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The Morning Record, March 18, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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gaoaod Jmt—Vb ^
L«t Om=Ul Act 1.
pottpooMl IS JsBMrj wlil be held Kri<J»\ eTeniDS. April *.
The ele*
Of ?“<■ °f
Sesto wtll re»»*w
rericw yn.
Mrs. Me-1
Mej WrUrbl-A book. -A Model Boom."
I fim br the celeaee end edeesttoB -<Ureeoe. »eufylsB lU t*™«-iM^ Robert, ee lender
IXssoletsg the Oortee-Vest SUP (j,,, wUhce the meabwe o( the eleb
Will he Bsehute of Ooplao of the be |»«per«d to dUeege the esbjeei
Ooeneot U Weehlsgtos Who«;-^*«»*l ttets^ «thebebeole.:
ftseea mesesi Stcned the Ireety
Tery rnTomMe
for AneHons
SitenUos j
Unoee nt Knslln— t
VnehingtosOoapnsyOnptsrod ABO
tsenrrea«n-'Koe<iulto Vloot Is Cos-
Spols WlIlheBeprtMt
uaplnUon for the Pbillpplnee.
Medrld. Mereb iT.-Tsewerbei*eoiij
Wnabisyton. Mnrcb IT —The~«nTySpolBssdthe Uetlod tllntee bee tor-;
depertnestle tnklst elepe townrd^tbe
q-enre^nlelffsed '
BnUrtalomMlt in foraetlooafn moeqello deet
the Peru Ueety of pence todny, ibu., *“**’
PblllpplDee. Tbeooodillont e
Honor Bt. Pntrlok’h £ay.
rntIfriAC U In the newe of bpnis. ;
Tnlllseis Lezos lodienU thnt for 'n
Uennlly the corlee bn* the mtifleniloo
i losf Ume It *m be seeeeeiry to snlo^ nU tronUee. bet the mnnlleet hoetll-1 Le^LsUton l>eeert the Oepltol. Knoy ■
policing of the con»t nsd
%of theoorte-totbepenoetreniyled'
hegls.* nsd Bny Oity I
wniere. The big ooenn tug.
-to.thU esmanry ncUos on the pert of
i^^it^uoa-Vory little »anl-Uhnt opersted mound Cube daring the
the quean regeoL Ln»t night ebo
UM. Dos. b* Slther Mouee.
! hlocknde nre Ulng looked orer with n
algood n decree dleaoltlog the corUn.
Wnehlngton. March 17.—In tbe ehLnnelag. Mnreb i;.-Aisoiig the usAd*i.-«e from "ifenile Icdionte tbet,
oesoe of eny direct dlplomeUc oom- oeunl occurresom of Friday morning * cllmni miy occur et-^uf hour ofll-1
Busiention between tbe linltod Htatee
'' wne the nction of the eeneie Inecna- cUik here nre well pleneed with the
nnd Hpaln. Sei-reUVy Bey expecU “>|j
jg,* bonoe for ReprceonUliee! eondiiion of
but will not at
Meelee the fralfornial notice of
Cjty. who wo» wanted lo preeeol diocue. the delntU of diapatchea
mUBenUonofthepe^ tre^ by thet ^^
p,trlovic ainglng in ' rccei.ed. The Icd.cnUoo.
licntioo. are that boaboa-;
■ineen regent, through tte aodlum of ,
chamber. On telnming Hl.tieefwlil end wit
eltSVh. a eery abort;
—Ctood cloth bound edition tor 17 cents—
500 other books equally as cheap. Look
over our Special Sale prices.
Ten Tear Contracts
Mnde by Miehignn Telephone Oo.
for nny clme of eervice deeircd.
Subscilbers May Cancal
nt end of eie naontbe or change
to noy dee. of eervtcv nt will
the mnnoger to cell
nod explain new rale* adopted by
the company
220 Front St.
Michigan Telephone Co.
.'//.//•.vi'.v •/■///; /'A'/n' jfA'-sT .'/r />’a:x/>.^'s
>• - ‘^ny U of'
lb..k. Icrtb.; Il.bll.. lurch ItuheuyLiu tvMiil a line
b„ ;«enury reoc
apblb Tb.1 U .be ~..l o
b, Ibc bouMUl lbc W«.bl«tu.b rcncol
n-iriuieDt Ih..
ba. cpcasapnelnl eneay end notify the ' Plied'
tured ir.i* alrtitionat pr.n/.iert. near A^.*
"lat body.
BUte.oftb.nroUbledet.nponwhU-hl ChambrrUin ic^^cced
Introduced .
a me-orl.l Togulg. nnd nloo aelzedJCme nmmu ,^3|| |) OlriD
hewlllpraneDthlinaelf In Woahlngton ,
tion eommemornting
irmorating tbe late initioa. Mt»l of tbe rrbela'nrma ba*e,
with a oopT of tbe treaty of penoe to.
Channcey* WUner of Snglnew,. been hidden or thrown Into dMirer
esebnnge. Although In isobt inatnncce
erred in both houoea of the aUU j ThoaiMMJd*ille..iln.. March IT-The
thU Ulllile'more than a profunctory |
IcttoUlcrc. Acco«p.b).lbl lb. r„» pr..M.m h..
.d.ic. frem
Bony. 10 the - Of tbe ejichnnge
------------ --l-AiricW. Dey poem , Woahinglon keying thnt the diapetchea
• You’ll laughYou II kiuile—
You ll roar and
holler load for
more after e«ch
act uf tbi-
I Minstrels
In {Hiarl whilf
or finest jet Wack
.i,„d u
A draft of tbe ti
The only bill of imporUnce poeeed ,
o toy the eenl>sris oo Dec. 10. n
ween bill reUtlvo W nppeala In Chen 1^^ $3,000,000 Arrived iu We can khow ^ou them nt *,• TS em-h.
nte by n vote of &T to !* on Feb. <
•Bd no aimilar unroet nt Iran than
eignod by the preeldent on Peh. 10.
Havaiih Yaaterday.
___ I
will b.
There wnen bare Iiuorumpreeont. but
- elgned
»lgn • treaty of
' ponoo will
t-medlnte effect
I not enough
to nsy legiaintlon. Several bllla were Ksjomy of Prominest Oenemle Ig ^ n will do you good i
nt Wnehlngton for escbnnge with tbe
coneldeiwd la oommittM of the whole
nore Aanembly nnd Bocogmxe
one e.lrned by Fretident McKinley. No
4n tbe bouee. ImporUot emong which
deeree on tbeenbjact will he pnbllehed
OnlyOnanml Oomin.
See our windowdixplay.
weie Fletahnaer’e bill making It e mUmlheo»RlelgaietU.
March IT.—The tmnaport
nlighl from n moving
Wommn’s Clab Profited by
Able Pepere.
nnd Impoeing the enme penally
Ok U now ImpoacMl for boarding trnliui
Id motion, and tbe McCallum bill regu
lating certain fo^uree of circuit court
pmettoe permitting n defendant to aeenre Inairuoilon from tbe^judge direct
ing the jury to return n eerdlcl of ncqnltUl where n prime faeia enoe U not
mode by tbe plnietllT nt the oloee of
]>-nlnliff a evidenoe
Cubnn troop, previouk
to their
dikbandment. ejcurdiog
- to the agree
ment beiwi
Preeldent McKInL
eorted by 11
The Cut
iw. I
Jeans Mo
to Nodal
Krancisco I'rrau and
Pedro lletqneouri. who at a meeting
Wednenday drclered in favor of itener-
Gasoline Yachts,
Row Boats, Sailing Craft
Tusdiy, lifct 21.
Everybody go.
able work, eome of hie writlngm having
The big Segionw junket to the ooel
been prosounned nheolntaly perfect, ainee u on today
Tbe oommittoce
is 1749 he eecured n prloe on the book, „d about 40 membere of the Honae
’’Effect of CivillmUgo on Morale ” All j
Senate Joined in tbe cxenrelon nn«f hie worke, 4T volumee is nnmber. j
the isvIuUon of Sogisaw ssd Bay
« pidslod is ITHk
Be wse eaeplc-jcit, nod tbe city le nearly denertod
lonaef htefrlende. morel'y weak, but thu afternoon.
The Kouae adjourned to 4 p m. Mon
hie repautlos for bnvlng n good inSuStttCitTn*,
enea thresgh bUllteisry work, inerene- day.
nd nttor bU death
-Tbe Oenfcenlon.”
one of bu bent known workn. te n pecBllnr book, telllsg of hU ows Ufa.
nose of which he oonoenled.
It ie st' Oberian T. Oillett Ket DesU After
onoe nttrsctlve end repallnsl. fneeisst-.
a Terrible BxparieseeIng nsd offrselve ..
Mn J.i. E«»dill,.....l»r. n- I Ckn-.n T. UIU.U. -lo 4W r«».U,
met death by exview of the life nnd writlnge of Bof-’ •‘•‘r
iloyed nt took in n
foe. Huffou klnthnrwnewenlibj nndjP«»'»«.
•Urted on foot t*
kw wrna given every edvnnt^
B*| lumber
overtaken by e heavy
wseofneclcntiflc turs of mind.
wna di^tebed
IMI he we» admitted to tbe eondemy j
they foeed him
of eeloBoe nnd fw flfiy yenre devoted j **
bed eondillon. Re
bke entlm time to tbe work. Be bee:
I of the monl ImptwUnt nnd
where be died
vslsnbtc eoetributiosa oe ecleuee ever ■
BMda bv one peraou
l BU remalni arrived here yeeterday
Two cktarmlng numbera of tbe pro- and nre being kept nt W. S. Andereon't
gmm were a plnuo oolo by Mine Voder, nadertnking roemi
Tbe funeral . will be held at two
••Tremolo" by tiovuehelk. and a voeni
oolo by Mlaa Morgne. "When to Thy o'clock tbix afternoon from tbe home
of bU pnrenU. «tS Beat BlghUa etreet.
VUlon.” by Pnuet.
The ♦nnsnl reoepUon which wan Kev. D. OoehUn will oadntn.
comes as the natural result
of wearing the clothing we
sell. The makers of that
clothing have solved the
problem of how to turn out
in large quantities garments
that have all the attributes
of first-class custom work.
Indeed, it is only the best
merchant -tailors, who can
rival the quality, style and
fit of ".Adler” ready-made,
and to do this they must
charge you nearly or quite
double the price.
if you will call we shall take pleasure In shotting you
the new Suits and Top Coats from this celebrated house,
and explain their many poiuU of.^superiority.
icros to chMw tna
May at
3.50, 4.00.
Fashionable Outfitters
« \ . KrINri.'l, Ulu. t
About April 1st I will open'my Store with a newf $toclc
House -Furnishing Goods.
1 invite all to feive me a call. It will be no trouble to
show goods.
Geo. W. Thomas.
House Furnisher
201 Cor. Unionjand Stats Sts/
Ladies’ Fine
Tailor Made Suits
and Skirts!
# F
U«ker |g|ted fuoiBU -Mieni
New Furniture Storel
and Trust Compan>;,!
loot like iDBdi
>d-Bensd Their Worke 1
•r •predaud Our j
1 »b.m>
c^tioB to Take Pine# AsHI 7.
k aocin aw the? receive
A very delightfsl literary program
ileneral •luiurs
Oomt-t |lotor*B
reooiuiu D ■' order,
oraerw to
so do
au io
su froi
irooi1 -iruviai
gu -m.- ««r»
Lioak Inirodu ied n Joint reaoluticn
woe oBj^ed by tbe memhera of the
1 They have atk<> decided to nc -ept in be- cn> (irwo-b. i
invlUng becreln y Alger nodi Praldent
. , , 1 half of their IrooDMhe At.liOO.IwW of-, .krrhP.i-Womnn'e Onb yaetardey nftorsoos. McKinley to vUlinndnddreeathe
legle- ______bv the tmited SUM. They de-'
C. Evnse. lender of tbe day.
lature on tbe occneion of their propoa-' cinre that. notwUbwUocileg
ootwUbwUnclleg thr--------thr action '
gave n verr exhaneUve paper on tbe •d iunUet to tbla atnte In the near of tbe naaembly. tlenrrnl Uomre i« the
' . ,
, pjn^vulent
writlaga of Voltaire, nod the Inflnesoe M junuet to w
refnoe to reoogelif in env way the e«of hie pen. tbe moetdrendtd weapon of
Tbe eennte ronUne gave P'«* “>•» ith.irity claimed bv the eoaembly.
Pmnee in the liUb century
informal enierUinmenl after allowing ( Oeceral Uomez bne thue echievrd _
Volinlre wee given n college edu«
gSOOtoPerrintooover expene*. Inlhejgrenllrlumphoverbla enemlee
t.f Philndelphii
tloB and hU father wUhed him k> be
KiHln«w«a< ituUrlvek stM-lalir
-.............. -- tbe Bret
wtn chan
- -.......
nwyor but nt the early nge of 20. k
-rtia lur tr
... eeuetorinl ee*t Senator Chne. Smllh j i|^|^“j5al tUU w*U put an
. _ _
.1 ^
i-i-. -,..,
mn end to the .
iseUsntioni nil tended in another dl-1
!• I eurted the ball with n renolntion con-j conflict which ho» dioguatod rubni • LfVl T. Pi'nmbgtnn. Uintrii-i .\|jt
rootIon nnd hew
gmtulntlng tbe liiah
a perfectly fear
n popular wit.
men nnd oeontora for wearing the green
IM nod hurled blowa nt eupnreUtlan
Tfaia woe n aignnl for n eeneon of gene
and woe foreed to flan many tlmee to
ral •‘Jonhing," Senator l*otter’e name
e«npe the peonity of n too tree exby reeoInUon woe changed w John Sul
preaeioe of thoeghW Be loved liberty
liTon Potter and he woe neelgoed ee
himaall and wnatod oUtera to enjoy it.
epeclnl defender of the IrUta. Sheldtn
(M- Be woe n frleod of the oppremeulogixed tbe Deicb. Chne. Smith the
Amerlenni. McMullen tbe Scotch. ColHie life hna net beu eoseidered n
llogwood tbe Bnglleb.reelUng Kipllng’e
model but be wbe e euooeee M n writer.
••White Mnn’i Burden. ” while Senator
In anmmlng up hU life hU blorrmpber
Moore woe. on motion, mnde to defend
my. be wn* vain, ebnllow. volnpinbimeelfUIdlein aung n (lermen
t. deeeltful. rich, ti
eoeg. Ltob explained why be wore
Mra J C Moarnu r«nd a carefully green with red wb ekera, lildd.nge de
eennu minority, and the
mper upon the life nnd
preeldent ruled out of order emotion
wriUngaof "Roi
Up to tbe time of bla kSrd year he thnttirmbem defend tbe ••eolid elnewna on eccentric vagabond
After ieen " The eeneie ndjiurned to* p.m.
that Ume he produced eome very crediP Monday
Just rr»iD ibe
Ftcierj - all oiibbj
n^fill vooUlMds-
Dress Corset j Bc7s°Band
In delicdtc ]>ink or bhie
M<u wl 1 be of oi<we than ordinary in
tnrent tor tbe
“City Bookstore.”
Don't FaillTo See Dm Elegant Now Una JasnRacainill
Suits from $5.00 up
Skirts from $1.00 up
They are bkautles and perfect fitters.
also take
orders from eemplee aod goaf^tee
to glve^satiefrioUoo.
Belts and Buckles
the Intes' nil 1 moel benatiful dt^sigas.
You should have one
■Ttu' belt i’i one of the must coiupiceons part of b Indies dre«
a id should be the proper shade, nest and nobby.
Sue our New Arrival of Silks.
If you wnut one uf thoec fine Petticonta you mast oeU eooo
ns they are going fut.
Our fine line of Drass Goods in ereetiiig><grest eeaen.
lion. Hnve you eeen them?
Moke UP n vinit end Inepect oar new spring nlock vbetber
yoi»;winh to boy or not.
The Boston Store,
Glass Block.
THB voumro btoobd, batuhday.
rnm Koawnio
The Ladles
have made a
BAinVs Birthday
iriat^y Obaarred.
ObMmao* Otid*r .
VrueR Obw^ Aa ArttoUe »»«
riM-.OMt'OweoM BDj«7a«
•mb. T BbTM AMO J. w. H4—
j. w. Bawmi. *aiw>T Biui
mMM AsdiMC*.
Tba MBBAl obMmaM of Sv. I%trlek'* 0*7 tui4er tU mmpWm of Si.
Prucu etaareb. Ub1w»7« iookod for
ward to with plcoiMrable anUeipoUooi
Bat thia poor tb* •rent oorpoMod ic
oiMl every dothU onr prerlow eelebraiioD iB honor of the blrU «( the
reveaed SolBt.
The City Opera Boom woe pMked
18, lew.
nukTXBsBor^* • MtonuAJi Berer«d
•»A>D TEAVKB8B BUiit4).
■Kan roH sransv.
Sn, like mwrh. t> onr iif (be msu* oT
rtniin^l^ilun sail thrrdcm of pftV’
r»T»el And Bilk.
ttraea Jlr«ed Ikoss.
/ oi.-i^ »««iue.
' Olera41»"e-. Ai.i.leRsttiw.
Ik.ilM Hire Ki.b l>teiu.
1 kinO ni
AMrn Wave Obonge.
Clark E Wagoner, who hoe been pro- '
prietorofthe Aldeo Wave during the
post two years, has sold the paper to
D. U. Ovlso. Mr. Wagoner hee built,
up a prosperous business for so email a
town and the Wave U a wtleone
visitor to many homeo.
Bade of (Mdn'bok.
A large luviooe of fumitnre all built
of 'Htoldru Uek.” was sold u> a Cleve
land party yceterday by the Hannah
Lay Mercsoille Co.
They have diaooverad that we
are aaUing: Fine Chrome Kid
Shoea, Silk Vaatlng or Kid
Topa, 10 different atylea, laoe
or button, round or wide toe,
flexible aolea. Shoea that re
tail everywhere at $3.00 and
$8.76. and
IS OHiY . .
^c-TelpThemTfran^ I
the new
Spring Shoes
are now
in stock.
hod the pleoeere of
the beet entoriaUnneBU ever girea
tbroDgb the efforu of the chareb.
Exorlleot loeol talent woe latrodoced
Per Joatlee of the BaprasM Coart.
BLAUDIUS B. OEANT of Hooghtoo- and the progroBi woe not witboot arUsALWAYS MKANS
tfc and ^etnreeqae loatnrea worthy of
' Tva But 8ai.vi in Ue world for
praise and of the cnlba.uatic evidence
RSA MiAirra
Per Bepent of the 8UU UBlvereity.
OuU, Bruises, bores, Oleeie. boll
«(-l«h Uabldi- T-nX.
OOL. BBNBY B. DEAN of Woebtonaw. of appreciation given.
Bhenm, Fever bores, Tett
etter. Chapped
Tables were 2kiBt>iy spread at the
OOU BLl E- bU rroN of WoyBe.
Bonds, Chilblains, Coi s. and all bkin
east end of the ball where the lodiee t f
the choreb served a tio« supper to the
to give psrf«x-i natletoction or money
JadleUl Cireall. throng present.
refunded. Price *» oenu per box. For
1 »• K .IPaM
The prograu was preoedea by sev
« nSD W. MAYN& of Ckorierolh.
en! selections by the Boys’ Usnd who 1
d' tbeir
servleea They
k.icoJnd Bene un <*«lvr«.
played Irish nsUonsI sirs which thrillMlBBNBrriBaUEAY.
ed the heart of every eon and daughter j
of Erin's Ule present, and there were
avaatnomber of then there to gain
Insplnlion in doing honor to the mem In Which Treveme Bssch Resort was
For Mayor.
ory of the deliverer of the little green
PTABk BsmtltOB.
In'^olvod.BstUed In Court.
spot ocroea the sea.
For Cl^ Clerk.
An iiu^rtsni tax coas wop decided in ,
The first number on the program was
AIBOB W. Biekefd.
a piano dnel by the Mioses Carroll ___
andthe term just dosed of the lAcdanau'
Kor Treeanrer.
Make rpiigli. red hands
are huying in large qnantities
like all their efforu this
WUliea/ Hobhe.
appreciated that they were compelled
fer Jodge of Eaeordcr'e Conrt.
to rnpond to an encore.
LorlB RoberU.
3. i and r, of oeeiioo *il< whereas it bos
The 'fueen City ijaarlet rendered been platted for a hotel and summer
For Bcbool iBepector.
two fine sslecUons and the enthusiasm rceorl purpooee and bod be^n dedirated
a. R. DucReray.
testified to the degree of i
to the public oe such. The boundary
per MoBber .Board of Pablic Works,
felt for their songs.
Uses of the government divisloe passed
We oleo have for sole lands for good fare
/oo<pb Boon.
Miss Bertha Keefe reolted very pret right through the hotel properly and
For Jostiee of the Peace.
tily. 'What the Little Girl beid." but
divided many of the lots of the pist.
John Verly
would col reappear to subdue the en
upon some of which new owners bod
thusiasm maniiesied.
erected eottogee. A part also of the
A great bit was mode by LItte Uorry
Rodoreemeot for Moyne.
land hod been sold in a half a.-re parCboals and Charlie Duncan in the char
;cel, 00 that under the present division
acter sketch enutled "Aunt Peggy and the owners cou'd not tell from the
'••d words of praise for Hon. Fred W.
Mayne ware printed in the Charlevoix I'ncle Dsn." Tbeir impersonation of I taxes what specific portion wot Intend
on ogod ouuple was realistic and
«>d fureach subdivision uf the land os
fontlnd Wednesday, and coming from
Ihat iource and from a locality where dered without the slightest embsrrsss- now platted. A suit was begun on prment. The bonsdvrsng with applause
titioD of the auditor general fora'de
Mr. Mayne’s ability and atUinmeuU
and lor an vneore Harry recited iu a ;cree for the sale of the lands, in l.ee
^ well known and .recognised. It wall
! splendid manner a negro dialect sel.
, lansu county for deHmiiient taxes.
kayegrwt force with voters of all
lion, which was e<iually well received.
.1. tv. I*atchin of this city was the stpartlee;
One of tbs bumoroui features was a I torner fur the defendents and I'rose«We have known Mr. Mayne for
Uaicb charaeier sketch by Knot Tre- :
Bunting and C. L. Usytou rep
AWNly years, and what we say conTi„o,b,
him we sey oe one who will »,„.AdbUfa„J.pp«,..« .A.
and pay highest prices.
adil'Shim'IHaple Wood.
; 8. H. ROSE t SON. '
jtold to DU ■"»« in uur estimate of the
atgh pereonal and legal essentials of a
Sodlnlal oondidste.
Enowing Mr.
Marne os a lawyer end citizen os well
m any Uving man. we know of no reaMB why he shonld not receive every
JUpublican vote In the circuit.
We ore eatisfled to have Mr. Pratt
Wlk DOD-parusanablp In Charlevoix
4PUty, because we know Mr. Marne
■Ul rMClve hie lull party vote therein.
gM. we aleo know that many CharlcppUooDDiy llemocrau will take Mr.
fkatt's advice when they vote for ludge
the Sd day of April."
a great many bemocraU la Grand
Xraveme county wiU profit by the
' wae odvioe and voU fur Mayne.
..„A. -....bl:--.;™:;
were sustained
and tbe tax lever
against the property rejected by the
Wit and Humor, took tbe nuuse
Sturm _The porUeipoats were W.
C. Germaine, Al. and George Joy<
Horry McOoy, Duff McDonald. Ed Bon-; I have been mftiicied with rheuma
ner. Enos Tremain and James u'Niel. tism for H years and nothing seemed
This sketch was a forerunner of some to give any relief. I was able to be
of tbe features In tbe coming mlnelrvl around all the time, but irinstaDG.v
suffering. I hsd tried every Ihisg I
show by the Boys’ Band, os these ar- could hear of aud at lost was told U>
tlsu orejn the coat of the big show to irv Cfismberlsin’s Pain Balm, which I
ilid. and was immediately relieved and
short time cured.
d. 1 am hs)
ippy t
.The finite of tbe program woe Tbe
say that it bos not since
Bevel of tbe Noloda. a plciurcoiiue Josh Kdgmr, Grrmanlown.
serlw of Ubleaux executed magniB- sale be S. K. WaiU Druggist.
eenUy In changing llgbU. by the
Card ot Thsnke.
Missea Klttls Needham. Pearl Emory.
Mr. sod Mrs. Cassius Artlip wish to
Hattie Marilneau. Agnes Bullivan. An
nie Campeau. Clara Beeor. Bose Dyer. thank the members of drawn Tent .No
HUV. K O. T. M. and .Silver Lake Hive.
Antoinette Wurzburg and Nettle Pom- L (I. T. M and other friends for their
msKistanoe and sympathy during ihc
id deslh of Uieir'linie child.
Alter tbe program Father Bauer an-.
nouDoed the coming performance of {
tbe Boys' Hand Minstrels and urged j everyone to attend and show their ap I
preciatiun of the services uf tbe bsod ^
The tables were given much alten .
lion after the program, and in th.- '
meant,mu the band rendered several i-
Box. CiiAHk b. <>MU)X> clambered inip the Pingree band wagon just in time
W get a front oest, and bis elevated
pareh gave him a commanding view of
the governor'e pinm orchard. Now
that he bee the appointment of Kail
eeod Uommiskiuni-r. wbicB came easy,
he thrasls lor slUl gremUT .poliUcSl
hnooro. lie wants to go to congress.
hsviug a very level hesd lie kuuws
a good thing w lieu be secs it end realRm that a bird in the hand Is wvrth
iwointbe bush seine will accept
receipU being filW. Ihlsisthe great]
esi succ ui the church has ever had.
Jolius T. Hannah h * returned from I The proposed ilecuic rallwey from .*
| Grand Kspids to Beiding
Bspervisor S. C. Gerihe of Norlhpori fact, al* tne franchisee to the right of
Me in tbe ciiy yeeierusy on Jtusiueus.
Fred Davidson ot Chicago passed
trough the city yesterday on hli way lion by the Urns tbektate fsr opens in | —If you do not Bifi-paQil ri-iit wt-ll
la Inland where be was esued by tbe the Isll
VOU art* not Ht fur busintrut next
Aaath of bu lather. U. T. Davidson.
Tycu.nuiriu *
:<*■>•• "j™h.v«o„,.:„f.o„rEW
8. Montegne returned yesterday
Cotton Mattn*aae« and a nkv
from a business uiptu Chicago.
Tbs Mieses Bt*s ej|d Lou Dougherty
g| Klk Eepids. are guesu of Miss Jen/
Of Kaiamaseo. Mivh.
-we Iluvo-a fine line of iron
^ Kmlth of West KignUi streeU
Begi^ lu'aevend year cf exUwnee; beiU, from 12.30 np. Com** in ami
' M'-s- Edith Thomas of Alden is visitlag Miss KiAel Tbumas uf Webster
Bed We’re Born
j--ln Bed We Die..
j >«■“
Will Leighton of old MAsion. oneof
Mat year's high school groduetce, is
vWUag friends In tbe city.
A Thousand Tonguea
Could hot expceie' the rapture of
s„iE B. hpringvr. of 1135 Howard sc.
rkOadeiphia. Ps. when sneiouna that
Ij. Xiagh New Disoovcry lor UonsumpMm bed eompletety cured her uf that
uougb that fur many yean nod
•ade life a burden. AU other remedies
a«d ooctoru could give her no help, but
•asMysotUis Eoyal Cure—"it soon
naoved the pain In my chest end 1 can
aow sleep soundly. someUing 1 can
Mareely remember ouing belore. 1 Icel
Ovw ■•Xsimn's 8bos Buts
f age. that ncr
office at night with an unpaid claim
on which It bad received proob on lu
It U wrliisc ibv BCMt |a,|>ular plan of ^-1
«Mil ssu el** bexvUt ID> ir^BM oalbv ms
4 (vv nr>i cloSE
ogveis « ksled Id uoee,«
SUEiltem. riTv
Use Lnivei^^" Bowili every one* who
sou asev dolls
MaDr.Kling's Sew Discovery lor any iiiV'ih^worv mr •so
•I .SbiiiUi
Uie Throat. Uhrst or l.uugs.
misUsoC airodBlelslereC ter eksolBW poll,
aad 11.00. Trial bouiee free I “■“ * „...
tsm enrselloD ot loeiS.
aniiaelar, tor esirsrUoB of leotk wltnoui
pgU es^. Lgjgii sod yei^sstlitioWy prt
i 1
Houae V umiahiuir Slow.
New Store, 120 Front Street.
It hes occumnlated a larger reeerre
fund for tbe protocUon of lu members
It has opened up more territory.
Ms«»7 hotOc nareateed.
««iw. i«u.>
Agwey Dept.
Ealnmaxoo. Mich.
Remember we are strictly up-to-date in Wall
Paper-no last year’s patterns that novices in the
wall paper business are liable to get hold of early
in the season.
We bought ours late so as to get the exclus
ive new designs.
’ Do not forget that we have made a study of
it for years, and the old saying, “practice makes
Best Line Wall Paper In Tbe City At 2 l-2c.
The shoe dealer baa who undertakes to
match our offerings, either in quality or
price. We have a few left of those men's
odd pairs of fine shoes. We may still have
your size.
Genniiie Bargains!
The Observed
Of All Observers
Cannot fall to observe our fine silk Skirts
—not the cheap China silk but made of
the very best Taffeta. We have them from
$6.60 to $7.60. Gome and examine them.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
J-uitm;,MuiLMiAl«UiLjAiii*j| .lZZlY-UTS«TXAmS
j| SVate Memt
Mt4 Mn. KicUrMW
AssivMvr ▼•rjHftppilrI
Ba«. Md Ml*. WOUm'A. NidnnoaJ
4f MkfS.'UtowMblp celebrated their
l,<wirw)xviKi,<vww« •tsif-aeveBth weddied MeiTervarpI
Thendej. Tbc iarm^ ie 87 yean of'
Be?. Johe P. 8
of lAtulnf.
i4e i«uer M Their ehUdrea i
ripletrar of the Ooi
port for the year im.
U ehowa
Thor aoae. UMrye Q.. MaUord, Ah
Btiffht deereaac le the Benberehlp of bert A. aod Djeey S all rwide la May'
the ehoreh. The MdlhodUu, he wye.
•eld wiu the aeeepuoa of Maltord. 1
reported a deereeae of soo, the Preebywhoae boBO U U Cal itorela.
terlaM of 171; the BapUeU wade a
Tbareday ?raa ateo the aUty-elxth
of 174. aed the Coerr^tloeal
Urthday aaetrrraary of George U.Kleh- i
loeeUtOO. The rerUloe of the rollt
ereoB. with whom, the aged eouple are
asd thereaeUoii from Boprceedeated
growth le the peat 8re yeare are eald
Id ha re^oulble for the lowee. Taklag the long ?iew of Uc yeare. the
growth reported by the Coogregatkw lanrBctiye Decuseiose Laet Might at
alleto U eery Urge, aad laacb ie adKeetiog ot CoBBty Aeraaee of that of the popBlaUoo. The
eamber of GoDgregatiODal chor«bea U
The OoBstf Tbachere' AteoeUUoa.)
the auu ia MS: the BMBbwehlp. s:.171:8abbath eehool Bembeie. 40.«nU: eoBBteiiced iu aoBaal leeeioB laet .
wing In the BUb eehool roon.
r. P. 8. C. E membere. I4.0t<i
• for tbe year 1 The attendance.* » BOt ae Urge a» U,
erare peo.MB, and tbe hose expeedl-1 Bight hare been, owing to >e?er£ lo
taree 8*05 ins. Tbe Coogregatlonal [«»l *»l»«etiona The otreling opened
ehnreh of daglnaw made tbe Urgent | *>th a piano eolo by Mbk JoMpbloe
growth of Ue aute ehBrchea dcrlng Vadrr. followed by the readUg of the
report of the laat meetlng.beld In May.
the year.
At fUltla Creak Chaanaey U. Barery, Ui««.
Tbe program proper waa eoBoenoed
■gad K yeara. found arMolc pIlU U a
Migbbor*a barn and aoppoalng that by Sept B. C. Lott'of Bik Kapida. who
contributed an excellent paper upoa
they ware candla*. ate then. Be died
>e -Vaioe of BUher KfBcaiioD.“
b> a few boora. Oorernor Plogrea tbe
In epeaking of whoahoold harehighday before had appoioted Mr. Barrey.
credueation theapeakerdeclared Ude*
tbe boy'* father, a Bember of the
pended entirely apon the peraon. A
board of auie denUl exammera.
thousand dollar edneaUon abould not
An Abb Arbor Ban polled up hie be thrown away on a ten dollar maa.
horna ao laddanly. to avoid raDDiag la
who fcara to die before he
toan^ectric ear. that tba animal'a proTca himbelf worthy to lire. U tbe
neck wae broken. caBaing iaatant one who ahould receive every advan
tage that can be beatowed upon blm.
A diacnaaioa followed tbii valuable
IlooBBdiiBpoa^blebatltia aetBmIlyao; A paaluiHce which baa bad to be paper, not a dUchtolon of tbe paper |
^laeontgiBed becaaie no one could be b«t a diacnaaioD ol4he variooa collegea |
foBBd to I eepi tbe appoiotmeDt ae afforded in this state. Hrofeetor C. T. i
poatmaaldr! 8oaUi Opee U tbe name off drawn was the fi at speaker and ha
tbeofilee, and itle located in loaU, subject waa 'Tbe State Normal Col
lege at YpaiUoti" Be gave a short
eOBBty. •
tUrah King of Flint-wae Hi years old, description of the bniidingt, their lowhen aba died. Daring her life abe. cation and many valnabte pointers to
waa an aothnaUatir repoblican andI any prospective atudeata. Tbe distinct
when her will waa admiaed to probate^ purpoeeoftbe acbool is to better pre
it waa diaeoeered that ahe bad be- pare teacben for Ifaeir work.
Olivet oollege. lu aarraundings, purqaeatbed »4<KJ of tbe Sl.i'Xii ahe had
Uft to eight prominent republican pol- poaeaand early hUtory.was fully de
scried by 1‘rincipa! C U. Horn,
iSasteT ‘Satvcles.
diAerett. J
A sweet troman, the picture of health,
spiking wldi enthusiasm, said," I don’t
see why you do not send out women
to talk to women about the merits of
Pabst Malt Extract, The
“Best” Tonic. There
are so many women that
are nindown,with nerves
shattered, with a lack of
vitality, feeling a sort
of restless indecision
which is an outgrowth
of over-exertion. IE you could only
get a woman who knows as well as I
do how “ Best” Tonic will build one
up, and who has enough earnesmess to
tell them abanr\it, you would certainly
have largely ii^cjeased sales. There is
Mrs. —, who was as thin as she could
be, and her poor little baby, puny and
undeveloped. 1 told her about “Best”
Tonic. In three weeks you ought to
see the difference. The improvement
Is something great; mother and baby
both feel it and show it”
omtB ^ VVi
Tltw \c(T
Sfi Wit t\
qo.VVt Af. muc>k
' "BoAeA Sqq ^or '&TeaMas\.
xdo catt^
An43AX\c^ SVUYvvtvv
"KtA TDt ATb ^Va4 \o
\bt AWeaivtvq
Vbtm a\oa%
9oo4 £>VicV.
iJ. W. Milliken,
dntg tioret
The Blue Label Like This!
Union-made Cigars.
' :;T -
S-yaar-old boy who sleeps in a crib,
gave a loud aeream. ‘ i The wife arose to
_ aee what waa wrong, when abe found
a red-hot shingle nail, that bad fallen
from the roof tbrongh a tower pipe
bole and burned into tbe face of
the ebild. Then it waa quickly dueovered that tbe bouae was on fire and
ray tried climbing to the roof bare
footed with a pail of water io hie band,
aaya tbe i’ortlaod Ouaerver. When be
waa throngb hU clotbea were as hard
■a boards and hU feet were badly tnuM. Bad the heated nail not fallen on
the ehUd tbe family would probably
■ have all burned up.
'5Vvva 'iw
soTOASA aV\ oIVvota \w
QaAVvVii ATt4 boAuU^V VtATmoatj wt Co\ot-
aa VVtt
U AO ^ATttl—A \tt\ VVa\
' VHt VAT^b&V A7V& bOAV
SrsUt SikTvdiaia
..... s,ro,r,t'r;tLirra”;:
UBd.enomiuatioiisl. Twenty-four profeasors and teach
tbe average
■ber <4 alB<
leDdance is from 'J-’-u to JlWU. E. Swift gave an insirnctive Ulk
upon tbe linlversliy of Michigan. When
it was fouuaod in I-17 only a few in■tructon4krc required At tbe prestime the facnliy numben :iu pereons; this lacludea proteMors. teacben
and tbeir aaslstanU
Rev. J. C. Carman told of the advantagea to be had at Kalamasoo college.
In commencing bis address he said be
would do the tame as a minister was
once told to do wish bis sermon, cat it
The Ann Arbor ferries are trying to off at both ends and set fire to tbe midbf«ak through tbe iee in Green bay.
le. Bis Ulk. therefore wasabors, but
which la two feet thick.
iteresting and insirnctive.
Tbe Huron river U on the rampage,
Tbe Michigan .tgricultoral rollege
rears are felt for the safety of the De at Lansing was briefly reviewed by
troit i Lima railroad bridges at Klal I'rofesaorrirawB.
rirar. and the men are watchUg it
In speaking of the FerrU InaUtnte
at Big Rapids. Mis-. Jickliug in a few
At OwoBo. while playing in tbe >*- well chosen remarks, told tbe advan
tages and disa.ivaniagfs obtained by
ant. UelU Smith,
attending that place o#
eft learning
pnph. (ell. running a pencil in her! »ttending
pocket tbrongh tbc wall of her ab-j County School Commissioner Misa
domes, inflicling a dangerous wound. .Miss Nettie C. liray presided at the
Kldrr H. Wcp-1
md .» Vb,
Ar„.Ub, K.pbbia.,
world-. b.V«l«s„I ,u. .d.rb.l.u
"« bomlb.rlob.-l'. T.
B.lilr,-Crr. l<, He eobldo-i .Hord it bur I
U.eL.rdH,idbmlo.-ohee.b.e- H.| =“““'■>«■ -« t»olbtldb.-0. H.
drew lou low-.bleb robteh, .b„„w , Jlotb, E. n. Iwdd .bd M „ Sorb.,
take -nd tbe lUinbur, ww decided up '
ww«.d will be contioued tbw
•b. Wbil, e. ro.l, be ».t C-pU Xor-|
** ' .« o', lock.
man. a wealthy BngUshmaa. whol
............. ’
gave blm MOO,000 to further the work. I
Fimt Method at Ohurch.
Tbe adventisu regard Elder WtopeV* \ The shot fired last Sunday evening
eoBlng,na an act of providence.
- In tbc Eiral Methodist church has tak'At Albion, John V'Brien. aged ci.| cn effect, birds have been seen flutter
bedridden, tried to cut bis throat with ing. and feathers fiying in all direc
a raur, but failed. Be said: "1 tried tions. Another gun of larger calibra
todo agood job.hat luck was against will be discharged next Sunday even
ing. We intend to take steady aim.
and will be sure to bring, down the
Afeatnro.of the spring campaign
gase. The shot did not take Buch
tbU year Is tbe.large number of nomieffect on the lOo Methodist birds of
■atlons of women fur tbe office of coun
Traverae City, as yet only two or three
ty acbool commissioner. Two yeara
feather* have been found.
agoihaofllee in aevera! counties was
J. A. Blu..Mn, f^tor.
filled by tba gvatlar sex. and the
perUneal seems to have proven a
n Prmevea Dead.
; Baa Eran*isco.March i7.—TbsstoaB.
er China, from tbe Orient yia BonoinIn, brings news of the death of IMaPBSrTT WMZBT PA BIT.
ceB Kaiulani on the »tb instant. The
cause is attributed to ibilamiustory
The Bn Bsgle Club Matartained by
rbeumatiam Tha prineees waa born
«»./▼. McIntiBh.
is 1«7S.
The BnRegl* Whist elnb mat yeaterTbe prinucaa Was the.daugfater of
day afternoon at the homy of Mra. J. PrinoeM Minam Likelike. a member of
V. Melntoab on Stole aV«eL In honor the-Uawaiian royal family, and
of St Pauick'a Day the ladlea were Clegborn. an EogUabman. In 1891 ate
arrayed in approprta'e eaetamea After ws^rci .-laiBiad heir apparent by gneen
tbogames the ladiM were nshered into
the dining room where elagaat refroah
Beto^ Clarks- MeaUng ^
Bents were served. The favoin wers
esqni^to and the afteraSbn waa one of
There wj(l be a meeting of the retail
tha Boat delightful in tbe history of clerks- ndon in tbe parlora of Uir Forthe elnb. The decorntioDs were swUax eaten.' H£t Monday night. March ;oth
and ferns. Mi>, McIntosh waa sMlat- at' to /imgortont bnaiaea* to coa«d la entertaining the ladies by aidar.
MMa BavUaaA
Gnu. W, C. Mavsjbk. Secy. I
Bui \vc do believe in signs when they arc
so convincing as those which point to the
increasing dcmantl for
Is on every box of I'nioil Made Cigars—Insi>t on cigars
made under
label and yon will be sure of good value
ami a ]mre sm»(ke.
Union men earn good'wages Ar honest labor.
our "BEST"
Mi Front Street
.. Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs'.'
If so. this is i1u-|)>Ihc-<- to urt it lioin ni;ht ami {>r'>iii|>tly.
Eiiatu<-iiu>; Hud/..Hthi-Turuiiie of all kiinlft fall in and s*-e my new
!in<- irf wlt.-ols^.V
of wlnvls t*> leiit.
MRS. 11. li. GIBBS
Auction! Auction! Anction!
318 Union Street.
Sale Started Thursday, March 16th
and will last for ten days only.
The Entire Stock Of The Fair
Telephone No. 4.
Will be sold at Auctiou to the highest bidder
Nothing reserved everything must
be sold out in 10 days.
Men’s Suits S3.75
Men’s Suits $5.00
Men’s Suits $7.50
Men’s'Suits $t 0.50
L- .
t s • {iri'-'-s have bt-eii |iat upon ltnc« of tneu's suite- coniprUiue our wiuler stok-k—nouds that previously retailed at from
six dollars to seveoteea dollars. Our aales which have Ix-eu
unprr^ented ar»- a-ell merited, as you will readily ooocede
u'beu you W'e the goods for yourselves, and prices quoted on
them. ThU sale we aliall coatioue about a week lo^r, when
the Afrcater part of our new spring stock will he in. Kgfat now
is your opportanity if you have not already availed yonraeif of
our extremely liU-ral offer on above goods.
See our advertiaiMiient-oo child’s goods in another plao«^iQ
the Rix-CRI*.
Ramilton Clothing Co.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes. Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, jOaps, Boots
and Shoes.
Bemember, People, this Auction Sale is a chancoof a
life-time to bay good. Staple iMerchandiee at Auction. It
will also pay merchante to attend this sale. Semember thSi
entire stock most be sold in 10 daya Kemeaber the plae^
Broeoh Block.
844 Front Street,
r afternoon at 8HX> p. m. and at
7;00 p. m. sharp.
QILBBBT LEWIS. Auctioneer.
of Detroit, Kick.
N. B.—The Store nxtowa. Shelves. Covstom. Mlrrort. Desk, etc.. for sato.
THB mofi^mro kboord, satu&dat, xabch is. isss
Tnvwwoivr KUM.
I SeivereV tCems
7 ••Ob the 8qw»d«* Bi»er”for the e«B-QHy.
\\\P AOnrlA 5 i-« ofPri«l*y. MerehM, wi l »ttr«et
«»iAUie paic*.
,0\ XWX. WOT\U.
^ ^11
01 refioea Cleer
per bW. De-..............
“■ abort Cut Pork per lb..
'Pope L««»b«w» »ici» «>T iBcree»*o*r: ®*«^
-.ri- tbe
<k. SuvBnee Bieer'.U » dr«m- pjoor. U L. * Oo. bo«t............
■reekDce;. »cd b:» pbniciBM ere Arcrj
Btie jem. n»Hb dreotioo. loyeKy eod Eye Flour. B. L. * Co. Beet..
Ihnnvhi. There
fro* Bn.e«U euy. the DuWh
^ "
UlBBd.tafc been murdered in Brerolt. ,
BrukeiDM SMlor of Semi*
| heulthy woruiiiy ibul U eomee U
•truek by « truln end killed while i ‘ "fi***** "“'f
BtMdiBf on the tnek at NiucuruFella,
xm (old)..
eufi'Beatd In eoneerwtioo.
F. B. Moore, the srebiiect.. in prepsr-1 Com per bu.. old..
A (armerreeldinraboBtSSraUMlram. ini tae plana and apacill :ationa of the j^Utoee,
*Kiucatoo. CMBda. baa euptored over Sdccaat new reatdenee to be erected by 1
See Our New Spring Line of Ladies’ $2.50 Shoes
i -m
B. J. Moma.
j Buckwheat...
> elected thia year
The poatponed aoeial of Claaa So. 4 ] srma eatss OPTKATUUCm Ma!>
, Ohio. of the Firat Mk°B church will be givea
town. lUryUsd. Kentneky utd Miaaou Friday evealar. March •.•4 is Mon- Wheat, old. per bu....
Ufue hall- A featnre of the enter
A priatiag prcea k Mt ita wuy to tainment. 1^ addition' to the Glfylee
Kbartoam le cburre of Corporul Mnr taoaUy.wiU be the mandolin and chitar
0»« pioMcr aelaetioaa by the Soward brothera.
el the printla« ti«de is Bowdsseee
The carpeu for Ue new baate of
Traverae City Lodfe. So. 7S. K'. of P..
Whst ia SBdoub-.«lly the moat ez
bare been ordered from Seontor Mill!
pesalee tomb ever erected lor s private
Brv. E. Kdwarda paatorof thWEng S
llabBapilat Church at Mlneravln^J*a. |
Isdivtdnslia the aplenald msoaoleom ken'a atorewhrn Buffering with rbeumatiam. wea . •
erected in UreenaroodCemetery. Brookadviaed to try Cbamberlain't I'ain S
lys.to the memory of John Msckey.the T. M. wbo dealre to fo to Thompeon- Balm. Or aaya: ‘ A few appllrationa i
tisaforals mUUMsire.
It coat over vllle tonight with the Sir KnigbU. nre ,ot thia liniment proved of great aerviee-1
urged'to bent the C. A W. M. depot at ito me. It aubdned the iDflaminatiop ; S
Tbe train ja a retirred the
w abovcler in ChMpee. Meaa.. <',;iuahnrp this evening.
After you do this you wiU be convinced
that others Are not selling a $8.00 shoe at
$2.60. We give value received.
recenUy received 7 cenU lor Bve daya' j will isavr at 7 o’clock ahnrp.
work, tbecityitaklng occaaion to de-j Mra K'lU E«m<dcll haarecelveda mraduct what waa due It for poll taxee
ffom ij.iu. who who went to CenwlUi istereat . ft la said that about j
America to engage in the freight
M ooUeeted by tbe city' Il»'*»t'»UmnaportaUon buaineas. tba’. he haa
M. BROWM. Atiar-irr aaa CooBvrlior ai I <
< beta.aick with fever ainue b>a arrive', i^.
RprclBl BtWBUoB u. coUacOeii- .
ilakera of bicyclea have arranged the < Qe U ezpected home to recuperate.
detaila for the formation of a trade |
j. p
have! f)".^ **,
oombinetion that WiU involve ^
City. They leave
to the amonnt of f6b,4XKi.lHAi It la
tor their new ho^e thia week. Con
lUBE^llor at I
deratood Ibel 10 of tbe leading makera ductor Devine, of Traverae City,
of wbeela have entered tbe eombina- taken Mr. Aoatin'a p’ace on tbe branch
^ UouEcB^k __
________ >
- Uqn and that aeveral ptbers will prob—Elk Kaptda Progreaa.
obly be perauaded to add to the agreeCharlea McNeil of Cadillac.
town Tneaday. He baa aold the 300.-
E.pin« U, U toq.lr,
„ Ko.,..
.U ... .pprd....io. r.r U,. J J,
cUj. H. J.
Cb. »
I E... ,m Cl U. 1.P.-AUC W...
outbreak 4>f yellow fever in tbe ialand,
Mlaa Grace Eldred and Bather Parker
Bargeoa-General Htemberg laid that
will carry off the honore of aalnta
tbeA«Uo* fever aeaaon waa aome diatotian and valedictorian of the High
taoee off.Moat. if not all. of tbe Tolunaeheol gradnaUng i-lata of
teere would be brought from the ialand
Tbe Foreat Workera' Miealon Band
heforv there oonld be an outbreak.
will meet thia mftemoen at 3 o'clock
Tbe utmoatoare bad been taken of tbe
with Miaa Ethel Thomas of Webster
uoopa and aanitation of the campa.
street. The subject for study will be
F-jr tberegnlara who would remain in
- the uland there woald be the name
Tbe funeral of James O'Neil of tbe
vigilaaoe. Tbe general did pot think
pcnio'ula, who died Tbnradey nigbL
- th>-re waa need of any grave feara.
wilt be held this morptiig at tcSO
o'clock from 8L b'raneia chnrcb.
Mrs. Or A. B. Holliday ia very ill at
SB-&allroad OommiMlonaer WeS- Park Place hotel.
A floe pnrlraK of Mayor W. W.
•eliu. Beeenu tha Taming Down
Smith haa been preaentod to tbe pnbMu Oot From the Oovnmor.
Ue acboola. It will adorn one of tbe
UaoaiOh. Micb . March 17.—RaUroad rooma in the central bollding.
OommiMloaer Weaaellnt haa addreaeed
The Challenge orcbeaira under the
a long and eaaaUe reply to Governor direction of Bobert Price at the B)ya‘ ‘
Piagree'a letter annoancing bla Inteo- Band minatrela. will be a revelation ;
tiontoaot re-appoint him. He autee to mnaic lovera in Tmverae City.
be wrote moot of the governor's menMra. Richard Herkoer. a aalealady in
aagee. and waa tbe author of the rail- the Boalon iitore, fell on the aldewalk
ruad laz law. jnat enacted, which was on Vine street yesterday morning and
generally snppoaed to have been draft- received iuternal injuries.
by the iaieOolonel Atklnaon. Light faj Ralnh AnderSon wUl go to Inland
• thrown
imerooa administration this morning to direct the fnneml of
aecreu. and the governor ia called a tbe late A. M. C. L<ewia.
Mr. LewU'
' onward for not advialng WeaaeUna that two sons from Chicago will arrive to
he weeld not re-appoint him until the attend.
aimination of hU aecoeeaor waa aent
William Mag^
tu tbe W
to Ralkaaka after a abort visit with
solution Indoraiug his dang^ter, Miaa Sadie McGee, wbo
the Wea
U atteoding tha Tmverae City Buaiadopted in the Boose, thus ralaing an ceM College.
iMue between tbe administration and
A apeelat d
aoli-Pingree factions
Davu of Ralasnazoo absolutely refused large FianUb emlgraUoa into Canada
to rote, asd for thU violation of tbe may reaolt from tbe recent Rnaaian at-,
ralobewaa ordered reprimanded by tack upon the aneient righu of Fin
the Hpeaker. Thte inddenl is wilbont land.
ODW. Mivcber Btiard
OSo Priadrieh bloekv.
T a uaTia.ai
e to Proliswpr
lllr Co Blork.
1. Aiunncj
Opcrk Beoar Bia >
•,cur opci
118 ProDt Streat.
Every smoker knows
XSB3 OXa> RE3LI.A.13r.EJ
Ire conceded in he the 3
Enqrciopaedia Britannica
For One Dollar Cash
Sold by all dcali-ra.
> attvotlontotazciUe
paying the balance in small monthly payrieiits. Remember, too,
th.at the entire Thirty X'olumes'with a ^ide and an elegant Oak
Book Case, w ill be delivered w hen the fir>t payment is made.
• You will be surprised when you learn the
/1HAB G. TCBKKE. Attorew I
t-/ UtoeA millksaBloA.Tnii
X* A tIlUikwi Rioek. Hoera. Pto 11 a.B„ 2
to4p.» Tclmboaa.n________________________ '
Hck it is:
The complflf set (Thirty Large Octavo Volumes):
No. I—New Mvie Ru.k.am Cloth, Marhied Edges. ExtraI Quality
, M*.:hi!ie Finish B'wk Paper, fas oo
' •
First pavreent. One I^llar (fi.oo) and Three Dollars(ty«oi per
«nth there "
..alt Moroa .
Book Paper, fto..
First payment, Two E>olUrs (I2.00) and Four Dollars (*4.001 per
month thereafteiNn. )—Sheep. Tan Color. Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High MachlneFinlsh
Book Paper, l7$.on.
First r -------'
month tl.............
A reduction of io!Y Is granted try paying cash uithln )o days after Uie
receipt of the work.
if so yon know
mEAlNKD KVItag-MlM KaW)lr Bolcowb. b
X araduaicur Ihe CntWraKy Haapilal. Ana
Ar^. wlU
vrlUnraadtocalU tor auraUui. SI
tbe value of
J ADtE»-Dr.
J-l ibclr boa
ilot. At A liarsAJ
• piADO In cowl c<
in-|uirr Al MT 4
Tot further information call on Holley t Coonable,
City Kookktpr,-. eevuU tor Norti»*-e Micklnti
rpOKEKT Dw-trsble om-<e> to wet At WAWo1 aUv rAWA Ap|.l7 Nonbrra •relrpbaD*
rompAur. TooDi-ller blMk.
W *MHBtofo^uwbiA.
We have taken apeclal care in get
ting our boyb auA youth's aboea made
FI from tbe very beat quality of leather.
Aod ir».UNi per-oTto^k f»; o'. ^
Koaiautee every pair we eell. If
_ _ rA.«i.E-toti -ttofU
T;«0B BAI.a A »ood Ej.lr ____
r dbvAp lA.iUlrv of Mr> UvAdlc.
Our Liberal Discoonts
on Furniture....
Arc closinjf il out rapidly. Sale> Iasi week exceeded our
expectations. We are anxious to close it out in order to
make room for our larj^e stock of
Call at once for Barjiains.
Telephone ‘>2.
OAer eoous other prices.
A. S. Fryman,
PrtdfcD SbMiu
John R. Santo,
LeUerle's Hew Sbep,
Ever Burned Out
T A. THOMPSON. M. D OSw In Bauiiltoe
50Q Bicycles
Land For Sale!
back and tidca. no appeUte—graduLly
fvowing weaker dayrbj day. Tl#ee
— kad
*-*' given me up. Fo.-Ont Mce. to enamel, clean, repair
Htelv. a friend adriaed trying
and pnV In proper shape. Tbit U the
8rii. Bitter*.' and to my great joy and only place la the city where you ou
anrpriae. the firat botUe made a decided
yonr enameling pre^rly dohe.
ImpnivemeaV I oonUnued their nte
week*, aad am now a well
man. t know they taved my life, and
robbed the grave of another vicliiim."
Bo one eho«Ud tali to try the:
BO ceata per bottle at 8 B. tt
J. O. Johnaon'* Dmg fliorea.
118 UaioBBWwt
kiv.\> ju^^ how to steer a vessd to
bfiiiLi it s.Ut'ly
tlir»u;h the shoais
out i?
the ofvn. Just so the
fciK). I'lpa-UM BFilannii'a is the one
ah'i’lutely rvli.iMifor the
fna-e r»t lilt-.
One cannot go
wrong it its te.uljjngN are tollowed.
It ullslheinisUkeMnen have made;
how others havi-sucteededandwhy.
An intelligent man get.s good froni
the experiences ot others
dear ot the.roE'ks they ran against,
The very pre.-eiice
ce of the
■ Encyclo*
p®dia Britannica in a house pees the place an intellectual tone.
A library of thousands of vtdumcs Joes not offer such an oppor
tunity for successful home study and Jeaelopment as this master
piece of literntute. There is no more instructive reading on earili
than that contained in its ?o volume^. To a life whose current
runs tow.ird the future, this gr«l work is indispensable. Just
now you can secure the
Diamond J 3
precedent in the aute.
Tiatn'a Ooogh Bemedy.
Two of Plngeee'a nominations for
ils remedy la intended eapecUlly
memneta of tbe board to aiaeai rail
conghs. colds, croup, whooping
c,^ new pair to yoi> without extra charge.
and tetegmph I cough and iDflucnta. it has become ’.,—5
road. lele^one.
POIlAdelpb •. j
p.-operty. were refused oooflrmaUon oy 1 famous (or iu cures of these di
.Slock No, *17........................................ 7.tc
! Stock No. 30.......................................... PSc
man of Oetmitand B. M. Irish of Kal-!neen received, givingr aocoui
SOU of iU
' 8t.'34
Stock No- 54S .
’Sting and
maaoo. tha latter colonel of tbe Thirty-' good works: of tbe» aggravi
Stock No. -its..
Fifth Michigan infantry. Tbe third peraialent eougba it; baa culired.
revere colda that have yielded prompt
Slock No. 1(17..
a-uuiaee. George B. Horton of Fmlt ly to its soothing rffecu, and of the
i Stock No. 308 .
Ridge waa eonflrmed by a .nearly un- '
attacks of croup it baa
I have a number of piecea ot land 1 W. L.___
Dot „
and Irish re-1 cur^. often earing the life of
SJi moos vote. Oaki
wbi<^ I will Mil- »0 ectwk i' mile. ^ L Douglax..lamped
orived only fl*e favomble votes be-j^J'<^- Tbe extensive nae of it
MUth of Traverae City: good bnildiun ,
tween them, tha former receiving
■A WJBV aiAcaw UI am uaojrvrvuA cuu
qmoea. Sold by S E. Wait, drug13 mllea aonth of city. 40 aerea aboutU Jail for Immoral Oonduot.
7 mllea nortbweat of city, and I have .' You will Mve money if von buy yoni
Walter Gerwiok. Mertln Lamaon.
aeveral piece, in Wexford eoujsiy. H ■ .k~»
; you want to buy tome land I can aell It |
Dhts Rasa and Kina Kline were arrest
ed aboet one o'clock' yesterday momh« on the ekarge of dmnkenaeaa aad
immoral eoadact.
840 Wathington 8t. i
-mey apeeared before Jodge RoberU
yiBtevday attd Were each riven iw j an *«rk otbipavAt pmima orraet. Ptsaamdaya in jail, in detadlt ot fines and
-ork a .pwiaiw
_______ Ma^l^yAO<».»acn._______
A. *. SftwwwT. K. D . Prop't. E. W. 61
M. D.. BwKSiit Pbyitel.a. vltb ccarahla.
A .urUlBg iaeidant of which Mr. W/oTltpf1
to t£TAwM?A‘ptaCT'rw
John Oliver, of PbiMdelphla. Ah the I VV Cllllvvi
aepearaadaUdWrlAiiL. Ar. fm «trk *<h) d’.i
nub.'ccL it narrated by him H follow*: — ■ —------------'■
.tceMiwtMiBUit.pn(A.A»j)QatAAb WerthorgMoeb.
Tnveroeetiy. Mto
•M was in a moat draadtul oondition.
Hy tklB wts lUntoat yellow, eyes sunk-
The Encyclopedia Britannica
The Pilot
gooi cigar ty smoking it 3
dlwaaca e( all doairEtlr aolnalE l>) Ihr r •
Iai--«i aa-I t«->l maih.-d..
Upprlnl altrctimi; 1
'■7- Daraad mcblcallE pnEWpI- r
The King of Reference Works
Old Bicycles
Made Like New.
rbee! to look aa good a* new bring it to H E Gibb*.
. ,
19L, ud I will call and gel yonr wheel.
^11 repair, enamel ud decorate it up-to-date, for allule expenae. Call
aoeeamplesof eumeling.
318 l.'niOB Sb. opposite C. A W M depot.
H. E. QIBBS, Proprietor
.^24 Union Street.
On Saturday Next
WMi'li we propnet- waking tbe bann<‘r day of our “£x|>aoaioD
Sale" un Child’s Saits, wo will make an extra inducement u
follows: —
W(. have sometliing like one hundi(>d ••hildV sommer salts
carried over from last year'-'HiMte we will put in onrlotof
winter j{ood* wc have 'U-en si-Uing at such man'eloosly low
prices for tbe |mst ten days, making an advsniie sale on anits
which will aooc) be right in season. This will give you an as
sortment fnim which yoa cannot fail to make's aeiertion when
j you see the goods and priers attached to^ lbkin.
Remomljer, from one dollar to three and fonr dollaw ssv(k1 \
. OB every child’s Kuit porehased at this sale. Our aaleson child’s \
f suits sines this sale was inaugurated have never been ecjnaled T|p by os at any previous time. Y'ou will iioderetand why when w
i you call ami learn more of ’mr offer.
gaoaod Jmt—Vb ^
L«t Om=Ul Act 1.
pottpooMl IS JsBMrj wlil be held Kri<J»\ eTeniDS. April *.
The ele*
Of ?“<■ °f
Sesto wtll re»»*w
rericw yn.
Mrs. Me-1
Mej WrUrbl-A book. -A Model Boom."
I fim br the celeaee end edeesttoB -<Ureeoe. »eufylsB lU t*™«-iM^ Robert, ee lender
IXssoletsg the Oortee-Vest SUP (j,,, wUhce the meabwe o( the eleb
Will he Bsehute of Ooplao of the be |»«per«d to dUeege the esbjeei
Ooeneot U Weehlsgtos Who«;-^*«»*l ttets^ «thebebeole.:
ftseea mesesi Stcned the Ireety
Tery rnTomMe
for AneHons
SitenUos j
Unoee nt Knslln— t
VnehingtosOoapnsyOnptsrod ABO
tsenrrea«n-'Koe<iulto Vloot Is Cos-
Spols WlIlheBeprtMt
uaplnUon for the Pbillpplnee.
Medrld. Mereb iT.-Tsewerbei*eoiij
Wnabisyton. Mnrcb IT —The~«nTySpolBssdthe Uetlod tllntee bee tor-;
depertnestle tnklst elepe townrd^tbe
q-enre^nlelffsed '
BnUrtalomMlt in foraetlooafn moeqello deet
the Peru Ueety of pence todny, ibu., *“**’
PblllpplDee. Tbeooodillont e
Honor Bt. Pntrlok’h £ay.
rntIfriAC U In the newe of bpnis. ;
Tnlllseis Lezos lodienU thnt for 'n
Uennlly the corlee bn* the mtifleniloo
i losf Ume It *m be seeeeeiry to snlo^ nU tronUee. bet the mnnlleet hoetll-1 Le^LsUton l>eeert the Oepltol. Knoy ■
policing of the con»t nsd
%of theoorte-totbepenoetreniyled'
hegls.* nsd Bny Oity I
wniere. The big ooenn tug.
-to.thU esmanry ncUos on the pert of
i^^it^uoa-Vory little »anl-Uhnt opersted mound Cube daring the
the quean regeoL Ln»t night ebo
UM. Dos. b* Slther Mouee.
! hlocknde nre Ulng looked orer with n
algood n decree dleaoltlog the corUn.
Wnehlngton. March 17.—In tbe ehLnnelag. Mnreb i;.-Aisoiig the usAd*i.-«e from "ifenile Icdionte tbet,
oesoe of eny direct dlplomeUc oom- oeunl occurresom of Friday morning * cllmni miy occur et-^uf hour ofll-1
Busiention between tbe linltod Htatee
'' wne the nction of the eeneie Inecna- cUik here nre well pleneed with the
nnd Hpaln. Sei-reUVy Bey expecU “>|j
jg,* bonoe for ReprceonUliee! eondiiion of
but will not at
Meelee the fralfornial notice of
Cjty. who wo» wanted lo preeeol diocue. the delntU of diapatchea
mUBenUonofthepe^ tre^ by thet ^^
p,trlovic ainglng in ' rccei.ed. The Icd.cnUoo.
licntioo. are that boaboa-;
■ineen regent, through tte aodlum of ,
chamber. On telnming Hl.tieefwlil end wit
eltSVh. a eery abort;
—Ctood cloth bound edition tor 17 cents—
500 other books equally as cheap. Look
over our Special Sale prices.
Ten Tear Contracts
Mnde by Miehignn Telephone Oo.
for nny clme of eervice deeircd.
Subscilbers May Cancal
nt end of eie naontbe or change
to noy dee. of eervtcv nt will
the mnnoger to cell
nod explain new rale* adopted by
the company
220 Front St.
Michigan Telephone Co.
.'//.//•.vi'.v •/■///; /'A'/n' jfA'-sT .'/r />’a:x/>.^'s
>• - ‘^ny U of'
lb..k. Icrtb.; Il.bll.. lurch ItuheuyLiu tvMiil a line
b„ ;«enury reoc
apblb Tb.1 U .be ~..l o
b, Ibc bouMUl lbc W«.bl«tu.b rcncol
n-iriuieDt Ih..
ba. cpcasapnelnl eneay end notify the ' Plied'
tured ir.i* alrtitionat pr.n/.iert. near A^.*
"lat body.
BUte.oftb.nroUbledet.nponwhU-hl ChambrrUin ic^^cced
Introduced .
a me-orl.l Togulg. nnd nloo aelzedJCme nmmu ,^3|| |) OlriD
hewlllpraneDthlinaelf In Woahlngton ,
tion eommemornting
irmorating tbe late initioa. Mt»l of tbe rrbela'nrma ba*e,
with a oopT of tbe treaty of penoe to.
Channcey* WUner of Snglnew,. been hidden or thrown Into dMirer
esebnnge. Although In isobt inatnncce
erred in both houoea of the aUU j ThoaiMMJd*ille..iln.. March IT-The
thU Ulllile'more than a profunctory |
IcttoUlcrc. Acco«p.b).lbl lb. r„» pr..M.m h..
.d.ic. frem
Bony. 10 the - Of tbe ejichnnge
------------ --l-AiricW. Dey poem , Woahinglon keying thnt the diapetchea
• You’ll laughYou II kiuile—
You ll roar and
holler load for
more after e«ch
act uf tbi-
I Minstrels
In {Hiarl whilf
or finest jet Wack
.i,„d u
A draft of tbe ti
The only bill of imporUnce poeeed ,
o toy the eenl>sris oo Dec. 10. n
ween bill reUtlvo W nppeala In Chen 1^^ $3,000,000 Arrived iu We can khow ^ou them nt *,• TS em-h.
nte by n vote of &T to !* on Feb. <
•Bd no aimilar unroet nt Iran than
eignod by the preeldent on Peh. 10.
Havaiih Yaaterday.
___ I
will b.
There wnen bare Iiuorumpreeont. but
- elgned
»lgn • treaty of
' ponoo will
t-medlnte effect
I not enough
to nsy legiaintlon. Several bllla were Ksjomy of Prominest Oenemle Ig ^ n will do you good i
nt Wnehlngton for escbnnge with tbe
coneldeiwd la oommittM of the whole
nore Aanembly nnd Bocogmxe
one e.lrned by Fretident McKinley. No
4n tbe bouee. ImporUot emong which
deeree on tbeenbjact will he pnbllehed
OnlyOnanml Oomin.
See our windowdixplay.
weie Fletahnaer’e bill making It e mUmlheo»RlelgaietU.
March IT.—The tmnaport
nlighl from n moving
Wommn’s Clab Profited by
Able Pepere.
nnd Impoeing the enme penally
Ok U now ImpoacMl for boarding trnliui
Id motion, and tbe McCallum bill regu
lating certain fo^uree of circuit court
pmettoe permitting n defendant to aeenre Inairuoilon from tbe^judge direct
ing the jury to return n eerdlcl of ncqnltUl where n prime faeia enoe U not
mode by tbe plnietllT nt the oloee of
]>-nlnliff a evidenoe
Cubnn troop, previouk
to their
dikbandment. ejcurdiog
- to the agree
ment beiwi
Preeldent McKInL
eorted by 11
The Cut
iw. I
Jeans Mo
to Nodal
Krancisco I'rrau and
Pedro lletqneouri. who at a meeting
Wednenday drclered in favor of itener-
Gasoline Yachts,
Row Boats, Sailing Craft
Tusdiy, lifct 21.
Everybody go.
able work, eome of hie writlngm having
The big Segionw junket to the ooel
been prosounned nheolntaly perfect, ainee u on today
Tbe oommittoce
is 1749 he eecured n prloe on the book, „d about 40 membere of the Honae
’’Effect of CivillmUgo on Morale ” All j
Senate Joined in tbe cxenrelon nn«f hie worke, 4T volumee is nnmber. j
the isvIuUon of Sogisaw ssd Bay
« pidslod is ITHk
Be wse eaeplc-jcit, nod tbe city le nearly denertod
lonaef htefrlende. morel'y weak, but thu afternoon.
The Kouae adjourned to 4 p m. Mon
hie repautlos for bnvlng n good inSuStttCitTn*,
enea thresgh bUllteisry work, inerene- day.
nd nttor bU death
-Tbe Oenfcenlon.”
one of bu bent known workn. te n pecBllnr book, telllsg of hU ows Ufa.
nose of which he oonoenled.
It ie st' Oberian T. Oillett Ket DesU After
onoe nttrsctlve end repallnsl. fneeisst-.
a Terrible BxparieseeIng nsd offrselve ..
Mn J.i. E«»dill,.....l»r. n- I Ckn-.n T. UIU.U. -lo 4W r«».U,
met death by exview of the life nnd writlnge of Bof-’ •‘•‘r
iloyed nt took in n
foe. Huffou klnthnrwnewenlibj nndjP«»'»«.
•Urted on foot t*
kw wrna given every edvnnt^
B*| lumber
overtaken by e heavy
wseofneclcntiflc turs of mind.
wna di^tebed
IMI he we» admitted to tbe eondemy j
they foeed him
of eeloBoe nnd fw flfiy yenre devoted j **
bed eondillon. Re
bke entlm time to tbe work. Be bee:
I of the monl ImptwUnt nnd
where be died
vslsnbtc eoetributiosa oe ecleuee ever ■
BMda bv one peraou
l BU remalni arrived here yeeterday
Two cktarmlng numbera of tbe pro- and nre being kept nt W. S. Andereon't
gmm were a plnuo oolo by Mine Voder, nadertnking roemi
Tbe funeral . will be held at two
••Tremolo" by tiovuehelk. and a voeni
oolo by Mlaa Morgne. "When to Thy o'clock tbix afternoon from tbe home
of bU pnrenU. «tS Beat BlghUa etreet.
VUlon.” by Pnuet.
The ♦nnsnl reoepUon which wan Kev. D. OoehUn will oadntn.
comes as the natural result
of wearing the clothing we
sell. The makers of that
clothing have solved the
problem of how to turn out
in large quantities garments
that have all the attributes
of first-class custom work.
Indeed, it is only the best
merchant -tailors, who can
rival the quality, style and
fit of ".Adler” ready-made,
and to do this they must
charge you nearly or quite
double the price.
if you will call we shall take pleasure In shotting you
the new Suits and Top Coats from this celebrated house,
and explain their many poiuU of.^superiority.
icros to chMw tna
May at
3.50, 4.00.
Fashionable Outfitters
« \ . KrINri.'l, Ulu. t
About April 1st I will open'my Store with a newf $toclc
House -Furnishing Goods.
1 invite all to feive me a call. It will be no trouble to
show goods.
Geo. W. Thomas.
House Furnisher
201 Cor. Unionjand Stats Sts/
Ladies’ Fine
Tailor Made Suits
and Skirts!
# F
U«ker |g|ted fuoiBU -Mieni
New Furniture Storel
and Trust Compan>;,!
loot like iDBdi
>d-Bensd Their Worke 1
•r •predaud Our j
1 »b.m>
c^tioB to Take Pine# AsHI 7.
k aocin aw the? receive
A very delightfsl literary program
ileneral •luiurs
Oomt-t |lotor*B
reooiuiu D ■' order,
oraerw to
so do
au io
su froi
irooi1 -iruviai
gu -m.- ««r»
Lioak Inirodu ied n Joint reaoluticn
woe oBj^ed by tbe memhera of the
1 They have atk<> decided to nc -ept in be- cn> (irwo-b. i
invlUng becreln y Alger nodi Praldent
. , , 1 half of their IrooDMhe At.liOO.IwW of-, .krrhP.i-Womnn'e Onb yaetardey nftorsoos. McKinley to vUlinndnddreeathe
legle- ______bv the tmited SUM. They de-'
C. Evnse. lender of tbe day.
lature on tbe occneion of their propoa-' cinre that. notwUbwUocileg
ootwUbwUnclleg thr--------thr action '
gave n verr exhaneUve paper on tbe •d iunUet to tbla atnte In the near of tbe naaembly. tlenrrnl Uomre i« the
' . ,
, pjn^vulent
writlaga of Voltaire, nod the Inflnesoe M junuet to w
refnoe to reoogelif in env way the e«of hie pen. tbe moetdrendtd weapon of
Tbe eennte ronUne gave P'«* “>•» ith.irity claimed bv the eoaembly.
Pmnee in the liUb century
informal enierUinmenl after allowing ( Oeceral Uomez bne thue echievrd _
Volinlre wee given n college edu«
gSOOtoPerrintooover expene*. Inlhejgrenllrlumphoverbla enemlee
t.f Philndelphii
tloB and hU father wUhed him k> be
KiHln«w«a< ituUrlvek stM-lalir
-.............. -- tbe Bret
wtn chan
- -.......
nwyor but nt the early nge of 20. k
-rtia lur tr
... eeuetorinl ee*t Senator Chne. Smllh j i|^|^“j5al tUU w*U put an
. _ _
.1 ^
i-i-. -,..,
mn end to the .
iseUsntioni nil tended in another dl-1
!• I eurted the ball with n renolntion con-j conflict which ho» dioguatod rubni • LfVl T. Pi'nmbgtnn. Uintrii-i .\|jt
rootIon nnd hew
gmtulntlng tbe liiah
a perfectly fear
n popular wit.
men nnd oeontora for wearing the green
IM nod hurled blowa nt eupnreUtlan
Tfaia woe n aignnl for n eeneon of gene
and woe foreed to flan many tlmee to
ral •‘Jonhing," Senator l*otter’e name
e«npe the peonity of n too tree exby reeoInUon woe changed w John Sul
preaeioe of thoeghW Be loved liberty
liTon Potter and he woe neelgoed ee
himaall and wnatod oUtera to enjoy it.
epeclnl defender of the IrUta. Sheldtn
(M- Be woe n frleod of the oppremeulogixed tbe Deicb. Chne. Smith the
Amerlenni. McMullen tbe Scotch. ColHie life hna net beu eoseidered n
llogwood tbe Bnglleb.reelUng Kipllng’e
model but be wbe e euooeee M n writer.
••White Mnn’i Burden. ” while Senator
In anmmlng up hU life hU blorrmpber
Moore woe. on motion, mnde to defend
my. be wn* vain, ebnllow. volnpinbimeelfUIdlein aung n (lermen
t. deeeltful. rich, ti
eoeg. Ltob explained why be wore
Mra J C Moarnu r«nd a carefully green with red wb ekera, lildd.nge de
eennu minority, and the
mper upon the life nnd
preeldent ruled out of order emotion
wriUngaof "Roi
Up to tbe time of bla kSrd year he thnttirmbem defend tbe ••eolid elnewna on eccentric vagabond
After ieen " The eeneie ndjiurned to* p.m.
that Ume he produced eome very crediP Monday
Just rr»iD ibe
Ftcierj - all oiibbj
n^fill vooUlMds-
Dress Corset j Bc7s°Band
In delicdtc ]>ink or bhie
M<u wl 1 be of oi<we than ordinary in
tnrent tor tbe
“City Bookstore.”
Don't FaillTo See Dm Elegant Now Una JasnRacainill
Suits from $5.00 up
Skirts from $1.00 up
They are bkautles and perfect fitters.
also take
orders from eemplee aod goaf^tee
to glve^satiefrioUoo.
Belts and Buckles
the Intes' nil 1 moel benatiful dt^sigas.
You should have one
■Ttu' belt i’i one of the must coiupiceons part of b Indies dre«
a id should be the proper shade, nest and nobby.
Sue our New Arrival of Silks.
If you wnut one uf thoec fine Petticonta you mast oeU eooo
ns they are going fut.
Our fine line of Drass Goods in ereetiiig><grest eeaen.
lion. Hnve you eeen them?
Moke UP n vinit end Inepect oar new spring nlock vbetber
yoi»;winh to boy or not.
The Boston Store,
Glass Block.
THB voumro btoobd, batuhday.
rnm Koawnio
The Ladles
have made a
BAinVs Birthday
iriat^y Obaarred.
ObMmao* Otid*r .
VrueR Obw^ Aa ArttoUe »»«
riM-.OMt'OweoM BDj«7a«
•mb. T BbTM AMO J. w. H4—
j. w. Bawmi. *aiw>T Biui
mMM AsdiMC*.
Tba MBBAl obMmaM of Sv. I%trlek'* 0*7 tui4er tU mmpWm of Si.
Prucu etaareb. Ub1w»7« iookod for
ward to with plcoiMrable anUeipoUooi
Bat thia poor tb* •rent oorpoMod ic
oiMl every dothU onr prerlow eelebraiioD iB honor of the blrU «( the
reveaed SolBt.
The City Opera Boom woe pMked
18, lew.
nukTXBsBor^* • MtonuAJi Berer«d
•»A>D TEAVKB8B BUiit4).
■Kan roH sransv.
Sn, like mwrh. t> onr iif (be msu* oT
rtniin^l^ilun sail thrrdcm of pftV’
r»T»el And Bilk.
ttraea Jlr«ed Ikoss.
/ oi.-i^ »««iue.
' Olera41»"e-. Ai.i.leRsttiw.
Ik.ilM Hire Ki.b l>teiu.
1 kinO ni
AMrn Wave Obonge.
Clark E Wagoner, who hoe been pro- '
prietorofthe Aldeo Wave during the
post two years, has sold the paper to
D. U. Ovlso. Mr. Wagoner hee built,
up a prosperous business for so email a
town and the Wave U a wtleone
visitor to many homeo.
Bade of (Mdn'bok.
A large luviooe of fumitnre all built
of 'Htoldru Uek.” was sold u> a Cleve
land party yceterday by the Hannah
Lay Mercsoille Co.
They have diaooverad that we
are aaUing: Fine Chrome Kid
Shoea, Silk Vaatlng or Kid
Topa, 10 different atylea, laoe
or button, round or wide toe,
flexible aolea. Shoea that re
tail everywhere at $3.00 and
$8.76. and
IS OHiY . .
^c-TelpThemTfran^ I
the new
Spring Shoes
are now
in stock.
hod the pleoeere of
the beet entoriaUnneBU ever girea
tbroDgb the efforu of the chareb.
Exorlleot loeol talent woe latrodoced
Per Joatlee of the BaprasM Coart.
BLAUDIUS B. OEANT of Hooghtoo- and the progroBi woe not witboot arUsALWAYS MKANS
tfc and ^etnreeqae loatnrea worthy of
' Tva But 8ai.vi in Ue world for
praise and of the cnlba.uatic evidence
RSA MiAirra
Per Bepent of the 8UU UBlvereity.
OuU, Bruises, bores, Oleeie. boll
«(-l«h Uabldi- T-nX.
OOL. BBNBY B. DEAN of Woebtonaw. of appreciation given.
Bhenm, Fever bores, Tett
etter. Chapped
Tables were 2kiBt>iy spread at the
OOU BLl E- bU rroN of WoyBe.
Bonds, Chilblains, Coi s. and all bkin
east end of the ball where the lodiee t f
the choreb served a tio« supper to the
to give psrf«x-i natletoction or money
JadleUl Cireall. throng present.
refunded. Price *» oenu per box. For
1 »• K .IPaM
The prograu was preoedea by sev
« nSD W. MAYN& of Ckorierolh.
en! selections by the Boys’ Usnd who 1
d' tbeir
servleea They
k.icoJnd Bene un <*«lvr«.
played Irish nsUonsI sirs which thrillMlBBNBrriBaUEAY.
ed the heart of every eon and daughter j
of Erin's Ule present, and there were
avaatnomber of then there to gain
Insplnlion in doing honor to the mem In Which Treveme Bssch Resort was
For Mayor.
ory of the deliverer of the little green
PTABk BsmtltOB.
In'^olvod.BstUed In Court.
spot ocroea the sea.
For Cl^ Clerk.
An iiu^rtsni tax coas wop decided in ,
The first number on the program was
AIBOB W. Biekefd.
a piano dnel by the Mioses Carroll ___
andthe term just dosed of the lAcdanau'
Kor Treeanrer.
Make rpiigli. red hands
are huying in large qnantities
like all their efforu this
WUliea/ Hobhe.
appreciated that they were compelled
fer Jodge of Eaeordcr'e Conrt.
to rnpond to an encore.
LorlB RoberU.
3. i and r, of oeeiioo *il< whereas it bos
The 'fueen City ijaarlet rendered been platted for a hotel and summer
For Bcbool iBepector.
two fine sslecUons and the enthusiasm rceorl purpooee and bod be^n dedirated
a. R. DucReray.
testified to the degree of i
to the public oe such. The boundary
per MoBber .Board of Pablic Works,
felt for their songs.
Uses of the government divisloe passed
We oleo have for sole lands for good fare
/oo<pb Boon.
Miss Bertha Keefe reolted very pret right through the hotel properly and
For Jostiee of the Peace.
tily. 'What the Little Girl beid." but
divided many of the lots of the pist.
John Verly
would col reappear to subdue the en
upon some of which new owners bod
thusiasm maniiesied.
erected eottogee. A part also of the
A great bit was mode by LItte Uorry
Rodoreemeot for Moyne.
land hod been sold in a half a.-re parCboals and Charlie Duncan in the char
;cel, 00 that under the present division
acter sketch enutled "Aunt Peggy and the owners cou'd not tell from the
'••d words of praise for Hon. Fred W.
Mayne ware printed in the Charlevoix I'ncle Dsn." Tbeir impersonation of I taxes what specific portion wot Intend
on ogod ouuple was realistic and
«>d fureach subdivision uf the land os
fontlnd Wednesday, and coming from
Ihat iource and from a locality where dered without the slightest embsrrsss- now platted. A suit was begun on prment. The bonsdvrsng with applause
titioD of the auditor general fora'de
Mr. Mayne’s ability and atUinmeuU
and lor an vneore Harry recited iu a ;cree for the sale of the lands, in l.ee
^ well known and .recognised. It wall
! splendid manner a negro dialect sel.
, lansu county for deHmiiient taxes.
kayegrwt force with voters of all
lion, which was e<iually well received.
.1. tv. I*atchin of this city was the stpartlee;
One of tbs bumoroui features was a I torner fur the defendents and I'rose«We have known Mr. Mayne for
Uaicb charaeier sketch by Knot Tre- :
Bunting and C. L. Usytou rep
AWNly years, and what we say conTi„o,b,
him we sey oe one who will »,„.AdbUfa„J.pp«,..« .A.
and pay highest prices.
adil'Shim'IHaple Wood.
; 8. H. ROSE t SON. '
jtold to DU ■"»« in uur estimate of the
atgh pereonal and legal essentials of a
Sodlnlal oondidste.
Enowing Mr.
Marne os a lawyer end citizen os well
m any Uving man. we know of no reaMB why he shonld not receive every
JUpublican vote In the circuit.
We ore eatisfled to have Mr. Pratt
Wlk DOD-parusanablp In Charlevoix
4PUty, because we know Mr. Marne
■Ul rMClve hie lull party vote therein.
gM. we aleo know that many CharlcppUooDDiy llemocrau will take Mr.
fkatt's advice when they vote for ludge
the Sd day of April."
a great many bemocraU la Grand
Xraveme county wiU profit by the
' wae odvioe and voU fur Mayne.
..„A. -....bl:--.;™:;
were sustained
and tbe tax lever
against the property rejected by the
Wit and Humor, took tbe nuuse
Sturm _The porUeipoats were W.
C. Germaine, Al. and George Joy<
Horry McOoy, Duff McDonald. Ed Bon-; I have been mftiicied with rheuma
ner. Enos Tremain and James u'Niel. tism for H years and nothing seemed
This sketch was a forerunner of some to give any relief. I was able to be
of tbe features In tbe coming mlnelrvl around all the time, but irinstaDG.v
suffering. I hsd tried every Ihisg I
show by the Boys’ Band, os these ar- could hear of aud at lost was told U>
tlsu orejn the coat of the big show to irv Cfismberlsin’s Pain Balm, which I
ilid. and was immediately relieved and
short time cured.
d. 1 am hs)
ippy t
.The finite of tbe program woe Tbe
say that it bos not since
Bevel of tbe Noloda. a plciurcoiiue Josh Kdgmr, Grrmanlown.
serlw of Ubleaux executed magniB- sale be S. K. WaiU Druggist.
eenUy In changing llgbU. by the
Card ot Thsnke.
Missea Klttls Needham. Pearl Emory.
Mr. sod Mrs. Cassius Artlip wish to
Hattie Marilneau. Agnes Bullivan. An
nie Campeau. Clara Beeor. Bose Dyer. thank the members of drawn Tent .No
HUV. K O. T. M. and .Silver Lake Hive.
Antoinette Wurzburg and Nettle Pom- L (I. T. M and other friends for their
msKistanoe and sympathy during ihc
id deslh of Uieir'linie child.
Alter tbe program Father Bauer an-.
nouDoed the coming performance of {
tbe Boys' Hand Minstrels and urged j everyone to attend and show their ap I
preciatiun of the services uf tbe bsod ^
The tables were given much alten .
lion after the program, and in th.- '
meant,mu the band rendered several i-
Box. CiiAHk b. <>MU)X> clambered inip the Pingree band wagon just in time
W get a front oest, and bis elevated
pareh gave him a commanding view of
the governor'e pinm orchard. Now
that he bee the appointment of Kail
eeod Uommiskiuni-r. wbicB came easy,
he thrasls lor slUl gremUT .poliUcSl
hnooro. lie wants to go to congress.
hsviug a very level hesd lie kuuws
a good thing w lieu be secs it end realRm that a bird in the hand Is wvrth
iwointbe bush seine will accept
receipU being filW. Ihlsisthe great]
esi succ ui the church has ever had.
Jolius T. Hannah h * returned from I The proposed ilecuic rallwey from .*
| Grand Kspids to Beiding
Bspervisor S. C. Gerihe of Norlhpori fact, al* tne franchisee to the right of
Me in tbe ciiy yeeierusy on Jtusiueus.
Fred Davidson ot Chicago passed
trough the city yesterday on hli way lion by the Urns tbektate fsr opens in | —If you do not Bifi-paQil ri-iit wt-ll
la Inland where be was esued by tbe the Isll
VOU art* not Ht fur busintrut next
Aaath of bu lather. U. T. Davidson.
Tycu.nuiriu *
:<*■>•• "j™h.v«o„,.:„f.o„rEW
8. Montegne returned yesterday
Cotton Mattn*aae« and a nkv
from a business uiptu Chicago.
Tbs Mieses Bt*s ej|d Lou Dougherty
g| Klk Eepids. are guesu of Miss Jen/
Of Kaiamaseo. Mivh.
-we Iluvo-a fine line of iron
^ Kmlth of West KignUi streeU
Begi^ lu'aevend year cf exUwnee; beiU, from 12.30 np. Com** in ami
' M'-s- Edith Thomas of Alden is visitlag Miss KiAel Tbumas uf Webster
Bed We’re Born
j--ln Bed We Die..
j >«■“
Will Leighton of old MAsion. oneof
Mat year's high school groduetce, is
vWUag friends In tbe city.
A Thousand Tonguea
Could hot expceie' the rapture of
s„iE B. hpringvr. of 1135 Howard sc.
rkOadeiphia. Ps. when sneiouna that
Ij. Xiagh New Disoovcry lor UonsumpMm bed eompletety cured her uf that
uougb that fur many yean nod
•ade life a burden. AU other remedies
a«d ooctoru could give her no help, but
•asMysotUis Eoyal Cure—"it soon
naoved the pain In my chest end 1 can
aow sleep soundly. someUing 1 can
Mareely remember ouing belore. 1 Icel
Ovw ■•Xsimn's 8bos Buts
f age. that ncr
office at night with an unpaid claim
on which It bad received proob on lu
It U wrliisc ibv BCMt |a,|>ular plan of ^-1
«Mil ssu el** bexvUt ID> ir^BM oalbv ms
4 (vv nr>i cloSE
ogveis « ksled Id uoee,«
SUEiltem. riTv
Use Lnivei^^" Bowili every one* who
sou asev dolls
MaDr.Kling's Sew Discovery lor any iiiV'ih^worv mr •so
•I .SbiiiUi
Uie Throat. Uhrst or l.uugs.
misUsoC airodBlelslereC ter eksolBW poll,
aad 11.00. Trial bouiee free I “■“ * „...
tsm enrselloD ot loeiS.
aniiaelar, tor esirsrUoB of leotk wltnoui
pgU es^. Lgjgii sod yei^sstlitioWy prt
i 1
Houae V umiahiuir Slow.
New Store, 120 Front Street.
It hes occumnlated a larger reeerre
fund for tbe protocUon of lu members
It has opened up more territory.
Ms«»7 hotOc nareateed.
««iw. i«u.>
Agwey Dept.
Ealnmaxoo. Mich.
Remember we are strictly up-to-date in Wall
Paper-no last year’s patterns that novices in the
wall paper business are liable to get hold of early
in the season.
We bought ours late so as to get the exclus
ive new designs.
’ Do not forget that we have made a study of
it for years, and the old saying, “practice makes
Best Line Wall Paper In Tbe City At 2 l-2c.
The shoe dealer baa who undertakes to
match our offerings, either in quality or
price. We have a few left of those men's
odd pairs of fine shoes. We may still have
your size.
Genniiie Bargains!
The Observed
Of All Observers
Cannot fall to observe our fine silk Skirts
—not the cheap China silk but made of
the very best Taffeta. We have them from
$6.60 to $7.60. Gome and examine them.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
J-uitm;,MuiLMiAl«UiLjAiii*j| .lZZlY-UTS«TXAmS
j| SVate Memt
Mt4 Mn. KicUrMW
AssivMvr ▼•rjHftppilrI
Ba«. Md Ml*. WOUm'A. NidnnoaJ
4f MkfS.'UtowMblp celebrated their
l,<wirw)xviKi,<vww« •tsif-aeveBth weddied MeiTervarpI
Thendej. Tbc iarm^ ie 87 yean of'
Be?. Johe P. 8
of lAtulnf.
i4e i«uer M Their ehUdrea i
ripletrar of the Ooi
port for the year im.
U ehowa
Thor aoae. UMrye Q.. MaUord, Ah
Btiffht deereaac le the Benberehlp of bert A. aod Djeey S all rwide la May'
the ehoreh. The MdlhodUu, he wye.
•eld wiu the aeeepuoa of Maltord. 1
reported a deereeae of soo, the Preebywhoae boBO U U Cal itorela.
terlaM of 171; the BapUeU wade a
Tbareday ?raa ateo the aUty-elxth
of 174. aed the Coerr^tloeal
Urthday aaetrrraary of George U.Kleh- i
loeeUtOO. The rerUloe of the rollt
ereoB. with whom, the aged eouple are
asd thereaeUoii from Boprceedeated
growth le the peat 8re yeare are eald
Id ha re^oulble for the lowee. Taklag the long ?iew of Uc yeare. the
growth reported by the Coogregatkw lanrBctiye Decuseiose Laet Might at
alleto U eery Urge, aad laacb ie adKeetiog ot CoBBty Aeraaee of that of the popBlaUoo. The
eamber of GoDgregatiODal chor«bea U
The OoBstf Tbachere' AteoeUUoa.)
the auu ia MS: the BMBbwehlp. s:.171:8abbath eehool Bembeie. 40.«nU: eoBBteiiced iu aoBaal leeeioB laet .
wing In the BUb eehool roon.
r. P. 8. C. E membere. I4.0t<i
• for tbe year 1 The attendance.* » BOt ae Urge a» U,
erare peo.MB, and tbe hose expeedl-1 Bight hare been, owing to >e?er£ lo
taree 8*05 ins. Tbe Coogregatlonal [«»l *»l»«etiona The otreling opened
ehnreh of daglnaw made tbe Urgent | *>th a piano eolo by Mbk JoMpbloe
growth of Ue aute ehBrchea dcrlng Vadrr. followed by the readUg of the
report of the laat meetlng.beld In May.
the year.
At fUltla Creak Chaanaey U. Barery, Ui««.
Tbe program proper waa eoBoenoed
■gad K yeara. found arMolc pIlU U a
Migbbor*a barn and aoppoalng that by Sept B. C. Lott'of Bik Kapida. who
contributed an excellent paper upoa
they ware candla*. ate then. Be died
>e -Vaioe of BUher KfBcaiioD.“
b> a few boora. Oorernor Plogrea tbe
In epeaking of whoahoold harehighday before had appoioted Mr. Barrey.
credueation theapeakerdeclared Ude*
tbe boy'* father, a Bember of the
pended entirely apon the peraon. A
board of auie denUl exammera.
thousand dollar edneaUon abould not
An Abb Arbor Ban polled up hie be thrown away on a ten dollar maa.
horna ao laddanly. to avoid raDDiag la
who fcara to die before he
toan^ectric ear. that tba animal'a proTca himbelf worthy to lire. U tbe
neck wae broken. caBaing iaatant one who ahould receive every advan
tage that can be beatowed upon blm.
A diacnaaioa followed tbii valuable
IlooBBdiiBpoa^blebatltia aetBmIlyao; A paaluiHce which baa bad to be paper, not a dUchtolon of tbe paper |
^laeontgiBed becaaie no one could be b«t a diacnaaioD ol4he variooa collegea |
foBBd to I eepi tbe appoiotmeDt ae afforded in this state. Hrofeetor C. T. i
poatmaaldr! 8oaUi Opee U tbe name off drawn was the fi at speaker and ha
tbeofilee, and itle located in loaU, subject waa 'Tbe State Normal Col
lege at YpaiUoti" Be gave a short
eOBBty. •
tUrah King of Flint-wae Hi years old, description of the bniidingt, their lowhen aba died. Daring her life abe. cation and many valnabte pointers to
waa an aothnaUatir repoblican andI any prospective atudeata. Tbe distinct
when her will waa admiaed to probate^ purpoeeoftbe acbool is to better pre
it waa diaeoeered that ahe bad be- pare teacben for Ifaeir work.
Olivet oollege. lu aarraundings, purqaeatbed »4<KJ of tbe Sl.i'Xii ahe had
Uft to eight prominent republican pol- poaeaand early hUtory.was fully de
scried by 1‘rincipa! C U. Horn,
iSasteT ‘Satvcles.
diAerett. J
A sweet troman, the picture of health,
spiking wldi enthusiasm, said," I don’t
see why you do not send out women
to talk to women about the merits of
Pabst Malt Extract, The
“Best” Tonic. There
are so many women that
are nindown,with nerves
shattered, with a lack of
vitality, feeling a sort
of restless indecision
which is an outgrowth
of over-exertion. IE you could only
get a woman who knows as well as I
do how “ Best” Tonic will build one
up, and who has enough earnesmess to
tell them abanr\it, you would certainly
have largely ii^cjeased sales. There is
Mrs. —, who was as thin as she could
be, and her poor little baby, puny and
undeveloped. 1 told her about “Best”
Tonic. In three weeks you ought to
see the difference. The improvement
Is something great; mother and baby
both feel it and show it”
omtB ^ VVi
Tltw \c(T
Sfi Wit t\
qo.VVt Af. muc>k
' "BoAeA Sqq ^or '&TeaMas\.
xdo catt^
An43AX\c^ SVUYvvtvv
"KtA TDt ATb ^Va4 \o
\bt AWeaivtvq
Vbtm a\oa%
9oo4 £>VicV.
iJ. W. Milliken,
dntg tioret
The Blue Label Like This!
Union-made Cigars.
' :;T -
S-yaar-old boy who sleeps in a crib,
gave a loud aeream. ‘ i The wife arose to
_ aee what waa wrong, when abe found
a red-hot shingle nail, that bad fallen
from the roof tbrongh a tower pipe
bole and burned into tbe face of
the ebild. Then it waa quickly dueovered that tbe bouae was on fire and
ray tried climbing to the roof bare
footed with a pail of water io hie band,
aaya tbe i’ortlaod Ouaerver. When be
waa throngb hU clotbea were as hard
■a boards and hU feet were badly tnuM. Bad the heated nail not fallen on
the ehUd tbe family would probably
■ have all burned up.
'5Vvva 'iw
soTOASA aV\ oIVvota \w
QaAVvVii ATt4 boAuU^V VtATmoatj wt Co\ot-
aa VVtt
U AO ^ATttl—A \tt\ VVa\
' VHt VAT^b&V A7V& bOAV
SrsUt SikTvdiaia
..... s,ro,r,t'r;tLirra”;:
UBd.enomiuatioiisl. Twenty-four profeasors and teach
tbe average
■ber <4 alB<
leDdance is from 'J-’-u to JlWU. E. Swift gave an insirnctive Ulk
upon tbe linlversliy of Michigan. When
it was fouuaod in I-17 only a few in■tructon4krc required At tbe prestime the facnliy numben :iu pereons; this lacludea proteMors. teacben
and tbeir aaslstanU
Rev. J. C. Carman told of the advantagea to be had at Kalamasoo college.
In commencing bis address he said be
would do the tame as a minister was
once told to do wish bis sermon, cat it
The Ann Arbor ferries are trying to off at both ends and set fire to tbe midbf«ak through tbe iee in Green bay.
le. Bis Ulk. therefore wasabors, but
which la two feet thick.
iteresting and insirnctive.
Tbe Huron river U on the rampage,
Tbe Michigan .tgricultoral rollege
rears are felt for the safety of the De at Lansing was briefly reviewed by
troit i Lima railroad bridges at Klal I'rofesaorrirawB.
rirar. and the men are watchUg it
In speaking of the FerrU InaUtnte
at Big Rapids. Mis-. Jickliug in a few
At OwoBo. while playing in tbe >*- well chosen remarks, told tbe advan
tages and disa.ivaniagfs obtained by
ant. UelU Smith,
attending that place o#
eft learning
pnph. (ell. running a pencil in her! »ttending
pocket tbrongh tbc wall of her ab-j County School Commissioner Misa
domes, inflicling a dangerous wound. .Miss Nettie C. liray presided at the
Kldrr H. Wcp-1
md .» Vb,
Ar„.Ub, K.pbbia.,
world-. b.V«l«s„I ,u. .d.rb.l.u
"« bomlb.rlob.-l'. T.
B.lilr,-Crr. l<, He eobldo-i .Hord it bur I
U.eL.rdH,idbmlo.-ohee.b.e- H.| =“““'■>«■ -« t»olbtldb.-0. H.
drew lou low-.bleb robteh, .b„„w , Jlotb, E. n. Iwdd .bd M „ Sorb.,
take -nd tbe lUinbur, ww decided up '
ww«.d will be contioued tbw
•b. Wbil, e. ro.l, be ».t C-pU Xor-|
** ' .« o', lock.
man. a wealthy BngUshmaa. whol
............. ’
gave blm MOO,000 to further the work. I
Fimt Method at Ohurch.
Tbe adventisu regard Elder WtopeV* \ The shot fired last Sunday evening
eoBlng,na an act of providence.
- In tbc Eiral Methodist church has tak'At Albion, John V'Brien. aged ci.| cn effect, birds have been seen flutter
bedridden, tried to cut bis throat with ing. and feathers fiying in all direc
a raur, but failed. Be said: "1 tried tions. Another gun of larger calibra
todo agood job.hat luck was against will be discharged next Sunday even
ing. We intend to take steady aim.
and will be sure to bring, down the
Afeatnro.of the spring campaign
gase. The shot did not take Buch
tbU year Is tbe.large number of nomieffect on the lOo Methodist birds of
■atlons of women fur tbe office of coun
Traverae City, as yet only two or three
ty acbool commissioner. Two yeara
feather* have been found.
agoihaofllee in aevera! counties was
J. A. Blu..Mn, f^tor.
filled by tba gvatlar sex. and the
perUneal seems to have proven a
n Prmevea Dead.
; Baa Eran*isco.March i7.—TbsstoaB.
er China, from tbe Orient yia BonoinIn, brings news of the death of IMaPBSrTT WMZBT PA BIT.
ceB Kaiulani on the »tb instant. The
cause is attributed to ibilamiustory
The Bn Bsgle Club Matartained by
rbeumatiam Tha prineees waa born
«»./▼. McIntiBh.
is 1«7S.
The BnRegl* Whist elnb mat yeaterTbe prinucaa Was the.daugfater of
day afternoon at the homy of Mra. J. PrinoeM Minam Likelike. a member of
V. Melntoab on Stole aV«eL In honor the-Uawaiian royal family, and
of St Pauick'a Day the ladlea were Clegborn. an EogUabman. In 1891 ate
arrayed in approprta'e eaetamea After ws^rci .-laiBiad heir apparent by gneen
tbogames the ladiM were nshered into
the dining room where elagaat refroah
Beto^ Clarks- MeaUng ^
Bents were served. The favoin wers
esqni^to and the afteraSbn waa one of
There wj(l be a meeting of the retail
tha Boat delightful in tbe history of clerks- ndon in tbe parlora of Uir Forthe elnb. The decorntioDs were swUax eaten.' H£t Monday night. March ;oth
and ferns. Mi>, McIntosh waa sMlat- at' to /imgortont bnaiaea* to coa«d la entertaining the ladies by aidar.
MMa BavUaaA
Gnu. W, C. Mavsjbk. Secy. I
Bui \vc do believe in signs when they arc
so convincing as those which point to the
increasing dcmantl for
Is on every box of I'nioil Made Cigars—Insi>t on cigars
made under
label and yon will be sure of good value
ami a ]mre sm»(ke.
Union men earn good'wages Ar honest labor.
our "BEST"
Mi Front Street
.. Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs'.'
If so. this is i1u-|)>Ihc-<- to urt it lioin ni;ht ami {>r'>iii|>tly.
Eiiatu<-iiu>; Hud/..Hthi-Turuiiie of all kiinlft fall in and s*-e my new
!in<- irf wlt.-ols^.V
of wlnvls t*> leiit.
MRS. 11. li. GIBBS
Auction! Auction! Anction!
318 Union Street.
Sale Started Thursday, March 16th
and will last for ten days only.
The Entire Stock Of The Fair
Telephone No. 4.
Will be sold at Auctiou to the highest bidder
Nothing reserved everything must
be sold out in 10 days.
Men’s Suits S3.75
Men’s Suits $5.00
Men’s Suits $7.50
Men’s'Suits $t 0.50
L- .
t s • {iri'-'-s have bt-eii |iat upon ltnc« of tneu's suite- coniprUiue our wiuler stok-k—nouds that previously retailed at from
six dollars to seveoteea dollars. Our aales which have Ix-eu
unprr^ented ar»- a-ell merited, as you will readily ooocede
u'beu you W'e the goods for yourselves, and prices quoted on
them. ThU sale we aliall coatioue about a week lo^r, when
the Afrcater part of our new spring stock will he in. Kgfat now
is your opportanity if you have not already availed yonraeif of
our extremely liU-ral offer on above goods.
See our advertiaiMiient-oo child’s goods in another plao«^iQ
the Rix-CRI*.
Ramilton Clothing Co.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes. Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, jOaps, Boots
and Shoes.
Bemember, People, this Auction Sale is a chancoof a
life-time to bay good. Staple iMerchandiee at Auction. It
will also pay merchante to attend this sale. Semember thSi
entire stock most be sold in 10 daya Kemeaber the plae^
Broeoh Block.
844 Front Street,
r afternoon at 8HX> p. m. and at
7;00 p. m. sharp.
QILBBBT LEWIS. Auctioneer.
of Detroit, Kick.
N. B.—The Store nxtowa. Shelves. Covstom. Mlrrort. Desk, etc.. for sato.
THB mofi^mro kboord, satu&dat, xabch is. isss
Tnvwwoivr KUM.
I SeivereV tCems
7 ••Ob the 8qw»d«* Bi»er”for the e«B-QHy.
\\\P AOnrlA 5 i-« ofPri«l*y. MerehM, wi l »ttr«et
«»iAUie paic*.
,0\ XWX. WOT\U.
^ ^11
01 refioea Cleer
per bW. De-..............
“■ abort Cut Pork per lb..
'Pope L««»b«w» »ici» «>T iBcree»*o*r: ®*«^
-.ri- tbe
<k. SuvBnee Bieer'.U » dr«m- pjoor. U L. * Oo. bo«t............
■reekDce;. »cd b:» pbniciBM ere Arcrj
Btie jem. n»Hb dreotioo. loyeKy eod Eye Flour. B. L. * Co. Beet..
Ihnnvhi. There
fro* Bn.e«U euy. the DuWh
^ "
UlBBd.tafc been murdered in Brerolt. ,
BrukeiDM SMlor of Semi*
| heulthy woruiiiy ibul U eomee U
•truek by « truln end killed while i ‘ "fi***** "“'f
BtMdiBf on the tnek at NiucuruFella,
xm (old)..
eufi'Beatd In eoneerwtioo.
F. B. Moore, the srebiiect.. in prepsr-1 Com per bu.. old..
A (armerreeldinraboBtSSraUMlram. ini tae plana and apacill :ationa of the j^Utoee,
*Kiucatoo. CMBda. baa euptored over Sdccaat new reatdenee to be erected by 1
See Our New Spring Line of Ladies’ $2.50 Shoes
i -m
B. J. Moma.
j Buckwheat...
> elected thia year
The poatponed aoeial of Claaa So. 4 ] srma eatss OPTKATUUCm Ma!>
, Ohio. of the Firat Mk°B church will be givea
town. lUryUsd. Kentneky utd Miaaou Friday evealar. March •.•4 is Mon- Wheat, old. per bu....
Ufue hall- A featnre of the enter
A priatiag prcea k Mt ita wuy to tainment. 1^ addition' to the Glfylee
Kbartoam le cburre of Corporul Mnr taoaUy.wiU be the mandolin and chitar
0»« pioMcr aelaetioaa by the Soward brothera.
el the printla« ti«de is Bowdsseee
The carpeu for Ue new baate of
Traverae City Lodfe. So. 7S. K'. of P..
Whst ia SBdoub-.«lly the moat ez
bare been ordered from Seontor Mill!
pesalee tomb ever erected lor s private
Brv. E. Kdwarda paatorof thWEng S
llabBapilat Church at Mlneravln^J*a. |
Isdivtdnslia the aplenald msoaoleom ken'a atorewhrn Buffering with rbeumatiam. wea . •
erected in UreenaroodCemetery. Brookadviaed to try Cbamberlain't I'ain S
lys.to the memory of John Msckey.the T. M. wbo dealre to fo to Thompeon- Balm. Or aaya: ‘ A few appllrationa i
tisaforals mUUMsire.
It coat over vllle tonight with the Sir KnigbU. nre ,ot thia liniment proved of great aerviee-1
urged'to bent the C. A W. M. depot at ito me. It aubdned the iDflaminatiop ; S
Tbe train ja a retirred the
w abovcler in ChMpee. Meaa.. <',;iuahnrp this evening.
After you do this you wiU be convinced
that others Are not selling a $8.00 shoe at
$2.60. We give value received.
recenUy received 7 cenU lor Bve daya' j will isavr at 7 o’clock ahnrp.
work, tbecityitaklng occaaion to de-j Mra K'lU E«m<dcll haarecelveda mraduct what waa due It for poll taxee
ffom ij.iu. who who went to CenwlUi istereat . ft la said that about j
America to engage in the freight
M ooUeeted by tbe city' Il»'*»t'»UmnaportaUon buaineas. tba’. he haa
M. BROWM. Atiar-irr aaa CooBvrlior ai I <
< beta.aick with fever ainue b>a arrive', i^.
RprclBl BtWBUoB u. coUacOeii- .
ilakera of bicyclea have arranged the < Qe U ezpected home to recuperate.
detaila for the formation of a trade |
j. p
have! f)".^ **,
oombinetion that WiU involve ^
City. They leave
to the amonnt of f6b,4XKi.lHAi It la
tor their new ho^e thia week. Con
lUBE^llor at I
deratood Ibel 10 of tbe leading makera ductor Devine, of Traverae City,
of wbeela have entered tbe eombina- taken Mr. Aoatin'a p’ace on tbe branch
^ UouEcB^k __
________ >
- Uqn and that aeveral ptbers will prob—Elk Kaptda Progreaa.
obly be perauaded to add to the agreeCharlea McNeil of Cadillac.
town Tneaday. He baa aold the 300.-
E.pin« U, U toq.lr,
„ Ko.,..
.U ... .pprd....io. r.r U,. J J,
cUj. H. J.
Cb. »
I E... ,m Cl U. 1.P.-AUC W...
outbreak 4>f yellow fever in tbe ialand,
Mlaa Grace Eldred and Bather Parker
Bargeoa-General Htemberg laid that
will carry off the honore of aalnta
tbeA«Uo* fever aeaaon waa aome diatotian and valedictorian of the High
taoee off.Moat. if not all. of tbe Tolunaeheol gradnaUng i-lata of
teere would be brought from the ialand
Tbe Foreat Workera' Miealon Band
heforv there oonld be an outbreak.
will meet thia mftemoen at 3 o'clock
Tbe utmoatoare bad been taken of tbe
with Miaa Ethel Thomas of Webster
uoopa and aanitation of the campa.
street. The subject for study will be
F-jr tberegnlara who would remain in
- the uland there woald be the name
Tbe funeral of James O'Neil of tbe
vigilaaoe. Tbe general did pot think
pcnio'ula, who died Tbnradey nigbL
- th>-re waa need of any grave feara.
wilt be held this morptiig at tcSO
o'clock from 8L b'raneia chnrcb.
Mrs. Or A. B. Holliday ia very ill at
SB-&allroad OommiMlonaer WeS- Park Place hotel.
A floe pnrlraK of Mayor W. W.
•eliu. Beeenu tha Taming Down
Smith haa been preaentod to tbe pnbMu Oot From the Oovnmor.
Ue acboola. It will adorn one of tbe
UaoaiOh. Micb . March 17.—RaUroad rooma in the central bollding.
OommiMloaer Weaaellnt haa addreaeed
The Challenge orcbeaira under the
a long and eaaaUe reply to Governor direction of Bobert Price at the B)ya‘ ‘
Piagree'a letter annoancing bla Inteo- Band minatrela. will be a revelation ;
tiontoaot re-appoint him. He autee to mnaic lovera in Tmverae City.
be wrote moot of the governor's menMra. Richard Herkoer. a aalealady in
aagee. and waa tbe author of the rail- the Boalon iitore, fell on the aldewalk
ruad laz law. jnat enacted, which was on Vine street yesterday morning and
generally snppoaed to have been draft- received iuternal injuries.
by the iaieOolonel Atklnaon. Light faj Ralnh AnderSon wUl go to Inland
• thrown
imerooa administration this morning to direct the fnneml of
aecreu. and the governor ia called a tbe late A. M. C. L<ewia.
Mr. LewU'
' onward for not advialng WeaaeUna that two sons from Chicago will arrive to
he weeld not re-appoint him until the attend.
aimination of hU aecoeeaor waa aent
William Mag^
tu tbe W
to Ralkaaka after a abort visit with
solution Indoraiug his dang^ter, Miaa Sadie McGee, wbo
the Wea
U atteoding tha Tmverae City Buaiadopted in the Boose, thus ralaing an ceM College.
iMue between tbe administration and
A apeelat d
aoli-Pingree factions
Davu of Ralasnazoo absolutely refused large FianUb emlgraUoa into Canada
to rote, asd for thU violation of tbe may reaolt from tbe recent Rnaaian at-,
ralobewaa ordered reprimanded by tack upon the aneient righu of Fin
the Hpeaker. Thte inddenl is wilbont land.
ODW. Mivcber Btiard
OSo Priadrieh bloekv.
T a uaTia.ai
e to Proliswpr
lllr Co Blork.
1. Aiunncj
Opcrk Beoar Bia >
•,cur opci
118 ProDt Streat.
Every smoker knows
XSB3 OXa> RE3LI.A.13r.EJ
Ire conceded in he the 3
Enqrciopaedia Britannica
For One Dollar Cash
Sold by all dcali-ra.
> attvotlontotazciUe
paying the balance in small monthly payrieiits. Remember, too,
th.at the entire Thirty X'olumes'with a ^ide and an elegant Oak
Book Case, w ill be delivered w hen the fir>t payment is made.
• You will be surprised when you learn the
/1HAB G. TCBKKE. Attorew I
t-/ UtoeA millksaBloA.Tnii
X* A tIlUikwi Rioek. Hoera. Pto 11 a.B„ 2
to4p.» Tclmboaa.n________________________ '
Hck it is:
The complflf set (Thirty Large Octavo Volumes):
No. I—New Mvie Ru.k.am Cloth, Marhied Edges. ExtraI Quality
, M*.:hi!ie Finish B'wk Paper, fas oo
' •
First pavreent. One I^llar (fi.oo) and Three Dollars(ty«oi per
«nth there "
..alt Moroa .
Book Paper, fto..
First payment, Two E>olUrs (I2.00) and Four Dollars (*4.001 per
month thereafteiNn. )—Sheep. Tan Color. Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High MachlneFinlsh
Book Paper, l7$.on.
First r -------'
month tl.............
A reduction of io!Y Is granted try paying cash uithln )o days after Uie
receipt of the work.
if so yon know
mEAlNKD KVItag-MlM KaW)lr Bolcowb. b
X araduaicur Ihe CntWraKy Haapilal. Ana
Ar^. wlU
vrlUnraadtocalU tor auraUui. SI
tbe value of
J ADtE»-Dr.
J-l ibclr boa
ilot. At A liarsAJ
• piADO In cowl c<
in-|uirr Al MT 4
Tot further information call on Holley t Coonable,
City Kookktpr,-. eevuU tor Norti»*-e Micklnti
rpOKEKT Dw-trsble om-<e> to wet At WAWo1 aUv rAWA Ap|.l7 Nonbrra •relrpbaD*
rompAur. TooDi-ller blMk.
W *MHBtofo^uwbiA.
We have taken apeclal care in get
ting our boyb auA youth's aboea made
FI from tbe very beat quality of leather.
Aod ir».UNi per-oTto^k f»; o'. ^
Koaiautee every pair we eell. If
_ _ rA.«i.E-toti -ttofU
T;«0B BAI.a A »ood Ej.lr ____
r dbvAp lA.iUlrv of Mr> UvAdlc.
Our Liberal Discoonts
on Furniture....
Arc closinjf il out rapidly. Sale> Iasi week exceeded our
expectations. We are anxious to close it out in order to
make room for our larj^e stock of
Call at once for Barjiains.
Telephone ‘>2.
OAer eoous other prices.
A. S. Fryman,
PrtdfcD SbMiu
John R. Santo,
LeUerle's Hew Sbep,
Ever Burned Out
T A. THOMPSON. M. D OSw In Bauiiltoe
50Q Bicycles
Land For Sale!
back and tidca. no appeUte—graduLly
fvowing weaker dayrbj day. Tl#ee
— kad
*-*' given me up. Fo.-Ont Mce. to enamel, clean, repair
Htelv. a friend adriaed trying
and pnV In proper shape. Tbit U the
8rii. Bitter*.' and to my great joy and only place la the city where you ou
anrpriae. the firat botUe made a decided
yonr enameling pre^rly dohe.
ImpnivemeaV I oonUnued their nte
week*, aad am now a well
man. t know they taved my life, and
robbed the grave of another vicliiim."
Bo one eho«Ud tali to try the:
BO ceata per bottle at 8 B. tt
J. O. Johnaon'* Dmg fliorea.
118 UaioBBWwt
kiv.\> ju^^ how to steer a vessd to
bfiiiLi it s.Ut'ly
tlir»u;h the shoais
out i?
the ofvn. Just so the
fciK). I'lpa-UM BFilannii'a is the one
ah'i’lutely rvli.iMifor the
fna-e r»t lilt-.
One cannot go
wrong it its te.uljjngN are tollowed.
It ullslheinisUkeMnen have made;
how others havi-sucteededandwhy.
An intelligent man get.s good froni
the experiences ot others
dear ot the.roE'ks they ran against,
The very pre.-eiice
ce of the
■ Encyclo*
p®dia Britannica in a house pees the place an intellectual tone.
A library of thousands of vtdumcs Joes not offer such an oppor
tunity for successful home study and Jeaelopment as this master
piece of literntute. There is no more instructive reading on earili
than that contained in its ?o volume^. To a life whose current
runs tow.ird the future, this gr«l work is indispensable. Just
now you can secure the
Diamond J 3
precedent in the aute.
Tiatn'a Ooogh Bemedy.
Two of Plngeee'a nominations for
ils remedy la intended eapecUlly
memneta of tbe board to aiaeai rail
conghs. colds, croup, whooping
c,^ new pair to yoi> without extra charge.
and tetegmph I cough and iDflucnta. it has become ’.,—5
road. lele^one.
POIlAdelpb •. j
p.-operty. were refused oooflrmaUon oy 1 famous (or iu cures of these di
.Slock No, *17........................................ 7.tc
! Stock No. 30.......................................... PSc
man of Oetmitand B. M. Irish of Kal-!neen received, givingr aocoui
SOU of iU
' 8t.'34
Stock No- 54S .
’Sting and
maaoo. tha latter colonel of tbe Thirty-' good works: of tbe» aggravi
Stock No. -its..
Fifth Michigan infantry. Tbe third peraialent eougba it; baa culired.
revere colda that have yielded prompt
Slock No. 1(17..
a-uuiaee. George B. Horton of Fmlt ly to its soothing rffecu, and of the
i Stock No. 308 .
Ridge waa eonflrmed by a .nearly un- '
attacks of croup it baa
I have a number of piecea ot land 1 W. L.___
Dot „
and Irish re-1 cur^. often earing the life of
SJi moos vote. Oaki
wbi<^ I will Mil- »0 ectwk i' mile. ^ L Douglax..lamped
orived only fl*e favomble votes be-j^J'<^- Tbe extensive nae of it
MUth of Traverae City: good bnildiun ,
tween them, tha former receiving
■A WJBV aiAcaw UI am uaojrvrvuA cuu
qmoea. Sold by S E. Wait, drug13 mllea aonth of city. 40 aerea aboutU Jail for Immoral Oonduot.
7 mllea nortbweat of city, and I have .' You will Mve money if von buy yoni
Walter Gerwiok. Mertln Lamaon.
aeveral piece, in Wexford eoujsiy. H ■ .k~»
; you want to buy tome land I can aell It |
Dhts Rasa and Kina Kline were arrest
ed aboet one o'clock' yesterday momh« on the ekarge of dmnkenaeaa aad
immoral eoadact.
840 Wathington 8t. i
-mey apeeared before Jodge RoberU
yiBtevday attd Were each riven iw j an *«rk otbipavAt pmima orraet. Ptsaamdaya in jail, in detadlt ot fines and
-ork a .pwiaiw
_______ Ma^l^yAO<».»acn._______
A. *. SftwwwT. K. D . Prop't. E. W. 61
M. D.. BwKSiit Pbyitel.a. vltb ccarahla.
A .urUlBg iaeidant of which Mr. W/oTltpf1
to t£TAwM?A‘ptaCT'rw
John Oliver, of PbiMdelphla. Ah the I VV Cllllvvi
aepearaadaUdWrlAiiL. Ar. fm «trk *<h) d’.i
nub.'ccL it narrated by him H follow*: — ■ —------------'■
.tceMiwtMiBUit.pn(A.A»j)QatAAb WerthorgMoeb.
Tnveroeetiy. Mto
•M was in a moat draadtul oondition.
Hy tklB wts lUntoat yellow, eyes sunk-
The Encyclopedia Britannica
The Pilot
gooi cigar ty smoking it 3
dlwaaca e( all doairEtlr aolnalE l>) Ihr r •
Iai--«i aa-I t«->l maih.-d..
Upprlnl altrctimi; 1
'■7- Daraad mcblcallE pnEWpI- r
The King of Reference Works
Old Bicycles
Made Like New.
rbee! to look aa good a* new bring it to H E Gibb*.
. ,
19L, ud I will call and gel yonr wheel.
^11 repair, enamel ud decorate it up-to-date, for allule expenae. Call
aoeeamplesof eumeling.
318 l.'niOB Sb. opposite C. A W M depot.
H. E. QIBBS, Proprietor
.^24 Union Street.
On Saturday Next
WMi'li we propnet- waking tbe bann<‘r day of our “£x|>aoaioD
Sale" un Child’s Saits, wo will make an extra inducement u
follows: —
W(. have sometliing like one hundi(>d ••hildV sommer salts
carried over from last year'-'HiMte we will put in onrlotof
winter j{ood* wc have 'U-en si-Uing at such man'eloosly low
prices for tbe |mst ten days, making an advsniie sale on anits
which will aooc) be right in season. This will give you an as
sortment fnim which yoa cannot fail to make's aeiertion when
j you see the goods and priers attached to^ lbkin.
Remomljer, from one dollar to three and fonr dollaw ssv(k1 \
. OB every child’s Kuit porehased at this sale. Our aaleson child’s \
f suits sines this sale was inaugurated have never been ecjnaled T|p by os at any previous time. Y'ou will iioderetand why when w
i you call ami learn more of ’mr offer.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.