The Morning Record, September 09, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 09, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


• mu»«Aa Saitiac

•tmA Tkw«M Afitralttnil ud U*
lalfM 8m4*«7. hM iwr^rtwl
te ftMrta at
•f . wQl %• Mn lo ottnet Uit* crowd*
Miniika»Uii«»aa»ittt. Fcl. hmae
knoBgad far two
jbTk. Md tk« «wlow vriM aSwod:
wxi>nBu.T. vr^M.
Boric* Meyci* t***,
......................... «00 «OQ tl 00
IW^foMtM*......... too 100

BotooMlt.............. too 100
BMad^ kn«d Jn». too i 00
. SSTmo*...... .Tv.. 1 00 W
' • aO* hudkop U■ 00 too too
100 n
100 too
M ^ op*a bi^ol*
iMo......... too too loo

■BO...W.................»00»i00f »0

_«0T THE “REtt THlHfi."
aasssh mttaa

at Alleged
e Ball.
The Bsaaah Blflea’ teaw plaged tall
geeterdag te Tw^dth eweet park.
Ttaca waa a sfaw repreeeattag the
Bogg Bead pmest aad it wa* expected
ttat theg wooid also ptag. Qoae ob1 to ivtaal
anoh that looked UksbaUplagiag os

*^S«»^were hat foor toalain. laetiag
two hoara. worried throagh with, aad
whwi theg wwe daiahed tha Blflea had
filed ap ts rsBt, while the tead could
BBlggati. Theaoldiareatanad la la
tBa fliA laalag aad with the aecktasce
at idx hlti,twoofthWB dosblck aad
■eiwal antaa. got together tea eeoree.
n*a aaora wore Blade U the eecead
mA ai^t la the third aader
«ha* flwilar eiremawtaaeae.
aore la the fosrth oa three hlta aad
kaaeoahaU*. Two were wade bg the
haad la the ftret ea twe ernire aad
BOnpUBf pawed tails Two UWaad
BBBpU of gifta Of fliet gaee theoi ewe
la theaoeoBd. AsoOwr
the third oa a aias hit bg pitehar aad
laothw pawed baU.
The hatterlw ware 4ah aad Thowae
ier the Rlflw aad Via
C teewlao aad Gtagwa &w the Baad.
OragsiB rsa^t ag^ gaaie for hk
teas aad Bownaa plaged #eU at teeBsd. For the Ktflee, Aabh ^tchlag.
' KewnaBh worh at aeeoad, Oaaatat'e at
third aad tha hlttlag of the entin
Boat ampired the Brat two taalage
with the aatataaoa afa tew of the
Bwtlentsthegraadataad. aad then
qaH trow cxtawtloa. Btere tardk
Maaagad to flakh it
hard'Ohapewbmtteraaoeer: Thk k

•fandd tom Mt *ad Rwt herd.
It wlU b* msMB^cd
* trow*d»c tk* Ho*U«r*adaiBi*t*rwl«o tho
Oolt* OB tfa* oceoBea of lh*lr iMt L
bar*. VietDCy tor oitlwr aid* i* Vf me
win OVtBfB. bBtitl* » ■or* 1
Bat th* lookl t**ai wm plaj M terd u SecBNd «»0. aad O. & Booghaf
BMr kBOW how tOMNM OBt «B top.
Bamvig Baaaped Blmilat B^er- BaawiteU. on Stxtk *tn*k
B*«I7 «b« kBow* what that «bw'
iaaoe-LB^ at the Boom* Wan
Mk* ZoUaa Gate* of M*mb. MIeh..
taiBOBt. •
aa cxpprkBoad mUllamg aakaladg. arTWO HABFT BBABXB.
The Oraad Baptda Pran laat aighl rind bongwterilagteactla that mpaeitg thk faU for Mn. F. M. Aahtoa..
had the fBUowiar
A gaag ef hog* who wan apaariag
"Heoatar Beorge O. Ooeall of TrarWtFTi*d»—
me atg waa robtad of too at the Eaai thamarin* bg lltterii^ th* walk oo
■r. Attbtf Dnrar m4 Ml** lUod hotel bg a darlag aank thief at an UnloB atreta naar Blath, Tacadag
BfMdor wmaarrted l*«t sight *t early boor thia numlag. aad Q. E. Blflhv «sr* appretaaded bg Chkf of
0 oMloek M th* MWdMw of th* hrld*-* Boo^eg. a triaad is ss adj^slag Polk* Bonak and oompeUad te *woep
IBXBat*. Mr. ud Bn. J. a Oerwi
rlgeecB^aataUar Isn ap tta walk aad clear awag tta rabof Oak Park. 8*r«ml iorltod g«**t*
Seaawr OoreU asd Mr. Boaghag, bkh. asd ttaa waned sot te cewmlt
Ww. Black' al*o of Trareno dtg. ngkterod at the
egaia OB palp of arreek
boni ksd Bla Bt»' 0*1
Eeat Baadag aad Maadag nlghte.
Thk Was Aa Vaktad Oak
•oopl* *Ad B«w. W. 4. V
Theg wan awigaed a doable
They wm laldc is Um eitrFrank Friadrieh. after the kaU game
the head of the amla stalrwag oo the
The TOBOg OOBPI* *r* both w*U aeeoBd floor. Both retired at a iweoa Taeadag. telegrapbad the aeore to hk
hawks ts the dtf ssd good Cricsd* able hoar laet'alght. *At 4 o’clock thk eoaeia Adolph Leitelt la Otaad Bapld*.
win b* eager lo wjih thew *U *crt
moraiag Mr. Boo^cg wae awakeaed Mr. LelMt ha* taBB aa ardent eapporur of ^ BoboUak* aad la a letter
bg a Bokc la kk room,
ired bg Ftaak gwterdag ta
at tha elotbw rack golag throogb the
qnina bow be eoald ta eo enel a* to
a teltanm like thak and also la.
The thief had doac aa expert job.
■plcsdld Attrcetloii* Bsgagad la Bigfa
Be bad picked at tha keg that had beea tlmated that it woald ta a good Idw te
Sidiool loctan Ooura*.
left la Seaater OoreU’* doer aaiU ta tnaafer tta Basilw* for tta Bob* la
The aplcsdid ssocceM of the BIgb had taraed it aroaad aad it had fatln tbe Waetem Uagaa. Be work* la a
SAool leetsre ceBiae* of tb* poet three
Then be bad {deked the lock little eraeltg Umaelf wtaa ta qoaUfled
jscr* will c*B*e the aasaamenV-lo
and eaterad. He weat throagh Sana- hk 4*t eutemeat with thk aeati
-if U waea't for Maaktee."
peblie to look forward to the
ter Corell'e teooser* wllhoat
aag faaa Two porew wen la the
A*lBthei«*t Prof. CT. Orews h*a po^te, oae ooBtaiaiiig a te bill aad

sEissr OF 18974

takes 'e^e^SBlMto Isreetigate w- theotharateO. The thief aelected the
teO. oreglookiag the other pane. Then
It OB te Mr. Boogtag-e apBii.
mnta aad then ta wa* canght at Ik
Mr. BoogtagBikeedaothiagaadBoae
of the other gaaek la tha
«tk)B* sad it k aaasred that the mead.
coBrMwlUb* follT a* good U sot tat­
•The ama'a weepe waa awg after he
ter thas the prerloa* eoaraea. Protew had once gteaed the halL The mala
eor OrawB oompleWd the airaageaMBi*
K dlneUg la front of him aad
ta bad OBig te meka a ran aad ta ww
1. Imperial Wokh Male Qaaitea, ae- late ~loak etraet aad «
•ktod hg MUe
r Booth
«« aad Deawatle Bedter.
of the Eeat aaterallg regnu rerg
t. Loetare Seofa^ th«
mooh that the thierw ahoald hare
OoL U F. Copeland. Harrkbarg. Pa.
ehaeea w operate oa the gnwta of hk
t. EatertaiBBUBt—Areend the Store. hewe. thoegh the mattw can oaaae
Eogt L. Ooararg. Bcatoa.
ae refleetioB apoa kk precaDUoa* for.
their •afetg-*'
and -Osnacked. Motgaa Wood, Toroata.
s. Leetoce-Bralas Ber. Firaak Brietel. WacUagtoB. D. C.
ft. Ariel Imdke' Sextette (tlailth 81a- TaOBaflan Wan Bang fbr thekankta* Team Teeterdag.
BpwUlWlteMonlBC R«M«.
The exact date* tor the »tar* e
Maaktee. Mich.. Sapk A—The dktelaraeou hare aot taco flxed, hot the
coorw wiU opca th* latter pari of Oe- ablwlCiaad Baidd* team. taU-enden
JobM- ud cloce la Idareb. Seacoa Uek* of the Wwtera Leagoe. reeeired a ter*
eu lor the eaKrc oobtsc will ta cold riUe dramming at the baad* of th*
Oolktodag. The home teem
f<w I1.S0 aad n.OQ. depeadlag apw
their mettle end naehed Bathban for
teeatioa of ■wiB. Parehaccnef •*
Uekta* will hare the prirllege of re. te hlta. Tta gaaw wa* looaalg tesged.
eerriag their eeat* for the catln aeaB. B. E.


k eoBfldeaUg bellered that the
Car ^ i
leO# •
ta plaeed BB wle aa aooB a* the
exact date of each CBtertalaawi

K. Moatague aad A F. Oawerea B^
BMmbaredbg Bong Brea.
H. Moatogee aad A F. Caweroa.of
tee'Baaaah A Lag MercaatUe Comp
ead reeelrof gesterdag from Me
BaRTBros. ef Detroit, bg expreet, a
M with the eemplimcat* of the
BroslSmpaag. The caaw are made
from Ue Neboag Palm, aa axtrei
tare wood. It growa la the Salta
of Jehore. which k eituated at the ex*
teem •oathma-moet pdnt of Aalaoa
ttaMalag PeabmaU.
The B^ Bres Oompaag are the
irgeM maanfaetarBr* of rarakb la the
AH.B. worid, aad these caaw theg gire oet
. 10 s I a—ts/io * tea tew of their oldest rtataour
. I 1 t 0— 4 8 « eoareatae aad te ahsw the flae flakh
their good* will gir* to thk wood.
The WBC* an broaght te thk cob
lattana^aBd anfiakhod at tholr
BaaghthgBalUag Tree aad Batfan^ weeto la Dteiafl.
a Braetarod Am.
Bomb fobw BABauxt.
g. K. Ml
hk haweta Aem
Bow W*Hibm Won
wre fiaatareaf hk nsote*B
The Bocm FMsm met last alght and

. aw a charge of keeplBg hk wkna oa
the Wau Bide opca Baadag, ako Moa*
which ww Labor
aad a legal
Soder era* taboa hafore
gBdga Bcbcrt* aad U woe ttare laaraad
t^theoalooa «a* kapt hg hk oob.
Thaiatoretheacooeodwaa dkeharged.

Oraad Bapld*3.S.<Kl-ft««.l-f—
Batbboa. Ftar and OrtOa. Eld F*ar
badeoeaf bk flagen brohcB ta tta
third bg a tool beU.

Oet Tour Wiatea' Faekei.
Oar *ted( ef FaU aad Wlater Jari^^
O^W and Skiria ban Jest arrired.
Begwdlew of Urge adnaee U
<mf offer them at lower prlcM than
erer. WUl be pleeaed te tare goo call
te*peet tta earn* whether go* bog

I September 6, 1897. School Commenced !
School Sooks and all the necesuiy tfainn
that go with them, at-----

For the Girls—
K.*.,«iPra,, Tamoshanters ss
26c., 42c. and^Oc.
jmrr toe tbihg

fob stbket ob school wbae.

For the Boys--.
—Good Suits $1.26, $2 and $3.
legs’ FarakUag Good* srwgtbliig of raliahU qaaUtg. at lowest prieea

Rdiable Dry Good,. Carpet, and Clothing House.

Tex Boertet Sroax.

Hark B. BortoB.X.S. daelrw
Bform ber patkat* that owlag to
wui, lor
umr be oaable
for •
a time,
attend to her proetiee.


.W^e Still Lead.
Notwithstanding thegeneral


lonr. Send in anorderl

tewbaterergmottai klodt-

■htegte Wnnn of FMen’ xm
Btruek for Bigbw Wagaa.
The DaUg New* <ff Maaktee bad tbe
foUowlag gosterdag:
“Ywterdagttaknot-wwgwa, peeken and oblagU ^wren ea^logad a1
Peten’mUl ttraek for oa iaereaae of
wagee. Tta mUl ebat down tedag.
Mr. Gang wbea eeea bg the New* ttak
Bwratag *ald: • 1 d* not regard tbk a*
a strike, merolg ae a abort ebat dowa.
Tta hay* aad man wUl aooa ntan te
k. Tbew hixb figarw qnoted (a
tta lofflber maricet ban caosed them
te thiak we ere waking axceUeal pretits. bat a* aooa as powibte we lataad
to laerwee tha prtet of «or mn’*
XdttU Oorlane'e Saael^.
Tta exewain heatdoabtlm wm
aaw of the amaU aadkae* which
Mwed tta exhlbiOoB of daaslBg in
SiMotarg’* Oraad Opera hooae teat
alght bg Pnfwwr flilnr aad hk
aharmlag little deagfater Oortaae.
OHinne k a gncefal Uttle dkawel aad


eat thor^klg eaj^ed ik tta pro*
teeter wUlorgaakeapa-----------a baaqaet which ww <mc of the beet ladaadng.
of theeceeaeaBd thoroeghlg esjqgsd.
A large partg of the Kaighk
Ttaknltam baU teas tana aU
Pgtkke of Barber i^wlage aad Patcakag hare chattered tha eUamer data tanoBt tedag. Btatlan *a Maaktee
OelM. OamcBUsdatua.
Belle for thi trip te thk el^ ob the
Mm. E. C. Baras* Mager *d Woeeam
icth toBUcBd the waeUag ef tha O. D.
tar. Maaa. tem*^ Mi% Bteith Baraw
of tUe dig. kalatesn^ at Park

•bA Ootta Todag.
ddwgo. Sept A—Wheat—Septem- Tbarcm Bag Bln. Ha. n. A O. T.
■ Toteg^9h•Oolkaad BaMlace mat har, MBe; Deambhr. 9TX: Mag. Mbs M.. ta—tgesterdag plimltelag aal rte^thoBnakmlaalOBgttawgB tha,
n SteWhsr.. SU|
Octobw. IttagfritrteslaBkBiiiia Aboat M
MBssTliiisibte.Mi Mag. MBBife.
k Sipfllte. lt)(« OMBher. as;
will ^WW»
Ik haadkiBpad a* thar
U Mata
ikBHtwaik. Tkagaamantan i
tb BwMtebte. SAIT; Oetehar. lumbar fram thsOralWood Dta 0»


------ Ooal Oo. Baa Adraaeed
Wagw Fin Oeata Far Ton.
Owowo, Sapk a.-PriBlW EU
•t the Ooraaaa Coal Ca. he* aet^fled
tta miaan that *lae* tta flnt of tta
woBth. the priw ter digging h**bwB
adraaeed Are eeak par ten. makiag
the rate fram 8S to »o ceata. which k
aaadraaeeof from to toM eeamrpw
dag te aata miaer. Tta adraaoe was

fl#0 niONT BTRAAI.



The Best

aad pricae that down all
eompetiterm haring boo^t
oar winter stodc befon the
tariff bUl weat late effeek
Is that atoB* w* ean goa
toe. OB th* doUar.

Hid in a few lurplis;

open Ttiei.
d Sat. Bvet.

A Comfortable Idea
Buy good Prints At...... .......... ,.8c
Buy go<^ Batting at............ lOc ■
ffoodt but twice the veiffM in a roU.


AsgaaBegkgood Staeol Salk

98c.hogsawod Bdt wogthgt.

Wa ban three lete of Bog*b
Salta, dm tern ft te It gean.

3ifcr*5r-“-" ■"

Buy them

j: w. milliken.
A comfortable
all around. -

Wt fm jKt recaint u artn In Un iL-

Ladies’ Welt anrf Turaerf Sole Stoas

Bwt AsflortiMBt of SCHOOL SHOES
lathe cHy» at--------






THM MOMliaa BaOOBD, »fcP»«l>*T, —PTMPnt 9. HOT.
«TT» itoBxrara'saooBS.

If ' ^

nATSBSXomr, • laomoAM
T. Baw *jn> J. W. BAdm.
a. w.







an Obccuma

Mho Den Brigham baa aaaaftal ■

temwiy of tkh rity. 8ba left ter tbara
Mr. and Mia. Sam Win]
tbroagh tba rity yaawrday ea their
way Ctm PoWakay, where they ware
marriad Taaaday. to MaaWtae, whare
tby trill asaka tbeir fotora boms ■
Bam Oaeiay, editor of tbe Snttoaa
Bay BasaoD.«BBta tbe city yeetarday
to ooUaetpt-WtraeD Frank PHadriah.
whirii ha did oad treat boma with bh
anebaqoar wall aoppUad for eontlar
AU. Bleharda,av
and abea dealerod Baalt Sta. Marta,
oad John Maagom. termariy at tbW
atw. BOW a dmlar la g<
k ar^la tba city oa
sainM and plaaaaro.
Mr. and Mra. JoUw Stainbarg. Mr.
oad Mm. Chaa. Saaithil oad Aloe

Iv th« •xbibiUn-tP tak* plMe «■
V tl. tt.
tt, It.
t&. Md t4.
»4. Itea
vOl k«»'ll»iUdditpU7«f MW tkW tba mairiago at Wm Fanny Bnimitbal
jaroaMebutAftbaUcktorop. b«t to Sm Wiaklamaa at MaaWtaa. ThW
W ImUbc it tbM n^wet Ux waa OM of tba mo<t brflUaat aeaaw of
aaaea in Patoakay.
iiiiiwir-------*'• —*-------- ts m»kt op
vUk tbo wWWW by locol boriaow
tni— Witk«Mr obonetarWtie «&DlTWaa B.. Mra. Alton Smith, aapariataadaak Maadnww Aaala Soola.M.
• with tbo
& Smith. AgM Smith. Sennla Smith.
■ oAlttoko thW fair o noAUaa Smith, Doreaa Basilh. W. W.
ort-bmtoroad tboa bt io Uu wttb Smith, B. B. Staword. M. Btotooa, M.
«be «UW lUr. TroT«a CHy tbooid A. BlUaf. B. Slmpaea, M. B, Thiriby.
•aor be
oew • itote loir, la Oallto Thaekar. J. Trombly. A. VotroqaUty «{dtadoy.
ba. C & Vadar, K. B. Van Qyka, W.
J. Woeee. J. Zlmsaman.
WUTUrWaU the pripeof wbaot oad
«lk« bm pndoeW MM H odnoM balm. F. Shrader, Bmma Deter. T.
millsia Dr. OaiBar, Jnltoa Fnlgbom,
lattM prtoB <a beoaboid Mm
-«hitbMbM«Med tbe m»*ml
BottbWtobolof metwltb The following arttolaa are to be aoppiled: Bread, yeaak brown, mltriring.
•««o»M ta> werw of Ubonn. io wUeb
Cbha. eooUaa. fried eakea. bakad.beaaa,
Qi4Al|«m> OM of tbe flTOt MOMO tO
ooMtotbetrook TaWrdoy^Oor. Mlad. eroUera, etc.

Upon Which Thty May DmMs
Wfwthsr ItWiH Pay to Hold
Thsk Whsat Awhito.

KEPQSI8 OF oovsnu H mOFB

WashtBgtoe. Sept. f.—W. P. AtweR
semmereisl agent of tbe l^ted Ststesst
Bobatx. Frafrce. seadt to'^ ibt state detbe abort wbeat
crop ta Prance. Be says tbe crop la
Preace. and la (act la ell Eaiope, baa
tallce much below tbe averacs. aad
that It is eatimsted tet..Abe United
Butw and Carads wlU WealMppoe to
to u«.we,wo
mart than tbtr expertril to Earope last year. Praaee will require
aboBt toWAWt batheto to meet the deOeleticy la that ceonlty. Coesol Reecan
at Odeasa has made qolte an extenetre
tbe Mate departMsH eunceratag tbe (allure o( the ettva In Rosela. la
many districts It has been ihe wcttcat
ercT kpowa. and gialn has bcea
red by both tain aad balL Mach

exported (ram Rowta durtag the itieann
at lOI-t. as there Is IllUt svalUbto ter
that purpese. ibr oM atoA being prac­
tically exhausted, sbd tbe new crop Ut.
tie more than suOlcleEt (or the bcSDC de­
mand. The tallore c( tbe wbeat cfC|
Austria-Hungary. ~
gsria. Cossul
bruught bayetu trem those eounuts^latc KoWLs ar.d wheal which would or­
dinarily have <>deim by steamera Is
:lncd to go by rail from the inustcr

aOool Co.
telo l
^MMWotdoforiwUbocoio. Tbe
8k Lools. Bepk k-A flra (ollcwad by
y Peten LaMber Co. In MonWtM ^ aa explosioB that ehatterto cues fer
AU at wbicb looks wril (or tbe fhrmers of the United Slates, sad they seem
; y jiMMleeofbelWrwMfoe.
t>e entoring tbe proMri. Becrttary
ptsDt>t aiZT and
'Upon war Bt his
tbe agrieulTn
Unerl 8k Lomte. bee ala at-rnae ynterday. Tbe pUnt bad
r for the Srst
taoka Ibe record ia tbe trip aerooe tbe been tobbIbi foU time up to about an
Attontte. She oade tbe trip froB boor before the flm ocrurnd. A leak
states. Be ercat SB tsr west as Montsna
Book to SootbomptoB U rir yanks and It was U
ar.d Utah. gl\-las,cs|ipcial atteniun to
Aepa. *m boore and foorteon wlaotea. Bbot down before si
the agricultural IntercaU of the sUtrs
While Boeb baa been baaatad abeot A are sUrted In i
swied. with pawkwlar rriermce t. '
and so enplastoo of kaking ammooU
gas toMoeA Ib sddnioB to tbe 4efor. the ablp boDdan at BtnKtloB <f the lor pisiit end maeblBcUlly good toirils a



Ir iMttfTat. tbe aUefod ertfa «o^
tear BOW on trial In CUcago, ia roU^,
ha la tbe prtaoe ei erialnaU. Sbeold>M>,:tbat bWwl^waeniorteed M tba aridenoe 'Mold Indicate,
the tfiM wae oBo of the ntoat daatedly and cold-blooded of tbe ooooby
o of a street frir In Oad
ffiaeiaopiaoe of <o^^
Mat trUb artisUe and.
•M, Tba plaa W a good one In ^Umc
r Ideas and fydiiiee will

Oo. AalgMl With XdaUUties


Pitedk Swt «--Tbe

Tebooeo Oa.. iommuw. tp K. C
w A Oo., Oirignad today with prof
M to the Union Troat'Oo. Tbe
Maw are tibe.OM and the UabUItiai
ttu.000. Ttea W no
Tbe gradoal inroads of tbe
Wbiaws treat Isjrleonas tba prineipaJ
•Maoftba faflM Praaldant M. &
•teb W tba baariaat eradltw.
amonW to pM.tOO Mob h prinOrally rawwan tod by me
ttisao aarpriaa to tbi
Mmo trade or to loeal taaaelara.
Ttoaathai of Satithin not aafordni
hW own claim is
Bcaey Cargo ctfPiaa.
The atcambarge AUea U. GUI elaaraf
tew tUs port last afgbt with »7D.(«
tet of ptao ter Bitteabooco A BttbM
te Ohteago. The deck load
tegaatarar taken from this pork Oap'
FioakUn was aceomiMiad <m Um
A by en-FIn Chief Dmprea, Dbsh
fhwpYTV and Stanley, who will make
fha toond trip tbe goesw of the eteate.
JnUna T. Ilanaah W.hema team

Dr. O. A. BelUte wont to Senbart ysnWrday.
WtOmr P. omotOlltolte.

waa la

CUeago. Sepk t-Whea Luetgsrt. the
altogsd wife marderer, entered Judge
TuthlU-s court room yesterday hrsmitod .
d at tbethatary. Thefltstbual. j
8M tafcwapwaatbersadlat'
ttOM a( letters, wriiua by tbe defradast to Mrs. ChrUUss Peldt, and
this imdlag eeaM hardly hare been
pleasaat to Luetgerk or to his attoo'
nera Lnstgerfs tasdiag aitomey. sgJudge Vincent. smUed when the sea*
teaee waa beard Is which Attaracy
Vlaceai waa termed "greedy." Tbe tet­
ter weal on to sute tbat Lactgert latended to retoam Ationwy Vtnemt. as
be did aqt coAsldcr him able to baodlc
la another letter
Laet^ bmta le the effect that ca
the Arst day of tbe trial there was to fas
a gredi serprlae tor the police aad the
aute. An attorney o( world-wide fame
arae to be engaged, and when tbe “dogs
e( police" saw who K wae they would
_iwyer. Luetgert eoaUaaed.
peraede AKomey Vlaceet and thee the
■ae would be properly ceadnbted.
Mra. Peldt waa then recalled aad tbe




to see bow little

to mothonL-^'^'ssn

IW IIIUIII0IOm{,„„ had a smaU price at.
uched, but rrally dear at any price—Our aim is to give

,THE wm KIT um FOU THE mKt.
This means a little more money at the start periuips,
but a great saving in tbe eod.

Our Line of Knee Pants...
Have double seat and knees, are extra well sewed and
will not rip; are made only of wchgoods as wilt give
viic iKuv v» 9CIVII.C, cvm wfiui uic tuiiu usage,

more than many
have- none of ^ese
, knee .pants that.
points—50C- to $1A» for the best all wool d^ev*
:ood points—50c.
lets and Kerseys.
Stott—Gaod rtoasa for tbs moHay Ask to aaa tbrn.

ber Haanclal relaUaiis with Luetgert.
She said ebe had tecelred eight letters
from Luetgert and the defense expects
to piwvc chat she received more en1
write mere to Lurtgert than she has
teetlfled ta. Nlchatae Paber. an ex-employt of Lnetgert. tcstlDed to hari^
nsen Luetgert and bis wife eater the
factor> OB the night of May L Under
CTom-cxaailBatloa Paber waa forced to
admit tbel he did not know snythlv
that happened on any other particular
dau near May 1. He was unable to teU
wbether tbe aigbl war moonlight or
etoady. Hr simply stuck to tbe feet
be had s
them eater aad heard
the two talk.
Cherlee Heturst
heard the try a s
n la tbe ti
-esaminrd aa
to hie tettlmony at Ihe prrllnlnaryhrarlag. It was Uioan from the records ot
the btariag Wore the Jurilce that
Heagsl bad admlucd hU Igaoranrc si to
wbribrr tbe cry was that «( a bomac
bring or an aalaial. Tiaterday he said
he was pnsitlrr It was tbe cry of a hoama briag. PriU Plgel. who worked tor
Luetgert on May 4. tcM bow be had
nptled e barrel cf ashes la the alley,
and oncer James Bmitb testUed as to
bartag found pirtlriss at boee and two
corset steels le the Idle of debris wtwrc
UK asber were emplltd.
Scbulta. iemifird
as to former quarrris between Luetgert
and Ms wife, ta wbkb Luetgert bad
threatHMd to take brr life. The witnem
Its dd.-and so deaf chat laterprefer Liebig i
J to suad
clam to htaa to order to repeal the questtoos of the Btloraeya Tbe defense frit
that It had UDdemitoed hie —t to
a targe cxlciii.wbeD U galeed from him
that be was IH feet away freo Lost-t at tbe lime «f the euarrcL

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Little Governor
Little Captniit
.Boys’ Snits..„..,


Handsome new patterns now on sale
and the price is within the reach
of all. at............

dsmBged to tbe n
mss A Sonr Ices smooBts to maw. Aed to lu aatiripattoe or better
Mabedy ms iBlDrrd.
Tbe people arc all busy to tkr wt
deed. I do not bvtiere there le i
of the MlMlmlpn who wants i
Oeagr. ls..Sept. 1—The records cerer- work."
Ing the recelpu for rbeht ream .< ihr
predicts Higher VhmlVM.
Vlack's Miket. Fruot streak
eoBBCy trrasarrr’e olhee were burned la
Wilson predicted a still farther adthe stoae tault of the office us Setur- Tsnee to tbe priev of w beet, dns to tbe ' Tba “B" to ta tbto moatb, apd
day Bight. Entracee mei effected by (act that there Is not only a abort crep we re get 'em—Oyatetw—dlroet *
peeing tbe doors witb keys. The com- abroad buk according to hlsotoerentlon.
« the rault do.->r. An that tbe crop will ncl be "so exurntre
apert m
to thto critotry as has graerolly be«i
too of tl
tbe bock* Monday, to aacertetn
the amount of the defsIcsOoa of «s- Ihe Umor." be ml4 “the areroge Ameri­
Is what yoii will observe in everything in our New Meat
can W golM to hare all the flour his
Market in the Brosch Blc^k.
terony can «cnaume. even though be
Fine Bluff. Ath_ Sept. l-Tbe teolur*
of the Labor Day oricbiotlon here Man- I beOeve ihsi even wUtoul tbe abortage
day waa tbe aMrme of Colonel Samoel
■ Foedyce, preWdent of tbe Cotton country would terce wheal to $1 a boehBctt Iroad, ta which he eotogttsd the cL But the Improved condltloa of the
fenaer Is due not atone to the enhaaced
Jay Ooold ei a pohllc bencfector.
price eff wheat: there has been a cortown WwMh krM Arwad Inaes
reepoqdtag Improvement to an (arm
Ban ABtenio. Tex., flcpc l-Costoa
Imgwctori kt Laredo have fooad an obThe Enterprise Grocery
-clalmed grip co a CisIb conUlnlng
(MAWS worth of diamonds, ycwelry and Otimre Pwkwiwa Arw AtosTMIamoCaa is still doing bneiness on
ether valpiblee.____________
Boutk UtoM streak
Front Street, jnst west of
MSs BatUds Oioecfcler end icha La
Cygoet. a. SepL k—A terrible ex.
Grand Opera
plasSoD of Bitro-giycerine occurred here Steinberg's
e married at the home of the hetde*! yHterday afternoon at a o’etota. white
Hosse, and presents the best
rteultcd la the death of six peogdewhoss
' MartiB a MaddcB and Tbeenas Oatoe
line of good goods cheap to
ha«e returned to Cbtrago after an ab­ names are known and others at ptMst
uaknowD. The fcoosra kllM arc: Sam
sence of ts^ moBthe with ihetr
found, io the dtj.
Barber. Alien PaHla. Jtea Tbaapmk.
la Cagtsnd. Scecland snd'Ptanee.
Head pumper tor tbe AUaatto mWa. Cbarlee Bartel. Henry Laadflaie and
•, .0.^. cv
Eraeei Spare, fell tsto the mala abaft ----- Havean. a boy. Tbe exptastoo oc­
rymaa'h, <14 Beat Profit Strtek
at Iron Brit. Wa. and was .killed. Re curred at tbe Orant well, tocatod at tbs
was UEmsrried. Ris Wther Uecs at rcer of the HaltoasI fla^lr eampanTs
office building to the rlUage Itmlts. ThU
Ewen. Mich.
Henry R^tootoon shit and uned his
ilo and
sweetheart. EUa Taylor, and then
W. J. BOBIBSOM. Masager.
us. Brerypouhd full wtoyktafidgaanatead to toll them. SK Wait, BMkilled hlmaeU with the same weapon at Indians Torpedo company. Tbe well
U Maaaale Blodt.
was a gainer, and wbre (he US quaru
Victor. Colo_______

of glycerine let down Into the well sx' TIunnrtool Bet
terrifle roar
tbe derri.k.
As ax>n ss the ibtUera saw tbe flames
wm be tbe attraeltoa at Steinberg's several climbed Into the derrick to sea'
off tbe gsa.' but Me)' bad baldly conen
Correspond with
Grand Opera Hmme on Meodar oigbk there whee three was n terrific ex­ FHae Merchant Tailoring.
sotb. Tbe fu preeekiag plosion. The burning gas had stmted
the Traverse City
to rircertoe tt the empty
powers ef ibis rattiing fares comedy
Lumber Company. ..We have for sale Go
Good, Sound Hem­
cans standing
ig to a wagon
tbe derare ee well known that it is
rick. In anotker wag<m wozbr veiw
Maple Flooring,
say that it koepa tbe aadtones la a
some cans eoataltrito another m quarU
tlnnes roar at laughter from tbe rWe of the ttoff. and ibli rrna started by
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
to tbe fall of the enrtoln. Aa blmoet tbe force of tbe first sxpleslco Tbe
entiroly —
. . .
. - Mond was blendto with the first to a
, Am Jte tow^. Kjr. HAffTOieo to and Saws. A cbmplete Saw Mill Rant for sale.
mgodter tUi neosca. and edStalai
wall known arttaW. Tba
paay W beadad by Ada Botbaar aa
Teddy. TkarMod tba oMspnny an
Qlenwood. Wla. BqpL
An «»a-of
aboeo the aearaga. and
randallSB is prcrwlent to this victolty.
totba aeaatogb snWrtotomenk Many A heifer bekmgteg to Georgs Peane
out and
aangm, daaeas, modtoya, and feat-

Wilhelm Bros. .
Bright, Fresh, Neat

Still on Deck'
at the Old Stand.

Fresh Meats—alway's fresh. Salt Meats.


Ice Cream Freezers ^


Merprise Grocer;,

Green that will kill Bugs
Bicycles to Rent

Suits to Order.


L Dome of Bortkport. wna to tbe
ffMy Aojtag goods yaatordny.
Mte BOUteteapandtagatew days
•ttb bar mothar at Billtogo UgbW.
Two Dollar" gag m
DM Oartar pawad tbreagb tba
toha tha fererito oritk tbapablki.
fftty yatoW IMO Barthport to C

Sato aad BshlMk
Mte Stolla Book who M bass elMtMlm Doifae wUl bold bar asmmd an­
1^ totharitytoratowdaja. latt ter nual oablbiiaadasle of peaas partoat
work ta tba Pork Plaee pm^^Pr^
The friaM od Sayosnw B. Pomd wOl
ha pleaaed MlaamthMba W tocatod
ta Bk Bapl^ and proapartog.
J. M- Watwof T sisad. pawad tfcroagh
te elW
« Ua e^ to Grand
Bimlta to aWaad tha atato «alfWJ, Merritk piuplat^ Ste hotel
atOiTitoiaty. woalalberity yatoara A W. M. trata wm toaeo
Mra. MarrilA
. M a.
m. aad
at BUt
b-wwsd arriee
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Day ed Datreik Bapidaatn:l»a.m. Inafo«;».p. m.
Boand trip Beta «• onto. Don't mios
who tetobMTMitagti. H. Day at Mw teaee to e«)ey youioaU at tUa
pteak. UerOlboagrontiiaeatertBa.
Gmi. DaBATsarO. P. A




If You Have Logs to Sell


special Dollar Sale.

1 was only prevented by tbs Umriy
covery by



Chicago yesterday mcralto over the
Penasylranls juUoaad. bartog come filreet from Watetogtem. where she has
bate poteing bee cHJms agattS tbs
Uaitsd fiutes gortrament. Vltb her
were J. ReUlahe and Mrs. Wakllct. and
t|x party went ai me to tbe Tligtola
botcL Tbey left last evenito for Baa

To eloae oat qoi^ wc hfive ptaead en aale a htek4S0 line of oar beto goods only, which inclode $4L0Q, $8A0,
#8.00, #8.00, #SA0 and #1.7# SboM and Osfoedfl to OHX
BOLIsAB a PAZB. We are tdonig oat many ottter line*
find oas eare jron money tf yoa want good, reltabfe footwear.
We do ss ve fidvertafie.

Tbe Old BtoifiUe Shoe Mao.
118 Fsokt Stsebt* Wukcbubc Block,




What tht PrepoMd 6S*CMit 8eai«
miMMtotlMCeal Minmfcr
Ont Ymt’s Work.

mt D

nasuffi n VAom.

m IB WMt UA Wtril W («>

il4fM t«wtjr drpBUM la tb« eanpcnr
oBloc BO Moedar Bicbv ROBlas tOc
MMte« BBd wooBdlBg B n«mber ct lh« •
AtpaOca. tcMcrdar otenilnc tbt aBem '
BtBnM to cTlet UM mlDMB vhe have
Mneh. and l,Me women attacked the
Aepettea. drove then to take tatoce la a
hesac aad daallr Oxoed them to leave
«W. -1.'^

‘toa/w 4 oeau leas than our driaand.
tba Ship to tbe Ohio atlaets alone, by
toaltipiylas the Incrma* by tl^ number
,*t t«as prodneed annuaUy. WMld
'.amount to U.4K.0M. Add to tbl* a

Btatea and It wrlll bt round that tbe
total salaa to the mlaen of those *u<ea
Wtll exceed IS.000.WQ. m la the nelsbbur
hood of 07S or too per man. On Jan. :
aaothcr increase, ta my Judsmeat. w-il
take place, tboush 1 am unable to aaj
Flttsburs. Bept S.-r'The cunremlOD of
tame worker* yesterday to eelrcl delesate* to the C<' '
• one-of the larse*i ever held, aad
prvbaUy bar not been before equalled
. la czciiemeat aod importance. Tb* tut­
or* of thouiand* of miner*, their w1v«a
aad cfaUdrvn. depended oe tbe acUoa of
^ ^ CDthcrlng
« Altbousb the rank a

They were recelrtag W cenu and voted
to remain at work. The strikers from
tb* river marched to Heitolnoc and got
tbs naan oat
The Benrtad WbHe euBpany tbui
etoaed down thdr mine, fenced ta the
ptta. apd Slipped tbelr mules U daar' Add. The mlnera are new out of work
aad out of money and tbelr eendltlaa
U aeriona. They have begged the oompary to open the mine aad tat tbets^tara to wwk' at the oU pile*, hot. th*
'ootapaBT baa pM rat MgBtfied Its li^a>
Otaotgraattagthertotuaut About the
4Wnr Gonamoe Cktstt at *gfl No. 4 at
Siwlttoley. Th* mta thar* «*e« raeetolag m canto Md wan nttoSad. Tbn
. tosn doraad aM by Om rtnr ndam aad
m aen waeaar eland tba mtae aad
- tnpd fba nam oat ta paatan. No*


. .. Illday.
of ihU city, and Captain Henry AUei
of Terre I Bte. At noon many <
mlaen and thdr tamlMe* created much
■yftpalhy by corjcregatlns under lb*
shade tjaes on tbe court beam giov
aad acf4lag dry dread for diaper. Uil
beog th* cely food they had.
Mowehqua. HU.. Bept. I-Tbe atrikr
end her*. Mtoer*

wk •; (second game) OavoiBd t New Tcek 4; at Brw*ly»^ttaurg 7. BrooklyB 4.
Weeleni League: At Detrult-Mnrauke* 4. Detroit 10; at Coll
i iBtU
Western AaaecUUon; At Bt jemvb
-De* Motocs 1. St Joaepb 1?: at Peoria
-Cedar Rapid* «. Proria 7; at ftoekrord
—DufattilK 7. Rockford It: at Burltog-

Oakltpd. Cbl.. SepL k-Tbe Chriwt.e
Eedeawer* of AUmada county have
atarted a crunde agatast thr ridlarnt bl*» on Sunday. aiM
t thr couBUr.
San Fnatoan. Sapt. L-OniUd Stota*




Tit RtctpiziN iMtos

r*Jo* At nnjcAii to kai;

aUnment of tbe raaeona for denytafn
denua) rtsbta more eepadaky In reap
of the pamensn* par tbe ateamea


. Cm la the rrjwtiM.
WaahlBrtna. Sept. (.—Tbe full test of
tbe tenaal acceptance by the Ja^ncoe
SovsTsmeat of the propoml to arbitrate
Ita dWerences with Hawaii baa baen re­
ceived la thla ctir and a copy dritvered
to Boeretary Sbenoae. It U from Ooaat
OkUBM. mlabter ed foreicn aSaltA ta
H. SUiaamara. lapaacec iiriiBlalm to
Hawaii, aad abowathat when lV*eebm to
diplomatic eerraapoBdence the YaU^

la ( aad ide. Ofan

leats anlGnceries

a for tbom orlslnally advaocn);
tbe Boeertalnty vbm or by whom tba
aevcral laqairtm or tavcetlsatloiu leadins up to Uw-art of espuUlOB were
actually ctmdorted: the doubt whea or
by whom tbe quanflcailoiia of tbe Inimi.
Slants were.dnany determiard: tbe tort
Itaal dUflnrtb.ns'were made betwera
Individual IminISTWBt*. wbn la coaireaty ai^d tbe laws
of Hawaii stood abaotntely upon ao
aqual luotii
stance that
Sncloslea was aoddroly laausurated
wUhout any aotice whatever to Japaa
and la direct and absolblc coolradletloa
of tbe pre-cxlsUns practice—all satte

II also. Cooai Okunm propcam that tba
kins <« tbe Belstans
be amptre.aad
makes the
■capridoua- doe* not. 1 am wdl parauads at an: ■at it dae to traak- : ed. esc«ed the bound* of fair aad lust
■bouU • * • suu tbat. coCBBiknt and amdemnatloa.Tbr Bawallaa sovemaMt. Count
Okuma som on to my. baa persuted la
ahtruns tbe leaue ccoceralns the iva’
»a Bdea or the pomeaRtm of OO by aoea amisned for refuslns to anew tba
migrants to Und. 'Oa this I
' lA of tbe rc^ed teer laboreis. or of
>e appikabUlty of tbe treaiy ot U7t
> Japanese rah]rcts other than tboar


Oriers bf Teltfluia Prenitl;






om nar


alwaya la stack.


. -w. jA:gitAxrB,

Rates, $1.50 per Day;

SNlTtebRsltlteigad Rites.
lam&aySeatd. bpaclalBau*

Lady Watts

Now for Business!

Angus McColl 1

eal Borueahoer, TruMutg aad
aod Bond horses
a ape^
Third door weat of MorTaa*s Uveiy


Butter, First Class

The Last Gall



Fut stmt. Irtinm r»tf t dw.

w hich the deciBloB of the arbitrator it
to be Uinted.- •
An Apnlesy The* Bwh* II la.
But It Is la that "aaother Instruction” was prima fade evldeacr of
that tbe Japaaeae diplomat thaw* how Tbe HawalUn *orermt>ent has frankly
to strike a bard Mow soRly. aa tt were. aad unequivocalty admitted ibsi each
APudlns to Cooper'* <tbe Hawatlaa for- oT tbt rejected free Imnrirraau
Uaadllea. O.. Bept. «.-The HenSDoa etsn minlicer) abjcrtloe to the um ot the actually to rnmemloe ot UO. and baa
district mlaers held a mas* eoarnmo-i words “arbitrary" and “caprlctous" BMraover dertotvd that under tb* Ha­
here yesterday aod appointed delefni
Id chyraclcrlslas tb* refuml of walUn Uw. ”pome*Uon~ U syaonymeu*
........................... nUy th* Irato the aatteaal oenventJoa repreeeotlns
perial sovernmeat deny that
It It was at
1.100 misera Thaae delesale* were In­
aay time laeumbeat oa tbe tmmlsraat*
structed to week and vole asalnst the
U pim-r tbat tb* poaaemion la queatloa
aoeeptarwe of the proposlUoo to return
to work at <1 erata.
by toe lo crIltcUlns the aCUee of the
Bellnlrs. 0_
- Sept.
- At the-meattas UawalUo authorltlea Hr will. 1 am
Tb* Nattorul AmocUilM of oUattonsfthr
ts ta thla diy and the\t*towl- sure, uadeistaad that 1 have ao Inten­ ary
GnslacMU U to aaaual seaioa ai
Ins creek mine*
miaes last alsht tb* proposl. tion of maklnr aae of a flnsle ekprrlna CeJnmbua
that could not bt fully eusulacd. I
tlon to Instruct tbelr deirsi
Preatdeai McKinley to vtoltlat .
should be alBcerely sratlflcd. la the tathe raUllcaihm of the to mat faaela
d tb*
aelcbborty aentimentt brother Abner at Someract. Pa., for lb* >
settlemeat waa defeated by a laree ma- trreat nf
which haIV* ao loss united the^two coun- I
Oelumboa. 0„ Sept t-SUtePrea.-.-.
Carson, ot miaou. decUtvd Uat nlsUthera Mcata
ibat be caaeot vtoc to accept the pro­ to farmuUle. But unfortunately there
Arransements ara well ta band for
poned atlllemeat If the strike. He «- 1* Dothlns eltber In tbe note* under sc­
'used to also the propoRUoa sent out
ar In tb* more recently the IroB Brigade reunion, to be bcM
o the miner* and suie* that he canaot
m teodins to LaCreaai WU. Oct. M.
lo otherwise than oppose tbe settUta
of ta a more MUa QUabelb Port has sued HCRm
Ohrusdi. of Oreen by. WU.. for &,«M
tor* tbe.lUnoU operator* have aotl_.. tovoruMe Ugt.t.
I for allrgrd breach of promUe. anyayree<UbM TUke a WweS Bmk.
awnl that will ad\-aocc price* In that
*Ta my Instrucllne of the l»b of Ji
Harrll. the
T expreovd the Arm eonrlrtlon that tb* \ Barevkma police oActala. has been aeaBrasO. Ind.. Sept t.-luhor Day pa­ acir of expuUlee were to vIoUlloa ofjjenced to forty years' imprf----------*
rade here was almost a mile Ions, aad treaty MIpuUtlons; were ullhout *rar-J Colorado Democrau dad
ir due preees* of Uw, aad la d
totins t
cf tbe retnedu; rlchu of tbe
________ ______ _______
B tbe Chlnrlled Unn-.lrri:ri«: and aUo that ihoiw : cafo platform of im..

' the Idea that the operators were ready
ta, throw up their bands and pay tbe
dPH^ent rale demanded by the ttrlken,
FrcaMcot DoUn. by esccllmt dli^onacy.
tact and prrBr%-eraace.ktpt them ao well
- *Mthto bound* that tbe delesatcs teem
thU district will s* to Cutumbus with
tastructlons to use ihclr dUcrettaa ta the
settlement of the dUBeolty. Praaldrel
Dolan was wMI awar* of the tact that
U tbe delegufu went to the Cniumbn*
eenventioB inatrucied to bold out for the flmiml Qy mmm a Day WHhMt *
da-evDt rate another strike more falltcr
MH~ ever, with buncer and sUrvallou
Ortean*. Sepc t.—.Vight ten npoo
far many. wu.i immlnenL
New Ortean* wlthoul a utogle case of
PlIW* aig May Iwdtage la I
yellow tever bavtog beeo reported
the board of health. But ooe Imported
coae thu* far haa brao developed
aod death has a-toed that ooi.
board of health last night dectarad that
to spite of all reports to tbe coalrary.
not one of the many who aad come
there will be a eeceaaloD from the natScbal ewnUatlon by the Plitsbun
»1th th* fata
trice By laar.y ihU move seems {
>D yealerday dispatc>r<s
able. ItaUti baa the sympathy and sup­
ed Preta contained a BtaUD^eat
port of tbe majority of miners here, aod made on authority of the Marine btaIt he succeeds to rallylr-s'Lh* mlnera of total omnaU to WasbtogtoD that Dr.
other state* to hU raoae aa well aa be Olllphant had leleprapbKl Dr. Waadla.
baa aucceedfd at bone, be wtll have won at Mobile, that two deaths bad occurred
a great batilr. Dolan win u(* every here and tbat there were three n»w
mdeavor to briug tbe ranvenllon tote caaea. Dr. OlUpbaot afll
Not for the accepUbce of the cmnpro- empbosU that hr signed no
e rate, and knew* be has a task con- pilch, nor did 'any rriueae
tMetlng him.
hi* to thr board of health.
Bllotl. MU*.. Sept, a.—At 10:SB last
Bight three well drdotd rases of yellow
fever appeared here. They art under
guard and no fear U felt
Springfield, lila. Bept h.—Becivtary
PItUbuA Bept A—Teslerday man. Sgan. of the lUte board of health. last
^ was ^ Ume set for the BMond Bight eeewred the >

pKsentaiton b court of the^«tlUon ot
the New Tork and Clevetond Oas Coal board at health; Dr. John R. Neely, of
• • ooinpaay praying the ccpurt to
Chicago, and Dr. Edward BarUett of
•tUebmeot for contaotot agatast Pat- thu clly. to proceed to Cairo. UU.. *
rtefc Dolan and othtf ratarry oAlelala. iRMfuctioBa to thoroughly taapect
iKwth-hoond trains and
The attoruey* for tbe proeecutk
rantlne all auspeeted yellow tever
fo appear and thk bearing was panpoaid. Th* attORieya aay tbe prooeadtags have oot been drtrpped. but when
Chkago. Sept g.—Heaguc bags I

Tbe striken aid they t

n « Wky of ToHinf HcwiUi WAk
Ho Thinko with Shomian.

ItamKrahU bad Sken remiaed ef tbdr
Obertjr- Tbai taatnictkei baa not ret
- inlcae It caa bo
*owB ttat the eoovletio
vaaceO waa Mrcaeoai I chan aot be able
to admit that BB7 word bavli« a »em
Oeadm maantra than "arUtfafT" «o«id
•ccmtaij dMcnbe the natinv at the


I>8tiela Pa.. Bept.
A aetHaiCBt at
the AlBem' atitke lo thla resloe
^acUealtrttfected r«»tm4ar atten..^
The eoeunlttee aivotstad at the eoevAp
tkm Ian week to cendacx aU nw "
tioea knUtw toward a aettlament
Oaoeral Manaser RoMboob bm aad aa
articK ol acreemcBt waa aikBid. The
tm^Maltlee made by RoWoeim wtU be
anbmlticd to the aUacn at the ooupaar'i varioa eolllertea at a mertln to
be hM todar. aod It acceptable work
. beUeved the mlatn woald aeeepi the WtU be reraaed at aU aRoee oe the
W-eeat rate aad tMsn to work. “The
tatawra wiU meet the propooltloB tike
ama.'' he aaid, ."aod' arm be sutded far
thdr Jadcment tathcr thao their dv fullr posted OD prtcea for maehlo* r
Ids and other labor aod the eompan;
ah la Oor ezeeoUve coodcU waa ni
wni par the klcbeat proportloBair aoal
paid la aar oonpctltlvc reclor. Re>
samptlon meani MfdormcBt (rr (.ooe
miner* and I.eiD raTlroad men.
Haaelton. Pa.. Sept. ».-8bef1S JCartin.
b thla doec the a
of Loaerae coantr. with a oumber of
depsUea reaterdar routed abeat flfir
Btrtken who were ptaaalas a'deeveet
upon the workmen at Craaberrr rolllerr. Tba atifkera la the meaBtltae
famed In Hoe readr to march, but Or' aW, aBlldpatc aor aneh eoBtlBaaare. caaUer Joha Fahey stopped them and
The mlacre wlU aeccot pod resanc ipad tbe aherUTa prorlatnatloB prohibit,
work la a tew dara. It wat plalatj ap- las ai
aucta a damoaatratloB. After usu.
pafcBt to na that tba aperaton woald las twith the men for
persuaded than to retasti to
Mver par • cvnia. the .
It woald be cheaper for ibem to cao> home*. Tbe strlkera la tbe afle
«n aU coatracta and keep tbelr mlooa *lole a laaKb on the depulica aad
------d tutu the am of oast rear. N»w Irorr tbe workmen away from tbe L«t<
timer aad Brbervale etollerlea. When
Usn. If they re}ecl It
fleht It out to the et



Fishing Parties
CARP T.Ainii
From this date^ this boat
make regclar con­
nections witb trains on M- &
N. E. Pishing parties, how*
erer. can make arrangements
for the ^se of this handsome
yacht,-by commiinicatioii by
maihor wire, with
Leland, Mich.

SetOir New Un

Picture Mouldings


r of Caiou a«d Bay Straeta,
(. k M. R. depot. >wtob*a to aoh* pubUe that be has rudOM and furaUhed the Hole] Paagbora battm than U sear has hash b»fora shd caa aeeommodau the traveliofpabUeta good shape. BattafoetlM

Gyjcle Oners Lookfiere!

Bayai,*warH.AH. HDeiMt.



—^AT the:—

sti itiiri!

B Here’s Another I
I ^

Vot ao many ftiUs aa ooM otbon we asko, bat


: i Roomy, Attractive, Durable. |

For Men’s Colored, Boft end
, Lendered Bosom


We hATS oonoladed not to emirr orer « single garment
I this deportment end 'will ent tM prloee on sbore mer.
nhsndtse li^t in two. It wHl pap yon to bny themin Aalf
dosen lots.
Men’s N^ligee Laondered Shirts, worth 50c^r.... 24o
Men’s Fancy Bosom, Detatchabte Colar and Caffs,
also Neglig^ wo^ 75c for.................................... 87c
Men's np-to^te Fancy Shirts, some plaid bosoms
among thei^worth at least $1.00 for...................... 69o .
Men’s fine Percale Fancy Shirts, detachable Caffs and
Collar, worth $1.25 for............... ......................... ... 74c
A lot of finest Percale and Maeras Shirts, white ban^
and soft bosom, best makes, worth $1.50 at............88o

Pome quick before this sale is pTer, as the
quantity is limited.

Glass Block.

Traverse Oity.

NO. 7

= S.AJBrE3.^^.
itatn. SaiahtBten. WM«as4bn.

^ TUy're Rstwnlite itStiB.

ImI TNw Otw. ^



TH» Komimm JMN>oag>, twtway. wi’twiw. i«yi.
■ toRT orotKomp uaKtwi^


*eo (^f«lMatye«haaao.

*^?Sr?J53tju»"*.N^<■>—»«« Sept. !.-•*•* Bet thU
prieU ■ letter tron Ueatenut Oeft.
U- a. A., to Bdltor llo*ew»Wf,
Clelu tbe refOtt* «f a l*« Of *»*•
■4ttler>Cl«hoi« Dmckroaofrppfc «r»U»
or ute«T»pbtis. IB tM ktter UegteMBt
Squl«’ ar>: 0» Aaf. S ow • ttot inm
tjtUon. rl. Tort t. AberdoOB ^
tnm to LoBton. a dbrtancB ovfr UM
■iIlMi Joelodta* orer ojfhtr niUoa of ob.
Aer-fTooBd ciJ>I<. wo
mttngm at
«bo MM of 4J00 word* per BlUitiU. •»«
tpu Bpood Orta od^ limited bp lb*
tleolar dpaano BTallable. We bare aloe
tried a caMe repreaentlnc tbe OennaB
nbta of IM kBOta from here te Oor?
■taep. and oeol over It at tbe rate «€
UK trofdj per mtauU. Oor apparatua
li mouDted iB tl
doD. from whirt potat (be aaperimenu
thue tar hazr been mada'
CommntfflS oe tbta Tbe Bee eapei
•*Bp tbe emplopiabBt at the

ttale BOW BDd teoBderful apMam map be
•eBt If limited oalp bp tbe apeed at
Tblcb ao electrltal droamocaa be made
to revolve. Tbe mreragea are both aaat
aad received bp tbe aid ;of a dpaamo.
It If bMleved that -arUh/tbc aueecajtal
BperalloB of tbia epatem tetter* ap to
tbe lenctb of M worda can be tranaDltUd bp tbe telegraph at no greatar
■ ceat tbaa bp tbe poata! raug aoer te

„ .

at%*lS*m,oad ««
tSn.u-.70w TMUkoubUI—-

*^ovod by Aldarmaa Jobrau that the
Mayor o^ aorh to oothcrisod to la•ptot tbo }ob aad If foond to oomply
with the plaaomad^eelllsatioaeto pay
tbo MIL
pgan M. Pafgk.^
Botloa eorrted by yea oad any volo:
Teas—Alderman Mratagaa. OroUlck,
F. K. WsLm.
..oodrtob, Dewnoad, Lardla. BaeUmonteL Oairisoo aad iahratu.
Haya^Koao. .
AOolo of------------------Mll.dS toe
BUI of Atom At--------•WOT i^pe for the west Savoatb atroot
I saporeootract was pew
«oi^oa^i^ by poo aad «ay voU
that all ponoM bora
**TMK^onwn VoDtana. Oroiltek, lag blaydooosthosi
Uaioootrael. Then
proMotioo earrlod b
Ooodrieh. DooMd, Lar^a BaoUi
toot yag^^t^ fact (hat wyy^yop
bol. OarrBeo sad Jahnat.
Goodrich. Dooaaoad. Lai^ BoBla
a M ateii^i^So^ S t^wfnl Ml. Oonlora obd Johnm.
|lmd^\l4srmaB Jahrao*
of apoed oad ofioa ruaBlag over
tho Hn*Praob7tartea Chnreh bo gTMt.. roa UwtoUy am oald oldowalho
BUI of B. F. Korihraa of t3e.t0 .m.
iiDtU Mid praetloe boo bwiomo a aoi- asrrey*.
■ureyV leveis,
levels, nw,
etc., ui
of tan
tho peopoood
•aaoo to thd rcoMonta aforeeaH.
n^ '.wotor works aystom woo preiintDated thlo 4U day of AnguM A. D

-jsfssir^urtw ohw.h n
TrtvefM dtp.

.UaaUoB. wo Uova tho maltor la y—
l. G. FruA
J: L. FnutB.
;Oa moUoB of Alderaaa lardte.
didyoarriod, tho peUtioa woo neferred
to&oOoanDtttoooaWayesad Moaao.
> the H«aeniMc,alR Bovor oad Cftg
Ommetf of OrOBvo/ TVooerre OOy,

^*h'e Stroog. Alfred Oaspoou. AUa J the but boilumo^!^
Hobart. C B OnttoB. Ed Ibykw, Fnak
8BUoio.Wm Bno*roU.a)ra<aAdwM(7

A tho reMoa of yooi
irtsc tho oid
4«o« Tooth otroot
___ mOMi otroot oboold
dfortoo toUowfgg I

Thathotono of |bo owoon of (ho
load troottag oooa tho otroot at tho
QANBS Of DEBUGS AND BUROLAR$ poiat wboro aJd oidowalk U to be
boUt, aad who mast bear the wpeoM
of bnildlag oaldoBowatk. olga^a^
SprlDg Valiep. Ilia. SepL A>>liie UtUe peUUoa.
Tbat tboro are but throa paraoaa wbo
village of Ladd, atg mllaa from tbia algaedaald petitioa tbat would ordlto«n. ta all vorted up over ganga of aarily haee oeaoaloa to oae aaid aideOrebagi and burglar* that are operating walk: and aaid throa pereoaa bow have
to the Belgliborbood. TbreP balldloga oldewalka from their ^oaa of Mwere on fire laat week wUb everp Indi­
cation that It «a* tbe wort of Ibcvb- aad (he p^cdpal ai
dlarlea The elUagt boa* bouse was *et
on fire, acd neat Blgbt PnaideBt BoUndo-a ice bouse was ftred bureed
to tbe groSBd. A fanner naiiMd John matterb* reeoiiildirod aad (ho.oldoKiBder Jlvlag half a mile from Ladd, walk eedcrod aothoQt.
Pam Bowwotac.
suffered tbe grealeat flnaoeUI kaa Hla
Crabuco Vaaaaac.
bare and gralB crlbe were aet on Bre
A. W. BagTAK,
Sunday moralng acd the eatlre cooWnia
Caao. WiLoaua.
dretrnrad. Hla loaa am
Bcton tbia epidemic of Sees Imdd egpcrlcaced a sertee of aafe burglar
BovodbjAidarmaa Lardlo that tho
, Daairlp every aaf* In Ur village was at
one Haw or another blown open. I-aM peUtioo bo oot grtotod.
week a man naened VacUH was ahoraad
knied bp a burglar. Vaellll discovered
Aog- ». >«»!•
D Or BopombM. (be
tbe msB IB bU bouse rtSM hla trunk,
and whcB be stanad In purMit of (be
OduihII (If thdOt»
burglar be was abM dead. 8o«r time
ago tbe town ban was Bred. aBd;Bbertlp
afierwarda a lumber yard was aaten «p
bp tbe Samoa A promiBeni polltldaB
1 former prealdeBt of U» vlUage
.............. e toaguc of hla ra.
•Mood Uho
t bead upoa tbe e
•r^lol. T
a steer Otob* Kew.
Dam J. T
Warrenataurg. Mo.. Sept. I.—Rm«bUp W. D. WlU
a autuc of (be Ooddeau of Ubertp was
Emm Maang,
placed In poaltloo on top of thr doow of
tbe new court booee. In (be right
band was pUced a gold-hard ball. beU a. PlLcii.
high IB UR air wlU) extended am. The L. 0. BauA.
golden emblem soon aacitrd
Hggir L. Buxag.
T. A. Canata,
M. A. Fox,
Joved• Vr
Alderman BooUaaatol

■ painted in an*«r. Tour dolUr*
aotttheoottaoa^igoBUd oad thM o
rnlsed bp eootribulloo and at ( o'clock

J O Loodiog. L A BeteurO-xW. Oolomb.

O MV J BoomkhT^md BlUoly.
B V HolMB. B D Hesdfoara, Beal P
_____ W. Baftaraftlcm.M for
Bolooab, O W OortB. 0^ Thomaa,
B CBarraa. E A SOotm. FlhurioU. _____ dao taFplaaoaBd apwitSeaiioBa
T A ttrang. H B BoMaana.
ot aow wator werki iyatom was pro—^aadirad.
Bovod. by AldoTMaa Hooltai
Moved by AlAonma <:iabra«a that
that tho petltkm bo aeeepMd oad
wboa we adjooni ore adjoara to moot,
i&onoy bo laotroeMd to
Sept. tith. laer. otto'eioek p. a at'
M am^BMt
amoadmoBt ^the
to the pre^
prtooat' b
dadjoot tho bdU
•ido of Colon street bridge to ilth of MrB^r.
Motion earrlod.
MoMoa earriod.
orarxMggT or aoaaD or rtreuc womta.
TrtvnrM Clty^ lOdL., BopL e. 1B07.
Trovmra (Sty. Midi.. SopV t, 18»7.
7b Or BoaoniMe Or Mover ond Cflg
Wo do boroby owiUy to tho OoaacU
CuunctI (^ Or Citgcif Tytmrac CUy. of ootd aiy that the tollo*rtag te an
aeegratooeeooatof tho coat oTrepaln
OB otroota oad thoooootniotlao thoi—*
that tha-watoetogtrouhoaPlBO otroot thoamonatof aatorial aood aad
•dioeoat to the Ooat^SehooI gronado.
bo raloril to a krightaaMoat to admit
of boeoto driaktim from oald tti '
wlthOBtbriwr oaAookod.
ABe that the iraaad (a float ofoatd
tetmgb bo ooff eliatly drained

Moved by AI
tho riort boa
caao for otoi
thobOl loro]
Botloa oarriri.
Moved by AldORimA Barilmaa
tot tho rity oagiaoor be sathoriaod „
nto^loh a BtTMt grade qa Srroath
strori from DIviskia otroot toJUmwood
OToaoe and on Bpraer. otraot from

i. V. Pairito.

W. P. Qmlaw.

Attomoya at Law.
OOcto IS Moetacna Week. TisTvnt OHy. MMh.


Auoreey*. aprelnloe
t-T wnUMioFn
Motion carried.
Bored by Aldormaa BoatogM that laHereunUeOo.
the beard of PabUc Work* be aotborUod to oktmM UMdloehorgo pipe of tho
mala aowor la Dakr --------■—
therifor. .w
Botloa carrtad.
Borad to Aldcmaa HacUmantol
that tbo Oommlttoo oo Woyo aad
Noam bo anUmrisMi to hare the eU
•rtaal is tho Ohs strrat Eoglao horao
totonod to tho eoop oad have tho
Bovod fay AUtomaa Lardlo that tho
mattor of rmnlulag to Choa. Maks •
pc*^ot Ui lasottorriorrod to (ho
Oommlttoo on Ways aad Meaoi to rw
port at next rognlar mooting.
MoUoa CMTivA
Moved by Aldormaa BnoUmantol
thataOfaatsidawalkbeordorod built
withla *0 days on tbo oouth ride of 11 (h
otroot odjacont to lot 1. bl6ek 7, B. L.
- >b tad addltioa.
carried by yea and aay 'vote:
.Idermaa Woalagne. Orel
Dtomoad. ______
Lardlo. B
Goodrich. _________
Barilootri. Garriauo oad Johrato.
Bovod by Aldorowa. BnoUmHitol
that tbe Oommlttoe oa Fire and Water
be ampoworod to agehaagu one of tho
Fire Denortaoat horooe for a bettor
M .ataditortoMelnprieeaot to oxMotion carried byyoaaadiiay vote
Yoae-AMofiaon Hoatagne. Orriltric,
Ooodrick. Dtomoad, Lordte, Barilnatri. Garriooa ahk Jahiana.
Moved by Aldermoa Ooodrieh
tbo Oork bo outhortood to proearo
rireot to Frimt riroot.


«nif lifMitlBdliul.1
ua I A.a. I ro. iLv.
......I 11 la 4 esiTreT.oity


A. a. I
II »



iruf 4H

temerimri&tomon Goodrioh-Aily
oorriod, Oranrila^

teAM. Ohainaaa.
Bovod ty Aldmm
that tbo raoommoate___________
aad that tho Boorddif PuhUe Worts bo
anthorlMd to make the- imprawi
Botloa OMTled by m aa/W


t^Ooitte aad JabiMB.
Travonlo Ctiy.lUelL. Aag. M. 18»7.
7b the BanoroUe Or Mover oad CUv
lUEg—Yoor eommlttoo. to
R rofwrod the peUUon for the
t ot Webaur otroot from

Motion earrlod by roas and aaya:
'•as—Aldormaa Maatogoo. f^iUck.
vreodrieh. DaomonA laidlo. BaallmaBtol. Garrison bad Johrasa.
Bored by Alderaiaa Dtomoad that
the Board of Pabllc Woks he ottUtorisod to prepare plsaa aad eatlmatoa for
a wagoB bridge ae-----**'“
Wadsworth street, i

BriUmora Oyptora, otrtcUy frooh oad
•oUd moata, at Flotcborb Oriambka. .
lod-oi _________________
Bat It is a Oood Thing to ErariAo a
Lottor Boa for Doe Whmi Frio
DeUvwry Is EotobUahod.
Get*. W. Raff has boon appointed
agent In this city (or J. S. Mason A Co.
^Bostoa. maanfariororaof iottordrap
bexto and oraamental latur bu platoe
aad rcoelrsra. Now that free dallvery
is OMored oad wUI be eaUbliahed abont
" imber 1. the mattor ought to be
ed after. While th«u ie no oom- avLooxwooD o.r
pulsion about it. a drop box will be a
great oonreateacc and a toviog ot
tronblc to the houaawife ea well ae the
carrier. Mr. Baff hat a -tow can '
rating tirem » Qoati to 11.00. Bt .
c^at hb taUor shop la rear of Maaeaic block aad look tbam over. 10S-«v

W. J. Paagga.
C. L. 0BCU.1CX,
B. OooDaten.
OommtUoo on Strooto ud Sldowalka.
Mcreod by Aldenaan MoaUgoo Umt
Saturdap morning the change of stand. *HthtaMidayooai--------Oho^ Bate to ahloago by ibo Lohs
athoooataideof Lake ^r^n^iMptod and adopted.
avoaoo from lOU auooi aonlh to Ibo
Itj. that 0 mala aa<
teoUi liao of Lot It Blk. II* H. A L.
Travorac City. Sept. e. lee?
7b Or HcNsonihie. Ur Mover mwt Cttv
Baccroft. Hicb.. Sept. L—The tvofte- Oo.*s td AddlUoa.
BoUeo oaiTlad by yoo ond
CeunoS 0/ UR CUy of TVoreree City. horebr la ordered oadttraetod lo t____
MoB of a murdtr Is Bocfaceter, N. T.. bp
district aambor throa (»). tho lamoi to
Barry P. iRadlep. the blcpcliei who died
U laid U WoUiagtoa ottoot fnM
i. DoMDoed. Lai^ BoaUau'
bare Monday, has been ahowa tB be a
le toealB aad bmthe.
Woahlagtoa otroot oooth to Eighth
pure fabritaUac. Leadl*}' was a cigaratraov and that UB ronta, loeatioa,
grade, loBgtb aad dlmoaeloao thsr«rf
bsfore hla death were doubUem (be rav­
shaU ooBtorm la aU nartlealan to the
ing* of a mind dteeaaed from tbat baUt. tho oettoa of tho ooaocil. takoa ot
ctumgeBiT ruicD.
pUtanddlapamof ttooama, aow oa
■**• aarraadeeed
ro^ la Ur oOoo ri tto
aad that each matariala,
voatUWaablngtoB. Sepu •.-The postoObe oa Blfhih aad Booo atroou bo roedaddepartmeni la iBfenned tbat Poatmasta
Utors. eovort aad flttiago to eeaotractBtuU. at MouBt Pleaaaat. la., and Poet
ed aad loeatod horawUh. ogaraohowa QilL WAKIBD-At HC g|
Botioooarrlod byyoo aad nay vote
^ OwKk. tapeaadUR aadkUliac
by aaid pUt oad dkgrom aad os are
_ .
eontataod lo tho ^oeifteatloaa aad ow
B (be ground tba*^' recent
I t Hwv.tS^uuelnl lor CeuctI
Umatc thereof. aUo raw oa looord la
thoofflooofthoCXty Baglaoor.
tol. Oorrtee
part of Ibo oitlmotod expeaoea of
he WoeiWr W. Map X.pmfc
raidooworohaUtoprid&wB tho
agtea. Hepi S.-roJowUR ase tte
oral oowor faad. aad that tho l imila
Ganuum—We. the onderBliraod
roatdoata ot Troveroa CHty hereby reipmed sidewalk on
I ba laid la a
aouord Jto. WUMlApoer a«o«t. 4a«Rl..
tKwaeaae to extreiai Sm ^th^airoetbalaid
with the poUltaa oskiag for . _
DatodBopMmbord^ l»7.
ba F. BUW. O. C. bAu. JUoek
■pegwe W. B. BlUor, Arohle
<MnS£!charlae McMioeh.
Bo^ narrlo^byyoooaduy vote
Bored tgr A14«(naa Uarriaon tbat
Tbe P>.l]«ta NailBBal alHanotcelebrated
Two—AldoTBoa Moabwm. QrriUek,
le opening a
Goodrich, poomoad. tmrdia Baollnorth atdoofBgbthatnot from Borblladelpbla
maatol. parrlsoo oad Johraao.
portrsila of Kosciusko and Pulaski, low otroot to QraatetMt, on tbo oooth
whirt were placed Is tbe "Palrtot" gtf- side of Eighth otroot from Grant atroot
Areolred I9 the OouDell of the Oty
to Boas Btrwotaad oa tho wgat aid# of
lerp of Independence ball
of Traveree City lhals apiRial oomwaorth to
Bo ftp Calbougb. who was a clerk ta Bom atroot from Eighth street
raoat be made pro rata upoa tho loto
ot Ook Pork
•sLiaiBa r
the Second Nations] bank, el Altoooa. oob^boaoo.
sod pramisM loeaud la aad ooasUuPa., when It was looted bp Cashier
kldrard. Ana. •alary
Botloa carrtod by yoa and. aoy vote MaUwla
WisoR.Taa. ■Rary
Gardner three pear* ago and wbo was
r.C. OUkervAag.Mlarr.. .
artasted at (he time for havtng changed
•erip^ thereof a
-IBM Htn
flfcuras in Me booki at tbe caabler-a Ooodrt^foomwd. SrtSeoaUa»ai»<«lcutlon. cenij^lad aolclde Mondap bp (oL Garrimm and Johraas.
Koyo-Neaalb Or HoaoroMe U« Boyor and OtRl
etlBg 00 0 bo^rd of opedal aaCeWRft of HR Mv df ZVooaret CMii,
Tbat the total amoaat of saoh
■aaaoamont aball be the oom of two
Of tba 01^ OeuaeU of tbe Olty of ScstQBRLgun-^Wo woild reopootfally
boadred alaetota and M-IW AoUm
aiM Olty.
^SSSatooool^orka 1^^
------ bring two (hirda part of (ho
I'oootafoonotraeilar tho mala
sow rer which laid aoomomoat la to
il rooms Bepi. t. 18«
bolonadaadooQoetod. Tbat the noa« was ealM to or
Wo woold aBe Mk pt
Myor. W. W. Smlib.
RRvefto eitr prefSttyauatnh a baaaor borort Frost otroot
,----------a thoeoaotraotloaotaaiaoW
Uok. Goodrich. Deaaood, UrCTatMUtUH« laoh mala aswor ta aewm-dlotriet aom■aatel. OanlaoB sad Jabranaabd Bay­
er Smith.
ALnsB W. JaRaasa,
otroot aad oxioadmg from W^Oactoa
BlaatM of laet rerular taeeUar wore
B. MonAAug,
J. T. HAnAB.
read aad approved.
r. O. Hsraun.
7b the OMtoraMe. DM Jfiiimr «nd CUg
Cmmeff of SMCIlvor TVotorw Cttv:
Mraod to AMomaa
AMomaa Ooodrtea
aeoeptad oadslalma
oad slalma bo
thoreypto oeeeptad
of thoc^^lTow pBIBaBW. tho Vfafot PreebyBoeodby Aldermoa^U^BMtte _____ ,___ JO raeoaHooadod.
toflaa CkBMli of ttasporti OUp. MlehlMottoa eorriod by yea aad aoy veto. Miloa thiniw ^ praarioN. la tho dlw
gaa. poproiisto tho* osM ohoreh hot
trkt above raterod ta. aeeordtng to
psM the tairt mos Ut aovoo Is BloA Ckid.
hooieiB wtthaat rolaroaeo to aay Imolfhtof tho orfgM flMof tho ~
- « bondlaga op«i toSW.
Jofo, •owatp.aflhsfww
**Trtrem%. BtA..Bopl.
igaa. tha same bMiwthapropmV <— 7b Or HoaeroMa Or jfoilor aad dW
CvwnoU of tbaOtVOf TVoowbeOMg.
BOl of P. 0. OObort of •M.W for
■aogTophor work to Aogoal 1, IWT.
0«cTuncui-Tho BBdordgBad^h**UaeywhMv
TbrthioayeotorMit oadi,pMloh



Chicago —.
West Michigan




imrai in loniutBu li

L'TSiUiissrisrs&fc.t."- ^JiRpiiV.V.*^'


S-Sl-SSSSw ss

ri^'sssasi'asw ipss

omotAx, raoosaDonM


■ *5nr

-Honey to Loan

iKSwsffSiiiiii r.!:

...1 ill

—Watch Sepairing.
—John Verly.
—Frqnt Street.


ttei au inwen. I



Mottea oofiM by yoa oad^

Ever Banied

” o. T. OAEVn. AgoOL


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