The Morning Record, January 05, 1899

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The Morning Record, January 05, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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BlOlwrt JtmrSo 621





]>os Oarioa XfrsiDr a Kooeaaat for



How About
That Bottle

Doaa Mot Approve of Fraaldaat'a PUa
to A^oist Arabbsbop Zralasd.
Borrow* BomloaUd b7 Ac- LoWos. Jaa. 4.-11M eariaapua
TdigfiiTstiirft OoBT^od ^1
tme. Jaa. A—Baporta have reaebrd
of tba Bxebasra Telerrapb aovpasy
Boob TeMorday.
that it is tba teiasUoa of Pioddt Bayossa, Fnaea. saya that tba Cbri.
daa( Meklalay ta appdat Arebtebop'
Mt arUatioo is Spain la takisr os a AdasMorBest M BpaakaiMsd Loi
Iralaad to raproaeat tba Ualtad SmtM
fora. Araau of OosOorios are
VmmI X«m« •( WithtewslM Piaaidaat ct SeBata-FlfOi Baao- at tba ooBferoBoe aallad by Iba osar to.
trytsr to ladaea tba people to obl
laUeaOalla tor ZaTOoUrattoa of tba diaeasa tbe qaaatlos of dlMnasmaat.
■■ffwat TtoW*7 for avrov* U a •oraassl la tba S^lab Bssqas
Tbe pope, it ia said, will aot allow tbe'
Military DapartMaat of Miebitw—
AW • Omt ai«w U TUtttmf* proTlseM taodlor toward tba roaos
arehbis^ to aeoept tba appolatatcsA '
rtloB of the asdant klardoa of
Hot OoataA For Spaaknabip.
owlar to tbe fbet that the Vaticaa baa
Of Ink? Yon put the la^4n your desk stand -now
Naearrs. Tba lababUssts of tba
boea isvitad to taka part la tba;
lABBiaf, Mtek.. Ju. «.-At t;W rra&etaBasqaa.tbadlapateb adds, re­
f»me and buy some more before you ^se that all up.
tba Miablraa IcrUUUra for law mat
<fSoek t4Mir*t Bwalar Jaltpi Cmt tard tbanoraBaat farorably.
at blrh sooa aad proeaedad at ooae to
We carry Arnold’s, Thomas’, Staffo^, Diamond, San-,
laas. The fiiat work was eatirely
tk>a \7 Um MUUirial.iAWM
fomal. The work of tba eaoeatM last
OaltW SttUa •eoator. ’
ford. Carter’s, Woodmansee. Paul's. Black, fluid,
It WM a Mm of lbs wIUm( «teiU'
Three Oriaunto Hava Fled Fmn tba
copying, red, blue, green, crimson, violet In all rit­
ftMlaW M« Mldom U «T«- batora Wm Pl*o*d B«£oro 8on*to
Zonia Booae of OerwHaiaatid Is tbe Mtetdfaa eapltaL
es an4 prices.
aseept for preaidaBt, when they rare
Tbaamaof Albert Fade waa sot
Ionia, Jan. 4.—Three more eoovleu j
fonr votes to Seaator Charles H. Ward
W—aiaii at tba Bapabllaas eaaeaa.
eaeaped from Ipnla last night. They
9*aaaaM«4Sanatsr Barrows «a« tba ast to OommHtaa os Poralrs BaU-; of Abb Arbor for the bosor. tbe Be- arc: John Bnbbard of Montcalm eoantvoUar for Senator Utoiais.
«aly------------—* aW ba was scmsIttoaa Md Will Mot ba Mads
ty. seat ap for two years and a half for
tely after Sasstor Loetals was
larceny, one of those wbo escaped a
Msblie Befota Friday.
elected be nadc a very happy speaeh
Wasbiagloo, Jaa. i —When tba saa- pledrisr bimaelt to absolaU tslneas week a^ and who was reeapiared at
A^t a«atast bias.
Charles Tracy of Kalamazoo,
ta west tsio esaeatlTe sraalon today asd iapartlallty to every member,
At I0:M OklB BoralBC tbara '
seat np for throe year* and a half for
tba elecUoa of minor oV
aaafmM of tba Pack a>asar<
breaking into a store In tbe night time
reaeived from tbe i
^ta aojoaraed to 4 o'doek. Dorlielr baadqaartara
and John Brace of Lapeer, aanl ap for
At U o-decA Mr. Paek aallad at tba before tba aanata by Seaator Prya, who isr Iba aetaios a auralAeest floral Bar two years for barglary.
oWaa of OotanHO, Ptafraa asd tbej oeeapiad tbe chair Is tba abaeaee of was MSl In to Senator Moaoebas of
They were locked In 0 ward, which
bad a eoofsraaaa. Mr. Pack td^ tba tba vlae p aaideat. The treaty was not j Detroit by bis friaads. Be is tbakid was iMlng ased as an extra hoe. trowoor- tbst ba was folsf to with- read, but tbe prealdaat’s meMaca ac-1 aeaator. betac only tt yeata eld.
plUl room daring the scarlet fever soleompaaylar
ex4raw ftoas tba eoataat a^d tba forardamie. Tba men were snppoaed to be
w acraad that it saaaad to ba tba latter of iraasmlttal. wUboat roaoM- aept toawaar la tbe orcmbera.wboad- alek and were not watched with the
Mr. Padi |WO- laaedaUea or sorraatloa. aad waa only I vaaeod la blocks of Sve aad received
caoUon as the well oonrieU. Dur­
. j tbe oath frost Chief Jaatioa OranU
Aaead tba tollowlar lattar. wUeh be a few llaes la leiirtb.
ing tbe night each dug tbrooRh tbe
Tbe treaty was reterrad to tbe eom- Tba booM adjoarard to t^so; whe
bad praparod. asd road It to tba corbriek wall into tbe corridor, climbed to
omor. wbo approaad it asd
^to just drop in and get you a pair
prictod for tbe OM of tba aanata. No J SMaker, tbe Dsmoerats rotioRforMr. the top of the call block and ^ag a bole
attbeeaecas tooiKht:
ihrongfa the roof. Tbey Ued sbaaU to­
ofj^thosej $4.00 shoes for $3.00, They are
-Baler satiaSed that a SMjorttr of order' was made looklnc toward mak Skallyof loala.
gether and slid to the groood.
A raaoIoUon was iotrodoeed by Captba mambara of the larUlatare are ad iBf tbetrMtvpablle. bat It U andar.
the finest in the city for the ttiontevarabla to sir deedoa. 1 bare dadd' atood that tbU wUl be dona after tba Uln Stewart of Wayne aaillncYaraa
ey. Just received a shipment of the latest
od. after eosasItaUos wllb my friaads treaty is passed npon by' tba commit- inveatiRaUoo of the mlliUrr departM.
to withdraw my oaise. ' I can aay in
styles Ladies' Boots.
A maaUafl of tbe «
very aiecly worded. saylnR: -While OoniarW Jary Fonod That Irviag C.!
all daearlty that 1 aa daq»ly rratlfled
at tba daas, Btrairbtforward mssacr eifn relaUons bu been called for Fri­ we do not believe bm ihstei
LivlegsiOBa'o Xtoatb waaOsoaad
Is wbleh the aostrst has bau eosdoct. day, and it U probable that tbe com­
by> Doae of Parts Oraea.
mittee will then briny in a rasolatioa
ad os both ddea- Now that tba
At the earner's inijaeiit laqnlrlng In- i
pairs la asdad. [ bdlara that tbera for tbe pablieatloo of boUi the treaty
Oaneral Wblu piscUeslly asked for toibeeaaseof the destb of Irving C. |
aboold be ao bittamass is tba heart of asd tbe proeeediaira at ParU.
this laveatiyatioB sod says be wUI wel- Uteingstone, wbo died snddenly Taesaay
dsy moretag. the Jury rendered a var- j
rood Bepsblicaas. I bellere. and it is
dkt that daeeased came to bis death by j
-wall for sa to reailu Ibst after all tba
tbe bisiary of tbe bbnwn hand, having token a poGoo
partiaaUraaawboisaalMtad la bat- Oaneral Wood Baa Bara Sanbbad br
sute. The Aral ballot was a tie Osrum of parfs green while in a flt of tempor-'
tla for lba.priodplas of the party U of
Oaaatal Btoobeaad Ii
and Adams each yaUiny 46 voice in the ary Insanity.
IM aoaaesBaaea thaa the prlaciples
Zs Fdtt.
Adams wm on lha second bal
mer Paine of Sullons-Bsy conduct-!
•bamlTaa. Oar peraosal atnbltloas
Hantlaro de Cabs. Jan
ed tbe inquest at the farm pnrebased '
vast always be of seoosdary impor- rera held at tbe pollUesI claU laat lot hy 44 to
isy by deeessed. located several |
Bvea the most eoaaerrattve
-1 realise that my eaadidaey hat people sod those fsvorlaR aoDexsUon
I wrelof this eily. The Jary wasi
been handicapped by maUers yeo- are sstoaoded
composed of Jack Litnej. John Lee,
at the order fro_
SuSi. A. Irlph. Mr. Mansaan
yra|AlMl-« condiUoa |whicb will bol|
eentraliatloV of Uh.
flword Of Honor ia on BxblbiGon at
and H. L. Carter.
anist two years hence. Msoy of mytuiau mooty there The past fortyTiflhny's in Mew York.
friends in Weslert. Hiehiyan would
completely altered
LWlngstoae was formerly a resident
have been pleased to vote for me. bad j
.itoaUon of affair* here. The provof Suttons Hsy, bat later moved to
honor voted to Admiral Dewey by CooUnolbeeBlortbeconvlclloDlbsibothlinBeliad yrsdually eettied down aad
Honteslra oounty Wishiag to relnra
United Stotce aerators should not be j
contented with tbe order of thlars yress b now completed aad ooeshi- to this portlun of tbe state he same to
rfaideau of tbe easlern side of the
recoynisloR the banefiu bition at tbe store (tf Tiffany A Co., by this city, and pnrcHssed the George G
e D,i..
Diive Mind Bradlrg T-.Test'
- M
ent feature. DupIlRstv* ._. ____ _ aadioR " work of tbe Bald
BUM. For myself I Uve made many eonfsrred. Now a complete ebsaye has
Coveil farm, psyins gl.llou down. SlOO
Dupliestes the "SpiriloslUtif'' wqnr of Anns Era Fay. Fisoa
of tbe handsomeat weapons ever was found in bis pocket after he died.
eameabooL It is do
their 'Hypnotic Subject in Crystal G|«as Cbskef'for
.made to tbe country.
friends daring my caodldscj
Tbeunfortnnsle man was s highly |
asy that the sltnatldo ia eriliesL
Window as a Drswing Card.
Tbe sword, with the escepUeo of |lhe respected member of tbemsMmlc lodge •
•earns proper at this Ume t
A spark woold set the «otire
Seats will be plsn-d ou sale Sstnrds'
■dsye raing. Jan. T. at bos oRes
stMl blade and the body meUI of the and Odd Fellowv
them tor tbeir aplaodld alfortt la my lore ablaze with losarrMtioo. 1
The funeral will)
of Steinberg's Grand. - '
Mabbard, U enUrely of vj.ksrst gold. take place todsy at ScUons R»y.
yenerslly sdraitt-d that ifM.nno
were anddeoly dischar*^ from the
poblic works it woold prdbsbly eaose
a revolt which woold be bard to qaell. sign tor December, the month of Ad­
miral Dewey’s birth. Cireliny these
Geaeral Brooke, the yovemor |
J. A OoBulaa. Pro
there ba closely wovtM wreath of oak
apparently iyooriny Wood,
Will Oo to Bis tfativs Land
cabliny direct to the latter’s snbordla- leaves. CooUnuUxy dbwo the metal




220 Front St.

“City Bookstore.*^


Tell That Husband



Steinberg’s Grand Opera House


Beginning 3Ionday, January 9


Hirpootists and Mind Readers...The .Greatest end Higliest
Class ittraction of its kind Traveling.



has orderrd (be actiny collector of
J. A. Ooosaias. the noted Cohan,
who leetarad before tbe Voony Meo's enstems to bank no money.
of the United States, with the
General ‘.Castillo will accornMny Gen.
Clob three years ayo, oo Cabsa liberty.
Wood to WashloRton. repreaentlny blue Aeld of the shield in ensmrl. and
IsiatbediyoB basineas. SenorUonbelow them are the arms of Vermont.,
sales has raeratly reedrad tbe appoint­ the British inuresu in Saallsyo, to lay
aaiive stale, with the I
ment as aaalttsnt to Hsjur Baihbose thCM matters before the prasi
motto, “Freedom and Uaity." and tbe
of the roltad SUtes PosloMee Deparlcolors of ths shield in ensmel. hlsrs
meol.lo-re<iry*nite the postal system of
decorate the plain part of the collar,
Onbs upon the linrs observed in tbe
Unltevl Ntates 8rBor (aoDzsIts was a Ohio Ospltal Gets Ooatrol of Michi­ and Id this part of tbe blit temiastea
narrow band of .oak Usrhs. Toe
prominent flyore In ^e ten years'
gan Octapany.
Is covered wi^ gold wire, sud Inwar and for bU aetlrlly was conClevrlaad. Jaa. i^.—Pspers were
aeripted. Br has not been oo tbe drawn op today traasferrlag a big la- laid with gold surs. The sword blade
Is Osmaseened with tbe inscription:
Island tor.-twenty yesAs and nstorslly '
Urcalla the Mioblgao Trlepboaecom“The gift of the Nation to Bear Adballs with yfaat ptwisore this op^rpanytotbe aevelsod Telrpboae eomtanity to visit hisastiraeotniry.where! i»ny. tbe managemeat of the aeve- ilral Devey. 0. 8. S' . In memory of
the Tietavy at Manila hay, Hsy 1.1198.’
he has three sisters sod saVerat rMa
--“ .l»Bd-compaoj Ihn* seearlngeostrol of
Tbejteel blade of the sword is fren
lives whom be baa aot ^aaloeehe[ib.Mlcblgaaaompany. The Michigan
IS goverammtaraenal at SpriogBeld.
left tbe island. He has bean on*
the axclasiva aad the eaiire weapon U ao made as
tbe moat active won
rkrra la behalf of Aaerteao Bell TblapAoBa eomt^U- to of praetieal vslne sbonld aa eaaa
Oafaaa liberty la the United fltates and eaaae la MIehigaa.
aver gat within raachtag dlstasoe of
has dellvevad many leelarea npoo
No malarial ebaaga will be made ia Adalral Dewey. The sword box it of
dlUoni OB the islaad aad tba
the ofBoere of the Hichlgaa eompaay
pfbeUees of the Bpanbb in their tyran­ axeapt the executive board aad eOeeva while ebk. lauld wlta btoek velvet.
nies! rale of the bleed. Be b now of tbe Cleveland aompany will be aedad Tto ayrord wiU be eent to the Navy De-1
oaeatardsy. wiadiuR aphis bosloess fv s lol
tbe Mictaigaa beard of maoagera
Arm la Uli coaatry aad expects
midaat Fradarlek A Fartma of the
tossilfor Cabs.
Mleblgaa eompany will become gaaf lha rZOLA VOT TO BB XXTBABZTBO.
BalBaatMawTork ZAwyar ^1 to
Mo Steps Rave Baoa Taken ta Bagland to Take Him to Fraaea.
Loedoo. Jan. 4.—Tba Central News
aay» U b informed an good aalberity LowaK Fries Tat Oaotad Siaea tba
that no steps have beea token la Bagtoad for tbe extradlUon of M. Zoto to
NawYork, Jaa 4.—Arboekle Bros,
aad tba Dcaeher aagar ralaery cat
Tblrty-FttBi for Oaba.
WasblBgtoa. Jan. 4 —Tbelbirtrdni tbeir prices for graBalatcd sogsr today
l^igaa U going to Cuba. Adjstoat 1-16 of a egat, or to 4 »4 eaato a ’poaad,
Oaa^ C^Wb says that ordeta will! 4.M net. ThM ia the lommX pries
bagaa, ;ne other
reflaara have not yet met the cab

OBBpsay X XnarlsU,« ento
Baaaah Bifle mamoriaU Irfb which
caa to boyst a^i the CUy BsafatoPa

Pre-Inventory Sale
^---- AT THE—

Boston Store.
Bargain giring opportunities in the like of which the Bos­
ton store is not to be excelled. Chances to buy first-class merchendise, brand new, this season’s purchase, at prices where
profit, and inlmany instances, cost cuts no figure, Is of no daily

Clothing Dtpartnieiit.
IT ■itaPB’s boilnasi pc Olstera aad Overcoats bat
bean -«ry graUfyiag, bat onr boyer tboogbt It
wonJe last forever, hence aa cveratoek of aboai
a We are in for It. and
a a loss. Our Clothing Di

Atobasaador to Bagtoad..
Waahlagtoo, Jaa. 4.—Tbe
mads today oa the blgheM
aatbority that Hon. Joseph H. Choate
of^ewTork woald to aomleatod as
mhaaMdor ta Oraat Britain.
The aomlastlcm will not toaeat to the
aenau for a few days, bat tbnae aaar
say thatCtba delay does
not ladieata any pcaalbto change in Us j

$3 98

ravarovaroaaU in bins and Uaek
•6 00 to eloae aL
Let t> -Aa all
aU wool,
wbal. heavy
beat Kersey Ureronat. In blca



_ ._ _

tar goads la a tramp.


Ton can’t


Lot 2—LadUa' good heavy beavw ratU trimmed
Jacket, also all wool Keraeye taUn lined tbroogh<uu. and a few wool Covens, valnea fi O AO
from 96.00toflS.00 tsclisvat........... 90.I/O
Lot:> TAdie'tSnebogele. strapped eeam Jackets,
all saUn lined, alan todha' all wool Eervey Jackets,
all silk Heed, worth S10.00 to
Jaeketa. best
frmSlLOt; t«»ls.(ibio’el(iaat"^ $Te60
Lnts—Ladlas'an wool Kersey Cbpes ta all styles


Lot 4—Man's See Impwtod Kataey o sreoat. toU.-r
AU 00 totlb-OOtoetoaeaU..................


Cloak Departiiient.
Bay yonr etoaks aow. wear It next winter. Wa
wlater pricesca aew atyUsh


Oapes From 66c up.

The Boston Store.

Front Street.




•aa aoaaiao aaooBO
(BATxmnoTTT. - Muxat*
gBM. T »**■
4 w. KaOW. IMIior —A Mi-it.



•oa. VMM Vhidi •

Z» HaktaNl • Mmmm
«(tto* totiMtoM TmMiv


^Diamond f
or «Traverse Belle”

Matas tfee food anra ddidmn oMl»

1 that «T«iT MMBber
latthto MBatiaf.
;KtoC>»^ ’
for MrdlBM* la r< ^
tactb«Crt^>iaf«alda*M wtoaa U
•a., a w lull M tfaa Ird latA, Mr.
b; fti* U* oibtc Bifhl
' a ' Be^ar aad MU* Claadto
dMlam ttMi U »a* Mty Mlaai-i fro« P
ikaUaMOMrreiMAIa to«aa « »It«

tb« atom aad tkc il(M «Am %b« <to- _
narawa. cm»a—*•
partMe^t raacM Um «>-•- rbiM


Wdnaa'a Qab Totocttov.
At th« mMttor erf the WoMaa’a Qah

SS^ Ito- a»i “«»• «*

Ts« tauodaeao* cf kht •



•ufm—tt 1
gudiac Orispia nrto.


'**'^2? "r

haraaharfe **•
Tha aabJaeto wUl be Madam* DeStoal, Ctoat-

Oaorf* Saad (Aarw* Itoderaa). Mf*.
Moaiacoe aUl he ably amtoted aad the

'■Stofbbsr*' atoo atau* tlMt only tkr«a
ihaMaaeat ail

aaltof oa«.
toe anabctol aaeratary. J. B. ftoaeram.
aadtoatoMaftoatowaaao toiaatoat' aad pay tbam at onoa.
ad toat ba ooeld aot elinb a toddar. ; Best Hataiday afleraooe ProfcMOr'
yoor addrea* to H. B Bud
Bat wbatbaroaacrftoepald^
ralaataar to aot atatad.
, to hU acadeoiy. for to* ia- J
of tbair mrriu.
Tbaa* atawmabU asdar b* aetaal
xe aaay to aettoa aad are
k^Md that tha beard of adaeaum
elrcamtaabM ar* aataraU; taleatoiad
arir efleeUr* to ttae cure of
lag MaeMd by to* yaopi*. bar* to* aato to exelU to* tr* of to* rblaataor* wba
.ttoa aad Sick Ueadaebe. For
WbUa haadltop top* ■ r to* Oral
ZnrMdtarmtoaaowmaab aball b* bare for year* sada apaeial a*«1a to
aad Lirer troable* they bare
4aaeUd to toaaaHaaddaBaadaof taa ba to atlaadaae* at trary dr* aad who Wood «>i*b factory yart lay Alfred ____(jored iaralaable. TTiey are
paaraateed to be perfeeUy free from
)Mal pnbUc aabaato The aoaAaU bar* , bar*
Moacb otoar mauara ta oaaapy toalr aelra* to ead«*ror* to ear* to* preparty
•UdtotoM aad wbaa it eaMB W dtotat- of eittoaaa. aad at Ham to to* toe* of
aad all who ao well aad ably helped atomaeb aad'--— --------- ‘—'----------ta« what to* board of adaoatkto aball pwaoaal daaparaad dtoeomfort.
«e r^ardlaf to* aaada bf to* aabaato,
iB toto toataae*. ataua Tire C%iaf them at aad after toe fir*.
It to arraad toat to* eoaoMl toaupyiac Baaal*. thar* war* aaaoUy twmUv/our
XbedaadDp party placB to to* City
kayaad ita jartodtottoo. Oo to* otoar r«B*B p.**B*at.
OpfiraHoaaeUateraalapby toeyoaap ________ 'j.;
kaad ' It to arvaod by too** farorThera waa aolOM of tbaai abdar tba •odetT people of to* dvy waa a ebam•kly laoltoad to to* amaadaiaat. tofloaaoe of Jlqoor. tboapb oae mai
topaaoeraa: There war# a larpe aamIkat
to* ooeaeU balat oallad nmtoad to tba barstop boUdiap ao kiap ber < f paeaia preaeot aad all eaj^ed
•poa ta rala* to* toza* aboald bar* a toat ba waa orareeca* with andk* aod toe daaciap aaUI a late boar.
ppia* to ftatof top aaboal appropm waaooMpaUed to abaodoa fortoar efCharlee W. Ba*tar. rrjiToaeoUBp toe
Mhw. Wbito toer* aiby b* nem to tou farto aaUl b* ooald teoorar from "
wellkaowa Btoto Bloeb CloUlap Co.,
•MtaaUon. toar* ar* *o many ai
aSecubf Utballpp •a»ok*.
will dlapiay a Itoe of epriap clototop
•todMf oij* tlM* to to* propo
Xoa fir* apparatoa raaebad
aod lake order* for aaiu to aiaoaore at
Ikat tto aoi^boB U rary Bueb to doabi. .jeae of tba fir* to /uur mtniuoi or
the ator* of toe BamUum aotbiap Oo.
attar tba alana waa raeaired at to* arst Moaday aod Tuaaday.
aapiaa boaar.
Tb* adraoe* aale of aeatt for toe
Wbaiarar nay bare baao toe moUre eeletarated Hoorn, toe mtod reader ud
ir to tatoar toapb o« to* roluataar of toe party whoalpaabiatarlf -Keipbe box office
bypaotlat. will bepla at
|rpM*n to b* aeaaaad of aa| '
bar.” laeuad of ooattap oat boldly orer
SMtoberp’a Oracd da
ai daly. It to atoo wavh v
own atpoaiare. the abore atoto
mi-------• reqalrtoc fifty Biaata* to _ iiB arc roaebod for by aeraral rep- top.
The racier maeilop of the ForeanMh'aftr*. ‘I'rararaaCliy to botod a* aublp dUiap* who ware oo toe
Bedroom Suite
lera tbto week will take place toto
tertop oaa 9t toe beat, if aot Ua rary
for a
PaekAiadapartotoBtotoMtobipaD. Fur ^'"Nclpbbor*' alao totlBalca that toe ereoiap.
exmay y^ tb* *aaa M*a bare aarrao BMtemaotto the Bkood thataaoato
little mooey.
irltooat pay. other tbaa to* ladpoifl wind preralled waa wrotp. ■ The R*r ebaope baa eopaprd a aew olpht opP«-« 1m watch tMy raoelra for aacb <>U> lakM tola ap and reitoratea that a anior, whom be deelarn lobe** rrakafir*, n* aaa who ^bi Area ar*
atrosp aoolb wlod waa blowtop at the fol at *B owl at olpbu
Idlar*. betauaoet aaoiaalraly prw
Tbe offieef* of Oompaaloa Ooort
ttaieoftbe fir*, tboapb perba|«
» whoa* *ol* porpoa* pale. Bat to* wtod waa auffletoBtly No.«. 1. O. F.. wer* loatalird lato office
Honfie Fnmlshfir.
Ip to aid to aarlnp t
atraap to aaod toe amoke rolllap dewe yeaurday afieraooo by Diairtct DepISO Froal street.
yaopwlj of toelr aalpbboia. Aod It to to Froat aireet to a few Moaiaat* aftai Bty Kapram* Cbtot Compaaloa. Aopaa
•M to b* waeaarad at. toat they
toe fire bepaa.
irhaB a party who dacitaa* to make
Ml*. Biphlaod ba* completed a beaaThe rolootoar firanea of tba elty da
kto aaeta baowo oomi* out with
aot object to erttlelaiB bat toey em Ufcl paael la oU oolor* with flower*
PMUaton* attack aad pniaaly eaapper- phatieally object to lalae atateaaat la a profaaloB of elapaace lor Mn- Dr.
•lad autaaiaat*. Tba aiaa who aipaa
KaeetoBd. Tbto to a baodaome wrk
.............................. apataoaal aiotiri
kteaalf -Baipbaor" to lb* Baple to by 00* who 1* aeb
•dwatpD blaaaa aod aaolhar of the floe produetlooa of
Trarara* City'* »o»t talealad arUat.
■ay. or b* waald Mt caat rtflecUou
Ia toU eaae to* reapooH of toe deThe CUya.Bookttor* ha* »M*lred|
•poo to* rolaatoar fir* fichian of Tnr. partmeot waa aaoaoally prompt aod ,M0 poood* of atapl* pood* darlap tba,
atm uty. wltooat raaaoa tor toe the firemea worked asder rary dlffiIt tare day*.
|klaa atateMaaU be makaa aadar corer- call cireamatoaaea. Cbtot <d Polto*
B*DBl* to rmpbatle to bla daabaetoUoa
Ltot of Laom
na pearetary of toe aary tolle om- of toe alaadetoa* atau meat* mad* Ay
kMM that be waoto U.OOO Aaiertoaa tb* party who write* badar eorar.
Is rolllBC I
lara Ooaprea* will probably ooMaal.
S.4.IM "
We have a &oe assort­
|| irlll be eaaier for eonprea to artka
• pforiakw for toalr eellatoMBt tbaa it
Low to. Nell it)
irUI b* to procare toam. We aoed a Tbra* Oompaay M B-y* ^** Xatar- MrlXHisIC.Wsrr
ment. aad at right prices,
fiaat blp A»erlo*B laerabaei nartoa,
ad tos Bepalar Vor Ikica Taat*.
miiT"* by Amerloaaa. aad tbaa woeaFort daemap. Miaa. S'r.ii:';”
pw to* aaeaaalUe* of oar aary raqaire
Oo. A. Ifd U. a. lat
with the finest peefumes
Jaa. Sad. 1801.
■ torpatoeteaaeofaaoa. ar* bar* a raMouns Bboobd-W* ar* at
All do.. M mhluU. below doaevm to fall back apoa. Ooaprcaa
mUap plae* for a wblla. W* totak
to fill them.
BOW toat we will leare ber* to aboat
to daya lor aome waroter eUmate, ttae
•mbaat atariae oae mlaato too a
laUad. rfaU to a euol plao*.
AAP TlOlVOfi VBOM MBBBAJKA. » deprec* below aero tba day weetrack
bt. Faal. baiaraay Dae. tl.
OoileaeEaalpaolooolll act paw
Pr. Aabtoa's Bnitoarto-Lav SUted
examiaaUuo for ibc rvpular army aad
am* Bia btoUr Barloualy tajarad.
Tntorday aftrraooa Ur. B D. Aab- ba felt preity bad orer It. Ue Uied
■ i..h
bard; but waa loo Mil for hi* TcTas Prauc
looraoaired a talrpnpalc mn
^m blf ocustB. Dr. Tbaa. Aabioa of wripbt.
Tbe feat of a* pot torooph rrry easy
^pM***. K<-1>- etatlap that Ueorpe We hsre rory weriu^aarUra; twolarpe
VnabblU bodbeeakUlcd bj a trala
coat aiore*. bolaad eold waur for oar «.r|W»lU
•ad that tor reoorerj of bto wife
' bath aad aloe pood bath tubs, barber
Aoabtfal. Mr* UracLblil to a atoicr
ahop aad boot blacks. Etary oae of
Hr. Aahtoa aad tbe family war* tor
oor oct baildinK* bare a larpa eaal
may yeari reahdaata of tbto ravtoa.
ator* aad aotbiop to orer colA
kartop fonaerly Itowl »Po“
Yoath buord to pood; aotbiap to comptoto ol, »ir
at Carp Lak*. Tbe family waa
at all aalea* It to cleaaltodta Wa bar*
wall kaowp here aad war* aatoap 4*e
toapcctioB every moratop: drill twice a
MMtoaat Toaideatt yaara apo. Dr.
day. bat oaly oo* ball hoar to to*
^Wm will lean lor Nebraak* tbto
^*rftoss»B*vtaa* Back
foreaooa aad cm bait boor la to* afv
JAS Mosaot _ ,_____
re an bwy whila wa
are drllliap. W* doat kaow maeh
aboat toto place yet. bat to* .ator* wa
Blflra Will OlOM Ohartor aa* toa better wa lib* IL
Will LafayaU* baa bad ao ekaaoe to
St a mala, bat w* tbtok ba will bare
Ik* fint r*pul*r drtU of tba i
Esrsus a t'<b.
a* pood belor* oar ibra*
IB. W. aot ia toe boa' year* are ep.
VoTMtora'ball toateraalap-Thera sra*I pi,*l eorpayev Wad
W# doa't waat to pot
a wood atteadaBC# aod a tooroaph drill. I iB»« ii oaiU we pat i
of the

vlU Um
Ik* kowtf of Ummtkm to tMlUa( eun
>-■- coMa»Mi ta
eiiy. Ass

Mad* by .

A. W. JAHRAUS. Toiielier BlocL


I wUhare at my sale bump, State at. Thurs­
day noon, Jsnnary 6, a csrload
of the finest -

Our Mono:

Sell cheip, sell a heap and
keep e(eilastloel)i at It.

That ever oax^e to this county. Come early
and get a ipod selection, at a low price for a
good animal.


lOc a quart



S48 Front Streot

A Family


“Best” Flour.



licliisan AcciM Associiaon.

A Happy and Prosperous ;


New Year

kr-law* *M* preeaBiaf aad after belopj

ood, ...loow.....

There arc aboat IS bt tb* Sird aid

t?^r 'T^s^

ta decided to doe* to*/
p roll OB Febraaryj '
LarsTETTa. Fbaxbx. 8cbopibu>.
•ad toat • Itoto that lime all •
of Oempaar H aod toe old OaBaab Rifle*
•koald be plreo toe prefereaea.lo keepTb* atoatoly Mteettop of tb* Wolap wilbla tor limit. There win be aa- mea'a Oeaalejy- Improvemeot Aaaaelatice will b* b*:d toto afURKMH la tbe
Ladl»' L braty parlor* at t o’elocb, la’BpleadM Catch cf Veicb.
[atead of f lO. ** formerly.
OarlScbrorderbroketoeperebfitolap! Tb* aanaal asewtloc of to*L.L.Amoid at N-rtopo't Tareday aipbt Re wUl be held at toe library raoowSatj—cot MtpoaBda orfla* larp* perch arday sfienoea at I o'clock. Beelde*
doriap to* erralopaatl toe lot waa therapalar^)*<* a of offisera, tb* pro
to Dtok Baispi who to dtopaal^ of poted ameodmeat --------to to*—--- ---------- ^

aM.uu.MMb.1 O.

amu umm

To You All.

To be prosperous you must have gboi things to eat—
Bemember we are headquarters for everything good, and
If you are not trading with us we would be very happy to
^ have you give us a trial—anyway come in, look our stock
LiTB Afonts Wnatod In Un<
over and get our prices. Everyone is made welcome .at our
oooupifid Territory.
store, whether you buy or not.
Don’t forget when you order your oysters of us to Indr. HIGGINS. DENTIST
elude some crackers. Farina Oyster, Faust Oyster jsnd the
^ justly famous Seymours Orackers. We carry at all. times a
FtHS DENTAL WORK. ^ full stock of the Sears' Bakery goods—fresh and good—no old
goods. The place------- .


nwbw. .1...
f,. .nr.1.. M mm. Mwm.

^ TT! JS^tJam^rnSSaSSSTJ^.



TB» ■uMturO B«0O»D. THOTgPAT.fMTOAKT «, 1SS9
atoaka of apriac aad aoBBar caatt
taralihlac C«oda a«ar pteoad aa tta
BBriBt hat«.
WMt le tbe ptaydcteB wUb »diitdeif«d
Mib. N. W. Cadwwood rataiaad p<a
liw “Bld«bofMbM*.’’«uitepbriletan'iadvie*. Tbcpatitst. bet^• au taodaptroB a taro waoha' eWt with
talaUeaa at Ladlaftoa.
Mta. A. W. Paakrataiaad teat o«aaWall. Toa caa cat ataetlr tha ma» lap faoB a aaeatal waaka' elalt la ladP
At BaUla Oraak. GUh aratt. ajdarMlL Xthahufai tbat Uapcar.
< klfk Aaad la that Mtlea TOO cat oa a bM 67 waUdof
. ”■
rUd UlM* Witt a
dawB Malta "MtetbaphTotatea. *'Go
a<awM*wadawttar,dtadttMMralac *tiU«aaad i
»^47 tanoriaad tta ovor ao tha WMbtagtoa BoaaMat ormt leakjaw, afta u hoan of urrtbu
of Baidd atp. la la tha dtp parehaalar
mj taaalBC f« h waek, taka tta ateHaartar- Oa Dae M. white haaditec
d tteo waIkdowD."
MiaaAda Mattowa of laat Jordaa
•aal Um. aaarp tta pUoaa of tU
At tta aad af
altta hall aatarlachia ten haaA Tfct
>117 at the taMa aad aai oaonttlaa Iba waah bo reported aa appraolttte who haa baaa elaittec Mia. Will
waaad raaallad la tta lockjaw aad UalrhL
Ha la fcaa^ ap tta Wiaaaa. wUl t» to Baraeate thte
. OtbOM '
For two ToaA |>aa( taeoadiair flraa
Q. M. Dame of Jiorttport,
la the
aad Jaaaa Bohorta kava haaa of aterviaf Irrsoaaej la, alBiter affactloB have
}ola blB In fala-dailT aBaailooa to tta eitpon boalaeoa.
la all of tta
topof ibOBKMnMDl b7 war of Iba ateW. S bUp leftpaotadop oa a baai«*P«1 Mtehlfaa towaa oa
bli deaeania hr wa7 of tta
- tta
— --*« dbooear tha perpoiratota. bat I eaiw
Mk^Md W^ WB. aaat ap lor ao haw talted. TaaadaT airht tta bar. auittt White WaataloxtoB la tbaoaUT BOB trip to tte roettara part of tte
atate aad la Ohte.
~ ‘
^oaohforttaaaBaoCaaaaatJIteb- oftta Cteoatead-OUCelroa oOBoaoT

C W. Sebaab. who haa baea vWUap
iCMOtr. lad.. warabroafbttoBattte batMd. Witt <00 tooaof har
Loa i
all tta Ua cliiea haeaakyttaakaadfteaalO daja aaob. Thap >1.000. Tha aaoate wlU Iraoh tta Ck. I
holldiD*^ wban tta bb Diter.Mm. C. W. Faaat.
Charlevois laat alpbL
Fte*a-»«llt7. Wba. Bteaaad fn* h.,ah.laoa.,bt.
' i
Mte. Kate Man. ^ Bap dtp. who haa
ttara. wairaaia ara raadp lor thaa
At DrtroUFraaoUMaloaap.aaoIcbt ’ the Wattinatoo ^dipeieiBa'i adrioa—
baaa vteiUap he^ brother. Ecv. Fr.
IteT ai7 aad UmIbcpaar-old bop waa raa erar hp tha mra ' Wnttlaguo Oor. St. IjobU Gteba-IteBMae. aad frteaite|iB ttael^. left
AtAdn^ttpt. J. H. Faa of tta white plaplac oo tha MteUcaa Owitral »«•«•
Big Baplda Moadap.
Ktealrte l^^t aad Power Oa. a pracr
ttadapot. Oaa baad
Prwtahir roll a*.
Mr. aad Mra. Cbartea Bcaeattal will
tteal Baa. baa aakad tta atp eoaaeU etLoS a U( brobaa aad talaraal lojarMta. Ctimaoaoaak — fteaaaa. •«*
tor a ftaaabtaa to lap plpta ttitmrh tta tea aaataload. It la fwrad ha eaoaot poet, Bpi a poat ttoald aiwapa tM> teave ttteBoralapfor Detroit where
ttej wlU epand a waek or two.
what ha look*
attaate tor tta parpoaa of baatlac tta Ilea. ’
Harrp Barrteof ChdIItee te tte paeat
Mr UiunobBk-Wen. eona ta
^iFkpataaB. Thaldaali lald to bal
ttlak cf it. ibe
poor naa did look boa- of Fraab Parker. Bearrivadteatavea
VwAaatip faaalhU. It hat
alratad that wltbla a t^la* of
Baoiod Uarbor. Jpo. «—Mrm. Ireiaff;
Oookap. wtfa of oaa of tha wadtbiaatj
Mite oaa ba ohialaad. T&a coat I
Barbor. at- Tbo Mother—SoBtabow 1 fad that
Bear, Brakel wlU raura te Olivet
MMthatafottarawdaaofboaUef. \ teapud to cobbU aaldda at bar boBa aaa iroM uipdaogbiar to poa.
_ AdaBOrrhdcbtp-aaraapBtBOflifa lo ttla dtp todap bp oattiac hcrl Tba Aoorpted Una—Yoa «aa'iodaad, Collage ttteBoralBp. after eojoplnp
4a Bot praeaat Ub paiacatlp Boaar ttroat TaBporarp loMBltp prompted «wlaB. Evarpbodp mau ma.—Brook two wook.' vaeattea.
Mtea Alice Atkiav bae rotaraed te tte
larhla<00a««lam la Fateakf. aad «ka<tead.
| Ipn Ufa
State Nannal at YpailanU.
Mdriacitoaa of tta baai farat ini-------------------------------------- ---- -------------- --------------------- ------------ —
C. B. Crtitaodoa and lauUp are aniaakaoo roanvp. Ha la aa aprp aa aap
tertalaiop Mia. Kditt Welch of Frank­
Mta. Mit« diaatep. who rroidoa near
Twalea Ooraar. aaar Ct. Joaapk waa
•traek by a Btram Pipe.
loaM drod la bad bp har baebaad earlp
Captain Mclawah met with a palnfnl
Taaadap Boralap. Tbaeaaaaofdaott
Injarp la Maatetee Tneodap. Be wa.
vopa^ in .wltcblap ear. in tbe pard* I
MIb Apnea C. MaOoBb. a poaaf tedp
and when oa tbo top of a ftaight
be I
The aaw faat Ball tralu 0 I tta Itor-jaDBibaroro
lirioca Milan, waaatroek bp tta Wa- IteCtoa aad Kortl
wa. atracb bp a ateam pipe which praahatteMUaaetalllBilad Taeadap aad
teated him upon tbe ear and be narrowadttdrpheooBloalnioafroBChlcaco'lBttepreoilaea Ha baa appaalad 1
MW Itea at tta point of death.
Fortnnatewltboat tpaelal . laeldrot lhaadap I tb. adalotetraUoa for Inatrortlona
Ipbabad aaSeteat preaaaco of mind
Boraiaraet te loM bte balanea, ttu avoiding
w aaaetadat tta CbrtetBaa troa aaBearp faat mUe raoord. iaeUdlop the Indiana ara Urrorteloa the wblteo
pMalblefatel oonaqaeoeea.
' hcaaa Oaa^aTla?tt^''‘l^r2I'*‘*"'‘"‘‘
*nr a Bite Pptamld Uarhot. near Ukacoap aad
M^ Oaa Baa aad fasllp «*d»ad la SJaaooadtor attba rataol ll*.S»H«a! haee Ihtaatened to Baaaaera them Tbe
kejparhoar made In tm. wa. broken on , lodten* r-tdrank oa whlakep fnrnUh
>. eelebrated Bodre, wbo te con­
The dbtaaee ' od bp tradera.
eeded te be. the beat mind reader
k,-.)l~B Wdlap to Ado..’ two BllBOBli aA^tTbb D W 11. tbe Spa^h bppnottet la tte caaotrp will appear le
ttMld: We'll hae. to ha*,adrop.*’boi^ wa. mad. la Me mtoote
diclnb.rp'* liraod Jan. 9 and 10.
tte aawitp
wU, aaoJaiBod:
eadaiBad: -Whp.
-Whe. ami M em«mtae «, ..
•‘Mmer Ida. Capt. Oeoir
lawilp wUa
aao w aaoDOMror at tta rate of 110 pool on Dro. lu, ete Haotaader. boate. will Introduce ip eoanectloa with bit
Jciha. aan't poo oarrp thaa back In tha aUaa par boar.
on flee. I« tor Porto Bleu, with a pene- bppnofie feau; the fellowiap mind
MBa baaket poo broopht taea terTbe Volha 7.eli
lal earpo. ran on a reef near tbe ielaod rvadlap teala
Mr. aad Mta Koae Jateapa of Fralp
lead aawa of tta Imprleoo- of Aneanda. the aorthrramre-t of tbe
Cootrol of ttonittt.
port towaahlp
- waehlp eaaa
eaae to Mnak^oa
Maakepoa haa-1
haa- "tent of Uanaao OattoKe
__ .
Brltiab Weet Ibdlro. 00
FiadiapbiddaB«rUeleaiD the tbaadap aftoraoDa. to ha.a tbdr aiaa i »>»<:»•»-•« Hla, la Uban /aa. ahoot Dec. <1. and wii: prohablp Urn oat
waak. oideblld haptlaad at ibo IW-.^M'l-M-tkwMtof PlapYaap.
IbeaWtollna.. The crew with tte «Ftndiap pin and plaelnp it la a pin
ateaat Hollaed ebareb.
Wbeaj At Baeaaa. Ueseral Ladtew ha» mmIob *>ftbr eiorekeepor. who wae bole made bp oommiuee.
rouroad boBe. which waa aeeea'eaeaed aaeeeal private hoaaaa to hf drowned, have arrived.
TrMlnp Bijrder. todlop bolp. PodInpjorpaodvU-Jap It la a aaat ar
raoped aed ttoapht of bp aodlenee.
Sloah tea bae fonaad In Labe Mtebl |
“«* •‘•‘•t rlflea wort Ukan poe- r port,, y^rtin Keller, a farmer, botch- ■ Raadlnp Mated Uttera qae.tlon..
m «naaaallp oarlp thte winter, and i
• kM** on Tanlentervp !
a bop end alpbl m*mbenof bi. ete.
TelUop oamea of partlee ttoapbt of
ttara te aow evarp ladteatioa that tta | '^Mt. Tbe aaareboe ware made la the famllp and three of bie neipbbora. wbu
Mat ahore paekapa fraipbt and oar mWiII* o* tto aipbt aad were aabmtp ■ partook of tbe meat.' are nerioutlp ill<at card aod teUlap aaae. bid
> win aaffer a larpe, tedloqntellp.
tteoondiU, Bnfaeve>al being er'tlcal. bp oommiltee.
ABOaat of delap froa thte aooroa later
Oenvflrinp artietea ttoopbt of bp
A Boat roBarkabU weddiop bae jmt' The
•riba Bialadp to be
M. parttealarlv dorlnp tha Boatba of lakaa place at tte OBall vUlaga eallad otepehinBla.
•Vbraarp aad Martt.
dptrlUlteUe toet.
Trail, near Oaaal Dover. Ohio, foor* The IteUanateamer Vorrwarta.whteb
Hppnotic Bind reading.
The aaw aiate beard of edneaUoa brottara beiap mairted to fear alatetm. ] went aabore In a pale, bae beea abaaCatalepUe anapauloa. b, Maater
oepanlaad Taoadap bp electing the fol- Tba fear kaota were tied at tta home ! deeed oa tte weal Cornwall coaet.
tewlop tffljer.; Preaidool. Ponp F, of tte fear ateter bridfa. wbo are tte Glevea of tte erew. who pat off la Duoplaa
Pbwera of Cadlilac; vie. preeldant. daapbtera of a proeperua. farwar' Wf. were d^-ord,
N.oe. wbo
Frodertek A Platt of rilnt; aaerotarp.
>d UoebetetUar. apaa raare leiupp to tbe rtpplBp. wero rcaeaed bp
dbaoa B. HaBBuyot Unelnp; traaeU to n. and tte ape. of ttvir re-' the ooaat paaro life boat.
•rar, BHa» F. Jolfaaoa of Ana Arbor. |
,k. ------------- b.. ......A
(terl Jonaa. too of Horace J<
Thvrv Arv Other ■raiaa..
OllberUalteBpted to board tte loppiap
tte Wee*.

------ beater I Pei but. .Normal
___ Tare-. pood bablti aad noao mean
BUI—Tbe nodrr Aog la a fipbt pete
liaiapolapatiaib at that place
^•inched. Kew tte pe.i three paam be
all tbe ivuiatbp.
rnlop aad waa'tt>wa
Bairping tte foor
dap meralap
waa ttrown ao Vttt
that I <»"»<»«?
[F ** ' be* bren a papll in tbe poblic *cbO( 1
11—Vea bot noforueatelp that
tk. back ofbUbaml.te-ok the rear {«>«■*•>- ““T* *“
““ -f-1 and a ooarclni uhoollo AVw Yore.
lanT all be «ru-;>Tr)okrri biateamea.
Ftelform.fraoturtapbte.koU. eaneln* ®**^^"*“ Fvrforminp «U T^tour'


S\w>rt,‘5m\vT!Ceo38S\on6» I p-

I 5eTveTa\.’Ke\Bs S\ms

SVeawedi 'Stm StscT^MjWe j

“• '*■»,


laaiaat death. There being a k*,—i krottwa aod their wivre wUlllve withgrade at ifaat plaro. train, with beavp j ** * •**'**'^
*"k «ker.
Mm. Ueorpe Uodpra of Fife Lake. I.
teade were owiprd te fo qaite alow.!
Uritaln U .aid a>beprra»|ep
vteUlBff Witt her mother. Mr»- M. E.
and be with Utber bo^ were In tbe >P*te **» erll coaling .tailon. In the [
habit of boarding them.fara ride- Be i **B*Mrle telatd* and other .teatepie
Wliroo. at J. W.
wae 1: peamold.
! poiate. In order tereader U b-alUr im-!
Tha Uelplam Chteorp milu I. tte i'*'*^*‘’‘*
Knwia arc »id I turned TncMl.p from
I Kaplde.
aameofaaaweoiicarn that will wia ("okoldlnr bpaia . refaul.
aall-flaBten nartv in deoai row- * ’'‘‘T *’*
• of Ute ooaatep
teBap dtp. The eompaiip~aM'jBi''“''’^‘f‘»“'•'karrrd witblorUrinp
empanp bu jaai;
saplul of |drapoataa of tba Rcmian W , j.-»...... .... ................

tepttlro., Tb.oap.clt, win b. - J^
toe. of ebleetp roadp for the markrt'
In order to .bteld the
8. Benra will leave t^r the Beet in a'
Morp dap. Mr. WelU. a chief etoek 1
*»‘»lMle, wbo are amoop
‘, lew dap. to oeoaro ooe of tte flee, t
bolder, bae Marched lb. anante. fre.. I k>ffk poverniaaBt oBeiate. I Tbe
Mala. 10 Oatlforate U tad a plM j
wm laaUp hratallp eac- j--------------------------- --------- —


Grand Rapids Herald

The Morning Record


Three Months by Mail

ipr Only SI.25.

da.t leaiaa.tlea.

The Herald is the best met­


ropolitan-paper in the state.
brn. mp bop"—
"Oo are poa eallin a bopi Wbp. I'vt

The Record is the best daily-

t. tba IDradlka.
latp be
Loadok- laooBlnp eiaanwre at
Mr. A. a Tboma^ot Marpaville,
I ecdl j,!4‘®««*tporu report that the frtphtTex., bM foond a mot* valuable dte- be oapa bekot
pet been made in the
rtrhl- Hed^terae that’that te”tta
*»<»« tk* Brit-!
Kl<Bdlke. For
pear, be anffrred t
Mip place la tho'ooantfp whore the **k*Mtt aad In tbe Bap of Uteeap.
1.U9 ; laaBber Americao FobUo HeaUh Amo- panted bp b
a be grown, tba ooil bar- Tha ehaaael ateaBor Anrt
. and wa. afaaoctetloo.Battorol-FoodF
Uadinp betweew b’cw Bavaa and ^tlM.aattorol
"Food FrodocU^f '
Inp". Sew DiMOVtepUivBarlud ebaraeterteUe. of the
lump Covpfa.and Colda
bu bcoa wreeked at the re- World." write, from ('harlotie, hflcb.:
praal chtcurp brdt of IWplBB. Tbv
! •Tberacelirneeol F>lwtMaU£xinct: Ur drclarrt that gold‘ te» <'ff little rahie
•«» will be In Hap Citp. with a ]
teBOtunkDoWDtome. Mlbaveiuedit, in comparteoD with_ tbi.
_ _marreloB.
Ber cargo
I le New York te handle ttai^ ,
profeeri^lpforpaarha1w..viwitbtbe,core: would bare It. wre if It coat a
, B0.I aadWMW^mulU. For mother. | hundred dollar, a bolilr, A.ttma.
It It.aM tk.i ti ... o A.
ClrvvIaBd te baviftf a eelpe of .mall 5“™"«'"cir rl.lldrim and renoral Kroacbltteaudallttraatandlaosaf-.
It M.d that Hattie Parker, a poaop 1
^ “T
jr rom anp rau-s 1 rr^Kl It a. factions ard p-.itivrlr rurrd bp Dr
---------M la tha: _
. ^
^ of rapceial ra.oe, m It eomttne. both K,np-. New Dteoovrrv lor Coatumo-

Grand Rapids.

*^|proMot«pldeinlrhM boM elearip tr»c- «*ko It truly tbe-Brat'Tonic.aoiwiof S B. Wait and J O JobotOT
Mrod bp pr.,.*.
.. A A
«d tea yotlop woman Who had ebarpe
"I wwntiv prewrlbed Pahrt R*-1 *^‘^•''*‘*^ *" '**•
Ouar**■*•"• *Wipoad at a Fultetebarob f.^ tract. Tbe "Itert" te ttr,“ if mr I
pht pteroo on ttr breakwater there j .kite miffwlDr from tbr dteeaM Tam^ IMloou. »U of wbrt.a were ladieTMa '
------------------- —

al news service.




“ “X’-

** StfOD^ EndOfSfilDBDtS

•' —

lo and Uir CMea H a<t«<«l like a


Two^ 1

II in:....

newspaper published north of

Unexcelled local and gener­


[; ducilona—on ewrytting la the .to-» —
'Hr powerful mHrticl'wbteh brlD|>
•> w.
.u brat, bu bib i lb. .U.„! OT. bf >1
, u .uramn IDnmreu<i.DC«. They bam «rlored. ed enau>mvm dally. Snow—
b—M lojMt Ural i. lihAj to too..'
ralu or .term—poa
afford to
A great deal »f troobte te Mportad
atep at boimajttlm tnte Mle iMta Tb.
A. OvloM . b.1 M
at Hawaii over tbv qarattea of tha •4 • It b oae of the
tbo hoot. U Mt tha
the OM7 boM, ... ilap—Iteia. Capa. Fmalahiataete
m*;-—p-l u a. 1.1, Bteatea of Ohtteae. The oapMBO Mart «( Tte
•rooaAA TIraj
BflMB. M-IX, JampCUp, V.X IH FrcBtMM^. J. Baafaold Aatera.
hM Mdwod tto laadl^tf a teMol

14 Cents A Week!

- I

raiB aiOBjnoro bboo>d, thok«i>at. jampaby ». lase.



A «tth BP bMTt

B VM ttMt Mm


O^MW Wmw* I

ibtapolBi-”«»t''^ 1
Toioa, “A 1 dA't qaile af« that It'a
ripbi for a ttnnav to cam tn m taka
bU tbr work At cd a mA'a handa. mpeeiallp neb a inaB bf mr. f<a I'la a aort
«f latber. iBOtbnr u brother lo bim. 2

I'aBarldtaiu tainwa Wa huibtHHa
The Uif• «M Ik* laM
I oeoM dft
M to lar tv, W IW «>«t <«
. mt. mriDg t*wj >01114 hi lack br d>ik.
I iV in B>7 twBh fbf oa bw tw
afMr tb« «<«• BODi. kod 1 iooWa-4 Mp
tkUblnr horn kHMM'ioi II
M>4 whol
liboaM4oif«h«ndiblM »baoid hapy*
•a ■OUM 4ova apoa na.
Tto ana waa ablalac aotalda. aa4 «l
Maafcad wana a*4 tdaaaant itoaaa, » 1
«aat oal aad laf 4evB oo U> •moad (a


a^ tta aaiitihi tba ap« a( Ba

traa hpbUfaiAr'i bodpMbA tAP^
tbana lift bini. a it vaaa abol btA
BP rUta-thM taooicbt dowa lA UA

AO a<dl tM aaadlaa. t taM aBd to ^
AdpBa psrtia blUa al«l «bl a>M«f <ka aota-

• botMad b<A Tbat'itAmtfA trbp
B(V hlaM look to aa arro bafon t A
Ma Mtaat baak ooloBtl. A tAi'a Bhp. £nt aad lore____ ' BWW. i're a rlala a «a to tA waH
Ad a laaa HA I ^ wiaAi od tA boa."

•at‘l^MBVtboa«hM Bbat that Mara
tba iTv. *r baaa


Ad'MdM aBblla If A (mdA A awaal.

AAltetba klad aattbbabpriiAniwm
______________ '

IIAIpA bABiM lotA partp.
At bad gona lb wllboot aaiag aa Bb«a
* u/mwaa flK. TA tadakla allaboot
Ba. M Ba turn wbfea 1 woald.
I didn't A«-e uioeb tlioa to maka op
BpnlAle. lArewi'D'lAlaaaebaaao
A a*a our fore aiul tup Ilia
TM WM. lAI I gut bold oa nip rUta.
AA IhU I III oat ABllbom Um< M*a^ Inahta aiBltif >M. a If A did br Ad lua, a
»AI lAra waa no cAaoa I waa ckiaa to
taa door Atom 1 mb blio. Ad bob I crept
•loBS aawrfilpaa a eat. eipatlng evaip
alnuaa Aiaa AlAur A am>w pUat,AlD inp back
Up fcaH Baa luldc. and.
■raaoklnp At np AA. I gnwred np HA
)aalM lA nvage lurocd ami aaw uw
• BOMAI bla bAd daa Di«d> blalompAwfc^^nd tba All InaUDI t A a>P weap,BB WM Of Insi tbrougb tA air ID lAdlrae(UuB t.f tup Aad
To 'Ibla Ap I Udieta 1
.4od|red It. Ibougb bow It waa dAe 1 dun'l

a log
Al tbat luiuuaol U)<te«Ma p*U
At*lA All lA aalua IiifUiiI 1 Mt a blow
aud M •.ilmi i.ii lup lag. * hu b aA.i.1 threw
Quirk M Ibiiuabl 1 t.wl lA A
BOB l.p Uir-ahHlt. aud with a fork ul lup
Aod drew It out and Ihn-w U *lda
Tbet. IniughthaMuu lAd«iraml Uledto
awlDg II lu: Al iaifun 1 ouuM iH>Bi..a
ratUkin ihruit bla brad and •iHiiildte* lo
Inpu mnanl 1 l.rouubt
Bprllh- Ul lupaAulder ai.d AUed lA

B t«d t.uIU It wllb Arpe lokha
purtawe >4 Arlng thi-n. .Hit while wa
Mold tUaw. and
A it anawered lu pun«**
7 rtOa and from a caiTlaa
IlowM up top
bre abut at them,
a tbe wall got
wbleb laid "oi on* atore at tbom oa bauduolbera
**Afire“ihi.“tb!7a*d ktBdof ahpof
tag at»ut. Ad n wa ll t Irag bofurothta
•uta tbumoelvtw off ultoBtbar
Wbeu tb. Uv* oame buuia at dork tbop
waaa ktixhr lurpHaM al llAliig laa aura'
d of up bead. oA at
te^M Iplna about m
____ a tore* for aor* thra a Boatb aad
had »o k*rp rbwa ta Uw hul^ At ib* Ikva
ewar* tair witb bo They abarad tAlr
tuiB wllb lue. M tAp deokarad tbrp Agtl
Bin return fur up revtag tAoewblok
Ibqr had AhaA -Now Vurk Nawa


A Lett** wad a CMBrerat.
Mia. A. C W Wrttaa to TA Jouraal:
••Will puudltw* a«ilre toward lA toqrfioA aarvAt HUveO Yaa, Al eauaa «l
lo rlrere oeoAer tA wama of tA
pluwaa with wblob a aWgpiaaa 'preBouncaa'ax»U|A uoa oA wUa
Mtd lAt lA grram la ma a babI That
A U a man I* mkon A giMlA
If tA
mM would Alp aop -haaMta Ad «
•OA might dla{W«* hire id bla iratb, but
A Bothlug Dotw tAa a ba blmaolf.
tekra It upon biluaelf B aoaA tA Al
Blghtp la tA afflmilog at lA Bakina of
amaatoA TUt mbm tA aarriea b

ftala a doop ra^iaet fA tA jBdg
k. C. W.. Al wa A r A think
to wtai taken. Wa fiA tA mari^aaretaa from wbleb aAquotrei

^ •!»«• 0>™


tba bUlota.

A (>at»A dAiiat, D». Hen. peonoaei
to pot microbea ioio oar tuooiba lo ataal
awap At |«iA Uu diaooterp roattMa


. I ChroulcJa

I baABB fneniUp and oAbdeDtial M tA 1
: week wore a, aod bia greaiMt ploann ‘
^ Bladen of lA band lap Ul of fa- Baa 10 draw a pioton of blBaelf aa lA
Ttr. and ibe boapiul orterlp, wA bad iniw majoe:


BrsjS'Bbb CAHtMS-


i Tub BBar Sli.tbI io lie world lor.
liltata. Brtilaaa. Sot—
wiA espi-rieom fa Uma iblDgt. bad ,
"Ta kzww what lA dniB major ta,
:Ebaam,FeTar Soros., 'ratter. C^i.d
CbUblolA. Con»,
Coma, Mand a’l SVla
. ...oOTT,
TWw I lU»d..ChUW.lM,
lold tA eolooel tAt A waa, "miaial Mrw:
Barie?" ^
A a-dwd au o.y,
"taid tA !
reA- HJ 4i—a«r. nt all *.w.a«t>« aaio»u bp ta* , CmBtlnos. aad poaltleelj ci
bad." •‘It‘aw)wTi»aadap.alr.'’aaidtA!
ib." replnd
replitd Norte
None (hmgbu


• - “* I l!L-;7.rr"



eES-S'S, s

"It'll A Bocb' if A

wrak ibfoocb."

............a.. ooBtlRAd
rofondad. Vrioetl'.-oauperA*. T
dap. BD1W,"
n. JoliBAa aad K. B Wat
|.•B. “fw
"tor I’m
I’n g«ilng
gHiIng atrtaiger
auuiger bow. I , , gbi a. cbcbh. Auonn
OaabawaJHAd I aball acna
acxio A eble
able to gel
get At
of ,
-•*«- '
“N A anptbing la tA w«p ed ItinriM bod. I aball match at the bnd of
IILBKBT a f«4TA. Auoraej
Mid tA orderlp, m
M drtUD
drtin tuajoe. Tbeo
Then wAu I'm
_r leauoa u> ProAtr praHtra
wboaellBA were acwe with warkiugfot poo'U-Bee ne go paM.
II. Marraaula Co Bloak.
I. for It’ll b
s bop. "He-aiBOi.............................................
"He'aiaanalbBdAAwAldB't poor bubAd Ad cfaildreB.
ler pottia
pnttia bm aaide ■tot tA laA of abm Umo yet. 'Soe, Oiat't Bcp SladA
' (f lA And, that 1 nonrd Uiruogb
ball know what poo
yoo m*. '
--------------------------- ----- -----------TA oolooel looked ecrlcmilp M lA feecrl’ And 1 aball
Wai pay apol eaab for radar aad AmHp. "And wbp for tA mA of « altbnogb I............................
1 Aa'I A able to look. I'm 1 \V . .^IIVhi
loek tlea aod maple Alpplag wood deobaV Ademaodad.
|Oeruia tbai if yoa'tt aUiitt 1 abaU
- - Hreredm HABDb Ay ACo doekor Ap
••That'4 lA atrauge part of It tar." ; know.”
good Aakibg grooBd on Otfad Ttbtlonnd the
ttie orderly,
"Beer aUMB
ainoa aa
oai, m>u ^ibjm>ubu«>imj.
—^,y q. DODOB Aticmar aa« eooaaaJ.
; area Bap. OorrrapondeoraAblieitrd.
woke thii mnnio A'a been aikio fcr a yon Alter go to alaepf l>o try Ad r*M M. i«,a»ta»-ottMi.oiip opate AawPU.
of bow A'ai
M'aAnrkBOWB alittle."
iwww n
. ittnraar

"He dran'C want f<w BaptUi«, doea

Al” aalud tA oolooel.



poo iraaph


-I do.-, n« Id

ao Aw A tbluki A'd
e lore of »e, ai
eMilnrlf A«



U..R - lUd ]W. %SSSitSSSl

\t Boy BladA'U mlk like tAt, air, I iboold wake op ai boob at 1 beard tba ;
t:. UOi^nT. Abwry
! And play Ad tA tramp of tA foet jQ. b>
"DidAraaHympthatr aiAd lA I'll go to alwp wAii tbep'ra left bar- laoaieBc
raeka ....................
Tbal'U be
pet Won't; ooIomL
•Tbe word! I’ee told yoo are lA
"TAo A aball bare oua." aaiil tA
eelooel.and A atrode to tA tird.rly
fonm.lelepbofied tothe Koa^'iiMriitition Ad ie tA tooea tAt A Auptod

ooiM - ora.

yoo try aud go to aleep b bit, nortef
| T<m A.k n llr^d Ad worn oot. Do
, try, or I'll feel I'm a uoi
"Naraeamnatn't aleep on doty." Mid
Nnrae tlanglian. "At I'll nt la tA
; cbeii. if lAi

John R. Santo,
Geuril lisiiiaict.
Wenbtug Bleak.


wAnordmog good* from tA uraa A [
deainta tAuatruo to aaad A lA bor- An.



OBee. Boom U. Merc. Oo. Blk., Traeaty, MIA.;

TS .VJ r.;‘,'o

-__ —


-nwaeraa atr. ttlat

..... *


rarka at onre a pciuug Ad preity Bona | ^
*^*^h'"^*ib**t C 'lt *'***^*^**
for Bop Kiadi-n It t A Mid.' Wit
hour___a „_____
gemla Borie, weatang
_ ..
1 peat IAe'
I.UA cloak Ad a dainty bouoel, paand , «no» than «
Htoe. Drldamar a trnlbfnl and re­
lAMBtzpoatbemaiugDardoa berwap mado no *igu of waiIa Ar Alp. and”
liable mAium. U bow In poor city.
e« ta haul haniwoa
to lA braplial. The ai'niry aterod a »-l»pn abe laat loekod liit eytw were ^ayTBiyooed treej
r.'t'- M-hnel boua
TbU ladp Aa mAp teBlImoalala from
menueut at the appatiUou, then afood el(w.-rt. and A awmr:l to A a«lrc^ No
•F AiM'if 1.. ru
-Uma Aka
clue* all around yoa of boalneMAd
I- LacF
AU nprlgbi. aud feeling that »o Anao- aooi.d broke tbe ailAoe. aiid Naiaa .
----------------- Mall klad* of imporunt matten and ocal apeciAle called for nooitial Aonr A 0«AbA alao cloaed Ar eyea aad alDib- ,
. bend.
op to I
Boy EladA'a aWp a
................................... ■iliritim V
I through her adrice.





_ _
raterpalau aertb
at Oerkaa* JaarUea. i*ka UU WWla aad
handcin'hi7f..n-heai' TA All when be w.A.- h.. alerted up in bed F“a
__________________________ jatd future aocrnately and Aelce or
ebaaraai jBDCliae toV'' 1.
b«iey.YeIidkwef*rBlaed.AdIkv8)a- aad IrakedwildlpaAot. Norael'.Agh-o IS.U.U. AiJr«r^t Co V
t ill aSain lo life Alb private and buai
deuloakvdwubtlollaiUBUbmralatAr a alepi on. a<1 B<7 SM'-d. bearing J_, ^
tbe iJiumiiiK <f fill Ai-idi. <-Ml tA ta..-d
thta .medium
Boiaelcaip In the w indow. Ur MW the
"I'mNonaOanBhA."ilieanaw«ud. ' “in fatUug In, aita a iiiad IditSi miod W*'
^ i'*Biau«^»inf ’Ialt
alt aUirUp eoaSdeatial.
Thoae Urltig
"Bot go to alM-p agaiik Yoo moatn'k *““»•
TA *

anooer pa'11.
imlaugAdB ranraa imu
i**® bwtalira.
He waa
iu H-nr of tA
the inea, Ad A
a one aaw biiu
••U«» wriu" ho


"Not thta

out of tbe dtp. kcod atamped en«
’Si'Toum* to!
War*. loraWM

ler terra*, readinga <a A gir«
lock of hair and Uma of birth., Tbe
moktpruBlneut people couault her lo
I abort time.


tnai agrorrouM"«lA
agruerrui i*v]..e K“y*
geie wim.
it waa■ all
all np
op w
w nh
nh tbe
the lad.
lad. llrthooght
Hr thought wanet «>al
a»A t.. Ailwam'L UMtAcolo- bad lakr-u pp hia pn« at the bead of tA
11,1 *ru« for
The atuff. with the gti-at kilvrr
NOTM OauBhau nodded.

wt" J^^.i «‘a
ein.]p u> Mia J.s Akrr

i all cillet OB bD»Inoaa. eA

TA drum major. pomponaudnocAI tl.r wralib of pild a&d

go aa I.e fril lurk uuAilr (hr hut
Ilia tra I >tin lap la the duurwap. and t
kadj.r.l iM.e lo piidi lh.-ai diet aud |.uU
Ibe •! > r I.. wtirn ilta real tJ tAanraaaa
Will. -V I."" 1 aj rang (.irw Al lu gri Ir
Tb.'P wi-rr juii a ni<ui.i-nl to. late, for
tb a Inliiklllit: 1 iMiruol IAd’«B In aurb
a wap llial t ki.ew ttifp uMlId But Weak It
Awn ID a hurrp
The wmiad In np teg waa Mlnctra Ilka
tA blla ut a aaeimui. At I had u<. line to
alloDd to that
it BM up Ufa aw tAl I
WM trpliiB l..*a>o
TA mUUt.a garaa bowl of rage wbaa
tApfuutid Ihal I load ina.Hal too inurhfur
thera.eaeti Uxotub Uur bad rauiibl
B«pplDK; aud r .raa Al

TA«AdAia* bad to oooloH tAt.
tboagb A bad beard a good taanp nottaa A «A mr plalfom, ba bad aeaer
Hpnrtiuculw o
poo." >aid tAd
•■Wall, nit


rored wall, aad BopSladea.watcAd ' Aow.' waa l«er repIp
1 Ate oetar
niiiaa H ptaaible tupot in
—lip aadcloaelp, vaatadforaotb-1 bad
BDp Iex{wriAM to ibai lino Not
d up
lag. BatI bia «iap A aartb WM liBittd, 1
Ai eter amoked la tap prm- t ter of eaaca with 11, aud tbip ba«e
MeuiphW SciBHAc
| p^rA Boat laeoeeMaL -Aa Tnaotam



abU tba
aaoMWl ID wake lua np
Id mbbad uip <vaa and iookod about B
aad U
M iDUoii M bait a tnlDuu I
tan I «>uld aaatu lo amarutBr irbara I wi
Bst 1 did at lata, and Baa tuat taulat
«a aip M mbao 1 naotht al*bt of a rad•fcta H|bt afoaa tua. anumt tba Iraaa.
I knew In a nlouto bp bla actkma
rbtaf aad that 1 bad
IP Mr If 1 waattd pa
oeiup baad
i-tknoB boB It
p iliiukiBB
Iblukic. tbai
Ur, bat I <nuld
«akad Bia
BM up>
ao glea ton a rbaaea foe mp Ufa
1A tedailn dmlBMl ahlnd a tra. and at
lA eary mooieai a aie«B wm
' |wal np bnwl. ao ek>w that II
tbottgb II had BtoMd the Ala.
IldtdDol ooHM from tA dlraettoBst
aA lagib I bad aaaa. au 1 knew tAl 1
bad at Icaat two of Vm lo alteod ta
Up ifA wa alaAlag taalA tA hot.
Wbteb wa aome SO Ima awap, and I
tmaw tAt np beat bold wa B gel aodar
j-atwand lAt ii.u. HP band* agala.
I a] ranti ■•■i to mp tnt Ilka a eat and
aafle lor lU dour, bat I klodar AulA op
lBK.n> I Beot I AA. for wAt ibAld 1
. aalbma At taatookwf andakla. luektag oear Bp pUa of fom. wbleb tap la oa

<d Uia »A

don't know aluat lAL” AitftA ' ***• *“>

“b'A WM
cArmlug old ladp ' be Altiratra for the pnrpne When a)
Ip, if PA a 'uh.''aadDeBniiwaatswar lof lA oW acbool. and a« dap aA wai' pj„^ in lAcaaa of a di Apwl ttwth. Itt^raJS-iScSSSSi* la ifTiorM: ^
l•■k«dir aA obpecled to a B«ittaoaaB „opi tA i*ln. p..i doea not dBttop tA ■ ttaa«-4Bidtoei^A^pn^Md^
It that Ad boM Bade ■BskiDK ID bet prtaeai-e ‘IdA'imllp
tonber, 11 apaia fiiM tA toMb SSL*Mdw«HaiSwiut.iirtaBaBdpaBn*la

Aad d^*tTtL lUlataa I haaa) M. ttaa bid-

a BM allra.
Ba«7lbl»c wa> rradp.
I waa llad In a
ttaka and tba riMl baapad abooi bm
a (mard wllb a loach
-^A mtokln

TA^^w^S^r^tbrSdartA.'" I

jwiga •• Yoo Aard wb.l tA bid Ibdp ,

Ip, **l thiak wa Agbt lo oaaakoK

Pal ifVlBiB nmm wwmMmg. AtbiMad a>d
•baa Bdd nila Oad'a aAltabt BlbBartkA



.' . teM. it la bot raicMdad Utbt tba
1 tba e
daeatrad bp wAt
whatbOAb taD yw ta
A daaalaad
! bM U ta eertaio tbai ba baa baA isriiad mow tA bookaMlou. cio.. Snt Al'ba
deck, wben tA ataeUA waa era- [ Oe
tba Motrarp.
oAtrarp. At
bat aoM
aad lA far
jio(olB oS tA pU>lo*™
dnUb hlat'
’ducted (or a fea atlaaiaa froB tA poaiaalf.
le;far«0Bi(M‘<^7TL ^ ^
-Ko. rtn ahaid lA ladiaa Moald ob-' J^"**®*
bad U It deaa At paoTb M 1 Mbka tt
|aat.*'bia taapOBaa to aacb a taviprow of tA bAt aad ftrallp to a otato, mtlA
**^A in un a o'aloek ararp laibtat
IDOB. wAretAa*
* ' ’

MaiA OaafbA CAld At udarMbDd.
Tbti apcaob wm too gnat a ptutaia te

tAaa I naraaaad baah Ua» atatli
dl lua tba I III nil at uaiti^ Ua«
A I baar Abp Ua«biaTau*- ^

kaow bev lao# t tap tbaaw
valeblt« Ua <dood. at tbap wlM abota
tba tna topa. bo 1 tv aad bp I /aU kladar
dytap. aul alsaa 1 kaa« U 1 waa (aat
hint tt vaa tta* I taapl I «
fcae«. It Mltbt bara baaa aa boor, aad
UMlgbta'abatabaanaokMt, Aapwap.
tt aw VAg Miriucb far BM to dfaaai a


Bicycle Riders.

Tb«dimcblrt-cd rotini bl Mara
atlpbpibt , IfcbtdaBontad bp a raldtar la b Kbbm
haaa. bbt MiMit; “Tba a«iDC plaea wu mlaUiabad flm in b Uuta rooaa a tba

Tba rata that bo 1

w ba^

MP aaatMB Bbaaa otbaaa hi

i wnumeul at lA Aad of it. waa gTaot-


Here ^or a


j. ItJ-

AlUnrited to c^ll and gel
Comra bere from Mi

where abe faH been for tA pBat elevA
weoA Bud wbore abe. met wltb

Chicago -* — a,»«.
West Michigan.


CbU over




'• .raoil Ai'Ma...


m- to o'

Sooth L'niopalroel.

"I.u't begiariV'MkHdlAAT. "Ifi fully Alaorod A'lnat h.a tuinr. nod
v._. ,m
AU citlea ahe riaUa to bar reliable re­
all Uv.u«- 1 aai.l I wuutrd a w.mA to «»*<- J™®
.bU ^ NJi
liable reforenoe. Aitofaeiion or monA la-ar life. Th-n. arv.i't lUApHO.meU »hite glove. JoM a ahartr f<^A j,, ^
wA WOTid A lA aaiur. are th.-rel''
i »«*“'■«> were watchiug fr.™ .i-ex.-m-d
Ad iou of rxAftaBee in .the bu.lDea* ,
Aak to ara
»e« MAame'a d
Xoree tiauKliati Id.«k Ar heail. Her <inaH«a
bo.ld.mly •
in itupldji aolleiT r»hare‘oAhe’AW%
icream f» rejDo'riag wriaklea. Special
ktu.w l.-dK.' .if rolou. U wa* limit.d. and , WH-t.i lH-d away, aita lol'kil-g
A.Trava.-aaOUj, *U*ai.
- ° -■ * - - ------------- itoed or Bo!^,4*rticiom
Ar.Bk Rapldk. ... lOIla.u.
Lv.KlkBapId*.... »tt>*.B.
IKllllg 1
~vav*rea Clip.. • Ua.u.
d aad bare- !
••Tb.-rr. now. you mtA go to aleep, \ J** hi- i
r I'm kuie lA coluuol Will U- augry." i *»*«'■“
A wild light wa* «h<niiig iu B -p SlaX-raid M aA mwle btaiaea to amootb
den'* .yea.
Be pluuMl ih,- »uf! Brnily




■Tta-B rilirr "MidBopBladra.BA'na
lb<B I Jii»y. MW t»qy wao»ai.««i ,
m tA BiBstol-

ground at

auu'a J.-ngiK then
i„.«ia*l.e bAaeen


this drum major twirl It. Adi. Uire any

,.«> Ad ca-o liltlo table near lA bod. ! ««■ had iimr fr *p.ak br cru-d. “SmA
hile ou lA wall, fwitw Hoy Sta.len. * «P lA 'March ,4 Dordra a Owu!

Ever Buroed Out'
If ao you know
the value of


Grud Ripids t ludiui B. I
«« r* e> iv*i*a at •■
•tKnv. ILUB.


’Kaiii aiaiaiE

i .aaaau auaaaaa

O P. CARVER. Agent
.o-wi rr.Mrri 1 aull in graotaBi cirelea iu tA air.
WM the work of Priraia DanuA aA A ' mairbed. wbra Nuraetia-*—.
tbougbttd all MAlra«taagaiuHlA,«J‘'n>«><
thr boqiiUl.
tA atony bortor of lA drom major,
Tbe bean of tA boaplta] raderip
flung it to tA groDA, aA poitiag Ar
bravp within bim M A gaaA. He
arma aiouid Bop Sladra tA llfW bla
bran dethriMMd. bia obaagB Ad beoa |
to dta
die ! lutle. waatad Iibb opi tan it into tA
taken trean fa A. aA tA boy wa* to
whitaintAbaiHtaCifMraagera. Oonata' boapital.
TA oolooea'a qBiek op* bad eaogbt
flownu were is tA boapital.
Buy tUudea'* wotita. "It'* tbe Ian favor
Dannta’ aSeciioD wtateb Ad prompted
idra of tA gorgeotto dnimaMr. and A'll ev»r need." A matteaed. u4 A
Deiiala' aeanty '
Dranta •

, M

opmAl* clatAd melAiOBalp,
r*A aA AaM Btade martial bom a*
*d lAgravel of tA
parade to tA' 'March of iiordiaj '* Own.
wiah of tA lad
An Aor later Boy Sladca of tA band
Boinr and wield tA ^tlendid ataff o(
WMdewL BBC Awataatitaled. Be trad
oacr. and CA great ombitiao of tA
private wa* to qoalify for nonooBiato- rraUaed hta ambition.—Strand Maga.
aieatd rank. And ao they Alped eaob Biaa.
etber. DeantalrUingall A knewta mllItaiy doty and Ay Sladtn iattracting
Dranta in Mbjeetawitb which A bad
to A familiar U A wUhed tc gat ]«>•
TA radrrly atrpped aoflly baoIrlBlo
tA brapiial—«o aofttv
tbat NnrM
Qaugbaa. w A wa* loukiag at tA lltUe
raJ^L^dBrt bMrbA.^eAatart-

E&glMi jiigAadediMM wm* ebowB ta
a ment block of SO boors oh tA Grand
innetion canal in NorthamptanthA

If you haws any to mU corr«apond with thB
Trarerflo City Itombor Co.* We hewe alao ^


Bound Hemlock Lumber,
lEaple Flooring,
Short Kaple Wood.



Uids For Saie-Sihibb Fg Fans.


lA captaiA of two barge* arTiving M A
amaU lock from oppotiie dlrectioa*
lanKiag on going throogb flrtt.


MetatAM^ garawap Iflrort-ta tA
"1> owe boek." b^ Owatai

iri au*a*<*«*a **u**a«aaau

{ Buying Logs! I
- iCiU DMcbioery of all daocriptioiu, iDckding two ea- ^
ginea, wt worka, c»rria*cc and ava.. A oompleto
MV mill plant for Mle.

100 eanalfaoata were kept waltiag tiU

: ,kssss es?=sB82s 89




]!«.«• s SjS
ijatB.asi.stsMba j

- »S’.V:Vi!i£Sx

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