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The Morning Record, February 10, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
■ 1:
««»Bd Tew—Ko 65i
kM-s wortil»fm»n WM b»B« f«««i
•tiff la tka bottoM •tax of tka rlij.
Eockford. III.. Kfb »—IlUJ# balow I
^.o toda;. Thomaa Keafoa.a oicbi
MortK*k*aoodHi*Oh*»g«i ,»uhH»a <rf u.. w.t*r Po-*r ««.
I poar. WM foacrd frosoo totfamlb ob Ibe
' lea BBdcr ibc BarliB«tMi bridge.
. LoateTlIla. Kj-. Peb.
Tba waath«ee<t«ria«alf7Bp|MiBtad
u u,« eoldaat aiBoa IMI. M7o'eloeb
ttEataTbaf^balmod BwT Bool-': tj,* ^**rnajwt xb«rm.>«aiar reciaXerX«4abT Kilalad l« batow.
’ 1.8. D. Pab.»-Wilb tbaa
wm Ateo ba Isqulrad ta^* k»d a eofy M dfcraea balow aaro. khia I
' 'aoldeax place iB (he UoUed biai
Tboro«cb iBTwUtkOo* '
iday. A( Hlaworek. Ualoth sod LoKoda.
• -* <»Wecr»»
f' OraoBC. WU. 11 is SI darraoa below.
w*a reoelaad from Oaoecal OUa todaj.
Waahloirtoo. F«V O.-Tba board of ,
.1 Marietta. 0.. Peb 8-The aaeera
toqalrr which will pracHeoiU wy “«®-1
Th* ‘ waalhrr la doting the Ohio rlrer. fen-, 8'»*«
•rmlMilaa bo< beao appolaiad.
About Army Beel
...U.-Uo.o.-.r ...ir.. or
• UbO".. ~ <"«»'
el .b.~rp.rfl-“
.ed Oelee.l U««,. W- U..1. ;
•f .ho Nin.U tnUntrj. They ... U. e«-,
osloa Into the cbargr* touching (be [
4«erloso oraxy
X (orsiabad• tbe
and Make a Friend
Books and friends are synonynioue
Never bad such a chance as we are
offering yon now to get books at almost
your own prices.
Kcmoea Bour.ty on Beet
Snirar In Kicblgnn.
Lanaing. Feb W.—A large drlegatlna
of tffirer* and dlrmlora of-the aereral
Mirliinn beet >ugar factorie*. bead'd
en- *>y J'- “ »'*dl<>y. W. I,. Chorchlll and
.Speooer O. Kitbrr tif Kay City and
'■“MiolS-Twe dhlUtrf ...h -
. wL»
Buy a Book
WHliaOB Biaxoar-a Paeio-y will Basia
Bbboibc |> Kbia Tooiabt.
AadiM(m»l Force* Sent by Thcrelaa'roabofordara'ax WUIUm
Addittoiiai rorce*
Balloar'a facllry acd In order to Ifaap
Oeneral OU*.
op wiUi tOa rapldlf *D<Taaaloe tO'.iBaaa
Mr. britorrhatorronred to mo tba
Tow* rf *M B«q«* »*et«>y*<»
factory Dipbu a qooriar of a'day ailra
riat^r lB«rBaD»»-V“»*
tina. btylnr‘Pf tOBipkl, Tba order*
BalBK -**la'oroaO KeW KodU*- *r« ao far behlod that fi«8bx w.>rk will
Oorractod lArt of OaouaUta# Fiaee be oae-Mm-y (or ai loMlalx weeks sod
kbe Wo«ber of Amartcoo* Killed «l perbapa locyar.
ee, Olid WoBBdad 807
: ““ “
i 220 Front St.
“City Booketore.”
. tonnd
....... MioW«»o H“dT.
hi.......h. h..... e. hd.-.y.
Nllaa, MIeb.. Feb 8—All the cold
broken laat
I bradley declaring i
»ait.r»li.»*lTed la ito cbarg.a made night. The
' I that the coadUlona warranted it.
in- ougar cu«Mp»oy
i----- ” ^ [ i
byOrnemlMllaa agalnat tbeadmina [aorolng wi :e below arro and
Bg I twenty one huodredtbt of one percent. | f
,[ aoioe plaari lower. Twoahird. of tie
ol war aflalra.
Toe proeaedinga of tbe nonrt wUI in fire bydmnu nre frcsen. lire atoek la
Manila of the Kiret rrglment of I on ibe Inreatmeoi. aotwU>uiandiPg ^
laiuiVaaionnt to a trial of the com-'aufferlng.and U ta (eared tLavwhtat
»o)unteera to l-ollo, AailhefacllhatitbasacapacSlyforoaili.
•aading reaoral of tbe army. Oeoeral ;«d fmU tare been damaged.
! loar a» the mtaaing of the inanrgenu; from the‘iaw •'“O'*"
Mllaa baa mode aerlona chaigea. ao aer-f^rankforu Mich.. F<*b. ‘' —The barappeared to oooaay a cent on tbeonglnal Invevm-oi.
lama that Secretory Alger wanted bim , bor li dneed for the firat time in B»e
ii» **fety tJenrr-, ll waa abown that IS.ooo aciwt of. r
ooart marxialed. In addition to Uua year*. The Ano *rbor Bret baa been ,
weaken bU ■ beeta have been contracted fw in Bay . f
inty aod vicicUy alone for this year'a ^
»haw«rlnraatlcaaoti.eommlaatoo baa lce bound two mllei out
by aending any additional troop,
tooodtheehargeairronndleaa. and baa four honra. with no proipeeiof release.; ^
ibe .n-: mauu»ch^o...
ooverdy erltldaed Oaoerml MUee for • Beading. Mirb . Feb. 0-The toer-p„^j ------------------------------------------- (be part be took tn the war. Theae | mometer thla mornlag waa «
carry out ble plaa* for occnpatlon of;
Wb.-at Oo*a up.
ibe PBillPIlinea, Chicago. Veb V—Th.- coH weather
nCkitoStaolla. Tbie mmuxenl uAghl • i„day an I-a u'T .'amage to winter;
Inquiry averyserions aff.ir. It may
mull In <JenvT*I Milca following Oen- • •
' have been made aome time ago. but for, pi,nu, wUI. Brio cable*, gave wheat a
! toe oeceasily tbe commanding geceral
Msy opened ».'e higher.
oral Eagan into retirement, only the
• ingwatortofun W prevent
anaer i.f withdrawing the Kif'f. m,j ,„ia »i.,dy at TS'hCvnnlabmenl of the
•rol may be much more aesera. aa Tbe thermometer reached 16
before Iloilo. Thran_________________
Kagan's offenae waa oommittod wb.n t-ro laat night, ^hc pnmplng atouoa ,
! tha Uraai Eaiilt Ie»ld
SIS Union Street.
Telepbooe No-is.
i The Finest Stock Funeral i^oods
, hiu.«. 1—.. 1~. -or., ~ a galiona daily donng the cold
M lea' aiatomenU were made coolly,
eathvT. All the extra wator
deliberetely. end have been repeatod
time and again.
Oeneral Mllvs. when awn, bad nothlogwaayreepeding the appointment
m'tbeeoiirt. Be baa been aouumnlat- Bcho of Deuoii rotimal BuQding
Ing a large amount of evidence along
DlaaaUr Bribg* Sorrow to
Ihellneaof Inquiry, but baa nol chue*
* oounaaL
Detroit. Fvb. 9.—Thomea M.TboopTbe war Inveatlgatlon commlaak*
with the preaentoUon of ito report to ,jn. who waa eoglowr of tbv Joarnal
e. levs, when the holl
the preeldent at 4 o'clock thla afterer exploded, wrecking tbe boildlog and
moon. eeooed to exiat.
killing thtrty-aeven of ito lomatva,
ugbtvr Id
today found gnllly on
the Bceorder’a o
' 1-1.=- h.
E .T”nntU they bad an opportunity of
Stand, being
slretobtog themselves ashore.
From ^ rrdeli»iTe<l with the MouviNO Er«llondlnlu they went to Manila harbor, l «nt> >--n-i order* to City Now* Stand
10 cenuavreek.
oot landed, being sent to llo-1
no. There the men bad been lyieg,
aboard ship. In sight of land. Now,
however, they arc nahorr at Manila.
General Miller bos the Sixth and
Eigbtoeoth infantry and IlsUery G. of
the Sixth orliUcry. These will be re
inforced in tweniy-foor honrt by the
First Tennessee r^imrnl. making a
force quite equal to the oecupalion of
Destruction of Bon Beqoe.
MaeiU. Feb. 9.—The oatires. fearing
that the Americans were about to bom
Awfol Edaolti of tb« Severe
bard tbe town of San Boqne, set fire to
it today. It waa still burning as tbi*
ly Cold Weether.
.dispatch was sent, and. aa it is comp >•ed mainly of bamboo but*, will probab
Torrible Dotreea B parted aod KerBd. WbUea of Ooprmiab Oot Away ly be WUUy doatrojed. Dewey said if j
cury Dropa Xioweet In T<
the city waa not surrendered today be
WIUi 8180 Bot Wa* Captured tn
Made by Miehigno Telephone Co.
in Kany IXMOIIUeo.
Tble City Last Might.
would deatroy it
for arty class of x'-rvice desired.
Waahington. Feb. 9.—A weather boTelegraph operator* are now worth
Ed. Whalen, a abingle weaver of
lean ipeclal bulletin aaya that tbe temtheir
Copvmisb. wea lodged In JaEl here late
veratnrv oontlouve abnormally low In
laat night on a charge of larceny of Of tbe signal corps are working nigbi
Oll-dUtrie'aeaat of the R^cky m
at end of six months or change
and day.
tolea TbeF-aelem DakoUa. Mini
to any el*M of aervtee at will.
The Filipinos ■*» evidently eonceoWhen the train fro-n tbe aoolh ar
Telenbooe tbe manager to call
to. Weatotn Wlacooaln aod the region
rived on the C A W. M. Whalen w*a traUng between Caloooan and Usia
to tbv northward arervmbmeed within
and explain nerrniet adopted by
ai tbe depot. etldenUy wailing ao . ptbe
^ of tbe
portoDliy to take an oovgoing train. Fliiplnoa ore being reinforced by bet
where reading* r*nge from St to M be
When the train polled in, however. ter drilled man from me oorihem
low xvro In the atoto* named,
WboloD waa nabbed by Constable provinoe*. In front of Caloocan they
reaebed 50 degree* below at Miasldoao.
BnnterofCopemUhand Sight Police- are aa thick ma bvM.
The American troops feel the heat of
moo Orayson, and at onee tokeo to
Z-ro twnperatore extooda to a line
js.l and placed In cberge of bberiff midday In the opes, bat they are anxtraced from Ceatral VlrglaU. ovrr
loua to procMd.
. Nonbvm Arkooaea aod
It ll alleged that Whalen wot preeeeeihvm Oklahoma.
ent In the ealooo of C. O. deUivan at
The outlook la that there will be
AI. WUlord of Empire. Ii in tbe cHy
marked, tboogh gradual moderallo. Gopemiah wbea the proprietor beaded to viiit Mra Willard who la aiek and
•f tbv umpvr»tarv voat of tbe B->chy ,«»>*«=''•
taking treetmeel In the elty.
. Ploridaibefor
.... I
tnr klM
In Manletee.
bitn la
U. M Dame of Northport waa in tba
jthe nfteraoen
tl Trosan to DmxUx
{came In it Is said
city aurveyor. who 1 ^
Chicago. Peb 9—Tbe elty is In tbe, there nod repreaenrIieffthat he enme'
,j.^,h*t been engaged io surveying
er eln<
Th. ,h.r.=«.l.r b.™ 1. I-ll
of S.. V=rk. hu
„id;.rtVVi,d" Vr « .Wool. 1, -lPf»d -l‘» «■ •»"'« •»
l..„rfu,Ul. oil,
retarned ' |
City on the evening train yeatordny.
ft below. Many tbrrmi
wt«=uk,.u,j.nb.r. «b.!.=
-b—r-fj.'b-ib.i-'bi'i'•ter* showed down to 55 and Si.
Thomas Wilson, of She
score of person* were ao severely froat tnmed all but 85 <>f tbe amount to Con-'
Cs»d in every civilized nation of Ibe filobe., | We make
these fpxbds in onr own (actorieA Ton take
ebani-w of louint{ your money in dealing witb ns, for we guarantee^ every in
strument. Easy terms, right pricPA
Xv* xroirUiet-a. *«tokil«aA,
But kept ont of sight unUl each a lime aa wantedf
235 Front Street.,'
N. E. STRONG,' Manajer
Ten Teat Contracls
Subscribers May Cancel
Too Maoy Overciiats
Michigan Telephone Co.
sr„v;b-;;b.;i.,.eu,...b....-.™ „.,.j.b..^ -mb, »b„
U, lb. boflb. blbUbb. bbd bb.. lUbf.>« l.r . b..nb, tbf. morbfbt.
IbblU... f. bb «... Ob'
Ibop^bd «.«. U.. r™.t I. p.b^j
Those Marked S7.50
Are Wonderful Bargains.
And 'twill pAj 70U to look at tb«m;
u JE' ^
, W. H. W«b.b .1 ibo llff-.nkb.:g
L«i™ibl HU E=« Kr.u»b«UiB™»l»»Co.Hlb,b.Hl,<»bb.fb»
3 I
S t
Ub,r»,b.—«r..f.. bbd ««b.f d.btbl., ol l-,..b K,b«.=b.ll.
„„ b„b,«.
>l.Ll.ab.l.orO™i«iE.pldbU..jE ^
death on the street.
‘ D. Coehiln aod immediately afterward*
fc S
thalihe man whH« Intoxkmtod Uy. u,, ea,piedepart«^ for Oman Rapid*
ArUsor Homan i* one tf tbf’oew pnAowoand.uecomWtoihacold. Hon a ahott weddingtoor. Both ore well;
th, Boaloem College.
!tz =‘
1 ne cold wave show* incfwnaeaienai-friends will extend. Alfred McDonald has i-clomed ♦« «" —•
tr fo fb. ,™«.f ««b... =, tb. ™b. I „
,b, F.,«.
Big E.pid*.,fc
try. Freering temperatare la today r«-[
-------------------------after spending two months in the elty. ^
ported *• for south Ol (>nir*l Florida j
0***1 Prtaantod to Blk*'L-jdg*.
WUUam Dickenson of Uarahall.Mich.'
IndiealioDs are that the weather wUI| L«*t night at the Elks'lodge meeting
as * guest at the Colombia yealerday. ; ^
moderate wimewbat on Friday.
^ | a floe gavel wo* presented to tLlodge
Mis* EstelU Jacob* of Lake Ann f
AmmcihefataliUe* do* to the cold w,
DriUier. Tbe gavel waa
spent yesterday in the city.
!yrrpofted from ouulde Chicago wer* |
upon one aide of
, . ! it were mcuoted tba ^otographi of
At Cbrro'llton. Webb Meek.a rma1
dnyot the borne of flqolre Cioomis ofjj
Jnrmer. wa* frrxen to dsath
w_. .
dtotb tb^la
““ Snttona Bay. e^orc ebe bto bee* *i*lt-j|
B-qnlra Dick Campbell,
walking the mile from kisfsrmtotha
1^. Oidmaed was 71 year* of ng* **d , 1
meeting nb
w*OAB old ptnoMr of OlM Arbor.
At g»n*ai aty lb* body •( .•*«»:
Better grades at 25 per cent, discount, making a
$16.00 coat flJ.OO-a $lt\00 coat $9.1*0—^S.Ou coat
S6.00, aod so on.
The"celebrated Jaros Underwear—pijice never
before broken with us—to clean up the sto^k we will
sell all $2 00 garments for $1.50. All other grades
of this make from 50 to 75c reduction on each piece.!
HamiltoD ClothiDg Co.
rrhM Aawi'
MS SvM Cor A Seac Kmc FAp«r.
n* folloirlnc ArtUla H>PMi«d a
Abort Uba Afo U tbo CbkAfo TriboM
ab4 «1U b« of loUMoHo TrAr«M OUy
fMfc T Vabb a» J. W, WtwnB, PAOPIA. Tb* AAb^Ct Ct Ibo ArtlclA H '
ABADcleef wnit# L*A o< tb* rroni:
Mdces tfie food foore <Mic3oas Md ¥
«. W. HAnn. Hltor ab4 IUmcw. AtI«At CblAfAO lAAAdfT. aM WlU bA l» '
_ jbATAdAa hArtAf rtAlted TrA*»fA« |
city UM ftAr:
•■BAtU«Crwk dAlMAMrioriiy tai tbc;
VlOAA OOA of Bis Tots.
shApe of A CbioAM raportar. «bo
BopA who ro AkAUec will pw«t bp
UUA no»* of iBportAAM from
A _i
. .w.
o« hi. «.' BopnwntotiTo DavIiI F. Wllbor ct the ezprrieooa of Irrioc Merrmp who
Ai^A l»
“ I S„ Y«E I.
ol U» U,8«t hop h«l pjol bU u-i I.c. .1.. JbJ.
VS4TSK8Etnrr. • iooHxa4V
^ ^dtosoumar^vRc
WSK-. •. •.
5oods SaVe
- a
£»a.\e *5\v\s "UeaT
\Vtt C0\& Oth^tT Ut&
Tn eUoAt iahAWUAt of tbc OtAod
9n*ocM rofloA odbw torWArt with
CnBlfliim 1-^ 1--*------- r..........
pou SOAP bAA bM IbA OOldSSt Aod
1|^— ■T r----Bet «A tDAp
ksseoAOlad with tba fset tbAt tb# cxIMA oold wAAthw ta sot ooefloAd to
wnbaro MtehICAo: AoathAro MioblCAO,
OUO, JodlABA ASd ATM PloridA AZ«
ChlfSrtBC is AO AtBOOpbAtA tbAt WOold
fblboobABAordtAArpOrAod TrovorM
.Wtatsr wAAlbor.
Ksw IhAt OoDSTAl Bacas hst bees:
Mispcssd of some aOooUob wUl be:
glnb OoMTAl Mllm. And wbos be oosftMM tba eeort of isqolrp bo wiU be
tscshod to bACh «p hie AtAtoBenta r«-'
catBisc the -oBbAlBed beef.- It te
UmierAl MUee will
CSlte probAble that Ui
ClAOorer that there U
thoB before a ooart of sum jndc«A
AMibP C. H»rib U» orw mlblnar o„dri Ir i.n.c Ib. lor b« obl; .ItD
ea U CbisA.
IP AttrtriA. U eeid to be use of the best ir,ior bAd4uff.'r«l voDAUereblv from
"Th« oiAo'A aaba U WllllAm
Leo. cIaasScaI ecboUn erer gThdutod Crom ,v.
„« iv.
sod ho b both eoltered Aod AmerlcAo-; the NgrthweetenumiTereity.
^ wo ettecte oi toe mwiorteoe.
Uod. Be do*e AOV AA A role/oorree-j Secretary of Sute Hep waa broor’'
with hie (AT dietABt pAper. bat qp b PreebyterisD. aad Ai A bop war a
htaldw*b«lh.r.etait8AA. :«coUr«tt««iAbt .t the Pr»bptartAS
dmoD marder eoee wa> bcoocht sp i SaadAp edwol et Wabaw. niA
on m» j
This pecAllAr trtAi of A woBAh for mar-1 Mr. JaioAetioi Tata bA« offmd the leDce: «n>rb aet In sad CaAlip tenBe-l
kltbp toabAod lodiAtt (corortmirnl $l.a&0.000 for the AWd In Cooannptkia- Four docWr.
----- - i.
i.a:. of
------.----iA_ care me up, •—Inc
—_____Ip . I eetabliabm'Vt
in India
Aaptnc II eoald
oooid lire
lire but
but Aa
It toob weoim oi WOTS.
mnner of Illuioi. doee not oojwt tube- ^ eoriaed to *c» Dr. K op\ NVw Dii..
•hot they likad It 1
‘®* cuncAturei apd -ewi. koo. «Kep^«ry for G«»nmptk,ii. roo,rh»
word WAA In pare Ohlaaat ana Moaea „ ^
„ Unre icrApbook ofSpiCh Cold*. 1 pare it a Ul.l, 'o-.i- in
like A TAAt oolleeUoa of biota when clrawiuKe of liitn^fir
eipht botUee. It baa rii'rd me.
BAllAd Acrooa the oeeen. Le<wAA nak
Since a recent etatenwiit that John
*“<* h**Hbp iroBAB. T'lal hni,i«i
ed why they Ithed it ao well. And be re P Jone«of
lo eta. at 8. K Waifa and ! t>. Ji ht.
plied that mnrden were not frequent mao in tber^oAte
------- he ha- been orerstore.
Begnlar aiie 50o
tn ChlilA: there were more enieidea.The whelmed with begiciDR
.......... lotters aalatm and II. GnarADteed or price refnnded.
oonietbinit ortir
enaloa of aletinc ose'a own InI all sonirtbing
•elf OB tba dootmlep of the encBy le
The emperor of Ai-------------------- ----- « .
.... oseopl Is oome of the Rn«ia. Raiser Willn-lm and President *1»* 6«a4 BapHi BaraU
dpordona. but there ta.
lor'a City news Hiend.beWg t lO loeger
f.m(l-hakir.x. King Uombert is arrayed
I, A Boeh larirer a
delirrred with lb- M'iUmmu Bcouan '
.•n the other side uf ibe question.
beod nrden to «ty Ni
8tacd. 10;
aslf-deatraction than in Ab
It ia imid that wbiti Comelins BUb
'•Taan. too. tha rfoBen would not was a auiall acbuDU».>y bU teacbir asked
think of alaplng a hntbud. and family him if Jenualrui was a conimoa or
tmnblat nauallr end with thelr^uklng proper nonn. ••Niither.” rejilied tha
their own Ute. Beaoe the act of an in- little pnpil: *'il‘a an ejacnl.ntiun."
farlor creature like a womanialayiog ao
Barnett Walker of Chicago, a nephew
grand a being aa a hnaband, an aged of Premdent Polk, is the onlr men er«
man. a rich man. ia ao anrprlalag that bom in the White Bouse Hit father
Polk’s privaU aerretaiy and the
ererybody reads it.
’■Lee waa bora ia Portland,sOre.. of family lived in the exeentire
CbBTlema;nte Towi-r. embamador to
pnra'cblneae parenu. Be U edaeated.
baa besa,a leetnrer. and baa a welcome Rnssia. Is Ibe son of ' ? of CbarlB
mUAo^ owSrea^^fv-
RuaVN!)K*t &oo4h Sa\« irtvwX cWV ««V
\tih awT^ea aVowa Nttirtfl^ore.
^V\ ita« ait& btaaM^hV &tsV)aa Va eVaeV,
ilm\lua.\atRta. a\c.
£*5VveTt mW \>e;
.}'j| J *Ko^i.\\Viv^
vtv \\us
saVg. j
^ Vi'Vk «it& comvUlt VtTtt 0^ ^itcith.
hskt. tkc—
■ *^\xs\\Tv AXtyAervamA kvitt 0^ SUt* StnirroiAeikti tttc\
wouUU & cr«&\\ \o Kit) eVk) tlorc.
We are showing
a fine line of^
Wire llAilCo. haredccidedto adi
ths «rac«a uf their cBployee fros
JPpwoeot. OB tbeflrnt of Maroh. Thka
plaea amoog hb whiU fallow-mer.
ieirielon r.lU effrei tbonaanda of
ebaou. Be la aa ejcuaaire trareler
SBptayed by the bi* eoBblne.
and haarlalted the majority of the forAnatralla
It haa been dbcorered that the
4w»h rsM In the l*bllipploM U a aeri eatreme North. Ha dreaaea ap to date,
sat obataele In the way of mahlnc the ridea a bleyeU, and apaaka with Intellltesdt A popnlar winur resort. Bm llgenee on ail qaaatiooa of satlona
It it probable tAat this condition will
ksoelytamporAiTXBStBeeieal Moatiacapeeial nnlon rerlral at
will be held tbU erenlag in the Bap
a L. entWA of Lake arenne U re- Uatcboicb. Ber. W. K Wright wUl
•preciBit froB an attack of the crip.
preach. This will be the last of the
The W. C. T. U. Botbera’ Beetinc apeeial Bsetlnge and all are inriud to
irfD bo held thia afumoonet the heme attend.
Sf Km. P. C. nilbertoo West Srrenth
Mreot. Hrn. Minora wUi bare charve
Pfofreior Grawn made a happy aelecat tba procram and all are Inrlted
tloa when be chose the Ladiei Military.
L itunf
Thia aoetinf was to hare band for the High school lecinra eourre'
bssB held at Mra. B. Wilbela’a hoBs. Tbborganlzatioa bae gained a great
Bat was ebaiured on aoeonnt of the lab
tbronghonl the conntrp and
«tr^ UlBoaa.
besides being a norelty U a perfect
Sr. A. B. BoUlday waa thrown troB
jilt wtur on West Bickih street yee- dlnary merit. This is what the Boaton
iMdty. but fortonatelyeeeaped Iniury. Timas said of It:
9. W. Wilson of Bentonla, who U
“The fact that this waa the first
TWtlsf hla daufffater.Mra. Will Wlnaaa eoDoert appearance of the aeaaoi
Ca Onion atreet. war a BSBber of the thUcIty. of this organUuloa. brought
{•Clasaatate leyialatore 14 yean aco. out an andienoe which completely fill
At that time Eocene V. Orbs rraa ed the honar. and their moat sang
B MBber qf the i^ae body. Mr. Wil- expeouttoes were felly realit*d by V'e
•sa ABd Mr Ilrbr bad a plesaant Beet splendid appearance of the yonng la
dles and the escelicnt and aniaile pro
le here Wednraday erenincgram carried out under tbeaklllfull di
Oesar UorkBsn, Jr. of
e wife died A abort time Afo. rection of Ur. Reward, who baa long
haoAChi hU lUUe babe toatay rrltb hla occupied a prominent place in musical
Their playing waa In perfect
Mr. SlBBona. kbot sawyer at Kont'a nniaon. but it could not he otherwise,
Srill, Bel with an aeuidrol which re- as each lady U a aololat of nnnaual
aaltad in the loss of bia left thnsb yea- ability and thoroughly master of ber
tarday. Dr. Martin dressed tje wound. ioa'rnment. Eocoret were pleuUfal
throughout the program.”
there will b- e mseUoc tonlfbt of
Trarsree CUp Chapter. No. 10?. B.
Prask OanncU's Birthdag.
M.. for work in the M. M. defree.
Wheo Frank Gannett rclorned at
n# new eandp fwiory of Siranb sapper time laat evening'to hu home
Bros. A Aoiotl will be started nest on Wrat Front Btresi he wms greatly
weak and nine hanila will be employed anrpriaed to find eight of bis genUeallbaatan.
friends awaUieg him. An expla
. norewill be a special meeting of nation was uneailcd for, however,
I'wBoyal Ncigbbars of America thU when fie remembered that today would
be bla birthday anniveraa^, but aa be
Bosnlnr- UoalooB of imp
-aa going to be oot oftosm. hU friends
The minors of £1^ Baker hare been sme a little early.
-fTMtsd a penslim^SU per month.
The affair waa a very pleaaa^ one
Dd waa a-rangcd by Mru. GasEiAt who
aerved a anmptnous sapper to the
r»«*uBebool Ubrary Addltiona.
the following Hat of new books le
TsIaabU addlUoo to the Bleb aehool
Phyainal Gaoemphy. Daria.
Maatarpieocs of British UterAtnra.
Hlatorie Pilgrimages ia New Knglaad.
Patrtotle OlUaeneblp.
Oarpeatare of North Asurica.
Fabow Problema io Eienuntary
And are giving eoojo rerr inlereet
Mile. Lncie Panre. danghter of tha
and Enrfrsb. has written . few hooka «
BtlUngal 15c-rrgolar 2oc
of travel and is a kind of nnoffioUl aao- goods—and anotber assortment of
ratary to her fntber
35c kockIb at Hk.
il palms
we are adlTom Wat-on. the Georgia PopnlJat.
Tboe** natural
pretty and make a
«y thif) void ueatber.
MMc^V )0K ChlVItlA K^^0T& \o n&» Uti Kit
hUTc \o K)vr6cW\t vAvtit )W1 htt
hontn &«hv)ivh Kit& qoKVVVB .0^ owr )oe&».
bk m\\.\ pK) )9u ko whVk ^or ttiii u.\». k>t»
ickb 0^ MAtktkt wkkk cpphci Vhktt. -
.rh^.iT."a:‘D;:‘?.r£SC T W SI a top
pruDonDces S(Tiun<aDdacbuIarlythoagh O • VV
full of fault aa ueU aa attrsetiuna
Honae Fnmisbing Store.
New Store, 120 Front Street.
Tbs Sure Ia Orlpps Cure.
There ia DU nre suffering from this
dr-adfol malady. If you will only get
the right remedy. You sra baeiap p»lo
all thrutigli your bo>ly. your liver is out
of ordi-r. bavr no appetite, no life or
ambition, baeeabad i-old. in fact are
rompictrlv uwd np Electric KitU-ra
U the pole remedy that will glee yon
prompt and ant-e relief They art di
rectly on your Lleer. Stomach sod KidB-y*. umt np the whole system and
make yon fe<-1 'ike a nc neiog. They
arc gumruoieed
guaraoieed to cure or price rafuuded. h'orsaVat the drug
Stores of 8.
R Walt aod J. G. J.lohkon. Only &oe
per bottle.
Will be filled correctly,
and with absolutely pure
you bring them to us.
For finest meals cooked
To Your Taste! jj
Fresh Sea Foods Served Daily.|J
The Ohxieaa Mew Tear.
Today began the Chineae New Year,
‘ Finl-elBMregnlardiDDer.which always begins on Gie day of the
aeeood«ew moon ia tbe veer. That
generally oeenra during the first
two weeks of Febraary, coming Ibis
year on the 1Mb. lo places where there
are laige colonies of eeleatlala. New
featitlUea are oelehmlad Inna-!
tive style, lasting from two to four 21-1 r roilt St
weeks. Tbe only Chinaioen in this lo
cality are Wiilte Lee. Lee Yow and
MalheBAtleal and BleBeaiai; Tab. Jim Lee. Chinese lanndrymen, who ohtan.
aerve New Years day in a qniat way.
Blatory of CheBlatry.
PruDsa Don't Go Mow.
Oxford Hannah of Bagliah Blatory,
■On Wedeeaday night Mr. and Mrs.
Ealpb UMoablv enteruined the ladles
Tha Boya-King Arthur.
whist club. _ The hoau have recently
OnJreralty Hhyaiea
h^uo keeping bouse and there ■ haa
Borne Life of Great Anihoru. '
been aoa£4« nce ofcaaord fruit ia their
Light—VVibie and Inriaible.
larder, ao they have been aupp;yiagihe
' ErproMBiatlrr English Literature.
deficiency witn liberal quautlUea of
KesenU of Geometry.
pronea Tbe.adiesof tbe whist club
BUvrupbleal drrlea. (S rolaO
arnlngof >he sad state of thlcigaca^
- - :ht a can u! fruit, and aoV fir
, wl t H- h-rred for a whlie at tbe Coan-1 AuiMctar. i«r vziMira at
lahl hoaag.
' pwuuc^mmM'tov^Mtax **
Hannah & Lay Co’s.
drujfs and chemicals if
Remember ,
There ArOwo Kinds Of Flour
Aod others
When yon want the best ask foi
Queen Git; Restaorant, <
: Hake a dish good enough tor Fresident HcSiuley or any otber person; but-to have the dish right, you must have good.:^
materials—We keep the-bestHacaroui and tbe best Hiebigsn
51 Full Cream Cheese—Try some.
. Do you know that we have the celebrated Bromangelon
K- In different flavors? Makes the most delicious jelly and only
takes two minutes to prepare It. Every housekeeper should
have some on band lo use in case of emergency. Only IGc
per package, two packages for e6c.
The place-----T. 0. COLLINS,
; fMMd •■ TkM
br K PwtooB t^iorfrwsl I
of vouous
vuuads t]/
<7 *iHm
PdT««»l WKttty of
«K»wla« «t alliow for waartae
tt WM aKtabllihed b»« been most t«Ti,r*:>!y raportrf ob
oftea Uvo otaerred ^ tbc AaparUneni of Mxricolio^-- an niBiruw cuumicn With itt tnk jawbtM lo becook« an isiporUBt in-
In u>-rmtM S1=I1 I. ItiUl■ Ml (o M
aod b aU)l
The tribe»•
tTi 000 a war la knlBc
attd tet e?o> bom known to ^ i»>« • rotorn of not Imi • in from
•totvtarete AUmU. Oa.. -——— ; o-ti,
w,.arr2broka.hmbbyn.oan.ala«mt » lo 80 per tmL on be «:ured on
alfbu tb* «ald«i o( tba yav,r
.1^ ! ;
on. cx^oo U Fatio toooey Jnreated to plwiUn* tte kind Of
«Mycf»Ure bM *ot .,
ly tood-,WO yearly, which baddod to tba food. |uli«l a wupe whK* bad tauucb«it a willow anltable for baakK-maklco. and
WMcd. Afr««stacUMutMd» MTtb
TntUe of ibrlhaffe. Ho., large dreastig cxmipoaMl of down from hnndredi of ihoi:rxnda of ecrea eaa be
OM aootb thfoncii the MrUiwaal por-1 hae jo»t reeelead froa the fod^ goeparu of ibrbody and recwxly nUIbed to thb way that are worthleaa
Moo of Florida, aad the taaiperatBPe,enimeatadrafl for de M to payment of Bawl to the body by ixo;,-ulsied blu>d for abythlng elae. Of the UO known
atdhehnoBvlUebaaraaebad the frtea > a debt that haa been raDotoz atoee the
»ut«rw..r«n apeclei of willow, but few bare been
|!i..7«^ w
.! fcatheraeanpped on u» the aiie of a foond to baee any emonmle ralne. A
which TntUa koe fm^^tore of oue or other limb Tbe tnox good basket willow abouid yield many
The BrlUih ntoatoar Manaloto, tram r Dothtog. I* appean that to aeultog
alerdrr rods without bmmhlng. The
«awYark.Jaoaar7Mtof Hall, paaaed, with CapUtoTntUe for bbaerTimt aa bntb of wboaikw-he bad aniortonntily rods ahm:d be aoR and pliable, and of
Ibrtlaad.Bog. aod aigaaled that her aaoMleroeeday'apay was oeerlooked br,,keo by a misdmsted idiot Ho ouly a while eolor when jwled. and the
oblaf oBerr and boatasrato bad boea and aleo an allowanee for clotfatog. It reiarervd u on tbe fnllowiuK day. wboo atocka tnuai be rleoroua rnougb to bear
kUiad; tkat a qaanarMator aad a aea- [took L'acle Sam thirty foar yaera lo be foood that toe woundnl bird bad well for a Innc peri«>i! of years.
.. aud
lUd a mm
■aa bad been drowaad aad that the dlasorar tba error
cnotnvod to apply dnswuigs
The kind
moat snrmsafnlly grown to
: of «,.l.ut
siiliul to
to both
both Ito'
limbs Ju carryuig
roumry is the red osier, which is
•apUla nnl.,o,nlm«, were InJ.red i
thin opernaiai aooie.fmUMnbad bn.x^np--^f Gerr
Gerr an orgto.
Aartof the favfal weather eaparieoeitaa^ed
mannfactHre of wllOne «t the moot slngnlar looklBg
•d wkUa OB tba way from New
------------------------------------^ areetnree that arrar walked tke earth '«« able to nee Its claws lo get nd of low-ware, though yet very Ilmlied. hat
York. Theataaaaarioaiiiarbaata
the watera undar the aarth- «l-n toe pour <3«atore was almosl dead' been alowly growing for sereral yearn,
raaad was oibarwfcM dam to the world famoos man
n faced
crab of frum
Irua taunger j^beo tunud. — Foblic One of Is principle ceniem U the dUOfOd.
Japan. Ita body is hardly an Inch to l>i»i
; tri« around Syracuse, N. Y., where the
ore of salt la carried od largeA number of lodlaoe from tke norU l«nr-b. yet the bead la Bttod with a
Ct«an see *
• Y on -re uerrona.
•eaday and ware latrodneod to toe mlsalm
prealdont by Hr
abWf of toe todtoo bnrean. The deU | «• »>»« tmeanny creature, bMdei the
g^.«nri.t.dofH.d,ctoe Be«. Big'
Jems, A. Oerfleld. Aesioabone. The
TanktonearetoereioenUh the eeUlemoat of elaima against toe goreremeat
artotog under toe treaty of U» and to
oeenra payment of »&.000 which they
nnaart to doe them. from the Great.
northern B. B. Co. for toe right of way
tbreagbtoheir reeciwatloa The Aaetoa
A Little
Totof«w of thee
ally inclined Udlee
In Our Cloak Deparinient
For Balance of This Week,
We offer the beet Lediee* Jackets, 16 in ail, formerly
retailed at no leee than $12, ud up
to $16—choice ot any
I ly In the euiuiuer. t-u!piii»n
aaid ibe doewe
, number of men who fill in tl
haake. wearlnt The c^c.u.
••Tlie only toiug lor ^ to da' «t-
°8iaiM* IM *arilIow^^ «ta^ |
eld* of 1U faoe. Beeldee tbeee lege.
--Ahr-id toe doctor "Tb« the
b ebom an Inch to
___ i._ - _!t!
• pif« «rmsiunally. It baa a
forked bmrt. Tbsae man fne«l embe »M7 aouthing effect ”
swarm in the toland seas of Japan.it • msy to preecnbe wbeti yon know
Public Opinion.
how.-Cb.caim Font
P^«»uelng 3,6;S.«0C worth of manulaciiired ware. The value of raw ma- ]
terial eonaomed was |1.3»8..S00—an
crease of«l per cent, over that of IkSO.
In England, the planutiona of willow
for liaakeU are usually on the banka of
rlrera and aireams. In aomr rlrera
many tmall ir'ands are entirely eorerrd with the treea.—St Louis Globe1 ■ Democrat
{0^ KlvcVvv^avL
5\vOTl,'5T6S\v'K,tVBsS\ontS I
hae not obaersod the obligaUoos of toe
ma Urea >r Ibr l-hlUrpIsra.
treaty toil, wtleb expiree in IWil.
There la one race Iniiublltog the
At at Panl. Hinn..
riiUlpptoea which will be a welcome
beat the wiaiei'srretrd fur oofd. the I
. nddUlon to Ameriron cliUeosbIp and
ereaiber bereae reporUng II below 1
•*, Immigrants of IhU tribe will be given
aero, while nooBeial trmperateree
Oeorve N Cody of Ypalianileoee the a direct deecsodent of Th. mac Parr.' even faclMiy to go into bualnesa to
fBBged dnwa to M and to below. 1q I 0.. Y'. A A. A. railway for $5.W)i dam- who was born In Boglaed in M15 aod ] tola country. They will even be furntha extreme aortowmi the mercury agea. 'Sc allrgea hejeadered a fare of wbo Herd the looceat of any person in ; Ubed shops and dwelling honrea and
material In any amount tree of
B for a ride to modern lime* of whom there iaaotoeo 1
to approaebiog aero on toeop-grade.and twenty eenUa
a alight abaiemeot of the cold la prom- Ypallanii. stating he eonld not bny alvcreeord. Be was koown tbroeghoiii charge. Here than ibl*. If by any ac
cident they do not make enough to live
toad later In the week. The weather ticket
t^bet at
ai Wayne. Be clalmi be wan i Boglond as "Old Han Parr.
: on (hey will be boused and fed free of
aonUonea clear, bat there baa beea a I F®t
heoauai be woald oolpey twen-1 to toe egeoMts years, drlag io
' charge until such llnic a>< biislneoii Imly-llre oenu. ellbougb toe ticket ooele I For over throe centuries bia droen
•nUleg wind. This is toe ioweet alncc ’ tJ* : provex. when tb< y will be allowed to
IIU. Go aoooaoi of toe ietaoae oold, bot twenty oeni u
! bare been noted f >r their loegerity. : pay tbelr debts In the Bitrii:ua which
very cold latelv that I many of the male m-*mi>er*nf the f*mi i they cannot by any possible means
the elty Bcbook have been eloaed.
! It baa bean
This tribe Is apU dorsr.ta. ihe other
a Ubilean mtolag caiablkbmept all
»«t "ere eombeiled to pIbt oot 1t> a rery adeaneod age.
sme l-clrK the glam N- of India. Of
Tbe manager, to avoid <m toe nice worm airoeuali day.—Bar-• Barb-r-Soring* peupie are pr-.M n<
A reading
ifodliig r«
I U»
m xn-'
in.' ^
Tii’ich of this
talltog toto tbe merauder'e bands, bar Spring* Graphic.
torir new V.
family of ux-s. lint failure has followed
killed bto wife nod afterward* eommltTne Grand Rapid* A
* Indiana „u.
„u.' «»ey
believe Traeeraeaty
«ry ustc
r^saon to
.crersev.v, ,very effort to indue- them Into'
into Ihia
road haa been rety auccexofol with lu; --v. _
*>"»»*“•«•, ecimiry. until now tbe aKriraliural de‘_
luirlmeut propcnc* lo take up the work
The ronatrlatioa otSpanlab troop* to ear ferries aertaa Mackinaw gtrait* | “*25****”’““
as p
I* PblUoploe* U now being proseent this winier. Tba big loe rmabera. tbe
These are all wool fine imported Kerseys.[extra
quality ser^e lined tbron^bout, extra well tai|orcd.
Colors, black, new blues, ffreens and browns, j
All indications point to no material cbaijge in
next winter’s styles. Investing in one of the ^bove
garments for nextjwinter woaid-be the most Sudicious economy ever practiced.
The Boston Store.
Front Street.
Consultation and Euminaiioo Finn and Strictly Coofidnniial.
DRS. B. S. & CO.
TBx cgucaRATKo apccuunw or ran
imeriem ledicil nod Surgical laslitate of Inskc^oa, Midi.
WlaJ.t.lp.g, TaraveiTSo City,
Saturday and .Sunday, Feb. II and 1^ 1899.
Office Honte frnm 9 a. m. to 4 p m
Hoato. Of these. S.uoohave been ship-1
»o»th e.a the airaiu. and uii,® cb.ef w... beeUcted. Will^
great p-..flt to minv of
pMandthe remaintog l.eoo be pm-j branch of Abe aercice ha* been »cry;‘®“ ‘-'■^dt' k mnek wa* a-.oci- d Pt,
■* toablp I’Oofflcertaud l.SiW menl4“Portaot- TheatraiUare froaen oeer
common lUIlan
. •the t*iK.
...bohtrib- in o stnogi'a c'slTs lor . hi-,„,^,.y with
, jeonUBaally doring tb-i winter and
an two of the Spantah '
cago ml estste.
, e> v ox lli-e or six llmr* as Urge ss
, Manila. b«* been o D of lbs good featoi
aompasy'a aieamsn i
At Jacksoe. John Welch, a p'u'atrr.
rav ivuisiu* suiiu so uu Itmbing (vr i
. too*<'1«llt l-v our nuilve been
Tbe Deke D'Arooa. formerly Spanish
alntoter to Meatuu, ta likely to be dca^l-t.Ulr lived a feml y earn •
w l.t. h now reIgnated by Spain as lU minialer to The pilblaeboolfoo.-llme* a. wide !
a* toe sleamera. end the l^tbel forms'Christie, who came there in toe early
„.y„,hen j. TMswillrrimltbeWaahiaguni to exchange peace treaty
' to tbe ehaooet tbu*
tb'north of Ireland. They ;
bee. bate tor.gue* nearly
satiagatkiB*- He is married to an Ambrokeo. The
The solid
eolid walls
wall* of
of '
reoixrltabie- for the'r
a, long o* ihoM- of our bees.
ed Is easily brokeo
. loogwi’y. 11,
wricao girl, formerly Him Lowery.
■ illi these tuugnes they j-xn reach the
loeon^a*lda.k«eptoech*nnel clear,
Ctopt. D. W. Glenn, who to new to of ffoattog ice.
Audrew «J. aed Jfsry >A. *od nooe O* oeeiar di-poeiii. of pUuu that our beet
WaaUngtoo-on epeeiel duty le oonre_
I 'hem except Anrir-« ctt married. t»or cannot gel at all.
T». NorU..m. .u„o. o, U» „.,«d ;
M.r, d,«l - rf....................... .-d elcver BHd* Ihi
tiou with toe explomlloa of toe Sion
i mm rrlous More of hofi- y
dike eoentry, baa received e telegram HtateeBshcoromUaiuB bos sent iiW.OOo
wbludsb eggs to Commissioner L F. • .
. remarkaS e '
A Lteet. CaaUMr. V
Ay*or..ofth,departm«.t of a,brrie.
Th.. la s remara.he ,
A . and two eellsM meo, who diaap
reared to tba,wl:i>erDeas of tbe gioe-•f*®"
.L.I. .v». r.,«.. h...
alWearv, **taUon*ltoomoutouftoe,®^““'fT
'soil the atesiu.r Pe'cakev U'tbe Hart cur l-e-s cmi'd nc.-.ire It. but the i-ella
Tanan* river.
' * e»-P •>*» ‘•‘‘O S“«t'«r to hi. work .
oo-utinu- no the a r too dd-H-p
x-p aod
and I. till gp-s to waste
bsi pari
. If It wer<- iiui for ibr bumble
Sg., Cb.. ... ..... .1
lor bdM ..ni. ..d
• sitoiild BO( have ssy clover
lliis ix.iintry. bui nllb tbe la' • be bo* all tbe cash roi.tcled *klpi o
loDgisg to to* 3<dBd .New York regi
.e.of conxtroction ard ,tro.li!,-tlon <if I pis 'iprsata «e shall got
meat. Frlvale Cluopey U very sick I Hr hst rucceksfn ly workril never*] will b« a h.-suty when c-mpleted
hnn.-> of toe rlov.-r p'anl sud
bet the other coaB^re not regarded
, M*ry I. Omw of C'.ir .-.i, irm vxr*-;.
,uo without the aid cl the bumble
M being capecially **rious.
Or. Be-N«wr HoHiog* Kii Bohlnsoo. a^
| !y »-o,»o
a' Ad -Un. W-U/i-x.-ixr
i The Must eucoeaafu; and SeienGfleTraatnnvt cr am Dib,
keverrla.. yellow f.v..- expert.
while huai-eg. maaagwt to toft
j m vretoP
of Mankind Poeaibto to Obtato.
Itoerebaodoebltheaoldler* are ,of-1‘"®**»
of w.iice tn'l 7>i»menoc '
lu.hn Keewrg,.
n.1 wWrty nnrt ««w*bly keeve S|«elaIlM le the VolieC 8u
fertog from yellow fever, bet be add* I
eoBdillon he crawled hsif a .
! . A. HerilUKion. Madisuu. N. J.. In
-leeklllu.d Bt.vere*! eiiree** In m. lefee.t OueulinU in -.Le
•HhOXK'. MSKVofe.sKlK nnCBLiXlp rK>eg_^ gpnn Ihe
here is no ilkelibood of It* mr«adiBg.|* ‘®*f’®‘»ff‘'*t‘'‘«'‘''“o t*'* Chwago
Ti-t *-*ie reum-il. Cub -i.- Knichu
fUrysan• •
• -Mlruc.Mrnreofl*e**IneCeT*f?.he«.
A«l.iaet Seeremre «f w.r *d
««■»•- r*llroa<l tfsik 1 xf Ahi.-rics lie! • - * *r ou. m-tl.-s’. Ihrmum bUom*. Which, when sold.
AaaUtoat beerelary of War »»*toU
eugfoeer of a psseeager' M'lv* Tue-dsv. 1» H Hu ih irr of N l-x reatlxed flS per lOO net Tbe varloile*
i ton baa mode public Gan. Benry's re- j
n dUi-.xvrrvd b n
Mrs. Mary WsJbrUge. one of tbe old-,
There wiU be taxes on esoe toods. ooffee lands, tobacco land*, pastore laodo. ;cst ot Maacbeetcr rcaldeau. was fonnd i
minor tobaoeo land*, and formt toad*. : de«l to her woodshed Wedomd., j
mornlDg by toe boy who came to at-|.,oW ,
; to SSe.; Prank Hardy. fVc. lo 50c.; Golon.'.pfeip-rtw
jdea Weddliuc. which realised lOo. ’' iMPOKTaHv TO LAB1E8-i.B.orrwAN,
, strslgbi; Mvl-and-Morel wo* aldo in |<*'ere*,r«i<'urr tsown inr.u.11—kmm-uiiwkx*.s-i.
• toe IlsL He ha* also Oils past fall cut I {”
FrtoandSul'letly OenddenUst
tuuwu lotwi pby.
*^_^*^* which netted <33 per 100.
*Tlu> liar u uot olU would be matt interesting if Hr.
msCH »R0ISG P*b* r.,ve IS ever,
•I toado. On all land* of tbe Brst elom ; the io the ewsieg and < s too weak i way* i iilowH. and i yuu lisve suy
Herrington would follow up this com-, •ihBL
- j
there win boa tas of M uenu. per | to arlne or call for help Her age was tneud* who are sddiclid to lsl*« repre- munIcsUon by telling our reader* how
troo rsloi
OHJWino POSE ETE8 »ik1 sroBoUtoj,
ifiiieh It MU In nmilnee MviU. m.mfl. >
___ — .
______ i verv*acre; etcond via**, W cent* per acre: I * ■ y®®*»third cloas, i^ccnu per acra. Tkxr* i Uanevesed dog* srill have a bard
to luuw Medmne aud
Another fine record. Eugene Dsllle- ^^rv .«sLOOp
•a land* whoM owners reeld* abroad. Ume to keep alive
OKidicsl nieibiKi* are appliiviblc to to■peeCIiy. rooirI“Iv*r
trtU W toerrosed M) per oeiiL
Wbo iioddeiilydifTeliip
toe troth and lie tri an ovoktiou. <-«en
iv—e. t t> ' w
A eoal fom.uet* threatened tbrongbtooneb toe rmiii tmrin i«tt«r*nii ilH ir ChrysanO^tnum Mr*. T^nor U Park
«at Sente. ki T. U. Cassidav of a coal offloi*] dog catcher.
Tn.. u. „.™ ,0 „ U.„n...l
ra *. VIBTUI
affaRv'J i'PVitruiiDg II I____
toys I ntrlngtoeyearfoiirveenstcnm
umiM-r of culls of nay-a
Utiatkal ■malic*' numiM-r
any- cans
CEK .-j«
thattohu'aooa.eogetoe e'.ti *"pA '
'•xplodt'd to tbUeUte aocordtag » {
thing we eVsr grew. A whole bunch ‘'toVitito
Jt ou»ra r«au W-.k ll.^Wl'.Vos'llI
wUl noUasi long, r than 34 bonre i» siatistie*
»iaii»t>c* gsibsred
fratosred by
by Labor
Labor Com-al*-;
Com-nl»-; - Tbe juLGu-iaualiwisTtofBtmlt probP*'’ ‘’®”“
any town in Ki'iJiucLy. MiBcaareall
; Ism. hir be koi'w* that beistellioB
‘ and 111* ia,p.wsi(>le togei ooal j Sidnaw. La Boeghum ebnaiy. most > if* nod tb.-i,-1* nu li,ipo for him.
_ _______
FofLsOr pp.
Tbe tempera tore
Lr* ngtoa
1* eight;
he a very baaltov place. Tn* village
is 1•«’ l'‘t» «>* ,P*^. lo who jtw lio^
. ' *
-M.a—I klltl
below sere, aad i* gtcw’ng mLt' i Un yr*r% old.
Su gmeiyard ~ has ’
wiiboot knowing whai tli<-y * Thunx* Wh-tei'•W * r., .jjo w-v**h
. .....................................
............ xiM parsaeS hi
xcopant •
: are saying or why they my It I1ie m.‘av>»>r> .—ner J.rbx,.-.
orre'. nn# ..•Iweati
OaJy one eial joto Lo* coal ^ lu' aot a* yet a singieoicopBnt.
■apply is liiulied
if tne jreosni {
It there is snytolog to bered.ly a [ ^.VxVniplub'i.v Iviiis.Tnl dc.w M'iu»i
drap.-'-t...----- m-nend rasmberl.lw-. ;
......... ............ .
wcatoercoBtiaBos ii »ul
i* »'«t:ch.w whowa.bortiinfm'.isi. Hxrie some..j.ie
Bm i-1 mto b.-7;":/i;::!®
I last week kb-mld lie* weti along lo f"ru be*h-ulrt not bebUtinxl ahd frowo-|
iK.i*oacsi *jC tejerie** cewpoatos. »*hM spplg
to Soribem I sroid toe next ccotary. Her name <*
oi»to iiu uiiiul uuubisuiby and hts a* la rripiv t ■ r-w’t ia poesmowia. ItitflHIVCDCHl
e«*es whk-h --sxTiwea *»*>'*»»> «w »iwkOHsUr
Wtoooa*loar.-a**eeee-*fa!aaanybody‘«i„rer«ilef,and*bct*tocfir,i mcm 1 ff«s«n
u o« of order BcoL ; F-w .ale by •». E. W*1.. deagglm.
to tbalr tombee operaUuns.
By toe bsr cl toe fifto l.itog generation oa *?“*®
U Cns. AMnox v:U ppstass.
fxeani*. aud
at Porvatsra* bUL
a of age a«d hi* totoar.f u»y an n
atom very eaiI Profeesor S.leee'a acadamy.
tebd agfragatibg abont Al.OuO.ooo. < Tbomaa Parr wm. Theltoito tody toV.be
J" li'. "'J""": i
LV'.S'te "S-iS
.. a^ie.4 rtr .a.
er a
■••tta* CeMe-CW k»M
CMp-A TOtace IM>w tM
Do yoo fcaow that «ixi«rb awe wort,
^eep am eat aader the eeb.e ale . of (he
hmm Y<wfc
ratroad* to lahabh a
•■all nilage? Beara'b U>< atne. th'ra
UaeiraugAt-oioBg •W-*'
iht ‘
«a Bioiaa Toe cable can rattle
wlfUf fwlTlag
tt« hKrt ol wo*«f**
Wirt «i j
Below la a llat of tba botar oaA
AW «• wlio faeo»t« jp^_^ '
tnc pHort of TrtWr^J Tor froM
«p» • •trr«« 4Mr. Tcmr Joarur rt>(or tbe nke <iToib«n ..
___ •_ »v., i..u^
-i. prurWoM
,ull.la and tana pcodaeW la <
^r«eHfc»irtpol-AU«»Wontb« m.“ Th. *Jlu*k» U
•• whp
tiUT mush trlbn- to th* fable of the eoBBla* old boub^ *■»•« <tt“« at P*« « tl»air daUr *w etaeatj.
«tU--Bee<oBlaudof«iraafe.lgM.a*d afcould heag a bell arouo.1 tbe-wa
«£*. aouoda.
bl e are
.re la
m a great i.«*. to gte. aot^ to the mlo. ta«airaoge
EiKK-toooe wbeea p1a<^ aU
awrj are whirling about ut. Tory are
frutn ae« to twelve leet la dlameier.
thej^vn Ja ,.
-— — - paw> about
the flia» of cU* whtfla. Tbe wheel#
air placed at earioue angles, ao th»l
logy may deOrjt th* rtUlee 1" ibe dirr- tioiw which tbry rtuuld go. Under
each track are two cable*. One cable
la ronatantlr ta aw Should oar of the
•That U very good ^advice.
erlM young taouee; “bu>.»ho _
Archibald DougUa. Earl of Asget
'“Bell-lbe-cai Doogtaa.’- It
i„ tbia way. Jem** 111.
m^de fa<5i1t»e of arehliecu aad maMna. One maeon baoi(<d Cochrane be
created Bari of Mar. The Seotrt nob!e« held a couell In the charoh oi
Seel ropee g't.e way .be aignal B ^rea
am the other cable U marted ln.n«>
.. .V .
•a CO _ ________________
« I
JOm'—*-*C-e —
Short Cat Pork perk...:...........
live* “all U good,- R“(^TO^^H*U**S^B«at.■.!
everr point
»» evuH dad no uci
lor aaxloty.
i >j^i. H. L- A Co. Beat.................
awU« Y«m, B L. A Oo. Beat................
Tbe eooBtry Is
dlcrairrlng 0 go- tanaen to alga va* Bgge per doi.
It lu papert. which later oo wra out OodfiBh ja
D be protulaaory aoiea.
: Lard per 1b
Aertake tbe fob of belling themt
Bicvcle iRiders.
“Socae laeB." aaid L'acle
^ ..
pairing and enainelinc.
at I ‘
i-ork of tta
' do give you tbe beat
_ in
_ the city frribt
tbr money.
be deoelved by what othera tell yon »
tbe oootrMy. b«t leorae aad mo Bflr
**vortui^ when Lord Grey
am (A« rtetler Of the gr.pt BU thetr
aarw aM the day and all night. Thoaa
who dwell beneaih tbe cable tint know
ao awA thing* a. the rMaga aad tha
tion. The cable* are deflected by meiaa
dl»appomt*d salt perl
of tocM uxuminy looking wtoeris bac k |
belore marrlago. aad ihe more unhappy
'^I*JImr#Ble* all my work to be rlgiM
tuu. the power bouw <m to the too# ,
King** 1 wUi are dlaappoiaied afu-r It
. Boelcwbeat
ad It It doaa not iwe w> I maka II
bfiieaih the dot of Ihe aircet rallroada. i
ji,, <,baox>oui favorite,
a college atudeat la reported aa »y- ' BUTWO aai
•MiUi^ of the aua. They art oa natth Tbe wheel* are moving elbow joenta. i
viTien the abdication of the Queen ot mg Uiai. oa the uhole. he rather ea-,
till a oVIPCk e
•waive boBiw at a time, atralalag their
breakliig of a "sheal
"sheat wbeeP
wbeer wou
would gp^n ,raa popularly urged and dia- }ovs bli aiwdlea. They furaiab a need-,
le the Ca’d^ell A LooPC. per bn..
«oept Sunday,
«yca to dawn Bawt in tbe m»a*Uc*lc« iiaorganUe an entire aectlon of
Df tbe «<a- cusaed. the LoBdos Tinea pertmenUr, od reUxatlon from his aibleUe work.
don hftildlng. at ^hrtb rod of GnicB
»w4iaekiin by wWch you am taken bl* read and .lop every g,,.
-----------car. The
The nij._
man .i «ak*d;
i 'We thould not forget that our Mon-'
(real u.e Batfery u> Itarlem.
*h« I
wblrilng '
“le there a maa la all CoalD able aad roe docirlne la after all liul the Eur»- o^lT'pJ^bo
•aytblag happeoa to the cable tha
.onaianiiy WiUlug to *li#ll iho caiT
e cf the twlaaee of power 5-nvwh*«L
U Whlaperrd from teieplw^ bnrted 1
wlldernrea of itacblnery. Ha
mmapUuied to Aaencau toll.—F. «L
Ja the earth, or I* told by c premure
,(,, i,earing* ncli oiled by meana
m • botlon la wane ptbiermaeaB t»v- ,
allgbteet Jir
A good, mrt^ making game at aa
The flagpole at Cranfa tomb, pre- Potato*#, per bn...-.............................« W*l
by. Haodredt o< men Alve law man- .
working of the wblrilng cirri
‘ cveelne party, or. for that matter, at eented by the Oaugb’er* of ihe Uetolu—^^-----------------------_____________
_______ w.
Buckleas Amina Sale#
u oil_______
the n-e-baa-am
of the r<*-a
j,.„, ai^a,
that __
aball giveany Ume. I* trying to repeat dlfflrull tiem. ta aald to bt (he Urpe»l la tbe
•( the Metropollua a......
Sirrei V.lt—.-lf
Railway ..
*og.t.rtr a bio-k aenteace* over and over again. One world, bring one hundred and flfiy-oae
the Baat Sat.v» in the world for
.. in -------------. til* rlmpletl
-->-*1 a^ beat of iheae U teat and one IbcA >u belgbi.
Cow. Bmiaeia. Sore# Oicort, SaU w-nrvbwrg ftlort.
; -mearwaty.lUeh
ewnpeay. and wore* alt
lun-MeJ . ftwjy.
U “Gig
I "Mixed blac-ulU.
L#rg« fire lo«am a
■oM-htbg aod waiting a cliance to re.
risneail. •■•■■aUoB Tr>ek>
'■wWiip." snd even worse than ihw la y,# ipiuraace eompaulca
port dome mishap. New mulei *Hh
The fitidve pit la wbtib wiiaaa.and po^tlaeiy eurea Pilaa,
- X; thick tbiatle aitrka."
reter npei
ailrka." Peter
Piper c„uragli.g treque:
frequeuc). and there
tn o tnslgnlflecnoe when
-- ------------------ no hope that Ihla
Me raHroMlag be»me
Jus' ia tront of the power Iidum.
- perfect
—(eev watUfaetioD or money
pared with fcn*b law birtkera. Having urucuve total aa low a* H»«.
] th give
John Rj Santo,
Beneral Insuianct.
, rafandor^ Prto
; ealebvJ G to(
The nnderrrotmd Parlor.
tei.drr it ataading by
w-t.rcU ready to artflbe moment anytiling gcci wrong.
It one of tti-3.e
wheel* ahould bieak a fon-c of work
men would be in the pit wlihiD a min.
Tbe cable* would ceeae from
whirling on the lamaat.
Tbe pU *
mainly lighted by k narrow window,
th. i-eblesiot. There te a top* i f clear
tv NeVfStand.belnrro
New* stand, belnr ro longer I
dellTe-... Wl’h th.-MoR* so UlCOBD. i
Seo-l order* to cavy New. Stand, 1" ■
cenua week.
She bad a aleve of alflcd IhUHea anil a ahoe*. boiling, hare***, and a luotwand ,
aieve of unsifted thistle*, and sfae war other tme*. “there a nothing Uie >««ti-■ Oompa-sy « *sm»ialg. © «*bU.
thistle lifter."
There are a few of the haadaome
The Urea# of th* common “kUr-|
y«nnah Rifle memorials lell, which
beetle- live four yexra, eailng the,
<«o he houent at tbe City HookaV-ee
............................ e the; •
•r M ceolse.ch
white light and tfaeh tbe aliadow. Kverr lew aeconda a afaotter rlueea over
the window. An obkiug ubjeri pjvsej
over our bmdt and a whirling round
comes from above. The eleutr."- light*
abinc ibe brighicr. Another cable <ar
colliery drain,
that It
... “catle
TBeev arw
wauibera,” "ahnave
pit taodeea."
"gyp.) miiB“ and all Au. p*e*.d. Tbai-oae went ugi toward
naanaer of workmen wjo are proud of i'otumboa-areuue. A peculiar cllcklag
•eir tfltre and look at you la mild w>Bod, a inoveoienl of a l.-ver. *bowi
emrTKlM. If you do nw teem to under- that iti.- car wa« bound for
h th* coltUie atone* In il>e neighborbuod of the p<»>' r Ixmre, at Setenth
eetiet-w P**s over the ulcnt w-aicuer in
th.- .heave pit every day.
Only the
Mired click of tbe li-ver tells l.'m
t I lfc-Ui iitKet. there le a ni<
•uwnce aubterruiienui lUc. As you pSM
the Sixth avenue ead of the power
bowae you will. If y<« look through tbo
wltKlow* we motuette- wheels wtodlug
t» sicri .mbic* Ihe cable*, after they
Ireve iheew«lly rrvolrliig drum*, ar*
ewTlcd Into a tunnel. Yon leave tbe
auallgtii at Uila imlnl and go with ma
W a iourney benonlh the aurf*.-* of the
We And ooe«lve. In a long
ipaoiBgw. IWurr <ia streb-hew a line of
of ax-
f_ _
w.iliji way Uie Irnvel.-r*
Tbe car* which coiii* *i«-ediog ov*i
vbc.c pit have dropped the n
which bore them to Fiftieth utr.cl and
an carried by ih<->r own momentum ;
over the gap vriiere the tube Iwtieati ,
the icw k* Is a.lcul.
Tbe eheuve pit tender cod. to tn. a* »i- »uri for the
tunnel d-yir. He '• alttlug In a ehair
li> B«i a mnnienf* rrot. He elin a lliUe clowr to (he stove, for It la * tlt-
•anc* th* Stone U oaUod “The Sundaj
Ao Boncat Medicine for LaOrippe
George W. tVaill of South llardirer.
Evei' Borned Ovtf
TTsa M U BLA-UOBi. ;
lYte towboat Tbomaa A. Scott
Pblladelpbla bu been auld fur a wre
lug craft, and ihU reiuovee the I
aldc wheeler of that
ibai cUas
cUa* oa the At*
At- —^ j .
lanllc ewat.
The proi>«ller now has U <.r.
-..i.-elle» Woe*. Sl« Fvuot Mceeu
the rlght^of way.
' .......
of lime.
When the lulncra were a*
urougb ihi
work, the water ruanlng ihrougb
1 black
dralo left a dcpoell. •>olorM]
coal dust: but when they were n
work, the water rat
left a white depostu
.u V..-.- Ibree
--------- ----------------- d white leyj ^ „j,de a stone of roa.irtfrahle thick. „i„. ,birh conaUtu’e* quite a calen: flar. Each d*T of arerk hits left a block
I iireak. which I* foltot^ by a w^i it
streak during thr night, while lhi<k
mark the Sunday* srd
West Jliichigan.
md generoua. in theiic .-rowded. hurrymg mrccu.’’ said the iiUbop of Wlnfhestcr, at tbe r*
„„ oilphatit la a rare
« *.»iy-etght; Mlrs Uiaddon au.l
Ouida as ntiKihle a> ever of wrimil
alllioigfa she V
lesM.'S that she 1* uliywix yoars uid.
LU-a*hT a i.aVW.Attortreyc
What U claimed to Ik- Ihe moat P“*- .
- pKiUsiej/raeilcc.
erful looornome in the world ha* jjsl
been compkiKl at Liege. At a UIaI ,
a 6pe.*l of f.>ri)-»l* mile* an hour \V, *^“,i „t
Mia c' fooattIV*
with a load of righ.y ,«m. n—b.r Bn*M
velght 0*he^
Ofliee PrlMrlcl. bluek*. «>■«.. hnWM aod ®«
'^rtark- ilgtil.. Which grow auiaUrr aa
tb euld in liir abMve pit tn winter of l-wab of no *.-i-o«nl but pn fl* toI the* M twelve tona.
tAe eye MIowa ther.; utii'.l tatr »eem weather.
v.-rtier. Cb*mb.-rl*in-. Cough R- a
khe liny atart a«t le tJic top of Ihe .
Drap tmia il>r Partar.
Is the oniv thing that ba* done any
i*w awt* ni Uke
I have n-rd ..ne
dark ari-kway;
The most eomfunabJr place la the (r(*Kl w|l«iev.
ThegrcaG-*i danger I
and the vMl'c. coM a< d ift of it* nsultlog in p
It brinir a
I. i-.hi'country of the cable gnomes U the
il Ileft me.
I conpratoa e
p have all
I* Vkvd.
Ttoe eotranee to the lunoal la guard, i ”piirl.*r.“ toe lioaie of Ui* g> psy leoi.er
msDUfsetarersof ao bone.t t ed,
O-ogh R-iiip<ly 'aken.
ed by a mau who look* nelUier to the ai Fifty aocond street. The front door
’• For sale by S. K. Wait, drug ;*ll
' * dangt
I be I
right mw to tbe Ivh. No one U perrolU ot the parlor U not ornameuial. Mr.
tU..u—i'.* w ho bavu u
ted to t» k to him He 1* watching two Oreeiiwtalrt. tbe track miwter of the camole Bkwk_______
pwai lupea of wl-« wbb-fa are flying b'e rvud. who was my guld# said that
pwi hiin
Two other cable*
mo- we would jue. “drop l«'o «be parlor
-otp.m. T»lei.bqo».W____________^___________
tkailtM upon Uieit rider wheels The to *ay bowvly-do“ Ike man who flthat >bi» I
Nt-ftag-MIs* BstrilcBnleomb.
gurd of the eoirauce of thI* lowel pally get* Into the parlor of the Hfly.
teol ihct)ul»efwltyBe*pU*i, A*i
in le»s time tbsn
■oHd ataada ihete for bourn befoie be aeroad <tre«( gyspy tender is lucky It eartii hut deal
uewlhi (or euiwIBg. tal
modern twentieth centnry a
s plesi
■ folleved He l» naiching th* robla*. he doe* not go head ilrsi. Near the
eooifled bv the beiug. ofUi
e by e
If he »cat_|M a atrand baa brukeo trick there M a grating. lYie uack lb - uastion (one sign fall*) From and
,inna q-^i* a»ki«r e
froai H» plack or that the great rope marier llfiwu the graitag. There wa
u. atb. tdat reaolt predicted by *o many
ling d--im p-actitioaer* after tbelr feeble .If .roin- b
ha* iJohen In
n any place. It m dark bol*.
- .lyiul:
of winb
si.d miagnide-i wttempu have failid.
a place which •eemetf^ bottomlei
feta duty to refiort ibr dete<-t by glr
Ik eoouuored by Ur Uvimsn. ice great
lag a wlgnal
1 bt raldm whirl past t
silsi. formerlv of New York an-!
him like wrlUilng aeipenta
We go
i»5lo. nowof the firm of I>r* H B. A
from the faint daylight, watch crew;# '
I'd.. Hu.kegoo, (so falls slgc No f|
between buiii.vu-i-w of uaiMNiry. to the.
HaavandmanyU the time ibst thi*
half -L-.iiK-''. <d the Barrowing paa-1
> liitcsrcCgIrl. f- a *'- *
After* s^^-ksofsaikfactorybuslueea
wagews) beyond. Kwry fool Of tbe ca-;
bronghl to bim seemingly on tbe brink ;
tnall. m»ry people have rvque|^
We wbl>« lake* ram from Fiftieth \
of the grave, but tbrougb hi* qu-eu,
perception of what was needed. b» b» UAD.tM t.) eau-i.d her *u.y on*
street ii> One Hundred and Tenth a rrtl
prompt aetl-jn, by bis r*du-*l andsei•od Wk again. b> IneegM- led by this
entiics'lv correct trestment, the snf tbe cobvenli n-M> uf many la and ont ol
•Item watclier n any. many time* a dry.;
lowo pwiple tor-nsult her on all *1feivr bs. been restored to the bosom of
Bvery time he ••*« a pis e where the
i fair* of nf. FASl'. FRESENf and FU! TURK wble*' •*e t- *■!« tbe life of
l•ble ha* hrtu rplirid be tou bea a hot-
J ngniig.Ae»Bi.Tr*T«TseOn»
xxhgta O.SA ni,.
iJroAsy.Jss. ll.U
•flrol Wedi
St tauoc
Astro Piy-Cbic Medium-Mad
am Le Lamar
toa ariikfa regieters the fact that tba
•ecrion piiere ihr rope bite been repair.
*<d b> in good order aad idiowa no sign
of tmvlog given away. If any accident
•iMiuld ovitr at one of these aplicnd
placni. and the regWer showed thM
thta wpllv lied not tieen duly reported,
there wooW be a cable watcher with
crupalion gooe. We are waiklag
MW through the paaaageway, the Lane
«r the Whirling Cwb’e. The tunnel U
twelve feel betow the aurfkce of Fiftygrot Birrri and a few fret south of the
middle Of the Oiorouyiifar*. It Is too
Mr dire n for any aound Irom the world
above to pearfe our ear*. Thettuineli*
about ell feet high. A tall man with a
klgh hat could never paw throngh tt.
Atavee •* In the damp anht beawuh
' onr feet an aaphaKM floor, covered
vrtth tar aud oil
On either aide ar*
emrrler wbi-eOa. thlriy-flT* feet apart.
-•eer wfek* the cable* are whirling,
YiM wire ropes Are M Wm k ax night,
Tfeer are coated vrlth a coropoeltton of
Uaxeed oH. pitch at^ some ktad of a
drwwlag of aerrel formula, mixed to•Mber. From an Iron tnak In th* middkTof the taoael this mlxtnre dripa
. (rom tbe end of a pip*, attached to an
-.r'Si i “rxrift-iib: w
In a* Wheel Pit.
♦romp* m to * p-m. Two dsysoniy ] "twr* houw. Hour* 5
pit. Tfce parlor Is n-ally a very
fonable place, ibougb. when you gel roartUalloa free and slridly coafldea-! This ad arpesm
• Morning RecMrC whl!
down Into IL It i* lull of wheeU aud
puiring cable*, to be sure, yet there la
room for a man to get about very com.
luitahly. Hack from the wblrilng machloery li a cooey nook. The man who
vraiche* the wtieri* down there is
favored rmwial. He came to greet
with a smile and bade ax be seated,
YTietw were two tiialr* aad a soap imx.
Th* rest M tb# furniture conalatod of
a desk, a e-ove. a rlotbea pram, a hit
ot rorpei aad a cnnaln to keep tb*
fliaughi away from toe man wken *ie
w.sheJ to do a lUUe writing. (On .be
wall were photograph* of acuegaes and
A framed picture v^ anspeaded from a aplk* drive* tabs i
wall. A bright Art wm glowHii In f
•on unk.
The «nril of the «U_aad e.ort We
the slot, turned
car ladeaa the air. The xtuR clings t«
Me feet at flwae who paw along. seemed to disappear.
"Whero U your cbloBey." I asked.
Drop* of iBotaturs Sail from the curt*
“We have a chimney about threo
at MWnry above.
erilrt long." aald the gypsy'" tender.
A USB sf wasiis.
“The amoke paww into the tube rt<r*
•n,* pasng* lx foor feet wld#
the cable ta placetf. The draught there
ta wall t
keep th the middle Of
r. blaat
■' the: J""'
lo U.U «-- furnaco.
Yornever eee the awke eoBtlng up
Thort who
because ll mlXrt wUh
way. though, or you wiU
«AU atree* girdling rope.
MWB th* paareceway go the laeo
laea who
Ml (fee Ariva wheel*.
There ta
---S? dSTy
A —! tukh -h,.-.... V.,-:
vntlon. Don't neglect trlof cant
flietioas. To any one wbovaine#
B«BV sorV St
life, beallh and banpines* we wc
,rly a»:Q-'«i;«*.
•dvise them us seek tbe aid of ibiv
» "ll
povAlble during Ibo one or two week*
emloeat pbvririao. A cnnsulia
she i» remaining here for conveoienmrwta notbiagi if you eaa be eared
ol all. a* Khe is rt q-z-sl-d. for .he cn- |
fee will core yi
IA« p-.p,.;.
eoerlyrf N„
Sri Vo-i,.
;p rit
Ur 0-.tmsn.
- Cilv. Mich Sslnr ' siioibcr cHj loog-c,
will visit Trai
-iver vsor. I«l l«B fhe*-* 1 areei. Pbltsdric
1». in the;re-nor.d
W !3i
!3i Front
Front S-reel
M me 4rtMM at '
j trocbl# wttb the tvaraca
ta that be wanUlo bsadta the rod.
S »!
r ci’XNixr.KAk.
Grand Rtpids t icdliiu 1.1
j£Rsa EZfassesa «*
-r",-::.";:.'.-;',".,, s't. =
llljsaa *«**■'
-♦ S. B. O-IBBS ■*-
The Practical Bicycle Bnilder and Repairer}
it s;v.*,r.!s.'.“'wr«-;f.:'f;is
Jl W
TrsiB* CWBCCI *1 *li.iro»ii'*nm twlee«*Ur,
rzeria nBniiBT M siri (row Besov e*Fts»a
Bi-rr Brsocb
ThU Oospsei
w-llisgtoo •HW'IS _______
BsbIUmb Cl«bU.* <•».
_____ _
------ — ,
n>llag. t-suu-lurslsg. esps. eosv# sbsii* 1m.o.
:: KS
,es6t t
.ssss a
We also sell Soimil Hemlock LiMnber, Maple Flooring
enil SHori Maple Wood.
$150 Per Day.
. tBEiifliaaafiiM ■■•gtR
r;i«sssa#a#s#s#n#s a vaaa
T70H UALE-rtoe rveUroev propvely.
J* !• fvrl tin-x.
V* aleo tore for sale land* for rood tarsM.
*l*or-s ■
££fiS«SSK«StSC«£8 RSe«a I
are buying in large quanlilies and pay highest prices.
»-it)t^Sn-i' "Vte-ir.thA-i-i
l|«=£« 8 Ss8 £&««
UBNT- runiUbrt t«w»
IS4U« or wsn *sS “Hr.
M, s-*i ris*> la mrr me
rsf. 10 t»w HfSt psepiB. Mrs i
TWB smm trwa PetoahM, HsrkiBi__
^ CIM-lsiistl(^k-sro.<lrsseast4Js.lXI>r-B.
rrsa ak-kwo»«. Pt. Vsyaa
asi-WS.T JDtN ^
... —
‘.*'*?!^ stavpvr fiT-w Orssa as|4«- U Ctn-u-su.
««»Bd Tew—Ko 65i
kM-s wortil»fm»n WM b»B« f«««i
•tiff la tka bottoM •tax of tka rlij.
Eockford. III.. Kfb »—IlUJ# balow I
^.o toda;. Thomaa Keafoa.a oicbi
MortK*k*aoodHi*Oh*»g«i ,»uhH»a <rf u.. w.t*r Po-*r ««.
I poar. WM foacrd frosoo totfamlb ob Ibe
' lea BBdcr ibc BarliB«tMi bridge.
. LoateTlIla. Kj-. Peb.
Tba waath«ee<t«ria«alf7Bp|MiBtad
u u,« eoldaat aiBoa IMI. M7o'eloeb
ttEataTbaf^balmod BwT Bool-': tj,* ^**rnajwt xb«rm.>«aiar reciaXerX«4abT Kilalad l« batow.
’ 1.8. D. Pab.»-Wilb tbaa
wm Ateo ba Isqulrad ta^* k»d a eofy M dfcraea balow aaro. khia I
' 'aoldeax place iB (he UoUed biai
Tboro«cb iBTwUtkOo* '
iday. A( Hlaworek. Ualoth sod LoKoda.
• -* <»Wecr»»
f' OraoBC. WU. 11 is SI darraoa below.
w*a reoelaad from Oaoecal OUa todaj.
Waahloirtoo. F«V O.-Tba board of ,
.1 Marietta. 0.. Peb 8-The aaeera
toqalrr which will pracHeoiU wy “«®-1
Th* ‘ waalhrr la doting the Ohio rlrer. fen-, 8'»*«
•rmlMilaa bo< beao appolaiad.
About Army Beel
...U.-Uo.o.-.r ...ir.. or
• UbO".. ~ <"«»'
el .b.~rp.rfl-“
.ed Oelee.l U««,. W- U..1. ;
•f .ho Nin.U tnUntrj. They ... U. e«-,
osloa Into the cbargr* touching (be [
4«erloso oraxy
X (orsiabad• tbe
and Make a Friend
Books and friends are synonynioue
Never bad such a chance as we are
offering yon now to get books at almost
your own prices.
Kcmoea Bour.ty on Beet
Snirar In Kicblgnn.
Lanaing. Feb W.—A large drlegatlna
of tffirer* and dlrmlora of-the aereral
Mirliinn beet >ugar factorie*. bead'd
en- *>y J'- “ »'*dl<>y. W. I,. Chorchlll and
.Speooer O. Kitbrr tif Kay City and
'■“MiolS-Twe dhlUtrf ...h -
. wL»
Buy a Book
WHliaOB Biaxoar-a Paeio-y will Basia
Bbboibc |> Kbia Tooiabt.
AadiM(m»l Force* Sent by Thcrelaa'roabofordara'ax WUIUm
Addittoiiai rorce*
Balloar'a facllry acd In order to Ifaap
Oeneral OU*.
op wiUi tOa rapldlf *D<Taaaloe tO'.iBaaa
Mr. britorrhatorronred to mo tba
Tow* rf *M B«q«* »*et«>y*<»
factory Dipbu a qooriar of a'day ailra
riat^r lB«rBaD»»-V“»*
tina. btylnr‘Pf tOBipkl, Tba order*
BalBK -**la'oroaO KeW KodU*- *r« ao far behlod that fi«8bx w.>rk will
Oorractod lArt of OaouaUta# Fiaee be oae-Mm-y (or ai loMlalx weeks sod
kbe Wo«ber of Amartcoo* Killed «l perbapa locyar.
ee, Olid WoBBdad 807
: ““ “
i 220 Front St.
“City Booketore.”
. tonnd
....... MioW«»o H“dT.
hi.......h. h..... e. hd.-.y.
Nllaa, MIeb.. Feb 8—All the cold
broken laat
I bradley declaring i
»ait.r»li.»*lTed la ito cbarg.a made night. The
' I that the coadUlona warranted it.
in- ougar cu«Mp»oy
i----- ” ^ [ i
byOrnemlMllaa agalnat tbeadmina [aorolng wi :e below arro and
Bg I twenty one huodredtbt of one percent. | f
,[ aoioe plaari lower. Twoahird. of tie
ol war aflalra.
Toe proeaedinga of tbe nonrt wUI in fire bydmnu nre frcsen. lire atoek la
Manila of the Kiret rrglment of I on ibe Inreatmeoi. aotwU>uiandiPg ^
laiuiVaaionnt to a trial of the com-'aufferlng.and U ta (eared tLavwhtat
»o)unteera to l-ollo, AailhefacllhatitbasacapacSlyforoaili.
•aading reaoral of tbe army. Oeoeral ;«d fmU tare been damaged.
! loar a» the mtaaing of the inanrgenu; from the‘iaw •'“O'*"
Mllaa baa mode aerlona chaigea. ao aer-f^rankforu Mich.. F<*b. ‘' —The barappeared to oooaay a cent on tbeonglnal Invevm-oi.
lama that Secretory Alger wanted bim , bor li dneed for the firat time in B»e
ii» **fety tJenrr-, ll waa abown that IS.ooo aciwt of. r
ooart marxialed. In addition to Uua year*. The Ano *rbor Bret baa been ,
weaken bU ■ beeta have been contracted fw in Bay . f
inty aod vicicUy alone for this year'a ^
»haw«rlnraatlcaaoti.eommlaatoo baa lce bound two mllei out
by aending any additional troop,
tooodtheehargeairronndleaa. and baa four honra. with no proipeeiof release.; ^
ibe .n-: mauu»ch^o...
ooverdy erltldaed Oaoerml MUee for • Beading. Mirb . Feb. 0-The toer-p„^j ------------------------------------------- (be part be took tn the war. Theae | mometer thla mornlag waa «
carry out ble plaa* for occnpatlon of;
Wb.-at Oo*a up.
ibe PBillPIlinea, Chicago. Veb V—Th.- coH weather
nCkitoStaolla. Tbie mmuxenl uAghl • i„day an I-a u'T .'amage to winter;
Inquiry averyserions aff.ir. It may
mull In <JenvT*I Milca following Oen- • •
' have been made aome time ago. but for, pi,nu, wUI. Brio cable*, gave wheat a
! toe oeceasily tbe commanding geceral
Msy opened ».'e higher.
oral Eagan into retirement, only the
• ingwatortofun W prevent
anaer i.f withdrawing the Kif'f. m,j ,„ia »i.,dy at TS'hCvnnlabmenl of the
•rol may be much more aesera. aa Tbe thermometer reached 16
before Iloilo. Thran_________________
Kagan's offenae waa oommittod wb.n t-ro laat night, ^hc pnmplng atouoa ,
! tha Uraai Eaiilt Ie»ld
SIS Union Street.
Telepbooe No-is.
i The Finest Stock Funeral i^oods
, hiu.«. 1—.. 1~. -or., ~ a galiona daily donng the cold
M lea' aiatomenU were made coolly,
eathvT. All the extra wator
deliberetely. end have been repeatod
time and again.
Oeneral Mllvs. when awn, bad nothlogwaayreepeding the appointment
m'tbeeoiirt. Be baa been aouumnlat- Bcho of Deuoii rotimal BuQding
Ing a large amount of evidence along
DlaaaUr Bribg* Sorrow to
Ihellneaof Inquiry, but baa nol chue*
* oounaaL
Detroit. Fvb. 9.—Thomea M.TboopTbe war Inveatlgatlon commlaak*
with the preaentoUon of ito report to ,jn. who waa eoglowr of tbv Joarnal
e. levs, when the holl
the preeldent at 4 o'clock thla afterer exploded, wrecking tbe boildlog and
moon. eeooed to exiat.
killing thtrty-aeven of ito lomatva,
ugbtvr Id
today found gnllly on
the Bceorder’a o
' 1-1.=- h.
E .T”nntU they bad an opportunity of
Stand, being
slretobtog themselves ashore.
From ^ rrdeli»iTe<l with the MouviNO Er«llondlnlu they went to Manila harbor, l «nt> >--n-i order* to City Now* Stand
10 cenuavreek.
oot landed, being sent to llo-1
no. There the men bad been lyieg,
aboard ship. In sight of land. Now,
however, they arc nahorr at Manila.
General Miller bos the Sixth and
Eigbtoeoth infantry and IlsUery G. of
the Sixth orliUcry. These will be re
inforced in tweniy-foor honrt by the
First Tennessee r^imrnl. making a
force quite equal to the oecupalion of
Destruction of Bon Beqoe.
MaeiU. Feb. 9.—The oatires. fearing
that the Americans were about to bom
Awfol Edaolti of tb« Severe
bard tbe town of San Boqne, set fire to
it today. It waa still burning as tbi*
ly Cold Weether.
.dispatch was sent, and. aa it is comp >•ed mainly of bamboo but*, will probab
Torrible Dotreea B parted aod KerBd. WbUea of Ooprmiab Oot Away ly be WUUy doatrojed. Dewey said if j
cury Dropa Xioweet In T<
the city waa not surrendered today be
WIUi 8180 Bot Wa* Captured tn
Made by Miehigno Telephone Co.
in Kany IXMOIIUeo.
Tble City Last Might.
would deatroy it
for arty class of x'-rvice desired.
Waahington. Feb. 9.—A weather boTelegraph operator* are now worth
Ed. Whalen, a abingle weaver of
lean ipeclal bulletin aaya that tbe temtheir
Copvmisb. wea lodged In JaEl here late
veratnrv oontlouve abnormally low In
laat night on a charge of larceny of Of tbe signal corps are working nigbi
Oll-dUtrie'aeaat of the R^cky m
at end of six months or change
and day.
tolea TbeF-aelem DakoUa. Mini
to any el*M of aervtee at will.
The Filipinos ■*» evidently eonceoWhen the train fro-n tbe aoolh ar
Telenbooe tbe manager to call
to. Weatotn Wlacooaln aod the region
rived on the C A W. M. Whalen w*a traUng between Caloooan and Usia
to tbv northward arervmbmeed within
and explain nerrniet adopted by
ai tbe depot. etldenUy wailing ao . ptbe
^ of tbe
portoDliy to take an oovgoing train. Fliiplnoa ore being reinforced by bet
where reading* r*nge from St to M be
When the train polled in, however. ter drilled man from me oorihem
low xvro In the atoto* named,
WboloD waa nabbed by Constable provinoe*. In front of Caloocan they
reaebed 50 degree* below at Miasldoao.
BnnterofCopemUhand Sight Police- are aa thick ma bvM.
The American troops feel the heat of
moo Orayson, and at onee tokeo to
Z-ro twnperatore extooda to a line
js.l and placed In cberge of bberiff midday In the opes, bat they are anxtraced from Ceatral VlrglaU. ovrr
loua to procMd.
. Nonbvm Arkooaea aod
It ll alleged that Whalen wot preeeeeihvm Oklahoma.
ent In the ealooo of C. O. deUivan at
The outlook la that there will be
AI. WUlord of Empire. Ii in tbe cHy
marked, tboogh gradual moderallo. Gopemiah wbea the proprietor beaded to viiit Mra Willard who la aiek and
•f tbv umpvr»tarv voat of tbe B->chy ,«»>*«=''•
taking treetmeel In the elty.
. Ploridaibefor
.... I
tnr klM
In Manletee.
bitn la
U. M Dame of Northport waa in tba
jthe nfteraoen
tl Trosan to DmxUx
{came In it Is said
city aurveyor. who 1 ^
Chicago. Peb 9—Tbe elty is In tbe, there nod repreaenrIieffthat he enme'
,j.^,h*t been engaged io surveying
er eln<
Th. ,h.r.=«.l.r b.™ 1. I-ll
of S.. V=rk. hu
„id;.rtVVi,d" Vr « .Wool. 1, -lPf»d -l‘» «■ •»"'« •»
l..„rfu,Ul. oil,
retarned ' |
City on the evening train yeatordny.
ft below. Many tbrrmi
wt«=uk,.u,j.nb.r. «b.!.=
-b—r-fj.'b-ib.i-'bi'i'•ter* showed down to 55 and Si.
Thomas Wilson, of She
score of person* were ao severely froat tnmed all but 85 <>f tbe amount to Con-'
Cs»d in every civilized nation of Ibe filobe., | We make
these fpxbds in onr own (actorieA Ton take
ebani-w of louint{ your money in dealing witb ns, for we guarantee^ every in
strument. Easy terms, right pricPA
Xv* xroirUiet-a. *«tokil«aA,
But kept ont of sight unUl each a lime aa wantedf
235 Front Street.,'
N. E. STRONG,' Manajer
Ten Teat Contracls
Subscribers May Cancel
Too Maoy Overciiats
Michigan Telephone Co.
sr„v;b-;;b.;i.,.eu,...b....-.™ „.,.j.b..^ -mb, »b„
U, lb. boflb. blbUbb. bbd bb.. lUbf.>« l.r . b..nb, tbf. morbfbt.
IbblU... f. bb «... Ob'
Ibop^bd «.«. U.. r™.t I. p.b^j
Those Marked S7.50
Are Wonderful Bargains.
And 'twill pAj 70U to look at tb«m;
u JE' ^
, W. H. W«b.b .1 ibo llff-.nkb.:g
L«i™ibl HU E=« Kr.u»b«UiB™»l»»Co.Hlb,b.Hl,<»bb.fb»
3 I
S t
Ub,r»,b.—«r..f.. bbd ««b.f d.btbl., ol l-,..b K,b«.=b.ll.
„„ b„b,«.
>l.Ll.ab.l.orO™i«iE.pldbU..jE ^
death on the street.
‘ D. Coehiln aod immediately afterward*
fc S
thalihe man whH« Intoxkmtod Uy. u,, ea,piedepart«^ for Oman Rapid*
ArUsor Homan i* one tf tbf’oew pnAowoand.uecomWtoihacold. Hon a ahott weddingtoor. Both ore well;
th, Boaloem College.
!tz =‘
1 ne cold wave show* incfwnaeaienai-friends will extend. Alfred McDonald has i-clomed ♦« «" —•
tr fo fb. ,™«.f ««b... =, tb. ™b. I „
,b, F.,«.
Big E.pid*.,fc
try. Freering temperatare la today r«-[
-------------------------after spending two months in the elty. ^
ported *• for south Ol (>nir*l Florida j
0***1 Prtaantod to Blk*'L-jdg*.
WUUam Dickenson of Uarahall.Mich.'
IndiealioDs are that the weather wUI| L«*t night at the Elks'lodge meeting
as * guest at the Colombia yealerday. ; ^
moderate wimewbat on Friday.
^ | a floe gavel wo* presented to tLlodge
Mis* EstelU Jacob* of Lake Ann f
AmmcihefataliUe* do* to the cold w,
DriUier. Tbe gavel waa
spent yesterday in the city.
!yrrpofted from ouulde Chicago wer* |
upon one aide of
, . ! it were mcuoted tba ^otographi of
At Cbrro'llton. Webb Meek.a rma1
dnyot the borne of flqolre Cioomis ofjj
Jnrmer. wa* frrxen to dsath
w_. .
dtotb tb^la
““ Snttona Bay. e^orc ebe bto bee* *i*lt-j|
B-qnlra Dick Campbell,
walking the mile from kisfsrmtotha
1^. Oidmaed was 71 year* of ng* **d , 1
meeting nb
w*OAB old ptnoMr of OlM Arbor.
At g»n*ai aty lb* body •( .•*«»:
Better grades at 25 per cent, discount, making a
$16.00 coat flJ.OO-a $lt\00 coat $9.1*0—^S.Ou coat
S6.00, aod so on.
The"celebrated Jaros Underwear—pijice never
before broken with us—to clean up the sto^k we will
sell all $2 00 garments for $1.50. All other grades
of this make from 50 to 75c reduction on each piece.!
HamiltoD ClothiDg Co.
rrhM Aawi'
MS SvM Cor A Seac Kmc FAp«r.
n* folloirlnc ArtUla H>PMi«d a
Abort Uba Afo U tbo CbkAfo TriboM
ab4 «1U b« of loUMoHo TrAr«M OUy
fMfc T Vabb a» J. W, WtwnB, PAOPIA. Tb* AAb^Ct Ct Ibo ArtlclA H '
ABADcleef wnit# L*A o< tb* rroni:
Mdces tfie food foore <Mic3oas Md ¥
«. W. HAnn. Hltor ab4 IUmcw. AtI«At CblAfAO lAAAdfT. aM WlU bA l» '
_ jbATAdAa hArtAf rtAlted TrA*»fA« |
city UM ftAr:
•■BAtU«Crwk dAlMAMrioriiy tai tbc;
VlOAA OOA of Bis Tots.
shApe of A CbioAM raportar. «bo
BopA who ro AkAUec will pw«t bp
UUA no»* of iBportAAM from
A _i
. .w.
o« hi. «.' BopnwntotiTo DavIiI F. Wllbor ct the ezprrieooa of Irrioc Merrmp who
Ai^A l»
“ I S„ Y«E I.
ol U» U,8«t hop h«l pjol bU u-i I.c. .1.. JbJ.
VS4TSK8Etnrr. • iooHxa4V
^ ^dtosoumar^vRc
WSK-. •. •.
5oods SaVe
- a
£»a.\e *5\v\s "UeaT
\Vtt C0\& Oth^tT Ut&
Tn eUoAt iahAWUAt of tbc OtAod
9n*ocM rofloA odbw torWArt with
CnBlfliim 1-^ 1--*------- r..........
pou SOAP bAA bM IbA OOldSSt Aod
1|^— ■T r----Bet «A tDAp
ksseoAOlad with tba fset tbAt tb# cxIMA oold wAAthw ta sot ooefloAd to
wnbaro MtehICAo: AoathAro MioblCAO,
OUO, JodlABA ASd ATM PloridA AZ«
ChlfSrtBC is AO AtBOOpbAtA tbAt WOold
fblboobABAordtAArpOrAod TrovorM
.Wtatsr wAAlbor.
Ksw IhAt OoDSTAl Bacas hst bees:
Mispcssd of some aOooUob wUl be:
glnb OoMTAl Mllm. And wbos be oosftMM tba eeort of isqolrp bo wiU be
tscshod to bACh «p hie AtAtoBenta r«-'
catBisc the -oBbAlBed beef.- It te
UmierAl MUee will
CSlte probAble that Ui
ClAOorer that there U
thoB before a ooart of sum jndc«A
AMibP C. H»rib U» orw mlblnar o„dri Ir i.n.c Ib. lor b« obl; .ItD
ea U CbisA.
IP AttrtriA. U eeid to be use of the best ir,ior bAd4uff.'r«l voDAUereblv from
"Th« oiAo'A aaba U WllllAm
Leo. cIaasScaI ecboUn erer gThdutod Crom ,v.
„« iv.
sod ho b both eoltered Aod AmerlcAo-; the NgrthweetenumiTereity.
^ wo ettecte oi toe mwiorteoe.
Uod. Be do*e AOV AA A role/oorree-j Secretary of Sute Hep waa broor’'
with hie (AT dietABt pAper. bat qp b PreebyterisD. aad Ai A bop war a
htaldw*b«lh.r.etait8AA. :«coUr«tt««iAbt .t the Pr»bptartAS
dmoD marder eoee wa> bcoocht sp i SaadAp edwol et Wabaw. niA
on m» j
This pecAllAr trtAi of A woBAh for mar-1 Mr. JaioAetioi Tata bA« offmd the leDce: «n>rb aet In sad CaAlip tenBe-l
kltbp toabAod lodiAtt (corortmirnl $l.a&0.000 for the AWd In Cooannptkia- Four docWr.
----- - i.
i.a:. of
------.----iA_ care me up, •—Inc
—_____Ip . I eetabliabm'Vt
in India
Aaptnc II eoald
oooid lire
lire but
but Aa
It toob weoim oi WOTS.
mnner of Illuioi. doee not oojwt tube- ^ eoriaed to *c» Dr. K op\ NVw Dii..
•hot they likad It 1
‘®* cuncAturei apd -ewi. koo. «Kep^«ry for G«»nmptk,ii. roo,rh»
word WAA In pare Ohlaaat ana Moaea „ ^
„ Unre icrApbook ofSpiCh Cold*. 1 pare it a Ul.l, 'o-.i- in
like A TAAt oolleeUoa of biota when clrawiuKe of liitn^fir
eipht botUee. It baa rii'rd me.
BAllAd Acrooa the oeeen. Le<wAA nak
Since a recent etatenwiit that John
*“<* h**Hbp iroBAB. T'lal hni,i«i
ed why they Ithed it ao well. And be re P Jone«of
lo eta. at 8. K Waifa and ! t>. Ji ht.
plied that mnrden were not frequent mao in tber^oAte
------- he ha- been orerstore.
Begnlar aiie 50o
tn ChlilA: there were more enieidea.The whelmed with begiciDR
.......... lotters aalatm and II. GnarADteed or price refnnded.
oonietbinit ortir
enaloa of aletinc ose'a own InI all sonirtbing
•elf OB tba dootmlep of the encBy le
The emperor of Ai-------------------- ----- « .
.... oseopl Is oome of the Rn«ia. Raiser Willn-lm and President *1»* 6«a4 BapHi BaraU
dpordona. but there ta.
lor'a City news Hiend.beWg t lO loeger
f.m(l-hakir.x. King Uombert is arrayed
I, A Boeh larirer a
delirrred with lb- M'iUmmu Bcouan '
.•n the other side uf ibe question.
beod nrden to «ty Ni
8tacd. 10;
aslf-deatraction than in Ab
It ia imid that wbiti Comelins BUb
'•Taan. too. tha rfoBen would not was a auiall acbuDU».>y bU teacbir asked
think of alaplng a hntbud. and family him if Jenualrui was a conimoa or
tmnblat nauallr end with thelr^uklng proper nonn. ••Niither.” rejilied tha
their own Ute. Beaoe the act of an in- little pnpil: *'il‘a an ejacnl.ntiun."
farlor creature like a womanialayiog ao
Barnett Walker of Chicago, a nephew
grand a being aa a hnaband, an aged of Premdent Polk, is the onlr men er«
man. a rich man. ia ao anrprlalag that bom in the White Bouse Hit father
Polk’s privaU aerretaiy and the
ererybody reads it.
’■Lee waa bora ia Portland,sOre.. of family lived in the exeentire
CbBTlema;nte Towi-r. embamador to
pnra'cblneae parenu. Be U edaeated.
baa besa,a leetnrer. and baa a welcome Rnssia. Is Ibe son of ' ? of CbarlB
mUAo^ owSrea^^fv-
RuaVN!)K*t &oo4h Sa\« irtvwX cWV ««V
\tih awT^ea aVowa Nttirtfl^ore.
^V\ ita« ait& btaaM^hV &tsV)aa Va eVaeV,
ilm\lua.\atRta. a\c.
£*5VveTt mW \>e;
.}'j| J *Ko^i.\\Viv^
vtv \\us
saVg. j
^ Vi'Vk «it& comvUlt VtTtt 0^ ^itcith.
hskt. tkc—
■ *^\xs\\Tv AXtyAervamA kvitt 0^ SUt* StnirroiAeikti tttc\
wouUU & cr«&\\ \o Kit) eVk) tlorc.
We are showing
a fine line of^
Wire llAilCo. haredccidedto adi
ths «rac«a uf their cBployee fros
JPpwoeot. OB tbeflrnt of Maroh. Thka
plaea amoog hb whiU fallow-mer.
ieirielon r.lU effrei tbonaanda of
ebaou. Be la aa ejcuaaire trareler
SBptayed by the bi* eoBblne.
and haarlalted the majority of the forAnatralla
It haa been dbcorered that the
4w»h rsM In the l*bllipploM U a aeri eatreme North. Ha dreaaea ap to date,
sat obataele In the way of mahlnc the ridea a bleyeU, and apaaka with Intellltesdt A popnlar winur resort. Bm llgenee on ail qaaatiooa of satlona
It it probable tAat this condition will
ksoelytamporAiTXBStBeeieal Moatiacapeeial nnlon rerlral at
will be held tbU erenlag in the Bap
a L. entWA of Lake arenne U re- Uatcboicb. Ber. W. K Wright wUl
•preciBit froB an attack of the crip.
preach. This will be the last of the
The W. C. T. U. Botbera’ Beetinc apeeial Bsetlnge and all are inriud to
irfD bo held thia afumoonet the heme attend.
Sf Km. P. C. nilbertoo West Srrenth
Mreot. Hrn. Minora wUi bare charve
Pfofreior Grawn made a happy aelecat tba procram and all are Inrlted
tloa when be chose the Ladiei Military.
L itunf
Thia aoetinf was to hare band for the High school lecinra eourre'
bssB held at Mra. B. Wilbela’a hoBs. Tbborganlzatioa bae gained a great
Bat was ebaiured on aoeonnt of the lab
tbronghonl the conntrp and
«tr^ UlBoaa.
besides being a norelty U a perfect
Sr. A. B. BoUlday waa thrown troB
jilt wtur on West Bickih street yee- dlnary merit. This is what the Boaton
iMdty. but fortonatelyeeeaped Iniury. Timas said of It:
9. W. Wilson of Bentonla, who U
“The fact that this waa the first
TWtlsf hla daufffater.Mra. Will Wlnaaa eoDoert appearance of the aeaaoi
Ca Onion atreet. war a BSBber of the thUcIty. of this organUuloa. brought
{•Clasaatate leyialatore 14 yean aco. out an andienoe which completely fill
At that time Eocene V. Orbs rraa ed the honar. and their moat sang
B MBber qf the i^ae body. Mr. Wil- expeouttoes were felly realit*d by V'e
•sa ABd Mr Ilrbr bad a plesaant Beet splendid appearance of the yonng la
dles and the escelicnt and aniaile pro
le here Wednraday erenincgram carried out under tbeaklllfull di
Oesar UorkBsn, Jr. of
e wife died A abort time Afo. rection of Ur. Reward, who baa long
haoAChi hU lUUe babe toatay rrltb hla occupied a prominent place in musical
Their playing waa In perfect
Mr. SlBBona. kbot sawyer at Kont'a nniaon. but it could not he otherwise,
Srill, Bel with an aeuidrol which re- as each lady U a aololat of nnnaual
aaltad in the loss of bia left thnsb yea- ability and thoroughly master of ber
tarday. Dr. Martin dressed tje wound. ioa'rnment. Eocoret were pleuUfal
throughout the program.”
there will b- e mseUoc tonlfbt of
Trarsree CUp Chapter. No. 10?. B.
Prask OanncU's Birthdag.
M.. for work in the M. M. defree.
Wheo Frank Gannett rclorned at
n# new eandp fwiory of Siranb sapper time laat evening'to hu home
Bros. A Aoiotl will be started nest on Wrat Front Btresi he wms greatly
weak and nine hanila will be employed anrpriaed to find eight of bis genUeallbaatan.
friends awaUieg him. An expla
. norewill be a special meeting of nation was uneailcd for, however,
I'wBoyal Ncigbbars of America thU when fie remembered that today would
be bla birthday anniveraa^, but aa be
Bosnlnr- UoalooB of imp
-aa going to be oot oftosm. hU friends
The minors of £1^ Baker hare been sme a little early.
-fTMtsd a penslim^SU per month.
The affair waa a very pleaaa^ one
Dd waa a-rangcd by Mru. GasEiAt who
aerved a anmptnous sapper to the
r»«*uBebool Ubrary Addltiona.
the following Hat of new books le
TsIaabU addlUoo to the Bleb aehool
Phyainal Gaoemphy. Daria.
Maatarpieocs of British UterAtnra.
Hlatorie Pilgrimages ia New Knglaad.
Patrtotle OlUaeneblp.
Oarpeatare of North Asurica.
Fabow Problema io Eienuntary
And are giving eoojo rerr inlereet
Mile. Lncie Panre. danghter of tha
and Enrfrsb. has written . few hooka «
BtlUngal 15c-rrgolar 2oc
of travel and is a kind of nnoffioUl aao- goods—and anotber assortment of
ratary to her fntber
35c kockIb at Hk.
il palms
we are adlTom Wat-on. the Georgia PopnlJat.
Tboe** natural
pretty and make a
«y thif) void ueatber.
MMc^V )0K ChlVItlA K^^0T& \o n&» Uti Kit
hUTc \o K)vr6cW\t vAvtit )W1 htt
hontn &«hv)ivh Kit& qoKVVVB .0^ owr )oe&».
bk m\\.\ pK) )9u ko whVk ^or ttiii u.\». k>t»
ickb 0^ MAtktkt wkkk cpphci Vhktt. -
.rh^.iT."a:‘D;:‘?.r£SC T W SI a top
pruDonDces S(Tiun<aDdacbuIarlythoagh O • VV
full of fault aa ueU aa attrsetiuna
Honae Fnmisbing Store.
New Store, 120 Front Street.
Tbs Sure Ia Orlpps Cure.
There ia DU nre suffering from this
dr-adfol malady. If you will only get
the right remedy. You sra baeiap p»lo
all thrutigli your bo>ly. your liver is out
of ordi-r. bavr no appetite, no life or
ambition, baeeabad i-old. in fact are
rompictrlv uwd np Electric KitU-ra
U the pole remedy that will glee yon
prompt and ant-e relief They art di
rectly on your Lleer. Stomach sod KidB-y*. umt np the whole system and
make yon fe<-1 'ike a nc neiog. They
arc gumruoieed
guaraoieed to cure or price rafuuded. h'orsaVat the drug
Stores of 8.
R Walt aod J. G. J.lohkon. Only &oe
per bottle.
Will be filled correctly,
and with absolutely pure
you bring them to us.
For finest meals cooked
To Your Taste! jj
Fresh Sea Foods Served Daily.|J
The Ohxieaa Mew Tear.
Today began the Chineae New Year,
‘ Finl-elBMregnlardiDDer.which always begins on Gie day of the
aeeood«ew moon ia tbe veer. That
generally oeenra during the first
two weeks of Febraary, coming Ibis
year on the 1Mb. lo places where there
are laige colonies of eeleatlala. New
featitlUea are oelehmlad Inna-!
tive style, lasting from two to four 21-1 r roilt St
weeks. Tbe only Chinaioen in this lo
cality are Wiilte Lee. Lee Yow and
MalheBAtleal and BleBeaiai; Tab. Jim Lee. Chinese lanndrymen, who ohtan.
aerve New Years day in a qniat way.
Blatory of CheBlatry.
PruDsa Don't Go Mow.
Oxford Hannah of Bagliah Blatory,
■On Wedeeaday night Mr. and Mrs.
Ealpb UMoablv enteruined the ladles
Tha Boya-King Arthur.
whist club. _ The hoau have recently
OnJreralty Hhyaiea
h^uo keeping bouse and there ■ haa
Borne Life of Great Anihoru. '
been aoa£4« nce ofcaaord fruit ia their
Light—VVibie and Inriaible.
larder, ao they have been aupp;yiagihe
' ErproMBiatlrr English Literature.
deficiency witn liberal quautlUea of
KesenU of Geometry.
pronea Tbe.adiesof tbe whist club
BUvrupbleal drrlea. (S rolaO
arnlngof >he sad state of thlcigaca^
- - :ht a can u! fruit, and aoV fir
, wl t H- h-rred for a whlie at tbe Coan-1 AuiMctar. i«r vziMira at
lahl hoaag.
' pwuuc^mmM'tov^Mtax **
Hannah & Lay Co’s.
drujfs and chemicals if
Remember ,
There ArOwo Kinds Of Flour
Aod others
When yon want the best ask foi
Queen Git; Restaorant, <
: Hake a dish good enough tor Fresident HcSiuley or any otber person; but-to have the dish right, you must have good.:^
materials—We keep the-bestHacaroui and tbe best Hiebigsn
51 Full Cream Cheese—Try some.
. Do you know that we have the celebrated Bromangelon
K- In different flavors? Makes the most delicious jelly and only
takes two minutes to prepare It. Every housekeeper should
have some on band lo use in case of emergency. Only IGc
per package, two packages for e6c.
The place-----T. 0. COLLINS,
; fMMd •■ TkM
br K PwtooB t^iorfrwsl I
of vouous
vuuads t]/
<7 *iHm
PdT««»l WKttty of
«K»wla« «t alliow for waartae
tt WM aKtabllihed b»« been most t«Ti,r*:>!y raportrf ob
oftea Uvo otaerred ^ tbc AaparUneni of Mxricolio^-- an niBiruw cuumicn With itt tnk jawbtM lo becook« an isiporUBt in-
In u>-rmtM S1=I1 I. ItiUl■ Ml (o M
aod b aU)l
The tribe»•
tTi 000 a war la knlBc
attd tet e?o> bom known to ^ i»>« • rotorn of not Imi • in from
•totvtarete AUmU. Oa.. -——— ; o-ti,
w,.arr2broka.hmbbyn.oan.ala«mt » lo 80 per tmL on be «:ured on
alfbu tb* «ald«i o( tba yav,r
.1^ ! ;
on. cx^oo U Fatio toooey Jnreated to plwiUn* tte kind Of
«Mycf»Ure bM *ot .,
ly tood-,WO yearly, which baddod to tba food. |uli«l a wupe whK* bad tauucb«it a willow anltable for baakK-maklco. and
WMcd. Afr««stacUMutMd» MTtb
TntUe of ibrlhaffe. Ho., large dreastig cxmipoaMl of down from hnndredi of ihoi:rxnda of ecrea eaa be
OM aootb thfoncii the MrUiwaal por-1 hae jo»t reeelead froa the fod^ goeparu of ibrbody and recwxly nUIbed to thb way that are worthleaa
Moo of Florida, aad the taaiperatBPe,enimeatadrafl for de M to payment of Bawl to the body by ixo;,-ulsied blu>d for abythlng elae. Of the UO known
atdhehnoBvlUebaaraaebad the frtea > a debt that haa been raDotoz atoee the
»ut«rw..r«n apeclei of willow, but few bare been
|!i..7«^ w
.! fcatheraeanpped on u» the aiie of a foond to baee any emonmle ralne. A
which TntUa koe fm^^tore of oue or other limb Tbe tnox good basket willow abouid yield many
The BrlUih ntoatoar Manaloto, tram r Dothtog. I* appean that to aeultog
alerdrr rods without bmmhlng. The
«awYark.Jaoaar7Mtof Hall, paaaed, with CapUtoTntUe for bbaerTimt aa bntb of wboaikw-he bad aniortonntily rods ahm:d be aoR and pliable, and of
Ibrtlaad.Bog. aod aigaaled that her aaoMleroeeday'apay was oeerlooked br,,keo by a misdmsted idiot Ho ouly a while eolor when jwled. and the
oblaf oBerr and boatasrato bad boea and aleo an allowanee for clotfatog. It reiarervd u on tbe fnllowiuK day. wboo atocka tnuai be rleoroua rnougb to bear
kUiad; tkat a qaanarMator aad a aea- [took L'acle Sam thirty foar yaera lo be foood that toe woundnl bird bad well for a Innc peri«>i! of years.
.. aud
lUd a mm
■aa bad been drowaad aad that the dlasorar tba error
cnotnvod to apply dnswuigs
The kind
moat snrmsafnlly grown to
: of «,.l.ut
siiliul to
to both
both Ito'
limbs Ju carryuig
roumry is the red osier, which is
•apUla nnl.,o,nlm«, were InJ.red i
thin opernaiai aooie.fmUMnbad bn.x^np--^f Gerr
Gerr an orgto.
Aartof the favfal weather eaparieoeitaa^ed
mannfactHre of wllOne «t the moot slngnlar looklBg
•d wkUa OB tba way from New
------------------------------------^ areetnree that arrar walked tke earth '«« able to nee Its claws lo get nd of low-ware, though yet very Ilmlied. hat
York. Theataaaaarioaiiiarbaata
the watera undar the aarth- «l-n toe pour <3«atore was almosl dead' been alowly growing for sereral yearn,
raaad was oibarwfcM dam to the world famoos man
n faced
crab of frum
Irua taunger j^beo tunud. — Foblic One of Is principle ceniem U the dUOfOd.
Japan. Ita body is hardly an Inch to l>i»i
; tri« around Syracuse, N. Y., where the
ore of salt la carried od largeA number of lodlaoe from tke norU l«nr-b. yet the bead la Bttod with a
Ct«an see *
• Y on -re uerrona.
•eaday and ware latrodneod to toe mlsalm
prealdont by Hr
abWf of toe todtoo bnrean. The deU | «• »>»« tmeanny creature, bMdei the
g^.«nri.t.dofH.d,ctoe Be«. Big'
Jems, A. Oerfleld. Aesioabone. The
TanktonearetoereioenUh the eeUlemoat of elaima against toe goreremeat
artotog under toe treaty of U» and to
oeenra payment of »&.000 which they
nnaart to doe them. from the Great.
northern B. B. Co. for toe right of way
tbreagbtoheir reeciwatloa The Aaetoa
A Little
Totof«w of thee
ally inclined Udlee
In Our Cloak Deparinient
For Balance of This Week,
We offer the beet Lediee* Jackets, 16 in ail, formerly
retailed at no leee than $12, ud up
to $16—choice ot any
I ly In the euiuiuer. t-u!piii»n
aaid ibe doewe
, number of men who fill in tl
haake. wearlnt The c^c.u.
••Tlie only toiug lor ^ to da' «t-
°8iaiM* IM *arilIow^^ «ta^ |
eld* of 1U faoe. Beeldee tbeee lege.
--Ahr-id toe doctor "Tb« the
b ebom an Inch to
___ i._ - _!t!
• pif« «rmsiunally. It baa a
forked bmrt. Tbsae man fne«l embe »M7 aouthing effect ”
swarm in the toland seas of Japan.it • msy to preecnbe wbeti yon know
Public Opinion.
how.-Cb.caim Font
P^«»uelng 3,6;S.«0C worth of manulaciiired ware. The value of raw ma- ]
terial eonaomed was |1.3»8..S00—an
crease of«l per cent, over that of IkSO.
In England, the planutiona of willow
for liaakeU are usually on the banka of
rlrera and aireams. In aomr rlrera
many tmall ir'ands are entirely eorerrd with the treea.—St Louis Globe1 ■ Democrat
{0^ KlvcVvv^avL
5\vOTl,'5T6S\v'K,tVBsS\ontS I
hae not obaersod the obligaUoos of toe
ma Urea >r Ibr l-hlUrpIsra.
treaty toil, wtleb expiree in IWil.
There la one race Iniiublltog the
At at Panl. Hinn..
riiUlpptoea which will be a welcome
beat the wiaiei'srretrd fur oofd. the I
. nddUlon to Ameriron cliUeosbIp and
ereaiber bereae reporUng II below 1
•*, Immigrants of IhU tribe will be given
aero, while nooBeial trmperateree
Oeorve N Cody of Ypalianileoee the a direct deecsodent of Th. mac Parr.' even faclMiy to go into bualnesa to
fBBged dnwa to M and to below. 1q I 0.. Y'. A A. A. railway for $5.W)i dam- who was born In Boglaed in M15 aod ] tola country. They will even be furntha extreme aortowmi the mercury agea. 'Sc allrgea hejeadered a fare of wbo Herd the looceat of any person in ; Ubed shops and dwelling honrea and
material In any amount tree of
B for a ride to modern lime* of whom there iaaotoeo 1
to approaebiog aero on toeop-grade.and twenty eenUa
a alight abaiemeot of the cold la prom- Ypallanii. stating he eonld not bny alvcreeord. Be was koown tbroeghoiii charge. Here than ibl*. If by any ac
cident they do not make enough to live
toad later In the week. The weather ticket
t^bet at
ai Wayne. Be clalmi be wan i Boglond as "Old Han Parr.
: on (hey will be boused and fed free of
aonUonea clear, bat there baa beea a I F®t
heoauai be woald oolpey twen-1 to toe egeoMts years, drlag io
' charge until such llnic a>< biislneoii Imly-llre oenu. ellbougb toe ticket ooele I For over throe centuries bia droen
•nUleg wind. This is toe ioweet alncc ’ tJ* : provex. when tb< y will be allowed to
IIU. Go aoooaoi of toe ietaoae oold, bot twenty oeni u
! bare been noted f >r their loegerity. : pay tbelr debts In the Bitrii:ua which
very cold latelv that I many of the male m-*mi>er*nf the f*mi i they cannot by any possible means
the elty Bcbook have been eloaed.
! It baa bean
This tribe Is apU dorsr.ta. ihe other
a Ubilean mtolag caiablkbmept all
»«t "ere eombeiled to pIbt oot 1t> a rery adeaneod age.
sme l-clrK the glam N- of India. Of
Tbe manager, to avoid <m toe nice worm airoeuali day.—Bar-• Barb-r-Soring* peupie are pr-.M n<
A reading
ifodliig r«
I U»
m xn-'
in.' ^
Tii’ich of this
talltog toto tbe merauder'e bands, bar Spring* Graphic.
torir new V.
family of ux-s. lint failure has followed
killed bto wife nod afterward* eommltTne Grand Rapid* A
* Indiana „u.
„u.' «»ey
believe Traeeraeaty
«ry ustc
r^saon to
.crersev.v, ,very effort to indue- them Into'
into Ihia
road haa been rety auccexofol with lu; --v. _
*>"»»*“•«•, ecimiry. until now tbe aKriraliural de‘_
luirlmeut propcnc* lo take up the work
The ronatrlatioa otSpanlab troop* to ear ferries aertaa Mackinaw gtrait* | “*25****”’““
as p
I* PblUoploe* U now being proseent this winier. Tba big loe rmabera. tbe
These are all wool fine imported Kerseys.[extra
quality ser^e lined tbron^bout, extra well tai|orcd.
Colors, black, new blues, ffreens and browns, j
All indications point to no material cbaijge in
next winter’s styles. Investing in one of the ^bove
garments for nextjwinter woaid-be the most Sudicious economy ever practiced.
The Boston Store.
Front Street.
Consultation and Euminaiioo Finn and Strictly Coofidnniial.
DRS. B. S. & CO.
TBx cgucaRATKo apccuunw or ran
imeriem ledicil nod Surgical laslitate of Inskc^oa, Midi.
WlaJ.t.lp.g, TaraveiTSo City,
Saturday and .Sunday, Feb. II and 1^ 1899.
Office Honte frnm 9 a. m. to 4 p m
Hoato. Of these. S.uoohave been ship-1
»o»th e.a the airaiu. and uii,® cb.ef w... beeUcted. Will^
great p-..flt to minv of
pMandthe remaintog l.eoo be pm-j branch of Abe aercice ha* been »cry;‘®“ ‘-'■^dt' k mnek wa* a-.oci- d Pt,
■* toablp I’Oofflcertaud l.SiW menl4“Portaot- TheatraiUare froaen oeer
common lUIlan
. •the t*iK.
...bohtrib- in o stnogi'a c'slTs lor . hi-,„,^,.y with
, jeonUBaally doring tb-i winter and
an two of the Spantah '
cago ml estste.
, e> v ox lli-e or six llmr* as Urge ss
, Manila. b«* been o D of lbs good featoi
aompasy'a aieamsn i
At Jacksoe. John Welch, a p'u'atrr.
rav ivuisiu* suiiu so uu Itmbing (vr i
. too*<'1«llt l-v our nuilve been
Tbe Deke D'Arooa. formerly Spanish
alntoter to Meatuu, ta likely to be dca^l-t.Ulr lived a feml y earn •
w l.t. h now reIgnated by Spain as lU minialer to The pilblaeboolfoo.-llme* a. wide !
a* toe sleamera. end the l^tbel forms'Christie, who came there in toe early
„.y„,hen j. TMswillrrimltbeWaahiaguni to exchange peace treaty
' to tbe ehaooet tbu*
tb'north of Ireland. They ;
bee. bate tor.gue* nearly
satiagatkiB*- He is married to an Ambrokeo. The
The solid
eolid walls
wall* of
of '
reoixrltabie- for the'r
a, long o* ihoM- of our bees.
ed Is easily brokeo
. loogwi’y. 11,
wricao girl, formerly Him Lowery.
■ illi these tuugnes they j-xn reach the
loeon^a*lda.k«eptoech*nnel clear,
Ctopt. D. W. Glenn, who to new to of ffoattog ice.
Audrew «J. aed Jfsry >A. *od nooe O* oeeiar di-poeiii. of pUuu that our beet
WaaUngtoo-on epeeiel duty le oonre_
I 'hem except Anrir-« ctt married. t»or cannot gel at all.
T». NorU..m. .u„o. o, U» „.,«d ;
M.r, d,«l - rf....................... .-d elcver BHd* Ihi
tiou with toe explomlloa of toe Sion
i mm rrlous More of hofi- y
dike eoentry, baa received e telegram HtateeBshcoromUaiuB bos sent iiW.OOo
wbludsb eggs to Commissioner L F. • .
. remarkaS e '
A Lteet. CaaUMr. V
Ay*or..ofth,departm«.t of a,brrie.
Th.. la s remara.he ,
A . and two eellsM meo, who diaap
reared to tba,wl:i>erDeas of tbe gioe-•f*®"
.L.I. .v». r.,«.. h...
alWearv, **taUon*ltoomoutouftoe,®^““'fT
'soil the atesiu.r Pe'cakev U'tbe Hart cur l-e-s cmi'd nc.-.ire It. but the i-ella
Tanan* river.
' * e»-P •>*» ‘•‘‘O S“«t'«r to hi. work .
oo-utinu- no the a r too dd-H-p
x-p aod
and I. till gp-s to waste
bsi pari
. If It wer<- iiui for ibr bumble
Sg., Cb.. ... ..... .1
lor bdM ..ni. ..d
• sitoiild BO( have ssy clover
lliis ix.iintry. bui nllb tbe la' • be bo* all tbe cash roi.tcled *klpi o
loDgisg to to* 3<dBd .New York regi
.e.of conxtroction ard ,tro.li!,-tlon <if I pis 'iprsata «e shall got
meat. Frlvale Cluopey U very sick I Hr hst rucceksfn ly workril never*] will b« a h.-suty when c-mpleted
hnn.-> of toe rlov.-r p'anl sud
bet the other coaB^re not regarded
, M*ry I. Omw of C'.ir .-.i, irm vxr*-;.
,uo without the aid cl the bumble
M being capecially **rious.
Or. Be-N«wr HoHiog* Kii Bohlnsoo. a^
| !y »-o,»o
a' Ad -Un. W-U/i-x.-ixr
i The Must eucoeaafu; and SeienGfleTraatnnvt cr am Dib,
keverrla.. yellow f.v..- expert.
while huai-eg. maaagwt to toft
j m vretoP
of Mankind Poeaibto to Obtato.
Itoerebaodoebltheaoldler* are ,of-1‘"®**»
of w.iice tn'l 7>i»menoc '
lu.hn Keewrg,.
n.1 wWrty nnrt ««w*bly keeve S|«elaIlM le the VolieC 8u
fertog from yellow fever, bet be add* I
eoBdillon he crawled hsif a .
! . A. HerilUKion. Madisuu. N. J.. In
-leeklllu.d Bt.vere*! eiiree** In m. lefee.t OueulinU in -.Le
•HhOXK'. MSKVofe.sKlK nnCBLiXlp rK>eg_^ gpnn Ihe
here is no ilkelibood of It* mr«adiBg.|* ‘®*f’®‘»ff‘'*t‘'‘«'‘''“o t*'* Chwago
Ti-t *-*ie reum-il. Cub -i.- Knichu
fUrysan• •
• -Mlruc.Mrnreofl*e**IneCeT*f?.he«.
A«l.iaet Seeremre «f w.r *d
««■»•- r*llroa<l tfsik 1 xf Ahi.-rics lie! • - * *r ou. m-tl.-s’. Ihrmum bUom*. Which, when sold.
AaaUtoat beerelary of War »»*toU
eugfoeer of a psseeager' M'lv* Tue-dsv. 1» H Hu ih irr of N l-x reatlxed flS per lOO net Tbe varloile*
i ton baa mode public Gan. Benry's re- j
n dUi-.xvrrvd b n
Mrs. Mary WsJbrUge. one of tbe old-,
There wiU be taxes on esoe toods. ooffee lands, tobacco land*, pastore laodo. ;cst ot Maacbeetcr rcaldeau. was fonnd i
minor tobaoeo land*, and formt toad*. : de«l to her woodshed Wedomd., j
mornlDg by toe boy who came to at-|.,oW ,
; to SSe.; Prank Hardy. fVc. lo 50c.; Golon.'.pfeip-rtw
jdea Weddliuc. which realised lOo. ’' iMPOKTaHv TO LAB1E8-i.B.orrwAN,
, strslgbi; Mvl-and-Morel wo* aldo in |<*'ere*,r«i<'urr tsown inr.u.11—kmm-uiiwkx*.s-i.
• toe IlsL He ha* also Oils past fall cut I {”
FrtoandSul'letly OenddenUst
tuuwu lotwi pby.
*^_^*^* which netted <33 per 100.
*Tlu> liar u uot olU would be matt interesting if Hr.
msCH »R0ISG P*b* r.,ve IS ever,
•I toado. On all land* of tbe Brst elom ; the io the ewsieg and < s too weak i way* i iilowH. and i yuu lisve suy
Herrington would follow up this com-, •ihBL
- j
there win boa tas of M uenu. per | to arlne or call for help Her age was tneud* who are sddiclid to lsl*« repre- munIcsUon by telling our reader* how
troo rsloi
OHJWino POSE ETE8 »ik1 sroBoUtoj,
ifiiieh It MU In nmilnee MviU. m.mfl. >
___ — .
______ i verv*acre; etcond via**, W cent* per acre: I * ■ y®®*»third cloas, i^ccnu per acra. Tkxr* i Uanevesed dog* srill have a bard
to luuw Medmne aud
Another fine record. Eugene Dsllle- ^^rv .«sLOOp
•a land* whoM owners reeld* abroad. Ume to keep alive
OKidicsl nieibiKi* are appliiviblc to to■peeCIiy. rooirI“Iv*r
trtU W toerrosed M) per oeiiL
Wbo iioddeiilydifTeliip
toe troth and lie tri an ovoktiou. <-«en
iv—e. t t> ' w
A eoal fom.uet* threatened tbrongbtooneb toe rmiii tmrin i«tt«r*nii ilH ir ChrysanO^tnum Mr*. T^nor U Park
«at Sente. ki T. U. Cassidav of a coal offloi*] dog catcher.
Tn.. u. „.™ ,0 „ U.„n...l
ra *. VIBTUI
affaRv'J i'PVitruiiDg II I____
toys I ntrlngtoeyearfoiirveenstcnm
umiM-r of culls of nay-a
Utiatkal ■malic*' numiM-r
any- cans
CEK .-j«
thattohu'aooa.eogetoe e'.ti *"pA '
'•xplodt'd to tbUeUte aocordtag » {
thing we eVsr grew. A whole bunch ‘'toVitito
Jt ou»ra r«au W-.k ll.^Wl'.Vos'llI
wUl noUasi long, r than 34 bonre i» siatistie*
»iaii»t>c* gsibsred
fratosred by
by Labor
Labor Com-al*-;
Com-nl»-; - Tbe juLGu-iaualiwisTtofBtmlt probP*'’ ‘’®”“
any town in Ki'iJiucLy. MiBcaareall
; Ism. hir be koi'w* that beistellioB
‘ and 111* ia,p.wsi(>le togei ooal j Sidnaw. La Boeghum ebnaiy. most > if* nod tb.-i,-1* nu li,ipo for him.
_ _______
FofLsOr pp.
Tbe tempera tore
Lr* ngtoa
1* eight;
he a very baaltov place. Tn* village
is 1•«’ l'‘t» «>* ,P*^. lo who jtw lio^
. ' *
-M.a—I klltl
below sere, aad i* gtcw’ng mLt' i Un yr*r% old.
Su gmeiyard ~ has ’
wiiboot knowing whai tli<-y * Thunx* Wh-tei'•W * r., .jjo w-v**h
. .....................................
............ xiM parsaeS hi
xcopant •
: are saying or why they my It I1ie m.‘av>»>r> .—ner J.rbx,.-.
orre'. nn# ..•Iweati
OaJy one eial joto Lo* coal ^ lu' aot a* yet a singieoicopBnt.
■apply is liiulied
if tne jreosni {
It there is snytolog to bered.ly a [ ^.VxVniplub'i.v Iviiis.Tnl dc.w M'iu»i
drap.-'-t...----- m-nend rasmberl.lw-. ;
......... ............ .
wcatoercoBtiaBos ii »ul
i* »'«t:ch.w whowa.bortiinfm'.isi. Hxrie some..j.ie
Bm i-1 mto b.-7;":/i;::!®
I last week kb-mld lie* weti along lo f"ru be*h-ulrt not bebUtinxl ahd frowo-|
iK.i*oacsi *jC tejerie** cewpoatos. »*hM spplg
to Soribem I sroid toe next ccotary. Her name <*
oi»to iiu uiiiul uuubisuiby and hts a* la rripiv t ■ r-w’t ia poesmowia. ItitflHIVCDCHl
e«*es whk-h --sxTiwea *»*>'*»»> «w »iwkOHsUr
Wtoooa*loar.-a**eeee-*fa!aaanybody‘«i„rer«ilef,and*bct*tocfir,i mcm 1 ff«s«n
u o« of order BcoL ; F-w .ale by •». E. W*1.. deagglm.
to tbalr tombee operaUuns.
By toe bsr cl toe fifto l.itog generation oa *?“*®
U Cns. AMnox v:U ppstass.
fxeani*. aud
at Porvatsra* bUL
a of age a«d hi* totoar.f u»y an n
atom very eaiI Profeesor S.leee'a acadamy.
tebd agfragatibg abont Al.OuO.ooo. < Tbomaa Parr wm. Theltoito tody toV.be
J" li'. "'J""": i
LV'.S'te "S-iS
.. a^ie.4 rtr .a.
er a
■••tta* CeMe-CW k»M
CMp-A TOtace IM>w tM
Do yoo fcaow that «ixi«rb awe wort,
^eep am eat aader the eeb.e ale . of (he
hmm Y<wfc
ratroad* to lahabh a
•■all nilage? Beara'b U>< atne. th'ra
UaeiraugAt-oioBg •W-*'
iht ‘
«a Bioiaa Toe cable can rattle
wlfUf fwlTlag
tt« hKrt ol wo*«f**
Wirt «i j
Below la a llat of tba botar oaA
AW «• wlio faeo»t« jp^_^ '
tnc pHort of TrtWr^J Tor froM
«p» • •trr«« 4Mr. Tcmr Joarur rt>(or tbe nke <iToib«n ..
___ •_ »v., i..u^
-i. prurWoM
,ull.la and tana pcodaeW la <
^r«eHfc»irtpol-AU«»Wontb« m.“ Th. *Jlu*k» U
•• whp
tiUT mush trlbn- to th* fable of the eoBBla* old boub^ *■»•« <tt“« at P*« « tl»air daUr *w etaeatj.
«tU--Bee<oBlaudof«iraafe.lgM.a*d afcould heag a bell arouo.1 tbe-wa
«£*. aouoda.
bl e are
.re la
m a great i.«*. to gte. aot^ to the mlo. ta«airaoge
EiKK-toooe wbeea p1a<^ aU
awrj are whirling about ut. Tory are
frutn ae« to twelve leet la dlameier.
thej^vn Ja ,.
-— — - paw> about
the flia» of cU* whtfla. Tbe wheel#
air placed at earioue angles, ao th»l
logy may deOrjt th* rtUlee 1" ibe dirr- tioiw which tbry rtuuld go. Under
each track are two cable*. One cable
la ronatantlr ta aw Should oar of the
•That U very good ^advice.
erlM young taouee; “bu>.»ho _
Archibald DougUa. Earl of Asget
'“Bell-lbe-cai Doogtaa.’- It
i„ tbia way. Jem** 111.
m^de fa<5i1t»e of arehliecu aad maMna. One maeon baoi(<d Cochrane be
created Bari of Mar. The Seotrt nob!e« held a couell In the charoh oi
Seel ropee g't.e way .be aignal B ^rea
am the other cable U marted ln.n«>
.. .V .
•a CO _ ________________
« I
JOm'—*-*C-e —
Short Cat Pork perk...:...........
live* “all U good,- R“(^TO^^H*U**S^B«at.■.!
everr point
»» evuH dad no uci
lor aaxloty.
i >j^i. H. L- A Co. Beat.................
awU« Y«m, B L. A Oo. Beat................
Tbe eooBtry Is
dlcrairrlng 0 go- tanaen to alga va* Bgge per doi.
It lu papert. which later oo wra out OodfiBh ja
D be protulaaory aoiea.
: Lard per 1b
Aertake tbe fob of belling themt
Bicvcle iRiders.
“Socae laeB." aaid L'acle
^ ..
pairing and enainelinc.
at I ‘
i-ork of tta
' do give you tbe beat
_ in
_ the city frribt
tbr money.
be deoelved by what othera tell yon »
tbe oootrMy. b«t leorae aad mo Bflr
**vortui^ when Lord Grey
am (A« rtetler Of the gr.pt BU thetr
aarw aM the day and all night. Thoaa
who dwell beneaih tbe cable tint know
ao awA thing* a. the rMaga aad tha
tion. The cable* are deflected by meiaa
dl»appomt*d salt perl
of tocM uxuminy looking wtoeris bac k |
belore marrlago. aad ihe more unhappy
'^I*JImr#Ble* all my work to be rlgiM
tuu. the power bouw <m to the too# ,
King** 1 wUi are dlaappoiaied afu-r It
. Boelcwbeat
ad It It doaa not iwe w> I maka II
bfiieaih the dot of Ihe aircet rallroada. i
ji,, <,baox>oui favorite,
a college atudeat la reported aa »y- ' BUTWO aai
•MiUi^ of the aua. They art oa natth Tbe wheel* are moving elbow joenta. i
viTien the abdication of the Queen ot mg Uiai. oa the uhole. he rather ea-,
till a oVIPCk e
•waive boBiw at a time, atralalag their
breakliig of a "sheal
"sheat wbeeP
wbeer wou
would gp^n ,raa popularly urged and dia- }ovs bli aiwdlea. They furaiab a need-,
le the Ca’d^ell A LooPC. per bn..
«oept Sunday,
«yca to dawn Bawt in tbe m»a*Uc*lc« iiaorganUe an entire aectlon of
Df tbe «<a- cusaed. the LoBdos Tinea pertmenUr, od reUxatlon from his aibleUe work.
don hftildlng. at ^hrtb rod of GnicB
»w4iaekiin by wWch you am taken bl* read and .lop every g,,.
-----------car. The
The nij._
man .i «ak*d;
i 'We thould not forget that our Mon-'
(real u.e Batfery u> Itarlem.
*h« I
wblrilng '
“le there a maa la all CoalD able aad roe docirlne la after all liul the Eur»- o^lT'pJ^bo
•aytblag happeoa to the cable tha
.onaianiiy WiUlug to *li#ll iho caiT
e cf the twlaaee of power 5-nvwh*«L
U Whlaperrd from teieplw^ bnrted 1
wlldernrea of itacblnery. Ha
mmapUuied to Aaencau toll.—F. «L
Ja the earth, or I* told by c premure
,(,, i,earing* ncli oiled by meana
m • botlon la wane ptbiermaeaB t»v- ,
allgbteet Jir
A good, mrt^ making game at aa
The flagpole at Cranfa tomb, pre- Potato*#, per bn...-.............................« W*l
by. Haodredt o< men Alve law man- .
working of the wblrilng cirri
‘ cveelne party, or. for that matter, at eented by the Oaugb’er* of ihe Uetolu—^^-----------------------_____________
_______ w.
Buckleas Amina Sale#
u oil_______
the n-e-baa-am
of the r<*-a
j,.„, ai^a,
that __
aball giveany Ume. I* trying to repeat dlfflrull tiem. ta aald to bt (he Urpe»l la tbe
•( the Metropollua a......
Sirrei V.lt—.-lf
Railway ..
*og.t.rtr a bio-k aenteace* over and over again. One world, bring one hundred and flfiy-oae
the Baat Sat.v» in the world for
.. in -------------. til* rlmpletl
-->-*1 a^ beat of iheae U teat and one IbcA >u belgbi.
Cow. Bmiaeia. Sore# Oicort, SaU w-nrvbwrg ftlort.
; -mearwaty.lUeh
ewnpeay. and wore* alt
lun-MeJ . ftwjy.
U “Gig
I "Mixed blac-ulU.
L#rg« fire lo«am a
■oM-htbg aod waiting a cliance to re.
risneail. •■•■■aUoB Tr>ek>
'■wWiip." snd even worse than ihw la y,# ipiuraace eompaulca
port dome mishap. New mulei *Hh
The fitidve pit la wbtib wiiaaa.and po^tlaeiy eurea Pilaa,
- X; thick tbiatle aitrka."
reter npei
ailrka." Peter
Piper c„uragli.g treque:
frequeuc). and there
tn o tnslgnlflecnoe when
-- ------------------ no hope that Ihla
Me raHroMlag be»me
Jus' ia tront of the power Iidum.
- perfect
—(eev watUfaetioD or money
pared with fcn*b law birtkera. Having urucuve total aa low a* H»«.
] th give
John Rj Santo,
Beneral Insuianct.
, rafandor^ Prto
; ealebvJ G to(
The nnderrrotmd Parlor.
tei.drr it ataading by
w-t.rcU ready to artflbe moment anytiling gcci wrong.
It one of tti-3.e
wheel* ahould bieak a fon-c of work
men would be in the pit wlihiD a min.
Tbe cable* would ceeae from
whirling on the lamaat.
Tbe pU *
mainly lighted by k narrow window,
th. i-eblesiot. There te a top* i f clear
tv NeVfStand.belnrro
New* stand, belnr ro longer I
dellTe-... Wl’h th.-MoR* so UlCOBD. i
Seo-l order* to cavy New. Stand, 1" ■
cenua week.
She bad a aleve of alflcd IhUHea anil a ahoe*. boiling, hare***, and a luotwand ,
aieve of unsifted thistle*, and sfae war other tme*. “there a nothing Uie >««ti-■ Oompa-sy « *sm»ialg. © «*bU.
thistle lifter."
There are a few of the haadaome
The Urea# of th* common “kUr-|
y«nnah Rifle memorials lell, which
beetle- live four yexra, eailng the,
<«o he houent at tbe City HookaV-ee
............................ e the; •
•r M ceolse.ch
white light and tfaeh tbe aliadow. Kverr lew aeconda a afaotter rlueea over
the window. An obkiug ubjeri pjvsej
over our bmdt and a whirling round
comes from above. The eleutr."- light*
abinc ibe brighicr. Another cable <ar
colliery drain,
that It
... “catle
TBeev arw
wauibera,” "ahnave
pit taodeea."
"gyp.) miiB“ and all Au. p*e*.d. Tbai-oae went ugi toward
naanaer of workmen wjo are proud of i'otumboa-areuue. A peculiar cllcklag
•eir tfltre and look at you la mild w>Bod, a inoveoienl of a l.-ver. *bowi
emrTKlM. If you do nw teem to under- that iti.- car wa« bound for
h th* coltUie atone* In il>e neighborbuod of the p<»>' r Ixmre, at Setenth
eetiet-w P**s over the ulcnt w-aicuer in
th.- .heave pit every day.
Only the
Mired click of tbe li-ver tells l.'m
t I lfc-Ui iitKet. there le a ni<
•uwnce aubterruiienui lUc. As you pSM
the Sixth avenue ead of the power
bowae you will. If y<« look through tbo
wltKlow* we motuette- wheels wtodlug
t» sicri .mbic* Ihe cable*, after they
Ireve iheew«lly rrvolrliig drum*, ar*
ewTlcd Into a tunnel. Yon leave tbe
auallgtii at Uila imlnl and go with ma
W a iourney benonlh the aurf*.-* of the
We And ooe«lve. In a long
ipaoiBgw. IWurr <ia streb-hew a line of
of ax-
f_ _
w.iliji way Uie Irnvel.-r*
Tbe car* which coiii* *i«-ediog ov*i
vbc.c pit have dropped the n
which bore them to Fiftieth utr.cl and
an carried by ih<->r own momentum ;
over the gap vriiere the tube Iwtieati ,
the icw k* Is a.lcul.
Tbe eheuve pit tender cod. to tn. a* »i- »uri for the
tunnel d-yir. He '• alttlug In a ehair
li> B«i a mnnienf* rrot. He elin a lliUe clowr to (he stove, for It la * tlt-
•anc* th* Stone U oaUod “The Sundaj
Ao Boncat Medicine for LaOrippe
George W. tVaill of South llardirer.
Evei' Borned Ovtf
TTsa M U BLA-UOBi. ;
lYte towboat Tbomaa A. Scott
Pblladelpbla bu been auld fur a wre
lug craft, and ihU reiuovee the I
aldc wheeler of that
ibai cUas
cUa* oa the At*
At- —^ j .
lanllc ewat.
The proi>«ller now has U <.r.
-..i.-elle» Woe*. Sl« Fvuot Mceeu
the rlght^of way.
' .......
of lime.
When the lulncra were a*
urougb ihi
work, the water ruanlng ihrougb
1 black
dralo left a dcpoell. •>olorM]
coal dust: but when they were n
work, the water rat
left a white depostu
.u V..-.- Ibree
--------- ----------------- d white leyj ^ „j,de a stone of roa.irtfrahle thick. „i„. ,birh conaUtu’e* quite a calen: flar. Each d*T of arerk hits left a block
I iireak. which I* foltot^ by a w^i it
streak during thr night, while lhi<k
mark the Sunday* srd
West Jliichigan.
md generoua. in theiic .-rowded. hurrymg mrccu.’’ said the iiUbop of Wlnfhestcr, at tbe r*
„„ oilphatit la a rare
« *.»iy-etght; Mlrs Uiaddon au.l
Ouida as ntiKihle a> ever of wrimil
alllioigfa she V
lesM.'S that she 1* uliywix yoars uid.
LU-a*hT a i.aVW.Attortreyc
What U claimed to Ik- Ihe moat P“*- .
- pKiUsiej/raeilcc.
erful looornome in the world ha* jjsl
been compkiKl at Liege. At a UIaI ,
a 6pe.*l of f.>ri)-»l* mile* an hour \V, *^“,i „t
Mia c' fooattIV*
with a load of righ.y ,«m. n—b.r Bn*M
velght 0*he^
Ofliee PrlMrlcl. bluek*. «>■«.. hnWM aod ®«
'^rtark- ilgtil.. Which grow auiaUrr aa
tb euld in liir abMve pit tn winter of l-wab of no *.-i-o«nl but pn fl* toI the* M twelve tona.
tAe eye MIowa ther.; utii'.l tatr »eem weather.
v.-rtier. Cb*mb.-rl*in-. Cough R- a
khe liny atart a«t le tJic top of Ihe .
Drap tmia il>r Partar.
Is the oniv thing that ba* done any
i*w awt* ni Uke
I have n-rd ..ne
dark ari-kway;
The most eomfunabJr place la the (r(*Kl w|l«iev.
ThegrcaG-*i danger I
and the vMl'c. coM a< d ift of it* nsultlog in p
It brinir a
I. i-.hi'country of the cable gnomes U the
il Ileft me.
I conpratoa e
p have all
I* Vkvd.
Ttoe eotranee to the lunoal la guard, i ”piirl.*r.“ toe lioaie of Ui* g> psy leoi.er
msDUfsetarersof ao bone.t t ed,
O-ogh R-iiip<ly 'aken.
ed by a mau who look* nelUier to the ai Fifty aocond street. The front door
’• For sale by S. K. Wait, drug ;*ll
' * dangt
I be I
right mw to tbe Ivh. No one U perrolU ot the parlor U not ornameuial. Mr.
tU..u—i'.* w ho bavu u
ted to t» k to him He 1* watching two Oreeiiwtalrt. tbe track miwter of the camole Bkwk_______
pwai lupea of wl-« wbb-fa are flying b'e rvud. who was my guld# said that
pwi hiin
Two other cable*
mo- we would jue. “drop l«'o «be parlor
-otp.m. T»lei.bqo».W____________^___________
tkailtM upon Uieit rider wheels The to *ay bowvly-do“ Ike man who flthat >bi» I
Nt-ftag-MIs* BstrilcBnleomb.
gurd of the eoirauce of thI* lowel pally get* Into the parlor of the Hfly.
teol ihct)ul»efwltyBe*pU*i, A*i
in le»s time tbsn
■oHd ataada ihete for bourn befoie be aeroad <tre«( gyspy tender is lucky It eartii hut deal
uewlhi (or euiwIBg. tal
modern twentieth centnry a
s plesi
■ folleved He l» naiching th* robla*. he doe* not go head ilrsi. Near the
eooifled bv the beiug. ofUi
e by e
If he »cat_|M a atrand baa brukeo trick there M a grating. lYie uack lb - uastion (one sign fall*) From and
,inna q-^i* a»ki«r e
froai H» plack or that the great rope marier llfiwu the graitag. There wa
u. atb. tdat reaolt predicted by *o many
ling d--im p-actitioaer* after tbelr feeble .If .roin- b
ha* iJohen In
n any place. It m dark bol*.
- .lyiul:
of winb
si.d miagnide-i wttempu have failid.
a place which •eemetf^ bottomlei
feta duty to refiort ibr dete<-t by glr
Ik eoouuored by Ur Uvimsn. ice great
lag a wlgnal
1 bt raldm whirl past t
silsi. formerlv of New York an-!
him like wrlUilng aeipenta
We go
i»5lo. nowof the firm of I>r* H B. A
from the faint daylight, watch crew;# '
I'd.. Hu.kegoo, (so falls slgc No f|
between buiii.vu-i-w of uaiMNiry. to the.
HaavandmanyU the time ibst thi*
half -L-.iiK-''. <d the Barrowing paa-1
> liitcsrcCgIrl. f- a *'- *
After* s^^-ksofsaikfactorybuslueea
wagews) beyond. Kwry fool Of tbe ca-;
bronghl to bim seemingly on tbe brink ;
tnall. m»ry people have rvque|^
We wbl>« lake* ram from Fiftieth \
of the grave, but tbrougb hi* qu-eu,
perception of what was needed. b» b» UAD.tM t.) eau-i.d her *u.y on*
street ii> One Hundred and Tenth a rrtl
prompt aetl-jn, by bis r*du-*l andsei•od Wk again. b> IneegM- led by this
entiics'lv correct trestment, the snf tbe cobvenli n-M> uf many la and ont ol
•Item watclier n any. many time* a dry.;
lowo pwiple tor-nsult her on all *1feivr bs. been restored to the bosom of
Bvery time he ••*« a pis e where the
i fair* of nf. FASl'. FRESENf and FU! TURK wble*' •*e t- *■!« tbe life of
l•ble ha* hrtu rplirid be tou bea a hot-
J ngniig.Ae»Bi.Tr*T«TseOn»
xxhgta O.SA ni,.
iJroAsy.Jss. ll.U
•flrol Wedi
St tauoc
Astro Piy-Cbic Medium-Mad
am Le Lamar
toa ariikfa regieters the fact that tba
•ecrion piiere ihr rope bite been repair.
*<d b> in good order aad idiowa no sign
of tmvlog given away. If any accident
•iMiuld ovitr at one of these aplicnd
placni. and the regWer showed thM
thta wpllv lied not tieen duly reported,
there wooW be a cable watcher with
crupalion gooe. We are waiklag
MW through the paaaageway, the Lane
«r the Whirling Cwb’e. The tunnel U
twelve feel betow the aurfkce of Fiftygrot Birrri and a few fret south of the
middle Of the Oiorouyiifar*. It Is too
Mr dire n for any aound Irom the world
above to pearfe our ear*. Thettuineli*
about ell feet high. A tall man with a
klgh hat could never paw throngh tt.
Atavee •* In the damp anht beawuh
' onr feet an aaphaKM floor, covered
vrtth tar aud oil
On either aide ar*
emrrler wbi-eOa. thlriy-flT* feet apart.
-•eer wfek* the cable* are whirling,
YiM wire ropes Are M Wm k ax night,
Tfeer are coated vrlth a coropoeltton of
Uaxeed oH. pitch at^ some ktad of a
drwwlag of aerrel formula, mixed to•Mber. From an Iron tnak In th* middkTof the taoael this mlxtnre dripa
. (rom tbe end of a pip*, attached to an
-.r'Si i “rxrift-iib: w
In a* Wheel Pit.
♦romp* m to * p-m. Two dsysoniy ] "twr* houw. Hour* 5
pit. Tfce parlor Is n-ally a very
fonable place, ibougb. when you gel roartUalloa free and slridly coafldea-! This ad arpesm
• Morning RecMrC whl!
down Into IL It i* lull of wheeU aud
puiring cable*, to be sure, yet there la
room for a man to get about very com.
luitahly. Hack from the wblrilng machloery li a cooey nook. The man who
vraiche* the wtieri* down there is
favored rmwial. He came to greet
with a smile and bade ax be seated,
YTietw were two tiialr* aad a soap imx.
Th* rest M tb# furniture conalatod of
a desk, a e-ove. a rlotbea pram, a hit
ot rorpei aad a cnnaln to keep tb*
fliaughi away from toe man wken *ie
w.sheJ to do a lUUe writing. (On .be
wall were photograph* of acuegaes and
A framed picture v^ anspeaded from a aplk* drive* tabs i
wall. A bright Art wm glowHii In f
•on unk.
The «nril of the «U_aad e.ort We
the slot, turned
car ladeaa the air. The xtuR clings t«
Me feet at flwae who paw along. seemed to disappear.
"Whero U your cbloBey." I asked.
Drop* of iBotaturs Sail from the curt*
“We have a chimney about threo
at MWnry above.
erilrt long." aald the gypsy'" tender.
A USB sf wasiis.
“The amoke paww into the tube rt<r*
•n,* pasng* lx foor feet wld#
the cable ta placetf. The draught there
ta wall t
keep th the middle Of
r. blaat
■' the: J""'
lo U.U «-- furnaco.
Yornever eee the awke eoBtlng up
Thort who
because ll mlXrt wUh
way. though, or you wiU
«AU atree* girdling rope.
MWB th* paareceway go the laeo
laea who
Ml (fee Ariva wheel*.
There ta
---S? dSTy
A —! tukh -h,.-.... V.,-:
vntlon. Don't neglect trlof cant
flietioas. To any one wbovaine#
B«BV sorV St
life, beallh and banpines* we wc
,rly a»:Q-'«i;«*.
•dvise them us seek tbe aid of ibiv
» "ll
povAlble during Ibo one or two week*
emloeat pbvririao. A cnnsulia
she i» remaining here for conveoienmrwta notbiagi if you eaa be eared
ol all. a* Khe is rt q-z-sl-d. for .he cn- |
fee will core yi
IA« p-.p,.;.
eoerlyrf N„
Sri Vo-i,.
;p rit
Ur 0-.tmsn.
- Cilv. Mich Sslnr ' siioibcr cHj loog-c,
will visit Trai
-iver vsor. I«l l«B fhe*-* 1 areei. Pbltsdric
1». in the;re-nor.d
W !3i
!3i Front
Front S-reel
M me 4rtMM at '
j trocbl# wttb the tvaraca
ta that be wanUlo bsadta the rod.
S »!
r ci’XNixr.KAk.
Grand Rtpids t icdliiu 1.1
j£Rsa EZfassesa «*
-r",-::.";:.'.-;',".,, s't. =
llljsaa *«**■'
-♦ S. B. O-IBBS ■*-
The Practical Bicycle Bnilder and Repairer}
it s;v.*,r.!s.'.“'wr«-;f.:'f;is
Jl W
TrsiB* CWBCCI *1 *li.iro»ii'*nm twlee«*Ur,
rzeria nBniiBT M siri (row Besov e*Fts»a
Bi-rr Brsocb
ThU Oospsei
w-llisgtoo •HW'IS _______
BsbIUmb Cl«bU.* <•».
_____ _
------ — ,
n>llag. t-suu-lurslsg. esps. eosv# sbsii* 1m.o.
:: KS
,es6t t
.ssss a
We also sell Soimil Hemlock LiMnber, Maple Flooring
enil SHori Maple Wood.
$150 Per Day.
. tBEiifliaaafiiM ■■•gtR
r;i«sssa#a#s#s#n#s a vaaa
T70H UALE-rtoe rveUroev propvely.
J* !• fvrl tin-x.
V* aleo tore for sale land* for rood tarsM.
*l*or-s ■
££fiS«SSK«StSC«£8 RSe«a I
are buying in large quanlilies and pay highest prices.
»-it)t^Sn-i' "Vte-ir.thA-i-i
l|«=£« 8 Ss8 £&««
UBNT- runiUbrt t«w»
IS4U« or wsn *sS “Hr.
M, s-*i ris*> la mrr me
rsf. 10 t»w HfSt psepiB. Mrs i
TWB smm trwa PetoahM, HsrkiBi__
^ CIM-lsiistl(^k-sro.<lrsseast4Js.lXI>r-B.
rrsa ak-kwo»«. Pt. Vsyaa
asi-WS.T JDtN ^
... —
‘.*'*?!^ stavpvr fiT-w Orssa as|4«- U Ctn-u-su.
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