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The Morning Record, March 24, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
^•«md T*«r—Ko ^8
Bests With
votHive BOX Botrat
UotftTibaS Vrois
WinlUor HoUl
Varloos SiAtes
Now y Tk. M tf^b 2} —O le baadrod
and «rt, forn o-wV-d alt nl^Kt na the
AodBotFederml Ooart
ru<B«of the WiadMK hotel. Nthodi**
•barmu Act
Astla bj were foBod. but stay triaWto aid
penrtBal orttolet wer« voeartbod.
OMrt m4 TB«« to BO »«B*dr l«* ■The ••at V«eB« of ha*BBB re*Bte»
OMBbiMttoM BbmM br bum x.*c- fOBBd OB the XortT.airenth etreot j»5de
‘of the mlea were BOe*rthed today
toUt*oa~OslB«o «4 Ation
, aeo'tha well of >he *ai*e».TboTB
Bmn ta B*p«7 tesB I'salfy.
I B obcbW of boB«B bbS •
) Cuban Oenarals Decide ibat
Army Must Disband.
Sor.^’By Uoiud Suioe
Wilt be Aoc ptod aad S ^ldi*.-* Fold
Off la Spit* nftbe Aaeiably oBd
Oenoral 0-<B>'BWill be Batogalsad
M Chiof Of the Cab»B Frroea.
Htrana. lUrrb SI —Aa imparUnt
M«w York, tovob II —AttnrMf 0*«-' portloo of « flnll.
meetiaa of CBfaoii ronerato bM been
tb%t tb« r»e«U—>—--------------b< H bero. Aiaonr tbeae orooeBt were;
timi nr Mppr«Mk>B nf trwU 1to« onlrlr I
--------- ^
'OeBorBto Modaree. BetoaeoBi^ Di's.
toi tb* o-vwv of Ua UdirMnsI stotM.
BBlMB tba oobWdbU«w* afl-et
Vew York.
I ^ Oorsaloe. It w» decided to dotlf»
«UU on^wBfBB. Only iB tb« UlUr
Pull the cord .
and you
that tbe CBbaa^ni
New York, Marek St —Th« Newjtb*
------•BBB. b«bol4B, BM tbBBBtiOBBl BBtbOT.
lUee of lllerhl York Herald todar pBbUebed »n iBter. I Bust be Itttaedtotely dlaboDded'
kDded'B^ it
toad* or iBdaotrtol oMabiaattoao aBdrr •lew with Mayor IfaybBry of Detroit.; ara* •B’Teadcred. aod tnt the ebltbo v^loaoof tbo SboraiBB aati- of wMeh the follnwlnr to BB rxtran; | dien mnat be allowed to aeerpt the
••MlchlranlaadebateabloeUte. fN-l- Boaey tSrred to then by the Doited
- Tb«w drolaratSaae by tba head of itleallr, aad will roarst year aa pia- Sutra Yoyeremeat.
Tbe aatloaal elerttoa
Ike rearrala decided that ao matter
tba Batkaaal departataat of Jeetlaa—
ble Crat ofi'tol atferaaae oa tbaiBb- to likely to be clna* eo eaa aeed aot be wbat anawrr tbe aaaembly mlrbt make
}eat—ware «ade pebUe here is a letter aarprleed to eee Datmit'a reformer de- to their reaolotiM. they woold aeerpt
by Attoniay Oeaeral Orlpfe ia aaiwer cldipy tbe yeeat eonieet. Ooeeraor I jt |o brbaU of
>f tbe army, tbe cff'rlag
the popular
, tooeafroo J. C. B>wadalle, a Pblla- PloyreewaaBBepobncaa. bat be baa j from the Called Suiee. tbe money to
delpbtoa with larca propertr lotereeu been breakloe away for four yeara He U^ dlatrlbated by O jeeraor-Ueneral
Ib Mew Jereey. Mr. Bowadaile cited baa BOW arrlerd at a aUye where h» ] Brooke.
tba prraeat "rpldem^e" of trade eom- refuaee to atood OB tbe national platThe meetloY further drctarad tba*.
aowbleatloBS and dralred, aeaBepub- form. Indeed, be baa practically form-1 Botwitb-uodloylbe action of tbe saIteae. to kaow what tbe ooorae of tbe ed a party of bit ofea la Micbiyan. aodlarmbly in depoai^vtfeaeral O
i.,i •
jij, poaltloP of
BepabllaaUoaal troeeroDeot wonid be. Mr. j IU enapplitr hi*. fl onra at tbe n
mander in
eaa leadera (1e r^fll oerer meet them chief of the Caban forcea.' ley reeoy
-It to ^IdePt that y<m are ooder half way. If they are to have hto aup- D<a -d him aa tbe only cbie^lof the Caaerioue mlaapprabeaelon aa to tbe force port—and they can't carry the
Mtrnded tbe
baoa. Tbe yeaerals who au>
aad aSeot of tbo faderal taw relatlos wUhoBl It—they tauat make yrtol coa- j meeiiny command all t^B^for
___'foroeaia the
to trueta called tbe Shernaa aoU paaailona I do not mean that Pinrree | prortacea of Haraoa. Saau Clara,
ad iBimo.
eoald pot an indepeadent ticket io the'pim^ del Bio aod Ma'aozSMhtn all
-tbe SbernaB tnuiaeidoeaaolylye field aad carry the elate, hot « he I BombrriDy eaaeily U.«W men. Tbe
4e tbe Federal c-torta jnriadictloo
doee not aopport tbe KrpaMicaa ticket' loldient io the pr'eiai^ of ShDtiayi>
aad embloatloo aopetitatlny a re- tbe DemocraU will knrely win. aa far I ,04 Poerto Principe are anre t> agree
atrelotaod iB'iBop'ilr of trade onleaa aa Mitibigaa to concerned.
I u> tbe plan decided apon.
aaeh trade la wbal to knowo aa ister"Pioirree haa a peraonal follayvlDy! TbcaabcmUy, when the rcioluUon
Btate or iateraatloBal trade aad oota- which caoDOl be driyen from him. He j waa prcaenSad to it. did noUlebaie it.
Meree. A tnmbmatloa or treat for the to B'rt ao powerful aa be waa la the He-! but adj •U'-dbd uoi 1 Saturrt*y
parpoae of nalaUlaiBY a mopopoiy la publioan ranka, but hto peraonal ful-| It to probable that O-neral Droohe
tba man tfaelore uf a aroraeary of life lowing ha» increatod da ly "
1 »ui »iga adecroeoryaair ny a rupre'ue
to Bot wlibia tbe acape of tbe Sherman
It to aUled bere that Hororaor Pin-j court «f ]>iatic«. with aix j iriyca ana
act aad aaaaot be bepre«a<'d by
rreewllibeODcof thceormuatth'e fill
p^ideot Thto court w.l; hear
_ F.<Heral osorta. Tula wa» decided
iilnner act f ir April 19, wl>i> b to to! ^Qd decide all appeala. which were f-r.
lilt In the caaeof tbe-U lited S-Btra rally tbe surer Dcmocrala of the eaet.! m.^iy ^nl to Spain for dectoibn. and
aspiBBt tbe r xabioatloQ of auirar com
there will be no appeal frui iuj iilyFirrY BKSSX,S xiilid.
"At a matter of (aet. all tba .com Oetalto of
Tbe dlstribndon of tbe S3 ono oou
e Kecenl
Battle at
panlea wbli-b yoa refer to aa oow or
among tbe Cuban troopa will probably
paalalBC for tbe porpoae of aecorlpg
Maalla. March 23 -DMalla of the begin next werii.
aomplete or partial monopoly of differ flyhtlDg at Iloilo oe March 16 *how
Waablngton. March 33- —Adrlcee
ent braocheaof maanfaetare are eiml- tbV 400 rebel riflemea from Paata from Cuba received by Seanr Qteeada.
lar totbetacar eomblaatioa. aad are were mn by aeven compaaleeof the which be regarda aa trustworthy, are
aot witbla tbe jariadteUon of tbe fed. Biyhteentb Infantry aad a battalion of that tbe Cuban aaeeiublT wllldlaaolve
arat eonru. If amenable to any law
before tbe end of the week, probably
they are amenable to the lawa of tbe
Aaanpporu theae timopa bad three on Satarday. Benor Qieaada regarda
reapeetlee eUtea.
two inch Hotcbktoa yaaa. anderOeaer* thto aa a aatiafaetory onteome. aa tbe |
Made by Michigan Telephone Co.
"It to a popalar error to aaaart that
tor any claaa of aervice deaired.
al Miller, north of Jaru. ac-oee the dtoaolutloB waa brought aboat voinotke attorney feaeral of toe United
rieer. The Americana were met with urily. It will clear the way. in lu
Sutcehaaooatrol of toe eorporationa
a beaey fire. Ote man wat killed and judgment, to a pacific adjaa«ment of
«r oomhiaatlou wbleh eacare in toe
fifteen wounded of the Blrhieeath affalra ta Cuba.
at end cf alx moatha or ebaege
■anafaetare la the earloaa aiatea.
reyimeat. and there were eereral eaaee
to aoy claaa of aervice at will.
Tkto to entirely a matter of atota aon.
ofaaaatroke. General Miller cetimatee
Telenhone the manager to call
that fifty rebel! were killed and 100 Thought to Save Perished In Wind.,
and exp aia new ratna adopted by
"With reference to thoae larfe com'
Waatloaa of aaplul wbleh are aoa
nor Hotel Fire.
(ormlar. ny own Jadyment to that toe
UrandEaptda, Mich., March 2i-Iti
Saayer to not ao maeh to the oob
to feared by her rrlativee that Mrs. I
pity at large aa 11 to to tbe people who Tonaalier Block to be BnUryed at Eiiaabeth Spottawond of thto city waa |
are Indneed to pal tbelr moaey Into
oae of the victim* of the Windsor bo-j
^ Ooet oftS.OOO.
toe parebaae of iheatoek.”
tel fire In New Y ark cYtv. Mra. Spot'*Henry Tonaelier baa bad plana prewood waa a resident of Grand Rapid* ‘
^redforaa es'eatlee addlUoa to tbe
yeara, bat for the laat t*o|
MOTHBB XUXfi BBB gBtbDBBX old part of 'faeTooneller block on Fmat
Id 00.1 roiEia. W1 .inr t.iT«r»-eC .oil liur
atreeL Tbe adoUioa to to be 27tS« yearn had been employed Id tbe laoo-;latf'liy C.llkoil isiik or'-'-«o'* In j.r.ie~iw
0,|Kr.e.-ial *i(ei,«'4> In
b. b.a, of brick •d'jd.b.ruorol of ,b. b« boUl d.Oiaaa Them and Hera>lf Fatal Doeaa
Our store will present a different appearancff.
The entire west nde will b-- deroted to a revr
line—a .;sure winner.
To make the necessary room we are slasbioe
p»-ices on books.
Look at this:
DICKBK8. 16 wolumw*. cloth
8RAKB8PBAR. 7 Yolnm>«,daclE
800rT8 W0BK8,18 To’nmss. half BussU
SCOTT’S Wi3bK8. 18 Tolomas, olbtn
Th ACEBBT. 10 volume*, doth
QUO VADI8, doth.
They won't laat loey.
Maat be aold in 4 day*
have a Ruffle.
“City Bonkstore.**
220 Front 8t.
Linen Sale j Fashionable Men’s
Yen Year Contracts
Subscribers Mat Cancel
Michigan Yclepbone Co.
Gasoline Yachts.
Row Boats, Sailing Craft
I Motor 4t Boat Oe.,W<B P«t'«rlT. Uai a«.-r
^ 90
6 SO
6 40
4 30
14 cents
Wehaee exactly the aamekiadjaaafiratclamcaatom toilor woald
ahow you—bioe arrye or a elec a-nall plaid or alHpe. Our aelecUon to
different from what yoa find in other atorea. furonr.yooda
We have no old stock to work off.
t S. BENDA & CO.
Old Bicycles
Made Like New.
If you »^t r mrol^wh—I to to^>k mgojri aa oe* b-ing lito H. B. GIbbn.
Ml repair, enamel aot decorate it up to-dat^
for a I<l*.'e expenee.
H. E. GIBBS. Proprietor
A Puzzler!
{ It puzzles many to under’Stand how we can sell the
. finest of footwear at such
jlpw prices. Come in uni
we will explain how we do
j it. You need no longer pay
snch exorbitant prices for
pood, reliable shoes.
We are satisfied
with small profits and quick sales.
aiKtiroe W.ir*., U*Drr|„u*. Mf.'h TrJkVr-v.
Tb, robtcrl b.. he. ...rd.l U, IIIll I"™'"*
‘™ >“•
of Worphtae.
widow add her two ebiidrrn still lire
■> aierbuck.
. Xu
LaGraaye. lad.. March 22. — Mra. Krotber- aod work will be aUrted aa
bere. Sarah and Harry Spittownod. tor j
Cba>l e Moltor yeaierday polaoard her
latter telag employed at tbe Ltolng-1
two children and hcraelf. The childBtoD
No finer slock of footwear was ever received io the
The flm thirty feet of tbe o
dren. a bny of 7 yeara and a yonnyer
-1'.'.. f-d- Ik' ..Ik...-Ill b.
b...,.,i.d. „d
girl, are dead. Tbe i
and Trust Ctmipany city than that wc arc now showing
I..0 U...
; ...d-d f.,r .
..bOibW .»d,.d I
.blldr...I, .l.r„.d.
thto I'ity Mutter c
«ob*, btaok
f on bi
V . m
worth $9 63. far $3 25. Same io Vestiag Topfc
tumr.1 he f..uiKlhto wlfojind children
I'T » oscular aky-; Ra'ilniore ovttera alwav* o
id at
T. lvnnin-t '>n. D-itnet Act j worth $5 00 for $3.60.
uaofm-ci u* in bt-d A p'’y»i i.n wa«
f-et in diameter. Around j l^eie'* reeun-ant
T *«rr.euiy.M..i»icac.
Ooodyear Welt calf akin shoes, superior stock latoat
ealird and after much . ff irt Mra Mol-;pip<>a will be erraaged to I
ter wa* rrvived ••nongh pn talk. She I'”'”
elrganl ‘ f lati’aiti with aj
toes, $2.00 to $2 60. worth from $3 00 to $3 50.
admitted that abe bad taken morphine *P'»' in the center ai-l arrangement* ! *
Our chespar lines are record breakers
and given the »»m^ ffrng to tbe chK. j I"*’t'insue from a aerie* ofj 1
drep She bad written a note Baying i to'*Ta around thr clrvi« to arltotio for-1 |
that her ha*band wa* g-ing in*ane and :
B neath the foonu'n. on toe ] *
will bo a circular tatk, wbleh
■ better for them all to be out ofr^flor.
the way. The family waa fairly pm*.;*!'!
• (“'>4
will be
; rounded by palm* and potted plaate.
peren*. Maltertoe
onsameeuhj-eta. Mia. Milter to pot,‘
expected to survive the algbt.
oolorvdelecirie Incaodeareato at night.
Bating a gorgeous effect.
FtBB nr ST ffOBBS.
Biff Btaaa
«saae4 by aa Slwute
Jnateoatoof tbe addition deeeribed
wui be a two eiory addition, r7x40
feet la etoa I'he baaemeat of toto
part will be naed for a sUbla The
fiiat floor wUI be la two parta, for cold
eurage ahd earrtoge room. Tha
OBd Story will be for laa atorugeaad
hay loft, while a portioa of It wUi be
eat apart aa llrtac rooaw for toe porter
aadjaaltorof toebloto.
Thto will be aa exuaalve laprovw
•at aad wtll«aat about U.OOb
St. 4ohaa. Mich., Warch U—Tbs
OSes of toe St-itoaa Table eompaay
waa deatmyed by tra thto morving.
Theeompaay uraalaeorperated amoato
affoaaaaaooeeaort«to*3t.JohaaMaBataMarlageompany.oaeof tlM Uto B.
M Stoelbaaurprtoea
The tra waa aappoaed to hava hMB
aaaami by aa electrie wins. The build* BtBOTBK^TBBlOAB OOKF^TT.
tag waa iasarvd for fito.ooo aad ila
AatacaoM^ Win ba Made by eiffaatic
toataforsu,oro. Thatoaaiaatuoo
Treaua. M. J.. March 12 —Arttolca
SalUvaa aa Befatua.
r iaoorporatloa were filed, today hy
Saa nmoetoao. March M.—Joba L. toe New Baglaad Rteetrie Vehlele B
SuUlvaa haa been ehoaea to lufarae toe
MfiOoy-Ohoyaeki fight m mg*, atght.
TMhfitttSffkWtofi U iauar ofMto
Just in.
New Collars, Percale Shirts, * Neckwear^Pnffs,
Tecks, Strings, Imperials, etc.
Derbj and Soft
Hats. Some desirable new things. Spring Over
coats at prices to suit all parses.
New Spring Goods arriving dailj. Call and
ask to see them and learn what pet^le are wearing
for the coming summer.
The Famous
Shoe For
YkiF an coafirtaUe.
SBX MOAAIAO AACOAD. •«•>>>••• ri»« i>
the ler,
ff»< profMioo. bevinc been mUtcIt j
«nrmr(«l in lh« preetle* of Uw for
VmATBAftS OITT. - MICHIOAMT®«- Be b*e derlng th»t Ume
.L_L ... xmr. M Twm
. held Ihe oa* of P^pewtlny eltoTBey
Uvoterw. Mid thet of prohote Jadre
j one term, eod we eiaoerelj helieer. if
. elected, win prore e worthy i
k T. BkT.
to th« iMoroted Jod»eCorbeiV.—Ald.n
f, W. Beask«, ismior end MhMcei Were.
Shoe Up
The Boys...
I^OYAL PBowder
Mdtes the food more d^kioifs and wholesome
Bealor X^oenm ' Preeentrd ■ Good ;
■E\-i Ko:i eATirovT.
Piofrem L*ei Viebt.
Another toureetlef tterttoir of the ;
Senior LIterery koeiety wm held le^ •
erenlng with ka e«ee«dloyly Iktfe »t- .
■e M Ike ro»u>eic« m Tre*me ClV. teDdinre
mek . M aeruee eleee setter.
A tiulatette oompoeed of Meeare T1 e
rr>D ann Don Morfran, Verlio Tbooa*
Oeorye Chaae and 8am Chkmbeiiatn ;
rendered Dleaaiac banj> aelectioba and ;
d-bearty eDoarea.
A aketeh writua by LelUe Marria
Par iMUee <d the Soprene Cewt.
in which abe reviewed tbe bUtory of ;
^.iiral. hNilsn.
OAnnUd B. UBANT of Boi«bMB. the eealor ^Ibm from'tbe year letB, wae
wUh CLeeaa
I'fikui*.! Uiitcna
reryamaaler. Tbe artlile waa rfad by
•veM ririatuaar iih A|>p><0 Iwalhwa
Per Perewt of the Butc.Csirerkiiy.
Aoni OrUtt.
Aaekoelleot bloffra h eal eeaay of |
OOU BLI R. hU rroN of .Wkyos
William Pitt waa cirea ly Frank No- '
il'ful uf atfte.1 floor, ibtieanArirre ]
votoy followed by a dereiopmrnt by ;
ODlnl >4 eorBO»«1. aiau •lOjit' IS I
9br0fa««lt Jedfe. Uth dadtcUl Orodt. Mabel Oreeao aad macb credit U dne .
. ...D ^ t»#Sr. OD» I
‘her for the ekretal thoaebt kbowa Id
lb thrw I»S1wi«i0b- I
FEED W. MAYMAof CterleroU.
u.mr bake tn a quick orrs to I
her eff It.
The orktIoD w»e clrea by Edsln'
I b« I tma m cs'.i'ry, wui nniii wnurr. p
Cfaaaaaka, bU kabj-et belnf “Oorporkl, dr»i . i-et up into loiiall pitimb. Hare P
very laaeb eet
•lumtoluf wit ■■
nralaetaaeh action and bellerwl that
the time waa not tar dletant when it
r>'l.-ry Inlu n<r won- fur flrr
m-inn.-^ ►
For Meyor,
ihiitflUhaKoyd srallop utirl
woald beproblbltad by >•«i DdaiQrr Hi*sMvr greira chr
Vraali Hkallioaand hakr for ten n
After a pleaeiar piano eoloby Loaiee *
cYvn. whci
For City Clerk.
neck, which
AlBoa W. Biekerri.
1 berea. The qaeetloD .
For rreMvrer.'
wae; '-Beeclred, That at thepreecat
VmiDB r BobbA
time the world enSere more from the
Firgt llrUiodiet Obereb
edaoeted than tbe anednented.*' Tbe
For Jodee of fieoorder’e Ooart,
Nest Sunday
we will take
lx>rts BobcTtD.
oar leet ebot at the OMCe. We do not
Wethy and Bpr* UllUker.^whlle Will
‘ ForSehooUaepector.
Intend that any one pWot who hee
O. B. Dtckeray.
’’any reepect for fairaeelC will errren.
fPr Iteber Board of Pablle Work*.
that nearly el* hnod^ were preeect
Jooeph Booa.
A very eoUrtoialar aketeh of “My la»< Sunday evealag. We are eorry
For Jutlee of the Peaee.
Trip Abroad” waa fiven extemporanthat we could not Sod mwp for all
Foha Verly
eontly by Miae Bvrlyn Morgan..
who came. Come early aad give the
Tbe erltle'e report waB^lvea by Miae nehera a chance to eeat comfortably ee
B«p«bu«aa BiateTiOkek
many ee poecibleTbe oplaloa of tbe Detroit Joorokl
I deelre to correct a wrong impreafBgnrdiaribeoomlaeceoBthe Bepob«•«
WOiyC OH PAWAICA OAMAL. cloB which bk» been made by a peelor
IlM etaU ticket U worthy of Ooaklder>
of oae oC^he city eburebre: mud that 1>
A.TbeuaAnd Kora Lnborwa to be Bn that tbr^ Ii a cootroverey betweea tbe
•‘The work of tbe BepabUcaoconveapaetor of the MetbodUt church and the
rae«iBt 3
Mob U eialaeatly eatUfactory. The re>
••BlaatloBof JoaiiceClaadiae B. Drant
Colon. CoUmbla. March 33.—On Kri- ptklorof one of our aUter rhurchea.
>vith our
Tbe Ifuaeral of 8rrrpb:oe DrFaron
• ho dud at l‘r-..»4a»v.ot WedaeMley
wlii l« brid this mornlar at lOo’cl.Kk
fn-ni the Catil.-lie eburclt kV that plavr.
Deeeaaid waa 16 yckra ol aKcaud Otid
of the crip.
‘Salamander’ Shoes Is
Backlaaa Arnica 6a.va.
Tui Baal dakva in tbe world for
Cota, Biuiaaa, dorea, L-icera, iialt
Kruptiona. and poaSUreiy i-are* PtJea,,
IT no paf required. It la caaranteed :
o give perfect satIefaeL.cn or money;
refunded. }’r:ce ikccou per t<cx. Por|
eelebrJ ti J
vrtu be approved by the tak aad file dayDexiacommluioner .ppolnted by i T*"'to have ao
Of the parly at the polle. The a.-mi- tbe Pauama Canal compaoy wUUtart Informed bla congregation, 1* decidedly
te. ■ni*'.!'.. H U.. b... h.o.. Iw.
aatloBof lUi B ButtoD and of Ud. for J.m.lc W ...11.
■anry A Oeao to be rermuof the uni- thonaand more laboren to work oo the perbapa. two mnalba that I Intended
.vmity agreeably dltpoeed of a faetiuu- canal, it being tbe ioUntlon of the to preaenl my views on |w polar amaze
ments. and two weeVa before the first
•1 Mttteet Ibet bed threatened to work
lecture. tbU annonneemeDt was maCe.
4b}ei7 to tbe integrity of tbe party
i. A. Brr.mit. I’ai-tor.
Fbe reeolniiona give adequate eapreeBrflvitiaa.
Am to the prlDciple* of tbe party. Tbe
Mim Nellie Ualllvaa returned yeaBtory of a Slave.
Jearul can dbmover nothlorin the' terday to her home to Ba'on after bavTo be bound band ana font for years
flniflhed work of the ounveatloa thati ing epeat the past two montba at Big by tbe claima of dlarase U tb« vrorsi
• Botaommeud ftaelf n loyal Re- lUpld* and Add Arbor, where tbe tc- form of elavcrv. George D Williams
puWlcaDa,.wbofollowth« pariyaiand.jc.ivedtfeaunentfor injurlea cauaed of Mauchrater. Mich . telle brw such a
? aa.va:
through thick and iblu to win vie-' by a fall down lUirv at the .Hotel
for fire .
torlfla for
that ahe could
over in bed
Wblllag. She baa fully recovered.
“iaatlee Claudiua B. Ureal la a jaat
The next lecture la Profewor I alone J
•■d apiigbl judge.
Hit reco™
record on
on vna
the orawn'a conrue foryoungmen will be Blcotrli: Ilillera. abe la wopderfaily
a. .tia
.Waehbaa comi •Ddea the admiration I
w aj0< all vrbo have bad bualacaa to Uaaa Calklna of the IVavaraa City Iron msl« diaeaiwi <|oickIr c
^ before tbe trihUDal of which be la Worka will give a talk apon “Civ I
V mambar. Be u impartial, eoDaeiea- Kiigioaeriag.”
Alone aud incorruptable. Having the
Win Boutball bffSIxth atreet U aof' jadieial temperamrni. and a mind au
ferlog with an attack, ot the Uarman down pi*<^p1r K» ry h'l»l-' coamn.
Broad that iudivtdusi or peraonai pret.*ed. On1y.tnrcnu. Bold by .1 shnoon
& Wail. DroggisU,
fudleea eanuot blaa it upon laterpretr
S. G. Stone, an expert window drewr _
jag the law, be atanda aa a model
ladgaaBdlt la aot at all snrprUing of BaUle Creek, baa been employed hr '
Ahat, Irreapeellve of polltlea. bia nom c».rl™ Eow.lh.l. ol U. Bo.to. Slow ^
^aatlop la bail 'd with approbation all for the posIliOD of trimmer. Be comrs
over tbe aUle. Col. Kl> K Button la a with fleileriag recommenJations
yoneg mau who auode high in iba
^fldence of tbe people.ot thla city, Boatoa Store force.
fkfl aniveraity ia hla Alma Mater aad
ha ragarda It aa tenderly aa a mother
fugarda her offspring. Col. Uaory B.
Paaa la a proved friend of the great
iHUlutlan. having aerved on the board
WltheredU toblmeelf and benefit to
The chorus choir of the,Congregation
al church will meet tbla eveulagto re
hearse Easter music. Albmembcra arq
urged to be present.
Claes No. i.of the Plrit: Metfaodlat
ehpreb met last evening at tbe borne
of Mlaa Gardner, on Seventh atreet and
completed arraniremenu for the aoeUI
Tax Bagla cannot refrain from giv to be given In Monugne hall tbb even
Jag the Rxcoai) frequent aavaga dlga ing.
lorflapportlng the Republican eandl
Ooadnetor Peck of the G. R. A I. la
4aS». That paper doaa aot ooaflao pmdly dUplayiag hit train which
IM effona to exalting lu own eoaalau of two eoaebea and a baggage
muat ear, all beantlfol lu an array ot bandW« have (our m good $12 cargMack the Exoobo for atandlng by lu >me new paint and gold lettering.
riages aa were ever abowo, aod one
■vlaelplea and ani^^wtiag the eaadiJamea 0. Jenaoa la In SUllwaUr. for $12.60. Take your choice of
4aua ot the Rcpnbiloaa party.
Minn., parebaaing a earload 'of botaea tbe 6re tbia week for $10.86.
Bagla woald have the Rxcoan
Be will retura next week.
fa Mpport of tbe Democrat caadldalaa
One r^.76. one $8.76 and two at
Mra- John Homan ia eonflned to her ' $8.50.—yonr choice of tbe four for
huiiii the Damoeratlc organ aayu
they are Boa parttaan aomlaeea. The home oa Weal Sevealb atraet with the i$7.85.
ybae placed 1
Strong Qo-Cart for $2.8$.
Mito Jeeaie OUaore U aaatotlag
gMk* maa worthy of tbe vote* aad
Carriagea from $3.76 np.
gMtdaace of the people aad It la the the Caty New* Stand.
The regular sueUng ^ the W. 0.
T. r will take plaM thla':
<;39a'ci’MkiBthepariaru of theflret
M R-eharah.
Mra. Mlehaal Onrtaln, Plalnfald, 1U„
makua the eutoment that ehe eanght
eold, which eetUed____
OB her lunge;
vrua treated for a month
pbyaielaa. hut grew wc.__ to toli
her ahe waa a hopeleet dlcUm
anaptloo axtd thM no medlelL _
cure her. ^^drat^t nggeatod Dr.
r eplalOB the i
Frad W. Meyae of Oharlevotx.
Mrealt jadge of thie jad.clal dhlrlet. and wdili BOW doM her own honaebflMOf which to U pro^ Monlly, work,-and la aa well aa aha ever waa.
DlaeovyMlgtoaely aad poilUcelly he le poel,faaag.halagflidytoty-thfae yeaia<
Honae I'nmiabrog Store.
New Store, 120 Front Street.
Price is $1.50 and $1.25. I
Front Street
I'he Popular. I'p'to.dalc Shoe Hdum
Make rough, r«l hands,
buying in large quantities and pay highest prices.
B»di.Bid' '
>nd Short Maple Wool
have for eale Ikade for good farme.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
You Want To Boy a Wheal?
O iWcIl. hcrc-you arc:
Saturday,"March 25
We will offer for tale in our'bicycle department
Ten Elegant Up-to-date 1899 Bicycles
Baby Carriages!
Jaly of the Exooap to eapport Ihcaa
Not alone beceee they
Rflfahllwni but beoauae they are
«< aWUtr. boueev
thorough fitBflM to the ofllue to which they are
. then.
yvhy ia the name of all that le good
faeald Eepat Uaane vote to Oemoeratot
The only apparaat imwa la. that
faefagUeayethepeopUahould ehnn
BMakllwae aad vote to Damoerau
They are as near waterproof and Areproof as leather can he made.
Hundreds ot boys and youths wear
them and are always well shod.
$22.00 Each.
This is a chance of your life to Imy a good
wheel for a little money.
They are a better wheel than you could buy
three years ago for $66.00.
Remember, only $22.00, and there are only
ten of them.
* S^Ve Sterns
OApruEBO fiurivot.
»: ob«^ * Th..»o. wm-.
Real Estate Excbange!:
L—l!::^;ji~SSS 500 BicyclesI
Ltfr M .KuiVa.
EmI Eiut« fur u1« in bit
nru of the dir-
Arth.r HcbM 4w Of Rt. Jo^ph. wu ‘
Moouo» *al«oioci»;
fioad RsldNt Pro^j
.ra«1, eWn. repal' I
pUcMl ond^r *rrr»t W«diieMi.y «T»-!
EoiHU. J.poory 5*
Boslifss UtiUou iBd fff|deslnMe
lend pot in prtipor • P'-^T ’ '
U/oa*w*rT»Bt'f«.ii. lb.
Henp. Ireoiel^Jy P'*“
Vmit Lob
cdPoftVplUy.U*.. o« tb* «h*rce i.f
«“•»«» “y
------- -r y
robWn|rMdli«oerE^^ bU ycooc
1 bitr* I.k«
Bend pnlWicd. ktripKl tad decorin Oek HclKbte—:
All e-orli proppiir tort prompt
hior b-'irr or < ••per in the •:i't
wbo« beiMrrird »bere*booiur»
iiiw it '► f >r yrt
•CO Tb«= WOBOP', f.»i«y i. •
fm » *b.Jr, rt
ApoiD*!dojlydooc. SetUfeelini. c>)erartm-d, l|t
before buyitip.
rrtpreubl. one Md they kr««>UiiD.>7 •»«»
• »r.T4to . conferrn-e'
wblcn reunit'd lo Pku^t of UBipu'bry
•BSiom oaoe nure tu lk> ibrir rye*
BOW «»«ltlnc the
After the couple trcee 'pe*re. riK*?
^ dnioe ■tre«i Kroot Htr<*et.
.lobof D Block-:
■w-rted they etorted for Hi. Jueepb, bctioa o'boUiurl'.ir* rt Wuhiocton.
lederle’s Hew Shop,
hltl.fiu.. mil. .t Aimit .ter, -Hill. ■'•.“-•I PO”
nine day*
Ihey lo'eoded toeuy fc»r»d»y or two] 1 w»*rtiini'eurpor»l f
who wa»ki?4 in the
Mor« ■UrtiDf OB their kmr J turof-y. | ‘n ‘W pi*-** of
•rtBolder propped to rtUBd ibe toe-’'hrepiiel. 1 bed charge of eeven men
•t*r bod wbaB the eouple retched the
4oor be left ber, otteneihly to p»rcb«ee tqiukd by abooitny ooe Dative and cep
ttekrte. Isatred of wbleh. ft U eeid. he lorinff two more eraad with Jdenkera^
•Btormord the opportonlt)' to desert esd marcbetca.
wiab are wooMcetlsfo » good
Aer, pfier obteleioc ber puree. c^DteioIbC in the nelcfaborbood of 9\Si. The eberp bettl^. ibeu 1 think my abow for ;
I M-rired rt Sl Joeepb a better J >b would he pood. Hloee we
HoBdey witboB* the Bew’y-BBde wife, col newofflart thlnce have eheDCed
Butte and Beteoe boy* now Hand no ••d IsqBlry devi l >ped the clr«aB<tBB'
•aeaec>««b- RetaDelder'e ptreBU live belter abow then If they bel->o»ed l«
•t 8l ioBeph Md ere well rwpMted another etete while op to tba ‘llae tb* |
Be b Bekinc every clfurt to preveBt dba&ce we* made they played favorite.
Two or three of «t have bad our pie-1
ArlBC Ukeo eoBlb to fee* hb yoBsr
toree taken. They ere not very food
wlfe'e MirBced reletlTeeTheMeDbtMtnw workt bM bcbId but iu tbe beat to be bad here. I will |
added Beberie ly to lUreeord fur Be- eend yon one. 1 look pretty tbln in <
' *»alod Boblerraenb. The Ora bw the pictare bet 1 wetfh !«*> Ibe, with
JoetooBpleted en elr pamp for the 00 welfbt of dotbee. Can aUnd all j
PeWTB TMeoB proeeeeMlPplsol.wbieb kind* of ratiffoe wltboul iirinr Mna-;
toibetercMllB the world. tbe 'Brct elea are bard and Bra and I feel pood. |
Du not hear aeytbincof ourreffiBent I
terewt belB( ooa io bm Ob tbe ti
ffolnc borne, only epeculatlve roBor*. |
•tUabe llDM Krtarr Wmiea
•roMe. wbleb b Bted for tbe pnrpoee Tbe weather le Bee. only a little hot J
•< keeplnc • vBeaaa is tbe imaeBee Tbe algbt*. however, are «ool enoDyb :
lu beae dlaeiuiun* ere to aleep eomfortably and tbe aocqal :
7Bt> feet, belfbt Ifi feet, »od welcbt toec are not to bad a* they
•0.000 poBBde. Tbe blc mtoblDe b
...‘5o 5v\ks...
Special l^ngagemenl
The beeatiAil eoathern play.
StcouJi \ot ’^e^a sv\.V.s
UlV to_ 4iai3, ot\4 tVeii are oVt^aat. "Klast bo
soou to bo awToctatoi. tDc xotW bo
g V^tasoii to sbooa tbom to ^oa.
g SivboTt^ Satva \s oora
S soasoa. "tfio Kaoo vt ta atttboVato
S sbaios.
S 6av "Stv “So^p bVaeV.' satta is maVAa^
basiaoss ^or as. Oar ■pvtoo St.OO ■^i.
5^ ^oa \»aat a bottor oao, soo tbo
oao \»o sett at S\.15.
vklaed rt OS.aoo. Tbb Bra b not only
neefelep order* from every pert of the
A ilrbm&lii- h'tp of purity, MimpliHly, anil beait iiitert-ei.
P. A. Neleon of Leland U la the «iVy
uioB for 1U encinee, bgt eleo froi
BaffUnd e«d Uermeny. A telecrepbfe on bnainew.
order wee tbb week received from an -Tom Bbane relurned yeetarday from
artlflulal toe Beoafeclarinc ooapaoy Chloaco, where he purubaaed a carload
of Beltlaore. M'd foroae of the ena of boreea.
A fintt-clnti^ companv
All special scenery
Miaa MIODle llubbell bo* ffooe to
pasy'*eae>l water pnape. Tbb aekea
I’ricea, 26.-,
50i-, 75.-. lJo« scofs, $1.00the third pnap Bede for the eea* ooo- Graven to teacb anolbrrlrrm of vcboo)
D.-nnl* Need baa returnad Ia>t nlirbi
•am. The MebbtM Iron work* b one
•f the Buet eub.tenltel Indaetrlue of from a eoUece in lodlana. where be i*
liweUyaBdaeoureeaf Buch pride lo Btudyinc to be a prirat.
The g teen raise up near Nibnasee
. W> pel a car toad •,( borM«
aow bee <00 men eBployed eod freeb hU anciloQ April
Ij^iUpae ere bsln; let at work dally.
bira. Plur^CR OiUeaden of' Uebrter I
Mb ordlaenae reoeBily peajted by the •ireet. wcDlftu Prankfurl yeaterday lo |
’ Oberlevulx vlllepe conDeil provide* for apeud a few day* with ber pareota and
• Bved Her Bn* every Ume the prsal- friend*.
4aat, elerk or one of the troaieM it
Miw. Ida P .-Ward name up from ban'abBBBt frua a aeeilnr. oale** ou ac alnc Wi.>dnr*day nlpht aud went to her
•OBBi ut elekBea* or abirnee troa bi>me lo I.r)aod yealerdBy a irnloir,
Jjravialt w‘th ber paruot*. after a
Oept. C. Rath, 'who bed cherce of tbe rear'h atM.>ae«>.
•aeooUoB of tbe foar pereon* who oon•plrad to eaaaaalneU Preaideot Lin
Library Bill Pa*a<-d
•ola io IMiis, !* at preecut a reliwey
poetal .Irrk and Uvea rt Jaekaon. Mich. | h,U"Jirid
appropriaiinir »IU.
Bnrlneer yeUurdyof tbe Micb.jao |
,„Vlhe aUU-library and ira.e-iup
OenUal. who baa tlir faal ran between library fur Ibc cnaiiinK twj ye»ra.
Jaekaon and Mieblyan Olty. fa belli vrd
ta be tbe o] ‘cat enplneer in' aervlce
I idly by and I
BOW to thebtatc. lie la cuw well peat aee our drar uoeb buffer wbl
«hr arrlvvi
nf tb.- due or, Au Albany,
• sneBiy. aud hat been in the cab and ;N V.. rtairynian
rit.liMJ at a drug ktore
•‘lookU»pah«art”furthc part flfty-onc f.ir a ti-..«'loi III .•'inie and m-c M» i-i-iui, I
witb croup. Nnt Uu<1yaara. Tbe old aan 1* enllrriy
btl ibrq vrry.iiU
• '.........................................
when tffrblt
bit euf
ine lonjer Uian uauat.^^™ *''•
n.i. tiir in. lie left
bat be II
IK U> fee! the oerd
j au‘. W.gli-a
..f ri-«Bi».-riaici
It and will prolithly not be able
(; lUgli U-inclr. «li cb he b.«rcd would .
give luiuir r>-lirf until ilirdo-.-tur
«UrUo:-l(ir »!ii>nl<l
blloiiKI |i 1 a ?r» bootb hi rciurn. d, ' IqQ Q
I* drawing abuui tKlt every mouth
baying thr do-.-tor nerd uui conic, *t;
aow. la uiarried. but bata’l a ■ebiek or Ibr Clnl I I.as mii.-li better
•blld‘' ill tbe yirurld. Aa may be aaelly gift. Mr. UUo S..-hol7,
J. W. Milliken.
PURE ".imitir"
Hul we do believe in .<igns when lliev ar-e
1,, n*b »1q.-
, ^Ooughn
Job aie
>t finaocial ooea. but .
' fdebdr,
from pure love of bla da'Iy raot on hie j
ihal'’^rt*^' the i-ounuy
failbfal monttet of ateel and Iron.
' ForaalebyM K Wait.
ait. druggiat
Tbe pacniiar and rather dilapidated
looking emigrant oulBi wbicb baa
and get a pint of oyater*
1 aa being
aa. rouu for Hanlatce arrived there
Wadaeaday. It proved lo to MU UarrU,
aaoidoeebaraeurwho left that city
for Mexioo eeveral year* ago. Uarri*
wy* be eUried with bU canvam-ooverWHAT
•d wagon feoa CbibaabBa county,
. Hezleo, Jaaebii. l*ua. and has bad a
land of adveatarB* to relau to a lUieaWANTS.
taff crowd. Be carort tbe aobriqoet
•broagb tb* wcatarn aUte* af -Dick
tte Bovar."
I have just brought in a carof the finest farm and draft
ever shown in this region.
Come to my barn and take
your choice of a fine horse at a
price to suit your purse.
"On tba Rawaaat River," wbleb
coroea to RUinbargM Oraad U|
laalgbtladroeritod aaa mw eoatedy
It approl* atroagly to all
claaaaaof tbrotre pwra
There are
roaay wml dmlopBaata la the plot
aad tbe groaUat advaatage baa been
takaa of tba piNlbUIU«B for tbe aoeaie
•aabelUabBMata. Tba aoapaay ta a
food oae. alt tolag c^oally wall adapt•dfortbelr raapeetlve ptrtt, aad le.tfadea anch favoriu playara ai Polly
•toekwell. Paaay Matbiaa, Rtrlla May.
AUea A. Bailey. Lawreaea B. Atbla««. Barry diaadwaa, Oao B. diepbcaroa, C A Uey, Obaa. B. Perr»<>a.
tan an
Vaad Traabali, and tb*
aadvtelkid, wl._ ______ _
I win wlb Bade OB tb* MW Oralebea
•pHtbiagTroi troducUoa.
baod aewed ptY»eB. imitatlna tipped.
A. R. De PlBeat. editor of tb* Joar- Btebal book* aed oyeUU. Tbie abo* M
for tba youBg bob who want azaetly
f^'“* “fSafka^l* the pr^r atyle. It eoablBM tbe
la bla rtebt aboulM? Lid alda He nobbieaiYtyle with all that h atrietly
••Hv right arm at Umaa waa m- high gybde in aboe aal
aaefeaa. 1 UM (^•berlala'a Triocyetaaped, RB.I
We ^ev theeaelaetfv •gMcylora'tUMel
aaiva relief ala
IW rrMtanwet.
so ^convincing as those which jwint lo the
State Street.
Traverse City, Mich.
3 to 16 years sizes—$1.25 to $3.50.
Boy’s Suits worth from $2 00 to $6,00—
From one hundred and fifty to two hund
red choice bargains lefl—Examine them.
Hamilton ClothlngCo.
increasing d. inanil for our **11KST" flour.
Auction! Auction! Auction!
Saturday will be the Last Day
Of the auction seh-. On that day r-ale will be<
from I p. m. to 2-30 p m. only.
The Entire Stock Uf The Fair
Will be sold at Auctlou to the highest bidder
Nothing reserved- eversthiog must
be sold out In 10 days.
No Trouble to Sell
I 1
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Laoe Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Remember, People, thle Auction Sale ie e ohenoe of •
life-time to bny good, Staple Merohendlse at Auction. It
will aleo pay merchants to attend this eale. Remember this
entire atook mutt be sold in 10 days. Remember the placet
844 Front Street,
Broeoh Bloek,
Sale oommettoee every afteraooa at 8KX) p. m. and at
7:00 p. m- sharp, but goods will be on sale all day hlong.
aiLBBBT LBWIS, Auctioneer,
^ Detroit, Kich
The rtare wlU be kept cv^^lTMoiad^.^L^ M, aad frtai Uetcb If fe
April W, tbare wUl ba a great Ttada Balaof tbe baetalo tbisg. Debt Btaa
Ufa Sale.
M. B.-Tb*Bbironst«raa4belTaaOeaaMn.lUn«n.bwk, ete.,for'Zle. ■
lieiow U ft iiai o( tftc bnjiac
mar i>rlp« <t ymlArdfty for frocftrl**;
ftftndlarapradasift la Trar-
At Cftt>p Me-K-fti e,
S&M Wisdom
An^u.ift. -U*.,: j,uuri Coi Pork
fc.: i.
Prtrfttc U lodftlr. TrSiti Oaii.>, who hftt
P onr. H
Wftft cftrr/iftf aftil. trus Aoauktft lo
^•T*‘ Piuur. H. U. A Co, Co*L...
«amp.hM be«a
U A o->
B« will b« oourl cur-' OoUDtb oer ft................................. .
ICftHper*...................................... '.....
to the
r*r boy M>ct ftoruM tbft oeeko to <irU*- ‘ Chrr<w prr B» ...........................................
U»rdlot ^P*'^
rulftdalpljl*, floU'iftd bU Jib ftt tkft
latter pltoe WadoftMlfty, one dsy ftbeid
Hungry Man
Bnko i-r too.
el bift aebedolft.
Of U ftoldlera who werareported kill,
ad to Oobft, ftll ftfteepl at(bt bft*e beep
toad to bft ftlirft »ad ftUll to tba a*r-
Wbeav aew.^ba...*.................
Tbe aoatradletory rMord* la tb* Oau. No. 1. tier ba. (aaw)............
Oora. per ba..............................................
Rye B- . _
aarwralad. aad tbara rewalM bat few baekwhaat..............
af to bartod to be IdeaUBed.
Thera Better, par to....
, ti
war Aepartwral are balay gradaftliy
araaUll ftasloat laqoitoe (or aoldiera
M wbaai there
to aa
■im. perdoMA--
raowd. awoar
tow three Beagb Ridera.
Tbe reterse
•baw that oa* of tbeee left Oabo, bat
Wr bare eared mee
■tope we begaa akler
Oorh Rem« • '
nabto Rtpen beloagiag to bla bft«« a bottle opei
rrer any of ay fam'ly nr nraelfbegia
baaa oeat to ih* war departmeat.
Ueb cold we
. beirlo
______ toutetbe
. - ...........Coei
▼boa B. WJffi. aoa of Btato beaator. Bratedy, aad ae a reeeit we eerer b«'
lo eesd away for a doctor aad ioeur a
large doetor bill, f<>r Cbaaberltle'e
tItoraUy eat to pleoee Wce'ey Uun, a
Coegb R-oedy nerer falU U‘ curt.
femmg ataa who oatored Wigg*' acbool- l•eerUiolra mrdlelee of great aerlt
Mearb'e. (Jeoeral
rooa with a pteiol aed told bln oae of aod worth—0. H
tbew nuat die. Wigga bad only a pock
ford.noaoty.Pa Poraaleby < B Walt,
et kaife, but ba dt-feoded blmart wUb
dtoappearad aftabooentably.
to W. Wton of Pike doeaty. led.
Uttoaad left bla antegooLal for dead oa
Be waabrlped by bU broth
er, a papll, who aiae bad a knife.
B. B. Arwoar of tbe A'woar Paoklag
0>apany of Kaaaae City, to reported
Br78r^K^» CAHtiS
two aerrpodered tbeoiaelrea to ottcera.
M. BboWN. 4u.wS«7 aaa UaaaMUerel
Lev. apMUl.iiMBUea U, eellectlea>
cearemeeiBc. tMPr..Btp>
^tt^WHL'KAMC<t-Ka>e* U.
ruftkly m with pacaaonia at bto ocl. rrUsi.Ir Bko.-k .-oibo4i.t. Ilafe a p.ulrr
*•, *. W BsallBC's aceorr.
la that plaee.
Tba tanily to •^rh^ru
tor^ed, eapectally aa-Mr. Arnoar U
70 years odd.
Somi Doubt About It
Acenrdlog to reporta from Heonl.eapl.
Tbe mad alloger aa.va Mr,
tel of Korea, tbe whole Korean oabiuet TTT B kiX)K,^s.elaL‘a»ddoiginn.tFr
baa been dUiniteed and two of tbe W • Brnl <>r thr r>r at.J rar. I .umli I
oe«r. Msiaow Itnanl <iT Pssslns Eswuid*
wtoialera bare been baoiBbed beoauae
Priadrtpl. al.«k». 'Ph.ciu. hiiaw and
not nor neeer wae apoUt'c'an. Shadea
of Joe Hariland and 8eih M ffaii; dn
Aaalatant^uperlDteDiteDl if Railway
leal to*prorlncial affaire.
Mail Si-rri.-e L-wia. at San PraneWo,
At MaeoQ, Oa.. at a meeting of the.^
n lim.i.mtY.
a>1skie '
..Oionfla Proll Hronera' asaociatins. u l/r-m ■ r»ll) nm.-rln
lu'. T^^nce IM
WU drelded there would be DO pracbee
^IbdaKT a uam. A<u,ni«}k Nparla.si
for ablpaent from that aute tbla year. VT leniloa l«Pr«l~.tr ersciUc, Boaaai>)ar..
’.■•nillr Oa fUnch.
-Tbe reaeou gUen ii that tbe treea weir
tojerad by tbe reoenl frerar.
A R>ae oorr'eepcindeoi eays:
bla prraooal at
buabo(tbr alteaJantj
-Wbat m ckery
Uia---tbto tbaukkgirlng f,.r my reour
I aball not lire
a week *’
I waa followed by
a pro-
O. Bnatelto
snste Block.
loaced and alarming fainting lit
At I’teaaton, Kaa.. great aaoitamant lo 4 p. w, Tslepboos-Tt
prcraiAorerailcb aUlke la tbe tiae
Tbe lead
•pKkmtl) MlTHWa-MM bicUe .............wb. s
A eraUsai* ul the tlsireraU/ Bosp>tal.
I. Asi
wide aad Ue ore takes oat to to per •’'wh sin.M^tfi’if **'**''
Desirinr dress ewklse done
eeau pare «W {Tba abaft to dowa 00 T aOIBU -r
Xj iKelr h.
Inquire or addr-eis M
■rboHslil ■ di
(det and the ore to aaaily worked,
aking parlara. 44M4 . Kj
rvoiil sireel.
wan belug able to take out a ton a
To D^bato to Xingaley.
•Ilia Llaeoin Litorary Society will go
to Kiag'l. >• ai« afieruoOB. where ibi-y
A lilerary program will be ren
g.mi. w*KTiaii'K'ni t«r n i»r er^t >-
dered and a dUoaaalon npjn the quae-
Bereral eleigb
will go from ibU eity and toba In Ibe
^OK H\LK~A sassre plans Is r.rndeosdi
lion »i a bargatp JihjairT al IIT W. (.
yilKL WvlCTEl)I n.» renrea' hsuse s..rs
tx Hir*d} I
bsl Nfoihsii
Ketolullnr* paatod on the death of
J'.koMB by tbe raulral W.
b-i 1
Land For Sale!
arrw • m
Mulb of Trereree City: good bmldlnn
plenty of water. 40 acrea nortbereal of city, to aerw of Umber land
14 rallea
aout of city. 40 acrea abi «t
lUea aoutb
7 wUw northwest
It of oily,
and 1 ba<
acreral pleoca in V iford
[ford eonnty.
yon want to
o bay some
can eel
eetl It
to yon At Mrwe ao
ac yon
bny U ..
ly trom Anybody
WAtblnglon 8t
Att wsUt Maw M wtoatm before de-
Telephone 192
Local bran~li irais
CepArts si II Cl s IS
arricM al ll OD-tow.
311 Front Street I
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
Sold by ail deaVre.
Tbe Old Reliable
:=a —
If ao.thM is t?i* p'a-i to ,'•! it il
;:Eu3malin:;-tal Ltth’ ruriiuiof
o of wiu'elr.
• rl'ht an I p->nptly
IMI iu naJ
naJ ose my new
Chicago. •»«
Frua uw
»iii Um of »r:ir-.-[4 to lent
MKS. II. K. GIBBS West Alichigan.
ji;dirBa££eaff&s£C8^:fti ssites
PvloskcT. Msrklaai
-si.u Kaplds. I an p. ss.
--------- 3
118 Front 8tr«et.
|«) Kt.KT llsslialdc
llsslialdc idB-es is eesi al rev>i
. ":\'£hu
;|!«SZ98 RB8&SSS bSAA
•^y«s.s.e »-s-sags.-------------------------
EOinj.au; . Tnourll
VriiicaKAs It ties plraard Uirine Pror
idenoe t. r(morr
from our mioai
our dr.ar aAu-r aod 4x.-.vorkor, Mra
bl J. Ji^hii
t).«rv>orc be It
i« r-ci r.i. Mu-b
t lly the'Oniral W C T I'
of rrar.-’».-r.ii j, M^eb-. of which abr
was s nii-u.K-r, that we pare luat a K' I-brt»'*''lBuuir-'s!Mr«' l^adVr,
Woiliij- s‘. |•^vB.•c.•llt worker, and unr
wiiu wa- a' 'ays true to ibe dictaiea of
her o »o < .••-. lenee. That her long ano
useful Hfr should be an ioapiralion aed
an eaainple of faithfuiaetagiTiog c
age and sireoa'ih loall who hare
ibe power of oee lefluenoe.
Kra.ilnNi. That tbe Union tender Ite
heartfi-lt ayinpalhy to the famlli
• our deceased aiater in tble tbelr 1
Of aorruw
'“a~,r ^iUUliUiiliUUUUUIUIUIAR
C. T. i; iJ Tran rae City. Mwh.
Raeolred. That tbeae reeoIuUoM be
aetemd npiia ibe minutes and that a
eopr be aenl to tbe family of tba deeeaeed and a copy be fnmlebed to tbe
•tty papere with the rcqneat (or pchU-
? ^
hare equal polltleal righu with man."
Mr*. M J
;•«: *E5ieet«S5ES«
Ouilitr, Solid leather, low Pricesond Right Siyies
Mob, -a-solrod. That woman ebould
Will lake piaea.
Diamond J
= Are concedel to be iIib
will g rr ail rni^ruismcnt inlaereolug.
thought really
added deaoondenlly:
O. p. OAKVFM •
(iraod Rapids « Iniiiau t.T
E goof cigar by smoliine it a
towdante bow many in the e^grega.
llanag tbe acrrlsd on Sun
day be aaked one of
denies the Skagnsy report that ten* of
I .K .Mail are being held up hr ranadlan p wtel auiborltm for lack of
lA'isdran staTiipa.
n t>ef|i smoker Inows a ^
Rupe U brg>nul(« to auffer from deprtaaioB
Ever Burned Out"
I 6ur om.T TKI 1 ’
"W -------------
you b«r thBt?-rbarlerri!« Sentniel.
of Wb'ulenata ebangea oade-by tbe cab-
THIM Art rtiir I.niTATlOHS Or Coofljfior.l
and Builders.
Daviit Smith havinjf retirt*d from the fi>m of Smith
Bros . ami formed a itartaership with Geo. Lather, the
new 6rm is now prepared to
make contracts for all kinds
of building.
Teiephooe No. 4.
20 Years Eiprieice.
Kstimates famished for all
kinds of brick and frame
The Blue Label Like This!
Lather A Smltb,
John R. Santo,
GhuiI litmiN.
SiSUlion S':331.
Is on every box of Union Made Cigars—Insist on cigars
made under this label aod yon will be sore of good value
aod a pure amoke.
VbIob Mi aan food wagw for honaat labor.
B.W.C------------ ----------------------"^RaewwOto.meA.
- ■' --
rrMMBBt n«KiBiBF Hbb rciBtB4 o««
Tho Oonoty WUl Olvo ftn In-
cr<-pd. coorictioB aud {in^fw.
Aak*tebcribf.B«a. rr«dW.]Uyap. Hif siwh at
Kfow ih.
tb« &Bpat»lic«B WtiniBM for .
R<.?iis Uarki-i cYob viiiiit tb« natun .l
OircB lJodcB
and r.:in«« th» isstiea |>tc*eii«.^l
Tb« followioc ATKcle Rioted iB tb* „ppn,d,i,.„ ,
•» ruit ir ».,i imv.^
0hari»T0lx*a Bmlneat Attornajr ft Strong Cftadldato-Scftn., '^hArkTo.x s^dUoai
•• *^tf-
cr««.d Kapubllcn HaJori.,.
duou. Atucic. M.t b, 5p.»dia K.dc..m.n« of au!
i,a, \\ x\h bis oo.
^ J.,.”*": :r«:«TS ,';:rrjiroSTo;
thft. Olftrgyraan of Oborlevolx. ftlao Mpmberft ViUago t"‘»‘*v*oier*u»«MBUmei.»
bm Miy ailuiw. pr«jd.i,i MiKmi-y hn» »«w
..!oJ Cb*rlB*nl* ooBotT U8V»*f *TW» JcwBl- luoBH* the nutinn to tb« dniT whkh
-Bonorea ftft
„_ ,b wbieb Mf,
n.. k—
i..mi .td
OonneU, County OfflcAftl* nnd Phyftici*u»-Booorea
“ Ut,
caA.tioDUii ii.
p DtoUngUUhod Lawyer and ft OitlftOn of Intftgrity ftnd. OdmoeraUc m%Bafer; are elreoUUBF
^ iwvrwl. Hf^xpitOriuB or ■>'
JSlgh MormJ WAftTftCtor.
-r. —,o. —ovv----------**'
thf •.■tS.dt »t»ad^.lo«
bbon n...;. Tb.min».uupn.- Ht b.. p.vl, ...d-.. did
- *^0* tb«t «>«•< rrUix. to
Isttrad to tb..
The Democratic campaign leaders are exerting every ef* Md iB the fo iowiatf
fort in their power to gain Republican votes and in their, des tb« •UWBCDU BBd« by D«Md krftint prisHp]«* «,iid tn tb« biKbwt
efwUo iMdrrs BM MM BolBly lot iButivM and to tmi-t to Iba Amerii
peration they have seen fit to circulate false reports r^ard tke parpoao of auhlBr BapablioBk pnoplr (o art npno thrm.
Viriory and t\>nqn««t la<t Jatj flrf>t
ing the record of Hon. Fred W. Mayne, kepublican candi- aetaa, is tba sbMttea of bsf othar ir
aB^MfodlMotattantiMte thaD D>.
U«-«n».lvra to Ibf Uation a.
date for circuit judge of the Thirteenth judicial circuit.
These reports are spread among farmers by those appointed ermue tssoiaaie.
"Tba loysliy of Cftsrlavolx eoBBt» to
to influence voles for the Democratic candidate.
Mr, Mayaa wsa auaaUd by iba
The Republican party in northern Michigan has never Iota wbleh lu dalafs
lor Bisu
yet been short of material for every high place in the gift of tbafood opiBloa wta.'Ulsadi of h>B
the people and in the Republican ranks are numbers of men by diatost LaalaBao waa
thoroughly fitted both
morally, mentally and by every quali I tbe aun ia tba p
vote of half
tmjWiTT. now tmda and a nr»
i»Ffrvi4mty. Ab ngitatiuit and dliraakion *7),
Wtmt /in
bai ebanitrd. Tbr
Lwdaof theorw UTTitory, th»>dcman.ii
i,y pyj,njati„n ihn uermity of load
iDKtbrwbalf wviurcnod tH-mibarharoni
rarm ieb. civilizutios luivr aU-aiUIr
KTown upon th« natiun. and Preaidt-nt
ii,-Kinl.-v »
and iM-mnaairr
ir)' for every'omce for which nominations are ^ Ita dalrffatkn tor bim. and the friasd- d.->..|uratu.o uf tb.. ooutlitun. «.b)rb
made. TheDemocrats are laying great stress upon the fact jkbipofboaraiold. Astrimfor bimwaa ft>rctMthpiinnixuti..n ot thrl’hiliii
luplrt.. th,-o.n-Mi,.L tl.it 111that politics should not enter into the judiciary. They advo-!®*“'^^ti8ii* awAar forbia od tbr
.^caie in every manner possible a non-partisan principle in voi.
Ing for candidates for judge.
That is all right as far as
there a better feeiiny *"'/;iv?uK Ahtb. |.u.,,i....f om-Phiiip-
pjn,„ jkjiiv and .■’•l.r i.nd l>-ucii(>.|)t
row. But .re there not .s good m.in in the Repuhlican par-j‘
whivbprrvalled thiouybou‘ aiiv<.m'iii.ut. allur.litii' tit. ii
ty as any Other, and more of them ? Why then should
eno-»r3;-iti.j rii-m tu hihfl nitd
publicans vole for a Democrat when their own-oarty P*'esems
^blieaiu of iitduplry. iii.tkiit.- tli.-ni f.^.l »ud ku.tw
a min fvlly at Will q ulilijj, with suffi :ient ’ Vxperience. ajtbeij.h ^kiaieircoUw. i^DOiied is tbui »'<■ urc tlmir (ri.-ud.. imi tbrit
Ibal tliv»r pi«J ii. .mr aim. tltHl
superior education and with personal qualities which makej tupport of tbe ooB*eDtion'a
; tboir «e)fare
..iir w..Ifair. hot llt.il
him all that is desired in a judge?
livodereBtedMDdldatBt pi
It their 0. Ith.T ili.ir
H'lurtitiona ni.r«>iir» <
ri-iilizi.d un'il
Has the Democratic candidate any higher moral quali loyal Bupporl, and every <1 [egate went
»«r ai)tli..i
: kiii>wl..d>:rd
kiii>wl..d>:e.d and
ties than Mr. Mayne? Because he is older’and has practiced buneao uBawertlny aoppurier^t^red i Tbtr
___ •■urii::iary
____ j'ary ,if tbr prr~ in dmy id
longer at the bar should he be singled out for Republican W. Mayoe. Tblfeconditiop would have'tbr txtvuiivr 1<
-gilally iviuj l. tr
ir dnjy
diij; of
"f »*.r fntinr
votes on a non-partisan plea, even though he is a life-long cxIatedU tbe candidate bad not beet.
Democrat, named by a Democratic convention pure and
the delegatea waa UtlruklSed by tbe
bi.t Uu jc-r riatbu lu'ilir Plnlipsimple?
aaeaib:r, mabW Ulk of the nominee in '
tb..r,. u In. h sr..w ..ui <d
Hon. Fred W, Mayne is 44 years of age. He has been
.J .
I ll.r mii>e.iiun i-f a htiiijfiiii ivhnli
aocepting lb« bonor.
Mr. Maync'k quilvt. tbrr- {■in
t-r <‘i
,.l thl>
ihi> K'rt
K</\<TllUlrllt tu
practicing law in Charlevoix county and vicinity for sevenapeech o( aeeeptaoee waa rei-eleed with rri'atr tu thM t*7Tll..i
trrril..i v un.1 (nr it» |«op.MH y«rs Suruly «„ uxpuriunce o( .hat many
should .„
oiitiit.il luu. liU rty mi.l >.-if i ui...
.Sitiu;: .'D tfci- l. -i'.Mi.l r..|lon-iitz
fit a man for a position on the bench. Many of the most
H"' l in’M SU!im H-k-iti*
judges in the country hav? not practiced at The bar as long, -cunrievoii Monty ____ -il-. IMfei'r «• liltI'.iI.iDIhI
asthai. Mr. Mayne also has a classical education, gained in kOBor, aad wlU. by iu vote oa tbe .id li.-Ik-Bdi'lK'irti.B'iili aiiit|Qi- niuie ODiwl■ll.'lfd in liikUtry Tl^ I.-w.id Hhiili
<>ne of the best colleges in the country. He is a graduate of of April. JuaUty the cholee made by UrrHi Urituiu bat> li-itnt.il thr..ni;li Uiiw
cininru-k -that Uiv fin.1 duly of ih»the law department of the great Michigan University.
He wore than lu naual majority.
■.iwnijcutv to tbt* rii-|M-BilHi)t r is tbr
has become prominent in legal afTnirs in -nortljern Michigan "IVed W Mayoe waa born near < ig- (Mutv. |ir.~|<ritr «uH m-lf ip.v.Toiuftii
uf tbf Utt<r~ia mv.'|.l.4
thi« n.nnbecause of his sujierior knowledge of the law and his ability
III thr v«TT tlin>!HiM <T iia Kt'-M
has been prominently recognized by the people of the com early ace be wat cradoated from a St. try
lurk ill III.. lr.i|iu-K. u bit'll fnltin* bisLawrenee eoanty litarary aebooi. An
munity in which he lives.
It-ry will kliitw Ik h-.i Utiiurli-d lij tbe
I8T« be eame WaM. loaaUny at Cbarla- i1iili}>|iiui-N Tb.' •'ti.'iliili aii.l M.'x-.-K-ity
He wab.nominated by a convention of distinguished Re
Tolx- Darisy tbe creator partofl>le iuipiwil by tbi-M- bmh i.mu ii.lw mi.l
publicans, a body of citizens who command the respect of
Wty UH'liviw Ik to l. toqniil l.. itin.i in
aad IITB he Uoybt tbe Cbarleeoix dla- CuV*. IVirlo Kic. Hurt tbo'l’liili]tt.in.ti
everyone in northern Michigan. He received the solid sup
trlct acbooLwlth marked aucceaa
•liki-i' to mrry on uu artmiiiiktratioti k>
port of the Charlevoix delegation, which was composed of ■‘Be ■oon after beyao readiny law In visibly rtinxii'rt to tin- jiitifit. jirik-i-rity
nnrt Iruimi);.' uf th>-«' Liorti. in mif xovleading citizens of that county.
a local oflloe, and entered tbe law de- rniUK-ul lliBl th<- wtalil B ill aitpiMW
Antrim county's delegates went to him solid ' as soon as partmentof the Uiebiyan UnirenUy, nur I'riii'ti.'e. nH tho iiHtion Hiipror.-o to
they found they could not get the nomination for their candi' yraduaUny in 18b1. He returned to day ibi- j.ritKinl.-.. f i^-irt.ut M.-Kinliy '» •>{H-<vlirtiu Ibr <i>l.inial jk.lu'y of
dale. and eight of Ledatiau's delegates voted for him. nearly Cbarleeola and opened a law offlee, and tln! Utit.al stM«* - rhiladi lphiu
all of them standing for Mayne during the entire proceedings. baa been in active prartioe here kince.
Yet i n the face of all these favorable conditions and the bit field by no meant beiBy coutiord to
honorable distinction accorded him in the community where Charlevoix eoanty.
he is best knoiyn and where his life has been an mien book “He filled one foil term of foar yeara
aa Jadye of Probate of Charlevoix
to his fellow men. the Democrats would have the voters be
eoBDty. and waa twice elected proaelieve he is not a suitable man for }udge~of the Thirteenth
CBtiny attorney.
judicial circuit.
‘•In 18« be waa married to Uttlle.
The best argument in favor of the Republican candidate___
__ of Nelaon
__ Ainalle. of
eldeet dnnyhter
is thft unqualified endorsement of the people of his own compi^cBlbni n family .of four ebu' munity. T'he Recokd is pleased to print endorsements of dron nnfi n pioMnat and bnopy bone,
which any min may be proud and in this issue are given “Tbe Mart reaordt.of tbeisih eirenU
words of the highest praise from men whose sentiments pub attaattbeaUndlnyofMr. Mayne aa a
licly expressed over their own signatures will have great lawyer. Bia experienee hna been ynlnweight in the district. Mr. Mayne is endorsed by every clergy ed in n broad aeope of ^aoUee. and bit
man of Charlevoix in the warmest terms and commended ability baa bean proven in many a bard
fooybt leyal MOleti.
He ia a clear
for his high moral character and good citizenship.
beaded, diwemlay. MnecienUona and
The entire medical fraternity of Charlevoix also bespeak
iadutriena pmetiooer! Peraoaally be
for him the votes of the people because of his estimable U ^>praaebnbl«. frank and boaonble.
worth and eminent fitness for so lofty a position.
An to bb interritv i^r «ppi.*l<loii mb
The village council of Charlevoix do not hesitate to en- ibmiriwmuda/AtikibarirtH ww.dorse him in terms which go
Mayne isjI “CbnrinvoixknuivtMr.
Mnync-Cbnr- to show that .Judge
—-----esteemed as one of tjie besi citizens of Charlevoix county and I iWoixcanaty know* him. and both
tUr. office of judge. ' TI,thoroughly
qualified for the
The .—..I_____
endorse • apoMar for him na • ^wyor, * ciU«en
ments speak for themselves and the Recorp submits the fol and a man. He b tba peer of My lavlowing to the voters for their consideration, and in answer to Ttr la tba elrenlt. wbether they l)»ve
the maligning sutemenis which are being circulated for the i ^**®*^*^
^*" •^ **^
purpose of prejudicing the voters against a candidate who js j
entitled to their suffrages because of his ability, experience. I
education and high moral character:
ifttnl rcqnblM tbnt fo to make an nprieht iadfo.
“CbarlaveU ud Cbarlavolx Manty
To the Citizens of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit—A
wtU aonaidar tbaaaalvM bowired bj
recent issue of the Charlevoix Democrat indirectly and by Abe alevaikm of Mr. MayM to tba
implication attacked the character of the Hon. Frederick W- beaeb. and. Ilkewbe be wUl boftor tbe
Mayne, the Republican candidate for judge of the Thir- beaeb and tbe elrealt ae Jadfe.
^ teenth judicial circuit. In Charlevoix county where Mr.
-abelMtioe b owtola.'-0bi
Mayne is known thirunjust attack will d/him no harm, but
in order that the voters of this circuit whfa are not peraonaAy
A naM to a P»**i vlaa Ctaas.
acquainted with Mr. Mayne may know the professional moi^
Board*—Sartieal akiD nowaday!
; at and social sUnding in which he is held in this vicinity, we. mam to awoU Wom ftotblaA 1 *ae
baaawltb aaoaatlbi
■r: Ae physicians and dentists of Charlevoix. irrespecUve of pietreadlacar
OyfOM # bayian U tadaead to tba dl
? patty affiliations, do hereby represent to the people of said
aad bow
r circuit that we have been acquainted srith fhe
Fredft erick W. Mayne for many years: that his repuution andd tba axdatoa o< tbe elomacb. to !•liua
[Continued to eighth pftge.1
TfcvorJvk of thr f'rrr TraUvr* •'«>Anskvrrrn.
t'lirti r i>n>i<<rtii>n iliiti nation lint. d»v>-to|H‘d into an (-xii-.riii]^ iuttti'ad <il' at.
iui|>.rtutK nati.iti Thi- *loi»n «,f tbe
triirt.Ti. al«a>> bna la-n that mt-t
mit bny al>r< art, wcraDn.it lu-ll abitwd.'
We aredaiiy liuyinc lii* ahtoart and
ifllinK more abmad
Thni. aro the ib«v>ri«i of the free
trader* anewen-d by the told fei-te of
IMCtiraf ('Xtieriemv. Can it be puekible
that tbe Aioerican people are to be
hnnibnEKvid hy tbe lbe<iriMtR into the
•bancbiDtuent of a i«.liry that hHi*
bronKht eoib marreloti* remilu. *mh
Rlorion* arbievemeGtii in indAktrialde
velopni.-nt on the plea that the I'nited
State* ha* oaiRmwD pMtectiunT
Given suythinK like equality -in
method*, with their rh.aper Ub:r c»>t.
tbe nritiiib iiianafariiirt-iMkonlrt bioii
rt«ain the i-Tonnd ihrt are kieinB
never ha» taken very i.mK for tb.' Uritikh niannfa.'iiirej'ii to nii.li rmine .Suierlean indnttiriei. if Riven tbf opjiuriiinity
n prt.i«li<>ii forU.e
of the I'tiTled StBtiv. ve M-e here deveP
oi>ed ■ hlRb type of iBiln*trul
tiumi rap.ihletg coi’ipetiiiRei»b mxrkeb 1.0 ini}kirinul '
doi-tiun —Ttenv* Garett
A eplM Bet BB fr
It ie not Rraemlly koown that a re
ward waa once offered (or Senator ilcrrUl a life. He told tbe atory bituxeU at
loeetlB* of the Venaont HUiorical
aociety about four vi«r* «Ra ‘•in tbe
earty dayi of tbe bie war." be «id.
“my picture wae pot forth by a lybet
VirjflaU aewuptp*. with an advertbeBent offiTing a reward for me. dead «r
aUve. of 145 That wa* tunally offoed
for tbe recovery <«f ninaway alavea
Tberdeacribod me 'a penoa who woald
be ezpMted lo have been tbe aatbor of
“Yankee Doodb" ratb* tbaa'of tbe,
lafmal tariff <ff IMI ' The ptetare
waa ofMftna. pbaftag •» tbe old maaten of tbe Math, tataf after tbe ma»MT of Bofarth. aM I bare not leaiwed
that it ba* been made ImnMrUl by |
fvaarrvatiM la aay of tbe bbtoleal e»detiea. It will ba to peatwity to aay.
« pomarity i^oaU ever WoaUe itaeU to !
my anytUac. wbetber or not Termont' ibe la Mi
me to tbe
VirciBia ivward.
Kewbarx (M. T.) B««iawr.
Look up our al. on this subject lu another
place in this, paper. It has bosn the
Money Saver
Suit Purchasers
Ever offered by us, and therefore surpass
es any offer made by others at any time.
Many staple goods not hitherto offered at
discount prices have been
At This Sale,...
This sale wa are drawing to a close as
rapidly as pissible, but there yet remain
several hundred suits of tbe different
grades advertised which we ^pe to close
in tbe next week or ten days Call and
see them at least—It will be a satisfaction
to 08 to show them, even if we should not
make a sale to you.
Clothing Co.
TK lowunsM wmii.
>mblea the wtb In alia. U at
time the ndn araterloua la
V»i.aa a Urine «orld or a-4wd one?
1. . la lo N-j ik II in a rooWiou lo
aopjK»« inbahiieuiR. and ik U piVhati<«
lUt aueh tnbaUum. are there.un
•IIM M Ml. tiMt «lri mm4 MaJ te B«
H.tTi Lm.Iiic.
Tberc M u roumg »Aa la Holroira
Vito, br a reeeot iaeident. bat bm
»oTlDi.-«4 that tb«r« la morv truth
than fictloo In the trite aariag that
tme love ner^ mni amoothlT.’' The
other erentne hr railed upon hU oveei*
She lived on the third floor of
aiory Main »i.-rvi blo.-k,- The
tirhanr? frerf
Vk* «f7 of ao»fonti*Mbip koiai
It rtdkmtona. whoa one cos-1
tUan the
Tbo arvnment
•dvaaeed U favor
the DeMraUc
f—eij... y ^ whloh InulUfrat
voten will not oocmider for n moment
a an riven n
•M.U thawhi.
................................. .
'■ “ “““““
u»™ ™ . I~d
-t u..
dale tor the ofiee of CtrcnilJadee for '
Ihemt Jadleial Clrenlt vlil bebeldi
a* Trarere* CUy. Mlob.. on Thnraday.'
the **rd day of Pebnaiy. 18W. ai *
•’stoeh p. «. 7^
Oecd^i wUl be anUOed to dtlefatoa
n«*enc« and barren of llvin* forma? | xn* rotina woman openml the 4oor
Them; Qaeatlona astronomere at prea- and waa roofrontrd by a atout borlf
ent are unable to anawer. bnt t .elr mati; who aaplatoed that he waa the
aSorte to atawer them and the ohwr- Health ofirer. and that In riew of the
rnUona that tber hare made of the f"'*' ih»t a caa* of amallpoz bad Ju#i
p,^ poaaeae an almuat •*«> dlnrorered on the fourth floor of
the blork. It would be ueceaaary to
,'l«: Charlavtria. 14; o«,d «^Un* intermt.
rim lei ua briefly reeall what Venua
la. It It a (lobe II r our earlh and uf jp,.
very nearly the aa..i« macoliude, h .r.
W. P. Cmman. liecretary.
Bntod. TmverneCliy. Mmh.. Feb*. ISlrt. |n( a diameter of about 7.700 mlW. woman She didnY nilnd'belni:
Tberw doean’t aeom to bo a vnal while that of the e~rcb la a llitle more '■inaied her»elf ..... ....f knew
nmoant of noo-narUaanablp In the than 7.^ mllea.* So neatly of the «»uld 6e npiKmed (o any .urh proceedAom there? That U the mil
“>e two planrio that If
The Hralih offlrer loat no time
ww.. for
av* , ““*■ ■>«“
above, VlilhH
doea there? inai » we mu
tor-------------------------------------- a mual diet'harlle with the.rett. 0.>v>n»c l.<Ud.l oonrau™ 'f “““
.V rt*
ahould be UUaWe. wllhput
rnntic madldnte whoee nnme
•he DemoemUc ticket of the official
hnUot The writer of thU waa preaent
•t thla Democratic oonrenllon. Be did
•Ot bear any Uepublimn, t'nlon-Silver
or ProhlblUon party aeniimenu en
nnd aa anch i
I hie revprci
It waa thefifni
of ibeauuln aome ymra and It wa*
•otable In khla regard. U abowa that
thedaya-of fnalou-and eomblnatloDk
nmover. not only In tlrand TraTene.
hntln mchlfan. for the autr oonven
•km held »t Kalamazoo. March aib.
irr^^ri^rr^rr;.: rrs;
^be tubetanf* oi Venu. la .lidaiy wrnmt hT
lighter, bulk for bulk, than ibal wi.lrh
TbU itt a.prrUy atale ^^Balrt. I
eompoaee the earth, but the dlffereare niiist Hay.' wid be. hauKhUly.V li
In ihi. reapeot la ao imir that axain piiy a man raonot vail upon a young
U would re«iii|ns .perial eia^.lnaiton ady without being luterrupti d by an
aui'Ot of the Health Departmrnl, gnd
rnbir fool of the will of V.-nua and
r.:nk.- eomrbodr HUlTrr fur ihts,“
equal amount of tbr noII of ibe eanh.
■ hit the Irate youth vcMilid ^own la
itiir and then off raroe Ills «-oat. The
»T“»»'*on*'’r ?hr'w“l'KhI*'y“^:"I yoimg lady fled to an Mc|j.iinlng room.
on Wtiou kbe'^luiiied
- ................ fhiiille
tbe earth If we . .uid atep upon Vc- and hr hut not been around to ct"
nus we Bbu<ild Onrt that we had |mrt- kimi! The Physhlaii waa folding
rd with u r.-w |k>< pda of welp't. lut t: hill for een li vk ii iideivd. Now the
young woman tlinateiis to bring cirLl
dlBrrence woi d not be v ry no- v flon against tli.- Hianh Upsitment !Thi- kind we sold all winter,at ’5
ll*'«Dle, .-m-pt pe rhaps on the rare %)i alleuHtIng lo r lovt i's affertlona.—
land 2*^c. now on sitecial sale at___
9]>ilngflri(l Vnjw.
,, __ .
many resiMt i^. Ik very different fr»n>
jjHc co..™Uon. Tb.1 »ll ™-4 ..
Th. . ..11. ,
dlunnre from the mm la Va.rtud.iHM
Vrnu, from the
• M^i IB the city of Kalamazoo.^oo
■«<>'*• Thla differ.
ay. March?. IstU'. at I o’clockbrromre a lualirr of great ‘mfor the pnrpoaeof nomlaaUngu pbrtanm j-hen we conmder tbe effe. ia
dale for the (dice of Jnallceo; w hirh ih* aim prudiovs upon tlo- two
planeu Ileal and light, as d\erylH>df
•he Supreme Court of Mleblgai
•wo Bcfenteof tbe I'niTenlly.
known, vary InteiiMiIy ea tbe nquare
tesaanet aoch other bnalncaa a
of thr dlNlani-e. When we ronuare
peopnriy cone before tbe convention.
the Minurr trf the earth’a dlatanro
There doesn’t aerm to be a vaei from ihr a 1 wUb the square of Ve•mount of non parliaanablp In lJ»k* nua dialanre. we i .d that the former
•nil. either, doee there? The Union la about doublv the .alter. This mrsne
BUver men, the miver-Repulllmok. ib^ that Venua. on the average. g»iK twice
. ProhlbltionlaU-are nowhere invited II •• ihurh heat and light-from the Run
tkk cadi to be preaent. any more than •*
™r'D «•’•••
___ ... ____
ttn W«r. 1= Ui. D,Bocn.Uc J.dl™ ""
!“«'>• »' »""»
•peud for Ibolr
The only hint or mention of not.
On ihe ••i.nh,. w hen
.1 waa made in ih. j.. ------ the
... ------ 1- legiims toward
1 coDvenllon waa tbe .|uiir tre equator, wo And the number of living
nnnt reference to tbe fact toat th- forms niid the variety aud intensity
'Dnmocralie candidate ot tbe omivozi of the luunIfoKlailons of life eunilnuai•toncould only be elected by Kv^ubli b Im-rVuslng, until, in the oquatnrial
_p voim. It waa a bappy oovvvoiion
earth, «ea and air are all emwilWuB Ih. 11.1.I.B. fell ih.t >h.
«"H Oi-IIB Hill,™.
that Venus,
as lU.j.
mii. Uh
----- were back in their o.d and mne)
' ...B.
• . ...ae. MB
■ Mt|^ .iw
B ..
.' 01.
tovM Democratic home once more.
aunal.lne as thr wiuh. should be proBut why much a convention ooold b. porKonaiely more'.tow de<l w,1th i>ui>
•(torwards btraided aa a eon-paitisai. *»al aliil v<«elablr inliabiiants. and
•MventiOD. why iu mndidate covl 'Dai the iiiteusli) of life iheie should
•Isla BepnbUcan roleuon tbepimu.
wirrespondingly greater.
. fall
fBii loom.
of the earth
mud.- * "®'’
^ *Den Ihe . imule
|*tonamedU. Itemocral. ha* been f
Dnaoent tor thirty yean, baa beer pois,. *
-ornmion of thi- es
MrrreM'vely active aa a DemoemU.- might be suppased now to prevail npfurtlaan. has many timm beenamr on Venus. Harper's Hound Table.
41Aaie on tbe DemoemUc ticket for]
• muffing from township looon-l
Ttie Tr.mr. «r>i Ite.l minr.O,
^nmlonnl. but Ibeen nn|o
A ffimt dmi has been Mid and -wm.
|Biir~‘ of Bepnbllcnn .principles nn.. tm b
storma Hint
* ............
» ,h
sweep with'realstiem fiiry
^ BepoblimiiJ
.BBr-----------■ party
r--n tot'
— nmrly
-------, ”
•Bird of n century, and boa. daring nil '“**
pmirlea. but without ine
(hftt period, done nil in hu power to
y.vid hit
AaLiVthe Eenublimna and Republican
P'**'"*^ *° Dim?2Soil
*“*’ ttvpuouear
^ rmllae ml
Aod%et, the Kepublicnnk nre nun **'** “ ''Hzaard meapa.
T‘e peii.iraiitig wind, roaring and
I to support tbu candidate
howling, shirting gulrkly from one-
OB^BU. ,u..M .. u M.,... ,n»,
0T\ 88.\e VVXs u>ttV otvt cast YVaXii Ylvest &ooii6, Tt^nVar
naWe \i \-Z cents. "VDe
\\\m so \»e caa seVV tVvcva aV
S cents .a ^av4. MDe caaaoV ^et aa^ more at ttvts ^nce, so
Tjoa >»aat some o^ these qoo&s 'goa mtVt \\aae to he oa tvaad
^OT the^ mvVt aot tast a aseeV. at ttvts vfvee.
T>o no\
Mwk (hr 04«r of l'»h«rr« !• Trawa.
(rrreg ip rJrlmmrrrThr* <V‘t:iilk*i| .thr |H'rfuiioTy bo^inem
nr«' di-M-nl.d in il» Ilimggy^hBtii
----Thv.dn'id -ni-iuuiv of w huh n
‘ Di— «o nt nindkt- i« not
,*'"«•» bul liialilv rrrtitii«l iqnrits of
I'liu•' imiiregntiisl nth tbe d.
•«lor but the iiifiwi.m of fratrrant flow• r«
of wuiv wnnid fnil t-, !*«•
dmi' TlW diKiritl leriilt .til iiiteniiHdi-
ueliaiiiHig the subtle |>Tfnine
■ it till- flou.rs by uii'uli' Ilf fat. fur
wbiili llhv liiivv a r.-rr -ttutig utlinitT.
-loiply a a. Ivetik
*«oiii,- rtiiw-.'r* :ir- inncratiri in fiit.
wliil., othfi' are simplj l.fuuaht into
i-lw juxiM)»-iii<in !•. sri-aso laiveri'd
with the rivnlt tb»t Uw fat he■avilv ilmri.'rd with {arfuine.
nliil w ill viold II HfliTWaiil to Hu- spirIts ol wine
The hist task of the lUiKiufai tnrer.
onl'we this Hoik be done for him by an
iuteiiiu->liary, ia III deriv.-Irom the-jio• sihii.ie
luatb-s w-luit is .ealbal
\\va\ \\tt ^ovtT
\o hu'i ^vix
1 ft.
1 vU
' We have two other lines «»1 t>eiter got-tis
j that will be of interest to you AQ J
1—dont fail to see them, price ^u“Twu
in Hiriii
worib frut*k. r.K I
Another lot
Dress Suiting
Hon't forget' us on this line -it in our
strong hold.
to aUtftiVVtVbVs. '?ntts ^om
^Vb\b bw& Captb ^Tom
\o $\6.
\o $EO.OO.
White Pique
for Dresses and
Shirt Waists
Is the most popular fabric for this sea
son’s wear- we have them 111^ Jflm
for everybody ix-r yard.. , | UC~4UC
\5c \t> Sft.OO \iaVT.
We make wimlow shades.
We want your carpet trade- We have the carpeto you want. A look in that depart"b*Ts'is! “*“* ^*
Hemp Carpet 12c yard; Ingrain^Carpet at 19c. Tbe one
III. fibouent. bv a , we crow about ia 28c. All wool carpeta 44c, S0o,60c and up. Bruaaela carpeta 60c to $1.00
;; ".;,S >>«■
«.d Lmoieum..
Tin- l«ili-r» of till-• 111! IU an- kept rot at-. ^'
ni« !«• tuavhiiu ry f..r aUmi h w... k, st j
the .11.1 .if u liiiii time il).- spirit ia |
JriiHiiofl .i!»lisfoQud to have taken I
op the ..lor of the d.iw**rH in an inlenaa !
deifTee The sjdrit ie afterward frozen j
to fat ilitate the. removal of a o rtain I
revidne of fat. and afl.-r this'it foruw a
l«.Tfe« lly el.dir and liiupid “sitnple . atniet. " and i. plaveil i)p>in the lahofn*
lalkirill.U-v that the milerinls are dilnt.-.l'anrt bh mb.l into artides f.»r the tuili t It is here wh. re
the r.Ti|H. I.«.k and still tnnre a nilti
vuttvl a]>priH.-iatiiin of oJic come into
,daj Sent.nre pla.N.l ms* tbe i
k.-t btwrii.g the nam.>-i.f m.wt of
«|.uif.,..us H..wers km.w n Few only
„f these an- direvt evira.-u from the
fl..w«. hv whuh llu v are called The
va-i oiujerity ..re imilali..i„-,s,rfnn>e
Iris.. Ip fart-of iheuriffinaK VioB.
H-Iu.llv d.
vi.ilet. Imi the R ..al . strai t has lo ba'
h. IjitHl and r.-eolorv.st by ..lorn more
aii.l dcrivt.d fi
,„nr.-..v . if la-e y.wrs HV„.l.. tic fragram ..iU have l., n obtaip.sl frmu lUt
Pn.t.aP snbst.im-e. coal tar
- The Baffle says the Deaocr«tl,
nnd nostrtU, blind g and amoitiering.
4Mnte for Circolt Judge ia nof a politi It often ol*curea tu a few moment
I'erbaps not, but that doea nut
vestige of u«rk. rendering travmevent hla being an intonae parUaar
Ito man In limnd Tmverae has dope
‘"at roam Ihe
prairies. If far away from scrub or
« to eilrupt to disrupt. i
ilmlier when 1' blizzard biirau
- upon
u.. eo.b,b. P.BX B B,. u,™;
ta iu I
eounty thap be. The UrKAM. U apart; nnd there abide llll the storm la over. ii,pr..priaie r..]HTti..us. Uie |ir«d>mi•nper. and Ita editor la a atrong party
The grouse, or prairie i-hirken. flying aaut eh>m. n............
.m-. .......vanilla
le'iii}; m
m. and for that reoaon con apprec. v»lfH>. prease* Its winga to lU aid.'* -J.wkev flub' luakm a call uix.n nine
.na Plunges
nlnsBBo h<*kd
Hasa first
a,.. into
.».« the
ntogood work In on oppmlllon party. «‘<1
H la no dlacr«lli to the DemoemUc con •"d‘De»‘‘e perfectly wife.
ris Iwini
ing iir.uiiiiii-ui. ''Oimpanaz'’ ban
Aldate that ba has been ao atronalv'
‘De plains If caught TS tn«rvdi.-iiu. while “Parma riolrt"
itTanoVZZ ""'’rocT'a'^
Ba^bllmn* of the Clrealt to now anp wmpa hia blanket closely about him.
port tke DemoemUc candidate on the creep# into the hole he hu made and
The Kepubl
e for Circuit
pirn of aoB-parUmnablp. The Bepnt- U qnlekly drifted over.
_________a ‘ But tbe white
Judge la In every respect wnrtby (be
IMnn party of
tbe Clrenlt preoenU
Mb U everr wny worthy tbe auppori *Da pmlrle often become* utterly be- support of tbe votom of tbe drenll, nod
•fftbn pMgd^nnd •nrelyof hla party.
modern oronnd imul com- certainly there is no good r«nw» why
to which be boa nlwny* been tme. ?:?-Lf.V’rj"!?'P«* he ebonid not have (he united support
wkOe (be Democtats oak n* to vote for
j of the party
■ who ba* tor i
* than a
fmrtor of n CMtnry. doM everTtblag
A >todeat ot ^mnUb nannU has .w,
to Un power to defeat tb* BepnbUeon
„ IE.
|Wty OKI iU prlndplea Thlt U ow
of prieea by mveali'ng tram t^
1^ bon-parUnaBahlp mn mod.
' n«hlv« ot tbe Ebeurlnl what It com
^ ^ atroogly Re-
We koow your needs and have lefl no
stone unturned to find the best stocking
tbe market affords for the boys and girls.
Fast Black "Iron Clad"
/ ‘Leatlier Stocking" Triple Knee
For 25 cents a pair.
This busy department is all'lined up
with the best assortment of strong, dur*
altlc and
"Best 5uVwvq eortoU
Our l»*c line double knee and high
spliced heel, is a belter oqe than you are
in the habit of buying.
I>u not have your spring gown htted
over an old one—Come and be fitted to
the one best adapted to your form.
Jackets At Less Tlan Half Price At Milliken’s.
Closing one lot of $4.00 to $6.00 for just Jl.98.
&Vo\)es *5ov SasieT\
Tkiia department is no trouble at all to ua. All that wo want la a
chance to show you the goode—they speak for thomselvoa
wonld bnoome ia tba political histny
of theeironlta
' ~
bwy. and the Demoemtto party
northern Miehigna would be eocreey TOtid f^BwmrJtWtove^t^
pondlngly ni
nnd atmagth
ened. Will the
Bepoblleana of Omad
—*-------- cost for the
Mbte- *ervM to weaken tbe Rep^iTYnveme eonnty nnd toe ctrcalt permit
tob party for the grmt coolest of iwo.
There are now omr 260.000 word* fa toU? We do not bdieee It. Thepnrty
Anted a moo who ie wwtoy
. 'The ;----.M. ..MvuiL
tbe Bngliah language^acknowledged by
‘\“nv^ ?or°U^Sa*’'’w
nuihoriUea. or about 70.000 g
•«PP®rt. who U competent nnd
d be ehonld receive
morn XfMx ta the Oennan. Prmffi. |
n candidates in l»vo?
flffid hUvoUharcoftorobd what Influ- month./At for Chriaiophto Coltunbna
Are even better this year than last, and we are selling quantitiee of
narrow ones for dress trimmings In plain and fancy colors.
Remember we are headquarters tor fancy good*
T*Ts Moaanrtt laooHP
. .
i. CblM WlMtaBM7 McMt/ m. nttoebod
* I bj iMpMtel noUtefn wbiln ea root*
f !f»t»M
KiM tt> l^ibf U«
<n \\ve ADonA. S
At B»»Mi»dnrtbC Annfffmynof Sal.
«viy TMMtey aeniBr- H* aad wte
src de»r iDSte*. Tbey Mid tbrae ebUdru MCkpcd. Altboiifh the faUn- «tm
b«dl7 b«TMd. In tbc fzdtMBenl » 4
ycM- old cfai'd WH left In the hoiue
>W»»edlo donth. Tbecnairooro-
**^*^*^»^:B,d«7n«d Monday tkrm poUoe •are
Ctorkaa Draroo. *fed 17 yearn, triad
The oSdal bdl riacM of pMsteeb. I bUlad aad atom l« wonndMl. •hOa of
Oanaany. baa atnak foran laeraara in I tba popnUoa tea war* killed and to- to board a Morinf frairbt train near
aalM7. Harator 'iiayanr.
I tvaes «< and TO olber* wonodto. aoac Unfera, lake connty, Mmiday. tot
•arer* waatbar w>ptlnma tbroscbFetibabi7 wtU i waa eanfhi la iba brake and dran^i
oat OrMt BriUaa. In Laiwelerahlr*. >»•] toad downward, for ar*-*-«•
Mdarraea of front bae* bean reported j At dnbUtoU. a, by ito falliac of
t lone baa oMrred amoar ito tire
frane work on tbe Maboalaf A aaotber boy were atieMptioR to nteal
I/MdM baa esperlanned
ttrrerlrfuml tto
the Stonoan
Stonnan dock*.
dock*, ala workman were a rid* to ftaldwln toaee a abow.
•loekk and I^<4
toarlaat aaowfall of tbU wiatar.
. tbrown a diatanee of 40 faet to the
Ttoia ha* }nat teen bora to
of PennaylTaal* bn* rtmad. John C. StnrrU of AabtatoU :
Dao Eoaa of Deckarrme. a pair of
aoat a wmmiuioatlon to tba bona* an-1
L'*' 1
o«'r one pound and
Peteraoa and U. U*-j Uiree qoarler* of a pound reanacUrely.
toalfoaUnc May). IW. a* - Dewey loofe. tou of Clereland. are probably
inebiyao iaaendinyat the preaent
fatally tinrt- Three other am eaeaped i tune tbe principal auppllea of boraeday.** and a ]«*) bollday.
with aliffbt iojnriea
j rad»*b to eaelarn citiea. Very little U
Informatioa baa baea rooelrad from
_ .
, ,
. D_ 1-1 reoeired in New^'ork from any otbfr
Tbe a*rieaof exploalon* In Preach |-^^1 of the country. Tbe pHoe mrlea.
alarm Laoae, on tbe
. roTemmeot ammuuiUondepow, which tot lararrlymore tbaa lu cenu per
Atrlon, that two danch
«ed arith terrible dUnatM at i pound.
lean miaalonary are held in onpJviiy
Ooubrao. naar Toulon, followod on ! At Blrmlnpbam Mr*. Wrifht. lha
by tbenntiyeaofMendl dUtriet tbeir
fbiday, maboh 24. isee
% A #n?H the coming of spring we are again at your door to greet
men# you moot cordially, this time with greater inducements than
W W ever-Our spring stock has never been So well selected—nev
er before such an abundance of stylo and va^ety—nover before did
wo own our purchsees as cheap.
3 Floors Jammod With Bargains
To Mahe Room For New Arrivals J
pnreote toflof bean lorlomd and killad. Tba KrtUab ooLonlal autbortUea nnd Maraeillcn. wna continued Tunday
miny wnen
when an aiarminy
alarminy n«i
at Siam Laone are invMtiratinr tto eveolny
oocurredlna labofktory of rgploBivra Mr. Wright, who 1*' maeager
attached'toibewardepartmoor, where , ic^oe tram at Paleraon. N .1
Tbam baa baaa a racarrenoe of enow
that rffret.
esperimeou were beioy made with a
by aerere cold
new kind of renpowder Obiet Bnyi
wenther tbronybont Uermany. A rreal
amoantofdamafa baa been done to
mreUtion. Tbe wenlber baa ayymeatad tbe ladneEza epidemic. In Ber
lin nione ttaie month there were over
MO dentba from iDflueeza. Tbeerbool*
toy* been cloned In Baal Prumla ibU
th- li. mocraUc preaa 1*1-__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
araak, owiny to the apread of the di- thtt AdrlaUcaea for year* ia now rayIny and baa cauied a anapenaloo . f all
^ non-pariUan
i^ne with a tN>m»cralie cnodidatr;/
Dnrlor tbe abaenoa of John Oian and, ahipptay.
wife, of Oreenfell. Mnnlioto. from;
ttotr farm, tbeir maideaee eauybt Bre
and tbair By* eblldren were burned to'
Our Clothing Department
‘^“bi.-i... b.1. .bleb b-
A lot of Men’s All Wool $5.00 Suits are noyr
I Sittle SVemt
*'X’.0^ Sxv\ms\. »i
PlTe peraooa were injured, two prob
ably tntnily. lo a ninaway durloy a
taneml at BmaavUl*. Ind. They were
ia a back aod tbe team became frlcbleaed at a atreet car. Tbe bach waa
The lee Id Ualte Huron ia a* Brm aa
eompletely damoliabed and the foneml
ever, and mtenda a* far aa ryr can
proeeaaion waa atopped an boor.
_ ! rweb from Middle ialaod.
The aeaffold erected lo tbelarye eaw-1
p„bably not be
dnet burner at tbe mi I of W. a Ed- Tnnniny before April ImUl
arards A Co at Bockland. Canada, yav*
Tbefwife nnd four ebltdren of .lobn i
way joat aa tbe meh were eoterlay and
boedaa of Mnekeyto »t« poiaooed «au*Mtny
mtny down um
upon tto Ifive who nnieranye meat Thnraday for dinner and
•B. billed four of them.
mre taken alek. Tbeir eaae* beonme |
Iny to adyleea from the orient. ■yymyated yeaterday. Tbe year-oldaon i
tto omperor of Korea baa cauaed a een- ’ bf Mr lloedao died at i o'clock from
»tlan by appeariny In n fall uniform ! the effreu of tbe poiaon and Uir 10-'
*«t la American fnaklon. Hi* attend-1 yaar-old ton Ueoryr >a daayerously i'l ‘
MW baee alao bona attired ia American ‘ Mr* Boedan and non Harry, nyed
ntyl* Tto emperor. It 1* alated. baa . year*, are both quite III. but are
adorned tbe top of the Korean em. contldered Uanyeroualy *o.
A lot of Men’s All Wool $6.00 Suits are now 0i| OR
reduced to
reduced to......................... .......................................................... tPI iJU
A lot ol Men’s All Wool $12.00 to $14 Suits 0Q nfl
reduced to......................................................................
A big snap of 100 Men’s All Wool Spring Suits, made
to retail at $6.00—we secured the lot at 60c 00 EH
on the dollar—we place on sale today at
>aamgcr—"len t It dauyeroua ti
Men's Grain Congress Working
Men's Satfn Oil Dress Shoe $1.00
Women's Lace and Button Shoe
at................ ........ ............... ■ 98c
Children's Shoes from
10c up
AlJob lot men's flue Dress Shoes,
_Plngree & Smith Brand among
them, not all sizes, toes not the
latest, values $4 to $6, to close
. at.......................................... $1-48
Men's high cut Work and River
^ ShM8_at_prlce8_nnmatchable.
Our spring stock [Of .nobby foot
wear is all in.
Try our
I TBCE Tsr~r~isr'~PTT
nm MKm sue
3O-H0RSES--3O |
I Saturday, April 1st, |
^ Oonsleti.ng of choice farm maree, heavy and light draft and
driving horees, 4 to 8 years old. weighing 900
to leOO pounds, at
^ Geo. Gains’ Barn, 'Opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse Git;.
8«1« to oommanee at 1:80 p. m.
Tarma of ftala—Eight noathi time wilt be givra oo *
ed bank Botf^ rt«l «mut^ ;
or i'hkttei iBortgMgM at $ per tout interest, or 6 par oast, off for oaah.
Every horse will be wsrrant<>d sa represented when sold, snd salisfsction jrnaranteed.
and will be sold to the highest bidder, tLDd will be tried uD dsy of sale.
We have 20 horses (or sale every day at Mine bsm. Come and see tor yonrself before
buying elsewhere. Here is where you get bsrgaina, sod as I boy Uie horees direct from tbe '
men thst raise them I can save j’ou the middle-man’s profit I boy them myself and know !
they are bought woitb the msiiey and (or -that reason ssn sell them cbesp to yon.
Xo side bidding will be allowed.
Wood and all kinds of stock taken in exchange.
iJas. 0. Jenson & Co
:0ur Shoe Department. Dry Goods Department
............................................................. ............... tI»*Ti4w
A lot of Men’s All Wool $10.00 Suits are now 07 Rfl
- The farmbouae of Sllaa While of glnce my EuUIla’dled
Tbe ateamer mioehiu Maru brinj a Thrtford towosbip. neat Plinl. humri? 11/^“
Ladies S2.50
“Tri-On-Fa” Shoe,
-The greatest invention of the
In face of heavy advance in cot
ton we still offer:
Yard wide good brown sheeting
American Best Light Prints - Sc
Yard Wide Percale
4 l-2c
Best Dress Print......................... 4o
Good Outing
3 l-2c
Apron Gingham
Wall Paper.
The largest stocks in tbe city.
Wall P^per from 2 cts. a roll up.
Gilts from 4 cents a roll upwards.
Carpets and Mattings 10 eta up.
All Wool Carpets from 44 cts. up.
Look” Out For Our Millinery Opening
Our Wash Goods and Muslin Sale Is Now Going On. ,i
Leaders of Low Prices.
The Boston Store,
I Front Street
IContipued from filfth page.]
character for honesty, imcgrity. morality and good ciiizenahtp stand unimpeached; that in his private and professional
life he is most highly esteemed by his neighliors irrespective
of political beliefs, and that by reason of his legal attain
ments and high moral character he is eminently fitted tor the
hifi^ office to which he has been nominated by his party, and
thhl he is receiving the loyal and enthusiastic support of the
Republican party in Charlevoix county.
Charlevoix, Michigan. March 20, tSwI.
KVI Lewis, M. D..
Ri H. .^KMsTRnm;, M. D..
L. M. KANAoy. M. IK
W. K. Lewis. M. D..
J. B. Tiuelen, M. D..
A. A. SwjNTos. M. D.,
E.H. Wicks. D. D. S..
Frank WjLeFkvrk. M. D..
J.A. At ui. D. I). S.
Bird* Thai Are raaalhaU
One fiiir dayt a batch at liny parta*
fceet* from a n.tchbormR Irland ar
rived. ana 1 i^.nataiulKi.a tuyaeir on
havtna at iaat acvtuli.U aume arolable
tnemben ..f my bird commnnity. Rueh
(inllr Ciruture* «■ re never aeen. With
their pair freen p'uiv.iise ard the IttUe
*Ta)-b«-dert had* which earlly eaplaiiin! Iliclr name or -'lanuciiln.'' they
mifCe ihrni*rlvea >)Ultr huH-y It) one «(
the inai J .Inmrr .'r cufiUi ->r the Arab
eaco. In a tea daya. hoaever. a myaterlt'ua allir*m brolm out amona all tha
othrr Mti'« Nearly evbry olber bird
arv-med eutklenly to pirfci cuinc about
on one ti-c At Iaat 41 diiward on me
that many or the caraiie* had actually
only one lea An huur'a <-ar>tul walihIna qii.aid <ne a parrakeet aiding up to
a •Anury. «i.d. after rdfoing to be deep|y abaorbed in lU oa-ti toilet, pemtlnf
each gay wine fiatber moat carefully.
, the Uule areuh would give a audden
awift nip at the alender leg at Ita
atlgtiber. and alumlutely bit It off then
and there Of rourae. I Immediately
lurmd the lapucblna out of the cage
amh much Dbleqay. but too late to aava
aeveral of ray ixior little pela from a
Wa dtaromAlvr* abuwa bvw mUiakm ba
—as low ah any “Bankrupt,” ‘-Water” or “Fire” stock you
ever saw- -we attach ho other tale to account for the low
price at which these were purchased, except that we bought
in large quantities for CASH.- Without any longer story we
wilPs^y that we guarantee prices on these suits which will
. We the undersigned. Ministers of the Ctospel of Charle
voix. Michigan, are ]>ersonally well acquainted with the Hon.
Fredrick W. Mayne of Cltarlcvoi.v. Michigan, some of us
having known him for several years. By reason of his legal
learning and high moral character, we consider him eminent
ly qualified to hll the jiosition of Circuit Judge of the Thir
teenth Judicial Circuit to which high and honorable office he
aspires. If elected Mr. Mayne will bring to the bench those
qualities of mini! which will enable him to determine wisely
and rigiueouslv the questions submitted to him while his con
duct and example off the bench will reflect credit on himself
and the court over which he presides.
We unite in making this statement to showthat we fully
indorse the candidacy of Mr. Mayne.
W. H. McCartney, Superanuate Minister M.E.Ch.
A. F. N.\(;i.er. Pastor M. E. church.
H. A. Smith. Baptist clergyman.
J. Aei.worth. Pastor Cong 1 church.
A. E. CitciK. Pastor Baptist church.
Wbrn « fli' twu'M fr.im an •(*. on* of
• r»mll> .of aouMUUt*. n 1*
• blUv
I'Slo-' Wb.ti niMur*
ll an.-rd* itif •Lvfl.iit uli* uC Ui*- niuM
mao-clou* ll.iU* In all luuurt . wllfa Ita
nerve elu>lrr* am: Umlh. lU reel Ilk*
Uif hoof* or a rliInMvruf. a thou»and
holloa Kaita on n- h r.uii|.ad. the ainca.
Wbu-fa make fS.ap. vtlxallcna a aeo nd
and the €'y**. Tli.-rr ai* '.PW ..f lliter
Mc'h a iMrf.xl In *
A rt>‘> r>r* are hard. Insmovahie atid
retain tbrlr rnrtn attrr death Aa a A>
cannot turn lie farad. It ha* eyea in ail
dtracUona Ro amall are thrae eye* that
l.M.m would a»t cover tht aurfare nf
a aquan lack. Kach «ye tneaeurva a
tbouaaadih |«rt of an im-b and Ute
'K.lar la almo*t al'>ayt red
Barb or Ukeae <-><0 la a leni and ph»
«^ra|iha hava wen taken tbr.>u«h
them Tba Imae* ar* or earylni kinda
- I inkina c
haod. O.ea»>c>nally will) hi* Ihouaahd e>rs a 11)
la Ueoalead. Thl» l* evIdetKed ah<n a
hKwhoUtr taildr a mom baa«a ti* tfaa
aawaemitiuv. He do*a not a**
--7 --.TTTTT-T
India la/hot couaur, but oc^oaally, once in eigbl or leg yeata. tbay ca' Joy afcat^g out there. ThU occurred
I duriag IV Iaat winter. At one at. the
', kill outi^na at an elevation of %M» feet,
on a lake ua by « yarda broad, tb.
Biaitab reatdenu have aajoyad the rare
MMT aaaeru that aport of eurUag. Vha lea teraaa direct
a af aound ran ha ly after a *arp tel at amam aal It la
wtth atm aar thaa paaBMa U teau a«eaM diBtef Mddair.
wkwtka Bw aaftaBd ^ iaa.
Suits that are all medium to summer weight—no winter
goods—bm^ght as cheap as auyones’ money would buy them
The Hon. Frederick W. Mayne, having received the
nomination as jidge of the Thirteenth judicial circuit by the
Republican convention held at Traverse City on the ?ih day
of March last. we. the undersigned, members of the common
council of Charlevoix village, do hereby express to the voters
of this circuit our conlidence in his integrity and ability and
recommend him to the voters as being in every respect em
inently (lualificd for the high office to which he has been
H. Nichui.s, President,
H. S. Haksiia,
I-'. G. Hines.
H. Bepkoro,
(i. \'as Au.SIlCEEn,
Hi.moki ii. Mcoce. Trustees.
'To the \ oters of the Thirteenth Jubicial Circuit—The
democratic press, not satisfied with' the prpspecis of success
of the nOn-partisanshi|> theory, are now attacking the char
acter of the Hon. I'redrick W. Mayne, republican candidate
for judge of tlie Thirteenth Judicial Circuit. To the voters
we desire to say that we have been acquainted with Mr.
Maynie for twenty years and upwards; lhat.dunng all this time
4>e has enjoyed and now enjoys the conlidence of the entire com- j
munity in which he resides; that he sustains the reputation of
an honest man and a true citizen; that his professional repu
tation and his pHyate character stand uuimpeached; that by
‘reason of his long experience and his success at the bar. as
w^tl as his legal learning and high moral character, he is
eminently well qualified to dischage the duties of the high
office l<* which he has been nominated by his party with hon
or to himself and to the people of this Judicial Circuit, and
we do indbrsc and commend him to the ^'Olers as being in
every way worthy of your confidence and your ballots.
Charlevoix Michigan, March 20.
A. |. Strcuik. Judge of Probate
Henrv G. CoiH-Kk. Sheriff
PjiankA.Kanm^n. Conmy Clerk
Wii.i lAM J. Wi iKEi.. Under Sheriff
|oMN Wari*. County Treasurer.
be placed on sale immediately. Come and see.
The First Prize Winners of the Season.
Every Entry a Winner I
7614-r<iray Plaid -satin piping—ht-et lining—best of wool in th*^
8uiU—perfwt workmanship...............................
• •OV.H
7700—Brown mixMl inviaiUe plaid—suRje make as above—noequalled for the money............................. ...................... .
7873 - Brown plaid with tine dark green hair line—strictly new design—same make and trimmings as above...................................
S300-B1s<'k Hay SuiU--everyone knows the value of Clay Wor
steds--a few years ago it wonld have bean a marvel tu buy a
good one for $10.00--now we offer an all wool, handsomely
tailored garment of three desirable and aUple goods at............. Vl*0”
Black and White line stripe Catwimere—an ideal snit for working
meu--etands the wear and <lo.*a not soil easily—complete line
of aizee for nil ahB)>es of men ........................................................ ^O.OO
4109-Ehirk Blue Serge-very popular goods this season—ffnely
tailored—perfect dlting -more of th<«e will be worn this d»a/\ /\f\
spring than probably any other color—this popular make at tPlU.Uvl
9b38—Another winner is-our brown .Melton—beet selling suit we
ever handled-.has appearance of toiler made snit—perfect. ^
ly cut by the must experienced workmen, it cannot fail to
Oiy lofStid-ettTj IS fHl-liitoMl7FtaldMd-$10,00.
We carry goods at $16.00, $18.00. $90.00 and above, and do not beaitafe
to idvertise them at anv time. We prefer to sell only good gixids. and oarTv so
large t stock we meet all demands of clothing buyerg...Oar sniu from five dollars
np we esn fully gsarantee~oar9?.S0 goods have always
line at $ia00 sod above can not be. equalled tor workmanship and maleiiai at
prioee we make yon.
An early call will please ns end satisfy you as to our Urge and exvsptiuBalb'
fine assortment.
Hamilton Clothing Company.
^•«md T*«r—Ko ^8
Bests With
votHive BOX Botrat
UotftTibaS Vrois
WinlUor HoUl
Varloos SiAtes
Now y Tk. M tf^b 2} —O le baadrod
and «rt, forn o-wV-d alt nl^Kt na the
AodBotFederml Ooart
ru<B«of the WiadMK hotel. Nthodi**
•barmu Act
Astla bj were foBod. but stay triaWto aid
penrtBal orttolet wer« voeartbod.
OMrt m4 TB«« to BO »«B*dr l«* ■The ••at V«eB« of ha*BBB re*Bte»
OMBbiMttoM BbmM br bum x.*c- fOBBd OB the XortT.airenth etreot j»5de
‘of the mlea were BOe*rthed today
toUt*oa~OslB«o «4 Ation
, aeo'tha well of >he *ai*e».TboTB
Bmn ta B*p«7 tesB I'salfy.
I B obcbW of boB«B bbS •
) Cuban Oenarals Decide ibat
Army Must Disband.
Sor.^’By Uoiud Suioe
Wilt be Aoc ptod aad S ^ldi*.-* Fold
Off la Spit* nftbe Aaeiably oBd
Oenoral 0-<B>'BWill be Batogalsad
M Chiof Of the Cab»B Frroea.
Htrana. lUrrb SI —Aa imparUnt
M«w York, tovob II —AttnrMf 0*«-' portloo of « flnll.
meetiaa of CBfaoii ronerato bM been
tb%t tb« r»e«U—>—--------------b< H bero. Aiaonr tbeae orooeBt were;
timi nr Mppr«Mk>B nf trwU 1to« onlrlr I
--------- ^
'OeBorBto Modaree. BetoaeoBi^ Di's.
toi tb* o-vwv of Ua UdirMnsI stotM.
BBlMB tba oobWdbU«w* afl-et
Vew York.
I ^ Oorsaloe. It w» decided to dotlf»
«UU on^wBfBB. Only iB tb« UlUr
Pull the cord .
and you
that tbe CBbaa^ni
New York, Marek St —Th« Newjtb*
------•BBB. b«bol4B, BM tbBBBtiOBBl BBtbOT.
lUee of lllerhl York Herald todar pBbUebed »n iBter. I Bust be Itttaedtotely dlaboDded'
kDded'B^ it
toad* or iBdaotrtol oMabiaattoao aBdrr •lew with Mayor IfaybBry of Detroit.; ara* •B’Teadcred. aod tnt the ebltbo v^loaoof tbo SboraiBB aati- of wMeh the follnwlnr to BB rxtran; | dien mnat be allowed to aeerpt the
••MlchlranlaadebateabloeUte. fN-l- Boaey tSrred to then by the Doited
- Tb«w drolaratSaae by tba head of itleallr, aad will roarst year aa pia- Sutra Yoyeremeat.
Tbe aatloaal elerttoa
Ike rearrala decided that ao matter
tba Batkaaal departataat of Jeetlaa—
ble Crat ofi'tol atferaaae oa tbaiBb- to likely to be clna* eo eaa aeed aot be wbat anawrr tbe aaaembly mlrbt make
}eat—ware «ade pebUe here is a letter aarprleed to eee Datmit'a reformer de- to their reaolotiM. they woold aeerpt
by Attoniay Oeaeral Orlpfe ia aaiwer cldipy tbe yeeat eonieet. Ooeeraor I jt |o brbaU of
>f tbe army, tbe cff'rlag
the popular
, tooeafroo J. C. B>wadalle, a Pblla- PloyreewaaBBepobncaa. bat be baa j from the Called Suiee. tbe money to
delpbtoa with larca propertr lotereeu been breakloe away for four yeara He U^ dlatrlbated by O jeeraor-Ueneral
Ib Mew Jereey. Mr. Bowadaile cited baa BOW arrlerd at a aUye where h» ] Brooke.
tba prraeat "rpldem^e" of trade eom- refuaee to atood OB tbe national platThe meetloY further drctarad tba*.
aowbleatloBS and dralred, aeaBepub- form. Indeed, be baa practically form-1 Botwitb-uodloylbe action of tbe saIteae. to kaow what tbe ooorae of tbe ed a party of bit ofea la Micbiyan. aodlarmbly in depoai^vtfeaeral O
i.,i •
jij, poaltloP of
BepabllaaUoaal troeeroDeot wonid be. Mr. j IU enapplitr hi*. fl onra at tbe n
mander in
eaa leadera (1e r^fll oerer meet them chief of the Caban forcea.' ley reeoy
-It to ^IdePt that y<m are ooder half way. If they are to have hto aup- D<a -d him aa tbe only cbie^lof the Caaerioue mlaapprabeaelon aa to tbe force port—and they can't carry the
Mtrnded tbe
baoa. Tbe yeaerals who au>
aad aSeot of tbo faderal taw relatlos wUhoBl It—they tauat make yrtol coa- j meeiiny command all t^B^for
___'foroeaia the
to trueta called tbe Shernaa aoU paaailona I do not mean that Pinrree | prortacea of Haraoa. Saau Clara,
ad iBimo.
eoald pot an indepeadent ticket io the'pim^ del Bio aod Ma'aozSMhtn all
-tbe SbernaB tnuiaeidoeaaolylye field aad carry the elate, hot « he I BombrriDy eaaeily U.«W men. Tbe
4e tbe Federal c-torta jnriadictloo
doee not aopport tbe KrpaMicaa ticket' loldient io the pr'eiai^ of ShDtiayi>
aad embloatloo aopetitatlny a re- tbe DemocraU will knrely win. aa far I ,04 Poerto Principe are anre t> agree
atrelotaod iB'iBop'ilr of trade onleaa aa Mitibigaa to concerned.
I u> tbe plan decided apon.
aaeh trade la wbal to knowo aa ister"Pioirree haa a peraonal follayvlDy! TbcaabcmUy, when the rcioluUon
Btate or iateraatloBal trade aad oota- which caoDOl be driyen from him. He j waa prcaenSad to it. did noUlebaie it.
Meree. A tnmbmatloa or treat for the to B'rt ao powerful aa be waa la the He-! but adj •U'-dbd uoi 1 Saturrt*y
parpoae of nalaUlaiBY a mopopoiy la publioan ranka, but hto peraonal ful-| It to probable that O-neral Droohe
tba man tfaelore uf a aroraeary of life lowing ha» increatod da ly "
1 »ui »iga adecroeoryaair ny a rupre'ue
to Bot wlibia tbe acape of tbe Sherman
It to aUled bere that Hororaor Pin-j court «f ]>iatic«. with aix j iriyca ana
act aad aaaaot be bepre«a<'d by
rreewllibeODcof thceormuatth'e fill
p^ideot Thto court w.l; hear
_ F.<Heral osorta. Tula wa» decided
iilnner act f ir April 19, wl>i> b to to! ^Qd decide all appeala. which were f-r.
lilt In the caaeof tbe-U lited S-Btra rally tbe surer Dcmocrala of the eaet.! m.^iy ^nl to Spain for dectoibn. and
aspiBBt tbe r xabioatloQ of auirar com
there will be no appeal frui iuj iilyFirrY BKSSX,S xiilid.
"At a matter of (aet. all tba .com Oetalto of
Tbe dlstribndon of tbe S3 ono oou
e Kecenl
Battle at
panlea wbli-b yoa refer to aa oow or
among tbe Cuban troopa will probably
paalalBC for tbe porpoae of aecorlpg
Maalla. March 23 -DMalla of the begin next werii.
aomplete or partial monopoly of differ flyhtlDg at Iloilo oe March 16 *how
Waablngton. March 33- —Adrlcee
ent braocheaof maanfaetare are eiml- tbV 400 rebel riflemea from Paata from Cuba received by Seanr Qteeada.
lar totbetacar eomblaatioa. aad are were mn by aeven compaaleeof the which be regarda aa trustworthy, are
aot witbla tbe jariadteUon of tbe fed. Biyhteentb Infantry aad a battalion of that tbe Cuban aaeeiublT wllldlaaolve
arat eonru. If amenable to any law
before tbe end of the week, probably
they are amenable to the lawa of tbe
Aaanpporu theae timopa bad three on Satarday. Benor Qieaada regarda
reapeetlee eUtea.
two inch Hotcbktoa yaaa. anderOeaer* thto aa a aatiafaetory onteome. aa tbe |
Made by Michigan Telephone Co.
"It to a popalar error to aaaart that
tor any claaa of aervice deaired.
al Miller, north of Jaru. ac-oee the dtoaolutloB waa brought aboat voinotke attorney feaeral of toe United
rieer. The Americana were met with urily. It will clear the way. in lu
Sutcehaaooatrol of toe eorporationa
a beaey fire. Ote man wat killed and judgment, to a pacific adjaa«ment of
«r oomhiaatlou wbleh eacare in toe
fifteen wounded of the Blrhieeath affalra ta Cuba.
at end cf alx moatha or ebaege
■anafaetare la the earloaa aiatea.
reyimeat. and there were eereral eaaee
to aoy claaa of aervice at will.
Tkto to entirely a matter of atota aon.
ofaaaatroke. General Miller cetimatee
Telenhone the manager to call
that fifty rebel! were killed and 100 Thought to Save Perished In Wind.,
and exp aia new ratna adopted by
"With reference to thoae larfe com'
Waatloaa of aaplul wbleh are aoa
nor Hotel Fire.
(ormlar. ny own Jadyment to that toe
UrandEaptda, Mich., March 2i-Iti
Saayer to not ao maeh to the oob
to feared by her rrlativee that Mrs. I
pity at large aa 11 to to tbe people who Tonaalier Block to be BnUryed at Eiiaabeth Spottawond of thto city waa |
are Indneed to pal tbelr moaey Into
oae of the victim* of the Windsor bo-j
^ Ooet oftS.OOO.
toe parebaae of iheatoek.”
tel fire In New Y ark cYtv. Mra. Spot'*Henry Tonaelier baa bad plana prewood waa a resident of Grand Rapid* ‘
^redforaa es'eatlee addlUoa to tbe
yeara, bat for the laat t*o|
MOTHBB XUXfi BBB gBtbDBBX old part of 'faeTooneller block on Fmat
Id 00.1 roiEia. W1 .inr t.iT«r»-eC .oil liur
atreeL Tbe adoUioa to to be 27tS« yearn had been employed Id tbe laoo-;latf'liy C.llkoil isiik or'-'-«o'* In j.r.ie~iw
0,|Kr.e.-ial *i(ei,«'4> In
b. b.a, of brick •d'jd.b.ruorol of ,b. b« boUl d.Oiaaa Them and Hera>lf Fatal Doeaa
Our store will present a different appearancff.
The entire west nde will b-- deroted to a revr
line—a .;sure winner.
To make the necessary room we are slasbioe
p»-ices on books.
Look at this:
DICKBK8. 16 wolumw*. cloth
8RAKB8PBAR. 7 Yolnm>«,daclE
800rT8 W0BK8,18 To’nmss. half BussU
SCOTT’S Wi3bK8. 18 Tolomas, olbtn
Th ACEBBT. 10 volume*, doth
QUO VADI8, doth.
They won't laat loey.
Maat be aold in 4 day*
have a Ruffle.
“City Bonkstore.**
220 Front 8t.
Linen Sale j Fashionable Men’s
Yen Year Contracts
Subscribers Mat Cancel
Michigan Yclepbone Co.
Gasoline Yachts.
Row Boats, Sailing Craft
I Motor 4t Boat Oe.,W<B P«t'«rlT. Uai a«.-r
^ 90
6 SO
6 40
4 30
14 cents
Wehaee exactly the aamekiadjaaafiratclamcaatom toilor woald
ahow you—bioe arrye or a elec a-nall plaid or alHpe. Our aelecUon to
different from what yoa find in other atorea. furonr.yooda
We have no old stock to work off.
t S. BENDA & CO.
Old Bicycles
Made Like New.
If you »^t r mrol^wh—I to to^>k mgojri aa oe* b-ing lito H. B. GIbbn.
Ml repair, enamel aot decorate it up to-dat^
for a I<l*.'e expenee.
H. E. GIBBS. Proprietor
A Puzzler!
{ It puzzles many to under’Stand how we can sell the
. finest of footwear at such
jlpw prices. Come in uni
we will explain how we do
j it. You need no longer pay
snch exorbitant prices for
pood, reliable shoes.
We are satisfied
with small profits and quick sales.
aiKtiroe W.ir*., U*Drr|„u*. Mf.'h TrJkVr-v.
Tb, robtcrl b.. he. ...rd.l U, IIIll I"™'"*
‘™ >“•
of Worphtae.
widow add her two ebiidrrn still lire
■> aierbuck.
. Xu
LaGraaye. lad.. March 22. — Mra. Krotber- aod work will be aUrted aa
bere. Sarah and Harry Spittownod. tor j
Cba>l e Moltor yeaierday polaoard her
latter telag employed at tbe Ltolng-1
two children and hcraelf. The childBtoD
No finer slock of footwear was ever received io the
The flm thirty feet of tbe o
dren. a bny of 7 yeara and a yonnyer
-1'.'.. f-d- Ik' ..Ik...-Ill b.
b...,.,i.d. „d
girl, are dead. Tbe i
and Trust Ctmipany city than that wc arc now showing
I..0 U...
; ...d-d f.,r .
..bOibW .»d,.d I
.blldr...I, .l.r„.d.
thto I'ity Mutter c
«ob*, btaok
f on bi
V . m
worth $9 63. far $3 25. Same io Vestiag Topfc
tumr.1 he f..uiKlhto wlfojind children
I'T » oscular aky-; Ra'ilniore ovttera alwav* o
id at
T. lvnnin-t '>n. D-itnet Act j worth $5 00 for $3.60.
uaofm-ci u* in bt-d A p'’y»i i.n wa«
f-et in diameter. Around j l^eie'* reeun-ant
T *«rr.euiy.M..i»icac.
Ooodyear Welt calf akin shoes, superior stock latoat
ealird and after much . ff irt Mra Mol-;pip<>a will be erraaged to I
ter wa* rrvived ••nongh pn talk. She I'”'”
elrganl ‘ f lati’aiti with aj
toes, $2.00 to $2 60. worth from $3 00 to $3 50.
admitted that abe bad taken morphine *P'»' in the center ai-l arrangement* ! *
Our chespar lines are record breakers
and given the »»m^ ffrng to tbe chK. j I"*’t'insue from a aerie* ofj 1
drep She bad written a note Baying i to'*Ta around thr clrvi« to arltotio for-1 |
that her ha*band wa* g-ing in*ane and :
B neath the foonu'n. on toe ] *
will bo a circular tatk, wbleh
■ better for them all to be out ofr^flor.
the way. The family waa fairly pm*.;*!'!
• (“'>4
will be
; rounded by palm* and potted plaate.
peren*. Maltertoe
onsameeuhj-eta. Mia. Milter to pot,‘
expected to survive the algbt.
oolorvdelecirie Incaodeareato at night.
Bating a gorgeous effect.
FtBB nr ST ffOBBS.
Biff Btaaa
«saae4 by aa Slwute
Jnateoatoof tbe addition deeeribed
wui be a two eiory addition, r7x40
feet la etoa I'he baaemeat of toto
part will be naed for a sUbla The
fiiat floor wUI be la two parta, for cold
eurage ahd earrtoge room. Tha
OBd Story will be for laa atorugeaad
hay loft, while a portioa of It wUi be
eat apart aa llrtac rooaw for toe porter
aadjaaltorof toebloto.
Thto will be aa exuaalve laprovw
•at aad wtll«aat about U.OOb
St. 4ohaa. Mich., Warch U—Tbs
OSes of toe St-itoaa Table eompaay
waa deatmyed by tra thto morving.
Theeompaay uraalaeorperated amoato
affoaaaaaooeeaort«to*3t.JohaaMaBataMarlageompany.oaeof tlM Uto B.
M Stoelbaaurprtoea
The tra waa aappoaed to hava hMB
aaaami by aa electrie wins. The build* BtBOTBK^TBBlOAB OOKF^TT.
tag waa iasarvd for fito.ooo aad ila
AatacaoM^ Win ba Made by eiffaatic
toataforsu,oro. Thatoaaiaatuoo
Treaua. M. J.. March 12 —Arttolca
SalUvaa aa Befatua.
r iaoorporatloa were filed, today hy
Saa nmoetoao. March M.—Joba L. toe New Baglaad Rteetrie Vehlele B
SuUlvaa haa been ehoaea to lufarae toe
MfiOoy-Ohoyaeki fight m mg*, atght.
TMhfitttSffkWtofi U iauar ofMto
Just in.
New Collars, Percale Shirts, * Neckwear^Pnffs,
Tecks, Strings, Imperials, etc.
Derbj and Soft
Hats. Some desirable new things. Spring Over
coats at prices to suit all parses.
New Spring Goods arriving dailj. Call and
ask to see them and learn what pet^le are wearing
for the coming summer.
The Famous
Shoe For
YkiF an coafirtaUe.
SBX MOAAIAO AACOAD. •«•>>>••• ri»« i>
the ler,
ff»< profMioo. bevinc been mUtcIt j
«nrmr(«l in lh« preetle* of Uw for
VmATBAftS OITT. - MICHIOAMT®«- Be b*e derlng th»t Ume
.L_L ... xmr. M Twm
. held Ihe oa* of P^pewtlny eltoTBey
Uvoterw. Mid thet of prohote Jadre
j one term, eod we eiaoerelj helieer. if
. elected, win prore e worthy i
k T. BkT.
to th« iMoroted Jod»eCorbeiV.—Ald.n
f, W. Beask«, ismior end MhMcei Were.
Shoe Up
The Boys...
I^OYAL PBowder
Mdtes the food more d^kioifs and wholesome
Bealor X^oenm ' Preeentrd ■ Good ;
■E\-i Ko:i eATirovT.
Piofrem L*ei Viebt.
Another toureetlef tterttoir of the ;
Senior LIterery koeiety wm held le^ •
erenlng with ka e«ee«dloyly Iktfe »t- .
■e M Ike ro»u>eic« m Tre*me ClV. teDdinre
mek . M aeruee eleee setter.
A tiulatette oompoeed of Meeare T1 e
rr>D ann Don Morfran, Verlio Tbooa*
Oeorye Chaae and 8am Chkmbeiiatn ;
rendered Dleaaiac banj> aelectioba and ;
d-bearty eDoarea.
A aketeh writua by LelUe Marria
Par iMUee <d the Soprene Cewt.
in which abe reviewed tbe bUtory of ;
^.iiral. hNilsn.
OAnnUd B. UBANT of Boi«bMB. the eealor ^Ibm from'tbe year letB, wae
wUh CLeeaa
I'fikui*.! Uiitcna
reryamaaler. Tbe artlile waa rfad by
•veM ririatuaar iih A|>p><0 Iwalhwa
Per Perewt of the Butc.Csirerkiiy.
Aoni OrUtt.
Aaekoelleot bloffra h eal eeaay of |
OOU BLI R. hU rroN of .Wkyos
William Pitt waa cirea ly Frank No- '
il'ful uf atfte.1 floor, ibtieanArirre ]
votoy followed by a dereiopmrnt by ;
ODlnl >4 eorBO»«1. aiau •lOjit' IS I
9br0fa««lt Jedfe. Uth dadtcUl Orodt. Mabel Oreeao aad macb credit U dne .
. ...D ^ t»#Sr. OD» I
‘her for the ekretal thoaebt kbowa Id
lb thrw I»S1wi«i0b- I
FEED W. MAYMAof CterleroU.
u.mr bake tn a quick orrs to I
her eff It.
The orktIoD w»e clrea by Edsln'
I b« I tma m cs'.i'ry, wui nniii wnurr. p
Cfaaaaaka, bU kabj-et belnf “Oorporkl, dr»i . i-et up into loiiall pitimb. Hare P
very laaeb eet
•lumtoluf wit ■■
nralaetaaeh action and bellerwl that
the time waa not tar dletant when it
r>'l.-ry Inlu n<r won- fur flrr
m-inn.-^ ►
For Meyor,
ihiitflUhaKoyd srallop utirl
woald beproblbltad by >•«i DdaiQrr Hi*sMvr greira chr
Vraali Hkallioaand hakr for ten n
After a pleaeiar piano eoloby Loaiee *
cYvn. whci
For City Clerk.
neck, which
AlBoa W. Biekerri.
1 berea. The qaeetloD .
For rreMvrer.'
wae; '-Beeclred, That at thepreecat
VmiDB r BobbA
time the world enSere more from the
Firgt llrUiodiet Obereb
edaoeted than tbe anednented.*' Tbe
For Jodee of fieoorder’e Ooart,
Nest Sunday
we will take
lx>rts BobcTtD.
oar leet ebot at the OMCe. We do not
Wethy and Bpr* UllUker.^whlle Will
‘ ForSehooUaepector.
Intend that any one pWot who hee
O. B. Dtckeray.
’’any reepect for fairaeelC will errren.
fPr Iteber Board of Pablle Work*.
that nearly el* hnod^ were preeect
Jooeph Booa.
A very eoUrtoialar aketeh of “My la»< Sunday evealag. We are eorry
For Jutlee of the Peaee.
Trip Abroad” waa fiven extemporanthat we could not Sod mwp for all
Foha Verly
eontly by Miae Bvrlyn Morgan..
who came. Come early aad give the
Tbe erltle'e report waB^lvea by Miae nehera a chance to eeat comfortably ee
B«p«bu«aa BiateTiOkek
many ee poecibleTbe oplaloa of tbe Detroit Joorokl
I deelre to correct a wrong impreafBgnrdiaribeoomlaeceoBthe Bepob«•«
WOiyC OH PAWAICA OAMAL. cloB which bk» been made by a peelor
IlM etaU ticket U worthy of Ooaklder>
of oae oC^he city eburebre: mud that 1>
A.TbeuaAnd Kora Lnborwa to be Bn that tbr^ Ii a cootroverey betweea tbe
•‘The work of tbe BepabUcaoconveapaetor of the MetbodUt church and the
rae«iBt 3
Mob U eialaeatly eatUfactory. The re>
••BlaatloBof JoaiiceClaadiae B. Drant
Colon. CoUmbla. March 33.—On Kri- ptklorof one of our aUter rhurchea.
>vith our
Tbe Ifuaeral of 8rrrpb:oe DrFaron
• ho dud at l‘r-..»4a»v.ot WedaeMley
wlii l« brid this mornlar at lOo’cl.Kk
fn-ni the Catil.-lie eburclt kV that plavr.
Deeeaaid waa 16 yckra ol aKcaud Otid
of the crip.
‘Salamander’ Shoes Is
Backlaaa Arnica 6a.va.
Tui Baal dakva in tbe world for
Cota, Biuiaaa, dorea, L-icera, iialt
Kruptiona. and poaSUreiy i-are* PtJea,,
IT no paf required. It la caaranteed :
o give perfect satIefaeL.cn or money;
refunded. }’r:ce ikccou per t<cx. Por|
eelebrJ ti J
vrtu be approved by the tak aad file dayDexiacommluioner .ppolnted by i T*"'to have ao
Of the parly at the polle. The a.-mi- tbe Pauama Canal compaoy wUUtart Informed bla congregation, 1* decidedly
te. ■ni*'.!'.. H U.. b... h.o.. Iw.
aatloBof lUi B ButtoD and of Ud. for J.m.lc W ...11.
■anry A Oeao to be rermuof the uni- thonaand more laboren to work oo the perbapa. two mnalba that I Intended
.vmity agreeably dltpoeed of a faetiuu- canal, it being tbe ioUntlon of the to preaenl my views on |w polar amaze
ments. and two weeVa before the first
•1 Mttteet Ibet bed threatened to work
lecture. tbU annonneemeDt was maCe.
4b}ei7 to tbe integrity of tbe party
i. A. Brr.mit. I’ai-tor.
Fbe reeolniiona give adequate eapreeBrflvitiaa.
Am to the prlDciple* of tbe party. Tbe
Mim Nellie Ualllvaa returned yeaBtory of a Slave.
Jearul can dbmover nothlorin the' terday to her home to Ba'on after bavTo be bound band ana font for years
flniflhed work of the ounveatloa thati ing epeat the past two montba at Big by tbe claima of dlarase U tb« vrorsi
• Botaommeud ftaelf n loyal Re- lUpld* and Add Arbor, where tbe tc- form of elavcrv. George D Williams
puWlcaDa,.wbofollowth« pariyaiand.jc.ivedtfeaunentfor injurlea cauaed of Mauchrater. Mich . telle brw such a
? aa.va:
through thick and iblu to win vie-' by a fall down lUirv at the .Hotel
for fire .
torlfla for
that ahe could
over in bed
Wblllag. She baa fully recovered.
“iaatlee Claudiua B. Ureal la a jaat
The next lecture la Profewor I alone J
•■d apiigbl judge.
Hit reco™
record on
on vna
the orawn'a conrue foryoungmen will be Blcotrli: Ilillera. abe la wopderfaily
a. .tia
.Waehbaa comi •Ddea the admiration I
w aj0< all vrbo have bad bualacaa to Uaaa Calklna of the IVavaraa City Iron msl« diaeaiwi <|oickIr c
^ before tbe trihUDal of which be la Worka will give a talk apon “Civ I
V mambar. Be u impartial, eoDaeiea- Kiigioaeriag.”
Alone aud incorruptable. Having the
Win Boutball bffSIxth atreet U aof' jadieial temperamrni. and a mind au
ferlog with an attack, ot the Uarman down pi*<^p1r K» ry h'l»l-' coamn.
Broad that iudivtdusi or peraonai pret.*ed. On1y.tnrcnu. Bold by .1 shnoon
& Wail. DroggisU,
fudleea eanuot blaa it upon laterpretr
S. G. Stone, an expert window drewr _
jag the law, be atanda aa a model
ladgaaBdlt la aot at all snrprUing of BaUle Creek, baa been employed hr '
Ahat, Irreapeellve of polltlea. bia nom c».rl™ Eow.lh.l. ol U. Bo.to. Slow ^
^aatlop la bail 'd with approbation all for the posIliOD of trimmer. Be comrs
over tbe aUle. Col. Kl> K Button la a with fleileriag recommenJations
yoneg mau who auode high in iba
^fldence of tbe people.ot thla city, Boatoa Store force.
fkfl aniveraity ia hla Alma Mater aad
ha ragarda It aa tenderly aa a mother
fugarda her offspring. Col. Uaory B.
Paaa la a proved friend of the great
iHUlutlan. having aerved on the board
WltheredU toblmeelf and benefit to
The chorus choir of the,Congregation
al church will meet tbla eveulagto re
hearse Easter music. Albmembcra arq
urged to be present.
Claes No. i.of the Plrit: Metfaodlat
ehpreb met last evening at tbe borne
of Mlaa Gardner, on Seventh atreet and
completed arraniremenu for the aoeUI
Tax Bagla cannot refrain from giv to be given In Monugne hall tbb even
Jag the Rxcoai) frequent aavaga dlga ing.
lorflapportlng the Republican eandl
Ooadnetor Peck of the G. R. A I. la
4aS». That paper doaa aot ooaflao pmdly dUplayiag hit train which
IM effona to exalting lu own eoaalau of two eoaebea and a baggage
muat ear, all beantlfol lu an array ot bandW« have (our m good $12 cargMack the Exoobo for atandlng by lu >me new paint and gold lettering.
riages aa were ever abowo, aod one
■vlaelplea and ani^^wtiag the eaadiJamea 0. Jenaoa la In SUllwaUr. for $12.60. Take your choice of
4aua ot the Rcpnbiloaa party.
Minn., parebaaing a earload 'of botaea tbe 6re tbia week for $10.86.
Bagla woald have the Rxcoan
Be will retura next week.
fa Mpport of tbe Democrat caadldalaa
One r^.76. one $8.76 and two at
Mra- John Homan ia eonflned to her ' $8.50.—yonr choice of tbe four for
huiiii the Damoeratlc organ aayu
they are Boa parttaan aomlaeea. The home oa Weal Sevealb atraet with the i$7.85.
ybae placed 1
Strong Qo-Cart for $2.8$.
Mito Jeeaie OUaore U aaatotlag
gMk* maa worthy of tbe vote* aad
Carriagea from $3.76 np.
gMtdaace of the people aad It la the the Caty New* Stand.
The regular sueUng ^ the W. 0.
T. r will take plaM thla':
<;39a'ci’MkiBthepariaru of theflret
M R-eharah.
Mra. Mlehaal Onrtaln, Plalnfald, 1U„
makua the eutoment that ehe eanght
eold, which eetUed____
OB her lunge;
vrua treated for a month
pbyaielaa. hut grew wc.__ to toli
her ahe waa a hopeleet dlcUm
anaptloo axtd thM no medlelL _
cure her. ^^drat^t nggeatod Dr.
r eplalOB the i
Frad W. Meyae of Oharlevotx.
Mrealt jadge of thie jad.clal dhlrlet. and wdili BOW doM her own honaebflMOf which to U pro^ Monlly, work,-and la aa well aa aha ever waa.
DlaeovyMlgtoaely aad poilUcelly he le poel,faaag.halagflidytoty-thfae yeaia<
Honae I'nmiabrog Store.
New Store, 120 Front Street.
Price is $1.50 and $1.25. I
Front Street
I'he Popular. I'p'to.dalc Shoe Hdum
Make rough, r«l hands,
buying in large quantities and pay highest prices.
B»di.Bid' '
>nd Short Maple Wool
have for eale Ikade for good farme.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
You Want To Boy a Wheal?
O iWcIl. hcrc-you arc:
Saturday,"March 25
We will offer for tale in our'bicycle department
Ten Elegant Up-to-date 1899 Bicycles
Baby Carriages!
Jaly of the Exooap to eapport Ihcaa
Not alone beceee they
Rflfahllwni but beoauae they are
«< aWUtr. boueev
thorough fitBflM to the ofllue to which they are
. then.
yvhy ia the name of all that le good
faeald Eepat Uaane vote to Oemoeratot
The only apparaat imwa la. that
faefagUeayethepeopUahould ehnn
BMakllwae aad vote to Damoerau
They are as near waterproof and Areproof as leather can he made.
Hundreds ot boys and youths wear
them and are always well shod.
$22.00 Each.
This is a chance of your life to Imy a good
wheel for a little money.
They are a better wheel than you could buy
three years ago for $66.00.
Remember, only $22.00, and there are only
ten of them.
* S^Ve Sterns
OApruEBO fiurivot.
»: ob«^ * Th..»o. wm-.
Real Estate Excbange!:
L—l!::^;ji~SSS 500 BicyclesI
Ltfr M .KuiVa.
EmI Eiut« fur u1« in bit
nru of the dir-
Arth.r HcbM 4w Of Rt. Jo^ph. wu ‘
Moouo» *al«oioci»;
fioad RsldNt Pro^j
.ra«1, eWn. repal' I
pUcMl ond^r *rrr»t W«diieMi.y «T»-!
EoiHU. J.poory 5*
Boslifss UtiUou iBd fff|deslnMe
lend pot in prtipor • P'-^T ’ '
U/oa*w*rT»Bt'f«.ii. lb.
Henp. Ireoiel^Jy P'*“
Vmit Lob
cdPoftVplUy.U*.. o« tb* «h*rce i.f
«“•»«» “y
------- -r y
robWn|rMdli«oerE^^ bU ycooc
1 bitr* I.k«
Bend pnlWicd. ktripKl tad decorin Oek HclKbte—:
All e-orli proppiir tort prompt
hior b-'irr or < ••per in the •:i't
wbo« beiMrrird »bere*booiur»
iiiw it '► f >r yrt
•CO Tb«= WOBOP', f.»i«y i. •
fm » *b.Jr, rt
ApoiD*!dojlydooc. SetUfeelini. c>)erartm-d, l|t
before buyitip.
rrtpreubl. one Md they kr««>UiiD.>7 •»«»
• »r.T4to . conferrn-e'
wblcn reunit'd lo Pku^t of UBipu'bry
•BSiom oaoe nure tu lk> ibrir rye*
BOW «»«ltlnc the
After the couple trcee 'pe*re. riK*?
^ dnioe ■tre«i Kroot Htr<*et.
.lobof D Block-:
■w-rted they etorted for Hi. Jueepb, bctioa o'boUiurl'.ir* rt Wuhiocton.
lederle’s Hew Shop,
hltl.fiu.. mil. .t Aimit .ter, -Hill. ■'•.“-•I PO”
nine day*
Ihey lo'eoded toeuy fc»r»d»y or two] 1 w»*rtiini'eurpor»l f
who wa»ki?4 in the
Mor« ■UrtiDf OB their kmr J turof-y. | ‘n ‘W pi*-** of
•rtBolder propped to rtUBd ibe toe-’'hrepiiel. 1 bed charge of eeven men
•t*r bod wbaB the eouple retched the
4oor be left ber, otteneihly to p»rcb«ee tqiukd by abooitny ooe Dative and cep
ttekrte. Isatred of wbleh. ft U eeid. he lorinff two more eraad with Jdenkera^
•Btormord the opportonlt)' to desert esd marcbetca.
wiab are wooMcetlsfo » good
Aer, pfier obteleioc ber puree. c^DteioIbC in the nelcfaborbood of 9\Si. The eberp bettl^. ibeu 1 think my abow for ;
I M-rired rt Sl Joeepb a better J >b would he pood. Hloee we
HoBdey witboB* the Bew’y-BBde wife, col newofflart thlnce have eheDCed
Butte and Beteoe boy* now Hand no ••d IsqBlry devi l >ped the clr«aB<tBB'
•aeaec>««b- RetaDelder'e ptreBU live belter abow then If they bel->o»ed l«
•t 8l ioBeph Md ere well rwpMted another etete while op to tba ‘llae tb* |
Be b Bekinc every clfurt to preveBt dba&ce we* made they played favorite.
Two or three of «t have bad our pie-1
ArlBC Ukeo eoBlb to fee* hb yoBsr
toree taken. They ere not very food
wlfe'e MirBced reletlTeeTheMeDbtMtnw workt bM bcbId but iu tbe beat to be bad here. I will |
added Beberie ly to lUreeord fur Be- eend yon one. 1 look pretty tbln in <
' *»alod Boblerraenb. The Ora bw the pictare bet 1 wetfh !«*> Ibe, with
JoetooBpleted en elr pamp for the 00 welfbt of dotbee. Can aUnd all j
PeWTB TMeoB proeeeeMlPplsol.wbieb kind* of ratiffoe wltboul iirinr Mna-;
toibetercMllB the world. tbe 'Brct elea are bard and Bra and I feel pood. |
Du not hear aeytbincof ourreffiBent I
terewt belB( ooa io bm Ob tbe ti
ffolnc borne, only epeculatlve roBor*. |
•tUabe llDM Krtarr Wmiea
•roMe. wbleb b Bted for tbe pnrpoee Tbe weather le Bee. only a little hot J
•< keeplnc • vBeaaa is tbe imaeBee Tbe algbt*. however, are «ool enoDyb :
lu beae dlaeiuiun* ere to aleep eomfortably and tbe aocqal :
7Bt> feet, belfbt Ifi feet, »od welcbt toec are not to bad a* they
•0.000 poBBde. Tbe blc mtoblDe b
...‘5o 5v\ks...
Special l^ngagemenl
The beeatiAil eoathern play.
StcouJi \ot ’^e^a sv\.V.s
UlV to_ 4iai3, ot\4 tVeii are oVt^aat. "Klast bo
soou to bo awToctatoi. tDc xotW bo
g V^tasoii to sbooa tbom to ^oa.
g SivboTt^ Satva \s oora
S soasoa. "tfio Kaoo vt ta atttboVato
S sbaios.
S 6av "Stv “So^p bVaeV.' satta is maVAa^
basiaoss ^or as. Oar ■pvtoo St.OO ■^i.
5^ ^oa \»aat a bottor oao, soo tbo
oao \»o sett at S\.15.
vklaed rt OS.aoo. Tbb Bra b not only
neefelep order* from every pert of the
A ilrbm&lii- h'tp of purity, MimpliHly, anil beait iiitert-ei.
P. A. Neleon of Leland U la the «iVy
uioB for 1U encinee, bgt eleo froi
BaffUnd e«d Uermeny. A telecrepbfe on bnainew.
order wee tbb week received from an -Tom Bbane relurned yeetarday from
artlflulal toe Beoafeclarinc ooapaoy Chloaco, where he purubaaed a carload
of Beltlaore. M'd foroae of the ena of boreea.
A fintt-clnti^ companv
All special scenery
Miaa MIODle llubbell bo* ffooe to
pasy'*eae>l water pnape. Tbb aekea
I’ricea, 26.-,
50i-, 75.-. lJo« scofs, $1.00the third pnap Bede for the eea* ooo- Graven to teacb anolbrrlrrm of vcboo)
D.-nnl* Need baa returnad Ia>t nlirbi
•am. The MebbtM Iron work* b one
•f the Buet eub.tenltel Indaetrlue of from a eoUece in lodlana. where be i*
liweUyaBdaeoureeaf Buch pride lo Btudyinc to be a prirat.
The g teen raise up near Nibnasee
. W> pel a car toad •,( borM«
aow bee <00 men eBployed eod freeb hU anciloQ April
Ij^iUpae ere bsln; let at work dally.
bira. Plur^CR OiUeaden of' Uebrter I
Mb ordlaenae reoeBily peajted by the •ireet. wcDlftu Prankfurl yeaterday lo |
’ Oberlevulx vlllepe conDeil provide* for apeud a few day* with ber pareota and
• Bved Her Bn* every Ume the prsal- friend*.
4aat, elerk or one of the troaieM it
Miw. Ida P .-Ward name up from ban'abBBBt frua a aeeilnr. oale** ou ac alnc Wi.>dnr*day nlpht aud went to her
•OBBi ut elekBea* or abirnee troa bi>me lo I.r)aod yealerdBy a irnloir,
Jjravialt w‘th ber paruot*. after a
Oept. C. Rath, 'who bed cherce of tbe rear'h atM.>ae«>.
•aeooUoB of tbe foar pereon* who oon•plrad to eaaaaalneU Preaideot Lin
Library Bill Pa*a<-d
•ola io IMiis, !* at preecut a reliwey
poetal .Irrk and Uvea rt Jaekaon. Mich. | h,U"Jirid
appropriaiinir »IU.
Bnrlneer yeUurdyof tbe Micb.jao |
,„Vlhe aUU-library and ira.e-iup
OenUal. who baa tlir faal ran between library fur Ibc cnaiiinK twj ye»ra.
Jaekaon and Mieblyan Olty. fa belli vrd
ta be tbe o] ‘cat enplneer in' aervlce
I idly by and I
BOW to thebtatc. lie la cuw well peat aee our drar uoeb buffer wbl
«hr arrlvvi
nf tb.- due or, Au Albany,
• sneBiy. aud hat been in the cab and ;N V.. rtairynian
rit.liMJ at a drug ktore
•‘lookU»pah«art”furthc part flfty-onc f.ir a ti-..«'loi III .•'inie and m-c M» i-i-iui, I
witb croup. Nnt Uu<1yaara. Tbe old aan 1* enllrriy
btl ibrq vrry.iiU
• '.........................................
when tffrblt
bit euf
ine lonjer Uian uauat.^^™ *''•
n.i. tiir in. lie left
bat be II
IK U> fee! the oerd
j au‘. W.gli-a
..f ri-«Bi».-riaici
It and will prolithly not be able
(; lUgli U-inclr. «li cb he b.«rcd would .
give luiuir r>-lirf until ilirdo-.-tur
«UrUo:-l(ir »!ii>nl<l
blloiiKI |i 1 a ?r» bootb hi rciurn. d, ' IqQ Q
I* drawing abuui tKlt every mouth
baying thr do-.-tor nerd uui conic, *t;
aow. la uiarried. but bata’l a ■ebiek or Ibr Clnl I I.as mii.-li better
•blld‘' ill tbe yirurld. Aa may be aaelly gift. Mr. UUo S..-hol7,
J. W. Milliken.
PURE ".imitir"
Hul we do believe in .<igns when lliev ar-e
1,, n*b »1q.-
, ^Ooughn
Job aie
>t finaocial ooea. but .
' fdebdr,
from pure love of bla da'Iy raot on hie j
ihal'’^rt*^' the i-ounuy
failbfal monttet of ateel and Iron.
' ForaalebyM K Wait.
ait. druggiat
Tbe pacniiar and rather dilapidated
looking emigrant oulBi wbicb baa
and get a pint of oyater*
1 aa being
aa. rouu for Hanlatce arrived there
Wadaeaday. It proved lo to MU UarrU,
aaoidoeebaraeurwho left that city
for Mexioo eeveral year* ago. Uarri*
wy* be eUried with bU canvam-ooverWHAT
•d wagon feoa CbibaabBa county,
. Hezleo, Jaaebii. l*ua. and has bad a
land of adveatarB* to relau to a lUieaWANTS.
taff crowd. Be carort tbe aobriqoet
•broagb tb* wcatarn aUte* af -Dick
tte Bovar."
I have just brought in a carof the finest farm and draft
ever shown in this region.
Come to my barn and take
your choice of a fine horse at a
price to suit your purse.
"On tba Rawaaat River," wbleb
coroea to RUinbargM Oraad U|
laalgbtladroeritod aaa mw eoatedy
It approl* atroagly to all
claaaaaof tbrotre pwra
There are
roaay wml dmlopBaata la the plot
aad tbe groaUat advaatage baa been
takaa of tba piNlbUIU«B for tbe aoeaie
•aabelUabBMata. Tba aoapaay ta a
food oae. alt tolag c^oally wall adapt•dfortbelr raapeetlve ptrtt, aad le.tfadea anch favoriu playara ai Polly
•toekwell. Paaay Matbiaa, Rtrlla May.
AUea A. Bailey. Lawreaea B. Atbla««. Barry diaadwaa, Oao B. diepbcaroa, C A Uey, Obaa. B. Perr»<>a.
tan an
Vaad Traabali, and tb*
aadvtelkid, wl._ ______ _
I win wlb Bade OB tb* MW Oralebea
•pHtbiagTroi troducUoa.
baod aewed ptY»eB. imitatlna tipped.
A. R. De PlBeat. editor of tb* Joar- Btebal book* aed oyeUU. Tbie abo* M
for tba youBg bob who want azaetly
f^'“* “fSafka^l* the pr^r atyle. It eoablBM tbe
la bla rtebt aboulM? Lid alda He nobbieaiYtyle with all that h atrietly
••Hv right arm at Umaa waa m- high gybde in aboe aal
aaefeaa. 1 UM (^•berlala'a Triocyetaaped, RB.I
We ^ev theeaelaetfv •gMcylora'tUMel
aaiva relief ala
IW rrMtanwet.
so ^convincing as those which jwint lo the
State Street.
Traverse City, Mich.
3 to 16 years sizes—$1.25 to $3.50.
Boy’s Suits worth from $2 00 to $6,00—
From one hundred and fifty to two hund
red choice bargains lefl—Examine them.
Hamilton ClothlngCo.
increasing d. inanil for our **11KST" flour.
Auction! Auction! Auction!
Saturday will be the Last Day
Of the auction seh-. On that day r-ale will be<
from I p. m. to 2-30 p m. only.
The Entire Stock Uf The Fair
Will be sold at Auctlou to the highest bidder
Nothing reserved- eversthiog must
be sold out In 10 days.
No Trouble to Sell
I 1
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Laoe Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Remember, People, thle Auction Sale ie e ohenoe of •
life-time to bny good, Staple Merohendlse at Auction. It
will aleo pay merchants to attend this eale. Remember this
entire atook mutt be sold in 10 days. Remember the placet
844 Front Street,
Broeoh Bloek,
Sale oommettoee every afteraooa at 8KX) p. m. and at
7:00 p. m- sharp, but goods will be on sale all day hlong.
aiLBBBT LBWIS, Auctioneer,
^ Detroit, Kich
The rtare wlU be kept cv^^lTMoiad^.^L^ M, aad frtai Uetcb If fe
April W, tbare wUl ba a great Ttada Balaof tbe baetalo tbisg. Debt Btaa
Ufa Sale.
M. B.-Tb*Bbironst«raa4belTaaOeaaMn.lUn«n.bwk, ete.,for'Zle. ■
lieiow U ft iiai o( tftc bnjiac
mar i>rlp« <t ymlArdfty for frocftrl**;
ftftndlarapradasift la Trar-
At Cftt>p Me-K-fti e,
S&M Wisdom
An^u.ift. -U*.,: j,uuri Coi Pork
fc.: i.
Prtrfttc U lodftlr. TrSiti Oaii.>, who hftt
P onr. H
Wftft cftrr/iftf aftil. trus Aoauktft lo
^•T*‘ Piuur. H. U. A Co, Co*L...
«amp.hM be«a
U A o->
B« will b« oourl cur-' OoUDtb oer ft................................. .
ICftHper*...................................... '.....
to the
r*r boy M>ct ftoruM tbft oeeko to <irU*- ‘ Chrr<w prr B» ...........................................
U»rdlot ^P*'^
rulftdalpljl*, floU'iftd bU Jib ftt tkft
latter pltoe WadoftMlfty, one dsy ftbeid
Hungry Man
Bnko i-r too.
el bift aebedolft.
Of U ftoldlera who werareported kill,
ad to Oobft, ftll ftfteepl at(bt bft*e beep
toad to bft ftlirft »ad ftUll to tba a*r-
Wbeav aew.^ba...*.................
Tbe aoatradletory rMord* la tb* Oau. No. 1. tier ba. (aaw)............
Oora. per ba..............................................
Rye B- . _
aarwralad. aad tbara rewalM bat few baekwhaat..............
af to bartod to be IdeaUBed.
Thera Better, par to....
, ti
war Aepartwral are balay gradaftliy
araaUll ftasloat laqoitoe (or aoldiera
M wbaai there
to aa
■im. perdoMA--
raowd. awoar
tow three Beagb Ridera.
Tbe reterse
•baw that oa* of tbeee left Oabo, bat
Wr bare eared mee
■tope we begaa akler
Oorh Rem« • '
nabto Rtpen beloagiag to bla bft«« a bottle opei
rrer any of ay fam'ly nr nraelfbegia
baaa oeat to ih* war departmeat.
Ueb cold we
. beirlo
______ toutetbe
. - ...........Coei
▼boa B. WJffi. aoa of Btato beaator. Bratedy, aad ae a reeeit we eerer b«'
lo eesd away for a doctor aad ioeur a
large doetor bill, f<>r Cbaaberltle'e
tItoraUy eat to pleoee Wce'ey Uun, a
Coegb R-oedy nerer falU U‘ curt.
femmg ataa who oatored Wigg*' acbool- l•eerUiolra mrdlelee of great aerlt
Mearb'e. (Jeoeral
rooa with a pteiol aed told bln oae of aod worth—0. H
tbew nuat die. Wigga bad only a pock
ford.noaoty.Pa Poraaleby < B Walt,
et kaife, but ba dt-feoded blmart wUb
dtoappearad aftabooentably.
to W. Wton of Pike doeaty. led.
Uttoaad left bla antegooLal for dead oa
Be waabrlped by bU broth
er, a papll, who aiae bad a knife.
B. B. Arwoar of tbe A'woar Paoklag
0>apany of Kaaaae City, to reported
Br78r^K^» CAHtiS
two aerrpodered tbeoiaelrea to ottcera.
M. BboWN. 4u.wS«7 aaa UaaaMUerel
Lev. apMUl.iiMBUea U, eellectlea>
cearemeeiBc. tMPr..Btp>
^tt^WHL'KAMC<t-Ka>e* U.
ruftkly m with pacaaonia at bto ocl. rrUsi.Ir Bko.-k .-oibo4i.t. Ilafe a p.ulrr
*•, *. W BsallBC's aceorr.
la that plaee.
Tba tanily to •^rh^ru
tor^ed, eapectally aa-Mr. Arnoar U
70 years odd.
Somi Doubt About It
Acenrdlog to reporta from Heonl.eapl.
Tbe mad alloger aa.va Mr,
tel of Korea, tbe whole Korean oabiuet TTT B kiX)K,^s.elaL‘a»ddoiginn.tFr
baa been dUiniteed and two of tbe W • Brnl <>r thr r>r at.J rar. I .umli I
oe«r. Msiaow Itnanl <iT Pssslns Eswuid*
wtoialera bare been baoiBbed beoauae
Priadrtpl. al.«k». 'Ph.ciu. hiiaw and
not nor neeer wae apoUt'c'an. Shadea
of Joe Hariland and 8eih M ffaii; dn
Aaalatant^uperlDteDiteDl if Railway
leal to*prorlncial affaire.
Mail Si-rri.-e L-wia. at San PraneWo,
At MaeoQ, Oa.. at a meeting of the.^
n lim.i.mtY.
a>1skie '
..Oionfla Proll Hronera' asaociatins. u l/r-m ■ r»ll) nm.-rln
lu'. T^^nce IM
WU drelded there would be DO pracbee
^IbdaKT a uam. A<u,ni«}k Nparla.si
for ablpaent from that aute tbla year. VT leniloa l«Pr«l~.tr ersciUc, Boaaai>)ar..
’.■•nillr Oa fUnch.
-Tbe reaeou gUen ii that tbe treea weir
tojerad by tbe reoenl frerar.
A R>ae oorr'eepcindeoi eays:
bla prraooal at
buabo(tbr alteaJantj
-Wbat m ckery
Uia---tbto tbaukkgirlng f,.r my reour
I aball not lire
a week *’
I waa followed by
a pro-
O. Bnatelto
snste Block.
loaced and alarming fainting lit
At I’teaaton, Kaa.. great aaoitamant lo 4 p. w, Tslepboos-Tt
prcraiAorerailcb aUlke la tbe tiae
Tbe lead
•pKkmtl) MlTHWa-MM bicUe .............wb. s
A eraUsai* ul the tlsireraU/ Bosp>tal.
I. Asi
wide aad Ue ore takes oat to to per •’'wh sin.M^tfi’if **'**''
Desirinr dress ewklse done
eeau pare «W {Tba abaft to dowa 00 T aOIBU -r
Xj iKelr h.
Inquire or addr-eis M
■rboHslil ■ di
(det and the ore to aaaily worked,
aking parlara. 44M4 . Kj
rvoiil sireel.
wan belug able to take out a ton a
To D^bato to Xingaley.
•Ilia Llaeoin Litorary Society will go
to Kiag'l. >• ai« afieruoOB. where ibi-y
A lilerary program will be ren
g.mi. w*KTiaii'K'ni t«r n i»r er^t >-
dered and a dUoaaalon npjn the quae-
Bereral eleigb
will go from ibU eity and toba In Ibe
^OK H\LK~A sassre plans Is r.rndeosdi
lion »i a bargatp JihjairT al IIT W. (.
yilKL WvlCTEl)I n.» renrea' hsuse s..rs
tx Hir*d} I
bsl Nfoihsii
Ketolullnr* paatod on the death of
J'.koMB by tbe raulral W.
b-i 1
Land For Sale!
arrw • m
Mulb of Trereree City: good bmldlnn
plenty of water. 40 acrea nortbereal of city, to aerw of Umber land
14 rallea
aout of city. 40 acrea abi «t
lUea aoutb
7 wUw northwest
It of oily,
and 1 ba<
acreral pleoca in V iford
[ford eonnty.
yon want to
o bay some
can eel
eetl It
to yon At Mrwe ao
ac yon
bny U ..
ly trom Anybody
WAtblnglon 8t
Att wsUt Maw M wtoatm before de-
Telephone 192
Local bran~li irais
CepArts si II Cl s IS
arricM al ll OD-tow.
311 Front Street I
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
Sold by ail deaVre.
Tbe Old Reliable
:=a —
If ao.thM is t?i* p'a-i to ,'•! it il
;:Eu3malin:;-tal Ltth’ ruriiuiof
o of wiu'elr.
• rl'ht an I p->nptly
IMI iu naJ
naJ ose my new
Chicago. •»«
Frua uw
»iii Um of »r:ir-.-[4 to lent
MKS. II. K. GIBBS West Alichigan.
ji;dirBa££eaff&s£C8^:fti ssites
PvloskcT. Msrklaai
-si.u Kaplds. I an p. ss.
--------- 3
118 Front 8tr«et.
|«) Kt.KT llsslialdc
llsslialdc idB-es is eesi al rev>i
. ":\'£hu
;|!«SZ98 RB8&SSS bSAA
•^y«s.s.e »-s-sags.-------------------------
EOinj.au; . Tnourll
VriiicaKAs It ties plraard Uirine Pror
idenoe t. r(morr
from our mioai
our dr.ar aAu-r aod 4x.-.vorkor, Mra
bl J. Ji^hii
t).«rv>orc be It
i« r-ci r.i. Mu-b
t lly the'Oniral W C T I'
of rrar.-’».-r.ii j, M^eb-. of which abr
was s nii-u.K-r, that we pare luat a K' I-brt»'*''lBuuir-'s!Mr«' l^adVr,
Woiliij- s‘. |•^vB.•c.•llt worker, and unr
wiiu wa- a' 'ays true to ibe dictaiea of
her o »o < .••-. lenee. That her long ano
useful Hfr should be an ioapiralion aed
an eaainple of faithfuiaetagiTiog c
age and sireoa'ih loall who hare
ibe power of oee lefluenoe.
Kra.ilnNi. That tbe Union tender Ite
heartfi-lt ayinpalhy to the famlli
• our deceased aiater in tble tbelr 1
Of aorruw
'“a~,r ^iUUliUiiliUUUUUIUIUIAR
C. T. i; iJ Tran rae City. Mwh.
Raeolred. That tbeae reeoIuUoM be
aetemd npiia ibe minutes and that a
eopr be aenl to tbe family of tba deeeaeed and a copy be fnmlebed to tbe
•tty papere with the rcqneat (or pchU-
? ^
hare equal polltleal righu with man."
Mr*. M J
;•«: *E5ieet«S5ES«
Ouilitr, Solid leather, low Pricesond Right Siyies
Mob, -a-solrod. That woman ebould
Will lake piaea.
Diamond J
= Are concedel to be iIib
will g rr ail rni^ruismcnt inlaereolug.
thought really
added deaoondenlly:
O. p. OAKVFM •
(iraod Rapids « Iniiiau t.T
E goof cigar by smoliine it a
towdante bow many in the e^grega.
llanag tbe acrrlsd on Sun
day be aaked one of
denies the Skagnsy report that ten* of
I .K .Mail are being held up hr ranadlan p wtel auiborltm for lack of
lA'isdran staTiipa.
n t>ef|i smoker Inows a ^
Rupe U brg>nul(« to auffer from deprtaaioB
Ever Burned Out"
I 6ur om.T TKI 1 ’
"W -------------
you b«r thBt?-rbarlerri!« Sentniel.
of Wb'ulenata ebangea oade-by tbe cab-
THIM Art rtiir I.niTATlOHS Or Coofljfior.l
and Builders.
Daviit Smith havinjf retirt*d from the fi>m of Smith
Bros . ami formed a itartaership with Geo. Lather, the
new 6rm is now prepared to
make contracts for all kinds
of building.
Teiephooe No. 4.
20 Years Eiprieice.
Kstimates famished for all
kinds of brick and frame
The Blue Label Like This!
Lather A Smltb,
John R. Santo,
GhuiI litmiN.
SiSUlion S':331.
Is on every box of Union Made Cigars—Insist on cigars
made under this label aod yon will be sore of good value
aod a pure amoke.
VbIob Mi aan food wagw for honaat labor.
B.W.C------------ ----------------------"^RaewwOto.meA.
- ■' --
rrMMBBt n«KiBiBF Hbb rciBtB4 o««
Tho Oonoty WUl Olvo ftn In-
cr<-pd. coorictioB aud {in^fw.
Aak*tebcribf.B«a. rr«dW.]Uyap. Hif siwh at
Kfow ih.
tb« &Bpat»lic«B WtiniBM for .
R<.?iis Uarki-i cYob viiiiit tb« natun .l
OircB lJodcB
and r.:in«« th» isstiea |>tc*eii«.^l
Tb« followioc ATKcle Rioted iB tb* „ppn,d,i,.„ ,
•» ruit ir ».,i imv.^
0hari»T0lx*a Bmlneat Attornajr ft Strong Cftadldato-Scftn., '^hArkTo.x s^dUoai
•• *^tf-
cr««.d Kapubllcn HaJori.,.
duou. Atucic. M.t b, 5p.»dia K.dc..m.n« of au!
i,a, \\ x\h bis oo.
^ J.,.”*": :r«:«TS ,';:rrjiroSTo;
thft. Olftrgyraan of Oborlevolx. ftlao Mpmberft ViUago t"‘»‘*v*oier*u»«MBUmei.»
bm Miy ailuiw. pr«jd.i,i MiKmi-y hn» »«w
..!oJ Cb*rlB*nl* ooBotT U8V»*f *TW» JcwBl- luoBH* the nutinn to tb« dniT whkh
-Bonorea ftft
„_ ,b wbieb Mf,
n.. k—
i..mi .td
OonneU, County OfflcAftl* nnd Phyftici*u»-Booorea
“ Ut,
caA.tioDUii ii.
p DtoUngUUhod Lawyer and ft OitlftOn of Intftgrity ftnd. OdmoeraUc m%Bafer; are elreoUUBF
^ iwvrwl. Hf^xpitOriuB or ■>'
JSlgh MormJ WAftTftCtor.
-r. —,o. —ovv----------**'
thf •.■tS.dt »t»ad^.lo«
bbon n...;. Tb.min».uupn.- Ht b.. p.vl, ...d-.. did
- *^0* tb«t «>«•< rrUix. to
Isttrad to tb..
The Democratic campaign leaders are exerting every ef* Md iB the fo iowiatf
fort in their power to gain Republican votes and in their, des tb« •UWBCDU BBd« by D«Md krftint prisHp]«* «,iid tn tb« biKbwt
efwUo iMdrrs BM MM BolBly lot iButivM and to tmi-t to Iba Amerii
peration they have seen fit to circulate false reports r^ard tke parpoao of auhlBr BapablioBk pnoplr (o art npno thrm.
Viriory and t\>nqn««t la<t Jatj flrf>t
ing the record of Hon. Fred W. Mayne, kepublican candi- aetaa, is tba sbMttea of bsf othar ir
aB^MfodlMotattantiMte thaD D>.
U«-«n».lvra to Ibf Uation a.
date for circuit judge of the Thirteenth judicial circuit.
These reports are spread among farmers by those appointed ermue tssoiaaie.
"Tba loysliy of Cftsrlavolx eoBBt» to
to influence voles for the Democratic candidate.
Mr, Mayaa wsa auaaUd by iba
The Republican party in northern Michigan has never Iota wbleh lu dalafs
lor Bisu
yet been short of material for every high place in the gift of tbafood opiBloa wta.'Ulsadi of h>B
the people and in the Republican ranks are numbers of men by diatost LaalaBao waa
thoroughly fitted both
morally, mentally and by every quali I tbe aun ia tba p
vote of half
tmjWiTT. now tmda and a nr»
i»Ffrvi4mty. Ab ngitatiuit and dliraakion *7),
Wtmt /in
bai ebanitrd. Tbr
Lwdaof theorw UTTitory, th»>dcman.ii
i,y pyj,njati„n ihn uermity of load
iDKtbrwbalf wviurcnod tH-mibarharoni
rarm ieb. civilizutios luivr aU-aiUIr
KTown upon th« natiun. and Preaidt-nt
ii,-Kinl.-v »
and iM-mnaairr
ir)' for every'omce for which nominations are ^ Ita dalrffatkn tor bim. and the friasd- d.->..|uratu.o uf tb.. ooutlitun. «.b)rb
made. TheDemocrats are laying great stress upon the fact jkbipofboaraiold. Astrimfor bimwaa ft>rctMthpiinnixuti..n ot thrl’hiliii
luplrt.. th,-o.n-Mi,.L tl.it 111that politics should not enter into the judiciary. They advo-!®*“'^^ti8ii* awAar forbia od tbr
.^caie in every manner possible a non-partisan principle in voi.
Ing for candidates for judge.
That is all right as far as
there a better feeiiny *"'/;iv?uK Ahtb. |.u.,,i....f om-Phiiip-
pjn,„ jkjiiv and .■’•l.r i.nd l>-ucii(>.|)t
row. But .re there not .s good m.in in the Repuhlican par-j‘
whivbprrvalled thiouybou‘ aiiv<.m'iii.ut. allur.litii' tit. ii
ty as any Other, and more of them ? Why then should
eno-»r3;-iti.j rii-m tu hihfl nitd
publicans vole for a Democrat when their own-oarty P*'esems
^blieaiu of iitduplry. iii.tkiit.- tli.-ni f.^.l »ud ku.tw
a min fvlly at Will q ulilijj, with suffi :ient ’ Vxperience. ajtbeij.h ^kiaieircoUw. i^DOiied is tbui »'<■ urc tlmir (ri.-ud.. imi tbrit
Ibal tliv»r pi«J ii. .mr aim. tltHl
superior education and with personal qualities which makej tupport of tbe ooB*eDtion'a
; tboir «e)fare
..iir w..Ifair. hot llt.il
him all that is desired in a judge?
livodereBtedMDdldatBt pi
It their 0. Ith.T ili.ir
H'lurtitiona ni.r«>iir» <
ri-iilizi.d un'il
Has the Democratic candidate any higher moral quali loyal Bupporl, and every <1 [egate went
»«r ai)tli..i
: kiii>wl..d>:rd
kiii>wl..d>:e.d and
ties than Mr. Mayne? Because he is older’and has practiced buneao uBawertlny aoppurier^t^red i Tbtr
___ •■urii::iary
____ j'ary ,if tbr prr~ in dmy id
longer at the bar should he be singled out for Republican W. Mayoe. Tblfeconditiop would have'tbr txtvuiivr 1<
-gilally iviuj l. tr
ir dnjy
diij; of
"f »*.r fntinr
votes on a non-partisan plea, even though he is a life-long cxIatedU tbe candidate bad not beet.
Democrat, named by a Democratic convention pure and
the delegatea waa UtlruklSed by tbe
bi.t Uu jc-r riatbu lu'ilir Plnlipsimple?
aaeaib:r, mabW Ulk of the nominee in '
tb..r,. u In. h sr..w ..ui <d
Hon. Fred W, Mayne is 44 years of age. He has been
.J .
I ll.r mii>e.iiun i-f a htiiijfiiii ivhnli
aocepting lb« bonor.
Mr. Maync'k quilvt. tbrr- {■in
t-r <‘i
,.l thl>
ihi> K'rt
K</\<TllUlrllt tu
practicing law in Charlevoix county and vicinity for sevenapeech o( aeeeptaoee waa rei-eleed with rri'atr tu thM t*7Tll..i
trrril..i v un.1 (nr it» |«op.MH y«rs Suruly «„ uxpuriunce o( .hat many
should .„
oiitiit.il luu. liU rty mi.l >.-if i ui...
.Sitiu;: .'D tfci- l. -i'.Mi.l r..|lon-iitz
fit a man for a position on the bench. Many of the most
H"' l in’M SU!im H-k-iti*
judges in the country hav? not practiced at The bar as long, -cunrievoii Monty ____ -il-. IMfei'r «• liltI'.iI.iDIhI
asthai. Mr. Mayne also has a classical education, gained in kOBor, aad wlU. by iu vote oa tbe .id li.-Ik-Bdi'lK'irti.B'iili aiiit|Qi- niuie ODiwl■ll.'lfd in liikUtry Tl^ I.-w.id Hhiili
<>ne of the best colleges in the country. He is a graduate of of April. JuaUty the cholee made by UrrHi Urituiu bat> li-itnt.il thr..ni;li Uiiw
cininru-k -that Uiv fin.1 duly of ih»the law department of the great Michigan University.
He wore than lu naual majority.
■.iwnijcutv to tbt* rii-|M-BilHi)t r is tbr
has become prominent in legal afTnirs in -nortljern Michigan "IVed W Mayoe waa born near < ig- (Mutv. |ir.~|<ritr «uH m-lf ip.v.Toiuftii
uf tbf Utt<r~ia mv.'|.l.4
thi« n.nnbecause of his sujierior knowledge of the law and his ability
III thr v«TT tlin>!HiM <T iia Kt'-M
has been prominently recognized by the people of the com early ace be wat cradoated from a St. try
lurk ill III.. lr.i|iu-K. u bit'll fnltin* bisLawrenee eoanty litarary aebooi. An
munity in which he lives.
It-ry will kliitw Ik h-.i Utiiurli-d lij tbe
I8T« be eame WaM. loaaUny at Cbarla- i1iili}>|iiui-N Tb.' •'ti.'iliili aii.l M.'x-.-K-ity
He wab.nominated by a convention of distinguished Re
Tolx- Darisy tbe creator partofl>le iuipiwil by tbi-M- bmh i.mu ii.lw mi.l
publicans, a body of citizens who command the respect of
Wty UH'liviw Ik to l. toqniil l.. itin.i in
aad IITB he Uoybt tbe Cbarleeoix dla- CuV*. IVirlo Kic. Hurt tbo'l’liili]tt.in.ti
everyone in northern Michigan. He received the solid sup
trlct acbooLwlth marked aucceaa
•liki-i' to mrry on uu artmiiiiktratioti k>
port of the Charlevoix delegation, which was composed of ■‘Be ■oon after beyao readiny law In visibly rtinxii'rt to tin- jiitifit. jirik-i-rity
nnrt Iruimi);.' uf th>-«' Liorti. in mif xovleading citizens of that county.
a local oflloe, and entered tbe law de- rniUK-ul lliBl th<- wtalil B ill aitpiMW
Antrim county's delegates went to him solid ' as soon as partmentof the Uiebiyan UnirenUy, nur I'riii'ti.'e. nH tho iiHtion Hiipror.-o to
they found they could not get the nomination for their candi' yraduaUny in 18b1. He returned to day ibi- j.ritKinl.-.. f i^-irt.ut M.-Kinliy '» •>{H-<vlirtiu Ibr <i>l.inial jk.lu'y of
dale. and eight of Ledatiau's delegates voted for him. nearly Cbarleeola and opened a law offlee, and tln! Utit.al stM«* - rhiladi lphiu
all of them standing for Mayne during the entire proceedings. baa been in active prartioe here kince.
Yet i n the face of all these favorable conditions and the bit field by no meant beiBy coutiord to
honorable distinction accorded him in the community where Charlevoix eoanty.
he is best knoiyn and where his life has been an mien book “He filled one foil term of foar yeara
aa Jadye of Probate of Charlevoix
to his fellow men. the Democrats would have the voters be
eoBDty. and waa twice elected proaelieve he is not a suitable man for }udge~of the Thirteenth
CBtiny attorney.
judicial circuit.
‘•In 18« be waa married to Uttlle.
The best argument in favor of the Republican candidate___
__ of Nelaon
__ Ainalle. of
eldeet dnnyhter
is thft unqualified endorsement of the people of his own compi^cBlbni n family .of four ebu' munity. T'he Recokd is pleased to print endorsements of dron nnfi n pioMnat and bnopy bone,
which any min may be proud and in this issue are given “Tbe Mart reaordt.of tbeisih eirenU
words of the highest praise from men whose sentiments pub attaattbeaUndlnyofMr. Mayne aa a
licly expressed over their own signatures will have great lawyer. Bia experienee hna been ynlnweight in the district. Mr. Mayne is endorsed by every clergy ed in n broad aeope of ^aoUee. and bit
man of Charlevoix in the warmest terms and commended ability baa bean proven in many a bard
fooybt leyal MOleti.
He ia a clear
for his high moral character and good citizenship.
beaded, diwemlay. MnecienUona and
The entire medical fraternity of Charlevoix also bespeak
iadutriena pmetiooer! Peraoaally be
for him the votes of the people because of his estimable U ^>praaebnbl«. frank and boaonble.
worth and eminent fitness for so lofty a position.
An to bb interritv i^r «ppi.*l<loii mb
The village council of Charlevoix do not hesitate to en- ibmiriwmuda/AtikibarirtH ww.dorse him in terms which go
Mayne isjI “CbnrinvoixknuivtMr.
Mnync-Cbnr- to show that .Judge
—-----esteemed as one of tjie besi citizens of Charlevoix county and I iWoixcanaty know* him. and both
tUr. office of judge. ' TI,thoroughly
qualified for the
The .—..I_____
endorse • apoMar for him na • ^wyor, * ciU«en
ments speak for themselves and the Recorp submits the fol and a man. He b tba peer of My lavlowing to the voters for their consideration, and in answer to Ttr la tba elrenlt. wbether they l)»ve
the maligning sutemenis which are being circulated for the i ^**®*^*^
^*" •^ **^
purpose of prejudicing the voters against a candidate who js j
entitled to their suffrages because of his ability, experience. I
education and high moral character:
ifttnl rcqnblM tbnt fo to make an nprieht iadfo.
“CbarlaveU ud Cbarlavolx Manty
To the Citizens of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit—A
wtU aonaidar tbaaaalvM bowired bj
recent issue of the Charlevoix Democrat indirectly and by Abe alevaikm of Mr. MayM to tba
implication attacked the character of the Hon. Frederick W- beaeb. and. Ilkewbe be wUl boftor tbe
Mayne, the Republican candidate for judge of the Thir- beaeb and tbe elrealt ae Jadfe.
^ teenth judicial circuit. In Charlevoix county where Mr.
-abelMtioe b owtola.'-0bi
Mayne is known thirunjust attack will d/him no harm, but
in order that the voters of this circuit whfa are not peraonaAy
A naM to a P»**i vlaa Ctaas.
acquainted with Mr. Mayne may know the professional moi^
Board*—Sartieal akiD nowaday!
; at and social sUnding in which he is held in this vicinity, we. mam to awoU Wom ftotblaA 1 *ae
baaawltb aaoaatlbi
■r: Ae physicians and dentists of Charlevoix. irrespecUve of pietreadlacar
OyfOM # bayian U tadaead to tba dl
? patty affiliations, do hereby represent to the people of said
aad bow
r circuit that we have been acquainted srith fhe
Fredft erick W. Mayne for many years: that his repuution andd tba axdatoa o< tbe elomacb. to !•liua
[Continued to eighth pftge.1
TfcvorJvk of thr f'rrr TraUvr* •'«>Anskvrrrn.
t'lirti r i>n>i<<rtii>n iliiti nation lint. d»v>-to|H‘d into an (-xii-.riii]^ iuttti'ad <il' at.
iui|>.rtutK nati.iti Thi- *loi»n «,f tbe
triirt.Ti. al«a>> bna la-n that mt-t
mit bny al>r< art, wcraDn.it lu-ll abitwd.'
We aredaiiy liuyinc lii* ahtoart and
ifllinK more abmad
Thni. aro the ib«v>ri«i of the free
trader* anewen-d by the told fei-te of
IMCtiraf ('Xtieriemv. Can it be puekible
that tbe Aioerican people are to be
hnnibnEKvid hy tbe lbe<iriMtR into the
•bancbiDtuent of a i«.liry that hHi*
bronKht eoib marreloti* remilu. *mh
Rlorion* arbievemeGtii in indAktrialde
velopni.-nt on the plea that the I'nited
State* ha* oaiRmwD pMtectiunT
Given suythinK like equality -in
method*, with their rh.aper Ub:r c»>t.
tbe nritiiib iiianafariiirt-iMkonlrt bioii
rt«ain the i-Tonnd ihrt are kieinB
never ha» taken very i.mK for tb.' Uritikh niannfa.'iiirej'ii to nii.li rmine .Suierlean indnttiriei. if Riven tbf opjiuriiinity
n prt.i«li<>ii forU.e
of the I'tiTled StBtiv. ve M-e here deveP
oi>ed ■ hlRb type of iBiln*trul
tiumi rap.ihletg coi’ipetiiiRei»b mxrkeb 1.0 ini}kirinul '
doi-tiun —Ttenv* Garett
A eplM Bet BB fr
It ie not Rraemlly koown that a re
ward waa once offered (or Senator ilcrrUl a life. He told tbe atory bituxeU at
loeetlB* of the Venaont HUiorical
aociety about four vi«r* «Ra ‘•in tbe
earty dayi of tbe bie war." be «id.
“my picture wae pot forth by a lybet
VirjflaU aewuptp*. with an advertbeBent offiTing a reward for me. dead «r
aUve. of 145 That wa* tunally offoed
for tbe recovery <«f ninaway alavea
Tberdeacribod me 'a penoa who woald
be ezpMted lo have been tbe aatbor of
“Yankee Doodb" ratb* tbaa'of tbe,
lafmal tariff <ff IMI ' The ptetare
waa ofMftna. pbaftag •» tbe old maaten of tbe Math, tataf after tbe ma»MT of Bofarth. aM I bare not leaiwed
that it ba* been made ImnMrUl by |
fvaarrvatiM la aay of tbe bbtoleal e»detiea. It will ba to peatwity to aay.
« pomarity i^oaU ever WoaUe itaeU to !
my anytUac. wbetber or not Termont' ibe la Mi
me to tbe
VirciBia ivward.
Kewbarx (M. T.) B««iawr.
Look up our al. on this subject lu another
place in this, paper. It has bosn the
Money Saver
Suit Purchasers
Ever offered by us, and therefore surpass
es any offer made by others at any time.
Many staple goods not hitherto offered at
discount prices have been
At This Sale,...
This sale wa are drawing to a close as
rapidly as pissible, but there yet remain
several hundred suits of tbe different
grades advertised which we ^pe to close
in tbe next week or ten days Call and
see them at least—It will be a satisfaction
to 08 to show them, even if we should not
make a sale to you.
Clothing Co.
TK lowunsM wmii.
>mblea the wtb In alia. U at
time the ndn araterloua la
V»i.aa a Urine «orld or a-4wd one?
1. . la lo N-j ik II in a rooWiou lo
aopjK»« inbahiieuiR. and ik U piVhati<«
lUt aueh tnbaUum. are there.un
•IIM M Ml. tiMt «lri mm4 MaJ te B«
H.tTi Lm.Iiic.
Tberc M u roumg »Aa la Holroira
Vito, br a reeeot iaeident. bat bm
»oTlDi.-«4 that tb«r« la morv truth
than fictloo In the trite aariag that
tme love ner^ mni amoothlT.’' The
other erentne hr railed upon hU oveei*
She lived on the third floor of
aiory Main »i.-rvi blo.-k,- The
tirhanr? frerf
Vk* «f7 of ao»fonti*Mbip koiai
It rtdkmtona. whoa one cos-1
tUan the
Tbo arvnment
•dvaaeed U favor
the DeMraUc
f—eij... y ^ whloh InulUfrat
voten will not oocmider for n moment
a an riven n
•M.U thawhi.
................................. .
'■ “ “““““
u»™ ™ . I~d
-t u..
dale tor the ofiee of CtrcnilJadee for '
Ihemt Jadleial Clrenlt vlil bebeldi
a* Trarere* CUy. Mlob.. on Thnraday.'
the **rd day of Pebnaiy. 18W. ai *
•’stoeh p. «. 7^
Oecd^i wUl be anUOed to dtlefatoa
n«*enc« and barren of llvin* forma? | xn* rotina woman openml the 4oor
Them; Qaeatlona astronomere at prea- and waa roofrontrd by a atout borlf
ent are unable to anawer. bnt t .elr mati; who aaplatoed that he waa the
aSorte to atawer them and the ohwr- Health ofirer. and that In riew of the
rnUona that tber hare made of the f"'*' ih»t a caa* of amallpoz bad Ju#i
p,^ poaaeae an almuat •*«> dlnrorered on the fourth floor of
the blork. It would be ueceaaary to
,'l«: Charlavtria. 14; o«,d «^Un* intermt.
rim lei ua briefly reeall what Venua
la. It It a (lobe II r our earlh and uf jp,.
very nearly the aa..i« macoliude, h .r.
W. P. Cmman. liecretary.
Bntod. TmverneCliy. Mmh.. Feb*. ISlrt. |n( a diameter of about 7.700 mlW. woman She didnY nilnd'belni:
Tberw doean’t aeom to bo a vnal while that of the e~rcb la a llitle more '■inaied her»elf ..... ....f knew
nmoant of noo-narUaanablp In the than 7.^ mllea.* So neatly of the «»uld 6e npiKmed (o any .urh proceedAom there? That U the mil
“>e two planrio that If
The Hralih offlrer loat no time
ww.. for
av* , ““*■ ■>«“
above, VlilhH
doea there? inai » we mu
tor-------------------------------------- a mual diet'harlle with the.rett. 0.>v>n»c l.<Ud.l oonrau™ 'f “““
.V rt*
ahould be UUaWe. wllhput
rnntic madldnte whoee nnme
•he DemoemUc ticket of the official
hnUot The writer of thU waa preaent
•t thla Democratic oonrenllon. Be did
•Ot bear any Uepublimn, t'nlon-Silver
or ProhlblUon party aeniimenu en
nnd aa anch i
I hie revprci
It waa thefifni
of ibeauuln aome ymra and It wa*
•otable In khla regard. U abowa that
thedaya-of fnalou-and eomblnatloDk
nmover. not only In tlrand TraTene.
hntln mchlfan. for the autr oonven
•km held »t Kalamazoo. March aib.
irr^^ri^rr^rr;.: rrs;
^be tubetanf* oi Venu. la .lidaiy wrnmt hT
lighter, bulk for bulk, than ibal wi.lrh
TbU itt a.prrUy atale ^^Balrt. I
eompoaee the earth, but the dlffereare niiist Hay.' wid be. hauKhUly.V li
In ihi. reapeot la ao imir that axain piiy a man raonot vail upon a young
U would re«iii|ns .perial eia^.lnaiton ady without being luterrupti d by an
aui'Ot of the Health Departmrnl, gnd
rnbir fool of the will of V.-nua and
r.:nk.- eomrbodr HUlTrr fur ihts,“
equal amount of tbr noII of ibe eanh.
■ hit the Irate youth vcMilid ^own la
itiir and then off raroe Ills «-oat. The
»T“»»'*on*'’r ?hr'w“l'KhI*'y“^:"I yoimg lady fled to an Mc|j.iinlng room.
on Wtiou kbe'^luiiied
- ................ fhiiille
tbe earth If we . .uid atep upon Vc- and hr hut not been around to ct"
nus we Bbu<ild Onrt that we had |mrt- kimi! The Physhlaii waa folding
rd with u r.-w |k>< pda of welp't. lut t: hill for een li vk ii iideivd. Now the
young woman tlinateiis to bring cirLl
dlBrrence woi d not be v ry no- v flon against tli.- Hianh Upsitment !Thi- kind we sold all winter,at ’5
ll*'«Dle, .-m-pt pe rhaps on the rare %)i alleuHtIng lo r lovt i's affertlona.—
land 2*^c. now on sitecial sale at___
9]>ilngflri(l Vnjw.
,, __ .
many resiMt i^. Ik very different fr»n>
jjHc co..™Uon. Tb.1 »ll ™-4 ..
Th. . ..11. ,
dlunnre from the mm la Va.rtud.iHM
Vrnu, from the
• M^i IB the city of Kalamazoo.^oo
■«<>'*• Thla differ.
ay. March?. IstU'. at I o’clockbrromre a lualirr of great ‘mfor the pnrpoaeof nomlaaUngu pbrtanm j-hen we conmder tbe effe. ia
dale for the (dice of Jnallceo; w hirh ih* aim prudiovs upon tlo- two
planeu Ileal and light, as d\erylH>df
•he Supreme Court of Mleblgai
•wo Bcfenteof tbe I'niTenlly.
known, vary InteiiMiIy ea tbe nquare
tesaanet aoch other bnalncaa a
of thr dlNlani-e. When we ronuare
peopnriy cone before tbe convention.
the Minurr trf the earth’a dlatanro
There doesn’t aerm to be a vaei from ihr a 1 wUb the square of Ve•mount of non parliaanablp In lJ»k* nua dialanre. we i .d that the former
•nil. either, doee there? The Union la about doublv the .alter. This mrsne
BUver men, the miver-Repulllmok. ib^ that Venua. on the average. g»iK twice
. ProhlbltionlaU-are nowhere invited II •• ihurh heat and light-from the Run
tkk cadi to be preaent. any more than •*
™r'D «•’•••
___ ... ____
ttn W«r. 1= Ui. D,Bocn.Uc J.dl™ ""
!“«'>• »' »""»
•peud for Ibolr
The only hint or mention of not.
On ihe ••i.nh,. w hen
.1 waa made in ih. j.. ------ the
... ------ 1- legiims toward
1 coDvenllon waa tbe .|uiir tre equator, wo And the number of living
nnnt reference to tbe fact toat th- forms niid the variety aud intensity
'Dnmocralie candidate ot tbe omivozi of the luunIfoKlailons of life eunilnuai•toncould only be elected by Kv^ubli b Im-rVuslng, until, in the oquatnrial
_p voim. It waa a bappy oovvvoiion
earth, «ea and air are all emwilWuB Ih. 11.1.I.B. fell ih.t >h.
«"H Oi-IIB Hill,™.
that Venus,
as lU.j.
mii. Uh
----- were back in their o.d and mne)
' ...B.
• . ...ae. MB
■ Mt|^ .iw
B ..
.' 01.
tovM Democratic home once more.
aunal.lne as thr wiuh. should be proBut why much a convention ooold b. porKonaiely more'.tow de<l w,1th i>ui>
•(torwards btraided aa a eon-paitisai. *»al aliil v<«elablr inliabiiants. and
•MventiOD. why iu mndidate covl 'Dai the iiiteusli) of life iheie should
•Isla BepnbUcan roleuon tbepimu.
wirrespondingly greater.
. fall
fBii loom.
of the earth
mud.- * "®'’
^ *Den Ihe . imule
|*tonamedU. Itemocral. ha* been f
Dnaoent tor thirty yean, baa beer pois,. *
-ornmion of thi- es
MrrreM'vely active aa a DemoemU.- might be suppased now to prevail npfurtlaan. has many timm beenamr on Venus. Harper's Hound Table.
41Aaie on tbe DemoemUc ticket for]
• muffing from township looon-l
Ttie Tr.mr. «r>i Ite.l minr.O,
^nmlonnl. but Ibeen nn|o
A ffimt dmi has been Mid and -wm.
|Biir~‘ of Bepnbllcnn .principles nn.. tm b
storma Hint
* ............
» ,h
sweep with'realstiem fiiry
^ BepoblimiiJ
.BBr-----------■ party
r--n tot'
— nmrly
-------, ”
•Bird of n century, and boa. daring nil '“**
pmirlea. but without ine
(hftt period, done nil in hu power to
y.vid hit
AaLiVthe Eenublimna and Republican
P'**'"*^ *° Dim?2Soil
*“*’ ttvpuouear
^ rmllae ml
Aod%et, the Kepublicnnk nre nun **'** “ ''Hzaard meapa.
T‘e peii.iraiitig wind, roaring and
I to support tbu candidate
howling, shirting gulrkly from one-
OB^BU. ,u..M .. u M.,... ,n»,
0T\ 88.\e VVXs u>ttV otvt cast YVaXii Ylvest &ooii6, Tt^nVar
naWe \i \-Z cents. "VDe
\\\m so \»e caa seVV tVvcva aV
S cents .a ^av4. MDe caaaoV ^et aa^ more at ttvts ^nce, so
Tjoa >»aat some o^ these qoo&s 'goa mtVt \\aae to he oa tvaad
^OT the^ mvVt aot tast a aseeV. at ttvts vfvee.
T>o no\
Mwk (hr 04«r of l'»h«rr« !• Trawa.
(rrreg ip rJrlmmrrrThr* <V‘t:iilk*i| .thr |H'rfuiioTy bo^inem
nr«' di-M-nl.d in il» Ilimggy^hBtii
----Thv.dn'id -ni-iuuiv of w huh n
‘ Di— «o nt nindkt- i« not
,*'"«•» bul liialilv rrrtitii«l iqnrits of
I'liu•' imiiregntiisl nth tbe d.
•«lor but the iiifiwi.m of fratrrant flow• r«
of wuiv wnnid fnil t-, !*«•
dmi' TlW diKiritl leriilt .til iiiteniiHdi-
ueliaiiiHig the subtle |>Tfnine
■ it till- flou.rs by uii'uli' Ilf fat. fur
wbiili llhv liiivv a r.-rr -ttutig utlinitT.
-loiply a a. Ivetik
*«oiii,- rtiiw-.'r* :ir- inncratiri in fiit.
wliil., othfi' are simplj l.fuuaht into
i-lw juxiM)»-iii<in !•. sri-aso laiveri'd
with the rivnlt tb»t Uw fat he■avilv ilmri.'rd with {arfuine.
nliil w ill viold II HfliTWaiil to Hu- spirIts ol wine
The hist task of the lUiKiufai tnrer.
onl'we this Hoik be done for him by an
iuteiiiu->liary, ia III deriv.-Irom the-jio• sihii.ie
luatb-s w-luit is .ealbal
\\va\ \\tt ^ovtT
\o hu'i ^vix
1 ft.
1 vU
' We have two other lines «»1 t>eiter got-tis
j that will be of interest to you AQ J
1—dont fail to see them, price ^u“Twu
in Hiriii
worib frut*k. r.K I
Another lot
Dress Suiting
Hon't forget' us on this line -it in our
strong hold.
to aUtftiVVtVbVs. '?ntts ^om
^Vb\b bw& Captb ^Tom
\o $\6.
\o $EO.OO.
White Pique
for Dresses and
Shirt Waists
Is the most popular fabric for this sea
son’s wear- we have them 111^ Jflm
for everybody ix-r yard.. , | UC~4UC
\5c \t> Sft.OO \iaVT.
We make wimlow shades.
We want your carpet trade- We have the carpeto you want. A look in that depart"b*Ts'is! “*“* ^*
Hemp Carpet 12c yard; Ingrain^Carpet at 19c. Tbe one
III. fibouent. bv a , we crow about ia 28c. All wool carpeta 44c, S0o,60c and up. Bruaaela carpeta 60c to $1.00
;; ".;,S >>«■
«.d Lmoieum..
Tin- l«ili-r» of till-• 111! IU an- kept rot at-. ^'
ni« !«• tuavhiiu ry f..r aUmi h w... k, st j
the .11.1 .if u liiiii time il).- spirit ia |
JriiHiiofl .i!»lisfoQud to have taken I
op the ..lor of the d.iw**rH in an inlenaa !
deifTee The sjdrit ie afterward frozen j
to fat ilitate the. removal of a o rtain I
revidne of fat. and afl.-r this'it foruw a
l«.Tfe« lly el.dir and liiupid “sitnple . atniet. " and i. plaveil i)p>in the lahofn*
lalkirill.U-v that the milerinls are dilnt.-.l'anrt bh mb.l into artides f.»r the tuili t It is here wh. re
the r.Ti|H. I.«.k and still tnnre a nilti
vuttvl a]>priH.-iatiiin of oJic come into
,daj Sent.nre pla.N.l ms* tbe i
k.-t btwrii.g the nam.>-i.f m.wt of
«|.uif.,..us H..wers km.w n Few only
„f these an- direvt evira.-u from the
fl..w«. hv whuh llu v are called The
va-i oiujerity ..re imilali..i„-,s,rfnn>e
Iris.. Ip fart-of iheuriffinaK VioB.
H-Iu.llv d.
vi.ilet. Imi the R ..al . strai t has lo ba'
h. IjitHl and r.-eolorv.st by ..lorn more
aii.l dcrivt.d fi
,„nr.-..v . if la-e y.wrs HV„.l.. tic fragram ..iU have l., n obtaip.sl frmu lUt
Pn.t.aP snbst.im-e. coal tar
- The Baffle says the Deaocr«tl,
nnd nostrtU, blind g and amoitiering.
4Mnte for Circolt Judge ia nof a politi It often ol*curea tu a few moment
I'erbaps not, but that doea nut
vestige of u«rk. rendering travmevent hla being an intonae parUaar
Ito man In limnd Tmverae has dope
‘"at roam Ihe
prairies. If far away from scrub or
« to eilrupt to disrupt. i
ilmlier when 1' blizzard biirau
- upon
u.. eo.b,b. P.BX B B,. u,™;
ta iu I
eounty thap be. The UrKAM. U apart; nnd there abide llll the storm la over. ii,pr..priaie r..]HTti..us. Uie |ir«d>mi•nper. and Ita editor la a atrong party
The grouse, or prairie i-hirken. flying aaut eh>m. n............
.m-. .......vanilla
le'iii}; m
m. and for that reoaon con apprec. v»lfH>. prease* Its winga to lU aid.'* -J.wkev flub' luakm a call uix.n nine
.na Plunges
nlnsBBo h<*kd
Hasa first
a,.. into
.».« the
ntogood work In on oppmlllon party. «‘<1
H la no dlacr«lli to the DemoemUc con •"d‘De»‘‘e perfectly wife.
ris Iwini
ing iir.uiiiiii-ui. ''Oimpanaz'’ ban
Aldate that ba has been ao atronalv'
‘De plains If caught TS tn«rvdi.-iiu. while “Parma riolrt"
itTanoVZZ ""'’rocT'a'^
Ba^bllmn* of the Clrealt to now anp wmpa hia blanket closely about him.
port tke DemoemUc candidate on the creep# into the hole he hu made and
The Kepubl
e for Circuit
pirn of aoB-parUmnablp. The Bepnt- U qnlekly drifted over.
_________a ‘ But tbe white
Judge la In every respect wnrtby (be
IMnn party of
tbe Clrenlt preoenU
Mb U everr wny worthy tbe auppori *Da pmlrle often become* utterly be- support of tbe votom of tbe drenll, nod
•fftbn pMgd^nnd •nrelyof hla party.
modern oronnd imul com- certainly there is no good r«nw» why
to which be boa nlwny* been tme. ?:?-Lf.V’rj"!?'P«* he ebonid not have (he united support
wkOe (be Democtats oak n* to vote for
j of the party
■ who ba* tor i
* than a
fmrtor of n CMtnry. doM everTtblag
A >todeat ot ^mnUb nannU has .w,
to Un power to defeat tb* BepnbUeon
„ IE.
|Wty OKI iU prlndplea Thlt U ow
of prieea by mveali'ng tram t^
1^ bon-parUnaBahlp mn mod.
' n«hlv« ot tbe Ebeurlnl what It com
^ ^ atroogly Re-
We koow your needs and have lefl no
stone unturned to find the best stocking
tbe market affords for the boys and girls.
Fast Black "Iron Clad"
/ ‘Leatlier Stocking" Triple Knee
For 25 cents a pair.
This busy department is all'lined up
with the best assortment of strong, dur*
altlc and
"Best 5uVwvq eortoU
Our l»*c line double knee and high
spliced heel, is a belter oqe than you are
in the habit of buying.
I>u not have your spring gown htted
over an old one—Come and be fitted to
the one best adapted to your form.
Jackets At Less Tlan Half Price At Milliken’s.
Closing one lot of $4.00 to $6.00 for just Jl.98.
&Vo\)es *5ov SasieT\
Tkiia department is no trouble at all to ua. All that wo want la a
chance to show you the goode—they speak for thomselvoa
wonld bnoome ia tba political histny
of theeironlta
' ~
bwy. and the Demoemtto party
northern Miehigna would be eocreey TOtid f^BwmrJtWtove^t^
pondlngly ni
nnd atmagth
ened. Will the
Bepoblleana of Omad
—*-------- cost for the
Mbte- *ervM to weaken tbe Rep^iTYnveme eonnty nnd toe ctrcalt permit
tob party for the grmt coolest of iwo.
There are now omr 260.000 word* fa toU? We do not bdieee It. Thepnrty
Anted a moo who ie wwtoy
. 'The ;----.M. ..MvuiL
tbe Bngliah language^acknowledged by
‘\“nv^ ?or°U^Sa*’'’w
nuihoriUea. or about 70.000 g
•«PP®rt. who U competent nnd
d be ehonld receive
morn XfMx ta the Oennan. Prmffi. |
n candidates in l»vo?
flffid hUvoUharcoftorobd what Influ- month./At for Chriaiophto Coltunbna
Are even better this year than last, and we are selling quantitiee of
narrow ones for dress trimmings In plain and fancy colors.
Remember we are headquarters tor fancy good*
T*Ts Moaanrtt laooHP
. .
i. CblM WlMtaBM7 McMt/ m. nttoebod
* I bj iMpMtel noUtefn wbiln ea root*
f !f»t»M
KiM tt> l^ibf U«
<n \\ve ADonA. S
At B»»Mi»dnrtbC Annfffmynof Sal.
«viy TMMtey aeniBr- H* aad wte
src de»r iDSte*. Tbey Mid tbrae ebUdru MCkpcd. Altboiifh the faUn- «tm
b«dl7 b«TMd. In tbc fzdtMBenl » 4
ycM- old cfai'd WH left In the hoiue
>W»»edlo donth. Tbecnairooro-
**^*^*^»^:B,d«7n«d Monday tkrm poUoe •are
Ctorkaa Draroo. *fed 17 yearn, triad
The oSdal bdl riacM of pMsteeb. I bUlad aad atom l« wonndMl. •hOa of
Oanaany. baa atnak foran laeraara in I tba popnUoa tea war* killed and to- to board a Morinf frairbt train near
aalM7. Harator 'iiayanr.
I tvaes «< and TO olber* wonodto. aoac Unfera, lake connty, Mmiday. tot
•arer* waatbar w>ptlnma tbroscbFetibabi7 wtU i waa eanfhi la iba brake and dran^i
oat OrMt BriUaa. In Laiwelerahlr*. >»•] toad downward, for ar*-*-«•
Mdarraea of front bae* bean reported j At dnbUtoU. a, by ito falliac of
t lone baa oMrred amoar ito tire
frane work on tbe Maboalaf A aaotber boy were atieMptioR to nteal
I/MdM baa esperlanned
ttrrerlrfuml tto
the Stonoan
Stonnan dock*.
dock*, ala workman were a rid* to ftaldwln toaee a abow.
•loekk and I^<4
toarlaat aaowfall of tbU wiatar.
. tbrown a diatanee of 40 faet to the
Ttoia ha* }nat teen bora to
of PennaylTaal* bn* rtmad. John C. StnrrU of AabtatoU :
Dao Eoaa of Deckarrme. a pair of
aoat a wmmiuioatlon to tba bona* an-1
L'*' 1
o«'r one pound and
Peteraoa and U. U*-j Uiree qoarler* of a pound reanacUrely.
toalfoaUnc May). IW. a* - Dewey loofe. tou of Clereland. are probably
inebiyao iaaendinyat the preaent
fatally tinrt- Three other am eaeaped i tune tbe principal auppllea of boraeday.** and a ]«*) bollday.
with aliffbt iojnriea
j rad»*b to eaelarn citiea. Very little U
Informatioa baa baea rooelrad from
_ .
, ,
. D_ 1-1 reoeired in New^'ork from any otbfr
Tbe a*rieaof exploalon* In Preach |-^^1 of the country. Tbe pHoe mrlea.
alarm Laoae, on tbe
. roTemmeot ammuuiUondepow, which tot lararrlymore tbaa lu cenu per
Atrlon, that two danch
«ed arith terrible dUnatM at i pound.
lean miaalonary are held in onpJviiy
Ooubrao. naar Toulon, followod on ! At Blrmlnpbam Mr*. Wrifht. lha
by tbenntiyeaofMendl dUtriet tbeir
fbiday, maboh 24. isee
% A #n?H the coming of spring we are again at your door to greet
men# you moot cordially, this time with greater inducements than
W W ever-Our spring stock has never been So well selected—nev
er before such an abundance of stylo and va^ety—nover before did
wo own our purchsees as cheap.
3 Floors Jammod With Bargains
To Mahe Room For New Arrivals J
pnreote toflof bean lorlomd and killad. Tba KrtUab ooLonlal autbortUea nnd Maraeillcn. wna continued Tunday
miny wnen
when an aiarminy
alarminy n«i
at Siam Laone are invMtiratinr tto eveolny
oocurredlna labofktory of rgploBivra Mr. Wright, who 1*' maeager
attached'toibewardepartmoor, where , ic^oe tram at Paleraon. N .1
Tbam baa baaa a racarrenoe of enow
that rffret.
esperimeou were beioy made with a
by aerere cold
new kind of renpowder Obiet Bnyi
wenther tbronybont Uermany. A rreal
amoantofdamafa baa been done to
mreUtion. Tbe wenlber baa ayymeatad tbe ladneEza epidemic. In Ber
lin nione ttaie month there were over
MO dentba from iDflueeza. Tbeerbool*
toy* been cloned In Baal Prumla ibU
th- li. mocraUc preaa 1*1-__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
araak, owiny to the apread of the di- thtt AdrlaUcaea for year* ia now rayIny and baa cauied a anapenaloo . f all
^ non-pariUan
i^ne with a tN>m»cralie cnodidatr;/
Dnrlor tbe abaenoa of John Oian and, ahipptay.
wife, of Oreenfell. Mnnlioto. from;
ttotr farm, tbeir maideaee eauybt Bre
and tbair By* eblldren were burned to'
Our Clothing Department
‘^“bi.-i... b.1. .bleb b-
A lot of Men’s All Wool $5.00 Suits are noyr
I Sittle SVemt
*'X’.0^ Sxv\ms\. »i
PlTe peraooa were injured, two prob
ably tntnily. lo a ninaway durloy a
taneml at BmaavUl*. Ind. They were
ia a back aod tbe team became frlcbleaed at a atreet car. Tbe bach waa
The lee Id Ualte Huron ia a* Brm aa
eompletely damoliabed and the foneml
ever, and mtenda a* far aa ryr can
proeeaaion waa atopped an boor.
_ ! rweb from Middle ialaod.
The aeaffold erected lo tbelarye eaw-1
p„bably not be
dnet burner at tbe mi I of W. a Ed- Tnnniny before April ImUl
arards A Co at Bockland. Canada, yav*
Tbefwife nnd four ebltdren of .lobn i
way joat aa tbe meh were eoterlay and
boedaa of Mnekeyto »t« poiaooed «au*Mtny
mtny down um
upon tto Ifive who nnieranye meat Thnraday for dinner and
•B. billed four of them.
mre taken alek. Tbeir eaae* beonme |
Iny to adyleea from the orient. ■yymyated yeaterday. Tbe year-oldaon i
tto omperor of Korea baa cauaed a een- ’ bf Mr lloedao died at i o'clock from
»tlan by appeariny In n fall uniform ! the effreu of tbe poiaon and Uir 10-'
*«t la American fnaklon. Hi* attend-1 yaar-old ton Ueoryr >a daayerously i'l ‘
MW baee alao bona attired ia American ‘ Mr* Boedan and non Harry, nyed
ntyl* Tto emperor. It 1* alated. baa . year*, are both quite III. but are
adorned tbe top of the Korean em. contldered Uanyeroualy *o.
A lot of Men’s All Wool $6.00 Suits are now 0i| OR
reduced to
reduced to......................... .......................................................... tPI iJU
A lot ol Men’s All Wool $12.00 to $14 Suits 0Q nfl
reduced to......................................................................
A big snap of 100 Men’s All Wool Spring Suits, made
to retail at $6.00—we secured the lot at 60c 00 EH
on the dollar—we place on sale today at
>aamgcr—"len t It dauyeroua ti
Men's Grain Congress Working
Men's Satfn Oil Dress Shoe $1.00
Women's Lace and Button Shoe
at................ ........ ............... ■ 98c
Children's Shoes from
10c up
AlJob lot men's flue Dress Shoes,
_Plngree & Smith Brand among
them, not all sizes, toes not the
latest, values $4 to $6, to close
. at.......................................... $1-48
Men's high cut Work and River
^ ShM8_at_prlce8_nnmatchable.
Our spring stock [Of .nobby foot
wear is all in.
Try our
I TBCE Tsr~r~isr'~PTT
nm MKm sue
3O-H0RSES--3O |
I Saturday, April 1st, |
^ Oonsleti.ng of choice farm maree, heavy and light draft and
driving horees, 4 to 8 years old. weighing 900
to leOO pounds, at
^ Geo. Gains’ Barn, 'Opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse Git;.
8«1« to oommanee at 1:80 p. m.
Tarma of ftala—Eight noathi time wilt be givra oo *
ed bank Botf^ rt«l «mut^ ;
or i'hkttei iBortgMgM at $ per tout interest, or 6 par oast, off for oaah.
Every horse will be wsrrant<>d sa represented when sold, snd salisfsction jrnaranteed.
and will be sold to the highest bidder, tLDd will be tried uD dsy of sale.
We have 20 horses (or sale every day at Mine bsm. Come and see tor yonrself before
buying elsewhere. Here is where you get bsrgaina, sod as I boy Uie horees direct from tbe '
men thst raise them I can save j’ou the middle-man’s profit I boy them myself and know !
they are bought woitb the msiiey and (or -that reason ssn sell them cbesp to yon.
Xo side bidding will be allowed.
Wood and all kinds of stock taken in exchange.
iJas. 0. Jenson & Co
:0ur Shoe Department. Dry Goods Department
............................................................. ............... tI»*Ti4w
A lot of Men’s All Wool $10.00 Suits are now 07 Rfl
- The farmbouae of Sllaa While of glnce my EuUIla’dled
Tbe ateamer mioehiu Maru brinj a Thrtford towosbip. neat Plinl. humri? 11/^“
Ladies S2.50
“Tri-On-Fa” Shoe,
-The greatest invention of the
In face of heavy advance in cot
ton we still offer:
Yard wide good brown sheeting
American Best Light Prints - Sc
Yard Wide Percale
4 l-2c
Best Dress Print......................... 4o
Good Outing
3 l-2c
Apron Gingham
Wall Paper.
The largest stocks in tbe city.
Wall P^per from 2 cts. a roll up.
Gilts from 4 cents a roll upwards.
Carpets and Mattings 10 eta up.
All Wool Carpets from 44 cts. up.
Look” Out For Our Millinery Opening
Our Wash Goods and Muslin Sale Is Now Going On. ,i
Leaders of Low Prices.
The Boston Store,
I Front Street
IContipued from filfth page.]
character for honesty, imcgrity. morality and good ciiizenahtp stand unimpeached; that in his private and professional
life he is most highly esteemed by his neighliors irrespective
of political beliefs, and that by reason of his legal attain
ments and high moral character he is eminently fitted tor the
hifi^ office to which he has been nominated by his party, and
thhl he is receiving the loyal and enthusiastic support of the
Republican party in Charlevoix county.
Charlevoix, Michigan. March 20, tSwI.
KVI Lewis, M. D..
Ri H. .^KMsTRnm;, M. D..
L. M. KANAoy. M. IK
W. K. Lewis. M. D..
J. B. Tiuelen, M. D..
A. A. SwjNTos. M. D.,
E.H. Wicks. D. D. S..
Frank WjLeFkvrk. M. D..
J.A. At ui. D. I). S.
Bird* Thai Are raaalhaU
One fiiir dayt a batch at liny parta*
fceet* from a n.tchbormR Irland ar
rived. ana 1 i^.nataiulKi.a tuyaeir on
havtna at iaat acvtuli.U aume arolable
tnemben ..f my bird commnnity. Rueh
(inllr Ciruture* «■ re never aeen. With
their pair freen p'uiv.iise ard the IttUe
*Ta)-b«-dert had* which earlly eaplaiiin! Iliclr name or -'lanuciiln.'' they
mifCe ihrni*rlvea >)Ultr huH-y It) one «(
the inai J .Inmrr .'r cufiUi ->r the Arab
eaco. In a tea daya. hoaever. a myaterlt'ua allir*m brolm out amona all tha
othrr Mti'« Nearly evbry olber bird
arv-med eutklenly to pirfci cuinc about
on one ti-c At Iaat 41 diiward on me
that many or the caraiie* had actually
only one lea An huur'a <-ar>tul walihIna qii.aid <ne a parrakeet aiding up to
a •Anury. «i.d. after rdfoing to be deep|y abaorbed in lU oa-ti toilet, pemtlnf
each gay wine fiatber moat carefully.
, the Uule areuh would give a audden
awift nip at the alender leg at Ita
atlgtiber. and alumlutely bit It off then
and there Of rourae. I Immediately
lurmd the lapucblna out of the cage
amh much Dbleqay. but too late to aava
aeveral of ray ixior little pela from a
Wa dtaromAlvr* abuwa bvw mUiakm ba
—as low ah any “Bankrupt,” ‘-Water” or “Fire” stock you
ever saw- -we attach ho other tale to account for the low
price at which these were purchased, except that we bought
in large quantities for CASH.- Without any longer story we
wilPs^y that we guarantee prices on these suits which will
. We the undersigned. Ministers of the Ctospel of Charle
voix. Michigan, are ]>ersonally well acquainted with the Hon.
Fredrick W. Mayne of Cltarlcvoi.v. Michigan, some of us
having known him for several years. By reason of his legal
learning and high moral character, we consider him eminent
ly qualified to hll the jiosition of Circuit Judge of the Thir
teenth Judicial Circuit to which high and honorable office he
aspires. If elected Mr. Mayne will bring to the bench those
qualities of mini! which will enable him to determine wisely
and rigiueouslv the questions submitted to him while his con
duct and example off the bench will reflect credit on himself
and the court over which he presides.
We unite in making this statement to showthat we fully
indorse the candidacy of Mr. Mayne.
W. H. McCartney, Superanuate Minister M.E.Ch.
A. F. N.\(;i.er. Pastor M. E. church.
H. A. Smith. Baptist clergyman.
J. Aei.worth. Pastor Cong 1 church.
A. E. CitciK. Pastor Baptist church.
Wbrn « fli' twu'M fr.im an •(*. on* of
• r»mll> .of aouMUUt*. n 1*
• blUv
I'Slo-' Wb.ti niMur*
ll an.-rd* itif •Lvfl.iit uli* uC Ui*- niuM
mao-clou* ll.iU* In all luuurt . wllfa Ita
nerve elu>lrr* am: Umlh. lU reel Ilk*
Uif hoof* or a rliInMvruf. a thou»and
holloa Kaita on n- h r.uii|.ad. the ainca.
Wbu-fa make fS.ap. vtlxallcna a aeo nd
and the €'y**. Tli.-rr ai* '.PW ..f lliter
Mc'h a iMrf.xl In *
A rt>‘> r>r* are hard. Insmovahie atid
retain tbrlr rnrtn attrr death Aa a A>
cannot turn lie farad. It ha* eyea in ail
dtracUona Ro amall are thrae eye* that
l.M.m would a»t cover tht aurfare nf
a aquan lack. Kach «ye tneaeurva a
tbouaaadih |«rt of an im-b and Ute
'K.lar la almo*t al'>ayt red
Barb or Ukeae <-><0 la a leni and ph»
«^ra|iha hava wen taken tbr.>u«h
them Tba Imae* ar* or earylni kinda
- I inkina c
haod. O.ea»>c>nally will) hi* Ihouaahd e>rs a 11)
la Ueoalead. Thl» l* evIdetKed ah<n a
hKwhoUtr taildr a mom baa«a ti* tfaa
aawaemitiuv. He do*a not a**
--7 --.TTTTT-T
India la/hot couaur, but oc^oaally, once in eigbl or leg yeata. tbay ca' Joy afcat^g out there. ThU occurred
I duriag IV Iaat winter. At one at. the
', kill outi^na at an elevation of %M» feet,
on a lake ua by « yarda broad, tb.
Biaitab reatdenu have aajoyad the rare
MMT aaaeru that aport of eurUag. Vha lea teraaa direct
a af aound ran ha ly after a *arp tel at amam aal It la
wtth atm aar thaa paaBMa U teau a«eaM diBtef Mddair.
wkwtka Bw aaftaBd ^ iaa.
Suits that are all medium to summer weight—no winter
goods—bm^ght as cheap as auyones’ money would buy them
The Hon. Frederick W. Mayne, having received the
nomination as jidge of the Thirteenth judicial circuit by the
Republican convention held at Traverse City on the ?ih day
of March last. we. the undersigned, members of the common
council of Charlevoix village, do hereby express to the voters
of this circuit our conlidence in his integrity and ability and
recommend him to the voters as being in every respect em
inently (lualificd for the high office to which he has been
H. Nichui.s, President,
H. S. Haksiia,
I-'. G. Hines.
H. Bepkoro,
(i. \'as Au.SIlCEEn,
Hi.moki ii. Mcoce. Trustees.
'To the \ oters of the Thirteenth Jubicial Circuit—The
democratic press, not satisfied with' the prpspecis of success
of the nOn-partisanshi|> theory, are now attacking the char
acter of the Hon. I'redrick W. Mayne, republican candidate
for judge of tlie Thirteenth Judicial Circuit. To the voters
we desire to say that we have been acquainted with Mr.
Maynie for twenty years and upwards; lhat.dunng all this time
4>e has enjoyed and now enjoys the conlidence of the entire com- j
munity in which he resides; that he sustains the reputation of
an honest man and a true citizen; that his professional repu
tation and his pHyate character stand uuimpeached; that by
‘reason of his long experience and his success at the bar. as
w^tl as his legal learning and high moral character, he is
eminently well qualified to dischage the duties of the high
office l<* which he has been nominated by his party with hon
or to himself and to the people of this Judicial Circuit, and
we do indbrsc and commend him to the ^'Olers as being in
every way worthy of your confidence and your ballots.
Charlevoix Michigan, March 20.
A. |. Strcuik. Judge of Probate
Henrv G. CoiH-Kk. Sheriff
PjiankA.Kanm^n. Conmy Clerk
Wii.i lAM J. Wi iKEi.. Under Sheriff
|oMN Wari*. County Treasurer.
be placed on sale immediately. Come and see.
The First Prize Winners of the Season.
Every Entry a Winner I
7614-r<iray Plaid -satin piping—ht-et lining—best of wool in th*^
8uiU—perfwt workmanship...............................
• •OV.H
7700—Brown mixMl inviaiUe plaid—suRje make as above—noequalled for the money............................. ...................... .
7873 - Brown plaid with tine dark green hair line—strictly new design—same make and trimmings as above...................................
S300-B1s<'k Hay SuiU--everyone knows the value of Clay Wor
steds--a few years ago it wonld have bean a marvel tu buy a
good one for $10.00--now we offer an all wool, handsomely
tailored garment of three desirable and aUple goods at............. Vl*0”
Black and White line stripe Catwimere—an ideal snit for working
meu--etands the wear and <lo.*a not soil easily—complete line
of aizee for nil ahB)>es of men ........................................................ ^O.OO
4109-Ehirk Blue Serge-very popular goods this season—ffnely
tailored—perfect dlting -more of th<«e will be worn this d»a/\ /\f\
spring than probably any other color—this popular make at tPlU.Uvl
9b38—Another winner is-our brown .Melton—beet selling suit we
ever handled-.has appearance of toiler made snit—perfect. ^
ly cut by the must experienced workmen, it cannot fail to
Oiy lofStid-ettTj IS fHl-liitoMl7FtaldMd-$10,00.
We carry goods at $16.00, $18.00. $90.00 and above, and do not beaitafe
to idvertise them at anv time. We prefer to sell only good gixids. and oarTv so
large t stock we meet all demands of clothing buyerg...Oar sniu from five dollars
np we esn fully gsarantee~oar9?.S0 goods have always
line at $ia00 sod above can not be. equalled tor workmanship and maleiiai at
prioee we make yon.
An early call will please ns end satisfy you as to our Urge and exvsptiuBalb'
fine assortment.
Hamilton Clothing Company.
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