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The Morning Record, February 05, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
' m&TEBSE on;, moa.,
8Mnd Tw—No S48
■ LetdBc
Porto Bioo Qo, Too.
OoMOtMMky • OiofU Id*atfrnmttcr Woloott »mU»« Tht tt
VwlterstrtoUtDo^of tboSM■U to Battfjr Tk« Trwtr- '
WoahlacV*. rob. 4.-Tbo Mood* of
«Oo poooo umv tad tboaiadTW abort
«(tbo ootM otoMiary to rmtitf tba
trooty. aod Mwo of th«B <Mdidi7 eoa1mm tbM toA »the oaao. Tb«7. how•w. an boorfal that the abortaf• eriU
I BolleTM PiM
••(tftaw Xrtt
VUl CO i 99 a Thooaaod,
OaCiaow. Feb. 4.—Artbv BUI boUona that than wUl be ka adraaaa la
the prtoe of piaa lanber 6f at leaet «t
a tbooaaod feet tbU' o^iac Maaeo.
owlBC to the Ilfbt etocte la Baaataotam- haata Be m.yt the daataed
wUI be cood aad the eappl; to all Maaafaetarlar diatiieta wUl be Boeh be
low the anraca. The St. Aatbooy
l/aBbereoiapaay. of wUeb be U proelSeat, te petUor in aboet 4t.0O0.Q0D feet
of loca at Wbitaey, Ool., aad the
Artbar Bill ooapoay la pettlaf ta 90,.
000.000 feet Bear Midlaad. Oak
eayi the rer>rt of UaaVcr tro« Panada
U laeraaaiajr.
bonday. pebbu^t s. is--) •
Wbo Vtofed a Watcbataa aad Ibeapod With Booty.
Kan of Croissr Pliilndelphis Leiaaie. a, Feb 4 —Bariy today
three barylara yalaed aa aotiaaea to
Wont on Stiiks
the peat oflSee aad blew opM the eafe
DitteaMgr BcCon B^Ubc aod Bovoral wUhdyaanlte. Waiebeuo Peto-Bow
the erakasee after the
Plaoad in troM aat Otbaia Left esplo^oa aad opeeed Are oa theca. The
Behlad—Octut Martial Awatti the berylan retaroed the tre, bat eeeot^ I aalty eaoaped. Bowusa wae abet twice
tbroatb the la». It to aodecatood that
“Hamnia, woa't loa bay ma soaia pa^rr
laad battar Bb bead ptod peapla.
That's iba cfj jaaTI baar pretty sboa.
Tate tba first spare moiaeat yea bare
lad leak oar aaw stack o'er aad o'er.
Toa'll mate tbe litRe oaes happy
dad yoar home will be plaasaot coca aura.
..pen. ji... l-M., 0.1
tt .u.po
departBcat. the aalllaf of
dilphiafKM8uDtoco.43al .for Boaolalo waa aeiiowpltohed oaly after iBUraUia AaMiciaUoa to Moot la
loaaydUSnlttoa. There waa a atrika
Lauiac ia Jaaa.
aaoBc^e men wbito the abip waa at
JaekaoB. Peb 4.—Tbo HiefatK»a lathe dock, ud tboeeaa^ad to tU_____
toraiate AthtoUe aaMoiattoa
board Ma
tt. boobtt. .rttt cl tt.UoloA '‘la.jH'luroottlm«u’oi~C.,."?ta
fo... Ctti; tt ptto. tttt. ol I
j a,, 0.0, ..tt «,rf .IJ... !
the a Mall U rabfyiay aad eoalrmiar Fire la a SpriBcfteld Boardlay aeaae
la IroBi. aad
the Ayritbewea^ mt Parta den ootooBatot!
AUeadad by Awfal Baaoltp
the* were left behlad to appoar be caltaral eolleye pot io bide tor the
Iktott iw tba coeeraBaal to tba doe-1
fore a eoart BarliaL It to aaid aoma field aad tbe latter wai tbe wiaarr.
Mae that tbe toiaada aesatoad by ^
Bpriactald. HL. Fab 4—la a brardof beiac There wUl be ba cataee of beee baU
a.ot tt. .» ttitt s,»tt «.u>^;tt;^„.od„«...m„witt.,.
Che laadera la tbe otaUey wiU be ■
----------- ■_
that■ Ue
ta tba
aaoaJ two-year period, which to tbe |
oald treaty aa rcopaeti tbe toUad of,
^„oke oat the bouc
«aba aod tu iahabitaate. ud
elchuea boardera. moat of
Tbe aaea loitered at tbelr work of OlevalaaA Mu J.^mpad From Third
lalaadof Porto Btoo aad tbe PWl'P-! u,*„ *»ieep. Bn. Wltbey. after row eoaliay the tbip to eaeb u eztnt that
BioTT Wlod'.w.
plnea aad tbelr lahaWtaata
•«« | ip, the boardera ud yeiUaf her childmore that fifty tooa of coal waa
AUuta. Ua.. Feb 4.—A Meyer of
be oowtreed or held to be e d.Seruee
retaroed to aeatot J. C. Ball, plaeed on board la one day- While the
laeffeekbcrt that It U tbe porpooe of ^
^ rooco oa tbe eblp waa at a aoalbera port eoUlny devslaad jamprd from tbe third story
«» auate la teilfyiac the *~‘y »,,eooDd fioor. She waa aotaeu after- aod the BUB ware uxioai to yet borne window cf tbe Ouma hotel today.
plaoa tba iahabituh.- of tbo Phaip. ^
obartod body waa ro- they broke tbe reeerd In meb work Nearly every booe ia bto body wu
fioea aad Porto Btoo la auctly tba
aod filled tbe beakwe at tbe raUof. brokea. Meyer died U 1 o'clock.
Meyer to md to be a merchaei of
>e poeltioa M respeete
450 loee per day.
Mn. Wlthry haa b
«be Doited Slatei aa are tbe lababi- lot tbe Duchten of Brbeeea. Mtoe
There to mneb dtouUtfaetloB amoay Cleveiaad whose sffsirt were receatiy
put la tbs buds of ao auiyaee.
lutaof Oeba."
Roaewaa a aUlorot Mra. John Me- theoBcenoD board the Phlladelebla
Mr. Allen car* potloe that be woald Creny. wife of tbe proprietor of the Sk ud thoae wbo have wriltu to friudl
laerasaedSaroiaKSOfO AW. M.
^eak apu the reaolntioa oa Monday, Mcholaa hotel. Ball wae a redred here complaia bitterly at the oaadoet
Lusloy. Feb. 4.—Tbe uimiays of
Mr. CbUtoa of Texaa addraaeed the Berehuk Tbe orlfla of the fire to prevalliay on board ship. Tbe reporu
tbe Cbieayo A WmI Hicbiyan for last
I oa tbe
snppooed to have been a defecUve flae
•Mlatloaa. WUbio proper boaodi be
to badly fouled and it eaaBot ouke moDtb were fiUS.sno. an iaereau of
over Jaaaary, ISPS. Tbe eara917,000
ncanled It tbe daty of ttato eeaatry to Ot&I. X3ELI.BD BT UOETBtVO. more than eeveo koola. While the reeioys of tbe Ortmik lirsad Bapids and
wldu He boeodrlek
Re bellered.
eel waa docked about two moatbi ayo,
1 taereau of
bowerer. that tbe aoqntolUoa cf the Bolt fitrikea Blevaa Tear Old Child it baa rtaee that Ume been In aonthera
Hear Oembrldee, Kd.
PhUipplPM laeolred aerloae perUa to
wateraaod there to a raal accanulaeor foreraiDUt ud iaetUatlooa.
Canbridye, Md.. Feb. 4.—Both B. tioa of baraaelM ud other mariac ver- the Oiabd BapUU Bartld
Mr. Wolcott of Colorado followed. Ha Holoek, the 11 year- old ' daughter of eUUoa oD tbe ball Tbto eoUecUon to
Is BOW beioy bs-xllrd bv C. B. Tay
•aid that be eiood by hto corerbiaut Caleb Moloek. livlaypear here,
u Imprdimut to the ipeed of tbe ablp.
lor's City News Suud. belnr no Inny
aadwaoldbaw aapported uy treaty atmek by Uyhtalny ihto morntac ud
er deliverud witu tbe MoUtKO Be'"
lacldeot ohlcb aiay be a aA-rioaa
OBD Send orders to City News Slaad
praeuted by the e<
killed. She bad been to a epriay
matter if there ihoold be uy nerd of
lOcenu a week.
Mr. Woleotl depoaoeed tbe wruy- h*r home for water, and wae retaralac rapid emtoiay in Samoaa waterv.
Uay over tbe treaty. Tbe aebatora who when the bolt atraok her joit above
were a Mw waoOu ayo ao oeriala that her heart and killed her iaaUaUy. Tbe JBBILBB &EVITAI. BBBTIDB^ WaU Paper.
Several ear loads of brand new etyl
tba Oehau were capable of aeif-yovera flald ran down to her feel, teerlay off
tob wall paper oa (be way Uook
To Be Held ia OeayreyatlOBal Cborch
WMt are aow ae eure that the Fiilpiaoe eoe of her ebon. Her brother
oot tor ik
Biwt -n Swan.
Monday Evuioy.
an aieo eapablh of each e fo’eramu'k I near by. ud when be reached her her
Mr. Woleotl aaid that tbe ratlfica-leiotbre were In a blair, ud be bad to
Union revival servieu will be held Idt^s Hock claoti
Mob of the treaty waa a patrtotie doty, cirtr her body wit-^ laow toeiUayotoh tbto eveoiny ib tbe Ceayrefraticmal aod
on tbi sbcll at the Queen City ResUkthat the oppcaitioB waa for political i tir flunea Tbe liybtniay waa very Freebyteriu efaorebee on tbe But bide
advutaye at tbe next prveidMtial! eivid and etarUiay for a mUwiator and in the Second MelbodUl ebareb oa
atoetian. H* . wld that there were Ieinra of ttato kind.
the Weei Ssjde.
oaoeyh sea la the ebaober with pa- i
-------------------------Rev. Cai-mu will occupy tbe pulpit
Motwa eooayb to obliterate party I
la the OaoyreyatloBal eboreh. Rev.
Fraak Sbobn, a former Traverae Bready will preach at ibv Frubytenaa
■ and ratify tbe treaty,
ed that there waa ool a couatry la City boy. wbo hai brra la Sk Dooto ud Rev. Jooes will address the aeeiBarope that waa net buatile to at with aad Cbieayo for the poet three y<
luy oa tbe West Side. The oea's meelI rd Eaylaai He paid | >• vtoltiny eld frtoada here,
iay will take place this afternoon at
trtbote to that couatry for iu frlead- Shober baa a poelUoa with Wella, throe o'clock la the Presby«riu
ohlp ud alao to tbe preaidenk aayiny Faryo A Oo. la Cbieayo.
Mooday eveoiay s jabllee mect'ey
that he had ably yulded the yoveraW. B. Fuller of Fife L.akr.
.. meartbroayb perllou times.
ihrouyh the city yrsterdey bo hie way will be bsid in the UoagrepratioBal
Mr. Wolcott deelared that the Pillp- to Lake Aon. where hie father to i
ebureh. Rev: Coebito wUl have charge The New York Store WUl Be
laaa woold be better for oar yovera- low with the grip. Hr. Fullcr'e'fathe'r of tbe urvice. Rev. Wright will preach
Closed T-morrow "
mut aad that deailay bad plaeed the to T7 years old ud It to feayed be
be sermno and Rev. Joaes will Uke
To Take
areblpeiayo in.oor haada TTiere wae a ,Doi recover. He bat been a reaideat :barye of tbs after meetlay.
Aemoutralloa in the yallery wbea of Al:
Mr. Wolcott closed. The eeoaie tbra
The frieade of Ellsworth Hale will
Mr. ud Mra. Byers of Blaybam Both
be pleased to learp t bet ke bM seen
a good poeltioo in tbe wboleeale ho
Died Within a Few Hours.
of Marshall Field A Oo{ of Obteagu.
Hr. and Mra. Duiel Byers, aged reMilled Hie Sweetheart ud Her Frtoad
Muy Traverae City friends of Frank ■peetively 74 and 75 years, an eaIrish will regret to leaik of the aerloae tumad eoaple restdlcy -aear Bipybam
Thu Fut a Bullet la Hiatoalf.
L<ma.O.. Feb. 4.-While Mary Aa- illness of hto wife, with bat sllylto with their eoo Jacob Byers.died yesterAaraoo and Blward Brorard were hopes of her recovery. IThey were dahtWoraiDg eritbla a few boon of
tesideou of tbto city but are eub other, Mrs. Ryen pawsiag away
ataadiay la tbe doorway of Aadenoa'e
at AAO O'clock aad Mr. Byers followlay
hotel at Wcelmiaeter. Frank Blalr.wbo BOW living ia Thompeoovilla.
her at A o’clock. They were well kaowa
The Oraod Bapids Herald to
had beeo payiu atteatloa to Mtoe AnfieraoB. e'.ippedlpp behind uo shot both belay delivered wttb t^ Mosxuro ud blybVr«>P*«M. aod their dutfa
will be burd of with regret by tbelr
fiatally ud then abut bimeelf.
Jealooey was tbe caute.
8uud bavipy uken the ayeaey for thto frieoda. They bad both been 111 for a
abort time with the grip. Faaeralaarcity.
M. E Uoll^ to aiek with tha prevaU' vieea will be bald from the ebareb ' at
rbas tomorrow at 10 a. m.
Xtt Be Bald frtim Heui Tareday VaAor lay ailmuk
Mra. A. W. Jahraua la poafiaed to her
AoopIcM L O.S. F ud X.O. T.M.
The faaeral of BItoha Paayboro wbo
to belter thu a few days ayx>.
AM -yreteidiy morplny. will take
Mra. Joha Barry retaraed lutaltkt
Mn. T. C. Oolllas to vwy aM.
plaee frodi tbe Hotel Faaybora TacaOeoryo W. Hall to very ^ek aM hto from Saylaaw. where the wu called ^y
day afteraooB at 2 o'clock The burial
the death of her brotherPhUoB.Ball.hu
place la Oehwood cemetery .
Harry ud Blward Darku of Bk
The fuaral will be held aader the au-1
Baplda calM upoa dW -uqaaintueea
ttl— .1 tt.
Onto ol OJJ I Th. Ktt. Tori. Stttt wUl 1,
--------- w for iavutory. '
Fellows and E. O. T. M.. tbe
Mra ttoter Toaay arrived loat alyht
Eilu MeCloakey hu aoeeptad a pa- from Sayiaaw, for a vidt with her
hasiay beu aa honored ud active
messber of the Odd Fallows lodys aad eiUoD la T. C Celllaa’ raetaoruk
daayhter. Mtoa Balen, wbo to a atodut
Upaall Bebba hu peopled a poriUoa la the evDvent.
Traverae City Teak Ns. «7l. K. O. T.M.
Bay Browab Cbieayo wafBe boaaa
S. P. B aekwood and L. J. Orobben
Ltsi eight thru aou of the deocaoed
Will Vuderllp wu arruieA aad
I vtdtaca bars yaatorday from
arvived to attend the fueral: Hheldoa
and Bert of Peloakey ud Jay of taken before J edge Boberto yeater
8. Salenoof Orawa. wu la tosra ee
badaeu yuierday.
allowed tbe offeador toyoonw
A1.A8AKA TO EOlfiT THM FI.AO. edaeatenca
B. J. Jobnaoo of Mabel sru ia town
There will be a baU la Oolambta ball oo boilBue yaoterday.
Wracta ^t 43u Be Flaoofi Over
. Mr. J. MUkr left lut ovaat^ fer
MoatAay alybk_____________
Every SAeolhoau la SUte.
(Aileay) after ipeadlay aeranl A»ye
Made by Miehlgu -rdrpkeme Co.
vrith H. Moptayoa.
Moatromery. Ala.. Feh. 4.—Tbe BeBanBaalArSua.
for say clam of eervlee dedred.
Mr. aad Mrs. B. 0. PertraU of De
& Beads A On. expected yesterday a
fall tiae of WUeoa Broa' fiu aaek troit. Ortyoe, have arrlvad ta tbedty
wur. bat were diuppolated. Tbo for a Ttoit srltb tba temOy of hto
AMettay the aatioul Aayhe hototed
at end of aU moatba ir ehpaya
yooda. Uweear, will arrM thto brother. L. F. Perkdk.
uar every aehaolhoaac in the oUta and
to uy dam of urvM at wlU.
kept Aaatlay there forevar. A Caw
Cbioku Tbievu al We^
Tclopbeae the ataa^urtoeaU
tun aye aarti a reeoluthio would have ThaOfufiBApUiSmU
aad eejdalB aur latu adopted by
Wut Side raddeata wa batay tnabtU BOW beiay handled Iw C. £.. Thy- ed with ebi^ tbMu. TbaofluAara
ara aaid to tea kaowa aeA troaUe may
Aellvared with tbe Moonve Bao - ■vthtHH If tboy eoetlaaa tbelr
^aufiaDdattheQaauatT I
Sud ordara to aty News
To Close
aao Vront St.
SIS Datoa Streek
Bat kept oat of might nalil aacb a Uraeu wuted.
Where will yon find beUer oiffer* then
Diamond J-lOc
. fTraverse Belle-5c
Tei Tear Contracts
Sobscrlbers Mail Cancel
Hade by
A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonneller BlocL
16 Men’s Scotch
Wool Cheviot Suits
Assorted sizes. Stein-Bldcb Co’s.imake.
New. rery; choice suits on our i front
Uble, regular $15.00 suits, will; clean
out tbe lot for.................................... ;...........
Just tbe suit for a business man.
I 15 Suits
Black ard white silk mix. ver^ neat
smooth fiutsb goods, a good dress up
suit for anybody, sold this year for
$12.00. We have too mauy lines of
this class of goods. Present price.........
Look for Bargains.
Telepbone No. 4S.
I The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Open For Business
Tuesday Morning.
“City Bookstore.”
10 Suits
Both double and single breasted, fancy
worsted, nice colorings, regular $10.00
suits, now.......................................... ;.....
We Have 35
Choice Beaver Overcoats
Plain and fancy Hoed, have been selling
from 19.00 to 412.00, win clOM at from
Hamilton Clothing Go.
«m4TBMBOirr. -
OXVMS owm «oi>AT.
Berrce a tto plue r^T te. tbe
atUK'i ere woDld rortf la tto beestUsI
rPeett oa the bmwt laknni. tb« t«1• At«:«ee.a.
Jl(bt aortmieg
meuTc. greens
at Ufcto^Bd grm w tto dlrtint Uts p-sks,
sad the lunUotu mtdiLlgbt sky. ,Tto
of lake or
thmdM.r •^bool »t tlM m.
■ MTp m ocean U soperb. and the »igbiT watertalU arc grand. And the geyser Belds!
AeordMw«loP~»«»UBptmallieetlBgafX. O. O. F. Ttdsy.
Basr Workcra Ekotlon.
All tbe warn tints, from cream to runsM. are fMnd In tbe ntneral deposit
There wlU be n speelal meeting in
The Basr Wotkera. a miaaknarr aoaround tto basin of the Croat Ocyasr, eietr of tke Plrat BspUsv ebarek. Br< Odd Pellowe' ball at «;»0 o'clock thb
Sennoa at 10:ao a. «•
Llulf Geyser. Strokkr (the Cburo).
Pleaaa be on ttoe U preelblo. Tto and tbe UiOs hirukkr. wbbr BlesI (iba at tbe borne of Mn. Bradley on CnMc afienooB. of Orond' Tneefne Jtodga
seo. I. O. O. P. for the pnnieae ol
Brat part of tto aerTtese are an toporWhite. tba tellowlngcfBcer*:
saktng arrangemente ter the taneraj
tant part of tto ssorablp.
3t Brother E. Pangborm.
President—Mis. F. G. Derfee.
Bandar eeboel at aooa.
A. B Fox. 5. Q.
Vice prosldant-aare Botner.
A namber of ohUdraa arc In tto tob- m,i,ing bolUpg water for our tea and
Itodaetotofftooanrlj.nnddietarb Uc «effee. It was ao staooib and beauti'il
Bor Xm Or.pp.
ntomiagant^^ Parenuara reqoeet- that I seemed to be mutilating tonicIn not proof ajjaioet nuytbiag
Tbomas WhIteBeid A Co .toO Wabash
ed wot to atari tto ehUdren before thing rare when I chipped off pteers of
kvenne. oorser Jecksoo street, one el
■o nubile and ittrnctire ts
ToMoaacnr «rlU dMdAt Um fsuatftW ll-4t a. at anlMi Urtng remote from Its lining, but I knea they would be
Chicago's oldest and most promineBl
Bieger'n Onlifonua Perfomen
«M9 «»< P~e* »rttk
BM fro®
rslusble eourenirs, and the nneasy,
dniggUta. reammend Cbamberlain's
T^arer-Ella BmUk.
|h« pm«et oatlook H wUI to « rioM
Ooogb Bemedy f>w la grippe, as it not
One of tbesveeteet eftbeee
.JoBiortoci.tr of Chrtolan Sadear.
^ ^..-ffbalrman of progiam <
only gives a prompt and oompleu reiBw* ®UetoTOT w»j ll fOM. Bow
Mrs. W. Bradley.
U called Saata Barbam Hel
•w. wtoa tto
U la
grippe to I
Yomr People-, toeietr of ChrtsOto
dsngerous. for tber spoul hot
iotrope. Vo monk woald be
IfTT-----to* toM atoMtto pn-topB
al Uolmsa.
able to torn away from anyIton wUl to * tot*®- Bhow ter r*W«eo- Endeavor at S:«S p. m. Take part carir ^^d diagonally put of ths earth. ComCbaiimaa of antonaioment ermmlttn
In tto BaeUag.
log upon tbem i^ns direction they art
Bsfflblb uul rn^sda/
Hop tto« oo«r topewB p
thinif BO inriting.to nay noth*
Onloa meeUng at
p. m. Barteon u,t seen, and many a visitor has gone —Mabel MeMIchael.
IV<-cess.- SI.U Msdame DcLaw
in); of a woman.
TB ppiMlUw of tto nUptoM to
Braarkabto Beecus.
Ci<y uBitl Tuesday
They can
Bring jov triaada draulle dispis) Is now verr BGul and
Mb r«lc4 br Ito OolMd ttMM to botora eomtag.
We have in
all tbe
----------- ■*••••* South Dniot
•owMpUbMd- 1toyto4Mt to toior with r«nfamoBB pertanea made by
Cboreeetolr meetain tba Btedr a ,N»t>(lni founulns by loading mones
Mto » eoteftUl
bp tto
1 her tongs: she
which setilei
Rieger the GkHfomia Per
tolore 7 e'eloto.
All *»iO them to tee them cast out. so yon
0slM BtelM. lA Ottor word*. Uop
anst uks your tent with yon. and en
udto be j
physician, bat grew
•n toM to tto
camp OB the plain to awstt the plras- ber she eras a bopelese victim of cosBHng tto toadee Domini, tto red
OontbePe CbooolaM, and
^ nres of their maJeeUce. Blert
enmptioo and that no otedicloe could
brmn book with yoa.
^fve you well while waiting.
Tba I cure tor. Her druggist suggeuied Dr.
Bon. Bone—freab goodn—atwtottor there U not a copy n^t the
Oeyier bad not spouted for a ; King's Sew Discovery for Coasnmptioe.
trartive packagea. '
«, were there, and suck she bought a bulUe and to ber drltgbt
to to Mtoto to tto toap toBara. boaaettotbalongetottoobarto.
toftototottoMrofttoBrstor »taUPINT mrwoBfST.
surliness Indicatsd a near activity. Tto 1 found benelf bmi filed from the Brat
vaier spouted unusnslty blgb when it dme. she .coDtlnurd iu use and after
•At^itoaaitetoudwBMwU ima nev.J.s-fcMdy.p—«er.
! taking aix boUle^ found heruelf uonnd
Baaday—Preaebing at »:»0a- m. by gnally appeared. :S9 feet, and showed land well: now dors her own boosetoort atottel.
pastor. Class mseilag at 9:10 a. m. bD the tints of tbe ralnboa. majestic ' WOTS, and is as w< 11 as she ever was.
Baaday aebooi at tto elaaa of mornlag at tto same time and mysterious It ; 10 el- trial bolUca of this Orval Disco*Vov ttot ttoro BoriM to be tr<
played for biteen minutes, and then
•toto Utoanl MilM rrptoUiae tto et- ^...1...
. Ks beautlfol cascade, aubstded in a
mnwe HBmasBrt.
feathery mist, a rafinad and graceful cents and «l.
Baaday serrlees:
I tU Igoeson. full b'aet at tbe Boetos
e:W a. m.. alasa meeting. There to a small si
which U so
Btore Come this week, as we are
lo;»0 a. m. Preaching.
food of the sea that
never comes j eutilog on the last piroea of a good
Bpwortb L*sc»s *•» to 6J0 p. m. : boat for Itself and lu eggs that while
notkN aaarttoe ball hour earlier beeasse of union ecr-; Urge ships are slnktog and sieamsrs rbspreptrp^
tie of Rose's Corn Cure
|B «to DaUy Begle ef tbe «m IneV rJoe in thM ehureh to tto eveatog.
sro unable to feu ibe storm H tosses
... 15c — andjtake them
7 p.m. Bev. BareUy Japan
perfect eafeiy.
H. B. Boltor baa been eo wiudi Friends ehnrch wiU preeeb.
I Tbs litile snell U of a violet color
out—It don'tjmakc the
with the helpfu'
'*ZuMobkr*ta?'em^Uea ot twtb wnaeM
^ therefore called Uniblns. It
foot sore.
B«T 9 *sisaiui n irr
bss a small tfaell and there projecis
. s city
et Queen Ciiy Bestonrant, SIS Front
(toureh 00 oontr of Ninth and Wads from the under part of tbe body a long.
CUed to pla« ak similar
SI --------------street.
tongue-like piece of Best. This U the
r tbs
tto young
yt/ung women ol tbe city and wortn atroeia.
■rttl perwmaJly eolmll speakers on the
» ss follows:
bunds* ei
SdeeU^lto win be <f yertleolar
for U bss cumpartmem
Prusebtog si lO:Ms.m.
totMt to tbe womee wage earner.
11 for sir. It ts broad and lbs sir comSftvii
idle Bid.
TW Isetnrm will amhruce maalc, law,
Bnadsy sehool St ll:W S^ partments arc unde.-'neatb. so that It
iiMing. medicine. pbarm®-y. pa^
.g St 7:00 p m.
esnnut espsisc.
STipSrWpTwriling. clsTwng'eto
----- OF----Btow sway Its cargo, for Ibe oldest
I am eurprked ttot an old bacbeltw
All sre eordUlly invltod.
eggp and those whirb hitch the i
PIT1 have Ineleded in bis mekee placed in the center snd tbe MgblBAtTlST
•p for a leeinre oourue tor the tolptelest and newest on tbe tides of tbe rsfL
ST.). V 0®KSC. Psetor
PM *1 the rising geaStoUoo of woman
Tb» Isnthlns 61U Its own sir com10:t0 publlg worship
hnto, tto ows stojset of all other*
psruneuu by gecilng s globule of
Bermos, moratag subject;
underneaib its hesd, tbe body Is tben j
IkAt to my mind ongbt to suad at the
curved downward bei
(be rsfl.tnd, j
Mdwf the eoM to-wlt; Houeekeepiog MoatolUv." Oal.«:V
bead being tilted on one side.
ppP womanhood. A diploma la horns
rusbss In and fills tbe spaces. It
EsUm U paramount to a diploma to
Jelly Bah.
pwywthuf saUtog for a young
I CongrcgsUonnl and Presby terisa which has a flat, rofl-llke form with a
pad ahonld have more than a pas^g
.pretty ilitls tall upon It. and they con_________________
‘gregaie tn multiiuiet when tbe sea it
In tto dayr of our grani
PM7<nw of the girl, but w
Sometimes speclineni art washed upWe have nbont 100 MDipIcs of
glHkt to tto dmUss pertaining
icrein, Tspt^r)'
Tspetstr)' and BruaaelB—
Mplaff- In
^ which oar mother*
very pretty patteroa) —
j ysid ap to 3 yanla, that
la the eourue proposed
iiake [nice ru);B.
We viti
had ao unosnany enjoyable Uiue
•iktothelsto. Itoneoompllah
f«7 ptoaeleg b*t a eholee between the
meettog at tbe home of Bay bird can start si dsybieak wliu the each. Here to a chance to get
two. meale or booerkaeplag. I would
trkOe wind, from thr <o:.*i of Africa Bonie cheap ruga.
CM Nioth Btiwet early to tl •
^•h nthsr a lady friend of
? rirbi 1
wMld uadersteed tbe rndlmento of
} be proBcleut to
but ll it renaln Ibst ibe bird U ilie
lag of the pig* BOUths:
President—Moaeu Gilbert.
swlfieBt of winged crTjiiires srd is
Vies Prroident—Dkvld Jlrkltog.
able to fly. under favor.ule rOD<li-.or >.
Bow many of our domeaUcs or gvea
Hudbi VumiHliiui; Store.
miles on bo: r
tonmkswpevi of tto present day underAksisiaaC Secretary—Bdwln fhap
•tnnd how to make a good loaf of
Bias ssd S'.snlBT Usee.
>ew Store. 120 Front Street.
Mnd or a good cop of eoffr> 7
A race I Ftveen a 'tar and a toe i.: jTrswurOT -Wllsan llnbbell.
tlveon cn- railroad
lalely »l;-:r-s.'
Esarly every caae of mau's failure to
Parllameatarian—Orton Saiib.
^••(Bam <wa os atUibuicd to the wife's
At tbe eonelukion of the bu«las*« ses ed neir l..i.lel'e Can. The riii.-.iieer
toUuroasa good bouaekwper. Nioe- sloD the boys aeeeptod with eagerncM nolic.-d Ibe ki.ig on the track. al>or: 7'H)
a wornlng
lUMMsmeulLf every twcaly «
an InvilaSioa of Mr. and Mr». J.
-nie tnlmsl flstled on a nm.
tomliiea arc broog^ to want and
Smith sod their daughter Ella to spend
to the irork. end conf;n.red Ibe
Miaof charity tb*^wi^e as ah
theremaioder of the evening al iheir r„T.'inr ihree
Ibrn Kr.-.cefi.Ily
borne OB Bute street. Tbe yowg men pcuiirted aside tit.:;i tbe Icx-oui'-'i*- had
PrwitiM ol law. madlclns. journal„,rdiali* entertained and an ele
tom. geaarol clerking, etc.. “»»>*•!.upper was aervwi. Music ato
Tbs nsMH..« As|M
getosnlltog for as old maid, tot of,
Bake an eatrsmsly
Japan i» makltig sreal beadwey i
manufactiirln* world.
' (Mr. BoUsfs ptons w
VIU toeluds a toetors t
^ M of Travma Oty's bast heusn- dty can boast of a roatourant wberea
„ ,t* j,„anes gorernment ...ttisl
fuU aasonmeat Of sea foods can to ob ^ Osaka were aupp led to the Ponu-------------------------tatosd and wbara
Tba Daaih Becord
m-ythtog b. ch.
Mf».*mmaBetoiterlydlsdyaaMrday OolUas the propriaww of tba Qaaen
•t tto grip at tor boms oe tto panto-jciiy Bssiaaraat. U an artlatameog! Rabbit fur Is now an Imponam
»sa M yean of age. l«ooks and U gaining for hU restoa- marelsl article. Ii is known lu tbs
totted ■ Yestor•* •^'‘-irie assi and when dyed
•ad hwidea a husband and two ehil
>*iabls TupuUt
rrsemHei the gcnnlne srtl4t«« • Unves a father and mother and day a flas display of aea toi^wa. so closely
jo <lefy detetHbn except among
gmo krottora to moarn ber daatk. 8to •bownto the rosuuronl , window, to. experli. It ts sstrt ,h.r
that ttonMO
tMn.bOO i.
Ik inin
«PW tto only daagbier ef Mr. and Mn. cluding lototer*. clama. oysipnAealKaghind.
Fashanof the
lops, smelts, steaks, crops, turkeya
_ „ (ancral wUl to keld tkk ssorn4e4pUog
Itslliwa Stork is lbs I. a
ariiclm to make an epicare enthaM-! The rallwsy syrtems in the I'clted
BUtes tiaploy
locfimollrm, J8.Mn Amelia Linklctter died yeatm
,BM pasaetfler ran and S600 mall and
Eeata far Xkrto’ ZMOtnre.
baggage ears. These flgutes seem large
May «< oU ags ni tto home ef bar son
Tbe sale of rsaarved seato for tba till the number cf freight
^pdfsCB. Ltokirturof Lake Ann.
gH------" was M yrar* of ageTto Debs lecture will faegla ou Mooday , ed. wbicb Is 1.2&r-.o00.
Isamal wUl to held Mcmday afwrnoo* morning at the 3iiy Newa Bland. Tbone
A gisua ranat.
alrendy holding Ucketo for renerved
*11 «'•»«>«______________
Tbe length of the Grand ('anal r;tnn
santo enn make tosir aelertloe at that
Tientsin to Hsrgch-.'i, to Chins. Is rAO
•Md time for tto Cbildrun.
mllei. It rtcoertf -;esl ports,with i;rh
coal rtgUMk.
Ito 0»to tojdd.
Is new being baedleai by C. E. Tay
lor’s 0|t? Hewantand.
ed. being nn
Id Tleims tbe's D s trargtor who has
dnUemnd srHh tto Honniso
hnso onrictod of hronking into
aotooedenw a9 lew* MnwA. 10
Makes the food fHor« deRckMis and V
The Most
.Esthetic T-iste
_____ lS”o'
Blame Your
Jas. G. Johnson
M..r ilirr“rS"i".Mi. i,.,.,. CW tt™.
________ _____
Biggest F^our-
>o SUW
SWantAds (m
Hake a dieh good enoogh tor President McKinley or any otker person; but to have the dish right, you must have good
materials—We keep the hestMaeaxoni and the best Michigan ^5
Full Cream Cheese—Try some.
Do you kuow that we have the celebrated Bromangelon
in different flavors? Makes the most delicious jelly and only ^5
takes two minutes tp prepare it Every housekeeper should —^
have some on hand to use in case of emergency. Only 16c
per package, two packages for B6c.
The place-
THM Mo^amro
iuwokd.to>i>ay. fsbritabt », ism
0^ 'MXcVvVia^TV.
rk»a «n
Tb» eoBTBce wilh wltleh the l&Jnred
inubrr* <jf tb« “CTTUto 4e Beryme *
pcinpaB7 tB^ad «poa pUjiDK Ibeir
QipL Jla l^ltar 0f NL OMMt WM ,
fralt r*«»«r. fi»« K m bt*
Kraek b7 • abOT* li«a mr mH 8ted o^bIm that tba n«Mt eoM aakp bM
tlafUa ia
tary d«af l»otta^rad paaeb *—*- la
Utbiaf at dotof I ■otwltbataadutr Us
•WBcooUtb Bccidwit U«ijy
tba twrra vltb which
tb* lM~t.
*ctoa aadora phTitcal loffiriaK rather
oaqaist ra»«rs
•mr wHb tbs aalllad at sinst sifas | to tbs oprosiu
oproaiu sffset.
m sacasn. sto. sad a »o«al MbsUUU
At Anlaa. trad WnUaaa, aaettoa
d bj
iaamaa oatba&AO.T. B B, took
pswpMM a aifa that wUJ n«M all slpolaoa by Btetab^ Tba dootor aa
ian# ot tbs SMil hoy to dafaea te or
bis Ufa afiar aafaral boon' weth.
■tors Uaway. a»d that la a Moeb of
Praak PraadsM of Fiaablof. to a IT '
sloaa with tbs «a*aa of tba stMla
Is tbs lOoadlka
8a wr«u a Mrsto
rntrai la It to be plaaad oo arary sorlaula that ha had a cUIn frena whi fc
<0 stoks to atakc AW a day
Dabolao Uoodaall of KaMald. a
^f-ln ____ _
______ _______u -» kfa;"*** aa»»ar.
ua baa baaa c«arla piaylog araqaat oa
oa U.
U. f
f Aasry's
Aaary .
anaattia nuaada at Adrtaa. Altbougb
•btooat bllod sad hardly abta to dlaUefatob tba aoatoaaaeaa of frteada. ba
■aaoaaof tba amt aklllfal pilfersoe
Maiarday ba had Jaat
■Msad a caaaa wbaa ha
aaflarad a
•Iroba of paralyato sod dwd la two
rasidaBt at Oaagsa.
tbrir beroiaio Ua't ofun aiiikutrd. aad
uf Uiladi in It b.ain' police, bto ;
At Jacksoe Barry Watara. aged IS.
toners uod
■aa foaad oa tba strMU Friday auirs.
Here Are The Prices That’ll Sell Them Quick:
ubs side of lbs stage totbeoibcr-^eer-
tlo«s osa
bobm 7>ec faiisseU. Dot to bsduu oed
Ba last bto was Wag labaa earsof by tbaauta Is gut tbs better of him several antMoi
aBaaylttB.ASWpeaalaaBOBayaeeoiBa- agu bat b« look a room aett door to
hold aad fail aadar tba ttala. loalaf
laud. Attoroay Ocaaral Okasa asked *»»• OH-etor, tai ev.-ry nigbl. ta e]dte of
hto right arn aad lag. PhyatoiaM wars
tobauauaeutaralmbaraadfroa. tbU ^ phyd.^isi.^ ord.-r. and w.ruiags.
aOMsaad who draaasd tba la}arias.
Ibara to slight bops of bla raeo«ery«Tba Ilfs of a aoBDlry doctor la north'
STB Mtoblgaa to sot aotlraly aaa of
Or. Praileb <.f Mapla aty. dross
A sow sralhed Is froot of tba lUUc
J: Powall a law days ago.
Masalal rsport of
wardea raao«-
■Made ibav tbs wardea ba paid a aal
aryadht.woayaar, aad pot Al.tWas
Tba dead Baasb Btgb acbool bolU
lag wu daatroyad by tra
Tba watar
■alas wars frusaa aad tbs flrs depart•aat was balplsaa.
Ellen Terrre martyrdom to cbronlt
! sight after nlgbt will plsy, with the
BrtgbUDaad eielniiy bae for
1 «"*“«
Mil «ra«. while radorlng
Utos U lir.OOO.
i, .Dothrr of n.-nrstKiu s
local marebaau report large sales of victims, aad R.-jsne. with ao ul.sr»s. io ;
traps-•bd rat polseas. Dec farmer bad | brr sidr ure.-r mimed a oiKbfs j--r I
tba lack t^ catch over tao u oaa irnh
bat tba bjy-a rtba arc ratbar tba m
tar roagb aaaga.—Ballalra ladaiMod-
atats gams aad
cS Ua allowaaea.
^beaaoaarraa wiU rata aad tba
th» alad
stood tba atrala aad ao did tba
Tba aUU
badeaa.BaUa«ae of tba paaaoa to for alts aatfen vsry froquuntly fruu Ibe
aapportaay OM bat tbs paaaiopsreaia j most rlulrst f<oui of nmralgia. aad
kaoebad bar tram aadar tba
aba aatadowa oa tbs alad.
tlnra Mon1i'«rt<d regaUrly ^
siagla trap aad ever staca bouse- { darieg years a-b. D. <.o acruuut of mriwife aad marebaat aa well aa farmer i «>• •T'«ul truoMe. every moreiuc ot at
boriy causml her rtenK-iatiOK iwltt
have wagad war agataaV tbeae poau.'
u(t>'ii said Jmtiiigly that scmms of
Beccatly aae of tba moat popular young' ‘
ag<iny came eaeily fir her, for all she
dlcB ia toaa 1
her taeU—falaa >
Ofsdrd to do was to drop tba loaak aod
toeU—apoB tba abelt upoa gatlrlug. ■
h,* oa-a
Tba east day Ury wan mUalag aad |
Om-uf Hoiharn a pUys nme m-ur flt-
tba yooag wemaa baa jalaad tba army | clibg out <« ite first ui).-iit Ix-ausc if
et radaat baatoiB.
j Vtrgiola narued e illm-s Khewmis.ri
It Ire.
I lbs old aayieg. "Haa a pin ae
it up aad aU that day you'll ba'
Tba Kalaatosto ooaaell passed ae or-
aawapluou Ua atruat the oUrr j
Kiplanatiuti. wei
dlaaass Kriday aigbl re^awlog all rail
uubird eff aod rolled loto Ua atraa>, ' arnionnod that sbe would play
bUspeetaclaa fell uS oo Ua walk: bis |
Wbea aba says sbe will
Inaa atdawalk
to sidewalk.
It will
Baadlag dnwB to gat It bla bat; pared fur the paMic. Imi Mim 1
at{pt tbs roads atora Uao AS.ouo.
auapordtra gave way bchlud; be buret i
tonnuaud. aad
' ratrcatiesbadniirflivtonber Wbeolbe
- i. K. MlBSOok. aa eeeaouie larmar tba huttosbola oa-Ue back ot bto sblrt
I oiglit came ubs hail a l«-m|s-ralnre aod
•ear KUat. bad a case is court a few collar aad all bat lost hto falae teatb.
! |«lae that made the d.wuu-'s hair aUod
days ago. Us lasistad oo batag bis Bagel Uepio bol faito to aae where
i.ot ebe dnm»d WMcsrriedto
awa lawyer aad prlaolpal aliaaaat Ue gtMtd luck oumes
| Um- wiuics. and weul on. aiiiV iwo ductbf aaB#
gaaauoalaf btaisslf be bad toV<ap
Ba lust la bu eaaa.
At Bey City, WIDtom Tbomai. wall
^ B»*aU Parker, of Osceola, bas lost
taar of bto bard of cattle from tome 7S yran Mr. Tbomaoo bad tratslad as j b„, lart »rt1.ani.-nHy
At the and uf
Us bas ahlppud tbs so raplcrar Id Afrtua. and many of tbe j tbs «wruIuk >bv was coniplrt r deliriIt ibe pUy
play bud
hud scored a kit and
of llio curt
aaUBtal eollega to leare if pcaaible the
pusuBec departmant views
Paiufnl aoridente otti-n uccnr on tbs
■aato of tba dlueaaa.
with favor the propoeitloa W place a
stage and are inroe w ith such suug froid
M. OouUoadt of Ulllsdale. toa MB letter boa on each sUaet ear la Oraad
by the ofli-nv tliat (be nn.dii-nin %as
of raaoaroa aad aafre.
Wblie ba aad Bapida Tba ayaum to already In no id-«
« anything bni
bns bafi' ueJ B»itb.
bla brother ware erosaiag tba Ice oa operation in Djc Hoiura la. where it I one nigbt. In foll'Di . ran a nail Into
Baw besae lake tba other day tba 1st- givea great satisfscUoa
It di
! bis aide, bnt » o
tar wathad isto tba take througb a tokaUe plaae el Ua latter boaae on ! Im-idei.l thai.er. n hi*
atraaga dtoaaas.
bola that bad beeo made byloscui.
airaet eornam. bet to r^rded by tba ! >>vt know anything bsd bapis-ned nntil
department as an
Ua Dublla
M. Owlboudt could get so foot
addrd facllhv for
bagsIS w
la a
a crack
crack maos
Mds ny
by ua
Ue les
O. A Blodgett. Ua mllllooalra lutu '
plow, let bimaelf Into Uis srator by berman of Urand Eapids. yesterday'
Us sida of tato brother and allowed aubkcribad AM.UOO worU of Ua slock
toe with hU
Ladies’ Jackets
Ladies’ Cloth Capes.
Black Boucle Jackets, all lined, value $4-25 to 4-50—to close AA AA
Black Melton Double Cai>es, pbin,
braid trimmed, braid and fur trim
med. etc., values 85c. $1.25. ^.50
out at.... ...................... vZiZv
and 1.75.
Other Boucle Jackets, finer, values
$5-50.9-50. 12-50 and 13.50.
The groat
Tolmii Igoke hi* anii in the
i'^ a I'lav. tinlali'd the ml.«hud hie arm
,,4ud mu. pl.uv ami w. iit on wiU
the play os tliougli nothing bod bup-
him to ciimu over his oboularra, alter* of the proposed beat sugar factory in ;
1* was Dot long ago that ManlaU
wards drawing himself out
that place.
i dasbid bis hand d.ovn u]«« a table and
run n ■piii.lb-clear Ibro.igh bi* luiiiu
Three years ago a irsve'ltag doctor,
sixl ont 111'- >Mck of hi. I. .ud Witliout
BebUM taa iMura.
gtvisg Ua fisms ul JamesMarubal, ealil illeniig In hi. liti.M he held Ihs
A starUing
ot which Mr
ed on Jobu Msilin of Wnu. aaa offsr_ incident
icldenl of
*.„j, j,to lilt h.:nd. iiiilUd his
h-iid frtw uoiiiid Uis kiTiiiiif
•d to cute Mrs Marun ul rbeuutaUsm John Ulirrr, of t'hiladslpbia. ua* ‘hr
•ubywt. u nurrutod by him a* follow*:
lerAHHi. Martin gats a note lor Ual •I w,. In a most driadful csyodltioaP.
It on wilh Lis |iuri os
hi* 11- rre hud ti.nr l.s-n tri-d
iuut. -No cure, oo psy
and Ue ] >|y sk.n w as almost yell-.o , eyes auak- thimgh
------ *' ..............
Bvidi'iitly a >uir uicml. r. of Ibe iirufm''
It away, lesriug a buttle of
■ • »in .
anpMiU-'-gradualty »u>ii an- i-.-iire Cuiit-itu iiigly h-ruic in
colored avufl. Nuto (.'bioagu partlce sas ba.'k and sid-s. n
weaker day by day
Three ;irivul<-iliuraclor (I'un in heroic i.ij-a,
fo^Ua psjmsst of a aote for AUw
- . had glreo me up.
Korin-< and proUilUy all of (lii-m Count nvae ol
given to B V Batcbelder of whoa
I'lv. a friend advised
trying .'Elec '
niaruidont iti ilic yearswurk.—
Uay elalm to have bought toe sola.
Iter*,' and to my great joy aod
prise, tbr
Urst b-ittle madsa rteoded
Tba Cyclone Wo^Wire ranea Co.
__ ,>rorrmenl. I ronUoued thel^ nae
—„ s< Holley to Alltagaa (wear for 100 tons for Urea weeks, and am ao»-a well;
•f wire and 100 fenos maeblasa u go to
TUtCMMSail $115.$5.n. ^8.15 ud TN
Black Wool Beaver Jackets, half lin
ed. value $3.75 to 4.00. to i
close out................................
Heavy Beaver Capes, braid trimmed
- -value $3.50 -this closing A I I A
Other Beaver lackels, finer, values
S4 50. 5.00. 6.60.
So one abould fall to try Uem. Only , kband.m. n* t^rmuRy acu^ uv lui)
A uw "Oldest marrlsd eoapl e' bate 40 seota pur bottle at S E. Walfa end bates a*, and tbe i«gd.« of a hiauraa
3. O. Jobaeoa't Drug Btorea
{ to wbpu wr erarcely gats dugs' food at
I the Elym. Isirk* at our heeia In a
araMr. aadMru. P. tloald. aad have
j little time, thanks «*• tue republic, one
bean married <11 years
j wiU blush to be a PrnnebmatL —Pane
At Bi. Jcaaph Jobs T. Murphy, tba
bees dtoeovared at BatUe Oraab.
Extra qaality heavy Beaver Capes,
braid, braid,and fur trimmed, etc.,
values $3-.‘io. 4-oo. 5JX).
This Closing Sale $2.85, U40. $3.90
Black all wool Kersey Jackets, sotne
half linetl, others all lined, values
$6.00 to 7 .50.
This ClosiQgSale,$1.98. $2.68, $3.48.
Fine quality Kersey Capes, richlS’
trimmed, ;value $7.50. this AP AP
closing sale..............................VviZv
This Closing Saio $3.15 anii $4.25.
All wool Kersey Jackets, in Cadet
Blue, Tan and (rreen, val- (C OC
ue $8.50. this closinti sale Wp*Zu
Extra quality Kersey Capes, heavy
satin lined, value #8.50 to AP hP
9J30. this (Closing sale.......... WViVW
i All our better Colored Jackets of fine
Kerseys, all made in handsome
styles, tan. new blue, brown, ifrecn.
etc—values $10.50. iv^o. t^-ooand
Best Kersey Capes, very choice, braid
and fur trimmed, long length, val
ue $12.00--for this closOC
............... wD.WU
TUs Qosiil Sile $6.75, $7.15, $8.75 »d $6i5
■Ladie.s’ Plush Capes.
Children’s Jackets
Silk Plush Capes, substantial lining,
full sweep, fur trimnu-<l- A A QA
value $4.50.lhis dosinir sale vZiU 0
- 'oni- lot fancy mixuirM. Wool Cassimeres. for ages 4 lo .S years, values
S..50 ,o,,.75-Ihis closing ggj,
Silk I'lush Capt-s, fur trimmed all
around, bigr sweep, value Al I A
$7x>0. this closing; sale - - - vfr• I V
Scotch mixture, blue and white, and
Best. Plush Capes, elaborately trim
med with tjimp and braid, fur ed»{ed, value $i5.0o. this clos- A A AP
$3 00. this closing sale----- VI i4v
I'ine Wool Cassimtire Jackets—halue's $3.50 104.00—this clos
ing sale- ...................
Kt-ver ill the history of i-louk si-lliue liHt-e Buoh torrifK- i-oU tD valae« been' mode loi choiiv
stylish Kkmieutk.
This, I<h>. Ri'a time when half tbe winter is Itelbre yon.
Our Quarter Off Clothing Sale'
III .lanuary was an imiurns.-sm-eeiw—» siuxjeks In-cawse it tnnirtl
eoau., ulsters.
great iinniliera of auits. over.
. le . into cash- • thongh at such aiaugtil.-red pricT that mo*t stores would not even
iiUt.-r. juiir
ixiir of paiita. maekinaw. el«-.,
twenty-five per rent fr..m
fr..Bi our fur
soil, or. r*«Mt.
desirable Kiuab -at a Ituua-iide diw-oufit of
lowest pricei
2*1— ill.' k.'"<sls and
,1 you'll
iiitesi, same aa others
buying any
doim.'. ihoiiuh
'rin- values gre simply irresistable. that's
We guarantee BBtiktacUon in your purchases at this stem-,'and
hadn't tboot;|tt of
U> r>^utid
the purchase pri.-e on wLatov.-r yuo buy her,-, if, after ius|>eetin)' the goods at bfiine. they a^e for
any reatoiu unaatisfaclury to you.
Tou oiiut be pl<as<-<] with what you buy of ua, or eloe it’a not
You ean't make a iiiiatake if you trade a
This Ciosing.SaJo 49,69.89o, $l|o5.
"'■l‘ lii-l bet from tlia w ings and
sown aaa writer of jQvanUeatorin of'
rmrt'.niiv.w down l.« tbnwt
III .1
, 11,111,, I |i 1-■ "ach Cime ei.-I'-fl tin-sliu-w
lUlt ihe
Wrb laaga aad atoBseh to Us agri. aUrtos were focodrc on fata adsaauras.
hold so b« grabbed
dagre* sod bar ar>Ty brnttb ao
UMprd biaoatbabaad bat ha oaa
wife.'^s a fias record with
At ffaat Bay Oltv Haaiy. tbs b-yaar. _____________________ _
maaagers sD«i warraaled to kraprwgagrtbaata qpl«s dead aad btmrd. An
tUaam, of BdMad BoaUaM. wbUa gleaaoaocoaaioftbaaSalr.
cungadtea of the Insgs almost
fttarplag boos fma aebooi triad to
- atoaty-aiaa sUaa oos day last waak.
tbry tbaoiaelTaa bar. a fasbioa of mak
la, light of it
bin. Bit)wa Pottar waa racvntly
ohlirad to give ap brr work la £
“Threa Boakrtan*" uo tbafini Oightr
« *"" Pl«J•*» f-nitht bard axai
the iUona and mmi0 la
ip «h»
the acotr M
eolirsly tvncaalad bar anflrrioK
----------- ... ..... Bptbe pBrt
Bagbsa. aged SI yaara. cosiDiltod sol-
laglaadasad eoadltaoa.
nsDaKrT. Om bean a frsot deal aboat
rtsfc folk and tbelr ecveBtnritiea bat
Reliable Dnr Goeds. Carpet and Clothing Hnnsn
Traverse City.
A Few Of The Many Bargains We Offer To Close Quick. I
A to*. Ilf joulh'* all wool fine lk«>e Overt jaU. turn' fit 510,0
Hv>uet.t oa a J-.b—away under value—1«
In aeaoon or out of it.
We a!«aya l«-ad in low pricee on i.'cxxl reliable mcr
Tliia reputation <mer aUaiued through
reliniiuii.|i. ,(true bargain-giving euunts for anythini;.
►o'» elgbUy
uwlhtxht we will never
Xe hn>e mnrted donin Odr Oyerconls and Ulsters,
Jackets. Cepes and Fnrs
to a price wkere ccmpeiltlon ceases to be a rinl.
When a mark-down U inaugiiratod in the Boston Store it lueena a reduc
tion. nut to a farornl few or to tbe velI.puett<L
A uuifonn rut down in price was ordered tbroagbont our Ckaik. Qvaroaati
ud Claier atocka. Every castooier reaping the aaeie bueflt
A Int uf all wool e
' ~ $4 26
H»aver Urereoate—to
a heavy Kersey OrercoaU.
A lot ot any Pne«« durable CloMra to elooe
to aa QaiVaam* IrnUm' Uo^
Tbe »toek beta* Uotlwd we a
$9.60 i
Cloak Department
Cbojce of toe best JeebeU of the beet of R««wye. Sm TeftMa :
Iruiog. laiinred ivait Unikhed by brtt of operotota
KPk 1
-prieee ruspiug up to«U. ebolre of oay at..........
ChUdm’a BBd XUau' J*ok«ta Mdito«d down to :
$1.00. Um beat no higher UiBB $5.
BUmfO »»OOSi), >OTIPAT,»»B»PA»T ». I»»»
Beats All
The artonishUig Rn«h and more aBtoaUhing Valuea at :
S. Bea^^ih^'a “Clearing o£ all Winter Gooda."
It ukf«
CAITT th* B*Bdm
OR qnick diafoaition of all Winter Gooda onr aalea during the paat 30 daya
r beaJallreclfc Wehareaoldgooda-NEW GOODS--aof.attbat|^lt
onlt take a few more weeka of anch aelling and the laat uest.ge of all heauj
will be turned into caah. Not until thia ia done will we atop "alaating pnce^
Our atock ia clean and ALb new and aeasonable gooda, and the only reaaoji why
we cot pricea no deeply ia “We wUl not carry OTOr heavy goods. Our
: atock neit fall must again be entirely new.
SpriuB ttylM In Ken's
Soft and Stiff Hats are now
ready for your inspection.
Got your boy a nice new
SUIT—All this week' wo
seU svorytblng in our boy’s
department at from 86 to
S3 per cent, discount from
our former low prices.
Saturday the ruah waa ao great that gooda, aaleamen and cuatomm got
mixed up at timea. lu the Boya' department, where mothera are
majority, it i. touching at timea to ace the mtereat
Stted out with a atyliah, anbatantial Suit or Overcoat for a few dollars when
were it not for thia new Store perhapa many little fellowa would be forced to go
with the traahy kind of clothing at a greater coat It mattera not what you may
be looking for, be it a Snit, Ulater, Overcoat, Sweater, Cap. Underwear, etc., if
we have your aiie ifa youra at an enormous saving. Come at once.
A V Frieilrich Block
1S4 FroDtStrest.
' 1 HOT BLOUli'l.N
>S j
BnqBtre Owjn.hlsBoii Chhrli*. Mr. t InBrueatbH *t lewl 900 people wiw—
*Dd od tbe mnrdw from the.oppoelio aide of
end Mr*. Dick Nobita. m-iB-Uw and
BB. tbe river. Bvanrellat l*»a wee saddvDiy
daaffbter, eod ^re Dot Cerpvour.
eod qaleblr cot dowe.
Mr. riemlns
other deaffh W. who lived at ----------dUmoa.Wd
iBled rwm
from bb
.u m.i.
male w
to a.
$« to
w bis
Ark . were barfed at the eeme time
amUtanM.bat hv. loo. rraa attacked
I to invv«.tixale 1
mtet importeut probl.-m regarding the !
dietribntiun of life in the aea- It naad ■
u_ bdirved
I...*:..._a tlmt
*1... tbe
.1... otvwn
.-..AM depUjs
Awf.tha ;
wmv a.-ki»«..re.—. -............................
conflBfd to the
ibr shallowsarfaca-lolt.
shallow aarfacv lolt. l«t
thia idea bed
had to
to Iw
le elaudunt^
alaud.mvd wvn
wvn hw
, (gye
IWe in.tbi- CMiiena-v
mablu voyace of eciontiflc
Tbe finest OVBEOOAT8
—the $80 and $88 quality—
all go at $18 60.
Oome quick and pick as
you like.
Some are silk lined.
Wilson Broa. new line
will be in Monday afternoon
It’ll do you Rood to look ’em
over. 25c-60c-76c
*iKioiat uwouiou« «
, cvme ttwfORir that oiRbU _Hu h»d» ]
...vouaaares T».T atuoa. e"0-
J SetteTal'Ketna Sdema
iiiiii 111! Ilium 11 Hill
Hew goods
AiTlTinc dsily.
Oome ia and let's
poetyou on sweU
spring styles.
A OATH, aiiemnynrf If ktri-itMt them ei»rt. Q-'twiSsI
hkMsrvssUW Oe- MwS
cabin dour with •
and Bt«n for tbv cabin
tbnmt to BO to tbv oobwel’s quarter*
and cat Aim duwn with his nword. Ue
powerful man. aCle to tkrry out
n«t anlvai tbe colonvl rffbald fvt
w. “jK2?oK;rifdf^uctt
a .
' tbe di op Onov the
««ier Bot
I away aad was half why to tbe oolowl*!
•‘TraB«l'r*»“ <x^ o*” catupa cmi- cabin, with »ord
g{ twttli'K wore niorr common than ' man." aaid tbe adjaM^t.
public knowa” mtd a dietlngaiahcd blot your ivc^ ed'ihree yvara by
1 miuuut nintUir? Thii^ ol ibA Thmk
..-nlVontim. of MakwOvn'™! Kvl-■
your wil.-and cbiUlnjn. <^c back
Good estborUy bee U tbet Dr. Ji
a. OeaBeld. Ublo state aalversity preaideat aad ao vdaeator of aatioaal rvp
wUtioa. mey become librariaa of eoaCresa
At Mailla emallpog eaaeet apprebeaMoo.
Tke eaUre command bat bvan
racelaated eevoral timee.
Twelve pby-
eWdaiu bare beea eunwred lor eevvral
weeks veoclaaUac the oelives.
.... .............SS:
n Is during
e sickly t
mtba. March. AprU and May. when
feevra. amallpoa and dye$niery are
their bodies left for three days oa tbv ,
if the- dq.tb at whicii the
the surisoc.
You wouldn't think it |
-All nghu kill him. tat w$Jt tmUl
pablii: road.
: .nrface bets were lowed was iDcr.-v d nrohablv. but I tuvself wasooiw soebree tomomiw—nnitl it mligbi Dcot*b^
- _______________
-------------------------[bat to no way lor
makiw „wgree,
my gray hair
hair a
a man
man in the durtt. That
Friday momlae
three —.a---------woil.dtaoed,
trvfe lurluM'd ill .u,;.
brave man to da
allpoa were dlawvered at | mesbra. an olnsTTaliun which puinta-d
iae U)i a.1 I rvcvill It.
LU bonk and ilfW
Ue went tuck
lift- St all UviiUis
-WLik-a numu-r of crfBtvrslof
tbe Veocome hoivl. located In tbe cen-1 to the probability of
tyr<snws sT"i ,^m,.„.iRiTi' in ibeniajur'sK'niIt 1 mid ; Bbtil
ter of Omaha. The health department, The inwtur.lii.ifs
dMignvd to svtilr thin iui|sjtaiit puiuv wynielliiug tluil n cupuih tiK'ki o
noUfivd and plana ware quickly
"How can I gel out tif tb^ aerape.
Ih diwT w-a si-ar lions to, aiid
a war of wiwd. f.dlowed.
"How ^igeti>u.»«w. . _____ a..- ....M..vlwlnm
tSai . stir
appUanc. uat work
A aqaad of armed pollvemen ^
off lhi wii.t ccwsi
I'cwsi id
id Ir.l-iul
Inland- It
It ww
W-* ismirK out with luy right and wt
aei him ,
^ u,, ^^e and wbva tbe guesU
p.tt^ u^,.^ oi^ naiivJir
.snore prevaleaL Mine per cent of ikel,^^^^
Bccuatomed momlog^unld le lusdr with a (hiuu of
-eommand are now reported akk. but dotiv* they were driven back lute the Beta, the l. n^-tb of wliii'li w-"ld I*
Kmdusllv iuiTiuvsl until s d.',.ib id
Abe ffTvat majority of ihe eaac* are tkoaae. TtavellBg men begged to ‘
alight ailamo a.
permitted to get away. guar*nieelog
b-'devised e lib ueto-i ■
Tkeaonthboaod piaaeager train on lewve tbe city by tbe drai train or afoot “ru*'Veniiw^ wW . piTiiu;; (lUd cliwiUK uulure. SO that
If nnrrriT-y^"lal da ««
mrnpl-s of Hfi- at differ, ul depihu lmuM
waa alowlng op for a railroad ercaalny alipped oBt of the akyllgbi. sealed the
gerund. It w»» also intended
the kaaaa* City A San FraneUco road
Pitlabarg. Kta., when tbe road-|Biijsceal roofs aud making their way . ^
ju„.uiibOUsab«il U hoi audwliarp; then
^oTl^ wtlVt.d ns
- L‘K
FromweeH.___________ ________________
mid. -bnuK CdIoocI blank to iii. -jW : ivb STu »oishvyv^^.«ow-
tora " Tb.w met like a jwirof b™ b^
day tbe aojuiam isnr.™
i uUhI an inuy irajpd.v. aud
that he piwv
Jbicatw Times Herald,
oar- asked
f„n aiuTuou Iheraptain invil- _
"Do yon like candy.
He made all
miitf*-* cax'aa*
me. uiid I i-.'iife>»llial for atiina
j jjj j ^r bi-wuuld make me tniuLle in
^ ,oun niartniL tat the mat^
lo blew
*,a **
aab. a
*’«Ssu2i»'*S»^ ** ”
' Ij
• - - •
Med for a distance of 60 feel sack froOjUiroogh
a tbe snow aod
aud loe over the | rniwL
trawL Tbe cij"
cai« il^tion
il-tion was fili«l oul . ...i me to tui.1- a walk with bun. Thiuk- «.ytwr-ald Eewjft
,«• »l
.>1 the Korsl (t>Mk.Tapb- .
,that liar ir-ubles tui'l
-wader the engine and Irala. The ec-' hones tops, maasged to reach the i at tbe ex|>v&«f
iity and the Drapers' apJ Fi»i
uspuii i*
k « simI-»««• iMyret^ er eSSfms to
'n^' icitl wwii
lid. 1 couspuii
On ia«-ay
ibo way beck mays maki* me locjt.
giaeer put oa a full head of ateam asd groaad in mfrty. after many
______ i tbroBpb an orchard. !
"I'm awful plad of it. mid the UV
tooamp..-.---------- --..
1 ia pulling tbe entire train eaeapes.
te get
«.t same
tie miss. "Yon re jau tbe waman I-1
CaoBi* traveling men are in tbe boteloat of tbe bole oa to *oUd gronad.
erpr"C*e<s sf Cetlsa
as 1 mu-bid
f.>r au apple
-was foand that tbe roadbed was over a Sobody cate* to esamlne the register
• As Ions K> th*-planter* i«.r«i«t in rais- p,,,,aiu rveih for bis rcvnlvir aril ph
ml m'.oe and tbe gronad bad sunk to jesta-. present tc And oat who the ing uiorv iv.ttou than th.-world cob „
ugca very fivod luslamlyllousTrareme Oily HartK.
a dtaueee'pf.sia feet below tbe levelgamtsare.
cunsame el s iM.' iut: price it is not to ^„„i ,.;v bold i.u'a.uv.piaxl totbcpmatid. j
Below to a list of the baying aad eell
-rpectod that th.-n- wiU be an #d- •
s>mki^ 1 look uiv plsiv 17 bis '
M. Treiler.Va farmer llnag -near
jdlydo,The WeesB Ws^aew.
' Tance to a mnch hijih. r and jkt
WteblU, Kat.. dropped dmd at the
Cnipluyiiivut AiP-ul—Tbiwe
tins 1^,.^!
iuark--ts than ba-obDp that ptul or l U brain voa.' This P”*’
. siri at ito 2*^
,o«ee of a (arm loao company just as recouuurtidsuoas that gari has. main uiinrd daring tb« U^t two vvam Nev {[me he was kepi 00 a hot priddli-for a er*eaty
be WA* about to place bli signatnre to ShaUI iwndfiir bi-r to come and talk ^rthelms the case of tin-iiAton plsoi.-rs mooib. ibouRh 1 made no tbrceis »“<i :
^ ^bl new...^..
a mortgsge coveriog bis hommtead.
1 isnot altotb'iber hoHem. Colton hat i^d no thonphtof r-portuip bis aitoi .(k
Mrs. Briaston—IsshelallorsbCfftt . i,
tbe only vsInaWr prodnet of the
Short Cal PWk....................................
The "Military aad naval order
•- ----------hL
__________ “Si.
"Rather Ull. mmn. bat"—
! cotton crop, as was tbe c;vw 13 or 90
she fat or thinF'
yeanagiv Wvnowhavebi)>i\.lai'lerr*m
$ooi. ^
the ^rop
crop which
which are
are w.irtli
w.u-tli fL'iMioc.OiHI
Strong' —
unnoreunnnally. and K u ntUu and in"Is she alonter than 1 amF'
; yenlor. are « den!vticar..v I'li-y u .dmiug
"Oh, y«-mam. a good deal."
the field itf cuusaniptb* and creuting
the Spanlsh-Amerlcao war" was organtoed ia Mew York Friday
Teddy Booeevelt was selected for com*
The purpoee of tbe order is
to preserve tbe memorim and aasodaUoBs of tbe straggle with 8paln
g aetaal pariklpants.
Vaaeouver dispatob my*
drankeo Siwash ludiaDS tried to an-1
nibitote wbltrs in Alaska. Fear reds
were killed aad a aumber woopded.'
while foorAioerkan depaiymaisbaU |
•e barv
Ualted Sutce Mambal Me
O.LV, .< J...... h.a km«i.. laas. 1
"Wbat iaitT
(MiBD.)dmlrmthe Hag*
1 tbo chief BI.J better known hyprodneta
I of the cotton idanV Ea.h is capable at.
a and
•ided r
' the
t baildiag* to the ooaatry:
w yon?
t hope «v
OIM or more a year The w-ed meal and
ui-ver bad a good boor since that
;.;Vbalis"trad:. is quite btrge at pnw '^.a«t in tbe orvW'
.^T«to be had «t. bat not u-srfy
torpe as may be ;
.. .with aU my b**rc captain.
eiperted within a few yeera. Tbme are one bui yoa and mywU ki
baaiDcm to grow to !«• worth $KMhHI.-
ata inquired.
Oa Febroary 16 aeit and the mma!
4a, th-wmfter. ErprmeottUv.
"Shewon'ida She'd aplit the seam* new indu>trii» to miiitc i% lion iir.»*.- xhe colcmd had given Uir urtlcr to t»nn ^duerfc...............................................
of every drem I have."—3|ew York
ijv the single diavv. ry of coiPm
huule. A» adjucaut ii was luy Butter per Ib Dale*.................. ..
#l.Vo<K>.oOt) aliunall.v wasadd,0
Uiat ea.b c-uplain earned Creamery Bnttei-.i..........................
ed to the vulne of tU*- eon*-n croli At
jj,,. order. Wm-n I rvacbed tbe■ Cheese
Che« per fti ...........
Oee •» the Mtarrw Ceaveeb
> Oat*
"1 bare a handsome huae."
tb.' oil milbi o,v ji„tT
are alai'fl djiily in,^,t, •Ailjuuuil.
“With aUtbemodern
nomber, and tbv demand when I complivd. ho took my baud.
eeeuo. ~ s.-ow with the pnrfucUon. tookid mo squnr'ly hi *‘‘C‘ > v *>*<1 mid;
There is room iheref.j'v (i>r the i-nide oil •jj^-ou-uant. can you forgive me for all
to self deterne. and the SIsrasbm keyed
•p c red llqaer aud aaliled forfb.
..-j-by ni-st lighi »ve got into wc m-iito : abort Cat Pork per Ib.....................
giK<d und all and irmaioivl last : pioar, H L. A Co. bmt.................
Bye Flonr, H L. A Co. Beet...
(yif-nds mini
uniil tbe
tbe tiual
tiual round
round op.
op. when
w..^- : ...
c^m-ral J**' J‘'hu«ttai had bia men 'k
throw down their guns aud go home to
.muk.-a croi.' It happened in this way. Kgfiwpv^
wchy sa» waa ateta.
fly at half maat.
ij„je aUair '
-X, I «id. nothing else «me np to
u.. ™y.“w"
V. He vl C^swWa
$0! .po B«xT-ri
wboat, old. per ta.....................
Wheat, new. par ta..............v,
oata. No. 1. per ba. (pew).
to Waahlagtou.
lived in
Nearly nine Bpeatha age the Prii
pJtoward. earTTfng Captato Pande and a
«*w. of 97. ikaied from Baltimore for
She baa not arrived there
It to thonght the vessel baa guae
A dUpatoh from Palma. Qreaeo, my*
„ bor own story.
l«m than tanfamilk* to
____ ___________ _______
^ ' Para toad exPSMttflfl.
- 'a™ P.1 pto»as out.
vw tat
Tve aJway* ,
; tbe window mod see the dtoptoy of
uaiT axica »*v
— -—
been gl$d I did not He was a good admeals, flab, cetera, etoam, tototora
gier in batUa aa btnv* as they
but a talldog in camp- He left
Jbe army a major^ Hia name? Merer 1 Oompasy M Itooiikl*. 86 Ctota.
mind that It ia a true Btory- I wish it |
Tbefvarea few of tbe^
J time to my life I w w to a lair way to ,
jjIBai i-eau—as——--—'
, y«, kisawi Bobeoa?
(g the
she toaida tntonnatkm
totonnatkm ^ wiU be
MlwAvIsewortb—Nalamcrying to
*h)e to impart about thoee ten ftooiltoal
: win a iruntoticm that will enable me to
—Boston Transcript,
girnpw’^toe rtage. and I guem tb*
!m*i«*t wav togi't it iabyeiwi-adinsto#
“Awm't TOO afraid srito/eo many rumorthatlhav«ntki**edHohBDB.—
abont. Mr. SotUpigh. that Chicago Mew*
S« Were tola «
OUa Mttaa. CUB ChffwflB
“Eseu^ w. air." mid Barker toe'
hittaa twomoetos ago. but Impt tb* 1
"i_l am-'——
At tbr g*wee City EmUue
•but what to your I
ookoel of a western regiment
~and ^^ua*4 treatmaat 1 Mand. don t yem know. 1 nevah eaity Booriah tiuvaler.
himed that icgaark to hia )i
anytoing of
of toe
tbe biucbmw
allgblmt Tain*
<s*>« *ritb buamms?
mt’e my «obmele.be diwaimed tbapemdeooe
srBlJrXhh CAHD8.
ersaing to December. Iflfld. afew milee
Patras oe Mo>. M. 1997.
"Ah.“miaB*rta*. "Imh
*** I—* o< Mmabnrg.
MmofMtoalmippl. tat moved to Ala
bama aad waa apwoiaud to th* eoaia
OoWlUe Y. la«»to. Amerkma vloeoca-; aomebody wiU demand your ViaMy
aal baa died of hydrophobia.
Be was; yoar brains ?”
; “i SE?;3i,„i»<i psi. D«w
tor aerviee from that atoto
I Bkbt 8AX.Tn to tta world for ^
V U the aurieaaf murder* of mlaaloa^rtoa aad forelga rcaidcatt rwtooUy to
Ototoa. datolla of a partleatoriy barharotmaCalrat Ohoagaa Chiaag. tovolv
tha Ufa of aa Bagltohman earned
___ _
TUUe CUarsA.
Huuda,aiOtoutoa,a]rea.aBd 1
Br«pttoaa.uad pc-ltirely o'
orno parraqaired. It IS |
"^djntaal. sM that Ii«
aty Opera House,
Wednesday, Feb. 8
^>*^veitb.ttarhmr-;.«d-.i... Sd*^ m!m
ad Mia, 26 and 86e.
• 3am^l1iaflM9whtoh«aem»w^
ss'ss: •'K,,air.r.at."7a
.a.a..v„uo..-.L.s.u>.. B. ...
iBtrodemd a raaolnUoa to that effect According
i5wla*amet«7- DajaeSal^t*aUa rvato-
-7:^1 rU
"«HS ter el 1A« horM le puets«
•wer- AlTM4r the pneUcAl '
I eqolM Hteht bf eeM to he tAklBC
iteee. esd hclorc Another oeo*
«MTT ehAll here etepeed he UAy here be.
AOBM A AoelocteAl reHoelt)-. HU venATAble booee »U1 be eeea meiuted end
AB ezhlbltloB IB miueame. The emAll
her of the tveeltctb centurr will woe*
ter wbAl eort of ABlmAl Bquiu CAbeltoe reellr wee ab4 wiu ouu^el At the
<Aot thAt be »Af enee herBeeecd ead
•ude to hAUl heevr lOAde
dies wMibaTa thrtr own prtrate auto
mobiles and may be teen any day
speadlBC BolseUwsly alone tbe more
fashionable atraeu of that city. It takes
some skill and experteaea 10 operate
one of these powerful borteleas carrtaeea. for. after elU they are mere locomoUves and not unconnected with
BKtfe modem rehleU wax hellt After the daneer In the hands of the Inexperi
plea of A common reed cArrlACe ead not enced. In Peru tbe autbortUes require
Ae A relocIpedA ThU Automobile, bow. each operator of an automobile to p
, WAS Dot A rerr eeUefActorr meehlee. end it wee not antll 11 reer* later
that HM. Serpollet and Arebdeaeoa Id*
rented a etcarn automobile, with which
mouaioha But It was l« aJi llkellbeed
from the Cucwot steam rarrtaKC that
-................................................ bU Idea
for a locoiDOllve oe relU.
At tbe BUpoeilloa Unlveraelle le PArte
lo m» A eteen eotomoblle vaa exhibit-
when eieculAllr Bret 1
propBlslOB for
•treat >
. Then the WcT
. At OBce imo popular
liar faror and
re»derte eUU mere limited tbe ueae of
«ur OBoe eaaeetlAl quadruped.
But DOW atm BTealer chsoree arc
taklar plACA. Tbe Inlrodnctloo of the
Automobile M streets of Amerteah elt-
ceneral transportatloa and traction
There is one tblnc that tbe motor earpurpoeea. la that year tbe editor of tbe
A and that U rood roeda
Petit Journal orraolsed the Best auto* rtare demendA
mobile race, which was run from ParU We are already Indebted j the bicycle
to Itouen. to this contest the steam for an Improvement In the coodttlun of
blshways. but when the autumoblle
bors^lees earriaAC. nbllc protloB Itself
eumbereome. mUy and uncouth le ap.
pearance. etaowed Itself superior to Its
electrical and rasoUne propelled Hrals
of that time. Tbe followtnc year eootber race was run. this Ume from Parts
to Bordeaux and return, but In tbit teat
It was the electrical earrtace that prov'
ad Itself tbe superior machine.
L-p t thU Ume the consirucUon of
these carrtaces had been condiM-ted
Ml and cleaner than U now possible, j ttoa ef tbe I
leas camaxe. when it
Slabllnc wilt no lonxer be necceeary la ' U borne In 1
that many dUturblag
eltlee. and there will be more room pn ' elemenu enter
tbe problem.
. sireetA . Tbe weartne noise of iraf. • ready there has been a freat fbJIlnr
Be wlU be buabed. and pneumatic Urea In the prodocilon of burses and a depreand allant xeneralor* or store** batter- elation In the value of borsefleeh. which
lea will do away with the roar of w heels ; has Oiled tbe farmer and the borse
and tbe rattle of horses' feet In oar j breeder with apprehension. But. forcountry, fortunately, there is no l> *.s- 'tuaalely. tBrs* questions have the habit
Utlon and no popular preJudUe axalnit ' of aettlln* and adjustin* tbemsrlvea
the automobile, as In England, fur in- ; «'ben It U remembered that there are
stance, where only a little over a year now mUllona of acres of land devoted to
ar> problbllory leglrtaUon mitb regard the Krowla* of crops for berae food
to tbe use of such carriages In London alone, which In time may and must be
was repealed Itnlll this action was devoted to th* production of food for
taken It was necessary that all horse- ' «•»« human beings who are engaged In
less carnages should be preceded by a j “>« manufacture of tbe eery maeblnea
earing a ' *hat
<hal a
are dlsiilacln* tbe borae. Ibe probboraetwrk bearing
red flag as a warning of the Approach ^'— -01 so Intricate and Ibe euUook
of the terrible engine of deatructlon.
Animal power has ever been caprtclous and uncertain, while maeblnery
reltaMr and always sure. An auteme-j chine, and even wli
: btle docs not loqulre continual atua. | duwed with all tbe n
w evee tbe leiTle b
and the lone orerworked draft borse
are to become tblnrs that aere."
The recent formatloo of a company In
Mew Torfc city with a capital of eomt
to eztdolt compressed air as
a motire power for all trucklnc and
aaniBC business la Oreater New Torfc
■hows etui arelD how surely tbe retm
ree Is passlnx
« sway. ]
■« fitting to their peculisr qusi-I
r a time A
•e remain tbe pet and tbe trained apeed- I lllea Todsy. however, It might he said '
feig animal of the wealthy In tbe citj ' that they have evolved an Individeality ;
and tbe helpful friend ef tbe mor* hum- ' of their ow D. Automobile mechanics Is 1
Me farmer in the country. But as ttm< I an art the nicely of which Is only ongoes OB nnd urban population becomu 1 derrtood by those who are of the pro•sore and more dense It will be seen to teaslOB.
! But one of tbe great dtfflealtlaa that
I atm race Ihe construetora of horseless
tbe problem of expense.
RaUoD and eleanUm
oKly Parisian made autoRiohlle rlctorta. for |
•alf propelllBg vehicles
Ibe public j Instance, cost* aomr fSOC tnd sa auto- ;
■ ■■ tricycle
The heavier rsr•treats of our tow ns and cIlleA
Tbe outcome of this will be a vast j rtages are proportlcna;e1y expem
tmprovemtmt In ths coodltMo and!‘Phia coslllnea* of msnafaciure. h
■moolbneas of all city aireelA tbe abo- | rver. is a drawback that time will
Utlon of the ob)ectlonBl.le cobblestone rt»ht. Just as bs* been Ihe esse '
U-eblcyelP But while the initial ou
s paving maiertal a
>• large
«f the ear piercing noises which now
ore than compensated for by the toa pandemonium of tbe average
algnlllranl extent of oprrslingr expenrt
Mel foe the petroleum p -opened V
sew-hat Blow of adoption In this counbeen In European cities, snd i>srtlrularly iB-I'srtA that the sulomobile Indus
try hss nourished lo tbe greatest ex
tant. The principal reason why Amert•ans have been In no undue haste to
adopt motor carriage* is the fart that
mechanically theM have not hitherto
been sumclenUy developed tn render
them acceptable for general use.
motive power employed lo moat of them
has been unsalUfactory be aus* of lark
af eHlcleney In some eases and exlravagent expense of operation in othera
But American brain* and American morgy ha\r l-eea at work on the problem
for the laal few year*, wlih the mult
that the objection* referred to have
Tbe gencial public, as a rule, has
tbe opportunity of seeing the gradual
and iBtN.rlou* approach to perfettlun of
any tmiMrtsnt mechnnical Invention.
Thl* same general public )■ usually
tounded at the mlraculoii* appewranca
af some new wonder while tbe men
wbo have been Isbortne fi>r years
brtn* shout a»i(s api>ar. ni mc'hsnleaJ
miracle fnresaw-Nbr inevitable lone be.
tare the busy wofld had thought of such
a thin*. For some time now Jokes
been made about the psaslng of tbe
borae. but unUl the last year or 00 It
was never iwally thought tbs
ilod of equine usefulness had so nasrty
approached Its cIo«a
It was vaguely fait that chai|caa
might rome about In time, for tba Idea
af mechanical instead ef aolma! trarWon power IS as old as the history of
buman thought Itsrtf. Sven Homsr
himself desrribeo tbe god Vnicsn as befcg engaged upon the eonstrucUon of
a great hall on wbeeU. which be tearrtbe. as "self moving and wenderMl."
and Juno la made to oonunand Vulcan
•o create tripods which aball ran by
tbemaelves. thus rendering better aarv.
^ to tbe god* In tbelr maeUngs on
Honni OirmpuA
In Ue thiriaanth eentnry the English
pWloaopher Roger Bacon vrrtKe In one
•r^ w orkA -They wrlll make carriages
■rweb will rua ^itb tbe greatest imag■•ifnwas without any hartirtetd
baasi* whatever."
IWawrtiesi hTirmif carrtagntrUte Is
tetj^ed today la one now on axUblthm
tt WU al the Conservatoire daa Artm
V Cwot In J7*» and was made to op-
, CopimghuaK
- —
devalopenent of tl
was net brought to a aulc of rompatn-
from psaorfnl smd drlUttag ptwsMmte
thf—hf of wnitnm amtu!> d^anfay te
utbiBklag pobUc and .
nacaolty tor a battar ela« of foadmah
tog. As things wnr ara. ths OnUad
Stata staate tovam s* tea IHt of adthe Itvarr and th* enh •(»•«.
m a iumbii «c Utm Tate?
ighwtes- Ahotbsr advantage of the
M ad the beraaiaa vaWele wm ba that
m •mate wfO bs toud man haltb-
s and propbesytne as t» «
He fMocasts that tbe Mae «f Ibe aato*
mobile, srblle dm yet groatly dlBaft^
from the ordinary one or two botM
wagon, w III Increase >n Ume to an caor*
moos extent and that lu weight majf
even reach a register of tbouaaads «<
tons. Tbe liveryman wUI be replaced
by tbe dispenser of coaL elecirtcltr and
pstrolcum. and Instead of water troogbg
along tbe prtnel|>al hlgbwaya there wS
fm aoea Innumerable clectnc storage 4«pou.
This rrench prophet attempts «•
straighten out tbe economic km>l bf
forecasting that the boras win in tUte
become a delectable and much aot^t
after food animal. He holds that a Ufa
of leisure will reator* the proper aznoant
of Bucculenoe to the flesh of tbe new
overworked quadruped, and that a Umg
will corns when borse steaks wUl bS
served at all reataurwnu and tbelr eon*
...Dptloo win be looked upon as a raaU
{ter of course. This Parisian prophet also
foresees the traveling ahop and the itlileranj theater. An immense automobU*
I will carrywlung both aoiurs.sceaery and
[ playbouae. On the upper Boom of tbS
! great wheeled building wlD ba tba
' wpsriTiietrts of the company, who wtU
' not have lo pack and unpack ibalr b*>
> loe«lnn each day.
! A train dc luxe will become the Catellonable means by whieh pleasura eat! ings will be taken. at>d summer travM-ng will r>o longer be done on dusty and
: crowded railway IralnA A circuit coul^
' will move from loam to towQ ta MU
sMslon on wheelA and evea fuberal
I processions will eonslst of a number at
rthcr like a tra^
of CbrA
All this souuda
a or lea Hka •
page from a fairy
book or tbe Idle
m-re visionary. It rapre•entx. neverihrIroA sninetblng far aoM
■uheUcilsI. for It Is the conviction of a
farecelng npO e-hol-iiy fV>-neb oclen-.
tial. who hs« had tbe op|.>nnatty it
studying the dllTerenl Invenilons wbleh
are elowiy but surHy being benight tea
state of petfecliun In hjs own countiTi
wMch may-well be called the birihplaoa
and the home ..f the horseless caertag*.
Famow Laadmarks Hay Caltepaa.
The Bridirt of Sighs In Venice Is is
danger of coIls|>se.
Thl* structure, fataou In prom
poetry, may at any time fall and dU<
sppear lo the dark wntrr* of tbe *-—»
:i rions unb-sB the ItalUin mver^^M
ufftcluls take active steps t
noted atom- arch.
_ .. Sigh* I
palaee of the doges with tW
l-rlBons, and tb* fvuBdatioo'* on toU
■1J*« are crumbllQg. iThr bridge tetad
from 15*7. li I* a graiceful arch S ta*'
.ilrive the water. Inckisrd At the sld«
, snd srebed overhead. It coniaJiw twi
]»-I«rate i^jouige*. ihrougb which pap
; .-on* w-vre led for trial or Judgn-eBt.
: The poetic sentlm-nl altachrd to ths
I brldce which gave n the fsixiob* nams
arose from a l-l.^f ui*t many u pollt•‘I Hl’7iri»oner, lnn><->nt of wrongdolite
V *• led over the ri-..n [and l*irn«- dowg
I <0 tn- durtycon* far b*l"W the nearby
- :!tct-. wh. ncr ih-rv i-as no'cwcape. So
‘lump and foul *r- ihr*. cell* Uiat tba*
; .\t- caticl "well-.- r>l. kcf* wrote d
|th- in In his "I'kttti*- From Italy
! Standing on the fai-iuu* bridgp, ByrOH
I w rote his splendid poem oo the rise ao4
'all of Venice.
Another notable siraieture In Italy
that Is said lo be endangered by Im•ending plans of Improvements ta tb*
l•on^e Vecchlo. In FInrence. TTita to tb*
'usl picturesqoe of Florentine bridge*
■tud was hum by Taddeo Gr.ddl to tb*
fourteenth century. Here the gold-nfllh* had their *hopA In tbe middM
of the bridge an op-n loggia gives ylev*
up and dowc the river.
Should either cf the famous tang
marks be destroyed the loa could MOt
be repaired.
tlon. as does an animal. While not in | tbe borae tbe question of economies canuse tba automobile entails no operating! not be kept out of the rakulailen. It
■ S-V jI VO-L*
eo*U •!
St l[least » cenu a day to keep tbe
the, ordinary «steed that travels
u and down
Is up
Nor! a city's SI
grow old and die. like a boi
cab horse and times are good be will
When Its day's work is done, it can
travel about SS id.Ica on an avarngc. on
run Into a shed and sUnd tWfere W
that amcunl of nourlfbmenL But he re
In a Utile village to tbe wilds of wste
ones more called upon to do servlee.
1 quires a least eight hours' Bleep and
80 long as it remains one of tbe deep reat,-A6 ay nothing of an occasional Africa Him Sle»ror. a Seoteb mtaaloarooted rharaclertstlca ef man. the moat day
off as a result of colic, which leaves aiT, has lived for It yoars without Bnmpsal-nihlp and has devotag
reatlea of all animaU. to be In the
working capacity ef It houra roi*.
irely to
t- civlllsdag_____
ice whet* be ta not be will see to It Host of the lima, however.
however, be spends to
tl bis means of transportation arc as
mg around on street _____ _ JZ When Iflaa Sl-sor first settled ai
expedient. Inexpensive and comforuble dreamily digesting bis M cents' worth
“«»* CB
•ortb '
and cruel cuiioms were practiced, rw
of oato and hay.
token him some time to reach tbe _
of the aulomobllA but It might be said
that Bucb an age has at last arrived.
The pasglQg of tbe bom Mratabc*
-“ me average
fflesmWs InfioeDce. this
food for much profound thought t t-a
Of lire averages, appearancas to tte j
has been abandoned. At firat
reBectlon. It ta a farreaefaing quesUon.
. i yeai
w cents tbs Med to undertake the care of mote-'
iSecting almost all kinds and eendl- a day hta feed lo that
era and babtao Uireotooed with this tarton* of men. What wiu bacome of tbe to only U.?Tl. for which. If he
fate, but now ber word ta law.
smith wbo hitherto eked out hta tragal led an todoslrtouA sober ate unpam- rlMe
la ordsr to beoeflt tbe sattvaa, Mtei
extatene* to the wayside village under pered Ufa be covers some IMAM nxllo. Staoser felt that she mat kaow tbam,
the spraadtog chestnut tree? tt^iat will
This newfangled antomoblle that Is ate to do so tboroughly she mast Uva
become of the hay and fcod man wbo albowtog Its four tooted Heal ter the aaooito them. This abe did. a
so profitably catered to straets «f tba city, oe tba other head, took tofinlta palas to taarii tbelr laaad"bur Old tima aqtttot vrin travel tba sama dtataaea tor hboM •oagA Than abe langbl them tbe art oC
k agpaadad to fite or alactrieUy. bnUdtog. Biwt bnudtog bar own betas to
tnendT What WUl baeomtef Ate tamsr and bla hay crop and his teM ad
c as a nmteL
eats? What wiu baeona of-tb* a ' be seat t
>e bravmfl ate paUcnca shew* by
Uvary suhte aad the hanaoi makm
tverage cost e( repalra being Mtas Blemor era mom remarkabls ate
an that for tha ordtoary carn ta ae easy ssatM to ggors ete tba rtagu hauled by hotua.
A rreacb writor wbo has mate a
sthdy of the bnraeleas earr:
ghastly crocodile.
Tv»^4 tar. m ■niltW’—t ietp.
WWUr tartar m tkt mitarB «m« ct
$t*w taatk Wrlar. i» * tabtrMS't
panuiw, Uo«ih Itf ruM Ir tat ImaL
IT fcamra onir to multan vta our
kfn itata • tar ttarr wtan mtsUbi
0«a Sr4M7 t« Tuokuu is (ta
0mman vkicb eraMlouIlr
OMi ta tatr catUe froni lh« ttuM
taVMbif of E4ca. Bat U)« eklrf point
9t toUTMl ntaat Twofold tar to ttat
R to tta r«B4c*voH ct (ka Utaotu
“ttOtai- <«fc* fUdtotar). ita dmdlr
IPM «f tta «koto r*ec ct erUcoau
fUnr tku itatoMifn. and hmm «>•
totartflnuT tad Msartou crtaturw
Itat Intabit tta o(«ui'« d^ibi. Pron
#nJr ta Korrmtar two "•ckooto” o(
fclUm nur ta tan rvrrr tar. «l(b«r
•ralatnc ta and fro nerow tta •ntnsM
«(tta tar or Nfacta In s Tlunto <-amtat vlth ■ orbato—• "rlcbt" wbato. a
*%nKpbacb~ or tbr Icrns. iwlfi "Bnhack."
Bat ibtr kave error born
kaoim U tackli tta groat aporm «baJr.
ggMpt okok tbo groat craatoro baa
taaa woantad br bit buman onoBtea.
Ata ta witnaat mo of tbaoa Btgktr
■tnggtaa to •onh uavaUng masr
ttanaaad niltoa to oao; It to trrrtbla,
garO'lBapIrlag aad aroadorfat.
Tbo klllor rangaa In longtb froa tea
latt ta t»ontr-B*a fool. Thetr brealblag apparauta aad gnaral aaatoar U
■Bcfc alnllar ta that of tba apam
Tbrr Bpoui. “broaeb" aad
*tamd- ilka Mtar rrtaroana, and ara
0( tta aanr Blgraiorr babii aa tbo Ivo
*‘acboola' wklrh hgstii Tvo-told bar.
glwBTa loaring there about Novrotar
M to cralae in otbor aoaa, reiarelni to
Ctalr beadauarlori oarlr In July, «bon
tta haaipback and Sabark vbak make
ttair appearaaro on tta ceaat of Now
•Mtk to'aloo. uarollng northward u>
tta brooding'grouBdt on tbo Barapton
itaala.vtbo roaot of Nrir Guinea and
tta MHuecaaTba taad of tba killer to of onornoiu
gtnagtb; tta aoatb being arood In
Rptfe Java vlib fearful taeth. from two
ISCtaa ta three Inrbea long aad aai
mlBer trtdoir apart.
In color tber
dtav aa eauaordlnarr rarlailon, aoine
talag all one btte brovn, blark or dull
^nr; otbera are black, with large irrggnlar pairboa or atroaka of pura
Vbtle or reliow; otbera are dark faroira
«rttb black and r«Ho» patebaa.
And now roatea the eorlotu and r't
gbnolnioir truir deacrlbed part that
tta klllera plar In ibU oronn iragedrTta kitlera. tba nwinent tba wbala la
4aad. cloae around Md. and. faaioDlng
ttair loetb lata nia bodr. boar him u
tta botiuoi. Hero tber tear out bli
iMgaa aad aai about oeo-iblrd of th*
Mnbbor. la about iblrtr-aia to fenr
tanra tba earraaa will rtac agata to tba
flnrtace, and ua the »pot where be baa
taM lakru dou-n baa been marked br
g taOF. Ibe boeli are ready ualtlng to
IDV him aakure ta tba tryln(.oui
varta. Tba kllleta accompaay tba
tagU ta tta bead of ibe tar and heap
gC tba Bborke. wbl'b otberwlae would
gulp off III tbe rematnlnf blubber begara tbo budr hud reorbrd tba abnre.
Tbo fcllleri neror hurt a mab. Time
gfUr lime bate l.uaii been oimre In or
gMggbed into Bplinten br a whale, and
Ad grew len airuERllng In tbe water.
U ta rwu'ied br tbe -plrk-up" boat,
ggd tbe klllera ewlm up ta tbom. look
m—Cj*. oBd amell iban-bat neeer
Maeb them. And wbareear tkc klllara
■rg. Ike abarka are cut. fbr Jack Shark
irnndi a killer aa O e detli dreirto boir
*gMr. -Jack-'wll:ruahtnaadripoffa
boon baova to raaeb tbo toagib of
tbirtr fool. Ttar art »« ao maakmgiT. bowoo», aa tta -maggor." or
infant croeodltoa. of Itato. vMeta to
aald n«C to be dlmuaabiag In
and vhleb talrtp gwam awe I U the
ameller rleara.
Thoao nnetaan ragUlw arc ae nnmeroaa about manr atronma that tta e«togc watering placca taro to bo paUaadod br A loop fence. bnfU mit Into
tbe atroaaB to prereni tbo women wbo
p watar from belag gobbled
np bp them.
Croeodllo vonblp to the gvoeroA
fr«k or Indian religion. AStoronUr i
Ike frlghUul crentoron are roeorenecd.'
prwctoelr. becwuoe tkep are dangerout.
and mnat bo propitiated br fair worda.
In anp ewae the Hlndooo are aol per
mitted. br tbeir religion, to kill either
eroeodllea or anp other Bring thing
So one Soda lb mnnr rlltogea a permanantlr roaidau crocodile, known bp
Bome, and treated roepertfallr. taking
toll of the aatleai. paar bp pear. nnUl
It becomea ralfacr a point of local pride
ta tell bow manp children tbe tot old
alnncT. wbo auna hlmaelf In tbe mod.
ntterir faarleai of reprlaali. bai eaten.
In aoB# eaam aacred eroeodllea are
kept In aarrow poada aad fed bp Brah
min pneata. And It to cnrloof to nota
that tbto coatom daiea back to tka tlma
of Ike ancltat Bgrptlana.
Crocodiles knew a thing or two. In
eerr bet clImatM tber bnrr their aggi
In the sand and tbe an batebca them.
Where tbe nigbu are cool caongb ao
that tba oand does not retain (be enn't
beat the “eronodllna Poeoans." tbe
eatuerr crocodile of (he east, puts lu
eggi in tbe middle of a beaped-up
monad of regetatlon. Tbto beau bp
fermniialtan. preelaelp like wn bap In
eggs e
guarda the neat Jealoualp and amall j
bora don't trp to rob It aa n rule.
Our One-Foupth Off Shoe Sale
$8.00 Shoes
go at $4.60
Kagrae t SmHh
Male af Fiaa Sheas
$1.76 Bomeos
at $1.33.
Oxfords go at
$2 60 OU
Orain Boots
at $1.88.
$1.60 Shoes
One lot
$2 Shoe Packs
lallas’ $3.00
Tort Sale Jalienes
at $160.
Cola Toes
aail yaw Sqles
at 14 off.
letdetoi's Pateat
Calf aad Taes.
$2 00 Shoes
go at $160
$4 Welt Shoes
at $3.00.
$e Enamels
make at $4.60
84 pairs
$1 Children's Shoes
$3.50 Hand Tores
at 76c.
at $2.63
98 Pairs
Ladies’ Hatd Taro
OU Grain
going at$M3
90 pairs Maa s
Oae let Men’s $3.li0,
$1.50 lace and end Felt Shoes l4
$3.50. $4 and $5-llot
$1.50 Heatr Shoes
and 1-1 off.
new toes colas at $1.88
at $1.13.
This sale will continue until Karcb 15th.
TP-na.-n ~kr IHb?i3c3jl?XCll.
118 Front Street.
«»wlr r*r r • Week ■
Wwawe Bwd Tbeir Urea.
ilnent rot
$3 Shoes Go At $2 25
Biwa Peb.
Ti.rK-.-Iill.-liiIh'TlB.7snl -U*lb si,I-t&
Tn* iBTBble ouDtaiiiod to tbie pamage
II..I. ......
tbo VioeboaBbeen
oMOf .fc...
^to ha
ta l« eallod "The Uil>nr<:rs In„th„
pm aome ct U under a gtoaa
a watp waa conSned, The Inaect Im„crn.eBt ibcp bad the oppor
medlateir ibowed algna of anger, na^ lonltp. Tbe pataUe is dlfBtuH of rxbta InbHcuort It itnunatoral
pnaon. ^rfurmnarlc aeems to contain un to
Onr gale of 33^ per cent off was very saooMsfuL The clothing is moTing.'bnt
After a abort Interral be seemed to
Kigbilr uodrratoori. it. bowwe most extend the sale SO day# more, giving still lower prloee.
bare glrea ap tbo nneqnaled eonieet In
r. bee no lujunlca.
deapelr. for be top down on bto _b«k
iwruble ooutnlna n tawoo f«
Mo merchant can poMibly sell gooda at the price* we are offering, but we are
and. bending op bto bodp planted bto
Tbestnrp U nniqno. A bonaeobliged to do this rather than pay heavy freight for mowing.
fUng twice Into bto bodp. dying in a
ooipiora lalxinti at diflermi
few momenu. Bubeecuent eiperlmenia bou„„f tta dar. an.l when tbe day s
prored that this was not a single cnm-.
l> d>«ie he r>y> all the aauie
all the waipt alleging ibemMlrea to «ags«. Tb.-nmooRi.ri t-ouiplaiD. bnl
death nfier Bndlng that (tap eonld not be aileocos (brm br telhiiK tbfui tbat
ronniiwr tbe paper.
t>« bus paid tl>«m all ibai lie pnimised
------------------------lo pap awm and thal be bad n nglit to
NrrtUM BUtr reel Lww«.
il.iwbat b«pi.ewd wiib bis..wu WitbRemalni of tbe largest reptiles tbat ool gning iiilu d.-lails tbr (lolnl of ifae
ever lived were dlacovetwd In large (arable lies lu lui> fact, the first lalewnumbera recenltp bp Ur. Lnmbe. P. U. rve bad been bired ftw pay. Ibry bad
B . Of the fMlogleal aurrep of Canada, mnde a contract to wnrk eo lung e time
Ur lutmbr apeni two monthi In the (,.t ao moch wbk«<s. aud ihty tif.-lved
Red fleer dlstrlrt. oortb of Uedirlne tbtee wages. Tbe later. lutorves were
Hal, In tbe nortbsicst terrllortoa of told to go to work, aud wbal uas rigbl
|raeada..aDd aa a reault baa secured tbet woold be paid. Th.-r did «>. trust
aome apIeodlB foaall remains. The foa- Ing to lbepuuero.ily nf tbe li.iUi. Iii.ld.-r.
alls are the remains of dlnoaaors fouod and ibey were not disa|.|«Jiuto.1. Iho
In ibe crelaceout rocki. The diboeaura <xvwsi..d ”t tta I’amt-le proves this lowarr reptiles varying from twenip to tor|*eiailuii of li to ta .twrecl. It was
algtp feet in lenph. Bome of them had spok.o in answer to IVier't .|oeM.-«i,
them borw. one over tbe eoee, tbe "Wtai stall we tavv." for bavii.g left
mber.ne.Mhe epee. Tbep were eltb.r all .» folh w Chriid. lie toll, tbeo, .bat
.us or camlvurous. and aa- they .ball ta amply rr|«ld. hot at tbe
.a Mare
““*« «'“* »»»•' ‘tam
oaore Ike
isr maa.umNw.
------- -against Working
only Inr hire. Hktc err
Cbristiati workert thiwe wbo laleir for
a Pr>«*e VltalHp.
wliu lHir.r fur love to
A grass snake of about iwetrtp-foor
Incbei. kept tn captivity, had noi fed the Ueater. vulltog lo leave the vjanition <if reword emlrdy to His hands. It
for thre« waeks It was then given n
is rvidrul lu sll tbal tbe iellar will revery Urge aperlmen of tbs common
ocivc tta to ller reward. To ».n (b«y
frog, fully grown. This wns swallowed map not eewn to do as muteb as ih^r
at once. In tbe usual wap. bp taking wbo wewk f-w wages, but i.nd j.i.lga tiweer t-e»aev.
Ibe bibd leg first
lo about an bour
A genilenur. «.>u died al U .os. and a half, tbe frog was abotu a third not ao much bp tbe uppareul aiuounl of
Braace. left a ><«.. > ol fs.utw lu eve «f Ibe way down the snake's body. work d-oc cs t-v ibi- lu.itlTe U>< k of il.
li-a.llheniotived. iertuines
fttoads. the Bjoi:e, to be apent on din- Then on the snake being played a lib Wilbliidai
me snaae ue.ng |..e7rv, „„u ,he reward.
mward. Kv.ry Utoirer will ta te•an served lb diCereol rewteurenle.
We have a large stock of Oenta* Farniablog Goods that we will tell leu than
gad at M<-b maaJ a <eruln diefa to ba and handled, after wme mlauiei the ,rar.M for work dtme, but ta is lo-ai
lump began to move rapidly lownrd Ibe
„w,rdHl wln.wubout ibongbi
aatra and a rertsta wloe. of Wb1rh ta
heed of Ibe snake, tte momk ^M*d
nnseih.hly gm-e bis life to
Ten dosen ICen’a Underwear-ghirte only—all wool, 76c, 66c and 60c, for twen
vaa vrerp fond, lu i- drunk. Kunhere frog, ruber oB color Christ ont "t grsliluito eud love lo
•ors, bts meiaorr was to be toasted at
ty days, at 37^0 apiece.
1 very happy look'lng, but qulie cbrivt W Hi. IgVo and-.mil.'.dmim. the Bve romtuDtoBs were to
able to bop about lb a shufBIng fashion,
} Tt,is iwralils oonuins a liwe.ni for
Btae iB black . Imtvrs ged black glovn. ihougb decidedly abahy on bla lega.
idli-rs. No preuiium u plai-ed opi’U idle
Wkd aoiei the room preceded bp s tea
OBd tbe music of at. acrordluo.
weak aswtoii as they bud tbroppurlanity
Two eounirp ciergymU bad agreed todoeo. Tbt-rv is o<> iuiimaiiou Ihtb
a WoBav biaks.
tn eaebange polplu on s certain dale, ibul we may |Hit oB till lato to lileecrvAa Baslisb par-er aa)a tbai iL.
tt g rerialn ebon aighiad master «i One of itaetn made the following solemn tooforCbrixi and then to-rewarded av'
Pipa blew oB
sed as be Man- announcemniii to bto coagregaUon on folly asthosc wto. ooummto ibeusvlvi*
lo Christ al ao mrly age. Tbe peri.ols
ai ta pursuit a bis. i ben daabed-tmt of tbe Babbuh prevtone to tbe ri^t:
-Uy dair brmbrea and edfaurs, I at wfaiob tbe diffeimii laborers were
tta gaiewip. Ibr arboolinaater aaw
Aa hoa. aad ttoogbi It was hia bai. have the pleasure of auUng Aat on bir.vtnan tave nolblng at all to do with
all JCtoa wos atoclrlflrd bp tba next Sunday mofolng lb. Rev. Eacba- the diSereol j-riod. lo n msa'i lito | ~
ppen to be to ottr
apaeucto of a batlcaa and breatblese risk B Day will preach tor yoa-Let Hi Opporluklty Is tta only time fat-tor to be
fiw exaiD]i , we pn-fcT brown
•td man hnoUng a black bea aow ling two vereea of brmn Ho. «». oo.i.ldered- The actloos of ibeev le- ‘, as a rotor, ibm- to noitmaco
CO wth
»« »*«»« «*"
ana end of (be street to ihe mher. Tbat awfel dap will eurelp emne.';;
j why we obould nmdet
And H took him eome time to iU- *“*
ward eboold be auexwaiploaud toapim- ^ M wtso pfrfunrd
rover why the congregation amUed.
tta Tust uajiwltp of tu need to to
Tta JewUb peer ta«k Mtimaiaa that
be a Unto mewe aeif pouod. man }i
am la ewe Bible.
I form faiibfnllp mseb detp toCbrim.
Aan «-• ebout llJXei.MO Jews lo tbe
rial. tn«» vriUing i« atv good to
wmU. hair of them s:t;i under Busetaa
Probably W ptaeon. out af IW beBlue tteadiDgw-Matb. tig. l«-»0; lawew <d otbevu, altboogb tbep bo
JwrtodlctloB. bocwuhsiandlng ibelr neve that tta familiar
' aae owrown particnlwrlaBPiea. It wa
•tatoeale etpultinu from the empire. "Bmu aold bis binhrlgbt tor a meaa
tbuogfai wlikw. Rwd Ibe mme books,
M tta rate Is fenanl It map be said of pottage,- is Bcripuiral; box ttap wifi
tta aame pUya. wow tta aame coly~ If yon have any to aell eorreapond with tha
AbL BBbMriralip apaakiag. it to ei- look tor It tn uain In Ae authorised
18; Col. iU, U-17: -ora. ihi. wimld ta aa
iPHaalp email for us age. tu ehaare version.
U occurs In tbe ckaptsr
tirestiiig world.
Traverae City Lumber Co. We have al^o
bwadlnc at Ike Oeoera version of OeneaC goulng bigger tr-pa>'**l'f
"U'e aaut>.« we all tbinga to tta
gnaalBg with lU peers.
ole. siv.. and K to owing no doabt to
■uue vnty, but we can cotne near to
tta popularttp of that vfrslon that tta
JnalireaDdtnie nwpret liy taktog a twoWar C-e.
phrase baa obulaed to wide a carreaep.
ucde .ts mare employed
m tor back as the time of Rickard II.
Kwewwh*u Temple.
iblr gijul >r hm- f'r overTthing does
BcTibei. speitallp (ommleatoaed. were
••It te a pup that oitta of W camtg
n«xai«airly mrau a wtwk iudividtiTbe moai magnlfirwnt tomb (n tba
Mat np nith Ike Bngliab army, wkicb world U deemed to be tbe pwlace Tem enltlvau- tbo twcjold way of l.«ktoga» ,
jbe mod uncumfmtaWe people
taraded Btxxiand si that tim*.
But. ple of Karnah, orrupplag aa area of I"?**'
W.BokwTta (o ,taw.ul.l«tw tb w, who awsTi tbeir
Aowdlbto aa it map .seem, am one of niae term, or twice that of 8t. Petefa
H.UIHI Joanal. "Tliew ^d jodgn.- «* lo a hard, ttarlatve and final
to •;Ufe If vre did. and I........ .
„ „ u,<t were oonm of tom
Aa taedoo newetu-pers was epHlallp at Rome. Tbe temple spare to a poet's ta
' Itm fncAKai .r,
Mill oi„ hineiy of all .
kmdw B
fAnaanied et the tattle of B'siertoo. dream of gigantic rolomw. tatutlfnl
‘•[fewta. On ttalottwr band. Uwbrigfatoioi aaet worka
------•veaua of ,
plant foraale.
'same ar Mbtoa.
I of tme living nblem we do ksun U
A rttoa far IPbtoe -»k« place everp
I all Important iemoa. Jtod (tat it a
ygar ta (ta pariah cbardi of St. tvea.
‘ ba caldvaud admito fid BO doalM. Ii
A ttostlagdowakira Tbto mmlat o»Mtaatp rwovwra ara emHwad to A* Hmnlp a awaatkmod k
Mm taa tana otamtsd tor M ncn.
SansA •( tta HNta *( Ctaitoi^
One lot of Black Worsted
Suits, $7, 36.50, $5.39, for
twenty days ^
- $3.48
One lot Clay Worsteds,
all wool, guaranteed by man
ufacturer, $12, $10 and $9,
for twenty days at
- $6.50
One lot of Black and Gray
Ulsters, $5.50. $6 and $6.50,
for twenty days at $3 50
One lot Fine Beaver Over
coats, $6, $6.50, $7, $7.50,
for twenty days at
- $3.75
Bemember the Placeai^HAM-.^
the: fair,
244 Front St, Broseb Block
Traverse City, Hich.
E WE ARE~-"*^
I 3,
Buying Logs!
Sound Eemlock Lumber,
Maple FloorlDK,
Short Maple Wood.
liids For Saie-Sliialile For Fanns.
r a«i'iiwai:A'oi^rti
-ar-4fls ■Praataw taOa sa
aka kka a S^kt kaadarko l*4a/.
woaU rather Bat lira sa kw las St- ^
I inma •Ttr (k« fe
Ttia artTMa ba Wid ea fls vMd ~laar
diaannrd lad/ knrmowa'a aBapMaaa.
aad ka took kta Isirr. to sake kta wa/
bosa to Oasdaa Tows, walklag oa
AmA tka ATMtBf 4>aMo4B
MmmI kjr -Ow «»»t rtU.
W«a Md dlMMwtoie.
kicTer • bfMtfc of • I
Movad -mU Um ctMMtjr (mm.
•M Mnr
Vm Wofk « «■
Ak. tko m*fcl W»» •Wan***/OlM
. Wh** t MMivkt «7 fab-:
AaMralla U M Uwl cobbUt «ar ,
Wasp* >*e*si oC U« aalforaai boapt* Ik* saoa tooUd lata faor «r«^
Wltir aad dallfbtfW eHsata. Tkan ara
KHttm with kn« Mr haw.
aa bwdakipa af vaatkar. M daBMTMa Aad I «aii^ to
row Sgka
•rUd kaMU to coataad vuk. *sr tow la wadrr or aurtdlr vka».
A* a djlag maa olrki wSl
cloCkM r«4alrad. aad ckara U aaldon a
1 vaadtMsiHJoB irktavon ________
■ifbt, ap CBaatfr w laMt. that a naa
*T»l 7M tjrmJad: ** *Tla /•«. 'tla
mar Mt rail blsaWf la kU blanks aad
MU ■
Ah. tiie ol/iit waa paradlaa
WhM I fnaad B/ fate.
Tka aaBdooMT, aa callad k
tallt/ of a
A tM lA-«, .„™,n ™ CAln
wasp Of AaacralU. He baa ao km*
kaaa rococnlaad u a awwaaari erll
that U Boat lutloaa a -traralara’ hul"
la BOW provided for bta aparlal aeeussodatlaa; aad a rasaJar ntloa. aauallr
^ i^op.
fbeo 1 <wa
bn> a new |«lr of l»oia for to-sorrow."
He laBfhrd rattier Hiirri/and airode
acroaa to the window to I.K^out spaa
the rbliniirviMiia of Camdcti Town.
upon Jai-k Cbati<-rta aa be aiood
and miiM
vrtiuluw ot liU
Ilia pnrrrt
balfpeontra anti
atfuH"S a lairlikr/ iliai
waa a week U-hlod In li» i
fWs of pohl alH.De In iM wi-aiem
I too far to ba iravSad In a
Malta dar, Ua awapanan roll* biBMU
la hU blanks and raws hr the roadSda. If tba dIataBN
ba bat a law
sns. b. r.v.1. to a .siula. kollda,.
pkslm for ika day. parbas. Boder iba
It la •k'
ker Hair,
tbimitat Jai'k.
A Terr dlPtJ rhlmney atark wHlIir l
ktileniwlr In Ibr
’^hai’a inr.*' HuxiBlit Jark Mdl/,
■■atid eho’a aa far aw ay from inr aa the
And. an<-r all. *‘aV" waa.uni/ aa far
away u J’aS lane
lark waa iialnllii* li>-r portrait,
Wbli-fa, wbea flulrlivd. wn> to Iw viilr
■uKiMt to tbe tiauslns niuiiiillirr.of the
Uoyal AradeDiy.
“If tUy don t bans mi
alinll have
to Ibllik
to bans ni/wlf.'' Ja<-k Hard
ta bla more d»(>niHllU'.t mnineuta.
Her father waa a oimHm.IIIiis mil
Ja<4 waa tba aea «
ahada at a siast sum tree nod arrlvea
M tba Btatloa bosaatsd. with all
BppMsara of a louf dw'a walk. Isi u
Ika tun U aemnsTbW^AuatrmJlaji trasp la of a l/pa
wboU/ dlfferenl from tka Ismratil.
tow-brad ecus of bnmanliy (bat noa
ataoU la aosa counirlB. and from tha
Wblnlag. prnfeulonal bcgsar ot Kuropa
wad A Berts
Aa a ctaaa ibaaa trams are well tatorsed, falrlr aoral, and. u the world
pos. booaS. nc Bundowner aunda
apas froB (be real ot bU kind. Inaasueb aa be aever be*a for mouer.
Ha will aak for a pipeful of toUes
•r a drink, a sul ur a bunk, but (w
tba cola of the rralm ba dor* not pa-
airuck bla bcwd ,
a blow that alunurd bttn.
lie rerwllad bla a<
—bow be found bli fatlM-r banslni
aver bla bml. wttb a W'bilr, arar«<l filer,
wrlustus bla baiula and (T/lns. "I bare
killed biml ! bare klUrd uy tio/r
-Poor old suvernor. l ain afraid he
wna a bit off bla brad,* lourtnurrd
Jaih. aa be pondered over ibeer old
uu-muHea. -I wotsder what hr did
with Hill plituirT”
Then eniiie a Bei
tbrousb a linlf<>ii<-i
in bed. ali-k and dnard frum the blow.
Ill* faliier bad llie pinun- on the eaa.-l
■and had iialuied quUAI) ovir It.
Jaek row and etpidr over to a pile
of old akeieliiii that la/ asnluat the
One of Uiear he aeleSed wlllmiil biw
IIBlbiU. and. taking bla palette kuUe,
w-raja-d ean-ftill/.
Tbi-re w ifk a lueture Mow tbe ruiigb
I a-eul eai
i-agerl/ l'< Work, ntnl in tl
.. U.
.aw. .. .1 .are,,, .i,h . <lr, |
..a I. U prola.1.1.
TW. ...mlj. w«. loaell... ;
fo. t.11, ..►.Mr,...............;:;i zI",;*' M?
kora of semle pareoit la ibe
bauk.Tinc aft.T li«’
fair daugbi.-r. Mnm.e.T. rlie had m.i.l
n-ed a oi-nalB wirtful
look In bet
daiigfater'a e/«« of late.
-Nev. i i.iUhI alaml tbe pontwll M
It . f..hl..n ii.’e lo,
^n Auttrallani (o ai/ that the, .rt«0B turn iranpa.
Altbougb agilB>l hi. prlDrtpIn It
SUal be Mid, to tbeaundawner'a L-rcdll.
Uai be doe* aoBeeme. wori.
*i« tlSM whan oven be fueli (be oead
,.„u„g „„„ hi. „e,nev,
-Wb,. Tve i. en on the lu..k,.m for
| u-n..,,. „ur ibi.v'ii that puiur*- ili-w- iweiiij
getting wfl On him. mid I'm wire he-| baa everypkniire deiib-r Id Knsliind.lu love with lu-r"
Mr. ItmadlieaD"And y»u
“iwir iiiuiber." Vir John l»d re ny li U .x-uiir faiberrpib-d. "May kMw. Mier Kbe uuly,
-\VUUain t'baiierl*. lainlwwpc |mIii|.
l«Uk. pfll.lVe.
lu .hatl.iB|rr^^ neuadliran staed hi. gla*a.-a
H. knew Kfiihing of thIa « |||i u .lukiiig baud. He luukrd at the
niDTeraailosi aa
a be
Snil.is uui
out it pk-ntn-. tlieti
tlieli at dark
tbr Iwlliklll-s laiiip. IhIuw. but lila
"A wuiiib-rfiil llkeiie»" be Diiinmir.
srew heavy wlibiu
wlihiu blm a. <n..y,„, .,y that y..«r rather «aa
_bt uf the near •iilnpli lliiu iif l>
tVllllalii I'bBlIerl.. till- Inud.eapi- |ialm
plrtun- Hum I.filtd be B|ieak uf u-v.i,,, .JJ_u •
lu llir daiisbler of Mir Jiibu Sllveriowu. ,
-Tm ••
molbof atlll allTe>"
•Tbe fai . tu tbe Blv. aatil Jaek 10
*.h„u i ,-aa a t«l.»,-^
bhuMf. «l«wuiu-I..u.yt qiufthis a fav. that Ibl. I- her por
uriie but mm* «-aod.-na<>.I pbras uf
drm.Ddad, be will ufien
work for a few wee'.*: ur be
tidloas fury.
Wllh Ibe proeaed> be buy* bim.;elf a
tow cloths,
perhefw. and
' kna-ka
down" lapeadai tie raBatniicr In ibe
•m buata pvblle. ikiDc there are wuu
a <uiuuy to
ever ae-.tps
otbera. more melt-dual, bate a tesuUr ruulF laid out. wLleb
I from
two 1a three raai*
wa, ibay d.. nut vlel- the aiiue
e siailuB
koundlaaa and
he otstaaiunal
Itilrte viwr.
be Millet. Tin- la.lv
j,„„..i,„.j„.,.,„r\V.-aeea,audl.ellll --.tiix. r ga.i.-d Jack
U^df appnweMI him
auBdowB peiit.ui »r uf Ibe old daya,
however, baa uu. he.ume .0 arm,,
To.da, Ibr aqua >• fe.,. tbla wwidwinairamp.aodf-r At.mandei ,,i..ir.|.
Aa.ori ,0.1. a, .... of t..
airair-. nut 1 »iu uii ,
Ilanlly bad (be aerraiil b-fl (he
wlim (lie iluur wiu-n-d and Mlw. MiUe.-.
ui .-j.wlled boHUialit,
, ^-,5, Ur fbailerk." .he Wean
with L .Kt iwleb tl! M ,b!^.
p,i,„ upd .wee run
have le-.luwe,l ui«.n mv |«.r1raH, ami I
MomIww Petde Wewaa.
. .mil »la. l«r^ma 1,1.
Hand, martial ate Md. telllLg of in*
w,ldu,-A Ut*
n. -P...!,.
Turk* a...
bate -A.
war tonga cicwr'
(bos (key have
irwnalaied from <whar longcs. Oarmaa, baa much m iliary moalc and
__ tboM
_ _ la pow»'
apprwiaia the la-
J*,;".!'.” wii 'Z’Zm'm.'II'!,
» Urot Ud, la joUT mother »,k- w,u
prot-hly iwtl OD me In ten mihut.-. to
hu fc-ir m a.
'^at th.fe Cuunabh-
.................................tier ma gently ae piawlhU- j
e tbe duke of Weawi I
Thli waa loo uin* fur Jark. I . • -Hold oo. Mr. CbatterlB. for beaven'a
mke! Ilwe abe la.'"
luuk ber umvaiailns Id hta anna,
.r. ....................... ....
,RR-.i a
An eUeriy tody warn dem-^Dg from
? "S'-■■
Uibrwdor ba> d<v* ao icn-e ibai
log of amut U lie' to (baJr ne.k>
raadar them U.. iMgeroi a to men a
waaber duc>
in K.inrbatkB Ibe dogs
^ aeverr!. <n,,n,.j ,o ha„, fc^avy
he .». and ......
ihelt temper*
g« soured. .^n«s.-'iily they nr* aurl,
bmiaa apa H.eir dr em manat* them
by •tunn'iu* ihrm o.ib blow* over tba
.............. ...................
Then are ahmu
D lemaU blackamllk* la flraai It
0**r I.OW toa. o' borar-ttoek ar* AD••ally eatee to Pa;
A lad,-* fool »ho-.!d aqaal In leacth
owe aevcwk of bar heigbl
If yu.i
•a....i»i,. i. .h.,.
Ulna I0.«« muatr.-aa.
The duke uf Ws-
“ '*
•‘‘'•"■■''‘"gly re
uj-ntrU-and Jeah.u. man. and the mar
*“ .'’"u*'’'?.
giiar^l he ll.;i|.,..^aru<l, to-
. „ J
RtuaikD battle acosa art wrniaa
minor krya auu ...'‘.e.d ni bc.u,;
“I rao t-l-l w..n'i: • ehe «»hMI
toM mamma ao tbki mumiiuir'
Mr. Cbaiierto wblathul und.-r Us
•*I^ old draguer be ipunnuretL
gfls MllTeftuwn.
• quite right;
ft-PH«l Ja.-k^e^W^aoiil
» aod.l.-n la-.-j.rn. uplifted with a
Hkva niggee
■.">>*« a.woemh-iau_
-Tbaf. Just wbai 1 toM mamma."
Inlerpoiud Hlat MllvenuwD. uWli •
dlidre Atulle.
AI IbU uiumeut there cwmc a moum)
ot ruoiit. |is in Hw luswur,-. In a a,w
nod VH.. gllr.-elua-irs l.nT-.1l-ufi..>.1..f
bi^ h”’
Jack Mood rooted t Ibe groond.
Sba waa a brauilfol lady, with fbn
py.w uf tbe |>lrCiir» ami wooderful
tbe d-HW of Hie ahop.
,an m.- Wind. luii.h to (bi- footman-a
aniax-meut ami Kilp,.-d off on UpT..
b.- .•omnMii...l
lutu ,lAe ..-.A.., Mlwre
. ,1
w, i«r op a lan-gult
ilnea proof eograrlng
Just to eaae hi* fe,-l
u,^ a* he afterwai
snerwanl *al.L
Tbe <*1 tody advan-vsl luward Jark
Pbi- did not ato tbe plctore. bat anw
-My boy-Mothirvi. Hria.lls-an
daw-n in r\.s
.-I buprlvoa ^ apor.
oilu raise, he deetai
loot oM Rial
ivedhd-.r heart fatlore.
Ijdy Kllvertowo .miered tbe
“i-leared »iu ar.tur- aa Jaek afterwmnl' John tolrerM.'
apUy sumnu d i;|< lei jpitearam-e.
' 1
A'liir ii'iVifii
•' ~
Aaa. s:j.ei^8m.-t .^asox-tso.en.t; '
^ 140 Froot-St/Mt
I ..r. ign hi.m., and
Tntvene City, Mich
-♦ H. E. OIBBS
; The Practical Bicycle Builder and Repairer}
A euuJ ru.Biaa ..rjrr. .nA a
\ aca 8*. •MBolea of S
A o.Orr Wbaala BalltTooroar.
I. i-all ard cel foot Wev.-le aod have it r-iI la
,• ride lo th. .pfiar. Will glva fiwa Stor.
l.»ih. luralnc, rape. ruu... <i.n. Oirord n.
TAeuyi, upUeU.I' Werrlr eorti
S Uiumi.rn,pnria .
aiameo-e k
M].enkiug.'t Niagnri. fnil.. Ibe Boffai.. y,,,-.,* «.,» -M.m whu bare for '
Gores fitbont HedicioeANDWITU '
a l-ug l.rm- iiia.V a vtudy .rf the recot-|
,i,. f„ii- liuv- tat.-lv ei.-n .wi- ‘
j,.,,,....., ih.-Ji-inU-gratiun.d the r.wka. 1
n,„ „nlv ,u ,he .-nwA- lu ioitvof Um
New Methods
falla I. thi. .li.iut.'A-TntiuD
but at v'arium. puium in tb'e gorge belwe,-Ti'Uie (all. an.l whirl|«Ad un the
N(*l In ihe t-heatuuta. ihv perao* are CatuMilali vide re.
. , I- . ,r„
aevera! sew ewaea *dded to
ira. <« ..( recMiUio
curm inada b/
pmUt-ly tlie gi-eali-.t id .-tnirri.-ao mite
j.Uv. the marks are j
that aft. rai-ed i.rid dm«I -loite oulttw
,M, I uf .h.-.1... fth.iTuiun
utbeiw The Canadiaq
irraiment w| Hr tn ycur tot/
_________L.* «.*■.? r?' •"U’kebelo. Ibe whirlTvv I aleu indicate tbr paalsix wreka. be it nqnrawd
mmariiy luDud gwwiigj '
>» tba
riv«r lu*. wid.n-d at w.ine of ' further pHvelegr hr reierai! n, and out
stale# tmth uf New /.wk. Iht.t Jmo
j,. „,,iog tl • ben>flt of
rullBrebaa LvMS grartnally ertendrd ta
the amall iRlauih* near tbe fallii I U»ov "Vheurwbietre.lm.-nl Allbavoao-
Here nntU Feb. 6th.
all part* ol the north
I' w prodoiw
,».mewlu.t amaller within '*‘***«^ w-i-otber h.-pao larger crop, bowa.er, • .
.aotb In the laet yem- and there are etrong indi»o
what admeoto mnw
imuoiia native pi.wn tr.u i. found . "^4"'^LtW tott
which it said to be aa hardy a* tbe an- !
dropsy. aoDaumplioa.
pie and folly at prutlSc uf nnta .a th, :
liver kWy nod benrt
A. H»™.
■ rmweWablr Whist
r. H Jubn-n W W
^**'th. a. ' “"*■
A WeUer Mr Tniiy and
. _
wen playing wbiet at Huliban'g inn inthing that baa di
- I have nsod
the ulher
night wp.en a
a dmi wae •’"d wbitever
made tn whuh each playrv r
full anit uf cards It is aaid that aoeb
hand* have heew rwporled only threa
tiniM twii-e in Ldzuluw and .
New York.—Bnrtfu.*d CcLrant
jreaiMt dnng
sontb Qwrdiorr. !*««l
Me., save: ‘T have bad tbe worst cough .—* —
e?ven'*lfp a*
roarr etb, Monday, after wblA he< lewvea for L«diar<en tor a few weeks.
the'tnaBafioloieTaof nn*
i from rwornmendatimw of okhare wbil*
Ua tbe half ebtol at tba Qi
[ faaaor Ds Lnmnr. Travera* City or LadCity IngWo.Mkb-Wtheo^t^tbiweyw^
la uf It* c.aulkitg I
icMunabir oars ia oaaO. Lowavar, nod i. m. to » > m.
'.-baa hariain'e Cosgh Eemed/ taken. {
all daogvr will be avoided. Among j
tb* trna ut tbonaaoda who have mv*d ;
ttua remedy for lagrippa we have yet
to lean of a aiagU one* having rwilV
ed ie peenmonU which ahowaeooc'a '
tivrly tkal thia reardv U n oertalo
baaenneelled other eagag«mepw>v>fepfavenutiveof
ft will cure lagi
D HaaUiiMUan malo tn /oar city one week leogor. All
It ia pleoMol wtahlng k> oooawlt kar bad batter do no
snd sole to taka.
w anls.V/ 8. B. »a early mpeatobla. Aa tbsy wui
Wait, drnggUt
reebaoaod hnvlng tbs totnra rw
adtotbam. namadnmahMgtv- B
_ k
_ wlUaeUroand
trip tieketo
to IStb ^IntooalTe to *pwon r»»d ^Uetoetton tor tha pMt • ' Pebraarr
... .
■n«l 0TM lotos to Ifv Ottosas aC-
Ui^**w*M!*Bj*mId^^ E. * w.
woahs aha hna bean herw
She wfll
aforLodinctMow Mowdny. fbbfy
OaU over »U Sontb Unkm aWM
TH-.A.3;T .A.
HKire .-.r-vlally burciA are
with a..iiH- reeiimn. n.iui.,.in-i. which
m.t mill Ufkeeawa. the ori^'iii.a tlni.g
of the
hot make* it alwolnlely
i-uBa —Ou’ulidr. Juuiual.
mMlho Qaow 0^
g Nothing Nicer
A Itonif.il w.ikatiW. Atiguw F)ebtnp
ie *Mld l.>lAiive dimiiveted a OeW al^
.•l.ii i.-Bt way ..f pr<^-rTing meat, whii-h •
ba. M u a<lu|>t>-<l with AOens lu the
[t.iui.b .laoghler b..u«-» iliirin^- the U>l
The u..-lh..l j. f..nud.-d uu the
theory that d.A^Ull|■elti.lll ..f the bbiod
u aliMuet eiittrely r<«|auu>itd.> (..r the
rapid pntrefactiuD ol iIm- nniiuul ta.ly
Metin. ar.-, Uier-fore. taken- to rem.-ve
(he l.L.hl fruiu the <*arca»a imihediatelv
afl.v death aod to iny.-et (he vnaa-b
with a imhituiii of Iwiue. (Ih-entire jv«raw. ma npying only a few uiinotm It h.
Did staled to what .xleiit tbu. treat
liii-iil allt^ the ehururter 'if tbe iiinal
fmui II goAirunuiim- (■•lui of view, bnt
we awUAue that U wonliL in the cate «d
iUi|Ad-|ed ninuta. !a- far prefetwlde to
th.‘ nieih.id. Ilf iiHWt jdn.-TVa
inm iK.w ID v.-ftm-.
"M<v lu-b-. .Ur. t'halt. rlH."
•ften euuusli u> b' •eioguiie.l.
dunduwiiiiia 1.
(iuikiomiIi of ibe
•flheAualral.an .. :.h
Th-U. tiBlIliig hi. pni l.iih-ni tuB*-ther.
u- aallK.1 funli lu mil Ih. m lu llrum|.
House Furnisher.
oMBtrts. 'AualralU Mns an RoKiiab
«k*r. tbr aufidowner U uaualO a
aatlve of tbe Hrltith lain, ibiiiisk
tbare ie a aprlnkliUK of Olher aallui.alltis la pruporiton lo ibair numbti In
Of a rbanie.
At abearlns t
aie fall'or >ony
« 120 bront Street.
kora. S ooarae.
an unlurk> awr.
/S sUaAad with
loo, « he
to as obllsad to work, ajid ao Ion* aa
Ika "aquaueiw ' feed bia.
and they are Beauties.
We have about 30 different styles from the 5^
up to a bed nice enough for a King, jj,
They are the bed of the future. No one will want #
» wood bed when they see what they can buy a mnice IRON BED for.
tbe aUDoep
earth U atmnt IS ponnda to the SDaiw
ibeh, ei^DU-alent. that ti>. to a prewiire
at the lower end Ilf a nOnntnof inrrrar/ aUiai 3o inebtw high ur lu the
preuaum of a ndomn of wator 81 foet
bigh Dr W.adward of Colombia nui
remit/, in ■ uw intenwliOK Mwearchs
no ihta ime; runetndM iliat anch an
rirco at oooe a
of tbe Btnraapbere. fur thin man uiuit be gnwuw
tlian that of a la/er </ niemirv ewe
ing tbe entire eiuth ton dipib of !
inebn ur of a lu.XT of water St feet in
dejilb Dm tbe aiuimnvot of an npjwr
limit to tbe ugWe < f tbe aiiiiuepb«Oe Dr
I waa bla iiK'tber.
Wixalwaril il.i inree b> be livw easv,
Mutlful w
atlui' it i> h>-ln-ved loextABil toa beight
* rapping op tbr pi
<»rrl«l It oi ' to Ur. Rnuidia-ai
of al»nt lUii iiiilie and roar i xiat in aa
albiinaled form i reD loaeveral thouawUilaof m.t.-s - the |gnblem ta-iug fur
tber eoiiiplii-:rt-d by tbe fart that tbe
'.'.‘' “ISr.lm for ntueepberi' r.iUtm with tbe earth. An
oub-ome uf the iDvaUigation* wadi- !>/
yiU ksnnd
u Iwi.d/ Utat the
"rhiu-k «pr’ rndled Mr.- Ilnw Hewn,
of the atu<e|iherruiu»l be greater
loiilh and
a ' Inw
thanuiieulieJ: .-k rut tbe ftHas andIbrew hark tliun om-miili.rtiUj
the cutire
entire imuw of
Ibe |ei|-r
| lw..|ve.|iDuar,xl:li uf tbe
. 'U^a lbe u.la.lus Ulllal.r- . Ja.-uUl.al ^ tbe earth
Mr. llo»dU-aii.
wlae palmed It upon bla heart, and.
luBitera wnrae. Ibr eaavaa waa
- make
1y SnI.lied
eau-t so on ladiittBs In blsb llsliia I
aad paltius ihi-m out asnln for many j
more w.-eka," lie niuaed sdly. "and I
• old lady la alr^-nd) la-slnulns tV]
Uttoa. Ha la a conientad philoaopher.
with all tbe Insin'ia ot a oubleaiui
o. Ih.
Pn*aj«tlr ihai peBilenBa tbivw down
l, U aarvad out to aver/ applk-aot.
U oibor plaew. sore dasoeratle.
I bta aoat I
tah|a la tha sao'a tuariora. Ha eaa
alwa/a dapaad apoa bU auppar. bad.
ABd braabfas at anr aialloa; and ba
I bow OB bla Satb *
arkaa ho kMwa ba win as ba larwod
aaapt/-kaBded-la the whita
I.MM..A •I.W
tombdar be bad •tiiraMl
thia ranraa ^
aroniMl to tbe ll^i, rrvraUnx tbr fas M
of a brautlfnl woman vunderfull/ ^
’’adaUea*' (raaeki s a
O.. I.
WttklB his. -........................
ks* war ffOB Faik laaa.
Id ihlskln* erer >he fatait ka
tboQ*bt at the pas; of bla father, who
had died aome /ran Sore, aa mnaecaaafal, eccsmie. Btracrtlad artWt; e<
hU Sbther. who. hk faibor told kts.
diH) aoou after be waa tioni.
Oae meBurr awoke aaoibs. tlU In
bla'Bind be Idratlfted bla motber wtUi
a pktnre that tiwd to Wao with lU
fare a*alas tba waQ of kla Utks'a.
**••••**•♦******•»«•**»*******«»*«*******:J We have just received samples ot
• our new line of 1898
BatownHalt I
TUB iioxnxa iiBnoin).ctbbpabt ». inr
■ It) Wkatlt.tkM«toti
to ■!] skHU 1 . .
I *-W«a ptrtapA BtiB. I bST* u MMk-
M» C«TV. iSciUQMi.
Vbn the dWMdoa of the w
St* briI.7VuWI. . ft. how
to) «lioy.op oom. tho Ulw-w SX.,—i.iW-=«7tHf-ff
-Kow I tmyw
klora oj oU Mml
TUREO non VARlOUft suoa.
j Whca tn» gntm I
ofhtotorr « ^ wwo th« orkwry
u old tHtow who hTT. tbm: h»;««»« “k*
who h*ro ml. fc«e»at eiinimmsieVm—e )""i"
____Tho KcfptlohB.
better uiu ■w«Unv'«
—.r. Oh.
---------Mono to OB* of lb* tow«n>; the tow*r |
- ....
WHl satlos into ihe.irei. “you fc,*#
OBOOCh to Here boh tad np CfllMCV »«* beoi hothfWeyJp
. ' O'er tbe c4ror wiwd dowiiliiri«N> oo. the oODtheoBt comr. .Ill
kIt* joo
■"*Or the to«w Might thw' lb* ro----------- a card to him. Go aod
awl at*
m* him.
dellaeotiosa ol the tolr
thlr oaa
on U
U a , UH. OrWRti ei ftidey. Mar*
him He le
«d Btobt
' OC the loTo^trMb mckttag*!
Maay iwepto wlU be nuprlaol to . _
.,. . will Dot aritear --------- —
loan (hat a aae haa beoo (oood tor TMt-hMtar thaa aacoTe oaoc
wDomo-tlke liucnita- offhaod. Aad aomebow. do you knew, (roir bortey.
■or ttoaod the eockfooch. FW yeara
*•“ with • tore dlrtaeI OoUiiie gar*
rrJ*Tr.~ *?'r^ T
U the Heat (hat wakeo io thtao eyea hto. .rhUdtoh Uoeh.. aad bis eyes danced the Uitto btokea IncUteete of life ofi<-a too. toeed their trine. Tbo eartlest
lUon of wise tat ibe Bible la a rafwhaa hreaka
la elfiata gtoe. Ue Digtat baee known
o.dMd hlw wtU borax, ptoatar of < My ooM from mf lip* h
; or nott. ag at that rcry
tnmembor that I do nil kind* of fW
a Tlaayard and
■wort* aad taaect powder. Now tho ta■iooS"
t™.k .M. a.
T«. pnlring and enamellnr •>«> ikat I Shto
Maa or* turaad. aad the iaaeet phyaica
-What eon to her I naked.
and do r**e y«" *ke bent work of Mf
ra say that Uoctara
“WrU. be I* old. aoeer. a t^arartec.
<me In the cHy for the moMy. Itam'b
ad oooksooab ta good for •[***■■»* ..a
------^ ......----- Yoa
.... ,must
be poncUU...
... —
be deweioed by whgtgthen toU you M
Romans, whooe cumotnary ^ak was the eoatoury, hot epmn aad non Inr
win*, often mixed It wttb aan water. youruoU.
IgwaruMeoay my worktoW rigSto
1 tb^ are ouioe thing* wny. yoa wlU hnra no irotoie drdlng Incomplete drama* .n my mind now. and rain water; boaey. anH watar and aM It Hdaaonotptwewae t mote »
u . «uK. oi .wrti
me oawlIBag to.any aH the room. EnlA- from either able. I bore not «iulie Biled <Hit tb« whole Tlaegar: and a mlxtMr* c* honey sod
>at.adas lor a faw days. Tweoiy dropa
__out In mini.
walk to the mIddU of the lung had. clrele of the plot from the eioaU are myrtle seed.
In ISI a e'eloA eeeey oewnMC
rower wo*
10 vuv.ee.
the raatv»i».
out Into vu.
the court.
my noiW. but
<af thtollqtdd oa a lamp of sugar oagbl j * ^*,”0“, To"w«
w 'the^aootl
OOtDOaWl then .u>
u w
■. ,whlcb ha* come under
Homer speaks of a win* to wblck
atid after that In at anoioer dnor^l ahaa pertapa."
. U dtoarai away the worm attach. Of (oner turret of that atone' boUJlng
a at meek water could bo dos WidisB; M B
be tu'med and amltcd again
added. The Roman ioeer. wbfto drinkvery In- tag to bU Udy. ofian dmok a* maay
•I'llte caps of wine aa tbera were leiiers ta
k-*=“ her name.
Warm wuur was »ome.. Mit t^K-k timeeres.rded by the Rc-tnan* as an
. MM with tb. worklM cu,*m t. Bu.“
> us? Yi«> It to I
It time abould I enll?“
" *^7’* e - agreaable drink at tbo eonclumon of
- ton. If oockroaeboa wlU cure ua. there
ur first chapter open, on a winter'.
■ tbe chief mcoL It U har* —
to ho roaaon why spider* ako'uld not be -daTaiwutNtoW
If t
W *u^~io find him ta *l>uai thfl I. neither here nur theft-, perltauk that this was not ta the aamraer time.
I At all eTeot*. there v ji» as alarm ..r fli
ttat* hour.
Famous among drinkers were (be
__ and I
“Very good." I anld. “I will go up nuonded sbnnl.v aft-r v'lrt:-‘cbl
Stepped lulu Kroadnay.
Vikings, whose ttauora were ale. beer,
I-'eljrunrj- matij yearn agu- I »
nnd mead. 'q-osSbc ale
w .Mwiw vm.
____ ___ _____________________ ________
-- --- far from here.’aiid was Ji«t win*
- apideru even ta king*' palu-e*. but
tb«;r enemies formed
t>y witb ...elr betas mufled ta tbo tolTodocIng
lotrodaclng me to
U Klcbola* Penuy. coming borne when I henrd the c..m- ,k,iu
Mays.we eon trace them 1a Innocent- nnow* .lorrn: tbe Mil newspaper offleen >taq.. ami. I left......................
- hlm-nol. bowerer.
be- nioUon. A* I reached tbe ».ii------------ the chief lUrucUons of the |
n - tag down Fifth BT.noe. I
■ hooking ttacturea sxd aagsr plIU. Tnr• City ilaU . tuaiv tilMleu uod Ion- I Usd time-------------------------Vsihslls.
dltvcUnn of
oatala pltala* to n OUe tbai should b* ,i,oae from their tbousau.l wlmlowa ; lug umlle as It eantohed from hi* e*grw ; m<,ke ami fipmiw
blgtnry we find a
dwsy. ami burrlc. 10 ibr scene
( Itruadway.
•OrthnfortuneU well sdverU.ed.anda aud t w*. .lowlj-turning toward tbe.-__
love for drinking prevalent among the
. hiilf a duo-n rciujui; 1--I1*.
MMUm prepared from the royanle- Part place .uilon, when I saw what . In }e« than katt M boor I w
“Wbrii we tvBcbed tbe boiel tbe people A drink nuieb ta deiaaad ta
lha CTMt bird-aattas spider of Mailoo I guessed, eren nt that dlmanee. to be tag ttaablngton aqonre in the r»«Mi
tbe util- flantes w< re iqtri giiig out o( th<- thIM- the time of Chaucer was hraekm. made
a familiar figure crass tbe brlUlaut gloom, with the gt»y bulk
A certainly n
floor wlodowa. Tb'-re dut uot sn-IU «> 3t the wort of al« honey and .pk-aa.
light of one of tbo higbest wtmlow. on ’‘rtwlty t >ng before me.
tnan. Our choice, however,
be an.v loiuH-diaie danger to ib. Io- By the time of k.dwar4 TV drlnklag
place entraiKv. pu.li. tbe other side of tbe s<iusn-. It wss to
to tbe
tbe Wavi-rly
Tb. fire - a* evidently r»«:iu.-d
; Bned to giant spider*.
In tbe bravr, clnoglug door, and wal
. _
I ______
CoUlus. No one else moved about
productive cd crime
The garden spidv, with Ibe gold or room In Jnst that lojitag- dartlug mau-. ed along tbe low balL as ColUiis di- to on- Ttwotvom*. Ku.ld.ul.va uuiti. that few plarea were allowed moc*
partially Ui-rai«-d In ev.-otag orem .or
•liver body, no common ta tbe sum* aer. I knew It was bis offlra. and I - reeled me: then I turned to tin- 1
imrtiully midr<'M.ed I sbouk: nit. for than two taverns. London bad to ha
I tiH- very mau I wauie-l Into the area, and next to tbo rl;:lit
r Will yield a usefnl preparoUoa—
Under th» Stuarts
‘^'itnirr*' l*hufTled“or.to anotb^r ball of tit Gliding. TIh-i. .
iTcr Bamed Oatf
r omy truat to the bomoeopa* ' [. Park Row nnd was shot ui> to bis began to climb the Stairs. tbr>-e or (oar cnai>. ri!Shi-d to tbe window next the drankenoes* was at ita height. Thlrnt
- thle pharmacopeia.
A few of thee* fioor
‘ lllghla. Ul by a stack-, fttckciing xn<
l»e room iMirn- ,„b-c eulm ta dlsttacUon was largely
inserts rubbed down ta a mortar with ■ -|(uUo.
nmn- bttsy*~
I !«'<
®«‘'k one. . At tbe
' top of th.-*c flung It op.-n, W e saw toe
fool >m
as .1 tbougUU
Ing behind bim. He pot one
• m htUe wlrtt. will make a “moth-,
I was ta tbe tost ball
to*hto bottle capwdty. wbita Indies
. ____
going i!
ta to It;. au-l tbe
__ -...............
aU. Make a ro|>e. mate
a rope.' of the esurt tbougbi it no shame U beXXTST7ZUA.XTOXL
■ ov.
— ~ ..u
- - - - - - - I CoUlns sai uuoer an eu-ianr ».«..
iigoi. ■
have made Mme mis- aemeone sbomed from below,
dilution* cun be prepermL U this wiU p,,, of abrar* In bl* hand abd u see '
Inebrtated. Tbe throe mr RveO P. CARVWL AfOSA
•at aufloe. tbe btack curMO* aplder, of papi-rs loaatag round him. He |mn* ■*“” '
bottle men was an object of envy
eiMl of Ibe hall a space blacker than n^ted tbrongb tbe window
Jiram V/mt
West Indian orange
onage grove., «
or ed the rro
red n*to
balr mvc
tech rtom
from n^oranraa
bis forehead
leUowa. Indeed, the m
accom of H»gnm
op..ntag high •]. from
u^. iro'pnitag a. he f-IL
: hto leUo-a.
(he gray aplder of Kroiuck,. may be
«oor to celUng. like . goeg.- Id th •,
fn.^d. snd I ro.h«l for-! garth are b.l e aideUght o tbe U)
•sod. according to table. Tbe bomoeomouinalna. and right op this gorge ih- „-anl be lay tuoaulng pu
on ,be
Ibe puveiiH-ni:
pwrenH-nt; Signs were hong outalda
outalda tnvsrn* taaarrow tn-ads of yet anoi.ier amir
(pp. \o.
Tbt-n fomtac tbe thirsty wayfarer that h*
grant ladybird* In the sam* way as J^l'^Suddeplf
a> he dropi-sltbe
dropissl ib« ahestw
sbeaiw K.®'*'”*
awoon.d. and we rased him v^-re »ould get "drunk lot
----- - — ..... —
uv- i«*. V—u* -w—« —•— — ( -u*-n arun. xor iwopeoce.
Mtaerx They atoo gel aa essence from
bl* Ion.
nothing for It but to vonUif. I p I uiomenu But be- turo*-d on bln Hde.
ended with tbe slgnlflcUBl
tho Oolorudo beetle—the taaect nblita borridly through
.. .
^ ollinliHl.-Kti4> bv Hen. until .ndib-D
rsliied tbe potato crop, a lew years per* be had been cll|q>iug.
_______i>( ll'chi at tuy feet, a llitk, wao a is one thing to rob tbe bee. "Ixwk bore, look h.-tvl This I* what ibe IrCt. told me I inuH t« on hto Und- right“hanr**Tl.wood bl. - nivni. awl
B» I (ll'l SO tlH- flKlteriiig flagon, caugi.t
Mto nnd secure
SI a <bln gold •'bala round hto uei-k. ’
"What arc yon k-vking I
tooagy, bst H to rather hard lines oa
Mopped quietly to tbe door, felt
i, and p|,x-k«l lb.in>--l'.a
was no iongar 4 corract I
“Sotuetbiug I fonml thin afcriK-ou.
m a week .pa*m. grasplug w.poor apts melUfica. to turn her Into It'a a romuDce: a wboh-wtor.v of forty for tbe knocker- n huge Mrt affal.*.,
___________ ;
mieditiue as well. But she baa to go ta ^Ira ^rtbe mt^tTarUtai pU';”S
oia-ucd ta terror and . wailing, brok.m
n-al ukv.
Ufe. /\u*j
Aud uo.
not ■
. 'N-are
chair moved lualde.
‘“O ‘
with tbe real, and yield her life In the flctloa ta rv'ot
voiev cunii- to u« >ue .tm i sc ...... I -The Burmese Will aacrlBroaiy proa. 1
cstme of eclencc.
Of courae. anyone brad- to It; O. flow felows OidB t ............................
__ know bow to B'ke up a
Then step, came .jowl; Mopping al
; pert of money making
a feast.
who has felt n bee's sting knows wbst
{ i-i II am
ha ‘ (FumNlug all the Uiue and rumiuag• porerfal drug lu pa^n
. a moan aga'u ai-d be wn» quite MIIL ; Thera are called plvyaTSd often the [ tu;ui *»
I lom 4 m
' tag with that aggrt-aalve band ! "Now. door to me.
, enteruinment Jg rla^raf. I rewm- I
W* taiher
“Mr. Uconyr-aald I.
' bare luui it. When.- ta the name of
“Yra. air."
We tbmigUi’: bei- k®tag to og*”'to bjper Buri*a. Tbara j N
-hlv# of bee* of their ailng. and poUon. „tcu-"
Hto meibod recommended in book. '
Then be awore feverishly ta a high of prcs,nilr.g an Introduction from my
•va* *1 U
me a.-td etuik-d, as If we w .-n- old ae-; the hen nor xbc guMi. danced: that
2 3S
lOtnple. but eacinng Tbe bee.
door gntiuraL
Mr. rolllr.r
qualiitan\-<-a. My friend.'b.-told.-yowl
have bran undlgnifled.
The q'3 *«
"Ah. brae It to. look at that, look frl.ud
'toacuughi In a bottle as they leave tbeir
-fertainly. Mr-rartatajy: nod very
.........1-...i, it.'ami
i d*»c«* ware paid, aad they twirled '
t thatr
.toomc I0 the morning. They are then
plftst-d to rae you. t-M. Walk In. Mr.
iiMilful mward
It Mipl*
pl*rtL I , .
s«..L.*.n« aa /wwrinn
tocprlvad of their poison bags and
high be tvn* dr-cd
rnttaga^ by moans of scissors, and iba
ibfi Are: yon must U- chilly. A dlaLia teupleu ta bl* excih-ment.
■srond portions are tusked In spirit was Dolhing but an old ncrap of un- agree«it«U- eventa," to It notV
, nwCoarara r»wr*.« ttw prtvtirae at
which rfearat** M* itoe w .l>*»
m thaar
••Yctk It to cold: out you ai« vc^y ptort- #f Jewrt work.^ Emoktag to tha only tblag
to make a itactvre.
bcUevabte romaiHV be bad uueanhiM.
They , htora*r*.
^ •rrewi.
coxy up here, all by yourwlf."
Her* he aroae anl went to a caWmt, tbe Burmese
Besida* Insert*, other queer thing* it Md no powibto use to him.
"t»h. yi-*. snug .-tiough. You nee. J in the corner.
the early age of three, t ■ w.
•TO used Ih medicine at the prCMSt be was alwayo a tiuder-box of eo have
the wbob- .ower to my-e-lf. ania'I
A very rurton* piece of bandb-rart. . ggj tber smoke tbemaelve* into tho
To glv* only two example*, rem* ihtwU.m. and flrvd like a cbild
a* It to. ...ere to no one Mn- on the
nu will
next world, CirU smoke quite aa ar- ,--------------------------- -•die.
foUtaa Uan.. |«.r<U-uUr autuc floor. 1'bat to oonietblug."
-Mie. are prepared from tn4 .iaifi*h »*“■“
duoualy aa tbe men. and a* tbe cigars : tf^lw */*«* af\
Wc dn-w our chair* up to the fire. ftiinge you i»u--i examine tWa.
The coal* fell in ih- grate, nml a are big. many a prrtty month la atrata- ; V-iUAWrtgtk
,^he flreptort-. Itke Ibe rocmi. Wa» 1
•ably that of (be cobra, tbe rauleaaske
ed to accommodMA a gtoot cberoot.'
‘'■“■•row and Mil. with a amaU grai.
adder-l| Buffledmes used, .tip with hto hairIir^aony jwnioLalliy,
»..rld to-l..« n*. iHJt the r.Mm was very
t» Ibe
a a great many drug* of anl- , ao that 1 never re«^i-all it wlibout fv-<-llug
. the fire n
'u'^' VVT%totp,^^
a large
being experlmeuied hi* c.vra hurnlug iniu me wiib in- faMdomM
tos-n Mxteen n, twelve and wa. very
A Uerlin newspaper aaya the order*-----I Indian^
deime people prophesy that credullly aud dellgtii and deliaiuv and
' - ‘ — -H be bauUrtI me that l«»ra
of decoration borne by the Bmperar of
All’the upper wall* anu the .sjllng e-Pu rough anil
New York Journal of half
are worth
... .. iK-auiiftil It l».“ he raid.
^ Germany
p.sliiti-d a heavy darv
blue, wlit. tj
•re p.tliitiM
bi* tli'ger. dwelt on It groily betore be n,,rk, ( a little over CSO.OOOI. Hi* prln-WBai the Bride naM.
*|t..«.-.l tin all the light fue
As be RuiU. they made little dlsplav
al and moat vi.ued decortUona are;
ai»l »««• randic ta a sOver candlc-Mlet gave it to me to handk-.
An BoKitoh rural clergyman says ‘ gf'VMrtUng'
A* he lurm-d bavk to the eabitiel fer
t inaigma of the Black Eagle.
ghat one day a bride atanled Lim by
„ i r,.meiub.r. ws. tidd m
o-\ “■<
was -u one rorn.r. au<l ili.- rouieblDg the I.IIV .-8*^1
f Qr^p,
Su John, of the Garter and of •
•ramtol(.c. In what xhe .uppo-.-d ;o be Umt brief, aober way which baa aince entered
flrv-pLioc ta the tiih'dle of
(be tobu -:e of ta* prayer book, to become almost vxttuci
w** ......
‘irvetly nmw»ltr
oppnelte lh<
the tlreplaiv
take hei hoehaod "10 'ave and to old paper men.
u waa the ta.-e 1 had aeeo flee ...l-i- ctosse*. alare. bodge, and blher Inrlile dnllbli' uiK'rwity bung wilb
» a......... 7j*'..........
ei.« u-fme i».-plUB I.. IW.-.-U On- dull tignU. lU 1* aaid that be take, them l» araaC Rsyie*
ft«B th.s day fornl'l for bc.leier
h<-.-ivy p.ir..er« which Wi - cl.*.'
Iwrae. fur richerer power, in alg.:c:iieas strange dimsivcry tna<le liv .o:ne work
q be ohl g.-nll>-n<an (alki-d eaKiiy.
..r It to' a m 12 to!.!!!..
men wImi bad IK-.-U reiwlriiig o
with a »miu-. tpreadtag out hto band*
keakb. to love rberrle* aad lu bay " tbe tower* of tbe tdd buIMlt
n- d JiiM tbe one
The roCer contatnins (be deceratlona ,
What meaning ihta ex-.raordlnaiy vow
"f>b- of
crargeM. s« well aa the is jn tbe cunatan-. care of an offleer of
eonveyed to the woman', own mind. ra^^MU rtberud rome m oJ s dto
/.I' pto<T-. and 1 OI.IJ wali.-d tbe opportuni-| wl-wt. prov.Mm - -r n.nt.iiv. to that the eouf!. wbo aecos.i'anle* the kaiser i,; Kk ■
te IO im. n-M him ta that dlrtwtlon.
,.n..eel* .be d.w d.-er. «« well '.a everywhera
' ail*""'
Ob lerurntag to Berlin tt.mbricked up and rw.igbly ptoster.-.!
"Yee. 1 said in reply to hU laai to- ! secii<- oibcr feniato animal*,
; On the «lf>*i*t floor, roveroil wlib
mart. 1111- atnj.**plic re of om-'a luir- mle* uf tb- car
palpable duM. chdbcd in hiy ailk
v,-ry Jesel* a tbe ueaaury.
Arwsa kaeIC*.
r.-uudlturs .* I ero ImperMnl than the ibr i* rio.» wbe
i msu
•.-•irn-uudmg* ibeiuarlvra: don't you
_ w-utuan.
I boie. wbi<-li
•ntoably w(iuld\.} m|>aiblxe witb the
tlilr-K nO
Bngltob blabop who aaid recently;
-Ab. ye*. Indeed: that to very true' temto into
tlon had come tiiton berXS gently. *o
rising abrupUy from tbe sea and form- GfUld RtplDt It IfidUOt K. S
i a-ick. Ul wl.lrh to
*^e two things of which 1 am ibe furtively, that her body wu* aluioM
-And yiiurattno«pb«re ber.' to ao ro mioaitag '
s small Island. Upon OBC of the'
a —, J
0» ULWCI I'UI*-.- .erealid
»-u.« — —
—---moat tired are “The Church'* One utimarred. except frilie dlnglnew* of
abould Ihmk. j wrong odor- Onllnar.ly. when tto-d->-r
gf , i rock itandi a t
ar emvwl as< aspaiesr* *1 iraiMwsXi
FoundailoB' aad cold rhivkea.
Tbe w-bere efae toy. or there had been aonie
mteroaliocal letter box Of
Hild ue louunu-rable
liymn seems always to b* cboBen time. There are reoinl* of such lut»«it
»®f« ^ban SOO miles from aaydlMoliiitoa to
,1 lEEEE lEEISieEl El
But li.- fraxn at this: gnthen-d bia
tam. umt resemM* Clvuuatlnn. M 'aawan sawaasaw* ra
with floUe ektrsordlnary nnaniml:
Ibe preto-nt e*N-hmi been dui
from the htoxo and
for N-rerol tm.nib* after the to the cc.rom oI captain, paaitag
provide cold chicken tor Icncheou.' |«orbetber
tbe eealtag nf the narrow room!
« hie (w« or three time* tu-tar.- fawn to born. Tbe rl.-iod*. if gbod* round
und the
tbe Horn to seed
send a boat ashore | a^a---a ua»aua^g- aa
---------chemical m-siment of ber body nod ........... .. and I raugb* a andden buntthM point if posaible. take whatever' ig vaBkEEBEBIIliEEflllll
OawMB BoraeBeiatBre.
garm»ntt after death, wa* all tuirmlm-.j *'•’ gUxrwe >trUe out of fce.plug wi.b
of’^r ta tbe track, and no d-j. niail
going ta
_ tha dlrectton of ta# '; J
ill to colag
Th* carrier who serve* tbe Klondike j,g,
»»* tbe tact. On the duMy ; 1*1* cTmrtly -1 -meaoor.
Brt even the beM deerhouifd. to aide
whatever It to .
Moggrt to aubacrlbera ta Dawaoa baa floor, to a Uttle rpartment acarceiy! I!.- n-cub.' to cwoalder before he
.b*Ur»ta the other direction.
MBBlderabte trotsbie ta ftadtag tbeir larger than an ample taatb. aa If she ra‘d;
**^."‘*^®'*.^-..*.A.eUlnra.r. had fslleti ta a fnlul. witb one-arm, -Y-ew. yra. Indeed. I believe there are foUow the trail of n female bear with
TW Danker ClBb.
SilS^ibtl ta ta* auba^tion
alwoad and the other hand at'------- --------- - ■*— — »“
cub*, and perbap* a deer atoe.
A Connertlent clergyman oa a recent
v7« .Itt. the aereea •»" throat alept ycong branty. arrrai
Sunday gave out lb* followtag notice:
h«>k: -m* cabin w^
ed in mid ptosanre (ao ahe tookedi. ami! '10* : ar*- L-snnIly they have been a
ta aa* Ita Tr~a
4oor.~ • “tb* atob boitae fadng tak
,g jure** while tbe bawv,
‘leal ' V UlKbvd-s goon dral ein"Tbe regnUr session of the Donkey
. raclty la a dIScult arcomPart* conltina man* tree, t
rlw." -Th* Mg wnt with two atove^
rntal-lec ta tbe atreeu bMtobed.
club WlU be held, as usnal. at the eloee
totaea.* anu “the eabta three door* b<dow. It moat have heeo the tikt pJ<vi;r.'eui.
rtty It
of this service. Members wlU Use np
«s of where all ta* dog* arr-j pathos ai^ wlstfuinW of bratuy-tbe ’ ABd be turned to me -with tbe c
sn- prln* pall; J-t
tl** church door, make rD
dowy (oreHneea. wtnulug ami wtoe smile. I said noth- S^Uul.
anatebed away ftom tbe mMm of Joy} lug. t-nd be relapaed Into bto acmede oPthroe kinds-ta* cheatout and eca- marks snd star# nt ta# women who
and gayely. *o untimely, and not even of con«lderatloc. waiebtag tbe fire. It rta. sticb as line tbe rhiin|i* Elys-e*. pass, aa to their enstom. Any member
I ilElt • Ml KdlB
The iraniporiatlon of prtooner* U allowed ‘ta* eommon boon of oMIrkm. vra* )-i*i to r“ that a eorleiia thing bap- and Ibe lime tree, which grow* in known to escort a yonng woman to a
'C|Wtaow w wota ss.e
y bead Isick on the each abundance In tbe Boto it Bon- church Uke a man and all with ber
uar .... o...U> M
; »bm
d. I Vaoed my..............................
[ibzse 8 ss« sggg
Pjtae.*-. . W*S *- —-~e
'•lA a au«—--- ™.
mu\ af»*« i* —us- uu*. — —-u -uu.
. •-Iiu.- ' ——
like a genOearan wtll b# prompUy gg-Xhe defeat of tbe French st the battle f. tenemeMt Had ahe berarlf. too.
tn'ke np tbe cooverasUon wbere
peUed from Bambarablp.'
f||stata**tataoaa»taataB ae.sta
aa Vlmlero. PnrtngaL tae vktortaia tike ber fralL -pdratrnrtlbto prawm. bad toft It with bcaltstkm. Aa I did
|a^S»8«8«a8Sf8fe8 88888
■ ^MUh denorted tl.OO# Fiench prtoon- been held In anspense aoaewbere. ‘ »o 1 ootUed for tbe first time a small.
,w, cnainmcota from Porto neither among tbe llvtrg nor tbe dead) j mirror hung over tbe fireplace, and 'n
Itoe earliest known stacne to_
By a ayaiem of nnaieral type, tavenlw-ir.-e
MB^ them
silk and
a ma.*a
been revovered
It 1 cooM
from are
an J .e dnll green poritora
tasd T
and lanttad
at el
,^ I! It waa white, white bo.
the baa
tomb. It ta that of a sbelkh.
. . . _ ra. maJ
1 And under tbe aoHate ef dost tbe pale ; color w»* ta the eye And then, shout
•nistna the ■•*I
shlnlnc and alive. i Are feet from the floor, they peered
It to e.000 yrara old.
rend and wrlta ta Um than threa
(toiglAAily tb# eoktam of ralttag tae gJ,j
identity wws atol a glrUah face looked tbroogh and
mtttaa. and tkto la apHa of ta* tact
mat was a sign Of aabmlaalo*. imply- the nnaU cnmbric handkerchief. Id rogtriably anrveyrf o«r bartta. She
smiled very merrtly. and preiowd tha
A. xiMra a«rar«ra.
that taeta era 4« dlatM aomd* ta
that th* parson nneovered placed tttoled ta
M( •.____
corner N. l».
tbe Cblima langBago. Bf a apirlBl
Wbaa 1 bad read tae article. Cn)Una
If at tae verty of bto foe.
then bra dancing eye* ran onsespert- -uTnitP^ really by ■ U««r bant- adnpUUon of tkto aystam tba bUnd ara
inglr over ibe mirror and caugbi mine ra There U not a rolored balr ta Im bow netnally taneblag aWbt*^ papUs to
-Howto tbatr
• Prtaonera wbes
-Wky deato yev tiresgicnto
ara rwaulred to ps? tha policeman
^ Ms troBbta ta tAing them to JiU.
2;S'.'n ^
^ r£S;s.^S;
Bicycle Riders.
John R. iSanto,
ttnrii hsnueg
TX ‘.fTi;wS' ■
ic ™"i.
West Michigan.
."I itSii.!
K.s,?' „ri.,reo, ■....^ ™
li -
' m&TEBSE on;, moa.,
8Mnd Tw—No S48
■ LetdBc
Porto Bioo Qo, Too.
OoMOtMMky • OiofU Id*atfrnmttcr Woloott »mU»« Tht tt
VwlterstrtoUtDo^of tboSM■U to Battfjr Tk« Trwtr- '
WoahlacV*. rob. 4.-Tbo Mood* of
«Oo poooo umv tad tboaiadTW abort
«(tbo ootM otoMiary to rmtitf tba
trooty. aod Mwo of th«B <Mdidi7 eoa1mm tbM toA »the oaao. Tb«7. how•w. an boorfal that the abortaf• eriU
I BolleTM PiM
••(tftaw Xrtt
VUl CO i 99 a Thooaaod,
OaCiaow. Feb. 4.—Artbv BUI boUona that than wUl be ka adraaaa la
the prtoe of piaa lanber 6f at leaet «t
a tbooaaod feet tbU' o^iac Maaeo.
owlBC to the Ilfbt etocte la Baaataotam- haata Be m.yt the daataed
wUI be cood aad the eappl; to all Maaafaetarlar diatiieta wUl be Boeh be
low the anraca. The St. Aatbooy
l/aBbereoiapaay. of wUeb be U proelSeat, te petUor in aboet 4t.0O0.Q0D feet
of loca at Wbitaey, Ool., aad the
Artbar Bill ooapoay la pettlaf ta 90,.
000.000 feet Bear Midlaad. Oak
eayi the rer>rt of UaaVcr tro« Panada
U laeraaaiajr.
bonday. pebbu^t s. is--) •
Wbo Vtofed a Watcbataa aad Ibeapod With Booty.
Kan of Croissr Pliilndelphis Leiaaie. a, Feb 4 —Bariy today
three barylara yalaed aa aotiaaea to
Wont on Stiiks
the peat oflSee aad blew opM the eafe
DitteaMgr BcCon B^Ubc aod Bovoral wUhdyaanlte. Waiebeuo Peto-Bow
the erakasee after the
Plaoad in troM aat Otbaia Left esplo^oa aad opeeed Are oa theca. The
Behlad—Octut Martial Awatti the berylan retaroed the tre, bat eeeot^ I aalty eaoaped. Bowusa wae abet twice
tbroatb the la». It to aodecatood that
“Hamnia, woa't loa bay ma soaia pa^rr
laad battar Bb bead ptod peapla.
That's iba cfj jaaTI baar pretty sboa.
Tate tba first spare moiaeat yea bare
lad leak oar aaw stack o'er aad o'er.
Toa'll mate tbe litRe oaes happy
dad yoar home will be plaasaot coca aura.
..pen. ji... l-M., 0.1
tt .u.po
departBcat. the aalllaf of
dilphiafKM8uDtoco.43al .for Boaolalo waa aeiiowpltohed oaly after iBUraUia AaMiciaUoa to Moot la
loaaydUSnlttoa. There waa a atrika
Lauiac ia Jaaa.
aaoBc^e men wbito the abip waa at
JaekaoB. Peb 4.—Tbo HiefatK»a lathe dock, ud tboeeaa^ad to tU_____
toraiate AthtoUe aaMoiattoa
board Ma
tt. boobtt. .rttt cl tt.UoloA '‘la.jH'luroottlm«u’oi~C.,."?ta
fo... Ctti; tt ptto. tttt. ol I
j a,, 0.0, ..tt «,rf .IJ... !
the a Mall U rabfyiay aad eoalrmiar Fire la a SpriBcfteld Boardlay aeaae
la IroBi. aad
the Ayritbewea^ mt Parta den ootooBatot!
AUeadad by Awfal Baaoltp
the* were left behlad to appoar be caltaral eolleye pot io bide tor the
Iktott iw tba coeeraBaal to tba doe-1
fore a eoart BarliaL It to aaid aoma field aad tbe latter wai tbe wiaarr.
Mae that tbe toiaada aesatoad by ^
Bpriactald. HL. Fab 4—la a brardof beiac There wUl be ba cataee of beee baU
a.ot tt. .» ttitt s,»tt «.u>^;tt;^„.od„«...m„witt.,.
Che laadera la tbe otaUey wiU be ■
----------- ■_
that■ Ue
ta tba
aaoaJ two-year period, which to tbe |
oald treaty aa rcopaeti tbe toUad of,
^„oke oat the bouc
«aba aod tu iahabitaate. ud
elchuea boardera. moat of
Tbe aaea loitered at tbelr work of OlevalaaA Mu J.^mpad From Third
lalaadof Porto Btoo aad tbe PWl'P-! u,*„ *»ieep. Bn. Wltbey. after row eoaliay the tbip to eaeb u eztnt that
BioTT Wlod'.w.
plnea aad tbelr lahaWtaata
•«« | ip, the boardera ud yeiUaf her childmore that fifty tooa of coal waa
AUuta. Ua.. Feb 4.—A Meyer of
be oowtreed or held to be e d.Seruee
retaroed to aeatot J. C. Ball, plaeed on board la one day- While the
laeffeekbcrt that It U tbe porpooe of ^
^ rooco oa tbe eblp waa at a aoalbera port eoUlny devslaad jamprd from tbe third story
«» auate la teilfyiac the *~‘y »,,eooDd fioor. She waa aotaeu after- aod the BUB ware uxioai to yet borne window cf tbe Ouma hotel today.
plaoa tba iahabituh.- of tbo Phaip. ^
obartod body waa ro- they broke tbe reeerd In meb work Nearly every booe ia bto body wu
fioea aad Porto Btoo la auctly tba
aod filled tbe beakwe at tbe raUof. brokea. Meyer died U 1 o'clock.
Meyer to md to be a merchaei of
>e poeltioa M respeete
450 loee per day.
Mn. Wlthry haa b
«be Doited Slatei aa are tbe lababi- lot tbe Duchten of Brbeeea. Mtoe
There to mneb dtouUtfaetloB amoay Cleveiaad whose sffsirt were receatiy
put la tbs buds of ao auiyaee.
lutaof Oeba."
Roaewaa a aUlorot Mra. John Me- theoBcenoD board the Phlladelebla
Mr. Allen car* potloe that be woald Creny. wife of tbe proprietor of the Sk ud thoae wbo have wriltu to friudl
laerasaedSaroiaKSOfO AW. M.
^eak apu the reaolntioa oa Monday, Mcholaa hotel. Ball wae a redred here complaia bitterly at the oaadoet
Lusloy. Feb. 4.—Tbe uimiays of
Mr. CbUtoa of Texaa addraaeed the Berehuk Tbe orlfla of the fire to prevalliay on board ship. Tbe reporu
tbe Cbieayo A WmI Hicbiyan for last
I oa tbe
snppooed to have been a defecUve flae
•Mlatloaa. WUbio proper boaodi be
to badly fouled and it eaaBot ouke moDtb were fiUS.sno. an iaereau of
over Jaaaary, ISPS. Tbe eara917,000
ncanled It tbe daty of ttato eeaatry to Ot&I. X3ELI.BD BT UOETBtVO. more than eeveo koola. While the reeioys of tbe Ortmik lirsad Bapids and
wldu He boeodrlek
Re bellered.
eel waa docked about two moatbi ayo,
1 taereau of
bowerer. that tbe aoqntolUoa cf the Bolt fitrikea Blevaa Tear Old Child it baa rtaee that Ume been In aonthera
Hear Oembrldee, Kd.
PhUipplPM laeolred aerloae perUa to
wateraaod there to a raal accanulaeor foreraiDUt ud iaetUatlooa.
Canbridye, Md.. Feb. 4.—Both B. tioa of baraaelM ud other mariac ver- the Oiabd BapUU Bartld
Mr. Wolcott of Colorado followed. Ha Holoek, the 11 year- old ' daughter of eUUoa oD tbe ball Tbto eoUecUon to
Is BOW beioy bs-xllrd bv C. B. Tay
•aid that be eiood by hto corerbiaut Caleb Moloek. livlaypear here,
u Imprdimut to the ipeed of tbe ablp.
lor's City News Suud. belnr no Inny
aadwaoldbaw aapported uy treaty atmek by Uyhtalny ihto morntac ud
er deliverud witu tbe MoUtKO Be'"
lacldeot ohlcb aiay be a aA-rioaa
OBD Send orders to City News Slaad
praeuted by the e<
killed. She bad been to a epriay
matter if there ihoold be uy nerd of
lOcenu a week.
Mr. Woleotl depoaoeed tbe wruy- h*r home for water, and wae retaralac rapid emtoiay in Samoaa waterv.
Uay over tbe treaty. Tbe aebatora who when the bolt atraok her joit above
were a Mw waoOu ayo ao oeriala that her heart and killed her iaaUaUy. Tbe JBBILBB &EVITAI. BBBTIDB^ WaU Paper.
Several ear loads of brand new etyl
tba Oehau were capable of aeif-yovera flald ran down to her feel, teerlay off
tob wall paper oa (be way Uook
To Be Held ia OeayreyatlOBal Cborch
WMt are aow ae eure that the Fiilpiaoe eoe of her ebon. Her brother
oot tor ik
Biwt -n Swan.
Monday Evuioy.
an aieo eapablh of each e fo’eramu'k I near by. ud when be reached her her
Mr. Woleotl aaid that tbe ratlfica-leiotbre were In a blair, ud be bad to
Union revival servieu will be held Idt^s Hock claoti
Mob of the treaty waa a patrtotie doty, cirtr her body wit-^ laow toeiUayotoh tbto eveoiny ib tbe Ceayrefraticmal aod
on tbi sbcll at the Queen City ResUkthat the oppcaitioB waa for political i tir flunea Tbe liybtniay waa very Freebyteriu efaorebee on tbe But bide
advutaye at tbe next prveidMtial! eivid and etarUiay for a mUwiator and in the Second MelbodUl ebareb oa
atoetian. H* . wld that there were Ieinra of ttato kind.
the Weei Ssjde.
oaoeyh sea la the ebaober with pa- i
-------------------------Rev. Cai-mu will occupy tbe pulpit
Motwa eooayb to obliterate party I
la the OaoyreyatloBal eboreh. Rev.
Fraak Sbobn, a former Traverae Bready will preach at ibv Frubytenaa
■ and ratify tbe treaty,
ed that there waa ool a couatry la City boy. wbo hai brra la Sk Dooto ud Rev. Jooes will address the aeeiBarope that waa net buatile to at with aad Cbieayo for the poet three y<
luy oa tbe West Side. The oea's meelI rd Eaylaai He paid | >• vtoltiny eld frtoada here,
iay will take place this afternoon at
trtbote to that couatry for iu frlead- Shober baa a poelUoa with Wella, throe o'clock la the Presby«riu
ohlp ud alao to tbe preaidenk aayiny Faryo A Oo. la Cbieayo.
Mooday eveoiay s jabllee mect'ey
that he had ably yulded the yoveraW. B. Fuller of Fife L.akr.
.. meartbroayb perllou times.
ihrouyh the city yrsterdey bo hie way will be bsid in the UoagrepratioBal
Mr. Wolcott deelared that the Pillp- to Lake Aon. where hie father to i
ebureh. Rev: Coebito wUl have charge The New York Store WUl Be
laaa woold be better for oar yovera- low with the grip. Hr. Fullcr'e'fathe'r of tbe urvice. Rev. Wright will preach
Closed T-morrow "
mut aad that deailay bad plaeed the to T7 years old ud It to feayed be
be sermno and Rev. Joaes will Uke
To Take
areblpeiayo in.oor haada TTiere wae a ,Doi recover. He bat been a reaideat :barye of tbs after meetlay.
Aemoutralloa in the yallery wbea of Al:
Mr. Wolcott closed. The eeoaie tbra
The frieade of Ellsworth Hale will
Mr. ud Mra. Byers of Blaybam Both
be pleased to learp t bet ke bM seen
a good poeltioo in tbe wboleeale ho
Died Within a Few Hours.
of Marshall Field A Oo{ of Obteagu.
Hr. and Mra. Duiel Byers, aged reMilled Hie Sweetheart ud Her Frtoad
Muy Traverae City friends of Frank ■peetively 74 and 75 years, an eaIrish will regret to leaik of the aerloae tumad eoaple restdlcy -aear Bipybam
Thu Fut a Bullet la Hiatoalf.
L<ma.O.. Feb. 4.-While Mary Aa- illness of hto wife, with bat sllylto with their eoo Jacob Byers.died yesterAaraoo and Blward Brorard were hopes of her recovery. IThey were dahtWoraiDg eritbla a few boon of
tesideou of tbto city but are eub other, Mrs. Ryen pawsiag away
ataadiay la tbe doorway of Aadenoa'e
at AAO O'clock aad Mr. Byers followlay
hotel at Wcelmiaeter. Frank Blalr.wbo BOW living ia Thompeoovilla.
her at A o’clock. They were well kaowa
The Oraod Bapids Herald to
had beeo payiu atteatloa to Mtoe AnfieraoB. e'.ippedlpp behind uo shot both belay delivered wttb t^ Mosxuro ud blybVr«>P*«M. aod their dutfa
will be burd of with regret by tbelr
fiatally ud then abut bimeelf.
Jealooey was tbe caute.
8uud bavipy uken the ayeaey for thto frieoda. They bad both been 111 for a
abort time with the grip. Faaeralaarcity.
M. E Uoll^ to aiek with tha prevaU' vieea will be bald from the ebareb ' at
rbas tomorrow at 10 a. m.
Xtt Be Bald frtim Heui Tareday VaAor lay ailmuk
Mra. A. W. Jahraua la poafiaed to her
AoopIcM L O.S. F ud X.O. T.M.
The faaeral of BItoha Paayboro wbo
to belter thu a few days ayx>.
AM -yreteidiy morplny. will take
Mra. Joha Barry retaraed lutaltkt
Mn. T. C. Oolllas to vwy aM.
plaee frodi tbe Hotel Faaybora TacaOeoryo W. Hall to very ^ek aM hto from Saylaaw. where the wu called ^y
day afteraooB at 2 o'clock The burial
the death of her brotherPhUoB.Ball.hu
place la Oehwood cemetery .
Harry ud Blward Darku of Bk
The fuaral will be held aader the au-1
Baplda calM upoa dW -uqaaintueea
ttl— .1 tt.
Onto ol OJJ I Th. Ktt. Tori. Stttt wUl 1,
--------- w for iavutory. '
Fellows and E. O. T. M.. tbe
Mra ttoter Toaay arrived loat alyht
Eilu MeCloakey hu aoeeptad a pa- from Sayiaaw, for a vidt with her
hasiay beu aa honored ud active
messber of the Odd Fallows lodys aad eiUoD la T. C Celllaa’ raetaoruk
daayhter. Mtoa Balen, wbo to a atodut
Upaall Bebba hu peopled a poriUoa la the evDvent.
Traverae City Teak Ns. «7l. K. O. T.M.
Bay Browab Cbieayo wafBe boaaa
S. P. B aekwood and L. J. Orobben
Ltsi eight thru aou of the deocaoed
Will Vuderllp wu arruieA aad
I vtdtaca bars yaatorday from
arvived to attend the fueral: Hheldoa
and Bert of Peloakey ud Jay of taken before J edge Boberto yeater
8. Salenoof Orawa. wu la tosra ee
badaeu yuierday.
allowed tbe offeador toyoonw
A1.A8AKA TO EOlfiT THM FI.AO. edaeatenca
B. J. Jobnaoo of Mabel sru ia town
There will be a baU la Oolambta ball oo boilBue yaoterday.
Wracta ^t 43u Be Flaoofi Over
. Mr. J. MUkr left lut ovaat^ fer
MoatAay alybk_____________
Every SAeolhoau la SUte.
(Aileay) after ipeadlay aeranl A»ye
Made by Miehlgu -rdrpkeme Co.
vrith H. Moptayoa.
Moatromery. Ala.. Feh. 4.—Tbe BeBanBaalArSua.
for say clam of eervlee dedred.
Mr. aad Mrs. B. 0. PertraU of De
& Beads A On. expected yesterday a
fall tiae of WUeoa Broa' fiu aaek troit. Ortyoe, have arrlvad ta tbedty
wur. bat were diuppolated. Tbo for a Ttoit srltb tba temOy of hto
AMettay the aatioul Aayhe hototed
at end of aU moatba ir ehpaya
yooda. Uweear, will arrM thto brother. L. F. Perkdk.
uar every aehaolhoaac in the oUta and
to uy dam of urvM at wlU.
kept Aaatlay there forevar. A Caw
Cbioku Tbievu al We^
Tclopbeae the ataa^urtoeaU
tun aye aarti a reeoluthio would have ThaOfufiBApUiSmU
aad eejdalB aur latu adopted by
Wut Side raddeata wa batay tnabtU BOW beiay handled Iw C. £.. Thy- ed with ebi^ tbMu. TbaofluAara
ara aaid to tea kaowa aeA troaUe may
Aellvared with tbe Moonve Bao - ■vthtHH If tboy eoetlaaa tbelr
^aufiaDdattheQaauatT I
Sud ordara to aty News
To Close
aao Vront St.
SIS Datoa Streek
Bat kept oat of might nalil aacb a Uraeu wuted.
Where will yon find beUer oiffer* then
Diamond J-lOc
. fTraverse Belle-5c
Tei Tear Contracts
Sobscrlbers Mail Cancel
Hade by
A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonneller BlocL
16 Men’s Scotch
Wool Cheviot Suits
Assorted sizes. Stein-Bldcb Co’s.imake.
New. rery; choice suits on our i front
Uble, regular $15.00 suits, will; clean
out tbe lot for.................................... ;...........
Just tbe suit for a business man.
I 15 Suits
Black ard white silk mix. ver^ neat
smooth fiutsb goods, a good dress up
suit for anybody, sold this year for
$12.00. We have too mauy lines of
this class of goods. Present price.........
Look for Bargains.
Telepbone No. 4S.
I The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Open For Business
Tuesday Morning.
“City Bookstore.”
10 Suits
Both double and single breasted, fancy
worsted, nice colorings, regular $10.00
suits, now.......................................... ;.....
We Have 35
Choice Beaver Overcoats
Plain and fancy Hoed, have been selling
from 19.00 to 412.00, win clOM at from
Hamilton Clothing Go.
«m4TBMBOirr. -
OXVMS owm «oi>AT.
Berrce a tto plue r^T te. tbe
atUK'i ere woDld rortf la tto beestUsI
rPeett oa the bmwt laknni. tb« t«1• At«:«ee.a.
Jl(bt aortmieg
meuTc. greens
at Ufcto^Bd grm w tto dlrtint Uts p-sks,
sad the lunUotu mtdiLlgbt sky. ,Tto
of lake or
thmdM.r •^bool »t tlM m.
■ MTp m ocean U soperb. and the »igbiT watertalU arc grand. And the geyser Belds!
AeordMw«loP~»«»UBptmallieetlBgafX. O. O. F. Ttdsy.
Basr Workcra Ekotlon.
All tbe warn tints, from cream to runsM. are fMnd In tbe ntneral deposit
There wlU be n speelal meeting in
The Basr Wotkera. a miaaknarr aoaround tto basin of the Croat Ocyasr, eietr of tke Plrat BspUsv ebarek. Br< Odd Pellowe' ball at «;»0 o'clock thb
Sennoa at 10:ao a. «•
Llulf Geyser. Strokkr (the Cburo).
Pleaaa be on ttoe U preelblo. Tto and tbe UiOs hirukkr. wbbr BlesI (iba at tbe borne of Mn. Bradley on CnMc afienooB. of Orond' Tneefne Jtodga
seo. I. O. O. P. for the pnnieae ol
Brat part of tto aerTtese are an toporWhite. tba tellowlngcfBcer*:
saktng arrangemente ter the taneraj
tant part of tto ssorablp.
3t Brother E. Pangborm.
President—Mis. F. G. Derfee.
Bandar eeboel at aooa.
A. B Fox. 5. Q.
Vice prosldant-aare Botner.
A namber of ohUdraa arc In tto tob- m,i,ing bolUpg water for our tea and
Itodaetotofftooanrlj.nnddietarb Uc «effee. It was ao staooib and beauti'il
Bor Xm Or.pp.
ntomiagant^^ Parenuara reqoeet- that I seemed to be mutilating tonicIn not proof ajjaioet nuytbiag
Tbomas WhIteBeid A Co .toO Wabash
ed wot to atari tto ehUdren before thing rare when I chipped off pteers of
kvenne. oorser Jecksoo street, one el
■o nubile and ittrnctire ts
ToMoaacnr «rlU dMdAt Um fsuatftW ll-4t a. at anlMi Urtng remote from Its lining, but I knea they would be
Chicago's oldest and most promineBl
Bieger'n Onlifonua Perfomen
«M9 «»< P~e* »rttk
BM fro®
rslusble eourenirs, and the nneasy,
dniggUta. reammend Cbamberlain's
T^arer-Ella BmUk.
|h« pm«et oatlook H wUI to « rioM
Ooogb Bemedy f>w la grippe, as it not
One of tbesveeteet eftbeee
.JoBiortoci.tr of Chrtolan Sadear.
^ ^..-ffbalrman of progiam <
only gives a prompt and oompleu reiBw* ®UetoTOT w»j ll fOM. Bow
Mrs. W. Bradley.
U called Saata Barbam Hel
•w. wtoa tto
U la
grippe to I
Yomr People-, toeietr of ChrtsOto
dsngerous. for tber spoul hot
iotrope. Vo monk woald be
IfTT-----to* toM atoMtto pn-topB
al Uolmsa.
able to torn away from anyIton wUl to * tot*®- Bhow ter r*W«eo- Endeavor at S:«S p. m. Take part carir ^^d diagonally put of ths earth. ComCbaiimaa of antonaioment ermmlttn
In tto BaeUag.
log upon tbem i^ns direction they art
Bsfflblb uul rn^sda/
Hop tto« oo«r topewB p
thinif BO inriting.to nay noth*
Onloa meeUng at
p. m. Barteon u,t seen, and many a visitor has gone —Mabel MeMIchael.
IV<-cess.- SI.U Msdame DcLaw
in); of a woman.
TB ppiMlUw of tto nUptoM to
Braarkabto Beecus.
Ci<y uBitl Tuesday
They can
Bring jov triaada draulle dispis) Is now verr BGul and
Mb r«lc4 br Ito OolMd ttMM to botora eomtag.
We have in
all tbe
----------- ■*••••* South Dniot
•owMpUbMd- 1toyto4Mt to toior with r«nfamoBB pertanea made by
Cboreeetolr meetain tba Btedr a ,N»t>(lni founulns by loading mones
Mto » eoteftUl
bp tto
1 her tongs: she
which setilei
Rieger the GkHfomia Per
tolore 7 e'eloto.
All *»iO them to tee them cast out. so yon
0slM BtelM. lA Ottor word*. Uop
anst uks your tent with yon. and en
udto be j
physician, bat grew
•n toM to tto
camp OB the plain to awstt the plras- ber she eras a bopelese victim of cosBHng tto toadee Domini, tto red
OontbePe CbooolaM, and
^ nres of their maJeeUce. Blert
enmptioo and that no otedicloe could
brmn book with yoa.
^fve you well while waiting.
Tba I cure tor. Her druggist suggeuied Dr.
Bon. Bone—freab goodn—atwtottor there U not a copy n^t the
Oeyier bad not spouted for a ; King's Sew Discovery for Coasnmptioe.
trartive packagea. '
«, were there, and suck she bought a bulUe and to ber drltgbt
to to Mtoto to tto toap toBara. boaaettotbalongetottoobarto.
toftototottoMrofttoBrstor »taUPINT mrwoBfST.
surliness Indicatsd a near activity. Tto 1 found benelf bmi filed from the Brat
vaier spouted unusnslty blgb when it dme. she .coDtlnurd iu use and after
•At^itoaaitetoudwBMwU ima nev.J.s-fcMdy.p—«er.
! taking aix boUle^ found heruelf uonnd
Baaday—Preaebing at »:»0a- m. by gnally appeared. :S9 feet, and showed land well: now dors her own boosetoort atottel.
pastor. Class mseilag at 9:10 a. m. bD the tints of tbe ralnboa. majestic ' WOTS, and is as w< 11 as she ever was.
Baaday aebooi at tto elaaa of mornlag at tto same time and mysterious It ; 10 el- trial bolUca of this Orval Disco*Vov ttot ttoro BoriM to be tr<
played for biteen minutes, and then
•toto Utoanl MilM rrptoUiae tto et- ^...1...
. Ks beautlfol cascade, aubstded in a
mnwe HBmasBrt.
feathery mist, a rafinad and graceful cents and «l.
Baaday serrlees:
I tU Igoeson. full b'aet at tbe Boetos
e:W a. m.. alasa meeting. There to a small si
which U so
Btore Come this week, as we are
lo;»0 a. m. Preaching.
food of the sea that
never comes j eutilog on the last piroea of a good
Bpwortb L*sc»s *•» to 6J0 p. m. : boat for Itself and lu eggs that while
notkN aaarttoe ball hour earlier beeasse of union ecr-; Urge ships are slnktog and sieamsrs rbspreptrp^
tie of Rose's Corn Cure
|B «to DaUy Begle ef tbe «m IneV rJoe in thM ehureh to tto eveatog.
sro unable to feu ibe storm H tosses
... 15c — andjtake them
7 p.m. Bev. BareUy Japan
perfect eafeiy.
H. B. Boltor baa been eo wiudi Friends ehnrch wiU preeeb.
I Tbs litile snell U of a violet color
out—It don'tjmakc the
with the helpfu'
'*ZuMobkr*ta?'em^Uea ot twtb wnaeM
^ therefore called Uniblns. It
foot sore.
B«T 9 *sisaiui n irr
bss a small tfaell and there projecis
. s city
et Queen Ciiy Bestonrant, SIS Front
(toureh 00 oontr of Ninth and Wads from the under part of tbe body a long.
CUed to pla« ak similar
SI --------------street.
tongue-like piece of Best. This U the
r tbs
tto young
yt/ung women ol tbe city and wortn atroeia.
■rttl perwmaJly eolmll speakers on the
» ss follows:
bunds* ei
SdeeU^lto win be <f yertleolar
for U bss cumpartmem
Prusebtog si lO:Ms.m.
totMt to tbe womee wage earner.
11 for sir. It ts broad and lbs sir comSftvii
idle Bid.
TW Isetnrm will amhruce maalc, law,
Bnadsy sehool St ll:W S^ partments arc unde.-'neatb. so that It
iiMing. medicine. pbarm®-y. pa^
.g St 7:00 p m.
esnnut espsisc.
STipSrWpTwriling. clsTwng'eto
----- OF----Btow sway Its cargo, for Ibe oldest
I am eurprked ttot an old bacbeltw
All sre eordUlly invltod.
eggp and those whirb hitch the i
PIT1 have Ineleded in bis mekee placed in the center snd tbe MgblBAtTlST
•p for a leeinre oourue tor the tolptelest and newest on tbe tides of tbe rsfL
ST.). V 0®KSC. Psetor
PM *1 the rising geaStoUoo of woman
Tb» Isnthlns 61U Its own sir com10:t0 publlg worship
hnto, tto ows stojset of all other*
psruneuu by gecilng s globule of
Bermos, moratag subject;
underneaib its hesd, tbe body Is tben j
IkAt to my mind ongbt to suad at the
curved downward bei
(be rsfl.tnd, j
Mdwf the eoM to-wlt; Houeekeepiog MoatolUv." Oal.«:V
bead being tilted on one side.
ppP womanhood. A diploma la horns
rusbss In and fills tbe spaces. It
EsUm U paramount to a diploma to
Jelly Bah.
pwywthuf saUtog for a young
I CongrcgsUonnl and Presby terisa which has a flat, rofl-llke form with a
pad ahonld have more than a pas^g
.pretty ilitls tall upon It. and they con_________________
‘gregaie tn multiiuiet when tbe sea it
In tto dayr of our grani
PM7<nw of the girl, but w
Sometimes speclineni art washed upWe have nbont 100 MDipIcs of
glHkt to tto dmUss pertaining
icrein, Tspt^r)'
Tspetstr)' and BruaaelB—
Mplaff- In
^ which oar mother*
very pretty patteroa) —
j ysid ap to 3 yanla, that
la the eourue proposed
iiake [nice ru);B.
We viti
had ao unosnany enjoyable Uiue
•iktothelsto. Itoneoompllah
f«7 ptoaeleg b*t a eholee between the
meettog at tbe home of Bay bird can start si dsybieak wliu the each. Here to a chance to get
two. meale or booerkaeplag. I would
trkOe wind, from thr <o:.*i of Africa Bonie cheap ruga.
CM Nioth Btiwet early to tl •
^•h nthsr a lady friend of
? rirbi 1
wMld uadersteed tbe rndlmento of
} be proBcleut to
but ll it renaln Ibst ibe bird U ilie
lag of the pig* BOUths:
President—Moaeu Gilbert.
swlfieBt of winged crTjiiires srd is
Vies Prroident—Dkvld Jlrkltog.
able to fly. under favor.ule rOD<li-.or >.
Bow many of our domeaUcs or gvea
Hudbi VumiHliiui; Store.
miles on bo: r
tonmkswpevi of tto present day underAksisiaaC Secretary—Bdwln fhap
•tnnd how to make a good loaf of
Bias ssd S'.snlBT Usee.
>ew Store. 120 Front Street.
Mnd or a good cop of eoffr> 7
A race I Ftveen a 'tar and a toe i.: jTrswurOT -Wllsan llnbbell.
tlveon cn- railroad
lalely »l;-:r-s.'
Esarly every caae of mau's failure to
Parllameatarian—Orton Saiib.
^••(Bam <wa os atUibuicd to the wife's
At tbe eonelukion of the bu«las*« ses ed neir l..i.lel'e Can. The riii.-.iieer
toUuroasa good bouaekwper. Nioe- sloD the boys aeeeptod with eagerncM nolic.-d Ibe ki.ig on the track. al>or: 7'H)
a wornlng
lUMMsmeulLf every twcaly «
an InvilaSioa of Mr. and Mr». J.
-nie tnlmsl flstled on a nm.
tomliiea arc broog^ to want and
Smith sod their daughter Ella to spend
to the irork. end conf;n.red Ibe
Miaof charity tb*^wi^e as ah
theremaioder of the evening al iheir r„T.'inr ihree
Ibrn Kr.-.cefi.Ily
borne OB Bute street. Tbe yowg men pcuiirted aside tit.:;i tbe Icx-oui'-'i*- had
PrwitiM ol law. madlclns. journal„,rdiali* entertained and an ele
tom. geaarol clerking, etc.. “»»>*•!.upper was aervwi. Music ato
Tbs nsMH..« As|M
getosnlltog for as old maid, tot of,
Bake an eatrsmsly
Japan i» makltig sreal beadwey i
manufactiirln* world.
' (Mr. BoUsfs ptons w
VIU toeluds a toetors t
^ M of Travma Oty's bast heusn- dty can boast of a roatourant wberea
„ ,t* j,„anes gorernment ...ttisl
fuU aasonmeat Of sea foods can to ob ^ Osaka were aupp led to the Ponu-------------------------tatosd and wbara
Tba Daaih Becord
m-ythtog b. ch.
Mf».*mmaBetoiterlydlsdyaaMrday OolUas the propriaww of tba Qaaen
•t tto grip at tor boms oe tto panto-jciiy Bssiaaraat. U an artlatameog! Rabbit fur Is now an Imponam
»sa M yean of age. l«ooks and U gaining for hU restoa- marelsl article. Ii is known lu tbs
totted ■ Yestor•* •^'‘-irie assi and when dyed
•ad hwidea a husband and two ehil
>*iabls TupuUt
rrsemHei the gcnnlne srtl4t«« • Unves a father and mother and day a flas display of aea toi^wa. so closely
jo <lefy detetHbn except among
gmo krottora to moarn ber daatk. 8to •bownto the rosuuronl , window, to. experli. It ts sstrt ,h.r
that ttonMO
tMn.bOO i.
Ik inin
«PW tto only daagbier ef Mr. and Mn. cluding lototer*. clama. oysipnAealKaghind.
Fashanof the
lops, smelts, steaks, crops, turkeya
_ „ (ancral wUl to keld tkk ssorn4e4pUog
Itslliwa Stork is lbs I. a
ariiclm to make an epicare enthaM-! The rallwsy syrtems in the I'clted
BUtes tiaploy
locfimollrm, J8.Mn Amelia Linklctter died yeatm
,BM pasaetfler ran and S600 mall and
Eeata far Xkrto’ ZMOtnre.
baggage ears. These flgutes seem large
May «< oU ags ni tto home ef bar son
Tbe sale of rsaarved seato for tba till the number cf freight
^pdfsCB. Ltokirturof Lake Ann.
gH------" was M yrar* of ageTto Debs lecture will faegla ou Mooday , ed. wbicb Is 1.2&r-.o00.
Isamal wUl to held Mcmday afwrnoo* morning at the 3iiy Newa Bland. Tbone
A gisua ranat.
alrendy holding Ucketo for renerved
*11 «'•»«>«______________
Tbe length of the Grand ('anal r;tnn
santo enn make tosir aelertloe at that
Tientsin to Hsrgch-.'i, to Chins. Is rAO
•Md time for tto Cbildrun.
mllei. It rtcoertf -;esl ports,with i;rh
coal rtgUMk.
Ito 0»to tojdd.
Is new being baedleai by C. E. Tay
lor’s 0|t? Hewantand.
ed. being nn
Id Tleims tbe's D s trargtor who has
dnUemnd srHh tto Honniso
hnso onrictod of hronking into
aotooedenw a9 lew* MnwA. 10
Makes the food fHor« deRckMis and V
The Most
.Esthetic T-iste
_____ lS”o'
Blame Your
Jas. G. Johnson
M..r ilirr“rS"i".Mi. i,.,.,. CW tt™.
________ _____
Biggest F^our-
>o SUW
SWantAds (m
Hake a dieh good enoogh tor President McKinley or any otker person; but to have the dish right, you must have good
materials—We keep the hestMaeaxoni and the best Michigan ^5
Full Cream Cheese—Try some.
Do you kuow that we have the celebrated Bromangelon
in different flavors? Makes the most delicious jelly and only ^5
takes two minutes tp prepare it Every housekeeper should —^
have some on hand to use in case of emergency. Only 16c
per package, two packages for B6c.
The place-
THM Mo^amro
iuwokd.to>i>ay. fsbritabt », ism
0^ 'MXcVvVia^TV.
rk»a «n
Tb» eoBTBce wilh wltleh the l&Jnred
inubrr* <jf tb« “CTTUto 4e Beryme *
pcinpaB7 tB^ad «poa pUjiDK Ibeir
QipL Jla l^ltar 0f NL OMMt WM ,
fralt r*«»«r. fi»« K m bt*
Kraek b7 • abOT* li«a mr mH 8ted o^bIm that tba n«Mt eoM aakp bM
tlafUa ia
tary d«af l»otta^rad paaeb *—*- la
Utbiaf at dotof I ■otwltbataadutr Us
•WBcooUtb Bccidwit U«ijy
tba twrra vltb which
tb* lM~t.
*ctoa aadora phTitcal loffiriaK rather
oaqaist ra»«rs
•mr wHb tbs aalllad at sinst sifas | to tbs oprosiu
oproaiu sffset.
m sacasn. sto. sad a »o«al MbsUUU
At Anlaa. trad WnUaaa, aaettoa
d bj
iaamaa oatba&AO.T. B B, took
pswpMM a aifa that wUJ n«M all slpolaoa by Btetab^ Tba dootor aa
ian# ot tbs SMil hoy to dafaea te or
bis Ufa afiar aafaral boon' weth.
■tors Uaway. a»d that la a Moeb of
Praak PraadsM of Fiaablof. to a IT '
sloaa with tbs «a*aa of tba stMla
Is tbs lOoadlka
8a wr«u a Mrsto
rntrai la It to be plaaad oo arary sorlaula that ha had a cUIn frena whi fc
<0 stoks to atakc AW a day
Dabolao Uoodaall of KaMald. a
^f-ln ____ _
______ _______u -» kfa;"*** aa»»ar.
ua baa baaa c«arla piaylog araqaat oa
oa U.
U. f
f Aasry's
Aaary .
anaattia nuaada at Adrtaa. Altbougb
•btooat bllod sad hardly abta to dlaUefatob tba aoatoaaaeaa of frteada. ba
■aaoaaof tba amt aklllfal pilfersoe
Maiarday ba had Jaat
■Msad a caaaa wbaa ha
aaflarad a
•Iroba of paralyato sod dwd la two
rasidaBt at Oaagsa.
tbrir beroiaio Ua't ofun aiiikutrd. aad
uf Uiladi in It b.ain' police, bto ;
At Jacksoe Barry Watara. aged IS.
toners uod
■aa foaad oa tba strMU Friday auirs.
Here Are The Prices That’ll Sell Them Quick:
ubs side of lbs stage totbeoibcr-^eer-
tlo«s osa
bobm 7>ec faiisseU. Dot to bsduu oed
Ba last bto was Wag labaa earsof by tbaauta Is gut tbs better of him several antMoi
aBaaylttB.ASWpeaalaaBOBayaeeoiBa- agu bat b« look a room aett door to
hold aad fail aadar tba ttala. loalaf
laud. Attoroay Ocaaral Okasa asked *»»• OH-etor, tai ev.-ry nigbl. ta e]dte of
hto right arn aad lag. PhyatoiaM wars
tobauauaeutaralmbaraadfroa. tbU ^ phyd.^isi.^ ord.-r. and w.ruiags.
aOMsaad who draaasd tba la}arias.
Ibara to slight bops of bla raeo«ery«Tba Ilfs of a aoBDlry doctor la north'
STB Mtoblgaa to sot aotlraly aaa of
Or. Praileb <.f Mapla aty. dross
A sow sralhed Is froot of tba lUUc
J: Powall a law days ago.
Masalal rsport of
wardea raao«-
■Made ibav tbs wardea ba paid a aal
aryadht.woayaar, aad pot Al.tWas
Tba dead Baasb Btgb acbool bolU
lag wu daatroyad by tra
Tba watar
■alas wars frusaa aad tbs flrs depart•aat was balplsaa.
Ellen Terrre martyrdom to cbronlt
! sight after nlgbt will plsy, with the
BrtgbUDaad eielniiy bae for
1 «"*“«
Mil «ra«. while radorlng
Utos U lir.OOO.
i, .Dothrr of n.-nrstKiu s
local marebaau report large sales of victims, aad R.-jsne. with ao ul.sr»s. io ;
traps-•bd rat polseas. Dec farmer bad | brr sidr ure.-r mimed a oiKbfs j--r I
tba lack t^ catch over tao u oaa irnh
bat tba bjy-a rtba arc ratbar tba m
tar roagb aaaga.—Ballalra ladaiMod-
atats gams aad
cS Ua allowaaea.
^beaaoaarraa wiU rata aad tba
th» alad
stood tba atrala aad ao did tba
Tba aUU
badeaa.BaUa«ae of tba paaaoa to for alts aatfen vsry froquuntly fruu Ibe
aapportaay OM bat tbs paaaiopsreaia j most rlulrst f<oui of nmralgia. aad
kaoebad bar tram aadar tba
aba aatadowa oa tbs alad.
tlnra Mon1i'«rt<d regaUrly ^
siagla trap aad ever staca bouse- { darieg years a-b. D. <.o acruuut of mriwife aad marebaat aa well aa farmer i «>• •T'«ul truoMe. every moreiuc ot at
boriy causml her rtenK-iatiOK iwltt
have wagad war agataaV tbeae poau.'
u(t>'ii said Jmtiiigly that scmms of
Beccatly aae of tba moat popular young' ‘
ag<iny came eaeily fir her, for all she
dlcB ia toaa 1
her taeU—falaa >
Ofsdrd to do was to drop tba loaak aod
toeU—apoB tba abelt upoa gatlrlug. ■
h,* oa-a
Tba east day Ury wan mUalag aad |
Om-uf Hoiharn a pUys nme m-ur flt-
tba yooag wemaa baa jalaad tba army | clibg out <« ite first ui).-iit Ix-ausc if
et radaat baatoiB.
j Vtrgiola narued e illm-s Khewmis.ri
It Ire.
I lbs old aayieg. "Haa a pin ae
it up aad aU that day you'll ba'
Tba Kalaatosto ooaaell passed ae or-
aawapluou Ua atruat the oUrr j
Kiplanatiuti. wei
dlaaass Kriday aigbl re^awlog all rail
uubird eff aod rolled loto Ua atraa>, ' arnionnod that sbe would play
bUspeetaclaa fell uS oo Ua walk: bis |
Wbea aba says sbe will
Inaa atdawalk
to sidewalk.
It will
Baadlag dnwB to gat It bla bat; pared fur the paMic. Imi Mim 1
at{pt tbs roads atora Uao AS.ouo.
auapordtra gave way bchlud; be buret i
tonnuaud. aad
' ratrcatiesbadniirflivtonber Wbeolbe
- i. K. MlBSOok. aa eeeaouie larmar tba huttosbola oa-Ue back ot bto sblrt
I oiglit came ubs hail a l«-m|s-ralnre aod
•ear KUat. bad a case is court a few collar aad all bat lost hto falae teatb.
! |«lae that made the d.wuu-'s hair aUod
days ago. Us lasistad oo batag bis Bagel Uepio bol faito to aae where
i.ot ebe dnm»d WMcsrriedto
awa lawyer aad prlaolpal aliaaaat Ue gtMtd luck oumes
| Um- wiuics. and weul on. aiiiV iwo ductbf aaB#
gaaauoalaf btaisslf be bad toV<ap
Ba lust la bu eaaa.
At Bey City, WIDtom Tbomai. wall
^ B»*aU Parker, of Osceola, bas lost
taar of bto bard of cattle from tome 7S yran Mr. Tbomaoo bad tratslad as j b„, lart »rt1.ani.-nHy
At the and uf
Us bas ahlppud tbs so raplcrar Id Afrtua. and many of tbe j tbs «wruIuk >bv was coniplrt r deliriIt ibe pUy
play bud
hud scored a kit and
of llio curt
aaUBtal eollega to leare if pcaaible the
pusuBec departmant views
Paiufnl aoridente otti-n uccnr on tbs
■aato of tba dlueaaa.
with favor the propoeitloa W place a
stage and are inroe w ith such suug froid
M. OouUoadt of Ulllsdale. toa MB letter boa on each sUaet ear la Oraad
by the ofli-nv tliat (be nn.dii-nin %as
of raaoaroa aad aafre.
Wblie ba aad Bapida Tba ayaum to already In no id-«
« anything bni
bns bafi' ueJ B»itb.
bla brother ware erosaiag tba Ice oa operation in Djc Hoiura la. where it I one nigbt. In foll'Di . ran a nail Into
Baw besae lake tba other day tba 1st- givea great satisfscUoa
It di
! bis aide, bnt » o
tar wathad isto tba take througb a tokaUe plaae el Ua latter boaae on ! Im-idei.l thai.er. n hi*
atraaga dtoaaas.
bola that bad beeo made byloscui.
airaet eornam. bet to r^rded by tba ! >>vt know anything bsd bapis-ned nntil
department as an
Ua Dublla
M. Owlboudt could get so foot
addrd facllhv for
bagsIS w
la a
a crack
crack maos
Mds ny
by ua
Ue les
O. A Blodgett. Ua mllllooalra lutu '
plow, let bimaelf Into Uis srator by berman of Urand Eapids. yesterday'
Us sida of tato brother and allowed aubkcribad AM.UOO worU of Ua slock
toe with hU
Ladies’ Jackets
Ladies’ Cloth Capes.
Black Boucle Jackets, all lined, value $4-25 to 4-50—to close AA AA
Black Melton Double Cai>es, pbin,
braid trimmed, braid and fur trim
med. etc., values 85c. $1.25. ^.50
out at.... ...................... vZiZv
and 1.75.
Other Boucle Jackets, finer, values
$5-50.9-50. 12-50 and 13.50.
The groat
Tolmii Igoke hi* anii in the
i'^ a I'lav. tinlali'd the ml.«hud hie arm
,,4ud mu. pl.uv ami w. iit on wiU
the play os tliougli nothing bod bup-
him to ciimu over his oboularra, alter* of the proposed beat sugar factory in ;
1* was Dot long ago that ManlaU
wards drawing himself out
that place.
i dasbid bis hand d.ovn u]«« a table and
run n ■piii.lb-clear Ibro.igh bi* luiiiu
Three years ago a irsve'ltag doctor,
sixl ont 111'- >Mck of hi. I. .ud Witliout
BebUM taa iMura.
gtvisg Ua fisms ul JamesMarubal, ealil illeniig In hi. liti.M he held Ihs
A starUing
ot which Mr
ed on Jobu Msilin of Wnu. aaa offsr_ incident
icldenl of
*.„j, j,to lilt h.:nd. iiiilUd his
h-iid frtw uoiiiid Uis kiTiiiiif
•d to cute Mrs Marun ul rbeuutaUsm John Ulirrr, of t'hiladslpbia. ua* ‘hr
•ubywt. u nurrutod by him a* follow*:
lerAHHi. Martin gats a note lor Ual •I w,. In a most driadful csyodltioaP.
It on wilh Lis |iuri os
hi* 11- rre hud ti.nr l.s-n tri-d
iuut. -No cure, oo psy
and Ue ] >|y sk.n w as almost yell-.o , eyes auak- thimgh
------ *' ..............
Bvidi'iitly a >uir uicml. r. of Ibe iirufm''
It away, lesriug a buttle of
■ • »in .
anpMiU-'-gradualty »u>ii an- i-.-iire Cuiit-itu iiigly h-ruic in
colored avufl. Nuto (.'bioagu partlce sas ba.'k and sid-s. n
weaker day by day
Three ;irivul<-iliuraclor (I'un in heroic i.ij-a,
fo^Ua psjmsst of a aote for AUw
- . had glreo me up.
Korin-< and proUilUy all of (lii-m Count nvae ol
given to B V Batcbelder of whoa
I'lv. a friend advised
trying .'Elec '
niaruidont iti ilic yearswurk.—
Uay elalm to have bought toe sola.
Iter*,' and to my great joy aod
prise, tbr
Urst b-ittle madsa rteoded
Tba Cyclone Wo^Wire ranea Co.
__ ,>rorrmenl. I ronUoued thel^ nae
—„ s< Holley to Alltagaa (wear for 100 tons for Urea weeks, and am ao»-a well;
•f wire and 100 fenos maeblasa u go to
TUtCMMSail $115.$5.n. ^8.15 ud TN
Black Wool Beaver Jackets, half lin
ed. value $3.75 to 4.00. to i
close out................................
Heavy Beaver Capes, braid trimmed
- -value $3.50 -this closing A I I A
Other Beaver lackels, finer, values
S4 50. 5.00. 6.60.
So one abould fall to try Uem. Only , kband.m. n* t^rmuRy acu^ uv lui)
A uw "Oldest marrlsd eoapl e' bate 40 seota pur bottle at S E. Walfa end bates a*, and tbe i«gd.« of a hiauraa
3. O. Jobaeoa't Drug Btorea
{ to wbpu wr erarcely gats dugs' food at
I the Elym. Isirk* at our heeia In a
araMr. aadMru. P. tloald. aad have
j little time, thanks «*• tue republic, one
bean married <11 years
j wiU blush to be a PrnnebmatL —Pane
At Bi. Jcaaph Jobs T. Murphy, tba
bees dtoeovared at BatUe Oraab.
Extra qaality heavy Beaver Capes,
braid, braid,and fur trimmed, etc.,
values $3-.‘io. 4-oo. 5JX).
This Closing Sale $2.85, U40. $3.90
Black all wool Kersey Jackets, sotne
half linetl, others all lined, values
$6.00 to 7 .50.
This ClosiQgSale,$1.98. $2.68, $3.48.
Fine quality Kersey Capes, richlS’
trimmed, ;value $7.50. this AP AP
closing sale..............................VviZv
This Closing Saio $3.15 anii $4.25.
All wool Kersey Jackets, in Cadet
Blue, Tan and (rreen, val- (C OC
ue $8.50. this closinti sale Wp*Zu
Extra quality Kersey Capes, heavy
satin lined, value #8.50 to AP hP
9J30. this (Closing sale.......... WViVW
i All our better Colored Jackets of fine
Kerseys, all made in handsome
styles, tan. new blue, brown, ifrecn.
etc—values $10.50. iv^o. t^-ooand
Best Kersey Capes, very choice, braid
and fur trimmed, long length, val
ue $12.00--for this closOC
............... wD.WU
TUs Qosiil Sile $6.75, $7.15, $8.75 »d $6i5
■Ladie.s’ Plush Capes.
Children’s Jackets
Silk Plush Capes, substantial lining,
full sweep, fur trimnu-<l- A A QA
value $4.50.lhis dosinir sale vZiU 0
- 'oni- lot fancy mixuirM. Wool Cassimeres. for ages 4 lo .S years, values
S..50 ,o,,.75-Ihis closing ggj,
Silk I'lush Capt-s, fur trimmed all
around, bigr sweep, value Al I A
$7x>0. this closing; sale - - - vfr• I V
Scotch mixture, blue and white, and
Best. Plush Capes, elaborately trim
med with tjimp and braid, fur ed»{ed, value $i5.0o. this clos- A A AP
$3 00. this closing sale----- VI i4v
I'ine Wool Cassimtire Jackets—halue's $3.50 104.00—this clos
ing sale- ...................
Kt-ver ill the history of i-louk si-lliue liHt-e Buoh torrifK- i-oU tD valae« been' mode loi choiiv
stylish Kkmieutk.
This, I<h>. Ri'a time when half tbe winter is Itelbre yon.
Our Quarter Off Clothing Sale'
III .lanuary was an imiurns.-sm-eeiw—» siuxjeks In-cawse it tnnirtl
eoau., ulsters.
great iinniliera of auits. over.
. le . into cash- • thongh at such aiaugtil.-red pricT that mo*t stores would not even
iiUt.-r. juiir
ixiir of paiita. maekinaw. el«-.,
twenty-five per rent fr..m
fr..Bi our fur
soil, or. r*«Mt.
desirable Kiuab -at a Ituua-iide diw-oufit of
lowest pricei
2*1— ill.' k.'"<sls and
,1 you'll
iiitesi, same aa others
buying any
doim.'. ihoiiuh
'rin- values gre simply irresistable. that's
We guarantee BBtiktacUon in your purchases at this stem-,'and
hadn't tboot;|tt of
U> r>^utid
the purchase pri.-e on wLatov.-r yuo buy her,-, if, after ius|>eetin)' the goods at bfiine. they a^e for
any reatoiu unaatisfaclury to you.
Tou oiiut be pl<as<-<] with what you buy of ua, or eloe it’a not
You ean't make a iiiiatake if you trade a
This Ciosing.SaJo 49,69.89o, $l|o5.
"'■l‘ lii-l bet from tlia w ings and
sown aaa writer of jQvanUeatorin of'
rmrt'.niiv.w down l.« tbnwt
III .1
, 11,111,, I |i 1-■ "ach Cime ei.-I'-fl tin-sliu-w
lUlt ihe
Wrb laaga aad atoBseh to Us agri. aUrtos were focodrc on fata adsaauras.
hold so b« grabbed
dagre* sod bar ar>Ty brnttb ao
UMprd biaoatbabaad bat ha oaa
wife.'^s a fias record with
At ffaat Bay Oltv Haaiy. tbs b-yaar. _____________________ _
maaagers sD«i warraaled to kraprwgagrtbaata qpl«s dead aad btmrd. An
tUaam, of BdMad BoaUaM. wbUa gleaaoaocoaaioftbaaSalr.
cungadtea of the Insgs almost
fttarplag boos fma aebooi triad to
- atoaty-aiaa sUaa oos day last waak.
tbry tbaoiaelTaa bar. a fasbioa of mak
la, light of it
bin. Bit)wa Pottar waa racvntly
ohlirad to give ap brr work la £
“Threa Boakrtan*" uo tbafini Oightr
« *"" Pl«J•*» f-nitht bard axai
the iUona and mmi0 la
ip «h»
the acotr M
eolirsly tvncaalad bar anflrrioK
----------- ... ..... Bptbe pBrt
Bagbsa. aged SI yaara. cosiDiltod sol-
laglaadasad eoadltaoa.
nsDaKrT. Om bean a frsot deal aboat
rtsfc folk and tbelr ecveBtnritiea bat
Reliable Dnr Goeds. Carpet and Clothing Hnnsn
Traverse City.
A Few Of The Many Bargains We Offer To Close Quick. I
A to*. Ilf joulh'* all wool fine lk«>e Overt jaU. turn' fit 510,0
Hv>uet.t oa a J-.b—away under value—1«
In aeaoon or out of it.
We a!«aya l«-ad in low pricee on i.'cxxl reliable mcr
Tliia reputation <mer aUaiued through
reliniiuii.|i. ,(true bargain-giving euunts for anythini;.
►o'» elgbUy
uwlhtxht we will never
Xe hn>e mnrted donin Odr Oyerconls and Ulsters,
Jackets. Cepes and Fnrs
to a price wkere ccmpeiltlon ceases to be a rinl.
When a mark-down U inaugiiratod in the Boston Store it lueena a reduc
tion. nut to a farornl few or to tbe velI.puett<L
A uuifonn rut down in price was ordered tbroagbont our Ckaik. Qvaroaati
ud Claier atocka. Every castooier reaping the aaeie bueflt
A Int uf all wool e
' ~ $4 26
H»aver Urereoate—to
a heavy Kersey OrercoaU.
A lot ot any Pne«« durable CloMra to elooe
to aa QaiVaam* IrnUm' Uo^
Tbe »toek beta* Uotlwd we a
$9.60 i
Cloak Department
Cbojce of toe best JeebeU of the beet of R««wye. Sm TeftMa :
Iruiog. laiinred ivait Unikhed by brtt of operotota
KPk 1
-prieee ruspiug up to«U. ebolre of oay at..........
ChUdm’a BBd XUau' J*ok«ta Mdito«d down to :
$1.00. Um beat no higher UiBB $5.
BUmfO »»OOSi), >OTIPAT,»»B»PA»T ». I»»»
Beats All
The artonishUig Rn«h and more aBtoaUhing Valuea at :
S. Bea^^ih^'a “Clearing o£ all Winter Gooda."
It ukf«
CAITT th* B*Bdm
OR qnick diafoaition of all Winter Gooda onr aalea during the paat 30 daya
r beaJallreclfc Wehareaoldgooda-NEW GOODS--aof.attbat|^lt
onlt take a few more weeka of anch aelling and the laat uest.ge of all heauj
will be turned into caah. Not until thia ia done will we atop "alaating pnce^
Our atock ia clean and ALb new and aeasonable gooda, and the only reaaoji why
we cot pricea no deeply ia “We wUl not carry OTOr heavy goods. Our
: atock neit fall must again be entirely new.
SpriuB ttylM In Ken's
Soft and Stiff Hats are now
ready for your inspection.
Got your boy a nice new
SUIT—All this week' wo
seU svorytblng in our boy’s
department at from 86 to
S3 per cent, discount from
our former low prices.
Saturday the ruah waa ao great that gooda, aaleamen and cuatomm got
mixed up at timea. lu the Boya' department, where mothera are
majority, it i. touching at timea to ace the mtereat
Stted out with a atyliah, anbatantial Suit or Overcoat for a few dollars when
were it not for thia new Store perhapa many little fellowa would be forced to go
with the traahy kind of clothing at a greater coat It mattera not what you may
be looking for, be it a Snit, Ulater, Overcoat, Sweater, Cap. Underwear, etc., if
we have your aiie ifa youra at an enormous saving. Come at once.
A V Frieilrich Block
1S4 FroDtStrest.
' 1 HOT BLOUli'l.N
>S j
BnqBtre Owjn.hlsBoii Chhrli*. Mr. t InBrueatbH *t lewl 900 people wiw—
*Dd od tbe mnrdw from the.oppoelio aide of
end Mr*. Dick Nobita. m-iB-Uw and
BB. tbe river. Bvanrellat l*»a wee saddvDiy
daaffbter, eod ^re Dot Cerpvour.
eod qaleblr cot dowe.
Mr. riemlns
other deaffh W. who lived at ----------dUmoa.Wd
iBled rwm
from bb
.u m.i.
male w
to a.
$« to
w bis
Ark . were barfed at the eeme time
amUtanM.bat hv. loo. rraa attacked
I to invv«.tixale 1
mtet importeut probl.-m regarding the !
dietribntiun of life in the aea- It naad ■
u_ bdirved
I...*:..._a tlmt
*1... tbe
.1... otvwn
.-..AM depUjs
Awf.tha ;
wmv a.-ki»«..re.—. -............................
conflBfd to the
ibr shallowsarfaca-lolt.
shallow aarfacv lolt. l«t
thia idea bed
had to
to Iw
le elaudunt^
alaud.mvd wvn
wvn hw
, (gye
IWe in.tbi- CMiiena-v
mablu voyace of eciontiflc
Tbe finest OVBEOOAT8
—the $80 and $88 quality—
all go at $18 60.
Oome quick and pick as
you like.
Some are silk lined.
Wilson Broa. new line
will be in Monday afternoon
It’ll do you Rood to look ’em
over. 25c-60c-76c
*iKioiat uwouiou« «
, cvme ttwfORir that oiRbU _Hu h»d» ]
...vouaaares T».T atuoa. e"0-
J SetteTal'Ketna Sdema
iiiiii 111! Ilium 11 Hill
Hew goods
AiTlTinc dsily.
Oome ia and let's
poetyou on sweU
spring styles.
A OATH, aiiemnynrf If ktri-itMt them ei»rt. Q-'twiSsI
hkMsrvssUW Oe- MwS
cabin dour with •
and Bt«n for tbv cabin
tbnmt to BO to tbv oobwel’s quarter*
and cat Aim duwn with his nword. Ue
powerful man. aCle to tkrry out
n«t anlvai tbe colonvl rffbald fvt
w. “jK2?oK;rifdf^uctt
a .
' tbe di op Onov the
««ier Bot
I away aad was half why to tbe oolowl*!
•‘TraB«l'r*»“ <x^ o*” catupa cmi- cabin, with »ord
g{ twttli'K wore niorr common than ' man." aaid tbe adjaM^t.
public knowa” mtd a dietlngaiahcd blot your ivc^ ed'ihree yvara by
1 miuuut nintUir? Thii^ ol ibA Thmk
..-nlVontim. of MakwOvn'™! Kvl-■
your wil.-and cbiUlnjn. <^c back
Good estborUy bee U tbet Dr. Ji
a. OeaBeld. Ublo state aalversity preaideat aad ao vdaeator of aatioaal rvp
wUtioa. mey become librariaa of eoaCresa
At Mailla emallpog eaaeet apprebeaMoo.
Tke eaUre command bat bvan
racelaated eevoral timee.
Twelve pby-
eWdaiu bare beea eunwred lor eevvral
weeks veoclaaUac the oelives.
.... .............SS:
n Is during
e sickly t
mtba. March. AprU and May. when
feevra. amallpoa and dye$niery are
their bodies left for three days oa tbv ,
if the- dq.tb at whicii the
the surisoc.
You wouldn't think it |
-All nghu kill him. tat w$Jt tmUl
pablii: road.
: .nrface bets were lowed was iDcr.-v d nrohablv. but I tuvself wasooiw soebree tomomiw—nnitl it mligbi Dcot*b^
- _______________
-------------------------[bat to no way lor
makiw „wgree,
my gray hair
hair a
a man
man in the durtt. That
Friday momlae
three —.a---------woil.dtaoed,
trvfe lurluM'd ill .u,;.
brave man to da
allpoa were dlawvered at | mesbra. an olnsTTaliun which puinta-d
iae U)i a.1 I rvcvill It.
LU bonk and ilfW
Ue went tuck
lift- St all UviiUis
-WLik-a numu-r of crfBtvrslof
tbe Veocome hoivl. located In tbe cen-1 to the probability of
tyr<snws sT"i ,^m,.„.iRiTi' in ibeniajur'sK'niIt 1 mid ; Bbtil
ter of Omaha. The health department, The inwtur.lii.ifs
dMignvd to svtilr thin iui|sjtaiit puiuv wynielliiug tluil n cupuih tiK'ki o
noUfivd and plana ware quickly
"How can I gel out tif tb^ aerape.
Ih diwT w-a si-ar lions to, aiid
a war of wiwd. f.dlowed.
"How ^igeti>u.»«w. . _____ a..- ....M..vlwlnm
tSai . stir
appUanc. uat work
A aqaad of armed pollvemen ^
off lhi wii.t ccwsi
I'cwsi id
id Ir.l-iul
Inland- It
It ww
W-* ismirK out with luy right and wt
aei him ,
^ u,, ^^e and wbva tbe guesU
p.tt^ u^,.^ oi^ naiivJir
.snore prevaleaL Mine per cent of ikel,^^^^
Bccuatomed momlog^unld le lusdr with a (hiuu of
-eommand are now reported akk. but dotiv* they were driven back lute the Beta, the l. n^-tb of wliii'li w-"ld I*
Kmdusllv iuiTiuvsl until s d.',.ib id
Abe ffTvat majority of ihe eaac* are tkoaae. TtavellBg men begged to ‘
alight ailamo a.
permitted to get away. guar*nieelog
b-'devised e lib ueto-i ■
Tkeaonthboaod piaaeager train on lewve tbe city by tbe drai train or afoot “ru*'Veniiw^ wW . piTiiu;; (lUd cliwiUK uulure. SO that
If nnrrriT-y^"lal da ««
mrnpl-s of Hfi- at differ, ul depihu lmuM
waa alowlng op for a railroad ercaalny alipped oBt of the akyllgbi. sealed the
gerund. It w»» also intended
the kaaaa* City A San FraneUco road
Pitlabarg. Kta., when tbe road-|Biijsceal roofs aud making their way . ^
ju„.uiibOUsab«il U hoi audwliarp; then
^oTl^ wtlVt.d ns
- L‘K
FromweeH.___________ ________________
mid. -bnuK CdIoocI blank to iii. -jW : ivb STu »oishvyv^^.«ow-
tora " Tb.w met like a jwirof b™ b^
day tbe aojuiam isnr.™
i uUhI an inuy irajpd.v. aud
that he piwv
Jbicatw Times Herald,
oar- asked
f„n aiuTuou Iheraptain invil- _
"Do yon like candy.
He made all
miitf*-* cax'aa*
me. uiid I i-.'iife>»llial for atiina
j jjj j ^r bi-wuuld make me tniuLle in
^ ,oun niartniL tat the mat^
lo blew
*,a **
aab. a
*’«Ssu2i»'*S»^ ** ”
' Ij
• - - •
Med for a distance of 60 feel sack froOjUiroogh
a tbe snow aod
aud loe over the | rniwL
trawL Tbe cij"
cai« il^tion
il-tion was fili«l oul . ...i me to tui.1- a walk with bun. Thiuk- «.ytwr-ald Eewjft
,«• »l
.>1 the Korsl (t>Mk.Tapb- .
,that liar ir-ubles tui'l
-wader the engine and Irala. The ec-' hones tops, maasged to reach the i at tbe ex|>v&«f
iity and the Drapers' apJ Fi»i
uspuii i*
k « simI-»««• iMyret^ er eSSfms to
'n^' icitl wwii
lid. 1 couspuii
On ia«-ay
ibo way beck mays maki* me locjt.
giaeer put oa a full head of ateam asd groaad in mfrty. after many
______ i tbroBpb an orchard. !
"I'm awful plad of it. mid the UV
tooamp..-.---------- --..
1 ia pulling tbe entire train eaeapes.
te get
«.t same
tie miss. "Yon re jau tbe waman I-1
CaoBi* traveling men are in tbe boteloat of tbe bole oa to *oUd gronad.
erpr"C*e<s sf Cetlsa
as 1 mu-bid
f.>r au apple
-was foand that tbe roadbed was over a Sobody cate* to esamlne the register
• As Ions K> th*-planter* i«.r«i«t in rais- p,,,,aiu rveih for bis rcvnlvir aril ph
ml m'.oe and tbe gronad bad sunk to jesta-. present tc And oat who the ing uiorv iv.ttou than th.-world cob „
ugca very fivod luslamlyllousTrareme Oily HartK.
a dtaueee'pf.sia feet below tbe levelgamtsare.
cunsame el s iM.' iut: price it is not to ^„„i ,.;v bold i.u'a.uv.piaxl totbcpmatid. j
Below to a list of the baying aad eell
-rpectod that th.-n- wiU be an #d- •
s>mki^ 1 look uiv plsiv 17 bis '
M. Treiler.Va farmer llnag -near
jdlydo,The WeesB Ws^aew.
' Tance to a mnch hijih. r and jkt
WteblU, Kat.. dropped dmd at the
Cnipluyiiivut AiP-ul—Tbiwe
tins 1^,.^!
iuark--ts than ba-obDp that ptul or l U brain voa.' This P”*’
. siri at ito 2*^
,o«ee of a (arm loao company just as recouuurtidsuoas that gari has. main uiinrd daring tb« U^t two vvam Nev {[me he was kepi 00 a hot priddli-for a er*eaty
be WA* about to place bli signatnre to ShaUI iwndfiir bi-r to come and talk ^rthelms the case of tin-iiAton plsoi.-rs mooib. ibouRh 1 made no tbrceis »“<i :
^ ^bl new...^..
a mortgsge coveriog bis hommtead.
1 isnot altotb'iber hoHem. Colton hat i^d no thonphtof r-portuip bis aitoi .(k
Mrs. Briaston—IsshelallorsbCfftt . i,
tbe only vsInaWr prodnet of the
Short Cal PWk....................................
The "Military aad naval order
•- ----------hL
__________ “Si.
"Rather Ull. mmn. bat"—
! cotton crop, as was tbe c;vw 13 or 90
she fat or thinF'
yeanagiv Wvnowhavebi)>i\.lai'lerr*m
$ooi. ^
the ^rop
crop which
which are
are w.irtli
w.u-tli fL'iMioc.OiHI
Strong' —
unnoreunnnally. and K u ntUu and in"Is she alonter than 1 amF'
; yenlor. are « den!vticar..v I'li-y u .dmiug
"Oh, y«-mam. a good deal."
the field itf cuusaniptb* and creuting
the Spanlsh-Amerlcao war" was organtoed ia Mew York Friday
Teddy Booeevelt was selected for com*
The purpoee of tbe order is
to preserve tbe memorim and aasodaUoBs of tbe straggle with 8paln
g aetaal pariklpants.
Vaaeouver dispatob my*
drankeo Siwash ludiaDS tried to an-1
nibitote wbltrs in Alaska. Fear reds
were killed aad a aumber woopded.'
while foorAioerkan depaiymaisbaU |
•e barv
Ualted Sutce Mambal Me
O.LV, .< J...... h.a km«i.. laas. 1
"Wbat iaitT
(MiBD.)dmlrmthe Hag*
1 tbo chief BI.J better known hyprodneta
I of the cotton idanV Ea.h is capable at.
a and
•ided r
' the
t baildiag* to the ooaatry:
w yon?
t hope «v
OIM or more a year The w-ed meal and
ui-ver bad a good boor since that
;.;Vbalis"trad:. is quite btrge at pnw '^.a«t in tbe orvW'
.^T«to be had «t. bat not u-srfy
torpe as may be ;
.. .with aU my b**rc captain.
eiperted within a few yeera. Tbme are one bui yoa and mywU ki
baaiDcm to grow to !«• worth $KMhHI.-
ata inquired.
Oa Febroary 16 aeit and the mma!
4a, th-wmfter. ErprmeottUv.
"Shewon'ida She'd aplit the seam* new indu>trii» to miiitc i% lion iir.»*.- xhe colcmd had given Uir urtlcr to t»nn ^duerfc...............................................
of every drem I have."—3|ew York
ijv the single diavv. ry of coiPm
huule. A» adjucaut ii was luy Butter per Ib Dale*.................. ..
#l.Vo<K>.oOt) aliunall.v wasadd,0
Uiat ea.b c-uplain earned Creamery Bnttei-.i..........................
ed to the vulne of tU*- eon*-n croli At
jj,,. order. Wm-n I rvacbed tbe■ Cheese
Che« per fti ...........
Oee •» the Mtarrw Ceaveeb
> Oat*
"1 bare a handsome huae."
tb.' oil milbi o,v ji„tT
are alai'fl djiily in,^,t, •Ailjuuuil.
“With aUtbemodern
nomber, and tbv demand when I complivd. ho took my baud.
eeeuo. ~ s.-ow with the pnrfucUon. tookid mo squnr'ly hi *‘‘C‘ > v *>*<1 mid;
There is room iheref.j'v (i>r the i-nide oil •jj^-ou-uant. can you forgive me for all
to self deterne. and the SIsrasbm keyed
•p c red llqaer aud aaliled forfb.
..-j-by ni-st lighi »ve got into wc m-iito : abort Cat Pork per Ib.....................
giK<d und all and irmaioivl last : pioar, H L. A Co. bmt.................
Bye Flonr, H L. A Co. Beet...
(yif-nds mini
uniil tbe
tbe tiual
tiual round
round op.
op. when
w..^- : ...
c^m-ral J**' J‘'hu«ttai had bia men 'k
throw down their guns aud go home to
.muk.-a croi.' It happened in this way. Kgfiwpv^
wchy sa» waa ateta.
fly at half maat.
ij„je aUair '
-X, I «id. nothing else «me np to
u.. ™y.“w"
V. He vl C^swWa
$0! .po B«xT-ri
wboat, old. per ta.....................
Wheat, new. par ta..............v,
oata. No. 1. per ba. (pew).
to Waahlagtou.
lived in
Nearly nine Bpeatha age the Prii
pJtoward. earTTfng Captato Pande and a
«*w. of 97. ikaied from Baltimore for
She baa not arrived there
It to thonght the vessel baa guae
A dUpatoh from Palma. Qreaeo, my*
„ bor own story.
l«m than tanfamilk* to
____ ___________ _______
^ ' Para toad exPSMttflfl.
- 'a™ P.1 pto»as out.
vw tat
Tve aJway* ,
; tbe window mod see the dtoptoy of
uaiT axica »*v
— -—
been gl$d I did not He was a good admeals, flab, cetera, etoam, tototora
gier in batUa aa btnv* as they
but a talldog in camp- He left
Jbe army a major^ Hia name? Merer 1 Oompasy M Itooiikl*. 86 Ctota.
mind that It ia a true Btory- I wish it |
Tbefvarea few of tbe^
J time to my life I w w to a lair way to ,
jjIBai i-eau—as——--—'
, y«, kisawi Bobeoa?
(g the
she toaida tntonnatkm
totonnatkm ^ wiU be
MlwAvIsewortb—Nalamcrying to
*h)e to impart about thoee ten ftooiltoal
: win a iruntoticm that will enable me to
—Boston Transcript,
girnpw’^toe rtage. and I guem tb*
!m*i«*t wav togi't it iabyeiwi-adinsto#
“Awm't TOO afraid srito/eo many rumorthatlhav«ntki**edHohBDB.—
abont. Mr. SotUpigh. that Chicago Mew*
S« Were tola «
OUa Mttaa. CUB ChffwflB
“Eseu^ w. air." mid Barker toe'
hittaa twomoetos ago. but Impt tb* 1
"i_l am-'——
At tbr g*wee City EmUue
•but what to your I
ookoel of a western regiment
~and ^^ua*4 treatmaat 1 Mand. don t yem know. 1 nevah eaity Booriah tiuvaler.
himed that icgaark to hia )i
anytoing of
of toe
tbe biucbmw
allgblmt Tain*
<s*>« *ritb buamms?
mt’e my «obmele.be diwaimed tbapemdeooe
srBlJrXhh CAHD8.
ersaing to December. Iflfld. afew milee
Patras oe Mo>. M. 1997.
"Ah.“miaB*rta*. "Imh
*** I—* o< Mmabnrg.
MmofMtoalmippl. tat moved to Ala
bama aad waa apwoiaud to th* eoaia
OoWlUe Y. la«»to. Amerkma vloeoca-; aomebody wiU demand your ViaMy
aal baa died of hydrophobia.
Be was; yoar brains ?”
; “i SE?;3i,„i»<i psi. D«w
tor aerviee from that atoto
I Bkbt 8AX.Tn to tta world for ^
V U the aurieaaf murder* of mlaaloa^rtoa aad forelga rcaidcatt rwtooUy to
Ototoa. datolla of a partleatoriy barharotmaCalrat Ohoagaa Chiaag. tovolv
tha Ufa of aa Bagltohman earned
___ _
TUUe CUarsA.
Huuda,aiOtoutoa,a]rea.aBd 1
Br«pttoaa.uad pc-ltirely o'
orno parraqaired. It IS |
"^djntaal. sM that Ii«
aty Opera House,
Wednesday, Feb. 8
^>*^veitb.ttarhmr-;.«d-.i... Sd*^ m!m
ad Mia, 26 and 86e.
• 3am^l1iaflM9whtoh«aem»w^
ss'ss: •'K,,air.r.at."7a
.a.a..v„uo..-.L.s.u>.. B. ...
iBtrodemd a raaolnUoa to that effect According
i5wla*amet«7- DajaeSal^t*aUa rvato-
-7:^1 rU
"«HS ter el 1A« horM le puets«
•wer- AlTM4r the pneUcAl '
I eqolM Hteht bf eeM to he tAklBC
iteee. esd hclorc Another oeo*
«MTT ehAll here etepeed he UAy here be.
AOBM A AoelocteAl reHoelt)-. HU venATAble booee »U1 be eeea meiuted end
AB ezhlbltloB IB miueame. The emAll
her of the tveeltctb centurr will woe*
ter wbAl eort of ABlmAl Bquiu CAbeltoe reellr wee ab4 wiu ouu^el At the
<Aot thAt be »Af enee herBeeecd ead
•ude to hAUl heevr lOAde
dies wMibaTa thrtr own prtrate auto
mobiles and may be teen any day
speadlBC BolseUwsly alone tbe more
fashionable atraeu of that city. It takes
some skill and experteaea 10 operate
one of these powerful borteleas carrtaeea. for. after elU they are mere locomoUves and not unconnected with
BKtfe modem rehleU wax hellt After the daneer In the hands of the Inexperi
plea of A common reed cArrlACe ead not enced. In Peru tbe autbortUes require
Ae A relocIpedA ThU Automobile, bow. each operator of an automobile to p
, WAS Dot A rerr eeUefActorr meehlee. end it wee not antll 11 reer* later
that HM. Serpollet and Arebdeaeoa Id*
rented a etcarn automobile, with which
mouaioha But It was l« aJi llkellbeed
from the Cucwot steam rarrtaKC that
-................................................ bU Idea
for a locoiDOllve oe relU.
At tbe BUpoeilloa Unlveraelle le PArte
lo m» A eteen eotomoblle vaa exhibit-
when eieculAllr Bret 1
propBlslOB for
•treat >
. Then the WcT
. At OBce imo popular
liar faror and
re»derte eUU mere limited tbe ueae of
«ur OBoe eaaeetlAl quadruped.
But DOW atm BTealer chsoree arc
taklar plACA. Tbe Inlrodnctloo of the
Automobile M streets of Amerteah elt-
ceneral transportatloa and traction
There is one tblnc that tbe motor earpurpoeea. la that year tbe editor of tbe
A and that U rood roeda
Petit Journal orraolsed the Best auto* rtare demendA
mobile race, which was run from ParU We are already Indebted j the bicycle
to Itouen. to this contest the steam for an Improvement In the coodttlun of
blshways. but when the autumoblle
bors^lees earriaAC. nbllc protloB Itself
eumbereome. mUy and uncouth le ap.
pearance. etaowed Itself superior to Its
electrical and rasoUne propelled Hrals
of that time. Tbe followtnc year eootber race was run. this Ume from Parts
to Bordeaux and return, but In tbit teat
It was the electrical earrtace that prov'
ad Itself tbe superior machine.
L-p t thU Ume the consirucUon of
these carrtaces had been condiM-ted
Ml and cleaner than U now possible, j ttoa ef tbe I
leas camaxe. when it
Slabllnc wilt no lonxer be necceeary la ' U borne In 1
that many dUturblag
eltlee. and there will be more room pn ' elemenu enter
tbe problem.
. sireetA . Tbe weartne noise of iraf. • ready there has been a freat fbJIlnr
Be wlU be buabed. and pneumatic Urea In the prodocilon of burses and a depreand allant xeneralor* or store** batter- elation In the value of borsefleeh. which
lea will do away with the roar of w heels ; has Oiled tbe farmer and the borse
and tbe rattle of horses' feet In oar j breeder with apprehension. But. forcountry, fortunately, there is no l> *.s- 'tuaalely. tBrs* questions have the habit
Utlon and no popular preJudUe axalnit ' of aettlln* and adjustin* tbemsrlvea
the automobile, as In England, fur in- ; «'ben It U remembered that there are
stance, where only a little over a year now mUllona of acres of land devoted to
ar> problbllory leglrtaUon mitb regard the Krowla* of crops for berae food
to tbe use of such carriages In London alone, which In time may and must be
was repealed Itnlll this action was devoted to th* production of food for
taken It was necessary that all horse- ' «•»« human beings who are engaged In
less carnages should be preceded by a j “>« manufacture of tbe eery maeblnea
earing a ' *hat
<hal a
are dlsiilacln* tbe borae. Ibe probboraetwrk bearing
red flag as a warning of the Approach ^'— -01 so Intricate and Ibe euUook
of the terrible engine of deatructlon.
Animal power has ever been caprtclous and uncertain, while maeblnery
reltaMr and always sure. An auteme-j chine, and even wli
: btle docs not loqulre continual atua. | duwed with all tbe n
w evee tbe leiTle b
and the lone orerworked draft borse
are to become tblnrs that aere."
The recent formatloo of a company In
Mew Torfc city with a capital of eomt
to eztdolt compressed air as
a motire power for all trucklnc and
aaniBC business la Oreater New Torfc
■hows etui arelD how surely tbe retm
ree Is passlnx
« sway. ]
■« fitting to their peculisr qusi-I
r a time A
•e remain tbe pet and tbe trained apeed- I lllea Todsy. however, It might he said '
feig animal of the wealthy In tbe citj ' that they have evolved an Individeality ;
and tbe helpful friend ef tbe mor* hum- ' of their ow D. Automobile mechanics Is 1
Me farmer in the country. But as ttm< I an art the nicely of which Is only ongoes OB nnd urban population becomu 1 derrtood by those who are of the pro•sore and more dense It will be seen to teaslOB.
! But one of tbe great dtfflealtlaa that
I atm race Ihe construetora of horseless
tbe problem of expense.
RaUoD and eleanUm
oKly Parisian made autoRiohlle rlctorta. for |
•alf propelllBg vehicles
Ibe public j Instance, cost* aomr fSOC tnd sa auto- ;
■ ■■ tricycle
The heavier rsr•treats of our tow ns and cIlleA
Tbe outcome of this will be a vast j rtages are proportlcna;e1y expem
tmprovemtmt In ths coodltMo and!‘Phia coslllnea* of msnafaciure. h
■moolbneas of all city aireelA tbe abo- | rver. is a drawback that time will
Utlon of the ob)ectlonBl.le cobblestone rt»ht. Just as bs* been Ihe esse '
U-eblcyelP But while the initial ou
s paving maiertal a
>• large
«f the ear piercing noises which now
ore than compensated for by the toa pandemonium of tbe average
algnlllranl extent of oprrslingr expenrt
Mel foe the petroleum p -opened V
sew-hat Blow of adoption In this counbeen In European cities, snd i>srtlrularly iB-I'srtA that the sulomobile Indus
try hss nourished lo tbe greatest ex
tant. The principal reason why Amert•ans have been In no undue haste to
adopt motor carriage* is the fart that
mechanically theM have not hitherto
been sumclenUy developed tn render
them acceptable for general use.
motive power employed lo moat of them
has been unsalUfactory be aus* of lark
af eHlcleney In some eases and exlravagent expense of operation in othera
But American brain* and American morgy ha\r l-eea at work on the problem
for the laal few year*, wlih the mult
that the objection* referred to have
Tbe gencial public, as a rule, has
tbe opportunity of seeing the gradual
and iBtN.rlou* approach to perfettlun of
any tmiMrtsnt mechnnical Invention.
Thl* same general public )■ usually
tounded at the mlraculoii* appewranca
af some new wonder while tbe men
wbo have been Isbortne fi>r years
brtn* shout a»i(s api>ar. ni mc'hsnleaJ
miracle fnresaw-Nbr inevitable lone be.
tare the busy wofld had thought of such
a thin*. For some time now Jokes
been made about the psaslng of tbe
borae. but unUl the last year or 00 It
was never iwally thought tbs
ilod of equine usefulness had so nasrty
approached Its cIo«a
It was vaguely fait that chai|caa
might rome about In time, for tba Idea
af mechanical instead ef aolma! trarWon power IS as old as the history of
buman thought Itsrtf. Sven Homsr
himself desrribeo tbe god Vnicsn as befcg engaged upon the eonstrucUon of
a great hall on wbeeU. which be tearrtbe. as "self moving and wenderMl."
and Juno la made to oonunand Vulcan
•o create tripods which aball ran by
tbemaelves. thus rendering better aarv.
^ to tbe god* In tbelr maeUngs on
Honni OirmpuA
In Ue thiriaanth eentnry the English
pWloaopher Roger Bacon vrrtKe In one
•r^ w orkA -They wrlll make carriages
■rweb will rua ^itb tbe greatest imag■•ifnwas without any hartirtetd
baasi* whatever."
IWawrtiesi hTirmif carrtagntrUte Is
tetj^ed today la one now on axUblthm
tt WU al the Conservatoire daa Artm
V Cwot In J7*» and was made to op-
, CopimghuaK
- —
devalopenent of tl
was net brought to a aulc of rompatn-
from psaorfnl smd drlUttag ptwsMmte
thf—hf of wnitnm amtu!> d^anfay te
utbiBklag pobUc and .
nacaolty tor a battar ela« of foadmah
tog. As things wnr ara. ths OnUad
Stata staate tovam s* tea IHt of adthe Itvarr and th* enh •(»•«.
m a iumbii «c Utm Tate?
ighwtes- Ahotbsr advantage of the
M ad the beraaiaa vaWele wm ba that
m •mate wfO bs toud man haltb-
s and propbesytne as t» «
He fMocasts that tbe Mae «f Ibe aato*
mobile, srblle dm yet groatly dlBaft^
from the ordinary one or two botM
wagon, w III Increase >n Ume to an caor*
moos extent and that lu weight majf
even reach a register of tbouaaads «<
tons. Tbe liveryman wUI be replaced
by tbe dispenser of coaL elecirtcltr and
pstrolcum. and Instead of water troogbg
along tbe prtnel|>al hlgbwaya there wS
fm aoea Innumerable clectnc storage 4«pou.
This rrench prophet attempts «•
straighten out tbe economic km>l bf
forecasting that the boras win in tUte
become a delectable and much aot^t
after food animal. He holds that a Ufa
of leisure will reator* the proper aznoant
of Bucculenoe to the flesh of tbe new
overworked quadruped, and that a Umg
will corns when borse steaks wUl bS
served at all reataurwnu and tbelr eon*
...Dptloo win be looked upon as a raaU
{ter of course. This Parisian prophet also
foresees the traveling ahop and the itlileranj theater. An immense automobU*
I will carrywlung both aoiurs.sceaery and
[ playbouae. On the upper Boom of tbS
! great wheeled building wlD ba tba
' wpsriTiietrts of the company, who wtU
' not have lo pack and unpack ibalr b*>
> loe«lnn each day.
! A train dc luxe will become the Catellonable means by whieh pleasura eat! ings will be taken. at>d summer travM-ng will r>o longer be done on dusty and
: crowded railway IralnA A circuit coul^
' will move from loam to towQ ta MU
sMslon on wheelA and evea fuberal
I processions will eonslst of a number at
rthcr like a tra^
of CbrA
All this souuda
a or lea Hka •
page from a fairy
book or tbe Idle
m-re visionary. It rapre•entx. neverihrIroA sninetblng far aoM
■uheUcilsI. for It Is the conviction of a
farecelng npO e-hol-iiy fV>-neb oclen-.
tial. who hs« had tbe op|.>nnatty it
studying the dllTerenl Invenilons wbleh
are elowiy but surHy being benight tea
state of petfecliun In hjs own countiTi
wMch may-well be called the birihplaoa
and the home ..f the horseless caertag*.
Famow Laadmarks Hay Caltepaa.
The Bridirt of Sighs In Venice Is is
danger of coIls|>se.
Thl* structure, fataou In prom
poetry, may at any time fall and dU<
sppear lo the dark wntrr* of tbe *-—»
:i rions unb-sB the ItalUin mver^^M
ufftcluls take active steps t
noted atom- arch.
_ .. Sigh* I
palaee of the doges with tW
l-rlBons, and tb* fvuBdatioo'* on toU
■1J*« are crumbllQg. iThr bridge tetad
from 15*7. li I* a graiceful arch S ta*'
.ilrive the water. Inckisrd At the sld«
, snd srebed overhead. It coniaJiw twi
]»-I«rate i^jouige*. ihrougb which pap
; .-on* w-vre led for trial or Judgn-eBt.
: The poetic sentlm-nl altachrd to ths
I brldce which gave n the fsixiob* nams
arose from a l-l.^f ui*t many u pollt•‘I Hl’7iri»oner, lnn><->nt of wrongdolite
V *• led over the ri-..n [and l*irn«- dowg
I <0 tn- durtycon* far b*l"W the nearby
- :!tct-. wh. ncr ih-rv i-as no'cwcape. So
‘lump and foul *r- ihr*. cell* Uiat tba*
; .\t- caticl "well-.- r>l. kcf* wrote d
|th- in In his "I'kttti*- From Italy
! Standing on the fai-iuu* bridgp, ByrOH
I w rote his splendid poem oo the rise ao4
'all of Venice.
Another notable siraieture In Italy
that Is said lo be endangered by Im•ending plans of Improvements ta tb*
l•on^e Vecchlo. In FInrence. TTita to tb*
'usl picturesqoe of Florentine bridge*
■tud was hum by Taddeo Gr.ddl to tb*
fourteenth century. Here the gold-nfllh* had their *hopA In tbe middM
of the bridge an op-n loggia gives ylev*
up and dowc the river.
Should either cf the famous tang
marks be destroyed the loa could MOt
be repaired.
tlon. as does an animal. While not in | tbe borae tbe question of economies canuse tba automobile entails no operating! not be kept out of the rakulailen. It
■ S-V jI VO-L*
eo*U •!
St l[least » cenu a day to keep tbe
the, ordinary «steed that travels
u and down
Is up
Nor! a city's SI
grow old and die. like a boi
cab horse and times are good be will
When Its day's work is done, it can
travel about SS id.Ica on an avarngc. on
run Into a shed and sUnd tWfere W
that amcunl of nourlfbmenL But he re
In a Utile village to tbe wilds of wste
ones more called upon to do servlee.
1 quires a least eight hours' Bleep and
80 long as it remains one of tbe deep reat,-A6 ay nothing of an occasional Africa Him Sle»ror. a Seoteb mtaaloarooted rharaclertstlca ef man. the moat day
off as a result of colic, which leaves aiT, has lived for It yoars without Bnmpsal-nihlp and has devotag
reatlea of all animaU. to be In the
working capacity ef It houra roi*.
irely to
t- civlllsdag_____
ice whet* be ta not be will see to It Host of the lima, however.
however, be spends to
tl bis means of transportation arc as
mg around on street _____ _ JZ When Iflaa Sl-sor first settled ai
expedient. Inexpensive and comforuble dreamily digesting bis M cents' worth
“«»* CB
•ortb '
and cruel cuiioms were practiced, rw
of oato and hay.
token him some time to reach tbe _
of the aulomobllA but It might be said
that Bucb an age has at last arrived.
The pasglQg of tbe bom Mratabc*
-“ me average
fflesmWs InfioeDce. this
food for much profound thought t t-a
Of lire averages, appearancas to tte j
has been abandoned. At firat
reBectlon. It ta a farreaefaing quesUon.
. i yeai
w cents tbs Med to undertake the care of mote-'
iSecting almost all kinds and eendl- a day hta feed lo that
era and babtao Uireotooed with this tarton* of men. What wiu bacome of tbe to only U.?Tl. for which. If he
fate, but now ber word ta law.
smith wbo hitherto eked out hta tragal led an todoslrtouA sober ate unpam- rlMe
la ordsr to beoeflt tbe sattvaa, Mtei
extatene* to the wayside village under pered Ufa be covers some IMAM nxllo. Staoser felt that she mat kaow tbam,
the spraadtog chestnut tree? tt^iat will
This newfangled antomoblle that Is ate to do so tboroughly she mast Uva
become of the hay and fcod man wbo albowtog Its four tooted Heal ter the aaooito them. This abe did. a
so profitably catered to straets «f tba city, oe tba other head, took tofinlta palas to taarii tbelr laaad"bur Old tima aqtttot vrin travel tba sama dtataaea tor hboM •oagA Than abe langbl them tbe art oC
k agpaadad to fite or alactrieUy. bnUdtog. Biwt bnudtog bar own betas to
tnendT What WUl baeomtef Ate tamsr and bla hay crop and his teM ad
c as a nmteL
eats? What wiu baeona of-tb* a ' be seat t
>e bravmfl ate paUcnca shew* by
Uvary suhte aad the hanaoi makm
tverage cost e( repalra being Mtas Blemor era mom remarkabls ate
an that for tha ordtoary carn ta ae easy ssatM to ggors ete tba rtagu hauled by hotua.
A rreacb writor wbo has mate a
sthdy of the bnraeleas earr:
ghastly crocodile.
Tv»^4 tar. m ■niltW’—t ietp.
WWUr tartar m tkt mitarB «m« ct
$t*w taatk Wrlar. i» * tabtrMS't
panuiw, Uo«ih Itf ruM Ir tat ImaL
IT fcamra onir to multan vta our
kfn itata • tar ttarr wtan mtsUbi
0«a Sr4M7 t« Tuokuu is (ta
0mman vkicb eraMlouIlr
OMi ta tatr catUe froni lh« ttuM
taVMbif of E4ca. Bat U)« eklrf point
9t toUTMl ntaat Twofold tar to ttat
R to tta r«B4c*voH ct (ka Utaotu
“ttOtai- <«fc* fUdtotar). ita dmdlr
IPM «f tta «koto r*ec ct erUcoau
fUnr tku itatoMifn. and hmm «>•
totartflnuT tad Msartou crtaturw
Itat Intabit tta o(«ui'« d^ibi. Pron
#nJr ta Korrmtar two "•ckooto” o(
fclUm nur ta tan rvrrr tar. «l(b«r
•ralatnc ta and fro nerow tta •ntnsM
«(tta tar or Nfacta In s Tlunto <-amtat vlth ■ orbato—• "rlcbt" wbato. a
*%nKpbacb~ or tbr Icrns. iwlfi "Bnhack."
Bat ibtr kave error born
kaoim U tackli tta groat aporm «baJr.
ggMpt okok tbo groat craatoro baa
taaa woantad br bit buman onoBtea.
Ata ta witnaat mo of tbaoa Btgktr
■tnggtaa to •onh uavaUng masr
ttanaaad niltoa to oao; It to trrrtbla,
garO'lBapIrlag aad aroadorfat.
Tbo klllor rangaa In longtb froa tea
latt ta t»ontr-B*a fool. Thetr brealblag apparauta aad gnaral aaatoar U
■Bcfc alnllar ta that of tba apam
Tbrr Bpoui. “broaeb" aad
*tamd- ilka Mtar rrtaroana, and ara
0( tta aanr Blgraiorr babii aa tbo Ivo
*‘acboola' wklrh hgstii Tvo-told bar.
glwBTa loaring there about Novrotar
M to cralae in otbor aoaa, reiarelni to
Ctalr beadauarlori oarlr In July, «bon
tta haaipback and Sabark vbak make
ttair appearaaro on tta ceaat of Now
•Mtk to'aloo. uarollng northward u>
tta brooding'grouBdt on tbo Barapton
itaala.vtbo roaot of Nrir Guinea and
tta MHuecaaTba taad of tba killer to of onornoiu
gtnagtb; tta aoatb being arood In
Rptfe Java vlib fearful taeth. from two
ISCtaa ta three Inrbea long aad aai
mlBer trtdoir apart.
In color tber
dtav aa eauaordlnarr rarlailon, aoine
talag all one btte brovn, blark or dull
^nr; otbera are black, with large irrggnlar pairboa or atroaka of pura
Vbtle or reliow; otbera are dark faroira
«rttb black and r«Ho» patebaa.
And now roatea the eorlotu and r't
gbnolnioir truir deacrlbed part that
tta klllera plar In ibU oronn iragedrTta kitlera. tba nwinent tba wbala la
4aad. cloae around Md. and. faaioDlng
ttair loetb lata nia bodr. boar him u
tta botiuoi. Hero tber tear out bli
iMgaa aad aai about oeo-iblrd of th*
Mnbbor. la about iblrtr-aia to fenr
tanra tba earraaa will rtac agata to tba
flnrtace, and ua the »pot where be baa
taM lakru dou-n baa been marked br
g taOF. Ibe boeli are ready ualtlng to
IDV him aakure ta tba tryln(.oui
varta. Tba kllleta accompaay tba
tagU ta tta bead of ibe tar and heap
gC tba Bborke. wbl'b otberwlae would
gulp off III tbe rematnlnf blubber begara tbo budr hud reorbrd tba abnre.
Tbo fcllleri neror hurt a mab. Time
gfUr lime bate l.uaii been oimre In or
gMggbed into Bplinten br a whale, and
Ad grew len airuERllng In tbe water.
U ta rwu'ied br tbe -plrk-up" boat,
ggd tbe klllera ewlm up ta tbom. look
m—Cj*. oBd amell iban-bat neeer
Maeb them. And wbareear tkc klllara
■rg. Ike abarka are cut. fbr Jack Shark
irnndi a killer aa O e detli dreirto boir
*gMr. -Jack-'wll:ruahtnaadripoffa
boon baova to raaeb tbo toagib of
tbirtr fool. Ttar art »« ao maakmgiT. bowoo», aa tta -maggor." or
infant croeodltoa. of Itato. vMeta to
aald n«C to be dlmuaabiag In
and vhleb talrtp gwam awe I U the
ameller rleara.
Thoao nnetaan ragUlw arc ae nnmeroaa about manr atronma that tta e«togc watering placca taro to bo paUaadod br A loop fence. bnfU mit Into
tbe atroaaB to prereni tbo women wbo
p watar from belag gobbled
np bp them.
Croeodllo vonblp to the gvoeroA
fr«k or Indian religion. AStoronUr i
Ike frlghUul crentoron are roeorenecd.'
prwctoelr. becwuoe tkep are dangerout.
and mnat bo propitiated br fair worda.
In anp ewae the Hlndooo are aol per
mitted. br tbeir religion, to kill either
eroeodllea or anp other Bring thing
So one Soda lb mnnr rlltogea a permanantlr roaidau crocodile, known bp
Bome, and treated roepertfallr. taking
toll of the aatleai. paar bp pear. nnUl
It becomea ralfacr a point of local pride
ta tell bow manp children tbe tot old
alnncT. wbo auna hlmaelf In tbe mod.
ntterir faarleai of reprlaali. bai eaten.
In aoB# eaam aacred eroeodllea are
kept In aarrow poada aad fed bp Brah
min pneata. And It to cnrloof to nota
that tbto coatom daiea back to tka tlma
of Ike ancltat Bgrptlana.
Crocodiles knew a thing or two. In
eerr bet clImatM tber bnrr their aggi
In the sand and tbe an batebca them.
Where tbe nigbu are cool caongb ao
that tba oand does not retain (be enn't
beat the “eronodllna Poeoans." tbe
eatuerr crocodile of (he east, puts lu
eggi in tbe middle of a beaped-up
monad of regetatlon. Tbto beau bp
fermniialtan. preelaelp like wn bap In
eggs e
guarda the neat Jealoualp and amall j
bora don't trp to rob It aa n rule.
Our One-Foupth Off Shoe Sale
$8.00 Shoes
go at $4.60
Kagrae t SmHh
Male af Fiaa Sheas
$1.76 Bomeos
at $1.33.
Oxfords go at
$2 60 OU
Orain Boots
at $1.88.
$1.60 Shoes
One lot
$2 Shoe Packs
lallas’ $3.00
Tort Sale Jalienes
at $160.
Cola Toes
aail yaw Sqles
at 14 off.
letdetoi's Pateat
Calf aad Taes.
$2 00 Shoes
go at $160
$4 Welt Shoes
at $3.00.
$e Enamels
make at $4.60
84 pairs
$1 Children's Shoes
$3.50 Hand Tores
at 76c.
at $2.63
98 Pairs
Ladies’ Hatd Taro
OU Grain
going at$M3
90 pairs Maa s
Oae let Men’s $3.li0,
$1.50 lace and end Felt Shoes l4
$3.50. $4 and $5-llot
$1.50 Heatr Shoes
and 1-1 off.
new toes colas at $1.88
at $1.13.
This sale will continue until Karcb 15th.
TP-na.-n ~kr IHb?i3c3jl?XCll.
118 Front Street.
«»wlr r*r r • Week ■
Wwawe Bwd Tbeir Urea.
ilnent rot
$3 Shoes Go At $2 25
Biwa Peb.
Ti.rK-.-Iill.-liiIh'TlB.7snl -U*lb si,I-t&
Tn* iBTBble ouDtaiiiod to tbie pamage
II..I. ......
tbo VioeboaBbeen
oMOf .fc...
^to ha
ta l« eallod "The Uil>nr<:rs In„th„
pm aome ct U under a gtoaa
a watp waa conSned, The Inaect Im„crn.eBt ibcp bad the oppor
medlateir ibowed algna of anger, na^ lonltp. Tbe pataUe is dlfBtuH of rxbta InbHcuort It itnunatoral
pnaon. ^rfurmnarlc aeems to contain un to
Onr gale of 33^ per cent off was very saooMsfuL The clothing is moTing.'bnt
After a abort Interral be seemed to
Kigbilr uodrratoori. it. bowwe most extend the sale SO day# more, giving still lower prloee.
bare glrea ap tbo nneqnaled eonieet In
r. bee no lujunlca.
deapelr. for be top down on bto _b«k
iwruble ooutnlna n tawoo f«
Mo merchant can poMibly sell gooda at the price* we are offering, but we are
and. bending op bto bodp planted bto
Tbestnrp U nniqno. A bonaeobliged to do this rather than pay heavy freight for mowing.
fUng twice Into bto bodp. dying in a
ooipiora lalxinti at diflermi
few momenu. Bubeecuent eiperlmenia bou„„f tta dar. an.l when tbe day s
prored that this was not a single cnm-.
l> d>«ie he r>y> all the aauie
all the waipt alleging ibemMlrea to «ags«. Tb.-nmooRi.ri t-ouiplaiD. bnl
death nfier Bndlng that (tap eonld not be aileocos (brm br telhiiK tbfui tbat
ronniiwr tbe paper.
t>« bus paid tl>«m all ibai lie pnimised
------------------------lo pap awm and thal be bad n nglit to
NrrtUM BUtr reel Lww«.
il.iwbat b«pi.ewd wiib bis..wu WitbRemalni of tbe largest reptiles tbat ool gning iiilu d.-lails tbr (lolnl of ifae
ever lived were dlacovetwd In large (arable lies lu lui> fact, the first lalewnumbera recenltp bp Ur. Lnmbe. P. U. rve bad been bired ftw pay. Ibry bad
B . Of the fMlogleal aurrep of Canada, mnde a contract to wnrk eo lung e time
Ur lutmbr apeni two monthi In the (,.t ao moch wbk«<s. aud ihty tif.-lved
Red fleer dlstrlrt. oortb of Uedirlne tbtee wages. Tbe later. lutorves were
Hal, In tbe nortbsicst terrllortoa of told to go to work, aud wbal uas rigbl
|raeada..aDd aa a reault baa secured tbet woold be paid. Th.-r did «>. trust
aome apIeodlB foaall remains. The foa- Ing to lbepuuero.ily nf tbe li.iUi. Iii.ld.-r.
alls are the remains of dlnoaaors fouod and ibey were not disa|.|«Jiuto.1. Iho
In ibe crelaceout rocki. The diboeaura <xvwsi..d ”t tta I’amt-le proves this lowarr reptiles varying from twenip to tor|*eiailuii of li to ta .twrecl. It was
algtp feet in lenph. Bome of them had spok.o in answer to IVier't .|oeM.-«i,
them borw. one over tbe eoee, tbe "Wtai stall we tavv." for bavii.g left
mber.ne.Mhe epee. Tbep were eltb.r all .» folh w Chriid. lie toll, tbeo, .bat
.us or camlvurous. and aa- they .ball ta amply rr|«ld. hot at tbe
.a Mare
““*« «'“* »»»•' ‘tam
oaore Ike
isr maa.umNw.
------- -against Working
only Inr hire. Hktc err
Cbristiati workert thiwe wbo laleir for
a Pr>«*e VltalHp.
wliu lHir.r fur love to
A grass snake of about iwetrtp-foor
Incbei. kept tn captivity, had noi fed the Ueater. vulltog lo leave the vjanition <if reword emlrdy to His hands. It
for thre« waeks It was then given n
is rvidrul lu sll tbal tbe iellar will revery Urge aperlmen of tbs common
ocivc tta to ller reward. To ».n (b«y
frog, fully grown. This wns swallowed map not eewn to do as muteb as ih^r
at once. In tbe usual wap. bp taking wbo wewk f-w wages, but i.nd j.i.lga tiweer t-e»aev.
Ibe bibd leg first
lo about an bour
A genilenur. «.>u died al U .os. and a half, tbe frog was abotu a third not ao much bp tbe uppareul aiuounl of
Braace. left a ><«.. > ol fs.utw lu eve «f Ibe way down the snake's body. work d-oc cs t-v ibi- lu.itlTe U>< k of il.
li-a.llheniotived. iertuines
fttoads. the Bjoi:e, to be apent on din- Then on the snake being played a lib Wilbliidai
me snaae ue.ng |..e7rv, „„u ,he reward.
mward. Kv.ry Utoirer will ta te•an served lb diCereol rewteurenle.
We have a large stock of Oenta* Farniablog Goods that we will tell leu than
gad at M<-b maaJ a <eruln diefa to ba and handled, after wme mlauiei the ,rar.M for work dtme, but ta is lo-ai
lump began to move rapidly lownrd Ibe
„w,rdHl wln.wubout ibongbi
aatra and a rertsta wloe. of Wb1rh ta
heed of Ibe snake, tte momk ^M*d
nnseih.hly gm-e bis life to
Ten dosen ICen’a Underwear-ghirte only—all wool, 76c, 66c and 60c, for twen
vaa vrerp fond, lu i- drunk. Kunhere frog, ruber oB color Christ ont "t grsliluito eud love lo
•ors, bts meiaorr was to be toasted at
ty days, at 37^0 apiece.
1 very happy look'lng, but qulie cbrivt W Hi. IgVo and-.mil.'.dmim. the Bve romtuDtoBs were to
able to bop about lb a shufBIng fashion,
} Tt,is iwralils oonuins a liwe.ni for
Btae iB black . Imtvrs ged black glovn. ihougb decidedly abahy on bla lega.
idli-rs. No preuiium u plai-ed opi’U idle
Wkd aoiei the room preceded bp s tea
OBd tbe music of at. acrordluo.
weak aswtoii as they bud tbroppurlanity
Two eounirp ciergymU bad agreed todoeo. Tbt-rv is o<> iuiimaiiou Ihtb
a WoBav biaks.
tn eaebange polplu on s certain dale, ibul we may |Hit oB till lato to lileecrvAa Baslisb par-er aa)a tbai iL.
tt g rerialn ebon aighiad master «i One of itaetn made the following solemn tooforCbrixi and then to-rewarded av'
Pipa blew oB
sed as be Man- announcemniii to bto coagregaUon on folly asthosc wto. ooummto ibeusvlvi*
lo Christ al ao mrly age. Tbe peri.ols
ai ta pursuit a bis. i ben daabed-tmt of tbe Babbuh prevtone to tbe ri^t:
-Uy dair brmbrea and edfaurs, I at wfaiob tbe diffeimii laborers were
tta gaiewip. Ibr arboolinaater aaw
Aa hoa. aad ttoogbi It was hia bai. have the pleasure of auUng Aat on bir.vtnan tave nolblng at all to do with
all JCtoa wos atoclrlflrd bp tba next Sunday mofolng lb. Rev. Eacba- the diSereol j-riod. lo n msa'i lito | ~
ppen to be to ottr
apaeucto of a batlcaa and breatblese risk B Day will preach tor yoa-Let Hi Opporluklty Is tta only time fat-tor to be
fiw exaiD]i , we pn-fcT brown
•td man hnoUng a black bea aow ling two vereea of brmn Ho. «». oo.i.ldered- The actloos of ibeev le- ‘, as a rotor, ibm- to noitmaco
CO wth
»« »*«»« «*"
ana end of (be street to ihe mher. Tbat awfel dap will eurelp emne.';;
j why we obould nmdet
And H took him eome time to iU- *“*
ward eboold be auexwaiploaud toapim- ^ M wtso pfrfunrd
rover why the congregation amUed.
tta Tust uajiwltp of tu need to to
Tta JewUb peer ta«k Mtimaiaa that
be a Unto mewe aeif pouod. man }i
am la ewe Bible.
I form faiibfnllp mseb detp toCbrim.
Aan «-• ebout llJXei.MO Jews lo tbe
rial. tn«» vriUing i« atv good to
wmU. hair of them s:t;i under Busetaa
Probably W ptaeon. out af IW beBlue tteadiDgw-Matb. tig. l«-»0; lawew <d otbevu, altboogb tbep bo
JwrtodlctloB. bocwuhsiandlng ibelr neve that tta familiar
' aae owrown particnlwrlaBPiea. It wa
•tatoeale etpultinu from the empire. "Bmu aold bis binhrlgbt tor a meaa
tbuogfai wlikw. Rwd Ibe mme books,
M tta rate Is fenanl It map be said of pottage,- is Bcripuiral; box ttap wifi
tta aame pUya. wow tta aame coly~ If yon have any to aell eorreapond with tha
AbL BBbMriralip apaakiag. it to ei- look tor It tn uain In Ae authorised
18; Col. iU, U-17: -ora. ihi. wimld ta aa
iPHaalp email for us age. tu ehaare version.
U occurs In tbe ckaptsr
tirestiiig world.
Traverae City Lumber Co. We have al^o
bwadlnc at Ike Oeoera version of OeneaC goulng bigger tr-pa>'**l'f
"U'e aaut>.« we all tbinga to tta
gnaalBg with lU peers.
ole. siv.. and K to owing no doabt to
■uue vnty, but we can cotne near to
tta popularttp of that vfrslon that tta
JnalireaDdtnie nwpret liy taktog a twoWar C-e.
phrase baa obulaed to wide a carreaep.
ucde .ts mare employed
m tor back as the time of Rickard II.
Kwewwh*u Temple.
iblr gijul >r hm- f'r overTthing does
BcTibei. speitallp (ommleatoaed. were
••It te a pup that oitta of W camtg
n«xai«airly mrau a wtwk iudividtiTbe moai magnlfirwnt tomb (n tba
Mat np nith Ike Bngliab army, wkicb world U deemed to be tbe pwlace Tem enltlvau- tbo twcjold way of l.«ktoga» ,
jbe mod uncumfmtaWe people
taraded Btxxiand si that tim*.
But. ple of Karnah, orrupplag aa area of I"?**'
W.BokwTta (o ,taw.ul.l«tw tb w, who awsTi tbeir
Aowdlbto aa it map .seem, am one of niae term, or twice that of 8t. Petefa
H.UIHI Joanal. "Tliew ^d jodgn.- «* lo a hard, ttarlatve and final
to •;Ufe If vre did. and I........ .
„ „ u,<t were oonm of tom
Aa taedoo newetu-pers was epHlallp at Rome. Tbe temple spare to a poet's ta
' Itm fncAKai .r,
Mill oi„ hineiy of all .
kmdw B
fAnaanied et the tattle of B'siertoo. dream of gigantic rolomw. tatutlfnl
‘•[fewta. On ttalottwr band. Uwbrigfatoioi aaet worka
------•veaua of ,
plant foraale.
'same ar Mbtoa.
I of tme living nblem we do ksun U
A rttoa far IPbtoe -»k« place everp
I all Important iemoa. Jtod (tat it a
ygar ta (ta pariah cbardi of St. tvea.
‘ ba caldvaud admito fid BO doalM. Ii
A ttostlagdowakira Tbto mmlat o»Mtaatp rwovwra ara emHwad to A* Hmnlp a awaatkmod k
Mm taa tana otamtsd tor M ncn.
SansA •( tta HNta *( Ctaitoi^
One lot of Black Worsted
Suits, $7, 36.50, $5.39, for
twenty days ^
- $3.48
One lot Clay Worsteds,
all wool, guaranteed by man
ufacturer, $12, $10 and $9,
for twenty days at
- $6.50
One lot of Black and Gray
Ulsters, $5.50. $6 and $6.50,
for twenty days at $3 50
One lot Fine Beaver Over
coats, $6, $6.50, $7, $7.50,
for twenty days at
- $3.75
Bemember the Placeai^HAM-.^
the: fair,
244 Front St, Broseb Block
Traverse City, Hich.
E WE ARE~-"*^
I 3,
Buying Logs!
Sound Eemlock Lumber,
Maple FloorlDK,
Short Maple Wood.
liids For Saie-Sliialile For Fanns.
r a«i'iiwai:A'oi^rti
-ar-4fls ■Praataw taOa sa
aka kka a S^kt kaadarko l*4a/.
woaU rather Bat lira sa kw las St- ^
I inma •Ttr (k« fe
Ttia artTMa ba Wid ea fls vMd ~laar
diaannrd lad/ knrmowa'a aBapMaaa.
aad ka took kta Isirr. to sake kta wa/
bosa to Oasdaa Tows, walklag oa
AmA tka ATMtBf 4>aMo4B
MmmI kjr -Ow «»»t rtU.
W«a Md dlMMwtoie.
kicTer • bfMtfc of • I
Movad -mU Um ctMMtjr (mm.
•M Mnr
Vm Wofk « «■
Ak. tko m*fcl W»» •Wan***/OlM
. Wh** t MMivkt «7 fab-:
AaMralla U M Uwl cobbUt «ar ,
Wasp* >*e*si oC U« aalforaai boapt* Ik* saoa tooUd lata faor «r«^
Wltir aad dallfbtfW eHsata. Tkan ara
KHttm with kn« Mr haw.
aa bwdakipa af vaatkar. M daBMTMa Aad I «aii^ to
row Sgka
•rUd kaMU to coataad vuk. *sr tow la wadrr or aurtdlr vka».
A* a djlag maa olrki wSl
cloCkM r«4alrad. aad ckara U aaldon a
1 vaadtMsiHJoB irktavon ________
■ifbt, ap CBaatfr w laMt. that a naa
*T»l 7M tjrmJad: ** *Tla /•«. 'tla
mar Mt rail blsaWf la kU blanks aad
MU ■
Ah. tiie ol/iit waa paradlaa
WhM I fnaad B/ fate.
Tka aaBdooMT, aa callad k
tallt/ of a
A tM lA-«, .„™,n ™ CAln
wasp Of AaacralU. He baa ao km*
kaaa rococnlaad u a awwaaari erll
that U Boat lutloaa a -traralara’ hul"
la BOW provided for bta aparlal aeeussodatlaa; aad a rasaJar ntloa. aauallr
^ i^op.
fbeo 1 <wa
bn> a new |«lr of l»oia for to-sorrow."
He laBfhrd rattier Hiirri/and airode
acroaa to the window to I.K^out spaa
the rbliniirviMiia of Camdcti Town.
upon Jai-k Cbati<-rta aa be aiood
and miiM
vrtiuluw ot liU
Ilia pnrrrt
balfpeontra anti
atfuH"S a lairlikr/ iliai
waa a week U-hlod In li» i
fWs of pohl alH.De In iM wi-aiem
I too far to ba iravSad In a
Malta dar, Ua awapanan roll* biBMU
la hU blanks and raws hr the roadSda. If tba dIataBN
ba bat a law
sns. b. r.v.1. to a .siula. kollda,.
pkslm for ika day. parbas. Boder iba
It la •k'
ker Hair,
tbimitat Jai'k.
A Terr dlPtJ rhlmney atark wHlIir l
ktileniwlr In Ibr
’^hai’a inr.*' HuxiBlit Jark Mdl/,
■■atid eho’a aa far aw ay from inr aa the
And. an<-r all. *‘aV" waa.uni/ aa far
away u J’aS lane
lark waa iialnllii* li>-r portrait,
Wbli-fa, wbea flulrlivd. wn> to Iw viilr
■uKiMt to tbe tiauslns niuiiiillirr.of the
Uoyal AradeDiy.
“If tUy don t bans mi
alinll have
to Ibllik
to bans ni/wlf.'' Ja<-k Hard
ta bla more d»(>niHllU'.t mnineuta.
Her father waa a oimHm.IIIiis mil
Ja<4 waa tba aea «
ahada at a siast sum tree nod arrlvea
M tba Btatloa bosaatsd. with all
BppMsara of a louf dw'a walk. Isi u
Ika tun U aemnsTbW^AuatrmJlaji trasp la of a l/pa
wboU/ dlfferenl from tka Ismratil.
tow-brad ecus of bnmanliy (bat noa
ataoU la aosa counirlB. and from tha
Wblnlag. prnfeulonal bcgsar ot Kuropa
wad A Berts
Aa a ctaaa ibaaa trams are well tatorsed, falrlr aoral, and. u the world
pos. booaS. nc Bundowner aunda
apas froB (be real ot bU kind. Inaasueb aa be aever be*a for mouer.
Ha will aak for a pipeful of toUes
•r a drink, a sul ur a bunk, but (w
tba cola of the rralm ba dor* not pa-
airuck bla bcwd ,
a blow that alunurd bttn.
lie rerwllad bla a<
—bow be found bli fatlM-r banslni
aver bla bml. wttb a W'bilr, arar«<l filer,
wrlustus bla baiula and (T/lns. "I bare
killed biml ! bare klUrd uy tio/r
-Poor old suvernor. l ain afraid he
wna a bit off bla brad,* lourtnurrd
Jaih. aa be pondered over ibeer old
uu-muHea. -I wotsder what hr did
with Hill plituirT”
Then eniiie a Bei
tbrousb a linlf<>ii<-i
in bed. ali-k and dnard frum the blow.
Ill* faliier bad llie pinun- on the eaa.-l
■and had iialuied quUAI) ovir It.
Jaek row and etpidr over to a pile
of old akeieliiii that la/ asnluat the
One of Uiear he aeleSed wlllmiil biw
IIBlbiU. and. taking bla palette kuUe,
w-raja-d ean-ftill/.
Tbi-re w ifk a lueture Mow tbe ruiigb
I a-eul eai
i-agerl/ l'< Work, ntnl in tl
.. U.
.aw. .. .1 .are,,, .i,h . <lr, |
..a I. U prola.1.1.
TW. ...mlj. w«. loaell... ;
fo. t.11, ..►.Mr,...............;:;i zI",;*' M?
kora of semle pareoit la ibe
bauk.Tinc aft.T li«’
fair daugbi.-r. Mnm.e.T. rlie had m.i.l
n-ed a oi-nalB wirtful
look In bet
daiigfater'a e/«« of late.
-Nev. i i.iUhI alaml tbe pontwll M
It . f..hl..n ii.’e lo,
^n Auttrallani (o ai/ that the, .rt«0B turn iranpa.
Altbougb agilB>l hi. prlDrtpIn It
SUal be Mid, to tbeaundawner'a L-rcdll.
Uai be doe* aoBeeme. wori.
*i« tlSM whan oven be fueli (be oead
,.„u„g „„„ hi. „e,nev,
-Wb,. Tve i. en on the lu..k,.m for
| u-n..,,. „ur ibi.v'ii that puiur*- ili-w- iweiiij
getting wfl On him. mid I'm wire he-| baa everypkniire deiib-r Id Knsliind.lu love with lu-r"
Mr. ItmadlieaD"And y»u
“iwir iiiuiber." Vir John l»d re ny li U .x-uiir faiberrpib-d. "May kMw. Mier Kbe uuly,
-\VUUain t'baiierl*. lainlwwpc |mIii|.
l«Uk. pfll.lVe.
lu .hatl.iB|rr^^ neuadliran staed hi. gla*a.-a
H. knew Kfiihing of thIa « |||i u .lukiiig baud. He luukrd at the
niDTeraailosi aa
a be
Snil.is uui
out it pk-ntn-. tlieti
tlieli at dark
tbr Iwlliklll-s laiiip. IhIuw. but lila
"A wuiiib-rfiil llkeiie»" be Diiinmir.
srew heavy wlibiu
wlihiu blm a. <n..y,„, .,y that y..«r rather «aa
_bt uf the near •iilnpli lliiu iif l>
tVllllalii I'bBlIerl.. till- Inud.eapi- |ialm
plrtun- Hum I.filtd be B|ieak uf u-v.i,,, .JJ_u •
lu llir daiisbler of Mir Jiibu Sllveriowu. ,
-Tm ••
molbof atlll allTe>"
•Tbe fai . tu tbe Blv. aatil Jaek 10
*.h„u i ,-aa a t«l.»,-^
bhuMf. «l«wuiu-I..u.yt qiufthis a fav. that Ibl. I- her por
uriie but mm* «-aod.-na<>.I pbras uf
drm.Ddad, be will ufien
work for a few wee'.*: ur be
tidloas fury.
Wllh Ibe proeaed> be buy* bim.;elf a
tow cloths,
perhefw. and
' kna-ka
down" lapeadai tie raBatniicr In ibe
•m buata pvblle. ikiDc there are wuu
a <uiuuy to
ever ae-.tps
otbera. more melt-dual, bate a tesuUr ruulF laid out. wLleb
I from
two 1a three raai*
wa, ibay d.. nut vlel- the aiiue
e siailuB
koundlaaa and
he otstaaiunal
Itilrte viwr.
be Millet. Tin- la.lv
j,„„..i,„.j„.,.,„r\V.-aeea,audl.ellll --.tiix. r ga.i.-d Jack
U^df appnweMI him
auBdowB peiit.ui »r uf Ibe old daya,
however, baa uu. he.ume .0 arm,,
To.da, Ibr aqua >• fe.,. tbla wwidwinairamp.aodf-r At.mandei ,,i..ir.|.
Aa.ori ,0.1. a, .... of t..
airair-. nut 1 »iu uii ,
Ilanlly bad (be aerraiil b-fl (he
wlim (lie iluur wiu-n-d and Mlw. MiUe.-.
ui .-j.wlled boHUialit,
, ^-,5, Ur fbailerk." .he Wean
with L .Kt iwleb tl! M ,b!^.
p,i,„ upd .wee run
have le-.luwe,l ui«.n mv |«.r1raH, ami I
MomIww Petde Wewaa.
. .mil »la. l«r^ma 1,1.
Hand, martial ate Md. telllLg of in*
w,ldu,-A Ut*
n. -P...!,.
Turk* a...
bate -A.
war tonga cicwr'
(bos (key have
irwnalaied from <whar longcs. Oarmaa, baa much m iliary moalc and
__ tboM
_ _ la pow»'
apprwiaia the la-
J*,;".!'.” wii 'Z’Zm'm.'II'!,
» Urot Ud, la joUT mother »,k- w,u
prot-hly iwtl OD me In ten mihut.-. to
hu fc-ir m a.
'^at th.fe Cuunabh-
.................................tier ma gently ae piawlhU- j
e tbe duke of Weawi I
Thli waa loo uin* fur Jark. I . • -Hold oo. Mr. CbatterlB. for beaven'a
mke! Ilwe abe la.'"
luuk ber umvaiailns Id hta anna,
.r. ....................... ....
,RR-.i a
An eUeriy tody warn dem-^Dg from
? "S'-■■
Uibrwdor ba> d<v* ao icn-e ibai
log of amut U lie' to (baJr ne.k>
raadar them U.. iMgeroi a to men a
waaber duc>
in K.inrbatkB Ibe dogs
^ aeverr!. <n,,n,.j ,o ha„, fc^avy
he .». and ......
ihelt temper*
g« soured. .^n«s.-'iily they nr* aurl,
bmiaa apa H.eir dr em manat* them
by •tunn'iu* ihrm o.ib blow* over tba
.............. ...................
Then are ahmu
D lemaU blackamllk* la flraai It
0**r I.OW toa. o' borar-ttoek ar* AD••ally eatee to Pa;
A lad,-* fool »ho-.!d aqaal In leacth
owe aevcwk of bar heigbl
If yu.i
•a....i»i,. i. .h.,.
Ulna I0.«« muatr.-aa.
The duke uf Ws-
“ '*
•‘‘'•"■■''‘"gly re
uj-ntrU-and Jeah.u. man. and the mar
*“ .'’"u*'’'?.
giiar^l he ll.;i|.,..^aru<l, to-
. „ J
RtuaikD battle acosa art wrniaa
minor krya auu ...'‘.e.d ni bc.u,;
“I rao t-l-l w..n'i: • ehe «»hMI
toM mamma ao tbki mumiiuir'
Mr. Cbaiierto wblathul und.-r Us
•*I^ old draguer be ipunnuretL
gfls MllTeftuwn.
• quite right;
ft-PH«l Ja.-k^e^W^aoiil
» aod.l.-n la-.-j.rn. uplifted with a
Hkva niggee
■.">>*« a.woemh-iau_
-Tbaf. Just wbai 1 toM mamma."
Inlerpoiud Hlat MllvenuwD. uWli •
dlidre Atulle.
AI IbU uiumeut there cwmc a moum)
ot ruoiit. |is in Hw luswur,-. In a a,w
nod VH.. gllr.-elua-irs l.nT-.1l-ufi..>.1..f
bi^ h”’
Jack Mood rooted t Ibe groond.
Sba waa a brauilfol lady, with fbn
py.w uf tbe |>lrCiir» ami wooderful
tbe d-HW of Hie ahop.
,an m.- Wind. luii.h to (bi- footman-a
aniax-meut ami Kilp,.-d off on UpT..
b.- .•omnMii...l
lutu ,lAe ..-.A.., Mlwre
. ,1
w, i«r op a lan-gult
ilnea proof eograrlng
Just to eaae hi* fe,-l
u,^ a* he afterwai
snerwanl *al.L
Tbe <*1 tody advan-vsl luward Jark
Pbi- did not ato tbe plctore. bat anw
-My boy-Mothirvi. Hria.lls-an
daw-n in r\.s
.-I buprlvoa ^ apor.
oilu raise, he deetai
loot oM Rial
ivedhd-.r heart fatlore.
Ijdy Kllvertowo .miered tbe
“i-leared »iu ar.tur- aa Jaek afterwmnl' John tolrerM.'
apUy sumnu d i;|< lei jpitearam-e.
' 1
A'liir ii'iVifii
•' ~
Aaa. s:j.ei^8m.-t .^asox-tso.en.t; '
^ 140 Froot-St/Mt
I ..r. ign hi.m., and
Tntvene City, Mich
-♦ H. E. OIBBS
; The Practical Bicycle Builder and Repairer}
A euuJ ru.Biaa ..rjrr. .nA a
\ aca 8*. •MBolea of S
A o.Orr Wbaala BalltTooroar.
I. i-all ard cel foot Wev.-le aod have it r-iI la
,• ride lo th. .pfiar. Will glva fiwa Stor.
l.»ih. luralnc, rape. ruu... <i.n. Oirord n.
TAeuyi, upUeU.I' Werrlr eorti
S Uiumi.rn,pnria .
aiameo-e k
M].enkiug.'t Niagnri. fnil.. Ibe Boffai.. y,,,-.,* «.,» -M.m whu bare for '
Gores fitbont HedicioeANDWITU '
a l-ug l.rm- iiia.V a vtudy .rf the recot-|
,i,. f„ii- liuv- tat.-lv ei.-n .wi- ‘
j,.,,,....., ih.-Ji-inU-gratiun.d the r.wka. 1
n,„ „nlv ,u ,he .-nwA- lu ioitvof Um
New Methods
falla I. thi. .li.iut.'A-TntiuD
but at v'arium. puium in tb'e gorge belwe,-Ti'Uie (all. an.l whirl|«Ad un the
N(*l In ihe t-heatuuta. ihv perao* are CatuMilali vide re.
. , I- . ,r„
aevera! sew ewaea *dded to
ira. <« ..( recMiUio
curm inada b/
pmUt-ly tlie gi-eali-.t id .-tnirri.-ao mite
j.Uv. the marks are j
that aft. rai-ed i.rid dm«I -loite oulttw
,M, I uf .h.-.1... fth.iTuiun
utbeiw The Canadiaq
irraiment w| Hr tn ycur tot/
_________L.* «.*■.? r?' •"U’kebelo. Ibe whirlTvv I aleu indicate tbr paalsix wreka. be it nqnrawd
mmariiy luDud gwwiigj '
>» tba
riv«r lu*. wid.n-d at w.ine of ' further pHvelegr hr reierai! n, and out
stale# tmth uf New /.wk. Iht.t Jmo
j,. „,,iog tl • ben>flt of
rullBrebaa LvMS grartnally ertendrd ta
the amall iRlauih* near tbe fallii I U»ov "Vheurwbietre.lm.-nl Allbavoao-
Here nntU Feb. 6th.
all part* ol the north
I' w prodoiw
,».mewlu.t amaller within '*‘***«^ w-i-otber h.-pao larger crop, bowa.er, • .
.aotb In the laet yem- and there are etrong indi»o
what admeoto mnw
imuoiia native pi.wn tr.u i. found . "^4"'^LtW tott
which it said to be aa hardy a* tbe an- !
dropsy. aoDaumplioa.
pie and folly at prutlSc uf nnta .a th, :
liver kWy nod benrt
A. H»™.
■ rmweWablr Whist
r. H Jubn-n W W
^**'th. a. ' “"*■
A WeUer Mr Tniiy and
. _
wen playing wbiet at Huliban'g inn inthing that baa di
- I have nsod
the ulher
night wp.en a
a dmi wae •’"d wbitever
made tn whuh each playrv r
full anit uf cards It is aaid that aoeb
hand* have heew rwporled only threa
tiniM twii-e in Ldzuluw and .
New York.—Bnrtfu.*d CcLrant
jreaiMt dnng
sontb Qwrdiorr. !*««l
Me., save: ‘T have bad tbe worst cough .—* —
e?ven'*lfp a*
roarr etb, Monday, after wblA he< lewvea for L«diar<en tor a few weeks.
the'tnaBafioloieTaof nn*
i from rwornmendatimw of okhare wbil*
Ua tbe half ebtol at tba Qi
[ faaaor Ds Lnmnr. Travera* City or LadCity IngWo.Mkb-Wtheo^t^tbiweyw^
la uf It* c.aulkitg I
icMunabir oars ia oaaO. Lowavar, nod i. m. to » > m.
'.-baa hariain'e Cosgh Eemed/ taken. {
all daogvr will be avoided. Among j
tb* trna ut tbonaaoda who have mv*d ;
ttua remedy for lagrippa we have yet
to lean of a aiagU one* having rwilV
ed ie peenmonU which ahowaeooc'a '
tivrly tkal thia reardv U n oertalo
baaenneelled other eagag«mepw>v>fepfavenutiveof
ft will cure lagi
D HaaUiiMUan malo tn /oar city one week leogor. All
It ia pleoMol wtahlng k> oooawlt kar bad batter do no
snd sole to taka.
w anls.V/ 8. B. »a early mpeatobla. Aa tbsy wui
Wait, drnggUt
reebaoaod hnvlng tbs totnra rw
adtotbam. namadnmahMgtv- B
_ k
_ wlUaeUroand
trip tieketo
to IStb ^IntooalTe to *pwon r»»d ^Uetoetton tor tha pMt • ' Pebraarr
... .
■n«l 0TM lotos to Ifv Ottosas aC-
Ui^**w*M!*Bj*mId^^ E. * w.
woahs aha hna bean herw
She wfll
aforLodinctMow Mowdny. fbbfy
OaU over »U Sontb Unkm aWM
TH-.A.3;T .A.
HKire .-.r-vlally burciA are
with a..iiH- reeiimn. n.iui.,.in-i. which
m.t mill Ufkeeawa. the ori^'iii.a tlni.g
of the
hot make* it alwolnlely
i-uBa —Ou’ulidr. Juuiual.
mMlho Qaow 0^
g Nothing Nicer
A Itonif.il w.ikatiW. Atiguw F)ebtnp
ie *Mld l.>lAiive dimiiveted a OeW al^
.•l.ii i.-Bt way ..f pr<^-rTing meat, whii-h •
ba. M u a<lu|>t>-<l with AOens lu the
[t.iui.b .laoghler b..u«-» iliirin^- the U>l
The u..-lh..l j. f..nud.-d uu the
theory that d.A^Ull|■elti.lll ..f the bbiod
u aliMuet eiittrely r<«|auu>itd.> (..r the
rapid pntrefactiuD ol iIm- nniiuul ta.ly
Metin. ar.-, Uier-fore. taken- to rem.-ve
(he l.L.hl fruiu the <*arca»a imihediatelv
afl.v death aod to iny.-et (he vnaa-b
with a imhituiii of Iwiue. (Ih-entire jv«raw. ma npying only a few uiinotm It h.
Did staled to what .xleiit tbu. treat
liii-iil allt^ the ehururter 'if tbe iiinal
fmui II goAirunuiim- (■•lui of view, bnt
we awUAue that U wonliL in the cate «d
iUi|Ad-|ed ninuta. !a- far prefetwlde to
th.‘ nieih.id. Ilf iiHWt jdn.-TVa
inm iK.w ID v.-ftm-.
"M<v lu-b-. .Ur. t'halt. rlH."
•ften euuusli u> b' •eioguiie.l.
dunduwiiiiia 1.
(iuikiomiIi of ibe
•flheAualral.an .. :.h
Th-U. tiBlIliig hi. pni l.iih-ni tuB*-ther.
u- aallK.1 funli lu mil Ih. m lu llrum|.
House Furnisher.
oMBtrts. 'AualralU Mns an RoKiiab
«k*r. tbr aufidowner U uaualO a
aatlve of tbe Hrltith lain, ibiiiisk
tbare ie a aprlnkliUK of Olher aallui.alltis la pruporiton lo ibair numbti In
Of a rbanie.
At abearlns t
aie fall'or >ony
« 120 bront Street.
kora. S ooarae.
an unlurk> awr.
/S sUaAad with
loo, « he
to as obllsad to work, ajid ao Ion* aa
Ika "aquaueiw ' feed bia.
and they are Beauties.
We have about 30 different styles from the 5^
up to a bed nice enough for a King, jj,
They are the bed of the future. No one will want #
» wood bed when they see what they can buy a mnice IRON BED for.
tbe aUDoep
earth U atmnt IS ponnda to the SDaiw
ibeh, ei^DU-alent. that ti>. to a prewiire
at the lower end Ilf a nOnntnof inrrrar/ aUiai 3o inebtw high ur lu the
preuaum of a ndomn of wator 81 foet
bigh Dr W.adward of Colombia nui
remit/, in ■ uw intenwliOK Mwearchs
no ihta ime; runetndM iliat anch an
rirco at oooe a
of tbe Btnraapbere. fur thin man uiuit be gnwuw
tlian that of a la/er </ niemirv ewe
ing tbe entire eiuth ton dipib of !
inebn ur of a lu.XT of water St feet in
dejilb Dm tbe aiuimnvot of an npjwr
limit to tbe ugWe < f tbe aiiiiuepb«Oe Dr
I waa bla iiK'tber.
Wixalwaril il.i inree b> be livw easv,
Mutlful w
atlui' it i> h>-ln-ved loextABil toa beight
* rapping op tbr pi
<»rrl«l It oi ' to Ur. Rnuidia-ai
of al»nt lUii iiiilie and roar i xiat in aa
albiinaled form i reD loaeveral thouawUilaof m.t.-s - the |gnblem ta-iug fur
tber eoiiiplii-:rt-d by tbe fart that tbe
'.'.‘' “ISr.lm for ntueepberi' r.iUtm with tbe earth. An
oub-ome uf the iDvaUigation* wadi- !>/
yiU ksnnd
u Iwi.d/ Utat the
"rhiu-k «pr’ rndled Mr.- Ilnw Hewn,
of the atu<e|iherruiu»l be greater
loiilh and
a ' Inw
thanuiieulieJ: .-k rut tbe ftHas andIbrew hark tliun om-miili.rtiUj
the cutire
entire imuw of
Ibe |ei|-r
| lw..|ve.|iDuar,xl:li uf tbe
. 'U^a lbe u.la.lus Ulllal.r- . Ja.-uUl.al ^ tbe earth
Mr. llo»dU-aii.
wlae palmed It upon bla heart, and.
luBitera wnrae. Ibr eaavaa waa
- make
1y SnI.lied
eau-t so on ladiittBs In blsb llsliia I
aad paltius ihi-m out asnln for many j
more w.-eka," lie niuaed sdly. "and I
• old lady la alr^-nd) la-slnulns tV]
Uttoa. Ha la a conientad philoaopher.
with all tbe Insin'ia ot a oubleaiui
o. Ih.
Pn*aj«tlr ihai peBilenBa tbivw down
l, U aarvad out to aver/ applk-aot.
U oibor plaew. sore dasoeratle.
I bta aoat I
tah|a la tha sao'a tuariora. Ha eaa
alwa/a dapaad apoa bU auppar. bad.
ABd braabfas at anr aialloa; and ba
I bow OB bla Satb *
arkaa ho kMwa ba win as ba larwod
aaapt/-kaBded-la the whita
I.MM..A •I.W
tombdar be bad •tiiraMl
thia ranraa ^
aroniMl to tbe ll^i, rrvraUnx tbr fas M
of a brautlfnl woman vunderfull/ ^
’’adaUea*' (raaeki s a
O.. I.
WttklB his. -........................
ks* war ffOB Faik laaa.
Id ihlskln* erer >he fatait ka
tboQ*bt at the pas; of bla father, who
had died aome /ran Sore, aa mnaecaaafal, eccsmie. Btracrtlad artWt; e<
hU Sbther. who. hk faibor told kts.
diH) aoou after be waa tioni.
Oae meBurr awoke aaoibs. tlU In
bla'Bind be Idratlfted bla motber wtUi
a pktnre that tiwd to Wao with lU
fare a*alas tba waQ of kla Utks'a.
**••••**•♦******•»«•**»*******«»*«*******:J We have just received samples ot
• our new line of 1898
BatownHalt I
TUB iioxnxa iiBnoin).ctbbpabt ». inr
■ It) Wkatlt.tkM«toti
to ■!] skHU 1 . .
I *-W«a ptrtapA BtiB. I bST* u MMk-
M» C«TV. iSciUQMi.
Vbn the dWMdoa of the w
St* briI.7VuWI. . ft. how
to) «lioy.op oom. tho Ulw-w SX.,—i.iW-=«7tHf-ff
-Kow I tmyw
klora oj oU Mml
TUREO non VARlOUft suoa.
j Whca tn» gntm I
ofhtotorr « ^ wwo th« orkwry
u old tHtow who hTT. tbm: h»;««»« “k*
who h*ro ml. fc«e»at eiinimmsieVm—e )""i"
____Tho KcfptlohB.
better uiu ■w«Unv'«
—.r. Oh.
---------Mono to OB* of lb* tow«n>; the tow*r |
- ....
WHl satlos into ihe.irei. “you fc,*#
OBOOCh to Here boh tad np CfllMCV »«* beoi hothfWeyJp
. ' O'er tbe c4ror wiwd dowiiliiri«N> oo. the oODtheoBt comr. .Ill
kIt* joo
■"*Or the to«w Might thw' lb* ro----------- a card to him. Go aod
awl at*
m* him.
dellaeotiosa ol the tolr
thlr oaa
on U
U a , UH. OrWRti ei ftidey. Mar*
him He le
«d Btobt
' OC the loTo^trMb mckttag*!
Maay iwepto wlU be nuprlaol to . _
.,. . will Dot aritear --------- —
loan (hat a aae haa beoo (oood tor TMt-hMtar thaa aacoTe oaoc
wDomo-tlke liucnita- offhaod. Aad aomebow. do you knew, (roir bortey.
■or ttoaod the eockfooch. FW yeara
*•“ with • tore dlrtaeI OoUiiie gar*
rrJ*Tr.~ *?'r^ T
U the Heat (hat wakeo io thtao eyea hto. .rhUdtoh Uoeh.. aad bis eyes danced the Uitto btokea IncUteete of life ofi<-a too. toeed their trine. Tbo eartlest
lUon of wise tat ibe Bible la a rafwhaa hreaka
la elfiata gtoe. Ue Digtat baee known
o.dMd hlw wtU borax, ptoatar of < My ooM from mf lip* h
; or nott. ag at that rcry
tnmembor that I do nil kind* of fW
a Tlaayard and
■wort* aad taaect powder. Now tho ta■iooS"
t™.k .M. a.
T«. pnlring and enamellnr •>«> ikat I Shto
Maa or* turaad. aad the iaaeet phyaica
-What eon to her I naked.
and do r**e y«" *ke bent work of Mf
ra say that Uoctara
“WrU. be I* old. aoeer. a t^arartec.
<me In the cHy for the moMy. Itam'b
ad oooksooab ta good for •[***■■»* ..a
------^ ......----- Yoa
.... ,must
be poncUU...
... —
be deweioed by whgtgthen toU you M
Romans, whooe cumotnary ^ak was the eoatoury, hot epmn aad non Inr
win*, often mixed It wttb aan water. youruoU.
IgwaruMeoay my worktoW rigSto
1 tb^ are ouioe thing* wny. yoa wlU hnra no irotoie drdlng Incomplete drama* .n my mind now. and rain water; boaey. anH watar and aM It Hdaaonotptwewae t mote »
u . «uK. oi .wrti
me oawlIBag to.any aH the room. EnlA- from either able. I bore not «iulie Biled <Hit tb« whole Tlaegar: and a mlxtMr* c* honey sod
>at.adas lor a faw days. Tweoiy dropa
__out In mini.
walk to the mIddU of the lung had. clrele of the plot from the eioaU are myrtle seed.
In ISI a e'eloA eeeey oewnMC
rower wo*
10 vuv.ee.
the raatv»i».
out Into vu.
the court.
my noiW. but
<af thtollqtdd oa a lamp of sugar oagbl j * ^*,”0“, To"w«
w 'the^aootl
OOtDOaWl then .u>
u w
■. ,whlcb ha* come under
Homer speaks of a win* to wblck
atid after that In at anoioer dnor^l ahaa pertapa."
. U dtoarai away the worm attach. Of (oner turret of that atone' boUJlng
a at meek water could bo dos WidisB; M B
be tu'med and amltcd again
added. The Roman ioeer. wbfto drinkvery In- tag to bU Udy. ofian dmok a* maay
•I'llte caps of wine aa tbera were leiiers ta
k-*=“ her name.
Warm wuur was »ome.. Mit t^K-k timeeres.rded by the Rc-tnan* as an
. MM with tb. worklM cu,*m t. Bu.“
> us? Yi«> It to I
It time abould I enll?“
" *^7’* e - agreaable drink at tbo eonclumon of
- ton. If oockroaeboa wlU cure ua. there
ur first chapter open, on a winter'.
■ tbe chief mcoL It U har* —
to ho roaaon why spider* ako'uld not be -daTaiwutNtoW
If t
W *u^~io find him ta *l>uai thfl I. neither here nur theft-, perltauk that this was not ta the aamraer time.
I At all eTeot*. there v ji» as alarm ..r fli
ttat* hour.
Famous among drinkers were (be
__ and I
“Very good." I anld. “I will go up nuonded sbnnl.v aft-r v'lrt:-‘cbl
Stepped lulu Kroadnay.
Vikings, whose ttauora were ale. beer,
I-'eljrunrj- matij yearn agu- I »
nnd mead. 'q-osSbc ale
w .Mwiw vm.
____ ___ _____________________ ________
-- --- far from here.’aiid was Ji«t win*
- apideru even ta king*' palu-e*. but
tb«;r enemies formed
t>y witb ...elr betas mufled ta tbo tolTodocIng
lotrodaclng me to
U Klcbola* Penuy. coming borne when I henrd the c..m- ,k,iu
Mays.we eon trace them 1a Innocent- nnow* .lorrn: tbe Mil newspaper offleen >taq.. ami. I left......................
- hlm-nol. bowerer.
be- nioUon. A* I reached tbe ».ii------------ the chief lUrucUons of the |
n - tag down Fifth BT.noe. I
■ hooking ttacturea sxd aagsr plIU. Tnr• City ilaU . tuaiv tilMleu uod Ion- I Usd time-------------------------Vsihslls.
dltvcUnn of
oatala pltala* to n OUe tbai should b* ,i,oae from their tbousau.l wlmlowa ; lug umlle as It eantohed from hi* e*grw ; m<,ke ami fipmiw
blgtnry we find a
dwsy. ami burrlc. 10 ibr scene
( Itruadway.
•OrthnfortuneU well sdverU.ed.anda aud t w*. .lowlj-turning toward tbe.-__
love for drinking prevalent among the
. hiilf a duo-n rciujui; 1--I1*.
MMUm prepared from the royanle- Part place .uilon, when I saw what . In }e« than katt M boor I w
“Wbrii we tvBcbed tbe boiel tbe people A drink nuieb ta deiaaad ta
lha CTMt bird-aattas spider of Mailoo I guessed, eren nt that dlmanee. to be tag ttaablngton aqonre in the r»«Mi
tbe util- flantes w< re iqtri giiig out o( th<- thIM- the time of Chaucer was hraekm. made
a familiar figure crass tbe brlUlaut gloom, with the gt»y bulk
A certainly n
floor wlodowa. Tb'-re dut uot sn-IU «> 3t the wort of al« honey and .pk-aa.
light of one of tbo higbest wtmlow. on ’‘rtwlty t >ng before me.
tnan. Our choice, however,
be an.v loiuH-diaie danger to ib. Io- By the time of k.dwar4 TV drlnklag
place entraiKv. pu.li. tbe other side of tbe s<iusn-. It wss to
to tbe
tbe Wavi-rly
Tb. fire - a* evidently r»«:iu.-d
; Bned to giant spider*.
In tbe bravr, clnoglug door, and wal
. _
I ______
CoUlus. No one else moved about
productive cd crime
The garden spidv, with Ibe gold or room In Jnst that lojitag- dartlug mau-. ed along tbe low balL as ColUiis di- to on- Ttwotvom*. Ku.ld.ul.va uuiti. that few plarea were allowed moc*
partially Ui-rai«-d In ev.-otag orem .or
•liver body, no common ta tbe sum* aer. I knew It was bis offlra. and I - reeled me: then I turned to tin- 1
imrtiully midr<'M.ed I sbouk: nit. for than two taverns. London bad to ha
I tiH- very mau I wauie-l Into the area, and next to tbo rl;:lit
r Will yield a usefnl preparoUoa—
Under th» Stuarts
‘^'itnirr*' l*hufTled“or.to anotb^r ball of tit Gliding. TIh-i. .
iTcr Bamed Oatf
r omy truat to the bomoeopa* ' [. Park Row nnd was shot ui> to bis began to climb the Stairs. tbr>-e or (oar cnai>. ri!Shi-d to tbe window next the drankenoes* was at ita height. Thlrnt
- thle pharmacopeia.
A few of thee* fioor
‘ lllghla. Ul by a stack-, fttckciing xn<
l»e room iMirn- ,„b-c eulm ta dlsttacUon was largely
inserts rubbed down ta a mortar with ■ -|(uUo.
nmn- bttsy*~
I !«'<
®«‘'k one. . At tbe
' top of th.-*c flung It op.-n, W e saw toe
fool >m
as .1 tbougUU
Ing behind bim. He pot one
• m htUe wlrtt. will make a “moth-,
I was ta tbe tost ball
to*hto bottle capwdty. wbita Indies
. ____
going i!
ta to It;. au-l tbe
__ -...............
aU. Make a ro|>e. mate
a rope.' of the esurt tbougbi it no shame U beXXTST7ZUA.XTOXL
■ ov.
— ~ ..u
- - - - - - - I CoUlns sai uuoer an eu-ianr ».«..
iigoi. ■
have made Mme mis- aemeone sbomed from below,
dilution* cun be prepermL U this wiU p,,, of abrar* In bl* hand abd u see '
Inebrtated. Tbe throe mr RveO P. CARVWL AfOSA
•at aufloe. tbe btack curMO* aplder, of papi-rs loaatag round him. He |mn* ■*“” '
bottle men was an object of envy
eiMl of Ibe hall a space blacker than n^ted tbrongb tbe window
Jiram V/mt
West Indian orange
onage grove., «
or ed the rro
red n*to
balr mvc
tech rtom
from n^oranraa
bis forehead
leUowa. Indeed, the m
accom of H»gnm
op..ntag high •]. from
u^. iro'pnitag a. he f-IL
: hto leUo-a.
(he gray aplder of Kroiuck,. may be
«oor to celUng. like . goeg.- Id th •,
fn.^d. snd I ro.h«l for-! garth are b.l e aideUght o tbe U)
•sod. according to table. Tbe bomoeomouinalna. and right op this gorge ih- „-anl be lay tuoaulng pu
on ,be
Ibe puveiiH-ni:
pwrenH-nt; Signs were hong outalda
outalda tnvsrn* taaarrow tn-ads of yet anoi.ier amir
(pp. \o.
Tbt-n fomtac tbe thirsty wayfarer that h*
grant ladybird* In the sam* way as J^l'^Suddeplf
a> he dropi-sltbe
dropissl ib« ahestw
sbeaiw K.®'*'”*
awoon.d. and we rased him v^-re »ould get "drunk lot
----- - — ..... —
uv- i«*. V—u* -w—« —•— — ( -u*-n arun. xor iwopeoce.
Mtaerx They atoo gel aa essence from
bl* Ion.
nothing for It but to vonUif. I p I uiomenu But be- turo*-d on bln Hde.
ended with tbe slgnlflcUBl
tho Oolorudo beetle—the taaect nblita borridly through
.. .
^ ollinliHl.-Kti4> bv Hen. until .ndib-D
rsliied tbe potato crop, a lew years per* be had been cll|q>iug.
_______i>( ll'chi at tuy feet, a llitk, wao a is one thing to rob tbe bee. "Ixwk bore, look h.-tvl This I* what ibe IrCt. told me I inuH t« on hto Und- right“hanr**Tl.wood bl. - nivni. awl
B» I (ll'l SO tlH- flKlteriiig flagon, caugi.t
Mto nnd secure
SI a <bln gold •'bala round hto uei-k. ’
"What arc yon k-vking I
tooagy, bst H to rather hard lines oa
Mopped quietly to tbe door, felt
i, and p|,x-k«l lb.in>--l'.a
was no iongar 4 corract I
“Sotuetbiug I fonml thin afcriK-ou.
m a week .pa*m. grasplug w.poor apts melUfica. to turn her Into It'a a romuDce: a wboh-wtor.v of forty for tbe knocker- n huge Mrt affal.*.,
___________ ;
mieditiue as well. But she baa to go ta ^Ira ^rtbe mt^tTarUtai pU';”S
oia-ucd ta terror and . wailing, brok.m
n-al ukv.
Ufe. /\u*j
Aud uo.
not ■
. 'N-are
chair moved lualde.
‘“O ‘
with tbe real, and yield her life In the flctloa ta rv'ot
voiev cunii- to u« >ue .tm i sc ...... I -The Burmese Will aacrlBroaiy proa. 1
cstme of eclencc.
Of courae. anyone brad- to It; O. flow felows OidB t ............................
__ know bow to B'ke up a
Then step, came .jowl; Mopping al
; pert of money making
a feast.
who has felt n bee's sting knows wbst
{ i-i II am
ha ‘ (FumNlug all the Uiue and rumiuag• porerfal drug lu pa^n
. a moan aga'u ai-d be wn» quite MIIL ; Thera are called plvyaTSd often the [ tu;ui *»
I lom 4 m
' tag with that aggrt-aalve band ! "Now. door to me.
, enteruinment Jg rla^raf. I rewm- I
W* taiher
“Mr. Uconyr-aald I.
' bare luui it. When.- ta the name of
“Yra. air."
We tbmigUi’: bei- k®tag to og*”'to bjper Buri*a. Tbara j N
-hlv# of bee* of their ailng. and poUon. „tcu-"
Hto meibod recommended in book. '
Then be awore feverishly ta a high of prcs,nilr.g an Introduction from my
•va* *1 U
me a.-td etuik-d, as If we w .-n- old ae-; the hen nor xbc guMi. danced: that
2 3S
lOtnple. but eacinng Tbe bee.
door gntiuraL
Mr. rolllr.r
qualiitan\-<-a. My friend.'b.-told.-yowl
have bran undlgnifled.
The q'3 *«
"Ah. brae It to. look at that, look frl.ud
'toacuughi In a bottle as they leave tbeir
-fertainly. Mr-rartatajy: nod very
.........1-...i, it.'ami
i d*»c«* ware paid, aad they twirled '
t thatr
.toomc I0 the morning. They are then
plftst-d to rae you. t-M. Walk In. Mr.
iiMilful mward
It Mipl*
pl*rtL I , .
s«..L.*.n« aa /wwrinn
tocprlvad of their poison bags and
high be tvn* dr-cd
rnttaga^ by moans of scissors, and iba
ibfi Are: yon must U- chilly. A dlaLia teupleu ta bl* excih-ment.
■srond portions are tusked In spirit was Dolhing but an old ncrap of un- agree«it«U- eventa," to It notV
, nwCoarara r»wr*.« ttw prtvtirae at
which rfearat** M* itoe w .l>*»
m thaar
••Yctk It to cold: out you ai« vc^y ptort- #f Jewrt work.^ Emoktag to tha only tblag
to make a itactvre.
bcUevabte romaiHV be bad uueanhiM.
They , htora*r*.
^ •rrewi.
coxy up here, all by yourwlf."
Her* he aroae anl went to a caWmt, tbe Burmese
Besida* Insert*, other queer thing* it Md no powibto use to him.
"t»h. yi-*. snug .-tiough. You nee. J in the corner.
the early age of three, t ■ w.
•TO used Ih medicine at the prCMSt be was alwayo a tiuder-box of eo have
the wbob- .ower to my-e-lf. ania'I
A very rurton* piece of bandb-rart. . ggj tber smoke tbemaelve* into tho
To glv* only two example*, rem* ihtwU.m. and flrvd like a cbild
a* It to. ...ere to no one Mn- on the
nu will
next world, CirU smoke quite aa ar- ,--------------------------- -•die.
foUtaa Uan.. |«.r<U-uUr autuc floor. 1'bat to oonietblug."
-Mie. are prepared from tn4 .iaifi*h »*“■“
duoualy aa tbe men. and a* tbe cigars : tf^lw */*«* af\
Wc dn-w our chair* up to the fire. ftiinge you i»u--i examine tWa.
The coal* fell in ih- grate, nml a are big. many a prrtty month la atrata- ; V-iUAWrtgtk
,^he flreptort-. Itke Ibe rocmi. Wa» 1
•ably that of (be cobra, tbe rauleaaske
ed to accommodMA a gtoot cberoot.'
‘'■“■•row and Mil. with a amaU grai.
adder-l| Buffledmes used, .tip with hto hairIir^aony jwnioLalliy,
»..rld to-l..« n*. iHJt the r.Mm was very
t» Ibe
a a great many drug* of anl- , ao that 1 never re«^i-all it wlibout fv-<-llug
. the fire n
'u'^' VVT%totp,^^
a large
being experlmeuied hi* c.vra hurnlug iniu me wiib in- faMdomM
tos-n Mxteen n, twelve and wa. very
A Uerlin newspaper aaya the order*-----I Indian^
deime people prophesy that credullly aud dellgtii and deliaiuv and
' - ‘ — -H be bauUrtI me that l«»ra
of decoration borne by the Bmperar of
All’the upper wall* anu the .sjllng e-Pu rough anil
New York Journal of half
are worth
... .. iK-auiiftil It l».“ he raid.
^ Germany
p.sliiti-d a heavy darv
blue, wlit. tj
•re p.tliitiM
bi* tli'ger. dwelt on It groily betore be n,,rk, ( a little over CSO.OOOI. Hi* prln-WBai the Bride naM.
*|t..«.-.l tin all the light fue
As be RuiU. they made little dlsplav
al and moat vi.ued decortUona are;
ai»l »««• randic ta a sOver candlc-Mlet gave it to me to handk-.
An BoKitoh rural clergyman says ‘ gf'VMrtUng'
A* he lurm-d bavk to the eabitiel fer
t inaigma of the Black Eagle.
ghat one day a bride atanled Lim by
„ i r,.meiub.r. ws. tidd m
o-\ “■<
was -u one rorn.r. au<l ili.- rouieblDg the I.IIV .-8*^1
f Qr^p,
Su John, of the Garter and of •
•ramtol(.c. In what xhe .uppo-.-d ;o be Umt brief, aober way which baa aince entered
flrv-pLioc ta the tiih'dle of
(be tobu -:e of ta* prayer book, to become almost vxttuci
w** ......
‘irvetly nmw»ltr
oppnelte lh<
the tlreplaiv
take hei hoehaod "10 'ave and to old paper men.
u waa the ta.-e 1 had aeeo flee ...l-i- ctosse*. alare. bodge, and blher Inrlile dnllbli' uiK'rwity bung wilb
» a......... 7j*'..........
ei.« u-fme i».-plUB I.. IW.-.-U On- dull tignU. lU 1* aaid that be take, them l» araaC Rsyie*
ft«B th.s day fornl'l for bc.leier
h<-.-ivy p.ir..er« which Wi - cl.*.'
Iwrae. fur richerer power, in alg.:c:iieas strange dimsivcry tna<le liv .o:ne work
q be ohl g.-nll>-n<an (alki-d eaKiiy.
..r It to' a m 12 to!.!!!..
men wImi bad IK-.-U reiwlriiig o
with a »miu-. tpreadtag out hto band*
keakb. to love rberrle* aad lu bay " tbe tower* of tbe tdd buIMlt
n- d JiiM tbe one
The roCer contatnins (be deceratlona ,
What meaning ihta ex-.raordlnaiy vow
"f>b- of
crargeM. s« well aa the is jn tbe cunatan-. care of an offleer of
eonveyed to the woman', own mind. ra^^MU rtberud rome m oJ s dto
/.I' pto<T-. and 1 OI.IJ wali.-d tbe opportuni-| wl-wt. prov.Mm - -r n.nt.iiv. to that the eouf!. wbo aecos.i'anle* the kaiser i,; Kk ■
te IO im. n-M him ta that dlrtwtlon.
,.n..eel* .be d.w d.-er. «« well '.a everywhera
' ail*""'
Ob lerurntag to Berlin tt.mbricked up and rw.igbly ptoster.-.!
"Yee. 1 said in reply to hU laai to- ! secii<- oibcr feniato animal*,
; On the «lf>*i*t floor, roveroil wlib
mart. 1111- atnj.**plic re of om-'a luir- mle* uf tb- car
palpable duM. chdbcd in hiy ailk
v,-ry Jesel* a tbe ueaaury.
Arwsa kaeIC*.
r.-uudlturs .* I ero ImperMnl than the ibr i* rio.» wbe
i msu
•.-•irn-uudmg* ibeiuarlvra: don't you
_ w-utuan.
I boie. wbi<-li
•ntoably w(iuld\.} m|>aiblxe witb the
tlilr-K nO
Bngltob blabop who aaid recently;
-Ab. ye*. Indeed: that to very true' temto into
tlon had come tiiton berXS gently. *o
rising abrupUy from tbe sea and form- GfUld RtplDt It IfidUOt K. S
i a-ick. Ul wl.lrh to
*^e two things of which 1 am ibe furtively, that her body wu* aluioM
-And yiiurattno«pb«re ber.' to ao ro mioaitag '
s small Island. Upon OBC of the'
a —, J
0» ULWCI I'UI*-.- .erealid
»-u.« — —
—---moat tired are “The Church'* One utimarred. except frilie dlnglnew* of
abould Ihmk. j wrong odor- Onllnar.ly. when tto-d->-r
gf , i rock itandi a t
ar emvwl as< aspaiesr* *1 iraiMwsXi
FoundailoB' aad cold rhivkea.
Tbe w-bere efae toy. or there had been aonie
mteroaliocal letter box Of
Hild ue louunu-rable
liymn seems always to b* cboBen time. There are reoinl* of such lut»«it
»®f« ^ban SOO miles from aaydlMoliiitoa to
,1 lEEEE lEEISieEl El
But li.- fraxn at this: gnthen-d bia
tam. umt resemM* Clvuuatlnn. M 'aawan sawaasaw* ra
with floUe ektrsordlnary nnaniml:
Ibe preto-nt e*N-hmi been dui
from the htoxo and
for N-rerol tm.nib* after the to the cc.rom oI captain, paaitag
provide cold chicken tor Icncheou.' |«orbetber
tbe eealtag nf the narrow room!
« hie (w« or three time* tu-tar.- fawn to born. Tbe rl.-iod*. if gbod* round
und the
tbe Horn to seed
send a boat ashore | a^a---a ua»aua^g- aa
---------chemical m-siment of ber body nod ........... .. and I raugb* a andden buntthM point if posaible. take whatever' ig vaBkEEBEBIIliEEflllll
OawMB BoraeBeiatBre.
garm»ntt after death, wa* all tuirmlm-.j *'•’ gUxrwe >trUe out of fce.plug wi.b
of’^r ta tbe track, and no d-j. niail
going ta
_ tha dlrectton of ta# '; J
ill to colag
Th* carrier who serve* tbe Klondike j,g,
»»* tbe tact. On the duMy ; 1*1* cTmrtly -1 -meaoor.
Brt even the beM deerhouifd. to aide
whatever It to .
Moggrt to aubacrlbera ta Dawaoa baa floor, to a Uttle rpartment acarceiy! I!.- n-cub.' to cwoalder before he
.b*Ur»ta the other direction.
MBBlderabte trotsbie ta ftadtag tbeir larger than an ample taatb. aa If she ra‘d;
**^."‘*^®'*.^-..*.A.eUlnra.r. had fslleti ta a fnlul. witb one-arm, -Y-ew. yra. Indeed. I believe there are foUow the trail of n female bear with
TW Danker ClBb.
SilS^ibtl ta ta* auba^tion
alwoad and the other hand at'------- --------- - ■*— — »“
cub*, and perbap* a deer atoe.
A Connertlent clergyman oa a recent
v7« .Itt. the aereea •»" throat alept ycong branty. arrrai
Sunday gave out lb* followtag notice:
h«>k: -m* cabin w^
ed in mid ptosanre (ao ahe tookedi. ami! '10* : ar*- L-snnIly they have been a
ta aa* Ita Tr~a
4oor.~ • “tb* atob boitae fadng tak
,g jure** while tbe bawv,
‘leal ' V UlKbvd-s goon dral ein"Tbe regnUr session of the Donkey
. raclty la a dIScult arcomPart* conltina man* tree, t
rlw." -Th* Mg wnt with two atove^
rntal-lec ta tbe atreeu bMtobed.
club WlU be held, as usnal. at the eloee
totaea.* anu “the eabta three door* b<dow. It moat have heeo the tikt pJ<vi;r.'eui.
rtty It
of this service. Members wlU Use np
«s of where all ta* dog* arr-j pathos ai^ wlstfuinW of bratuy-tbe ’ ABd be turned to me -with tbe c
sn- prln* pall; J-t
tl** church door, make rD
dowy (oreHneea. wtnulug ami wtoe smile. I said noth- S^Uul.
anatebed away ftom tbe mMm of Joy} lug. t-nd be relapaed Into bto acmede oPthroe kinds-ta* cheatout and eca- marks snd star# nt ta# women who
and gayely. *o untimely, and not even of con«lderatloc. waiebtag tbe fire. It rta. sticb as line tbe rhiin|i* Elys-e*. pass, aa to their enstom. Any member
I ilElt • Ml KdlB
The iraniporiatlon of prtooner* U allowed ‘ta* eommon boon of oMIrkm. vra* )-i*i to r“ that a eorleiia thing bap- and Ibe lime tree, which grow* in known to escort a yonng woman to a
'C|Wtaow w wota ss.e
y bead Isick on the each abundance In tbe Boto it Bon- church Uke a man and all with ber
uar .... o...U> M
; »bm
d. I Vaoed my..............................
[ibzse 8 ss« sggg
Pjtae.*-. . W*S *- —-~e
'•lA a au«—--- ™.
mu\ af»*« i* —us- uu*. — —-u -uu.
. •-Iiu.- ' ——
like a genOearan wtll b# prompUy gg-Xhe defeat of tbe French st the battle f. tenemeMt Had ahe berarlf. too.
tn'ke np tbe cooverasUon wbere
peUed from Bambarablp.'
f||stata**tataoaa»taataB ae.sta
aa Vlmlero. PnrtngaL tae vktortaia tike ber fralL -pdratrnrtlbto prawm. bad toft It with bcaltstkm. Aa I did
|a^S»8«8«a8Sf8fe8 88888
■ ^MUh denorted tl.OO# Fiench prtoon- been held In anspense aoaewbere. ‘ »o 1 ootUed for tbe first time a small.
,w, cnainmcota from Porto neither among tbe llvtrg nor tbe dead) j mirror hung over tbe fireplace, and 'n
Itoe earliest known stacne to_
By a ayaiem of nnaieral type, tavenlw-ir.-e
MB^ them
silk and
a ma.*a
been revovered
It 1 cooM
from are
an J .e dnll green poritora
tasd T
and lanttad
at el
,^ I! It waa white, white bo.
the baa
tomb. It ta that of a sbelkh.
. . . _ ra. maJ
1 And under tbe aoHate ef dost tbe pale ; color w»* ta the eye And then, shout
•nistna the ■•*I
shlnlnc and alive. i Are feet from the floor, they peered
It to e.000 yrara old.
rend and wrlta ta Um than threa
(toiglAAily tb# eoktam of ralttag tae gJ,j
identity wws atol a glrUah face looked tbroogh and
mtttaa. and tkto la apHa of ta* tact
mat was a sign Of aabmlaalo*. imply- the nnaU cnmbric handkerchief. Id rogtriably anrveyrf o«r bartta. She
smiled very merrtly. and preiowd tha
A. xiMra a«rar«ra.
that taeta era 4« dlatM aomd* ta
that th* parson nneovered placed tttoled ta
M( •.____
corner N. l».
tbe Cblima langBago. Bf a apirlBl
Wbaa 1 bad read tae article. Cn)Una
If at tae verty of bto foe.
then bra dancing eye* ran onsespert- -uTnitP^ really by ■ U««r bant- adnpUUon of tkto aystam tba bUnd ara
inglr over ibe mirror and caugbi mine ra There U not a rolored balr ta Im bow netnally taneblag aWbt*^ papUs to
-Howto tbatr
• Prtaonera wbes
-Wky deato yev tiresgicnto
ara rwaulred to ps? tha policeman
^ Ms troBbta ta tAing them to JiU.
2;S'.'n ^
^ r£S;s.^S;
Bicycle Riders.
John R. iSanto,
ttnrii hsnueg
TX ‘.fTi;wS' ■
ic ™"i.
West Michigan.
."I itSii.!
K.s,?' „ri.,reo, ■....^ ™
li -
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