The Morning Record, September 30, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 30, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



«mozAi. rAvn


FintTMt-Ko. Isa

■ nx»qv AT Kiisatnmx.
waitaa ZBoeh oMRu
Obwc* of SUltBC VniAw AIUk'»
. Ow-OM of K. SwDMBMl TO.
Tlstoi BokB« Mod fodar
Is Oi^t Ooort. ^
Ds*id AbteT wlU ovo&d s ywr is tlM
•tsto prim »t MioiidoWit, »t bu« >*■
bar, bMOOM ba «taU » imm fwocm
imUMbscbarabDpofPWil WoW«-.
s abort tlaaoto. Abbey wo. o«t«oad
sttba «iOM of jrnm*»s'» mmkm of
tho Olreolt ooon. Bofora poMi«r
J«d«a b»baH tototw
ffstodibo priaoMT
ilA Tmmar ■wnriimiroT aa< bulBMa.
Akboy otoMd that ba wsa a Utbor ^
Aod Ur«d in Db1«U>. Bo loft
««-— uat Jsly tor a trip tknmgh
lUeblfM in oeoreb of Work ksd opoot
tint In Orsod Bapido. Wboa ha
srriTOd bora ba bod so moow. bod
barinc boon Indalftnf in too mmA lo>
»i-f drink ba tboocht ho ooald
wlthont work, and
Oboocbt ba woold try bla iMk •* otonliar: hot ba teUod, and won oony. Tba
«»rt oskad btoi if ba tbonrhi Us «i>
P*i««a would InBooe bln to ontofo
in that Una of bMinaoa orals, and tbs
.priooBor onaworad Tory oaphdtieaUy
that ItwonldMi. Bio r^Ua wan
Tstbor of tbadodantoort. bat bo doolnrad that bo woo naror botoo orroot•d and woo net acesttonad to that
Irisd ofbMlnooo. BntUo
dtetod that bo wot no atronr« to. tbo
«ri«lnal oout. BowiUba
Msr^natH today.

Aorob, TmTons OUy, MMt.. tip?."
Tb# oaallor boU ol Iba foot to W1
po^ walrbtosd Inocribod no follows:
“ Is ooBaaaoratios of tbs bloalBr of
tbs balls by Bt«• * *Wb*».
Bbtaop'ef Ormsd Bapido, St. Prsnoto
cbo«bofT»*TaaaCltf. Kioh..Oetbbaif
Tbaiolla or* ooapeaad of ftsa aatsl
osd'oost $1,000. holt of wbtob wss
ntood by tbo bow rt««B loot cprisc.
osd tbs otbor boU doBstad t7 a Moad
oftbaebarebwboUraotaDatralt Tbo
total woirbt of ^ four. Inelsdlnt tbs
otondarda. ia 7.»M ponndo. Iboy wars
by tbo B. W. ▼ondsM
Oo. of aoalanatl, Uhlo.
Tbo foraol bUsalnr of tba boUs wQl
toko idoos Sokdu, Ootobor 10, Btobop

Blob tor oofitotontKdPLi eerr PAXB
wm ba AUondod by Bororal Bnrinas Hob of This «ty.
Tod^ wlU ba tba b« day St tba
oolssas WBsty Coir. Is Mspla aty,
and a laipa mpnoaotsUon of barinoM
wUl go froa TrsTorsa City. The
boU r«B« bstwMS tbs bwtaMa nas
of tbto olty osd Us^ aty wOl be os

wbo will drire oror Ore COroy Boll.
Joaa 'Koboo, C. P. flnatar, W. 9.
bo. Jno. B. Santo. PnatriHsallton.
B. W. Boatlnro, T. J. Boat, Prank
in tsa otnta d^ortaost tbe MliibiPriodrkA. O. P. COrrar. M. B. BoUoy
(on oonataia taro boon rocomlaod to
and M. B. BaakaU._________

brasa of devoted aembenot Bb Pranole ehoreb. TrsTeree City. Mlob.. l«fJ."
' - Tbe third is eiM weight l.SM peande
Md engraved «po« it to Shto: "In raMabnnm of tbe bsabU donnta «f
•^SowerdatbeboUa of 8b PronMe


r Doy of sealiatloBo for tbe
oonaoUr plocoe now bold down by
Mlebiros BOO. Sorsfa. OsL. wbieh to

»• «t,
po^ loft tbe dty yoetorday oa tbo to J. Wright Giddlnge of COdlUae. vice
a. B. A L and C A W. U. exearatona Artbw M. CUrk of Leriogtaa ssd .exr ^ Mortts of
ta Dtaroit, Obloogo and tbe ooatb.
Tbp a A W. M. seat oat two ooetioas
uty. erm sooeoad Jeks Pettroia Mra with let paaawf". «f
M were for DatrUl. M for Obind the roaolndor for laOttaoe.
laA Tbe O. B. A 1. oont oat a train
with Its, of wboa n wore fw DetrolV
8. PnnkUo bM gone ta Dorand.
IS for (%leoro end ns for pUehaoDd,
Ooear Brows bM gone to Cbieogo.
lad. Tbaoo snabdre erideneo tbe foot
Dolls Cole left yaetardsy fa Cbiengo.
that tbo ebeep fsU oxeaiAoiw ore folly
Bobb KSHTtolsChksgotas few ______a large stock osd a sporiol lot
Of tbe B
of good $8 SO Coaches that heUeelUeg
hen M wen from Blk Bspldo, WUl- days
Mrs 8. BoUanl haaiMi^ad to Chi- fa toSO. Oo osd pt ose before they
loaSbarg and AageU.

Tba tiW of VUUoB Knoob. ehorrod
by Wmo* 4Uw with borinr oanood
tbo dooth.olaoowby ahoottnc. -woo
jmororoinot lone in rondorinr a
^ofnot rniiv- __
troo eeenplod In
tbo trial cfI tbe OOMO of
M. flonU/ nnstol TO. Modnd Vleten. Tbia
toonoritoof tbofUloroof A. Pobocnl
ts tbo bnrdwara borinoao.
was triod at a prorioas tori
' Wt it wns toko* to tbo So
and a now trial traotod. W. H. PooVBB BHISOB BVUJlBBSl,
tar to tba attornoy for ploUtiS and
Held a TbnskC>flM^ Keettag and
Doif k CoToU for tbo dofosoa.
Sleeted Ofioete Loat Hlgbt.
Tbe abssal thank oflerlag aeeUag
et tbe foldgo BsUdero. tbe yoang isAofl^ntBS Woddod dloo' alaeiossry society of the Congnio IDao Blnota of tbia CSty.
gsUossl eborcb, wm held Uat night Is
Lost OTwlnr ^ynuld Swnnaon. a tbe ehonh porlom. Tbe following ofwoU known yeany ■»» wbo rooMoo in fleen wen elected for the asealsg year:
WOO marrlod to- Mia Morot .Pmldtst—Mia Jeenie M. Blgge.
piyv«« of tbia city. Tbo ooreaooy
Vice preeidrnt—tire. i. A. MeMonsa.
woo paiforaod at tbo boma of tbs
Saorttary—Mia AagnaU Adoaa.
brida's fatbor, Is Pomwopd. by Bar. D.
TnMonr—Mia Jessia Asdereos.
Then wm os Istesaely
prtaost sad a rnst^wy
nnedisgo. Is ooeord with tbe Thank Ofierisg eariee,
plo. Tbe eaoaooy wsa followed by a wen ooBdoeted by Mtoe Lewie, wblek
wedding tapper of enrapteose prepor- wen followed by a pleeeont talk by
tioasandeoBgrataUUoaswereobewer- Mia Lewie. Mia Alios Crawford nod
nd epon tbo fortnaet* pair. They wUl a poem. Mtoe Adams nod a pleoaoBt
tsride la Mooton.
MloetioBaad a peea wm redted by
Mia LewU. Tbe naetlsg wm halptal
Hnnaial of Booiy KeberC
osd fiUed with IsetmetiTe and Intei^
B«Biy Mabert, wbo died at tbe borne oetingUongbtalB line with the work
-«rbto brother. Wmioa Mebort Is Kae- of tbeneelety.
wtok. Moaday.wsaaaold reridest of
Died At BlU Orert.^
tbto eectton. beribg llred horMboate
Helee Prnseee Pratt, infeat doagbtnbost S7 yeoro, easing dlnet frdm
Bsrope. Be wm S5 yean of sge end a a of I.OOU A. Pntt end the IaU Dotogr
aeaber sf tbe PiaternsI Mysrie Circle, Trnadel Pi
esce of ha grandis whleh be earcta» fntertal iiaarpnrents.‘Mr. and Mrs. B. B. I>ntb
The reaaliis of the litUe onp wUl ta
The feeenl will teke plsee froa the
Brasgelleal ebureb st Eoewlok at U Uken to Abb Arba and Isid beside tbe
o*eloek toceorraw. fast tlao. The isar- grace of ha motba.
(MSt wUl Uke plooe in tbe Sottone
•bis^ KUl BeaoTsL '
Boy oeaetory.
W. J. Best to reaorieg bto sblsgle
aUl froa Bendca to Blto^rortb. looee
Torrena of Seatb Boerdaon will be
Hare Been Flooed U PoeltioB ter the beodeswya.
BltaolBg by Btobop'Bicbta.
Tbe prellmlDOfy ringing of the
eOlaa of St- Proseto eborcb yaterday
MBoasood is os InfonosI wsy tbe long
|e<^ tor beUs which sn to send oat
Ibti- Joyful aoasds soon from' tbe
belfry it Sb PrsseU eborcb The belU
nrrited Toaodsy end yeaterday wen
tnoosted opes • platform erected fa
tbe purpooe and upon which tbe chUsa
wUlbeUeoMd next week by Biebop
Blebta. Aa soon m tbe beUa wen
plsad is poelttoa erery amall bey wbo
lafi any corloel^ at oU node it hto
btalnaa to see bow they waked. Aa
atueaU tbe aoood of tbe belU wm
beard ell day long.
TIm Ufgnl bell, tbe lae with a deep
Btae tMe. weight :.M1 pounde ood to
tHMribod M teUows: "la reaeabreace
-•t Pr. Joseph Baua. peota, and Be«.
B. P. Mane. oaeietCBb 8b Proncto
^Mcb. Tn*«ne City. Mlcb., 1W7.
Tbe eeeond weighs 1.601 poonde and

son m PLois.

MraJ. Kauain and . Mary Daawood
loft yesterdny ta DMnfb
Mn. Motaoeandtomara^Mdiag n,
Cow days U Qrand B^tdo.
Mn. M. B. QAto* wont la Dotnlt yootadoy fa a tan doya’ vtolb
•atator Bnrewm Has Boenrad Oood
Mrs. ModgaWofOadillae to vtotting
Swtba for Barotsl Mloblrnn Hnbaotota, Mra.ChsA Poriar.
pobUoano-J. O- Adana Wm ba
Mr. end Mn.O.K.PloU on visiting
OeUoetor at Xai^natta-Otbsr Xlobat thrir fdd heme in PMStoe.
W. A. So^
WnaUngtan, Sepb
gnSet at Fork Pisn ysotardny.
Prank Doan hnegona so DeMt and
In ossnalBr tbo ontlook for Mleblros
wm vtolt u Ohio befen bto ratsre.
' Istaossa Is tbs oareral dopartMr. snd Mn. J. B. Jobnaon erant ta
aosM yostorday filed a aortoe of roeoaaondsUono, wUok in rtow of the foot Dotralt yonadoy to vtaU raUMras.
Mn. Doofln UPoInt went ta Un­
that they oorry the bosrty isdoneisont
of Senator MeMUUs aey be onpaotad ring yeata^ ta a tan Av*' *Ut.
to aatoTlaUae IdtoappelstBMa withMrs. Abe Bale to
» taort
U a ooaparsUTOly abort tiao. C%lof Uae is itootavUto, ba forma homo.
latoroot nslaznlly oontors ia tba leenl
Mn. J. Cox. aaioainaltd by Mtoo
latoaaa. i. Q- Adssa for oolCos. loftyoataday fa Bostas Babor
Mr.oadMra. Cb
John Jonw tor roeolTar
■ and plonsan la a

don so rtatour of tba Horqo^
load ofioa aoko np tbo oopor ponUonla elate whlrf Bosatar Barrows boo
laid bofera tbe troonry and latator
Jooa woe orirlssUy
olatod for ooUeetor, bat Adoas' frtonda

H. O. T. H. Bonqaet snd Program.
Afta the regnlsr rertew ct Traren
City Xesb No. 871. K. O. T. M.. toaoi
row higbb tbe tost wUl osUrtUs tbe
■seabete of TrsTwea Boy Tab Be.
ISO. end tbe aeabei* of both hirae of
tbe L. O. T. M. Tbore wiU be s plene;
ant program and bnsqaeb
wxiiL OPBV hot:
Pint Bomba 1s High saioo) Xae.
ton Ooorao.
The fint aomba In tbe aigb aebeol
leetnra eoarae for the eeeeon of ia97-tb
WiU be fiven Tuesday. Novoabm
The ottraotiba wHl be tbe Imperial
Watch (barteb

The Man
an Easy Street

Mn. AUee OoiMs has gona to Ootrolb
M. A. Krdsps hse retoraod ta Asa
MsnhoU CtomoronbMgene to Port
Bd Kowtas to epesdlng a week Is IsJoss.
Mm. M. B. P^ to riritlsg to Kslsmoo.
Mia BUS sumo west ta DatroU yew
D. B. Gortar wont ta Balaagma
M^ HeConp bee gm to Orasd
W. L. BUgbt osd wife have gone to

. Mm A. ,Moo4y loft yoatardsy te
Mm Uraaoe to vtoittng Crtanda in
C. O. SaiU hOi
ta goods.
Mm Joe. Adame snd eon on vtoiUsg
Mm Sonh Bodgoon to vtoltlsg at
L^. IsA
S. M. Dewey end wife left yestadey
ifa Joekeos.
Mm J. O. Banadril to viriting in
J. a BUto to vtoltlag st Dotaotb bto
M. B. Tldeky hsa gone to .Kssme
City, Mtoeouri
Mim Kittle Cottar to onjoying s vtolt
in KslemoaooT
L. M. Bassett hoe gulaa to Brighton
fa s few days.
Mlm BdssSebsg bee gone to Thrae
Bivete fa a virib
Mtoe Qoodwls boa gaa to DetoUt to
apond the erista. Onrtm Bom snd wife on viriting
trtonde is Chtoogo.
Mr. and Mm lariok 6kHa ban goo*
to Wlscbaeta. ladL. Ontaa and wife sn vtoltlnf
friosde la Losamg.
Besry Smith to borne froa Mookisaw
City fa a brief vtolb
Mm B. MlUa bM guns to Ksnkskoo.
Mia Bams KUa loft yatadoy
merslng fa Jeokson.
Mm JahsPootowMoneof tU ox-

^tengo Horkob
Okieogo. ^epb M.-Wbrat-Sop
ba. S7J|e;' Deeomba.
uary, SSMr; May. STHs
rtei Daaaba,»H«Me; May. tSe.
MlaMonhsUodfHdlCtorien. to itoOats—SooUaba. 16H«: Ootaba
isKd; Deoamba. isjse; May.ytiio. . Itlsg frtrala ts Dotralb
Wa. Bofdawortblaft yatorday «a
Pork-Soptoaba. . iS.OS; Oetoba.
•AOe; Doeeaba, SS.1T.
Loid-Aoptaaba. tbSO] ^Seteba, 'Mm Paaotoky snd oUlArm a«
UaO: Daebaba. K4Y. '

Naval forces on the Pacific..
00B$t tor. bb^d^edintoly streB^haned. We niv
in nil .^pnitments. Thin
weektCirB^vitf^Df Picioie Hooldinp. Tbn
very Uteet in the <dty markete. See them whiU
they are treeh.



wbae to find ssytblsg is oor Use, ^
tba chasMS sn yen will find list'

Don’t Buy Cloaks
at Hazard—
It means pa/ing a big price for a name, and get­
ting less than if von make jonr selections from a
Reliable Home CoDcern. In the latter case,
yoQ can always have redress if anything is not
right Then you. get just what you want at a
lower price than you imagine stylish, durable, upto-date Cloaks can be bought for. See our line.

: 1




US-133 rnat Stmt.

■ V sons.y

COB be slighted.
eiUtesndlSereab Por laetosoe. we give portlealar
orden to have our Werktsg
SaiU mode op m enfaetostially. If
not aon ee. ihoe a dnu garaenb With our PmoUr Lew
Priors we offa on svUelo that is
Ben On

I Ut *s:iras“ $5.79
I loissinsr”' $6.98
BrMM pUM« eiwto-dou. wank SM.



sway' beyuM wu, u—utuev.
Wo^ be sleeeed Ut^w yc^
oar Use wbetha you come to
look a bey.

OMI M iBifent Mhr,

Don't BMt)OMd,WS 0AB% Henoeyottr
InberostSAnoara. Bo when we t«U you

ouie, «
Flonr U a enooeee, we are tnibHny f^r
year baaeflt aa well as onp own.


Butterick’s Patterns

The Hanging,
the &t the satisfaction of a Dress Skirt
depends as much on tbe linings, facings,
stiffening, etc., as it does on the mater-'
ial itself. A little extra money wisely
expended at our lining dmnter affords a
la^ retom ia satisfaction. A good,
gennine Hair Cloth can be bad for 25c
' now, and'all other fittings equally cheap.

We havR jist received an entire New Uo8


Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
Beat-Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, at-


Mr t UI6E Niffi
•Mohandadjoaltonatoplopad tor.tM
paataoMoi poar aad far tko wiiolay
oMoMpMivtlH told tot fttoaekil^
Ito. ood Mtk Afto, who kou bo« ditoto of IM Mha^. aad o n'ln' ^
iBittoc b«0 tor OOM ttoM koto rt-

oomnioiMT revs.
l•Itt• n»nrwiaw
jottordoy tor Dektoto.




W. 8. Aodonoo.wflt CO to EpoM*
tktotoontoctoAoodoettkatoMnl oT

■dtweo itodtoi toM to
jAxiroBW aaiAKtoo ftnn..

.JU*_YWo,;oIa^ Mopfcpprt,>ft
■ —
tor Dottoit wkofo
Dcti»e pMtTMnttwraUn toM »
rini mart 4«t»n of U« «N ...........
B«r. OM Hro. JA StooU koto rotoiBod
«f tt* boor4 e< odMotethM U Mo to llot«kpartsttoroTtoU wUk' dodfo
bwotoCot* Mu 4M-UOMM-M C*«0. oad Mn. B. t). OoBipbell.
Thk jmr Cl«r Oork Etelmd.Mo
Dr. a & Ktoc to mooo« tko BlokpUodoeuoflotoo^ool r^ett, »Uek
B. MMitok Md notkto.
Miii'-mnimU oM Mim. Imw of
«M Momm or tM M»M c< MMOtta.
41dito pMoodtkro-ocktMdtppootor.
Tkto roport oMoM W rood kp OM17
dop 00 tkoir WOT to Dotroib
•ucp«vr.«oUoaktolMWMk «M» o)^
Wr. oad Kro. J. V. LoM boro roM latfnotoi
TM otoloBowi k
torood to OtoetoooU oftor epotoltac
priotod io fiOl lo oootkor oeloou.
Umo wiik rotoUrw koro.
. TnodvooeoWlMpriMof pototou
Borrp Kpoolko. Frook
■okM o trip-tb Voksoelo o ptaoaift ood JoiBM Loodoo were owoog tko
poo^BO tor Ooronot Pl:DCrM, ood oo- •toduto Iwrtof^or Aoo Arbor pootor•Woj kb eooeHoo«y to do UUU Mil- dor» os Um okU. wkUo ouktof roltot
Mito Kto Boot M F>otWo. who tmo
ftoto kto ootaUro wontoo. WkUo tko MB theroeoiofllr. osdMto. Prook
(ororoor U oo «OMy to rollrood troMo Boodo ku tou to Joekoos tor tko
to Mteklmw. ke dew mA dbdolii to
Molftot 0 UtUo toUrul to o roUraod
Mr. ood Mn. CMrtoo B. Mokoo of
OBooMtou to Booto
Blk BopMo. woro to tko el^ pwtotdop
for o okort tlM. ow tkoir wop to OtoM
TOOBI to o pnbokUtop toot MtoklfOB
«rUl be «roU roptuutod ot the HookMn. Job. SkoM, OMowpoolod kp
viUe oxpooIUoo aoxt week. »t tout to
a SkoM. toft jtotiTlop
oretori' k tooaw Onogrwitoiii WilUom llto> HoUto
rotog tor o Ttolt witk trtoodo to
AMoo doiitk of Oiaod Bopkde wUl be
«kera oad wlU ro^oM tor MtohlfOB to
■■■rrtoto to M bold to toe ondUertow.
Mtoo MoRto FUop. who Mo Moo
vUttog kor Motor. Mro. Baotp MoMoans. MgtpooUrdoptorMrMtoo to
A. B. WoUo M to Chioofo tor
Mn. BUI of Yuba, oad kor doRktor.
' AorttiBO.
Mtoo MotUo aiU of tkto eitp woat to
J. C Mo^oo koo gOM to OUeodo oh
Dotitlt paotordoj to rtolt Mn. HlUb
Boreas DokraMeofOM to towarW. B. Molpoto of Bon Jordaa, wko to
oa kto wop to B^toi 1, wjopod a brtaf
Mho tUf Purl to rtolttoff frioode to Ttolt oritk kto wlfeb notkar. Mn.
■ttUo Croak.
Boood, poourdap.
Aoo. PiMooB oM doo^tor on rtoitdaa. A. Nogra, wtto oM daofkton.
Balu aadXatkartoo. aad oaK^'Alfrod.
M. B-OoUejotBapiroaotoo to tke
atocfgtM aaconloatota
Oftjr jrwtordo;.
dop- YMp wut to Flpwaath.
Z>r. 8. O. Howyor wut to CUeoco 00
Mro. Waltoa Wltooa oa« Mn. 8sbe
kootoiii paetordoj.
Doom and daagktor Pearl at B«rtk-.
Dortd Beiber of SoUooe Bop. WM to pen. left oa tke
•ho atr toot nlgbt.
Gkoo. Porkor to rUtto/ ot kto old
Mn. Laeto Polnator. wko kae beu
hotoo to EototoOMO.
TtoiUag Mr. and Mro. Poltoator of tkis
Ckos. Motor wM»t to MaokrOlo tor a ploea tor tM paoiAhrao naatks. koo raohort Ttolt paotordap.
toraad to BrooUpa. V. Y.
Mm. Aarkaar aad toother latt paotor>
Hito Baoan Jeoologi. >
4i9 far o Ttolt la Chtoacobp kor two toetkaro.
Mn. J. B. MeOoock wM oauag tM looroe Ontor peotoi^ opd took the
mnlca tiaia far Ypopoatil
Mtoo Mortoa Parks at Elk Bapids.
f. D. MoAtoj o( tM aoplBS to la
passed throock tM dtp peetordop oa
Cktoofo far o tow daps.
kar wap to Chkago, where eke will
Mro. J. Hooto oad Mn. A. Bean ara
oowkiDa Mr toadtoa la «ml Boeie.
MtoaUotosof BtkAtpUto. s tore
Baaj. BoagboptoTtoitiBCat-kto «M Uaeker lo Ike TnTWM dtp aekoola.
hfltoe la RaadalTllld. lad.
was U the d^ peatoidsp oa Mr wap
Daa O. Bkertor and wlto at Osdar to tke aalTscdtp U Aaa Arbor.
Bw. kpeOjCOM to DotraU M a tWA
.Mn. V..PoOtotpl aad ekUdrea. aeMr.udMto.Jao.
- 'Mtfi^^KaasleraadMM
Poitoipl. a
too daps la DstroU aad SC Clair,
■n. QaruurWtpastordapbraTtolt wko wmt to CkleagD pestardap.
Oh, wM kas beu TtoHUg
Is Datralt aad kor old bona la Cauda.
nlaUras ksba. retaraad to tfia&M
Mn. J. a Adam aad okUdzoa. woat
ItoL paoutdap. Mtoa Mpttla Cox ae•oBarttordeat^i
ootopaaiad kar for a Ttolt.
Dr. A. 8. Bowlop of tM oopIoB Is «•
Astoag tkeae wko laft peetordop tor
Joplog o ssmtkto TOtotlea la Um aosV Rlebtooad. lad., to alMaAtke Frtoads
Mn. Botopa aad o^ktor wmt to BseUage aad
snUlsweMiK. tad., oa o toa daps*, T. H. Shagart. Mr. aad Mn. Jao. KHVa.
and Mn. Uojd Mot aad Min
• Mra Joko Blaek aad Mn. W. B. FUo Uraoe Clark.
of Lalaad.
wm( tolnaslag peotordapfara ahort
toertp ngtoter of deeds of laelaaaa
Mr. aad Mn. Chaa. Eaetordap an eeaalp. kas nored to this eitp with kto
ddUar la Sootharo Mlaklgaa aad la- fatoilp aad wiu ataka tkto tkalr psmaaoat kowa Thor hats Inasd a reUdoaee aa WaOklaptoo street, eut of
Mr. oad Mra WoUo oM dambtw!
tke railroad tsaek ud wtu saca ke

—costs' nothing

mmmm «

BarwtoiA wM Im kooa




ApPAOAm n-'ou.


Ohlldrett's and lilsaei’


s=S5asat£i?t=r„ rr Best Stock we have ever &bow;n and
Prices never so attractive, at >

Wilhelm Bros.


TmtMmt carto^ueooiofie* w to rom

iQto.the latest aim north of Ormnd Bsiddo, brimming full trf borgaina. Ton wUl make no mioUke.
With Ttmr rendp cash bop of a
CASH HOUSE, ALWAYS. We do not charge op to yon an; hme»
by «dend beata.Deal in a OyPriced Hoooe.
With c
from within and witboot we mast nnrimarllj bp the
the boaiqem we are doing. We have added new lima once moring
into oor new eotobUehment. and we bore gieoUy enlerged onr regnler
lineA making onr atnek complete in all of its branehea.
In oar Drj
Goode Defiartment we offer a pore aUk velvet for 47c a yarf.



TBtoBEBir aAi.«atoe Rpo.

>, im aUiAni ta»ilerehi.t, 2 for »3c. Th.
that JOB pa; 26c apiaca loi alaaaiara.


aetoOoslinUosto*MlaMBr mnSTC
(tork of Boaid af Bdanttc
W 8am, Mayor.

froto I o''eloek to lUMa^o^T'to.'^aM
froto I o-elook to 4 oMoek a as. aad pa
Taesd^ oeaatoCB Into t o^ook to oSe

" tosT

Onr SOainch all wool Sergee and 46-inch aU wool Hmoattao at
48e per yard are (he talk of the town.
Begntdka at adraneoa w»
give better valne than ever. Lo(4 at oor handeocne, artioticallr n
fioy% BloQoee
fii the cbildreo’o
clothing depa
Lodi BtooraO
wool Hen^ Nobby Sait at $U0 and oompare it with any 97 eoita dmwhere and be yoor own judge.
We wUl Mve yoa money on all kindo (rf etatwnrey.
Do not forget to eample onr perfamta in bulk which we an oeQingatSfoparoonoe.
Anticipate your wonto in om Unae with no a^ we. will aave yo«

• pm cut faroaUaettoa. Oa aU Ibm
itn.thdta “***?•
ml. itn.thdta
dtp of two pm

Uausoim Mums.
Cltp Tftosorto.
Datod SopC lei, IWI.



CtMDaIrdt asa ef tke Moaton-a aob
wfflMeaterfalasfrrtdapwHk aa of-



darBYlXn AMS KXrxSXBa. W. Lordto. 8r.. d Old Mto
woe .OtooactM Booth boaad hoot pm
Sellen 80 Addnaasd inu laea Salap
VadarMroe Hail ritiTwj Ijaioio
Mn. Brad Boofksp woo oao of tM
ekdeatoaeto orge
aaaBTrtitotofa wko woat to Dotrdt pm
I atp to todoM
I to addtaw tkalr
Baiip Keble at BU Bopida was
fatten to stnet aad Baaber. Tbafna
dallTsrp spstoto will M Mtabltoked
I. aad bp
Hr. oad Mn. 8. M. Biowa. Blmar
to tkto ketonkaad Boeh eoafoaloe aad
aad Mtoo Mtoaia Brow* an Tldtlac to defap will be eared. This to a good ’
u too kwtoatog of a apsMas 8alg«l. P. & Stottoaa, read
8ksrtdoa aad J. HoldoB kkea na
roble detoU of a •
» at fint. and tM ::
ioho MoDoaald of Yaka laft yeetarcs aad earrton will he
Aar tor DoMdtwkarskawUl spud a greaUpalded If tke people of tke dip
wiU adTtoetkdrootreepmdaataaaaar

Mr. aad Mn. L. Beath wa
• takloc la tka <


Hamilton Clothing Cp.








The Boston Store

.....One Dfiilar a Pair Saved..
m Wl .'SlpCwr





8lnWatiwd,H><l H. Okino
Stt Fwt> fcr <l» OrfuiM

eiDsaoite noBT Tou) n oovn

IF tOtuf^iU^
Jodi* vmenni deetomd
rtbatantlntad the story of the defanm.
Mat lAMcert was maktocwtop to tba
■aaalatiam «epmtadahd «Maaha by the
(totararfitoem haOwny Men.
Cktoeno. 8epl. M-k. T. Deb* dU set
attond th* meettoff of tbe labor eoncrww

nnt A Steiy That 8houta Bi1r«


AV0£D flWAMB or OAmBAUtt

StUlfinDecK ^
St the Old

A Pwtalty if it Laoiff th*


^Uftey u4 <l U r«M*a^i«
' tUu of » miitMni m»j mslk U tbe
U ia axpoeud to toko
-'--flr»o coUod oiiei|*olodly.
^TVo koord wUI otort Mzt
> Wt of tko otrto lllMOIltllir ^
Tko eiu« ol
Loo^. Doti^t. Ml Qomoo. 8oc«Mw.oadotkwpteM «m bo oWtad.
TW« boa bM oo»« talk of Uiood
BopUk, bot aB«oon«oMBt tkero
wkotoTw for tko flonp to be obtotaed
aow. U tWw of Ibe oMOost of «prk
erblok bM boao dmekgr otWr dttoa.

mojiTid to B0f» »m»ir VtlM
fkr TMecBolo •optmbw 18.
Now York, 8opL
of Gftoraor Piafroo'e


ToaowoU oa Ua ataUMr VweaooU
oo Baplawber Uth. Ptagroa wUl ro­
tors oo tba atao«er wbtak looew UQoajfo CO Ootobar Ipd oad la duo to
Now York October Itb.
' Tbofo*orwwMweompoBlad.b7B.
8. Seiteaof Datrcdtoadkia parpeMU
^Uo( VoMsaoU la nppooad to be is
^paattoo wltb eortoU laUwoy oaobiwIjm. ottboorb aa tar oa te knows.
^COTomordidaotdtaoaaa hta plana
wUb aap of hia laUow paMoafw a Tbe
t«T*mar and 8«Mon were tranafi

Tha qitanarfp saattalir of tka L. L.
A, wm be kald at tka Ubtarp no«m
/ Sataidap aftarsoee at S o'cloak.
Xba araat of tetnrdap wUl bo th*
toot baU nine botwaaa tka Bifk
aakoM taoM of TrnTeiaaOtj'aad CM' Ulao.
BaMT Saaltk. who has bean at Mack^aae UUad all aamatar. baa aoroptad
a pBsmc* ia A.
Bradakaw'a pkotofrapUetaUwp.
MoBbaraof tksF. M. C wboeanaad
wlU atitaiid Biotkar Hebart'a fnaaral
rriday aontlar, at 7:M. era reqnaatod
to laara aainea wiU A. A. MoCbp. that
proper OMeapaneea map be prortdad.
Kar.- Praatlaa B. Wbitmaa, who baa
baan praaebtaff at Nortbport to tha
MaUuriiat eharab, has baan ratamad.
Tbla aetioa of ,tba ooaferanoa ia parMenlarip plaoator to tha paopU of
As QaodTkmplamottha attp t
a to oaat sapper to Hoaiaffae )
’ artntoc from t to 7
’ o'ato^t Wwjvm It ramtodad to make
arrsataaiastsasamdlMfly. There wUl
J.-O. Vlaak bw eieaad bb
■Orkpi It* a law di^ Be will make
aoearal Important tov*«««»Mti to iba

■ympatby with the wnrktonn M (he ceaventlM ahd rvwtttoff hto Inability to
anenAowtos to tbe oecepUmtloBaaStct.
Cblcnso. 8cpL a.-Tb» totUe betvaac to* the Cblenco City ttaUwny emplercs,
Ibe experts baa befoo. and from ouw on H* deaouttced the praatnt power of the
then wHI be denials thrown at Ibe eel. al the laws passed fay oohdims wUcb
deece of tbe medtoal and ebemknl wMs ------beaeCdal
wars b
to the toberU*
men who tssUted tor the atate la the
Re ddeclared that orsanlaed capital
LBetgen caac. Tbe defense pat lu Snt
^ of lbs lanA and In «dcr to fantil*
wltoeaa in the expert line oa the eurd
reeteeds)' and be wOl be tulloaed by a
toad etrtoi of ototra. Tbe wlineee yeadown. Tbe>aU*tis of tbe Dnliod 8ui
torday »aa. Or. a U Helm, wbo boiled miMt to band to hand, aecordtot tn
two bodice lb eaimle potash la tbe
Mnben. then they mu« hare a voice to
to Loetowt-i aaOHse toetory. and ob­ the covemmenl and oVerthroer.tht pteatained reaaita Hlfferent from tbode wbo eat powers, wtdefa are deutewaial to
belled bodies to eaunle polaAi to bebalt of the Btote; that la U was -r<
treeted the speaker. He computed hto
ponad to (be paper* that expertmeci
with the sentence: "I amnd opon bodies had beea mad* by toe auta nddrem
PQoed to tbe supreme court^ thla eoahIf ao-«nleas the stale te aarlac a sur- try ns It Is non- coo«Ut^llAAV-'^^
Prtae-tbe reatol wne not what waa d«The report of the comralitte ea rMoAtnd. aa tbe atatr offered no eeideooe Itlons Is addrempd “To the Labor had
of that kind. Ita tkeory. bove\-er, la Reform OtxualmUoas of AamW la
that Mm. lmet«en's budy was boiled the Introdu.
to a aolntlon of cauatto potaab for
boura. abouL Sod thus diapoaed
ballol A- ...___
toMo WMa— mrpa AIM.
The report toy* mU tbe talinre
A witnam wbo was bard to b«
ot the Btrlke method..'
wa* Armadale Opdytui a peddler, wbo
lestlOed hmc anar tbe murder la aaWS vlte the friends of Utsw___ __________
to have been committed be aaw Mm lonbint toward political action. We trtlAietpert to the oegrtbomoed of Jai
Otnlxe.tbe necemltr of strikes, bat the
vlUe. WlB. He said that there was no most effecUve strike Is the faelM box."
cbanco of bla beint mlstAken. and be
■bams Goldman, the anarefatot. ha«
Identified tbe pbotocmph of ber wbleb wlthdrawB from tbe conveattda. She
ha wna abown to court to tbe moat posi­ my* It Is trot properiy readaetsd. and
tive manner. Two (trU were pUcod that th* deletate* do not ettend to bml.
upon the eund to Impeach the teetlmony or Bmme Scbimpke. who anld
that abe saw Luet«ert and bto wifeepter
toe bctory on the ^t the murder la CSvdHM *• a jnme ef lasaahy That Ww.
o have bees
been committed. They Imledberasp. - - nsbaUadoaen
other wttnaane have done. Lvetfcrt'a
fneaily phytoelAn wna onlled t
still lirm. tlwiiph bis recovery Is hopethat Ml*, l^uetpen shewed
of tonanity. but asata 1 inter- tom The *oB Henry toows aMns of'
v^ awl refused to
testlfp rotniblB* *lren«th. but the
wainh limited to a wv»l prevf-Mts to the aay hie wound 1* total. Tbe coroner'*
lary ha* adjourned till (esaorrow. so no
time of Ml*. Luetoert'S 6
Aadlht has beea rertimed. It I* aaw
known that Boecker he«cM a eupplr
of chhroform al Breda last wndu
bo«B tor
While Opdybe was tclUnr bis story oholera. WUh tlOs he- threw the
family into their Ansi sleep and was
enabled to commit the horror without,
DO their beads. One weljjied about IM resistance.
Thom who know him hart soy Boecker
ponnds and tha other wetotaed abont lOt
potUMto They came to me that nicbt has been “off" for -mme time, ihouch
and asked mr bow tar U was to Elctn. his mental aibneat has mu been re­
I tcJd (bem It waa tweoty.five or thirty garded serlon* eaoagV to' quaUfy hka
tor tbe Inmiro asytun. Hla deiermlnaThe court aatd'he did not see___ tlOB not to move from the home place
relevancy In a^ a etory. "I Intend to which hi* father decided must be glyea
Is younger bi
show by thU man (bat this was Mm
brother Is no doubt the
■e of bIss-Hm
Luetcert." said tbe attorney, “and I
obfect to tbe remark ot the court."
would IW a Xtew
“Well, (o ahead and Identity 1
Hlilshoro. Ilia. Bept. ».-H. P. Braver
anld the court. The witness then .
wa* abot and wounded sertously it not
lively Identified the llQ-type picture ot totally
by John Bataeln. who
Hi*. Loetpert as that of oaw of the wlstisd Saturday
to marry Braner's daughter
women be mw.
Leon. Branrr Uvea aTout ten mile*
south of this city. He toy a-hkre be
Ml wuhont atsittanew uatll le o’rtortt
Sunday when neighbors discovered him.
During the Interval Barseln renewed
Tbs wltnm* <ff tbe day thra appsamd bU soil tor tbe girt's hknd Barseln
—the tnas wbu dk) mere to threw doubt placed In Jail heee^_________
Oh the state's nuiKnilca than alt the
Ks-Baaher Wroee Out at ML
ocher*. U» be abaoiutely disputed tbe
Oshkmh. WIs.. SepL M•tale's claim that Mr*. Loelpert was T. C. Show, of Manitowoc, who'
botied to tbe vat by showlnp expert)
Tlcied of tDegal hnnktog
tally ^hai s women weicbloc much
to pay a flne af R.IOO or w>md tour
moaths In JsH hett. corajdeted hi* aeataooe yesterday ■aoralag and at ooea

. homaa bodlsa wUh a 1* per
oeaL solutloi: ol oansUe soda or powMi.
Dr. RIsM fim experimented to the middi* vat-tb* one that .the body of Mr*.
Lhsttert I* sJlwtd to have been dlslateptaied to. He said that the flnt expertment was mad* wlib toe body of a
woman i teei t Joebm tall and wetebtofi
atony pounda
erode potato waa
emptied Into the vat la th* .oaweee i^t■apeoMdadatodoao.
•«rt Is allsved to have placed the potash
WMtar Waaos, an amptopa nf tka to tbe same receptacle on May L
WaH MaaatoRartor Oo.. waa tojatad
to Iba tootoiT ysatarday.
Bia laft
band waa cna^i to't ^aaai^ and badip
toaatnted, Dto. Martto and Oamar
e result tl
the fletfi *
thedoctorhtenijnooy was ibai-toaieadof
(he fluid to Ibe >at “boUUiC and bobTba train dsa from tha aootb on tba bltox" AS awerted by the stats U
ImpooslM* to best toe fluid to a bolltofi
C A W. M. at lt:M waa aboat t
boora tola paaUitUp oa aoooont of an point with Ibe tacIUUfa to tbe factory.
The physician
the color
ths Ilqnid in itW" vau »
eroaalap and partlallp
be mid. vinetar On th
doUpa of thaarenraioa train. Wbon llgvid was a fatty snbnah
tletb part of an Inch dasp. Tbe expert
said that teeib of the
waa toaad ta be amtonslp Ul. Ua waa
IS were hot Infured. but tbe



DM as Thatr Weddhsg Thar.
Dmrer. Sept.
Ths IdeatlfleatiM
of a posttoD of a half-burned rakway
pam lmv«
imvsb as doubt that Elmer B.
Bhek. a P
hto wife were victims of the railroad wreck at Sewcaetle. AkL, BepL A
They were on their wedding tour.

vho (uugni k duel wUb Dr. Wolff.
The beginning of (be end of the coal
strike at De* Hotoaa. U.. appeared yes­
terday. IW miner* ratumtog to work.
Ouatetnala has offered tlH.OM (or th*
head* of Prospero Morales, tbe rvvoluUouary leader, aad hU aide. Manuel
Dr. Noble Halloa. 71 left hla heme at
Hatosr’s Corner*, ni*.. Sept. IT. aad has
nut bsea gbee Mac*. It Is feared be has
kiltsd hlmmlf.
Tbs AmsrMu Papsr company, at Tax
Buren street and Cuitc
House plae*,
Chicago, ba* tolled. Amets. ta.eM; Ua,
about tW.eOO.took tka tifito ou aurth. Mr. Brisk •rad by tb* nmk cvumhM. aad to soma blUllea.
the leeth were brtttle. The
Th* Nailoaal tirlgatloa Ceagrraa ia (a
wa* eaat back to Ormad Beplds «« the tomaee*
Bkutt riba aod bone* ed th* anna ahd *smloaatLJneoto.N<
•agtaonlbbouAd train.
There were no usamald bens*.
H |
Tb* hair had almcet mrtirety db*i>Sir jfea Mowbray. Bark. M. P. for p*ared.
Into (be vel at tb* begtnnlnx decline to Join the American Milting
Oxfcrd ttoiventty. has jiut oetrtntad of th* experknetit was thiewn two gold ,
hU goltei we^^ Both his poMtt finger rings. Thr phytortaa said h« bad company, and announce their latenUoa
aem* dimculty Ir writing them out of th* » fight th* trust to (be bluer end.
Th* Jnsarrectlon tn Nicaragua has
OieiiC'tbarawaoato^fdmeaotto- vat a* ih* alkali waterburecdhl* bands.
King iuaoeeawteSkaiidtotbe otb« It was found ihsi the sclotlw bad not '
affseted tb* ring*. Dr. Rlra* also (eatl- !
ig to adviec* received a
Greece baa received lb* I
plus and a corm-ih* latttr on* from
Willton C WhU^ has aoqnlnd Knuo Mrk DortgerTs wardrobe.
Differaal >peace treaty with Turkey,
that the goTemmec
U.080 aowu te oWk aad otoer par- kind* of hair pin* were used. Those qassi
poM la that to wWA Ue toe mter srhleb were Jspenned ram* but of the I
teat ntinu* the Jsiwd; bene, retlulold '
toaatotohastessvwtaljnnbacnhld- and rublwr hair pin* were tested and tl
wiH found that they were utierly 'de- '■
lU top owMrt to dUto«li« ot
have toUea laad most of the vGstrayed by ihr soluthm. A hard rul>ber tatoa
lagera hare abandoned rrtlef work te MB
buttnti waa placed to tbe liquid but
was not doflreyed. This was owlnx, I
and aow their lands.
xpsft eri^ned. to Us structure.
' Kar. W. A. Hunshergrr. Milwanhae’s
Tbe aecend expcrimem was with tbe
body of a men and was mneh tbe same,
with tbe exception that (be vat was left
vred. The prncfse did not require
tonxer. despite ibk tort. The effnm^of this.teaiineDr hns te aatobil*
A trala.po the Pal da* r* and OU*
-1 WwtaM Jtetol thh«if^ had kiM ■Jtpay htor Ctotstrt. Pa. ran dowp a



*«ew from tbe btetahtoff.

OfciMtoi- ahd mnk BtoM



Ctoeer KnlfibL of Ura
mip Hope, stated that poalltvc proofs
Greeley's camp at Cape Sabine by a
landing puny. N»lkbt mya that whs*
Cape Sabine was reached cnly the sclendata of ihe pgrty aad one or two attendaata. to ^ ib* rough wiwfc.
laadsd. Befur* going aabue* aacb of
the party M^as told to expect to flod some
dimgramUt thing*, hut to be prepared
to keep^eat fore\-er. if neemmry. as
to what was toaad. All agreeing, the
pony * as landed and th* search be-,
gaa. B'hen th* expedition rctumed
aboard tt bore a lot of cast-off cloth­
ing. empty provMun cana aurgtral lastrvmests. etc, aad a bU of a board
beailitg tbe name of B'lU Nortnaa. the
lee pilot of the party, s'
' '
Brooklyn s few yean ago.
These things were placed la tbe «agtoc room ct the H<ve to dry. whU*
Peary took oomc other tbtogs to bis
cabin. Th* mort Importaat fiaA how­
ever. was not brought oo board, but
was burled near Ihe camp It consMed
of the remains of a buman right thigh
that wa* found In the snow ontMde th*
camp prc^. near the jUace used as
burial ground by tbe CTreeley part;
This part of a limb was taken tna tl.
body al the hip JoloL tbe aeparatUm
havtog evidently been toad* by tbe am
ef tbe knife alooc at tbe Up and knee.
Ft* about a tool from th* Up down the
boae was bare, tbe flesh ha>-liig ap­
parently been cut away as a butcher
cuu a leg of beat
Ue Ous or WM* CMh. a
When shown Tbe Post's caaalbal story
t Is not


Jno. R. Santo,



Ldtmb, SiDokod sad SfiHed Vests.

Now for Business!


Isshs Mow Uks It WsaM Taks PlM
Mty Petday Mseutug.
Chicago. SepL J*. — A etUM to tbe
irvet car sliuatloa will be reached to­
night at the close of another mam a
tog of tbe employee- It is probable i>—t
a strike will be ordered |o take effect
at t o'clock Priday morning on all the
llnei operated by the Chicago City Rail­
way oompaar. This reaili was
by the leader* after
gtodRd an ulUototum
Jlch the committee declared com
red from General Managv Bowen.
It u aald (hit General Manager Bowen
declared that no union man would be
emptoyed by the cempany. He Is tor(her accused «f saying that if tbe

-A-. *w:

W. J. BOB1N80N..]


Watkins, tr* boas; William TompklM.
company man; Joseph Smith, company
man; John QaUagher, company maa;
WUilam PtankUa. company man. The
bodle* of all but Watkins were dtocovered at t:» e’rtock hy acang of bmp
who. went down tote the mine wltb suppile* lor combwUng the fire. The ramalne of B'atlUns hare not twee (dAad
*1 this wrlilag. «nc* Ia« Tuesday the
fire bad been ragtag to the mine. The
man who tost their lives represe
one 'vhifi.*'
datyatlo-rtoek and noiMrduath uatntbedlseoverr of tbe lirsleas bodleo. Not a mao to
the party survived to tell th* «eiy. la
the cam of each body tbe head polatsd
toward tbe shaft, ladlrattog Ibal Uwy
had groped sad struggled toward the
shaft and (mber air. whll* suffoeatta
was overtaking them.______


Enterpri^ Grocery,

cal InsiraiaentB. One thing 1 will
aay. tothat.U 1 expected anything Im­
portant tc ^ found It was tbe r
of tbe expMlttop but 1 found no
of them."


or Aaythtor to Ihettoe of
SmnkggB'Maurtola, oaU oo

teolton of gening wotoHrty from i
I am ael sarprtsed at It. as I b
that mlloia when they tvtur
feel Uke making some aenmtiou out ..
adtblag. No bones or any parts of a
human being arer* found under th*
snow at the. deserted cajflfc. wWeb has
not been visited since MS. I seairhed
(or none and found nvine. All t to
was a lot ot relics of the different a^

n (hss^ Thom aad <
- Scrantes, Pa_ Sept, to—riv* ___
terday aftsnroaa met a horrible death
from “blartt damp," tbe after accumula­
tion of a fire, to the Jermya No. 1 mln*.


.The Eoterpriee Grocery
» still doisg busioeM oo
Front Street, jnst west of
Sfeioberg's Graod Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.

FoU Libf of Groeflritto, fill asUing at CSieapast Spot Oash ^tees.
Don’t FaU to Call Today. Vowy
■avod is mooaj' eamad.


Sm Ok lew Uie



Oamer of L'hioa and Bay Streato.
M. A N. E. depoL wtakm to
o* to th* pobUc that he has
fiuedapd fnratobed tke'BoUl Pa*|r.
bora better than Iteverhaa bstu be­
fore ud toh accommodato tbs teavaltor pdhtk to good ahapa

Rcture Mouldings

Cyde Oners Look Here!


Lederle’s STTSSt

Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.

Fresh Meats—always fr6sh. Salt Meats.


The Pure Juice Si^'!Sffk15SS',:;Sri.SUS'■“
Sosth Oatoo SmoL

For Peaches and Crab Apples

■ out of town 1


fiepL to—Aa a r*. ^
ttr tJadlm. Ml^m. Mew end CNIldM _t
anil of Conunaadaat Batekto. of the
YMANU >14 ^ Fruot Stsoot.
Iowa Boldlers' Home, summartly Alecharglng Rurgeon DulBeld find Quartcrmaater Longty oa (hargea of miecoaduct anfi iBcompetMW. the membere U
•^e beard of ccmmlaalouara wei^ called
apeelal meMoa by telegraph resterly to tovcaitgate tbe cause, a sur. Ise wa* sprtiDg at the selau fay Og«amandant Batekto leaderliig his rsstghadon. which was paapuy acosnted.
Terre Haute. laA. BepL to — Star
Power paced a mil* to t:tt% to hk
trial against ltl»H on the Terre Haute
Correspond with
----- k yesterday. Hs suned Mbwiy
the Traverse City
mad* the quarter m «;an: tta
half In 1:01%. and the tost half In 0% Lumber Company. We have for sale Good,
Sound Hem­
■ecukdi, Th* third quartar to to atawto
la tbe fastest oc record.
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple IHooriog.

Bicycles to Rent


If You Have Logs to Sell

.Ten* Hants. inA, BepL M—Og th*
«Mh U*<A ber* Jo* PptM> tnM IP

Short Maple Wood. Lands for safe. Mill Machinery, of aS
descriptions, including 2 Engiqei Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for safe.


Nun»4 forth# On
Po#itien EEMng In
Unlt#d 8tat#«.

oho wer* Wkawarm to aoppert at bb».
wM aadBtm M toUataatad a taaaalt
bawbees eifeeted.
Rcpraaattiaflra FlnyaraM wm •*dared to bU aeu wbm be aitemptad to
epaak. a«d bU adhereau at om Um*
tbraaUned to eaetola him by tore*.
Ftoally ordar wa/^rtUlly reatorad aad
after a apeecb by Mr. WllUma a raceaa
Ukee. Tb* cca' ‘


Wm Bertks ■oldawgfth aaaow
IBM •hdwmaMdMtaaWfBt «1m


B*wt. M. at 740 and wOl be Blaaaad bo
toMt aU wiM wWi to mafia fnthi
arotrea* la thi* eeertt.
Its It

eat frera oSUIal etrclae U suc^a nubB^aa tcavra ao room far doubt that
(her* waa a deliberate and detanaiaed
plot ayUnat Bmpmr NteboUs at tb*
1000 Ooplaa BtaadarS
Um* of blc recent vMl to thU city, tu
•ueceae wae only frustrated by aeetdeaL orau W.'w Kimball 1
B. 6u«a|
Several ardeks before Uie arrival af tte Proatatreat,
tmparUl party a number of parsoat •uppored to bclony to ibr aermaa SocUllet
.party undtrmlatd Norvy SrUt. the
principal street In Waiaaw. betwaaa tb j.W.Pawata.
yovernor yetieral's palace aad tb* tpyal

OBthanhofdvof Jbro. a. D. IHC.
•■HtUd '•an onflaane* tOTagnUto. eemtroL ABd protoet tha ns* of U^m.
rokHtoadat, trt«alM and atmU^ vahl£ata^ mpoR tha pabtto awweu.
avannaa, Saa. parka, bridgm aad otbor paWto ^aoea, and neon ih* aldw
waiW wlttSs tha 0t»
aad to pravant thade

Tb* coeeenUea nut aad arpaalaed.

MulTicteistt RMacMRim

'321S^ SayJ

Suits to Order.

rUe Merchant

finri lipiditUimI.1



W ^S2S5?fe«diS2.**




AtItU V m.«>* o
bled with a yreat tbrony preeeat. Whta
Senator Platt, arampanled by Mr*. Putt
and amreial Udiee appeared to Uie par­
tem box Immedutely abore the rtyht
of the platform the band played -BaU
to the CbleC." and Uw crowd yelled and
cheered ontU It wai
>ai hoarve. *Tbr**
cheer* for PUIC" w.rrre yiveo ayala and
ayair* The
. . _ ......
r bowed
aad nlled.
After the Worth people bad been aat





BimlUrt to meet ooBBtft*
r omaluirone thu dr*
1 acalBM Tbmmaay. Tbe
eld- a aeetwt efleet Tber*
wer* preeaat rapreareutlvm of tb*
Rrookiya Ooreiplite* of Fifty aqd of the
Partoy ftctlon. Ttu,CltlB*Be’.t'nien wae
BOI reprratnted. Henry T>- Porroy made
a vtcoroo*- ipeecfa adrorallny the la*
donamect of Lew. Hemberw of tba
BreeMyc commliiee aUe v<oke for Low.
Katloaal Commlitcamaa Fred a Olbb*
deiM>«a«ed Low aa a '-Uuywtimp.'
CbaMaan Qtiln aald Ut* roBTentlon
aoatd ant cenalder I.ow. If tbe Utter
aroMid withdraw from thr race Ibea
there nSebt be aomeihlnc done. Low-*
Mead* eUd that be wa* U the fleld to
Way. and after a wranyle for aeaitr
three hour* tb* weeUay edjoumed with*
out remit.

RAtea. $1.50 per Day.

«d*a ladmato# the Chleayo pUtforn
of »M the pUtfana aaya that '-Jiut
aow a Miortoya of tbewacld-a food ctopa.
PIsetC^DarBMa. apecdsllatee .
OBlmiiuttoy to .wldetpraad aad ybaeUy
A«toUc tomln*. baa raUed prteaa for our
Three abaormal condition*
It ordaUadV^ Ooar^ of~ik»w
have. Uryely ellmlaattd lb* eorapellUoa
af allver-ludBy eouatrlaa. But a recur. taken from
.............. .... ............ ......
approached romptettan the cousplratm
of a coilapre of
will ayaU underbid tbe American tanaEver Burned Oot?
•r asd ladBC* tb* aroHd * pricae of ayriton amat; e« tha aaat Mda of
euHural pndacU''
otraaTtroin FTeat atosM mth to tnath
la a Mibeequeat pUtik of U>* pUtfem poUAed the poUce aad l» arreaU fol­ a R. BROWN, Atuivay aad Oi
Mi: OR
tba wMtaldaof (Tntoaatowt
coadetanatloa U paaaed upon "yomn- lowed. Amony Ibore la custody are
meni by IbJudcUob." ThU plank aay*: four dleyuUed German officer*, either
The connUT bae aaea wlUi ladlyaa- on leave or belonyiny to thr Laadwehr.
Uea Uie loytcal leaall of tbta JudlcU) who bad been acUv* In tbe actual work
Outatreotbetag* OaFkihstMt
. . whera. after an unequal etray- of tuanMtny- A number af floerchanu
o. P. OABTX&. Aguat.
— waoRftwt atroetaad State ill aMl
h conducted- ««itb and manufacturer* from tb* towa af
yl* Uatlny ala*
OR tbaaoRth sMoof Statennot fnm
rrmaikablf eelf-coatrol and lony maer- Lodsy. Pound, are aly Implicated.
CnioR atroet to Park PUeo botaL aor
by ihoiuande oj aiareUy mlncra. up.
darlar tb* Mbool nar. on the aoatb
. illny la a free land for a iivtoy waye.
aid# d WeiM SavMlb alnatfrom UatoR
men unarmed and In peacrahle proee*- teOew Vecre Report* (rare the Ulecud
atroM to Oak atraot: oa the aortb Md#
alna are abot down on tbe pitblir hlyhReytoo Cere la Teare.
<a W«t Mirtith atreot tram UatoR MrMt
remember tbU
New Orireee, BtgiL to.-Tbe board of
to Oak stiweti aor afur alno o'eloek *
Ut* of Luutolau aam. OB tbe day eommooU ealUd Saaday.
yovrmmmt by Ufunctlon eball net be
OB Waablaytoo Street mm Oamatmet
u ofki^lm^ New Ortolerated and ihUAmarleaB liberty Miall Bounces tb* sUlue
aol p*etah.'‘J_______________
leans aa rayard* yelluu\ t*v<^ to be as
Coltows; Duitny tbe---FIUBU8TERS SUPPLY WEVLER.
ended Tu.
SepL U. at * p BL. there
yrtlow lever. 1»: deaua.
baewf RtoOeweiwy CwytareeatoyLeeat
take efleet at tbe ««|
{; teui Caere to dale. tU; loul deai^
ire after lu pablleatioR.
Ravaaa. Sept. t>.—Capuin JoaebfoaWe do hereby eertlfy ttet tbe foraAt
for the twenty-four
aeterio, of the artillery, with two com
boun ended at T o'clock lack nia..i tbtre
panlea of iBfaniry and a detachmeal of were It new rases and Idcalh.
<d tbe oily of Trerene
artuierr. embarked laet weak on board
lb day of Ssptambrr. A. D. 1—
Bdwarda Mire.. BeplTi-TUie'was one
OOTRU. AUoreer* w
Uie Bpaalah torpedo bdiit Nuera bpaba dreth yeeterday from yellcw lever and
W. W. 8MrT«.
w. CUy Operw Boas* 9
in order to reconnoitre Ibe eowat oi
tl new case*. Six caeas are reyiuua The
provlBce of Plnar del Rio. Near Cape situauoo here to yrvwiiu uLdouUttdiy
San AnioBlo. it* wcaiern extremity, or werae
Tburaday last. Capuin Monaeterlo laad
MobUe. Ala.. BepC a.-Nrw reeae of
•d a detarhment of hie troop* at Calm yellow fever for tbe past twenty-four
Oboap Ohio BnarMon.
uwra. and on tb* road tu La Jaula be hours Sk and 1 death
Stf . Tbe
dUrorered one HotchkU* cannon. t.lM
Oeeaa Sprint* Htoa. SrpL «.-Our O.
OhloMtbaW. A L. K..
caftrldye* for tbe yan. a qiuatlty
doctors are eojoylny * murb needed reet.
idCH. AO.
arUlIrry haniM^ four pack aaddlca. Only fqur Caere of elckaere la lb* town,
start tram lb* M. A H. B. B. L t
and two of there are nearly ooavalreeaat.
.. _
oaa, inrludlny
Houston. Tex., Bepu 9.—There to a
a quantity of dynamite cartridyea
•ueplclou* care of fever bet* but It to
Coatinulny tbe aearcb Captain Hon Krictly yuarded___________
__________ lor BoieU
waUrlo found near CalmaaU beach and
CUrMyto.Baytoy Ira* Mlare.''
_ ! to NovMBbor eth. 189
near Punu de Leoa *0* boxea of RemMilwaukee. Sept tt.—An evrniny pa­
Inyton and Mauarr rise cartridyea
; iprocureywortto^of
waa apparent that all there munliinna per aaya: Andrew Caraeyl* the Iroa
of war had rerently been landed In that kliiy of pittalmry. will ahoniy own a
ooatroUlny Infereet U the elock of the
ridalty by a Sllbuaterlw expedllkw.
MelropolKaa Iroa and Imad rompaey,
which owns and ^rwtra the famous
NMTle yroup of mtare on Um C
raaya Tbsw mloto are amony tl
TblUhawea Fla., B^L S.—ReperU prodw
The transfer
of the Mock will UBdoubl__________________ -ta.aUL Oraad Rapfrom ApaluchlcoU -ray there wa# *e
edly be made to Oarneyle or hie reprertotlny Uwie Monday. It appear* Uut rentatlve* on oRbefore Oct. L JuM srhal
a white enyfaeer oa lb* eteaatrr C. D. araouat he will own It aol known, but It ■
an — r.— W—1.. HA. aLA* ----- - IWv
La^treuhiea breach airtreeatllSea.
Owen* tent a aeyro boy to a ehoes
U rertaJn that ^ rs.tlons cover a ooaTV...for U* mraa The Aioamaker lok
Irelllny toleraMln the stock and that be
o.L.muAFOOP o.p. A-.orasAJUailtboy be could boI yet the iboe* without wUI be practically The owner of tbe Ug
Ibc money.' When tbe boy yave tbe yroup when tbe peeidlny deal U oloaad.
meaaayeAo tbe enylarer be attacked
MeetlBC W Mayers and Clty 'Dada
the Ud 4th a knife, cutllny hU throat.
Columbo* O.. Sept. ».-It was nearly
Tbe boy waa dead la a few minute*.
The Dcyrore became terribly exclled. I o'clock whra CHhimun Black called
They yatbered InTarye number* and at­ the mayoni and conucllmen to order yretempted to lynr* the enylneer.' 7T>e terday afiernoei. There were iweniyFiankUo CounlJt Ouardi were ordered reven mayors and flfty-on* council men
out aad with lb* aslMaaoe of cltltni* a and weeren. A cocnmltlee on prrmaheat
lyivrhiny was prevented and order rre oryanltatlon was af^olnted aad meecbmakiny was then beyfi* The most
notable of tb* addreree* seas by Mayor
Vetorene at tb* iniaa** atat* VWr.
McVIrar, of Dee Moinca.ta.. who spoke
SprlnySeld. III*. Sept- t*.-Old ael- to favor of a wider munlrtpal owaertolp.
dlcre poured Into tbe dly yealerday
Deehs Xsedod lor tli* Ksvy.
/rom all parte of the Mate to attend tb*
Wasbtaytoa. Sept. Z».-The m>e«<al
rVunlon* of various rrylmeots and Old
floldler** day at the state fair. Mem­ board appednied by tbe navy department
Os lazscored Mty prepsnybers of Yarlou* reylmente are formlny to cotMtdrr tbe needs of tbe navy In the
matter of i.ew docks has submitted Us
report to Acttny Secretory RooaevHi.
Tbe brard. flod* titot dvr dn^ to cral
reprrsmlsd from I
H.T7S.0M. are uryeatly necessary, while

N«w Tork.
Bta F. Trwy. (onacr McraUir of Um
mkvj. KM UM nlcht aoBliutfd br tb«
coDTtiitUB or tbe ncilUr RepablKu
«rru>Miloe ror nurw of On»ter N»w
Tone. 8»ib U>w. tb* aonUn** of Um
CUlam’ t'DloD. r>* I'M tbu arty et tb*
M Tt«
HU BUM »M i«e«hr«d
by thr
and bpwtuara wJtb
><«*• uid hlnni. «od Jacob Wonb. tb*
leader of tbe opboxtha to Sesaior Putt
VM cried down wbae b*
to pr^
•eai Low-* narae. Noe* of tbe defeated
X^w men. hoK-evar. expreaead w kilw«
UoE to bolt tbe rcfuUr ticket Tb* CK>>
B*B*‘ Ubioo oeveral day* aye anaouiiocd
Uut tb* withdrawal of Low waa ent td
tbe oueaUon. and tbe Rapobikas •
nltie* at tbe aame Sme praaentw
tilUmattUB to tb* efleet that Low
not acceptable to the Rcpublltwn or*
■anUatlon. NeyoUatloiu wen then dWeoniiBtied and were not ramiracd yeatrr*
day. allhooth Uw Brooklya committM
of Bftr and Ib* Porroy Deateerwey, both
Mipporttnc Low. mad* a laai appeal to
tb* ReputaU^B l*adww la Low> bebaU.

Pttk Ikmt. brtwsA rmt A-Oui

•y OF-SAFETY....




Fire Insurance.


—Watch Repairing.

Chicago — rewiK.

West Michigan.

—John Verly.

UaUnn.fnr Uajor Oeneraf 1
Tbary. The Say which hid from *
the picture of nereral Tracy oxer
■tforta. wa* drawn a
ntnbed and the deleyatea
a yei: of appUiue. Ibe aomlna1* made unaninoua aad In a brief

Bchrord-r. t In the meantime
cry M. I>p-w nomlaated for the ofllca
of comptroller Anhbel P. Pitch, tb* pree
•nt UcumlieBt. and a yold Democrat,
aayiny: “When the Inlcyrlly of the

—Front Street.

Ronav to Loan

une to the aid
I to to recoyntze the men
- wrjo aarnneed IhMr party that I qsk
you tf. nominate by acelareallon Aabbrl
P. Filrii fnr oamptrollrr." tApptousr.]
The motion wa* adofied. and after

Caroltna, MlaaourL veterana of
tbe Mexican war. and over etyhty Illi­
nois r*«lm*nCa Ten tbouaand old sol­
diers were ^sut.________
ptg Oto^ CbU* RaUded.
. Monde, lad-: Sept. ».-At a callsd
meeUny of tbe board of directors of tbe
Wretere Window Ulaas Manufacturers'
rouncil. The p*>Bvenllon adptortied.
aasociatlon. reprrreailny all faciorlre
F-alls^ TW
sreat of Penasylvaitlv at bcadquanerw
Thepb'tfortn adopted declares:’ "
e yreat laeue M-torr thr people at U this dly last evtainy. tbe Uft of tba
this ilmt. It canaet be ee|«r*te>d frusa orcaatoatlea waa exteadad nata the ornay puiuical ^rirei. . It u the lasu* yanlxatloe ran lock bands with tbe aaerreitd by tbFPhlra«.» platfucm. and ■'iional associaUra now bHny oryanUsd.
Boihlny ranbenioreol.v.uu* than that Ibe The mectlny wa* made meereary by the
r*«iii* of every election-national, sute , fact that tb* arencUUoa would have
I pUlform bat died by time limit on OM. l. The proiMwn formally absiidon-.l
.1 by tthe party
that made It, must countt nor ayalnst
odious and dretrucilve principles.
Every Intalllyebt Voter knows Ibal If
rtlnytOB.1a..8ept. »—Althemartlny
the flrwt tnaynr of the Ttrreler New
« WeMern BascBallareoMsUuohrld
Tork Is lb* candidate ut this convention
yeete^ay ill tb* clOe* -were repa mlyhiy liaputoe win i« ytren In sup- nreeted. Tbe lUO yuaranlev to pUy out
pon of rvery sound phcMple of yuvrrn- the seaaer waa token dtre-a. TTie Bor-Every intrlltyent voter Ireowa. oa the
ether hand, that If the nrsi
tha Oreatrr New York 1s a TammsBy
Demdorai the effit t will be yrratly to
revive tbe hope* and pmmoir
acheate* that are yr«up.M] In the public
mind under tbe name uf Bryanlem. aad
Bt the same time to deliver iRle maynlfl«Bl metropolis Inu, the hands of so
aryantsed conspiracy foe pubUc plunder.
•'We Indorse the St. Loula platfuitn.
wa believe Cbsi It needs Ibe support of
tb* iBlMUyeat and pauiuUe people of
> Itol rp Rto MlWoreeMer. Masa. Sept. ■.-Oeory*
Fred William* of Dedtfam. was yaaUrday aomlnUod lor yovecnor of MaoaacbuaettB by the Democratic sut* con
-veDiKMh on * ptoiform that squarely
tndorem that adopted by tbe aaDoael
rasventlm at Cbloayo UM aummer. The
other BotniDere kre: Ldeuirnant ynverBor, Cb^topbef T. CalUtvab. of Hol­
yoke; reoreiapy of MaU. C. D. Nash, of

■ ■

raaventloB wo* no dtoeederly at Umea
as Bimost to require tb* taterveatloa of
in* police. Oeorye -Fred WUtUm* waa
the pKnctpal flyure Id tbe ooBnaUea.
Tbare was no eppoaltioB to bli aomlMtlon for ysvsmor, but

the turatay Sesrp of

France for the year, made up from n
port*' to tbe French yovemmeol by pn
feet* of departmmu. shows * produt

Thtoto the mmt ornamnUI of tbom lil and very roomy aa'
wcU M aliraetlv* Toa abaold aotbe wUhoat It.



The WmOifT-W* May Rxpeet.
wrelhee 'hreSe r* lesatyfr§ re-far:
for 1.___
___ Iflchlaaa sad Wlwraeln fair.
weattre. fre h s-otbre-tcriy wto


R ttattto to ^e murdered PramUr ObbonsdelGaMiUa
Imn Klka. wbo died not looy ayo
ia Kerwir. wm the UM N<rwc«Uo
Tt«*wn of tbewac oMBUbaewaanNar.
way BBd Bwwdeai.
It hM bam dlmoeend that the Doke
at 'WeUiagtoR wm amanhal of Fraao*
Tbe Utle wm be^owwl on him BepL 8.

Merrill, Wto..,ftei.t. ».-Tbe Jury In Che
case of the stole ayaUst James McCuicheon, on trial the past week, readered a verdict of not yullly yesterday.
1 in theFrauBext
MeCutcheon sru rharyed with tbs mur­
der of Adam Opey ai Tomahawk. WU. year. He wUl go up tb* weM ooaM aad
who we* killed on.April < UM duriny a tty u> wofh hU way eaM And expeeU to
wimA two year* la tl
The Oouit of Ttoln. tbe vlotor In the
Crwston. U.. Rept. »—Tbe Myhth .joeat rtiyal duel, la deserfbed I
nywapaptf M baUg a MA
annual conventlaa of the Iowa W- C- T.
U. opened to thle «Sly yrelcrday mom>f *7. taU, dMidM, am, with a }oina with IM deleyatre In atlendanre.
mlr Al '
MOM of the union* are reprreeniM. Mra
M. H. Dunham, the stair president, and
all other lUte .^rera are In atlmdance.
tacloo of Au irai'er of Canada. Sir
Oadsw tlrelM LrtI Aheel •AAOa.ODO.
New York. Sept, t* -The will of Ch* Wilfred iMnrier. aad win vlMt Ouuda
whk* thsT go to AuMniUlc Oyden Ooclei was Aled for pro- ^Ib»8.
Ute ycotrrdsy. ll make* nn public
brquebL Tbe potlUon place* the value
of Ibe rral relate al more than tkM.- OfaticB of tb* Boyal fiadCkowapoa
mrand the value of the personal prep- Stour Lontoa WamoB TuUoh of tiw ar•rty at mor^thao Mw.oeo.
Bty nulling wiee is soooyaitloa ef b«
Om Lraawr Bail (tome VsstrreKy.
(rrlcea bt attending tha took and
Chicayu. BepL 9.—‘There wm but im* renadad in Egypt trom IbM to 18M.
yAterday. at
Mlm PUtt, a oolored wofsaa, to

WaAtayten. SspL tfxTbt tfmAun
N*tkm*l hank, nf Deoatur, 111*, baa
beaa aetbettoad to heyU lMUtoaiR.Capi-


^ Cupboard Safe

kele*. totesdiaver.



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