrna At that moment, as ill,
Bntoese of T.-ck,________ .
ed ber, and abe otoally oanw round to

Ar.TtotoewOliy. TkaJ.irme s eSrS;


“• LmBtorcS********* *





Mas and be missed the osnaJ eonfid«Titial
my hand aqtiee«e

Btoa I "J—* *«>»d to eee yon." abe aaid I -poR stLE-A dm

the aqnin. the partto, but H did dot
- ....
^ past tS—'"yxia and mother
wiya croaking abdht me. 1 know, but
yon do Dotbittg to help me At least 1
think yon ssoold. but yoo ’re afraid*'—
*‘Yonr aocber omd to take an interI____
an to you. but you did not
' “f
halfway bnoitbatso?"


— “--“y™;

'—CtoreUnd Plato

Or. Jaspo^ ridn beettne more fi»TMiaw.
qwot Bit. AUM wM eoiwuUy ; ftm Cal-Wbara tbe matter. KeL
meo abooi the Tillage with him. They Ue? So« look poatcirely yaUow thto
•ei to cottagee She waa derotod. eo
Ae aaid. to nsiatog tbe sick. It waa
geODod Oat—I doo’l know. Tbemira
oartatoly ■ tiew dereloimt. She was i asb oaiiafy bird thk mcraiDc. and 1
smr eeM) %1»h bet d^tawi. nor waa .m afraid it was a perosida BBiUah ,
Jaapet. bot bo raw her dangbter ofiener ,Mow.—Saw York Pres
than tbe kne-w Htin i. ..vmcH u-ovd ^
---------tasi potoible to do witbont Mrs. Alba-1
Her ability. bMtmoked bmdf^'
wine lor •■camx’'>ef tofineoce
with tbe aqitito.
dultood and
obeyed her:
lb tbe I

good will
It tobbe doewr
and who wat afraid of Mn. AlbatMta, , _ _
(or abe browbeat bits in tbe chair at [
picked bolcf in bb


. and alJot
George Daenen. Leak Danncc. Louis
Bade for bar
RakL Joe Uartlal, yoe Caaa Craodl,
John gaiiDrni. Anioclone Bppic. Theoi dear y&ngUdy
dore Poloel. Jobs Andrtanl. Emil As- graiythliiB.'■
dttoai nod FrancU UeCletm
Indeed. Mta. Albatrem' i

OBd game) (irand llayds t HUwaukee
4: at iBdUnapolls-St. Paul «. IndlanapotU 4.
Weatern Amortatlon: -At Peorto-


sviag anotber word.

not abore fcminitie arip—pot Jaeper in i;


Chicago. Scri- 4.—League baie bwO
reoords: At BalUmore—8L Loula L
BalUmore «; at New Tork-CInelniiatl
U. New Tork 1: (aecribd game) CinctenaU L New Tork U; at BoMon—Ctaleago L Uoaton 4: (eecond game) meago L Doaton t.
Wextere League; At Cnlnnlm*—
» L Columbus 6; at Detroit-

taf paiai
good adt
advice a snat daal
BsL ibn. I'm oat claew
FJcm—It is Dotnahlalf joakBOw 'omeeel
like awtber.”
motber.” «Jd«d
added Pbemla.
Pbeunia, wit^
! J«t bo*. AU cmahMtodo
cm. ha. »o do y
L to
lo wat^ i
tfnle^gricredpcui "SoIt'saoc worth We oM’awbcslxBUl tha pedMtaniato |
while talUnt to tue.”
« seared ha eah't moe*. aad ihw ba U '
■•IdefeeHor j
with an soBsoal
“I bare don- all 1
toother to be fair to yon, f_____
a t
loaa Stahfaina tryiac
to fool' .
had never called her Pbemlc twfore, { **nere
. ..._____
hfaCM.. Bywib
Bia wife y away
avar from
fee., u. hercaaUU Oa. s
asd tbe felt her color nee “Vrbat’a the »>• »asld»n-saner?" be added bastily, for agddea- i bone, bad be wanto Om wonbo aan surAxtS B. ■ortox. m. O.. Pnyrtcua
■iciaa aad
«1 b««- .
she jaat went off then and thare and bM
j «vlk. special SuiraSaae Mcm u> otoictr-.

Vkwe a irate bestomae atood;
■e* the tokm vwe feUma U
Ae did rofaiae tbe bebae U ite wood.
ly apebe enr «vb btih Ibrat.
SnylBt. "FUber. vbe mekm U wnef
Aad I told y tbe toed AU-PMhar
Vbo earn tor b» bare beknr.




•It’a BO oae trytot” mid Pbemto
erbetber I
t arr any n»re <
---------- K-.Jc* are rtlU exi lcrUi, (oc . 'Mother hatm me. and arenthiiiB Ido
mint and greal crowda vnrroucd the en- , >* »«»*•
trance. The iKAlei taken oni ere y a ! *‘Vonr toother can’t help It. PbePh^ci
; toto. •• aaid Or. Aaiper. Be wai tbe mw

f “u.o.1' ST mt,

e. i8»7.

--------•—T-pr 111 iB ilriiii^
Aad bmaly all tke eiski ^
Bad been bi
Vltb e ak
ateoee deep end viala



axoobs, suvda.y. bbptsitbsb


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m tilt!
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