The Morning Record, November 12, 1899

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, November 12, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




ThMTMir-Ho 768.






|Bir IboMaa Vm Make Aeetber Af
Poally of TMo PnotdMit MbOorl 4o
tempt to Vly Amerleab 3op
ooi OMpolr odkto Btowrwy.
Said to B« Oot Off Proa All
Loftdoe. Mo*. 11 -Mr TboaMi Up.toneo. B. J.. Mo*. n.-Vto. Pr*iBalBforeameBta.
too Mid laetalyhf-'Too Bay drlaltaly
dMt Bobort
oiffOlood today tOw«-MOO mUHoI
I -Ul ebaUaaya ayoia
for ABOrtoob Oap. I bare already ba•Oooc* >o bto Modlttoo. B. mt «y io
Moy eOolr o«rly oU ywtMday
—M»m Terr Meoyer. Mot Mot ol'rBB
wmurn ^ m Mm- oo
OltMOOOO ood-M M Boeo lB^O*Od
oa MaeaaraylBf Obiraetar to May,
tOot 0.-M oUowod to rood to. yopM.
Ma«Tork Yaebiolab bafora |0brBttood-Mord SklmlU ot BelMost- Baa. I ho*a aet yat daeldad aa a da%.m*%Arrnf Om feroBbMtttoM.
•root Brttftla Aaaiaaa far Mon ibiyaararaballde*."
la Bott. of 10. Met tOot tO. yOyoh
Malta Mewa.
WIM TM«r M Hb'•Mm
OtofOMUr ho*, oot yot dMpolrodod
tMdoa. Mo*. 11.—The mwo flaB
UmO*. Ko*.il.—O
MW oltlioou roao*«7- T0.y or. mwltk two miorod by Oto opyorNt rote U Molol raoM*ad la Loodea yMt r«f||MArtkw^----»T‘. omofto ood to. w*y 0. kMw. to day. Ueayh Booyar. oU poiaB p^MylMalo Va« Ua'Araot «aaB
900) acBcloMoo.
Tmurdoy byoTary Mana_____
S joomHbT tfxm loltoObto tooA_____________
aadM*taioy to rarramad Ud*.|
H^holooot toword OoMopoioo. atrook
’ ft koUAllM of laMTgootfc ^karo wm

UnfrTonbl* O AIO .


ft rtoft. ohaiT ifht. tm wM


WUl MwOobly «Ml«B Afur tokloc
to. OktO at OttM WoiToot te
OtoAriMt U VtoO.
WMbiortoB. Mo*. 11 —BrirOoB a.
BobMUOt Olob tooot tOBlt-MO B.B-

10004olffbt H4Moor of Um '------- Tho Awortooo «omlU«
ISTtSoo wooodod. rm roboto.«BootodUooortkort/dlrooUoo.
Orr of lO. OOOM Of ropr|MauU*M la
amgram ood b. to oot to b. aoMotod
bMkoM b. to o polyffoatot. Be to to
_ .|I -r ,M»H
»~T ™** tMlyn ofBr bolof i-o« la. oad tb.
I* ■Ut.ofl'lob-UltbM bo*e o oboaM
ood a?*rr oro.k leolMt a r.prMeatotl*. la ooafrM.
-OowUl Botb*oo-blMB.tobtoooliMCOMOOdoMlMBtoOto MD<UlOMU.
_____ ift*i tk»« doablo t>«» oo o»- At toMt, it to 00-*wl tOot OB or^ of to. 4lM«it, of fttloc *.0- roBocBMit of ibto Mrt Om bwo iMobod. or-in MOO b. ofTMd to. MocoUk.ftUMto^tnoV
■“* 4Io»«ror»f
Mn^loco. kawmr. Lowioo to
aad bto HorBoa trtoodf. ood tb.
o*«*Ur pooklM
ad to. oinol wtp» oio oo«nn»o
are that tbto -lU be U. eav
wIfoUUi oo tk* r«**i ••* OOB. of U. Mtobroud ^aaA taUvroB CroB Salt Uk. City My.
that o woTMat Om boM toaead tar'thm
aoOfS..o«*oj»M 0“«>
i ortaotoi Mr. Mobarta. TO. ohorca to
ftft>.M0.4ltooto to. oorlh. rrtoro.4 pnyfOBOM llrtoy wlU Manta Sklpp
wiUoowo oftO.UodlKMU.troop. -BobarB. -If. Mb i. Mr. BobarB
•ilftftroWoo. TO.B«loft*o.oow Oad eBployed ottoraay. brfoio bto damjA to. rwrt broofOt by tb. portaer. and U.y ba*. bMa -atoblay
--Bboot lloolUlb»tO.«»orol WbMUio Mery bo*. Bade by U. aoBoat -bo
M Bot l»o4 ol 8.0 r*bloB to towrwst. ba*. brooyht Ue eharye. ayalMt blw
TO. BoBolofton loporl to tOot ofw
Ootof thirty hooioot MO- ood woklof
• wld.d.toiir for to. porpowi oldo
• MlTlor tb. .o.«y. tb. iroo«yorU.
„------- Md Umoeb*. eorryloy U. UulaeM a.irtloo of the Cny
by *97.000/Tire-U.M Oo*ered
•ThlrtMOtb ood TOlrty-TOM lofootry.
Twuxom of tb. 81*t0 orttllwy. -lib




rtoftoo. BoBor oad MoolU era. tbw.
5 ; ftk
to. MB. tlBO

AfMrOrtortoOM.lUtlo.*rUO ^
«*lW0Mtoooo board *h. ttoo^
•bMtdoo boBBkodB Kooa ordw-d
to beabord tb. dwr. froat ol

urn robtoo. TO. SriBBOOd M-^ -UAduXahlla tOaetOM *mmu bm«
g^Moaodm oad Oolt ootoaot'e
gftftk. Moll ooOoor lota Mojar Ofoolo'e
ol tb. Tblrty-tOlrd Mglol
Mm ThlrtMOtb dtoM»bftr0.d frta
Hwll booB. wOUO
«0O*09d8 to
wttOlotwMtyyorde of ,t0. Ao*. to
ttoloftof»obyt0..BOll gam-haM tOBor oad OoUoo. TOmo*b>i1i
bopt a* oo taeiBial tr. ofolMt lOo
' ^XWMMto OMd tOMr dr. tUl to.
■rot boftt wot oolooAM, -Om M*«roi
OmlMi *oUoye -a* dr*d ot tb. bm
who -B« -odlo* O.0OIB TO. lOBitaf aoi^ qotobVy Oorrod oorqM tb.
bMob. toklof rotay. baOlad Mod
dooB. TO. TblrtMOtO -Ml to tb.
laftoodt0.T01rty.Ulrd to tO. rl«ht
ood foorad la o Oot ftra oo to. aaoBy.
wOoMwa ««d. Ooyula Bo-load ot
OmboI WbMUBb otafl TolaatMrad to
taodoo. eoBpooy. bb^
* **"'
oaaKuleko^.ooKMklOO yord brldfe,
U aareait ot tb. rebel., ood tb. la•ftTveato di*ld«l- Sob. of tbwa roa
t'tvord tb. oorU. -hll. oUaa WMt
taroafb U. to-o to-ord Deyapoa.
IcMplBf op 0 raoolaf Ira id tbay rw
OeoMol WbMtoo loadad wlU U.
•lot dMoebBMt. oad took paiaoool
Marc* of U. ftrlaf llaa. Afterword
ka catarad tO. towo wiU Oto atoB
fthaod of to. troopo
Tblrty-.U SpaatoO prtooaork -ba reoMUy MM pert froB Torloo oad Oo*a
kOM bldloy la to. awoBpa raU.d oat
wtUoOeaUof -VI*. to.AaBrtoooo.r
they Um .abtooid tO. AbmImo
■llri------ •*------Oo. Spoatoh Mptola
^Tinrt wlU ftlth. loktolod oo OaCTiay
e^arftl WbMtoo. ofur kOMllay oad
btetayOto hood.___________
»oMto DaoH Uka It.
Uodoo. Mo*. ll-Th. Shoorb^
nifiUTir^— al tO. TIbm My.^
Mrttoa bat-oMBaBla aad Japoa,
Mrlay to tba Uttarb oeUrlty la C----amA tba aortboMtorm arorlaa.

Bod MttBM la tba atty-HW sa^
iMwthaaUer taUaM mo^ The
MaU aUbda


tioraaae. Mleb.. No*. ll -Thto city
-at TtolMd Uto aarnlar by a bif
Mat. that dMtroybd nls. bnildlaya la
tb. batlBMa portkte of U. eity aad
did daBay. Uai -Ul probably reach
Tb. dr. -M dtoicttwad at * o clook
Uto aMTolay. la Ua baasBMt of C. B.
Babab yrooary oad dry fooda ator*.
It awapt a-miy Uraayb tba ‘—•«—
porUoo af the city, royloy lor UrM
boore betora It aoald be ehack-l.
Tba loMM are m tollo-*: 0. M. Bobo.
aBakMdboUdlay. »lo.aoO;y A.Watw.
Btock oad half baUdlay. r.»00. & M.
Orawfari. boUdlay tl.OW. eiocb *.000;
B. A. Aodoraoo. boUdlay oad eUeb.
yi,0M;P. «. CtolpBOB. balldlay acd
nook. 8»oo. AU -era laaarad. Mb.
A M. »orbM lort bar beMabeld yoode
ftftd Or. Jebaaco kto oMea totoTM.

riM 1,11 ic.™. 1, .»•

1400 volumes
of new books
comprisink a choice asfiortment of the brightest and
best direct from the bindery—some are in novel and
rare bindings, all are neat and serviceable—It is said
“Taste in Reading is as Icdividbal as One’s Dyspep­
sia." Well, we satisfy all “tastes^’ with the assort­
ment of reading matter that is coming.

Want to renew your subscription to any
magatine? Let ns send it in for yon. We ,take sub­
scriptions to all magazines and newspapers pnblished.

-----L.,„.i.b „d
Uto poaltioB LadyeBlU to aBaeloally '
e.tofffronallbalp,oad atUa ao&a of beta

—p-.:' ^’1
a.eeaeoea la oo


2i(L888 Frent 8tr<>et

Ralph Ooimabls Tr Ifsnsgsr

aay BritUb Iotm ad*oaJay froa B^t- j |bard playlap by PeaBeylvaato :1b Ue

» U.


u -»I

Mveetaodlof lltolO.
atantroot.M Oeaarol Wblto -ooldj'
feU back la Ue dl^Uoa of T-lata
PeM oad Ull*erb Booh. It they
Uoold take etUer of UaM roatoe Uey
laal oboadeo Boat ol tbalr yoaa.
Tba boabordBMt of ladyaalU
eoattaaea. Probably Ua Boon by ao«
ba*e earorol hM*y yoH la plaoa. ao
that Ue BrUiU yarrtooa aay ha*a to
aadare ae*en trlato.
Tbe Boon Uelto areaold to be boiatly bettor tbaaJhIUerto oad Ua Are
t Uair bly -MpoM to baooBlay aora
■Ord Bkiratob Mt BalBOat.
II.—Tbe-ar i.tteehu
raeal*od froa Ueaaral Bailer Ue follo-lay dtopateb dated at OapeTowa;
;toroe feoa tba
Oraaye rl*er had a bard ekirmlab -lU
Ua eoemy today aboot four allea eaU
of Belaoai. Col. C. B. Beith-Paleonar
of the KortboBberlaod PbalUore wao
killed aad LleuC-T..Be*aae and B. C.
Ball of UeeamereylBeat-ere -caad*
ed. Thto la Ue oaly report to head.*
BelBOot to a autioa aboat Atiy Bllca
aoaU of KiBberley Bear Ue Prae State
Laat Troope Leave Baylaad.
Loodoft. Mo*. 11—TaeUtt lafaalry
battalloae aadar orden for SoaU
AMm lalt Baylaad today oad Ue laat
of Ua BoMan atoo tolled, leaviay Ue
-eylBMt Ua oaly eo*alry
atlll to be dtopatebed. Ltot. bet not.
by aay Baaaa leaat. Ua Ant kUfcaiT ol
bowtuv anlleiy etartoA OrMt Ulayi
or* eapeeted of tbaM bo-ltaar bottor^
lea. of -bleb Uera ora oaly Uraa la
the Brittob arBy. Tbtoe A** laek
U loadere era olalBad to ba of
aaparlor ebarootar aad an aipeetod to
be portleolarlr eerrtoMbla la roBO*lay Ua Brnr* troB tba bUto.
Tb. MUn abMOM of aawe of oay
.^portoBM to barlay IM cStot oa, U.
•B-TM of tb. ooaatry aad U. ralto• la OMtorad dtopatcbn to hM*y

m b.lrbMB U. oastoty. It to


shoe buyins will have lost
it’s terrors. L.-XDlKSwho
buy them are certain to

The extreme of stifle
The perfection of
The most moilerii
The most perfect
The best shoe of Ihe
The best womai's shoe
sell It up priN

SOROSIS [n any style
for dress or street ser­
vice-■■ $3 80 A PAIR


polaud oot Uat U. abaMoa of aarioai
a.-, la each dtopotobn aa ba*. b*M
nMl*ad frOB iimaaraX Wblto pro*n
ftoUlay. a* U. yMarol to aot llbaly to
iMd by plyeoo aayUlay aoplMaai
iadtnU*.of aaatoty. Ua oorrton bw
lay ao llablo to faU law U. haada of
Ue Bom
TbMa an aiyaa Uat Ue ymtor part
of Ue Boon are ooaeeatrettay bct«eM
UdyamlU aad Ooleaao. bat tbe etorlee
eo mtradletory that It to 1bpoealble to aaaert Uto a --olotoly
XiBSpMeyto boAttoeked.
Bark ly West. No*. 11—A dtopateb
rwelTod from Klabwlay eoy* Ua»
Oeawol Crocje eeet a Benaye to Ooloael Keke-loh. ealltay oo him to aorreader baton e o'clock OB Ui oMraloy
OcdoBblo. 17; «Mt Polat. 0.
of Ue alaU, oUer-to* Ue to-a -odd
Ooroall. t: Lotoyotte. lod. e.
heUaUed. U* -omen aad ekildrM.
reaialalayatOolOBel Keke-tob'a rtok.
lo-o, !•; OrlaoaU. A
Chtoaco roleenlty. 7«; NorU-eet- Tbe Boera, U -aa added, aarrcoad KIbThis report is bMrd arooad tbe
berUy -lU ymt foroe -Itb bw«y world. oDcibilatiag time. dUtance
ortiUerr ___ _____________
ODd reoistance.
Tbe op-to4ate booiDeeB
will keep pace -itb tbe tiroeo—He
VMSoIdXBatMMoloy by Uw L o
•alp o Wolf Bobe Loot la a BaM froM will do oil io bU power to moke
eolo Utorory Boototy.
Btore po ottroctiTe that it will
tb.^ww7 toUeUty.
Tbe UoaoU Uterory aoolety hold o
invite «>ie attration ot tbe buyer
pleoaoBl oodprotioble BoeUay Uat
Loat .vMlay o pony of yeatf*.
Tbe telephone is one
*ha bre-ary -wt ot
,loy. opeBlB* "‘th o decloBoUoo BM -«pl
ot tbe meona te tbU
___ Had "TboaotOMto.” by Moom oa- to-B aad for .that parpoaa hir­
end — It will bring
bert. Boy Wyaeoop tbea fo*e o hoB ed a keck oad drt*m of OBmala. Broo
people to yoar pUoe
oroM eeleeUoa Mtitlsd -AatoBB Tkey arrt*#d at Udr dMtlaaUM wf^
of buuieBO.
TboMbta,* foUo-ad by oa iBprospia to aad aftdr a ttm. U. driver -aa la
opoa. "Whyl OB 0 UbbIoIB." by rlud la to Uk. a drUk.
It appMn
Bd«ord OlaBoot. Tbe qiMattoo for Uat b. left U. benn .toadlay «IU.
■BeeolTed: That trMB oot ttalay Uam aad U.y bMom« bModelol.*' Tbe apeokera oo tbo lay Mid .tortod m a m for boaaa -lU
I mak Woltoa aad Uermaiaa'a Aa* at- hack bMlad Uw
MMeaOUbert oad Ua opMkor aa tba ftMmaioi>playaatUU.y rMobad Ua
Woyaa Wotaro. Tba kftra. rortoaatoly ao damaya wm
lQdya*aeldadl«ta*orafUaMCoU*a. doM to U. back, altbooyk a Aa. Wolf
ipba WM Icat M Ua rooA
Aalda from tba yoB# of foetbaU bat-Ma PeaMylroaUaadtbe UalearBt*
of MtohlyoB.Boatof-Ua yoBM wara
M yooa
yood mm
M ■■•
onneineren aa
mw before belay pUyed. The yrMteet aarprtoe of
tba oaj -aa Ue *letory of UfayatB.
lBd..e*arOaraeU.-lUaaeoraof » to
i. Cbleayo pUBl «p a treBeodoaa
gore ayolMt Ue NorU-eetwa.
PoUo-lay to Ue ew-e of Ue prlaelpal VOBM ployed yMtordoy;
Beloit, t: MlBoeeoB i
Bar*ord. 11; DarUao.U, 0.
Prlaeetoft, I*; Owlyle ladtoM. «
Yale, 41; pMoeyleoalo Slate Ooltoye.



Fire Insurance

OjMan it.fiU««yb

Oar large stock of Holiday Goods will b^ia to
arrive this week.

Aaoag them are

OppMlu HoBlItaft Oatblay Oa.'. •fWtVMthW
OfMt Btow yrMt '•awo*'. COUon
Profti attaat. SalaeB, Ww •taadarda.

E. W. Hastings

A Short Man
WIU a larpr*-Otot. a toll maa -lib .•D*n-atol. a
BU —lU loay arm*, a maa —Itb •bori a-mt. a maa
—lU ao arms at alLcM b. Attoid -1th oa- .peetolly dw
aleead aadtoWMr. Tb. drawm are eat —Ith laf*.
—atoto aad .bm Iwra. loar ley. aed utall -atom Tbahlrto coma wlU loo* «'a**ea dr abort .IroTM. Tbau
that —. caa At a bob of ordtaaiy baltd aana. mpmAaoea SSetoiftOO


We Court Criticism


Aad MBpartooo of BMortBMto. qooUtim oad priem.
Tb. MorawM bailacM —e do Ja U. rMalt of oar smI
aad care la Ua Mlanlo. c^lbada-orUv of oar pat.
raoaye. Bvm- dOTb Bwakandtolay brlay* oa lato
cloaB toaeb -itb Ue rvqalrMMB aad UMm of w..
OMple. -ho reearoBlM aad ai
osr efft-to to
alreae. waalwl -Uh U. Mvla
of abopp ar la oar MtobltobBMt.

raUloaabl* (Sotbera. Battora aad Faratohora

Many men of many minds
Want overcoats of many kinds.
Tboy’U find 'em bore: honest overcosU for olmoet ©very
•erviee. Aboat tb© <»Iy kioda yon won't Hod here ore tbe nnrelioble qoAliti©B, ood bully toilpred kindo.
W© hove pmooth ond rongfa fobrioo. brown, bine. bUfbk, Un;
MtUfying in style ond fit;Mtufyisg in trimmingpond tailoring;
sotiafoction gnoronteed io Mirioe; $5^0 Bad np.




Here tbe opoortment i« Urge ond no qnestioa obont qool.
ity—Then too, tb© price© ore oa low oa good (ura con be monofoctuyed

You Get
the Real Thing
when you buy o palr^of IhoM

“Minor” Shoes
The styles are right, the quality the best, the

prices $, $3.00, $3.50.

We have tbe exclusive sale of the celebrated
“VELVET SHOES”. For style, beauty, fit. ease
and durability they bavq no equal—price ^50.

Front Street



TH» MOJmiQ mioomp,
ma jKomraio jibooad.


vmATnnoirr. • taomo^
1. T. 9xrm ua J. m. I
g. w. Baxmui. l(au«r •





t »<-Tt«»*rw ni».


A «oUy fbi« ■*>
Oakbrata bar
naaMBt Atiaaal Vcatlaal Mag &oakBetaataeatb Blitbday. .
ad Forward M by the C: agrega
Oae of tk* mcmx arj lyabU partin of
MoaalBanday ItebooL
tbeoMaoawMrtraa Uat araalnf
Tba asnaal birU^' party of the
Ftaaoa* Blnina. wbo larltad o«
...................................... wUI be'
lady and f*eti*MB Iriaada lo bar
bow tobeip bM oatebrau hv ****• brid la tb* near fatara.*ad ladioaUM*
taestta birU'Oay.
are t><at It wUI b-«n aea«aa1y olfa>aBt
OaM and a taaeral good tlM Bade atair. It la aa rataui.aacd loauto'uui.
I. and boib old
tba araalng paw plaawatly.
gaww prc»Tod aary tatanaUng, for and yono| look for It altb great ra
wblobialirawmtfftrod. Bowie FalTb* birthday idw la canlrd oat by
gbaa raoalaod tb* Brat prla* la tba
abapa of a haadaoata eblaa lab ataad aaob of tboae wbo atlaad briagtag a*
wbUa eioa Oartl* waa tba raealeerod many paTiwa* tbay are year* old,
(tad a* Baay wore aa tbay dwlre >
tb* oowotsttoB priw of a eloa doll.
Prof Horat** joeeatla <.rerwtia will
Tb* gawta .broagbt aevaral headaow* praaaaia to tba boataw fUfraab- taraUb n**lc daring tb* erenlag,
aarted after which tba wtalcb win m<kr a rcry plaaaaat fenhappy gathartag ^departed Jor tbalr tare of tbe evaatog'a picnaar^ Ir
addition to ttala. Uare wUl >e .a p'o
toBW bt b IbU boar,
Tboaa praamt ware: Bawl* aad O lie gram, tbc Boat anlqae partVf waicb
balag prepared by MM* Mtanir
PdlghaB. .Vida Boaarr. Bthal Pop*:
NeUi* OrayMO, Hattie Braady. Ida. Walt.
iBrklaa, raaai* TboBpaon, Uara
TbU part of tb* prograw It to be
Fartaob. ^Cyotbla .M< Alpine, 'B*n j raadared by the ebildrea, and will
Wrigbt. IrB* CnnotacbaB, Anna take tba fora of a play on the auga,
Bactor, Arnold fCook. rarl Beaaet'.'' IS children appearing in n party in
Arthor Bari. | Barr> bkbrpa. Fred I «bloh racltatlooa are glean, gaaw arc
SiBBa, Wtlla-Foote. Claraao* Barley, played and a J Uly good tlwe la arjtyad
Oartia Ulghlon. Loal* Birdwll mad
tawUlbe 0 ■ead In tba
Olaa CartM.
bawBeat daring the aecalag,
T.rioua fbaw and other fora* of
Frank-AadMbf CkMago, U la the >9B*eB*at will take plaw la tba fttrty eMitlng^bet*tarcb:factory.
Mr. lora of the ebarob.
Tb* axMl data of tb* party
Aadla pat la tb* gradarator tU
ibagiTaa. bDlitwUl pro^bly be

Vanted-As -1mm."
Wbal Um DenocraUe party a
^OnjMtMWkM -iMM" DiMVMt
•MMfc bM Mea mad. lor* «*U.t*«
im 1* fMt »i
«rfU bare to be dose pretty mob. beat
ppriBf Mr. Bryan nade a deayerate
a««rt to tMUa tb* aUver ^neaUoa
0pea tbe par^. 7%la did not acera to
work vary wall la the face of Ike moat
l^paioa* tlmaa lha ooantry a*er
{n«w. M It wa/daeidad to aappleataDl
Ibat wall wiwa and KXMwhat threadbar* teaaawitb m called -Inparlal
|HR." and to aaeoBallah thla It
TbaBbylVlaw Baadlag ;Clreia wfU
Bflaadj to defeat the :
laet MoBday^flamoen with Mta. E
orlal eandldaw la Ohio, Uim L. Kellogg. fll7 Waablagton alraat, at
bbrowlaf dtacrMil apoa the admlnU-' tba atnal bpar.
mUoa In Mr. McKinley'* own cute.
Kehl Brga. of Nortbporl, bare boaght Tjod Tempui^ Batartstnad Fiiasd*
IVMdtd not work rery nail lor Mr. tb* bchooaer Kata Lyoa<bad bar
Paah. tb*
I.*fet Xeeslag.
go. TbM M tbalboat that want a*bor*
gatofabotight. with a pl«r- *
, j.,.
Tba Oood TcBplat* Bat la open
gUty. which M and ntora oecr
aewioB iMl eTaalagaad aotertslai
lha Bapabllcan plaraUty -two yeara
of tbalr friead* An an.
Brdry grooer la tba city ba* been
ggo. la tba mwintma Mr. Bryan m-llent progr*B wn* gleon aoatM
anppliad >itb ; aeapla package* of
gBTOd tor bM own aialo, 1
of tba following nambm:
Bnanfaet•Bbataatlal planllVy of aoBothlag Uk*
~ «iUtloa-M<w DsMy Bi^d.
«r*d by Ua Mlebl^u Staroh Oo. of tbM
IsporlaUaB M now again draped by city and arery booaekaapar M erged to
*w a aampl* la plaea of ears elarab.
|M PcBoeiattelaadaw and tba allear
Tba guaan]101trWaart«t report an
at^Blk Ba;^ Friday
latry. And sight. Tbeylt*** *b eatertnlna»aat
Baeltatten-Joaepb Werner.
*0 BapablloaM go right along la tba batera a crowded bona*, la wbleb Mr*.
Piano Boot—MIwm Mabel
Park* asd Uos F.
gran tenor of tbolr way. Baking good
Mlanla Brown.
hMtory.balplaglowtablMh nod parpat- Titaa war* tb* Msra. Tba wcwfc of the
Beadliig—U;io Fertab.
qnartot wa* *Btba*M*t>eslly raoaiead,
jgala proaparoo* tlBW, carrying oi
KeeiUUoa-A J. Laeeadar.
aAwM alwtbat;of Profaaaor Sonb
BafraabBcat* were aarred and tb*
gbwnit wlib.tba other grwi nntlona of
c s. CbcBpsey wUl begin a aaeaa
walader of tba ceaning wa* ipeat in
Ihn earth *ad|ali;thl* tlse worrying BOBtb*' term of aebool toBorrow near ioeUl ooBcaraattoa.
•M th* l*a*t Uttla|blt M to what "I* AUon.
ggo" the Demoerau nay floally dahr
Tbe pipe, organ dleMlon eoatalaiug
■Isa BpoB-for their oaBpaiga we nani the following ladk* will saei with Teaober* TMt tb* Lmber 0*mpa
Two of (Bc local teacher*, the “
Mr*. P. J. Traei* Monday aflaraoon at
»;» ^clock, hP. TrsrU. C. Tra«M. Belea Norton and Bdlib Baratt b**a
Martin, Orlnt.tTbiirtell. Wilaon. John- bean lookiLg otar tbe Umber'trade aad
Mra M-B. Thayer of thl* city left aoo. Marein. Perry. TharWlI, Pohoral. thecaub* U tbe Tielnity of MoySrld.
tSPt oranlag for Lather where ah* wlU Pataraon. Jas Btowart, Lsneaaiot.lilaa. Tbe camp* rUlted baloog to Mr. Ulbba
asd tk* two reported an rzoalleat Uaa
aating camp fare and learning tba art
Mva yi. Mnrran of Bandon wbo ba* Patrla.
hSosa^oKilBt in th* city for th* pa*t Tamar, Aana WUhala. Mr*. Parry. of telling trer*. They rotnmed laat
'night from Mayfield ***klllod Unibar' |sw day*, rrtarsad bewa laat aeealog.
Ben. b*t are wllllog to raanae tbalr
Hlw KHtM Bonos asd MMa Sadia
Thar* will be a ragolar BnUng ot
place before a claac of *tudenu.
MsUm wbo harp apast tbe anniBar la
Dneban damp No. M45. M. W. A .Mon­
IWnMty.tett laat araalng ter Daltoit
day night In Montags* Halt A tail
ggnpaad tba winter.
atiasdasw M daalrcd.
tin. rraak Sebou of^MaySald *pant
Tba ezeentUo eoBBitta of tbe
fgSMrdny In thaelty.
WoaanbOnb WlU Bast with Mn L.
Mr*. B. Onw of Ktngalay wbo ba*
bpaa *bopplBc la tb* city for tbe pa*t Roberta Moadayg Atwnoon at
tim day*, ratnrnad boa* laat aeealag o'clock.
. Tratarac City Lodge No. t»S. F A A.
Kra W. J. Irwin Uft Mat
tm Klngalay wbar* aba wUI tpni Sna­ M. wUl bolds regnlar eoBBnnicatloa
Monday ulgbt at 7:«> o'clockggy with bar Bother.
Whooping Cough, Aathma,
•1. W. Hannan left yaaterday boto- , Don Morgan and.Ben Howard went
Bronohltl* and Inolplant
Isg for Grand Rkpld* on. btuinaaa He 'to Long LakaSlnatnlgbt for a bnnt of a
m* aoeompanlad by hi* danghtora, day or two.
■alan and baa*.

iMcbed U>* city, of tba
. MM* Minnie HobbaU of |Wn.blngtOD 1 ararralg* JU Manion of Mia* Myrtle
p«rntlafty«*tardayfor'M*nton for • Dnalon and George Spidall, both of
Pl*lt with friend* and relatieea
Mr*. Spldell ba* maBy
Orrin Mor*a b*a retnmtd frooi friend* in tbls.eity.
M*t*r City, upper panln**!*.
Tba Woman'•Caaatery improteaeol
Halt with hU paranu, Mr. aod Mi* AaaociaUon will bold their kDanai
Her** of W«*i Serantb atraaL
ahicken pic capper In Grange Ball nazt
Arabia Miller went to Kalk**ka Turaduy aecnlng. bagUniug at 4
f«l*rd*y in the intereau ot the Hai
o'clock. Tbe bill for tba aappar will
tllon Clothing company.
1 cant*, and eearybody M expaciad
Mrw W. L Reno of Mknoalon* i
to ba preoant.
rirad In the city laat erenlag for » two
Thar* wUl b* a maatlng of tba Be•r**k*’Tlalt with MlatCInr* Smith o<
Dnioa In Ladle* Library
baU Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock
0. J. Oalbralth oaae *p from Solon
ISBt avaalng to ^aad Sunday U tbe ■harp: AU mamben moat be praaaot
a* imponast budsam wUl be trasrat•*V-.
3. T. Snuahan aame ta|tbc dty ftom L
la tbaaooouat of tba Senior lyeauB
•barman laat cmnlng to apend Sunday
la yaatnrday'* Bsoonn nn aneeUant part
with bM tasUy.
omitted. Tba MMae* MlnnM aad
3. L. Satlth cam* np from Soloa laat
Carroll rasdarod two ddtgbUnl
ppanlng to apaad Sunday U tba dty.
A. A. Mdl^ made a bualaea* trip to piano duato wbleb war* aueb apprccS
aiad by tba aadMaoa.
Mantoa yaktarday, returning

■ovbmbm ts. im
Maos ter MlgbBehiisl WQl Ppm atX»Ik»tk«B*-s-dty
Wbas tb* Kalkaaha foot bsU 1
in *a agnlnct tb* Btgfa aebool tana
froB tbMcliy neat Sa'inday. they wiH
S«d that they bee* a bard profoaltMs
os tbolr baoda. Tb* hoy* baa* bean
p"SctWBg bard, and b*e* laprocd
r pi-tiy Id tbe >s>l (e ' dan
They bar* aresarad to a*k* tbe trip
t-> Kvlkaaha la rig* troa tbM cHy. m
that they e<B ooaa back wbas they
pies**. TbegaaM wUi ba eaUad at S
o'elosk. aad tba tram will not ratam
wlU after npprr.
FeUowiac will b* tba Ha* op of tb*
L. E.,8Uter; U T- Laagwortby; U
O., Mcyaard; a. Mclatoab; R O.,
VogeUoDp; B T.. McKaOMe; R. B.
Barley . g U . Lardie: L. P., Leigtatooi
R H . Saa*hall; P . R.g

Eew't ThiA

--------------------------"Zero'* aI*ler-~excln*lTe agaot.

OTPten M Beharty^
Oppoaita Bamilton dotbiisg Co..
Front ilraet. Select*. «tc; Staadaid*.
7P0-tf 5


ta Shoes

Vaad M BriUh BoldUn In Africa.
Attorsey W. P. Ootaur want to South
CapU C O DannMoo M waU known
II ora Africa a* i______
eomsiaadar of tba
Arthur Dunn ratursod luat night force* that
.t oaplurad the l*i____
tmm u ahSrt vMlt at Ktngalay.
UalMba Under data of Noraabar
Mra Frank Volmba rutnraed laat 1907. from Vryburg, B
write*; "Balora itartlng os the l**t
Bight from Ana Arbor. Sh* wa*
euBpalgn 1 bought aqaantity of Chamsaapanlad by Mra 3. A, MoMasa* s
barlaln'i Cdie. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Raardy, which I imad myaalf wfaea
fra* ratnralng frv m Chicago.
Aldarmaa H. Moatagaa want to CU- tronblMlwlU bawd ooaplaint. aad
bad givaa to my maa. asd U every
yoaiarday on a trip that wUl lu*t eaaa it proved moat basefida)." For
swa^ B* wiUlook ora the matbau rale by A B. Wdt asd F. a Tbompaon.
•srafully and wUl make tba final
. shanaa ter tbe boUday trade of tb*
With *T«7 Bor'i iitt
HareantU* 0& Mn. Meaugaa M alOvercoat* alaiar or raafw. Band*
fgady In CbMago asd wUl >rta Urn
glvca a ray bandrora aldgbtraaof
ekarge. ___________


Stad rsnsera. traeoi eaarga. tau


to talk ora wbara to bay yosr wintor outfit. Wa know w* can't naU
to everybody bat wa aMo hsow w*
adl to tboaa wbo prater boyUg aie*.
atylMb new goods A Bs^A CM.


Woman's Fait and BeaT«r.76c, ffl. $1B6. $1.60
FurTiimmad SUppsra
Baavar aod Kaltoay 76c
900,$!. $1B6,$1.40
Mea'a Baarar Bals. aaa
oar $8.00 ffrada. JoUate
ta 9Pypnl aaw Btylas,

Frank Friedrich
n$ FroatlBtraat

tbe cbeapeet
ebespeet Brsde of FormFomitore for nuokPRiTisg when
yoo ran gef a firat clan ooW
fil at tbe price I offer yoo—
A nice ^oarter nved. gold,
eo oak aideboatd, with can«*py lop. h*<av>- i-arrine, awell
drnwt-ra. double abaped top,
rope etaodarda. rope isAiild'
itkgp Ml COIIJrI^. fy| «17.7.>.

A fioe beavy qoarter nw»
ed Koldeo mk eitruriou 'able
-rope leg* lo match a leboatd. for *9.7^;
Sis Dice high back, solid goldes o*k. nicely carved aod
beaded, brace arma. caoe aeat Hinmg chair* for t< fiU.
fSS.Wthat woold coer voo
B4-1.1I0 anywhere elee. and will laat yon a lifetime and ie al«
eaouifh for aoy booae.
have aJarge at<n;k of firat dan go-d* and they are what
I like lo adl, for they make friend* atnl1 n.e*n large aalea, nud
large aalea mean low p:i<>ja.

J. W. Slater.
House Furaisblag Mtors.

Both Telephones, No. 4.1.






Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors om

Fra to Beyt '
An alegar t ilelgk with aeery suit,
oearooai. *l*tar or repfer at S. Bead.



318 Unioti Street


-F riei-^ds



WeoSar <fac Uaodero Dollar* Re
’ard for any ea*e of CMiarrh ibai canot be cored by Hall * Catarrh Cure,
r J Cnrsf*.- A Co . Prop . Toledo. O
We. tbe nodarsigoad. b*e* known F.
J Cbaaay for tba laat
It 1$ year*, and t
^---rable la t
abl* to carry oat any obllgatloa* made
by their firm
WmtA Tklas,
Toledo. O.
Wauiito, KisrsAS A Makvi*. Wbole■ala Draggtot*. Toledo, O.
Ball** Oatarrh Cere I* taken Internal­
ly. aetlar dlracUy «poa tba blood apd
BaeoB* tnrfaea of tbe lyatent. Price
7SC. p r boula Sold by all D. ngglau.
TCatlmoalaUare free
HaU-a Family PlIU are Uta be*v


on Thanksgiving day or perhaps you ll
have a family re-union. You’ll want
things right. The first thing is the table.
If you had one of ourGolden Oak Finish­
ed 6 foot, extension tables, with aiiher
square or round top for .V7.S you'd have
the table all your friends' would gu wihl


W’hat About
Dining Chairs

ips your's are not as nice
, you’d like th'lem tor thanksgiving. T1
line we're niakin]
ing a leader of just now
3.J5 the
.. J...,
.Anywhere else
you’d pay a dollar more Tor then

is just as iinpoitant as your thanksgiving
turkey. It must bc a "perfect cooker ’
enable you to get that rich brown to the
turkey that makes you so hungry the
tb moment you see it. , A good ‘‘cooker’’ starts
at 5.00, next better jxx), then comes 8.00,
8,50, g.oo. and 11 00. \V« ha'vc the Majes­
tic Range, the best ever made at 4^.00.
The other part of the house needs
warming. A Round Oak stove sells from
13.00 to 24.00. A Garland Soft Coal Bur­
ner 20.00 to 22J30.

The Turkey
were he gifted with sense enough would
view with alarm the puraerous articles for
his Killing (that's our axes at 70c, 85c. i .00)
his servinguhal’s our big platters at 85c,
1.00, 1.25! his carving (that’s our carving
knives and forks 75c, ixx) the set) his
cooking (that's our stoves 5.00 to 111 Our
customers look at them with pleasure be­
cause the quality is such as to ensure per­
fect satisfaction and the-prices will leave
lots of change in the pocket for other

Bea u ty
should be the apj^intmenls of your Din­
ning Table on this day. A new piece of
sdver ware would be just the thing. A
Cake Dish at 3.00 or a Pickle Dish 1.50.
. _ Tray
.’ray for 2.7<5
or a three
e piece gold
lint (1 set for4
for 4 7.v
75. Perl
Perhaps ou'd raihei
have a oil
ui glass
'lass Olive........
Olive Dish.... j,...
3.00 or
Beerr); Dish at ;.coT)r a Knife Rest at
I’his would l)e a gootl time to gel that
full set of dishes you'w l>cen thinking
about Some elegant sets just received.
100 pieces sell at 5.S5. S.oo, 8.40, 12.50.
15x0. 16.50. If you don't want the full
set. we II sell you any number of pieces.

you 'C got. but have you eve^thing mecsary for it's preparal
ation. The dre'
the al! important' thing,
thing. You'll need
sage, thyme
thym and mace. _Did
. you
corrionder seed, cardamon seed, sweet
marjoram, curry powder or sweet pepper
We have all kinds ofspices

Mixed Spices
'just check off w)iat you want and get
them in >'Our house. When you want
them you'll
•ou'll have them. Apples. Dried
Peaches. .Apricots, Pears, <ew Figs, Currams. Kasins, Filberts. Allmoods. Walnuts,
Pecans. Peanuts. Cream Candies. Citron.
Lemon Peel. Orange Peel. Nutmegs.
No thanksgiving dinner is complete
without Cranberry Sauce. Make it several
days before aod you’ll have it. Don't for­
get the Oysters. There is oyster soup lo
start with and fried oysters and oyster
patties and escalloped oysters aod oysters
raw and Broiled oysters.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

tUB Mpnamm luuomo. ■u>dax. bovxkbbb i». isae

«K i«ri«r «r«n« w snr
1W OelMd Stum wm 4tfm%mm%
hMMBt tkiny ww «dd)«e «ad«Hi«f
Brun^ij r^e«p»««t to Uw Mtchlc»i
HUllAr]' MMeny to omdiMoIo to
ATtUtorj deportwet
Joho UaekI of Tenor, loot ^ Mrs
aertwt taUdtaf M the teenl^ of tAo
Sik. At 10 o'clock ho reked ewej tho
okeiTod oahon e«d »t 7 p. m. «m
Af»U is keilecci le hU ae« boUdAt KsUmoo. Jeom H E'olo. »)o
VM caod ky Mertiii Keen, for Asa
■fee (or wUlof hla daoeood pork, bee

■MUod tho-CMe hr peptef Aw
Fruk ttrep. e herher of Preoeott.
kiUrd e wUdcei wkiA weifk d W



The Bay CUy Micbifea Sejrar
PMy bat ternad oei i.OOO.tWO poonda
ct frwiUeted terar end cbtppad
enrioada tbbaaaaoB.
Bee. J. Undaontycr. pnetcr of U
taf OMMea Ben^Ucel chareb
Acad. Sfied «7 yeera. Be aeread
wloiiMnfy. In Afrlaa aoeon yean.
At Brown Clly. the tbrea yanr^d
•on ot Cbnrlaa MePhaU dnnk carbolic
•cldonl of a bottle carlcMly left wltb
la naoh aad AW balen mAkal aid
Mlcblcaa probably bolAc tbe record
aicywtor baaUar aecldanta Tea
•ponaaMa baea already bM kllW,
aad Uaaaaaoa la far tron over. Tba
liaaey taxi la baman life paid aaaaal y
far tba ental plMsaro of kllUac
thIafB U dao to tbe lar«o antnlwr of
feTiipriwiuaJ butm wboato allowed
to shoot at tbatr own tree will
wlthoit eaparTklOB.
The Aaa Arba; rallrasA bad a sMall
aeddeat Friday Bornlac oa a ebarp
onrea esc aUe aad el CopeBlak Fo«r
«art aad a eabooaa broke loeaa traa an
•Ma frogrhtgoL^aaat aad caaa beck
Aba rffgrta of tba hcakeBeo to atop
Abaw entU they act nnetber fidfht
Ahbt had eoae to a einadctu. Two can
loaAaA with on ware rodacad to
kladlintandtba eabooaa left layo.A
**paha. Tbeaawaatlaa'No. 41 lo.t
borpUot. Nobody was ban. ‘
Willlaa Kapolo. a ataor is tba-No. •
abaft of tba Keoyaarra alae was k
ky a akla It was bk Irat ebifi afar
It te ebaryad that tba ea«a^ treat te
at tba bettoa of a widaeproad afluUon wbteb te worktef to aonelaea tbe

Awed la ibte ataia froa baste frown
1b IliebIfaB te not as ralaable tor yea
oral eooeaiapUoo ae ao celled ease
Kcdcte, profaworof e............... ' at the
Africaltaral OolUfe. aad buto Anal*
jstOodltOabareaBalyeed tbe MicbifSB prodactaad proooaaoa it Ofaal
of tba cabetaaec troa wblcb tba latter
te tokeo.
la OB eld bare oe Uka attest a most
aal^ae earlBe aad baUai te located and
oa boUdaye and at nlybta tba bau of a
MW te beard at the aoQM plooa Thwe
te BOtblBf elranfa aboal tbit fact, bat
wboB it te euied that the whole outBt
was eonatrocted by Ouo Laraoe, a bor
•boat 18 yaare < f afe. oat of
Iroo aad steel and wltl|only a hammer,
a sold cbteal and a Ale for tools, it
shows what a profrceelre aad eoler
prteiof fellow yoaitfActaricate. Otto
perer sareed a mloata of time In a
macblBC shop. He. had nothlay but
ohse*eatioa to fuldo him la tbe oonatraeUon of tbe many Istricau parU
and tbeir reletlOB to each other. Be
simply lolled aad Alted eaUl tbe de­
sired result had bees ao
The enylae U but email, bat It worke
as perfectly eod ae emoothly ae aayoae
coalddealre.andif itdoee not bear a
hlfb elm name plate. U aereea Olto'a
parpoa^ierfecUT wall, fpr while the
nelfbbor boye arc sweaUaf aad fam
iBf oear tbe baok MW. bo te taklaf U
. easy simply feedlaf wood to hte buss
■MW while bte caflaa “Aom tbe
—CaAUlae State DeaiosiiL
James Qaaaee of VeraaoetelUi
79. has takaa c
I hanUBf Hecaae
aad fooe to tbs
attar deer.
Adalbert WUdar of Ooloa, white
ohaoiay a eldoM bona, wm ktekad Is
tba heed by the aalmol end tetolly
WbUa Sarah AppteAalA of Detroit
wae pielriac a chiekM la tbe kitebaa
at bar borne Friday
■other who wae la tbe room'weBt
etolMtly iBMse sod threw a kettle of
koUlnc •oopoear Aancktar. aealdiar
bar terribly and perbapa fatally.
Tba yonofMt'lllebIfaa aolAter 1b
Abe PbiUppiaee te Bareay DaotorMt of
Qaylotd. who te atfbtoM yean old
aad who after bte ealtetMat wai
atede aeoead beyler of Oompeay M.
Thlrty-Afth Oaited StatM eolaateere
Made Toaay Ay^..^
"Ooe off
Or. KlaTe New Ufe PUte
•oeb aiybt tor two weeks baa pet se
la ay heeaC ayala” writM D. H. Tatnarof Deapecytowa. Pa. Tbeyre tbe
kMt la the world for tbe Urer, Stomneb and Bowels,
Par^ nyetabte.
■oeeryripa. (Wy m at Jta. O. JohnOMteaadS. B. Wait's dray ctem.



from the Hirh eebool who will Aeheto
the 9MOtka. ••BaoWrd: TAet' «Ao
SIrxtro U lwn-<>uUAf AiuerVeolerd j Brerr oae kouwe tbr dlfeatnxu mpoUer ot tko Osliod «tetoe te the FhUIn a dfiOorablo d^ ‘ aott of eUowlnf a kettle to boU dry «•
.^Ihre V, jaUAUte.- fro- wh»W. e«l luwdrrnlied
tbr awre. and y« Mcb ah eeridrot «sB
*** ^ •»‘J ' .lUerr DO. tOD. b«l IV » bappro wtlb tbr nxwt rerofvl of cooka.
FfUklih deb of Memdloe oe Deoea- ^sd-hf -iaiirvvmuraL*'
ba U la this dtr le the Aret dobMo ] th.u«oW|wc1. oor of U»e oldwt of CelM away for e mlseU aial tbrtoby
Devid JlokUM. Jta Mintkoo. Cberlre ! kirxtieo «4|W. aixl It >» ao for awe/ haTlDf b«r anestfoii dWnrtrd. »bc roi^lklaTT end Frenk W It >a wtl . h*»- fr<a>i <b>- bn>iri> lni<-t of tbr toWTR tons to fthd b«r krttl* cm Led la
dletbofl'wetKceidrortbrqMetka- end tre4l«r tUoi ib>-<>)d«o t^touia end plocee oo tbe flore where but a (ev
The ■wretivc wUJ bo beodlwl b» ' f*"rtuuKe rrtueiu ueeriy a» tlwy wrrol ilnntea before It bad bees sloclBK
tw«\jr tlim- eetiliirie* aipx
CterlM Kovak. Wllaoo B«M«ll.
Tbe t«u w«ui<*u wear a bodlre or I
UUbM^ wd Alfred Ar«
“cemlKa" of wlillt- Ulx-Q. wilb iowHlha '
amunil ilie uec-fc sod aloevee of tlio j
TrlerH* aehr Carelooo.
' beautiful drawu work, wkl.-b !
Tbe verj lat.-.i Uiloit hi baby carUmIrmJ br euilooWery of ml eod
,k)rt la B. nerall.v brljlit
rta*i-« I. I1H- .rb.vHe wllb laro eealit.
oite fur tbe i-lilid In front and aootber
I. tbrni ly pbilti-d aiiO^n-lih a ilea-p
fur tbr uurae who Oora tb.-^
buM< r of iTtlliamlj r-ol.w«l rkrth
Tbe avl^i i« XI (ibo-otl “
draws Work. A bn«-l red eaah. ■
poaelUr f^ \bU vrbk h- to upw-i. erre
u kn...ied an.iunl itir waW :
If tUr nurse le e.
a> they are
falU mori.v to Uie .-.Ijn- of tiw;
nputitl to be It te coiwMeml a ereet
t.y ;
IniprovenH-nt over ili.- old fs«hh.Ded
SK. kiiia-e are ,
“ tn’lnt
Till- lii-aiMri-<u( U remarkable. It te
up to date ouiM rall<-<l --lmr|.ll.-‘ and U iimde of a l•roa■l j
Mlrtly mari'lMtl laee Auum-e. very full. I
on a luirrow .\<>ke. The floiila'e es-1
teuile around Hn- ueck. a» well as tbe i
lower etice of the yoke, and Is drasra
over «bi- head and around tbe a^ul-1
dens fntiului! tbe fa<v Is a ouatntly dd- j
miin- fB>diloD
Tlie woiueD ate fond of Jewelry, and '
M|iectell.v of Ions net-ktei-n made of
foW ■>>lii«. Tlwy tiavr Minimi of tba
xmater |mn of ibe bnulueM. They
tbmuc tbe niarkids every <lay. SODM
wltb native elMN-oUie. auuie wllfa Sow­
ers atNl %-eCi‘labb-s and soum- w ltb Mtui- ,
meDis and uailvf eliitlw. They eicri »“«'• bas bei-n made and latented by
Ip tbr U.-SN-un drawlT'work, and d»wl- Chartes J. B.Ty of UiibrtOK. I'a.. by
rrw roiiie Iron all Ibe larye cities t wbirb'tide is avoided automatically.
few words. Ibe kellle le buny oh
buy of IlN-ni
a crane t>y a sprlny sup|>on w bicb le ot
ktany of ilie
Tlie.v ere tall and. •nrii a leusbm iliai when tbr kettle is
a rivid. tropu-nl
straielii. wltb .opcrb pliy.ieal develop- flUed oreieu iwnially filled the welybt
cle Mjiu
meut. ItasbUlK brown eyes, ollre sklo ,«* »be watt-r fc.-ei« tbe vessel down on
will set
U|m.-«moklyn F^ayle.
the stove, .ts Hiww-aier k-vel oeare tbe
and tbe danyer le .redured to
bouoiii. however, the sprlny rnteea tba
mum. There Is only am fiirtber imrreteS OF IMTERES.,
kettle away frwu Ibe Are.
proveiiieni |K»Mlltle oo«u_«Dd that te
Uontii-sl Is ttn- yreatest <-)tes« centbe iDventiuo of as
buteior. and perliaiw in a year or two
■a'd c"od rui)ds orcanUa
ooe of the qwwiiouK iliai tbe applkwot lions In t'euusylvaiila.
in Ibe effii-ai-.v of vser-lnatloD. He b
will aek ber prusini-llve eai|aluy<T wlU
WljlKillnc 1" said to „
----- ------------- ............
be. “Have you ud *aul«nuol>ilr peraiii
a vlolailou of tbe divine law by'Y^ | Hi,. urd<-al. lire plais-of tbe pbysit-teu'i
buUtor?" and If an aaswer iu tin- nesa latHlerw.
kuifi- is-iuB taken by a rusty parant.
atlTS 1s ylven abr will refuse to work
A IsMidiHi Iwlbhmi-e last summer I Kvery |■alle>lI Juty- lo the |wnclnilu
for ench old fasbloited iieopl-j- Tbla IwiO
a week for a mllliua kuIIous j *1- i»'« b.wls and three canianics gf
time baa not roue, boweverr and now of Alb-red Thames water.
ri«-e. wtlli a furtli.-r i-h»ce of two
tbe fhoai chat ilw mun eti-lualve nunw
can aak will be for a cycle rerambu
fj-nera; Ite.-kenham was Imried
ueath :i
■ Gradosl Piwai
Woiueli employes of Ibe Japsnese
TTow'e your U>y doluyr'' Imtiiliod

-------------A- •_
tbe mail w buw bueioewa ukee litlll «el«ld at tinilH- rale
rate of a»«ut 1 come to stay b. Benda A On., fashcaslouaUy- to a nual •■oiumunlty w hero •suki an buur.
I lonable ontS
o tattrra.
he kiHiWR ail the liihnbUame.
Iu Hollvia Mill Is xdd In »-iil«-s aUitii
tlM- -It.- of bitlldliii: byt.-ks ux-d 111 Uie i rere«triAtAMne» Calmas'i rutie
"lla«asou.l Job. lun- li.-r
l oll..! Sft.... l-.b...
Im., M.S1-. ."P*^ varulsD.
"Uc ain't KOI a Job uo uion-. lie's
e Marled
In wltb a
Man's emfsec
ila-rue r.svDIly luiil all Bsw-mbly <d j ■au't rcafen
Juts wlien- be didu'l Kel idfllu' but
Swiss slUKiDK .^-ielh-s iiniui.M-inc do j w tb oor pa'rot ■ 7.‘to" coMara. A4.S0.
wasee H a ■-••••k. Hut In- done
yuud Ibat they lNMWie.1 him lisbt -h-sH lliaii M. witli h.<ei> ■m-iiiln-ra. wbol MM yv.OO. A17 00. Pin.iw 8 Benda
4 Oo.
t>riu-s lo nudleliiv-s'of IT.tJMU
aloUK. au that uuw be's si-(Un PHI
III a sis-.-lnlly •-nnstrin-le.l bulldlnc.
week. That then-ain't wap-N. Thai
Ilaiinii Idi.vsli-bins ban- sailsSed
Tbr undrrwJcned barbera. Sffree to
"How are your own affairs prowjier- tkemx-lves iliai (lie inioMiiiltoes W'bieli
ear at s o^iock except Wednesday
als.tllKl til Veliii-e never tvMIvel the |N.I"i-'lrNi tale." ■
Dd Batordar. commenclnr Monday
MUi of liinliiH:i. iM-.-ntlse .11 Is iM.f found ,|OBd
nipbl. and will bate a neion card d.i“HllU iKirMiius your old
'In ib«- iiiiiisli.-s of 111.- vb-lnfty.
niayed in each shop beloofipp to the
".Vo. I'lu u famos- na>w.
nnlof. No shnn
I*. Jt Teiicuci. truflx' ni.-iiis|er of the ^{anir-n.
shop wilknnt
wiikout a Card bclo&Xa
"tVliy. Imo*. rbal wbal you olwars
—No. slave. I don't f«ml Biywlf wltb
DO tbittMlu' nniious. rj. to a ' '
whHe apu. wlien the wave of pn
liy Btniek. I waxn't nuihla' l>ui a
nton erai-kiT. Hut I've ItniKhi n
tm plere of eroniid au' lifinl a i-- .
of im>riiniKi-«. an' iu>w I'm a faruH-r.
Rf the luck inddo otn I'll 1i*w x.iiie
DXiney In Ibi- lank In a few yeni''<.
TIm'Ii I’ni polu' to tm.< a Ihrve-uiiniite
hiwe aud a timklHant and tuuw Hh.crass In from of the tiuiise aud be an

estrrtalurd. Now

The Boston Store

. At 8 o'clock, sharp.

Listen for Sound of the. Big Beil
8 to 9 o’clock, sharp
FaU Se-in. Stoat l.'ablcaebed SbeetlBC. »e valaa,
new................................... ...............................................
11-4 BMvy UabiMcbod SheeHB». I»c ffooda.


McB'a Heavy U and Mr Fterced t'adarwaar.
Mank Extra BMvy Mte Sweatera,
aark’i SpMl CjUib. a Ilm^Wl q lantily.

9 to 10 o’clock, sharp



u-inr^PerriM Pereatea (vary brat 10c qraUW)




Mea-s SOe All-wool Bteek Cbriimere Sox.

.......................................... y'..Man'a Bravy Natoral Salrtt aad Drawers. *
Sait tor................................ ...............................

10 to II o’clock, sharp


"2 to 3 o’clock p. m„ sharp
at Silk Counter.

Bandw^mv Stylra. abort and long end., many worth :ic.
s«c.—ooe hoar

Bcoea Bsplororo.
liiko Stooloy nod Lirioffatose. foand
it harder lo ovaroome Materia, Fever
and Arne, and T>phnU dteeaee cmwta
than Mvoxaconnibatei bnt tboosandt
bare foeod that Klectrie Billers te a
wonderfal ear« ‘for ^ malarial dl•eases. U ytm have ehUte with fever,
aebce iB boek
neck and bead, aad
tired. WOM-Oat feellnca, a trial will
convince you of tboir merit. W. A
Null of Webb, ni.. wntee: ■‘My oblb
dton enffared tor more iboa a year with
ebtlte and fever. tbM two botUea of
Electric Bitten eared them." Only M
eeote. Try them. OaaroBteed. Bold
byJae.0. Jobnooo oad & B. Welt,
WbAtiidSeada deteitt
Totexrapbed for mote -Zerp" I'teb



tderwear at 8. Benda A Oo.

I Franeb Kid Qiovee at 8. E

^0 gQ

In Men’s Furnishing
Choice 01 50c and TSc Neckwear, all up to-date ffoo^.


3 to 4 o'clock, sharp
Choice in Cloak Dept of FIdmi ap-to-date Jacketa.
^ 1 O AlT
ralaea op tnSl8 A A2D. ao rvaewe for 1 hoar...
Ladiea' Fineat and Beet fi and At .10 Sboea. sew and apdt Q AD
tCHdateelylas—one boar...................................
FineciCbildren'eand Biy«-SoM PsDte Suite.choice of
».00.A«.o0aBdtT00ealte-one boar.........................
Ip Men'e Clothiar yoa can carry away oar bMl >|aality.
BlfbMl rrade Sait or Overcoat, oar rcFalar prteM
belnraptoASS OO. ineladlef Far CMta—pooi^ 1 Aw AA
lively no reserve-one hoar for:.......................
ThU te a challeeFe—a dare—made to tefft city advarttei&r.

An Extraordinary Offer in Millinery
^pHOSE wiio once koow the mer*
k its of oar Warmback Ulsters
readily aad cbeerfnlly exchaage
their greenbacks for them, and
count it a good trade.
Call and ]eam more about them
-Made in Irish Frieze and Chin­
chilla goods — Double from waist
up—Cold backs are unkuown to the
wearers of these garments.

Come in asd aeleet from oar best and flnevt patterp bate
orordar a bat aeeordlBF to yoar own twte and ae- ft 1C A A
laetioo-oo rcrarve-for oae boar ............................. ^U.UU

4 to 5 o’clock, sharp
ToHebSoapa-Tbr.CbatilaaBdC ..

BIbbo&a-AII Silk. All 0clara.7e.9e. ite. .
<»• bear
Ribboes—AU Silk. All Oolota. 16 to :7c.
Oac Lot Waterproof Maeklntoabea. allchUy aolted aad
Maated, valaaeap to AS.60. oaa hoar . ....................

leekte of Beoda's "Mro” nloteia.
ia—IiMi* Carm-WariMr^
WMto WkM of Tar Byrup, the
beat couyfa remedv on earth, cures a odd
K day if taken in tune. SSandMcu.


In Shoe Department
Choice of Fia«ai Man'e Shoea. locladiny S'- oo and ff. i«

BilaeJ Coyne, a Chicaffo Mnwnicr,
boa Invented a new impletneat of war­
fare. The devia enneteu of a aeries of
kites, enoporUnp a cable apen which a
■■trolley" klu it made to travel.
trolley kite carries a bomb of biyb ex­
plosive power which te aninmaiieally
roleaead. By mMM of apfdally conStrutted kites, ot which Mr. Cnyae te |
the invanlor. nearly aeven milea in''
leortb by ntlBX a namber ot kites io
tOBd^. *1110 iravellDA kite will anpporta weiffbt of more than twenty
ponnda. It folds automaUeally uprn,
relMsinx the bomb and returae of ita
own waifht. BoecCMful praetlenl taate
ore Mid to have been made of the kites


flO-locp Turkey Bed Damask. IS? vverywbeir.

We eteiTT a ftell lime elLw ’

The McCall

Hamilton ClothingCo.



wp^^iis. Boston

•.Faahlaa nhcN-ts Matlcd Prc«.«



a ay Uamm at ■mM OalBsMa.
■ ahaw
BrivW rtlr.y
mtoa Tnrem Bar tnrv eWTT aamr

: &tiveT«X'Kww



BeUM tml uaeer. 1«M «Uc«
M rlftam kret. M Ikarri
BaaM teoach •< ml. ■uahrvow.

..4 Bo»e-

Hola Oommadea at brit a. mMmlM aarrioa aad aarmoa at 10-40
fiaaday Bebool at It m.
BvaaiM awriaa at 7 p. m.
411 an aordUlly UritadI to thaw

<er th« pWT«e «*( Wfpl/tar t**i ei
«r r wUh AsOTlm ctmX.

mltk (Mr pr«M( «a»-

ManlM MTTtM tO:M »- ■-

TW SMtt AfrtaM r^Mte Md (h«



8udM Mwol t* »Bm?. 0 . CM.

<OfMf« ftm 8«»l« «ar»(M Mka »
ittrrttorj tktmt eqwl to(k*(o( OliMta,

•a ttora perk e»a beam kra

Btoda hfifirprepared apotbet picnic for the boys.____________ ^ [.



*1S^ir*^U-C 'Th««d«


With every boy s suit, overcoat, ulster or reefer we shall
give free of charge a finely hand decorated'

Mm TTitk (to PpMlar e< MHf»■ M (to Tame MXMWM.
■M’adaMaat Wait (MmsWa. W. Va.
WkUa 4uwiM<
woodaa Uf

Saaday^idwol at ll:IO.
Praacbln# at 740 p. m.
TewM Fwwla'a paayar maatln#. COO

«to ftoor, dalaylM (ha daMe- It waa
Mlaaaad wltk diSeaUy aad tba daaea
Bqaal rickta lo Bafraaa ara daaM
*>r (to eoaaUtatka «f tba Soatb
jAfrlaaa rapvMie.
Slaaa IU» t&a Uaitad Stalaa foramfMathaaaapaadadlBtha dtatrtbalion
aaada aad ia (ba pramalratlc"
Mtatiatta ooaearaiM
*Tbaagala( aaada aad of autiattaa on
«ba aaad <iBaaUoa Involaaa aa aspaaditara of a yaar.
4 raurkaMa atoiy eomaa from Boa«raa(. fad. SooU Daria. Ua land la#
narabaavof (ba riUaca. had a laa
Jaraap oalf »Ueb ba plaaad la a ataU
ia bia barn aad «raa brlaflnr tt ap by
%aBd. (ba UttU aabaal balM aappIM
Mlb Iba baat of nUb for tla BaataaMoa. 4 cat bad a Uttar of klUaaa la
4ba ■aaiar aad (ba oalf aadaarorad to
awaUow OM of tba kittaaa It «aa
tfoaad dead la (ba ataU (ba aaat botb4M
kltWa la Ita throat.
Tba foar aoldlara wbo wara aantaaead
«a daatb at KaoUa now ataad aa aaeal
(ant obaaoa to aara tbalr Urea. Irre#^aritlM bare baan diaeorarad la tba
' ^roaaadlacaot tba oonrla Bartlal wbieb,
«U1 raqalra eorraetloa la (be drat ieotanoa at UaalU, If ladaad (bay do not
bar tba daatb aantaaoe aaUrely.
Poataaatar Uaaaral Smith baa baea
aiotie Ml by Director of Poata VaUla at
' Maoila (bat larfa aombara of cirealar
aattara from baiioraa firrna in tba Stataa
are bainf addrataad to tba Pbillpploea
proriaoaa nod that aodar tba praaaot
.eonditloaa It U a waata of time and
-.(Doaey to aaad mail far potata oataida
M>( Manila, Oarlta. Iloilo, Oebn. Jolo,
atad KMToa lalaada.
' 4( WaablBftoB. Bear ddmlral W. S.
Sablay Priday nl#bt raoeirad tba order
cabteb atada blm a Knitbt Tbmplar
aad a Kal#bt of Malta. The dMraaa

'fld-wava prayar maaUar at 7:U p. m.
411 ara lariwd to tbaoe maatlaca

tba oOean of OoUmWa aommaadary
Vo. I, DMvIat of CMamWa, la tba praa^aaa of a larta aad dtatlafabbad
amumbly of Kalrbta Tompiar of that

Mmaorary lake flilad with
UttU flab from two to foar
li------- -—.
irbMyrorof tobe Maab baaa oK^a
fiaaat load. Tbalr orffia ia a myataiy
aatbaraiaaotaeroek. riraror psol of
watar wUbla (wo atllaa, and oo oco
waa aaplM tbalr aaddM
Tba wall flowa barrala of para
dear watar a day aad Vr fiebaffca
baadaeldad (o dam bit paatara aad
tan it lato a parmaaant fiahpoad.
Bdtter Saea Woadaia.
-BdltorW. V. Barry of Lsalaftoo
TWO., la axplorlM Mammoth Cava


lalanaadlata CbrUtlan BadaarorSo.
eiaty fo>
and yirlafrom is to 17



the ladies should see

Bo«a* Bleek-

r2.W>. B.CBOfib, A(U

our large

Jadmw at 5:« p. m. for aU yoaa#
^t*?40 0. ». Prof. KUto wiU apeak
on -Tba R<amaata of C.iaraatar Solid.
«.'■ All
t-BBunaa aciaaca aaavioa*.
Sarrioea arary Saaday at 10:S0 a. m
Thwaday avaalBC aaaarlaaaa meatUi# at 7:S0 la Mpataffae bail, its

new line of

' CiiM maeUaa at «:I0 a. m.
Saaday eebool at tba eloaa of more-

Bru”pkaBa ttit.________________ _________

Wonkrra 'pkear.g; Brll.W


Bowortb twayae ai S;4S p. m.
Mornlnf aaljact. "WaiUaf Upoa tba

•trra <m P-.ti

or w. Kif kva


M^Ily lavltad to attaad.
ascoap MrraotUBT cHimca.
Bav. Bvah kvaitor, PaMV.
Saaday amrloea—
PraaebiM at 10-40 a. m. aad at 740




Tritui Plaonal. wbita joke
and khnoidar cape.

NoUea of revival rarvleaa will ba
■riven tbU araolag.
•Waraday-Oenaral prayar maetiB#

Fall Waists



Soolaad I
I u aataadad to
mar KanotMn.
Bar. 3. a. Brctor. paMvr.
Saaday—Praaobiar at lOiSO a. m. and

1S4 Pro&t StPMt


rta. j._ .
U Oradaai

Brilliantiae. aatin ribboa trimmlBf. t: ».
Black aad navy.

Tbia atylv, tievovd back
■roodk. fii.oo.


aord^invltatUn M extaadad to
»TtO BBMT-CP^ part dwrllleraa

Tba eoaaart to ba irlvaB aaxt WadaaadM evaala# aadar tba aaaplaaa of
Ua Baptlat Yoaa# PbopUa' UaUa
promlaaa to ba a rare treat to tba
marie lovate of tba city. It la to ba
aodar tba able dlraarioa of Prof. C. K.
Horat, aaalatad by (be baat maaieal
taUat ia
city, iaeladln# Mia.Bi
ha Qaaan City Qoartat, Mlaa iotafa
M. Wilbalm aad MUa Mabel White.
Oaa of tba flaaat featarm of tba eoaaart wUI ba tba Hocat JavaaUe Orebeatra. 411 lovara of mnaU aboald make
It a point to M praaant at tbu eoaoert.

iroek ktera.
ipk wnr. ar

Tbara ara

Watmayyatba aaeorad tor tbU at- mo aBWT-F»niUhad «
i ba aan1 at
Sulnberr'a Oraad Opera Booaa U tba
4aar fatan, for aa aataadad aafafa.
•aai. arm ba tba Marka Broa. DramaUip Oompaay, aa otflaarieo of maab
merit. They bare aarvad the UUa of
Ca^laa Klaga of Drama aad

M°sg: ’SJf.f.’-.'’''*'-

Six PrifbtfBl PaUaj

ilaad, 0.. to aa early frara 411
ba bad a total lane troobU aad
ba maat aooa dU
Bat ba waa
_ >d to try Dr. King'a Mew Dlaeovary
After taklag fire
aal^ aaia’tbroai^ aalaf Baeklaa't for Gouamptlon.
laWa eoariaa^ Urn U to m- botUaa ba WH aatlrely earad. It la po
aillvriy gaaraataed to eara all diaaaaaa
«thar wo Id • wwn».
T‘'Bodify of Throat. Cheat and Laafa. laaladlar
Ooofba, Oolda, La Grippa, Paaamoaia.
Rvoaebltla, Aaihiaa, May Parer, Gkoap.
WboopUg Ooagb. SOe aad fil 00 Tna
botriaa 10 Ota at Jaa O. Jobaaosb and
B. M. Waitb drM a

Is filled with stylish garmeoU—suits and
overcoats, up) to the minute in fashion—
tailored, and best of all. so lew
ctly ta''
that ^.
you can afford to please your^_
_ i that
self by purchasing
rchasii here.

Come in and look at our variety—Prices
from $3-00 to $22.50.

Halal WklUsc or

Tba aatroaa of tba High School Laett. Kelkaaka. mrk____________________ ^
nraaad Ma.iceooraa ara lookin# for.
ward wltb daligblfal aatlelpatloo to
4ht aaurtalamant to bo flraa by

■ !ty,%
Him Ida Baatey. tba oalabratad reader >?Id««ar
rta tor Cralr»klr pantea. Alaa
App, la Bra. Ml
aad moBoloralaV. Tbare an a anmbar ^
m prarklle .irrrt-_____________________ _
of people la tba city wbo ara petMaa
re 01«»«
ty aogaalated with Mlaa Baofry. aad
etlU larfer nombar wbo have heard bar
labWIalmlUblervadtiiga. They any

^ Opera Hooaa No*, tt.

Tbit atylfl.-aUoolora,

StrictK up to date in everv way-’-pretty styles, reliable materials, good fitting
durable and low priced.

CM meatta# at 0:iS a. m.
Saaday eebool at U;«s a.-m.
Bowortb LaarMOt t:4S ^ «.
Mid-waak prayar maatlM. Tharaday

VataralfaaMra^dly falllair lathe
•ortbara paraef ladbuta field. Tba
iMatarleh ayadlaale baa flraa aotlea
abat It wUl abaadoB Ita plaata la (be
omaUar tevaa Flta (owaa la thla
ooaaty'u* l*t( (o fraaaa, aaarlyfi,oeo
(amlUaa «U1 aat eold rletaak aad able■
«>orarfii«laMalo*ea Cealeaaaotba
badataaypriaaaad (bare la ao wood
JlB (be marbat.
Ob tba iMand of Jamaala oo Wado»
rMay baary araatbarealmlaatad in a trr>
.Madoaabarriaaac, wblob, daria# tba
■IfbtaomplatMy rattd tba baaaaa aad
aad other ealtlration partabaa Port
land, St. Tbomwand Morafit Bay ara
aaportad aararaly dambead. OataUa
atra anxioaaly awaited.
4 apaelal trala load of malea from tba
KaoMaClty atock yaroa atartad for
Maw Orlaaaa Friday boaad for tba
Traaaraal. Tbto la tba aaeoad train
load of mnlaa parebaaod In tbia market
by the EcKUab r>*ammaot.
Oa tba farm of Cbarlea Sebafler. near
Wapakooata. O.. la a flae artaalan well
tberaaaltof aa
to bore for oU. Laat weak Mr. Sebaffar
pallod tba pin# and flooded aararal
aeraa of bla land to rorira bte dyln#
paataia. 4a a few daya ba aad bin

33 inch M Runner Sleigh.
S. IBend-a, Sc Oo. i


r. BlUa of OUaat
. adaoator of tba

Saaday aebool at Botm. Y< .
and yoan# wonm ba*a a elam aader
the laaderabip of Mr. WalUm in the
etady Yooae peopU bra toalM to
tbIa elam. Jdat aUp ‘ato the atady.
JaaUr <Jbrtatlaa Eadearor aocUty
for all ebUdran ap to IS yaara of a#a at


rn-oara: aar baak ui aay wwa.

F® teekimTortSumakaafr for el
tJ W.P.Oi---------

Reliable Dry Cood3. Carpet and Clothing House.

New designs and fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down toym and call-id our
Jewelery store to look them
over. We have many new
thisgB in jewelry also.


all the way
right all tbc way tbroagblag bat hOBcat malarial, buu«»
'’paadboocitvalBc«ct" u a
Vbea oaca aold a p^r of oar
•bova cUber (0 a mma or womaa
they ara Barer aalUfled wltb any
oUtvr makm Try a pair tor tba
tollowfag pricM — fll 48. SI M.
»4 00 for men and
blgbor priced Ifyt

A. S. Fryman,
186 Front Stroet

ThfiPmetloMl thoa Kan



South AfrlAii oar will ■!•
W*r» h» fMiablr int ibr numl-rr
Of naw Rwfo II bfMlght ao au4>
4anlr and au c'iinaiiicuuuri> lr>
tb» trcnl. Pint omoiHr ibrar man. of
eoun*. U Ibr KntUb <^>mmandar in
«SI«^ Oanarwl air Radvara Bullar. ThU :
MS la a BoMiar. a poHtMan, an admin- '
MtfWtar. as adjuiaal cwx-ral In Uir ImptHal annr .and an encllth ««onir>. Ha la noi
loat hla aarlr alimoaaa, bat

^ •*«

•air anrl> la Iba affalra of lha Trassvaal • amimtan H< Rr»1 sa« xantra It
iha Indian mutin). Thara ha was un•li-t ICobaria at Kandahar, whara hla
craal liiaxar)' and dash aitrarird the
• tiainion of hla atiparlor ofHcar, who
an Irishman. I^ier Whlia took
part In thd flame airunlaa around
Kabot. Rharpur, Rakhlil Shah
Charaaiah In Aratianliian He was
made a knlahi fur advaoclnf al areat
risk, slacia banded, alonf a ledee of


d baa alwB>a diaila
. Of the R^r om
e wily and fos* for.Valor and dla< ration as an *iimvar like Joubmt and the intrepid Crun)<v
1 Ha la a »amal and pni>ular man and are. of roiirae._il# moat Important Gen­
: atm >ouna. aa nflirars Hi.
eral I'ronje will be rnnembered as tht
iTInoe ChrlalUn Viator of Bchleawl*. eamiulalier of Jamasnn In the bailie
‘ Hul'telo la ibe only mnntiar of the Kruxerailurp and Is tenerally rraaided
j ro*wi faniil) sreioa aetoal trarfart at as the beat flchtlbt man In the Hoer
I the Oat«e. where he U enaaaed on - apta. army He fnutht at l.alncsi
clal aervh-e - Hie hlahness Is a major fearless and doHnt. Command-r Pre■is Ibe Pourth Kina's Royal rifles and torlus. who was wounded, at Klandsan mthuaiaailr soldier, thoufh II la a laacte. was also one of the beat tialnforetime eonrluslen that be will not
offleerw. and I

1 the KnylUh oIBi-er in South AM«
n their dally, bread It la no easy thing
to feed *0.000 bun«ry
i*ry Torom
ehen these same tenlleftieo are entafs
lemy a i
n Ibe base of supplies. The arcomoan)
-UlustratlonI win. therefore.
*l\e a li.Ksl Id-a of how the l^tls'h^^Wr^
supplied 1
The commlasaiial
iiepamnent Is provldef
snd these, with I
rorps of OMiks. amomiiaiiy tbe camp durlSC
even' advance. When a poallinn Is taken up, the ov. to. are laid dow n and «
trench bulll In front of them. They are then cover.-<l u uh hoi coals and flfV
WiMMl. and In this piimltlve wa>.ds Uik -it (he bread or ih- soldier boys.


ttm* mUitr aetlvtty. aolidiiy
•ih^^^ly naif. Miaw^ which duMil (III. CbBadA. India. Egypt and
•oath Africa. Lord Wolartny was Imprasaad with Radverw Buller's aMllly
ta the Red river campaltn, aeelnt in
hta the mablMi of a tnai aoldier. Ha
was never a teniua His eapaeiiy for
troop bandlinc hss been painfully and
slowly acquired. lhou«h perhaps hla
teetleal skin Is InsilncUve. He Is toe
day a freai. biufr. hsrwh apoken man.
writb aa uabendlnc will and a temper
that li volcanic la lie fury. He never
says two words where one would do.
Be Is ever repellent In his abnipinm.
hat under the cassllc crust there la wall
to bs B kliHl and aeoerons heart.
0tr F. Porastirr Walker, who prims*
Hly had eomnand of the Houih African
(orcea. la, known ati>nr.a bis friends a.
Prsddy. brUv.II..■
as hss bees
at times said rock
Bhomin* dead ose of the Af*
^ Pss'sy. a Muie
llUle ...
hit or
of. a .dandy, and. -----------nil
,ha„ leaders. H was Lnrd DuRarm
5-••»>»«»«>'“h.diwiover> that WhIU was
afisiocrallc youi« Endi.h„f ,ne abl«t officers In the ssrrlypicai swardemsB. and
and eventually secured for him the
hU draas u alwi.ays faulUesa Bui be commandership In chief of the lodlan
A fouebt
i I.J. so hard ‘»*«TPt.and amohf
There Is nothlnc academic or
a ferocloiis Sulu

‘hi. aeoeral.' He
Is ^ewhat of a dude al think of ,hio«'moVe oo the ^lleflVld' than hi
IlSts He" oW*y
* -““"'‘."rJ ^
chamber and Is
yet be has been advance
tftlen of B seneral officer.
lAeutenaot General U>rd Hethueo.
who was chiisen tor command of the
Arst divtslon id floutb Africa, enjoys the
f ]M4-t and was mentioned
dIsUftCtlOD of beinc the yeuttKest lieu*
IspaUhm for alynal bravery. He Is
tenant vrneral lo the lirltlsb army. Uk ne of Ibe
_ moal promtslnt
____ of the
_ youn*
-Joined the l^U fuards in IIH. toiqrhi , arr denei^iions «rBn»1lVom«ra
to A^BII 10 in and In E«rpt went i also It General Tule, w ho has come
throtffih Manois and Tel .1 Kehir. He prominenlly lo the from
of late, and
was also missd up in the IWhuanaland j who Is a Car
by birth.
WpedUNm and has had ptrmy of minor ’ Ueuienani Colonel Raden-PowelL
^palcnln. to do in the nonhwea. of who flrsi came Into notice durln. the
India, that r
special service offi­
of tbe Rniiel
cer ip command al Mafekinr
eourteous and p
much service in Boulh Afnca. ...___
bardeaed bj' active srrvli-e and.
went to Natal with Sir lUVer Rumeil
tesled by hardships In the Held.
1 foUKhI Ihrouah the RechO*
General Sir Georse While

who li


While all the teat of ths world Is busy watshOw tbe atnwile betweoa M
Boers and tht BrIUsh In South Africa Prance U very quietly looktnc afUf
her own InterwsU In the e
of the Prench Sudan. Her officers In Africa aft
day by day enmilinc native reftments and artnlns and tratnloc and preparIsS
tbe sane for future einenendee. The accviqpwnylng Illustration, for ■—-----\
shows a French camel corps enlaced In rifle practice In the Sudan, mass---tive warrlora who are beln* pressed Into the service of the Prenek are
aharpshoolera and w-arrlorw of the nosl oouraceoua character.


have a very active part In the eetlllac
Major General Rlr W. P. Symons, who
dl mortally wounded In that flercr en*
aayemeni so earlj in (he war. was a
popular and sallanl officer and will be
icreatl} missed from Ihe front In the
Neui fleld force, of which he was commander. Cntonrl Otter, the leader .>f
tha Canadian troopers, has also seen
conelderable active service snd li looked upon as an officer of promise. He
fousbt (hrouchout the Prnlan raid and
also In the Kiel rebellion.

I doubi war kerni> fell by hla couiitn men in ihe Add
Another officer
' whom tbe iloera pul much faith w
Useneriil Jan Kork. who was original
I In command of ihe Boer foi.-es at I
I itacnani. but w as wounded early In I
wer Commandant Rolha who w
killed m the sortie el Kimberley, whc- _
famous Hulch flahler who flrwi dis*
(inKuishrd himself at
Spruli. ti was ihle same Kln<brrl*-y
caitemvni that brauEht furuard ('
ond Uuiray as a fl«hllna nfficer of
1 eneray.



JC': M '■

A who ecema to be shariny Conors with ihr Iliuxriuus Hr. Prnl^
Is Herr Dinkrlsplel. whose .humorous ' Konversatlon*" have amused thOIM
sands of readers in America The creator nr I>lirk*-ls|»Fl is George Vcrc H*a
ban, a young Canadian who has barn d»inK ii.-ss|>a|a-i work in (be Ualla4
etatas fur a number of yeanc He tlrst wivite German dialect articles OB local
subjects for six years for a Cumberland iMd ) i>aper. and also tor the Batth*
more American. Lasl spring Ur. Hobart wrote a few of tba same aketchm N*
the New York Journal Th<-se al once wcnl (he ruubds of tbe press and
cured for (heir author a position on The Journal staff He now writes IWB
stories a week. These sketches are soon to be published In book form, with
illUBlratlana by Upper. This busy young writer has also put out 1
operas, o«* <•(■f which.
which -mi.. Manhatl.a"" has
h.. already
.i~ - been staged.


Tbs demure loekli
Unc tafant shown In tbe aecompanytaf Uluetintlen Is neoa
tew than his majoRy____
:y the line of Droada. At bU majesty U yet too yomg to
a the roepoDilbimiee
ibimies of ■evenunent. Apolo KatlUro, the pHme minister
Pt Ucsbdo. doee moat
---------------------of tba ruUnc- “"■
fhle ••sllklro.
by -•
ih'a wa^ U
. tba
. stout
wiu »»•*•
U*B •««>• <* surprise
more tbae
people. OfM*
has hitharts
harts been pretty mu
Red Ks
Ml prlM minister

left to ItMU.

rest and i
_________ _____ ______
that man la Capuln Drayfua. AfUr flve lone years spatit In bU heroic atruf
Rte for Justice Dreyfus U now llvinf paseefuily with hla family at Carpenttws.
where the pbatocrqpb from which tbe aecompanylay picture of the lone s*Usd
Ffuneb officer and hla family was recently ««>■«« Beery ooo who has
wrutaa by Drsytsa
on Deelrs Uland wUl alcrstand the aatUftw
aalUdaoCten and

■ dartw ^

tng of freak Jewelry. ‘Htc
lag UtUe Illus­
tration shows a
gold munkey
nehly incrusted
with dtamonda
These odd look­
ing little Jewel­
ed monkeys are
rather ezpenttvo
omamentf, however, at even the ten
eoatly_makec run up Into the hundred!
this they arc greatly affaetsd by those
wealthy people who wlU give anything
Car Jewelry pravldlng rnwh orwamenu

are nauently oalqtM and origtoa) In

The bMeouaty groteaque ta«q I___
shown forms tht knocker on the nortt
door of Durham cathedral, to wbMIh
Id olden Umes.
criminals and
fuglllvee and all
others who
claimed sanctu­
ary or aought
protection ware
admitted. Fora
period not exceedlng n days
they were bous­
ed. fed and proUbtod from aU
enetnlM or purs
knoekM which
m sasM rsOvqB


IHK Moawmo a»MO»D. SPWUaT,

lilts. M’lailLEY *T NOML'
•MKis A tovcn’or TM« rmtsiurs CHCcn.
. ^ Ji.


Tha tUKrmrrlBK w.iwptmd' Bi rt«forta that htr*. UrKioW baa beroma
• aortrt/ Jnrter, and ihat her .mrrUtBurnu rirdi ta l•ritliaD<7 tb>- re>
aantvtrd r«»* of «-li.*t«-r Arthur, iha
Baau Bruhiiwd of i.r«.lfJ«mta. Tiiir.*
to 00_d«u»i« that alw l« " hoot*-.. ..f
‘ toWh tart asd affal-Ult;, and that ahr
MOm nth nufailiDe
fba wai<-h<-» with t'ttl'W the |idBnftaa |T'> !•> Bill uh one who kou«-a
Ul«- UcKlolr}' well will lx- den-rtred
lor a tn-mKiii. The laeeaiii U-fon* her
to hHclit. Hhe will fiiltill ht-r pan n«
• apeiiator. a« ah ajiplaixIiT. Tli-n
When thr la«) rharloi of day» Itae
•waetf eh.' will allp »-.rtly frcmi her
•hair of aloie Inin il»e old ro.-ker hy
the flmWf In the dear old hou..*'
where her early tnarrleil life waa
•pent, wlih Kr>-ai euntent.
tte leleki
to» that «l.e re| norainaimg
CODreiaibin wouhl tie le ld In Ki. U-u a.
Ber band erefu orer to bU ari^. Ao
•pprebenakw ihauilie time ahe dread
•d waa at hand waa In her eyea. lie
M .k™ .sn,M
ho hla ktHWl awHi:
•Thla mile woman la afrahl her bnt
hand miw be nominated for the preAld^ry, ahd abe wania him all to lier.
A.^ ftt.wfni .rniirmr.a
na apoke with ^ay u^^
toai ahe afBnn..d the atateineBt eanieifta,wwt I a,." .lie aaid -Kor tweii

QOKEirs r*CE n k tael.


WIbftalM »f Hon*i»d
la crown.^ Ow oppormnlty ••• aaivrl*»^
rvvij JoTanlor U> her rfolm

A mrMrfy willi wuAj e
!• rHiiiillar l» tbf rorniailou of duw »»
H4. TIhim-a-bn an* fawtitar wit^ anil-

aiklr* r.nrj !>■«



t¥i. ft.sM.1nn.

Ihf day. neverthi h'»a. If the .U-'ka «!>•
not aw-ept at uUliifalU nu enommua
•linmlly of duM w1U !»• rtOlertetl,
T.i uiuiie an luatanoe there U menliiiiied tb«' •■aie of the .tniefieso ahlp
r»ra B. K!o.-nm, a »'.-~wl of I.'JfNi ton#
n-siater. w-liU'h aall.-d from Sew Yoek
f..r San Kiam-la.1. m Jan. «. IWI. Tlie
eulUalu wae a luttu «rf iM'leunfli' laal.-*
and he M'l hlltiKeU to make ootne .iW
«« U<r>l.
MT>ntl.'t> on the tnyatery <»f' ti

:teverthe1e.Ul. the ea|ilaln'a Inc Ixo.k
aliowetl liial in the (vurae of a euyace
of nitiely.RereD ihiya around the <ai]ir
on fewer Ihaii tw.-nl>-four and a half
Uirrel* of line <Ium w. re Hwept fnun
the apar dei k of the v.-eM-l
I Naturally It ha* l«-n n.aetl.'d that
the dual whleh fall* on the d.-'ka of
fniiu' the • luletwlellar
apieei. Thla lumnda aeielitinr
and plaueilde. but It fs at rarlanoe
with eertain kaown factw. BKa of
leather, nf woo.1 and of recetahle lllwr
an- alwaya preaeni In *•« dual.
ii'oHi ena«-a there ran alao lie d
the preaenee of ■
n |» *
Mirenlr efllkT tnrm-d In lulweeo. Are we then to leOleve that
a bruusfht from io|>a.-eo. lenilii-r aud wcwkI .-ilal In the
•I. and II
tjuliille rtir.d.-a and tnarklnga are w.-U aieady and n.n.taui .lepoalHon of du.i
•oHhr the aitentinn ota nueen. Tinthe d« k. „f reaael. while at -ea
1' la no faiaa
de»l)fp la v. ry
an far all a
Bianahi|. e'siraoplltmrlly delleat.-.

U-t ,b.


M.,-r l-W. i.

J«. I»9»

It Happens Almost Daily
Hut NEVER at this new store.
SALESMAN;—“These suits we sold right'along for 16.50, but now we sell them
for 9.5or'
SHREWD CUSl'OMER:—You don't sayl And now you admit openly that
you’ve been ‘doing’ people to thatt extent.
extent.” Walks
dks out without buying ami makes (ur
Benda's where things are run on the “square.’
1 rj Our men's ten dollar suits are garments which in beauty, neatness
■AV styig ajjtJ workmanshio have nothing
nothinir further to be desired.

1 A

Belter Overcoats than these we are selling at Si.vCO cannot be fouud 1 K
elsewhere at any price—worthiness of material, correctness of stvle.

e for the f

. jElr'i*'- -- T-« wUlA.. -™.


IQ Our-ZERO" ULSTER at SiS.oo is the best in the world. We, are ex- IQ
AO elusive agents. Zero Ulsters at $3.50,$5, $7, $to, $12, $15. Sio.50. •
T-f It's a good every day suit or overcoat you wish we've got 'em—Start' the suits at
Al S3.50 up to $4. $5. $7—overcoats $2.50. !?3.5o. S5.S7—Kei
Kersey Pants $1.25, $1.50, $2
VmTniy TVTpTI Age 14 to 20should see our fancy striped worsted suits,
X OUAlQ AXA^XA we have just unpacked—they are beauties in every way—
$6.50. 7 XX), 12.00.
TTnfl AT*TXrPA1* in this department we simply sparkle—everything that's
O IXUd Wd»*X proper and good from 25c to $5 per garment—pure cotton
—mixed—all wool-*-siik mixed and all silk—3 styles Union Suits, iax). 2.00. 3436.
TTtyiD-n lUToH«At)uck Coats. Mackinaw jackets, in all grades, 1.25. 1.50,
U UlOIl ilLatUt? ,.00, 2.50. 3.00. 3.'5o. 4.06. Rubber Coats.
i. Mackintoshes,
Pea Jackets, Storm Coats, Oilers, etc.
rpM|lXy||||1 Statements bear repeating—that's why we tell you anin and
X A lA vllJ UX again that ours is the only entire new stock in Traverse City.


IV^ralt waa •xeelleiit. Ad aba auy.poalilon. la the coi»nten»arl of the hlalnry and to It^ Ue twy 1^Inakrd at It approTlncly. addini:
youn« queen'a profile. The llkeneaa ;a Mere with taime nyiil ln».-atlcal»t».
^n» BO oi. of t^lirie. cas t«l>t t» rleTerl, wtiKceated tbaf Wllhel tlutt It U>nan to ml ha way thronch year
bare Itecii •>■<* biRb.T lahl.-lniid abm
Sis M I aee him. Ob-r ’
inina ber~-lf la Mid to' bi
llh nitiira. toi
0be eaocht m# by both <anna and bicbly iilraaed with the fanelful tHle agn. or wr may wiy
tam ypotw nc«>. But < cn itac farther
itoook OX' to linpretM nr with the iruiii'al y.wcDd
tt what abe waa aaylnff:
Thonch Wllhrimlna bat nerer lieen
icnlay; and If It lx tr ■ Hint the fallt I
efle' la the beat, the meal preelniit ..onaldi'tvd a benilly. abe pratnlae
■nn that Hod eter cave to tbit develop luio one. The airensth
tliHii lolaiiil In 5«ai or «i<"' y«'#m.
world.'' Then we w<4ii orer to a h^>ad eliaraeier wbleli girea Ibe Uuieb
r >u
•Ka. and ahe made me all rUiae heahle pie aucb eoufldence
In ..r^.
her .ft .ft... * very m*ar to im.nvw- MtitvoTcr. the
Itor while ahe told roe of tbelr p.Tf.H?l ruler la ahowu In her
her Arm
Urn clilu aud ftnext pliaw of Niaptra'x.llfc hcloDgx
' V
the Kcoliiglral lo-alnv. It ta at itp
Ufa toietber. Their bAine..-onilns to well-lmlaurcd bend. Her eyea
bJix-ia aa.v ••'O’ brat «nu»- that C'VHt ixlaod la ttar
Ibr old hoiiae In Canton (whteb tbe.r blue and bnm-at. and ber aubJi'el
war* rolok
to at *^e el«ae of tha ibat abe la cure to carry out any iwom(lag. the year of xapreroe I
- • Wuleh tlii'.v rcaAtetl It they mii«t luire f<
^rerBor'a tertnl after tb-- pretty w.-d
D„t piven to long nceka. Wll- a "Utgle Biidlrldetl ami r..|iiilvely nar•rowned by the romlng of the Huh bdinlmi'x pnillly ar.-hed one ahow. row eataraH nr xerlea ..f .iix.'a.le.; «i..l
•Wld. the aiichh-n darkening of the
nrixtr.x rriilr bl.xd.-New York .ifier Hx uis«t «nd la left U-tiln.l ih-re
world for them hy the coming.of the World.
can never iigain lie aui'li a iMnil'Itmi'on
.^Mlb angri.
of dlv.Txe iiinjexiict ninl lov. lliieaa.
It wax ilM'Ir'flrxt nirmw—and It lia*
rortaw ret* at Wnnea.
nu\.v for tio half mile along «lnat
totver he»-n fontotten. Thi-n their eiiiii
Home mluda ar«. xirlkliigly original. Ulaiid'a aide arc there divided yet fni•|y amix ••en- IIU«1 again by auolber -e*en In the cbtHee of pi'ta. Certainly lenuil cliaiilielx fllle<1 with aUlnitic.
...... 4»>e... nhc.«Blay waa aa »>rief aa thia wax the caae with llte wife of a Hliouilng raplda. When It haa ixvn
tbe mlier'a Mow team ran down b r gentleinan farmer, who made a |aa of left U-hlnd. the wide river, (lowing
e tallnxl. and Juit then a a pig. The animal l»xl Ita uiotber eat
over an ahiioxt level IhsI. will Hppraaeb
-BYlittle girl, the graiiddaagbter of Ibeir iv. and Uu- lad.v. taking i>liy on the lit Uh ellff <|tili» calud.v and will calmly
tooat nf the Nell boaae. mo In Bl:d ||«. onditfi. Ie>tv It tiff to the klleben. make Ita nlniiae.llke ii mllLam-atn over
•tralght >i|i to I lie eoaeb where Mrx. m hen* ahe xmxioxletl. hy tlie.ald of a a dam.' .\nil Ihia forexiclad Taland. IlfttfcKinley lH.Y. Kbe dlaappeared In the feixllng bottle. In reaiing it.
,d high and xei ih a fortnoale ella-w
The pig hei-aiue a great |M>t. andnxe.| „r
river betl. giv.w vb>wa wbicb no
. aiKl Ibe I emor c
e dix.rway:
to follow' Ita owner like a dog. t.t oiber. fiiillier iilexi
• “norotlij lx the p
eonbi liattlly have been Ita outward at- for«I. 11 *eparai*-x aud yet unite* the
•ke baa thee prMtieat i;nrBe in a
traction dial won ber bean: It inii«t, iwtaraiia. Now It puta tbe far
xlxivc tbefli and agnlii It brlliga ibeui
-Wbo lx the nnracr aaked
abed Ian «b. hare been Ita qtwllth-a wlileb ......
•d II to ber.
.|iille cloae. With Ibe lalel* Ibat lie
tnae nun. Ami ibe prcaident-to-lte
Anotiter very xlngular pel waa dial near It It give* ouilookx up bulb Ibe
tongbed aii.‘ nnawer*d:
nf a frog, wlileh waa lamitl by a yoon: viri-ama of nipida and the pla.'lil river
-Ida JlrKIhley."
girl In the country and would come out |».ynnd tlieiu, ner.a* tbe gorge anJ
front-under the leave* at her approm-li ,i,„rn lix length ond athwart tbe oue
Baroftean langnagca. . ... fed
. . . w'lih -a --------.
„n,pr: and moat of theae
Among all
• Kngllali la tbe riebaot ao far aa the
A lad.v w'lio waa rontined in her mom ^ view'* It cnrmtucx in draperie* of In*.
•sober of wonia la cnneersi'd. and It la
urlaot givi'U. Truly, the pllgrJma i'
•too tbe on. whieb baa addiil to Ita
later da.i will not xce the Niagara.
' vocabnlaiy' ibe birgext mio'ilier of be regularly hrongbi to ber room every ' marvel iluit tH louga to ux.
Worda wlihlii tbe laat half centnry.
morning to a»>e ber and be fed !iy lier
-------------------------Tbo laieai Ihtgilab dletlonarlea eon- own bamja. and allowed In lake a abort
Wcdaing 1*1
Wta B»l fen.r limn 2iM.(XK1 dilfen-iji walk about her mom.
Wlulwver Iben- la
Neat in rank conic* the tierding
alwaya wager ibat the
Aootiter member of the feminine
pan UogOB^e. with HO.OOO word*, and
nrtnally made a |>et of a Hir,
lx luiwllllnj;. It la the
in lx alwaya outargiiml.
time w hen a
At our soda coun’er
«rlth ».Oix*. the Kreneh with SO.ono.
|„ own good lltne."
wedding. The affair
tbe__ hpautab^wllb ai.i^jrorda. ,-,,ich « did nf old age.
.x.uldn'1 ge uu without him. but
. We dispense
Among the tirlenial btoguagea tbe Ara^ much mere extraordinary Inxtaiie.. doean't like tc. >iiinrrel with (he angel
•to la the iii-Mt coploua. Ita vocabulary
who la aUnit to marry him. xo be cuu-1
r a ainingc pet. for a
•alBf even richer than that of (be Eng- ............. .... where an o
; n-nta and umk<-x tlte long trip In Hie
itb language.
l-ee’n-*inr Hot Chocolate. Hot B'«f •'ex, H d b-mnoa<l«.
everrane tbe natural repugninee nf | church. Iixiklug like a man m»proaebIn tbe n.iii.'xe tangoagex there are ber eex a* m tame a mouae which had i ing ib^xcaffuld. Ind<x<d. we have oft; f Hot Soda*. Oor mpatatloD fur a floe eboeolate fl .vc
104)00 ayllahlex or room, nut AT which lieen eaugbt In her atore raphnard. Ho ’ eu woM-nxl that aeeounta of wedOur exeellen* Potato Pulp, which i* Cboeolate to tbe public....
to la poaalldi- to frame 4H.OOO worda. In mceeaaful waxJier treatment that at iugxdmrt xay dial the '
• entirely dige^UHe by calOe. ho-*et.
Pa Tnrfclxb l.tiiguage tber* are 22.!>.‘W
tlnv auimal would Uke rrumlw ' n algned aud ate a fried egg for t>n-uk todhoraaBd whieb w« will alwaya
-Varda, and thua U ta rirber than the la« the
• mlatreaa' finger*.-Woman * ; fa«i with a gcnnl apiN'llie aud
» ,*^^1 atato. U now for
•paiilab and «>uie other European lan- from Ito
hi* Jailer to furglve hiui for tbe irou
aale at onr factory.
tde he bad iwux.d. If a woman muxt
*'rba*kafllr« of South Africa have at
The price tor which we will aall this
4 M Ihe CsBHbftM rwrOea.
have a parade can't It lie arranged in
Chair dispoxnl not more than 8.ono
For tlie (lr«t time In history a mar have a dummy frwm a clnihlng atore feed in order to introdnee it will be
word*, and the aatlre* of Auairalla
riage was performed nn the porileo nf rolled up the alxle l»e*lde ber and.the conaiderably leaa than half the ecat of
■■* only 2.<t«> worda.-Tbe Rival.
the courtbuuae. The maulre old sirue. i,o<**e put on it* oeckl No one would
lure hs* wltneaaed many and old
iiutlee that It wat not ibe hridegrooiu
Never hat|g uld patnilnga and water turn* of fiiHitne. but tnoM of them - Aiehiaon Clolie.
•glen near each other. Of courae. the have been In the alem cause of juxtiee.
> itaU feed we
•M way I* to give each vaviiny a It waa rexen’«>d to Squire nnmont to
Rm. PerMd It..
•BOB to UmK. hut that 1* not alwayt add tw the long roll an Incident that
Rom Bonheur. Just before
Msalble. Wli.ti the numix-r of picture* for a brief moment aeemed to sefien
Ii United Blunt nil paintlnn forwah) the aspect of the boUdIng's atony «e- death, pm her foot down on a artieme
•t tote pmi>-r angle to catrb tbe light. verity. It wa* a wedding of Septem. ef the woman agitator* to make uae of Mttle ano bora«a prafer this Ifeed to
f.nie for their own end*. The potato** and other feada. and It I* In
flM wtlli a glaaed lurface mnai go her and May. Farmer Henry Bnire !
e In
in from Cedar Point, Ihl* atate. Ipleinre abe »eni (o
•at againxt the wall. A pretty Idea earn*
to Ihl* year’s aslon aueh ahUpe that It ean be hauled In
to to luing xtiiall eteblnga or phnin. Into
___ tbe oillee of tbe Probate
-v_ v.a Mhlhltw! In
wagona. eUu. and oan he
•npha with nlilxn to harmonise with ainlllng like a Hob barreat waiting In I waa the find *he had _«hll.lted in
BasheJ sampspur ami deeoratlno of tbe room, the field fur the reaper. He brought many year*. The -FciulnlntolP# there
aaMlIed the Jury with denund*
with him ax comely a laaa at ever
HwidMk TMxt.
got her eomplexton from nature'* own ttol the "Medal of Honor- *hfiuld be P>«* furnlsbod (tm of charge,
Ttoke the fl.-xh from a cooked amoved wilntabop.
Ml** nnttle raddUon awardi-d to her. becan*e ahe wa* a
Ic makes a epreiamy treoUng Chrm to and . Ungevteg DtosMaa,
teddoek and pound It nnttl aruooth. Parmer Henry la 40 and hi* hrtde 10 woman. The artist wrote a note to the
MM of Women.'DiaeUM of tbo Bye and Bar, Nooautd
dav He Mid that be was aomewbai Jury forbidding tha use of ber name,
mvc It over uigbl and the neit day
Tr* rerue. City. Mich
Mt It la a i>*o with a little cayenne.
“as It would be ridlcoloux that the InTbe doctor hM had large eaper m e In ranerad pvasUe* a* w«l) a* in •peeb
• tow drops of lemon Juice, a llitle an.
^ work, and bM curedjnany eaiea^li^ le pMtof Aathma. Catarrh, Bronehlua,
•topvy Muee. aud melted butter or
id*. Chronic
Bfdlapay, lomaOoMnmpUoD. Oaneer, Tumor* of all Irind*.
Ohi. . Dlarrhorv
two and then at the glooiuy room
irhite Muce If you have It Stir this
Ity.Ooltre. (big neck) Bbcumattom all
II forms,
form*. Pllei
Pile*, Loco-Motor Atula.
B the rear uf (he Probate court pn^p•bM very Ixit and hare ready some
aloe and N<^on*
forms of Syphilis, dlaeaae* of the Brain. Spine
r. where the weddliws In the c
•Quna of irted liread. on which pile ............
_ _______
Itamacb Liver and _
the Blood. Skin
DImsm*. DUea*M
cf the 8ui
the Heart. -In Dtooaae* of Women bU ■Special Specifiee and ayatem of treat'
•old D
lem out under a socmentrellevm and enraa every case- No matter how obstinaia, your com, do
--------------do. Bo h
yonr worst en* toy.
•ky. cUppid by high
not despair, for you oan probably be restored to health arain.
yoo ahould keep a ■ far away from R
Yon will find the doctor’s methoda and treataont differaat and anpMtor ta
AbdIt hot water to the neckthe ^ roof* and dimmed by amoke. and amid as TOO ran." "Me enemy. It It. farhL. L. A. BuOdlng.
anything yoa h*ve ever trioa.
tadt?? wmrt trill eiMUtL^He the *he nol»e «f the city’s manifold actle. err rexpnoded Michael; "and
Tbe doctor wUi ^va yon a m
a to ears yoaerraoMva ao pay
•topper..-—er tempera- , yonr rlvcrcnce's self that waa tellln'
wife. It took only a fi
for hla at
tare and hecomes loose. In the ease i»»« *“•"
os tn tbe pnipit only la«i Sunday
at• ak bottle eoutalnlng
--------— • amelUng mlu mlnutea. It v...
. Bid* Wanted.
love our endmlM."
*«o I v
dip (be net* and stopper In vinegar I “JS
Michael.’* rejoined the prie«t. ‘’but: I i M4s wa*M* tor ik* x—wracUaa ef a tm*
, al IM B*hrrv Cieawxry. le muek lb* Ime*
didn’t tell yon to awallow them.’
ftacTOd Heart Bartow.




hlllM Hia, )1.N,P.H,.P00.


Good Horses!

I will have a carload of Fine
Horses, from Indiana, here on Wed­
nesday, Nov. 16th.
Wait for these before buying.
Get the best horse you ever had for
a reasonable price.
See them at Brodhagen’s bam
TiatuBe City Uimlier Co.
Traretse City,
Just The Thing
For A Chilly Day
•To Dairymen,

Johnll.'Ott & Co.

' Farmers and Cattle


JAP. G. JOHNSON, Driffiist.

Is In Traverse City To Stay

Offiee Mf iNiled ti Ue HiuDUib a UlUla l\iA, bu StKctLEBliim

The Michieae Starch Co.

G. H. SNOW, M. D„ Specialist


Fire Insurance.

' iETSirjssitjssr’ -ssr




.. rCMININC 8E]( >


BM H*«« % pt l<The ■rlaiomtle Phillpploe watroD
knd b»-T dAOxbtm indnlKe to m croft­
er Nxlib cET-irtow If dwr c*a bwip *t
lli-m Il4ii rwiniml fur driritig or abop
Itui tb« pFEUDt woiU(>ii tharno
t<T baEl«rK!'« vura. wbalrrcr It dmF
Ir. laU'rini: hi ih<- |4i>« Iwlilnd hd >in{nlnlf I'aralmo •»ii1«*r-liiifraK>l in 'bf
-------|*iW>.0«-Jj. or li.-lplD« 1<> |-1«- • bucr
|or..i,a. «,r cw-.«uui
nx-iHiiiui mfi. up or a«»u
tw rlT*T. U-»ld.* oUrtHllnf «o
Aud I tai*- pP-aaurr
h* tb«i. *li»i«-Trr Ito
Sok or-1-iU.ti ibr bhIIvf PblUpplnr
____ but
_ lo ■ warwFl ..f
Brain*-** and .-Ipajiniii-iia a* lo »* mt.-rtor; l;ir Mii.-ri.-r in Ibl* n«|*o<'l 'o
dwUiuu bou**-. !*•
„ ,^.1 of a t,.<-nl*atiCr . I. rk or Ui;i' of
»or*m..rfriH-ral. b*. far u« tli"
a-d*-««ul *or}»iii i:iii
a* ar* .mi.loyoU In .\mrrl.o and
b*. roni. ul lo j,,,
||Bn*lr.-*U «f airl* ar»- .•iu|d<i.v«Hl
fj.c-iorb-a. and <itb.-r
..................... _ ,
|,,u, ^i.,. „f
*rv. ral at n linir wpuillliic «n Ibp dw.r
, *|„elo franx-. i.lpklos and
jnantpiilann* ««b difl fliifrora ibr
Roux' finllralinall.v <MU-air fllx-ra.

Mb* Sarab Mri'aolay. *'bo haa }uat
diad at tb* aga of HI al tlaiuiuoud.
Kaa.. U tba bial of an uW and *<*'<-urw>
irk- niiool* ....... ly «tf flva NMaiw. wbo.
acaurdlua lo tbr local prv** and ib*
go*»ip of tb*lr aboM- naUlilwr*. pn>m- .
la-d Ibair inolb- r oli 1x-r •b-albl-xl I
tiiau xP yaam ago Ibal tboy
•Vbrr.'Urt la fvu.U--." ►»«» '•*■ ”'•»
would mrar iiuirryalid r.-nmllx-.l t.o*
J*d*w. V.-E kwai for ibr •’■.HBab
to ihni pn.iiilM-. liar daatb mark* ibv
yoo wflj Bed lHT-p.*khMt f«T bau- 11
;n<-t;»ii of III* Uil'auli'y family. oxu a wKkuroH ihF fMuJoii*^
1 act’TuI *oii* and daiiglK'-r* of tx-r
•arptar. But did you rtrr walrh a
lai* bmlbaib, wlxr*a wbar.-al*>ut* ara
wlU^lrk op.
«oiDaR bay a ball Htir
F *1 3U haiE »br bnunknown, and bi-r a«iata. *<>i>Kl*iliig «f,
taro round and
rtch farm, adyolnlng llaiumnod.
•a td(« of purrl
. .
wllb »mn«' |HTM«nal proix-ny. I* >io. 1 MW .itiF yoHiordiiy. a .l••ln^>rr•I•o«lag wcrtium. *-.brr In mlu-l nud
la maniH-r. iinn-b glrcB lo liravy-ao!**-!.
M.-i'anb-y fainlly originally
|i»rU*-a* *l«*-*. walk In niol fi.-k upon*
Iliad In Murykiii-!, a *b-irl <1*11* fn-lii
\Va*1>mgtoli iiiol n.T* lu good olrouin
Of tbo«»- l.rlpl»i jiund.- *traH*. *»Ui a
bugr olili*- Wrd on »-our of IUir*<f
*lan<x-a. Wb.l* ib* lira girl* wan- *iill
bold bai* nil and ar.-li ilx- woinyoung ifia family tmiviil lo iJn* iiil>-bl.
I Whi. hi-d l«-r. aiuflud \>rr
Flkr nmiiiy. 111.. aix1 afiar a
eipn»ai*.u, iiwl mw oi oo.-r iljai »b*
of iiiuny yi-xr-tlxT* on* of ib* broih*r* twin* to Kiii:-nr ami Imtigbt n k‘<Vvaa goiiiB lo buy ilml biH- Ubr
►b*' illd
and wbro Elo- wnU*-tl out wUb ibni
a<-ra farm aill-»liiiig KatiimoUd. In
KBigbio Truiplar affalr,««i b. r b.-aU I
t*lidiiig to milk* It tbair Bom*. .'He
voadrn-d If b*T rri*t>d> ««>uld kin»w
dlotl inuiiiHlifltoly Ibaronftar. and ‘J£
yaar* ago Ib* Molara and lb*lr bndb
Now. wbal Ird iWo driuurr wowau
or. Wllllow il*ur.v. nmyod ujhhi ,lb*
^ boy lhai ball
ran.b, Tl.<- l-mibar dl.-d a f«-w yi-ar*
belng food, but BuniHbl
later, and lb* »l*t*r!«. to *a--b
-T -A
tlncM and i-Qlnr of lb
otb'i-r and irm- to lha aoli-mu p-nuncla
bar. 8br wa* pn.Iwtily ilnd of gray .|•)•■|p a atuclo Iiiantilla or liandktloD of Diarrlaita wMab I* Mid l.itiav*
tblnga In Hf*' I am ibiukiiig ibiil cbiaf. Tlia*a naiiv* wuinan ara niri'l.v | imu rixiuttad of Ibam for «
woman •III bav* lu ltr<- up lu tlial baL
lb* KuroTH-au ivi*ldiiil- known raaMin by ibalr dying moili*r
tor H la ruriiiu*'-wbai au Influ.-ncw In- aa <Joinp»l1<- loTEani".
itUluuad to timunga tba bu*ln.-w> of
In tbianltuair tbioa* bav* u|M)B ua. And I *-.|*a*-;ty ol Jody’a luald.ot i-lilldrou’* tb.' farm.
Will wag*f you thai. If In a 11(^1* wblV Diir**. and •'\i'D'tixiir |>»*iiU>n* arr ofSIM.-an yi-nr* ago tb* two *bl.-sl *U.W* »*»i ibl. plain miU- •omau. ab* ivn w'-uid*-*! l.j tK»y*. Tlx-y ar*-v<Ty t.-ra. Mary Ann and Ix)pl»r. di.xl oi>
WUI (HI longrr bi' a plain Hub' «*>uutu. unwUaWr. and lb* ulirr atxMnnj of
day and war* buritxl at Hi.'
but %lll apiKwr in a flaiulaiyani array. lb* aHU*,- «i -raimio*
cralMud*. m rt»aniri*ria aauia Hina lu Iba vlllaga aamalary. A
faw year* lalar HlaaMib diad. and
d*n« II an nlm<«t hol«*lnui and w*ry «•*-. liwa tliati a y<-ar ngo Koplila axplrod.
aapt-raliiic ia*k to
t*> iraln b-avlug •■Aiini Snrib." aa »l»a wa* faaniy *ay niayl*' baiilab Ix-r r-up of IM
nilllarly known, alona. Klia would
tlii-m a* a**nBiila. Thi-lr only
for lb* **duillTC lax'kiiill v|lib a tns f*aiur*' l* ihoir a*na* of abMdiit*' bata but llMir ronJiMiny. aid .xnild
{x-raonal dranliiiiKa. but Jo «i>lt* of hardly la- lixiurrd lo Ipava bonx-. bel
"Bui I »••• *i»«kliig of lh* way a
ibla mauy Kuni|y-an womi'n pmfpr l» uolwllliatiindlng bar fx-oaniric *.x-luwoman buy* a tiai. Bb* irb-a ou a
aloo alia wn» iv.xiRnlEi«d by b«-r nalgb.
doaan. alia down, gala up again, and go lo Ilx- «-X)a-li«* and imubl* of iui^
punlbg a ridiH-H* aula from IIoiil' laira aa a woman of «xlui-nilou nnd an• walka aUiut. baika al III* aid*, and
tbaa at tb.- laick. <1o** o«i ku*i* »l*ai Kong or I'auion rai)x*r ibnn lo liiini*i ja-rior lniall*i'i, wall lufortmxl on all
puMI* mallara. and a g.aal bnrtlia**
galor *ix- wain*, and r*f*i« <-utuiaDily brr <'bililr*ti lu Ihr mr* of a naiiv*woman. Rha aontlmx-d to Hr* aloa*
to lb* Iwu »r ibm- frb-uda Ibat abe girl: allin>ui:li wlx-n lu b**r own <-a|>a
city n* n iiiollx-r tbr KlIlplDB. *uj far until bar diaili a faw day* ago.—I'hl
iBiad to go aliotijdng «lib b*-r. Final
ly. with l«o mm li baudW bal* In aa o1»*-ivail<.«i ifi>*». l*-ar*>* iinlliliig in rago I'bninli-la,
b* d••EI^■«l. «omau* llmiM- l.'niuiuinfront ofdior. ■Ii* *ay»;
A (itMl Orator.
"Now. my daara. wbirb on* would
Tba nralor wbo would .lo ]il«llca K
yon Uk*> Wbiob la ib* louai Ima gn-ai tlx-ni* or a gr.-at .«x-a«loii mu*
COMlagr And whan b*r frbwda. wltb
"flow'd >on Ilk* lo !•* ilia Imuanr lliorvughly *tmly and umb-raiaiid lb.tbal* y**anilng. a<’bii>g f**llng that Bnydar. lb* . ob ulailng Iwilwr. wa« ar HUbJ.x-1 lx- IIIU-.I a.'.xirat.-ly aixl If l*»*
MBiM about luuolo-oii lima, angginit tl«tl<-a1ly I’xaixitlnc a giilck»i.-p
alUlo iu1iiiii.-lv dlgi-at In writing Mfor.tb* wbit* on* a* ibrir rbotr*. ab« aaya: naor airop wban ibe abova llul
Ula dtlir band llta aiiMtan*^ and aran tb*
*^*U. I giiawa I’ll lak* B no. I'll lake fl^ixl 111 froi
of hi* addh-*a ..inr+wlii*. ibough hr
tba Idu* on*. You may iw ud It op."
-iiill* of i-onl.-mid
iiiuy *|H-jik alil.i. b* will 1*- apt
And ilx-u ab* go** bum* hu|J walk* acmw* hi* f.-aliin;*. ••Tbni «liniily Uiak* 111 all r.-*p.x'l* ao aWa «|h-ix h.
tb* floor Ui froui of a mlrmr. wbll* mak.-* MX- wtwry." b* n-mnrk.xl,
May* Senator Il.iar In R<-rtbn*r'a
AFr liciur. llr*d bu*l«ud lia* lo glv* bla wllb a tlo(irl*li lia daab.x1 iba iMiroii'- -uniMl anilraly |Maw«* hlmaalf Ix-fory-•ptelun on Ilx- n*w Ml fae*. -You Ix-ar ibai lauwi u.x|ub
liand of lh* main thing* which
Bb* lOtuma li ib* nrai day «Hb word tloB In «b* way of atniig pbraw-* ra wl*lx-« lo *a.i. aii.l tlx-n throw lilm«idf
tbai ab* will •*■ down In ib* aficnioou praiixl by ux-n of av*.y
ujHiii ...........
of th* momotit
to try BUuili*r on.
■a If lb* bx-iuaa'a Wi waa an aarilily and lh* *«iii|wlli> of Iba au<l1.-n«xYou iblnk I am wary bard »n woman.
In tlxnx- iMirtloua of hi* dlxonr**
fiaMdl**. .k* a mailer "f
Wall, you dnirb aoiu* ilb>* and ••■* if dlwlilual wlx. amba^ »u a c.-in
whb-li an- diiln.-lli- or nanwliv.tbia la nnt v.-ry micw bl.'b iDvolvx* (ha uiark.Ung of ix
w 111 not lx- Ilk.-lj to wnnd.-r In any
A wnni, my'di-af. Utin i lx- lampK’d
gaabxl luobmr* dix-*n‘t bav* to r
rvwilon far fr-.m bl* Dul.-a; althougli
to buy ou* »r lixox- inyNb-rluuBly lwl«i
around M-an-lilug for Id* iruubla* Hi
av.-n Id ibo*. |K>nloii* ii*« fa< i«. illua*d oiraw*. n-iu'iiilillug a apnu augar
irhiluuM ami NUggaiaiunE will M apt
r.n lulla
luiir ....u
'pix.pb'. dO you aUppoBi-. i-i
blld'a li**l. toadad Wllb
oT .tala twfor* •b*®b of Ib* nuioiiui of uxm.-y ibai \ i.|,riuK up l»-r.iiv Ulm aa I prOMMlk.
«nUl*. Tbay wilt In■ hi. *Mf KiiawklDw or oulll* Ibla
bvinan'a band. |{„t ............ lx- l..|d.' rl«--.
yxp'.p-........ .
'..w kiwi,..™»wiikik.
gnill aaaaoli.
Bu oil a «>■ *o“‘bxl wagon? I»mi t aiuouut lo
lofib-r. or la.hbr.
tb* duck* aud
abanga y.iur .............
|a,tlu-M.-. wb.-n tba »a< d foun
atrtkaaud form a lamalbm
i, n-ady to orartlow. and
a raid bo Cbi-atnui amn-l aunia Ona
ar* inovail by
klndro.1 -jmpqtb.-ilr panalon. ih*o
In buying a hat. rauiainliar wbai a w llb a ton of Ux-. t a-ilmai* ibai mail
(||l•■kx'»l1li■lg fanrl.-*
glavar Prauiliwnman obn- aald: ' lo lug alona cauH-» a .laud l.xui of alxiiit
down. Ihi- »i
tb* uiorulng b-i yoiir bal *bada your IIW |K>utMl» lo Iba daular. riil* .Im-aU'l
mwali. bal Wbaii ■you j.-alaub.i*' „fy .............
i„ ui,i,M-k.xl
gya* a bit. aud Ibai tlix-d look ibai .......................
... .........
nmra tfb-r Hi.- oi*-ra and lairaupia-r. «bat almui l.uw wagoii. a day rlgbi
of >.-ara. and all that the
WUI not br IX. In .-Vldamx- lu Iba bar* ID town b*.- that anmiiul lb* Hg. {
u*. m.x-ii. n-ad, baar.1 or f.-li n*
gvanlug hour l.-l your bai lx- luinad dp »"•
bim.livxl tl.m.
^ ,n.un. t al.a|a- aud viv.d .x.|.
from your fn.x- |.. almw iba brHItaOcy *■»" IX'Uild*. at. *ay. I« .x-m* Ix-r
, „„ Ti„. ...,|d «j,d 'pr.-in.-.Sltat.xI l.-xl
that alwav* .xim** m a pn-lly wimi- itrafl. I'lm* «l> Iba lldy *uiu of gliay I *-ni „„ i„ng*r auMca for ilx- gl-wliig
Uimigbl. Tlx- rluiaty. Mlaixxxl pli
Tlitaxfinn gU.'* II* Iba annual In** bx-aily a* glv.-* pln.x- I.. roiiia al.riipl grupl.b
AHkfilE', Tak.-* a Hula Oarv.-. d.*'>» l pn-MEloii tliat rn*hua iiut.Ubl-o i.i
«-nl*F-* «Maa riialr.
lo. ..........
M au hxmian? Tb*n If during
Tlx- imr»n-*.x-n iix-bl.-iii or |n. ulMtna. I'alva lu Ibf part of Opb.-lla U«. auUiUiat llu-a* drlpidug* <x.uld la­ By faniUlx-* an apt and *|Mxiklng Imta
Ambr.'ta.rhuiiia*' -ilaml*l." .«.i|.x,«*.| 1 tigun- tbal tloy'd •u|>|dy ag.-. iiixl lb.' di-xHitx..- lll•llu.•^lvalJ
aruixl brr ilr*i algual au.xxxt* w hen all tb* boMdinU In tow n n lili bx- wa- trau*t*>»>-> »**'lf Into a hlKln-r k.-y.
tbr o|*-rw wii* pnalucad al Vi-u't<x- In |*r bath* for *u>i*tni*k pati.-ni*. Krua
Aa . <nlat*»iiag Harah Hoak.
UMi. . Miu.' t'lilii- la fuiid of rx-lailug *n Into a mdld iunip. If lb.- ■■nilix- of
If yon baia iiol a *>-rHplM>nl( for
an animuug adyi-iiuin- Ibut la-fall bor ib.-aa drlpptuga »x>uld la- aidb-. i.xl. -1
n-al* no.l iixmograin* .voii may makr
on tbU oiiurlou. It wa* arriiiig.xt that ngura ar a lO-aiury hiiildhig. Th.-b
aba *lioubl t«- i-arrl.xl from l..-r bou-1 again, tin- wii*la wboti tlx- .aki-* ht-■I who g.M-x In for >'id
to lb* Sail* l>iil.x- lu a MxUii . lialr *ui U t-i*>m>xu*. lo *av u.dhlng ol! ilui**.
> .iix- An i-xh-nrlva
wbal valilrli.x- Into
cufMux' A.b llnu raiil. Tb* ot*-ra ..........
alHO WlMer*r *li.' wa* r.xali*d IkY iidh-* Hi tba broom. Ilui wlibout going Inio farib.-t
iM-r-Mii* who bm
cuur*>- ol III.' iH-rforuuiun-^ba re- d<-tall>. 1 Uilnk ynu'IK agnx- that tba
Buibi.xt at lb. Ux-ai*r fur ■<>».- Hill* man wbo laxlillaa Ic* bs* auougb iron ib*lr nmnogiw'
tlnir .-balling will. Ainbrolm- lYioumV. bl* t<' won? him liiio aii aarlr grava. eix-*1a xtaUHxxl U|k>ii tlx-lr Mli-r |xi|x-r. 1
Then wh.-i. Hi* not.
i.xx-lv*.l ihel
.At laai *lx- |>n.|xia.x] lo rvturn bumr.^oDb'?"—I'blladidpbla Rixx.rd.
ux>ttoiram. or ivlml.-i.-r ilx- dr.--ir*llon
and lu>4.xl around for bar maid. Val­
A Moral Trih*.
Iw. I* .-an-fiill.v rut oiil ami |>ai‘l
eria. Till- mu Id. bowavar. war n.iwbar#
Id lha wliob* wld* wn.rld tbarr 1. nol
ed lu (be *.'r*i>lHMik. Flag* of ya<-ht {
to ba *>x-ii. aud ..............
at tb* . niratuxfound Ibai tba aadan a claaa of Ihx.IiW lo ba found wh«. in- .-lulw, Ilx- h.-;xliug* oil Hi* Mix-r dt
l.unlrbinanl uimn -...... dlfferi-ni oixxiu *i(-am<-ra and fakbioBgbalr bad
Miipaaix-d. A.BMi
raritw of Caulral
ablc foix-lgn 1X.1.-1* ar.' alao highly
con. a<-l>c* Ilian
waa bi'liig mad* for aum* oibrr caryanix-, \al.-rh- ‘mux- hurrying up Atm-rlcw. Tb.-Jr religion, which It on* prUed. A jwnb-iilariy old monogram
loal p.x-aliir
with Ilx-i.nliilHx] rCair and agidalnad of tba inoal
p.x-aliar kind . damand* or «v»l. or Huh la-longlug
W-bHIy I* r.-gaixl.xl a* a grvai a.IdIHoD
what bad bi>|i|H-o*d.
bi>|i|H-oad. Afit
After tb*
that or ODlutaiiilunally eommlliad.
to ib*'lx<»k.
fonuaixx- ab.- Md pona oul
waa ao
tba puuUbumnt taka* the form of
Ib* earrl.-r* w.-n-• Mdy. Rhe
aooaar at Hi. •i^gi- door ihan a i-rowd itanatlon aixl eloae eonflnami-ni.
Tlx- uioot ealoatil.- nalutwl bridge lo
*f *ulhu*l>-tl. gi-uib-m.-n In walMug
If tba aln M In th* form of
(b* worbi I* to >*' r.iuG.l at Arlaona.
tbarr to avniiug drau aelaad upon bar. on uiat
lying a. tx»> a d.-ep .-bsMu 4li feet
and. in iba tx-llef that ab* waa Mm*. Injur*’<.....................
Oalr* In p. r>.,4J. Hflad h.-r Into tba #► wilh-.iit alHiar food or drink for tbr** W’idib. lUl* a iH-irifled ire* about
dan Aali- au.l prucix-dcd to i-onvay U day*, at ilia and of wbirb It la baltavad feel lo dlanx-i*r and alioui lOn
la trluuipb 10 ilu- bnt*l, wb.-re lb*-lr H at «1*« oHandar baa paid lh* penally length III l> pun- agal* all Hiroiigh.
r ralnald*
and th.-retor*
•iror wa* .-xplalned to tbau by the for h'a or b*r tin.
•ropiirtor. w bo, hurrying out lo meat
Biaapbcgilug and . nalnf had laH'
found hlui*.-lf fae* to gnag* la puuUbabl* by elwolute afar marble or tniiili* would 1*’
fare wllb U.T maid, wboaa pro- eaiion for two day*. Anaauli. dnink«aata bad uoi been Hatrned to. |>all ennea*. and oibrr arrioaB aloa call for bridge baa ever bixm bulli la probably
feur day*’ atarralloa for one week, Iriegropb wire. One was built over
Mall Oagette.
Ihree daya’ MareatlOB for the aecnnd lh* Jtaelum rtveg al Kobala. In the |
Kg.fl af n*»»rv
Iwo day*’ atarvetlon for the 1*un)ab. In tb* pisro of a briilge wbirb
A New Y..rk woman, who U making third wwk. and oM day'* aUreatlon In waa awepi *w«y by lb* floo.1* of IW»2
A almllar hridg* waa eonatrorted dur­
a atody of Sowera and tbvlr rffucia tn* fourth waek.
«pM diffaiviit temperamfuia. rlaltna AH B'.n* are punished with atarva- ing tb* fliwt Roudan campaign over '
that yellow blowMva the prot.-etloax ,|on. I'or ibat reaaoD crime la eery Kokora rlv*r for mlllUry purpoa*..
daUl.-t word’
word^ |gw amoug tlx- Carlba. who are amuug
from dlBoa** gertna. Ibat daUb-t
women will ia-m-ilt tbem, th>- beat U'baepd and
a* Inioxleanl* or people in Ib* world.-reaiwon’§a Weekand^bat riobda
peo|il*. Rh* aay*
atlmnlanif upon
cUaptrr of JoaUua tbrongb

I .......... .

"I bad a parrot once." aald tb* fat
wl* 10 try aud diixieer tb* flower moat ^ hta ix-Wi^)^®»e. Mlaa 8p«ni- maa. -wbo eoiil dnot *p*ak a wor^"
WneftrU) to Ibrir coMtltutloBa. la
woB^lhBiT oref«i.
"Huhl That U Bothlnc."
_ .
a It M aaM tbal one's cansa.
-Walt a minute. II* conld talk la
*«* BlMt yon iwB not be my wit
th* dumb altihabK to porfsetlOB."'
de- et least be aaalaicr to 'm*.>

Paid!For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.


Is t*e amount paid to members from January 1st, 1899. *o Nov­
ember 1st, 1899 $4.288,78 of the above sum was paid lo mem­
bers In Traverse City, and vicinity during the above period.
This record should convince all that in order to be safely
protected it Is best for you to carry your

Accident 1 Sickness Insurance


ClaimsIPaid From Branch Office at Traverse City
Since January 1st, 1899.

U WramaB ...
MorrU br*-.
Alltoe Topiek*
rrwrx Well.. ..
Wro H...lf...............

(in> Uclr
W , A Wllllaw*
W K. 1>-Wl<t
Hfi >*Blii Kempit
J ... I.j>uaarai . ..
Wa> K*l.)
.. M Mrlm. Jr
«'»».. aiBElrtoe..
Han D.>)lf

MO '
-Ja> La..pu..f

I. A. Uer.111 .
Arfbur Prmi
All. P.krnkalb .
J t. Huiprn
Hoi lUeli.r .. ..

a g Wllaoa
Aoi- n Tuiuuk* WhUf -.
MSB n^treib
J. .. g Hloklar
Cbas UilsoB


J>. Mood]..........
A K WIlM .
W. « Acker .
■dm. BrOM'b .. .
Hoarr Ke**p
Brio r
U HrLacl.lsB Prsi.k Walcre ..
H K.>WMia
Alfi Mr •Mfblle
C N Llchiy-----3. J Ulllcr
rredComrl* .
A Pakfokalb
g S *11.era ..
W. (. Ns.b ..
J H Um^ioa
Jam mae
Ja* Hood)
rVMk Salo* ..
O W arBsir*^
A. Kaak ...........
Dfiirr DaaUy
Ktpbard t'lalar...
J*l.o a*y«


t h*a Braadteei
P. O Caaphr 1
Jaa Kopacek
V. K l-«B|>l. II .. .




It ■

« B rr««dr.ra.....



II) 0



: H
4 »

a> u>




IV 71)

W*> Bmklf .



f T &0

J K '-aUitaae.............. (00
.......... MW
■ »lt
A.iC >< Uc-bBXi
< «l
X H.Cramford .

( . N. Tbaesfr ..
7 to
f. M TbarkfT

XM .




a Ik it
n It
rbrieDklTlfy ........... Ml tD
Jft«*B Bovf .........
X; W
K. A. Deo* ..............
u aa
.. e'l«4M
Alfred ParrMiI
□ ,-B H*r Im
l.>(arct.c Uovaier S IE M
Allf-rlBh uu
Nxrr >'kriM-a dee
too ■«
«V VuuBaws ..
H Klrebner

4* <ii
xi 7»

« -‘■'
1* Sk

(Ira. Mosllo*
f : 40
R L liM-rr.
II <7
r r Paagbaea
. ..
K O. t>p** - r .
* 14®
Wa r Brlpht

Ik jj

Char H Mar
Wrmlr. Klap
Jbo Krimeo
Uea Coxaal
n. Bleaer .
H W Wrlrhler
g C. Irimb
rvabk Barley


k <n

db OU


Aaraat Lamm ... t
(- R. PratbralF
• Alfrd g. t'a.Ir
11. P Barpema . .
. .
jno f rrarrtra ......
T*.-» P.iarrr
Jae rraCerlck • . ..
M W (lnrd<M<
P Ua.'iliea Wrirh
P D Wi*c»
.ira. t-rim .................
L. Bobrns
It g Murpbv
andrrm Brnlley
W J HaMlord ....
1. Rahrna
^Irr BbalBbeaD
P Hackril
lout. K .tvrla
Wa. D Frrrr
( lima. Burse


• B -.r- rj
w a Oarr
II H. LrVallr}
■rlr l mrr«a
Hsi k>l--l.rr
Al'rn Hop'-cr
I) B Hr-m
Edaard Itroao


MamnrrWIlIrr .
-la. Mribtlam
RdrniMrrald ..
I'.tP Brrhlr


pr*** xaous ..........
~ c.
0-0 W AimeU
nra rraakaa*** ....
t-Arraok Skoum
. . TW


Jo. Cook
.■lirveBabta .
Jno. DBBpar .
Jna HlapaaB
. .
.1 B. BrHaaina ..
Ilrury -Taaipklar
W R Portrr

8 47
4 >
1. a»

Jar. MrOoBlgll
* B Ya.ka................
<■ W Brrkie
Ira xuuae
1.11} LeVxlxj
WillIrKenp . .
T».B Irwkr
bar Orsi>r
K. ilallirbam
p jehra.-*
W Ilia- Kla'l.
New U.»r«).«
JehaW Wa.bliurb
U.ul. Burmril
(1 H UaVallry
Wn> Ik.ualar
(Id P.iii-r
I.d.-rr.-. rr
<iu) K'lK
Tbor Wa-hlxire
Mai y.i.'krr
Tbd. /.-•■'............


lire ..uimrlle.................
r V Venailya
Perd KblD-n
--------OeO. Kapabb
Jaa Butler
Praak HIsbry
Pa' llraira


3 A Pmaar
Bri. Hoxir....................
•' a Tkajer ...
He* a. KiJ .


f* .■ TlMNDp-rXl
Jn... Pyab'
Jio nlBb rrrt... .
W L Bromu
Prabk Hlsbcy
( bar Hall
. .


A l> Mxxt


JraiB Hnlllner . '
P M TboBpaaa
PvaDTl. fNw
Jud Leader..........
P A JlX..r
N. Ihrnaull
Mr® Lrr. 'ialDln
> kaa HlDPIrl. b
Huph^^BMai*^ '

* SI

N O Pala.rr.
Jbo AieacB
Js. KrBr.1
AX-> Krt.a>ia*lla


Bed au.l i.lddlugs ...
I'al Orrp*


td Drier...................
■aor^ Mecmly



N Jutnimoa............

Jud Prleml .
r. J Hesasoa.
I Sk
•<i r x-s..Bas .
... S SI



gll>worth Bapkiam E 4k OS
7 40
Norman aaadrrs
KboarBiODdoe .
(-bms K«sa>
MnA. t. KlIW
I'b.s Uroaaoe
C T Mrl'BU-bixui
K r. )Ssa-.drr*
. IB S*
g C. DrBBBore.......... « <XI
P Hlreeler.................•*»
JoboLsulaer .......... 7 «b
. * 17»
Jeae* Jaac*............• 44 00
FraakBaH . • tt W
rraak W. L«ai*er . . WW

that's on sbould carry accident and sickness insurance, call at
my office over Johnson's drug store, and information will bo
fumiehed by competent clerks.
Send a postal card and we will mail you particulars.
Do not wait for some one to call onyou—take the insurance
before you are hurt or get sick.

This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.


J. M. Blakeslee
Distrlot Superintendent.



_________ Trawr^XitT. flicliigii


y '.




'.;- ■' ;> ■'




mu aojcKim uao*0. Binro&x. vuvaiala u.'iaa«


Wuu^ Vw im t
'•# filh

n» atEVlkM «r',tb» MOM* of ttrr.
^ Me, ■■ VoBBfrttoa witk lt» nM roLbrrti^ ivnlb





below ta a IM of Ua bur^ and ar'


B Anirrrran wo»«ti h*r«- •ucr-rvd.

■S-<(-Mmeoi Ur Me*, a. «. Doyia.
Twia-TW LuUw ■"•J **• «.

.k... ""low • i..«ur.l lo-~.£s

Thing, I
Pig »»»« Tobacco—
Tails. « Trateise-Belle. Sc Cigar



Whieh fur geariailoiu no Knropeaa and Uia wiwk. TIU was Mnienlarly
workmaa or artist has lieen aMe to-^tbe caae when mra uilBundagMoud or
l>ring to life. Miya llarper B Baaar. ] failed lo nadacBtaw-l Him and His mis4 00
Tbit la Ibe an of making glided leatbTo Thomas, who bad failed to
graaii tltrfat'a luhtiun. He itlustrated
m OIW AIkmx |04r. Ml .-ui|>b>)r of
it by saying. '*1 an tiSeway." Totboaa
Tbe IvTiTBl of ihlB otd art Is diMt Borlok A >laliie rsllroad nam^.
• HrlwB. had tbe mtafurtUM- '>r*ly U> thr pTrarwraDre of iwc als. who falaaly thongbl that the Miiminica
He was to bring laen temporal and
**• ^ ranclit la as arridoni, and Inal irn. ibo Ulsan hlarr and Clara Ware.
carnal He here deacnbtw Hiiueelf as the
W Tbo roniian/ trer* aomehow who an- cndoain of (tie n»m» la
erne Brtwd. the litrinj; Breed from bewr
•brraiened a d«witww trf rhe o.Im»I roDoened an. He was not to feed the b^riy by
• aattI »bi>
(Imi were BMire
aiore than wJlllua
willing le
w Kb tbe HoaioD Moseum of Pine Aru. niumpl.rlDg loaeea and 6u^ hnt waa
He tin- luaiier out of courL VnriI edfers were made to falm. boi hr While conitualnc tbelr studlro In Ven­ to aatiafy tbe luBgingB of the eon 1 by
mu<-h—-------------Imprwaaed by
the BitnaeU. What He weans by Himeelf
none of them. At last the,
- ' were
- •—
>• tills proposal: If tbe cow
of the gilded Inatber la aome of aa the Bread of life U aimply that as
wouhl siart a (cManrant at North
old iialKWB and fraduallj tbej bread food ia niowsary to the (diydcal tapalO^.
-■arwtefc. aiMt plane him la eterge of II «•’'* hid lu Inreallcate the arttiuda Ufa and la aids to aatisfy and anatain
------- setof III Mop everg Irala bef^ Kb ‘luH had prudueed It They found Ibai the phyaical Ufa. ao He i> ntvemary to OTTIM BASMOFnani
r for Ore mlnutaa. be troabl not ‘o the fourteenth and Ofteenih eeuiu- the Ufr of the .ml, able to aatiify Its
(>net<etllnBB. ThiB was acreed
cll-led lealber «raa one of the chief waringB and able to anatain it foiweer.
t«i. a»d ttw mitaorant was aUried.
Itiduatrtes of Kpaln. where It bad been Note— '
1. The philoeutdiy of bnad in iU rw
Mra- llJiaKs waa oae eooh Is a tbon. IntrodiH-ed at loaat »U yean be-iMd. and iH-r luoaU ware airoady weU for» by tbe Moon. In the pres- lation to Ufa. That traad enaUina Ufa
lanrona of the niad. »■«" f«>lury practically no Intber of ia indiapntoUr. The inan who ceases to
aisio oeaaw to lire. Bnt huw btnad
-wiMahew-t h.-r brain at wort and ta- ‘bla kind haa been produced and U
line the life cannot ba explained.
■«M*ad a
kind ofapunge cake. Rbe ba* rvnialoed for tbeae two yuuiig
"MO fanon. before; abe -waa Immortal American womeu to abow Kb poaalhm. We may follow the food In iU changes
-Laww. That aiNinge cake waa llgbii-r
nodern schemes of decuraitoa. in the human aystem. bnt jnat when or
iMid awi'HiT and more delicate than
Wbee they Brat bm bImioi tbelr In- jiMt how the f..d we eat btcoines onr
^***®**’.mmr ollu-i known In hitlory. and K *-«wilKailouB they could Bud so one In life no scieniist can explain. Wo know
•Arti. Kecr>' doe paBslng Ihmugh H<-r- k:uro|e< aide lo gire them any Inatrur- Ibe feet, but the pbilueuphy of it ia no- ** ■'
k bougbi winie. whether be wauled *'“ii or dleoih.nB and there waa hardly known Nor ran we tell b<fw C^iriat
M or Dot. It <■
I iHMdi from which they could Icam aatislles and ansuina tbe life of tha
■laleb Paia Balm. O iren Oih'
enoden Inxee. aud the Birthing es lu mi-thoda. Uetunilng aooL This fact has led many to regnaa
Why Vot Tour
vers at klgaas.pmelW*grwaa. FlM r
Itby IsaiL-bt tbewe For'Mham.-r fniiu Kurope Ih.', brought with tbeiu lo a«f|rt Christ But such a course
My wife haa been using Chamber­
reB few old faded s|ie<-lwens of tbe _glblMp.>rtl.>ii(wereao>dnrgrBdi
lain'S Psin Balm, with gm '
Vew OSee Warkham Bloek^
■ dpaii to (hr aingic uioulbful e.l leather of'-guadauiarlbw''aud Ibey fnae to eat bud Iwcaniw he does not 'or a lame ahonider that has amed her
pped III Ilasiie pa)ier for Id lenls. bojied that iu America they itilgbl tluil know how tb^fmid breulu)* his life. xmUnnally for nine yenra. We have
mraiauratit. in dUtaut eliles M-n(<<l it.
IsMiks In-ariitg ou the aubyeci. We kuow thHt Oirist does sustain spir- tried all kinds of medielnet and doe-mad regulfii atiltnneniB were made to Wbi« Ibis h»iie pmied ralu llu-y sjieel itoal life. Wilhimt Him tbe son! lali- ora witboat rerei ving any heetfli
from aay of them. Oee day wa saw
' Wev York BH<1 Knsloa.' (libera tried uiuch lime and lalwr In cx|>eriiu- iii». gnlshtw and diia
Give t£em a call.
■ anJninaic ii failed Tbe se. n-1 <d' utMH •( last they felt sure Abat they Breml of life we need not worry aiunl. .nadveitbemeniofthbmedJeine and
t«a makiiiL' «a« ke|>i rellgtoiwty V.x- kad wade ilu-pmawa tliolr own. .Vow au long as we know that Ra does satisfy •hooght of trying it. which wa did
4M H flmwood Awff.
wi'h tbe bkat of satisfaction She baa
■-wry Itaicb ibai weal into tbe'ocin was
tbelr large workshop they are able aU our spiritual ktitgingH.
used only one bottle and her aboulder
.aBvd by Mrs rirlgga' own bands aud l«i produee rich and iH>aHllfuI ajs-clb almost weli.-Adoiph L Milieu.
'«ehli.d rloa.-.! (b-ira. Bren now noth- nieus of this leather. The dmlgns air 1. Bread to mtstain life most be rat- Manebeater. N 8. For sale by S t
I la known of tbe proerba. beyond <><elr niyu..bni the pitstwa la nndoulu- on. We mnat actoally iwrtake of food Walt and F. C ‘Tbexpaen. draggbta.
befare ilraii tawmueonr life Tbe mere
• <bn fan Dial a chum < I Dsed for «dly
•• the
the old one.
romiialoa of tbe richest abnndance of
food will not kMp na alive nnlraa wa
bare often thought." pur.ued parUke of tbe food. The S.'MiU had to
irr eourai- tbe nwtaurtnt proap
N'o remedi-equals WABS'BK'ti WiKTg
Ut was Is fore the daya of dining-____ Heakins. “of raeommeuding Blgm-r aotnaUy eat of tbe loavm %nd flahm baUVE OF Tak SYSI'P for tbb terrifora they ware aatiaBod and AIM. Mo
o aial fata! dlaaaaa. If Uken thor^
^«»d passi naers from Kaatperl and *«ntlnl
>gbly and In Uow. it will cure a cnee
imrtland luid good appellie* when they uionB •_____________ _
..... .... Christ moat ba actnaUy parUkes of beM boiuw. and fue the oaogt that lui'•Wki il North Berwick, BeildM tbe r»ercUe tbelr eoW while the whistle fora ha can snsuin tbe spiritnal Ufa
ws Ln Grippe 1‘. ..aver tmis to giva
«iug nnkc. (be almost oqtiaUy fa- wm Mowing. It's my hoUrf that It within na. It ia not anongb that Ood
linf. PriSTiSpnadfiaa
tmm» euMam pP wna sold, and • gen«>o
to daealop «be»r rob-e. haa pcovtdad tha llvinff Bread. Wa
-Wii dairy lunch srrred. Briggs man IMn all the exerclaes that be makes must partake tit it. wk ^oat hetoaUy
accept (%riat and fead npoai Him 1^
mgM the reauumnt for twenty years, tkrat king at the piano. Hr makes
faith S. Bread to anatain Ufe moat ha
MnnBy grrn rieb. and gaer up ibr malcfa' hriwrra a g^ and a pltim, at
'MrtnMB. niored to Nrwbnryporl. lust reqolret the girt to'cnme uul s^d of eaten onmandy: Tbe oarfng oboa
retntna and mast be mtwmey by Hd-<^lalloB and In other fkr pinno. Now. If ftr'd match
WBnpw and dird. Thr tnatattraul waa ■’rU against
1 whistle and the IMlad again Hu we moat be In constnt
> when hr Irfi. atid Ikr only
at high spe.d onmmanion with Christ, if be b to anareh»|. iwb'e a. Uln onr spirimal liven A Habtmth

rWpMige eake died a year or two ago.
■K“’h »obv la the cunrae
ae of a month
That is the -lory whh-b Ibe old In- “ 'key can devel
^ftnbltanto ii-ll to the ••aeual rlalior. but
4>f •aachlng."--iiu Kaugbler"
younger Beoeniilnn deny that there ky B'. L. Atdeu
abonldbein cioaeh.nohandri_________
with Christ, tbe living Bread. Let na
----- a aaythlag (nyaicriona alami the
e cake of Kh- old daya ur that It
keep in constant cornmnniuo with
And ready for business. We extend a cordial invita­
t aay Is-lier tluia what la aoid at
Christ by prayer, by daily atndy of Bla
comer liakery today.
Here la af| Kngllsh desire wbb-b word and byacunatant IndwMlingof
tion to the pec^le of Traver^ City and vicinity to come
may And fasor wlib Amerban girls tha Holy Oboat that He may be tbe
our store and examine the latest novelties in the
who wear the iBsaluable sailor hat.
Bible Beadinga. —Ex. ivi, y 18:
^oe trouMe wKb ibai favorite style
variety store, consisting of every style and kind of crockrioEu Ilf the Praoco.Prussian war.’
Dank Till. l-»: bs. Iv, Lli Math Iv,
' '-Midgfar b that |t,r Bocoapru
a reieroary aurgeon of ibia city
Cfy. glassware, tinware, granite ware, pencils, miik dish­
vl. II; vii, t-lTTixTl. flsPretwhiuen used le raich the
John ri. 47-81; sxi. 14-17; 1 Gw.
es, milk pans, lamp and lamp chimneys—in other words
D whiii' rsstdlea. Iwhmglug to Oer
v aud dip tbelr hludlega In
everythin# from a baby's doll to the finest set of dishes.
r» wiM« It* atmoci- rmlM kJNJ cttitl>b^ rsrrt^l ttir raiua of Sonb
rwhti ■• fnr
dMIiciiiMia ««-dl
fhe kwi.rt-) or itif tmli'-ir) U ■ .-u


.a »



Morst Ires., Hhsi Ptiitws

John R. Santo.
Seiaral litiraiea.

0 Cw> U IrlHtta M iMn.

Tod i^t- • firat elui mnok*
from onr

B««none we pot into them tbe bent
tohait^ and we do not one hoj
artifi<:ial flavor—juat cIcbd. par*
tobai-oo. Tbiak'ri't^iou a wholeaome, enjoyable smoke «t nu ecoD*
omiml price.
Aak your dealer for them.

tl4 Font Bum

Tonnslisr Blo^

Pretty teat time
to iliiit aboiii littiBg yoar

Bicycle Enameled
Yon might •>•>, «Mi me nVmt atortnw
your when! FREB f«r the winter
''ifp better enemeling ihns earn,
sup in end talk It ever.


BWaitAdsS. 6llM tapMi I MUM 1.1


Into anlnialcd
of the French flag, greatly lo the
Twrnlb and disgust of their owners
W only Ollter'iDBIaiM-e of dyed itog
m W»leh I hare aur personal kmiwl
swOgeeame under■ —s
my ohaerrallon fp,
'wnrks agn. when
p a Udy twnughi me i
'VM agmali-l
nwt for an ulcerate.
mile i-rcalure was_____
Uwny >ell..w. Quite different fr.mi
may apasPI I bad erer seen, but when
.■same to .-xan.lne him closely 1 fowinl
dhat he hsd leei. bbtudlued • erldenlly
thy iwmrid.- of hydrogen Ills nsliirsl
-wulor was sici gray, and Ihr far at
«tw Mads sbowci It nnmtstaksbly Tb.Sady was an iicttvas. who was imuing lug line ta-iweea bat rim-and fore­
Tthfougb h.-r.- mi her wa« to .Ve* York head la so hard at to t.e often anymad when she calk'd for her p.'i I iu thing but be«t.ailns; at ih.- same time.
Ibe natural frluge. If drawn down be-gMrntslly referred to the .lyelna Kbc I j„w th. i... . " " T.":"" 7'"
atoghed. SU.I s.lnmted at once that d.r I
»m6 eolond II,e fur lo match a fsEVr
ibe effeiis of .beat or datn|i The
•Me coslunx . addins Ibai atu- hail lieeo
auBumd ti> a ■bn'ior that tbe pm-esa EnglUli answer tv ibl» tlimniKy k
WM eailr.1) tumnless A. far a. I
wnbl ars'. It,e .bw a bealtb was not
*EWed. 11.- .vruiaty luuke,| very odd
mnd 1 im», ......... mber ym-liy Vh.-n I
»« tbe Inside of
(the bWiiiliiu- U'giiis to wear «ff Ik.w: ‘*V.
''lu*. fur
woven hair faun.lall.u, afwver. > Mill In- a hoi, i.-irur"-N. w
furda a prffe<
•^rteami ........ - l>rmo<Tai.
wbih- It la at (hi' same lliur ao u|~'i
and elasiU io li'xturv ibal (be fdlis al
nimv lv«T 11..^,' iuive liMii lolems on,,' pass tl,r..ui;h an, |wri «f K. 11.-ctanal alH.rtiiMHi c.iigreBars. alibougli Iiig iboiwuKlil., pliable. U„- fringe can
She Naiitoisl \».> lailnu «f Khunhaud b,' adapled wlib <-Qual farilliy lu an,
Wrllcrs ..I II,.- I'uih-d Hint,'* Is still m otlii-r sbito- of bai or lOQur. or can. If
• fuiruatl,.- .tni., Ks urgaulu-rs bav d.'Sir,s1. Is- won, in (hr bouse as an
Wig iMvnu ili.-ir itrei araaton lo Cblva- aUdliliiu to the natural «>lffuiv.
, .gw TiivMlny Kl,..riband la au old an.
Mrh Hsaasek*.
, hnviog Is..',, J.ra.-Ilred t.j i|>e Orwha.
TliU It ofieo cauied by eating lo..
.end Ibv ll.imni'is There Were aome SUO
,eystrma ,-xtoul al Ibe ula-niug of tbv much aud Uh> rich food, and lou lliile.
.«ixttenib»'i,tui> and aluce ilw-n tbciv exen-iae. NiibsiKniv a aimple, plain
have ks-u I..UU) Dura aa many sew meal and a deeaert of fmli fur su
^yelein* in,
mwh uuwl and ao luatiy rich dlab«..’
fuDowrd l>, rii'b paatrtra and pud­
ding!. gravies and cake, aud earn
•Bui, Kriu.t. dear, you'll buy mr thai
what you eai ’by tte aweat of iba
mitk 4»w». w’uu'i yuu'~
blow." aud yon will have leta
Tell m,-. Brsi. uo wbOEw nreouut
9We care «> luii.-h for drwaa anywayri
"Why. b»w <-an you ask aoch n
- gorageaettonl on yourncconat. of t
Tbey wkteae work la aa.
(hen. I'll buy n aimple wowlan rtrntary do n<d reqalrv an mnrb fo(4
aa hod rarrlera. and they can not du
(teat aucb rirta food.-The Kitchen.

wlU not hs a sarpriaa to any who
at aU famllar with tb# good
IlUas of ChambarUlD'a Coagb
mdy.-to hnow that people every
abera taka ptasanre is reUtlag their
•apartaaea la the ass of that splendid
•sdleine and in telling of tbs bearfli
Lbey have rreatvad from It. of had eoids

C PnJMtaTd^***** “*■


Now Open



oos diseases smoBg yoBBg gKb at tJ
mtiml age of twelve to aisteen, wbe.
Ibe, are jtut crosaiog tbe thiwabold of
womanhood Thrit nervom ayattn ale
pat to a severe strain byexestoive atndy
ai aebool. practice of muaic and anxiety
at examinailosa It is during this try.
lug time that gi^ benme pale, weak
and DervDoi.-aBd sgffer (be rasulu of
Irregalarilics of tbe daJlcaU Icuiatbc
I As a taatoraliv^ lor pels, weak girla,
and ^eo sufleriag with (be ilia
pocullac lo tbeir sex. iberc U ao traatmeat to be compared wlib lb. A. W.
Cbaae'a Nervawnd hlood Fitk. tbe anal
prlraie prmcripiioD of Dr. A. W.
box of tba caw
Ib. A. tiT. Cbam'a Nerve mod Blood
nib notoea and rtvluliaa the WMicd
hlood and narva caUa, hrtag boeh tho
0^ to tbe choekaand iho toasdama to

SffffSg S39ISS .nsa ; ' = - -

We trust that you will bear in mind that our intro­

elaatu uOraak M^^aMo»ackaBS*sl2w
iaaearCnteafaWOrwM hapMs ao4 ahair ew
TrwlaarrlriagallWla ■ hascfealresr PI.
Wayaeta OrA nsaUa aaO «>alr ear Orana
Oaplas M reisakejf.
a L. LOril^WOOP a F.*T.A..Oraaara<ta>

226 Front Bt.




Sidewalk Lumber In all elnen.

Chicago —
West Michigan.
oonio aom.
Lv Psteaker .
Traverse Cj

i if

Deiroif* ... ,
r Ord naplde '


ChlD(«ala. NwuroairiMd Other N««*
voua fNaordrra From Whkh So ..
Sucoaaeore to Trawerae City Lumber Oo
Man UlrU
buffer aald t«
bejthe hcault of -Mam.
mering tba Keyboard.”
tb (ba Rriiisb Medical Joaraal ia «lacumed Dr. WaeUbold's aiticic on
'Music and Nerves.” ia which be
claims ihsi ibe slanuiug increase in
acTTOBS disorders in yoaag girls it due
tbe’ke lebammeiing
Wbelher or nol ibe canat is doe lo


duction is to your interest.

Declem Ur. Wecizhold la
Article eu “riualc and


Prices marked in plain figures, and one price lo all.

ta (NT nt S Mm>fi Opn Bm.

Piano Practice
Causes Disease


Watcli far Sptciil Baqaiis Dariig tha Opaaiig Weak.

The Variety Store,


VW Qaesttoa Is Paris
U Parla There te a dlatinct tendency
r in aoi
to revive tbe mtylaa of tbe rmpira and
«t winter, Anwng the worn fo«4
^ memur} are t«e much food, too dlrectolre perioda; cvttm ara diaaiegiaeh ptayah-ni exerriae. nod. stmnge- panring. *and to be In ke«i>iag wlifa
i If aenagh. t.s. much edocailon.
llnea moM be atralgbi.
HIpa have ibrrvfure to ba diapoaed of
wa, or otber; and. at far m
«nahwd IM wUa nhow him mw
I coaetmed, ooraeta are tha
Buhlng aniD-«niwly. m heveal got bnmtag aneeilon of tba botu. for It M
•?_»«. to
a wtu condo•fliM la Bt IhMr h

2?5 Front Street.

Arrivelead «nenet* •( aretss at Tvptesm
a«y. k easM Onshsr M. IWh

J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,

L, Trsrersr Cy.i

Ar mk Rapids '

[l I W
[ 4 WaH


fs l_ i tj.

ano.sxBAvni. a.p a..

Orssd RapMa

nnsm in lOEnEisTDii 1.1

.Fine Mill Work
A a. r.a.1

Cold weather is coming.

Now is the time

' a «a 4 ILfLe
• « 4 Ik; r.*P. H-DspM


to place yoar orders for


Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.

Telephone No. 8.

Traverse City, Mich.

4 >(


J. E. Greilick Co.




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