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The Morning Record, June 25, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TU^ Twr->Ko. 60S.
0«Mtml Otto UiiMttl*!
nblaCpr tb« Ztwih of Om
Arrived «t SranM, Fr»soe,
TceUrday Morning.
JUKE 85,1899.
A Year Ago
the Spanish Fleet
and Army
IMndt. dua»4 -Dc. &U«Lo^«»U
XAedterKUotBScontMid AMtorl*
raipoaitbf toe U> imA
Vico OocilB* to OleeaM the M«U«r_
oMf IH Con BMbviM’tn bj erlalM]
Dnjfu SUM VO the XiilUtr
AinaUi udM Md
SriMo Id • Otewd Ourief* Witk
Bteort of 9U AMdAmM.
PmHUBt McX<ml^ B«IUM V*t.
Vili b>|fa4ata««4 A«4WM«i Troo|M M lib nimpttaM*Wf Pt»iriMWt rr»p*rtnt to A«V
Tbo prto«»M--------
' iMdoB. J«Bo >4 —n* Bveslac
D. C-. J*M t< —
H««« tbit eftcnooB poblla'tca a 4br Md U* •djaI patU from lu eonwpoedmt at &mtaat ffcaml of tb« i
'■M, rncotvbbhaaTt: -With aU
doodod wUhtoIaCMt fro loAilitaiT
«p.l..U« ......Md,.!. 1—W.: Dr. KUw Wo. U.»».l.Wbld.tt.'“™'““
Dr«7(ae arrbad bar* at « o-eloch th«
laf thoir Mrwleoe (or the rolaatrcr
Ipof Srad
aiwr whbh a
BMoy paopU ap■oat Vaa la Obpata.
-A ap^etel tralB with (oor
pafoatip hallo?* wUl ha aaoi to the
■Mlae-Kallap hone eoM iraa rarearrlTCd bare aad the
PhlUpplaa*. Thaaa dUpatehee are
la tha Cirealt (orthwltfa ratand a«^e)o**d
rarroBoded bjr eta eendariBaa.' nW •
totheallharrpriaoii.wbenthej I 1 fTl O
maa araa detalaod. pnaBaeatOp X XAU.W
Malawhlah aar?pd la tb* war wlU|^ ^ Kali,,, ah-, ooalaadad that
at tha'^ tor (ear
(*• of laahara.
•pala, aad paapl* of ao Allltarr «
trotuar hune Fred Al
»h..^ i • -Tb
■Tb* BBthorltlM hare daelbied all
Yon 11 Uare ttyiu>: to find
hM boM amead^ the bUU«ou\b *
'>5 »*"■ 01* B. i lafenaation aad the raUway oSebU ter ahott^barKaiQM than «e aroof- ferioK from now 'till aflt-r the 4th.
BawaMoere that UaomI
Bd Keck, alleced to-------------- --------- ------”
Parte, JoM S4.—A dienalcb to La|
>bb* on the Orand Bapid* (air Pntrie from Brrel anp* that tbe cmlear I
to pBt down the ieeorraetloB.
frottod* traeh* three peare af o.
Stax, with DrepfBt aboa'-d left tb* |
Aetlag. Saeiwurp Melkrijoha aod
Thb eaee wae the moat tenaeioulp vieinitp of the Uland of Maderia tbia
Adjataat Uaaeral OorMo are anthorlt;
(onfht of aop eaa* that ba* bees tried morning. Her eommaader found ordeib
tor the Btauaeat. hawerar, that ao
1n thb eonrt far a food
from Parle airalUng him tbere
deabloaloBaBtertaaor more rolanand It wae not the fault of the attorI Mm'* 6bc drr*e ehoe*. light weight—
taara than the
aepe for the plaint IT ibat tbe J urp
«aaw to be orraoifed from aaioaf tb*
dared a rerdlci In f*r<w of the defen
elau troopt oow lo tb* Fblllpplaea ha*
dant. Tbe plaloUff'a
jret bees reaebad. From all that cao
•t LaeFrgaa
jduetrdbp Frrd ll. Fratt and J. W.
b* laaraed It b erldaat that u
Hetehla and U w** ablp tried. lo-Ue
Lae Vegu. N M . June f«—The flret
aldaratloa hae been plrea the qieetloa
of the adrleabtlltj' oNanemeatiBK <iea- ■ammlaf npMr. Pratt made a atroof aannai renoioa of the bocletp of I3v peln ladle*' kid >boee. lace AQ.
arfnmant aod placed tbe detaib of the Bongb Bldare began today. Tbe town or buuop. the newnyle*. enotb- HAr
iralOlb- force deaplu bi* atoUment
caeeofhb elieat iBUIlifenUp before la gap with -bunting and oavelrp er bargain—celebration price...
that the 10.000 troop* already aaeiraed
tbe J irp and with eharaeterbUe f'
yellow, though the deooratloaa have
tohb aoamaBd will be eaffinaat Vo
Wr. I'atehin made the eloalnf arfu- been bedraggled bp rain. A ^rk baa
4**11 the reballloa
ment aad bb addrem to tbe jarp
been converted Into encampment
The adBlabueiion hae. appareaUp
naohad the oooelnelOB that It will be
lealteiplea You'll dad our celeb-aqnenn. Mr. McKiIrbt and Hanlp C.
Uoveraor Otero Ud bit ataff and tioo prlow tbe lowe»t in town.
via* to orcaaiitaa additional milUarp
Uodf* far tb* defendant prcnented Oovnmor Murphy of Arizona are bare.
tore* eoflebotlp laire to anet av oall
pow. Tbe governor of Colorado I* fepreeealCrom Uaaeral Otb (or more troop*. No arfnmenb
When tbi rd bp former U^verncR' Adame and bp
erdar* In that ^aaeetloo bare bees erfol
batted, bowerer. aad do atcpa bare Jnrp reUred the flrtt ballot wae eight b‘a mllltarp ataC. Tbe governor of
baas taken bepond the preparation bp to tbra* to favor of tbe plaintiff bot tb* Cblboabne, Mexico, east hbrband.
the adjetant rrneral of rerp nooplei* floal ballot waannaalmoBa for the de Tbe trework* will indnto a pproteebnie rcprodttcUoD of tbe Baa Joan Agbl.
planafot maetcrlnr In rolnnlaer* ae fendant. A motion for a eUp of
mor Otero and tbe mayor beaded
aoon aa Preeidcat MiKlnlep rt*a* the enUon for elatp dap* wa* granted.
Later in the dap a oaUea of appeal to tbe, oommiti** which met Colonel
naoeaearp anthoritp.
It wa* aald at the War Departmant. tba Haprame oonrt wa* Had and tbe Rooaeveltat Baton near the etate llne.
Otero tendered the freedom
on fetrlp food aotborltp, that tb* adImmedlaUlp aftor tbe Kallep-Oer- of New Mexico to tbe party.
rleaWUtp of orranlxlnf a fore* of to,€00 eolnataare (or earrio* la the PbUlp- maln* eeae had fooe lo the jarp tbe
The Fourth In Porto Bloo.
plare wee oooeldered. but It rra* deeld- eaee of Gordon Bari v*. Herbert E.
Waablngton. Jane «4.-Tbe ollli
I will eupplT floe ice tor tbe ee*
ad that thb nambar wa* too larf?. aad Bongbep foralleted breach _of eonatSt Uper month,or H-OOper me
of 8u Juan de Porto Bteo prepoee
ataa* thea oonelderntton bM baaa fir- tract neat oeenplad tbe oonrt'a atten
if paid in advairae.
aa to the formaUon of a amatler force. tion. A jarp wne nt onoe Impaneled diaplep their patrtoUam and ■dnlltp t*.
tkeUalted SutM bp oelebraUag
The plan* wbleb are pow brief ai and tbe ataiament of the mm mnd*
Fourth of Ju y lo Amerlean etple. Hie
reafed la the adj itaat feneral'a otoea Mnnip C. Dodge and C. O. T^nnr at
tariff ha* been declared off on
OoatemplaU the BBatarinf In of either tomepetertb* plaintiff and Pratt A
tea rafiaeaet* or la.ooo men.
Davb for the defcodanL iievaral worktt ablpped for that parpoee.
JrXr,..:^ rrtldririii.*'"'
Were io Ha
-Oor boy* were within a few -mile* of them
•ad marciiiiiff toward their tnms. Wb*t biatory baa bew nsde
This 4th of July moans somottiinc to os *11. and if yon.
hare t patriotic corpuacle in yonr.*n»tomy, riiow it by decor*. ‘
tion* *nd firework* thi* 4th of July.
Bny the*e thing* where yon get beH f*1ne for yonr money.
Onr stock is *11 new. freah *nd bright—We think onr prico*
c»nnot be bettered—judge for yonrtolf.
Show year color* July 4th, *nys)*y.
mpeClWABlE. Jt„ Ituw. W
Out Celebtaiioi
Prices do the busioess.
.111 Gwils te Send fr«
Union Haile Oreialls and Shirts'
Aoy eize Over*lla from 28 waist
to 48, and 27 to 38 inch lomj.
and Oztords
Alfred V. Friedrich
It pays to trade here.
MO F.O.T '.Tonr
eta from :f0 to 50 chest measure.
Sm ov 'idon PMe 6.
$. BENDA &C0.”
m frail SL
(Tomorrow, Monday. June *6. only) we'll cell yon
Children's Black Hose
. r..
Ladies Black Hose
$1.00 cd Month
Beat ever aold at l»He
For Ten Cent.s a Pair.
C. W. Merrills Co.^ STEINBERG’S
Adjataat Oanaral OorblB daollned to
■ah* anp elaUment refardlnf the
■attar other than that It wae hb datp
to b* prepared to maei aap amarreaep
that Blfht arb*.
< Tb* aattar wtu b* daddad npon the
rntarn of Praaldaot McKlnlap aad Baorotoip Alfer_______________
witnaaew wet* asamlned aad tbe eaee
wUl be coaUnaed on Mondag.
On Frldap evening Nellb M. Oarrieon WM granted a divoree from Uaorge
P. Uarrbon.
A* One of tke FanuuM tor thcFonrU
Tb* propoanl to Aav* eem* eorl of
^■petiiloa on tb« golf eoun* on tba
Fourtb Itgnlnlag ground nnd tb* foltowUff pragnm abeald nbont SU tba
Work OB tb* turcb Foetoiy B*tng
n**Uetr*oko(UMM.A K. B. mUmap on tb* property of tbe Pouto
8ure* Oo. true comrleted pMlordar.
Tb* eompMp b»v* reMlvad *bo*t tbir-;
tp inak* to be OMd la tbe making of |
>-M*4*l Pl»p.
nnd tbep r***i*«<d word jm%m- j
dtotontrok** day that tbe mneblnerp would ba re
adnl p)*p. • ceived h«r* early tU* week. Work on i
tba teotorp ie batog rMbnd to r^ly
ee poMtbU and tb* tome now anmbnt* I
on-Beet of tbma
BtoU tbe l**t mlnaM tar yonr elatb
special values, we struck it rich this time
you ahoulti uec the
awap Aceldeot Tcatordap.
A vary aerlona rnnawap oeenrred
Sb* Totthf Wan laid to Waoe Bara
pMterdap aftarnooa oo 8tau atrect
A bdnaUd for bb Wealth.
thaeoraar of Wellington atrne'.
New York. Jan* t« -Woaw Fowler M« WilUnm Ememon and her eon
Cbaer, « •epottof Hooeier beir who, it Arthur war* driving lownnie thrlr
ball>D*d. miabdocted bp hb uncle borne oDblde the clip when tbe wblfHcand aant at Detroit laetjjaodap nlfht. trea bolt of tbeir wagon broke and tbe
ha* bean eaasinad bp t<»o eapart alba- aad of tbe pale dropped to the gronad.
Both ttfreed that be wa* per- Tbe tritu became frightened and daabfeatlp **Bc and able to manafa bb own ed awap at a frlghtfal rata of epaed.
aWdln Cbae* told the doctor* that be partiallp overtnming tbe wagon and
wa* ^t the rletlm of abdoeiion and Uronriag both the oceopnuU out of
with bb aant of bb own free tb* rig. Artbnr eacaped Injorp bnt
will. Tb* pbpabbae cent telaframt Mra Bmeraon «raa thrown, atrlklag
to that cflael to Uoreraor Piofree. on bar tape «ritb each violence ea to
OhaMha* been kept eaalndedoa U* reader bar Inacaalbla tor aom* Ume.
•**eath flm of tbe Waldorf-Aeloria.
Kb* U a verp beavp woman and it wae
av Btttt feared that ebe badeueUlnrd
aarione Internal lajarp. Bar face wee
bedip laeeralad aad bmlaed and one of
^oUnaDafbDlw from Batlaf Iroa her eboalder* badlp hurt. Several la-.
and Other Haiab
diM lirlag U tbe vtaiaitp witneeead ;
Madleos. Wb. ieoe
D*vl*. * petlMt *i tktt Maadoa boapll- j eUtnno* w** rendered tbe nnfortnnnu
*1. died pMtardep eae reealtof »n op-Jwom**. Dr. Uarnar wm aammoned
■MiMBPcmkiaalomneb. D**U told **d gn** tb* neeeaanrp m*dla*l»ttu~ tba boapllnl uBiboriUm b* bed aaten Uen. After Mr*. Bsaraon recovered
nnlla and olber bnrd antaetoneae. and ' eoBaeioaaneM -ebe wna token to the
upon nn oparntlon to remo** tbcec * | bom* of Mr* 0. B. VandorvcNt. w^re
. Urge qann.titp of the *am* wn* found. ] *b* w*e properly enred for.
$ib”6o Worth of Shoes
Only two reasons old, and many up-to-date style#.
We have themsH prices so low
that it will surprise you.
VaM and see the^ *t
A small firm in the suburbs of Chicago was forced into bank
ruptcy by their creditors—We bought tbe stock at 68c on tbe dollar—
We have placed the same on our bargain tables to close quick, before
we begin alterations on our second floor.
This is tbe sale of all sales. Below we mention a few of the
numerous bargains:
Ladies’ black Vici Kid band Turn, stock
button and lace shoes. $3 50 ftl) ftr
SaYiDgs Baol Bazaar. tip.
values goes for.......... .......... wZaZw
Tti fell Coatracts
Made bp Mteblgnn Tnl
tor nap elan* of aorvlee deeired.
Snbscrilws Hay CaanI
nt nnd of aix montb* or ebnag*
lo nap el*M of aarvlM nt «rtlL
nTnlopboo* tb* mnaager to onll
nnd nxplalB now rntMOdoplod bp
tb* nompnav.
I Ladies’ black vici kid. McKay sewed.
|cDt tip, button shoes, a ^2.50 ^ |
value goes fox.....................
Ladies black. kid. fair stitched, stock tip
shoes, lace only, a regular $2.00 A I t A
I value, goes for............................ wIeUU
Ladies' Oxfords, hand turn, black and
tan shoes, sites
to 4. axegnlaY
$’2.00 valne, goes for........................ I WU
, Ladies' vici kid Oxfords, black and
tan, regular $1.50 value, goes for
Ladie,'common sense Dongola shoe pr^
valne $1.3=, goes for........................ I M '
Ladies' Dong»la, coin toe. patent
Ladies' Dongola oxfords, patent tip,
value $1.35, goes at........ ........
Ladies' and Misses' Dongola shoes,
coin toe.............................................
E fl 3UQ
id’s patent leathir shoes, coin A I 7C
toe,I. bals, $4.00 value, for ...... ) |, f 9
Men’s genuine kangaroo shoes, A i 7|J
coin toe. $4.00 value, for............ V I * 19
Men’s calf shoes, baud sewed. J | J J
coin toes, $3.00 value, for......
Ladies’ Dongola button sboe, 0 \ AA
patent tip. cheap at $1.75, for.. wl,Zo
Men’s kangaroo shoe, coin tip,
$2.50 valne, for.........................
Ladies’ Doogola button shoe, A | I A
patent tip, value $1.50, goes -for V | * | U
Men's calf bals, patent tip, $2 00
valne. for .....................................
Men's, BoritWcnieu>M, MtoSM'and OhUdranI ShoM. 8#i^ 7do, #9^ down to 90Take adwantace ot this gr^ money aaving event.
Tlr(^e Bostor^ Store
_ ; -r
THE voumio BSOOSO, BXrjTOAT, TUn 86. 1898.
9BM iLOUmfO lt>0081>.
tvoBaccvmnbvtM i
vtop »apMdtodapBhb
bto Botbar aad atotor at tbolr t
Om at • aalato aad ttoa ^Itoar at TtoO
la Iba Braalaj
: r. W. Oseh. aa aWaraap of M«
aruiba ctfOa
1. tba atip m prafoMa
aa tba aiMBtr SaloBbla. om to tba
,9mm. T. >Atv A» i. w. b«»»o a^nri.toaatodtbadaabatt^atoek., • Dr. Sadaaa. oai of iba sta« of awPrtd. Manaacb> i ibliiri. wfll ba jphTtidaaa. aad bar atoiar lira.
f. W. EAma. JUiMT M4 M>Mgw.
* "•
Kafsaa af Waablaptoa ba«« rata-aad
la Iba aoMUac tba CalaBdto wiU laare,
wb«r ibay ba*. bM.
tb* dook at T;M lor a
aswad tbf
,__ _ BMatb.
VEATCsn orrr • lacmoAii'
la all dap poatardap to tbawatara
M of too Clip Bocbatoro. A tore,
abar partook of tba rafrwbaaota
dtboi hdpadatoaraModstoaa
Tn lUalnM Sm. of wklek C. W.
tm ianmrif •( tkk
hM auud • kMaUtal ud
« ^)M«Mal»onw7 kMbar U aaCMtaa
fOTM wniHay of U pOf*«
to «a ftrtluia M««r of
«to». m« book paper to oaad oad tha
Oaabar to Ailad vhk ato«M* bait
ISM aloM of aeanaa U Md aboot MoaMd
•oiad MMtotaa ocms. -ptouuM of
‘/Sitdasaaa utd bMloato plMsa Md
' SSaMaof ft btowrtcftl aftim. AsftdS^ftftU daacrlpUae of Ua book wooio
bslorop>c.dftcaU. TltapobJicfttooora•aoM rn»l «radlt opoo tbapobltoban
Md to of grsoi fttotortoftl aftJMMwaU
M sowwiratfti Waa to Mftotoua. Tbs
6oek to ft work of an. ooapUad bjttttoto ftftd Moapapor aaaa of ftalfta asd
toabtoiorp nbtob U ooouisa toaara.. fall/'torUta aod iBUnaURf to read
Mftotoua baa raaaoo lo ba prood of tha
Miarprua diaplapad bp iba aaftaftrs■aatoflba MaoaTaavaasa t itt baa aootbar UUa to
teaa to bar foU stab, lo iba eorrast
•Otobaroftaa WaaUro Oolfar, » pabliSftUotodafoWd to rolflojr. tbaratoa
braaap aoUaa of tba naw Trorana Cl'tp
Slab. Tba beotitoh (ftBa to erldaaUp
bara to aiap aad la fast K»laiaff • bold
apsa tba loam of baalibp oat of does*
noTMUoa aad eaaratoa. Tba dab bow
•aaibara aoota of Iba ouai proBlaaoi
poaaf Baa la Iba eiip aad tba Itaka
ars b*ooBlo( a fasonu rraort for la.
dtoa. Baop of wb^a ara jralslaf a:
fnai proaalaaey la tba ob*Bow that itoerctarp Alrar baa aoDOaBBid blBadf aa a eaadldate for
jNaaior MeUlllaa’t aaat iba pallow
)oaraaU of tba aaat bara aa opportuitp to attack blB apaio aad rcaew the
Mtofoatom wbleb waa
»lp to rofattl to tba
dart of tba war. aad tba forea of wbleb
Baa daatroped bp tba to*eaUrailoo
Tba boatilup to Altar to Uto Inataaot
wUI probablp ba*a do Bor* rffret ibaa
tba prarlOB* aitaoV.
Itodlsa to Iba OoorreibttoMi Obucb
TWa wlU bo a r^dar Baatlac*f
Daebaa t»BA Bo- mt. Madara WoodBaa of Aawrtoa, Mead^ alfbt la
HoAtarM haU. A fUl
Mrs. ArrlUa Oardaar. wbo fsaa s«ll«
arioMlp iajBrad to a raaaw^aouBi
afo. sraa abla to ba oot for Iba flr«t
UoM poatardap.
Tba Ladlaa Aid aodatp of tba Coelaaeaai sapper to tba ebareb partora WadBMdap fraB fa«r to atpht o’elodi.
Attaraap Jobo W. Patebto wUI A«Uvartba Koaitb of dalp addrB
o. W. Haifiaiaa will fo to bto fara
aaar Moaroe Oaatra toBorrow to ^ead
Tba BOBbara of MePbareoa Poet O
A. K. era ra<)aaatad ta aaat at tba Pool
raoaa at l p. a. today to atwad iba
taaanl of Comrade Wrai
There will ba a epacUt Baaitet of
iba dtp aoBBdl loaorrow aveatof
Tba eoaoraloo oa Iba Oolaabla toat
Ofanlar to Bik Baplda aaScr ike aa
apiaaa of tba Craaaaat bead, waa a aoe
ewaa to ararp wap. A larfa crowd waa
aboard, in Uekata.balat oold. Tba
band played aaBaroaa plaoaa all tbe
srap aad ratara aad tba esearalaa
toraed oat to be oee of tba tba amt
p'.aasant of tba aaBiaar.
Mr* C A. Bofbae. wbo baa beaa a’
patloDt to Harper Hoapital, Detroli.
foe sla wMka will laara -tba boapital
Moadap. 8ba w'll ba tbe ra«el of m.
aad Mra. Bowall oatn abla to retnra
Dr. FlaBiof Oarrew of Aaa Arbor
to tM fawt of Dr. i. O. Maa«a
Maadap. aaooBpaatad bp rrad|M--------tbopwlUr»«a tba DoardMa oa a
abort oftBidac aad Aahtor aaprdlUoa.
Mtoilfarioa Boberta baa taianad
froB baa Arbor lor tba aaBBrr rae;*
Mtoa Oartrada Hoataraa aadbrotbar
Bm. rMantad laat airbt (roB Aaa Ar
Mtoa Oara (%a*e to at boBa afiar
wtaterto atap la lutroit.
tba-rc Wmiaaaea aad A T. Baav
tor of Kapira. arc to tba dtp.
Mtoataala Daaa of Maototar. to to
tba dtp ctolttor frluda fmi
BaUa CtoBpbcll laft
JtoaAraae leaaoal wtat to Mortb.
port poatardap to *iiH with Mrada.
Dr. Mooo weal to Etofdap iaat
areaiBf to raaaiat twaatp aaadldataa
far Iba Modcra WoodaMb orfasi
N>u Flora Waraar left pceterdap
for Hir Baplda. wbara ebe will eater
lb* Psrru baaiBcaa coller*Attoraep W. P. Urouar laftpralarday aarator for a two weeks' rlail at
tbe edd Aoaa.
Mtoa Mary Haslar weat to Ellawonb
preterday to apebd a few daps wllb
Mtoa Balls Wilsoa
Mra. Mark Joboeoa waat to Bapld
City yeatardap.
H. D Alley weat ta Bik Baplda pra
la^ap to tpend doadap with Mrs
Towaa aad Mtoa Oanp, with whom
Mra. Altop to rtoltlnr-
Ooealderlrt Purtbaac of Ose
Maapoltbaladlcatotaraatad lo tba
•aale of tba Cosrraratiuaal cborcb
ba«a baao ulklocof tba poaalbillip uf
MarttoraBorcaDfoDdwIiha tlaw to
^laolac a mw toatrsmebi to tbe
pbarab. Alltodlat Itiaraatad to tb«
^turar. miaeaUd to maat at tbe
'hoBaofMrt C J. Koaelaad on duu
SIraal Moadap avaalnt at ~-*o to aoapidar tba Batter.'
street to A. E. Bloffbaa. baa rceeatly Psetoi^"
■Kven that laTf-i *. h .d,” rp.lcd the
puiebaaod tbe tkraib Side meat market
ttlaa Brtatol Bappllp durprlaad.
oftieotffe Chllda aod will raa that ««-w*-rn man "in boston there si*
K.lw ard Atk naoiis «>n every (v rnrr who
iMt «*enlar tbe ladlea of Trareraa boalaesa to lAc future. Mr. Cbllda will wslii 'll. i.fisrh whether they have
Map Bite. L. o. T. M. aad other (rtoada icaala with Mr. SolUvaa for tbe area- churi hes or nut."
sarriad out a bappp sarprto. opoo Mrv eoi.
B. Brtalol, at ber boae, IfC Eaat yiolb,
Bleb aod B. McNamara^ Ba4tTfftTt«8
atrati. nera ware tblrtp laclaa la the
fi^BSt. Doato. wher*
Special c'ftlsB forVyher*. inubw*
taradtot party and tber bad a dellfbv- Uep
' were In ittendanoe
ai.d eb Idrcn at the Hbdnrwe College,
beylnotop Juy
'fA Very low
|al tlBa makisf It pleaBSt for ibelr national oonveotlon of Elka. Tb* trip
rales for all. Come and'see.
IrtoM. Jbs eveatoff era* derated to to tbto Miy waa aada to aeprclally
fOBM aod eoelal paitlBoa soy
fast time, only lu houi* balBf eoneuaad with refreebmeau Tba li
ed In e'aklnf tbe Jturney.
•Baud Mr* Hrtotol with a I
Iiuriaff Ibepait week Straub Bres. A
)ardlBler aad aiaod aa a tokaa of tbelr Amiotto shipped oat of the city. * 000
poond* of eaady made la tbelr factory
Xoalaaau Ooaaiy Fioaaer Itoad.
ttodfrey Bas*trow, foracrly clerk of
BoboA Oorlaa. aa old aad biffbly retbe old Front atrect booM. now on*
apoaud pioneer of Utlaaan eonatp.
tba owner* of tbe Hawardea. tbe lead i JT iC'
Atod at bto borne to Umeoa last evenlof >o(el to Uladatoae. U la the e'tJjWhi
tat at tba advaaoed ofe of 77 yean. •lajtof atlbeUotolLeelaaanwlibOlel
toavee tbree oUucbier* to Boora
Boeirna aad vIsIUbr other iriesds.
bto torn Tbree pear* affo bto wife
Secretary Hale of tbe toolf dab. will .
1 am now located in mt
Aled aad ever etooe Ibea be ba* beea
llvtof la OBsaa. Be to welt kaowa la
bkto part of tbe ooaatrp aal larp*
•BBbac* will bear wllb reffret of bis
. A^twp-_______________
Xavasee of Warn*.
Woraa are maklof havoc with oatoa
palabB at Baal Bay. A pcealiar foatare
4a that they have eo far derated ibelr
•UaailOD to erops oa blfb laad aad
bare aot doaa aoeb daaa«* to tbe tow
Ov«r that cook atoye-We boTe a nice Iidc of Qnick Meal.Jb ne
flamc-wickleaooilatoTaaacdnoinoredanser tbao bnrni^ a
bmp. Wc also have the Qnick Heal gaK>Hne atoves from
to.60 up.
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
Pawnlrrek'rs la Cii f ertkcna) eharae
only i per i-rni. a im-i.ih.
At leaai fr>riy^Ric-r ran lawyer*
endeavtiiina til earn a liVtng In MantUC
In Jeliti"T*. ivsn- a town
JSo peo
ple. every bouse Is occupied by tbs
Dunns IKM the huroher of persons
who iTAde Alisr.e tour* neressltatlns
su de* lo the Tynd. wat IS.OM
Uediml nen now resmrd lypho-.d fe
ver ■* a dlsesee eo pfrvrnisb> that, a*
one of Ihein Or<lares. 'T r
of ophold fever onnebiidy uushi to bs
A denial authority detlares that It
la tint uni^mmon «l the t-rrs.iil time
lo flml Infsni* uith deis >d teeth and
Sirle i.r It nr It wesrlns artllti-ia' tCrih
Benniiir t'nrier of Montann I* eaul to
e on.- of ihv beet exrerle on iretaS .n
ITe-w Store—120 rx^ntSt.
I All details of the profession looked after in a proj
Ibem til II
lot U UK
lo Moo«ep for poor nb of July elolb
alffm Wicnie. op to-date airs painlor. Orerbowlliur alley
fesskraal manner.
I lo. SIC Diloi Sinet
■; to.«
If there’s ever a time When {he housekeeper
feels proud it’s when the dining table service
is Buch as to draw words of commerdatlon
from the guests -We'll sell you just what you
need - Either Imported or Domestic Ware.
White Porcelain or Granite-full sets or odd
pieces — one piece at a time -- any way to
You’ll Be
In a Better Frame
pet paid tbelr dot
'whaa be aball be flad to itive ibea a new store ’and I will be
eaebaas* tor tbe aaoant pleased to greet all the for*
Of mind If you’d bring some of those pictures
mer patrons of the old store
of Rose & Son.
I hare a wmplete line of
LitUe i'crrp Keowep of Chleafo to a
drugs and medicines aod
tbe city for a vtoit with bit traadfaihdruggists'
luodries, and have
or. Hod. Parry Baaoab.
Tracy A.
aad daofbtor <.f Cblea- "better facilities than erer
re, are to the dtp tbe faeau of.Hoa. for the accurate compound
Perry Haouak.
ing of prescriptions.
to, US and let us frame them. We turn our
work out on time. Our new Hat Boards are
beautiea Our mouldings selected from tbe
largest factories in the country.
OalltksBpUM. Take VoUes!
L W. Ctoee of Ukc Aan. to to the
U laibe daalr* of U. W. Baff to bav*
aU Uoea wbo toUad to tab* p4rt to dtp oa boaiacaa.
B Clark Alloa of Bik
to to
Iba CaUtbaaplaa parade oa tbe Foorlb
the dtp for a tcwdapaelap.
Mpacttoblaas eooo aa poBtbla to
FrMk M. Oordoer of Uraad Ba^
aedar tbat be map fat bto artaaffeto to Um dtp vtolttaff ralatlvca aad
paata wall ondar trap.
also traaaacuar bastoaaa
Mia Margarot Yoaakar. who ba*
been vtoiuag Mr. and Hr*. C W Kuat.
Tba W. W. Klaball Oo . m Froat
to bar boae to Uraad Baplda
atraal. bavf rvorivcda latffe supply
0<pb(BOtr*phMaappllr*lB addition pastonlap.
•a all Ibe lata sheet aualc. Tbe
MtoeOUve Ooek will leav* Moadap
•baaocrapb aad rramepboas are be- for Idaho, whera abe wUl J >ta her broboBtoff
..■toff tbe yiopalar losi
iQstraaanto aad
iber who to totcrcated to Btotoff hastbto to tbe odly plaae
ilMtlffaa wbere a tall
B C. BtoUac* «
IT.e pill ef B<lver*liy/ls never susarmelrd.
If II'* a •xman. and the sbus plm-bea.
je buy* It,
PlUnI -pontempl I* rctponalM* f< r
Oiatry an anblarked rye.
Th-re >M-m* Co Ik" « eimns Upukid
lend-o.-y toaard rinif aerdens.
TbaBopal Nelfbbora aad the Mod
When Che puUlr her fnlth In a « riter
era Woodaaa }otoed last evuitor ; la .based upon food works,
and rase a very eajt
n.e cosc-hmsr's bnde to cunAJt-r.t her
hall. The; buriisBd win mskv * r--d scKon.
berry feetlsal to Menla«>
CToalBfwaaepesl to teoerml aaclablltVher i Sr nonian I'omiiUnirt.le anoih»r
fb>- *nye "bhe's abtui;} clever, but—"
Up aad to plaplnr ra»es wbleb all ca
Wher. pecqile Bl.U»* >C4> suapetl yourtered loto with a J'jyfo] tpirlL
S'lf. when IW lu^alse you >uri>*ct
Alcayoulalo. the Marine, wtohra Ih.m.
to challenr* luitoqnU of Elk BapMa or
Oi.* nwT realise* tb.- nlml*-»» hie of
Ureeo of Masocloaa, fjr a wroatllnrja l»:ii-«ninn until he atlcmple lo aln>.(
boat In tbto clip oa tbe Koortb aod be ' *
offer* to put 1100 fur bwl two oat of' \i-w fealuro'S ere lonKianily IxI'K
Intr..i1u<vd -tn the U|-i..-dule ptuitnthroe falla.
Sraiih sludlo.
The adiaooe aalc of aeau for tbe
When's witman to In love with hi-r
Metropilliaa Opera eoapaop wbleb wheel it'e BRojili-r »*»« cf man to.o.e
ooaee here arst batarday cveotoff wIIll dlaplaced hy n-aihlorry.
An enlenirlslra Chloafin
opea Taeedap iboratoc at ibe bos
tabltohed a fichi MlLxil III
oflioe of SUiobers'a Oiaad.
All Odd Frllowa arc ri<|Uiatod to traduatea in l-«r.line h<iu*.» .wlaet at a o’clock this atoralnc to al-j II to sold iloai ihc'caRei ran ^tk
Vad eervtocattbcHapttolcboreb. Odd
'■» vishi tisye wiih.-ui
Fellows aod Bebekasara both tovlted
be to attoadaoee.
111*---CLl-ak<;_I>sl1r .S'eWB^__
paid the. lio-t n rran. with
ntb aMn.** aald tbe re«s wtAev.
*(bat p-ior, deer Jobe oevar said a word
to Be about reBiRytiiB. 1 roaUy aaa'l
Bodtrataad It."
1 dost ere 1
BsrksWe aboat
rootecd bar
baebelor aacle. "1 auppaee rou arc aot
tba oae be tbourtal U wa* Ua dat^ to ,
wara.''-Cbinso Dally N*wa
-They rail vocal teesDoa -voter-mab- '
las' B««. WHlIaitL"
“Is that BO? WsU. m solas to write '
a polite Bote .and oak tBsi r*rl down, j
ataln to pleoae ptot* bet voice arruu {
tbe alrret Hutead of up In our airaban.-Cbirwo Hseord.
“It eertaialy areaka wtD for Browa ’
that hi has l-eroixie myor of that '
werttra «ly t:- which he moved."
*Dh. 1 don I haow.“ repaed the |
caultvas man. ‘ It may be Bore In tbe ;
aetarv of a reflerUea ea the eily"—|
Chleeso Poet.
Toubs Aolhor-Trll nr frankly what
yo« think of tbe manuscripl of my
bo-k. I waol to set It la staape^for
publlration. aa 1 have aeveral <
IroDB In the are.
CnOcal rrt«»d-WeU. that beins the
caa* I would advise you lo uae tbs
maiiascni.t for tarl. It miabt si least
help to beet the other lre>r.-.Cbic*so
Dally Nswa
Kaw TonnaUsr Block
There's a vacant place by the door, and that
wan back of the dining table would be Just
the spot for a new picture.
rnrz dxhtal wobx.
■ “'•“‘IcSru*
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co;
THB ftoanto BBoaBp. Bwn>AT Jtr*» w, law,
Birmsr A wAxi.
1 S^»U 6lenv»
0^ &tv\tre»\.»
aniPAW Tvzwjms vow.
I kp Om of .1
ttlftdiraftiiift Isrtkeft* U- Tbo lapliait Taoutp S**a B*.
taUdUft OftoStdodttftM.
Tkoftlupftftr oU *oft of •lopkoft
Par tkft kM*at of ftll tk*** wke
Boftdft'i Twlrlon *ftd tko i«pi**
r**lOk of iMi Ur. Wft* Miioft bp » p**tft*ftu*adtk* fiwt lotakftUoftftl toetorp ftla* pUpod a rarp pood r
ftaon r«*w •ftk* wmnmUf aoralsf
of bftll p«ot*«dftp ftftaraeoft.iko teraor
wkU*p)^a(bp^aft*k. Hw«^ troll, a wke wobi m isk* odvoaiaf* t*ftB wlBslar W tk* *eorft of le U 7
Mtn ILtmg ^ U»Mr. wUl* •«M>
*w*l)*d ap kftdlp wlU **ftry ipapka of tk* *k*ftp fftta tk* h'UpwUfiftfer•n-aU ftfOftftd rood plftplftc of tkr
1^ kk mlU Md dft^kur ftbc«r« tk«
of pokoftlftf. tkQ*Ak Uk k tk* lat aftUoft k flvfta: IVkaU wQI b*oo
Twlrka Wft* tk* foftur* of ta ata«.
«;U tt«U %\ A$ Ur Vww 4*fot
•a* Oft rword la thk eoMtp «k*r* ■ftk ftftd cftft k* ftftoftiod fti ftU polBU la
Rlaekbora for tk* Twtrldr* plt^ t
- rkwadAy mifki kkd ft nril cl Uilt.
ktU kft* k**ft
tk* dkirtet. rood folftc Oft ftU tkro«rk dai tom*, ktrlkiar oat a aaabar of
ftMwt ftfto ftli, MtfMtftd froa kk
a*ft. Tk* oppodor ftlft* kftd tkioft!
FMkftt. rkftMftfty Wftft tftlM ftkilft
plteba* U tk* boi ftftd oU w*a kli |
k • kftftdt «M rftkftd. ftftd kftKft* kft
• k* will kft«* ft* aor* ofUfta Halt %o Aftpai Ittk eoa V> *q«ft]lp kftrd It k poalbl* tkot tk« ‘
VftiUMdwkftikftd kftppMMd tk« tkkf
troftkUwlik it.
akd* bp tk* pftpaaat of W ant* oftd 11 ro ftifta ftwp r«t tofotka ^ala la
««i oftt of aifftt U tk« «ro««.
dftftOklt of tk* tiek*t wlU tk* polsi tb* omt fotar* aad U tk«p do a kol |
WkM Ik* H**UU. vko II*«i m tk*
Dfftjftfar »•««•*«»kf*ftt M DatroU oft a bator* J *lp It. roa* k to k* •xpootftd.
rt*OT froBt ftkov* W«lk«r*Uift.pftUftd
Tk* Kapir* Baod k*« k**ft Cftcaod Tb* for* k.«7.i* lor iko ioMOd trip.
kk iftkiftr ftM rridft, ftirkt. k* u>uA
to dkp**a ftola ftftd NoUoftftl ftii« to
Tk* Wat Mtcklffta irsia: U»a
ft ll«* ftiltrfttor iftdfftd ta IL lli*llk
tb* BftUra of Tr***ra dtp oa tk* Vk t:W p. to. J*lp lib ftftd ftrri**
ProbftWp tk* B0*t li
kftftkd Ikft ftftlMl IS. kfttk*
otJftIp. Wku tk* bftftd i»ek* tft *x-1 tft Ufftftd Eftpid* »t I ft. a., wait oatll •**Bt latb*kkl*rp of Trsvaradip l
wUllftCtokftftFU. Itr«ul*d ya w
ibrp win aab* op Ift roodiTft.a.*n1**laI>elroU»i Ii;f0ft.itf will tok* pl*e* Sfttardap otvaUr. Jalp '
kftoft ke« U fosftd kk ftftt. tor ft d*/ er
t«f« ftffo k* ftftd 4rs<rs «p snlsla «t t«dM ftftd rood b*hftdor ftftd ik«^ti*a|Tftk* Ur «:10 ft. a. J«lp »U. «sdar- l.wkoBth*ll*tiopelitftaOpor» Ck ef !
artku aak* tkdr Ultlal bow b*f ftfrMa«Biiopft^t»o1Vftlk«r*ia*kftk efU*lltU*b»rrhwt:i bft**(k*pl*ft*-;iialftOiiioltftt4Kiap a. Tb* M. *
fta of rkwlftr tb* k*bdaoa«*t lot of N. K: toftto b*r* OB U* »:IS fo ^ Uor* a loBftl aadlaao* at HiclaWrrb
* «ra*ftkM«kck tt so ftlUrsu* >
*v*r isrsed looaeoB tk«t neang*. U* wap at Coprnkk and Daraad, asd I Orand. prodaelac (or tk* Ant Ua*
•«« ftftpuirftd is ibft ItairoU rii .
Tb*p will ftttoed la fall aalfora asd It ardn at Detroit »:tip. a.
|km Pla«^a*tt*'* a**t*^lr«r. -Pra
KoriUftftiUl kft* Ik* sslasl ft*d kk
k iTboaUd that tb* boof»*a of low.
Tb* Q. R. A 1; L***« k*r* e« lb* «;M | Dla>olo.
aoM7. toa H* ap* k* wlU kold koik
oroUftitke ladia of t&*t dtp win ft. a.. r> bp wap of Sraad Rapid* |ue mapaap an WUl B. RUlar. ftator
wtU kft IftVftMtftftlka tftkM plw*. a
OMtalBipkkowcr oo tk*a b* ddlw- .aad arrlv* at Datrolt at
and •laror. wko ha* made for kl^lf !
akftik««d ikftt Uu sllloMr
•d oa a dap af>a tk*
, .
fo bp wap of R**d .* npataUoB la oar larr^t eltk* wlU ';
Bsrsd troa ik* B*U* Ul*
bewi Bide, Of,t^ arrlv* la D*Woit at t>;80 a a . all Icftdlar Aaarlna open eoapaalw:' <
' Movtlk'* plfto* te oppaslM>tk* teUad.
©nr tb*n to not tb* ebareb *b*d* ,
laa tk* S.-» p. a bp tb* w*p of I Blaaebv Aldriek. prlaa doaaa, wko 11
Mrs. Bi.sftkoUt Bftirlkk. acad *7. «rl{*
R»p'd* aod arrlv* at D«uoit at poa*aM a tick, powarfal rok*.' 1
ofPfttartsrllftk.a bl( Msuselor of
'aad i*ft moeiebaralftf l*dp. 8b* hall* ;
kofttos Bsrkor fttoppod Mi os Ik*
I -------------- - of drlerat** tkoold k* I from Roftioa. when *be ba* appeared !
froftt por«h Id k*r boa* »t • teu kosr
lpOTB**nt*d to oeeaeet U* *k*d« wltb I •vat la at o*o* to il<nOarri* Paiooaa ' with tk* Bntoolaa*: JeaavtW Llaeola,, ^
rrtdftfftfbi. lo ft f«« aiftftM* ih*
^ water work* plftftl*oUittk*p*aoj8i*to SeenUrp, at Kdaaioo. *» W,.! eopraao. k deMrrvlDr of *pn«! a*a- *
ftftlkd tor k*lp sod wft* OftrrM lo b; have pl**ip of water to driok while la
have atnadp
nrkierftd.; tioa. aod Ib Ue pan of oouoi
*k. i*;«
Ik* teaUp^doftd.
liaan CslWr* ik* tbedtp —Emp^n Uader.
dOB t to** a
Oo ftot take! rtwoftfol aod*:
ol dramPkjftlcka* irft*« M tk* Oft*** of k«r
aon barr**v than to m:lp avoniirp;' atic ability, a* w»ll a* belor a b«aoU- M
PleftftftftUp ■fttmalnad..
la Boat Cftft** Br^p k *11021*01. Tkk* ; fnl elBrvr
better alt aroood
^ wmua BlakUp, ft fsraa Nftldiog ft
Mr ftftd Mrs PS dalkberp delirbt poor wkeek If po* waai to: Yoa«an|o|
uep. woaid b* ^
t*« aUM Motk of Loftkiitf Is U* fnllp «Bl*rtftliMd ftf*w fri**d« fti thvli **v* ear fftn ftod bavvib* Bp*i d*. i a ant dlSsatt mattor. Th*«kora*k *J
____ •__________ r_,
t>aftftkl|> of Delkl. oftft drklof ft
l«*t«vnitoriB boDor of Mk*, lirbtfal road* aad boulevard, to ««)op. writ trulBed »ad of r*vftt itreBrib, Ifl
TT'ttl TAtlV ^Oflt »\.1S> A ^aVt
■ aowvftsdkU 7-par-oldftoB *a rna- ^Uivftft of kt. Paul, who k .pvadliir i You an to pap 50 eeftta for poar lodf ' aad tkelr wprk ca*Bpr.«w the rwat-! ‘ '
ai«( ftk^ ftoftld* U* afteklSft.daddeB- l^e
ft* ibelr ru**t Tb* *vm. ; lar aad si onU for pwor breakfan at |m tan aod pnAeleftcy. 8*at* will be I
if tk* iftiar ftUoftod Is drool of Ik*
- I» l»ftf- tk* place* **»<rB*d, and r*t pour dla-, pkoed oa nle at Ue box iffi w aesi
kfttroft. ftftd b*tor* iko «vti*r oould UelpaUarUlawariBetftBdia Ikteu laer aad eupper at Ue reMauraol*. i Tundap monlar.
Itoptk* hMftcft. kkrlrkt-fooi <**• cot
tocwueleal prornm. LlrhilTben will b* tea of them *l Ue I
-----------ftftapioMp o«Jui b*k)ir ik* oskU.
Beat* wen eerved durinr Ue'ffi^«»A*.
: >toa Paaadry Baep WiU Order*.
TkftfthdM will lirs
I O* arrlvlar ftt Detroit etveet can ;
Th« touadrp of Biebard Round
A pftrlp of ftlchi Ckftrlota plealeen
•-------------------------! will lake you dlrecUy to U* Trumbull
bo* U vary bo*p od order* for iron
dro** to fift* Iftk*. kfMr poriftkiac ol
Baasar T^wa for Bab-e*.
aveaae Pf**bpi*rka ebewb, where!
k for variou*'.oeamias Tb* Bra
ft loBok. ik*7 kftd iftk*n wltb ih*m.
Ba*i B*p ekim* to be the baaapr poa will hand la poer nrt*invioa
Mkaa M*b*l M*Bft*Ui **4 UoorrI*! towo for bablea The popelaUon of «*rd* aad receive po*r aea-dameat. ba* Ue order f<w Ue iront *bo* to I
ned bp CepUl*
l« la elBklB
1 with ipro-toftieoa the towaeblp wa* iaenft*ed bp teuv I»el<A«t«w arrivlnr at Ue Mlcbiraa
tftcbir well for ube Pouto SjUrek Oo.
ThanUy Dipht. Ue Uailleeof Ckailee Ceotnl or I'atoa depet wdU take do
Tbcp have ala* eoalractcd to furakk
« takes to tb* 1
line, iraaafewier «t linad
BaUtea and Druve Di,b>m wekoBlac pn
I tbc iroa work for four i
W. K. ttorate. ^*n Urp necived leitp eoa*. and William Partoa aad
Dd*r*to* arCkdllke, aleo tor Dr. Feaftar'e baUdiar
Mdloftlftld. Ilr-Viuok work*d throe Cbriktewbir kortoa proudly eklealar
boar* bofnn tb«p wen reetorod to
: Ue Jeffersoa avaaae ear*.
eewrai oUer eoairacw waiek will
•etoBeaece. They wmo aaakle to nrbe eoBvaatloa proper bMla*
keep tbew beep come Uae.
tan to Uelr konaa
j7:tep.m, WedaoMlap. Pulp SU. aod
Xtad Aetiaa of «e>rkb*n.
Rd kkalUr wko •** dowB Bear Wr*.
fordooroMa a oeok or «o oro toll* of •
One of the many especially good tbiogs in this
ratbM mrioa* eirb i wh>eb be cai
department is the line of
feecUoB of beevUp iiabered lead b* aad lorr*<I ftovea aem rea^p tor bura- iaformatioa caa tf bad at tb* aui* > IB Bp »UNB*ch. 1 sever fell *0 badly
ftoUowl wUt Bppearwl to be a ln«l of lar
^ia all ap life. When 1 oam* down to
Mr. Hvwelt ba* bwt. la poor
work ink Boralnr.-l frit to weak
10 or It aere* of perfeotlp dead tree*. bealUforaeme time aua rhkacttaaof
vould faardk- work. 1
Tb* kraab aod tiac*. both larr* and hi* frtopd* wa*
ThkeveBiorChlldraa'* D*p
D*v vrlll
vrlll b*
^ taeoavd Caaaberkia-*
II ThkeveaiorChlldraa'*
•Ball, bed BO vlal*r*of foliar* «baV
Uiarrbon Benrdp.
It workrd
Worth.double that price —Two pair of cuffs lo match
ftver. O* MaBlaailos It wa* finsd
carrpl*r rut of tbcfellowiar procraa.!
bBtfic and oae doe* Axed me an
tkatao ftJBp of larr* rnra <
— Sfc our tvirdovv lull.
Hvbnoi I'■‘ffl'V 11 rerulaly k Ur Aant Ula»wen BenlloDtlp erorklaf lb*ir w*p
I ever a»rd for kk'cuacb trouble. I
Unarb ike forvet-l'lf* Uke Mooltur.
iUch u^^t.............................................. ' «h*n not be without U ia my txwi
eaAt tiOBlb kavcD Ih* etnwbarrp crop
Kidia ____ '
•irffer ago of k»l atebt araia
Uk pear ba* b**a tk* latreet Id b*bp
«• t^W^forAfty «ltun.lU pri«e.-U. H. Wiuwi.
****oft*. A Iftlr crop of p*ft.-b«« k ftUo
i* airkv
Come in when you want t<>talk >hiri.s. Our immense
AtJ*ck«oft today will b* --fl-tvar
sttx'k of new novelties will >urprise. and lie
BkakB." Ue d*v on which *Mk
prices please you.
Ivvi Prt_____
elcl r*U ft iikJ* boaqaot froB U*
• t'auiiae Mrraoa . Tbritv.m-r Cclumbia will rea me
Iftdiea of tk* dtp.
< Cbarle* Urla ' eaeu’vion
more of Uo>. p m.nt time daaeiac
__ UJ.
Iv* MUler feU off bar wk**l a*d
~t!e* at F.w.iv".- hall on ant
evenni; and around Ue klaad la Ue
aerioualp h Jared at Duadel. CurUt
Thand.y a irht. Joam h All are
>ftoroaon. Prof. Muruarb'* orebn-1
'T>BBk*Bal*o rotbb foot e*arl>t Id bU
k'adip iavHvd to attend aad have a vvat lai •m* m*a
wk**l aftd broke *aae of U* bone* in
“•»» »«-lftt»r bftttePD* pali
20e Fx^DIa.t Stareet.
Jaba B*talr of tkenkw. ha* btea
awarded • tonrvira J^wvl bp U*
cent*.. The K*i
tTftftd lodr* of UJdtdlowa Ualp Um*
wko have been ncjabw* in rood «iaad
Ur tor lOpeaaan cfttiUed to tk* dl*
C\XT\ava &pedaV
bTvdi *5vicsdLa.^.
©or ervUte tVoeV
©ot\8.\tv& \s\\.\ be &oV&
25 Per Cent. Discount
"STom 'R.egaVax ”Pnces.
,1 s.'vc.mvcvw
VKRRIUiiiKAiiii A A A RSASiiiaaHillH
liien Fiiish, linen Color Shirts
that'we are Closing Out at 38 cents.
Some handsome silt hosom gooits inside
at from 6Sc to $1.25.
Cba<le*Tu*ltltir Bad** mwuke and
obUiardfttleeaeeto aarrp hk ariB
paetlve mother l»-law at I'on dnroo.
The miitak* wa* dkoovered la time to
pranatakp unpleaeatt comp icatloa*.
At Moabaroti the buraiar of P. Atbert A Co.b *aw m II nmoved an oki
Uadftiark. It bad beaa rmaainr oiBoatiu pears Ta«n an only ti
Ik* 4* iamber mill* left BOW, ebowUr
tb* deoadcao* of Ue iadaatrp la Uai
Jobs Maaer, ar«l Cl pear*. droppMl
dead trlB panlpik while rlnmlnc
kiBftiif PruUp Bonior *t iBB*i*r.
AtStaatoa Verse Ron** cipcHaei
**d wtU a cftSSOB fire craeaer and part
of kk bit to* wa* blows off.
Jftftftk Bale. *rw) St pear*, of Uke_ villa. BarUiaw couatp. ba* been mk*'
* Uc*i*«* Jaat A ftftd bar panau an
Parker n ncia*. a Ai. Cbarte* miaer.
bit ckff a fuM with wblek k* wa* about
to.iffftlt* bUuUar powdkr. too eli
B* wa* UrowB violaatlp 15 f**t aralnat
tk* •ftlrp aide aad eevenlp Ujured.
eplarlBcalBffitkbaabeea epidemic
la Boarkuo eouutp UU pear. U*
deaUntoforUeAnt AvamoaU* boiar to Umn a* rraai a* U* teat of tk*
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Special ^
Closing Sale ‘
We want your trade.
B Bee special prices in Tuesday morning's Record—It'll pay you to
make a note of tbia
Baoklaa* Ajftiaa aftlTa.
TAB Baer Hultb U tk* world for
Oata, Brakaa. Boroa, Olaar*. Halt
Bkaom. Panr Uim, T*n«’. Chapped
■aadft.akOb>aUa, Odtm aad aU Sku
Sellable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
valhe received or re
All remaining Ladies'Suits, KiBses' Suits, Ladles’ Capes,
E stc, in our stock, wiU be ottered at
S. A. Bowmftft. ft proatiaeftt m«r>
ekaat at Bowell, loai bk left «p* from
U* e«tJo»loft of ft foarU of July oap.
• ftftdVB Walk
tShOES AT $1.75 HID II 5H.
Wv don't tril you tbvy kK:.k like otbf^rs’ *2.50 aboM. but
ifivf yen thv brtit money will buy a: the priced«« --irr
— we are never undertold.
FRANiT FRIEDRICH. De Old Reliahle Shonu*
Fresh Goods—AttractiTc Packages.
125 Front Street
•aaca lawooorai.) cscacs.
bmooip. stopat. jpitb m,
Cell Bre««a to rreoehlaa foeat Ka»aat i>alpi(»:Lard MalMKirT oever walka
ebortMt £!• aaca iibcs be roa avoM Ik
We Are
Not Sleeping
Solp OBBBaBiaaht »:M a ba B>Uw. aad
Curma Alla h
Morale oarrlaa aad anoa at MdO.
Bill iBirodae the aaic* at. the Hob aa
Moadap School at iz.
tabbabto fMttdioM
foimg w q^teklf
Blot WUbolB will tiar aa Bffortacr
Wh«A thsce APM mny \mrflaM ofttowd by mAaufACtareiA AMd jobb«M In sho*«—
kBom <«feO M« wbM h* k B«
If the war with Spola
^ ia tho aoralaMte«SMtoolhli TklH MMwUtk*
__ lUurador Cboa-.e'i e-^n at« it h e
and hATMth# FMAdy
to tmk* th«m Wo got o lot of ohooo^o f«w dhyb oc> iba«
All are eordtallp taeitod to thooo aarprtrat* o*<r«tor>. Be ha* boco out el
Md ObMks id » dMM POTworo
mode for o doolor in Freeport, Dl.. but loU tu eblppUiK i^re not rooeivod-We
coUec* two year*.
who nU«d for WMWMi M Ibo
Three Ubm Sarah SerBhordt haa
got them ot o low price ond wiU oeU them ot the eome rote which they oeei.
^nfin j boopltftl Md
been on the rerpe of Uankruptcy. b«t
Maadap-thl-d^oArtotlp BioMaf.
M7 ettera who hov« rotriead* haec ccate to her teeCBe.
t tnm privftU pneLoeefoaot at ?:M a b.
Podereoekt i* a ftrener aad kooaa O
BroepUM of probatioBar* lato taU rood deal aboot bott tuUure. bat bi*
■perlalty U •tot*, hi* Uvorltee beia*
p aad Bolp <
Kxp«1 tavMUfMon
10-.M a
Quern Wllhe mira will h>ve hrr aillo
Be«. B. B. Breadp. tho paotorh hew at
mim froTolMl iB or«7
and poHehrd on Friday* only—to
These ore oU new foede, mode for thie eeoeon’e trode. ni^to-doie, on^ we eon•odorlaf tho oooAiei «Ufe hpoia thor. »U1 ooalot at the awralaf ooreioo aaee bereelf from reuio* a toothache,
ohe aaya
• dM U H7 ffTMt MMBrOtOB aad preaeb 1« the OToalBCv
sider them greet bonreino.
Ca*alnl Ue Buaelaa aBt««aaThandh7-OB»«l
>t«r uppl7- Thor oi
Boto booght ond will rocelTo the beginning of the weeh, 60 poire men's fine
hhoAtaMM WM •ptmd hr IhowlMl 7:»0p-».
of tlsaret-ho}drr* He aa< dl appomt*
oordla'lp iBTltod.
ontin coif. Inee nnd oongreee. nU shops toes, that we wlUoeU fbr $1.86-they ore
tmrtrrng BhoBt drlod t«nM ol
t leerntas that the pre*.«cct did
raiaaM cacBca.
that «iM •mri olao « poM(
BKike clcarM*.
regnlor $1.76 ehoeo ond good Tolneo ot tbou
8«T. BwcUr
rlBii.propoOtioBObareh. Cor- Oah aad Fifth atfoota
Aloo 80 poire men's Tid kid boll, new to«o.thotwe will tell*or$Up8-they
ifvtDB'* laletl aucreB h*( eUrted
Tte Kltto hooaobold la Moo TtmSaadap eehool at V:4t.
of (h* Enalifh raauisiie* U wear-'
oro reody eellere—regninr Tulue $8.00.
o W oil opoot ovor the
Proachlaf. 11:06a B. SorwBoopae- tC|. Robeep errr baia a«i imltatloa* .n
warWBU/ rt*oo to UMir oolr 00c oad
948 poire men's ontin onif bnU. nnrrow coin too. n dretoy ohoo for o litUe mon
lallT to the pooBA pBopla
pllaat felL bul the rea' artule lu Ueck
^otr. OB WoBt 000 Bot moar wooko
Maniac—d Wf aorvica
eed atony illfc Aa yet they bate lu
ey-only 08c.worth $1 60r
old- Tho proBd ood happr
be made tu order, bul there la no leUy. P. d. C. B..e:lS P- B.
«Mld Bot orrw B»oa a aom. oad o
Btieeee' nnd children'e ehoee in greet voriety, ot 86c. 46c. 6Ce, 78c.
ChUdrea't rterdon la tho ooealif.
I rwaltod iB BO
the ead.
AU are c irdiallp larltod to attoad.
«bob1b'?u« ooBclotlae. riaallr. Kaihor
Jack K ivo oBcroMd that ho he eallod Ber.ttOwiiUaBMBe.
After hiM frteod. Mr.' Mora Moo. aa^ -^Tbe Forceton wUl attoad the ooreloo
Mbr BOOiproBloo woo aoooptod Tho
with a bad cold which aouled on bp
The paotor twclaa a bob oorta
▲ lot Of good oolid ton oztordo. tho $1.00 kind ot 48c.
laara: eoacb aot la aad Saallp tcrBlaWMO .WOO dolr rkoB. hot after tho
itj «ia at lono a. B.
atod la CoQoamptioa
Four docton
There ore lots of good be^ne left yet in the BcNomoPA stock thot we bought
'^eshrlatODiar eor«BiOB7 the foil Inporl
Tako a boartp part la aU tho
care ate up. mpina 1 ooald lire but a
«f the coahlaatloB dawaed opoo tho
abort Use. I ca*e Bpuelf up to mp
ot 60c on the dollar. Come nnd see them
pareaU aad th07 fear that their 008
M‘m aUoo BaborU alll aiof “I board Sarior. doterBlaed If I ooald not aup
:Md heir U dooBtod to be BlekoaiBOd the eolee of Jooa* oap." at tho BoraltMT whh mp frtoada on earth. 1 woaid meet
Bp abaent ooea abort. My hueband
.1 Dr
l>rohaW7 tho Moot latorootiof paii
Baadap eehool at boo
jorerp fur CoaaamplloD. . _
Cold*. 1I rare It
it m
a trial, tooh in all
^ twlBO la the 00Biitr7 an Urlac at
Yoaac Haoploe Soeiotp of Chrlatlap uouw.
b*. aad
JVirhlt^ Kaa. Tho7 are Wilhar F. Badoarorat«:lSp. m.
>rod aad am aow*
vbaak Hod 1 am ***«
'Md Joho F. MUtoa. -Ih07 ar« »4 7oan
At f p B will be a Bom* MMoa well aad taealtbr
llbr woi
womaa. Trial bottle
old. aad look eo Boob alike that 0BI7 arprallp. Mimic bp the chonm ebolr 10 ctA at 8. E. Wall'i and i. U. JobaBecalar alae SOc
iBtunato trleado eao UU thrB apart. aad Mrv A. L. Bunaataud Mr. White •on'a Drac Store*.
1, Ot
ir ^e*
K.iOrurr OealnM Hl>».
.Tho7 Barriod t»ia ahtero. the MUoee will aiac a doek Short addreoeee *IU aadSi.
and aoU
-I aru j.f-.u.l |.. »*».•• *.!■: ihr man
Wiww M a
w tut
..M- ot
—. the baplfiC
V --------------Ml~ieo and Chrrie Worth. The two (aa- be r1«0h Oh
work la earloim parU
lap lor I
UiM Uee'torethor ia tho oobo hoooo la of the caualrp bp Frofeeaor Bora. Mr- $1 OOtsBap TUTBai -lotam
TbeC. A W. M. will eell ticket* to
IWichlla. Thlrtj peart apo tho broth. OrlaU aad the paelor. Umb* hare
«ra oBharhod ia batiaoB tofothor la alwapo been leUreetInc oecaaion*.
for round trtpClea» Pork per W. nee
Vaihlia. aad tho taao old oiro.
All are oordiallp larltod to at
a. B. Betural
Brea. Boo/feeUto.’* tolU of Uo tbeae BOOilace7;4U pm J. 1
10 So
• I d ukr 10 kiK.u ithrr- you an yuor 8b*SoBll5b.
hBlahoolaeoerelatloao bet'
Thoae wiohlac to oalto with the
eharcb Jalp 2. wlU pleaae haad their
orhieh eUll eatok
or letter* to the paotor or dew
MorBMt Biaoloot boro%eoa couboipi-ra *ae >uu."
eoa»a* ooon a* poaeiole aad not later JpOB a^\^-»
ii^od la the FhilippLaea
Uuir» j£»Tt. Sradlr
and lot oa
Tho d'hrcp Itlaad leper outloa aoar
During tb* chutrra erldrinlc of l**J.
ptusr BAi-Tiar
»•: Webater
. hater *k Sevea room* aicelp Aa>B KB<(T - Bolrl aeO Uarti fo
Victoria B. C.. bao hooa dooUopod bp
Hambunc had lim# rarr». »f«h 7,414
iabed. cood well water, fruit and or*
C OMi aa.l IPnu-rlaaa PU-alMr. W. T- Weoai»*w. r**u>r
- - I bSMI
Bra. 6ae leper I* dead aad aaotbor It
death*, while
bad -n;} 6M c**.*.
aSOO. amaU
MmIoc eorrloe al lu:M a m.
ihough ll *ei» Kibe uaier Tbe.dlfbora. Price *M0
do feared will die from Ipjerleo raMBBdop School 12;UU m.
> ane ,ti
»« FOE SAUE-s.c-aoa*e aad lot oa
r«M,.e bcluern ih^ luo fill** wa» that
I frwit.
r laat lakn
Yobbc Foople'a mMtiar 6:12 p. B.
HaroCUy BookuonTao Brlthh oUarner Lombard arEnalBC aorriee at Trlu
ativrc* burg drank Ih* walrr fr.-m ibe nvrr
*^{ necked wlU aewer. water work* la
rlrad at MobUo. Ala. Pridap with a All are oordiallp iarited to the** i
o.iultr ailh'l'tty P
•Cit unfllciied •
wotidoeelopedeaaaot leproap la the tIooa
Laat fall 1 ap'aiaed mp left hip whUe
aaraoB ofa Chlaamaa Basbar of the
KVAXuei.ii-aL ’ogrr BBAL !f(^ALE-»4 lo acre* on Fealaeala
_aadl acaome heaep boim. Tbedocior TOTna aATsaoPB
Mr. A OaUWry. PaMr
r.'t mile* fro'O citp. l4<u apple, plum,
called UU
on »*iu
aaid at flnt it wa« a a'lcbt
cberrp and peach tree*, all beariacChatob ^ opraer SI Ninth BBAWado- ITOK NAUt-ODeMceudkaad bugn-ow-we- •traio and would aooB cel well, bnt it ] Wheat, old. per »«..
ddaaofal Oil* bao oallod apoa tba
r ooil hand bteyrlr. Chrap i.u. eaak »r r»
Carpenter Bi!:, fioeal lo-aDohoaPaa*
u>#r<or*UB*.lBwbwor *ora. W.L Bro-a crew wotee and the doctor aaid I h*d i Wbeiak new. perkWr
Mnartmant for foar eaperl Mpaaiah worUatTMta.
Ho. l.perba.
i^uja-. will take part e tj propertp.
rbeuikatUm. It ooniiabed to crow ; Onto. Mo.
1. per ba. (new).........
SsBdaT aorrleo* a* follow*:
atoaocraphara tor aerrloo ia the PhU.
aWOftOALB-Muar and kM rrkdy U> orrupy
2>t0 3S 5Xm SALE-Kpan Mack marea elrbt
Froaeblnc at IO:10 a m.
Thop matt bo famUlar with
old. kcuod. weirfiiaboel 220u,
Aho dpaaiob aad BncUoh laacaaccoBrown.aSWr«tMb*l
\ #**•».
roll about 2 aioaUu old. Frio* tiso.
Preachlnc at 7;J0 p. m.
A ioriific raia atonL caUod a Tom1- FOR SALE—SM-tlt feet oa Weat
Mid-week proper aiootinc at »:8o
h'rontnrcel. 2eu feet deep, eicaat,
94ral do Ac«a. baa
rood buiidier apok Price P4M.
Erie. Fa
feaoco apd «ec*lablea at Uaaaajlbe*. p. m.
5>yRSALE-Sas-M acre*i elrbt mila*
ThU moetlBC over Sundap will be a
u’tof!S-“:Sae bp *E*‘*Wa!k‘“bl^StiaL X AH E-hSir AF K-Sxnnia
A hoilae waa ovortaraod, kllUnc
Aoooant coralTal at Milwaukee tie
.. ............ -bet bcmloek.
Saartorlp moottacjaa^ Caban woibbb.
M. A'N. E. railroad wt 1 eell tleketa
e rood hardwood, aeeood
ptMchlac bp Be*. E. BoU.
WB. atailoarry.
at ooe fare for Ue roond trip on
At Donr. Dal. the oorUtealo ot 1b
paper oapkia*. 5 oenu doaea. The
Iir^ dolo; inKkl
M-hool and
AU aro weloama
Jane 26 and 27, reinra limit Julpi.
___ nrwa Ui rrnlrr ol rlsj.
aorpontkw ot the United SiAtao VoIdM.
a W. rrxxisoHAM- Ark
HEOosu urTBootar.
wlllug. All
able irrau Uood rraro
AU* eooipaap with the outborlaed Mr. K. A. Bruark. PaaMr.
F. A MiTCHAku 6. F. A.
MT rt
Jraa. K W C. ri '
nedaoed Batea-O. U. A X. M. &.
atreet. 10 room*, fll.600- Bhap pap«aplul of Mt.ooo.ooo. WB* Had Frldap.
Clam meetlac at 10 A m. Mnale Teacbera’ AieoelaUoa. Cioeln.
170RRaNT-A uur. tiirel-brO fraal roow
Thooompaap U laeorporawd for the
Freaehlnc 10:»0 a. m.
PUB SALE-se»—Kortr am term.
^mpoae ot taaaatactarlac vohlelo*
KolrbU ot Sk John. Clenrland. O.
P.acw bM«4 AU M :i7 UtaM
rood bu Id iar*. orchard. $2.seu.
Baadap eehool. 12:oo m.
Called Hoeletp C- E Conventioo.
wllh oompreoood air a* moUp* powor.
FUB SALE-S71—Fortp acre farm,
BpworU tmacno 0:>5 Pand lore TTOBBAUl-aMo
rood balldlaca. eewp i
f allkOatly.oer 'l5?*brl?«r*’calf «’Jnolil Drirolk
Tbe old towB af Chirlxo.
Bpworib Leacae Nallotial OonrenBfEapato countp, aboat mldwap boi
7:h> p. m. Oommanlon Serrlce.
FOK**8ALE—S71—Slatp ’' aere tarBk
no.1 kind. In »«>d rondlilon wwigbi about t u ’*Wmld'a W^^e^Moel. Montreal.
Aimaii Lnredo asd Bio Urande Clip, oa
Prapor meeUsc Thoradap efeulaf.
the Tean* bonier, hae beao awept
Aoordlal labiuUoa ia ex leaded to
pi.»v Hon
aad clrht acre* of land, altaated
Awapbptbe Bio Oraade flood. Itao
Ladir*’ black bo«e—while fooled-lO
aboot one mile from eeowr of clip,
A*whb*4Bpopul*UoBof*e«eral bus.
PKBxwoou (-aar>:i.
cent* a pair. TbrFatnoua________
boo** 14*24, aix roou la hoocc.
ekwi .Meaieaaa of Ue pootar claee
H-rl'n'** wiret ap Bt 10 A B COB
ry and all liae* of Ue lonaorial
' Their hoaoe* wore adobeewaleh iiuiua- doetr.t >■ n Saab.
i4g,“a^driBrI^Tsu'pS^IS5it. up^
profeaefoa you will .orely be pliMed F^SALE-S7S-Uonac aad lot emaer
K we aad Stale itraeta. lot 54x16*.
wlU the work yoa will reeele* from
ip BcUedowep wbea Ue hicb water
..i► »» R » C Speicera' 1':3
eiUer of Ue three eapen workmen
C*AU7 »:i>g l/*TS-rtn •..•tbiy juejnirr
mtntk Uem
iR SALE-.S76—One baadred alatp
Hr nood larauusr.no Pront.lHnlrnBd_llrr'*WE8T Michjcan R’y.” Uat poo will find at 14« Front atreet
acre* Umber. Sun.uuO aoft elm. lOO.aoo
It i* aaderatood that Admiral CorSODda.T kchoo). ):»} p. Bm..Vulni
lOOliOa haauw.wvt1. 1.000,006
I Ol
elm. loO.iM
weeaUeomlaff back to the Ualtod
maple. 62.
Sundap. Jolj 2. Train will l«ae*
. Apply uiC.T.Orawn. < t VatibMIBIM to euperlnUBd the reatoval ot dap erealBC. 7:I0.
Traeeme City al b:00 a. m. Leaee Bap
Aho bodiee of the Spaal.u aai^otu
DaioB proper meetlac Pridae ereaout
•View ti.so p. m. Rate, fll.on. ■ xspoiTrfT-i’a
lino and *
taried at Ue PorioBsoath naej pard. lac. 2:3u.
te- robarlal la Spain- It U aipeetod.
All are cordlaUp laeiiad to the
5^R SALE-Two baadred eaeaat lot*.
too. Uatbc utU Tlait Caba for a aim- eloea.
II down. 61 a moetk.
5XIR 8ALE-5M-Sickty aere ferm.
i-Hiu*nA]i eciKsck aaBVK.-a*
engine ProTuteU witk canopy top. cuobtona.
oil tank.w
iifo- a.MItaer. tarane CIty.
rood butldtec*. ooe mile from fDOd
fta«. Jobe Juu aafl Bee. Al
Serrier* eeerp Saadap at 10:80 a. B
town- 61 Ml
nohbert. S. J . boU of tb* Shawmoat Thoredap at 7:S0 p m. ia K. O. T. M.
(X)B SALE—Shi—Niatep acre farm,
CaUolk cboreb. Boeton, bae* boon halt US Froat atreek
foar mllea aoaU nf dtp. aevaatp
acref bear BayBcU. W aa. kaTeyo. .>
aerea aader culUvallon. frame boaee.
bp' Bmparor William of
Fl ledwck.
eeeen rooam. atone tonadaiioa, etoaa
tap. for
■ o« He Finaownced Ccypk
eellar. food well water, frame Vara.
r roc WAtrr tanumv* o(^ ai^ m_ e.-^
Abe Fraaeo-Pnualaa wai. Tho tocmer
A irember of the cbool board Id a
S4X4S. atone baaement for eattU.
Our 8PB31AL 8AI.9 glTSS you
BBiaad aaiallpog eaaoo as MoU and wenicm Village wa* vlalUag (be achool
borae atable, bncCT abed, eora crib,
flTS dolUr “VB6TSS B^TB ”
« Oa- aleck.
poaltrp bona* and yard, so beariac
mrarlp died, and the latiar. bora Baran one <S*r. and the (carhrr pofltelr In
ap^e tree*, aereral cherry weea.
arc. ^6 a* moeh tor Uo tp>
amall frait. binder, p'.oucha. wacoa*.
reefeoA ni try >r on eiw-mn'." eald tb*
^B* paUeata
bocfiaa. rleicb*. cDtter. ooe epaa
man -John, npell esg-wiped - Bjt
Om- 8PB0IAI. SALE give, yon
boia«a.twa aeu haroem two eo**,
Ueorfe Wrap, aced los.
John tailed, aod *o did all tbe other*
two ealece. elrbt kbeep. thlr^ flee
fcaatad a dirore* at Ootambaa. tad., Greet
aeiae hap. (c«aa acna eora.five------Mp Jade* Hord. from Soeaa B- Wrap. erhulan and Ihe amugvnent n( tbe
* -VZSTUB SUITS" for..................
whoM. fear
________,5*. Ulaae* cnlUealed land
- ofod SA Wrap bad baaa married foar teacher when thrCotntnlttecmmn epelMd
‘ monk
word blmnelf-E-g-r-p-l..
.4 am* *11
riear bottom black maek. Friee If
time*, satllel^ bta aUer Ura* wlraa
-I 1 lot* Is Ik* wbnl* plM. Ua
taken eoao, 6S.0<«.
' Me mM thot bU laat wit* came to him
48 pair wamii's 4oi{t|i baMi aal Ian. patnl leattiw tif, nia lee, 88c, aarll $1.50
60 fair weaaa's tici kil lace, steel tip. eeii toe, fleiible sole, $2.00, goof filn hr $3.
48 pail woaiaa s cbecalatt rici til laca, aa* Empress toe, for $2 50. repria $3.50 sbei.
Toer cbeice of aep Lelies' Oiforls ia tfn store, bail tores, ter lec.
*" tba Uies laagiag fria $1.58 to $3.00.
^W"3^CL. "WatiSODIL
Bargain Shoe Store
208 Front Street
i.,.,*.r,7,T,-;.'5S: s',:&rss“«
Barber Shop
TtGlTlLllUllilKBlIkL ^
II m
Interested in Children?
cBsad to take earn ot bla If be
opBtlS marep her.
Oard Ot Tbeaha.
Mr. B. P. OUeia af Baraalooa. Saala.
»* 41haa.
aerrae bad eaneed ■ aa Boiaela U*
back Of bla hMd.
Nmw* Remedy, all
pala a
Be mp* Ui*
hH eaaatrp aeeda AU A
UatlteSm liter aad kida^ troeUa; CuMf..—
perlflee U* blood, teaee ap Ue atM-
“ IK,"
;.:&a .iSTlET-SS: SS^'S^..-^
f eriU to eay Uat I f*M aa^ 1^
' AMOblicaUBBforwhatakamberlala'a
Bemadp haa doe* tar oar (amUr. W* have aeed it la ao oMbp cawM
.^aemrhe. luC trooblaa aad wbooplar
«Mrh. asd It baa alwap* riewi ‘
...............-*--“aa,i^l**i c
Tifor aad new lite lato ererp mneda.
iTisiM^ U Ua mi^ur» of neree aad orcaa of Ua body. U weak
6B *Ji
home laqalre or addreee at Mim
6eh<*fleU'e dnaaBobiac psrtoea. 44144SBa«rraainna(.
This Season’s Nobbiest Goods,
Handsomely Trimmed.
Don’t nagloet Mnoh on opportunity for tho boys.
Some hnndMOmA ernsh MattA for ngM thTM to flvo,
nt 76c. $1.00, $1.86. $1.60,
906 Front Sttoou
TmTornn Oity, Kl^
The abore are all baicaiaa. aad eaa
be booebt on coep tanae. We ba*e
thwmand* of dollait worU od oUm
barcaiae la farm aad clip property.
Come aad eee ae if pea waat to bap.
Uet^ar property wU|l oe It yon mat
^1 II,. ,
Cbiocse Labor lo Hawaii.
. KaTIOKAL km to Elwsri • B*moan* bma (rulUM*. r»nrr eortnlnU
R Atrteabol vKh Ik* pr**««t MM Burw the naitofnetton af kaowlnc tkat
tkto to not tlM ibto nan'a Aolac* ontha dark tooUarni
havr diatBfM Kt«tood aM a Uitto. ikto
All rarK mM Jn«o*4 $
aluer to vortb ataarlkliv to tkc Oallto
asind.- Wkaa Uarrfcaad appeared at
r the rrtm Iumm of Motor to«rntarr. ina, be va* prcarai at
of Koundian. abrrr ta tbe thk
ea lo ta* unnaa roraica onc« ana i rBcasnarat br
ar waa allebilr '
rraac* a frank bald oa tk* itn-1 Dunne tb« tollowln«
Altar fan:** tn eoaatant warfare with aava«e
cblrftatBB and led blm Into poallluna,
and plare* bedded wltb tbe createto
It WAB IB IIM (bat
aubmltled a r'*b '
paton I ' tbe Prea^.! «*' lepartment.
H18 pton tva* *1
waa dlt'O a to.:;*'*
•ent OBt at osk* oa bi* )ouTn«> of are*
nlldf to th* Ui i~-r valley of the
Nile, from wal.b |>an «f the w.irid be
ha* hut lately return.1 ti» Ki.ncv.
!l I* well kn<un in ta:» natltr eiiunlrp
that Maior UntrhnnO I* an aliif>*l
lie IvUrier In the future of Frotu e
known territory In the Intertur of northem Africa.
The man who so dirlurbed the pear*
of mind uf Kodland wa* born Id the
bumble mtir town uf Thotoaey. In tbe
I-I depirtmeni of Alne. HI* father «a* a
" ' poor and low ly bom Joiner In thi* town,
kind. Over- and heir the younc explorer and aoldier
k bernira. Pranre 1* In embryo rre* up.and-attendei] achool.
•ow Jriad to And her herb In the (lerBDn He benan life a* a notary a clerk, but
Of Marcband. th* lltUe n»)or from aeon d*ve up Ibat tnodesl <nvU|>allon
What leird Kiichrner war In Rncland tered the tnarloe*. In bto yuUlh and
atx month* ad° (hi* little maji>r
.r now la durlnjc
h«« Bi'hiMil dayx he wa> known
lb rarla. AllhnuRh he ha*
battle uf as
lae" on aeruuni of his quiet
An Old French Flag*
There ha* Just been (urticd over t
tbe Pifly-nlnlh Infantry of tta' army x
rramw a htstorlr old flak which b«
•lafad ta ttaai rtcimcM M ytata aco
the dream
an.l has alri-ady cost her much of her
and a iir-Bt deal of *oid. iins
attitude.UD the («l-t ..f Ihl. 'lltle Crt ll
l(fa>-]<* of the FYench republic make*
him a universal faiortle with bis |>eof.le. \Vhile this xeaious and i-opular o'.
ne> r I*.not a t»rtleularly (william man.
be I*, like hi* KnalKh iir..iotyi<e Hld hener. u hord w.«.ker and a pl.elder The
chief sejTct of hi* »ur i-wr In life haa
torn hi* tnl-nl T'lr he>-ptnB ■•*■ emel
lerms with the m.-st exaellnr authori
ties ui)0 his sldllt) to pacify In some
explore the source* of the NlRer and siranac manner the most le-Illa-h-nt ..f
Ibe reRlon of the SesiKi Then f..r s*-m«. AfrPan warrjors and ehofuln*. At
years he supplied (he Freneh Rovern-'i-lhc same time hi* juts -nal friend* hate
nient and home yeoRraphlcal-soi U tle* ■ never Iwten aide to make out . Just how
with ImiKirtant Information and de-jfor (us so called self |>ossessl.-n l* the
acrlptlon* of hla numerous exploration | result of iralnlnjf and calculation, f-r
cx|>edilloi» In Africa. At the tak.iic at 1 It 1* a well known fai ( that at om- time
lAena he was aRalD wounded, tfil- Um* ^ he wns often seen imlulclns In the mo-t
severely, and fuund It neerwsary to t.e- Violent fits of unK-ivemabtr lusston.
turn to Prance before rvaalnlitR hi* ! His sirantn- career and his strict miltstrenath In the sumnw of K»l he waa Mary iraminK. howeter. seem to have
nominated Preneh mtent at Slkonso' ellifilnat.vl this danarr.'Us di-iK.smon
and from ihm time until his las' til-{from bis make uii. andrhe I* nov
umph.il return to Pan* has l«-eii »iu«ily ! of iho niosl self »ui>j.n-sse«l and
enaaaed In exploi jllun ntuk In (he In - ' cent of men.
A RerrjarKable Wasbtub.
la (be Hawaiian ranenelda here.you ae* everywhere at preeent tbe fTiIndr
an. with hi- divided akin and knot of bkek hair. I* It nut ralber odd tbal
lira land where women are moat deaptord and oppreaaed the men ahuuld dread
and h>* mmw like women than anywli-fe eUe?
The kiufe uaed by tbe <-an.- cutter here i« exactly the aame tool a* the take
^^te with which the Cuban Inaurdent did hi* deadly Work. One blow df Ihlf
c!- .ter le v.-i. Ibe brad of tbe cane aUIk. and a aecond cut* it off near tbe rooC
Thnc It Ilea ready to be loaded UiHin the Itat car* (hat are drawn by a
enicine thruuah the plantation for thla purt>oi
r to Ire at flr*t looka
Veiy like dray >oap«ud«.
• i|>erail<>n> on Iheae dreal planlatlon* are conducted on a imiml8e< ni aralA
nrwi etaae »ucar yield la ISt* t<m* l-< tin- aAe. I'lai.inii.u.e :.:e ■•fti-n 4.8M t*
a*> acre* In extent 8.»me of th. m employ aa nmny a- ?.<■*• ineti Cveraeefa, ,
Iwiukke.-pei*. eoirlneera. audai l-•lle^a. Me.. i.r«. white men In iowily an e
~ white man will never iwifoir
. . .
for h.ni. an.l therein lie* hi*
It re.|uir.w alx'boum to niak*- auxar from (he time the cane leavea (
ti;t Ito-oiii'w nut a dntahed Mr<>1uci, haaeed r.ad> fur ahlppinr. Noibltid U
w-a»t.-l. Tbe enirh'ti m*er of the cane l» fed liuiomatleully (nto funiare* and
fnrtna the fuel (hat holt* down the ahtip and oi.ike. the brown. Nicky DAM
whiidi doer into' a inaehtne. like a ^crnaiii •d'lviiotoi.aixl «.|>mr* out tart browA
ausar at one divir and |>art atill liiouner looiusre. .t auolher.
Ki.I/..k .Mti'MAlUv (UNNEfL
Epslapd's III Fated Fartjily.
Chinese n\edicine.
u n k ne n n
Adterlran male,
ria iipvllcn. I,lke_
every Chinese ‘
medical mixture.
It conialn* a Iltar.1 und a dried
llped- JVIth-i
these two
medicinal - antitml* the o;h»r
nuterlajs coiietilulinR . a piv-*. rlpllun are helim„| to be valuelo*.. aiid.no niBiter
nmy chomt- to
lli.- ••rieiiisl .lu.pii
always has I-. pri.*.rile. the,nee.—ai)
liznrd and <v.>itl|i-.il..
The trwRlc death/rf the late tUrl of Strafford, who wa. f.iund dec*ptUt*4
a railway tm<-k
Potter'* liar. In Ktixland, I* only another evidence o(
fate that s.i
pursuis |>ar(lculHr families The earls of SiraSoitf
flrel to la
unroiiuiinte <if tilled KnRhshmen- Th# i
,.r hl-.servle##
I IS. ntoMoi. a familiar flRure in hi.u.ry tm «.e..unt of
his nrrwtanTsoeereiRn. Charles, and bis death un tJr. si.affold ..f the Towaf
Is.ndon Iff'ldH, DuHiiR the history of the different nine earl* of S(raffor4
title h^s Ken oms- forfriieil. twice rzlimt. uncc'revivrd and twice recr*>
carl* have dl.wj without teavlitR male laaue. and the orlRlnal fan*
d t}t» title Is now entirrty extinct, wliilc a relentless iii-m*-*ls aaanto
have pui^rued every i-ers .n lo whom the tlfle war e.-r alta-h.sj. Some W*r*
lle.1, M.mejwerc drowned, some d ed .vf dls<-aiw-. and feu lndi-e<l have U-ro tk#
live I..ip|(y live*.
Shells to Blow U Upcle Shrn.
Thla Aac. which to show a In th« aeaemppnylnc Illustration, came Into thr^
pomiaalon nf two Inhabllanla «f (he
town of Ulle. who notlKt^ tbe minister
of war of (he crent and expressed their
willlnyness to restore Ibe.taoner to ita
orlclnal t>»*se**ora tt was Brwt Riven
to tbe Fifty-ninth Infanlry In Ilt5^ and
under It. in laCT. S men fell at the bal(I* of Meniana.
Salon S atue.
The pi-.--..r statuary tliaC Is attract*
Ini inor- «Jtentl..r. |»ihaps than otbaf
(iKur.'S at the Paris Salon ..f (be pr««*
enl js'-asop i- that by Kaiito* known a*
•The rnvFlUnc of Nature." A* tb* #•■
and cumplokhxia coBie-kAkair
called, and perform (heir f*m.
Ity waahitiR ahiHR the tiaiiks of this little alreatt.1. It makes one of tbe
eal and n>->ai picturesque s.ene* In tbe reeolleetlon of the vtoltor to the-Ui*
vtem and to certainly a primitive method of laundry wuik.
Victoria's Fiji Islaijd Troops.
A VeryvWise Swno.
le awana la New Tork's CeB
park has Just built a nest
cullar manner, a* will lie seen from th*
accompanyini llluairailun. To escape
muleNation froin small boys and di
" a aoUv# bodied bird collected
Sfpn.Sff S
Her* kr* A
tbouaahd aheQa which aboold have a peculiar latcreat to
all Am^cBB*. They were Intended for the purpose of blowln# up Uncle Sam a
navy. They did not. however, do tbe expected blowlB# up for obvious rea»
and BO* are lyln# on a GlaaRow wharf waitinc to be made uae of as old m
al. This carro of Spanish abelto. which are of aU slaea. were or1*inklly loaded
for.nae on pi#* of American*, but
aerer used. Owta* to the recent Hae to tbe European metal market ttey were
Now tkat the I'nl
w. «d artth (bcltkSovemmenl w bich ar
tur* In BUT bkUonal kjlatra. Th* a
Miami powtr In the world, must b
il IB tbe aololtoB e( tbaa*
a (bar* ar* p
0 be auRceaied at the present June,
e* of Great Britain, tbe Rtwataat co|.
1 blfbest poaalbto advantace to o«f
raatboda'or nilliw bar
adeanta#*. Only a
«kort Itae BCD aaUv* EerpUan troopa. nsetoaa as aoldier* a «*w yaara
trained by Brittoh omcera proved Invaluable In the recent Bndan ____
pmign. IB India lb* Britinb troop*, cumber T2.6M and tb* aatlr* troop* HT.HA
Many of iheac Uttar, tb* Ooorkas aapedally. arc alntoat equal to any troops la
tka awM. and all arc regarded aa thoroucbly Uyak Protmbly th* most unlooc
biBlr of aattv* troops to tbe British acratca Is iba armed oobaUbnlarr la tb*
* waa ralaad la tba t..
kan uBd baa prowad ««e1eat and amtoiihli to
perior oOeera art whllaa bst tbar* aia aaace
a aad other* o( tower
Croaa. Tka tmifaemB
aC tb*
tk* FIJI coaatBbulary arc rcry ptctnresqne. on* part
ms at
WaMkbd km and tba naxlonaj coatnme of Grcaea and Alb*.
--------------- WOI tor tta aai
broken up and remoldwL
of raeda and set to work bnUdiar «P •
Prramld In tbe center of eoe of tta
.rk's amall token. The pyramid was
lilt up BBUl It waa well abov* tta eur.
cc of tta aroter. sod oB It she mad*
r nest and was oaOmty seated oa lb*
m* wtaB tbto pictnre was tnl
For abont ten year* tta Cars«te
eofv>aiiy at PlltabniT baa aal«talaad
a mrinca fund for tb* bencAt at Ita
auptoyaes. This fund now aaonia ta
over n.«gt.MO. The aavlan fund to Ita
creation of Andrew CarocciA who. ib
order to induce tbe arorkmee to mv*
ttalr carnlnRa. obUcatad tta Canere
dtaal pnmpqay. limited, lo pay tta dc-
pesKor# a bWber rat* of intercat on
tbeir aaviac* Uibb could be obtained
from any bask. buUdlny aanectotloB
ar otbor aartn#* iBscituUon. Tbe edmpany baa met ihla ohUcatio*i at aU
Ume*. rcRardteaa of adverse baaitaa*
coadlUona of auctuattaU la Interest
raiaa, paytoc every on* of tta workmen
who deposited bla canine* arltb tbe
CMBpaay • par eeat par aaaau.
eomp*v*oc raprodwctloe of th* statM
will show, tbe dealRs to almply the 4#*
ar* of a beautiful woman (yplfylaaan*
lure. reprcaenicd as llfuag a vaO tnm
THE uonmrma <Ho->»i>. s7h:»4? jair#5, w»
Here Is Fun For Young and Old.
Wrr AND HUMon.
T Mwcn. «r«*Aaa.
''ThhtM mnu al •aBriar!" Thai O
camBl arwu on ha*a UiM to obaarvatb* <^Bft of attitado aadfartias
is tW laat (a« tmti brtna Uc Catiad 8UWa aad Oraat Britala. ^iwaiaUT
tww arr prrwm wk<. rrsanl a book
in iw aamr war <brr do a laoaoL it
wrfL tW at- aatira.y aa;to-
tWMartc MMUti UmI wAtn tii the
70Bth €t l9\f. ana ta tUa rav or
kara-----------baaa aaddaa. to haaa
-Wall, what
“ttTif. a
^ • -..........................................
IT or two- But
Bat tbe
tbaagr maa
naa thatjlwaa'^aat
tbat dtawa'i a>k r»o
r»a to tniat kim.
1. vlth'amita llttia atoatcbaa of ariifala a jaarortwothe tbaay
linf for
6 Big Balloons 6
Porto Bi«. oar tnaataaioat corar l ho , fro®
h.ra r-ar aWobol b-.b
-........................................ --------------------------------------- 1-..------- •*"T*«»**V Wrat7 WatkU>«-"Iu»ida ar onuidar-
^.......... ....... — —
■ JiTwaitllkia. Maaiu'hirfi* jw
■ aaat aad Porto Bteo •• da*raM >*•»
to tblak w -a«rt^ aad
Wbaa tl la ••hirh aooa'- ai Ma^, tba had of hberty. aa «
|adUnsp<JU Jonrual'
sUa. it la Iba
I irrdaliai it Tba EacUaii abooM bate
Porta Kim.
'Wh* tha-It aoBa at aaarha" ara kaown that «awn» mota tha» euoUala
jj„j, ,hi,ia. ia «hb aarth ih’t
ei.t, ,J| ibr trool.la.ivinaitnJ
aoBdeaeadaTat kUnlU.lbaaaaof JnlT
y,, oii.,),i,f.“-l«>.liaaai-41« J.iartwl-
I boa toat art iD P«irU. Bicffc aad tba
bad beat) to a ifraat meat ftfKUtlaB
. cf lb.. 1.1,1-Ubd. wbo uw,, bj ~ b.=.a.b. ~b.i~ _
..■^4 b« F.«nb.. u»- .b™.,
_ 1II
.bw-.._t- “I. U .-Jbl.b., tail tbrT lakr
to utSHal do'Ui-r..--\Va«l.lns-
“”?S “1
waa a firrat triampa of <
aad bomahrrd jwIrioU
wTrtrbedJy eqnipprd. eao
. .
orer rt^alar. dlacipllaed aoMirra. abao-
mA gntU tbe P.rto Rieaaa ia oar oew
daatty aappliad WUb
Zar^.latbr Anttllea
Baitbed*w».daDt. .d th-rbetoeamay
It U wH-
Eteryboili come and see the balloons go upTon'll got the prize bp retutnlng the ticket to our store.
»tv.rta,u lif«a tu sat ii«atbar aad r<»-
Batrioti Of inai la>r irtaoa. woo latrir "/
t----------------------------- ---^aTolatrtariiraad wlib wfbaalaa®
W« bad aot lamottaa it. aad
*folda.rfObJOhrr. laboald
<aboald aot bare lor#on,a
fonroUtw it
«ta hoklnx forward t4> tbe cahbniloe autaatbitiit far tia to be rtry
at tbefi brat Poartb <« tba' morrow.
Wbea IS bonra after it bai twaa at
VaaUa. w aaw [«aBfwdoBi ia tbe
oriaat tbr aaa riamoat of tbe Allaatie
At S:00 p. m .'Atordap, Joly 1st. B<nda will Med op from tbe roof of the A
Friedrich buiidioff. 1*4 Front Street- 6 mocster hot alp balloons To each balloon
will qe fastened a ti^et entitling the flader to one of the following pris«s fr-ee of
chargei-l-Pelr cf men's floe bike pants; 8-boy*« suit; 8-a Siewland Uat;4-a
silk boBcm shut; 6—a bike cap.
Kb, ,iw,„ baa a toiilc t><r
mairrial ,J war
Not only have w-« .prepared a itt • fan in tbe way of a Balloon Ascension, bnt
seethe pric^deecension in onr entire sto;:kof new and np-to*date do hing. hau,
c tpe. furnUhinge etc . f jr men and boy'a
From now unTil July Slat sYer^thing goes at cat prices
I linva marrW W__________ ___
__ ____ _
losla tbniisbi.**
0»adby Ibo
tcana reaoandlait hare hiked ot-mooib of tb.dr achirrctna tbeformer Hpaalalrffirtrwwat aod meat* and |rowwa. wblJe Ibey Ibeintba eelebrattoB of Amrriraa Indepeod- aelrm lt*fd la i^ofoand prawaBdiatbe
Men's fine Summer Suits-,, £S E2! £2 Ei'
Suits for Toung Men, age 14 to 20" coik^v,'!''^.. :
K.1! fSi
Bjy's and Children's Suits-..... *iv-<.n«f™ii»«,»<».
Hats, Ca?s, Bike Suits, Pants, Sweaters, Shirts. Underwear, etc
,j|i, i.
..Wrvins liillr rh«|.. I
i,..U. e .t tb, i.irtnr.* ..r Knr
it, thj- .H w.,'«|.er. a,.a »u-a.
S^wb.,.. b,p™r,.wb„.^iF «ib..bi^^rTiV.'Sp. i
atsaacipatetl from BHinartbicai tbraldeo. Half aa boar later tbe BMmiaK
MBSOnadioK Iftakeaap at
Dot they are brlirred to bare d«se ao.
••«_,.a,.,. ii.,f b.*« iti n
aad P.-artb of Jalylaiu le Hit- Dane that J r|„o^ ),,,
in a•.-.-kr -Y'O.t,
Eaatport. . wa» sirea to tbelr ao called vaoBtiBic.
v >
All iB reduced in price, and there's so ques
tioD that XT FaYS WELL to pnrehare
your 4lh cf July want* at this new store.
Not a dollars worth of old stock to clog
your selection.
a tbnmsh Kew Ear- race diy.
Tbe cini war. c«eof tbe
, fai.aih nil,.
al«ur>llv i.r..i»r
j boar Kew ............
York Rrealeet.
moet lerilble war* <d, blitory.
i!i.- inett. r nM«ir
tcllbd. aad'iB half a...................................
• ■ -------—*.. Iiirorm 111.' ibni *'h' iliiln t
C»Ub«wlbeflratKllmpaeof IbeiDoreiBK aoec-lij-edin prin-wli-a* «Bd deetroc.......... I
» -u.i
one Iwlrb
le-Jrb forth
wel- tireaew. tbe ftevol^ion. reall.r tbr more
BBS. aed ber la irane
a welI'e.^.«to tba utioa'e Data! day.
Aa tba
b.roir «f tbe two. a> rirtaaliy U> pnl
"VVb.. ■• iii.iir’ a.t.-i H-- •-•h.-.ii..,
an end to PoBTih‘bf JnlyinuifMti.. .. _
b.- slen-i-l
tiarnWB rf<-l<l~-lb>«e at l.WHt not t-A.
••« bj. Il.ai
tl.ai n At
Uc-««* eMIit.lil il.e
III, »h..i.
wh'iU' et-rM
well anjaaljled
wilb bi-t.Ty-hare I.Ubi-.l !•> '■••I.l
hildled r
lie wniori
U]. 1.1
. .
laeons i'
an •TToneone
idee nnieeniinK tbe Hall'.
If I*.- Ii.-i-l Bv.>l tei.T in b>t r,
;h»b, and
b'-r. IntioB a« r<-*tw<-le tbe Ku^heb,
)hbni- •■rcaniX'.l > f.-a o'ljn.r
bar.-not q«il« r"civ.ted from it j
. ,
Tb* T bare atipjK..rd. and tiiay etill anje
ribU-bamitiati.rti They bare not known
that the War wna tbe kilw'e war, and
waa o|ita«ed bv tbe U-»l and wineat-ot
bia enhjecla, who werr t«a>.U-ed that tbe
wmimn IHa.-l- wta
124 Front Street
Steinberg’s Grand
ioiiiil wartbc EoitiUb wrtr ant batnill-
... U'oniuoi^a o
Nothing Nicer
___ _
EBgigFSKDt EitraonllDir;.
«taa.l that what waa of ao abiKirWas iat#rwt »orl ioipottaact! U. thrm aboold
aot Iw rriaallyau to th<nr wbo bad >M-. a
tbi'ir f.K- Tbr Kcrolntiob waa oar at»l
Tbr Etish-b arr acarly alway* at
_______ _____________
laS.-wY.rt'kBiid th..fm-
Hot t
MTm*.pTUKr«.tl«.t...udP|t..ftlHraaBrlaairiiBac..atiB0.w t.. I- brar.l acrom
«ktcoallatnit froru tb.-AtianJlccalward
IU „tqhk..r8B«.- Tb^
mflm-aiial ch.-« of
Md-l at tir-t a; u w. II kiu-wn.
•o tba Pacitti alopc fb). an.. fli«bct 13
nMaah..nr after tbelr r.wr ba* died
Ib'»a lb,r«Til war. Imi the
BwKl'"b i- pla aid«l w ith the n.o^lh
;waylatbe«,.tera m. tr-iioU.. aad ia
BB(«bar b.mr Dearer take, ap tbe re-
A- tbe Mni««le o-plmorJ the ma-th
»tatne.lfrieiv1. rajudlyoa tbe..tW-hie.
frtlB. ■Odtbee<U...iMhep.orBlDKKnB»
"‘lb. cl.«-the m.rib wa. Uad.-d
Ular Haa FroB<t.*'.i not«~ tbe .ilrenl of
ttaday with-laKBa. alaotiriw..”
tb.- r.-pnl.lk bad f.-nKbt
AatbareT.dntlv.n.d the earth lara*
«P tbe broad eatwaaeatrf the I'ad8r to
3ka rara of the imo lb.-Poartb .d Joly
1 iBWltblbe l«..niiatt.d the
apraaK ipt.. Ir«n*allaaiic fat.y
Uad ao<l alMJ^wt Hnlaiii r.r.^airm.1
«'r fact that
‘"V .v.-a if Americaa. hart
IlfBBial Hoaolaln, aart the crMqwtige of larteiwn.hao- <lav l>effla. la «ttt
n#w mid I’acifi.- jKw.ea.i..n. !w« boar,
latef lhaa at Hat) FrHi..-iwti
It I. now
the |.
OD tbi. c««tiueiii, aart the patriotic
Ferto Rlcaa. are ia the uii.l>t (if t
‘Ant Foorth of Jalr r.'I< l<ralion
Tba. a. the hour.
the alimwt '
«mtlBoon. Fourth of July ivlelaation
io, CO h.ll
....do, Ib. w.»M,
««« *»■''
n-tbrn. oiil.r tWn etrtclly each.
1. n>vet\lm«;
..■“KTSr.’Sf.... ...... ....
,1... .....................
Metropolitan | SHAVING SET
Opera Co.
Tin- I'-riit
.leml'i' .rt.ao.e"‘ar.
.... .................
iui..-r I-
(,)ne Ni^:ht Only
•I I't
of lUeir
ht>.<i .p|„.,
a iu..li.niiii at h-a.l
own M..-1
In a.vonnt in part f.ir tlim arttulrati.in. ,i,r f.iilmk: i- moi:- l- tw'Tb-el.'id ly. miiirtly »rrowiap( iui|. r- .«•! l" rt.-fit.--. Trn.t. «md- ii.ak.
Tb-el.-id lr.
tame, .ireox'ib and w t-allli of tbe IV-
an- -I
l-.ll ..I ib.
... ......... ,i„
fnrtu ih- luU-rior ri
*•’ »'«*•
camal.tiaK ,-.wer
<>-•' >«»i»- —......
at aart acOnr re,i..ratioa . f
coalrt aff.wd toproviAe aa. We hare k«-. .
, „
come la erery aeaae aad ia tba fnUrat
a to do the work;
and aary
aolrtier* and aailora have
rvvr aniaitlert ibenia-iviw l•rUrr. Oar
Fair Jon* wiib !<• btow iiafc
Kan-Jui, wilh Ilf tanaa,
Bai ladnl ant Bom- with
A aitllios dead Jaaaa.
lie frasran'.a a dn-an.
yw aama av atm hMr W
(tana aed abipa atirtrd tbe eotbaaiaaiii.
if aot tbe eary. uf tbettmt puwera,
fto euMa «{ Atd-il
(iMnaed aa f(w a Bay,
Tba btoeWm at lUyllaw
EatraaewS wilk lie lay.
Aad lb.- lark all «bt«a«b Jam
Titk fdraaarr ara* beard.
aad‘K«re aa rtn-nauai reanwa tlmiagbliar aebievemeata in art {ind UteraInrr have uiarte tueb rapid atridra that
wr are now in tbe fMnt rank, and oar
year* old. we have BccMapliehed aliuaat
#11 that Enmiw ba* bmmiidiahed in
B||c«. and wbo tball lipiitvor expanaiua
twltrr ami that Eaiilaml like* at better
I. tb.i
with one aDolbcr; oar relailoat are
Tbe «ana<w'* drmd tmr,
Aad BB aalbata at paw.
Vbaa tbf haillr a u'w!
Aad over ibr .«
laHaalB# tb, wmlcA aoec >d lb, fra»-
>ric«s-35, 50,75c aoiltl.OD.
with diflen-ut •<
U iln. i> IbK-iii
.w'sr ^
■■raix-l-t. whi.'k
ill c-IJ neekb-u .
■ duuMt-br;
orltfitialitiA <-<.ktly
TrdH I'eri.
prBi f-r ib<- wriiim
hliieO A !Mii
(be warkel i, a slaai
e»L fual
ilb i-ld au'l K-ma.
,rrv.f to I
ia wbteb'atan.1
i, hlh-d
Im- hatiiU'. of (olrt. (.liver am]
nirb tbk-kly ilH-r«alMl with
Enaliabmaa bnt
-----------------------look apeh tbe wine lUt that
m,o't^Uiak a faao^ aniberOa handle
(■•IT ":«v',b'i;rw;;- i:;.rty 1. .h,
.................................. ....................................................
Kaelal afflaitM will......
aaam tbnnaelvm and «;atinne la (nrre
and frM.nent AiaairTM-.
of - i»
„nk~ft_ it
ib.a't Btierapt i». play ilanirt
y^ bare et Wwiit a ybml
aH« t IblDk _tkw
JSSU'liUV.Xi.'i-cCS. m
Aaerica and EagUad * fninraa name.
aeriD w U they moet beinar|j>raUy in|»oa’t h* am atwe it'a a campUtoeal If
^ Jpaiva Bkxki Baiuwn.
'vM yon ■>«« >lbe a Wrd.. Tbe »«fm^
Gate Postil
We want to interest
in our Kindergarten
classes, especially for motheH. We have se
cured one of tbe best teachers in Michigan,,
and we know mothers cannot afford to mi$.<
First Class Hiiana Cigar,
Good Size,
tnese classes—One*hour per dry-~Come and
'FicatiHi oiaiiij,
bring your little ones and learn how to de-
tHaaThiag Worth Ciltitatiag.;*
I earlier Amerk-an.
and ia
tit Ualoa
OppMlt^C. A *
««»«*«»*«•«« «*«« »»««**»«««
akin U>
Ak tonrl
Aad al b«aa or abrviaA.
Wbaar ymr M.W la )mm4.
The ^eawidflwaadttaaa
We have bean iatamarryiag for
Wa are actaally coaeiaa.
T,l#yme Ko t
ev EobrAldrich,
famei. LUiaa
cloae; many of oar iMereel* are mataal.
even identical
We feel <inito at bunie
Eogland feeU qalte at borne
PrecUoai Bicycle Builder
and Sepairer.
cai i-ivlKutioa
la any way or detctvr?
Another reawm that we like England
Tbal traod»oi‘a____
Wbat wfnm It, wlU ■
To wiiiiinry tota«al
Tba arbwa (4 tnaoipk
Frtaa maaj a aidd.
Tba ciaabim ot ■Um
Tbai patoou wlaM.
tor price# than #ny where elm.
—Beeutifully eUged
-Elegantly costumed.
.ii.jll laroi-
IbAIm. tbe aan of a aew dav baa rieen aeBad a bralrtaw p.wer
4s tb# Pblllppiaea S. |Miww'«4ntobi.-i
Oor abort but moat e«#ctire aad .i(f
ir with Hpaiu of la« year
lokT the Foanb .4 July. IHU9. aadito
aaaoi ... ..miAratert the atrenath and
d the world.
j adiulrahleflitiiiiatrtjDBhtinMrr oar army
TmTeree City, Mich
irikUc or.ll,«. »!,«..Dd ™.l. !.,• tb, I'«K«i.t...--dll,.lb.....-i,.,l. .<
Kurtipeea atato
ti.i.k a. ■‘'•'/^J'lJ.i.VVTatr r’' '’'’ ''
UtM of pyrotechnic Rlory. Wh. n the ri'-mroei. aart that ao Europeaa
drvwrarkaare lixbllDic op tb.;
casMtawnaaBdoarialaartif tbeWmt
egrA^a.'t .A.8sox''tr
140 Frunt Street
Prcsenlinir for tiie first lime
in thi- cTy. PlamiueU's
ia pei^ilea whom
iiKib aiel
ami prow.wa.
radeo. feaie of atreuKtb
mnineraW.. and
gBBW* aart eimrta lanniii.Tnh)and ]>■
iSalurday, July lst| ^at w. j. hoBbs*
D.iUlOytbe Kiittlub. are jiroae I.. flart
I.«blir. .-I---.il,
l•>•■rtf«•l «h. y hart ki.A reaeon f.rt•.••rtlnt at.d that w, ami tb.y are
iie.u.-k. The nm<>a>.
UfK' ly “t
k.........~l lb.
taenteiltb- affortn.a of tireat Brilaia.
■■■« i-lvl. P"-
..■.•.i.tb r.-.i.
,h<- lt».kiMati. n •lartl i
«.llki."«u N>'»
an raliaatly.
ink Cbb-u I....,w.vib,:
Uiraad riv’c pa-
tank. rl.)l«ii. ..... ...
». V.-Friedrich Block
Jaj.i.iu »b..~'
that in .|*akinK of tbe «>•
FaehionAbie Outfittfre
coloDi.-e (taiiie.t their iDdepetnlenre.
Macr Amerirana bate w.mdered when
at.fT liy iwBilun of iu oc
minalioB. They w»n>d t
blMnnc facta, Biw «-obM
(N M-. that till- aUrmi't of iir.nve lli la
force tbe rolunira tu rrlura t.i their atJesiance wi
n jK^nlaf nteaanre, and
that ita failnre waa to EnsUud a ter-
“Sec That Window.”
Uk Toor Dealer far Them.
-..velop their minds. Classes formed July 3rd—
Regular work July 5th. at-............................
llusiness College f
^ arww AKvamacak wxooto
TonneUar Block.
^-iS•"-".I v'‘'
i vomBiifo
jmu iMTAnxce-n
*'IM41 mr le)l yog abooi ttet Foonti'
of Joiy ooMnilcB. iodo^io «r««wk>.
I piMwn) to tbc boygoot In Ui*
d) eogeliy ]B*t otor tbeciril wu> " I
•akod CiraodratbcT UcMiBCt*.
It «md«4 Ui Ip- Ibf codpmpw of tho :
crrw<] that tbU «■■ oo« *1017 crabtl- f
father had o*»i A»« «• the bo»..r to:
ralala At tb# eatDP tine it war cratlf !
Bp<« blm that il wuoM U a{
h^rhlj> b> ramadt bl* eiPOKey to Um t
facta tbal wr did act tol Uka aablB( I
bitt *0 rauil gpoB bintaelf.
1 .
"I iKrticp (bat tix emphaaiae lb«'
'wred *tacta.l" aald irraDdlatb«T. “aod '
it la
var; ie<ip«e
|4<ip(e tbal f<.o
f»o abuold.
.aM. bto 11
ia »ary
' bardablp
dral '4ily In facia A< to
, loat&pra a
yon iDrnll'ii in raoaacktB nyurtixpry
ceUa to tbatp. 1 prar *i-g to rirr juor*j
aeU Bu
a 1 an atoibl
rated wilb farta. It U a fart tbal fart#
cioaeooluf inr porn nutii yoD tniybt
take tiM to a fartulnm. a# il were. In
additioB Iv tbU I n«an) it a torBib
doty 1 «n-.r In mynionirylii oarraie
tbla Rmt hlatoriciil tnilbtolberea.aa
that It it a rbaplrr in tU biainry cif
Aicpriran indrprodrtic-e tbaterwrp*triot a»d>v«y dUtao. indodin tba
I Obr* rrtnlrtr#
12 Photos
■J.I am
Barr a
trw. cmvtLL-
; fwi&hw.
I«nwiaa aaa irrp.## .
BW-r . Da< «r aiaa< raUr '
rbvara. BrU It .Sana
VtUttUI. parrwtaa aa# rorr
irrpf f»irr.aHf p| eraarrlra
raaar.irr Uer«. tU riwi »>
•cat lav. 0»«a (Mr UpmB
ewiar. htmm
I / ^BO. B. CBcien. atiww aa# OmbmIW a<
|0 lav ^aarrWlM* 0*«M. Civ Oprrr
i WE
!D caM! Ociartc Trirriaav CalWgr Ttrai
latrrl aa# ivai »riaoaa aprrta.' aureoe.
Caa-rllrrr,. Trlr«W«a» Ba I
/-UUa <i TTBNBK. air.«aM al
Dm B BlUtkaa Bk«k. Tnrw
Bol l<> t>-diM-oorair^ frx>m bli iblrtili«q to rt Ule Lia Fourth of Jnly alicy.
"Jl war I'hla way.” br be«an. •‘Tba
war had jarl di#Mai, and IhU aopmed to
nr to i« of lire If a'fufllrirnt reop<n
why that inriK-nlar fourth of July
ip wofilijr »5 th«
iu tli. city -Iv b loBf;
3 f..r 10c. t\a.ki.W. Sc
If you like m ra» k'lxcLawiot l;ou»c
ll••dr tiirad »;<> to
41 I'll,i«*n Street.
tba wholi' cKuntry.
in Fourth of July rt-lrbratlona all ny
life. I.UI tbi-y alWBj# airn.k mr aa
prrulr anii rhrap -a /rw artiUi^al Areworka. woraa than ariltldal oratury. a
frral deal uf tioiar and atto-ka. nud that
Waa all.
••Th*i oil roontry, tba ttrrairf part
of which 1 i<«UMl,oR>-rMl »t»i> luainlflcro^ faclltUra for pyrnirdmii-r atid
tbataiet ut ibini that 1 nadr up toy
tpiudiogite the firoplr a c-rlt-iffaliiA
tba like of whlih th<y had nrrrr
dnwnii-d and wiuirihin ihoir rhilUrm
and tiM Ir rhlldmr# rhildrin would raUiMulwr while uiMu<.ry Imlda a anat In
tbt# dlatraclrd glnUt.
any* ■■
Wwinl.-rrn; tod Rraodfatber at tbla
point to a*k if li<- ailll owned the tofer
part of Ibr oil rouuiry
John K. ^-amo.,
General Icsntaiu.
•H---------------------------tiwk from uiy p^krt a »>lf of paaqoretr in and ne-corrquia- a inuR lil- niy bnpra nnd anil.lHona
a r«r
. W ajatn
Ojain wbii
whii b { bad
Il no «j>ry
intrrwt in i41 I don't know
. VWIl. li.t-n ThU ii
jr interwt
-ibrti I woke-—up'' at tlihe rtid n-in and y.>tii-<l1 doVii wfliwutBtHlIca
bow tuni-h oil |oy>]<rrty of
r kind and
anotbrr 1 bavr*pertliitlrd
-............ — ..... .................. ....
, .
Irr and bill fri< n-h> to p<i«vw. bat it ii Pi»utln S.o.hi twm-1« of oil a day and rrUiBrkrrniinHc to ihroxii'Oib . Jndirr
conaidrralile at le.n liut al (b« tiiue fairly #lmikin‘liiiTrah'to the K.aiith I'f toy ■iir^miv. .4 vy Mtiraa.‘: ient. of
of which 1 rfr-ak^ bad not uiaila npmy of July: TlH-naii .iliercaiiie to ajkiiiiln iny hortor to ttnd in the tint vianoe at
Blind to divide with any our. I war tba B.oo.i Urrrla Ttieu auxtiirr e)<oniia iny data, (hat -in the eivii' im-ni
Brh-rini arwod uono]aily, ibv hydra 4.ooo larrel* Tlmi iin-dl-rt i«jainliii - jmtri-dir fervor of the <n-c»»iMn w«
hcBihd trn.t. the oct.'.|.ni-lbe whola well. I raw that tbinj.# were coiuiu uiy actually all..w.dlhe Fourth .i Jnly
if ’waa then ala.OI Ihe
i way
I aent ont niy invituli.mi to »lip by. and that it
inib No w.mder the rat;le fell. No
••Thi« la in llie eilnation. 1 bcfcan to Iriendr In New York ibwl.-n. Thiladel
•pri-ad iiiym-lf for the crMiralion. Srro phta. I'ltialiurR. llarviabiirx. lluRalo. woidrt 1 ahiyered The dwaovry para___ ________
bad burned town# bi ll^uimab'
tila to- Hva healer, iivrac.nee. Flioira. S«Tani<-n lyawi no-. I war cv4>l i war uum^ 1
broader acak andeVaenmof ..tli.r c.ti— aodtoan«. ’##• |«-triQed
tIVaU. but il war <
inciiolin. of coiirre. Kokoiou and KaU"Arwamaa Uconld pall tuyiwK tiy
luaxu.!. Aa faal u> et< am and tall ivuiM Kell” r i r.< alix.al tbal it w..nld never do
fcub iiiy une-ta ih-'V Wire on Laud I. I••►.•lnllch b tnudbabil w;tbadi4.nTlh
I- wbobi4 July
July cebrlvalfti W*-wa-iibl l-r the
. jM.«. Mf*. c-nirv
...... »«i..... r’liiflv
......j..,. blaik
- ...
w ith |aa.|>Ie R ~ Uu to the Lickrhinxle
la’iirbiu #1. i k >4 the civiliaed ubd bar
rrlelialiou "lie I’afla iipcpiiioD .f b.i..ua world. t‘f e-uirae I .tajrd my
IViHi? Itwrnt Iw in it
M}'bo»1» hand from tunchio the mauh. mio aa.v.
keiit lionrili In
.1 patbd the et»k t4 liiv rlmltfan and
• - -a llmt I hadI
and tbHiiae.1-uy Kiiiietiu
rtnr••in tbaI ----------y. mr
..... c41
— welU
-----------* ‘kept miide ...............'Very
‘ - I pulle
iraa Well^ ami IlirianllUi- WiTla
its UIH'oVery ‘ Wiore
..by Ibreea. hy d.oeus. tticvr My n .xt dlliiiy. a fuiIilifil^one
(auiiin in hy
tiyir.Ai]is Ahlev.ry.rti
«p.mter. a mw«Ut. a Veruvina 1 never t le«i«-d on my boiae and i;allo|B-d
iiaw Ml much oil Oil was lu rrywhetw- am.4iti thriii like a roaabTTilfr m in
It was etsuitiuit *kv hlich it wa# liUin war uiid eiqdBiue.1 to iheiii ih^
the valleys It wii» Rrtwsiu the nni- dilemma lu wbich * • - ■
1- v-SXb..-Va-fre kiora rik'hlissVB kept ivilUin rli--nlts)
al the
lilted? ,
I tri'd to abo.it fr>-#h < xplanationa
thtoiliib III.- lUi-anl li. He. but the lilob
bowIe<l lo- .lown alel Xir.ire that they
w.i.ild Mi-.ee the f..«h.-ru d.-wpiuy r>a
tmlilr thr.v.l. b>K • ud tiretr Th.-»Hua.
a-.m-thiii aj>{aillitu(. It wax
roou,cb I.. iiim a r.inel biimr«:ray in a
ainale niaht. To-luve my no tiier in*pninie'i idler a lifetime «<f eobrieiy and'
lU.ihlty w.aa euouaii t: 'riVe uy heart
The pu -'l Wiia iut.nMti'd a tlM.ll«andfold
when »1V liila^idwi and uiitinaled
friind* ai.d admit, r#' In-wM i.nt the
-drelaratioli that 1 did U-d Bre the Welia
b'Can#' i W'ua aavtii Ihe oil. rnnuiu il
i„ti.u -> ami.iiipf.n II in Iwiti U wiiii a
____ '
a.il.u It I -I fSa battrl. tiiiiu
lo luy ai in pr cl . n <ii-nar.y. money
lar •t III me l;ke II raxur alaab.
KlHbliin I la.
I ivnid
>nld ni.t'deay
Blit ’dear luut
mat I bml my 1F.-rnati
Rlu'>■<>'< O- igivin Ibeuil. and II
I t/De ti.ai Die nialkel
e war
ur may Is- a 111
IJicTcIc Saddle- Guaranteed for three vears—
Lot>k at them whether you need one or not.
yS 0l> or ylii.iiO vvi’l Injv a ij<wvd «<-co»*tl haii«l bi
cycle-yi'5 will buy the Ix-st new wheel on the-,
market—Come and see my display before jroio^
l^ark Place I loteH
'Traty-er's© Oityj Micliigan..
y friemU aial ad
uitxer. in<-r>ua>vl. uml ih-;v
Xt-wly }vapercd. {tainted ami cat|»cied--Roojn.>i with
private baths have been addttl.
it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Xorlhtrn Michigan. Address for
vihere yon
from Iiiiib. y-rt» aa.v : That'*
rales and «'ther inforroation
W. O. H(»LDKN.
1--1 - 7'"" ■ " ■ 1“ lMll..li.|
A..V 1.0# ..iL A.Lx,k..l MI..I
And i-llm l ilh; that « would Hot do t.i in-
k rnyhs
lA<-aiiiB far ovi-T my Ji. rsr's lead,
►Ii.mta-d my n-»:ret* Ihroattfa a tuetn- mi-capli.-msi lotbeeSiit i tbal they ba
b.M|Stal;ty; that
1 Die bitU and '
-Iviei outside I
Wrtreak and came ill with a ruar like Taiiliy lieiifrlis uave hack my vociferthan lhl« that uiy uilml was workin. KlHitara. ami >ei
4 vWith a hatliwnmns ' atioU.
It . the DUb. if. the imh. .4
WIm was Kero, anyhow, that he should a..and, and. iisleiiin «hwely. v«a i-onid tuayla: the ISth' 1 n-itnit. I tvifrel
aay i
fiiremmlbe same paye of Liitory as dU’ot in the m.iM-<4 tbe eas-apin .oil ' ''It lireaks mr'
yuor KraodfBlUer? A fiR to Nero and a^jd itaa the alrains'^ -Yaukra Don , tur trimda a»l adiluirvrs did out (rasp
allLi# |s-iiy. clirap John entrrpriara. 1 die. ’
. . ..
throw my cvniempt full in brnfacw"
mwterted I.. Krandfalberihat
tirandfatheryrrvw quite re.| and beatbtveTVi ii a maKuiBceui s|svt4
ad with his rndden bnrat of indiitBatlon j.|^
,«d hundreds ,4
OTIC the small d. inirs of a man whom
,,„aiiu« th. ir iwodiut to hearen.
b« evidently rvRardeil gs a were pre-WhT. ibal wss n.. apectac'h-at all.
, icBddr R«-coTrtinK hi. breath and bia
»aan 1 what 1 had iirt jBire.1 for
nrnUl and physical eqmliUrinu. be ui,. irn. ,.f tbonKaiidr i4 admirin
Went tin:
- frtrtida. It'was ibis wb.de aitureicaimn ,
••I had Irlrea tbe uatwr «4 tbi. eele’ and concwtenaihai touched off wliha,
bratlon deep Ibonkbt and bad laid uy
p,u,b-lbU w.«ld of oil •« Are - :
pUne montba and mouths in adraniv.
] b^d invited Iben tbrie' to bobold
You may be enrpriaed at tlw maKnitnde
marvel at
vf my ecbeuie. bat It is a fact that I lie
i ur „rx(
urs» day.
\Mmj . aa
mm 1
s aaid.
SBiu. waa to
«w «•:
gan drilliu oil wells and ttas wells and Ibe Fourth of Jnly.
Like the man wttb |
alcofaid wvlls and turjientine wells with the rattle on tbe ibonaaod bilK I as-,
j view to naiiiR them to uy illnini *,„.t.lsd uv friends
Batin scene Talk atsmt Nen^rning to(« to witnets tbe grandrst. aabliuest. >
(Ue borer Homkn towns io illalMimte
inepirin illBUinalluB and
bU drunken picnicab Why. 1 i»op.aidto n,ewi»to tbal ervr waa or ever wiU be ,
drill into the Ivwela.rf the earth ked b*eld nnlil tbe niomin sUta aing totoBcboC rnongb >4 natare'a al<^ v4 g«|ber
ccRBbBftiMestudigbt Ibewt^lda^ainga .
tbonaanda npon tbonaanda of
tba whiaker. of the mau in U^'s'»
friend, were crowded Hw. iber on lb«
BOV tm
tie II-IO of t«.
a bumlD
...1-.ll. Op.In i:..r.-o UiA . ihisiinai.
•tivl cht-etnlit. ou a critical world.
Uous era the Wiald had lieViT n
Hopkins Bros.
«-tb T'-.-ncs. VI
S iirir^w'^mTiw ;’:.h-:;.rn.;7*
h^ll-■w were full and overlldwin.
iVearca#a.u pieLW—'* lc-‘e'-verirt
in Bit pa tv , ' th- -"tv t»0' pDee, w;i"
beasiowasai.y iff nc
, '
nirh I w< nld am Iv the
as Would make old
Pluto biiiisell jump for tbe fire bucket
tbal 1 would, iu sbort. take great |4eaanre in bl.iwiii the whole cloven fiivtcd
and burus-d herd «4 them t» kiugdi>ui
Color. And I waved oB high luy trusty
sbotgau cbai)..^ c.ltb |iitcb and fire
•'Wcnld 1 bare fired all tbsae well.:
As beaten is my yadgv. I woold
would haro famrul pyrrd uysrlf and
iucineralni every nHdbrr'sauo >4 these
friends Hud.adiijirrrB until tbe asbea <4
the wh- !v I>ack of 'em wouldn't bare
filled a ninfits-x.
tbiuk It wee a jilty to diaanvini til tbtsr |aO|4«—tbeaedre worabiiapw as one might «iy ? Wb<»e faolt
was it tbat they were diasppiunted?
(treat Ueneral JacKkon. I biipe von
don't think it was mineV' and grand
father was purple with rage. He fUDed
and kicked and stabbed tbe flour with
bis hickory cane and cried oat
"1 didn t make the days to 1
liketliat I II) 11- caleudarmaker I'u
no 1 oi>e Uivgoiy
Jalios Cweei <w
(\-prrBicns or any other almanac man.
andtlmed emma.loupnyinreaw
riiol gnu cb.rgwl, from wbich I
f . What l-rcamc of Ibe craven <rowd • I
grrolr alMBt the Fonrth of-Ja^. In »,„o rfioi.t bUxln i.U. into one i4 tbe
am glad Jon asked that 1 j>nUrd ont
then day. rrerytbiug 1 loircbad himad
wells and ibat ignite tbewbote ; ’ at raa
i> <>r AB Horn raLUt w.
uy watch and brid Bp tlw«« fingtoa.
tooU.BBd.1 knew Umt tbu neat of »iii .4 wa* .m to apeak. ItI was a con- I
' wp™ .b.„ ua...« -W,
.^U -1-™ up . Op .dl poul
^ ,h, V~l»< luulu «»
. atartsd after 'em hot f-uL 1 charged
1 aronM hare oil tu barn indeed. Each
throbbed. Xseaew Atesandcr. ' uiajadged me. Instead i4 sjmtai
'ew as at another Son Jnan biU. 1
U Ibeae welta waa tx|stin me .boat ck»a,__noDt of the oW boys- wa. eevr with me. they wsw indignanU
m>d vJt
'•* rabbitw and at
lio.ooa m dria a. I
with a.uh a gigantic tlmagbt
exa.jwrated, tbey were mai Not ^
of an boar there waan't one c4
workmen tincy pric*- bni 1 didn 1 rara
Tb. feetr uf a few of them wera mad eWr tbmngb
* 'em to hr toond in ten ataica Wow.
B b.a>to to Ihe rxjwnae. If each Uoou- axpecUncy
,*p^ncy ruee
rose tn uy friend, on tba
tbe and back again. Moatof ibau a..
te wail-bad est ffJe.OOO, 1 wonM bara BIOIUSM WSISAA
S WWJUA....mumm- —
drilkd eaI all tba aame and bm glad ^
Tba air was «i They wriv turn wilb paaaioB. Tbey
It looked like apoplexy. Th^ doctor
«f it.
na after the nalrtial to a ,
with hnah that aa eagle got atall- bowled and awswe. Tbey exemis^ yoni
wud it wasn't aeriova and woald w»a
Fourth of
« Jnly
«»y vv.^..--------- -- *<*« ed
^ in it
j, and frU .iniggtin
atrtigBlin at uy tot.
feet. gmndlBtbw ap biU and down dakjiB
knock OBI all Ibr firewoTBi that Lad[^^^_,j^
y freedom ’ Tba i Ul tbe alrw^adark, baary hiow Tbaj pauoA. -•fitaBdratber.” aaid t)« duetor.
“boa aiuply baas ertreuBat ^ too
«*ar haatuaBBto«rrfigdr.wurf ot
Wa. it an i cried -Faka!' -Frandr and l»a«BUd
asBch veracity.”
••DM uy plaB. uaunatot? Wua
l u..,3.
Intbar wild and «
Gotid hardwood in stove leoiiths.
Alsu four foot mtple slabs and edteinpts.
There is
NoQuestionAbout.lt-Money is going
it can secure the most
satisfactory values.
With Ample CapitalSix Great Factories
All under one ropf, we are able to give the public the €
most for their money. We make 18.000 high grade pianos every year.
Easy- T©3?xcls-
235 Front Street
i STROK. IllieBr ^
THl MO'UltH^ &B001D. 80VDAT, 9Xm M. tSM.
4vap~«o» • K«M* U^mm <
»»-*o-a Wo. y—mdmt oa
Aowon TwkM*.
Fonodo b porrr •o Fapnnooa aa
•Va aV b ittralag a btfrry-wVrti
a»d a wbob Itbrarj cplrbt Iw wr1(U«
«r tv anaagr praVa aV Vt ptarod
wUli Ibuao who Jtat'F woord b-r di
-tkla tnilar. dV waa la a drangrif raprtrluua naaiit » Va It pbasnl b-r to
» l>u
OHia of fomi
■■ an) iV (otuKtir of a
auUr famllg.
«U dftr* ■ rmiraJ •ban «rhh w4k« t “Too eoaU barAlj bara ettoan a
It b ttoo bpv arbMBO that taijra. aewa lay portua or tk» v«rk I* d-a».
idaya. TV Uttat Idea b a arte^ for
'A baaaj U.4tiai m b for»«i «f a
aWt of Muint Brtal akapH iato ■ «rl- mM. -I am Jnbt rarUag tor—"
viib bar.
rO viib
»<*" «rith tkr odcM pnw4 toanlwr
«ao lie uagiii tv tiicka of tV iraV -a. Vra b 187U. aV y
y jo»t
JO.U » ytoia
•H mm
Vt I eoakt aot pov
tiplit); rooaak I. boM y f4«M of lb«
tkal Vta. TV bemayMs «il
aiHl all IV dovk-ro vbtrh ex|wrbacF Vfora
« oprat h 8«aVa.
kteirr wh^ taarrtrd. tbr pyHoArf Maf kao*--^
' V>
la rvsuic ordrr* rnuk
farrbd «a a k«a>IM liab to rrruJT» u It
toodanw far
"ilaoUba. tv rant. If U coowa to
tV'MarUBl baj«v. A lypmratatln
VndW arr »r
tVt b aot atrtotly dar aatO tVVy of tV vVol ca'lM on IV brad uf
lag of (bw V tV brad nd«T Vary ariw toamrrotr. Suttdar
>» tv boat
• <»« big totialral arm In tTtkago yratrrday <ark>aa!y.
atraiao by tV a*r of a or* atUFbarat. aoa. and I only took np tV boaae on tg taiervai i,inj in iv aeVtur.
roBaiatlaa of a otFol pbir *Vpn! to ftt
tor dm of tV Bauath..tatrd bb caar and waa totrnrd
IV Vodb .V rvlor IV F7« of tV
If yon «1U allow ntr to expUta-----1* tmutvlv. Tbr tuuakal man v^mrd
ar^iurd •’ Tbanary. ia IV Ala. aV V b raaily
pruud of bia aoD*. arVrrrmrota.
•TVa DV Vrdly riprou tor booar totrrtutrd and aald toat tbr Idrt a
a larrraard by armi to romr daring tV Trry nto-;
a aaar aHdUora Vriac________
___ ___
t» Burnt tv month baa rxplrrd. 1 Vd. „,id ihr»arlr,n<. aV tVt tb,lr aal,-a. o, I
V otroirpn) to IV foot tu i«rry<a »ab
Ukro by Vr^ taTW^iolT'^b'i’Z'tor
War eirt^.-bd on rIV. vhk-h opaaa aiul to any mar. i» toirathm of ataymt mm wrrr mainly UM^fitl to k.-r,dus
Abu ahrraalrlr a. tbr «raarrr'a frrl hrre pannavaily. Tbr buoar durat»-t piauoa iHdlalird «lin th. lr Bugrra prubi. lu Wrotrd to cVHtj.
totb «;raV
tlraod l>a<Va>
l>a<Vaa (lira
Oir* of B>«arr Btotn) ibroaA ibr aal.-r. tV wr'.- a«(ll my wifr. IV rmt b aVurdl.r wbUr Ulklug to tbr mcuiutrrm. Itr ' TV Ifttb
“ l*~Vhly tV nrV.1
•“ w
rbild la tV
bar iartroaiar iV rrabunca of tha bigb. and a<i on. I aupiraar you arrti't ialk<d with tV rutbu«ia»ui of a
».irW, A fra V.ta afirr brr birth fS.vatra.
, to a bairyr
who U Itiirrvstfd In bU BUl>>ct and 4«i
MBi.tin waa artlVi »n _
Vr. tbia
aam V
U*n«a*»a kalraa raa V Aarf»urd
“It bn'i a gv '
of mr ■Vtog
to a wound up by abuwlng bia rbU.ir
mrrawd in Brttiah aV Ftw.-h
vfthaot rra>..«u>r frocu tV narbiar Ity
air; •------I—arvuud
fl. vm. tbr
iMT" waa anamii rXplalblllg tirr L^........... ..
lulnr a ara- auarhiaann bariar a tarry,. •••«
rnudlnr aluor *at in tbr farr of a «<o,d“TVn wby on earth doyoo romr to- rarloiia Uiatmiurma and iVlr a|w. bl _
ruti Trofri.
Vr. to W rUa.M to tV r«IV Vr af .Kbit Tb.„ ... . d..,. Ibi... 1 W.I. „t ...vii....,,.« .11..........:
•T'** “*
*' i' «»> r» toto warn I Vre merr lliur.. fully amt with am-b a finr frtrBdlinraa to
1.. bi t -lab.
miab. aV
and lb.- ara r^miaiaitic
rtmiaiaiac her
kulr^a Ibr> rrrojTt^ “
Tbr POof Iraba badly. »V acullrry alnk that when tbr man with tV M-Vuir adira V. laieB hr.Hu;bl t'. ibi* tsiaalry
A loVrro pi,* ba* brm patmird «hlrb *■ ««Wrd n|n lawn-mowrr yon aald »rnl ta.-k to tbr a<-bo.rt V awa 1V vU^'wr **
baa two bowl, funurd in a atnrb- aijuarr waa to order idm|ily won't cut any- nappy luvprtrior of a brati.l-i»-w plapo
tJrrwl lBtrre.1 V. h.*a ar..Bard bi Orrthing rxcrirt my Angm. tV poultry
«)>lcb V Vd given uotra fur giuu. Binny >b tb“ ib.o»j».-.I w..in—at W>e»maenloi. .rf iV plr-wlnn. the I-.WU .•"
I. ,.d„d
1 Dlgb(. .i.Vr While got up Immed;- ai.xlrlQa m-. b .Uer. Wbirh ba* tb. |W«
atrly. aaddird a borw. and raced luad K-ck. i nioiiiii.-d ..a a Ult m-i in a rian...
n..or,i li,
li. tbr
thf |.■«.Ay to rV»r of tv eoa.-b.
Ur r«>
f c-n I-; n.-td
.Irwirrd am! M.l fa.i by lart.iiia a
iQnuugb thr night and tbr. wltAlr of the
n-w ml thi- ..p,w*it.. rml ..f tV h..ld.-r
tfollowliig Vy. and oyrimk tW ciarh
. kwl the J.wa Ml Ibr brad.
w itbm a f.-w Udlra of IMfa.t
Tirkrl. ar. r-.ik VmlVl by a t.rw ;
••WrU, air; if you won t allow wr to'
open tay rnoatb-----"
"rni not guin to be dtpow-hralrn by ;
a uutnmuD tiumw ageiitV'tuna, or
"•b'ftoTrr 'you call y..itr•W' > “W. wllb dlgohy.
"I aVIl..,
r^wWfuw li> luiy you on prtocl|i:.-.
alliply' though II would otVrwIar V.‘.
1 Vreu t a lUoaH-nt. tonight to go Into
....... ...
, Ma^aaiii. tboiifb-br haa 00k jq.t f
"" "I'''™- “IrV la niready al w.i
‘ ■““ Marebariia at Ihi'Q£riBal!*b*V iyue.-ii
;..b\ ber that ihla work, to V <wlVI -I,.'
to- l.uirl I
WrdrkiBi) of tV Biival oVra
k.,„ uh-ia
l»mui.-B. rve.'Bfly .Wlinrd t.. rnew brr PDrarran-Bt at
a l>re*.ieu aiiVi '
I hare tp Imw
m.r-1. r...i'iiiooi'i;;
r>iuv ileutrtiaul ™''ii;
un tv
. I...:;
Italian Vtilrwbl|i V-paniu Ui turn tali y.-i.i.« man an'ai
aor of la tea.
SttrUluD V tbr Klmulab I'hrialmai bnB<s rl*Am Tr.i- U c.
trry a .i.uidr ..f year* ago. TV ship treat -r.'.ac.- a.-,
at Ilrr MaJfirtV**\hea’’le^ X‘.m
•raa miltiug off ibr roaat of 8pda.
of ihU year to mark lb.•ad It oceunvrt to Ihr Uruieuan to lu- d«u. at tth.-
hucr all on i-Mrd. rnvn 'ctrptaTn"..;
Hu la puR-Valug
Ig _
a lAliery
ticket. Tlir ticket was bought
iiugbt. and,
to Ibr delight of all. waa lorlonaie
^ugh to Win IV flrui prim- of
wblih was dleldcl amoug tV
lucky ..wacra on t’hrl.imaa da».
A‘»crj,. nrU»ua piece of g»—l f.wiunc
ton toM year to Ibe lot of a p.a.r wld•w wVkepiaamallahoplaaauburl.
^llerllli. Our ev. tdug as .he wa.
•ming a cu«lomer a wurklug mss
•l«.|H>eil iDIo
lulii IV
llte ,b.,p
abop ,wj
and hegg;i1
Vgg.1l pirm-r............ _a
BlUaloU b. ilgbl hla .................
pl|>.'. Hiwwlug
I»Uhv Of imper fR>m bia |B«-b«-l. be
• wlauil it u,.. m It BI tbr ganJi-t. hr
•fler ligblliig hla idpr. threw dowu 1V
•pin and walked out with a w«r,l of
When aweefttog tbr Boor IV next
CVrretl |wiB-r om of Mb' eiit(...liy, b'd
iBkfobllug II. aaw tvi II waa a toiiiTy
•' ticket, only a fraction of which bad
been burnt Khc f,.ld.il It up. pui It
•Vbt In. her |«>ckrt. and li u! aliiwai
. ffftrgoiteu IL when tbr rvault of a large
tottery drawing •■aaghi ber eye In the
She then rrmemVird tbr
rtvui|ilrd ticket In her j-Hket, and. on
prudvlng It fouu'd to Vr amam'iucai
' And delight tVt tV nvH-b-d tirkrl
fcad won a prlxe of rm.tuM. -»fir
•laimi'd tbe prim-, and although ahe
•dVrrtlaed w MWy for Ita ortgieai own
•r with tbr luieutloo of abarlug It «lib
toair Bbr baa beea left ta andlaliirbed
pVai—lim of her fvritiuti.
Eabc Bretborru ami Ik-huVrt automauum-rtpia tVt bad brioagrd
to» tbr
tbr late
late .\
.\ W. Tbayrr,
tbe btugtapVr of Btwi
Btiri Vreu,
Vren. W
Vre Vwn aold
aoLl at
•mriloB lu laimlou. -The tromVn,.
parta to tbr cbotal ponton of tbr Xlnth
EympVuy brought «;:uS: four iwg*«
•untalnlug the wings. "Ab PerOdo' aud
“Hrldrumwlrlu.” »nW; '-KmUBl du Va
l.aDd." two pagew OilZ: aaiogcai>b tritoxB of Brctbovcfi hrongbl frum «3u to
flea rack. kXinr Sebubm aonga were
•old at froiB lUKi to |li» cwcA
lerrallng. "TV IaUu andimcM,*
r <myA 'Wre Vrd to cnpllrair.
r. TV
igllab—I k>rr fhrm: am) IV AmcrtJ
wblck IBT
WbyrpMid Taloabl* tivp cookine on tB* Fonrtbr
0>t a bappljr of ViBB
* .w BbkfA
' Oood» and awad Btov time bjbt.
Ue f..
a. I'.. K-.'I'UI I-Ii.*:-*]. w.ia «.'«u.'vac |hy.
... ........ .
1 la* amaui. iul. prM aM ynamiH
:DR.SPlllllEr U’.'i'iV.at.nT.'K;
I Ihr n.vth.-niiu.d tw.rtion of KiVna. with
tbr ol.p-,n .if lwK>4umg ai.Hliuatiicd
Vt. yaly 11 h. all any
I 1*BUl Hrm-crr. -r "tb-,. y,aV aa lV
j h.;aJ ..f tbr rk.uih .\fra ai. U.-pnl.Io 1. fa
tuid.ark .-aiHsl. 1. ..-Iral-d bu TIVI lartb: day Uat oo>Bth Ik- waa Utn ai IC»a f..r *air ao.: t..
. Vpair *orX
I' l Ur«. iu t’B,. <'..:.Hiy. aB<l tr-kk.'.l ta peoBctk Biiro4ci: tou.. ..rjrr
NalaL tk-urr Ktr.- Slatr ai-d the Tmii. , aire.'.
B sTAUlttva
vaal. .\l tV.-..mlii»i.,i,of tbcdkaatroila ‘
war IB |8m b,. -aa gierii i hargr of the
iir»«lai..ual coy. runKwii Two n-ara lairf
. bo v;i. e’l-eird |ir.widrijl an.1 ba* -err.-d
uiiiiji.-rrupi.-.l!y iu that ra|>a.ity rw
Snid RipiOt > lidto I. f.
Burglar tder-bli-lly Drry»uai'-'-| Vg
.I thousaUU
11..-.OUJ iMRliiUs—.-aiiie
i,.„~ 1
moat li'-'op*
l>orluD.-ly er -ii,e-:| can r>-turu «.iiur
other lluir."- Vmlags-M-ar.
r-ati.a HtwiitMt.
IMtRm. are m.i only iuter.i.'ilug a*
apis-liui-n. of chtnig.-aphy, -birfy rery
auiu.lag when ihc coDrlrtinua \ih. y
glre expR-aaion to are <xM)iilil..f>ib
This bouM- In It. Iiifaner i.-l^ »).r
tonoyaibiD of Ihr ty,h-wrlter. mid- n
farm.T lu Wc»l VlrgliiUt
..................... *----------.Ddemw waa written iti
B.pg Vml Th.-n foOfc»wed a Up~
‘tortoA which tin;.farmer bad uo <MHwaion to‘eomiutm!
«*'•* with Ihr
(. role tor lofom..!...,
timcemliig u filfgiio. and the rtidv.
typcwrlUeti. was duly maU^iL In'«
>' I-
'I- '
■ *»•>.'' 'to Inrg'T and
"umi rou. are ibr huudle* abc
cleg done at tVIe
|iilrc a\ ))■'. A'fat
Lunch Counter
fili yiiiniiliili
Boi r. fT«t
M-4 TV..............
Tea ..................
Milk. ,er *la*«...............................
B<ii<erMlk.p.r gla** ,.
S9 = ft;J2SS£u i
K«« iMsO.i
Brec.l aod Uaiu
Frilly l ake . tbf
Pxiaio ifi1c4i
Krk Chop.
BoVl »a*v
a*s Hhr**, .
The Vienea Bakery.
TraUo^VrR** rroa Bi. bwaa*. Fori Vayar.'w
IiFiruii ana OraB.1 Bbpi-i*.si 7 iB p. m
TraiB lra>tB« si <I li a. W. baa chair ea*
wwav. y.
«8 : .SwSS .S z ' £«S3 :
- •••• — _: ■ j!
Traian am.e fr.i« Oraod Ba^rd.. CUMlBaa'I. Cau-agu. Imliasapm.*. at. Ml. m.
Train* arm* from kla.-kl V- aad Pvtaakry.
. - as, cam,car
Wa.ii.e w T.dcdo rla B^-O Cur.
! Tram l«a'log k f> Bi h*. .OeeWaa car* WalluB leCbuwgo.dnrlBaatl. Laaiiarlllc. iadiaaspoiu sml Bl Lcuii,. <]iaiitc car ui OrasA
, VpiO*
old atoad with new Cxturrw—
Imt n in tie sue birlws.
Jmei* IV.
West Michigan.
Wr will give you 0
iBd 4o
do ..r
our brat to pi
I,..art iJ.’..
—I ..a 1 . * "Blaukrillr \V Va J.in (> twri
xtatloB bV waa pufBug ao that
• luwiMt - ilurm
--------*r.i -|t.wr f(,-raeYoura.- « dR>w».v man to the front ueut JumiK-d b^wmU ATCH and Bcrt
1V« , .... h,,..
aiMom III. waggiu R«celred au' I take
«tiddeu1y. ihlukdng It wk. the en- ]
•'•"'It ate. -- "-r.- ,,au.ltol.:i yrvu Inlit.r* glm- of tbr tmlu be was WBltlUg fv. | '■
I ito'<
dumVul If I -Hu t ll I >‘toapprmicbed Ibr ticket window, and
: AC S ;i825 A-S « .
ac.S«a!.i= A 2
«7nl.'‘lr..l;i.!.Av;;Bu,';S ”*
l« mi- truth abd do tV right -Hlltord
'cw print "valUlde a|*ucr. TVy wev nice, uew
TV trUdiwu .If the wV and Ibe rx,s-r- y®®' b'"en fer me | kin riwilcm I b..i
buudlea. bowerer. and Uo obiecPiMC
i> preaerred by guoiatl.m,-', « waggln from yew iweatr ye.ir» ago "«>
iv.M.;tUm to.
AWn'l her to p/tot my b-tier
~U'to Itwln for JungleriHg gon*
be^™^ • row yctv-the lugulnU.
, Ihlnga aence then. I m-kuu Ikin git a
“-Vi. ma am." tiwpouded tbr cUrk.
When meu arr pure. Uww are B«.lea,
•'’to"' totberin' ?J?lrf.dka.
‘toy arr Vekwi; ..Voura tniely. .
,sibii. Ci^glu.”
for be waa new to that {dace and wax
€£ •
Bigr««t and Beat
Lunoh Counter..
In the city ;.
me tired. It's
‘ a beatVii.. And 1 Want
to «y tlrlk. Mra. Blykina- If I Und
tVl you iirv knitting any more tidle.
and d.uyhig any .nor.- ml a.innel
‘""to w.«rliig
waring apiMtel
apium l fi
for the h.-ath.-n
*■*" ^<"8 «o protest. You m.wu well:
r""'' motive, ari- lofty, but the hralh- ,
vn d.m'l dr.mrvc It."
Ja*l a rCalhVIly.
I a |•orlit lady with a im of
L< PaiBBVf
TraTeTM C>
Gas Lamp--
'pfice RedBced to dost Out LoL
AB a’b'~PB FB—Air
»lu I w r as a«
1.' »>
1 »i
» lu
L» virou ...
L» Oteaga
IS 11^ •’ ua
a y w<»
a gu it i*
L* ohe-sM
7 lA'lS «>, • XI
» tl 1
a IV
£r UM VnidC
Tea*er*e Ij
Ar PeKwSe)
L* Tralee** <'*.
Ar gl* BapM*
L> KH. KaniO*
Ar Tra.erBeC7
.1 uv
’ 1 R
11 ai
7 A
It 1£ iS
)u lA 4 m u «u
, * »...... ' >m XU
a A II c. 1 IB
X le R a> I ix
^aVlV Dmikey.
■hman. a<i>|ag a donkey R'adc
Brflt workuutuahip moory
I’lrlng a
“Our nlnriy-elgbi.'ma'am."
CAO etDpIoy for Bicycle
■Vap rida. )nm,Bi|
on Jil* b
“One oiueiy-elgbtr' aV rcprauiL
B«pAiring. Quick work.
Hr ha,l
^>t gom- far when th • n- "How does tliat Vpvnr
, ,i»t
Vy aurird Jniuj.lng and klek ;.i
"I doo'l kuow. ma'am." V ivpilrd
tube make, mind fool wheta aV Biwut ao much mi iVt be got bia ho.>l ax be eyed ber buudKw. "I goe« It^iuUBioBSliweL
. ber diriing.-Bacsm.
bung up
tV xtlmipa.
- lu one
, of
muBi V marked down from |a."—
'■ yon'w- going w.xblugtou 8tar.
»rr. aaya
aay* Put
PxL "If
to t*t on. I'm going to g« offr
^ _________________
KlewA VaaUM Ueawm.
Ood re
Bar rnewa.
In.- iwiiber
Utw. BrBUjl>lc---ltoD't you i
“That oan's alinuioM to me an brr. tVIli. bow- .vou used to rbaj
M'a may forglrr tboae who bore aa- wr
caa not forglre tbcM whom wr
MI offmalrr. and V Va tV rrpoia
iia- over IV thought of lust you and
La Bocbefaucald.
tlon of Vlng a fortunr buntv.
Ito tog together to a dear little evtug*
'• »“»*•■*
U“t aomrwberr. far from
itlrr of
Lb Ii. A. BvUdlng
throng^ Younardlo-a,______
You nard to aay that would
Her young aura
ours la Vr t^^
agalnai tv |
.tbongbtfnU/V‘ V imradlw. Vt you don't arrm aince
Tbrrr la ao arrrrt to tbr Vart
wr arr married lu bold IV same opln- ^ Qq0j BSS$ '
lart w.
oar ariiou do not diacl '“•
The I___
ooaaaiaaiatr hypncrli* rai
stall times
conceal tV workiaga of ttVmlad.~h>«a
Blopay OrUtoC aiotyl-Ax
tV Preach.
Trry rrri
What aa ai
■ like a (
liotta »:U B m.
lai wtu rwort.
e—anti,tog?;.?^"'^rbi^:'toilIto^pttog h^i-1^ right akmg."
OBO. BOITHABP. Pr«e*ta*a*
aad'by rgmannicatiaf oar wlraiwn^ old maa. you didn't mnraiVr borrowbare moir.-GirriV.
— ....
r tv year Vforr
. ^!L7km«n“^
" f'wi'vb wit.
unsns us iwmisiui L L
rfFiro Insuronco.
!li* lI'SrX5i.riir
f„ ,b. ,bw
- ____
IV Uke a aa^L
•lime*, aliboogh tVy av gnb-k
tBV a potol ami applaod a great draL
Tba Itallau talk, rattlr tVIr proapApmdixlag tV
I- bair U«i
ay.-d t.ai
W. atartiug
.tvar. and bia dc,-il
I r.-aa»B of'r tV laid■eaa ..f ibe oaa-n.
wpriBg. Hr will de
“Why <bi tu.‘ brathru rwgrr tdnrtrd
out Mr. Blykliia. wb.i i>ad Uvn an
ting l»-«klr IV erruing lamp for nerml iidiiuiew to all.'in l•Mmtl•llulllB with
bl* faraway tbuugbt*. -Thr.sr’a tbr
giie-Tbiu. Why d.i tli.'yr ,
I *‘l gkr It up di«r.~ bUr-wlfr V
»|M>mbil. brr ryts. -itarklllig with geo.lal rx|H-<'taucy.
) "TJils l-u't a robuinlmm. Ii'iionrnf
^ th.Mc gup-liuiis iBi.jdy aak In onb-r to
biiudllal.- you by a n-mindcr tliat you
don't kaow the aiiawer It lan'l orlgl-'
nal. ao.tbow. There U .‘yery rea-ik
lb.- Iiealb.-n ehimbt ii.it rag.>.
rt-rk “Ijidy Imeu here 1hl« moi
ilulug atmui M.U.C g.«HV*
th.dr own wny.
lag. air. .ompbilu
We rn-ni her."
'to riilllpplne uatkv*. I«hA
Kmploy.T- “Whn^wa* abeT'
■' Agulnaldo. .\li ib.\v'd bar.- to 1I0
Cb-rk -I null.' forgot to ask Vr w-.mld V to ant>-xe.l imacefully and
Danu-. air. but >l»'h> a l{lltr
tome oyer to thk vountry-nnd bold
With a full 1.1x411 iunguc.''-l'uucb.
nice, etey Jol* In dime mum-uaia for
the re*i of their day*."
Thl« couDtr.r la guing to he a per
Then- I* H inaivnh-r h<iu*e In Chi
fect ellimdoglcal iuBgresa pr.-tty,aoon,"
cago whlcli ha> no .liy trid-. but
dmww Its tuildue.* entirely from rural
“ll might V a
dlairictn. through the iihnIIuiu of cau-
clo»e ef Ibr Cl
-eric i.f in.idcMa w.irm ti.und a cniral
draiMli. id.-a. .-ach cntiiiliiitlBK )n a k'l
IMii.lratinx Ihr forward
SbT,V.lk - hirh
'-------------------------FEARL8 Off THOUGHT.
------- •
toril.H..aM. arr .troBter lhao i.orUW.-ml. ll l>bdli|w.
dlstmai ..r aio.th.*
Our dlstmii
lawbiT JuallBca vi.
bli dr
lit. U Unit
f-uc-'d ................
.. . icald.
»*• -*f «-'bHom
ac>«e... aa well a* di|.ii«ari. bate aimr-.|
IV atH*nl
atH*-l t.w fnudv LVwig Harea.r la
2 Loams
for 5 cents
iam lOTER ui BOIT CO
preaent .lay
WUUiMi f Call A«aU.
. *1
it.. d,lr and iul.. a and-; tie yJur a.vvum luday; or thia da
Pununr wa* Im kind 1.. < Vrl a ii.c y.Ac, n... lati.-r Vine tm.vcl -ui-1 »,vk or lUa day___'
BOtIrr. a Udai(v.|iiiUl of Cblrws.i. wlm bwar.l lod ^birgr rarh ilrkrl la laru. *
‘It la. »lr. I'm Mr. Browtir'a
pORVaed a lottery lickrt U-I vrar.
K-rlkhoian ba. ddnowl a yo-al niau. ami hr m-ui me arouuil i<
fliairT tboughl ao lightly of bk lir. a
e .’""d *«»rd for bU-yclr-. a wirr
you to dlur wlili bliu. ami gu 1
box at Ibr tb.-aivr atlerward."--July
Din tlchiL to a .plrtt of fun. u> a with a r.ll.f at .............
rod or tl...
kfniUHl Jitaepb |t.N.I. at a Wrlbday y-V to ratry a flaf fal-rir. wbl.S .0 1*
a |>Uc.-l I
VMuui- On iV vriy day on wblcli Ur ■}'
• tbr
rarieil with tv tlckH 1l» numl*r waa ao
* It
■ "will f..Il..m tbr ■
r .lia|H> »f IV wb<«h I
. annotibei-d ua Vring won a prlxe of
BMUiai. Boiler fell Ibr blow of Ida
' nlaf.otuiH-». kn iUy IVI br dbtl fiom
fccan dIaraiH). frmu which hr bad auk ,,'•*** M«'flr A
' real aamr la
fern) for aMmc ttoir, on IV folWwUis
It Van Itjck. the rrrat opera
ainm-r. Iirrau lifr aa a Bcwa|«prr Mini
Aa goMaiog Btory la told of a wicked
M' 8. tJill.cn. it ■
*. baa a., little
trt«% which fortune played, a ah .rt ear
ir for Biiiair that b
mil diatinKui.h
time ara lut a lady. The ladv and Vr
Hr Va. bowknataad. wV were trat+llng. twUrdai ever, aa cx.vU.-nt car for rfaylhm.
•Mia. Katr Tern trotted up. to the
tv -hop «rf a rounlry-draiicr to make
a few Iiurchawra. Th>y wrr,- alwui to fiw.ilicbla at the Irmler are ..f A. when,
with (HTfeet aclr.p.>aar—ini. alic trill'd
Irarr tV abop. wVa an attracilrc ^characl.-r a.«g. aa aa auclenl erour -f
.konuet anvaiid |v lady'a Btlciiilon.
and abc Indued Urr buaUml to buy It
Ktiilui Kamea ia mod for h.-r ylraclly
off lb.- aiacr. U aildiilr.i. ii. a b.vi-k
Tot her.
Wh.m It eanM- toMyoimi. howryrr.
tkr linaVlid found h<II hla
h dlamay that la «
tV innwl liiirrtdiag woai.-g
----------------offrRHl Ibe
taralwr an righlb-aharr tlck.-t to a Orr*
•nan luM. ry wtilrh hr had lu Ids piirai
•ad Anally tndunal him to an-epi It
|mn laiymrut.. A few days lairr Uir
Udy lear0.1l. b> hrr.dUufuat. lltai Ihr
|oli..r> Hckrl bad won an eighth of
Smtltai; and tVi her “dBritog Viim i-.
kad thus euat l>rf tV twrvcri |irln- of
tpvcr Cii iHKi
V|>py ioaplrutlnn tbai
Vftr Whlip. tv fatVr of tV dial
EjOtd Aima>T. vaa a poor Manxman,
W bad drtflrd to OnUla b> arrrr VfblV tV nmnirr of a huokvUrr'a alwp.
14 tv W of adding to bU me*V f
cwliiga V boBgbi a autnbf of loi«ar7 tk-avu fur aab. Vt fonad bVaHf
taabb to dVa^ of iVm aU. Ainbr
Vm motuFi;t V dM-ldrd to artM) ibF
oandd tkSiH. to IMraai. b tV Vpr
bd flodtng a bairr market tberr: Vi
I -vVa IV fuarh Vd <•F<•n a dar oa
V forrlrrd a btlrr Inforu:
- , -...................-..............
----- Thai IV deajiiard ilcVta bad won Z*
>• to par f'lr
4a nUaai. ljT««i.r lui pstnlra M
iNtTuou or ro*___ ...___ _____
Vcaaar Botbtog la morr aBsroaubbtVa Ur wisdom of thorn pr^iCs wb..
art BB
a» for rrtocwwr.
rrforwwra of tV age. Tl.
— a
courae. that tV enffertag of IV V
I ^t^tonded to V torrfble to i
Mr^8ktoBem-W*Vt! Twder
Critic fwbo Vf Joxt twAd tV playV•BtUl
, .
„ Uke. tVI,
-- ' with
xST- tv
- xttffertog
of tV
It aat ABtbto' ato^ towvd tv^ net."
Provident Life
and Trust Company
A B.I r.m.
I •! X ■
I A| S A
•W A *« M
of PblUtMphtA.
[Levi T. PouiBgtoii* Dwtrict Agi.
TU^ Twr->Ko. 60S.
0«Mtml Otto UiiMttl*!
nblaCpr tb« Ztwih of Om
Arrived «t SranM, Fr»soe,
TceUrday Morning.
JUKE 85,1899.
A Year Ago
the Spanish Fleet
and Army
IMndt. dua»4 -Dc. &U«Lo^«»U
XAedterKUotBScontMid AMtorl*
raipoaitbf toe U> imA
Vico OocilB* to OleeaM the M«U«r_
oMf IH Con BMbviM’tn bj erlalM]
Dnjfu SUM VO the XiilUtr
AinaUi udM Md
SriMo Id • Otewd Ourief* Witk
Bteort of 9U AMdAmM.
PmHUBt McX<ml^ B«IUM V*t.
Vili b>|fa4ata««4 A«4WM«i Troo|M M lib nimpttaM*Wf Pt»iriMWt rr»p*rtnt to A«V
Tbo prto«»M--------
' iMdoB. J«Bo >4 —n* Bveslac
D. C-. J*M t< —
H««« tbit eftcnooB poblla'tca a 4br Md U* •djaI patU from lu eonwpoedmt at &mtaat ffcaml of tb« i
'■M, rncotvbbhaaTt: -With aU
doodod wUhtoIaCMt fro loAilitaiT
«p.l..U« ......Md,.!. 1—W.: Dr. KUw Wo. U.»».l.Wbld.tt.'“™'““
Dr«7(ae arrbad bar* at « o-eloch th«
laf thoir Mrwleoe (or the rolaatrcr
Ipof Srad
aiwr whbh a
BMoy paopU ap■oat Vaa la Obpata.
-A ap^etel tralB with (oor
pafoatip hallo?* wUl ha aaoi to the
■Mlae-Kallap hone eoM iraa rarearrlTCd bare aad the
PhlUpplaa*. Thaaa dUpatehee are
la tha Cirealt (orthwltfa ratand a«^e)o**d
rarroBoded bjr eta eendariBaa.' nW •
totheallharrpriaoii.wbenthej I 1 fTl O
maa araa detalaod. pnaBaeatOp X XAU.W
Malawhlah aar?pd la tb* war wlU|^ ^ Kali,,, ah-, ooalaadad that
at tha'^ tor (ear
(*• of laahara.
•pala, aad paapl* of ao Allltarr «
trotuar hune Fred Al
»h..^ i • -Tb
■Tb* BBthorltlM hare daelbied all
Yon 11 Uare ttyiu>: to find
hM boM amead^ the bUU«ou\b *
'>5 »*"■ 01* B. i lafenaation aad the raUway oSebU ter ahott^barKaiQM than «e aroof- ferioK from now 'till aflt-r the 4th.
BawaMoere that UaomI
Bd Keck, alleced to-------------- --------- ------”
Parte, JoM S4.—A dienalcb to La|
>bb* on the Orand Bapid* (air Pntrie from Brrel anp* that tbe cmlear I
to pBt down the ieeorraetloB.
frottod* traeh* three peare af o.
Stax, with DrepfBt aboa'-d left tb* |
Aetlag. Saeiwurp Melkrijoha aod
Thb eaee wae the moat tenaeioulp vieinitp of the Uland of Maderia tbia
Adjataat Uaaeral OorMo are anthorlt;
(onfht of aop eaa* that ba* bees tried morning. Her eommaader found ordeib
tor the Btauaeat. hawerar, that ao
1n thb eonrt far a food
from Parle airalUng him tbere
deabloaloBaBtertaaor more rolanand It wae not the fault of the attorI Mm'* 6bc drr*e ehoe*. light weight—
taara than the
aepe for the plaint IT ibat tbe J urp
«aaw to be orraoifed from aaioaf tb*
dared a rerdlci In f*r<w of the defen
elau troopt oow lo tb* Fblllpplaea ha*
dant. Tbe plaloUff'a
jret bees reaebad. From all that cao
•t LaeFrgaa
jduetrdbp Frrd ll. Fratt and J. W.
b* laaraed It b erldaat that u
Hetehla and U w** ablp tried. lo-Ue
Lae Vegu. N M . June f«—The flret
aldaratloa hae been plrea the qieetloa
of the adrleabtlltj' oNanemeatiBK <iea- ■ammlaf npMr. Pratt made a atroof aannai renoioa of the bocletp of I3v peln ladle*' kid >boee. lace AQ.
arfnmant aod placed tbe detaib of the Bongb Bldare began today. Tbe town or buuop. the newnyle*. enotb- HAr
iralOlb- force deaplu bi* atoUment
caeeofhb elieat iBUIlifenUp before la gap with -bunting and oavelrp er bargain—celebration price...
that the 10.000 troop* already aaeiraed
tbe J irp and with eharaeterbUe f'
yellow, though the deooratloaa have
tohb aoamaBd will be eaffinaat Vo
Wr. I'atehin made the eloalnf arfu- been bedraggled bp rain. A ^rk baa
4**11 the reballloa
ment aad bb addrem to tbe jarp
been converted Into encampment
The adBlabueiion hae. appareaUp
naohad the oooelnelOB that It will be
lealteiplea You'll dad our celeb-aqnenn. Mr. McKiIrbt and Hanlp C.
Uoveraor Otero Ud bit ataff and tioo prlow tbe lowe»t in town.
via* to orcaaiitaa additional milUarp
Uodf* far tb* defendant prcnented Oovnmor Murphy of Arizona are bare.
tore* eoflebotlp laire to anet av oall
pow. Tbe governor of Colorado I* fepreeealCrom Uaaeral Otb (or more troop*. No arfnmenb
When tbi rd bp former U^verncR' Adame and bp
erdar* In that ^aaeetloo bare bees erfol
batted, bowerer. aad do atcpa bare Jnrp reUred the flrtt ballot wae eight b‘a mllltarp ataC. Tbe governor of
baas taken bepond the preparation bp to tbra* to favor of tbe plaintiff bot tb* Cblboabne, Mexico, east hbrband.
the adjetant rrneral of rerp nooplei* floal ballot waannaalmoBa for the de Tbe trework* will indnto a pproteebnie rcprodttcUoD of tbe Baa Joan Agbl.
planafot maetcrlnr In rolnnlaer* ae fendant. A motion for a eUp of
mor Otero and tbe mayor beaded
aoon aa Preeidcat MiKlnlep rt*a* the enUon for elatp dap* wa* granted.
Later in the dap a oaUea of appeal to tbe, oommiti** which met Colonel
naoeaearp anthoritp.
It wa* aald at the War Departmant. tba Haprame oonrt wa* Had and tbe Rooaeveltat Baton near the etate llne.
Otero tendered the freedom
on fetrlp food aotborltp, that tb* adImmedlaUlp aftor tbe Kallep-Oer- of New Mexico to tbe party.
rleaWUtp of orranlxlnf a fore* of to,€00 eolnataare (or earrio* la the PbUlp- maln* eeae had fooe lo the jarp tbe
The Fourth In Porto Bloo.
plare wee oooeldered. but It rra* deeld- eaee of Gordon Bari v*. Herbert E.
Waablngton. Jane «4.-Tbe ollli
I will eupplT floe ice tor tbe ee*
ad that thb nambar wa* too larf?. aad Bongbep foralleted breach _of eonatSt Uper month,or H-OOper me
of 8u Juan de Porto Bteo prepoee
ataa* thea oonelderntton bM baaa fir- tract neat oeenplad tbe oonrt'a atten
if paid in advairae.
aa to the formaUon of a amatler force. tion. A jarp wne nt onoe Impaneled diaplep their patrtoUam and ■dnlltp t*.
tkeUalted SutM bp oelebraUag
The plan* wbleb are pow brief ai and tbe ataiament of the mm mnd*
Fourth of Ju y lo Amerlean etple. Hie
reafed la the adj itaat feneral'a otoea Mnnip C. Dodge and C. O. T^nnr at
tariff ha* been declared off on
OoatemplaU the BBatarinf In of either tomepetertb* plaintiff and Pratt A
tea rafiaeaet* or la.ooo men.
Davb for the defcodanL iievaral worktt ablpped for that parpoee.
JrXr,..:^ rrtldririii.*'"'
Were io Ha
-Oor boy* were within a few -mile* of them
•ad marciiiiiff toward their tnms. Wb*t biatory baa bew nsde
This 4th of July moans somottiinc to os *11. and if yon.
hare t patriotic corpuacle in yonr.*n»tomy, riiow it by decor*. ‘
tion* *nd firework* thi* 4th of July.
Bny the*e thing* where yon get beH f*1ne for yonr money.
Onr stock is *11 new. freah *nd bright—We think onr prico*
c»nnot be bettered—judge for yonrtolf.
Show year color* July 4th, *nys)*y.
mpeClWABlE. Jt„ Ituw. W
Out Celebtaiioi
Prices do the busioess.
.111 Gwils te Send fr«
Union Haile Oreialls and Shirts'
Aoy eize Over*lla from 28 waist
to 48, and 27 to 38 inch lomj.
and Oztords
Alfred V. Friedrich
It pays to trade here.
MO F.O.T '.Tonr
eta from :f0 to 50 chest measure.
Sm ov 'idon PMe 6.
$. BENDA &C0.”
m frail SL
(Tomorrow, Monday. June *6. only) we'll cell yon
Children's Black Hose
. r..
Ladies Black Hose
$1.00 cd Month
Beat ever aold at l»He
For Ten Cent.s a Pair.
C. W. Merrills Co.^ STEINBERG’S
Adjataat Oanaral OorblB daollned to
■ah* anp elaUment refardlnf the
■attar other than that It wae hb datp
to b* prepared to maei aap amarreaep
that Blfht arb*.
< Tb* aattar wtu b* daddad npon the
rntarn of Praaldaot McKlnlap aad Baorotoip Alfer_______________
witnaaew wet* asamlned aad tbe eaee
wUl be coaUnaed on Mondag.
On Frldap evening Nellb M. Oarrieon WM granted a divoree from Uaorge
P. Uarrbon.
A* One of tke FanuuM tor thcFonrU
Tb* propoanl to Aav* eem* eorl of
^■petiiloa on tb« golf eoun* on tba
Fourtb Itgnlnlag ground nnd tb* foltowUff pragnm abeald nbont SU tba
Work OB tb* turcb Foetoiy B*tng
n**Uetr*oko(UMM.A K. B. mUmap on tb* property of tbe Pouto
8ure* Oo. true comrleted pMlordar.
Tb* eompMp b»v* reMlvad *bo*t tbir-;
tp inak* to be OMd la tbe making of |
>-M*4*l Pl»p.
nnd tbep r***i*«<d word jm%m- j
dtotontrok** day that tbe mneblnerp would ba re
adnl p)*p. • ceived h«r* early tU* week. Work on i
tba teotorp ie batog rMbnd to r^ly
ee poMtbU and tb* tome now anmbnt* I
on-Beet of tbma
BtoU tbe l**t mlnaM tar yonr elatb
special values, we struck it rich this time
you ahoulti uec the
awap Aceldeot Tcatordap.
A vary aerlona rnnawap oeenrred
Sb* Totthf Wan laid to Waoe Bara
pMterdap aftarnooa oo 8tau atrect
A bdnaUd for bb Wealth.
thaeoraar of Wellington atrne'.
New York. Jan* t« -Woaw Fowler M« WilUnm Ememon and her eon
Cbaer, « •epottof Hooeier beir who, it Arthur war* driving lownnie thrlr
ball>D*d. miabdocted bp hb uncle borne oDblde the clip when tbe wblfHcand aant at Detroit laetjjaodap nlfht. trea bolt of tbeir wagon broke and tbe
ha* bean eaasinad bp t<»o eapart alba- aad of tbe pale dropped to the gronad.
Both ttfreed that be wa* per- Tbe tritu became frightened and daabfeatlp **Bc and able to manafa bb own ed awap at a frlghtfal rata of epaed.
aWdln Cbae* told the doctor* that be partiallp overtnming tbe wagon and
wa* ^t the rletlm of abdoeiion and Uronriag both the oceopnuU out of
with bb aant of bb own free tb* rig. Artbnr eacaped Injorp bnt
will. Tb* pbpabbae cent telaframt Mra Bmeraon «raa thrown, atrlklag
to that cflael to Uoreraor Piofree. on bar tape «ritb each violence ea to
OhaMha* been kept eaalndedoa U* reader bar Inacaalbla tor aom* Ume.
•**eath flm of tbe Waldorf-Aeloria.
Kb* U a verp beavp woman and it wae
av Btttt feared that ebe badeueUlnrd
aarione Internal lajarp. Bar face wee
bedip laeeralad aad bmlaed and one of
^oUnaDafbDlw from Batlaf Iroa her eboalder* badlp hurt. Several la-.
and Other Haiab
diM lirlag U tbe vtaiaitp witneeead ;
Madleos. Wb. ieoe
D*vl*. * petlMt *i tktt Maadoa boapll- j eUtnno* w** rendered tbe nnfortnnnu
*1. died pMtardep eae reealtof »n op-Jwom**. Dr. Uarnar wm aammoned
■MiMBPcmkiaalomneb. D**U told **d gn** tb* neeeaanrp m*dla*l»ttu~ tba boapllnl uBiboriUm b* bed aaten Uen. After Mr*. Bsaraon recovered
nnlla and olber bnrd antaetoneae. and ' eoBaeioaaneM -ebe wna token to the
upon nn oparntlon to remo** tbcec * | bom* of Mr* 0. B. VandorvcNt. w^re
. Urge qann.titp of the *am* wn* found. ] *b* w*e properly enred for.
$ib”6o Worth of Shoes
Only two reasons old, and many up-to-date style#.
We have themsH prices so low
that it will surprise you.
VaM and see the^ *t
A small firm in the suburbs of Chicago was forced into bank
ruptcy by their creditors—We bought tbe stock at 68c on tbe dollar—
We have placed the same on our bargain tables to close quick, before
we begin alterations on our second floor.
This is tbe sale of all sales. Below we mention a few of the
numerous bargains:
Ladies’ black Vici Kid band Turn, stock
button and lace shoes. $3 50 ftl) ftr
SaYiDgs Baol Bazaar. tip.
values goes for.......... .......... wZaZw
Tti fell Coatracts
Made bp Mteblgnn Tnl
tor nap elan* of aorvlee deeired.
Snbscrilws Hay CaanI
nt nnd of aix montb* or ebnag*
lo nap el*M of aarvlM nt «rtlL
nTnlopboo* tb* mnaager to onll
nnd nxplalB now rntMOdoplod bp
tb* nompnav.
I Ladies’ black vici kid. McKay sewed.
|cDt tip, button shoes, a ^2.50 ^ |
value goes fox.....................
Ladies black. kid. fair stitched, stock tip
shoes, lace only, a regular $2.00 A I t A
I value, goes for............................ wIeUU
Ladies' Oxfords, hand turn, black and
tan shoes, sites
to 4. axegnlaY
$’2.00 valne, goes for........................ I WU
, Ladies' vici kid Oxfords, black and
tan, regular $1.50 value, goes for
Ladie,'common sense Dongola shoe pr^
valne $1.3=, goes for........................ I M '
Ladies' Dong»la, coin toe. patent
Ladies' Dongola oxfords, patent tip,
value $1.35, goes at........ ........
Ladies' and Misses' Dongola shoes,
coin toe.............................................
E fl 3UQ
id’s patent leathir shoes, coin A I 7C
toe,I. bals, $4.00 value, for ...... ) |, f 9
Men’s genuine kangaroo shoes, A i 7|J
coin toe. $4.00 value, for............ V I * 19
Men’s calf shoes, baud sewed. J | J J
coin toes, $3.00 value, for......
Ladies’ Dongola button sboe, 0 \ AA
patent tip. cheap at $1.75, for.. wl,Zo
Men’s kangaroo shoe, coin tip,
$2.50 valne, for.........................
Ladies’ Doogola button shoe, A | I A
patent tip, value $1.50, goes -for V | * | U
Men's calf bals, patent tip, $2 00
valne. for .....................................
Men's, BoritWcnieu>M, MtoSM'and OhUdranI ShoM. 8#i^ 7do, #9^ down to 90Take adwantace ot this gr^ money aaving event.
Tlr(^e Bostor^ Store
_ ; -r
THE voumio BSOOSO, BXrjTOAT, TUn 86. 1898.
9BM iLOUmfO lt>0081>.
tvoBaccvmnbvtM i
vtop »apMdtodapBhb
bto Botbar aad atotor at tbolr t
Om at • aalato aad ttoa ^Itoar at TtoO
la Iba Braalaj
: r. W. Oseh. aa aWaraap of M«
aruiba ctfOa
1. tba atip m prafoMa
aa tba aiMBtr SaloBbla. om to tba
,9mm. T. >Atv A» i. w. b«»»o a^nri.toaatodtbadaabatt^atoek., • Dr. Sadaaa. oai of iba sta« of awPrtd. Manaacb> i ibliiri. wfll ba jphTtidaaa. aad bar atoiar lira.
f. W. EAma. JUiMT M4 M>Mgw.
* "•
Kafsaa af Waablaptoa ba«« rata-aad
la Iba aoMUac tba CalaBdto wiU laare,
wb«r ibay ba*. bM.
tb* dook at T;M lor a
aswad tbf
,__ _ BMatb.
VEATCsn orrr • lacmoAii'
la all dap poatardap to tbawatara
M of too Clip Bocbatoro. A tore,
abar partook of tba rafrwbaaota
dtboi hdpadatoaraModstoaa
Tn lUalnM Sm. of wklek C. W.
tm ianmrif •( tkk
hM auud • kMaUtal ud
« ^)M«Mal»onw7 kMbar U aaCMtaa
fOTM wniHay of U pOf*«
to «a ftrtluia M««r of
«to». m« book paper to oaad oad tha
Oaabar to Ailad vhk ato«M* bait
ISM aloM of aeanaa U Md aboot MoaMd
•oiad MMtotaa ocms. -ptouuM of
‘/Sitdasaaa utd bMloato plMsa Md
' SSaMaof ft btowrtcftl aftim. AsftdS^ftftU daacrlpUae of Ua book wooio
bslorop>c.dftcaU. TltapobJicfttooora•aoM rn»l «radlt opoo tbapobltoban
Md to of grsoi fttotortoftl aftJMMwaU
M sowwiratfti Waa to Mftotoua. Tbs
6oek to ft work of an. ooapUad bjttttoto ftftd Moapapor aaaa of ftalfta asd
toabtoiorp nbtob U ooouisa toaara.. fall/'torUta aod iBUnaURf to read
Mftotoua baa raaaoo lo ba prood of tha
Miarprua diaplapad bp iba aaftaftrs■aatoflba MaoaTaavaasa t itt baa aootbar UUa to
teaa to bar foU stab, lo iba eorrast
•Otobaroftaa WaaUro Oolfar, » pabliSftUotodafoWd to rolflojr. tbaratoa
braaap aoUaa of tba naw Trorana Cl'tp
Slab. Tba beotitoh (ftBa to erldaaUp
bara to aiap aad la fast K»laiaff • bold
apsa tba loam of baalibp oat of does*
noTMUoa aad eaaratoa. Tba dab bow
•aaibara aoota of Iba ouai proBlaaoi
poaaf Baa la Iba eiip aad tba Itaka
ars b*ooBlo( a fasonu rraort for la.
dtoa. Baop of wb^a ara jralslaf a:
fnai proaalaaey la tba ob*Bow that itoerctarp Alrar baa aoDOaBBid blBadf aa a eaadldate for
jNaaior MeUlllaa’t aaat iba pallow
)oaraaU of tba aaat bara aa opportuitp to attack blB apaio aad rcaew the
Mtofoatom wbleb waa
»lp to rofattl to tba
dart of tba war. aad tba forea of wbleb
Baa daatroped bp tba to*eaUrailoo
Tba boatilup to Altar to Uto Inataaot
wUI probablp ba*a do Bor* rffret ibaa
tba prarlOB* aitaoV.
Itodlsa to Iba OoorreibttoMi Obucb
TWa wlU bo a r^dar Baatlac*f
Daebaa t»BA Bo- mt. Madara WoodBaa of Aawrtoa, Mead^ alfbt la
HoAtarM haU. A fUl
Mrs. ArrlUa Oardaar. wbo fsaa s«ll«
arioMlp iajBrad to a raaaw^aouBi
afo. sraa abla to ba oot for Iba flr«t
UoM poatardap.
Tba Ladlaa Aid aodatp of tba Coelaaeaai sapper to tba ebareb partora WadBMdap fraB fa«r to atpht o’elodi.
Attaraap Jobo W. Patebto wUI A«Uvartba Koaitb of dalp addrB
o. W. Haifiaiaa will fo to bto fara
aaar Moaroe Oaatra toBorrow to ^ead
Tba BOBbara of MePbareoa Poet O
A. K. era ra<)aaatad ta aaat at tba Pool
raoaa at l p. a. today to atwad iba
taaanl of Comrade Wrai
There will ba a epacUt Baaitet of
iba dtp aoBBdl loaorrow aveatof
Tba eoaoraloo oa Iba Oolaabla toat
Ofanlar to Bik Baplda aaScr ike aa
apiaaa of tba Craaaaat bead, waa a aoe
ewaa to ararp wap. A larfa crowd waa
aboard, in Uekata.balat oold. Tba
band played aaBaroaa plaoaa all tbe
srap aad ratara aad tba esearalaa
toraed oat to be oee of tba tba amt
p'.aasant of tba aaBiaar.
Mr* C A. Bofbae. wbo baa beaa a’
patloDt to Harper Hoapital, Detroli.
foe sla wMka will laara -tba boapital
Moadap. 8ba w'll ba tbe ra«el of m.
aad Mra. Bowall oatn abla to retnra
Dr. FlaBiof Oarrew of Aaa Arbor
to tM fawt of Dr. i. O. Maa«a
Maadap. aaooBpaatad bp rrad|M--------tbopwlUr»«a tba DoardMa oa a
abort oftBidac aad Aahtor aaprdlUoa.
Mtoilfarioa Boberta baa taianad
froB baa Arbor lor tba aaBBrr rae;*
Mtoa Oartrada Hoataraa aadbrotbar
Bm. rMantad laat airbt (roB Aaa Ar
Mtoa Oara (%a*e to at boBa afiar
wtaterto atap la lutroit.
tba-rc Wmiaaaea aad A T. Baav
tor of Kapira. arc to tba dtp.
Mtoataala Daaa of Maototar. to to
tba dtp ctolttor frluda fmi
BaUa CtoBpbcll laft
JtoaAraae leaaoal wtat to Mortb.
port poatardap to *iiH with Mrada.
Dr. Mooo weal to Etofdap iaat
areaiBf to raaaiat twaatp aaadldataa
far Iba Modcra WoodaMb orfasi
N>u Flora Waraar left pceterdap
for Hir Baplda. wbara ebe will eater
lb* Psrru baaiBcaa coller*Attoraep W. P. Urouar laftpralarday aarator for a two weeks' rlail at
tbe edd Aoaa.
Mtoa Mary Haslar weat to Ellawonb
preterday to apebd a few daps wllb
Mtoa Balls Wilsoa
Mra. Mark Joboeoa waat to Bapld
City yeatardap.
H. D Alley weat ta Bik Baplda pra
la^ap to tpend doadap with Mrs
Towaa aad Mtoa Oanp, with whom
Mra. Altop to rtoltlnr-
Ooealderlrt Purtbaac of Ose
Maapoltbaladlcatotaraatad lo tba
•aale of tba Cosrraratiuaal cborcb
ba«a baao ulklocof tba poaalbillip uf
MarttoraBorcaDfoDdwIiha tlaw to
^laolac a mw toatrsmebi to tbe
pbarab. Alltodlat Itiaraatad to tb«
^turar. miaeaUd to maat at tbe
'hoBaofMrt C J. Koaelaad on duu
SIraal Moadap avaalnt at ~-*o to aoapidar tba Batter.'
street to A. E. Bloffbaa. baa rceeatly Psetoi^"
■Kven that laTf-i *. h .d,” rp.lcd the
puiebaaod tbe tkraib Side meat market
ttlaa Brtatol Bappllp durprlaad.
oftieotffe Chllda aod will raa that ««-w*-rn man "in boston there si*
K.lw ard Atk naoiis «>n every (v rnrr who
iMt «*enlar tbe ladlea of Trareraa boalaesa to lAc future. Mr. Cbllda will wslii 'll. i.fisrh whether they have
Map Bite. L. o. T. M. aad other (rtoada icaala with Mr. SolUvaa for tbe area- churi hes or nut."
sarriad out a bappp sarprto. opoo Mrv eoi.
B. Brtalol, at ber boae, IfC Eaat yiolb,
Bleb aod B. McNamara^ Ba4tTfftTt«8
atrati. nera ware tblrtp laclaa la the
fi^BSt. Doato. wher*
Special c'ftlsB forVyher*. inubw*
taradtot party and tber bad a dellfbv- Uep
' were In ittendanoe
ai.d eb Idrcn at the Hbdnrwe College,
beylnotop Juy
'fA Very low
|al tlBa makisf It pleaBSt for ibelr national oonveotlon of Elka. Tb* trip
rales for all. Come and'see.
IrtoM. Jbs eveatoff era* derated to to tbto Miy waa aada to aeprclally
fOBM aod eoelal paitlBoa soy
fast time, only lu houi* balBf eoneuaad with refreebmeau Tba li
ed In e'aklnf tbe Jturney.
•Baud Mr* Hrtotol with a I
Iiuriaff Ibepait week Straub Bres. A
)ardlBler aad aiaod aa a tokaa of tbelr Amiotto shipped oat of the city. * 000
poond* of eaady made la tbelr factory
Xoalaaau Ooaaiy Fioaaer Itoad.
ttodfrey Bas*trow, foracrly clerk of
BoboA Oorlaa. aa old aad biffbly retbe old Front atrect booM. now on*
apoaud pioneer of Utlaaan eonatp.
tba owner* of tbe Hawardea. tbe lead i JT iC'
Atod at bto borne to Umeoa last evenlof >o(el to Uladatoae. U la the e'tJjWhi
tat at tba advaaoed ofe of 77 yean. •lajtof atlbeUotolLeelaaanwlibOlel
toavee tbree oUucbier* to Boora
Boeirna aad vIsIUbr other iriesds.
bto torn Tbree pear* affo bto wife
Secretary Hale of tbe toolf dab. will .
1 am now located in mt
Aled aad ever etooe Ibea be ba* beea
llvtof la OBsaa. Be to welt kaowa la
bkto part of tbe ooaatrp aal larp*
•BBbac* will bear wllb reffret of bis
. A^twp-_______________
Xavasee of Warn*.
Woraa are maklof havoc with oatoa
palabB at Baal Bay. A pcealiar foatare
4a that they have eo far derated ibelr
•UaailOD to erops oa blfb laad aad
bare aot doaa aoeb daaa«* to tbe tow
Ov«r that cook atoye-We boTe a nice Iidc of Qnick Meal.Jb ne
flamc-wickleaooilatoTaaacdnoinoredanser tbao bnrni^ a
bmp. Wc also have the Qnick Heal gaK>Hne atoves from
to.60 up.
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
Pawnlrrek'rs la Cii f ertkcna) eharae
only i per i-rni. a im-i.ih.
At leaai fr>riy^Ric-r ran lawyer*
endeavtiiina til earn a liVtng In MantUC
In Jeliti"T*. ivsn- a town
JSo peo
ple. every bouse Is occupied by tbs
Dunns IKM the huroher of persons
who iTAde Alisr.e tour* neressltatlns
su de* lo the Tynd. wat IS.OM
Uediml nen now resmrd lypho-.d fe
ver ■* a dlsesee eo pfrvrnisb> that, a*
one of Ihein Or<lares. 'T r
of ophold fever onnebiidy uushi to bs
A denial authority detlares that It
la tint uni^mmon «l the t-rrs.iil time
lo flml Infsni* uith deis >d teeth and
Sirle i.r It nr It wesrlns artllti-ia' tCrih
Benniiir t'nrier of Montann I* eaul to
e on.- of ihv beet exrerle on iretaS .n
ITe-w Store—120 rx^ntSt.
I All details of the profession looked after in a proj
Ibem til II
lot U UK
lo Moo«ep for poor nb of July elolb
alffm Wicnie. op to-date airs painlor. Orerbowlliur alley
fesskraal manner.
I lo. SIC Diloi Sinet
■; to.«
If there’s ever a time When {he housekeeper
feels proud it’s when the dining table service
is Buch as to draw words of commerdatlon
from the guests -We'll sell you just what you
need - Either Imported or Domestic Ware.
White Porcelain or Granite-full sets or odd
pieces — one piece at a time -- any way to
You’ll Be
In a Better Frame
pet paid tbelr dot
'whaa be aball be flad to itive ibea a new store ’and I will be
eaebaas* tor tbe aaoant pleased to greet all the for*
Of mind If you’d bring some of those pictures
mer patrons of the old store
of Rose & Son.
I hare a wmplete line of
LitUe i'crrp Keowep of Chleafo to a
drugs and medicines aod
tbe city for a vtoit with bit traadfaihdruggists'
luodries, and have
or. Hod. Parry Baaoab.
Tracy A.
aad daofbtor <.f Cblea- "better facilities than erer
re, are to the dtp tbe faeau of.Hoa. for the accurate compound
Perry Haouak.
ing of prescriptions.
to, US and let us frame them. We turn our
work out on time. Our new Hat Boards are
beautiea Our mouldings selected from tbe
largest factories in the country.
OalltksBpUM. Take VoUes!
L W. Ctoee of Ukc Aan. to to the
U laibe daalr* of U. W. Baff to bav*
aU Uoea wbo toUad to tab* p4rt to dtp oa boaiacaa.
B Clark Alloa of Bik
to to
Iba CaUtbaaplaa parade oa tbe Foorlb
the dtp for a tcwdapaelap.
Mpacttoblaas eooo aa poBtbla to
FrMk M. Oordoer of Uraad Ba^
aedar tbat be map fat bto artaaffeto to Um dtp vtolttaff ralatlvca aad
paata wall ondar trap.
also traaaacuar bastoaaa
Mia Margarot Yoaakar. who ba*
been vtoiuag Mr. and Hr*. C W Kuat.
Tba W. W. Klaball Oo . m Froat
to bar boae to Uraad Baplda
atraal. bavf rvorivcda latffe supply
0<pb(BOtr*phMaappllr*lB addition pastonlap.
•a all Ibe lata sheet aualc. Tbe
MtoeOUve Ooek will leav* Moadap
•baaocrapb aad rramepboas are be- for Idaho, whera abe wUl J >ta her broboBtoff
..■toff tbe yiopalar losi
iQstraaanto aad
iber who to totcrcated to Btotoff hastbto to tbe odly plaae
ilMtlffaa wbere a tall
B C. BtoUac* «
IT.e pill ef B<lver*liy/ls never susarmelrd.
If II'* a •xman. and the sbus plm-bea.
je buy* It,
PlUnI -pontempl I* rctponalM* f< r
Oiatry an anblarked rye.
Th-re >M-m* Co Ik" « eimns Upukid
lend-o.-y toaard rinif aerdens.
TbaBopal Nelfbbora aad the Mod
When Che puUlr her fnlth In a « riter
era Woodaaa }otoed last evuitor ; la .based upon food works,
and rase a very eajt
n.e cosc-hmsr's bnde to cunAJt-r.t her
hall. The; buriisBd win mskv * r--d scKon.
berry feetlsal to Menla«>
CToalBfwaaepesl to teoerml aaclablltVher i Sr nonian I'omiiUnirt.le anoih»r
fb>- *nye "bhe's abtui;} clever, but—"
Up aad to plaplnr ra»es wbleb all ca
Wher. pecqile Bl.U»* >C4> suapetl yourtered loto with a J'jyfo] tpirlL
S'lf. when IW lu^alse you >uri>*ct
Alcayoulalo. the Marine, wtohra Ih.m.
to challenr* luitoqnU of Elk BapMa or
Oi.* nwT realise* tb.- nlml*-»» hie of
Ureeo of Masocloaa, fjr a wroatllnrja l»:ii-«ninn until he atlcmple lo aln>.(
boat In tbto clip oa tbe Koortb aod be ' *
offer* to put 1100 fur bwl two oat of' \i-w fealuro'S ere lonKianily IxI'K
Intr..i1u<vd -tn the U|-i..-dule ptuitnthroe falla.
Sraiih sludlo.
The adiaooe aalc of aeau for tbe
When's witman to In love with hi-r
Metropilliaa Opera eoapaop wbleb wheel it'e BRojili-r »*»« cf man to.o.e
ooaee here arst batarday cveotoff wIIll dlaplaced hy n-aihlorry.
An enlenirlslra Chloafin
opea Taeedap iboratoc at ibe bos
tabltohed a fichi MlLxil III
oflioe of SUiobers'a Oiaad.
All Odd Frllowa arc ri<|Uiatod to traduatea in l-«r.line h<iu*.» .wlaet at a o’clock this atoralnc to al-j II to sold iloai ihc'caRei ran ^tk
Vad eervtocattbcHapttolcboreb. Odd
'■» vishi tisye wiih.-ui
Fellows aod Bebekasara both tovlted
be to attoadaoee.
111*---CLl-ak<;_I>sl1r .S'eWB^__
paid the. lio-t n rran. with
ntb aMn.** aald tbe re«s wtAev.
*(bat p-ior, deer Jobe oevar said a word
to Be about reBiRytiiB. 1 roaUy aaa'l
Bodtrataad It."
1 dost ere 1
BsrksWe aboat
rootecd bar
baebelor aacle. "1 auppaee rou arc aot
tba oae be tbourtal U wa* Ua dat^ to ,
wara.''-Cbinso Dally N*wa
-They rail vocal teesDoa -voter-mab- '
las' B««. WHlIaitL"
“Is that BO? WsU. m solas to write '
a polite Bote .and oak tBsi r*rl down, j
ataln to pleoae ptot* bet voice arruu {
tbe alrret Hutead of up In our airaban.-Cbirwo Hseord.
“It eertaialy areaka wtD for Browa ’
that hi has l-eroixie myor of that '
werttra «ly t:- which he moved."
*Dh. 1 don I haow.“ repaed the |
caultvas man. ‘ It may be Bore In tbe ;
aetarv of a reflerUea ea the eily"—|
Chleeso Poet.
Toubs Aolhor-Trll nr frankly what
yo« think of tbe manuscripl of my
bo-k. I waol to set It la staape^for
publlration. aa 1 have aeveral <
IroDB In the are.
CnOcal rrt«»d-WeU. that beins the
caa* I would advise you lo uae tbs
maiiascni.t for tarl. It miabt si least
help to beet the other lre>r.-.Cbic*so
Dally Nswa
Kaw TonnaUsr Block
There's a vacant place by the door, and that
wan back of the dining table would be Just
the spot for a new picture.
rnrz dxhtal wobx.
■ “'•“‘IcSru*
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co;
THB ftoanto BBoaBp. Bwn>AT Jtr*» w, law,
Birmsr A wAxi.
1 S^»U 6lenv»
0^ &tv\tre»\.»
aniPAW Tvzwjms vow.
I kp Om of .1
ttlftdiraftiiift Isrtkeft* U- Tbo lapliait Taoutp S**a B*.
taUdUft OftoStdodttftM.
Tkoftlupftftr oU *oft of •lopkoft
Par tkft kM*at of ftll tk*** wke
Boftdft'i Twlrlon *ftd tko i«pi**
r**lOk of iMi Ur. Wft* Miioft bp » p**tft*ftu*adtk* fiwt lotakftUoftftl toetorp ftla* pUpod a rarp pood r
ftaon r«*w •ftk* wmnmUf aoralsf
of bftll p«ot*«dftp ftftaraeoft.iko teraor
wkU*p)^a(bp^aft*k. Hw«^ troll, a wke wobi m isk* odvoaiaf* t*ftB wlBslar W tk* *eorft of le U 7
Mtn ILtmg ^ U»Mr. wUl* •«M>
*w*l)*d ap kftdlp wlU **ftry ipapka of tk* *k*ftp fftta tk* h'UpwUfiftfer•n-aU ftfOftftd rood plftplftc of tkr
1^ kk mlU Md dft^kur ftbc«r« tk«
of pokoftlftf. tkQ*Ak Uk k tk* lat aftUoft k flvfta: IVkaU wQI b*oo
Twlrka Wft* tk* foftur* of ta ata«.
«;U tt«U %\ A$ Ur Vww 4*fot
•a* Oft rword la thk eoMtp «k*r* ■ftk ftftd cftft k* ftftoftiod fti ftU polBU la
Rlaekbora for tk* Twtrldr* plt^ t
- rkwadAy mifki kkd ft nril cl Uilt.
ktU kft* k**ft
tk* dkirtet. rood folftc Oft ftU tkro«rk dai tom*, ktrlkiar oat a aaabar of
ftMwt ftfto ftli, MtfMtftd froa kk
a*ft. Tk* oppodor ftlft* kftd tkioft!
FMkftt. rkftMftfty Wftft tftlM ftkilft
plteba* U tk* boi ftftd oU w*a kli |
k • kftftdt «M rftkftd. ftftd kftKft* kft
• k* will kft«* ft* aor* ofUfta Halt %o Aftpai Ittk eoa V> *q«ft]lp kftrd It k poalbl* tkot tk« ‘
VftiUMdwkftikftd kftppMMd tk« tkkf
troftkUwlik it.
akd* bp tk* pftpaaat of W ant* oftd 11 ro ftifta ftwp r«t tofotka ^ala la
««i oftt of aifftt U tk« «ro««.
dftftOklt of tk* tiek*t wlU tk* polsi tb* omt fotar* aad U tk«p do a kol |
WkM Ik* H**UU. vko II*«i m tk*
Dfftjftfar »•««•*«»kf*ftt M DatroU oft a bator* J *lp It. roa* k to k* •xpootftd.
rt*OT froBt ftkov* W«lk«r*Uift.pftUftd
Tk* Kapir* Baod k*« k**ft Cftcaod Tb* for* k.«7.i* lor iko ioMOd trip.
kk iftkiftr ftM rridft, ftirkt. k* u>uA
to dkp**a ftola ftftd NoUoftftl ftii« to
Tk* Wat Mtcklffta irsia: U»a
ft ll«* ftiltrfttor iftdfftd ta IL lli*llk
tb* BftUra of Tr***ra dtp oa tk* Vk t:W p. to. J*lp lib ftftd ftrri**
ProbftWp tk* B0*t li
kftftkd Ikft ftftlMl IS. kfttk*
otJftIp. Wku tk* bftftd i»ek* tft *x-1 tft Ufftftd Eftpid* »t I ft. a., wait oatll •**Bt latb*kkl*rp of Trsvaradip l
wUllftCtokftftFU. Itr«ul*d ya w
ibrp win aab* op Ift roodiTft.a.*n1**laI>elroU»i Ii;f0ft.itf will tok* pl*e* Sfttardap otvaUr. Jalp '
kftoft ke« U fosftd kk ftftt. tor ft d*/ er
t«f« ftffo k* ftftd 4rs<rs «p snlsla «t t«dM ftftd rood b*hftdor ftftd ik«^ti*a|Tftk* Ur «:10 ft. a. J«lp »U. «sdar- l.wkoBth*ll*tiopelitftaOpor» Ck ef !
artku aak* tkdr Ultlal bow b*f ftfrMa«Biiopft^t»o1Vftlk«r*ia*kftk efU*lltU*b»rrhwt:i bft**(k*pl*ft*-;iialftOiiioltftt4Kiap a. Tb* M. *
fta of rkwlftr tb* k*bdaoa«*t lot of N. K: toftto b*r* OB U* »:IS fo ^ Uor* a loBftl aadlaao* at HiclaWrrb
* «ra*ftkM«kck tt so ftlUrsu* >
*v*r isrsed looaeoB tk«t neang*. U* wap at Coprnkk and Daraad, asd I Orand. prodaelac (or tk* Ant Ua*
•«« ftftpuirftd is ibft ItairoU rii .
Tb*p will ftttoed la fall aalfora asd It ardn at Detroit »:tip. a.
|km Pla«^a*tt*'* a**t*^lr«r. -Pra
KoriUftftiUl kft* Ik* sslasl ft*d kk
k iTboaUd that tb* boof»*a of low.
Tb* Q. R. A 1; L***« k*r* e« lb* «;M | Dla>olo.
aoM7. toa H* ap* k* wlU kold koik
oroUftitke ladia of t&*t dtp win ft. a.. r> bp wap of Sraad Rapid* |ue mapaap an WUl B. RUlar. ftator
wtU kft IftVftMtftftlka tftkM plw*. a
OMtalBipkkowcr oo tk*a b* ddlw- .aad arrlv* at Datrolt at
and •laror. wko ha* made for kl^lf !
akftik««d ikftt Uu sllloMr
•d oa a dap af>a tk*
, .
fo bp wap of R**d .* npataUoB la oar larr^t eltk* wlU ';
Bsrsd troa ik* B*U* Ul*
bewi Bide, Of,t^ arrlv* la D*Woit at t>;80 a a . all Icftdlar Aaarlna open eoapaalw:' <
' Movtlk'* plfto* te oppaslM>tk* teUad.
©nr tb*n to not tb* ebareb *b*d* ,
laa tk* S.-» p. a bp tb* w*p of I Blaaebv Aldriek. prlaa doaaa, wko 11
Mrs. Bi.sftkoUt Bftirlkk. acad *7. «rl{*
R»p'd* aod arrlv* at D«uoit at poa*aM a tick, powarfal rok*.' 1
ofPfttartsrllftk.a bl( Msuselor of
'aad i*ft moeiebaralftf l*dp. 8b* hall* ;
kofttos Bsrkor fttoppod Mi os Ik*
I -------------- - of drlerat** tkoold k* I from Roftioa. when *be ba* appeared !
froftt por«h Id k*r boa* »t • teu kosr
lpOTB**nt*d to oeeaeet U* *k*d« wltb I •vat la at o*o* to il<nOarri* Paiooaa ' with tk* Bntoolaa*: JeaavtW Llaeola,, ^
rrtdftfftfbi. lo ft f«« aiftftM* ih*
^ water work* plftftl*oUittk*p*aoj8i*to SeenUrp, at Kdaaioo. *» W,.! eopraao. k deMrrvlDr of *pn«! a*a- *
ftftlkd tor k*lp sod wft* OftrrM lo b; have pl**ip of water to driok while la
have atnadp
nrkierftd.; tioa. aod Ib Ue pan of oouoi
*k. i*;«
Ik* teaUp^doftd.
liaan CslWr* ik* tbedtp —Emp^n Uader.
dOB t to** a
Oo ftot take! rtwoftfol aod*:
ol dramPkjftlcka* irft*« M tk* Oft*** of k«r
aon barr**v than to m:lp avoniirp;' atic ability, a* w»ll a* belor a b«aoU- M
PleftftftftUp ■fttmalnad..
la Boat Cftft** Br^p k *11021*01. Tkk* ; fnl elBrvr
better alt aroood
^ wmua BlakUp, ft fsraa Nftldiog ft
Mr ftftd Mrs PS dalkberp delirbt poor wkeek If po* waai to: Yoa«an|o|
uep. woaid b* ^
t*« aUM Motk of Loftkiitf Is U* fnllp «Bl*rtftliMd ftf*w fri**d« fti thvli **v* ear fftn ftod bavvib* Bp*i d*. i a ant dlSsatt mattor. Th*«kora*k *J
____ •__________ r_,
t>aftftkl|> of Delkl. oftft drklof ft
l«*t«vnitoriB boDor of Mk*, lirbtfal road* aad boulevard, to ««)op. writ trulBed »ad of r*vftt itreBrib, Ifl
TT'ttl TAtlV ^Oflt »\.1S> A ^aVt
■ aowvftsdkU 7-par-oldftoB *a rna- ^Uivftft of kt. Paul, who k .pvadliir i You an to pap 50 eeftta for poar lodf ' aad tkelr wprk ca*Bpr.«w the rwat-! ‘ '
ai«( ftk^ ftoftld* U* afteklSft.daddeB- l^e
ft* ibelr ru**t Tb* *vm. ; lar aad si onU for pwor breakfan at |m tan aod pnAeleftcy. 8*at* will be I
if tk* iftiar ftUoftod Is drool of Ik*
- I» l»ftf- tk* place* **»<rB*d, and r*t pour dla-, pkoed oa nle at Ue box iffi w aesi
kfttroft. ftftd b*tor* iko «vti*r oould UelpaUarUlawariBetftBdia Ikteu laer aad eupper at Ue reMauraol*. i Tundap monlar.
Itoptk* hMftcft. kkrlrkt-fooi <**• cot
tocwueleal prornm. LlrhilTben will b* tea of them *l Ue I
-----------ftftapioMp o«Jui b*k)ir ik* oskU.
Beat* wen eerved durinr Ue'ffi^«»A*.
: >toa Paaadry Baep WiU Order*.
TkftfthdM will lirs
I O* arrlvlar ftt Detroit etveet can ;
Th« touadrp of Biebard Round
A pftrlp of ftlchi Ckftrlota plealeen
•-------------------------! will lake you dlrecUy to U* Trumbull
bo* U vary bo*p od order* for iron
dro** to fift* Iftk*. kfMr poriftkiac ol
Baasar T^wa for Bab-e*.
aveaae Pf**bpi*rka ebewb, where!
k for variou*'.oeamias Tb* Bra
ft loBok. ik*7 kftd iftk*n wltb ih*m.
Ba*i B*p ekim* to be the baaapr poa will hand la poer nrt*invioa
Mkaa M*b*l M*Bft*Ui **4 UoorrI*! towo for bablea The popelaUon of «*rd* aad receive po*r aea-dameat. ba* Ue order f<w Ue iront *bo* to I
ned bp CepUl*
l« la elBklB
1 with ipro-toftieoa the towaeblp wa* iaenft*ed bp teuv I»el<A«t«w arrivlnr at Ue Mlcbiraa
tftcbir well for ube Pouto SjUrek Oo.
ThanUy Dipht. Ue Uailleeof Ckailee Ceotnl or I'atoa depet wdU take do
Tbcp have ala* eoalractcd to furakk
« takes to tb* 1
line, iraaafewier «t linad
BaUtea and Druve Di,b>m wekoBlac pn
I tbc iroa work for four i
W. K. ttorate. ^*n Urp necived leitp eoa*. and William Partoa aad
Dd*r*to* arCkdllke, aleo tor Dr. Feaftar'e baUdiar
Mdloftlftld. Ilr-Viuok work*d throe Cbriktewbir kortoa proudly eklealar
boar* bofnn tb«p wen reetorod to
: Ue Jeffersoa avaaae ear*.
eewrai oUer eoairacw waiek will
•etoBeaece. They wmo aaakle to nrbe eoBvaatloa proper bMla*
keep tbew beep come Uae.
tan to Uelr konaa
j7:tep.m, WedaoMlap. Pulp SU. aod
Xtad Aetiaa of «e>rkb*n.
Rd kkalUr wko •** dowB Bear Wr*.
fordooroMa a oeok or «o oro toll* of •
One of the many especially good tbiogs in this
ratbM mrioa* eirb i wh>eb be cai
department is the line of
feecUoB of beevUp iiabered lead b* aad lorr*<I ftovea aem rea^p tor bura- iaformatioa caa tf bad at tb* aui* > IB Bp »UNB*ch. 1 sever fell *0 badly
ftoUowl wUt Bppearwl to be a ln«l of lar
^ia all ap life. When 1 oam* down to
Mr. Hvwelt ba* bwt. la poor
work ink Boralnr.-l frit to weak
10 or It aere* of perfeotlp dead tree*. bealUforaeme time aua rhkacttaaof
vould faardk- work. 1
Tb* kraab aod tiac*. both larr* and hi* frtopd* wa*
ThkeveBiorChlldraa'* D*p
D*v vrlll
vrlll b*
^ taeoavd Caaaberkia-*
II ThkeveaiorChlldraa'*
•Ball, bed BO vlal*r*of foliar* «baV
Uiarrbon Benrdp.
It workrd
Worth.double that price —Two pair of cuffs lo match
ftver. O* MaBlaailos It wa* finsd
carrpl*r rut of tbcfellowiar procraa.!
bBtfic and oae doe* Axed me an
tkatao ftJBp of larr* rnra <
— Sfc our tvirdovv lull.
Hvbnoi I'■‘ffl'V 11 rerulaly k Ur Aant Ula»wen BenlloDtlp erorklaf lb*ir w*p
I ever a»rd for kk'cuacb trouble. I
Unarb ike forvet-l'lf* Uke Mooltur.
iUch u^^t.............................................. ' «h*n not be without U ia my txwi
eaAt tiOBlb kavcD Ih* etnwbarrp crop
Kidia ____ '
•irffer ago of k»l atebt araia
Uk pear ba* b**a tk* latreet Id b*bp
«• t^W^forAfty «ltun.lU pri«e.-U. H. Wiuwi.
****oft*. A Iftlr crop of p*ft.-b«« k ftUo
i* airkv
Come in when you want t<>talk >hiri.s. Our immense
AtJ*ck«oft today will b* --fl-tvar
sttx'k of new novelties will >urprise. and lie
BkakB." Ue d*v on which *Mk
prices please you.
Ivvi Prt_____
elcl r*U ft iikJ* boaqaot froB U*
• t'auiiae Mrraoa . Tbritv.m-r Cclumbia will rea me
Iftdiea of tk* dtp.
< Cbarle* Urla ' eaeu’vion
more of Uo>. p m.nt time daaeiac
__ UJ.
Iv* MUler feU off bar wk**l a*d
~t!e* at F.w.iv".- hall on ant
evenni; and around Ue klaad la Ue
aerioualp h Jared at Duadel. CurUt
Thand.y a irht. Joam h All are
>ftoroaon. Prof. Muruarb'* orebn-1
'T>BBk*Bal*o rotbb foot e*arl>t Id bU
k'adip iavHvd to attend aad have a vvat lai •m* m*a
wk**l aftd broke *aae of U* bone* in
“•»» »«-lftt»r bftttePD* pali
20e Fx^DIa.t Stareet.
Jaba B*talr of tkenkw. ha* btea
awarded • tonrvira J^wvl bp U*
cent*.. The K*i
tTftftd lodr* of UJdtdlowa Ualp Um*
wko have been ncjabw* in rood «iaad
Ur tor lOpeaaan cfttiUed to tk* dl*
C\XT\ava &pedaV
bTvdi *5vicsdLa.^.
©or ervUte tVoeV
©ot\8.\tv& \s\\.\ be &oV&
25 Per Cent. Discount
"STom 'R.egaVax ”Pnces.
,1 s.'vc.mvcvw
VKRRIUiiiKAiiii A A A RSASiiiaaHillH
liien Fiiish, linen Color Shirts
that'we are Closing Out at 38 cents.
Some handsome silt hosom gooits inside
at from 6Sc to $1.25.
Cba<le*Tu*ltltir Bad** mwuke and
obUiardfttleeaeeto aarrp hk ariB
paetlve mother l»-law at I'on dnroo.
The miitak* wa* dkoovered la time to
pranatakp unpleaeatt comp icatloa*.
At Moabaroti the buraiar of P. Atbert A Co.b *aw m II nmoved an oki
Uadftiark. It bad beaa rmaainr oiBoatiu pears Ta«n an only ti
Ik* 4* iamber mill* left BOW, ebowUr
tb* deoadcao* of Ue iadaatrp la Uai
Jobs Maaer, ar«l Cl pear*. droppMl
dead trlB panlpik while rlnmlnc
kiBftiif PruUp Bonior *t iBB*i*r.
AtStaatoa Verse Ron** cipcHaei
**d wtU a cftSSOB fire craeaer and part
of kk bit to* wa* blows off.
Jftftftk Bale. *rw) St pear*, of Uke_ villa. BarUiaw couatp. ba* been mk*'
* Uc*i*«* Jaat A ftftd bar panau an
Parker n ncia*. a Ai. Cbarte* miaer.
bit ckff a fuM with wblek k* wa* about
to.iffftlt* bUuUar powdkr. too eli
B* wa* UrowB violaatlp 15 f**t aralnat
tk* •ftlrp aide aad eevenlp Ujured.
eplarlBcalBffitkbaabeea epidemic
la Boarkuo eouutp UU pear. U*
deaUntoforUeAnt AvamoaU* boiar to Umn a* rraai a* U* teat of tk*
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Special ^
Closing Sale ‘
We want your trade.
B Bee special prices in Tuesday morning's Record—It'll pay you to
make a note of tbia
Baoklaa* Ajftiaa aftlTa.
TAB Baer Hultb U tk* world for
Oata, Brakaa. Boroa, Olaar*. Halt
Bkaom. Panr Uim, T*n«’. Chapped
■aadft.akOb>aUa, Odtm aad aU Sku
Sellable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
valhe received or re
All remaining Ladies'Suits, KiBses' Suits, Ladles’ Capes,
E stc, in our stock, wiU be ottered at
S. A. Bowmftft. ft proatiaeftt m«r>
ekaat at Bowell, loai bk left «p* from
U* e«tJo»loft of ft foarU of July oap.
• ftftdVB Walk
tShOES AT $1.75 HID II 5H.
Wv don't tril you tbvy kK:.k like otbf^rs’ *2.50 aboM. but
ifivf yen thv brtit money will buy a: the priced«« --irr
— we are never undertold.
FRANiT FRIEDRICH. De Old Reliahle Shonu*
Fresh Goods—AttractiTc Packages.
125 Front Street
•aaca lawooorai.) cscacs.
bmooip. stopat. jpitb m,
Cell Bre««a to rreoehlaa foeat Ka»aat i>alpi(»:Lard MalMKirT oever walka
ebortMt £!• aaca iibcs be roa avoM Ik
We Are
Not Sleeping
Solp OBBBaBiaaht »:M a ba B>Uw. aad
Curma Alla h
Morale oarrlaa aad anoa at MdO.
Bill iBirodae the aaic* at. the Hob aa
Moadap School at iz.
tabbabto fMttdioM
foimg w q^teklf
Blot WUbolB will tiar aa Bffortacr
Wh«A thsce APM mny \mrflaM ofttowd by mAaufACtareiA AMd jobb«M In sho*«—
kBom <«feO M« wbM h* k B«
If the war with Spola
^ ia tho aoralaMte«SMtoolhli TklH MMwUtk*
__ lUurador Cboa-.e'i e-^n at« it h e
and hATMth# FMAdy
to tmk* th«m Wo got o lot of ohooo^o f«w dhyb oc> iba«
All are eordtallp taeitod to thooo aarprtrat* o*<r«tor>. Be ha* boco out el
Md ObMks id » dMM POTworo
mode for o doolor in Freeport, Dl.. but loU tu eblppUiK i^re not rooeivod-We
coUec* two year*.
who nU«d for WMWMi M Ibo
Three Ubm Sarah SerBhordt haa
got them ot o low price ond wiU oeU them ot the eome rote which they oeei.
^nfin j boopltftl Md
been on the rerpe of Uankruptcy. b«t
Maadap-thl-d^oArtotlp BioMaf.
M7 ettera who hov« rotriead* haec ccate to her teeCBe.
t tnm privftU pneLoeefoaot at ?:M a b.
Podereoekt i* a ftrener aad kooaa O
BroepUM of probatioBar* lato taU rood deal aboot bott tuUure. bat bi*
■perlalty U •tot*, hi* Uvorltee beia*
p aad Bolp <
Kxp«1 tavMUfMon
10-.M a
Quern Wllhe mira will h>ve hrr aillo
Be«. B. B. Breadp. tho paotorh hew at
mim froTolMl iB or«7
and poHehrd on Friday* only—to
These ore oU new foede, mode for thie eeoeon’e trode. ni^to-doie, on^ we eon•odorlaf tho oooAiei «Ufe hpoia thor. »U1 ooalot at the awralaf ooreioo aaee bereelf from reuio* a toothache,
ohe aaya
• dM U H7 ffTMt MMBrOtOB aad preaeb 1« the OToalBCv
sider them greet bonreino.
Ca*alnl Ue Buaelaa aBt««aaThandh7-OB»«l
>t«r uppl7- Thor oi
Boto booght ond will rocelTo the beginning of the weeh, 60 poire men's fine
hhoAtaMM WM •ptmd hr IhowlMl 7:»0p-».
of tlsaret-ho}drr* He aa< dl appomt*
oordla'lp iBTltod.
ontin coif. Inee nnd oongreee. nU shops toes, that we wlUoeU fbr $1.86-they ore
tmrtrrng BhoBt drlod t«nM ol
t leerntas that the pre*.«cct did
raiaaM cacBca.
that «iM •mri olao « poM(
BKike clcarM*.
regnlor $1.76 ehoeo ond good Tolneo ot tbou
8«T. BwcUr
rlBii.propoOtioBObareh. Cor- Oah aad Fifth atfoota
Aloo 80 poire men's Tid kid boll, new to«o.thotwe will tell*or$Up8-they
ifvtDB'* laletl aucreB h*( eUrted
Tte Kltto hooaobold la Moo TtmSaadap eehool at V:4t.
of (h* Enalifh raauisiie* U wear-'
oro reody eellere—regninr Tulue $8.00.
o W oil opoot ovor the
Proachlaf. 11:06a B. SorwBoopae- tC|. Robeep errr baia a«i imltatloa* .n
warWBU/ rt*oo to UMir oolr 00c oad
948 poire men's ontin onif bnU. nnrrow coin too. n dretoy ohoo for o litUe mon
lallT to the pooBA pBopla
pllaat felL bul the rea' artule lu Ueck
^otr. OB WoBt 000 Bot moar wooko
Maniac—d Wf aorvica
eed atony illfc Aa yet they bate lu
ey-only 08c.worth $1 60r
old- Tho proBd ood happr
be made tu order, bul there la no leUy. P. d. C. B..e:lS P- B.
«Mld Bot orrw B»oa a aom. oad o
Btieeee' nnd children'e ehoee in greet voriety, ot 86c. 46c. 6Ce, 78c.
ChUdrea't rterdon la tho ooealif.
I rwaltod iB BO
the ead.
AU are c irdiallp larltod to attoad.
«bob1b'?u« ooBclotlae. riaallr. Kaihor
Jack K ivo oBcroMd that ho he eallod Ber.ttOwiiUaBMBe.
After hiM frteod. Mr.' Mora Moo. aa^ -^Tbe Forceton wUl attoad the ooreloo
Mbr BOOiproBloo woo aoooptod Tho
with a bad cold which aouled on bp
The paotor twclaa a bob oorta
▲ lot Of good oolid ton oztordo. tho $1.00 kind ot 48c.
laara: eoacb aot la aad Saallp tcrBlaWMO .WOO dolr rkoB. hot after tho
itj «ia at lono a. B.
atod la CoQoamptioa
Four docton
There ore lots of good be^ne left yet in the BcNomoPA stock thot we bought
'^eshrlatODiar eor«BiOB7 the foil Inporl
Tako a boartp part la aU tho
care ate up. mpina 1 ooald lire but a
«f the coahlaatloB dawaed opoo tho
abort Use. I ca*e Bpuelf up to mp
ot 60c on the dollar. Come nnd see them
pareaU aad th07 fear that their 008
M‘m aUoo BaborU alll aiof “I board Sarior. doterBlaed If I ooald not aup
:Md heir U dooBtod to be BlekoaiBOd the eolee of Jooa* oap." at tho BoraltMT whh mp frtoada on earth. 1 woaid meet
Bp abaent ooea abort. My hueband
.1 Dr
l>rohaW7 tho Moot latorootiof paii
Baadap eehool at boo
jorerp fur CoaaamplloD. . _
Cold*. 1I rare It
it m
a trial, tooh in all
^ twlBO la the 00Biitr7 an Urlac at
Yoaac Haoploe Soeiotp of Chrlatlap uouw.
b*. aad
JVirhlt^ Kaa. Tho7 are Wilhar F. Badoarorat«:lSp. m.
>rod aad am aow*
vbaak Hod 1 am ***«
'Md Joho F. MUtoa. -Ih07 ar« »4 7oan
At f p B will be a Bom* MMoa well aad taealtbr
llbr woi
womaa. Trial bottle
old. aad look eo Boob alike that 0BI7 arprallp. Mimic bp the chonm ebolr 10 ctA at 8. E. Wall'i and i. U. JobaBecalar alae SOc
iBtunato trleado eao UU thrB apart. aad Mrv A. L. Bunaataud Mr. White •on'a Drac Store*.
1, Ot
ir ^e*
K.iOrurr OealnM Hl>».
.Tho7 Barriod t»ia ahtero. the MUoee will aiac a doek Short addreoeee *IU aadSi.
and aoU
-I aru j.f-.u.l |.. »*».•• *.!■: ihr man
Wiww M a
w tut
..M- ot
—. the baplfiC
V --------------Ml~ieo and Chrrie Worth. The two (aa- be r1«0h Oh
work la earloim parU
lap lor I
UiM Uee'torethor ia tho oobo hoooo la of the caualrp bp Frofeeaor Bora. Mr- $1 OOtsBap TUTBai -lotam
TbeC. A W. M. will eell ticket* to
IWichlla. Thlrtj peart apo tho broth. OrlaU aad the paelor. Umb* hare
«ra oBharhod ia batiaoB tofothor la alwapo been leUreetInc oecaaion*.
for round trtpClea» Pork per W. nee
Vaihlia. aad tho taao old oiro.
All are oordiallp larltod to at
a. B. Betural
Brea. Boo/feeUto.’* tolU of Uo tbeae BOOilace7;4U pm J. 1
10 So
• I d ukr 10 kiK.u ithrr- you an yuor 8b*SoBll5b.
hBlahoolaeoerelatloao bet'
Thoae wiohlac to oalto with the
eharcb Jalp 2. wlU pleaae haad their
orhieh eUll eatok
or letter* to the paotor or dew
MorBMt Biaoloot boro%eoa couboipi-ra *ae >uu."
eoa»a* ooon a* poaeiole aad not later JpOB a^\^-»
ii^od la the FhilippLaea
Uuir» j£»Tt. Sradlr
and lot oa
Tho d'hrcp Itlaad leper outloa aoar
During tb* chutrra erldrinlc of l**J.
ptusr BAi-Tiar
»•: Webater
. hater *k Sevea room* aicelp Aa>B KB<(T - Bolrl aeO Uarti fo
Victoria B. C.. bao hooa dooUopod bp
Hambunc had lim# rarr». »f«h 7,414
iabed. cood well water, fruit and or*
C OMi aa.l IPnu-rlaaa PU-alMr. W. T- Weoai»*w. r**u>r
- - I bSMI
Bra. 6ae leper I* dead aad aaotbor It
death*, while
bad -n;} 6M c**.*.
aSOO. amaU
MmIoc eorrloe al lu:M a m.
ihough ll *ei» Kibe uaier Tbe.dlfbora. Price *M0
do feared will die from Ipjerleo raMBBdop School 12;UU m.
> ane ,ti
»« FOE SAUE-s.c-aoa*e aad lot oa
r«M,.e bcluern ih^ luo fill** wa» that
I frwit.
r laat lakn
Yobbc Foople'a mMtiar 6:12 p. B.
HaroCUy BookuonTao Brlthh oUarner Lombard arEnalBC aorriee at Trlu
ativrc* burg drank Ih* walrr fr.-m ibe nvrr
*^{ necked wlU aewer. water work* la
rlrad at MobUo. Ala. Pridap with a All are oordiallp iarited to the** i
o.iultr ailh'l'tty P
•Cit unfllciied •
wotidoeelopedeaaaot leproap la the tIooa
Laat fall 1 ap'aiaed mp left hip whUe
aaraoB ofa Chlaamaa Basbar of the
KVAXuei.ii-aL ’ogrr BBAL !f(^ALE-»4 lo acre* on Fealaeala
_aadl acaome heaep boim. Tbedocior TOTna aATsaoPB
Mr. A OaUWry. PaMr
r.'t mile* fro'O citp. l4<u apple, plum,
called UU
on »*iu
aaid at flnt it wa« a a'lcbt
cberrp and peach tree*, all beariacChatob ^ opraer SI Ninth BBAWado- ITOK NAUt-ODeMceudkaad bugn-ow-we- •traio and would aooB cel well, bnt it ] Wheat, old. per »«..
ddaaofal Oil* bao oallod apoa tba
r ooil hand bteyrlr. Chrap i.u. eaak »r r»
Carpenter Bi!:, fioeal lo-aDohoaPaa*
u>#r<or*UB*.lBwbwor *ora. W.L Bro-a crew wotee and the doctor aaid I h*d i Wbeiak new. perkWr
Mnartmant for foar eaperl Mpaaiah worUatTMta.
Ho. l.perba.
i^uja-. will take part e tj propertp.
rbeuikatUm. It ooniiabed to crow ; Onto. Mo.
1. per ba. (new).........
SsBdaT aorrleo* a* follow*:
atoaocraphara tor aerrloo ia the PhU.
aWOftOALB-Muar and kM rrkdy U> orrupy
2>t0 3S 5Xm SALE-Kpan Mack marea elrbt
Froaeblnc at IO:10 a m.
Thop matt bo famUlar with
old. kcuod. weirfiiaboel 220u,
Aho dpaaiob aad BncUoh laacaaccoBrown.aSWr«tMb*l
\ #**•».
roll about 2 aioaUu old. Frio* tiso.
Preachlnc at 7;J0 p. m.
A ioriific raia atonL caUod a Tom1- FOR SALE—SM-tlt feet oa Weat
Mid-week proper aiootinc at »:8o
h'rontnrcel. 2eu feet deep, eicaat,
94ral do Ac«a. baa
rood buiidier apok Price P4M.
Erie. Fa
feaoco apd «ec*lablea at Uaaaajlbe*. p. m.
5>yRSALE-Sas-M acre*i elrbt mila*
ThU moetlBC over Sundap will be a
u’tof!S-“:Sae bp *E*‘*Wa!k‘“bl^StiaL X AH E-hSir AF K-Sxnnia
A hoilae waa ovortaraod, kllUnc
Aoooant coralTal at Milwaukee tie
.. ............ -bet bcmloek.
Saartorlp moottacjaa^ Caban woibbb.
M. A'N. E. railroad wt 1 eell tleketa
e rood hardwood, aeeood
ptMchlac bp Be*. E. BoU.
WB. atailoarry.
at ooe fare for Ue roond trip on
At Donr. Dal. the oorUtealo ot 1b
paper oapkia*. 5 oenu doaea. The
Iir^ dolo; inKkl
M-hool and
AU aro weloama
Jane 26 and 27, reinra limit Julpi.
___ nrwa Ui rrnlrr ol rlsj.
aorpontkw ot the United SiAtao VoIdM.
a W. rrxxisoHAM- Ark
HEOosu urTBootar.
wlllug. All
able irrau Uood rraro
AU* eooipaap with the outborlaed Mr. K. A. Bruark. PaaMr.
F. A MiTCHAku 6. F. A.
MT rt
Jraa. K W C. ri '
nedaoed Batea-O. U. A X. M. &.
atreet. 10 room*, fll.600- Bhap pap«aplul of Mt.ooo.ooo. WB* Had Frldap.
Clam meetlac at 10 A m. Mnale Teacbera’ AieoelaUoa. Cioeln.
170RRaNT-A uur. tiirel-brO fraal roow
Thooompaap U laeorporawd for the
Freaehlnc 10:»0 a. m.
PUB SALE-se»—Kortr am term.
^mpoae ot taaaatactarlac vohlelo*
KolrbU ot Sk John. Clenrland. O.
P.acw bM«4 AU M :i7 UtaM
rood bu Id iar*. orchard. $2.seu.
Baadap eehool. 12:oo m.
Called Hoeletp C- E Conventioo.
wllh oompreoood air a* moUp* powor.
FUB SALE-S71—Fortp acre farm,
BpworU tmacno 0:>5 Pand lore TTOBBAUl-aMo
rood balldlaca. eewp i
f allkOatly.oer 'l5?*brl?«r*’calf «’Jnolil Drirolk
Tbe old towB af Chirlxo.
Bpworib Leacae Nallotial OonrenBfEapato countp, aboat mldwap boi
7:h> p. m. Oommanlon Serrlce.
FOK**8ALE—S71—Slatp ’' aere tarBk
no.1 kind. In »«>d rondlilon wwigbi about t u ’*Wmld'a W^^e^Moel. Montreal.
Aimaii Lnredo asd Bio Urande Clip, oa
Prapor meeUsc Thoradap efeulaf.
the Tean* bonier, hae beao awept
Aoordlal labiuUoa ia ex leaded to
pi.»v Hon
aad clrht acre* of land, altaated
Awapbptbe Bio Oraade flood. Itao
Ladir*’ black bo«e—while fooled-lO
aboot one mile from eeowr of clip,
A*whb*4Bpopul*UoBof*e«eral bus.
PKBxwoou (-aar>:i.
cent* a pair. TbrFatnoua________
boo** 14*24, aix roou la hoocc.
ekwi .Meaieaaa of Ue pootar claee
H-rl'n'** wiret ap Bt 10 A B COB
ry and all liae* of Ue lonaorial
' Their hoaoe* wore adobeewaleh iiuiua- doetr.t >■ n Saab.
i4g,“a^driBrI^Tsu'pS^IS5it. up^
profeaefoa you will .orely be pliMed F^SALE-S7S-Uonac aad lot emaer
K we aad Stale itraeta. lot 54x16*.
wlU the work yoa will reeele* from
ip BcUedowep wbea Ue hicb water
..i► »» R » C Speicera' 1':3
eiUer of Ue three eapen workmen
C*AU7 »:i>g l/*TS-rtn •..•tbiy juejnirr
mtntk Uem
iR SALE-.S76—One baadred alatp
Hr nood larauusr.no Pront.lHnlrnBd_llrr'*WE8T Michjcan R’y.” Uat poo will find at 14« Front atreet
acre* Umber. Sun.uuO aoft elm. lOO.aoo
It i* aaderatood that Admiral CorSODda.T kchoo). ):»} p. Bm..Vulni
lOOliOa haauw.wvt1. 1.000,006
I Ol
elm. loO.iM
weeaUeomlaff back to the Ualtod
maple. 62.
Sundap. Jolj 2. Train will l«ae*
. Apply uiC.T.Orawn. < t VatibMIBIM to euperlnUBd the reatoval ot dap erealBC. 7:I0.
Traeeme City al b:00 a. m. Leaee Bap
Aho bodiee of the Spaal.u aai^otu
DaioB proper meetlac Pridae ereaout
•View ti.so p. m. Rate, fll.on. ■ xspoiTrfT-i’a
lino and *
taried at Ue PorioBsoath naej pard. lac. 2:3u.
te- robarlal la Spain- It U aipeetod.
All are cordlaUp laeiiad to the
5^R SALE-Two baadred eaeaat lot*.
too. Uatbc utU Tlait Caba for a aim- eloea.
II down. 61 a moetk.
5XIR 8ALE-5M-Sickty aere ferm.
i-Hiu*nA]i eciKsck aaBVK.-a*
engine ProTuteU witk canopy top. cuobtona.
oil tank.w
iifo- a.MItaer. tarane CIty.
rood butldtec*. ooe mile from fDOd
fta«. Jobe Juu aafl Bee. Al
Serrier* eeerp Saadap at 10:80 a. B
town- 61 Ml
nohbert. S. J . boU of tb* Shawmoat Thoredap at 7:S0 p m. ia K. O. T. M.
(X)B SALE—Shi—Niatep acre farm,
CaUolk cboreb. Boeton, bae* boon halt US Froat atreek
foar mllea aoaU nf dtp. aevaatp
acref bear BayBcU. W aa. kaTeyo. .>
aerea aader culUvallon. frame boaee.
bp' Bmparor William of
Fl ledwck.
eeeen rooam. atone tonadaiioa, etoaa
tap. for
■ o« He Finaownced Ccypk
eellar. food well water, frame Vara.
r roc WAtrr tanumv* o(^ ai^ m_ e.-^
Abe Fraaeo-Pnualaa wai. Tho tocmer
A irember of the cbool board Id a
S4X4S. atone baaement for eattU.
Our 8PB31AL 8AI.9 glTSS you
BBiaad aaiallpog eaaoo as MoU and wenicm Village wa* vlalUag (be achool
borae atable, bncCT abed, eora crib,
flTS dolUr “VB6TSS B^TB ”
« Oa- aleck.
poaltrp bona* and yard, so beariac
mrarlp died, and the latiar. bora Baran one <S*r. and the (carhrr pofltelr In
ap^e tree*, aereral cherry weea.
arc. ^6 a* moeh tor Uo tp>
amall frait. binder, p'.oucha. wacoa*.
reefeoA ni try >r on eiw-mn'." eald tb*
^B* paUeata
bocfiaa. rleicb*. cDtter. ooe epaa
man -John, npell esg-wiped - Bjt
Om- 8PB0IAI. SALE give, yon
boia«a.twa aeu haroem two eo**,
Ueorfe Wrap, aced los.
John tailed, aod *o did all tbe other*
two ealece. elrbt kbeep. thlr^ flee
fcaatad a dirore* at Ootambaa. tad., Greet
aeiae hap. (c«aa acna eora.five------Mp Jade* Hord. from Soeaa B- Wrap. erhulan and Ihe amugvnent n( tbe
* -VZSTUB SUITS" for..................
whoM. fear
________,5*. Ulaae* cnlUealed land
- ofod SA Wrap bad baaa married foar teacher when thrCotntnlttecmmn epelMd
‘ monk
word blmnelf-E-g-r-p-l..
.4 am* *11
riear bottom black maek. Friee If
time*, satllel^ bta aUer Ura* wlraa
-I 1 lot* Is Ik* wbnl* plM. Ua
taken eoao, 6S.0<«.
' Me mM thot bU laat wit* came to him
48 pair wamii's 4oi{t|i baMi aal Ian. patnl leattiw tif, nia lee, 88c, aarll $1.50
60 fair weaaa's tici kil lace, steel tip. eeii toe, fleiible sole, $2.00, goof filn hr $3.
48 pail woaiaa s cbecalatt rici til laca, aa* Empress toe, for $2 50. repria $3.50 sbei.
Toer cbeice of aep Lelies' Oiforls ia tfn store, bail tores, ter lec.
*" tba Uies laagiag fria $1.58 to $3.00.
^W"3^CL. "WatiSODIL
Bargain Shoe Store
208 Front Street
i.,.,*.r,7,T,-;.'5S: s',:&rss“«
Barber Shop
TtGlTlLllUllilKBlIkL ^
II m
Interested in Children?
cBsad to take earn ot bla If be
opBtlS marep her.
Oard Ot Tbeaha.
Mr. B. P. OUeia af Baraalooa. Saala.
»* 41haa.
aerrae bad eaneed ■ aa Boiaela U*
back Of bla hMd.
Nmw* Remedy, all
pala a
Be mp* Ui*
hH eaaatrp aeeda AU A
UatlteSm liter aad kida^ troeUa; CuMf..—
perlflee U* blood, teaee ap Ue atM-
“ IK,"
;.:&a .iSTlET-SS: SS^'S^..-^
f eriU to eay Uat I f*M aa^ 1^
' AMOblicaUBBforwhatakamberlala'a
Bemadp haa doe* tar oar (amUr. W* have aeed it la ao oMbp cawM
.^aemrhe. luC trooblaa aad wbooplar
«Mrh. asd It baa alwap* riewi ‘
...............-*--“aa,i^l**i c
Tifor aad new lite lato ererp mneda.
iTisiM^ U Ua mi^ur» of neree aad orcaa of Ua body. U weak
6B *Ji
home laqalre or addreee at Mim
6eh<*fleU'e dnaaBobiac psrtoea. 44144SBa«rraainna(.
This Season’s Nobbiest Goods,
Handsomely Trimmed.
Don’t nagloet Mnoh on opportunity for tho boys.
Some hnndMOmA ernsh MattA for ngM thTM to flvo,
nt 76c. $1.00, $1.86. $1.60,
906 Front Sttoou
TmTornn Oity, Kl^
The abore are all baicaiaa. aad eaa
be booebt on coep tanae. We ba*e
thwmand* of dollait worU od oUm
barcaiae la farm aad clip property.
Come aad eee ae if pea waat to bap.
Uet^ar property wU|l oe It yon mat
^1 II,. ,
Cbiocse Labor lo Hawaii.
. KaTIOKAL km to Elwsri • B*moan* bma (rulUM*. r»nrr eortnlnU
R Atrteabol vKh Ik* pr**««t MM Burw the naitofnetton af kaowlnc tkat
tkto to not tlM ibto nan'a Aolac* ontha dark tooUarni
havr diatBfM Kt«tood aM a Uitto. ikto
All rarK mM Jn«o*4 $
aluer to vortb ataarlkliv to tkc Oallto
asind.- Wkaa Uarrfcaad appeared at
r the rrtm Iumm of Motor to«rntarr. ina, be va* prcarai at
of Koundian. abrrr ta tbe thk
ea lo ta* unnaa roraica onc« ana i rBcasnarat br
ar waa allebilr '
rraac* a frank bald oa tk* itn-1 Dunne tb« tollowln«
Altar fan:** tn eoaatant warfare with aava«e
cblrftatBB and led blm Into poallluna,
and plare* bedded wltb tbe createto
It WAB IB IIM (bat
aubmltled a r'*b '
paton I ' tbe Prea^.! «*' lepartment.
H18 pton tva* *1
waa dlt'O a to.:;*'*
•ent OBt at osk* oa bi* )ouTn«> of are*
nlldf to th* Ui i~-r valley of the
Nile, from wal.b |>an «f the w.irid be
ha* hut lately return.1 ti» Ki.ncv.
!l I* well kn<un in ta:» natltr eiiunlrp
that Maior UntrhnnO I* an aliif>*l
lie IvUrier In the future of Frotu e
known territory In the Intertur of northem Africa.
The man who so dirlurbed the pear*
of mind uf Kodland wa* born Id the
bumble mtir town uf Thotoaey. In tbe
I-I depirtmeni of Alne. HI* father «a* a
" ' poor and low ly bom Joiner In thi* town,
kind. Over- and heir the younc explorer and aoldier
k bernira. Pranre 1* In embryo rre* up.and-attendei] achool.
•ow Jriad to And her herb In the (lerBDn He benan life a* a notary a clerk, but
Of Marcband. th* lltUe n»)or from aeon d*ve up Ibat tnodesl <nvU|>allon
What leird Kiichrner war In Rncland tered the tnarloe*. In bto yuUlh and
atx month* ad° (hi* little maji>r
.r now la durlnjc
h«« Bi'hiMil dayx he wa> known
lb rarla. AllhnuRh he ha*
battle uf as
lae" on aeruuni of his quiet
An Old French Flag*
There ha* Just been (urticd over t
tbe Pifly-nlnlh Infantry of tta' army x
rramw a htstorlr old flak which b«
•lafad ta ttaai rtcimcM M ytata aco
the dream
an.l has alri-ady cost her much of her
and a iir-Bt deal of *oid. iins
attitude.UD the («l-t ..f Ihl. 'lltle Crt ll
l(fa>-]<* of the FYench republic make*
him a universal faiortle with bis |>eof.le. \Vhile this xeaious and i-opular o'.
ne> r I*.not a t»rtleularly (william man.
be I*, like hi* KnalKh iir..iotyi<e Hld hener. u hord w.«.ker and a pl.elder The
chief sejTct of hi* »ur i-wr In life haa
torn hi* tnl-nl T'lr he>-ptnB ■•*■ emel
lerms with the m.-st exaellnr authori
ties ui)0 his sldllt) to pacify In some
explore the source* of the NlRer and siranac manner the most le-Illa-h-nt ..f
Ibe reRlon of the SesiKi Then f..r s*-m«. AfrPan warrjors and ehofuln*. At
years he supplied (he Freneh Rovern-'i-lhc same time hi* juts -nal friend* hate
nient and home yeoRraphlcal-soi U tle* ■ never Iwten aide to make out . Just how
with ImiKirtant Information and de-jfor (us so called self |>ossessl.-n l* the
acrlptlon* of hla numerous exploration | result of iralnlnjf and calculation, f-r
cx|>edilloi» In Africa. At the tak.iic at 1 It 1* a well known fai ( that at om- time
lAena he was aRalD wounded, tfil- Um* ^ he wns often seen imlulclns In the mo-t
severely, and fuund It neerwsary to t.e- Violent fits of unK-ivemabtr lusston.
turn to Prance before rvaalnlitR hi* ! His sirantn- career and his strict miltstrenath In the sumnw of K»l he waa Mary iraminK. howeter. seem to have
nominated Preneh mtent at Slkonso' ellifilnat.vl this danarr.'Us di-iK.smon
and from ihm time until his las' til-{from bis make uii. andrhe I* nov
umph.il return to Pan* has l«-eii »iu«ily ! of iho niosl self »ui>j.n-sse«l and
enaaaed In exploi jllun ntuk In (he In - ' cent of men.
A RerrjarKable Wasbtub.
la (be Hawaiian ranenelda here.you ae* everywhere at preeent tbe fTiIndr
an. with hi- divided akin and knot of bkek hair. I* It nut ralber odd tbal
lira land where women are moat deaptord and oppreaaed the men ahuuld dread
and h>* mmw like women than anywli-fe eUe?
The kiufe uaed by tbe <-an.- cutter here i« exactly the aame tool a* the take
^^te with which the Cuban Inaurdent did hi* deadly Work. One blow df Ihlf
c!- .ter le v.-i. Ibe brad of tbe cane aUIk. and a aecond cut* it off near tbe rooC
Thnc It Ilea ready to be loaded UiHin the Itat car* (hat are drawn by a
enicine thruuah the plantation for thla purt>oi
r to Ire at flr*t looka
Veiy like dray >oap«ud«.
• i|>erail<>n> on Iheae dreal planlatlon* are conducted on a imiml8e< ni aralA
nrwi etaae »ucar yield la ISt* t<m* l-< tin- aAe. I'lai.inii.u.e :.:e ■•fti-n 4.8M t*
a*> acre* In extent 8.»me of th. m employ aa nmny a- ?.<■*• ineti Cveraeefa, ,
Iwiukke.-pei*. eoirlneera. audai l-•lle^a. Me.. i.r«. white men In iowily an e
~ white man will never iwifoir
. . .
for h.ni. an.l therein lie* hi*
It re.|uir.w alx'boum to niak*- auxar from (he time the cane leavea (
ti;t Ito-oiii'w nut a dntahed Mr<>1uci, haaeed r.ad> fur ahlppinr. Noibltid U
w-a»t.-l. Tbe enirh'ti m*er of the cane l» fed liuiomatleully (nto funiare* and
fnrtna the fuel (hat holt* down the ahtip and oi.ike. the brown. Nicky DAM
whiidi doer into' a inaehtne. like a ^crnaiii •d'lviiotoi.aixl «.|>mr* out tart browA
ausar at one divir and |>art atill liiouner looiusre. .t auolher.
Ki.I/..k .Mti'MAlUv (UNNEfL
Epslapd's III Fated Fartjily.
Chinese n\edicine.
u n k ne n n
Adterlran male,
ria iipvllcn. I,lke_
every Chinese ‘
medical mixture.
It conialn* a Iltar.1 und a dried
llped- JVIth-i
these two
medicinal - antitml* the o;h»r
nuterlajs coiietilulinR . a piv-*. rlpllun are helim„| to be valuelo*.. aiid.no niBiter
nmy chomt- to
lli.- ••rieiiisl .lu.pii
always has I-. pri.*.rile. the,nee.—ai)
liznrd and <v.>itl|i-.il..
The trwRlc death/rf the late tUrl of Strafford, who wa. f.iund dec*ptUt*4
a railway tm<-k
Potter'* liar. In Ktixland, I* only another evidence o(
fate that s.i
pursuis |>ar(lculHr families The earls of SiraSoitf
flrel to la
unroiiuiinte <if tilled KnRhshmen- Th# i
,.r hl-.servle##
I IS. ntoMoi. a familiar flRure in hi.u.ry tm «.e..unt of
his nrrwtanTsoeereiRn. Charles, and bis death un tJr. si.affold ..f the Towaf
Is.ndon Iff'ldH, DuHiiR the history of the different nine earl* of S(raffor4
title h^s Ken oms- forfriieil. twice rzlimt. uncc'revivrd and twice recr*>
carl* have dl.wj without teavlitR male laaue. and the orlRlnal fan*
d t}t» title Is now entirrty extinct, wliilc a relentless iii-m*-*ls aaanto
have pui^rued every i-ers .n lo whom the tlfle war e.-r alta-h.sj. Some W*r*
lle.1, M.mejwerc drowned, some d ed .vf dls<-aiw-. and feu lndi-e<l have U-ro tk#
live I..ip|(y live*.
Shells to Blow U Upcle Shrn.
Thla Aac. which to show a In th« aeaemppnylnc Illustration, came Into thr^
pomiaalon nf two Inhabllanla «f (he
town of Ulle. who notlKt^ tbe minister
of war of (he crent and expressed their
willlnyness to restore Ibe.taoner to ita
orlclnal t>»*se**ora tt was Brwt Riven
to tbe Fifty-ninth Infanlry In Ilt5^ and
under It. in laCT. S men fell at the bal(I* of Meniana.
Salon S atue.
The pi-.--..r statuary tliaC Is attract*
Ini inor- «Jtentl..r. |»ihaps than otbaf
(iKur.'S at the Paris Salon ..f (be pr««*
enl js'-asop i- that by Kaiito* known a*
•The rnvFlUnc of Nature." A* tb* #•■
and cumplokhxia coBie-kAkair
called, and perform (heir f*m.
Ity waahitiR ahiHR the tiaiiks of this little alreatt.1. It makes one of tbe
eal and n>->ai picturesque s.ene* In tbe reeolleetlon of the vtoltor to the-Ui*
vtem and to certainly a primitive method of laundry wuik.
Victoria's Fiji Islaijd Troops.
A VeryvWise Swno.
le awana la New Tork's CeB
park has Just built a nest
cullar manner, a* will lie seen from th*
accompanyini llluairailun. To escape
muleNation froin small boys and di
" a aoUv# bodied bird collected
Sfpn.Sff S
Her* kr* A
tbouaahd aheQa which aboold have a peculiar latcreat to
all Am^cBB*. They were Intended for the purpose of blowln# up Uncle Sam a
navy. They did not. however, do tbe expected blowlB# up for obvious rea»
and BO* are lyln# on a GlaaRow wharf waitinc to be made uae of as old m
al. This carro of Spanish abelto. which are of aU slaea. were or1*inklly loaded
for.nae on pi#* of American*, but
aerer used. Owta* to the recent Hae to tbe European metal market ttey were
Now tkat the I'nl
w. «d artth (bcltkSovemmenl w bich ar
tur* In BUT bkUonal kjlatra. Th* a
Miami powtr In the world, must b
il IB tbe aololtoB e( tbaa*
a (bar* ar* p
0 be auRceaied at the present June,
e* of Great Britain, tbe Rtwataat co|.
1 blfbest poaalbto advantace to o«f
raatboda'or nilliw bar
adeanta#*. Only a
«kort Itae BCD aaUv* EerpUan troopa. nsetoaa as aoldier* a «*w yaara
trained by Brittoh omcera proved Invaluable In the recent Bndan ____
pmign. IB India lb* Britinb troop*, cumber T2.6M and tb* aatlr* troop* HT.HA
Many of iheac Uttar, tb* Ooorkas aapedally. arc alntoat equal to any troops la
tka awM. and all arc regarded aa thoroucbly Uyak Protmbly th* most unlooc
biBlr of aattv* troops to tbe British acratca Is iba armed oobaUbnlarr la tb*
* waa ralaad la tba t..
kan uBd baa prowad ««e1eat and amtoiihli to
perior oOeera art whllaa bst tbar* aia aaace
a aad other* o( tower
Croaa. Tka tmifaemB
aC tb*
tk* FIJI coaatBbulary arc rcry ptctnresqne. on* part
ms at
WaMkbd km and tba naxlonaj coatnme of Grcaea and Alb*.
--------------- WOI tor tta aai
broken up and remoldwL
of raeda and set to work bnUdiar «P •
Prramld In tbe center of eoe of tta
.rk's amall token. The pyramid was
lilt up BBUl It waa well abov* tta eur.
cc of tta aroter. sod oB It she mad*
r nest and was oaOmty seated oa lb*
m* wtaB tbto pictnre was tnl
For abont ten year* tta Cars«te
eofv>aiiy at PlltabniT baa aal«talaad
a mrinca fund for tb* bencAt at Ita
auptoyaes. This fund now aaonia ta
over n.«gt.MO. The aavlan fund to Ita
creation of Andrew CarocciA who. ib
order to induce tbe arorkmee to mv*
ttalr carnlnRa. obUcatad tta Canere
dtaal pnmpqay. limited, lo pay tta dc-
pesKor# a bWber rat* of intercat on
tbeir aaviac* Uibb could be obtained
from any bask. buUdlny aanectotloB
ar otbor aartn#* iBscituUon. Tbe edmpany baa met ihla ohUcatio*i at aU
Ume*. rcRardteaa of adverse baaitaa*
coadlUona of auctuattaU la Interest
raiaa, paytoc every on* of tta workmen
who deposited bla canine* arltb tbe
CMBpaay • par eeat par aaaau.
eomp*v*oc raprodwctloe of th* statM
will show, tbe dealRs to almply the 4#*
ar* of a beautiful woman (yplfylaaan*
lure. reprcaenicd as llfuag a vaO tnm
THE uonmrma <Ho->»i>. s7h:»4? jair#5, w»
Here Is Fun For Young and Old.
Wrr AND HUMon.
T Mwcn. «r«*Aaa.
''ThhtM mnu al •aBriar!" Thai O
camBl arwu on ha*a UiM to obaarvatb* <^Bft of attitado aadfartias
is tW laat (a« tmti brtna Uc Catiad 8UWa aad Oraat Britala. ^iwaiaUT
tww arr prrwm wk<. rrsanl a book
in iw aamr war <brr do a laoaoL it
wrfL tW at- aatira.y aa;to-
tWMartc MMUti UmI wAtn tii the
70Bth €t l9\f. ana ta tUa rav or
kara-----------baaa aaddaa. to haaa
-Wall, what
“ttTif. a
^ • -..........................................
IT or two- But
Bat tbe
tbaagr maa
naa thatjlwaa'^aat
tbat dtawa'i a>k r»o
r»a to tniat kim.
1. vlth'amita llttia atoatcbaa of ariifala a jaarortwothe tbaay
linf for
6 Big Balloons 6
Porto Bi«. oar tnaataaioat corar l ho , fro®
h.ra r-ar aWobol b-.b
-........................................ --------------------------------------- 1-..------- •*"T*«»**V Wrat7 WatkU>«-"Iu»ida ar onuidar-
^.......... ....... — —
■ JiTwaitllkia. Maaiu'hirfi* jw
■ aaat aad Porto Bteo •• da*raM >*•»
to tblak w -a«rt^ aad
Wbaa tl la ••hirh aooa'- ai Ma^, tba had of hberty. aa «
|adUnsp<JU Jonrual'
sUa. it la Iba
I irrdaliai it Tba EacUaii abooM bate
Porta Kim.
'Wh* tha-It aoBa at aaarha" ara kaown that «awn» mota tha» euoUala
jj„j, ,hi,ia. ia «hb aarth ih’t
ei.t, ,J| ibr trool.la.ivinaitnJ
aoBdeaeadaTat kUnlU.lbaaaaof JnlT
y,, oii.,),i,f.“-l«>.liaaai-41« J.iartwl-
I boa toat art iD P«irU. Bicffc aad tba
bad beat) to a ifraat meat ftfKUtlaB
. cf lb.. 1.1,1-Ubd. wbo uw,, bj ~ b.=.a.b. ~b.i~ _
..■^4 b« F.«nb.. u»- .b™.,
_ 1II
.bw-.._t- “I. U .-Jbl.b., tail tbrT lakr
to utSHal do'Ui-r..--\Va«l.lns-
“”?S “1
waa a firrat triampa of <
aad bomahrrd jwIrioU
wTrtrbedJy eqnipprd. eao
. .
orer rt^alar. dlacipllaed aoMirra. abao-
mA gntU tbe P.rto Rieaaa ia oar oew
daatty aappliad WUb
Zar^.latbr Anttllea
Baitbed*w».daDt. .d th-rbetoeamay
It U wH-
Eteryboili come and see the balloons go upTon'll got the prize bp retutnlng the ticket to our store.
»tv.rta,u lif«a tu sat ii«atbar aad r<»-
Batrioti Of inai la>r irtaoa. woo latrir "/
t----------------------------- ---^aTolatrtariiraad wlib wfbaalaa®
W« bad aot lamottaa it. aad
*folda.rfObJOhrr. laboald
<aboald aot bare lor#on,a
fonroUtw it
«ta hoklnx forward t4> tbe cahbniloe autaatbitiit far tia to be rtry
at tbefi brat Poartb <« tba' morrow.
Wbea IS bonra after it bai twaa at
VaaUa. w aaw [«aBfwdoBi ia tbe
oriaat tbr aaa riamoat of tbe Allaatie
At S:00 p. m .'Atordap, Joly 1st. B<nda will Med op from tbe roof of the A
Friedrich buiidioff. 1*4 Front Street- 6 mocster hot alp balloons To each balloon
will qe fastened a ti^et entitling the flader to one of the following pris«s fr-ee of
chargei-l-Pelr cf men's floe bike pants; 8-boy*« suit; 8-a Siewland Uat;4-a
silk boBcm shut; 6—a bike cap.
Kb, ,iw,„ baa a toiilc t><r
mairrial ,J war
Not only have w-« .prepared a itt • fan in tbe way of a Balloon Ascension, bnt
seethe pric^deecension in onr entire sto;:kof new and np-to*date do hing. hau,
c tpe. furnUhinge etc . f jr men and boy'a
From now unTil July Slat sYer^thing goes at cat prices
I linva marrW W__________ ___
__ ____ _
losla tbniisbi.**
0»adby Ibo
tcana reaoandlait hare hiked ot-mooib of tb.dr achirrctna tbeformer Hpaalalrffirtrwwat aod meat* and |rowwa. wblJe Ibey Ibeintba eelebrattoB of Amrriraa Indepeod- aelrm lt*fd la i^ofoand prawaBdiatbe
Men's fine Summer Suits-,, £S E2! £2 Ei'
Suits for Toung Men, age 14 to 20" coik^v,'!''^.. :
K.1! fSi
Bjy's and Children's Suits-..... *iv-<.n«f™ii»«,»<».
Hats, Ca?s, Bike Suits, Pants, Sweaters, Shirts. Underwear, etc
,j|i, i.
..Wrvins liillr rh«|.. I
i,..U. e .t tb, i.irtnr.* ..r Knr
it, thj- .H w.,'«|.er. a,.a »u-a.
S^wb.,.. b,p™r,.wb„.^iF «ib..bi^^rTiV.'Sp. i
atsaacipatetl from BHinartbicai tbraldeo. Half aa boar later tbe BMmiaK
MBSOnadioK Iftakeaap at
Dot they are brlirred to bare d«se ao.
••«_,.a,.,. ii.,f b.*« iti n
aad P.-artb of Jalylaiu le Hit- Dane that J r|„o^ ),,,
in a•.-.-kr -Y'O.t,
Eaatport. . wa» sirea to tbelr ao called vaoBtiBic.
v >
All iB reduced in price, and there's so ques
tioD that XT FaYS WELL to pnrehare
your 4lh cf July want* at this new store.
Not a dollars worth of old stock to clog
your selection.
a tbnmsh Kew Ear- race diy.
Tbe cini war. c«eof tbe
, fai.aih nil,.
al«ur>llv i.r..i»r
j boar Kew ............
York Rrealeet.
moet lerilble war* <d, blitory.
i!i.- inett. r nM«ir
tcllbd. aad'iB half a...................................
• ■ -------—*.. Iiirorm 111.' ibni *'h' iliiln t
C»Ub«wlbeflratKllmpaeof IbeiDoreiBK aoec-lij-edin prin-wli-a* «Bd deetroc.......... I
» -u.i
one Iwlrb
le-Jrb forth
wel- tireaew. tbe ftevol^ion. reall.r tbr more
BBS. aed ber la irane
a welI'e.^.«to tba utioa'e Data! day.
Aa tba
b.roir «f tbe two. a> rirtaaliy U> pnl
"VVb.. ■• iii.iir’ a.t.-i H-- •-•h.-.ii..,
an end to PoBTih‘bf JnlyinuifMti.. .. _
b.- slen-i-l
tiarnWB rf<-l<l~-lb>«e at l.WHt not t-A.
••« bj. Il.ai
tl.ai n At
Uc-««* eMIit.lil il.e
III, »h..i.
wh'iU' et-rM
well anjaaljled
wilb bi-t.Ty-hare I.Ubi-.l !•> '■••I.l
hildled r
lie wniori
U]. 1.1
. .
laeons i'
an •TToneone
idee nnieeniinK tbe Hall'.
If I*.- Ii.-i-l Bv.>l tei.T in b>t r,
;h»b, and
b'-r. IntioB a« r<-*tw<-le tbe Ku^heb,
)hbni- •■rcaniX'.l > f.-a o'ljn.r
bar.-not q«il« r"civ.ted from it j
. ,
Tb* T bare atipjK..rd. and tiiay etill anje
ribU-bamitiati.rti They bare not known
that the War wna tbe kilw'e war, and
waa o|ita«ed bv tbe U-»l and wineat-ot
bia enhjecla, who werr t«a>.U-ed that tbe
wmimn IHa.-l- wta
124 Front Street
Steinberg’s Grand
ioiiiil wartbc EoitiUb wrtr ant batnill-
... U'oniuoi^a o
Nothing Nicer
___ _
EBgigFSKDt EitraonllDir;.
«taa.l that what waa of ao abiKirWas iat#rwt »orl ioipottaact! U. thrm aboold
aot Iw rriaallyau to th<nr wbo bad >M-. a
tbi'ir f.K- Tbr Kcrolntiob waa oar at»l
Tbr Etish-b arr acarly alway* at
_______ _____________
laS.-wY.rt'kBiid th..fm-
Hot t
MTm*.pTUKr«.tl«.t...udP|t..ftlHraaBrlaairiiBac..atiB0.w t.. I- brar.l acrom
«ktcoallatnit froru tb.-AtianJlccalward
IU „tqhk..r8B«.- Tb^
mflm-aiial ch.-« of
Md-l at tir-t a; u w. II kiu-wn.
•o tba Pacitti alopc fb). an.. fli«bct 13
nMaah..nr after tbelr r.wr ba* died
Ib'»a lb,r«Til war. Imi the
BwKl'"b i- pla aid«l w ith the n.o^lh
;waylatbe«,.tera m. tr-iioU.. aad ia
BB(«bar b.mr Dearer take, ap tbe re-
A- tbe Mni««le o-plmorJ the ma-th
»tatne.lfrieiv1. rajudlyoa tbe..tW-hie.
frtlB. ■Odtbee<U...iMhep.orBlDKKnB»
"‘lb. cl.«-the m.rib wa. Uad.-d
Ular Haa FroB<t.*'.i not«~ tbe .ilrenl of
ttaday with-laKBa. alaotiriw..”
tb.- r.-pnl.lk bad f.-nKbt
AatbareT.dntlv.n.d the earth lara*
«P tbe broad eatwaaeatrf the I'ad8r to
3ka rara of the imo lb.-Poartb .d Joly
1 iBWltblbe l«..niiatt.d the
apraaK ipt.. Ir«n*allaaiic fat.y
Uad ao<l alMJ^wt Hnlaiii r.r.^airm.1
«'r fact that
‘"V .v.-a if Americaa. hart
IlfBBial Hoaolaln, aart the crMqwtige of larteiwn.hao- <lav l>effla. la «ttt
n#w mid I’acifi.- jKw.ea.i..n. !w« boar,
latef lhaa at Hat) FrHi..-iwti
It I. now
the |.
OD tbi. c««tiueiii, aart the patriotic
Ferto Rlcaa. are ia the uii.l>t (if t
‘Ant Foorth of Jalr r.'I< l<ralion
Tba. a. the hour.
the alimwt '
«mtlBoon. Fourth of July ivlelaation
io, CO h.ll
....do, Ib. w.»M,
««« *»■''
n-tbrn. oiil.r tWn etrtclly each.
1. n>vet\lm«;
..■“KTSr.’Sf.... ...... ....
,1... .....................
Metropolitan | SHAVING SET
Opera Co.
Tin- I'-riit
.leml'i' .rt.ao.e"‘ar.
.... .................
iui..-r I-
(,)ne Ni^:ht Only
•I I't
of lUeir
ht>.<i .p|„.,
a iu..li.niiii at h-a.l
own M..-1
In a.vonnt in part f.ir tlim arttulrati.in. ,i,r f.iilmk: i- moi:- l- tw'Tb-el.'id ly. miiirtly »rrowiap( iui|. r- .«•! l" rt.-fit.--. Trn.t. «md- ii.ak.
Tb-el.-id lr.
tame, .ireox'ib and w t-allli of tbe IV-
an- -I
l-.ll ..I ib.
... ......... ,i„
fnrtu ih- luU-rior ri
*•’ »'«*•
camal.tiaK ,-.wer
<>-•' >«»i»- —......
at aart acOnr re,i..ratioa . f
coalrt aff.wd toproviAe aa. We hare k«-. .
, „
come la erery aeaae aad ia tba fnUrat
a to do the work;
and aary
aolrtier* and aailora have
rvvr aniaitlert ibenia-iviw l•rUrr. Oar
Fair Jon* wiib !<• btow iiafc
Kan-Jui, wilh Ilf tanaa,
Bai ladnl ant Bom- with
A aitllios dead Jaaaa.
lie frasran'.a a dn-an.
yw aama av atm hMr W
(tana aed abipa atirtrd tbe eotbaaiaaiii.
if aot tbe eary. uf tbettmt puwera,
fto euMa «{ Atd-il
(iMnaed aa f(w a Bay,
Tba btoeWm at lUyllaw
EatraaewS wilk lie lay.
Aad lb.- lark all «bt«a«b Jam
Titk fdraaarr ara* beard.
aad‘K«re aa rtn-nauai reanwa tlmiagbliar aebievemeata in art {ind UteraInrr have uiarte tueb rapid atridra that
wr are now in tbe fMnt rank, and oar
year* old. we have BccMapliehed aliuaat
#11 that Enmiw ba* bmmiidiahed in
B||c«. and wbo tball lipiitvor expanaiua
twltrr ami that Eaiilaml like* at better
I. tb.i
with one aDolbcr; oar relailoat are
Tbe «ana<w'* drmd tmr,
Aad BB aalbata at paw.
Vbaa tbf haillr a u'w!
Aad over ibr .«
laHaalB# tb, wmlcA aoec >d lb, fra»-
>ric«s-35, 50,75c aoiltl.OD.
with diflen-ut •<
U iln. i> IbK-iii
.w'sr ^
■■raix-l-t. whi.'k
ill c-IJ neekb-u .
■ duuMt-br;
orltfitialitiA <-<.ktly
TrdH I'eri.
prBi f-r ib<- wriiim
hliieO A !Mii
(be warkel i, a slaai
e»L fual
ilb i-ld au'l K-ma.
,rrv.f to I
ia wbteb'atan.1
i, hlh-d
Im- hatiiU'. of (olrt. (.liver am]
nirb tbk-kly ilH-r«alMl with
Enaliabmaa bnt
-----------------------look apeh tbe wine lUt that
m,o't^Uiak a faao^ aniberOa handle
(■•IT ":«v',b'i;rw;;- i:;.rty 1. .h,
.................................. ....................................................
Kaelal afflaitM will......
aaam tbnnaelvm and «;atinne la (nrre
and frM.nent AiaairTM-.
of - i»
„nk~ft_ it
ib.a't Btierapt i». play ilanirt
y^ bare et Wwiit a ybml
aH« t IblDk _tkw
JSSU'liUV.Xi.'i-cCS. m
Aaerica and EagUad * fninraa name.
aeriD w U they moet beinar|j>raUy in|»oa’t h* am atwe it'a a campUtoeal If
^ Jpaiva Bkxki Baiuwn.
'vM yon ■>«« >lbe a Wrd.. Tbe »«fm^
Gate Postil
We want to interest
in our Kindergarten
classes, especially for motheH. We have se
cured one of tbe best teachers in Michigan,,
and we know mothers cannot afford to mi$.<
First Class Hiiana Cigar,
Good Size,
tnese classes—One*hour per dry-~Come and
'FicatiHi oiaiiij,
bring your little ones and learn how to de-
tHaaThiag Worth Ciltitatiag.;*
I earlier Amerk-an.
and ia
tit Ualoa
OppMlt^C. A *
««»«*«»*«•«« «*«« »»««**»«««
akin U>
Ak tonrl
Aad al b«aa or abrviaA.
Wbaar ymr M.W la )mm4.
The ^eawidflwaadttaaa
We have bean iatamarryiag for
Wa are actaally coaeiaa.
T,l#yme Ko t
ev EobrAldrich,
famei. LUiaa
cloae; many of oar iMereel* are mataal.
even identical
We feel <inito at bunie
Eogland feeU qalte at borne
PrecUoai Bicycle Builder
and Sepairer.
cai i-ivlKutioa
la any way or detctvr?
Another reawm that we like England
Tbal traod»oi‘a____
Wbat wfnm It, wlU ■
To wiiiiinry tota«al
Tba arbwa (4 tnaoipk
Frtaa maaj a aidd.
Tba ciaabim ot ■Um
Tbai patoou wlaM.
tor price# than #ny where elm.
—Beeutifully eUged
-Elegantly costumed.
.ii.jll laroi-
IbAIm. tbe aan of a aew dav baa rieen aeBad a bralrtaw p.wer
4s tb# Pblllppiaea S. |Miww'«4ntobi.-i
Oor abort but moat e«#ctire aad .i(f
ir with Hpaiu of la« year
lokT the Foanb .4 July. IHU9. aadito
aaaoi ... ..miAratert the atrenath and
d the world.
j adiulrahleflitiiiiatrtjDBhtinMrr oar army
TmTeree City, Mich
irikUc or.ll,«. »!,«..Dd ™.l. !.,• tb, I'«K«i.t...--dll,.lb.....-i,.,l. .<
Kurtipeea atato
ti.i.k a. ■‘'•'/^J'lJ.i.VVTatr r’' '’'’ ''
UtM of pyrotechnic Rlory. Wh. n the ri'-mroei. aart that ao Europeaa
drvwrarkaare lixbllDic op tb.;
casMtawnaaBdoarialaartif tbeWmt
egrA^a.'t .A.8sox''tr
140 Frunt Street
Prcsenlinir for tiie first lime
in thi- cTy. PlamiueU's
ia pei^ilea whom
iiKib aiel
ami prow.wa.
radeo. feaie of atreuKtb
mnineraW.. and
gBBW* aart eimrta lanniii.Tnh)and ]>■
iSalurday, July lst| ^at w. j. hoBbs*
D.iUlOytbe Kiittlub. are jiroae I.. flart
I.«blir. .-I---.il,
l•>•■rtf«•l «h. y hart ki.A reaeon f.rt•.••rtlnt at.d that w, ami tb.y are
iie.u.-k. The nm<>a>.
UfK' ly “t
k.........~l lb.
taenteiltb- affortn.a of tireat Brilaia.
■■■« i-lvl. P"-
..■.•.i.tb r.-.i.
,h<- lt».kiMati. n •lartl i
«.llki."«u N>'»
an raliaatly.
ink Cbb-u I....,w.vib,:
Uiraad riv’c pa-
tank. rl.)l«ii. ..... ...
». V.-Friedrich Block
Jaj.i.iu »b..~'
that in .|*akinK of tbe «>•
FaehionAbie Outfittfre
coloDi.-e (taiiie.t their iDdepetnlenre.
Macr Amerirana bate w.mdered when
at.fT liy iwBilun of iu oc
minalioB. They w»n>d t
blMnnc facta, Biw «-obM
(N M-. that till- aUrmi't of iir.nve lli la
force tbe rolunira tu rrlura t.i their atJesiance wi
n jK^nlaf nteaanre, and
that ita failnre waa to EnsUud a ter-
“Sec That Window.”
Uk Toor Dealer far Them.
-..velop their minds. Classes formed July 3rd—
Regular work July 5th. at-............................
llusiness College f
^ arww AKvamacak wxooto
TonneUar Block.
^-iS•"-".I v'‘'
i vomBiifo
jmu iMTAnxce-n
*'IM41 mr le)l yog abooi ttet Foonti'
of Joiy ooMnilcB. iodo^io «r««wk>.
I piMwn) to tbc boygoot In Ui*
d) eogeliy ]B*t otor tbeciril wu> " I
•akod CiraodratbcT UcMiBCt*.
It «md«4 Ui Ip- Ibf codpmpw of tho :
crrw<] that tbU «■■ oo« *1017 crabtl- f
father had o*»i A»« «• the bo»..r to:
ralala At tb# eatDP tine it war cratlf !
Bp<« blm that il wuoM U a{
h^rhlj> b> ramadt bl* eiPOKey to Um t
facta tbal wr did act tol Uka aablB( I
bitt *0 rauil gpoB bintaelf.
1 .
"I iKrticp (bat tix emphaaiae lb«'
'wred *tacta.l" aald irraDdlatb«T. “aod '
it la
var; ie<ip«e
|4<ip(e tbal f<.o
f»o abuold.
.aM. bto 11
ia »ary
' bardablp
dral '4ily In facia A< to
, loat&pra a
yon iDrnll'ii in raoaacktB nyurtixpry
ceUa to tbatp. 1 prar *i-g to rirr juor*j
aeU Bu
a 1 an atoibl
rated wilb farta. It U a fart tbal fart#
cioaeooluf inr porn nutii yoD tniybt
take tiM to a fartulnm. a# il were. In
additioB Iv tbU I n«an) it a torBib
doty 1 «n-.r In mynionirylii oarraie
tbla Rmt hlatoriciil tnilbtolberea.aa
that It it a rbaplrr in tU biainry cif
Aicpriran indrprodrtic-e tbaterwrp*triot a»d>v«y dUtao. indodin tba
I Obr* rrtnlrtr#
12 Photos
■J.I am
Barr a
trw. cmvtLL-
; fwi&hw.
I«nwiaa aaa irrp.## .
BW-r . Da< «r aiaa< raUr '
rbvara. BrU It .Sana
VtUttUI. parrwtaa aa# rorr
irrpf f»irr.aHf p| eraarrlra
raaar.irr Uer«. tU riwi »>
•cat lav. 0»«a (Mr UpmB
ewiar. htmm
I / ^BO. B. CBcien. atiww aa# OmbmIW a<
|0 lav ^aarrWlM* 0*«M. Civ Oprrr
i WE
!D caM! Ociartc Trirriaav CalWgr Ttrai
latrrl aa# ivai »riaoaa aprrta.' aureoe.
Caa-rllrrr,. Trlr«W«a» Ba I
/-UUa <i TTBNBK. air.«aM al
Dm B BlUtkaa Bk«k. Tnrw
Bol l<> t>-diM-oorair^ frx>m bli iblrtili«q to rt Ule Lia Fourth of Jnly alicy.
"Jl war I'hla way.” br be«an. •‘Tba
war had jarl di#Mai, and IhU aopmed to
nr to i« of lire If a'fufllrirnt reop<n
why that inriK-nlar fourth of July
ip wofilijr »5 th«
iu tli. city -Iv b loBf;
3 f..r 10c. t\a.ki.W. Sc
If you like m ra» k'lxcLawiot l;ou»c
ll••dr tiirad »;<> to
41 I'll,i«*n Street.
tba wholi' cKuntry.
in Fourth of July rt-lrbratlona all ny
life. I.UI tbi-y alWBj# airn.k mr aa
prrulr anii rhrap -a /rw artiUi^al Areworka. woraa than ariltldal oratury. a
frral deal uf tioiar and atto-ka. nud that
Waa all.
••Th*i oil roontry, tba ttrrairf part
of which 1 i<«UMl,oR>-rMl »t»i> luainlflcro^ faclltUra for pyrnirdmii-r atid
tbataiet ut ibini that 1 nadr up toy
tpiudiogite the firoplr a c-rlt-iffaliiA
tba like of whlih th<y had nrrrr
dnwnii-d and wiuirihin ihoir rhilUrm
and tiM Ir rhlldmr# rhildrin would raUiMulwr while uiMu<.ry Imlda a anat In
tbt# dlatraclrd glnUt.
any* ■■
Wwinl.-rrn; tod Rraodfatber at tbla
point to a*k if li<- ailll owned the tofer
part of Ibr oil rouuiry
John K. ^-amo.,
General Icsntaiu.
•H---------------------------tiwk from uiy p^krt a »>lf of paaqoretr in and ne-corrquia- a inuR lil- niy bnpra nnd anil.lHona
a r«r
. W ajatn
Ojain wbii
whii b { bad
Il no «j>ry
intrrwt in i41 I don't know
. VWIl. li.t-n ThU ii
jr interwt
-ibrti I woke-—up'' at tlihe rtid n-in and y.>tii-<l1 doVii wfliwutBtHlIca
bow tuni-h oil |oy>]<rrty of
r kind and
anotbrr 1 bavr*pertliitlrd
-............ — ..... .................. ....
, .
Irr and bill fri< n-h> to p<i«vw. bat it ii Pi»utln S.o.hi twm-1« of oil a day and rrUiBrkrrniinHc to ihroxii'Oib . Jndirr
conaidrralile at le.n liut al (b« tiiue fairly #lmikin‘liiiTrah'to the K.aiith I'f toy ■iir^miv. .4 vy Mtiraa.‘: ient. of
of which 1 rfr-ak^ bad not uiaila npmy of July: TlH-naii .iliercaiiie to ajkiiiiln iny hortor to ttnd in the tint vianoe at
Blind to divide with any our. I war tba B.oo.i Urrrla Ttieu auxtiirr e)<oniia iny data, (hat -in the eivii' im-ni
Brh-rini arwod uono]aily, ibv hydra 4.ooo larrel* Tlmi iin-dl-rt i«jainliii - jmtri-dir fervor of the <n-c»»iMn w«
hcBihd trn.t. the oct.'.|.ni-lbe whola well. I raw that tbinj.# were coiuiu uiy actually all..w.dlhe Fourth .i Jnly
if ’waa then ala.OI Ihe
i way
I aent ont niy invituli.mi to »lip by. and that it
inib No w.mder the rat;le fell. No
••Thi« la in llie eilnation. 1 bcfcan to Iriendr In New York ibwl.-n. Thiladel
•pri-ad iiiym-lf for the crMiralion. Srro phta. I'ltialiurR. llarviabiirx. lluRalo. woidrt 1 ahiyered The dwaovry para___ ________
bad burned town# bi ll^uimab'
tila to- Hva healer, iivrac.nee. Flioira. S«Tani<-n lyawi no-. I war cv4>l i war uum^ 1
broader acak andeVaenmof ..tli.r c.ti— aodtoan«. ’##• |«-triQed
tIVaU. but il war <
inciiolin. of coiirre. Kokoiou and KaU"Arwamaa Uconld pall tuyiwK tiy
luaxu.!. Aa faal u> et< am and tall ivuiM Kell” r i r.< alix.al tbal it w..nld never do
fcub iiiy une-ta ih-'V Wire on Laud I. I••►.•lnllch b tnudbabil w;tbadi4.nTlh
I- wbobi4 July
July cebrlvalfti W*-wa-iibl l-r the
. jM.«. Mf*. c-nirv
...... »«i..... r’liiflv
......j..,. blaik
- ...
w ith |aa.|>Ie R ~ Uu to the Lickrhinxle
la’iirbiu #1. i k >4 the civiliaed ubd bar
rrlelialiou "lie I’afla iipcpiiioD .f b.i..ua world. t‘f e-uirae I .tajrd my
IViHi? Itwrnt Iw in it
M}'bo»1» hand from tunchio the mauh. mio aa.v.
keiit lionrili In
.1 patbd the et»k t4 liiv rlmltfan and
• - -a llmt I hadI
and tbHiiae.1-uy Kiiiietiu
rtnr••in tbaI ----------y. mr
..... c41
— welU
-----------* ‘kept miide ...............'Very
‘ - I pulle
iraa Well^ ami IlirianllUi- WiTla
its UIH'oVery ‘ Wiore
..by Ibreea. hy d.oeus. tticvr My n .xt dlliiiy. a fuiIilifil^one
(auiiin in hy
tiyir.Ai]is Ahlev.ry.rti
«p.mter. a mw«Ut. a Veruvina 1 never t le«i«-d on my boiae and i;allo|B-d
iiaw Ml much oil Oil was lu rrywhetw- am.4iti thriii like a roaabTTilfr m in
It was etsuitiuit *kv hlich it wa# liUin war uiid eiqdBiue.1 to iheiii ih^
the valleys It wii» Rrtwsiu the nni- dilemma lu wbich * • - ■
1- v-SXb..-Va-fre kiora rik'hlissVB kept ivilUin rli--nlts)
al the
lilted? ,
I tri'd to abo.it fr>-#h < xplanationa
thtoiliib III.- lUi-anl li. He. but the lilob
bowIe<l lo- .lown alel Xir.ire that they
w.i.ild Mi-.ee the f..«h.-ru d.-wpiuy r>a
tmlilr thr.v.l. b>K • ud tiretr Th.-»Hua.
a-.m-thiii aj>{aillitu(. It wax
roou,cb I.. iiim a r.inel biimr«:ray in a
ainale niaht. To-luve my no tiier in*pninie'i idler a lifetime «<f eobrieiy and'
lU.ihlty w.aa euouaii t: 'riVe uy heart
The pu -'l Wiia iut.nMti'd a tlM.ll«andfold
when »1V liila^idwi and uiitinaled
friind* ai.d admit, r#' In-wM i.nt the
-drelaratioli that 1 did U-d Bre the Welia
b'Can#' i W'ua aavtii Ihe oil. rnnuiu il
i„ti.u -> ami.iiipf.n II in Iwiti U wiiii a
____ '
a.il.u It I -I fSa battrl. tiiiiu
lo luy ai in pr cl . n <ii-nar.y. money
lar •t III me l;ke II raxur alaab.
KlHbliin I la.
I ivnid
>nld ni.t'deay
Blit ’dear luut
mat I bml my 1F.-rnati
Rlu'>■<>'< O- igivin Ibeuil. and II
I t/De ti.ai Die nialkel
e war
ur may Is- a 111
IJicTcIc Saddle- Guaranteed for three vears—
Lot>k at them whether you need one or not.
yS 0l> or ylii.iiO vvi’l Injv a ij<wvd «<-co»*tl haii«l bi
cycle-yi'5 will buy the Ix-st new wheel on the-,
market—Come and see my display before jroio^
l^ark Place I loteH
'Traty-er's© Oityj Micliigan..
y friemU aial ad
uitxer. in<-r>ua>vl. uml ih-;v
Xt-wly }vapercd. {tainted ami cat|»cied--Roojn.>i with
private baths have been addttl.
it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Xorlhtrn Michigan. Address for
vihere yon
from Iiiiib. y-rt» aa.v : That'*
rales and «'ther inforroation
W. O. H(»LDKN.
1--1 - 7'"" ■ " ■ 1“ lMll..li.|
A..V 1.0# ..iL A.Lx,k..l MI..I
And i-llm l ilh; that « would Hot do t.i in-
k rnyhs
lA<-aiiiB far ovi-T my Ji. rsr's lead,
►Ii.mta-d my n-»:ret* Ihroattfa a tuetn- mi-capli.-msi lotbeeSiit i tbal they ba
b.M|Stal;ty; that
1 Die bitU and '
-Iviei outside I
Wrtreak and came ill with a ruar like Taiiliy lieiifrlis uave hack my vociferthan lhl« that uiy uilml was workin. KlHitara. ami >ei
4 vWith a hatliwnmns ' atioU.
It . the DUb. if. the imh. .4
WIm was Kero, anyhow, that he should a..and, and. iisleiiin «hwely. v«a i-onid tuayla: the ISth' 1 n-itnit. I tvifrel
aay i
fiiremmlbe same paye of Liitory as dU’ot in the m.iM-<4 tbe eas-apin .oil ' ''It lireaks mr'
yuor KraodfBlUer? A fiR to Nero and a^jd itaa the alrains'^ -Yaukra Don , tur trimda a»l adiluirvrs did out (rasp
allLi# |s-iiy. clirap John entrrpriara. 1 die. ’
. . ..
throw my cvniempt full in brnfacw"
mwterted I.. Krandfalberihat
tirandfatheryrrvw quite re.| and beatbtveTVi ii a maKuiBceui s|svt4
ad with his rndden bnrat of indiitBatlon j.|^
,«d hundreds ,4
OTIC the small d. inirs of a man whom
,,„aiiu« th. ir iwodiut to hearen.
b« evidently rvRardeil gs a were pre-WhT. ibal wss n.. apectac'h-at all.
, icBddr R«-coTrtinK hi. breath and bia
»aan 1 what 1 had iirt jBire.1 for
nrnUl and physical eqmliUrinu. be ui,. irn. ,.f tbonKaiidr i4 admirin
Went tin:
- frtrtida. It'was ibis wb.de aitureicaimn ,
••I had Irlrea tbe uatwr «4 tbi. eele’ and concwtenaihai touched off wliha,
bratlon deep Ibonkbt and bad laid uy
p,u,b-lbU w.«ld of oil •« Are - :
pUne montba and mouths in adraniv.
] b^d invited Iben tbrie' to bobold
You may be enrpriaed at tlw maKnitnde
marvel at
vf my ecbeuie. bat It is a fact that I lie
i ur „rx(
urs» day.
\Mmj . aa
mm 1
s aaid.
SBiu. waa to
«w «•:
gan drilliu oil wells and ttas wells and Ibe Fourth of Jnly.
Like the man wttb |
alcofaid wvlls and turjientine wells with the rattle on tbe ibonaaod bilK I as-,
j view to naiiiR them to uy illnini *,„.t.lsd uv friends
Batin scene Talk atsmt Nen^rning to(« to witnets tbe grandrst. aabliuest. >
(Ue borer Homkn towns io illalMimte
inepirin illBUinalluB and
bU drunken picnicab Why. 1 i»op.aidto n,ewi»to tbal ervr waa or ever wiU be ,
drill into the Ivwela.rf the earth ked b*eld nnlil tbe niomin sUta aing totoBcboC rnongb >4 natare'a al<^ v4 g«|ber
ccRBbBftiMestudigbt Ibewt^lda^ainga .
tbonaanda npon tbonaanda of
tba whiaker. of the mau in U^'s'»
friend, were crowded Hw. iber on lb«
BOV tm
tie II-IO of t«.
a bumlD
...1-.ll. Op.In i:..r.-o UiA . ihisiinai.
•tivl cht-etnlit. ou a critical world.
Uous era the Wiald had lieViT n
Hopkins Bros.
«-tb T'-.-ncs. VI
S iirir^w'^mTiw ;’:.h-:;.rn.;7*
h^ll-■w were full and overlldwin.
iVearca#a.u pieLW—'* lc-‘e'-verirt
in Bit pa tv , ' th- -"tv t»0' pDee, w;i"
beasiowasai.y iff nc
, '
nirh I w< nld am Iv the
as Would make old
Pluto biiiisell jump for tbe fire bucket
tbal 1 would, iu sbort. take great |4eaanre in bl.iwiii the whole cloven fiivtcd
and burus-d herd «4 them t» kiugdi>ui
Color. And I waved oB high luy trusty
sbotgau cbai)..^ c.ltb |iitcb and fire
•'Wcnld 1 bare fired all tbsae well.:
As beaten is my yadgv. I woold
would haro famrul pyrrd uysrlf and
iucineralni every nHdbrr'sauo >4 these
friends Hud.adiijirrrB until tbe asbea <4
the wh- !v I>ack of 'em wouldn't bare
filled a ninfits-x.
tbiuk It wee a jilty to diaanvini til tbtsr |aO|4«—tbeaedre worabiiapw as one might «iy ? Wb<»e faolt
was it tbat they were diasppiunted?
(treat Ueneral JacKkon. I biipe von
don't think it was mineV' and grand
father was purple with rage. He fUDed
and kicked and stabbed tbe flour with
bis hickory cane and cried oat
"1 didn t make the days to 1
liketliat I II) 11- caleudarmaker I'u
no 1 oi>e Uivgoiy
Jalios Cweei <w
(\-prrBicns or any other almanac man.
andtlmed emma.loupnyinreaw
riiol gnu cb.rgwl, from wbich I
f . What l-rcamc of Ibe craven <rowd • I
grrolr alMBt the Fonrth of-Ja^. In »,„o rfioi.t bUxln i.U. into one i4 tbe
am glad Jon asked that 1 j>nUrd ont
then day. rrerytbiug 1 loircbad himad
wells and ibat ignite tbewbote ; ’ at raa
i> <>r AB Horn raLUt w.
uy watch and brid Bp tlw«« fingtoa.
tooU.BBd.1 knew Umt tbu neat of »iii .4 wa* .m to apeak. ItI was a con- I
' wp™ .b.„ ua...« -W,
.^U -1-™ up . Op .dl poul
^ ,h, V~l»< luulu «»
. atartsd after 'em hot f-uL 1 charged
1 aronM hare oil tu barn indeed. Each
throbbed. Xseaew Atesandcr. ' uiajadged me. Instead i4 sjmtai
'ew as at another Son Jnan biU. 1
U Ibeae welta waa tx|stin me .boat ck»a,__noDt of the oW boys- wa. eevr with me. they wsw indignanU
m>d vJt
'•* rabbitw and at
lio.ooa m dria a. I
with a.uh a gigantic tlmagbt
exa.jwrated, tbey were mai Not ^
of an boar there waan't one c4
workmen tincy pric*- bni 1 didn 1 rara
Tb. feetr uf a few of them wera mad eWr tbmngb
* 'em to hr toond in ten ataica Wow.
B b.a>to to Ihe rxjwnae. If each Uoou- axpecUncy
,*p^ncy ruee
rose tn uy friend, on tba
tbe and back again. Moatof ibau a..
te wail-bad est ffJe.OOO, 1 wonM bara BIOIUSM WSISAA
S WWJUA....mumm- —
drilkd eaI all tba aame and bm glad ^
Tba air was «i They wriv turn wilb paaaioB. Tbey
It looked like apoplexy. Th^ doctor
«f it.
na after the nalrtial to a ,
with hnah that aa eagle got atall- bowled and awswe. Tbey exemis^ yoni
wud it wasn't aeriova and woald w»a
Fourth of
« Jnly
«»y vv.^..--------- -- *<*« ed
^ in it
j, and frU .iniggtin
atrtigBlin at uy tot.
feet. gmndlBtbw ap biU and down dakjiB
knock OBI all Ibr firewoTBi that Lad[^^^_,j^
y freedom ’ Tba i Ul tbe alrw^adark, baary hiow Tbaj pauoA. -•fitaBdratber.” aaid t)« duetor.
“boa aiuply baas ertreuBat ^ too
«*ar haatuaBBto«rrfigdr.wurf ot
Wa. it an i cried -Faka!' -Frandr and l»a«BUd
asBch veracity.”
••DM uy plaB. uaunatot? Wua
l u..,3.
Intbar wild and «
Gotid hardwood in stove leoiiths.
Alsu four foot mtple slabs and edteinpts.
There is
NoQuestionAbout.lt-Money is going
it can secure the most
satisfactory values.
With Ample CapitalSix Great Factories
All under one ropf, we are able to give the public the €
most for their money. We make 18.000 high grade pianos every year.
Easy- T©3?xcls-
235 Front Street
i STROK. IllieBr ^
THl MO'UltH^ &B001D. 80VDAT, 9Xm M. tSM.
4vap~«o» • K«M* U^mm <
»»-*o-a Wo. y—mdmt oa
Aowon TwkM*.
Fonodo b porrr •o Fapnnooa aa
•Va aV b ittralag a btfrry-wVrti
a»d a wbob Itbrarj cplrbt Iw wr1(U«
«r tv anaagr praVa aV Vt ptarod
wUli Ibuao who Jtat'F woord b-r di
-tkla tnilar. dV waa la a drangrif raprtrluua naaiit » Va It pbasnl b-r to
» l>u
OHia of fomi
■■ an) iV (otuKtir of a
auUr famllg.
«U dftr* ■ rmiraJ •ban «rhh w4k« t “Too eoaU barAlj bara ettoan a
It b ttoo bpv arbMBO that taijra. aewa lay portua or tk» v«rk I* d-a».
idaya. TV Uttat Idea b a arte^ for
'A baaaj U.4tiai m b for»«i «f a
aWt of Muint Brtal akapH iato ■ «rl- mM. -I am Jnbt rarUag tor—"
viib bar.
rO viib
»<*" «rith tkr odcM pnw4 toanlwr
«ao lie uagiii tv tiicka of tV iraV -a. Vra b 187U. aV y
y jo»t
JO.U » ytoia
•H mm
Vt I eoakt aot pov
tiplit); rooaak I. boM y f4«M of lb«
tkal Vta. TV bemayMs «il
aiHl all IV dovk-ro vbtrh ex|wrbacF Vfora
« oprat h 8«aVa.
kteirr wh^ taarrtrd. tbr pyHoArf Maf kao*--^
' V>
la rvsuic ordrr* rnuk
farrbd «a a k«a>IM liab to rrruJT» u It
toodanw far
"ilaoUba. tv rant. If U coowa to
tV'MarUBl baj«v. A lypmratatln
VndW arr »r
tVt b aot atrtotly dar aatO tVVy of tV vVol ca'lM on IV brad uf
lag of (bw V tV brad nd«T Vary ariw toamrrotr. Suttdar
>» tv boat
• <»« big totialral arm In tTtkago yratrrday <ark>aa!y.
atraiao by tV a*r of a or* atUFbarat. aoa. and I only took np tV boaae on tg taiervai i,inj in iv aeVtur.
roBaiatlaa of a otFol pbir *Vpn! to ftt
tor dm of tV Bauath..tatrd bb caar and waa totrnrd
IV Vodb .V rvlor IV F7« of tV
If yon «1U allow ntr to expUta-----1* tmutvlv. Tbr tuuakal man v^mrd
ar^iurd •’ Tbanary. ia IV Ala. aV V b raaily
pruud of bia aoD*. arVrrrmrota.
•TVa DV Vrdly riprou tor booar totrrtutrd and aald toat tbr Idrt a
a larrraard by armi to romr daring tV Trry nto-;
a aaar aHdUora Vriac________
___ ___
t» Burnt tv month baa rxplrrd. 1 Vd. „,id ihr»arlr,n<. aV tVt tb,lr aal,-a. o, I
V otroirpn) to IV foot tu i«rry<a »ab
Ukro by Vr^ taTW^iolT'^b'i’Z'tor
War eirt^.-bd on rIV. vhk-h opaaa aiul to any mar. i» toirathm of ataymt mm wrrr mainly UM^fitl to k.-r,dus
Abu ahrraalrlr a. tbr «raarrr'a frrl hrre pannavaily. Tbr buoar durat»-t piauoa iHdlalird «lin th. lr Bugrra prubi. lu Wrotrd to cVHtj.
totb «;raV
tlraod l>a<Va>
l>a<Vaa (lira
Oir* of B>«arr Btotn) ibroaA ibr aal.-r. tV wr'.- a«(ll my wifr. IV rmt b aVurdl.r wbUr Ulklug to tbr mcuiutrrm. Itr ' TV Ifttb
“ l*~Vhly tV nrV.1
•“ w
rbild la tV
bar iartroaiar iV rrabunca of tha bigb. and a<i on. I aupiraar you arrti't ialk<d with tV rutbu«ia»ui of a
».irW, A fra V.ta afirr brr birth fS.vatra.
, to a bairyr
who U Itiirrvstfd In bU BUl>>ct and 4«i
MBi.tin waa artlVi »n _
Vr. tbia
aam V
U*n«a*»a kalraa raa V Aarf»urd
“It bn'i a gv '
of mr ■Vtog
to a wound up by abuwlng bia rbU.ir
mrrawd in Brttiah aV Ftw.-h
vfthaot rra>..«u>r frocu tV narbiar Ity
air; •------I—arvuud
fl. vm. tbr
iMT" waa anamii rXplalblllg tirr L^........... ..
lulnr a ara- auarhiaann bariar a tarry,. •••«
rnudlnr aluor *at in tbr farr of a «<o,d“TVn wby on earth doyoo romr to- rarloiia Uiatmiurma and iVlr a|w. bl _
ruti Trofri.
Vr. to W rUa.M to tV r«IV Vr af .Kbit Tb.„ ... . d..,. Ibi... 1 W.I. „t ...vii....,,.« .11..........:
•T'** “*
*' i' «»> r» toto warn I Vre merr lliur.. fully amt with am-b a finr frtrBdlinraa to
1.. bi t -lab.
miab. aV
and lb.- ara r^miaiaitic
rtmiaiaiac her
kulr^a Ibr> rrrojTt^ “
Tbr POof Iraba badly. »V acullrry alnk that when tbr man with tV M-Vuir adira V. laieB hr.Hu;bl t'. ibi* tsiaalry
A loVrro pi,* ba* brm patmird «hlrb *■ ««Wrd n|n lawn-mowrr yon aald »rnl ta.-k to tbr a<-bo.rt V awa 1V vU^'wr **
baa two bowl, funurd in a atnrb- aijuarr waa to order idm|ily won't cut any- nappy luvprtrior of a brati.l-i»-w plapo
tJrrwl lBtrre.1 V. h.*a ar..Bard bi Orrthing rxcrirt my Angm. tV poultry
«)>lcb V Vd given uotra fur giuu. Binny >b tb“ ib.o»j».-.I w..in—at W>e»maenloi. .rf iV plr-wlnn. the I-.WU .•"
I. ,.d„d
1 Dlgb(. .i.Vr While got up Immed;- ai.xlrlQa m-. b .Uer. Wbirh ba* tb. |W«
atrly. aaddird a borw. and raced luad K-ck. i nioiiiii.-d ..a a Ult m-i in a rian...
n..or,i li,
li. tbr
thf |.■«.Ay to rV»r of tv eoa.-b.
Ur r«>
f c-n I-; n.-td
.Irwirrd am! M.l fa.i by lart.iiia a
iQnuugb thr night and tbr. wltAlr of the
n-w ml thi- ..p,w*it.. rml ..f tV h..ld.-r
tfollowliig Vy. and oyrimk tW ciarh
. kwl the J.wa Ml Ibr brad.
w itbm a f.-w Udlra of IMfa.t
Tirkrl. ar. r-.ik VmlVl by a t.rw ;
••WrU, air; if you won t allow wr to'
open tay rnoatb-----"
"rni not guin to be dtpow-hralrn by ;
a uutnmuD tiumw ageiitV'tuna, or
"•b'ftoTrr 'you call y..itr•W' > “W. wllb dlgohy.
"I aVIl..,
r^wWfuw li> luiy you on prtocl|i:.-.
alliply' though II would otVrwIar V.‘.
1 Vreu t a lUoaH-nt. tonight to go Into
....... ...
, Ma^aaiii. tboiifb-br haa 00k jq.t f
"" "I'''™- “IrV la niready al w.i
‘ ■““ Marebariia at Ihi'Q£riBal!*b*V iyue.-ii
;..b\ ber that ihla work, to V <wlVI -I,.'
to- l.uirl I
WrdrkiBi) of tV Biival oVra
k.,„ uh-ia
l»mui.-B. rve.'Bfly .Wlinrd t.. rnew brr PDrarran-Bt at
a l>re*.ieu aiiVi '
I hare tp Imw
m.r-1. r...i'iiiooi'i;;
r>iuv ileutrtiaul ™''ii;
un tv
. I...:;
Italian Vtilrwbl|i V-paniu Ui turn tali y.-i.i.« man an'ai
aor of la tea.
SttrUluD V tbr Klmulab I'hrialmai bnB<s rl*Am Tr.i- U c.
trry a .i.uidr ..f year* ago. TV ship treat -r.'.ac.- a.-,
at Ilrr MaJfirtV**\hea’’le^ X‘.m
•raa miltiug off ibr roaat of 8pda.
of ihU year to mark lb.•ad It oceunvrt to Ihr Uruieuan to lu- d«u. at tth.-
hucr all on i-Mrd. rnvn 'ctrptaTn"..;
Hu la puR-Valug
Ig _
a lAliery
ticket. Tlir ticket was bought
iiugbt. and,
to Ibr delight of all. waa lorlonaie
^ugh to Win IV flrui prim- of
wblih was dleldcl amoug tV
lucky ..wacra on t’hrl.imaa da».
A‘»crj,. nrU»ua piece of g»—l f.wiunc
ton toM year to Ibe lot of a p.a.r wld•w wVkepiaamallahoplaaauburl.
^llerllli. Our ev. tdug as .he wa.
•ming a cu«lomer a wurklug mss
•l«.|H>eil iDIo
lulii IV
llte ,b.,p
abop ,wj
and hegg;i1
Vgg.1l pirm-r............ _a
BlUaloU b. ilgbl hla .................
pl|>.'. Hiwwlug
I»Uhv Of imper fR>m bia |B«-b«-l. be
• wlauil it u,.. m It BI tbr ganJi-t. hr
•fler ligblliig hla idpr. threw dowu 1V
•pin and walked out with a w«r,l of
When aweefttog tbr Boor IV next
CVrretl |wiB-r om of Mb' eiit(...liy, b'd
iBkfobllug II. aaw tvi II waa a toiiiTy
•' ticket, only a fraction of which bad
been burnt Khc f,.ld.il It up. pui It
•Vbt In. her |«>ckrt. and li u! aliiwai
. ffftrgoiteu IL when tbr rvault of a large
tottery drawing •■aaghi ber eye In the
She then rrmemVird tbr
rtvui|ilrd ticket In her j-Hket, and. on
prudvlng It fouu'd to Vr amam'iucai
' And delight tVt tV nvH-b-d tirkrl
fcad won a prlxe of rm.tuM. -»fir
•laimi'd tbe prim-, and although ahe
•dVrrtlaed w MWy for Ita ortgieai own
•r with tbr luieutloo of abarlug It «lib
toair Bbr baa beea left ta andlaliirbed
pVai—lim of her fvritiuti.
Eabc Bretborru ami Ik-huVrt automauum-rtpia tVt bad brioagrd
to» tbr
tbr late
late .\
.\ W. Tbayrr,
tbe btugtapVr of Btwi
Btiri Vreu,
Vren. W
Vre Vwn aold
aoLl at
•mriloB lu laimlou. -The tromVn,.
parta to tbr cbotal ponton of tbr Xlnth
EympVuy brought «;:uS: four iwg*«
•untalnlug the wings. "Ab PerOdo' aud
“Hrldrumwlrlu.” »nW; '-KmUBl du Va
l.aDd." two pagew OilZ: aaiogcai>b tritoxB of Brctbovcfi hrongbl frum «3u to
flea rack. kXinr Sebubm aonga were
•old at froiB lUKi to |li» cwcA
lerrallng. "TV IaUu andimcM,*
r <myA 'Wre Vrd to cnpllrair.
r. TV
igllab—I k>rr fhrm: am) IV AmcrtJ
wblck IBT
WbyrpMid Taloabl* tivp cookine on tB* Fonrtbr
0>t a bappljr of ViBB
* .w BbkfA
' Oood» and awad Btov time bjbt.
Ue f..
a. I'.. K-.'I'UI I-Ii.*:-*]. w.ia «.'«u.'vac |hy.
... ........ .
1 la* amaui. iul. prM aM ynamiH
:DR.SPlllllEr U’.'i'iV.at.nT.'K;
I Ihr n.vth.-niiu.d tw.rtion of KiVna. with
tbr ol.p-,n .if lwK>4umg ai.Hliuatiicd
Vt. yaly 11 h. all any
I 1*BUl Hrm-crr. -r "tb-,. y,aV aa lV
j h.;aJ ..f tbr rk.uih .\fra ai. U.-pnl.Io 1. fa
tuid.ark .-aiHsl. 1. ..-Iral-d bu TIVI lartb: day Uat oo>Bth Ik- waa Utn ai IC»a f..r *air ao.: t..
. Vpair *orX
I' l Ur«. iu t’B,. <'..:.Hiy. aB<l tr-kk.'.l ta peoBctk Biiro4ci: tou.. ..rjrr
NalaL tk-urr Ktr.- Slatr ai-d the Tmii. , aire.'.
B sTAUlttva
vaal. .\l tV.-..mlii»i.,i,of tbcdkaatroila ‘
war IB |8m b,. -aa gierii i hargr of the
iir»«lai..ual coy. runKwii Two n-ara lairf
. bo v;i. e’l-eird |ir.widrijl an.1 ba* -err.-d
uiiiiji.-rrupi.-.l!y iu that ra|>a.ity rw
Snid RipiOt > lidto I. f.
Burglar tder-bli-lly Drry»uai'-'-| Vg
.I thousaUU
11..-.OUJ iMRliiUs—.-aiiie
i,.„~ 1
moat li'-'op*
l>orluD.-ly er -ii,e-:| can r>-turu «.iiur
other lluir."- Vmlags-M-ar.
r-ati.a HtwiitMt.
IMtRm. are m.i only iuter.i.'ilug a*
apis-liui-n. of chtnig.-aphy, -birfy rery
auiu.lag when ihc coDrlrtinua \ih. y
glre expR-aaion to are <xM)iilil..f>ib
This bouM- In It. Iiifaner i.-l^ »).r
tonoyaibiD of Ihr ty,h-wrlter. mid- n
farm.T lu Wc»l VlrgliiUt
..................... *----------.Ddemw waa written iti
B.pg Vml Th.-n foOfc»wed a Up~
‘tortoA which tin;.farmer bad uo <MHwaion to‘eomiutm!
«*'•* with Ihr
(. role tor lofom..!...,
timcemliig u filfgiio. and the rtidv.
typcwrlUeti. was duly maU^iL In'«
>' I-
'I- '
■ *»•>.'' 'to Inrg'T and
"umi rou. are ibr huudle* abc
cleg done at tVIe
|iilrc a\ ))■'. A'fat
Lunch Counter
fili yiiiniiliili
Boi r. fT«t
M-4 TV..............
Tea ..................
Milk. ,er *la*«...............................
B<ii<erMlk.p.r gla** ,.
S9 = ft;J2SS£u i
K«« iMsO.i
Brec.l aod Uaiu
Frilly l ake . tbf
Pxiaio ifi1c4i
Krk Chop.
BoVl »a*v
a*s Hhr**, .
The Vienea Bakery.
TraUo^VrR** rroa Bi. bwaa*. Fori Vayar.'w
IiFiruii ana OraB.1 Bbpi-i*.si 7 iB p. m
TraiB lra>tB« si <I li a. W. baa chair ea*
wwav. y.
«8 : .SwSS .S z ' £«S3 :
- •••• — _: ■ j!
Traian am.e fr.i« Oraod Ba^rd.. CUMlBaa'I. Cau-agu. Imliasapm.*. at. Ml. m.
Train* arm* from kla.-kl V- aad Pvtaakry.
. - as, cam,car
Wa.ii.e w T.dcdo rla B^-O Cur.
! Tram l«a'log k f> Bi h*. .OeeWaa car* WalluB leCbuwgo.dnrlBaatl. Laaiiarlllc. iadiaaspoiu sml Bl Lcuii,. <]iaiitc car ui OrasA
, VpiO*
old atoad with new Cxturrw—
Imt n in tie sue birlws.
Jmei* IV.
West Michigan.
Wr will give you 0
iBd 4o
do ..r
our brat to pi
I,..art iJ.’..
—I ..a 1 . * "Blaukrillr \V Va J.in (> twri
xtatloB bV waa pufBug ao that
• luwiMt - ilurm
--------*r.i -|t.wr f(,-raeYoura.- « dR>w».v man to the front ueut JumiK-d b^wmU ATCH and Bcrt
1V« , .... h,,..
aiMom III. waggiu R«celred au' I take
«tiddeu1y. ihlukdng It wk. the en- ]
•'•"'It ate. -- "-r.- ,,au.ltol.:i yrvu Inlit.r* glm- of tbr tmlu be was WBltlUg fv. | '■
I ito'<
dumVul If I -Hu t ll I >‘toapprmicbed Ibr ticket window, and
: AC S ;i825 A-S « .
ac.S«a!.i= A 2
«7nl.'‘lr..l;i.!.Av;;Bu,';S ”*
l« mi- truth abd do tV right -Hlltord
'cw print "valUlde a|*ucr. TVy wev nice, uew
TV trUdiwu .If the wV and Ibe rx,s-r- y®®' b'"en fer me | kin riwilcm I b..i
buudlea. bowerer. and Uo obiecPiMC
i> preaerred by guoiatl.m,-', « waggln from yew iweatr ye.ir» ago "«>
iv.M.;tUm to.
AWn'l her to p/tot my b-tier
~U'to Itwln for JungleriHg gon*
be^™^ • row yctv-the lugulnU.
, Ihlnga aence then. I m-kuu Ikin git a
“-Vi. ma am." tiwpouded tbr cUrk.
When meu arr pure. Uww are B«.lea,
•'’to"' totberin' ?J?lrf.dka.
‘toy arr Vekwi; ..Voura tniely. .
,sibii. Ci^glu.”
for be waa new to that {dace and wax
€£ •
Bigr««t and Beat
Lunoh Counter..
In the city ;.
me tired. It's
‘ a beatVii.. And 1 Want
to «y tlrlk. Mra. Blykina- If I Und
tVl you iirv knitting any more tidle.
and d.uyhig any .nor.- ml a.innel
‘""to w.«rliig
waring apiMtel
apium l fi
for the h.-ath.-n
*■*" ^<"8 «o protest. You m.wu well:
r""'' motive, ari- lofty, but the hralh- ,
vn d.m'l dr.mrvc It."
Ja*l a rCalhVIly.
I a |•orlit lady with a im of
L< PaiBBVf
TraTeTM C>
Gas Lamp--
'pfice RedBced to dost Out LoL
AB a’b'~PB FB—Air
»lu I w r as a«
1.' »>
1 »i
» lu
L» virou ...
L» Oteaga
IS 11^ •’ ua
a y w<»
a gu it i*
L* ohe-sM
7 lA'lS «>, • XI
» tl 1
a IV
£r UM VnidC
Tea*er*e Ij
Ar PeKwSe)
L* Tralee** <'*.
Ar gl* BapM*
L> KH. KaniO*
Ar Tra.erBeC7
.1 uv
’ 1 R
11 ai
7 A
It 1£ iS
)u lA 4 m u «u
, * »...... ' >m XU
a A II c. 1 IB
X le R a> I ix
^aVlV Dmikey.
■hman. a<i>|ag a donkey R'adc
Brflt workuutuahip moory
I’lrlng a
“Our nlnriy-elgbi.'ma'am."
CAO etDpIoy for Bicycle
■Vap rida. )nm,Bi|
on Jil* b
“One oiueiy-elgbtr' aV rcprauiL
B«pAiring. Quick work.
Hr ha,l
^>t gom- far when th • n- "How does tliat Vpvnr
, ,i»t
Vy aurird Jniuj.lng and klek ;.i
"I doo'l kuow. ma'am." V ivpilrd
tube make, mind fool wheta aV Biwut ao much mi iVt be got bia ho.>l ax be eyed ber buudKw. "I goe« It^iuUBioBSliweL
. ber diriing.-Bacsm.
bung up
tV xtlmipa.
- lu one
, of
muBi V marked down from |a."—
'■ yon'w- going w.xblugtou 8tar.
»rr. aaya
aay* Put
PxL "If
to t*t on. I'm going to g« offr
^ _________________
KlewA VaaUM Ueawm.
Ood re
Bar rnewa.
In.- iwiiber
Utw. BrBUjl>lc---ltoD't you i
“That oan's alinuioM to me an brr. tVIli. bow- .vou used to rbaj
M'a may forglrr tboae who bore aa- wr
caa not forglre tbcM whom wr
MI offmalrr. and V Va tV rrpoia
iia- over IV thought of lust you and
La Bocbefaucald.
tlon of Vlng a fortunr buntv.
Ito tog together to a dear little evtug*
'• »“»*•■*
U“t aomrwberr. far from
itlrr of
Lb Ii. A. BvUdlng
throng^ Younardlo-a,______
You nard to aay that would
Her young aura
ours la Vr t^^
agalnai tv |
.tbongbtfnU/V‘ V imradlw. Vt you don't arrm aince
Tbrrr la ao arrrrt to tbr Vart
wr arr married lu bold IV same opln- ^ Qq0j BSS$ '
lart w.
oar ariiou do not diacl '“•
The I___
ooaaaiaaiatr hypncrli* rai
stall times
conceal tV workiaga of ttVmlad.~h>«a
Blopay OrUtoC aiotyl-Ax
tV Preach.
Trry rrri
What aa ai
■ like a (
liotta »:U B m.
lai wtu rwort.
e—anti,tog?;.?^"'^rbi^:'toilIto^pttog h^i-1^ right akmg."
OBO. BOITHABP. Pr«e*ta*a*
aad'by rgmannicatiaf oar wlraiwn^ old maa. you didn't mnraiVr borrowbare moir.-GirriV.
— ....
r tv year Vforr
. ^!L7km«n“^
" f'wi'vb wit.
unsns us iwmisiui L L
rfFiro Insuronco.
!li* lI'SrX5i.riir
f„ ,b. ,bw
- ____
IV Uke a aa^L
•lime*, aliboogh tVy av gnb-k
tBV a potol ami applaod a great draL
Tba Itallau talk, rattlr tVIr proapApmdixlag tV
I- bair U«i
ay.-d t.ai
W. atartiug
.tvar. and bia dc,-il
I r.-aa»B of'r tV laid■eaa ..f ibe oaa-n.
wpriBg. Hr will de
“Why <bi tu.‘ brathru rwgrr tdnrtrd
out Mr. Blykliia. wb.i i>ad Uvn an
ting l»-«klr IV erruing lamp for nerml iidiiuiew to all.'in l•Mmtl•llulllB with
bl* faraway tbuugbt*. -Thr.sr’a tbr
giie-Tbiu. Why d.i tli.'yr ,
I *‘l gkr It up di«r.~ bUr-wlfr V
»|M>mbil. brr ryts. -itarklllig with geo.lal rx|H-<'taucy.
) "TJils l-u't a robuinlmm. Ii'iionrnf
^ th.Mc gup-liuiis iBi.jdy aak In onb-r to
biiudllal.- you by a n-mindcr tliat you
don't kaow the aiiawer It lan'l orlgl-'
nal. ao.tbow. There U .‘yery rea-ik
lb.- Iiealb.-n ehimbt ii.it rag.>.
rt-rk “Ijidy Imeu here 1hl« moi
ilulug atmui M.U.C g.«HV*
th.dr own wny.
lag. air. .ompbilu
We rn-ni her."
'to riilllpplne uatkv*. I«hA
Kmploy.T- “Whn^wa* abeT'
■' Agulnaldo. .\li ib.\v'd bar.- to 1I0
Cb-rk -I null.' forgot to ask Vr w-.mld V to ant>-xe.l imacefully and
Danu-. air. but >l»'h> a l{lltr
tome oyer to thk vountry-nnd bold
With a full 1.1x411 iunguc.''-l'uucb.
nice, etey Jol* In dime mum-uaia for
the re*i of their day*."
Thl« couDtr.r la guing to he a per
Then- I* H inaivnh-r h<iu*e In Chi
fect ellimdoglcal iuBgresa pr.-tty,aoon,"
cago whlcli ha> no .liy trid-. but
dmww Its tuildue.* entirely from rural
“ll might V a
dlairictn. through the iihnIIuiu of cau-
clo»e ef Ibr Cl
-eric i.f in.idcMa w.irm ti.und a cniral
draiMli. id.-a. .-ach cntiiiliiitlBK )n a k'l
IMii.lratinx Ihr forward
SbT,V.lk - hirh
'-------------------------FEARL8 Off THOUGHT.
------- •
toril.H..aM. arr .troBter lhao i.orUW.-ml. ll l>bdli|w.
dlstmai ..r aio.th.*
Our dlstmii
lawbiT JuallBca vi.
bli dr
lit. U Unit
f-uc-'d ................
.. . icald.
»*• -*f «-'bHom
ac>«e... aa well a* di|.ii«ari. bate aimr-.|
IV atH*nl
atH*-l t.w fnudv LVwig Harea.r la
2 Loams
for 5 cents
iam lOTER ui BOIT CO
preaent .lay
WUUiMi f Call A«aU.
. *1
it.. d,lr and iul.. a and-; tie yJur a.vvum luday; or thia da
Pununr wa* Im kind 1.. < Vrl a ii.c y.Ac, n... lati.-r Vine tm.vcl -ui-1 »,vk or lUa day___'
BOtIrr. a Udai(v.|iiiUl of Cblrws.i. wlm bwar.l lod ^birgr rarh ilrkrl la laru. *
‘It la. »lr. I'm Mr. Browtir'a
pORVaed a lottery lickrt U-I vrar.
K-rlkhoian ba. ddnowl a yo-al niau. ami hr m-ui me arouuil i<
fliairT tboughl ao lightly of bk lir. a
e .’""d *«»rd for bU-yclr-. a wirr
you to dlur wlili bliu. ami gu 1
box at Ibr tb.-aivr atlerward."--July
Din tlchiL to a .plrtt of fun. u> a with a r.ll.f at .............
rod or tl...
kfniUHl Jitaepb |t.N.I. at a Wrlbday y-V to ratry a flaf fal-rir. wbl.S .0 1*
a |>Uc.-l I
VMuui- On iV vriy day on wblcli Ur ■}'
• tbr
rarieil with tv tlckH 1l» numl*r waa ao
* It
■ "will f..Il..m tbr ■
r .lia|H> »f IV wb<«h I
. annotibei-d ua Vring won a prlxe of
BMUiai. Boiler fell Ibr blow of Ida
' nlaf.otuiH-». kn iUy IVI br dbtl fiom
fccan dIaraiH). frmu which hr bad auk ,,'•*** M«'flr A
' real aamr la
fern) for aMmc ttoir, on IV folWwUis
It Van Itjck. the rrrat opera
ainm-r. Iirrau lifr aa a Bcwa|«prr Mini
Aa goMaiog Btory la told of a wicked
M' 8. tJill.cn. it ■
*. baa a., little
trt«% which fortune played, a ah .rt ear
ir for Biiiair that b
mil diatinKui.h
time ara lut a lady. The ladv and Vr
Hr Va. bowknataad. wV were trat+llng. twUrdai ever, aa cx.vU.-nt car for rfaylhm.
•Mia. Katr Tern trotted up. to the
tv -hop «rf a rounlry-draiicr to make
a few Iiurchawra. Th>y wrr,- alwui to fiw.ilicbla at the Irmler are ..f A. when,
with (HTfeet aclr.p.>aar—ini. alic trill'd
Irarr tV abop. wVa an attracilrc ^characl.-r a.«g. aa aa auclenl erour -f
.konuet anvaiid |v lady'a Btlciiilon.
and abc Indued Urr buaUml to buy It
Ktiilui Kamea ia mod for h.-r ylraclly
off lb.- aiacr. U aildiilr.i. ii. a b.vi-k
Tot her.
Wh.m It eanM- toMyoimi. howryrr.
tkr linaVlid found h<II hla
h dlamay that la «
tV innwl liiirrtdiag woai.-g
----------------offrRHl Ibe
taralwr an righlb-aharr tlck.-t to a Orr*
•nan luM. ry wtilrh hr had lu Ids piirai
•ad Anally tndunal him to an-epi It
|mn laiymrut.. A few days lairr Uir
Udy lear0.1l. b> hrr.dUufuat. lltai Ihr
|oli..r> Hckrl bad won an eighth of
Smtltai; and tVi her “dBritog Viim i-.
kad thus euat l>rf tV twrvcri |irln- of
tpvcr Cii iHKi
V|>py ioaplrutlnn tbai
Vftr Whlip. tv fatVr of tV dial
EjOtd Aima>T. vaa a poor Manxman,
W bad drtflrd to OnUla b> arrrr VfblV tV nmnirr of a huokvUrr'a alwp.
14 tv W of adding to bU me*V f
cwliiga V boBgbi a autnbf of loi«ar7 tk-avu fur aab. Vt fonad bVaHf
taabb to dVa^ of iVm aU. Ainbr
Vm motuFi;t V dM-ldrd to artM) ibF
oandd tkSiH. to IMraai. b tV Vpr
bd flodtng a bairr market tberr: Vi
I -vVa IV fuarh Vd <•F<•n a dar oa
V forrlrrd a btlrr Inforu:
- , -...................-..............
----- Thai IV deajiiard ilcVta bad won Z*
>• to par f'lr
4a nUaai. ljT««i.r lui pstnlra M
iNtTuou or ro*___ ...___ _____
Vcaaar Botbtog la morr aBsroaubbtVa Ur wisdom of thorn pr^iCs wb..
art BB
a» for rrtocwwr.
rrforwwra of tV age. Tl.
— a
courae. that tV enffertag of IV V
I ^t^tonded to V torrfble to i
Mr^8ktoBem-W*Vt! Twder
Critic fwbo Vf Joxt twAd tV playV•BtUl
, .
„ Uke. tVI,
-- ' with
xST- tv
- xttffertog
of tV
It aat ABtbto' ato^ towvd tv^ net."
Provident Life
and Trust Company
A B.I r.m.
I •! X ■
I A| S A
•W A *« M
of PblUtMphtA.
[Levi T. PouiBgtoii* Dwtrict Agi.
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