The Morning Record, February 19, 1899

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The Morning Record, February 19, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text








tka Twti OMtriw.

««W PTMddmt of FTMUh
LMiaa. Fak U-—Bakt P. Portv,
CUoaco.Fak.1 :—Sonora DaRloa aad
Hamtd Tcotardoy.
Birara, wbo ea» trov ika PkiUppiaa
«ho waa PraaMaat MaKUUy'a ap^M
tolaadatoj^ A
aa«iBalaaar to porto Biao akd OaU.
WaaklackM MTtwad kar» Ha mU that ka U- Worn by X«i«o Majority
ton. pBaMdtkrMgkChlaaco today for
tosia4 toatortfor BarUaoalCoodvHe
■■Mae The ■aeeiMfal BaadMata Moairaak The UaoMan aay tkay laaaataiid lo taMn to ika Ualtad ktotaa
Haa Had a ■fa«arhakU PabUa Oa- taad to eoaUBoa tkeir trip aroBBd tka
m u4 Smf t» W
world aad afftata tka iBaartaala'«
iaaU toaaka. Ha addad:. -I ut f»rM aad U Waa Ke'WV Varsed
h 1<«M
«u lar to tellB lor tka ptrtom «( atady.
la kropeaa ooBatriaa aad wkaraaw
Okraot'a ahMadt.
tkay aaa obtaia a kaarlac.
I>ff tka aoowareUl toUUoM asiatta|
UMOft, r«b. Ik-TIM kwt <raa
kkd Ika Ualiad SiMao. TkaoM^dk- aaaihly Mi at VormlUaa tkto aflor)aat la ria« la to Isprora tkeaa rala- BOOB. M. iMbai, praaldaBt of tka aaaata, daelarad tka aitilac opaa avid ap- Ftoat Baetioa of Bw.tok Beard fbr!
^TLdwrolUriHa-oMd.U-,opl^. pUm trov ika lofttota. dariac whisk Vortkars Tolrpkoaa Oo. haa Amvad
U. Loobat proeaadad with ika drawiac
Tkaflfataaetionot tka bow awli^.
te taUara.
board tor tbe N'onbora
Tka robala ka«e
4a a rMit of tka tint ballot it
arrioad yaotorday by
aUdaymU cd ;ka Pdal( rirtr,
. ezpreaa
1 that M. Loabai ft la a modal of alacaai workmaaablp
iraat of UaaarM 0*aaahli>a'a liaaa oa |
I alacrtad |
Thirty Pcraoaa Kat Xutaat l>aatk la
of tka Pr^k.^ooptalaa, all tba lataet Improeoikarlfki
TkaaaaaW7 in ikai rlolBltr la a
a Hallraad OoUlaloa Vaar
iaoloctrioal eooairocUoo- The
3T« rotao fv Holloa.
tkiak JaafU. Tka aeoala rapori ikai
otkar aeeUona will arrive aaat weak.
Whan Paul Uaioa
tka robala ara apparaatlp ooalaf froa.
Telapboaaa will be la oparatioa in toar !
m train the Laacaa of Patriota. aod
BraMli. FaV U.—4a
or five daya.
larvaa aad Oarlia prorlaaaa.
jfroa CklaU. karlay pm
eatad. ka attaaaptad to apeak from the
Tka AMriiMa ara alronflp aatraaakI LoadoB akw^. eotlidad today wttk a tribnae, but IL\^bat fori
ad tn» ika baaab to Paalf rt»ar.
latatiooary tfala at Porai. aaar ^ta whlek eaUad tort^roteaU from tka
Autkwitgr Over lalaada
'dty. Thirty paraoaa wera klllad oai- richtisuand aaplauMl|troB tbe lefttou. Tnlaabla AnimnI Owned by Amo#
WaaklBClaa. U. C.. kkk. la.-U aa- rlfht and dfty soro or 1m Isjarad.
H. Deroulade paraiatM ia .
Hnd a Lag Broken.
tidlpaUoB of ika arrival at ManlU
Tka train wkiok loft Toaraal ihto waa rapniaed ky the /aabara aad otbara
tka Sra llffktrdraafhl paaboaia i
On Prlday avaninc a valuable boraa
Mralac raaekad Porai at t:l4.
wko ruakad up toMlpel him from
aa ikalr waj tkara. aad ika aarl; a
awaadbyAmoaMoatacueot tba paolaadiataly afterward ika Mona enreaa ttlkoae.
iaaulaaUi^ while era
plailoB at Banc Koaf of tka rapalca daakad at fall apeed into tka atatloa
Tka aaaeuaoameDt orV. L •ubet'a
aa tka lornier dpaalah caaboata UU aad into tka Toaraal irala, Wkicb waa i
A I. traek, aad broke oae of Ito leca
..f #
created with proloncad
4a Cafaa aad tala da Laaoa, ika c«*«r*- Btaadlac at tka platfona. It to mU '
ika fall. Tba team waa drivan
Ralph Hoatacue. Tka Injury
Mat to arraaftac *
extaad- that ewiac to a foe Ika aaciBaar faUad
aaikoritj ibroack tka > aaa tka aicaaUaaob that it waa aeoaaaary to kill the

AmwloB lAnm

miSHTflll WIiCK.

Good Books
GiTOi n peat to Ufa. make, one yoimger. hnt>pier.better.
Oar great bocA asfa plaoec vithia the rawA of nU tbe pwy best
of rendiag mntUr nt aobeord of prioee—na eBOTmoae rtqpb nt
Sc, 9c, iOe. 16c, 17c.

AU the aUndard woiks in sate in banoti*

fnl bisdinge—cioUl, bnlf calf, morocco, figared bilk.
A Urge MBortmeat of gift bookc in dainty Undingt.
Don’t miae thie eefa.

820 Front St.

“City Bookstore.”

I Telephone No. 43
0-1 t
. >.J i

Will S. Anderson

i Practical Funerai Director!

Tbo oolhaloa waa omalliaf. Tka
of euiraaalerB wbicb ar­
latMlIoa of ika co*dra*
axprM loeoDotivo tBoaatod oa top of rived
^ tke palaoe to oaoori tka aaw
Mat doaa uot esioad koyaad ika aaadla. rtoU „„ i..!
oarrUca,of .bo
created by iba crowd
outaidawiib orlaa of “vive I'armaa.kabltad tolaad la tkaarobipalaco bear,
tklra prevailed, althoucb the erowda
lac ooplea of Ik# proclamatloa toanad
Thlrty-Boom Simetura on Slade Ba
d la atoa. By profaoaloa a law­
ky Oaaaral Otto bom Uoa a.0.
Bout# to Haw Slu.
yer. Emila Loubet'a trat polliloal poaiwklok tka KIllpiaoB ware eallad oa
Wahaab. lad.. Peb. IS—Tbe LakeUoo waa that of mayor of Moatallmarl
aekaowladca AMrtoaa aatkority.
talU of tka arroac*Baat wUI ba loft to Llaoola Uterarr Sooiaty Bold a la 1174. He baa baaa a Ufa loar »up- view hotel of thirty rooma at Lake
portor of that tepublicaaiam wbleb da- Waawaaaee to beio* moved acrem tba
Oaaaral Otto aad Advlral Daway, wko
Spirited Debate.
oa the- lake, a distance ol two miles
anaaitaaltby oppoaiac both extrema
will ba laUoatad with datarcalpinc
The Liaeola Literary ooelety hold
radioaltomaDdtbeimperialiamof leciU- by tba use of aleda and windlamaa. -Tbe
wketkar troopa or laarlaoa
rrcnlar kBoinaaa Matioc at lu rooM: mtot preteadera.
buildioc waa erected oa a iocaiioo that
laadod at tba porto Ttoltad to hotot tkr
oa Nlotb Blraat laat olebi. at which
to be oofavortble, aod, the
ataiB aadatrtpaaaad eoake a allltary
Boy HllUkor laadarod a hamerono dee- cloaa attliatiOB with iaduatrlal ao- croend beia. billy, waa aneb that it
daMutratiaa to iBiprM tba
lamaUoB aalltlad. "la tbe OaUeomfao " cieUaa
oould aot be moved, and it was ImpracPraaideBt Ctoraot aummoaad Loobat tiable to tear It down and reboild it.
Tka Sra cudbaaia now oa tbair way Tbe dtocaHloa of Ua araolBC waa:
SB the severe weather aet la there
to Haalla are tba Prlaoatoa. OaaUaa. “Kaaolrad. That Napolaaa Booapari
b iba tank. Loubat
two fMt of ice OB the lake, acd
Belaaa. Yorktowa aad Baaaliictoa. waa a croatar CMeral thaa WaaklaclaaucoMful.
A few moaiba later. tbto socceated the aolutloa of the diffi­
The tiat Uraa ara nolclac cood pro
November of the aame year.
culty wbicb bad prMeoted Iteeif. Tbe
CTM ky tka Sect roate. Tba Baaalar bett baadlad the oaratire. whUa
toa baa probably by tbto tlM raaebad Wayaa Watara aad Ortoa SmIU took miatowry wa« overthrown In the ex 1 big buildinc to now lo m.dlakeaad
that toliowad the PaasM { n>»k>ac rapid proerM to the new aiu'.
Waka tolaad la tba PaelCc }uat aortk of ear. of tbe aarmalira. Tba jadcaa
acoadala The 1
t toene era. |,
tba Marakall .roop. wbaro a aoUea will decided ia farot of the B««aU*e.
Loubet'a refusal to allow tbe cramabe pootod. proclaialac AvorloaB aaA MABBOW BSOAPB.
ilea of Baron de Relaaeb'a body to dto-1
tkoHty over ibr tolaad. It to lataadad
oovar if the burial bad been a abam.
Hr. aad Hra. V. H. Fife ^ariaaoad
Loubet waa oae of tbe tour aerioas'
a Diaaatroaa Buaaway.
eaadidatm for the preaideoey oa iba
ahead dtooovar tba*. aa kaa I aaa reporW. H. Plfaaad wife of Yaba bad
daatb of M. Carnot la Juaa. 1884. and
aarloaa runaway yaotarday asoralac
acaia a candidate oa the rcaicaawhile OB their way to Travaree City. iloa of (toalmir-Perier ia Jaaaary. 1896
Tbe taaai bacane friebtaaad at iba He waa elected' deputy In 1S76 aad
tor (departmeatofibeD-ome) ia
M8t of a UalMd Stataa aaral alatioB, dropplac of a lisb from a tree which
waa tteiac trinnaed to sake way tor 1896. Be accepted the public works
aod tboooa to Haalla
With tba vaMto aoBed, and tba Ooa- Mlepboae wire, tkat were bain, atruac portfolio ia Use Tirard cabinet in Dec
«ord. Petrel, and Callao, aaw la iba aad atartad off at a rapid .ait. If ike ember, 1887. Re-elected to tbe aeaale
Pbillpplnaa. Dewey will have a aoBel road bad baaa clear Mr. Pita oould have ia 1894. be presided over tbe budcei
oat forea of .aa boaU to carry oot bto kept tkaa la it uatil they bad had committee uatil January. 1696. when
daalro to aitoad Anerloaa authority aaoueb. but. uoforiuBawly tbara waa be sueeeedad M. Cballemel Ltcour as
wear tba eatlraaroklpalaco.
a load'Of wood lo tbe way and tba team preMdeat of the aeaaia by 186 votes oat
fouled tbto aMuhlac eutiar aad baracaa •f 34} cast.
and tbrowiaf o l both Mr. aad Mrs.
Made by Miebtga.u Telepboae Ca
Pifa It waa
Davacad by
for any cUu of #*rvice desired.
Travatae City Lodee No. -223 P. A A.
aeitbm’ ware aei
Bxploaloa of Mataral Baa.
M. will bold a recular eommunlcaiion
Kokoaas, lad . Feb. 18.—Ia tiraoaMoadayaichtatTiW. Special baaUM
sxATura ox thb bat.
at end of a|z mootba or chaagd
of importaaoe.
tows, ihUeouoty. a aatoral pea azo any clam of service at wUi.
The Ladiea- Aid Soelety of tba Pint
pltaloabaa wrooked tour brick bual- Par^of BoTaWentOatMikalalaad
Telephoae the muager to call
B. eburcb wUl meet 1a tbe church
BM bulldlBca aad badly damacod half
and ezpUia new rates adopted by
parloru Mouday afiemoon at two
a doaaa otbara. Fire followed aad
tbe compaoy.
o'clock iaaiead of Wedaeaday. Tbto
OMplatad tba wreck. Aa aoeanuUto tba lalnad and back yaautday. chance to aiade oa aoooaat of Xrm.
tioo of caa in tba
borne of tbelr number makiac A dia- Buraa' lecture la Library baU oa tba
The report a ■ beard
taaee of twaaty-Sva milea
Uttar day.
fortcB ntlaa. and plate Rlaaa tronta
Tba party eoaatotad of Beary aad
aavaral rode away ware ebattared by
J. <i. JobasoB bat received a Dumber
Rickard, Julius Uacooa, Lee of 1899 models et ColombU bicyelaa
tka dylBK debrto.
-Tbe Odd Prilowe lodye waa ia are- and Ueraerl Baymoud. tfUl PooU,
The PortU Club will meet Monday'
aioa ia the UIrd atory alakoat diioeily l^k Parker, Boy YeoUh.Carl Houck- atteraooD at 2 o'clock with Mra. O. A. !
over tka esploaloa. Tba Seorof tbe too. Cbarlaa Corbett. Warrea aad HoUiday of Fifth atioet. A fall atCbarlta
Baaalovlodfa ball woe apllalarad and bnlc«d.
toadaooa to deaired.
aky. -nte two last meaUonad made
kat aokody waa aariootly iajured.
Thera will be a regular meeUnc of
Tba iM will arrrecoto KS.OUO. with the tweaty-flve mile record.
UuebM Camp. No. 334S. M W. A.. laaaraeea.
Monday alcbt ia Moatague ball. A
Death of Hta I
« Clyde
all atteadaaee to deaired.
Mrs. Cinrtoaa
M. Clyda.wife
of 8. a
J. A. Meatague baa juat received hto<
K Balter Wes Badly Bhakea. |;C>yde. died at her borne. 1036 Waod- lat ooMlgumaat of 'W Clipper bicyelaa j
J K. Halwr.aaamploya at william :
^‘‘‘ky vone- Om. a ebatalM.ta dtopUyed ffi hia wU-1
Baltoer'a Ucwry.recelral „ulto a^ioe.!
C. W. Aaht
Uiurlm Friday aftoraooB. WhUa daa***'^*' ^! * koea. balongUg
rise OB Stole
eaadUc oa Ike elevator, a rope broke. I
aurvlvaa ac«l M I raa away yeatorday i
Uttlac It fall a iHitanitr H aboat mb'^**’'-**'* ^^^ "*
CkarUe and Jobaale Aabun
ar twelve feet Bealdea baring bto!“*^“^ looa aad one daegbtor. | were U tbe rig,, but SMped without
aakla badly bruised Mr. Saltor rePblleoa Peudleioo. wbo liven la j injury. Bom boya aaowballiag tke
oeived e bad cut oa bto face.
Dr. Uar-'
*»r. aod Mta. Clydeaetltod I hetee caaaed the animal to nia.
•ar took toveral at&bm la toe woaad ,
•€“- f
Newberry and Will Haekar
and otoerwtoe mr«l tor toe lajared
Ml-! apeat l«t vMk toblag near toe iaUnd
—I deau ef kaaaoa townabla- Aboat Bve, aad geUing la lee tor Dick HaMt Durjyean ago toey rcMved to Traverae: the paet four daya they eaaebt 16()
; City.
i pounds of dna lake trou*..
DMnblad Oaaardar Arrived At Bb j Tka
k. held at toe hmme, By luqaeat of a aamber af the
! »kla aftareeooB at 2 o cloek. W. S. Aa-, ke™, toe Wedaeaday aighl daBclag

Ten leer Contrects

Subscribers Ms|i Cencel

Micbigan Telephoee Co.

; E»eni smeler ieews e ^

; eonil ciger h|[ saietin6 ii 3

I The ^


Diainond J
Are ceeceM .k lie tie ;

the aeries of flv. tUl Maivh trtt
-The dtoabled Canard steamer Pav
Bocial at ^eatourg.
! aoooeat of the parly to be given ia tbe'
OBla. which left yaeeuatowa tor Bov
■n-”' W„ . ...J ,1c,.,
op.»B~«o. u,. .,..1.,
toa 00 Jaaaary .-i;. arrived
^' February 32.
la tow of toe briitob aieai
Wolvia-j*******^ Friday evening at toa
. icbeal bouae. for the beaBuppiiaa for Manila
efll of tbe beU fund for tba aebool
8aa Praaelaeo. Feb. U.—Tka raMgakvB advaatace of far -Ubirt boaaa The Old Mlaaloa fedad torsHh.
Baal 81 oalorad ablrt* tor Tto. ed toe manic. Tba aet proow
tos Uoitad (Mates toeeaa

E best

318 Union Street.

Popular Music
Grows More Popular
WEen played on a


Kimball Piano.
235 Front St.

_________ 6. E. STRONG, Maiipr

Decided Bargains!


and $7.50.


I Two Clioico lines, of Setts
Worth from $8.60 to $18 whan


msnt waa ftilL Onr sale will la^t
a Bhort time longer.

Orercoats and Ulsters
At SAIDB prloea to dean up ains-It wlU pay biglatareat on yoar mone^ to «
of tboao offera now.

Hatniltou Clothiug Go.|

Tba popnUtk* o* tba Sndan h
antubered at 8.0tab$M>. aenrly all wbolbnadar aorrlnaa na foUowa:
ty onedneatad.
Pranebing aHodOa. m.
Tbe total pip^ae rtiu of Peniuylbanday aebool^at lt:M a. m.
anaia oil forr IHSM wore .iV|(H),8«u barPraaehiog at 7d» p. m.
raU and tor 1««»: 84.T34.«M haiT^
Mld-waak prayer aaaetlng at 7:W
Of tbe prownt rolera i^Ei
raliiM «f
WbM Prwltet MeKiaUy %airmt*i
lb* MBtara (rf (ba Hcmd* lUrbal Qmh
Mi Ito r«Mta ka Bcm— tb« Mber
BlCht U WM with iba raaUaaliaa Uat
bawaaaxp loaa;aomitalafa(tha
foUajr «f Ua admtalatraUoa rafaritsf
tbaPkUtptnaa. WklU Uapraaldaai
WHi~aHri In kia fa»»rbi iba tas«r
•f tbaa aaat asella iba aialratlon of
•W7 baaricM eiiUaa.
Hia aanUMMia wara eoaehai U pUla and lapnMlTatarMaandbrabawad at onaa
jhai U wat aat bta parpoak to aaeroaob
•pon iba doaaala of ooncraaa. iba inia
aaof Ibe people, la tba

•napllioation of tbatbl(bsiataai
nhlp whleb baa ebanotarltad iba apacae
at iba praaldaai darlaf bla admlnUiraMan and ibe following paaaaca of bla
«foaeb daw>na(raUa tba wladoat of bU
-UntU ooDgroaa aball diraei other«rlaa. U will be iba ontj of ibe oaocolira topoMeaaaad bold the PblUp^teaa, rl'inc «» ibe paopla ibaraof
nanaa and or Jer and banaieenl go»
•aai. alfordlnc ibem erery opporMnity io proaacnte ibclr lawfnl par•niU. anaouraglag ibam la ibrifl and
Iniaairy, Dablng ibeai feel and know
tbst wa arc ibclr frienda. not tbair
asaslaa. tbal ibclr good la oar aim.
that ibclr wclfaN la oar walfara, bat

| Higb aeboolleelnra oonrae tba aale of
olncla admiiwna amonnted to re »
Profiaaor Grawn eaiimatea iba prtfiu
on tbla eonraa to ba about giM. tioo of
Itbntnmonai baaing been need nlrandT
Itorllbaporcbaaeef new hooka for iba
Profeaaor Qrnwn iatauda to aaenra
atUI better attraeUona for ibe aenot im-im and ba<ra taa attne-^
tiona for iba anma prloa paid for Uekata j
Edward H.

Since Iba latTodncUon of pneut
nibber tlrea on
ua tbe ILendoB cahe i
11:4S Sunday eebooL
of Ibe cabbom weal
*;48 B. Y. P. t*. maetin;.
belU on tbeir nerka
7:00 aeenlng nerelea.
To tart th- ekiJl of tbeir arorkma, a 1 *«“•
1 Preach eom|«n.r, at tbeir work* inlUdnmeBl of U>« coureo Wedoaaday
KcaSi HBaTl^Q■
: Bi>ernay>cecetitly caaee<l a iucuinotlTa avaniag.
Tba man'a apertal Sunday maaUng
’' or Imill
up. piece by
by '
, to be “mpbatui.
- ^..................
—- ap.
wUI ba bald
I>iece. aa aoon u> pomiUa It waa Saaburcb ibU afiaraooB at J o'clock. AJI iabed in &> boura
aro cordially larltad.
antciAL envicnB.
TbaCUy Unlaa Normal Clam will
DM maai la ibo BapUat ebureb Mamday
areniag but wlU ba poatpoaad oao oua bat if it in wanted i: bnutdiflicolt ,*^ndaf^>rloeMoedUparbo*. Fc
to grow. By lifting tbe l«rk tba |
^ y o. Johnw a and 8. B Walt.
-------------------------Beaulug oervioea aad aemoa at 7:00. wood of an apple tree branch and in- >
All are cordially larUad to ibaaa aer- eettioK tbe eeed wbera ih.- birde canuut ClUtlly
Bobreakable oorweu nre ao rig
j g.ft at it it may U- induced to grow,
to ba unc‘>mfortab'e to ibe wc
I only, na Ibi- male and fi-uiale bliewuma
■ to bealtb.
ser-r-.e pUnU. f.ilur. |
N.-eorseU. Theprioeuonedollar.
Sanday—Proacblagat 10:80 a. m. aad planted, or •«inr*i'. rare iiinst be takes
7 p. m. Clam meeting at
a. m. lu get hrrrie* tlist h:ive n»t )e-<D ro:iri^
Sanday aebool at^tbe cleae of morplag by n fortnight's ex|iusaro to the beat d
gas bartii r*.
'Do you know' that you can
It In a rnrioQN fact, by tbe way. ttai
Bpworik League at 8:48 p. m.
all oUFw-riP r-> N|> iik uf the a»b and the ,
Horaiagaubjsel:-'tiod‘a Fargieaaaa,
buy a nice oak
•mk as the trr<-> ajini] wfaicb nriNtlMoe j
Beanlng anbjnci: "A Solemn iVaroIng.'' gr<pw» in till* cimuiry It U nn exceedQ- 1
Tfaanday-Geaeral prayer maaiiag ingly rare tiling to lind it in either
at 7:80 p. m.
tbewtri-ev UeW ThefHc-t |ir<>hHblT
A cordial weleoma to nil.
that w-c have not ••• manr oaks and
aiJio a« we liiul wbi-u Ibr Urnid* wmt
ajKX»n> HrrttopuT.
into the w<N*l-. tei'ot it with titeir guld­
ne«. K. X. nru«a. PaMor.
blacies. Slid we liiive apple trre" in
Sanday aarrlora:
4>anibi.-iw and uf.kimlii that wiiw un­
0:80 a. m.. claaa macilng.
known in Ihi-a-iiJands in early Uiaea
10:80 a. m. Preacblng—laUidoD News
combined for only
it:U0 m.. Sunday aebool.
8:48 p m. Bpwortb Leagne
Votloa io Tax Pnyeia.
7 p. m. Memorial Sareioe nndar ibe
Tbe City ronnrll having granted an
■ion of time nnill Haix^ 1st fur
pf tbe Willard W. C. T. V.
*8 meal of uxm levied In T
the paji
All ara oordially iarUad to tbaaa
0«v for
ring the month of Feb........ .
:bt4x-Bfrom«tf>iio'cio.v.n..\\e have a one line from fa,
bee. O. Ceeklle. paeu».
m . and from 1 unt'ltn.m esrh davl
Mr. Coohlin feels nnabla to occapy and on Tuesday and Friday eveoinga I
N o'cl<«X.
tbe pnIpU tbla Sabbatb. ao tbera will
All \pxes must he paid before klarib
IT no preaching aarvlcca. Otber ear- let to save extra expenses. Tax** un­
'icaa of the day will be aa fallowa:
paid March 1st win he returned to the
Cbooiy Treasurer P.-reonal tax"* can.
Bnnday aebool at noon.
be reMirned, therefore must be paid.
Junior Soclaiy'of Chtiatlna Endenr- not PxTfH
House b umisbiut; StoreWrRznrii".. City Tn asiir-'r.
or at 8 p. m.
OUee ructt 7. Herald Huilding.
Yonng Proplc'a Soidety of Gbrtatiaa
New Store, ISO.Kront Street.
CjTtoa Osard Cbalai
EadeaTor at 8:48 p m.
1 he latest novelties at OanneitV: the
Prayer maaUng on Tbntnday at 7:3o
rvrwno gitard chains, slerl:
Cborna choir will meat on Friday
hearts, all the <stesL Ca'l
them W-C * II A. Gannett .•-r.t.;t;
etanlng at 7:18 p. m.

and Book Case

nan ba atuiied noUl
Mknowladrad aad n

roaalbiliUcn la tba PaelAo.
Tba aceaU of iba paai yaar bare
apMod np vaat paaalbillilea for ibr
Onltad bUtoa la ibe Hae>de ocaaa aad
Ibnt ibiB fact la readily raaopelaed
nbrand UerldracMl la aa ialarclew with
Bear Admiral Lmrd baraatonl. member
•ttbc BaglUh parliamrat, la Chicago
Lord Bercaford capreaaad
bimaeli ai follewc:
"Tbe Paclic la lha Amarlcao ocaan.
TonroooDlry Ic deatiacd to d>mlaau
lb Oreai Brlulo never baa been aeBaa la tbe PaciBc. U U ibe great
naana of tbe fntara from tbe ainadpoint of i^e aqg .commerce. We are.
Mlgbtad that ibe I'alted Stetea ba«
Miabllabed Itself there, becanae trade
arilUollow your flag, aad cirlliuUoD
William Koncta bus gone to Arkanwa
wUI follow trade, a^d all commercial and Misaoari fora tnp of Are or six
■ntloDB win be- tbe galaera becanae
Mrs. C. B. Brower of Fife Lake U
bbdar elTilliatioD. wtiile In n eoDdiiloo eieiUng friends here.
df aneagery there Is no opportunity far
J. L. Gibbs of Mayfield tran acted
bosinesa here yeaterday.
Oomiog from one of tbe n»at dis-. Mrs. D. O. Carltp -aad two cbildreo
IdagDiabrd statesmen of Ureat llriuln. have returned to tbeir home at UrcctIbaaa words bear a great ►Igmllcanee. . »,iir. after scrrral week* vuil wUli
not only breause he Is a proaiinenl ] Mr*. Carlin's psrenU. Mr. and Mis
member of Ibr English parliament { ass Bale ul West Screntb street,
•laaa. but l>euau*r of his sclertlon by I Mias Fredds uanc* Uftfor Cadillac
Iba Aasociated Cbamberi of Cuiiimrrce j Usl evening to rislt friends
of England to Investigate thp eommrr.
]'r«Dk HamllUiu went to Cbiengo on
aial aUualion in China His promi-;
j^urdsy afiermwn Uewi:l
aaaM In th.a regard render* blui . k-h next WedDcidsy^
«ulifled to fxpr."** an opinion wlorb ] jjr and Mrs J. O. Crower of Kiugi.
I lev. are spetidiag the Sunday in the

O. W. Tboma. u ceeparing m msWe >
^ ^
busiaesst Colonel
■oma atirnclire .mprovrmeuu to »>'* Lis*enby is ike husband of one I the
taraltare store on the oorner of l ulon |
C. Laaeta and u
MA State atreels. The portico will l<e tjuita well Known in Michigan. '
tamevad and plate glass windows pul
Hiss belle tVllauB of Ellsworth, i*
laplaea of tbe present windows, be- vlsUtug Miss Mary Muater of «uie
MAaa a new window j lining .the corner
«■ tbs SUtc atrwei side. The nakRyB. Doltey was able I^ got out of
iraaaa will ba improved Md ibc la- dooroeatordsy for'i^tbo flrsi time in
Mrtor af the atere remadaledtwo wMka. Ua baa beaaiald np with
Tba Beaib Becord.
Joaaph Kalanske of K.ngbam died
laat Friday of eonsamntlon at tbe borne
at bis parenu. Mr aad Mrs. Anton Kelaaoke. Deceased was 3<i year* of age
ami wnoa aocond aon. Tba funeral will
ba bald Monday morsing at ton o'clock
faam tba CatboHe ebnreb at Centorrllle.


~ You Get
Your Money

, If you want it when you
buy Kose's Pine ExjK*clorant and it doesn't give

B. K. R0SE & SON,
BeailU- Kid.

The Must
Jistlictic Taste
. Is nul pnuvr nuRiiiM aiiyU'iim:
on Riilitle niiil HtirAftiri' rai
Ki.'pT'ii I BlifiirniB IVrfuimvi
Olivof theKB'OottKt IlftllC«*
ill calltsi Santa Harhara Hvliotrppe. No monk would bo
ablf lo loro away from anytiling BO inviting, to Bay uotbing u! a woman.

a aevereV'^'t of
MisB Marion Pratt is very 111 with the
Wt- have iu stoi-k all (be
fatnoQB perfumes made by
George K. Winnie returned yesterday
froi New York city, wbare Iba has
Bieger tba Caiitoruta Per­
> monlbt
been during the past
will resume bis palntiag and sign let­
ttontber’B ChocolateB, and
tering businaaa and mnkc good use of
Bon Bona—frefb goods—at­
wbat be bas learned in New York.
James E Dongbarty bas retnrnwd
tractive packagea.
AU members of L. U. V. M.. are le- from LouUrUla Ky.. where be has been
^aaatad to mMt In Ladies Library ball visiting several weeks.
Wadaeaday afteroeoa at two o'clock.
Otaat Lady Commaadcr Bama wlU la
Spala'a Oraatast Head.
lawaat and deliver an address.
P. Olivia of Bai
_____ is winters ot Aiken. ». C.^^k
At Gberha F.loay. cracksman con
Ovw beNam*!*-* Sbn* War*
aaaud the uoUoy wira of tba aave- nirvea bad ennsed stvere pains In the
*nxoma lee.
of bis bead. On nstng Kirctiic
laad. borea. Elyria A Ohio oiectrie back
Hfterr. Amenca's greatest blood and
road to a drill machine to (^erate on Nerve Eemedy. all pain soon left him.
IlM ootslde door of the vaoli of (bejlrssy* this grand medH;iz.e Is wbat
Inserted o big I
AH Amenoo knows
Oborltn bsokiDf '
that It cures liver and kioaey Utmble,
aSmtga of powder awl Wew the iaterlur pvrifl'w tbe blood, tones Bp tbe stotaat ibe vaolt into a tbooeaod pioeea No aeh. •irengtben* tbe nerves, pats vim.
■ Msy «o* oaearad. a* the robbers rlgur and new Ufa Into every muscle,
MlM to gat into tba Mg safe for tack nerve and organ of tba body. If weak
Urwd or ailing yoa need lu Every bet- VlmllMd air
lor oMoliiU valB
at Mma. Tba paimra and hooka iMido
bold by I—VMrorUoovrwvta.
ma oaaiiw
aoUSolor. tor «xw*^u«o of tova vbaato
sale wwA. tatom oaC^ m«at •MtotoruvT Sm. 1
iwra»a» rat mtmt toe maktog fWwmtoa owto- '

For sprinfWf biwall the lateat dengna in this popular 36 iueb olutb.
Tbeee goods are the highest grade and are exeeptiunally
fine—mod of tbe Styles are exclusive, too—Tbe price is


12 l-2c Per Yeird.
Buy them once and you’ll want them again. Step
in and see tbe choice styles anyway, even if you think
you don't need any.

Reliable Dry G(x>ds. Carpet and :
Clothing House.
Traverse City

The Flour To Buy
IP'VI in

Want The'Most For Your Money


- T '

Nt)l necessarily the most tkuir Imt the moikl value.




; Fish! Fish! Fish!

For the Lenten Season.

Lent commenced Wednesday. February 16th, and we
have laid in an extra fine stock of strictly No. 1 Salt Kacker^ el. No. 1 Kound Shore Salt Heriins, Pickled Salmon, Smpked
Salmon, Canned Salmon, Smoked Herring, Smoked Fitoan
Jas. G. Johnson
Baddies, Domestic Sardines, Mustard Sardines, Imported
Sardines, Canned Lobsters, Shrimps, Boneless Smoked .HerDR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
ring- and don’t forget our Oysters—all solid meats.
QlveuBacall. Thepla;j------



la Wuh Goods tbBt w* want to <i«UyoaF
MttuktioB to this tiBo. u our ismOBM Uno




Tbe abd< ai Eic\ piian beat bia teaaat
aad kradly Uiorstcd bia porarty. for Im
had a call to oiile portir.
“A penon can't be Utaeat? dwaa
daya" tba unhappy man etrtaitnad
••nhlc bfba/:brrod»: 8«i ifTifMlc nf iirivnvnvnpiiripl : Wbile he bad direct«M'
lcaa.totbr matott then preralllngaf
Mr*- aUffMct WwtaoU. of B«n*«U writinr 'aptai uUi-ia <d akeaweara
Oat. «a ar<4 •otM wm o« her *•} nermbeleiw permitted to oanjectara
|ortut> daacbtw m MoBtoue. w» that bn* wai tbe ia«iBisitiK of tba
Moth«*dbjr«MaplBcCM»tlbe VOB mrta|Aoeic ccacrptius that roclu ahd
«0M houl Bt 8trai« The
Ud7 re- ttuDcT are our.—Dcimii JovnaL'
MtMd la harala orwr alrht broMM
•h* wf laireMid with U« f«ar that
ah* alcht be
dfiip in to, aiirnd tb* crruinK eatya
iaf Ihroarb lb* taaael to Pwt tJaroa. Ii«hU are ihrMd on. and tbr cv*vli at

*0 oruta.
c*nta. tt-ben
When a y«ui« man
Mra. lAcreUa Head of Uab. ia oe« boat
Of the *9rrtm\ efr-reor^ld* to be foaod call! to aae« a yonnK wo
teMlcbicu- bbc bM alwajt MjaTwl cmt U Hut inure than a cent, fur tbry
do not Bar DiOch hxbt Wfata a WutuaD
rood baoltb. aad todoj ebe aaja "bbc dro[n la altb a Kltanl thrown orrr brr
foala M rood M MW." Kifbt ^eon aco; bead, tbe extra c<»l U t» centr. awl an
•bo loet the laai of bar OMDoit aet of'
««ath. bat wUhla tba pMt two yean extra elcctrii' I
-Atebiaun Ulobe.
daeartr a folio
An Ballmale.
0t bar third aai of oataral teatb, which
AdiruDdack Oewtor—Uuw loox bare
yua bad tbi* cooicbt
riwd Wieka of Colnmbna townahlp,
Caatleton—1 don't know eudly. It
who waa biuaa by a mad dor >Mt WaJ- baa ctait UK »MK1.
Madaj. baa rona ta Now York for madDocl<ff—Wbo was yonr pbyaician in
leal traatmaat.
Tba daf that bit Kew Y««kl
Caatlrton—Dr. Fleeeerly.
WlcM. before beinr oreruken and
Doctor—Then yoo've had it abont
killed, bit aeeeraldore and a ealaable
thn« weeka—Toaxi.Tpoica.
• belooftnc to John beboS.



Han- Kaempfer Md bia wife live In
b boeal «a tba onUUrU of OalamcL
Bi(bt molba aro Eaaaptar waa Ukea
lU with a peenllar diaaaaa aad baa been
Urlnria*a arm chair eToralnoa beinr
••able to lie dawn In all that Ume. He
Hrof. Nathenl, tbe SwedUb reolo- !
ia'nearly M yean old and taU wife ia
bat a few yean bia janior. bbe waa rU't, has arnnred to atari In acarck of |
raeantly takao ill with rnpnhd took to Andree ia Jnnr. on board tbe ablpi
bar bad oe tbe aecond floor of tba bonae Antartie. Ha will be accompanied by
where aba Oled Wlday.. H«r bnaband ; tbe OanUh osplorer. Bran.
Hn. i'olly Owen of White Kiter,
“waa unable to aea ber areo at death.
Uc la nuw at tbe i»int of death, the led., baa been married fourteen times,
aback beinr bard on bio. After the and ia sUll fat. fair, flity and full of
dantb of Ura. Kaempfer a aanreb of the ambiUuD. Bbe baa patronised tbe dihoBM retealed tbe tact that *500 bad Torde lawyers acVeo or elebt times
bean aecreied aboot the
while about a half doren buabanda
known totbe eld man. It U tboorbl atmplr died.
that more mone^ will be found.
Tbe steamer HoVterdam. from KoU
Kaempfer U a Teirraa of-tbe cirll war terdam. whiefa arateed Friday, repurm
. nnd tba (i. A. B people are taklnr can that on Feb 0 the aiflbted the Unk
of blm.
steamer Boaamore from Litarpool for
.4 farmer named laaac Khrom baa
d in Urahttowoahlp Ua- Tbe Koaamore took off all persona
roo eonaty. The minarsl U prononno- the Btaamore. 4! In all. Tbe capiaiu
•d by apeclallata to be of a flnt-elaaa of the Roaamore reported tbat nine of
bia crew were Uken ut by tbe steamer
The Klk Baplda Iron eonpany will Trojanr brf xra tbe Rotterdam came.
path band re-aairta their mill thla win­ ^Admiral Bampaoa baa been elected
ter, to be reedy for operation at the an active member of tbe KstbI Veleommaueementofseaiaeaaoa.
will be a oir addnlaii to the cuttlor
Mra. Julia Dent Grant, widow
paelly of the mil! -iovreaainr it about Oeoeral Grant, ia now more than
yearn old. and, haeinfl tfrown quite
Heeeral farmen in tbe rlcioity of feeble, rarely leaves' her WashiuKtou
Hast Jordan bad Uielr caule frec/3 to borne. Her alpht is rapidly falllop.
death durlor the cold weainer. Uoe
Major Ueneial Guy V. Henry, o<
iareporud to'bate Imi flte.
mandlug in I’orio Rn o. baa a cripple.!
Woitaa are reported to bate been left band, which waa fn sen In
aeenontoh the ice between Kmplre ridint throuph a blissard in pursuit of
nnd Aral. It U tkourbl they bad wan­ the Cheyenne Indiana.
dered down from tbe upper lake regloa
Men. Ilei'jsmiu Harrison will
in i|ueeiof food.
rmpanv bar buabaud when tbe
Those who consider tliirteen an un­ president gam abroad tbU aprinfl in
lucky number Still be eoi.lirmed In tha iutercet of the Vem melaa comm atheir faiiu by the wreeklnc of two !or- •‘»n
riu* mins reecnlly on tbe V. A W. M.
liiivemer bhaw of Iowa, baa Just
railroad, both coaUlninfllblrteen can. purchased
acres of land in WcodThe s f, ir old child ol D Vanka, of bury county, thus be.-omiu£ one of the
Bnmpter. who waa in the woods with larrcat land owoers iu that suuim father baroiag brash, cauybl fire
At Salloa, Car. a Vaqnia indlin
from tse flamm and nearly perished named I’arlto. bta died lo the county
before it could be rescued. Tbe father faoapital. HU a*e. auoonlin«
I, rmc.l,, lU. j
Andrew OameAle has leased Ue | the insurrection of I
,„.d up .d, ,h.
,b. Kb
of tbe^estate t f the late J.
•• mmi
house I.*.*,
livery sUhle. WsahinpluP.
The property U In iron county. , Two colored men were hilled a........
near Ama«, and produces soft ore.
: ipjur.Hi in the ei.!lap.a.
Jau..sU'h>;>l.luine near cVirunna.i UvporU of ffrrat damare dene
has disappearct ftou bU borne.
' aoij* trees in Florida du-inp the ro'.!
Tbr editor of tbe Maneelona iivrald >nsp art-untrue Kscept ihe leortet
has made atiplicaUdn for lu.isd brook , ap'lef prowtb trees are anii-jureil ai:d
trout for the head waUia of r, dar' will War a biff eroo
I The .Sew York World
Home idea of the intense cold of the J weddlnx of Tboma. A. Kdiaon. Jr.
past three weeks Is found In tbe feel of iSe inveot-ir. and Miw Marie f.nnise
that uumbrra i.i tine shade tress Tuohey, of the Casino upera
tbrouchoul Cadillac were spin open by , Cot»l»*n.vtbefroaC lo some cassa the. trees are j '•’•hforaia has a hoi wave and .Sin
overs foot ihruoyh and ware riven j •"'^“dlacans erjuy to in.tbe thane, with
from lop to bottom. '
i the mercury cl imblnct'roapvcu are
■n.-coM.liu,of tk. Uai. .lllM.
Cunirreaa will be asked to provide
council to whom bad bees referred the
matter of Improring the atreeU of tbe, emerttenry appropriatioa of AMNi.ihki
village, baa reported in favor of crush­ repair the damafe by the bif fire
Brooklyn navy yard. The navy
ed atooe. Tbe committee baa been
to begin purdbaaing
atone at department in tbe interim, wilt probaAalo"nT‘^uiraiid7t«i«“ron‘]'’'y »» "W-fled to use some o» the bly
•r will
be k»a«kv About « I •“iphuildinx plaute in Sew York and
>ril) he expended in mabimr improva-1“ baipout on work which
. menu, and the work will begin as noon last be hustled Koaton'a navy yard
may get some of the burry-up repairat poaaibie.


At Delroil William tSodflckhaged 7».
dead while eplitliiig wood.


"VDoAi. j


I'onsnl Roosevelt at Brasaels hu In­
formed the eecretary of state thA the
iteigiao S.'v'ietr of Kleclricians will
opes an exposiUen of all norm of elec­
trical appliance aplicable to domeatlc
nsru lo Bnitaeit in May. It is tbe pur­
pose of the society lo Brake a complete
ibibition <of all domeetle appHanoea
xrauisby electricity, with a view
of\be use of coal
tor domeati^pui
A bugb iclXe fell from the leaves of
tbe Rex mills in lUasas Uiiy. and
plereed tbe skull of I'lyaaee G. filhaoe.
a rbicago and Alton chei-k clerk, who
aad hfBltbr was
bu>y marking ran oa a .Aiding.
lOetaaib. K Wait's. and -J-tAlobn•OB'S Drug Mores
Regu'ir.^Be soo Tbe abaft of ire punched a round bole
Uuamuieed or pnoc refanded. half ttaroBgb Gihaoo'a brain. Ha dwd
A Marrow____ _
T^kfu! words written by Mm. Ada
E. ^t. of -iruwo. s. D. "Uaa lakeo
with a bad co'.d which settled on my
lun«;oough set in and finally termin­
ated in Consumption
Four drwtore
gave me up, asyiug
I could live but a
short time
time. I pure myself up tomv
Savior, deu-rmlnrd if I could not star
with my frienda on earth. I
lid meet
my al^i ones *u,»» My bus
hi baud
d ui pet Dr King s New
.Si Disptloa. Cougl
i Ulal. took ia ail

Wh«i w IU.O. on .1. PIHGRBH & SMITH mtk. of Hom yon fiak. no dune to knowto,
is Rod whon wo My 1.4 off yon ore gotttor toU rdao roeolvod for your moBoy.
Wo lood ond let othoro follow.

th. qq^iity

Our One-Fourth Off Shoe Sale
Pingree i Smith _ $2 00 Bhoes.
Sake of Floe Shoes A go at $160
Coil Toes
, and New Styles
at 14 off.

$4 Welt Shoes
at $3.00.

$1.60 Shoes

$1.76 Eomeos
at $1.83.



90 pairs Men's
One lot Men's $3.00,
$1.50 laciAnd aad Felt Shoes 14
$3.50, $4 and $5~Not
and 1-2 off.
new toes eoloe at $1.88

$6.00 Shoes
go at $A60

Nettieton's Paten!
Calf and Tans.

$6 Enamels
make at $4.60

$3.50 Hand Tarns

$2.60 OU
Grain Boots

Ladies'at $2.63.

at $1.88.

$1.60 !
Oxfords go at

36 Pairs Ladles'
Hand Tura Shoes

Oil Grain
going at $1.13

This sale will continue untU Harch 16th.

JPx*anJsi !H'x*±ec3jc*±cIh.

118 Front Street.


About March 1st.

Here’s a Chance ToMake $Z.OO For$t.pO
Lace Curtains. Embroidery. Luces. Chenille Curtains, WhitBGoods,Dimities.India
Linens, Organdies. French Ginghams, Percales, Ribbons. Velvet Kibbons. Cloa ks. Capes
Jackets, Skirts, Ladies’and Children's Underwear.
It will pay you to look over these goods before we go. tVe guarantee we can save
from 25 to 36 per cent. No merchant can sell under these prices, and only under this
removal sale are we obliged to do this. It will pay us to sell at these low prices rather
than ship the goods.


If you’re thinking to buy a No. i Suit or Overcoat don’t miss our place. It is for
your benefit as well as ours. Eemember, only a iew days more to stay in Traverse City
Come and look dver our line of Men’s. Boys’ and Children’s Clothing, Thesh goods must
be sold. Prices no object.
A big line of Men’s and Boy’s Pants-A. No. 1 goods. All our cheap pants are sold.
What we have left is the best quality of goods. We have reduced them 6oc. on the
dollar to make them move. Come and get your pick. Kemember, only till March 1st.
If you need anything in Gents’ Underwear, come right in Such things as Gents'
Underwear, Collars. Cuffs, Fine Drers Shirts. Umbrellas, Hats, Sprtng Caps. Trunks,
Valises. Mackintoshes and Gents’ Shoes we have reduced, till March 1st, 60o. onl the
dollar. These are bareins.

Remember, This is No Bluff. We Mean Business.
Save rour quaners and you will liaie ifour dollais. Remember the place.




N.B—Oa the iBt. 8nd aad Srd of March wlU ba our tala oa Store Flxturaa, aoch as ShalTae, Couatara,
Show Caaaa, Mlrrora, Tablaa, Oaaka. Dry Goods SUads and a lar^ Safe, weight 2000 Iba Bamember this aala
is ter three days.


THFRF’S Wn “IF” NflR “AND” ABOUT IT ggliS§ag|gS
Give tear

Per Cent.


And let Ihimget
a sample pair of


All Wool

V' V'.
> V^‘V: V-


Ftie GneRStiga


will ont.
Mru»i« bot
•beat LfO&

S. BENDA & CO.. 124 Eront St., A. V. Friedrich Block.
ai. 'thal^rid* KrtvfTv-B thflniS^
natioB. bri» f&r • mriiOr*noir«-conai•
^ ij
tioiM »• bclpfnl to our cUw of workiD«- and Porto Kuxi aDa Hawaii aball be '
tDeiiaDdii.iiijunoiialootbmL-Oaw(nro rmtrlrted to veii»t4. of tbe Aauerie»B
(N. Y.)TilUm
rrinatec- Mon« Umn thin. TbrTlBowaa.
----------------------------------I pw*.« thi-fiMir that the DiU({li-y lariC ,


* tiewret Per OeiBcwiwtie railr, will be ■ steDiled to thuae iHlanda. rad
Coii»titntlc.n reRivta that er«B that aa
ai the treaty of ja'ace la


___________________ < ! ont. Drtu.«Tralic aenah.r idKinhl

4t>out In the etreru. ibe Oeidi and
jjp laierrocated all ha aaw

p> end aeetlea- ! uken lawiliuti againit thi' ratificatics to Cuba and (be Philipidnea
.r Owe c-waairr.
of the
Tliia boidlieia abonld
DO! There U »o nii^ke The ^
.. I, U.
M.V. ix.ace
|/vw.. treaty
------bait Iwen left t<>.«t.nal«»Huarandfoti»e fear* of Tbe Tiuiea are only t... weU |
CkUS* «a Paltrr
..................................... ..
i of hi» Hepi.l.lii-an oiUiwgnra - AUantt rroonded To aU artnal poiw.»M.»a of
The tenth of hialory J“ti6i* what
i the I'nitnl Siatea the Aiumi-an jolioj
tnayaeran t> Iwalaiw intoaectiunaliun ,
on the i*n of the a-ton Journal when]


favorite muw rtlon of fnv traden and a ).


Main Traanle.





nothing In « nowaday*
You ought *o',Oornperbo.',
I need to g« a PolaM - -

IHd fher
they eel
get In
in abeail
ahead of
of YOU?
-i„: iney
lb., non
i wau
.or lo*


will m t U> that! early bird caiche. the worm ”

maiaing-t.« k .d viulity
The artnal • jj,,y aJi. ahall we |wy a bounty or •'u,,. trouble tbiTc ari---from the (act;
"How do joa get the nuu'
murder bad l«vn iwrpetrat^ i-ime time ,
K„rth (i.i-man UoyiU want j the tree?" he asked,
before the firiwaramv of^ lulenial war ,

^ boniiiy iwa enieduy Ui ■mmr. or , ,u,. pbilippiue*. Kanow miu.l.«l laojile j

powuhiiiti.- it. the I
! a„t„n, or «.m .«■ whmt growrtwT
Tbr crime of elanKhtermgtlo AuW ,



rrauoe I»b.'» • ,

T»w Other Ka«.

| Ejr»a. per doaen.;.

ship tTai..p.Hati.mhun« in the halatm

walnut dropped through a bole in Uw

dirtam-o -ailed
by cargo

------- I _5^;b^i^a"^
rra. Hike. 1 wiab yon wuddent

"Ob. ho, young man. there* a leak In

. ahipa—a V.tal <d al«ml *'^-"<'"•‘>'*1' ■
the proh- tiim which bad made the tVd- '
«j aay* oar commi*rio*nT of navi
lin*lAm. H.-auWim a (.Tmi.laldv and i_.,'
"'‘.'mi!' giti.m -to aay noibiuK *d what oth«
—*- -u }aiy H.iware nowibridlae.1 and
—•-* ‘-Bierican riiij* wcompete

Poiatoea. per bn...


doing at all la worth doing welL'*
Ju*i at that momem a big green 1

tb..™.i™ota...f -.1.. .

B.™.i(o.ib. Ik.. .b„v..„brilr)>.iu,mot,b,

w... .-e the lingth cd the room ^ your hag.
No wonder you havent
_ ,„ in to as rich n qn<'eti..n.
' more nute." he cried

-•^jtm.a-ling-H-linK ' J
“For the governor*; " Mclaimed tbe

U-ra the other end
^kbr room ajpiin to anawer the call)—

ragged youth, dropping bia bag upon
theground.lookcdruefnllyatU.pulled a string from hie pocket. Ued tbe

Barney-Wb'Te are ye* at, Mike?

mouth of the sack up tight, reveraed



with there at a pririt U> their owner*
„!«• ouf govenauent aha. giv«Bib-

W. lEKifSX”''-' ■"“

"Naw. bad enough of Uiai iaat year,

have a**.vt.-d that tbe (act* of the iron-1 Jjml. broke and lei me down Into a
^ ,h^ i-^t ,i«ut Ha- , thorn tree. Tore my cloihe* all off vad




<an .K-fon iran«|.imu.m in.iortr? anie- ; Ui g..vermn««it aid | wail. CuU. rorio Ru- and the I'hlUi.- most of my akin.
Wbuhln i climb a
of the
war ..
dated tlie
the onllo-ak
id the ^ than anv otU.« iudnatry ?
| pllim were »U|:ar truel fact* Thu l« tree for ail the nuU there are on It.
bellmii It at
three. v.-ar».
*"* ^I
Let ia Be.American ahip* in tbe jKimihly a mieuke
The »ugar trust Juhi club'em."
-jii-n iwm. nni- ,—
o...rbtm>.te uti,y have bivu a- <idUi.Tal. but lh«
"Ah, said Phil to himaelf. "no wonirii diphimacy. Hnti.b .r.tft
urii.ri. th-ruun. Fri-mh, Ana
main irouUe wa, . lUvbaldy the North jer hi* bag te nol full. Whafa worth i


(k.a.m-oTr. Vf
ilMf OBlafleVi


t (b. Br-

T.b,“Ulbi.T\l"?!S°‘ :^'''trZjb"e”» ■'bn ■" bib.»u. -lb.

-nhvad. loonbuud indn^y it* Utt^ re^! indiguanteven atfh. *uiq»ert».m. Why.

_! .
-At tlut time tbechief A"i_--ri‘-an

M ottre lin. f


_____ „» . '
__ _
‘ the froul llirooi-'h the intmdnction of a \ Vurk l-urfbranch of
f.» the J
While it maybe Utfer to giveUiei

““'nn.1 kb* ih..«.b.M...t ..I tb. • woud .bd «»■! Tb. ib^ri.!.

—— i --

j e. L. A Oo. Bnl....


It !• rviuarkaWc to hnd among each |

.^rioted foTi-ign •Min]H-tiiion uu aea aud , idon to wmont theuriea that are all
land flml American comnim;* wai, caiimdicied by (acta The

the erlxeilla


' be in time exteud.-l >« i" «»>•• *‘“l'" Vor7bVi^b^uV»7came-uuterln* lAtd
i»»»*»«on» cai
can ba '
by which onr new laMmadon*
•■I made truly AiucricBb and truly I

natter of «jnit<- common belief anumK a nntutxT .if onr wmibeni contempo
nasy i>Hol>le wbo ilo not lavtir nnre-1 rari<« o« w.. do the evidence* of adhe-v


latixhiu bu)- perchanre night be la
dwp aecrel of llte
One da) be wee aiiilQ* on a mo-ay

|of AiiuTu-a (<>r Amerii-aiu i* rertain to

-itanxru iKat il i» not true that tba .
civil war killed AliMTican >-U-um navi., nabataatlal Ueit..aa la
•nlion on the D.«b Atlantic- It in a
A-erte— aaia rr-teetiaa.

however. 1*

BelowUelietofthebt^ingaoda^- .
ing prioea of yeeUrday for froeariM
eaoe&lona and tarn pr^nnti In Tmt

haTa 1 aigned thV»»»«*‘**“ “*^* i aa If eaih aileni atone, or riwtln« bird

kr •rUlah IM»Ui


BrjilfOChS C.AiUM(.

Tmwea Oity KwfcK.

ai*a win lu Fail il ir*« U—rA
pbi) o Soper bad a way ot waader-

jjiko—I'm at tbe .ither iod of tb.t the nuta from bottom'to top. threw tba


iBIICal Wilier.*'
haiidtercbJef aecunpal

Oh. «he witter tlU- Il'tHe tlbe for le.
W ti.-.l III.' groiel * eo.erkO Wl h: aJov
AU li'u'lr* ijim frol thv grevdwOud tree
A* Wmly (..nh
lAi. t.oV AU»a»:*
Otvr the eutilwr tihe to 1
■ weld
Wh.. si
VIII. hoi

X gneluaieel tbeDal-s*eK. Hoei»ial. Aaa
Arhor, will e.^BaiWean* '.w nui«l-d. mx
g Maeiraet «» If
■el.-r^e^ M

T 0»IE*~l
Jet ihelF k

?»%eKo«r*tn!l M


Id L^’teuUfwl wilier far bet
Id the bcaaUrul wilier lor he

» gXTHAnai-Pealiwbl. r.
or *-ial.*p k
■lyeapeny. aptdy 10 « IL Huai

tb* bodth |f Juds,
I-.-II) I4.iir4
Uie -llv ry hood,
Uul t cure lur th.-n doti-oh. do!:
lAl.'bu! I
The huBl.-r-* herd Id
oiir lanal

girl llor
'foi geerr-l IkoDW
week. OSMatei

«!) ;



•»'*** *

llne *w- .ns.yiug a
.idi™ and Umntie.?
about #:oo,tNM. a year, lie chirf Unll^
Ammcan riiil*. if »«m in aumbft*
comi.-titor. with ek.w.v and
bAi|>c a -nlwidy .If E#S.Vt>t»^
^rotMdioii * a 'faigher llmu i

_a,rieni to c^ rvin a r«uonable
p.wti,m .d our f.ff.’igu cmim.-rce, wonM

Hr paused.
"Have you ever uved any money••No-a hoy like me can not save any

' esnae a rcdoction in the ewt of building wnr-hii- -uMcient to Urgely ndm"Uw.. til- <-«gr.w-.d IherniUri

, money.'
•Perhaps there'* a leak in your hag.
Uavbr it 1* elgarettea and beer And

suiea. nnd.-r tb.- .Miiirol.-f men wIk.
furi,. « the way of boanti.w and
•ecee-i.m airi .w- kiug to
during a
a i.-m
l.uig peri.-J >•.
..f yean.
•■-•■ •..............atu».mie- onriug
paraly*.- ih.- era |«.w.t of llM•ll.rth.
Bhii..d all kind*, hnilt ia
tera. „ f„r

•Vod have bit tbe bull'a^eye, pard- |
per ' be answered, forced by surprise 1

troi.- b«-f.!tl tb.- firing ou Kumter.
Thirty-four year..d
dlfl.v.-uoef..UMV.-ith. r.-tnrn.d |«wce
«wr)v io tHiiri and it I* .■nly now. ofi.T .

ling bill propow*

Hiikm*. and theref.we at th.-calll
,be emergency irf ! *-*^
_____ .—..>1.

^-,„i,ie U-c-ao-i cd


tb-ir prarti.-al iniining

year* ago




jain-l tbe welfare and


I'lil there ii

r«m..n to think Ui«t the <.1h.d part.
flfte.1 by tbe c-.auikm luilti.diN of Aumt___
u the Diewntime

------ -

"When you find your-elf cursing life
rr (be leaky bag. tbe

u irWo-.v.T. lik.lj
ed State- -pent
during oor t—vnt war with Spain to



pnu apllllng out by Uie wayside and

s-'.'ix'VLo'wfcr^ L

W.ariby Ikath-Wby. *tbe new ahip|u^g
-• ' bill jirop»—i for
the.Smash I'pcmpany did,®
for carr-iug Aniericwn
long uamber ..f y.wrr. The real .Iifi
for thr-- yon ham......... .........................,
cullv that wn» foutid and wbi.h to v*w Ymt Journal
ypur noney.
Wbeihertbecon.l.tu.ri mler.-t-.d.l..«
omtwrvnw-d g,.v.Tnm.-nt in j


oM mbml cad shew.
Thr >ud* at o)
itab *ay brig
Oh. rubber *d -prmg e.l nutab
dabs |il. *>i.ive uf lad ad **a.
Hut Isi wbe «>D pralK their 4«bts
lb -Ir d»T»—.
TheIwautu-Jl wilier tor be!
I Atcliu!!
T far be'
Tb* beautiful w

/•iial. tVAKTWP\T (*u*ral koua*
kouw »•**.
apply WarwtSp.


mines. At

war wto. in wvurili Uwin.ri -ea 1
fly^,„en. In a |--«iWe war !


„i. n.waelal rwalrtww.

........... __ ______^juuu.

riTyA^^^^afaip- engaging in^ I
lMU-N.rf L *
2!^.,. «r..*t Britain, then, to ba forrign trade. It U aw*rral Abo that, Jmbit of talkmg to
£i:oXri^rri...*i,.«u- lobe.^riiilk^^
«***«^*"‘‘. ‘•■....1------------------i. *n e*entiri natuLu deM«»cane*l*t
that will not enAUe American ship- fmae—New ■korktommeremL
BaWms to i-oire the building of the
All* to which those AmcricAn eteel
ship plates are tu cuatribute. AmerlcAn
labor la pevur apt to ba tdamaring at

mjtnvt Ofifum.


The OalT Way.
Tb» tomkm Times hopes thew te
tatnenbtaks a* to ths deUaiuinatio*

IM PrsrtteUkElnky-s adalateteatteh

_______ _______ ___

T70K AALB » gMd yoM* war* wttbaui
r lean ar Uwtae. vyU brehro. atagt* a-d
doublwSwcMheraallw*. B D. Muo.


costeE^.4U an ounce. Bnt 1 know
where 1 can get a big dieroont on tba

rait- waNTBOrPy .k.miak*

TTTaVTBD, TO Bl T-a« -f plslte^
Bl> liav* T-*.


Kind OM Party-Why do yon we*p


mine stnfl.—C'bicago New*.

ao. c:hild?
; UtUd—I cant get (atbes ter.

homeSind Old Party—Why. goodneaa ma.
i does be drink?
Child-Nu, sir. Ha plaja ebssA—
kgirialioo f.g tC
with a gnoter Enroj-wn power ’^en!
uterary ^
George W. Waiit of Soaib Gardiner.
Am.mAn Indunry T.-mslita U,be^n Spain it might, and t*ol«My would, be **"»«»>«»•*“
iMr^: -1 have b.d the worstconrh New Y«k Jvn^aL
a queriviu w.iivo the i*~r*^‘«
qnite imprc.l.le 1.,-eenr.-a ringle for. I
.-irl*at iec.**!-Fhill and grip and have taken loU
lit..' d SUte* w ill uot»leei.ot.v pyjn
Mwrtuin<9 any »a- 1
I' of trash of no arcooot but profit to tbe
tbU Th.y are going U, «t op ««1
^ «„,ai«rter miritt *tt»nd our i
Cough R*<nedy
Sangara of tbs Orip.
_______ _______________
dwrations jnrilrom tW Uckof im* 1
-wnca- it the only Ibing that ha* dose sny
good whatever
I have used one w
Tba greateat danger from l^Orip^
I>e.aad. •( l-hwe.
\atid ahipa
-----------------------------------eent bottle and the cbilU. eold and la of Ita reanltiag in poenmor'*
Wbiu Anwrican iron oi» mine*. ;\ F<w the (.Tcgtang and a great many |
aiiahtl- ---- ------------•
aa’ ll «m who told gnp have all left me.
I coog^tnlate |V;^’;i;^",7n;sdrb^e»er.
table care is I
-----------American lime qnarriiw. American 0*1-W<r .and jirarttinl rrmi^
Watts—baj-. v
___ ________
_________ had •
wS. dr*i^ I Chamberlain's
^ mnrW
jtltificti^ for our gov. j ^ Browne

ted|H>wner-wiUag-ti.»» aWet..con^d
nml * in tbeir
U-hidf and jw^Ait , ^


Wo Mbrn. ■

t r»n ^AL«-.»aod farta. ■*
»*d <io..d bu.kttag- udall
a (a-atf* ol «dta Mr-i-rry.

Re WaaaH AfrwM.
let It fall through a leaky bag. Moat ,
Her P-i« —Yon nimrt reinember, sir. SU.IW* Te<iui*r Kk>A*s adkp*.
of the wretebednes* of life cornea
; that my dangliker lui* been tiaed tu aa
through waate.
We waste our 11
.^JJ^AWTkPT'.AfV-O^ abnoeph re '.f ndiormenL
‘ we waste our money: we watte our
Tbe Y.iatig Uan—Yea. she toU m« gJjS w*’' *“* the -hip. auA

riae. One part .rf«b. unU,.ly.U..m-erf

Tie up'

the mouth of ibe sack -nd. Vverae end*. Tv> not put new wmr Into old ,
botlle*.' ll la too hard work to gamer ;
the frtiU of life to b« good sen** to*

.ntial j-m-ntaw
«T»-w*.if v.

.-««.-i....*.-l.miinl, throng the
,in. nc.e.,f
nc.e „f anothiT
anolh.T war.
war. to
I., theale
ih.- ate
■Dim.' u.«weit» .rf a < hange
tvgiirtUng tlieAimncaniu-fchaatw.-

,_..wn ixmntry

U> - fmok confe**lon.
"Then stop the leak, my boy.

r«vpt war with

Let the daddy gild* through fhe bcUIt-di r.u>l>
Ad whlsj.-r tb.,' fair od*» low;.
They r...l Iwtch tbe slnmgrh ad

1------------------------------------ j
Hoeeat Kedicin* for LaOrippe.


‘ittS BaU t« JtetWttfW 'iuUta Out SVrcmsdy
hitUBetf.—Indian- “« *«• ” -»«gs»
«, learn of a single ewe haviBg reani
t.ckeu ed in pneum^Uwbirit abowasonrin.
htrsmedy b a esrtsln
aively that tbtoh
a. A*b«i..m~
i for aU
wd f^^
nesventative of th________
________ ___
tins Febroary
TW* world's poimlatloo
a 1 *oni‘n» trw^
Febroary iind
Sind atone
U will eo(« lagrippe ia Isaatlmstl
uy other tee------------and aafe to t
under enmta—1* A. W. PnUettn

Bmi loifc urvei.


wad* ®r cUr;p*0|.erty- S


WANTCD-PtSeeberwI k.
ao4 Bar «r

________ _________________

. HDI-MB rtiiil4it alreet. PkUaA^lla .
T^asss ctiTiNO |r*rnBT-w«-id'« uir
U ure-il-B T*ybT Oqurv. OoBBrarlnc
pyb liaiSMlBtanr'awUr*
ABt-ly **iiy a^
.uT*pr«mh,B. Mri. B. M. iTo Milirr P o.



» a leader crraied t
•"■:—»... rearh.:!
* " ■

. »'Mh —- '

•Und. out «> one *bn .c.uall) moW-d



H, u ^^17

and brnve. " Hut the: Jutil
ihh Kudualea from the plain*,
a knap m Ihelr e},-» bom be ru»hed
of the maittne hoe at the baiKIII.' Holm' and wid. "If any three
mill fotliiu' me. m'e'll take
They Kiid horn' be ruahed on. leavtn* hi*
conmiMnd. and didn't »top until the flrat
hill had' been taken. Callant O'Neil,
follominc -rl.>ee. m;a* killed in IhU
charce. Then llooaevell puvhrd on dum-n
the >male and up the farther *lope.
where be planned hi* thin line and aald
to all who came up, rrcular* and voluntwr*. •Thl* rtdee mu*l Ire held." So It
throuch a bom hero buminc
for dlallnrlion and rl*klnr life and limb
' I It in battle.
brave aa they me^ lo tbe la*l
thl* callant <<>ms«ii> of iboire
•.tililla. It ran W aald of none ihal hi*
place miKbt not ha-.e inm-n flll.-d that
hla ahst-itce inicht hove
turned the tide. To find aurtt a man
are the c-arv-r of Ueutenanl
John H- I'arker from hi* We»l IVil.'i
academy doj-a throuch month* and
year* of ploueer work, net eaempi from
the ridirule of collemcue* and luperlorm.
up to the fullnee* of time mhen the
hour (truck

aUml the condition and mnduci
of the Kiuimard* mhen the line cloeed In,
Thiit ma. that no S|«niard* *.-re »een
there except the dead and m-oui.rted In
the trenchc-. and iboM- runninc away.
The trem he., ,t ... „id. „ce -Biied
mllh dead and moUnd.-d Siumiard*.'
e day.
m-reat victory from Impend- I'arker a dvluye of builds had don.
C dl*a*
inaater. That aiory wilt appear In rearful morh, even civinc full credit to
But Ha«k<np didn't etand to be cased
Parker * om-n mord*. A* a aearcher for :he infantry fire mhich bad be.-n poured
II lihd admired. Jle went ak>ne throuch
Indde fact* about the Ukloc of Ban
n at an elevation from domn the .i..o.
the frince of tree* and looked Ban Juan
Juan I ran tell only briefly what waa aa the Infantry advanced.
hill over for himaeif. The caUeni I.ieu.
narrated to me by aoldlers on the field.
Gatllnc* men- not new
cenatll Ord. chief ald-dr-camp to HawWhen the detail* of the infantry and
......... r—
•rt out to amaab ine Kpanlab
kin*, aald to the men of hi* omn reel- savalry attack
mind: It l«mer In Cuba; neither waa the lorp.-do
any de-j a new weapon when Cuahinc downed
that hill In 10 minute*, • Wh.
heiher thl* cl.ive atroke.
>ned in-; the. Gollathlike Albemarte with one
ma* ilamkii
klna^lem of It ttrd
didn't nulrer could 1
W. "Why did the ainall enoueV lo remain hidden under
live to explal
<lal)pRniamkln* -nked
Gen* S|>anlard* qui
ThU qucatlnn ma* neath IJ> coat. It wa* the new bold
eral Kent.. 1the dlrlalon commainder.
^ m,t by cw,.„ ch„i™ ,„y
Jet him alorm Fort Ban
1 by 1
reault* in each caa
flank mllh the BIxib and Bixircni
mlh r.
a Parker'i
ball-ry 1111 ordinal

"J do noi onilereailmaie
niy wur^
-.r- e-'Te.
deference, ny b-rol*m.
'Ilill.llcd al Tatsiw
in ceuinc Ih. Ill
le Q-ttln* ba,.—..
asoina. expo«,i a> 1 m-a.
mlocoacwp•vaa to mlaco.
llon*. taunt. ..nd .rieer* and all that. Vou
knom what the n'lpude |. luma:
lumarri an ofB.
y from I

I thl* c-untrw
:lail<in* witk
the Covernih-ini at Wa^hincion
iphinclu and may
lake a olein.,
li very
11^'. aa he la
*•“ “
anxioc* t>> «ee
nll.M Slate* control
tlw laland*.

r.r,r;?:,'r ,':;f.;'.fs;^r ;s ri.rri«,"• ■"'"-

The Bpanlah Haim' Yap.
have never |>revenied i>'Ke» fe fiyinc
C Ih*
Amrrlcnn flac th- r.'. Me
a clear title to SI. I*aiid. aa the Dutch
Intiat that Spain h:.* nc richt* there.
U^ «l,e n.iecr, of one'hand'tbe
|Th- tmo Inlanda are nje.ui-------------------- .nd tl
who had then a kind mord for the enter, mtlea lone and four m Ue

•qulPl-^1 «iib machine |
to be handled aa Parker-* ( allinca a
at Uwt bailie
**• ariier llatt«ed lo the aionca

I cot the cun* aUmmol throuch «ba7 1 *"
I nltcd BiaieJ, he married m
blorked roadmny to th* from
He left a married dauebter la
knem I roulu put them ll ai ,b, |B*''nimah when hr railed for the south

HW arc not Inat al(h( of br mllltafT

>onc tnirrueMa before be reached
common <.| a« lo Che hero of the
ua ecMnirra
. •<«
onidlera mere
t^n (^.h from tbe fleW of Wued. and
me Of»v.-.i „f ,h..„ couldn't iwall tbe
-4ecd« of
r ooniradee vlthout t
^ The m,u. fainJ^-^Jr'thVlr'
er« ae-m-M n.-ai.-r n„.n ,hai, the ....

^vyj, r v.u:r.rr:^^z

In..... ...... K... an.',

«i.b la’.b.' «rtrri;V4

tawlh infantry. .a,d ih,, he aerred
me oncaili »iaff 11,4,

.l'r>l..nel Wlkoff. at
"liell'e Cf»n
tVikofI directed
ihonchXlhe Uau*er had not ycl
yel been
'^"the fciB
upon It. on ,b.
Joan and lunnnl to M,a uul a rmiie for n»1ded hj* narne
• Julv mhen
another rrclment. «hen he mar ,truS ev.-nlnr<'f Ibe.dof July.mhentheSpan-

«:i’e"e:,‘:. rf

-‘e''-'- --*•

er. Colonel Ja< ob Won
teefilb then aaauned
bn«ade In wtkon-a .4
LMtenant Ualont a 00 _
alone the naa


hack acaln. An
4.f jhe
ray* a pnini-t.ey..nd mhich human Yal- [ Copra JClne. Ev. ry lime he* <m'
ThlM.-< ntb infantn. mhi,-h ma* huccinc
the cround at a liench n..m.' hundr.^ or catihol CO Parker . iJaillnga broke ,|m.n he may. tm,. ..r Ihn e meeka ani
the deadi.e k on Ban Juan hill, a fuel ' ap.-i
M itnd
|>nd ijo.a
yntd* dnmn tbe •l.'l"- from the fort
clear a* that Birmnnid'e iTiKadi- mn* ha­
mulai.-l .in tifihenae f..r
m-aved hi. handkm'hief u, Parker a. a
th* pivot u|H>n mlii.'h G-dlyur.urc turn-d the .
•nut li'i'de. If., 1. n mllllonalr*
aicnal lliai » ma. all over, llnjor Auor that Wellltutton and the Enchsh iaal.l.
tp III.- laUnda. and
man. a brave cray haired lead. r of ti.o
ttuaid* broke th- (or.-e of l^e laat^tfll'
enlnbllah hi* riehl lo ih-II any
wme reclment. apranc lo hla feet "
French eliarse at Waterloo.
'nilcij Blale* or OrMt
rhHuled "Boy*, the Spanlarda ar- runTel Parker de.-hired lo me afl»-r 1
Hrttaln. which he' ml*hiw
to do. he eu '
nine: formard. Thirteenth- TbJ. in- dre.1* had cl,.rifled hi* deed that he
coinniand ecveml mUlim* more.
.pirlnc baiilrcry of Auman ma* h. ili.] no hero that day. Said he;


Five up the command of hla i..*.,
• truce ended the flchtlnr mTJuly A
And all the stories of lierolsni on San
Joan ndc* are not confined to br1«B*
Almoat la^iSuTw^
diera. The eoldlera tell of the t»-yoar.




0,, »r„b,TTJSlnr".


.. eU™.,.. Wbm

lUXli there are otint c
Hid*. When he a-itlcd at Vap. b*
mi.rrlcl n nollve prln,
ta* three;
ctmy ;*>““Fhlcrm on'ih.- la
achcKd «i
«t JlunXkoax.
, ecncKU
HI* qiMM
; I* a very shr.-m'd muMan and

P.e* tn-m out
le defeat o
0 be vlndValed.
n bark

■" ".aib-o-


■'"“.""" 'M';™.-1
B.V.™. ,y.™ „bX'k«.. ».t a
,11 1 Pt-onklya
r»rooaiya for
lor hla
nia nepheW.
nephew. Tom Newmaa.
ei them
mere 10 charre. iI n
rouW set
them le .. .1!
j to «o to ibe leland* ai>4 asooclat* with
BUi.reme DomerII. forH bad a fei
si friend* who had
I him tu trade. Tbe youny man never ; i
Bccwd le etc*
warnliix befurr'a
lanta waa attempted,
led. . aliinr well with bim and waa abided
■o rou ace '.hai 11
aa thacvlmli.ailon er . horn* attain.. A teacher from HeawtoTiC
fUlitin* ________.....
at U>«
l>en.|»tence and tli i............. ..
a H.vs period of aliwlB
•' flxlitin*
^i>^'iplm''tban"ha" adrol If
' in'" "/•"""►‘‘om'-d that Kent * infantry. odi of the commander of tbe Banilaco ------ - that I wo* IhtnklBC a^t aa we lay royal childre
the bricadr*
It bad barn a practice In the Bpanish
expedition. Only atx years out of West
he rarer ef het^r, I
lalaBds of the Oarollbe croup to oteal
Point, the
- - toxicalh
Ion pwmltted le n
w-ofm-n ror
for alarery. but Kiny
youn* women
"I pUi
y dHaU of thto a
O'Keefe ha* elleciualiy checked that
iixln* up.
tnee fell npoa Fort Bn Ji
ir wider o
what I har^laid you tramc In hi* !. main* iThc method waa
illowed by the rtiah of the Infantry.
aer that II maen’t b*re- to aupply the aatice chief* with p*o and
All of this as lo^lh* check
tt m-a* )
llqu-r* and take the woruen Ih
that 1
l» n It wi
ler rrailde.'
ixe. iHit fyh'eefb ha. romplet*
loree 1
_ ____
'■a*^ had p
■ - the a-hief*.' and he
ward oC atlacka. Swat
I* of pro«mu la j Uddea U* dwUa.




T B moBBura vboobd. suvdbt, fbbbuabt le. iwe

' li Utt a ttu auMd TappM sotM
VMk kka teaOIr (tob N«w York to tb«
naou ««M. H«
tkJlad ia Pm»VM brokcs U aptrlt: kti «UI>

V*r7 MOD MUrprUliid p«opl* becu


kr B»*. *.«


>r.—A BThiMaMn <*aab.
ntn kM nrwtlr arrtn« « Ik*
Zooteckal OardMU l> Undo* mb* l ‘
nh at Ap»keh
cbarrii of aponolk da;*.
* •p*cM* flm dUcoTtrod in
in iu acbUcrateiiU ereo tb* !
1M» br Formm ud dweribH It >ar(»n*d
I erU: 2t J'TBtlcm. it waafonndrd

Tk*' IdDfflsh bai tMtb •ImlUi' ^to

BiBiunai; cflwl. it vaa ^


•MarUlBod vsrimrm. Aa tb*M ealia

un. crowd , 1.^;

«bicb Uia biBlhaa world wa» Uoogbt

11"“ •" i^Vte rwrt”u.core-,'V-k"di''*;i

Sr, 'J;;


*sr» fra^MSt be. ealsrged bli-------aai pet «P sa innkeeper's al«B.
trowel, sad broadly fringed.
-- *
•“*» nd * Mlmcvn^ta
Not lose after (bU s psny of yonn*
«k* «»•>
• salmon-U eseel•bb. etfbt Of UD la aoBber. wHI •«»
*pw:»»«w *«
f fetaminc b, s rotmd- “W
« ‘“^b of Bs feet and
a weight of sbool twenty pouadi. ilia

,«uo.,’T;;.rd «; wTd'i '^jb.

e of vario a klDda of fiery fluid,
tbetf borne*, they entered tbe houa*
Md Botally deBsaded wbtakey.
U so happened ihsi Mr. Tappan aad
U^wlfe were both away, aad only
Anegbtara war

This Is Worth
$1.50 To You!



Out this out and send it to us with $3.00 and We
wfTStTr will pack and ship to your address one of those large
Reed Arm Rockers. I do this to get acquainted with you and to extend business by getting

ibiuDgb Cbrial.
Tbu cbofcb
----------iu a-----peeollar
------ ------------setiw.
by M.rtyioB
^ nteriaiiHry rbai




wrigbi Ijelog probably apconnted for by
chnnib, and enry Cbri.iian
the uperlng off of the body behind tb* ,;„Tciier Biould .ainve In wake In*
poaierior llrnbi. Tbelr home la In tbe {.borrb one. U-i pa. tbrrrfi.te, aiody ibe
imeil and Mary Rlreri; aad aa they cPHracirriBtU's <if Ihii wnrld r
were In danger of tMM»mtag eailort tbe munnoary rborc b and tty to tunae oor
« cf
Bnyal fioclMy of Qureuaiand rMeall^y rf,orcbe# like U.
1 yOU lOr tt bW3liUy UUOtVAAlCl.
reaoteed to eaublUb tbcB la aew tab. i
i. Tbe olmrcb at Aotinrfa war a well i
< lofnrtuM clinrrb It tad‘'‘pnntbeu aod |
I Tbe luag.fleh In IU utural atau ‘"aetaen." Tbe'^frofibeu "wete under;

J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Sture. ,

ggy Ilguor* In tbe bouae. Of tbU fact ter, but ibla doea not
< liao'irolb under tbr teactaiug of tbe
tha vUllon were laforined by the eld* eaaary to It. ^
Tbe lung-flab ranoot live on the land, hpiiii." 1ly »ocb cmltient propbela and
•H danghter. -a haadaome. 'Intelllguol
like a true anilnal. but iu Ibaga are of t«ii beta aa Amiueb puMraaetl it la «a»y
gtti of It.
a bigher lype than tbe gllU Of ordinary fora* lo ta-liefe tbat ibey were uot
Bat tta riotously lerliord Inradera
and M* heatt baa three dleialona ' « oly lofotiued aa tiTttoetr prroiaal aud
•rai dawanded wfalakey. and when they Bab.
iMtead of two.
l(H»l ni-edr, but alan o(Hbe owl of Ibe
bsd become aasuml tbat they rould not 1
I world for Ibe g<eprl. W«>9auui>l Imag.
knee U they rcMlred ibai they would I .
A HeenrtwB berep «Mb.
! ine Kartiatei and Rani D^ieriiog tbe
•■t down the sign before tbe dour, and
nb’bat I* all tbat newapap*f Xoff csdh. <d beaibeadnin. A/hurrU ttat
tbe leader *o Inforaed tbe young lady. banging over yuur desk*" a loiterer aRpirra to !■« a tulxiuoary^cborcb njoet
tbrta or four of tbe party made a taked a man who wrllea for a llritic.
| be well tufamHl alifui niiMicmary ' *ers«iety coat tuiwe thaa to give money
ynoh fbr tbe woodpile, ruraing aa they
"Thai*" ibamao aniwered. pointing , line*. Kie>wlef'ge ctraiM ns iiiterMi ; to ibe caoM< of (niMioue.
Hlbl.- Readiw..—IV lU-ht la*, till.
tnl. while tbr leader of the gaag.
to lung airlpa of nesapaiM-r Hipplnga and Inajun ■ wab a <b >ite t«Bb.<<lp In
. fpnsg Bie who would bar# been d«pendant from a gaa dhan. i tbe work of
Ilf evaauelirinK tbr
tbe wiirld. It il 7; III. i;.hab. i It. Math. aiit.
,;5l-8!'; siTiii. Ik. t’<l;1 i.eke a.
II. If.'o.'l :
cMedly bandaoDlfl if be bad beeii blB> ^Ker. dirertiy o»er tbe deak at whlrh It Ibr lark of liilcifiualinti Itat
. m. AcU :i. b. eill.
•elf. wub ^r----------be ant, "ihal i* my *.r*p book. You ve J tnant .hua-bea to be luualiiiftu lo law-,
Id-ir.. a. li 15; Her.
...........................................1 «be ho.iM', heard ur tbe hanging garden* of Baby. ,
’iMlaUag that iliere muR bn-a dropof |on. haven't youT Well, thi* la my ' 2 Tbe cboab at Aoti.eb warn a apir-j
________ ______ :
pnaetblnt" aomewbere.
banging arrap lM>ok. People generally ilnal rl.urt b. Tb<j la>Uii ai.d luwyed.
i gv rawreS end tbe rswr.
Is a email, well fumirbed apariBent.
on tbe plan that a airrap book muat i Tb-y h. pi'ta far wt p.i»"ibl.i from ib* ,
uepiom the enpSpan from Ibe gu*«u'room, was found be rieeily paaiM full of rllpplnga. and wiriilaud*. dew at i~-*ii Ir to tiod-i
.....................I ihouburdh. If the
« pUnoforie.
then plied aaay ou a tup abelf of a Tj.ry were <ttj iulimale lrnii» w lllitta;
< buirb in det liiniiK. <1
“Hellor-rfltdthe.laader, "wboplij-i cio„.|,
m the bdiiom of a inink
tlli.ut. lie »]«tke l<i ibeiii au.i tv
jj,ri j,.
„.-hI., ,i,:r
•Bi thli
thiaT Cao you?"
wbare you ran never get at it wltbout v'wlrd III* will to ibrm. M.-re devo. j,i„„
u.h of
"Itt iU Bln*, air."'auawered the girl *ueh time and trouble. Now. my Idea
litaying and n If '•.■•lial. tbe rbui. i.
iK„,h i* ..oe that you can
”'*• Holy < Jli.e-t wouM make
,„,h^ , rv •cln-lrarnm of a-KivlY
|P0D ran playr.
Jiave where you warn It and when you I
“ rbi-rvli niutu «d a lui.tiuiaiy ,urt j.- n. tbr |. utn-t who
warn 4f ao I have naated these long ' ‘'bunb lhau it la
tbire Liii<vii.g •■ter the «M>dtb of the
„rip. of blue paper together, over tb* ' «• 1* •'
, «*f. « i pit .............. .
aU receive the Ma.
> appt< i.utliiii liTl u« lorn naxlea
a bar of my old fi
*NPUI you play aud ding for ua*"
deller On three airipe~aa I clip abort <;lii,e1 oilhmit hoiiatiHi aud wllbual | ],ni,. ir„u> • r rliilHiiaie niuitl., our
».«,iai fuuitlmin, onr O.noniina
Bbe oprtied the piauty. and aai 4bwa. uewapaiicr hlia relative to my work- rnmplaioi The H.-lv t ilinel ienu<>ie<l ' ,_i,
Md played and aeu- ' Her volew waa },i„
poetry, leat or pbllnao. I ,8t I’aiil anil lluiiiBl-iebe erpatalwl ‘ tl-ual iixaltv. our Ingli.-r %ntirnhn biid
- -.......................................................
gtesr. BUPictil and rit*. and Ibe ae- pj„, .tail.tlrm or other infoimatlon, I
and mean* for lurrjiuK the
gaspaolmeM wai played with akill and „irk a Ihilr dab of tibrair paaie. and and laid tl
•eiit tlit m
....................«1 to iior j«»>r*-i I
up the clipping gne*. It U eoiivenleul,
Wll> lnilirpcl..u». tl** Uretly Beipbbci*. —Iivaniieli»l.
foBe-of .them had never heard a and eavily renewable; ibero la
luive ........
eec iiikI
fore, and n
■taao uirei
patent I
and Ibe -hanging *vap
„ ^,i*.
.•■••• — found, valuable to all
jir-vwei)'. I'H'r, unprami-ed and
Iti aibliiioii to Tjniil. Telngn and
at Ibe eonelM'oa of a pltve. the wrlieiii who like the ihtuga where they
.f nit •ibelMrb-* Kaiiar-—. the Moil'K'lirotlBM Kii'leavol
Jggder apuke again, bul in a airsagaly
clup ib<lr eye. on iliem." |
i •ntceedJd .111 ..Uciieol ................... lia ruiieliltiin-o i> to Ik- pot into Malnya
*r of •oiitbern lu
* «, '
; a inloioiiatv ( hnr.-b. 'i be ■-•■ninmnd ol '(am. aurclr r l.ncuagi
“Will you alni for «. another MPgr ;

1 the kla.ier im., »-nd the po.,-.|t..every .i„. i,
„ .w Mund .n at 1....I teu d.f

Headquarters and lowest prices on everything to fur­
nish your house.


““ ■’".r■«-'i
>bt>ru Ilf
full, to do

Other aong. wer* aaigt. Their aym- tmim'nk* "> different ne..|.la. aa In tbe
^tble. were aroai-d. their heana foliowlng im Ideut;
A farmer *lop|;e'd In front of a Mlrh*
•peced and tha l>efl jiun of their na*
tBff biougbt to the ..lifaee.' uud W.'en »*»’i
t'K''trie plant and aaked a bytbey ti»<> iaaed tbe f^lr loug.irea. *o atar.dcr;
br that they felt aahimed to tax her
'"■•‘•l »■
'«* tuitdlng, a faemere, they 'tanked bar and writbdiew too ?"
Vttfe aa B.n b drivifuB aa might have
’ N"- «
‘he anawer.
taw rxUl.lte.1 had they tarn retiring .
<1- 'W ralle IbererIrilBi tafore the Ibron.iof a onmareh.
"furrem*." i. piled, the-qul.-k-altled
A yewi after tbU cfeni Mr- Tapi>an byaiandef.
Cbtart-d lo be ID JatAa-invllle on l.oM-.
■" “’"J' ■'*^1' • lo'-bel?"
Mm.wbei* ha .wa* to Philip i "tt'e ..^1 them b) ib.-*bu. k."
•t. Clair, a nalng young lawyer of the
f Vu»«kI I*'* beard, aerairh- I


sf W Ilf* "

<• iliai iiwll In driving
to diivr u ruiai) I'otbp, iiy mean, of
wlili-h w.v..r t« forced np to a apiinkling roB* i« *ho«er the opinilur.
I- i’hilipplue*
polled in Ibe
he iiin* tataDda bn
,.d!\ ui Hongkong,
delayed at that |kiii
than ibi»r day*.

• ;_________

AB Cegllab bley< le "('raak." who t—
BHMly tad two wbreU .lolen wlibti) aa
••ay week*. «.n .w for.e.d wub a
•oval invention lo do away wub biey.
H* would Apr* tbe wheel, a* It |g
bwac ridden *B by tbe ihirf. . ty out
fWflilnlUni of the ireadleo.
Tb# young mau bg. aBxed a Blnla.
a bl. yrle. direct.
«gre phonograph t
faratu* welgba oalyffwo pmiuda and a
hair. A wire (Yiop^u With the roar
whtel of Ibe b.ryrlt. and with tbat Ibe
gppaniua I* fo»|.;ete,
When tbt young mao #Btei* a hulldlag b* prwae. a buHOD, and bi* thief.
«tcb*r la eet When Ibe IbleT Jnlnp*
IBIO Ibe eaddle and etaria in i*de away
^ fg flopped by a r<Hre ahicb obonu.
•ppgrrntir batalnd btm 'ok^. thief!
•U>p tblef"
Tb« fatter be ride* the wbawf the
Mwder grow* tbe paraiiirg voile, aaill
gaally tb* ih''' i'* dl.gvw vsulia off
Ik# wbaet and lea\e« It iu nt fate.
A praeauia of tbe butuia by tb# own.
or and tb* BfcbanlkB t. .taached and
tta mfcer! rtin. unoo'bly Tta yuubt
Igvfnior iDienda to apply iur a patent
Sa aeoa aa ha baa Ui# rantriranre pta«



*""* ’

etawl Torwlp Beee.

t<irn<|> feed Imveaae* ha own
t.meaamlame Ou peat
ground turnipa hixe
round to iii'
tiwaa* by growth tS.kkk time* the
oaed earb day they |
Weight Of
________ ________
* metropoliian paper la anlborily
for the *t4teinecia that wbrn a man HI*
Orlean* be la
fined «U. ami t

Werdrred Hwl*e> wf RwMie.
Of the <1.ten emperor* and rmpreea.
«« of Hu.aia taiweeti Peter 1 and Aleg.
aadrr II. f<mr bate Inx-n aaaaatlDaied.
----------------- --------!
Oe-etr Tta»d.
, A IWfUn aat, umaker taa perfected
, »\hanJam .apal.i* of mM.i,;floi and
| receding lb* l.i-KMh ran of a .ccoud,
' N\ The lairwaVt
\ .' 0
The iW"*' otgan In tbe w«r Id la la
heea'lbiMial of ffeville. ffpaiB. ft ha*
■.(v-elfht pipe* and tin tlopa.
: ' »• Wwwdev.
Fully 5.M0 peiMD* roBBli aule
Rua*;* r»cty year.
melee niih'wm*.
Ther* ar* fiW.OWI peopU eBpleyad^ '
Italy u^resriDg aflk-woraa

it .A-seortment'

140 Front Street

Traverse City, Mich

■ “i

The Encyclopedia Beitannica
The Pilot
knows just how t((-stoer a vessH to
I’riiti! it s;iftly ihroujth thi* sIukiIs
iiini out imo itx* i^pcii. Just so Hic
tiu Brit;imii( ;i is the one
aKsohiifly r. liaMi- puijf (or Itie
voy.iiii.' of Jiff, fliu* cannot go
wiotii; iJ Its ir.u hin;:s are foHowfiJ.
it Iclfsth^niisJiiki.' nion have made;
Imw- otIiiTsh:iveMKavJi*dandwhy.
An inti*t!ii!^t man gets (jood (foni
ihe fxpi'rn n('‘.*soi' oiIuts and st«rT\
dear of ihf rocks they ran a;?atn--i.
ThfVfjy presence of thefcocyclopa-dia Britannica in a ht^sc gives ilie place an inteUtstual toro.*.
A library of ihi»usand-. of vrduincs does nd offer such an opporliifiity for sucCes.sful home study and devetopnient as this mast( r*
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now you can secure ilie

Enqrclopaedia Britannica
For One Dollar Cash
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irty Volumes wiili a Guide andan elegant
Book Case, w ill be___________
t delivered when
tlu- first payment is made.
You will be surprised when you lea


p . , .
Madilfir Finish Houk Pwr. l4$o
First pavmmt. One Dollar III
lli-Qo) and Thrt«poUgrB($)«o}per
tDimth llxTealier. ,
No. P—Hal^Mor.Kco^arWed Edges, Extra Quality High .Machine Finish
Flm^^-mc^i. Two Dollars <|g«o) and Four DoUart (Mam) per



I have as good a load of





The King of Reference Works



tiu' wtiik I
For Ib Or pp.
4 'liie rbtm-b at Antiurti waa a eHt
ieuying ibuiob. I‘•.nle |aT.|d<> may j Th-ma<-Wbltefleld X Co .240 Wabaab .
Ibtiik It iiax-uolbing I" tni'.lnn*. H"W wvenn.-. mroer .l«rk~'i> *ltvel. I'tie ol
DilMakeU tli. v ar.1 tuev iwvB a pifl CblwaoV ol ieM anc rr«>»*_ ee< miner'
that luu.t latir t.i-in o!{r..vt >n. i ill,*•"• mm.-nd <'i.mWla.n ■
that II
their luiTt. '
''••f-, n/but
but..lM.countara. U any tandeor.
w.! What rhiir. li would V
" ib'iij
la grippe tl* rrauU In pneumonia
llM'lf (if aorb worloira a.llnwi '
W„..M Poraal" bv H. K Wait. druggUt

“U Ibla tbe Mr. Tappan *ho a year
ggo krti' a pnM;r hnu.e OB-tbe tVuud
«■ lawelewme » I.Kwr.
, HUl
di Clair.
WfaHi Ihe prime oiinl.ier of lli» Chi*
"The same. .11."
near emperor ha< a grudge agoin.l one
"And I. *11." pa.'.nM Ib* lawyer. (if Ibe noble* bi' adrue* hi* royal man. '
Wfraa tbe leader <>l lt.>| party of rloioug ler to pay tilni aBnoIougial yIkII. Tbia
, pwD who kuatamci. i I: lgh(ened yuiir (Uii geii.Tally^iedi* nilB for ilie
Bguibtrra. I aup,. im{ ihry told y»u of emtKTor tiavil* «lih a KVlntm of l«,.
IB* rlri'iiniatatK'v. '
Miti |u.-rM>n*.
"Well Vr T»pp'.B. fr,«i that day 1
Iwve Dot nvched ii...i>t.-.r(*Br drink I
would like tl
M o(_^b|"•ll tuv.
beetowrd ui"i
i.MiiiVlalled the way*
•t. a*lr (.«
' o| wliteb w*» that
fltd* Inn, the
tn taai tliBii
PDBgefreaa.'iiail l,i''-i,iiii‘ In. wife.
"My angel." be eo.|i. I i.»p>njt bw to
BM boMiu abea ...lie wai bie uwn.
•»g»rr can I »,it».,:ern;y thank b'«v-R
tor the pi<ivi>t-i,.r tkai led me within
rev aaviBg Jufluein e .B that dark hnur

Nothing Nicer

|F"arm Maries,

Heavy and Light


As ever came to TraversgTity, Mich.,
And I can sell tbem to you from $16.00 to
$45.00 loBB money than any other firin in the
city, for 1 buy them myself from the i^en that
raise them, and for that i;eason I can save you
the middleman's pi^flt>

You can see them at Geo. iCams’
Livery, Feed and Sale Bam—2nd
bam east of Park Place Hotel, and
buy them on your own terms.

Color^^MartM Edges. Extra Quality High Machine Finish
First Mvmetfl, 'nwee Doliat^ (!}«>> and Five Dollars (IjfiO) per
munlh liiereafter.
io'<k it grintcd by raying cash wMhio yo days after the

For ftither iiformatlon call on Nolleif t Coiaalile,

a%r Book StoiD. ageau for Nontan MiehiffM.

Wood nnd Cattle taken^ exchange.







Kba kMMl OD( flt Ite <wrlaca »!».
rtmfc <^iua An fm.
4om Md aaw ur *aa A(«r rlcM. and Ui rixaloar.
VPtei wM* f bleartia |
I M4 Alrwdf bMB il«ia(
«tM« Hfcrd
p^nrr »f bar bos wtn aiootV
ly U LosdOB tor ttrorol y«or«, »ad It
^ Mb* J/xAmI opal bla
B*« r/mrt lotw that t took up
'•iw. ■r>. "aalUlwand.Iowbf4o^ deflantly.
Vtplag <h*«H frau blibandobbio, 'T.. ibr CoiWd«tab» ”
. '| <ka
avdart-ra -An, aya, iflj MJy pa aafa ' Ha mlM. Ix«ki> tba tartoo («
tbowth 1 oayar sait up lay ho»» bara.
to li.««ha<)a jsplKiv. UiMti7,aaG«d ».!• h.x.
aootb* »«d cao» i
■pr-d yr •
tb. (tail, had -artixl
( ho», I croaacl (be ebionel tro-tiocirM/r.”»b*aal«la*liaerbl®brr
-Wa rr poiu."
Mary. “Hwry
hotel. For nearly a quarter of a w-obaud. "»U.laira't(bo»«,( o’ya iwo- abd »-r \twJby. or (bey'll abut ye Id •• k«*»lury I have never a aid elaewbere wh^
to*” ahe rallML
] -k.. ■uait«r.” be aonrernL 'T
on a vlali to Paiia
In apite ofdhia
The AiBtKm ttaater rsae abd gore f’Kaj* a til.'•
b«r a l-artiUff mgtu da« («rii <a ifcr<« j 1b>- iea:<l aa( apart fmn ibeBanasd toe proprietor oao on two ainerrni oc>'
town iwKmt. ibea tfaeatatiDdwaaWT'i aneaeied l»a abroiii. oiatitM iWm qoea- raalone to bear ihe aeverr iroa« riaml>
Vtfe. with a eiiBwl peer brr bead and tHaw m liraenlyaa a(ie n>igbt. Wby «m naUoii of an lo«t>crior of the 'aervica
bMing ber way thfiaipb (be poddiea jai>r emugy Ab, be kiM-w. There wa* no apecUl daa yamla" The Drat tine be
Lm <d all ewe a toau—(be yirl'a fa* ‘ need to aak. tt'by IumI rbe ne« (old bimt wanted to know why toy pamr aaa to
Iber, rjK r<«f4 aee—rnimiiis atiflly aad tbtbr iy«. Whai aaa tbe nee? All waa eonapicuoualy like (bat uf the aaa of
glamioff lark rd«ti a( tbr h<eae and OTer l.nt«« tlMrii.
(be pualmaalcr leeeral of the aeeond
cart aUMlit>(f(Al>ini(iu(*iileitie raw. j Tin- ioai> .^.-d her wxideringly. empire iM. AlbtH Vandal), tbe neat
”Un<dI/y, Mary, an (tnd la. wiih ye, , Oi.r. lie nyaaiid Ot< r? Did *be uui • Utue he waa aoilTlia to aacerialn If I
lie held bet hai«l fcraaie. ;kiK.wiie«a> nadyin naki< M opi-io waa a dUlani or near .onnerilon of
«bd <r (WO, aad bi» lit* kept ■uoriufE. do hw U«t? A.«e. yea, abe knew, atlll— ibe fbmoui Gen Vandamme alibnnih
Wblla ibe anawired bravely. ”Y.'U bull wi.a(? t( waa better ie su. *be la both caaea. he could aee for hlmaell
tmie fr«u Sew Vork' "
jeald, and look'd tearfallyuot at tbe fly- (bat iha oame on the raglater was
• •I ..II---- .
' apellcd quite diSemnliy from ikeira.
*‘D(1 Iba'i keep na.” taeawtd. (bea ' Vie,
Vie, li
It wwa lieiit-f to RO. I agr>«d
Tbe manaier. hot a Krenrbman.
•tend bark with iim- uibiTa aud 11110104 ,wi(b Mary. i(e wu a loot. firrayiaii)| pulnied (til* out to bii^addinc that a
at (be dnvinr rain. b)«- (rtilfad a baail- a gud f<« nod.ioiTV
'banrr. hbe man like io)><’ir «ae pnlbatjly rompefcatrfaiet <n«u a balirred brown baud- would !>■■’ uniJiiui/^by b-aviuu bitn. teni to Bpeil till own bame. and (hat
bag and Bewvtaaly wipial hi r li|«.
Tbm^(hi-n-. eidrus braidr her. waa If be, the lna|>ei'iof. wlabad ffor mure
‘‘Ah.” relbd abe. “yt s all (hirngbl tbe tniublf alamt whic h alie had apo- ample luforniailoa ba I'OBld apply
yea'd aw tua ciyia Ah, i Utxked yi« km. H)i< had itaue Iuuh< to aMiledown
either to tbe Korllrb tBbai) . an Bn|rigbily,"
,wi(b bihi. liui Uiinira had faeiti iroubh - llrb lauker on (be ilouiavArd dei Hal"Ah. nil.” wunrerM) tbeferter, “Wo w-tne. Ali. yiai,,one km-w it aJL He
fcw«ye'd be brave. ”
had Im u •■•} tiniuy aad laay: wanti'd leni Ulnrt detesred) or any of tb#
'’Ayu. aye.” aaantnd tbe rvat and tbinite «> >uru op; fill uo iiii liuailoN lo Bnsllab loricapuodenK In I'artlfSl all
pla.-ee I eas kuuwD.
ablftmg (heir bye- “Aye, oyn."
hurry into
■■■■•. uiamed m^. canw.
auiTH le: of^ whicb
Away ye fo!" dumbd (be guard, ivnild wan aWInle. nod if he. i|h-u
■ abowliiK tba
Tbe etirloe abrbbid. Mary ebuA out Mwy. bki tlial it bad lecii;
. and pmumahly lib >uper>
bw banaki-n-buf and called goodby; aiiybuw Mary had uot •■•tileil. Tluy
I'd u|HiD all iri>ilDK>ny aflectb(g (heniJ. waved ibrir .ariua r>be bad bad quam led. wid now the wa. h av• huni
Marted li* (lie L'lnted Ibatea.
mg hiui for Urur ir won*-. Mw waa
"Tiiey iiKHsght Td cry.” mid idte u. ; wiai-. ilad the man no tmw. UV Hail he j *"'’r»'«•>'lyr jaundiced vie*.,
abe aal Iwra nud fell (u pluekiug at (be iMitbiiiK for bi i Pin hard quietion. and i
le hiie in eiubaun-s and bankflngm of her wditen giini*. "Tbi-y pii).ng loulu? Mi.uni he liot. Uiuriihe' era. aud >illi Jr>a lu foreign i-urreapond*
• tbonghi rdcTT—4«h, no,” bhe wai weut, aay ««e kii d word to lbl» girl,” he aald- ' Tbr mnil abady jien.
knave, yet her ll|ai w«-ye qniTerlUll, aud wlmliad (iu«ti^l lu hlawnrd and (nan- j Ple hate, ae a rule, Ibe lo-at credrnbteeyi. i -ii luimel miiunifnllyoii liio iMaal. iilid. ttm.iiiK thi in ualililip, wn« ! Ilal> ‘
'I be latter aeiiteme waa, no
_flt ,ila M » i iiipi a ai'O <b<- mUiigea, tiero , now ii avn'ip biiu loii’M i? iJid llii-io nut dnuhl. Iiaaed ti|H>n cvrialu ■ bough hy no
and linvf elilniiig whit.- tlitough lia- amue goldi-n meiuory huger bUhiI hia . niean» .oneluaice eapcni'io r arrlt rd at
grqy drift uf ilw rain. "We ll Maai U- ili.vrii Serf «ii.-.
Ji.. wiaai.-u lu tlie ‘ by tbe bighei louetiuuanea of the pra« M.” altaaairt pr.-iiil.v. "Ab. t.«1. He would ell im, lapping fmure of |
It bad been re(be day ii i., Au il.e .tan- l‘,i.
|..,| a, d a( hi. I.ig fr.r-kl.-d heanwd. iwrbap.. niaoy a lime and oft,
la-bl' Che .1.1 pidaiid wrung tlie wa- lo.n.h-. neiibi r hJtl i:..r ...rr), l«i ju.i ■ tor ibe iiiaj..i ior-. beoellt, Inaimiic b aa
........................... ’rtriqigh.l ei.n. “An n.e ; wuiio i.og lluita girl .v«im.. .uch
,„d ,„.,on.e a atereolyiwd pbra.e
'“'L 1*":
►*>'U aial.wiiba *i,hnearly etwry one of the io-ivnd
Bol I d.dn I err. .In-eanl ami Wa.l,«l t«-d a.i.l a llahly .hi.Le (d the hand. lu. and third rale nea.,«pe,a Tbe Inbrr Uaik eyi«
would laki hinuell uui luioilu- rain, ij.nrirf, Iliuiixb. *a» too *tui>ld lo InWhiehl! (ke'n- gilliu
And nddaii..-.
pr,.p„.iil„u to bitu.elf, bcnix.
tbeiv il la Tlii-ti' tlu-y ail-, ilraalliy,
H.I. tram eh will. Mai?'a lipa ta-gan m hi. mind, tbe ........... p.ovi.lcd aiih
>. I'ufw'y an Jidinuy au (nquitiu. ihi tiujii.ii^.d Iga,|„,. . jj,,.
Laaue. ( <.<il y. all. ”
cl lu niy h g^ Ml Ihal (he lillow uiiglit . .Kadr
1 etiial U}s aiHl over iur Iml raligiit lau>WlilMU.I t. m h»ng n.e. He rain.l
• glloip'r i4 flo giuop gulla ml uli Ihii blaheail uOil h.iA-U out 1.1 Il.e >ky,
i '
_ VIelue ta Vleaa.
atm I I lioni.-o,other in
•Ah. I niuy ue w.-il gwaii lo Hie' Jt »;:# from ITTIl lo lltiS-eaactly
ber iiluhli a)
lui.r. haio leggcl. Ijoui lliai. ’ iai ilriiW 1. il. "Jl'll h.-all ll.,- JOO tea., ago lb»i Jelllie. pur,
all waving Ih
amliuiaiiuiiliiy- >aoie. o... .-oul.l doi^lnn ►la.-bailay ' i:,vr.i.K..ii..i,. a- lotba lino.ui.ii> from
mg then fax
who bud bi-eu attTimally. ’ ith-o Maty limk.tbiuagb — Via.” auld Mury. uot .-bivcl.-ualy.
wlib .t.»|ioa,
tbe lain, -la-l., gM<il.y.“
‘ Bon-ye loa.v u> v< ii.
Vaicluailoii i. i-umiiutaury througbThai wu« 1l«-l.ti .d'Iheiu idle would ' We

• In.lail rhe»Bflol>r..Kl.c. out Kuiope. It la ii.-l i.ailiiimllj le•ee, abe eulil, oaehe autdow ii ngutii—the dg. u>|l lliire
■ Mary, Ul. It • gulrnl In the I'niicd Siui.
Ua(, till (hi la«it kinw whin. MK-waa'wo. ^-1 ih^n
VArloua al-i'e- havn orduli-e.l 11 1,« loe,<l
figlln- »‘M(.d .-.lulie: w kcl •oiiie <m-. ' JaUie. i l.e I.,,
X- uml i I'
Se.iber la It i-ompiiliiuiy iii
Ah, •hi waa; alx i-uii.a g. t v.tak llnre; wmk i,i n wn.
Canada or Nc« (loulb Wall-, but 11 i*
ahe riail<lih.i>..lh».g a| ne.m- cure. II [ 1
all.iwuxl 1 nn
in Vieiorl.i. weatarB .Ai-airalia and
wa*. Hrc. I to go y,an h. U a luiu.n tdi m ||,, ,»,u .t.ipi mevt-,
tb'iu all Ab, >o. ehr'd lain ..-alia.. aoT,,,.*. .burt l.t
lu loiiuauy v.i.-vliiaiioii la airlcily
fiati anil hud imieh . lOH lIle. hut JJuiv l.-,.L.4upiU.a lolialed.
cntoiii'd.. ill ICr.iuie 1 ery. liHiml.t. la
—but. and bi te tbi> bundiiii-bn t Wirul
Genu,my oBjy 11'. |.er-.’i;-. ilh- of .mai:faal hi h.r I.,-—will, ihiuy. had tun;v.ll..u.i i
Ui.v Ri.iiHally. n> K- -lee M.ivai
cl out llold-hr-uuV Me'll i!*> U-llir i-lil
In .Voi way and Sweiieu und Deiini >1 k
tb.#e- II,.X Win 1... at hioue. ijH-mrt v
aiid hei O.I4III r wa*|aaiilt. Ah. aiiuiure y. u'l.- «.i
bi-i-i-:iiii — Bill I • taiMiiuiiuu in enl(iVii‘il
•I be ncirried a
tiuiiw Will-ah-.Ling I.Mj.
Ink. d ul
■eueb pinJuilna th.-iv
•Aye. a}., ' H.emih wi-ni tnelmrua, fl,„!..u,.o.f oi.ipo
.......y wot.Hoy wur." ‘I....... h.A.i; »,4;
ij,. ►im,
• Inalioli.,* Wllluint tb>>
tuMirnlully ai h, r 1..1 i JneU, uml (xni
‘-Ah. via,” M»it
iaim..t\,.rrt,n.n ibeVe.e
ntiel.>H>...||,.r juaMtl |h. w.i.iuhiit •»-« «.),.,-a hi.' iia-. j
k'l.l.f, I.
Waa a hiuve girl. M. ihi- wa^_a brute p,„,.
up ” I u.y the p.iriiui- ni,'«r}iiii:
gnl. ai.rl Cod .jaad her. auiil th.y aa wul.l. .h-vt\ i.i. fc
o n.y |a*-k>t and
une b) lUie. Ibiy WV l-i l-OI r.u....,ty ul |,.iia..L -J...:.-. ha
•irui.'il iiH', 'rin- faei. 1,-ive 111.1 'akon llivlr vsr i iiiaii.m
Satun aUtllKn ami Wfl Mi-iy aud hie
• tell. ■•.Ill w. le lerufl.iiii'i wuh ibcn.. - Ilui wiih-ni
.1. loft.1 nail
nil liaiii'l line-.
them <nc> ..1111-0* he niBiri-'-l.
It w aa a fair cluy ml Nav an. Ha refi-re
1 le-‘il ll.t la
•a pu.ewi'.be only aoluiioo of ibe JilBeolly i» f..r
>ikl’uw^ »ur. 1 lu llirni 10 (H- ta*. i;..ii. .1 aRBlti. auil
a ha.g
tx.l e<aiy, liiT ue-iuiili Waa eon at Cut- aeuiallydticilihcii he. i ; a blood tor love
”‘li.i-gnuid na1-l» > giair lom-H- __ __
of one Btiouier a ihvug illiHe o-o-u
fair,” aal-l Mai.t. F«)cl i lauthi-l.etuu.p
'lt -.i i-w ll:> ir «11 I u«Ili--ea J- I,
than doi-e.
cl' vig--r,,i..l,1 it-T it ................. .
hut I'.’-e ti ,1 mi .-v kee'.n . Ml
(I- iniiiege fhau,'ti ip-d Ibe vukmiW nrk--l j|-n-l r■ 1:1 ■ M.1I4; p. jnu)..
and l..-k-iluol.
‘j?>d(.'m-i-.r v«. i-leaify; Ail. be d
la ui the .tjiilur i-ank id (lie rui!- »mi 1-^jibauJugh^ H. !•., but.
Way. ul.-ng
hmh w ,.alb wh.,l. |,ad
„y. ,w.,yit .-n- ,v«:.d
iH- ;li. Coix !♦»lull«l l.i.-n.l Ibi gi ni« e.Ui.Wlmv Wa.l l.ll »( •-n--- “l-.i'Ml.c UIli
oRiItCHdid II BUM-l 'li.-- ll.>M,VB.ic:,,iii-g a l.irh. ai:.«n«. wi'.i.>.».r*...u—.' .u..l I,
po;,. .md
lii.ciMlui. .J Mk iw.^
Ui. 1.1-. to. i.|»ru..T eai|..i,a.-. *eil
well a,
BK bam*.
baui >. Wi'ni-.e and jl.eomauo a J.-Ibl. i.Miib-fcaa.Ml ...b J-...
,- -mr v,.l Jh- e.iBtip-1.,- ,u,n }| ;• a n.ll
cv I. T lo a»
u Ward CauvUBiB.
|.U|..h of Wll.1 Ib wv.. l,y .all,. Hi.
Mix- il-k .......... .^ut U - In i.-vii.
p,„-jo good a
.tetaiuiug «vlt-u. Hun-11. n-i-utu- t,,i.' ITr> u-i«». i- At-:1 < ad I'lot m. 1. e viw.-e'ul
ir*. mr KiiywtCii ik uhl lUe r-v auy ►. nt-:»o il-at dciua. 1 im\-»i.-«
' - 1 k.-puui
.ign..lM4ir.w lifini-.iy, Hi, r,u„., ,„|j
i,.,., .\i„„
MlUlaaaUw Ili-tauH.
)-M m r.«
, J.UiM.I,’.'
cii.d.'w.n i.iH U..U With H.,,r cr- f.r h r l.iri. , an.i fcxt Jame- ___
ifx' i.*!., .kMik-l.. a iPi-(,. ui- I! i.r b-it1'
t De-.iu-huhle. ol, the
aWtUg. all.! Ill- .-.flaenm. a b-h t..i, ■ , y. i,; Aiuiy.” J *,.k..l.-“aM viw ‘ e.-riitru be - h- -'i ,r .-('•lav
aiiut (bi- ibui . .polliiV Ilxir mil I. It .JUII, aan-d* -.i "
which he dwell... ab> l off fnnii s'l
Wc- are Imyint.- in larjic tiunntilie.-. an.) pay hiuliept prices.
bala fn-ui lji-If
tu. |i■JH.I IlMir
!iKid ’lelag bioiivbJ to bUn
Hi.ii ki-c luimnifuliy
kauiliir U'Liii
•All. lb.*.
kfaa'Kani- Ue li a aill-kuoWB mil.
uru* tur Waul Nli, '.*
aixl III tbnr vrioiXii uuly
1 iii'k iu I ilitii q viirp ant liaiybl lii-r lluualfa of Havla. idni.-trd wl(b Ibe
a iadlli. lu (i.aki' (bp mm., a li;ilr wiiut'.i.g gHi->a>ii(.T bxi*b, Biania tbat tomr iftv luirml* to txilsoo
aiid 1 Wa* n-t liuiVit!/ walrtiiiig ]<-r It, ►luii.I Ilk. 1 luin-atid M'lwithgXiu bin.
wb.n i.gbl ul u.y i luiw tl-rvi. itw a Uiim-i- -lb- Il wxl”it tbi lu III! II- bu|.|
’.Vc alao bavi- for >ali- lauua for irntU faiuu.
.glial ai-blHI
...........l.ajBiilni Hh-5-w.old liBi
• -blHUg.
U.>» Ib-iii

Heef f. piTPT.t
Hblneae taI. awl” rritd kiaiy. '•DiilyuMi-, aiHi wviil uivt.av
lul ,a wi> (h-li. WlraTa «» to !»•
al ’
nki'O ai’.d .iow* lajiablv of working
inm b.-i.i* aftrtwaxl iw
.-an.-ai-rua for Wan: K.i .twi
I'Bl.ll . u
belug ar.oumad too valuKT
a iiav 1.1 M burym. ax.Ki.Miu
fe).-m, a: ilii-rrWiM
Ibr eaXia-li l.ulUluf. Ko («• V
ablr to I hi- furiuer in ti- nuDaisnad
II lai I i ibi wil—ihu w-t au urn’Mai-. HBU-.-iig l-« iHrl..,,.
« Woc<la> vi«4.ll(. rvl-. CU. ■•(U. alB
' '
-« l« Btlrl-]
.tri-u Ibr Kr- i
■will.. Aw.
A' rivaiux ! Aw.muih' Si ? t-j,.-li-o,r *vi. Mar»I lo-kiA Ibe I.irtihvr Vary aoierv iwDBlilea i _ ________
D K-l-rkvId
bald Ob rl.
BUarheii 10 till- BlaiigUler of tbma anl- ■J;»*b''aBr.
>T. luUHllf.
Ullu..!. lldli ! ni lilthaUlliMvblil IJull,xdl.OJ.
i»Biv ,v. Bg uu umfuiliir. u. v iB.iiii l .
-N.,l_w«. J.i-kiu (c? wl 1 mala, rbv puBlihmvui (or the drat of-:
<- H HOHN.
Aw. 111.. . I
I avi- irM lI Kclimk.
u.;,. ,a i,»fk Hu«. " and (ciiac being leu auuk«« «;ib m-bamP.C.IilUlUtT.
nu-u I*.a! ’
'all li\d - .1 il.i bx.'b. "nitui.r boo.
Jiir ai-ia v-nt- luiilul. lauti-rrta U-- Wial li.\(lil., If* iillivt. l—l'togw
gau (u
nuxd ibu di.v, li waa : m . iitoiVbib. (Ui. \
t grpul.liraBrai.vU' (i>r Ward Na.( will hr |
-i l-r» «• ur l-x-v.-lr
itiflammable • ''all- W t-auSw* p-ialcwarvb.iu—■ f
; 1 : .A^''«e“p-*'r«'>'I.«.»brXc..lM.mrai|„d;.„,..p.,.x-v.-.raB,IhaiVh,....|»
Wily a 1-1. g.rl g, .,4. i,. Au iri.a, l' ' ll\>BBV\-' I u-l.VTUIK-d l-im-luat
hull Hvuday .xra>i-a.»vb
an, ^ ^ ter ‘immplea of Kn^riii
vijUaivu liiy wiaildylty bii. i waa
»h* wuidixa ahouW
-a u rim « drirgaira lo allrad ibr H— j f eidrr WhaaU BuUc To Onmr.
FMro«atyr«b>retloa1o brWrM Frl-. 21. |
«»m \>b, Hu, woidit, aaid iImt, and binuij )ui p'uig.
W.Dt. allluLnii.
«,ul«nu4 111- I 'Ab.
ahi-BiJIed. ‘ Twai ra|* ted hydrogrn <rHS.>.‘ The )ii«i of a
J rrixiiii'H.
itiln glaai tube nmialDiiig hoiiing «a-:
low. I'll I...I m i.upi, ,v„4. a-buoauM. : |<W-)**. Mi-biaif wwia
« WIW-ter U qiair lufllrletll to tgnlir tbli gai.'
liirwalo ai. , u k..i ii.i I,-at! Ki rwlial? ,| Hutu
a>l. bi. iU *<*) ___,1
ltd m1 - ndbtt aa
Ab. br kr.. \
In. w««l J.i*ratoB-laJike(W. (kb. IXw’iiu't
0orarlrwa Wall Waauaa.
(.lie Mill laid a «ml. rtt Mary'a
pla like an OPEN BOOK, aad la
Hui'iwa. b-ii-h av tw. ii'a
Molor aagoe* for dvlu-ring idbIIb bJkT.V.’iVbiataVrri^riTii
1. IX t U'f u.. X- gi
Daaauf pwiple ‘bat viiit ber daUv.
.iir aMd.
•ni gojI I dak Hi'- i -.-i-li. tmiiMl il on lirr afr (lie lair.! thltig lo England, and are
Tberefore all plroaa aae her aa early on
Mtur. j'll.eiu Udi,. I '
l}ai-k. 1 and *)*Ai- a
wwxi <e two
peoaible du-lsg tbeone or-two weeba
"Wlibi ailaji. MaiT.otall! aald ba it-y wdj ■ I ii’ititL.ii. m..-, Ibipi'd. mem .ta to Iw riiotlBued ou a large acale'
am Le Lamar.
!lb^a'’AirahiiD« hrre for
ggdai.l«k l-ll aMuh.
twiih ID kaauIoD and la Um proTlaelal
After 7 werka ofeaHafaetoryboaineto j of all. aa abe 'a rrqurated.
j W-tii 11 Uf luy aukr. ll II-1 to:—
“Ab. (-UU A u.«gi,iy,'
to all, many people have reqocated tbr not poxipane her
-Bgrmenta with
Clfed. al.rt In t ii«j.
MADAM to rauad ber aiay one or another
her city loneer..................
... .bnve
yui? onl.t l«.'i aiuiidy. 1 r I II • ll bun Bit Ik
a viMoa CMiam.
n Traverve City for - removrd to
ffr'Nit tTMt I _
WtoMV an- pr gouil
mia yv! l>b. .c'
No wmrrtro amii la Vlrnaa la alioer.
many in mad out of Swong'a Moaic Store, naar StMaberTa
Mw tuiwd and iuAiililuwlithe |>lat- «d to go up In a btUeoa vUbout the
n>. lo » a ^
Oaanw aal dowa luaviiy and to«w t(*{n. Tbmt tol Janxw. drwik. aod
(onbal couem of bW vtfa ^ ebUfniraofUfe PAST. FKESENT and FPFP-iThia
Thia ad anpeaia
anpeem every aii»r
^ to
bookiM bu bootwltb bu aiick. Ata.
V. fiailuA in bpeakaa.
TUBE erblch abe read# (be life of peo- ‘j “—‘—
^ -^
Morning «»-------Reeord wbllcbeM.

PleaBlng to the eye and perfect pictures are the many new
spring goods daily arriving In every department of the Boston
Store. Commencing in our Dress Goods department we would
like to call your attention to those


Elegance, qua'ity and moderation in price combined, from
60e to $1.06 -In Taffetas. Francais Fancies. Duchesse Batin. Sat­
in Fancies. Liberty Satins and Corded Broebes. and latest swell
novelties in Madras and Pique Ladies Shirt Waists-Choice and
new designs at popular prices.
For the gentlemen we have just received a new spring Une
oi tbe guaranteed and popular

“Roswelle” Hats

Which (or $2.00 excels anything sold anywhere for $400 —
Seethem-In all the latest shades. We also handle the gen*
nine “John B. Stetson" Hats in all the latest styles and shades,
at special prices
The long expected Sweet, Orr & Co. popular

Union Made Never Rip
Pants and Overalls

Are here - These goods are absolutely guaranteed and posi­
tively replaced with a new pair, if not satisfactory in every particulai^ ranging in from 89c, $1,36, $1.60, $2.00 to $3.60.


Yet another new department has been added to our al­
ready well stocked palace of bargains. We invite your inspecr
tion to a i>erfect panorania of elegant, ntw and novel designs in
spring pattrriiv of V/a’l Paper. As on everything else this de­
partment will bi com«^ prpnlar by its low prices, compared with
quality, li you have a parlor, bedroom rr sitting room to paper
tor spring it will pay you to see us before purchasing.


The new TRT-ON-FA SHOE is attractitig general attentioii.
Tbe new one^s are-models of oxcellAnce. style aud workmanship,
at the very mod-rate price of $2.50, well worth $4 OU.


Front Street



We also sell Sound HBiulock.lumlier, Maple Floorinj
and Shoit Maple Woud.


•O- H. E. O-XBJBS -W-



phe Practical Bicycle Bnilder and RepirerJ






4oc« WaibiBRna troM tbe rwk of rolo.WASHINOTON-S CARCEH AS AN CNO*


v** * **g*”*T?^

««•> to capBin. OMfti.
aod. bU AvwuuvtkMfvvo
MoonnocM ‘!
l>*. After
D<4 bora looc there rrben be nee eolic-

^ a

r*m. bemisafdftuwtbeMrT.




itort bir Gorcroor bbetpe of ifairteod.
irbM «« Ht e MM baum tm m mam mi pwf.
wMi riM end erMi OMm

jr,': D«.SPiiiiiETg'aa,'tta7a

■% ere faund'ttwrr and haw
s e< Wkerfy predeue and d
And or bwy w« wc w iht te kne ^
AS te tefim VI cute w

ctumUt ew«y,

VhM M«M «K fMin ter end
teioete «d brew
Aiy^«edlrffa|lii^lkwrf« «M>od w ere pwa

Critiib teeea. tomaowblefonoer mil
iiary nak, bat aoder ruodition. abicfa
be toald 8ol rtvGDcila witb b>» mU re■{lect. In deeJirias (be inTluiloD br

rCo:>vrj)rt>l. ItW l » th<- author 1
VatbiDgtaa «a< by loitiBct a eoldier.
. !U wai iieace«d<-<l froiu a fanlly of sen

DBSy <d


i Uad.


It i. uot tbro etraase tbat at ao

'early ace b<

atlaci. of a sapenot enemy, and tbat ;1
bare bad tbe tbaaka of my coanuy (or
tbe eertu'va 1 bare nador^

ilitarr lifr.
alwi aided by

At oaeo. to •naiiiel. clean, repnlr
pat In propw ebape. Thla ia tba
____ [fromEocland «ith two r«s>n>eotr at
only »lae« ia the elty where yon can
. 0 boy a
-liac properly done.
r. by tbe wet. betas ae.t<» of Ibo rtsulari. .o apT^iuiment an fat. *aB i gtx roar
• ‘ itriped mad i--------r^,i.h .nd h.. f..hkf. »»»
W..btoRtoo. wblch be;
Band p<dWied.
Ke «d 8^ !.L e^^
takuts .am«ep be .Minted- All work pr
LritatB and 8p.ia were easased in
faKUiiat..! by tbe cir«oa |lydt

•.■mm vmt' ■.

war. aud\irKinia entered wtib ardor

and eicitemen. of war. aad be I

Into the lopiwt. Tbe timpliiuc unaic
of tbe file and drum waa mt-bued freen

««,f„te ao aotiety to atudy nraietty. |
tacure and llw art of tuovinc ariuiea

town and villase to tb>- Mattered ham- ‘ under an apprrted ma.ter.

tew ■

»>r «uiite end Win teny._ ru
ttereh iw te mm te( bt ijCsfyt Iwnpl
Thty^ be green with Lnvr'e try tei late ow ewayi^^ Vhoor lew bgMi te gr*ea <d te biB md te atwapl
nieuCb te hwMcfatea mM end PHteUe on morf^^\'Ok
Oh. whet il hia heednuerten iell in deeeyHa aanc RMnotic floete awert «trou^ te door,

re deyTdl we bnew in our teem cf lljr Ficbt tor te.^Bte
wiwn he be. e hceteuntre - t ''~JT jH «i
Tb« WiAniu ilqa ta Ak bou« b . r^.' )
That m builded by U«c m Amcnce t h^




let., and tbe Old Doiuiuigo’. soola of
meu w»« wt-u ftrralt.d aad di.patcbM)
tu the Mat of war la Ibe We.t ladk-a
Tbeaiwid of Ibe l...v wa« tipder to
Hi. tD>auiaaiu» tex.ioe
; Bred wiih Uiiliciy aidur. aad .wui be
' trau.fiiraied tin aetiool playsrcaud tuto
lawevetif mimic UKl... Tbv K-booJclanltieit a. EDKli.b and- '

lidtrlE sin Shop,

Kawiliar with tbe daucen and dill-------cnlttw th.y weald enooBnier. Wa.httt*- j
«ua save tieoeral Braddock macb pm-1
dent eonaiwl l>elota be eel oat on bill
dt>«.troa.ezpeduion aadafterward. aud |
bad it b. .u followed Ibe re.o>i misbi [
bate b*-en very diffpn-iti. Niswiibnanding a vi.ileut atraok -td lewr lie wee ^
with (ieaeral Ur.ildork nn tb«'bloody •

John R. Santo,
Geoeral lasiiUM.





fueaeretaoa Will Be i-eid •« Oka of ItaltinHire. Mr. Fraiik Mounie of ayeiy wdiiiou and cbild la Ibe I'niied
■ Aaal.enwrr >r HI. Blrtfc.
, New Orleali. and Mr. ttnifiKe J, 8atU- ! .SUtea Ibao Uggift. from a few weallbT
. IK
l>o*« of Ctoti B«»io«|)re»idBnU. Thirty- Iwmlributnrt. Nu ufforiug a. too naall."
n ..torui. isr- i.v u.. Author.)
olBrored wiih rl eb. St. ISnu. ba. tarn apr< iat«d tor
Oniher. 14. lupk. Ibe <aiH baadredib
ueu. «li'iw- dm* il i. h) orgaaiM t fho aatinu'a ofTeriug lUy, wfai a it it


Meaer and of warit
ad t.i eulha.iBM
eagagad tu ctaam
bi nirfiforth. wh.
fight., parud.*,
aad other wal
fnatoree, at whn b George elway
Hin a 111 neb <if Ibe ciUe*. tiuch , Imped tbul every utie wbo ba. lirDefilad wmiiuard«-d. i xvupied every epar* ma­
a B< Mrik Culvlii S. hriee for j by Hie pablio acbuui .yitemwill taak* meut of Iba b ny;.

George WndiingtcHi'.

daalb. the «iio.t.lau« of ibo greet ua

«!<«•} BDlvereiiv ba de-lsurd to aaub- I Ohio. Mr>. Wa.IiinctoQ A. Kotblitig for
lUbwid the .he of WbM b i a ytmided New Jetaj. Mre. William T. Oartit
rill be
»’• ua.tIvauia and Mr.- William
In bit la.|0e>l to Ibe i.'opJe will
Hued for Maryland have U-eu ablu lieu
. by tbe wnim-u of /
leiiBUtx TLe palriotio an ietir., educeTbeGeiiigo Wat
tioaal Bu-.latiou. .ad women'e club.
arlolioiluire to larfrol thi. sift a. au
MkUowl<4>;iueul ol Hilt iiaUiiu'. debt »i
bwtarloibi'raihcrof HUriitmlry. Tbe

a blribday gift to tbe liuildiiig food.
When George WanLinge.m wa. abnat
Tb« adviaory ooonri! Inelod..; Dr.
U year, of ake. fair hruiiny Lawn-u.-e,
| Jobu aark lUdirntb. Iiii-iorlaii. Moeioa: til.wrviajt la him
|Dr. David hi.rr Jnrdau. prnddeut of perami-ui ro «-(mg> utal to bta owr proI Ibeho.v'.uinlher tbat be.buuld
UlaiiU FUaford. Jr., uuivrnuly ; Oilo
rater Ibu aavy, a. it offered al that 1
| nrl W. H. Amuu., din-cTor <if cl.
gn-aler cliiucea of ptefriuu-ut.
tlirougliout lhi> rouniry have G-en up-| lu Aiui ncan .*m-1i.u>I. For Amt-r.
.bitiglou relmlaatly aud afl.t great f
peute to. Tin New Yirfk aud NewJor- ,aUluUi of t’ivu>; .Mr. l’bel« A. lieal.C.
p. r.uariiio gave her rnuwnl to Ihl. pro-I
regitni of Califoruia uaiverMl.v; Wra
falvib A fitice, tro.ieo of tbe Weatern ji. «.l, and ■ luid.hlpuiao’a warrant wa. '
rolliKo. OLio.
TLf |iluu. provide for aa aduiiuiritatioil Luildiag ill tbr form of a*i;r<viiiu
temple. Wilb large auditoriutu and li«-

-nanjanitiim Wiiii a t''mi.i
Man. made op of i.roiiuueui
ItiaUir. aad rdixulorHuu. MilxiHe W. Ku

tore roouin. Tbo gnal ia alti a'ly well iu
•iglH. and with tLi. uocleu.eaUTrd tbe
miivtriuiy propir may Ut look-d for at
l^u di.UUI <Ute. Alivudy private umII
vidoal.aud Nu ieliet .taud pUdgeil to
Ibu Memorial auucialionfnrtlie rtidirw

sf Ibe HtJitnl yitaie..
T' ell doign i. In iHia a mriDUtial
balfdliik wLi.L .hull i- m.d a. tb« ad
winikUuiioii ImUdiugof the uiHv<r.1iy
'•ad In luiM- It hy the |.i|Ullut »uhutl|i
flog of the wmoi-a ami tbilduu <d tbe

ba. tni>. ao oaroliimut of Uioi

Wa.blaan«a aud the Juiuel Maw
one of me luo.l iulm-tiug h<
that Wimhiiiklou made bi.licadiiua----------i. the old Jiinicl nisu.i'iu in New York
city. In ihi. hulldiug tbe illa.triou.
J'ntbet uf Ui.i 'ouniry wa. an actor Uiib
ctiormou* b^y Ilf woiueu. Lave
ia love and war
He .p<-ut niucli of
rolled a. ••pii-ueer pro-.
hi. time there, uud It l.tnid laid Hie
> of Uuurgu Wa.biugtun'. will
jilau.^uf many of bis buttle, iu iLu
couucil t'sim at tbe end uf tbe faalL
Air. J. Ueadiire (idvll <-f tbe Holel
Thu buoue wa* built for Miry Pbilli)
d later

tnnHy (<-1 advain-nl wirk.
WaiblUK••Wl’A eeulrui idea that iOrU uu toetitaSluD would luake loi gix.l rUiaeu.bip
Md 111 II. hikhn-t .eOMiu
plaluly.l..WUIBHu-i.rm. of bl. bejCnwt. birefeptuthiceil.
IP.I e> 11 U. .!«.». l-eu a—eoe .f
>..U!hor Hit —
Calml e-'i- -'■« 1..1. .. HOie.u-nu>'.

e time.

"" •’"D h.bii.'«d !
...................... .ud «n.v..»M. v. G.I i-niMlit.* I ‘


"all ike '
***" *'*
I a y.wr. - vhile the general wa. medilatiug u|mu
-----------.iroke of )«.liiv in Ibe little oounLoau ” of pa- i
ell room. fCO ludlaii. vi«iu<i
i.iud anil
faiiii tu.r

_________ 1,. ...I, i..«» lb.

« 1.1

el tbini
gae]u<llc-«. ■- III
wuukl ft uu»M — —................— — — .



O P. CARVER. Acunt

Chicago— —
West Michigan.

bia fi'IInw Bid-de-mioii, Colr-nel Oeme,
te.tibcd. "wiib tbe gre:it-.t <iinrage
aud reeulotiou." He wbh al-o witL bim
8,,^ it fell
I, , .traiijie coiucid. n.v to read
,b.. ,..rvirw4«f llie rtttid at the horial of

uoik’ottvura.__ ‘k.

t,i, a.-ad coniiuaud. r at t-icil Meadows j
«f Lie
y.-ar L. toro, ile
oltUvr llmt wuai lotkillodordiaaLlodr*
tbe i-rikaguiucul.
A fnrro of S.UGO
rwiaed by tbe Virgin

ZI ."‘’.'il.

'" SsaiSl:



I TW. I ao ....
I 10 II,!' «te .
a tn
. .
I' tw II » .......



.. unnK ud metsusmi e.e

led Blalea

t. luteou.
vat»iiT. w III! b .Lull .i t a .umiard and
(awrpi-'ti ll.e nluiaiioual |>i.n of iLe
eooniiy l > .dtning um kampled oppew-


Ever Burned CMt
If ao yon know

i| ■ ; isK

ladder • ( .iiMer. t irgaanu -Ue'. tbaii a
year ago witu . ni. ii.Ui.bip «f Th.


iMaiai-d for the yoiilh
He lUgnk-'-d
juthe Wl
with .piril auil
1.1. de;iailury. an.I it ;
of preiwtHliun f
lukvage war ai-lualiy ;
t. ntsled liu.1 L
-wur am-boTf'l to tbe ’
on Geud a oiiiii
h-' la.l uoumnt Li.;
rivor wLiii at


r.B :..a r u.'Aja,
h I. pi rbap. idle to
ii.ouier teleoied
might or iiiikht nid .
i-ouy rluri
be fltlled; .
i.-i''U.eorgo WarblUgloU ,
Have h-jpjiin.a
V.I tho l.tiliM
ttovirtiir Shirley in Ho.toii and ai lth d]
luicit of chuita aud M bulutahtjui. Tbe
will! Lilli, as n.uimaod.r in chief of Uie{
niuuitulil rwoorte* of Ibe rapilal. li- done ..1 be w uld uev.
liriii.b Jorres. a yeaetmo. queetiui of,*' gl^vJZ,
j-n-eedelice U(W'-cii iLo
l•rarie*. inuMiouia end wu-utitlc oolhc- ku'-wn a. the "rniLi r ol Hi. I’i'iiiilry.
Alin pa-.iirg 1 mil- *<ur«a.a»urv.yi
tiiaia. will lie ibrowai>p<-u toihe >tu
i-r. and ibow app'doled ty tbe crown. I At Elk
i.hiugt'iii, wUrii but If yv»ri- of ,ag< ^ •ponbi. t.icrn M Li. poet be
riiuta. Burt tbnfulin-work of tbe nun
he de*ou-d \\
TTar«f». Plw ait^B
liibd adjvlaiit giniral wilb . biniM-If
rialiim will be toward uu i-adowuiAiii wua apiAiiid
r tbe iwoteclion J ESBOI. A.«Bl.Tru.«rM
to lu.pei-t a< ’
laud for Ihe miiviy.ii.v. wbii'b will Ibo rank of ma.
till-froiilier. aiel 0:1 tba ^ML of No- o n. OB nATKtI. n.ser.l Pv-WT VcMO
ycniU r. I
Wasluupioa wii. privi-1
Muik! eboio nil the collik-v.of tlM-i-nDo' ciM tbo militij
N divided IU
lcge.1 lo plant the i’.mi.b flag ni«»o tbe j
* *.____
Irr—a wrstby uioiiutu- ni eii-l a nation’, mit> wbJih \ irgiuiu '
kcbu. ul. and
FiHiiA li. DkZouoi
I wilb wiiK'b Ibu

Ited- To t.iihj-a« thi. j.roj.. t a fund of
•lbU,bl«> will i<* uun-Mirr. hut tba
ilowgv Wkebtakl'Xi Mouiutial amviaDmihB.«tr*l> |il.<«.i il« fniKoJlbe

Tbe I iiitiealy of IL


held uf lb. Alot


lie Union etrte


i youiiS \Va>bii<i:tiii xu-l tbe I
I U>y uatued William Stabblr
due* a.'l relate wbtt'ii p-irlr wun Ibe |
' grraie.t number of tivtorie.. hot it may I

abibltof be r.fely a.tuui.d tbat Geoise Wa>h
award, f^lbt
14. IMVT, an urKaalwtiao
BtiOO war
wi effected , coluuial rcliciI iito tbe gltt^-tut at build- iuxtou'. gau>«<l a (air tete <J the lau^be wa. rela
with 7Unieurta«a Mr.. KlobardioD wm , iog. AttbeAtlaun
TO EST..USH . N.T,0.«
' irP-W A~'.
Ite Her
11.. I
Wheu tleorce waa il year, cif age.
a i-aparn^
La.' wou inauy memlieta bie elder brollier La<nr> in>>. wbe had
' Mallory tdUrtpklyti.Mra Frank Kartb- leliNO'dn'a U.
Mr.. H. A. t l.i. |••Our de-ire i« nr.t and ftiremial »o been a.capuin to the Virginia twiuliiai
1' of N
to lUe war, reluiu«>i borne. Tbe
...___ •« «n» Head at tbe Baler- Ixwue uf Virginia. Mr. NelMO A. killer i touke tbe iiiemurial ualiuual. ”.Ln aayr.
iloritw lie told 111. Touug timber ut ilia
nrtaa ••t emalete HU »maeei-Tbe ' of WarhloiTloa. Xliw Fllaalelb T. Kioc "We wuul l ralliet bare k.V ctuiU from

500 Bicycles

tite tbe memoreble lansoase. "I •ball
bare Ibe couaolattoa of fcoowing ibat 1
bare oiirned tbe way wbea tbe ttnallDM of oar Bnniben aspote m to ibe

bad diatiu

.; CoUbrO ibrinwlvr* la Ibe war. of Kns-


rr-::rrb',^'=-'j.™ | %>lliki Mai L Tbeilll
miuiatore tbe Uedgi
.ill Wt.r il
atuai. a eojy of WaUiiug. , 'J'"’
■ will o a gohli u ucndl. Auy cbild ;


uuw iroublotia

perloi inii| a* a hriUxh uflicer. Tbe fnlriisj .Mr*. Ca.iin.
lowing .
kti'iwu beaouforlb
hislory a. Martha
Wk-hlaglon. aud
ui tbe eamu time
alect-d W.iuLi
irduuUB iniwuiu of
resigiieil biv cor uiitsioua. a rul< miul
<u UT lo year, elapsed be­
lt toiinmng by wBat aoiuuriiy ;■ fora tbe
,j,e great sirutcglefur Amencao inivaiiiugllie kiuu’.doiuiuiun.. I j,.,.n,riei-<-e l-egan. aud when it did
e ai'<-e|<l<d at uuie aud wt oat. with- ; General Wasbiugtna diieoTered tbe ias of ibe traiaiag aad
□earlv HOO iiillis . great par.t
e be bud KcureitB* a Urlti.bofB.0” i‘ ""•> !
lofty aud r
uf Ibe Wll-l-rr

Nt.lL MAiioAVyui.
Alter . u !

c.'Onlerliig mauv daiikur. and uarrowly
c*.apiug with hi. life be eucce.-fully
pi-tfonaMl hi« mi-sioa uuil Jau
lTi4. dullvcrtvl to Governor INuwiddie
tbe reply <d the Fi
bi. niiuwag- of ll■■|Dtr7.
Immediately after WanLiDgKai’a K-

nrle« *

.Isuai WauhlaglM.

He wrote Lad pi»try,
He Bcver made ■ m-( apeeob.
lie dint of acute laryagirt..

i\l".itx£rtnZ iiii is


4i«i 4a

<’ U

ts :s


X. 4k .1"
KI 4T *r Ml

He wa.. geBeli-as lo-a taull.
Hi- wbh Ncnsiiive to all erilioisiii.
LUe Liijcalu. bo wa. food of a gooff - ^

II » * w
II tt! t M
II I»; t I*
. in Ml • H
.•!« «• W «
•IU M. *t »

i:;s is

ruurfc *

I JO Ml 4 tj
I 10 «a 4 M
) ' *W 41N
j *ai OM
I •• M *1 H

Il » **£

tara be wa. app
^’'Hcwa.tbe lc« bomemannf bUtitne.
Spilling wua alvaya a weak puinij

aad on
. jainp

tnmm ob »t>.

ibii.Ind no tbe Laaks
il tb.wrnnr Diuwiddie
:loa for tbe ilaagerou.


■aermWaMlII twicedaltr.
aud Maw B.M* eu Plaua


ilH-ry tistaldiUimMit bavi
w .i
1x1, he
teiiunt isdioiel uf a ntgiuient, ut whl'-h
' be sLurllyassumetl the lull roigmaiid

Forlbriie year* bewa* a land
r a ttITCHXLL.
imu. tb-.m »>> til) inlml Lm ’
He coBld swew with gr.wt
“■ '
•MUeu.U.. e- < .lit eUut>...r«
ai.v isviiBio nw-aptaiu ou apiiln-alinu lo
tX-Irm tdwl II.................
ih..., ih. rMl.
: tbroogb Ibe dtwlL of bis (x.Ioucl'’- He got ill luweriuk pawtou* at timea
Miw. tWell. Tbe Hiarter laemUroUipf^ __
»r»t-r. ooniiaaudid at the
A* a vnuug matt befell lo love at |----------------------------------------------------------------------------•S*it»i'wl«d So ll. le^krtilrl. Ibettuiilu f li.t. al fiutwrh, will beoprn till D<
.kiriui.bwitb tbe FiiucLwbicb rceult
Mtuu. aad
Irei. .11 iwri. tbetror li-r.
This honuraiy roll
eil iu tbe di.lli <if Jetmiuville aail u1m>
.MUbl bewBI l-r llM..v«|4eiiui. el U.:
. - .■ J-ntn.-litu .1 f<4.i. tilei.lnr. 1. tll.d IU tbe building wbea coiug..
at Ibe Iwitle of Gr<-at Mcadoae. wbeTV iiabit of cl:
ill U- au lnt.-ta.liug geueal^'it .1
h>« vonlhlul "Jourual uf •.‘tofvey.
VVeUiioguw belli Ibe euemy. of vairtly :
j.jy v
a^ Lilliatffi, anff F«eam*aiaa4aeaanyrc*itxaia*a4«ra*an*
u «ieV*!f'*Hi4 I Vrbou t'Cl a Ik.t ..f !«. be
>u) uumU-ni. at bey truni murtiiug waaaot uv.un io Iwiiiog.
>..uic of a aisT- . ft llowlnit o.wctipliou ol au ludi
Iiinigbtoutil Iba French rujoesteda
3 iiicbea in beighl. and


■ttsi. r tkvrtv He
CebituH )t.hsi»<
«U>-'I. ami ubi.

pe... 4ia. M rellr ti
ti., I.
■ft} aUaMUIMlM I.
A«> -f til. le«lWS

c A- make a
4. t.etw U Bige ,
"Th. y clear a Larse
M-u M-al
; and Mrs. K IV Ft">» l ife in ye middle,
slaty. A'barliw J- ibenistlvesiii.uiad It. i e.praliker mekea
i< la m-a.ureraud tbe ,» grand spi^ch
.4 ••l-Jtiu 'ud- «u tberj IVll
4 u.>--hcvi.iu.e.w I htadguwur. aletn lyipKy eHuate. Bo.
>r tel Uam- r Jump, op a. one awaked
r.lud.ruiiriw I
are n up y jua .
, .i.i-,,. «: Rons & Jumps about

pati.-y. TLe terms of the rtpHui***""- hi. tuuios auit Uv* were exuemely
■» omlMsloid «.y \Va.biagtiai. were large,
, Lighly booorable, Imt wLeo printed il :
j],, ^,e. were ligbl blw. vergin* m
I i-cutaioed coaditioiiy which ba never p,y_ ^iid bi> hair wa. a dark brnwu.
ij would
agreed to had Ibeyiol leea I
Hc Kas devoud lo outdoor sporta. and
would hiive
hiiveagrvi; •uiTir«ite or Md(
who! on (1,0 (Nilomati ufien went out bafote

ler. Ve
tt«»kla.1 m sbiail dock*.
Uta HlrbKdwio to wborn penwiial .v- ring in a ni-t onmicle manner.
Vc j| iutcriiretedtbedocnmeot
lutcrim-ted Ibe ducum*
a In prriietany Ibe \
■ r. wilhj
Afuo- WaJjjnBloo'a
Wadiingloii'a return from Uii* ^
Healwavsiine.tiomd biaownahility.
‘ half full of wat.r.
i.. uhi.-h
bold IB ' meKueifiu and ludUaugable l^U-r tbe mo*"’
bi.-h I bu
ird expoUHiQtilhecontw by u-' j and wa. ruadv to wioaider tbaaiyioe of
mg of ,hU whole aocccmjul ■‘'-'^rklD sirelcbed over It A a g«l
.1 Ihe afelMaiu ;
A-a I'Mx* ; wour Diuwiddi
Diuwiddie lu rvs.rpanUing the
wiibaome.b.-t IU ittoratli.--A-aCitXw'wBur

itdiHBtib^ Iklnrset ‘ lueniintbrixlbrarKdircoogrw- at Ibe "f .n fartM.’# ta.1 iii4toii to luakt it j it -.p.-d Virginia gave himgreai
, World , fair, bbeiwrted a. Will OB tbe look tine.’
Udt.. I ia. uader <
ttw- tmiwl. •
t«n>. laAeiwi—C'
to t.inol wiU hr- m rtorfal t'kwn UuBiw.ralrluk. Va-I
‘'he aile Indicated i* Cniveraiiy
.rr. in WaMiii.i;Gu. at Uw foot iff
Mew Vork areoae oa tbe Fkamnat).
where tbotiM uaval obematrwy furnwr-


ly tiuod. aod wimia temiaotaa' walk
«f Ibe Wfalte lluuae.
Mra. SuaiHi I'LcHia iiae* of Ubaoa.
tba Wifeot a preffoMut ofOurncll. >■ tba
■P—' III wbtiee miud Ibe plan <t Iba
taaotfe Viterngum Mamuti.l aaouciatte fltrl fouiKl birlb. Bui il waa Mra
pica A. KlcUartlsoo ef IViBihrtTk
IUh.', who broagbl it to bealtby
•towtb- To ber toady tympaiLy aad
•■11 knowB eiecotiv. al lliij Mr*. Gag.
• gBBUad tbe parpoaewtaUeuu a tamaMr
: «1MM Mra.kmtta»teo’.a<,iU«wa.lm8be attliated tbe iaieradt of
I, abd at Ibe AM


Ripwu^diui 11

jiiaaaaaa. a.e.aa


' ::Ras=SR»fits3Eff« «S*StSE&8{
l~‘gs=s*se***a'*» s-^s-s****

Hc.soflertd from tuoifaacbe. bud befoie bU doaib every tooth in Ui bead
bad been exiracuT
Hi* death wa. bameued iiy ffocKM*.
wbo bliol him wbi-n be wa. iutoeba
Weak «ate IL.I such a courw iff aoticn
eoahl not bet pr-ivu fatal.

IMs*.' Uve I < . a olbir twtrioft
WTio Ml lL> ir couMf} tnw;
ffMrrv bare ivvi otb-sr warvlte
Puhape a. gtv.y a. kv
■nea.. r«v. tberc Mate bwa.
' Aad .uiMuca reiL-d a. ii«e:
Ovte ti<ea ;«i uib.y
Bacb tOMlw tor fete kt*.
Bel yvV ot .a tfecw heron.
iM llu. iJw WorMn. MOW.
tew* •wrvr>evfe«L..^B»aB
ho(Ta*iaad}ot»par.l Aarai-a <1- fftaiMCm


OocteaaU CklMiiv. Ciraad I


.Unusd ■aiMa.rjDi

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