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The Morning Record, August 16, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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tBtBStn na
niRl T«u-No. 711
fiis PhTsleUns Ooasider Him
Ontof Dnnffsr.
■sou ]>aiolBCe Issorfsols with
XesTT lisss Xsoy Weosded.
Two Cents.
To a great extent indioatefi
the aocinl studing of the io*
flividnal and the piwperity
of the corporation.
Attook Oa L&bori Oaly the
BeffMnff of It.
Pserto Plots, Ao|t. 15 —T%e for*
beobcsft hs*s Wtslly dsfMled
sdlUe B«pm to b* oe XU F«M
in Fmoce.-Imagne of Ptiriom Bat
b. Tbs toot wM olaost
-••for* »r«7faa TrbU Is Boded-.
sod tbs woosded oo both
ched n Daring Pins which Oomtemoaoteroos. This eac*C«nu)t
Wimir DtoesMM tbs Bttsapt es Xb
pUied a llmnltaaeoiu Biot—[>nke
Iseootiderwl b, Ibe ro'BrowMt ss
Llissod OrsenbM tbs O.
of Orleue X^reeted in It
the Jimlaex oprisEesoM. doc. II —M. Loborl b dolac lorLondon. Ang. IS.—A dbpatch to Us
M well this oftersoos thst tbs doetMS
The foveromeat piss tor s cndosl Dally Mew* from Paris says that Ue I
«0Mldw him oot of dsoffor. Be lies as wlthdrswol of the poper aodep from sua4dc on M. Labori was only a tiny |
hb back oaobla to aors. but life b re- j dreolstka baa atablbhed eonSdenee. sampU of tbe storm which wonlc have
dornlar to the lac whieh was pestordaj
swept over Rennm had Ue plot Ust
tboorhttob* paralysid. He has oo
was batched in Parb aneeeeded. Tbe
fcrer aod eonUoass to dbeass the
plot waa no langbing matter. It was
trial. Thapbrateiaosbopatoaes hla
to baveripened into revolntlonary de«a hb feet before the DreTfas trial b Proxnloent Oread
Sepide monsmtirns on tbe boulevards Son-,
oodedi HbuasUlast has aot yet been
day. Tbeeanapi-nton were to make
Men Oommlt Suicide.
bonfires of tbe Dreyfnsile newspaper,
in tbe streeu and to barn the kimka
isy of the state- X. A. Fletcher, WeU-Knows Attorney where Uey were sold.
■Mat that the poeketo of H. Labor!
Thb would hsvs resnlted in^Ks callXUled Himeeif in Hb Offlee-B. a
Wfaea bthen and moth
ooat were rifled yeaUrdaywhUe be was
Benroe Took Hb Own Life on n Ohl* ingOQtof troopa The Utter, how
ers have tu fit their children
lyiay on the yroand wonnded. An atever, were to reverse arms and refnse
ctgo Beat-Both Ken Cot their
with more ahoes “just Uky
tsapt was also asde to steal the wal
to act After this some cavalry were
Own Throata.
these were”—a sign
let In wbieb be carried bb papeta
to help the movement
fetrins to the esnrt warOal, inelndlny
Telephone meosagm were to be sent
Grand Rapids, Mich.. Ang. IS.-NInotes for the eroas-eiamlnaUon of Oen ram A. Fletcher eommitted sn
to different poUb where members of
eml Mereier. If. Labori himself relat some time yeaterday afternoon,
tbe League of PatrioU were assembled.
ed the Incident. He bad-Jost fallen cot hb throat with a rosor. at jost They were to rush to tbe Bepublicaa
and aaw the ma mn ta hb side. One what faonr b nnknown. and died nt and Socisibt newspaper offices, sieze
That’s the kind of childMid: •Bboaetanstbetakenoff. He S:4S thb morning at tba 0. B. A. hoe- Uelr sufft and hold them prbonsra.
ren’s shoes we sell, and they
will be too boh'
SimulUneontly rushes were to be
pital. Ths news of the tragedy«
alone have saved dollars for
. The speaker took the east off and sodden shock to tbe Grand Bsplds bnsi- made on the pa^ of Ue' Elysee acd
naother seised the wallet-' M. Labori, nees eommaoity, partieolarly
tbe mlnbtriee of Ue Interior and posu
handreds of Traverse City
boewrer. retained bb pnaenee of mind hers of tbs legal fraternity with which and telegnpbs, when news would
and refnsed to aMow the wallet to yo, Mr. Fletcher bnd been idenUBed
pattinc It onfer bb bead for a pillow many years..
Ue prorlncm Uat Paris would have re
and boldine It with one band. The
Three weeks ago Mr. Fletcher re volted. A wur mlab^ nominated by
ooat was ahorUy afterward p
turned from Alma Sanltarinm where UeDckeof Orleans was to replace
acaln. Xma Ltborl found ber boa- bebiubeen treating tor general
General De Oallifet.
band's poekeb
Two days previous to the lutendid:
health and laeomnb- Be was very
They only oontalned personal letters.
execution of tbe plot M. Lepine, per i
hb phyaloal
Tba faet that no effjrt was mad
bat nothing anmsaal wna noticed nbbat feet of police, reeeired full informs^propriate bb wateb or money b re
wbeobe left tbe boose
garded as clear erldenoe of a plot.
et 9:S0 yesterdsy morning togoasntTbs impression b galolne erenod naltobbofliM. I'pon errivlng down
that the amasiin b bainr aided by anti' town he went immedbtely to bb rffee
Drayfas ooontry people. M. Labori's on tbs third fl xir of ibe Michigan Trust
Popular Shoe House.
phyalriaBB bare aant to Paris T>r an N building and locked blmeclf Into bb Kajor Oaaeral BnUer, Brittah Officer
ray apparatas to locale tbe bnllet.
private oiBce.
U flonth Africa, Halisved Becanse
tllymbsedend hb reof Boer SympaUies.
letlvep became alarmed and began to
London, Aug, 15 —Major Oeneml Sir
iDvmUgate. A knock on tbe office door
brongbt no rmponee. Mr. Potter, an William rraneb BnUer has been re
Vnrden Fnllerof Ionia Priaoa Shows attache of tbe office, crawled on tbe lieved as comnsuder of tbe Britbb
in Bb Xrport That Bxpenaea
ledge to tbe window of tke office. Prom troopa U South Africa as a rmnll of
Wars Opt OowB.
there be eoold eee Mr. Fletcher lying bb alleged sympathies. Sir Fredrick
Walker bas been appointed to replace
PateskeyAnc- li.—A Jtlnt meeting on tbe eonefa. Bb face was optomed him.
of tba prim boards opened at tbe Ar. and a feartnl wonnd abowed in bb
g bas begun at Cape Town
Mk. He breathed faintly.
Ungton bolel here today.
BzdKD Powell's mounted InAt the hospital the lejored man was
Otb Pnller'e report on tbe prison at
fantrr to serve on tbe froaUer. Tbe
iMb tor tbe .year ending Jane SO altended by Drs Graves and Griswold, first butai i> > .eft for Ue ret
rikows n lar^ deereaee in tbe nnmber bnt the lorn of blood bad mpped all
Tbe Boluwsvo ratlwsy cars have been
of prieoners dnrieg tbe past flseal year. vliallty from him and be died at tbe fitted with M.zimgBus.
Onrlng the past >Mal year only boor named.
Tbe DaHV Mail oorreapondeut learns
Mr. Fletcher had been very pramigw,000 has been
that 4.-990."^0 bas been placed to Ue
the state treasnrer, being only oent in the pnblle life of the city. Be
only 40 yesre of age. In 1883 be creditor Uc .mperial forces
gMfor each Inmate, m^lnst* former
It b state-* that Ue government wUl
elected on the Demoemtk Ucket to
aearages of |3i: during four years end
Bik basiaen eaterprUes
ot un<l<r.4.><e Ue campaign against
ing Jane SO. 18M. and gllS per year for serve in tbe eute twitlkianare made possible by tbe {act
Ue Boers er.-.b lees than 40,000 men.
tbe four years ending June to. 1191. moved to thb elty as early as 1870 and
(XpeTo«-‘. tug. 15.—'No reply bas
that time and sp&ce cap now
ly tbe pmeiloe of law.
The- foTorable resnit was, howerer,
yet been nc'-ved from the Tranevaal
be practically aaaibilated.
caused portly by tbe large ealee of for- He leaves a widow. Mr. Wanty. bb
govemmgM oo Ue subject of Ibe lateet
nltnra and the email pnrebases of stock lawpaitser b in tbe Adlrondaeks and
.K telopboneio the office or
Britbb propoeaU for a peaceable eelIncident toeloeing ike prison fn.*nilare has bean notified.
bon*, saves tbe one thing,
tlemtniof tliv qaeetions In dispute. A
taitory. When the b prison fllle<*}to iu
Edgar C- Bearce, manager of tbe dbpatcb frvffl Pretoria says Uai Ue
wb'^h if lost, can never be
fall capacity thb ooald easily be made Western Beef eompaay of Ub city
reply when sent will be disappointing,
rs por e»plb right along.
committed suicide Ub morning on bb and it b feared Uat Ue resnit will bea
Of tbe
men now in prison, sss are wsy from Coicago by boat, a^
breaking t ff of negotiations.
engaged in making shirts on
bb body was found after Ue stei
Pretorb, Aug. Si.—The executive ’
tract at S3 cents per dsy, and flftT- arrived at Ue dock. Be left here last
council oouclnded lu aeaeion si 13:30,
eigbt are knitting cotton socks on
evening for Grand Hsven, when
when order* were issued to Ue field
eontraet at SO eenU per day. Tke re took tbe steamer lotra, and when Ue eomeU to give ont Mauser rifiee for
mainder of the men are employed etateroom was <^ed at C;30 Ub
Marttn-Henrys A greatcrowd gather
In doing tbe general work of the prb- morulng bb body was found upon Ue
ed to receive the arms The poMibUl
on. Tbe official force for Ue prboo
floor with bb Uroat cut; s small pen- ty of war wiU Great Briteln b sboui
has bean rednoed from flfty-flre to knUe baring been nsed.
Ue only sueject dbeoased.
flfty-thmand a foithar rednctii
two or three wUl be made as so<
Thb Calf b a Konstrosity.
tba tnnltnre b ail closed onk
B. R. Briggs of Westwood. Kalkaska
eounty. b in Ue city for Ue porpose Offers Two at XarUniqoeand Thirteen
of czblMting a mooatrsalty in Ue form
la Onban Waters.
VeU Knows OeapU arietly Xnrried of a calf aeven weaks old. Tbe body
Madrid, Aug. IS-The cabinet bat
of Ue calf b weU developed in e
Last Might.
respect except lu head, wb'cb b de decided to auUorize Ue sale of Ue
Last nifbt Mr. Charles Oermaine, formed la a peenlUr maaoer. The gunboau Delgo de Velaequez and
yopnlar member of the Boy's Band, face of Ue calf b partially eovered by a Galicia, now lying at Martinique, and
And Mbs Ada Ensign surprised tbelr sort of hood, and it bas Urae db^nct nboUlrteen sssaller vhstU StUl U
friends hr being qnletly married. Ths BostrUs, one of whioh a in Us roof* of
neramony was performed by Rev. a T. the monU and Urongh wbbb tbe
atont at bb reeidenee oa State strMt. animal broathea. There are i~twriffn*
Bum Ball Today.
Seen afterwards the baad sniprieed the Uat a bom wUl be developed from
Thb afternoon Ue D. A. C. team
le by eerenadlng them at tbe home OMtre of Ue forehead. Besides Ums
of them
4 mother of the groom on flUtb features Ueru are otbecs which bake wm again go against Ue Haatlcis.
team has beea forUfled
•met Beth will be warmly oongrau- Ue eaU an object of Utarest. . It b
wlU stronger players than appaared
Intod by a large circle nf frii
strong and kealUy and aside from Us kere before and Ueir crack pitcher,
ris mmiUoned b wall formed.
Berry, bas bean groomed onrefnlly and
kb etrangU saved for Ub game. The
At Hew Orieana, L B. CheterlUe, an
riaitots expect to toke at least two of
amprtopn Liner Leavee Fhlmbth lUlnris veteran of ths Bpanbb war. was Ue Urae gamea. but Ue' BasUars will
toteried to Mbs Handy, a baautUul
he on deck. Tbeee Urae eoatoats will
New Orlsans girl, and Ue host man
be good anas and worU a mneb Inrgar
Leadon, Ang. ll.-The
was a hare smcmbI of Ue Sant^go
idanea than b eaatomary thbaeaUneptaOMhip Paris, which wasreeent- campaign. Ihe romnneebegaa a^ysar
Big erowds help out and Ua bif>
ly floated from the Manacles, wheta ago last April, whea the 1st Daitod gar tha erowd Ue bettor Ue gaate.
Aak your denim.
■he weat ashore oa Msy II. laft Fal- Stetoe InUntry. of Shafter's old rtgimonth for MUfetd HavM thb morning. meet, passed Uroigb New OrlMoa.
The bain dne here on the C A W. X
She waa towpd ont by togv b«t oa
laands thronged to Ue Uir gtonad
ma«Aiwt tbe opmiaea she need her own to eee Ue hardy Wentora r^nlaia. kt e.-05y*ntarday morning had tbe tank
Amomg Ua erowd wm Mis. Handy and wheeb bcDkoB awr Anau and had to
another engine sent from bare to
Mbs Handy. Oonfnned by the erowd,
VM pnifilUlt
lake tbe tralB OB north.
Dr. Phil B.K»ewt« the Oiaad Rap Usy started to have tke oamp. wh«
ids Ibet BMolaibt wlU U at HoM Qintortiae offered to show Umn the Heyetaupdiai.
Whltl^, ffedamday mi Tbanday..
220 Fmol atreat_________B.lph Ooim.bl. Jr..
G. A. R. Suits ' Hat Cords
Is becoming popilar, too.
Riggest and best ID cent cigar
foi thn price.
A. W. Jahraus
White Gloves
60c, 76c, $1 00.
16 and 26e.
Fashionable Outfitters.
124 Front Street
A. V. Friedrich Block
I Novelties
Than Traverse Relle
The Favorite Sc Cigar
20 oentt
G. A. R. Hats
*6.00,»e60,»9 00.
All is New in This Store
Shoe op yoor
chililren here..
Michigan Telephone Co.
have latest tinta tud
^ «*«• of pnper and enrelopea,
^>-5^ (85 each) (ot 16 to 25o-^
very beat Soc to 60c.
We hare the latest publications at market prices.
Don’t be miajadged (or th«
difference in cost—or
Mjppr' perhnM yon are paying good
P^'pnc« for out-of-date aUtioov
Drop in and
look over our books.
It's a
Good Sigo....
.AsMfisnt Vot T«( AmsMd—Wo«ad-
rmnuTt am
Black Grepon Dress Goods
I Beceived yerterday-AlBo. Mlect fltylM in CoT*rt»—
I See onr diiplay window.
Music on
the Water..
—m camp, on mountain
or on shore adds addi*
tional charm to mid-sum
mer amusements. Don’t
I leave for your summer outing without a good guitar,
j violin, mandolin, or banjo. If jou are without one
j look at our stock of musical instrum^s.-' Our stock
j of fine Kimball'piauos and musical insfrumeuts emI braces the bestjthat are made. Our prices are low.
K. E. SI60HG, lungs.
m pnil SL, luUiui Bkick
Drop In.
And>ee thoM $4.00 band tern laoe and but*
ton oboes tbot we are aelling for $3 (X). Only
a few^alre left.
Before baying the ohildren'e echool sboee it
WiU pay yon to caU and look over oar
Wa make a apedalty of SCHOOL SHOES.
We] are headquarters tor gantleman'e fixe
TBM xoBVora mBooKD, wEbrasDAT. AiroasT 16. ISM.
BrarUtoa. The Udtoa’ Guild ^ Graeu. ChuMh
wIUMstMSp. o. wttk Mto* Sarah
ea. AU BXBbun are iTfitiMted
0«XM to XulMoa. •
— n---A meeUar of tbe mtoakMiT eoeiu^
T. «4ni AMD J. W. HAnittf
of the Bsattod cV.urak wQI be held in
uhurek pariota thto afternoon
»n».br*«r»-o'»>«•>“ “
A W. l«nB. sum Md Mm—w
tkolTimr., Aditd U> V.D Rm.*
Thoer who wish M k*ep a score
Btto. 0**e Anotkcr emnw to Bkl*
«e raaea betwean tha D. A. Cb aad.
ioMin»-tt vM* W«mO»iM«itk
tbe HWUert can do so by caUiar at S:
Benda A Co-b aad cslUny a eeora card
Moiamw MMooaB.
ouronAvnai bkrald.
Du ButTan iMt Twtartar^
Ron Top Cafe
140 Front Street.
i-i- 2?'®
M E A Iv S
Lmicfaes and
Oil Stoves.
it reaUp laokM aa tkoafk tba BwUan
Tbe next neeticr of the Grand TnrOrder Cooking.
rre Distriel Oraors. No 17. wCl be
Blfht psU oot of Um
tray, bet wkM tbe MiUiooalrea pOtd bsld at Inland oa Aaznst U and >1.
optoarnMlstbeflitbiBslactt waa
Wtyne Waters fi«bed ao the Beardaiyailtfr. t'ptotbatUMtbe laa yeaterday aad
six aloe trout.
goMsaaUie n.oat caeltisf aod laL*ri PeaBinrUB and Charles Balm
- We faave a good assortment of the Quick Meal
Now Doiiifi BoroeM.
~Tb toMl ««lBi of U« osporu from teaaely Istraeailsf of may on tbe boM fikbad la the Boerdaan yraterdar.
^ UsHod SIMM dBrtair tiM 7mt Md- IpvBnda thto eeeecin. Tbe crowd waa Lrn rot one alee one aod Charles bss
B1u» Flame Oil Stores. It costs less to bum oil than
aot not yet reported.
I— JUMM laM WM •l.n7.4U.«»- •omewbat aaoonrayior lb
• aatke tean dtaerrea. ft
Btrlar tb« •!< iDootha eaded ob tb«
Tbe Companions of Poreeters wiU
wood, and a great deal less-trouble.
MM dau tta* vala* of EofflUh rzooru wee one of tbe old-tlM beee hall aerre a dinner in Forcetera’ ha’I today.
«M sise SIMM. MslUply tbia Aon erowda. Bootora rrera plenty and cnO.te of tba pleasant features of eotorWe hare a fniriine of stores and ranges.
waa reeklMly let looee. The talnment la tha City Oeera Bouse ia
^ two. oad tars tfa« rwalt Isto dclUn
OOd 70s fst. MJ. »1.»«.US,000 looom- BuUera wcrerlvw de>- kupport Px.m eoonectloa with the prodnctlon of tbe
w<U Um AowrlcoB tolo’.
••HrarUof the Bine Bldre” waa ths
fraatiosUj. U>u. tko Unttcd BiotM Tociferonaly reootm**’'
•eleetloDS of Profeseor MurtaarWe or
The rtoltora pUyed an errorlera (aM chestra.
180 Front Street.
House Furnishing Store
are u Decenary to yonr health ae
•■port trad* boa sow otest oa aqsol
—fiSfoto TOlae with Bnrlooda, wb(U and thalr hlu were well placed and
The Buatlwa will play arnmeof are tbe atone bnrra to a griat mill.
ihs More ralwUe home Borket la Is yiren with terriilc.force and frtqoaney ball with the D. A. C. loam this M^raThe
for eoM rao^lp twlcw m Ib^ oa Bof'
noon. Tbe attendance shoold be larce
iMd’o. Tbe •IfsiteoBM of IhU oob' ed akarp. iwift ball. They hit Wel as thto aeries of three r*aM
fortaea la beifbtened bp the rseol]eo- ters (reely but there was altraye a iatereetlnr and worthy ol liberal pat«Ua of tha clreomatoBM U»ot-toklnf fielder aader or ayalnat the ball rrtth rauareAXD Ksonea
u I
• HTlM of 7«on 08 o per kaod boaloOle Boatran has raised a handsome
•ko B—llab eaport trade to, deepUe ibe fitih InBlnz MeCall rapped out as pret new American flsrorer the Betel Lee
faeMiopsrt. srarked by retrofreMios ty a borne raa ai one mid ieaarlBe, lanau.
Mtker ttaoa bj procreea, ksd that the Bcorlay tbe first ran for Ute local team
Maoarar fieboe has recelrad a prtrpOslWd 8tolM exporto rapreaedt prodl- ' Tnto set tba crowd wild. But it oaiUon to Uke ths BusUera to London,
wsa all kfl In the rtoltora' half of tbe Ontario, for two rumra. tbe ladoeefiow yrowth—a frowth abowlsy
Innlny. when Eoy« dropped on eoey meat beiar fiioo.
affu of demlastloo.
fly. which erentoally reealted la o
The Boys' Band will meet tbe rarions
. XSXd-o* jobntallas to oot oosdaad
eoaple of loorea. Loieo-on by a coaple ■ O. A. B ports npoB their amral today,
Ike Dalted bUMa by any mom. Oort Bora errors at erltlial times bs sdded | and tomorrow aad Tbnraday the Oresto tbe rtoitoea score. Woaeler eontrib- C'nt band will also farntob entertainIt bod ewmrb. bsUn Frooee tbe
MtiOBoltos of oerUlB oewepopei
nted bis ahaie atoo. Aside from thcee msnV
fol to ooBtamplole. Soote tbe ««>"' put up a fine fitldlny yamc
Toe fn’lowiur made an a jslly pic
of thoB reeoyalae no 1
and tha aikA work waafood,
nickinrnertr at Ne-ab-te-waa*a ycewhowrar which do not pst Booey la
A hot liner frooi Pox's bat In the terday: Hrm. Blyrin*- Mrs. Pay. Mrs.
tbeirooffeto. and the Intereato of tbe fifth knocked one at WoUcra' ftoficra Griswold. Mrs. Roxbarr and the Misses
oat of Ji^nl and
waa Oertinde Hlrrint. Luslla Whitworth,
Bt do not lafiaenoe then one way
It would bare fone Mabel Fby and Morilla Johnsoa.
«r oBother aoleM-tbere to money forth- hard with Woltera bad be rauined;
The adrace sale of seats for Mrs. St.
It waa arideat that be eoald not Oeorre HoMcy in ' Mm •- O'fihsorbae • bulseea beeasee It paya. U to keep ap bis salt. Brednahaa pitched a ueasey.’* to be presented at Steinberfb
^ onllkely that the diaeonlent and rood rove and held tbe blu down.
Grand ton irSV to eery brarr, and a
ted out with one ran e-owded bonee Ajjrobable from the InaaiMt alaoat alwaya predomlnatlnc In
flimm to larfely dne to her newapafirst Inninr which
fMt, wkoM iBflaeaee Blybt be power- obtained by a baee hit by Morris
There are now two or three more
AUy ezerud In tbe oppeeite direction. sey andmae by Hickey. Both stele a merebautoto be eecD refsrdlor the
ka-which put Morrlaray on thlri He early cIobIdk Boremeau ...--------All otbere
' tr the Befle would oeaee lu eant flaally scored on PlUalmMns fly to
U) close their plseee of
. - , . « -1.1 1___— .w. U.ll
k.A re-|.
•beat the tIoIoUom of dcnday Uwa ita rifibifleld.beforetheballeouldbe
odllor would eaeape the neeaeelty of turned. The fourth added one sore. lay except Tuceda>^e and Skturdaye and
Both waa eafe ou a bate hit over abort the rrat wm nndODbtedly fall into
fBhorroaelnr explanaUona.
atop. Holley waa alao aate on a litUe Una at eooB at they are eeca.
one paat aeeoad; Both stole third aad
Udertaker Aoderaoc bit a alee oolSeraoML
\me la on fielder'e chole*.
leetlou of war relict ou exfaibitiou
' Mtoa Mamie Sehnlaeyer and Mtoa
Poor more nuta »•« ohalkad ap la bit window on Ualoa ttreet. A field
loon SUffeMofCbleofo ore ot Spriay
the fifth by Maniatee after Bufka waa ylatt captured from Gee. Lee aed
Beech for on outlny. .
oat. Horrlwey yot firat oa B-cyee't copy of tbe VleWbory DtHy Cit<ten.
Oorld Horoer. of Weat Newton. Ind
antcr, took third on Htekey'a two-bwe pob'tobedlu 18M, aiedtoolayed. They
ia —ondlac 0 few weeka In the city.
hit aad croaaed the plate when McCon Heiouy to Mr. Marria. Some retla of
AO.Bldridfe. of the Mlddlebury,
nell went oct at firat, filrlafi Biekey Sbermaa't march to tbe tea are a eaa
Isd. IndMendeBt. to Ttoltlnr trien
third. Fiutlmmoct put out a iwo- teen, a earUidye caee an-1 a motket
•teoltyaad eieinlljr. oediiBOde the
haae hit that brought to Biekey. Both owned by Mr Mouroe.
Aleo a flay
^C:*D 0 plaoeont cell yesterday.
followed wlUi a tafealayle: then Bol- carried byIfeClellaDd aod Pennlnyton
Kra. W. d. Batea baa returned
ley took tha hickory and made a twoM^ukeeattera etolt with bdende bwe hit iaaide the fenee brluyiny la InJSMareoB exhltiU<ie.
Tbe teacbrat in attendance at
Piteaimmont and Both, but wueanybt
Mr. andMra. W. P. Guatlne. who
inatitute, la aeation in tbe Central.
Bara been rltitlnr Miu. B. Gray and trylay to make anothfe Uae. reUrlng j->yrda trip arenad the itland
•tbar felaUtta here, ratnraod to Ckd- Uealde.
afeht on tbe Coiorebia.
Tbe eiykth added tte tont three rnaa
;BlM yetterday.
Winnie Baker and her yrandMlher. to the Millioaairae’ eebra. Both atart
ed off with a eafe kit to ehort which
An. Tentoh. who bare been rtoltlnf at
made a bad bound.
Holley reached
Oedar City, bare ratnrned to ttaelr
firat oa another of BoyM'ierrora, Both
bOM os 6lote street.
r'evir Theto new swell
ambllag around to third aod teoring Are UMially Due to Some
injuiltheprop r-»
wm Daria of Ckat City, baa returned
fortable or eon\JUII
goods in all sites Skirt
Aatiqoe B4brangemeat of the
on Hnat'e error.
Woltera waa preer aklrt length* UOWn venlenl amand boDS (orMoire
aod color*. Yon r^i
tbe neck or belt
tbe house. Wear These are all extra widths,
• In tbe dty aeated with bto* barai Breaaaban waa
Trad Otto of H<
moroing while aod we bave them In six
oct but HoUey took a^ud aad third
^tarday on
most base one of these
teen color*—the bandkom
dark Alien rode orer from Blk Bap- on two errora by Wheeler, Bufka wat
We bongbt early and aecur- them to tell from 3Sc to Selling at the remarkably e*t patte'Bs that were ever
raUred but Bolley aeored. Moirtoeey
Finrat low price of PI 00. . If you nnpseaed—are etrietiy npjtft yeaterday.
the beet. Prices are from 11 TS per yard
producu of the eastern want belter we've got to-datc^
Walter Murray baa accepted a poal- madea bit Jjtioff firat bag. which al
•ion at clerk in Tbomptoa'a druy atore. lowed Woltera to aoore. m»hing the
In the erening of life—after
C. B- Lorejoy of B<( Eapida bM re- last run tor Maatotee.
btulet arc (oOKbt—wbr tbouJdn't
The Buiilen can count their ra
Inrsed borne after rtoltiny hto ■toter,
oUl tolki enjoy in eonifort their i
4wo laninga. the fifth aad alxtb.
Mra. '^UD Cole of Pine ttreek
It U uiutlly (be kidneyi which
Prank Votraba to enteruininy bto tbe fifth MeCaUatartid tbe ball rolling
-1th a daisy borne run. Fox followed get out of order, tod cause barktc
Irothra. L P. Votruba of Cbleayo.
goods arriv
tiivra a toneb
rlie* and an
Bave ’ readjusted
MiraOlieeB. White ot Manralona ;t with a two bate bit that atrnck Wol fillet* o tbe blood tbe kidneys
that pleases tbe priera on a score styles H*ve them in every style
yWtlnc bar brother. B. B. White of tera aad eompe.lcd him to yield the bard U remore from tbe body tb
bringing the acaaon'e beat made and tboae for the
box to Breenahan. The
lUdtoon atraet.'
mneb better artirl- for I5e. them in t « 6 4. ■‘•4. rang opponanlty fo<- good cor neck ribbon* are the one*
MlB KllxabeOk Coyne ralaraed yee- took Omplru Perria la tbe neek, bat u
They be^ln you waou nc buy* any of
(the brat of *11 <Tx CO inch ing from 7Sc to tbe very *cu cheap.
d ,10 wil
back, and aniem aitcnded
at &Oe and go to the brat.
Parka atraek
troB a two weeke' rtett at Mue- didn't pbaee*blm.
finrat at to 00.
(or a quarter.
a dozen rariettoa. more for
fool poisons in the bio
better one*.
and Geer aacOaraoa fiew oat to Bcfka,
• 1
Mrm. D. A Oreaao Uft ree- reUring tbe aide.
•arday for Oaawn. Pa.
Two ruaa were added In tbe alxtk. at tbe root ot trouble by meki
■AHor W. & Hetoon of tbe Leelanau Bunt leudlng with a eafe alaglc In left kidnera ttrony, bcaltby aod rij
_ All manner of
■Btarpriae eame to the eity.'ymtorday. field. Boll following with a two-bahe They core BHxbt’a dleeaac, <
OmDS shapes of aids
Prank O. White of Balkaeka to rtalt- bH over right field tenea. putting Buut diabetes and all diaeaaca of the ki
OB third: Boyce fouled obi; then i lieer aud bladder, ai well at c
e 0 m ba All
pg hto heather. K. E. White.
them in all atxra,
Wheeler made a alee Utile tingle o*er. coQiiipatioo. They bate won 1
maaaer of oraamenta. All
J. B. Sante and wife hare ratorwed firat. that tmugbi In both Uont and miration of old people in pertleni
youra St from a third to a sizes of back eomba from Se
be dropring ouH half o9
Bull. MeOall and Pox were out on cause they make it poeaibfe for i
pom a ftoit to Petoekey.
Oot to make the pair to toe. New pom latest tblag worn, aad tte
any color you waat. and room for new goods. mn»t padonr combs at »e. Al- finrat good* pat oa tiu
Ckarlee BUlman of Cedar waa in tbe fiica. ending the raa getting for M enjoy la old ^ tbe comfort as
from l&e the dcian—eant bare tbe abelvra. Dandy am'.ncm pocket combs Sc market. Follow the atyW
home team.
Ibev baee ao well earned.
ptg yeaterday on bnaineat.
^ 1
bare too many.
FoUowlng to tbe labdUted aerae:
and be In it.
line here ia a few days to 40C.
Mr. J. U. Brigbiman. Ledyard.
Mra 3. L. Uibtaa to In Wtocoaau vtoltTake advantage now.
wrttw : “I am a bUcksmith, aac___
taf frfeada.
bad kidney disease to iu srorat form.
• At times I could o<
Mra. O. Kmedytyf Taatt atnM la
0 lor fire years I was
a M. A. Robertaoi
ache sod terrible p
Brand RapMa
B. MaBamara and
Pox wet
KidneT-Lirrr Pllli' >0 highly tba
an ImMgk uaoovk
w entirely f
to takela tha carai- llittall f ...............
to suit the moat exacting.
All stores don't carry them.
're made In all man
................ T T “
thrae uaefal wrappeea. Oot ner of plaids, aad tbe oeat- if yon think It's too cheap Just opened ape aew Une
Taaraaw Cm. ,
00c piU a done. »s cento *
them la all atylea of make* ert thing on the_Mrket. we can eell yon something and eelling fiat at Ite; two
dcaton. or Ur. A. W. Cba
better. All war g. ode are for SS-!. Better have an
aad In colon to aolt all Have one for a eSxnge.
Company, BcSala, N. Y.
gaaraotefid to give tbe brat extra ooe la caee of andtastra. from TSc to S3.00.
OoM rarly aad get your
of tatiafaciloa.
Commenciie MoBday, lug. 14.
Saturday, lug. 19,
318 UNION street
’'""S:r‘“‘ii;w.s. ANDERSON. 1 I
Some Cheeks
to Investigate
See how email checks it will take to cover one
of these checks. Check off the one you want,
briny a check wi'h you, (we can uae the cash
too) and come early so the crowd will not be
checked on its rush for these checks
r a ds
Corsets S'.T'STi Cut Steel
: Bath S'.'-d'frj.;: Table
Buckles "VVn
[ Towels
: Hair
I; rins
■| Wrappers-;- 25c
Mr. PmrU amplrad tha SSilVT;:::;.;; S
turaad home yeaterday after rUitlng
lliaa MyrUe SnuahaU.
r.&«hryard, wbohaabeOT vtatttny
Ua Mtoyr. Mia. U A. Bragg, haa ra(nraafi to hto host In Daboqaa. Ia.
J e
I Oaitta; ampk*. P*
ssit, Trassraas: a
-s::; Remnants
Ribbons ^ -?i
My Dental Office will
closed two weeks, commec
ittg August 17th.
Th« Baiinah & Lay MeFcaotik Co.
:■ :<^r:
'rag geaiiaaMp^ wtoctwat, Amvm i«, leea
i Stfcte SVWM
mriP’mivri«i w W i«r V mir
ABOtkm •( Um kMW «f Ik* «p*ai>k
mrkM k*M UU %nr Bvrjh
Tnaj of Go. a ffUMiMstt OaitM
•UM* lat»*lr7. Jolaad th« 00*0*07 »t
.•iMdBi^Ma*a4«*a«*kMk boo* to
Sb«l'«7 lut Peoeobtr. bat ikc tU
MMtk* b*d bMB loo mn«h tor blo.aod
»0t roaowiu M te*i M Umt rrftBtrd
U« to. kto fwnta oorol to Ma*ke.
toabot Apr;), whore he eeeld ba<*
bvttor tiwlaeat, bat be aeaar raeov
Tbl Korito. k tb* aeo* of e diotae
tie* Md dalotj JepMoe tad/ who ie
ekiUar frteade Id Adrtaa. 8k*
«r*r with » pwiy of ntamiar oiMtoeartee. 8be bat • ebUd « /aan old lo
JapM bat wheo ab* wee ooaverted to
ebrleaealt/. »b* wee "patawa7’‘b7
her eoastr/oen. aed epeat foai- /eare
la a retreat. Sb* propaeae to It her-
Mlftor* toMfaer.
At Ann Arbir eoae thief eatored the
9t. TbOBM'e Oatbolie ehereh aad
wiaaebiAT *be “iwof bv" freo the
waUef tbe eatoue* wa/. took tee eoateate. The bos wu enpOod bet a
few dap* before Md U I* not tappoeed
that there wa* nneb monep therein.
There kae been aa hlfh a* «I00 eootrlbated to the toad Md depoeiud la tb*
d. W. Blrlep. towaablp olerk of UP*v, bad a part of tb* eellar wall onder hie beuM dw tro/ed in a peeallar
Maaner. Tb* roou of m apple tree
foreed their wap Into ^a oellar fron
to toet awep. dcatroplac tBe wall *0
that It will hare to be rebaiU One
root bed cnelrrtrd a seollon of a boald*r, wbiob .lu cspaotlon bad chipped
tbe main piece, and halo the
■tone tlffbtlp In lu
At OleefO U>e Oonarefatlonal ehnreb
mu rlre n norel roterUlnmant Krtdep
aifht It wUl be a mock weddlnr. the
paru belnp token ' p pronlneni cnll
dren of the town.
8ii brldcemaid*
wUt attano tb* bride. liU* Bntb B..
daartaler of Mr. Md Mr*. Oeo. Bdward
Bardeen, dr., who U to bo marrlod to
Bal^^tller. M.' D . bp Ser. Dr. BurCoe^A earplleed choir will linp Md
a reoebtloa wUI follow at tbe eonprefbUonal pamonare, the borne of B r.
aad Mr* E J. BarpeM.
Brarrhiog to Beadlaraa tor Os*m
Atmr TeteraM-- ^dep'e Brognni.
The whit* taoM <rf Camp MaPbrnnoa
ar* aU la pceltlm aontbwent of tha Mtc.
w^tiag tar tba remoMt of tb* "Old
Onard’looetapptbemtodap. And tbep
wlU not hare long to walk Bp wu
train aad etaamboat tb*."old bop**'
wtU begin to arrlra, enrip U tb* dap.
Tbep *iU And ererrtbing In readloam
for them. Tbe keel O. A. E. rotemae
bare emplblag arranged, ‘^e taete,
aet in mlU arp prceielon. walii^ tor
IhMr oeenpMU. Tbe gTounda will be
brilliacup lighted witn eieetrie tampa,
t* eupplp all tbe aeremary llumlnatlon not furalsbcd bp tba moon. Clip
water 1* prorlded oe all part* of the
ground an'd the came wUl be foond to
be a rerp eoaforuble on*
Tbe eommleerp department oeenpla*
the buildirg adjoining the AdroatUt
church- Bare are green eom,poietoa*.
ragnletioe armp beuM. hard tack and
■■eow-bellp." with canned goods to girt
rallsb, not alwep* prorlded for roterane when thep were enmpnlgnls
A few only of tbe rlclti^ reteraaa
are already bare, dome of the ropraeenutlre* from MMle
and Berthoori. who could not get here until to
day ease* is laet nlgbv
Tbe program for today 1* a* follow*:
Forenoon—Beeentlon of Comrade^
eignmanl to Quartor* In Camp MePbarna.
lt:oo m.—Diaaar Call.
140r.m.-Band Ooaeart at OtMd
1:10 p m.—Onmp Fire Batertalnmai
«:10 p. m.—Dree* Parade.
e:IO p. m.-«nn**t Gun.
r.oo p. B —Addree* of Weleome
Hon. Frank Hamilton. Mayor
7:S0 p. m.-Benea*e br Hta. Hedeon.
of Maneeion*.
8:M p. m —Fire-mlnnte Cbmp Fire
Ta ke bp Volunteer*
J0;00 p. m.—Tnp*
Bxoellent Vra-.nre* in Oononrt for
Beniflt of Flpe Oigin Pond.
The Bueloal Md lltorurp program to
hegirnnnl tbe home of MUe Alice
Boberu this ereolng f<w the bencit of
thep)lpe organ fund of the OongregaUonal church hM been arranged. The
program should cell ont a large crowd
as it 1* lor a worthy cause Md Is bring
airanged bp one who be* mnde such
work her profession.
An admlselon
fee of IS oenu will be charged to go to
tbe <wgM fund. Tbe following procram ba* been arranged bp Mis*
Baritone Solo.........................
A. U Currier.
Violin Solo -'Ceraiina''......................Beff
Siaueue Bsrnutn
Soprano Soio^^priLgilme"
Dio utjprlbgltme" ...Becker
Mu* Boberu.
Beading. ‘■A Model Uncoure
W.a Boorru.
Solo. "Udele".............................
Brripu Mutgun.
Baritone Soio................................Selected
Mew Bptaem at W**tbm Wabt^.
Tbe Oval Wood Di*k Co. wUl blow
tb* weather BtcMlataAF dap banaltor. aa toUowe;
Tb* aoM wUatl* wfU be Mown at
lldAetaadard Urns, after wbleb tb*
wartber algaale wBl be blownGee long bleat ladleata* fair waatber.
r*ra loag blastt led oatae rata or
aaew aocerdleg to tb* eieeaiL
Three toeg blaau indicatoe laeal
Four long .bteau indleaua abower*
followed bp toir weather.
Om abort blaet IndleatM lower
Two abort blaaU Indleatm U
Thar* M aomethlag nbMt
oaaedp. "Mra B. U'Sbaagbnmaap
(Wnab Lady)- in whUi-MiatSt. Oeerge
BaraepU etorriag thia eraeon. that
eeame to plaaa* tb* ainuUp eevar*
Meetem eriUe immeneely. U M da
aerlbed ea a olaM-eut high an eomefp.
not qaiU n* Oeltle na tba n»mc woald
imply, but jMt enough ao to entlUe It
to the nee of the tit'.e. Mta* Hnmcp U
well Md taeorablp known tbeougbont
tbe United Siatee'ulao la Biglnnd end
judging from tbe Bumeroua marked
exehaages rceelved et Manager 8>elnberg's ofle*. tha management bee
rouded her with one of the moat cspeativ* Md ttumrran* farce comedy
comnanlea of the ecaeoa. Tbe comedy
reailp ha* a olot Md a very laterei
one. wbleb give* Ue variouscharaeleri
of the play an opportunitp to dii
to the fttlleet extent tbeir ladlvj
talent* New and eaietay eoage. Cel
tic. rag-time Md operatic are Intro
duced with senmtloual daaee* which
are woven la prettily during tbe
Polleemea'B Benefit Bali. A nnmber
of bigb-cleaa epeclaUlM am preeeutod
Md the attraction aa a whole 1* one of
the bmi to visit Traveree City thU . _
eon. It will be aeoD toelgbt at Steio-berg's Grand, bp a large attendaae*
Tb.-ee abort bleaU IndlenUa eold
Ooe long and three sbort blasU Indlentee fair and oold wnve.
Mia* Flora Oaeptater. who baa been
vlalUng Mrv. C W.'paust. left for her
borne lo Grand Bapids lest night.
Be*. B. j"^andall atdTlfe of Cbira
gv left paeterdap for a trip In Wleeaa
ale. Tbep have beeo tbe gneeU Of
Bev. C. J. Stout Md famllv,
In the eonlb within tbe leit five
eecath* 117.000.000 of new enpUal bae
been invcaled In eotton mill*.
Tea time
Atea table dainty that never cloys;
a morsel that everyone enjoys.
Carnival at Seglnuw.
A partwel. natural drama, fltvored
with tbe breetp, local color of Taanee«U ticketi eee life, and permeated with the soft
llmiT^aonibern atmotpbere of lu vallepa..U
c ranad trip.
_______ 711 St 4 "A Bomanee of Coon B:>Uow." which
hsebaen one of tbe eobeuntlsl
BeyveoA'i CtslebrUsa
nmpbs of the laet five Reason*.
•neoea* U Urgely doe to the maf
eent scenic rff*eu. amcog which are
The! public will bsvv an opporlunltp
of ooueuliingrnr of the beet Palmleu a reali t'c eteemboat race between the
of tbe age. Call and know your fe- B. E Leeand Nktehes. and a eotton
lare on buelnea*. Icve and marriage. preee in aetcal operailor.
But tbe
Get a pkoto of pour future wife or hue- play meeu favor with tlocgniful peo
ple on worthier ground*
It is splen
Mauau Louaixx
didly ooDkirucied.' the cksracur* are
Hotel Wbitiog.
Boom It.
fleeb and blood being* the plot Is very
druiiktieand Inurcsuag ard the bnAuetia flfwbeels
mor gennloelp funny wUbout being
Lederl* tbe b>eycl* repair
nlmllfareial. AU tbl* we glean frsm
oontraeled tor M)
» high
bi • grade bicycle* tbo eommenu of tb* leading eritim t f
wbleb wll' be closed out et menutfaeoouDtrp. A number of estrinalc
faetnrer'e cost. Setwdep. Aug 19
feature* lend Id tcreet to tbe product711 S; 7
A troepe of darkey male nod
leyweeA t OtUbrlUei
tie pianution daneere and two
quartette* add voloaee to the esterSlsyolas^p
Don't fall to call at Dederie's blepcU Utumeot. "A Boemnee of Coon Bd
repair abop and examine bl* large low" 1* a omolete produrtiou, all or
atork of bi’-yrle* to beeloeed oat Sut■eenerp
being carried.
urdej, Ang. 19
will be eeeo at Steinberg'* Grand on
Friday evenlog.Aug. 1;:.
lernod 1 Oelettltic*
At lit. flnaant, two bottbe* belonpiof to Jobs Eeak and three bame adJaoeat ware deatroped bp fire Bnndap
. erenlnff. Um »t.500.
Fire deeiroped tb* large lee bonaee at
Derll'e Lake, al o two barn* Heroic
Prettiesi pla> house Id Northern .VikhlRan.
afforu on tbe part of cltiseaa earod
the Oerll Lake bolel. LoeetlB.OOO.
Two carload* of ea;8eaator Falmer'e
One Night Only,
Janop oow* eriirad at Bcmolne from,
Raaaaa Citp. where thep bad been eblp-'
pad. Ibe price > (fared tor tbem wa*
too low ao tbep war* aaat back.
William Hloollte. aged about M
A cleaB, wholesome musical
Tne magnificent »sea!c
poarn. Bring four mUra went of Brock
farce comedv.
earldgr. got hU foot Into the cpilndrr
of n Ibreeher. and on Mandnp bU 1^
Contralto Solo ■■Summer Night"
bad to be ampntotad between
Mkl* and tbe knee. Helen poor
Ml*. Wiineim.
tive Irish Oomwiienne.
While riding up tb* ball of the ekip Btading. SeleuUun iron Uoetep...
L F. Tine.
at the Champion Mine.
Violin (sl-lbe S-mot PutsU”....
u Jobaeon. a lS-pear.old miner, bad
............................................. KciM-Bela
bla bead cangbt between tbe cable Md Violin ( )--tlitng.cUuDsnoe".Branam
C B Uomt.
the abeare, killing him laetonUp.
Dnel, Soprano Mil Baritone..........
..................................... Prom -Elijah"
Ibe alleged bird poleoaer* who c
MiseBobet^Md Mr. Currier.
*d eueb baroc among the bird* at Kaltoaaoo. and alto at Outgo and Allegan,
Ball Flayers Xntartatned.
bare baen arreeied at Allegan. Tbep
All sosnery chrried
Laeinlgbl Duff McDonald and tbe
are John Harrington of rioe
Wonderfal electiiesl effecta
Bops' Band entertained tbe MmUm*
and Bobt. Kline of ticbooleraft.
Select drama'ic company
U aplM of the oold breeim oo the baee ball team bod the memoeru of the
lake Snadap in.ooo Ohleagoane found D. A. C. team, wboarrirrd from Petoe(WkSHLADT)
The Ogirolina Quartette
tbeir wap over to 8t Joe, and of tbU kep laat evening. Tbe visitor* were
Great Plantation Danoers
number Iv oonplo* relumed borne in given e goed time which continued
double bamcM.
until a let* hour.
And no Increaae in prioea
A farmer named 8lmnu. Bring
Bucklena Arnica Saiv*
ttUea weet of Aebtoa. Oeeoola oountp.
The Bkbt eai-vs in tbe world for
□ »c. ate. toe. 7SC. Bos M*u. tl on.
bad a large bam
. Ul
beau on tale at the B» Office Tbni
Price*—tsfjs, so. 7Sc Bo* a
to putUng a baaement wall uader It,
dap morning.
SeaU on sale *t bos office.
when U wa* atruck bp a bearp wind
poeitiveip Cl
Btorm. blown orer Md^uahed.
or no pap required. li u |
There ware S.iwdeatoe reported to ■■ give pertev*
tb* eeoretorp of etaie tor the month of refunded. Priee ft oenu per box. I
Jnlp. Thia 1* ^n inereau ofllU orer •ai* bp J. G. Jobnaoo and S. E. Wait
..Steinberg’s Grand Opera House.
A peodnet of tbe bskerie* lAkb have been mad* Cunoiu
, by UnM«n aiecnilt.
SoU only in e ■ealed. metatMu
f^oof package, which iarare* iu pertoct freebnes*
I Veterans, Attention! I
We bav.e always given es
pecial attention to the wants
TO-NIGHT Friday, Aug. 1
of G. A. R. veterans.
largest and most up to-date
“A HomancR
HUSSEY Coon Hollow”
clothing and furnishings for
general trade, but as usual, a
most complete line G. A. R.
clothing, hats,
ter suits than we do—No
one df^ s.:ll a.-^ good goods
Auetion Uigb Grade Bicpels* Satur
dap. Aug. 19, LederlCe Biepel* Boupltal. ____________
^ Pingree & Smith
, mak* of SboM and Oxforda
^EST Michiqun R y.
I at leaa tlian HALF PBIOB
'Don't mlaa this mala.
.is ___ i all eutloue Bay Vl*i^. to IVavene
City ineluelve
unUl Sept. SOtb.
Tbrangb sleeping can to Oitcaro
Bu Lout*
Ang. 1 31
Gso. DxBavkx. G. P.
Gan. DkSsTn, U- P. A.
say more but modesty ^f-bids, and we give you a most
early and often at our rooms.
I Hamilton Clothing Co. I
|2ito4, A,B, C.D,and B*a.
We aeU the BEST UHE of
Ladiee’ $S.OO and $2.60 Shoea
in thia otty.
After you
them you will be'oonvinoed
of tbe
Arbelter Saeietp. All tbe uiual1 fea1 of UareuM Pfenldt aad epeein
. ..UooeoatbUoeeMloa. D<«’t
tbU ehanoe lor a good Ume with —
Germane. Train will leave Tnrarae
GKp at 7:00 * m. Md aoHv* at Grand
Baptta atant boob. ItotnmliM! leave
for less money—We might
BltpeU Aueiim
and equip
ments—No onS can sell bet
Sutfouniled by a Capable En
semble of Irtists.
tb* nnmber regleiered for tbe prerloo*
month and oorreeponde to n death mt*
of tai par 1.000 reporting popnUl
W. B. Clooe of Dnlntb. Minn., wne
found dead In h'« bml Mondap morning
at the Ooloalal at Mt. Clemen*,
wae around Suodup and istended to
leare f« bom* on Mondap momtng.
Death reeultod tram loeOmotor atoxia.
He wa* about » pearu of agUMd a
nun of conelderabl* means
At Detroit there wa* another kero«*M exploelon Mondap morning In the
dMtrlet where errerai other* bare oeearndwilb teulrmulto Tbe rietlm
Moodap wa*Oito tiueniher. a lu.rearold bop. who need keraeene In attempt
ing to light n flrr. Be wm terrlblp tam
ed Md 1* not enpeeted to rooorar.
NatbM Tlnkw Draper of Grand RepUa. elsime to be the oUeet nun In
Mkhlgan. Be ebowo doeumenu wbleb
pror* that on B^tamberfl nest ha wUI
be loe peon old.
Welter lieetedo. aged ISpean. Md
MprUe Desnaln. uged ll poaiu. were
married at PooUac la*t weak. Beatedo
garakMv« a*foudthAt olUt* ^
as tA Baetedo's tetbw, who lire* at
••pmr lMk«. baa bad the eeapia ar-
stock contains not only the
that others don*t give yon a
Morning Rncord Wont Ads Pny.
Park Place Hotel!
Tirax-eo ve Od-tiT*, ^±o1t.igam..
$S 00 Shoe at the above prioee
—Compare them—Get themof-
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
private baths hare been added, making it one of the most
comforUble hotels in Northern Michigan, Address for
rates and other information
Pro[ rietors.
, tat MOKvnio BM0BD,.vsM>8t>Ai. Avoirn la^ tsasL
! &CMraX'U««»
<<S ttxe'VDoAi.
IMIOW l, .
vrluretl OMt
Iw Oftk7 Oo^ b ihm mm «f ftM»
9SStaMMr in OklAfeoM.
of Uu iMTiaC
lij iJss-oTTsr-.- ■
Ciistltititc Ml EuMHlNi Fm ul Sniclli CwniMtiil. WADE BROS.,
DRS. B. S.& CO.
lyoTB#* Vacb.Pi
cwatol tnmna,
Qaar Perk par M...
dhort Oat Pork........
abort Oat Ftoar,
10 7«
Iwicu INial ul Sugicil Intitite tl InbiH, Udi
4 00
BotMAl. ‘WTgJ.T.i Ti g, Txo w’o'xao OLtsy,
Tha 4Mtk r»U of tha ar»r M pnar«ai la OBI7 a lltUa orer t par cant.
«OM bal Ctrl baMaa kara bean .bora
is Baadolph eoaat7. «o.,{ora moaib,
eSoa Sean from 0 a. w.
a p. ■
Dm Bookafallara and Botbaebildt an
. a. Mon. cnrrtl ennloo tin
«ald 10 ba baeklBf a propoaad copper
• prrtaJiM**'
duti«ti, *'
ana( Uat wUl abaorb aU tba bif bIbm aarr
let Opera Bou
laUia oorld.
Atrala load of kecaaa waa aeUed
Kooor'wlaoB. OBooo. City Opm
ertUi a Bjatarfoaa diaaaaa al BUliafa.
T\B. A. «. BOIXIDAT. r
aCoBi.. aad U7 Of Ua w
LI CDlTaraUj. OBmIb^bi
Wheat, old. pw bn................
Data. Mo.l,parbb. (now)..
Thaantawaatpotatoaaof the 1»M Q,(LBm a OA^^. AyrB^.^apaey^^ Corn, par bn...
«ropaoldIorOparbaabalai Maacaatine. Iowa.
Iter, par ft.
. tCTtPtion to ta« tltiot.
A Ml*. Ta/lor of Waat Virfiala. who
■na. per down
eraaproooaBoed dead, baa raMroad to
Bla Xdfb Waa Bared.
S ifa. aBertiBf that aba taw tba
Mr. J. B. Lilly, a promlnant dOxan
of paradlaa aad eoDreraed with aafala.
of Hannibal. Mp. lately bad a moderAo aaploya of the Barlam Tacbi T A.TBOBPOON H.D OOMlaBKaUtae fnl dellTaranca from a frirhtfnl death,
* UUUkMi Bi<«a. Bean, e la II a
I tn talliaKof itbe aayt: “I waa tak
Clab saatad FiDDCcaa aa^ad S-Toar-bld L.
toip.iB. Telepaoe*. n.
Ferer.----that---ran _
with •
£aata O’Brlaa from drownlof
nnea bardaoed. I
PnenBonla.^ ^My Innn
wat to weak I couldn't tit op In bad
Hiada tba flfib child ba baa raaeaad
Nnihinr helped me. I espaeiad loaooE
taiaea tba'ansnar bcffaii.
die of Contnmptioa. when I beard of
ParmaraaraaotthaOBlr oaca who
Dr. KInff't New Ditoorery. One botUe
raTa irreat relief. I oootloned to
«■« abort of balp Tbara te work for
font povrr re It, and now am well and atronff. I e
aoo addiUopal mas la tba bslldlof
dor. Boat
fm h/ K tool beta. run. t, By tOO mncb In iU praita." Tbit 1
Aradatpfferad by Iowa, Oltj cootrac
Aeia. Lika raportaooBe fro* all Iowa
liar. I tleobar* t •«« atOr teetrrr I(;u>a Hiroat aod LnP|
If Tronble. Bafnlar
of atoer >llb
>iib arts* le bolri Itm aiaoa. rrfre tiaaa W oanu and 11.00.
Trial bottle
Tka trantport UePbenoa with a ear- BO Jo.O'ro
free at Jobnton't and Wall'a Drnf
Xo cf aappltaa for tba alarm aafftrera T ORT-A •■WCNxSata' |>1o wlih
W. A." Storea, arery bottle rnarantaatl.
«f Porto Bloo laft bar plar In Brooklyn Aj Isacrioiloo. FUdrr pirta* latrr tt Ptc0oa ta« rerrl'T Milltbtr rraarA. Til *• Bernod't OdibrtUM
Bfooday aftarnoon. Abont two-tblrda
of tba orlrlnai ear^.of army anppHaa
arera left behind to make room for tba toiuirrerjoa ^1. Nomar:Ur
Til tf.
llse Forealara wl’l {flee p plaaeant
(laastltlaa of rice, beaaa, ffraln, elotblall on Wadi
Boelal hop
grrr ATlOK wanted -uiH «»oia^iaailon
day and Tbnrtday ereninfa. EreryiaC.1oBbar,ate..raqnli«dfor tba Imone la Inritad to attend aad bare a
Itc arfrrrore d»oo If rrqolrrC.*’ Ad>1rroa
madlau otaaBity of the aafferera. Up Bta
AUorta, rrorrtl delircrr. CUT.
to within a qoarter of as boor of MilInf Tolnntary eontribatlona kept pnll' ^^ANTKO TO^RENT-MrClBti •li-C
B^h. *^lT*Rtraai> o£e
fin. Itiaaxpaetad that Baa Jnan par It:
arUl be raaebad not later than Saturday
1« TrMtmaat of All Ptaeaeaa and Ww
At Cbattaaofa. Tenn., Bnnday Bomof Mankind PoakUo to 6btala.
1 wiab to axpraaa my fraUlode to Dr.
Inr at I o'eloek Cbarlaa W. Cot a
The pool widrlT tod Ctrortblr Xoowa OowItUat Is tb* Catied Pltitt. Bla looc eteeHtaet.
B E. Otunan for the food I bare reTbrrrUtIto t bate eeirad tbroufb hit treatment.
Btrktblraklll tod oolTrrotJaDrrrwIa ikt Itreeat hooplttla to tbr world coobloo hlw U
I bare
CrooB of two araekt, ahot and killed lactloMUevnbllJlU.
btJI dimaoae oa lb« pro»*nT Alwi t Ob* rrorr
ot til CBBOKrC.NxaVOl-S.BXnC tod BLOOD DIOMOM opoo the UW«t ocleolUe pnocl
a. tod rmttlra blw t•^ the full rooSCrocw of the tMIctod rrerrwherr.
Ut pretty yovnr wife, at tbair bosa in ofotktrrae A frerr tbeui Ibr OBtIre land bean troubled tor the
rat Bl a eatU oiprsar br pol lo repair. Tbit with eaacer on the noae.
Caaa. Oa . while in pnrtnlt of a nefro laeC win plat lato about auo lou «bii-ta at aelr with aareral phyeieiant and tpacialiau,
r? per lot roD«~ to RAeC. I ofTor Ibr rstlrr
OottiTh. Dlarttra ot tOr Bar. Btr. Near, Thrott oad Ldocb. Drapepalt. Brbrbra Dlaetm. DM
fenrrolar. Coaand bit wife ware aront- propmr
lor h.UK Caub or tlar to auU:' lo- beaii^et takinf rxrioui kinda of blood brtta. Klderr. Urrr, BltJdrr.Chraelc FriotW tsd Braotl DIartoeo apeMtilT cured bp tramprr r*Bl. or I ir
medicinen. But all teemed to do me no weal thti bta orrrr Itlird lo thoatobda ol etart Utt btd brea praeosoeod brr«od b«|•ad by tba nefro prowlinr in tba room.
........................Ibrj-ror. TbI.
food. I kept frowinf woraeall the HuT^plr ior«i dtttb rrcij petr who talcbl btrt bMO fwterwd (e prrfcet botlfb btd ah
Tbey roae at the tame time. Tba bnrg- a blK barralD u> aoroor wbt ha* t
time, until I cootulted Dr Oumto, of
real ntair. Appl; to V. C. Don
lar ran traintl Mra Oox. She teraas- to
rooa Mo. ». UaMolc Uoek.
the fi.-m of Drt. B. S A Co., of Uutlce•d and bar baibaod fired, the ball
fOQ. aod can now eay that I am entlro■OR BALX-A orw Bod«m ■•ull« rlcht-room ly cared
fl/bealtbit better than it
plarclor the woBaa'a heart. Tba burg
■'.in* bouoe, OD Wrboier otmi otwli
OHBOHIO aou.____________ __ __________
>a oo|iM«).aoliob]» (or oer ftmllT hat been W yean. I would eay to any
lar jumped Uironfb a eloaed window
or two. wouW
•uia or
erofer 00 til rtth ttlr. but btlt that are tm.etad at 1 kare bean, that Uda giUcklT rored.
Md aaoapad. Cox bat been deliriont rtth will br tt'
btroore In jrtrlr ptr- they will find relief *>y cxllinf on Dr.
lor tba awful eflrwu of rtrlr Tier tod tbr aonrou. Will u-lr
idnMtfccabotitiogaod pbytieitnt tay •1 .Irr romrr Wriibttor tnC rrooktlo
Ton will find blm a feoUebLooxTAo win dibka. TO YOUNQ AND MIDDLE
*‘7k.V' man. who will do at be af reca.
■faewUlloaehUmlDd. Oox la waalUy. Um. r. Ml
BBS tpeedll/. eoBplruljr aod permtooallT
Mrs MVR.IR Mmitu.
and bad jnat parebatad one of the '^^AN rXD TOJC^KVT-ftrM4raer.^-(Wlobrr
BX Jokna. Mich.. Peh. it. 18to.
Ut.reodloro«tio. ACdiwot B^^aiuiob
larfeat planuUona in North UaoiYlaOB. A I. Sx-urtionto Milwankea.
At Sprlnffiald. IlL. Mra Franela
« wheat oell
^^ANTED-PWo dnroBiokloC ud
1». OTTMAN <
On Aufnei iTih the 8 8 A I. will OBBBntrtoMrdeurMl wiihool ptla or «•- Itiy
Wallace, only remainlPA aitter of Mra
btblu tod rb
•t rulDod both Mist
laraion ilckru to Milwaukee for
> tor ttody. toBMi
pFi’ eor''('tU o^r oddnM^»
roaatit Waak- todted^soBIUo.
.AbrabaBLlaooln,dlad Monday, affad ttirri
tS SI for round trip rit Seed City and '*KNl!rrTTnT*OVBBD
____ __________
............... dioordi____ __________
n yaara
Flint A Fere Marquette. Tickelt food rubor MI, paolllTolT cund,^ arcU oa foae^^^NEY TO LOi^-Toonrl^ Porlo^toC
to return fifteen dayt from date of aale lira or tbo eioata of Bttoro Fotr*
The 81 Patarabnrir corraapondant i'of
- -
Aug. 16, 1899.
s=S3=::;i '
M”T'ir„is‘Srf4.r.r"' 'ts'
DR. OTTMAN r.’s.vjs'”isiLfs?s:M!>,2sr'.f;rssis
the Undon Mmmlar Poat mya that it
la propoaad attar the cloae*of the Parle
nxpoBltion next year to open an AaericanexhlbUion either in Moacow or St.
Feteraborr to eontUt ebUfly of Ameri
axhlblu from Paria. with the view
.of exteodlaK Amarlcao tradb.
-Partlea are arrlTlnr at Parry. Okia.
'IrOB tbeOaaca raaerration. and atata
abet tbonaanda of aray worst bare ap
peared there and are aatlnf op all lira
omrliT. A^^^wortOrflM Froot »trrrt. npf
toltrr tadetproar* to tbr rlobi par
rM K. RtinaD oSor.
VffANTED—A Bral ritaa boaarkerprr.
Ub- |
atrip >u Miw JB Xobortt'old MImIm *T»-ir. '
--- r Oriati. me Etal Bloth atrert.
pOR 8ALB-BOUM to.Uol
I DN.OnXAM oportta. aticeaaafallr aad
, paialeaalT lor agaloi afot, pterrr'iiia. Irldro . bllitr. itrieoeolc. atricture'sloet. weak
{towp. lurDlnc ic <tc out of ora Itabrt or llda.. tad all kidarp tad bladder iHettM
■ aloaorr a tttr dnei tad tU olbor ape
ap« oparaOptra-.
ddu r^w-mw wr^ww ■
’ I CATaBBHOF'IHE nose, bteaebltla tad
. I lose trasbl^ rtsaed troa ctttrrb. potltlualp
ai>. Ctttrrb. able
, eorod. ______
nerofult. Blood Ttla_________1!:
Otaorr. PiIm tl -tooaooa-ot Woaes ijulrklp ! OBAnTBBB. I euro M par coat of tU
br ih« Ittom apprerad j Mtap ettao carod la 000 tratl
, troataeat ta perwnrd ep
BARS eorod la ororj etoo.
I Aarriatad Europr.
Aa axebaaca notet that Joaaph PbU.
Upa.of Clorerdale, Ind , whUe fiabinr
T70B HALE-.A atock of e
.iiarrp (rail
At tba cataract, tied bia Une abont bla r aodi.ibtrco. tad Cii>
Nior riots
dtlratork Hood kartUun
Ddiop a tip
Mkle and went to tiaep on tba bank op-u..aal0M>.
Ilyi.uat*;lui.-r-.t-d ttlk aritb
rdilurollbla paper llor lanber
Oftbarirer. A 31-pound earp arlz«d
the book, at Itt ttrnrfilct arontad Pbll^^MFKn
liTORS -For itlr.^^lp
tlptaoqalcklj that he rolled off inUj
tba rlrar and narrowly etcapad drowp.
Inf. Ha rraa raaeaad and the flab waa
parwoa tpsiplsc lor aodldCl trtet--tUTN—<
•uld toad or bnac froa t to < ouaora ol
or oriar
nriar liktl ptoaod Aiw lo tbo aoestac pt*
rb wiu rweoiro t (trafnl eh«aletl>iid
,letl>od alerooeopietJ
czaalatlloe. tad Ifroqueoied
t wrtttrn tatlpala
tlpaia will ba cirea. Paraoaa rulaod la
1b betlib
bp ealotnod preieodora. wbe keep
I irlClos wUb tboa
• tnor'Baoth.p.ia«polaoaouted{B)oneiuooapooBda.ahoeld bppip
. laa^lttrlp. Del
1 lb old etaaa which haoa boos aacloei
jacloeiod or asaldUfbllp
No eipcnarata or ftlluroa Ptrtloa
>trtloa treacod bp atU or
laturttUob la preierrod. Oartblr etai
Idcatltl TmlaoBt oast C. O. D. to
Vrrp dralrt'blr loi. .atU bouar. loguiM rrf H.'
C. Otioii. ee Baal Nlaib a reel.
^ %".r
At BlebBond. Va.. Mra StonawaU
Jaekeon, who bat bean in feeble baaltb
dor aix Bootba, it reported to be in a
arltlcal eonditioa. She la tindar tba ataandance af Dr. MeOnira. who waa
Oaneral Jaekaoa’t ttaS tnrfMn. and
/ aUandad him when ba waa abol.
’.The blowinf out of an elbow In a
wlaam pipe on ibattaamar Gordon, aa
excanioD boat plyinf between Cbleafo
and Manhattan Beach, laft the boat
alBoat belpleaa Monday a ai'a from
abore. Tba lOO people oa board ruhad
from one aod to tba other in aa rBort
to taeape tba clonda of ataam fnm tba
bailer room. They were reaenad by
aba ateaaar Iranhoa.
tllloaaatad cel pou blabeai i^ro for pwor |
Boaop. No ritk, Wtdr brot., til FToei Ot.. I
Good Hardwood in Btove Lengthn.
AiBO Four Foot Maple Slabs and Edgiogi.
Whaadred dolltra
JN ^ M^T^I™^Boib pboer*. lit
I have resamed bosiDeM at my
bakery and will be pleased to re
WttblactoB^trori ceive the patroQBt;e of all my old
cofitomera and new ones u well
All fresh baked goods of the
Ttia la tbooi oae-btlt tu '
6rat quality.
limir ttkra tt oerr.
John WheeUr.
’^B SALE—Two ^Bryo doera|M truara
■Or reebtare tor i
£ Cydctabl^
klor-a drok, c«od m
413 Union Street
.OfWANTUtOTbweooftapbladlB Crwa-
4™"r»rTsss,“,s.; STaS-r
Uir Co Block.TrbMtar Cttr-________>l*4ao
r laOok Brirbit. oe Blfbtb.
tad Boo* rocu ted Htaatb treatoof tbo bti
'TnecrtcOw. SST*** ^
ProWdent Life
and Trust Company
of Rblladelphix.
Ketloa ta bcrcbv cirve tbtl tbo It
tbr conoetleo tf aebooi tal clip
aet&MoT. tat. Ur< troa I o'cid.
oVleeh a m. tad frea I e'eloek to < e
m ObtU Uksoa paid btbet Sopk.
ibon wUI ba ao toot ebtivod tor c
<d BaaniT and Marnattam wUi bo told
la a tna loetm to ladioa at Moato-
will iretrtoloe aU ^aa.3 WtdT BrMp^^ill
Vo Sifbt u VgUamt.
form apd tamper
_ _
Maada, bnt oae who would ba attoaetlre
etlre mutt keep bar
If aba
ta weak, alekly and all mn down, abe
will ba narrow and irritable. It aba Pat
poeattpatlon or kldaey tronbla. bar impw* l5^ will eaaaapiBplaa.blotebat,
akla amptioM aad a wretebed oomplaxlon. Klaetrk Bitten U tba beat
Ina la
in the world to nrnlate
«k. Urar and 1 Idnayt and to
blood. :t ,giwm atroof
WTOt, brifbt eyat. anoatb, ralraty
akla. riob complexion. It will nuke a
pood looUnf. nharmiar woman of a
nin-dowB Inraild. (ktly boe at Johnwnb aad Walfa drar atona
IVAbTET>-We want t tp« huadrod doUart I
i .S^
lew I iCSd toSSS«**'
Levi T. Pennington, District Agt
Trtrorao Onp ■ Wtoblcte.
AnwetEefMEtoeapp^^EBto. Bto
Vtw Oaos, WBTkbbW mo€k.
Traverse City Lumber Co.
Gas LampS2.00....
Price Redsced to Close Dot Lot
Best woi^minship money
can employ for Bicycle
Beptinog. Qakk work.
Ul Dntos Street.
John R. Santo,
Gssiril Iniruce.
OB 8ALB-<t»-&n acTwboo PexBiseB.
U. n bcrcc under cnltiTbilaa. bslxnee limber, over l.SOO oorda ovood.
food heavy eoU. n bxrfxia xt pries.
Price, ssoo.
FOBSALE~63»—TwoloU on Bxrlow
•tr««l. food loU. eloee u> fbctOfT.
■Ixe of lou iO X IM- Price. ti;s «Mb.
6—>00 eecB farm. U
I. six m'lSt weal ud
orth of Trsvenc City.
wbxi we uk for term. Good noli.
Price OB xppnewUoo.
FOR SALB-<as-l>»
FUB 8ALE->>34—$0 bcree three rallee
north of Empire. LeelxBSU eennty.
About 2SO.OOO feet
aide slreeu bix.- MxtOO.
Inrlow. I
Price Bt
Price. «ua
FHY lesve your money idle in bsaki
We have exile for money xll tto timi
Firbt clxm aeenrity. Good rxti of u
SVxync etroet, food frxme bo«M. I4x
SO with wiBf. food etone foasdxtlon.
btone oellxr. baixll bxm. 40D bexrlxf.
cherry, plum, xpple, treee, food weU
wxier. Price fiisoa
IXPR SALE—634—06 ft. on Exit (>0x1
•treet, west of Wellinfton.
A fit#
Ixwn. one modem rceidenoe, V lxrf«
rooms. Also on seme lot one
smell bouse. 4 rooms. A deslmble
piece of property. Price fiveu npon
Mboibon. Lxrfc modTn residence.
10 rooms, stone bxsement. fitted for
fnmxce. House cost IITOO; lot worth
fisuo. Will br sold xt sxcrlflee price of
636—Two $0'fl. lou comer MsdlM
xsd Rxndolpb. Hot Booh. Enfine.
Buildlnf. Pipes, the whole property
COB SALE-«33—Lot S block 9. Wnei
Front slreeL between Cednr
Spruce. Leys level with eireet;
ISO, Price *4»0.
iX)E'SALE—633—Farm 100 xeree 3li
enlUvxUon, 1
end plum
bnUt,neaw windmill xsd ■
, _ .
plpee to bems. xli neocesxry sheds,
poultry bouse, ysrds end mii drxinxfc. fine new modem bouse. 11
rooms, stone fonndeUon.stone eeUxr.
4 bore's. 14 cowe bsmecees.bofflee.
wnfODA. slclfhs, cutters, xll fxrmtnf
Implemecto. ell crops of wbleb there
ere to xerc* eonsisUof of wbext.
fine wrov
This farm is known ns
the Welt
Veidoeft fxrmor Hillside dairy;
alone cost over
t4.000. good.
soil, and n fold mine for nome onx
Price for xll.1. fiS.OOO.
FOB SALE—6I»of Elmwood
small fmll and food fxrdex.
ill priofr—Price »
FOB SALE—617-Wesi 20 acres, lot I.
sec 7. 34. lu, lays 00 abore road.
Peeinsuls. orchard 50 ap^ treee, M
cbeny treee. ISO pear, plume, peecb.
Price tuoo^.
FoaSALE-rLou ib aad >0. block 1.
Perry Babnab's eceond add. earner
Hobemis ' aod lltb stnet. Price
8ALE-5T1frame bouse
and eifbl acres of land, situated
abont oae mile from eenter of city,
bonac 14x14. nix rooms lx bouM.
FOR SALE—ato-BoMeandlot, Union
street, ten rooms, stone tonadalion and stone basement, eompleta.
Z wxQt
want a few
bnadred doUan to
nlaoe oa penaual property loai,
^^fuarantee ail los
The above are all bantalns. aad eaa
be bosfht oa easy tenns. We have
tboatoade of. dollars worth of other
bSTfslns In farm and city propei'tj.
aad see ns if yon want to bny.
I have joEt added a fine hack, dome
List ^onr p
with us if yon want
several roomy two- and three-seat
ed riga, ^iaes ao iscreaaed num
ber of nice carnages I am now
prepared to do an extensive livery VO icih iBse nra» oour u
boslnew in addition to feeding and stfB is alonfside lbs door,
os the griMafi ftoor, at least
caring for teams.
isn't. We am. fifuraUve:
Drivers femished if desired.
So far as bavisf the larfset Ust and
Everything in firat-cisw shape. beet
barfxlns; we am strletly ta Ik
We work aU the time, we can aall yen
Coek. B
--- K ....
FDR Sll£-Nonie oa Websiti
snoot, loot lioise. fin large
rooms, good boro, room
sii horses, all in first-closs
conOitioo. This Is a snap
aod most ho tikoo this fore1000. Worth SI,ODD, price
Picnic Partes,
Fishing Partes,
and Fonerals.
ECUFSEIOTSSiidlOiTCO.i^^ iiatn in.
& uoHua. rn.
atio tad bolh to order
Rul Estm, UctioiMis,
Traders, Heaei Leaiers.
Rra Insurance.
L. 1<. ▲. Bulldlnff.
blf elfs at bottom of etaira BIf bar,
- 'ne at top of xtairx flmt door to
. rlfbt after yon tarn to left at bead .
Wade Bros.
tBtBStn na
niRl T«u-No. 711
fiis PhTsleUns Ooasider Him
Ontof Dnnffsr.
■sou ]>aiolBCe Issorfsols with
XesTT lisss Xsoy Weosded.
Two Cents.
To a great extent indioatefi
the aocinl studing of the io*
flividnal and the piwperity
of the corporation.
Attook Oa L&bori Oaly the
BeffMnff of It.
Pserto Plots, Ao|t. 15 —T%e for*
beobcsft hs*s Wtslly dsfMled
sdlUe B«pm to b* oe XU F«M
in Fmoce.-Imagne of Ptiriom Bat
b. Tbs toot wM olaost
-••for* »r«7faa TrbU Is Boded-.
sod tbs woosded oo both
ched n Daring Pins which Oomtemoaoteroos. This eac*C«nu)t
Wimir DtoesMM tbs Bttsapt es Xb
pUied a llmnltaaeoiu Biot—[>nke
Iseootiderwl b, Ibe ro'BrowMt ss
Llissod OrsenbM tbs O.
of Orleue X^reeted in It
the Jimlaex oprisEesoM. doc. II —M. Loborl b dolac lorLondon. Ang. IS.—A dbpatch to Us
M well this oftersoos thst tbs doetMS
The foveromeat piss tor s cndosl Dally Mew* from Paris says that Ue I
«0Mldw him oot of dsoffor. Be lies as wlthdrswol of the poper aodep from sua4dc on M. Labori was only a tiny |
hb back oaobla to aors. but life b re- j dreolstka baa atablbhed eonSdenee. sampU of tbe storm which wonlc have
dornlar to the lac whieh was pestordaj
swept over Rennm had Ue plot Ust
tboorhttob* paralysid. He has oo
was batched in Parb aneeeeded. Tbe
fcrer aod eonUoass to dbeass the
plot waa no langbing matter. It was
trial. Thapbrateiaosbopatoaes hla
to baveripened into revolntlonary de«a hb feet before the DreTfas trial b Proxnloent Oread
Sepide monsmtirns on tbe boulevards Son-,
oodedi HbuasUlast has aot yet been
day. Tbeeanapi-nton were to make
Men Oommlt Suicide.
bonfires of tbe Dreyfnsile newspaper,
in tbe streeu and to barn the kimka
isy of the state- X. A. Fletcher, WeU-Knows Attorney where Uey were sold.
■Mat that the poeketo of H. Labor!
Thb would hsvs resnlted in^Ks callXUled Himeeif in Hb Offlee-B. a
Wfaea bthen and moth
ooat were rifled yeaUrdaywhUe be was
Benroe Took Hb Own Life on n Ohl* ingOQtof troopa The Utter, how
ers have tu fit their children
lyiay on the yroand wonnded. An atever, were to reverse arms and refnse
ctgo Beat-Both Ken Cot their
with more ahoes “just Uky
tsapt was also asde to steal the wal
to act After this some cavalry were
Own Throata.
these were”—a sign
let In wbieb be carried bb papeta
to help the movement
fetrins to the esnrt warOal, inelndlny
Telephone meosagm were to be sent
Grand Rapids, Mich.. Ang. IS.-NInotes for the eroas-eiamlnaUon of Oen ram A. Fletcher eommitted sn
to different poUb where members of
eml Mereier. If. Labori himself relat some time yeaterday afternoon,
tbe League of PatrioU were assembled.
ed the Incident. He bad-Jost fallen cot hb throat with a rosor. at jost They were to rush to tbe Bepublicaa
and aaw the ma mn ta hb side. One what faonr b nnknown. and died nt and Socisibt newspaper offices, sieze
That’s the kind of childMid: •Bboaetanstbetakenoff. He S:4S thb morning at tba 0. B. A. hoe- Uelr sufft and hold them prbonsra.
ren’s shoes we sell, and they
will be too boh'
SimulUneontly rushes were to be
pital. Ths news of the tragedy«
alone have saved dollars for
. The speaker took the east off and sodden shock to tbe Grand Bsplds bnsi- made on the pa^ of Ue' Elysee acd
naother seised the wallet-' M. Labori, nees eommaoity, partieolarly
tbe mlnbtriee of Ue Interior and posu
handreds of Traverse City
boewrer. retained bb pnaenee of mind hers of tbs legal fraternity with which and telegnpbs, when news would
and refnsed to aMow the wallet to yo, Mr. Fletcher bnd been idenUBed
pattinc It onfer bb bead for a pillow many years..
Ue prorlncm Uat Paris would have re
and boldine It with one band. The
Three weeks ago Mr. Fletcher re volted. A wur mlab^ nominated by
ooat was ahorUy afterward p
turned from Alma Sanltarinm where UeDckeof Orleans was to replace
acaln. Xma Ltborl found ber boa- bebiubeen treating tor general
General De Oallifet.
band's poekeb
Two days previous to the lutendid:
health and laeomnb- Be was very
They only oontalned personal letters.
execution of tbe plot M. Lepine, per i
hb phyaloal
Tba faet that no effjrt was mad
bat nothing anmsaal wna noticed nbbat feet of police, reeeired full informs^propriate bb wateb or money b re
wbeobe left tbe boose
garded as clear erldenoe of a plot.
et 9:S0 yesterdsy morning togoasntTbs impression b galolne erenod naltobbofliM. I'pon errivlng down
that the amasiin b bainr aided by anti' town he went immedbtely to bb rffee
Drayfas ooontry people. M. Labori's on tbs third fl xir of ibe Michigan Trust
Popular Shoe House.
phyalriaBB bare aant to Paris T>r an N building and locked blmeclf Into bb Kajor Oaaeral BnUer, Brittah Officer
ray apparatas to locale tbe bnllet.
private oiBce.
U flonth Africa, Halisved Becanse
tllymbsedend hb reof Boer SympaUies.
letlvep became alarmed and began to
London, Aug, 15 —Major Oeneml Sir
iDvmUgate. A knock on tbe office door
brongbt no rmponee. Mr. Potter, an William rraneb BnUer has been re
Vnrden Fnllerof Ionia Priaoa Shows attache of tbe office, crawled on tbe lieved as comnsuder of tbe Britbb
in Bb Xrport That Bxpenaea
ledge to tbe window of tke office. Prom troopa U South Africa as a rmnll of
Wars Opt OowB.
there be eoold eee Mr. Fletcher lying bb alleged sympathies. Sir Fredrick
Walker bas been appointed to replace
PateskeyAnc- li.—A Jtlnt meeting on tbe eonefa. Bb face was optomed him.
of tba prim boards opened at tbe Ar. and a feartnl wonnd abowed in bb
g bas begun at Cape Town
Mk. He breathed faintly.
Ungton bolel here today.
BzdKD Powell's mounted InAt the hospital the lejored man was
Otb Pnller'e report on tbe prison at
fantrr to serve on tbe froaUer. Tbe
iMb tor tbe .year ending Jane SO altended by Drs Graves and Griswold, first butai i> > .eft for Ue ret
rikows n lar^ deereaee in tbe nnmber bnt the lorn of blood bad mpped all
Tbe Boluwsvo ratlwsy cars have been
of prieoners dnrieg tbe past flseal year. vliallty from him and be died at tbe fitted with M.zimgBus.
Onrlng the past >Mal year only boor named.
Tbe DaHV Mail oorreapondeut learns
Mr. Fletcher had been very pramigw,000 has been
that 4.-990."^0 bas been placed to Ue
the state treasnrer, being only oent in the pnblle life of the city. Be
only 40 yesre of age. In 1883 be creditor Uc .mperial forces
gMfor each Inmate, m^lnst* former
It b state-* that Ue government wUl
elected on the Demoemtk Ucket to
aearages of |3i: during four years end
Bik basiaen eaterprUes
ot un<l<r.4.><e Ue campaign against
ing Jane SO. 18M. and gllS per year for serve in tbe eute twitlkianare made possible by tbe {act
Ue Boers er.-.b lees than 40,000 men.
tbe four years ending June to. 1191. moved to thb elty as early as 1870 and
(XpeTo«-‘. tug. 15.—'No reply bas
that time and sp&ce cap now
ly tbe pmeiloe of law.
The- foTorable resnit was, howerer,
yet been nc'-ved from the Tranevaal
be practically aaaibilated.
caused portly by tbe large ealee of for- He leaves a widow. Mr. Wanty. bb
govemmgM oo Ue subject of Ibe lateet
nltnra and the email pnrebases of stock lawpaitser b in tbe Adlrondaeks and
.K telopboneio the office or
Britbb propoeaU for a peaceable eelIncident toeloeing ike prison fn.*nilare has bean notified.
bon*, saves tbe one thing,
tlemtniof tliv qaeetions In dispute. A
taitory. When the b prison fllle<*}to iu
Edgar C- Bearce, manager of tbe dbpatcb frvffl Pretoria says Uai Ue
wb'^h if lost, can never be
fall capacity thb ooald easily be made Western Beef eompaay of Ub city
reply when sent will be disappointing,
rs por e»plb right along.
committed suicide Ub morning on bb and it b feared Uat Ue resnit will bea
Of tbe
men now in prison, sss are wsy from Coicago by boat, a^
breaking t ff of negotiations.
engaged in making shirts on
bb body was found after Ue stei
Pretorb, Aug. Si.—The executive ’
tract at S3 cents per dsy, and flftT- arrived at Ue dock. Be left here last
council oouclnded lu aeaeion si 13:30,
eigbt are knitting cotton socks on
evening for Grand Hsven, when
when order* were issued to Ue field
eontraet at SO eenU per day. Tke re took tbe steamer lotra, and when Ue eomeU to give ont Mauser rifiee for
mainder of the men are employed etateroom was <^ed at C;30 Ub
Marttn-Henrys A greatcrowd gather
In doing tbe general work of the prb- morulng bb body was found upon Ue
ed to receive the arms The poMibUl
on. Tbe official force for Ue prboo
floor with bb Uroat cut; s small pen- ty of war wiU Great Briteln b sboui
has bean rednoed from flfty-flre to knUe baring been nsed.
Ue only sueject dbeoased.
flfty-thmand a foithar rednctii
two or three wUl be made as so<
Thb Calf b a Konstrosity.
tba tnnltnre b ail closed onk
B. R. Briggs of Westwood. Kalkaska
eounty. b in Ue city for Ue porpose Offers Two at XarUniqoeand Thirteen
of czblMting a mooatrsalty in Ue form
la Onban Waters.
VeU Knows OeapU arietly Xnrried of a calf aeven weaks old. Tbe body
Madrid, Aug. IS-The cabinet bat
of Ue calf b weU developed in e
Last Might.
respect except lu head, wb'cb b de decided to auUorize Ue sale of Ue
Last nifbt Mr. Charles Oermaine, formed la a peenlUr maaoer. The gunboau Delgo de Velaequez and
yopnlar member of the Boy's Band, face of Ue calf b partially eovered by a Galicia, now lying at Martinique, and
And Mbs Ada Ensign surprised tbelr sort of hood, and it bas Urae db^nct nboUlrteen sssaller vhstU StUl U
friends hr being qnletly married. Ths BostrUs, one of whioh a in Us roof* of
neramony was performed by Rev. a T. the monU and Urongh wbbb tbe
atont at bb reeidenee oa State strMt. animal broathea. There are i~twriffn*
Bum Ball Today.
Seen afterwards the baad sniprieed the Uat a bom wUl be developed from
Thb afternoon Ue D. A. C. team
le by eerenadlng them at tbe home OMtre of Ue forehead. Besides Ums
of them
4 mother of the groom on flUtb features Ueru are otbecs which bake wm again go against Ue Haatlcis.
team has beea forUfled
•met Beth will be warmly oongrau- Ue eaU an object of Utarest. . It b
wlU stronger players than appaared
Intod by a large circle nf frii
strong and kealUy and aside from Us kere before and Ueir crack pitcher,
ris mmiUoned b wall formed.
Berry, bas bean groomed onrefnlly and
kb etrangU saved for Ub game. The
At Hew Orieana, L B. CheterlUe, an
riaitots expect to toke at least two of
amprtopn Liner Leavee Fhlmbth lUlnris veteran of ths Bpanbb war. was Ue Urae gamea. but Ue' BasUars will
toteried to Mbs Handy, a baautUul
he on deck. Tbeee Urae eoatoats will
New Orlsans girl, and Ue host man
be good anas and worU a mneb Inrgar
Leadon, Ang. ll.-The
was a hare smcmbI of Ue Sant^go
idanea than b eaatomary thbaeaUneptaOMhip Paris, which wasreeent- campaign. Ihe romnneebegaa a^ysar
Big erowds help out and Ua bif>
ly floated from the Manacles, wheta ago last April, whea the 1st Daitod gar tha erowd Ue bettor Ue gaate.
Aak your denim.
■he weat ashore oa Msy II. laft Fal- Stetoe InUntry. of Shafter's old rtgimonth for MUfetd HavM thb morning. meet, passed Uroigb New OrlMoa.
The bain dne here on the C A W. X
She waa towpd ont by togv b«t oa
laands thronged to Ue Uir gtonad
ma«Aiwt tbe opmiaea she need her own to eee Ue hardy Wentora r^nlaia. kt e.-05y*ntarday morning had tbe tank
Amomg Ua erowd wm Mis. Handy and wheeb bcDkoB awr Anau and had to
another engine sent from bare to
Mbs Handy. Oonfnned by the erowd,
VM pnifilUlt
lake tbe tralB OB north.
Dr. Phil B.K»ewt« the Oiaad Rap Usy started to have tke oamp. wh«
ids Ibet BMolaibt wlU U at HoM Qintortiae offered to show Umn the Heyetaupdiai.
Whltl^, ffedamday mi Tbanday..
220 Fmol atreat_________B.lph Ooim.bl. Jr..
G. A. R. Suits ' Hat Cords
Is becoming popilar, too.
Riggest and best ID cent cigar
foi thn price.
A. W. Jahraus
White Gloves
60c, 76c, $1 00.
16 and 26e.
Fashionable Outfitters.
124 Front Street
A. V. Friedrich Block
I Novelties
Than Traverse Relle
The Favorite Sc Cigar
20 oentt
G. A. R. Hats
*6.00,»e60,»9 00.
All is New in This Store
Shoe op yoor
chililren here..
Michigan Telephone Co.
have latest tinta tud
^ «*«• of pnper and enrelopea,
^>-5^ (85 each) (ot 16 to 25o-^
very beat Soc to 60c.
We hare the latest publications at market prices.
Don’t be miajadged (or th«
difference in cost—or
Mjppr' perhnM yon are paying good
P^'pnc« for out-of-date aUtioov
Drop in and
look over our books.
It's a
Good Sigo....
.AsMfisnt Vot T«( AmsMd—Wo«ad-
rmnuTt am
Black Grepon Dress Goods
I Beceived yerterday-AlBo. Mlect fltylM in CoT*rt»—
I See onr diiplay window.
Music on
the Water..
—m camp, on mountain
or on shore adds addi*
tional charm to mid-sum
mer amusements. Don’t
I leave for your summer outing without a good guitar,
j violin, mandolin, or banjo. If jou are without one
j look at our stock of musical instrum^s.-' Our stock
j of fine Kimball'piauos and musical insfrumeuts emI braces the bestjthat are made. Our prices are low.
K. E. SI60HG, lungs.
m pnil SL, luUiui Bkick
Drop In.
And>ee thoM $4.00 band tern laoe and but*
ton oboes tbot we are aelling for $3 (X). Only
a few^alre left.
Before baying the ohildren'e echool sboee it
WiU pay yon to caU and look over oar
Wa make a apedalty of SCHOOL SHOES.
We] are headquarters tor gantleman'e fixe
TBM xoBVora mBooKD, wEbrasDAT. AiroasT 16. ISM.
BrarUtoa. The Udtoa’ Guild ^ Graeu. ChuMh
wIUMstMSp. o. wttk Mto* Sarah
ea. AU BXBbun are iTfitiMted
0«XM to XulMoa. •
— n---A meeUar of tbe mtoakMiT eoeiu^
T. «4ni AMD J. W. HAnittf
of the Bsattod cV.urak wQI be held in
uhurek pariota thto afternoon
»n».br*«r»-o'»>«•>“ “
A W. l«nB. sum Md Mm—w
tkolTimr., Aditd U> V.D Rm.*
Thoer who wish M k*ep a score
Btto. 0**e Anotkcr emnw to Bkl*
«e raaea betwean tha D. A. Cb aad.
ioMin»-tt vM* W«mO»iM«itk
tbe HWUert can do so by caUiar at S:
Benda A Co-b aad cslUny a eeora card
Moiamw MMooaB.
ouronAvnai bkrald.
Du ButTan iMt Twtartar^
Ron Top Cafe
140 Front Street.
i-i- 2?'®
M E A Iv S
Lmicfaes and
Oil Stoves.
it reaUp laokM aa tkoafk tba BwUan
Tbe next neeticr of the Grand TnrOrder Cooking.
rre Distriel Oraors. No 17. wCl be
Blfht psU oot of Um
tray, bet wkM tbe MiUiooalrea pOtd bsld at Inland oa Aaznst U and >1.
optoarnMlstbeflitbiBslactt waa
Wtyne Waters fi«bed ao the Beardaiyailtfr. t'ptotbatUMtbe laa yeaterday aad
six aloe trout.
goMsaaUie n.oat caeltisf aod laL*ri PeaBinrUB and Charles Balm
- We faave a good assortment of the Quick Meal
Now Doiiifi BoroeM.
~Tb toMl ««lBi of U« osporu from teaaely Istraeailsf of may on tbe boM fikbad la the Boerdaan yraterdar.
^ UsHod SIMM dBrtair tiM 7mt Md- IpvBnda thto eeeecin. Tbe crowd waa Lrn rot one alee one aod Charles bss
B1u» Flame Oil Stores. It costs less to bum oil than
aot not yet reported.
I— JUMM laM WM •l.n7.4U.«»- •omewbat aaoonrayior lb
• aatke tean dtaerrea. ft
Btrlar tb« •!< iDootha eaded ob tb«
Tbe Companions of Poreeters wiU
wood, and a great deal less-trouble.
MM dau tta* vala* of EofflUh rzooru wee one of tbe old-tlM beee hall aerre a dinner in Forcetera’ ha’I today.
«M sise SIMM. MslUply tbia Aon erowda. Bootora rrera plenty and cnO.te of tba pleasant features of eotorWe hare a fniriine of stores and ranges.
waa reeklMly let looee. The talnment la tha City Oeera Bouse ia
^ two. oad tars tfa« rwalt Isto dclUn
OOd 70s fst. MJ. »1.»«.US,000 looom- BuUera wcrerlvw de>- kupport Px.m eoonectloa with the prodnctlon of tbe
w<U Um AowrlcoB tolo’.
••HrarUof the Bine Bldre” waa ths
fraatiosUj. U>u. tko Unttcd BiotM Tociferonaly reootm**’'
•eleetloDS of Profeseor MurtaarWe or
The rtoltora pUyed an errorlera (aM chestra.
180 Front Street.
House Furnishing Store
are u Decenary to yonr health ae
•■port trad* boa sow otest oa aqsol
—fiSfoto TOlae with Bnrlooda, wb(U and thalr hlu were well placed and
The Buatlwa will play arnmeof are tbe atone bnrra to a griat mill.
ihs More ralwUe home Borket la Is yiren with terriilc.force and frtqoaney ball with the D. A. C. loam this M^raThe
for eoM rao^lp twlcw m Ib^ oa Bof'
noon. Tbe attendance shoold be larce
iMd’o. Tbe •IfsiteoBM of IhU oob' ed akarp. iwift ball. They hit Wel as thto aeries of three r*aM
fortaea la beifbtened bp the rseol]eo- ters (reely but there was altraye a iatereetlnr and worthy ol liberal pat«Ua of tha clreomatoBM U»ot-toklnf fielder aader or ayalnat the ball rrtth rauareAXD Ksonea
u I
• HTlM of 7«on 08 o per kaod boaloOle Boatran has raised a handsome
•ko B—llab eaport trade to, deepUe ibe fitih InBlnz MeCall rapped out as pret new American flsrorer the Betel Lee
faeMiopsrt. srarked by retrofreMios ty a borne raa ai one mid ieaarlBe, lanau.
Mtker ttaoa bj procreea, ksd that the Bcorlay tbe first ran for Ute local team
Maoarar fieboe has recelrad a prtrpOslWd 8tolM exporto rapreaedt prodl- ' Tnto set tba crowd wild. But it oaiUon to Uke ths BusUera to London,
wsa all kfl In the rtoltora' half of tbe Ontario, for two rumra. tbe ladoeefiow yrowth—a frowth abowlsy
Innlny. when Eoy« dropped on eoey meat beiar fiioo.
affu of demlastloo.
fly. which erentoally reealted la o
The Boys' Band will meet tbe rarions
. XSXd-o* jobntallas to oot oosdaad
eoaple of loorea. Loieo-on by a coaple ■ O. A. B ports npoB their amral today,
Ike Dalted bUMa by any mom. Oort Bora errors at erltlial times bs sdded | and tomorrow aad Tbnraday the Oresto tbe rtoitoea score. Woaeler eontrib- C'nt band will also farntob entertainIt bod ewmrb. bsUn Frooee tbe
MtiOBoltos of oerUlB oewepopei
nted bis ahaie atoo. Aside from thcee msnV
fol to ooBtamplole. Soote tbe ««>"' put up a fine fitldlny yamc
Toe fn’lowiur made an a jslly pic
of thoB reeoyalae no 1
and tha aikA work waafood,
nickinrnertr at Ne-ab-te-waa*a ycewhowrar which do not pst Booey la
A hot liner frooi Pox's bat In the terday: Hrm. Blyrin*- Mrs. Pay. Mrs.
tbeirooffeto. and the Intereato of tbe fifth knocked one at WoUcra' ftoficra Griswold. Mrs. Roxbarr and the Misses
oat of Ji^nl and
waa Oertinde Hlrrint. Luslla Whitworth,
Bt do not lafiaenoe then one way
It would bare fone Mabel Fby and Morilla Johnsoa.
«r oBother aoleM-tbere to money forth- hard with Woltera bad be rauined;
The adrace sale of seats for Mrs. St.
It waa arideat that be eoald not Oeorre HoMcy in ' Mm •- O'fihsorbae • bulseea beeasee It paya. U to keep ap bis salt. Brednahaa pitched a ueasey.’* to be presented at Steinberfb
^ onllkely that the diaeonlent and rood rove and held tbe blu down.
Grand ton irSV to eery brarr, and a
ted out with one ran e-owded bonee Ajjrobable from the InaaiMt alaoat alwaya predomlnatlnc In
flimm to larfely dne to her newapafirst Inninr which
fMt, wkoM iBflaeaee Blybt be power- obtained by a baee hit by Morris
There are now two or three more
AUy ezerud In tbe oppeeite direction. sey andmae by Hickey. Both stele a merebautoto be eecD refsrdlor the
ka-which put Morrlaray on thlri He early cIobIdk Boremeau ...--------All otbere
' tr the Befle would oeaee lu eant flaally scored on PlUalmMns fly to
U) close their plseee of
. - , . « -1.1 1___— .w. U.ll
k.A re-|.
•beat the tIoIoUom of dcnday Uwa ita rifibifleld.beforetheballeouldbe
odllor would eaeape the neeaeelty of turned. The fourth added one sore. lay except Tuceda>^e and Skturdaye and
Both waa eafe ou a bate hit over abort the rrat wm nndODbtedly fall into
fBhorroaelnr explanaUona.
atop. Holley waa alao aate on a litUe Una at eooB at they are eeca.
one paat aeeoad; Both stole third aad
Udertaker Aoderaoc bit a alee oolSeraoML
\me la on fielder'e chole*.
leetlou of war relict ou exfaibitiou
' Mtoa Mamie Sehnlaeyer and Mtoa
Poor more nuta »•« ohalkad ap la bit window on Ualoa ttreet. A field
loon SUffeMofCbleofo ore ot Spriay
the fifth by Maniatee after Bufka waa ylatt captured from Gee. Lee aed
Beech for on outlny. .
oat. Horrlwey yot firat oa B-cyee't copy of tbe VleWbory DtHy Cit<ten.
Oorld Horoer. of Weat Newton. Ind
antcr, took third on Htekey'a two-bwe pob'tobedlu 18M, aiedtoolayed. They
ia —ondlac 0 few weeka In the city.
hit aad croaaed the plate when McCon Heiouy to Mr. Marria. Some retla of
AO.Bldridfe. of the Mlddlebury,
nell went oct at firat, filrlafi Biekey Sbermaa't march to tbe tea are a eaa
Isd. IndMendeBt. to Ttoltlnr trien
third. Fiutlmmoct put out a iwo- teen, a earUidye caee an-1 a motket
•teoltyaad eieinlljr. oediiBOde the
haae hit that brought to Biekey. Both owned by Mr Mouroe.
Aleo a flay
^C:*D 0 plaoeont cell yesterday.
followed wlUi a tafealayle: then Bol- carried byIfeClellaDd aod Pennlnyton
Kra. W. d. Batea baa returned
ley took tha hickory and made a twoM^ukeeattera etolt with bdende bwe hit iaaide the fenee brluyiny la InJSMareoB exhltiU<ie.
Tbe teacbrat in attendance at
Piteaimmont and Both, but wueanybt
Mr. andMra. W. P. Guatlne. who
inatitute, la aeation in tbe Central.
Bara been rltitlnr Miu. B. Gray and trylay to make anothfe Uae. reUrlng j->yrda trip arenad the itland
•tbar felaUtta here, ratnraod to Ckd- Uealde.
afeht on tbe Coiorebia.
Tbe eiykth added tte tont three rnaa
;BlM yetterday.
Winnie Baker and her yrandMlher. to the Millioaairae’ eebra. Both atart
ed off with a eafe kit to ehort which
An. Tentoh. who bare been rtoltlnf at
made a bad bound.
Holley reached
Oedar City, bare ratnrned to ttaelr
firat oa another of BoyM'ierrora, Both
bOM os 6lote street.
r'evir Theto new swell
ambllag around to third aod teoring Are UMially Due to Some
injuiltheprop r-»
wm Daria of Ckat City, baa returned
fortable or eon\JUII
goods in all sites Skirt
Aatiqoe B4brangemeat of the
on Hnat'e error.
Woltera waa preer aklrt length* UOWn venlenl amand boDS (orMoire
aod color*. Yon r^i
tbe neck or belt
tbe house. Wear These are all extra widths,
• In tbe dty aeated with bto* barai Breaaaban waa
Trad Otto of H<
moroing while aod we bave them In six
oct but HoUey took a^ud aad third
^tarday on
most base one of these
teen color*—the bandkom
dark Alien rode orer from Blk Bap- on two errora by Wheeler, Bufka wat
We bongbt early and aecur- them to tell from 3Sc to Selling at the remarkably e*t patte'Bs that were ever
raUred but Bolley aeored. Moirtoeey
Finrat low price of PI 00. . If you nnpseaed—are etrietiy npjtft yeaterday.
the beet. Prices are from 11 TS per yard
producu of the eastern want belter we've got to-datc^
Walter Murray baa accepted a poal- madea bit Jjtioff firat bag. which al
•ion at clerk in Tbomptoa'a druy atore. lowed Woltera to aoore. m»hing the
In the erening of life—after
C. B- Lorejoy of B<( Eapida bM re- last run tor Maatotee.
btulet arc (oOKbt—wbr tbouJdn't
The Buiilen can count their ra
Inrsed borne after rtoltiny hto ■toter,
oUl tolki enjoy in eonifort their i
4wo laninga. the fifth aad alxtb.
Mra. '^UD Cole of Pine ttreek
It U uiutlly (be kidneyi which
Prank Votraba to enteruininy bto tbe fifth MeCaUatartid tbe ball rolling
-1th a daisy borne run. Fox followed get out of order, tod cause barktc
Irothra. L P. Votruba of Cbleayo.
goods arriv
tiivra a toneb
rlie* and an
Bave ’ readjusted
MiraOlieeB. White ot Manralona ;t with a two bate bit that atrnck Wol fillet* o tbe blood tbe kidneys
that pleases tbe priera on a score styles H*ve them in every style
yWtlnc bar brother. B. B. White of tera aad eompe.lcd him to yield the bard U remore from tbe body tb
bringing the acaaon'e beat made and tboae for the
box to Breenahan. The
lUdtoon atraet.'
mneb better artirl- for I5e. them in t « 6 4. ■‘•4. rang opponanlty fo<- good cor neck ribbon* are the one*
MlB KllxabeOk Coyne ralaraed yee- took Omplru Perria la tbe neek, bat u
They be^ln you waou nc buy* any of
(the brat of *11 <Tx CO inch ing from 7Sc to tbe very *cu cheap.
d ,10 wil
back, and aniem aitcnded
at &Oe and go to the brat.
Parka atraek
troB a two weeke' rtett at Mue- didn't pbaee*blm.
finrat at to 00.
(or a quarter.
a dozen rariettoa. more for
fool poisons in the bio
better one*.
and Geer aacOaraoa fiew oat to Bcfka,
• 1
Mrm. D. A Oreaao Uft ree- reUring tbe aide.
•arday for Oaawn. Pa.
Two ruaa were added In tbe alxtk. at tbe root ot trouble by meki
■AHor W. & Hetoon of tbe Leelanau Bunt leudlng with a eafe alaglc In left kidnera ttrony, bcaltby aod rij
_ All manner of
■Btarpriae eame to the eity.'ymtorday. field. Boll following with a two-bahe They core BHxbt’a dleeaac, <
OmDS shapes of aids
Prank O. White of Balkaeka to rtalt- bH over right field tenea. putting Buut diabetes and all diaeaaca of the ki
OB third: Boyce fouled obi; then i lieer aud bladder, ai well at c
e 0 m ba All
pg hto heather. K. E. White.
them in all atxra,
Wheeler made a alee Utile tingle o*er. coQiiipatioo. They bate won 1
maaaer of oraamenta. All
J. B. Sante and wife hare ratorwed firat. that tmugbi In both Uont and miration of old people in pertleni
youra St from a third to a sizes of back eomba from Se
be dropring ouH half o9
Bull. MeOall and Pox were out on cause they make it poeaibfe for i
pom a ftoit to Petoekey.
Oot to make the pair to toe. New pom latest tblag worn, aad tte
any color you waat. and room for new goods. mn»t padonr combs at »e. Al- finrat good* pat oa tiu
Ckarlee BUlman of Cedar waa in tbe fiica. ending the raa getting for M enjoy la old ^ tbe comfort as
from l&e the dcian—eant bare tbe abelvra. Dandy am'.ncm pocket combs Sc market. Follow the atyW
home team.
Ibev baee ao well earned.
ptg yeaterday on bnaineat.
^ 1
bare too many.
FoUowlng to tbe labdUted aerae:
and be In it.
line here ia a few days to 40C.
Mr. J. U. Brigbiman. Ledyard.
Mra 3. L. Uibtaa to In Wtocoaau vtoltTake advantage now.
wrttw : “I am a bUcksmith, aac___
taf frfeada.
bad kidney disease to iu srorat form.
• At times I could o<
Mra. O. Kmedytyf Taatt atnM la
0 lor fire years I was
a M. A. Robertaoi
ache sod terrible p
Brand RapMa
B. MaBamara and
Pox wet
KidneT-Lirrr Pllli' >0 highly tba
an ImMgk uaoovk
w entirely f
to takela tha carai- llittall f ...............
to suit the moat exacting.
All stores don't carry them.
're made In all man
................ T T “
thrae uaefal wrappeea. Oot ner of plaids, aad tbe oeat- if yon think It's too cheap Just opened ape aew Une
Taaraaw Cm. ,
00c piU a done. »s cento *
them la all atylea of make* ert thing on the_Mrket. we can eell yon something and eelling fiat at Ite; two
dcaton. or Ur. A. W. Cba
better. All war g. ode are for SS-!. Better have an
aad In colon to aolt all Have one for a eSxnge.
Company, BcSala, N. Y.
gaaraotefid to give tbe brat extra ooe la caee of andtastra. from TSc to S3.00.
OoM rarly aad get your
of tatiafaciloa.
Commenciie MoBday, lug. 14.
Saturday, lug. 19,
318 UNION street
’'""S:r‘“‘ii;w.s. ANDERSON. 1 I
Some Cheeks
to Investigate
See how email checks it will take to cover one
of these checks. Check off the one you want,
briny a check wi'h you, (we can uae the cash
too) and come early so the crowd will not be
checked on its rush for these checks
r a ds
Corsets S'.T'STi Cut Steel
: Bath S'.'-d'frj.;: Table
Buckles "VVn
[ Towels
: Hair
I; rins
■| Wrappers-;- 25c
Mr. PmrU amplrad tha SSilVT;:::;.;; S
turaad home yeaterday after rUitlng
lliaa MyrUe SnuahaU.
r.&«hryard, wbohaabeOT vtatttny
Ua Mtoyr. Mia. U A. Bragg, haa ra(nraafi to hto host In Daboqaa. Ia.
J e
I Oaitta; ampk*. P*
ssit, Trassraas: a
-s::; Remnants
Ribbons ^ -?i
My Dental Office will
closed two weeks, commec
ittg August 17th.
Th« Baiinah & Lay MeFcaotik Co.
:■ :<^r:
'rag geaiiaaMp^ wtoctwat, Amvm i«, leea
i Stfcte SVWM
mriP’mivri«i w W i«r V mir
ABOtkm •( Um kMW «f Ik* «p*ai>k
mrkM k*M UU %nr Bvrjh
Tnaj of Go. a ffUMiMstt OaitM
•UM* lat»*lr7. Jolaad th« 00*0*07 »t
.•iMdBi^Ma*a4«*a«*kMk boo* to
Sb«l'«7 lut Peoeobtr. bat ikc tU
MMtk* b*d bMB loo mn«h tor blo.aod
»0t roaowiu M te*i M Umt rrftBtrd
U« to. kto fwnta oorol to Ma*ke.
toabot Apr;), whore he eeeld ba<*
bvttor tiwlaeat, bat be aeaar raeov
Tbl Korito. k tb* aeo* of e diotae
tie* Md dalotj JepMoe tad/ who ie
ekiUar frteade Id Adrtaa. 8k*
«r*r with » pwiy of ntamiar oiMtoeartee. 8be bat • ebUd « /aan old lo
JapM bat wheo ab* wee ooaverted to
ebrleaealt/. »b* wee "patawa7’‘b7
her eoastr/oen. aed epeat foai- /eare
la a retreat. Sb* propaeae to It her-
Mlftor* toMfaer.
At Ann Arbir eoae thief eatored the
9t. TbOBM'e Oatbolie ehereh aad
wiaaebiAT *be “iwof bv" freo the
waUef tbe eatoue* wa/. took tee eoateate. The bos wu enpOod bet a
few dap* before Md U I* not tappoeed
that there wa* nneb monep therein.
There kae been aa hlfh a* «I00 eootrlbated to the toad Md depoeiud la tb*
d. W. Blrlep. towaablp olerk of UP*v, bad a part of tb* eellar wall onder hie beuM dw tro/ed in a peeallar
Maaner. Tb* roou of m apple tree
foreed their wap Into ^a oellar fron
to toet awep. dcatroplac tBe wall *0
that It will hare to be rebaiU One
root bed cnelrrtrd a seollon of a boald*r, wbiob .lu cspaotlon bad chipped
tbe main piece, and halo the
■tone tlffbtlp In lu
At OleefO U>e Oonarefatlonal ehnreb
mu rlre n norel roterUlnmant Krtdep
aifht It wUl be a mock weddlnr. the
paru belnp token ' p pronlneni cnll
dren of the town.
8ii brldcemaid*
wUt attano tb* bride. liU* Bntb B..
daartaler of Mr. Md Mr*. Oeo. Bdward
Bardeen, dr., who U to bo marrlod to
Bal^^tller. M.' D . bp Ser. Dr. BurCoe^A earplleed choir will linp Md
a reoebtloa wUI follow at tbe eonprefbUonal pamonare, the borne of B r.
aad Mr* E J. BarpeM.
Brarrhiog to Beadlaraa tor Os*m
Atmr TeteraM-- ^dep'e Brognni.
The whit* taoM <rf Camp MaPbrnnoa
ar* aU la pceltlm aontbwent of tha Mtc.
w^tiag tar tba remoMt of tb* "Old
Onard’looetapptbemtodap. And tbep
wlU not hare long to walk Bp wu
train aad etaamboat tb*."old bop**'
wtU begin to arrlra, enrip U tb* dap.
Tbep *iU And ererrtbing In readloam
for them. Tbe keel O. A. E. rotemae
bare emplblag arranged, ‘^e taete,
aet in mlU arp prceielon. walii^ tor
IhMr oeenpMU. Tbe gTounda will be
brilliacup lighted witn eieetrie tampa,
t* eupplp all tbe aeremary llumlnatlon not furalsbcd bp tba moon. Clip
water 1* prorlded oe all part* of the
ground an'd the came wUl be foond to
be a rerp eoaforuble on*
Tbe eommleerp department oeenpla*
the buildirg adjoining the AdroatUt
church- Bare are green eom,poietoa*.
ragnletioe armp beuM. hard tack and
■■eow-bellp." with canned goods to girt
rallsb, not alwep* prorlded for roterane when thep were enmpnlgnls
A few only of tbe rlclti^ reteraaa
are already bare, dome of the ropraeenutlre* from MMle
and Berthoori. who could not get here until to
day ease* is laet nlgbv
Tbe program for today 1* a* follow*:
Forenoon—Beeentlon of Comrade^
eignmanl to Quartor* In Camp MePbarna.
lt:oo m.—Diaaar Call.
140r.m.-Band Ooaeart at OtMd
1:10 p m.—Onmp Fire Batertalnmai
«:10 p. m.—Dree* Parade.
e:IO p. m.-«nn**t Gun.
r.oo p. B —Addree* of Weleome
Hon. Frank Hamilton. Mayor
7:S0 p. m.-Benea*e br Hta. Hedeon.
of Maneeion*.
8:M p. m —Fire-mlnnte Cbmp Fire
Ta ke bp Volunteer*
J0;00 p. m.—Tnp*
Bxoellent Vra-.nre* in Oononrt for
Beniflt of Flpe Oigin Pond.
The Bueloal Md lltorurp program to
hegirnnnl tbe home of MUe Alice
Boberu this ereolng f<w the bencit of
thep)lpe organ fund of the OongregaUonal church hM been arranged. The
program should cell ont a large crowd
as it 1* lor a worthy cause Md Is bring
airanged bp one who be* mnde such
work her profession.
An admlselon
fee of IS oenu will be charged to go to
tbe <wgM fund. Tbe following procram ba* been arranged bp Mis*
Baritone Solo.........................
A. U Currier.
Violin Solo -'Ceraiina''......................Beff
Siaueue Bsrnutn
Soprano Soio^^priLgilme"
Dio utjprlbgltme" ...Becker
Mu* Boberu.
Beading. ‘■A Model Uncoure
W.a Boorru.
Solo. "Udele".............................
Brripu Mutgun.
Baritone Soio................................Selected
Mew Bptaem at W**tbm Wabt^.
Tbe Oval Wood Di*k Co. wUl blow
tb* weather BtcMlataAF dap banaltor. aa toUowe;
Tb* aoM wUatl* wfU be Mown at
lldAetaadard Urns, after wbleb tb*
wartber algaale wBl be blownGee long bleat ladleata* fair waatber.
r*ra loag blastt led oatae rata or
aaew aocerdleg to tb* eieeaiL
Three toeg blaau indicatoe laeal
Four long .bteau indleaua abower*
followed bp toir weather.
Om abort blaet IndleatM lower
Two abort blaaU Indleatm U
Thar* M aomethlag nbMt
oaaedp. "Mra B. U'Sbaagbnmaap
(Wnab Lady)- in whUi-MiatSt. Oeerge
BaraepU etorriag thia eraeon. that
eeame to plaaa* tb* ainuUp eevar*
Meetem eriUe immeneely. U M da
aerlbed ea a olaM-eut high an eomefp.
not qaiU n* Oeltle na tba n»mc woald
imply, but jMt enough ao to entlUe It
to the nee of the tit'.e. Mta* Hnmcp U
well Md taeorablp known tbeougbont
tbe United Siatee'ulao la Biglnnd end
judging from tbe Bumeroua marked
exehaages rceelved et Manager 8>elnberg's ofle*. tha management bee
rouded her with one of the moat cspeativ* Md ttumrran* farce comedy
comnanlea of the ecaeoa. Tbe comedy
reailp ha* a olot Md a very laterei
one. wbleb give* Ue variouscharaeleri
of the play an opportunitp to dii
to the fttlleet extent tbeir ladlvj
talent* New and eaietay eoage. Cel
tic. rag-time Md operatic are Intro
duced with senmtloual daaee* which
are woven la prettily during tbe
Polleemea'B Benefit Bali. A nnmber
of bigb-cleaa epeclaUlM am preeeutod
Md the attraction aa a whole 1* one of
the bmi to visit Traveree City thU . _
eon. It will be aeoD toelgbt at Steio-berg's Grand, bp a large attendaae*
Tb.-ee abort bleaU IndlenUa eold
Ooe long and three sbort blasU Indlentee fair and oold wnve.
Mia* Flora Oaeptater. who baa been
vlalUng Mrv. C W.'paust. left for her
borne lo Grand Bapids lest night.
Be*. B. j"^andall atdTlfe of Cbira
gv left paeterdap for a trip In Wleeaa
ale. Tbep have beeo tbe gneeU Of
Bev. C. J. Stout Md famllv,
In the eonlb within tbe leit five
eecath* 117.000.000 of new enpUal bae
been invcaled In eotton mill*.
Tea time
Atea table dainty that never cloys;
a morsel that everyone enjoys.
Carnival at Seglnuw.
A partwel. natural drama, fltvored
with tbe breetp, local color of Taanee«U ticketi eee life, and permeated with the soft
llmiT^aonibern atmotpbere of lu vallepa..U
c ranad trip.
_______ 711 St 4 "A Bomanee of Coon B:>Uow." which
hsebaen one of tbe eobeuntlsl
BeyveoA'i CtslebrUsa
nmpbs of the laet five Reason*.
•neoea* U Urgely doe to the maf
eent scenic rff*eu. amcog which are
The! public will bsvv an opporlunltp
of ooueuliingrnr of the beet Palmleu a reali t'c eteemboat race between the
of tbe age. Call and know your fe- B. E Leeand Nktehes. and a eotton
lare on buelnea*. Icve and marriage. preee in aetcal operailor.
But tbe
Get a pkoto of pour future wife or hue- play meeu favor with tlocgniful peo
ple on worthier ground*
It is splen
Mauau Louaixx
didly ooDkirucied.' the cksracur* are
Hotel Wbitiog.
Boom It.
fleeb and blood being* the plot Is very
druiiktieand Inurcsuag ard the bnAuetia flfwbeels
mor gennloelp funny wUbout being
Lederl* tbe b>eycl* repair
nlmllfareial. AU tbl* we glean frsm
oontraeled tor M)
» high
bi • grade bicycle* tbo eommenu of tb* leading eritim t f
wbleb wll' be closed out et menutfaeoouDtrp. A number of estrinalc
faetnrer'e cost. Setwdep. Aug 19
feature* lend Id tcreet to tbe product711 S; 7
A troepe of darkey male nod
leyweeA t OtUbrlUei
tie pianution daneere and two
quartette* add voloaee to the esterSlsyolas^p
Don't fall to call at Dederie's blepcU Utumeot. "A Boemnee of Coon Bd
repair abop and examine bl* large low" 1* a omolete produrtiou, all or
atork of bi’-yrle* to beeloeed oat Sut■eenerp
being carried.
urdej, Ang. 19
will be eeeo at Steinberg'* Grand on
Friday evenlog.Aug. 1;:.
lernod 1 Oelettltic*
At lit. flnaant, two bottbe* belonpiof to Jobs Eeak and three bame adJaoeat ware deatroped bp fire Bnndap
. erenlnff. Um »t.500.
Fire deeiroped tb* large lee bonaee at
Derll'e Lake, al o two barn* Heroic
Prettiesi pla> house Id Northern .VikhlRan.
afforu on tbe part of cltiseaa earod
the Oerll Lake bolel. LoeetlB.OOO.
Two carload* of ea;8eaator Falmer'e
One Night Only,
Janop oow* eriirad at Bcmolne from,
Raaaaa Citp. where thep bad been eblp-'
pad. Ibe price > (fared tor tbem wa*
too low ao tbep war* aaat back.
William Hloollte. aged about M
A cleaB, wholesome musical
Tne magnificent »sea!c
poarn. Bring four mUra went of Brock
farce comedv.
earldgr. got hU foot Into the cpilndrr
of n Ibreeher. and on Mandnp bU 1^
Contralto Solo ■■Summer Night"
bad to be ampntotad between
Mkl* and tbe knee. Helen poor
Ml*. Wiineim.
tive Irish Oomwiienne.
While riding up tb* ball of the ekip Btading. SeleuUun iron Uoetep...
L F. Tine.
at the Champion Mine.
Violin (sl-lbe S-mot PutsU”....
u Jobaeon. a lS-pear.old miner, bad
............................................. KciM-Bela
bla bead cangbt between tbe cable Md Violin ( )--tlitng.cUuDsnoe".Branam
C B Uomt.
the abeare, killing him laetonUp.
Dnel, Soprano Mil Baritone..........
..................................... Prom -Elijah"
Ibe alleged bird poleoaer* who c
MiseBobet^Md Mr. Currier.
*d eueb baroc among the bird* at Kaltoaaoo. and alto at Outgo and Allegan,
Ball Flayers Xntartatned.
bare baen arreeied at Allegan. Tbep
All sosnery chrried
Laeinlgbl Duff McDonald and tbe
are John Harrington of rioe
Wonderfal electiiesl effecta
Bops' Band entertained tbe MmUm*
and Bobt. Kline of ticbooleraft.
Select drama'ic company
U aplM of the oold breeim oo the baee ball team bod the memoeru of the
lake Snadap in.ooo Ohleagoane found D. A. C. team, wboarrirrd from Petoe(WkSHLADT)
The Ogirolina Quartette
tbeir wap over to 8t Joe, and of tbU kep laat evening. Tbe visitor* were
Great Plantation Danoers
number Iv oonplo* relumed borne in given e goed time which continued
double bamcM.
until a let* hour.
And no Increaae in prioea
A farmer named 8lmnu. Bring
Bucklena Arnica Saiv*
ttUea weet of Aebtoa. Oeeoola oountp.
The Bkbt eai-vs in tbe world for
□ »c. ate. toe. 7SC. Bos M*u. tl on.
bad a large bam
. Ul
beau on tale at the B» Office Tbni
Price*—tsfjs, so. 7Sc Bo* a
to putUng a baaement wall uader It,
dap morning.
SeaU on sale *t bos office.
when U wa* atruck bp a bearp wind
poeitiveip Cl
Btorm. blown orer Md^uahed.
or no pap required. li u |
There ware S.iwdeatoe reported to ■■ give pertev*
tb* eeoretorp of etaie tor the month of refunded. Priee ft oenu per box. I
Jnlp. Thia 1* ^n inereau ofllU orer •ai* bp J. G. Jobnaoo and S. E. Wait
..Steinberg’s Grand Opera House.
A peodnet of tbe bskerie* lAkb have been mad* Cunoiu
, by UnM«n aiecnilt.
SoU only in e ■ealed. metatMu
f^oof package, which iarare* iu pertoct freebnes*
I Veterans, Attention! I
We bav.e always given es
pecial attention to the wants
TO-NIGHT Friday, Aug. 1
of G. A. R. veterans.
largest and most up to-date
“A HomancR
HUSSEY Coon Hollow”
clothing and furnishings for
general trade, but as usual, a
most complete line G. A. R.
clothing, hats,
ter suits than we do—No
one df^ s.:ll a.-^ good goods
Auetion Uigb Grade Bicpels* Satur
dap. Aug. 19, LederlCe Biepel* Boupltal. ____________
^ Pingree & Smith
, mak* of SboM and Oxforda
^EST Michiqun R y.
I at leaa tlian HALF PBIOB
'Don't mlaa this mala.
.is ___ i all eutloue Bay Vl*i^. to IVavene
City ineluelve
unUl Sept. SOtb.
Tbrangb sleeping can to Oitcaro
Bu Lout*
Ang. 1 31
Gso. DxBavkx. G. P.
Gan. DkSsTn, U- P. A.
say more but modesty ^f-bids, and we give you a most
early and often at our rooms.
I Hamilton Clothing Co. I
|2ito4, A,B, C.D,and B*a.
We aeU the BEST UHE of
Ladiee’ $S.OO and $2.60 Shoea
in thia otty.
After you
them you will be'oonvinoed
of tbe
Arbelter Saeietp. All tbe uiual1 fea1 of UareuM Pfenldt aad epeein
. ..UooeoatbUoeeMloa. D<«’t
tbU ehanoe lor a good Ume with —
Germane. Train will leave Tnrarae
GKp at 7:00 * m. Md aoHv* at Grand
Baptta atant boob. ItotnmliM! leave
for less money—We might
BltpeU Aueiim
and equip
ments—No onS can sell bet
Sutfouniled by a Capable En
semble of Irtists.
tb* nnmber regleiered for tbe prerloo*
month and oorreeponde to n death mt*
of tai par 1.000 reporting popnUl
W. B. Clooe of Dnlntb. Minn., wne
found dead In h'« bml Mondap morning
at the Ooloalal at Mt. Clemen*,
wae around Suodup and istended to
leare f« bom* on Mondap momtng.
Death reeultod tram loeOmotor atoxia.
He wa* about » pearu of agUMd a
nun of conelderabl* means
At Detroit there wa* another kero«*M exploelon Mondap morning In the
dMtrlet where errerai other* bare oeearndwilb teulrmulto Tbe rietlm
Moodap wa*Oito tiueniher. a lu.rearold bop. who need keraeene In attempt
ing to light n flrr. Be wm terrlblp tam
ed Md 1* not enpeeted to rooorar.
NatbM Tlnkw Draper of Grand RepUa. elsime to be the oUeet nun In
Mkhlgan. Be ebowo doeumenu wbleb
pror* that on B^tamberfl nest ha wUI
be loe peon old.
Welter lieetedo. aged ISpean. Md
MprUe Desnaln. uged ll poaiu. were
married at PooUac la*t weak. Beatedo
garakMv« a*foudthAt olUt* ^
as tA Baetedo's tetbw, who lire* at
••pmr lMk«. baa bad the eeapia ar-
stock contains not only the
that others don*t give yon a
Morning Rncord Wont Ads Pny.
Park Place Hotel!
Tirax-eo ve Od-tiT*, ^±o1t.igam..
$S 00 Shoe at the above prioee
—Compare them—Get themof-
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
private baths hare been added, making it one of the most
comforUble hotels in Northern Michigan, Address for
rates and other information
Pro[ rietors.
, tat MOKvnio BM0BD,.vsM>8t>Ai. Avoirn la^ tsasL
! &CMraX'U««»
<<S ttxe'VDoAi.
IMIOW l, .
vrluretl OMt
Iw Oftk7 Oo^ b ihm mm «f ftM»
9SStaMMr in OklAfeoM.
of Uu iMTiaC
lij iJss-oTTsr-.- ■
Ciistltititc Ml EuMHlNi Fm ul Sniclli CwniMtiil. WADE BROS.,
DRS. B. S.& CO.
lyoTB#* Vacb.Pi
cwatol tnmna,
Qaar Perk par M...
dhort Oat Pork........
abort Oat Ftoar,
10 7«
Iwicu INial ul Sugicil Intitite tl InbiH, Udi
4 00
BotMAl. ‘WTgJ.T.i Ti g, Txo w’o'xao OLtsy,
Tha 4Mtk r»U of tha ar»r M pnar«ai la OBI7 a lltUa orer t par cant.
«OM bal Ctrl baMaa kara bean .bora
is Baadolph eoaat7. «o.,{ora moaib,
eSoa Sean from 0 a. w.
a p. ■
Dm Bookafallara and Botbaebildt an
. a. Mon. cnrrtl ennloo tin
«ald 10 ba baeklBf a propoaad copper
• prrtaJiM**'
duti«ti, *'
ana( Uat wUl abaorb aU tba bif bIbm aarr
let Opera Bou
laUia oorld.
Atrala load of kecaaa waa aeUed
Kooor'wlaoB. OBooo. City Opm
ertUi a Bjatarfoaa diaaaaa al BUliafa.
T\B. A. «. BOIXIDAT. r
aCoBi.. aad U7 Of Ua w
LI CDlTaraUj. OBmIb^bi
Wheat, old. pw bn................
Data. Mo.l,parbb. (now)..
Thaantawaatpotatoaaof the 1»M Q,(LBm a OA^^. AyrB^.^apaey^^ Corn, par bn...
«ropaoldIorOparbaabalai Maacaatine. Iowa.
Iter, par ft.
. tCTtPtion to ta« tltiot.
A Ml*. Ta/lor of Waat Virfiala. who
■na. per down
eraaproooaBoed dead, baa raMroad to
Bla Xdfb Waa Bared.
S ifa. aBertiBf that aba taw tba
Mr. J. B. Lilly, a promlnant dOxan
of paradlaa aad eoDreraed with aafala.
of Hannibal. Mp. lately bad a moderAo aaploya of the Barlam Tacbi T A.TBOBPOON H.D OOMlaBKaUtae fnl dellTaranca from a frirhtfnl death,
* UUUkMi Bi<«a. Bean, e la II a
I tn talliaKof itbe aayt: “I waa tak
Clab saatad FiDDCcaa aa^ad S-Toar-bld L.
toip.iB. Telepaoe*. n.
Ferer.----that---ran _
with •
£aata O’Brlaa from drownlof
nnea bardaoed. I
PnenBonla.^ ^My Innn
wat to weak I couldn't tit op In bad
Hiada tba flfib child ba baa raaeaad
Nnihinr helped me. I espaeiad loaooE
taiaea tba'ansnar bcffaii.
die of Contnmptioa. when I beard of
ParmaraaraaotthaOBlr oaca who
Dr. KInff't New Ditoorery. One botUe
raTa irreat relief. I oootloned to
«■« abort of balp Tbara te work for
font povrr re It, and now am well and atronff. I e
aoo addiUopal mas la tba bslldlof
dor. Boat
fm h/ K tool beta. run. t, By tOO mncb In iU praita." Tbit 1
Aradatpfferad by Iowa, Oltj cootrac
Aeia. Lika raportaooBe fro* all Iowa
liar. I tleobar* t •«« atOr teetrrr I(;u>a Hiroat aod LnP|
If Tronble. Bafnlar
of atoer >llb
>iib arts* le bolri Itm aiaoa. rrfre tiaaa W oanu and 11.00.
Trial bottle
Tka trantport UePbenoa with a ear- BO Jo.O'ro
free at Jobnton't and Wall'a Drnf
Xo cf aappltaa for tba alarm aafftrera T ORT-A •■WCNxSata' |>1o wlih
W. A." Storea, arery bottle rnarantaatl.
«f Porto Bloo laft bar plar In Brooklyn Aj Isacrioiloo. FUdrr pirta* latrr tt Ptc0oa ta« rerrl'T Milltbtr rraarA. Til *• Bernod't OdibrtUM
Bfooday aftarnoon. Abont two-tblrda
of tba orlrlnai ear^.of army anppHaa
arera left behind to make room for tba toiuirrerjoa ^1. Nomar:Ur
Til tf.
llse Forealara wl’l {flee p plaaeant
(laastltlaa of rice, beaaa, ffraln, elotblall on Wadi
Boelal hop
grrr ATlOK wanted -uiH «»oia^iaailon
day and Tbnrtday ereninfa. EreryiaC.1oBbar,ate..raqnli«dfor tba Imone la Inritad to attend aad bare a
Itc arfrrrore d»oo If rrqolrrC.*’ Ad>1rroa
madlau otaaBity of the aafferera. Up Bta
AUorta, rrorrtl delircrr. CUT.
to within a qoarter of as boor of MilInf Tolnntary eontribatlona kept pnll' ^^ANTKO TO^RENT-MrClBti •li-C
B^h. *^lT*Rtraai> o£e
fin. Itiaaxpaetad that Baa Jnan par It:
arUl be raaebad not later than Saturday
1« TrMtmaat of All Ptaeaeaa and Ww
At Cbattaaofa. Tenn., Bnnday Bomof Mankind PoakUo to 6btala.
1 wiab to axpraaa my fraUlode to Dr.
Inr at I o'eloek Cbarlaa W. Cot a
The pool widrlT tod Ctrortblr Xoowa OowItUat Is tb* Catied Pltitt. Bla looc eteeHtaet.
B E. Otunan for the food I bare reTbrrrUtIto t bate eeirad tbroufb hit treatment.
Btrktblraklll tod oolTrrotJaDrrrwIa ikt Itreeat hooplttla to tbr world coobloo hlw U
I bare
CrooB of two araekt, ahot and killed lactloMUevnbllJlU.
btJI dimaoae oa lb« pro»*nT Alwi t Ob* rrorr
ot til CBBOKrC.NxaVOl-S.BXnC tod BLOOD DIOMOM opoo the UW«t ocleolUe pnocl
a. tod rmttlra blw t•^ the full rooSCrocw of the tMIctod rrerrwherr.
Ut pretty yovnr wife, at tbair bosa in ofotktrrae A frerr tbeui Ibr OBtIre land bean troubled tor the
rat Bl a eatU oiprsar br pol lo repair. Tbit with eaacer on the noae.
Caaa. Oa . while in pnrtnlt of a nefro laeC win plat lato about auo lou «bii-ta at aelr with aareral phyeieiant and tpacialiau,
r? per lot roD«~ to RAeC. I ofTor Ibr rstlrr
OottiTh. Dlarttra ot tOr Bar. Btr. Near, Thrott oad Ldocb. Drapepalt. Brbrbra Dlaetm. DM
fenrrolar. Coaand bit wife ware aront- propmr
lor h.UK Caub or tlar to auU:' lo- beaii^et takinf rxrioui kinda of blood brtta. Klderr. Urrr, BltJdrr.Chraelc FriotW tsd Braotl DIartoeo apeMtilT cured bp tramprr r*Bl. or I ir
medicinen. But all teemed to do me no weal thti bta orrrr Itlird lo thoatobda ol etart Utt btd brea praeosoeod brr«od b«|•ad by tba nefro prowlinr in tba room.
........................Ibrj-ror. TbI.
food. I kept frowinf woraeall the HuT^plr ior«i dtttb rrcij petr who talcbl btrt bMO fwterwd (e prrfcet botlfb btd ah
Tbey roae at the tame time. Tba bnrg- a blK barralD u> aoroor wbt ha* t
time, until I cootulted Dr Oumto, of
real ntair. Appl; to V. C. Don
lar ran traintl Mra Oox. She teraas- to
rooa Mo. ». UaMolc Uoek.
the fi.-m of Drt. B. S A Co., of Uutlce•d and bar baibaod fired, the ball
fOQ. aod can now eay that I am entlro■OR BALX-A orw Bod«m ■•ull« rlcht-room ly cared
fl/bealtbit better than it
plarclor the woBaa'a heart. Tba burg
■'.in* bouoe, OD Wrboier otmi otwli
OHBOHIO aou.____________ __ __________
>a oo|iM«).aoliob]» (or oer ftmllT hat been W yean. I would eay to any
lar jumped Uironfb a eloaed window
or two. wouW
•uia or
erofer 00 til rtth ttlr. but btlt that are tm.etad at 1 kare bean, that Uda giUcklT rored.
Md aaoapad. Cox bat been deliriont rtth will br tt'
btroore In jrtrlr ptr- they will find relief *>y cxllinf on Dr.
lor tba awful eflrwu of rtrlr Tier tod tbr aonrou. Will u-lr
idnMtfccabotitiogaod pbytieitnt tay •1 .Irr romrr Wriibttor tnC rrooktlo
Ton will find blm a feoUebLooxTAo win dibka. TO YOUNQ AND MIDDLE
*‘7k.V' man. who will do at be af reca.
■faewUlloaehUmlDd. Oox la waalUy. Um. r. Ml
BBS tpeedll/. eoBplruljr aod permtooallT
Mrs MVR.IR Mmitu.
and bad jnat parebatad one of the '^^AN rXD TOJC^KVT-ftrM4raer.^-(Wlobrr
BX Jokna. Mich.. Peh. it. 18to.
Ut.reodloro«tio. ACdiwot B^^aiuiob
larfeat planuUona in North UaoiYlaOB. A I. Sx-urtionto Milwankea.
At Sprlnffiald. IlL. Mra Franela
« wheat oell
^^ANTED-PWo dnroBiokloC ud
1». OTTMAN <
On Aufnei iTih the 8 8 A I. will OBBBntrtoMrdeurMl wiihool ptla or «•- Itiy
Wallace, only remainlPA aitter of Mra
btblu tod rb
•t rulDod both Mist
laraion ilckru to Milwaukee for
> tor ttody. toBMi
pFi’ eor''('tU o^r oddnM^»
roaatit Waak- todted^soBIUo.
.AbrabaBLlaooln,dlad Monday, affad ttirri
tS SI for round trip rit Seed City and '*KNl!rrTTnT*OVBBD
____ __________
............... dioordi____ __________
n yaara
Flint A Fere Marquette. Tickelt food rubor MI, paolllTolT cund,^ arcU oa foae^^^NEY TO LOi^-Toonrl^ Porlo^toC
to return fifteen dayt from date of aale lira or tbo eioata of Bttoro Fotr*
The 81 Patarabnrir corraapondant i'of
- -
Aug. 16, 1899.
s=S3=::;i '
M”T'ir„is‘Srf4.r.r"' 'ts'
DR. OTTMAN r.’s.vjs'”isiLfs?s:M!>,2sr'.f;rssis
the Undon Mmmlar Poat mya that it
la propoaad attar the cloae*of the Parle
nxpoBltion next year to open an AaericanexhlbUion either in Moacow or St.
Feteraborr to eontUt ebUfly of Ameri
axhlblu from Paria. with the view
.of exteodlaK Amarlcao tradb.
-Partlea are arrlTlnr at Parry. Okia.
'IrOB tbeOaaca raaerration. and atata
abet tbonaanda of aray worst bare ap
peared there and are aatlnf op all lira
omrliT. A^^^wortOrflM Froot »trrrt. npf
toltrr tadetproar* to tbr rlobi par
rM K. RtinaD oSor.
VffANTED—A Bral ritaa boaarkerprr.
Ub- |
atrip >u Miw JB Xobortt'old MImIm *T»-ir. '
--- r Oriati. me Etal Bloth atrert.
pOR 8ALB-BOUM to.Uol
I DN.OnXAM oportta. aticeaaafallr aad
, paialeaalT lor agaloi afot, pterrr'iiia. Irldro . bllitr. itrieoeolc. atricture'sloet. weak
{towp. lurDlnc ic <tc out of ora Itabrt or llda.. tad all kidarp tad bladder iHettM
■ aloaorr a tttr dnei tad tU olbor ape
ap« oparaOptra-.
ddu r^w-mw wr^ww ■
’ I CATaBBHOF'IHE nose, bteaebltla tad
. I lose trasbl^ rtsaed troa ctttrrb. potltlualp
ai>. Ctttrrb. able
, eorod. ______
nerofult. Blood Ttla_________1!:
Otaorr. PiIm tl -tooaooa-ot Woaes ijulrklp ! OBAnTBBB. I euro M par coat of tU
br ih« Ittom apprerad j Mtap ettao carod la 000 tratl
, troataeat ta perwnrd ep
BARS eorod la ororj etoo.
I Aarriatad Europr.
Aa axebaaca notet that Joaaph PbU.
Upa.of Clorerdale, Ind , whUe fiabinr
T70B HALE-.A atock of e
.iiarrp (rail
At tba cataract, tied bia Une abont bla r aodi.ibtrco. tad Cii>
Nior riots
dtlratork Hood kartUun
Ddiop a tip
Mkle and went to tiaep on tba bank op-u..aal0M>.
Ilyi.uat*;lui.-r-.t-d ttlk aritb
rdilurollbla paper llor lanber
Oftbarirer. A 31-pound earp arlz«d
the book, at Itt ttrnrfilct arontad Pbll^^MFKn
liTORS -For itlr.^^lp
tlptaoqalcklj that he rolled off inUj
tba rlrar and narrowly etcapad drowp.
Inf. Ha rraa raaeaad and the flab waa
parwoa tpsiplsc lor aodldCl trtet--tUTN—<
•uld toad or bnac froa t to < ouaora ol
or oriar
nriar liktl ptoaod Aiw lo tbo aoestac pt*
rb wiu rweoiro t (trafnl eh«aletl>iid
,letl>od alerooeopietJ
czaalatlloe. tad Ifroqueoied
t wrtttrn tatlpala
tlpaia will ba cirea. Paraoaa rulaod la
1b betlib
bp ealotnod preieodora. wbe keep
I irlClos wUb tboa
• tnor'Baoth.p.ia«polaoaouted{B)oneiuooapooBda.ahoeld bppip
. laa^lttrlp. Del
1 lb old etaaa which haoa boos aacloei
jacloeiod or asaldUfbllp
No eipcnarata or ftlluroa Ptrtloa
>trtloa treacod bp atU or
laturttUob la preierrod. Oartblr etai
Idcatltl TmlaoBt oast C. O. D. to
Vrrp dralrt'blr loi. .atU bouar. loguiM rrf H.'
C. Otioii. ee Baal Nlaib a reel.
^ %".r
At BlebBond. Va.. Mra StonawaU
Jaekeon, who bat bean in feeble baaltb
dor aix Bootba, it reported to be in a
arltlcal eonditioa. She la tindar tba ataandance af Dr. MeOnira. who waa
Oaneral Jaekaoa’t ttaS tnrfMn. and
/ aUandad him when ba waa abol.
’.The blowinf out of an elbow In a
wlaam pipe on ibattaamar Gordon, aa
excanioD boat plyinf between Cbleafo
and Manhattan Beach, laft the boat
alBoat belpleaa Monday a ai'a from
abore. Tba lOO people oa board ruhad
from one aod to tba other in aa rBort
to taeape tba clonda of ataam fnm tba
bailer room. They were reaenad by
aba ateaaar Iranhoa.
tllloaaatad cel pou blabeai i^ro for pwor |
Boaop. No ritk, Wtdr brot., til FToei Ot.. I
Good Hardwood in Btove Lengthn.
AiBO Four Foot Maple Slabs and Edgiogi.
Whaadred dolltra
JN ^ M^T^I™^Boib pboer*. lit
I have resamed bosiDeM at my
bakery and will be pleased to re
WttblactoB^trori ceive the patroQBt;e of all my old
cofitomera and new ones u well
All fresh baked goods of the
Ttia la tbooi oae-btlt tu '
6rat quality.
limir ttkra tt oerr.
John WheeUr.
’^B SALE—Two ^Bryo doera|M truara
■Or reebtare tor i
£ Cydctabl^
klor-a drok, c«od m
413 Union Street
.OfWANTUtOTbweooftapbladlB Crwa-
4™"r»rTsss,“,s.; STaS-r
Uir Co Block.TrbMtar Cttr-________>l*4ao
r laOok Brirbit. oe Blfbtb.
tad Boo* rocu ted Htaatb treatoof tbo bti
'TnecrtcOw. SST*** ^
ProWdent Life
and Trust Company
of Rblladelphix.
Ketloa ta bcrcbv cirve tbtl tbo It
tbr conoetleo tf aebooi tal clip
aet&MoT. tat. Ur< troa I o'cid.
oVleeh a m. tad frea I e'eloek to < e
m ObtU Uksoa paid btbet Sopk.
ibon wUI ba ao toot ebtivod tor c
<d BaaniT and Marnattam wUi bo told
la a tna loetm to ladioa at Moato-
will iretrtoloe aU ^aa.3 WtdT BrMp^^ill
Vo Sifbt u VgUamt.
form apd tamper
_ _
Maada, bnt oae who would ba attoaetlre
etlre mutt keep bar
If aba
ta weak, alekly and all mn down, abe
will ba narrow and irritable. It aba Pat
poeattpatlon or kldaey tronbla. bar impw* l5^ will eaaaapiBplaa.blotebat,
akla amptioM aad a wretebed oomplaxlon. Klaetrk Bitten U tba beat
Ina la
in the world to nrnlate
«k. Urar and 1 Idnayt and to
blood. :t ,giwm atroof
WTOt, brifbt eyat. anoatb, ralraty
akla. riob complexion. It will nuke a
pood looUnf. nharmiar woman of a
nin-dowB Inraild. (ktly boe at Johnwnb aad Walfa drar atona
IVAbTET>-We want t tp« huadrod doUart I
i .S^
lew I iCSd toSSS«**'
Levi T. Pennington, District Agt
Trtrorao Onp ■ Wtoblcte.
AnwetEefMEtoeapp^^EBto. Bto
Vtw Oaos, WBTkbbW mo€k.
Traverse City Lumber Co.
Gas LampS2.00....
Price Redsced to Close Dot Lot
Best woi^minship money
can employ for Bicycle
Beptinog. Qakk work.
Ul Dntos Street.
John R. Santo,
Gssiril Iniruce.
OB 8ALB-<t»-&n acTwboo PexBiseB.
U. n bcrcc under cnltiTbilaa. bslxnee limber, over l.SOO oorda ovood.
food heavy eoU. n bxrfxia xt pries.
Price, ssoo.
FOBSALE~63»—TwoloU on Bxrlow
•tr««l. food loU. eloee u> fbctOfT.
■Ixe of lou iO X IM- Price. ti;s «Mb.
6—>00 eecB farm. U
I. six m'lSt weal ud
orth of Trsvenc City.
wbxi we uk for term. Good noli.
Price OB xppnewUoo.
FOR SALB-<as-l>»
FUB 8ALE->>34—$0 bcree three rallee
north of Empire. LeelxBSU eennty.
About 2SO.OOO feet
aide slreeu bix.- MxtOO.
Inrlow. I
Price Bt
Price. «ua
FHY lesve your money idle in bsaki
We have exile for money xll tto timi
Firbt clxm aeenrity. Good rxti of u
SVxync etroet, food frxme bo«M. I4x
SO with wiBf. food etone foasdxtlon.
btone oellxr. baixll bxm. 40D bexrlxf.
cherry, plum, xpple, treee, food weU
wxier. Price fiisoa
IXPR SALE—634—06 ft. on Exit (>0x1
•treet, west of Wellinfton.
A fit#
Ixwn. one modem rceidenoe, V lxrf«
rooms. Also on seme lot one
smell bouse. 4 rooms. A deslmble
piece of property. Price fiveu npon
Mboibon. Lxrfc modTn residence.
10 rooms, stone bxsement. fitted for
fnmxce. House cost IITOO; lot worth
fisuo. Will br sold xt sxcrlflee price of
636—Two $0'fl. lou comer MsdlM
xsd Rxndolpb. Hot Booh. Enfine.
Buildlnf. Pipes, the whole property
COB SALE-«33—Lot S block 9. Wnei
Front slreeL between Cednr
Spruce. Leys level with eireet;
ISO, Price *4»0.
iX)E'SALE—633—Farm 100 xeree 3li
enlUvxUon, 1
end plum
bnUt,neaw windmill xsd ■
, _ .
plpee to bems. xli neocesxry sheds,
poultry bouse, ysrds end mii drxinxfc. fine new modem bouse. 11
rooms, stone fonndeUon.stone eeUxr.
4 bore's. 14 cowe bsmecees.bofflee.
wnfODA. slclfhs, cutters, xll fxrmtnf
Implemecto. ell crops of wbleb there
ere to xerc* eonsisUof of wbext.
fine wrov
This farm is known ns
the Welt
Veidoeft fxrmor Hillside dairy;
alone cost over
t4.000. good.
soil, and n fold mine for nome onx
Price for xll.1. fiS.OOO.
FOB SALE—6I»of Elmwood
small fmll and food fxrdex.
ill priofr—Price »
FOB SALE—617-Wesi 20 acres, lot I.
sec 7. 34. lu, lays 00 abore road.
Peeinsuls. orchard 50 ap^ treee, M
cbeny treee. ISO pear, plume, peecb.
Price tuoo^.
FoaSALE-rLou ib aad >0. block 1.
Perry Babnab's eceond add. earner
Hobemis ' aod lltb stnet. Price
8ALE-5T1frame bouse
and eifbl acres of land, situated
abont oae mile from eenter of city,
bonac 14x14. nix rooms lx bouM.
FOR SALE—ato-BoMeandlot, Union
street, ten rooms, stone tonadalion and stone basement, eompleta.
Z wxQt
want a few
bnadred doUan to
nlaoe oa penaual property loai,
^^fuarantee ail los
The above are all bantalns. aad eaa
be bosfht oa easy tenns. We have
tboatoade of. dollars worth of other
bSTfslns In farm and city propei'tj.
aad see ns if yon want to bny.
I have joEt added a fine hack, dome
List ^onr p
with us if yon want
several roomy two- and three-seat
ed riga, ^iaes ao iscreaaed num
ber of nice carnages I am now
prepared to do an extensive livery VO icih iBse nra» oour u
boslnew in addition to feeding and stfB is alonfside lbs door,
os the griMafi ftoor, at least
caring for teams.
isn't. We am. fifuraUve:
Drivers femished if desired.
So far as bavisf the larfset Ust and
Everything in firat-cisw shape. beet
barfxlns; we am strletly ta Ik
We work aU the time, we can aall yen
Coek. B
--- K ....
FDR Sll£-Nonie oa Websiti
snoot, loot lioise. fin large
rooms, good boro, room
sii horses, all in first-closs
conOitioo. This Is a snap
aod most ho tikoo this fore1000. Worth SI,ODD, price
Picnic Partes,
Fishing Partes,
and Fonerals.
ECUFSEIOTSSiidlOiTCO.i^^ iiatn in.
& uoHua. rn.
atio tad bolh to order
Rul Estm, UctioiMis,
Traders, Heaei Leaiers.
Rra Insurance.
L. 1<. ▲. Bulldlnff.
blf elfs at bottom of etaira BIf bar,
- 'ne at top of xtairx flmt door to
. rlfbt after yon tarn to left at bead .
Wade Bros.
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