The Morning Record, October 19, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 19, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TUfd T«ir-No m




Mo Tra|h la tbe Outnaeat Aat tka
Bo«n OoatlitM to Olooo «i Praperty HM Bam Dlapoacd of to
Chariw H- Tbaraa.
Dtok BaaMtt baa baaa lataraUMd
OB Um aabjeei e( tka rayonad tala a#
to Mr. Cbarlaa B.
-SsM OboU Tboraa, aaeralary of tka Cbloaco
elab. Mr. Baaaatt aaya that
Ollf K—»P>d by Xnpo Oma^PiM- than la ao tnth la tha rapart. that ha
haa baard aothiaff of tha aala, aad that
ao daal haa baaa aada. Whaa tha
PomtUmm PUltwUr.
hopaa to
haar from U dataltoly. aa ha aaaaidan
LmOm, OM.
hlBMelf aa lataraatad party.
dtopoMi fro^ D«rbH.
Uataaaaaaar Hr. Thoraa
Z«tM M* waiar
sad ChM DIaUiIa my* that b« It aa- thlatity. aad loohad tha rroaad
•bla to natr^ tba«. It la aapaelad j «>th tha ihoufht of parobaalac tha
bjlh.».re.l. “.«1
Mqunu. lor
A ayaolal il'k|ratfh daUd at Tminrla ' ^ Obkafo Taeht elab. Taa plaaa
*t aooa yaatorday. aaya: ‘‘Af tor a few aaltad pcHaeUy. tha price waa rlyht.
that waa aot
•koto <wy trad at MafahiM a wUta
ho!atad. A Boar party, baar- aatlataetory. Mr. Thoraa
Uff a flac of traaa. waa aaat to Ir qa(n folly aatiatted with the title, aad ao
tha deal did aot fo throayh.
arbathar tha ton had
There haa
Ho detalta raply araa raaalrad. The
batweaa Mr. Thoraa aad Mr. Baaabtt
atoee Uat aoanr. bat ao dedalto deal
hoata aad than ralaaaad•ear hattarlaa of Krapa r*m are haa baaa aada aad Mr. Baaaatt aaya
•ear eoaariac tha ton. Military ae- that ao tar aa ha baowa. thve la ao
flaaaraaaa baobaamd laylay a lata iamadlatc prtfpeet of a aala Whaa
fonry raUroad. whleh *111 probably ba tha oala la otada. If It ever la. the pab
aaod to aa armarad ttato dafaaaa by lie will know aboat It, ba aaya.

FillplBo Oonarnl Would Bar*
rondor for Mon«7.

1 Beonuraig Kitt FREE
with eret) purchist li
chilfm's depirtmait....

Mam Battla to Pratoad XtaCeat for
•BM.OOO-Por Poablathat Atooaat
Ba Weald Piecan Ovarthm odj
1 to ChptBfe

MaalU, Oct »—B^orta i^vad
em tha dletrtoto oeeaptod by the aaemy are to tha affect that the PiUptooe
heUeee that Plo del
hto eoaeelrad'
to tanak tbronyh
the Amerioae Uaea into Manila aad
catae Oaeeral Olia aad the
The Americana would walcome aneb aa
JoBt tfafl oboe (or that |
attoek. There U mack tpeealaUoa' reboy of yonrt—
rardlay the wtaeredboaU of Pio dal
They're eeamleas.
Pilar. The reoeat attack oa La Loma
Never rip. '
ebnreh U eradltod to hit mea. It la
brlland that ba U now to tha rietoiiy
Are made fur aervice
of Baa Mateo Talley with a fwea of
•-long, bard aen ioe—and ■
l.floo to S.OM BMa.
have Btyte, fit and "good
Tea farmer Soaslah aoldlare. who
are eaptared by the PUiplao* aad for
If yoa want b sboe to :
a time baloefed to the PUiploo artil­
lery r««iment loeatod le-the Layanadrl
wear and wear well, liere j
Bay diautet. Oetormtoad to eurreoder
tha artillery to the Americana Tbe ,
Tha Cbnmlda priata a diapatoh fm
PUiptooe diaoorered the plot aed Idlird I
(to aorraapoadeat *at Daadaa which
no of the eoaaplratore. ne other
•hon that Ootoaal Plammw aad hla
tree eaeeped to Manila
ad at Kali la to yraat daa laomsB of $83,640 In TtatWhen the aerr'oder waa deUrmtoad
fto. Ba hM baaa firbtlac for two
npoB tbe SMalarda delaffatad om of
orBB City.
Aaya ao>aat aa oearwhalmtoy fore
their aambrr to proceed to Maatle'to
to Ueneral OUa the aorreader.
Whaa ba foead that i
after a pearraacad mock batUa of a
B«por^ Tcaiaiday-Joatob 0. Michaeald BOt reach him for aantal waaba
dezea p'ece*. iacladtoy Kropp aed
ha to^ ap a atroa« poalUoa oa Boa
acda BUeted Jaaltortd Maw Coart NordeDfeWtrap^reroae. well .upblrto hlU. throwfar op earthworha aad
plied with ammaelUon from tbe kipa
The Boat Inportant matter before powder factory, to exebaoye for eerBtriy oa Baaday voraiar l-0M> Boara,
o be paid to tbe I
the board of aoperrlaora yealerday waa >ilo »<
Itodcr tha toadarabtp of Col >aal Detfllr:
thareportof the aoBlaltMe oa eqaal- They werr alee to be pardoned
•aaoad ia eoeanaad to Oeoaral Croe>«
Tbe report abowa an ieercaee carrying arma ayalut the Americana
aloac the aoTtb aito weat frMtiara of
ralaaUoB of the eonety aad tranaported to Spain. Tbe dele•ha Tbaaavaal. sade tha attack.
of <073.Itooeer last year, the laereaae ^te left Santa Boaa aad entered tbe
Cedant D.-tAle la one of the Boere’
to the oily being *8^.840. The detailed Amerioau Itoeeat Cniamba. but three
•oat fearleat fiyhtoie. Ha eroeaed tha
Piliptooe wbo aeeompanied him pert
flyorec are yiveo beWw:
Wekafarleer to the faoe of a heavy
. f the way retaroed to BanU Koaa and
arUllary flre'aad beyaa Ue aaeeat of
revealed tbe plot, aad the Spaniarda
Ihehlll. The ffekafa waa a torrecli^
were then attacked.
Mdaeeeraloi tkeBMreweredronea BienM».»iu iiimo
TheyeoboatNapldaa. ooaaUny niar

laiuo I SanU Baaa.perceif >d twomee Mbark.
KioA ta.M I
Wbea thla ne»a waa bioayht to by a
iia StSo toy to a canoe and poablag toward
Kaffir. flybUay bad beca In proyrew iimo Lbkr
■ I.IUI tij.m
She took them aboard and
toracreral hoare. Tbe yraTaot- feata
ported that tbe Plliplaaa, oa
■ ' iSTaij:*' . I£«
iMcat t.ra
dtocoTeriay the plot to aarrender tbe
Pretoria. OcV to.-Commandant Gen
artlUerr. cut <he tbroata of eeven of
•ml Jeabort baa arrteed at KeweaaUe.
tbeir Bpaatob eompaaloaa. and that
Batot. He foand only • bandred mea
e had barely reeaped.
On «ehea he eetered Ike Jen.
Thet ree Boaalarda are now in bidOeaeral Koeh. the aeoood to eomMnila. fearley Piliplao
lay h
■aad of the Boer foreeo, la aUll at
Ueaeral Olto had declined
tayeya Be hae eaaaoa plaoed eomTha eoaaUeratloa of tbe report waa their efter throeyh Uie deleyeto to
nartfpy tha Bothaa aad Ltonett
aerrender the ertillery for money, bat
Tbe man who* makea a bit in
^OMi aad haa eat iho.nUny hed
Ihem to Bpala.
Ae attempt to bava the matter of
busineos ia tbe man who ia thorbnea Dudee aad D« Jaayer' drift.
Bateoa'e Mtoobebeaeoau eacanntor- oOKbly up-tadate.
the employment of a Itnitor tor toe
'BaWat TraaaTaal eommaodem are new mart hooee referred to the eem- ed tbe enemy at Ban Mateo, aear
If yon don’t hare a telephom
•OTlay toward Ua e
mittoe on yroand. aad balldlnye waa Arayaat. at d»n today, and attacked people are liable to tbiok that yon
lath of Olaaoe.
voted dowe and the board proceeded w them to froni and flank, drlvlny them are eiow.
Mpartouadeot at aaldobonr. Ttaae- eleet a J.nitor. Joaiah C Klebarda ontof tbeir ;reaebee aad dtopemlny
They iriU probably
aaal. reporta that Baaday alyhi a balthe aaooeaafol caadldale. reoalvuiy them eomp].:e)y. Several Pillplnoa,
think that you are
laea pand orer NIyal to tha dimtioa H> voua. ayaiaal fonr for Bobert U«m- ipcladiar a eptato and lienteaaat,
slower than yoo
were killed, .ad a qaanUty of arma
boltoa aad one for B. VanWIe.
Adrioaa from.Mafektoy. dated MoaBapervtoor Clevolaod waa atroayly ware oapinre.l. Oae tfacebebe waa
Nobodv wante to
Aiy, atate that Ueaeral Croejt. after oppoaed to the oeleeUoD of Mr. BIch- klllrd.
deal with people who
Oeaeral Oiii bat repeired meaaayea
nralay the womeo and chUdrea to ard. aad •« etpreeaed hiamelt before
are behind tbe timee.
iMTO. opened fire apoe tbe town with
board after the eleetioa.
•aaaoo. No reaponee waa made Tbe
Thepropoaitiooo-Dr.C. J Rne ad general. Piodel P.lar. offering to cell
Boon ooDilnaetocloae apoo to Matc- to provide medieal attendance for
hto arm^And deliver A nlealde
htair aad deatroyed the railny north eonety poor for the earning year wta toto the baadc of the Americana
wdeoathof tbe ton.
aooepted. HU flynre waa f7S. Dr. H. though be to not wholly ealUfled thet
Tbe report earreat at Oelayoa Bay B. Andereon nraed the aame price. O-. the offer to aatbentie. it to not imnroV
that 8.000 ttoera hare been repniaed at Holliday', bid wai Sloo. that of D . able. In policy General Olla to Brmly
Ue U falae.
Uaroer SM. Or. Mood SM.
againat buying eny eorreadere.
Tbr A at batch of military priaone a
Piodel Pilar effara for B&.000 to rrThe matter of tbe BSVU 87 tai money
Meapected here aooa.
elonytoy to Fife Lake and Union fraln from attacking Manila with hto
Loadoo. O.:!. 18 —No farther reliable townehlpv wa. referred to Proeeoattoy army. For MiO.OOO he off^ra to anrMwa from Mafeklny baabeea reeei*ed. Attorney Pratt with laatraeUone
reoder bin army after a abam battle,
[>r. Leyda. tbe pIbaipoMBtlary of tbe apply to the elreait oonrt for a decree both aidea Briny into the air, aad for
•oath African Bepoblle. to aaid to be m.klay a flaal diwaitlqn of the fnndr. tU0,n00he aaya be will proenre tbe
yalny to Berlin aborUy to oonfar with
Before adfTaniny the a
overthrow of the laaurrectlon and the
political pereonmgec.
aloa for oommlttoe work the board de­ eaptare of Aynloaldo and other lead­
cided t) foreUb the aepervieore' roam ers. Be refera to Ay..............................
«ha oonaul oftbrNetherlaada there ba. in tbe oonrt booae with tablet and Doaaly. indloatiay the atrained retoNew designs and fane;
laaned a wam'&g to all anbjeeta of the ebaire.
tioaa between toem.
Netherlaada to remain nentral.
woods with new decorations
Tbe Hopeiown bridge over the! OBWBT WIXX TltlT AXXABTA.
Onmye river, which Cape Town advicee

The Boy’s
Can’t Rip ’Em


11.25 aad 11.50 a pair. I


Cut Prices on Books
ThB Hon. PetBT SUrUng
TbBPrlBonarofZBiidA .
OBlBb West—JUatmr OIwuOheir InwUlble
▲dwantims of Fruicols
Soldiera of FoittmB

- 78e
- 76c
• 78e
. 76c

Also unpacked orer 200 volmuea of Gift Books,
each is in a box ready to mail—price 3Sc. Among
the new books we received is Kit Kennedy by S. R

S90-828 Front Street

Sklph OoniiAble Jr., iffpv


Warlike Scenes
and overooato are lamed topey-tuny—that’s on account of tbe
QiBoy enstomers. and of course, to tbuae who are aoacqasinted'
with tbe enormous boHiiiess we are doing it may look as if a
first class battle bad token pl<
It’s almost anneoeasary
(< us to remind you t6st y
ry (iir
owerooAt or nlster—the weather does IhVre^Sng
part, but e have to tell yon
tbe pries of our Nobby Overeoau to only $5 os. $6-00.1
„r.oo. $0 00.
Oar patent -ZBBO • Utotor. SS to. $< to. $e to. r 00. $10, $12. $18.
■ ~
BuiUBIH. »ie
fie $|5 $14 $12. $10
Some very aervleraWe Men's 8nlu. $2.». $j. $e. $7, $8. (
r 1s OlovM. Capa, rndarwear. Hoaiery. etc
New Neckwaar Arrived YcBterday—2Se to Stt OO


The Uadlng Shoe Haase

t Don’t wait until
the weather says “must"
We show the desirable biada. all at rMaooabla
Aiai^fto^**^' Mm’s all wool fleeead shirt aaB
la yauye. ooatly ttitomed Sp^ All stoeo.
See oar wtodo*.

|r-Yev Get



it thta iwaoC




eiatod had been blows up by tbe BrllMh.'U Sot theraUway bridye. as before,
farted, bat a bridye twelve milee
weat of the railway, over which the
aU eoaebtoy ryad
A apeelal dUpateb from Pretoria aaya
tha Basra daatroyad tbe
B^way dariny Friday aiyhtfrom LoMatal to Arveyel Cop.
neStaadard’a Onadee eorraapoadaaV taleyraphtoy Moaday hiyhU aaya

TTill Attend Prea
oefBwofd to
Flay Lleatenaat Br imtay.
Washtoyton. D. C. Oct. iS-Adcairal
I arrangemeate today
for hU trip to Atlaaia, Oa.. where he
will attend the preaentatioa of a aword
to Ucawaaat Brnmby. hla flay Itoetoaant Admiral Dewey dealrae oa mneh
qatet aa poeaihle, aad hit trip to to be
made witkoet tke oaoal attoadaaee of
eommlttea. He wiU be
by Ueetoaapt Bnmby, Ltoateaaet
■aUway at Inyeyaaetoocdertopreveat Caldwell, aad L. S. Brows
lha appreach at mt armoered ttala."
>mlttoa wtU joto tke party ioat omtThe eerveapemdaat of the Daily Mail
Mde of AUaala. and eaeort Admiral
WUUam Byaaoaa iayc than an only l,- Dewey to hto ketel to that elty«BD •oaaud maa to the Boar mUama
With a war cm hm I
{•Mitotoly north of Ladyemllh. bat aU the way tram BH.M.OBO to S80.C0O.then an Urya aamhen at man «M.MtoyUirfliterff prudto eeeate
wiDOt: ThahenMOf the Boaa an ' aaaaMiT
Bern war ehan. She
is wnlibhdjy pm aeadltloa. waA
Mkto to wnm tha yMtow metal
mm took wen eat The Bean an

tUMm hU m»m travnntoy

•teapplyattke Oapo aow eaUa far
■ffeMMosBflf BMifflk


Vader PaUiay Valla to
Ketyhtatown. Ind. Oet. iS.-Thm
maa wen kUled aad more than Sioo.000 worth Of property wea deatroyed by
fire early this moraiay. The three vieof the voleatoer
Bre departmeak When the front waH
of the baUdlay fell ontward they won
caaybt aad oraahed to death. IttoboItoved that two otheie mat the nma
fate. ‘IbeMaaoalefample.thelarynt
bnUdtoy to the cl^. waa one of the
balldtoya deatroyed.

Keep these in mind when
down town and calj' in our
Jeweler; store to look them
r. We have, many new
things in jewtjry also.


Wagons for sale.^

Bnra erarr for ibv lioyB. Ugfelcr

tor laCira M4 ginara-ISr IV ami S

It’s Remarkable
Tbe way they're selling.

Those celebrated MINOR

shoes tor ladies.

ThB Styles
ThelTioeB •

llto Very Best
Tbe lantsst
$9, $8.60. $8dX>, $8.60

WUUam Wallaee of Saw Trey, while

AtPIcMerUvesy fflakto. B.d.Mor>
_aad,Praprtotor day mentoy. eaddaaly feU daod at he Otoetepriay Weyeawitktaaata. SMQO
Platform W|«ea. t aaat
waa drivtoy atony tke etreet Heart

Onr Ladies' $2.50 kid Uned Sboe is a^^orld beater.

'Oaetmmker Wayea. t imtin.

aritkMtk ipeUtoff.

tire, AoeUa box. tohifltotne
aad8eekyoha.yeadM»ew.. M

McNitnara Block.




■n juiBsno BBOOBO.



noubl* with Um OoatiMCcn
PM0Mbl7 8MU«d.


fM «. BATM AMO 3. W. Uammom

WOaoa A liwla Ayrea to Otea Board
of » aeatw* a Boed aad Are Oaolr*

9, W. BAsm. ^Mr Md tUaAfw.

cn. ol‘ Ma'k sy acbool AadltMoa
BntMsetaty—Thatr ffropoaiuon A*
orpud ana Bxina Wdi bo Paid Tar.
Soteraa Wiinoa AIrwin.oanttaeton
on tbe new eebool addlttonm. are eoa*
eeraed there eenaaa a yre^wet a»f aa
eMtlrmeat with the board o<
odeoaiion rMardiay tba defaein ia< tba
aaw addliiona
At thf nmetlny of tba board laat
nlybt pcaffrena waa naada toward adjMtisy the maMwr aao the report of

c la A biitht 9
M9. U ia eaUmwd
h»*a AlrMdjr bean Bade ijr raaaela to
mnj 1S.000.00D toaa of ore next ae
tKB ttaa b(M ot tba Ukea at fl U.
This Aboat eqaala the total prodoeiloo
Ot the prwaoi loAaoA. and tba dais
that M.OOO.OOU uwa trill ba ahippad
AowB Is llKiO «Ul probAbl; be roAllaad.
Tba nte la doable that of laat jaar oad
laaom praa|wroaB tiBaa for the roMd^aafor At aaat anotoer aa. aor. The
OarMriaaaad B.<ck faiiara are takleR
aU iboata that are offered At fi.U per
loa. Ab ladleatioB ot theproaporUy that
hBBBtrack'the aeaael IsMieaiaiaab
by tba Mia ot the auatBer C. A. £
tp tba Oaraaclaa thia weak
1160,000, or SO per oant more tbao
broAcbt loat year.
Tn oily ot Ooio^u ha* bean lavaded
by a amII deUtehBeBt of aBli-capaafloptola. tba ptioeipai tyara aiaoac
Iba force* arrayed a«alBat vbe admin*
iatratlon belay Bd«ard Athmaoa. wbo
raiaforced by Chrl .Schiua The
Iptaat raUabla rtporu lBd«au Ibat
lhara baa baoa a ooltad affraaea apoa
Atklaaoo'a Nek. Hraatdaat MoiClnley
baa made a triBmphaot march tbroByb
~ ^alamaiM aad Tbrae- Oakt, aad ia
tepidly advaaelay toward tba wmtb.
Oeloael Bryaa ia proaaeoUay a tu^eae
oaatpaiyn throoyb Kentaeky. oaionalbly toielaforeaUoepal. bot really to
pptbMaKwiaekiaaaln tba eadte ot
Sryas. Is other reapeeU the altutloo

Apu»au>p will doobUma find mueb
•OMOiatum ia tba rtaeeUoa that the
paU-Imperialiatic toreea of Edward
Atbiaaoa are (albared in Cmoiyo to
tormalate a plan to OTcrthraw tba
Bapabileaa admiaiauation. Bot tba
bilf iMsryMit chief will yo ayaUiat
Iba real thlaf when the Amerieaa
army of es.uoo mao makca a eoacartcd
IPOfimeat U Lat a.
TbO remain* of Jeaea Bbialer, a
^onay bm who forme -ly Head
Qadar Sea. were taken throoyh tbit
atty yaaterday by hie brother. Melaoa
•hUer. of Uedar Boo Jeaae BbttJer
vta a reUroAd deteeli*a os the PenaaylTASla railroad. Be waa killed at
^art Watae, whore ba aoaUeataUy
atapped is tfoot of a morisy train.
Tba fonerel will be bald at Cedar Bea
thia aftarsoos.
At tbc meetisy of tba Knlyhta ot
Pytbiaa Tsaaday araniay a Detroit
dab waa oranyaaUed. with the object
Of maklsy Trererae City'a rlalt to tbe
Mxt eoDTesUon a aoooeM. Bach a
bar tereqnlred to pni isto tbe treatory a
dollar a mosth. to prodde tor a ape^l
traio to that city, and tor aeoon
dntkw while there.
A merry pbrty ecjoyed tbcmtelrea at
B4yewx>d Teeaday crenlny. A dainty
•appoT waa aerTed by Mra. UlbropKsalenod other torna’ot esjorment
oanpled tba Uma ssUl a lata hobr.
The ride home waa a deliyhifsl eb
to the eranlny^ pleaaare.
There will be a meatlny of tbe
Anifhti of Pythiana toolybu Three
atadldateB for the eeoood deyree.
The remalsa ot Henry Hoxle. who
died Monday at hie home tn Maneel
«U1 be broayht to tbla city for inter*
Bohart Caldwell, wbo U loeatod at
Obarlertdx in the Intereat of tba Brm
Of Caldwell A Umdea, baa aold bla
naldanoa In ibia city, and wlU make
bla permanent borne In CbarlaeoU.
Mr. B. Brlatol pnrehnnad tba propmty.
tbe oonalderatlon beiny ys.SOCi.

the eentraewre were wUliay and
deaimna ot potuny toe beildlnya ia a
*«tblaeiory ahape- Immediately epon
oalUny the meauny u> order Jaa. A.
Moore,onaof vheoL>afe<xue oommittaea.
—.Aa Vbe foUowluy r,,<.rt:
To th« Board of E-i-^ >»in. Trareiee
Cuy.Micb. Yoer oomnuitee appointed
oojoter with Me*~ vtiieonAErwio,
,O0Lraewra. bey i«a*c io anbm.t a proBjAhi a from aaid WUws A irwla,
whivo u attaeoeo lo ini* report, which
rcaoaaa follow*:
Traeerae Uity. Mich., Oct 18. U9«.
To the Bjaro ot Bdscauos, rrarerea
^ Ity. Mioh We.tha imoiraetora for the
aooi.lost to tbe B.2aromas aeeaoe and
B.mwood aeinea acnool beoMB la
cnl.rujoompieta'aad make aa aatlafaciory aa poiaibie, aaid addlUona wlU
dotke ftl'owny:
i. Wol pat H ineb PwUand eement
- ..laol both addluona.
tsne bsildiay.
ill watuacot ceaamrat atatre la
boib boUdinya
4 B.aukboard molndlaya wiU be
m^c amoots aad vamiabcd In both
5 Entrasoe fljor ot Bmrdman
areaee bsidioy wUl be nmde larat
with baU door by replaeiny with aioyla


on top of onr spring* and mattresse*
than nnderneath them.

Matos IM fDOd am defidoHs Md ¥
taken by the bonrd U woole he well to
naaerv the contrarlon that aa soon m
their bond
Bled and raUBrd the
bonrd woeU he ready to pay whnt
they deaired. to the bmii of tbeir eonVnet. Mr. Mooca here took oem<>ion
to aar that ia tbe ci nfrrereea' with the
eostractor Mr. Iiwin bad eaineed a
dea’re to aatiafy the board la, tfbry
way p^aalble. *bat they »cre williry
t.j nettle the d fB nlty in an amicable
manoer and do all is their power to
remeiy tbedefeeu U the addliiona
Tbe oonfereoeea’had hoes ot a hiybly
aatUfaetory ebaracinr and the eonwaoto"* -Mtsed only to want to make
tSelr work satUfaetory to tbc board.
Tbe r^aalt o£jbe deliberatlosie waa
a Mybly yratlfyiny tom to aflalra,
and while all of tbe defecta miytat not
be folly remedied the eohuactora dU
played a perpMe to make the bolUlsr*
a- aatlsfceiory a* pomlble and their
w l^icyneas to indemnify the board
met with the aaanimooa approeai Tbie
will probably end tbe eootroreray'' ao
fir a* tbe eoatra-tor* are eoneemed.
Ni> act'on waa taken reyardloK tbe
c'aim of tbe architect.
Before ■BC‘j'*nrrment Clerk B ekerd
reported that
I of the I
pend tbe rtccni appropriation of $100
fjr library pnrpotea In tb* pnrebace of
boota for tbe yrade llbrariea.
seceeaary permba'on wad yranied.

Mim Hiaa Bantoa. who ban baan
▼idiinr her eonatn Mtae Oortmde Kneeland tor eome time, will ratnn to bar
home In Eatenna tc4ay
- Mfw. W. CrUnU baa yona‘ to Grand
Ledye to yiait her paresta
J W. Patehln ratnroad ywiorday
from atiwdiay cirealt eoortat Laland
Mim Lon Tbylor of tbe aaylcm. eft
yaaterday moeniny far a montb'a. *aeation is aieayo. Milwankee and anelnnati
- C. D Stanley i f Snttooa Bay waa in
tbe oily yeaterday.
Mra. Battle E. Oomell M is tbe el^
from Wexford She ia werh’Dr io tbe
In'ercet ot tbe Cbrietlan Woman's
Board of tfiaaiena
□ Mias Marie Werner hae returned to
her home la lAke City after a rial'
with friend* in this city.
J A Penninyton'of Lake Ann wa*
in tbe city yeaterday.
T. D. MeMann* went yeaterday os a
bnalBcaia trip to Walton.
MiaaGertrodc Montaynala't yraterday for Kanaas aty for a moLtb'* ririi
with frieada.
Jndye F W. Mayoe lainmed yeatee
day from Lelaad, where be pm drd ie
rirenlt eodrt. He went on to Charle
Dr U W Fraliek of Maplr City was
iatowD yeaterday mnd disec ai 4'ark
I Plane.
Boa. O.S Qp*ell returned last nlybi
from Urand Bapida

We carry a rery large line of fresh new springs
and mattresses: We can suit your tastes and can sure­
ly suit your pocket book.



Boom Furnishing Store.

Both Telephones, No. 43.

Practical Embaimers
and FuneralDirectors

Plearast Pre-byterias Parry.
T’le Cbriatlan Bodeavor aociriy of
tbr Vrrabyt^rias ebsrch yaee a acciaJ
To Omto a Com Mi One Doy.
e ' Cold air daeta in Boardmaa aeelatt *T.-nlny. to wbieb they esrltad tbe rake Warner * While Wine . f Tar S-. rana wiU be oaied aad made Uybt
7. Btalr treada of more than one meabera of the ebsreb. Aboot alaeiy he beat cough reoiedyun eanb. £'• <
pleea wiU ba repiaoad by ireada ot one
v pcnta.
^ oak.
Taetrat Pt't «f the erenisy waa
WiLaoK A Jkwta.
•sent la tbe piayioy of yamee. Then
plaaaioy mcaical prryram
daa follow>:
InatmmenUl Daet—Hiaae* OUie and
Brasle Fvlrhnm
Auua d. BuieiiAM
VoMl Solo—Mi«* Lain Galkina
la addition to the abore propoai
InatmmeotalSolo-MiaaMabte AndMr. Irwin ayreed to remedy the defecU
in the watnaooUny in the aontbcaat
VIoUn Dnel—Beatle Fplyfanm and
room on tbe aeeond Boor of tbe BoardBlanche Barnom,
man aeeane addition, by remoriny tba
Qoartet—MiM Sannde'i, Mlae O 1the eap and makioy the wainaeotiny of m re. Mr. Connabte and Mr. Cr.>-aer.
nslform helyht. The report and propAfter the profram. fri. d eskra aed
e coa wCre nerred by the yonny ladica
oaitioa were reeelred and dlled.
At thia Janetare W. U. Foote, tbe
newly appointed member from tbc
deoond ward, who eneoeeda tbe late C.
Pybon, entered and took bla aeat with
the other member*. Tbl* beiny hi*
I »t experience be took no part in tbe
Cove oyaier*. iSc cut.
Boellon aoep. lOeean
bet lUtened at entirely to
Chicken eoep. lOr can
Mock tertle aoup. lOe con
tDedallbmtionaof tbe board.
Mr. Irwin, one of 'be costracl>r*.
waa preeent and In riew ot tbe rcauli
bolnmhia river aalmoa steak. lOe coa
of tbe oonferenoe* with the committee,
Deviled tongne. Sc to 1 Sc can
Potted toagne. Sc to Its eon
he atated to the hoard that hta Brm
woald ayree to yire tbe board an in­
Boost beef. 30c can
demnity bond eecortny the board from
Boned turkey, soc can
tbe paymant of any claim* ayainat the
Boned chkAen. SOe con
eontraetora for work done by thoee em. ^tedtmrkvy. SOcenn
ployed by them. Io oonaideration of
rash bond and tbe propoalUos made
Vaa Cbapb pork and beans. lOc can
Mr. Irwin naked that tbe board pay
A 0ur« for Constipation.
Broiled mackerel. Tomato M
tbe fall balance dae or U other1 bate been troabfrd with roBBtlpaUae iDr
a beef, ssc a
wine desired they wooid o- k. the nan.' II <ra* rolDin* oir bcallb. mr cooiand mr coinniextoa. and 1 am a»d to
cla'm r^MTted to and allow tbe heard mn
C-am chowder. !Sc eon
car that IvWjr KlasbasrcctnrcdairUirca.
MaebiaaBerlobateta. Siccaa
^mnant to this propoaltioa a tnaoBaraiona Shrimp. Me con
lotion wna adopted proTMiay that the
Vienna Saeasge. toc ei
eontractara yi*e tbe board a bond for
eaa«aoltbeNrr>'»,mamacti.Uv«TaD<l KidSweet potatoea, 7 Se Ih
Iciah poutoea. aoc ba
nc>a. sold br druxiMa. ScandSOe.. 3
Sweet corn, 10: can
'Sogar loaf beona. ISe can
Segar loaf p
which be bad dkallowed. amonnUay
in ail to about ilOO. ThU leare* the
Chieken tomalr, I5e
No bMeberriagiec
elaiau for esuaa $1M> for tbe Elmwood

31S Union Street.

The “COMPANY’S” Bill of Fare
Served six days in the week.

id!AruRE’s CU^

areane balldlnjr and $67 for the Board
mas aredne boildlng. Ur. Moore
atated that tbe extras ia question were
eoUrcIy oanaed by tbe mpaira and ex
tra work made oaneaaary by tbe introdnetloa
the Ssead baatlny -and
TentUatiBy system, which had aoi
been torewen nor eooaldered when tbe
hid* wen made. Mbroorer he autml
tbatnotacentofibeamonnla for ext-a* waa for work In the addlUoo*.
The aatire amoant. with the exnepUoa
of $W for work on eidcwalke, was for
work dope la the old bnlldlacs. Tbe
arehitaot deemed tbc elalme, with the
exeeptioa of tbe iteiae he mentloaed,
folly JaetlBed aad that tbe ooatraeton
were eatttled to tbeir moaey.
Upoo theceaelaaloa of tbe arebiteefa report Mr. Moore enyreeted that
tbe matter of exuaa be raterred to a
eommltlM tor furtbor inreatiffatlon.
Be etaind that tbe report waa eo aa-:
tlrn)f differeat from what be bad oxpectad that he waa pot preppred toi
reeommepd any eetkm Of tbe board. I
and If fonnd to be ae Rated J7 the
amhltcct he woald nmet heartily farer
Abe payment ef the ciaima. In aeoor*

DiTbUm Mo.*e of tbe pipe ocyan fond
nommlttoe will saaet with Mie A. 1*.
Baebantof Piftbatieet-tbla aftcraooa
Tba aaylsm aathoifUca yeatorday
took ebarya of Bsunnel BUrka, S7
ywraofaye,wboeamatrom Elme
Teaterday attomooo JoaUoe Brown
yfiymiiii a marriaye eeremosy for
Blmae E- Staaabnry of Walton aed
BaaaU Boaa of BoUalre. Tbeyroom b'
Iba nlybt (^erator at Walton Jnaetkm.
' There wUl be teyalar mnetlny of the hai:dlpya aad yronndi tor iBrcetifnB’katbtaaeeniny. ^
tioA Tbieeeemed to pm a tomewhat
dlffarant light apoa one pbam ot tbe
Norcme^eqoals'WARKEB'B White oontrorerey which hae aritatod tbe
Wdts or TAB SVHCP for thia terri­ board and on amicable tolalioa of tbe
ble and fatal diaeaae. If taken thor- 'ifieoUy appeared to he ia elyhL
ouk-b^ aad In time, tt will owe a care Tba maitor of extras being tempor­
t^bmne, aad fo> tbeoonyb that tol* arily diapoaed of. Mr. Moore Rated to
tho beard that In elnw nd «bn anMea

U Can U triw« li 24 Nan.


We Sell
The Rindge

River Shoes
$3.00, $3.50,
None BBlur Mailt.'
Sold Only By

Tomato eatanp, tse
Chow chow, loo to 60c
Gbetklaa. lOe to eoc
Mixed pieklrn. lOe to noe
Pure olive oil, »: • 60e
Darkre oalad drenaiog. 30e to fOc
Sliced pineapple. t»e
Monarch minee pie. loe coa
. Mixed nnia

None eoiA pompkia. lOc can
Dried peach pie. 7e lb

Crenm eandiea. SOe Ib


H. L. Co's "Beet'* Boar bread.
Whole wheat Boar hrwd. Uc m
II 00 tbe each
Urabam Boer bread. SM each
Prime checee, 16e ib
Bent'a Water Wafnra. SSc box
Bremoaer'a Sugar Wafera, »e box
Kennedy's Faity Wafart. tec box
Seats TsUi Krnttl. Me lb
t’needa Bleenik ^hox
Uaeeda Jlnjer Wsyfeis. lOe box
White Book Olngw Ale. »e pint
Viehy Water. Me

Bsayadi Janoa Mineral, Me
AppoUnarie. Me

Oolong tan. aoe to $1.10
Tonng Hyson, M to TSe
Mocha and Java Coffee. »6c

free anywhere in the eity .

Frank Friedrich

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


Moaomco mwoEo. XHuasbAy. ooiobmu i». isw.
■ituiuiu^Mutt m.m


nusns raoGiML

ooxnrm cpkau

«iS inXen/A. |

InBaCMfito tba Bmm^ lnB of Bmm
lor tba fitndenw* Leant* Omtne.

Tbe reogrnpber of all men a
Ikaaotod Imnt X*anlnt M UdM'
X-brary Ball, lor BMeftt of Fipe
Too many people In ibb world do
A bandMNM addition to tba pi^
opfiaa fend wiU be tbe raaalt
tb* tbthg* fur the aake of an encore.
•aUrt^meat at tbe Ladiae' Librarp
balllauemnlag. TbehaU waa waU
filled, anntbe pmcram waa delightbyibeladim who took
No maiter bow timkl a
Tb* opealag aambm- waa a eo<mI
■olo, ••Good Bya.” miBr ia her beet
It I* Bald there b no fool like an
Mia» Wi.belm. Tbb wa* M- old fuMl—hut ilM-re an- miun- young
one* thai ran a eiewe aecond.
liwed byabnllUnt ^aoo aole. “A r
gnat many pe<H>]e Ih-e aii-notine
BUlot." by Mb* Vaiar. Mta toAnbelr
Morgaa delighted the aadUan with
who reeWe In the pealtentl
rocal Boln. "Only la Dr^ma," trami The U.rilvMual who nndenakee to
DcEoeeab opera. "Tbe Kalekefboek- rvfunu hJniaeir baa alioui all the inlara."
. eiouar.T Work be b rwimble of atiendTbe drama which followed waa' in- i ***'"'
b, M~. F. ^ Dji. u.
anb plraaiag
war. T**e plot waa{ the «-ow aitually did Jniuii over tbe
rzplalaed. and tb* d'« rent actoce •nwun.-< hlaigu l>all.T .Vena
preaenied to the aadienee.
"Now. nop i-ryteg. Toitb." «aid i
Then followed tbe pUy. to which the
foer ladle* ahowed themaelce* clreer BrnohLra Bi«ih<-r to her Utile girl, who

Tb* mil I aaat pUt of the Blfb
■trtMol Leetnr* nad Mimia Ocme will
B platedit tb*
New* ataad la
M>or OD».bi>n-r
ba poK oMaa Batarday maralac.
«f >00 kardwm 4»«]«n >■ m ettio
oor* wlU be opened nt 6J0, end nil
MOvlUocMof ««M aMr a'ova tk'•e ticket bolden will be parmittad to
la a k»MV fraaxa of •Umi. ateai. - elect their re*ar«ed acau for tha aee
tkM Ua/ bat* baaa towabart by tb< •oo for the prieee aamad at the bottoB
w*»*of proapiitj- Kiaa'p-alB of (bt of the tlidiet. No penoo aball be al­
teUra r»pA-t tbeta- aait* aa balay lowed to ream** mwe thaa elz aaaU
Marty<toab:a UioaaoftaBa.
diBytealrbt rcaerra* wi’i he cold at
A rirl aastd AmUrw*. ae*d I*. lit the Kewe aiand on and after Oet- n.
i*c »0 W-»‘ Bay Ctty. oat t.iu*a by a
the fint laetoi* by Tbomat Dlzoo.
4or Baaday alebt. aod b ia a aartoaa
Tbe Banecrmeat knowe of no bmer
way to arranyc for the eelee
Mra OatbartBc WtaKaonb. of Galaabaix. eoBpl.ted tha aiairaiztb year of doB of aaaU If anyone aboald fall to
bar rviideter oa tba aaw loi In that r*t a eatbiaetory aeat we hope-thatbe
tOUra on )a»t' Mi* Wait- will take it kinely. It b Blterly isaOBb b aaar'r «0 yaara of ac*. and om ponible for oa to preeant people from
of EtlasatM aoaatya aldaai raai- eoio* down early in tbe Borolnc, and
tbnae who apnear firet Bu^t of neoetdan la.
•>ty ret 4efi'*t choiceMr*. C W Bode, a p
Bowerer. then are pearly a thonOoWoaiar. dind Tn-ad*y. Bar death
UBd fir»t plaM eeauaad we feel that
raaaliad from aart'ioa proatraUoe.
all or nearly all will he felly aatbfied.
aaaaad by tba esplutioo of a eannoi
Anyone who baa failed to get a pam>
etaebar OB f uiy «
____________ kdy Mae '
«oHlilng reply.
pbla rirlDg detailed InfrtmadoB la
At Bantb Bata*. Hra Wb. Mllb regard to the eonree, may pet oa
aa Sfowl.y a* eouid be For- i
‘'•'f* >uj Teady to oae
wbippod a *ebo9l taaehar for paabb tbe new*, itaad or by applying to any. tb'* *rlteUDde for her BiamBtn war:
rery n-oebtog Mr*. Beehaat w*» Par-'
*®Fo*aof nar ehlld'ea. and •*» ar- Birh tebool ■ledcBt.
tia. Mr* McGongb *a Jaiiet bad (..4.
raatM for aaaaelt and butory. Tt-a
ft will be noticed that tbe pemDbIrt recorer*d fr-m hereeatimnntalltr ant' Coeld not rzpreaa *be rapture of An
JaatiB fined bar U and coata.
^ Sprtoger. of Polladelpbla. when
glrae Boeirenlar for Wendling. Tpb wanted her Borneo to cl*aa bia loot*, i
A UUer of the aoil, who o«m* a farB b beeanae hb elrealan di^ aot oome While Mr* Bejinett *• Ophelia wa^l^'' Ktog’a Neo Dicorery eurec ber of
"juit looaweei for eaytbiok' " ‘as Ban ■ * hackiog enagh that tor many
near Oiaiadala atanad tba ISib Or In time to be bon^depwlth the other*. aaya "
; bad made life a oardee. She >ay>:
Dakota with bb fasUy in two cotmd Wendllng'a eirculan will be aent oaf
rbedramatic gem waa followed hr aotbrr reme«‘ea aod doctor*
.... tbe
... p«to to my
It aooo. reliered
wafoat. ThU aaka* tba fifth time ba
nuiy.'jBBtb*rar* the data flzid delightful nolo by Mr* Holliday. “Lul- ‘
Uby" from Ermioe. and the pn«ram j «•»'*' and
“<* 1* ean now deep tourdly,
ba* J >arnryrd in a Ilka Banner to tba for bbleclnn.
_____ with
e »olo by
j Hra Percy
..-.V. Hold*.••..u..
hlng I can acarerty remember do
waatarn world, bat «aeb Uma
------ u *1.-------------i.-fore
I f pleaa-i'*>F before I feel 1IV<- eonodtog iU
made bl
.1 tbe Iraat
fore ha alfrbed for Mbbiran and
tog fentar* of a rery floe program. ' ] ^'*1*^ throa^hoat tbe Uoln-ree." Dr.
tamed, only to araln aet bb fare
in a prirate letter^ reoelred from I
throat, cheat or
toward the «etUnr »no Vrniy. it b
t 5"$
Thoee who aaw tbe teprodaciioa of M^la one of tbe officer, o, tb. cooa atrattfc aane of fl^klenoM and nnraat.
mbeary department there make, tba! Waif* drag rtote.
Aboot two yean aco two well dlWed Pi'rtimanont-Ji ffrle* fight recently are litinnrram KkAtAnvAn* 41.44 _j.i.
t atatemert that, with the
Ban.atepped inW tba .iltery atabla of enzion* tonee it repeated, while thcae opeatogof the preeent c
Barry Ribioaoo of Piycnootb and hired who bare not yet •*» it hare a treat
w:|| be poaelble to teenre all of the lire
arifi. They did not ralam. danday lart-n*. By epecbl nqaeat it wilt be
E er>B
ry toeend forward wUh
ba watebad a fonaral
by at Ana Arbor. Attaabad to one of Opew Booae. Tbe Dewey parade will
Maaila. Be aay* that cattle can
the hack* ha diaeoearad hb loat ani- al»o be a featnre of tbe ereningb proerenred from Singapore and Tlcn-Ta s

a*al. B" want to the llraiy auble and gram.
wltbia ten daya of cabling, and that
We are aooo to hare to oar m’dit a
Isqairad how they ease into poaaaathere ban abnndvDcc ol naUre bee'
alon of it Mr. H.>lbaBna, tha proprie­ bright yoepg chap called "WUlb of eery aalbfeclory qualtty to be foand
tor. inform d him that one oifiht. Come." and there b no doobt bnt what
to tbe bland* *ontb of Lut».
will, and with him twentyfoor
aboBt two ye»r* afo. two men drore la
and pat np their hone. reBarklnc that other drrer c»«* who will be *een la
Mr*. Albert Mabert died of blood
they woBld be back in the m ‘minp the lateat laughing aoopew. “A Bell
pobonipg ycetorday at ber borne to
They nerer returned, and.
Boy." which wUl be the attraction at
Keewick. W S. Andereoc left laat
Inir tha owner,'Mr. Polhrmiu baa bad Slelabergb Grand Opera Houae Wed'
night to make arraagementa for the
the oae of the animal ever aloea.
needay erentog. Nor. let.
Mr*, lorenoll of Olire waa probably
Beet workmanebip mooey
Mr. TownAeod.'to adranee of the
S bbed the Orare.
faulty injured at Holland Manday afran employ Tor Bicycle
taraoon by beioir thrown from a road
A atarOiog toe>dent b narrated by
Repairing, yoick work.
eart and atrikins on her bead OB a ee- one week, eomnaeneibg Monday ereo- John Olirer of Pbiladelphla. aa follow*:
meat walk. db« b aUll UBMaaoioiia. ing. Uci. VS, at the Coy Opera Uau*e. "I wa* to aaawfulooadlUon My >kto
wa* almoet yellow, eyreenoken. tooeue
Children threw a handfel of learw, inform* n* that he ba* reeetred In- coated, pain coniloually in back and
lailon to tbe efiect that the corn- •idea, no Mpetlle. growing weaker day
frlrhUolBf bar bone
pany ha* oeen atrengibeaed materially by day. Three pbyaiclana bad giret
The Peake Copper eoBpaay, with s
up. Then I waa adrbed to oae
in tbe layt week by the addltioa of
Bapltalof#f.M».fOO.haa'flled iu art! Mb* Bra Mae Vaughn, a young lady of Electric Bitter*; to my great Joy. tbe
alee of ataoeiatloo with the
fii*t bottle made a de<.ided improreremarkable abtliiy, aod of whom the
1. 1 continued their u«e for three
nf eUte. paying e fraoehbe fee of $li.Detroit Free Preee apeaka to great
ri mi
800. Theoompaay. which b nnderpraieeof.ber artbUc work Id leading - .... ther robbed the vreratood to be backed by Standard Oil
i. Wv clip the following from the
them Only Me. gn
L. L A BuUdlng.
latgraata. own* a track of land Bear
Mt. Clemena Hoaltor. at which the
>'• and 8 E bait's drag iiorc*
Beaaemer.oo which are ralaable eeiaa conpaoy ba* j lat played a moat
a* well a* ample water power to wwk aaiUfactory
rogue,"-aa pertorincd by tbe Frboee
At Mani'iette. Soft* Finne. a Fianbh
are uaed and eadorted by me ie*dirg
Suck Co. laat ereatag. at Nebon'*
moalcian* rre'ywbere. No lri> Frrpi A- R. srirarr. M. 11. Prr.i.>, V. w Arnrwm
aarraai girl, wa* found dmd la her
M. U..
PbvtieUn. ellb coo.ultiB* pby
Upera Boa**, waa farorably reeeired
•Ueet. N B Siroug. manager. :s« ft *ici*T>f
*nd *orcT->o.. *tid
txmm Tueaday morning.
She *
by tbe fair undleoe*. "toebarogne" U
atphyxiaied by blowing oat the gaa.
* well-tried play, and well wrlttea TheWgfighL
When John McE benie of Cbmden ttoeeandatrongolioaze*. and oe perDo not firgel that the great F tz-'<u*'
roreiMnw liii. prm *B<i jour^
fiabbed a IS mile bicycle race he tmh tormed by tbe Frbbee Slock Oo.. it
from hb wheel 'aaeanaelOB*. Be b broBghl forth much applaoee and
Ooera Uoaae Friday night by tbr'
and«r the care of a phyticiao and bU farorable comment."
Bdlaon Amerlc*a Viuteope Oo.
eondltlon b critical.
Mb* Ida Jobnaoa, tbe former Trar Kuqamd* BaU
Ephraim Boe billed a bear oa tbe
at Columbia Hall. Tu*May rreatog,
plain* near Preteou. which welgfaed er»e City milliner, wa* laetrumeatal to
October «4 JoMeon A Foote orcha*SM puBada Mr. Boe b an old bnator Prtoakey recently to bringing to jaa
tra. Ererybody iueitod ifL S
rarehar* girwfe.
Traeereerttr. ■■ I
nnd trapper.
Uoe a yonag porter of the Arlington
Mllfoni llarriaoo and John Brittam hotel, who b charged with baring
were badly bhrned by a gaeoUne ea- roboed th. *tore of D K Moaea d Co.
ploelon at the CrcMeat (Jaa Oo'• Mb* Jobnaon dbeorered *omc ringa
•aid to taara been atolen fln^^ au
work* at Sagiaaw.
being worn by armt young l*atN« ..
Seeeral ca*«* of typhoid and aarlet
the plaoe. An inrMtigation dereloped
levorbafe dereloped in the eicinlty
the faa ibat tbe todb* bad raeeirrd
of Gaylord.
Schoob and cburcbea
the jewelry a* gifta from tbe yonag
hare been ordered cldbed. The acarlct,
man mentioned. Ibe fellow wa* ar
112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted an
fe*erepld>miepre*aUca aUo la many'
reeled and placsd in jail and b await oflFer. a? they must be sold by December 15.
tewna la tbe atatn.
log trial.
Also No. 431 Washington street. 44 foot lot, good
CharteaC. Meaoakey, who haa lirid
to Detroit for fifty year*, died ia that
Itching Plicaelly Tueaday. at'tbe age of-cigbiy
542 Webster street, house built about four yea
Fabe modeaty tauae* many peop’e to
three. UatU tbe day oa which he endure In alleece tbe greateat mbery —in good condition, modern improvements.
died be bad nerer ia hb life been Imaginable from Itching ptlea ^
these over at once and see
obUgedtoapenda day to bed on a^ applieaUoa of Dr. A. W. Cb^’. Oto^
meat will aoothe aad eaae ibo itching,
const of iltoeaa



Gas Lamp--

When in Doubt
What to Bat

HATteNAL aiacuiT cemPAHr.
For A pbnaurt change of diet. UwBfidB



JRTOB Wrighi’B Health, Wool Pleece, N»t-


Ural 8Uk Ploeoe. Pure WooG Scarlet, Onelta
Combiutloii, Winter Weight BRlbricgR&-BMt
underweRT valnee-Biggest RMbrtment-XodoBt price# at ••und‘rwe»r hradqaRrt«rR”-thRt’B

I Hamilton Ming Go's. 1




Price Redoced to Close Dot Lot.

Cali and^see them before buying.


Fire Insurance.

Kimball Pianos and Organs

State 8t Sale Stobl# .

CtiildreD's Reefers
and Sits.


John R. Santo,
Geieral lasiraiCB..

Here You Have an
Opportunity To Make Big Money

John T. rraaee. a pramtoeat aV
tornay of Decatur, Indiana, rbited
Petortiey. Hbh.. during tbe banted
term and whUa there
idea of.writing bb name and addrae*
oa a Blip of paper which he placed to a
botUa, wbieh be eeenrely corked nnd
tbnn threw into tbe laka Monday Mr.
rranca rneelred tram B. Canamaker.
of Odambu*. O., tbe meHag* he bad
erriMM. Tbe botu* waa picked np by
Mr. E«naK*kcr ie the barbor at New
Tortc. wber* it had found lia way after

New involoefi of fine goods aimodt daily to repleuish stock in our children's department — Some
handeome patterns in both Veetee and Double Breast­
ed euitfi, for boy’# three to sixteen yeai^. in the popular prices. $2 60 to f4.00. The^.e are made for both
loofa aod service, and our guarantee goes with each

That are almost indestructible-best goods ever shown
at the prices—double seat and knees-taped seams.

HamiltoD GIotMo^ Go.


or protrading plica Yon haTa no
to ran. for Dr. A. W Chaae'a Oiati
bguaraatoed to cure plica Oal

The WoBderAtlABtomtUc BzUbttioa
08 Tkoat Blreet.
The BaarrelOB* BzpoeiUoa which haa
Bed ao i^y hearu and enriched
*o many
y icqoiriqg
mlada «il! remain
at Sll Front „
only two more
daya Thoee who hnee been nnable
ebit thb iaetraeUee eatortainm*
•bo«ld arrange to make their eblta ae
a a* poentble, eo aa oot to nilw t

dob Oosldn't Bare Stood 1l
If M'd bad Itching Pilea They*re
t^hly annoying; but Beeklen*. A™
It U a mine of wealth to the etadento
nto* Salre wUi ear* the wont «a*e of of aoleatlfic research,
•catih. To the reflecUre
PUae on earth. It ha* cared tbo^^i mtoditc
a field of Ihoaght and
■wdy of

Ufnj AafiSayvTuVfak


Just Received-

rS Jolitsoa niocR, Pluae 73. _______ Ueal Estate Ewlianee


We keep the “Two In One" sweater
for men who are out in the cold—very
heavy—knit double—almost as good as an
overcoat—only $1.00.
Sweaters here In every style and
color-men's and boy's sizes —from the
cheap to the finest grades.



and now on eal*. a wonderf*!
line of

We make it a eonstaat
study to keep np the line of
footwear sod the' require­
ments of trade for style, com­
fort and durability. We bare
used our best efforts in coo-.
uection with the saleemaa of
the W. L. Dongla* Shoe Oo.
to select tbe latost styles and
best quality o^aterial.Tber •
^ - -w
sre^ made enedslly to our
order, and yon can rest ssenred they are made right. 6t well and
wear good. -\n inspecUon will conrince you they are the best
shoes m the world for the money- price u stam^ on the eole
of every ahoe-and one price to alj. Everybody b oordiallv
invited to see them, whether they wish to buy or not.






ttm moaMOm «>*oo»i>. Tjrtntet>A~ir. ujiTOfllW i». mm
rASSionc rxoo&ojL

'¥\atv\,«TS auii Srpraacrs
"5V &Tovo\xv^ StvAusVr^ t


?\mA •< ?<*•»• 4*

Co - m

knAi Vn 3ukn^ t«


I &ewa\ 'Kent. |
\\vt "VDoAd. J

ffoar atylM of potato plaateie: two
mtylaaof powder gaaa. baaldaa earner
<MU other Implemeota lavalnable to the
ArMaria the raUiag of a'l kinds of
It g nairg Jfoeamber S
wegeUblaa, frnlt aad other ero^e.
Bat*'-*':*, •rraagemcoie are a-moel
vto Maaoript-oa of tba factory will giva
funpieiml for the aerlea of eleb pariiee
mkatlw idea of the extant of ike bual
to be held la ibe City Opera Boner, bemam, which ia eoatlaaally growing
•Tka k-neia- I. iin.^' glanlag on Friday avaalag. November
TM baUdlog UdOtlM
Tbeandemy mJjolalag ha. bmn
gnat in dimaavtoat. two atorica Id
redttad and w 1] ba nsad aa raeepUoa,
. Beighl. The oBoca oa the g-opod dmr
cloek aad tmoklag rooms. Varlooa
mra very attractive and provided wltb
gaipca for tbeamaaamantof clobocma oonvenUaeea. Tea
bera will be laangaratad. Aa oevhae-of tba balldlag. every foot ol apaee ba- tra eoneart will be given each evening
I ag atUiradr U need tor mannfaetariog. at S p. m. Daaoiar wUI begin at 8iW.
.At the oorth and of the main fl tar ara Application for elab UekeU aad all
. toeatad three aplnnlng machlnaa, oaa
beoblataad of Profaaba-maklng maehlaa, one apriag-mahe Martaagb, Cbarim Vader or elnb
ittlng malag maeblne. oae thr
toaaa aacd
ihlaa.aad i
a the walk.
laotare Ooama
ormerly lo«biadloUU portion of the> boildtag.
it yeaterday wbbb givaa the oaaIma baaa moved to a Mparata room on
lerafortbaaaUtogef the UekaUto
Abe meat aide of tba bnUdlag, where
tba High School Uetara aad Maale
abeaelmploBMaU ara tamed onl with
raebanoato aaavam aa> tarrtmrprtmng rapidity. The aagiaa room
bay wbb daring tba toat tow
.Mlrldaa the plantar dapartsMt tram
tft. ao that tbay ara aot aow rad to ttialr andgaad territory.
-aha pram raom. Thb ddpartmaat b
....-Maaraatoeonaala at tba Ci^
Bawa atoad. Tba doorc for tba raaarvtog of aaam wUl ba opaaad BatanUy
blABkad by maaH of large, heavy ma- momingai c:to.____________
^brn. prarldad with maay dtoa far
Bbrnarekh Iran Varra
«Aa forming of avary aort of malal atWm tba toaalt of bb aplandld haallb.
anebmaat or deviaa aaad to tba prod................
^ tba ptoaV Oa tba aama ffoor, adomlubla wUl
aegy ara aot temad wbara wtomeiiii,
meat «t tba pram room, tba ahMl matal Uvnr, Ktdaays. and Bowab ara oat ol
ovdm. U yoa want tboM qaeUttoa
and tba naaaaaa tbay betog, n« Or.
Haw Ufa PUk
M aaa
•Mbaa. ate., tar tba apemyma b eat aad
atJamM0.7obMM'aand & B. Wal
tffwid byaMcnl maabtoM daalcMd diogatoroa_________________

^etetparfcaa. There ara alao two MMMl
^Mnjtotaatoapf Wanati* ■mMom and
mMia Wrficitol to each work.
xSenertbandat tba appar ioori



The Celebrated


mlamoBU tba oonpaay aMBatootarad
ndd ablpped to all parU of tba eoaatry
.iftt ,e!T Tb. ->!.» ol bftlft—


Frisbee Stock Where It’s Alade


in B rspBitolr* of

Standard Plays.
La Belle Ethel
erfal child actrCH. Her
•urging and dandiig have capUv-

!! •tod tha andiences ererywhere.
wtodfallA. Me per

Tba aabjvat ebaaaa tor f
“Baaolvad, That the d
prladplaa of the qpliad Btalw are la
daagarof balag aapereadad by tboaaWklta WtaT af Tar tr-ap. »»
of aa ariatoeracy". Both aldaa ware bem cough remedy on certb. cures a cold
well faaadlad. bet tba daeUloo wm in one day if taken in txme. S&andUoa.
givaa la favor of tba acgatlva. CharlM
Card aad Irvieg Marray baadlad tba. Braad.
sun aalliag at I oenb a toaf at Pmak
affinsatlva while Frad Simaa and
Mad TtipB looked after the aagatlve.
MiM Norloo who had charge of the
gave the eritie’a rvp>rt.

Specialties by Eetire Company.
Pric«a of admiMioD-ieo, 85o

— ■

' mm w

itu) etleeUoei
Hen a peltcy

Hiram Cook,

jKf'S.S'.Srat ■

■ ' *■

Matimon Blk.

V—1— V-ll ■>.. M—ftk.
loeroBWly.. PaoM..

Bntora Friday it b expraiad Brlu a
will abla IS 000 mor. troop, for Sonth ‘ D“o
Afrleaa potota.
I osm* M*^TomwU«r ucek. tie
Britbfa av^Iable fnrem ia Natal Joit
aow total bavto.OOO men. atationto at

Where fl Hepr is made i* a
conaiderable weight to
pariicnisr amokera, and it ia to
than wo apeak. ^ ^Onr^ work rooms are <»hian,
Oof stock ia clean, finely eoi>
ed and fra^nt.
Oor workroeh'are n<>«t, dtOlfnl and efficient, asioK the'beat of
Thene thinga mak. onr cigar*
the farorite brands with eo many

Gete Post, streight lOc
Diemoid J. 3 for—2Sc
Treverse Belle——05c
j Sold by all dealers.

We bDn Eggs. 16c a dozei.
8ood Dairr Biiner. 17-IOc.
We sell
mi Coffee-11 lbs for $1.




Monday, Oct 23 |

tba paru balag branUT eaeatad. urd*^lb.............. .
Batter par to D^.
darad a plaao aad aaadolla aolo. The
Kbaat Bready aad Urklaa favored
t^tb a daat aad a obarmtag plaao eok>
WM gltaa by Oarrla A«ary.
Otbar aambarawara aa rxeallaat
radtatlcm oa ••SiMldaB’a Mareb" by
Barbart Baymoad, foUowad by aa aeJoyabU aony oa “War aad Paaaa” bg
OraUick. “Mad daiboay’e
i^barge" waa a plaaalag radtoUOB giv
aabyida Laiklaa.
Bar. Oolby road aa tnatraaUre abatraetoB tba “Bdaeatlea of Ooka.'*
-Tba White Bavlaw" proved to *ba a
tea raaitatioa, glvaa by Mary Bark-

^rMa. Tba prodaeta of the oompaoy
aow are Bhlppad all over tba coontry gaaWaaaa wboaa Ulanm are devoted
mad ordarp have aoma alao from Ba- ooBtlanally to crcatlag labor tavlog
{davleaa,aad with caoh aaeeaat that
tbbra are maay thlaga in tba factory
■dtaato know alao that the factory le tMUfy to bis akUltol efforta la
marac oat a grcatar.vartaiy of oora and eit/U..y to the eqalpmeaU
potato plaatara and aprayan tbai
IBa ofltoara of the eompaay
W«har aoBowP la the oomatry aad
PfaMdaat, C. K Bock; viee pre^anl,
4lfela b tte only toolory of ikla klad C. P. Back: aaeratary-traMnrar, J.' W.
maywhara north of Oraad Baplda, and Mmikaa:aaleamaa. I F. Gordon,
maa of only a vary to« almllar toeiorlea
tiavaralof ihalmplemaata maanfaeda tba cuia.
tarad ara andar pataau owaad by the
Oarlag the pMt year many new aad
eompaay and othara are aaaafacti
dmporuat tmprovameata bare baaa
muda. aatU tba factory hM « apleadid;
Wgalpmaat wbleb provide, far aa la> aa to demraMad damaad and given a grMtar aamaaity. which haa aoooma aacacaary alga and faculty aa wall aa good
Mkropgb tba grewlag popalarlty of vba ataaahip
Ira F. Oordoa. the oauida rapraaimp Maanla made hare.
*Cb» eompaay now nwnafaeiarea alae aaUUve. left for the aontb and oMt
mtylac of atomlaara. made » via, braaa Taeaday la the intcracu of the
which ara hMomlng wldeapi-aad
mad galvanised; twoatylre of koapaaek
mprayerv: three atylca of com plaotare; aad of laeraaaiag importaaea.



U tba Bldat o( all Ua varioaa la- oat apart aa tba box aaabiog depart
rlaatri^ la Tra»araa City whlab »ra saat. la wUab aay triad of a bob or
wmabad wltb WilaaM aad growlag a» araU aaa ba sada aa tba praabw
<w(«h tba towa. laaratalag gradaally la Thb b a bsy plaaa darlag tba oaaaoa.
aagbeUy aad oatgat, tba Potato Is- Jaot off tba box daparnaaet b tba
Wlasaat Oa. la aa calabliabsaat wUeb baflagraoa. wbara tba poUablag of
tiiira,iaoadda«abU attaatloa. It b natal laplamaato aad parta b doaa aad
tbaprodaeta ara tanad oat ablalag
9«Ibo oaa of wblab vary Uttla k
s»U darlag tba pact tow yaara., WbUc aad partoet. roady far paotdag. Jaat
fit baa aot biaa partlealarty ovarwoaaa aactoftba box naklag reooi b tba
«bata baa baaa a<sa of that wblab b tabbiag RX>ok wbara tba rartoac In••I«nda*' aioot It. placMau ara palatad aad tba tabbiag
vary tow paopU U tba dty aalda toaebot pat oa praparatory loabtpptag.
TbawoodworUbg daparttaaat blo(ws tboaa iatlMlaly
ra of tba eonpaay, bare aay aatad la tba large aeatb roos oa tba
aoaoadtMT. Tbbba modal dapartiMaa of tba axtaat of tba i
ili« boalaaM doaa^ la tba big brick aaaat la arary aana and b tba BMat
■Miai lirt oa Weat groat atraat. wbM ■odara aad ooaplata of tba triad la
-WM origlaally ballt for a woolea mill, Ibb part of Mlohlgaa. da Idea of lu
axtaataaa only ba torawd by
obaarra«mt wbieh kaa baaa Improved aatU it-----------------------,----------------. ----------m admirably ^aptaS la ovary way for Uon wbUa tba plaot U la aeUve opara■t-r-*----- to wbleb It la aow da- tkm. la tbU part tbera ara 17 mawotad.
Icblaaa. Two aaioamlia latbaa, tba
Tbeplaatot tba Potato Iwpla»aat;i,j^^ iaranUoii: toor^ldad plaaar,
Oa. bM growB rapidly aad aabalaatlal-.
moaldar. poay plaaar, bate
rj to lift
ftftUi .o» lift
ftXp.1 Ift whfti ft», bft Uylblftll,
oi.ftoriftt ifttihlft.
aarmed very bMvy darlag I^*
«ftcbl.. ftrd •OTirftVoli.r
I. ft
fti«l 1« lie «ood.ortd«i
. ftftd of tie bftftlacfti
many to kaow tka qaaatity of

Zft^BftUd -bftb It le ftifttftd Uftt tba •oetetblaf of tb« Iftftidb trorldBtft of
ftootary w%%
raa .tally aipht-^1
Moatbc iMt aMtoa. Darlag toa of ,“*^7
'mboM mooth. from 7» to 8i hand, ware
The proaoeet for the eompaay tbla
ftcMployad aad Ibe payroll darlag that I »«*>® wy bright, aad tbara la aoa
variod avwacad aaarly daoD a weak, j “•
Oarlag tba ramaladarof ikaaaawm the •w‘-fo«.w»d aext .cmm promiaacto
Moroc of ampioyw raaged from 50 to 70 ^a haavlar tbaa ImI year. Oa aae
pefMaa. wlU a proporuonata pay rolLl^flb^ o^«»
'»»• *«b>ry will
•Tkaaa Ogaraa abow that ttate ooaoara u ,
w aoaaldatoble toewr amoDg tba
wUl wobably raa later
ofaawrlBgiadDatriatoftbaoUy. Thlal‘*‘fc®
«f !»«•. with a larger
da oiora aoiinblc wbaa U U kao*a; iorce of employea.
Tbara are aow
mbat tba ermpav tadao tba ««»»■. »boot a doaca maa at work aad tka
Toon ftio. ftod tbftt wboo tb,, j„t j >• ftf—* “f"
Mr. C. K Book, toe head of the eom.
D of the pracaat laetory
abcmaximlomforoc of employee
maaater. ia aBterprlaBwaaty aad the plant WMthen. arratad iW- bat a oarcfol bOftlaoM map aad
«ly aboat alx mootbt la the year. la through, hla'pereobal <ff>rU and
that.the boelaaaa hH
-Tba ctaady Lacreaae prom that the
toaalawa of tba company U uadar good davalopad ao rapidly aad eobataatlaUy.
Maaagameat aad eoaepleioaa aatar- Ha la ably aaiiatad la the oSaa by hia

City Opera House

IMlow k ft U« ettk* kOlaCMd hTWm 0!*« ta tb* B«|* ■ahra* Taa
MaOajr BiCM » taaU AaOlaaaa.
Tha Jaaior l^aaaa bald a ■aattog
lH( eraalM aftar adMoI ia Iba High
aabool aaMCablg rgoa at wUeb a auU Sbart Oit 9oab ■■••••••ftftftftaft*.
crowd aajaxad aa axeaUaal progras.
Tba prograat wac aatriad oat a* a aat-

Oxen For Sale.

£,°SS21-. o!ir5S.rB«w mi: I I

weiglit 3200 and 3-M)0.

>M'phoiv. W; Krwr%. OBThe sMmnr Uanltc haa Jut dntnprd tiarr
m Oprn
at Ban Tranclaoo ailka and apuie from
the orienl vala-d at a3.500.000.
Over 500 yoaog Mayo bravna hava
joined the Yaqni aprleing In Muloo
aaovrautrm of onpresedantod se­ n, oBcv W, mlJenev HM
verity for the aeaaon bu been ragipg n C. ClILBKBT.attorMr. Spwtala U-Btloe
r. to Probate praetlea. Saewt » ... iO
in the moaptalna aboat baadvUla. One Mereaauir Oo Bletk.______________________
band of 1 400 nbaap and the herder
-Itb them ara lut. Orher large flacka
have reported heavy loaaaa.
Onaadah 1.000 laen to ai<Ulc>at Brit
r TiUa. Bwl
in ara ^ing rapidly enrolled and will
Koew 1. lU-

Proat Street

Tonnellnr Blork


' ..DtntisL

vevkeCkkxem, p-aUP 'xredc. PIM|
*er« * «p-rii>itr.
VowOttce. Warkhaie Block.

o ee*mf.
Scpelr *or«
Skop erer dark. Bu


in«. pxrrxaLV

Morse Bros. House Peleters
0-vv theme call.

423 N BImwood Aws.

for Sale
at Pioneer Livery Stable
B. J. MORGAN, Prop


The BritUb government paye the
.•to 11
Five battlMhlpa, om ember, om
cadet tratotog chip and U tofpedo eodeaildivB’
beam aad tomeda boat deetrorern wiu
be added to Unele Samh navy next
bnwv- laqulrr
'• tWw Maktac Parian
One spaa of good blaek boraea. all aoaad. good workers, we ght »M0. Prtoc
Coagrem will be asked to anthrwix* a
xamlmloa to MUle the *30.000.000
One good, hloeky bnilu brown a re. S yaara old. weight lOSO. Warvaatod
__ I
claima of Americana la Cuba, rranltiag
~ not to kick. Price. g7S.
tram the Caaaa iMurraetioa. which ^^aXTXn-MC vtdVB vakr clili'oa
Oae p^r gray geldlagn. weight noo; one bM a •pavia aad the otbar one
Uaele Sam hM to pay.
PrvviaBt vnaHraix
vIDBVr. If
It b Mid an effort b oa foot la Ne«
aUffln front fMt. they ara a good farm team, a aad 7 yaara old. Prioe.wltb eat
of hameaa, »|SS.
Y.;rk to reorganUe tba Aator battery,
which did soeb good Mrvlea at Saalironaa. sti
ago aad to the PhUiaplnm cad <ff r
Ito aid to Kroger. Foar of the boye
«<,d.Vkora. -w
«00. bitch, toUlt.
are reported le have already volnadrd br rrtorol.« to
One pair bay geldingn, 5 yean old. raagy'bellt. good, ktad workma aad
The tiaasport Ceateanlal arrived la
good drlvere. Prioe. »t3S.
Boaolole tram 8aa Pmaeboo Oetobrr!

Now is Your Time to Get Bargains.

lautlon. Twod
Two died after i
Ah^t to galloae of eleobol
given the aalmab daring the
Dr. L. Uaae, a rieh elUtea of Prankfort, Oermaay, bH preeented that
mnatelpalUy with 150.000 martn to
form the aneleu of a fond, the Ini^reet of which b t • be devoted to adorn­
ing the eitiea' »lraeb and eqaarea wUb
wjrkt of Bcnlp are. Other eltlxvna
cootribnU. and it U'thMight that the
city will COM have e.OOO marki a year
for the perpoac

Wrl e. for rlrrulsr*.
.frCuy, Mlrb.

ood rMlIr hTd*Z*
Prvir. *

« all enmmer: they are cme of the h
Price. *500.

Oo* dorhrowa gelding, « yeara old. weight 1500. extragood draftberee.
Price, *175.

Oae dapple gray bone. 7 yeara old. weight 45(n, haa a amall blembh oo flU
blDd .leg, good worker. Price. 175.
Oae white
!. 10 yeara old. block, bnilt. good farm mare, weight 1*00.

T OeT-PorVoirr'. <
1j W«MPnMii<arvr .
FtBdrf pMv IvATr «> E

Oae pelr brawn geldloga. block, ballt. heavy boar, weirfat SSoo. 0 years old.
draft team, worked oh my farm aU aaasmer Price. *350
TJTaNTXD-iftrrrtBl b.1*1.1 Mi-l I
, prrW
to rrprr-rnl uft mm ■<
IbUBod rloor l>t rouniioft. HolarrAMOa yrar
aLd rtproara, Hlralitht. Ima-Mr. oa. o.-rr,
BO IM aaJar;. fV-ftitli.B |»-rwkiiroL Oi.r rrfrrrnm anrhaak In aor «••<■ ■■ '*
oArr vorh roodur.rd at boar Rrfrprn-v.
- •
. , y,,,
OoBlnIroi OnopaOT. Drp- a Cbiraito.

One eoegray man. 7 yean old. weight good for all^ork. doable.
Price. *135.
One extra good black hone, five yean old. hloeky built, weight 1500. Priba

The eoppoMdly extinct vsleaao of
Oae pair brown maraa. $ yean old. weight UM. good worker* and good
Saa Hartto. near the town of Caiema P*Of^*^--ror-T^arr-aof land la^Br.1
road.iera, a No- l pair. Price. *<55.
eo, Mexleo. haeagaia heeoma active
Oae peat pair of bay driven, 5 year* oM. weight SOuo.
■tep cloee to-I
and miliea lava b poartog fiom the
very etylbh aad prompt. Pnee. *!50.
T^rtK R4LB-r»aod flr-i-.-laaa _____
eratei aad raanlagdowa the ride* of F aoda (ftoddrirlBc borae. lBe«li
Oae extra good bay mara, block, ballt, dve yean old. weight I40a
>tala. The Jefe PoIIUm of
U,ft><l«rt.t hu.r.piM.d U> U, to,. W
One block, baUt brown mare. 5 yearn old, weight I loo, good tom main.
e b dan­
Co rafi iBira at .
Price. *100
Bar at thr Tn
ger of graai deatraetloB to gruwiag
One aloe roaad ballt. dapple gray .mara. 7 yaara eld. weight 1*00, haa a
to the vallpy at the foot of the
baneh on htod leg bat not lame, an extra good alagU worker. Price. *100.
moanuia, aad that the eoabtry people
from tbelr haeaea Tab'
A pair of pony mares, weight 1700, utra good drivers. 6 yeara olX
TOC WAMT iBSkra-rv et *Br kta« la am
votaaao had bcca to a slate of toac- TT
X rUia rowpantra or to bay k hour, lot «r
tlrity for eaeb a loag period that amaU
new* Taa4
Kindly give me a call. AU kinds of atoek tokea in axebaage tor boiaaa.
oa the
danger Itoe. Aa the iirminl araptloa
bvafyeereta. maeh daaUMtioa may
ytl>>aaM»ow»»MoW^laiywaS"^u*triir i
mJClmw talaestn as SweM

.•.’4 ir:r.




■ madlam
tteamvoMantamS evary organ of

Ule«lvtog oaygM to all the rametoit
gartaef tbetyatam. Faee cat aad toe•mUealgnatare of Or. A. W. ObaM ea
•my box at tba gaaa*
- V. PrtoalOeMta.

M”;^^IS.‘5rRur2“- ’TTS’KetlMl* beri>brriv«BthM^ lai vali* tar
W «eUactlra_^ Bcannl aaC dtj lai— aa4 aU.

Tour winter's wood
at once to Insure de­
livery. WE Have

Haion EDsnGs


HgBOodk lombor in all i


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