The Morning Record, July 09, 1899

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, July 09, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Tbbd Ymt-Si. 680.

•CbM. X. ShcldOB AbIw

A«*OT or -u iili BM*^ Wuiu to
•m • Lo6«* Amem»l of OmHoI
»^04 to Mwt •
VowV*B« to Cki«^ VhM B^w-



loss IS Numr
--- ».ooo.


Tka Basova to tha Baad ra*W7 hj
Vtn M Braato Thaa at Viiat
B- T. Bdwarda. nitatar to V.. &
Sota^ A Saoa. afrtaad fraa tha BOrth
raatordar ManOar. aoatawnad hy a
' traa aaDoaaelaf tha ftra whkh
wart bid tha aaad faetory Friday alghv
Tha laaa CB tha prMliti -la fnotar
thaa at trot aappo^ aad aa azaa
UOB ahowa how ataotlra waa tha wort
ofthaftn dafhrtwaat la praraatiac
wUn daatiaatlea «( tha haildlw.
Thalopoaothe haUdiay>aaboat«7U.
Pira thoaaaad aaad bar*. tOM aad »0M
boabola of ralaabU aaad wwa ilinmad
ao that little ima ba aand. Tba ralaa
adtbaaoad aaeaada SMM, nakiav a
totol low of awly. If aet ^alta, S&ooa
Tha total amooat of laoaraiiea la tlL
WUla a rrtot ^**1 of aaad tod
haaa abliwad oat lately than waa atlU
aaoDCh la tha belldlay to maka the

OottoB Orop ttt Texes Swept
[baaaaadaDoUanWorth ofTalaahto
Broparty Piehejad-ltoay Boaoea
XOlad-Tha Lcm la tha Btato wiU
Ba Abeat Tea XUUaa BeUaxa-

A Soaaaof BwoiaUoa.
DMTOli. lair ■-—Tkoro
so |mSt. Loate, Jaly C.-^ apaatal .
Ml meilaci io Uo ChriotiM Kadao*
OSdwall. Tacaa. oaya that tha aatl«r MOW unlrbt oar will than ha toB of eoHoe hayan aa to tha laoa
mvrow. Wt than wiU ha waj SaarMlilaf (ras tha daotafa to tha eotBor fothwliV* la ahardwa. tha ehlaf
wa faop la tto Bnra raUoy. an that
tetwa holar tha haadar 'ottanoM
wUaa od aottoa baaitay load
^hhoth ohMrraaea aarriae. Oooaafrti
waa loedad. Baetaf tha low ea
tloB natUan an aahadalad to SaaSreeeat flyana. toe arop daatroyad
dar arwaac aod toawalla to Uoada/
aa worth alaioat et.OW.OOO.
Well iafonaad paneae an of the
ThU Moralaf*
la Tool
oplBioa that tha aapraeadaet'd floodi
Maarorwaa awn tofaiy aUowlod
thoa Mttar of the pnvlou oaaa. Tba bad tha ftn aot baaa haadiadao i
Ual MaUar* ia tha blr toil*
all domeatle aalmaU pdriahad. Bealad
Moodar opaaad la Ta8«a.*adaaT0f aa4
heaaaa la tha aayto qaorun wan
WUUatoa, at 10 o-oloek wlth^ aaaal
^(eroi^ oa haad. had with tha
The oottoa yiaa wan nearly all rain­
oiarlDf aaipintadoaorar. Tba nala
aad baadr44d of pUaUtloa atom
loplaof IhadaratTaatBadwror waa
'•Sand to Sam.'* •'Self Ooqaacntlaa.”
Beard of Health U Here.
.waa tba faeanl thaaw la Toot WUUaum.
rorraa Amafed Ltat Viyht k
tha Kcatiac to Taka Place Han
Situation b Caaaa to Ora** Appraon Aafoat 09 aod SS.
benaioaa and Oalla (or
Dr. Haory B. Baker, aaentacy of tha
UI moat Tiyllano*.
CbleaKo- Tha aether of '(Ja Hla Siapa' State Board of Sealtb. arrired in Ue
Waablnytoo, Jaly 8.-rOra*e appraaaka to tha oataWlahmMit of a aawa city laot a*ealiir aad waa la eODaolMpapor to carry oat tha prtaelplaa oat- tloa with a DBBbar of the citlseae ra benatoo as'At* anaoay amy aarycou
Uaad iahli popalar book. Tha Sn(; eardtaythe e^tary eoanotloa to be aaaraanltof nporM reeei*ad doriny
.preaonl area paetad with laafhMr held ben tbie enaaer aader the aa the laat twanty-fonr boon from Saoti<ns 400 BiaMtara Ba*. Mr. Bhaldoa
Nofthaboard. 10 waa daeldad to ayo. Tba yellow (e«*r apidaaite wbleh
wsatoahad to aa totaat tot to n- bold tha aoa*aattoo on Toaaday aad
i* time a^. althonyh tbe
aotarad with tha qaaatloB "Why aotr* Wedoaaday, Any it aad <1.
of the doeton haa been oarafnlly en"Why aot. ay frtaadar to want «a. wn ehaas u follow*:
oaaM aad no mantioa of it haa bean :
Pnaldaat—Thoa T. Baton
"Taa cjUaroe ban bad their Bllliaaa.
Into the nporb yi*aa '
Soeratary -P. C. Olibart.
laa'tttoUBartpatoaoBooaa to adoat at the war departkianl.
raaaa a alilloa dolUra to a nawspapor
Some time aye tba deparu
lltoa. Boa. W. W.
«t ihta kladr Mr. Sheldoa hao
«aa of tha aoat proalaaot Syaraa in Salih. Or. a 3. Aaaelaad. M. 0. Dodre advbad that the eondiOone a<
Saatlayo wan aot anch, even
tha ooaraoUoa. 8h aadiaaoaa tora Dr. 3. a Maaaaa. A W HaaOnfa, 0?.
baaa tha Uryaat of tha aaeUoaal aa^ B. D. dahtoa, Baaaaat WUhala. Dr. now. a* to aaeora the troop* aad paopla
than liaaBBBhy from eoaiayloa
J. B. Martia, Ws L-wdoa.
It waa aald tha ayetam of
UaeoU*oooaaittoa-Tba proaidaal.
retuy aad Dr. Hoary B. Baker. P. tatloa adopted waa Inadaqaat!. aad.
hraoth with which to reply.
eomlay aa It did after tha loay period
Tha pnaldlof oOear at Toat
DtBMardl*r*yardr.f all the rale* of
daa*or waa Ba*. Dr. J. C. Tylar of
W. H. StaSwaCABorat.
pahUa health. It -*-■« not expaetad the
Olaralaad. Ba*. Dr. McLaaria
Tbaootllaaof thaproBTmaiaa* fol- fallow ferer eobid m kept ooV
Braoklya. lad the dovoUoaa. Varioaa
Tbe enryeon* who aeeompaaled See.
Mpto raUtlay to tba caaaral thema of
Taraday Aftaraooa.
retary Atyer oa hb toar of laepoetioo
tha air*laa wan traatod by tha followliny addreat by Mayor Freak ealled hb attonUon to the eorfeoe
eleanlny to which the work of military
la tha hoaa—“Jaalon." Ba*. Oaorf*
Statoaaatof thaobjeeuof tba t
atioB waa eoadned
B. Blawart,D.D..Ba(rlabofT,Pa. "Paathaa feared, and Saentary Alyer raeUy Altor." Proaldoat Bnrrla A Jaaklna.
oyalied tbe danyar. that than woiTld
inch elekom* la Cato aa tha earnU tba chonh-"Mldwnk Prayar
ayylane of tha aye. by‘Dr. D. A.Mae- toer proynaeed. BeporU from SaoUHaattarv
Bo«waar.hlIrB. Uehlaa of DetndL
ayo indicate that the troabl* b already
tAMlap: "Saadoy Evoalar 6or*laa,"
Hyyleoa of tha home, by Mra. A K. aarieoaly nader way.
Ba*. H. O Broaden, D. 0., Doe MolBaa, Back Dlaeaatloe lad by Dr. Pnd A
Then bare been a namber of deatto.
Belkaap at NUoa, maaber of tba atate aunt oftbameoaaddan that the day
lUaetiatod addroaa. "ChAallaa Ba- board of health.
’Ueh briayi tbe flnt new* of dbabildaa*or Sbeara" Prof. Aaoa A Walla,
Tacaday Breniny.
ty eftea brlcy* later tbe newe
odltor of Ckrauaa Bedea*or World;
Tha water aapply of Tra*araa City, death. Three offiier* tore died of the
MdluUoe aod prayer, eoodootod hj
-OO.J. W. MlUlkao and A L. Sprayaa. tbe dbeaae in aa many daya The
Ba*. Joto H. Elliott, Raw York Clly; oihe>MoB led by H. Montayae.
yeone nport that they an maklny
"How YooQf Paopla May Help Tbetr
WodBiaday Moialsy.
lerole > S >rlB to etay tbe eproad of the
Paator." PrealdaBl A. A Taraa, UaTbe daUee and powan uf tha health BODUylon. which haa yalnto a atrony
oola. Ill: "How the PMtor May Help
Been and local boarda of baalib, H. tocihold.
YeoBt 1'r. pla," Ba*. W. P. WUaoo.
UoaenJ Mile* nryad acme Ume
C. Da*la. Diaeoealoo lad by Jodye ifeBpaelal prorbloa for tha can of tha
Al*ay of Maaietoa
troop* in the aammer, and he b oaderWedaeaday Aftonooa.
to hare Utely iwoewed that leeThe InportaoM of aewenyetadtlaa.
ommtodation. yolay *o far aa .to eny*
apoa all Bedeavonn to do their nt- with apeeUl ntarrnM to Trararae yeat that preaent atatlona be abaodACl^. 8. A Walt. DlBOBailaei lad %
ad If neeeaaary aad tba troop* remotad
* Bobarta of Utah troea ataoailBy hla Dr. OoUiaa B. Johaatoo of Oraad
•aat laaoaynaa
be mainitiaed. Soijeoni oi daty
The wator aapply to Tm*«rae CUy
Miehlyao 0. A aMaera an alaetad aa
oanUnaad. Prof. Deloa Pall wUl. la In Weehlnyton admit that the altaafollow*;
thta oanneetloii. yi*a a paper oa "Pari- tloa in Oebatrom tbe ataadpolot of
Pn*ldni-C. A BatrlnytM.



Bates -

J. A Kontsyoe and Party Will yo an
a Moatb'e Oralaa.
3. A Montayae will bead a ornblay
party which will
the north e^ion of Lake Saperior tor a
lU of yaebtlny and baalthfal rswaatlea. Mr. Montayae will ba aoan hb yacht Oaawa by bb
^ Barbari aad Bart. Boy London.
Balph Bwtinyt aad M. K. Walton and
eon of Grand B^dd*. 3. C. Moayan
iSaon.Doa.w1UaaDaapasy tba party
1 tha trip Utbalr own y^V. Tbair
■tlnatlon will b* the Ayawa rirar.
Ka* iMn Bito with PnntyMn and
Blad Friday.
Mra. L. A. Cnrtb. waU knoern In tkb
Monlty aa aa nldaaiUerAiad at the
dan|htw.Mn.A Lafyhtoa,
on Ik* paalnaala. Friday attar aa nUnok
af paralyob. Tto Jeeraaad waa tt
of aya. SB* ha* alwaye boon
on* cd tto Itodari amony tto old aotUor* and wlU be yraatly mbtod trae*

Just nspseked two large consign*
ments-^e fr«*oi fhejtaria, all en*
tirelj new wor e adB elegant-=the

On all imilroada are being

oaerfrom Northport, good stnff,

made to Detroit tbia week,

bnt cheaptr.

but it wiQ not pay poa to go


there to boj poor ahoea. We

orUnetft qrill not


ter this ocason than now. .


City Book store,
Clean Sweep
Shoe Sale Ask Your Friends
finiph Oonnsbls Jr., Xshager.


and see if thsy didn't tuni to

And we’re cutting prices on
all broken lots Tan Shoes,


Oxfords and Sm^mer Shoes.
It will pay yon to look Ton’ll buy.

aad Teal whit BElfDA 1« going to do

Alfred V.


PoiiularlShoe Hoise.


Ten Teai Coitiacts

Make Your Selection
From One of the Many Styles
of LadiM’ Waists ws show in

“New Idea” Patterns.
Owsr B thoomd styles—10c each.


After we move
you will be pleased
To SOS how^aeh batter wa can display tha ~

Sabscribtis Hair Caaaal'
Telephene tbe maaayar tocall
and explslB new rate* adopted by
theeompae*. '

Michigaa Telaphaaa Ca.

Jthrans’ Hiiapa Cljar

Seatlea of wator.” PhA C. Baa« will
Oread Baolda
ba Baked to praaaat aoma pbaaaa of tba
Vl«a pnaldaat-Bdwani Uadsj
aad farthto dlacaMloa of thia
~ aoaa, of Kal- aeportaat qaaetlon will follow.
Wedaeaday Saealoy.
^■naaanr-W. A Prlaea of Alpaaa.
Prank WalU, peenidaat of the
Jealor SapartatoeedaBt-Mra. BUa R.
atau board of aaaltk. DUcoeetoa lod
Wood of Uaalay.
by Dr. I. B. Oaraor aad Dr. Baker.
of tba board. Matle wUl be
A Allan of LaaMay.
a proslaeat teaton of aach oeealoa.
The ohjaete of the eoavoatlaa an the
of facte, tha
gncaUooal. Ba*. Baatlaa Swlth of of *Mwa'aad tbe dleeaeeloa of methode
OhartotM: Prstytorlaa. Ba*. Q l* A. ralatlny to tbe praraatloa of aleaauM
Mnlth. D D.. of Bay Oity: Uattod aodUMaariayof hmsmaUta Itlaaoi
Bnthtaa. Be*. N D. Oarbaraoo of Pa- iatoaded panly aa a aadieal ooo*eabat b to tto people yeaaraUy.
^hoy: Bototood. Aa*. T. W. MaUoatort. 1*
Ba*oa; Matbodiat aad Usaly topua of loeal latonat will
aeeatciM wUI ba
riultotanl Ba*. Da*idJooaaof Adriaa;
a^Maae*l< k**- VllllAM IweMofAl- (ra* aad tto ladba an aapedaUy laIMb: Bayllah Iwlhana. Ba*. a J. riUdtobepreaaaL
1h* pUa* of maatlay aad tarthar
KMto of Oread Baptds: WaMayaa, paralcalM wUl ba yi**a Utor. HMbodlat. Ba* 8. A. MaawaU. of PitWhUa to^ay doera the eld Collar
Wtodi Cbarto of Ohriat, Ba*. a A. MaMSIlaa. of Aaa Arbor; B«ptiBt. Ba*. toUdlay Aaa Bala (ooad to old bUly
Olarfe U Bnwa. of Otaad Baptda: Ma- soda of nw hide aad ataPad wlU a
of Ina abeat two laohc* loay
Ihadlat Bplianpel Ba*. T. O. Aadeeaoa.
-------- laekaadaqaarw thlek. Tto
•( Van Baraa; Pna WQl Baptlat. Ba*.
A. U Mar*ta. of Sparto; Prteada. Ba*.
t.M.1 T. Pwaifwtta. ad Tia**faa City;


Gate Pos

Kimball Pianos
."J Organs
In a targar store with ineraaaad tSciUtiaa for exhibitIng their anparior marl a Our new atora wlU ba aapecisUy appointed for tha dlaplay of musical merchan­
dise and&U Instriimants, In connection with the

Piano Which 31ade
Chicago Famous.
After wa move wa will give a Graphi
esrt, with tha new “Grand” Graphaphona. Wa want
aTarybody to ooma and enjoy it.

In ^a Xarkham Block about tha 10th of thia month.

First Cliss Hstani Clear,
6miI SIzi,
Eicallaat gaallqi.
KeeTblieWoitb Cilthratlae,
IsklHt Dealer fat Tba.

We State
Simple Facts
Whan wa aay wa have tha bast Ladles’


Shoe in tba city for $8.00 and $8f>0-

Tonnallar Block.

$1.60 and $8M. Hew line of SUppen


Fin InsncD.
L.I*. A.B«adlBg.

Oxfbrds at S6. 60. 76o, $1.00, $1BS,

, JutzeealTedi

Parker Bros.

TU Monoia ™00»». ■OTDAT. JPI.T 9. 1»9».
n« moBVxvo naooiis.

UD To'sfDijn sum.
Tb« 0«1* TwUrdity Onalad
OoB«W>T»bto. D»mM» '

^ t. Baw ajo i. W. JiAnn.
.Jt W. Hamwi.

..d 1

Ttotala wUak pnmUad kara toi.
da/ B%k* was OM of tka Mat aarare
U tkto kwall^
___ jttos sad a«a daaMfawaa
atad alosff tka ks/ akora- Tka |dla
drirorsood la ksUdlsf tka deak for
tka Mkklfas Siaiak Oo. waa to«od
iabost wUdl/ dartac tka aifkt ato
flaaU/ waa fSCtlaU/ wraekad. oaa aad
iMsktar akoat IM fast fro* tka
•kara. Abost TdO 6'doek /aatarda/
at9 tn
Ml frttoy »«—waa BOtldad tkat aoaa mb
bttht to MoifcT wMmm oI tka wto- Wko amrkl to ■oosra tka pUa drirar
M •OdMl tom kad Mt artlk dtoaatar aa aaoeoifsal«<fcaicktafSA*d aseod cqmlpMk ad k/ Pat Dana ha waat to tka aaM
aad diaeofsrad too of u>. cs/lono of
mik tk« kM*y f»to
OopL doaltoaamto. owitr of tka eoV
WMOdteMbMAdtoMIfVM fil« k*d
Msdad with tka wraekad af/am
MwlkMSwaUkaBdUA. Tk« wpvl«• Uto OMMlO. ucnM ttol __ Tka sea kad pat oot trcw the
akora is tka etor* for tka psraoaa of
mm ^ tor 4*lcUy uktac kOM
otaroariBdtkaaraft aad laoomiarin
•MM Ik* rtwtm rrest aMMaaeMMtoM wo«M faa woaikr at aowUwa- aoataet with It thalr boat waa aa/alMd
aad tkr/ wore parel/itatad ^ato tka
CMaid tka rtvar ka k«k or eikar
amvtmrn pamil. tka kOM watar. AIM aoM 6flaalt/ tka/ aaeeaadad la (oialBK mfal/ oa tka pla&f.
m«M aoi ka ukM aareaa aa ^miekly
••iaMUjMHwM FrUaj Blrkb U isff pUa drirar kst fosad tkat tka/
wan aUU ia fraat daa/sr aad saakla
kM kM* aacgaatad lIM aarci*l tooUay
to aara tka maaklaa or tbaMolraa.
SlM kHMiiaiikati or aoMtklar of Akat
Wbaa Cbtaf Boaala add Pat Oaaa arkted ka yanBMaaUr aaiablkkad tor
rlrad tkr/ wan la acre atoalta. The
•ktoparvoM- Wbaikar Ikto woold ka
kay WM ao roa*k tkat It waa
imdUt or aol. tka MUar to worth/ of
UatopatoCiaakasttotkamaa asd
tern* aatlas « laaUitola work from
kktoaidaoftkartrerioaaaa of •» os doall/ altar otiriar. tka two aaada
daaparau effort to roach tka akon b/
•to eikar Bida.
awListoaf. Tka/ ksttlad wiU Iba
raflarwatanforaaoietlM aad finalTSB asaUsiT <
1/ rcaebad tka akon alaaaat axkaoatrd
|or Ikto alt/ k/ Dr. Bakar, aaeriufy of Tkaehiafasd Daaa aaaortad tkanto
•to aUta koord of kas)^ ku ko«s daf tka water worka when the/ ware dried
•Bilal/snoaffad asd a /raffaB pr»aad fortsaatal/ litUa the worn
•Mad. At aar ilse a fatkariof of
' •kto klsd la tkte otij weald ka of ralar:
■Ito aailboat Babo, owsad b/ J. P
to* BOW. wbas we are oostr<Bt«
Ott. A 3. Macdonald of the Tranm
A fmWas for fatora watar auppl/. the OU/ LsBkar Oo.. asd ;Jao. A Baste,
I thao ardl•toTMittr- wUlkaef
broba ila bow rope darlsf tka aickl

•ad waa,dsUad aotowt tka dock ia
pan watar aad
Bsaaat wblek eaaaad tka wracldsfi of
to as alanaat la tkaoproeeed
tkabow^tand rnswalA The
Mfcto WiU profo of praatiaal aaa to aa,
of ropatn wiU not asaaad •».
^ Iba Bear fatsra.
wataamrOolonkiawaafaread to
lean tka dock aad aaak akaltar at BowVOBX SOB TBB O; B.^dB VXbBA on Harter.

BstaAat find Mm Pn^ Vm AN fi
Oamis Ben TMs Wosk.

B B.

kirtitoa mtkosi Warstot.
Mm S. A Bottarot Utwioaboa. died
of kmn tkUa/a rrtdajr
______, Mn-BsOarato OM ol knr
aam^^Mt a**-*-/ oa *da lake ia
Ikaattrrsoea aad aha had yraparad
1 aa aasal. Sooa after
of faallsff fatal aad
aoa«ktrallafh/ll*aff ^owa. A taw
rd Mr. BaOar_apoka
t» her aad liaelrlad ao aaawor waat
tetkabada^waaakoeind telndhto
Jaaiiaa A B-Oortto notified Oormt
Meea of tkto aitp of itooDomanaa aad
d by Sheriff fiimpoes
n aad bald aa tsqM
Tordlat el tka Jar/ waa tkat «n Bat
Maiokardaatk froa baan fail-

Than wUl be resnlar maetlnf of
Dnckeai Oamp No. UlS M. W. A is
Tto offOrta of Trarorw CUy Chriatlas
Moatssna hall Monday cranlnsfaU atteadanoa to daairad
The baisa M. Mailer la at tka dock
to Detroit. Mt« Mabel Bataa. Joaior
State aapartstaadaBi. kss siren three iMdl&s with atoba to be taken lo Btran of hard work to tkat poaitioo. else. Wto.
•ad bar woi% baa atUaetad oontlderTtofortalsbtly asennion to Msatopktaatteaaon. The fellow lofcUpplnf taa orar ibaM. ANAwlUbernn
.|IWB tka DatroU Tribnna anfscata
thto Borniss ntanlns tOBlfht.
onlsa of tkr work of MUa Batea:
Tba ladtoa of Tnrent Bay Biro No.
••Tto Jnslor banner waa pnaantad to
?l will aajoy aa ooUss with Udy
•to dnnlor Bodaaror accai/ of the
Pnac Oase at her kocaa Monday after­
pint Ooacrao^<*^ eharcb, Detroit,
noon. Tto ladtoa will maot at the
to Mite Mabel Bataa of .Tnreraa City,
bone of Mm Tbaclnr. ttO State atnal.
•to Mlekifas elate Jsnlcr enparteuafrom wkkb place boaaaa wUI laara at 1
dant. who made as eloqnent addreaa
o'clock akarp. AU an rcqoeated to
to eommaadsUon for tba -aeal asd
brins ntoaakmaotA
parnaat and affeeUra work 4done by
Oaorre Vrilna bad htolAogan qaita
Itot ooeioty. Bbr mid the aoolaty hae
eat Priday niiriU at the Ipaa
Mat qnaotKtaa of
to the hoapitala. wbankthry wen faetory fin by tailing glam
C. O. Ctorrw. formerly of tkto alt/ hat
east bosaa of .booka to the
tka Klondikcloatkeatra
Bolda, aad
tors of other good worka tkal^ bean or "Qaaan''wblAleft ScatUaonJn
peeompltokad. aod abora aU «taa deep »
•aad aplrlwal effort ^t bad baas j Bart BarUaod.Bay Waltand U Bock
■a to go on a camping espaditlon lo
tkto weak, laarlng toSMste." aba anld. “U mny aaam to the i
...Un.xUl- Ua. 1. W »" — “I
ol U>.
U,. l-.a, M. E
I wa lo rtmlod ,0. Uai •'
wlU al.. pl«o Mool^
SaaUl/. not the qnaniiy, of work, tknt Ing ot e o'eloek. In tka parlon ot the
cbnrek. A fnU aUendaaee to daaired
‘■Tka basnar to a rary bandaoma alA rary goad sisad crowd tamed ont
- ^*to gnT aUk wltk-ffold laitarlng.
gmi waa reoairad bytotoa Anger, pnal- Priday annlng to an)oy the
mant giren tor tka temafll of tka ^pa
Saalef tkaaoMty. nod Mm Barry A
tka anpaiinteadaDV who waa orgm fend la the Concngattesal
cksrcb. Tka Boys’ Band aostetkatsifi
Mraa nnaUntad pmtoe for tka work
and tba aaanlng
•to kna dona. Baton tba praaaatnHm Mtoa Bntm read bar mport of tba on tka whole
jMir work ia tka euta.**
Bart MOlv of MlUen* phnraaey,
Aiay of Pnnlom
wbUa nnpaeklag oom glam goods
•• Tba army ot Jenton la MlaUgu,’’ yesterday morning k«t «»»• ffJma par•to mid, 'la tkme tlmaa aa largo aa ttelos to kto right aye. Dr. Qasnitott
•to army of boya that aarred for tkair wsated the optic aad It to now bU
gOMtrp'a flag in Onba, and they nn aa right.
Seigbt aod brnra aa any that orar eaW. A ^ohnaos. aa omplo/a to a mlU
StosA nadar tba basnar of Christ.
Itote *ha laaitUta oonrantlos OM) bare
on the left hnofi badly laaomted in a
radaatad Into older soetoltoa, aa
•MteatMOlsaUtha proriam ktotory sag wheel T^nnday.
Friday night aome one entarod tka
•• tka orgaslmtloo. Maarly aw bare
Oty Open Beaaa blodc anfi atola a
M^ala wklek Dr. Moos bad foand oer•to ^saior aoeioUaa, and tka numba of
onl days bsfon. Be hsa boas ndrsrteiarmoatota
ttolag for the owner bsl aoma ana arippm I* to ommelaUy gratUying.'' Mias dantly ooold not w^t nad npproprintad
el baton oosaslUng tka doemsissaddoA "to note tka daapanad
tar's wtobss is the mntWr.
'ifkll—'“r Dmt baa marked tktoyear "
The Craaoant band wUl «
Btomid than wan til jsnioraodattoa
sta iwltke mambanklp of tba C M. B. A os tkair csennios ts
|g tto aiatatwltke
lb. P»l r~ U.«.|Cb.rtaTOU m.l8o«dv-"d lonbbb
„«10ii.d..Kd U.ioU» .dnooot ».«
oad U>. cbuobM bod KO.IW.
Mb. teoo M.iimo. Imnly id U>b
rariy <00 mambas from tka •antom ell/, wsa married as tka Posrth of
affhdaat warii to tba Jaly la Mnakagon to Mr. Abort Bortk-------- and mlMkmar/ fialda, and ay. Tba brlda has many friaada U
to tkto tetg who win be glad to effa aosgmtaiatioaA
•to Blfi OonnaUOB is;l>atteii.



•fo sad laana a haakaad aad two BOka.

Mm A A- Borriff ffakwa/, K.-J. to
is vba eU/ rialtlBf with bar aaa. Jobs
O. A Ba/Mod of Battto Qrodr kaa
arrind at Hank-ta^waata for tka asamaraojoars.
Joaapb Peak aad dasdh«*r. Bdith,
karaiolBraadlo tkair bona la Haw
Bedford. Mam. aflar riaftiaf with
Oosdaetor Peak of tkto alt/.
W. T. Basallaek. alaetriml i
of tka MtoUfaa inapaetion Barms waa
l&tkeeityyoaiardsyoBa tear of la•paiUoBam BBfitian B. P. Rerlkrnp asd V
C. Tbomsa ntarned from (todillsc yoatorday Alter trasaacUac ksaisaaa
Jti. 6aa Oood of Honor, was la tows
M boamcaa yoatarday.
lento WabbOr kaa ntarsad from DaUolV. when ka baa baas rtoiUnf alaea
the eloatas ol aebool.
W. «. KaUay ntnmad yaatarday
from a bnalnaaa trip to Onnd Baprida
a.A.^Vbea. wife aad dassktar,
MIta. ntnmad Priday nlfht fnm Dw
tredu whan Mm Bnf bee kaa been roealr^pC trmtmaat In the Bsipar koapitol and whan aka wm eab}aeted to- a
Bsaaaaafnl opantion.
Mlm Hast, anparintasdaat of the
tka drawiss department of tka State
Uolranlty la dan Aikar, to Ike rn«*t
of tka famUy of Alderman H. MantaffSA
The famUy of Aldormaa Montarne
n antarttonlns Mr. Pnd Boomr of
Assmaaty. a late gn^mte ot tkp
Onlranlty at Ana Arbor.
Mm A Jenklaa nad Mtoa Bntk Bog
an wbo bare bean rtoiUng Mn. Carry
Ballntoraadtotkelrkomeln Msoea
Ions peatarday.
Mm Manda Taylor wUl go to May
field for a rtolt tba rarly part of tbto

TtoatostorroiMlaoat tkafialrattos
Army iwerkaa win ko oemawkat rartei
osMekdayonklaff n
Mra. Oseggs Pnsek. two ray ptomiaest w then to tka army etotess. srOl
taka part to tka »rrr eea at tka barBoth are waU known tkroogk.'
eat ikto eoontry aml Bagtond as
the kardeat asd SMOt aament w
aad tkter visit to thto city wUldnw|
grM dssl-of attentton.
Oolansl Pnnek has kem an cffioa<
mosgtha Salvattostote tar it ysan.
havtogistoad tka fiatoattes Army to
rtelol. Bagland. to lUiBvtt atoce tkas ka kaa bra an offlaa
efdlflannt ranks tram eadateklpnp-.
ward to lianteaast aolessl. whieh pooUtos ka now koUa.
Dnrlag bis aspariasaa aa as offtoa
ka baa bad many asporianims. saparislly with tka rpsgka alamanl, wklob
tovaara fitle asMatklm to kto worir.
AacMtetoin Isgland he had charge
of the eaeot important oapo le
the tal^ and later oo ka wsa eommtoatosad ts arfpstoe the SeJvsOos
Armyto BoUeaA
Be toeMlsted Ike flnt Amy to Asm
•dsm wktok neeaealteted kto lanming
the Dnteb laagnaga of which be to BOW
While to tkto came­
lry the ecdcmal bee bed <Aarge of aomr
npm ne one ot the leading dalvatioa
Army worken ia the eonaUy.
Mn Pienek.ktoaameelfeliowirork
a. to a native of Ireland. Bhe ku bra
with tka army anr etsoa glrUtood and
kualweyekra very art'inlutie, in
ha work. 8ba hu for i« year* baan
aacamr and hu of late
ka attention to tba orgnr‘rtUon of tka
work among tka Jnaiom Bar Ufa hu
bra a model to follow aod ake baa dovoted BMMt Of bar energin to tka sp
UtUag of tka fnlles.

8ld Hsrktoa of Borikport, was to the
diy yuterdsy.
B. C. Bargem ot Ulan Arbor, to to
te eliy.
A. B. Horton of Bay «ty. to a vtoitor
itkeeiVMr. acd Mn. F. J. Pnltok of Norik
port on rogtotcred at the Oelnmbta.
L. W. Lyon of toterloekea, to to the
WilllAm Watson ku gdne to Detroit
to attend to borinam
Mr. sod Mn. .Joarpk Bhier ksveretuned from a visit to Oaasds with
friends aad relativae.
M. M. White of aoclonaff, 'liu ar­
rived at Na^k-tt-wanla for e short aoJoen.
Mtoa Jesrie OUmon ku arrived home
from Whitehall, wkara ska hu baeo
vtolttog for Mvoal weeks.
Mm John Blghlaad ku rtenrsod to
tkto elw
Vtoltleg at Soetk Lyon
Mm L. A Irnfmator ku gooa tc
Segtoawaad Bay aty for s vWt.

*Tae." said Ur. Peokbain. as b«
glancrd at hU watrb. Tm %-ery much
auadied te thto timepiece.”
-‘Whyr’ kto wife asked, u aba pulled
out ka hatelBA
' ll remlDda -me so much of you.” be
•r« like to know howr’ she oafA
After he bad edged over to the door
be aniwered: “Bemuee It puts in ao
much time runalag 'rouDA”
An Bpidamie of Diarrhoea.
Mr A Sandm. writing from OoeoanutOrova, Fla., uys than bu
quite aa epidvtole of diarrhoea

6e- •


i it


Thi OiaaA Ota^apkau
B ggeat thing in Bltooo'e lata mnaleal toventlosa. W. W. KImtasU Oo.
will give a gnphapheme antertaln.
mast after tkay taka poa anion of
tbairsew alan ssd tka principal fdatsna wm be uisotlotM by the Qmed.
roproduelng the but pleoaa plavad
by tka Boya'BaaA Wat^ t^jkU.


L ekrap.
LadlM* abotvli« boga. U rata at

Uf{Rt nri mst C«|leti

funytiire, Slwes,
Housi Mshing Ms
fiTBP besit shoWB thi« tloM of tba y»ar—A&d
in ordar to radnoe It And
my wtaola fttroa bnay
thronyh tbia dull month I will giro yon tba biggaat
bargaiua yon arar thought of gatting—Ooma In and
aaa. Our 4 llooxs ara paekad fall of aamplea,

J. W. Slater, Honse Msber
XTew atox«-3.26 Z'xoTX^St.



All details of the profession looked after in a pro*

I n. ill Oidii SM

fessionaS manner.



Heed and Battan Furniture; Matting on the floor;
what is copier? What is more inviting of a hot
summer day? What U,cheaper or more economical
for Michigan life? An easy Comfort Chair on the
veranda here, or a BecUnlng Chair there, or a nice
Hammock—we have the largest stock to select fi-om
of any Arm. They were bought right, and we're
Belling them right. And the littlensES of tha price
lets one do so much

Oustomere never say that in our store. We don’t
keep the ‘‘have-to-do” kind of a stock. Ton can get
exactly what you want in any of our many depart,
menti. Our goods are bought after long experlenoe
in each particular line. We anticipate our customenr wants, making it a study to buy to please. If
we are not eelllng you now, try ns once, and you’ll
come the second time.

The Hamah & lay Mercantile Co.


mu K0MP»O MOOW). spatPAT, JTOT.S, Maa
VBBDSO ttorapTnaans-





A. W. Jahnaa btoiiM* Sto OI«aa

dti\erei\. {

;>iC8iui ummi sguD.
^ mu
miUtadf fforooB Vltk OAMb

-Mf*. TWomm AUriM. M0tta
m wui tor a» by oadara iMaad by Ad}ai
n«Td A'k IN, wko noaailf WU kk
.tartoMfoOMtoralo* aad ttaaMBl Ckaa at Wa Blrtatto* of tb*
Uf frM«Md.4M«W7
to dHtkaa bao* aat aaide for MUllary board^Tka anbor of M|imrd*y mrmiaCAt kw koM m Um
thaaaaofatrfppaM. Tkauwtooa k Moaia to tb* atau aaOMia k Mdaaad to
UMi klx oiOm •Mlk«r«»
a part of tb*
, tkra*. with aa ladapaadant baualua.
Bikarafi. wkll* «*ibar iaw U* bi^g/
It k pa.
arty ad^t-, Tka rarlMaou, bowarar. will conakt
lero to D«tmU toriait tur ao*. 9kdl
ad f-jrt)-*
Ke aiaaafan » of etoar* bewm to T«7 poor kMlik mA hoi MltaaaoftbaroodMppiyofUrkt
airkt. H bafaa tk* war with fipato.
MltM kftd lHr« (k* MM <4 IMT MSk
Tb* aaw rcrlMwiii aad tkatr oB.
MtodMl (ro« bar m that MOMSt, Wt
Praik »/oord.
that Mart tofaha tokMd «bM «Witof
Word hu boaa raaairad to tkk dty Pint totaoiry-Oolonel.a L.Boyatoa.
tflMMt U wmmpmrnmrr to »»n
Uaaiaaaat aotoMal, Joka B. Braaau;
efkii a^iUttok. Whampoa ite aaM
kba woato ca to klM oroa U n kOlad AMf Pta ff r.akiw^Mra L -«. Bar Major, TboMaa a Baywoldai M*jw,
har. aat ahastortad. with «ha atoro' rkofthket^. at Plttabarc oa 3pa» Banry M. SaBt; ekapUn, TkoMU »,
Ml*. Barrto wu to aiMadasa* MeLaaa: tMktaat Hifaoa. Jbom*A.
oa bar aktar at tk* Um*. Mra. Ktay: adjataat, Oaorr* L. Barrcy;
At Baad CRtr a enaada ha* kaoe
— MTinutal qaarumaewr. '!9kar W.
Pfalffar k qall* w*U kbowa to tkk
atartad kf total tAaara aoiaat tnapa
bar j Arobard. Oompaato* toeatod at Doeity aad ^py frlaada wOl
aad kaboa aad anaata aeear alMoat
trait, Moara*. Part Bam. Abb Arbor.
d«U/. TbUbaiirtkaJgBettoa of tk*
YpaUasU BtidJboBMMb.
r. A P. M. ^ O. S. A { railraada, tk*
MBoad Ufsatoy-OolooBl W. T. Mo•aaW who mad* that towa tkatr
A faat tn*B l« BeocfBlly «low pay.
Jobs 3.
Mr*. Walden-Pell. now Is bar Mtb
ktadqaartofi. boaaM* a bsImbm aad
' Voa; majjr. Portay L Abbar; Majw. B.
r*ar, to Um anly pHrau Amerles*
alroady a d ffwaaet k aoOooabto
wooian whom Cbe Freaeb forernment
tk* a*Mb*r of mralM a| thk ktod.
aaryeoa, Jobs L.
baa ever olented aa oaeer de risatruc*
t. B. Jobaaoo, a barrj irrowar Uvtof Hob pBbltoue
Cbartoa B. tkcri
------ -----------------------saar OaaarlU*, plekad 67 bubal
Soatbern California bai a ~ien-haBd. | BdjBtaBt, Will O. Hatdy;
aarawbarrtoi off oaa-Aftb of aa
M* club, wttb a membmihlp of o«arfy '-------------------- —W.-’ A“ K aoey. Gompatabthk aprtor.
I.6N. •Mitered tbroncb all the prlnct- paolea located at Oraad Bapida. O.aadI
pal lowna. To be left-handed U the
VaarffaAtoaw.owaaiVof tow laad* only quIlflMUon for nembenbip.
SaveB, EalaMszie,V4U!eCr*ek. Mm
aoqldaautlr dkooforad tlMt b|; bortof
It to >ald that there li a small lake keyoB, .Biy Rapid*. MaBktaa. Goldkola* Lb to tk* rroaad tkap eaa effaat- Bear a volcane In eoulbern California watar akd LaBatoy.
ullrdratatkaproparto. Tkadkaoa- which mnteln* a liquid aa black as Ink.
Third lafaBtry—Ooltwel, Jobs P.
ar7WMBiadawkil*tc7toAto lad ooal
PclarMabi ItoBtaBaat ooIobb). Fred­
nUy black.
erick J. Sehmidi; msjsr. Paal M. Rotb:
A man fijjm Wlacoasln. accused of m»j>r. Fraak B. Burton; eoryeoa.
Chariavoto k to ha«a a Motor opela
aitrmptinx to poison a resident cf
bu Ua* to rvB batwaaa tko butoOM Colursdo Pprlncs. bat been acquitted P.U. D
porttoa of tka towa aad tba raaora aad on the plea nf Insanity, and physicians yeoA. Guy 8. Bailey; cbaplato. William
tetlined that bis Irjselty was due to, R. Wriykt; nylMcsia' quart-rmaaur.
ths bish altitude of the town.
W. J. Bohnan. OompaalM located at
ff. C BarrI* of Thto* Rlran. a MlUar
IroAwood. IrtmtoB. Oalumol, Booykwho loat hU left *r* aad had kk toft
loa, 8aoU BIO. Marla, Choxiyyaa.
kaad badly aaiUaud by tk* aaptoatoa
It seslcrn Asia Alpena. Ba^ty. Saytoaw. Fltoi aad
of a aaaaoo draerukv. to atUl to a rary



^ — /OUT office boy s>-stcinatlcT~
^•’Me baio’t any . system about his
wortL but he Is abaomatly systematic
•bout hlr holidays.”-Chlrac» Record.
'Tt makes toy bloitd baill” he cxelalired.
•Thst’s end." the repllsA
“Ooodr b* cried.
"Certainly.’' sbe answered. *3onin«
Is recommended to remoee Impurlttee
--Hr dear.'- said Dasrasn tbs other
eveninf. lookint up from hts paper,
"here Is an article from the pen of an

BrideDlly Mayor Ban-k of Uadoa,
do*a sot beliOM to TelabMttoy sbraad. I
bahaetoroelebmtadalxiyoa* Poutk ***'^
Dawson. They
iryln* i trump up
^ Jely holidays to hto bema town.
ata^^lnx sw*y from church.*'—Chiraco
Mtobtyan paaeba* ar* coUmT on toe Dally Msn-s.
-’Rave yiu ever seen artlflcltl c»el7"
markat two weeks aartler tok *taaon
"Nr., but I've cen arilllilsl cvsl
tbu last year. Toe Brsl ebifmeoi of bills ”—Clilce«i> lirrnrd
the baskeu from HeatoB Harbor wu
Mkde Friday nLybi by Jacob Krelfer
dff Mlllbury. They were Eoe epecinou
oitke AtexMder. Buyer* are , ffutoy
fair prleea
AtMantoioe B. C. PhllUpt'a bone
M8 away, aereroly injurtay hl« wlfa.
taa look care of her aad tboo atartad to
drleo Ue team ayaln. whiob raa away
a aaooad Um*. throwlBf him out.
broaklBf tato ley to two plaeea.
A cloud burat at Bif Baold* Friday
Korntoy did cintlderable daratye Tta*
baaksot Mitchell crook broke lojeeaad
kulldinys oa tbe.low lands wore npoat.
The BDloB depot premtoao wore parUy
Koar *nioiBpetoeUle Bl. Browa’e
barn waa struck by llybiolay Friday
niybb aad dre head otcatUe killed.
James Bndt of Meadoa. ebamploa
pie oalw aad wood ebo^r of MiebI
yan. was found dead Tburaday aftorBooa la an ouV-of Ue way place. No
Marks ol eloltmee srore toaad on bto
pareoo aud thecoroDoPa Jary retaraed
a verdict of bearkdallura.
Hradt was
Bsaiiy *o yean of ay* aa^d a typical
apoelBSBof the dows bast Ysoksa.
Bs lived to MeudoGBpirsrdsot 3i)yean
Mo relaUvM survive. Bradt wa« tooth
l*M aad at oae Umo be -mto 10 pies la
OBO hour: ibc drat pU to 44 aoeoada
Bear Cbarlotto Wallace Eddy, a wellfcaewB farmer ot Roiaad towBablp.1
ioBAd bk wife dead apoa eBtartny the
Ronae Friday alternooa. Sbe was 6i
FMiieeldaad baa bean a vIeUm of
Rtart dkaaee for eome time.
AtBmetan eats.

Fint Indepeadeat Battalion—Llentesaat eotoael. Fred Bhafa^. ir.; Mkt
ant kuryeoB. Charlea D W. Colby; adjutaat. Oynn F. Smith. The eompaalM
locatod at JaekeoA. Maeoa and Adrian
will dooeUtete the flnt tod*pMdea<
When aay eompany shall be reerulv
Od to toe atreaytb of forty-eiybt men
toe q«art*rMB*ur yeaeral will furnkk
to ibecommandlny cfSier, oa . proper
nqaklUoB. as far as praetlcablA arm*,
dotbtoy and aoconlenaenis aeceMary
for lit tqolpmoaC

mi vimiiev uuJSDNes, Ln-0SW1i
ark, K. J. "It k perfectly 1
ean be relied umb to all 1
eottifba colds or boarat

Tn Bm» Iaatb to tka werid for j
Obm. Bratow, SeraB. OtoMB. SBlt |
Baada. OkllblaJaa, O
______ Pria*n«i
__________ iparbox^fto |
«1ewy «t, TMiBwm Bph « *



New idea
H« re are s ft-w style*.
These and one tboo■and otbera carried
in stock.

Stylisb — Op-to^late

mu. U.U. llnwm.




‘la* attrAcled a great deal of attention tbe past week- The
luiRmn^ices^sVe pot oa new andstjUsb waists are interest-

la TraveraaOlly. Tberc k a yrowtoy
OAC oar pM>pl« for btybttoas and Maaayer Stato-


iBytok teak babas to* warm Support
ef toe pablto . It k a BOUwqrtby fact
toat the New York Dramatle Mirror
rBBoynlatoy toe yrowtoy-MBpartanee of
oar elty bow deam It aeeemary to kaep
Advked U the prodacUoM at BwtaWy‘*U'A*A- The MeuopeitiAA Opata
Ctrl" 1

sal* At to* be* •toes

t tk* "•obcmiaa
Ttokete oa


Read Every Word of ThU A<L
">0« kbM
tttt &Ttu
kVock awL
Wt\ «D«T^ 0&& lUc«, tDtT^ kVli^U
aVI \oa^ eTiOfA^V \9t a &rtAk*>A0«u ^aa
\w> Alii ttim &TAA»t& Va ttie
ttiA vwr
AAT^ cfAAm 0^ out ^VkA 4tas» qao&a AoAi>Alk
Vaaa A0T\Ai tWtm Va a\a \Aa aa4 ^\aca4 UiAm aa ^Wva:

=^mZ^\ \.»ZSc
Thu lot i* nude ap of wbst we consider the
poorest of bar 50c lia

y*Ob^yO«r* e*«w
r. m. ckstser. BuMlcSetUe. W

SaVe TTice A5e

Sg SkA A-89e
Thu lol is token from tbe best 60c qnblity^ we
ever had to offer— for


5aVe S9e

Mfsttlne ere
rseCliy Laai

TLu lot takes is 75c. 80c ood some of tbe tLOO
quoiitiee—for this able
fpOB KB3CT—A tare* fura'sM fraei f«ew S
r ear asd oor-kslf bs«k ssM of Psto n>ce 1 3[
houl ASSmsWffBUtrs’ravl.

^ CR«B—Oninid,- Xlserc «
IN An. ( bapts's. ku. eswa
Both Vbcecs. IIA


"Sto ■Pfice SAe
These are some, jof onr regnlor $1.00 qiulitj—

Sale Trice AAe'

■trvet scit
itohW^ .

£,oi 5-1 Ac

W>* •• LK-tS •«—. Is O.Vv.«S. s>
« ervre*. • frw trvn. This hnis at
SllSIllekvoxoarr. Tsls U sUoel SW
ralsr. B. W. Bsstiss*.

This lot is from^tbe finest $1.00 diess coods in
. tbe store

TeJsrstfn. A V.BsMlBtaAesI S«t*<e Bs- t

IT bwk«M«.
‘nrAKTBO-Wrv-b u> Im
W iv|«lr» SI ilMi'nr.Buo



Tbu i* the fioest lot of goode ever offered in
any etore for the money. , They are all single
dree* |«atterbe, not one of which ever eoid for
leee than $1,115 and some of them sold st $2.00
the yard—About 36 pattenu in all and the price

59c a q&vE
lYL bor>F<. cslUr.sH klnd> prrvoeCrrvprr
i;.oarr vsve fnm S Is SMr,.le4 bbUISIot^oInc. a d-BnM,riI fWei stivrc, sp -tslr*.
-tpABT *ID« l/rr*—<
£< snud lorsliMi*. < I
lav sinwi. Frsbk rr«

TrTOL'WAKTtsasfVWVtsarhIsdiB Brsl
A riMa rvapBBtrsor loboT s hussr, lot or
tsracsUoc Ik H Aliys, raosi* T sad r.Mrrcsbtlis Os. BUcb.Tiskvnv Cup«I*«m
aAALiaOVkS-AsdWfoollMos eiAls •>.
O WIU srU rbvsp. rrsok rrMrb-b
ipOasiLK-Cssbar ■•BtsIlBosIs. CMIm Isis
f IS Osk Brlybts, os Bicbik. Orssi. Bkin
ssd Aosr Mrrvi* ssd Bssssh STreor. Ssav
ef Uu bssdsoisrst lou lotbrsbol* plsi. UbermldUresbi lo-sll rssb. iMBlrv st Rscoss
oAec «f Dks. T Bsles.
I toeir
addr«m at Mb*
:h, del
l»ny I arloTu.441
A tksi FroutBlreei


twM AA& AAt \\tt QOo4&.
mVV «AA\ A Areki «\aa

ma Xtx «oo4a.

J. W^.
Milliken. *
Frteb Goods—Attractive Packages.

185 Front Street


We Meet Any Prices Named
on Footwear In This City......

Our Special Sale of
Ladies’Shirt Waists

Ornat totareat k b«toy «viae*d to tb*
AOMtoy nt to* MelropoUtoB 0;tor*bo.,
Wbleb Bambwa to arUaU. They will b*
eaa* to toe yraad opama, "BobemlaB
CW" and "Fra Diavoto’’ at Btatobwr*
OrsAd seat Monday and Tnaaday.
* are kuparbly stayad



r ,m<'i dv.
plf *t R-cvsiK-Ac*.

Everyone Pleased!


I The Greatest VaiU8s

UIB* for a toby.
“TerwB. Dad BkAiMinad hlia that ^
'OBBM be awattowB ap mscr bmtou' Bl
that be*! Jut fun of 'am.’’-^<%kaco' S
Dellr Nm.
-ABd bow did TOO coae to bmitt *
hirnr-I didn’t COB* to BMrTT hta^** an.
wrered the wotranly Utdc wonaB. In>
dlacaBttr. -’he cbbw to mrry m.”~
ChIcBCD Poat.
■mplortr-Ftar Inch yoa wQI have
thirty aUBotea
(TTooli—ABd bow win 0( au tblm.
BorTSraployo—Eat wbatf
CTTDOla—Th’ t’Irty iBlBStaa—CbteBca ’ I
Dally New*.

: C”.f.5ir3;

OraadMa Bdwaida.
rutob of Dbly. to alsoatt? yaaraof ar*
aad t« aUll bala aad hoarty. bh* to tk*
daafbtar of a Upikt Mtoktar aad hu
kaana bapitot karaalf for 76 year*,
yrabably toacartkaa aayotkar womob
to Mtoklfan. Bar I
k tk* awMorlslBT of - fawoB* hymaa
•k* bu It d«*o*addkia. U* Mr J trity of
wboM hr* livtof.
Thora k a pr«BI dasMsd for tobor
BroBBd tb* docks at Port Uoma Mbb
BMWBBladoMty day aad *00001 b*


'^k* kodiadr aayi eoAa* aUB kacpa
'^*0. I don’t a** bow tbc eoSc* v*
«M can kacf> ap. lt*a ao weak 1 Aetdd
think U wobM CO to bad.**—Cbleacn
Dally Kewc.

-If quality cuts any figure
Oar shoe trade was not boilt up on cheap made
footwear—we don't spring FAKE sales 00 our enstomera—When we advertise anything yon will get valoe
received - Yon can’t get something for nothing.
We want your inspection, and will name prices at
onr store that down any so-catled snap sales in this
dty—We have served our trade in reliable shoes for 16
years, and the pe^le ought to be convioMd by this
time who the Old Reliable Shoe Man is.
Make no mistake.

PrioAS: iSfio, 45«, 680.680. TSo. 880. $1.18.
Vslnest 50cto$$a6.
Crwh and Pique Skirts—fresh Arriesla in these
Tery popoUr goods. Prides right, too. $1 to $8.60:

Are offered .yoa by this store, that yon'Il find baitl to eqnol
ebewbere Thu applies psrtkmlariy to sotU. See oor gt^
and price*


118 B^roaxt Stareet


THX Moumro UOOBD. SUBDAT, flTLT 9, 189».
nanos* topat.


>11 00

MantM aaraka at lO-JO a. m.

10 to
Tau« Paefk*» ataatkc ftns r- ■«DMn • tebr** Ufa ft tarcUr m
Baaal^ aarrtaa at ?:M
BtooUtb fs*a «T«r kU latat *• rak.
Ah araaeateUy tsaUad to Uaaa aar•■MMftftd tha •Uld'B aMbar, «ta»«« ■ MtM. aftia-iaaif bla ayaPftUj
I tad.
a. Paualaaa
w of NtoU aad WadoI. Ua WaaJobs YamiL
«rat. fluaa telrad habj. bad baaa
Baadar aarrteaa aa toUowa:
f*iila*a/ta bw artb AUUlabaPriaebtof at KhW A B.
lattbiMra famU i
Praaahtor at 700 p. b.
Oom par ba.. o1^..,i
Mld-waak prtyar BSottoff at 7to0 ^toaa, par ba....
I tbalatratar.
P. M.
Bat ap at oMa Yoar ^t U tflafr.
Aeortial torltatfaa la astaadadto
-Tta aotbar raa to tba eblld Jaat to
«Baw to aava bar troM daatb fro* ebek>
lat- aat tba barrlar waai oat. Tba
Mr* totbar, tba poUaamaa. waa oa



-Balaa Ooalt baa aaat Bu for tba
■air JlBbaa<at. Wla. cratoM raUal

• *t
4 OC
1 ac


faawd to tba •<

aad DeaU t(
toaw a. park BTruk.
Obriat."_ Eraataf aabtaol: “Tba Oo«ti la 001 tba waarlB( of dotbtoc that
r«BhB ^ ZioabaMft'
tdto ao aadly ai tba oianaer la wbieb
CkMtalnc all Bolat and daaP-»•
Bpwdrtb taafOa
- prayer Bsattoff ty toaa^ Into a dark cloart. trunk or
drawer can nerer be Bice apaln. and
at7to0 p. m'
tu appearance procUlma the character
of tbe wearer ntore than tba pnrae.
aaya tbe .New York Berald.
A pannent aired, dnrted asd put
properly away will outlaat many
Bar.M.bBruwk.Paaer. .
chanrea of faabloa and if tbe oyroer
Claaa Boattoc at 10 a. at.
baa Uile and IndlrhlDallty It takes on
Braaebtoc 10:H a. bao air or aupireaU a aentimeot tosiwe
Baadap aebool.
Bible to aaoctote wiih new appatvlla tba araatoc tba Bpwwtb Laaraa j
too* and p»TonaUtj- of tbe w»-arpr.
and raffvlar aroatoir aarrlea will bti Frrab roae Iram or aprlpi of swt^
berba aprtokled Id a tiTink or drawer.
Flrat ball boar of tba aarrtaa wUlba, or on dOaet ahalrra. land bIboM r

■oWt Bauar. foaadar of tba Maw
Turk Ladffar, tlad at bla boaaa to Jfaw
Tark WMar ***aiaf, arad 71.
^flaMtaar BaMbaiof tba Mtobtraa
amaWAMwtoUoa.haa baaa mtk'nt
I of tba Miabl4iaa wbaat taMa aad ba mj» that
MbOalbaMp *IU ba Urbt. tba barr7
Aa f\»mp mmA ia tba baat of aoadltloa.
«aaadar al^t «Wla Waa. K. Vaa• Barbill. Jr., waa aatarlatotoff raaata *t
■awptat. E-1., with aatooiaUe aretottaaa. tba aaeblaa waa barlat dowa a
iWllaadwtaebad. Mr. VaaftarbUt waa
’tbaowB baarllp aad tatnporaHly daaad,
tfeataoatatoad ao aartoaa tojery.
, Aa EidtwtoBoalba of law bare
oaaatbaawaUaateaBbarof AnariaaB
wanwapa to raealrarm' baada atoea to■nfiamnlaa wara to affaat. Bat <Ba
iBportaat raad baa baeoBi baaknipt.
ttapr otbar aaaUor Uaaa bartof ffoaa

lowad by raporta from the di .
Icait that tbe moat aMalilve adJ ta»
tbe Obarleeoto Oonreatloa aad brief tldloua usual enjoy It
addreaa by tba paator.
For folhp aWay the ckwer a trunk la
There wUl ba opaelal naale for tba packed tbe better things will carry.
Xt wiU be well to fold a dreaa akin In
a aort of old abeel or nnatarcbed bbo.
lln, or cambric kept for tbe putpooe. ao
Oomar Waabtoptoa atraat aad Board- aa to dei-reoae lu a lulnimum tbe poaalblllty of cu(Hng or creaalng. Now
laa aeaana.
Tba Oartaftoa. Kp- poato«B eat
that frllto and nifflee have come bark,
«Baa«UBid JWdar Two bonra Utar
tbeee tbooM be Inrned Op. so that
at 10:P0 when tbe drrai to unfolded they may
Morslnp aareloa and
•aaaddMBt from tba paatBMtar M
**flnir' down. Fold aa broad and
Baaday ttoBool at it.
ISrwport that tba eat waa orar tbara
Hnooih aa poBlblc, aa nearly fitting
Vaapar aarrtoa at 4:ia p. b.
BBdVbatababad wltbbara famUj of
the re<^vptacle as may be. llare*llttle
All are oordially toeitad to tbaaa ai
■aa fcluaaa At tba Oorla«toB postautt rvUs of fiannria or atocklng to fit
la a "leebaa oot" poaob. 1b It eloaa.
Into erevlcea.
nuKXDa cst’Bca.
•n of tba ralaabla saU raoalrad to tba
Bboe abould never be pot In looae.
Boe. Barolay Joaaa, Itoator.
•ttarwoea a^ar tba aafa la locked to
bOt each In a ease or cover ao amus>-<l
Snaday aebool at P:4t.
aa to pretN-nt robbing. A wine tody's
pdaoad for tba atokt
BrtdanUj tba
maid will not use -shoe puliah—but a
Mtarapt to aad Bade baraalf a BBt
little fi^b, aweei mHk on a flannel
MiaBC the latlan aad waa locked to
Praaobloc ll:00a. B.
Prayer Boetlnc Wadaaaday aeaatof cloth, for kid booU or potent leather.
arttb tba caaU. lo tba moralag tba
wIsUng dry with another flannel tloib
poaak waa ukaa orar to Newport
lie at« cordially toeliod to and rubbing gently.
Baaal. aod apoa botof epoaod .tbara
PU-ntly of hrushes and wbtok brooms
araaAol oalp tba mail aad tba Coriafaod aquarea of woolen cloth are well
•oa poatofBoa oat, bat Are poatoffloo
■llllona Oleaa away.
to tuck lo to clean with. TUsne pa|"*r
U to cartatoly rr»t'fytop to tba onto crumple In buimet boxes, among rlbA apactol froB Aoetto. Tea., aaja: 0 to know of one oooearo to tba land bona. neckwear or mllUnery will save
who are not afraid to bajranerooa to many a beartacbe. Then be sure lo
'dloraraor Sapara Friday raeetoad a
■ - ■ - The propria- have' «se or two tiny Irons In your
MU—f- tnm Saalay orar the loaff tor*°oT*t
trunk ami a frame may be had to net
■Btoooa Ulopboaa. aaytor that 1.000 OoniomptlOT. CoBfha aod Colda.
over a lamp or the gaa. Then the tis­
^araeaa bad takaa rafBfa oa a motod ^ean^away orar too tnUllon irW bol- ane paiwr comes handy to lay over
abraa bIIb below tbara are slowly tLT wtJa^;::2ro\t^ow5S ”b“rt: reiu or uceor rib,»B
ribltoD or
or a
a .-rease
crease to
pMtoktof for food. To add to tba tolutrtycut^ ihoaaaBda of bopelaaa a Creaa. Never leMbe Iron loach the
' AiUBe, Bronebitto, Boarea- fabric, bnt Ir^n over lb.- ttwue paper.
■orror. tba aalorlaBatas an aairoandBd by potocBoaa rapiUsa. Hnddlad to BOB and aU dtoeaaaa of Iba TbrtBt.
Dewer-s Mstlartr CoUeellM.
with tba bBsaa balo«a are Cheat aad Lnnn ara anrely eared by
Admiral Dewey has prolnbly ope of
It Ctoll on tba DrofftoU S E Walt
budrod bead of oattla. Baeeral and J. U. JobnaoD and
boV tbe finest collections of bntterflics la
waopla oa tba auraad haea rcoelead Ua. lOeto- EecnUratoaf' ; and' tl
** tbe world, tbe accomolatlons of many
1. or prlea re- years In bis varioua voyage*. It InMtoa troB rapUlaa asd ara to a dytor Beery bottle rDarantaed,
i-ludea thouaknOs of magnificent sp.-c•oodlUoa.
Intens. and to said to be Insured for
VhatvUl Banda denaitt
pdiklO. a sum which Is only a portitB
■tbakab Lodfa InauUation.
F« faU parttoBlara aoa pays stx.
of ltd estimated value.
Orand TraeaiM Eabakab Uidgo.Ko.
tat. at tbalr r^lar aeatlaf laat a*enItootto pencil boldars at tba Fasou
A I.ondon tM-ggar Imy, who was ask­
iMtallcd-tha tollowlnc ott^ara for
only 5 eaau__________
ed at tbe inliee court bow old ba waa
tba eonwat year:
that be “nei-er
BinbiteM Eiifft .
___ ....
W. O.—MlBBle LiBeaatrt
You can fci ikaB at tba FsBona for bad a blrtbday. being too poor to bava
V. O.-Martba BoUtotar.
S4 oeou.
■aoordiDf aaeralary—A. H. Brown.
Blnanolal Boerolary—M B Brown.
TVaaaBrar-Badie Oltobell.
. War.—IIyrUa Hooker. ‘ Ooa.—Ltbble Irtob.
Chap-NyrUa Fox.
a. 8. to W. 0.~iaple Panyboro.
C. 6. to W.—DeElto Moaroa

The Fourth of July

I.. 8. to V. 0.
I. U —Hannah DrakeO. O —Tooy Tboraoa.

Our Central Space

Turned Into A Bargain Dept.
Changes tdok place Yesterrday pre­
paratory to Monday’s beginning,
when every inducement will be offer­
ed to customers for a time to'buy
seasonable goods at low prices.

Tea aaat kmp a food totof A^.
■ews of It trardto fast. When things
ara '...................
tba beat"..they "-------^ "tba heat
•eUlag,’' AWaboB Haro, a leadtog
d^agyBi. of BaJtorUl*. O. writaa:-EleoAri^UM
an ta*
tba b«t
.ttan are
oast aalltoy ««»««*»
avarbaadlsd to-wM yaaia *xWaa* bayla la dtoorda.* to ta* *i
tlaw. Udaay. bowsla. Wood aad
Blaairto Bltlon tooaa op tba ah^,»...

Dnrin« tha mat of tbla month, to maka bnalneaa,
wa wiU aaU tba bnlanea of tko old atook nt radnationa
on hnlf prioa. Snob prtoaa bava navar baanmada
on Hint gtmda fooda In tba dtp. Wa oant (tva n lint
of prloaa—tbara ara too many—ooma In nnd nan tbam—
wOl maka tba price rl«bt.

We Are The Dollar Savers In Shoes.
B..bValt.4n|ERi5to. ywaataaA.

Toa aaa yat tbsB at tba FsBoaa tar


Wm. Watson^

BsrrbiB Shoe Stare

. i-

One table full of nice, ntyllsh wool cassimere eulte
—$7.60, $8.88 and $10 00 suits—none better for
the price named. Take them quick. Now

One table of fine cassimeres and worsteds, real
bargains, sold at $10.00, $11 00. $11 60, $18.00,
all go In the lot Tour fit in the best goods—16
to 80 days supply.


Xsny plsin sUk faced goods.




One table of tbe choicest and best sroods we have
had-xln a general assortment of colors, worsteds,
cassimeres, bl&ck goods, blue serges, silk faced
goods—best fitting—Steln-Bloch’s. Michael Kolb's
and other fine makes—former prices. $13, $14,
$15 and $16—aU go in tbU quick sale at



Follows men's goods—prices correspondingly low—every suit a
bargain—$400. $6.00. $6.00 for goods that have sold for $8 00
to $10 00. Tbta sale will not last long Come while the assort­
ment is good.

Will Offer Men’s GoM Shirts

Look For Diitl Trade.
Th*t in whnt you hoar lYom *U quartoi*—but wn
am and must ba doing buainaM aU the time. It Is tbe
prices that do it.
for inatanoe,
the w—
elaes of
goods that Kolfamnmmv, sw
—- n----------------------ua kept, and « bou(ht at 80o on tho doUnr of minufnotnnrS oMt Ont tho prioo In hnlf-doM tho bn»l-



Hr. *010% mealTMttoa »ftrh«»d
Deo F. Hala of Honor, formarly manayw of tbe Owalpb Pawnt Oaak Oo .
osaa to town yaatardsy on bnatoaoa.
Siaaa Mr. Bala toadarad bto roalraaaioa aa maaacor of that axtonaive
^\aat. Ibata bar* tm* a raat Bsay
aspraBioaa of rofiat sBoag tba t«od
^aoplaofibatplaaaBa bai prorad
MlaaeU an eseallaal eitlara aod a baa|,ri- manager of atarltog ability- He
has bald tba roaponalbla poalUoa for
•far two yaaia. Ha toaroa the pleat
4pi.y baaInBi Ilka tba work of a oloek.


On tb, M oMitrv oountei»-«U in pUln lisrbc
Oolorml good., mbit. ooUm bmid., 60o for............................ ........
BkbdMm. oolorod good., ooIUr. mid oulf^ 76o for.........................


Men’s Summer Hats and Gaps-Prices Cut in Two
ami'. 0.p. n.w,lmndK.m., SOo for . .aSo ».»•. Ormb B.m
Men-. OTMb H»tt M low M.............'.lOc

Hslf Prion

Hsa'aPsBts lightsr................................. %.............................
W«.-.Bluo6vomlta,wltborwltboat oprou. uoloMi.......... .......... .
Mon-, snow H.m, big let.......................................... . ........................

Mon-. Wblto Onmhm., ».w, ................................. .
Swmar RNkwMi-Su; iln in stlwn-lilf Mce.



.. i Ait'

r BeHry.

The Modern Way of

B li bo< a> iiwra
effiareh bell bat«tnp te a tree, but here
4P OMAtaat was raeoutt '

Tte W«mta«ttm’9 Wonderfiil Cmtee-^

a KEW wd —a—«1 iBUMt M at



prMBt Mw UlM la aawaal- twM mat by tbaimduiw «C iMd la

t*Ul t
*t »€
»C »paaca la aia
Ok d_
-*|-r— »«•'
b aSrt*th?1^3a^aa<!diia-^
ptt tato tank! oi «atcr
laa«i ivraal «a «grat «a tk« a!
r *• am *D0a MlWt tat <
tana. Ike nmoA.tnt Oat tta t
aropa flf lead, btlaa «tlU bot. w«r
Nl pabue
rmrtabiy flatuatd at the point «T
pact wKfe ckc water.
Thin «a
trar art Ma4t and wbtrdta
AStr atrloat defect in ail elgbtacalb cet
tnm thk non dMtraeUat In««b 1*.

pituatt «r dtaHt



E^iulte te’a

f«M tt duty datkana.. Tha
Vted are, hauM np to tbe top


chain, and there tee
of the two melttnc chambere. Whaa
te aecotepllabed on* at tha.attend>
th fcle

TIM ana dam ln«ttt »a acoMMl tt teach. Tbf^proMtH pitted I
kartaa i« mH ap«i aittor e«i «« *at able. «ata tat day a ate* nhe
«r prtvtnaMr npUi. at oaot ^aunk- town of Brtetol
tky aanc o


’ »''(5

Ill a



if charily. They a
p tbair pucsts with absotulr prastratlun and provldlnp
tham with the flesh foods which they themselves never teste. It .. .
What dsmocrvtic order. They elect their own ablwt, but are not perromed'to
«oowt amonp themselves for bis choice They are to be found In Urpe ni
It rranee. and thstw Is aow a colony of them In Quebec.

Washtnplun Duke, the senior,wf the
Mted Durham tobacco Arm. has plven
Trinity eollepe at Durhawi. N.C, nlarly
»W>.OM. but it U said this ptfi Is smau
compared to one he will ultimately
>er facUl expressloB aiie U a.nlable make that well known Methodist Insti­
and sweet tempered, and by many crit­ tution. His ron lien has plven ISn.ooO
ics Is c'lnsldered Ibc beat tlvinp type of and Intend* to ph-e an equal Amount
her breed.
each year he lives.

Wbere King Charles Once Hid.

n* Bteaate. ter a

. la waich the woaadad tea*

A Boundary Line of Bamboo.

north of tba city of Kowloon I* par*
Important fence In (be world tHvause ul tbe fact that it markt
the limits of British territory In central China. Ilv tbe treaty of im ChlM
ceded to Great BHIaln certain territory Just north of British Kowloon, to bp
held as lonp as Russia ts allosred to hold Port Arthur. The fence of bambop
■bow n til the Itlusiratlon fixm the line of one border of thU territory. Knwlooa
city Iteetf. which ran be bmA In the distance, is worthy of notice as bHnp tbP
first Chinese walled city on a British posaeaMon. The town Is situated at tb*
head of a shallow bay. a little tu the northeast of Kunp-ham bay. wbarc at*
worl '
located tbe docks ssndI workshops
of oevaral. .bip Enpllsh
buslnns Anns.

A Rnurkablc Frieixlsliip.

Tbe Boty Malduf Fad.

it Is not o
a pultiM pip a
To be fashionable raeaha
a kitten are disposed to_ hobnob io- fads. Tbe latest freak of
pother, but here Is a p
pair Dame Fashion is
the mania for
rbeaa onllandlab
are belnp made
by women for
« Btch charm*
and desk orna­
ments. and all
aorta of tdds and
ends are belnp
ttilliaed aa ma­
terial for maklnp
The ae-


»• MttM «a feMftta k


ft the artist bM plefcrcd tba pin«|'
French author in h4t happlast mooA i
Ulnlvturcs, of ihU bust lb peld u« !
popular as w alch charms.

warm Aalatic climate, and U U no more
a matter of comment l.. see a Ceylon
bAuty's tret decked Out w ith Jew els
than It ts to behold one of our own
Amerlean actreeseS wearmp a wealib
of Jewelry upon her flhpers.

The Bicycle In Warfare.

TU ptaeUtmX mm t* wkMb tt* Mpyel* «aa ba
la aetual wv«ar* hava
: Jmt bmm dateUMtratad kr miiHipiPte uanted out racemiy la EnpUad. ThaM

A Nep Bust of Dumas,

What Is t-einp cal>J the beat bOM ti
AiexsDdrr Dumas now Ic existence bM '
just rvc.DIty
rvc. ntly been uavelled II d LondOlk
As will b* seen trote w reproductM »'

r be the ftnai outcome of tbe PhlUppIne Islands problem, one

r tbe outbreak of b
has already teamed tbe arts of w ar. and It ts but natural to believe be will be
Just as tmflclenl In plcklnp up tb- arts of peace. He has laamed with astouudinp rapidity tbe while man methods of drimnp and campalpnlnp. has
made ktinself an adept In the hancllinp of the rifle and has dwplaycd a desire
become Americanised as much at pooaible. aopeoiaUy la hu tnetbods of
TKe CostliKi Dot hi the World. to
Lady Oockisaf Is not a ven' attract­
The old fashioned naked warrlorf. wleWlnp the bole and tbe poisoned
ive looklec anliTT.l from tbe purely ar- spears of tbe Tapaltse. are already a thinp of the paat. and auch proups of
BtendpMnt but aionp her own bellurerenu as are shnv.n In tbe aceompar
■tratjon will s
parUrular lines of beauty she U i > rare atphi Indv^ In the Philippines.
faultless that she has Just broupbt h

Ceykm Footwear.
courses the bluest of bullltdop blood, and
any expert
affairs will at
Here U a piciure showinp how the laonce ace from her picture that her ai*.
rank Ifi Ctjlon sometimes orna­
faultless ears, hie weir formed
" ment their
feet with flhoes are
and her Ane fore leps make bar a
not a very accvpiablr thinp In this

Imnptne. If poaslble. apendlttp nearly all the years of one’s life without
Ppaahlnp. It certainly would ool do for the younp women who enjoy to the ut­
most the conversational upporiunttlrs of the opera. They would probably reffard as a imie Isos than Insane the body of men who voluntaniy ukr tbe vow
of eternal silence. The Trapplst monks who do this have some roost reraarkabla and severe rules. They not onlj- never speak except arben abeolulely nec•oaary. but they cal only vepetablrs and frutis and drink only water. Moat
tbeir food U raised on the lands balonpinp to
o tbe order. They do all their own
work. It Is tba custom foubatn u< arise about 2 o'clock In the raornlnp
p sAd
-O to Itaa fields to
Uber. Their..........—-----beds are..............................................
t the
soft, —.
comfuruble ones found
— —...
b well kept bouaos. but consist of hoards without «-«verlnp. Their only words

over S5* leet l:___ ____________ __ _____ „
slsu of triple expansion twin screw eapli4s and she i.
Urpe RiUtterr mast ripped up with eonainp lower and i powerful oaorcUe

A Group of Tagalese Warriprs.^^


dreamed a dream ta whl^ wm rei
od to him the inspired fact that It only
his dripfdnpa of melted lead a-are ta
fall frum a aulBclem belpbt before Im­
sirruvo the shot.
pact with the water ^nehtb they wontd
be sufficiently cootol durinp their da- tho otae of
> the colander.
haarler and aotter
sewnc and would retain thrtr tepular and as the
tip apreadlay out and taartng-lia eray ploliolar shape.
away It U reM|ced by fresh
thmidb fleah and bone. inflletltB a
The reeult of this happy dream was a
The abot Is^eo removed from the
mchtfal acand. The Biwlltb repre- speedy test from the tall lower of the
aantatlvce at The Hapur claim that
thla la the only bullet that will eScc*
tlvaly check
ck the mad eharpe of
of tbe
aad ranatie iribaa on einilted Infantry,
cd. end to separate the poau from the
and tor tbit reaaon will not apree to ita
sheep, as It were, or rather the chaS
Nowadayt In nearly every raanu- from the wheat. It Is put throuph a
Wonderful dm'elopmeBU ha%-a been facturtnp town In this country caa be
ihtaiblop machine.
made in the tnaaufaeiure of thcM lead found one of these tall aboi towers, It ts then placed In lonp horisontal
an mlaailea since the time they were n-here the proccas of abet maklnp nay eyllDdera revolvtnp by machmary and
ftnt caat one by ooe In rouph Iron be seen busily carried on.
pierced by different sised holea
This proecte ta an entramely Inter- cerdlsr to tbe holm from which It IsIt Is not eftsB that a mere dream Ip astlnp one. Tbe typical shot tower Is
shot drops Into appointed re­
the direct source of a new idea and
ceptacles. After this It Is placed In rettventlon capable of reroitttJonUlnp ao feet from the pround. and the other, volvlnp barrels, tbe loop continued
«a tmporunt Industry.
But there le which Is at the top of the Cower, nearly
Hop wearmp away lu orlplaal
«M twtaoee of auch an event recorded twice that beisht. On tbe floor of each preenlsb hue and leavftip It a ploosy
In history, and chat Inatanre la
Mack. It Is then done up In stout can­
■action with the'procete of abot mak
vas baps, ready for ahlpmeal.

Where Silence Reigns Supreme.

Ontario. When
church was buUl there was no belfn'
ivided for the brtl. so It eras hunp
the branch of a lat*e walnut tr
and fch Bunday catte the faithful

That oteciik Utile punboni ^ WUmlapfsb. arhtch ta now enpapad ee dS
ezplorntiua espedutun U| tL« Atnawm river, uas already accompliabed the r*« .
markau.. ft ” .L iNerdr
iNcrdr Ud« mllas into the almost unknown interior it
Bouth America. At :
3s the amral of tbe American punboal prorekad •
meetlnp of protest, th - i -lie of that place havlnp
, neeer before a
of-war. They tfaoupl i
;mpoBalble. in tact,. for
for BUI
such a ship to advance L(M
miles op the Anaim. reyoad thla howersf. the WUihlnpton has met with
UiUe oppostuoa.
:.ia stearoed up the Bbtiiuoes river as tar as iquitoa. and
since than hat pone atmooi as fer Inland u the ConUlleraa a distance only ■

Tbe oM towB o« Brlphton. ta Baplaad. te a
• laadmai'ka.
anctent hoatelry
known aa “ . Klnp-e Head" te anon to
................■n down to
ti mahe room for a new hotel. It srae In thte old inn that Klnp
be ten
Chariaa n hid htmaeir Jurt after the bettle of WoreoMer. prertooe to bte raeape
troD Baplaad Inio rraace. n stm on tbe nipht of the 14th of October. iffiL
that the "Merrie Uenreh." at that tuna very bndir Mphteaed and rvy tar
troB "menfa.’' pateod a reMlaae and anaiom nipM In «na ef tba ttttla rooma
of *"rba Klnfa Bead" and. puatlnp oat at < in tha ntentlpp. palled for FUcatep
In the pood tttp Royal Ehcape. Thte old laa to ateo aemselated with the name
tt Dr. Jobnaon. when the Itovtothan of Uteratiue' ' WM wont to rtelt the
teon m BHffbtoa ffvtiw tbe s*mtt«r ffionthd.

character of

to hPV«


tmahionahic bofflaa and

of these little animate taken from a
iph. abowinp that eometimea
ibte frtrndshipe are struck up
widaly different anli_
Intela. baaa toaued frmn tb« WlBt of Franco U
Thte pulnea Mp and kitten are ne' ..
snid to ba one
bapplar than when romplnp about toof
tha noei
pether, and each seems to have a peni'
beautiful ave
lae affection for tbe other.
destpnad. T<
et th..
coin. M ahoars
Aceordlnp to the laws of pood society
in tha mostra- , ^
I Cbtna younff widows should not retlon. te tte has4 t
of tha pymboU* '
u and the older tbe
rtuoa. wbIM
pooittoti bocotesa. Bhonld aha mch M
tha rertra*
yean, she may. by appiyjnp to tha
kmkinp fmm
•mparte. tet a sum of moMy wtih ur with inflated obeM. The i
wbtok to bay a tsbtot on whM brr
ti 'm. Cbapi^
(htnttnra nnmad. Tha tabtei te ptacad o«w the door at tho •rlMttnl an- •rnvsr of the mint mid tbe cott ■

A New French Cote.


T’ j ■


\r^' ■

TBV MOmVOttOOBO. SUlTOAT. JTn.T 9, 1989.

pi A BLAZE OF GLORY | tbeatmentofsunstroke. paraffin ahp rre
moM UFE-* rrAoe.
00 UT0* • WU« Ui«

<• «w*4 bj «w^«


|.T«r»«. U^II.rfiwIiia-mOTttlU. .Mill i™ ..Ik. b«l ol T«~».
ad by blBtaelf.
'’Bear be maDSfed to Uvo I nevar
karv. but be aeened rootemad. Bto
' am deeds nerer seemed to worry bln
■ay. and tbe Lord ___
knows bto record
ra bu.« .boTCi. B. bkd bk« •
t woulda-t dp to
la tbt days!
' mad oe bto toes. lie lor«d to tcU of
^wlld life, a^ lb* fraokncM ^
•rWeb be reU.rt bis tt-twhat qxim
tloaable eaeapadea made blm_an es^
Imt entertatoer if yon dido t happen
IP feel aqaeamlsb. gqtMmUbneaf laa't
a commoo fanit on that way. and
aeecybody knew and liked Old Cap-


Ipm nty eoaiimioo aita ox*
<*b*r. Tbo DlftMl oO vdu. bo»rw.



>M«. be ckpoMc of omtlnf any
____________ ____ _______


pft u a inaar Ol piof?- *» “u ospiKu-

«»-«» ■»“«“ *
^ 1-“^-“
_ _ qoallty. Tb««
^ ate now

4 wm
lilt.!'.! Hats, Shirts, Pants, g°!'! Underwear, Gaps,
Sweaters, Sox, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders

®" *® • belfhi

of tbe reaoarceo of
tbeoe wdl'u. Tbe oH falls Into a naioral reaerrole. one eol of which to art-

If* dore in this manner:—Evpry 10th person purchasing a
het takes It hcniie FBEE OF CHABOE—The same way in any ot
the above mentioned Jinee. fimple—isn’t it- just like finding
money—but it's a quick way of d:8pa8iog of all spring and sum­
mer goods m order to make room for our fall stock which will
arrive soon.
Everybody come and partake of the most liberal offer ever
put before the people of Traverse City.
All bur men's, boy's and children's clothing has been reduc­
ed in price.

of tbeexlsilof rrOoery to work off. A


Jrs;,.T.S7s,.v .ir.—

Assam oil welto to esstirea and tbe ploneem of tbe andertaklaf Imre ercry
Hkdlbood of ivoi.lnf a rk-b barr«tt for
their ar^a. stranrle apnlns. malarta
•*" Jnnjle.________________
o.««ts «___ p_, i^rmmr.

maadm, hammer, says an ex-



hollow bead nnd bundle, with a
trough or galdeway extending throngb-


bf to time, boya.' aald tbo
Taxan. who was leading tbe band. *Ef
•9 get to Old Cap'a cabin we kin ataod
aC a pretty aman loc’
•'Old Cap'a cabin was altnatad In a
giMrtag off tbe trail around a beod.'
with blgb^ rocks biding R notil yon
casa out In tbe open. We reached tbe '
tan to Mfety and swept around It at ‘
AAgillop. There we aaw. ffrat ofalL j
msoszikk tacx HAuuxt.
Aha Ultle rabtn looking as anog as ooL Tbe bead coaulna a abaft for
asoal. and then we noticed Old Gap
0ttlng aatrlde a beg alwat ten feet to
o p**a There I* a ratebel
jrooi of bto door. Ills big. gray aomkooh in Uie ban0 waa cocked to OM aide, and tbe 1 di,, convealeoi
to tbe
tbee thumb.
thumb. 'As
ivealcDi to
A* one


nd scarf about bto neM gave blm tbe I
took of a stage bare of tbe pUtns.
^*A beard t r bones' hoofs beating
4 ontll we bad come within 76 yards
n. be lifted bto bat and movad It
> bin bMd wItb a hoarpa. wild
'am. As I think of it now it aonnded
tb* cry of a madman. Then' be
toaebad Into bto pocket and drew forth
A Batch. This be drew earvfnlly across
A rock which waa within reach of tbo
kif Btoo wbicb be aat. and Mvlng It
fTM tbe breese nntil It was Mfelr
JiAbted be opened bto leg* sad drappeil
0 potweeb them.
*^%ere was a yellow puff of smoke
Ita^ tritb a Saab of red. and then a
fanHc roar. Old Cap’s body flew skyorard. and when it came down it dldn t
lapfc Uka a bnman betog’a He bad
pit* BlRlng on a keg of powder ami
Ud dfUbera....................................


A dispatch from New Urt.nna
r,>pl.. .ttained by Hr Ukloiv Uysr of that city
Id ireailae leprosy wlib I>r. Calmoite's
fatnoqs snake serooi. Tbe serum to
queslibo Is wade from tbe itoisoo of
,rtpeiit* and 1* designed aol.-ly as a
for snnke bites. I»r. Dyar vIsIuhI

There were about a doaen of
•a. and we bad oar B'toebeaura and alz
ibMUrt with oa. When we got near
49 W Cap'a we atowed op a bit and
^^an to look pretty abarp for Indiana,
p«l Dot a nlgn of a redakto eoold wa

itt Old ~
Ufa and
•ramed aa audteore. So be aent tbe
Aid otR to drum one up He got wbet
Ae wanted, bat it wasn't a very eympaIbctlc one. Men don't go oineb ooa^
A« there, and tbe Ttexao waa a little
aor* abont the trick we'd bad played
AD oa. He helped to ntraightoe out (be
. sorpoe. and then be, aat down on
tewider aitd gned at it.
* •Wrfl.' be said flnaUy. te ewtalnly
Aid fire bimaeir n good tend off.'' And
tbe rest of the gsog guffawed load
9Spngb to nnrt tbe ecbOM down tbe
: galley.
**Bst It waa all prrtty busMH when
' go* come to ifalok of R. Old Cap bad
. tbe center of the ntate when tbe enrtalo dropped, and bto aoileeee tbeo

We wi 1 give away FBE£ OF OHABOF several hundred
New and Dp to-date

a-; raiS'”

tbe twek: let
pttlse feeble, lay b1
fW0t warn eootiab for aoUd comfort or ctre him a teasDooafal of aromatic
9Bt of doora. and with tbe sky as clear iiims of ^mo^ KlrloTfln^
aa abaolate .drynees
,could make IL It to two tableipoonfato of water. Coe
«M ooe» of
of tbeoe
tbeoe days,
days. yon
water npon tbe bead or body.
vbea yon tbsow year etaeat
kPldJ '"B? .ppU^iton. to th. ««..
. -Jl«. - .«
“I S U, Vtoik-lo. U n,u««L ^ Ulklnc
wbItUIP, 1
„„ o»«jpB-nPP>.
IdAod. when down the street camf'a
of water.
|»-raDr«id boy rldlny a brooebo. We •Pooniiu to naan oi
fpaD^awl blm as a yomtfster wbo ,
Fan «r TMka.
tirad a eoniile of miles ibis side of Old
.k.-m. It. P»i«rieht
***^ magailne hammer Just

at bto horse, witb bU eyes a poppug
aad bto brenib x-paoHog.
“ 'Wbxt’g tbe matter. babT aaked A
Can Texan, wbo waa to tbe pany.
• -Old Cap aaya f come rtgbt op f
Ida ptow rigbt off an fetch aU tb’ dmb
pVktoglL Tb'lujnu to comlnr
*Tba Indiana were alwayi Uabla to
paat looM and do aometblng noboaly
o we got oar faoraea out to



I nneb fadfaed. do not (o to work, e*j
I ,u_
, f^i
1j beadaebe or Mbanstloo
ocenre. eeaae

tmmedately; lie down to a abady
j ^^
eold>^ cr« bead ai^oeek. !
Any one orercome by tbe bMt
BboQl be inme^latcly temored to tbe

«. k, wb. b.d b— « m..bk ktu.
blm at ooe tline or aootber.
„j . nolleetnan and 'fire the neraon
••NOW. no one ever ihonfbl
pld ^ LSts^waii^b^ m
Cap was apeccacolar. He was m Um f,*. If able to awaUow.
Siaa on enrtb who wooM te tbonfht

„ bot and diy. place tbe
llk.1, tb -kbt^.
Ot tk
. ...nv.«n.
ii.. m
tbrany of bto atanta. Bat be did. and ____
tree, wall or
anyihloc that m-ni
tbt ellroax of bto Ufe v
aopport to tbe back. Sponfe witn

What Will Benda Do Next?


ford coodnalve erhleare that the trrrt-

pmwnoon. but diUk .h»i wk
I ter yhs ot*d to keep h op. as petM>l'**'
tks prareou tbe body from balBC
oreAeated. Bare, vbenerer powible.'
an addltiooaJ shade, as
Iklof. a
1 to. when watkf---------


tniT IM AirifPiit$E«gFml‘

The Great Question

WasM ■

wm OMib. mm* Urn mmmmirnm* m tMB ttas «a tba arv. Lom of •toep.
WU* A«ClM«« M Sm «Ub 9m Via , ii„
riMl WIM A«t.
•Tb* looclaK for iba mtcr *f tb*
$0$» rx9u DM o«l7 Id tba cMcn mi
^iTfltatlOD.' Mid a IDA& vbo had CMW la tbt MD. ud MfwetoUf twtvMo the
taonr* of 11 o’clock lo the amlxkt »■«<*
wt. Mde bli piw 19 inlnlaf u-l
0m* hMk to *w hUDMit -T«T!
dar* «ear tbla dotbea. Hare as cool
fad It 09 Id tb« BMklM uMoa tb«
aleeptog roome n^poaalblo Avoid
foftfwt toai^ cltlMM that OTtr
aiMp and all tmteceoMry faladled * pick or AM » l»*r. Tbo d*«. If wortlD* iDdOOf. MHl WbVM
t to Blabtjr SOMI4 ±mn to artlAMal bMi-^nndrtot.
la man mm and tbe flare of tbe <*lrw». - woTtbS



t^cV to diIhrcD booH- a Dioveinent of tlie
preseou aPotUer at tbe opening
tbe rt«r
of the
bead. MM.
One -blow
wn ••
e point Into tbe wood and a
moqi] < e drtve* It In. A iiaicni for
Ibis Idea bat bean awarded ib J. T.

Etery lOth Shirt Goes Free!


,,urp«w of experlmeutIng wlib It on lopmsy It appears that
VkllU », kkU

9m ruhM nc«Dt
Dr. Tbeodor Bt-cr claim* to bar*
deddod In the affirtnatlve. by hi* obacrvntlons at the bloloiricsl suilon la
Naples. ilH- much disputed qoestlon
It baa
fishes sleep e
long i>ecD known that flsbes loae ibelr
activity at tbe apitearanc*- of darknea
ling to
ami rrniato for hour* Ooatln
'- the
oamc aiM>t. even their acnally reatleas
cyes being motionletui. Most flsbes

Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years—
Look at them whether you need one or not.
$£00 or $10.00 will bny a good second-hand bi*
cycle - $25 will buy tbe best new wheel on the
market—Come and see my display before going

—-MRS. H. E. GIBBS |

. BlltFnitSL

dded to make tbe bill aboal t2 W hlg'ht
—Chicago Tribune.
_ William
_ Jennlng*
Bn*n." _
....... ••think* ih*
M free *llveT man.
sbuiild thorooghto'
«y*iem of govemmenL'
• -in that esae." replied hli sound- , —iggt'iiANCt-Baws lower tbso ever I
money-wife relntedty. "she would bsve | r pmspi •euieseBi. csvefsl stiesifoo!'
. ■ c^y
coiy rvlUUe
- .^Mor.
S distinct1 advantage pver man.''—Chistock
Have s policy
■ wrhi»B SI one* by a W IssiiBr's s««cey.
, eago Post,
JokBsoc block. pLuorlX.
e nt that clerk who ased
j "Whnt t
; to'rubber-*o

l-ounced him.'-Chicago Dally sue^eo u> pr(.iainiy psos*« b>ii it;.-Kona-

Mandtop. If the ciplllbrlom of tba
body to disturbed by clipptog the flna
„blch soon
Boon graw
grow out again, itae
the fish
flab ,
gicep floating to a vcrtknl position,
Few flsbes seek the bottom to sleep, j
but tUBtiy
many UIMM
float W
un tbclr sides MM.
and V—M
cab f|
pe caogbt with the hand, a fact well
known to aallora Tb<- eye* of moat
ashes are open occesMTlIy daring
sleep, owing lo the absence of eyol4*.-Detrolt News-Trlbuoe.

Steinberg’s Grand I
EDCtgflBOl EitBortioirj.


Cboily—Fald she wuihg'iad bar flow■l BesM Meek
erpoi landed on a *o« place and didn't

Vor aa Sdltor to Beoommtnd Fatant
....... — ------8.n. B™™1.

■ 30-PEOPLE--3O

r wsuoatePrebMeprselWa.


■ --------------------sneabea to tot attos.

---------------- -----tba* been made. It to predlcwd that to nrkat. yet m a praeantaMeo.of
praeentaMeo.of SQff^
a. THOMFflO* *. D OMsstoBwaUsso
ovo a
munaia bum. b
Boam.*to U am. I
i"!! nupply the entUe borne demand Cor w5rd Im C^bwUli'a Oolto, Cbolm m «p.m. T*topk<ms.n
go-wooM roqniie flOUflO
with the Oriog llM to one
" Artxaoa. >1.8
kaowm and n#ad tbla mcdlelne to v«
gagemeni. For a enmpalga of Invasion
have aiji rol^le. It nmany
eacb aoMtof would roqalre to be
' plato” regloD of Text# and eottaldera- .
We paicbto to OaJIfonito and tbe In- ‘
o(^ remedy would ime* boon
loe, dlan Territory afford tbe pecoUar coo- ■ ^ „ff«rtng whUe a pbTslelai Is await
Si many devanuTlii exploakTi aa I’tt*'**
rtlmale oiuamry ^ wrf'do Dot ball***
met, tr M the mher hand.
“<« W*'
ImplldUy on any madleln* for a ei
moon, -im, 11., bomWllj taif.,/o b.11,. Ui.i ll_. botU.



oa ba^ and admi

urltboDi ampoDlUoo fortbe root of tbe •>* «“• «*'' “«»®tnany ease* tbe pram dm of a phyaieiar
engageuent.—Aan Fraoclaeo Duet.
To rtUtse Slate
woBid not be rrqelred. At Icaat tblBalRmorc capitaltou have-taken oat ^
cxperleBoa daring
--------- -------- procpas by whirt tiling, past tseoetryears, r.rsal* by 8.
Am>Hlii> 1, n» Aiom.^ imbt


77lo. '^-i—fT-.bTfT. U?! —^
|- tbe
tt, ooe
OO, in-rere
lo r— la
8 Cbatm.
Ooilm to
rarlB. where tbe Indka of petsuas wbc
die to pabllr tosUtntlotu. taavlng no
frteada or reiadre*. are. as a ml*. Ineifterated and wl



been made to tbe qnarry oWDct* of
80 ceou a cartload for whaito tbe peat
baa been entire waste. It to Hid that
tbe Balttmor* a
torasTlng 82004X10 la the mitaeprtM-

Opera Co.

' fV* * *pbystclsi
U Grsassieor Celverslly «1
Io«bIi to iHjsty.
Choliy-1 w-ts walking down the ■
»o. dtoh boy. wbso a common wot
I. OacM. City Oprr* Doss* Blk. I
lllowrd her hesstly flowerpJt to fall
1,8 head.
-j-gy—How painful.
wasn't tbe pain, deah boy. OlbM^ny^pers House blooks. 'Pboo*. boas* |

what tbe dwedful woman said.

omlnence to tbe,alleged Invention of
If prearat advices are eorrecc aootba H-marttable qidck Ortag rifle. TTiU
.rUl 1. .!» "
h.«>. «r O -wwinorf oAiAtor" *iw4t on ffrowlng. wUl ahoRly be Intugorated


124 Front St

Eveq 10th Suit of Underwear Goes Free!

“Dia you ever co with a trolley par­
ty?" asked ore cf his friend*.
"No." rewpi eded the newly elected alderitisB from ttie -etcenth ward, lowerlna hi* voice to a conBaentUl whister.
"but I'm read) to go w-lih any party
tbal puts Dp liberal.*'—Chicago TTIbur*.
•1 shall Itave to crown that tooth."
said the dentist. Indicating tbe panifular molar.
•Yee.r arsenied the victim. • ItVaking rather more than any of the oth-

I. U,.Mm.

trt.lUlous of tbe lopt«r «dUmlstoim wa* one that aeteral
leper* who had lieeD {illleo by veootuous suake* were cure«l. l>r. Dyar
applied tbe aertitn to live canto of
leprOey In New Orleana and In two of
tbe msM abaolute cures were effected.
Id two otber canes there wa* a marked
Improretuent. and tbe cases were lost
algh! ot. *0 that the final resalt waa
not knowo. la tbe fifth case (be man's
system provctl repiHIent to tbe potoon.
and tbe ebaum- was for the /worae
lather than the betier.-Bufl^ Expresa

$. BENDA & CO.


Two Ni^ts, Bepinlig

PrwentinffOD tbe opening night,
for tbe first lime in thii city, tb«
beantifol and marrelona aoeceear


Bohemian Girl.”
—BAAOttfoUy fttgAd


—BlPguitljr ooAtaiBAd


eell Jnty 10 to N. Be<ara Angnat
10. On* fare for rot ai trip.
AeS^m^yaa. Blaa^ A^^b. 9m
Ipwurth Leegae Camp Meettog.
Be»e«dlast (toelrty ot Bagtoaw. 8aU Ja> 11 to Ik Batara flstb.
Micb-for tbe weaptnettirmaatof mt
alA bnefli claim amoanUag to ■110
BaU Jaly. 14 to Aagust k Betn*n
Bax Seat* tl.OO.
Angmtll. Ask agara ,for fall tolco"
maUoa aad go via tbe West Miebtraa ^ OLMata BOW op9a at tbabea , |
'’’TSlTsSlrw. mta. Oa* DnBAvn, 6. P. A. ei-l

OM dOmik.




V THg i^mJlIBO MX>»0. IffniPAy, IgLT B, ia88.
•<A«0^ or TBl JlWt.**
»wA Cm mm* tn,,Utm U tUmmmrr *• Sak* It ommw »m>
IMid mm* Bm t<



Tbla it a (aKbfal porttaH «( tba
lat« Banotaa BlrxC. -aba waa called
r»be Aacd of tb» Jeaa."
Stw* tbr death of tbe taaioa la Ba»
^ry la UBS tMe vcatle aad torelp
voaaa apeat llAOO.000 for cbaitty U

mm •mmm WM

•w^T A InBrtoM bMA er iMir ii
«Dt md womu'* rlil«f CttivCoto A
tMd nur-vooMs mrt
IKiMWlua mpa ymt hov »t«t nrrij
Com Um> trmcc wo»a« mala the
twiiM Of bn )tostb wbeB «Bc« past-

era! inebea la dlanew. made of a Wad
of apetulon metal l^tly potI«ied
and coaled witb merAry. At tbe back
there are mrtotta derleea. ladodlag
Cbloeoe and Japaneae wriuetmebaf
raWtra, l.»lK.p..


Tb b««la wUh. pc«p(» -koow rrrj
ItnW about tbe art of brubtns tb<>lr
balr. It ia warfanr Bc«biH*C. Tb«gr
ty brtu:
■tub It ua conb It UiroBfh
Btly to
Oy. bat
aboold br brtiabed for at kaet m quar­
ter of an boor, nlfbt aad momlnfc
aad UU U not eaay to do for oae’a
aelf. turtlcolarly If ooe'a.ttrMre be
tbMk aad hav.. Tboar. tbetefore wbo
caaaoi afford tbe luaury Of a aiald
tbelr aerrlM la tbla oiattn. doing for
tbent Ibc' name ofBee In return.
Tbe bygteoe of tbe bead it an allItnportaal matter, for. of nmrae. tbe
akin Buat
moat IW
Iw kept Clean
elr«n aad in
In «oo«

LlgM ia







atv ttoUabed like TKT^n,
tbe front am
I Now. If tbe dlivct raya of tbe ana
poo tne lace oi ine
j allowed to fall npoo
, irlrvof and are tben
CM. iibobrt
•rtveo. lb
in b,.«j
many raan.
.-ioued ~t in
_ an. the dRUn-a at the back wOl appear
; to ahine tbroogb tbe «olN.inoe* of the
' Btrrer aa l.rlybl liner upon a mode^
aMy bricbf groond. mya tbe ffeienttfle
Amertran. Tbeae are tbe MKaUed
Japanese "magte” mlmira. tmt tbey
are found In Cblna as well.
There bare been many theories aa
to tbe proeeoa of endowing mirrors
with tbe pecoilar property nu’nilo'nfaL
game writers eonsMer Ihsi the pressure to which tbe mirror waa anbieet-


Nothing Nicer

Tome.-Aaaod aoaatfau -Haak et. t. a N <
31aa abaofaitdy tcqnirea mt. It ia a
nlat wbo aaakea no pnwiNaa <'
... .
itna—a aeaaoa of qolet real' i
Badre-rT«ratloa. Bat thru ' '



or U may rob na of moeb of tba
intereat that we |>rt
Bow to mhke oar vacation a good ea- j
eatbio ia a very important qoertioa.
The incident in. tbe J^eal reference j S
mas-H.. Tb. li b... «■,"


ttmr. and Cbriat them apart for '


___ ^
1. Tbcapnttlea dearrved their vaca'

Tb<rb.a i.i,»i.n
. . . caat oat
bciilrd Stbe ^ck^
sick. Tbey were‘I
weary bsoaOHe cf tbeir tolls. Itwaalm
ponlble to rest where tbey w«e. at
•‘they bad no leianre do macb aa to
.mt "


An. Bj.egap.t AjiBRoartrtxexa.^

140 Front Streot

that because of constant, earnest effort
we have a right t« a mt and need It.
£. Tbe a|nvilt« songbl a soilable
place for a vadation It was a ‘'desert
place apart." a qmet. nniababited place.
Many a varstbrn is Nwiled. so far at
proper malts ar« coai-etned. becatiae
Eresteat on the
.... parts In rein f.----- tbe placet visited ere the very ones
n uf figures.
comvmwl In the pP
♦ coming and gi.ii
If tbe
bark of the minor l. ruWied S•*!!*. “^.".'’7
with a Muut-|K>lnted Inatmmcni bright
lines ai>pear In the Itnagi' corre*i>oDd- ed seaside murt. It ueans weariaess
ihe ..
to tbe
of,------------------------tbe |uirt mbbed. end Bit rest, aervona depttaaum and
— poaltiuu
..... .........
ybla esperiroent U quIii- raay to re- not recnperaticB
a. TbsatmtletbadChriatwitbtbeB
'** *““***
enre oa tbe tAck during poliabtng on tbeir vac-atiun. Be took Uh iu. Tbe
«'<)n!d iwiise'^ue change In tbe re- obiect was (inlet o
felloWshipwltbotieanother. Cliruft
fliMtinc snrfa.e «-orresi«>ndlng to tbe
t»>k Ibrni npce tbeir asarcb f<a rest.
raised |«ns whereby ibe amouni
Does Cbrift goo itb o's on onr vacalight |.,.g^,.
leeled »
thinst- ^
Do we 'take fliui or do we leivs
llgufThtch fa»ls^|s-n ! *|-.**
Alas, (isiuiany f.liristiaua :
the .
of tbe light which j Biiulwhiodf f
„ JU™-1
aitfm: !
■* >““■
Ml. .p... .1,,
. p.n I.
IbT lio 10

% »

TrsTorM City. Mich ' *


tUy 01
of grease or loe
tbe osir
hair w
U api
apt 10
at a com of $*iC.uiy
-------»rt dry and brttUe. A dry bead wants ; ®®“conaampllve ebttdrsn. and
rottHnoal appllrsilona ofyreaay waab- eoeiHbOting tbe chief support to (be
I censlB »ortl Of
__loont of Btltnnlanpi, while tbe enda among the Roastan J« ■wa
of tbe'iulr need conatant cutting and 1 Baron Birscb Mred and labored for
Angeing. finch hgp often Inrea gray ; **”“ fidraneemeni of the- people of bla
very prematan-ly. ea]ie«-lally with Ibe 1
?Mt*^ a*7n
eouaieni uae of Irona. wbirb la now
firceesity. owing to fasblon't lore of bis power to provide for It. And when
e of »13fMW».waring. But It may he. to a certain he died be left a
fgtenl arertsd liy cioae attenilon end «*• to • women as
-n.„____________ « I hlmtelf. wbo fallbfDHy fulfilled hit
ptway heeds bare to be Juai a. cam j
dK'rihutton. Atmmg the
fal for notblag u more rrpuWve. per“'“•"le of bl. gift.
presented to the Jewish Colon nllcalarly wbea tbe bair U dark bm * '
D In America.
•ttmtiletlng wash will kec}> It la rery
good eondlllon with fairly ft«iuent
Dm Is b rsrstse tosg.
’ that
It la aa
.M therefore
tb-relM a> bright
bH,h. Im-1
M W( IW witb
. I. M
leur-etf-Ti aud
thought It was a reiy nice song, and 1 '■ age appears
be hariuhil and not
tried to huDL It on the way home.
a dortnr. If we get ajyll
tod nut inspiring,
ler with our akin we go to a akin ope...........................Aynoii
rliliat. bat with out hair In a weak ri^i. but port of tbe cboroA but 1 jfiTX. They showed lhat (be paliema do,- let na take Christ on onr
4. Tbe
The object ul the apradlea'vscallcin
aUle we perslatently tiy vartona lo- went orpr and orer that witb a ^fsal a<s-n In the n<lleeiion wen- due to dlfKi>id one. Tbey went apart to
Ilona wbirb aig>‘'Doi be la (be least dcal of satlifartlon. Tbe next day tba fsreneea In Ibe eurvainn- of the auraulUlOe awl wbh-b proliahly will do boy who ablued my aboea wblatled It *t«v prodn.ed by l•eodlug and aulwe- rest awhile, that they might be tbe bel­
Boch harm. Then- are many really at be worked. There u-ete two nolea <!***» D'Hablug. Warming a mirror ter jeepared to perform the dotiesuf
the fntnir. Th's is the only worthy ob­
good hair lonlca. hat It Is as wefi to wrong, and 1 gently corrected him. •Iw
^±ola xgaax.
'•« posalbillil.-s. a thick
know first tbe particular kind whieb humming It orer once or twice. It an- nilrmr tfhirli gave no jmtiems when ject I'f a kncstiotr-^tbat we may Iw bel­
ter fiUed;and I r> |«.fied fur tbe doHea of
anita na. ''There la no doiiln that the noya me to have a beautiful iblug Ilka
somHiiues .leveloped one when life Ti|» i) i.r.T r-turn.
Waring of tlie hair, whhdi baa been that spoiled.
heairil. IVof. Thominsm has shown
Bible R.:.dliigs.-G«i. Xlix. 14. IS;
Kewlj painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms witb
In fashion for tbe last three years,
At tbe o«ce Jones burst In with:
«»«« • fil*“ foin,n iisrlng a pait.m
X. XX. MI: xxxiii. I5 H; Pa xxxvii. private baths hare been added, inakiojf it one of the moBic
baa donep a great d««al to damage tbe
Mr. 0;lxlv. 1
iilariy when attemi
balr. i«nlrii1ariy
empted by
comfortable hotels in Northern Micbij^an. Address for
ri. 16: Uuth.
amnbmn. who invariably
nw the
risbly use
lialDg very thick class, iiasslng a apirli
*V; Johtf iv. l iu. •
Iron* while they are loo
rates and other information
Happily tlaAimock Kwung.' It's a corker. 1
0 hot. Happl
lamp Is-hliid n sirl]i of mirror, a dark
the waring Is now much looser and goes like Ibis;
hand may Is- cansvd to pass along the
Rum te turn tmmty turn I turn.
' ’im4'» Low.
lighter than of yore and consequently
sm. Ulumiaated by light rvfiectcd
does not n-qitlre scu* hot Irons as It
from the nilrriir. TTof. Tluimpson has
did a year ago.
alao found that Jaimiiew- mirrors ion. It take* neither shape nor color
p haiDb
from its surriiiindinge. It lx always a
which W’-n- not Image mirrors when
. _
mock awung.
tninagteiwor Ilf Uod's law. < W w t sis
• Tbs following story lllnatrates tbe* * hat‘Wl got It quite right, hut ll’t a
fart that when-fven a lltlle tn>asnrc P'wchr
lA then- the bean la also.
| ."('I. It waa Jones Is a tulwr^Mc slightly vmve*.
WK'ial iMirricts aud feel they l«>nnd tbe |
Amy Bell a IKtlc girl 7 year* old. singer, but be coukWt quite bide tbe
klngduui,. S.I did tbe elders in »ld<(^
Thk nilrltfW I. I.arce.
entered a savings l«nk and ilmidty t“waiy of that choms,
The last of the works of the mneh- limes, nud by Ifait luw they would try
Mid ihal she wnDld like rery mmh '
IV. Is the <-ular^ the Christ. Onr giurral assembly la
to be shown ronod the Inaitiuiloa aa
.«;■ to;p.o;e.,-;;y.i k.u...;; at-^: i
.soon a. was nmrealenL
Pf** •'"'d »a “Neath tbe
H MiHl-l-rhap. Ih--,^
Tb.y arc at l«d mete
Aa Amy ia a very tuructlrc lltile
fiwnnf fcr
Bald her niioesl waa compiled
compile with.
‘ «•'' ** Urgest sing.c kitchen In the wofld-’
on gmimd wjierr royal kit.-h.-ns bate ^rlthmanhissl. U-Vs law was here !«•Good hardwood in stove lengths.
It waa a dull time nf the day. and tba
atiswl from time Imnicmorlal.
f(«e we P«re. It ri4|Tii
jnin-s no action rd
treaaurrr esported b.W all over the
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
tSeorg*' IV. It was who to tS2R gave congrefw 4ir 1
uiMy to determine what
twnk. sbnwisl ber the wnrklnga of the
Inside of a week I beard that aong n p.
mnf and io|sii-ht vcntli.v. it la Envy, ji-alottsv. bste. (-ovetoosbig locks, aud laughingly Intrudncod
: erery hour of the day and night nnolm-k b-l Into the new. malice, evil si»-skiog—1
an the gimtlcmra to b<r. When going
it liegan
iM-gtn to pall on me aomewbaL
oomewhaL ,mnc »„n.
wall's *no
and j,,
It* Boucmlly
geucmlly mediae!
mediae-' wn.
sin. They are hot
u<d U.d-mau
Uid-mBunei>. low.
nut Mlaa Amy Hualord them and t!lI It
Bi-the cod of another week It was to ,al appearance, says the 1‘atl Malt Iveeding; ..ffeu.ive cimdnct. tmt sin.,
halK Magazine. At cither end of tbe kitrh- plain, novntnixbed sin. Tbeystrikeat
"‘Too to-, my ptsui ha. ‘isislicd gS the pbowogwpbs. In tbi
Immense and veneraMe God. Aa eiu-h ihey ...„
nnderbm for me. and I wanin! I.. Iw anrr J?to tbe atrvet pUuut.
no racaplng from It. Thin- smoke-Jack. whose origin is losi In the at-sjd and ireat-sl. Tbet.
tr l.« nil Kwsm in
It was to a safe niacc. Tliaiik rmir Then* r
cheste.1 young nn-n and fat young ^jists of aiitiqnliy. «>ne of these an-.'caltnrr eiinal toa pcnitvntboar. Ifnpand nut abc iuar<Indtcs MUg It at otherwise arderi} par- minlly has the honor of masting Vle-1 roots aelAabnessi from tbe heart and
lor gatlo-rings. Isiys and men wbistini lorla's liamn of hcef. -The bot-plaie! toakea
mifdtnlofanothcr.—PreaIt over and...over In varying plicbea
table to .................................................
the eenicr of the .....
kitchen hytmian JoumsL
- .....................
Properlv aerved in a neat din*
t 4t Warsaw, discords, and hand organa ground It. measures no less than 14 by P f<<et.
B. J- MORGAN. Propriotor.
ine room.
Mscharvod all «bt
endk-s» qimviTs. wblU- toy
The hatierb- de (mlslne. In Its hrllThe Peia ■laal Idea.
_. .
nllcltora. ap poor Jangling nervet kept time.
Ilani array of gtlitcring copper. Is
Tba principal -idea in life nioMa
1 Platform Wagoa. I aeata. ail to goo*
polmlttg women to tbeir stead, almv , last night 1 met a man to tbe lonrljr Urge enough to cbecr tbe hearts of tbe otbera to <vnf'<rmity witb it. Jadas'
order, prioe tu 00.
R an*'"!'''*!
wom< n make mui-h tirvet wbo stop]M-d and asked m«* for a small army of gourmands, and. I"! prin(i]>al idea wus money getting,
1 two-aeal axtanaion top Oarriaffw.
Olgan of SveiT Kind
better agents than men. The genemi nmich. I lit It for him. and soiuethtog show Its
Ita offlei-la
offlci- ia no's'
mralnecnre. one may it lednp tolbicvtog and belraval of bis
ewly painted, prk« t4S 00.
ptibllr. miller skefitlral of the adiaa- to his fare prumpted we to ask wllb a mention iluit It has to make an annual Lord. l%r prindioil idea qf tbe chief
1 Pbaatnn Boggy, go^ otAor. Mfia»man.ifn.-tun-r for ri-siora-1
ri-siora-j prientt
pru-rt. waa
wa. the retention of tbeir power,
power. inaoutb
lage lieM out by toaucanee comttaD'.*s. Bidden IrrvslaUble cnrioaliy who ba visit to the maniifni-itin-r
I Top Baggy, all Ic i,*ocd abape gn Mk.
jiermlta Itself to Ih- pi-rsuBded Dim-h waa
tlnn and refialr. Ijidy Bloomfield s.tys j,, d„ that they uiuat murder any ona ------ '—
I Road Wagon, good aa nab.
f Lambar Wagooa.
4«a1er by (be Intelligeni women ttian I "filr." said he. drawing himself up af th1a kitchen In 1M2:
j wbooeetned more popular than they;
(nhn of the same abilities
• afid
apd e
edu- ami amtiing
compUceoiiy. “1 am the
"The fire was more like Nebochad- bemr tbe ImporUnce of having tba
■Han. It la ubl that, since the change watbor of “Newtb tba Trvm
Wberv tba nctxar's ........
principalidea of life right an^bigb....................................
big ^cry
baa experi-. lUmmoek fiwung.'^ '
anything else I can -think of. and Wbatlsjyonrs 1—Snnday hebuol Tiinaa.
Tben I UUed blu. This. gaolleBan, though there Is now no company at
liiaurautv pollrira U my confraoioa —Ctociuml Bnqulr- Windsor, there w-re ai bast flfreen or
wrwwg t*i
werfce(bigaaaipesslWagfo4e. >toai
wort a sgselaJly
■■ "
*«-•' roasting.
j, *«„,Uue. rickraC
klurmiy tot
leomptroUer of the ;
iraw OSm. Markbam aiook
fito Msalthr.l tetlwea.
:i (oTd mes 1that last .vt-ar they j popnlar aimlansa. It la aumetlmea di;e
Tba Boat bralthful fond for .tbla
to know fad .1 dinner ,wople."
acaaoD of Iba yaar U iattaca. wbhdi la bow the aalartea of poatmaatara In tba
-------------------------! bat, after all. in tba long ran. thaunaxeeUent nerre food. It ahonld
g„,„ oompara with tboar nald
“‘r.’"** ■*
, worthy auccevd only w
with tbennwurtby,
n ia the n „
>■ .i i....... n»
. .........
aurrira ouly
-Utod-i*®^ tba fitting fail

At Pioneer Invery Stable..
B. J. HOBOAN, Propr.

A nice lot of Horses, among them,
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a.
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of workSome arriving every week.

Park Place Hotel!








15 cents


Use a loll Nee olConfecticaery




fmr.*Tl,l"V,j2iS”'ciS' L'ISISm ^ W.-blnfMi.
bl. »ibl». i«or. i«hI„
from day to day. !.« mayountlae al- a^ Brooklyn, grt
a yaar eariu than a ptoos womtn‘a b#art.~-l.uther.
tarnaic with Ktvneh dreaalng.
^ P^ma.iar ■Mietrolt 1. paid
„ «n ba. I owa to my
A Trr, b.b.,.M.. uUIL
U» rtrb

C ^ angel moiher.”-Abraham Llotxiln.
for a ataa^ly diet, la made by chop"Dla^ao onr bondage as we trill.
piBg calerj and Engllab walnuts, and
^tog them
tlmm on riraroFirtu^
. lea..............................
l Manebratar grt
^tee. „f 1 le„e..«.l
“ atm.--.
them on. leaf oflatiuca. mid
Other aalarta. aiv:
tba daalraO drvssldg,
___ '
mtogbam. WJkW: Nawcaatia and Bri- ^ ^r,
ladle. Is the acboo)
lot M.iaaieaek; X.uiingbaui. Sbaffl.-ld. ” pol-'.'uc.s, -wmiiront.
cm slteae of Cardiff, awl BtfIL «L»I0 rack.
4 "11.deu will Ih> uu heaven to me. If
Tbla to a net
I I df- llol meet my Wife tbarv.”—Abtirrad into rounds. Imiter wacb and 1
draw Jobn-sim
"Evan to tba darkest boor of eartta*• ( mw4b> ler-. i.4i«. a... u .41 (ill. saws*


put one on rach slice of litvad. dost *h* haw.-at to nomanatoturr. «.ratoWith grannlaiad sngar and put tom a fotv It baa bean oaveawary to order te
hid oran. Rake iwetii.v miumee, disk, aaenra piettty of draft for a furaaea
rarer wllb cnam and si ne.
u. build an Immaoaaly tall chimney,
^W It U r-uM tb.i
of P.HUI
r_ "
^ tb. toM-r • chlm»T roo no pos,
. Tb- rt-ElDptn. Eofpolp te04« n ftooi bob,, wllb . f«L A ftet fOOBarb of bar time to naedtawork, ping lbrr« boRara of aOO-boma pewar
wbirii abe aapda to poor coavrnm ta
ttila axpartment with a ^n wbeoa
fftoiribnia among tba naady. Like her »baal bad a diameter of fit toebea.
friend, gnaaa VIototia. aba la fond of ^
^ nseb battarad that
«ld-fastiloBad atylaa. and when the two tba firm savedI nea^
neatly ItAQO
|1A00 a yaarhff
yaar ^

Cbrtrtl.. R.,Ut«.
•Uh# Iba TalU mt Ct
Borne books 1 read and a
1 bMr are like the tails ut a cionaL

Gas Lamp--


Pri« Redictd to Close Ont Lot

Wa are agato prepairad to dalivar lar
to all porta of the diy. Our prlaaa wQi
ba aa low aa aay r fferad.

Beat workmanah4> moaaj
can amploj for BicyeW
Bepaihog. Quick work.

Hopkins Bros.

Both'Pbenaa. P4
*■* *‘*^'-»"
m. codensad into one
aqotre loch of iheeame deneilyof com- ’ *
bmb aubuspbera wbkta aupporta oar ^

40» H> ,

■y Owr ansigotbr.
Wa oftan do xmaa good hy oar aymypatby
. than by (>nr tohrra and render to
nrld a more toaring eervica
"Ktarnal joy and arvriaattog tore Ibe world
of jewknay and rarognit:
.Tour.womam loraly
merit ttan wa cuirld ever randeg
Ir» from .»«liito|( ,rfort. of jinonl
o«r toty n IMcJit Aoion'. r.mi,
nf- -Sof-t.
, -------------------------~R'bai woman wills. God wiUa."
; CorMwis •( CM.
find, a ■»■•
Somwa are ahmn ilka dooda. wbkb,
tkoogb black wbra lUy are paaatog
"A vromaa onampkiyad to bwy to vrtx et. wban tbey m past berama aa
Vavaattorptoke.atfai mttaa aanhoaa
weei of Trtvvma Cliy. TrtSa aailiss fiem
if tbey wsa
wse tba'^garmctita
tba ganaenta »g
ti Ood,
uw. i;7;^riv
"A woman raoMAto vtat ^ dOM thrown off to purple aad gold akmff tbs SSritTml
Banry WardBaeebaz.

Good Bass
lad PiaUrel FisMag


A B. amaar. H. D.. Pnar k V

H. O. BMMrst PliysielaB. wlU eera
aMsaa aed saifiwes ss4 mdaeM


Provident Life
and Trust Company
of PhiladalpMiA.
*"*'' "wfiS^ran^


L«Ti T. Pnmiagtoo, Diitnot AfT.


THB aoumro maorsD, tujii*AT. jtjlt »,


IT. W4» W MW.
tt> W-



V* DM M DiM mm


]av PiFofcTCTJ^Tf »MA]:iiyADE BPQ^,


«a nmm 9m •«

p fSItkfal M
• «r the AoMKu cM vto
I • an« k&d (emM. ud oc m MutrtM.
fWB muMte* » tte dl>
Vmt'Aatitm «IU harkon ttMckM*- Mr. Crm
I A*Mr< *u»
KMT «Mr At of 4 l4wr« wb* rwMttlr TtmmwA 9<as Alptom VmmMmiet. tto ftUA Utii llii 4>iMtw(» •t u «Uta« j
............................... ...» from tbrtm flow ef as oM Oovat «f atfinltcd fortiue. ud Lapc« vte ted tow otfoctnaato Mwwb to ',
fltre offeBBe to tto wUn« pov
ttova t7 tto cttr'a Ma «a0 a qonr tondlas ra Gnat «trm to tto tUr- ^
fieedom of hto eHtteUma.
•mafMnomagiietrrocaUw. Halaa trmxh Soar of a aodm offler toOd* ‘
r«d wood tlmtor, pontoaola ta
I Tto editor vaa -aneoted and cn>-1 L Bf Lahm floa rooort rronnd. Pr^er
wtmt tnm '«mfactor.“ aad bla bmA i#,, i hr old tollov ramr ta to aw '
fined In a narrow paaaac* between
«a» to Ibe alaaibing of atovavars.
him. aad aftrr amrb trooUr foaad tto |
tto cacM of two Jafoara. potottow for
V» doaaa't nia bto prt? to aartb. bolldtad. HU to(a vw* «tur aad bto
tboM bad tempera aad tbelr tntmn*
fca—ray. afur tto aaaaer of otbar vlad waa tom bat to atartod wp tto
. dtoUke for hniaaa aodetr.
_____ ______. wing IL___ ___________
Mtotora et bouaa ^ma. He raaa U w atalra By tto tte$ to roactod tto
Pmpenr wm for te M mcatb.
Tbe taterrealofl apace waa ao rcflo*
foartb floor to dretand tbat toSroold
toted tbat aeltber of tbe feroclotn aniGB fifiU
*ma vaattor bardwad. vrlaUed tnaa take bto toiMaea* obi of tto baodt of
IK atoea sroaad, Garfiald aewb*.
la at oooe Ito terror aad tto frtood of tto^ataa who vat ao natoatonabto a* ;
middle Ilae b
a me cam; *
a ware, artlm peraon. If eery cairfat FOB8a^-«06m-PI«* amlMonOarD
wbold to atovavar*. Be to kaova aa t*
•» M(b- Be took a loog not j
to follow tto dbwlcnl adric* aboot the
Hite fain Jack, bat bto naaaa tea batf a'
floor and voold hare tora* |
aeldaaeaaa. PrlerflaM
adrantagea of atr*rta« a middle FOR 8AL»>Lota 1* aad M. Mote t.
joa. all of vbJcb «aa<* of
' •B'l that to wanted to
coorae. miflbt maMge to paaa without
Parry Hanaabb arooad add. oorner
tote aalL mU aw. Tbwe are ooma of W
>*»yee that ref) da^ aad
appclal iBSorr. tboasb tto aebieeeMohemla
and Uih atrott. Prioa
tea allirfr Itterf Mat. Water rbvt.
“ «*«•
t*»^ fTooad
meat would to boteexriUag naJ dao«n.
Sw tSTw-toto OM Mao
At tto aerwtb floor to flare U
FORflAUB-ant-ttemm farm ta«f
• S& Siiwa
'“* *“ Ob. Be cotodnt flo aafl hlflber.
Ba ,
mileanertta nf rtllaradf Aldan on C
• Hto aUKk In t«de eooatoia of bto
«>«» kbt aleba and vatebed the ate
A W M R R.
Improrod. Fkieo. ■tort whir
an to
totovvdMi to -apottlofl a atov" and a **“»;• tota* op aad down and noticed ^
.Jbflltoi«db«arawortbrte)ktet vhlrh that tber were well filled. He reaciALR>toa-»o.oera farm,
' the wflea. Aa If to add InanU tu In. FOR
frame bowo. flood bam,
Sim tto vator bj ulflbt and dap auned tbat aloe* acareeir asr
■ Jaiy. be waa gtren a chain on which
ebard. well water. H* •
■flti aiKoeaalve awaoua Tto tovn'a nerd tto ataJrwar. tto fare on tto ele- i«Umi <
0 alt. and at the name tlaie waa fue>
laflebfGrawr. Prie».»l
aitlona do not late him from hla raior could not he blgh. and to could Roy Darla, nr* Cora Wlnton. who umbed with a copy of hla own potot.: FoTsALE^^teil-Sirof ^w'w'tee ft
teUC an-uato^ ba^la auwfl ^ hardly be acruaed of extraraflanee If piefetred a far^ to^ bitojacket the toane wblcb ted brought blm Into { M-li-abo«t et am«a aoiid tim
______ ficurriuada plera aod pttoA be rwle tto not of tto way. More Itore autlur of royal hioexL Tbe public la not tronble. In or^ tterhc"latobt medlher. oardtreod. balaam.eodar awamp
mate. Beta, atrlnsm aad mollltodlDoua
^ necewHy for ttlip tg co^ , F« laformed whether Vaaakerkh baa
1 8oaM eedar t ken oql
Wtotlea of iperchaudlae that crowd,,«
to batedaweetbean “repeat
to alt motloulcaa and bolt I FOR RALR-ana—n K of W and aw t,
ofah.eecn. Town St north. 15
4to bay-a edge.
.one of them.
af tor actlooa." aa to expreoard ll. At npriiLt fet-llu* thoae al«r> cru.-l
It. K tn
to le
Ir t
Sbetman. exin Jack came out of hla aea-1 .^-jjow Am^i'iryoa cliante to take me i “J'
manaflo ito
bUn. At tto aUghtw
•nt. or tto roatle of the pajH-r.t •T#0
siuaaat Uesama
/Bte to I
UMsy mutlerlnflf arooe from the ^ FOR dALB-ooa-West IM ft « oorwer
r AboiA that rminnoouic rrvainr* of
carra. and a paw would etrelch ati-al-! Bifhth at and UarflDid
am., larfe
. fhanre. the alowaa'ay. who would ebatfle.
tblly toward him. I.«aalac quickly lo ' hoaaa, toick foonoaUon.
lain Toynpe ooi df port wUhuW the
tto other aide, to waa anre to be met | flulabed. Price U.DM.
Uly of toiln* for pan low. aa to aelaed him by tbe coat,
by the Sfly claws of the second Jannar. IFOR flALB-»»T G>^ry atoek this
pulled him Into tbe car. and atartrd
ll »aa a case of RcylU and Cbarylxlla i Uty ln^»ee%b.ut IWOO
can't atand there antwertb'
Erery few minutes the Jagnara be. '
8iLE-5M—Houae and
“l<*e iMx-n la ttU hualoroa a Inni op.
toeen rooms aleely fts•time." to mid. “an I wn feo'raUy fool Moeatlona all day. Tblrtton. Ont
came wPdly exrllcd and clawed fierce- ‘ VVekatcrat.
“ "
labed. rood arell waMr. fruit aad or; mwt * ‘alow.'
ly at tto abrtnkln* editor, who. do ta •
meutol frees. Unre lot. MaMO. amall
best could not c-acai>e those ri-nd ng
^^Otffemit met ha-i different taetbtorn. Price •mSO
fida. Rome haofla round tto docks trine the ahoe airtufl that told Us wal>
toe-nslla. Hla clothing was toni to FOB 'lALE-Me-lO acres OB PeolnauU
khreda. but. ctrept fiw.a few scrah'toa
fiflore a ship mlU. uffcrln to lend a let.
IK milea fro u city, ituoapple, plum,
to waa not really Injured.
cbarry aad poach treos, ait bwriufl.
hand, or propoaln to work a paawse
But tto door waa alammed la hit
Carocater Hil . finaat IwsUonon Fan.
munrwhenw When they find this fac« and tto car flaaptwared.
iMula; will taka part elty preperty.
aon't flo the way they want It to. they , -TAuoderattonr' eicUlmed tto oM
ancesprice •t.MO.
wmmenci: to Ulk t.lfl-tugulre ’bout feHoV; “If I'd a known that I miflbt
tral seat of tto duke of 8uiherb»l. Is FORSaLE—dpan black marea oirbt
artetetCrP. Ifp «EJ of a cruise, the ' atole a ride all tto way up."
aluoc among regal residences In Kivat
.*eara old, sound. sr«l|rnt stoat kSOO.
time It ukce
9 the laUoda or | in» Mwyvr ex|.lalned the matter to
l-anania. Ttoy*re always
,-^1^. ,t,e old man tbooflbt «i
Jnat a-floin to make the trip. B«
bandy, be mid It looked ;
affairs of her country h«ite, | ---------^
> ttovala vometblB ao bongty an borne- ^ ^
,u,poMDf on people
aad rvsn-ts at haring unwittingly re |
thoae who bare sMtBrsord. from Ibe yoR SALE-»0»-«rt acroa eigBt milw
ray-hautwaya It
hare not been made manifest.-----I peraon who's spent a flood
tesay ywra^atudyln ih^lr ynd,
Ks Ttisr to FmI Asrsy.
•bape. then deroU hlmarlf to two or j
es^lun. though, wait till tbe Uat
one of the r.
galhute then come bnstlln alAng aa If (tM> bar waa a (drcult Judge mtteb tbn* ywra' trarel. and retora to to truditloa. Dunrobln araa flm rwrto
atrort. lO rooms •l.wo^ Easy payBM7 waa ton- ruabed to buy a Ockrt t,rtlo. in hla carter and telU this America to eaublUh Ma home.
or aa tf they had one In tbalr pocket.
naoj InierwUn* Inddenta
-mm.-" la
bin. of RotUn. la tol eharartcri ih.-1 foS^SaLR—OO*—Forty »«« ft
»Tby. I're even bew asked by

good bn Idlnga. orebaid. ••.»•■
•cmr 'em out to a ship after abed got
hold court In a new ' One doesn't bare to to rery qtd to | name la aiielled in rartoua ways abd
recall a*tln>c wtoa the word “million* ' no data exUt to determine Its gxatt : FOR bALR—STl—Forty sore farm,
♦law out Into tto Btream. Ifaaklpi^ county of tbe northem i«an of the
i araa Ip much leas eommoa aaage than «ge.
| good buiidlnga.

Th0«k •tonttr* M» mk mm. tbv ^
H* MV to • whot* M «r pmoM. AM

lunch GauiAht^
“-ssr‘cr.5.r .


The lieiu Bakery,

M TI in tR tut tartan.

Arch aod Bert

(nil UjUi t iicliu 1.1.

SS .t’LlwL KuSi TS sn-bi »>..w -«« - -

I-MM l.Mrf


««»!!; : : ‘K!!!“

cwona •

•fter«n that ti
r 1 re l^ to ht^ henalble and a
•om hack acuta, for nary a red did they waa made to forma of Uw Is manlng word^ “aeon“ has now.
In print baldted buusew. If not tto old<-at. In; and eight acno of tond. altuatod
ago there frequeotly sp
I. e..n'»u*
machinery. A man who 1
itlOG of tto numtor ! Britain. A portion of errry year '■
stoat one mile from center of city.
la gen rally
,, indiffeivnt
iodlircr,-nt aa
aa tbuugb
tbouab Joaim_
Ihinrob- i honae
eluifavw crinuAa.
u would take a man. work 1 mH-nt by rtie ducal
family at Duni
alg 1
to k
•D,.„s. cuura. umlu*iwere a thing unknow to him
,o count a j m. where tto duke sad durheaa are ' tMO
bOKOB. aironier- trunks,

8AER-I7S—Boose aod tot coruer
laa, cautefua, foldin chairs an uometolling whisky t
« a aerrant.''
■“Not a ralotr
f"* gulltyT \ Ingnlrot^ rutber to create wonder than
FOR SALB-87a-Qoe bandred Ma'y
*«ni». Thafa what we aaltora call'
***' **•'»' ^ an Idea of concrete guantky. and .
------- ----------- ---------- ----------------call

9C'. Mt.ouo soft rim. Item
,«ll. M, . t.rtl.D IM or dot. n.™-. t»™
'« W».
pMrtlcU, or.n'lodj «- aUtlDcnoo ; «r U» Don. ot
I. .Wrt. U,. ^
' ?to fellem that always has friers
* **
****^ ** ^ betareen Inflnity and a million was si , duchess of Snfbcriand Ukes a ptactinupi,. gt yoo
•mong guvnotu. rajaba. lords, duke# «lde Ihat.Jcdge.'
most Inappreciable. We hare chang.'d cal tnueeet.
. I FOR flAlX-ite-Bouacaodtol. Pnlpo
M ronauls. an likewise'money to bum
"* r»i>catcd ihe^uestloo atemly. but ,n that of late. Not a few men. or al
Tto male contaimi many tnterectlnc , street, ton rooms, atooe fouuda—but always across tto water oome“®“‘*»r *•*'
**““ •
■psKmeni*. chtef, iwrtiApa. bclng^ the. tlooaad atooe boaement. eomplcu.
Vtoees. I don't ndnd tto men, butI
-'Knier a plea of uot fuUly. Mr. handle dally mllltone of dtdUra. the t ’ queen's room
•Two hnndrud aueani torn.
tiate to tackle a »x»man.''
Clerk.' I continued.
own nswy or tbat of oibet peoplt-, : ma>'sty.who
“Woroeu atowawnyar'
* 'Much oWeeged. Jedge.' aad rtto and congn-aa for tto second lime has , In tto dlnlng-nx>m thereU WInterlialUugbt ua that actual traiiaactKnJs In- ; tcr'a painting oftbe queen,
prescuted ,
^buildlufla. > from foofl
“Hufv. When the Elondike Imom fellow staged for the door.
araa on, 1 tweJ to bring In as many
" ‘Changed ycr mind, bare ycr. eolrlng orer a billion aie among the by tn-r uiaJcKty sbertly after tor vinit I
gi *qo. '
vomeu as men. Home waa only Jedge?* wh.-n he was brought back. poaalhlUlle* of niod.-m life. As fot and cine.-to It hang, the pirturr.-Tb '| yoRHALE—SSI—Sintey
virla-imie ohm things, goto to the 'Tlmught yet aaM I waa not guilty.' tto railway corporations and tto greaf Court of Old l>uuroMn.“ a copy of ot-e , four m:lcs south of' city.
aarta under eultlTstlon. frame hoase.
ley gold uilDcs with w> mon- outOt
“I eipUlned. and then aaked him if builneM corporuthma popularly kn iwn of tbe nurbesa FUlmitMah'. palDtlrg.,
ssTca rooms sKme foondatloa. atone
tteu the iiiln cloiboa they stood lu.
aa “trusta" they deni wHh mlHlonr al- The library «-onUius s unique mllecoellmr. good veil water, frame Lam.
“Tbc (wahwi |uirt of tto slow's pJs" “ ‘No. 1 bsln't. ledge. I're stumped most aa Ibe unita of their flfluriog the tion of HroiiUb IrlstorimI hooka. Ndra>54 X 45. atone basement for cattle,
laiuakluautmwih-U the flllllo aboard, this bcr«-hull dura aerllon aad I can't les^ aoma Udng In effect tractlcDS sagas (ieruian lUcRitun- and many
horse stable, hoffly abed, con erib.
Mubody kuow> who's who tbf day find a lawyer In It. Atw.*n von and not nnconaldcti'd. exactly, yet after a old macuscripia The famous 'Grtpoultry houac and yard. W bearing
And it la a - ...
---------- -----------------...................................
-'• portrait of Queen Mary
M chip's kwvlu port. If ahe’a crowded me. Jedge. 1 don't see no way ---------------but ter
apple trees, several ctorry tress,
much the‘better. Tto atow can drap this doggone
thing. Meoryon fact that there to men who. when
pJac* here, nod
frail, binder, ploughs, wacoca.
bide lu the hold wlibout bein apled. either hsto'i got no lime ler fool tek*J to engineer a financial deal, tn- pqbu of s.Tcr«l royal |«ersonage«. |
boraes. two
But It's mighty bard to flit |mst the away.'
»inl«' as to tto number of mlBtons In- Theag^ are Jralf-length portraUa of
Py that HmB Ito ship's
“I certainly tedn'I. and to wasi m- rolred, more In fear that tto tota; will WUIUm 1‘rtoc* of Orauge. of George; two calves right sheep. thtrtyfi*e
acres bay. i ren aerva oara. five acree
kHimaearrhteanttoslovayaukPdout manded to aaralt tbe lender merclea
Buchanan and Daniel Deft*, the litpotatoes,
ree acree wheat, fonr
« dock.”
Of tto next Judge that came along."- tanw- This waa Itlu.iralcd te.-etrtli w of whom, when on a tour through
seres oats. lalaoee cultivated land
Cairtnto Jack spoke truly. Tlie DHroli Krw- Press.
• n»d«»t schemer who wtided BrtUln. recelred Ito hospitality of
•towauay who [masca^ifto iliaida Las
______ .,_______
tiuly ffi.OOO.OUO was told by auuie Dunrubln. and ptmned. ll< U said, a
—. ,_S—«•.
.u. w.. I, ivi.^
duwutowu magnab- that while hi- part of one of bis ctoriea In the caatle.
t aarriy-Tunlcss
r si.vmI brfi.rc I're plan was good. U »o» hardlr Ids
—----------------------l^d to o
_______ to at__
_____ __________
Hie above are all bargains. Md can
ck agaliL

- :1


SSSfiflBflSSk g .fififltRflfiAfl.


,£±EM£SSfifflfiflSfl t> :

___ _____ *=2=
rrsls. srrtT* trow Or: to ttotos Clsrls
•U.OtiWsre. IsdisB^t D.s!
grsluwrrlr. Irsv
sto Fmikiy,
SII me w
ttpinei M
USB efcsjr ear



LoAvwn)0. V ST. a. Oeato «avM-

uiBia i» lonBunu l i.

' I barga ns In farm and elty property.
* Oome aad Sto ua If yae want to teyLte
proparty with aa If you want
tuned the tMwd'a Interior It tare- Bcnteaccd under mlUgatlng 'cirenm- thoagb mtlafacury as a percentage. Scotch newspaper, rfooled some fifty
mill eitilored. Meanwhile Captain tUmW for robbery?”
, did not amoant to enough to warrant yraia ago t.y Henry Howe. In hi*
Jaci'a anther beaten boat la^-d-! ''No." '
a dlreraloii of atteniloo from operm -Times of Eminent Mechanics.-rotate*
tog In lu wake- if a stowaway be I "Ton ata. pertiaps. tto MOlee who tlons of ^ter magnitude.-New Volt tew pnde mice went before bewilderdtovvervd a signal la aaut from tto tnta aenienced to ta* yvara' impMaon- Ttmca.
firm came Into
pilot's bridge ami Oaptala Jack ta mcnl for tto^ th«r
____________ ......_______ ___ . “> atn >»« ‘tel Millet, elitor."
y by the minister add tto laird, and
L aod toward It the puraet or
"Were you ever la prtaoor
eommoa c aa.
«iber om«T and hla aids escort tto
In Its way. It ha» 1’
4*. «. perfect
One day Dsn
“How tan*tto fltiM timer
, doltaiaclea
fluNrIy decldetl
decided that
branch w:
w! p;i mu
duv"%mitloi*^ Jm*.“l' “One afteraotm."
' fluNely
---- n went to C.dooH Morher..ti
e-.oh mm^.:uJ^rtoai iilto' "t*uc afternoon! And tto second ta'iorun
ta'iomn south
wwtb from tto Vladlr.>
Vtadl,!.. at Btalrgowrle Hoimr: when about m
M ^urht umr? Vou mast make a truthful aute- lock line to Port Arthur will leave tto latiim. ibeee came on a shower, and
! menl. for y.m are a sworn witness. If main road alTVhlia. 400 mlha east of the Colonel politely off,-rod him the
^ of an umbrella, which
I lump 0
glvrti ..op
uidy and--proudly
a ,-----------ted. and------Uan
did yon do?
— _
. the Idea of running
_ the ------,------------- ------Melgga' wharf. It^i a heap easier for
whliewssbed a
for a lavyer lUiahronnd the souibern coruer of this teL with hto heed two or three iuebe*
me an for tto atoara There's more who had chroted hit rtlenta"
Uke. Inatead. tto cars wtu be run on higher than usual, marctod off. N-t
tnmher there an fea-*r folka to aure.
The lawyer did not ask any more ‘o ferrlea and iranaperted acroto. long aftprward. howerer. to tto c 1
Some of 'em turns out all right, an ouesUou* ou that subject.
powerful ateam Ice breakers have been onera aurprise. be saw Daniel post na
•ome la afierwanl flahed out of the
--------- ;------------1 cohatrtwted to keep a paasage dear toward him. atlll overtopped by hi*
tey.. Then they go to tto coroner.
•rwaght Hr c-aw**
' dnrtn< tto wtotsv montte.
rotton canopy, which be held onu callA dead man. ti rnema ta worth more
It was a Ncak aftenMOO. but they . Tto line la praetlcaUy complctad tng:
to tto city than a lUe one."
atroPed through Jatteon Park to tto from Europe to Irkutsk, and wdl am ] Hae. hae. Kntuei: This vlU never
Aod thna ll ta that tto aiowaways Uke front, under tto alaeruhle pre- poloted trains vUh dining orreatau. | Ro; Ibere't no door tn aO my bouse
•ooner or later all Journey with Cap- text advanced by tto young man that runt can are run tegulariy. Pram ttefU mke U In. My verrm tenwtoor
iiatB Jack-tome to begin life aU ov»
Tomkte to Irkutak three trains an moba take It in."
mgaln. othere ta lie. for a bclaf Ume waves come roUlng la.
run each way web andt. aad
- «■ a nartte atab at tto morgne
“What a dnary prwpectr ato ex- traAc ta aafident to nmer acm
toarkad “DnldehUfled-"-8ao Fcan- dalmed. aa they eat down «n a park
Ooltod Winiam F. Cody, ta
ctacu examttog.
known aa Bnffata BUL von hla tJtle In
“1 think, myaalf." luplta^tto yvang
a morn atonal mannar. la uaT.'vtoeo
A firm of RagUah tea i
ang fellov barely out of
On ter wedding day tto Dantab paaa- man. aatlatylag hlmwlf by a eongrea a admpte
«8t girt wears
a*mp» croam of myro
Jtadfie latliuad. at |900 a month,
•le with her natloaal c
teath of bar hna-; te f«teh aO tte baSUu mtol revuh tto dlatrtat. but always charming
la good btolth ! ffWtefl for tm aoiy of vucksea. Ifi
-wd pom of myrtle are carefntly
bad aetaafiy klllod Aatertatod by girtlsb bands teraogb tea
long aiaiM Is antelpaM of the waM-ad tbagfinnanted to gana on poBatoa ta to eoHOnw aa taofl aa tea Sflb bnffatoaa. and fairly von Ma »

dd » ^

Ro far aa having the lar^t Uat aad
beat bargaiaa: v« are strictly in IL
We work all tte time, we ean ecU your
property, we ean give yoatergalaa.
Make BO mistake in oSea Remember
Wg aigu at bottom of atalrs. Big bargi^ at top of etalra. first door to
tbe right afur you aura to loti at head


a vUaw.

TrsiBB CBUBM M OUawWa MUl tviae 4*1^.
u eto trew Brnm m nS*


lllFroitSt. Stori Floor,
John R. Santo,
Goieril lismiM.

■ av.Mefe

Chicago •■* MMM-i

West Michigan.


ooDKo oot*rn.
' ^wWM Cy!! I mum i a>

~»»toe. . .

a toll IS


. .





i i!i

dm ' s:k

•par tte flaiA. gladter vAMa te Ute

bottom of stairway. 6o ap aialra, turn
to left, take first door to right: our
•Igs ta alengaWe tbe door. We are not

SSfSStoSrtotodadHrMr^iL tom*'tee

] hdsute


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