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The Morning Record, May 05, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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nmiun am
•tap»rm HaeAitAmr Md LawtM OtUl
Z>rifl«C tka B«»al» »•««« Th«»••varU V.OTW AattlM Vi«Kbt Vilb
•llgkt IM *0 A»art«»*-lAr|ea
AttMtltlM of
4—Tb« wr ifmnawt hM «M*
tho folloolaf
diiVOteh froB OomtoI Otta. ri*l*V Ux
•iUoUco •• It to VOdv U th* PhUIOptooo
-•Geaoral Lawtoo holds BaHu^.
TbWI«*r-Ko 681
Ho Bort for tho PWUppino
InsurroBU Tot.
tiirutAri nm
Ou iMte Op«B0d fcr eoiUoam
TooMrAar with •
PropoMd BIU to Limit the
.Ooraoffo. Ceto. Mfty 4—Muir P*»^
MM who lor mM7 do/* hovo hoM
m tho SosoU Ovor. tho
boldlar plaeoo to Uno at tho load o« o
^uDtr—Bonoo Oaai
ehwfad Uolr mtado todar
the rttoh lor loeatkoM is tho Uto land, 4 nlttoa Baa Aakod for Aathority to
ivhteb woroopesod (» aotU*neBt at
.Bake a ThoroHah ZaeoatiKatioo of
aoM bj praelamaiioB o( tho proaldeBt.
Induatrial School for OirM.
Sooem of men "ho ha«« beoa boldiar
plaoi* la th* Hoe ooJd oot half ao boor ’•i—'*'
before the ipoBler. »S0 brlac the pro- i Lxoala*, May 4.-The eoanaittM oa
ealUar prioe. It I4 oaUaiaUd that flaborio, -tbU mornlaf deeldad to re1.000 Usd aeekere ]3<ood the mah. The, Port adraraly eo A. O. Bnlth’a bill to
mea aeatUred aloaf the Ooler^ aad j allow - rakaoia of troat to acll for the
New Mesioo Haro for forty mllea.maay ' uarket t-at of their prirate poada a>l
,B« of rapid traaslk
| the year aroead. ;,Tbe oame.eoaitBUtee
decided to brlay la a aew bill rclatiar
EXQUISITEA Curtain moanted on •
cheap roller is very unsatis
factory—a'ways KeltinR "out
of whack.”
We use the
Hartshorn rollers—costs uS
a little more, bnt they work
smooth aod even-last a life
We make and hang
all sizes and colors of
Made -of bandaoiue Silka—
We Put 01 Sale Tofay Ist First Time-
Gint;liaEDfl— Madru—^Pii]uea
—Lawns. rU\
.... ..3.» .b.,1
than OBc dear daring tba
Yi'Q eannot afford to buy
aaosoB aad that each pocaos abipaorU aad aonhwoot eaptarla» a larva j
inferior Kooda wlien such val
plag a dear moat make aa afBdarlt
auoaat of food aad aopplloa Bo baa ,
thdt be baa kilted the dear bim elf.
ues are here—
hla dotaebmeau to the aorth aod {
> Searbart Thraat a Booked banator Atwood argnod tbU for tba
aaatward. 8u aaoooufal moeemaat
Uttar prorielon aaylng that in crery
Wiro la Bia Boath aad a
waa attoadod with yreat d.B.iilty bebeating party ara 00a or two men who
Moao of tho ebaraeter of Ue aooatry.
Doctor Batraooted tv
kill all tbs daer sad at prasaat tbare Is
ralB aad bcav Ho oow eoeera oar
So HtUe eacltODOBt was created ootblog to prerent these one or two
aboat^o'eloek oa Froat atraet last from klllUfe ao nDlinsited number of
aappHodfrom Maloioa.
aicbt whea a little boy came dowa tho dear and allowing tbelr eompsaioas to
••Oaaoral MaehrtbDr'B oolomo was otnet with the wire baii of a
shield them under tbelr own oonpons
.P |U
,..np.ll. k.lt -.J a... PI. Uiraii SB tbelr own kill.
„a ,1,. o.b„ h.11 ppolnpllv I~1
The JodleUry-eemmlltee dUenennd
1 a sharp raaUUaoa. The
the matter of striktng ont the faeo of
htaimuUiy wUl pntbably leaee the railroad
Little OeorvioBrerban whose hone the clerk of tbe bupfame court aad
aad retire la a aortheaatorly dlracUoa iota Oak Beirbta. was playlaf with
paying a oalary to that'. oBcUl
to tho aorth of Lawtoo. Tbo deatrac- the beadle of a pail, and hearlac
tUy deeldad to ask the
tkm of tho railroad near CalmapU ae- one ealliar him be pot tbe ball ia bU olerk to appear before ^bem next ToeeMMiUUa the dopoadeoeo oa wafoa mouth aad eUrted to run. He swal
traaoportatioa. The eaomy to the lowed the bod of the wire, which waa
Heet sugar wsa tbe UuuMUf eootenaonth aad east of Maoila Bambor B.OOO. beat like a Ash book, aod was nearly
Uoo before the eommittea oa aUie sfThey areoppraed by a aafU steal force atraacled.
faira tbU moralBg.
Gerret J DlkaadorOroDiblDoasd Hall. Tbe rebel
HU eriea attracted atteatioB and
demeoatratloaa tboa far bare beeo when hla ouiUer fonad him half the ema sad RepreaeBtatire Dudley appit^ly met by tbme ofHsore wlU leayth of the ball, np to the woodoa peered aod urged the pssesge of tbe
house bill approprUtiag ftno.ouo dur
alicbtlomeo Many requeoU haee bees handle nptn It, waa down bie throat
nceleed from ouUyln* cities for pro- .Aimoai panic alrieken, Mra Erer- ing tb-'hext two years for bounty. Mr.
Dlkems'^nrgad that there were bo
loetion arainit the laatirreai troope.
hart rushed Into the bonae, proeored a
■'Colonel dammera. with abi taatal- baby eab aad bronybt the liiUe fellow large sloekholders iateresied Id tbe
Ilona of the Orefon. Dakota and Third dowa town. Dr. WUh«l<n estraeted fa*.iory la which be wsa moat Interest
ed. that m Mt of the stock was held by
Infantry and apices of the Utah IlCbtjg,,
pliytblor wlttaoatdlfBartillery of General LawtoaU dir aloa ^
AlUonyb oaly ai* yaara of a»e. poorer people, hence tbe money went
prooeedod north tbUmarnlae to
Oeoryie haa lota of yriV Betook to help the po r people of Michigan
•Md. eroaaed the rirer, ebaryad
| .o dm* of any kind for the opemtloa. and U kept at home.
SenstoT lUkmiee went after Bepre- enemy In atroBK enuencbmenia.
$1.00 a Month
lac iknm northward and lnfliotia« eon-1
oporaUoo the boy aald he sentattre Dudley tbe author of the bill
alderable l»aa. Oor caanalltlm were
jf h bad not been for the ban- prorldlag for o beet oogar bounty. Ue
1 wilt supply fine lee Por tbe 1
die on the wire all of it would hare mid;
"Last year the factory at Bay City
-Both Wneaton and Hale of Oeaeral gone down, aad then they woolda't
made sugar eooogb to make the bounty
MaoArtbar'a dirlaloa. fonad tbe enemy bare bad to poll It np
oometoorer $10,000. Now there are
la foroe stroofly eouenehed. comTho mother bad tried U poll Ike
maadad by Commander-ln-Cb ef Lnna wire from tbe bor'a throat aad In 00 eight fseiorica. Some of them are big
abootfookianeaeoatbof baa Eeraad- doing the book oa the ead of It waa ger than yunr Ray City factory tbalj
Ao. Bale, on tbe riebt. dUledced tbe ibmat throngb tbe palaU- Dr. WU- will make it necessary to take orrr,
aaemy; Wtaaatoa. oa the left, laadinf belm euceeed In extracting it witboot $400,000 out of tbe general fond. Yon i
Uipmoo.made a brilliantieharre.koat- other woonda than a laceration of the are giving tbe people tbe Impression |
aeriaf the rebel foreaa aad iaflieUac throat aod paUte. which will noon tbat $500,000 a year will sbo^t cover it
great pnaUhmaaV
Bereral ofioera heal He was MUted la tbe opera by epeoiBying tbstsmooDt in your cUt
Now why don’t you come oot and msko
aad men were aarlonaly wonaded.
tion by William Brigbthrall of Grand
“General MacArtbor prooeeda te San Bsplda. who waa preaant when Ua your bill call lor o delolte amoont.
large enoogb to cover the whole
reraaado la the morning. Ha U delay- doctor w» aommoaed.
bounty? Wty don't you be hoaeol wiih
ad by the partial daetraetion of n
tbe people and let them know wbst;
bridge aorem the rirer. It U aot bethey ara paying for?
Uared that Ue aaemy wUl make an
RepraeeDUUve Dudley mid it gas
other determined atand nntll ha effeeu
BodAns of OrenviUs Alcaaader and Impoasible to eeUmate tbe enact
a retreat to Mount Arayat. a abort dla_^
Frank B. FuUer VUl be Sept
amount that will be needed and Ust a
taaea from Spn laldro."
crop would bring the b>unty
Manila. May t -U laaral MaeArthnr
haa oarrlnd Saalo Tomaa. aftu eooonnTbacp baa beea another ehaago la close to the approprlsGon.
taring atroag reaUtanee.
tbe plana of tbe goverement regarding I Senator
—w BUkealee then wanted to
iy would
Oeaeral Hale mored oa tbe enemy's the dlapMltlon of the bodlre of eoldlers < know U B
Made by Michigan Telephone Co.
right and Wkeatoa attacked tbe left la who died la Gabs. Tbe transport atand for a claam in tbe bill miking
tor any clam of aerviee desired.
bonnty anil if tbe factories of
a daring ebarga. la whieb Ooloael Crook brought n large number to New
Faaetoo again dUtlagniahed blmaelt. York a ebort time ago. In charge of Michigan went into a troat.
"lint the sugar treat is opposed to
Ike gallant Aaataa colonel wm Ckpv C. B Kipliager and Utey were
at end of six months or change
wonaded la tbe hand, bereral otbar taken to Arliagioa eemciery. aeer paylhg a bounty on beet angar," de
to any class of aerviee at will.
Waritiagtron. It was at drat intended clared Dudley.
Teleobone tbe manager to call
Ool. Snmmem with a perfof tbe Ore- u> chip all bodies to thair rmpecl've | ‘ T'** «•“«
and-explain aew ratee adopted by
___ _ J .11____________ _ _________ ■-----------_ _ .4
■ '
«-n-a " —
aod Minnesota regiments and n homes
but this plan bae beeo ebeaged a beet auger trust." res
gnu of tbe Utah battery Vtok Moaaim J W HaBDea reeeived a telegram yca"There te no beet eager troat,” equiv«a the right, rmUng tour miles from tsrfrom Captain Eiollager, aanonne- San Fcimaada
iag that the bedim of Fraek M. Foller oeated Dudley.
"1 see one baa been formed, " waa
Tbe K.llpiaoa are retreeUng teerard and Grenville Alexander would be
SaoUldro aad It te expected that they kept at Arlington nnUI tall. Inete^d of Blakealee'a reply.
"Tbeatory U spread by the promot
wUl make e eland at AmyaV where tba being shipped boom, aoeordlag to tbe
of the eaee sugar troat,“ aald Dudwhole rebel ferom ia tbe previaee of
; aaaonneed e few deyn
Pampaagn are enooeaUaUag.
Dadley fioaly admitted tbat than
There are reports that Impremid by
might hare been a beet eogar troat
reoeat eveaU lbs Filipinos are waver
formed in New Jersey bnt aald be did
ing la tbelr ellegtaaoe to tbe laaarreenot know. He wonld aot agree to a
tloB. aad aie likely to aaxnme a aeatral Oa Aaeonat of Unportaat Matte:
Our Soda Fountain « now'
cUnae waiving tbe bounty ia eaee tba
attitude. 11 seems ea though Oeaeral
Frmtdeat Bay Call Ooagreoe
open for theaemaon of 1899, We'
Mtehtgan factories enter a trwt.
Lnna’a forem are dmilaed to deetrae-Togetbei.
Senator Graham being abeeat 4ke aim to make onr aoda perfect in |
tloa wUhIn n few dayn aalam they sarWaahlagton, May 4.—Ikare la
smmiUee daetded to lake 'no mUob
every reapect. Our cfacH-olate iaj
naUl he reUroa.
bars of eonrrma that the president will
call an extra aamlan of eoagrem. probTba bonae committee oa the Indna- the beat to be obtained.
trlal Home for GirU bee asked for an- ioe cream ia the famoua Williams’
FaU of SU leehce Bceorded Da lag ably early la Oetober.
tbe mater.
Uueatloaa growing ont of ow newly thority to make a tborongb laveattaaPetoakey Cream. Oor aympa are
Cbieago, May 4. -With tbe lake elmr ,
»»d general legte- tion of the charge of
•f tee.'.bmrratioaa show that that* ^ ; latere, laelodlag oarreeey reform, Niember from tbe^
of Mr. Howell, tbe
BOW about e’x inebra leas water thu
Everything neat, clean,'
' that the Adrian dteirlet. tte reacdniloa wnajjuioee.
daring tbe larger tmrt of laat
preaident te Inclined to r^ard it ad- Ubiad.
aad tbat aatoeat of draft m
and cold.
takaaoft tbe abl» eemlag down tbe vteable tbet oongrem meet earlier tbaa
gndga Baxwall Fwamteat.
CbleMgo river over Ue teaaels Of Deeember.
Bay City, May 4—Judge Maxwell
The reUremeat of Speaker Reed, too,
ooaree there are verlatloaa from day to
able del j ^
^ Snprenne eonrt deday, aeoordiag to tbe dlraeUoa of the will BW^ly
« boom
of Miehael I^-elgel.
boom !
wlad. bat tbe avmwge ia about ala lay ia jlb* appolatmaat of 4he
tbe ex ooenty trmenrer. dom not anlaebmlaaa.
e Betgel to retain four per ee$u
Dtepetobes from vartoaa polata from
Womaa-a H m» aad Foralgn ooUceUoa fern la eaueu el redempUon
'Dalnib to Detroit report tbat the lake
laveU have tellea about the aame aa la MteJUnary Society e( tbe Bepvtet of taxua. Be te goiag for Beigel and
Lake Mlebtgea. '
Church will meet la tbe eherch perloee Frybeaki. tba former treeearer, to rw
Haturdey afieroooa «
Le«ve jruur orders (or All kinds
Beltforeale. LeoveordsM at Bor- -wUl be glvea of the e
gaab hara or M $U dtata aWoeV ly bald ie Graad ^Bsplda. AU ladieaj Mtes Ltllau Gjre te alowlyreeoverlag of Trout Bait at Momn'a Bam or
areeartlally invited to atipad.
| fiom a long aalge of
1333 Btate Street.
4-Quart 9vat"2Tdi^“'‘'"^J?ia®^proi.i............... I Oq
to $12.50 each
of Hats anil Caps
Kor Men., 3>>vh, ilivlia. utuj Inrciiitt*.
UX; »> $3 00. Mild ,.ti i.>i-ioew betwe-en.
Never upeadu dollar for elotblag or furolablaga betorn on a lag
exclusive mon’v oal&uera in Truveree—tbe people who study tbe
tbe people wbu devote their entire time to "men't drem*'—they
Wilhelm Bros.
H;:.... S. BENDA & CO. ti.’SK?
C. W. Merrill t Co.
City book Store,
Ten Tear Contracts
1 Michigac Telephone Co..
... NOTICF...
Trout Bait
For Sale —
Comer Union and State Streets.
: AN...............................
Glove Sale
Subscribers May Cancel
Call and examine j;ouds.
I know you will find prices j-ight.
Our Hlofk of ladies' kid gloi-ee ifoDBiste of many different
makee. We have iujudieiously punliaeepi in thla department
wilhout etuilyiug the waute of our patruus. hence a (.-ongloiuHration of odds and euda, which taken together amouuta to many
dozens, which we place ou aale thia morniDp;.
Henceforth we will resort to one liie* of tl-00, $1.85 and
$1 AO ladies' line kill gloves, on which we will keep up sizea and
oolore throughout tbe seaaeu.
Tbe accumulation must go regardlena of coet—the pricea
we place ou them today will poaitively clean them out in the
aborteat space of lime of any sale ever inaugurated by any con*
cern in tbe city.
5 dozen Lidies’ White Washable Chamois Gloves
—just the thing for bouse work—this spec- OCm
iallper pair.......................................................... ZvC
Extra long Dress Chamois Gloves, 'regular$1.00 values—this special per pair................. DvC
Elbow length fine Imported Dress Gloves, regular
$1.50 and $1.75 value, special for today per
In this sale w< include our best Dress Mo- A I A A
cha Gloves, $1.50 values, for, per pair .... ^ | «Uy
Our regular extra value $1.C‘0 Mocha Glove 7ft-|
An accumulation of l'» dozen Ladies' and Misses Bi
cycle and Dress Kid Gloves, was 75c and$1.00 Cft—to close at.............
Ao accumulation of regular lines $1.00 Dresscd Kid Gloves, about IS dozen in all to close at 09||
'xhls.sale 1$ more tban^ordinary—it will pay
you well to Inwestigeta
The Boston Store,
Front Street
) 9W» MommtmB mMOOiUi.
AMMVAL xurnre.
(Wfe B. MeLaUaa. Bert aad Art
riaeto raMTMd leat airhl from two Blrcuoa ef CAerre aad Slrtctor*
ptrnt Meaiaha at Maalla.
Tiaeoca.- M^lroad Uodam'troat Aihlaf la Btardmaa rtr«r
MV TMMvwa <r nu
Whw laioreBtlaf LeMemBaaa
Theaaaaal Bcetlaf
the otoekBdlaer. They had food laek
AMoared U the Meoeod.
a^ tether broBf\t back aboot holdemof tbeTiaverae City Bellrood
held to the < Mm of Boa. Perry
2trty pooBdo. Art. however, made
la ibo dtopaiAm i
9am- T. BAt« ASP i. -W. BA««nBaaoah. yeaterday Bornlaf.
thpprleecatoh.eaptuiiBf a bif
whlehareaaardthe '
Tbe tnllowlcf dirretom were elrcMd
battle of Aprti t»jh. tbe aeme of Cbar- ^w treat weifbiar three penade
f. W. Bawcs. 1
for tbrcxBiof year: Pmrtf Heakab.
Im L TboBpOM to rirea. aa harlaf aldaitbia. beeaarbt aose fl
of lb* epeckled varl ly.
TboBae T. Betee. D C Lsaeb. W.. B.
beam tUfhUy woeodal U tbc lof. Pri•riy arteen poaade. C MIteban. W. O. UoybarL After the
rate Tbompaoe to a auld or of Oowpaay
OeoTf* Cham. Clead* Vaadervore Btetiof of atoekholdera. tbe board of
tbara^ae beea eoBC arror, wbieh to aad Verlto Tbomaa Aehed ymtrrday in direetore met aad rieeled the f ..'low!
- 5J“
They do not my offieeri; T. T- Belea. prcaldeai ; B R ■
aallb^y. tbe woaadcd Baa Baatloaed Milebell'a creek.
Metbeaey, aecmtaiy: W. B fibeJby.
CMt'OtBTt U1M. to a brother of Dr I. A. Thoapooe of how Boay they caafbt.
ElflB Lewie aad Praak Klof
ihtoeliy.aad tbe oo* whoae leltere
have proved of aoeh iatomat la Ue Uraed laet aifbt fraB Beltoer, wkrre
Lookiny for a Swlea Wheal.
Tboy're atur
Baroaa froa Uote to tliaa. Private they went attar treat.
Harry Perrin, aa eBpVye in 4be
TbMpaoo'e eoBpaay haa haaa rffb> tbra yet.
yroeery departBcatof .tbe Mcrraaitle
Ueerf* Beware aad Prrd Byf11 eprsi CoBpaay'e etorn, I* now loohiafi for bto
at tba tromt for aoveral Bootba aad la
tbetblekmtofthaAfbt. Ba bae mo.v yeaterday Aebiaf oa thr Bcardaea b
blcyeie, wbicb waa etoiea Widareday
— .1—« OlM* ■
frtehda la Hiehifaa who will be friev their eateh wae aol tbc laffeet oi ib> Bif-bt froB tba weet aide of 8. B. Walt'*
•d to hear that he hoe beea wouaded.
dray etore between B o'clock an «:3<l
r la Ckl- batfratlfled that he bae aaflered ■
It to a new BaBbler bicycle aad
^ <Uy «r> Mtf OMKod tu la
Mrlooe iajeiy.
Barry bae bad it oely aboat three
Mofeim-ra l^ol to lAa otfMre. FraecU Snow of Harbor Sprlara weeJta. Be olfere a reward for ito -reitum Md lu «M»M lo the Pbkltara aad other latemetcd partie* are
to vieitlQf her daaybier Mra. H
wt Hug to give a larye reward fur tbr
Al the BceUrv tcferred to
ABOof the larfe treat eatohee of the Oarser.
eoavietioBof the thief.
> orbleh h»*e a
r. 8. Birdcall of PowUrv lie. to rtoltweek to oac of alaaty-Ava kroofht ia
tmitaej to laeiu tbc aoldlm to dU
fir 7. W. SauUttt
by Bay Walv
rotwA th^ daiy eod coleaUtod
Hr Hlrdcall. wbme beallb to poor, b^
Moved froB over Oeai*' Bakery 1
J. o. Jeaeoa A Oo have l^it eold
Mk'vp a otoTeneet to haoiiwr the
117 Com etreet oppokllr enyir><' b'm«i
eoBe bare boplnf to be benratted by
»Bd hie eaWMt la their their dae.brod horae Mack to Boo.
tbe ebaare
Work la the PhlU^ee.
A {iroteet W dBlib.
Mra. A. U Holliday left yeaterday
Ttaa recttlar oiaeUnf of tb# Oratral Boralaf for Oraad Rvplda.
hM Ihomiore befo oaiered elforoueJy
M« • Mhte •oetiBg of patrtoOe elii- W. C. T. I', will be held Im tbe parlore
Tboe. 8hane(wa* la 8aitoae Bay yeeCMh hoe hoea eoUed for haadejr alrht of tbe Plmt M B. eharoh thto aftri- terday.
at S:>o o'etoek. Kveryooe to Ic
to rahake the •Btt*expaaeloalete for
Mra. M. B. Harrto left fyreterday for
tholraoarae The eooree of thoee who viied to a toad.
Pitubaif. to vtolt her atoter. who to
oasdaetodthem-eUotrU blflr objeeilfOBcat of twraty'fre White very elek.
ttoMble ard le*de oa’r to anioet esd mwiaf Beekiare hae 1 >et bee
tor. 41. L. Colby of Brietol. Mieb .bae
Ateehttefoetloa ItalesehrOTeoftroMoo eeired by tba Uaaaab A Ley M.
Boved bare and boofbt property on
8*0«ta here proved that Aroloe'Ao'e UleOb.
Weet Teeth etr^L
MIowere ore attorl/ locapable of
tv. C. Neleoa of Ulaad
Tbe daaee to have beea fiveo thle
aotatolelar e co*eraa>eot for tbeir eveaiaf laC. B K P. 8. hall on
tbe citT yeeterday on ber way boBv
0»B food. The fortoane of
uad et'eet. haa been poetpooed fvr oar froB CopcBltb
apoo thU eouDirp » rmt
Mra-Oeorye Maiaball aad danyfater
•fOMlhlllt; ead iba etateeiaea oad eolTraverae City Thepter No. Ui> R A Mend arrived from Cbarlevola yeetVrdiem who are feBlUer with the eitoe.
ivoeaiioD tbte d«y lo vtoit tbe family of Mr* MvrM..W1U botda refaUr
tioa ore the onee to oat It le atword
tbeli'e deufbler. ftore (>ufl M> Itooeld.
ereaiBf at 7:30 o'elMsk.
to oapooea that a feetloa oapoead to
Williem Hrlyhtbrell of tiraad Rep.
Tbe MercaaUle Oo. yerterday eblp
the odalaletretloa kaow Bore aboot
Ide. formerly buyer for Utnry Hpriog’e
Vtet to bmt for tbe l^iliplaaa ead the prd a Urye eoulfameai of faraitur. dry food* etore. but bow reprceeatiif
UatM Atotae thea the
thr Star Kalttiay Work^to >a the cl y
Mlee Kra Ulreeon of Wfll
ito odrtoore. who bare etadied tbe eoo(i .iBf beelbcB end -v’eHirflvi. ode
4itloae aad are eoaoetooi to a. t for to tbe happy p-oieaior of a aew K imWill F. Jecktoowaat to Orku6 Cepoar hoot letoreeu aad tboae of the dr- bier bicycle pareKeeed in tbto cUv.
laded lehabluau of tbe lelaade 8o">.
Thr tol’.owinf are ridinf ae« b*
H. K (iibbe left yeeterday fdr (iraod
maeUaft ae that in Caicefo aad »ur> cyelce; H Prrria. a RambleriA.P. How lUpidt in tbV intermu of hie bicycle
oeatlBcau ae were ezpreeeod at that ard, a Poe: Cberire Howard, a Wert-r wurke.
ly: W. HcLaBfblia. aUeadrao.
tlBO ahoold be ooodw
M'*« Mary Kilpatrick reioraed iati
lo/al ABerieaa.
Leeter UetBea, fonaerly bell boy at nlytat toiAicra after a ebort vtoit
Park Piaoe. bat lately oar of the eoid
noBTlNo la tbe HbUippiDee etl’I foee ten who eaw eervlee in Porto Rloo. bra
An EpideBic
Wboovlpf 0.'Ufh
tm aad tbe ABerieaa troope are
takra a ptieiiiiin ae clerk in the CoIbb'
tfsaally drlrlag the retta U froB their
tnaehoe aad lato retrsa*. Tbe pea. e
tievlny eeeere
e br Afulaaldo h«re aol
etreet between Weebiaftoa aad Sta r
„,^hinir aprl'e. We bad ute Cbemloowaad ibe eaeriry of tbe Aaerifi
very bad conditlcti. Oo j
fom-h EUmedy very tueoeek
aad the adraaae lou tbe ea'roy'e I o>
If you wish to Ik.' in thi'
breaktoneteeiiop of
!‘«H.v f'>r cr-up end neiura'jy
_______ _______ .
l.l-*til«etu«.-*nb foer.
foerd it
• relieri
wiUoaaiiaae aatll tbe :
ring, ri e either a
eahdaed or aa aaevadltkBal eanvader Boklaf itda^ei
lorbicyciitu and — r.,uo K. Cliff. .d>o...pneto'N<.
i.pneto' Ni.reood
to afraid to.
Id. V
aan./ylaf for p. .ictriat*.
YmATSBW orrr. • momoAi
Bicycle Shoes
Will please you.
Nice ones for
$2,[$2.50, S3.
Our atyleo are very amArt
luokiinf, very romfortable,
Popular Shoe ;House.
Will S. Anderson
.................... ......
I Practical and Up-To-Date fanerar|M^:
318 Union Street.
Boih Phones
: Uo. 43.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
rouiD m BUCK river.
dow of'ieoryr W. Tuomek'fornlturv
etore nt tbe o.raer of S ate and I'olun j
etreet. 1* aiuevtlag ooneiderable at
■fOtonoaa l>«4th of O rl Wife
faoMa Mark* Be^of lareatlfated at
WllllaB Ureen, who wa* arretted by
fort Hnroa.
fiber.ff SlBpaon e few day* acooaa
Port Baroa. Wop 4.—Tbe dead body eaarye of eteaiior a bicycle, wae taken
pf tbe lft-year.old «irl wife of Jeoto* to fibepard yeeierdey by a deputy eherdfarim. a btrbe'. wae foaad la Blaek iS of Imbella oonniy. where be I*
fiaorthleaftomooD. Whether It to a waated.
oam of eal -ide hr BeHer baa not yet
M at Jean'e Heiv
who wae lo-^
feooo deterBleel. Tbe rlrl wee narJored ia a railway aeeldent near Port
rtod a few week* are. Her baebaad'e
HaroB laat fiuBBer. ha* retarand troB
a to 4S. 8h* dletaneared oo Sanday
Hay City, where ebe ba*
Blfbt. Tb« paltoe are inrtat’fatia;.
t Angoet. It to feared - Ooe of tbe finest and eas
that her lalarla* will prove pennaBeat.
8b* will aooD go to Ana Arbor for far iest riding wheels made. It
ther ueatBrni.
Aboat thirty Baaber* of tba E k* IB a beauty and a strictly *<W
•oaorol Vaasfw Thraabar of the Brd
lodge weatta Manlaiaa yeaterday aft
PlaaoQo Wai H«reaataadOp.o
emoon to iaiUaU tea caadldatm into 1‘icycle.
iBf Toaoriow la Bioach Block.
tbe Ijdge at that place.
J. A Thraeber, r*t>etal Barer*' c
Call in and look them over.
Frieada bare of Mr and Mra. A. W.
the Brd Ptaao ead HarpOo. of Barlnaw Paine, form wly of tbto city bat bow of
will hare Me'^toalay of plaao-. orr*a»
Albaoy, have jnat raeeived word itaai
aad harm la the Hroeeb bloek ready Mr. aad Mra Paine arc tbc prond parfor the ofwBlar toBorrow BoralBf. ento of a arven-poaod boy baby.
New Ktore. ISO Front Street.
The wtadow of the evwr U eaKelltobed
with aa etwertive drem>a« while tbe
XdJ tyabla Bnaday Btbool Ooac >rt.
oeatral attraottoo la a baaatifal harp
Mtok Keltae^-a finaday achooi claoa
flatohed la bandaoBe csrty taepl.
erllh tHBBtnra of fold. la tbe etore of tbc ficeoad M. B. ehureh gave da
the-oare 14 elerantlr Aatohrd plaaot caj >yab1e cooeert Wedacoday evening.
foliowing progroB waa rendered:
aad arewral orfaaa Tbe fraed opeB'
Song by the achooi—“Bring Tbes
laf of the alore will take place Umormoralar aad Mr. Thraeber will Ia-~
Only Two Left.
Pnycr~Mr. Banach.
flm the dtopley hie pereoaal attea
Violin fi
Do rou-
Want The
J. W. SLATER rfruk%r
‘W Model, orii
W Moilel. and
Only $40.00
Our success with these
two standard make wheels
is phenomenal. We have
several other makes and if
you are thinking of buying
a wheel, examine ours and
save money.
not the
of pounds
you get! ,
a difference
in the value
of bicycle pounds.
Id tbe RanacKB lacloty ate built wbeeh cd ooe grade only,
ooe qua|.l>, oea pnee----- TUJS BKK^.THK C.HBAPKST.
“for the Best Ramblers ever built"
whid) >9 saying avch. *• Rkwai^a* have sImv* beaa cauidered
“tbr leaders.'' at whatever price.
Tft^nrs AmBCTtTd.
^ Avonn of 40 Paetefoa Daily
•oat Oat Zhtflof Paot Woek.
TiaillBf arbolMkeaforned aeoaeld
4 *Mo porttoa of the Befli folaf froB
thoolty dariof the poat weok. The
pdotoAwi haa aeei wltbla that tlaw
>40 fookafoa, or 40 paekafee dally.
Uoet-caara Btioer and Maud OoBptoo.
Talk on Btoaion work—Rev. Rcuach.
Vtolln fiolo-M'iaa Btbal Miller.
Daet—Mr*. MoCInaky and Rev.
Duet—Clara Ratner aad Maod 0o«p-
fnr aaab, if tak^a qnlek
Hoing ont of bicycle boalace*. Cali ear'.y.
MiB ManaCoBptoB to happy o
Mm Mtobaal Cortaio. Plelafleld. Ill
maemloB of a fine new Bosdt
ber pareata.
ber lunga;^he|P<toeentfi
•aid. which aeliW
b byberfoBilyJ
' irm irvatod fur a muatb
..I grew walk,. He told I
a bop-lra- victim
•a tba work of a dcBoe wit
Ofw MaNamrat Otow BM*
. Be>l' lor
Anyooe who ba* bkd aa
acla'lct# indiBat^ rh ub*Rlfagb New 0>k.'.rt.ry l.rCon»u np*i..
ti'B will agree that the MOiuoo to
•hcV>ar tab 4ue asd u b. r •Ullrht: de
noolac eaoovb
eaoturb h
to warrant tbe befroK •'
the *4n.i1 He
• •
• Bitikd
- -------U •baa Barer been rlalBcd that THattoeB Bsr kkwiyfaa lar abaetaw m*
Pala Bklm wonid eaat
‘ rnracUaa at taett '
lahlu*'a a bwiUeis f.’uad bar-etf aonad out d.-irra' butUwi.i ear* rbeaB*-:
4»d O.I.: IM.W i<k-« n.r own bociae- tiaa.'ad b-indreto bear watiBoay to
wi'in. Abd to a* wall
ti SB aha ever waa tb* t-at' Otthto atateBaot. Ooe
b.al WtUa* 4into
pUaat _
•a raliavm
the aain. and
g-T at the drag storre uf & B Walt ^nlck re'ia' which ft affords to
i A Johaaoo. Large boitlm to worth BaiytioMali. coat- Forr sale prowpdt atlw*ea W.
aaar Akct. Ba;
*w5l rttT«LY-"'
by 8. B. W at dragglat.
; talk DM
A hewing machine is very
neceknary for your summer ^sew
ing. We have them; all kinds,
the "Ditmestic,” the “Eldridge,'’
. the •‘While,’’ the “Queen." We
will especially call your attention
to our
No. 4. Fine, coif
No.4, Siipeifine.oolf 24 00
No. 4. Drop Head, coif 26.0D
Call and see onr line of sewirg
machines before buying.
Al KWaiai A AL. iaptbaU(VaatiMdltatl» od ita ktad tia#Ualot'a rraaoa. V 1 6
foairal of faMte Tap Bard
•salMad M|»**V«k>fBrTa«>ap. V.l 7.
laibaatMa.baaiHM-------------------^Ibefaaaralof JraatePap Dago. Iba
itaparda. Tba yards ara raaali^
• paar-old daarbterot Mr. aad,
• A. >l_l.
.W-J-____ ______ I_______■._!**** '
tba limit •<■
im Ura lb Kl|[lMiv^' a.
Mra. Uw>rpe Dagp waa bald WMaaa-J
and tb* aaipat aaM dap 1« aparard M :iM Ur.wab
lb B
Bapiaad. Vol I.
dv afteraooa from tba boma la F^ra-'i
2m Ur*
urraob B fiand. v.>l 4.
wood. Ba* J A Braadp oMelaiad aad [
»1« tiemaap. MAiaid’A. Vol. 1.
Oharlaa Baw. wbUa «rorhia( oa a XIM UeT»aar. Mri i-ib. Vol *.
««r «r «r
lir wr «t «t V w *
appropriate raraea waiwoaatribaUd bj >
(arm acar Atbaaa, Oaibaas «oaatp, rt Sl»7 Orr^rp, M.Ba.ilb. VO s.
W. H. 8ooU.
Uali ■«> . »S 7M «<•«•. • tera
t mUp. ^atMBMfad arattlMaaba. B.
Maap baadaoma fliiai . flerteca
tnm L«9Mr
WM kU>«4 la
<<lled tba repute bp eattiat rff It
ame 1
wsrareoairM from friaada
NuvaxaMideatatSACiaaw. Haw
taadaboattbrar laeBaaoa-tba bodp.
0 UB'ted St*taa. Bawtboraab. Vol- tbam were a braatifal fl >ral pillow.
MOTlBC lato Ua e)t7 TbaaoiaaaM
td aa S« rvaebad dowa to pet ‘.ba rat
abUA bora bar aama. from tba am^ tAool aklldna Mfhtoaad iW laai
<er from tba tall tbe a***r*d baad
Uali<-d ttiataa, Bawiboraab, Vo1*
••4 tkaoUKMWaaUrairaudarik.
ame s.
apraap forward aad bit kb Bogrr.
tbe MeroaaUIa Comptopb atore,
VteaU. Bia aoo. a yoaar Ma oa Vk>
ttf'i lulp. Abbottb.
Maabtr* aiae eaaca apateat tbe TSOS Mealvi. Preaeoub. Vol. l
where Mr.
la amploped.
MM *Uh kia. waa act U )ai«d. &a
Arbor Ballaap aompaap bare tto* Mealeo. Preaoottb. Vol S
aad eatU lllka aod earaaUoaa from
Mkar aoa U la ike eapUv of ika ta a* taC Ai
braa aoilced tor trial at tbe tena of Wv4 Pern. Preaentt'*, Voi. I.
Compaap M.; a croM of caraaitoBa aad
»S08 Peru. Prcaooltb. Vol b
CIreull enarv Tbrp rapreaaet tbe
amllaa from Mra. Malela Umitb. aad
Mara ihaa Mo aklakaM hara bare
arowd t.f Baplia tolka wbo
Hi>. logeraoll aeat earaaUoM aad
•lolaa araaadiBajraJ Oak tba paat araek
damped off at (teatb rraabiurt la A t*of Inrke*, Cterkb.
I liea A lorelp bonyi-at waa reeeteed
TkalalaairteiralaMra. Hem\rj, wk<
UladlBp aaow aterm at t«0 o'clock
f«.m the Mlawa IVrrp aad elagmat gif to
iMt krr wbola toek Wnlaadap aick>
iha moralap la-t CbrbiBtaa. Tbe partp
earoatioiu aad naaa were raeetvad
Aroaad Uwioa fnilt rrowara ar.
bad tbkela parcbaaad tor rTaak^lrt
from tbe Perawood Banda* aebool aad
faaalrlaf alaral^ r^orU abaataiaad were aot clellrrred at tbeir deaUathe Boata Bide prlma'p aoBool.
lapad daaara telaf dotM ta ptape
Ailoe. Tbe catetjma of tbrae caaaa
Mra J G Loedieg aod arreial olber*
Tlaaa bp ika eutwena. It atarka a>
•Ul be *aiebcd with teterrat.
remrmbeted tbe berearad pareata wHk
•Ifki aad ia tba aaadp ao<l. aad It U
There are few better aad aiora fa<
faarad tkat tba crop wiU ba arrloMlp
abipkaowD atara*befcwa tba pablie dertaklag
At BatUa Craek.
Berrar abot Manp Mew Toiamta Added to tba thy» Mr. Porter J White. Thia br ill-!
ai-^poeng aur'a career -eiteratra
. Clip bibrarp.
hlatall la tba left bnple Wadaaada)
•raaiac la a elffar at</ra. Ba died la
Pullowlap la tbe Hat ot aew booka experieBce of anpreeed-oted anw
eoveriap a period ot almott a «i-iirter : eb>at tkr'wtmderhil aun>'eff wt^’’i'a
hair aa bear. Tba oal/ witaaaa to tbr rreeeUp addad to tbe Clip Llorprp:
Meidaat waa Boaeoa Blbtatd, a clerk i:v» A New B^blbK-a Cradv, W. U
and Dlarrboea
boi aUtSa-d
li tka alora. Be la aaable le ul>
I WAS tokan *.-r* badip with
Be r.oel*ad hla biatrtoeic,
avbathar U U aeeldaotol or a eaaa of ia«) Life, Leurra aad Joaraabot I.. r II.
iH proeured 4 ho'lie ,'f bi> rrm
" Alooti
daeailoa fmiB a auboel of artUta.edr A few dvMO^B of It t ff rted a per•aleide U.-rrer «u alpfal ball bop at
'bo were look aqpB bp tbe The*-, manent re 1 ube pleaserr to restsm•ba WilllaoM boaaa
, meud ag it Ml ntbera
paaBDdUiemrpw'irldaa the g-aad ' "1“ dwa^iVuT’dr*'*?-J*W "tt^T
Abobl two paara apo Joha LiSDcbl. IJiiS (flow aBil Bare. Aig
]S«4 i'“ii tbr Piaiei. Alg
aad oobeai de ianDrs ..f the o*4,*’w*Va“'
tlgetip la aold op |
•f Wwtpballa lowakhlp. boaph: fuar
Victor V*i
'•ur, Alger.
writluga from the Imworlal Soakre > B Wa«.drupg*
paarliep L aeolaablra aheap, paplag I«i6 Adrift IB the Clip. Alger.
paare. Humaa. Kcowira; which were |
•ts aaeb for tbaa That Mr. L Hehl*a iluT tk>u Hurtoa. Aiper
ao other thao Bdwte >'irre«t. Char
Uraaunaat • Aai aprofllaba oac M
IS<« Luke Waltob, Alger,
lotto Caabmaa, Tho*. Keras. ttaolel
OiiiBp>e>ef>iAaoooplea of laieat
ab.rwo b/ tba fact ibat be ba« a'rradp ism btrupgllnp Upward. Alger,
naortmaar. aad oihrm
Wnen b-.i a
ian«ic. :t ernu.
•old aik of taa laerraaa for Alt >-aeh. isii Hkori bima. UreBaer.
->rai or li'atonmeaiai
bop Mr Wfalto reeeived Mainatra-'lloaa,
La.lpaar tue aara abea'r>i eipht««B ISIS Tlw I'oUerHideofTiiaga. LflUao
No cheap lu cent rdhlt
rdhic-n.. b->t
f.mm tbaae uaaiera; iaiar be appeared^
poaada aacb ami Ue backa twratp-Sta
late and pnaolar pte'e*. I r*eoa
I3U KromaUirraPolatof Vtew.Llliiaa witb great ao-rcAk‘.brougbont all the
poaada Cose oa with poar aberp
H.UIn-porlaat cl'* atock compenlf^JneludA4BMW rtataai ctrv 1 lUUCCO. I
atoriea—Portland Berlew.
' jiiu Laat ot tbe Uaroea Rai'
lap Hoaioa. NVw York, f'uiiadwphla.,
Twn litUe bop. a-.Ad C:pde Shirt- I
aad Man Kraaolaco; later, and fo^ «*• !
W aad Ward Norooak. were looking i ,j,7 p l<, ,m » Propreaa* Bui.pao
yrani, wao s'arrlng St Uir hea4^)f hiei
foe tbnlr eowa oa tba old lair grouad*. 1 UiK Tue Lt an Hwubuani't. Ciuckett.
grerd tcetile produi-tlna of “ftani
abohioa* fourth of a mile wrai <>t the'Kvil.p Cnvkeiv
Kauvar." eb’ch met witb uDpre-'rdeet-m.,. O. B,„ Uk,. Tk„d„
I ]«;■
jcd niicceM. tbt< uphout tbr I'l-lted
wbeatbep dUerwered the bod* of a in* U.rkb jaa. Corre 1'.
iStatos. Foe neern pear* M- While
'teae Iplap la aamall opeo buMinp for-113-3
Wkrinp at U..we. t'aaUeoiai I wat tbr heBd and trcnl of Mnrria<«'>
Berlp B*-d a. a lam male aUDd. A 133«
-'i-'aB-i." plaviap mr port of Mi-Dhiam
-.*.r l.tim liofea with that o. mpsnt;
•old how hw death hadc-B- .bml. n.-; |l., irapprr. C.aiietaan.
three T<ar» l-1r* br iaMipurat-l h'*
Tae luaa was fouad .to b< William ! 137r
iJarriei. '
I preaeoi rmiii] apn tanenldcrnl produc
Sleele of J.pg>d weatb p. H-ise
i! ito‘‘Ml‘ato"a,
omaip H,i bad bougbl tbe nr*i-'hnlnei
land all arietaata of the nlbrr pmioi$2.00
la a drug «or.> at B‘ar Uske Monda*. I, Ji ia« Cblldieo of Hbcrbnrar, A. I aeat eiar* in'hr pie x-.
$2 25
aapiag that be WAOted It fv boree
Bi* produrttoa will b-prea-amd br■mdiclae.aad bad beea weraed of tba
* ** Ifctke Wortd. A
crowded hwM at Swlnb ig‘.
d-dlr ...... .,1*. druk. Wim.1
T.k,„.Hk^lll,.A U.»„
aiaele was abort*) prat of age aa- 1SS4 The Cunan-dud Porta Rssao Cam I _. . .
, ----- ;;----- ^
married, aad taair bla lleiar br digpaiga. B H Ua*.r.
I The datoof oi.na,i. f fVinb-rg * ea
W V' lei'* a
irlag giawmg.toapp .n
rnlerp.lse, Tbe Afro AnwriesD Masto '
wbrkiag in camp>. Ur waa eonaidereo i, Ml God to L •*e. Tia.14.
doD miniatrela. la agrag(l allianw with
aotquito right lu bU ntad.
psp n*.,
HisM.ri,-at • Dark-sl Ameri -a." *h ii.it
U Wraford aoaatp oa Taerwlap of '*"■
_y.‘l daed e. bait, ly. boi wira^oobAi.is
lii.li.rH.Hl l.s ..i.-r l.UfV.OuU
teW*re.*k.d3riopihebir:i wio-1. the.
•I Tar L-fi
Farrar. Ibeabmt tbe rnidd'r of this month, for
MVArvm. Til.- M>l.\ tit an.l
Graapr ball In c-sdar Creek Mjraahip.'
I Tae Cbuarn VaiI
w«-ar i-umii.t l>- . t>-f|]«Hl at
t V.^t* Of the 1Z\“.
tba lowaabip hall ta 1- bertp towasbip.
,\U k'.i.lH -if
WillU Uoranep'a bara atG ibrrl aad a
Mwiket Bap-wt
.ISiS l-'Airp Talea. Ur<m a.
Ivhlii I.
.Ul tlm iii.visTM
aambrr of less ralnxblr atractaroa.
pAU.t. G acUm-.
—Wbea’ May.
ware all oouauai.-d ly tr».
f -• Young li.t.-uis!*. Uen-y.
!;.-p-.,n,w, L. iK)i<a..\s
Goa buDdred aadAftoea head of cal- '”*1
ber. •.
Kspge of srbrai
niv til* In Hi
high. TSi.-; low. :|i,,.;
f-.r ll)N jiriiv.
ad Ibruuga Maac-Haa last week on. is** Tbn K >p K ..gut. Heo’y.
i-ptenihcr.hlrh.T:'.-.;low.TI% •. Cori—
•heir way VO the plains of Crawford I U3U Tom Brown at B«aO>. Tbomaa May
j Sv«\eMena
ci ihi\ere»\. ►
|\0 'Per C,eTv\ 'DlstoauV
... 6tt aV\ ...
SmVs, SacKe^s
axvA. SKvds
^ TCt® \o\. \us\ TbceV«t&, ^VV Um
CUatt, 3Ttt>t &oo4t.
- 8r
Sa\.M.Tikaia audk
KU\t VVe
A1V& %\V.. Gut &1.&0. $\0.00 an& (\2..00 ^
Ifi buWt Cbtvit«\^
^OT »Vg\t.
OT VwVA-lio
^OT4t\ \Kt Vimt.
"PcT(LtTV\ 'DvSCO)MV\.
»,.u. k.,,.--1:;:,rrri'
'/A $ne
CO CUOC Bostin
wJ uiil^C the World
.«.-irk-A p.». I"; tE:
Osto-MBj.YT.«S:<,-; July,
_ paatareforbueatUethlasammer M-. ,^,s,
Aaencaua. Mr. B. Bar- 5*ir2* -:______ __________
Mairoead IB bu.idiag fourteea mlleaofT
a fa
feadag. which will doaw.p wuh ''l-'3 Dadd* Jake. l ucleBemua
Card ct Tbaaka
13S* L- Abbe Oou.taaune. Uale*y.
the aac M.ty of emplsyiag berdera.
Paul U aysoD. P tlAi>buru>u.
F^tarr Mkoffon'. Antaoay Hc^
Marrlit Cuaodle.'a orchard at (teateay. ’ >3'37 Hupert at Ueo ean. Aaiaoay
berearrsrnt. the n
dauchtor. J--Mla Fa* Dago.
t.We this mrAB-k nf rapreasiag our
-e appre-ia'iOTi tor sId in Mn
B. B Do Vsigaaaof Ueadoa. baa ml
e»B. L. C. Lillie.
II Mas Cm. V. n*,.,,
:,7.kr.SD...:,.,. 1. c. u,
u: ri'kT rrr
f'i DO H>-ti<N<l eli.e*.
W L. TVll.-A> liKair HD' pr"' BW
J ..I. I|.> ...II,. 0I4I: b,-
Sec tbe scew B >i. <*n* sli.in winHosi
PriWiot BBS, M«a.
r- ^ i-1--" rii-1 f
kel. Ukut team the bt Jje n*er. that
O la
welgbatlX pouiMte.
[,3„t The K.ap of H)y*illr. McClare,
From preaeat iQdloatioaa tbe mhie.Coo»»*w''»
Of tbe Marquette L-oa range wiR ha *ns Awtld Maid-a Lore. Maartooa
worked wita graater aeUe.ty tbe oom-.siSu Tae M-wn Prince, B K Muakillag Aummer than la aoy preeioua seat**«k
Boa.laeethediwtorery of the •Idr.t'j'"'
p-apeniM. All tbe larger eompaalea'
U aiory of tbe U A. Bill Xja.
of tbe range are preparing to i*ork jij* A Unnt at the Lutolow. Mill Nye
aeery man pomible and to tegia m'n- 3I&S Mrb Lartr. fko.. N Paige.
ing oparatioas at every idle miiie
K Page.
Aad pit where ore of aiarketable qoal-'
B Uocle Liaba'a Shop. B. B BobiaUy to to be found.
The name of Ana Arbor ought to h* :
* Tbree-Slrmadad Jara. W. Clark
changed to Uermaatown.
1: P'ay.C... ______
oaat aleetun a German mayor .aod>2i«il Tbe Lad* or Ue Tiger. Frank
• oUer city officiaia of tbe |
..j eteoted.aBditbejsw Cslen W*el. F. H
r n*ghl baee etUl
Boys all wearW. I Douglas
To^Mwylw, Mark Tsrala.
wbo are taolduag down muaicipai'po.i
: TueG-e
The dndtegof aakall aad other bahompa.
man boaea burled el<9a* io tbe trail of *ltto Da* d Ha.mm. B. N. We«'cotk
aa old awaae BOW being demeiiabnd at 3l<» Tbe Au-ken. Tbe Beat. Waller A.
Bteekbridge. cana^ ci^.demfale «*, *,70
eHamaat la that Tillage, but M far no,
eaabaa been able to reaemaer any.SKl
erlma armysterloua diaappearane* in
Warlelalt, which would
.la Ue
Are sold on a po.sitivc guarantee, backed 1>r all
the resourcisof the Kimball Co.* Vou take no chance
of loss in dealing with us. More than seven hund
red families in this region-own a Kimball. Any of
Without a good flttirg rnd substautial
pair of........
This brand we carry in siz-s from 31
waist to 48, and from 30 to 36 inch legHore good workingmen's g-oods here than
you eeer saw i" aoy one place before.
We buy only best brands.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
these people will tdl you tbe goods are right,
us 6gure with you.
Easy terms.
Et'erything in sheet music aod musical goods.
T^^W^aera. Tbe Wart. Waller A.
Pc aelope'a Program. Kate
» <* ft^be. Mualey J.
praaanoa of Ua boaaa where Uey were '.,73 Baa'Lynne. Mra Brary Wood,
|;t7* TheMsater. 1 /.ngnlll.
A eoU wattoatadon a farm a«ar:^i'^X^bPdrea ot Ue Gbetw, 1. X
MarteWeUat-a. Prtfrcly formed te 1 ,,70
aeery stay aseepUng u«t it bad ao'
VoiuJohn" ■
forale^ Tbe ai
d v.n
•abafall aad fallyd
•terted wmOBlyallghMyabowa ^ a
earilng of tba bair and a amall beach j: Dm The Making of Ur Katloo
wa<parMpUble to taa touch. Tbe :
T**" “‘‘’’'IT
Lula fellow waa alter aod gara
doaea of aalag haagry. bai aa Ueee ' Jiss Oalrt^^Yaaer Vol l.
waa ao way to lead It ageept by baad. *IM Galotb Fraace. Vol t.
it waa kQied.
(telot|B Praaoa. VoL I
Tba Zadaad Brick oomgaBy.eoadae«
awdk Gv^aws
K Worten
Is Not Well EquippBd
Oo«»d hardwood in stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edglogs.
Don't c. . rlnok thisih^e—w arc abowing all tlie new
the ki json. Our J2.5i| shoe can’t be l«at (or styfe
' ‘' we-.r
118 Front Street
I KOBin&i} KBOOBD, FBIOAT, MAT 6. 1890.
to »<>
■«i«ew4 bjr Uie »Ut« of KmMcWt
Cbtekunso Pk'k ^ d«ll«»t«S Wed-:
sexUy kfteraoo* with' ImpoeiBr eef«-
4 or
b’ U
ft OoB. C. ft Oo.
: Saturday Morning
1 10
^ tMahe rrporta abow bnndrrd* of Urd|Wf A.
tbo—Gde of dolUn daokarc by
imlri* flrM to nrioH
of booita .
. ^
Dako« i« SMbora eooiity
dooeo Unoera Idat cMfjtblor- Proio
bo* oli.................... .^.
Joroold cooBtf eomea a like aiorf.; Foiatoea.per bo...........................
SmU of Arnoor » Uira aomber of 18aU per ...........................................
The Erd Piano & Harp Manufacturing Co.
I..orih.n. |^;SL‘”............................
■ OF s.A.oiN'A.w, 2uriCE3:ia-A.i>r
aootbero Buflalo ooeoUaej ■vrno sanewmaTi
Morly throe towoabipa ware horsed
Nearly S.OOO heed oflire atoek Wbeot. old. per ho..
arMloev [laiBare Is three two odoo- WheeU sew, per^^
tJao will aoidBOt to Ibooaatsda asd it U
reported that two mes loat tbelr livev
Meor Ooatlewood Mra Bnekeoo waa
homed to death while trjlop to aere
Has Opened a Salesroom in the Brosch Block, 244 Front St.
Traverse City, tiader the management of J. O. Thraaher._______ ______
A full line of magnificent Instfumente manufactured and handled by this company
has been received and piac-d on e^lo—the prices are sensational.
Pianos wsps^ever b3for^ offired in Traverse City at such low figures, and the
terms are so reasenab'.e that there is no excuse for anyb dy to be wlthoutan instru
ment in their home.
Qaeeo Victoria will he at Wiadeor
Story of a Blaea.
GaaUe oti May ««'to eelehrate her
olpbtleth birthday. There will be a
apeeial BorTilBC aerriec la the prisee
oooaorVa maBtoleon at TroysHwe asd
Ipthe erenlsr a auie banquet la Ht. ilave waa made free. Ue eaya:
wife baa been ao balpleaa for Bve y
Oeoiye'e bel.. followed by a perforni- that Bbr could n<A loi
aoee of ‘•Lohescrte*' In the Waterloo alone After naing two botUra '•t
EieclHe Bittora. abe la wonderfully
asd able to do her own
Ifarahaa All. whoB Oeaeral Lord Improved and
vork ■■ Thla enpreme reinrdy tor fe
Kitebenar aeot opoe a aiaion to Itam- male diaeaara quickly enrea oervon-haa'a oa< 1 *, ise aoluo of Dtrfoor. haa araa. aleepleaBotaa.
tea. mrUneboly.
D»ltneboly. b«ad>. taioUng and diacy
retoraad to Oairo. Ibrabain All found
raele working medicine
»l1a TbI* tn’raele
wpooreachlsf Darfoer. tkathbooele
la a godteod V all weak, atckly.
badbersdetbroaedbyAUDisaB. The down oeopV
latter, os the appearasee of Ibrabam teed. OalySnceotB.
All. toroed out with hla troope and ft Wait. Dmggtote.
rooted the ceoert of (iaseral Lord
Kilebesrr'a envoy, suaberln^ ISO. of
BfTS/trXSia 0AHD8.
vtboB IM were kiUed.
Ufbtnlnc airoek Hadle Toale.' a
ikOWM. Awevirati «r' t)
>H>eOOT ••
Bevelas firl II yeara old. of New York
CHty. the bolt beisf attracted by
the siMl rod from bar ombralla.
vk roapeey. Harr a i>ttll<
aaioatlae at the boepital dtacloeed
Utalradiatisr dow.ward Iroa the op
per part of the braaatwerehalfadoass
<ly»duM'ot t.’n1»»i
Biarka erered la the ekla. while around
■a'atmToaatl'- each ibirh and exteadinp to the knee
were e acrlee of rtnfa. Boond aaek
wrUL and net oallke a braoelet. Uttourd In tbe ehin. were two rinya. Her
«lotblB( waa UBtoachcd. Tbe r^r OglB^adftab bb^a. ’Pbeea. teem and of
auffere DO pain. dkawUldla.
Word baa been reoelved at Cape Town
that a caravan under eoBBand of two
•r\R. A. u noLUDAV. a»»«i
Buropeatu waa reeenUy atiacked m
.-aaBiac 'Paas
U I-Blraraltr UBra Id ' un-#l
the beadquerteraof tbe Bovoma river, aa. oBce lot. rMdOewD* IM.
«aat of Labe Nyaaea. the ulbeemen riILBEET a OATW, AMcruvra. I
KX woUeu to Probew pra------kUUat M portere and captorinf all the ia.M*r<-aotnr CV> Mork.
BMda Che Buruptsana reached Cbickla
^t after wanderlny three daya in tbe
Are so well known tb the public that it requires no introduo'lon nor comment-it
is a Michigan production, and has done much to advance the name of Michigan in the
foreign markets. The people of Michigan are proud of the reputation gained by this
inetrument abroad. It is par excellence in tone and action, and in finish it has no equal.
The Erd Plano is made up in all the tanoy woods, and the beauty of its designs
display an exquisite taste and thorough realization ot tbe ideas and demands of the
public of the present day of an ideal piano.
Don't forget that we are selling pianos and harps of our own manufacture, and
you get the benefit of factory prices.
Come one, come all and get the benefit of tbe wonderful low prices now ofiered.
A spscial low price will be made on pianos and orpins a short time for the purpose of
locally introducing our new style of instruments and give the public an opportunity of
purchasing a strictly high grade instrument at a small expense.
The store will be open every evening. Kemember all instruments manufactured
and sold by us are fully warranted for a term of vears against defects, bad material
and workmanship Come and see us and we will do oar best to please you.
•I Dll dowMlc DBlumfs by
Dd bMt Bvibods.
apMtal DiWi
AU Wiaconaln people who have aetl^’
tbetr weddinp between lUy S and Key 10 are goiac to be dlaappoioted. It bae
Jaetbeea diaeovered that usder the
■ew law oo marrlayee can be foraed la
that etate darlof that period, and bon
dreda of wcddlnga will have to be poet- 0« BMMMdC
pooed ItcooMa about in ibla way:
Wlaooaa:o. up to thla Ume. baa been a
great atatr fur elopen, aa no narrlaga
Ueenaea are required. Tbe legblatore rtlkAlNKD MCMB-Mlw BmdIIs BnlMab.
peaed a law which goee Into effect 1 gVDdDUfol
McDllD tar auialBg.
today. It provldea that e lleeaae a net Arbor. wUIim If
he Uken out five daya before tbe weddine. •Bd
M Uoenaee can be aecured
before May S no aarrlagca ean be pergTKk VeU^ Jrr~-r cow. Mark aa^hM.
gorvnrd until May 10
The ebnsga of
oa la Cara's Ifcrri barn, app^ic Psrb P.scc
Uwbnaeanaed noeadof
bowl Thcawocrcaa rsrovroby pravlorpmp.
rriy aeo payteg .-aargr.
________ *l-if
in the atrriage boaioeB.
About two oKleaaeutbeaat of Bonth
BethUbeB. I’a.. oa topof --Uezaknpr
aa laolatcd aad barrea peak of the Le-
brosch: bloor:
2-44 Fi?oii.-b S-txree-t
SteinberK’s Grand
Opera House.......
Mr. Porter J. White
SI.000 forfeitetf
gtvra of POBM la tbir clly.
BaM Of ■caiaaav ao ml tbobaa <ak« - !'■ Iw«
-Tbe Ule and
at* af Adwtral D wey.‘' tbe .
aaral ber«. By Mormt Bal.;
.. frOrad »e
aalWetdal. Btggael aad baat
r«' ^(iaor
aagea azNIaebeai aeariy 101 |
IniteiraUaaa; •aalaco.an O
Ma< Sere
Oatfii f.^
Hemlock Bark
Hirbeat o
rater abipn
Bark peelera waaled at eooa
Rooa n- H ft L Co. block.
B. W. CrKsiveiuii. Aft.
Eeitforaala. Leave ordsn at Mor-
weight *ia»
wagma. U
Ah! This
Is Luxurious!
A COZY room, ^d cigftm
and trlonda or a book—ab,
that is luzarloos.
11 will pay til'- full niKrkel price. I will B»'«‘ one rent a pomind more
tbnii any ouUid*- travflii.i; man t an pay you
Caab up. Pl«lease call
for vour own iH-nr-lit. 1 must have the Wool.
mud ZNAHEhlNa
I eao Rive yon the beat to be bad. Better (aciliUca to
turf out work: better tnechaolea to do tbe work; bet
ter price* than anywhere elie.
Praeticftf Bicycle Builder
and Bepairer.
IWHlIer Bod
w.U hara bk a« •» arcr Gaor . Bakery.
tiUMay lab.
(BeDrsfi to 11. 1 u «:Sn I
when he vlU be ware ««a<raUy laraied
Pruvitlent Life
and Trust Company
of PBMadetphia.
aadawmeat pnlK-tee a epMlalif.
'Telle fat teraa
Imevi T. Pennington. District Agt
Trarvrw CUy.Mtekleaa.
Sewral twiilnfine.
iipeeleify to Ledlea’ Bhirt Walete aad flaa All work af
rkealledfae asd dellreead aaywaere la
be elly Ualia.
Mew Pbaa* IN.
Lanadey at fid Boat Eighth atreeC
late la the wa
II eaab. taqal
r aad Sac pvepany
Tvlephone 130___________________ a «rrbcw
TB/. - — _---------siankr in Hicfalrao. A box of thiw
•bather you believe la five eeni
rooda or Doi will convioee vou that
thla elrar U the ewceUsl and beat you
have yet eej lyed
ma «ALS-« lall erMlagc. goad aleed at.
f pleau af at Ac, bael aa-t of rfu. eloee to
A torgala far paru wleb-
L Nafine conttacied wiih • Bos-
if foroish—
200,000 Pounds of Wool
Miss Olga Verne.
k ui drtMiUe Sbck.
BB« my new
Taa Ban Salve ta aba vrerld tor
Bratoaa, Soraa. Olaara. Salt F“to»*^lWe.T*»
____ Bratoaa,
casi at Park Piaee ladiea
iroa. Tati
Eftaaak. Favar Soraa.
carap. tfrataUAt
Haada, Obltblalaa. Coroa.
^~uprre waiimO-rtt
Oct 1 Tralaa leave Traverae CUy O'VO
4;W , u lakea —
at aaaa. E J M
^■.arriveatMaa!a'.aell;00a.»..- ,
_____ boewn.
tor* leave MaatoW»J:« ». u. arrive |P®»
barSTM aad
a, Hwey Aquire of L. e. Aadrua,
ml Traverae Cltj
oatfarc_____ d krip b.........................
B0t to eseeed II 00
Escaraioae (>«« I noa e.LX-Caakar laalaUwea
tSatotoeacaltor«.uH«ad*y._ _ ,
If BO. lliib la Uir place to tfrt il don.' rij;Lt aud protrptly
Enamoling and Iralb** Turnintf of ^1 kitida Call in and
iuc of «li>H-l«
A Kood line of wbecia to it-ut
I iuf
blghaonstaloe, inaeaall vine cover•detoDO but. Uvea Jobo Vaoderbllt. STy ?"?
a deaeeodeat of old Commodure
CompVle new aeeavry by W. L Sea
VaadarbUt. rf
New York city.
vfT of .New York- The Boat eoBpletv
The oelgbbora rvparl that Vander
vlacltlca! oul6l rvrr earvlvd bv a irart*oa rl'La-O-iradr I r laprvrrd TrarrrM dling cuapaay, apt-eiallv daairaed ab<l
bilt to very wealthy: that be baa ioaa
ooeatruclcd by Ihi- Bdiaon Bieetrical
ed Boaey to Betblebea partiea by the Mirh . alib awall boBar aad Bara, «e act** tlaibooaaada. and that be owoa eztenaive hrr aad iw.rr.ral cold ayrlara '
Ill lur a twoi prad
propertlee in Bound Brook and New afiordlag a graaf u|
liBM lack bai lia
«l IWU.
Bruaewick. N. J. Ue reeeivra mall at ratvroc CUy, Mlrb.
oaepoaloffioeandeeudabto BaU frMa
Eiacirle sura,”
aaoiberomoaacTergoiag during day••The Elactrto Flo'
UBe, bu-.alwayaat night, aud tbaa
-Thr BleeUlc Moralor 01
.pply le Nn. O. J
I oc b'aeu-ic
B'aelrle ^ccaiacr.
aet oalag the pullic highway. FagoU
Blaetrie Clrcla of Fire."
.Catberud la the wooda teed bU Are. aad
•Hie BIwtric Ukull.*'
cruel to bta pHndpal food Tbe furni (arm call aa aa Aliya, rrtaartea Block.'^r- 1 «*«“»«•
with Elbctrlc Owla. Saakca
ture Is hla bat to priaitiva Bl acka of
aod maov ouiar Weird aad Drama«ood aaffi. tor eaalr. aad a few
Ue Bffacu
boatda (or hla alaepiar buak
f^tl M tl *tCUk Ttn-l;Nt tqUR M
^ ^^1IMI* a( haruliare to aakeown.
Zaaday Exemiosa to ■aalataa.
TaeM.^ki^B ^B. Co. will ms
Is Your
In Need of Repairs?
r-i One NiftM Only
WAMTKD^ ;:t|Mir»DWdla^w.
to five parfaet aatiafaeiion or mouy
rafandaft Prioe »t eesU per bo*. For
bv J 00. JohBtoo
Johatoo aad 8. B W^t
.a by
311 Front Street
Telephuue 192
The Society Eienrof ihe Season
mou. Fk»f®*'°Jl;K.iDR.SPI«MEI tf'SKiSriSTTS-
■*w one-. H-rkb.m Biock.
John R. Santo,
Werebart Slook.
Telepboae Ko. tl
Call PM up
lit OlitoB SL
Fordidden welka aad eraeala(* are a
bad thlDR to ride oa -but a poor Job of
repairloR beaU them all. Now, if you
I waat tbe very beet work la BrasloR,
^ VoleaniriuR. or repalrlnf of any klad.
jbriacyoor wark to ill Ualoe eireet,
near Froot, aad you wlU Ret juet what
I yon waat. I have tbe very beet work' aea that moaey can c«t aad aa able
I to eatlefy aay and all ooaen All work
Rtieranteed to be right, ead if aot, we
sake It eo at
III L'alaaStrMt.
Traverae nirr. ■
Trout Bait.
Preeh Minnow Bait for troot
fiahtng can l>e proenred at 818
Ever Burned Oat/
•tap»rm HaeAitAmr Md LawtM OtUl
Z>rifl«C tka B«»al» »•««« Th«»••varU V.OTW AattlM Vi«Kbt Vilb
•llgkt IM *0 A»art«»*-lAr|ea
AttMtltlM of
4—Tb« wr ifmnawt hM «M*
tho folloolaf
diiVOteh froB OomtoI Otta. ri*l*V Ux
•iUoUco •• It to VOdv U th* PhUIOptooo
-•Geaoral Lawtoo holds BaHu^.
TbWI«*r-Ko 681
Ho Bort for tho PWUppino
InsurroBU Tot.
tiirutAri nm
Ou iMte Op«B0d fcr eoiUoam
TooMrAar with •
PropoMd BIU to Limit the
.Ooraoffo. Ceto. Mfty 4—Muir P*»^
MM who lor mM7 do/* hovo hoM
m tho SosoU Ovor. tho
boldlar plaeoo to Uno at tho load o« o
^uDtr—Bonoo Oaai
ehwfad Uolr mtado todar
the rttoh lor loeatkoM is tho Uto land, 4 nlttoa Baa Aakod for Aathority to
ivhteb woroopesod (» aotU*neBt at
.Bake a ThoroHah ZaeoatiKatioo of
aoM bj praelamaiioB o( tho proaldeBt.
Induatrial School for OirM.
Sooem of men "ho ha«« beoa boldiar
plaoi* la th* Hoe ooJd oot half ao boor ’•i—'*'
before the ipoBler. »S0 brlac the pro- i Lxoala*, May 4.-The eoanaittM oa
ealUar prioe. It I4 oaUaiaUd that flaborio, -tbU mornlaf deeldad to re1.000 Usd aeekere ]3<ood the mah. The, Port adraraly eo A. O. Bnlth’a bill to
mea aeatUred aloaf the Ooler^ aad j allow - rakaoia of troat to acll for the
New Mesioo Haro for forty mllea.maay ' uarket t-at of their prirate poada a>l
,B« of rapid traaslk
| the year aroead. ;,Tbe oame.eoaitBUtee
decided to brlay la a aew bill rclatiar
EXQUISITEA Curtain moanted on •
cheap roller is very unsatis
factory—a'ways KeltinR "out
of whack.”
We use the
Hartshorn rollers—costs uS
a little more, bnt they work
smooth aod even-last a life
We make and hang
all sizes and colors of
Made -of bandaoiue Silka—
We Put 01 Sale Tofay Ist First Time-
Gint;liaEDfl— Madru—^Pii]uea
—Lawns. rU\
.... ..3.» .b.,1
than OBc dear daring tba
Yi'Q eannot afford to buy
aaosoB aad that each pocaos abipaorU aad aonhwoot eaptarla» a larva j
inferior Kooda wlien such val
plag a dear moat make aa afBdarlt
auoaat of food aad aopplloa Bo baa ,
thdt be baa kilted the dear bim elf.
ues are here—
hla dotaebmeau to the aorth aod {
> Searbart Thraat a Booked banator Atwood argnod tbU for tba
aaatward. 8u aaoooufal moeemaat
Uttar prorielon aaylng that in crery
Wiro la Bia Boath aad a
waa attoadod with yreat d.B.iilty bebeating party ara 00a or two men who
Moao of tho ebaraeter of Ue aooatry.
Doctor Batraooted tv
kill all tbs daer sad at prasaat tbare Is
ralB aad bcav Ho oow eoeera oar
So HtUe eacltODOBt was created ootblog to prerent these one or two
aboat^o'eloek oa Froat atraet last from klllUfe ao nDlinsited number of
aappHodfrom Maloioa.
aicbt whea a little boy came dowa tho dear and allowing tbelr eompsaioas to
••Oaaoral MaehrtbDr'B oolomo was otnet with the wire baii of a
shield them under tbelr own oonpons
.P |U
,..np.ll. k.lt -.J a... PI. Uiraii SB tbelr own kill.
„a ,1,. o.b„ h.11 ppolnpllv I~1
The JodleUry-eemmlltee dUenennd
1 a sharp raaUUaoa. The
the matter of striktng ont the faeo of
htaimuUiy wUl pntbably leaee the railroad
Little OeorvioBrerban whose hone the clerk of tbe bupfame court aad
aad retire la a aortheaatorly dlracUoa iota Oak Beirbta. was playlaf with
paying a oalary to that'. oBcUl
to tho aorth of Lawtoo. Tbo deatrac- the beadle of a pail, and hearlac
tUy deeldad to ask the
tkm of tho railroad near CalmapU ae- one ealliar him be pot tbe ball ia bU olerk to appear before ^bem next ToeeMMiUUa the dopoadeoeo oa wafoa mouth aad eUrted to run. He swal
traaoportatioa. The eaomy to the lowed the bod of the wire, which waa
Heet sugar wsa tbe UuuMUf eootenaonth aad east of Maoila Bambor B.OOO. beat like a Ash book, aod was nearly
Uoo before the eommittea oa aUie sfThey areoppraed by a aafU steal force atraacled.
faira tbU moralBg.
Gerret J DlkaadorOroDiblDoasd Hall. Tbe rebel
HU eriea attracted atteatioB and
demeoatratloaa tboa far bare beeo when hla ouiUer fonad him half the ema sad RepreaeBtatire Dudley appit^ly met by tbme ofHsore wlU leayth of the ball, np to the woodoa peered aod urged the pssesge of tbe
house bill approprUtiag ftno.ouo dur
alicbtlomeo Many requeoU haee bees handle nptn It, waa down bie throat
nceleed from ouUyln* cities for pro- .Aimoai panic alrieken, Mra Erer- ing tb-'hext two years for bounty. Mr.
Dlkems'^nrgad that there were bo
loetion arainit the laatirreai troope.
hart rushed Into the bonae, proeored a
■'Colonel dammera. with abi taatal- baby eab aad bronybt the liiUe fellow large sloekholders iateresied Id tbe
Ilona of the Orefon. Dakota and Third dowa town. Dr. WUh«l<n estraeted fa*.iory la which be wsa moat Interest
ed. that m Mt of the stock was held by
Infantry and apices of the Utah IlCbtjg,,
pliytblor wlttaoatdlfBartillery of General LawtoaU dir aloa ^
AlUonyb oaly ai* yaara of a»e. poorer people, hence tbe money went
prooeedod north tbUmarnlae to
Oeoryie haa lota of yriV Betook to help the po r people of Michigan
•Md. eroaaed the rirer, ebaryad
| .o dm* of any kind for the opemtloa. and U kept at home.
SenstoT lUkmiee went after Bepre- enemy In atroBK enuencbmenia.
$1.00 a Month
lac iknm northward and lnfliotia« eon-1
oporaUoo the boy aald he sentattre Dudley tbe author of the bill
alderable l»aa. Oor caanalltlm were
jf h bad not been for the ban- prorldlag for o beet oogar bounty. Ue
1 wilt supply fine lee Por tbe 1
die on the wire all of it would hare mid;
"Last year the factory at Bay City
-Both Wneaton and Hale of Oeaeral gone down, aad then they woolda't
made sugar eooogb to make the bounty
MaoArtbar'a dirlaloa. fonad tbe enemy bare bad to poll It np
oometoorer $10,000. Now there are
la foroe stroofly eouenehed. comTho mother bad tried U poll Ike
maadad by Commander-ln-Cb ef Lnna wire from tbe bor'a throat aad In 00 eight fseiorica. Some of them are big
abootfookianeaeoatbof baa Eeraad- doing the book oa the ead of It waa ger than yunr Ray City factory tbalj
Ao. Bale, on tbe riebt. dUledced tbe ibmat throngb tbe palaU- Dr. WU- will make it necessary to take orrr,
aaemy; Wtaaatoa. oa the left, laadinf belm euceeed In extracting it witboot $400,000 out of tbe general fond. Yon i
Uipmoo.made a brilliantieharre.koat- other woonda than a laceration of the are giving tbe people tbe Impression |
aeriaf the rebel foreaa aad iaflieUac throat aod paUte. which will noon tbat $500,000 a year will sbo^t cover it
great pnaUhmaaV
Bereral ofioera heal He was MUted la tbe opera by epeoiBying tbstsmooDt in your cUt
Now why don’t you come oot and msko
aad men were aarlonaly wonaded.
tion by William Brigbthrall of Grand
“General MacArtbor prooeeda te San Bsplda. who waa preaant when Ua your bill call lor o delolte amoont.
large enoogb to cover the whole
reraaado la the morning. Ha U delay- doctor w» aommoaed.
bounty? Wty don't you be hoaeol wiih
ad by the partial daetraetion of n
tbe people and let them know wbst;
bridge aorem the rirer. It U aot bethey ara paying for?
Uared that Ue aaemy wUl make an
RepraeeDUUve Dudley mid it gas
other determined atand nntll ha effeeu
BodAns of OrenviUs Alcaaader and Impoasible to eeUmate tbe enact
a retreat to Mount Arayat. a abort dla_^
Frank B. FuUer VUl be Sept
amount that will be needed and Ust a
taaea from Spn laldro."
crop would bring the b>unty
Manila. May t -U laaral MaeArthnr
haa oarrlnd Saalo Tomaa. aftu eooonnTbacp baa beea another ehaago la close to the approprlsGon.
taring atroag reaUtanee.
tbe plana of tbe goverement regarding I Senator
—w BUkealee then wanted to
iy would
Oeaeral Hale mored oa tbe enemy's the dlapMltlon of the bodlre of eoldlers < know U B
Made by Michigan Telephone Co.
right and Wkeatoa attacked tbe left la who died la Gabs. Tbe transport atand for a claam in tbe bill miking
tor any clam of aerviee desired.
bonnty anil if tbe factories of
a daring ebarga. la whieb Ooloael Crook brought n large number to New
Faaetoo again dUtlagniahed blmaelt. York a ebort time ago. In charge of Michigan went into a troat.
"lint the sugar treat is opposed to
Ike gallant Aaataa colonel wm Ckpv C. B Kipliager and Utey were
at end of six months or change
wonaded la tbe hand, bereral otbar taken to Arliagioa eemciery. aeer paylhg a bounty on beet angar," de
to any class of aerviee at will.
Waritiagtron. It was at drat intended clared Dudley.
Teleobone tbe manager to call
Ool. Snmmem with a perfof tbe Ore- u> chip all bodies to thair rmpecl've | ‘ T'** «•“«
and-explain aew ratee adopted by
___ _ J .11____________ _ _________ ■-----------_ _ .4
■ '
«-n-a " —
aod Minnesota regiments and n homes
but this plan bae beeo ebeaged a beet auger trust." res
gnu of tbe Utah battery Vtok Moaaim J W HaBDea reeeived a telegram yca"There te no beet eager troat,” equiv«a the right, rmUng tour miles from tsrfrom Captain Eiollager, aanonne- San Fcimaada
iag that the bedim of Fraek M. Foller oeated Dudley.
"1 see one baa been formed, " waa
Tbe K.llpiaoa are retreeUng teerard and Grenville Alexander would be
SaoUldro aad It te expected that they kept at Arlington nnUI tall. Inete^d of Blakealee'a reply.
"Tbeatory U spread by the promot
wUl make e eland at AmyaV where tba being shipped boom, aoeordlag to tbe
of the eaee sugar troat,“ aald Dudwhole rebel ferom ia tbe previaee of
; aaaonneed e few deyn
Pampaagn are enooeaUaUag.
Dadley fioaly admitted tbat than
There are reports that Impremid by
might hare been a beet eogar troat
reoeat eveaU lbs Filipinos are waver
formed in New Jersey bnt aald be did
ing la tbelr ellegtaaoe to tbe laaarreenot know. He wonld aot agree to a
tloB. aad aie likely to aaxnme a aeatral Oa Aaeonat of Unportaat Matte:
Our Soda Fountain « now'
cUnae waiving tbe bounty ia eaee tba
attitude. 11 seems ea though Oeaeral
Frmtdeat Bay Call Ooagreoe
open for theaemaon of 1899, We'
Mtehtgan factories enter a trwt.
Lnna’a forem are dmilaed to deetrae-Togetbei.
Senator Graham being abeeat 4ke aim to make onr aoda perfect in |
tloa wUhIn n few dayn aalam they sarWaahlagton, May 4.—Ikare la
smmiUee daetded to lake 'no mUob
every reapect. Our cfacH-olate iaj
naUl he reUroa.
bars of eonrrma that the president will
call an extra aamlan of eoagrem. probTba bonae committee oa the Indna- the beat to be obtained.
trlal Home for GirU bee asked for an- ioe cream ia the famoua Williams’
FaU of SU leehce Bceorded Da lag ably early la Oetober.
tbe mater.
Uueatloaa growing ont of ow newly thority to make a tborongb laveattaaPetoakey Cream. Oor aympa are
Cbieago, May 4. -With tbe lake elmr ,
»»d general legte- tion of the charge of
•f tee.'.bmrratioaa show that that* ^ ; latere, laelodlag oarreeey reform, Niember from tbe^
of Mr. Howell, tbe
BOW about e’x inebra leas water thu
Everything neat, clean,'
' that the Adrian dteirlet. tte reacdniloa wnajjuioee.
daring tbe larger tmrt of laat
preaident te Inclined to r^ard it ad- Ubiad.
aad tbat aatoeat of draft m
and cold.
takaaoft tbe abl» eemlag down tbe vteable tbet oongrem meet earlier tbaa
gndga Baxwall Fwamteat.
CbleMgo river over Ue teaaels Of Deeember.
Bay City, May 4—Judge Maxwell
The reUremeat of Speaker Reed, too,
ooaree there are verlatloaa from day to
able del j ^
^ Snprenne eonrt deday, aeoordiag to tbe dlraeUoa of the will BW^ly
« boom
of Miehael I^-elgel.
boom !
wlad. bat tbe avmwge ia about ala lay ia jlb* appolatmaat of 4he
tbe ex ooenty trmenrer. dom not anlaebmlaaa.
e Betgel to retain four per ee$u
Dtepetobes from vartoaa polata from
Womaa-a H m» aad Foralgn ooUceUoa fern la eaueu el redempUon
'Dalnib to Detroit report tbat the lake
laveU have tellea about the aame aa la MteJUnary Society e( tbe Bepvtet of taxua. Be te goiag for Beigel and
Lake Mlebtgea. '
Church will meet la tbe eherch perloee Frybeaki. tba former treeearer, to rw
Haturdey afieroooa «
Le«ve jruur orders (or All kinds
Beltforeale. LeoveordsM at Bor- -wUl be glvea of the e
gaab hara or M $U dtata aWoeV ly bald ie Graad ^Bsplda. AU ladieaj Mtes Ltllau Gjre te alowlyreeoverlag of Trout Bait at Momn'a Bam or
areeartlally invited to atipad.
| fiom a long aalge of
1333 Btate Street.
4-Quart 9vat"2Tdi^“'‘'"^J?ia®^proi.i............... I Oq
to $12.50 each
of Hats anil Caps
Kor Men., 3>>vh, ilivlia. utuj Inrciiitt*.
UX; »> $3 00. Mild ,.ti i.>i-ioew betwe-en.
Never upeadu dollar for elotblag or furolablaga betorn on a lag
exclusive mon’v oal&uera in Truveree—tbe people who study tbe
tbe people wbu devote their entire time to "men't drem*'—they
Wilhelm Bros.
H;:.... S. BENDA & CO. ti.’SK?
C. W. Merrill t Co.
City book Store,
Ten Tear Contracts
1 Michigac Telephone Co..
... NOTICF...
Trout Bait
For Sale —
Comer Union and State Streets.
: AN...............................
Glove Sale
Subscribers May Cancel
Call and examine j;ouds.
I know you will find prices j-ight.
Our Hlofk of ladies' kid gloi-ee ifoDBiste of many different
makee. We have iujudieiously punliaeepi in thla department
wilhout etuilyiug the waute of our patruus. hence a (.-ongloiuHration of odds and euda, which taken together amouuta to many
dozens, which we place ou aale thia morniDp;.
Henceforth we will resort to one liie* of tl-00, $1.85 and
$1 AO ladies' line kill gloves, on which we will keep up sizea and
oolore throughout tbe seaaeu.
Tbe accumulation must go regardlena of coet—the pricea
we place ou them today will poaitively clean them out in the
aborteat space of lime of any sale ever inaugurated by any con*
cern in tbe city.
5 dozen Lidies’ White Washable Chamois Gloves
—just the thing for bouse work—this spec- OCm
iallper pair.......................................................... ZvC
Extra long Dress Chamois Gloves, 'regular$1.00 values—this special per pair................. DvC
Elbow length fine Imported Dress Gloves, regular
$1.50 and $1.75 value, special for today per
In this sale w< include our best Dress Mo- A I A A
cha Gloves, $1.50 values, for, per pair .... ^ | «Uy
Our regular extra value $1.C‘0 Mocha Glove 7ft-|
An accumulation of l'» dozen Ladies' and Misses Bi
cycle and Dress Kid Gloves, was 75c and$1.00 Cft—to close at.............
Ao accumulation of regular lines $1.00 Dresscd Kid Gloves, about IS dozen in all to close at 09||
'xhls.sale 1$ more tban^ordinary—it will pay
you well to Inwestigeta
The Boston Store,
Front Street
) 9W» MommtmB mMOOiUi.
AMMVAL xurnre.
(Wfe B. MeLaUaa. Bert aad Art
riaeto raMTMd leat airhl from two Blrcuoa ef CAerre aad Slrtctor*
ptrnt Meaiaha at Maalla.
Tiaeoca.- M^lroad Uodam'troat Aihlaf la Btardmaa rtr«r
MV TMMvwa <r nu
Whw laioreBtlaf LeMemBaaa
Theaaaaal Bcetlaf
the otoekBdlaer. They had food laek
AMoared U the Meoeod.
a^ tether broBf\t back aboot holdemof tbeTiaverae City Bellrood
held to the < Mm of Boa. Perry
2trty pooBdo. Art. however, made
la ibo dtopaiAm i
9am- T. BAt« ASP i. -W. BA««nBaaoah. yeaterday Bornlaf.
thpprleecatoh.eaptuiiBf a bif
whlehareaaardthe '
Tbe tnllowlcf dirretom were elrcMd
battle of Aprti t»jh. tbe aeme of Cbar- ^w treat weifbiar three penade
f. W. Bawcs. 1
for tbrcxBiof year: Pmrtf Heakab.
Im L TboBpOM to rirea. aa harlaf aldaitbia. beeaarbt aose fl
of lb* epeckled varl ly.
TboBae T. Betee. D C Lsaeb. W.. B.
beam tUfhUy woeodal U tbc lof. Pri•riy arteen poaade. C MIteban. W. O. UoybarL After the
rate Tbompaoe to a auld or of Oowpaay
OeoTf* Cham. Clead* Vaadervore Btetiof of atoekholdera. tbe board of
tbara^ae beea eoBC arror, wbieh to aad Verlto Tbomaa Aehed ymtrrday in direetore met aad rieeled the f ..'low!
- 5J“
They do not my offieeri; T. T- Belea. prcaldeai ; B R ■
aallb^y. tbe woaadcd Baa Baatloaed Milebell'a creek.
Metbeaey, aecmtaiy: W. B fibeJby.
CMt'OtBTt U1M. to a brother of Dr I. A. Thoapooe of how Boay they caafbt.
ElflB Lewie aad Praak Klof
ihtoeliy.aad tbe oo* whoae leltere
have proved of aoeh iatomat la Ue Uraed laet aifbt fraB Beltoer, wkrre
Lookiny for a Swlea Wheal.
Tboy're atur
Baroaa froa Uote to tliaa. Private they went attar treat.
Harry Perrin, aa eBpVye in 4be
TbMpaoo'e eoBpaay haa haaa rffb> tbra yet.
yroeery departBcatof .tbe Mcrraaitle
Ueerf* Beware aad Prrd Byf11 eprsi CoBpaay'e etorn, I* now loohiafi for bto
at tba tromt for aoveral Bootba aad la
tbetblekmtofthaAfbt. Ba bae mo.v yeaterday Aebiaf oa thr Bcardaea b
blcyeie, wbicb waa etoiea Widareday
— .1—« OlM* ■
frtehda la Hiehifaa who will be friev their eateh wae aol tbc laffeet oi ib> Bif-bt froB tba weet aide of 8. B. Walt'*
•d to hear that he hoe beea wouaded.
dray etore between B o'clock an «:3<l
r la Ckl- batfratlfled that he bae aaflered ■
It to a new BaBbler bicycle aad
^ <Uy «r> Mtf OMKod tu la
Mrlooe iajeiy.
Barry bae bad it oely aboat three
Mofeim-ra l^ol to lAa otfMre. FraecU Snow of Harbor Sprlara weeJta. Be olfere a reward for ito -reitum Md lu «M»M lo the Pbkltara aad other latemetcd partie* are
to vieitlQf her daaybier Mra. H
wt Hug to give a larye reward fur tbr
Al the BceUrv tcferred to
ABOof the larfe treat eatohee of the Oarser.
eoavietioBof the thief.
> orbleh h»*e a
r. 8. Birdcall of PowUrv lie. to rtoltweek to oac of alaaty-Ava kroofht ia
tmitaej to laeiu tbc aoldlm to dU
fir 7. W. SauUttt
by Bay Walv
rotwA th^ daiy eod coleaUtod
Hr Hlrdcall. wbme beallb to poor, b^
Moved froB over Oeai*' Bakery 1
J. o. Jeaeoa A Oo have l^it eold
Mk'vp a otoTeneet to haoiiwr the
117 Com etreet oppokllr enyir><' b'm«i
eoBe bare boplnf to be benratted by
»Bd hie eaWMt la their their dae.brod horae Mack to Boo.
tbe ebaare
Work la the PhlU^ee.
A {iroteet W dBlib.
Mra. A. U Holliday left yeaterday
Ttaa recttlar oiaeUnf of tb# Oratral Boralaf for Oraad Rvplda.
hM Ihomiore befo oaiered elforoueJy
M« • Mhte •oetiBg of patrtoOe elii- W. C. T. I', will be held Im tbe parlore
Tboe. 8hane(wa* la 8aitoae Bay yeeCMh hoe hoea eoUed for haadejr alrht of tbe Plmt M B. eharoh thto aftri- terday.
at S:>o o'etoek. Kveryooe to Ic
to rahake the •Btt*expaaeloalete for
Mra. M. B. Harrto left fyreterday for
tholraoarae The eooree of thoee who viied to a toad.
Pitubaif. to vtolt her atoter. who to
oasdaetodthem-eUotrU blflr objeeilfOBcat of twraty'fre White very elek.
ttoMble ard le*de oa’r to anioet esd mwiaf Beekiare hae 1 >et bee
tor. 41. L. Colby of Brietol. Mieb .bae
Ateehttefoetloa ItalesehrOTeoftroMoo eeired by tba Uaaaab A Ley M.
Boved bare and boofbt property on
8*0«ta here proved that Aroloe'Ao'e UleOb.
Weet Teeth etr^L
MIowere ore attorl/ locapable of
tv. C. Neleoa of Ulaad
Tbe daaee to have beea fiveo thle
aotatolelar e co*eraa>eot for tbeir eveaiaf laC. B K P. 8. hall on
tbe citT yeeterday on ber way boBv
0»B food. The fortoane of
uad et'eet. haa been poetpooed fvr oar froB CopcBltb
apoo thU eouDirp » rmt
Mra-Oeorye Maiaball aad danyfater
•fOMlhlllt; ead iba etateeiaea oad eolTraverae City Thepter No. Ui> R A Mend arrived from Cbarlevola yeetVrdiem who are feBlUer with the eitoe.
ivoeaiioD tbte d«y lo vtoit tbe family of Mr* MvrM..W1U botda refaUr
tioa ore the onee to oat It le atword
tbeli'e deufbler. ftore (>ufl M> Itooeld.
ereaiBf at 7:30 o'elMsk.
to oapooea that a feetloa oapoead to
Williem Hrlyhtbrell of tiraad Rep.
Tbe MercaaUle Oo. yerterday eblp
the odalaletretloa kaow Bore aboot
Ide. formerly buyer for Utnry Hpriog’e
Vtet to bmt for tbe l^iliplaaa ead the prd a Urye eoulfameai of faraitur. dry food* etore. but bow reprceeatiif
UatM Atotae thea the
thr Star Kalttiay Work^to >a the cl y
Mlee Kra Ulreeon of Wfll
ito odrtoore. who bare etadied tbe eoo(i .iBf beelbcB end -v’eHirflvi. ode
4itloae aad are eoaoetooi to a. t for to tbe happy p-oieaior of a aew K imWill F. Jecktoowaat to Orku6 Cepoar hoot letoreeu aad tboae of the dr- bier bicycle pareKeeed in tbto cUv.
laded lehabluau of tbe lelaade 8o">.
Thr tol’.owinf are ridinf ae« b*
H. K (iibbe left yeeterday fdr (iraod
maeUaft ae that in Caicefo aad »ur> cyelce; H Prrria. a RambleriA.P. How lUpidt in tbV intermu of hie bicycle
oeatlBcau ae were ezpreeeod at that ard, a Poe: Cberire Howard, a Wert-r wurke.
ly: W. HcLaBfblia. aUeadrao.
tlBO ahoold be ooodw
M'*« Mary Kilpatrick reioraed iati
lo/al ABerieaa.
Leeter UetBea, fonaerly bell boy at nlytat toiAicra after a ebort vtoit
Park Piaoe. bat lately oar of the eoid
noBTlNo la tbe HbUippiDee etl’I foee ten who eaw eervlee in Porto Rloo. bra
An EpideBic
Wboovlpf 0.'Ufh
tm aad tbe ABerieaa troope are
takra a ptieiiiiin ae clerk in the CoIbb'
tfsaally drlrlag the retta U froB their
tnaehoe aad lato retrsa*. Tbe pea. e
tievlny eeeere
e br Afulaaldo h«re aol
etreet between Weebiaftoa aad Sta r
„,^hinir aprl'e. We bad ute Cbemloowaad ibe eaeriry of tbe Aaerifi
very bad conditlcti. Oo j
fom-h EUmedy very tueoeek
aad the adraaae lou tbe ea'roy'e I o>
If you wish to Ik.' in thi'
breaktoneteeiiop of
!‘«H.v f'>r cr-up end neiura'jy
_______ _______ .
l.l-*til«etu«.-*nb foer.
foerd it
• relieri
wiUoaaiiaae aatll tbe :
ring, ri e either a
eahdaed or aa aaevadltkBal eanvader Boklaf itda^ei
lorbicyciitu and — r.,uo K. Cliff. .d>o...pneto'N<.
i.pneto' Ni.reood
to afraid to.
Id. V
aan./ylaf for p. .ictriat*.
YmATSBW orrr. • momoAi
Bicycle Shoes
Will please you.
Nice ones for
$2,[$2.50, S3.
Our atyleo are very amArt
luokiinf, very romfortable,
Popular Shoe ;House.
Will S. Anderson
.................... ......
I Practical and Up-To-Date fanerar|M^:
318 Union Street.
Boih Phones
: Uo. 43.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
rouiD m BUCK river.
dow of'ieoryr W. Tuomek'fornlturv
etore nt tbe o.raer of S ate and I'olun j
etreet. 1* aiuevtlag ooneiderable at
■fOtonoaa l>«4th of O rl Wife
faoMa Mark* Be^of lareatlfated at
WllllaB Ureen, who wa* arretted by
fort Hnroa.
fiber.ff SlBpaon e few day* acooaa
Port Baroa. Wop 4.—Tbe dead body eaarye of eteaiior a bicycle, wae taken
pf tbe lft-year.old «irl wife of Jeoto* to fibepard yeeierdey by a deputy eherdfarim. a btrbe'. wae foaad la Blaek iS of Imbella oonniy. where be I*
fiaorthleaftomooD. Whether It to a waated.
oam of eal -ide hr BeHer baa not yet
M at Jean'e Heiv
who wae lo-^
feooo deterBleel. Tbe rlrl wee narJored ia a railway aeeldent near Port
rtod a few week* are. Her baebaad'e
HaroB laat fiuBBer. ha* retarand troB
a to 4S. 8h* dletaneared oo Sanday
Hay City, where ebe ba*
Blfbt. Tb« paltoe are inrtat’fatia;.
t Angoet. It to feared - Ooe of tbe finest and eas
that her lalarla* will prove pennaBeat.
8b* will aooD go to Ana Arbor for far iest riding wheels made. It
ther ueatBrni.
Aboat thirty Baaber* of tba E k* IB a beauty and a strictly *<W
•oaorol Vaasfw Thraabar of the Brd
lodge weatta Manlaiaa yeaterday aft
PlaaoQo Wai H«reaataadOp.o
emoon to iaiUaU tea caadldatm into 1‘icycle.
iBf Toaoriow la Bioach Block.
tbe Ijdge at that place.
J. A Thraeber, r*t>etal Barer*' c
Call in and look them over.
Frieada bare of Mr and Mra. A. W.
the Brd Ptaao ead HarpOo. of Barlnaw Paine, form wly of tbto city bat bow of
will hare Me'^toalay of plaao-. orr*a»
Albaoy, have jnat raeeived word itaai
aad harm la the Hroeeb bloek ready Mr. aad Mra Paine arc tbc prond parfor the ofwBlar toBorrow BoralBf. ento of a arven-poaod boy baby.
New Ktore. ISO Front Street.
The wtadow of the evwr U eaKelltobed
with aa etwertive drem>a« while tbe
XdJ tyabla Bnaday Btbool Ooac >rt.
oeatral attraottoo la a baaatifal harp
Mtok Keltae^-a finaday achooi claoa
flatohed la bandaoBe csrty taepl.
erllh tHBBtnra of fold. la tbe etore of tbc ficeoad M. B. ehureh gave da
the-oare 14 elerantlr Aatohrd plaaot caj >yab1e cooeert Wedacoday evening.
foliowing progroB waa rendered:
aad arewral orfaaa Tbe fraed opeB'
Song by the achooi—“Bring Tbes
laf of the alore will take place Umormoralar aad Mr. Thraeber will Ia-~
Only Two Left.
Pnycr~Mr. Banach.
flm the dtopley hie pereoaal attea
Violin fi
Do rou-
Want The
J. W. SLATER rfruk%r
‘W Model, orii
W Moilel. and
Only $40.00
Our success with these
two standard make wheels
is phenomenal. We have
several other makes and if
you are thinking of buying
a wheel, examine ours and
save money.
not the
of pounds
you get! ,
a difference
in the value
of bicycle pounds.
Id tbe RanacKB lacloty ate built wbeeh cd ooe grade only,
ooe qua|.l>, oea pnee----- TUJS BKK^.THK C.HBAPKST.
“for the Best Ramblers ever built"
whid) >9 saying avch. *• Rkwai^a* have sImv* beaa cauidered
“tbr leaders.'' at whatever price.
Tft^nrs AmBCTtTd.
^ Avonn of 40 Paetefoa Daily
•oat Oat Zhtflof Paot Woek.
TiaillBf arbolMkeaforned aeoaeld
4 *Mo porttoa of the Befli folaf froB
thoolty dariof the poat weok. The
pdotoAwi haa aeei wltbla that tlaw
>40 fookafoa, or 40 paekafee dally.
Uoet-caara Btioer and Maud OoBptoo.
Talk on Btoaion work—Rev. Rcuach.
Vtolln fiolo-M'iaa Btbal Miller.
Daet—Mr*. MoCInaky and Rev.
Duet—Clara Ratner aad Maod 0o«p-
fnr aaab, if tak^a qnlek
Hoing ont of bicycle boalace*. Cali ear'.y.
MiB ManaCoBptoB to happy o
Mm Mtobaal Cortaio. Plelafleld. Ill
maemloB of a fine new Bosdt
ber pareata.
ber lunga;^he|P<toeentfi
•aid. which aeliW
b byberfoBilyJ
' irm irvatod fur a muatb
..I grew walk,. He told I
a bop-lra- victim
•a tba work of a dcBoe wit
Ofw MaNamrat Otow BM*
. Be>l' lor
Anyooe who ba* bkd aa
acla'lct# indiBat^ rh ub*Rlfagb New 0>k.'.rt.ry l.rCon»u np*i..
ti'B will agree that the MOiuoo to
•hcV>ar tab 4ue asd u b. r •Ullrht: de
noolac eaoovb
eaoturb h
to warrant tbe befroK •'
the *4n.i1 He
• •
• Bitikd
- -------U •baa Barer been rlalBcd that THattoeB Bsr kkwiyfaa lar abaetaw m*
Pala Bklm wonid eaat
‘ rnracUaa at taett '
lahlu*'a a bwiUeis f.’uad bar-etf aonad out d.-irra' butUwi.i ear* rbeaB*-:
4»d O.I.: IM.W i<k-« n.r own bociae- tiaa.'ad b-indreto bear watiBoay to
wi'in. Abd to a* wall
ti SB aha ever waa tb* t-at' Otthto atateBaot. Ooe
b.al WtUa* 4into
pUaat _
•a raliavm
the aain. and
g-T at the drag storre uf & B Walt ^nlck re'ia' which ft affords to
i A Johaaoo. Large boitlm to worth BaiytioMali. coat- Forr sale prowpdt atlw*ea W.
aaar Akct. Ba;
*w5l rttT«LY-"'
by 8. B. W at dragglat.
; talk DM
A hewing machine is very
neceknary for your summer ^sew
ing. We have them; all kinds,
the "Ditmestic,” the “Eldridge,'’
. the •‘While,’’ the “Queen." We
will especially call your attention
to our
No. 4. Fine, coif
No.4, Siipeifine.oolf 24 00
No. 4. Drop Head, coif 26.0D
Call and see onr line of sewirg
machines before buying.
Al KWaiai A AL. iaptbaU(VaatiMdltatl» od ita ktad tia#Ualot'a rraaoa. V 1 6
foairal of faMte Tap Bard
•salMad M|»**V«k>fBrTa«>ap. V.l 7.
laibaatMa.baaiHM-------------------^Ibefaaaralof JraatePap Dago. Iba
itaparda. Tba yards ara raaali^
• paar-old daarbterot Mr. aad,
• A. >l_l.
.W-J-____ ______ I_______■._!**** '
tba limit •<■
im Ura lb Kl|[lMiv^' a.
Mra. Uw>rpe Dagp waa bald WMaaa-J
and tb* aaipat aaM dap 1« aparard M :iM Ur.wab
lb B
Bapiaad. Vol I.
dv afteraooa from tba boma la F^ra-'i
2m Ur*
urraob B fiand. v.>l 4.
wood. Ba* J A Braadp oMelaiad aad [
»1« tiemaap. MAiaid’A. Vol. 1.
Oharlaa Baw. wbUa «rorhia( oa a XIM UeT»aar. Mri i-ib. Vol *.
««r «r «r
lir wr «t «t V w *
appropriate raraea waiwoaatribaUd bj >
(arm acar Atbaaa, Oaibaas «oaatp, rt Sl»7 Orr^rp, M.Ba.ilb. VO s.
W. H. 8ooU.
Uali ■«> . »S 7M «<•«•. • tera
t mUp. ^atMBMfad arattlMaaba. B.
Maap baadaoma fliiai . flerteca
tnm L«9Mr
WM kU>«4 la
<<lled tba repute bp eattiat rff It
ame 1
wsrareoairM from friaada
NuvaxaMideatatSACiaaw. Haw
taadaboattbrar laeBaaoa-tba bodp.
0 UB'ted St*taa. Bawtboraab. Vol- tbam were a braatifal fl >ral pillow.
MOTlBC lato Ua e)t7 TbaaoiaaaM
td aa S« rvaebad dowa to pet ‘.ba rat
abUA bora bar aama. from tba am^ tAool aklldna Mfhtoaad iW laai
<er from tba tall tbe a***r*d baad
Uali<-d ttiataa, Bawiboraab, Vo1*
••4 tkaoUKMWaaUrairaudarik.
ame s.
apraap forward aad bit kb Bogrr.
tbe MeroaaUIa Comptopb atore,
VteaU. Bia aoo. a yoaar Ma oa Vk>
ttf'i lulp. Abbottb.
Maabtr* aiae eaaca apateat tbe TSOS Mealvi. Preaeoub. Vol. l
where Mr.
la amploped.
MM *Uh kia. waa act U )ai«d. &a
Arbor Ballaap aompaap bare tto* Mealeo. Preaoottb. Vol S
aad eatU lllka aod earaaUoaa from
Mkar aoa U la ike eapUv of ika ta a* taC Ai
braa aoilced tor trial at tbe tena of Wv4 Pern. Preaentt'*, Voi. I.
Compaap M.; a croM of caraaitoBa aad
»S08 Peru. Prcaooltb. Vol b
CIreull enarv Tbrp rapreaaet tbe
amllaa from Mra. Malela Umitb. aad
Mara ihaa Mo aklakaM hara bare
arowd t.f Baplia tolka wbo
Hi>. logeraoll aeat earaaUoM aad
•lolaa araaadiBajraJ Oak tba paat araek
damped off at (teatb rraabiurt la A t*of Inrke*, Cterkb.
I liea A lorelp bonyi-at waa reeeteed
TkalalaairteiralaMra. Hem\rj, wk<
UladlBp aaow aterm at t«0 o'clock
f«.m the Mlawa IVrrp aad elagmat gif to
iMt krr wbola toek Wnlaadap aick>
iha moralap la-t CbrbiBtaa. Tbe partp
earoatioiu aad naaa were raeetvad
Aroaad Uwioa fnilt rrowara ar.
bad tbkela parcbaaad tor rTaak^lrt
from tbe Perawood Banda* aebool aad
faaalrlaf alaral^ r^orU abaataiaad were aot clellrrred at tbeir deaUathe Boata Bide prlma'p aoBool.
lapad daaara telaf dotM ta ptape
Ailoe. Tbe catetjma of tbrae caaaa
Mra J G Loedieg aod arreial olber*
Tlaaa bp ika eutwena. It atarka a>
•Ul be *aiebcd with teterrat.
remrmbeted tbe berearad pareata wHk
•Ifki aad ia tba aaadp ao<l. aad It U
There are few better aad aiora fa<
faarad tkat tba crop wiU ba arrloMlp
abipkaowD atara*befcwa tba pablie dertaklag
At BatUa Craek.
Berrar abot Manp Mew Toiamta Added to tba thy» Mr. Porter J White. Thia br ill-!
ai-^poeng aur'a career -eiteratra
. Clip bibrarp.
hlatall la tba left bnple Wadaaada)
•raaiac la a elffar at</ra. Ba died la
Pullowlap la tbe Hat ot aew booka experieBce of anpreeed-oted anw
eoveriap a period ot almott a «i-iirter : eb>at tkr'wtmderhil aun>'eff wt^’’i'a
hair aa bear. Tba oal/ witaaaa to tbr rreeeUp addad to tbe Clip Llorprp:
Meidaat waa Boaeoa Blbtatd, a clerk i:v» A New B^blbK-a Cradv, W. U
and Dlarrboea
boi aUtSa-d
li tka alora. Be la aaable le ul>
I WAS tokan *.-r* badip with
Be r.oel*ad hla biatrtoeic,
avbathar U U aeeldaotol or a eaaa of ia«) Life, Leurra aad Joaraabot I.. r II.
iH proeured 4 ho'lie ,'f bi> rrm
" Alooti
daeailoa fmiB a auboel of artUta.edr A few dvMO^B of It t ff rted a per•aleide U.-rrer «u alpfal ball bop at
'bo were look aqpB bp tbe The*-, manent re 1 ube pleaserr to restsm•ba WilllaoM boaaa
, meud ag it Ml ntbera
paaBDdUiemrpw'irldaa the g-aad ' "1“ dwa^iVuT’dr*'*?-J*W "tt^T
Abobl two paara apo Joha LiSDcbl. IJiiS (flow aBil Bare. Aig
]S«4 i'“ii tbr Piaiei. Alg
aad oobeai de ianDrs ..f the o*4,*’w*Va“'
tlgetip la aold op |
•f Wwtpballa lowakhlp. boaph: fuar
Victor V*i
'•ur, Alger.
writluga from the Imworlal Soakre > B Wa«.drupg*
paarliep L aeolaablra aheap, paplag I«i6 Adrift IB the Clip. Alger.
paare. Humaa. Kcowira; which were |
•ts aaeb for tbaa That Mr. L Hehl*a iluT tk>u Hurtoa. Aiper
ao other thao Bdwte >'irre«t. Char
Uraaunaat • Aai aprofllaba oac M
IS<« Luke Waltob, Alger,
lotto Caabmaa, Tho*. Keras. ttaolel
OiiiBp>e>ef>iAaoooplea of laieat
ab.rwo b/ tba fact ibat be ba« a'rradp ism btrupgllnp Upward. Alger,
naortmaar. aad oihrm
Wnen b-.i a
ian«ic. :t ernu.
•old aik of taa laerraaa for Alt >-aeh. isii Hkori bima. UreBaer.
->rai or li'atonmeaiai
bop Mr Wfalto reeeived Mainatra-'lloaa,
La.lpaar tue aara abea'r>i eipht««B ISIS Tlw I'oUerHideofTiiaga. LflUao
No cheap lu cent rdhlt
rdhic-n.. b->t
f.mm tbaae uaaiera; iaiar be appeared^
poaada aacb ami Ue backa twratp-Sta
late and pnaolar pte'e*. I r*eoa
I3U KromaUirraPolatof Vtew.Llliiaa witb great ao-rcAk‘.brougbont all the
poaada Cose oa with poar aberp
H.UIn-porlaat cl'* atock compenlf^JneludA4BMW rtataai ctrv 1 lUUCCO. I
atoriea—Portland Berlew.
' jiiu Laat ot tbe Uaroea Rai'
lap Hoaioa. NVw York, f'uiiadwphla.,
Twn litUe bop. a-.Ad C:pde Shirt- I
aad Man Kraaolaco; later, and fo^ «*• !
W aad Ward Norooak. were looking i ,j,7 p l<, ,m » Propreaa* Bui.pao
yrani, wao s'arrlng St Uir hea4^)f hiei
foe tbnlr eowa oa tba old lair grouad*. 1 UiK Tue Lt an Hwubuani't. Ciuckett.
grerd tcetile produi-tlna of “ftani
abohioa* fourth of a mile wrai <>t the'Kvil.p Cnvkeiv
Kauvar." eb’ch met witb uDpre-'rdeet-m.,. O. B,„ Uk,. Tk„d„
I ]«;■
jcd niicceM. tbt< uphout tbr I'l-lted
wbeatbep dUerwered the bod* of a in* U.rkb jaa. Corre 1'.
iStatos. Foe neern pear* M- While
'teae Iplap la aamall opeo buMinp for-113-3
Wkrinp at U..we. t'aaUeoiai I wat tbr heBd and trcnl of Mnrria<«'>
Berlp B*-d a. a lam male aUDd. A 133«
-'i-'aB-i." plaviap mr port of Mi-Dhiam
-.*.r l.tim liofea with that o. mpsnt;
•old how hw death hadc-B- .bml. n.-; |l., irapprr. C.aiietaan.
three T<ar» l-1r* br iaMipurat-l h'*
Tae luaa was fouad .to b< William ! 137r
iJarriei. '
I preaeoi rmiii] apn tanenldcrnl produc
Sleele of J.pg>d weatb p. H-ise
i! ito‘‘Ml‘ato"a,
omaip H,i bad bougbl tbe nr*i-'hnlnei
land all arietaata of the nlbrr pmioi$2.00
la a drug «or.> at B‘ar Uske Monda*. I, Ji ia« Cblldieo of Hbcrbnrar, A. I aeat eiar* in'hr pie x-.
$2 25
aapiag that be WAOted It fv boree
Bi* produrttoa will b-prea-amd br■mdiclae.aad bad beea weraed of tba
* ** Ifctke Wortd. A
crowded hwM at Swlnb ig‘.
d-dlr ...... .,1*. druk. Wim.1
T.k,„.Hk^lll,.A U.»„
aiaele was abort*) prat of age aa- 1SS4 The Cunan-dud Porta Rssao Cam I _. . .
, ----- ;;----- ^
married, aad taair bla lleiar br digpaiga. B H Ua*.r.
I The datoof oi.na,i. f fVinb-rg * ea
W V' lei'* a
irlag giawmg.toapp .n
rnlerp.lse, Tbe Afro AnwriesD Masto '
wbrkiag in camp>. Ur waa eonaidereo i, Ml God to L •*e. Tia.14.
doD miniatrela. la agrag(l allianw with
aotquito right lu bU ntad.
psp n*.,
HisM.ri,-at • Dark-sl Ameri -a." *h ii.it
U Wraford aoaatp oa Taerwlap of '*"■
_y.‘l daed e. bait, ly. boi wira^oobAi.is
lii.li.rH.Hl l.s ..i.-r l.UfV.OuU
teW*re.*k.d3riopihebir:i wio-1. the.
•I Tar L-fi
Farrar. Ibeabmt tbe rnidd'r of this month, for
MVArvm. Til.- M>l.\ tit an.l
Graapr ball In c-sdar Creek Mjraahip.'
I Tae Cbuarn VaiI
w«-ar i-umii.t l>- . t>-f|]«Hl at
t V.^t* Of the 1Z\“.
tba lowaabip hall ta 1- bertp towasbip.
,\U k'.i.lH -if
WillU Uoranep'a bara atG ibrrl aad a
Mwiket Bap-wt
.ISiS l-'Airp Talea. Ur<m a.
Ivhlii I.
.Ul tlm iii.visTM
aambrr of less ralnxblr atractaroa.
pAU.t. G acUm-.
—Wbea’ May.
ware all oouauai.-d ly tr».
f -• Young li.t.-uis!*. Uen-y.
!;.-p-.,n,w, L. iK)i<a..\s
Goa buDdred aadAftoea head of cal- '”*1
ber. •.
Kspge of srbrai
niv til* In Hi
high. TSi.-; low. :|i,,.;
f-.r ll)N jiriiv.
ad Ibruuga Maac-Haa last week on. is** Tbn K >p K ..gut. Heo’y.
i-ptenihcr.hlrh.T:'.-.;low.TI% •. Cori—
•heir way VO the plains of Crawford I U3U Tom Brown at B«aO>. Tbomaa May
j Sv«\eMena
ci ihi\ere»\. ►
|\0 'Per C,eTv\ 'DlstoauV
... 6tt aV\ ...
SmVs, SacKe^s
axvA. SKvds
^ TCt® \o\. \us\ TbceV«t&, ^VV Um
CUatt, 3Ttt>t &oo4t.
- 8r
Sa\.M.Tikaia audk
KU\t VVe
A1V& %\V.. Gut &1.&0. $\0.00 an& (\2..00 ^
Ifi buWt Cbtvit«\^
^OT »Vg\t.
OT VwVA-lio
^OT4t\ \Kt Vimt.
"PcT(LtTV\ 'DvSCO)MV\.
»,.u. k.,,.--1:;:,rrri'
'/A $ne
CO CUOC Bostin
wJ uiil^C the World
.«.-irk-A p.». I"; tE:
Osto-MBj.YT.«S:<,-; July,
_ paatareforbueatUethlasammer M-. ,^,s,
Aaencaua. Mr. B. Bar- 5*ir2* -:______ __________
Mairoead IB bu.idiag fourteea mlleaofT
a fa
feadag. which will doaw.p wuh ''l-'3 Dadd* Jake. l ucleBemua
Card ct Tbaaka
13S* L- Abbe Oou.taaune. Uale*y.
the aac M.ty of emplsyiag berdera.
Paul U aysoD. P tlAi>buru>u.
F^tarr Mkoffon'. Antaoay Hc^
Marrlit Cuaodle.'a orchard at (teateay. ’ >3'37 Hupert at Ueo ean. Aaiaoay
berearrsrnt. the n
dauchtor. J--Mla Fa* Dago.
t.We this mrAB-k nf rapreasiag our
-e appre-ia'iOTi tor sId in Mn
B. B Do Vsigaaaof Ueadoa. baa ml
e»B. L. C. Lillie.
II Mas Cm. V. n*,.,,
:,7.kr.SD...:,.,. 1. c. u,
u: ri'kT rrr
f'i DO H>-ti<N<l eli.e*.
W L. TVll.-A> liKair HD' pr"' BW
J ..I. I|.> ...II,. 0I4I: b,-
Sec tbe scew B >i. <*n* sli.in winHosi
PriWiot BBS, M«a.
r- ^ i-1--" rii-1 f
kel. Ukut team the bt Jje n*er. that
O la
welgbatlX pouiMte.
[,3„t The K.ap of H)y*illr. McClare,
From preaeat iQdloatioaa tbe mhie.Coo»»*w''»
Of tbe Marquette L-oa range wiR ha *ns Awtld Maid-a Lore. Maartooa
worked wita graater aeUe.ty tbe oom-.siSu Tae M-wn Prince, B K Muakillag Aummer than la aoy preeioua seat**«k
Boa.laeethediwtorery of the •Idr.t'j'"'
p-apeniM. All tbe larger eompaalea'
U aiory of tbe U A. Bill Xja.
of tbe range are preparing to i*ork jij* A Unnt at the Lutolow. Mill Nye
aeery man pomible and to tegia m'n- 3I&S Mrb Lartr. fko.. N Paige.
ing oparatioas at every idle miiie
K Page.
Aad pit where ore of aiarketable qoal-'
B Uocle Liaba'a Shop. B. B BobiaUy to to be found.
The name of Ana Arbor ought to h* :
* Tbree-Slrmadad Jara. W. Clark
changed to Uermaatown.
1: P'ay.C... ______
oaat aleetun a German mayor .aod>2i«il Tbe Lad* or Ue Tiger. Frank
• oUer city officiaia of tbe |
..j eteoted.aBditbejsw Cslen W*el. F. H
r n*ghl baee etUl
Boys all wearW. I Douglas
To^Mwylw, Mark Tsrala.
wbo are taolduag down muaicipai'po.i
: TueG-e
The dndtegof aakall aad other bahompa.
man boaea burled el<9a* io tbe trail of *ltto Da* d Ha.mm. B. N. We«'cotk
aa old awaae BOW being demeiiabnd at 3l<» Tbe Au-ken. Tbe Beat. Waller A.
Bteekbridge. cana^ ci^.demfale «*, *,70
eHamaat la that Tillage, but M far no,
eaabaa been able to reaemaer any.SKl
erlma armysterloua diaappearane* in
Warlelalt, which would
.la Ue
Are sold on a po.sitivc guarantee, backed 1>r all
the resourcisof the Kimball Co.* Vou take no chance
of loss in dealing with us. More than seven hund
red families in this region-own a Kimball. Any of
Without a good flttirg rnd substautial
pair of........
This brand we carry in siz-s from 31
waist to 48, and from 30 to 36 inch legHore good workingmen's g-oods here than
you eeer saw i" aoy one place before.
We buy only best brands.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
these people will tdl you tbe goods are right,
us 6gure with you.
Easy terms.
Et'erything in sheet music aod musical goods.
T^^W^aera. Tbe Wart. Waller A.
Pc aelope'a Program. Kate
» <* ft^be. Mualey J.
praaanoa of Ua boaaa where Uey were '.,73 Baa'Lynne. Mra Brary Wood,
|;t7* TheMsater. 1 /.ngnlll.
A eoU wattoatadon a farm a«ar:^i'^X^bPdrea ot Ue Gbetw, 1. X
MarteWeUat-a. Prtfrcly formed te 1 ,,70
aeery stay aseepUng u«t it bad ao'
VoiuJohn" ■
forale^ Tbe ai
d v.n
•abafall aad fallyd
•terted wmOBlyallghMyabowa ^ a
earilng of tba bair and a amall beach j: Dm The Making of Ur Katloo
wa<parMpUble to taa touch. Tbe :
T**" “‘‘’’'IT
Lula fellow waa alter aod gara
doaea of aalag haagry. bai aa Ueee ' Jiss Oalrt^^Yaaer Vol l.
waa ao way to lead It ageept by baad. *IM Galotb Fraace. Vol t.
it waa kQied.
(telot|B Praaoa. VoL I
Tba Zadaad Brick oomgaBy.eoadae«
awdk Gv^aws
K Worten
Is Not Well EquippBd
Oo«»d hardwood in stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edglogs.
Don't c. . rlnok thisih^e—w arc abowing all tlie new
the ki json. Our J2.5i| shoe can’t be l«at (or styfe
' ‘' we-.r
118 Front Street
I KOBin&i} KBOOBD, FBIOAT, MAT 6. 1890.
to »<>
■«i«ew4 bjr Uie »Ut« of KmMcWt
Cbtekunso Pk'k ^ d«ll«»t«S Wed-:
sexUy kfteraoo* with' ImpoeiBr eef«-
4 or
b’ U
ft OoB. C. ft Oo.
: Saturday Morning
1 10
^ tMahe rrporta abow bnndrrd* of Urd|Wf A.
tbo—Gde of dolUn daokarc by
imlri* flrM to nrioH
of booita .
. ^
Dako« i« SMbora eooiity
dooeo Unoera Idat cMfjtblor- Proio
bo* oli.................... .^.
Joroold cooBtf eomea a like aiorf.; Foiatoea.per bo...........................
SmU of Arnoor » Uira aomber of 18aU per ...........................................
The Erd Piano & Harp Manufacturing Co.
I..orih.n. |^;SL‘”............................
■ OF s.A.oiN'A.w, 2uriCE3:ia-A.i>r
aootbero Buflalo ooeoUaej ■vrno sanewmaTi
Morly throe towoabipa ware horsed
Nearly S.OOO heed oflire atoek Wbeot. old. per ho..
arMloev [laiBare Is three two odoo- WheeU sew, per^^
tJao will aoidBOt to Ibooaatsda asd it U
reported that two mes loat tbelr livev
Meor Ooatlewood Mra Bnekeoo waa
homed to death while trjlop to aere
Has Opened a Salesroom in the Brosch Block, 244 Front St.
Traverse City, tiader the management of J. O. Thraaher._______ ______
A full line of magnificent Instfumente manufactured and handled by this company
has been received and piac-d on e^lo—the prices are sensational.
Pianos wsps^ever b3for^ offired in Traverse City at such low figures, and the
terms are so reasenab'.e that there is no excuse for anyb dy to be wlthoutan instru
ment in their home.
Qaeeo Victoria will he at Wiadeor
Story of a Blaea.
GaaUe oti May ««'to eelehrate her
olpbtleth birthday. There will be a
apeeial BorTilBC aerriec la the prisee
oooaorVa maBtoleon at TroysHwe asd
Ipthe erenlsr a auie banquet la Ht. ilave waa made free. Ue eaya:
wife baa been ao balpleaa for Bve y
Oeoiye'e bel.. followed by a perforni- that Bbr could n<A loi
aoee of ‘•Lohescrte*' In the Waterloo alone After naing two botUra '•t
EieclHe Bittora. abe la wonderfully
asd able to do her own
Ifarahaa All. whoB Oeaeral Lord Improved and
vork ■■ Thla enpreme reinrdy tor fe
Kitebenar aeot opoe a aiaion to Itam- male diaeaara quickly enrea oervon-haa'a oa< 1 *, ise aoluo of Dtrfoor. haa araa. aleepleaBotaa.
tea. mrUneboly.
D»ltneboly. b«ad>. taioUng and diacy
retoraad to Oairo. Ibrabain All found
raele working medicine
»l1a TbI* tn’raele
wpooreachlsf Darfoer. tkathbooele
la a godteod V all weak, atckly.
badbersdetbroaedbyAUDisaB. The down oeopV
latter, os the appearasee of Ibrabam teed. OalySnceotB.
All. toroed out with hla troope and ft Wait. Dmggtote.
rooted the ceoert of (iaseral Lord
Kilebesrr'a envoy, suaberln^ ISO. of
BfTS/trXSia 0AHD8.
vtboB IM were kiUed.
Ufbtnlnc airoek Hadle Toale.' a
ikOWM. Awevirati «r' t)
>H>eOOT ••
Bevelas firl II yeara old. of New York
CHty. the bolt beisf attracted by
the siMl rod from bar ombralla.
vk roapeey. Harr a i>ttll<
aaioatlae at the boepital dtacloeed
Utalradiatisr dow.ward Iroa the op
per part of the braaatwerehalfadoass
<ly»duM'ot t.’n1»»i
Biarka erered la the ekla. while around
■a'atmToaatl'- each ibirh and exteadinp to the knee
were e acrlee of rtnfa. Boond aaek
wrUL and net oallke a braoelet. Uttourd In tbe ehin. were two rinya. Her
«lotblB( waa UBtoachcd. Tbe r^r OglB^adftab bb^a. ’Pbeea. teem and of
auffere DO pain. dkawUldla.
Word baa been reoelved at Cape Town
that a caravan under eoBBand of two
•r\R. A. u noLUDAV. a»»«i
Buropeatu waa reeenUy atiacked m
.-aaBiac 'Paas
U I-Blraraltr UBra Id ' un-#l
the beadquerteraof tbe Bovoma river, aa. oBce lot. rMdOewD* IM.
«aat of Labe Nyaaea. the ulbeemen riILBEET a OATW, AMcruvra. I
KX woUeu to Probew pra------kUUat M portere and captorinf all the ia.M*r<-aotnr CV> Mork.
BMda Che Buruptsana reached Cbickla
^t after wanderlny three daya in tbe
Are so well known tb the public that it requires no introduo'lon nor comment-it
is a Michigan production, and has done much to advance the name of Michigan in the
foreign markets. The people of Michigan are proud of the reputation gained by this
inetrument abroad. It is par excellence in tone and action, and in finish it has no equal.
The Erd Plano is made up in all the tanoy woods, and the beauty of its designs
display an exquisite taste and thorough realization ot tbe ideas and demands of the
public of the present day of an ideal piano.
Don't forget that we are selling pianos and harps of our own manufacture, and
you get the benefit of factory prices.
Come one, come all and get the benefit of tbe wonderful low prices now ofiered.
A spscial low price will be made on pianos and orpins a short time for the purpose of
locally introducing our new style of instruments and give the public an opportunity of
purchasing a strictly high grade instrument at a small expense.
The store will be open every evening. Kemember all instruments manufactured
and sold by us are fully warranted for a term of vears against defects, bad material
and workmanship Come and see us and we will do oar best to please you.
•I Dll dowMlc DBlumfs by
Dd bMt Bvibods.
apMtal DiWi
AU Wiaconaln people who have aetl^’
tbetr weddinp between lUy S and Key 10 are goiac to be dlaappoioted. It bae
Jaetbeea diaeovered that usder the
■ew law oo marrlayee can be foraed la
that etate darlof that period, and bon
dreda of wcddlnga will have to be poet- 0« BMMMdC
pooed ItcooMa about in ibla way:
Wlaooaa:o. up to thla Ume. baa been a
great atatr fur elopen, aa no narrlaga
Ueenaea are required. Tbe legblatore rtlkAlNKD MCMB-Mlw BmdIIs BnlMab.
peaed a law which goee Into effect 1 gVDdDUfol
McDllD tar auialBg.
today. It provldea that e lleeaae a net Arbor. wUIim If
he Uken out five daya before tbe weddine. •Bd
M Uoenaee can be aecured
before May S no aarrlagca ean be pergTKk VeU^ Jrr~-r cow. Mark aa^hM.
gorvnrd until May 10
The ebnsga of
oa la Cara's Ifcrri barn, app^ic Psrb P.scc
Uwbnaeanaed noeadof
bowl Thcawocrcaa rsrovroby pravlorpmp.
rriy aeo payteg .-aargr.
________ *l-if
in the atrriage boaioeB.
About two oKleaaeutbeaat of Bonth
BethUbeB. I’a.. oa topof --Uezaknpr
aa laolatcd aad barrea peak of the Le-
brosch: bloor:
2-44 Fi?oii.-b S-txree-t
SteinberK’s Grand
Opera House.......
Mr. Porter J. White
SI.000 forfeitetf
gtvra of POBM la tbir clly.
BaM Of ■caiaaav ao ml tbobaa <ak« - !'■ Iw«
-Tbe Ule and
at* af Adwtral D wey.‘' tbe .
aaral ber«. By Mormt Bal.;
.. frOrad »e
aalWetdal. Btggael aad baat
r«' ^(iaor
aagea azNIaebeai aeariy 101 |
IniteiraUaaa; •aalaco.an O
Ma< Sere
Oatfii f.^
Hemlock Bark
Hirbeat o
rater abipn
Bark peelera waaled at eooa
Rooa n- H ft L Co. block.
B. W. CrKsiveiuii. Aft.
Eeitforaala. Leave ordsn at Mor-
weight *ia»
wagma. U
Ah! This
Is Luxurious!
A COZY room, ^d cigftm
and trlonda or a book—ab,
that is luzarloos.
11 will pay til'- full niKrkel price. I will B»'«‘ one rent a pomind more
tbnii any ouUid*- travflii.i; man t an pay you
Caab up. Pl«lease call
for vour own iH-nr-lit. 1 must have the Wool.
mud ZNAHEhlNa
I eao Rive yon the beat to be bad. Better (aciliUca to
turf out work: better tnechaolea to do tbe work; bet
ter price* than anywhere elie.
Praeticftf Bicycle Builder
and Bepairer.
IWHlIer Bod
w.U hara bk a« •» arcr Gaor . Bakery.
tiUMay lab.
(BeDrsfi to 11. 1 u «:Sn I
when he vlU be ware ««a<raUy laraied
Pruvitlent Life
and Trust Company
of PBMadetphia.
aadawmeat pnlK-tee a epMlalif.
'Telle fat teraa
Imevi T. Pennington. District Agt
Trarvrw CUy.Mtekleaa.
Sewral twiilnfine.
iipeeleify to Ledlea’ Bhirt Walete aad flaa All work af
rkealledfae asd dellreead aaywaere la
be elly Ualia.
Mew Pbaa* IN.
Lanadey at fid Boat Eighth atreeC
late la the wa
II eaab. taqal
r aad Sac pvepany
Tvlephone 130___________________ a «rrbcw
TB/. - — _---------siankr in Hicfalrao. A box of thiw
•bather you believe la five eeni
rooda or Doi will convioee vou that
thla elrar U the ewceUsl and beat you
have yet eej lyed
ma «ALS-« lall erMlagc. goad aleed at.
f pleau af at Ac, bael aa-t of rfu. eloee to
A torgala far paru wleb-
L Nafine conttacied wiih • Bos-
if foroish—
200,000 Pounds of Wool
Miss Olga Verne.
k ui drtMiUe Sbck.
BB« my new
Taa Ban Salve ta aba vrerld tor
Bratoaa, Soraa. Olaara. Salt F“to»*^lWe.T*»
____ Bratoaa,
casi at Park Piaee ladiea
iroa. Tati
Eftaaak. Favar Soraa.
carap. tfrataUAt
Haada, Obltblalaa. Coroa.
^~uprre waiimO-rtt
Oct 1 Tralaa leave Traverae CUy O'VO
4;W , u lakea —
at aaaa. E J M
^■.arriveatMaa!a'.aell;00a.»..- ,
_____ boewn.
tor* leave MaatoW»J:« ». u. arrive |P®»
barSTM aad
a, Hwey Aquire of L. e. Aadrua,
ml Traverae Cltj
oatfarc_____ d krip b.........................
B0t to eseeed II 00
Escaraioae (>«« I noa e.LX-Caakar laalaUwea
tSatotoeacaltor«.uH«ad*y._ _ ,
If BO. lliib la Uir place to tfrt il don.' rij;Lt aud protrptly
Enamoling and Iralb** Turnintf of ^1 kitida Call in and
iuc of «li>H-l«
A Kood line of wbecia to it-ut
I iuf
blghaonstaloe, inaeaall vine cover•detoDO but. Uvea Jobo Vaoderbllt. STy ?"?
a deaeeodeat of old Commodure
CompVle new aeeavry by W. L Sea
VaadarbUt. rf
New York city.
vfT of .New York- The Boat eoBpletv
The oelgbbora rvparl that Vander
vlacltlca! oul6l rvrr earvlvd bv a irart*oa rl'La-O-iradr I r laprvrrd TrarrrM dling cuapaay, apt-eiallv daairaed ab<l
bilt to very wealthy: that be baa ioaa
ooeatruclcd by Ihi- Bdiaon Bieetrical
ed Boaey to Betblebea partiea by the Mirh . alib awall boBar aad Bara, «e act** tlaibooaaada. and that be owoa eztenaive hrr aad iw.rr.ral cold ayrlara '
Ill lur a twoi prad
propertlee in Bound Brook and New afiordlag a graaf u|
liBM lack bai lia
«l IWU.
Bruaewick. N. J. Ue reeeivra mall at ratvroc CUy, Mlrb.
oaepoaloffioeandeeudabto BaU frMa
Eiacirle sura,”
aaoiberomoaacTergoiag during day••The Elactrto Flo'
UBe, bu-.alwayaat night, aud tbaa
-Thr BleeUlc Moralor 01
.pply le Nn. O. J
I oc b'aeu-ic
B'aelrle ^ccaiacr.
aet oalag the pullic highway. FagoU
Blaetrie Clrcla of Fire."
.Catberud la the wooda teed bU Are. aad
•Hie BIwtric Ukull.*'
cruel to bta pHndpal food Tbe furni (arm call aa aa Aliya, rrtaartea Block.'^r- 1 «*«“»«•
with Elbctrlc Owla. Saakca
ture Is hla bat to priaitiva Bl acka of
aod maov ouiar Weird aad Drama«ood aaffi. tor eaalr. aad a few
Ue Bffacu
boatda (or hla alaepiar buak
f^tl M tl *tCUk Ttn-l;Nt tqUR M
^ ^^1IMI* a( haruliare to aakeown.
Zaaday Exemiosa to ■aalataa.
TaeM.^ki^B ^B. Co. will ms
Is Your
In Need of Repairs?
r-i One NiftM Only
WAMTKD^ ;:t|Mir»DWdla^w.
to five parfaet aatiafaeiion or mouy
rafandaft Prioe »t eesU per bo*. For
bv J 00. JohBtoo
Johatoo aad 8. B W^t
.a by
311 Front Street
Telephuue 192
The Society Eienrof ihe Season
mou. Fk»f®*'°Jl;K.iDR.SPI«MEI tf'SKiSriSTTS-
■*w one-. H-rkb.m Biock.
John R. Santo,
Werebart Slook.
Telepboae Ko. tl
Call PM up
lit OlitoB SL
Fordidden welka aad eraeala(* are a
bad thlDR to ride oa -but a poor Job of
repairloR beaU them all. Now, if you
I waat tbe very beet work la BrasloR,
^ VoleaniriuR. or repalrlnf of any klad.
jbriacyoor wark to ill Ualoe eireet,
near Froot, aad you wlU Ret juet what
I yon waat. I have tbe very beet work' aea that moaey can c«t aad aa able
I to eatlefy aay and all ooaen All work
Rtieranteed to be right, ead if aot, we
sake It eo at
III L'alaaStrMt.
Traverae nirr. ■
Trout Bait.
Preeh Minnow Bait for troot
fiahtng can l>e proenred at 818
Ever Burned Oat/
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.