The Morning Record, July 12, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 12, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Thiid Tmt>Ko. 681

XottBted PoUm map |o t
PoMupln* Birar.

■M»0 IWM OItg
Aad Traak BalUday-a Snatlaattoa
WiU Taka Plaea Tonoirow-ehair
ad wfU Xmntmj aad »ar«U(T-

Aaraa Maaro
Praak HalUday of
Eiapalay ware bafoc* Jaattea Browa
yMtorday maralar to aaawv to two
■MMVWlBr Ou PnVMt SwtoM veryaarioM aharraa sada by Darld
BiOMltr IM Ol—ii OB Al«
Wyaeoop. atoo of Kiofalay. The lorwr
Seretr-BMMWBUr K«7 Oeev «•- to eharf^ with two eaaaa of lareaay
lieMthaatoceot Wyaaoop aad BatHday to charrad with bovlartilair tha
aaaa atore dariaf tha alffht. Tha
WMklSfMO. JBljll.former waived aTamlaatkwi aad waa
hM kMB f«Mlvk! by tb« ttoU
boaadonrte tha aot tarm of tha
Ml th»t tb« OBB*4Ua to*
Clfoaitooart. Ball of $U0 wm flaad
»m MBd » fore* of BOBDlMl yoliM to
rhleh aa yet haa aoi baaa faratohad.
tbo FWMyUonrk* IB Brittoh Colaa
BalUday waa broarht ap aod tha data
!f Ibk >• doM tbo OaltH BtoUi
for hM raaalaatiOB aat for Thareday
fonraant wfll rapoal by oaidlar
trhaHff Blaipaoo broefht HalUday ta
-troop, to PyraoiU Bwbor to protoct
Iron Kiata>«7 Moaday araaiof aad
-tb* tBUTMta of ABMHaD dlUroB
I aow la Jt l awaitiaff trial.

PerdoB Boerd Inquiriaf Into
Wrlfht Om«.
SOwtaedFriaada adtba Xordarar of
Deputy HharlffMaimbaU aad Or. ».
Xia Thaibar Teaufiad aad Othara
Wara Baard For aad Acalaat Pardoalar tha Prtooaar.

K- Tbarbar by (%aa. T. Wrlrht, to
la aeUra prorraaa aad yeaterday tha
aiata hoard of pardoaa Itotaaad to atotaitaoa both aldee of the e
a IS la Park Plaoa hotel.
moeUav waa prealdad orar by Vita
PraaMaat C 6. Taraar of thto city aad
IVo dtMtioo to MWoMly r*«T*
other ouaahan ptaaaat wwe Bos.
wtU «bU lor dolkou work oo tbo port
DbtU E. Butm of Oraad Bapida. Dr.
ofboik poveniBOBU to proow^. Ibo
W. A. Saztm of Jackaon aad Saeratary
poMT. MpMUUy M alam hmU/ Mt& ATomli
tlo tbolr dlBtfuea fo » auiawy aaaOrder to Delap BoenUtliig Thaeaaahaa attraetad ooaaldarable
aa«Bi do Mt WBltfatboalow prooow
attaalloa aad the paUttoe of Wrlybi
of tow. wbu tbotr «xp«M« aro bifb.
Tea Hew itegimente
for a pardoB to beiaf atreBuoualy
n. Porcopia* rarkm to part of Uu
oppoted by frieede -of the murdered
Uimtory aow la dUpaU. which would Xoaued by Oeaeral Alfor-^t to men. Deputy Sheriff Marahall aod D .
boaBtaalrrouad II a aodo* rtoaadl
Freak A Ibarber. while trlaada of the
Thoafibt to ba a Plaa to Baeten
wara arraad apoo. Tbto to tha polat
prtooaar ara arorklBf oqeally bard la
the fiarraadar of FlUplaoa.
whara a claah oaae aaar balaf praelp.
hit fa«er.
fUlad aoaa Uaa afo batwaan Aaerl*
Cbieafio. July ll—Tbe rffietol order
While It to too early la tha UrwUeaa aod Oaaadtoa alaara.
from the war dapartmaat tor tha re- ntooB to IMa aay pradteiioa tha dr..
' Tbamoattad poltoa ara pcaatloally eniiUBfof tea raflnaato of Oalled
ladioate that Wrlrhu''
rao>d' wralfyaaa. aad thara are law Slatoi volnataare tor aarriea la the ehaaeee of pardon ara vary allm.
Pbllipplaea waa raeairaJ yeatarday at
Boa. W. B. Foater ■
baadquartareof Uadepartsaatof tha ptUtwaer before the board- Be ma.'e
eoapltoata the aitaatieo. aad aoi filet lakaa la the Punmaa bulldlav. liomaa brtaf autameat of tha eaaa aa riewcd
with tha Aatarieaa »laen aifiht be dtotoly folliwlay the order eama a tel- by tha defeaaa aad eoataodad that tha
tha oetooma.
apraa from the eeeretary of war which arldeaee la tha eaae ooold ao( warraot
told Brir- Tbomaa M. Aaderaaa. eoa» lor any thiac not, than
aroaottoaaodtroopito tha dtopatad maadtov Ihe departawat of the Jakea. maaatouvbter.
Mt to bcflD the work of reereitlav aaBoa. Ben Colrln of Saciaaw, aa earnUl ha bad reoeired further dtnetiau aaladrtnate of tha prtooaer arpued
frcmUa'arcratary. It to udaratood that thara wu oonaidarabla queaUoa
-that a tloiUar talecraa want out aim- aa to the exact tacu la rw^d to the .
» Ifaaad Laat nllaaaoualy to the other beada of uUll- ahooUav aad that Uare to an elemrat |
- ofacll defeaaa in the caae. Ba atooi
U»llb.». ..l..u.r T.C11..U wlli:cOTl..d«l U..I . om ot th. J«t1
HIr Tima la Aocuat.
noth, onuif.. aoUl .nppl.ueiit.., U.u.h tri^l Wriplit wu pr.J.dlMd '
A larva aasber of old aoldiaie aad °wlw.u.l.p«l<,pp,IL. wudppu. ,pdU..(,h„,.„„u.„,uu„wk;
othaie met la the eeaaeQ rooma toat
It, umxh u. wij.up. i»«.l;.™di.iol»ud;ripu.. dwt a,„t,
alrht to Biakatha prallBiaary aroIll!..riP7.
lauramaata for tha bif aaoampmaat of
WbUetha rffi:tol aotifleation to to
A S. PratL. who was one of the attha Oread Travafee Boldlate aad fiaU all lataoto and purpoaaa an order, the
toraaya oo the prxMcatlon at the' trial,
era' Aaaoelatloa. ta be held hwe dar
r of Becre- A W. Hmltb ol MaaUtM and A J.
aat ie,lTaad U. The aaeampmeat
laryAlvm-throw, over the proapeci of---------------D.kama cf-------------Bcltood.-------------------------repreeeatad the
artll ba ao aataaaive affair, aad a fireat
deal of aoarfy wUl ba pet iato the Immadtotely jilatn* the'r*-aalorca-J people In ibe ?i.e before the board and I
manta to Oeaeral Uito. a damper, which Mr. Pratt have a deuUed autementef
docb Dot pleaae mlltury mea.
advanced arvui
At the maatlartoat alykt Commaad*
acainet the ctolma of the aupportere of
or Bobarla prealdad. The firet arork la
tha arraaraaato waa tha aalceUoa of
ofBonor, brother
tha axeeatira eommlttae. wbieh la Fraapeou for Bane Ball not Hr'frbt
of the murdered deputy eherlff teeUfled
madaapofHoa.J. W. Mmikaa. O. K
HutAaotharanaUawtllbe made
mrdlnv hto hrother'e bahita. di.p.
Oarrar. Thoa. *T. Bataa, Oapk J. V.
Today for Sabacrlptloaa.
eltloa and the relatioaa which exUtod
Melaloab aad Jadve Lorla Bobarta.
Tba proapeetafor a bam haU tmm between hia aad Wright previou to
Jadre Baberta aaaooaaad that ha
hare thto year are very dubloua. Tboee the crime.
had appelated oa hia ataff for the
Albert Caae of Beazonia. w^
atoB, Ooareda W. A Thaehar, adjetaot. who have ukea aa Intareat la the plan
aheriff of Baazie eounty at the Ume of
aad Oamtada Lev! Boela, quarter- to eaeure a firat elam team here for
UtoeeaeoB have received fl.tterlav es- the murder, atoo taatifled a. to hto
of the faeu.
ly aad only Urn
A Ml lav of o
e of NePhai
Hro. M." A Thurber, wife of DfPoet will be held la Jadfe Bobarle' of.
Aeathto oraaiav to make farther ar> la order to eecure . team which would lliarber, waapreaenlaad teeUfied remxlntoln Ue reputation of the city for. rarding the character of Thurber aad
raafamaaufiret clam bam bpU about StOO more ■Ut«d that he waa oa rood tertaa with
The sahoommlttaea wUl ba
ahould be ratoed. If that amount eaa Wright up to the time of the crli_.w
by tha aaaeoUra eaaimUtaa lator a
Bob. W. a. Parker of Frankfort who
be eeeured thto city could have the beet
one of the oounael tor defei
team ever organixvd here aa aeretal
feat player* are ready to report at a the trial, taatlfied that there waea prevalUnr eentiment in Benzie oonaty la
dwb BoUce. While the
i. Fe*'0a Bajoya tha Dtotlaetloa of dtooonrarlar. Harry Bnai and Frank j
• pardon, and It wai only aa
BaoalTlec tha Ficot Oheek From Parka will make aatther gtand hnalle
‘‘•ere waa
-•------- U the deelied
• - • am<
- 'oppoaiUoB to releaalnr Wright
XIAlfaa Hiareh bo. for Fototooa.
•eenred by
claimed that be firmly believed that
- Tha Mtobttaa Stareh Co. U aow pre­ be Ukea to plane la the field the faatwaa tha extent of tha
pared to boy all the pototoaa of laai
rat team wa^evm aapported. Barry e-lme, aad that Wright
yaar'eatook that they eaa pet. The
Bnnt who bat held off lor aaveral BMO on the Impntoe of the moment
firet load poreheaad by the eompaay
weeltt.u greUfy a nnmber of baae ball The eeaUment through Benzie county
waa boorht Saturday of J. FOrtoa. aad
eathuatoaU who hoped to eee enough waa that Wright had already noffered
Itaeaetotadortah buahala Thaeemratoed to ararrant orgaatzlag a team, enough for hi. erime. He argoed that
paoy will aooa hare their
ha. had additioaal offera from the nader the evideaoe at the trial the verla plaoa aad the work of making atareb
Wheeling. Weal Virglato team, which diel ahould have been aothiag greater
UiUl bn only a qaeatioa of a very few hac been afur him ever alaen he haa than manrlaagbur.
They will teat the
The board condo
been hern.' He will hold <ff natll afur
npoa old ataek ao aa to have their pUat
tomorrow, bqwera-, to aee if eaongk
-------------la ahapa by the time thto year'a crop to
oaa be ratoed u fora a team here.' If
ooatlane it.
toady for market The work oa the
the anbaoriptioa Hat to not eafifrleaUy
»» ^ Fraakf. pt
faatertoe to progreeaiag rapidly aad to large by that Ume it will be all-off asd
baiag paabod. Farmart having ttoeka Travene City will ba withont baaa ball
of old poUtooa left over can find a mar­ for the firut time la alx yeaia. Thto
ket for them at tha new factory.
coadlUon. however. wQl aot ealt a
large aamber of people, hot everybody Onbsa fioldtora Bagnr to Speed Bade
wUl be given aa opponaatty to help
path the prrjvot along.
Bavaa*, Jalv ll.—Tbe ladnx
• Crtod ta Foailoe Brawa'a Oonn bat
TSB OHBBSB OAKB TBSXBBOAT Cnhana into Bayamo. provlnoe of Baa*
will be Appaaled.
ttogo. iaaattolpatioci cf payment for
The eaae of Lewto J. Oeaaat va.
mHehaata attempted to ratoe priaee
Jeoaah Heaaoa oecaplod the atteaUoa
«t JoatlM Brawn and a Jury yeaterday.
Mr. Wm. Beitaar haa kad a eravlBg beyoad reeeoa. Tbe mayor toaaad an
aad prorlalag
It wna a rnplevlaaalt for aome eatUe for real good ehaeee ter aome time
of the plaintiff Imponodad by Baber aad whaa Alley Bwnmn toft town a heavy due for vtototloa. Food to Mt
Kraata at bU tarm la Oartald tor trna. M bndaem Kg Mr. Bdtaer he pram- ehoap aad tho prior of Uqaon to high.
paii aad tarnad ovar to Mr. Bi____ ___ toedtoaead Utetemilyaeapplyof the Aboote.OM Been aiw la and aboat the
ware fw la Travnraa City. J. W. Pat- mruat variety the waaura market c.fy. but there baa bean m. dinarahla appMTod far the plaintiff aad P. would afford. A box eama from MilC OUhertfoMhadofaBdaat TbnMac wankae ynatwday. It eoatalaad ahacaa
WM diridad la favor of the plalatlA of the eh doeet variety. After depaali
Berne tM lagwl patato are lavolvwdaad lag tbe box la the barm a'hoaeeQ of
BaariafiaeklaraBcavy Xmaa to the
nr wa. bald ap4 amagamaato t
Waited fiiaua.
made to hold tha burial tomotrow.
Mew Tork. Jaly IL—A dtopatA to
Fnathar 'dwMra at tha Famana. lo VMlMtenthOT.
TheTiauifromLoadoaasy.that Itto
rnpertod that Eamto to arraagto
toaa to tha Dattad Htatoe. asd that
lazgn ovdn havn beMi made for rail,
aad armamaat to oewatarhatoaao It.



Ko inreotemeBt trill gire m many hoon of
comfort aa




■em. rata and ««n wont epdl thaT-Mdiw SraM

9 foot 3-colored hamm'<*a. pillow aod ioaerted atretcbeis e&O'
A good edaortmeut to
from, 68o to $3 86 bach-priced
marked in plain fitrure*.

Indian ^Baskets

How to get your fihoea.

<knadian and \m- loan make. A la^ new Meortment to •».
lect from—all bj ii.ut and freth-from 4c to t6.00 each.

At bai^Ain prioAfi, daiiog

City Book. Store.
Clean Sweep

Ba'ph Oonnablo Jr., Ifffina^.


2*0 FRONT ATRear

“This Store Kc«ps a Steadfast Grip on Newnea*,"

All brokon lot* in tan

of caffe, cap or pair of sox goos fFee. Com­
bine thu liberal offer with all other advantaj^e pire-^ch
M now goods, lowest prieea, beat assortment andS if
thiB to not the beet place in Traverse to do your tradifig. Aek
yonr fnenda what they think of na.
^ “»a’a enitaY

•hoaa, Oxford!, slipperfi,
etc, will be cloeed out at


Alfred V.
Popular Shoe House.


Duck Panto


j Make Your Selection'
From One of the Many Styles
of Ladies* Wsifits we show In


“New Idea” Patterns.
Over s thousand stylee—lOc each.



-Accurate—Economical. ,p

Ten Tear Contracts
Made by MieblgaB Telephone Oo.
for any dam of eervtoe dmlend.

Subscribers Majr Cancel

Where Is ,
Tire Markhani Block?

at end of etx mraittf or ehaage
u aay elam of eerviee at will.
Telephone the manager u call
and exptolD new ratea adopted \>j
the eompaov.

—It is located in the busiest part of Traverse Cityon Front street—between the stores of J. A. Monta­
gue and A. A. McCoy & Son.

' Micltigan Telephone Ce.

Headgearters of The W. W. Kiiball Co.

Jihrms’ Hmna Clgiir

xvTAUfitaio oarrLB fivtT.



Oi>7 tlw KMt OwcM mpltuMie


nrmirt m

Gate Post

And ID the Markham Block is located the

The piano that is used by more families in this
vicinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
Michigan and ‘the finest display of pianos and organs
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, xnnsicial merchandise and popular sheet music.

Marltham Blcck

First Class NataeB Clear.

Daalleit Oailitp,

» few Tblie Werth Ciltinatine.
1st roar Dealer for Dem.

N. E. Strong, Manager

We State
Simple Facts
When wa ear wa hare the beat Ladiaa-

XonnAliar Block.


Hra InsuTM
I*. L. A^BnUdlng.

Shoe In the dtj IW mxx> nnd *SnOOnfcida nt 85, *0. 76a, *L00, *lg6.
*1.60 and «)00. Haw Una of SUppan

Parker Bros.



09 mosvxiro mboosv.

- 34«usBr»cs.etuvnw.

emu AMiA 700 «€■
la faaa.

*<ltBATXMxcinT. • lacmo**


QtMionyCMa ar thiBfln)


vOlMMtoaiCkttBOM Fallow* kail
a>tJoo»ak»ak.rtaa**rtU—- Tka*”^'
taMv.offiswf «* I

/. W. Baaan. ■*»*»«»



>Amc tka FWacar tralaraal baa*^
_afyaoatottMaoMlBttatka Croat to
^TftcValObolaofBFriavOaU. Dl.. tt
- • -*»awioldaadba»‘
KM k«art«oaBdakAf7aHi
*** lac wriHo* alaofr^M
Mlaad# bwtoaB iaw wkrar* at lu
teaTSl----------— ban paid la W
froMtkabatiaalar.awakariae aalw
kaea protatad. wktoh eaaaaa It to raak
Msac tkwekaowawtka aoUd laatt-

Ttwaaw. So. A *** M^awM to attka ■aatl^ tkto aftan>
Tkw* wiU ka aa iMtertaat Miittot

coaOdaraUM af a fall att
Daa Btawarv adraae* at*at for
Dave Flckatto .aolorad akow aad wke
^kac*. ww la tka dty ys
taafiaf far tk* appaaraae*
traotioa la tkto dty.
Beaarato kw raeaiaod *aotbar aaow fro* Ckarlatoix to Uk* tk*
plaoaof tkaoMwiw^adla tk*
a few day* aco- Ta*
1 aad tka
drirlar tk* pDa* tor tk* aaw
the Mleklcaa dlarob Oo. wUl be ra-

A»a BAaaoito; Dka* Am**.-—Yoar
iBMarof Jalyi-k
aad I a*
retyaladtokaowyaor Blr* kw taipoadad w •raaaroaaly to tkto aobla
eawa Tk* wdewlae of tkto bed for
WOMW to oartaialF oM of tba paadaat Uiac* wktob aa ordar at womw
eoald da
Ikankl^ yoor HI** Car thalr fw

tatlew wi tka ooaBtrp ’'
tmu* to aet a vnnlUar •«
neBTive fxufxsoi.
^ tkK leealtoj la taw of a fv
Aw. T. WrtfM. BOV aMTlBC
J*7 Tiaaar WtlMO of to oltlat «»<
j„------- for Ua kUUaf^of Drpatr
la rkUlpp-t.*a
«b4 Dr. Fratik £■
Fonowiar to tkaaeb- aaeaof a Utt‘
^n«rkar at Aral, la Aa(wW UM. A
»ko to
MnuctatubaiacMao* b; frtaaAa raoalvad tram day ^
tka ^taoavto aaeaia kM ralaaae aarrlM U tka arvj wlik Braaa 8^
item tka rraaafl that tka oflAwaa «aia aad Will Lafayatt* of ikto olty: U
Oaloooaa.-P. I..Mayls
414 aot warraat a rartltot of Bwra tkaa
Thto to aboot Ike Aral aMo* i kaaa
aawlaaffhtar. alaa ooetaaAiaf a*U
4^Ma Tkto caaa attraoMd a treat _ad to writ* la a loaf U»e aad at4MJ?atwaUoa wbaa tka (rtal look , tkootk tkar* to nrj UitU aew* to tell
1 oaa aay tkat Bran aad Ufa aad I
lltM. It *1* tka 1
*____ ■< _.ti
thmvh wa
» rtaordad la tkto part Of the'*„,*U
wall ...a
aad dolatw^ tkootk
«Mta Tka arldano* akowed tkat ’ ^ ,„,rit*d pretty kard. W* kar* all
Wrlfbt anaadkwaall. opparaatly to{be«B dolatao« fcard work of tot*.
nAt tka ottaat* of tU iaw la cneat- HMcklat aU Aay. Aalat t>ard daty
lualat^tWOMaa Aaatooaater laok'anry tktrd aifkt aad fifkalat la *ta
pUM la wkleb Maiakall wa* UtoMtly ‘ katUaa la a Hula
ktUodbyarlfla bail tkroatbtka braaatlof u weloOBM a .
Hd Dr. Tkarbar wa* killed by a akov^aaatak aokaae* toUa dowa. wblck to
l^lk* kwdaadaaoiker thnafk tke'»t mr tmfotar iatarwla Tka aolkiart. Tka aridaaae taada to akow'dlai*harear*fad vary well aada* to
akat Ikorbar atteBptad to i. wraat'tka beat lAoo'tmlod it wry maek.
WflfkVa nflalroaklBi aftar ha kad[OawidaiaUaforatlatto tolat oa all
akot Sankall aad tkat 1* tka ktrattla!th* tim* aad tka aatlraa kar* laaraed
Wiltkt delibamtaly akot kia la the Ue fwr oar approach aad raadily laara
*wd aad atala la tka hrowc kfUiat »la BtweaaloB. Wkeaorar w* mareh
klBlMWatly. Tka eoetaattoa that a' throatk a tow* w* larartahly fo oat
iBpolaa proapiad Ue aad take aaytkiot tkat altht etrik*
•rlKlaal to eoMmlt tkto donbl* amrdar ov fancy.
W* af* uodUad aoaaMarabty wiU
4tM aoi aaeiB raadoubto. If It to tra*
IkM ka arawd kiaiaalf far tka pgpuw baa* wbaa oa r«»>^
. tfllwtotUf the tfiaar la bto daty. hare to fly B the liae for protec loa.
Ik* rlo* aiMt are the Mctaat 1 an
Vbatarar may be tka raaalt of tka
aad fom exoallaat
lualry A tk* board of pardoaa. Iko
I aa. bat w* expect aooa to be la tk*
fb^tkaa farahad* pakltodosot
|0 wamat Ua paatlat of a pardoa. oeraAdda. Tkfr* to aery Uttta m
•oiatoa atpcaaeat.
Jat B. Fa*tn
. utMM aOVBB or DMAXa**
OoaapaayA.lklrdD.& A.

FfataroaHy yoara.
FmAtocw B. Bvaxe,
et. OoB. L. O T. K.
Dararw Bay Hire aaat tb* Boa*y
tafartad to la Mia- BBrak lattw froB
tka priHBoaay raeaifadat CadiUaa
Tka balaaw wUl kd*aaad to raUor*
tkab dak aad aaady B*Bbar* at k<

**t tkto araalac at 8 o'elaek.
Frad Baektc) to la t*e*l0 o« a
boat Atoa dtoaet from Edlabatih.
Proparlac for tk* Bic Cirow
Tk* Fotopaacb-Salto Broa. oomUoad
Otok Browa af Cktoace. kaa takaa
alrow adrarttolnir ear So. I la ekarp
ebarraof tk* boot blaaklaf deparv
of a. B. BairatL win arrlta la ike city
of dadd OuBaroato barber abop.
tkto Boroiar at 6;IS aad Ue work of
Ik* Ladle* Ooild of Orae* ekorch pottlBf op adtwttolar Batter ter^k
wlU Beat Utoaftaraooa att o'clock at ‘
^„try wm b* atarted
Oarof tka rector oa the ooraar Bala* Broa. h*r* been inatraetod to
of dtau atrwt aad Boaidmaa araaaa bare aickt tana* on band to be aaed la
Martia SewUd aad Mtoa Victoria gdaf Uroock tk* eoantry. Tk* tarrl
Waraar of Uaci Lake, ware Borrlad tory to to be qalu aztoaatraly eorarad
JalyTU byOreaCaea jaatlea af Ue WlU Ue dren* paper wktob wQi Uad to
brtBcaaaanauaUyUrc* arowdtoUto
Will Headrick*. Jr. ka* mOroi Into dty oa Aacaat S.
kto new koBO oa Baat BlfkU atrwt.
Tba dwaOlBC kw but raowtly been
eoBpleUd and to a rcry aaatappearlnr
Oita, Brmtoas, Aorw.
AkauB, Ferar Borw. Tatter. Ckappad
B*. uoraa,
Cora*, *--------and all-------WHc
ThaLadiaa'Aldaoeto^ of tk* Bap- Baade, CkDklala*.
poaitiraly cure* PQaa,
ttot ebarek tolH Bwt tkto afuraooo at
)rao parraqalrad.
. .cnaraatoad
irad. It>
I o'elaek at Ua boou of Mr*. & fl. Mc- X rlw parfaet wttofaeUon m
Hlekaal. 3S1 Baat Eicbt atraat.
afaadad. Prtoa tt oaata per to
Tka W. W. Kiab 11 ooapaoy reprai aalabr J 6. Jokaaosaad S. II



And bU kinds of kdnBH-fnroiBktng ff^ods for less men- (|
^ than tkey can be bought todaj at the factories.
Fnmitnre and stOTes have advadted from 20 to 45
per cent., bnt I have mf warehoosel 3Dxl 17 feet, 2
floors, and mj store, 25^x100 feet. 4 floors, packed
fall of goods that I bought before the advance in
prices, and in order tb r^uce it I will give a good
discount off the old prices.
Yon can buy stoves sow from $2.0(T to ^.00 less
than you can after this sale is over. We have a full
line of cook stoves, steel ranges, air tight and heat­
ing stoves.

J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
N'e'ow Stoxre—120 H’arorj.t Sb.


All details of the profession looked after in a pro­
fessional manner.

aaud by S. B. Suoac. aeorad into
their saw qnartarc la. tka Markk*:
• Bfltt'PkflW SSL:
block ycaurdey aad an aow eary eoa
Thai prtoa wlU bay at U* F*B«m* » 4
half dotin SUrerlna kairr* aed a* • -_ _ _ _
forubly altnaud. beriac plwty of
mKn* frvks
rooB wlU wktob to abow tkalr aaparlor ptaa* clock to adraatac*.
Harry Huai of Uto city Ikaa raeelrad
a rery Aatiarlnc «8ar froB the.
of Ua Wkeellac baw ball
dab. aow playlnc avGrued Eaplda, to
:ac*la join Ue Uam la the aap^ty of
eauhar. Wbaa forBcriy wiU Uc
teas ka did rary t ffi dent work aad Ue
dab kt^^ apprectaud It rriU the re
eolt that Uey aiad* kla aaotker t ffer.
Mia* IPnac Oa«a pleaaaatly eatarBoftawodatilwBuM of Kra. deka
Uiaed aboat forty BOBber* of Ue
To the face of the housewife to be
Bay Wahof tkaPlonatr drof alor# TrareraaBay Blr* Monday afteraooa
able to count some of our
Tkor* wwa ple*aaai|Katkcrlag <f Uooj'ylagas)
at bar boaa oa the Bay Uore.
*kaBookBertowalobyaatarday after-,Ur Mamy toawtotlar U tka dntlca
Work WM cOBsaaead yeaUrday oa
It’s the same song of satisfaction.
kt the koBe of Mr* John Fowl* around Uc itora
tbeercctloa of Ua addition to Ue
/Tka Boaa* of DraaB*" ww rarlawMi | Borr JaoM* of MayArld baa arrirrd
Ta* addlUoa to beSome remarks are heard:
lasreryanurtaiaiaf aaaaerby Mi* u the city to take op a coar*a la tk* iDfoonatnetod to fire aBpl* apace
"Have >-ou tried a package of those
&4. Hall aad tka afuraooo eloacd Bodaca* Oolleca
forUe Mwonraa klaoly donated by
vltk a pUaaaat aoetol aawloa aad tba | Prank Hkrkal aad Mtoa Darr of Mr* Jamc* Morfan of Cbieafo.
Uneeda Biscuits?”
nUyBaat of a dallrktfal aappar Qraod Bap.diwratto OB*aa yeaUrlariUtioa* are out for a pleaaaai
Ipted by Mra Powla
- day aad will fnrntob Bn»ie at Ue Ian.
"Did you get some of the Company's
------- ;------------------Dr. SaydaaaadlamUy, Oeori* Boy- • ?clal party to be firea la Ue WeOFF FOB KASILA.
'derof E*1*b*ioo aad Ocorf* doydar, qaa-toatelok bouse Friday erenlnf.
new Mocha and Java Coffee?”
Tkto will be <B* of Ue plaaaaat
------------Jr., and wUe, at joyed a picnic at
of Ue aeaaoa and tba Bemben aad
“Have you seen, those new ladies’
•ewMl Vketlar SUrtad TwUtd y. oawoa yeaUrday.
Ualr laBUIe* wiU eojoy it.
Wieklagtoa. Jnly 11.—Ora. Jowpb] Mr. and Mra Fred Crouet of Empire
Among her belongings—Nicest article to ties? They’re beauties.”
J ran Barry of Ue Tnraree Clty^Fleb
B. Wbatlar left Uto afteraooa aa roou and Albert Oa»tf of Baawal* era la ib*
cook-in ever made—We have fully a
to tk* PaUlpfdaaa He will p rla Ckl- olty atundlng the BaaUar of Ua Par"I'm going to order^one^of those new
of AU froB Northport for sklpment to
awaOBaba, Daarer aad Salt! doa Board at Ue Park Pl»oa
doze) different sizes, running in price oil stovM l-saw there yesterday.”
lly Uraad
w k* to ichedalad W reach Ban FraaAttorney W- P- Crotatrarrlred la Ua
pMao o* Balarday be wi 1 not aUp loaf eliy yeaUrday frcB the aonth.
from 5C and loc for the smaller to 25 and
"The company have got somt of tha
The TrareiaeClty LnBbarOarroMr-'
•t any place oa Ua way. HawUlaallt MU* Mabel BaU* reioraad Iwt
35c for the largest.
te Manila on the MU.
| nl(ht froB Detroit, wkaraaka auaadad eda laifc taw of lof* floB SattoM
nicest China I've seen, and it’s cheap,
--------------------------I tk* Inurnatloainl Chrtotlan Eadearor Bay Monday nlckv Tkey wore broofht
Once tried—never without. Order too."
here by Uc ooBpaay'* tuf and are beAnoacBanta.
Sent ToUday araalac Mnaapr
uto* Wtaal* Bwtoo far acme lima lac wwad in Ue Bill. The ooanpaay
from the ciDcker}' department.
It all goes to show that people are
•talBbcrc win preaaat Ike eelabraUd |Mopio^ed la tka Hotel OolaBbia. Uft kw lanK qaaBtltto* of lof* at rariopa
ABkdlaa Jobt:ca Slacer*, baadad by raatorday Bwnlnr for OBcna where point* alone tka b*y abora* and Uey
«k*aoud**nceloc*r, "Ike Black ehe kw aecepUd a poeitlon la the are belag broufkt to w fwt w Ue tog
ean handle Ucb.
Malba.” Ike aekierrBcaU of tkto Oaena Inn.
Kalqw crfaa^wUoB are wlUeot wral-1 Hr*. W. Pound' aad a auBber of
Tba advaace a*le of aeau for Ua
They bar* Uere^ Uroneboot' triandi enjoyed aaoabac at Nc-ob-U. CtoDadian Jabllea Stofera who appaar
Oiwt Briula, Okaada add Ue Onlud' waaU ycaurdey.
Stclnberfk Uraad next Tae*d*y
BbU* and tbry ooBe to ue wlU the I Mra. C. £. Taylor west to MayAold etenlnf will open tomorrow auaruinf
•eat landalory coBBendabona of Uc | yeaUrday for a.rlMt.
at Ike box >ffiee.
prwi aad public. T1«plr Boyal Para- 1 A*«. W. Pnaat went to Oraad BapPr.f aE.-Horabwbo went tr De­
gom QaarUtU to nld I* b* exeeptloaal- Id*
troit toatvaadUe 0. B eoareatloa.
1* on a bn*ln*a* trip ywUiday. ,
ly Sse. and Ua Bsitoal uambar* are
Mi*. C T. Grawn aad two ebUdrea WlU ratora Satarday aickt and bofla
MBdaradby Ua iBperlal .Orebeetra la who bar* baaa rtoltlac la Lalaad. ra­
■It la eiolla inetnietkra to Ua
Disciples of Izaak Walton, "the fath­
p BWtorljr Baauer.
ta raad to tkalr koB* on Waaklnckn Sebool of Mwie Maaday BoratofIs considered a most undesirable
Th* Womaa** Forelfa Mleaioury
Tb* MetrapuUua Opera Oospuay’ itrwt yaatorday Boculac.
er of angling" will find it greatly to their
thing, but we are here to affirm that cold
eoetoto of ika M. B. ehareb will bold
At* a rary eradiuble praaeauitoe af
Om* OoBBer Dead.
errk Uraad; OUtoKaaaeUQQaaar.oely daacktor It* rMalar meeUac to-Ua ekarob par­
advanuge. and money in their pockets to
in the chest is bealthfuk arresting decay
toei aifkt before a rary *Ball aadi of Mr. aad Mr*. 0..L. Oowar. dtod yaa- lor* today at half past twa Back
^t their fittings where the
«r to rtqaaeted to eoa
MW- The ptoM to adatlnbly edaplad' Urday at half pa*t aUroa. Tkar* wiU
and preventing waste. The chest we re­
ooaeUtoc toward a ^eato
WibavatowotUe eonpary aad tk*
baaakori aarrto* *1 »b* bociA. 6«
which wm be aemd after tba prayrtaalpal* appaarad to parttoalarly WaaklncMu -etrwL
fer to is
plwaiaf adraatac*. m* opera to oaa iagaiAomo'elotk aftor wbtoh U*
pt Ib* Beat popnlar aad tka aasp
TT"—I Otvw owar.
naiiln- wUl b*i«*kaa to Stoaatoia
It to certainly fiatlfyiac to Ue aubOlty. lad., far barlal-H Tb* #o«<
•troac. altbo*^ WM rary m ter a loaf tUa* aad tb* e to know of oaa coacara la Ua laad
4w U I
wtoeraaot afraid to be naarowto
mmliac opera tmp« aeldoa
B*ay trlaad* of tb* temUy wiU extoad Ue aaady aad aaferlnc- Tw propriaM towy really food pertoTBarew tk*
tof« of Dr. Ktof'a Haw Dtoeorary
~---------- •*“
jfMvpoHtAB eoBuaay.
*ta awsyonr
rertau mnUoa trikl '
Xaxrtod TaaUrAay.
tow B*B*iderable rai
>. aad haT*
TkoBM Nalaoaaad Mtoa TUlta Paterv«ck and Uaaa Cparu wan wall
iBMwabu" WtW**
uBwara marrlad yaaurd^ bw
tolntaly c
aad left oa Ue 11:1$ trala for CadUlae
apraaw idka WOdAra
f8r**bortw#dd^actH^ Mr. Metow
To* eaa*t k*«|l a foot tklac Aowu.
Seated ’Lubc* are nraiy eared
You want to keep your fluids, meats
Mew* of It trarato faei. Wbea tklaie towaU kaowp la Uto oUt. belaf aa It (HU oa Ua Oruntote S B. Walt
mn ' tka beat" Ucy bcoowa 'Hha -bwt Miptoy* of Uo BBtanvtoe fia
aad J. a Jobaaon a^ c«aa trial botCan be found. If you want other inform cool and sweet.
•HUac.*' AbrabaB Hare, a leadlaf BoU bride aad fraam are popalar a ad tlalOeM. Bcfular *4mMe aad tl.
Uey wUl be wamly ewcratalat^ by Brari bottla fuanntoed,
We have the largest assortment of
adon about the finny tribe—best places to
Ualr Baay frtoada la tka dty and clae

a Smile

“East Side,
West Side,
All Around The Town”--




Largest and

Best Selected

That prtoo WiU bay at tba FaBoaa a
a of Bagltoh Float.
half down SUrartoa kaire* and w
Loadoa.Jnlj U.—MobUlxlaf tor Ua
Baay tprin.
aaral Baacurar* bc^ today. 118
wud>l|»u..WK.OK-~> ..kIW IMaUMte.
■aS (tb*lMB«B4b* c«Ura.9BtoB. ea^ One of Ue prtodpal object* af
tbatoaaoaTar* to toetady axkaatttra^
the ralaa of torpedo boat d^troyar, af ^byiali|h|^^ii”uto*'
wktob flfty-tear are tafagad.
Smt aSJX^ nsraStoSL
Ut«r. kidney, bowel*, blood aad aarreo
flilirir Bitten toBM ap U* atoaacb.
iMpli*— Urer. ludacy* and bowato,

fish, etc., we tell you all about it,



in the Chest

Ice Chest.

makes and sizes aad our prices a,re right.

Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


^T vr.i

Momyniff WWpgo, waugBapAy, rmr la. 1900.



Tha.oaa ualn to tbe oaaM ad tha
DadaHa pttaa ban beea xadertahea naat atrifctnc atagm lanotlooa tor the
tor tha daratopaMOt of a bi« wmtar aaa. Glaaeppa Uichato Uaacaaa a
powar pnperv la North Carallaa. pa aaa of real attalnatesta aa aa ia.
nator. aaya tbe Sew Tort Wortd.^ enrrtee^mwftttowwcwe eawnMw S 1
)At 1iln«.Ott, T. KM taM>
tareawd thto oew an flier. Be to aow
vIolMtly IMM Mrf
U( «ifr wtpclaa U altuady eaUad -Tt» Klacara oaflottotiBi with tbe ItaUaB gotacaof tha Oattoo BetL~ tu tttaatteo la at neot for a teat of Ka macita
tha narrowa** of tha Yadkia rirer. la . Dt7 haiteriea wQl he oaed. aad ^
tha m Him, ewiaiw w. er aenwr—nee »Ma
taiJwT- H«ilB«wtB «lM .
Baalcr couap. N. C Tha total power
tonMieW tto 4
anUabla la thoaa of dry aaaaoo to ^aiiy
M^wer. .By tbeadop. I
Wbik Mt bniiar iMt Mv«h K«vr Ooo of aucage
high haak. of tbe rirer torar. tbto i (Bm.
^^n welcted caiefuay he*** ^
power can be gr (ally laereaaed.
•onir. ru » «il«tr fiBj fox l>lo
fore bring fined law place to McunTtowaS
MIbw bw Mkl ahM h«. Wh« fe* Baltimore eagiaam aad
•pu»«b*iar«Mih«fp«»daiM rwir hcought tbe etawrtc ruireat from Nlag- thus be tedoeed to a ml
tOw tiv tan. OM of which had an to BeCalo mod foratohed the Ddaaa idea preraHlng all through
haoaknadwhMhcahot «ha boUmt. to tan tbe wheel, la that city of the etractloii bring that Ugbtaeaa wlU cooto apeed fttUy aa taoeh a. powar.
I Uttar, aad aaw •trert cara fartortM aad other power doer
for great power to tbe oenal ship lafjnato^aad eoaeouMn an cfigegad la thto aew dkatea great weight aad a comapoBdft taa frocpact «f nklar a lortaai prefect. The North OaroUm Power lag rutantocloa. Ur. Uaogona aaya ha
oat of them
tr ri*7 fax pala MU rompany to the oaaw of the oorpotaboo that wtU (any oat the plan. It
t*M t*« H(B W MptUOMimi m
for batwaaa tW aad
awaa'the eeiin property along tbe
Jrffmoe Shaldoft of Port Hai
Yadkia rirer. when the power derelthadiatlBetktt Irfowateff a teM mp- opoMBt to to be atade. lactndtag 4.0UO
yllad with arttfleUl taath. Tha hocM aciea of toad on both aldet of the rirer.
had baaa loainr taah aad
lhaa eoairoUag tbe attaaOoo. The uv
a oaUrlaarp awvaoa, who foaad that ograpblcal toacutea are regarded as
Cha aalttal'a nolar rHadan wan dc- pantentorty weU adapted for e
oafttL 8ia of tha aalul'a taath won leal drrelapateot. ae tbe rirer
ailed with Mta] aad ha hai rcfalaad ‘toarrowt’' pa.m ttarougb a gnaite
Upped gorge but Ift feet.wide at Ka
hia Borml appatita.
wMeat and ooly SO feet wide at It*
a« 11CHCM Br (be O-mrO W TiaratM CUr:
A lad/ of Kilap townhla who do« aarroweat plan, la the 12 mllea the
aet can to ban bar mam waiSooad. total toll to 230 feet. Tbe de«eh>paieat
luiMM Me. I»
IMrata. w !»• WM te <» <*•
<WM told that a np of (aaolUM added will prohahly be made la Iwodlrtoiooa
will noL tewerer. ascriflee any needed.
to tha water la which aollad rarsaatt
FoUowIng this water power derelopr
power by redaclM tbe weight of the
won to aa hoUad would proaa a ate* meet It to come tbe moremenl to tbto
propeOan. A deep caatertMmrd wtU
taaladroDttatha naoval of dirt aad MCtloo of cotton mill intereata Plans gire atradincaa to tbe cnfi la all kiode
now bciac fonnntoted tor a large
-atalaa She triad It. aad Uadad la aa
oe mID to be bnlti oa tbe prtqwrty.
adJolBlBf room mlaaa a portloo of her
hair aad oTobrowt. aad with somar-npcMi prewtit ptoeta not only to tbe boar, fluaflug n.lly on tbe surface mkI
t«iyiT-c« to q« » »» PriMw atli u* •>&>* »Mi M
ooa haraa opoo bar taoa aad arou.— eoutb. but la the oonb aa welL
mlllxlng allr< it. energln for speed.
Tala Baatlar.
aMes moden inachinecy of approred Safety la wMivd la tbe tue of two
IttpOttlUo at It Mj taan. G’adwia <nw- tlM- wliolr^Utut win be electrical­ ptiottenaea. one ahore tbe oiber. Tbs
norel featnrea will be lower one I* tor tbe nartgaior aad tbe
waa a dtp without nu uaUI about » ly
V driren.
<>rtrao. Some
"------------la tile regard to simplify m>per for ibe kio’-.ouL Tbe cocwtnic/aarortwoara Tbap wvo aarar
abarmad away hr aar modora Pi*d
tioD will jiroTldc oa In.ide prameoade
cit) l-ta
Plpar of BaatUa Mwa f<Tth^ win'
to Iw oor of tba moat and qqanera wbk b will lx* Impervtou.
•ot than to be channtd
7*^ I
and K u eontrm- to tbe stuck of tbe bearb-n scaa.
• “* Mpiaiad to traDaniM ih« power to point.
Mttuaaat caachta lacr* out la an-, wlttiln a ndlui of 50 nillea It baa
Cfteeklax (he Plagoe.
paoktar a can of rooda Wblla ox. 1 bna
If we are to judge of tbe erldencu
hlMUar hit priaa about tows tha ro- of U**luod. re aiyle and make the gireo before tbe i>IncT>e commtorion.
daat aacaped, aad how rat eatchlar !• i
di.relo|>nieai ib<- nmit effceilva that uy* ilte Londoo Uoc|>iul. tbe evacutha faafaloB. Tha linrreia baa bna iTbe Yad- atioo of tbe rfUaire. slacked, aad
■oaob thar ban baeom a mat bal
^ even of town, of con.lderaUle .Ice la
aaaaa. aad all tha dcrioaa an naorted |
" wbicb epidemic, bare oix-urred. bM
been by far tbe mom anreemfo]
method of d«-ailug- with each
bre«k»-ih.t la. If comblaed with dtv
aawbalaai rifla prapantory to mt haav
infiKrtlon aud mea.uree for ^.uring
tar. a rikaeing shot straek i .
tbe claaneing of tbe bou^ adMheir
Thamaa Bowers ia the lag. bat Bower.
exposure to light and air. Wbat I.
tha famoua
protolBM to brine ttUt tor damagea. All for rve.ilDg and brolllDg by gaa has rtm mcrc.inienwtihg 1. that it wa.
thto to laid OB tSU out rut aad lu daa- bean imiimted. aaya tbe Brooklyn kto- observed la Ibe l*unjab dlrirk-t. India,
ccadaota. Tba city dada eoaiempiate glA by AbrulMun Larie aad Louie Blft bOBBty for ntaealpa, ttie nma m to looD of New York. Two meal beat relmroduced Imo a riltogv wbicb had
BOW paid by the state aad eoaaly for realDlng walto are mouBi«l on a ped- been evacuated and dUlnfected It
MtaL and through these at tbe bottom ebowed little tendency to spread, so
tboae of the wildest aad wolf
tlial tbe evacuationa few bvuwa
At Big Baplda the rirer ^aeeubalded.
wai Buflicieni lo.rlieck the accoad outbat th^ lower dam weat oat Uoaday
tireak. Tbia acema to gire the clew.
Moniar Tha direri loae to from til.
i>erlia|i. to tbe-cauaa ctmaa*. ai
OOOtotW.OOO Ihaappar dam aeami
Ii ba. l>eeD calbd. wbleb wc miot adIwclllut. bot to Uioce contoheldItsowB, ewieg to tha h'g log
trtbotory cauM n blcb ate at lea.t so
}«mabort, whichhaantardedthafliw.
liuponaui a. to i>e vwaeutlal
of water.
liivvalt-nce of tbe
A. w.:
namely, lark vf air and light aod tbe
lato the oallar aad was drowsed at
ptveoce of d!rt and venula Clear
Rr y«n tMT 0i ^1 Britita.
PtoberriUe. Beaaat ralM had left a
tbcM' away, aud even In the pnacoca


Mwwl. j


"< “•

Creseo Copiset

s-.. iaessa-a-SirjfflT^

ssSSSS^V* •*

sur c

tsto corset soec\a\tyi ewp came In­
to Wds stoeV. or store tVmt tvas met
xotth sneVv a eordVaV'reeevtVon
«w ;
hqqttvi wW.te; our enstotners are our
best aduerttsers.
ttte Cfesco Corsets
are qvxtck. to see tVve ecotvouva o^ a cor­
set that e&tvtvot bres-V at the \»s,Vst

Steinberg’s Grand | J.



Tuesday, July 18


Jubilee Singers
ar imperial Orchesiri.

20 th-SEASON-20fh

loot of Witw la the oeUar.
While Beory Leady of Arlington,
Vae Barea Oc.. was taking a lire flab
from a Uak hit thumb was riarced by
afla. Blood polaoeingael la. aad althOBgk'hto arm was amputatod it did
aet sera blm, and dwth soon followed.
ThaMlebigaa Oaatral BaUitmd hM
donated tbe rtllaga of SundUh ^jfeaiy
aarloada ot eladera to ha and on U.a
malastraatoof the town, makiag tie
meat donbla road ktiowa.
K O McCabe of Patoskey. was at
Oruad Bapide Monday to meet the npraeeauiiree of Stentary of War Alger.
Bixty-fonr member* of the Petoakiy
ooMpany hare algoel rrqoeeu to be re*
wUetod for aarrlee ia tbr’>bUlppiaes
ud McCabe to trying' to here them tab•a la a body. Ool. McUoTrln of tbe
Thirty eeeond Mtobigaa. hM also ask­
ed tor a eemmtoalos' to eam la Ut
rarmara aroaad Bnt Tswm who
han gone to for eager bnto thto
aon an dowaoMt orar tha proopecta
, Batwwa peer weather dariag the gormiaatloa ot the seed aad the attack,
•f a .maU beetle elace tbe beeto
ap. they an doubtful of kam
BMco lhaa halt a cronMaay triaads In daekaoa of the JaekaoB yomng man who left May 17 for
Onai fllara laka an batag frigbtenad
ftt tbe story that eomta froa a acw*.
paper printed al Bdmealoa. MO ailce
Borth of tbe honadacy line of MlaBwota. wkieb wy* tbe Utgotag parttoa an
balag duMOd by tbclr galdcs.
. A Swadab raaldaatof Lodiagtoa wm
aatpriacdlba other day to rueaitt
Uttar from bis aatire eouatoy lacloa
a aeaey order for flfty etowaa,
ahett tl4 la Caiad Batas moaay. Sixtaaa yean >go wbea be wm
a nai, dantat Swadea. ba bad loaaed Ibe
aaeaat to a aalghbor to nvd tbe latter
tbe.loMof blaUad. Tba^ wm
able to npay bto beactaette wbaa tba
latur esBM to Amartea aaveral yaais
ago. tetpromlaad todoaoMaooaM>e

(if infectiou Ibe outbreak dka dowm

SfTN YmTi T«v •! CtBiK.

Attona. Ca.. wbldi to audible at Uaeon.-pimlktoOlnaut. It to eight feet in Company beaded by Mim D. Uc>
derwoal, kcown as
bclght ano cou.tou of ibrxv bells ot
ajH.t'Jal couiiiDiMilftn of brontc aod bell
tucUL arranged betwoon two disk, of
atwL The larg.-.i bell hM Ita mouth
turned upward ao<l tbe other two Uirir
fflouiba turned downwahi. A 3 Incb Aiao the Boyftl Paragon Mala
|.lp(. conveys ibe ateam thmogh shal­ Quartette—Two baaa fioloietaand
low opetilugs In tbe clrcolar dliOia Tbe
and fenor colout.
to-ltoaretuned roan eighth and a fifth
of a chord aud baruiuuixc aa accurate­
ly a. ilir- best tuned piano. Through Special^ricea, 35 and 50c; cbild(be peculiar arrangement of the gong,
they chime with tbe accuracy of a Mt 8eata on nle at tbe Box Office
of wi-ll tuD»d belta. and «ie rlbraticms
Tfaoreday morning.
ere aueb that uh- wood of tbe whinic
to not barab. bm Mft and low. aod yet
of eucb iwwer that It can be beard tor
40 mllea. Tbe amount of sttam reqolred to aonnd tbe bell would ran a
TO liorat-powcr cngliw. Two steel wire
cable, atv rvxjulrvd to teen aod cIom
riKS DBVTAL WOBSUie coolca! vaJvus that admit tbe
eoam.—I*liihburg rreas.
MM •nranloB ot iveik.
^I»MdWy.,fw oswsc^
MM wnm.
“Come and (line with ae to-morrow,Mid tbe old (rilow. who had mad* bit
iBOB*y and wanitd to puih bl* way
Into ooclicy •Born'.- replied tbe cl*,
ganl maa. “t can't. I'm going to wro
*nami*L'- ITiai'o ail rtght.'‘ aald the
law* old genttoman. “brag blm
with you”


China Paiutiiig Coupon.
This coupon with PIFjy CENTS <.t0c) eotitlee
tbe Recx)BI) Bubocribor bovine it, to full and compietp in*lniftioBg in the art of China DecoraiinR, by
the “hli&eral DecalcookBie” or “rr*nafer Proceaa"
when preaented in the crockery department of tbe
Hatmab & Lay Mercftotile Co , Lelweea tbe boor* of
8 a. m. and 12 dooil
Tbooe Dot sabecribera mill not be entitled to tbia
low rate.
Mbs. Gsob*;u E. SJiiTa,
Void after July 14. 13W.
Teach- r.

Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteec^ for three years^
Look at them whether you need one or not$8 00 or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand bi­
cycle- $25 will buy the best new wheel on the?
market—Come and see my display before going
elsewhere- -

‘The Black Melba’

aiunx O*. BHIXLaK.
maay tiny jet. or ga. laane. the opeetag being cot ereil (<y a Mreen. A hold­
er fur tbe mnierial to U- treated flu
u-iw,-«n Ib.-rc Bulto and cooauu of a
lariici of wirework. having a baadto
for the cnovcnlt-nrc of the upetftinrTbI. device to adapted eilbcr for^lbe
broiling of meat or toasting of bread.

■•w (• Aepia TutercBlMla
(l.i A genrruu* dieary of DltrogcdMXS
food- (i»
vcntlUtton of dweOIng and alreplng room, by open
dowB. wiib wire gauM tdlnd. (3.) Adeqoau bouse beating la winter.
Boll all milk or rmn previous _
uriag. (54 Tiy aad obalb eight boun*
Al»n> I'vcry.night; If not aoand atoep.
roatnet boom to m-ren nod mt dar
lag tbe day. (0.1 If dt-bllluod with
weak digestion, take mt In tbe recuifibent poiutlon a quarter of ao hour be­
fore and after meals (7.» Wear tbe
looaeei elotbing poaaJbto. uepaclally
aronnd tbe waist and lower riba, to
aftorJ abaolua freedom In mptrattoa.
(At Take ayetemattc dally exerclae la
Oard of Xbaakk.
tbe opea air on foot, (ftt If mcaae aad
I wiab to ktodly thank the Dnii«l
nation in lire admit of a long holiday.
lataa Baaeeolent aoricty of Saglaa<fVom time to time live daring flat Mlek.. far the prvmat aattleraeat of a
• eatber In a tent In tbe open air or in •tok____
' benefit_____________
claimI am
_ «_
a aumuter bouse for most of tba day Mv thea«paay^ll*n
----- lien long u- ,ud
and if nnenitdoycd pamH- a bobby to
Bloc and my famflyft <
ocrapy tbe mlad.-Olcdicsi Kacord.

Very nwently It baa bavu dlacorerad
that there to coun.xiid with tbe brata
Feather daatan at tha Faaunm, 10
a small gland called toe lafuadlbula
gland, wbit-li a(>i>arvotly anptdiea a
cbemicaJ aulmaixv to tbe bruin, ibera
10 iw dittpaed tbroofb tbe brain ca».
Mica. It to ilmugbi that ibis brala
aulwODce to ladbqH-uMble to tba bnltb
“West MiCHirAN R’v.’*
of tbe brain, aod ibare to promise that
tbe study of tbto gland in antmaU and
It takes tbe young pw>ple of tba M. man will enxUe pbyalriAas to noder.
B. ubanb at BMdiag tar hMtliag. Two •and and trvut ceruln diaaosaa of tba iBtrmang errvleve at Ba;
wuake ago they Aeeided that tba obatub brain which are now reiy otacura.— will leave Traaena City >t Ttofi a. i
tr^ve Bae View at fi:ae ft m. ~
e^t to ba UgkOd ^ alntrlcity. Roatoo TianwripL
tl 00. 1< IS II
They Uamadlately got to work aad
a—wb Par PlattaBM,
tatoad tbe acoaaaary moaay a^ bad
natinum to orarce.
A »d-W.OOO
Iba work rMbad tb.-oagh ao that oa PraocmfiimaUa company Pm teen or*
Leave Travwae City at 7; a. m. Leave
___ >___ .-i-t
aad OrutT BapMa retnraiag
•aaMy feurteaa days Utar. tha lights
Ate ft m. Bata.«tWOoodplaoM fer
wwa taraad oa ter the flm Mma


W". Milliken. j


ElSt FfOlt SI



Good hardwood in stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.

" miERSE cm LUMBER co:

We Meet Any Prices Named
on Footwear In This City...
-If quality cuts any figure
Our shoe trade was not built up on cheap made
footwear—we don't spring FAKE sales on onr custom­
ers—When we advertise anything yon will get value
received -Yon can't get something for nothing.
We want yonr inspection, and will name prices at
our store that down any so-called snap sales ia thia
city—We have served our trade in reliable shoes fer 16
years, and the pe^le ought to be convinced by this
time who the Old Reliable Shoe Man is.
Make no mistake.


3 18 Oxcart StXMKrti

'WHxxvTxa.xv jaiooac

XBB Momworo >ao<>SD. waDnn>AT.


; &eiver«.V ’Kens

la, im.


BinUMMha CAAtllS

Mow la a UM at the bntv a«d n


«M»d ft wftiftr iMpOTfttftra wMsb Mf
«■« ftd ft aeatiMSl iar to tha ftOAk.

tea to* ftatac to tacpelm. ar
____ r mkref. 8pm aar ner*a1»
a M8 toV duta* • «w
i£m 1. >8,


Tka«DMBOatholkBlabo»o( Malt.
Aaatrallft. baa torWddaa tba m»
«« flowara at faaanla U bla dkMcaa.
^SoodaUTmaftoatiaftato rtaa.
•atUa will ba I
M ecBt WtaaraU. Um fiaat
•voteaae. a>aa alaaa)/ •PF'oat
mmxlf by 1*0 AwrlaftB mlaii
VKtflta. TbayaraaftUleba tba awly
t saartba
«rblta MB wbo bara I
Two OblMfta, drlal^
ftbfouf btba atraata of Vftoeoi


.. _ .




• zj^.s:rss


. food barn.
I farm fonr

S25tJluVufcta^ rtij Uwl»..^•1
B8l«« U*

Tba atraava diaaopaaiftsoa of MUa
«oarlait* Ciapp. leyaar-old daafblar
^ ft prataloaftt AUaata. lia. fftaally
a*ftda to faftia that aba baa baaa kidDaatel Walla of 1
ba tba oldMt llvlar aa*OoafraaaBaa la
Aba Waak
- A larfft aoKipanilxa towa U to ba aa^bllabcdaotba abora of Laka Brla,
srarTolado. A altaof a.oooaeraa baa
*aaa aaoend aad fs 000 aobaerlbad.
^Haeipallr by Tolado paopla.
A aaaiber of foralraara la tba PenawylvaaUaoftl raflM
aaciona to
wwllatforaarrlaalatba PhUIpplaea.
Crawford Palrbaala of Terra Uaate,
talaaalffttraaiprtMiDtar. balioraa tba
traau are oa tbalr Uat lefa. Ba aaya
«be lOTaatoia BOW ^oaa t) bay treat
wtoek, aad prioaaI !bftra-f
l•tftll•a abarply
la tba old ^Utca aeaatary at Dar%ftaoU>a, N. V.. aeftrOaaidft. are bort«d May of tba early aattlara of tba
ylaoa. Tbera. too. are tba fraraa of
ftbo (ftibar and notbar of RbmII Sa«a
Tba aaaaatary ia no loofar la aaa. aad
ior aosa tlM ba* boaa aadly aarlaetod
<Xh« daoM U brokot. down.
'bara topplad over aad tba p**** O'*
oremiB with waada.
Bocaaily tba
olUare ItaproraiBaBi aoelaty nndartook
^carv fw tba eematary, raplaoe tba
.raaaeaod aaa that ika fraraa ware
;<kapUa proper order,
la addlUoa to
Aha local aobaerlptlon takea up, UtUra
wore aaat to baadrada of paraoaa bar*
. iftfMlatlraa burled la tba aamatary.
IBIMII 8an MBt ai.
la aoaa*<)naBca of tba reeaat atoma,
the Hrera lo aaalom SUaala ara ovtr*
flowiBftbair baaka aad eonMderabla
daaufa baa baaa daae the orooa.



•ertitokiMM paaatbX antoa. F»a|
trerk a ipirHUr

Waw OSea. Mark bam Block.
AT. rrBAaaw Ta
» aemaSUc. •


M.E. .m.i.i


.* n—. » * . » "OOK. KKim^Km ml




ihBB tonr iMt aiuaai fr ja •acB



uvert stable,
c^‘t ssKffcsarjsiiSi,.— ATB.mnm
J. IIURGA!lv Propriaor.

amwa. wttblB aaaHat---------------

•^rfraawfty tba aril a^ta. ran om
«b4 blDad a ahlU.
■ Tba total BBWbar of eaaaa of yallow
-teav ftt Vn» Cnt la Jaaa waa 4aft,aBd
-^dafttbalM.abowlBf tba Tiratasaa
«r Iba^laaaaadBriar tba prawat apl^a« tc, wblab blda fair to laat lato tba



I oan. V. - —IM. Muk. n> — —a’m......

toaraM-bAfoadfiaM boaae_____
with arlBf all faralahad. Wind mill
and wall watar plaaB. FrrmwaU to
hoaaa MU bearlar ap»la.FlAreii^
traoa. Bara *4x40 Farm all Imprcrad. laya IH mllaa aortb of Widlamv
barf on Em Rapid* raad.Prlee.$t.M0.
town *4 aortb 11 a


Properly aerred is b seat d»tss room.

-OTi aiiy» aoM «•




SbLB-417—Wmt *0 acraa. lot *. rb»bl<afiBS^na '
aec ?. SI. 10. laya oa abora road.
with a pair «f tea east apactaelaa
Pealaar'- .............................................
bonfht at tba FamoM
obeiry traaa,
i____ UO pear.
Price $1100.
par koar: mr aa anr
TTT A D14K. arrhUaeb. aUl h
M a ffrraier rax el *pMa ikaa ivalra FOR SALE—598-Booaa aad two lota
at Old Mlaatoa. IS rod* bvm dock.
W. bue4tb.raeB*Tu«kBb
naUvfal tor aar P**-_ lOUi.I. winf lliM, lai
larfa taara. /Irat WAIVTXD-At aar*. for raacral bauaa- HmaDtlWCo Btork
lo «row. •coiwr. U»toftopwlt.
mta for $0 par
or oUm la aar pstiik atraai or aUaf. or


B Mil rta* • WcTtoa.
r TOatTb ea mr ataeitu at a C aaier rat* to

■pm aar •< taa taMfo. or ataavolka ^laia
ihTmriBrot* Ualto o< tfta «1ir •( Ttototm
C«r, aor alom. ®r brokro Hoao. Imka.




1 Pbaetoa Baffy. food trier. $4u.W.
1 Top Burry; all In food abape ta 00.
1 Boad Waron. food aa aew, $».m.

6eoA Bass
Gas Lamp- inA Pickerel

FOB 8AU£-eoo • Good email hoM.
tH acraa froand. Garfield aranka.
EBKT-Pliwaaal t
FOE SALB-ooo-Flva aera lot on Gar- nOOMBTO
XL lo i8«t at woa4biev cei
a ttt fUax
Oald aranoa Price fisoo.
.j5 ar RraoTw FOB SALB-Loto IB and M. block 1.
laU r**M*a** vaaiaC
•ockaoaataei M to
Parry Hannah'a aeomd add. eoraer
t«xUr, >b_roeA JuraSobamU and mb auaat. Priea nm.
to Kr. Putae. Paux Ctan^
$*7S '
%acTtn«i.’^ iTakoi^ ooUofttl (or wr porFOR SALB-eot-llo-acta farm tow
Blln BOMfi of rUlftfa of Aldan on C.
A W. U. B B. W^lnprorad. Price.
T^«OSTBAUB-enacr** rf ua<-|*i
uir. or*
u> th* ooDaiileo opociacd lo POESALB-aot—NKofaw ii aee >4. f <ra4* for bovmand tat In (nvi
B^at workmaDRfaip mooey
wiU tin- r. a Cbatwr. BuMlebtolla. Mlrb.
Oan employ for Bicycle
Mcnni e Aer pormo or p*rom> trhe okoll
olotr oor ol tor prorloloei or r*<ialroiB*ato
rpo BX9T—Wild
Bepairiag. C^nick work.
iklo OrdUooc*. oo ooancUoc tkotmf. okoU
1 «. W. KIbX II? .Ttm »
____ cedar t ikaa ook
be pnoltboA )>r o Bo* ol oot toM tkmo oso OolFOB 8A LB-007 Grocery clock tbto aialolivra
Ur. or
•oo. aae ibr eoari «ar waft** ta>
city Inrolee bbout $000.
rSoti LOCT-Juir are ceiix toxeam.
ibai tk« offpiiepr.oo (atlara u> par FOE SALE-StH-Boaac and lot <m aJ eo* »*aru'.J. Ab*it**» to 'fc* «•■■■
n* UaioB streek
Wataaier ak Saren room alaaly fin- ftbrp lUaanl oflrml. X k A*hlm eiV •
tobed, food wall water, frail ana ormenial treea, larfe lok cexSOO. email
barn. Price IbSO
aacnoar ItabaU Iw Ue dair of tba ChXf
FOB 8A L B-S04-10 aerea on Panlnenla
- too»e*cfTr*Tt
tH mllaa from city, 1400apple, plnm,
aacnoa a. Aar___
eberry and peach treea, all bcaiinf.
rrlatlr* to lb* raaalbcrofT*
kboiltbo-Carpanur HllLfineat loaaUon oo PeniBenle; will take part city prcpsrty. I70& RKNT-A l8*«*fara'*l •to frrni raom '
Price $1.50a
/ r- rV aaabadeaehalfbvxkaa .toP.t=j^ra,
^&;nnaV'*^l?SrdlaaM aball taka rfloct
attbraiptrauaetolwoBtraaraanar lu pab- FOB SALE—s»s—lie feet on Weet boxl. AMrautrStaXtorarWrCo berebroanl^tbat lb* forapotar oral . Front eirwi, 300 feet deep, ranant,
rood bnlldlnf apok Pnea $4to.
FOB SALE-s«s-BoBaaaad lok Owfirld avenue. $eS0.
A. W. Eimao, CItr dark.
FOB SALE—S07—Dwelllof. Wefaatar
alreet. 10 room*. $1,400. Baey pay~I
tbe'l^ Our prkca wUl
rpOBXKT—atm*8taas rraal SI
A Aearaaaix Buabr* A Botbs'
FOE SALE—573—Klaty aera farm,
faquir* of Juiib* axiBXre.
food balldlnfc. $3,350.
FOB BALB-STI-Good frame honee
and alfht acraa of land, cltnated IllOlltakoiistonr*. TUvIa
Ita—to. am -Hb-t
Aoayrtt- lU
ralna. X. W. Xsotliun.
oJto^fTnratM tiir et ibi kh earto Jam im*
TpOB BALK—A cook aoad buraX^uraae*,
IM It OrAMaak br tbf Omacll of T*a< mto Ct
r le rood o-d*r. CSB br boefbi rb*»p. Is'^8ALE-e7S—Bohm and lot corner ■nltaJukoT. BMla
Jarrioi I. Tb* em yarmnab to a«aloa I
Boac aad Buu atraata, lot 54 x its
toMr to eoeto
eaoar • morlnro
morlnr* to tkc (lr««
k m or* kmlB u
of aucb^^bkloa.
•otita iBtorftrr*


1 Platform Wacon. Saaato. a<] Infoed
order, price $ss oo.

... .......

•a at Oan> leba. vlabt wIIm i ortb aaC
< Tra**.b* CUf. Trala
M ci'r at
a to.. I*ax> 6.A p- to.
UBO.aotTBABm a-Bprwaar

k..;^ Price RedBced to Close ObI LbL



..................... - ECLIPSE lOTBEtii BOAT CO.
M7'2.’E.t:',7r;S'.r.r*" ■VS’ I;




iJTto’srcMffl^’ura'ir^ c:





waw as Si
*•■11 *«m

H tt


M m^


In .Mm




Hopkins Bros.

•‘ar*'aBmrmmu uto^ialTniM
FOB eALB-580-Doiu and lot. Union
of Philadelphia.
rawto b] M* Uoaorll to Trartow
atreak tea rooma. waa foaadatoJib*. •w.ljbor.bT —tadii
lion aad atoaa baaas
. .. eat, complete.
'Xedototo'ct pvlleiMs sparUUr.
(II koratbooUir
Wriw ferUTtov
X'OB SALX-Or rxabMr* r •bnv eoor. a
*OB SALE—Laaeaaad fwaltareol ooa f
Leri T. PenniiurtoD, District Agt'
r oatoaua. oa I roai Miam hH***s l aioa rimi
beat payinf botcU in ktbU located In tor ai BWobo eCec.
Ti8»ais, Cltf-iltoUcu.
leadinf city and one of leading and
beat knoara bowla in Ue stale No
lctri*V’Tbu(>r£iuM aban ukr toMt u
aae at any oaa flfnrlnx on tEla deal
. 'Banball Plaid of Cbleafoju aa ladl.
rranl Mrtat,
nalcas they are first claaa hotel man iLaad baa fOooo.
afdaal aad a mambar of tba Ann of cur oa (kr M ear al jau.7wr.
e a stock of
■faraball Plaid A Oo.. wUI pay
»e oa the dollliar. Mast be tak- to»8EMiL'*f>l!ek*FTweHcb*'*^** *^tos-?f^
agaartarofamllUoa dollara la
Aaxaa la Oaonvy oo aaarly $17,000,000
WE srut a few haadrad dollars to
of pMOBftl aad real properly. So far
plaoe OB pcraoaal property Iona
tbU to baUarad to ba tba larfcat
Will fnarantee all loaae
mmaAkXCSXAr-GsMMMlsaarS.a X*t,
!* Holuir* >0 (b« Coanri
T aear sll. T «ucn X-smC c«<to eSav*. attbout ’.
d aa a fair eaab ralaa
WE bava a cllut wbo wants $1300 on SBCtea.
. iwaan aa< Waut (loaM*
rrcftoXA »liS easopy M,. aaebiaee, i ----------------------flrat-ctaaa real aaute aaearity.
-afalaalaay Arsi ftsd ladlrtda^_aooasUlaBk.PX. tl*a. a. Brixvr. Traevrv* City.
Bf It OfCeli to hr ik*<<iaaeli toTnra
bwti.» 1. tt ktatttoikii'iaacl: Bl aaie < Ur to WE have for mle Bealdaace property
■ orM titj •ball 4x01 liaoeoMa^
'Orar aerea of Unbar laoda la oiptoltoto l^lo •ato_^v
pnarsl sh^s. boot and skoe stocks. T7OaSAkXOXTKADK-40 orrro cooC lead w
Skafltaad SaemUb ooaaUaa. Waab
bare baaa parabaaad by MIebifan aad
aaytbiaf you wsat. and at Bellluf Tf 70r WAKTleea>8-«*al8V7ki»e Is tlnf
We are dnlnx boalnas at tbe m
MleneaoU lanbaraaa for fsonooo •atottotolow to eoatirsr- »«cb prit.x ortoo or
clsasaatopasxecirwbur a hvavr, la< at
meae Always pieaeed to aaa you. A
Maor (boiatrua to woiw cloaci iborom. to tka 4i
tsTtoeslloe X a AIlrB.raoBsTssd I MarvsD old sund with new flxtnree—
«Mk. The prlocipal «
marl<ia>aa4 ebaraeur X b. praMiato I* Me
win do oar beat to cult you. Alwsya tli*Ca Btark.Trs>«fa*rnr. •
JanaaDenpacy. MaaUWa. Darld Toready to show yon what we've fol to
«ell. We farfoi to mentlou that wa
alar.ofUlay^aad D. B. SIbm. ptr- •
• ' III th t ca* Xl.ato U Mto top.
haveto acres of the finest Polteru ® wiU-riirXsp, rrsak nxeneb
t L >
(oaal. tbto-aMbor«*<ia"'r^raacBtlofVapltal of both autaa.
xri- >') !•
u a CUV irha-plac
cloaa attentwo
We will give you
Dr. Mary C. Ednoada, a wall-kaowa
nod do OUT beat to pi< *yoo.
pbyalctaaofSaaPraaetoao. died from
edge of 40. lays wUbln 75 fi at <
avert. All tor ami to mdrloat Artoom*
B.. BodarlyiofUitebed of clay
trtfbtcaaaed by tba aoeldeatal linflac or
eaacrh.OA I ■ tbr pahllr boalik or o komarc. ooM
m* rraoi Biraat
ledge of red eed white eand atone.
ooacU oaali caaMaaatorr. vnum m pniwe. ta
of a botflar aUrm. She want to a <abutoorlapan.Xb.omM
If tX Itor Marrkal
This la the moat valnable bed of clay
cHadowaad blew a wbtoUa
to the UnUed SUlea. Ha«e refused
$10,000 for Ik It wdl pey eapltallata
oaMbatJaataa aha opened tba door
tolovfwUiratothlaastberala plenty
aba tottered aad fall dead.
of more adjacent to Ik Prloa.
.........>. raMaottMohoU br rmre Mwiwllr area
J^aarof tba bubonk pUfoo baa aba"'••‘‘‘-"‘‘toll'
taab at Booolaln.
BatwaanJaBaa aad Jaly 0. 1,114
Tba abova*tro all banratoa, and can
penm w mmwi m bmUM
weMtoOT rtose, for xa Oey e* aix* x uty W be boagbt on aaay terma. Wa have
•MM ware leenilted at Cbkafo tor aar- •belt
•MtolMWMl4s8UretoXflXMT>M«to eatoi a»
'of doUara worth of other
wire lo tba Pbillpploea.
Thaforarauitof tba Saatb AfrI- r*,atrM eralb. esasr. vr wwar elWM x x cas Dome and aaa n* If vou want to boy.
List yonr property with oa If -ou want
a dlapaleb TiStoZi^aSr^b V'SxJ!*
GuroSoa la at til FYcnl atrari up
tt« of r firs from Italian flrma for imataliu. You whl see our aim at the
URtoJtUWMMeCMpaMXtoMaiKk eoMIe
bottem of atalrway. Go np euira, turn
Tba timber on 30.000 aerea of bard •acS wnweai, tb* stoassi to Ue «an ec seavr to lafk take fifCt door to rlgbk our
sign la alongside tba door. We are not
-arooflaat Alfoana, W. Va.,iaaboBt to
MX y* w
on the proud floor, at least our oOee
ba eat at tba rate of 35.000 feat par
laa’k We are, flgnraUvely speaking.
Aay. It la asUmated that five yearn
So far M kavtog the lar^t Uat aad
bargaine; wa are strictly to Ik
wrOI bnapeat to flaiabtof tba traek
In five montha fifty aaw aoUoa mUIa
^a bean burn or pro}aetad to
tteatb. and tblrty-atoa toills to that
Mx algn at bottom of atalra. Big barmaatloa ara to ba anlaifad.
^*7 L*aii*t<nTM
eXMto •aMMWa a
maxtoty aa to tba ada$na^ of the foU
waraaoltkaBaakofBaflaad. Ula
mxp acted that the United Staten will
•aeabefto to Import gold. wUeh wUl
towther tojnra tba ramrea.


isa “

Provident Life
and Trust Company

Jpoa^Lt-Two Ixir*



xSly wi*k

Chicago -u

West Michigan.
(K>OM oom.
] Am Aia pw' rw: ex'
ssa i s rm aoo
■mwraaCj..' -atsits 4h> »Wi im
. n
IS4 w wmt m
II a______ rm
kyaatosira .'4
A H HOOK p ■ a ■
~r'i»rit ».“a 4S------ r
Lr Cbtcaim
' s la I 10 a M>
ArnnissraiA; is- s»| i»
L> fird EaiAis : I 4ft S m T m T t0>


trTroneweCr. S «: t ft* S M



:s I

OBO PKBAVWN. <k P. a..

M n inammt bitei.

Arch and Bert


At Pioneer Livery Stable,


B. J. MOBOaW, Propr.


A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
__ Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.

crssse^-srjsr TrSrMs ia,

___ -jrars.'tsf.’i'a


-At Orwi Stapbaitea


a] inveattoaa w. w. i
-will five a fimphaabeac-------------

.wua oTaiT

Ill toll St


John R. Santo,
Gmral ImraiM.

“ I



: :



i«| i



I sesissfiRSSflSBfii

Park Place Hotel!

Tralsasirtaa trow
!Tj:cfwoxao Oity, ;
*‘‘to«^^«alraw Xitaaial. Pmt W^na,
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with twaelia>4 0*aaaMstoda.MTm P.M.
priTSte bfiths hAve been added, making it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan, ^dress for
rates' and other information
Manager. aivA


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