The Morning Record, November 04, 1897

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The Morning Record, November 04, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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•oremer BaaboeD Xlected by 80,000
Bat Key be
Switb BiAoU HeoTy

TogletetiiTi VaewUte te KeiyUad.
OfcM >c TICT Mow. Eeaien.
Oolimbu, Obte. Ko*. S.-11ie ebslr«UB Of both the dewoereUe ud repqbUeea ecMuetUeea etela the lecieteMree
ac }otet boUott. Tbe cheoeee •ppetr
•e be teferoroftber^blkmu >
img m >»cht aelortty. bot there
htaiag viU dluffeeted topabUoaw te
Aafeat Haaaa aad eead Uoerraer Beehaell to Ueeeaate. Tbei
N«ade Ue eleettea of the
ytate Udcet by SO.ODO.
Mot. C.—Tbe legtolatarebetUlUdoebt. Thsma^orityoB
ioiat ballot for etUer party will be
T«y close. The IsdiuUoae rathm fa­
vor Ue re elerttfui of beeater Oormaa.
Bioox Xalte, & D-. Nov. A-Oat of
olgbt Jadldal elreaiu the repabUeaaa
elected five jadgu. Some repabUeaa
vleterW areaearprbetoUe repabUeaae. ae wtf u bo the eppoelttoa
■haw Voa la Im by BOBOO.
Dee hbiaee, la., Kov.
Tha eh^
aaa of Ue r^hlkaa state committee
ecateadt that Shawh plaUUty wUl
rtefb wmii Bapcrte from
Bfty eoaatiu give Shaw a ptarallty of
Tbe Bepablioea oommittee eeMmaM that Ue oUw forty-eight wUl
give a plerallty of from it.OOO to 14..
The repablicaae cleim eixty-Uree la
the hoaee oat of 100 and forty oat of
fifty aeaatera. The demoetaUe state
eemmlttee eoaoedm Shaw's eleetloa by
Ootorade le Btin te Xtoabt.
Daaver, Nov. A—Tbe reealt la Colo­
rado b etlU te dMbt. QUbert. Ue
demomat-pooalbt eaadidatefor Judge
of Ue8apremeooart.belalmedto be
elected by e.OOO. Tbe repabUceat
ibkt B^t, Ue ellvar repabUeaa.
woa by apwardi of l.OOA
BitaatloB te Mew Torii Btete.
Albaay, K. Y.. Nov. I.-Betaras
from tbe etate demeaetrata that Ue
HofUe past two
have been nearly revevaad by Ue
^ ohaagteg of aoawUteg Uke *40.000
- vptaa.
The gveatcet aerprieee ere Ue gmina
nmda te Ue aeaembly by Ue demoenta.
many being la-dietrieta where there
weroBoexpectatioMaf Ue dmneerata
wlnniag. The retone, however, tedioate that Ue repabUeans eUll otmteel
tha sMembly.
Bo^o, Boehmter. Blngbamtoa. Byreeaee. Utka. Albaay. Troy and BUen-

«Hs b Uoogbt alaieet eaenred. bat Ue
rasaltaare forrign topredlcltoaa.
Some Oensral Beea^
Qbleago. Nov. s —Somewhat ineem.
plate retome from Ue different etatae
tadieata large democratic galna, al*
Uongb not large eeeegb te meet toJaritlea of a year ago.
Is Peaneylraob Ue rapabUeano earrled Ue etate by Urge meJoriOea and
in PbUedeliUb Ue repabUeaa eity
ticket won ae It pleased.
Tyler. democraA for governor of Vir*
ginU. wtim by U.coe ,and Ue legbtetare wU’ be democraU at a ratio of
Uree to one.
le Mamaehoeetta WaleoU was reWill be praaUmlly a
WHIBT C0.TIB OF v-*v»v—
BbnKeetteg wiU Xia. Cteray KnU
The first meeUag of a whbt dwh
oompotod of twenty ladles was beU
yeatoifiay aftonoon at Ue home of
Mrs. Carey Bail, on State etreet. It b
dmigned by the clab that aftar aa
eight waeha' eoataat Ue two who have
Ue leeet nambor of poteu aad Ue
correspoedlag aamber who beve Ue
hlgbesteoarosahall fombban eUborata
epread ter Ue entire dnb. Every mem­
ber of Ue elae of ooaxae are skilled
pUyere, aad a eertes ef very telerssUng
aftornooae are prombed.
refreebmeata and eedabUlty are
Imet of Ue plsatoree of the. ewdal
hoom^aa epeau .
Oetsve Domino anfi VM Mafitte
*HlM Wedded te fit Francde Obareh.
A yartlonlariy happy marrtega wae
MliMali 1 at eight o'eloek yeeteniay
Mriiifi te St FnMae ehareh. the
iimiMiiT beingpmtermed by thUm
BMur. ThaprtaotpnbworeMbsMer

ri* roftM ud Oetere Dorntn*. both of
But Boy ud obodc Uw omM popster
yooar people of ibet loeollty. Attn
ibe hem ooople


The rnrater moathly buiaem meetiag of Ue WoBmab Cemetery Improret AuoelaUoB wtt\ be held at
o-eloek ebarp Ub> aflersdoa la tbe
mome of the Ladice' Library Amoeiatloa.

Batef lareotlfatod by Oorooarb dory
Eeeored Their Vow ^aator.
-Xagawt A4Jo«»e« VatB Mday
AfteraoOB—BeidSBMilhowa Bopoty
A moot enjoyable neepUon was 1
Sheriff vnied the Xaa la BerfOm- detad Mr. and Mra. Boaeeb. Ue i
> se the brldsl party ep^ towsrde
paater aad wife of Ue Beooad M. B.
aaee of Hie Itaty aa Aa Ofloer.
the fstare boeie of the
«b. Taaedey evening ander tbe
eoople. ToMordaj sftorsooo as eUbaaepiemef UeLadlea'AMSoeiety. at
wcddtef dteaer «at aertod el
Ue pleamnt home of Mr. aad Mrs.
teqawt held over Ue body of Ue dead
OMof theparoateod Ue groom baighb-. Willard MiUer, aad Uea aa PoUea oa ^raee staasL Tbe h
Mr. and Hta. & U Ooalae. After the adjoammeat was takaa aatU i o'eloek was filled to overflowteg aad Ue eventeg wai very pteMtly spenA After
atteraeoA There bae baaa tetease
eejoyiag retreabmeaU Ue gaUerteg
yeang people aad Ue ralatlroe of tbe
itamaat over Us affair, aad people
r good wbhee for
h^y pair ea>oyad a happy afteraoea
be fooad oa every Msaer dieeam. ‘
ir aad wife teUelr aew field of
>wed by a daaeela Ue erealag.
lag Ue tragedy.
BoU bride aad greom have a wide elr*
The evideaee addaeod so far <
ele of frleada who will eeiae Ub oppov
plotely eaoaeratae Depety Bbertff Gif­
ford who feeb keealy Ue <
m eooplo a long life of bapptaem oee which oompelled him to shoot Ue .
aad proaperity.
leaping prboaer.
Last sight BhorlflKooa took Lam
MlUer, Ue breUer of Ue dead maa, te
Ue Jail at Piaakfort. Bberiff BaU 3f
bt<M ooaaW b bore aad will take Ue
BmlU Bros. Oo. OtBiatead to Xaaa.
two prboBera now la Jail back to Charteetare Vovalttea oa the Vote
tetta today. The crime for which they
were ameted was a borglary eommlt
BmlU Broa. Scott Woodward aad tad ea October ItU la Betoa eoaaiy.
The eordaerb Jaiy met Um a
to bo kaowB as Ue BmlU Broa Oo.
I te Friday, at 1
Tbe porpoee of Ue eempaay b to maaafaetare lawa ehaira aad woedaAware
Bovsltim after tbe plan of Ue Bhattack
Maaafactariag Oe. which boUt a teetery ea Ue bay ehota te Ue eeatcra
part of Us city. Mr. Bhattack woe a
mae WUeea of Blngbam^mhe
member of Ue oompaay meatkmed.
Uoaed te Ue Eccoan a few days
which was fereed to dbeoatteae baaiasm beeaaae of teekofe^tal. It b age as haring shown two of Ue laigdeeigsed by Ue aew cmapaay to move set hlUa of potatoes reported Ub eeahee ftabbed digging foor aciaa.
Ue maebteery of U^ Shattaek Maaatotal yield of amerted etock mesafaetaring Co. to Ue West Side where,
l,.Xnbasbeb robed from ft baabso Bay ebpel. BmlU Bre^ bava oper­
ated a email plaalag mill plaat. to ebedeeed. Thb b a heavy average
which It b tetaaded to add Ue late aad from that amoont planted te1a ro- at yoar life b spent te bed. It b weU
maric^ yield. The poatible ops- to have that comfortable. We oaa
BhaUaek Mfg. Cob meebteery.
aiakeiteoata very little cost to yon.
>Uaf of Ue West Side Im- lenoe of Ue Grand Traverse farmer b
A goad Iroa Bed. bram trimmed, end
teeoctettaa Taeeday algbt.
an extra geod Woven Wire Spring com­
plete for gs.oa If yon want wood beds
of readeriag finaadel aewe can aell yon a good solid well acade
ebtaaoe to Uc aew oompaay to, operhad aad an extra g^Sprtegfi
good Spring for C.TA
Uelr aew factory waa dfaeaaeed
and a commlttae wai appoiated to so­ X. J. FlatoBUghUy Zfijarad in a Prao.
ties Oame of Foot Baa
licit ■abeerlptWaa which are to provi^
I. J. Kleaa, Uacber of aUac«Tapby te
a boaoe for Ue sew eoaeera aad eaaMe It to ostablbh a thrivteg baslB«aA Prafemor Doekaray* baeteMs aoUeca,
m-139 Irrat StrMt.
waa patefally Ujarad yaaterday aftarThere wss e dupoelUoa to
I. While praetlelng wiU Ue High
the new ooaeera in every poseibla way.
The poesemloa of Ue maebteery of acbool loot ball team be tnraed oao of
Ue Bhattack Mfg. Co. by SmlU Brae., hb ankles and 40*'tateed a traetore of
b. however, eonlmtod. Wbes Ue nov* one of Ue email boom ne tejary
to Ue bones
ally oompaay etarted op Uelr marblae- wlU keep blm
ry was proenrad of WOltem JaUaoa:
A note for gf7» was given. Mcnred by a
UUe to Ue machlaery. There wea
Mow Foot OfiU* Fonltnre.
paid npon Ue note, it b toid. SMO or
Peatmaeter Friedrich reeeived yeetanUy asetof:
r laraltora fer Ue
rA ItbataUdaleoUatUv tetoreat
of JaekeoB was parebeeed by BmlU
free deUveiy ayetem to be teaagaBrea., aad apoalearateg of Ue traae ratod eoeo. Tbe oatfit eeosbbi of dbactios. W. H^mlor. a mambar of the tribaUng and aeeoftlag case*, maannovelty oomiAay. an Taeaday went to teetared of oak and made te aa attract­
BmlU Bren and toadered Ue amoant ive ae well aa;
of Ue note, teelodlng Ue aoerood teAttar Ue eystom b tally ander way
toreaA The amoant tendered whs aad Ue bos system re-mtabUahed Ue
abont tVT. Tbe moody waa refaead and
will be enlarged to afforff
BmUb Bras, proeeeded to replevte Ue mem room, which wlli be neevamry.
preperty afur being forbidden by. Umlor to remove Ue maebteery wlUoat BXOBFXIOM TO KBS. ODBTAXD.
daeprooemof Uw. Now tbe oonrta wlU
Womaa'e Olab Will Honor Tholr
Oaaot From KHdoo.
The Bhatiock Mfg. Oo. waaeompeaad
Thb afumoon at S o'clock Ue
of W. H. Umtor. Noab Shattnea aad L. Woman's Clob will give aa informal
B. Baadall, Ue Utter a yoang man recepUoa te honor of Mrs. Alex. Oaafrom Grand Bapide.
tard. Us prerideat of Ue Mend<m
imn'sClab. All members and UMr
■ Olnb I
friends are oordUlly lari ted.
At-Uo Ust meeting of the BoaU Side
Aocideat to Frank Lea.
Shake^eare Qab held at Ue booM «d
Mrs. C. E. Doekeray, Uc followteg ofPrank Lae, asomplo.veof Ue PalBeoia were elected for tbe ensolag gbam Muntaetaring Oe.. was Ue vioyear:
Um of a palatal aceUeat la Ue factory
ProaldeaV^Mra. A. L. OorbotA
yaaterday BMmteg. Ho was stnek by
Fltet vioe-proaidest—Mrs. C. B. a pUea of maebteery beeaaae of the
bnaUng of a belt and a very had
Beeond eioe pra^dent-Mm M. A aealp wonnd wae Uoreanlt. Dr. Mar­
tin diaaaod the tejarlea.
Beeretary—Mm W. TharteQ.
After Ue reading of Ue aeeond set
Fnlt Tram te Bleoaom.
of /aHaa Career Ue deb enjoyed Ugbt
Dr. Browamm of Ktegaloy eande the
rnfroahmeoto and a good aodal tima.
Bacoan a mmpUaffine red ^pberriea rabad there aad raporta several
They'll Btady tha BUU.
htedi ml trait tram te Woaaem. Tbe
.An T. Beadle hM eegaaUed a deeter. however, does net promU
yoang mea'e Bible etady cU« to nuet very.Urge eeeocid crop of fmlt 1
ones each weak for a eyeMmatie etody
of Ue Bible. 'The flrei meeUag wae
held te tbe Imdiae Library rooms 1
deyeveniiig. Tbe eUas b net eoafined
to these of-any partieaUr *man'
tioa bet b lawoded for tbe benefit of aide of htetamUare store oo Front
all ynong men who deto to profit by street.
a etady of Ue Blbln
Tonight them will be a mmlteg of
Ue Natlooel Amoetetion of Stationary
OUeago KaAet
Tagtoeera. All memben are ntged to
Chicago, Nov. l.-aoMd-Wheat^ baproeenA
November. Kite: Deesmber. WkWKa:
Tbe reeelpta of potatoes yaaterday
Janoary, Oike; May. WKe: ^aly. Bto.
Cem-November UMe: Daeembm, weaw aboat aqoal to Ue ptwrione day,
10.000 bnakeU The prmOlteg price
•eUc: May.MMe.
Oats—Novembar, t«e: Daeambar,
Waltm OtaUidt to armhrt^ tm a
May. tlKo
aooUldaneetobegivannttha hall at
Porit—Novamblr, gr.U; rinani

A Gift for a Queen..
Conld Dot be «nv nicer than a pictiue lo OM of

oor OVAL FRAMES. They are strictly upto-date. We hare tbea ia all guea.

« sod the wUpe of eseb








Maaaiita Block.



A Full Third




•— *

will ha fartoahad by Ittwmm
Foots'! omkeatsa.


mmut noMr.
»PwmOA.Frieewe> KA

Ttavaem OUy.^

▼tett Btotebmgh boay Oteok
Departmaat—Ith evar aottao.

New Tamoshanters...
A large lot received yest«^y—^*iices
are2&c, 35c, 42c and ^ and tbe Cap*
are better valoes than we’ve ever offered

This is a Description i
of the Cap at 25c. t


See Our Showing of Dress Goods.



aloakat Uoae

Ladies’ Fine Shdes
that wa have eat from gAOO to gl.tA


Stile. Good Isitbi, lets ef Ibar.
J.-T.msssi3 -V. FBIBIDBIOB.

m axanaw of »i.mvmL— Oltx.

OfoouTBBBrfieaxL TbstM wlist wB*rB |
paid for. , Bat w« olw^ blow for

The ‘Best’
whieh backs os up is quality and prioe.

Hannah & Lay Co.
/ .

little bit of a abort oorset, about long
•nou^ for a girl, but they are soon moIum Juatpnttiiic
the first lot on our ahelves today—Ooaoe in, see bow
odd th^ look. OallfortheAmerioaaleady, zro.61.




Ladies’ Box and Kaiiganio Calf Sboe for $1.50
Also Gent'fi Box Calf invisible cork Sboe at $2,50.
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoe* that are
Right in Sty^ Wear and trice. ■






ABdereoB. iBd., Kny., E - A etrawbnard (mat. rcaitronioc I erery idaDt la
the Phlira.moles. Is the psenll of (be
Oteaktoa awuw.
past week. Pdr three years sllorts have
«*Tod know bow the atalie poff ap.’
been laade to brlnf every etrawboard
fMired barvlar.
-aftw yoa ^p plaot Into a ramUnsttoa Ae s result
, ^ tt'inic ’em Dl«hts* Yoa crowd 'em down the Artrehcan fUrswboardrompaDr.conl
Uemocnta «l 1 «. m.. r^Oag I
“! t close CDpcther. ralid. trMdlap on 'ata traltlac DlnelM-n plsnta was orwaDlasd.
4nth ot thr** (Mil Bsd iM wewd
: all day lone, aad tbeo whra yoa let op Offices were esUblMed In New York
baw aki
Ttxr OlllK-UlU' bcOB
CD OB (be flUra of the wo.«l Uft np elly. with C. W. Bell, of Cincinnati, la
KTMik Morn »Krj-.» cr*iiu*.j m |*Ujr
aad the Main hwib to (well, ebarae. Twelve ixunpanir. remained
.,f . asali
9. W. Hauxu, B^iiar Md MuMV. te BMil ui. ■ parQ u(
out. liot they were all broujfhl Into Itne
ol Bmi tunhall. wtiu. .■ I Y<m know bow (boy creak acaaetiaMB
dorlBC tb* last week
ic'bect *-iaimVd. bad ukaB a oumoer U and nap a UtU.- when y«in podorra ■’am
-------------p„„ni ihMr SrMtn tba aMnOim aad aoBae-cE (be
The Boyal Qoc
1 BocMy :£
.wimp y*eieraa>. Mbert. ........................ ft(fa yield a Uttle oodor the tread!
With his pany aeslled Marmall'e re- That’r'ibani aatxliac down iata-plaaa Eaclaod has aaarly 4.000 (ellowa
Its Utawiy are aboat TO.OOO rolu




> 3. y.

mtikfon. Kr.. Km-.
WM u*bcr«d IB br • Woodj- toeoua


Tw*rr.TBM» y«M* f TtMariaj,

Woucd.cp him (riii-usly. Jsmee 8mlU
sUphil) ami liguriip aIcx llrahsm. a
Brpro. llejiuiy ohi-no iMskiu then orfaalsed a
ani. aiumpied u> arrest
£ptwrl and nu pail).
the street
The Isuer appeared C
braidldiina their revilv.
partica mn and hrlig: oeaaa
abuts or luurr aerr Bred. E-ud Bpbert
Inatar.n) kUli-d. while UesUBS was
monaliy wounded, dytnp at ( eciuch

•■II...»b»t ■». b, .h.
« an«is kind of like (be atairs waking:
np a»d speaking to yon m. yoa go .long
down. Bntl don’t like to bear’em at lb* headtmaner. for the whole world.
g. W. Blntor. the Hotme mmleber.
pnOng, and no matur how rrim tooted
a map- may bo be can't lessen his
weight recy well and so I loamed mrly to tread nsar the wall or near the

H i» BtMd. Blebwd 0«kar ot Kew
elns. a mrgru. severely hurt, the bow in the middle. .She m-ak.
rled that be bas died. U^or the. Uttle soft mapping, that nrands
It U reported
plcnaaot in the mentingaad that no­
Julian luganlied a Urae Iwdy
b*e» loUtd up la »■
body wonldnl notka then, sooods
ctal police
raw witk ■erar«3 Vmrb* la he feared further tioubla nl the polls, mlgblj
, Mom York Qtj. Th« joir who W*d owloa lo bitter feeUng between Ur* 14,^111
ly «otawak«.yunkoow.
^cuold timr it fnnu one end of the
All lor «aBier di«»reed ud 0«k«r workers of ihe two pullUcal parties and
the fm-r.ds of the men kllW sndlrjur^ I l_,„ to the other- To be snra. it might
^hta poUtieol aiBalpoUUow fii The dead sre; Frank Egbert. lt,pub- j
not alarm anybede. hecanse then's othB power iB Kbw \orK.
T»k. wta





»ww aalaBeeDeed W)r the wiadon of
Mod dtlMaBbip. bat one wboM rale
•U haards.

Id the eoarae of tl*e he




e^leh be held proridod UtUe n

Of late fou* the lafioe

mioi by Ooker he* beea remarkahle
••d to his enfiDe«riB( aad the Taaiaaay nechUc U BaTaly dee to the
ol Vbo Wyek


the dnt may-


Whale epee-

to pewBBBttothe riaiaf ffceeratteof raten;
The rirtory of the TasaMor
.dhlae IB Greeter New


fork Tuewlay

’frpeeaits dire poaalUliUce for the loe«n of a eleaa aod wholaaeiae Bmaiclael goeeraioeBl. The peal blslory o»
to look with
dread opoa the fninre adakiDmuain
«l the metrapollk of the Dolled Buu
Tbo reica of BUI Tweed U recorded es
«M Id which the city of New York waa
gowaed la a aDaoBer ta hrlnit hlaabea


dwlarad by the lau Heary Oeorre
' the hiatory of BoaB*CToker that hia potfOeal BiaalpBlatloas weald not bear
the Baetcea X-r«y praoeaa.


whatarer thehUtory of the paet of the
r di

New Y«rk. there la

dangar 1*

aod It la t« be de-

■ptoand that the Inflnenoe of Ihmmany
toe gkln^dontrol «f tbe frantdr eorrontloa. ______________________
Br reason of the late eleetto In the
ilM of Eentaeky the deadlock which
.''toe rneenOy

I- /






4ton. Ci.anKncn A. Butat. the defeat•I ropabllcan eondidete for mayor ot
Itoralt. haa this

£. A. Baatlngs of Bparto. is theguMl
«t Dr. K. L. Aahten.
a a. Randall of VaMor. waa in the
•Itp yeatorday ehiting J. A. Loranger.
Mra M. Utney was colled to Sattooe
Bay yeaurday ^ the Ulnemjif ber ebUt.
Dr. J. C GaantieU of Bk Rapids, is
to the dty to attMd a ■eating of the
hoard of pnaslos examlnera.
J. L. Kyaaer. one of the Arm of l<paB
Kymer A Patocr ot Grand

u in the rity looking after the
iMl-T- Of the firm in this city.
ff| -— FreeMn. an old and renpeetOd pioocer ot LeelaaaD eannty. and attor whoa Kaseoa township was named,
toft yesterday ter Ua winter homa at

the Vtogora Xna Oa la AU XlgbC
la Ue Bku>u> ot October li Ue Ibt
«< toenr
MlchlgaD wlUont toring eompUed
wlUUe state Uw was prtntoi from
Oampbell. 'Hiroogh
paallloa Ue Nlegma Fire li
appears in the lUt. la place of Ue Buftole aad Niagara^

The error wee

oecaaioBed by a porliea of a eentonee
John B. Santo of Ub dty la ageat of
tha Niagara Company and It la nnia
hmwd among the moat raUabla

XdtiMU SoUiere
To old snldlere aad all who desire
pension tasUMaadJasted. I bar to annoBoee that I will be at the Hotel
Wblung. Trarerac Qty. IViday. Noeraber i. when 1 will b) prepared to
attend to penslae bosloees as required.
' JAngsGKKst-ks.
Solicitor of fenskwa.


pMtka doi^ toalnam In Ue ataU.

map Onrtle-U’s all right
I>n. TnoMPSoa—Yes. I wear It nnd i
Kething better
Wn BiiisMi Finest I erer word.
tlko. LiinMB—Worn It two winter*
Like It
FnABK Bnosew—Toe bet it Is aU right Wonldn'tdo wUhont h.
Oatt. C. a. Wnnn—Glean good satldaeUaB.
Traecre. City. UiA. Oct n, 1W7.
•*TWI HAKILTon CtOTWlgO Co.’Oente'-l aa weU aoqoaiDted with the “gwoe’' 0»derwear. and I want to glee yoo ay bsartteffi enderMaent of tbea.
They abaorb the
aolstnrv ae p^ertly. and prwrssl the enddes cooling, or ehangee of the
teaperatnra of Ue tody, (the nsoel caasas of cold*).
If yon «u get
men and womM of thU pleee to wear than i Inelend of the cbsnp eoP
too goods) there wiU be bat lltUe oeaplalnt ef aaml catarrh, congbe.
eolds. etc. Anotber point In their faror, they do not ahrlnk as aon
goods da
Btacwnly yonra.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

« asnsn nudu bui

Ucwkins. I>enpx.
...sheriff;'that jnsi ninVo tlnnum-lvea doe. I sopJohn. Smith, driver of lb* UemoiraUc posts. tocbaustwlDteuipreatniw. Boards
wagPD In which ihr nigrove were bsuird : gwtJl ana ahriuk aitd shift a liltle. and
to the coonlry
The wounded—Cbaries ; yon might bear a little snap aomewbera
Graham, nilcmt. oceuioni of returning , in the house ^y time of night. Uni 1
wwgun: WalKT Gsinr. white bystander. alw-uvs hatsd to iirar tbe stain meak
Opwilsg otyeot. BlUan' Dwoeiag; UeSoot
There U-iw cor.flrdallun of the rumor wb. u 1 was going q)> ’e«u. all tbe rame, t pw^Btret.
st.^iee.S. MaMebytkeBoys'BsDd
that several m^mes are drad and conbecaoiw I al>vay* thought that aa likcl.e (uu orek^
oealed ab«ul tenn.
aa D'lt it wn.lfi \- skv up srinobodv. and
md . loelwSlBK
loeiwSia^ kwKBi.
Pokbi. Iuraiw.
.Norfolk. \ a, .Nov-. t-A Hot wm elthat
traui t te S-Jk Danetas »
mosi pm-l|<liaied tn Itriheley yesterday
lluuked ati.giydgyo*
iiig formewbee
nsirnlng.-There are two Demot-raUc tac- in tad tookiiif
S«Wlt e-<laek.
tioni In the county. The CSile ftotWn into the door <rf a p
wdXfd the voting pUce of (he NoherD Icr uf fart, that did awm-tinie* bapptXL ^
fBiUoo on Uerk.-ley Bvreue. I.ut left lb*
’■I I. jkod <aiu nigbt.
ght. ^UT
books in charge of Uw regular Getka
.a baTl.HSi;Tid ro
who after a retired to
in. aitlirig nji til b.
the mayor’s office and opened a eew «Ki
lag plsie. They left the <-road In paaftoE of the booth. Mayor klcCoy ea- looking plnmb at the duor
Xa 1 luld yon, 1
peeled further trouble ' and requested ttandiug iu
that one company of IN'rieroooUi mlU- wars on tbe kaikont for Jnst this tbiug.
ury bi- held Ir resdlnew to await a call bat this man snrpns-d me. fur all that
from him. No one was injured or ar- Be, rat tlwre in bed all ktTud np aud
resledfaukicg lajoare at lue- 1 etwtld we him
Ne* York. Not. E—Fortner Judge Al­
fred WtlllrE. one of thF liesi-known 01B ipe Jnrt as plain, and I cximcImI er- ;
IVmocraia In Monmouth county. N. J_
ery miDuie he'd find bix toicv aod to-1
cummltted ouk-lde at bis home In Key-'I
port yerterday by abooting hlmaelf In gin to hoilv..
"But tnstmd at that to Uiewtbei
the head. He died almosl tnslanlly.
Judge Walling WeBI to (he pGls eafty. clMhes lock off his and swmig hU ‘
vo(edand then returned to his rtaldenee. legsaronndout afbedaodglnnd np Hu;
where be shot himself
It ts thought pat bis right hand out to locate a toair
(bat the Immodlate cause of his set was that stood by the baml of tbe tod. and
anxiety over the outcome of the rIeetMm. Uen to started fur tU> dour, hands ont
a little on tech dde (if him. asd feeling
ont a little uo .both sides aad sort of
Mount Venrnn. Ky.. Not. I—A nubber of tough rhararleir created a dis- ahead of him a* he eamo aluug.
"Unmpbl Hliud. Hud taord Ue
turbaiKT at the Crooked creek precinct
tn (his county yesterday afternoon. noise aad sras mng to look fvw iL v 1
Rierlff MulliBS atempled to re«ore or­ mijAt bare stood there and aJuggedhlm
der whet! a general shcwttng affray took easT ak to went - br. iml 1 didn’t
plaee Ivtween the sbertfr acd his 4epu- nomstlewltha

• a Windi
Windman. I ju« went 4, xtocy Ut. 1st Vice PrcoideatiJi
sDd the disturhers. three »T the latJ.T.
l<elng killed. The dead are: Henry ontaadlefthuuitoreloukiag.’’—New,,^,j,^ i^VlcwPrewldeoi ‘ “

Mate, has been temporarUy abolished




Dancing Sebooi!



GApital. $100,000
SurplUA, $#6,000




aah. ChaUer: Ramuel Oarlaad. AmlaV


f>tla«aCaB..NoT.S.—Asareeult of De
Barr)-'s vlgorus aBtl-alleo work on the
frdniler there Is a growing mov-etnent
c line among CsBadlao
tradies UBluci^to
wever c«i
parer.t todies In (he Mates.
It there'w
as formed
body to take the plaee of Ibe Knights
of Labor In Canada. It Is known aa the
Canadian Fedrratlos ot Labor, and tv
a rtgnruua aail-Asnerlran
thf KBlgbis o' w Id Onterfo and Quebec, tb*
two proviDcws where uolonlrm Is strong.
The federalloo claims itot the all**
labor laws lonsed by (be United SUtea
congress were Um rewull of agtuilon
by United Kuies trades unlona sod
ibejr. as CacadUna tberetoew, de aol
'' lo toTe any further aemlael
Jltncok where dodt exists. The ee>n ot tbe Ancient Order of United
xmen from the Jurisdiction of the
-me lodge In the (inlied Suiee U a
Indtcwtlon of tbe feeling

V .

A Mwey TM Was Ks* T



Take Olf
Yoor Screens

and pnt up STORM SASH.

If joa haveD^

aoj we'd like to make jon some. '

J. E. Greilick Ca,_
Misses*’ Lace or Button,
Choeolato or Oxblood Shoed. tor. It to t. erery pair warrantod
aoUd. for Me p^. at A. 8. F&YMAKti. tl4 Brat Front Stranl.

DIRECroEB—Parry Haniah, A- Trwiy
get the story of an old hermil who liTes
, ((tile iake in the npper part of Ue


James Morgan, J. T.

toirael Oarlaad.
Mate Triiura only a few cluarings took
tbe niuoirtosy of f<«ewL A delicate apN. B-Addraaa all OoUecUoM aad
loth* main sobjec* Corr^ioBdeaee
and then tW' aig fno
Mattm to Ue TruTerw City State Bank.
and hair,
asked if be had a

w^jaty 1

•Tee tried »
Ue world Jtm-------------- ---------------has an idea that be was pat Iwe for
Where am yont folkaT’
Bark Mat. where 1 Mt Uen. My
wife aad fir* childrea' hare a fine home
big farm. To be aooniau. it’c osm

Shoe Department 2nd noor
Urgent and





rt Shoe Snlcnrww In Nortbrm Micbignn.

November Days, Look Out for Squalls !!
W.nrooaattoonanUeFallandWlatoraeaaoa wiU a .whirl In Ua, E
Department, aad to bettor tarilltato th* sole and ateaMmotols the
to^totolMt a number of Ba^a TaWea.^ hare to.ncAad
kiada and styles of Bhaaa. regwr^^^^^'
hare only apace to enamermto a
a tew
tew of
of the
the prtom.
prtoes. Roto Uem eleedy:

suj^of“:;i:^ ::-:^eiXtrL


of tbe AncM in Ue «am ”
"Do they errer <x*ae » aee yonr
"Tbey were all np here ahont fonr
neks ago- Bronght Ueir bedding wiU
TT pairs Woman's Aae Vies KM and the leading madntoetarera tn Bos CaU.
Uem. bunted, flatod. Tinted and bad a *^nS^*hspla tat Hiyte gsi
DoogoU Button.
Band Turns aad Walras Galf. Kangaroo aad Elak. aawMy yonngemb
JU^JCass Is tas bsM e( veactofw
Welta. aad FlaxlWa eolea. 80ms Pin- mt thmpto and toes, patont ImUar aad
ton ssrrsS mt Uoe.

w* karp
WBDts to take up ■ «load aad nuke
t A Smiths aad --------------- -------------- *
tortiMraf himaeU."
Begnlar price* fromgl to ELM
Do yoo erra intoad to go
for tl.».
See OUT mea'a toad wall Bos Ghlf
they are to make yoor bane?”
Bala, amrmt Uapeo. toontto* werU
“No I like it hmm. they Uka U
Our line of man's ahoss a
there. What’s the o-nse sd Mther then
eo potra Womaa’s fine DoagoU and
Chrome Kid Bduou aad Loee. tolr stroageat la Ue atoto. AU ahaM and
or me potting in tbe cinte where it’s
aUtob. aad flexible soles, faahtonabls alylm. Coia. Bulldog. GietoT^nos
d at the entraaee not (sj^ble?’’
atopce aad toeai regular $:.» geodt: ato Yard Wide toes. AU to as* thorn.
"Did youbareantranhle mUynar
«f ttoFieldCol
.. ,
all go at E1.4A
Womaa'a Box Calf Ualmorato.aav
the man In tbe brown salt who waa wift-r’
Tbe old man «t aad saoked aad
about to go in tbrungli the tuniMila
A large Uae of Ladles’ Band W«H
raied to be in deep study.
“Ican’t tet yon take Uatenne
pairs floe Kid aad Beary Bfaoca and Uraa at r«y low price*.
"Trying to pot the story togettorP’
Chlldroo'w aebool aboes it to i rogn-’
sid^’’ he said
and spring hselawerU SI to *1 M
naked the interrsewiT.
good for T» oeata.
"Why notr- demanded the other.
"Ii'e againm the rnlm. Yon’U haw
a nnital debate whfTfaer I’d Urow yon
to torak it at that window."
p^ Mtoaes n to « tae Kid.
•■Whal will that ooeir
FeUaadBmraralippwallMdHe to
nuances to-g«c off Ue fiaoa.
aprtv heel shoes worU fl.W to Sl.tx).
•'ll will cost TOO B oeata ’’
In lees than half the time the bmil
;n>e man in the tgtnra tnit toMtated.
Felt and Bearer botton and laao
was alcna—Detroit Fira Pram
show lagraat «ariety; all ahapm for
’"Diu U the Field nDseont. isn't UP’
TV. »«. Wl-lO aad *l.4A
Sac Ihcoe
A lot of Mea-a «ae shorn dlAreat Mods and eomparc Uem sriU othcra
•‘Vmrttyma. good makeo, Ineladiag C M.
and TV osera.
Oreeahom for
’’MarUaU Fleld’aP'
Henderran'a aad oUmu. srorU S* np wen. sromea aad ehildran, ermy ctyln.
"Ym He'sttoia
I’ll be erm
ataadltl 1 don't ewe for the
dSeelm In the etoy a*
BiUel. bnt 1 bon^t thiacoae eff Mar­ he eknke <d many thiaga. hot (be only

Mmuti lu$di um h. 1


^ fiMi'sBuglllTiHiN.I

Our Box Calf

Um of Shoes
Hm a Repotnioi
(er Wear, Style aiU Fit


HOT sroff.

la'iButtMi IUim.1


shall Field, b^ Jocks, and I’maat go­
ing to lay him for keeping it half aa
honr whUe t Into at hia old idiowl”
And be went a

Bk Brytoa Mleh.. Nwr. A—The Bk

i him wUh eomatto
A frw days aftoward to


tepito Iran Co. sold and shipped ncar-

li erery kind of shoe, good
.M to SAM. all go at one


Jy AOM tons of pig Iran Ue pnst week.

There Is aa anecdote at a London
toUev who, baring nod that .story at
The Ch—l«n1 worim.. which John Wwley/enKiiig ont erery word of
hnnmd aoM tima ago. wQl be repiaosd his dlnonrwnhat hia serwncmaid did
not nndcTSnnd. deterviaed to preiaiU
by January laL________________
to a ooantiy oratgregaHon the sUapIeto
OetypiirOTMar* fram lULanaB A eamoo be cnld write. Be cboee M
Ask. T-hey are freoh trera BalUmma aleniaitarv snjtd and look as his text
"The fool Jh mid ID bli bean there
Un learlng tbe church to
Kia Alice B. WflHama has m^ aUed the |oriU Gerk what to ihcnjUt
efUeawmoL kOh.mylo(d.”taidhB.
“it was r<«y flae—racy fine and grand.
I’m been talking it ortr wiU Mr.
Beard, md we mid bow tea it was.
Bat, after aU. waemt help Ulnkl^

<Ito farnaee M maklag nearly M tons


QIbbb Block.

^ him. mid that she bad not read a
Use of on* of bis writiaga aad knew
BoUing abont Ihent. Of Ue two ladien
be greatly prefsmd Jenny Und and
mjared her frank
than'the fnlnmeadulabcm'’

6tokeleigh-Wfay don’t yon geS
tod. old man?
Brakelei^toDebamd hynntoB
atakeltdgh-r41ow ao?
BraWeigto-WeU. wbOa U to perBtoribto (or me to appear in pnbUf
withont a wile it to not-permimlbto for
to do « viUont oloUm-teMkiyn

Our Price* «r» Bight, And
yo« trill be right if yon.put
yoor tnoney in a pur of thrai.

Frank Friedrich,
THE eu) nuuu SBDSUI,



TravarM City.'Midi.

If You Have logs to Sell

Lumlxr Compaay. We have lor sale Good. Sound Hemloclt Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Floortog,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. MiU Machinery, of all
descripdops, including a Engines, Set Works. Carriages
and Saws. A,complete Saw Mili Plant for sale.




I. and VelpaR aBflorad |
ttaae WIUloBk. wnb'S
o< tt.OM
rvrr Ida oppcnent taM rear Um coverttor
thW rmt tad « trtfflt ovrr UM to a to*
It U.«aa. Wolndt'a toU
of ihia rear rtaoirv a dr<'reaw d(
par r«Dt. from ibat ctven la« raar,
ilU the WUllama rote of 2iJ« ahoae
iMa than » per rent derreaac. The at­
tempt to cor^olHtate the lectalalive depanmeota c fthe city b> a Blnirtr Cham*
her was rated doern hr a ma^orttr of
bout *m.
JahD H. Balliraa. who laX rear na
defeated for eouDrUkr laaac B. ABen.
_ eolerrd piaii. wa* eJerwd by a «obm
aUnllal majortty orer BtarJey RuBan.
—Root «r the Oofoebotk City
The eteettoB
-remarkable "quiet.
Return, from
thtrty-thr e clttea
aB beit.i____ -....................
and m’towna Itidirate
plarallty 1b tfaaaachtuetn otf abtut
m. Tbe total vole for Woloolt. the »apubliran eaadldale. will be aboat IM.*
tm DmM* tta ReeaW-HamlHaa OBaaty «W; for WlUlama. Democrat. Tkoea, and
Rverett. National Democrat, of abeot
a maaMy lt,aaa..»a.
caUy Borbaiured.

i. Rep.. <* Icadlss In the Ber*
XAcbtau Nett. Not. 1-At 1:» thid
Ot'edoesday) moraliic Bt predcieti outaide of Uacole and Omaha tad beea
eewn'd by The Sute Joartal shoahne
a net tnsloe cala of Ijn. U this ratio
« cata ta malatalned the ftaoa plutaUty for tbvatate. oatside tta two
dttea meattooed. will be rcry dose ta

Van Wyck Will B« Rr«t Mayor of
OrMtor Now York, Going in
Poo* a HeiBaikobtr S


U Vote

Ilea MolBCs. la- Not. 1-Tbc elKtloa

'f ■


iryek ptiled a rote abich fatla powbly
4I.MB uoder the combined voteo of Oen*
ceal Tracy (Rep.> and Brih Anw tc.itaans* Union). The Utter was auccenful
to the esteirt of pUllng an aggregate
▼Ota In excea of the 140,sse pledgM Im­
plied by the signatures to the petition

loth bands'with
tta outset tdlered
■llcan party oiganUaOon n a
effort to eidudr ‘Tammany

Dsmsecu Carry TtrglaMT
RIebmoed. Va.. Nov. X.-A Ughi r«r
has been polled an over tbe sute. The

this momlhf of RepabHcaa stale commlttM ta'*.eM plurality on atata ticket,
aad as to lestslatare: Senati—It Dem­
ocrats and IT Hrpubilcans: tause—5*
Betnibllcana and 4t Demoerata; 1 doubt­
ful aviator aad 4 doubtful membra
at tbe houae..
Colamboa. O, Nor. «.-Tbe renll la
Ohio l« so rkwe that it may require the
offli-lal cenuit to delermloe the teault. eapedally on the poUilcal eumptesHifi uf
tbe kBistatnre. Tbe Bepablwans aad the
UMDucrats are bulb ctalmtns tbe state,
ard the lecialaiure with such'
•wee that It will ivqalrc tbe ulIlcUl count
at least U pet one or the other
cede defeat. Imouipletr returns Indicate
the elect]oc of tbe <le|iuMliar. etatetlckai by from I«.mv to IXOue. i.ui the result
lewtslaiure Is eo ckwe that no
^ttnlte tirares tuc ie slveti oe

' »ns claim &4
Uvea and IT OK
taUM—TX belr« mri-aaary to elect
-alnr. They aalo claim all of the
e n premnlaUvea a bore ii UBiiea

ie Fmi




Peri Don.

X>r. A. B. Brnnoey. of Drtroit, alae’

Kanaas City. Nev. A-At It p. m.


As tbe tickets
: entirely local I
1 antUng tu give an e
' preaching rellahimy.
Ltouist-Ulc. Nov. A—In the i

xemaia forooe day only to g-ive the
•ick an opportunity to eeuaiUt him
tfaktcaoDOtaacbimathisSaaiUriBUt. Pb«M Hi
Tbedoctorbaa ao rnneb faith in the;

iexperience be baa bad in treatiag<

Awalktltfougb a teading obewlhf ^___________________

i“ vs. u.






ffnm faenxy u intmating. H«ce over^; DISEASES as tbe doctor. Heifrado-i
1,000,000^ pieonofffnm an Binraal-■ ated 87
S7 years
rears ago
axo from Cleretaad.'
a- :Ohio; was IS yaara in general pracu- itice; after that lectured as Professor
» ' of Anatomy and Ptaysiolory in Detroit
ployees an rn
o( the gram.
ghe imperial

Osr. Caisa aaa«Wlb»M.

, , , , ■■ ,

. ebronie dlaeaseaAbat be will give one ,------------- ------------- ------------------------- ---------------------: month's treatment and medicine free. ■
(or I
AxAOreEgBi’kctCAAorEBSTioirsTO ‘

tta reaalu obtained by his treatment. , •
All forma of chronic diseases aad dc> ;
, formities treated. Ko man in this ’ ^
I Bute baa bad aoeb extended egpe- A ^

Republican plnrallty wDl be ITAOQ.
more or tea. Thtwe returns are frcmi ail
parts of t
stale. Including both
and eonnti
>llsb-d Uvreby will
Deinocintic gain has b-v^t sbtmt
» to a preclmt fur nearly MO pkectnplv
all of wbu-b are IB the duubiful
I That will give the Democrats a
Oat of the Bve stale srraf'n
“ I bl the state of about 4T.CW.
ear fnitn they rUlni ihrv.
DU me I
legislative tu-ket retums are elow
result on the leglslsiure vcnnoi “ ~f: itn .vmilng In
The best estimates tbtrrminrd till all the doubtful i-ountles talnsNe here give
and dUirU-ts are beard frofn. R-ih rides
>mocrstw. and t
U Dem
rspecUUy on the lo^Uvc candidates
prohsbly « out of l«e will be
in doubt- Th. ctacg^frvm
aafe working
at D>e
». The •xouDd.
maforlty '
crats have gained In all the cities except
runs lea jnan
“ Democratic v
IB CleveUnd- The gains In I'lndr-rutl
probably rvavn
and O lun-b«ui were very Urge. The Reitc. perbspB
pgbllAns gained In the rural dblrlcla.
PiuhlWUon vote I* a liiiu
but moot of the charges we-e fue to the i
money" Dem.
auy -I home V cte In the rural dlsrlcts. ;



Tsm Jsh^m Aiissaii a Flta.

Port Huron. Hlch.. Not. A—Every Re­
publican candidate
ejected yesterday '
ap_ for mayor, h
r WelUcaii. Dem.
had inafcrtttrs ,Ib only three
Eight Republican and oae De
aldcnmB are elected.


hla Rmall Wtll M Be Kaawn CtaU Ofnetal Betara. Are la.
Celurebiu. O., Nov, J.-Laiest claim

Fresh Batter

aovcland. Kcfv. ^.-Tom 1* Jebaneu
win aot come borne from New Talk (o
He has SBceaeded la------------ -— *

!»» >»«»
ta. »fvea the
' tabUcaas sr ethiac of a scarce, aad the
DemocraU have been n
Tta RepuMKaa plurality laat year a
«.ie: the ertiinatn of tbe aUtc co
■IUm for this >-ear were 4X.aM. 1

New Torlt. Nov. S.-Taimtasr'* tde' tory IB the Arm mualcLpal ateettoo la
Oraater New Tork U a aweepla* oiwTta only Queatloa remalalns to he
Uad at U o’clock laat alsht was tb<
of the plnraUtr by wbicb the catln
_ tkfeat beaded by Robert A. Van Wyt4
~kiA carrtel tbe creat.muatcipallty. Taa

r. A-Jat»b Roth.
Marstan county,
endam la.a uorel
has bean made tbe
Beth. It IW
artiOB to recevar d
wltbetn I
alleged, wantrd a wife
courtship. He dm
•nl. It U m
to aecure him a wife, and In e
tion for the armeea Rtagenberg was to
ba paid »
Rmgenbcfg Becared Roth
a wife, but the greom. it Is charged,
faned to make the leoder of tbe money
coBSlderalloe and antt has brea brought

Denver. Nor. L-A light vole la raponed from tbe atatc on supreme fudge,
the only state oAeer to be elected. Bet­
ting on tbe iTsull ie »» to Kt In favor
of Oabbett. RopoUat-DemoerBl. against
Bayt,RepubUcan-SUTerRrpuMlcaB. Re­
turns are meagre.
Both sides claim
Tlclory. but neltber otalnm over UW

r»™ «,potrtld.ulB™~r..bi5

Which u gatbervd by li
too ahd exported
;Apor1ed in
to ta^ conUltHlit
aboni l&O pnoDd.
n >4 taken fRxn tbs bales aad
ebopfwd into email pleas,
Itrwd from tree bark and chips by i
; tow and licking. Then it U grooad to


itnaed with manj
< Tears' study in the beat bospiula in
Itheconatry.aodexaalnificandtreati ing
ia> tbonsands of
___ cases, has
prepared him to cure when tta ffeoeral
- — --------fallo. Hare yon been aick
: prariitU
,I for
lor yea
Are yon dioedariffta

ills maklDg
makiog 8.400 leTolnbon. a min■■ mills
nte. Tbe gtoond gum
beat of 1 Od^
rootna Pram bm tbe gom

re yon
re yon. we wiU tell yoa
i can gire yen.
*»'Remember. one moeth wEl ta
•esi to the "wbluaproeed cook.' vrbo Absolutely free—medicioea. anrgical
adds tbs pareat aagar and the treriiem {operations, aod the benefit of alfoor
vrvinlstwt TB>nsin.
' aUltI________
_____ ,__________
who are too poor to pay.
gnrn or kola or otber desired togradUist {Onr mrtboda of treatment U all that U
to U and ooofcs it to a Mram jackeud I knoM J>y ail tta acbool^ with the Aid

ealdran. where it w tonitd and mixed '
Annhls setiBe fasanw or ' *1* taxato in ParalywU, Loaa of Posrer,
Ivglslalurs on joint ballolJorltr
r RepubUd ln,ma
jumbuk D-. .Nvv A—At ::W IhU
raed esseotuilr the above to
tbe TVinofrsts claimed > ma­
estimates, although be thinks
jority tn the IrgMature on julBI ballot
FMIowIng U the grand total of the
majorny la both faranebes of that XASta wb-B the country 1 hard fnun
▼Dtea lecelved by the three leading <an- body.
Democratic 'paBring it to tbe "ranet*.''when it is : MSprivau «iss^* of alttocwa umasS ess-,
dIdata for mayor to Greater New Tiwk.
Clorinnatl. Nor. A—The fcllosrtrg are_______ itec. made so claims, except that
eumplete reiuru having been recelve>l the ’-tmpleie returns trem all the pre- |
tad glveii Ihr R^iubllnaas s close
from all of the dutrtcu: Van Wyck. court) : Bnshpell, ;
_ _Isier
Msr4 sm
s«d _the
returns be thinks may awa.v to tbe .“markera" Tta markem !
aU«: U>w. IttATX; Tracy. tauCA Van Rep . fo- mtvenmr. 41.i:i;
i ume.rM.e result
ate atxel knived rollem wbUb leave JstLbTtm
Wytk-a plurality
RushBell s plo- ,
----------------(beir imptem apoo the kmg sbevU of
Bayor Bajbaey Wins si Bs4»wH.
1 hot go ovor tadOO. Tkllty. 1.M1. On th- lerlslatlve ticket I
fVUiev. fusImM. received 4t.» Toies.'
Detroit. Nov. A—Tesierday s munl- appMixing goto brtun tl gom to tta
Harris, the highest Rrmt^lrsn on the ctpal
vtalloBs .........
" * ■in -a decisive

------vtr-"srasoBtog rtxxn." after wbicb it U RUPTURE. Also, we f iTC a toing-tn
d generally an senatorial ticket, re-elved S».44« votes: Inry (<>r thr brad at the Drm4XTatk- toafcmi tm tbe linee Itfft by tbe marken. hospital department ii oof SaniurOTUr tbe state, bad the effect of kaeplng Cohen's majority.- I.VT. The other fniu w
. a great many of the country TOIera slonisi ranCldslM cr tSe legislative
from, tbe polU. The rranlt Is apparent ticket rsr very r.sriy op ll Cchcr’s
In the reduced majorities given In eon- majority. C-irst.*sies rr the furionlst
r ticke' hsd r-ewrttles Of from t*
oadedly Republican districts to Winttototi) and ixritr wiappm tmvakgi ibe
upwanls of SOfd,
tam J. WalUce. she BcpubUcun astnlncc
gnm<iOi«k aia wink, and to anotber
a Justlc
Sat chief judge
AOBMAh h a AnywF xbatf.
,e peace Tbe Hepubllrana■ elect J
■mmeni tbe “ptakvu" bare tbe gam to
plsea to jsda or bnx'n. wbeieto it ig
which the earn
Ust year. In many dtaricls the plu*
mppeA for sale to liw gearnnl paUin
ramies of s year ago are reduced nearly
Ralllm-rv. Ncv. A—The RcpnblIcnM
aeo-half. and In few that tare been re­
have Citwird tb>-r ertlre municipaltiekri
ported la the falUng off less than S per
"Wbap U Proton frUbr gotog
In this >lty. and wto central both
. Mayor Haybury’a majority
e«L Conceding to Judge Parker. Dem..
m bis ezpedltian tb (ta north poto.’”
a majority of IW.flW In Greater New branches rf thr cHy couRcU. Thiey tavc
■ '■t can’t m.T. It has ben Indeftoitety
rarried all tbrvr a/ the Raltlmote
Tortt. tt la probable that be has won la
Ibe peotoamr ito't in octod*
tta stale. The rrlums for ajawmbly* IcBldallvc districts and the scat la thr
toon for tbe ondertafcing.'’
■wn are entirely Uckitg In tbe Greater Calted Pules senate bow flllrd by 0«e“Wliat tottatraoblaT'
New Tork districts, owing to the Urge msB tai gs In thr Ijalance so that a few
Statx PAOb. & D. Nor. A-IndleattaDS
*‘Ba took a drink tdiaaototm'tad tt
Bamher.of candidates w hose votes roost TMra ITS) turn the scale. How rkae tbe
are that the Repobllcani have won to
ta exwnted before tta aaaerably n««- oofnsst f.4- ibt IcclaUurv Is may be eren
Mda htti tock.WMtoi)«t(m Sttc.
Boiith DakM- Bmlth. Rep., to etocted
ttata sre reached.
ipoD partial rv judge tn tbe First dUtrici by a cima
fftay Bay AlsolUee Ita Agltalaei.
. (ta «KbS«TVBllVe <
rote. Ib the Secesd. Jones. Rep., prabTta UdleatloDB are that ita Demo­ the Republlcara XT and the OerooenU aMy elected by 400 ni
craU wai have a amall itajority of tbe <t In be lower hvuse of tbe Ivglvlatura.
MU aascmbly. In the OrcaCer city 't
The Kepubllcars have > 'boldover"
tbe gtatdton of toaid eras ttomi very
T return^. -senators: their toul on joint ballot would
sleeted, and the election of Campfaril.
be St D
be «. while the Democrais would tavs Rep. in the nnh.dtotrlct. Is cUlmed by totoad to dtoaaod. A man. tbweferA
tn tbe upper part of but CA Tta <
wbo otmld not afford to bo7 a maidta
AMO majority, Gaffry. Rep., to crrUlssaid to have been ly. left for tl
the MU there
ba able kt pgrataas a
ly elected In the Sixtb. Tta result la tbe
etaanga from Republkwru
Demcj- out of 14 new tmaturs. ib which event
Third Is In doubt. Tta ~
• erau in twenty districts, la the last thry wtll control the legislature anJ
assembly the Republicans > t a ma- ricvi a United Slates senator by 1 vote
jorlty of Tl.
Conceding a:
that B or Ihc aenatorUl dtsirlrU 5 have prob­
claimed by the DemuTats
ably electrd Kepubllians. The other >
hoone'wlll hsv-c le Democratic majority. arripoalUy Democratic: thus giving the
Mate senators were not elected this requialu number to secure the Dcmeyear- Other railmates give a Republi­ cratlc majority ff 1.
can majority In the sssemhjy of A
------- 4HMxeKake.aP.srHtawlag.
Mte commtlUw. gave out lbs following
Whatever might have been ths'l*- wrttUB Matemcr.l at midnigtal: -| am
Bult tad HeniT George survived the eery well saUsfled with the reauH. so
iBmpaigTi.the Indlcatlona from theearU* far as heard frotn. We have carried
eat moms were that tbe aubaUluUon Baltimore riiy. iachidlng the three leg-,
«r the W.n for the father as the mayor­ lalatlra dlsirtna. by at least g.«M maalty candidate of the Thamaa Jeffeikos jortty. •
ir advices from the stale
the Republicans will send
Dasiocrai y had prov-ta a faffure tram
any but tbe scnilmenlal point of ritw:
Hr. Oetmah to tb'e United
Xh fact the George candidacy has made States eenale."
tat a beggarly showing In volea. Al­
rmoM TRirwraa lit ynntAwRA,
though In the case of tbe Thotaas Jef-





Fire losuranoe.

Free Storage
for Bicycles.
eels-wta w (m
vSsire Ssrlss
« tJ
the wlatsr. 1
•gioreatvsaa s>

•e rwuma gsiAfitala




, ™., „

Jno. R. Santo,

at the Old stand.

The Enterprise Grocery
is stili doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Open
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in tbe city.



—Watch Repairing.

Enterpiise GroceiT,

—John Verly.


-Front Street.


B. J-. 3^0KG--A.3Sr

Fair Business and Fair Prices.

Cold weatiier is now comhig Yon need a new snit Tx’a'rnexse Oi-by,
of clothes and an overcoat. Irook at our prices qnoted



At The Fair Ve Gan Sell Ton:

feraon Democracy'e Ueket tta ticket
mbaUtuted was of the same name as
the candidate who died, tbe electloa
board held that the letUr of tbe law
ahoold be etaaerred and pasten were
ordered printed and distributed la tbe
r. Tbe disiributloe waa

George or ToOng the ticket
nelltar of srbldi. it la Mimed, was a
literal eompHahce with the law.
same easm citlseiis wbh tad Intended
VO vote for George would not do
anUripating that an attempt woold reauti tn the rlUatIng
tbe ballot as a

Bostnp. Not. A—Per tbs neermd ttans
In to-w years UtU city, ordinarilyatreng*
ly Democratic, gaee a subMntlal
jortty to Roger Wolcott tta Repub
OBhdtdsU for goTsgner at tta MU
tIon psaterday. There wi
werw. a
4acMad toning e« la tta
for both

Hya Hs^ CIsHs tta amts. TWagh BspwblWwm On Hot «iv* II Up. ,
Uceeln. Nov. A — Nebraska yester­
day renewed ber aHegtanee to faslen by
electing the ibrat oanAldalcs on that
ticket by pluralltia ranging from lAM> to li.m. Nothing like compleU returns tare beat reoelTed, bat ctwogb ‘
n.easure tbe reeult and Indl-water tasloa victory than In
Ftoro fuskn hnadqaartan the foUow.
lu wae glren out: "We hare carried
NebraM for the faaiOD tiekri by a pintbe magnlfieeBl Tlctory I
state tiefcet we tare carried a n
of tbe eounty tickeu Tta cann
the part sS the people of Nebeoata to
demand mere and better money thnmgh
the free and uaUmlted coinage of gaM
and silver."
Chairman Mercer, of tta RepubUCac
eoinmliuc. to rich at%to taaetoOiMfea.
Saoraury Blaar araa anwHllBg to rasta
any Mtemcnt to abaanea at toon eomptota (etorap Tta StaU Jeornal (Bep.)
«) ratnrwa tram mTcoty pradiseu avt*

A Sait of Clothes,
A Suit of Clothes,
A Suit of Clothes,
5 Dozen Pants,



worth $3, for
5. for
worth 7, for
l,^ for

. 5.49

These prices are good for THREE DAYS
ONLY. Call early and have yonr choice.



Broach Block


Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ;

Eraiy botUa gwarantaod.

tank NodtolnanMdky Vapor Zabnlnttoto

& a WAIT,

Ita oolj Oa




Also ererythuig in ;the line of

Orden by Phooe giren quick attantioD.


Tbt N*w Captain Otnara! of
Cuba Thinks Paeifichtien of
tha Island Not DHBeutt

MeraWthertcbtM BMhoS MM.
Madrid. Not, A-MarBhal BJaneo. the
new captain feneral of Cuba, baa aent
• cable inconce to tbe Spantob foremMBl aaylM he has (oniied a favorable
•plWoB recardtnc the proapeew for the
paeU^tlon of Cuba. A aeml-omclal
Dote vaa dir«lated yeoierday Kirtnc a
BWre exact iDdhacluo of the coatcsu of
the Bpasiab note in reply to the commuatoatlOB of the United State, on the nb^ Ject or Cuba than haa hitherto been pbblUbed. The ftret fton of the reply to a
dann>hraae of the iateat oeu to the
T&ted BUtea. It eoocludaa eriUt the aa•araaec that Spain to animated by the
aame frtctdly teelin* aa erpreaaed on
bAalf of the UBited Butea. The aecond
pan ot the reply Koea Into elaborate detaUa coocrmlnc the rartoua fillbiiaierlnK
«9Cdltlona. Spain, to coodudln* that
portion of her reply to the United Stale..
onpTUMiatbehf■ttuatlun will t
United Siatea >
ther TltHatlora of International law,"
Itoplr to tbe CMM of MedlaUM.
Replying to the oter of medUllonoade
bgr the United Slatca Spain aaya abe
bopea the United Stats »ill act •loyally
and correctly to belpinit Bpalr to pacify
Cuba, specially In rlerr of the fact that
•ueb an extended fortii of autonontai
paremmenl l« alioni to be dneerety
granted.- The ceoeral fmlins here ta
mere hopeful of a peaceful butcomc of
the jftuaUon. speeUlIy alnce UarMial
Blayco’a arrival at Havana, aa U la be­
lieved hU prerwnce artll crstly further
the MiTtoir of the Cuban problem- At
the moe'tlnie It la pointed out that tbe
aubmlatooc of tbe toaatrpenU .cnnuot be
expected, "unles the}' are entirely


«■ w. lUr
AMcae aanpanr '
ilSf the report oi»d be espreOMd tbo j WoAl«r«o. Koreplnton <hot there to no mitb ia the j ^tbw h»Wftin^ h»
■terteo elrcatau^________

n Ifl jVMueu
ytourdOT. They a««
u the BrUtob fOckeU. eewanoturtn*
liM uid----------M*l>rt>ort
pulk.------ - detachtpenuBrltlU. olScom were weoBdefl. tix Bepoys kl:tofl «>d thirteec Bopoyowouitded.

mn tho

'uroBtoc'ewi.U.- ror
- '
’ made. towlOQ T«I ■ • •

~ •

OFVioiAL raoonmxvM

the west Mde of the walwlafi towtfh
sed by Aldcrmaa tiidia that tbe
OB Ray ttrost to admit of Mbp^
t.sf <1
footmcB BBd bicyele rldeea.
Tbe street ia freat of eeld troarb to
mally muddy aod BOt la prefer
Parlnr. ^tacM,
ooBditkm for tnvul of footmoB Bad MOreOtiA. Ooodrl^ Osek. DeoaMied,
Lardie, H«dlBMtol.Oa(rtMeatod Job-

niiltrluk k-i.;;'.;' ;iWi...k' S

Buber luckily noticed several Kredna of
powder which had esAped fnup the
wo»d«i box Into the wrapper, and L.
cape from a frtxhtful death.
Ws a CMUy Jake ta the dahaea.
Sprtnsfleld. Ilia, Nov. A—Oovereor
Tanner r«Ad the storr of the Hallowedn
- the Kankakee hoapltal
.. the matter by Secretary
the stole board of charltls. He pave la___________ lo Dr. Wine, lo order tbe dlaebarce of thoae eoDcvrord to the affair.
Sectvury Wins aald; -There U nothtot
to do to tWa cane but to dlachar*e every
concerned In the affair. Of couraa.
. raa all a Joke, but the state Carnot
afford to hare tbl» aort of loktog Kotns
D In Its hoepltala"___________

7b the HotioroMc the Vovor and C<>v
OmneU of the COv Af Trovtrtt CUv.
We. the uaderalmhd citlama «>f Travdrae aty. and realdenU oa WaahJaKtoa
etrael. befi leave to e*« your aUmthm
to the tael that about two and em-half
jeaea «fe tbe city Bareuyor mtabltohad
the (T^e lor alde-walha, enrb-Iawa.
etc., oa tbe aortb aide of WaaUairtoa
atnel oa block Ne. 6. tbe flrot block
wcat of tbe G. B. A I. B'y. eroaaiaf of
Mid atoeet. alao that tbe prueeat earTuyor bea made tha freda about aix
laebca lowur. oauelaralaifu uxpaaau
to tbe uadet^ed. We tberofere aek
that tbe eouadl take ouch acUoo aa
srlU rcutore tbe rrade formurly eetab-


_____ be' refold to tbe
Streett aad Sidewalks to
• S report at Bcxt rvralar mMtiof.
: IB
MoUoa carried.
Oa motSoB of Aldermaa Jat
a R duly carried, Oowi^^Jnni^. ^

MufTwy.*. L. Kellom. Miu. F.
sved by Aldermaa BMllmaatel
Fox. J. R. Bowew. C A. Hemnarad. E
B. WelU. J. A. Ormebee.
th Eel- ____ tbe report of the oommlttse t»
aseeptod and adoptad aad claimlocf.Airt.
C€dJlad paid aeroaniaMsiuded.
MoUoa earned >y ysa aad Bay vata:
tbe peUUou be rufevred « the^MltYeae-Aldenaeai Parinr. Moatacue.
tse ea Streett and SldewaUca to ruport OreQlek.
Ooodneb. OoA. Desmaad.
at next remUr a
BaaUmaBlal. Garrtocm
MoMoa tmrriad.

Ha Gaa Now Thlak It Over.
OahhoMk. Wla.. Nov. i-Au*u*t Bo**man. who reported to the police Monday
nicht that he had been'beld Up on the
Tb th« BonantbU, tht Jfavor and CUf
toad to Omro by three men and robbed
CouacU o/ the City ef Tnieerw OUy.
Of mt. haa alnce coofsaed, after
VlehlKOW.. that hia rtory ’
pure fiction- The police srorlt^ on lh«
c time. Burrman waa aantencec to hereby aek punato^oa of year baaoraworkhouse tor toxty days to think bis body to mors a boU^la* affw Mtsatsd 08 tbe prapertv of Qaarfb R.
Browa near eoraur of Blrktb etroet
ErimtoTaBeallaak PraaMaak
' ''laaou avsaae. aarlbwaat oa
akaco. Nov. 1—The Chronicle aaya
aeasue to Froal atruet. tbeaed
today; "Jamea H. BckelA ooniptroUer wMt aa Frsat etroet to Pn '
le carrency for the United Siatea.
has been elected pneldenl of tbe eommerrlal Netlonal bank, one o< the Urceat bankliut InsllluUona to tbe city.
I bare filed tbe ro­
Bckela enters tTpen bla new dutlea Jafi.

tendon. Nov. t—In well-toroftned drels here It to not believed that Spain
haa alKned the rontracta referred to to
The nally Chronicle as havlnc been eon-,
eluded last week wljh an important firm
tof RrllUh ahlpbulldeaa. by which Spain
acquirs Hjme rrulees armed w1lb
qulclc-rirlnx cuna which the firm had
Bsrlv completed for another reverntnerl It to known that (he Spanleh*KOTernmerl recently eeidsvored to pur­
chase warahlpa from the British shl^
buUdes. bni the nexottotlons failed

cast Vo tbe bunt dtotriet. wbsnver
Moved by AT..........................................................
the BtoUer be referred to the (
toe oo Stroefi and SidewaU
power to acL


Moved by Aldermaa Oarrtooa tkal
tbe bill be allesred aad orderod paid.
Mottoa csttM by yeae aad aaysi
Yeae—Aldermaa Parker. MoatacueOrallick, Ooodriob, Cook.
tmrdle. Buellmsntel. OarrlBoa

„'boB wae referred tbe peUtloM tor
aa electric aro llcbt at Beveuth aad
Maple etreeto. upoa lavseticatioa tad
that the loMtiou to In aeeordaaee with
tbe eystem adapted wbea Uebto were
first piaoed. sad wftb tbe eoatfuct betweMt^rity aad tbe Boardaua River
Electric Ucht Compbayi aad that tba
re^neet to^made ^

Awhasiadsr Whiteaia Cuba.
Vienna. Nov. 1 -Thitohea a report o
he subjMi of
:ut>s. In whlih While to qunted ss eav.
tax that Ihr Amerlror.s do out drsdrv
the snnexsiion nf Cube, but that hu■ mantly «nd n.mmrrrlil inlrrrMs will
compel them In Intmenr. The recall
of Oeneral Weyler. White Is uid to
liare continued, has made s favorable
irapreealon lo the Untied ffistes. "where
Premier Becssto has many aympslhlxDEATH OF A ni^VK WUSIEIL
Mm of the DetoBM of ltort>eW tma-lalat
the Orsm Mai-rMy.


A strawboaid truat. controDIn* «
plant to the Onlicd Stoics, baa
Seteo pecplc Were killed and fifty-four
were hurt by Cbicaxn trolley cart durtnr the month of Ociober.
The Janenvilk. Wla.. Mreel car line*
The cars only
torn on an averase about tt per day.
William F. Brown died at Keweastle.
Pa.. Monday nl(bt from Injurtea rerrived to a foot Uill came three years
' The prospects for crops In Anrentlna
are aplendid. and there Is oi'ery Indica­
tion that the yield of wheat will be very
Mrs. E. L- Hutard. of Mondori. Wto..
found one of her twin boya dead In the
I- ber when ahe awoke In the
Jam-S H. Jordan, postmaster at Den,«T. db-d from an overdose of morphine
pills. H-hh-h he bad taken. aun«atoc
iTcra to be cathartic pllla
The Illinois.Apreme court has decldeJ
that physlclana are rompellefl lo Five
experi iivitimoiiy lo court without other
comppnaallon than resular wltnras fcea
Mrs. Iloben A AbeU. of JanesMIle.
Wto.. axed C7, lipped over a lamp In her
bed room and' aei ftrr
cIcRhInK and
••-- -irpet. She dieeral Miles has
case of-Captaln U A. Loverlnc. ebarxed

Ixmdon, Nov- 1-Juhn House ilcrtoU
Chard. V. C.. the h-ro «f the famous
dcfrnsr of Rbrkr’s Drift. South Atrjea.
la January. U»7, died at Taunloa Monday evenlnf. Colonel Chard waa bora
jn IW: and obtained his eommlmlon In
tbe Iloyal Enxlneej»ln iMS. As a lieu,
tenant he meat to Natal early to Jannary. int. and on Jan. n waa left m
ebarxe of the commtmarial post ai
Iterke's Drift. wKh elphty men of the
EtobUetb reKlmeot of Infantiy. Sceini
that an attack ui>on tbe post was Im­
minent Ueutenaal Chard esuaed a bar­
ricade to be hastily thrown up. the sol­
diers ustne the commimariat alores *
thla purpose, and bulldloc tbe breast
works pertly under fire.
Boon after
dark the pual waa attacked by about.
A«W 2ulua and the flxhtlnx toaled tbe
KTSater part of the nUht.
BIX times ttar fiulus succeeded In fmeInx their way inalde the barrtoade. but
they were each time driven out at the

J. M. BUXlAllAPm.
W. J. Pabuul
mr oommlUM fiad tbe eltaatloa
r the peUUoB for
atWashlaftoa SL

Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.

See Oer Kew Liee

Picture Mouldings



Crud lipids t Iidiui 1.1


AUoraeya at Imw.'

I. BBOWM. AUorarr aad Oei

TralmaniTetniw Ctacta.otU. Oread Bap.

“ts: rssu’JJite,—. —
0. h.toUBBAT,Aavasl.
aL-lAMJAWOOB O P. A.OroadBaeUa.

Hnota Ualoa ettvec. Teirpboav Iff.

1b the Honorahlr (hr Meinr oad OUp
r>mwril of Ihc Cityor Tyocerae CUp.

Chicago •«
West Michigan.

-We have duly etamlaed
oorract. would t
Bleat ae feUawe;

O. SJ.“ffiSiSSSa'i5SN.ffi

Far mb Bewd «d Bertvw I day............



/ml.*2 rim


raVtlkata. Feersceeeat Oct.........


the peUOoa be ruatodGao. P- Oaaaiaox.
J. M. Hf*UAIAXT*l.
W, J. Paexxe.
OommltteuMovad bv Aldermaa Jahraua that
le report fie aeer
MoUm carried
as toilovra:
YeM—Aldermen Parker. Moalacae.
OreiUck. Goofirieh. Cock. Deumoad.
Lardie. Buellmaatol, Oerrieon aad
Trorene City. Mlcb.. Nov. 1.1697.
Tb the HimnrtibU. Ih* M«irw and Ctty
Council <if to* Oliv Of Tnroen* C«v.
OExrLX'Haii — Year OommUtoe or
lye and Meaae. to whom was referrtbe petItloB of Blliab Mills, aaklac
for rebate of taxee imtsasii to kim oa
bto property at the ooraer of Etobtb aad
Garfield Av«..would reepectfaUv report
that we have bad the aame uader ooaalderotloB. and ineemuch aa our infer-


Parlsreer Isares Co

rrAJCTXltaJtoad hay. Tvave



Wlltatoi-BartokaOo...aam3l»s..-.. -


F.C Dasxoxp.
Cemmlttae on Clalma aad Aceonato.
a. Gairiacm tba
taad clalma be


MoUoa carried by yea aad aay vote,

Ac geitHAn Ad


«t strwt. - m «L__________________________________

aaPark^. Mtmtorto.
Oromek. Goodrieh. Oo^. Deemoad.
Lardie. BaeUmaatal, Oarrtooa aad

•od OGp

Ckwarif fif ^Oltofif Jrimwed OMp.

J- 5-.SHS

unsm iWNRnuRn LI
Te toks eSset Baaday, Jeas », U*r.
MI aDs-eloek a a.

Durlnt the procreas of a tire at Phil­
B. Moxtauuv.
adelphia a tarre can of benalM ex­
W. J. Pabekb.
Tkavaroe aty. Mtob.. OcL 19. UB7.
ploded. Thirteen firemen were Iso aerlOommiUaitoaotoed. ^ the oocaell of tba aty
oualy burned that they had to be token
MoAd by Aidwmaa Goodrich that
to a hoq>lta1. .
tba report be aeeeptod aad adoptad.
Green Bay. Wla.. has xist reecived tu
Motion carried by m aad Bay vote:
firat elevator. It Is to a department
Yeea-Aldermen ^kar, Moatafiaa.
• and Is a Kroal curiosity to the
_._iU*fi*e'ee to the aan^ of e
itry people, few of whom can be InCbamloal Fire Baxiae of each eapaeity
Kneed to ride to IL
aad report their
Bepreaaniatlve W. F. Brown, tt tbe
deUberotiooe bach lo the conacil.
RaBsas lectalalure. arouam BatloaalHa.
Troveroe Oty. MlCb.. Ho». 1.1»7.
Moved by Aldii^ QarrtoM that
■0 Uu Bonornhle. Mr Mtk/or and Cttp the rmelQtkm be adopted sad paased.
i WtoTo"vote
day the post was relieved by a BrtUsh
MaUoB carried by yea aad oay
Cnunril of Ike Ctty gf TVouerad CiRi,
force, and ttl dead Zulus were oounird
Hk*(ocm.DurInsA i«np«ran
Bvar Ahc barricade, wbllr tbe numner
‘y^l^riiAcraae Parker, M«atared
OKSTLSMEa — Your Committee oa
ttopldA ta.. a ycnax
killed after that attack was
verted evafemed that be waa Kuillyxif Ways aad Means, to whom was roterrod OraUick. GoedyMt. Cook.
>e atapul l.coo It was Keaerally adUyfito.
BaaUmaatri. Oarrtooa
a rolibrn* for which another man
•nllted at th* time that the drfrnae of been Impriaonad staoe last falL
Jtnrke't Drift waa tha BMaat of aavtoK
Goveraor Tanner has offered a reward
Greyton wad Hclpwtakar,. as weU as
of tIH each for Informstloa lewdlni
aecurinx time for biiastbK abont a re­
Aa of tWaks be toadarod to B«
tne arrest and delivery .to tbe aberiff of
treat for the main column.
to the di
Jackson county of Geor*e Shepherd and mneb as the laepeity beloafed to the Perry Baaaah tor bto
Northara Miehirkh Aayittm. or to the ef a %oad of the rifbt <3 way af the a;
John Thompson, who. It to aUeted. an
State of Miohtoaa. at the Uote of the tMsloa of Wadewa^ xtreeL
EADdox. Nov. L-The KTuvect ramora dered A. Beattie Vt Carbondale. Ills.. <
were la drculatlon yetierday on the Sept. n.
*Vmvena aty. Mtob.. Kov. 1. 1997.
An Indtoaa profaaaor vrbo took ont a
wlorit cxchBfiKe reiKiscUnK the beallh
of Oecll Xhedca. the South Afrieen mat- M-WSlneurwacs poUey to IMirecriredan
Bate, farmer pcamier of Cept Orioayead offer from tbe compeny twenty yearu
2tuM of the Briltoh Cbartered South uo to ceab the poUcy tor ItCM or pay.
ABfeaa emvonr. U was reported that him aa aaauliy of 9UA Me otoeud »
Mheam was dead and South Amcaa as- taka tba aanulty. aafi new at tbe axe c(
aaritiis were flat to OMoequeoM. Tba M yeen has drawx from the caawaay
SacxutaiT dt (be BritM CbutMofl ■eatk , m«o thu tMH-



SjroTR^a'nmpreU of flO.OO for fixt-

uu w. c.t: u.

to hoidinc the others undrr the pretext
* of flnlahlnK them.' but the seneral Buppoalllon la that the Thomptonaare real­
ly holdi
eeunlry asserts that Spati to unable t
raise more tnimcy abroad
tboucbl likely that rhe can proQuresrar
ahipa on Ihr proMtae of psylnc for them
by money. She may raise money
an by_ ijirrual loans.



BUI uf A. W. Walt Mff. Oo. of 111-10
tor work ea letter bsi pseto wae preaaated.

are* tor eodau boueu waa prae. ' ■
aod read.
Moved trt Aldermea Huellm
that tba Mil be allowud aad on
>tloB carried by yro aad oay
puUUon b^rvferred to tba eommltlu ud
. .se-AIdermeB Parker. Hoatarue.
Kitnila aad Sidswalka.
of TVire Haute, haa
OreUlek. Ooodrkb, Cook.
Mottoa uarried.
.T of tbe superior CO
court of VlKOOoun•
-ewjud«e TO (hr Honorable
Maisw and CW« Lardia. Huellmaatel. Gairisoa
ty by
Mount. OmmsU or the city AT JVimsras CUv.
Bucceeda David M- Henn\ who has 1
appertmed Internal revenue collector for
Troverue Qty. Mich.. Nov. 1.1*97.
the Terra Haute dlatrlel.
ORxnJEaKs—We, your uemmlUse to

then beran looUna for barsalns In ararMtiw w-htch other eountris were buildlu- Some of thoae eountrlra are buildtv-khlpa In Hnatond. amcri them belOR
(mile, and It Is supposed the fovernment
M that republic Is wlllinx to leanafer to''
Oae TIisMsd -.Diir MAtortty.
.•'SfWlR three crulsere-the OHlmrlra. the
Esmeealda and the Ulr.totn Kenliiio/ ■which have l<eeo practlrally compirled
elecUon In Van Buren county Monday.
try the Armatrony*. The toller, how­
The majority to favor of aa aaloeaa will
ever to only winir* to nell the three
iwacb I.COO.______________________
erulaers lo Spain for cash.
tame T.miili toMta la eBar.”
(d tox torpada
d vraa ro-eleet-

Ever Burned Ont?

Boabp or Prauc Womta.
By Job* T. Bxama, Chalrmaa.
A. W. KicxuD. Clerk.

■TAToiKVT or aoam or prfBc won«

Moved by Aldermea Mootoffae that
Tearme Otj, meh.. Oct- SO. lS»t.
tbe rcoommesdatSoa be adopted aad
We do hereby eertify to tbe oonncD
Of tb* Otty OmeU oftha Ottjr
Tnvtbe BMrd of Public Works asthorixed
_IK to ea ae- eald city that tbe______
perform the work.
earata aoeoent of tbe ooet «{ tepalro
Holloa esTTied by jss sad nay vets
■ lTka»» nitod
B««ralar ipeetiaK «t the atj OmneU. on atreeto and tha eoMtrucOoa thmod.
the aseuBt of eaatertol ward aad the
buid ia OouweU nim Nov;
Parker. Meatsrua.
Harvtne. Wla.. Kov. 1 — Dr. Baeh
MeeUar was
Or^ltok. OoodftdL Ooek. ,DaBatoBd.
nober. of thla rity. received thronah Major, W. W. Bwilth.
taiAto. HaeUmaalol. Oarrtoua aad
Preeent—AUmoB Parisr. Moat*the malto Monday mbrnlo* a packa«e
which upon inipectloii proved to be an me. Or«mek. ckmdrtch. Cook. OraBopd.
Infernal macblna
It coatoaled of a Lardle.HaeUMhBtel. Qairteoa and JahMoved by AldwmaB BneUmaatsl
ereoden box with a alidinp cover about
that tbe cosaoil exteod to Aldermaa
MlBUtaa of lait r^nlar BeelUf
twMve tachs to lencth. three tochs to
Matafue e vote of tbaskefor bto ealwidth, and three tochea to hetobi- The
eed' "imharto^" V
Dable report, of bto vtoll to tbe Getse
cover waa lined on the Inalde with a
Iroa Work* while la CUoafo
ane a. U>c Board of Pwhllo Works be authoeatrip of aandpaper at the frooL and
ixtoJtodotheaeeo^fridlBroeBartbe Utoldc of the box .
to'R^te^ars and otbwn^^^kwith tbeheada upward and louchins the
lac amehlaery.
Mdpaper were attached by meaoa of
aun- and ^klb alroala.
Movad by Aldermaa i
Motioe carried.
cover they w---------- ---------■aeeroe City. Mwh.. OcL ». 1691.
Next to theae waa a uuauUty of Kit
powder and rottoo. the balance of t
space betnc filled by a tin can filled
tbe brim with dynamite. I—


QBBTmB.Wa.tbeRaar«cf PabUe

ooura auuM.


-Money to Loan


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