The Morning Record, March 12, 1899

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The Morning Record, March 12, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




KM.CODT a vmamAmmvx.


A Pictiire Frained
ArtisticaHy Is a Jay Fbrevar

FiTeThoodAnd AerasoitlBle

FlAM Vow in AetiTO Piopor•tioo fttMonila.

AlkMj. K. Y.. Itoroh U.—Mn. Mar
«f PIum.
fwM B. Oodj, wkm WM yiMiirliy 4a
eUrad g^tj of tha ekarf* at bla^
I pratanad by the OmM Wdn. *aa OfMd MiBldo famtttoo Xataraatad te
•iMnllAWtfl^WUltkk* tk* VM4
harcad tkto aflMOM
tka mrt
tkaltetecpateo Tkayuatototottte
M kar owa roaoraiaaaaa. Tka aaarfi
wlmmaoaXiaot of »ortlter*i«lt
Hb« OHM*d-Tk«

vM u OM tedtea

1 tka Jmrx
a^ Work to ea Oe Oparativa
You can hare some of that joy at a very small
had laatractad
iBtoaliaatoM WUl be
Mkd ta tka eaart that kar aaa*
cost—Just hnisbed our inventory and
we have
taaea ba ■oapaadad. and that aba ba ala number of nice patterns of mouldings, enough to
Chieaco. March n.—Bapwoeatatiree
Mareh U-—SztaaalTa pnp- lawodtocobw- Jadfa Gta|t«r7 »id
of aaaay temili* from Ohteafo aad
aratfcM ara balM mad* ter tka fiaar
frame a photograph or smaU picture, 8x10 or 10x12.
al advaaaa cd tka Amvloaa faraaa. AU < that aka had alraadj B»aat aaarly a dttateotkaretataamatat tka Oroat
laatmqalat,bowe*er.aloa» the Uaa. yaar la JalU ha fait jaatMad ia aaead- Nortbara hotel tktoaftonooa tooccaaUsing some o^ our new colors of Mat Board it would
AtdavUchttka rabala mota aaacktjla#ta
raqaaal. Mn. Oodjr wept tea a eeoporatire oeloay. after the Balcrktac oa aaaafiladiaf treaeh at fraaly.
It to aadentaod that tka ra- temy idaai. rtieh It to axpootad. wUl
make .a swell combination. Try it once.
•ballad by a bat- laaaeof Mia Oody waa aattofaetory to take Bp ft.000 aereo of aacBltiratad tead
-Calaoaa aad
la tka late of Pteea. off the aoath eeaat
«ary. Ikaia waa daaaltery liter alaa tha OooIda.Mra Oody toft fpr her h
ia Daarar toelrht. ,
of Oaba. aad start a maaleipailty of Ita
at laa Padro Ma«»tL
Geonre llankar, 8*4 Waahlartoa
Ika teat batch of tpaatob ♦aoldlaw.
.rd, at preaeat of the Cbloaro
«W aMk. laaaptlar a few who are ia
Great Wwtara raUway. to the projeelor
tka tepltate. ambarkad aboard Ua
I S20 Front Bt.
traa^ort Boom Attoo today.
•aid to Bara Oaooad a OolUaen at of the coloayaad tha OMkrwl» will ba
at iU head if It to formed.
Waahl^toa, Mareh ll.-Uaaan) Otto
•laarai. lad., la Wki^ •oraial
from Grand Bapida. Uieh.. sUdosaph.
to waitter tka antral bf the renialadar
Wan Xojorad.
Mo..aBdn4.vlooand ToladdrA^. are
of hto relDforveoieaU to iaan(arata aa
Oianrer.lad-.Maroh ll.-Twotialoi. repreeaatcd at the meeUa# by Mr.
aeUra eampalca.
a paiwngar aod a fialirht.ooUide<l here Banker with power to act.
laat olrht owlor either to ertaiinal
For two yean Bunker has bsan mak­
ta! UwtoB will be amiraad to the actIre oDBiBiaad of opeiatioo* ia the leld, oacllmoe or iotaatlonat wroo# doia#. ing a atady .of no operatlre eoloaie*.
Here You .Are At Home. If It's The Best You Want
Three persona may die aa the reeoU J^^jj, j, conrlnoed the lalo of Plaetl
Uartor Ueoeral Otto taore time for tha
anch a
admlatotratloB dotle* of ouHtary for- of Ibalr iDjoriea The injured are:
BniriBeer Downey, badly hurl; J*»«*
, Hto colony la to be forpec■. la which poaitloo he
and will be inr «• h4v, )un vhci «t>oUdmMr»
to Ooaora! Brootv te Coba. Nothter Blllott. Brie. I*a . tboogbl to be fatally .
capltallted. probably
oava conni teatroeUoaa hmi baea aeat hart; Mi»-Prad W. Emaley. Toronto.
UaM(«r. '
Uaaaial uito aad the depattnaat arere OaV, InjoriM probably teul; Hander-' tar or rs.uoo.
that It baa Bottled Ue reaatal'e baod eon. a laborer who waa ateailng a ride,
Aocordtag to Mr. Buakar'a plan
fatally hurt; Fireman Lineb, aerioualy’ caidUl of tbe oompany will ba lB*ealwith any hard aad teat ordera
d boy could «Uh
,, ,
j^ull laao.
... _»Ter m
The probabltlttoa are ;tbat Oeaeial iDjured. A nu Bber of other paasenger. ^
Parrot* «U1 be (Ud I
Lawtoa wiU take a rery acUra part la were bmteod.
Brary one wUl aShn te Ike profiu of
Tbe eolltolon'kcearrad osar tee inter-1
company aoeordW to .tee amount
tbaoffaatKeeampairaaooD to berloMil .tTalalap la laataa Irhttec ha>
Mck.. A.... bo..a
pecDllarly fitted him for hia prcoeot
5 S. BENDA & CO. P^stionaMeOutStters
A. V. mednrh B
coBiadad. and Oaaeral Otto to oell ae-. toata
..brow. !»,].< lb.
„„ w„p bt„, „ tb.ob
Hiiialatad with hto oapablliiloa. Ooe of j ewiteb
• If this were uot tiie best Btore it wouldn’t be tbe biuieat'
Oaaaral Lawton’s I
■ ....................... --------------------!„pc»U..pU..
Itlanlly traaalalad. to
’Maa-wbo- pered with the switch for when the
ratonp-aDdfighU-ln-the-middle-of-tba- went honnd paaaeager train came fly­ KAMT BBIPB ADSIFT ATBBA.
ing along at nearly lull speed It left
the main track, tee air brakee refnand ■•linn Mumbarteg 840 and Oergnen
OVM OBABTBB AMBMOMBlfri to work, aod the oolllalon followod
Worth tS.OOO.OOO XdOat.
New York. March U.—Tha loasM
raaead tka Hobs# and Improramaam
anaofltte and abippiag in tbe great
r nt the Asylum Aoiborlttd.
storms of Ike first two weeks in Feb­
About April I st I will open my store with a new etodc
Uaslng. March in.-depreseototlre
oBigbiKilaa Prom tea ruary are oaly now beginning ta be npFoatar looka well after the Interaata of
I of House Furnishing Goods.
Attorney Who Won tee Oaae.
hto oonaCUaenU aad to one of tbe sMt
^^e loaUTanee men regard this as tbe
I invite all to give me a call. It will be no trouble to
tiallaUa. Two. March Il.-Wbeo
Ikooghtful. able members of the Bouae
moet dissstroiis cenaon In twenty years.
show goods.
though not the moat prolific In apeecb- the big snow was on the gronnd|an In­ Bow great a disaster the storms that
cident happened here which shews to
Ifylng or motion uiaklng.
lasted from Feb. I to Feb. l-i can be
Yaatcrday Mr. Foster aucceeded in whst use the telepbooe can be put.
partly nppreviated from the Hal of
J. T. Dunham, attorney, had an>p' getting throng li tbe bouae, House Bill
ateamsblpa teat sailed from North
laio to amaod tbe charter of Tmeerae pciintment to try a law suit at Castil- ^
Made by Miebigeo Triopboae Co.
lean ports between Jan. ?<> and
Houke Furnisher
201 ICor. Union and State Sts.
City enabling It to elect a city clerk ian Springs, eight miles from here, but Jan. 27 aod hays not since beeo beard
for may clam of sn-vice desired.
and traaaurer for two year* Inatead of the weather was so cold and the snow from. They kre believed to have gone
one. and permitting the city to condown with n ‘I on board. They are tee
airucl new or to purchase tbe water trip, bat remained at home and em- FLclon. tee Laughton, the Dura Foster,
el end of six niODlbs or change
worku now owned by prirata pariiea ployad tea tolepbone, through which tee Minister Meyback, tbe Uberon, the
r class of service at will.
Tba bill was passed, T4 to «.
ptaoDP tbe manager to call
Chairman Bart of tee committee on
and explain new rates adopted by
aayluma reported out favorably Houae
HIU 6tT. carrying tbe appropriation fv r
I of tee Pavooia aad the Bulgaria,
addiUonal bulldlnga. fumtohlngs and court over the 'phonebut uverteeleia tbe eight miming
A deetolno wss quickly rendered in
etiulpmeato for tbe Travene City nayahlpe carried 240 men. end with eargoce
Inm. Tbla bill prorldcB for the build­
with which they were laden, were valu-<
ing of a fire proof vault, the purcbtae kind on raeord, afid there to much in­ ed at more than S2.o00.ouo
Provident Life
and Inatallatlon of an electric atorage terest among Uwyen at
There to, of oourae, a faint hope tent
battery, aod tee purcnaae of forty ad- will eorvo aa a praeedent
and Trust Company
*one or twoof tbeae may yet drift iato
dltlwl acre»of tend for the aaylum
I f Philadelphlnreach of human aid.
Beaidae the veaacls that are overdue Levi T.fPenmmrtoD. Distriil Agt
Trarrnr Cily Mleaicss.
Pari or $8,000,000 for Onbaaa Bbip- and cocaidered among the loet,
burdens of abip^ng iasnranee
pod Teoterday.
^ number of
•tartad TraterdayfarSouikef ffranee.
New York. March ll.-A aqnad of
London. Miieh n.-Oueea Vietorte
•la stranded and broken np within
■tarted for tee ooatlnent today. The regulara went to the oub-treaeory to­
tbe last few weeks, the loaeea aggre
aeawaa calm. She will be strongly day. aad half tee S3.ooa.oou fer the

AvtlUMT *•!



“City Bookstoro."
Goods Sale j..
Sprite Saits
$5 to $16.50 Eleeant liaeofKjltSuits for little fellows.
Bofs Suits
I to $7.50 Eferyihlog lo tlie ForoisMog aod Hat ||oe.


New Furniture Storel


Geo. W. Thomas,

Too Fear Conlracts

Subscribers May Caocel






Mlchlgao Telephone Co.

Dollars Saved

on Every Purchase
at our

guarded la Fraaee.
Tne I-rlnceea of Watee, Priocesa Vic­
toria of Wales and Prince Chat Im of
left England tbto morn­
ing by way cf Diver and Ualato. on
tbrir way to Parto, where they will
•pendtwodaya. They will then go to
MaiaeUlaa and embark on the royal
yacht Osborne for a Mediierreneea

Cuban army was loaded lata tan
treeks. Two arnad private goarda,
thre« aoldiera and poller were deUtled
to each truck. The tmeka were driven
to tee government tug itenerel Melga;
end tee money was transferred on It
w the government tranaporl Meade.
Tbe other half of tbe S3,Ouo.<k>o may
be taken tbto afternoon or held until
next WMk to ba aent oe nnoteer trans­




Baaed too Boueae u> Oklnboma
Oklahoma Cily. u T. March 11.~
Tbrrewua terrific wiodttorm today
for half an Aonr.
The rain fell in
sheets. Nearly IM bonaea ware blown
An oil mill and cotton oompre* were
svmiMiESBDTBB BBBBKA BS. damaged and nearly ewy amokeataek
in toora waa-blown over. A nnmber of
•y Daveyto Pome Baeanne Bpantoh
atara fronts wero amaabed. Tbe
■cabers af X. O. O. P. BMaapmant
Poms wneBnparlor.
damage to eatlcnated at
. Bntarttanad tha ZmdiM.
Weablngtan.ldareb II.—The officers
Uvea wen lost.
of Dewey's fleet have preferred a claim
for double the amount of bead money Lodge No. m 1-0- O. F. cleoad their
•now, Thunder, aad Lightning.
which it waaat first believed they were rccclar meeting laet night, tee memUhippewa Fslle, Win.. March il.entIUedta receive ns tee rMult of the ben of Tiavane city Enoampmenl No. Thto city vrae vtalted yeeterday by a
victory Uet May day.
most pbeoomal thoadar and snow
The law provides teats too be allow-■ down with good things to eab The ntorm. Snow from «:30 to 8;to o'eioeh
ed the tleton for aadi parson on a cap-, ladies wan so oompletaly aurprtood at the rate of an inch per hoar, ecoomlured or deetreyed vrateL By that eal- J that it waa aome time before order paaied by flaahm of lightning and roar­
culation elmoet S200.00D wUl be dlvid-1 oonld be reetarcl.The presiding officer, ing teunoer.
among Imwey e eaUora
[ bowavrr. finally sneeeedod in getting
But It to also prorlded that where , the members qatoUd long anough for, g,,,ra> aehoola near Beaton Harbor
tee con'ioerrd form to enpericr to | tee spokemaa of tee ioradiag party to;
dimed lo prereat the epnad
tee attacking force the
allow-1 anaoonoe teat they eame
I of •*ajlpo*, a third case having deaaov be
lioa a bead.
While.ananalfa or aplea." but to entartatn.
Dewey's claim ia not baaed on any anThe vtoiten then pro-meded U eaok ]
periority of the Spantoh fleet, it to aa- oyaten. make coffee, etc- and a somptaerted teat tee fleet fighting in eoa-jaooa repeat waa served. Tbe tablet
JuBcllDn with the abora batterlm at were spread for fifty and aotwithCavlte. did eonatitttte a aaparior fares. ,ataadleg.teeatorm all the plaem irere
------ -------------------' filled and everyone preeaat enjeyed the BuUl In ISOM c-Miptci* Wt’v >sr
abUtty. CaU aaS teak
aerfe ta
BpMlnl atIratiuB to repair irorX.
Tbe large Ice fields In Imke Michigan I
are oaualag Holland and other eitiee
^ tablm were cleared away Mmof A^Beto
aloag the shore to suffer more f,*®’a good eocUl time waahad until
**ix m
eeld than tee interior aitiea.
{tree ama'.kouia.


Sosolloo rachts,

Rd* Boats, Sallloe Graft


From one to three dollars saved on each chil'ds suit.

The Most
./Esthetic Taste
le not proof agAinet anything
•o subtle and attractive ns.
RiefciBr's California Perfunjes
One of tbesweetest of then
is called Santa Barbara HeL
iotrope. No monk would be
able to turn away from anything 80 intiting, to aay noth­
ing of a woman.
We have in stock sll the
famous perfnmes made by
Rieger the CaUfomis Per­
G^untber'a CbooAstoa, and
Bod Bons—fresh goods—at­
tractive packagaa.

Jas. G. Johnson

From th re to five dollars oo each moo’s suit.

Overcoats and ulsters regardless of -cost or re­
tail, at prices that simply sell on sight.
We are fast making a big bole in our stock, and
when it is large enough to accomodate onr immense
stock now being Iwught in the eastern ma^keU, this
sale will oease.
Every day you pnt off investigating goods we
offer lessens your ebanre of seenring a fit of just
what yon want.


. «K4Tsmjn orrr. .


u r Batm ijm /. W. Haw—.
-X W. BAJtn , Bdltor uil MiwK«r.



•hort b«iM» wvttav At tb«lr tomb
M Mlalh MTMt UAt OTMiAC.
A abort aad lively prorrAM «ma
rlvaa, caoeteUm of raadtac*. daeUiMlk«« and tbe <|BMtlo9 boa. Tbe pro-

The Hew Shoe For lomm.

Mates tbe food more defidous and wiM

A eborMBed <M> aoeout of «
M r!?..
kiad lavltAtbtt (roM Lealle HeWetby
adioera to bla boma oa Baveath '
which waa pioMpUy-aeeapied,
---------------by the aoeiaty.
Hm memban ware
UlMd by Mr. and Mta.
tholr daaytater Edna.
lUy apeat la


|^>1AL PBowder

LMt an^t by Xa
Tba UmoU UMTM7
^ *i

Three Bora fiom Poland.
Antoine Kotoe. Ueorye Powell aad
Ueorye Butaa. three Polaaden, arrived
la the dty laat aiybl direct from the
old coontry. Tbe yoaay men eaa
aeitberapaakor uaderataad the Enk-

Hrai ron pnxDAV.
•• whlrb omt ■

royally eater- <
MoWetby aad
The evealay;
UlHay akn-lea

The Masterpiece of the Shoemaker's
Irt-Complete anil perfect
iieierp detail.

1} airv rivalral

kjMvA ru<- uuPuv

The pmprtcst boot of the iIpt.The hit of the oentory.
The extrtme of style. •
Best shoe ever sold at any price
Different fPom all others.

>f Aatolne. of 1
eaka and frnlt •
by tbe mambara


MistmI Tarhi-< ui> T>m

, taaeh appreClatad



far Boffaat of tbe Btat* Ualveraity.
COL. aBNIiY 8. liEAN of WAakUnaw
' OOL. BU B. Ml ’TTUK of Weyaa.


OAean orWlOB Blaeiad aad Xaa/llad
Laet Viybt.

TheoryaalxailoB of t.e Oarpentan'
and Joiaara' t'aloo vr^ i < rfectod laat;
II., Ml* i-arli In
JlarOrealt Jadya, lltb JadleUl Clmlt, evanlay with
charter axmben. OlU
. _ - - ilit, kModOon, a
pnicw mmi •■ IImk»
rSBD W. BAYNE, of Ckarlevol*.
oara ware elected a* followa;
Thin, -^il <vllh « t«r» <
Bor OooBty CouBbaloDor of SebeoU.
Prealdaat-WUltam bproal.
| f;iM nn-r and «'lw*i iKkl i
tor lb« n
Vice piealdent-WllUaa Jaeoba.
beeordlay aaereUry—Henry Shier.
%inanctal aeereUry-^oba Tiadale.
▲boot 0«r Vary
Treaaarer-Frank Itolph.
' . The real extast of the Ualied hUlaa
Waidea-Georye Slpaa.
amrj B aaaraaly kaown ovUlda the
Coadnetor—Al. Fox.
■ary daoaitiaeBt and taaBy will be
After the electloo tbe oflioera were I
aMyrlaiil to taara that theforee of the
iBMAllad by E. E. Weaver, oryaalxer of ,
■aay eeaaltU of
veaeala of all
of tbe State FederuUon of .Labor for ;
gnim aarvleaabla aad aiiaerTEcetkir.
H.b.0 |■Dt.Il».
A reoeal arUcle lo tbe Aray aod Savy
BtoUnyi wi l bo held everyTharaday'
B^latarrtrMcoiuldeTablcdaiAlled laeTaalaylaC.b. P. 8. ball oo Ualoall
Ibraatloo which U of ooDaidarable loatraet. Tbe oryaaixation staru out'
with a Btroay myihberabtp and yood |
Bavaa veweU. tsclodler the Bve
iMtia-eblpA. the two anaorad cmUerB,
ika aealtor PnrltoB. and iba protocied
awBeri •OolomWa. BlneeapolU aad
MjvpU. are elaaaad ea flrvt rate. Portoa PomUy Oloim to ba Brlru to
yropartyValaad at $3,000,000.
edlaf twelve prot moeitorm, and
A larya tract of real aaute in I>c- j
•ha araleer LABcaalar, are riaaaac
Uoit.eomprlalay a part of tb^ moat,
■aasad rate. 7orly-two veaeclt.
valaable property la tha city, al praa-1
the aaproteetad ertUaer*. the aet worth abonl P3.ooii.ooO. it allayed {
fMi Katabdtn, the twelve elnfle tnr- to beloay to the Forloo family. Tbe'
rat BMllora. aad aUteea fueboaU. claim B that It waa laft by an aaoeator '
hni.elaMed ee third rate. TUVcea- of that family for certain cburob pur- {
Otoe. Petrel. Fare. Haecrofl. Mlehlcae peace, bat It baa boon dlvartad to!'
aad Plata are eleiaed at foartb rale oUernaaa.'^
There are tblrty-afx torpedo-boau io
Baalde a number of tbe allayed balm
aeawlaeloa aad under eonatmctleD, who live la Detroit, tbere arc about, •kiny-alae luya. e|x •alllar eblpt and eiyhtoaa la the vlclaiiy of rreveneU
•U reeelvler abipa la bm. Porty-»l< City. Tbe Fortona are aa old Freoch
Maw Talapbooea Wo> kiey Wall.
_ VaeMla elaaeai aa crnlaare aad yachia. family, who aelUed la Detroit when
Seenury Armelroay of tbe North­
laeladlBA the Batfalo. Yoaemite. that territory belonged to Fraaee.
ern Telephone ?o.. ntaraad yekterday
. mU the reetored Boaalab crnlaerv;
from Petoakey, when be baa arnnyad
Tha artaalaa Well la the rear of the for a complete racoostrucUoD of tha
Uaca. and elevea veaeala, iacln
Tonneller block, belay driven by C. II. exebanye at that place, after the plan
the eld eraiaeta Omaha. Irr<iaoia, Gardener A Son., la producing a yood
Vifelc. aad MlnaeaoU. are claaaed aa flow of pare water, about S.OOu barreia of the Tnveree City eyitnia.
Talepbonea an belay npidly placed
■leerIII 111lilii The Iblrly-thrae traaa'
a day.
la IbU city aad a day and alyLtarrperte or troop ablpa are not aoantad aa
Tbe fanaral of tbe Ute Him Mary vice will be laanyurawd ibto week.
pert of the navy, bat are eradltad U
day eerriee of tbe 'phone* alreedy
•he envy. -Tbere are aader eoaatruc•leb eirht firaKlaaa batUaabfpa. one tomorrow afternoon from tke Ftrai placed to working very ealUfaetorily.
•Bbetarlae torpodo boat. one yanboat. Metbodiat ekurob.
Olorioos Mewa.
The fanrth of tha aeriaa of partlaa la
leer Boaltora, aad aUtaea torpadoComee from Ur. D. B. Carg’!'. of
haet daatmyera. Oalttlay ealltay aad Foreaiera' kiall will be given next WedWa*blta. I. T. He w
yeaeivlnc ablpa. toca, ooHlen. and aup- Doeday evealoy.
tlee of Electric B<t.»
pty-ahlpa. and anaBUbcd torpado-lmati
Prof. J. W. .CUffdb claecvr^b will Bnwer of scrofula. ________
have la eomaiUaloa U< war vaatelv be one of the One featurca of tbe lioya' bar great BuBeriay for yean. Terri'
ble acres would break onl oa ber head
Band mlaatrel abow to be yl'
TR DamocraUe ooBveatiOD la Kala- Stalabary'aUrMdontbe^Ut. A aeriaa
no belpi but ber care to e
aeeoo eommllled a yrava ovarilyhl la of fine viewa will be gweaeated. many give
___ ber
.. bo, ,
to excellent.'
•etlMartlaca noa-partlaaa plank la of them local aoenea
«bowe what thoosand* have proved—
Electric Kilter* i» the l>ett blood
. iti plAtform wkan the Honorable Hr.
Goa Dean, who U foreman in tbe
Berkwortb waa eoailnatad for Jnatica wire end departouai of the Oval Wood purifier known Il'a the euprruie rem­
edy for ecr.emi. tetter, eait rheum,
ed tbe Supreme court. It la probable, Hlab factory, bad three of bU flnyeru nicer*. Imlls aad rupniay aorea.
eewever, that* the leadera foryel
badly bralaed Friday while adjaatlay a atlmulatee liver, kidney* and iMweU,
AewuH the ataoarera of tbe liraad machine. Fortunately no bonce were
up tbe M
broken. ”
by Joboi
Mra. Paler Laraon to very 111 at her
Aemai.Do will eAparleaee i
home oa Kaat Fronlatreek
I he ac<]airea i
The B. V. R. C will m<
I the AybUoy metboda of
Mejor-Oeneral Uwtoa. whoaa record home of Mra. E. J. Fulybnm. 3iu Karl
pa AB Indian Sybler will be amtelned Eighth atrwi Monday evasiny. March
at T:l■^ o'clock.
when the Ataericaa foroaa make a
All membera of Traverae Bay Hive.
ferapk for the Jonylaa la tbe PhilipKo-.71, ara reijoeatad to meet Monday
l:ISp. m. at Mra. W. B. Tbackar'a
borne. SW Bute aUaat. lo attend the
A Beadeoma Hew DwelliaR.
funeral of Mtoa Mary Greenateod.
Tu sii>ep well, live long and die
AlAcrmaa BoallmaoUl haa awarded
The oBcera of Amanda Hive, Ka well bay good l>ed»--we bav<- thnni
the eOBtract for bla new realdenea to
ss:. are requealed to meet Monday at
Oeecgi Lather. Work will be aUrted
■If you do-nol olecpaod real well
p. m. with tbe yuarda of Traverae
pt eoea. oa the comer of Cbm aad Eaat
Bay Hive in Moatayna ball for drllL
you are not fit for basineas next
Blfhth etreaU aao tbU will be one of
Tbe execaUve board of the Wonmato
'the moat eoasplata and
day. If you have oue of our Elaeelnb wUl meet tomorr
Appmaya oa tbe Soalh bide. Whan
Cotton Uattreaoea and a niee
rladltwUlbeprovIAad wflh all
for the
1 Improvamenta tor eoaveateaea
Iron Bed you cannot belp reoting
offleera aad eleemfortaad wlUeaataboaitS.OOO.




In Bed We're Born

-In Bed We Die..

well -we bare a 6ne line of iron

Beaty Paid Hit Plat.
lay Id the aavaral warda. Thaoonvaa.
Beary tUaaa who waa breayhtio
jpU hare from Kiayalay Thuraday to lion wUI be held Taraday night in
Sielabary'a Graod.
■prve a aaateaoa of fMty daya for dlaA grounded win in the alley aaar
ptAerlyeoedoct. waa releaaad yaater>e rear of the Rmxikii oHoe eaaacd a
Aty. Be paid fala flae aad ooaU ayyreCAttayiluM aad ShaHC Slmpaoa let upaaaton of $he liyhUay aarvlea of tha
oardmaa Blver ElacMe Light A Pow­
hiMya. _________________
er Co. laat evealay for a abort time. A
ahir- eoi made and the llyhta atarted
AMther yreal dlaeovary haa beer oyata Tee troabla wUl be remedied
IMde. aad that, too, hr a lady 1a Ula
PDbPtry. ‘-Diaaaaefaataaed lueloteb- thto mmalay.
Oo aooout of the
. but k
of the lata Mra. Davto' mother at Wex­
wHol organa war
.Ined a
ford. tha remnioa wan token to that
For thrM
IBMitM aae eooybed inrfimanUy. and place yaatenUy by Bolpb Andenoa inypoM not olaap. She finally dtooovarod etaod of thto moralay aa previoaoly aaooanaod. fta faaenl will ba held
from the ^exford
/fexford ehan
ehareb totey at t
im OeoaomailoB. and Waa aa maeh roUwvod oa taking tha flimi doaa that aba
AUpSallalykt; aad with two boulaa
haa baas abaolately curod. Her aama
bo^y Slate
Slater baa Jaet eoaived hto
la Mia. Luther Lou." Thu* write* W.
IW -W N.Ul_
Johnny to
C Bomiaick A Oo.. of Shelby. N. C.

beda, from


Every botUa yoar4


atyto I

eraok oa
*vaa dilfar> NaUoaal
1 maka-up.



Alfred V. Friedrich,
EicinsiB Wit f« m Chj.

$3.50 Eierfwhere.



Seethe New Spring Black
and Tans Just In.


('arnation Cream—i
2.^0—keep them soft and


■ —.MieC AtradateW*
l*M cstnrtkMtef Mmk.
Aaliaeler, lor •xtncU


>4 ter ■tertatv
• at uvth



6. H. ROSE & SON.
die Bid.

We also sell Sound'Hemlock Lombet, Maple Flooring
and Short Maple Wood.

| VVe aUo have for aale laadt for yood farma.



Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Valuable Endorsement
Of a Perfect Heating System.
Si TKJNs Bav, Mini., March ist, tStptp.
H. & 1.. MKkt'ANTJi.p Cl*., Tku'krse City, Mivn.
Ci1:m i kmi:n—Enclosed herewith find check in payment as per
contract price of furnace. The heating and ventilaiing plant
having proved entirely satisfactory after the very severe test of
the past sixty days.
We have k'ept our entire building warm and cumfortable ivith
the thermometer ranging from 15 to io rlcgrecs below zero.which
would have been impossible with the old stove system, and we
find the qua.itity of fuel consumed considerably less than iii
former years. nQtwithstamling the extreme low temperature.
Our registers show a decided falling off in '‘absents" occas­
ioned by colds among the pupils which we believe is largely accounte«l for by the almost perfect working of the .ventilating
If this letter will bear any weight in inducing other school
boards to discard the old ‘•freeze one ude and scorch the other”
method of heating, you are at liberty to use it. .
John Caumam, Director,
Marci's HoVt, Modera^,
Nvt Jordan, Assessor. •>
School Board of District No. i, Suitons Bay, Mich.


»e * N


■ , r
Make rough, red hands We are buying in large quantities and pay highest prices.





Honoe t'nmiabioR Store.
New Btore, 120 Front Street.


a good rider aad <

up. Come in and

look tbein orer.

Bucklaea Amioa Salea.
Tax Bht Salvb in the world for
Onto, Bmlece. Soraa. Oloeru. Salt
a, Fever
Soraa. Tetter. Cbamad j
Handa, Chilblaina,
~ •
Cone, and all sEla
^BnipUona. aad poalUvely earaa Pilaa,
arno ...
pafraqalred. It'la
fU yai
toyive parfaet aatlafactlon or
rafanded. Price It canU par box- For
»la br J Q. Jobaaon aao S. E Walt

The Hannah & Lay.Jercantile,Co.


TBS xoumra ssoobd. sumdat, kabob ib, isw,



iiM. MTu-w^WW^wnM-w-f;?
A 00*1 fulBC it reportod ■loaf the
AIaMtdl«Wo« of the P. A F. M. rail
ee»y. ^


The UersM Lather* eoeiety of CedllUe will met » oew ehcuek derlsf the
Wedneodoy wmiMf Mr*- C 'fi. WillUpe.e rertdoat of Coldwoter elsee
diad. Md the followlor iMnilac her
•on Ooorre, bom t^rc a> yeon 'hffo.
•leo poioed »wey.
The S yeor^ld •«> of Mr. »od MrsBeary Noble of Owoeeo. woe eewcly
hentod by enlllai’over • poaof bdillaf
The t-yeor old child of Mr ood Mm.
Ale* Tree. lielo( beer llowarlbe. wee
Molded to death.
Sa.ll bee keepen of Eaton eoaaty
report that the csire.e cold weather
hoe been death to their eolonlea
ManiatM baa lo atnaenU in the nniNewtnenbavn hMn added to the

MttMoUaM »«M by wmmj ymn
18 lOBb OMBty. ud «T8 C*Mr8tk>8i
I to bit bom I
of the teaUy w* Uriay to4»7.
oa StateetreMlaataisht from a baai-,<
H. O. Bom m4 lh« PMoihay Llac
Co. of Beyehore b»e* porebaMd the
Mia. G. W. Oifaac* of We. Nlath I
two lime
plMts of F. t-iem.
PJehl. <m« two. ' ttreet Uft on the C. A W. M. yeeterday
tkeotWr fit* aile* wert of Poto*- for a than eUU with relatleet asd
^ probabU Ukt tbey wUl frieadt la Petotkey.
eoatlane tobei^erMed.
aakiaf a
Mia L ViatOB aad Ml. Myrtle Box-1
^lalty of lime for
eie. of Batca, were eWtora bare yntep>
F J. Rntherford of Flint, hat a rcKe d.y.
worUy of a place in the aaUonai maaB. J. StHfeM aad K. J. Porter of
eom—a tllk bat which tertred at Plinth Ulaadi diacd at the WblUar yeaterBret poctottw. OO yean ayo.
StokM wa* Flint'*
F. Fdrrta letaraed yeeteiday fro.
need to meet the laoomlnr ttefe and Grand lUpIdt where he bet been
rMcire mil in tUt ailk hat. which Ilair on the yrand Jery*
Wat eecured by Bntberford fra. Mr».
Mra. E M. Saofleld went to Manton ; J
L W«w>n. Flint had no pottoBloc latl ereninc te apend Sunday with her ■ |
then, other than Jodye Stoket’ baU.
buthend. who hta chtrye of Dennlajd
At Secinaw Antoa EMhenhackm Brot-'naw mill.
wat riven a week in Jtil for vafrancy. j Chari. Bomb that relumed laat nlrht | J
Judre Laird offered the prUoaer a! from New Yprk. where be has been ; i
free exit from the eliy.< bnt Etshen- ; pgrebaalnr ttoek for the Boeton Slera. 11
backer declined to ecMpt nnlee* a anil' Harrey Avery of New Orleant, trav-1 9
of clothM tod 11*>'’
thoee. which jellnr aeleeniaB for the SImmona Saw ! 3
he WM badly in need of. wm forn-!co.. arrived in the city laat night. Oaii
]Wedaetday be will wed MIml^ny.4
--------------------------! Wilhelm of EaelBlehlbatreel. . \
I Frofemr a T. Grawn returae^;^;)M^ J
, ilrht fro. abutiae. trip to liraad 4
‘ An liparinnetd BMUnrant Han.

BSssiSs .srrrr

j key. baa leaned Ute bnildicv owned by , S
Holy conimunion at u:40 a. m.
Alderman-HueU^atal. formerly ocen-! ■
At anudale JobnOardae,a workman
Sunday achool at i::Oo m.
I pied by tbe gueen aty reaUaranu Mr. i ^
burnt the memhraae or dm. of bit
BvenlnK aervlcc and aermon at T.
'Cook has purebaaed the fixture* and |
rirht Mr TbnrMUy nlfht by drappi*F
In the evening the aesood of
disinir room ouidi and will arrive to- t
bin head down upon bik pillow with too aeries of lectnm on tbe Appiioatloa of day to prepare to open a firat elat
CTMt forec. IhealrbelarforoedanddM- CbrisUanity to Social gueationa will ne tanrant, with ail modern appolnimenu |
ly Into the cavity.
Sobjoei. ••Ouybl
the for Aral claaa aervlee.
Darlof a heavy anow atom, which Churchea lo Furnish Amasemenu:"
Tbe DMtb
laatnd all Friday afternoon heavy than-1 sobjeet in the .ornTby, -Life'* Fraydarand Urhlolny aoeoapanied It torj„eoU."
eWorkman.^e of t
•everal hduTB and Uarand out many! ^ cordial lavitatlon la extanded to oldest plonesnk of Msyfield
Mayfield llownshlp
uletAonea yt Eaeanaba.
| all.
diedFrideyeiyht of old
Mr and Mra. Quber of Marcrllaa. I
R„ 8
were yoloy ho«ne one dsrk nlyhl- They j oj,nVcb on corner of »th end Wsdr- \ »>«o«Med was ‘1 veer* of aye and bean ayed busbend leayea
wheeled the baba in a earriace.. Sod- wortb atreeta.
daoyfater to monrn her deelb.
danly It ti^ed over and tbe babe wm
Sunday aervicca as follow*:
itweral will be held Monday morniny
Inyeatlrallon ahowed it bad
Preaebiny at m :3u a. m.
from tke town hall of
rollad into a bole under a bedyc and
Sunday «choo1 at 11:3o a. m.
waapaaeefnily aleeplny.
PraachliiK at 7 p. m.
L. E Rlmel, a carpenter, died at
Mid-week prayer meeUny at 7;J0
BociabJIity end Flowers.
Ypaliapti Friday from tbe
p. m. A teecbera meellny la cbnnectnd
Tbe reyula^sine. meeUny of " '
of Mwer yaa while nnyajted in plumb- with the prayer meeUny.
Bpworlb Leayue of tbe Firat M. E
Iny. Be worked for aeraral hour* in
All are welcome.
church will be held In tbe parlors of j
a eallar filled with tbe deadly fumea
riwrr H.krnsT
the church Mondayeveniny at ' oVIoek :
- At Petoakey the Cuabman Bouae haa Bet. J •• Csrmau. PMM>r
10:3u. morniny service. Subject,
decided to make aome very extenaive
"UlimpaMof lUpUat Mission Fielda." ■haw will giwt a Ulk OB ■Soeiability." : ■
Utiprovemenu. addiny .neb to the ap­
and Mr. Cobh, aa illuatrated Ulk <
U:4t.Snnday achool.
pearance and convenience of Ibis very
-Flowera.'’followed by licht refreah- i
5;4S. B. V. P. I-. maeUey.
papular hotel. Five thousand dollars
eveniny aervlee. Subjee', "Tal- nenU.
will-be expended. Amony other improvaakenta will be a larye veranda ax- enuand Pound*."
At TnatinGoorfe SUoxell. a youDS,|
Prayer meelley T^uraday eveniny.
Mndiny alony the entire front of the
The City Union Normal Cla. will •inrle man. was badly croabod about I
the bead laat Friday by a loR roiHoy i
meet Monday after prayer meeUny.
Bobert Sberwood, ayed UT, aad Mra.
Thuraday—ileaeral prayer meeUny upon him. He never recaioed
Kllrabeth Wisdom, ayed «l. are conat 7:30 p. m. Normal Class at tha clone. •ciouanea* and died laat niybv
aldered tbe two oldest pioneers in
All are cordially invited.
Wayne county.
Both tell many inter- 1
eetiey Ulee of the early day* wfaeo In-'
dians were about tbe Nonly InbabiUnU
^x\ the service* of tbe week as usual.
in the vl.-lnlly of Detroit.
, j jiornlny
-Methodism *
Obas Oreenlny. of Ureeniny Braa.. |Century RstUe-Cry.''In tbe eveniny tbe
auraerymen. of Monroe, is loslny ejaubjeel will be.-rue Daoceof lieath."
deal tit 3IM acre* of land adjacent to j This will be the first of* series of lecNawayyo. which they will set out to
peaches M>e eomlay tprinir. inadditloB they also'Will establish a nurvery
FWt:Ni»- oit-Rt-a.
at thU point for the convenience of! ri Uen-lz)
anpplylny tbe northern porllon of the I Sunday *cbool at '.'itS.
Preachinc by paator. 11:00 a. m.
state and to be at the founMin bead of
tbe yroat fruit bell of Micbiyan.
C. B meetlocaf
Sermon *ut<ject. "That gaaker. who
The liome of a prominent merchant
of Beoion Harbor i»a* quarantined Fri­ be it. and what he ia," 7 p. m.


We hue ai elegant steel of them.

Ladies high grade warrant­
ed waterproof mackintosh.
Ladies double .texture, fine
vulcanized mackintosh....

A. Ladie.>i finest all wool brocade
somiithing to he proud of.. WWiwU

S3.98 3
H.G7 i
'2.98 i

Men’s black wool c
mackintoshes___ ......
A better grade
Tan colored Box Coal

Dress Goods!
The flneet the market affords Crepona. Oraaites. Popline. Venetians, Mo­
hairs, Jacquards, Henriettas, Brilliantines, Sicilians, Bangeline, Cheviots, Coverte. Broadcloths, etc.
Our goods will suit you our prices will more than suit you. You will
f nd no finer stock in the city than that which we have to show you.
See our Hue of new eltks.
It will be a pleasure to show you stock whether you wish to buy or not.
The latest things in fancy silk and sateen Pettiooau, 89c to $6.00. See a
few of them in our west window.

Are You Ready For a Spring Suit?


Whether you are or not, call and examine our fashionable stock from the '
famous art tailors, Black A Meyer. They are perfect fitters, elegantly made, of !
the finest and latest materials.
Our prices are the lowest ever placed on Uke quality of garments.
Why pay a tailor twice tbe amount we aak and get no better and in many '
i-aeee inferior make, quality and fit Our goods are guaranteed by tbe makers,
a guarantee that guarantees. You can make no mistake by buying a Black A
Our Stock of cheaper suits-is tip top. Prices lower than ever.
For a Hat get the R08 WELLE
We lead in tbe Carpet and Wall Paper line. No old stock.

The Boston Store.

Bui we do believe in signs Hivhen they are
so.convincing as those which point to the



Front Street


-KlinMI umitlltlliT.
day on aoeonotof antillpoxandone new
Set. U K. BruOni. Pa-IAT.
oaae wa* reported is the country Fri­
V:3U a m..claM meeting.
day. At Maiervliet. a few mile* north,
|6::iii a. in., preaebiDg.
where tbe tint ease devedopod from a
17:00 m.. Sunday achool.
lady employed in tbe paper mill, there
S:I3 p. m., Epworth League
arenoweiffbtcaae*. aome of them
: p m. Goapel aervioe.
lac l^kt one* and othen «H>ite aerloua.
Special aervicea will be oontinned
It la feared that other cub* will noon
daring the week.
break out. a* numerou* clUrj
■ T>NHaKOaTlit\AI.
caponed before the nature of tbe dU- Sat. D Cteaiin.
eaae waa realized.
Sermon at in-30a. m. will be tbe
At Manlaue. Ole .lohaaon. betur •ecoud in the urlea of Lenten aermon*
known M tiwinc Joknaon, abot bimaelf ; Alt are Invited to come and oooaider
at 4 o'elo.-k Friday afUrnoon. back of the anbjeett which belong U> thia
tha richt ear. with a .v.‘-calibre revol-1 taerad m-'v
ver. Be ia linceriuc. but la likely to ] rt%aV U. Parka will aiac
die at aay momeot. Jobnaon waa be- tbU tervice.
Ingexamioed for hi* aanity. Ue fled
Sunday achool at noon.
and before he could be captured. *bot
Jnnior Society of ChrMtlan Eodcavbimaelf. Be evidently bad a revolver or at t p. la.
eeseealod in tala olothioga* be bad been
Yonng Pcopla'a Society of ChrMUan
la jail aeveral daya.
EodMvor at i'Ai p. m.
Tbe police at Renton Barber aad St
SuB^ evening eorvioes nt 7 p. u.
Cborne choir moeU In ttody at
Joseph have been bnay aearcblng fur
Go* Krkenbeck, a I
. agMl'P- a
Bave yon eetUed the <
1 of a
aboni 85. who WM Uataeea about midnight in an Intoxicated coodiUoo by | CbriaUan life and a ebnrcb home in
tbe night watch and wm ordered to go : Traveree City Tboee w^blng to nolle
borne, it U feared that tbe man either vitk tbe ebnrcb at the next commnnmat with foal play ax he nanally car-' kw abonld hand tbclr namea or letter*
vied ooMlderable money, or that be I
bM aeeldenuily tumbled Into tbe ca-1
Willard W. C. T. O. EloetUB.
■al near the Inmbar yards. Bia botM
Tbe Willard W. C. T.’r. have elected
WM found Friday mornlag hitebod in
aa alley
tbe fcdlowing oftiecra:
PrM.-Mra Ada Fuller.
Bd Bier, of AlgeaeM. kM a horae
Firat Vice i'ru.-Mra. Emma Wood.
that knowa a tning or twa Tbe cbilSee. Vice Prea.—Mra E Bardy.
draa drive him to acbool aad tnra klm
Third Vice PraaldaBt-Mra Egbert.
arowd aad ha goes home m eteady
Rec'd See'y.—Mt*. Hrath.
Mtboegbbe had a driver. At night
Cor. See'y.-M^ HatUe F'raaktls. ^
beta hiuM to the cart aadsaatto
TroM.—Mra. G watkln*.
briag the children home. «ne night
BvangelisUe/$npt.-Mra. Qdlett.
be aaw them coming near by and
Snpt. of JaiV Work-Mrv Helm.
waited tm they came aad got in the
SnpU of F^wer Mimlon-Mra Alice
Mr*. Jama* Tanner, of Ionia, diod at I Snpt. of Molhera’ MeoUng—Mra.
MldBigbt Friday. She oelebratod her Wood
0*0 bnndredlb birthday anniveraary
. Cor. Mra. Waite*.
oa Oct. $i>. Ia«t. and bad bees in good
i4d*a. Mra.
bMllb notil a abort Uaae ago. sbe guaifa, Mra'lngwaoL


You can
swear on your soles
I- you sr> jvr
oil your Bhof-purebas-By on.' ulamv into out hIhh, d»|>artiiii-at will imivt* t«> yno
bpyoml i1' uUt that our «(>riuir liof* whii-h baa juat arriveii
ig «-x<vlled hy noil'- and <H|UBli'd hy

Where Can You Get
DonKuia Shoe.

[^esthvr Tip t>rr 69c.

Where Gan You Get
Ladii-r- lacf or huttou Dunijola ab-zee. |wu-nt It-ath-r lij*.
Mylieh. f»r 98c.

Where Can You Get

increasing demand for our ' BEST" flour.

Ijidirti Don^fola sUohs. wry |Xi|niUr ib
nvil worth ?1.5y to ?1.65 for $1.-10.

stock ti|w.

WherA Can Y ou Get


A ladie* sho*. warranted ail solid inner sole* Aodcount<-nv made of good IV)ugola stock.sold elsewhere for$S.OO
--•>ur prii-e la $1.38.

'Where Can You Get

$16.00 For $10.50
$13.00 For $7.50
$8.00 For $5.00
$7.00 For $3.75
Thi* Is the way we do business on
suits during our “Expansion Bale"—Ask
more about them, and do so at once, for
this ssle means money to you if interest­
ed. and will not last long it present salek
are any indication.

Hamilton ClothingCo.

The "Mim-rvi.’' a ladies Vtci Kid Tsn Colored shoe,
stylish and llnible. wsmintej all solid, a cheap shoe for
i±:r, -our prire is $1.89.

Where Cfui You Get
A uiaa’s good solid Buckle Buff Shoe fur 08c-

Where Can You Get
A uieos’ Satia Call Shoe. Tbo^ or congresi, up-to-date
toes, well worth $1.60 for 98a

Where Can Ton Get



A men's Satin C*lf Shoe, lace or conjfi^ warraated all
solid inner soles and counters, well worth $2.00. ooc
price is $1.28.

■Where Can You Got
A Hiu,«’ Orain Leath.-r School Shoe for Ote.

Where Can You Got
A ladies Serge Congress Shoe f«>r 49c.

Where Can You Get
A children’s shoe, uzes from 3 to S. for 19c.

Where Can You Get
A child’s Doogola Shos, psteat testher Hp, flexible, sizes
ffo« 3 to 5, for 89c. ________________
Just received 5 more eases of ChOdres’s Spring Heel Bubbera for 16c.
Full (wses of Ladies Rubbers for 84c.
Men’s Rubbers for 49c.
For all tbe abuve Imrgains mentioned, call at

The New York Store,
Corner 6th ancY Union Sts.

South Side



I Sei^eralk'Kcq»

totood «»,M.
bo hod iwl draw*
toaMPtai* IfiWMl hook of (hot
■Mr nid ptoeod tt to a vmeook oodBt
Boted«olr«Btood»toBUecto tnm
toohokwhaho dk«>wod kb tow
ud toothatod OMorek-bal MtrM kM
bMtoodoftke BOOT It olipood
TwvoMOnr MufeK.
Btfow io » Uot of too kotor Md otol

0lMMtftlTh«Sa«M.lU7 !«..
«K MC* badlM bkv« bM toad ia
« d*krk of tho aral —nil— whiek
CaoM- Pork IBT Md.»
«40 GootoM. rimM*. Om of tba is- goorPtrt^fc...i«t^ dlod PHdordi rort qoMti^ of rack;
tho oSUfe of KooMrjo. Mr Altaeoto.
Of Altaoeeto. fell
rrM»7. doMraria* «mT kooM od
JdUtof 11 poople.
- tba ThoBM Btoa rlM tMlary.
>—InytoyW—. wiU oIom doira
dadotaltrir VMBorrow oickt mX PiUo*Vf. P» . OB oeeaul of tk« foor do•MBd tor Ua>p dtlowaraEor. T.DoWlU Tola
«he pMtorato of the Prat Praaby
.■hsrek. Waaktortoo, to irlve Ue attcatoia Bare fully to literary work.
■OTiM BanoorTsaiiMCVr
Pea Bel Ai^ ie a native of OUo.
HFnm IS to i'-> ka Borkad ea fanae la
J&iobfidd, O . kto parau bailiff eoatry



Some Day sfis-Er"

Mdbr otoM

srsa's 5Li:sr;:r3!
____________________ I to be the (bIj

oekool baildtofA koto old mIW.
Forty of the oifktr-tkrao botldtoco
fall belov toe otadM of «aWe air

abora. a»d bat ooraa baUdlafa aro oatiroly above. Thero wore bat two
■ow baUdinca oreotod loot year, too
Bayw aad toe Aotboay Bow«. The
BaToa io eoUrely below otaodoM. aod
' '
Bportaaeo ot toe anoBBt of air
___ caaoot be over eatiBated. aad it
M to be booed toot toe arebltee'e who
pUa oar aebeol boUdlan will >c more
earefal la thei fatu*.”—D
~ obmUc BoCiaeoriai.

BCThrfrxhs canos.

j.-,'JKr’JEL =„

Labor eirelB la toe aorthwaet are
' . naeh affliated over reporte that ku..drada of Japan»e coatraet labiftaB are
e..o»«-Hrt.fv.«eBce lOt.
toalaff brouffht Into Puyat Sound eltieu.
. 43 t0 4T
A order for JO nilee of
Byotem-orator pipe tor the Baade ffold nlnee at
Aa orraaizatioo knowa ao toe
Jokanneebarff, hae been placed with a
A i. BOOTT. Votariaary Bunn«a. QmdCivic Ceator io Waablairtoa. D. C . bao TNB.
JJ nel»«f OaiartoVvtvrinaTyCoilegv Trvale
JPittabarff tube worke.
'SkawaeeloB. III., pet^e are leaviaff beeo malday a ^iury examloatloa
Dsiyaad nlrsT^aiU prewptAheir home* me feat ae they ea becauec
lyaltenevdls Hty «r matrr. A> R. 3. Mor«ke town b threatened with a dleat- the report of toe Ccoter which .U of xao'sUtvry. TvWyih^Be Ro 1
aroae flood, ahoald the weakened leeee pvUeaUr iatoreol to plantrior oad /-IILBRRT * OaTMdHttorvers. apMlalat
break. I.ut April It did break and S5 •tooB beaiiac- contracton i» that Cr tanUeatoPvobaWpWi^. RoetasSaaC
which relatoo to toe dralaace aod
jgpec^le were drowaad.
VPAXLY C DODfJR. Al4ney aad eouoaelAaffuet SchmldL of Wolffuat, la Pom- beatlocaad venUlaUar of the buiid- JDto tar a> U«. OBeea. CUy Opera Bmse Blk.
•BrMla. now liu yaare of affe.U believed lar*. The report, ao tar ao tooae sob-so be toe last enrrivor of tbe Praetiaa jselo are treated, readoao foliowv:
arar of liberation of ills IS.
-Wilhaln aeot kin a photoffrapb ofl the
ik. tfalrty-oae have the loog
otid enperor and a teleffram of oouffrat• ■ 7 the iaaitor, four
------ -- --------------water cloael, aod
ntatioo oa hie birthday.
Sletor Mary Helen Ellie,«one of tbe tolrtyoeren toe Smoad dry ciooel.
Tbe troorb clooeU e very objeclioo-tew eurvivotn of the baod of Bonan able, beiar renerall'
irally raity. lU-omell^tbollc SlaUra ot Mercy who, under iaraadlmpoaelbleto
it to keep deal
mXAllSBD Krnsa—Hlsa Retelta Botaemb. a
-flfiaa Niffbteaffale, went to attend toe aaiB ot toS.OMof the ......................... ...... A gv^iataol UeOalvctaliyBeapiial. Aas
to eaUe for onratac. B)
SaffUtii aoldiera la toe Crineu vrar, last year for plombior repaira lathe Arto,^^^
puWic ochoole wae eecored aadelrkt
died lately at WaUkaBetow, Gufland, of toe troD^b cloeeU are to be torn out T ODm-D»«iru>« drew ukiBc door »i
in her fid year.
Many Storerreporta that the kinff
«T Belffiam. to atiqi the deatmetioo of with new nrioalr, and twelre are to
have toe terra-coiu eewere replaced
India mbbartreMto the Oonffo Free I by iron. Tbe
The Snead dry eloaett-in;
Mlate. haa ordered tba planUny of ISO I tolrtj-eeren
ren buildiori
buildiort-orc located InjT <
aeoto. Tbe
The eloeet veulls are I" ■irvrl. E. R. rbstmaa.
' «e« treeaevery year, under penalty of toe baeoBeoto.
djaceattoaad• oonn
heavy fiuea for failure to do ao.
loul air chamber, where heate.
JfeffotlatidiH are on loot between C. from toe ochool roome ic collected by
P. Buntinfftott and Preeldent Cabrera meana
neaoe oi
of oevioufi
devioue aeu
aed twisted
twUied eban-1
of Onatemala. which, if eonaunakd. oela, passed over toe vault, to aid in ' t p«>ia.uu. a« api< ,
will reauU in tbe buildlnff of 130 milea
'Ct-tailroad in Puatenala by meaaa of
whtootkeUuleaoutoem republic will ones a year—dorioff vacation. There!
have an overland line fron tba Pacific is alwayta ponibllity of ba
'“rbta ' Q.IRL WAKTRO-^^oetml hou-e
the system is obiM
M tee AliawUae^ily ^ W«^hlni.*ou”
* K7-IJ ■
every feature, aod akvnidI beapeedi
Sandreds are in deatitatioa at Dawaeded by nodem water

la Intereetiny to note to this eonaoa Oitv and many will aUrve nnleaa
leetioB that of the forty buildlnyi ivepeedj relief ii aeal, aeeordlnff to Unit- neetion
n ud evraloc Mtideotii
porlioy 1
' cd btotea Cooaul McCook.
diaeuaes Uat year—dipbiitoarla i
Slanker. fix WMbiDjn
’ ttMi
Tenant recently ahipped their Aral let fever or both beiny reported in
carffo of cotton for toe Japaoeae mar- thirty-two. and measles in ten—twentyaiybt are heated and ventilated by toe
.heta. It cooaiated of 13.9.1$ balea. and Smead tyvtcn. nine are heated '
« QTRINSKRliS UAU,-Fer retil tar puU>^
waa loaded on toe Japaaeae ateamcr •team and three by si

Of , b ottailnp*. eaucu-w.. lod«r wrrUm:..
TkBfaaMaru. She la aaid to have been tocae bulldlnffa Ue ! tbe Smead dry: daerr part'
the Aral veaarl ever loaded at a ffulf . loaet In toe baa



port for Japan, and will ffo by way of
.tbe Sari caaal Io Kobe. Yokohama, cloMUandone is an automatic lluah-'
and Kaffaaaki. Boffliahinea conmand
ake veaael bat her crew la node np en.tlraly of Japaneae.
iTifty Cbioaffo people ware wilkla one
foot ot death on toe aorib Halatead
- atranbvldffeThnraday niffbk An alectrie oar ran upon the atruetnre without
the notomao notieinff that the draw
waa open until withla a few faet of toe
.dhaarn. Be ahouted a vramlnff to the
oaaMuffera and reveraed toe enrvant.
.^earatopped with the front end
tiowu on the edye of tbe abutnenV
within one fo^t of a terrible ^nnffe. 12 miles aoath of town, known as tbe Conlon {Rrm; b
1 barn. 40k60
'tereral paaaeaffen were injured in toe with Luement under tbe whole: emsU frame boose; a good orchard;
' enaniny panic, f
wind mill
S«‘vaBt)' adrea improved and free from atermpa; ic a good
t.raiiag c.nniry; nictly
Will .ell Ihe 1110 .ere. or will


Farms for Sale!
160 Acres

• Friday! fron tie hlybeat tower of the divide it nurtli and aonth aad sr‘ll the Mgbty acres with the improre*
.Bikedrsl of Malaca—a disunec of »«o’ luenis on, which woald tfi'c abont 60 acres free from etutupa
feet from tbe r annd-aod was datovd' OD thia front HO. Price for SO with boildiaga and ort^rd, t2,000: tUe
into an onreoaimisable man. A 4arffe
' other 80, *600,
crowd witni
- The Kew York board of hoalto has
been asked to ffrant a permit to the
■edora Horae Meat Co., of Norto Da-

40 Acres


f^ew v!Lk^'Tbe*m^ny"'M a*^ One mile west of Carter's mill in Lelanaw conuty; 30 acrefl cleared
plied toe board with atotiatiea ad an-1 some timber, aoongb for wooii; a good iwo-stury boose; eight acrep
fulya* which show that toe meatli) ©nt to amsU fruit; large spring creek rvne tbroogb north part of 40;
a to sail b anee palatable than i ^
place for market garden and fruit growing.
Price 12,000,
anaeh ot toe beef fnmlaked. -More
"" one-fourth down, balance on long time.
«Brc la token In toe klUlny of the ulnsH.*' toe affentof tbeoompany writes
-than that shown in toe elaaffhlerlaff
of beef."
Frtuleln Bias Nenmann i

80 Acres

d^^flntwoaaatobs 00 ii-—i-- and bum; 40 acrer of timber on tbe plaoe; will exchange tbu place
for Traverse City proper^.,
•She <*toiaed it ia toe atodlea ot
latry aad BstoMtotioa. which ake baa
poiuned at Oattiagw ud flaisbad at
Barilo. Tbe ball-Where toe eemaoBy
^oek place was crowded, and tbs yoaUff
D roealTcd

/ A (jins House and Lot

the yeaeral pabUce aad^
At Omaha. Neb.. Thmaas OSoar of
the beaklay firm of Offieer A BoMy ot
CoaacU Blntta Friday lost a roll of btile
«■ the atreeto of Omaha. ThacoUeoa-

On Hannah Avenoe; one acre of land; good well of water; booM re­
cently painted and plastered and pat in No. 1 shape.



You stoopod over aod away wont your corset.
Then you thought
!!! but wrords can't express all you diought, aitd
very naturally too. that the first time you had an opportunity you would
buy ao “unbreakable corset."
You were fortuuate indeed, if you got a P. N. No. 110 or No. 310,
as they arc RUST PROOF aad UN­
BREAKABLE and Cost you only $ixx>
each. That is very cheap for such a Cor­
set and we want to show you it.


The Above Illustrates a Few of tbe Models.
Our show window has a display of some handsome “P. N." Corsets—Sec this
display—It'll do jou good.

The P. N.'s are Unbreakable Side Corsets.
Made with extra stays re-lnfOTcioff tide •toela. yet so coostraetodsb to not imp
Thb feature wMI be appiatiatod by tooee who are troobled with corseto breakloff: as
COTMU arc BO riffid as to be aooomfortable to toe wearw and injorious to toe health.
•nivto two ffreat ohstoclea are orercome wito this corse*, and we wal tboM who are looklnff for ssehw
ffanneul to try one of these oambers aod we will ffuarantee eotiic satiafactioo orrefnnd yonr OMwey.
CorseU made of fioe Freoch Jeans and Ssteen: boned torooffbout with first quality msl-prooi atoei aowtnr; fl-xibleas* ’ ’
-" 'lindr
in drab, white and black: fiotsbed with silk edgiofi
ThU eorart while beinff sobstontial in wear la atylito. ffraeefoi aod oi
at a BBch faiffber prie________ ______
_ ___ ________
_ _
U toil ad. I------------------r deairat'e featores
MAIS-S coax PROTECTED El'ST PROOF CLASP—a very ImporUalllem which Insoras freedom I
and ' roken elaapa. and preveoU rust spots oo no '
yonr friends wbool lb
made f.>r p. N. CmeU—tell
This maans MONEY SAVED forr you and
aod customers
S</«s is to 30. SI . 00; 31 teSC, SI $3—A ND A NEW CORSET FREE IF ONE O' ----- 7R0NU.

We have other good Corsets, too,
such as the well known '‘\V. U." Corsets and the popular
Corsets and Corset Waists, etc.


In^Lower Priced Corsets
we call your attention to the ^ylcs below, price 50 Cents.



can fill your wants in the line of Cor­
sets. no itlRtter what it is you may want
--thecheajicst to the best.

Let Us Show You the Styles..
AND Popri.AK P
.\. ' C .^»
*; H‘*
Tara-v^arse Oitisr, Miclxisaia..






Quick Results-Record Want Column.
Price Cuts
A Small Figure
Is what talXs with u*-our business was built up by
selliuggood goods
Tbe past 15 years in the shoe trade ought to be proof enough
that our prices are right, aad convince you that wo are no experi­
ment. Yon take no chanoea when you get your footwear ot

Frank Friedrich,
The Old Reluble Sbw In.

Brave Men 14^ho Are
Bearing the White
Man s Burden.

Otis, Bawton, King, Mil­
ler and Others Have
BxceIlent Records.

InnK TauK*-- Afl«T
ili>-|<:>‘n>‘nil KliMl.
ll■'•• a Rhb of Irui'v wax
cnunirv inillii*
ha <'*ai>niui
liullan lln-». and Ibt- IndlHii)! t^ut tn CliarK« Kins.
tlrv<! of need*
:rvdu<-(ton here ae
] word Uial the>*
xtioiiR iH-iwonnIlly. Howivei, |
1 »ui and wanted to make iieut^e.
•uddenneu lauaed no sreaUr xorprtae I
fwin-l that Hull Invited Colonel oile to meeariU'
Iteeii out of the armi m> Ioiir ilia
than the ^A-aJatlon U made thai the ] 0'.*r.
prextln* phuxe • ■r hix milliHrv
while may
. have dreumed ll
( "talk"
Otix aahl no. hui ' In- would
•urrender. xlnoe (he armwould ai-lunllyau
meet BlttliiB Hull inxld" tie- lliii-e «r hu<
ed Fillirtnox
iRihrred the Anierltne,
D knew that (he chief of the ran* two tu one. h I General Ode lx not own troope. Slltinit Pull did mu n-me
whole B
111 lo Ihi-vounill, hut went Ihrif <-lii.-(x Btair of GenernI Kn
army wax a aoidlrr "hardened l.> a ,h„ i;!,,,) „f „,an
,,'n example of
Into an luteniatlonal
to reprexent him. and upon iheir pledahundred lialllee," tml the u^adlera and.' nteUle when he hax any army work to
InR the faith *f thrlr trllHv iMl. disenlonela ' and tieutenani ^ilonelx few, put thmurh wax alveii yearn oro on the
iillmti-l a einalNiuaiillty of l.urd hn ud honor of the. alloy op th-- faoioux Meoutalde of army oirtMex and iK-rhapx the I'lainx iti a tonlaci w ith BlttlnR BuH'x and Imi-on to llm Indiana, lillinii them lotili- met- tnu-k. Ill* o|ip-*oentx were
•arnaod lownt. knew e«en hy name.
xavase Uloux. Otl, wax then lleul.-«-nl
Atixli-liui ewiiiil. n R.-iit!eroan of
he had m. uuAt one tine It aeemed that all but
Twenly-aetond lnfamr>.
•m noi to make Pran«e.
UnRllahmiin -f the name
Stuart and a f(iMouK Irish rider, Mr.
,hry d<-xlrrd
All of liiexe
»'I JUirender. they, niuet S-. t.i the main Jamex Itinu'
»f (he paaL aad a feellmt like that In „„ T,„tfue river hud l>een NUin|>e<Ied
s riniply M
'■ I eamp at T-mRue rlter. Uvanwhile Colo(he breaxlxof (be men of the Uljhl hrl- j,na turned nboul '■> overwhelmlt|Rnum- '

Tongue rlv- xoldler. The odds were heavily aRHiost
Skdc on (he mornins "f llalaklava day
I the ladirx' xtand.'
him, aad. •
• came over the callani felioVe left le- much' ne.«hd xu|>pllee to the Rarrieon at
delay of hla train and advaio-ft | w hiih wax crnw^e•l. th-man In buttoux
hind ,when the ex|ieillUonx ealled for TonRUe rlier. C^donel NVIxon A. Milea with a whole reglnienl of Infantry m'f-iund hot twii <h.iim>ions with
Cuba and the rhlll'pidnee laxt June. Be- at that time commanded the RarrlxuD. Mus'i the noRonx and their excorl.
He ^ . ouiaue lo weat Hie whtii- and hli
fore the U|ht hnRudv wax ordered tnlo OUm tram prwved.-d w ith xome xklr- met the ex(ie<llt1«n iuxi two days iifier'the Yunke.- ..filler. Klin.* w-ni ihe
the alauchter pen of HaUklava. l/ord mlehliiK and reai-hed fh-ai eivt-kr
SittiiiK Hiur* thn uiwilns mexxaRe. hut i vHiiily; in fai l, he said lhai
l«ilnl -where the prevl.-ti* esiorl had met
In he
e Teiiiplai
Colonel Oils In
agalnil a whole dIvIxIon of Kuxxian < B\- ’ (he Indians and Im-vv defent<-d. Again
wild (o RO louml Hie
alorm had iH-en Bniiii'-ll--xx. )
* iliiisy and
Airy. Se-lfig Ihal, Icrd I'uidlRan -if the th- aavaR-x wen- on hand and had tired j
iill lh-- olhvr hnpxex
AlihoURh b.o ii to some family dls- i
L.l^t liilgade xald to the oltirei-* uIhjiii ' the pralrlex xo Ihxt III- Wagiinx u
nlikahli- alRos of havliiy
tinrtlon Hiid weHlih, Colonel ous 1« an
"U rll. the 'heaMex' liare tile luUgh
mpelled to adraiie.
,A iistf 1-pl. i‘*ijtsul
.TjddAiiierlran of Ihe ruRRisI di mo-lolIr-; t«s-n
•n W today. We are out of^ltl" But the nalio-a. The xatwi
ly|s'. lie Rradiiiilod from llajt ar-l ll^
d.-agooiii. lancers and buxaars did not a determined an
■ exfort
' knlov ihoi ih->
yeiii the mil war hrt»ke •-i;l
lui-Jiiitelt enjlspsl ax a i«rl«ale soldi-i. , Wosl r.eof '
iT (hey
Soon proinot.-.! lo.caplulii. h- foiiRtil
RHllunlly ihfoiiEh Hi- wai nml w.ns w-'d-.






x.-Vfn-ly mtotidi-d that h«-.-s»uld nm | r'der.
lake up the praeHi-e of law. which he
<>nea>f. (he
had exiMS-ied lo make Hi<- |■lslfeKsl^m o( ; of f'aptaln Kin : Ik’Hihis life
Uriurultuc to the ann>. ho , he yat the i^o-ii-J whicti ,e», ihhhIIv
was <--<unmlxs'loiied. In the Tw.-nty-xts -; tdae—l hlir. <oi: Hie n-ilied H«i
and Infantry, then siaflojaoi lai IheliVallinR after the Ai-n-hes in Ailsana
plains. II lx xald that when he tlixl with a hnndfui of n--n one da? h- a .>
joim-d the reKUUrs lh<- West I’.nrfl '-f* i pra- liinlly .I.tx ri.Hl liy hl«
nls an I
Ueeix icruseil to BXtHS'IaU' wiih hliii left (o l1nd Ills] w ay aloii '
tb-iiilInK h-s
I» rxr*n.illy Ist ause he did not U-VmR lo toen in'differviH dlr.s tloBs, In-"i-eat lli their Rllt odReit cIhss.
lie Ib-n made j tloiket and filially found biin—Jf In e
a remark, which has often lafn -lu-red | horiiels' n- «l :Aii'-w« flew fiorr, all dlIn ibi- umiy xlnre, that "a w-lilln b* a,iwiions. King "a- litl. HiwnRi. n-d so.
suldlei wjielher from the raiikx ni from | rUaixly, and Rnl iiehind a r-n k huolInK
West I’lilnt."

la cwMne reuifc f“> I'lisniess. II> allot
Another trait of his wbleh xbauld en-; twn qf tht.s-1 Imllans. I.tit l~ f,we h-i dear him to Ho- Amerli-aii |s-.ple r.s-allx i-*iuld r. h-ud a (mtl-i xlialler-sl hix riirtil
. the perxonalliy of Umenil Shemuin. . arm. The ii.-^ thUit t- -i.. »a» to try
with whom Colonel tu.s w«s a great ’ «" r-nrh his .dmrnd. s. which he did by
favarlte. When Oilx became colonel
stnrtlnR to lun, Tilprdnc unluckily uls.n
the Twxmy-xemnd Infantry. It wax as- ; o vine, he wax ihr.iwn la-mlloi.R .-Ighi
II an .m1«nkm. nl. He
xigned to a garrlxon at Fort Urown.'or ten feet dop
Texas. Soon aper he arrived there the ' knew
the grooml hy a and rumlile.1
wax Ixvxled

tonlsht after
' The 8**vihat'e
— the vrai-k
and luul
re<liiientx of the
he Ipm
fouRht at the
- of
T Gal
r (ienri-Al KInR'x father.

. realmenl and Rot the Siotnlxh fla«. Tbl#
hoy lieutenant diow not owe hix bonOM
' tti family Inllueni-e. for he x.-rvt-J (otif
■ yeurx ax a prUate aaldler and only *0»
' hla oiminilxxion after pawlnii two rlfl4
I exaininatloiix.

wAxglveiiivmmandof the Flml brigade xervlng wlth'the "PlgfatlnR Fifth" U
MaiArthurx divixion. aen-ed Is the the clUl war. then With the Flftaaoth
Illinois Volunteer* all through the i lvll and Twyhty-thlnl on the ptalna.
war and has heeii In (he revulam xliiie '
ItrigtOh r G-neral Irtlng Hale hag
IsCB. He won three hrevetx and a medal fully Jived up to hix reputation for bra»«
of honor for |s monnI gallantr.v
\ ery hy hi* gallant work tn the Philip*
lu Man-Uf r. MIlhT thoae insurKvnt* plnex.
who have di-xlgnx u|M>n Iloil.i find a vetFor plarInR Arthur MiieArthur At (M
er«n fighter, who, like hix chief, xayx'end of the 11*1 there lx Juxtlflratlon la
r ten<|s>rlxin
xitiK. ............
the faet
he lx the youngexi
V ppi|su._........................
• So" to every
Miller .lx In himxelf a type.
He Is a : xmallext of the American generals At
veteran artlllcilxt und all thiough the ; Manila, bul when ll comes to rpellint
civil wsr foiiRhl with that arm of the thayord "ValiH" In conino tloii with h(s
xerrhe. Now. the kind of weaimnx sml , name it cullx for a leiier-V fully SJ
nilxxilex Whieh a soldier flghlx w ith for large ax f-i the best In th* hunch. TJtg
lime Iwivc their Impc-ss uiion his Rallanlry ..r thix xoldler I* su well
tel. An aitillerlxi slams things kimw-n to n-a-h-r* --f Xt-ir1ex of lirrolsi*
cneiiiv. A ••erlaln xiyl.- of war that ll n-ol not h- recnlle.1 here. He la
h-Hdet may Is- typlll.-l as a "slammer." ' a master In the ait of war ax well as 1s
Mill. 1 Is a "slanfKTetiin-I the FillpHio* th- game .-r ilRtmng. h-n— If It rew.ll alwavs run against wnnethlng too ' ijulrrx striile«y t.. k.-p the V'tllplnos ia
hard for the human skull l» wllhxtan-l chei-k .Arthiii Ma.-Arthur -wb map OttI
when they atl^mpl to ctN-xs the demJ the progmmmB.
}lio',-it ll.dlo.
Ma. Arihui s old . oinradex tril Btorleg
■ li-neial UurIo'S rose
th.' v..I- of hi* saliid .Iunx In Hn- srmy whirfi
uiii.s-i lank-' of (iH- TwelfUi Peniixyl- Klly lllustiei-H.’iyunl Tayloi'x epigram
toiiia res.-iw-x lin.l Inter In tin-civil wol-1 un hraterj.—Th- iHat’-sl are the («adislPUiUlxhod hlmsilf as cnptMlh anil dcrexl." XVh.-n th.- boy pdn.-d the vol*
col-.nel 111 Hi- HlRhly-fifth and One Hun- j Uliteers In eamp In I»« th- idder «DM
rti.d nh.I Niti.ty-iilnlh I’eniisylvnnla.
j laugh-d at Ins pr.-t.-nsmns of being ct
At Hie do*, .-f Ho- war th- i-.-*.T»bir I the stuff of whl.-h i*.Idler* are mads,
alloy list was as-Acliislvo nn.l Hs .llTii-I Arthur .rl.-d oier lb- Imputation tot
II.-<1 ns Hint of New V.irk's arlst.M-rati.- j a ilin.-. Ih-ti lftii*h-d. awuy the leari
imm.'rlulx, -foi lliej- wax iimn> hu ex- ‘ and Xaid. Walt t(ll Hi-y iw-.- how 1 caB
iii.i}..! R.-n-ral of v.duiHei-rs holding th-.- ( hsi'l; Hi.-n miiyU- ilx-y'll like me bet*
TLi.k of field era.-r.
.Major Gen.-ral
id." A y-ni oi ».■ inter he wax IbS
M-rtiit wh« only a cMpPuii and Major ;'ea.’.f of a flghtitig-J-glin-nt. and it
G.-IIVI..I Miles on th.- weillnR list a pro- hapje-ned that a *• rReanl who had liesB
SIH-.IIVC ..>|.in»l, Hut C-donel Hiigh”x‘. kind and th-.UKhlful to him In the btWKI ir.s r.1 Rnlh.s] him the rank of rap
R.ntnng wax w.'undod In n charge an4
(iiin III !v«<i
jlefi l»hlnd on the field when the rxgl.
licii.-rat Th'imas M- Anderson alaried ment wax onlen-d elx.-whej-e. Coloosl
with the r.-RUlHix in ItRl- aft.-c volun- ! Mai.trthui l-anied of li and sent a fils
l.s-ring us prltalx Just m show that he' iif men to the front, aaylm;; "Find 5er>
wu* a chip of Hie ICiile-rl And.-rxen geanl
dead nr ulhe.
,xi<»-k and a worthy nephew of the de-| bring him Pi the aunt.'-.n at nme: If

-. l.iil Jii-t

....................... irfhT'iwRlmenVlo'rehniid the Irish sergeant. Tayl..r, .olHm;: "l-lsuiHixt Mild did not ealMipoii the wui .le- tenant, lleuloniiijil Wh.-i. «i-.- yeT'
partment (or aMlxtancf. He ev. ii hi.n- King answer^.1
H.-reV and v.ih.oil

-him oi. II

' l.iii. Jhom
(he.« ■ and r


HMRadler G,-nerx1 llan ls-n G

‘»'1-lorcd Ho- gall-.,

-..-r faxbtill trail,
t V ice • o

fellow to lea.

Otis, a well known newspaper m.n of •; '"■ »
;•“* "■»;* «»e
the Pacific cmixl. General Oils wa, a Irishman refuxeu tu do. fo. I>c knew
private soldier at the Iseglnnlng of the ' 'h"* King s file w.iuld he death by th,civll war and won several ptoumtlons' ("‘-t
tortur. *, rtnally. wh.-n
gallantry and soldierly . ..ndn. I. A «•*<■
V" '
“ It told of him at the
...... i ayior s -irenglh
Uglnnlng of «nd
xirengtn nao nearly given
Spanish war. wb#h has Iwen spoil-. "Ut. King was che.-red hy hearing him
ed by much travellnr but in the original form filly Illustrate* hix chsmeter. »»ny-x soon m.lxhe.1 the xavagex. an-l
Soon after he was commissioned l.riga- Tsylor was-awiird.-d u medal of honoi
stay OBI ot It. abd toon turned the laugh ^ charged again and again, driving ibem dlcr general and put on the uniform of for taxing the life of Captain King.
«« the "heaviea." who are seldom men- ' bark for miles aad thee ruablag tbs' hta
was aUo U.m lo social
bU rank be paid a visit to tbe camp of iIGeneral
tioned in (OBBerUoe with tbe Balaklava t.-ams forward.
the Seventh California volunteer mgl-, dlstlnctloir. bul that fact has
j The sroond day an Indian mnner ap- „,eoL Now. when a general vlslu tbs spoiled his true Americanism. During
Reguisr soldier* don’t love fighting peared In sight of the train, and. mak- headquarters of a regiment ll Is customthe clvU war he was only aUd. but bix
naif xQ Well as the civaian loves tales . Ing the customary algnaa*. dspostted a ary
,ry the
the sentry
sentry to
to announce
announce him
him so
so J fatherfather
was awas
genea general, andbe teamed
of blood and bruises, bul If there Is any package on the hillside end ran away. that his prssence may be duly honored, ' -bow to weigh
- the different events of
afoot lhv..iving the honor of the Oag The package proved to he a threatening The rule Is for the man on duty at the the conflict to their due proportion,
they burn to be in It so as not to be' communication from Bitting Bull. In pest he approaches to call loud enough ' When he was adjutant of the Fifth cavr-rtegated t
of the , airy onl on the plains, a large batch of
recruits came to camp, and he was told
know what you
re doing
’omcer:- If the visiting officer to pick out the old soldiers to aerve
thla^road? Tou *
t all the
to dispense with tbe ceremony with the Fifth. Stopping before a stur­
Dea-ey. eorralied Unarea and Toral and
dily built
with a
place. I want you to turn back from here.
sent Ccrvrra back to Spain In mourn­
U you don't. I will fight you again. I and then there is -no formal recepilon. mustache and unmlsUkable soldier car­
ing. There u no dead w ood In the Amerwant you lo laaee what you bare got her* Geuerwl Otis was noticed by tbe sentry riage. Adjuunt Xing aald, "Haven't
*•*(> army, even if it was the pick of It and turn back from here. I am yonr while he was some distance away, and
you served beforeT’ "Not lo the reguwhich Shader took to Ssntlago.
the soldier thought be could safely vary lara. sir." ‘That mao Is lame." inter­
1 mean all tbe
I-awrton. who wax one of Bhafteris dit ratlea
-u have got aad tbe form of salutation a llllle for the
posed s sergeant. "It is an old wound."
vUion leader*. li n..w in the Philip- oome pewdtv. Wtah
would write as
amosement of bis comrades, so he said: said (he man eagerly, "and It's only so
pine* In war bamesi once mora, but Ua
"Turn out Ihe puah. Here comes the once In swblle. 1 cam ride first rott "
preoMce will eol ovemhadow that of
Icatloo with the aar- main guyl" But the soldier oditor had "What was yotfF ragliwantr' "Beren
(be men who took Man« from the
fender of Fort Sumter. The fighting
It was poliue to do so beard tbe fbrody and was equal to th* Wisconsin, sir." ’rFbat’ Were you
Bpsnlar^ and have kept it from Agulstock of this noted Xentucky family
by meui of lodlan scouu. He occasion. Bald he; "Oh. never mind (be
naldo# PlUplnoa. When the new. cams
does not run onl with tbe genersl. Bow
one out Ao tell Bluing Bull that he
lb! Tbe mala guy. says *01(1"' Of
----------- - the water that (be
for he has with
roe tba whole "p«A" tamed out aft- BOB. BumsOT and Moatgomory. who bad
(Otis) Intended to take the trala In his
had rtaen against the Americans and charge tbroiigh to Toagus rivw, aad If
that to rooelv* tbe Bood natured fought with tbe Army ot the Potomac, him Bt Manila tbe boy hero of
Posaldent UcXInley was aaked If he bad the Indians wlAod (o fight about It bo -Buy."
were standiag there as the adjutant Hill. Ucuienaut Thomas M. Anderson,
MBt B^_ Instructions to C<
Nest to General Otis. Oeaerol Cbariss turoed aad aald; "Bergcaat. take this Jl< Toupg Anderson, with a handful of
would accemmedau them at any time.
OensTBl Bhrall B. oils, he said firmly: The (nun Uaea morod «&, tbe Indians Klag>ad the most fighting to do
man to Oanipny X and fit. him ouL Boldlers of the Thirteenth Infaniry.
"No. and 1 don’t tatand to. Owiral
It, keeplag up the firing M
AbI step a mlMte; bring hhn to my ntsbsd the bloeUwtise akead vf tbe

(Hur he ABswer*. "I dids'l dig deep IBM
anatomy when I was st wbooL but tf
bis Ik a case of aoH hrort (bee. bis Mak­
er WTBVi>ed ft ID tbe soul of a Hon.”
aEOROB 1,. Kiijac&



THS Mosanvo xsoobo. WOVDAY, KASOH 18.18»»






I wj ••*«• «w«r.



tWa *aahM «»<• a-alk.


KN Mctar ao(it

•M Mborr •trait lb« *ra>c.

—<»H)rfr r_ Veodtenr !•


WUl P* n WhM n Um

|wM>, wbtf tiMb iiOD ttea(ber«M«
of tte worM^ta Ctateftt WkMtlmto
it in IVkisf. HiUr’
perMo k»ow«. U Uc wouU of a aio^
“Book It. Toii.’* I «id. rMBc in- page aoiDewbero of free rtrcnlatloD of
the blood, to wklrb ob» la ftr« a^tlTO
“T«U mi. old tK7. IwAM tokaow.’'
tbreiigh a fwhas of rblll.
*'Aba«< haUlMcte,'-l
Ro allcfai U tbe (bill orientlcaea that
Kht.%011 know,
■■That eau't Uuntil the prellmlnan aneote cumea
Tbrt* ia a «*«r loane rnMmihH*. It
b tb« victim a«aro be or abe hat been
.oaA't be that'
, ______________armlM with tb« ' •“
» draught or that the
poor felldw woold bo in vain. »1 TO- temper—
*— chanced.



___ T/.Vfy:
^ if truthfully applied, means a big thing to buyers of Spring
rroi u.„ moi>t .tmMpi.r.' ► CLOTHINQ. HATS AND ruENIfiHINGS Can any clothier in

par two dapa ibe doetor'a fboCnrea
"Whai time U it in Prkiwt’'”
the daa^ U arried. Tbeaa precau. :
Snd worn no rxpgronioo'rd graritp an
no oaickle and wfeit to the tluoa are all well enough, but the flr« . g- tlj© citv hOnSStly COlltradiCt U8
W6 SiatS that OUTS IS
ft* best oerr (be tnd td n>7 tick friaod. iKd.
and Boa(*«acarioue meaanrea abould
Snt BOW. as I watched him rtnaely, tba
______ ___ _
ftoOBf fare relaaed. and m >>« rniaad
^Tterly alooM. -Toor life b
tbroneb every vein and
feta bead I aaw tlMilicbt of Ml WaMiw kMigjDg Ly tlMtmeiHt thread. All yon beat Inhtaaily eounieraa the
to bia kindly cyro.
j nn-d Is/sleep. We have all d^ What cbilL
One, perhaps the almplesl method
Bia bat, atidf and glovea lay cm the we could, aod unw yon will have to
tolHlim cue, and at be cred tlie ' take e Itaud yoorself. What the deoee
fOOB to take them l>e marlud iny la* ' bare yt« to do wltb time « Peklu# *ho aUnU on lentlnel ^liUL who are ; ^
)f letAeipoaure ,
coals, Hals, etc., in the same papers in which others are desperately try­
r iu'iuiry, and. panaing____ .
B theWinrout
I felU**-.”
'• in
Ij. Ull bia
hi. band
b.iKl oo
Oh my
»j ahtmlder.
1. aimer. or wb. »or,
New. arrivals are the
freo^nd urn | ^ ing to gel you interested in old gtK'ds of last winter.
**Vfe're dniug aplcndidly. famnoaly. \' *'I know I’m Bctiuc like an naa. old in cold weather of
' boy. hot 1 can't pel the infernal thin* bretla.
mf dear hoy. fanionsly. ..
If ...........
ue «d I will irire ' «Jt «>f
b«ad. If I ooold fignte It out,
Their nieihiMl. alien Uie temperaiiiie
Jfeik yon. c
ns a oonv F>«r- ' I wonld U' all right, ftn I lioftol a Lit of the body or csircoilUea la loaer. or
mill not bare «b®e'"Wt-**
' .
' a sudden chill ,.i uul.-k change from
If you're looking for the place where quality, newueu. oorrectner* of patt “Well.rilweif theoldladyknowi,”
warm cu cold BUiintphrie ia endured. Is
'Tbe wcwl la over tbenT’ 1 asked. U “*<> Uidolgemly. "Wbat utn 1 to aak lu inhale three or four deep breaths,
t^rna and shape are hitched to popular prlcM. then here you are right at homi
btlicre we can poll blm'bw^"
! exiiand the luiiga to their fullest
See our show window
•'Tbciitnc In Pekin." iileaald feebly. ! tciii. holding every lime the ln!ialc<l air
n na " Be pawd. and
aBbetomed onca meirr toward bis i«“All right." I riplird. Tlieu I ran aaIbDg'aaptu»il>.caudil>cnsIo«lyIeilicef bia face grew grave again.
do»'u atulrs to the landlady.
'ting it forth iliioigh the noatriU.
"llliiuk ilwrriaiaispaaac.1," Itcaaid
"kltx Slcmiucr. Tom wauta 4o know
In doing ibU tha Inflation of itta
qvfally. •'Alltlial anymortaliibTsiciaii :wb«‘iituc 1« i« i" iVkin."’mgH seta the hrsrt Into such uiilrk
Btn do fra him liaa Isi-n douc. Narara | "lAiril Ucua ln^ Mr. Canon, 'cw uiolton that the blood it driven with
kiooe runat «pply tba tmly wtorallva ' alioold”—
j unusual force along Ita channel* and »o
to DCSHla He mast ilrep. 1 Lave Just | ’ Uol a gcograidiy—’cyrlopediaf Al- r„n, out into the tiniest vein*.
at- auy

j Thlsradlaiew*gle« doaii loihe toea
"Why. I niu-t
to be nbdcriiBiiiflDeoee. Kfv>ptbe liglit
U('t got no Looto Ifebba ,nj Anger tl|M acBsaeU up a quick retan>ed down, aod do not allow him to (he childT.‘H”J
anion against the r^l. The whole ef.
Jn«l then
•II lyMi
talk. Hli«]> is ittpurativn llu tunat
* fen is to atir the Llo^ and set It lu
..•,.' motion as fmm rapid /»eivi#c.
I said
Ba*atep|M-d lightly to Ibe dmoing
. go ff» ill
and as Im rai«d his gloves a dust dtaperately. "Nell, r “**,,*'’*^^ *J‘ way
',*? or hall in a ><>»-iu^ed dteiu. where
g< , a jKc^raiiMy. Here, lake tIus
•promt b<-ap of mauusTTipts cangLi hit ,«1»U
gM. Hu clincklud aofCJy aod abuok bia frtau d(nt.lo door tuiil) you get what it
. try this IMIla.
culls ltd-."
toad.. .
1 wrote a brief note cajilaiuiug^ha
"Odd people, yon Americans," >ia
Mid, wHb a amilts "Is inr jkjot litcra- ciifnmsiauce* and got (he thildrrt! tiff.
IdK her tty UVheu taking a cold '
lera oo Uupoveriabwl that yon lunst Tbtai I went nji Miaim.
One glance at jxior Tom gave uta to «.rl«e or when condemned, by accldeni. !
aoedi instill v<.............................
Vauk.« L)w>d into
DDilersiiiutl that tbe dtT«(I„) fever had to ait in net gamieniA l>i the maxim '
again aiMertral ina-lf. HU evc* were tm- of a v^cllm to colda be always Keep !
knows just l»w to steer a vessel to
pernatuially bright, ami aa 1 i-utoml the biM In rapid action; uae tbe deepTon and did not r<i>ly.
brinu it snfdy through the shoals
atbs whan a first chill U felL '
hia feat!
a luok of >>«><> bi^tl
"ALwcIl." said tbe clK«ry dorinr
anJ out intu the open. Just so the
at be api>m]>riBtcd Mi batand stick and
EiiLydop;idi.t Britannica is the one
•dranecd. with eglended hand, "tba
ahsoliitely reliable guide for fhe
fairy Toiaa of ilie Bow ts-lU are far- yon hud luit*"
«'k™ <'''
: y«1. l«t rn L... mn. book. >"‘*1
mobiiig. and 1 h<>l*- tlmt they will
•oyage of life. One cannot go
old and tough after the truat baa I
here in
y ruai
ring mm
aa uraiy
,.iiumra 1>.<
for 1iww Van*m»- , ••

, .K...

The Only Entire New Stock In Traverse City? 3

^ We Are The Leaders „«ro7

^ “Herringbone" Spring Top Coats, Fleur-de-lis Shirts end “National Blue" Neckwear.


S. Benda & Co.


few lads as itrey did fur that fortnuute ’ In two or ^iree minute* I beard <lie ,
. lOBg
g beggar, Dick WMitingt.m.
WlHitingKui. (h»idj*<
. Bight,
_fbt, my Uiy.
uiy. g«n) nigiii.
nigiil. i'll •ace you ' ai
' grov-r's wife.
lattomta-niug. Audmiw. remember"—
Be pat hia finger to hia ll[o. and a| "Ihurrieda* fa*l aa 1 could." she
■Mssnit later he WB> gone.
jgaxpcd.- “1 eaw Nell, abil—and hem
I cloned Ibe <l<ior geiitiv nud n lnmed ia tie-Uaik. Hiair b«y1 Miull 1 go itil" i
to tbe UvUlde of my friend. Hi* em ' i
»*"• ‘“’"b and. penviviug
were ch»»vi. a
fettve had already liegan it* wtirk. 1 Up ‘forthwith to its owner,
toed to the gas yet «ud lurm-d down tlie I Ulhor *ie|ia were nmf heard oo the
light. Tl{en, MBliiig m.vai'lf lafiue the *<aiiN uiiil in a few niinutHatbe iiamiw
grate. I rcviialiu^ (lie dying euiUera • hallway uml even the raou i(«eH wa.«
«ao pic«ea of ‘ Uirwig.d w ilh gymjt
■Dd pul ill two or thr,«
■■ ■ ■ hud
‘ ■ |.i«
dneed tli.-l
I■ who
! meogi r libr.
libraries ul niy wmee.
For several minutiw all vi'ua still, 'meogir
Ifeen I heard a luuvimeui amtmg tl>e I h"'sever, tail.*! to Miulribnle any
featklulbiw and a few momoiini later tbs ' formal ion which would mtvl ilie exaoting ilemaiids of t1>e ii
gak« Of luy *ick r
wa* Mtewu wiih all sou,'
varviiig from iitiy pictv
taiuiUK pietureiMit Oliiimmcn. to uv'li
•'liaa ilia dattnr gone?"
"Tea, he left yuM now. Yun mast go nieat W(«k« <iu iiaviitatiuu and hiuue
j hold ««uuimy. hut Mill tbo f.'. blv voice
toolcrp. •'■<1 chs)* "
There was amdhrr movenrent o I the ' Whieh emauatetl fttim tlie bed iOFpItvd
fead, then all was Ktillmgaitt. and I had ' Ole to elaUMW f«r mum. 1 <-ur»e<l the
|aat biyuii menially i 1 coiigraiuUlo tbe | inhenail igu«raur<‘ uf tiie .\uglo-Saxou
» (h'-ifilcacy of hi* prt*a'ri|>iiaci' race. I laihal. stormed, la'rspired ami
Wben 1 licaitVmy name prontMUKH'd.
Itr.tubh.l for tlie safely .d my frieud.
••Wha'i* it. T<mi>" I aaked. a liiila But all wa« of noovail. Filially 1 bmnl
I a mnmMir in the halt
lIuMliK-toi hadeuiue.
"What lime i* it-"
•-‘<av-ur- SA-*ai
l>«piug fiwwar,! 1 aeia.,1 him by tba ,
"Half |iBil-t '
xlrungest. Dry
---- ltdhisenat.
of hi*
"In iheafienuiou?"
tugeiber a
"WIml ia the limejtiPekmg?"irri*>d *
Follow ih
hat makes it so dark-"
lea of the t*skei.
"It's the fog. (.'Hue now. old boy.
g«0 most l*' (lUlet.. 'TIh- diirior Hays yon
• “a*"
.Old around the husk* S.I US to make a
er. and'I
and 'ioihebe.1.
BiaM biivoshsfk. Till} worst is over,
d »be betl.
ivt or ----------------xlmurH.if ---------------iv*t will make yoa' "IMw tlie devil alioold 1 know ?" ex-!
fCat old at If again."
I daimwi the astouwhod <k*-lur. as he '
Uaaaaters *•» the ttuaih*.
Bedtduot reply at once, bat at the lasde his way Ihrongb the gronp that' .t*trolok:.v *a>*; Tf u k'H i* Inirh In
•gniratioii of Iwoor lhixs*minni*a to *“BM^’toh-d his polieiit.
| JanuaiT. *be wlH ta a pnuleui in.iise.
I "Here it w! Here it i*!"abouu*l a wife, given to melancholy, but k‘*hI"Whailime it it ia New York now,'voivi' i» the hall, and an old, wliiie t.-uipereil.
• aair'
j haired g»-ntl. njaij with a book in his ; if in Kebruai.v. u humane and affec“Yon mnat ot<v it. Tom."
■MbAo), bat imiuediaielj releutiiig J naiHiK loio (lie risim.
l( In March, a MvuIoqs ehuiterbox.
aaotlnofd. "AUwthalf lart 18."
Tbe volume was (^tened. and tbe de-


"At 1 exclaimed. "Hure. dao"ll ia Saturday," aaid Tom. "Satnri
Bay. itm't it? In Mi hours more the old
*'Uu*b! said a waning voice.
A UKautmt later tlie band (4 the SngOTOVdwill U- in iberestanraiit—In MaIto'A I can m-i- them alt—old (iaynor. liah phyaiciau was laid gently on aiy


.1 IM ...I*,... ....w



The Pilot

rong if its leaching.'; are followed.
telK iheatiistakes men have made;
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An intelligent man gets good from
the e.xperiences of others find steers
clear of the rovks they ran against.
- .
The very presence of the Encycio
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iolglii yon *.-iid ihis'Iightning
I express kiarteil at 4 p in "said the'
im)inti«nt mowemfer
■•(Mi.:no.' the oftieial replied, "tliat
t tlij-. tinir it stnrts That 's the time '
it MiirtDo start W.-ure s little Inie-'
trflay and *i> it wa.. I .ill Is-fore We |
•tarUd ilo start to start.'
After xvliich it wn* tbe piiescnger'a ,
tnm t.'i‘t.irt and n'ldizint: the .Mdigatioli lh;ii was ni* II
him. hediilr did ai

Kdi- yuu
u iltlrl’" I


The Encyclopedia Britannica

II Mar,,^ fw start.

Hf ape«t,.w> of a Bat-heloia
jfirl like* a iiLn to think sh*
I till- gc«|. wish 1.1 .ie*m'T ther
flu-t^nv Ir fi‘ilinii.-r
- id-.-il -if a tiv.nssean i* l»«
I lai-e still two cl.iivti uf eV.-TT
u w-oiiisn trie* to explaip how
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mth ibereafier.
No. i-Half Mowto, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish
Bo^t Paper.
Papi 160.00
First^payment, Two Dollars ($*«>) and Four Oollats (U-oo) per


No. 1—She^^Tan Color, Marbled Edges, Extra QuaUty High MachitM Finish
First MvfiwM. Three Dollars (»j«i) and Five Dollars <#5i»l per
m-inth thereafter.
A redii.tiun of io"„ Is granted by pa\ ing .ash within )o days after the
receipt of tlie work.


For further information call on Holley £ Cenoabie.
City Bookstore, ageou fo- Nortba.w Micblgaa.



but likely to be good-looking.
wia* ill, ■‘vlT d.-fenui* 1 tboaghi ,
H “>
■ handsome and likely to be that ifr i < X*t him to tight with •
w>H|viUiiwr t-unlil make It theit-nal S
. >,
If In June, impe-uuu*. will marry bariule.* affair Otlierw)**
'Tlierwi*ebe'it l>e like- |5
‘ early and be frivi'^ut
ly I4 iiudM on tryiiing to whip m* with 1 J
.lably hurt uje^'-li
If In July, paaat'ily handaoma. but hi* fi*ta amt (•ruh
**‘^H?knowa, my Uiy. He known
Now. Ttitn"Washington star
with a sulky temper.
"Cone here, old chap.'
If in August, amiable and practical,
j .
Harfi Lark.
I ro*e, and. going to the twl, 1 placed
and likely to marry rich.
■F fingers on mr
l •nrnd'alipa.
" '
Ue took
"WelJ. Ik>w ate yon getting along
If in September, discreet, affable and
wasta hand, and aa be »•
The pe«rl is tbe one gem that oesnea
n in hit warted
with that fnud yoa'began aaviag mine
BQch liked.
to B* p^evt from tbe baud of nalare.
......................................ord, aod to
Without any question our stock of funeral goods
if In October, pre ty and coqueCtiah. time ag«i for a trip tc the Faria expoei
and likely'to be unhappy.
•■jw.gv... Okie. •
wkcwww w wc
is second to none in this region—and our ability and
“I've tod bed lock with It I tod
If in Nuvember, liberal, kind. Of a
beonty and brilliauoe d^iend on polia
♦1.40 Uid away, bat my wife bappeMd
nlld disiKwiilon.
reputation for handling every detail of a fnneral in
natutally be di
I retnroed to my chair, and fur ten log
- „ and ctmiug
____ „ would
to find It one day jnrt before a aua
If in December. vetl-proporUoned.
Mlaatea nothing mvc the ticking of tbe ! covered and niiliacd
nliliaKl later,
later. Tire diaroTwith a newly patenh-a^ egg beater CBM
the most practical and satisfactory manner is a fact
atoefe broke the stillueM of the room, lety of tlie dtamand. for iiurtauce, proba- ' fond of novelty and extravaganL
Chirago News
Vb«a there Was noee note an caninona ' bly date* within hiMoric times. Tbungh
The Jripnneer Meern.
we need not mention.
A Frkpeerr fieeae,
BWremeut on the bed.
Iknown earlier, it vat not gauerally inmatting In your Japaoaae room
“Whari JiuimieT"
“Sy«ttn in the well "
"An Maria? Wbar'eator
"Sweepln mow off tbe violet beto. "
318 tJnioo street, TraTeta# atj
Telephone No. 4S.
ffxiher the pieces of
"Wbal time is it in Baa Pnaoiaeo, ' U6«- Imlwd it1 b
b quite
gait* probable
probable that
that i------------------J
“An what * dad a-doia off
- I the pearl
the first gem knowa and
"WrU. Ul' time I acea him the boyi
“0*. I d<a*t know. Tota. Aboot two ' trestatired
ptvbistorie man—afboe tbe
wax facildin a fire ronn' hiifi to thaw
»h« duff “d dcit which him oat the Ura AiUaU ConatitafeoancwliM. IgaeM^hy won't yoB Vaivb fi/ft*idmoM
bare been tbefiw •
Telephone 192
311 Front Street
oconpati/m <4 the earli»« of the raos. '
^oa will
'ihiuing pearl woold thnaiiave find that your BUttUai acreeni
«That wontd make it abonl half'
twen diA^rvered in river mnamb if not deaaaed in tba game way. Lay ihea
Be paiiaed. hut a few acateats labr ' In marine orMer*. Ortain it u that th' opoD tha floor and giva than tba wet
;01(i Teatameni and (be ancient written 'fie«*inp*r treatment,
when eafferli
. v ' '
I heard him mattering to bimeelf.
- try
. , Ctoi
hiatorie* allude to piswb and that re“Confonnd it. old chap." I laqran.
Balm, aeaaya: "A few appll.
of this llnimvat
of great arryie* If so, tbia is t! e ; lace to
to went on. "It takes >4 hoorw for tbe
it dune right and promptly. B«t«iriiig
Vetld to make a oomplete revolntJcai.
Cameling and Lathe 'Portihn; of ail kioda. Call in and aee my new
•Wh«e do they begin to reokcai the time iant bk-ld the peart in aa sotcMn vttgand when you tell me
•■y wnyr
tng <m ' rereranco.—Pcpalat Boirnea
\ .♦ D
tell the ladles gbu'ra out. when H *Ui plMse ma." For oaU by a E-1
"Ob.ld(aitkMiv. LM'ana. Omm Buetbly.
you'ra la. which aheU u ha. awml ‘

and up'to-date

I Funeral Director andJmbalmer.

Will S. Anderson.

Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repair?


-T? T?

ag*gnr^-^ ’

CRr.-:-rv !l^i.

TB« VOBHmO B]T00B1>.8UV1»AT. XABCa 18. I89B.

Wbite fslka. «er rosM ebm
Bar* ads to ne:
No no’ oae o' waa'ls’
Tine don bjr de \es.
M'.nda say aa de.v'buten
CTosa de breakrra' foam.
“Tine fob m
Back '


r»o refMB>
F.««rt CaMir Mmm.
•»MW r*r TlMlr <Hra I'm e«ar Uv«
«• Ommr Tha»~1t Xai Death TWa
SMMtXer Dan tha Uaara.
As isataiK* baa

ommad <rf

Winter's diawln* sc«w;
Learea ia oS de treM.
Mcbt air S»a aeTarcr.
bVOat la In de breeta.
Stars a-aparklm clearer
Wilitis on dat big dona
Oat it a liin- fob ter

• well Intuws inau n fstisc foe nper■stitiotM rra»>Da w lira in a faeasttf^
bofua b« bad Imiit anlil aunMr see elae.
A perfect itrasKHr. bad oompiad

il fcff

Boma link- tinte
If crar tbere baa been a esprraUtiu*
tbal appasn JinliSad b; adltd fact asd
IVKTtkpl. II ia lhal wbi«-b preratla
aboat Hia bultdlDA of a bmi«
trbo mci coatir ntan«iunt fur tbeir
OWB nar ever Jive to ocenpy tbrm







People (bit is hnovin*
TelU BH' bow dey tried
Ter k«s^ tie Bwtty icoin’
Cruaa de oct-aZ side,
lixt tdbnma come a-snwlo'f
An' dvm duiUra. a> dey roam.
PiDda h a time for ter


iU fate arena to bar the diaira of tbeae
abnlea n{>os wbi< li bat be^ larUbed ao
noeb tbunght and




Sunweiniea it U d>sOi and aoinettnce tt
la rslb tbat (irertAkm tbe owner
Bo tridrepread and aopowerrsl ia tbU


Ftrange «sper«tititm that one And* c
n intelicttaal man Hke liord Salicbitry !

ktad wftb bHgbt drop*, stood brfors
me. He mtt^ bare sprung don ibe
steep blflalde with almost tacredlblt
agimy. Pair. wtOi dark eyes^tnd wet.
matted balr pushed away from bis high
wblla forehead he teemed to me to
bring, back the scene of the night
before--ibe wooded wtlderBeoa asd the
blue-white gleam of the UghtnlsA
"I wish you a good-BtomlAg. aii*" bo
J said, pleasantly 'i i-onfeaa ! didst ex­
pert (o meet slrangen in thU oul-ofIthe-way |•lnre.‘'
I re4:>rued hla salotation mmewbat
; siilBy. He gianred at my dresa. which
probabU boie the Impress o' my iouiney of the night l^fure.
• Ah," he said )<»o<-clv. "so yon were'
out In (he rsin Iasi night.’'
Was I only giving
ph-lons. or was the < afty euoning of '
madness In hla eye as le looked atgne. |
as if lo sound whcih r 1 renteffibered ;
him or sot* '
] looked him steitdily in the ere as t
HIS wend k
“Ve* and you were. too.“
He eta'ied. and hla eyes aaddeuly'rell
iWore tuiiie—s
I burned an iusta
I then left III
"Yoii are ml--------------—. - —
I rewOvid to humoi the w-liLmW the
jttManU more particularly asi-wSiuKht
slrhl of the gleam of a slHi r.tnOp^ji *

—Washington Stan

iMistingria icaalog l<.»tTai«g«
be baa had erected for himicir at Ilean-'
Hen. on the Ktviers. before ho wilJomscsl to oeeopr It himself or lu permit
asT mmibs^of bis tsmliy to crun iu

The toll-gate ke*-per looked anxioiia
ly lu nij fa. .- as b- held up his lanlera.

Lord Salishnry.- however, baa only to



Has always been the best wheel made, and this yf ^ it is as prePy at
, p.i!FuZ^S‘ ““ '**‘®®* “ you ever saw. It has all the latest improvements, in fact itH'H. 'iE StaCitkJl® w strictly‘OS. wheel-and what do you think-I can eell you an.
i-Eagle" wheel for $26.00. Do not look any further when you can buy
‘..Ui,.-' a bicycle, made and the Eagle people for $26.00.



«sp1 uonlha Uw Uanttfol b<nm-wfaivfc

BetternThan Ever I




s wlfh .X *
luadman. and an aiuml madman
1 bad fa<-«d death UDdaunted.
1 bit.


I J. W.iSlater's House Furnishing Storu.

lain in a f. vcr trance and heard Mn
phj.s(..i*n., whieper of me. "Then' is
,j,.. ^ha.l.iw of
for him." >.-t j

, ^



"",.120 Front street,

IncA rotitid him lu LiioduB to find ample
‘griand* foMlie adoption of aucli ei-

•What time Is It*"
P.-MI of ileath. a* now .-ante over »e, '
trsonliiiary and at fitwt siglit onnecettii#
shoulder. >viist
_____ slio.iM 1 do?
Whure ab.mld I
aiHiute us tat
aary preantioua
The complelbm
through the half-open door, where Ore turn*' i lesolvcd i.o
Lord BeTi-h-t<.Ve # palace in Cbarlea and candle-ilglil gleamed chi-crtly upon poM-ible.
1 Mild, t
street coincided with tbe bankroptcyof th» 'ace of a j-hvap^wooden clm k.
• ^ ,,.n.
' .TwpIcPwr.hcM eeh Hcwlasilww Mae
the grest arm of Baring Brow, of;
"Mne o. lo. k, sir.
a -word
-Yes "
lutitspe.. that he wae , _
which be was the jiriBci]»L and it hga |
> spuiTHl ..u mr horse,
intenflt as we walked^.,,,
0 of thanka the .-losing door of «-ut.-hing
rcaained ever since sn exqnUite monn.. ............
iking bii.'ve ^ me. and I
the t.ill-bi)UKe sh^iing out all wami'lt »tonK.
aent to the futUiiy of bmuan bopsaasd
' and light aud bhman .orapanlooship. aiy I.IiskI lun •-..Id at iheyilter of that
I was once mote alone In the wind unnatiwaHv l.nlllaiit eye.)
Mr f^nford had hardly OuisliMl reeturiu and pli.-liy .harkuewa.
w.. fur liom the^igh-r.*dr
, ,
’i..,;y ..t.* in;.Ui..t,ii HI It uiaiir of
bnilding the egteriiff <»f lib magtiiftceat matter- three milva was no distan.-* g,Ved.


. -m:.—tr.j-r.-----------



Ij Nothing Nicer



Hmiw temi.-e when
n in «^arltwnririPBOctbecolUpiwof A
lu ruiu and comenrred. involving
pelling him to dispose of it to Mra
Macbay. of vDonanga" fame.
Tbe Mantuls de Sautim-e.


^rcb^ lie- ueigbhoriug l.-.nsu fn.m
Lady (iranvilie. spent a fortune opon
the recoiolruc tion and adortmiept <if
Cut bef»ro tbe work was
completed be in tnni wa« overtaken by
tbe ■|crril.le disaster «hi.b bcfeli the
weU kn..wn Anglo Si»ni4i banking
booaa of MnrrieU. of which he was the
chief dlr«-lot. and lie had no alterna-

Tbe downfall -f HudsuB, tin- railway
king, occorred at tbe aamc time aa tbe
(ompletioB of tbe great b»n*e he waa
baring bnill fur biuiself ht the Alliert

ihi..keta. iu

gate eolratK-et.. p"tlt while in
the aaine manner Uanai .ktlsri tJrant
witnemed' (UiN-eai.wl
|.i.N^a,.wl sal
sale .d the-gorgor

lently for. some .
p |M-r|M-tual nimer
rush of rain aud
«! moving foliage in tbe wind. But no
sound was returned. .Iw-h-e t
geooa palace be lia.l er.w-t.-%l
Ion, hut waa never d.«tiue.l to
"We ure dcMining Sultan,
1 Mid.
Tills is why He re are. wmpa
irouiagliigly. to w-v h.»ra.-.
•o few new uiaiisi.ins t<f a jwlatial ebar:l on. ..Id f-How. nr we shall fam-y
acter eltlw-r'in Is.udmi or tie- .vnutiy
i-selv.-R heii.ui.-d in by wli.-hes.”
Persona ]s>w..-mw<I of ad.s|nate m.aiu
1 am u..t a nervous man by naturv.
It thiae- Ihre.- tulles s.H me.1 to me tbe
and in n.s-d .d . Hlier a»..wi
Kaidrnce pr.-fer as n rule t.. pure!•huse longest lluv.- 1 bail . vd iiaverwed. and
hmUl’ nnconts-lously I k.-jii listening for f.s.tfaumee that have been lived iu t.. bu
•|is on the side of the f-uid. watching
ing new ones. If ilH-y duiiiiy Imilding
„r lutle, ffrlghlened fa-ve and wben at
at all lliey. in gen.mi i»nse it to take
, lights of th.‘ waysi.V
tbe form <d additions to .a- alitvaliuns through .he denw
of edifictw no 1oug.T new
ine.1 th.-mt with
• darkness.
Eveo then the uwm-i-s end.-aVoT to glud h
aafeguard ihfUis.-lves Xi'an the jsseulrilHy of .laiiger by lettiug Ih.-ir rosidelicta
fi» the exprrw* iittrjssa-. ii« tli.y say in
. Pram-e. of

"wi3<ing the dust from y.B

tb<- plasl.-red
Niiwln-rv is tbi* sn|av>tiiiun


powcrfnl than
if th« ussd pic*nre«,ne sjs.ts, .s-pecially in Ibe unmuuiuous .lislricts. at«
a'dorned with fairylike paiac.-A
them has been


entirely completed, f.w

iiiv.tptiv and ri<d.‘nt .leath .w.-rtook tlie
brilliant and Rns.iiiplisli.-d King Ludwig.’who cx.&crivtsi tlu-ir design hut




Nor even hav» tbe Imild.-rsof'timtty
of Ike splendid *l'rn.-tm>-s that adi«A

(Vi.-, and iiiirefreahed. iu the
Not . ven ihe fragrant slices

eloi-ka as I lemon.’.o'ed the w bile f»> e
aiiiong ilte eedar t^iekets of the wit.ler.

Bate Tims M Jule* titew bad sranvly «m.|dete.l Ibe c.m*tr.itli..n of iu*

• kVIiattltne did be escais**" I asked,

lordly umnsion iu the Avenue

d lena

' -Xhoni wv,-n o’.t.wV, sir.’ he rvp le-l.

wbco the urandiiknu btbavior of hit
#en-to-b.w, Daniel WiK.n. ..v.-rwi»-lmeJ him with di^^raoe an.) n.mi-Ued

-'ud I bad aeeit Ihe apiarltlon at a
aftdr.nine. Th.-n It was no optt‘le1.i»lou-no spe.-irv of a <Ila.>rder-

Uc <d>loquy
*rbe Emprwn Cngenie's only sister,
tbe late Dnebemuf All«. had n>n iwcn|d»d the iovvl.M«l«co ar.x-usl for ber

Eiy«s> more t^n a few
month* brfow -d.e was sein'd with a
BOdden illnem and die.1 Un-rc in a man«er ao myaterious aa to give rise to rnBora of foul pby
The building waa

which he had disaid
r«k behind which I,,
il pheti
hiinself: bm no siibh
eiia" preseiited then
iBi.Ietand, half
wav up the st».ep as<«-iil. and moving
white hlr.-hi-s their silvery arm?
gis.,Mi I'liiiplela of t.fiiBge around
.. I ks.k’-d moiv i-lus- ly. howe ver,
me. As


A.XX S'j^g:az3.T .A.sso^tzzxexLT



rie iduQ fhr!- '
Aiip HI prayer. '
Is-ariug as w«dl

t»I iw^isip 111

t'l.ristiao K<
igei-jARI Tb*

weir -Fr>u<R h-.wu-e they

While it lasts will give you bargains. We>
shall continue to carry the largest and best.
line of

Funeral Goods

• hi fh. iretirUiJ-• at bny
.................... .........


Traveree City. Mich

140 Front Street

.sudej the apsllrf


In this section and sell at the lowest prices^
S. X.. C^S.TER.

The lilue Isabel Like This!

'^iscmecould .a“ry bur.len.. svune conH

Yh- Au^re ehimn. V sta.k? .ante it,
‘"‘J •»*«
s'*,-l,t ui pASt. and I l,aH.M the siilid -.1-1 these .|oa1,ti**;were combtoed sncve.sglrtHtiire with nWigUt springing ovei ' fol work was hc.'omplisb-d
It 1* tb«

"" over,. i.o.t of rni«n .Made cigars-issi.tonHgars

up the w.alk with clirery fuotsiepa.
^j,ur can leav'h. others can carry bt
• j..i;i.4l Hi. bell
A servant In plain
separated, all w.'uld 1-e w.-ak ai
im fleclive. but ni

'made under thi^ lal»el and you will Ik- >ure of good valntr
and a pure smoke,

rmony aud , ,
ftllowsbip and wisely di - - - - - -


e.'lrd, ■
mxl. -




' '

- -

Old Man
ss’t -'it fsilierandmotbs
Let n* **• tbe wisdom and power 0# ere d-wd «iv .1,-sr
Util tbrv Wwv* yps
fellowship in eervke. Thetkurvbis th# ,gaubi,«*

body of Christ. Tbe meiulwr* are tbe
Little tiirt-- Y y<w. s-str
organs of tbe bod.v.
( cbnrrb.
Old Mau-Au.1 what wa* itlhey Uft
organ baiTa diRiDctive work lodcvbul'you littl.
*ach tnnskwork in union and in bar-‘
Little Oirl—Aa orphan, sir.—New
„,oov witb tbe other*, if tbe wwk of TjA\Lei,T
**nt‘y*>«*‘,u,. ,'«^y i. u. be soct.wrfnUv done room, where a
a table.
kirns. llHe. I am delighted to

Utble Keadingw-EocL iv. $-li; Lok#
/ I
I have bean afiielad with
rhenauActe ii>. 48-47; ai, 8P. SO "
t;sl ii « to vi , A. Warn for liyeaxm and nothing aeamad
. tu 9. 10. V,
-iO. , ^
I waa able to be
In" airemly overwearied
me t-ke one he_wlldrred. _
, 10 i j^l ^i^ s **^'**’ *
Avenue Oabiiel. it was ere.Ted by the
"Why ii’B the lunaili-:" he egclalm-, Thee*.
1-10: IJohni. 8-7.
1 had tried every thing I
^e de Mutuky
He had not ociupied
send Sultan after me this afa-r'''h^ of
of and at last
laat wm
waa told to
It’s the madman!" 1 eyaculated: for.
Ihe hoiue more than a few week* iR-fore poon." 1 aatd.
which I
Ohasbarlain-a Qough Bwnadg.
berlain’a Pain Balm, wl
In very truih. my friend of the eolitary
h wa* the aovne of a daring bnrv-Ury |
-n-, ju«t a pleasant walk. air.
.-.mediately relieved aa
revolver yet
imll- fl**"
before me. the

that covered ii B noble owner with ridi- nine host, rukhiog hla bands and ai
Thu remedy U i
^ly , ia a Aort time enrad. I am h^y t
;ide povkeL
pockeL "No.
'._ ooogh*. eolda. croup, wb
Twotuenth* after, hi. danghler log.’ •'Squire^Ac“k*eV\n‘old
jfl.,iming from LU InsIde
i it hat not
I am Charles eongh
It haa become; jggh Edgar
died there eu lodd.mlv and under snch' youra. ail
F said.
iMBOiia to“ueuraaof
jwr jve vm.^ v* th^
hi ih
.mi, . , , aK.e ■
wgit, i.ruggUl.
atrange cirenmsUnoe* tbat the dtu-be*
’‘Yea-no; T have never
through our
iml m aappreheimlona. ^
part of the civiliaed world. ’______
wonU odi vyHi*.-nt to rmimin Wuif.-er in
">?' brother s friend
••And I am Philip Ackley, no madder ^
taaUmoaiala have :-------«Kdi an ill omened booaa—London ‘
The landlord looked at the deep
i*onooB mourning weed on my hat and nodded.
I »*»'*y*
always 5*° he
raeeived, giving
givlag aeeouU
aecoonU of
of ila
ila | a
nodded. t^n }
"f exclrUaed.
------------------------------- -----i
“Are you exreeted, sir?" he asked.
Wir*s Thai Play.
Borne bird*. like all aiUdren. like to
pUy. and Australia aad^ew Uninea

.hm b, ibi.iri., Ib, „.ct w. en,
prodocvtke'-bowerbiTd 'which bnilds
forth, f
re^Ur yda^se* Tkeae booses are
], »-.* g Aonely palb. lytag tbrouglra
»ol a part of lli.-ir neeta. hot are con- , solitary fllen The trees were yat
atracted u» m ik.- ,l,ape of coveted drenched and dripping as I pushed
arefawaysof littU- U.ngh* two cr three nny through ovei hangii
leel king U inctoe. high ap.l aUmt as ' drops of
nlotsture Kboaera;
I cared noL
wide Tliey iin lb.**- Loukes Kimply for
sra.s picking nty Way o
tbidr gamv. sa .1 tb-v wer. eluldx.usea
atone* that Iv SAinas a rlvuiet directD
Ocaerally ibew |ds> h..u.-« ar.- d«vr«t
la the path. when, lonking np. I met
ad-with briRlti tb>|,T.d .hefls «n.l fe«thue of n pair of dark eye*.
wa Jnst as cfaiUUeu decorate their play I
A man. wearing s little Scotch cap,
\ ^ with his hair and clothing aprin-



j- -u -U- ir rreachi;^
its •«n--tlcu and Jp
111 I'iiri-itan w.-rk


*d Imaglnathm.
................................the door.
d my **“'
wltkont a word: then t
"Is Ur. Ackley in
>1d n
my host what I had seen.
*')'ei.. sir, master
"Heat me. sir." said Ihe rx< lied land- th.- n-ply,
lint Ih.*v’re on his track; they’ll
I gave the man my
e him
down to wail In a Bttle re.-eptloB-room
on my at the right of the halL Presently he
cam- back.
-Ateh Hall, air?
Squire Acklev's?
, in bis library, air; will
Only alMtiit two idIIn; by the footsmth
Bse to walk m?"
through tbe wood*; six'by tbe highthrough^ ^de
road ~
hell, floored w ith ^Hriied oak to a

'y prilled down
waited an instant,
Bright and
Aether 'etiMlly
tally anlntky
nnlnt-ky boose is'warm the aummer moroiag aunahtira
that now owned'bv
the widiw
ib* ' •I'ramed
«reamed in npon the flow: nofUy the

-idiwf of the
«d• Iwlbewid



t did |sto.*l in >1 m<l jerfom>ed bis duty, and

which had 1-..1
When I i.RU- .1
uguin I was .................. . tne gr.s n
light of the shadow, gh-ii.
Mv ru'tnpanlon had vaniiihisi
1 looked round, half
irniigh ,
•oine rift In the niiwsy


M..» like'th.-'expiwlon of Uls f;u .- as I 'sUcssu. Ws- ih. result stueb a sj.leu-il l
glau.-ed siilewise at it; but 1 ventured result .-.‘uM .'olv bare aihieved by
jto moic nmnilioua The epld peispira- ,tbe li.-4rii.-«tl .-.-.>|vr*ti,n-i»t»d fell.-wstood on my furi-head; Jbe Mood sblp We u:av Is-tauuLt beie M;u>e le*.
,peme.! .-.Migealing lomi.l my vitals, at!
t i.,,.iiuu f.-l
k llmlw must,
-1. I fell as
_|VR WH, lieuealh me
^ stopped an Inst;,
fRAU.n the laee of .r

. a. cntupli-h-sl wonder*
of hall, and the go<.d.'>lt e could insplry
ry nr a footpath, aeldoip and all lw>4*s.- iiiii:...ilv ihev di ! tbs
e with an apisHite.
tcsldea. bei-amev5silde
TwoutV elToItger that.' tie- Wbeo
• Bring me luy hill. Un.ll.ird, If you h,an.-blnB off the one npbn whict
(be Lts]lt..T -iue fa:Js. a Wold CT :ict ot
I*''" ' «'■*
.1 6i«sl. ami l.«-i..g Itself in thick w«<«lt eocooragciueiif fmui me oiber -ireugihrl m souy
•bonhlbave Iwen d.^ bejond
eus it, and thqi> front frli.-wskip ciuiea
said .he fat .vnd Jolly Bon*!;Pail l-apeil u|i with
•increaseil strength loth against eueiuie*
e hUAtIlug in. "bitt the servaais
,un «nd llgl
The summer •‘un- wiiboiii and (iiWtior«;teiiients within.
k'e.j: |..llse
k-e just .-ome In from the village, au-1
3 Frllowsbip in eiiti-iian .etvice i*
1 the -utisa H.H-med<t;
•y’l-e tejliitg me «if a.v. ly estroardiii.
lix- wlW roses,^eflicjeul
It H so esj»H-ialJy lecsueeit
. with •_____
set. s.-'-iiie.! sweeter: gives au njiporiunitv f,»r all te du that
apisl from the '.'ling round
as. lum, and is at Igtite in thie wjRMis.'
the bin's bore
u,,.y upe iH.l’alde to dAJl
anil the
Kiee. fire at las'. g,v,.„ ibr Hiiue gift*
-A limatlv:" i ••xc-lalmed
Sell. Lisli s lime, ci.uld i-uild.
1 r.^u the Ii|«mmI ebb away fmm mr And J-, lrastetie.1 my tiiwaid

tbe Fr.nivb .......tropdis Ish^i more Xortn-

hiw to resign the pn-ideurv of therepublic amid a perfn-t biwru^neof pub-


<«e.i:iial .1-ji. utvif •mxv'f.fnl obnreb
worth sikeaklng of.
1 should soon be
"Ahoul half a mlle.^lle said
of Wbt.'b tribeneceeiiiv
within al.c!u-r; so I patted my horaea .
i dropped > little lunk;
iof fellows,,
Sn/-.o..v. c-opet»t.-u
k. and, soothingly to him.
spring he was by
"Old ft-llow. don't la- nervous. .Heav-The path t-i
wu,k. .’.rtji .luU luN't
s uarrQW.
How splall.'s ai-lillerv win hurt neither of us,

iMliy and . erii-iency of
t.lWly ll.e ,
>id you shall hsv.' a feed of uata aud a
-Wide nr narresr; I prefer walking lucarly
>tii>u-|u < Tirisiiau work
dry slahle very soon."
|,v side ' be aaid sternly, witb
- _
Here miiritsi.rt
K'erv class bad *
siitkcrb head, aa If down
,.Hl my ehc-oiiraglnc ogaiu
|«m.y «-i,U ,L ,,
...... ...1 ib,
wontR.'and qiih k'
d his pace
Hut at m nie
I *t*mmered-"o»Ttain- «H "a. tbu) -ne wall, jmit-d tigetbel
thut lusiant s l.h
of lightning. ino.v
Icouipl-ted 1
than I had yet exbrlJltant and
of tue.
the w hole surBui what had been half .l.Bned d. Ibtlibem ii» spitf .it a.e
rounding w-en.-ry to m.-In ghastly dls- b>d»re. betaine open appi-ehenalon r
id iUej«-ii.-;u»5. w iiboul. w bo cu:i
Istautlv'tbrekt<-n.:.i 'theiu
Home were
d« p wtsul. through srhi. b 1 f.*1t the fnll itertl of my p(w*li
Bh..ul.l I Is- murdered In this solit
^'iboilderb. solire w-r.. l.unleu i<earer>..
glen. With no h.imai, aid near, no r
wie L-n.i.K aiMl tne prince*
1, m.v dying.
* ••
li- 'e*|.
l■-''lud and dir»-cte«l the work
icrrifled fa.-e could
how or whi
„t„,' Kvpry iiKii'i tiiu! Ins pU-e. ami every mab

-- - -

Etery smoter bias a
good cigar by stnolMe it [

Diamond J \
. Traverse I
Ire eswefU WU Da

“tT.._________ ___
in tbe vooda by the ton-gate,
mviag Ua life of the
leblld. The extensive a#e of it fw
averse aty:
: "***’
“And they're locked bim aafe np!"
wboonlng oottgh Ims 'shown tbat it

pieotyof aa’vr. *0 aarea north-i
Mr. Ackley and I stared at one an-LcSatSwi dU^
daagaroaa m_ ^ dty. fc> aersa of timber lead;
Other and at the servania an instant, unusane*
bold by 8 B- lYait. dmgI U milw eoath of city. «d aeraa aboal:
and then burst tnib InuoIUBtarr peate^^^
7 mllm norihireat w city, and 1 have,
of laughter.
aeveml piece* in Wexford eoualy. •'
■ Shake bauds oace mwe BaraaelUre."
asld my boat, genlauy. “Ow acaalirt-. ■«*
>t to boy

' 1
' eanseu it [ ^
» . .
I..*, tbe mme ,uUa ; yoa want
aome laafl
«at iust preci^y «
-o, at urma ao yon can bay it a* fc
anee has be«un oddly, but tt shall non*


the less ripen into frteodahlp."
be became
nuip J ekliT w*
and t
ao tmUl tbe
^ ^ hu'dmth.


Mon Sale.

$40 Waabingtoa Bt.



I MOBmtd BaooBD. stmAT.nsoii is, ism,
T was wot deterrwd by tl
for I fell r eoaM net be ml
tare which, thongh I had eorUhUy
I low* ber wdt—
noticed It only In a cnssal way at the
lUrcelle, MmR’dle!
time, had nererthelesa bees stamped
For hlnu of hmven a
upon Bty mind, and caaaected In anch
D dwell
Within her eyes—tmr
X Biaitner with the loss to m of aerar*
And In her hair aoTi funaet dyea.
al thnamnds of pounds.
- nts vm ISO Vm mm
1 went to tbe poliee-atatioa. told
«kM m4 . Mak* fWM • Tkl-C •« As from far fields U ParadLie.
I tuar not alng. I may not »ay
them whai I had aeea. and what my susWssMIy—^«r Ea»(«h V tk*«a Bak* By starry nigbt. or aun>swept day.
pli Ions were. They Umeaed atteatieeAs* r*U***4—Kaw Ball Th*B Osd.
;v to what 1 said, and 'ben told me that
How well—bow-well'
I mast or asleukca: that the lady in
I love Uarcelle:
- ‘ PoctB u>d artiaU Ba/nmUunc tt> exuurstion was well-kaown. tbe widow ot
-■■ «Al tBe ezpreulrc UAiV or U* <i«II1 lore her well—
au army oBk-cr who had died just aO«r
«aU)7 praciM erot^row. but tb« arerUarvelle. Marcetle!
Into a large property in lhe<
: Bf* womsD pay* tmt lUtk attratlon to Her rok-e la like a silver bell
JETer Bnmed Ontt
rtniutry She bad hud two sons. One
ft. and bryond an occaalonai EfBootbinp That anmtuons soul* to worship: Ae
bad Iwea in the aav^’. and bad loci his
v>th bar f)oapr leavn uacarod for <me
life is the wreck o! the Royal Chartw
of ibc Bimt and BMat pa/ttcnlar porsMnt a year previously. The other
Was expected home every day. and had
Uou of her facial lollat.
Uk« all
bc-.n away almost ever since the end of
. elBer polnu of beauty, tUa Uttlc pen
O- P. CARVER. Agsat
Krefce of naiure sariaa (raaUr with
Are the kiod we sell: We know of no goods to be compar*
(low paaung well
they said, to
(he indlritfnal, but aa a uaual thine oca
1 lore fiUn-eiie I ,ove MareeilsJ inqi'iriea in such a din-^-tinn. Ill-sa'lsed
U endoved with Jnai about the rictat
—Atlanu ConsUiuUon.
Sed and dIaappioiDted I found myself
tirpn to harmonize with the futures.
compelled to leave maiters as they dear. They shonld be bought by all who desire to get
BBd a IttUe judirluiu cart Is all that Is
were; but on my return to London 1
wrote to the head of the police onr»
BMaaaaiT to enbanc* thla touch, a blch
The prices are 65c. 7^, 95c.
mure, and relierated my <-onrtHlons eu good valne for their money.
got* sofar lomake orio mar the eciire
(otribly that beerldenily was inipiee*_
, facial ajLprensioo. When, however, the
Other euvvo
shoes - other prices. Come
and buy
by what I watd. The result ot ray and
***''* 51.15.
fomaUoo of tbe eyebrow la decidedly
on tl^ l»ih of October. ltt».
a* ** wm snrely save you money.
at (auU. we have recourse (o aniflee to
—SB. Toy a O*. Is*.
. lielp ODt the deOclenry or nbliteraie Its Ing Ukea Ih* steamer U Dublin for a gentleman four days afterwaria.
’ hoBielloeas. The eyebrow ahould ex* Holyhead. Buslm 8 had taken me to; .
deed allghtty beyond the orifice of the
«ye at either end. ahouM terminate In been nMcesary for me to visit a bram-b
a mere line toward the temple and be of my own firm in Dublin,
bringing U.U*
back certaii valuable Jewels dull morning
Practical Shoe Man
1135 treat etreet
•Habtly broader toward tbe nose. I'pon UMUS.U,
resenting--diamonds of ‘tor who came Id apoke firat to
rb reoulred
the breadth, the arch and the shade de* great
value, aud aome other things ol sDiaiil, who refer^ him to *
Trsvam* Clw. KM
: ^nd much. Delicate feature* ahould less imporunce.-but still valuable.
i<hen ‘n * moment 1 recognized my fel* j
xol be preponderated by broad bro**,
1 found all tbe pas^ugers talking on low.pawenger. hot wlktlofi
while those which are large and strong onu Bubject-tbe
appalling eierythlng quite public. 1 led
lubject—tbe terrible and appalll-„
tn-eharacier need the bolder brush to
k which had orcured only three toib.
and handed the gentleman a ‘ hair H*j
o the
tbe AngleAi
•rconluaic their force. Tbe brow is al- days before, off Moelfra. on
wayi to
carefully amootb. glossy sea coast. No less than four hundred wh* too excited to ail down, but began
and fortv-ali lives were losithai night bisatory at once, ^
and ordeyv. At a recent visit to a der*
ml your old wheel t» loi-k as good as
bring It to B- E- Qibba.
the Royal Charter was totally
matolostna aocleiy woaian was grest* when
_ yen
'Hbonc N->. tPl. and I will call and get
She *fa» •
airamer v i'*t Yoo
Holyhead, sir? aald ha ,cr call me op by
ly anmaed when tbe acKalled artist,
Will repair, enamel aod d< •■wte ii op to-date,'. (or
a little expenae. Oaii
by Captain Tayior. A
• I'erfcctly." I repHtd. -'{ have too
after carefully trenling her akin fur
SI'J I'nion St, opposite C A W It. depot.
I remember It. '
I and see samples of enameling.
_________ _ • -So-I
I had been on the Angie*
real and iintginarr bletnisbea. apper*
to enamel, cleau. repair
ently acrutjyiizing e>eo pari with a
whape. ITii* IS the
r 'i and
■nloroM-ope. completed hU work in a ^'oftbeioMTas Wu.!^oVered'°^^ FS
.................. 1 ■'pot in proper w
i only place In tbe ci,ty where you can
liaaty brush over the aiurh-disiurlied
your enameliog properly done.
eyebrows with a camd'a hair brush
Baud polikbed. atrjpMl aod deeer*
and stepped back to aoDUiince his work
ated. AU work properly and prompt«f beauUf.vlog w»t complete. "Now."
SatiafaettoD goaranteed, at
ahe^ald w-Ub a ataile,' vi’u show you
•ometblng * Look at me well and then
aran spactAU sn or v
notice the dlfferente." Selecting a atlS
ils UnioBstreet
UtUe bnista from ainbng bis numerous



eather counters
eather inner soles
eatfaer outer soles
eather heels,
eather that is good







Old Bicycles
Made Like New.

John R. Santo,
Gneril lisarain.

300 Bicycles

H. E. GIBBS. Proprietor I

EwminatiDB free and Strictly Confidential

DRS. B. S.&CO.

IMraphemsIiB. abc brua|ied ibe hair of
Iwlb eyebrows stn igbt up toward the
Torebead. then carefully brushed them
down, from above.
Tbla left an ex*
■ Iremely delicate sbadiog. every hair
clearly defined and distinctly separate,
and n dear, dark line along the center.
She shaped the inner line toward tbe
aoae with a cautious louih of the
tirusb, then turned to the manlpulaiur
(or hie oplnlvn. and be was magnanl*
■ toons enough to admit that when tbe
brow was In a beali'..} condUion be bad
aever taken much pains about its
Kerer pull tbe hair out. even If it
.grows (oodose.orer the brows; careful
hrnahlng will in Une shape it niieiy;
and to certain features dose browe are
a decided nernwiiy. If you will take
the time some day to oomb you brows
In various hhsdltig* yon will soon.dis­
cover «bk-h style- wbetber high or
low artdi. rather fist or fee and delii-ate
nlyle~-ls nuwi be. imibg. and. <>n<-e
learned, adhere st- tly to U. The hair
Will oT Its own a<x I’d finally shape Itnelt in that direcUon.
hwitafnci e> ttwaw.
Probably the ui» aailsfactory inex*
pensive rug Is un of body Hnibsel*
carpet. 1 lies.' afe u uully kqpi in stock
at the laigc riirtici tiuuscr. made from
remnant* .-is thry aivnmnlau-. 1'hev
_oan ba had in vai^uua sizes fn>m a
square of niue feiu or even soniew liai
,lesw to a size that vUl kerve in « large
zoom. They come. too. in bejuilfiil
, Persian isittero*. and ; sell made a»
they are, with lH>fders carefully mBi.-bed and u'aot* lined and pretwrd. tbey
are both li.indanmt and iliiraiile,
good domestit Sn. ma
n little
more, and In* Ilie idileil advantage of
use cm bulb aides The ingrain kit
•quare* arc noi to <• reimmmended la
• a room where the s -ar (sal all serious.
They are useful at d «ffiitlve. as they
cvme in ezcelieni degigh*. for light s«r*
viee. their extirmi: cheapness t>eing
another advnntage. The Imported mgs
mf this thuiavter » more durabTe. as
. they (iiigbi to be. •v-iiug twice ii* nim h
or mure, bii! tliHr eailerns arc raiber
, ilull. Jihl tiled
e lif eo^jih lituiied
• had diftn-uli to toll with furnishings.
J9i« lugH ure to ue fbjind In lucwi at• traelM,- r.ittrnis md in a variety of.
ai.d lighi. and at 'a veo'
l.'W 1-1 lie. They lyhuuld t>e iiiir. ha*ed,
luuvt'i -.-;. u;U; ihe.VneS ledge (hat
wvar.j.g <]HAlitie* arv pool.
Ha*> aiwnrt'a 1
Am.uis the. Will lit* owned by Mary
Rinsii wue A coffir-ehaped wutcb in a
e.'ise of rijsiai* Prfitiablj the most
remuikable one in her collection was
(he oi;e which wv* bequeathed to
Mary’ Sestuo. her r-aid of boaor.
was in the form of li skull.
On the
furehe.*)! of itr skull vtaa the symbol ot
death, tbe scythe und the bour-glsas.
At the back of tbe skull was Time, and
at the top-of the brad was tbe garden
Of Eden and the erixifixlon. The watch
s«B opened by reveratng tbe ekull. In­
side was a represe-itailon of the holy
(amity, surrounded by angels, while the
ehepberds and theL' Docks were wor­
shiping the oew-l<ora Christ.
erartts formed tbe brataa. wbUe the dial
plau was Ue paUte She

« ««•»•* rAfia.
■nie origin of tbe cnsiom of widow*
•’eerlDi cape la exireraety ascient. It
nay be tracod Uck to the Egyptian
and Oroclan practice of ehevlng off
the hair in pertoda «f mourning. But
as without hair there was a danger of
cairblM cold, lb* ■*» woe* wigs up­
on th*U bald crowns and the woawi


train waa moving off however, a geiH
tleman au-ldenh- got in. He sat down

--Lederle's (ew Shot,

imerlciB iedlcal ui Sirgiol lastitate ol lal(£on, lid

ri.e“r, »h.t.
lol oul
Yo*' »»>'
*»*' Y^u

.M |
rememberyon tookmy,
Insteadofyour own.I,

•WlaJ.-lrlTig, Tira-o-erao Oity.


March 16, 1899.


OttM Bonn fira 0 a m. to 4 p. m


I a—dPp

___ J*jz- * •

4 a r.m.

of r^ent sorrow almost, in fact, of ag-'
"1 know perfetil.v what..vou
lt..k.n. He s.s-med relkv.d at having lu-bl «y; it does.notjm-<-ountfw iv|
caught the train; and Iteing, like my*
aell.culte disinclined for converaatlon. ^-’ni^^v
our Journe) proceeded In sUonce.
jso->ou will understand nraeentlv how.
d Quite
1 My bag lay beside me. and
quite unun-,
der my e»s.
I was tired after mg,

is !5*'»'g!Shsr‘"|;is :s

115 !•

fnlS glan
* 'Vb^ *o. o«, a. Crawe. . look «
aanlon. however’''bad'his
] bohii'.' I found that my poor mother.
^ sioDped ai Chester, and here I , vbr.m I bad left in the most utter gnel
diouthi I would get out and walk nb utl *nd prostration atI my bn.ther s death,
s mtic as we bad ten minutes to wait b«d nut milled at all:
all; 1I told our d.alor,
lal my
I look my hag. and go. out. On my ve- | was there, that
my aea.vh for aw
lal relic of my brother bad '>e«
the train there was my romp
turn to1 tl
we itititlDiied our jonm v


At r*—- • {

iT*rM t'lM


^doc lor advised nir «o sa> noth- .

now. and fell into a sound slei-p. with'
J”*' A" >} *»«
bi.icU -...
tbe l‘U«ltiP»»
uu<iup*» engagement
engageuieni whUh
wiieii t.Hjk
iuuk me lo
:l [.ondoti; the*
then rell.i.e
gelttint into the
Irat handsom
She knew
go, and as she did not urge
urge me
- I,.. II.. meth'sl -Li.
J. I t suppose la
I. ‘ t'd lo go.
is hah1
Huai (o a mull In niv na-le. 1 imdantly t;> Slav, and at. my sister and her husJ the wife ill whkh I keep \vs’* b.nid vi-ere with her nnd i-ould take cars
hei. I left lie huuw.ihat very day.
ualde jewels. unlcHke.1 it. and depue.t- <>r
Jng the liag on alalde. i u|M'iie<l It. In* uti J joinuey.-d lui-k north to Liverpool,
itui in time to <at<-h uiy steamer bound
syliM niy dl<unay ut finding i
. .id of my diamond*. It .-untajned on* {o' Melbourne.
1} sMiffie rusty bits of iron and wooJcii
debris. My bag was
uieil tor
b.ig had l-een .leierl;
weiglil. as well as tbe ap|>earani c. had
been ;<idgetl

bag Was tost.
A >wor after the events narrated In
the la->( chapter I was again traveling
t>>] the line which takes passengers te
Holyhead It was In the beginning ot
O. lobrr. as well a* I remember,
1 traveled fiix-i lass. iny usual cus­
tom when 1 have a long joiiniey tiefure
me. During the year not a sign had
b>-en glv-n of m* missing i«g. or the
Jewels, inn 1 had not really rtesp^rad
vetofreioveilugitan. them fori bad
H e*naln tmacuuntablv feeling about
the whole thing; that there was aom*


West Michigan.

- — -- niy room, unlocked the cup*
imd the hag just as 1 bad leR
I vi-as Just going to open It when, to
still further-surprise, my mother
tliai Is yum•An- you quite w
liag. Anhui ?
"i looked a* he* In astonishment.
•Well, mother.' I said, 'I am as sure as ^
n 1 liman tveing can Ih- of anything.’
open it after you ram*
No. I am ecriBio I >1


__________ city.
kr. Bkaapids___ Sl*«.a.

..i»iiTp,a»-----Ofwsd kaplds.

d Sesentifle Treatment of AH OiaeaMS and Weakxwwi ■
of XMkind Po*«ibt« to Obtain.
in tk' l'el'e4 States Biv lou rxoerieM*disease* and Oa
-4. Acute am] Chroak

Dlaeaar. M
nred br tr«*l
________ berood feo*c
pevfKt baalik bad IM

.-r,,^n ■ „m my mother.‘be
,«r*d for a aurprlse. I think you

e,ge-» ]

Gnil Ripils » lodiui S. B
‘gfigeS ESSEEEfi

: wRJiSfi SSS£€zii iSS S«
to unlock
eaid. my key w— . -,..........
;ways had the same answer.-Kotblng
My motl
mother rang the bell, and
% gaiefEgfifis
yet. sir." Tbe reward 1 had offered w«* walked
iia aaaaaa* « a a
Iked the inspector ••
•e*wfnUy.iaiU :
------- -------auffleient to insure a certain Interest.
„y vl«lu
vlHkor c*aaed epeaklag.• and
:w^£9=8«9fil:S8£fi fi8S8»8«S8
he nMimalylev agwial or«.
inoac •aoj c—, corod l« o-tieatwraU
aud the police, 1 firmly believed, wera
, t*«,.toroiL»lnoco«ol W u*a~ Of llda.' DtSCaAfiOlSO EaBS euiwd 1* e»*»7 ea« '( rs:
as Jteen In the matter as 1 could with. ,
,o ^ae person
e^otlof nev«
On this October morning In 38M, 1 hansom cab cloae by. It was mr tHenc
He -rgSkoMIOfiOB.
'‘oRMViofioas ™
eteb *■ avaowlwvH ’
tiavcied with a lady who was in deep- (he Inspector of police at Crewe. "*
mourning. The day was chtlly. and she eottinoed the «ory. But fiiwt ,b«
wore several wrapt. l>u( getting warm placed on tbe table my^ -black bag.In the carriage, sbe preawitly threw
-There, air.* eaid be,
•side a fur cloak she was wearing, and
quite right—this
Biv eye was Instantly attracted by a
n p, misukt That moning.
handsome brooch she bad on. In which when Mrs.------sent tor me I foimd the
wu a portrait.
bag unopened. 1 forced tbe lock, and
tlthout appearing to do ao. aod found your name inside tbe bag. The FgUM.»MIPMAARB
and contenu nre intact, as you will see."
Witha a sndden
aoA-------------- of
— Intereal
imlag tfecw (0* nwdr, *aclet}
oalD’ for which 1 cannot acrounl.
acrount. I
] opened my gate, and before I would wStwTwwt.w OVBB
_ . peeutlar ui
laged to get
open my bag, 1 tot* h(i een —
aad —..
aU tdei^
g*t a nearer view
clew of the ,jjow them
aircvu to a*/.:.-tt,—
nit It
It was
wa* the face of the young jj^m
^wm the ahelf
ahelf. and placing ft
ti beaMa TiliSJSLSSfSS,
imh who had traveled with me the b,v own. we all three saw that In size.
year before when 1 had lost my bag. 1 „ake. Indeed. In weight, they ex*.. gPECiAL:ni»i
||i fi8B6assaRk*fi«89sa
was ao certain of this that I rawlved ,rtly reaembled eadi other.
not to conilgoe my jonwy^ntUJ^ I
Mihwgb I felt that I ^ r^,»/ ,a»4 p*e
" ------ ----—’ —
^__ ^^al
atop^ at Crewe, thh place ppid
^Tfi*the Inapector the check be deaeiw-,
•?SI2r ILrlw.-’lSa
wbm 1 ^er^bered the yonng----________________ “




•waited her at the sUUon—I ewtwred a,



O. D. m aar pan of C

M4y drove to. Her---------------...............
to ChiU fioB Qecaany «re ot AMrtcaa,'
w. 8be appeared to U la aa akeaUaKf
laatdOB. and to ha waUthy.



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