The Morning Record, March 08, 1899

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The Morning Record, March 08, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





igMe^ T«v-Ko ST4



,. .IS-}

l>Mdlo(& U JodlcUl eonT«n.
ttOD T«tUrd»7.

niBo to Hovn a axTa


MudU. Xwrt 7 -J
MCBUf (he •Ot^aj
tr^inr to iMat • m


d*/)irfa( toil


PmmA Soiutto t>7 TTiuaitiDoae

■ the rim

•.«. ...I— ft-w—
fi so t^i
»rtai«7 •eee^ Becttoaa Amaaded-Keaben
WVlr ■•Uoto
«t «»®.*-‘tpn«PM/-fcell.4toerto.ltottorT.
Board «f Aaeeaean wUl be Appotot»»*U-«fm»8Tr«*tf.fcABtrftt»»4
^ f^Ud. of
ed bat Ooeenor will not be ehairOhwievoix *tood 7m(
tbMr* cDHkotoT fire eeroM toa rim. hot ■
- t rimW toe bMks w(to ropU
Baa-Aalarin of Kmban wlU V
OhelM. Sttt XAriMPa XN
Wmk •»ltt->«oer«atioa Adjoamed

AS.BOO laetead of

•rlto toe erideal parpoM o(
tatotof toe *etor work*, ao direet atAdeedleto to toe BepaMleea jedileapt wee made to captara toe Aneri*

BUI Boabid TbrOBffli^eBteiday.

W • OVUA Tbii Koraiar

a Tear-



Laaatoff. March
KU wn paaaed by the eenale tbU afernooB by
a aaaBleaoaa toU.
adjiaraarataata today, whea wet “?^.**®®***T
faetoabeptotoeafely lead lie eaadi0*toto»eato froia
aU Wbaatoe'e ariradee elearad the toooffh Bot la a maaaer to effect toe
datoaadewl toe haute. Fifiy beUote
eeaalrp to toat rietol9 «o^priaeiptooftoe mcaaare.
wen Uhaa aad wbUe there
Seettoa 1 waa amaaded aq aa to maka
ttoaoH eee eewlay to toe Uelaaaa
toe ataearipff board eoulat of torn
delnatom there wae lltUaebaBKe Aar.
freaheldmeto be appolated by tba
toff toe ceaeioa.*
To make b clfiao aweeu on
fforaraor with tfae coaaeat of the teaThe eaadtdatn before the eoareapTodldent Women’i Feder^
The fforeroor. who la prealdent
ttoe were V. C. OUbert of Oraad Trartbe balaoce ot oar atock we
of the board, aa provided by the bill aa
one eoaaty. Boa. Fileb K. WUtlaBia of
tion of Olnba
it paeaad the hooae, la droppad. aad tba *
have tokea oar 17-50,7110.00
AatrUa aad Fred W. Mayae of Cbarievda. The deleratea of Oiaod Tramaa laaeea a Tifforotw LMter Oalitoff oa aadltor ffeae^ made chairataa. bet
had HJS.OO ganaento and pat
witboQt a rctovne oriflaal bill made
Aetna aad Cbarierola pereUteaOy
Mcmb^ to Beeiet Xfforta Bade
the board eooaUt OT.^the ffoeernor. Ad*
•tood by their reepectire caBdldatea
tbem ali in at tberooad price
Afalaet Female Worken.
ditor ffeaeral and
Dd aec^Ury of •Uta.todartoff the eetlre leealoa and the me
oper^to be appointof ,toe fell delefatiooa waa eaat each
AtlanU. March 7.—Mre. Bebma D. ffether with two
time with ioyal reffmlarity. Bat Leeof the Women'a Fed- ad by the fforernor,
Setloo S waa atoeaded ao aa to in*
laaaa eoaaty’a detoffatea ahifted aboaC eratioB of Ciabr. baa iaaaed a Utter to
Thrir rote raaffed from two to aU tor toe yraaideato of the s» elaU to toe,---------------------the ealary
. of toe^fi^Ury from
OUbert aad toe renatoder for Mayaa. federation, to which abe aa;rt;
j >i.«<» to ll.soo.
Their deieralaaUoa betoff to down
The federation haa baeome a rital' beetioa'lt waa ameaded ao toat tmUOraad Tiamn at all hasirda.
partottbeffreatblitorioal momaebto I
eompaaiee will not be required to
After toe pralt
of thlaceeioty. In the ilfht of recent r«P«t the reeelpu of each elation on
Lining in them are worth
bat aahort erenUand the altitade of labor ualona!their Hnai to Mtebiffaa. but eimply to
oearly as moeb aa we aak for
time, and earii eandidale wan pra- toward wBffeearalaffWoihnn, we mint ’‘ma)(e
‘ma)co a alal
atoteaeni of tba ffroM reaentod with a rifforon* tpeeeh.
plainly aee toat tbe Uma haa eoma for •Ipl^lrom w
tbe whole ffarlneat.
After the 17th ba’I'H the Leelaiaa' nailed action
SaeUoB II «
woman lor woameaded ao that the
daleffatton. batoff toe only one wbtoh I men.
francblae will be taken Into eonalderafound it Becemary to hnllol, benaaj
-A ffreat atrofffle ia potoff on to tba Uen with other property in Kxloff tbe
tired aad Wllbar OUl mond a reeem of i Ubor world, and the worklaff woman valna, toalead of betoff rained aepfffteen
The <
-----------en..---------.1-------------------------- T her part to all lu '
ebariUble and the reoeaa waa taken. bear the burden of the i inlt cqnally
iteetioatl waa amended ao that tbe
After toe raoeaa the aami old atory wai with man.
penalty of M pereanl. and forfeitnre of
told for nereatorn more hnllota nnd
i toe federation tranehiae for fallnre to pay tasaa when
then a reoeaa waa token for ie a pewerfnl weapon to be wielded on dnr. feehanffed toa penel-y of S per Provident Life
behalf of thk
a month, tbe forfeitnre elanae beand Trust Company
er, howem. aad when the bat in order to work rffeeUraly, we toff atriekan oat.
t.f PhilaJelphto.
ooaeeaUoB waa caUad to order pffato moot aindy oondlUona aad aeek to: Beetiontf ie amended by rcdaolny
Leri T-iPenainffton, District Agt.
al7p m it waa a repaUtlon of toe know wUt la needed aad toen atrike the ealary of membera of the board _________ Tr»»»r»CKy mehlxme.
aftaraooa proceedtoffe. Tbe hallotiaff to become helpfnl to
om to.UOO to $t,»oo and enpenem.
I the fortyatoth. when applylnff toe remedy.
By a vote of f to a tbe eommittee
oneof toeOhi
‘■I bona, dear madam aad prealdent. amended eectlon IB ny etrikioff o«t tbe
that toe order of rottoff he ebanjrad ao ^t yon will preeeat toU anbtoet to word -other" in tbe provitlon that tbe
that toe daUffaiea who ipdirldaaUy deof yonr orffanizatlon and money derived ehonld go into the eamr
alred to break away eonld do aa He toat oa ofun oa poBatbie yon wUl en- fond ae "other epecifle tasM," toe
Mffffeatodtoateaeb drleffatton manh eonmffc Iba membera to toe Inmtlffa- point betoff toat if toe word U left to
ap to toe Ul Ian-deak aad depoaii their iioa of onuide emdiikata aad the dia- the Inferenoe miffht be toat the ieffie.
baUota OM by OM. Thb aaemad a oomioB In nlatlen to their pnaent and latnre believed toe tan to be epecifle.
happy Mea aad at toaat effarad a reUaf________
toa walfareof and tote fact miybt tofloMce toe Soto lha mbmotony of tbe aoena. and toe aoetoty.”
rame oonrt to deeidtoff toe qoeetSoa
OMltoe prenlled. Bet then wm bo
la order to ffct a aaanliaoae report
krenkinff nway. aa aome of toa oanni'
dalH aad toeir aapportoo fondly
The eommittee decided to report toe
ooltole afternoon aad tohiUdall
KoIob Bad Other .rroit Orepe BeothM lax bUle for the preaent.
ntnped By Btotma aad
the orlfftoal niaa. Wenrinam oearmiiu
Woeaeliae reporto that
a Cold Wave
aome of the daleffatea by thta time and
toe MMUffaa enntoffe of raUroa^ ler
a motion waa made to adjonra natll
Waehtofftoa, March 7 -A Mlaardfft.rsom, aa
Made by MIebiffan Telephone Oo.
tola meratoff at atomt o’clock. T
Uke aSbw-eiorm befaa eariy toU morn- ofSUl.TIT over Deeamber ISTT Tbe
for any claee at eerriee d*ein>d.
WM conaidarable lAfnttoe oa to toa toff. At 0 o clock Iba wind btow a for. total MIebiffaa aaniaffe for ISM on
hear aad it WM mod down. Tbnaan Ij-mlla aa hoar ffala.
which taxee wUl be paid thUy«r were
Weather offleiaU nay toat by tomor­ *3t.M«.r;v. an tooreaee of
attompt WM made to ban toe eon’
at aad of aix mootbe or ehaaffe
ttonoonttoMto ballot naUl 10 p. m. row a eold ware will oom the Atlaa-.
11.* par eaat. over ia«7, Itiaeetlto aoy claee of eerriee et will.
naleaa a chotoa wm made aoonnr. Thia tie eoaet etatea. |Th« temperatnn at
ttod toat the toeroaM to taxee wUI
' Taleobone tbe mmaeffer to eail
alao tailed and Inally tt wm daetded to Waehtofftoa eriUfaU to aboet e above beis'pareeat.
end expleln new ntee adopted by
takearcMM natU « o'etoto thia morn- aaro bafora toeMwow moratoff. North
tfae company.
of bera the aNreary . will go mneh
AU toTM eaadtdnlaa are to toa oHy. triver.
fair thronffb
bet ware aaea little abont toe oonven•eenlty of Food la Bold to Frovail to
ttoa- Mealy C. Dodffa. who wMoae oenbal porUoa of the ooanlry and
Many Stotrieta.
-of too Oraad TrantM aeplranu, waa warm np a UUle tomorrow. Tba soldLendon, Manh ___ A diepateh from
honored with twomcaaad A. F.Beat- cat plaae on tword today Ie While
Blvor, Oat., itoaro It Ie M below. Tbe Mombaea aaya toat famine ie prevalent
r. raaelred o
Ualted tomnayoftoa dtetrieta of Brittob Beet
iMOffalaed. J. A Loraaffor aad J. W. lowMt tomperatora to to#
Bain la M* aoMpto* Mr !• lor aeM* me ear
Patebln alao rmind two aaah.
Fol- Statee Ie I balow at Bl. Paal aad La- Atriea.
aWItir- Can aae teak awr war* la oraerem
towlnffare the ofleial preoeedlafa:
AtiMto, Oa.. March 7.->Tba heavr ThryeuMbyninm
MciBV aork*. Baavrloae. Nka Trarrr-M
naaonrsnUoa met at Stetoborff'e
Bcawa BatB,aad they are qilto prop,
flraad yeaterday aftoTBOon at f e'eloek rain of Salnrdey aad the cold wave of
er. you kBow. Bemlltan Ulotblnff CoBBd WM eallad to order by Jndfe J K. Saoday have baea foUowad by hlffb
dlampbell. of UaUaaa eonnty. who In- wtode and mow to nmay parw of the
•ritod A. B. Dnffharly of Aatrim. to j etata. At Monroe a depot wee anroofHon. Wm. ed aad qaaaUttoe offfoode blovm away.
toe ebair
Barrie of Charlevoix, wm ebneea ten Tharoofinfon the baUdtoffe of toe
Monroe Oil oompaey wee tore off.demafftoff tbe mMblnery.
A aamber of
emaller dwcllinffs were blown down.
Farmera report the deetroeUoa of the
Credeaiiale—Antrim,C. B. Denemotr: mcloo crop. All frnit not killed by
Charlevalx. A- l' Oealter; Oraad Trav- toe cold wave throe wcoka offo wae
tree. L. W. Dealt: LaaUaan. W. F. loot laet niffht.
New York. Marto 7.-A fleree aoow
a aad order of e'orm Ie prevalltofftoward boond
haniaeee-Antrim- M .W. Newkirk: eleamere are delayed.
ChffHvroIx. Freak Kenyan; Grand
AOOMoaxo vow iiTlovdom.
TrarerM. A W. JabraM: Lnalaaaa.
T>eodorv Tbompaon.
^nlli the Agent There of toe FiUptoa
Bmolattone-ABtriu. C L.' UaUey;
We have handled
bandied wtth
with anch snoceaa fur years pastpoet—brown and
etartevolx. Wm. Mean; 'Oraad
black colors—two aieea of abapea for largr or amal) men. Moat
T.-AffoBrill'i^aad bis
everyone knows the meritof thia popalar-bal—ma
, tpll
ns it
' here from
' is equal to a Donlap for comfort of fit and good wearing quali­
The eommltte oa o
'ere exhaael-'
ties—costa yon bat three dollara and is fally goarante^.
odMeeUUcd to Beau to
remained toj

TO H6HT THE mils.

The Artist
Draws a Picture
—Bat we wut to draw yoar attentum to oor aew Uoe of CortaiBA

A good cloth cortaia moantod oa beat Hartabom Boil­

er. 36 iachaa wide. 6| feet long when palled down, for 88 oont*.
Wo hhv« a full line U oil colora of tbf beet mada Shade C8otb
in all widtha.

We bang all cartains made from this atock treo

of efavge.



220 Front St.

“City Bookatore.”

$5.00! In Line

Wilhelm Bros.



Tea Tear Cogtracts

Sibscriters May Caacel

KtdiieaiTelephoie Co.

Ek«Uw Yaebts,
Raw BhR, Sailtag Craft


New Spring Sliapes
In The L & H Derby

■affot, A. B. DoaffBcrty. D. B. Oriatt.

flb.ri_ii.bu... u. L g

rive* t-f


fftonear.A. a JenMne, CB. Daomora.l
PonffrMamaB Anovar Mobbed.
M. W. Kewkirk. Heary Cbambmtoto.
Dotmlt. March
B. _
ilarrie. Jemm
■ Boover. an
aa ronU
rooU tobie
to hie ^
borne at Port
<L L. BaUey. Aemaal Orampton. Ire A. \ AmOb from Waohlaffton.
I day toat be bad toat or born I obbed of
Obortovoto—Wm. MaaraJ. M. Bairto Ue paebntooto aoma Uma aflor tonvtoff
Ad.Btroad. W. J. Pleraon. 11. C Toledo, Tba petoitotah oewtofamd
Caopsr.r N. Cltok,A B Vkbelaa.Wm.
■Mite. L. A Am. A- L. Oooltor. F. d.




;lfy«iu’d see tbe Rteateat event of
:tbi8 season’s theatrical eaffagM
: meats in Traverse City. Come io '.v<^
j the box office of

Steinberg’s Grand


This moruing, for if yoa #ait
longer yoa may miss gritiag any

Sopperted by Kathiyn Parnell
end an ezoeptionully strong coml>any, in a grand production of


Seat* are going with a rush.

Prtw, 33, 8J,]TBc, Bn SuUJJl.00.

Great Guns!
How DoilThey Doiilt?
Why. Tie Boston Store Is Selljgg
A man’s eood Union Suit, a regular $5.00
bargain, for only............................................
A man’s Double Breasted Suit (all wool),
a regular $7.00 bargain, for......................
A man’s heavy double breasted Twill
Wool Suit, a regular $8 bargain for..........
A man’s Plaid Wool Suit, a regular $7.00
bargain, for.....................................................
A man’s elegant Scotch Tweed Pl4id All
Wool Suit, finely trimmed, $9 bargain, for


Weil.^lt Is Reasonable.
It is jusl this—They bought a small bankrupt
stock of good, clean, well liiade and up-to-date cloth­
ing at 50c on the dollar, and you are getting the
benefit of it.
The stock is going fast, bnt there ia still a good
selection left. Come before it is too lata,

Jnt receivBd i larse stock of sprhv ficNs.
The wy latest.
Inspection solicited.

need go away from o«r store witbont a bet to please them.


The Boston Store,


MOMroy MMOlui.

TUX 01 TE&OniG.


SOBM e< tlM EardahliM nA
•ha T. Bam An> J. W. Hf
$. m. 8A>n>. BA***




_______ i Br BrofMor Kdbu*
Maal, H T«««g IUb« Oo«iB« iMt



CPU .LI E...TB).


Prot MeKooay woo < (Iwa • MU
oordUl rroootoff whoo ha ntrrad thr
ball wiU BaprrloModaui Orawa.
Tht Bala qaartatta-a. araaaat ao4 j
fararai with aavaroli ilraalof aolaaU>aa la tbo loBodartwy of bUod-

Jw Bigaot of tba Btata Caiaaiilij.
OAL- 8CBBY 8. IIBAB cf WaabtOM*.

WUl lUaaca Ba Bbiacla SUL
Vaahi^OB poad.
haa aarvad aa
bargagaaiaa oa tba Traaeiaa City
toaaeh Of the U. B. b 1 (or aoow Una.
baa taboo a lay ofl for tba a-Halag aan-1
nrr and will take tba naaigmeat of i
a ahiagle oiill, in wbleb be baa a float)-'
del lataraat. at Cobfaa' Crouluc. aear

nl Uih Miasr nd CMa
wbNl ru<-«D KaaCow.

TU.-»i~ ot l~t~^ ~
^ I bf Pro*. Of*wo tor /our.Bra. »>«l ihe I
I uoohM of tbo fOblie Kboau orf • ,
•■■»bB Ofoth«^orl*4tB wow to. j
I ftOMor tha oUmUvoI
: k»4 thoy.

Wet yorttooofthoHoyrom

The ffOrtb aaolreraarKBhnlhf «»f
tHr Kre>-^tl MyeUcCfrela VlU be hold
toalfht la Moataruh ball / AH m''rabora whaalaabadtetollowtha
bara are raqaaatrd to ba pfUaai. The
paUoo of oar tathara.
It boro tta |>rorwnwlHberl»*««Ttio'doek.folkod ^ aodal I
■oBof a b'.aekanitb. oeewaa a bleat'
.aniib. bji la tbU eoBatiy obF ehtpaei tine. Uanbrra aod tbrir tenilica only
adnltiad. Tba boar for errrlag rw
bU oedupatloB blnaalf.
froabnaeubea bem ebaaged from h
uiae araiiody wolita (bartba tbiw i e'aloek to follow the program aa atatad
pwUlba'^ B at 7 o'eloek,
a of Ufa aw daddad


'““y fro- a trip to Oraad Rapid, la tbr

tolawrf^lalnbalf of^M«b>| To. third Inporf.t u-w»loa of oar I inwr-ta of thaCily Uo^keiore.
lHkanaalty-eaaka.aadU the inter '»»•* I* • JMpatloa "
Ic of Anaricaae who •koal I neka the beat ,
SMdf (bail
•m poif a—oag tba wealiblaat aad with walob liod bu aadowod aa.
Mae Birofortb of Kiogbaw.
lawaiidarlartba oewpatioa of a daat la the Doaineae coll ega.
HdMlaAaaatlal lababiiaau of
aebool taaeber.wbat U tba panaaoiapy
A O. Hall of Fomoaa. U tba gaent of
of damaad?
Bar. 8. 8alabary.
Prato«*a for fniaw taaebora night
Rer. 3 A. PryeofiHead Kapida wr*.
■ow wUl OolQMl Bryaa weondU
An advaaoaa to wagaaof ootloo ml.I Botaaaw rerygood wbea-^we laara \ the gaedt of Ber 8 Halabrry Mopday I
yeaierday. aod left iMlavenlofr for
SHpleywataal aad wire nail optraUraa that there are ii-i daatbt rvery .niaata land
[K-awick to atMda quarterly meet-1
' m4 Iroa emkaw. wllb bU awfal pra- Ualfaaraofdaereaeed popalattoe arc tog.
AIHIm of bard Umae aad wdaaed UId atide wbeo we flkd tbat.tbaw aw
Sproaob Uka Vildflre.
b rtba a nlaate.
You can't keep a good thing down.
f jne aay that a taa>bar'a poaiUoa U
Newa of It trarrU fact. Wbeo tblngr
act paraiaaaal, for area aopariataad- are- Uie beat" they bri-ome "the beat
aaudoaotgaaarally bare bmw than arlllDf.'’ Abraham Hire, a Iradlnfr
• Re'lerllle. O. wrll«a:-Ble»'tea yeare aarrlee Id oae^tace.
are the beat arlllog bluer,
Tbooe ebaagea aw oot- broagbt
hapdled In my SO year, ei'fflba Sabaar Obargad Vitb Appropti
aboat by pablle oplaioa bat by offer,
Uiirl d',SIlag a Kobe Beloaglog to Uodarof larger e..lariaa. a gtoat nany
It U tbe laefflcleBcy of tbe taaebup tbe •tomacb.
tmai araalag wbro W. 8. AodarMO
Well.ciialpped naa are alway* Bleetrir Hiller, lone,
MB Balpb went to Prank Kratoeb- earlala of their paaliioaa.
I. atreoptb^p, ilie ner
purifle, tbe I
. vQ'a to look after tbe faoaral arraagemallitudrk of d,UProfeom MeKaaavy belelrca that ao rc». beiree c
HMla Of AaUiloe Paaoat wbudiadyaa- oac ahould lake ap the profeeakn for
ll build, up Ibe obllre ».v,tem.
g—day. a ralaable lapwbe wee Ukao tbaealary aloaa. bat aboatd bare a pu*a new life and rleor lalo any weak,
ton tbair rig. A deacrlptiae of a rUl- lot# for It. aad effloleoi aerrUa aboeld aickly. run-down man or woman On'y
5i>een<,. tbilri bv J U JobnMB and 8
to at tba brewery wee glfea aod wb<
alwayi b) tba atai. yet be tlrialy be R. Wa«l, -jrurrw't*. rnaranteod
Hr. ABdaraoB reached lowa be calird llerac that tba taaeber baa a right U
9i Iba itable aow kept by llMrge Uoli eooaldar tbe flaaaoUl partof iL
la tba rear of bU boaea on stale atraat
Uootal paaltioD U alwaya aaaured a
•rbaw be aeked If eueb a party
aaparl .tabdent or taaober.
toad a rig. Helog iafornad tbat <
be atay bare do beak aaecnat.
•Mwariag tbe deacrlpllpo bad beei
more, la tba allie aocUly of tbe
fagad daring tbe aeaaing Mr. Andar- -unity. In other worda tba «0u.
joa BoUfled Chltf of i'ullee ReoaU. It
Healdm tbU. there U tba.cbnDoa for
VM iaarnad that the auepretod parly leSaenaat aad oaltara. bat
eeMBt tba WbUlag aod the ottoer ihaa all of ibean U tbe opportoalty
VHttbara He wa* Ju,t ie line W glren to Mrra naaklad.
Aod bU Biaa aoeompaatad by a wonaa
reqalreneata for
walklBg OB Proni atraat- Tba atraaga
It oaa aboBld be a eollega
yart of It waa that tba mao bad AederI, aod act only bare a iraaera] Idea
MsSwba baaglng on bU arm Hebad of tba work tro— tbe prinary dapari
Hid U tba barn that the robe waa hu CBaat to the blgb aebool. bat oboald be
•■dwbaabaantlharlg la tba bara tboroogbly InUnaU with ercry delail.
mnU* li off. Tba robo waa idaaUflad
Aad ogalB. oae eboald aoi try to rua
sod tba naa. wboaa aane U wid to ba
u...d>ooi Ub. on. 1.
„.a„, a Carriage
Pabs Habaar. was lakaa to jail.
OopyUu ora out of data. Oac obOBld
•AntUad that ba bad takaa tba robe alwaye nake bU owa oonwae. i
Mi will aaawer before'Jadga Bot
ton bo to oatgrowtb o< loea) eoadl-

u.” amiS'


If you

or Go'Cart

Be eboald ba a good i
baalaeoe nan at wall, for .boat M par
eaat-ot tBMpal^'bwforaebocl parpoaw It U aUo Impertaat to
tot paealiar ebarn wbkb galaa a
bold OB tba tboaghu aad nlada of pw
pla. It nay be a gift, tat It nay alM
ta enJUratad to a grwt adraataga.
Be latawatad la pa^la, Ib^ aSalra;


to correspond w’itb that
bij; baby, call in and
over my new '99 line.
can please you and save


Hoaae Korniahing Store.
New Store, 120 Front Street.



to wheU atoak of ahUdwa’a aalta

aoadc to MaweaaUa

Alfred Y. Friedrich.
Front Strert

Po|g|||ar Shoe |iou$e



whUe wa are yet youag, groarBlIy be­
fore aa are >'• yaara of age?
" "
Tba Bret aad graataal of fibaea <iaae.,
r It U BOW alatad that tba batter alatloai U oar ralatlooe with Ood.:r;Q l'Wdar. U l» tba dty wateblng the
BMtof MaxUaawlafavorofaaaasare of tbejadtdelo
Neat, wbocball walk with sta aloagjp
. Hm of tba rapablU to the llaUad
KraBk Snltb bos raUrad Prof. C B.
•Hlaa. li baa baaa prodUud thatt tba patb aay of life?
• oboMa/brae or foar tinea and i Uoekaray e byelaaaa eollega. to Uhe e
Hw woeld aona day aone to paae aad
-uam thaw U agrowloy.aaDUnant forr gaaaraUy nehd tbe woret| aboiaa laat | eooraa la BeglUb.
PrBBko Nailwaiok.atbU I
Miaeillnp Tba laadlag dtlseac be , — --------SSTt^t aarlM iroob!; U oeruta t<. ladlaeof bU aadlaaaa tbavtbUdid aoi'Trnlb ttreau
nf piMlifrat UU» an.l' pp'y tolben, that It waator tba nan. < Ualpb OeBaabl.Ir. wianiad yaatar


Tour time haa come to buy aboes cheap.
Don't wait too Iona-

Pratoraal Myatia ^ta wUl Haae
Oood Tina ThUght

” •"
ahaalo ba thaakfa( that wa

I la pmot

■..-.aMLadin' IMafaan n«e<«t ^ | ‘gg

In tboea»Trll boatoa lUu Jot ia
BantliOB CioiblBf Co

Ur la^ to firuly aaiab!uh »|

OaradTjr toeaway Vtetlna
OBcyaalar-a hUi aaana to ba a bad
'ftBMfwaeeldaatotbUnoatb. Ia adAltto to tba two aorloaa raaawaya
Monday oaeoaearTad abaat a weak age
tovbUb Mr. B-lfpeanb aod MrelUUfrleb of Maplatoa wow badly
•baban ap aad tba oottar waa blokad
iBtp .apUBian by tba boraala all
tow eaan the vUtfna of tba oaUbapa
fwn boapllably eared lor by Mr. aad
Mw. 1/tarall. wham hoaaa U at the

f HUM' aaa Laea*- ear .haw heat ^ I ^

Bebby tbls|i (er jnafa-B

I-...,.,., b.

i£rtiruu.i duTwm



Ba^aao Araica Bataa.
Tn Boar Salts la tba world tor
\ Oata. BruUaa, Boraa. Oloara, Balt
Sbaan, Porar 8o»ao, Tattor. Chapjnd
Baade, CbUblalae. Ooraa, and all Stria
. BrDptlona.aad poalUToIy earea PUaa,
or BO pafraqolrad. It U gaaraataad
' lorlre csrlect aatlafaetloo or aMBoy
raftBdad. PrieaMcoataparboz. Por
SjealebrA »./ohbanii an'-H. R ttalt

ultaix. I^lwwtai

aaab aa oeoaoloa BH*
ooowa of Mr. Urowa't waa tho flrat ha
AohataaoiBOMiagthaMll to aatbor- bad haard of la thU aiaU aad ha blfbly
iHiboaaaratorTeftha aa*y to aaa ooiBwoadod Prafaaaw tirawa for arHrootOMbiotoUawaa ThU
la.owapartoltha l oit^BUM aad^ Sofloor McKlaaay .thoafhl bU

••ra aad yhb ooaalrr a cabU U ..a aaTba boalaaw already aaub
iMMd arlih the Ulaad proroa thU aaMPtiyaad thM balar a oooaaoUa(
ttA la the Paelt? with the (ar aaU
Ha oaWa aabad for woald ba of
•HH abohU set ba laat eight of.
fcbpgad that tba east eoagrata wUI
PH tut ibU aabU aosBaaitoa U aeaon-

Just now at cat fKioes. bat renjeu*
bar yoa’il hare to come now dar>
• ing oar ^ rest


«ra»M to
r«Mr <»A1m uA fmOrMB 10 IkMn
H ProloMOT Clihtl« MoKtsMT. prlMl>9ii ia th» OMirsl MiehifM Koraol

icraiucu smaricKET.


Mdies the fcod oore delidous and V


The Shoes
Are Yours

la elealag hU wnarka Prof. MaKlawy*! adrlaa to all proapeeUw taaetaw
waa not bP tblak naraly of gattlag a
oprUfteata. bat to oblala to mnnry
qaaHSesUow To gat \tbwe it wilt
taka both tine aad noa«y. wbUb
bard, aarwat work.


In five moolhs—that is

: We are buying in larj^ t]uantities and pay highest prices.

the record for Rose’s
Hine Expectorant—j
2Scj Money back if you 1
wAiit it.


m ■■ (lAWp . AAC.

1 H. HOSE &.S0N.
lie bid.

We also sell Soeeil Hemlock lumber. Maple Fleortes
aid Short Maple Wood.

i We aUo bare for eala laade for good




At the broken lots and odd pairs of Men’s Fine
Shoes to CLOSE OUT. Prices made to move
them quick. If you can find your size you can
«et a Bargain.
W 00 Patent ami Cordovan Lao* Shoe... $3 00

$3 50 Buz aiid RuMiau Calf Lace Shoe. .$2.60

$6 00 Patent ami Enamel Lace Sliue ...
................................................ $2 60 and $3.00

A few Men s $3.60 U-alf Uce Shoes RuiuK

Dry Goods Department
A line of
Nobby Dress Goods


Reed and
Rattan Goods.

Comprising Plai«ls, Checks. Stripes and
Fancy—price 16c yard.'

In abundance—the largest consignment
ever brought into Traver."H.' City. They
are now open ami rea<ly for youfinsjiectlon. We can save you money on these
articles, so give us a look up.

Wc have another line of Flaid Dress

Just arrived..-A new device for fasten,

2 cents a bar
offering Armour s Key SoapSoap baa advanced 10 per cent, and we
expect it to advance far more very
Bhortly. therefore it is wise to lay in a

13 bars far 25c.

ing the Neck Ribbon, called

‘Rand Neck Ribbon Stay.’
A*k to MO them.
Tlxe S^xrLoe, ICV^ eaola..

Hardware Dept.
Bemembor wo oro hoadquortoro Ibr
thawing out vtpoo, otc.. at Tory nominal

The New Improved Cleveland
Roller Bearing Wheels.
One of the finott bicycle tiros on w wheels will be found on the Clevel^d wheel
only. The simplicity of this is way bej^nd anything of the kind ever put on the mar­
ket before. It is perfecHy understood at a glance, that a child lo years old can re­
pair a puncture in 3 minutes—It is called the Bumell Clincher Tire.
Wc also firmly believe that the roller beatings in a Cleveland wheel will run eas­
ier than any beveled gear chainless wheel on the market.

aoeik The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

wjoa yw aa.;
~i MUa Bdaa Wilbain baa bagab «bo
Uar •
Utna 'datUa of bar new poMtioa Ut to
1 ebaafi of to Barton
9*”^ rarmwamaaM


Tk«7 MM
I tM *eU b*d HmU« of b*o^l*», «htr* |

I S\«\e

Up ta tka ITtk ban >t the towH wm
• ntMc MTiMi «t Sir Mvtac
faaeUaanp tka oane. Aalria caatiaf
k «•»<>■»**U- TbM •wUmI; <». lUcek, W». H. MeCkrtM^.O. B. Wtt- Ito roiaaaidldfor Vf.l lawa.CkMlatoU
v/\ imvrKiVi,
Mck ju»i
•il-dfarlfapaa, UraadTrwTeiM aoUd}
b™it»,.~_j*. K.D»u.e. tor OUhark Lai laaw piapad back aad
forth kMWBM UUkart aad Mapaa Tka
klfkaat vota luabad kp O I «rt waa
tti bpMapae.tS Oatka liJi ballot
•Ota for WUUawr.'
•4U.M0 It MMtMTJ 10 tCMI
““*» io»™r. », ■
C. Lm... Ua tka alatk J A- Lenafar got taro
A* AtbM* MB mt «p kkrkta to mm
eotaa trow Lot Uua aad oa tka taatk
«k\W VtooM «Uk.k.Vit> Wmk \k
hit poMt9MtlO«trMtdBflBr Ik* M- TkM. »fur t«ui>( kto pwn^ m4
a. OroM Tkoa Skaar, K. J ralrkaw. M. C. Dodfo kad two rotaa fro* the
•MtMcfrwS'. Mtp to kM tb«B MM piM* ia. all «^>rk«d «r«U «atU It
A. W. Jaktaaa. Om P- Oarrlaea—n.
4ajn IMM la Um lr« mh ch dMtrapod M«ritAc«rMtkor. Tho/fo^
A reccaa of IS atlaataa wpa takaa
B CawpkaU, Adam
tko M114U( tUf •••roatorod U.
tkat wkM tka ««U took M a apalf ol BalUBfar. W P. NrlwB. D. B Boilr. aitar tka iTtb kalloL Tka l»tk ballot
Am* ko» IttaikapMplaof Bad Am ao4ktac tka watar U tka Npa from K. W. Barrlacoa. M. Botm. tnd..dt- care IT (or GUkart: M (or Mapae; l« tor
«he ara dtiMtb«M with Ua mm a| .ao*W*o tl*a koi«oM Tkaa It mwld klaaoB. IkM ThowiMoa. A. A deaalnaa Wimawa. Oa tka <utk J.'W. Patakla !
kad two rotaa from LaalaMw.
tkatr vtiUfa, a»A patlUoaa ara bala« aaddMlfUkaa iara aad < 1 >«. wkM Wn Corn. W. F. am.
• )
AUar the Sttk ballot kad boM takea
atmlauo aakiaf tka l««iaUtarA to tka lea woald ka all tkawad oat afala.
difoad kp eowwlttae:
witkao watorlal okanfe. aBadjjarBAt BalaMEM J. W. Weodworthk
akaua 11 to baterip.
C. B OaaKMuaa
ipcat waa had to T o'^cok. p. w.
. ^
At Jtoal, Jafca Baaaa, igad atat;. a •10,MO boM# Id Haadaraoe park baraad
Upon reooaraalBf the Uik ballot'
u W. OuatJ.
larMT, aoMiuad Mietda Moodap kj jnlerdap Mroiaff. Tka «ra aiariad
1 care uuhenss: Mapaa
hMClar blMair. Ba kad kMa UI aad (row tka taraaoa. Tka kooMWM wall
laaatad.Tka cowwlltM OB perwaaaat orcaal-1
da^aadtarjroaaafdtkaaav BalMvaa
>D« Nvam \>tt itt« V&tkk ^or bbsk
Wt> cwrVkVAk.
■atioa aad ordar of bMlaan raaortad '
***** ***•
***^ **’*>»•
a widow mad two eaildraa.
"^‘^jrid, cara Oilkirt M; Mapa. *J; WUVk\t»V U
At BatM Baptda. too Olda. ag«d It.
-.M tka tai
Gilbert tii

WM kUlad wkUa Vpla* to Mtah -m to Wamat for >8.000,000 to bo Brawn
rmrj orcaalxtUoa of tk’to^reatloe be j
*'• '^*“‘***
OB Maw To(k fat Ooncs'a Amp.
cnaBBU of kallottnc
Moadap «a aaglm aad Madar wara
I waaakaacad attar tka ««tk baliot. aad
Waahlaftoa. I> C . Ilaroh T.-A war­
AafkUad oa tka YpUtaaU road, tkroa rant will ba drawn kp tka Uattad tkaroof. '
tba lollowlw orMoaiiea ware called tka deleI. Wan
mUm BMt*^ HlUadala.
Botk wara dutea traaaarar todep for tka dallrerp
i Cataa elepped forward aad eaek dedarofbaa
kadlp wtaakad. Tka aaflaarr aad a (row the treaanrp of •3.0W.0OU la caah
}„|poaited bie ballotlB oaa bat and tba
. Ika I
aaetloa haad wara lajarad. Tka latur for tka papMat of tka Cubaa traoea.
bp tka aeeratarp.
will prokaWjr dia.
aeoordlof to tka a^aapaMBt nada
a\m &ut«)iU
MU ballou caaulted: Ollbart. a
A kabp. dlad at l^slaftoa roaaaUp with Oaaaeal OoM'aaome aowa Um eim*ll Jadfa to dll Taaaaap-\
Mapae. U; WlUiama. Id.
«.---------------- .k-. —J
aadar prcallar alroawitaaaaa It ap- afo kp Spaalal OowwlaaloBar ParA
paarad to bk taSariag prrat agoap aad tar aad daaor 0 laaada of tka
blaowa ballot tbe kal^U of Ue
iBWaakiartoB. Tka
a doctor wat eallad.
ral deleckUoaa to bw-doUectad kp 0‘clook tbla woralac.
akowad tkat a pla orar (oar iaekad warraat will be drawn oa the -New
loaf had paaauaiad lu fall Irafth la York aaktraMurp pad w'|i prorlde that aBBoaaaad to the aaarotarp of t
dOBJf VeOOMALS BOBBBDtka ekUdk kraaai. paaalaf tbroafb tka tka eaab ba dcUrerod to the amp Mp- raatkio.
kaart. Ttta pta waa wtikdraara. kat waaiara la Mew York, aad It will ba
: Balaiod Taatardap
The elMtion of JodMal oowwlUea.
aVm Vuvt A
\\At ^KAt^ SctIta AA&
tka Uttla oBak llta aoald aot U Mvad. earrird to Cake on acororament tranaM W. Sawaiaa.
Votalec bp TkieoM
Bow tka pia aaoM ihara la a aapaurp pwl.
A W. JaaaAi-a.
Tkiaraa eaiered aokn McOouItk
J CotA 'biAk \A *W.u\Xa.
%. \0. \-Z, \h kkA
Karfm nia'to of Soutblald, Oaklani aOBBM TIOTOBIA18 OBA.TBFVL
Faakt. Kaayo.<i.
frolt aund located
aOMtj. kalpad a
TaooooB*. Taoiipeo*. i whlUnc block and Bobba' hard
awap koiaa la OkieaiAt ttta baad wm Oablakto F
a for Hm
The offloui of the coarMWon than |
araakad bp tka wkaata
orar It.
Va nt 'MDaVU 9do&»
took tba aanal oath of ofUoe.
Fatd to Lori BanckaU.
iBcandea iradrMeaab. AotoncUe
_aad awpatottoe followed. Lockjaw
The eomwittco oa reaolatioM re­
Waaklactoo. il. C. March 7-Tka
j SaU.
aiot U aad tka ataa died
ara. that a half dollar waa Uftla the
to l >wlnc aaklecran wu racrired at ported aa follow*:
Bcaolred. That wa. Ua BepaWleana drawer, from wblck Ue oUar woaep
Claptoa V. yarmar. a wall-baowa thaaxaeaura waaaloB tkia aftaraooa
oftbaUUJodIc'al Ctrruit doea^rem
pMBf CUB of BaiUa Crack, afcd la, (row Qieaa Victoria:
kkea. aad . bo tobaecs or clear
oar aiaeare recrate at Ua tracic
irkUa la oootpaap witk a aombar of
‘■Windaor. Marak c.-To the Proai- and OMmlnclp aaUMlp dMUofoor
poa^ MO wbw were liftiof walfbu dent of Ua Uolted Stalaa: I thank poa Uta circuit Judea. Boa. Soecoa L. OorW. J. Bell. Ue baker, wa* tbe Bret
dkd'attaaipUaf tooatde each other la and tka American ttalion clacMoIr for bett.
to call at tbe itaad peetardap woroiae
We I
tka tMt, awalard kla tplaa aad dlad la ' ike honor paid to tbe wrmorp of Lord
and be found the front window open ■
; laardapa wltkaplaal waalafltla.
Uaraakell and fur (rleadlp apeapatbp aaecaetfal career a* a mriuber of Ue and Ue door aalockad. Arootlac tbe .
abowa to top iwuairp la iu bereare- Jodiclarp a* well ae In bUdailp life, we •leeplacoocupantan lnre*t>cation wa* TelephUDC-i92
At Pilak Mra P.
•ark look aad felt a pereonai pride— made and it wa* loand that tbe place'
Victoria. S I."
k«Ud a dra la bar paMllaa ato*^ du* maaL
and that while we rialUr oar craat
dtp. Tka tpak ooalatalaf the ledaaiION M .ItUeae of Ue circuit orer which bad baaa robbed.
The ihieet* left an trace that mlcbt
kUfbi tra and before
ablp preaided, we appreciate Ur
CTMt lorn I - '
' r Ucae of bi* lead to Ualr IdaaUdeaUim.
.aha aeaid throw tka tank oat doon
Obeoraiad la Kalawaaoo bp Munaaa owa familp and to themt we
oaa oclp
It araa all akiaaaaad aot tM hoaae on
aap"pon bare oar heartfelt
iltspmpaUp '
Bra. Tka pruatpt ameal of tka flra
n m Ma*aa.
KalMt n. March T.-Unwaae Afut
I ftra.
Uau 8. Caue*.
The Moc Folaenar M Oattlnc la Hie
O. F. Uoiia.
.Ml*. RIm wMaaearalp karaed aboai Barpat naMitbad Ua worat caaa of
If no, Ibu to the platv to Ket it done right and promptly. tU-pairing:
C L. Saitav.
York Acala
tba .kaada aaa taoadaprorltp. todap. ever (oand hare Mtaa
Oomminae. I
Eoameliug and Lathe Turning of all kinda. ('all in nod luy o^aMi** Alioe Otmwfoed'a pet deg. - Bob
Oaa daalar at Maodoa haa koufbt UriaoeU. af'd »u. who cbm from Nrw
The COB' lUoa UM iworaa^ to
lioe of wheel* A good line of wbivla to lent powadkof Mpparalat oU aiaba York tkInp-Sreyraroaco. haa baaa a Ue cal' ol cuonUea (or p
a cratU. iaoffeaalTe aalmal 'and
toa karraat iMt la^i. Tbla waa tae atara to Or Marp B. Olle, afad 7& 8l>a
prodMt of aunt s.wu aetu, aad aa waa taken to Har«r«e boaplial todap la
ALtrlm. bpJudfe C L. Ballep. pre- there ^ ao excwae for the act
a plUakle eonditloB p*-p«ic«np..
tkara ara Mvaral otaar
larpa kopara
• aaated the Dame of Fitch E. WllUaBM; i JSimma’dof Frinoe. w*a a)ao
Ua ooaatp. Ua aeraac* la*t pear muai!«**®*'*d toUaold lary , charlrroU. bp J M. Harrla preeantad I oolaoned peaiardap. bat did not
bare baaa rarp larca.
, wlU which ahe oulUd Mia* Grlnnall'o'of Fred W. Mapua and ' Hr. Simtna bopea to aare it* l.fe.
^ ^ ^^^ ^
^-to^ •





"Kot "VDaxt

IftvxsVvxv (iv)iT\avas

StvOBTovdiCTcdL KImsVvtv

ADvWv ADvdift "SWAtt

art 10, fcb, iO atvii Sb ettvtt.

I to waVa.


311 Front Street

Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repair

MRS. 11. E. GllJBS

h.i,. "'"''■ Oru-l», U~ U. Cro«, ....
•ithetlcbl. Tbe clip wil correct aOalra of H. C. (JUbert
aloaaat doottdaK a railwap
The conrantloa at
alaa alia* touUaaat of di. J„m,w„ I
•tie. Bi
Sr«**ela K
bailotMmmittad aulolde duudap alcbl. ukloc

tarpeula tbe Koaioi
The-drat ballot ktood. Antrim: i Craio
a rmxrr. A* Uara ware no >lcn* of;
play window. More of
William* lU: Cbarlerois. Mapaa,'14; I
Ufa arroaad bU eeltace th* pvzt mora­
I laoea- (iraod 'rrareiwe. Gilbert, ■is-. Leelanau.
ine. U* n*ichbore eroke Into the booM
Gilbert. 4 Mapoe 4. blook I
TotaU: fJaianUad U
and found Ue man dead, with Ue
Gilbert. »■: MapM. 18: Wmiain*. 10:1 when we *oeak ofaulto aad
A Cbrkillaa Kadcaror bard tii
kloodp rer jr bp bU e;di. Mo e>nM fur
IKidco, T
lb tbi* Expaneloo »<alc. Il
Uedaad U kaown.
dal will >N cl*M Krldap erealaf at
Tbe tecottd ballot fare Ue uame ra i me»oafew»peclalloto.bolt
MebeUe S Wallaoc. acad t*. a well tbe bom> Of Mr. and Mr*. Haroep and
hbawn puaoc >b«lp. reeided -In Bedford |
rotei lor Gilbert and .t (or Meyoe. fir I eoom, ,
H*«ii,r..x rix.t.
townebip. BMr ttatUa Orek, dtau Mon j Tba ‘'raleaaad recaiasbuDK
dap moraine
a •InpBlarcauM I doln*" read*:
■the kad a muei lurlant Md bearp' "Krerp woman wbo hum* mimt wara
growU of hair, which woe lour and ia kaliker dre* an aprro and lace their
oaa-kaU (act tune. The weicat of | poocbdral dure to bni
hair wa* *0 creat Uat It batlanrff^il "liverp ceot Bual ware Uarc ole
apua her h-ad aad brain, wklah Anallp eloae and no crat wiU a kiled ehirt an
Uraw her tow brain ferar, reaolUnc dudekoilar will baealoBd to kuai ua.
In her daaU. Fue bair wa* m doe aad lem be pap* a floe nr A canto *'
-A kompitant kamlto wlU Intarduca
M au6b admired kp all bebalder* Uat
ahe rofuaed to bare It cat
Tbcp w«raonitiBC <r«Md on Ue (arm Mt-ra"
of Bit Richard, near NorU Uraoeb. and 'tok* to Ue sapoer aad Ue ball |
tailed a hard maple tiwe which maaa- UlBf."' lirerpbodp laritad.
%rad more than two (aet aeruM tba
kaiLle which Uep (uuod a Mac bn IU
Mra Hyde Wm Burpriaad.
imbedded at a depU of met* Uaa oneAbout tblrlp friend* and nelrkbora!
Utrd of Ua Itm'* diameter. Thera were of Mra 8. U. Upda who llvea aboav I
one kuadrad aad Ulrtp-dre '-cruwU*' Urea milat weal of U* oltp. fa** a
But we do l>e1iev« in signs when they are
from Ue baiiei w Ue uuwnie *arlaa« pleaMBt aurprtoe party ia*t Friday
of Ua UMMCb ‘■crowU"Maatlmatad avantof.
hpUewoadamaa. raproaanttne a pi
80 convincing as those which point to the
The erMt wa* a vary' bappp one and
from Ua Use of Ue lodf meat of the wMflTM la honor of Mra. ttydak
totoula TAle fata m far back of Ua eUty-nlaU klrUday annlreiwary.
demand for our *‘B£ST" flour.
aarlleat •atUor tkat ploaaar kiatorp
MUUm* OlvM Away
flr*a Bo.aeeoaat of who wm pro*



i* la Uat period.
A bif bank barn oa Daa ttarMp'* Ue needy and safferlnf. 'Ae proprteplace la Fortar towMblp, Oaaa ooaatp. tor^ of IV Einf’* New Ulaeoverp (or
« karaed. and wlU it aoMBip ukMp Ooneampllon. Ooofk* and ColdaWa
flvan awar oveo ten miniop trial tbotaad UIrtp
cina, aad kaya
kenoi aad catUa Tbaica»min r*aah
■ring It bM akaararat Uoeiand doUara. wlU onip
8000Ftnnk Guakan, who kM koM a faMl
at Ua Arhactoo hotel at t*«* Homo
inr iU mooU*. Jampad Into tka river
Md wudrowoad. ttawMdamamta
AtIM T*Ua a nambar of people o(
WntarrUat wera vaoeiaatad 11 timid
•at that Ua ra«)rtod,ea*,a(.MUpo> WhypnyHOOfbrbhat
mia noMibiaf elna. and tka •nciia•o bettor and U many caau Interior
to Ua tamoo* Rcawalla wkVb to
(nUp raaranuad and mI
At Datroll 4mU came to Awoo MaBostox Stom
wat to 8l Jeba'* BpIwiopalUarakBaaAny avaalBf. wkUe kaaallof la penywMr. Mowat WM no paata of' afa and AtUltll]
Men'a aaito ara dirldad
N Into h 'lot*
hai aaSm*d (rom kaart trockla for
4 lot*, child-


i Here’sMEN’STheSUITS.


Lot 2 $7.50

Evorj- suit above
put in this lot.....................

Takvs them all up to the



So many goiHl things crowd­
ed into 'this lot


Double or single breasted—
Some worth double...............


L-t 4 -

Tliis Enaosioi salt oal| lasts 'till alRratiias at* goiag
OB are eongletef.



and u|wfaiil«lc

While it Iwts wiil give you bargaiiu. Wa
ahaU continue to carry tbe largeet and beet
line of

Funeral Qoods

In tbie secUon and eeli at tbe loweet pricee
EC- X.- C.A.ETE33R.

Funeral Uirector and Embalmer.
Without any question our stod of fnnerml goods
is second to none in this region—and oar ability and
repnUtitHi for handling every detail of a fanentl in
the most (Hwctkal and satisfactory manner ia a fact
we need not mention.

Will S. Anderson,
318 Union

TtAverea City


. --


THx jioaanio itBooaii. waflMffiA'T.ttttai«, mm
•Asomuio OF TMkvmmBM.

I &v\«ra.V 'Uemt
ttve "VDoAi.

.■ipeemHWW WMirenire.

fctowMsIMtodtbsbsytsyswdesU , *

■eat «snh IT ssd 18
Tbs saossl ystbortoy of tbs Orsnd
Trsreree Tesebore' ABJotsttos wUI
take plsea os tbs 17tb sad Mib of this
Tk« MmU P»rk M»tf StM Uw R^lib to tbs aiyk sebool saeeBbly
rx»M ia CMondo ka*e Wm *o ikeply j
s. Tbs foUowl^ eoty totaresttsy
»M«e4 le UMt iksy My Mi b« day proyrsB will be^res:
^^B. i: AOo.
Friday Hoestoy.
Mi tor a Math.
b itocrMry Hbormaa will aoU
Haw York ibU weak os s (our o( Is- Vsloeof Blybsr EdsBttos. .:
voatlCaUM Urosyb Cabs ssd Porto
.f................ b.aLrtt. BikBspIda
CoFlotM rstsrsn U OsUforwls brisy
(bo soot wsok «U1 s44 akUUooa •«{
4oltsn to Uo fniit crop.
Os sMOBBt of Mtrscso yoTsrty. Mrs.
lASfs Hrowolsy of HosisrlUa. Ors..
1 ssa khot heraolf to dosib.
sfur fatslly poMslsy hor ihrM ohU9tmM4




BsUl of BdaeoUon'oua.
The ywobast Visas la to be sent to
Joto Adoilrsl Oewoy'a fleet to PbUlp
pise wstST*.
Wltbto throe yean ssd olse Boulbs
s eow owueo by B. 'D. Osas, of lows
TsUe. bss proaostod bits wlU oarrs
besitby cslros. sntony tbM tbroe pslre
of twins
Mrs W H. WorkBsn.sdsnybter of
as Ootersor Bulloek. of Mi
la toartoy lodto OS s wbosl.
Is her
trsrato ie the IllBslsys ssd to plsoee
of srehltootorsl lowrcet In tbs plslse
kbe bu already oorsisd t.oOQ rsUoa.
Hubs of tba pleyhal sUdosto st s
Molbodlat eoll^ to Wlofleld. Ksn .
etlebrstrd Wsablaytos'e birthday by.
, pstsUsF * oelybbortoy fsTBor'k plye s
aeslbrowa. They sloo flsod hp s yost
wltb yreen whiekero ssd s rod body.
shor wbirb they tied tba sslmsl to the
bed-isoB door of ooe of the oolleye
oIRHsls Borsrsl of the stodasu who
psrtle'.pstod la tbs prsak sre to be aspollad.
Tbs loader of the rebels to tbs Prortoes of An Uoel (Mysa-Baol).Chtos tbs
Dotorlou deaporsdo Nsl, hoe bees
esptsrsd.fltty-twoedbla body ysbrde
bstoy blllad.
Oos. Osapor 8. Oobos, tbs owsor of
BtolsytosdOB Popoestapatl. the eolcssle Boosts, bba Joet otosod s dost
for Us Oslo to s ayadloste od Isyltob

I itikeJXkctMitM^wMTJki—
n«M>bUrka UMM «< *mm mMM la
Vkid No. I vUl .Ur brU at (Mm* hkU &*•
ur«*i.o>- NoB4k7*reslM.aknSlba. IMkt '

Ntule C. Grey

Grade Work to BISUry

Myrts WUaoy

Mks MelUe C. Qrey. oonety oobbIs- Ssbdynr bey.
Be will pick tbs salt be Ukee beet
etossr of aobot Is nryea erery tesoher
to tbs eoanty to be preeeat sad auy
bole. BeBllt^Ootbiny Ocb
Ull tbs eloas>. The pre«reB boa been
folly prrpsrod sad tbs
seloetod froB (boas wboaa efforts will
ffr^iFJElUl bAtWS.
be the Boet proflubls Tbe snbj et>
to be dlecmeed sre iBportsst ones ssd C| n. SHOWN, AUeoiUr eaa
O. (.a*, iroiim —neWk i
erery teseber essaot bat be enter* kMeoarwasolae. tlirrouB
Ulned os well se toetrscted. Tbe eeseios win b^n on Friday eeeaiay, the

................... tie rrokt Mtoeu
iTibsnd eoeapy tbe foreaoos of8stXSO.H.CSOOS. Anoreor

(iBtbe Hotel WWtisf.
Undlord Complos of tbe Botel
Wtalttoy ie yrsdesUy plsotoy tbe botel
to flret etoee shape by sddlUoM to the
stlrsetloae sad eoBforte of tbe plsee.
He bse had fine bniBete esrpet laid to
Ibetreaslent rooBo. sod the wslU of
tbe beUt and rooM preiUly deooreted
with etenell work. Tbe work wUl oonttooe BDtll sU tbe rooms sre redeeorsUd ssd newcsrpeta sre told tbrouyboaL Tbe perlon were sewly papered
sod esrpeled s short time syo sod sltoffttber tbe hotel will present s maeh
Bare sttrset
before- Olberead more eaWerlro im
will be Bhde la tbe eprlay


t'cry mneh may be sapeeMd, sot
4Bty froB s drsBsHc point of rtow.
tret el-M fraeaSBeealc way. of “Tbe
It Ueeld that tbe ecMwy
t ie eerrtorjhyMr. John Oriflthb
Msy laeoBk^
rf the flseel carried
•so S*I todJt eapremty tor tbe fdsy.
•ad Me
lire saesBl oer eu tost tony, owsed by
OB* GfiMto Ou T
m pradi
pradsettoe wUi
tiffbi. st (

nSri' . .a wM were.
S ■ McOOX.
vole uo i
A kopokliree rearv* e( *oMn nMSIm «k
kkrc No I «tu bo boM at C. E. J( S. S bk».
oaSMOoC Mr**>. on Mokdkr ovoklM- Murrh ;
ckUrOlor'TuMkT otoBm. Hkrrb 14th. ksd
klMtOOtbouBMluolloe ot *kudl*k>0» <or »ktU
oBcao to *kM kofS.
u •■**<.>»

c. L. ossiuon.


Dull"* (»M0) and Four DoBah fUoo) ptr
Nm )--§^Tan C^r. llUrbMd Edga^ Extra (^laliw Hlgb UacblMPlatoh
U Thita DoUars (»)m) and Fiva Doltan (I5M) pm

J.eOOTT. VoMnBki7Snrc*Ok- Orkddliroon ot all dOMroUr kktB^ by
IkMM kod br.t M«thodk
SperW kRMi
olroBtoouTK'rr DMk»l alckl raU

Foi fonlier ioforoiatioi call oo Hollof t Conoalile,

Probatr praeUao. I
M, HaraaaUU do.

Ciijr Reokatore. spatila to- Kortbura MiebtrsB.

PO0TSB. Attorew el
yiy H. f08n

Uv. Sfikel

;-.i2s%.'se E Enry smglBf blows » ^
: piiiicitMbysiMbieit =




rerrala vani
Napldi At

by Woe.- -____
alw ull beaCruA
irrj lova eoiUi of OraoC
rric'a «lorr allormxBk at
■a Ollf, Mru. E H. M.ti.

Land For Solo!
renl ptocce to Wezlerd eoanty. ..
yon want to bay MBS load 1 esn eaU n

Wa want to apaak about oar oxpanaion aala again—
Hava yon beenin, tooF Ara yon "on to” the prloaa aa
wall aa the otharaF Xfnot, it will pay yon to gat in
Una alao. Thia aala maana tha whole thing—every
anit and overcoat and nlatar, for man or boy (axoapt
apring gooda, of oonrao).
Baa advartiaemant alaawhara in thia paper.

Hamilton ClothingCo.

500 Bicycles
sted. All work properly sad prom
ly dose. Itotlefsetlon yosrsntecd. 1

IBerle's New Shot,

John R. Santo.
6ioeril losomce.
(rsreSsrs Eieak.


•BBO omr.

(Maa. abd auriivaak aa4 Mpfre.i«Aal euiw*

— ■■

I hs*e s ESBbsr of plsoee of toad
which I will eeu: W*m • ntUre
•octta ot TrerereeClty: yi ..........
and ^estyof water. 40 ____ northwest at dty. SO sows
of UBber load
re of
Unritoes -• • •• '■ (Dneren sbont


'Sold by oil drelets

^re^rliy propan,. S. M. Broa^Ml
A CTIVN aaS>ru>lad prraea to aerk lor ua
A. leeallj.
Ula-ral aalary rearaalaad.
Oeed rkaorr for adraaeaarnl. NorapUalrebit InfaneaUaa.addrraaSbrfpCuB



= best.

...____ to ensmei, clrsn, raimir
and pat to proper ebepe. This le tbr
osly plsee to tbe city where joa cm

Aetolne Peocsl died tost evutny st
tbe borne of Frank Krstoehrll of Blm.MB CSaolael eUkrl, FSilato^.a
Ueeeseed wns&tyesraof eye __________________
sad bee llred to this neetlon for, nes'ly {
l> loMoBfJ
3S years Tiee (naerel will be held tbie
'clooh froi
from Mr. Krst- TdarereeOUr.t
Borstoy st tan e'clooh
oebeiVe hooee.
Bq/VUYNTU( for S




Diamond J
•r KK .s-uiEs K-iirKsr^;
= >re wowiloil lo to tho 3


Bicydopaedia Britannica
for One Dollar

Ns»-Halj^Mon^:^M^^ Ede«. Extra Quality Hi*h kUhkm Ptoteh


W. WUbelB Sbsken Qp.
Dr J/M. WUhelB rseelrad s eeeere
ehskl^ up and som pstoful faralare
yesta^. He woe drivloy ble -riy to
tbe bdra odjatnlsy hit
tbe boree became naraly sad Uled to
rssswsy. The ssImI encircled tbe
yard sad to Uytoy to pace bstwera
hoses sad fence the, rIy wee smni
sad the doctor Ulybl^y laiered no. drecrfbed.

were the dosing wwiis at an Address by Abrshsm Lincoln. He
reslixei] thst parents are respoosMe, in a degree, for what didr
diikkeD becocoe. if you' have children, study their individuAl
tendencies and place the best
possible edocEtionAl advantages
before diem. A way has been
firovided ki the New wemer
tion of tbe Enevdopsdia BriiannicE. complete ki thirty vohitnes.
The best thoughts on aU subjects
in the history ot man are treasur­
ed there. A systematic study of
this work is ecfual to any college
course. Algebra, Anatomy. ArdiHecture, Building, Electricity,
Political Economy, are a few of
its artides which have been adopted by Yale, Harvard and
Columbia colleges. This shows in what esteem it b held by the
highest educators in the land. Just now you can secure the

'*'■ '-SfeSr^kSs'-K. K.’iSS"

c>. pare W. i*«U»aro


bMd frOB 8b Prencie ehnrcb this
Bcratoy st IS o'clock.

The Emgyclopw Britanniga

and the balance in small r
nts.- The entire Thirty
Vokunes with a Glide and an 'ele^iot Oak Book Case, will be
delivered when tbe first payment is made.
The CQBplete set (Thirty Lar^ Octavo Yohunes}:



Tbe MBbere of tbe Boy’a Bead sre
bnatltoy with tbe srrsnyeBeaU for
tbelr My minstrel ebow to be yiren to
Btetobery's Oread on tbe iut Tbe
• bar. kill r*i
w the beat
elsborete prt
ebow of the kind erer yiren hers
T AUlB4-OralrtaC dra** Maklar door ai
XJ «b*lF bOB.* ia.iulr* or addrra* Mian
Ooe of tbe ebow wlsdowe to Stela- Hrhuar'.d ■ dfBM aaklM parlor*. 44l-*4t Saol
USBl .
faeryb store preeeate on anusnellf flae irroatatfoM.
display of eoreels srrsnyed by Jake
Ksmpsoys the window trlBBor.
Iba tost two psrUee of tbe eeriee to
Poraetsre’ ball wlU U on March IS Oalleradlrou'-.
sad AprU s.
TbeLsdIes' Aid Soeiely of tbe Ooe- IM lo Morsae-a llrory barn •
' '
' will meet with Mrs.
0. T. Urnwa this sftanoon at Ve'otoek.
The todies sre rmiaeeted to eome prepsSwd to sew se there U plesty of work
“."i‘ S2E.«:
ssd s Isrye stteadsbee Is desired.
allure atom.
There wUl be s reyalsr meetlny of
tbe B. ▲. 8. B. tOBorrow erenlny.
WMA ....... ten. tteate. Fite., aite .
at (Mfsalar Brea.'Uare.
espItoUets. tbs prtoa bstoy to Mrs Osptsto A. B. JobnetoB. who
OPV~Aa 1 aa
fold. Tbs Boat esIoaeWa enlpbar do- wae tojered ins rsnawsy seeiflenton A CUtNCB POB ktn
a cHr 1 vwa w
ZR about to Bore o t
pMlttotbe woili Is loestod to tbs the pistol Bin rand Monday, wse ^^eoBe mU all By boBuobold et—___________ _ ______
reoMaelB. rarpria alorek. lablre. alaada. U
water of tbs rolesso. sal U la tbs to- better lost orentoy. tbonyb eUllirery fart Boat areryvhlac la tba baitaa aa i all
ura^ aatr. le^ba ^^ebaap ter^^a»^>««
tootlos or lbs eyodlosu to bnlld s eoywbosl rsiltisd to the top of tbs bossFred M llar bse |
isto to order to hssdla the prod act.
(>tslrla Area ore bsrstsy to Nsaaos,
•IsrTSDd Dovsl oossUoa. Tosss It
LsU May Otow. tbe two-ycsr-old O
BMiiBo. raueuata, tai
bos sotrslood to that saetlos tor aora
dssfktar of Wb. M. Otow. ot ‘Sadsr, daar* part'ra. nr Lew n
tbssels Btontbs sad the yrsoi bares
■ “’SU’
died st 11 o'clock Meodsy nlybt of
tike tinder, riraa sre borstoy st bsif
T OeT-LarfU CaBoe r
brsto terer. Ibe fsnsrsl will be held Xj nadrr uMI b> re«<
s dsMB polBle atony the Tnsse-Mesist tbe boBs tbto Borslny st b o'clock.
ssB rood between Lsredo and Corpse
T owt—Tbnredaj aCbrtoU.
Near Syatnlsree. WUUsb
lasbsUs Ptotto of Ktoyeley. died
Olirer, sreneb tanBsn. and two Is- Mosdsy Boralsy of ysnersl debility. loare at UU e*<
d by (be flsBM Ute tsoersl will be held tbU sftornooh
ssd oil three perlebed.

lUntoiee more BsU Talk.
With the eprtoy day* eoaee l^fTt^k
of bees boll tor tbe eomtoy eeee^e. The
. proepeeu is Msolatee for s tosm
eery flattrrtoy sod s s«Bber of tbe en(baelsele bare enrlnoed s wUltoysM
to beck s trem froB UiMr eacbeqoer.
LeOB Woltera. formerly with the orceV
era lesynr. w>l1 probably be the oosoh
tor tbe new tdsm ssd one of tbe pitch
ers Hie estonded espertoncs flm blm
tor the poellloa sod be csn brlsy oet s
tssmUst will plsy wlssisy ball -

TMs Now WoBnr BMMb sI

"Give Your Boys a Chance”


Sob FrsaeliM «or Msotls with roeraiu
sBdsrrosiesrfoot ooppUM tor tho
snsy ssd Mry Is tho PbUlpplsM.
Tho OhilUu sray U to b« roduood
hy woo MS. sod It la rsMTsd st Vslpsrsiao that tba isU of oavorsl orslaan
to tha Ualt^ dUUa la oostaMplstsd.
Tha seilsy yororoor of Ililaota boa
atyood s bill spproprisUoy to.OOO for s
sUtssof Kfsoooa E. WUtsrd. to ba
piseod to tb« rotsads of of (be cspitol
twosWbop torootlystkM to How
Y ork bsra fosod Ust ms. wobms ssd
ohlldros work se Bseb so olyblosn
bosi* daily, the boo for ts eesla s day
ssd WOBOS ssd ebUdrw for moeh
Caosdisa cflldsla bare sdvsoeed tba
Brttlob bossdsry a tbs Dslioo trsU
toto ABsriosD tsrritory to wltbto
soraoBtlMof HsIoM MImIos. to tba
At tba War napsrluiest itii oaUmatsd thst the tots] eoUrotlo&t from sU
MMrM toCabsfortba preoobt esirodsr yosr will rrsbb batweea llt.oOo,-

Special Offer

trlMkln vkrU Hk. > u> a. MrO Nw >!•».
4 • U:
Mk t «• W. TetkI. in.

b«BdfwuaretMetui,prwwaa4 laemalt


Erer Burned Ont'


loto tko Fotoro
Yoa’trfiad dollars ia your pockets instead of corns on
your feet if you buy The little difference be­
tween the right kind of shoes and the not quite right kind
is all the difference in the wor^d.
We have just received knd placed on sale a complete
line of men's shoes from the W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. which
are the right kind, and everybody knows it An inspec­
tion will convince you they are the best shoes in the world
for the money
Price is stamped on the sole of every shoe
and one price to all.
Everybody is cordially invited to see them whether
they wish to buy or not.


13a Front Street.

Old Bicycles
Made Like New.
^f 7o« Mst^^wtfol^jMl totool^ ito^^^Baw briar HtoH. g eibbs,
jspbj'FbOMMs. 1
^ ,t“,^^3SB^BSllttto^peiM Osll
safl soe ssBatos of eaaBlUaa
UskB as, spiaMto a a W. M. flopob

H. S. OIBBSi ProprtotiMr

.. ■».«£ ..

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