The Morning Record, March 30, 1899

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, March 30, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


w«i the morning record.


l»nUMt«to. ItwMSrrMd U»» Mr.
M»ya* ^ald pmtorm aartata aarrieaa
fortkarmarabataboal4raeal?a aoaipasaatloo for aMb Mparata trawacUae. U ms wba* ba wm aab>«r«<>
br tha ooaDetl ba lafora»r4 ibaa' that
1 ba
letarcawd la ibaaa bead laaaaa.


ba™ bear.

Am«rioatt Army FMt Approaohlnff Malolos.

Bw Atttek, Ui>OD HI. Chur- .«i u.t b. .™w .« wi .. .itc., ▲daoBaadSts Miiaa
for lha villaca l( It wm ta iaiarlara
Mtor K«t^lth FmU.
wUbUricbtlodaalwltbaold bobdai qaest aklrmtohaa
I It woa orraad that Mr. MtfM aboald
WbMb Brud‘ I ,raaolta aoa|wa>tt«a far wbataaar
IbaAtiMka tt tba Ba«la oa AB’aarriM ba aetaall; partoraad. Mr.



Sna^ Turebaat






Ara^ •waiter Tavorda TUiplsa

Capital la Cplaadld OtAar.
» elarb m »a•a a( tba o« >• wbiab woa atatad
MoalU. MarA M.-Ttaa Aaariaaa
Tatar*—SaM af That
_________________________ _ _____ _ Ilaaabataaaa. Mr. Mara* wm oalt to | aray adraacad al* allaa tbU aomlar.
Taottaaar MapMM tor tha oeaaia»allata arlalac aadar tba awatplac three aUlaa faatora 10 o’clooV.
aad drlatap tba rabela baToad Boaarat
araMoa «f tha Taepla.
I or draftliw af «
WUl B. Banptaa. editor af tba Cbar- or la r^rlM adrle* to caoara oeaeara* oo tha railroad laadlnr to Maloloa.
dlirbt raaiataaea waa mt. Malolaa U
laaoU DaoMerat. aaM dawa from lactbara^aaqaaatloaawbleb alrbt
I oolp aaraa »lla* awap.
CharlaaoU paatardaj loaded for bear arlaa. bat ibat AU i
At dapHrbt MaeArtbor’a dlrleloa adbird
V!r tba brln witb iafoma* Dot ta letarfara with bU rlffbt
*a“» to d«al. p| —
• tloa faaebad br oartaia doeaBaaU : lo aald booda allbar to ptntjbaaa tba* 1 raaaad ffOB Marllao aloiip tba railroad I
- - ^
' at la proeorlBf otbara to pnrcbaaa| to »‘oa.d»e mllra dUuat. wlthlba|

aUraatloB iDio tba BapoblloaB raska. Ibrto. and that ba raaarrad tb^ rijrbt | Nebraaka, tiouih DakoU aod P#nni.ylBa oasa armad wItb maeuaerlpt la-[ to Uka aoy aetloB la ralaitoe to aaid | raela raf nraU oa the rlirht, aad tl{a
I booda whteb bU prarloaa tataraatj Kaaaaa and MoaUna rapiBeDta and
toodad to abow that tba
| tba Third aritllTy oa thfi.ia^l. OraObarlaroU did BOt kaow wbat tbay, nicbtdrmaad.
d aay Hlltb'y A Me- aral WhratoD'a brlfoda la la ratorra.
were dolac whaa ihrp alfaad tba aaTbe Amrrleaaa met a atroaaV>ppnaidorarmaauof Hod Krad W. Mayaa. Orwkra ordrra' for Ki canto or asy
tloD Id tbr JuDfla Oea NVbi^kati. a
lOoaiinuad on third paqr 1
Hat tha wbola bualaaaa
raflaatpFBDaylraotoo aad two MonUok mea
IBC apaa tba ebaroetar of Mr. Mayor,
ware killed. Tbiny-dre maa ware
will prora a boomeraar. aa tba Bacuan
VBvarthj ■btiiafMb M laflaoMa'

We offer
an cxcelicnt quality
Taffeta Marie
at less
than half value.


will abow brrala:
Mr Haatptoalaaahrawd oaBpaira
awaarar but ba aonaUMaa over doea To Bemovat of Miniog School
From Houghton.
tbia«a. aa la thU eaaa. la order to
abow that tba aodoroanaaia for Mr.
Mbjm ware r<**B by mUUka ba BaprroanUtiTe Toitot'a Blcyela Bill
fraOMi a lattor addreaar tl to tba rlarpyWill Sooa Ba MeDoriod-riaae oa
■oa plaelnftba boad matwr balora
Foot to
BMirgaalaa Mlrblfea
than la a Oamoeratle llitbt. iDtorreraMatleaol Guard.
Uar iben apoo wbetbar tbay koew
thatMr. Mayaewaa la tba pay of aiurlA) uTaiMi.B.ikU a«»pKa
■ .OBakor- Mlcb. March >•>.—Tba
CbarlaroU rlUace dorlnf tba bood
tiaaaaaUoo. aad wbather they kaew achrma of a p^t of tba aMaton to
the Ut^r I'anlnauta mtolar
of MK Mayoa'a oooaaetloo with tba *
la oiaaUaa with eery driermlDbood dpa); aod whathar they ware ta
ba oadaratood aa firloir tba aadoraa- ed oppoallloD. Ittoaowebarrad that
■aal of tbalr pulpito to tbe allecad it to a aehame of tbe Rermto of tba
hMd deal. Tba qaaaUoaa are adroitly I'alvanlly. Mr. 1‘alterwbola errdlt" belnttba leader la the plaa
framed aad ooataia aa arfui
aaDOflhe uolreTBlly eommitaotw^lfr Mayne. Tha taaor of tba'U el
aapltoa to Uat It tbe eoadlttona are a* ta*
Sraator Cbaa Hmlth obaraeieriMa
Mr. //onHrfoa naaeru tbay do aot eara
to bare tbalr aadoraaotaato iro out aa tbr plan aa tba “maaDeal little eon
political arfumaato Hiullar iiunatioa* BDiracy a*er batched In tbe tefflalatura.’
ware aaalto tbe pbyalelaa*. wboae ra- He aaya aUe "dtadeaM eab ba edaeatpUaa, boweear. ware rltea aomawhal ed In Ibit branrh In oaa quarter of tbe
dlffaraatly. But la all caaoa the ra- Una at tbe Bouebtoa Collefc that it
pliaa are baaed apoa the aaaartlooa of wonld rrqnira at Abb Arbor." Ha
Mr. Bampua,
la ttbair rapllaa. potato oat tba iBmaaaa adraalajraa by
(ha etorrymaa, la rafarrlaf
to tba I'ppar Paalaaula aebool aad elaiau
wbat tbay aald U faeor of Mr. Mayae, tba prlaelpal outlay of which tba reatotod that tbay wore aot familiar Borera eomplaia ba* baaa malaUBaana
and equlpmaato wbleb would ba rawith tba boad deal, aad U
quirad aaywbara.
iaf maa of pratoawortby
Haaatora MaHlMd.MeMt’Ua. Moora.
they did hot daolrato appear la a
aad MeOraw aia of ^ aama
talaa lirbt Aa tha matUr waa praaaatod to than by Mr. Bamptoa they Bind.
A wvB time to aattolaatod aboald
ooaaldarad that they ware appaoriaf
la a lalaa l>irbt
aUowlac thair aa- ibaeffwtbamadato romeea the Ooldoraamastotobaaomapablle pn^arty laraofMlnaa Tba arlutloa to bHaaThera to oaa paMlIarlty aboat tba Inv oat Into of frleada ter tbe N. P.
qaaatlou aad repllaa «f both pbyat- naliara.
Tbe Colby priBmry rlaetlon blllera<daM aod elarfyaiao. Tba clarcymaD
admit that they kaaw aotblac about atodaradbetUma la tbe eommlttoa
iba boad deal. Tharatora they ware of tba wbola tbU afirriMon. Uoedell
impallad to withdraw tbelr aaaiea of Wayne, belnr afaleat It and Iba
thmfb tba aaaarUoaa of Mr. Uamp- other eleven Wayne oonnty BaBbar*
(0« Tba pbyilclaaa are oiora modar­ beinr In farnr of It.
RapTMentotira Poator baa ooBpleted
ete Soaaa of tbam baaw aotblac of
tba deal or Mr. Mayaa-a oonaacUoa bla blcyela bill and will yrt It reported
with H aad wtobad to atoU that they from tbe eoBBlltae »<*->o It proelrtea
of threato anrperriaa
did aot tatood to haea it nadamtood
that they endoraad It, if maUarB ware tba anreeylnr of "eood roada" tbrouyb*
aa rapraaanted to tbam by Mr. Hemp- oat tbe elate, ao that tbe work now
too. Tbs pbyakatoM who did kaow done to make qood roada may reanlt
tnaaeaUra road* well cooRactod.
about the deal, howaear, aad who bad
made paaaabla for all kind* of
ktowa Mr. Mayne well aa a cIiImd aad
attorney. r>w»-«r*rd Wir udum «•/ Str. llyht reble’ea inc’ndlnr bi-rclra,
Tbe plana cf the aaw military bill, a*
Uiiun* *•» «A“« ..mnertlim.
In a word, tbe uonteBtlun of tbe ayra-vl npoa by tbe coBBlttra and aa
tWinnerato aad iba Bacle to that Mr. they win be prraentod to tbe bniia* for
Mayae waa aereiac aa e llace attorney pa*aarr. were cl»*‘b out by a member
at tha lime of the ttauaaeilon aod that of tbe DlXiary commlttaa thla worked acula*' ibe tatereaU of thr
The plan i* for an entire revillace inacllnc tor tbr bondlMiyer*. ortaniutloa of thr Mfrhifan NaUonal
kaelar aeaepled a ralalnar from the (inard. and to tbe ^*t important mnee
elllaca aa Ito altornry. Ibla arruBrnt made alnra tba praaant orranizalloo
iaabattorad br tbrfollowloc atoUmrnt waaratobKaSrd.
of H. a Haraba. who waa rtUace clerk
Tbr bin prorldra for a total of forty
at the time and la now one of the one companiM nf atate tmopa. dlridad
' troataca:
1 iotn thn« nrirnrnt* and oa* lode•taumaat of Kr. Haraba Rioaarataa i p.->dmt Uttallnn, toyrtbar wltbone
BIr. Mayaa
jaeparato romnaDr to act aa a aUraal
I waa rlllare dark oontlnuoakl)' f. rjeorp* Tbr dUtn.-lnc of tbrar rryitwalee yearn UamedUtoly prior to I manta will be left to tbe elate mllUary
itttT. I am OB* of tba tmauea of the t board and tbe flaa of tbe >«bH la tor
rlliayc I wa* elUaye clrrk at tba
.hake op rrorraphically eo
time tba Wt.ooe boada ware Uaned aad that the companiea in the eame loaaldelirered to Mr Uoald. atoo wat ell- |iymaybebroiifbtlatoiheaamei«ri<
iaffcelerkattbetiaM of tba Uaaefrr
ofaatd bond* oat of which crew the
Thera mar be aome d ecitla* ukea
Baton and Hatos UUr»^o°- bomeUae la and I
prior to laiH. I think In ml.
and aomc eompaniea taken awtr from
Wood o mitrneed an aetloa by Inluae-1 .t-i» p—i—,i—
Uou bi raairaln tlto aaid eillac? front: au will depend on tbe eoadlUoa of
payniant of luUnwt oa tba bond* bald J (be onmpaniea. If (hey are In rood
by Mr Ileald Mr. Mayae at Ume l.h.p,
reported br, the In.paetor cam
acted aaatlorary for Mr. Wood
la ; ^ral. iher will ba retolned, aod If not.
iai.1 and iv. s th* oovacU dealrad Mr Ubey will aot be kept
I Ma) lie to a.^^1 a* their attoraey. b*
Therieotor LtUrary Knetety will bold
■ were Infurmad by L m that owlaf I
to W,...d .uu. i, -„aid b. toptolbl. 1“'"'”'"
lUad of tomorrow erenlni oe
(or him to Mt fv>r Ihd rillec* profldlac
IlClUtkm abuuld artoc In rtUtioe to of tlie vaoatioo nest week, glriar the
tbetooada Also Mr. Mayae itf/rmed :eonf«sideel*tBdraUwbowtob to roturn home tomorrow aa nppartaaUy to
the rUlace ibai tbeee btmda were oe
tbe market tor sale, aad that be did
■otears to eaUr leto any eoatroet
VoutJ Loria Boben* foe Aadfa af
erblA «aald latortmto witb bla d«l-


Easter Gifts


The rebel* burned tbelr vllIacMua
tbay retreated in , had order toward
Maloloe. Tbe enemy tore up many
aeetloD* of tbe railroad and attempted
to burn the bride* at lllcaa. but it wa*
ertlncatobed by the Am ^rinaaa The
rebel* bad not flnlabed treaebr* aloDC,
tbe line of today'* march, ahowlag'
that they were not prepared for our;
adranoe. It 1* ballefed. taowerrr. that’
tbera will be a baqd flchl before Mai-,
oioa to When.
Tbe Mlnneeota rrci^eai reinforced i
the dlelalon today, marchlnir from tbej
water work* durinc the nlcbt to Man­
ila aad c*lac to tbe frtai by Uala. - I
Tbe brldce at
wa* aa Impor-1
lant atrateclcal point. Ni^^e Amerleau bs*e a clear field to Maloloa.
Tbe Kliiplnoe fired eolleya yeaterday ^
eTeafnc for tbe purpoae of drawiaej
tbe American fire and diacloatac tbe.
latter** IomUod.
Twottoanayleaaia and one DakoU

Nos. S and 7 ti 5c.
Nos. 9.12.16. 22 at lOc.

&ood SVva&ea.

Wilhelm Bros.

and Novelties
A host of pretty articles
shitable for this treason.
See them early, aod make
your selection.

220 Front St.
: *« nnl joir tndi - *i in ditirmlHd to km It - It jog loot on




I tle6aiitSprin6Soits,$5.$7.$9.$ll,$l4.
Beaiitlfol Toil Coats, $5.50, $7, $9, $11. $U.

ji S. BENDA & OO.


-------- b----------- ...

toqaa remelaed alleal.
Tba oonntry betwee* Marllae and
Manila preaentt a pirtare of daaola
Uoa. Smoke la eurilnc fr<m bundreda of aab beapt. aod tbe remains of
tree* aod feaeae torn by abrapnel are
nnen aearywhare.
Tba nmd* are atrewn with furalture
aad elotnlor dropped in flichi by tie
Made by Miebican Telephone Co.
FUipInoa. Tbeoaly peraoa* remalalor any clam of aerrica deelred.
iBg are the need aad Infirm.
eamp beaide tba mlaa of tbelr former
homes aad Sac of ibe pameru by. A
majority of tbam are Urine on tha
at end of els mootha or change
faaaroatty of oor aoldlero.
to any elaae of eerelce at will.
Tba bodlm of dead niiptnoa are
Talepbope tbe manac*' Ui call
atraaded la ahallew* of rirer* or in tbe
aod explain new rates adopted by
joBClea. Tbe bodiu clre a horrible
the company.
odor, hot there to no Ume at preseat to
Tbe lababltaau Bed from Marilao
aad Meyeanayaa la snob a panic that
they left tbelr money aad ealaablae:
bablad Tbe Obiaeae. who alip be-1
tweeo the armle*. ara looUac wber* |
they can.
I Bull! la BOW rompletv atflr for >pn-<l *ud dur-

Ten Teat Cootracts

Columbia Chainlcps. Ladies' or Gent’s.....................$76.00
Columbia Chain..............................................
Hartfords, Ladiis’ and Gent's.................................. $35.00
Vedettes, (Ladi. s’ »2(.) Gent’s*............. ■ • • ■........... $26.00
We have csch of OieM hsndsome bicycles in
stock Look theni over before you buy.

Johnson’s Drug Store
Traverse Citj


Stibsciibors May Cancel

Michigan Talephone Co.

Gasolina Tachts,'
Row Boats, Sailing Craft
V... to L-ri. E.WU tort ^ asv.-iKtt'to

I *limtT. Call end look over «ark la praeir—



Veto for W. J. Bnbb* for Olty Treae-, tiresra

Hare your feather* reaotaud by .1.
H. Cramer's eold bleat ren<«ealnr. '


S mxrburk. Her . Maitrelena



I All «erk of fel(Mi po

rrwle. aruMceit

suit at H. D. Car-’

Our Grand
Easter Opening
Now in progTsss Urn great Bucceas. All tbs kundryda
that made us a Tialt on the first day pronooDoe it to be
the grandest display and largest Tarlety of rich, nobby
and Caahionable merchandias evar shown in the city.

To the Ladies,
Our Millinery Department
la the most i teresting place In the city. And why
shouldn’t it beP The grand array of tbe latest New
Tork and Parisian Paitern Hata we artt sbowiUg can­
not but attra'71 their attention. We cannot describe
them—they must be seen to be appreciated
On thie occasion we feel especially pleased to meet
our friends and patrons, our main object being tb ex­
change eou~teaiea and pleasant greetings.

Our Opening Continues
Thursday and Friday.
We wlU hsTs an open air Band Oonoert this sveniog in oonneotion with oroheatra inside.
All eome.

Qiiflq. $olM Uithoi, low Prices aa< Right Sqles


The Boston Store,
aiaas Block.

Traverse City, Mioh.

leee^^—ee^^etoae^^eeeee^^eeee^'^ eeee^^a^


TBB vomraro »»oo«i>,Tgxratt)AT. mamou »o, i»w.

I vomraro mmoomm.

ihM Mr. lU/M
rftoth* TUilt«IOfcM«<«



llM«UvtkftvU tto o«lM«4 tMilmamj U th*
kM kKMfkt forth




T. Ba» ^ >• *• ■**“
i. W. BAnn. B*»*« **» IUmi«*r


MOes the food mara dcfidom and wli

Tin UdiBS
all say

Mr. BosfMi mIM «kM U« Bw»m»
rMUrdfty Md r. otMod thovihr doe*
‘tath«B«ffi* ha
priauM U (hla papar. auUaff that »ha
taaMMtaU M4a paalia ibitwtb Ua
. Ba la a joaar naa.
BaooaD w«aaa lajoattoa tothaaSrMM blrbl7 aatetBad aad tha Bapablkaaa
Tba racalar TOaahara’ Bxaaa
aadar tba elreamiaM» Tha Bw'ow Boda a r>od «boka whaa ba waa aosl- for drat, aaoowl aad~ third
VO priat tha Mattarfrirtha
1 Ufteataa will ba bald at Ofaara hall.
al tba
iha pahlkattoa
aahlkaUoa of tha doathat
'Thaiaday, Friday aad Satarday of tbk
OMhta la tbk paper waa aaaatho
waak b^BBlac at t a- a.
of anparior qaalltka. aad balu at
the head of tha Trareraa City Baalaaaa
Tsa Baar Sai.ra ia tha world tor
atloBoa to <aaatka wkhad tha Oollaca
______ ,___________
Cato. Brukaa, Soraa. Oloara. Salt
ha aartalaly
baa tha abtll<>
p to withdraw thair aaaiaa ftoB
»aad otadr that raKea and ooa whaa arary cltkra
poaiUraly eaioa PUaa.
qaaatofthU oapar dlraov that thair
: or no oar reqalrad. It la (aaraatoad
l&qaal to
rrqaaata woaU Boat wKh proper eonto Fira porfact aatialaetlon or ntoMy
|3.50 and £3.00
haa rafandadTpriaelt canto par boa. For
Bar iaaUaa mt tha baprcaaa Coart, aUrradoa aad ooartaaaa waatataat. aad Joao Vaai-T. jiutioa of tbe
sold id many
«ACIUOB B. aRABT a« Boac^laa U thay had beoa ■krai raaoatod tbk been jnetlea iwelra yearn. He k the
popar woald ahaoHallr cMoply with tha
. and of ooara'
rwia«U. Tba artkia ta yaatarday'a will be aleeted. He k ako I
The ladlee ere oordklly iovltod to inmu BBMBY 8. DBAM of V
Back etotoe at the befloatac that
Jad*e and tbe raaaoa ba baa baan Joae floe dl
OOU BU B. hUTTOM of-Waraa.
adlkw of tha Baoaan refnaed to print tiea BO loa* k baeaato ha k tbe ri*ht
Side. VM Bay etreat
ttotoBoata BMttooad. WbUa the
ia the ri*ht plaea.
EacuKK dnallaad to print theB U wae
Front Street.
The Popular. I'p-tunlntc Shoe Uuuaa
IhrObaalt Jaifa, llth Jadkla] CirOTUt. beeaaee they did not eoae diraek from Itk
t the boat anIBBO W. MATMB, of Oharkrol• ■
it knot thority
ibUb of Charkrola. AatriB
the parpoae of tbk papB to print ar- la tba
tklB eapadtally dealcaed to haip ^ and Uraod Trarerae rfve-tnir hearty
hopport to Mr. Mayae. ell raporU to ,
atatoof the
Jadfa. la the face of the ooadlUoaa the oontrary aolwllhetandln^
aadar whieh thU caBpalfa k eoadaatla oonelderla* the eaadldaua for
ad by Ue DrBoarato. Bat nay liahe thk
Bor Mapar.
oapar prlau aaythla( whieh kdaalFO elty offloere the voiar will do wril to
Vraak BaBUtooed to Bklead the yaUie. aad ia whkh vote for every eaadidato oo tha BrpnhFor 0lt7 Clark.
tkkrv All the meii tharo BaathaaaBaeof aalatoreelod parOea
AIM W. Miakatd.
■aad. we will Uke the ooarac whkh tinned are Ben of reliabOlly: from
Make rough, red bands We are buying in large quantities and pay highest pricesl^^
For fraaiatar.
.vor down to joatlee of the peaee.
•vary rapalaMa aawepaper will pai
WlUlaa 1 Sobha.
Tba arcasawto la thU oaaipalCB
haraboaa eahaaaUra and thk papar
fhrfkitaal BaeoraarVOoart.
35c—keep them soft and
hat Balatotaad adlffaiSad eooraa withLorta Bobarta.
■Uar to
For School loapaetor.
Lcwal Bepnblioaa Attomeja Fiealy
0. B. XkakaraF.
Badorae Hie Oandidnof for dodfa
hM adopted thaoppoalu eooraa. aad
We ako have for Bale land* for food faroia.
9m Maabar Board of FabUe Worka.
It hae heea etoUd freely by tkmohae priotod Bottor whkh waa eakalat/oarphBooa.
ad to laBoaBee.^oton by bate attache erato la Traverad .City and ekewbera'
For Jaatka of tha Foaea.
apon tbe Bepobikaa eaadidato. Fra* that the Bepablkab-^ttoraeya of Trav- B«dl« Bid
#oha Tarlp
ateato of oerUia toatlBoay have bm ar»e City were workla* tor the Daiao
printed, the key aoto to tbe whole elt- eratlc uaadidata for 'circolt Jod*e.
A BaeaUoa of Mifht aad Jnatlea.
aatloo barla* been purpoeely l*aorad Tbk etotoBent ii falab and tbe aiiorThe BafU and oUwr DcBocrau ar
Tbe eeaeaUoaal artlole and Incoa aeye neotioned de^At by ocqualifled
y which waa printed la endoraeBcat of Hr. Mayue. Attor
nvye Foetor. Tomer i
tba Ba*U Tueaday aad the
Ihdtr campalFB acalaat
.y will probably be. in* outof the cltv yraterday could not
Mayaa, tba Bepnblieaa eaadidato tor
iWtali Jndta. So deaperatc are they
br^eael lhro«»himt the cir-1 have the opportoaliy to *i(n tbe en
(hnt ovary -■»*— which effera a pw ' euit. The Br< »ai> merely aeke all | doraement. but it ie aaid that they
•iwachaaea to prtjudke eourea$atnal' votofolotkrelnllycoaaider tbe etate-! would cheerfally do eo had they breo
Beato Bade aad to five the eame at-j here. Tbefollowln* ehowa where the
ptp ai— eaperlv akiad and Bade a*«
MfardkBof aetoal oondluoaa wbieh toatlon tc the arrtimenu of thk paper. ;Eiepu> Y»^n atorn.y. of vhl» city
amid five a dtSereoi oomptiilou to Tbe
The Batter la
k la tnc
the naaua
baade ui
of m
a' rreal .
VuvKua:—We, the under
thair arvameato
jury. The Ekople. aad tbk paper fltmly |
The <]ucatiOB of Mr. Mayne'a ability i ^itrvea that when tbe volea ar* count- i aifned mt mber* of tbe Uraod Traverve
h»i ooooeded.
-----be for Icouotr bar take ibk meaaaof makioi,'
Mae looser doubUd. bnt
tha object k BOW to prove him dleboa-!
,,d Joelioe and that Mr Mayne ' BubHc our hl*b m*ard for Hob. 1 W
Mb Bvea the aea partkan echeBC k { „in be exalted to the tench of the , M*yoe. kepobliraD bouinee tor cir
ateadoaad. cCorto'in that directio {Thlrtoeath Judicial circuit
- harta* elfaaliy failed. But tbe plan |
. ____________ _
We have the nlowatoonlideaoe In bU
I Inteprlty and know blm
le blaekeu tbe character of tbe BepuhOood Oandldatea for Supervkera
to be tborou*hl.v qualified by educa
et the eame fate
Tbe Bepnblicaaa have placed exeep- iioo. rsperknoe and tataral ability,
••d the Democrato will be without a tionallrrood men in nomination for
|$Mk to e'Aod upon.lhe tootUa eupervieore thk eprtn*. W. B. Thack­ for Uk
UDrlo* all our ei-qAelelance with
«d le fain votca k iaviUa* the oeaaara er of tbe Flret werd. hae aarved tbe
him he hae ever Kdvea bimeelf to be
afraapeotollc people, and tbe accueacounty four yenn oa Ue board and hk
Mona aaaiaet Mr. Mayne are beta* work bax been ao well done that be hooeet. ueri»ht and irnetwortby. Hi»
bccauea ofthelnrcnomlaatod
.boM .«iro«s W.r«brdh,mbbU..
jMtlce pracucad aad Ue etadkd cflort
S. C. l»m. -b. „bO»,.bWd.
Hr I
.b. Cb.ul.b.J
IPBM everythir.fpuaaiUe toil.Jure Mr Etorrow k a eubetoolkl citizen aad a
Unype’ereputoiioB. when aatotomeat eplendld
fora member
P 0 Ull.lili
Pn." W»“
LoMIX Boat.
•hove acta of akhoaeaiy or-------- •M H. Hbokn.
M B Uaikv
Ua eounty will b
i: W aiol-..
llM,. <J. r«fk »;li.
Oa Taeedey Ue Bagle apraaff a aaa- motlvea and for Ue benefit «t the tax- (.Ml II Cm w.
John W.
—.1 4unck. which waa declared to payera. W. F. Hareba U Ue candidate John a Loazisoi
ba irne Uatlauiny in Ue caM of Eaton In Ue FourU aad everyone who koowz |
va. Batee, whica waa Ue onioome of j ,,i„ „l, credit him with bein* a n
IBb ao-ealied bond deal Importaat
Ue entire oonniy can have
Ladica will be dcU(btod will
with Ibr
laatlBony waa omitted, that only be­ eonfidenee in doin* what k rl*bt fjr
ieicet e’.ylex ebown by MiIlex FAarl
Tackeberrv. who ha* now a ecmpleu
ta* aaad which would imply oorrapUoa public ioterenl Be ia a vuon*
faehan the part pf Mr. Mayaa. whlla If Ue date, tfuparvkor Cleveland waa aomtBMlra tmuawny had been preaented nated in Ue FIfU ward to eueceed
Mr. Mpyae would have been eodoraed
Tbe reaaoa be wax rcnoml­
By the poblk lor hk action ia the mat- aatod wax beeauxa he waa ooueiderad a
ralaahle man on Ue board. All theer
Tha Batwan tciay auppliae aome of are eioelicnt man and Uelr election
|ha PBittod uaumoay. Tcaiimoay will aeeur* able BCBbere from fiavwMah ooMplotoly exoatnun Mr. e?M City to look after tbe
Mayaa and mattar whieh Ua Eairk Ua toxpayare in Impcwtont Batten.'
•kaald have prUted. The Ba*le elatmi
IhM Mr. Mayne wax in Ue employ of
Bvkbvoxb who kaoWB W. J. Uobba
the vlU^e la Ua bond tranaaeiion aad
aaSaavon to eto>w that Mr Mayae know* that be wUl make a city tree.*
£ &ThVtTh.
(rMaUd hk traet. The ftaevan ahowe nrer U whoa the taxpayen eaa have tBe'


That tbe'slioes we
are eelUns at $1.98
are tbe best they
have ever seen of­
fered for this price.



Fine Shoes.




Caroation Cream —

We also sell SonaA Hemloci Utmbet, Maple Fleoriie
aedShon Maple Wood.



The Hannah S Lay Mercantile Co.

Special Shoe Sale

For Saturday Only.

36 pairs of ladies Chocolate Kid, vesting top
coin toe, lace shoes, sizes 2h to 7, worth $1 50.

SALE PRICE, $1.18.

'Unitf'd Rm n(/

You need a


hy aBidavit that Mr. Mayaa waa ral~—■ from hk oblicatloa to Uc vUa of ChartovoU la
Sk aatloa wa* ofm» and above board
Mkd the aoaaca had fail kaowiedfe of
the atracmatoaeB. aa k ehowa U aaatharanlama of thk paper. Tha donpBanto printed la Ua axcvaii today
yppeathai Mr. Meyaeh coarea wae
JhaHarabla aad that Ue Ba*k and the
patnoarak have yarblcd facto to Bak<
them St aa
HMfuri Ue BepubUeaa eaadidato.
Tha latMt pheee ia the Ocmoerati
aka eariee of
fUti by WUi K. Hampton tor Ue
pone of ahowla* that the cl«*ym
Md phyataiane of Caarlevoix were daaaivad whan they aiyaed the aadoraa- ’
■anto of Mr Meyaa- Tac qnaattoae
hvoafht anewera which Ue Bafle oece
$0 ahow that dvaptioa wa* praetked.
ThaBaevan aispiy tavitae tbe pabtk
to rand Ue quaatioae aad
paewara and than raad the etotoBaata
•Bd attiavtto to Ub Boralay'a BacTha «aaatkwa ara mkleadia*
and anaid hava broafht ao oUar
maathanthcaafivaa; haaaaaaUpatIha fwatMa naiadiad pnxpoae k


Shoord H$r«r XquUd
by a BiBllar aBoedatioa. It baa aaeelled ta Uc followin* waye the
... ..
dnl yeark exktenee of any___
liar atocirtetioe ever orcaatied la Miehi*aa:
it hae wnttM a
It hae held men
I Urirar raeerve

New Shirt for Easter Sunday

We have iust received our complete
line of ehirte, comprielng silk front
Shirts from

75 cents up.

1 bare an option on SO machinM nod wil) aeli tfaeo at I18.6U, or
drop bead at t21.75.

Home b'nmiabin* Store.
New Store. 120 Front- Street.


Our stock is complete in
Colored Madras, Percales, at­
tached and detached collars grates and mantels. Here are
a tew items: Club House grates
and cuffs at

50c up.

$1.75 up.

Aad hit bet net l«a«t
recardlcae of a*e. that aevar cloned Ito
rSjc at Bifht wiU aa napald claim
which it had raoaived proofe oa ito
IlixwrMiMiae i





air *e^ xurvc fw etoetal
!«laa ed weto <


Mantels, $13 up.

mm MOBTOio MaoomD. thubboat. makob so. um.
AMoanot uooMw wlaw


Wm •tAmd AAOAtmg AAHiltm At
«*FM« *f AotM Pi mdrnpttitM.

Bbtoo n iotoo ratotlTo to tb* oomtoOM far fPtmmtiat oM aolUoc tko
hridcototodo oad koofd mobod tho


•cotoo Btoto
Ikowo Orowdo od Fcopto.
•* Bd»e*ltai bfli » Oo tbo OlMlOC foitowioc tbo «ltoo Yootordo/wootboBiMdo/ of
1 •peeui MMk» )M( •?«■!•« to e»Mi4w of told utol Mr. F \S. MopM tolM
third oooool Bootor oototor of

«(<v»c«*ddUl0M lo U* B<wrdto* «id profarrod o ^otyo of
Store ood
~—--------y jniU -ITU fiiiw i.-------b«MM m4 Ba«ea4 »r«UM oUodw oM OM or porjorp orolooi Mr. ed tho pkoo to loopoet tho ortktlc orKmitaf OrMS. Mo., orrivod to Si | oehoo! boU4lo#»bk oridooM opoo toorooMot
ood prott/ ffoeto oo
'Look wloo* Uolr *|Mrlos boto. OTblrS
Are«iit#cto W A. Dooo, I*. B. Wolbo. told trtol ood renorka rood* b/ hla to
flotooroittl/ dkplo/od
lb the weot
boSSoMoioiMfre* U# •Ik^iofeor Obd F B. If Mre •ab«lUod ploto ond tbc nJUfo. ood oftor iortotifoUoo I ohow wtodow tho lotoot ot;l w lo iciloo U« BorUogwo roUrood. UTtott->*r. Oooo'*ooU**»o woi oolbcrtMd wonooto opoo botb ebortoo. Uoor/ rood* oro dkplo/od to o pieot
toUMproTod ikol o -TMo nriTtic
Wolkor'i S*.f7i‘obd
Ooooftho worrooto woo koood o»
odrootOfooDd the boek proood cSoeto
o pllkw 4tlo SIM wiih ooaoUlof rot j
B. Mooro't w%t r.WkU.
oooo ood ploood U tho hobdo of tho;
Tbo eborpto of ibo trot two rootle- ohwit tOT'Oerrloo. boi Mr. Botoo hod^ to ootoro of riolst ood erooto oro btoo^ bi o otoUoo too mlim oot of tho
Ufa] to bohold.
ood oho k ooppoood to hp*o boos MO for tboir plooo ood ■opMotoodfop
_ ktdkthe eoMUseUoB wore «eb i per coot,
plo/ k the BtUIlooiT doponioeot ttoelf.
fk. 4tmm t. OoiM of MMoorobo. opoo tbo eoot of ooeh bolldlof. or Ik both ehorpoo ore woitlof hk retero.
whore rooM ood rorioH kiodo of flow­
IM.. hto rooMrod o littor fr«« hk
er*, ribbooo ood akeenoorobo odoradoorbtor. Mio. B. B Wilktow. orbo i tboir I'M to MptoiotoodM tbo work.
aoo-ioroorTObgrd ta perfecthoraca/
•totoOtobUood «lol« to tboAlookol Mr. Motoo'o bid for tho drotUof od torcb of *• « of Cborlerolk'o
for dooorotioe. Here eoa be oeoo the
_^^^ ^^^
fPtdnptoc. l«»UtofiMD*wMOity.i*”*“*“**^
attooellro i
Mfo. Wllklow kboUovod tobo thooa)*
lodioa. aod a «klt to thk daporteieBt
Mp« | BipU to bo folae
■■■■« oad
wotoM oapopod lo doroloplar oaloia ]
per oeot apoo tbo
tkot tho
aaouo ricw of the aoot popolor
Bo-1 uoool otoS prlatod Tooodop
la that for-,ff ooooirp. Her lolior k »«-'•the .
iprlog ood ooamer ot/lea.
toodadtogolavoUetorUwDraoarotlc, ~
atOBU of thr «tore
bkplbtookooSMod o« oaiio room eoodidou tor *^jadfo by
tho 000*000 of her eoatoro. Sk
r trlaaod A pair
of good draoaofoto apM tbo flret floor,
perto iatoato oaBortac la tho got
Aototho Utbk* ood rwblk. wbkbl®* *''**®” **•“
red oro tho
which will bo o graotodroBtoge to tbo
BtoM (roa omrr/ oad other dkw
kiodergortob drportaeato.
Sho iaelodod la her lottor o hoad
Upoo aotkia of Mr. Pope Mr Mooro'e
ado eoodorUlo oatonolaaeot giro
o Soodoj olght ot o Dowooo Ult/ thoo- pleat oad epacifltoUoat wora odoplod.
Bo*. Oocblla aovod that to ecaoltotor. whkh k o doetdod eartoolt/. Tbo
srktobf odakoioo war* flio oad AM otlooottho ior*ieoa roodorod, drobitoau Dmo oad Wolkw oooh M probad ri lor o boa
with $«•. Tho aoUoo proeolJod.
to of Mr. hoaptda
Oaoat MbiorloS, aiahur of forolfb
B. 0. Bogoa win bo hltad b/ the were csolealatad to briog Juoi the ro-'
oBolro ot St Potof*bor« bao oddro
board to eoparlstood tho hoUdlagof pile* that wore reiaroedr flip iatora eireolor ooto to tho ropraoesutiri
Botolo abroad, eeava/log tho tbooko tho oow otroctorao. ot a tolar/ of fll to rogottoao were eo worded of to leare
ho other oooroe to the aoa o^rMood.
ed the coor to oil tho power* wbleh pprdty.
JobB K/oelko ood C M. Proll wlu bo BadtbeoaUre foeU boro^^ be­
tboir ooeoal to bk
oiMrogbd to loob oeor the opocifltoUoao fore tbooc aea the Uixxw bclleToa
toojootp'o propoook.
btforo Wdo oro 00 Hod far.
that the/ woald not oal/ de< I oe to
Vote for W J. Bobbo lor dtp Tiwoallow tboir aookoo to be witbdrowa bat
woald daeloro tba aotboda odoptad by
the Demoarota oo aoworth/ of aoa oad
ofrepaublo cUlcaao.
Tho rrgalar aMtlag of tho WoButak
{Ooattoeed from flret page.]
dob will ho hold U MattogM holi
oUar prieo oi tho oaggtotloe of Mr
doF oftoroooo. Tho progroa will bo Mo/ao oataaUflod by Mr. Bomb. At BVSIVBBfl OOLLSOt LYOMUW.
laAorgoof Mro. L. Boborto. S«b<eeli tho praaaat tiiao Mr. Mo/oo k oappwtMoaooltrolalag la tho ocbooU. Mro ad b/orar/Maotoe of tha *mao «> Oftoara
BUctOd . oad
Bohorto woald Uko to bore oU the lo- Chorloecds aseapt Mr. Oalckahoak,
dto uho port La the who ko taofflber of the Chorlatola
A ebon eeae> the
dkoBootoo of tho oobjMt
>BBl/ OaaoefOtUe eoBMlttoe.
lego L/eeum
'^d lul e*eol
B. 8. BttoH*.
There will be o rogolor eoaroatloo of
After tbooloetioa oK.oOoet* ea
The BeoiHir'hoo charged the Bogle
Tbovoroo OU/ lodge No 7.1. K of K
Ukoepoiog. Two •oadldotaa tor tbo with priaUag to lu Taeada/'t adU ooj
That tho former leoda e
third d^roe.
0.1J P.TI .a tk. l«lU.M,ir f ih.
u».;u» nurotu.
The lodlee who b«ee the LooUra of Botoo «b. Boteo. wttboldtog Impor- baetoroe □
-1 •« itOI lelliiv TW “ Bill" Teeh, n*
fp'tn't mjt lorrarr »iiitiT«ni»i lo Iti vgrik.
Star oatortoiaaoet fa charge will aeot
Mr. Auolto led tbeemrmaii*e oad
If cvtrroM ceoM k*o% li •> < eo,rM«»sl*
t* v*iblc M *arpl> tM 4rmiitd. I bclicTi
la tho Maaoote parlord at 7iM thk Mo/oe from pay roopoaoibint/ to be- Merlte Kordoa tbo B^ffttre.
h uvr* mj •ife'i lilt.- JaMT* K. Lsn.
belt of tbe vllloge to the trobeoctioa. preeoat were ebooeo l. tbe reopeevUe
DniCO<*>. bnOciron. Ce**.
ktbotoatimoo/ of Or. LeFe*re.
* epirlted debate followed la
win bo aT*„.p
of tbe Ihwtoa Store tbk oroolag ot 7 i ***
lro»looe at' tbe time, oad *hieb moo/ lotoreatiag oed bamorou*
'he record, e.d copied I
tk- _________
o'clock. Me occaeloo Mlag ttM^priag !'*'?“ 1"*“.'*'?
mentioned. Tbe yoeeopoofog of tbe .lore.
®' StCBograpber 1
w^decided la tbe aegottoe.
Serery a> leciioot by tbe Hicpoa fam*nM oaaaal alacUop of tbo BIk* will
T«ls.o., Im. 0..,l
w*n UiaravUl ...jojci,
Mko ^ce ibia oTOatof.
Codinoc. Mleb.. Morcb ?v. j.** : Ottcei* were eloctod ea follow*
Tbe Lodiea'Ald8ociei/of tbo Pir*t
Preeideot—Bdwia Aaelin
M. B ebareh will give a "JabUeo" State of Micblgoa. Tbe CIrauit coort
Vice Preeideot-Cba* PVlblng.
for Cbarleroto coant/
too eeal eappar to tbe cfaarch parlor*
Secretory -Sadie Magee.
oaot Wedatedo/oraolag from .* aoul
J. Mtlo Baton. plUatie v* tioorge
Program Committee—Sadie Magee. '
• o'cloalt. B*er/bod/ k oordlbll/ la- Belee defcadentAm/Tower*
and C U. Dockero/.
rlted loetleod.
I bereb/ certlf/. uader U) ottlctol
If /OB woai to rata aoai Moada/ are
ootb. that the followtog k tbe MoUthat /oar name kregiotored Sotordo/
■pala'a Ora*M*i Mcod
mooy—ood the wbclc thereof—ot DotMro. W. O. Lowraoea will oot bo*a
Mr B P Olivia of Bat
bar dkplo/ of nllllopr/ rood/ eatll tor F. W. LeFerre, gl*ea to the above 'apend* bk wiaters at Alkea. S. C.^.
-VM bod eaooed aevere patoa to the i
tbk oftorooon, when tbe ladle* ore to- eatltlad aaao to the Circalt eoart for
ikof bU bead
Oa aatog Kiecirlrj
*ltod to *UU bar porlorv
ChorU*oU ooaat/ oa t'ebroor/ Saib. Blue
- . ten. AmFrico'* greatest Blood aad ;
Tba ooBBt/coecutifo oommlttoc of
Xvrve Remedy, oil poto aooa left bliu.
jAUtC* E
Beoayk ibto graad mediciae 1* wbot
the Snado/ acbool OMoctotlon will
b<a country oeed* All America kaowa :
SMot Ot the Beplkt cberab Frida/
oa.-ial atcaograpbrr lor tb« Tbir- that it uurvk liver mod kidney trouble.
oftoraoM el f o'ilocb.
I porifie* tbe blood, tone, up tbe atom-i
teroth jadietol circalt Of Micbigaa.
la-h. strengtbeaa tbe aervea. put. vim,'
Boo that /oar name U regkforad oa
Extuiaed ly Mr. Traak ' vigor ood
■Dto every muaclr,'
Hatatdo/ eo that /oo ooa rate oo
Duclur voa realde to Cbarlevoia j avrve aod wg»a of tbe bod;

If weak
- Moodo/.
Ured or ail tog/oa c
'ery bot-.
and did to tout'' k V«t. air.
tie guaracted. only
Joolteo O W Cartk will bare a drek
Sold by'
to tbe Nortbora Tatopboor baildiag.

8 -M. Seofleld boa opoard e lombeo : copy in l«>M, to Ibi* villager A Well, '930
fte're not aati*Bed 1
ottec 1a tbe uid Muoooa block
, tbtok to IS A <1 1 wa*a mtiaberof ibel yor a »:s parlor aaltat H L Cbrtor »
We waat u. keep ri|
MkeFrabceoBldradofElmwocdovc- cottocil
............................ ^
oa maktog aod aelltog ahoe* all i

WV(M)OT\d. }'



The bes! for
Service and Fit.

aap cauoeo by

from a fractorad k.ea-

<1 «« Joa a member ot the oouocil ImperUbt U Ladle..
' oa"V«”‘idM ^ to WogtoJ.ed ri/h?
aitheUiaetbeyiaipItiyed Mr Maynel Mr*. W
i^*„re«ice wUl haje her! selliaf
Hag you what you w*ot to footwear. ,
eprlarmilltoery opening on Tbore-, gTvtog you a better, more »at.»factorv
Will Reoale,U at
> hkboM aseityattorneyr A- laiswir •{ Vea
day. Friday aad datorday of each , service than you can getacywbere else;
b/ aaevor* lllaeaa
Yea. air.
week. Ladies are eapeeially tovlMd thi*. »mi iii>. r ver that our tboea
to ins^ tbe late stylet and elc-, goed and right to pjioe. oorely dcae
J«toa H. Harvey, a* «*Berl«oced aboe
V laTsv*. WM itdoutor
gant effects
ycor atwation in our line of m<
maa from Detroit baa lakea a poaiUue
tm tbo Bcatoa .tore.
if State wbetber. at a meeting *f.
Mrs W. li. Lawrence
tbe ooBMil. to wblcb that matter wm
aad wi\?'dla
every lady boy these
from tbe great markeu___
...__ ' P'*»**^
plav at ber opening Tfaarodoy.Friday i
Praak Hamlltoa weat to (iraad Bap. idiocaaeed. Mr Mayae made aav
and Saturday tbe moat eleg^t boa-1
oetoHa tbe tatfatatylea of MilllDery. '
Cordial iovlutioB to ladtoa. XVl-U.
Ut (>001 St.
Practical Shoe Man.
W. BbAMB. aad ber alec* Mka Addla I bk ooaaeciloa wltb tbk bond traoaaeHe did, witoa we emplo/ad
flolaa, hove arrived from Kalamazm to ^
)oto Mro. bolm. The/ will make tbok him m * Uaga auoracy. he made that
komo to tbk cit/ aad ba*o ukeb a
rMldaaet oa WobeMr otreeL
g. SMttog that be waa..
• fl a. Barabaof Cbarlevoto. waa to


UMtiag that bo wm iateraotod oa tba
Utoalty/ooMrday. ,
other alda.
J. M. Barrk of Cbarleraia,
By Mr. BoUtcad. fv tbo d
Fiaak Monro. Homar Uod/ bad Uoa
g That aadarsMadtog esMadad to
Vkby of BaaooBia vklMd to the city
boada that bad baaa already made?
L A. Pratt aama ap from Aaa Arbor A. Yea.olr.
Tbe witaea* wm tbea oscaasd.
Mr and Mro Uoargi (toao have gooe
The omlaaloa of tbk tootlmony I
to ladlanopolk.
proveetbat the Bogle
Mko Alhw Crawford wUlIrave Nor- bled tbr tnUmoa/which It raveander '
flb/ lor 0 two moatbV rklt to tbe j ocar* beadltoea for tbo pnrpaae of'
jbrtogtog dkrapate apoa Mr Mayae I
! to gala Bepabllcoo *
Tbe Bagte does aot refer to the tact |
The Uacota Llterar/ Obelety WMjtbotBoi__________________
_ —,
atco, the maa seed by
Batoa for I
ro/oll/ eatortatoed iMt aigbl ot tbe hk share of the commutloa foraelllag'
bOMO of Harry Deapraa by Mr. and j tbe the boada. flsd from Cbarlevoto beMia. DMprea. Momt, aad Moble Dta-1 «*oo* » warrant wm koaed for bk ar,
“I** ekoJ^e* of perjory aad atonMook. alagtog aad gamoa mad* apldoragaiait Mr l^/ae. to bk tcstlaa aafoyobl, Befrtahmeau moo/ to tbe osm. Hero k tbe aiatomeat of Praoeentor Harrk apoa tbk
Obarga of Perfarr aad Blaadar.

aaTu. aw .um. .

rmtf Pi Charlarato aa^ty at tba ttoM ed tbahaH of


Place Your Money on
Winning Number.
large assortmeot of patterns—best tailored, best
ettiog goods ever produced at this price these goods have many imitators but no fT rA

............................... 41.3#

Popular priced goods—ten to fifteen fine lines now
in—some decidedly handsome patterns—you will
think them fifteen dollar goods when # I A fill
5^ see them;....................................... .
I Among many other good things at this price is a
brown summer weight Melton—same quality as' tbe
winter weight of which we sold so many—most popnlar goods ever offered—some handsome light colors,
double breasted vests, at this price — a twelve
dollar suit from our immense assortment 0 I O fl II
is good enough for anyone...................... ^ | A.U U
Fine all wool 'worsleds—goods that a few years
ago could not be touched less than $18.00 to
$22 00—We pride ourselves on this fine ^|^ ||||

$5.90, $8, $10, $12, to $15


want in tnih
line we cither have or can gel for you on short
notice — everyone wants a too coal this spring
never was such a demaml for thenj before.

But wc di> believe in signs when tiiey Are
80 convincing as iho.^e which point to the
incrca>fing dcraanil for our "BEST" flour.




SaVe oTvl^vd S^o\)es »*«
|5ov Sas\eT
S »«m

.^If' Union Street



Both phones No. 43.


ilbk been txtrcoidy good (ur all the thillj wwilbtw.
aud the reaaon ia aimply becauae they atv right iu
.wry ilartitfnlar.


They are so tempting that aome

do out stc^ at (Hie pair, but supply themselvM with
gluven. for ail oeoaaiooA.


The BpeolBl pirieBe on

certain linea oontiiinea thia week.

J. W. Milliken.

tor prioea Ibaa-aa/where et»e.

PrflictiQBl Bi^ole SoUder
and Bephinr.


"Wwft»wTWft »mwn«^n ZHOASOAT, JUBOS Ja iSM.
BOLDXBft poauc orariov.


S\tiVt S\cm»
0^ SiAerert.»

■« «fc« Mlkm pan P( th« ■tola tk«
■mrt* mgmr iimbw ha* op*M4. u4
»• *rav wai W aMrawM. IW larrwt
I !• »hal •!
Mwr«r iit«»«r •li« aarth of Oaetr\^’-‘ wUab aoaUlM l.eoo traaa.
AAMaatM Uara ba*a baM two
MW 4aaUt (raa ^iwl Malarltia
M^tbaaMi f*v <U]T«, tba laiaM
Uw a rwr^ ahUd of Jaha

»aatd M. WUaM af Oodctaallaa balda
wwaard ta be praad at foe twaatjifca I wimailii jaan ba baa baaa elark
, bia eaadaoi
an* Mba oAaa barlac baaa aaeh aa
bia ra-a.aetlaa aaab jaar. otlaa
8a baa rataaad to
Amt •fata tbb fearft. Vmi VlaattaoaaUy died at Bat
-tWa -dbaak at aa adraaaad afa. aad
-wdftbteatawhoanatwla bratber at
■WUrtefat Tahoaaba. paaaad away
barlaff baaa takaa U1 at tba

b a peat bopaa t» eare lor pa
LKwlaftoaaof Uaetataa, wboaa band
wweau larribly enitbed wblla
« a weak afo, 1» atltl at Marey boaal. and tba
« porilaaa ol Iba catleal frara
anwbb taf aad ffraft it ta tba
------ - aaabar
U plaoMi whara tba
-•■band akla wara all tarn Iraa Ua
^aaa. and reluaaa to baal.
A t Lanakax C. <) Laataa, wboaa aon,
L'Bwderlqbe O. Lwimb, waa mardared a
I with
. U tba praaaaoa ol bb
Jaat batora awallowliW tbe daaa ba took a pawil aad papw
aaew kla poekat and aUrUd to wrlw.
baroMarkad: *'l paaaa 1 oaa ffo
widPheat abylay aaylkiaf,’' aad look
;ft>e paiaoe. Tba nardar waa a myatary
^ftkat baa aatar baaa aoUed^.
'Sbaatay awrked tba Mtb annlrar.ewraf tbafouBdl&f el tba Nornal
wid^i. aad It waa atarkad at tba
aeWaol by apaolal Marelaaa. Tha oelw
■amtHm wMk parUoipated la by tU
lob. wbo bad Oacaa to
wtdealatba city
M Ofaad Harau nan old ladfar wblcb
• oflataewtU^owlaf tba prieaa el
e« aanaanrlaa of Ufa at that tine.
MVtblrty-alffbicanta a eaka. calico
Tbaffaaaraleoafaraneaoltba Math*
'Mtei Hplaeopal oburcb baa daeldad
ftnwUackurebea of tba United Btataa
*a^ld raiaa fito.OM.'.uoo for banaae•wen prarloM to January 1. 1901. Tba
nwouat appcrUoaad to tba eburckaa of
Jbblraa la aonathlaf Ilka or
•baui r per nenber. Hm prealdlnr
^■n of ike MIektfaa aad Detroit
e—litian n. with the traateea of At■ Oeltaru. net at Lueetaff to nake
Mfeewau ter raUlaf tba noaey.

wna raquaated to raiae filM.OOO far tbe
•wpporl of Albion Collaffa aad fito.ouo
ftwr tba aapport of tbe aaparaaaatad

Said the Grocer
“rn have to get a bairel to keep the ni^ds in.”
“What’s die matter?”
"Unaada BiacuH I The «w delicacy.
Gists only 5 cents (or a package.
Enough {or a meal, too.
Just look at diat package (or 5 ca9sl
Royal purple and white.
Dust proof 1 Moisture proof I Odorproofi
Keeps in the goodness.
Keeps out the badness.
Everybody wants


ggS|;gs"^*«:The Blue Label Like This!

Telephone 192


nanK* Hka farm alone, morad buck
to Detroit, wbare he^ baa Head erer
alDoa Be epent noel of bla
up la Ula raploa and naay aa old aet*
Uar wUl ranenber bln wall. Mr.
Haun will laare for Detroit Uia nornlap M attaad Ua tunerul. which will
Uke place Saturday noraiap.

bMorti. AC«
r<H>k J a
DarCB. CbM

fifre. W. 0 Lawraoea baa raturued
fron tba preul narkaU and will dUplap at her openinp Tnutaday.
lay aad Saturday tba neat alapani
irMrl- la iba laWalatyleaof nlUlnavp. Owdlal iBTitaUoB to ladlM. &»l-it

recknr, OMB
hliBirt. t*r«,



QKNna W. Raer.

-MlW Pearl Taiikabairi baa a fall
nayilna ot ftprtap bate, whiak will
dqOphttba ...... A aordUl UtIUMaataudddlaruAli



JpO^SAU-4^ iw«
e« Uoutt
HwaU pa}

doelliw OB

World'B PaU >

Diamond J


sg I Dress

* Goods and

Butter, par R..

fia|ASt ailUsary.
Mlaa Pearl Taekabarry kaa

gaef cigar i| smoking it I

rtaAvr ptaMMW Wavr ai bao

Vote for W, J. Bobba for City Treaa

: Eniy sixUr kiows a

Bc^ tv-Uc
Bvwa. balaucv on VMy woalbl)
Apply W W. L BroWB. M^Wvw



pvuicwala. *. -------------------- -------- , ------i>lb»'fvuh. alt ■vwriBg. aood buij*lai»u, alll
sell tor iwwsMrds lU vslae or al.l wa*le f.-r
city ptupeirtT sad pay diffarraev, or wl I iiive
loa< Uweaa balaaoe If any
« M bruaa. :il
rrocl strvu-t, rra^r'^CIiT. Mlob.^
A-S lf


/’llbL WAA*P«n -Will pay 11 per week c
V7 •uwprlaal belp A|n<ly B> 4U MB n ee
________ Mn,. y. C PrsBusa. iBMl»



; Iracoaceded to be the


RTUtb OR a\\ &TRRR %00&A |

oir.' 9^


i best

ot ttlt TOtV. ■ikivonSprtac BoutU.
LadicarAll be^ dellpbted with tbe
Utcal Bt.tle
Hoc ot clcpaut cffccU in Uteat
Baiffaia Ik Boek<-r(.
aprlBAa. oiAttreaMU au4 buda U do—
them out at n. L. Ourter'e.

yeoera' boaw work t »

A-A Koud side heard lor sale
ll.<iUl«ei>fM>a Uaadle.tU^W

Provident Life
and Trust Company


Vft \00 RTbA\ \0 QUfitfi

CrVX VR AR& \ooV R\ I
ftp qoo&s AR& Rt\ RnUb.

J. w.

O. Law. UpaolaJ atwauaa w
aoavwaaetac. tllPvcatas.
IptUK IwavUANCU -Rata* lower tbaa ovar.
f Proapi BoMvwoBt. cmratul aitaalkw.

OObwa ara TWuooUay bdoak, M Piwut
TrWpboi.. Mo. MW._______________________ _

w >0 nlaatn before da*




Taorutee Vpww
ure»w, a«4w

» wUl bore bar

Wtawsat.lbo M atylaa ^Mo*




■ s^‘s3j;-:*is

311 Front Street

Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?

WaaW»iw upenlnr at Maalataa aUll
4MM ta be eery far diaiant. l^a lee
m «ba ■'! lUle lake" U atill aa aelld aa a
mmk, aad the preeaat waatber daaa not
lutornatkn tor Totaia.
Wnd to aottba U In tba laaak Laat
Tba quaatloa aa to what oonaUtutaa
pear at ibte Ubm eavaral lunbar aad
a la a ward for the parpoae of
4Wtt earrytap ta*aala%ad atarlad oa
roUnp la aatUed by U« city ebartar.
K aad were aullTitle tit, Section t. which reada aa fol
Aotbadoekael tba paw loabouad
‘Brary alaeior aball roU ia Ua
ward where he aball hare realdad darAt bauolt WUUan Kultoa.
lap Ua ten daja nest praeedlap Ua
WMpar bey enployed by tbe Pliat alectloB. Tba reaideaue ot an elector
ailiinil bMk. droned a wallet eoa- not balnp a booaeboldcr ehall be dean
•etelep fiA.noo In tba poatoBoa. Tba ad U ba In the ward in which be baardi
nancp waa found by Rickard fit- Clair, aad takn hie rcpular naala
aeulored nao. who chucked tke ala
aaa tbou*and du'lar biiU In bla pocket,
Addran to Bipb School
wdoklap It waa only a few dollara,
J. W. Palchiu rWltad tbe Hipbaehuol
dbat would enuc la ripht bandy. After­
ynterday mornlnp and pare a pooO,
ward. »bcDb*-aaw the denoaUaailoB
kound Ulk on "Preparutioa for Life."
•I tbabliu bealm.wt dropped in bU
The two Ulnpa to Inrur# auccau ia life
arwka. aad he buaUed back to tha
are Induairy aod boncaty of cbaractor.
pwtoBca wtU> bti uuaaara.
Tbaae Ulnpa be dwelt apon in an ia*
At Oeatrat Lake Arcbla JobnteA. tba tareaiinp epeceb.
•oe ot a widow, waa kicked by a boraa
aa>4 waa dead wban foand Two yearn
Llat of lotwa.
a^ kb brotber, Duncan, waa drewnad
PeUswlar tt Um lutvf triwr* rrw
ap roltlap of lopa. Uia fatnar dlaap- lUr TrsTcwtlK lNi«l OCB.-r ■■■••eil,
wmk •adia< Harcb 3L la* eallios <■
p inrid ta or w yean apo. and clreun- MM* ■•a«r*MW4 Mircb 9. IWa "
-y----- lAiilcaiad that he net with
Moulplay- rata aacna to ba aa ch
wvooaa. r •*
brove. U«aa.'1
-Mullin'. Thoa
a»il*.>, KdalsU
wanawltb aiefaBily.
Mc«'>u<aam A
b*-B<. u.
Vate lor b»ria Rob^ for Jndpa of

RMMOM 90 XnAM# UbewT.

T%» fellowtep la a Uat a< tba boaka
(uaataad by tba U*im- Ubrary AnoMOOOfSei
eUtfao Mmb. Jaaaary I in*:
IMT—Tha HoMabta Fatar ftlarltag, P.
Tha l«at iw«Ur moOm ot the
Jaaiar t^peoas waa bald jraaMrdaj
atMraooa. Tha qaeattoa tar dUeaai leit-^ Cbaatar Talaa, M. Delnad.
ie«t>-Tba aaartofToU.Oota?aThaaM
toa waa. -Eaaolrad. That aewapap*”
da sera u> said pablic oplakw Uaa
I9J1—TbafioooftbaCkar. JanaaUfuall otbar araaelM aOMMaad." n»
afilimaVlTa waa arr*«d bj Charlr*
IMS—Tba Watoraof CoMy Pork,
■aubar; aad E»a Voaa*. whUa Laa
Ba/Moad aad
19S>-Tba White Oeuqaarora. Blrk
tbaaarativa. Tba Jadcat daeldad ia
farar at Uu lattar. 0*^ parta of tha
16**-Tba Day'i Work. R. Ktpllaff.
dalaetioa-Bf tba rirto' qaartaMa, im-Tbo Bouaa cd Blddoa Tnaaaiu.
aoaipaaod at dasa Raovor. Belaa Caynine. R. MeS^
)ar. Vida EoMar awl rraaaat Htntea.
, —dalacUwa — Hartba
IMT-A rittad Maldeo. C A. Maaoa.
U P- MeBlompbleal aanj-Halas Kaaaraad
Maad »roeBbaa4L
1939- Throupk SwanpaadUlado. BM
■Iba Blaa and tba
Oray—Halla Bal'
>t-01d Jaa’a Ptayar-AI- 1940- Tbe WidoarA. MorrU.
1941- Rad Bock. T. Helaio Palpa.
lea Walk ,-Tba Baaa of Albaa- IM9—Both Sldaa oi tba Border. Baury.
lIHt—Tba BatUa of tbe Btrappa—A
•Pleruaca Waitoa.
Paul uad Cbriatlna. A- Burr.
OuTlAWarrun. B. W. Waateoit.
i»4t-.Wbaa Eotpklbood waa in Plowor.
B. Caabadaa.
1947—Tba CaaUe Inn. Stanley Waynaa.
Had# at Vartbara 8aebaiM « by Hicb I94d—Thrlartn ot Taaaaaoa. A. Oaadot.
•obool fttodaeu Ttetacday.
1U48 —I'eklc. Bobart Barr.
tba pbyalaa and ebrslatry IMO-Wild Bln. W. Black.
alaaaaa of iba Ulph icbool fuitad tba I9M—Tbe Bad Aaa. 8. B.
Nortbara Talapboaa aicbance aad
To ba Married la Oelorada
erery effort wa» aada by dacraUiy
baea baaa reoelvad by
AraatrODf aad bU taalaUeU. Maam.
Caddea aod Averill to make the la- tba Traenaa City triaada of Prank
to bla narrlapc with Mlaa
apectlM by tba atodaaU plaaaani and
profitable. Ureat laUreat waa abowa Uarriat Iruua HoUlday, which will
la tbaapeclal leatnraa. anew Iona ol Uka plaoe at Fort Uwla. Colo., Wadtranamltiar. raoal*^. atorare battarlaa neaday. Api^.I tth. After a trip to
and nail bell. Itra** tba atodaata aa Dearor aod other ptfiaja la Oolotudo
opportunity ta aaa tba praetloal work* they wilt beat bone at Fart Lawla,
iapa of oaa of tba ffraataat Indueiriaa where Mr. Kyaelka hat bald tbe for*
of tba ivtb century. Mr. Caddan at aramant poaitioa of elark in tke
Cbleafo will Ulk to tba pbyalca oUm dlan reeervatloii for aeearal yeora. uad
thia atominff upon tba practical opar* Mlaa Holliday
aebool for •
teacher in tbe, In^
atloaa ol alacirl^ty.
Una Mr. Kyaelkakipa
raelka^a 1larpe olrele
le, MBtcanlUB Oo. Btoek.__________________
A Aateew Aaoaee
a by Mra
; Bart, of -Jioton. S. D. ••Waa Ukee
'itb a bad oold arbieb aatUed on my
i; coupb
net db and finally termlnluBfa;
Tha teuebara of Blmwood urauBe
Four dootora
ated In
aaylnp I could lice but a aebool ware pleaaanUy'*<«arlalned
>lf op to uiy laat eceninp by Miu. ULnaldo Fuller
^' L on every box of ITiton Matfc Cigars—Insist on cigars
mid Inot auy at Hillalea ootUpa- The early part of f\ I'. HOFPtlT. Abttiw-u
Sartor, delermloed If 1 could
wlib toy frleadaoD rartb. I would
made under this label and you will be sure of good value
abora'’’My^h^Smd I‘*‘®
waa apent In aoeUl chat
ml .
.1 Dr, Klnp'a New Die- and pood Una A auaptuoni rapaat I. *Al“u??.?§K;k“ ^J2^^‘“u“r:r,iaDd a ,>ure smoke.
leadd to pet
>n. Ooupbe and
^ by Mra. Fuller, after wkkb toSp.w. TBlrpbBaB.tt__________________
Union men BArn good wa^b for honest Inbor.
TTIRAINAD weuaA-Miw lauUc Bukawb. •
A rrad
rrad sBW
saw of
of Uw
Uw Dalvefally
Dalvefally BaaptuU.
BsspUal. Aaa
tbaak <lod t an ■ kved and am now a to the arj lynant of Ua poeata
Trial botUea
MoU ter W. J. Uobba for Ciiv '
▼ ADtaa-DcBlrtaa Ctaa* nakiu 4eac al
'altb aad J. G. JobnAu their a ansi taaatiw or aCdren Hlw
aoa*a Drop Btorea. Rapular sl«a toe
Hrhoarl<1«erc« wakiBA partora. HI*4«BUBa
w refunded.
‘ ...............................arprlaai

TiUTanaOitp Baiftat.
Below U a Hat of tba burlap and aallMIBCELleANRUUB WAKT8
op ^oea ot yoatarduy for proeariao.
Tba Death Baoonl.
If BO, thin U tbo place to feet it done right and promptly. Bepairing
liM^und tumpr^uoU la Trur*
Au old Oraod Traeerao aatUar died
W oseiwa BlBtedwtsb tbr boBlaewn
EnameliDg and Latb« ToroiDg of all kiodA Call in a^ aee my new
•unit) Bf Traverur City trcfrrrad Adilr
at Detroit oa Ua noraiap of March »V.
A good line of wheela to rent
tbe J HaecBB Wb.. ft u Fuuna Miart, PbUa ineof wheels.
AeI|>blB. Pa.
Tboa Lae.apad 89 year*. faUar of Mra
M. A. Bean of Oak Park aod brothar
ot Ua lata Jann Laa of Truraraa City,
aod Robert Lea. laU of NorUport. Ba
'AMTCO-OmC Osofe
waa oaa of Ua old aetUna of tke Rye Flo
Oruad Trueatae Reploa. bariup awirad I Maul.
Fuad! B. L. AOe. Beat......
IBU Ualauau aouaty. aaar Buttoaa
Bay. lame. Ba Hired Uara uaUl Ua
JPUR UAL* -Lariw n^b
clrll war broke out when two of bla
boya aallatad. aad he balap unable to

OjtoariiBdTWb bkwka. 'rUoua, houaa aad o

Levi T. Pennington, District Agt.
Trawiat City. Mtcbtyan.

500 Bicycles
At OMc, to oBAnal. elcwn. r^nli
ABd put U proper ahupa. Tbla Is Ut
only. place ia Ua city where
wbara you enc

m. AuoTuay aad CoaBaaUor «
y to loaa OAcaa, OUy Opar
ated. All work properly aad prompt
ly dose. SatisfacHoe rnar^^Ued. *1

Merie s New Shop.



tfold by all dcelara.

^UUiUUiiiUUlUlUUlUilib ^

Real Estate Eicbange!
Real Matate tor ante ia all
Peru of Ua dty.

iMd InHMt PfHffti
BmIbs Lmuini a« tffj dainUi
loeladlpy over joo ia Oak Belffkta—
NoUlay beuer or cheeper fa tbe dty. .1
I koow ft la for your laterrat to look
ovw wkat 1 kav« to offer before baying.. S



Front fftreet.

Ever Burned Oat'
If eo yoM know

O. P. OABVX&. Ag«ai

Jobnua Blo^ '

John R. Santo,
EmhII litllMM.

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