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The Morning Record, July 25, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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OonacU Or4ar*d Bic BoUbt'
▲nd Seraptn
raoftAWbT 9ftowm>.
a»|Ml««d BoM WM resad Boi Thn*
Maa'etee. Ja’r
Fridaj aftemooa
Georre Vaaek. Joba ieom aad
Vmt Strwi to be Imp-o»e*-Tw^ Oo«. krtbor Baamaa. webt oat eaUlar ob
the lake. They wetb cxpeeted to reoMe Walk* Weatod <« B**t 8wto tara la as boar or ao aad wbaa ao
iu«ot-OonimUtM OB StrMU ud al«B* of ttaeot appeared fraat alarm
felt ae to their Mfetr- 8UU (fraatWolke Aotkor:srf to Dwlraaw
or apprebeaeloa wee felt when the;
Oenolo Stroeu.lo BotobUob balttf>:o
failed to appear at alctau The foUowBieyele F*U«.
loc moraine aeareblar partlee were
eeat aloof the abotae bat ao traeaa of
The enooeU iMt
«et frb)eb wUl renli la an Inproee- either men or the
____ _to the etraata of the city, wbieb‘ On Saaday afteraooo the Steamer IUI-.
mUl Met with the freat apprecUtloa.
from Chieafo boaad north, picked
At a prerloaa meetlaf the committee gp ^ aptomed boat which
mproee* imeed to baee beea tbe ooe »Ued by
MBtofFroat alreet, betweco) Uolca ' (be mea. Since thm no Meee of tbe
•tract aad koartmaa aeeaae. wHb bod'ee baa been foaad.OTMbT-* etoD*: aleo the parebaae of a
Vaaeh to tbe proprietor of a bewlinf
•treat roller. The ..matter wae takeo a’ley and bae a larfc family,
«p lait Blfbt aad the etreet waa order- to a bartender and bee three chUdren.
ad Improred aa reeoatmaaded. hod.
I, ^
>i yeara old.
Botooly wae the roller ordered par.rtaeed, botoo reoommaadailoa ot tbe
oommfUae a road eeraper wae alae or
Tragedy I|ae to
atreet ear etrike.ww avmSm >90 «
I Kea*. will come a call for etate tm .
! Tbe company has notlSad tbe aiaie
Olerelkno .
i iBf to Bifoliate about or arbitjate.
No. i Joba Strnai.
CbUdrea of to* Mist
Wild aoenee of Otooidar on Suaday I .
:—!-------Oae Man Bbot by a Polloemaa-; X« Which ^a Aeerpu laritatioa lo
Kilitla and Pollca Sept Bamr-j
I-aad at Hew Tork.
New York. July S4 -Ueyor Van
SuaauOar Owpaay llouflad Stata
Wyck tiday raoelred tbe followlnf
ArMtratlOB Beard that Thera la
from Admiral Dew
wey at
WoihlBf to Aibltrate.
Trtoue: "Yoar leltem laeelrad and la |
Jniy 14.—Soeaes of wild TiUtiOB to land at New Yoik aeeepud. I
Cleveland.. Jni;
1. I'
dtoorderandi *. o'eaee tbrooeboat Uet
aifbt la eoaaectloD with the atnet ear win eubU dlreeUy from Olbealiar. |
■trike wet eaeeeedad this moralBf by Have writtea.’'
Car* are mnaiaf oa at
i^tadcxmllneenf tbe Blf Cooaoll-("»»»»-VISBIfA
dated company, but ara earryiaf few
paaaeafera. *Bas lines are la operatioo Wdl etny at Trieete Twa Weeks aad
BaU Tbeoce to Benna.
.y cf the Blf
-If Caasolidated
Trieste, July 14.—Admiral Dewey
tiace. and theee are well patronised.
Tbe city autboriUee were in eonfer- has deeUaed Cuited Suue Mintotor
enee at tbe elty hall nearly alP%»fhi Barrie' lavlinUoo'to visit Vleaaa for a
A* a result a call waa taot oat for ad-1 few daya and afterward to be presentdiUooal troo^.
jed to Emperor Francl* Jjaepb. Admiral
A 15 yoarHid boy named Ooratowicb Dewey eald today
-I expect to rcmalu1>Fr
wss shot and Instantly killed by
sioroaGranfe street this
...... ............ .
ilr I* do'rf
Comsowleb. who
a>e a world cf rood already, and it «ill
_ r. made a remark to tbe eon-, sooo
„>oa reeioTF
reemre tbe rt)l?en aod|mea. From
doctor, Balpb g Bawley. CoroKOwlcb ' here we will
then allfbted and tbe eondueior foI-{
rollw the cMt Of which to to be $51 per
Wilson Bousb Killed Daring
ton. aad a road machine for il&O. Tbe
macblsee ordered are of tbe AasUa
Electric Storm.
BSBBfsctnre aad are takea^Ui prefer•aae te tbe I
Barn wsa Suaok br a Bolt of Idfbt
mm'k ivi
I.CA b
<). B. Hoofbey on accoaat of
AufaslS. Whether be will atop at aoy
Bief. KilllBf B-neb aod taro Val- looked arooad and tbe eondoctor shot
Ugditgrraaean port to nocerU*'.
^tee and qualities said to be eaperlor.
Bxble Boraee—Be was WeQ-knowa Comiowieb turonfb tbe bead at abort | a atoo for coal will orobably be made
The mayor aad clerk were atiiborixod
to make tbe aeeeuary contract.
Parmer wl<h a Pamlly.
•Aitotbcr matter dlseamcd at tbe pre
A horrible fatality ooeurred aaar here mob fatbtred at tbe tee
^ow meetlaf was that of alnklof tbs
charfcd the crowd and made aereral
Wf well of tbe Miobifan Starch fac
tory deeper as a tect for tbe beneSi of storm.
*rea'deai of TraasTsal Bepubllc Qulu
Wilson Bomb, a well known farmer,
Yesterday was one of toe most law
the elty. Tbe etarch company afreed
on Aecouat of Oppoeltloa Pram toe
leas day* ia the course of, the etrlka
to pannIt the city to make tbe teit.bnt
Tbe mofae were affreceive and elasl
the oouaeil was not safer to inLondon. Jo’y SI—A special frrm
ear the expeue uolem tbe Siareb eom- was watcrinf bis boraea at bis bam with toe p-'llee and mlUUa
eiotos tost President
pany could reap a beneflw The eom- wbaa aboHof Hfb
paay dWrad qalek aedoe and aaapead- toe bnlldinf klillof Bouto aad two
•d work la ordei to allow ihecjuncUto
toe o«oer.-with a companion, was as-' ®'“ «»ceee»0B*.
deelda TbeeoaaeU wasnoi ready to
a mob.
deelde at that meatinf, ao tbe the mav about mldolffat by one of tbe Bmmerter waa deterred naui this meeliaf. to ton boys wbo rommooed Dr. Gamer inlervcBtlon BI a priest mlfbt have TtkeboUm.
For tbe next thirty d*^ our etore
i)ached bim.
five the aldermen a ebaaee to look
will be closed every ereninf at six
X>ate last alfbt a Euclid avenue car
farther lato tbe matter'and oonfer with
o'clock except Tuesdar aod «5atord*r
evealofs Hamilton C-otbluf Co
tbe eampaay. Mr. Paxton, oae of the drove out to toe farm at oooe. Tbe loaded with passehfera wa» wrecked
eSoera of the company, was present at uoforiunate man was 40 yean old aod by an explosion of either fan cotton or
nitro-flyerrine. The ear was badly
laet eveotnf to offsr all leaves a wife aod several cbildreaTbe
emaahed and Mrs. E. C. Martin
tlM informatloB daalred. but tbe al
fermen failed to refer to tbe matter Tbe appearaooe indicated that the Mrs Catherine Barrls were, perhaps,'
nod the meetinf was adjanrned wiih- Ufbtalnf iratatmek toe pole of a fsully lLj..red. -rhile F. A. Smith and |
E. C. Mar.iu were seriomly Isjurad.
eat flrinf It any
Lwtnifhia eubbi-ban ear was |
Paxton was displeased, and au express-1 pssslaf the whrle
Unftk of U.
toe blown np fifteen miles out of Clevriand, |
ad blmteU after toe meetlaf. as the ewlUjblnf t^ .pmt leadlof to
Tow. where
toe Tbe oatrafe wat not reported to tbe ,
.en-eeav bad enspeaded
ensDeaded work on toeir
wkere Bomb and
their basement below,
.lice natll toll mornlnf.:
weirtoaoommodawtoe eonaeil, and boreee were at tbe Uam. The pmt
The car was on tbs PalnesTille line.
leal valaable time. The maitof was wa* abattered.
There were four bnraee In tbe besewell filled with
■Imply overlooked aad aa It was aoi
j wlty of whom were
Tafarrad to any committee It did not mrnt aad toe lifktalnf chipped oS a
pieee ot the ma^er of toe other two
'■rniaf borne. Moat of
ap la rqfnlar order.
Toe exThe petition of toe bouto bide a»arplaaionwasf.-iiowedby a deafeuluf
hbaats to have L'olon etreci brldfe few feet away wbaa atraek.
Beside him come ofj were bis ebil- ™pon. j .v*...nt end of the heavy
hopt open antU after toe olreas on
Anfut «ad wae referred lo the board drea but they escaped even a aboek. motor eras rs.*jd several inche* from
•f puklle works There was a dlspo- When Mra Bomb came to toe bam la toe track ... .all with a heavy thump.
Big bDBineaa enterprise
•lUoB to favor toe bouto bide people, in reepomc to the alarm flvea by toe Tbe bead i '; was blown off toe car.
arc made poaaibic bf tbe fact
bat toe aonaeU did not want to do any- ehildrea abe found her bmbaad dead, One axle tv., nully beat and aevcral
tbat time and apace can now
tolof to sBeet toe eoatract with toe and with extraordinary effort carried wiadowt -i. .../ken. Two yontif
be practically annihilated.
women*. ■
iy cut by flam
hnUAer of tbe brldfe. eo it wu left body to toe boaae witboat
All toe .v._«blfl militsry force of
Vito toe board of puollc work*.
A telephone in tbe office or
Cadertaker Oartor *eai ont early devilsod It T^ler arms
Bsrly this;
bborUy after tbe eaaneUeUrted bnshome, aaree the one thing,
Iseea toe tounder and lifbulaf bad a toU moralBf to arranfe for tbe faear- mornlnf uc '. wm issued fnm bead
which if ioal, ^n never be
quarters oi .r.clty hall for Battery A
little foe with tbe Hfbu la toe coancll,
Pint Oslo artUlery. Ihrae eompanles
toamtx^ aad darknsae for a time was
of the Teuto Ohio infantry and toe
the result. Pat Dunn bronfbt la a
LOrertuie rifles. With the eddiUoo
•oaple uf laatera* and toe aldermen
of toe orfanUaUom belled out today
were enabled to do barinem.
A. k. MoC«9 a boa naked permlmion ^mineotOitiaeaof BIk Bapida aad
to maintain a ooDtecUooery and raPatbar ef Boa. B. 0. i>at
b oa Front street
of This Olty.
toe Bmech block for a period of not
Tbe Grand Ttavenc nfion has lost
lew toan tto daya TbeqnwUoa as to
ritlxea tbraufb the death
wbatoer toe buildlnf wm not a viola
tion of tbe ordlaanec refolaUnf la toe 3. Ward Davis, wbo passed away at bis '
Two Womaa aad a Fool.
Toe Stroof Arm.
Tbe Two Osptaim
BatUe of tbe Stroof.
' Tbe Potton Wbeal.
Darid Haram.
Wm. Ooolcy la Peace aad B^.
; Girl at Oobbarab
; Afterwards
j Day* Work.
I ABd otoar work* of Kipllaf, Eato
Douflam WIffaas. Bafrae Pielde
aad tan Mae'arca. in several atylas
ofbladlaf aSctoSl.SOcaeb.
Special Sale Today
Bonnie Brier Bush, cloth, sic
McKtalc} -s Speeches, papm-. Sc
David Uarum. cloth. Sl.ao
S20 Front Street
Balph Oonnable Jr.. Kanager.
“Nothing but the Best and .Newest in this Store.”
It pays to come to us—All is new here.
I The New'FalllShapes
Mictiigan Telephone Co.
In the celebrated and popular
Are now ou sale luTe—Price $8.00—Tbe new sbapee in Fall
Styles of Fedoras, Paebas, Crushea, etc., are now on
mIo. at
A Valuable
Convent of Boly Angles,
•Tiarerae aiy. Mich. 7.13-*99.
Mr. Ki E. Strong.
Deab Fib; We take pleasure in sUling that tbe Kimball Pianoa used at onr
muiicalaforlhe past three years, bars
given entire satisfaction. We Ligitly re
commend yonr instrument* to any one
wishing.to purchase,
Very Reepectful'y, 5
Bra limiu was dlseawed aad that loeality wae af irrad to as a veritable
fire trap. A dlspoaiUoa was manifwt
to make a aloaer reeirieUoo la the
hamt dleirlct. Tbe peUtkw waa re
ferred to toe eeaamlitoe oa poliea with
pawar w act.
C E Matray. W. F. Falrehild. L. O.
Bryaat aad otoen asked toe eoni
cU to reeonalder of the action fraat- iBf toe ordar for a ,'raer plank
tralk OB Ewt State alreet bet<
Boss and Gilbert etreets, became of a
propwltlda for a AlfTereni kind ot
walk. Tbe matter waa laterred to toe
le on strMts aad walks
Imtar aaotbar psUtioa
aaklsf the eonaeil to order a tar eoa•fata walk oa toe property ssaatloa•d, eUtiBf that toe cost would be 45
ooato per yard and aeklaf the eonaeil
to pay oae-foarto of toe amonnt. This
opaaed «p a discawkw m to toe
tampUUOB ot toe ordiaaaee refardiaf
MBOat walks Aldermaa HasUafudid
BOt favor toe aonocU paytaf for
IblBf but aamaat vralks as U prxvarty
owaan were allowed to bnlU
walks It would dwtray toe
of toa walks, wbieb should kept aalisparl
lena. This was
partleularly la ralar. Moa to walks la tbs bastnwt portioa.
tUmaiin Meataoa auied that ha
ted known ot walks mads of tar in
Oraad P*r*<*» wkiek bad stood
PWpwoUfwWyeonaad bo bMlevad
[OoMlaaad aa •aaemd paca ]
tbe father of Hon.
Daria ot ttaU city. Oeeeseed bad been
eufferluf from nineee for several
itbs but lately wm able to fet
about and a abort Urns sfo spent s few
days risltlnf toe femlly of eon la toU
eity. H. a Davis wm In toe aortbem
joint meeUnf of 1
toemylom boards bat wm notified
death of his father. ‘The
wife of Mr. Dart* died about five year*
Deoeaeed warbom Is beaeea eoaaty
N. Y . aevaaty-five years sfo aad came
Uto Miobifan, to YpaUanU many pear*
afo. He remov<4 from YcallanU to
Elk Bapida la !>?* aad uox eharfe of
to* floariBf Drill baloariaf to DexUr
A Nobis Attor eom* y«an he beeame
with bU eoa Beajamln, latarmtod In
toe pnhlleatloa of tbe Elk Bapld* Profiaas also boidlaf at AiCerant timm
variom town ofiims
He wm made
acreland’* ftrat ad-
a davent mam bar ef the Bathodlat
ehareb aad bad lad a Ufa wbteh made
itod tktonfboat tUe
Paaetnl aarriaas w«M bMd Cram the
•idapaa at Blk BapUs ymtorday
Tte Famom anils I
Sheet Music and all kinds of Musical Qooda,
: I. E. STBOIG, luatv.
eeee^^a—e ^^we
The SOROSIS Shoes are
today the perfection of the
bhoemaker’b art, the recognired standard by which all
other shoes are judged ae to
style, quality and construction
We are exclusive
agents for Traverse City for
Sorosis Shoes. We have them
in both light aod heavy aol^
and in black or tan.
t*opular Shoe Honse.
. <<il ProDt St., Tnnne Clly
Got ’Em.
And when-downpour way invite you to stop
in and see'thexn.
I new'lin gflilia'tlfjiprs, prins GSt, $1.00, SI.2S
andtiOO. Oirords, 3Sc ap.
B'SOXinr STlilEUB^
ssc^bd. txtbsdat.
III Hill I I
JiTiiT se, isee.
wnUsB Arme has ban raBertop
asM Ubs with a eswa lUaaas Aa
rteraed aad he fe 1bTBATMtCT wi t; • K10BX0A3I
Mn. CterlM Tk^ior kM rvtmcd
ffos ft Ttaik ta U« BorU part «f tk«
T. M^'om AMD a. W. EAnooi. •tftU. Mn-Tftjlar *rni
dftUM u tkc poftt <r®9ft Ift ft lew dftjm.
f. W. HA>m. SdtMr ud Ifa^r
Mr*. P. a. S^erefteU ftad dftar>»«r
of KftiftiuMO ftnired ia tb« eitj y«»twdey ftBd ftift tbe fmarte of Mr. aad
Mr*. MMobftrv.
E«T. W. J. Oftdr. pftfttor.of the Fiiftt
M«aa4 elM*
Mow for Better Suwu
^hUelilftftCreed tbftt the el^
•hoftld Bot teeer earUitBC bot eheolftte
te afteecterr espeaee is the wsy of
•toftftt pertBf ftsUl after the eeteblMi•MBt of sew wftter Bftise is the ttreett.
hwryhody will egree that eoatidetwhlo
*ry OB the
ftt7 tboroachfftfse. la fact os aeconot
Pt the proepecUre oew water work*.
mS7 tftxparera here refraised (root
seapUint to tbta retard.
Iam nitbt.
howseer, the eoaneU p*«ed the wa;
I Buk
Is tbie dlrooUos. whlch.wUl sot ooeaftIn *B7 exva'eapeote whea the oew
aMse are laid.
A sew road ataebiBO aad a aereB-toe
•toftftt roller arc calasble acqaielUoat.
tad tetethsr with (he etoae craUer
parchftied leetyear will make a rery
it for the dtp. Now
that tbia proTlalon baa been made the
taaparen will look for
•iBBff BOW haee tor thia clip la the wap
erelfWl Itaproremeal, aad ao delap
•hoaldbe cierdaod to aUlttint the
pBebtoerp. With these
' pwaeiioeD be kept to maeh better
1 to ao dielaat Use a BBterlal eedat of expense
irtUreiBlt. Tbeooaadl^ board of
pahUe woito are aalted to retard to
*ha haosBltp of better ttrteto and befera lont we tblsk the texpayen wlU
Pfree that theae toTeetiaaau have
JfrobBblllty of Hit Astigia
xaent to Pbllipplnet.
paaMl MUaa Kap be Ooaealted Bethrdlat DlspoeiUoB of United Staue
Boroea Oua* Xtotiea Probably be
Poaflaod to Work of Waitary Oor
Wadtlnrtoa, yaly U -Oen. Wealep
Karritt Btp affttn be aMitned to ooa
ptaad to the PhlllpplDea, and arap oS
pen look with aneb feeor opon tbe
ytopoeltln to sesd bla to Manila,
frteldaat MeKlolep U beiaf ortpd
Oeneral' Merritt to
ICaalla to lekeooaaead of tbe erntp
Whea actlce operetJone ere
Tbit CBCTeetiOB ie beiedoa UteftapaaptloB Uat Gcaerel Otis, ea mlllterp
«oraraor.>wUl be eayroeaed with the
^Btiea of that oBce a* thep reUte to
' ' '
Omrral Otli
ao excellent record aa an ad■pt will be relieved of the
|he niUtarp neraUoaa to order to girt
^oaer attention to the
tJTcnuae&a In tbe varlana dtlce aad
^ It la-now eald that General MUee wlH
he eonealted to rcyard to o
tbaPbIlIpptonbpbotb Preeldeat lic^iBlap and Secreiarp-to-be Root, who
hat BO knowU-dye of aiUtary effiita
^ adrioe of General Milea who Ua
traiaed. experienced eoldker, will be of
taaetlBable Talne to tbe preeident and
tba aew head of tbe war departBeat,
pad It la believed that the oommaadlnr
naaral eaa be of lAeb more valne
- Itor* than if aent to t^e PbUipploea
It U probable «hat General Mllee'
pacKtelim that the aew troopa be
lad to tbe PbUippInee bp batpallpat aa rapidlp at ibep are enUeted
wUl be earrled cat. Tbe obj <ct le to
^ve the troope laadedat Manila at the
pad of tba ratop aeascB.-ao that active
taU operatioat map be beenn at one*.
It la aald that even If Merritt doe* aot
n to tbe PbUlpptoee General Otii will
^ve op tbe dlresUoa of Bllltarp attain
yeariap tbe cftBpaicn catlrelp la Geopral Lawtoa'e haada.
■ooallfbt on thcBay.
Ipbt exenraloa'wlll ba plven
pa Ue bap toatpbt bp iba ateaBer Ool
naWa. Miaalc will ba foraltbed bp
MorUaeb'e orebealta.
A ThMuaad Toaenca
Ooal^ Mt expraaa tbe-raptare of
r------------------------- lefonadtbat
, h New Diaeornry for Conanap^
doeiu^lp eared her of that.
w ooa^ that for macp yeare bad
!e a bordea. AU other reabdiB
pad dootom ooald fivb her no help, bi
ab* aape of tbia Royal Core—“It eo.
yemoTCd tbe pato la mj cheat and I et_
pow aleep aoaadiT. eoaietbtor I can
I^aoaadtor Ita pralaee tbronpbeiit
Ihs Unlveiaa.** ito wUl every oae who
ibla ^ & Throat. Cheat m Lnapa
saOe.aa4Bl.eo. Trial boulee free
obneoB'e aad Walt's drap n
U the pneet of Oeehtor rraak WMt^
atdwiUpreaebattbe OoaprepatiOBai
arch aext 8n»dap Moralap.
MlBAlaa Despres. who bee been
vtolUap frieodi to Mtlwaakse three
weeks, baa retaraed.
Mra. J. B. Martin wrat to Bap View
for a two weria* slap.
a D. Staalcp of Sattoaa Bap was to
tba city OB boslneee peetetdep.
Ltndtord aad Mra. B- 0. Coapton of
Hotel WblUap, are eaWrtelninp Mia
Ethel Bellerd of Mentoa.
Be*. A A. Well of Old Miaeioa. aad
Rev. W. A. Boekovea of Ncrthporl ard
at Bap Vtew.
Robert Oaae end br'ide ere et Cadillac
rislttop Mr. Uaae'4 brjtbtr befwe reteratop U> their hoae la OjIo. They
epeat Sunday wiU tba (aailp of Geo.
Bd. Hardnasnaofipraod Ra^ riaIted his ooostoa, Ue'-Mlaeaa MoatpoaB. 2. Dsvle sad dsapbter. JoBepbtoA went to Blk Rtpids yaterdsp
to sttead tbe fn'noral of J. Ward
Mr. aad Mra Rsxbnrpb, who have
bees vUitlnp for aoae'tlae. have rataraod from Bip Bapida
Clande Vandervorn baa poae toManIstor, from wbenee he wUU.po to Cbioapo on tbe eteaaor Cbarlev^x, .to
visit bis aetber.
Rev. J. W. Miller, preaidtop elder of
the Gi and Traverse dletrtet. retnraed
yeeUrdap eftemooD fioa Bap View.
AUse Caapman has retomed to Maaistee Fraaeee Bipplas aoeoapanled
bar for a abort rielL
Bi-ODBpraaaan Gtddsler and wife
of Cbicapo are the pneeto of Mr.
Mn. PbU C. -Bsner. Mr. Ooldzler U a
>ep of Cbieapo aad
B< aber of tbe Bra of OoWrler A BopOeearFrlodrieh.b visiUap relatives
la Use dtp for e few weeks ead eelllap
a household article to flU to Ui
Parker Panntopton visited relaUva
at Lake Ana-Snadap.
Dr. and Mrs. Alward of Manistee are
at the Hotel WblUap.
Attoraep B. d. Pratt went to Frank
fort pMterdap to attend oonrt
Will Holdswortb end wife are to
Charlevoix tbia week.
Editor dam O. Cooley and wtfe of
dnttooe Bap were la the city yester.
E. B. Hibbard bfti retnmed from
bnilnea trip to Use wat and aonthem
Frank Gannett of dattona Rap visit
ed hie parcats to town overdandap.
,P. M. lAthrope of Grand Rapids
caae no oa tbe exesstslon Snodap to
.visit Use family of C. d. Vader.
L. M. Bennett has letnmed from bis
recreation trip in the BonUsem part of
Mbs Florence Miller retnmed
borne on dtate street peeterday after a
few daps' vblt 1b Charlevoix.
J. A Cross of dprinp Lake, b rislttop
hU son. Oeorpe H. Cross, the Iccal at
aad Mn. Archie Oriatt have
pone to Bloominpdale for a vbil.
Georpe Bsner. formerly of Bemns’
barber shop, bu tekea one of Use
chain In Oriatt A Wlanke's shop while
Mr. Oriatt b ahaent
WUl Ralne. cashier of tbe Boston
Store, has mtemed from a vacatlm
spent in Wbitoball.
MlM dtevene, whohae been vblUnp
Mn. Harris, has pone to Bsat Jordan
oa a ebit with other frienda
Ptatl a Baner of Use Mlebipan Starcb
Co. has retamed from a basiaeas trip
to Cbieapo.
ee OarpLakeAldarman Cook b ateUor of proat
renown and in order to eonriaoe bb
friends that be b enUUed to tbe dbtiactioa of eaptaln he recently bonpbt
■ boat. It b a handy sort of craft
fosme-lpuaed bp Professor Daria, tbe
director of tbe ciril enptoeeriap cla«
at Ann Arbor nnivenltp. It b a.e^
boat, with a canopy, paaeron* breadth
of beak, etatelp motion aad a repatatlon for eafetp. Tbe craft was bronpbt
down troos Lelaad on Carp Lake Boadap bp Captain Cook Bmeat GraUiek
' and Frank Medland. The aaebor wat
let po near tbe clnb honse of Use Octonarp clnb when a formal chrbtento|
{'‘oatlaned trv a flntifire']
feas">Ullcrefpnrcbattap a paruosspe.
lar walk! were pood. U wfti tbe see .
tiawat of tbe eoaneU tbtt tbe nc^Uoa |
do-ild not be prantad wi Jiont the an
thoriipof anther ord’aance •"aklapj
eoae provlelon different t? the one
BOW in force. Tbe petition «a» mere ,
fore 'a d on the table.
Al'leraae Oarrieon iotn>dneed a ree
oletloa providlnp that the ^oird of
pobUe works prooeed to laprove tbe
etreeulolbe c.tp^st their dlsereitoa
for tbe eonventoaee of biepelM. AlderMoetspse ttronplp libjcttad to
plrinp tbe hosrd of pnWic works eo^
•weeotop power, sltbosph be esrooKIp nrped some acOon to beneSt tbe
wbeelmsB. Alderatsn Osrritoo nrpod
ianieOiate act! w towards tbe desired
tad and tbe matter was peaeraUp dlei!d. It wat floallp decided to refer
tbe reeolatioB to tbe eoaaittee oa
Btreete and walks to deSne the etreet<
which sbonld Brat be Improtcd for the
beneflt of tbe epclista
for the neoesearyetepe to levy an aaaeesaent for tbe balance of tbe cat
for the Welllnpton tweet eewer.
In Use matter of the lateral eewer to
connect the Boerdman avenne school
bn lilnp with tbe Wellinptoa street
sewer, tbe clerk reported that tbe
property bwnen sffseted had apreed
to pay tbelr aropontonate share without tbe acccaeltp of an eiisaaent
Tbe eonadl on r^elar aotlon derided
that one-tblrd the cost sbonld be borne
by tbe city.
Alderman Smith at tbe rrqaeet of
B. McDermott eUted to tbe ct'nnril
that Mr. MeOarmou would like Use
j>b of wimmisp tbe branebae from
were banpiop over the walks. After
some dlicnmion it waa derided that no
offisial limb-entter wat needed, and
that an ordtnenoe rcpnlaUop such obstraetiona waa nreessery. Therefore
Use matter was referred to Use com
mittee on ordinaneve.
Manletoe ’Von tbe Fonrtb
WI1H thc humorist.
soosniB^ remeHsed bla
wife. •'TOO have th» ssllsrecllor. of
kpewtox pois have don* poor duly to
Way vxcurelcin: When iber« s a ntc*
fat ilUl* »*rsusrtsl tovMiUetlois or
dered somebody else elaaya xeTi It!-*
•■Shell I speak to your felharr- be
a>ktd efier she bed nsede ibe usual
_-Too map If yon wish.- abe replied,
“bot If you »acl the mailer fettled 1
would odviee you to see mamma."-Cbieaxo Port
kilu Pri»m-Don-t let yoor do* biu
me. little boy.
Doy-He wcn'i bUe. ma'am
klta Prism,—Bui be la ibdu-tox his
Boy forilb aPrtdel-CertalBlj- be Is,
ma'am; end If yoo had r<"d leeth a*
be bet ycu'd show -'em. too—Cblcaxo
tyelly News.
Tbe Tany-tea r1*vr to rhira floats
rseboeu l.OCO mllof from lie ir.ouib. W*
have t-ut'e faint Idea of the micr.ilude
of dlatancas and nnmbers ic tbe msx.
Hncklioa Amioa 8ai va.
Tax BnXT BanTx to tbe world for
Onto. Bmlaoa, Soros. Oloere. Salt
Bbenm, Fever Boras, Tetter. Chapped
and all iEr
- ■ Obilblalaa,
Bmptlone, and positively cures Piles
jrno par required. It la puai
•npive perfect satlefaction or moner
•efundad. Price tl eonu per box. ffo.
elebvJ Q Jobnec^ndw « Walt
Take a little Taeatton-
Warranted for 10 rears-bigb grade,
bigb arm. simple, durable, reliable, light
running noiseless, speedy, strong, bandsome.
Wbat more do you want for $1A76F
HooAe FnimlahlnE Store
120 Front Street.
All detailB of the profession looked after in a pro-
beeloeed every e
except Tnesdep and Satvrdep i
tops. Bamlllcn Clotblnp Co.
yethcrsels 'hraeelaU
Tbe preitieat wrist omsmmt
found, at tbe Famous for 10. I
SS eenU.
fessional manner.
BoU 'Pious
: lg.3l8Diltil Stral
lo. «
from tbe Hostlers;
Tbe foortb of s series of psmes be
tween Msttietae and the Hustlers at
Manistee reaqlted dlssstroaslp for tbe
BnetU re Snodsp sftemoon bp s scyre
of 16 to 1. The Colu plsped an all
aroDod belter pame tbss tbe Bostlciu.
From tbe very start Manistee bepan
ponndlnp out mne and tbroupbout tbe
pame sores were made a miet at will.
Tae Hostlers made tbelr only mn to
tbeeevenih. Rypee bit to left field
and reached third on a desperate elide
on Vanpbn s bit to left.
Roth then
le,i a wild pitch po bp him and Ropee
bronpbt iq tbe only eoore for tbe Trav
erse CUp team. .Vanpbn was nlleredutblrdtoas attempt to etca)
and the next two were easy onts. The
•core bp Inntopt:
Maolatee.... 4 t 1 : SO 3 4 * |6 is 0
HusUere....... OOOOOOIOO
0 T
Batter es—Woltets and Both, PatterBOO end Hunt.
Patterson k by no meant a had
pitcher as tbe eoore mipht seem to In
dicate, bot no pitcher can pitch wtontop ball with poor euppart. an^ this
was bUcasc exaeUp. If sopportedat be
•houid bare been be undoobtodij
woold have held the eoore doxn to a
ftlngl- fipure.
Vaopbn, tbe new man at second,
plays a pood ptrae and with a litUe
practice will be a valoable addiUon
to tbe team.
Third bsteman Elbert was piven bU
and wUl leave todsp
for Seplaaw.
Msnaper Eehoe wired for two new
men last nlpbt and he k dcisrmtoed to
eecore players who can pat np winnlnp
Tbe next pame trill be pUped on Uie
Tuelftb street pronnds Saturday with
Xt wte 98 to the Rbate.
Yesterday tba tbermoter repUtered
»3° on the north side of a bouse to tbe
itral partoftberitp.to tbe ahade,
and 114^ iDtbc sun.
An* Arnerivsr lady derisre* that Lon
don is inrompacably the n;oat beuutltol of uil tbe cities of tbe earth: but
there Is. toe tups, s fclemiih on tbe fair
polleb or our municipal aestheticism.
name conferred on the craft b tbe Thlf niw In out besuty It the bus con“Beldlver^ and benafter tbe friends docior. Be U not picturesque. Al
of the captain eriU have, ao cause to lowed free rein to the ‘cboice or bis
want for naaUcal axporienoe when -mt tered stnw hal. a eeedy
draxxltd tTouaerv—a mlserible flgure
to the xsterul sebeme of cruet end
of emclbuscs
eauiy. The
___ oaotre
May Fntoluae a Paiaeaape.
mold certainly be confemne a service
The memben of tbe ^int M
; U they deniarded a little
eburcb and otben totereated an
- _ idr servanu. Ic tbe
meet at the ebnrah tbb meantime the driver of tbe prculer
be bat
evenlap st ?:30 e'eloek to eonslder the
‘ W .toseunsnrlPiaB
Moha the food onra d«lkioas«Ml wMeson!!
great! greater!! greatest!!!
cbance of your lifetime to got a wbeel at almost give away
This baa been a record breaking season with us on our
wheels, and to make the record good, we won't carry over a
single one, so wo make you the most astonishing prices ever
-known. You've wanted a wheel all the season—didn't have the
cash—Now it don't take^as much, and you've saved a tew sheckels. —Be one of the first to see our new prices and you cau have
your choice of all our stock of wheels, which are all “A, number
one" in every resphet. All parts are fully warranted. If they
break within sixty days, we give you new parts iree.^ charge
(you pay tbe express.) Here's the list, both in ladies' and
gentlemen's :
»H« Koiofrga ««o6kd titctoat. jtot s», isn.
TbcuilerrtopotF. O- Bm
neeirUr ft frefth mi «t pftiat.
Jftek Beftd.ftfti
k itlitwrimf sftU la pUM of J«aB TM’
me. wbo U lU.
IK wvnri^ivcvci^iar ww w i«m Tbe tftotrteUailce I. O. O. T. wOl
Cftdmae Sea/iftr. whlU rcdnf bold iu aaaaai ^Mfttiar ftl AreUe *eftmad Um Iftka OB IMr bieyelftB for |
»ft^ fcaoorTO*.
•a melf noralac rid*, bob* ro«BC ; A Iftrn'eookraiBaBt oC «lt portti^
afft tonad tfte body of »■ ftakooaa tMo« wm ftroarbi la bf the ChftrUBpos ibft Bboro. H* *so
lor ifte CorawoU M«i Co. doBd*7,
SdMUAal Ifttar M a tonatr br ^ tram Cblcftfo.
H«M of Aadftfftoo from Cberrr Oran,
Ofcr SOO u^k wen eold to Xankteft
Md troa tbe eoadlUoa of tb« 0*1/ b« from here Saadap. A larfe aamber
&Tv\eret\. J
led iJlaeu, or ta connkaceocc,
IbeAiceetiTe organa partake of ttae
general veakaeaa, aad are aaabk
to aasiailatePBfBcientfeod to bnlU
1“..!** _*!***'! ***^“*
Mmld*r«. ItkcoBenllf
■ lo hfttt b(u ft eue of Baicide. CftBM
Bft&ry Ootlftf. one of Wesford’a met
proftpmM fara»en. wm kicked bj ft
vlelm bone Jnly If. ftad died ai bk
bone Afttardar of bU iDlBrieft
B«7 scbnkli. a brirbt yooaf nae,
17 Toan old. loM hk Ufe doBday fti
Orajb lake, near Joecarille. Bf aad
Ua other boje were laawlanalar.wbrA
be WM tftkftft with eraapa, aad aooe
of them reepooded to bk call for help.
He wae wbrklor oo a farm for Lori
KtftMiriBf foemofte^tofo to boU««e
la ft few weeka.
IfeM Oraad Bapld*. Fred Parritb.
•red *?7Cftn,
WM drowned la Oao, .
•teftrry lake whUt teibiag. Be bad
aad aank before aasiaUoce
ponhl reaab him. He wae third
gaaal of Coapany E, Talriy-seeond
Xieblgaa eolaotcera lo tbe Spaokta
At Soatta Bavea, R.cbard Jooa of
Aarora, IU.. wat drowned la Black
river Satanday. He wm aeen catebtag
■tlnaowa wbea takea with erai
drowned bi fore bU eoapaaioaa ooald
feach bia. Tbe body wm recovered.
Age it yean.
At MiukagOB. what nearly eaae«l a
•boeiang eeodent oeenrred at the Chi•ago A Weet Mieblgaa eroatlag Jut
weat of toe Ualoo depot Snnday
lag. A atfeei car attempted to eroce
ia front of a railway train and the
aetoraaa loat ^k nerve and etopped
ble ear on the railway track. The
train *m nearly oa tbe ear when the
crowd begaa to Jaap. The aotoradn
Uaa etarted ahead again, niontog over
aaaa'e foot Mn. John WUUaat of
Lake etree't broke her wrkt when tbe
Jaaped. One old lady feU la froat of
the ttala and wm banled off Ue track
Jut la tixM to save her Ufa
woman threw her tafaai In froat of
the train and then Jimped. Tbe baby
WM promptly reecned. The train wm
•topped within It f jet of tbe car. The
BOtoraaa flid. and at Uat acemnU
had not beea eeea. It wm a'.raeolou
that there were no fatalltlea.
Oae of Ue pecnllgrly ead elghu of
Pokagon Ik Toa Cbilion. who fof
nearly io yean drove Ue to boree
Uaai in Ue Nathan. Pjrepaagb and
oUerebows la Ue day* when railroad
abowe were nokBbwn.and Ueae leant.
wlU tbe great ebaiiou. wen eateneively advtttked. Ch Uon was a won
derfully powerful man and bandied
Ua mnltUede of relnt and golded bk
anlaale Urongb Ue etreeto of Ue
mtle conatry vUlagee with eaae: but
today be k beat with age. blind aad
Tbr toMleal aerrieea at Grace Epic
e >pal ebareb were wall attended Sea'ar. both aoniac aad enalep Prof
S-m prealded at tbe new eomlioa.
Oiaen wbo awwted with tbe bm'c
'ereMke AlkwH'bcrta and Mn. S
Garlaed. eoBraar; Mke« aio» Craw
fvd and Joaefb WUbelm. alto; a D
Keayoa, toaor aad Dr. Sayder. faaee.
Praf. Horat aeektod la tbe ereatag aerrier with a Tielin anompaniaeat.
Tbe rffenoryarlft wMeang by Mia
ffUbela la tbe moralag aad by Mia
Roberto la tbe enala*.
In all Conditions of
M. Abeldoa. aatbor of *'la
Bi*S:op«:’'oeea^thepaipU of the
CoBCr^atioaaletaareb at Old Mkaion
Pnak Ooodrleb oo Friday mmle a
eale of k40 aerM of timbar Uad w«at of
BrelatM Oobba, MltebeU A IlcBalJtottbei
It glvea tone to tbe atomacb, and
roo of Cedillae. The ooaaideratloB wa»
atimulatetibe tppetite. Itiidtctae
at Mi
digestion of food, and bnagt re>
Tbe eaearaioB OP the C A W. M
from Maakeron aad Utaad R^dda wm
wei; patroo ztd Seaday. Tea eoaebea .
were reqatixd to bribe Kbe crowd, orerj
>00 people oomlar frota. Oraod Baplda
aloaa. A laree eaeunloa came froai the
aortb over the aame road, rc^alrlnr
foar eoaebea.
AmsrlCAtt Soldiers Have
The barge Alia M. GUI eaae .
jJorrkwUe yaterday atte
Bent Word to Otls.^
where abc took on a part of a load of
Inaber. She will go to Torch Lake Aak American Comm uidvr to InterUk Beaming to complete Ue load be
eedefor Uelr Baloase fiom
fore proceeding to Cbleago.
Jobnaon. formerly of Ue Steaaer Wcaeott. acted u Ont m.te for Uk trip.
Tbeefalldrenof di. Franck ebnreh
will meet at Ue ebareb a little before
S o'clock Uk moraing to marea to Ue
dock lo a body for tbrir picnic toOaena
RsU child will be prueated wiU an
Aaeriean flag to carry. Tbe Creacent
band will aeeoapany the party. All
an arged lo be at tbecbnreb pro aptly
on time to m Bot to oocaalon deUy
for Ue boau Clerk Sherman, a babrer foraerly of
MsnUtee but Utely of Ue Caaltal bar
ber ebop In Laaaing. bM taken a poaitioa io Ue PrineeM barber ebop.
A 10-poond boy k Ue lataat aad a
welcome addition to Ue family of Mr.
and Mie. Wmiam Mamy'.
George Joyce U tbe owner of a fam
ily of floe fall-bloi%d Eoglkh fox
terriere. Tbe moUer and two handpope bre exhibited la Ue dkplay
window of A. W. Jahrans' cigar aicre.
Dr. Oscar ChaM, who recently grad
uated from Ue medical deparimeni of
Ue L'nivenlly. went to Mlnoeaota and
Iowa a ah^n time ago to vkli friaada
While at Palrbanlt. Mina., be became
very ill aad k stlU eoaflned to Ue
-for choice of-
p-1‘1 C - ? >«|>«vs>vril>vFv XU hv rSanrrC »
Many desirable bine and black goods in lot.
bt b
Wcsltj o( lf»r <vni. «er ratlMUonss4 os al:
AU go at marvelouslj low prices
to clean up ouP entire stock
before fall^purchases—From 25
to -iO per cent, reduction on all
above goods until further notice.
B.r <-em'M.toi «-».sii«>eesu
T^SXTKU-STv vuaisGs huedrv4 «elUr>
poi-ai^rsrapj Wt 10 H gSlMdimsrkvt.
W01»rny Soo'hM
E'en HALK-nr^t rims* drlTlsr *.
Csli mt :i» Xra.t
rood shspe ryf) rSemp.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
to-errsl r
The. Traverse City Music Co.
Ji .juif? **t°'nc
Ha 244 Front 8t
Broesh Block-
Tbe Only Dp-to-Date Music Store
in this part in the state.
TO A X08H PBATILB FIRLDSelvatioa Aimy Bae Dkooniiancd it*
llos. ^tppljwllx. F
Work la UU Oity.
Tbe Salvation Army held ito last
meetlag in Uk c'.ly Sanday night.
Captain lewell and wife-and Uenteo.
The finest variety of Pianos and Organs ever
eooB M be It able be wUl return and ant Jewell will work io lUiaok.
eater tbe ofiseofDr. Garner lo ee- cffiie.'s left the city wiU Uk brpnen
of Ue army free from debt.
tablkb a practlee In Uk city.
S'lown in this city. Xetv instruments coming in
were forced to abandon Uk field from
Tbe meeting lo have bMn held at Ue
lack of financial snpoori.
intink furasrv.
oagito^oatl Church last night, of
«tai cbvsp 2bdaily. A full carload.of Organs just received. Our
thcM wbo are loterected in Ue pipe
It Waa Only flmoke.
organ fund, was postponed on aeeonot
a Israr dournmstxl trss>oo>
alblvurslofv revsi. ^rmp.
l^t evening about T:tu amoke was
stock complete, goods tbe finest, and term* the best.
of Ue etorm.
aeen to issne fa>m the store of Senator
J W. Miillken and the fine department
You never hear any kick on our instruments—we
msbed to tbe boilding.
Tbe treat
■ rev lor .So* <
.k coodeOsdinai
AgiurancesThdiae WlU Net Befuaa doors of Ue atore being fattened the
give the manulacturers* guarantee.
glaea io one of Uem was broken to ada Borne.
, ,
mit entrance, but it wm found Uat
W»UMU». J.U)
S*:-1 ^
rb, l..l,or b^i
J. .b “b ™
nr/ deparuneot. who is cnalrman of
filled wlU wMte paper, and Ue draft
Ue committee receivtcg fonda for the
would not operate. The smoke thereOrwey borne, bM received a cable meafore came ont below iosiesd of going
aage from Ue bero of Manila bay.
Proprietor and Manager
np Ue chimney.
Tae admiral rakes ao objeciioa U
Ue prapeaiUoa vo preeeot him wlU a
X O. O. T Dktnci Oonventinn.
borne, and lo'Ue abseace of a proleet
All Good Templar* wbo expect to
Mr. Vaaderilp eonelndee It kaafeWMimc be will accept snsh a gift from attend ^e district seaion of tbe lodge
Ue American people. There k no oe- at Archie on wtaeela are rrqueated
..Inf-ontof Ue Mereandle Cos l>-(-m^lly itt'iicrd
nying Ue (act Ust Ue
disappointed becanae Ue fund is crawl- j atore at 1 p. m. The meeting k eafled
in- —
—----- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------1. /
ing upward so slowly, being still tar;sti:Sn. Grand Chief Templar
from $*0,000. bnt It is discussing plans [ drews of Grand Rapids k in Ue
and wilt attend Ue m
to bMten the work.
mm m
Record WANT ADS Pay!
Far Ut Esxt tUitydayi
Oar store > ill be rioted everv even
alsiso*clorii. except Tneeday .
Baraittoa CloU-
73 pair Ladiea’ Hand Turn Shoes. ‘ Pinffree" maka. worth 83 «0 now..............
10.6 pair xtaaies uxroros. "Flnffree" make, worth $2.00, now___
$1 00
68 pair Mlases’ Eid Shoes Plnigree make, worth $2.00. now ...
110 pair Ladles’ Oxfords, all kinds, worth $1.50, now....
« pairM«n-« HetUalon P*t«nt Calf Bal«. worth $6 00. now.. . .............. $4 60
22 pair ICes's Nettleton Tan Kid Bals. worth #6 00. now ,..
74 pair Ktsn’s ''PinKree" Shoes, small sizes, worth $4.00. now,..
60 pair I-ndiaa' -ringroo- Jallota. amatl alnoa. worth $3.00. now .
of Fairfield, Iowa
e dM-k o IB ase Iras I o'rloes to I e rJurk. s
the riliptooa.
Manila, Joiy :«—Tbe traa^ori
Sheridan from San Francisco with 1.TOdreinforcemeata airivrd today.
General Oix aas received a letter
dated July >. signed by Cbaa. Blaafora
and Fred Uepoe. amkiaat engineer and
Uird cffico- of Ue boepital ship Rriief.
wbo were captured by tbe biUpinoa off
ParanaqM on May SO. Tbe tetter says
Uat Ue orkoaers are in Ue bsndt of
Ue Inenrgeou, “reoelving exeelient
treatment, bnt tbe tuspense fearieg
»e loos of onr positions k tenible.
Tbe writers beg General Uik to
tereede for Uelr release. Gsaeral oik
hM taken etrpe in Uat direction.
Two Aogntun friar* woo landed here
have bees arreated. Ilk aaid uai
they had dKcmenU abowiag Uat they
were area is of Ue Fmpino j inta at
U^ntended to boar mes•agea to Aguin
Our “Special Sale " brinj-s tie abbri to mind. Not
one dollar, bnt many may be sared when good, go
as follows:
Vouee to Traptyerm.
Xoiim* brreto tores ik«t (be lai rolk fji
lb» . ..lUrtkn of oebMd as.1 cliy
Tbe harvatlag of Ue great pepperaentolleiDp U eoaUweatern Mieblgan will be bagna la aboni two weeks.
Thk product k aottly coaflond to Kalaaatoe. dt. Joeepb. Caee. Van Buren
ano allegan oooatiea. Tbe crop Is
valued at baadreds of Uonundi of
It Is eailmeted.Uatover i.ooo b.isbeU
«f bnekleberrlee have been picked this
aeasoo on one ranch near Minvrva.
Lake county. In one day son teams
patted Urongb ChuK oo tbeir way to
Ue patebea
Tbe Meetck Gsvette faM moved to
Harrietu for a cssaldention of «M
Tbe graatboppen la Caa ooaaty are
atUeking the anger beeu and eat Ue
tope comoletely (fT if left alone long; For UtIndia
The Faiooua
able watch .
Tbe Michigan peach crop k ao abort
menu foi
lor only >8 eeau
Uk year that it will te marketed la
Chicago lo bariieu repreaentlag a
ftlxU Intiead of a Qtu of a bnsbet.
Tbe people of Morun uwasblp. Me-'
eeatft aonaty. are vary much cxelud
ever Ua appearance of tome atrange
.aslmaliathavMtawamp lining near
there. Banting partiea have been or
ganized to eaptare Ue aalmal.
O. B. Bortoa. mMter of Ue atate
grange, atatea Uat Ue graage bM experkneed a phenomenal growth in
MlUlgaa daring tbe pMt ilx. menUs.
aaarly M subordinate grangea bsring
b.an added to the Ikt and arrangemaato oompleted for Ue Ustalling aevera] more.________
•ohhed tae Urate.
A atartUag Incldeat of which Mr.
John Oliver, of Vhiladrlpbla. wm Ue
•nbjocl, k oarralJi '
•‘1 VTM IB a n
My akin *
loat yellow, vyra annkan. tongi. ... »d. pain oonlituiilr la
and •idea,
----------------*. no
10 appeUle—gfaduallv
ug weake
weaker day by diy. Three
riant bwl give
- ' . a friead
‘ ' d adri
. _
litter*.' and to my rrvat Joy anti
anrprkc. Uo first bottle made a decided
Ur«* man. 1 know Uey aared ay '.ita and
robbad Ue gvava of anoUer vimim."
No oae ahoold fall to try Uem. Only
SO eeato par bottle at 8 S. Walt’s and
J-0. Johnm’aDragSlorea
nePaaooakaeillDpapntty. darab> waleb reerd w|* atecl orsaaetto for only SS rente
“A Dollar Saved
Is a Dollar Earned ”
es pair Misses Tan Shoes, worth $l 76 and $2 00. now
300 pair Misses* and OhUd's. all sizes, at.....................................
60 pair Infanu’ Shoes, all sizes, now......................
will be oo exhiNlion and tor aale
■Woman'. Sljppar. at...............................................................................16. 22c. S6c. 60o and 76c
Thursday, July 27
Fancy drivers, family surrey horses, heavy farm
horses. We extend a general invitation to everybody
to come' and see tbis fine stock.
Man's Shoaa at.......................................................................... ob- $t 00. $1.16, $1.48 and $1.69
Women’s Bicycle LeRBioES, all styles, now
Youth’s Shoes from................................
See them—Inspect them-Buy them of
i ..FRANK FRIEDRICH, The Old Reliable
-'•■ •>'.'A-.•
THX KOftmO SSOOBO. T9B«DAT. tVlsY 86. 1868.
&etvera\ "Kems
MAnon TOBI 1
I of all tba Barth
Ike »tr thBl fc»n cw U<nd. U» BmlouBr« oom^l/ <
Ori«iMUt« Is Aafri*. ttaj
stansd • Bo»b*r of 7*sr» t«o ssd s<
MtsbUtbed tbaMMlvM M tke
rsifsisf fsTorliet is ibc eiresMt u>^
tbcstns at Esrofi^. Ewtssllj mcm
of tbe oldflr skeabm at thk fwsUy rstsnied to Aaories. b«l oosdaed tb#r
CMt Ewur Hwt7 KW. «c^ 1»
MO Of Ephnia Slsael. »
aroolifaj «riMl bo7*>’ o< BrWf*»rter.
« . jMtOTatfc* Miohloa «*le line.
♦Bd nof—et 0>bcw. Mr»d to TMn,
4»«fliur of WllliBB Oftbjrae. » proai*
Matteravof U« omu plM*. wmt
iarm iniMj BfMnooo drlv«. Nlfbt
a»at«awdtbofo>Drpwpl« did aot ia playe whld woeld adnlt of the dieplay of their eg lily. Tbe yoaager
scxt BorslBf. bat so trsoo of them geseratloB of tbe fanUy. bowere', reasoUbtfoasd. At Uo nqoist of tb» caaiaed eeeeral yeare loafer la Berope
were floally broagbt oeer ae the
UterMtsd tsallia tbe sS*ir wm bsabIt alar attraeilM of tbe Adam Eore^spsM tbeMsrcboeBtiBMdiaMcre^.Bsnr Kliael ie u osly ebUd.»ad the paafbehowtbeeeaeoaofiWl. Tbea
•doUac Utba brooded over the otnsr* they retarard to Earope where they
■^iMppeereoec aotU bU mlod beeem reaalaed eatU last wiater. Now they
vsbeUseed. end be wpe placed la tbe are back agala la Aia«iea asd are a
Toledo MylisD.
Weighed dowa by part of the great eoagreae of dreae
that fo to stake ap tbe
tfcU doable aliforteBe. Ur*. Elseel
I of tbe
«i« la a preeartooe oeadlttoo. Taedie- derfal ilrcee
ragb And SelU Brotbera'
•ncted penau were certela that their
—'"itU air—
^Idrw wtald epeedUy retara. bat
» sad Boothe bare pMaed asd aot poeaible to deteribe the woaderfal
aerial perforaaaeee of thcec ajareelloaa
They sees to iftj aU law* of
•boete baa 1
aadareappareatly eadowBIra.A|hpn>e are heart brakes, asd
gBeesoBdeterBlsedtoflre pablic.ty ed with loTlslble wlaga. for they fairly
«o the affair aad tod their daughter at fly ihrongb tbe air with a freedom of
that is seareely esBllbeurde.
klaoy yoaag Poles lirlaf la Aaseaa oclled by the blrde. If there was nothCity hare eurted l» relorn to Polaad Ingelsetobeseea oo tbe programme
eaad It 1* said they arefolog la raeponse of thte great arenlc ooBgreee, the Banlone Woald repay tbe time and alight
so letters from friends to j >la the
labiy to start another stragg)i expense neeeeeary to aee them. They,
<o free Polaad. espeelallr that portion win be seen here when tbe great coneoUdatloa exhibits. WedaoMlay. Aug.
.«ootrallcd by Busis. .
It is sow asaoBBeed that the Batsian tad. '
bsUraad throngb Asia wiU be ooapleV
Bd before the oloae of IMO. aad that
Chroagh trains wUl be runalog wlihin
that lime betwees Port Arihox and bi.
Klag Manellk of Abywlnle. bas scat
«sro Mbras ae a prsasnt to <2aeea VietorlA
0(»eral BosUagerb tamoos black
■diorse. Tasls. -U dead.
It bad been
«ared for by aa admirer of tbe
Dnrtaga recent fianday shower la
MaaUa T.n laebeeof rain were record
ed.- Tbe Jely ralafsU for IS days seas
AO laebes.
Mra WUllam Barry, ooloead, 104
jwa old U dead at bar borne at Cbai' V bass, toe was bora la sUrery Is Vir-
The sttrsetion which ie to appear in
SulBhcrg's on Augest 2nd U one of tbe
beet OB the road this seasoa and abosld
draw aa ImiMaae audlenea Jflie Ma
rie temoar, tbe star of tbe company,
bad a world sf experience at a member
of Aagaitla Daly's oompany In New
York for a nambar of yeara, and her
snecess therefore.at eiit bead of facr
own eempany. wbenone paneee to con
sider the cxoepUoaal adranlagca she
bas cnjvyed, U not to be wondered et.
Tbe sopporting company Includes macy
well-known names, among wbiefa M
that of Frederic Morphy, last aeaeon
leading man for Jolla Marlows
Murphy leoeenpyiag a aimllar position
in the Immour organ cation
The Karanagh and Bon'y B-'ya'
..'OponTirsident McKinley's desk In Concert, City Opera Bonse. Augast 1.
Harriet Delnent Packard, dramatic
-abe White Bouse lies tbe
Bible glren him by hU father when be aoprano, the Chicago Graphic says: "A
repreaenUtire Amerieaa voealUt. with
Jbai went away fram his home.
.Tbf bleyele oostame bas bceoswbo
^opalar with Bertln.ladiea that a aoele«y It being organised to eneourage tbe
wearing of “raUonal” dreea In the
Serious fires baee occurred at aeteral
places In England, amUted probably Iqr
the great beat, which Is drying averythlng up Oae of the Arcs was at Sibtlekb yachi balldlnr yard at Cowaa.
■‘esilldb was completely burned out. A
•amber of racing yatou. one of them
' a torty-elx rater, aad ecreral boaU In
Sereral of ttow yaebtt
•met* esterrd for tbe Cowee regatta.
Aaotber Are. which originated In a faeUaj. rained whole raws of dwelltogi
at High Wyoomtie.
Tbe damage
ASDoanU to Cto.oooand BOO famlUee are
boaeleae. byre's diamond cutting fac
tory at ClerkeawslI was also baraed.
There wee an exciting scene, sabse. qaent to th* fir*, wben tbe firemen and
thing the mins for
AtSan Diego. Cal. a sharp earth
quake shock occurred Saturday with
.v^ttons framsouthweat to northeast
-No damage wee doss At Loa Angelm
wasia-tciy paroeptible abosk with rl>.braUons from east to weal. TaM bnUdlaga wsra raekad oouldMably and
aooM alarm waa felt bnt no dsaug* raanlted.
It Is BOiad with a great deal of pride
Ay American i-mraals that tbe first
rallraad train to enter tbe Chine prarInceof Mencbnrie was hauled by a
loeomoUve made la tbe United State*,
that tbe Iron orar wblgb It ran wae
raUed In PeaBaylranla. aad that tbe
-tlM on which the Iron reeled were
in tbe forcete of Oregon. Tbe next few
years promise to eoastltau an era of
railroad bolldlag in Asia, and iadglng
from thU Ineident. America srlU mvfit
Ay It Immaneely.
clear and Wrdlikr: thrills with
dty." Jamie Crtppen tbe
lath Herald aaye is "not much high
tbu^An ordinary table, bat is a
wonderful little singer aad gem ora
tions erarywbere." Master Arthur
0< ft. tbe enrnetUt. "Accorded a royal
welcome, and more than charmed hM
aaditorm." Master Percy Sndboroagh
"A magnlflc:nt performer npoa
ehoeen instraineats." Plat of aeaU
open at City Bookstore tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
. 5*
Arbuckles’ Coff^
Is the Standard of .Coffee Excellence by which hll Coffee Quality ie Compared,'
Ho. Bt
Miiins Boom Tabto
No. 69. Raxor made by J. H. Torraji
No. eo. Lady's BoH
loC lorlwe lo toasts
Meet paei-peU •
t hPOK ffrai k» exi
paelB«r eUmp a
. hewMod CUm. ^
‘-*J ?leaSTaJx-*S*ru nd*e!liJli*'*,*“*'*a crai
Ob.* u «>:i M >e»r Pmt ex
H0.6B. AButQhor'aKnlfa.
A Lady's Pen Knife.
Ho. 67. Pletun Frame.
No. 64. A KItehdn Knife.
eol.pald •• receipt af U
oral paetaae etamp aad M
aleaalarre retiree, aiappcrv
d AiboeXIn' tliiaiud t-oOM.
Ho. 69. AContloman'eWaleh.
No. 66. AOontlomen'e Pocket Knifo.
Tb. -S.a HBT«a-b e wetrSd tbe . rd>Mr> •»
wtad ead etMB aM.-duM proof. nt-tH-ptoied rear, adtd la.k
aelcK bmi QioTTBWot. SwUy poltol.M Meal ydatoae. N-detoc
eftvr e etenderd ••K-s. r.;us» timcKwjef. The prtotw! ««er
Twodtotod Kent medr of
eiesiue seood. tteai p«
paldaB rvealptwfSFealpt
alaaip aad «0 aleaata
aa rvevt*i af-d realputseee
.at from «e»t,(wr. Aitiucatoe' K.
No. 70
A Poreelain Clock.
. An X*L Nerolror.
Dftrd porertola frame, leouitlyiiT
OocK ItL. rspise'teed by tbea
eeuiUveOlee. krat by esptvaa,
by rsproas. ebarcae prepaid by aa. ae
rvrvlpt are real paaiac* ataaip aad
raarere prrowU by »e. aa raeripl
are rest paeiaeo etaatp aad IW
r*ArMHtoW ttolifed I'Cffno! aod“illh «»rh
CsSm wrssesr. ■SMb y«> sis
te cal w« aadsaad ts Mil s
Preaebea the O rnnal and ttlTsa Out
Traou and Bibles,
who U in the city nitb the American
BaplUt PabMcaiion Society Colportage
Wagon No I learca this morning for
Good Barbor and Sattoos Bay where
he will preach. Mr. Stephenson will return to the city the latter part of the
He wUl then leave for Alpena
by w*y nt Chsrlevolx and Petoekey.
Rvv -.i.’ii-ienson bolils eervices sloag
bis rau.c.
giving out trsci* sod
blble. ...................... iy.
He Sl-o
;-sues -
SMran a<
Below la a Hat of the baying aud eel.
Ing priew of yuterday for groceries
provLalona and farm prodnett In Tnv
sxLUee rxicx.
Short Cut Pork o«r
Floor. U UAOo.1
Floor. B.
balletiB i,.ur times a year which Is aent
to tbe dnnday eebeol enperlBiendi
thronghoat tbe •
ofhle poelUoB and work done.
Ur. dlcphenaon visited the city two
yean ago bnt did not have tbe wagon. Cats per ba (old)...
Corn per ba..^..Yesterday afternoon be gave
children of the BspUst Snnday aehool
a ride.
Bume xAsnaoTTi
aty Bookstore Is
old. p
I. No. 1. p.
Ralph Oonaablc. of the City Bookstore
made extensive parebaset la the .no- £S’”porP.
tloBlloein Ciiearo, from wben he
Tbe east room of
the etora will be fitted np to i^ve Hgfa.perdoaen..
this etoek. as vreU as itbe ydatare
aad pletan framing
large arch will connset the main room
Oapto J. U. Smory.
Vllbalm Braa. to Oloee Burly.
Beliering tba pablle wUl support a to this departmenk OUmr improvesaora In the right dlreethm we base nmnU an' In progrem,
deddedtocleaeour store at « o'clock
Baatem Star Pionle.
orary erealng except Tacedayt and
Thnnday aftornoon Tnvem Caty
Obapier. Mo. l«T. of tbe Ordep of
We are csBTlneed tbeae two ereslnga Baetora Star. wlU hava a basket picnie
•asb weak will a
at Travene Beach. Uembeaa, lbe<r
wbo moat of necesilty trade la tbe famUim and vUtlng friends aa vnU aa
m*enlag and tbe arrangemant will other ehaptoiaan nqnmtod to take block. Hotel Whltli« and Paaii Piece
stt:M p. m. 'Bu wUl aleo coaneet
park One bw WiU laava Uia. A.
vrith best St U:M S. m. Frnitesri
Prnit esr will
OookbontheSoatbSMe, andou Un. be St Bsat Hasd on Tnetosya, ThnnE. L. Bpeagne-s on tbe But «de at dsyasnd Sstwdsys. Pamisger* swl
8plBf Baacb Bstal
two o'aau to-------------------------------- trait WiU be tsksn on st sy point
prepared to aerre mealc at any
daUn to ride out m tbUr
___• to partiea troas tbs d». at an
Mooria BoMca. ElUier a obtoak
S •'desk dlBsms will bam
Tbe pntMut wrist ornament to be «w4NgM9UtkWaraamaaddakaat an* u
ruseMaUla fisw far to. lOa. l>e
foand.at tbe Famou for 10. It aad
4«ya. Ban lalw*«»a V*. l
Jahrans’ Haiana Cigar
and Draft Horses
Gate Post FarmGOOD
>« i First Class Naiina Cigar,
I;,Good Size,
iiDcelleai Qoaliij,
.Steamer Onekama
t New Thiag Worth Ciltlntlog,
is! Toor Dealer for Them.
Toimelier Block.
I hAT6 jafit i«c6iT6d tPom Ohiengo a flag lot of Ihm Nad
draft boned end seyerel fine driTere. Call at my ealee bem
<md get tbe beet borw to be beA
State Street Sale Bama
Hre Insurance. Warm
Ie. L. A. Bonding.
15 cams
Properly eeired ia a ae&t din*
ins room.
Msaihll llaaafCaafactlaaanr
OigaiB of Xrery Kind
M. S.«n-iM)
pnesnd todeUrarlee
«eiw- OsrprtouwOl
HopUns Bros
m notitoia fifiS6M, M8M.AV, mi u, \m.
«siM>iii 6f Mttei
Im »■»<»■■ Tt»w 0« V«*
Onir s
UHll partton of tbe
prlMrn UkM to peUrv «tttioiu la
Nrv Tort <41; corry doadly aw] «eiawTBl ■rraposw Uww day*.
ibr ronrto bavp a faahkio of adoilsl*tertttg tb» law rt«or«waly tn mcb
caw«. Fword. pl«(4 asd bwd-d rtT»-*
kata •
TUc anUwfol wnpaot an- cairlrt! Ity
foap(an«>ra rkf^fly. Natlr*- bora rttltoo» mra littlf for tb«». 0»e nlpht
rroraity a >>lc. powerful Cblnaintn
raa amork wiili three of the *^l)eDt
UJlww- am] awaiinrd ow of bW roontrymeo atirt fcnortod him apnwieaa.
The dtatorher of the |»-ace wa» armdn] aftiT a atracalr and takta to
ttw Flicatietb aTTwt autloti. On h\a
Wl flat waa a txWTy pair of braaa
knurklH>. la hia rlsbt bawl wao a
Uai-fc-lack, awl tn bla belt waa a
The blade waa an artlatle one. The
bead araa a leather potirh foil of lead.
The handle waa braided leather nine
larbea loDE and ratlter ttllT. It welch
ed iifwrly two linnnda. Another hlaekJark taken at the aame atadon-hoiiae
had an Iron bail for a bead and a
•terl-wire Pqpe for the handle. A
aneak itilef carried a moraa 1«e ten
Iw bea l>«c and four Inrhea wide, The
hottuRi «.f tlie bac had a pound and a
half of hlrd.afaot w-wed In It. Thai
Idaek-lark waa to hraak bonea with
out mure than allcblty brulainc the
akin. The hlark-M'-k'la more favon-d
than tb<- hlodfran. iH-canae it haa a
Idtahle handle, but a blndceon In ea<e
1Ij- prtK-nred—a foot of lead pipe or
Iron bar will aerre. -The oilter nlcht
two men were trreated In I*ark n>w
aa they were aaMulllna a man. One
of th<«e men ama held In taat extra
tell. be<wnae h« carried an ordinary
wooden hilly, aoeh aa puUivmen hare.
The kind of a hilly a enaik earrii'a by
preferviiee la an elEht-Inrh black
le«it»T ter with a bar of lead In It.
But no one ran lawfully earry atirh
a weapon In Kew York city.—Uvlle’a
The- hlatnry of Countt-M Katiinn
Morat la by rtrbt a part of that of
Culonidu and forma an Inien-atlnr
ehapter. for ahe waa the flnii womnn
of tmle fire to braee ihi' danitera of
the dewri and aeith- In ttw land of
bnffalura and IndUna. B.4nr the brat,
white woman to Colondo. h<>alde»
tetlu a hlaiory romanltr In llaaOf. alie
la a etefarter of much Inter.'at to the
pi aide of the atate. Wbe waa tlie wife
of a Cennan noble. Connt Uurat. who
wanted bta fortniie and ‘ fared the
Amerlcaa danen to neek anew a fortow In the fiidurado of the tlocklea.
I the connt to fN-lorad». arririnr Ou-h- Nnrember 4. ItCiV
Scrcr before In the blatory known « .
tile while man had a woman of tlie
Cauc-aalan rai-e aeen the aaiida ami
rocka of t'olorado.'
The (ii-mian eonnt and hla wife met
with Taryinr Ifortumia In CAiloraihi.
but the wenllb which aome were fortniinlo emmeh to find waa denbd thnn
la any rreiit twaaiire, Tlnlr i-ariy
hlalory In lb-over la well known tn
•T«-rj plmie«-r. Klfn-eti yeara aco flueownt dle.1 and kira. Mural waa l.n
altnnat i-lillri-ly on her own n-a»nrii-«.'
Wl.j what money abe had ahe bulls
a ettace at 1-almer Mke and hi.a
alnee cept
kept amnttier
amnmer imaniiTa.
Imanler*. iici
birthday found her In Rood henlth and,
mteelleni spirits. The
old Udy lives
alone nearly a mile up the f.Hitltllla
.b, Rio 00...0
mer Iaik.‘. She eomplalneti tnni tm
winter haa been aevere. lint ah.- man-j
•C<-* to coHecI fuel, oook and live, nnd
lor her a.lvane.-d year, la ctw-pthinal?
ly avtlre.—Itenvcr Newa.
TOio BY oauouaaa.
•What can anoal the warmth of a tiwa
wMua'a kwer asked the deareal airi.
Jlllar taaaper." ijtpUfd th* aavac*
don't know. She care me a nuarur »
art the dock half an bo«r tam.*' .
VThmX 8{MUed It.—NrweiAer 1st win
ter bealth reaorti—“la thia a reatfal
placrr Nalir*-“Wal. tl naed to J-- un
til pecpie l■etcBa eosdn’ hem for to raat,'*
Ketray«<l-’'Yea. we vent aaray and
left the.can bamlHK: aUlil two weeka."
“Waa year Mil any WrheVr “Yeat the
fool Biaht-watchama toU the saa cvnipany abowt k.“
The Karacr Baehelorr-"M«n- aaU thDear tiiri. -have sa mueh idle eurViaity
aa wonen.’' “More.- aald the tUTacr
Bachelor. “Women's -curloalty U alwaya actlee."
'The Baron's Cnatocn.—Inqulrioc Dad.*
—“Du yea always drink beer when }i>u
are thiratj V Karoo ■Hnlekeft»nl*-".V
ma'am; 1 alray drinks Talif ren I am
thiraily. fhosi the aame aa yon du.“
•Then when do you drink U-err “Threal of thi- dlcne.hhe's All nicbt.-Friend-“Yon told
me yuu had joioe-l the Andabon aucirty;
yet ytrtir m-a hai Is. Irimued Blm.-ai -nlirely with Mrds and Unis' |•lumaE-; '
The Wearer of the H*l—“Ye«; but you
aee. Ih.-w Urdt aw all klll.-d befor.- I
JidoH the ..K-irty-"
“That was k bard, mid rej»ort that
ati^ snrkera la I*lltabanC aeut lu llxmaiiufartaren. In which they asked f--r
mure i«y and ahorler tiou». wasn't It V"
“Y'i-a. nut nearly so amoolb aad eayil}
seen (hrooah as the petition drcqlati-d
by the class strikers."
“Whst do you think of the idea of allowinc DO one wbu dues not own t>r»|>
i-H* In the city to U-ofim* a jnonlcit«il
oUberr “What'a th.- use of worry ine'r*'
Ssked Senator Borabum. “Ket ......... .
alone. The ehslires are that It won't le
loliK alter eksiloa till lie's owninc prop«1y eiuinch to satisfy ercrybiHly.''
Uiuv u|s>n a time a lilni-Urd pip>il hU
lay early in the season. Tb.
reui _ .num
laid -asWe ____
Jh.-ir wif.............
riaier uti.liTw.-L.
and f.-ll aeordiucly ilL
line." n-nurked the doclora. aruii-ly.
• then- w.-n- aniiilstakald• '.le ayiu-.iusympt.iuie. This falil.- sb.iw 'h.iw imi«.rlaol it ia fur aiujciiis to haacieiitilic
“1 don't see what they want to k.i-p
up lliis Schtinc Pir." said the Tacol
siuall l»y. ''.kcuinal.le says b.- is c-ni.i:
tile (l.K>rj-i- Washiuxioii of bis .•.■iiii
try." was tin- n-jir irinc n-mlD.I.-r. "M'.-ll.
Imv.- Is-eii soUH- S. nse .tli.-n- niicbt ------eir.-i u» cuns and ran.....
If tb.-r fanil cie.-n
<s;]<-l>raliiic ill.l••]s•l-^’|I<
• i.I.-o
day by ati.«linc tews and
cU-nt H
rclici.ins n-remiiiii.-s. sn.t on u
the vases of insrld.-. Jade and
which har.' ls-.-r> fnim tim.- to limf..UU.I Tostal vlrcilis are d.-id.-te.) hoMioc fans of fealh.-r* with l-.iic nsli.r,
K..O or s.<l<l.-n haodh-s. with nlilcb
tlo-y k«i.l fh.- sacn-d fire aluhi.
feathers an.1 »neo palnliil by cn-nl sr
lists. In KratHs-. wh.-re s.imc of th-mint ta-aulirul fans were tnnd.-. a l»v>-y
.piK- was dv.-n liy tyoeen Marcs.-rit. l .
l»nis.- de I/orraine. ralani ni f«»«i
Caiherli..- de ...........
Medici was the first tbrine Italian feather___
r fans ..iniu Kran.-e.
In anri.-nt Key pt the fan was an . ii>Idcm of beari-n and hsppiiiess. and llusba|s-s of Ih.-se Inssrumenis hnee Is—u
pr»-serred fur ns in the fr>-«ssi of I’-e
l.mite aiM) 7bri.-ut tnonunu-QIs. In th..........- ----- --- - Btaiulst.l.
ano was carri.^ only b.r royal priiio-s ...
I.y warriors ..f reiiuwa not I.-sa tbsn of
crneral's rank.
Nolsslv ku..ws when nr where the fan
orieiiiated. 1‘roliably on a warm .la*
Kre picked a blc palm leaf and wnv-d
It in the air U-f..r.- h.-r far.- and simv
ih.-n all her'il.-se.-nd.vnta have bni folI.>«k1 her. l-'n.m all (junnera of tlu_
dnakj n-e<->aea of the pyrainldaT thlotnlw of ohl Home, the Interior of Afrie i
,’he far I.Uoda of th- l*arific.
f.iond: a
itltul. otbera yruics
ii,, o-renmnUl fans of Hindustan.
h.-a ilifull.v
■ ••
l.wth.-r wort with cemWust.-d
known n. Is- worth many ihuusands
„f dollars, .kiul it was il.-iil-il.-ss on a.count of th.-lr cr.-at value that the fi.n
Co<ls soil nf royalty,
bleb a plaie,
Indeed. dM Ibe fan com.- l.> tak.- in
----‘il. that .-ne ..f
evobes of aUHoBBtrea
the ehief joys promise.] to th.thi- f.v
f.vilhfni i
Rome montba aco H.-nator Tlawb-y one of the five para.tises is the
amt a nu-aa.-»cer f«>r one of the a.-n- 'or the deity Ixora. who dwells
ale romialttee rh-rka of the ai-naii-.
When the ri.-rk pea.-hed Benator Haw
ley be waa anmewhat aatMilahed to
\ hare the nU tnoi) oak;
I.»iBeM U the decayed friut of pbib
“){nw rooch did you pay for that
man ia mote or IcM of a hero
•all of rtolbear
'The rl.wk waa ao nnrprtaed that be to faioiself.
The |n.v that-kills Is Often a “fised''
did m.t aiiawer anlU the aetiator re
pealed the <ineallom when be Mldf "
Raallowiuc aasc tea it one way to
driuk In wisd.mi.
“Fifteen dtdlara.Ilie lisst way in beat a poor carpet la
Ttot'a w^t I heard.- aald the aeiu
lu l.nv a c<nl one.
alor. “Where did yon |wri Ur
It it wasn't fur the crip the cable
The ct,f» told him. and alood ex- roa.Is w-nild te duomed.
peclanHy aronderinc If he
I I'ur<iisi!.-a1ly si>-skiua. the luncm- la
mishis r tbau tbi- cl«ve.
tram why the Conn.wticol »
ws. takluc ,u...
.. in ^ If* har«' I- .•'•nvim, o e people that
aneh .
a ..creat
him hy naytaiR.
“Every lime I Ro to ^Icnd I hear
A lot «r bncRlOR atwut Ibeir F1.1
elotheo: I aan tired of It. 1 am p-lnR‘
lo wear a ault lual tike the one v.m
hare on and ahow th.-m that see can
make aa Rood riotbea for (10 a anlt us ,
Uiev can.''
Benator Ixidfo la alao now t.nirinc
are all riebt for abunsrha.
B,.-vy tinw the w.--ther ha. a
Uk.-s a drop of m.-ecory for it.
^The brM u th.tet the
““ > aDaj* the beat,
but^Mr. Us^^Seo^tllnry^dii**^ *“*■
Speafcinc of on. the Chi(-ac» rieor ia
a wal.r .-..lor in a rias. aU by itartf,
A man may b.- w..nh a ku or m-u.ey
al.or our would ouapect him of helnR
the moat ex|nnalvely dreaaod man In(1^ Oraiale
Aa a matter of fact, the mraibef. of
what U oonietlm.-* known aa the
“MUIIonalrea' clnli“ are rather ftsnd of
hnylDR Clicni. bnaities* aulta One of
pr.usf iiiu.-.
The mur7ilit.-r cons'b-ra
dn-am unill the .l.■mllmlis<'l
hla aolta ot a oono-m In
that manufactun-d to order tlhOOn of
tbe«r aalta a year. TIh- toaniifaclnrer
MiA that Id- made l.-aa ilum (1 aplvco
on them.—l>etnitt Journal.
Runs- |.e,H.l.- fiml as mu. I. pk-asure in
«-faiuiuc ateui their iuisr..nuncs as oibdo in UuisUi.e of th.-ir c.sal lock.
BrMaoee* wT noHactllMs
"Bill here conn-a the Imuk areeh an'
the llchinln' rod man. an' th.- .-l.■•k
peddler, an' the irtrr-f.-nre fellow, an'
the emnuer distributor chap, an' the
brathen antecription w.vnian, an' the
catendllar exterminator, an' the man
The Boston Store Factory Remnant lale
On Tuesday Morning, July 25th,
At 7 o'clock sharp, we will open our doors to the public with an unprecedented sale
BurpasUnc in magnitude of bargain giving, anything ever attempted in Northern
Hicbigan. Our buyer has just returned trom a market of ••CLEAN-UPS,” and after a
week of shopping the result of his untiring efforts has been most graUfylng. 60c on
the dollar was the limit he paid on any purchase for this FAOTOltY EEMNANT
SALE, consisting of broken lines and lots from mills, jobbers and importers
No quantity was too largo constetent with good quality. He plunged In deep and
bought heavy because cheap. The goods placed on this factory remnant sale are as
good as the best. The lateness of the season, the assortments somewhat broken, and
the temptation of a spot cash deal aro the main causes of the lowness of price.
We close till day Monday to get the big stock ready, and have marked every dol
lar’s worth on tuts factory remnant sale from 33 1-3 to 60 per cent, from actual cost Of
We have secured extra he’pjio meet the rush. The sale will continue only untU
the iactory remnant lots are exhausted, as there aro no duplicates to be had.
Factory Remnant Sale on Silks
34 inch pun* Dresden Silks, valo# $100. Factory
lU-maiitil Prif«.......................................................................
Black Brocaile aod Fancy Silks, valu.* 76c Faclor)Hcuiuatit Price.......................................................................
Wiuiliabie China Silks, extra quality, >-alue 40c. Fac
tory llemnant Price...........................................................
Lining Silk, value 2n cents,
Factory Itemnant Price................................
FiLriiretl Silk Mmiaseliue for dreasee, A-aloe 60 cents.
Factory ID-nmant Sale Price..........................................
Small Factory Hemuants uf Silks at less ihaii 6(>c
on the Dollar.
................. 98c
A lot of Ladies* Mackiutoahea, value $3.50 to $4 00.
Vnvf.......................................... .......................................
lilies* and Miaaes* Jackets, valne $4.50.
Ladies' Silk Brocade Skirts, \Alae$f».
Sale Price..................................................................
Jnsl in ibe heart of tlieB<*asnii when yon look for a iiioe,
cool Silk Waist aud find prices ratlier hiudi. we have solved your
ribleiti. Ni»w is your chance Uj buy at our FhcUiry Uemnant
SaleatoDe-halfprii<te of!...............................
I the oruriitsl values
Factory R.-ninsut Price.................................................
Ladies' heavy Iinlia Silk tVml.al Waist, rain.* $5.
Factory Kemnant Price.......... .........................................
Fin.*st of Satin and faffeia Silk W’aista, well w.n-k..d and hands imcly trimmed, value $7,50. Fac
lory Ib-miiant Price.......................................... .............
Ladiaa' Percale Waiata value 50p.
Kemnant Sale Price........
i.i«e \
valne (I riO to *i00. Faciury Kemnant pritv............... 89c
Factory Remnant Sale of Linens
and Wash Goods.
f'otton Crashea value-5c. Factory Kemnant Pri.-e............... 8c
All l-iiieii ('rashva, value 7c. Fw-tory Keninaiil Price.... 4c
AH Linen rwillCmehee. valne 8c Factory Remnant Price 6c
Pure Linen Glaaa Toweliu^, valne tic. Factory Kemnant
.......... :.................................... .............................................. 6o-v
CoHon Towela. value 5c. Faclorv HemnaDt Price each... 8e
('otton Towela, InriivT, value 8c. Remnant Sale P-riceeach 3c
Turkey Bed Table Clottf; value 20e.. Factory Remnant
Priee..................................... '.................................................................. 18c
72 inch Fine BlMched Linen Damask, value 75c. Factory
Ktftnnnnt Price.............................. .....................................................48c
White {'becked Apron Mualin. aasortevl patterns, »*alne 8c
and 10c. Factory Remnant Price.................
Imported Aostrian Ncnelty Oraab Skirting, value 50 cents.
Factory Remnant Prise.....................................................
Factory Remnant Sale of Staples
Foil yard wide Unbleachetl Sheeting, valne Sc. Factory
Remnant Pri«>....................
Beat KngHah Flanelettea, valne 10c. Factory, Reronan^
Beat Stendard Dreaa Prints, value 5c. Factory Bemnant
Beat Standard Light Shirting Priota, value 5c. Factory
Remnant Price................................................................................... 8*C
a alunc
Children’s .rackets, value (4.50 to Ki.
Sale prh'e.................................................................................
Udiee’ Taihired Suita, valne «.
Sah- price................................ ;..............................................
Ladies’ Tailorw] Suita, valije »12 to »ir..
Factory Remnant Sale of Millinery
Choice of our Ik-irt pattern JIata np to *12, at oar
h'actory Remnant Sale, price................................
o erv
Ijjidiea' Sailors, value -50c;
Sale price........................... ............................ .......................
Fact<iry R'-mnant lot of Flowern, value from 36 to
to ‘.Kh- each. choi<-e of any............... ...............................
4 t
1 OC
A Factory Remnant Lot of
, Wall Paper
White blanks, pretty desiinif. al 2ic a single roll.
CluiiiH- lot .if gilte. 4c per bitigle loll.
Beat ingrain l»api-r in up to-date bhadinga, I24c per single roll
Factory Remnant price on several tiumberaaf Lowell InirraiDa
at 60c ik-r yard.
CRher brands of all-wool Ingreinb. sal*- jirice 38c.
Good <iuality straw malting, sate price 8Jc.
Factory Remnant Sale of Shoes
The Factory Remnant Sale in thia department alone means
a ^*af KBving lo yon. We Lave'secured mobl wonderful barptina hete. You must follow the crowd early Tuesday morn
ing, SB the plnma go first.
250 pairs of Liadiee' Oxfords and Slippere. atrirtly high grads,
Md a^lo-date^lwear, vAlues »200 and f2.60. aaln price,
100 pairs of Ledieb' finest Vici Kid. np-to-dat-* shoes, in tnroa,
welte and McKays, values W.50, sale pric*-, $1.48.
100 pairs of I^diee’ Viri Kid, up-to-date aliuea, every pair
warranted, values (‘2.50. anii- price, $1.26.
Men's solid grain abo<>b, sale price 90c.
Men's satin calf, up-to-<Ule shnes. sale price $1.28,
Factory Remnant Sale of Clothing
A rrand elotblDR redaeiioa ifarooRboat tbb decartateBt. tagetber
arlUi tbe apeeial lou booRhj; for Uii« aale. at as way-down flora, la tioaiid
aooc lb* baylof pablie
il eas<i(D*re and el
eberiot aalta, lo ae*«ra1 op toTbe kii
(7 so to 11000. well
good flltinf clothing. Our
ir Psetory
Reanant Bala..
A apeeial eatranrdtnary object tn the belter dreosed. wbo _
(15.00 to »?5 00. soiu we offer dariag thU tale cbolee of our
flneut Block of mm'* buIu of Bll-*rool eaailBetea, lE #k
woratodauad nnbbv mixed cbevistyles. TSlaea (to. (iC: had (15. fa*.................. ruaad VViVW
Cbildiwn'B floe all-wool aolta in
, eUya, and BBoeateda,
valuea, (S oo. sale ortee..
CMIdroa'a all-wool, I
UmW gray hsir-line
line oseiiaarepaaia.w
rariair. tloea. (150, sale priee...
BMiinere mala, ia neat ^tfls. valna St 00.
..oJ'x.'S'iJrs J4._gg
(jirltte. w.wkl kk-k'Uke
uilor held similar rk-wa.
This M the s<-aiinu ..f aarkHupv and
Mininery la Uhcc oiu.-ptH,.-...si.
Vetret house cowns are |d. tiinwqn.-.
do not w..men cuinl Itei .-banct
Trains are nul.-d in Ib.-at.-r c.mua •(
Oten fin-a add
than fnruhare M
th.- .-sirineiw of a
li *•a stnnev but Kw that
Factory Remnant Sale of Cloaks
A lot of IsuHea' Capes. valiief4 lo85 00.
Sale pric«-.................................................................................
FactoryRemnant Sale of Notions
«Q qR
■wni H6Mtaro ja6o«P WMBAT, iVVt ». 1^.
«raanBS0 cAADd.
hnnunc miwn
Wade BROS.,
Otto «r tbe SOM Important pt tto
tow Bntlab prodocu at pnaent torpaly
SMdiBthlacoatry to chalk. It cocnaa
Tbla foWB la sada tboto a atob
tbe banka of tto rtrer Tbasea,
4toua todlM- AMb or a daUeato peart
We aiT apata penpnnd to deltnr laa
tto Jacket cm EICS abape and and between 175.000 and in.000 bai^
■ all paria of tto eity- OarptloMwOl
reto of tto BStefial are conanmed to
a aa low aa aay offered.
lUiae. tDd«7 » Cte toam stdiag to a tofi-abapad eaS. tto -Cnnad Sutea annually. In lu
OiMi Oi^iif OMt.» Qw« <y
crude fonn inmarkahle flint foMfb are
to aOLabadad rroB vhlto
flUM *»b** Bt BbOtt^
fonsd. nanally tbe remalna
Bdth'Pbonea. »*
te iBMiiinT vttk U« icltpoaw to dark pay. baa aootowbpt «* • «
of flab. Tbe proeeaa of sannfactnre
4«^«B^«(aapLl4.wa> Tte
from tto natotal aute to that of a
TfcwwlMililt ■---- g tb» fWkf ud
form wban It can be otlUaod for com.
tWMtj ndt berood Ui^
merdal pnrpoaea la almple. Wben revstv
n4 IlM wta>» ■!>• Btriick.
a dodob. atwrMv *•« a**^celTed at tto BnpUata (aUl tbe chalk xrtMvr
M. ler M Uw. omew OWj
Beta* mk.
to pot into preat sacfalnea and pronnd
FOB HALE—ar—fltoekmllliMfT. tn«Mte ntO tM Btn bad Mbaidcd.
to water. It to than floated off Into i-kBAW. 1. *W a noon. Pkiaton?
Totae «3.M» without farnttaru: elean,
«teB to w«i to a to»#bbo«'a bi*to
TUta or dMT water, where aO tto to>aad apto date. Death o< owner'*
Md .«M WM tok«) dDva wftb an ai*
porlttoe. and forelpn enbetancee are
wife tbe eaoee of aale.
«r rtowde farar. »Wcb bapt
pcnelphBted. tbe water beta;;-after.
barpton. Apod bnaii.
Ite to bid tbfw Baolba.
town for adMU notbtap. 1‘rioe.
«W awaar pt tto baaaa wbart ba
atovad »»*«<< bis aa wan that to obFUB 8ALB—094—«• fk oa bat Front
euas beat aad expoaore to tto air.
•« tto tofdtto flab.
Street, we*i of Mfelliaptoo.
A fln«-Tto aibatance to then reduced to a
««M aa^ aa to «M abta to w ‘
lawn, one modem naldenc
powtor^ different degreea of fltteneea
rXILSpn * OAT*. A«*r»«»a Bptatal ta
rrxuM. Also on aauM
Bent srorfcmanahip money
auldac blB aa eaetaatod that
by prtadliip In a bar mill and bolttap, GKroOtataPR^froeOw. BMktato
small boose, 4 rooms. A desirable
can employ for Kcycle
arrar wtobad to
when It to ready to be packed la barpwee of property. Pcioe plveu
Repairing. Qoick work.
teto and abipped for aaa.-New Sork
**nll Alar alats to dMBCtlaB Bat la
BaUand Express
FOB 8ALE-ei—tot HI blort *. Hood■ ar a
neh'B Add., eoraer Baadolph andar pototoaa. tto artflaaJ aeadlof of
Mantooo. Larpe mod-rn teiidenee. ns Dnlea mreet.
«hlA MB flrn bla by bla beorfac10 rooms, stone baaem at. Btied for
Dr. WatfUuld. saya Le Journal dTlytor far tto psrpaaa af ewtop tbrosafamaoe. Hooee oostll7«i; lot Worth
plena, tfalnks that tbe chlorooM and
flVM. Will beaoU-atsacrifice price of
Ate. Ba bapaa to torry tbia poUto
oenrasw from wbhk ao many younp
to bla paekat to Mareb. Ufli. At that
ptris suffer may be torpriy attributed
«M n waa larpar tbaa a baa'a app.
A«&—Two soft, lots earner MadtooB
to the abuse of the piano. It li necaaaad Esndolpb, Boi Bonee. Bnpiae.
Bard ato ftin ar Jol<w.
suy. Mrs tbe author, to alsndon tbe
Boild.op. Fipea, tbe whole property
. Dortop tto aossar tt brpaa to
deadly habit of compelUnp younp piria
antabla aad pro* tabby, ao that Clark
to hammer on tto keyboaid before
M blk H. Kal
(boapbt af tbrowlnp It away for a aaw
they are 15 or 10 ydn-of ape. Even
kaska. pood bnsiDCO* property, oenProperly nerred in a oeal «Hb
Ma. aad wotod tora doaa ao aararal
at this ape tbe exercise aboold be partnlly located. Always rwu for
tisaa had to aat haaa aaaurrd that to
inu rotjm.
mined only to those who are really
pend Snre, now leased for 1 year
■htti a -rtoosalla potato" saaat bad
talented and are ponacased of a robnat
icmpernnient. Dr. tVacuuM shows
DaHap tto Bort year It had faBaa tnattop effect, but blenda hannonlona- that ont of l.OW yonnp ptris atadylnp
of PkllndelphUaway to tto alac of as tofUab watoot ly. The aUrt to treated te tbe aaito the piano before tto ape of IX yearn
Cigars of Every Kind
aad bacoma bardaaad. tylap la bla tooee of embroidery. Tbe pattM to. OOU were aflllctcd with oervout trou
padtot Uka-a block of wood.
of conrae. more extwialre and elah^ bles later on. while the nurolwr hav- Lari T. Pennington, District AeT
MaaowbOa Clartto rbaosattas had ate. A nnlqne feature to tbe land de- tap affccUona of ibto kind waa only
hoBse ai><> bare, pood »^np wak
aelbaiy dtaappearad, ao one day In the elgna. exiendln* around tbe »klrt • 200 for tbooe ni a later ape. and only
Mrtap of IBM. after petrtop badly abort rtlaunre below tbe wal»i. Tbe 100 were affected amonp those who
jrtb of Baptist I
wtotad froB dlpplnp aardtoca. to bt^ eatlVe eoatome it lined with handaome bad never touched the InatmiuenL The
shore, ts:
kla trowm on a fence to waab o«t In taffeta tUk of altemattap atrtpea In study of the rlolln produces e
r IS aerrs.
per acre. Will m
tto ralna and left tto oaaaoaa.pouto la lorqoolae and white._______
dlsasTroua results than tboaa attribut
aaa of tbe pockets.
ed to tto piano.
Front *treeL......................
Wfcy. WeSM SertT Atoaad.
la Joae the rbausatias tatnmed
Spruee toys level with street:
AtMtber of our rich Ameflcnn wom
with foTT. which remtoded Clark of
IHO.. FriceX&D.
ntae sf tbe Oeeu.
bb pouto. On acarebtop bit trooaen en to reported to be enpaped to an
An officer of a liner once remarked
FOR 8ALE-r4U!—Farm 100 acres
poAat for tbe tallaman be fonod It Bnpltaman of title. Tbe llM poea on
miles west of city, tm acre* aaoer
had epreated and partly decayed.
and tto wonder noror that most men aeem to be as Ipnorani
i&O bearinp apple, pear
KamasbeHap tbe pood It bad done acema to cesae. Many piTsons find It
^ 1«—fi—:
: .
bis. Clark pUntad tto tober to the dllBmlt to uodefstanrt Ibe preference of tbe distance between the heavimly
tardea aad produced a freab pouto
woman for exalted station*, bnt Padfle coTcr* ©Cooo.Orti wiuafv mUoa:
Vtbarak. s'l neees-ary *bed».
far kla sialady. He coDtlnsed to aeba they fontet altopetber the borteoa
an oosBS nnUl tto pouio which bad which a title opens to be>. There are. the Atlantic SO.cwojriO and the Indian
ape, fine
rSverarCttr. Ifk-k.
pmeed ao naefnl to bis bad produced In moat eaaea. tbe prrot estates to pre- ocean. Arctic aad Antarctic 42.000.■ fenpOsUoD.ktoae erllar.
4 bots.s. 14 cows. hsruc*a«». »uppi<«,
Ita crop of labera. when be sdected a Sde orer. tbe bouses to rule-Uou*ea OUO- To Blow away the coutcuu of the
wBpoDS. sieiph*. cotters, all farmlnp
Bsall one from tbe lot of aU and pot which are often «'entnrie* oM. and I*8cl0c It would be neci-Maty to 811 a
tank ooe mile loop, one wile wide and
implemrBtv all crops of whicn iberr
tt to bla pocket.
tberefote rich In those tradition* and
M acre* coastotlap of wheat.
.mile deep every Ua.v for 44o y«wr».
Itot waa three yearn apo- Since old eMtoms wblcb no new country
bay. potatoes.
Id flpurcs the PacIUc bold* In
tbfs Ctaik baa bean ptnpapattop and c«D know.
Then there 1* tbe polit
floe1 prove. Tots farm Is ka<>->a as'
weipht 0m.000;0<O.(W0.<»Ki.t«>.iiU0 tons.
ical life to whic-h titles entlUe a man.
Weldoefl fanaor Hi toide dsliy:.:
Th«‘ Atlantic averaptw a de|itli of not
and with fhat life there to tbe eomlnp
«srtetklsse*t peMibir sraSs. PlM i
bolldlnps alone cost o*er to.o'W. pcod,
work s •pwtaJtr.
<b aa .
*oii, and a pold mioe f*ir some one. i
In contact with many mtada with the
tbonpb bU lepular prtce to BO cents. poealblltty of belnp herself a power y2S.000.<nn.noo.<Mii.n)t) tana and a
.Price for all. to.ouo
Vaw OffiM. Merkbam Block
Ba has raceiecd Mder* from all parts amonp them. To tbe woman of btph- tank to coiiialu it would have tsm-h of
of Kew Enpland. and as yS nobody ly endowed mind noihlnp can take the iU Bides 4211 wiles loop. The tlpures
baa coBptotaed of a failure to cure.
place of companloD*hlp with a preat of the oUht' oci-aii* are m tbe'Miiie
ioptoo ir btateslrieeu. Mastbemodproportlona-Ncw
This apHnp a Boston.apeeutotor c.
era and a- reasooabie price.
statesman, and those who have en ■UrtllDp
fsnd bin moo cash for bit entire stock joyed It at WashlnptoD And a *tranp« JoumaL
IXIB SALK-r.is—Home aad lot, enmer
«f abopt two barreU. Clark lanpbed dearth tn tbelr lire* wben a new adof C-iBw<«<d arroue aod Htotb street.
r Se ladlaai
5 room boBta. pood ham. well, aevat htm. aad contlnoad to work on bla mtalstratlnn forces husband or father
A BuwwatT or the pldss iudustry of
hot-baua for *inwtBp barly potato .put of offlee.
tbe aistioD for tbe last worklnp .rear
aprouta. Be taieDds to plant about
Scoffers are apt to asy that beauty
two aersa this season.—Naw York Sun. or a fat bank account la aeconataWe
made another womlerful pain. )iutatri|>«. J. MURC'.AN. Proprietor.
for all the lirilllant marrtapea which
Sw‘« o
onr women make, and tbe fact I* al- plnp PcunsylvanUi In window plass
D SS-S.A pood frsw
Tto old stories of tha monka' blpb topetber Ipnored that a certain qnall- produi-Uvc facllltlc* an<l Hiamlinc her
with w.ap all floisbe'. Windwl i’------- ?
tsastlBp are now said to be Ubela In* flcstlon. If not exactly aeceaaary. to at e<|ual as tbe prcaiest xhiM t
and wel . wsler piixa fe-w well to I Trsma srrt.r frou OrsiHt iweiri.
Tolcea of tto stoeea In tbelr atore- leaat a freqoent factor In thrifi. Take.^ ecmer In tbe entire worid. The ■ '• I 1 twn-seat extension top Oarrlape
e™...,»b......, i.;«. ,i.«y
boosu exist to-day and all the food for Instance, the cate of Ml*a Letter,* luary Ju*i cora|ilci«l shows tlmi there i gewlv palated, price
tree*. Bsm :4ii.li l-srtu «ll impr-iv.
was of tbe pUtast klnd-qaantltiea of now tbe wife of the Tleeroy of India, are now im plsu fttonM of all hlwto i i Ftaaetoo Bopp*. pood order. f4ii0u
ed. lays l”, miles Oi.rth -.f Wi l-Stns- Ttsi—srtHre t-o- »lcbis«.-. »o i I
jTopMuppy.aUlcpnodabape flSSOO
herrinp and stock flab <a aort of cod with a pOBltlon to bold tn the EnpuA- la tbe state of Indiana. Tbe worklnp
barpoD B.S Rapids rosd I’rice.Si.MKL
aant fTom Irelandl. bacon, salt beet. apeaklnp worid which only Queen force of these ptouta tn Indiana Is uut I I Road Wspnt). pood as new, tSS-OQ.
FUCSALB—CiT—West So acres. I»t 3.-.
' '
coarse SnS for VlrtoTta bemelf can rtral. Few of our flpured. hut It will n«t fall la-low 15.- I
a and Urd.
American plrto hare wudled »o bard, (SlO.-Indtooapolls Newa
Tto lorurlea of tbe time w-rt or recelred ao earefnl an education.
spteea. wblcb entered Into eeery well- Rhe to* been cultivated In all the
l*rioe 8MUU;
eoAad dtob. and In tbe liss of tto pracea of mind and body, equipped In
LR—Lota 19
1» and 3n. block 1.
eantantt of tbe monks’ cupboanto one other word*, for any role ahe mlffhl
Ferty Hannah's seond add. corner
•nto no mentloa of aplcaa. nor pbena- be called upon to fllL One t» someKohemla and 11 th slreeL Price
anta. vaBtoon or capoo or aay of tbe times Inellwd to a*k whether thto can
mils till menu Bcott repalM tbe ab be aaia of many of our younp womeo?
FOR SALK-604—NS Of*« S *K
S5—11—sbont CS scrca eolld
bots of ble e
—Barper'a Baaar.
I. balsam.eedar swi
Tto abbou. bowetor. o^ I
Xa?a*v"ea?se Oiiisr, Tiffi nlAxgan..
Home cedar t Iken oat.
. Jlnnse aad lot on
FOB 8At.K-Su>-ilo
•Od princes, who would grumble If the
Tbe Uteft manlfesiatloo sporttve.
VVetotersL Hevea rooms aici-ly fiatable waa not BO well supplied as tbelr and one likely to beeotne rery popular
txtiN-. NH-TH
tobed. pood well water, fruit aad or•wB. ao donbttoaa -blpb table" was with the pleasure-luvius rarislsos. I*
meatal trees, larpe lot. oosSuo. small
fmquently enjoyed. Not no tbe tbe raUI-automvtdle. or i>ai>er chase In
bsro. FricePriM)
• - l, isii.-v,r
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooraa with FORSALll-S90-loacre*,onPeolB*ula^^^T™.r^^«>
Bwnka' beard. BtllL la 1311 one Urd- motor cars. The first of thesi- novel
v-w.vm % wm.mww.w
«r eontalocd. aecordtap to record. and very exhltonittap runs took plaee
S’, mile* fro a city. Hisiapple, plum. If'
i*vfda i;... F*
cherry sod peach trere. alt beartag.
tsTMty oxeh, flfteen pip*. AOOO hci- recently. Tlie sUrtlnc point was the comfortable hofels in Northern Michigan. Address for
torpeater Hi^fTflneat location on FeilflBps, aevan ecote dopflsb. twenty
<K1IK(; NoRTtl.
Insuls; will take part city, property. .1
ponnfls of alfflonda thirty ponads of
Ite*. ata bareeta of lard, two quarters of oars enilless—tricycles, breaks, lioat- ”‘“HrNNAH“S^
of Mh and a quantity of oatmeal. The Shaped eatriapes. wagonettes, phaeProprietors.
I----- e. brewed beer tepuUrly aad all toM—In fact vebleW of every Imag
phot waa not eaten was given out to inable pattern. The cours<‘. traced In
'OB SALE—&Tt—Uood frame bonae t-v
h *. m f.-.''«ir «dj
ted paper, was admirably ealeulati-d
and eight scica of lana. sUosted ArivTetary. '
to mislead the unwary, false slgnixMis
aboat one mile frnm center of city.
■ew Ttov CtM» BIvsn.
a Its S IS- *S >•
honae UxZt, six rooms In boose, a. Elk Bspu,'
leading to blind wall* and roto-de-sac
' BfliB nlUtaiy antberiilto bare
of all sort*. The winner was M. O.
kofo dCToUnp mneh attention to tto
de Knyff: M. Chartno. who actnally
qnlck tranaportatloo of armies aevoM
streak Ua reocna, atone f<.UDcls-.
nnfortnnatei EBHOE Arest,
llvan. One of tbs oxpOTlmenta to tbs
, ly cho*€« Ibc wroap side of the course,
tablap apart of bappape wapona and
WK want a few bnodred dollars to
tbam actnaa aa eUed canvas kl. CtaiTon. by tbe way. to one of the
Bwat notable peraonalltle* In tbe auto
place on personal property loan*.
ripped np by other wagon aeoaaaortao
mobile worlA where be goes by the
Will puarantee all loana
tata 0 sort
name of “Lohengrtip' partly on aet, and can ,
Tbe aboTc arc all t
tv Bnariaa cavalry carry akts
count of bto Wagnerian aspect and
to bmpht on easy terma We have UJDSTBE AID fOBTIEUTQI A
BB^ Which wb4n lnflat«d will bear
partly on account of tto fantastleslly
tbontanda of dollan worth of other
■p tv walpbt of both ataa aad bone
b»rpaina In farm and cUy property.
shaped white ear that be affects, wblcb
to cneetap tbe widest stream.
Oome and see ns If you want to buy.
ta sold to bare cost plO.fpo.
TV Okbetnlkl troepa croa- -----------proper^ with na If you want
were by no means absent; and when,
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
toto bap* and an bits ef driftwood after accompHsblnplbe mn enveliiprd
rafts. Another
Caataoafl taget^
Oarofficato at *11 Front atreel, «P b»4_0?YS.I_
a boadto to tbe eye* In tbe most cosy and pleBtalra Yon wl.l sea onr shri at the « a 'r.s.|
tnreaque fora, tbe fair etonffeuaea. I
bouom of atalrsray. Ooupstair*, torn .----ttlefk take first door to
4 Wta
sign to slonpsld* ito door. We are not
J S*i ____________
on tbe pronnd floor. *;t least onr efBoe i m « «<j
Bisd. ! «»e '.wld.^r sw—r«> rmsun.
RmI Estate, lettieieNs.
Tritos, loMi Uueis.
Hopkins Broft.
Gas Lamp-S2.00....
Provident Life
and Trust Company
llso» IdII liaeof Cagfectioier
John R. Santo,
Geaeial lasaraact.
»Grtid KipUi t Iritui R. J
Park Place Hotel!
West Alichigai
'it I'll*
FOR SALE F^sALK-sw-Bo—.di*. >'»i» k;5:ssa
^—nuiERSE emr
^ t
Mf^^Si^UBcSty'7 movtap a
penusta baa lad to tV exMirnmu to torn
ColtBi* flows outward from
toart: daepentap and broadening as It
Mbs tto stnams of learaUip and maktap fUd tbe waste Maces that 1U
•veet watm rmeti. It to increased
..Sil Mk • mu a abort time apo
•nd pnriflad Just In proportion to tto
^ V paM tom for Ms vote."
of- aprtafs
of ktadltaess that
-WdU. air."
Bcaater flop- bnbWa op to Jots tt on Its w^- '"
mbnm. dmwlnp ttawtof ap. “I aVnid
„ .vs—,totndad wos tVnght3aty Mm to aay atVpwV.
totornTfiSlumra aito ^
s tbe ana who faala ter Vr
MiiMbana ..........
!! IS ■H'’--'-'"
. i™«.
stUl remains
TV eU pontoea brite atU
iumber co.
Bicycle Saddle—Gnaranteed for three yearsLook at them whether too need ooe or noL
*800 or *10.00 will buy a good aecond-haod bi
cycle-*25 vrill bay the best new wheel on the
market—Come and aee my dUplay before going
Wade Bros.
* l| SlM*
OonacU Or4ar*d Bic BoUbt'
▲nd Seraptn
raoftAWbT 9ftowm>.
a»|Ml««d BoM WM resad Boi Thn*
Maa'etee. Ja’r
Fridaj aftemooa
Georre Vaaek. Joba ieom aad
Vmt Strwi to be Imp-o»e*-Tw^ Oo«. krtbor Baamaa. webt oat eaUlar ob
the lake. They wetb cxpeeted to reoMe Walk* Weatod <« B**t 8wto tara la as boar or ao aad wbaa ao
iu«ot-OonimUtM OB StrMU ud al«B* of ttaeot appeared fraat alarm
felt ae to their Mfetr- 8UU (fraatWolke Aotkor:srf to Dwlraaw
or apprebeaeloa wee felt when the;
Oenolo Stroeu.lo BotobUob balttf>:o
failed to appear at alctau The foUowBieyele F*U«.
loc moraine aeareblar partlee were
eeat aloof the abotae bat ao traeaa of
The enooeU iMt
«et frb)eb wUl renli la an Inproee- either men or the
____ _to the etraata of the city, wbieb‘ On Saaday afteraooo the Steamer IUI-.
mUl Met with the freat apprecUtloa.
from Chieafo boaad north, picked
At a prerloaa meetlaf the committee gp ^ aptomed boat which
mproee* imeed to baee beea tbe ooe »Ued by
MBtofFroat alreet, betweco) Uolca ' (be mea. Since thm no Meee of tbe
•tract aad koartmaa aeeaae. wHb bod'ee baa been foaad.OTMbT-* etoD*: aleo the parebaae of a
Vaaeh to tbe proprietor of a bewlinf
•treat roller. The ..matter wae takeo a’ley and bae a larfc family,
«p lait Blfbt aad the etreet waa order- to a bartender and bee three chUdren.
ad Improred aa reeoatmaaded. hod.
I, ^
>i yeara old.
Botooly wae the roller ordered par.rtaeed, botoo reoommaadailoa ot tbe
oommfUae a road eeraper wae alae or
Tragedy I|ae to
atreet ear etrike.ww avmSm >90 «
I Kea*. will come a call for etate tm .
! Tbe company has notlSad tbe aiaie
Olerelkno .
i iBf to Bifoliate about or arbitjate.
No. i Joba Strnai.
CbUdrea of to* Mist
Wild aoenee of Otooidar on Suaday I .
:—!-------Oae Man Bbot by a Polloemaa-; X« Which ^a Aeerpu laritatioa lo
Kilitla and Pollca Sept Bamr-j
I-aad at Hew Tork.
New York. July S4 -Ueyor Van
SuaauOar Owpaay llouflad Stata
Wyck tiday raoelred tbe followlnf
ArMtratlOB Beard that Thera la
from Admiral Dew
wey at
WoihlBf to Aibltrate.
Trtoue: "Yoar leltem laeelrad and la |
Jniy 14.—Soeaes of wild TiUtiOB to land at New Yoik aeeepud. I
Cleveland.. Jni;
1. I'
dtoorderandi *. o'eaee tbrooeboat Uet
aifbt la eoaaectloD with the atnet ear win eubU dlreeUy from Olbealiar. |
■trike wet eaeeeedad this moralBf by Have writtea.’'
Car* are mnaiaf oa at
i^tadcxmllneenf tbe Blf Cooaoll-("»»»»-VISBIfA
dated company, but ara earryiaf few
paaaeafera. *Bas lines are la operatioo Wdl etny at Trieete Twa Weeks aad
BaU Tbeoce to Benna.
.y cf the Blf
-If Caasolidated
Trieste, July 14.—Admiral Dewey
tiace. and theee are well patronised.
Tbe city autboriUee were in eonfer- has deeUaed Cuited Suue Mintotor
enee at tbe elty hall nearly alP%»fhi Barrie' lavlinUoo'to visit Vleaaa for a
A* a result a call waa taot oat for ad-1 few daya and afterward to be presentdiUooal troo^.
jed to Emperor Francl* Jjaepb. Admiral
A 15 yoarHid boy named Ooratowicb Dewey eald today
-I expect to rcmalu1>Fr
wss shot and Instantly killed by
sioroaGranfe street this
...... ............ .
ilr I* do'rf
Comsowleb. who
a>e a world cf rood already, and it «ill
_ r. made a remark to tbe eon-, sooo
„>oa reeioTF
reemre tbe rt)l?en aod|mea. From
doctor, Balpb g Bawley. CoroKOwlcb ' here we will
then allfbted and tbe eondueior foI-{
rollw the cMt Of which to to be $51 per
Wilson Bousb Killed Daring
ton. aad a road machine for il&O. Tbe
macblsee ordered are of tbe AasUa
Electric Storm.
BSBBfsctnre aad are takea^Ui prefer•aae te tbe I
Barn wsa Suaok br a Bolt of Idfbt
mm'k ivi
I.CA b
<). B. Hoofbey on accoaat of
AufaslS. Whether be will atop at aoy
Bief. KilllBf B-neb aod taro Val- looked arooad and tbe eondoctor shot
Ugditgrraaean port to nocerU*'.
^tee and qualities said to be eaperlor.
Bxble Boraee—Be was WeQ-knowa Comiowieb turonfb tbe bead at abort | a atoo for coal will orobably be made
The mayor aad clerk were atiiborixod
to make tbe aeeeuary contract.
Parmer wl<h a Pamlly.
•Aitotbcr matter dlseamcd at tbe pre
A horrible fatality ooeurred aaar here mob fatbtred at tbe tee
^ow meetlaf was that of alnklof tbs
charfcd the crowd and made aereral
Wf well of tbe Miobifan Starch fac
tory deeper as a tect for tbe beneSi of storm.
*rea'deai of TraasTsal Bepubllc Qulu
Wilson Bomb, a well known farmer,
Yesterday was one of toe most law
the elty. Tbe etarch company afreed
on Aecouat of Oppoeltloa Pram toe
leas day* ia the course of, the etrlka
to pannIt the city to make tbe teit.bnt
Tbe mofae were affreceive and elasl
the oouaeil was not safer to inLondon. Jo’y SI—A special frrm
ear the expeue uolem tbe Siareb eom- was watcrinf bis boraea at bis bam with toe p-'llee and mlUUa
eiotos tost President
pany could reap a beneflw The eom- wbaa aboHof Hfb
paay dWrad qalek aedoe and aaapead- toe bnlldinf klillof Bouto aad two
•d work la ordei to allow ihecjuncUto
toe o«oer.-with a companion, was as-' ®'“ «»ceee»0B*.
deelda TbeeoaaeU wasnoi ready to
a mob.
deelde at that meatinf, ao tbe the mav about mldolffat by one of tbe Bmmerter waa deterred naui this meeliaf. to ton boys wbo rommooed Dr. Gamer inlervcBtlon BI a priest mlfbt have TtkeboUm.
For tbe next thirty d*^ our etore
i)ached bim.
five the aldermen a ebaaee to look
will be closed every ereninf at six
X>ate last alfbt a Euclid avenue car
farther lato tbe matter'and oonfer with
o'clock except Tuesdar aod «5atord*r
evealofs Hamilton C-otbluf Co
tbe eampaay. Mr. Paxton, oae of the drove out to toe farm at oooe. Tbe loaded with passehfera wa» wrecked
eSoera of the company, was present at uoforiunate man was 40 yean old aod by an explosion of either fan cotton or
nitro-flyerrine. The ear was badly
laet eveotnf to offsr all leaves a wife aod several cbildreaTbe
emaahed and Mrs. E. C. Martin
tlM informatloB daalred. but tbe al
fermen failed to refer to tbe matter Tbe appearaooe indicated that the Mrs Catherine Barrls were, perhaps,'
nod the meetinf was adjanrned wiih- Ufbtalnf iratatmek toe pole of a fsully lLj..red. -rhile F. A. Smith and |
E. C. Mar.iu were seriomly Isjurad.
eat flrinf It any
Lwtnifhia eubbi-ban ear was |
Paxton was displeased, and au express-1 pssslaf the whrle
Unftk of U.
toe blown np fifteen miles out of Clevriand, |
ad blmteU after toe meetlaf. as the ewlUjblnf t^ .pmt leadlof to
Tow. where
toe Tbe oatrafe wat not reported to tbe ,
.en-eeav bad enspeaded
ensDeaded work on toeir
wkere Bomb and
their basement below,
.lice natll toll mornlnf.:
weirtoaoommodawtoe eonaeil, and boreee were at tbe Uam. The pmt
The car was on tbs PalnesTille line.
leal valaable time. The maitof was wa* abattered.
There were four bnraee In tbe besewell filled with
■Imply overlooked aad aa It was aoi
j wlty of whom were
Tafarrad to any committee It did not mrnt aad toe lifktalnf chipped oS a
pieee ot the ma^er of toe other two
'■rniaf borne. Moat of
ap la rqfnlar order.
Toe exThe petition of toe bouto bide a»arplaaionwasf.-iiowedby a deafeuluf
hbaats to have L'olon etreci brldfe few feet away wbaa atraek.
Beside him come ofj were bis ebil- ™pon. j .v*...nt end of the heavy
hopt open antU after toe olreas on
Anfut «ad wae referred lo the board drea but they escaped even a aboek. motor eras rs.*jd several inche* from
•f puklle works There was a dlspo- When Mra Bomb came to toe bam la toe track ... .all with a heavy thump.
Big bDBineaa enterprise
•lUoB to favor toe bouto bide people, in reepomc to the alarm flvea by toe Tbe bead i '; was blown off toe car.
arc made poaaibic bf tbe fact
bat toe aonaeU did not want to do any- ehildrea abe found her bmbaad dead, One axle tv., nully beat and aevcral
tbat time and apace can now
tolof to sBeet toe eoatract with toe and with extraordinary effort carried wiadowt -i. .../ken. Two yontif
be practically annihilated.
women*. ■
iy cut by flam
hnUAer of tbe brldfe. eo it wu left body to toe boaae witboat
All toe .v._«blfl militsry force of
Vito toe board of puollc work*.
A telephone in tbe office or
Cadertaker Oartor *eai ont early devilsod It T^ler arms
Bsrly this;
bborUy after tbe eaaneUeUrted bnshome, aaree the one thing,
Iseea toe tounder and lifbulaf bad a toU moralBf to arranfe for tbe faear- mornlnf uc '. wm issued fnm bead
which if ioal, ^n never be
quarters oi .r.clty hall for Battery A
little foe with tbe Hfbu la toe coancll,
Pint Oslo artUlery. Ihrae eompanles
toamtx^ aad darknsae for a time was
of the Teuto Ohio infantry and toe
the result. Pat Dunn bronfbt la a
LOrertuie rifles. With the eddiUoo
•oaple uf laatera* and toe aldermen
of toe orfanUaUom belled out today
were enabled to do barinem.
A. k. MoC«9 a boa naked permlmion ^mineotOitiaeaof BIk Bapida aad
to maintain a ooDtecUooery and raPatbar ef Boa. B. 0. i>at
b oa Front street
of This Olty.
toe Bmech block for a period of not
Tbe Grand Ttavenc nfion has lost
lew toan tto daya TbeqnwUoa as to
ritlxea tbraufb the death
wbatoer toe buildlnf wm not a viola
tion of tbe ordlaanec refolaUnf la toe 3. Ward Davis, wbo passed away at bis '
Two Womaa aad a Fool.
Toe Stroof Arm.
Tbe Two Osptaim
BatUe of tbe Stroof.
' Tbe Potton Wbeal.
Darid Haram.
Wm. Ooolcy la Peace aad B^.
; Girl at Oobbarab
; Afterwards
j Day* Work.
I ABd otoar work* of Kipllaf, Eato
Douflam WIffaas. Bafrae Pielde
aad tan Mae'arca. in several atylas
ofbladlaf aSctoSl.SOcaeb.
Special Sale Today
Bonnie Brier Bush, cloth, sic
McKtalc} -s Speeches, papm-. Sc
David Uarum. cloth. Sl.ao
S20 Front Street
Balph Oonnable Jr.. Kanager.
“Nothing but the Best and .Newest in this Store.”
It pays to come to us—All is new here.
I The New'FalllShapes
Mictiigan Telephone Co.
In the celebrated and popular
Are now ou sale luTe—Price $8.00—Tbe new sbapee in Fall
Styles of Fedoras, Paebas, Crushea, etc., are now on
mIo. at
A Valuable
Convent of Boly Angles,
•Tiarerae aiy. Mich. 7.13-*99.
Mr. Ki E. Strong.
Deab Fib; We take pleasure in sUling that tbe Kimball Pianoa used at onr
muiicalaforlhe past three years, bars
given entire satisfaction. We Ligitly re
commend yonr instrument* to any one
wishing.to purchase,
Very Reepectful'y, 5
Bra limiu was dlseawed aad that loeality wae af irrad to as a veritable
fire trap. A dlspoaiUoa was manifwt
to make a aloaer reeirieUoo la the
hamt dleirlct. Tbe peUtkw waa re
ferred to toe eeaamlitoe oa poliea with
pawar w act.
C E Matray. W. F. Falrehild. L. O.
Bryaat aad otoen asked toe eoni
cU to reeonalder of the action fraat- iBf toe ordar for a ,'raer plank
tralk OB Ewt State alreet bet<
Boss and Gilbert etreets, became of a
propwltlda for a AlfTereni kind ot
walk. Tbe matter waa laterred to toe
le on strMts aad walks
Imtar aaotbar psUtioa
aaklsf the eonaeil to order a tar eoa•fata walk oa toe property ssaatloa•d, eUtiBf that toe cost would be 45
ooato per yard and aeklaf the eonaeil
to pay oae-foarto of toe amonnt. This
opaaed «p a discawkw m to toe
tampUUOB ot toe ordiaaaee refardiaf
MBOat walks Aldermaa HasUafudid
BOt favor toe aonocU paytaf for
IblBf but aamaat vralks as U prxvarty
owaan were allowed to bnlU
walks It would dwtray toe
of toa walks, wbieb should kept aalisparl
lena. This was
partleularly la ralar. Moa to walks la tbs bastnwt portioa.
tUmaiin Meataoa auied that ha
ted known ot walks mads of tar in
Oraad P*r*<*» wkiek bad stood
PWpwoUfwWyeonaad bo bMlevad
[OoMlaaad aa •aaemd paca ]
tbe father of Hon.
Daria ot ttaU city. Oeeeseed bad been
eufferluf from nineee for several
itbs but lately wm able to fet
about and a abort Urns sfo spent s few
days risltlnf toe femlly of eon la toU
eity. H. a Davis wm In toe aortbem
joint meeUnf of 1
toemylom boards bat wm notified
death of his father. ‘The
wife of Mr. Dart* died about five year*
Deoeaeed warbom Is beaeea eoaaty
N. Y . aevaaty-five years sfo aad came
Uto Miobifan, to YpaUanU many pear*
afo. He remov<4 from YcallanU to
Elk Bapida la !>?* aad uox eharfe of
to* floariBf Drill baloariaf to DexUr
A Nobis Attor eom* y«an he beeame
with bU eoa Beajamln, latarmtod In
toe pnhlleatloa of tbe Elk Bapld* Profiaas also boidlaf at AiCerant timm
variom town ofiims
He wm made
acreland’* ftrat ad-
a davent mam bar ef the Bathodlat
ehareb aad bad lad a Ufa wbteh made
itod tktonfboat tUe
Paaetnl aarriaas w«M bMd Cram the
•idapaa at Blk BapUs ymtorday
Tte Famom anils I
Sheet Music and all kinds of Musical Qooda,
: I. E. STBOIG, luatv.
eeee^^a—e ^^we
The SOROSIS Shoes are
today the perfection of the
bhoemaker’b art, the recognired standard by which all
other shoes are judged ae to
style, quality and construction
We are exclusive
agents for Traverse City for
Sorosis Shoes. We have them
in both light aod heavy aol^
and in black or tan.
t*opular Shoe Honse.
. <<il ProDt St., Tnnne Clly
Got ’Em.
And when-downpour way invite you to stop
in and see'thexn.
I new'lin gflilia'tlfjiprs, prins GSt, $1.00, SI.2S
andtiOO. Oirords, 3Sc ap.
B'SOXinr STlilEUB^
ssc^bd. txtbsdat.
III Hill I I
JiTiiT se, isee.
wnUsB Arme has ban raBertop
asM Ubs with a eswa lUaaas Aa
rteraed aad he fe 1bTBATMtCT wi t; • K10BX0A3I
Mn. CterlM Tk^ior kM rvtmcd
ffos ft Ttaik ta U« BorU part «f tk«
T. M^'om AMD a. W. EAnooi. •tftU. Mn-Tftjlar *rni
dftUM u tkc poftt <r®9ft Ift ft lew dftjm.
f. W. HA>m. SdtMr ud Ifa^r
Mr*. P. a. S^erefteU ftad dftar>»«r
of KftiftiuMO ftnired ia tb« eitj y«»twdey ftBd ftift tbe fmarte of Mr. aad
Mr*. MMobftrv.
E«T. W. J. Oftdr. pftfttor.of the Fiiftt
M«aa4 elM*
Mow for Better Suwu
^hUelilftftCreed tbftt the el^
•hoftld Bot teeer earUitBC bot eheolftte
te afteecterr espeaee is the wsy of
•toftftt pertBf ftsUl after the eeteblMi•MBt of sew wftter Bftise is the ttreett.
hwryhody will egree that eoatidetwhlo
*ry OB the
ftt7 tboroachfftfse. la fact os aeconot
Pt the proepecUre oew water work*.
mS7 tftxparera here refraised (root
seapUint to tbta retard.
Iam nitbt.
howseer, the eoaneU p*«ed the wa;
I Buk
Is tbie dlrooUos. whlch.wUl sot ooeaftIn *B7 exva'eapeote whea the oew
aMse are laid.
A sew road ataebiBO aad a aereB-toe
•toftftt roller arc calasble acqaielUoat.
tad tetethsr with (he etoae craUer
parchftied leetyear will make a rery
it for the dtp. Now
that tbia proTlalon baa been made the
taaparen will look for
•iBBff BOW haee tor thia clip la the wap
erelfWl Itaproremeal, aad ao delap
•hoaldbe cierdaod to aUlttint the
pBebtoerp. With these
' pwaeiioeD be kept to maeh better
1 to ao dielaat Use a BBterlal eedat of expense
irtUreiBlt. Tbeooaadl^ board of
pahUe woito are aalted to retard to
*ha haosBltp of better ttrteto and befera lont we tblsk the texpayen wlU
Pfree that theae toTeetiaaau have
JfrobBblllty of Hit Astigia
xaent to Pbllipplnet.
paaMl MUaa Kap be Ooaealted Bethrdlat DlspoeiUoB of United Staue
Boroea Oua* Xtotiea Probably be
Poaflaod to Work of Waitary Oor
Wadtlnrtoa, yaly U -Oen. Wealep
Karritt Btp affttn be aMitned to ooa
ptaad to the PhlllpplDea, and arap oS
pen look with aneb feeor opon tbe
ytopoeltln to sesd bla to Manila,
frteldaat MeKlolep U beiaf ortpd
Oeneral' Merritt to
ICaalla to lekeooaaead of tbe erntp
Whea actlce operetJone ere
Tbit CBCTeetiOB ie beiedoa UteftapaaptloB Uat Gcaerel Otis, ea mlllterp
«oraraor.>wUl be eayroeaed with the
^Btiea of that oBce a* thep reUte to
' ' '
Omrral Otli
ao excellent record aa an ad■pt will be relieved of the
|he niUtarp neraUoaa to order to girt
^oaer attention to the
tJTcnuae&a In tbe varlana dtlce aad
^ It la-now eald that General MUee wlH
he eonealted to rcyard to o
tbaPbIlIpptonbpbotb Preeldeat lic^iBlap and Secreiarp-to-be Root, who
hat BO knowU-dye of aiUtary effiita
^ adrioe of General Milea who Ua
traiaed. experienced eoldker, will be of
taaetlBable Talne to tbe preeident and
tba aew head of tbe war departBeat,
pad It la believed that the oommaadlnr
naaral eaa be of lAeb more valne
- Itor* than if aent to t^e PbUipploea
It U probable «hat General Mllee'
pacKtelim that the aew troopa be
lad to tbe PbUippInee bp batpallpat aa rapidlp at ibep are enUeted
wUl be earrled cat. Tbe obj <ct le to
^ve the troope laadedat Manila at the
pad of tba ratop aeascB.-ao that active
taU operatioat map be beenn at one*.
It la aald that even If Merritt doe* aot
n to tbe PbUlpptoee General Otii will
^ve op tbe dlresUoa of Bllltarp attain
yeariap tbe cftBpaicn catlrelp la Geopral Lawtoa'e haada.
■ooallfbt on thcBay.
Ipbt exenraloa'wlll ba plven
pa Ue bap toatpbt bp iba ateaBer Ool
naWa. Miaalc will ba foraltbed bp
MorUaeb'e orebealta.
A ThMuaad Toaenca
Ooal^ Mt expraaa tbe-raptare of
r------------------------- lefonadtbat
, h New Diaeornry for Conanap^
doeiu^lp eared her of that.
w ooa^ that for macp yeare bad
!e a bordea. AU other reabdiB
pad dootom ooald fivb her no help, bi
ab* aape of tbia Royal Core—“It eo.
yemoTCd tbe pato la mj cheat and I et_
pow aleep aoaadiT. eoaietbtor I can
I^aoaadtor Ita pralaee tbronpbeiit
Ihs Unlveiaa.** ito wUl every oae who
ibla ^ & Throat. Cheat m Lnapa
saOe.aa4Bl.eo. Trial boulee free
obneoB'e aad Walt's drap n
U the pneet of Oeehtor rraak WMt^
atdwiUpreaebattbe OoaprepatiOBai
arch aext 8n»dap Moralap.
MlBAlaa Despres. who bee been
vtolUap frieodi to Mtlwaakse three
weeks, baa retaraed.
Mra. J. B. Martin wrat to Bap View
for a two weria* slap.
a D. Staalcp of Sattoaa Bap was to
tba city OB boslneee peetetdep.
Ltndtord aad Mra. B- 0. Coapton of
Hotel WblUap, are eaWrtelninp Mia
Ethel Bellerd of Mentoa.
Be*. A A. Well of Old Miaeioa. aad
Rev. W. A. Boekovea of Ncrthporl ard
at Bap Vtew.
Robert Oaae end br'ide ere et Cadillac
rislttop Mr. Uaae'4 brjtbtr befwe reteratop U> their hoae la OjIo. They
epeat Sunday wiU tba (aailp of Geo.
Bd. Hardnasnaofipraod Ra^ riaIted his ooostoa, Ue'-Mlaeaa MoatpoaB. 2. Dsvle sad dsapbter. JoBepbtoA went to Blk Rtpids yaterdsp
to sttead tbe fn'noral of J. Ward
Mr. aad Mra Rsxbnrpb, who have
bees vUitlnp for aoae'tlae. have rataraod from Bip Bapida
Clande Vandervorn baa poae toManIstor, from wbenee he wUU.po to Cbioapo on tbe eteaaor Cbarlev^x, .to
visit bis aetber.
Rev. J. W. Miller, preaidtop elder of
the Gi and Traverse dletrtet. retnraed
yeeUrdap eftemooD fioa Bap View.
AUse Caapman has retomed to Maaistee Fraaeee Bipplas aoeoapanled
bar for a abort rielL
Bi-ODBpraaaan Gtddsler and wife
of Cbicapo are the pneeto of Mr.
Mn. PbU C. -Bsner. Mr. Ooldzler U a
>ep of Cbieapo aad
B< aber of tbe Bra of OoWrler A BopOeearFrlodrieh.b visiUap relatives
la Use dtp for e few weeks ead eelllap
a household article to flU to Ui
Parker Panntopton visited relaUva
at Lake Ana-Snadap.
Dr. and Mrs. Alward of Manistee are
at the Hotel WblUap.
Attoraep B. d. Pratt went to Frank
fort pMterdap to attend oonrt
Will Holdswortb end wife are to
Charlevoix tbia week.
Editor dam O. Cooley and wtfe of
dnttooe Bap were la the city yester.
E. B. Hibbard bfti retnmed from
bnilnea trip to Use wat and aonthem
Frank Gannett of dattona Rap visit
ed hie parcats to town overdandap.
,P. M. lAthrope of Grand Rapids
caae no oa tbe exesstslon Snodap to
.visit Use family of C. d. Vader.
L. M. Bennett has letnmed from bis
recreation trip in the BonUsem part of
Mbs Florence Miller retnmed
borne on dtate street peeterday after a
few daps' vblt 1b Charlevoix.
J. A Cross of dprinp Lake, b rislttop
hU son. Oeorpe H. Cross, the Iccal at
aad Mn. Archie Oriatt have
pone to Bloominpdale for a vbil.
Georpe Bsner. formerly of Bemns’
barber shop, bu tekea one of Use
chain In Oriatt A Wlanke's shop while
Mr. Oriatt b ahaent
WUl Ralne. cashier of tbe Boston
Store, has mtemed from a vacatlm
spent in Wbitoball.
MlM dtevene, whohae been vblUnp
Mn. Harris, has pone to Bsat Jordan
oa a ebit with other frienda
Ptatl a Baner of Use Mlebipan Starcb
Co. has retamed from a basiaeas trip
to Cbieapo.
ee OarpLakeAldarman Cook b ateUor of proat
renown and in order to eonriaoe bb
friends that be b enUUed to tbe dbtiactioa of eaptaln he recently bonpbt
■ boat. It b a handy sort of craft
fosme-lpuaed bp Professor Daria, tbe
director of tbe ciril enptoeeriap cla«
at Ann Arbor nnivenltp. It b a.e^
boat, with a canopy, paaeron* breadth
of beak, etatelp motion aad a repatatlon for eafetp. Tbe craft was bronpbt
down troos Lelaad on Carp Lake Boadap bp Captain Cook Bmeat GraUiek
' and Frank Medland. The aaebor wat
let po near tbe clnb honse of Use Octonarp clnb when a formal chrbtento|
{'‘oatlaned trv a flntifire']
feas">Ullcrefpnrcbattap a paruosspe.
lar walk! were pood. U wfti tbe see .
tiawat of tbe eoaneU tbtt tbe nc^Uoa |
do-ild not be prantad wi Jiont the an
thoriipof anther ord’aance •"aklapj
eoae provlelon different t? the one
BOW in force. Tbe petition «a» mere ,
fore 'a d on the table.
Al'leraae Oarrieon iotn>dneed a ree
oletloa providlnp that the ^oird of
pobUe works prooeed to laprove tbe
etreeulolbe c.tp^st their dlsereitoa
for tbe eonventoaee of biepelM. AlderMoetspse ttronplp libjcttad to
plrinp tbe hosrd of pnWic works eo^
•weeotop power, sltbosph be esrooKIp nrped some acOon to beneSt tbe
wbeelmsB. Alderatsn Osrritoo nrpod
ianieOiate act! w towards tbe desired
tad and tbe matter was peaeraUp dlei!d. It wat floallp decided to refer
tbe reeolatioB to tbe eoaaittee oa
Btreete and walks to deSne the etreet<
which sbonld Brat be Improtcd for the
beneflt of tbe epclista
for the neoesearyetepe to levy an aaaeesaent for tbe balance of tbe cat
for the Welllnpton tweet eewer.
In Use matter of the lateral eewer to
connect the Boerdman avenne school
bn lilnp with tbe Wellinptoa street
sewer, tbe clerk reported that tbe
property bwnen sffseted had apreed
to pay tbelr aropontonate share without tbe acccaeltp of an eiisaaent
Tbe eonadl on r^elar aotlon derided
that one-tblrd the cost sbonld be borne
by tbe city.
Alderman Smith at tbe rrqaeet of
B. McDermott eUted to tbe ct'nnril
that Mr. MeOarmou would like Use
j>b of wimmisp tbe branebae from
were banpiop over the walks. After
some dlicnmion it waa derided that no
offisial limb-entter wat needed, and
that an ordtnenoe rcpnlaUop such obstraetiona waa nreessery. Therefore
Use matter was referred to Use com
mittee on ordinaneve.
Manletoe ’Von tbe Fonrtb
WI1H thc humorist.
soosniB^ remeHsed bla
wife. •'TOO have th» ssllsrecllor. of
kpewtox pois have don* poor duly to
Way vxcurelcin: When iber« s a ntc*
fat ilUl* »*rsusrtsl tovMiUetlois or
dered somebody else elaaya xeTi It!-*
•■Shell I speak to your felharr- be
a>ktd efier she bed nsede ibe usual
_-Too map If yon wish.- abe replied,
“bot If you »acl the mailer fettled 1
would odviee you to see mamma."-Cbieaxo Port
kilu Pri»m-Don-t let yoor do* biu
me. little boy.
Doy-He wcn'i bUe. ma'am
klta Prism,—Bui be la ibdu-tox his
Boy forilb aPrtdel-CertalBlj- be Is,
ma'am; end If yoo had r<"d leeth a*
be bet ycu'd show -'em. too—Cblcaxo
tyelly News.
Tbe Tany-tea r1*vr to rhira floats
rseboeu l.OCO mllof from lie ir.ouib. W*
have t-ut'e faint Idea of the micr.ilude
of dlatancas and nnmbers ic tbe msx.
Hncklioa Amioa 8ai va.
Tax BnXT BanTx to tbe world for
Onto. Bmlaoa, Soros. Oloere. Salt
Bbenm, Fever Boras, Tetter. Chapped
and all iEr
- ■ Obilblalaa,
Bmptlone, and positively cures Piles
jrno par required. It la puai
•npive perfect satlefaction or moner
•efundad. Price tl eonu per box. ffo.
elebvJ Q Jobnec^ndw « Walt
Take a little Taeatton-
Warranted for 10 rears-bigb grade,
bigb arm. simple, durable, reliable, light
running noiseless, speedy, strong, bandsome.
Wbat more do you want for $1A76F
HooAe FnimlahlnE Store
120 Front Street.
All detailB of the profession looked after in a pro-
beeloeed every e
except Tnesdep and Satvrdep i
tops. Bamlllcn Clotblnp Co.
yethcrsels 'hraeelaU
Tbe preitieat wrist omsmmt
found, at tbe Famous for 10. I
SS eenU.
fessional manner.
BoU 'Pious
: lg.3l8Diltil Stral
lo. «
from tbe Hostlers;
Tbe foortb of s series of psmes be
tween Msttietae and the Hustlers at
Manistee reaqlted dlssstroaslp for tbe
BnetU re Snodsp sftemoon bp s scyre
of 16 to 1. The Colu plsped an all
aroDod belter pame tbss tbe Bostlciu.
From tbe very start Manistee bepan
ponndlnp out mne and tbroupbout tbe
pame sores were made a miet at will.
Tae Hostlers made tbelr only mn to
tbeeevenih. Rypee bit to left field
and reached third on a desperate elide
on Vanpbn s bit to left.
Roth then
le,i a wild pitch po bp him and Ropee
bronpbt iq tbe only eoore for tbe Trav
erse CUp team. .Vanpbn was nlleredutblrdtoas attempt to etca)
and the next two were easy onts. The
•core bp Inntopt:
Maolatee.... 4 t 1 : SO 3 4 * |6 is 0
HusUere....... OOOOOOIOO
0 T
Batter es—Woltets and Both, PatterBOO end Hunt.
Patterson k by no meant a had
pitcher as tbe eoore mipht seem to In
dicate, bot no pitcher can pitch wtontop ball with poor euppart. an^ this
was bUcasc exaeUp. If sopportedat be
•houid bare been be undoobtodij
woold have held the eoore doxn to a
ftlngl- fipure.
Vaopbn, tbe new man at second,
plays a pood ptrae and with a litUe
practice will be a valoable addiUon
to tbe team.
Third bsteman Elbert was piven bU
and wUl leave todsp
for Seplaaw.
Msnaper Eehoe wired for two new
men last nlpbt and he k dcisrmtoed to
eecore players who can pat np winnlnp
Tbe next pame trill be pUped on Uie
Tuelftb street pronnds Saturday with
Xt wte 98 to the Rbate.
Yesterday tba tbermoter repUtered
»3° on the north side of a bouse to tbe
itral partoftberitp.to tbe ahade,
and 114^ iDtbc sun.
An* Arnerivsr lady derisre* that Lon
don is inrompacably the n;oat beuutltol of uil tbe cities of tbe earth: but
there Is. toe tups, s fclemiih on tbe fair
polleb or our municipal aestheticism.
name conferred on the craft b tbe Thlf niw In out besuty It the bus con“Beldlver^ and benafter tbe friends docior. Be U not picturesque. Al
of the captain eriU have, ao cause to lowed free rein to the ‘cboice or bis
want for naaUcal axporienoe when -mt tered stnw hal. a eeedy
draxxltd tTouaerv—a mlserible flgure
to the xsterul sebeme of cruet end
of emclbuscs
eauiy. The
___ oaotre
May Fntoluae a Paiaeaape.
mold certainly be confemne a service
The memben of tbe ^int M
; U they deniarded a little
eburcb and otben totereated an
- _ idr servanu. Ic tbe
meet at the ebnrah tbb meantime the driver of tbe prculer
be bat
evenlap st ?:30 e'eloek to eonslder the
‘ W .toseunsnrlPiaB
Moha the food onra d«lkioas«Ml wMeson!!
great! greater!! greatest!!!
cbance of your lifetime to got a wbeel at almost give away
This baa been a record breaking season with us on our
wheels, and to make the record good, we won't carry over a
single one, so wo make you the most astonishing prices ever
-known. You've wanted a wheel all the season—didn't have the
cash—Now it don't take^as much, and you've saved a tew sheckels. —Be one of the first to see our new prices and you cau have
your choice of all our stock of wheels, which are all “A, number
one" in every resphet. All parts are fully warranted. If they
break within sixty days, we give you new parts iree.^ charge
(you pay tbe express.) Here's the list, both in ladies' and
gentlemen's :
»H« Koiofrga ««o6kd titctoat. jtot s», isn.
TbcuilerrtopotF. O- Bm
neeirUr ft frefth mi «t pftiat.
Jftek Beftd.ftfti
k itlitwrimf sftU la pUM of J«aB TM’
me. wbo U lU.
IK wvnri^ivcvci^iar ww w i«m Tbe tftotrteUailce I. O. O. T. wOl
Cftdmae Sea/iftr. whlU rcdnf bold iu aaaaai ^Mfttiar ftl AreUe *eftmad Um Iftka OB IMr bieyelftB for |
»ft^ fcaoorTO*.
•a melf noralac rid*, bob* ro«BC ; A Iftrn'eookraiBaBt oC «lt portti^
afft tonad tfte body of »■ ftakooaa tMo« wm ftroarbi la bf the ChftrUBpos ibft Bboro. H* *so
lor ifte CorawoU M«i Co. doBd*7,
SdMUAal Ifttar M a tonatr br ^ tram Cblcftfo.
H«M of Aadftfftoo from Cberrr Oran,
Ofcr SOO u^k wen eold to Xankteft
Md troa tbe eoadlUoa of tb« 0*1/ b« from here Saadap. A larfe aamber
&Tv\eret\. J
led iJlaeu, or ta connkaceocc,
IbeAiceetiTe organa partake of ttae
general veakaeaa, aad are aaabk
to aasiailatePBfBcientfeod to bnlU
1“..!** _*!***'! ***^“*
Mmld*r«. ItkcoBenllf
■ lo hfttt b(u ft eue of Baicide. CftBM
Bft&ry Ootlftf. one of Wesford’a met
proftpmM fara»en. wm kicked bj ft
vlelm bone Jnly If. ftad died ai bk
bone Afttardar of bU iDlBrieft
B«7 scbnkli. a brirbt yooaf nae,
17 Toan old. loM hk Ufe doBday fti
Orajb lake, near Joecarille. Bf aad
Ua other boje were laawlanalar.wbrA
be WM tftkftft with eraapa, aad aooe
of them reepooded to bk call for help.
He wae wbrklor oo a farm for Lori
KtftMiriBf foemofte^tofo to boU««e
la ft few weeka.
IfeM Oraad Bapld*. Fred Parritb.
•red *?7Cftn,
WM drowned la Oao, .
•teftrry lake whUt teibiag. Be bad
aad aank before aasiaUoce
ponhl reaab him. He wae third
gaaal of Coapany E, Talriy-seeond
Xieblgaa eolaotcera lo tbe Spaokta
At Soatta Bavea, R.cbard Jooa of
Aarora, IU.. wat drowned la Black
river Satanday. He wm aeen catebtag
■tlnaowa wbea takea with erai
drowned bi fore bU eoapaaioaa ooald
feach bia. Tbe body wm recovered.
Age it yean.
At MiukagOB. what nearly eaae«l a
•boeiang eeodent oeenrred at the Chi•ago A Weet Mieblgaa eroatlag Jut
weat of toe Ualoo depot Snnday
lag. A atfeei car attempted to eroce
ia front of a railway train and the
aetoraaa loat ^k nerve and etopped
ble ear on the railway track. The
train *m nearly oa tbe ear when the
crowd begaa to Jaap. The aotoradn
Uaa etarted ahead again, niontog over
aaaa'e foot Mn. John WUUaat of
Lake etree't broke her wrkt when tbe
Jaaped. One old lady feU la froat of
the ttala and wm banled off Ue track
Jut la tixM to save her Ufa
woman threw her tafaai In froat of
the train and then Jimped. Tbe baby
WM promptly reecned. The train wm
•topped within It f jet of tbe car. The
BOtoraaa flid. and at Uat acemnU
had not beea eeea. It wm a'.raeolou
that there were no fatalltlea.
Oae of Ue pecnllgrly ead elghu of
Pokagon Ik Toa Cbilion. who fof
nearly io yean drove Ue to boree
Uaai in Ue Nathan. Pjrepaagb and
oUerebows la Ue day* when railroad
abowe were nokBbwn.and Ueae leant.
wlU tbe great ebaiiou. wen eateneively advtttked. Ch Uon was a won
derfully powerful man and bandied
Ua mnltUede of relnt and golded bk
anlaale Urongb Ue etreeto of Ue
mtle conatry vUlagee with eaae: but
today be k beat with age. blind aad
Tbr toMleal aerrieea at Grace Epic
e >pal ebareb were wall attended Sea'ar. both aoniac aad enalep Prof
S-m prealded at tbe new eomlioa.
Oiaen wbo awwted with tbe bm'c
'ereMke AlkwH'bcrta and Mn. S
Garlaed. eoBraar; Mke« aio» Craw
fvd and Joaefb WUbelm. alto; a D
Keayoa, toaor aad Dr. Sayder. faaee.
Praf. Horat aeektod la tbe ereatag aerrier with a Tielin anompaniaeat.
Tbe rffenoryarlft wMeang by Mia
ffUbela la tbe moralag aad by Mia
Roberto la tbe enala*.
In all Conditions of
M. Abeldoa. aatbor of *'la
Bi*S:op«:’'oeea^thepaipU of the
CoBCr^atioaaletaareb at Old Mkaion
Pnak Ooodrleb oo Friday mmle a
eale of k40 aerM of timbar Uad w«at of
BrelatM Oobba, MltebeU A IlcBalJtottbei
It glvea tone to tbe atomacb, and
roo of Cedillae. The ooaaideratloB wa»
atimulatetibe tppetite. Itiidtctae
at Mi
digestion of food, and bnagt re>
Tbe eaearaioB OP the C A W. M
from Maakeron aad Utaad R^dda wm
wei; patroo ztd Seaday. Tea eoaebea .
were reqatixd to bribe Kbe crowd, orerj
>00 people oomlar frota. Oraod Baplda
aloaa. A laree eaeunloa came froai the
aortb over the aame road, rc^alrlnr
foar eoaebea.
AmsrlCAtt Soldiers Have
The barge Alia M. GUI eaae .
jJorrkwUe yaterday atte
Bent Word to Otls.^
where abc took on a part of a load of
Inaber. She will go to Torch Lake Aak American Comm uidvr to InterUk Beaming to complete Ue load be
eedefor Uelr Baloase fiom
fore proceeding to Cbleago.
Jobnaon. formerly of Ue Steaaer Wcaeott. acted u Ont m.te for Uk trip.
Tbeefalldrenof di. Franck ebnreh
will meet at Ue ebareb a little before
S o'clock Uk moraing to marea to Ue
dock lo a body for tbrir picnic toOaena
RsU child will be prueated wiU an
Aaeriean flag to carry. Tbe Creacent
band will aeeoapany the party. All
an arged lo be at tbecbnreb pro aptly
on time to m Bot to oocaalon deUy
for Ue boau Clerk Sherman, a babrer foraerly of
MsnUtee but Utely of Ue Caaltal bar
ber ebop In Laaaing. bM taken a poaitioa io Ue PrineeM barber ebop.
A 10-poond boy k Ue lataat aad a
welcome addition to Ue family of Mr.
and Mie. Wmiam Mamy'.
George Joyce U tbe owner of a fam
ily of floe fall-bloi%d Eoglkh fox
terriere. Tbe moUer and two handpope bre exhibited la Ue dkplay
window of A. W. Jahrans' cigar aicre.
Dr. Oscar ChaM, who recently grad
uated from Ue medical deparimeni of
Ue L'nivenlly. went to Mlnoeaota and
Iowa a ah^n time ago to vkli friaada
While at Palrbanlt. Mina., be became
very ill aad k stlU eoaflned to Ue
-for choice of-
p-1‘1 C - ? >«|>«vs>vril>vFv XU hv rSanrrC »
Many desirable bine and black goods in lot.
bt b
Wcsltj o( lf»r <vni. «er ratlMUonss4 os al:
AU go at marvelouslj low prices
to clean up ouP entire stock
before fall^purchases—From 25
to -iO per cent, reduction on all
above goods until further notice.
B.r <-em'M.toi «-».sii«>eesu
T^SXTKU-STv vuaisGs huedrv4 «elUr>
poi-ai^rsrapj Wt 10 H gSlMdimsrkvt.
W01»rny Soo'hM
E'en HALK-nr^t rims* drlTlsr *.
Csli mt :i» Xra.t
rood shspe ryf) rSemp.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
to-errsl r
The. Traverse City Music Co.
Ji .juif? **t°'nc
Ha 244 Front 8t
Broesh Block-
Tbe Only Dp-to-Date Music Store
in this part in the state.
TO A X08H PBATILB FIRLDSelvatioa Aimy Bae Dkooniiancd it*
llos. ^tppljwllx. F
Work la UU Oity.
Tbe Salvation Army held ito last
meetlag in Uk c'.ly Sanday night.
Captain lewell and wife-and Uenteo.
The finest variety of Pianos and Organs ever
eooB M be It able be wUl return and ant Jewell will work io lUiaok.
eater tbe ofiseofDr. Garner lo ee- cffiie.'s left the city wiU Uk brpnen
of Ue army free from debt.
tablkb a practlee In Uk city.
S'lown in this city. Xetv instruments coming in
were forced to abandon Uk field from
Tbe meeting lo have bMn held at Ue
lack of financial snpoori.
intink furasrv.
oagito^oatl Church last night, of
«tai cbvsp 2bdaily. A full carload.of Organs just received. Our
thcM wbo are loterected in Ue pipe
It Waa Only flmoke.
organ fund, was postponed on aeeonot
a Israr dournmstxl trss>oo>
alblvurslofv revsi. ^rmp.
l^t evening about T:tu amoke was
stock complete, goods tbe finest, and term* the best.
of Ue etorm.
aeen to issne fa>m the store of Senator
J W. Miillken and the fine department
You never hear any kick on our instruments—we
msbed to tbe boilding.
Tbe treat
■ rev lor .So* <
.k coodeOsdinai
AgiurancesThdiae WlU Net Befuaa doors of Ue atore being fattened the
give the manulacturers* guarantee.
glaea io one of Uem was broken to ada Borne.
, ,
mit entrance, but it wm found Uat
W»UMU». J.U)
S*:-1 ^
rb, l..l,or b^i
J. .b “b ™
nr/ deparuneot. who is cnalrman of
filled wlU wMte paper, and Ue draft
Ue committee receivtcg fonda for the
would not operate. The smoke thereOrwey borne, bM received a cable meafore came ont below iosiesd of going
aage from Ue bero of Manila bay.
Proprietor and Manager
np Ue chimney.
Tae admiral rakes ao objeciioa U
Ue prapeaiUoa vo preeeot him wlU a
X O. O. T Dktnci Oonventinn.
borne, and lo'Ue abseace of a proleet
All Good Templar* wbo expect to
Mr. Vaaderilp eonelndee It kaafeWMimc be will accept snsh a gift from attend ^e district seaion of tbe lodge
Ue American people. There k no oe- at Archie on wtaeela are rrqueated
..Inf-ontof Ue Mereandle Cos l>-(-m^lly itt'iicrd
nying Ue (act Ust Ue
disappointed becanae Ue fund is crawl- j atore at 1 p. m. The meeting k eafled
in- —
—----- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------1. /
ing upward so slowly, being still tar;sti:Sn. Grand Chief Templar
from $*0,000. bnt It is discussing plans [ drews of Grand Rapids k in Ue
and wilt attend Ue m
to bMten the work.
mm m
Record WANT ADS Pay!
Far Ut Esxt tUitydayi
Oar store > ill be rioted everv even
alsiso*clorii. except Tneeday .
Baraittoa CloU-
73 pair Ladiea’ Hand Turn Shoes. ‘ Pinffree" maka. worth 83 «0 now..............
10.6 pair xtaaies uxroros. "Flnffree" make, worth $2.00, now___
$1 00
68 pair Mlases’ Eid Shoes Plnigree make, worth $2.00. now ...
110 pair Ladles’ Oxfords, all kinds, worth $1.50, now....
« pairM«n-« HetUalon P*t«nt Calf Bal«. worth $6 00. now.. . .............. $4 60
22 pair ICes's Nettleton Tan Kid Bals. worth #6 00. now ,..
74 pair Ktsn’s ''PinKree" Shoes, small sizes, worth $4.00. now,..
60 pair I-ndiaa' -ringroo- Jallota. amatl alnoa. worth $3.00. now .
of Fairfield, Iowa
e dM-k o IB ase Iras I o'rloes to I e rJurk. s
the riliptooa.
Manila, Joiy :«—Tbe traa^ori
Sheridan from San Francisco with 1.TOdreinforcemeata airivrd today.
General Oix aas received a letter
dated July >. signed by Cbaa. Blaafora
and Fred Uepoe. amkiaat engineer and
Uird cffico- of Ue boepital ship Rriief.
wbo were captured by tbe biUpinoa off
ParanaqM on May SO. Tbe tetter says
Uat Ue orkoaers are in Ue bsndt of
Ue Inenrgeou, “reoelving exeelient
treatment, bnt tbe tuspense fearieg
»e loos of onr positions k tenible.
Tbe writers beg General Uik to
tereede for Uelr release. Gsaeral oik
hM taken etrpe in Uat direction.
Two Aogntun friar* woo landed here
have bees arreated. Ilk aaid uai
they had dKcmenU abowiag Uat they
were area is of Ue Fmpino j inta at
U^ntended to boar mes•agea to Aguin
Our “Special Sale " brinj-s tie abbri to mind. Not
one dollar, bnt many may be sared when good, go
as follows:
Vouee to Traptyerm.
Xoiim* brreto tores ik«t (be lai rolk fji
lb» . ..lUrtkn of oebMd as.1 cliy
Tbe harvatlag of Ue great pepperaentolleiDp U eoaUweatern Mieblgan will be bagna la aboni two weeks.
Thk product k aottly coaflond to Kalaaatoe. dt. Joeepb. Caee. Van Buren
ano allegan oooatiea. Tbe crop Is
valued at baadreds of Uonundi of
It Is eailmeted.Uatover i.ooo b.isbeU
«f bnekleberrlee have been picked this
aeasoo on one ranch near Minvrva.
Lake county. In one day son teams
patted Urongb ChuK oo tbeir way to
Ue patebea
Tbe Meetck Gsvette faM moved to
Harrietu for a cssaldention of «M
Tbe graatboppen la Caa ooaaty are
atUeking the anger beeu and eat Ue
tope comoletely (fT if left alone long; For UtIndia
The Faiooua
able watch .
Tbe Michigan peach crop k ao abort
menu foi
lor only >8 eeau
Uk year that it will te marketed la
Chicago lo bariieu repreaentlag a
ftlxU Intiead of a Qtu of a bnsbet.
Tbe people of Morun uwasblp. Me-'
eeatft aonaty. are vary much cxelud
ever Ua appearance of tome atrange
.aslmaliathavMtawamp lining near
there. Banting partiea have been or
ganized to eaptare Ue aalmal.
O. B. Bortoa. mMter of Ue atate
grange, atatea Uat Ue graage bM experkneed a phenomenal growth in
MlUlgaa daring tbe pMt ilx. menUs.
aaarly M subordinate grangea bsring
b.an added to the Ikt and arrangemaato oompleted for Ue Ustalling aevera] more.________
•ohhed tae Urate.
A atartUag Incldeat of which Mr.
John Oliver, of Vhiladrlpbla. wm Ue
•nbjocl, k oarralJi '
•‘1 VTM IB a n
My akin *
loat yellow, vyra annkan. tongi. ... »d. pain oonlituiilr la
and •idea,
----------------*. no
10 appeUle—gfaduallv
ug weake
weaker day by diy. Three
riant bwl give
- ' . a friead
‘ ' d adri
. _
litter*.' and to my rrvat Joy anti
anrprkc. Uo first bottle made a decided
Ur«* man. 1 know Uey aared ay '.ita and
robbad Ue gvava of anoUer vimim."
No oae ahoold fall to try Uem. Only
SO eeato par bottle at 8 S. Walt’s and
J-0. Johnm’aDragSlorea
nePaaooakaeillDpapntty. darab> waleb reerd w|* atecl orsaaetto for only SS rente
“A Dollar Saved
Is a Dollar Earned ”
es pair Misses Tan Shoes, worth $l 76 and $2 00. now
300 pair Misses* and OhUd's. all sizes, at.....................................
60 pair Infanu’ Shoes, all sizes, now......................
will be oo exhiNlion and tor aale
■Woman'. Sljppar. at...............................................................................16. 22c. S6c. 60o and 76c
Thursday, July 27
Fancy drivers, family surrey horses, heavy farm
horses. We extend a general invitation to everybody
to come' and see tbis fine stock.
Man's Shoaa at.......................................................................... ob- $t 00. $1.16, $1.48 and $1.69
Women’s Bicycle LeRBioES, all styles, now
Youth’s Shoes from................................
See them—Inspect them-Buy them of
i ..FRANK FRIEDRICH, The Old Reliable
-'•■ •>'.'A-.•
THX KOftmO SSOOBO. T9B«DAT. tVlsY 86. 1868.
&etvera\ "Kems
MAnon TOBI 1
I of all tba Barth
Ike »tr thBl fc»n cw U<nd. U» BmlouBr« oom^l/ <
Ori«iMUt« Is Aafri*. ttaj
stansd • Bo»b*r of 7*sr» t«o ssd s<
MtsbUtbed tbaMMlvM M tke
rsifsisf fsTorliet is ibc eiresMt u>^
tbcstns at Esrofi^. Ewtssllj mcm
of tbe oldflr skeabm at thk fwsUy rstsnied to Aaories. b«l oosdaed tb#r
CMt Ewur Hwt7 KW. «c^ 1»
MO Of Ephnia Slsael. »
aroolifaj «riMl bo7*>’ o< BrWf*»rter.
« . jMtOTatfc* Miohloa «*le line.
♦Bd nof—et 0>bcw. Mr»d to TMn,
4»«fliur of WllliBB Oftbjrae. » proai*
Matteravof U« omu plM*. wmt
iarm iniMj BfMnooo drlv«. Nlfbt
a»at«awdtbofo>Drpwpl« did aot ia playe whld woeld adnlt of the dieplay of their eg lily. Tbe yoaager
scxt BorslBf. bat so trsoo of them geseratloB of tbe fanUy. bowere', reasoUbtfoasd. At Uo nqoist of tb» caaiaed eeeeral yeare loafer la Berope
were floally broagbt oeer ae the
UterMtsd tsallia tbe sS*ir wm bsabIt alar attraeilM of tbe Adam Eore^spsM tbeMsrcboeBtiBMdiaMcre^.Bsnr Kliael ie u osly ebUd.»ad the paafbehowtbeeeaeoaofiWl. Tbea
•doUac Utba brooded over the otnsr* they retarard to Earope where they
■^iMppeereoec aotU bU mlod beeem reaalaed eatU last wiater. Now they
vsbeUseed. end be wpe placed la tbe are back agala la Aia«iea asd are a
Toledo MylisD.
Weighed dowa by part of the great eoagreae of dreae
that fo to stake ap tbe
tfcU doable aliforteBe. Ur*. Elseel
I of tbe
«i« la a preeartooe oeadlttoo. Taedie- derfal ilrcee
ragb And SelU Brotbera'
•ncted penau were certela that their
—'"itU air—
^Idrw wtald epeedUy retara. bat
» sad Boothe bare pMaed asd aot poeaible to deteribe the woaderfal
aerial perforaaaeee of thcec ajareelloaa
They sees to iftj aU law* of
•boete baa 1
aadareappareatly eadowBIra.A|hpn>e are heart brakes, asd
gBeesoBdeterBlsedtoflre pablic.ty ed with loTlslble wlaga. for they fairly
«o the affair aad tod their daughter at fly ihrongb tbe air with a freedom of
that is seareely esBllbeurde.
klaoy yoaag Poles lirlaf la Aaseaa oclled by the blrde. If there was nothCity hare eurted l» relorn to Polaad Ingelsetobeseea oo tbe programme
eaad It 1* said they arefolog la raeponse of thte great arenlc ooBgreee, the Banlone Woald repay tbe time and alight
so letters from friends to j >la the
labiy to start another stragg)i expense neeeeeary to aee them. They,
<o free Polaad. espeelallr that portion win be seen here when tbe great coneoUdatloa exhibits. WedaoMlay. Aug.
.«ootrallcd by Busis. .
It is sow asaoBBeed that the Batsian tad. '
bsUraad throngb Asia wiU be ooapleV
Bd before the oloae of IMO. aad that
Chroagh trains wUl be runalog wlihin
that lime betwees Port Arihox and bi.
Klag Manellk of Abywlnle. bas scat
«sro Mbras ae a prsasnt to <2aeea VietorlA
0(»eral BosUagerb tamoos black
■diorse. Tasls. -U dead.
It bad been
«ared for by aa admirer of tbe
Dnrtaga recent fianday shower la
MaaUa T.n laebeeof rain were record
ed.- Tbe Jely ralafsU for IS days seas
AO laebes.
Mra WUllam Barry, ooloead, 104
jwa old U dead at bar borne at Cbai' V bass, toe was bora la sUrery Is Vir-
The sttrsetion which ie to appear in
SulBhcrg's on Augest 2nd U one of tbe
beet OB the road this seasoa and abosld
draw aa ImiMaae audlenea Jflie Ma
rie temoar, tbe star of tbe company,
bad a world sf experience at a member
of Aagaitla Daly's oompany In New
York for a nambar of yeara, and her
snecess therefore.at eiit bead of facr
own eempany. wbenone paneee to con
sider the cxoepUoaal adranlagca she
bas cnjvyed, U not to be wondered et.
Tbe sopporting company Includes macy
well-known names, among wbiefa M
that of Frederic Morphy, last aeaeon
leading man for Jolla Marlows
Murphy leoeenpyiag a aimllar position
in the Immour organ cation
The Karanagh and Bon'y B-'ya'
..'OponTirsident McKinley's desk In Concert, City Opera Bonse. Augast 1.
Harriet Delnent Packard, dramatic
-abe White Bouse lies tbe
Bible glren him by hU father when be aoprano, the Chicago Graphic says: "A
repreaenUtire Amerieaa voealUt. with
Jbai went away fram his home.
.Tbf bleyele oostame bas bceoswbo
^opalar with Bertln.ladiea that a aoele«y It being organised to eneourage tbe
wearing of “raUonal” dreea In the
Serious fires baee occurred at aeteral
places In England, amUted probably Iqr
the great beat, which Is drying averythlng up Oae of the Arcs was at Sibtlekb yachi balldlnr yard at Cowaa.
■‘esilldb was completely burned out. A
•amber of racing yatou. one of them
' a torty-elx rater, aad ecreral boaU In
Sereral of ttow yaebtt
•met* esterrd for tbe Cowee regatta.
Aaotber Are. which originated In a faeUaj. rained whole raws of dwelltogi
at High Wyoomtie.
Tbe damage
ASDoanU to Cto.oooand BOO famlUee are
boaeleae. byre's diamond cutting fac
tory at ClerkeawslI was also baraed.
There wee an exciting scene, sabse. qaent to th* fir*, wben tbe firemen and
thing the mins for
AtSan Diego. Cal. a sharp earth
quake shock occurred Saturday with
.v^ttons framsouthweat to northeast
-No damage wee doss At Loa Angelm
wasia-tciy paroeptible abosk with rl>.braUons from east to weal. TaM bnUdlaga wsra raekad oouldMably and
aooM alarm waa felt bnt no dsaug* raanlted.
It Is BOiad with a great deal of pride
Ay American i-mraals that tbe first
rallraad train to enter tbe Chine prarInceof Mencbnrie was hauled by a
loeomoUve made la tbe United State*,
that tbe Iron orar wblgb It ran wae
raUed In PeaBaylranla. aad that tbe
-tlM on which the Iron reeled were
in tbe forcete of Oregon. Tbe next few
years promise to eoastltau an era of
railroad bolldlag in Asia, and iadglng
from thU Ineident. America srlU mvfit
Ay It Immaneely.
clear and Wrdlikr: thrills with
dty." Jamie Crtppen tbe
lath Herald aaye is "not much high
tbu^An ordinary table, bat is a
wonderful little singer aad gem ora
tions erarywbere." Master Arthur
0< ft. tbe enrnetUt. "Accorded a royal
welcome, and more than charmed hM
aaditorm." Master Percy Sndboroagh
"A magnlflc:nt performer npoa
ehoeen instraineats." Plat of aeaU
open at City Bookstore tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
. 5*
Arbuckles’ Coff^
Is the Standard of .Coffee Excellence by which hll Coffee Quality ie Compared,'
Ho. Bt
Miiins Boom Tabto
No. 69. Raxor made by J. H. Torraji
No. eo. Lady's BoH
loC lorlwe lo toasts
Meet paei-peU •
t hPOK ffrai k» exi
paelB«r eUmp a
. hewMod CUm. ^
‘-*J ?leaSTaJx-*S*ru nd*e!liJli*'*,*“*'*a crai
Ob.* u «>:i M >e»r Pmt ex
H0.6B. AButQhor'aKnlfa.
A Lady's Pen Knife.
Ho. 67. Pletun Frame.
No. 64. A KItehdn Knife.
eol.pald •• receipt af U
oral paetaae etamp aad M
aleaalarre retiree, aiappcrv
d AiboeXIn' tliiaiud t-oOM.
Ho. 69. AContloman'eWaleh.
No. 66. AOontlomen'e Pocket Knifo.
Tb. -S.a HBT«a-b e wetrSd tbe . rd>Mr> •»
wtad ead etMB aM.-duM proof. nt-tH-ptoied rear, adtd la.k
aelcK bmi QioTTBWot. SwUy poltol.M Meal ydatoae. N-detoc
eftvr e etenderd ••K-s. r.;us» timcKwjef. The prtotw! ««er
Twodtotod Kent medr of
eiesiue seood. tteai p«
paldaB rvealptwfSFealpt
alaaip aad «0 aleaata
aa rvevt*i af-d realputseee
.at from «e»t,(wr. Aitiucatoe' K.
No. 70
A Poreelain Clock.
. An X*L Nerolror.
Dftrd porertola frame, leouitlyiiT
OocK ItL. rspise'teed by tbea
eeuiUveOlee. krat by esptvaa,
by rsproas. ebarcae prepaid by aa. ae
rvrvlpt are real paaiac* ataaip aad
raarere prrowU by »e. aa raeripl
are rest paeiaeo etaatp aad IW
r*ArMHtoW ttolifed I'Cffno! aod“illh «»rh
CsSm wrssesr. ■SMb y«> sis
te cal w« aadsaad ts Mil s
Preaebea the O rnnal and ttlTsa Out
Traou and Bibles,
who U in the city nitb the American
BaplUt PabMcaiion Society Colportage
Wagon No I learca this morning for
Good Barbor and Sattoos Bay where
he will preach. Mr. Stephenson will return to the city the latter part of the
He wUl then leave for Alpena
by w*y nt Chsrlevolx and Petoekey.
Rvv -.i.’ii-ienson bolils eervices sloag
bis rau.c.
giving out trsci* sod
blble. ...................... iy.
He Sl-o
;-sues -
SMran a<
Below la a Hat of the baying aud eel.
Ing priew of yuterday for groceries
provLalona and farm prodnett In Tnv
sxLUee rxicx.
Short Cut Pork o«r
Floor. U UAOo.1
Floor. B.
balletiB i,.ur times a year which Is aent
to tbe dnnday eebeol enperlBiendi
thronghoat tbe •
ofhle poelUoB and work done.
Ur. dlcphenaon visited the city two
yean ago bnt did not have tbe wagon. Cats per ba (old)...
Corn per ba..^..Yesterday afternoon be gave
children of the BspUst Snnday aehool
a ride.
Bume xAsnaoTTi
aty Bookstore Is
old. p
I. No. 1. p.
Ralph Oonaablc. of the City Bookstore
made extensive parebaset la the .no- £S’”porP.
tloBlloein Ciiearo, from wben he
Tbe east room of
the etora will be fitted np to i^ve Hgfa.perdoaen..
this etoek. as vreU as itbe ydatare
aad pletan framing
large arch will connset the main room
Oapto J. U. Smory.
Vllbalm Braa. to Oloee Burly.
Beliering tba pablle wUl support a to this departmenk OUmr improvesaora In the right dlreethm we base nmnU an' In progrem,
deddedtocleaeour store at « o'clock
Baatem Star Pionle.
orary erealng except Tacedayt and
Thnnday aftornoon Tnvem Caty
Obapier. Mo. l«T. of tbe Ordep of
We are csBTlneed tbeae two ereslnga Baetora Star. wlU hava a basket picnie
•asb weak will a
at Travene Beach. Uembeaa, lbe<r
wbo moat of necesilty trade la tbe famUim and vUtlng friends aa vnU aa
m*enlag and tbe arrangemant will other ehaptoiaan nqnmtod to take block. Hotel Whltli« and Paaii Piece
stt:M p. m. 'Bu wUl aleo coaneet
park One bw WiU laava Uia. A.
vrith best St U:M S. m. Frnitesri
Prnit esr will
OookbontheSoatbSMe, andou Un. be St Bsat Hasd on Tnetosya, ThnnE. L. Bpeagne-s on tbe But «de at dsyasnd Sstwdsys. Pamisger* swl
8plBf Baacb Bstal
two o'aau to-------------------------------- trait WiU be tsksn on st sy point
prepared to aerre mealc at any
daUn to ride out m tbUr
___• to partiea troas tbs d». at an
Mooria BoMca. ElUier a obtoak
S •'desk dlBsms will bam
Tbe pntMut wrist ornament to be «w4NgM9UtkWaraamaaddakaat an* u
ruseMaUla fisw far to. lOa. l>e
foand.at tbe Famou for 10. It aad
4«ya. Ban lalw*«»a V*. l
Jahrans’ Haiana Cigar
and Draft Horses
Gate Post FarmGOOD
>« i First Class Naiina Cigar,
I;,Good Size,
iiDcelleai Qoaliij,
.Steamer Onekama
t New Thiag Worth Ciltlntlog,
is! Toor Dealer for Them.
Toimelier Block.
I hAT6 jafit i«c6iT6d tPom Ohiengo a flag lot of Ihm Nad
draft boned end seyerel fine driTere. Call at my ealee bem
<md get tbe beet borw to be beA
State Street Sale Bama
Hre Insurance. Warm
Ie. L. A. Bonding.
15 cams
Properly eeired ia a ae&t din*
ins room.
Msaihll llaaafCaafactlaaanr
OigaiB of Xrery Kind
M. S.«n-iM)
pnesnd todeUrarlee
«eiw- OsrprtouwOl
HopUns Bros
m notitoia fifiS6M, M8M.AV, mi u, \m.
«siM>iii 6f Mttei
Im »■»<»■■ Tt»w 0« V«*
Onir s
UHll partton of tbe
prlMrn UkM to peUrv «tttioiu la
Nrv Tort <41; corry doadly aw] «eiawTBl ■rraposw Uww day*.
ibr ronrto bavp a faahkio of adoilsl*tertttg tb» law rt«or«waly tn mcb
caw«. Fword. pl«(4 asd bwd-d rtT»-*
kata •
TUc anUwfol wnpaot an- cairlrt! Ity
foap(an«>ra rkf^fly. Natlr*- bora rttltoo» mra littlf for tb«». 0»e nlpht
rroraity a >>lc. powerful Cblnaintn
raa amork wiili three of the *^l)eDt
UJlww- am] awaiinrd ow of bW roontrymeo atirt fcnortod him apnwieaa.
The dtatorher of the |»-ace wa» armdn] aftiT a atracalr and takta to
ttw Flicatietb aTTwt autloti. On h\a
Wl flat waa a txWTy pair of braaa
knurklH>. la hia rlsbt bawl wao a
Uai-fc-lack, awl tn bla belt waa a
The blade waa an artlatle one. The
bead araa a leather potirh foil of lead.
The handle waa braided leather nine
larbea loDE and ratlter ttllT. It welch
ed iifwrly two linnnda. Another hlaekJark taken at the aame atadon-hoiiae
had an Iron bail for a bead and a
•terl-wire Pqpe for the handle. A
aneak itilef carried a moraa 1«e ten
Iw bea l>«c and four Inrhea wide, The
hottuRi «.f tlie bac had a pound and a
half of hlrd.afaot w-wed In It. Thai
Idaek-lark waa to hraak bonea with
out mure than allcblty brulainc the
akin. The hlark-M'-k'la more favon-d
than tb<- hlodfran. iH-canae it haa a
Idtahle handle, but a blndceon In ea<e
1Ij- prtK-nred—a foot of lead pipe or
Iron bar will aerre. -The oilter nlcht
two men were trreated In I*ark n>w
aa they were aaMulllna a man. One
of th<«e men ama held In taat extra
tell. be<wnae h« carried an ordinary
wooden hilly, aoeh aa puUivmen hare.
The kind of a hilly a enaik earrii'a by
preferviiee la an elEht-Inrh black
le«it»T ter with a bar of lead In It.
But no one ran lawfully earry atirh
a weapon In Kew York city.—Uvlle’a
The- hlatnry of Countt-M Katiinn
Morat la by rtrbt a part of that of
Culonidu and forma an Inien-atlnr
ehapter. for ahe waa the flnii womnn
of tmle fire to braee ihi' danitera of
the dewri and aeith- In ttw land of
bnffalura and IndUna. B.4nr the brat,
white woman to Colondo. h<>alde»
tetlu a hlaiory romanltr In llaaOf. alie
la a etefarter of much Inter.'at to the
pi aide of the atate. Wbe waa tlie wife
of a Cennan noble. Connt Uurat. who
wanted bta fortniie and ‘ fared the
Amerlcaa danen to neek anew a fortow In the fiidurado of the tlocklea.
I the connt to fN-lorad». arririnr Ou-h- Nnrember 4. ItCiV
Scrcr before In the blatory known « .
tile while man had a woman of tlie
Cauc-aalan rai-e aeen the aaiida ami
rocka of t'olorado.'
The (ii-mian eonnt and hla wife met
with Taryinr Ifortumia In CAiloraihi.
but the wenllb which aome were fortniinlo emmeh to find waa denbd thnn
la any rreiit twaaiire, Tlnlr i-ariy
hlalory In lb-over la well known tn
•T«-rj plmie«-r. Klfn-eti yeara aco flueownt dle.1 and kira. Mural waa l.n
altnnat i-lillri-ly on her own n-a»nrii-«.'
Wl.j what money abe had ahe bulls
a ettace at 1-almer Mke and hi.a
alnee cept
kept amnttier
amnmer imaniiTa.
Imanler*. iici
birthday found her In Rood henlth and,
mteelleni spirits. The
old Udy lives
alone nearly a mile up the f.Hitltllla
.b, Rio 00...0
mer Iaik.‘. She eomplalneti tnni tm
winter haa been aevere. lint ah.- man-j
•C<-* to coHecI fuel, oook and live, nnd
lor her a.lvane.-d year, la ctw-pthinal?
ly avtlre.—Itenvcr Newa.
TOio BY oauouaaa.
•What can anoal the warmth of a tiwa
wMua'a kwer asked the deareal airi.
Jlllar taaaper." ijtpUfd th* aavac*
don't know. She care me a nuarur »
art the dock half an bo«r tam.*' .
VThmX 8{MUed It.—NrweiAer 1st win
ter bealth reaorti—“la thia a reatfal
placrr Nalir*-“Wal. tl naed to J-- un
til pecpie l■etcBa eosdn’ hem for to raat,'*
Ketray«<l-’'Yea. we vent aaray and
left the.can bamlHK: aUlil two weeka."
“Waa year Mil any WrheVr “Yeat the
fool Biaht-watchama toU the saa cvnipany abowt k.“
The Karacr Baehelorr-"M«n- aaU thDear tiiri. -have sa mueh idle eurViaity
aa wonen.’' “More.- aald the tUTacr
Bachelor. “Women's -curloalty U alwaya actlee."
'The Baron's Cnatocn.—Inqulrioc Dad.*
—“Du yea always drink beer when }i>u
are thiratj V Karoo ■Hnlekeft»nl*-".V
ma'am; 1 alray drinks Talif ren I am
thiraily. fhosi the aame aa yon du.“
•Then when do you drink U-err “Threal of thi- dlcne.hhe's All nicbt.-Friend-“Yon told
me yuu had joioe-l the Andabon aucirty;
yet ytrtir m-a hai Is. Irimued Blm.-ai -nlirely with Mrds and Unis' |•lumaE-; '
The Wearer of the H*l—“Ye«; but you
aee. Ih.-w Urdt aw all klll.-d befor.- I
JidoH the ..K-irty-"
“That was k bard, mid rej»ort that
ati^ snrkera la I*lltabanC aeut lu llxmaiiufartaren. In which they asked f--r
mure i«y and ahorler tiou». wasn't It V"
“Y'i-a. nut nearly so amoolb aad eayil}
seen (hrooah as the petition drcqlati-d
by the class strikers."
“Whst do you think of the idea of allowinc DO one wbu dues not own t>r»|>
i-H* In the city to U-ofim* a jnonlcit«il
oUberr “What'a th.- use of worry ine'r*'
Ssked Senator Borabum. “Ket ......... .
alone. The ehslires are that It won't le
loliK alter eksiloa till lie's owninc prop«1y eiuinch to satisfy ercrybiHly.''
Uiuv u|s>n a time a lilni-Urd pip>il hU
lay early in the season. Tb.
reui _ .num
laid -asWe ____
Jh.-ir wif.............
riaier uti.liTw.-L.
and f.-ll aeordiucly ilL
line." n-nurked the doclora. aruii-ly.
• then- w.-n- aniiilstakald• '.le ayiu-.iusympt.iuie. This falil.- sb.iw 'h.iw imi«.rlaol it ia fur aiujciiis to haacieiitilic
“1 don't see what they want to k.i-p
up lliis Schtinc Pir." said the Tacol
siuall l»y. ''.kcuinal.le says b.- is c-ni.i:
tile (l.K>rj-i- Washiuxioii of bis .•.■iiii
try." was tin- n-jir irinc n-mlD.I.-r. "M'.-ll.
Imv.- Is-eii soUH- S. nse .tli.-n- niicbt ------eir.-i u» cuns and ran.....
If tb.-r fanil cie.-n
<s;]<-l>raliiic ill.l••]s•l-^’|I<
• i.I.-o
day by ati.«linc tews and
cU-nt H
rclici.ins n-remiiiii.-s. sn.t on u
the vases of insrld.-. Jade and
which har.' ls-.-r> fnim tim.- to limf..UU.I Tostal vlrcilis are d.-id.-te.) hoMioc fans of fealh.-r* with l-.iic nsli.r,
K..O or s.<l<l.-n haodh-s. with nlilcb
tlo-y k«i.l fh.- sacn-d fire aluhi.
feathers an.1 »neo palnliil by cn-nl sr
lists. In KratHs-. wh.-re s.imc of th-mint ta-aulirul fans were tnnd.-. a l»v>-y
.piK- was dv.-n liy tyoeen Marcs.-rit. l .
l»nis.- de I/orraine. ralani ni f«»«i
Caiherli..- de ...........
Medici was the first tbrine Italian feather___
r fans ..iniu Kran.-e.
In anri.-nt Key pt the fan was an . ii>Idcm of beari-n and hsppiiiess. and llusba|s-s of Ih.-se Inssrumenis hnee Is—u
pr»-serred fur ns in the fr>-«ssi of I’-e
l.mite aiM) 7bri.-ut tnonunu-QIs. In th..........- ----- --- - Btaiulst.l.
ano was carri.^ only b.r royal priiio-s ...
I.y warriors ..f reiiuwa not I.-sa tbsn of
crneral's rank.
Nolsslv ku..ws when nr where the fan
orieiiiated. 1‘roliably on a warm .la*
Kre picked a blc palm leaf and wnv-d
It in the air U-f..r.- h.-r far.- and simv
ih.-n all her'il.-se.-nd.vnta have bni folI.>«k1 her. l-'n.m all (junnera of tlu_
dnakj n-e<->aea of the pyrainldaT thlotnlw of ohl Home, the Interior of Afrie i
,’he far I.Uoda of th- l*arific.
f.iond: a
itltul. otbera yruics
ii,, o-renmnUl fans of Hindustan.
h.-a ilifull.v
■ ••
l.wth.-r wort with cemWust.-d
known n. Is- worth many ihuusands
„f dollars, .kiul it was il.-iil-il.-ss on a.count of th.-lr cr.-at value that the fi.n
Co<ls soil nf royalty,
bleb a plaie,
Indeed. dM Ibe fan com.- l.> tak.- in
----‘il. that .-ne ..f
evobes of aUHoBBtrea
the ehief joys promise.] to th.thi- f.v
f.vilhfni i
Rome montba aco H.-nator Tlawb-y one of the five para.tises is the
amt a nu-aa.-»cer f«>r one of the a.-n- 'or the deity Ixora. who dwells
ale romialttee rh-rka of the ai-naii-.
When the ri.-rk pea.-hed Benator Haw
ley be waa anmewhat aatMilahed to
\ hare the nU tnoi) oak;
I.»iBeM U the decayed friut of pbib
“){nw rooch did you pay for that
man ia mote or IcM of a hero
•all of rtolbear
'The rl.wk waa ao nnrprtaed that be to faioiself.
The |n.v that-kills Is Often a “fised''
did m.t aiiawer anlU the aetiator re
pealed the <ineallom when be Mldf "
Raallowiuc aasc tea it one way to
driuk In wisd.mi.
“Fifteen dtdlara.Ilie lisst way in beat a poor carpet la
Ttot'a w^t I heard.- aald the aeiu
lu l.nv a c<nl one.
alor. “Where did yon |wri Ur
It it wasn't fur the crip the cable
The ct,f» told him. and alood ex- roa.Is w-nild te duomed.
peclanHy aronderinc If he
I I'ur<iisi!.-a1ly si>-skiua. the luncm- la
mishis r tbau tbi- cl«ve.
tram why the Conn.wticol »
ws. takluc ,u...
.. in ^ If* har«' I- .•'•nvim, o e people that
aneh .
a ..creat
him hy naytaiR.
“Every lime I Ro to ^Icnd I hear
A lot «r bncRlOR atwut Ibeir F1.1
elotheo: I aan tired of It. 1 am p-lnR‘
lo wear a ault lual tike the one v.m
hare on and ahow th.-m that see can
make aa Rood riotbea for (10 a anlt us ,
Uiev can.''
Benator Ixidfo la alao now t.nirinc
are all riebt for abunsrha.
B,.-vy tinw the w.--ther ha. a
Uk.-s a drop of m.-ecory for it.
^The brM u th.tet the
““ > aDaj* the beat,
but^Mr. Us^^Seo^tllnry^dii**^ *“*■
Speafcinc of on. the Chi(-ac» rieor ia
a wal.r .-..lor in a rias. aU by itartf,
A man may b.- w..nh a ku or m-u.ey
al.or our would ouapect him of helnR
the moat ex|nnalvely dreaaod man In(1^ Oraiale
Aa a matter of fact, the mraibef. of
what U oonietlm.-* known aa the
“MUIIonalrea' clnli“ are rather ftsnd of
hnylDR Clicni. bnaities* aulta One of
pr.usf iiiu.-.
The mur7ilit.-r cons'b-ra
dn-am unill the .l.■mllmlis<'l
hla aolta ot a oono-m In
that manufactun-d to order tlhOOn of
tbe«r aalta a year. TIh- toaniifaclnrer
MiA that Id- made l.-aa ilum (1 aplvco
on them.—l>etnitt Journal.
Runs- |.e,H.l.- fiml as mu. I. pk-asure in
«-faiuiuc ateui their iuisr..nuncs as oibdo in UuisUi.e of th.-ir c.sal lock.
BrMaoee* wT noHactllMs
"Bill here conn-a the Imuk areeh an'
the llchinln' rod man. an' th.- .-l.■•k
peddler, an' the irtrr-f.-nre fellow, an'
the emnuer distributor chap, an' the
brathen antecription w.vnian, an' the
catendllar exterminator, an' the man
The Boston Store Factory Remnant lale
On Tuesday Morning, July 25th,
At 7 o'clock sharp, we will open our doors to the public with an unprecedented sale
BurpasUnc in magnitude of bargain giving, anything ever attempted in Northern
Hicbigan. Our buyer has just returned trom a market of ••CLEAN-UPS,” and after a
week of shopping the result of his untiring efforts has been most graUfylng. 60c on
the dollar was the limit he paid on any purchase for this FAOTOltY EEMNANT
SALE, consisting of broken lines and lots from mills, jobbers and importers
No quantity was too largo constetent with good quality. He plunged In deep and
bought heavy because cheap. The goods placed on this factory remnant sale are as
good as the best. The lateness of the season, the assortments somewhat broken, and
the temptation of a spot cash deal aro the main causes of the lowness of price.
We close till day Monday to get the big stock ready, and have marked every dol
lar’s worth on tuts factory remnant sale from 33 1-3 to 60 per cent, from actual cost Of
We have secured extra he’pjio meet the rush. The sale will continue only untU
the iactory remnant lots are exhausted, as there aro no duplicates to be had.
Factory Remnant Sale on Silks
34 inch pun* Dresden Silks, valo# $100. Factory
lU-maiitil Prif«.......................................................................
Black Brocaile aod Fancy Silks, valu.* 76c Faclor)Hcuiuatit Price.......................................................................
Wiuiliabie China Silks, extra quality, >-alue 40c. Fac
tory llemnant Price...........................................................
Lining Silk, value 2n cents,
Factory Itemnant Price................................
FiLriiretl Silk Mmiaseliue for dreasee, A-aloe 60 cents.
Factory ID-nmant Sale Price..........................................
Small Factory Hemuants uf Silks at less ihaii 6(>c
on the Dollar.
................. 98c
A lot of Ladies* Mackiutoahea, value $3.50 to $4 00.
Vnvf.......................................... .......................................
lilies* and Miaaes* Jackets, valne $4.50.
Ladies' Silk Brocade Skirts, \Alae$f».
Sale Price..................................................................
Jnsl in ibe heart of tlieB<*asnii when yon look for a iiioe,
cool Silk Waist aud find prices ratlier hiudi. we have solved your
ribleiti. Ni»w is your chance Uj buy at our FhcUiry Uemnant
SaleatoDe-halfprii<te of!...............................
I the oruriitsl values
Factory R.-ninsut Price.................................................
Ladies' heavy Iinlia Silk tVml.al Waist, rain.* $5.
Factory Kemnant Price.......... .........................................
Fin.*st of Satin and faffeia Silk W’aista, well w.n-k..d and hands imcly trimmed, value $7,50. Fac
lory Ib-miiant Price.......................................... .............
Ladiaa' Percale Waiata value 50p.
Kemnant Sale Price........
i.i«e \
valne (I riO to *i00. Faciury Kemnant pritv............... 89c
Factory Remnant Sale of Linens
and Wash Goods.
f'otton Crashea value-5c. Factory Kemnant Pri.-e............... 8c
All l-iiieii ('rashva, value 7c. Fw-tory Keninaiil Price.... 4c
AH Linen rwillCmehee. valne 8c Factory Remnant Price 6c
Pure Linen Glaaa Toweliu^, valne tic. Factory Kemnant
.......... :.................................... .............................................. 6o-v
CoHon Towela. value 5c. Faclorv HemnaDt Price each... 8e
('otton Towela, InriivT, value 8c. Remnant Sale P-riceeach 3c
Turkey Bed Table Clottf; value 20e.. Factory Remnant
Priee..................................... '.................................................................. 18c
72 inch Fine BlMched Linen Damask, value 75c. Factory
Ktftnnnnt Price.............................. .....................................................48c
White {'becked Apron Mualin. aasortevl patterns, »*alne 8c
and 10c. Factory Remnant Price.................
Imported Aostrian Ncnelty Oraab Skirting, value 50 cents.
Factory Remnant Prise.....................................................
Factory Remnant Sale of Staples
Foil yard wide Unbleachetl Sheeting, valne Sc. Factory
Remnant Pri«>....................
Beat KngHah Flanelettea, valne 10c. Factory, Reronan^
Beat Stendard Dreaa Prints, value 5c. Factory Bemnant
Beat Standard Light Shirting Priota, value 5c. Factory
Remnant Price................................................................................... 8*C
a alunc
Children’s .rackets, value (4.50 to Ki.
Sale prh'e.................................................................................
Udiee’ Taihired Suita, valne «.
Sah- price................................ ;..............................................
Ladies’ Tailorw] Suita, valije »12 to »ir..
Factory Remnant Sale of Millinery
Choice of our Ik-irt pattern JIata np to *12, at oar
h'actory Remnant Sale, price................................
o erv
Ijjidiea' Sailors, value -50c;
Sale price........................... ............................ .......................
Fact<iry R'-mnant lot of Flowern, value from 36 to
to ‘.Kh- each. choi<-e of any............... ...............................
4 t
1 OC
A Factory Remnant Lot of
, Wall Paper
White blanks, pretty desiinif. al 2ic a single roll.
CluiiiH- lot .if gilte. 4c per bitigle loll.
Beat ingrain l»api-r in up to-date bhadinga, I24c per single roll
Factory Remnant price on several tiumberaaf Lowell InirraiDa
at 60c ik-r yard.
CRher brands of all-wool Ingreinb. sal*- jirice 38c.
Good <iuality straw malting, sate price 8Jc.
Factory Remnant Sale of Shoes
The Factory Remnant Sale in thia department alone means
a ^*af KBving lo yon. We Lave'secured mobl wonderful barptina hete. You must follow the crowd early Tuesday morn
ing, SB the plnma go first.
250 pairs of Liadiee' Oxfords and Slippere. atrirtly high grads,
Md a^lo-date^lwear, vAlues »200 and f2.60. aaln price,
100 pairs of Ledieb' finest Vici Kid. np-to-dat-* shoes, in tnroa,
welte and McKays, values W.50, sale pric*-, $1.48.
100 pairs of I^diee’ Viri Kid, up-to-date aliuea, every pair
warranted, values (‘2.50. anii- price, $1.26.
Men's solid grain abo<>b, sale price 90c.
Men's satin calf, up-to-<Ule shnes. sale price $1.28,
Factory Remnant Sale of Clothing
A rrand elotblDR redaeiioa ifarooRboat tbb decartateBt. tagetber
arlUi tbe apeeial lou booRhj; for Uii« aale. at as way-down flora, la tioaiid
aooc lb* baylof pablie
il eas<i(D*re and el
eberiot aalta, lo ae*«ra1 op toTbe kii
(7 so to 11000. well
good flltinf clothing. Our
ir Psetory
Reanant Bala..
A apeeial eatranrdtnary object tn the belter dreosed. wbo _
(15.00 to »?5 00. soiu we offer dariag thU tale cbolee of our
flneut Block of mm'* buIu of Bll-*rool eaailBetea, lE #k
woratodauad nnbbv mixed cbevistyles. TSlaea (to. (iC: had (15. fa*.................. ruaad VViVW
Cbildiwn'B floe all-wool aolta in
, eUya, and BBoeateda,
valuea, (S oo. sale ortee..
CMIdroa'a all-wool, I
UmW gray hsir-line
line oseiiaarepaaia.w
rariair. tloea. (150, sale priee...
BMiinere mala, ia neat ^tfls. valna St 00.
..oJ'x.'S'iJrs J4._gg
(jirltte. w.wkl kk-k'Uke
uilor held similar rk-wa.
This M the s<-aiinu ..f aarkHupv and
Mininery la Uhcc oiu.-ptH,.-...si.
Vetret house cowns are |d. tiinwqn.-.
do not w..men cuinl Itei .-banct
Trains are nul.-d in Ib.-at.-r c.mua •(
Oten fin-a add
than fnruhare M
th.- .-sirineiw of a
li *•a stnnev but Kw that
Factory Remnant Sale of Cloaks
A lot of IsuHea' Capes. valiief4 lo85 00.
Sale pric«-.................................................................................
FactoryRemnant Sale of Notions
«Q qR
■wni H6Mtaro ja6o«P WMBAT, iVVt ». 1^.
«raanBS0 cAADd.
hnnunc miwn
Wade BROS.,
Otto «r tbe SOM Important pt tto
tow Bntlab prodocu at pnaent torpaly
SMdiBthlacoatry to chalk. It cocnaa
Tbla foWB la sada tboto a atob
tbe banka of tto rtrer Tbasea,
4toua todlM- AMb or a daUeato peart
We aiT apata penpnnd to deltnr laa
tto Jacket cm EICS abape and and between 175.000 and in.000 bai^
■ all paria of tto eity- OarptloMwOl
reto of tto BStefial are conanmed to
a aa low aa aay offered.
lUiae. tDd«7 » Cte toam stdiag to a tofi-abapad eaS. tto -Cnnad Sutea annually. In lu
OiMi Oi^iif OMt.» Qw« <y
crude fonn inmarkahle flint foMfb are
to aOLabadad rroB vhlto
flUM *»b** Bt BbOtt^
fonsd. nanally tbe remalna
Bdth'Pbonea. »*
te iBMiiinT vttk U« icltpoaw to dark pay. baa aootowbpt «* • «
of flab. Tbe proeeaa of sannfactnre
4«^«B^«(aapLl4.wa> Tte
from tto natotal aute to that of a
TfcwwlMililt ■---- g tb» fWkf ud
form wban It can be otlUaod for com.
tWMtj ndt berood Ui^
merdal pnrpoaea la almple. Wben revstv
n4 IlM wta>» ■!>• Btriick.
a dodob. atwrMv *•« a**^celTed at tto BnpUata (aUl tbe chalk xrtMvr
M. ler M Uw. omew OWj
Beta* mk.
to pot into preat sacfalnea and pronnd
FOB HALE—ar—fltoekmllliMfT. tn«Mte ntO tM Btn bad Mbaidcd.
to water. It to than floated off Into i-kBAW. 1. *W a noon. Pkiaton?
Totae «3.M» without farnttaru: elean,
«teB to w«i to a to»#bbo«'a bi*to
TUta or dMT water, where aO tto to>aad apto date. Death o< owner'*
Md .«M WM tok«) dDva wftb an ai*
porlttoe. and forelpn enbetancee are
wife tbe eaoee of aale.
«r rtowde farar. »Wcb bapt
pcnelphBted. tbe water beta;;-after.
barpton. Apod bnaii.
Ite to bid tbfw Baolba.
town for adMU notbtap. 1‘rioe.
«W awaar pt tto baaaa wbart ba
atovad »»*«<< bis aa wan that to obFUB 8ALB—094—«• fk oa bat Front
euas beat aad expoaore to tto air.
•« tto tofdtto flab.
Street, we*i of Mfelliaptoo.
A fln«-Tto aibatance to then reduced to a
««M aa^ aa to «M abta to w ‘
lawn, one modem naldenc
powtor^ different degreea of fltteneea
rXILSpn * OAT*. A«*r»«»a Bptatal ta
rrxuM. Also on aauM
Bent srorfcmanahip money
auldac blB aa eaetaatod that
by prtadliip In a bar mill and bolttap, GKroOtataPR^froeOw. BMktato
small boose, 4 rooms. A desirable
can employ for Kcycle
arrar wtobad to
when It to ready to be packed la barpwee of property. Pcioe plveu
Repairing. Qoick work.
teto and abipped for aaa.-New Sork
**nll Alar alats to dMBCtlaB Bat la
BaUand Express
FOB 8ALE-ei—tot HI blort *. Hood■ ar a
neh'B Add., eoraer Baadolph andar pototoaa. tto artflaaJ aeadlof of
Mantooo. Larpe mod-rn teiidenee. ns Dnlea mreet.
«hlA MB flrn bla by bla beorfac10 rooms, stone baaem at. Btied for
Dr. WatfUuld. saya Le Journal dTlytor far tto psrpaaa af ewtop tbrosafamaoe. Hooee oostll7«i; lot Worth
plena, tfalnks that tbe chlorooM and
flVM. Will beaoU-atsacrifice price of
Ate. Ba bapaa to torry tbia poUto
oenrasw from wbhk ao many younp
to bla paekat to Mareb. Ufli. At that
ptris suffer may be torpriy attributed
«M n waa larpar tbaa a baa'a app.
A«&—Two soft, lots earner MadtooB
to the abuse of the piano. It li necaaaad Esndolpb, Boi Bonee. Bnpiae.
Bard ato ftin ar Jol<w.
suy. Mrs tbe author, to alsndon tbe
Boild.op. Fipea, tbe whole property
. Dortop tto aossar tt brpaa to
deadly habit of compelUnp younp piria
antabla aad pro* tabby, ao that Clark
to hammer on tto keyboaid before
M blk H. Kal
(boapbt af tbrowlnp It away for a aaw
they are 15 or 10 ydn-of ape. Even
kaska. pood bnsiDCO* property, oenProperly nerred in a oeal «Hb
Ma. aad wotod tora doaa ao aararal
at this ape tbe exercise aboold be partnlly located. Always rwu for
tisaa had to aat haaa aaaurrd that to
inu rotjm.
mined only to those who are really
pend Snre, now leased for 1 year
■htti a -rtoosalla potato" saaat bad
talented and are ponacased of a robnat
icmpernnient. Dr. tVacuuM shows
DaHap tto Bort year It had faBaa tnattop effect, but blenda hannonlona- that ont of l.OW yonnp ptris atadylnp
of PkllndelphUaway to tto alac of as tofUab watoot ly. The aUrt to treated te tbe aaito the piano before tto ape of IX yearn
Cigars of Every Kind
aad bacoma bardaaad. tylap la bla tooee of embroidery. Tbe pattM to. OOU were aflllctcd with oervout trou
padtot Uka-a block of wood.
of conrae. more extwialre and elah^ bles later on. while the nurolwr hav- Lari T. Pennington, District AeT
MaaowbOa Clartto rbaosattas had ate. A nnlqne feature to tbe land de- tap affccUona of ibto kind waa only
hoBse ai><> bare, pood »^np wak
aelbaiy dtaappearad, ao one day In the elgna. exiendln* around tbe »klrt • 200 for tbooe ni a later ape. and only
Mrtap of IBM. after petrtop badly abort rtlaunre below tbe wal»i. Tbe 100 were affected amonp those who
jrtb of Baptist I
wtotad froB dlpplnp aardtoca. to bt^ eatlVe eoatome it lined with handaome bad never touched the InatmiuenL The
shore, ts:
kla trowm on a fence to waab o«t In taffeta tUk of altemattap atrtpea In study of the rlolln produces e
r IS aerrs.
per acre. Will m
tto ralna and left tto oaaaoaa.pouto la lorqoolae and white._______
dlsasTroua results than tboaa attribut
aaa of tbe pockets.
ed to tto piano.
Front *treeL......................
Wfcy. WeSM SertT Atoaad.
la Joae the rbausatias tatnmed
Spruee toys level with street:
AtMtber of our rich Ameflcnn wom
with foTT. which remtoded Clark of
IHO.. FriceX&D.
ntae sf tbe Oeeu.
bb pouto. On acarebtop bit trooaen en to reported to be enpaped to an
An officer of a liner once remarked
FOR 8ALE-r4U!—Farm 100 acres
poAat for tbe tallaman be fonod It Bnpltaman of title. Tbe llM poea on
miles west of city, tm acre* aaoer
had epreated and partly decayed.
and tto wonder noror that most men aeem to be as Ipnorani
i&O bearinp apple, pear
KamasbeHap tbe pood It bad done acema to cesae. Many piTsons find It
^ 1«—fi—:
: .
bis. Clark pUntad tto tober to the dllBmlt to uodefstanrt Ibe preference of tbe distance between the heavimly
tardea aad produced a freab pouto
woman for exalted station*, bnt Padfle coTcr* ©Cooo.Orti wiuafv mUoa:
Vtbarak. s'l neees-ary *bed».
far kla sialady. He coDtlnsed to aeba they fontet altopetber the borteoa
an oosBS nnUl tto pouio which bad which a title opens to be>. There are. the Atlantic SO.cwojriO and the Indian
ape, fine
rSverarCttr. Ifk-k.
pmeed ao naefnl to bis bad produced In moat eaaea. tbe prrot estates to pre- ocean. Arctic aad Antarctic 42.000.■ fenpOsUoD.ktoae erllar.
4 bots.s. 14 cows. hsruc*a«». »uppi<«,
Ita crop of labera. when be sdected a Sde orer. tbe bouses to rule-Uou*ea OUO- To Blow away the coutcuu of the
wBpoDS. sieiph*. cotters, all farmlnp
Bsall one from tbe lot of aU and pot which are often «'entnrie* oM. and I*8cl0c It would be neci-Maty to 811 a
tank ooe mile loop, one wile wide and
implemrBtv all crops of whicn iberr
tt to bla pocket.
tberefote rich In those tradition* and
M acre* coastotlap of wheat.
.mile deep every Ua.v for 44o y«wr».
Itot waa three yearn apo- Since old eMtoms wblcb no new country
bay. potatoes.
Id flpurcs the PacIUc bold* In
tbfs Ctaik baa bean ptnpapattop and c«D know.
Then there 1* tbe polit
floe1 prove. Tots farm Is ka<>->a as'
weipht 0m.000;0<O.(W0.<»Ki.t«>.iiU0 tons.
ical life to whic-h titles entlUe a man.
Weldoefl fanaor Hi toide dsliy:.:
Th«‘ Atlantic averaptw a de|itli of not
and with fhat life there to tbe eomlnp
«srtetklsse*t peMibir sraSs. PlM i
bolldlnps alone cost o*er to.o'W. pcod,
work s •pwtaJtr.
<b aa .
*oii, and a pold mioe f*ir some one. i
In contact with many mtada with the
tbonpb bU lepular prtce to BO cents. poealblltty of belnp herself a power y2S.000.<nn.noo.<Mii.n)t) tana and a
.Price for all. to.ouo
Vaw OffiM. Merkbam Block
Ba has raceiecd Mder* from all parts amonp them. To tbe woman of btph- tank to coiiialu it would have tsm-h of
of Kew Enpland. and as yS nobody ly endowed mind noihlnp can take the iU Bides 4211 wiles loop. The tlpures
baa coBptotaed of a failure to cure.
place of companloD*hlp with a preat of the oUht' oci-aii* are m tbe'Miiie
ioptoo ir btateslrieeu. Mastbemodproportlona-Ncw
This apHnp a Boston.apeeutotor c.
era and a- reasooabie price.
statesman, and those who have en ■UrtllDp
fsnd bin moo cash for bit entire stock joyed It at WashlnptoD And a *tranp« JoumaL
IXIB SALK-r.is—Home aad lot, enmer
«f abopt two barreU. Clark lanpbed dearth tn tbelr lire* wben a new adof C-iBw<«<d arroue aod Htotb street.
r Se ladlaai
5 room boBta. pood ham. well, aevat htm. aad contlnoad to work on bla mtalstratlnn forces husband or father
A BuwwatT or the pldss iudustry of
hot-baua for *inwtBp barly potato .put of offlee.
tbe aistioD for tbe last worklnp .rear
aprouta. Be taieDds to plant about
Scoffers are apt to asy that beauty
two aersa this season.—Naw York Sun. or a fat bank account la aeconataWe
made another womlerful pain. )iutatri|>«. J. MURC'.AN. Proprietor.
for all the lirilllant marrtapea which
Sw‘« o
onr women make, and tbe fact I* al- plnp PcunsylvanUi In window plass
D SS-S.A pood frsw
Tto old stories of tha monka' blpb topetber Ipnored that a certain qnall- produi-Uvc facllltlc* an<l Hiamlinc her
with w.ap all floisbe'. Windwl i’------- ?
tsastlBp are now said to be Ubela In* flcstlon. If not exactly aeceaaary. to at e<|ual as tbe prcaiest xhiM t
and wel . wsler piixa fe-w well to I Trsma srrt.r frou OrsiHt iweiri.
Tolcea of tto stoeea In tbelr atore- leaat a freqoent factor In thrifi. Take.^ ecmer In tbe entire worid. The ■ '• I 1 twn-seat extension top Oarrlape
e™...,»b......, i.;«. ,i.«y
boosu exist to-day and all the food for Instance, the cate of Ml*a Letter,* luary Ju*i cora|ilci«l shows tlmi there i gewlv palated, price
tree*. Bsm :4ii.li l-srtu «ll impr-iv.
was of tbe pUtast klnd-qaantltiea of now tbe wife of the Tleeroy of India, are now im plsu fttonM of all hlwto i i Ftaaetoo Bopp*. pood order. f4ii0u
ed. lays l”, miles Oi.rth -.f Wi l-Stns- Ttsi—srtHre t-o- »lcbis«.-. »o i I
jTopMuppy.aUlcpnodabape flSSOO
herrinp and stock flab <a aort of cod with a pOBltlon to bold tn the EnpuA- la tbe state of Indiana. Tbe worklnp
barpoD B.S Rapids rosd I’rice.Si.MKL
aant fTom Irelandl. bacon, salt beet. apeaklnp worid which only Queen force of these ptouta tn Indiana Is uut I I Road Wspnt). pood as new, tSS-OQ.
FUCSALB—CiT—West So acres. I»t 3.-.
' '
coarse SnS for VlrtoTta bemelf can rtral. Few of our flpured. hut It will n«t fall la-low 15.- I
a and Urd.
American plrto hare wudled »o bard, (SlO.-Indtooapolls Newa
Tto lorurlea of tbe time w-rt or recelred ao earefnl an education.
spteea. wblcb entered Into eeery well- Rhe to* been cultivated In all the
l*rioe 8MUU;
eoAad dtob. and In tbe liss of tto pracea of mind and body, equipped In
LR—Lota 19
1» and 3n. block 1.
eantantt of tbe monks’ cupboanto one other word*, for any role ahe mlffhl
Ferty Hannah's seond add. corner
•nto no mentloa of aplcaa. nor pbena- be called upon to fllL One t» someKohemla and 11 th slreeL Price
anta. vaBtoon or capoo or aay of tbe times Inellwd to a*k whether thto can
mils till menu Bcott repalM tbe ab be aaia of many of our younp womeo?
FOR SALK-604—NS Of*« S *K
S5—11—sbont CS scrca eolld
bots of ble e
—Barper'a Baaar.
I. balsam.eedar swi
Tto abbou. bowetor. o^ I
Xa?a*v"ea?se Oiiisr, Tiffi nlAxgan..
Home cedar t Iken oat.
. Jlnnse aad lot on
FOB 8At.K-Su>-ilo
•Od princes, who would grumble If the
Tbe Uteft manlfesiatloo sporttve.
VVetotersL Hevea rooms aici-ly fiatable waa not BO well supplied as tbelr and one likely to beeotne rery popular
txtiN-. NH-TH
tobed. pood well water, fruit aad or•wB. ao donbttoaa -blpb table" was with the pleasure-luvius rarislsos. I*
meatal trees, larpe lot. oosSuo. small
fmquently enjoyed. Not no tbe tbe raUI-automvtdle. or i>ai>er chase In
bsro. FricePriM)
• - l, isii.-v,r
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooraa with FORSALll-S90-loacre*,onPeolB*ula^^^T™.r^^«>
Bwnka' beard. BtllL la 1311 one Urd- motor cars. The first of thesi- novel
v-w.vm % wm.mww.w
«r eontalocd. aecordtap to record. and very exhltonittap runs took plaee
S’, mile* fro a city. Hisiapple, plum. If'
i*vfda i;... F*
cherry sod peach trere. alt beartag.
tsTMty oxeh, flfteen pip*. AOOO hci- recently. Tlie sUrtlnc point was the comfortable hofels in Northern Michigan. Address for
torpeater Hi^fTflneat location on FeilflBps, aevan ecote dopflsb. twenty
<K1IK(; NoRTtl.
Insuls; will take part city, property. .1
ponnfls of alfflonda thirty ponads of
Ite*. ata bareeta of lard, two quarters of oars enilless—tricycles, breaks, lioat- ”‘“HrNNAH“S^
of Mh and a quantity of oatmeal. The Shaped eatriapes. wagonettes, phaeProprietors.
I----- e. brewed beer tepuUrly aad all toM—In fact vebleW of every Imag
phot waa not eaten was given out to inable pattern. The cours<‘. traced In
'OB SALE—&Tt—Uood frame bonae t-v
h *. m f.-.''«ir «dj
ted paper, was admirably ealeulati-d
and eight scica of lana. sUosted ArivTetary. '
to mislead the unwary, false slgnixMis
aboat one mile frnm center of city.
■ew Ttov CtM» BIvsn.
a Its S IS- *S >•
honae UxZt, six rooms In boose, a. Elk Bspu,'
leading to blind wall* and roto-de-sac
' BfliB nlUtaiy antberiilto bare
of all sort*. The winner was M. O.
kofo dCToUnp mneh attention to tto
de Knyff: M. Chartno. who actnally
qnlck tranaportatloo of armies aevoM
streak Ua reocna, atone f<.UDcls-.
nnfortnnatei EBHOE Arest,
llvan. One of tbs oxpOTlmenta to tbs
, ly cho*€« Ibc wroap side of the course,
tablap apart of bappape wapona and
WK want a few bnodred dollars to
tbam actnaa aa eUed canvas kl. CtaiTon. by tbe way. to one of the
Bwat notable peraonalltle* In tbe auto
place on personal property loan*.
ripped np by other wagon aeoaaaortao
mobile worlA where be goes by the
Will puarantee all loana
tata 0 sort
name of “Lohengrtip' partly on aet, and can ,
Tbe aboTc arc all t
tv Bnariaa cavalry carry akts
count of bto Wagnerian aspect and
to bmpht on easy terma We have UJDSTBE AID fOBTIEUTQI A
BB^ Which wb4n lnflat«d will bear
partly on account of tto fantastleslly
tbontanda of dollan worth of other
■p tv walpbt of both ataa aad bone
b»rpaina In farm and cUy property.
shaped white ear that be affects, wblcb
to cneetap tbe widest stream.
Oome and see ns If you want to buy.
ta sold to bare cost plO.fpo.
TV Okbetnlkl troepa croa- -----------proper^ with na If you want
were by no means absent; and when,
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
toto bap* and an bits ef driftwood after accompHsblnplbe mn enveliiprd
rafts. Another
Caataoafl taget^
Oarofficato at *11 Front atreel, «P b»4_0?YS.I_
a boadto to tbe eye* In tbe most cosy and pleBtalra Yon wl.l sea onr shri at the « a 'r.s.|
tnreaque fora, tbe fair etonffeuaea. I
bouom of atalrsray. Ooupstair*, torn .----ttlefk take first door to
4 Wta
sign to slonpsld* ito door. We are not
J S*i ____________
on tbe pronnd floor. *;t least onr efBoe i m « «<j
Bisd. ! «»e '.wld.^r sw—r«> rmsun.
RmI Estate, lettieieNs.
Tritos, loMi Uueis.
Hopkins Broft.
Gas Lamp-S2.00....
Provident Life
and Trust Company
llso» IdII liaeof Cagfectioier
John R. Santo,
Geaeial lasaraact.
»Grtid KipUi t Iritui R. J
Park Place Hotel!
West Alichigai
'it I'll*
FOR SALE F^sALK-sw-Bo—.di*. >'»i» k;5:ssa
^—nuiERSE emr
^ t
Mf^^Si^UBcSty'7 movtap a
penusta baa lad to tV exMirnmu to torn
ColtBi* flows outward from
toart: daepentap and broadening as It
Mbs tto stnams of learaUip and maktap fUd tbe waste Maces that 1U
•veet watm rmeti. It to increased
..Sil Mk • mu a abort time apo
•nd pnriflad Just In proportion to tto
^ V paM tom for Ms vote."
of- aprtafs
of ktadltaess that
-WdU. air."
Bcaater flop- bnbWa op to Jots tt on Its w^- '"
mbnm. dmwlnp ttawtof ap. “I aVnid
„ .vs—,totndad wos tVnght3aty Mm to aay atVpwV.
totornTfiSlumra aito ^
s tbe ana who faala ter Vr
MiiMbana ..........
!! IS ■H'’--'-'"
. i™«.
stUl remains
TV eU pontoea brite atU
iumber co.
Bicycle Saddle—Gnaranteed for three yearsLook at them whether too need ooe or noL
*800 or *10.00 will buy a good aecond-haod bi
cycle-*25 vrill bay the best new wheel on the
market—Come and aee my dUplay before going
Wade Bros.
* l| SlM*
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