The Morning Record, September 07, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 07, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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imauTt mn





Bo«rt will
Ulttmatom from Sn^lok OoUnot
Tkto WIU Km Snkw
OmmmUM bf Ttmtu 6o*«n
mml or o PreltrotioB o( W»r—
OmooU (Ob* boM VrUoy WbM It
WIU bo DobMo4 Wkot lo Oom*« of
Ibt Boom—Tbw Knot Book Pova

14.000.M1LI c«ut«B nrPKD.
SarbleboM Pooeihoo Baa maotoeo-*
rwoaty-Thrw Poarrtloo*.



eonataad. baa arrirwl froai bar loaf
enilaaolH.OOOaaiaa from Haw York
arooad Capa Boro to Baa Fraaelaeo.
Bha bad ivalaa ofleen aad >l« m
oat of wboB ara laoc-Una csaa fron
la ladlaaa, MaMaehwetta. Now York
aad Taaaa. Twaal7*lbroo laea wart
MoaUTldao. the;
praetlaall; deaertad. aa tba; dklibad
tbaoAoan beta da; aftar the; reported oa tba Hoa«oaar;. wbleb waa
tbaa la port.
Tba aaaoaUae ofioar of tba Marblebead la Ueetaaaot Oomiaaodar Nick
ela, who will ba rallevad bare b; Ueo
taaaot Contmaodar Blebnan, lo ebarye
Of tba Poret Bound naral atatloo.

LmIoo. Bapk a —Tba al(aa wbleb
tba BayUak paopU ara aeeaatooaad to
ata Jaat prarioaa to war ooaUana aad
troM tbaaa aoy aambar of acwaUoaal
be drawl
SaeralaiT Cbambarlala raatalaa at the
aolaalal ofi « aad otbar oablaat Blalatara are eitbar bora or m ronU to Ua
Tba raaaral opialoa taada to tba baIlaf that tbr oablaat eooaeU to be Herbert PartrldKe Bound Over to tba
bald rrida; will roaalt la aa altlBaOiroult Ooori for •alllof a Korv
tarn, followed b; aa
ntad Bone.
dowD of tba Boara or tba <
Tba ea«e of Berbart Partrldye. ar■aatof boatillUaa b; Urea Brltala.
reatad is Cadillac b; Sheriff Bimpaoo
laat week, for dUpoaiof of nortoeed
propert;, waa up for examination lo
1 that la tbeae Mr.
JuatlM Browo'e eonrt ;aaiarda; after­
CbambarUlB baa had praotloall; free
noon. The defendant waa bound over
band, and baa not bean hloderad b;
Xo tbe Clrceit court la tbe eum of »a0(>.
tbaooBaaraatlarawb'eb wilt undoubt­
Belny unable to famlehbonde. be wae
ed!; ebaraclariaa the
remanded to j til to await trial.
the fnU oabinet oooboII.
Partridge waa arrcaled on oomplalat
of <^lee Montague of Archie, for
wb(w he waa working at Ue Ume
Haa Vaaar Kaowa Braatar ProaparU; Ua mortgage waa given,
peate Uat Mr. Montague loaned Part­
Umq It Mow BaJoja,
WaahlDfftOB, U C. bepi c—"Brer;- ridge HV 81. taking a chattel mortgage
bod; OB tba Paeifi: alope la fur aa- on a bone aa aecurlig. Tbe borae
J; diapoaed of to Albert
paaaloB.” aald Blnyar
eoBmlMloaar of Ua ffaneral land Tbompaon, near Maaton, u related in
Ue acct>RD a week ago. ^.Partridge
Mr. UarnaoD'e home
Or^OB, and be baa Jual raturaad frao antcrad no tcatimon;. but will aund
trial at the next Urm of Circuit eourt.
kUaacatloB, apaol « Ue far Waat.


•*1 aulatad Ua Uorarnor in weieotelay boata Ue OrefOb Toluntaara.” oostUkuad Mr. BerinaaB. “and 1 aeaer taw.
ffreatar entbueiaain. Tbe bo;e wtto Stole a FaU ^ Oxforda From Farkar OBBKAM AMBBIOAMS PLBABKD.
BroaV Store Wblok Ooet Him |10
oerrad In Ue Pbimpinea looked «er;
Tbink Dewey for Branding
to avoid Froaaentlon.
dlfferaot from tboaewboeair.dlnOubo.
tioual Bvporta aa Ltea
A Ulaf who uDderlook to B ch a pair
Tae; looked boltor whan tba; oama
New York. Sept 6 —At the BfU
book than when Ue; went awa;. of oxforda from Parker Broa'. aboe
m naail; eapured yaatarda; annual convention of Ue German
The; apoke aa tboufk Ua; ware well
pJaaaad wlU Ualr anparlenoa, and Tba man waa paaalng tbe atore, wban CaU'olle eoeicliev ol the doeeae
that Uelr anUnalaam waa not nfloeiad he eneaked Ua oxforda from a baaket Newnrk, held at Si Boolfaoe'e church
la proven b; Ua fact Uat man; of in front of Ue atore The Ulrf waa In Jerae; City, tbeae reeoluilona were
notloed and Ua pert; entered a adopted:
tbau have ra-anllitad In Ua new
■Aa Amonean eitixeni of Germao
atalrwa; leading to Ua dental office of
nrltnani now balnr formsd.
“Wa have a tew
■»“' I>r. lilgglDB. naxl door. Dr. Blg^a daoeat. It gtvet ua great pleaeure Ua'.
attreeted by Ue atrange a^ona^ all Ue llee of a yellow preaa, and
wa;, but Ueantl-ezpaniloo ■aatlmeBt
laeoatnail that It will be ditteuU for Ue man and ba notloed Ue tallow try. eapMslallv Riri«h imagtaatloua and
-iiaiiona of Capuin
tbe Dmoerata to make aa leana out of lag lo awrata the Uoaa In kU eloUing even the r.
tbe queeUoa. If ue; do tbo; will oar- After Ue man bad gone be noilfled Cogalan-hav •->.>1 anooewled lo creatdlatorb < ee between our old and
talal;lmeUaPaelloooaalb;lt. Tbe Parker Pennington, the aaleaman In
Heal bna narar knows fraatar proa' Ua atore who followed Ue man. Be adopted ooon.H -a.
-Weanperi>‘> Uank Admiral Dewey
parit; tban i> la bow anjj;lnff, and all overtook him when near Boblnaon'a
alfnaara propitiou tor Ue Bepuhll- graear; atore and compelled him to re­ for bla declaW >od maal; character lo
turn to Ua a^e. The Uat waa ao braudiog all th -vv aenaatlouv aa liea
bold that Uare'waa no uia of denial.
Allbongh V- are Americana ol
The Uoaa were reeovered and Ue
manorlr - '-e will do all la our
part; promlaid to pul up tan dotlan if power to prrv' ' a rupture batweea
Tba Travena Oit; Xaam u Flay Ua Mr. Parker would not proaeeuie him.
German; anr t erien, yet In cnee of
FaUdkaya at Ue Beaort Today.
Ba did not have Ue money bandy, hut war betwrer ..... two oountrlea we wUl
Tbe drat game of football pUyod b; ba five an order on Ue I'olon aireet devote our m-aoi. and if Dfceaaary,
when he waa
Ua local team tbU aaaaoa will ooeur at bridge contractor,
livee to d.-'r-d our adopted
to go.
Patoaka; Ula afternoon, between
try. Ue I nlUd latoa of America, aad
Traverae CIt; team and the team from
Ue land of liuerty ”
Ua aea aerpeol elt;. A hot and eloaa
latorcbaogA of Courtaeiea.
game la expected, at Ue leanu ara
Waablngion. D- C. Sept. 0 —The
UoDfbt W ba evenly maicbed.
Kre Dr. Brooka cd Ohloego Bought elgnlng of the parcel* poet coDveDtloa
boU will ba vary anxloua u win Ua
Twenty Aerea at LaUnd and wdi
between tke (.'uitod Siatee and OerBreot Several Fine Ootugee
Brat game of tba aaaaoa and make a
- on Aug. i6 baa been made Ue
good atart.
Tbe village of Lelaad la an Ideal
lion of an interchange of courteeTba team from tbia eltv have ebar- place for a reaort and when properly lee. A eiatement made at tbe Slate
larad Ue aleamar Onakama for Ue developed will make one of Ue moe< Department aaya:
trip. There will be aoaommodatlone attrective reireau in Leelanau oonniT
"Tbe German Emperor eooveyed on
not only for Ue Uam but alao for all Mrv Dr. Brooka of Chicago, haa reeog. Aug. 29, Urougb Ue German (pecial
otboraUai with U go. A numbar of nUed the advantagea of tbe plaoe auf- envoy, bla high gratlflcation at the
Ua local aoUualaau will gecompeo; BclanU; to warrant a eonalderaUe la- eoBclulon of Ue oonvention, and bU
Ua football boye. Tbe llna-np of the veaiment In propert; which abe
thanka to Ue United Suiea. The
Travaraa CIt; team will ba aa follow*: tenda to develop Into an attreeUve
by re<iue*tiog
Bob tevU. I. a.; Walt Ufa;, 1. L: aammer reaUng plaoe. Yealarday
Ue German envoy to convey to
Ton; Bokoa. 1 g ; Don Morgoa. ei deal waa eloaad whereby Mra. Brook* Bmperor bla aloeere appreciation
Halt Murrey, r. g ; Amil Nerllnger. r.
of 20 aerea da hi* majeaty’* maaaage aad bla reciprot.; Walter Trumbull, r. a.; Varlln Ue lake front, which the will Improve. oaUon of the aenGmenu
Tbomaa. q: Tom Wilhelm. I. b.; It la Intended to ereet aeveral tine ootlUAAtABSB F&OVBS FAST.
Chailaa Buck. r. h : Oeorge Bail. f. b. tagaa far nae next summer and to oU-



Two Mora dolnad Am; Teaterdny—
Total of iS BnllatmtnU Kara.
Tbara ware bat two eollatmanla
yaataeday lo tba raeruitlng ofBea. one
being tor Ue volontaera aad one for
rageUie. Baar; Prion, enllatad for
Ua volunteer aarvlca. wilt go to Port
Nlngaie to join Ue Und ragli
wbUa Bo; Slone will join tba .legnlaie
Five naan left Ua olt; yaatarda; for
Fort Niagara. N. Y. They ware Jabn
VaUaou, Oeoega Onmmlag. Kabamlab
Barray, HUllam Unoo and Benry
Tba renmltlag oBoa wUl eloaa lUa
nfHraooa at » o'clock, and Captain
Ball. Dr. Campbell aad Clerk Buala
will rotars to Detroit. Up to Ua
yrmm Uaaa Uora bat boa&At anoaptad
aad oaUotod ta Ua aarviaa, wkUa ^
bavn taUod to pa*a Ua aumlaatloa.
Tba H. a L AmitliUno wlU Mat la
Utofaj^od tte UdlM' Ubtwy baU

arwiae Improve Ua property. Tba
prloa.pald for Ua land waa flS.OOO.
AaoUar deal U os toot lor Ua
UosofaOnaaummM hotel, and It la
axpeetod that plana wilt ba
ao Uat Ua boul will ba ready for btiatneaa by Ue boagutslng of Ua reaort


Pallenu •luaiion HUl be SeUled w
Avoid BoatlUtlae Between Oannda
aad Valud Btaun—Tke Bormer
OaUa Hotblng and P’aenlUeo ara
Avotdad—Mloblgao Lumbar Inter,
asu net Affboted b; Ue Agreeonent
Arrived aV
WaablBgioB. Sept. e-Tba IfitMoa
Vivendi wbleb aeebia likcl; to be ooacluded ver; aeon between Ue United
Suiea In relation to an adjoatmeit of
Ue Canadian dlfflcnltlea will not effect
an; maitere of Michigan intercoL
Tbe Mieblgan Ismber qucaUoo wUl
not benwterred lo aoeordtng to Ue
praaent aagoilatiena. nor will Ue Boo
water power, which alao la now an In­
ternational aubjeet. be touched upon
The aole object of Ue Britiab govern­
ment In pnahing Ue negoilationa appeara to be not to get Canada out of
an; trouble, bat to keep itacif out of a
Tke propoaed modua la ta re­
late wboll; to the qucatlon of bound
ar; and aaaraa deaigned to keep Ue
Canadlana and Alnakana from flgbtiog
for noUiog alaa. The BritiU
govenimeni atema willing to concede
much rather Uan have an; abooling
tbe border to Inflame Ue two coun
Tbe nigotlaUotta. aa tar aa Ue; have
gone, do not give Canada an Alaakau
port on ttde-vaator. even temporerily.
and Great Imtain liu aeemlngl;
planned w gain lltUe except Immunli;
from border botllllliea Uat might
oblige bar to back Canada in a ver;
na>t; affair. WIU Ue temporary
boundarr fsed. each aide vrili know
where to plaoe troopa to keep Ue peace
batwaan Ue angry mlnera on either
aide, who are read; to ahoot at Ur
drop of Ue hat.

Mew BatUe Bhip Knkaa 17 1-4 Xnota
On Bolldera' TrUl Trip
Newport Newa. Va.. Sept 6 —With
all of her armor and heavy gua* aboard
tbe battle ablp Eearaarge pamed out
Urougb Ue Vlrgtaia oapet yeaterday
morning on her balldera' trial trip. Ev­
ery fontnra of tba trip
not Intended to teat Ue run­
a nr Chicago. Broetning capacity of Ua big flghter, but
tag a BS.OOO Oottago.
when Ua pnaaad out Intoalgbt fall
y flat *nmmar cottage la being of water, wiU a clear coma before
araetad at Poraat Lodge on Ua abore bar. Ua temptation eoald not be raaM)
of Loeg Lake tor Mr. Boardmas
ofCAlaago. Arebltoct'W. A Dm haa
ebarga of Ua work. Tba buldlag la talnad aapeed of nii knota OonaMto bnva a troataga of <7 taoi. la to ba ering Ua eondlUoaa under whlU Ua
oooatTMtod la ImUadon of Ua primi­ toat wna made. Ula record la ooaaldtive log booaa. bnt will ba daligbtfiilly ared remarkable. Ue ooatiaet apai
Tba flropUoaa. of
bkb Ue vHaal balag enly le kuota
Uare wOl ba atx, ara of primid brick.
Berbart M. Tyaon of Kalamaxeo baa
Oyitort th any Btyla
goat to WUmiagloa. Oal„ to Invoatt1 have FMalvad a eoaalgumut i
gata bit tlUa to a •it.OM.OM aAata laft
I and am prepafed to oar
bU faUnrb half broUnr. wbo left
Sam la aa; atyla at my
Torkablre, England, wban a b«y aad
•ear Ua Hottl BMUm.
located in Awtmlia.

Today Only


0.1, 9.PU .-Th. BM«>nTli«®o*l*n<IAet.«I
Marblobood. Oapiolo Colb; la to Bottl* Soon(Ut7 DispoU.

We have too mnnjr


hhoeo, ia large aizea and lo
doee then Qot qaickly, will
aell a large number of $2.00.
$1.75 and $1.60

we WiU pay you for second-hand
S«ll«r>BUt7MrOnmiBkr.................................... yoe
Wnatworth 0«)m*try .......................................... ^
Bflnnntfi I«> to OmBunar,....................................... ^

This is tbe Season for Foot Bali and Golf
We have the neceanary apparntna for both
Speaking of golf ever try
‘Q- tthe „
Weltan of
the First National Bank aara 'It’a the twet game I know
(and be haa had bw
« day in all kinds of g
We will loan ton the appai
and free one of lue ‘ linka” while yog try it If yon stay '
the garni
tme" it c >sta yon $8.00 to join tbe clnb and abont $3
for the “tools "
It won’t cost yon n cent to try it.

280-822 Front Street

Balph Oozmable Jr.. XBnk^gr.


Night Robes

$1.00 PAIR,
IN 8XZ88, 10.
They will



Extra long, ao yon can wrap

be sold at

yonr feet np—Pretty new p*tthia price.

leina—joit from Wilson BroA

Buy Quick.

factory—Plain or embroidered
—Pricea ao low theyll not dl««
turb yonr ilnmber —50c, 76e,
$1.00, $1.25, $1 60.


Seen our ne.w fall snits tad
top coataf

Attention, Please!

Popular Shoe House.

75c to 11.95.

Fall Wrappers

' ery choice atyl^ including tbe Porfeot
CoFMt Wrapper-Be sure to aae it.

m aaaa ^^aane w

When you couaider tbia fait,
dun't you think you are miatakrn
when you say you ‘ don'I need
tel^hone in tour home."
What YOU have moat precious in
the world ia there, and in the event
of accident or dan
ger you would need
mor« at your
home than at joui
.\iid that io
sayinc ■ t.’ood deal

. Bepis Witli Ainimi
Onee more, when tbe summer
girl comes home flushed with
conq lest an^'eager to poeseM
Aoew Kimball Piano to add

ll£ I ISSv ^


i-DterUinmenl of her

friends and tbe Attractions of

lidilgu TetopboM Co

her home.

Don't begrudge

your wife or daughter tbe pleasure that a high grade and melo-


dioua piano brioga to your home, when we will aell you one at
such a low coeL


Easy Terms-Factory Prices.
Sleet Music et Half Price.
Bee u* before you boy—It n

We have just


stock of


I. E. STBOeC, niuitr.'

lU Prat SL. lirUu Bled

the moat

beautiful art work in


China ever displayed in tbe



handsome and new


which we invite tbe ladies to
Our stock of jewelry

ia tbe

finest in this part of tbe state.

Barnum & Earl.
Xaiuoxi Block.

Ttiell»*4 air *
MoUv, tar vzirec
oeeA LateMaeC
Ilea/Mueea term

We are now pleasantly located in onr new
store in the McNamara Block, and inrite
all onr old enstomera as well as new ones
to call. We shall still continue to carry a
fall and up-to-date line of ladies’, ^tiemen's and children's footwear at prices
that are right. GreaUy reduced prices
on all ladies' and gent's snmmer tan shoes.

McNamara Blk-



sn Hosanta



M> Ml B>IMi U M«br»
AfMrkMwrtMi OapnAuUfc
IV Tr*«WM OiU B«Um V*« d)»tor Um mmoa- Tb« lM( f*a»e
WM pUjod IB Maairoo MoVoy »«d
UMi qoU. Ml Uo pUyert mV
tai«l tB *»rloM dtnetkm. Tboy loot
BlBUevkofOB. Wkwler
wMt te DBytoB .0.1 «bo« bt Joiofl
tbo lsl«r»Ut*JMffBeWM ot tbrnt plvr- yUsBy moebe Vili B
maeripplKl tbs ■mUccb. bat BiUis
.1 nenTbelMaisf.
TibBld Of OrvBl B»|ridfcWBiMii«dto
JobBByHoebe.tbe ooted ethlete of,
t»k« bU plM- Tb* ftfot rame wm lost
U-and Bapidc. will p ee a oompIlcDSBV
tbroBjrb bis errors ud bswssi
ary aebibltloo of atblcii» ibie ereaiQp
TbsB llBSkKob bind blm te tbs
lo tbe old K. of P. ball In tbe Masonic
mBloder of tbeMSoo.
Pmi«r» M Tiei's^ otv.
Hoot. Boll Md| Herbs rotnroed to block. Tbe eDtertalaBei.l Is eBelosiTeTrererse City. PetlersoB woBt to ly for Ue baslne« and rrofessioi al
bss secured men of tbe elty and yottng nea *bo
■on lateresuei Iscu Bod lyures RlebBoiid. iBd.. wbers be _
__ _ desire to study pbyeloal cultbrr.'
•p* to te pressBled to eteffrese tbls B poslUoa iB B bBtdwBM stcre te the
1^. back j Bocb. U a w:leotlftc pby.lcs; Instructor
«toUr. Btewlsr tbs esloe of eoest deIlMed BS dsBOBStrsied by tbc oselees
to open a school hero te a few weeks,
■MMbe of Kempsoo-s fisst Bt tea Jueii
lie U a skilled athlete, and bis enfalbimA ■BBtlayo. Bad b spee«l plsB tor Boyee went to bis hou e In Brlfbioc, tloo will be not only InetTuctiee but
Ibo totlIcBtte) of tbe lonaer piece and MoCall "snt to Kewayfo. Pete eutertalniDC. Ill business eud prefer•til te pot la oa Ibe «Kmad that tbe Tibald reUrned toUrs- d Baplds. wbeie s oeat men who are interested in phys­
portiflAtlOBS ere aot ooly aesded. boi bs played yesterday on trUi at abort ical culture are Inelted to be presentynmld Blao forateb work for tbe aew stop for Ue UesierDv Leefue Usm of
eltltefis of Porto Bleo Bod be that place. CkraoB has reeuBted work PBOK PBIUPrltfB FlOBTl
Ite etert of poblic improtremsau It le on the C. dW..M.
The BusUtre started too late lo Ue Vtior Prom y. B. Prsser Bcoountlng
Vp«d to laBSKoretc on tbe Island,
pprto Blao U oOBBldored tbe teat str«v aaawB to do mueb. and the short sesWar Biperionoee.
■fie point in tbe Weetindise, and beaee BOB did not psBout successfully. Tbe
toward Ue end cf iu career was
U is oOMldered that Baa Jbbb sboold
UsliuK- P- •
*»• UuTuen sku FsTutk —At 1
V tetilod Bt oaee bo as to furvlab tbe a food one. but in U*-Bm f«” fsmee
tfalted dUtea with a seaward base ManUtee didlltbrm up utmereifuny bsve a little spare Ume will drop a Imr
are. U
wbleb would eoairol Cuba aad tbe eapipMB to tte IstbBBScanal Tbe tbc team made a ftrst-elaae rtoord, but U rsinlnf V > verv ban!; so hard mat
t tbo bear the (aUnre of Ue Columbia Giants to the eolonel mid we need not fo to Ue
laat ward
.tetablts oaaaot rtdaoe food ebote keep U^ daue occasioned a hsary river today, ae It was our day to fr.
'(ortiBoatlons, and hence It la proposed loat, and Ue laet fames here, wbleb You know we take tarns, one company
lo pat Kodern runs-la teaJuen'a old were pleyed wlU Pilnt. were eaprofiv ooe day and nnotbe r the neii,*fBd so
Motto fort aad tboa dsrelop Us latet- able oa account of poor atundance- ou Uroofb Ue regiment.
I received yon letlor Ue oUer dsy
ler harbor Into a asTal staUoB with re- On tbe whole, base tell this year has
aair abopa, ateenals. powder factories. not been n financUl eoeeeee, nlUoutb aod was glad to bear from you. G i U
drj doeks absolBtely secure froai tbe mennccmeDt e*erUd esery effort s dsy or too after 1 wrote you. Voo
m«w« It no, and would have doae ao ask about my band. By arm U partly
, te BBtoetusate elrcumeiaBOee psra ytec. caused from Ue probing in
I’Aui'niv.UesUrai'tonrned which could Bot be foresees or eon- my arm I have no uae of my lIlGe
■ntor of Peioekey, went to Orand trolled.
flcfvr or the one nest to it on my left
{nlte OB Uber Day and let btmself
band, bat tbstdou't b«rt me any u I
lo 0 soBiewbat raeklees taUlon,
work just Ue same ss though I had
^l^eoBBtenis of oBc of Uc Ur*td
fdl. use of boU bands.
papere can be eet down ss an Bi-Alderman Desmond Qtoee Bie
I will send you e paper from Ue
iVrlty. Tha Herald does not spare
VU we on WnUr Worko.
tuiea with a skeieb about Ue last
teoiorosque BafIIU lanraafo U orltiBelleeinf tbst every person's,opinion bard fight of Ue Third riglment
»P^ “
“•* bns mote or )em Infioenoe. t here wish ssys IS killed. Tbe c ficial report layi
Hera U an OBtract from Us eominsnl:
sUU my opinion on Ue eboee it reaches in Ue bundredr, those that
I'laanM. ranUnc Cbarlic. Us foe
Mtion. boplnf Uet It will help to were left dead ou Uc Bold, bot Ue
Wa of Ue dkUleeBioOi
eaillope of ^ten Ue buildlnf of Ue proposed
paper was printed In Hlntesots. and
ate Waoeoebanoe, bes bees wlU us.
weter works. 'As n member of Ue lust they think there le no one but Ue iSlb
olds hills ars sUllecboine bis oossmtttee on weter works I dseoted
n-«;ioent. But if ibat wes Ue caie,
tepassloned eloqueaee His burning etBsldemble time end itudy lo tbe
there would he bot few aetieec killed,
bot < ff-Ue bat, are still soorch qucatlon ( And my opinion formed was
and lltUe fighting done.
I^e parubsd lawns of tbc ValUy now, that Ur Baiter’s plsne
J. B. ‘ asztB.
Grand Bapidsabonld not worry
and reoammecdatlons sbonld be fellowCo. A 3rd 0 d. 1.
•btet a mua Ulne like that Its all
Uad bis adelce been Uken Ue
fight when one feu aocustoaied to ItCity would bsee been $30,000 anead to­
Dp at Peioekay Uey are nsed w U aad
day, owlBf to tbs sharp adeanee lo
don't wind It any more. Bampton's
Ue oott of Iron pipe. The reservoir ProfitableBrecloos forRrilfioasWorkSTfifhl. only in Orand Bapids Uey do
•bonid be nsed by nil menns ns it will
et« Ue Best of Ue Week.
pgt aBderstasd or eppreeiau blm.
reduee Ue cost of.pnmplnc for one
Tbe tblrteenU annual conveniloo cf
Ulng.tsr bolow that of direct pressnre,
tSB proptwod InrasloB of EenUcky
like Ue city bes. electricity tbe Sevenih D.ttrict Christian MiuionWWIlliauJedniBea Bryan la tbo inBoerdman river it ever used to do sry society will be beM st the gospel
IMOM of CUdldetc Goebel doee not tbe pumplof. end I believe it will be, lent beglnalng Uls evealng snd eonwiU Ue epproral of eome ef Ue
reservoir Is espeeielly easenUal, es tinuing UQllI Sandsy erening. Hsoy
poMoeratle leedere of Ue eUte. Tbe
Ue electric power oonld be nsed to fi 1 hflpful fesiurei sre provided for os
Ul^t in Ue •peerlBie leader" has
Ue reeervolr dsy times, and also used tbe program, and a good meeting ii
■•baUel oonsldermbly. and wlU tbe
Dlfbt to- hfht Uc city. Bot tbe expected.
nimnf opptaltlon to Goebel amonf a entire Balter plan lucludlnf boiler and
There will be a dundsy school ses­
fiwerful element of Democrats, tbe
pumps Uonld be put In just Ue seme sion. a C. B. session, s ebureb officers
|0«r ef Bryan does not promise a eerles As we bnow. steam U moat reUsbIe. soMion. All ere invlud.

The People Know



8 Good Thing When Th<r Set it

Mdkes tto food awre ddidcHis and P



ft laau-""-*

while electrieltT by water newer is
ebcaper. It Is more or less nnreUable,
Badured Death's Agoalea
as dams go out and planu are crippled
Oo’y a 'roaring fire enabled J. M
by lightning etc. Bsf er'e plant will
give as for all purpos. s p' -aty of pure Gsrrelson. of San-Antonio, Tex., lo
He down when sltaced by Ailbms.
water at a low eott.
from which be suffered for years. He
Uet us have it as sooi as poesible
w-r.teshls miserv wes often so great
F. C UacMoM.
Uat It seemed far endured tbe agonies
of death: but I>r K-np's Nrw Diacovery
f..r Consumption wholly cured blm.
T'lis marvelous medtelne is tbe only
VK OF TaK SYRI-P for this U-rri-'known cure for Aslbma as well as
innd was in Ue elty yeeterdhy
thorC n-.nraption. Coughs and Coidt. and
and in time, it win evir.. b
aH Throat. Chest aad Lung troubles
B. H. Bracken faa* rone to Chlcafo
uir., and !.«• tli.- erngb that l-l- ' P lee S'< and $l.ft' Guaranteed. Trial
*0 bay foo^
UamUwn ClotkfaUs U> give I b -tiles ihc at S. E Wait and J. U.
' JnhnaoD Drug diorea(nf
OBarlea Boaeniba! of Ue Boetoo
■toe* bes returned from e three weeks'
pcrakaslBf trip W New York, with a
laU Uae of fall foods.

tMB Trarerae CHy oooncll might
■e^ aariens mUukes In Ue consider-^1,^ of public ImproremenU by first
Mklat UemselToi: “Wbal would Ue

To Coro U firlpH In 24 Hours.



and arrieed 9
ffim Eslamss<.oyeetcrdsy.
UiM Anna Oealey, daugbUr oi. Mrs.

C. J. OalbiaU. un y«*t^M

■oath's visit at PremonV Mleb.
Madge Hoyden, who has bees
•WtiBC trlasds u Us city, wasl to
Beeber Bpringe yesterdty. where the
win epeitd s few dsya before reluming
In Ealamssoo.
Mi«. J. Ortdley will leave today for
kerkeme l» Mbsisalppl. -...............—
vUlt wiU Mr: an
^ Bov Hrentte Wattman of NorUport,
—through Ue city jreewrday on
lAarlM Hhleblng waa-bome ymter
dsy from Ue camp where be U ataying
Srltb e party of pleasure eeekerv neer

MU' fumlahloga for Ue Mercanli
Oo Be was aooompanled by Jes


___________ __

TfrOblLrKW.,,.U.«r PIU. ~1..

1. now locatod nt 167 Front Stroot, In tho

-not In MoNamsTA'B old store, u formerly.


Eagle and World Bicycles
at Less Than Factory Cost

Mahara's MammtU Minetrals. tbc
peer of all colored abowe now travriiBf. appear Monday Sept 11 at Ue
OilT Opera Bonse In a grand doable
abow lasUng S boura. A magnlfleeni
performaace by Ue pick of fie eolcred
Rcrtormere of Ue worlA i:b's great
iB tbelr own $30,000
palaee train. Watch Ue small blUs
for list of one Ue greeteet ibowe Uat
ever rleited KorUen Mlehtgan.

And they btve nol been alow to take adt'antBee of it. We have
$o)d 37 bicycleo in tbe laat ten daya—sold aet-en Monday, and
have onlf a frw left, ao if you want to uke adrentai^ of tbia,
come qoicl. and do not think of buying a bicycle without an
eatablisbed reputation, when yon can boy inch a bicycle ae the
Kagte or World at the pri< es we are selling tbem at, and are
guaranteed for one year by a party you know is reaponsible.

First dess double tube tires,
euatantted, for $2.25.

yobs Leatner la OermeoTA card from John Uotner. who b
speudlng Uc summer in Germany,
states Uet he is enjoying bimwlf st
present visiting polnu of interest or
the Bbine fie bes sera Bsmbnir,
Berliu. Lripele, Dresden,'Sszon, 8wHi
erland, and spent two wreke st lb.
summer school in Marburg. The card
Is wriiten from Bingen on Ue Bhice.

J. W. SLATER’S Honse Fomishing Store
120 Front Street. Traverse City.

Oanttal W.C. T D Meeting.
The Central W. C. T. U will hold it*
regular mretlog Id Ue parlors of Ur
Firai M E ebureb tomorrow afternoon
at S o'clock. A large atteodance is de­
sired at arrangemenu will be made at
Uls time for tbe district eoDveation. tbe held in Uls city In Ue near future.



To OiM^ m Com In Ofw Day.
Take Wanicr's Whiti- Win- of T;lt
llie Ijest evugb rvuird) on cartli. 'J''•U cents.

».Tt»»»rMCH>, hlcB.



Read the “Go’s.” Want Ads.
They Bring Quick Returns.

Rooms Wanted

100 turn 0 apply at once with
liends to fit ui r oc atraw hata

to have some of tmr new draperies, portiere* and lace enrtaina
They add such an artistic touch
to the room. Good lace enrtaina
for 7^c the pair. Draperies from
$1.4.i the pair to the finest.Persiaa

»oye fo Ret into these
.')(io l»o;
lite we've just opened
Bt-ll at $1.00 the anit.

Ad early inapeclion of our
11. w 6ti«rk of fall carpet*.
all aunioier and now ifa nweseary
tu carj»-t that bedroom____________

Kitchen Girl Wanted
to look over'our 6toc-k of tin­
ware and tell her miatteaa how
many ibiuga are neetled lo make
ihe work easier
Flour aifter,
.ookie cutter, dish cleaner, soap
shaker, a boat of money aHVers,

- f»

We h*we received ournew fall good*—up-to-date
■tyiea—xLo more complete etock anywhere
Our men's and woman’s $1 »8 lines are unquectionably the best valnes In the dty.
A large range of men's fine shoes at 98c, $1.36,
$1.48, $198, $8.60 to $44X>-the latest style toes and
ufk-to-date shoes 98c, $1 86. $1-48,
8ss our chrome kid walking shoes, heavy sole
and kid lined—a beauty, at $8.60.
Boy's and girls school shoes, solid and good
wearers—very low prioss.
The balance of the McNamara stock of light
shoes WiU be sold regardless of pries.
See our bargain Ubles Trade at tbs Bmfgain
Shoe store and save doUars.




Girls Wanted
thirty an hour to buy those
new Deck riblions. linen collara,
(l>eet grade only I5c.) taffeta and
all silk-back black velvet, scotch
plaid*, all the latest dovcIUc*

To Reot
for afternoon teas aod even­
ing entertaiuiiH'iite. shert-et glass­
es, cut glass punch l>owl. white
porc-eliane cups.i-aiicerB and plates,
folding chairs, at a very little es-



middle aged lady to see the
the to-w dark drette giKide just open­
ed. .Make the nicest hoUBc dresa.
and adu/.en patlernb, to select from.

A few hundred doll.ara apeat
iu our Furnitur,- department. We
guarantee tlie best of returns for
money invcstetl
If you haven't
the hundred, we'll take
c just a few
plain dollars, say #2.4-ii for
a Rat*
tan rocker, $2-^0 for *ix go.*! din­
ning room c hairs, everything else
in proporiion.

opportunity o get one of the big*
geet Imrgaiu iu ladies' shoes <
f;-I OU pair for I1.4K

For Sale
Most complete line of fall over­
coats ever seen. -New shapes, m-w
patterns, heat workmaoehip, nobbi<*st styles. Take time to look at

Nurse Wanted
Ad experienced nutae to tell
her patient* of our pain killing
liniments, Undages, rubber go<^
and all articles needed in tbe aick

A little dog, six weeks old
that didn't have on one of our dog
collars. Next time buy one, pay
your dog license, get yonr dug tag­
ged and be happy.

For Sale
Baby carriages, only been
here one month. Don’t show the
least wear. Warranted solid iu
every respect
Owners have no
use tor them at preaeBt. Want to
dispose of them at a sacrifice, 'iO
per cent disconul in some casea

refunded if pnrehases are not
litI why a«
you get soap12
2 cak««
cakt« fot
for a ni- kle.
.................... ...... oats for
soap Sc the ouko. good Rio coff' e

10c the lb_____________________

2.401 scholars tu bay a tablet
apiece. Biggest thing ever shown
for a pickle
Lot* of other kinds.

400 people with a quarter of
a dollar loo*e in their jxjcket to
buy six good white metal tea­
Beat thing ever offered
fur the money__________ _______

Between sunrise and dark, a
pla< e to buy your choice of thirty
ng room tables. Prices from
$4 25 up_____________________________

9,G4?i people to wash three
times B day with soap, that is soap.
Forty kinds to select from. 5c
the cake for some kind*.

wM.° WATSON, j The HdnDah & Lay Mercantile Co.

^Uad^«»c a bte

And wre hire b<»«ii givinK tbem aa avfnl ipxid thieg for the
last ten daj-A We have boen BeUing

HOgirnifQ E>iO‘>BD. THPBai»AY.

0^ ftiAere^. |


7, isss.

Owlaf to tke akewee of ika HMtor.
Aanrailaa Uiai aUorlal gold to tn the
ttera w61 be »e ncular mid weak aer- malD a deriyatlre from reef foM. It le
atoa la tka Bwadkh tetkacak eharck certainly atrange that atrum*


UMa Bra Armitaca to aarr )tl wiib
wlim aafahaaaptaal-mamlaffltto aad tjrpkoid cbarged with gold, onlen they bat
rceelred It from a common aouroe: nbr
•tm4 Bans batprwiittha fnaV
Baeafuloa* will ba faw darlag the can tbe fact, as rvcvired aod nrportrd
•rt n* mMlnt ia all Mlchifu aad
bulaaee of tbe eeaaon. bat ibe Oraaeeat by nM«i mlncra. bat of tbe full Import
thOMaada of bubala are belac otarketof wbicb I hare not yet fully made up
tblterra•d tfcara.
lag ba tba ataamer Colambla Terra my mind, that the different tutwma
Om day laat week J^a Oarbar aad wlU not be many oppannattlM ftr carry dlffireot clasae* of gold, be ar­
gued away as Itarlifk no ilgulSeaDoc
Jaa HertfiaMa teaad tkraa aplaadtd plckMat tHpa on tba bay from tbto
V profaMia U Oraad rlear, aad k>w ibat aad aeeryboiy wQl do well to uka ad> la this conoectloD. Oalm Mildrre
feu at mut time* to (w able o diewhola ae»uaUy b oMJiad aad d-r- raataceof tbia trip, wbtob will he tlngulsb between El lH>r*do'golJ and
only ti eenta Good maaie oa board.
that of Bonanaa. betwevo itie gold of
Tka bftM aavaUl «f Marfky * DifJob* MacDoaaU, who k«epa the lit- Bonanxa aod that of Ituuker or Do­
minion. and K> on. and (here Is no
ffiaa. locaud oa tke aoatb abora of
e raetaaraat ae*r tbe Hotel Wbitlnr.
UtUa Claa Uka soar Oadillae. banied to tbe dr*t to aanooaee mtarahfor the question that marked dlffereocea In
color and la ibe cotitoiirs of tbe coarse
tetka gmud Taaadar ereatar .Tlta teoaral pnblia
flakes an<l tingjreli do preaent themtra WH dbaoeerad about t o'clock, and
Today will be Grand Traeerae day at aelrea-aodereo In narrower limits than
^eoribr •rlada aloea aaaad tba adja. tbe big Manlata* fair aad ataay will bas here lieen oatilt»nl Thus the gold
aaatlBBtbar Tarda. Tba pfobable toaa taka advantage of the one dollar ra • fromFrencnnilLabruat of claim 17on
b frvMB dii.OQO to • panialiT oa the *peelal train on tbe M A N. B. El Dorado, hasa distlnctlrooea* that G
largel.t ita own aud banll.r follows tbe
awarad b; laaaraaaa.
tbUmomlag. Ik* train will lure
1 gokJ of tbe re*! of the El Dorado tract,
Tba two Tear old aoa of WlllUm 7 o'clock.
and tbe saiue U true of the goW of
Ball of CbdlUae waa aceldabtaJlf
McCoy with hU itriag of race Skookum hill In lia relations lo (hat of
dreaaad Tnaadaj aaaalBt b/ (aUin( boiau will be at tbe Maawtee (air to­ Bonanaa. aod alao that of Victoria
lato a tab of valor.
Moreover, the recent euayt
day. Among the ipeeoer* be will bar* gulch.
Ckariaa tetter of Boaroa. who waa there wUl be L. iC. K . J T. Baanab'e that bare been made b.r the Bank of
Briilib North Am.-rtca and the Caaaaealdeatallr tbet bjr Joba Bumow, ful mare.
dlBQ Bank of Comimrcv. Id Dawson,
whUo laiDKlaf a ra*elm Saturdar
F B (HU. a dry good* uluaun. hae of the guM of the dlffervni crei-ks snd
arteraooo. died from the . daeu of
bus engaged a* an addition to ti e gulches dhow ptojiily ilini mark.'d dif­
woaad. Htajraleiau could nut rcajore force Io SeoaUM^ Mllllkea’a etore.
ferences as lo Dueni-ss are dlstloctlre
tba bullet, which wat lodged aaar
Wedneeday. September IJ. bae be a qiialithHi: at least they appear to Im
such Bi Ibc pri-w>ul time. Thus while
Amertcaa war dry Rl iMradoaiMl Honanxa gold geuerally
Tbera are M.OOO BolIaBdera lu Oraad aad S O V day. for tbe reuai' o at bui atmut tl.vrs) or (l.VKO Id the
Btpldt aad rlelBU/ aod J. B. Hubi,
R g Btpid* the r*eek of Sepiember Il­ ounce. l•o(IllIlioo gold shows as high as
foraerlT of Motkacoo. baa opaoed ia GAB day and W. B Oorpr day glT.SD aud Hunker close lo glb-^U: Ibo
kaadoaaiten there for tba purpoee of
will be Ttauraday. A ahem battle la to gold of near creek, a lulnur tributary
belpiac the Boer» in the Traoertal.
of the Kloudlke. Is n-ported lo actually
Uke dlacc.
BetttloDeare beior tinned aod wUl be
A Dcw alarm box -ka* been placed in gire ( to the ouucc. falling only
twhtnd the almost pure siM-clDiens iliat
aeot to old Bollaod aad fiociaad.
front of the aLarcb factory on B»y have lieeu rei-orti-d from American
Bert biubbe waa OB a wt>riDf table itrcek The number of the box U 57
creek and Myuook. and to which a
bbUfaibar'eeawBlll at U.Bff Labe TkU maku 77 fire alarm boxu la tbe
valuation of nearly RJu Imi been gives.
aaar d’pena. when ha reached tor elty.
-Popular RcleDce Uontbly
aoaaathlBc too far aad wae foluf head
George Alward of Ionia, one of. tbe
Coagfalwg Pvapvrtr.
trat toward* tbe aaw wbao be eau^bt eldut nnderukertin tbe atate, wa*
Pew people know how to rough
a iifpnrt and hb feet awuac down,
proiwrly. In fact. K never oecur* to
mtUnteffoBa foot Be tblakt him 8. Andc
tbr ordinary Inulvidual that there Is
aelflaekT that be did aot loae bli tbe business for the put 40 years.
any right way and auy wrong way of
Tbera will be a bnslueu meeting of doing It^ieba BobarteotOoldwater kae jut the Woman’* club tbU afternoon at 7
Yct It It a matter of no amail imiMpleted a half oaotarr of uabrohao o'clock, at tbe bom* of Mrs. L Boberta porianoe. If every eU'li means a drop
aarriea oa the oAsbl beard of the oa WuhingioD atrect All mvmbera of blood out of tbe bearu as is^plo
uy. every cough (neons
Metbodlet obureb. -‘rmr. pear
are reqnuted to be preupt.
or Iras pruporiluu of tlUH- knocked oft
aoaataat earalee u a member of the
Mr. J. C. Galbrmlb Is building a flne one's life
cfBtlal board of thU eburah U all
residence at 077 But BLgbtb atreel,
Moat iH-ople cough as loudly aud for
.Iblah 1 eta rt**.'' U all that be uld wblefa, wbeo oomplelMl, will be one of eibly as iliey rau
Some chrnale
wbaa tenderloc bto raalckaUoa.
tbe flneat in tbe eut end of tbe rity
cougbers s>*e(u a tilt proud of the lerri
Tbe funeral of Hr*. Bou Kllbona tde nolee (hey make. Itui It is a rather
. The ramalat of doha ni;^ar '
nasoo that
ioud io the wood* In Tal.r/ townablp who died at tbe aeytum Tueaday. will
tt tear* and Inflanwa ibt' lungs
sear Allaraa SuadaT afternoon b; be beld tbl* afternoon at 7 o'clock
The luugs ooiiklKt of an etiraordl.
k0T» who were firhtlar foraet tree from tbe realdenoe of John tempbel’, nary delkate sin.iigellke tissue shlch
BIpIer diaappetrad from hit home in I«< Lake avaone. Tbe B O. T. M. aod aotuellme* gets Inflauiol and rbckml
Alleffaa towatbip two Taare aco latt L- 0 T. H. will be in auesdanoe., Tbe with phlegm When we try to get rid
pall bearer* will be Maeeabeea.
of Ibis sulMttanrc. we cough. Rut ob
Jane, andnotraoa of him wu
AmeeUagof tempany M U called Viously If we ivmove It violeoil.'i nr
found. OolT bU tkelatOB and part of
hUclotbloir ware left Ideatlflcatloo for this evening In McNamara hall, for niUHl ntssaurky injure the dei'catc
wat made bp bU watob. kolfa and part Ibe porpoM of tnrtber ooDSlderlng tbe lung tiuue.
Tlierefoiv train yourself to cough
(it«r of attending the' O. A. B and
.of hi* eoat. The jar; returaed a re
gently asjN.sslMc .\fter s little pme
4lct that HIplar wandered awaj froi Hpanlab American war vetersne' n- (Itv >ou will nod It quite <asy to do so
kome wb-le demented and died i onloa to be beld in Big Bapida next Id tliat way.fpu w-lll <Ior lulnltmmi or
week Every member la urged to be Lulselilef to ^ luugs and add years 'o
>our life.
Plaecaninr'i dUutrou die 1* tbourh
Tbe High acbool boy* have called a
to ba*« been aet by email boye aad ci.ling for tonight, for tba purpou of
furatte*. Tbe total loaeea Bfan at MS,.

rise* and fall, with the tide. . ...........
000. with Oro.OM Inenraaee.
Dr. MuLsob hu rented bjtb sidci of ful analysis of the coBipo.iilon of the
. ArUnr tieUleh, who wae Mty barabit baslnru block ibrongb bG ageeta. | water by f‘ tlulehard leadn this ooiid
ad la a Ira at Jackaon aarly Monday
(bade Rroa UiramCook bu one side ! cbenilsi to U-tieve that there i« no con
moraine, to deed of hie burn*.
for hG grocery, while the other side to j “w-t’uu the water of the w ells
Uny Uhapmaa, of tbe Cold water Port- to be occooicd by Mrs. J. W. Morse, of
... elusion that the wsier is airvcici seplaad Cement wortm, eared a fellow
Bred City. wbr> will eatabIGb i
■'arately by the ni.s>o the un.r a* the
ploye from death at the liek of hi* nery (tore here The atore
" 1 aratfw of the oc-an lo a sufficient de­
oea life. He loei eoe flower la hla ef- opened ab.m- Sep'. IS
gree to cause the rise and fall Cbcmiarta toeare tbe man.
Icnl analysl. docs not appear i
The Hraeaty «l Woman
Tba wbertlcberry eeaaoo la Lake
anfllclclil prODf that there G no lubtcrWet
I aounty It eloelBl. Akoul t.uM baebeU
rancan conn»<ctlon between i
Dowtlng Of Build-. Pa., ip a tbrre In Ibe well and the ocean. a„u
o.. —
* have been ebipped from Baldwla dor* ya*r*' atrnggl* wUk
nallgant atomk ia« tbe teaeoa
«b iroobie tbai
»*d dGtreaalng wjil agree wtth the concicalon arrired ^
idigeatioo. All •! by lhG.cbeinlst.-Eacbange
At Howard City, fire Monday alfkt i.lAcka of nauaea ai
e her ootll she '
'totally deatroyed the cicetrie llrbt
Don't Tear Down-Build up
Kleelne Bitter*. After lakiog it [
plant aad Meeeearer A Hutamrr'e weol- two taooUit, the wrote; "I
The old faahiooed tneorr of learirc .(
as milU. The lou oa tbr llabunf wholly cored aod
• [ the advenl of l)r. A. '
plant win amount to ts.OM and on ibc i* trniy a grand v
system aa I gain^ in we.gbi and feel | *Bd Kl-od Pins, which
mllletn M.oou. with no iMuraae
much atrongvr alpce using :It." ft aid*;
rirv rich blood and nerve llaene !
altber eaee. Tbe Ore itarled in the dIgeaUoD. csirt* dyspepsia. Imp
Through tbe medium of tbe clrculallcn j
new life. Unly
boiler room of tke eleelrk Itfkt plant.
aod tbe nervous system they slrengD'-1
Invigorate ev^ry organ In
Joehey Jimmie Boland, of Port Hu­ E. Waif* drug atoraa.
ron. wae reported killed In a race (
Kentucky track Mveral month* ego.
and hU mother and aUter moomad him
aadaad. Imacin* their aurprlae wbei;
be walked in oa them Tueeday to pay
them a rleii. At the time he wae lappoeed to bare been kiUed eifat boraea
paaead orer him.
Mr*. Deelma bander*, arad M. of
Burllnrum. wa* Uken to tha laaaai
aaylnm at Ktlamtuoo, Taaaday. 8b*
ba* bean ioeaa* for erer 10 year*. Ber
motbar, wko 1* vs year* old, took care
Of ber until lael week, when tbe diad.
Muyer Towneend of Haraball wa*
qaletly married Tueaday morBlnp at t
o’clock at bU raaldeoee, to Mim UertrodaUllmaa, bledemmtle. by Ber. P.
W. McBeyndldt. of tke ChrieUan
ekurcb. They bare left for Nlafara
Pallt oa tbclr weddlnr tear.
Jamm Waldrop, a ll-year^ld boy
from Bancroft, dird tsddenlyai the todutrtal acbool of parulyrU of tbe
keart. anperioduoed by diphtheria.

i^n«n^i*np )«ri«t



which are heavy enough fora WINTER CLOAK
and we also have the lighter weight, material
for immediate use. We have MORE ROOM
tjiis fall (in our CloakiDept.) WE HAVE MORE
GOODS and the one thing that appeals to
every one is that..................................

You must see for yourselves, so our earnest
wish Is for you to come and look for yourself.

J. w.



Wear the Best



New Fall Styles!


Bdltorto Awful Plight
F.M. Higrtiw.
Kewa. waeafB eted for year* with Pile*
that 80 doMor or remedy helped unUI
be triad Baeklen'e Arnica kalre. tbe
beat in Ua world. Be wyltea. two bozM
wbollyauradblm. InfallibU for PUu.



'alt, drag-


} Union street

Agsats for TrawfSB City


I^ingree & Smith
Make of Footwear I
All the Latest Toes ^

I Special K“.' The Composite gAh The Governor I
Wo want your inspection-we lead the styles- You take no chances when W
uy the Pingree Shces-a she e with a record- Oel them of

Frar^k Friedrich

116 Front otauou

Our fall assortment Is the most ex­
tensive we have ever shown and If you
have never worn the “Young’s" brand—
If try one this season.


is now ready for your inspection and consists
of a great variety of styles. We have those

Tike 01(3. KelialDle Sikoe TuTclt-i


Lamson & Hubbard|

But none "just as good" as our $3.00
Derby—We guarantee every one of them
F^ll Style, 1899.
—not only as regards wear, but guarantee them to be the most
comfortable aud perfect fitting hat on the market—The $6.00
Dunlap Is no better.




Th« rMord u UwrdM tkl*

IbepoatoOeedapartiaealkaa adopt­


a MW form of

A law Ibnt baa rereatly come Into

domtle wooey

order, wbicb wlU'be laWodaoed frad.
li oally. or aa aappika of tbe old form bceoma rzhaantml. at tbe eartona


drtlfbt to remind na oa eeery


•Ion of man'a lowly origta.


to pay for ataodlng on our bind Icja




dUte conaeqaencea

YMmUm of Ohtoaco pUM to «ub




p!u of lk« MUla boUla of Mow York
aty.wkoropatmaeaaoonro a twv
elM room, iaeladlaf katk. for W ^
M oaoto a alcbk
Marti Twala kaa aacafod roow at
iko Priaooton laa. Priaeotoe. M J- to
•pood Use fall aad




OMOukaortraiftod kte iatoaUM of
BMklaf Prlaootoa hla ponaaaoat kome
if bo oboald llko tko towa.
at. Jooopb'o orpkaa aorlaw H Barf
Mil. a

Mborb of CtocJaaaU. bnniwl






A Ulorram from oarfoeo
ibe marloe


lU dlmen

of CU> alcna arc aboat tkoae of the ordinary
tank draft. It baa two adjoncta—tar

Itoh «HlM bo«M la all part*
aafo aa ntaUMua for aalocaa
CbtMffotato bava a

than the order BOW la aao

Uartor. of



adrsca. or aoUAcaUoa to be aMt by tbe



One of tbe ImnieoP tbla


taes.^ to tba Mjlac
a of tbe order tbroafh tbe
aae of oarbonlMd paper (Ibe manifold
prooeee). and a reeeli - '
<o ba Inmlabad by
Biaatar to the ramltu
On tbe back of tba order a aeparate
apaoa bee bean prerldad for the aumpe
of banka tbroafk which It may hr
para-o foreolleeUM.
la color tbe order U bine. ba*.ac a
llcbt blea cronnd, with flna. cloaely
tnurlaoed. tlnmd Unea of raomairieal
latba-work. of darker abadr.
In tbe
oantar la an eecatebeon baarinc tbe
worda. -Poatal Money Order'* in abaded
pltal Uttera of tba aama two tlnta of
Tbe Unt of tbe order and the
lathe-work will aerre to prerent i
Uone: bat, mean additional Mfei

rroBtatlona" at tbe morene wbicb are

of blood upon tbe compantiroly tbin

ao dramatic a feature of P>eu<-b crim­

walla of the velna that cauaes them to

inal procedure. With a riea- to brlnzioc a mnrderer to ronfeaa. be la taken

become dHaied or “rtrlcooe."
There are other canaea. bowcTcr.
that Oo doubt conirtbuie to the eatabllabment of tbla unpleauni affevtlnn.
Tbe relna of Ibe lega are au far frain
tbe bean tbac tbe blood In them la
either the piiablug or tbe auction force

then, at what he conaldera the oppor­
tune moinrm, gla» the aignal for tbe
curtAlu to be pulled bark.
Tbe munlerets/wbu hare utood tbit


fooa-uoarral Wymao. raporto that to
i^a wroncbl into the paper on which ^
foror at Kef Weat. tbrM of wkleh hare the new forme are printed.

prorod fatal.

Adrantaceaof;thaMew Porm.
Tbroneb tbe proceaa meoUoned

Lord Baodbarat. foreraor of Boabay. lo the eoarac of a apaecb at Pooaa,




apreadiof and


of «ubt of tu^rpac.
le e .-heir In il... room nffrr ihe

] c^afronutlt)n•
(ihe ;thf








carbon, or manifold, nroeaael. the order ■ n,ortI. r.T. ..f tin- Inet llilny y.-ar» hove
aad ^e adrlee are produced elmultan- ^,,-0
Th.-lr nnmr. ar.. luw-rllH-d

that owlnt to the failnra of the moodate, amount, and pVtc* of payment,'
OOM not onl;^ the plarue waa Ui tba
ae writvao In tbe order, are dupUeated.
oUdat nf Vue'people bat rrim famine
reproduoed, and made to appear In ,
waa atartaf at them.
—eadrloe preeleely ae In the order. :
ddUpateh Cbloarn aara that The liability to mieiake U ibu* rrea'ir
iraaaned. and atarincof tlmeeffeeiad.
tba oora crop tbit year will braab all
Diecrepaocle. between order and adprerlooa raoorda Tbe aatimatod yield
1121. "‘’a*'•»“«“« addiOoa^
taaafoUewt: Kanaaa 1111BOla, tso 00(1,000: Nebraaka,; poym^i. bar. beretofo??bin awsnrce
of annoyance to tbe Dcpariment aad
Iowa. MO.OOO.OOO; Miaaenrt. i»o;
poaimaeirr*. aa well ae U remittara
ladlana. IM.OOO.OOO. Tezaa. 000; and payera. are prerented, and abac-'
lute nnlformltr between tbe order and
Ohio. 110.000,000.
adrlee .Intorrd
Tba dUpatcb of adTka ataamahip City Of Borne arrirad
rlcca. wbicb blihorto hare not been
at Maw York Tnaaday. aftar barlnr made oot until after laane of tba oroera,
—Ill .1— i—_____ a
baaa In oollUioa with an loebarr off
Tbe receipt.
tba banka, dbe tiraek tba djaiinf iee
bythelmuinc poatmaatw to the re­
baadoD.bat anaulaad only a lltUe mitter. ahowlnc tba nnmbar and date
damara. Tbe paMOfata ware panic- of tbe order and tbe amonni for which
a reproduc
aId, a
etrleken. Tbe City of Borne left Glat- laaued. It aUo, la tbe main,
tion. by tbe carbon procem. of tbe
COW-Aaf. te with nearly 1,000 pM
wrlUncaad atomplnc on tba order,
nanrara aboard.
hence moat neoeaaarily acree there­
The adoption of a receipt '
Aa tbe raaalt of Ua forBaUon of a with
• rnobees practicable. It will
fraat Oaaa BoHian BtMasablp Oo. to
Mpulariie tbe poaul m<
trade between tbt aaltie and east
order, supplyinf more than all elee
Aala. tbe Praneb and Riualan foram- wbal wat needed to make It, In tbe etweala are aboat to alra aQor*">‘Bta tlmaUoD of tbe puMIc. a perfectly aal>
robiele for tbe uanamIMon
aacorlnc for Danmark a poaltlo n of
of email aumt. Pveaeaalon of tbe rerraatoemmarela'power In aaat AaU. oelpt will fire tbe remitter a faelln;of
Tba north Uarman Lloyd ateamcr aecurity- On the back pt It
make, for bit own eonrenlru-r, a
Ealaar Wilhelm der Oraaae bat ^ired
memorandum of tbe name aad aaJrme
»t Maw York from Bremen, Soutbamp- of tbe peraoa to whom tbe rem-.-ance]
ton aad Cbarbonrc. after a record pM- U made aad the purpoaefor which It la
«ra of fire dayt. It bonra aad It mln- aent Production of the receipt will
(reatlr ftciliute t«ferance to the rattiaa. Tbe KalM oorerod a diatanee
oordt If It become, neceeaary for the
of t.MB kaou at aa aramfa of SS 08 remitter to make application for a dnpllcote order or inquiry aa
-j to whether'
kaoU par boor.
tbe orlglDAl bA« bees paid: and here
Tba beat la Terra Banu. lad.. TaeaAfAto A larlBg of lime will be effected,
day wat tarrt&c.
In the city tbe
Inabapeand aUe tbe sew order 1thermometer rariaurad at noon loss deemed a decided Improvement over i
defTM and not nntU lata la the aren- any other form of money order hitherto Adopted by the depa^ent. Itt ,
Inc did the marcary drop below tba
eantory mark.
BBmbar of

Tbara wara




tbonebt that of more than


eaM only one will prora fatal.
tba cate of a email child who la
a dyln^ eonllUdn.
Black Bawk. tbe moat aotad
cbleta of



Troppmunu. who. ju»t Ih for.- il.o
Prunc-o-C. riunu wur. l.uh-li. r,-.l uu .-utin- faiiill,'.
Kn u. li orlmiiiel comim-l
Uar«- foiinil liiat
eimiwt alwnv» rs'»ilt In ili>' ’■’•nfuslon
of ib.-lr .-li-ui-, l.iir,iBBwriir
na„or eu<l b- lleYc th.-.v bur.,u.. ..xamlnlDB


I'* a'lri"*du-uii* to nfu»- to allon* tbt-iiiM-lv<-e to In* Inkru
to ibt- oiorituo aoil it «r-iue ibai It la
a moot |M>lDt wln-ibcr ibo niiiliorltb-4
,-ui u- tbU- to t-ouevy ibi-m ibltbor by

n. wue a gucid-loukliig young f. llow.
tall and Imllt like a lieivulea. and bi«
blue uniform tllbtl him nx If Ik- bud
Tbe rejwrter looking for
iomethlng new in war lal.w uidl.-d over
to him on the platform wher»- he waa
waltlug for a train and <qh’ii<xl a Are
on him. aa.i.* the lK-ir<'li Krvw rr<-»«.
"Kaek from ilie warV luquiivd the
]u(i going." b<- n-apouded.
"Which wnyT"
••tHH le Manila ••
■•Itvltj lively ibui waj. ian t liT*
t any W..r».' t
i;u, 1 gu«-a»,"
-v. i

t- Y'
I war uiusti-ri
1 uWtlik ago. auvl I

I- had a pn-Hy goud
' ,
l«<k U> my own state
Had r«s-|e
tiuus aud ns-v-]>tiv>ui and pluk teas and
-Wbat csiss-ibI feat of valor did ,mu
acv^,o»t.ll»b V .\uvtbtog like Holwou V
.-,iobe»n wasu t lu It with lu.-."

larfa ordinary bask draft. It may be conreo-1
la lentlr bandied when mixed with difdosrn ferMlktodasf eommercto! paper, u!
it believed that tbe change made In
UU in tbla reipecl will be heartily approved
MW la br banka aad boaioeoa people generally.
That the aew^ordM B»y win im way
of tbe

--M 'b.. Siru .11 HIM ,o.




» »>“ "f “•
out-bciwd hint.
1 ivuM bavo klsenl
a mllliou, every out- of them |>r>
ibau the other one. aud I didn i kis.
Narv a oue. Oulv a real b.-rvi
p,,uid do that, ami If you doti i i- ii.-ve
w hen you g.-t

uwd w-e for yiitli-setf '
bees token to give li thU ebaraetorr by , * !r,
.1 II.
I».u.. by
r iw.ll.-l .«

by .n,iai.i
avoiding |I
way. afed VO yeara. Black Hawk bat
In bis mind wlieu In- liailii't Ih->-u
eurplnaage In l!
text T wording, and
bean well Known la tbe wealera part
and excluding e hero, and be fonbwirii .iffered the
of Wltoontln for tba laat 50 yeara, waa
e merely ornate dc- young soldier n J.'>-vvul gf-xar he bad
r<sx'Uily reo-ivi-d fnilu a lullllouaire
alwayt a friend of tbe wbltea and on
Tb« poetol money order ayetem. whom be had Ihh-u lulervlew lug oU
aevaral oocaaloua prorentad tba Winfrom e email beginning to 1M4, when truaie and other ociopus-s.
aabaffca from Uklnr tbe war path
tbe number of moncr order poet ofllcea
acalnattbe pale faoaa
Iiaeortaai 1
eetob Kh*d In the t'alied Stoiea was
Indiana. It dead la tbe town of Brock­

lift, ba.v' ■c-ntobeone of the great
todl»p-n»'biFgencie* o* exchargrnerr are ll
- u- S'l iiOO
fthat only one poUeeraan It kept, and
1 of uom<»l c muLcy g.-niiineui-tis of th.- rvs--*iii dlwoverli-s
aneh a tblnf aa a jail la noknown.
order! la>uea in tbe Csitod btotM dor
nlthe Kutno uifu yi'Pmf* .'1’ nllurd rd
lug tbe past year waa over to.oou.two
Flnffert are raloed at a bl(b price In
In raise
Anttralla. A Melboarne boy of !< bad The lystem tolaeoed meet extonairely .
E«'l|rvt<d to U
lap s
bit flofara emabad in a rate at a lor rMittosoea from plaoee
where ,b‘««
‘“'“'■J ‘fThey have
lerar croaaln( and one bad to be ampa- baakexcbnnre li not eo readily ob-' of Rotuului, waa found.
tolnable. While anpplemenUng facil- ' now dug muJer the atone ami unearthtotad. An action on bit behalf waa
lUea for Intorcoureee Wtween populoua ed. amid many votive •iffi-rlugs. a elpbronchi acataat tba atata railway eeotera. It baa iia own epeelal Seld. pui of tufa nx-k marki-l with au aldaparunantThe jory awarded tbe eupplylng mtona for_ tbe safe and ,.i,ubcUc lnaerl|Ttioo. This la devlaied
1 of moc
where i jq
tn .ttvhaean chaiectcre, the oarfall amoont claimed. »5.000.
j licet ktivwu. which may give a (Jrwk
A new womans clnb la to be ttartMl not be suoceaetully matoiained.
origin to Borne, llko that of Cuma.v
In tbe adoption of tbe new form of ,
In London to wbleb no one andar atz
aud Mane-llli-e. dallug some is-niurlee
trder tbe intoraata and prefereneea of
feet in beiebt will be admitted.
patrona of tbe ayetem. no leea than ' la-fore tbe traditional "year of the
Althoarb tbara are In Iceland To.-

«r people, they areao tree from crime

Tbe popolaUon of tbe Sonth African
repebllo eonalata of es.OOO Boera. »'■

economy of admlniatratlon. have been
duty eonaldereo; and It la tbarefore
y expected that It wUl Mnd

cUj," 7M before Chrlat

000 other wbitea. called ClUandara.aad
POO.OOO KafBrrt and 7.alna
A-Povder Kill Bzploaloa
(la alfbt;
Araetlc mlaarm pUla, but both are
miebty daararoaa
Mo naad to d—
mile yoar body when Dr, Bla^
LlfePUUde the work m a^ly

tbU_______________________ _
----------------------It la axpeeted that on or
about January l salt tbe fee charged
for orders wUl be matortally redneed.

PoUowteg la Ik* Italet tnma______
k> TVaiem Cut Peei l>Ae« oaf IM
leak ee^ag »v|a. T le c


aad & B Walts dr«c atoraa


rwnn wr
AnyoM dmlrln#

. . ....................................
. inated tbe at.vlo of dremdng the--------uctae of wbict tbe Oertnau omnomr
I s,,
baa grown eo
eo food.
food. Tbo
Tbo oolnied
pointed end.
•re ranted np in a fierce and military
way. Ilahy la tbo moet docoratml man
to the Gorman empire and on the last
royal birthday be waa given tbe Crona
of Jertaaletu as an honor. He goes
with tbe emperor on aU bla traveU. to
d by tbr whole conn aad bM
already amaaaed a fortunr.


of the lieart'a tvotrarlloo.
Tbe cuntracilon Of tbe muRclea of
tbe l<ga. alM>. a-bfte In aome caeca It
farora tbe emptying of tbe velua. In
oiberu ivtsairicia them, and dama luck
tbe blood. The conatrU-tlDg action of
tbe ganer naturally farora the occurrem-e of rark-oae relna although, c-uriously euougb. ibo trouble h> more
cuuiuion til men Iban In women.
Klually, tbi' eiilurgetiieni of tba
relna may U- favored by a general loaa
of tone In the a.VKtem; Ibe mutulea and
all the flerOiy |<arle Im-coIUc flabby aud
do not au|i|wn tbe relna aa they
•bould. and the walla of ibe Veina
tbemM-U'ea |•a^tlcll■ale lu tbe general
relaxalluu aud dilate.
The dliu-omfurt eauaetl l»y varli-*>««
reluh la often very M-v<-rv. Tbe lluib
f.-eU lieayy and dlMeud<-d. and there
la a more or leM tviivtunl. dull ache,
aiuotiiitlng MiuieiiuKK to aetiuil pain
of a Imrulug eliaraei.-r
Often In .-«>>.•«. or after the trouble haa

Barkeea. Jaa. E.
Bard, V.
rtnea. Kiri
ytabar. Bra XUea
OUiicr. Baala


■kUat. CrelUa

1 east dM oa •

Tbe rapid dretruetton of tbe aprtice
foreets of tbo eesten Cnlted Siatee
may be roellaed when ll to tudorstood
that one dally paper oned tbe growth
on twenty-two arree to two days, tbe
wood having twen redneed to.pB]p aad
turaed into paper.

Qbobsx W. Batr.

8«B«b IrM A AmloUa. Uood te
IBiBtelPlW Oltag FVPMB



For booqtMta. 1« tMft a tete'Mn.
Lob OoU, SU PteBt

BtBbb-Oae-bnIf of tbe worid deat
know what tbe other half to doing.
PeBB-Ttmr* beesM the othM half
to dotog them.



Trsders, Mogei loaners.

lu»i«l for a long Hme. uh-. r. f..rm <■»'Ctoor Pork POT bbl. M
the lega. wliteb ar«- very dlltleult to ,


Ill 50'

lo^ Wanted—A purchaser for
bouse and lot on Fifth St
j ?s Wanted—A purchaser for ‘
* ^ i a lot 50 X 165. West Front
u\ St.
Therv l» uo a
veins cxivpl
• »ur,-b-al oiwration.
«;Wailted—A parchaser for
w tlleli tx seldom dcHlmtde.
i ButtoTpor ft Diil^........................
*1' house and lot^ndolpb St^
muHi I - eouleiitisl iiHually i
»n.-b , OroAmeiy Buttor.ft........................
“.Wanted—A pnrehaser for
I ' bad b) au|>|voning
g ibvj.i
dllatevi velti> iueau« of an elaullc
-.........Ic (;
( AU per bo (old)..............................
jj! 50 acres close to tbe city.
Tblx ubould lie put on Im-19“™
P*f *’*•• 9^^...........................
«!Wanted-vA purchaser for
nii-vllaiely on rlxlitg In the momlug and ;
worn tbrouglmut Ibe day.
fine farm. 200 jacres.
la fu-veri' '-a-e« the luitlent ehuuld ,
t*** *'”•
I Wanted—A purchaser for
ri'uuito lu laxl or ou a lounge fur a few . BT™*
dayx. with ilie limb mb-xl on a pillow 1 ~
lot on Eighth Si.
In oriler to favor tbe emptying of the . .— » _ ,
Wanted—A purchaser for
engort.xl veins, while if tie r.- ar,. any
aigiiK of ititliimmailuu. t iotli- wet lu a PotAtoea.per
rptatota. per bn (new)
3' lot oo Barlow St.
ocOIng lotion may U- laid on the imrL Bye,

per bn.
u-iJ wanted—Every one thinkButter, per ft..
— Youlli's ('oiup.-iiiion.
Bgg«. Dcr dotes...................................
1*1 ing of iorestiog in city or
rr«Bch iBl-lllavnrr UMra-.
Applet—Culla And wlndtAlla. 30;
*'i farm property to call on
Wh.'u till- Kncllslimaii dnil>» a confl- too Ibf
us for bargains.
i. iiiiai -.mmiiui.-:.ti.m Into ih.- b-it. 11 C4MW(impti«/>i oarw - WarmaT'A
............-.I-1".1- »‘-j White
wine_l.o« T«ru *,rup.»
ib. Wanted
- All persons
de.U.- vv.ll Is- i*|-. ami Its coniciilv . .____
. .
twail _____
Tvntt-1> cm earth, cure* a cold
to sell their proper­
v;id niid 1s-fnn- It
iuoDc.l iv :f • itrn inlime. S> andidCU.
■ hands ■<! tin- p.-rsnti l.
ty to list it with us
j.i.tlvsisHl. sots r‘..iuiK-rs’ Jouninl lu
Wanted—All people harinf
rvailiy. tlmngli «»• liardly ivallie it,
the luvtoliibllitv of our .-orrvsis.o.b-n.f
money to place call and inuiniiy pns'luus prlrlb-g.-g

restigate onr secnrities.
i-Ujoy a.
TsAwnw ettj.
ss of wbi.
mak.-s U|. wh.vt
glO'lFP ICATT At i Wanted — People
d.-l»land 1.} -m-n.v.- To find a dlfA W. jAkras*.
^ ^ money that they wish to
feix-iit »iiii<- Ilf thlugs pn-vnUiiig Kt
.1 "aT i have earn big premiums to
uissl uinke He ni 'ri- liBznnlous JiuiriieT
thau the sh..rt ».-a |«issage tluit s.-1-a- ■wtj::

call on us.
heal. M«n>- Mr-!\ a gri-«lly do-leiicb-d abort Chit Pork................
Teiu niny rii|iiiire. foriiilng a piirphnli Short Cut Pork par ft.
Ul»i-..b>mlii.u l»-neatli the »klu. or If.Fiour,
■ , Flour. B L.
A CoCo-^
. 1BMt...........
tbe akin bar lni-.iuie Ihiumvl It aUu, Bye Flour. H. L. A
B. ________
L. ACo.
______ ___
>. Boat..............
may break and a aeron- beiuorriiago.'Meal.
.__ «i._




rai>-<- Dover froiii ralaU.
Itiirlug the irisls in the thns-» of
whleh Kiau-v Is still wrillilug tluKrvm li tiidieuls have m-t Us-n liaek
wurtl in liisMiiig i>Q iii<- iiuri.-e<|ii>


iwanted-Aii kinds of peo
Mr-. Tbo*. HAAi-pr Kik BApxl-.Htrli.

.■fiara. ter of tli.- s.s-ii.-s of wUl. li tliwaroftl.-e is the tlieal.T. a '('Il»-rt. even in h.s l» -i of lit i

rsi-tf '

•|7-nvUX>- OIRL » AI»T*D-Al »h»
JX UnuM.corevFiircvnca uiil I'nivo
•-.lirllsa at 7SI Wares
Bra C J KiooFj.

ii. v. r "".'r'I'l"-1
.......- ....................- iiml l-i>sv turvj Unin
------------------------------------:-Mr>. MAtaa
of sti.Ivvnrt, H<-r<s-lv uiustii- lil.s-t.
_.w, .111 CAll n
prvf-'«slou;il tiglitiiig tu--r•—..-..-..i
*". iro-t oan-T ,'.t




pie that havn’t got a string
on and that want to do
business, no difference
what it is. call on us. If
any one's got a string on
you fetch 'em along. Save
a trip.
Wanted—All the trade
there is in our line.

togelliei| —

;; 7zz:l'

b.v little seraps of |
have Iss-o gruttlssl
dutdi-iu or vvusle pniMT Iiasket lu ->j
the for*-lgn ■ nil*!U.slea. The hraui _ ,
of the war S'ltteo where this son
thing gees on i« known as the iniolli.................. lit.


_____ ...___________ ..
rbllOf^ ^augreM T. tlsLakr-*,

tetlT. 4^ to rixbl^our Al^ !•
wat* Wr arv oot os thr xroiioa
tee'i Wr AFT- agUf
----------( OflleT
Hsusr ao4 ten oo ho-tb C
(sr A* ka<
ID r-TtiAowS. OB VA-j irtm-.
I-lr.cli.i lb IL




AAoal Lemllnc B»a «t QolbAOs.
in flnuuo- the admlttixl
leader l<
Jubn rii-n-'Ot Morgau. who was l»>ni
In Hanfor.l aud lauio to New York at
Uie age of lit.
JiAe-fb Modg'-A

aotel »lrl' AlAe •eooi.a
3 MorcA
BtAveAsU rrsekUA ■•FerlA.


rhoalo. oDo of the

Uoror. HtAtr ABd rr 0
B 3 Moresn.

1 BBT A-STX13 TO REST - Prool ofirr-


.Mtwn Sajre 1 ^^A.sTXD^* K :T-Ptoiii oBrr-Ob Prool
surger.T I’r Ix-w
• Park Aod I'oloo. Wsdr
WAS bon
Imm nt
ftiiudit at the tiv|i.
He was
Kattlo lltIL N J. and N-gan pnn
leg hero at tlu- ago of
lie wat
I Prod Bd-Oy.
leudevl for the ehureh. hut gvU to
«ueb a swearer that tbo cluib would
.TT A haoa* A»d e-r a.
out fit bihi.
I sill
irmdr lor Iafb
or to
Tbo givaiiwt anor-dlnoor onier, a ' •
b* lorAttso
lOTAtM tiOrsSBT fj
A nf«us^'
politician, a railroad
maa. a lawyer, ’
•od fnltod Slaton senator. Chanaeov I
iTKD-Wo vaat A too k
Mlieh<-ll ix-ix-w. waa bora In 1‘ooka- W' ,

kill N Y-. aud was not a New Yorker I ah Mbs
until SJ year* old.
BP Stair*.
Tbe rirbeat man to tbe city, and In
tbo world. Is John D. Bookefeller. a
Will roar
native of Tioga county. Sew York.
PToav otr
Our loadlnx wulpu>r—at least wbo

to BalntEgaimao Jobn<on. tbe dtotlngniabed
genre and portrait painter, waa bora In
Lowell. Me.

„...-na.M. Walter

WIU toS^il
eaat of ObIoo atreeV beglaBtag 8—

It la chiefly, they «y.

Ibe preaaure of tbe rety high colnuia

be la comjielled to eaae on will no
trouble tbe murderer that be will loae
commaod over blmaelf and make a
clean breMt of hla crime to hla affliatlon.
When be eoteea the room l>e
can aee notUlng. aa tbe atone bench on
which the boilj to ekjsoaed la concealed
by a curtain.
Tbe examluing maglainitc
bim with queatluua -lud

data tbara bare boea ts caM of rallow

Inatead of walking on all fount Mkc tbe
other anlnala.

may be to put a nop to iboae 'Ton-

to tbe monene ud Ibere hroUKbt face
to Care wlib tbe tsody of bU rictim.
Every artlflce la ueed to make tbe confrunutlon at Impreaalve as piwalble.
aa n la boped that Ibr terrible ilfbt




lAitsdoo Ktandard.


with: i

relna are among tbe penaltlea we have

the 4lb of Septemter.
Tbe new form k aomewhat amUlar


twenty-four bonra after tbelr arrMu

cflsea tbroachoat Uie eoaatry-



Accardlnf to tbooe wtoc men wba

operatkm cieea prtaoarra tbe rt<bl of

MM of Hilrmrilnt em. Boatljr auirt'



muMren Are Cm


TautsLAV, upxBitBEa t, iswik




Ulsa Selina ITtxberbert Fox rreent-

of Durban) In England,
gbe beaded
the list of eandldaiea, wbo. witb the
exception of borartf. were all men.
Mtoa Fox atudked at tbe London School
of Medicine for Womea and at U>«
CoDege of MedlcUto, MewcBstle-onTyae. Tbla to tbe fli«t nma m tbe Are
ycBta that tbe qnBltflraUoa boa been
opes to women that adraatoge bM
baua taken of Use privUegm

itrs _________


AI Umiooi of SVAIFA
At lopst-lAiF- Fr-i Ooor to tbr rvfkv

Wade Bros.

Dp Stairs

Gas Lamp--

Priix Rediced la Clo« Out UL
Be«t worknuuwbip money
CBD employ for Bicycle
Bepkiring. Quick work.



John R. Santo,
Geairil lasaruet.





Mommto m«ooM>. THumapAT, >»PiaMcpB^ % i9».


It AWed tbe Mwgleltiw ■■ Wta aiiaat
atgUt Trlelaa.


TTiailannif Btchard BrtMey. Sbertdaa Made a rasaway mafrti wlib t>«

; tbe blfbfwt faniniea of the oolled kfogdota. bare tHtbrr powitiad tbe bnotjr

wbict hr picked U|> at nuMkua tbrough

. beaaUful vumaa la tbe world. SInee
I tbea tbetr dno’eadaoia metubera of
Aa th« «Mtiaa of rbap«raft«e la
AflMviiA M tKoimtaa omtc and aM»v
nvolatM bf tbr EaflUb nuivroa K
-U7 be lnt4^«tlBf lo knov )ost wliat
BrlUab Mnu on tbe Mb)e«t. Two
klodo of cbaperuiwiCH are teeucnlw«l—
ttwt afforded bjr tbe eompankuHiblp of
anaarriMl alaten or one'a rounser
brotbcra. and tbai of tnotber. father or
»«tf aAtlre of curvoboodlnje age. I'or
ootdoor eaetiiae. eery UtUe ebaiterooage ta ooaaMered seremaary for r>aag
ptoplobeyoad Oaat of cvtapantonablp
tkeir frienda. trat wbitt

I it la

to i*e ami I waa then wewing on my
wateb vbain
" Tt waa a green iDiagno. aald tb«
aMiatant !u repl.e to Kell.-.r'* queatiosa: a rery |* imie medallion,
wtitcb waa prvaented in Urw. Snit Slddona uy the aallor* of a teeael bound
fur San Franci>lu from Amarwlla.'
*tVe' Were *u atluUl'4>eo iha< we alnioa' fell out of our acata.
After tbe
sbow wr went Iwbllid tbe atvmt with
Nellie McH.'nry and eoine other tbeacneal folk wtio baiijn-ntnl to be prea-

iry 10
i leave

eui. and

Tbe aatare of tbe moctlna derl<Ua

tea. to d aiuaU dlaoer to wblcb tbeir
notbeia are not latited. or to a dao<«
where rtiaperoiia are oot loduded la
tbe Jarluilout. bat at big at borne*.
- fonual dluuer* aud cruab balla a i-baje
«rvD la a aenaalty.
laeKatlona. aoeUlly
FVtnnaUy. an
name of
apeaklBg. were laaued la tbe aame

or tbe talent* of ttn-lr gifted aaeeaiora.

or eonrw'. kIm- luberitnl ber iHaiKy.
but by a rigid rule ahe baa preaerved
party la glvi-a dJailorUy for her own
frteada apart from tbuae of ber niutte

It uulni|>alri'<l. She nerer remalu* at
a aocleiy funeiloo—no matter wb.n It

♦r; girta and yooag roe^Mbe a*ka
them to luDrbeon. to dlaot^. to aflet^

may Ix'- h>ug after 11 o'rloek.

Booo or ereplng partlea^to one and all
when given under tbeae conditlona.
Brrry bonaohold. bowerer. doea nut al­
low Ita daugbtera thla fre<- band In en­
tertaining. aud tbe gneau are inviu-d
by tbe niotber and not by the daugh­
ter. girl* and young mm l■qtlBlly ao.
Now that ao iiiany cluba allow ilielr
ttembera U> Invite ladlea lo luut-beon.
dinner, or tea. and ao uinn.v laill<->'
elnla admit of InvliallotiM l- ltig given
to men. It follow* that a good •Ion* of
boalilUUt) I* offered on l*>lh nld.-*. but
U U tborougbly onderHiood that on
tbeoe orca«lona a roarrteil lad.v aei* na
rhaperun to tbe girl*, wbetlu r ih. y ar.gmwtaorhomeaw*. and ttiai twoyouiig
alatera. or two girl friend*, would not
tie eoDiddt-red anfflrleut for on<ta oilier
at men'a etuta or at laebel..r-» eliainberaor ltata. Ai tlieae tatirr ladl.-a are
(re<]ueDtly entertained at arierii«»m
tea by lartaelor* wboae artl*tli- *urrunndlng* ar*- well known, and wli<t*e
art tranauria U la. a iirirtlege to iBt


Dlgbt fimla her aab-o|>. aud her d.iy
la devote*] lu walking and reatlug. She

l^dy Helen Vlnlre^a ib*' wlf*' of

anxaSb hair di-.-ki-il with llower* and
I «M- *tm
baa two lulmira.
her l*«>tli hruali.
HoW niiiih lh*-«<are prlze*l la aloiwn hy tlw fact ilml
tlietr forfeiture la Ibe pmiiahiii*-i.i lor
nilaconchiet. Some Of the w»rk*-r* |~iw.
dor tbi<ir fai-e*. though many i-<iiintry

day of taat'W.-ek and abe aiayed


town for two day* before going ba. W
to a<-boul fur It..- eummeiK'euielil. wbleb

lo tell the nnme of tier m li<><d, but li'n
an excelieut one. where the fnahtoua »f
tbe luen'a ixdlege are followed, even to
the iiMM-HBluii of a ■'allege yell and Ibe
praeiMug of haabig. Tbe girl of mj
bran waa liaae<l liOB fall. She dbl not
faint when the girl* tom lu'd ber arm
wUb a bll of Ir.' and aald they were
• btandlog her with an Iron. She endarrd every unli'al ao Ruilllugly Unit
tlH> giria at la*t deteruilned to do
aotnetblug tierf<<elly dtvailful. They
aiarrbed her Ihrougli dark halU. hllodfuideil aa ahe waa. o|>ened a i-loai't door
lu tlie tdiyaleal lat'iuraiury. analebitl
tbe laudage fniiu to r i-yi'w puabed ber
In. bwke.1 the door and left her ahrii-kIng In the arm* of a ak.-leton.
a akeletun lo her I* no more terrifying
tlMD a buopKkin. vbut abe aaw an oie
porinalty to aniURw benudf. She 1* one
of tbe rieriTeat anuteur arlnwai-a
tVaablagton |>oNM'aaeB. Kbe let dtiwn
ber hair nod tntiglnl It about her faee.
fler gown waa an old one. ao abe anerUr-ed It aud tor>' It to tatter*. Tlx-n
abe waltMl. ITvaentlng alie beard the
gIriB iwomlng. She began to eroop
•ofUy to heno'lf a weird aoug. Tlie giria
aliened tbe door. She took no nolle*- of
IlH-m. hut went on lavbdjlng kiaa<« on
Uic grinulng aknll. laughing Idlotlrally
to berwelf the while
Finally one of
them whiapen-d; “tllrU' ahe'a raving
That waa th«- one for tbr girl of my
beart. She rav.-*l: abe tore b<*r hair:
abe ahriekiil wJwn they Cried tt> «lniw

danced out Into the outer room, ftioauIng In a lib*xl-eunlllng wa>^ The giria
dared uol even htvnilie.
lly. Th
(d to the <loor. eauglit up a knife from
aide, wared
it with
h ia-'bldeoua
t lab—.
.. -...........................

,d ai'hing at tlenn.
Ttien. aa they
huddled i*>grtt»er
logrtlter In a p>>rfi
of fright. alM- dr*t|><M-d
imd the ;
opened th*- d»*>r.
-Well, giria."
ahe aald. ilrawllngly.

“1 hop*- you'*
e I bare."

-n glrti
to go Into pyat.-rti-*. t-a> mileh rell<-\<'*l
(o be angry. at*<le qnleily away. The
are clevi-r girt* kl Hint *>dle
I he
Of my ia«rt U bell weiber of tbr


w*nu*-o have i-lux-k* of ro*y pluk.
true faeiory. at Sing Cliang.
einploys SlK* wrilkc glris. with Fun>|x-an


The Teleb Wkleh a Rsaetss Bprasn
ea tbe Kaperts.

douhtfiil ag*- aud 'x-giD l» iklug for
sumelhiug Ix-tler. Itiiil he -Ixuild con-

Iheniaclvea In vain and alinoat Wew
Ilx- hreaih om of tbeir liodles lo the
eudeavur lo ot.tatu the dt-*ir>x] size.

IIMie Rater lo rvfr*«h (hem.
He apidled Ills moo’ll to tbe pipe and
pux(sl lo Rix-li purjsjxt- lh.a\ ihe vitre­
ous tell »*veUe.l aud ijuffe*! nearly to
; tbe re<]ulr<-l dlineoslous, up lo tbeio.

e*l a Ixyful ux*<

fexixir u.iiKixl 1^/1--.till,*

Thi- girl* mak*- coinuKm

wtirk. a Utile t*-o|Mt In a loutih-*! l«i«k.-t and a tiny te.imip. Six- drink* t.-a
fia-guentl.v, w llle.ut milk or atiimr and
III ainall i|(UiiitHh-e. Tla- working day
la a trifle under iitne Ikmii-*.
In one
dep*riiu*uit where ; tlie c.*a«»ii* aie
Kirilgxal of their (inter <-»v>-rlng and
droMH-d Into *i-|iaraie tui*k*-u. ao-ordlug to tb.Hr (iuallty. th*- work 1* hy the
pkH-e ami luauy women work only a
f*-w hour* ft. <lay. Wag.-* average
aUnit IS ceMa a day. In the
d<liannumt the »<ilag 1* more pn-< 1mand hen- tlx- waned aviwnge 11 n-ula
a day ihr.wglx.ut the .v.wr. The aplnnlug room l« a pr*Hiy atgfai olth 1'*
row *»f l.ltii--roUal gin*
In pn-iinrlng
the <-o*-*xnia for the K|>lim*-r. •fieh coeiNin I* hfimlual iiiall llie end of the
HU1T..I appenr* kit eo.-<M.n iliro,..1. go
to make the flani Dlnnx-ut and <-aeh
■(iluuer work* witb thiri.v-*lx co<-o«iie
Id a |<aD Ix-fore her. Tbe *-blklreu here
enrn S c.-nia a day. n-twklug from S a.
in. lo r> |i. ni.. wlilli- the Wiinii-n e.-irg
alaiut S (*-nt* a day. In ihv nnl*:>liig
de|kiriimnit Ihen- 1* the aanie mien
ttou lo ix-ntnew of ap|N-nniur*- a* In
tlx- real ..f the fariory. the glrU I* lug
: X. nti.ulmiKly el.-aii
; drei«*.xl,
N'.-atn*-** la taken a* an <-v.
iV-ixv of inieMIgiwee ami no *:o«en'y
girl **mld lilid a |dae<- 111 Ihe lllnlnre.
jTlx- laxt ih-partiiK-nl of the fai-iory >s
I the iHieklug rwoin.
ll*-r*- tlx- Hki-liia*
are te-'k*-il *-lo*.-. formixl into Miunre
inarkixl •* i»
O Iiiialliy
wnt|iix>d In white c-oMon
D for ahlpnic-nl
to the mill* (if Ebitvpe
■ made Into


•Hold' il-.ld’- cried the look*-e* on.
• "You an- doing loo mw-h.
And bow
>-lx- (>f tlxxw I dxl yon d*i ti alir
- Tlx- mati.-r Is simple enough." anf. il. iiii.l rui h ri l-iirgb U .-i.l,. »lo The **>ere.1 111- I..tig tx-ard. 'hul nrsL wbel*
I* my pivuiiunif
professor Wii- (l.arux-.l
H« iiunic
Aud *vheii lx- cliitcb«l the promtexl sent Ms liiivk lx ihe vxung ■
lawyer wlib iiD <'nilin*ia*ile note of ' Ixiimty tx- (-vylailxsl
lie had r-i.-.ix-.l SOM... of the water
tlisnk* and a li-iix M x. ».-nd up the
lu 111- tuoiiHi. «vlix II '..xl |>ai*aed tlx-tx-e
He wa« In itx- bull when It ar
lie KVI- off Ihe sncklng sud lie t Into Ilx- glo*v:iig tell mi l Mieo. lx-*-->mllig «iea'ii. had reiidensi him this good
spix'lcd hi* |>rlc>'
li wu* lil* old desk
ix-nux-. Vhlcago luier Oivan.

thai ht-.had suM a f--w days Ix-forv fur
9b.uO —U UP-esU-r Unzelle

instnictloii ioHa-ic


The tnu*:c Has* of Ho V
Academy begat. «nrk Repi 4
bers wishing Ui 1 ave mux- ix-ur« a be
'ore will pieaae I'ut.fy ns as early a*
ooaaibl.-. as arrsovi menu bsve to b •
made for new pu; Ls.
A IimiK'd m>iub*-r of pup u in oibcr
tesucbi 4 will
.Acad my Ibis
I'up >k I
ct-ived at any time during
luring lb*
the year,
but (or obvloos rea-.ous il is better
when possib’e. to rul.-r st the opening
. ncofthc r vn ar ee«««"*ra
H lord
and tuition till p ' munlh. p--ys'nlc ir
adrsnee. Pup is of all deromtnation* 1
itnuIMr >N MsTTHs

Kn Lml» rSsstcMhml&t



of Mankind Poonible to Obtain.


f*»OT»lJ> Il
V- icilh* Ixrve-I &w-oltAl> ID Ibr vorli.
awi w
i-'xi el’ CHit-.NK . Not* '>1 X. - SIN n.i n:/*>l> ■>:•**.-- upoD III* latex* srleoiiAe
■rleoiUte Briaelpriaelxuj rPtlLlt* bx . t.» tOx fu . .'o-Si.r'Di-e D* 1-i^ afilirixd ever} • Sew.
tixfttlag 4

DE. onuAN

Caiarre. l>ise*ae« of kbe gye tU'. Nxee.Taroxt sod huogs. !>r*(x-pte.
Is. Brirti's
Brig**'* DtaSMS. DM
spexdU/ ewtxd bt W__

Picaninny Show. ;-.y.Tsv'

I noo-o Ixr ai: >ii
I eOellT applied

I Ti,

(treal*-«t ('•olurHd



after year, of espertetxx. ba* 4_____

^ caae*
osoltauoo peafarToft.

‘XT the a» fp* oarcte w. earl) rice ar.J the hO*

■yT.V;.«".'LSoiriW'iill»»lULA.,TO TOUNO
asa speedll], eoBplctai} aad perwaoeaU.v





More K.-Atur*-6 Titan a ('irrus.
Carry im; Tjie Only Filipino liniBfi

,•<* !





This Couutry.

441 to 44 V ca‘1 K

'■ ] A Wl-irlwind of



twiij; aud Fan.
wheo new clat

I Watch tor Big Parade.
IMi-ea, 25, 35 and


FewaJe W*a«
■nm aod ai; drlxiate ilsordarv p-vi^ to
tbsr MI poaltlvsl; rnrvd.las veil a« fser
ucoal dlwtfOfw tfeai ressli fWm rouibfal fol
Ileo or the aioex* Of mater* year*
TMAJt xprralre axrrex*to||y and

aixJbodj. oosulog tbxw tor sstey. SM*SW
happ; lllr. a
»f p»yalea3 SoHUty,
WeQt'saSNTFt Tt

* toroi'a*;

alf othor *y* opar*. , csTABBH OP TB* HOSE. hmarhlH. ate
SPI.CIA1.TIBS: CatoTTlr. Bklo D*ara*ea ; Isng trosMoa. eaaste f*x*n vtoTT*. puMMieO
~ ipl*a. Berofuia. Blood Ta:ntA.Beir*na. - (arvd.

aadDlotwx of Womoc oxirkir; DBA»BSa I core IB par osmi ot aU eMa
**1) rorod b» tbr late*i apprtnod , Bsay ease* curod Id <xm trxauaoas
Smrrtra a
aiBATlOV pp
TBB DBIBB. -BarL perxco
B* •bould ered Of Or.og from f to 4 our.
rod*, xktcfc xlil ixexlv* a carrfol ebrm
mieakaad mjefoSroptemI rzateaaitom. ate lltxMHMi
a irrlwrii aoaljal* vai br glrea "
tnaoiif vrllk tkrm mofttk after a
lamodlatrly ftrla.rv arr dap|r
' Is old oaM vkiek kav* baea nagtaete ev *^tnfaHi
•toeipenmesM or faUavxa. PantaaWxMtebrmauS
■oaoltauoc lA pretnwft. OarabW OMSa gmaetet^.
TTtexasm ate* ao.0.iaa.yyftna(aA


- _______ TiSf.'S.-SSL.'Tt


under her (-are. I'|n>u h(-r P-*ignatloo
of tlx- apIxilDItuenl.' owing



OBBOM10 BOBS ETff8 aod graeulaiad

Til*- Atfe.

year* held tinof nnxllenl ofll.x-r
lo Ibe employt** of tix- iHHitofi1(-e. waa

pnv-lnitou of her nrvh-e*. fn<
youug women aud giria who have tMx'Q

The Huai SnooeanfuL and SdanUflcTraatmaet of All Dtoeaaaa and Wm

j-^ their ronr. Iot*ebOhd‘>>. ei perte

: Srpl.m-|
ber I'f. to take . barge
making depa—taen-- Ajyonc
U* engage time can d.
log at tl
the Hrx
c bto-e

fopaler l.ody t>*x-lor.
Pr. En*T F- t'radm-k. wito ha* tbe
diatloctlon of baring Ixx-b
tb>- tlrat
WolUBU diH'lor l» at'ltle In LIV(>nHa>l.
am) who ha* al*o for tx-arly arieea


cunid do It; he had strong lungs; be
would only rimx- hIs icmiib tint with a

bargain go loo long
let cue
kilos as aoou a* '-»i ean
that I
.Won't he hiiying .kk- too
It would tie

large rt«oni-

to 8 p.

Thi-lr ohJ*-el
s'lieii at last s lung Ix-arded Ku**Uw
stei-ix-d forward and ihx-larvd that be


good." aald the prufi-foi • t.:iy tt ami
bold it for UKIt i» 0..T M.r.- to l.-r a

uui<-hln*-ry l«-lng
ui'-.niiwhll*At 11 o'<-l>* k llie work t* laid aajde an
hour for illiim-r. wlhMi l* eaten In ■

Sept. 14, 1899.

A great premium was offered to the
one who cinild solve the problem. Again
the human Ix-llows tolled and puffed.

».r*nkfa>ri. which
by tb.liaw*h* at tle-lr working paa<-e*.

for.-maii ami a INinia-au general man­


Tbe coUiiuIksUiu
was aeir evideilt. hut howl

(he other

day," he *anl
hit* r'li di'rnxi It » gone
ni keep u.y eye out for the nest
few day* "
MS- tdivihlng


OfiM Bean tnm 9 a.

rariury. where Ihe worfeioeo egert*x1

*uli the yotitig ia«v.-r
Ilx- man of
law wax .l.-llgliihill) »yr.i]xiiiu-ln-I



Flnix-ror Nxu.da* wished to lUurol-

lx- ua(xl for Ihe pon*“c wen- Ilufk-ah-d
aud Ihe gh.KSe* ordered


ISottsl 'WTxdtii Tig, *ra?a-v'oj.ij<j-0±'ty",

nste llie.tlesnixh-r coluffio In a grand
Rl.vle. Tht all*- of the round tamps

fur It may iiml * *viil deligtu ibeir
.So It wn* uo uior*- (liau ualunit wh*-n the |trof.-ssor ooM nis d(*sk.
whleh wt« jf an. leoi d.-tii.-u. I>ut of


AoericiD Medial and Sirgiol InsUtolt of lnst^n, Id


Ibe places lu tVoro-i. r aud the uelghborlug loivu* « b(-re iho-x- nlm tike olil
furiiitiiic and bar.- ilx- iiiodi'* to |iay-


DRS. B. S. & CO.
Tbe rcivbraied Speclalista, Formerly of Hew Y'orn. ate wbw of the

shore straightout EugllatL'

ager. Tlie work bi'gina at r>:>ki a. m.
T11.-T.- b* a i*-o-nilnlite real f.*r a hebt

elalui* of a large "tid civwiiig l-rlrate
Uly Uwatr?'* t>***ahter.
|ir*etie*-. they aulMiyrllxx! to prt-n-iil
Jeanne Eantgry. the daughter of
handaome eaai- of ailv.-r
Mra. Uly Ijingiry. wTU make b.-r de­
tl.n knive* and fork* and a *Ilv*-r
but In aoch-ly thI* w-mmu.
She |*
yonng. fair, and uua|*dlvd' hy a<wilterjog- tbr value of the gift teln
qualnrance with tlie faat M-t **>meenbanred hy tbe ai-nympanylng letter.
what familiar (o her mother. Moti of wxpreeelng thi- «-*t*xnu of tlx- don((r*.
ber life baa been aiH-Dt witb her rela­
and their p-gn-l ai h*-r lU'Verftuct- of
tive* In Ibe cbaun*-l iKlanda. and ahe
llie (H.nneelion IwTwm-n tlieni.
tea learned to awlm. bunt, aud to play
an baa Iwen aH>alnl*vl
i*vl by the ixunraasgolf with all the eothualaam of a real
ti r-gem-nil a* Ml**
s lj{zidu.-k'* sueetwcoanuy girt. She U not aa beaut
la al her age. b
b nafely and romfonaldy good-looking
which, after alL U beat. She baa a
plnaaant circle of frienda In London,
and altboilgb abe b not Ukelr to he In. tbe new hoatery. an*l blue ami lau
Mantad dnrlnc tbe «Dod old qoeca'a stocklacs are HU-raHy sprinkled n-lth
6f* nr when her daacbt*r-ln-Uw b on bine, while, or red apols. For erenlug
tbr tbrnne. (ben bmu be a ebaaen far wear the sOk hoaa wtth real ta« trasUa

iorto b«4 a baiav MM MtMsA

If one Is at a loaa to know If ao act Is
right or wr*(ug. to write It down in

aiill<lU(-t nn-l l)H* itoUe uiiM-li lirolAwig
al*>iit >u >.-ar>'h of llieni
He knows


Cmsultatjog anil EiamiBatHia Free anil Strictir

ing. nor will te lx- at s loai to Judge of
other* if be Ibluka aud apeaks uf aeU
Id Hear, crisp terms. It Is a good rule.

(hr Proteasor'a
Drah Caste
Bark SI lilt Uws Rmpess*.



what s-e should chink of It. No man
will ever <i>eal bitiia(-lf Into wrongdo­



By tbe hundred—26c to Al.60—
Double seat and knsM —Best
makes only. Everything that
tbe boys need, at

long tvord which ooghi not to be in ti-

know If U Is a idonder or a crime. If
be doea oot tell tbe truth, and wo are
told that It la a case of -prevaricutlon.’
It Ukes u* some time lo know juat

|uirt alHiui It wuR bla prompt rw-ognliioii of the (-buriu oti uiy uaicb cbaiiiTbe pn-veotaliou ou i-h>pix«rd bad
taken pliov all of aeicii or eight years
Ix-forv '-N.-w ttrleaiis Tlluea Demix



hurt Ibe verae* in wbk-h yon flul them.
Take tlmt whirb aa; *. N.> jr geoeratlon
of Tlpm, wbo tiara warned yon lo Are
px.ui the wrath to come? There Is one

"He wuuhl aay ^ more aud I pre-

Th.- >»ung lawyer ha* go>vl taate In

l>righ(*'<*i of tb<- niitive woux-u wo:ki-ra.
The faitnrhl* are large. <h;in.
ewn-fully v<'otiluie atui vri'U regalnti-ih
Tlie giria are t-tinnulogly dnwa<-d ID
Idue. with link- ll••c*>raI<-<l *Upi*'ra and

abort wdids wbk-h wr lewrn in early
life and which have tbe same arasr to
all chuan of men The English of onr
Bible b g(md
.Now and tbm soaw
long words are found, and they always

who hath warned you lo fler from tbr

auuie. of eour-e. ihni he conveyed Ida
luforniaiion lo the alagi- ihrvugb bla
»y*i(-ui of cue*.
Hut tlx- marvelous

She la as y*'ar* *>M.

plctur*- of ih*' glrbi In the t'blm-ae * Ik
rB<-l<>rh*.. »uy» Ihe lx>» Atnp'le* Tluo-*.
She luyw they are Hie gs.veat aud

tcftcb in the aebnuL tbe^Cburcb. at tbe
baroribronghtbriras. To do this In
tbe right way they abonld nsr tbr

WTien a mau atrals and we call
It a -defah-atlon.- we arv at a loss to



Sice, cobby novelties in OhUdren'B Suite-bought for wear,
as well as looks, and sold on
tbeir merita—Bee them.

put what b in our mlnda tiito tbr
mind* uf otlmw. This Is tbr grrat i
which th*»e mnst gain wbo wlab

wrath to eoineT
Crime s(-ineiitn*-s
dues not look like crime when It la art
before os In tbe mauy fold* of a long

Sir Edgar VliK-.'nt. K. C. M. U.. fluan-

faiMM reeterr <>«rU.
A huK who
hii* nwid*-*!
y.'ora In Chliia draw* an attractlre

Uea. aavv aueb a* are- tiuoiod fur porposeaurmaatraiton;
**Wc must not onfy tltlnk la wnMb.

uaniely. 'g*-oerailuo.‘
In the old ver­
sion the old word H>n>od' Is used Read
the v,f»e with Ihe term, ami you will
fe(i It* fall force: *(> ye viper’s Iwood

adberea to thla rule even lu eoouiry

elal B<lvlo*-r of Ib*^ kbetllve of Egypt.

pranebed tben-ln. oln-cr there U m>
Aronl In It with utorv tban two syOa-

-Toe recollect I
over from AuatraUa on tin- name
be rviiiied. and I would cenalDjw that alone If I oaw ii in Cbl-

woman lu lbiglaDd. She I* talL wItb i
tbe perfect falmeaa of the typical |

pure aa to be alotoat tranaiu-ireci.

Sidduoa proeeodrd. to

friend. 'Now. Harry.'

-fgdy Helen VlnrdnU I*, aecordlng to !
Camd'a Magaxlne. tbe tuoat Iwamifol

i:ugllahwumeu. Keyund all thla la ber
marvelouB et.uipleklon—ao



Tbr fnOowlak pniracrapk on “Tbr
t?ar of 8bun Woedv*' te anribaud to
Horatio Seymour. It prartlnw What tt

but we muat also try to nae tbs best
woMb and ibosr wbk-b In apeecb sriU

the audience
Xi bat* he twu.r near I
amply pointed to a eunoua ;!itlr gree'n
rbartu wbK'b Mr*. Soblwni. uad loaned


tbe «|iapert>uage. TVo aUirra caa
chapetuB each <nber to ao afierauoo

• “Tbe aecond aigti trick aa perfanaad on the atace ealu f«r a marvMou
Memory." aaid a foener tbcaiibwl
"Soow y-rwr* agn I aitcoded oue of lietny Ketlaria eaimalwmeuta witb Mr* S-.-uil Shklona. Bla,
4d) aaaiaiani *a< hlltKtfoi.led oe tbe
aiage and dewritM*! dillereoi arttrlM

i-dlelae Mlaa IJaly." oeer vbom Sir
.Joahoa BeT«>lda rared aa tbe moat

■ TMMaMua



WOIID|RflLCUR£s ’■"■-e-i-'-

BPS I S p on pniviTf sny icn MntrrcnN •ini


Kds. aid Isr SMe by Al Dng^'



Good HBrdwood in Stove LengthB.
AIbo Four Foot Kaple SUbe end Bd^ioca.


Travefse City Lumber Co.





FACTOfllLY ttPlAtNea

■ nM tuurtita iio6iti, wretlfllt. Miwikm V, IM.
aTuranb tonim.
eur or THI
btmoM Of Miujoionm.
Lead BsthsAlld to a paiiem ef tooak.
and hto madcslee srv
fiMst la Lew
■ Free Preen. .
Iiew Caraegie to abem five fMt
Isctec tall a.nd does
OoUs P. Husdagtoa started his sapnfa a« coUeetloB years ago with tte
fiM, K.000 be aaved.-Clevdaad Plala

.I teT* b
FMfs la tbs




Riaazl]' 40 jmn aco. wbra a v«7 amall
bo7. I dl^MlIed warts that wm npoa
mr OWB hai^ br mbblac tbcn with
• bloc* of cotanoB ac^ooi crayon. I an
a fradaats of a New Toili elty nodical
•ali^and am lagaSr qnall&od to
pmetk» nedicUw la Now Torfc and
Kew Jersey, a^ 1 frankly adralt that
my aaosl motbod of maoriDf


Inn «y paUeots has In recent years
bc^ by the nethod of boylv them.
to explain my modas openndt I asn■ly glTS the paOect a br1(bt peony or
■kksL and assure him poalUeely that
they are mine by pnrchase. and ao
nnat tere him.

Is said
Wall s_____ _ — .. .
...eer toe eeisU. losing _ .
Into tte finaneial
keen insight Uto
_a lYeaa.
_____ Havemeyer. tte New Turk
aagar king, who baa spent a good deal
of time In tbe East, has ted fitted up la
his UadisOD
avenoe bonH
------MMB.-Pitubarg Uspatch.
Senator Mark lUana wears u a
watch charm a gold nugget whito la

€soally they dlaap-

paar.ta mm foor to ten weeks. Abmos
ny wart patients hare been the son
«>d dnacbtar of a waU-known doctor
«r «rlB»y. and girls and boys of InMlgtaKS. mambees of oor high school.

Henry Cb-ws, In ttlklng to some young
■mass wealth,
^*** .**^
lo th.' biblical
mirbi wbaicommand to do with ail ourr u.._.
ever our hands find to do.-ClevrUnd
Plain Ilealer.
Cbarte* Itmsdsray Bonss. the blind
—Olonaife, 1. i.ol In favor of sp.-euls
or slock iolibing. ‘The beat way to get
dal Advertiser.
keU. tbe sngar msenste,
has spent msi y years In srientiec study,
snd OSS Imii____
me___ao expert
. .
He will blmselr superintetid tbe erection

mantloa this class of padenta to show
that the plan works open the tntelllC«w and enUnred as weU ns npoo the
Ignorant and the tnperatltJona By
way of OlBstratlcm I wUl narrate two
tnstancca of care.

A mother consulted

me ahont an eoonaoan seed wart upon
tbs left elbow of her son. The wart
was folly as large aa a slleer half-dol­
lar. and when the boy bent bis am
the watt woold crack and bleed.

Mrs. WUIIam Rockereller's hobby b
for csmsIloBs. on*' of the grt-enliousei
bet eountry pUce at 8carbon)Ugb-oD'
d exclusively I
being <
tbrir culture. Kbe .........................
liaon eamstloDs fTv>0 Kraiice.
200 -having
psM K.UOO for the plants. She
is ssld to speud Ibuussnds of dollsrt
every yesr for the plsuts she Imports
her own pleasure.-Oswego TinKS.

I of-

fecad the hoy a new. bright peony for
the wart and at first be conld not
Ciaap tbe Idea that 1 was sertons In my
pit^osnl to buy tbe wan.
In a few
weeks I was IntereMed to find upon ex•mlmtlon that exactly one-half of the
arart had been divided through
aoMdln and one-half of It had bees
ahared or scraped away. 1 aasured tbe
boy that tbe recoalnlng ponion would
aeon disappear, and so it did.
A yonng womsn behind the counts
of one of oor
local stores hsd brr
bands dstted all orsr with wsna 1
Jodge she ted not lees than SO on each
When 1 Inquired why abe did
L. but they
nte had tried many r
■ bad all failed, and ate was dlscuur-

mskes more binffers thss
Belf-loTe Is m
than aelr-ft
Prudence snd indnsin' are the.i
dpal ingredients in good luck.
I^•eCs sre cbsBipioos of tbe truth
least they frequenUy strike Ibe lyre.

t pod
n who bmks for dlfflnilties will
where be ex|>eeted only one.
find t
a.vs have s susiiidou that
rtalnlng angel* unawarea.
toey*ari' eou-rti
baseball player
It's a pity Ibe______
If lo play as well a* be practices,
I nnablf
tresjurDter. like the
The pawnshop
bawball player.
Tbe bead U a lodging for Ideai -either
funiUbed or uoromitoed. as tbe case

agedlnherefforta. 1 then offered to boy
thsm of ber for a peony. The method
tpallic so easy and pleasant, she agreed
to sail them to me, and after a number
af waeka they all dlaappeared. 1 can offer no thoroughly scientific
agplanattoo for these facts beyond the
■tateeiwt that ttey came tinder tbe
head of mental Inflnence. I aasen with
anch poamreoeaa my ablUty to dlapei
warta by purchase thst my pstlmt's




Bind” la Impreamd by my aaaematJoa
a»L althongh my dnlm la met by a
nmllt of loctadoUty, throogb ttelr beHsf In m# nod tte fores of my asaer.
enUhm. ttey half axpeet It will occur
na I dsdare It win Tte **sobconHcloaa
natr.*' or. aa Hodsoa denominates
*kte sohlectlTc mind." presides otm'
lha aetintles of oor phyak-aJ functlona,
■amoly. oor phyBeal life. Independent­
ly of oor rueaoning tncnltlea.

onr m-

teUeet or our “objectlre mind" iHudaoBl. CDotroti tte organa of the body
•nd admits disease under inaueoces
•ad Impreeiloaa nnfarorable to us. and


CL-New York

it ef tbe rads *
peatden tolfiUs lu promlBi>a
number of technical marrtls will be
raeenled to the public In IMR.
BUM of all there wUl be ficaepaolk's
Boch-beralded telectroe«'ope. an loatruI which, by tte aid of selenium.
elactHcnl Tlskm. naya tte ficlentme
Tte te)ectioaco|>e ai:i,
bowarer, find a deal In tbe telautogtapb lareoted by Anton Poliak, a
Uaagarlan engineer.
Tbt> telauiograpb. It la tHnlmed, provides a mears
of rwtslvlng mcaaagm sent from one
station to another, la exactly tbe same
Iona in which they were tnuamittid.
Tte Idea la itself Is old: but tbe invantsr la said to hare devlaod an allparatuB which la enUrdy different
from Ka predeceaeota. l*oUak claims
to bars aolrcd tte problem by using
aelenlnm-;* metal wbicb Is nnlqne in
pomeaatag tte property of conduetlng
atoctdcltr wHb a resistance which vatlea with tbe Intensity of the light that
falli opon it. Tte varying Ulumlnatlon Is prodneod by treating the writton Idegram In a peculiar manner and
tte earlattona in realstanec effected by
tte aetonlnm are cornmnnlcatiMl to a
Gondoetor to prodoce aa increaae .ud
dscfuase in tte lotonalty of the curreut
paaalog therethrough.
An Imperfect
modal to said to be in tolerably nocaastul opeHtlon and to be able to
tiaaamit la one hour lu telegraua.
aaeb four Incbea by two Incbw. upon

laSI—aa •«• m*i4.
Btata Qeotoglat BUicbley of Indi­
ana. aaalated by fiute Uks and Oil lo■Mctoe Loach, who were employed by
Omdsoatl people to Inqiect ibe Sugar
OroTC.O..field, in a report compare the
Ohio and Indiana flelda. nod give tte
r Ova years more of

tte anlt agalnat Bob ntasb
te Attorney FTiend tor defending bim
la ISM. wbw "Oon" Bloidas died from
heart dlaraae after' being knocked
down hy tbe Anatiallna. has been de­
cided. After tell goat fifteen mlnotsn


sense enough
Kvery man 1s gi'
but few men are
mind bis own boalni
wllliug to let It go
sees his willing­
The mail wbu
WooiBO'’s alishte*! wish
at a larm-aueJ
sually draw-a
If a rubber l•tll happens to strike you
» the ear wMie walking along . tbe
reel, take it pbtlusopblrally.
are In the jnvptille class yourvelf onee.


Wbn a man disputes with a tool tbs
^oul la doing tte same toinf--Cario<.'k
A man wbo has no: tome kind of
Saaday soil of clothes doesn't amount
to much.—IVashlngton l>em-~Tat.
A truly giKMl and great man Is one
wbo ran baiidh- a hot lamp cbiinney
and retw-at the deealugue at the same
timr.-Kanaaa Oty Star.
After a mao bas been worked by a
b<«k agent he tries to convince htms.lf
that he will often refer to the books pur
cbaMsI.—All-bison Globe.
When a man la pondering deeply »i
to wbelhi r be. shall bet a burse straight
or fur a plaiT. Ids wife feels sorry that
bis Insineas inaki-s him tblnk to bard.New York Presa.
Many a'luaii irbo bas promised lo lay
down bU life cteerfoUy for the wuinsu
be loves will la- fuoud ten months later
shying st tbe idea of tdllng the hard­
wood floors.—Ylinneapulis Journal.
If yon waul lu enjoy a new aeusat|p>n.
tell a man yon have beard something
about him.
lie wiU think it i> s-imething rariu. of cuurae. f«r a uau never
hears anything elte.
Then tell
scunelhlog pleasant
Hr will glow
a acboul buy. and both of you will feel
tetter all day.
Don't teU p»-ople
mean ibing* yon hear about them. :
la inexeuaahle.—AtchlioB Globa.
... Bmdder Jackson: you
igbty glad when Sunday
eomea n-und. an'
an yll
, . I never sees yog inaide de chir<-h do'j
tab." -Truth.
Unie klat." he pleaded,
“But only a II
little one." she said, relent
... eon
course," be replied.
conld I look for a big one from to inialJ
MbT*. And after
Lftcr that be
be got aa
North American.
-Now. Tom.- she pleaded, prettily,
-promise me our thing.
Promise me
thst when you leave toe club luUigbt
yon sron't go anywhere else, but will
come straight home."
-PU come at
straight as I ran. my dear.- Tom ans­
wered tbAugblfuUy.—SumrrvIlle JuurnsL
ITrat Popnllst;
deacon ^m
from the party for
- —’tin'
loB an'
‘■Mixta' r.lich
r.licien so’ poUtteaT'
Populist: -\r*: bed gu to a politlral
mseliu’ an' he'd fall asleep In tte mid­
dle of i ape.Tb. h'goab! jeat like if it
was a aennon."—Tuck.

Eggs funlah a whuleaome and aImpW
food. Tfar eggs of tbe turkey an best
of aO. Salted fisb and meats ate hard
on tbe tiomaeb.
Oatmeal Is a strong food and builds
Bp the muscle. It ahonid be eaten
getter with bread. Rice forms toe t
of oserihlrd of toe human race.
Butter, if eatea moderat^y. will not
prove hurtful. Tte systetu needs oil and
pur* baiter fivotobea these. Cheese, if
partaken of sparipgiy. will not bun one.
If toasted it Is randered rather indigettPriaottt of phlegmatic eonstiutloM
should eat onions, garlic and parwley.
Api^ not only are good but eootain
medicinal juices. 1‘lums sboald noc be
toneted nnless whoPy ripe and apricou
are rteter than peaches.
Poutoe* at a food vary In value, aceotdiag to tbe way they arc cooked.
Boasted they sre In the beat form for
sating. Piassnta eat pouiors together
with milk and are correct to prtoriple.

r teBuht la a rardlct far tte ,
tte ptotolltta. II M tte taU r;»tote. tte atoiMte. touh-

Bdto* bsaatlfu]
usauuiai munaa
ftMaa haeu
ttesal- {Tdey




r-paiae Saa. toatafi.

erad wtah vhltewaak U tte aw

OH*, la sten galy Hh, Itot..

nr tolnwatot of tbto vrCBN! toOrttr to of white taffeta, tte skirt

; ififl -s rfigSfi tft

Wia&to. toe tod Tcadoalsaa. to ^
Cantos Aaigau of fiwttseriaad. ‘tte
goblet had been hidden with great care,
probably bf some Roman aoldier. Tte
wofk shew* a warrior la armor with a
Mereaiy and aa ox.
Aa lotarcsUai diaeovety has redmtly
been uaadc to the Itolaea of the' Seaston at Borne. asiiAy known aa tbe
capitoL For oereral days workmen had
been employed to remove a wab which
showed algna of weakasst and la the
eoaiae of the demolition a number o
medisrval ftvscuri ere:
eolori being extremely
Naples' Castle Nik
of toe^gevine kli
the royal palace and tte har
last to hecum* visfUc by the r
the Inrlasiag waUt and the al
up agalnw them. Cinder tor______
toe {tastle was osed^tor a dungwo fur
_. prisonere, and many -------------_____abot lo tte caatJc ditch witouoi
toe fotmallty of a trial.

<te Jacket of gray brtmdHoth. tte
fovers being faced with gray satia.
Tte Jacket to fitted by ceMep-teck.
aide-bark. aodcf-anD. and abotildcr
•caom; alao single boat






Il'a easy lo become a fiaanftejf T<>«
are muncy for experimeuca.—AIcbUon
■ ibe.
everybody It not
On life's highway e
us to lake tbe rieli
only willing but auxtans
_____ ______ Falls
man's dnst.-Ullle
IVrbatis l{ti>s.-ll Rage telieve* that. In

TVS. A- m. BomDATrgvwdBa*r~Tc

J.J Caley»y. ^ Ol^ U^nMoa BUg. ■


Rhc ilu at
He icalmly
tur* and
ai '
rvtum mine."—Ohio .<iutc
■ No young man wbo baa
cr Usikcd
Into a gisl's
psl's laughing eye* hot what be-

-HI te

“Be mine," pleaded tbe poetic
-tod your jiatb iu life will te *i
with rosaw." "Humph! and have iiiej
getting a punciurc uu the Ihurna.
muchr relort.-d Mis* S|i
was DO nivicc in the pur*uii uf cycling.
-Philadelphia Kecuid.
“It's BO use." excUimed Willie Wish
say the
riSt thing si lhe*rigtlt*
I tuld
Miss Sllmmios that brr
. ..... shone on
I..V* “ •*
me tike stars atevr.
____ bat
That's old.
pretty.” answerrti Miu (‘ayrnne. “
But tbe Is one of these retnarkahly
girls wbu res<-n( any refi-rvucv tu tbeir
helgbL--Wa*hingtoD Klar.
IVIlUam WbUt of I>eB<
dlr^ of tpopiexy while saylug bl* pray<
A IMroil burglar stole the
Some (
A Bridgeport tPa.l mao drowned bimaelr by repeated dipa in a pool of flag
aant water.
Angyred la-cause the se<-on
se<-ond baseman
put him out. an Algiers tLa.J baU 4aayer
abot toe ofTender in toe artn.
One clever New York
boy travels

Than Tiamse Belle
The Fatorile 5c Cigar




Chicago -<
"West Michigan.

npper porUona of tbe Jacket fronts are
laid back to fnrai tte revera. which
meet tbe rollloc collar lu uotebea. The
two-aeaiuiNl Kleevva Is gathered


the armboW. and put-ket (tops adorn
Ibe froDta.
Tbe shirtwaist Is




arm and
shoulder wAis, and ihe y'oktplrc* In tbe iMek
shaped In a |s>lnt

U1>|HT esige U drawn to the teck


Is becoDiiag popular, too.;


Made by


I t BIk Katod*
A' TravrvwCy

0 » II to X tO
• IU It »> S to

: UD lOBTSUSmi 1.1.

Seb This!

at Itals'ekark a.





PxtrgrUsI at

30t pain.

I Dvrer thuiigbl giicb s

juS *k»

Teeth Gleaned Free

a i>


Tta.iWBv tliy

•IV kk •« S)

River Braurfc ^



i;:; is
10 to


•i« a. SC to
•IU M! •* to

*0 to. •* M
*0 to •* *1
I *»_!•


Tsis CoBpany vei
cbacriDC tkc ilB* c

lorld aa

When aoi|unlnTitl with the trials and
rtlsjipiwintraet.fs that •'oiifroni huslm-iu

i:a IS

Jis! is

“ S s

T4r, SlaU- .Ki, L'ity '

The next six daye.

17 ■: !■

r. * P tt. OepM
OarkaBa J n’t- 1
Ckwf Lake

I ill ] n!

but ticiw 1 know it

hy most women. If they lie
in ■•arly



J'-' «» *

The* Btinton Ut-nlnl I’KoJon. w ith.

And as

l~ awalls the woman.

IS It 40
s> a to

-A. W. Jahraus

the h-ssons of the practical renlllles of
life must come luv.neCor later, must be

"rudi- awnLehiiigi

1 » sm I
I SS k SI y
: Lv Urd
___ .
. . » ai IU » *
k Ik
Ik. I (f> "k
-------- ri ~i Ik.~ni>
Ar KIk RapM* .

for the price.

for the exalt.*d staHnn of an affection-


k N1 I » y «a; • 00
S a> 17 S> « S> »kO. »•
IIP- 4 « W* g CD,

Biggest aad best 10 cent ciear.'.rrr.,.:

laid in a slni.'le teckwunl-tuniltig plait

ale wife amt ttvider mother.

! Lv PMOBktv
I ArOni K.pM..
---------d Kapi
j Lv teir<at


tte Bcivuag* sf
r tralev at kbtor
P. A I

Comer (->001 snd Casa Sireeu,

'If «lf«- cau


Betelv mock
the uen-oiis system due h* the consinnl
grind of .lally
work of life, she ls>eoini * II <*>1)110111100
Indeed, fully ai>l>reclatlug the Joy* <if
sui-otw nod till' dlsai>|N.intni<'nts of
falluTv. sharing In Isiih alike with her
huslaind. and when ttiu* approciatlng
tile fcvllDg of nervous .•xliatuulou'aml
Irrtlahlfiii'KK she .inlellv pa>M“-» over


ColDibia aid Lon A. CnminiDjt
Il.ung N<inb rrrrf dafeirept Wuoday

Picnic Parties,
Fishing Parlies,
anii Funerais.

which to the In•t. n pniv.- li,.' teexiwlieii.-e,l wonit
leiit. :i« l»-twi-i*n
■JtH'led liusloiud llx-re eun

I have just addr-d

real coui|>aUou*Ulp and



<'t..rb-> a





busim-ae in at)diii<m to ft-t<ding and I




prepared to do an t-xlt>tiniv>- livrryl





dainty Sngetw. and for that r<-nw>n lh<wbul<>*ale




for leawB

army of girl* In the wusou to sort and
put op packag»*« of *«—l»



gartleti. grnlo tield. .iinl vi-geliihl.- plot.
The girls uri- liik.-u ..n iu Noveuiter
and kiiit onlll February.

t»f course,

soini' out of the niuuIxT

who show

tor salary throughout the year.
m.rlng s*'aaon. along alsmt May.

o,.r. -I,. „„ 0-1,

.r ...r.-

erw. and after the first sus k of ail
r«>ady to sell seed packi-ls haw la-en
deputed (he hand* have to work overbouiw lo gi-l op a new supply.
The seevl buslocAs is too Irregular to
te f*
(Pe teed girts are drawn from lluw


Ttiqikui ini'

e noDBAin. Pr>p:


: Kaj

air aod built to urUrr
pUya.WBdrd>o «j;‘'

Repair work

B. triAKBl'tta


Fire insurance.
L. L. A.BuUdln«.

tor with •
-iiare and Deeds of
ptoms ate flowers generally leads tte
workeea to experiment on tbeir «»wb
arcotnil with growtng thlnfs to tbHr
koae plots, ate tola nukea them aMF

STEtpiEB CRESCENT. Bnulk vvvry Jay vi<-vpi e

Everything in <ir«t-<-lase shaix*.

tbemiudvc* especially deft and rapid
la Itelf work are rvUlned on a rvgiv


riifii, !>twiid--w an iiicrt*un*d tiuin.

tier uf nice c-arriag>*ii.



i‘vprnl riaxriT two- and tlint'-ental-i

Bard dog.
them, bui who work for pUi money
________ _______
bttalBOka la light.
a wager
of Manheim.______________
Pa~ ha* not_________________
cot bis beard elean. and pleesaoL awl the pay 1
atoc* Blaine waa defeated for tte preaiWorkin
o the work
fair p
^ b7 tte
of a earners a New Jeraey brakeman. wbo
took -fare* _____
ao mara
to toe
•See. waa eonrlcted.
Oa Baater Sonday a Manaoa.
toto aa eat measoriag eight 1
WV ate a^ ate



dB* aenve fn>« GTwsg t.toias. OtoriatUilragw. iBdusoapoUa. wtStaJ W.IW.
*lBs arrive fruB Macklosw wad Pstoskey,
___ .XI p, IS
, *r*la. Bvriee from Bleh*»e«d. Fs« Waywa.
I teitoU wwd Orwod Rapid*, at 7 * p. ■
I Trwln tesvliig M t|:|t a. B. Baa cBoIr ear
WaltuB totirsBd Kapht*.
TtbIb lesvlnr Bi lliS w. a. hoa ekolrewr
Weltoo M ToWo via fterd Cliv
Trwto leevior t e. b hae« ears WaliuotuCD(caro.CluclnBa
UoggniUr. todlaaapoO. and St. Louis. dlBlag ear to OraM


-------------- appmlnte the wear ui«n

with several cuiDUlea to *psr*. he ko-wi
how Ibe eugagiil fellow fc.-!*. who
di r.^ wky

t :
w :


a cold." "Why. my love?"
I'm just dying for si_________ ___
Clevelaad Plain IValer.
Wbi ocvi-r a girl giggles at ever
remark a yoong man make* she is
iuf tu te mure than a sister to I
Kluouiugiuu i'auugraph.
rhollj—"Doc me, love my dog
MaUd-"I should te ju
lik.'ly to love yoor dug as to love



_. .Hate
mortal coil, il'x a» ei .
1 hnve never found a woinno bat­
mtinit.T.—HosIod Tranacript.
tling her way In the world who has not
Comelin* Vanderbilt was once a onslant *mokv(. bnl uf Intc year* has Lad grown more *\mi«thei1c with human
lu give up WRutccO. "I find." he say*, suffering, nioiv luuleni with the little
"that any one <-aD letm to do aitboat
trials of life, nu*r>- lenient and furctvlu It u at unc- the most cxihusItc sod
lb* most unnecessary uf halnu."— lug with the erring, and moiv appre­
Cleveland Plain Ih-alrr.
ciative of lu.mi’ and family 111% says
It isn't oricii •aid of a defuirte.! magOttr of Wall street that It gav.
bim the Woman's IJ.mie Companinu. Indcgreater plcu*urc to mak« tuouej t..r hii p. nih-n<*. self-rellnlice ami the adopfriend* lluiii lu make It (or bituedr .ir in tln'n of tmnornhle hiisin.-s* tnciluHla
s<|U(vxc it oQi ,.f his eticnii.-*. And yvt
(hat is tb.' unlceraal triloilc lo the IsU nis'd not destroy the Inherent geiitli*Mr. Fluwof.-Altetiy Argti*.
tn-ss of wiMnnn’s naturi-. ntiHltlng Imp

A lover doesn't g<-( half s>j iu*ar.-d that
■ou'i marry him a* tbni *hc nill


sassssujs:: -s £EC8aaE2«


ugh to make anyshuffilng ul( this



le. {>;;.» Bemw Btoek.

Its lower edge. The bark of
jniaUTlal Is told in three lutckwnrdIngtuo Post.
make some turning plaits each side of the center,
One Th'li.rT of death b
rich men give np tbrir n
•y when the Tlie frunls are laid In 12 leDg1hwi-o>
lu'eils of cunntlesi huii
Uv.e have tgpts on «-a.h side of the
.-Kansas City
Ideutly means
*>*■« «>••' teDler of Ibe
le Uuius-U Sage
ichet wb.m
The fulluess at the waistline Is
wbal hr preaches
_ ... that
thereis Is,
dishomi in­
routined hy alilrlng. and a narivw
volved Id dying rich.—Clerelaml lyiader. tend tloUhes the niM-k
The Bsn>u -"ll Is nulblng hnl a -hauie
staudliig cultor Is atiarlW to ih!a
that he sh.»ild te •» rich. Ibe oM s.-mnThe ODe-seatoivI sleeve Is findreir
The O.unt -‘'hi*jMTlall>
«h.-u tend.
une lake* into voiisideratieii hi> having Isheil Al the wrist ti.v a straight cuff.
no daughters."- ladianaiBillr Juiiroiil.
The skirl
Is a two-|ile*v ctrcnlar
HuDlingtoo . think*
ihr tlKxhd, niille.1 hy a (vnler-tiaek and
American msss.-s are l.>u highly du- nr
Mere w..rk is what th.y u.--d- fn.nt s<-ain and ittt.d no tte bi|« by
browa that are wet with b<in.-«i »a.-at four dnn*. The extra riilluess at ihe

.... ..

ly ste eoM

a. oaoaa. anamay ana omiwh
VT law Mowey to laoa. 0«m, otty i

Tte first mins broaght to litof to the
Island of Milo are those of au ancient
scropolla; there were also discovered tbe
stmetare of three towns, each built over
■be oibcr. anil two uf them, aa indicated
by tbe style of the fragments and
lies nest lo tbe rock. Tbe acropolis beluDga to toe ialand epoch befurv tte inUvduction and deveiopmeot of tte My
cenean an. Tbe exeavationa ate re­
garded M veryr imporiaol.
A few montor'ago tbr Italian arch­
aeologist. 81g- Franceshinl. discuvivrd
lo the Church of Rants Croce. Florence.
Italy, tbe tomb of Lorenao
Lorento Gbitenl.
Gbitenl. the
>f the famous baptlBicry gales.
0 found at a Isl
Iter llmo in tbe
( Cborcb of Rati
Ibe remains
famous grav<v cuuialiilng tbe
of the Fl'ireiiline sculptor. Mino of Heaul<': Andrea del Vertocvbio, the IHurmtiue sculpior. gnldamltb and palmer,
wlin was tbe master of Leonardo da
Vinci; Rinioiie P.-llaiiiolo. Andrea .<«<>tisorinu. the lu ulpiur; Granacci and Leon­
ardo Taa-«o.

I ^assepfi isaefiMifi I;.;




wkarStgWM g^We grwAa. flMBM

steamer Onekama
Cept. J. U. A.mory.
Leave Old Miiwiuo..
Arrive BIk Bsrida .
Leave Rlk Kap'<ls -Arrive Old MtsthjD..
LctoveOld MIhIob

tte p. to.
. iitop. to.

Leave BIk B
. 7:00 |L to.
. 7:40 p. m.
Arrive Old Mtaaioa-Bst will leave tbe MeresaUto Otog*
block. Bolel Wbiliog sad Fsrk. Ptoa*
stS;50 p m. -Ros will slao esoDset
with test St ll:Ms. m
Frail ear wUI
te St Bast Head cm Tseadsys. Thsisdays sad Hstordsys. PsiiiBgiii gte
tTRit WiU te Ukea a* 1


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