The Morning Record, September 24, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 24, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Third Tom-No 746.

BwwptiOB In Honor of XnAMToron X«Mt Xroning.
TaatarBo^ Trognm Fan of Utaraat
asB Frtftt-Oaaa Fartiaaaat aa4
•eheel of MatWa B^pfal-Oouatj

for Today aad

Taatarday^ omIob of tba Cbrtetlae
^daaror oaetmtfoB« bow Mac
la thto tity. war# fnU of lataraat aa
iMl aa proBt Tba wtaiac^ baalaaaa
amloa waa dCTOtad tarfaly to tba raperti e< tba aaaeaUva ofleert of tba
Dtabrtat Ualoa. Tba raport of Seera­
tary M. B HoUay waa aaaaoiaUy lataroat^. He eouaadad the aoeleUee
tolbecood work dooe la tbe paet.
aad anted to aoatiaaad faltbfalBOM la
tbafatara. Bit addraaa waa comprebaselee aad loeplrlac. Be rare eome
latareatlac eutlat'oa. from whleh U
appeare that la tba dletrlct there are
M recelarC B. aoeleUee, aad It jialor
Sixty have eatared the
ohar^ from tbe C. K. aoeleUee doriac
the paet year, aad aearly BtOO baa
beea c1*m to mlealoBa.
Tbe aoonel addraaa of the preeldent
erae aa laeplrior ooa Mtae Oeborn
tuced creat falthfelaeae la tbe work of
^eoelety aad tbe eberob. Her ad
drete wae eery belpfal.
Meteecee were read from eereral otbar dlotrieta la the etate and were
oeeaeleB of mocb pleaaara to tbe eoawntioa.
OAMta Sleeted,
dt the beelaoM meotlaf tbe followlac ofiMn were elected:
FTMldeat-FkaaeU Lealle, Morthpork

Beeratary—M. S Holley, Treraree
MMonary Bnperialeadwt — Boee
Jnalor Boperlatoadeat—Mi« Oarr.
Traverae Oily.
Member ExeenUre Oomnittoe—John
Seott. Maple City.
Mr. Leelle reeponded to a call for a
apaeeh In a few well ehoeea worde. la
whleh he expreeeed the hope for gooi
tblan for the dletrlet tbe eaeulnc
year. Tbe eobool of metboda proved to be
a vary proBuble eeeeioo. “The eeeret
of a rood prayer meetlac’' wae ably
bandied by Mlm Bnek of Maneelona
“Tbe eeoret of rood oommlttee work"
waa dieeneeed In an exeellent paper by
MIm Heyloa. “A model bnelaeee meet
iac" wae eoodnetad by Levi T. Pen■lactoB.
Tba leadlnc paper of tbe afternoon
aaeeiOB wae read by Bev. WUUam
Ooekraa of Harbor Sprlac*. on the anbJeet “Tbe eeeret of the eneoeae of tbe
a S m^vemeat.'’ Be oaUlaed clearly
tbe prineiplaa on which U»e Chrietlaa
Sadeavor movement la bnllt and which
' have led to Ite napreoedesled anooeaa.
Sabbath ohaerraaea. tamparaaee aad
other raferme were dlaoaaMd In the
op^ parliameet. “Bow can we aebleve
CTMter eucoeae ia the Meat moral
Bovementaol Utedv?"
Followlnc the open parllameat, Mre.^
Shartllff of Cram VUlace reed a very'
flae paper oa “Jnoiora and their work"
Tbe needa. tbe dlttealtlee and the re­
ward* of the Janlor work were ably
dieeneeed In the paper and the remarke
that followed IL
At tbe cloae of tbe afternoon eeealon,
the delecatee from the different conntlee reprcaented at the oonventlm met
ae eonnUee and eonnty nnlooe wee
Canleed, with ofBeen ae follow*:
Antrim conaty—Preeident, Rev. T.
F. Rayon. Bellalrei eeereUry. Ei
Cntlar. BelUlre; Jnalor Snpk, Bom
Bnek. Maneelona.
Benrie eonnty—Preeidaat. B. B.
IPoodward.' Beoionln; eeeretavy, Myr'tie Raynor. Honor: jonloe enperlntendent, Myra Van Celnin. Benxonia.
Charlevoix eonnty—Preeidaat. Mn
Frank Kenyon. Cbarlev^: vice pmeldent. Men. A. M. BBrdlek.vlRiatop: aeeretary, John Allea. Charlevoix: Jnaier
enptarlatendeot, Mra. Dnal^, Beet
Emmet eonnty-Preeldeat, Mre. E.
B Sbnilllff. Croee VUlace: eloe preal
dent, Mra Clande Mlebole, Petoekey:
aaeretary. Alice Snow. Harbor Sprinc*:
treaeniw. Chae Jeelem. Olaneoa. Junior
anpmrlatandant. Mra Wm. Oeehraa,
Harbor Sprinca
Sraad Trmvnree eonn^—Prealdrat,
s B. Ryder; vlee preeldaav Ada Wat«re; aaeretary.ChrlelUe Paxton: trnaavw. Roy Tbompaon: Janlor enperiatendant. Mabel Batea
yeeterday. from the (act that they
'alnady have the beet eonnty orcai
tte to be fonad In the Mala
Saa^tUw *0 DaleghM.
AtHB^tiathaaeaBlac.tka eUton
ftnm other plaeae mat wHh tha loeal
■niaaverwe, aad were taaderad a eardial raeaptta to tha Mty. A pleamnt

Mrift] Ume ■rMaoJijvd ftrat of oU. la '
whleh'eMk of th« delicataa wm lo
Bad MMM OM lo (bo ondloMe ud iawodooB that ooe to at loan throa
Tbe (atheriar wae preeeatly called
toorderbyProd.aH.Hora. preeident:
!of tbedtyaaioa. Tbe prociam opeaed
with a del%btfnl roeal eolo by Mlee
Oraea Heettafe. Tbe rlaitote were
' waleemod la a few worde la Profeemw
tb ebaraeterWUe e^la Tbe wel-.
> wee leepoaded to by the dletrlct
preeHeat. Mlee Oeborn of Maacelowa.
Bbea Kartln fare eow poelac that
wee dellrbtfel. aad remerkehle in the
did not eoaelder her laetraetv. Btaaeb Baraam maderad a''
rery plaaainc riolln eolo, Mlee baette
Baraam playiar the aeoompabiment
Fraab Walloa eo dellcbtad the an
dieaee with bU Bae raottlnc that b#
wae eompelled to reipood to a hearty
enoore. Cbarlee aad Charlotte Helm
raaderad a mudolla aad cellar dnet.
whleh wae received ae aaoaL with aa
Tbie eloeed tbe rorelar procram.
tboBCh the
(ConUnned on third pace )

DmlareaTbatSBcland ia aot to T^a
Drlacoa Bay-Vnraeinaae
StUl Preraila.
Loadoe, Sept. *3 —Tbe departure of
owe ofiean for the cape and the de­
nial by the Portnenme mtniaier that
Great Britlan U to uke Delacoa bey
are tbe only developnMDit In the
Ikantvaal ■liumiion. Tbe cabinet mlnUtem have left town. Tbelr acUon
yeeterdey evekee no notewortby oom.
meat. Deepite tbe Pectacaeae mlnletar'e denial, there Is cood reaeon to
believe that Great Briuia will leaae
Delecoa bay.
Cape Town. Sept <}.—One Land, the
Afiikanderband orcan, eommenUac oa
the Britleb cabinet meetlnc- beade ite
arUele. “More Demand*: More Troope,
More Domdom Bnlleta." It eeye that
there U no eamit belli, bat that the
Britleb troope on tbe border are likely
to make nne and hope* that the Afrikandcra*- proteat will be heeded before
it ia too lata.
At a meeUnc of tbe forty-elcht of
the procrem've membere of the aaaembly yeeterday eveninc reaolnUone were
adopted depreeatlnc the eneonmemont
of tbe Tranavaal. and pledcinc to the
t their atronceal
Johanneebnre. Sept S3.—Thefeellnc
r nneaeloeea here hae not abated.
There le more rowdylam, and eUwet

To 8«nd Osvalry to Aid Gon«rsl Whoelwr.
FlchUac /oe

Aeked for


Foraea to AaalbUata a Body of la
aaremti Bat OUa Ovtly Sifnaed-

rrlwin. ■«T.l lUit (M h,
New Torii. Sept. t».-A diepateh to
the World from Manila eaye that Gen­
eral Wheeler, after a eklrmieb at Porae,
to General OUe. ae'xinc the
letter to eend eevalry eo that ho oonld
eaalbUato the la^ body of laeorcenta
and prevent their reaMcmbllnc- 0«neret Oti*’ reply
a eon refnml to
eend eaval y notil Oiiober.
Tbe membere of tbe pro-Ameriean
party amonc the PUllplnoe are utterly
dboonraerd becanee of Oeoeral CUe'
and ob- {
Btmettvnneaa Even tbe moat loyal
pro-Ameriean* amonc ‘be native* are
loeinc hope. Taetr live* have been
Ureatened. their p>1icy ridiculed and
tbelr plan* thwarted. Their eoramU•ionera have also been dUcredlted by
General OU*. who IdMama that they
have no aUtna.
Manila. Sept S3 —No InformaUon
ha* been received from tbe naval expedlUonaiSnbic bay. Tbe Filipinm
have not made jood their offer to enr
render Amsrlcan prUoner* and have
not cent an ofleer to meet General Oil*
ai promised. Notbinj further baa been
heard from the rebel effleera wbo oonferred with General MacArthnr recenUy.


enaaUonal Seporta That a Bappoaed
SaieMe Paid $600 to a Kan
to Xm Kim.
Bttcllah, Ind., Sept ti —The excitelent dnrlar the laat forty-elcht honr*
over the report that Thomm Bauman
did not commit enlelde one year aco.
bat hired another man to kill him, payinc B5O0 for the eervice, baa culminated
In the arreet of Peter R. Boyle upon
tbe eharce indloated. Be c-ve a bond
otSS.MO to appnar before the gr%aA
Jury in October. Boyle makee licht of
tbe ebarce. He admiU that Banman
offered him the 6300, bat says it wa*
offered to bait a doteo otbera.
eent Slmpaoo'o
n View*.
WlchlU. Kan.. Sept *3-Former
Concreamnan Jerry Slmpaon of Medi­
cine Lodre wae bowled down laat
oiebt while speaklnc at an old aoldlen' reunion becanee be
tbe expansion policy of the admlaistraUon and deelared It wae a diacraea to
The chairman of the meelinc waa
nnable to recain eontrol. and It looked
lor a time at thonch there would be e
freeS^t The men ia eympethy with
Slmpaon'a remarka catherad about
him. while the cmaterTinmbm of the
old eoldlere who favored i
crowded toward him. ahaktac their
&*ta at him aad yelUnc. “Put him
ontr “Down wlUt the^iTbcalo!" and
remark* of a like eharaeler. When
the people at laat toek their aeam
Slmpm wee nnable to co <m with hi*
epe^ and eloeed with e few worda
Fully 10.000 people were In the tent
when Slmpaon becan aneakinc. Be
waa down for a non-paitisaa tpeeeh.
bat becan a vehement proteet ecalnet

“I clwy lo the epnak of tbe Tecalen.
I aay that they oncht to hare tbelr
tTMdom. They are worthy of it I
hope they vrUI cala <t- U UtM .be
treeeoaaadaedlUoa. Idefryon to arraat me befen I leare thh tont”
FqUowIbc thla remark tba retarane
all ow the aadianee epnax up and

R-markable iFh'wloc Kad* by the
•nbmarlae'i'rrpedo-Boat Holland.
Oreenport. N V . Sept 83.—The anbmarine torpxl'^aat Holland made a
remarkably g :d ^howlnc o& ber prae
tlee ran yeetr-d it, and, aside from the
recnlarrnn of :> oile onder water at a
nniform dep'.h ' ««ven feet diaebarced
ar«c«l*Uoo W.-iitebend torpedo *neb
at Is need lo tbe navy. Tbe trial laewd
on* and a half boors, and amonc
on board wa* W R. Eekhert eonaoltinc encineer. Union Iron worka. Sas
Francisco, which bnllt many fast torpedo-boau. amonc them the Farracnt
and batUe-*blp Orecon, and Dewey's
flacsklp Olympia.
The torpedo, after iu dlaebarce
abonl fifty feet from the bow of the
Holland, look a downward eonrae and
stmbk bottom. The eante 'of tke de­
fection of tb'e torpedo wm thoaebt to
be diaarra»C*»e“l o*
Otberwtoe tbe trial waa moat encce**tnl. Afterward the Holland, with Bekbert aboard, made a deep dive, com­
pletely iubmerclnc the flair*, which
ar* ten feet hlch. Five mlnntea later
abe came to tbe earfaee.
Mr. Eekhert said be eoaaldered the
boat abaolntely safe and practical aad
would prefer bclnc aboard tbe Hollaed
-------I to belnc In the fireroom of any enrfece torpedo boat.
Information Reoelved Tben Is
That Xflkot.



1 He Only


FrapositlOB to Santander Aatrlean

Kie FrooUmatioa.That Dreyfiu*lnoldani U Oloaed Haa Rxeitad
Paris. Sept S3 —A proclamation of
Minister of War de Oallifet to the
army, declarinc tbe Dreyfus Incident
eloeed. ba* excited keen oppoaltioD
amonc tbe Drcyfntarde, Radicali and
SoelalUU- It 1* rumored that an atUmpt win be made to oust tbe war
minieter from Ibe cabieet aa It la said
that he leaned the proclamation wlthonl eonsnltlrc bU frilow minlaien.
Some paper* critlcUlnc him are in
eloee toneb with several minUters. M.
de Oallifet is credited as eayin*: "They
it to iret rid of me. 1 am quite pre
pared to iro, bat I don’t mean to go
alona Either all will -dimppear with
Bombay. Sent S3.—The aeeond baU me or I ahall M'-e where I am “
tallon of tbe OoHon Hichlandera and



Correct Dressers
would not think of
wearing anything
but a patent leather
for dress occasions.

Charges to ae; cit; withii 1,000 miles
of here oa all Indian Baskets sold Monday
and Tuesday or give you 10 pef cent dis*
count from our price as you prefer.

Special for Monday
Webster’s Handy Dictionary, cloth 10c.
• In His Steps," paper Wc. All of Sheldon’s
works in cloth or paper 10c, 25c, 50c.

233-223 Front Htreet


Boy’s Clothing

AT $3.60
is a handsome creation.
They are made from the
very best of pa^nt calf
skin and giving splendid
service to tho e who are
wearing them.

Its the only kind we sell—No
matter if you buy one of ouf $1.35
suits or one at $5.00—they're all
cut in the latest fashion—they fit tO
a certainty, and then every one wa$
made this season.


aoihlnr. Bata. Fnmlshlnf*.
184 Front Street
Fechiouble Ontfiture

THE lElDER in Fine Shoes.


Children’s Underwear.
Some very strong lines of children’s
Underwear ready for you here. One of
the favorites:'

Grey Ribbed, Self Faced
starts at 6c the garment
Wbstever yon're wants eome HERB.

It is tbe great time aaver of
the ace. and ao inexpensive
that nobody can afford to be
nrithont oneIf yon bad a telephone in

The Comfort
and Health
of yotr ChadriM
b largely deter-

year off]''* or borne yon would
aav.t' 'nn- b mental and physic­
al “ffort, and|no end of time
find Rnnoyanoe

iiwied by tbe
warmth and


The best wetring,
88 well as the best
fitticcind most
icisractoryunderwetr for your
boy or girl is
fi suit of tbe


Munsing S’

Wilhelm Bros.
Every smoker has his
own pecaliar taaU.

What every smoker wa
Baa Antonio. Tezsa, SepL 83 —In­ above all else, ia a cigar that U
formation baa reached her* thet Oi:pt. e’ean, well made, and reliable.
Alfred Dreyfus and wife may eome to Those wbo have tried
Ban Antonio to spend the winter. Tbe
Dreyfus family will not be the only
Jewish famUy to leave Franc* In eon- pronoonce it tbe beat tbay ever
avqneaoe of the Reenee triaL Mra bought for five cents. They are
Bertha M«wre, a wealthy Jew*** of snre to anit the particalar smoker.
Nancy. Fraaoe. and firstoooM to Mma
Dnyfna. haa written her con. Dr. Q. R
Mom of thla city, ttiat ahe, with her
ia a gem for 10c,
eon Max PvTi«« Mom, who rMcntly
For sale by all dealera.
rmlcned bU oommlatlon aa an oBemt in
Made by
the FTMOh army, and her two danebtm. Ida aad Emily Mom, wUl leave
Nancy eooa to rwtdc In Baa Antonio
with bar eon. Dr. Mom, a praeUUenar
ie thla city.


i.W.JUUR0S ToeielierRIL

Sole Agents for Traverse City

It’s Our Business
To Supply Our Customers
with tbe very beet footwear that can be ob­
tained for the money and that’s Just what wa
are doing. We have all tha latest styles in
ladies’, gents, misses and ohlldren'a shoes, wwa
can saraly please yon both In price and quality.
Jaatreoaived a lai^ shipmant of ladies’fine
ahoea at $8 00. $8.60, $8.00 and $8.60.

Morse Bros., Reese Piiiters

and standard* at
Febeb Rrttnnrant. awed in any style
« sold in bnlh. Open aU nIchV T*4-tt

Bsiph Connable Jr., lCan«g«r.

Oar Patent Leather

Gtva them a call.

488 N. Elmwood Are.

McNaairi BImL


■CBM MOAimra Bkoomo, pinroAT, BByrauBga. at law.
oAvxebs onr.



BxlilbltloB of
the Ooiitu TskiP.

An 3. W. BAnn.
f. W. BAirani. SdiMT ud lUnAC«r-

—^■ar^aa^ ssr

cl the ABil-UnperiAlk'
the Oethollc chanh ■K»hict
^ retentioD of the I'blUppince bA»
fAUcd M »1(aaU7 m their cfforte to
fraBBle K«Us7 in UcBerel Oue' atbij
to mTent eolletaenu is thi»
0oaXrj- OardinAl G.hhosA. the hevl
^theCethoUc chvrch la the Uaiied
BtUet. on WedoeedAj **de It “eleAT to
the peeeWeat that be took ••beUntlAlthe wne peeltkn m CArdiaal
yMfhM of EoglABd OB the qaeetloo
#( cxpAMioo. The Bttewieae of
tfardlBAl VAsrhAB. sBAde moDthi
^fBlftCAat hecABM It wae eeldcst that
Be ««he after fell coBilderAtim of
^he cBpaaeloB poUcj and hj aatboritj'
Tb* AMBTance if OardinalOthbooe that
’ ^ Chtbohc church la -the United
Btatea ■ in tjaipatbj with the pnrpoac
0l the admlBlitiAtioa to eetabiltL
AmerliT- eorcreidhiy la the Philipptoea ie eren laore etraifleent than the
^Mlaratloaaof Oardlaal Vaudbaii. The
pvdlaal repndlatea the eomplalnu
vada^lrreaponalhleain the nane of
|h* Anok. exoaeratea the roeematini
pfali ehargee of ebnrch deaecraUoa.
MdUmaiaea all aroper aealataace Ic
hetafiar the FUlplao rebeUloa to aa
aad. U aa7 Biaa eaa apeak for the Chthof thla oonnU? Cardinal Ulbbona
More than that, he eaa apeak
M'horltlT^ for the chareh aa an or*
naiaatloa Interceted not onl7 la ee
atataetioal aCalri bat in the work of
MrUtcation. Bia aMoranoff' to the
praaUmt of the fricadl7 interaat of
^ Bowta hleiaehj in the pnrpoae to
MtabllBh Amerieaa eorereiga^ in the
ntUPPio** »«•
and •'<
piteaaM of aa cMidal proclamation.
tolTOB CAapasu. of Empire, went to
to get eome polntera absnt
raaalad a otreet fair, bat be onl^
mated hU time. Laaaloff waa aot in
M with Empire, and the little l^la»aa«onnt7 town can ffiro an7 cUv In
' tho Btata paiDten abont an op-to date
•treat exhibiUon.
Wbiu TraTerae Otty la trembling for
i'le fntare in ooniemplaUnf her wate.•apply It will bd intrreaUag to
ttet Chleaffo la aiao lodilnd upon the
Reality of her water with auaplclon.

JPaa Ballay Took Pirat Money Xiaily
IB 8:27-tClraa and Trank M
Second U the 8:S5 Eaee.
The raeea at East Joroan Tboraday
•ad FVlday were eery i*wtia». and in
(ha trat day'a ereala Traearae City waa
veil repreaented amonc the apeeden
Dan Bailey took the laat three heeta in
(ha >:r7-ciaaa race, w nniof Aral money
•Hlly. Be way dneea by Charlea Uermalna. Prank M. took aecoad money
la the l:3i-riaaa race. He waa ^eeo
by Beory Eioftaorth. PoUowiny are
' lha Bummariea of °the tworaort:
8:87 qiara Pane, flS&.OO.
Daa Bailey..................-3 S 3 l l l
OnM.............. ............. -3 113 4 8
Blcetrlc.......................... —1 4 4 3 3 3
Pwwood......................-4 3 3 4 3 4
•9:S9H’ 3:Ni«: 3:3»>i:
8:Sfi CleM. Patee, •75.00.
DaaOalaer............ —t 4
rraak M.................-4 3
OmBB .................... —1
Time, 3:30: t;39H:

4 14 11
i 8 i s I
3 8 3 4 3
s 4 8
3:3»H; 3:31;

Pameped By Preek
The hoary froet Priday nlpht did
•oaalil arable daman to poUtoae and
wlU. to a eartalB extent, ooat the farmms a redeeed ariee for Uelr etoek.
While the raracee of froat will effect
(ho «lo of potaloea to bnyen for oat*
Mda trma. The Mlehlcaa Starch Oo.
mm wm them, althoavh they will brley
Um thM the market prloe. In c
loaalitlei the lope wm entirely wilted.
whA I in ether plaoea the froat left ne

A Word to Motbera
Bothera of children aSeetad with
v^aerer^cold ne^ not b^tate
Semedy. * it ooaulu no opiate m
•araotie in any form and may be piw
•a eoeldentlT to the babe ae to U
•dalV The treat aaecma that haa a
MBded Ita nae in the treatmentof col>..
•ad eronp baa won for it the approral
and praiae it haa reeeired ihroucboat
the United SUtea aud many ' '
Jfw aale by 8^ Walt

I and atandarda at
Pam's Bastaarant, aerved in any atyle
or aold in bnlk. Open all nipbi. T44 3t

iBthMlaaM effs Tew Meoerked and
theCoamwM Glees Vptea Good
Time—Borne Ouod Bxbibitx nnd e
atreet fair, which haa
bealookml toward to by a 1 Leela
nan connty with npte’aaarn intereat
ever Mnoe the eloaa of the exblhitioa
Uat year, haa oome and tone, tepether
wlthanndry dollar* of nnmeroaa haaopUatieated IndiridoaU who will
The erant
ed and it will mark aa epoch la the bia
(ory of the connty. from which ail
datei wUl hereafter be reckoned.
The apricnltoral diaplay and other
exhiblu took a aecondary place In the
bipahow. Bet what wai-lael-inp in
dliplay waa more than made np in en*
thnaiaam. liwaly d.>icnaed and ancorked with lariah r.j-dity ,and rffi^
There waa aa army of fakira jn the
town who did a land efflee bnalneaa.
and reaped a rich haircat witk an
otto diarepard of aaaitimeat or the,
feelinpa of the fleeced. It le caid of
two yonnp men that they eocceeded in
dropplnp WTO, which waa llUle for
le amonnt of experience it honpht.
TraTcraeClty wea weU reprewnted
and many weU known boalneH men
were there, bat it ia only fair to aay
that none of them were eaupht by tho
fakira. At leaat that U what they all
declare. The Boye Band waa tlmre
and fomlahed moale for the oeeaalon
in oonjnnoUon arith the Empire band.
While the fakira keld nndlapated
away, there were eome Uinpt which |
were worthy of epeclal notice. The;
fralt and farm prodnot exhibit, while :
iotextenalee. waa pood. Foote kOed
d npton of thk pity had a flae exbit •
tion of fnr rertma from (heir Mp
tannery and the ladtea of the oonnty
had a tne eerlea of cxhlbito of their
bMdiwork. Amonp the merdhaaU'
dkplayewM a eredltable exhibit ol
clothlnp and fnmlahlnpa by Wilhelm
Brae, of thie dty. Amonp the bnalaem
from here were Mayw BamUton.
Alderman HaaUnpa, Sam Benda, E.
Wilhelm. SemlQarland. E L. Sprapne.
A. V. Friedrieh, C. 8. OaTia, Frank
Friedrich, Arckie OriatV and many
more. J. W. Oliffe reprceented the
Kimball Plano Ce. and enterteined tbe
erowda with hla pramapbone.
Tratarie City’a blp four were also
there in a body, eererai bodiaa, in fact
and when they entered the town they
created exdtcmeni- They atarted in a
rip with acT.ral iotereatiap lependi
hanpinp abont it, aa follow»:“Tra*eie<
Belle dabrana. SUtct Foam Fauai.
BaapberryJam Joyce and Hop Tail
Pete aaoeen, B'GoabV- When aboot
bait way to Empire their rip broke
down and they were forced to ent ■
amal) tree to nae ea a moner, which
ery well under the dream
ateneea. If they bad been potnp any
where else bnt the bip ebow they
would have turned back, bnt there
was too mneb excitement ahead, and
anch a litUe aeeident failed to frustrate
their deaipn.
in tbe bnrp
pride In abowiep hU friends aronnd. It
haa net yet been annonneed what the
ir nez
, . .
lly In
come a^n. The estimate
umber prete
t from 1,500 to a.OOO
A^owder Mill Bxptoion
Removes everylhinp in sipht; ao do
draatic mineral pills, bnt botii are
mlphty danperoBs No need to dvraalte your body when Dr. Kinp's New
Life Pills do the work ao easily and

■«r York Mae Imprmed Wim Oar
Northern Miehieae ia atwaatit a
food deal of ataenUoa Jaat now in
aaany parti e' I'.ie oonniry. and cartel
klooktapat thH for loreauneet ia
•nrit-x enteroriar^ --and real
eeute. Trawae C1«y » made the —
tral point by reaaoD fm loeelkm. i<natnral adeantapea and rapid prowih
in popolatkm. Mr. Simael Stiicklaid
Thorpeof New York City waa btre
yeaterday, aeeotnreoW by Ur. 8. Barland Baker of ManiaUe beekinp epUe
adeaotepee efferea io thla eidnlty Tor
Mr. Thorpe la a yenUeman ef Itrpa
meanaandU la more then prokab:e
that be will pnt eome o( hla money in
thie part of Mleblpan. Ue own. fi-e
oranpe proeea In Wordia, and
ably Impreaaed with tie Grand Iraeeree ooanuy aa a rammer hoipe
Mca. Beteey Milllpan of Sand Lake,
la eitUinpJier pranddanphter. Mra. C
M. Bama of Twelfth atreet. They wi:l
leave for Grand Baplda next week,
where Mra. Bnma wUl riaU her par
Bev. Bayon retnmed to bit pnlpltat
Bollalre laat ereniap. after attending
the early aeaeiona of tbe C. B conren
William Phelpa of Bdlalre. waa ii
the city yeaterdayMra. a B. Cooper went to Acme la»i
ercnlnp for a abort eiait.
Mra. John Probert and daopbior.
Bditb,. have pone to Loomla, Mich., fo>
a two weeka Tkit with frlenda and rclat'Tea.
Bon. C. Q Tamer haa returned from
ameetinprf the Stete Board of Par
dona held at Port H a mn.
CoU 8. A Smith, landlord of tbe N
ah-ta-wanta hotel, baa cloeed the bou
a the reeort, and waa In the dty yea
terday clooiap ont tha bnaineea of tba
b a os.
MlM •Oenerlere Senecbal and bei
niece are riaitinp at 8k ipnaec.
Dick Ckmpbeli la in Grand Baplda
Mr. and Mra lYank Dol
tnmed from a viait with
MiB4 BiU Backna haS retnmed fron
Croaa Villape. where ahe went to at­
tend ihepoldeo weddtap of her parente
W. N. Kelley reUraed yesterday
fro* a bnaineea trip to Saplnaw anc
Bit CUy.
M. M. Coddinpton la attendinp th•t»t3 fair thla week at Graad Bapida
Mr. Laaaaden, a Blp Rapids lumber
man, is In the dty.

k1lN$n«Mtois i

t ___


Whooplnp CSuph. Aathm*.
Bronchms and Inolptent
Consumption, la




B. M. ■allabnry'i Ouidalcaa Woadar
Meatiap With Oraat SocceaB
Tommy M. E B. Sailabury'a rDide'em woeder, with bis mauaper, Blly
aipplBa,and"C. B-.^a noted eratem
horae, with faia manaper. stopped over
■•ere yesterday on their, way ?o the
Antrim county fair at BeTaire. Fr<-m
thm they' wUI go to Ailegaa and
other pMnta in the aoathTU part of
the state. Biggins deelaree that he
imcnot fill orders for Tommy M cn
out of eonflleting dates. Thr
gaide'.ete wonder waaexhibl'ed in Beed
:ity and created conalderaole entbnalasm with faia first class performano a
Austrian Oab'met Baaigoed.
Vienna. Sept. 33.-At the cabinet
eooDCU this morning tbe miolaten rreolv.-d m resign and the p'»ailer later
tendered to tbe emperor tbe realgoa-:
(OB ol tbe cabinek Tbe crieie wee
raueea by tbe lupoMibilityof termtxat
log the parlimentery deadlock.

We bsTS s very Isrc”, stock of rockers, nil styles end prices
from 76c np— but ther« is nothing quite ea nice, Urge sxidcomforlable for the money aa
sa this
thisla^ scroll seat rocker-Tfeabogany or Antique, for 13 50.

J. W. SLATER’S Honse Fornisliing Store
120 Front Street. Traverse City.




Poteloee la the loeal market are
bringing thirty cen'a a bnsbei.
Baad^aar an far Oyttira
DsiiT abipmenta from Baltimore re­
ceived at Pete’s Reetaorani. Served
in any style night and day. 744 3t-S

The'Hannahs Lay Mercantile Co,

The BiaTery of Woman
Waa prandly abowp by Mr«. John
• ■ •wllnp
o BuUer, Pa., in a thre.
rara' atru;
ttitecka of nausea and indtpeai
remrdiea failed to rcllere her natll ab<
tried Blectrc Bitters. After takinp H
no months, ate wrote: “1 am cow
wholly cured and can eat anythlnp. It
is truly a prand tonic for the whol>
system aa 1 (rained in weight and let-.
-uneb stronger since uslnp tk” It aiddipeetion, cores dyspepsia, improver
•luarrsnteed aiJ. U. Johnson and
E Wall's'd^p stores.

Swearing at a horse won't stop his

Every man should have a desk at

Grumbling at the weather home—convenience 'demands it—prices
clerk won't stop the rain. But a good say it is possible. Women, too, find a
book will make a rainy day pass pleas­ desk more of a necessity than a luxuty.

antly. Our Book Department has all We have every kind of a desk to aid
the latest publications. Most everybody convenience, as plain or as elaborate as
Have you? you desire. Don’t say you can’t afford
Ii’il cure the bluest blues ever known. it until you see what rare bargains we
(Sells at $1.20.) "Some whWe forninst have. Bird’s eye maple, finely ]X>lished
has read "David Harrum.”

Usiiy shipmenia fre-m BalUmore rrceieed at Pete's R^tanrant. Serrec
in any style nlpbt and day. T44-3t-«

gas-house and beyant Healey’s sells at $4.50. Combination
slough, not far, from the poYis station- and writing desk, (a dandy) for $7 60
lives Martin Dooley.” 60,000 copies of and those roll top office desks from


Ovar HsMsBata-s Soot mra

:‘Mr Dooley in Peace and War” have $12.00 up.


been sold.

Buy a copy at $1.86.

liird Air I
ited for sU«latT pslo(rsrtlon
Uli-i-i end Dostss'leliu-lor} prePbr«tio»rv<'•sed tornsklncestrbCilSB roMj.

The cleanliness of all

mankind is

A "holiday shoe” maybe something made most economical by these little
that you never beard of before. Our prices. Tbe immense quantity of soap

Rare Chance For BenllemBn I
Fashionable Dressers
Specials For This Week

know it for we’ve tried them and hun­ ners, clean up the house, go clean down
dreds of our customets strongly endorse to the corner of yon pocket for nickles

Great Bargains!


Bnrgnin Shoe Store

Have them in Vici Kid, Box and dimes. Try sapolio for a nickle a
The kid package or Jackson powder, Kirkaline

Calf and Patent Leather.

Uea'a Winter Tan RnasU Calf, 3 aoles, kid lined, hand
welts, worth *6.00, tor.....................
Men's winter tan, Rnaaia calf, 3 soles, heavy drill lining,
worth $4.00, for................................................................ $2.60
Hen’s box calf, D. 8. golf pattema. band aewed welt, are
worth^60,£or................................................................ $800
Men's box calf, 3 soles, golf patterns, heavy drill lined,
worth $4.60 for................................................................ $2 50
Men's Rosaian Colt Skin, 3 soles, kid Uned, worth $300,
Men's vici kid, heavy aoles. kid lined, worth $1.00, for.. .$2 60
These ^oea are all the latest toes and pattenu, new goods
this fall, and genuine bargains. Come in and see them.


from the pinching, squeezing and rub­ soap for a nickle. Kirks Juvenile ISc.
bing that many feet get. Buy Hu-man­ Michigan family soap 2 for 5c Clean
ic shoes, built on humanic principles. bands, clean face, clean elotbes. clean
They’re the easiest shoe made.
We floors, clean tinware, clean out the cor­

^ have-^boot 150 ptire ol Gents line np-to-date shoet, by
tbe tiemt makers, that we will cell this week at prices never b^
fore attempted in this city.

167 Front BtrMt

idea of such an article is a shoe that passing over bur counters daily make
will give your poor tired feet a holiday these prices possible. A good glycerine

lined is the shoe for cold weather.

All and Gold Dust at 19q of' a scrubbing
brush for 6c,

sizes sold at the uniform priceof $4 00


The Hannah & Lay Mewantile Co.


B ABB sucssn WS Anr.


Bmdab Twlrlem Met Brea.

Aaotbar hot AaBa ot baU baa baaa
Beaa Battle OreaK T. K. a A. fbr
pteyed batwees the Blfb Scboola aad
to bta Mapatation.
Bendab Twirlwe, aad tbit time the
itaigktM with Battle Craab, ’tape tt —Baba Bade- Twlrlen r^narad Vba aecenat left

» ww\ww*. IU^^4ef«fmtaWdfcT*r«i*» bmIc Bar. a waU kaowa eglorad ttaa.'voat* ttaadlaf troB tbrlr laat detaal, by
wiaalDc IroB tba Hlfb Sobo»U by the .
li V
m w i«r«tmmw wvTk, fcoi UMed
H. A stmc of tte w. Baoead aeit tbit toreaooa afalaat Saa- deeitire
teora of 11 to4 It wat a pretty
aad erro eoatest after the Snt iaatac.
Mn. Oaric* Loco, irif* o* • sooUer
at tba Twlrlart aede ? of tbair 11 ia
MX the HallwbU Iron worVt %x AlMoa.
aoe ao M 10 be raadp tor todapb aaatllod li«r rMol<B« «tore while It wh
PoUowiBC ia the aoorr;
oar laa a Oersao Tillace la the n>dak»a.
l«bted, ssd eb« asd her yoer^d a
waj aad Ackl y eaet-^ bit arreat oa Twlrlen.......................T 0 0 C 0 1 »-ll
Oelectteo la Atteedaaoa.
8 10001
■^U-old hoba were faarfoltj baraed.
ThJ eatloat towaa la Iba dUtrlet eba^o* seUinf b.*er withoot a Ueente.
Bat>erire—Winale 1 I iBscwortby,
Mm. Uoa ma> Urn bet UM child can- ware repreaeated at toUowt:
\ Iba aalt wat diamlatad by the proae- Somert atd N<.roiay
Maaealona—Mlat Oraee Otbaraa.MIm eatli« aitonay. Ackley bat made com
Iroa ore hat been diacowed oo aaa. BaA. Mra VincrBl, MIb He^.' plalau acaiattaereral taloooa!>d hotel
ami faraa aaar Oeatai eiUara, Maaon M<a Suwart. Battle Stewart, Acnea ban here and mDCb feellae bat been
Tobacco and bwr are rvUabed by a
aoeaty, and raot aatat> bm adeaaead Dartt. LHaCbamheriala. Mm Braale. anAared: _________________
h)g in Belmont, O.
MO per cant, im *005. Bafane A. Olan ‘Tbompaon.
dog enars at any one
Two Tonng Man Honored.
Ooyae. a nlaiar e^part et Cblcaco. baa ' Matf'City—John Scott. Mra Danawho calls it “nice doggie.'*
A very plettani party wat given lut
V Louisville man bat a Jittle boost
obtalaad to-jraar lea tea of aeeeral more, Boaa StoBlay, Mr. aad Mrr.
Irg that chews gum with n relish.
tarma. aad will iseaattc*(« fartiiar.
seott, John Qifl.
A Vienna tcleuUst has wiiiten a
a_____ Thlriby.lnbonorof Ed. Thlrlby and
JbcdtcBent mat blfb tad aU tba farmBenrw^Mwt PaiUtt. Mite Cation,
both of whom will Imve learned article to prove that dogs
art are dlfriac for elrat of Iran ore.
; »»>e city In a short time. Abont thirty
In Lycoming county. Pa., a kidnaped
' Toe new ootta^ for malo apilepUea
Ballalra—Bar. Eowan.
friondt met at tbe home of
at the Paabia Minded booM at Lapeer
Old Miaaion—Will Ibomphin*. Clara LalaCtlkini, aodwent totheratidanee dog :ivee with foxes that stole it by
ia aompleta ex'tept the Ixfilern for the Minor. Lmlta Pornr. Bev. A. A. Wall, of Mr. Tbirlby yery nnerpectcdly. A
baatiaf apparatu, which will abortly
at a tokeo of the ceteem
: mall and carrying notes t
they are held R)
Bl I'h’rlhv
I’b-rlby Wwill |fo t
CroB Village-Mn. Sbartbff
the Unirereity of Micblpa'i. whlU
It U asUmtted ^at Maaon county
Webber'r will go to
trait frawan cal down lOt.OOO paaeb
ttaan. ballerlnc Ihatt to hero boaa
L»l. Ma^ ^
killed by tba eold aaap It now .daaalopea that tbone treaa reatlalng are
Angling it
a. L-a., aa.
baarlnr a fair enf, tba ralae of wbteb
lock Rapid
la S2 per. bntb^. The tareibn oiaim
Tbera ware acv'apri otben praaaiit.
pnesratioti tomorrow.
that they were ladoeed to aaer;£j« the

traae at tba BoUcliatloB of nuMryaen
who thereby oblalaad an netlre Bnrkatforyoanr peach UMt. Thera U
waUlny and ranabloir of taatb In
Maaon ooanty.
Mm Helen Barney of Mt. aiBau,
iaaaingUie Ma Cleaent A Ltkeeide
TraeUon Co. for tia.ooe for the death
of bar twelve year old danffbter. who
wat mo down and kOlad while crattinc the ttraaa
Waalay Boarblallar and Bintry P.
Blackman of Eiehland townthlp. two
alloe from Pmaeoit. kUlod a paenUar
loeklnc rapUle which they claim wat
U locbai la lanAth and 9 InebM In
'cirenmferaaoe, with a ronfh fin the
laartb of lit back.
Tka new barber llcaote law went
Into aflaet on Friday and hereafter
trory teotortal artltt matt take'ont a
« ud pay •! tbarator. Tboaa
who wiab to enter tba bnainaat amt
AtColdwater a baga rat attacked
Virginia Cbandlar, grand-daagbtcr of
Bob Albort Chandler, and faateaod Itt
teeth In bnr sokia A neighbor ran to
bar iT-trinr^ and the rodent eaeaped
nndar the poreb.
Judge Prod B. Aldrieb of Oadlllae
baa dneided to aotnr apon Ue practice
of law at Detroit at aoon at hit IS
yaait npOD the beneh ia eonclndad, and
will probably opan an offin In that
city Ptfora the and of the preaent year.
Jadge Aldrleh't family wUl remain In
onUl the and of the praaant
aeboel year.
The St. Joaa^b eoeomber crop,
bmonnUng to S.000.000 bathclaol amall
pleklaa. It reported to be kiU.iid by a
email red paraalla. The iota to growon it tald to be over SUIO.OOO.
' Monroe and. Waahtenaw farmen pnrebaaad nolta of cloth on eontract latt
winter, and now the oonu-ecu torn np
aa legal noiaa In the hand* of innoceat
porebaMrt. Some have aettlad at tbe
rata of M oanta on the dollar.
CbarlM L. Slmmont of Adrian, coloroi. u the ehampfon hone ntopper. So
far be bat arretted 38 ranawayi. He li
known at ’ poianm'' and nearly always
ge'u a reward.
Mlm May Bayet, of Reed Ci^. raoeir
nbape of three linen sheets wnlch her

5'=‘£S" r

graoddanghter for three ganeraUons.
Hr. and Mrs. Gill Boyer, farmers liv
log near Mendon. are at death's door
framancslc poisoning, mid to have
been placed In their milk. It ia said
tkat Mr. Boyer cannot live.
Bnpl. Hammond wlahea school officers
thraugbout the stele to nndmtand
that copies of a' new edition of the
aebool lawn and Michigan manoal will
eooa be ready for dlstribntion by the
aeeretery ot state, and tbe forser wlU
be thlp^ to county achool commiaBlonen for dUlrlbuUon sbotUy. Snpt.
Bammond will have, under the new
law. 2,'JOO copies of bU forthoomlng re­
port tor diairlbntioQ among tbe 8,383
nebool Ubrarles in Mkhlgnn. Mo ebtpment will be made nntU the cobbIsaloners are heard from.
At Bead City otwoftto featnrm of
the fair was the work of a hypnotist,
who placed an nmistant onder hU Inflaence and buried him. The man was
under ground for 48 boom WbUe ht
pod a stone down the 8 by *-inoh air
' fine aad the man's noee was broken.
re been
At Owomo warraats have
beeg Um
f>r Ihe nwest e< aayioa Swans:
gaa Oreeawalb two ^is-year-old boys,
living eight Biles aontta of the city in
Benainglon. charged -with attempting
os Tburaday to wreck tba nonth-bonnd
mixed train on the Miehigan Oeatral
toad, which paesee ihrongh that elW.
Biddle of the afmoon. Bails
and other pieces of iron were scattered
along the track for a coaelderable dlsiMoa Pvtsoately tbe train peieed

10 CurO Ll ftflppi fal 24 HOOrSi that never lark—the Australian <
Moia-me^cqualt WaRNKB'b Whitk

and nafortanataly failed to regitiar.
Tbe program for today it at follows:

Taaaa.™* .. .a.

...w—.. fatal____ _
I oughly and in
time, it wilt cure a caee
the cui
cuu^b that fol1:00—Bong tarriaa led by the Chomt ' In a hours, and for tbe
, Grippe It
it never ftaile to give
i ‘
Price. 25c and «)c.
3:10—The Great BangiomMovamenU of Ua Ninetaanth Centnry: <a) "Tbe
Sandayacbool," J. W. MUliken of Tmvarte City; <0) -Miatimia," P. B. Leaila
of Noribpoit; (e) ”Tha Young Maa*a
-I would rsthef tee t young bu
OhrisUan AaaoeiaUoD," C. H. Horn of
TravaraaCity: (d) “TbaVoniigPeople’e
4rcMcd tkin too little, for if he it
Sodaty of Chritiian Badeavor." John
twenty lie will be « rioven tt forty.*'
I HaMBond of Ironwood; (•) “Tba Se­
cret of Sooccii of tbe Ljcal Soelety,'
LUlian Downing of Traverae City.
Snnday Broalng, 5:80.
Tba regnlar Cbrlatian Endeavor
prayer Beating In thaaevaralcbnrehea.
TbU Bvaniag at the Oongrrgational
Tt pays to wear ttyltih. well
7:10—Bong aerriea.
1 made clotbei. Tkey co«
Open parliament, and ''Echo froa
len in tbe long run. look
Dairolt," taking for tbe general anb-;
jaet,' What it tba graataat tervloe that
well sad feel right. Tkey
Chritiian Bndeavorein can render to
^ you etie of ai^ tod
^osfort of body.
■ The OoUook for the Tw^eth Can-'
tary"; Eev. D. CaebUn of ‘riCverae City.
Closing Bervlea—“A Qtiet Hoar”: C.
H Bora. Traversa City.



Alleged Knrdeivr of~WUUob BetM
Hot Tet Oonvlctad.
Hillsdale. Mich., Sept. ?S.-The jury
in the oare of George TntUe. on trial
for murder, ooold not agree on a ver­
dict and wat dieeharged thit morning.
Iihadbeen out lince yesterday noon.
TntUe. with B'mer Youngs, was
Charged with tbe murder of Wllllnm
Botes last September. Yonnge bat
been tried and cDovicted of murder in
the aeeon I degree and U now nerving a
eenteoce of twenty years in Jacksou- |

lion of Traverae City ludgo No.
A A M. Monday night at 7:30 for work
In tba B A. degree.
There will be a meetlo/ of tbe retail
elerkt In library ball Monday evenirg
at 7:80. A fnll attendance is desired.
As iDteresUng meeting of tbe Good
Templars was held last evening The,
literary program.

Owing to the C. E. convention there ,
will be no Gospel Tempersnee meeting
In Montegor hell this afternoon. Tbe'
work will be taken np again during
the winter montba
Miss Clara tVintera, of Cleveland, ar ^
rived in tbe city last 'algbt. She will
serve as trimmer in Mrs. P. M. Ashton's
aillineiT store, and oomes very highly
reeommeaHed from tbe largest Billlnery store in Cleveland.
Ihere was good antic at the Boston
Store test evening. Inside n otendolln
and guitar orebNtra fureisbed entertalnmeai and outside tbe Boys' Band
gave a eonoert
C. E. Taylor of the City Newt Stand
entertained hie newsopys Friday night
In his rooms In the Prtedrleb blo^.
Miss Ethel Hoxle of Blghlh ewMt es
tert^ed friends Friday evening in
honor of some young people who will
soon leave for-college.
D McManne is having an nriceian
well driven In tbe eattera part of
Jndge Baaedell's farm for nee on hie
place ad j rising. Tbe well Is being driv.
en by Gardner A Bm^ pnd a As w of
water was eWnek yeetetday at a d^tb
of W feet.
Yesterday afternoon Prafeenor Hnrtengh started a ebUdren'e danelng
elamoftUrtypnpUa He in planning
some nntqne Mtertelnmenu for the
“The DeMaea” is the name ot the
reeteniant opened yceterdny in the
Pn-ker building by M. DUI A Son. Tbe
new dining room la neatly Sited np
andproauiemtebeapopnlarplaee for


Of Unusual Elegence.^^
—Hats that for real style,
richness and becomingness
should surely be seen before
you purchase—you ovK it to
yourself to examine this fine
collection -the prices are as
attractive as the goods —
Thrones of admirers were in
aUcodance on our opening
days — Opinion- is undivided
on the point that this is tbe
largest and best millinery display that was ever made
in Traverse City.

Tilmmed Panere Hats From $2.00 up.
too »ucl



The Boston Store


Tailored Suits, Jackets and Furs
jne a !i<
ti't'v pxt'* prir<v-D advertiiiog tbe fa;t that our Salt and Cloak
iims. bsk been avav t>eyoari ekpectetion. Taere are two reacooB for
Exi-lusivenen of- Style, ModcraAioo of Price. We mention n few

Ladles' Bsavar Jicksts -New fall stylea, tAiior made
, at................................................................................ $3.76
Ladioa' Fine Kerseys................................................. $6.00 up
Ja.kute, B'ik lined ail tbroui-ii........................$7 76, $9.00 up
Lsdi9B% tiom-spun Failored Salts—of superior hich
cut in latest styles................... .. .$9.85 np
Children’s Xackets m great variety, rough and smooth
cloths..... ........................................:........................... $3 60 cp
Children’B Jersey Biderdown Cloaks..................$1 86 np
Leading styles and ehapes in For Collarettes—
EWtric S^al......................................... ..... .$1 48, $2.60
60 np
$425 up

Snappy Sargains in Domestics!

nitf weir longer tktn otber
nit* tad keep tbeir tktpe
Tkey- trt cconomictL

Viconnes Cloth for house wrappers, in
rich colorings and fall pstU’rns. 10c value, *
7oc pieces Boyal Outings, extra heavy Ueeci:
new styl“B,
••B, actually worth
124c a
to start t he ecasoo we make thn


Other outii
lutingfl as low pricwl as.......... .................................... 3^0,4c. 6c
4 caar-s best Table Oil Cloth—not the cracking kind.
regular 20»-trooda, here..............................................................
Heavy Soft Finish Ticking—hold feathers — moeC
mcrchaulH would ask 12^c. we make them......................

Extra heavy white Shaker Flannel always sold at
Sc. our quick price ia...................................................................



Good dark fall colors in calicoes...................................34. 4 and 6c
Best Bobs Prints for bed Comforts, new block stylea.
. 6c np


All wool Flannel Underskirts, genoron* fall width.
from ............................................................................. 76o up
Jereey Eiderdowns, plain and striped, all tbe fall col-'
ore................................................... .. ..........................................


Extra large, extra heavy Tunkisk Bath Towels........16c up
Heavy double thread German Table Damask, from
....................................................................... 86c. 36c. 40o up
Choice Patterns in Turkey Red Tabling.16c, 26c up

value, our price....................................................................................88c

Our Line of


We have a new line
that costs more and we
have a BIG LINE for
less money that are upto-date.

Fine Clothing

is cui Right

trimmed Right

And above all PEICED BIGEr—There yon have it in a nnl sbell.
When yoo want a low pricttl bualom* aoit or aometblng for alee droM
oe.'aaiona we are prepared to glv.> you valnee that cannot be doplleated
in Nortbero Miebignn.
Ko lime like tbe preeent to purchase one of oar buBineee
men's suits —oar specUl for this week------ ;...................$3.88
Large line of all wool salts, brokbu chiecks and stripes,
and plain blues and blacks.
¥7.0u bargain si>ediil for this week..................................... $4.88
We have ptai^ some of our all wool $10.00 baaineaa
suits—brown checks and plain cheviots—as a spec­
ial for this week...............................................................................$6 76
Tbe number of Top Costa and Pine Suite sold daring onr opening
goes to show that tbe good dressers of Traverse City appreeiate oar efforu to place before them high class garmente. eqnal la every way to
en&iom work, st leu tbao bal' tbe price.

Shoe D.ept.
Men's high cet winter tee. English baelratay, sport be
dike lip. welt, calf lined. specUl prico for this wei
r, are np-to-date In
erery respect................................
Men's erack proof calf. bals. glondyke Up. great valne.
Men's high ent winter ebrom-, box calf, bale, Hioadike Up,
welq calf lined....,.........................................................................

The OM Reliable Slioe Mbi.


The Boston Store,



OHirmoH uxTiaM TODAT.

dtiveraX ’Kem&

ttveADoAi. 5
• ItpMlvd who «reBt to
tfa« wbvf to M« kU <MUUJ off PruUj.
«o(d( 0 lu of ibe Hpoolab eolon taoa
Ait pocket. wkTod it ud rove »
<or ffpotn. A tinoU crowd oollortcd
ud • poltceiuB elab
riiif kia tcnonalf.
tfccrcwrj Av«t^ oUMUoa kovloc
boM draws to tbt tael that •so chaplaiaaarat
itt ba kaa writun a
letter to tke editor of a rallciow pakli*
•hotrlaf Utat eonfrect tudt no pr
loo for Back ciapUlna Than a
wuaMrof chapltint -not attaebei
Vcclfle rerlfflenit. and coanj of thcae
bare bMn teat to Ue PhUipptaaa
Mra. Horace Cbenerj. wile of a
w^tby.rMldent of LarehBont Mant
K. V.. eiUwr Jamped-or feU from
doortb etorjr window of tbe hotel MnJeette atMew York Oitp eariy Fridai
and wae Inatantly klUed.
Prcaldent Dax of Mcxieo will auke
Ait tHp to Ckteayo la palatial etyic.
Beatdei bartnir been yraated SO dayt
leaee of abteooe in or-ier tnai be may
attend Ofakayo't fetUva). be baa been
awarded tlOO.iMO oat of tbe nalioual
treatary to meet expeneet Inddeo
tbe j^amey. Friendtbip to tbe ITaueo
fliateetaatrlklngiy ebown la tuia ac­
lrf»fatreet Martin wae ahot and
killed by bU eoatln, Georfe Marlin, in
Oranye eoanty. Va. P'<nyatreet wta
rWtiny Georye and alept wltb bin orer
a atoraboate. In tbe alybt. LoaytUeel,
erbo wat qalte deaf. wen', ont of tbe
roon. and in retamlay arooted kU
oonain. Georyc^called to know who It
and i-oetrlny no reply, thot twice
and killed ble eooaln. mltUkiny him

jomped tbe track at Piinoe’ccarre. one
mile from Oartbeye. Mo., tarnlny orer
OB (U top. Twenty ‘peraona were in­
jured, none falnily.
Pater Zimmerman, ayed 7fi. wae eomBitted to pritoa at Oreenibory. Pa.
The old man. with hair white at anow,
bet a etralybt form, waa arreated for
borae atealiny- Ijitt niybt he oooleaaed. and boaated that dariny hit
eareer be hat ttolen i60 bortet, and bat
aerred forty yeart of hU life in atate
prlaone. Be bat operated, it la eald, in
every eonnty in tbe tUte of Peontrl▼aola and in fire other etatee. He cayt
kbat wbenerer a yood horae would
oome wiiblo bU reach an irreeitUblt
lapalee wonid eeiie him to eteal. For
the laat few yean tbe old man hat
enade an effort to lead an boneat life.
Two daya ayo he taw a laaynlleeot
borae yraclny on the bUlaide nnd eonld
aot reaiat the tempUUon. Ble arreat
^<dlowed. __________________

csao xo roLum. oaATom.

•: Wm -Leelwe Vo
saacK (KPfaoooAX.) OBraoB.
B«r. Cass. T. eteat. Bseter.
Tke local Good Templara lodye
Comer Waabinytoa etreet and Boardu aeeared the aerrleae of the
man arenna
noted PoUab orator. Cdl. ;iobn Soble
Boly C-xnmaaioB at »:«0 a at.
Morolny prayer and eennon at 10:30. aki, who will dellrer two of fala famona
Senday School at i< m.
leclurealn ihleclty, the *eih and »th
Featirsl eerrice la tha ereniny at
of ibie month. Tbe preea of the larycei
7:M pm.
/ .
Tbe oH Ttory in
mominy will be eitiea apeak In the moat BOterliy
•aoy by Mia* Crawford.
term* ofColonel Sobteakl. M one of
Followiny U the maaleal proyram tbe yreateat epeakara oa the platfora
for the ereniny:
Tke leetare Thuraday ereniny. SepOrertare ................ ......................Bererla
ember re. wilt be free to all. . The
Oryaa and Orebaaua.
Hy«B.3«....................................S. Webbe an* j«et will be. “Our Nation'! Shame.'
The lecture oa Friday ereniny will be
by ticket. Feller annonneement wQl
Boham Bht........
Tke ofBeea of Ora. Oetrander and
Second Lemon
BenedleAalou Mea................ ..Danka Banaon, dentlau. at Nllea. were tooted
Brealny Prayara.
Byma. t03.................................8. A. Ward Thuraday niybt. and Bloo worth of yold
atelen. Noclat.'^,
Orchestra aeaempsatmeat.
Offertory: aolo. "God that Madaat
Barth and Hearen".
T« Gww • CoM IR Om Day.
afce Warner's Wliite Wine of Tar S>-ni'
ibe best cuuyh mnedy on esrtb- 4> »>■
Antbem."Tbe ^u^ie'tha Lort'e.”
............................ ..............................Bneide
Cloelny Prayera.
fane DimltGe.............................. J Turle
AU are eordlaUy Inrttad to theca eerrloea.
cHRunsit ecuRfCB.
S- rricee erery Sunday at 10:30 a. m.
rsIrb.SBfrsTrd hooUnc rssc.
andTburaday at 7:30 p. b. in Monteks. (snr? disl: •omrsrbrrr be'VSI brldr* sad Jobs LsrkiBs'
yti- i>al. U3 Front atrcct.
*TCOI atn-eL Brvsrd for muru
Si je tfor Sunday morniny; "Uooniftor botiM. C. W.
__________________ -wmxi
A are cordially Inrited.
T rhesp
IP at
r Wsfbloftae strost.


B. 7t»-lf

liay eubje .
■TronhW tbooybte of
lay eabjeet: "T
■CIOB etLE-Oor ent^lsi.-.: ■»-yro» AlM>
for Them "
Qol and tbe Bemi
T ewd fir*c.elss> *sa Hr he e snd s rood
I prayer meeUny SrlTlac borw. luaulre u od e or Bsalltob
OlolbiBC <'«•
at 7:3>i p. m.
AU tbe memhera of tbe ehun
church and 4J^>B SbUC-Oae bsnbe witb rood
be 1
f rtooe vsU sod rWlsr uudrr It. 'b Vsq.
»ler birrei. 7S. lodulrc st tteboolersft'r store
te^Bret Sunday
*y of I
he*, a. aslsbery. Psetor.
Lumber Co.
Church on oomer of Ninth and Wads­
worth atreeta.
pvOR BAU^Bretrb Lybora* snd WbUe PI7
Sunday aerrieea are ai foUowe:
BsbUIoe Clatbley Co'r atore.
^ ^iMt'
Preachiny at 10:30a. m.
Sunday acbool at 11:30.
y^IBL WAKTED-Ooberbl bobsework.
Preachiny at 7:30 p. m.
tjr wasl^^ Apply U eorthtrrai eonirr
Mid-wscK prayer meetiny at 7:80 p. m.
AU are inrited te tbeae meetlnye.
U»OB KALB-Uedae aod lot. Hd Webstar
sweDiRH i.t-raKusn cia*BCU.
f sUset. WlUiokr rood lo. Ip pan i>a'meot.

RrT. }. 1 Mssknlsd. Pastor.

Mominy serrioe at 10:10 o'clock.
Sundar achool at IS m.
Ber. W. R. WHyht will preach in
be afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Ikere will be no ereniny eerrloe.

Inquire of Buybee a Rotburf.

P*OR^f)AL^Hou»e and





I John T. Shay ne & Co.


^ Of Chicago will hare on exhibition at the Farh Place Hotel
a complete line of


Oo not miss the opportunity if you are contemplating baying any furs
Mr and Mr«. Stubbs will be pleaaed to show you tbis llM. Orders taken for
fall deliwery. Complete lice of

Seal, Mink anil Oiler Garments

Al&o Collarettes and Scarfs of all descriptions. Estimates
Riven of on all repair work.



\ Only from Monday noon until Wednesday ^
noon at Park Place^^Hotel.

* sshlt.^:.M

fioeHi lorslioBS lb Ibe t-lly. vriita resbleo'e an>
-TwBappreutIre r<rU waoled Im
rly at Mrs. M- P. La«tTBc*-«
e; be.irefereneoirequired "IMf

Sndnrea Death's Agonies.
ly a roariny Bre ensbled J.
Oarreteon, of Sai Aotoulo, Tez.,



JtOK KKNT-jIj^ wmy boaar o«r Ibe
street. Por partIrnUrs raJt at tbe Huellaiiia^
tel Rouse, 411 Baal Blyfatb st.
rC. I

of death: but Dr. Kioy'a Sew Dlsoorery ^^ANTED^^rlHto^^rkla^bwl Csl^
" Zlybtb street.____________ Btel Hub
tor Consumption
^nsumptio wholly cured him.
This marrelous medicine ie the only
dirtor-room ^rl an
nown cure
rure for
for ..
as well as
luybs and Colds, and ws»esSIld.”App5*™lh?ro«^‘““' '
______ at, Chesti saod Luny troubles. ^IRL WAI<TBD-Por yeoeral (-oasesorb.
Priee Me afi'd 11.00. Guaranteed. Trial
laqults of Mra. B K. ICiUer. W.
bottles 10c at S. E. Walt and J. G.
Johnaoo Dray Storea.
WANTBS-Por ceaerml boui ■work.

Lamson & Hubbard

Is A Winner This Year As Ilsnal.

ONLY $3.00


Trarerae City theatre yoera will be SnyfuiiParloDcd.
psOR RALB-Cbeapt
pleated to leem that Uanayer SteinLuc“»rWe^e**tkba°!
bery hnt ecenred E. D. Stelr't fine earn________ la of asoellenoe aroand ...
•dy oompany in the play "Oq the
.Ikiwanee Birer" which eoored aneh a
Id tbe
Aak any of your friends about them. shop
aad aed all
•pheeocienal aaeceat here leat March.
13« Front streeV N. B. Strony, manThe eame oompaey that preaented tbe
pieee here then, will be here in tbe
Thin ebanrr Is srortb your time to IsresLIyate.
Pl'st come, firm aerred. Call or arite w SR
(crtboomlny enyayemeat. and ineladee Try the New Swuaraat.
Eryular meals. 33 cents; lucekea. IS
tbe elerer HIM Stella Mtybew in tbe
cents. Brerytbiny that ehonld be
-l^l'RaB-Mrs. Mat'ba A
wonderful pt't of -Aunt Llndy." aleo
aerred in a flrat-claes reetauraot can Xr Burae, alJI eall upon
tae fineet eolored quartette that orer
Address, post o&ee. city.
.wiaated Trarerae City, harlny reeeired
^ CRBsXoeTteu3eMiMiT~nB*
0-tt Pf Mrs. Cbaplo s. No asrWaotalocloo aireei.
olybt encores at tbe performance laat
—I— Both pbooes. IIR
dTt t«.
•pKny. Tbit attracUon will be here
'I7OB8ALB-TW0 la^ d>
VoUoe to Taxpayeia.
lust taken out ol our st
»ext month.
City Booknlore
That comedy to make yon lauyh. the
T70B 8ALR-Or errbany
f rood canbler's desk. rood eooditlon
•'Fiaoiyan't Ball." with tbe ftmoct
- atEse 'Iriah eharacter team Murray and Mack
WANT Insumere
.ere of nay kind to first
and a aupportiny oompaoy of twenty
--------------to boy a bouse, lot oe
people, will he tbe attraction at Stein
kenr’t Oratd Opera Honee Tneadsy
. -ereniny. October 3rd. Tbe fame
F 10 Ol
kfarray end Mack tbonld be aufielent
aod Boor Btrecia aad Baosab arenue.
of tbe ba:
- 'ou Id lb* abol* plat,
to BU the Ueatre to the doom, on the
eral disc
eaah. laqolre a> R
OSes of
• t BeraM BalMlaii.
appearance of the company In thia
. eslty.
A tmall audience witneetc) a perlonnance of Cemllle by tbe Courtenay
Maryan compdny in tbe City Opera
Hoate. Tbe company eonlaint
the eeat aeen here for eereral aeaeona
paet. but Miaa Moryaa la etill tbe
tre of attraction.
Her work ia rery
elerer and ebe yare a Baiabed inter­
^are attracting a great
pretation of leadiny ebnracter. about
which nearly all the Intereat in the
pieee oenteM. 'Ike other oharaetera
favorable attenwere fairly preaented. Tke
ent of tbe
a beanUfnl and tbe M

p'.eee wae well nuBtetnnd.

Our New Derby Hat
As Good As Any $6.00 Hat

Fall Style, 1899.

Hamilton Clothiog Compy.


Our Fall

■ "S

Our New Windows |

Annthor loiter From Mary maSb n.
A totter t«MlT»d by a ynig tody
friend of Mlw Mary Bndlen tram Barl''ir‘'tn. Ia. autet that she i« weU
but does not rlra any i^mob for hnr
•trnage dlanppenranoa. Tbe totter
•tetee that ahe left bore Friday after
■eon. September IS on the 4:M C. A
W. M. bain, going to Oiaad Bapld'
wbnra ahe ntayed over night. thn«i
WMt oa direct to Burilartoo.
Bdltoik Awful FUfht
€. M. Higrina. Bdltor Seneca (lUa.)
Woma. waaaflUeted for vean with PUm
ahat ao doetor or remedy helped
Me tetod Bnditonk Ai^ Balvn
Wt la the world. Be wrlten, two I
wkoUy enred him. IntUlibto few I
Onre gaaiantend. Only tte. Bold by
J.O. JohMoa aad A £. Walt. 4ng-


Fall Opening of Fine New Shoes
is tha teUc of tke town. Our store standard nevar
▼ariea. Prices may lower bat quality nevar. We are
eelling high-grade shoes far below the regidar price
for auch fine goods and hnndreda are taking advan.
tags of theae aatoniahlngly low prloea. Lateet stylea
and beat quality

is suberblj elegant, while prices
were never bo low for reallj
nice garments.

No Matter

what Style Coat
You want; no matter how extremely fashionable or plain your
ideas are: no matter how slender or fat your purse may be. we
esn come nearer giving you perfect satisfaction than any other
in town.
There are coats made strictly for comfort and service and
coats that are made for comfort, service and show. Some coats
are plainly lined, others luxuriously silk lined, but all of them
BO priced as to make them actually worth every cent asked.
$6.00 TO 920.00.

13S Front St.

Practical Shoeman.

^ rpHT'INTO XT'Dry Gooda Carpet
O 1 XvliNDLvlvvjr
aidciothbg hob«.


4» SOUTH ira

A BAUAD tr TN! OlYim

Tbe aceempaartnc llhutratlM li tM
a pbotofiapb of the Brut eraaa aracta4
In h'aclawd after the reforuatM^ Tlatf
the puitiaa up of a ana M

IT unui .j. sniicEt.

Me or Ibe WMOM who (Di(hi be Mid
•bare boDon witb Min FIot* «n».
the colleAcne «r OmU Rhedea. In barInc a hand la the deallalea of ISeuib
Africa. Mrs. Wrber«h U the baad of

nisTciioss UTiKunmnol
hlch that aoeh aymtooh prerad an V*

When damn tbe twvag irem
•'^Aad ioto the ettt we tped.
Brjbe well tte^ped gtta tad tbe(sileat bridge
We knew H wet work

IW Pte

^wn pMf FMk't btneriet,'
_____ .ft fortrett grim tod mioe.
We weat witb our Dewey down (6e ,
Widij^ tix good tl^pe in line.''
When we riddled tbe tbipe o'
■O-Aal shigtd Ot/hcri of I
"Twat tbe watebing eyes



to the PniitMn. Tbla i
i was erected in (be «hm<r of thd
crouada of Walton hall by ttquire Wa>
tenon, a one time opponan* of thd

Perhaps tbe oddest habitation rt •
clviiiaed man la jhat in the little tow*,
of Pitebfurd. »h->« n In the ari-<>mpailjr«
Ins llluatratiun. This buuae repoOM I*

Mter phaan of
baa been found, aa a rule, that tbe wo­
men of the Tratiavaal »ho were of
ulUander armpathleo were even more
anersetlc than tbe men In their oppoaltlon to Krurer and hia poIlr>' of loaItlvlam. and in all their movementa
Mn. Wjrbertb baa been a leader.

^ur wortdt tway. beoetA tbe ttan
'UJTe dreamed of oU dtya at borne
And watched ^ Ugbtt of alien porW
A^gUat t^^^teir harbor foam. ^
There, abort them and beyond them
M-w glowed mua
and aOB
tad efU ' Ox
* Girl
- - M Hook H

When our <kda were .wrpi hy g.
TUI our bciru wtrerf tul guar, a

There was a time when H waa (he
•icht and proper (hlnn to ImmorUIlae
heroea In china, the aame belnc ao dc'


hie the peraon
wboae memory
It n-aa dealred
to beep sreen.
Here, for Inatance. la a jus
whirh waa made
many yearn afo
In lotina mem­
ory of Ixird Nel-

othln* (


BHUab Mvy. Helaon In hla day
» aort of Dewey, tout, aa tbe pbotclocraph
button waa an unkna n quantity In
Miat afe. tbe memorUI1 Ju« fad took Ita
»lace. and wi
R'H>d aubatitute.

4 'S^
branche* of a larse lltoe tr*d
haa been there for tbe last Mi
yearn. A tllsbl of stairs leads up to Itt
front door. The bouse Is made up ot
only one room, with plastered walls an*
a alone covtwed roof Owlns to lU
splendid foundation it la ao extremal^
healthful domicile, well sheltered from
luo In summer and protected from
turms of winter.

Tt« wolebed bj/OugbU tbr^p£,u^Ugbub

z, ixrz.ii'Lg-'.'a

Tbo, hUorrrd Ou: ,uu: rrr&^^
But 'twat erer tbe eyes of Ae Girl at Home

r^ a. our.

conufflT sra ihs jokx

buod u.


An Imase of the Vlrsln la solos to be
erected on the Alps ll.UO feet above tbe
level of the sea It will be the bisbeat
the world. Tbe

eral suclely. At an ofBclal ball In Wi
Insloo be remarked to a yuuns ladF
who stood beside him: "We are fontw
nate In bavins these places fur stand*
Ins here. We shall see tbe flrst ea* .
trance of the new Rnsilab and TrencE |
mlntatera Into Washinstvn society.*
The youns woman replied: I am Sini
to hear It. I like to see Ilona break thd
Ice." Rumner was silent fur a few tnlto*
utes. but presently said. "Miss-----.
the country where Ilona live tLere
no Ice."



' *f

’ V

l'« I 5—i

Cecil Rhode* has Just done n srneroua thins In ordeHns Ur. John Tweed,
the Enrllah sculptor, to make a flttlns memorial of the men who fell In ihe
Uaube-.e war. This la dcalsned to lake the shape of a huse memorial agunre
-------- --the Interior of which the remains of the dead heroea will be depoalte-t. while the whole will be aurmounted by a handsome
third t>anel of the Uatnbel; memorial has already been 'completed
Twetl and haa been placed on cihlbltlon in Ibe Khudeslart section of tbe

It haa been said that tbe bameeta «hi< h the ancieou celebrated with rtw*
elrlea and bacchanalian feasts could nc^er have compared with the Km>«aS
corn crop of this prewnt year. Tbe result la that l|S!a-ysar'a corn caralvah
which tiwk place at Atchison on Sept. M and :i, pruned a more Jubilant fca>
(Ival (ban ever before. These rarnlvals.bat hsd the effect of sreatly stlmu*
latlns corn srowinx In KanMs and Nebraska and ba.< modified the Indus*
tries of the west This year cornstalks srea to an Incredible helsht. and n
station asent Ilvins at Downa, Kan., on the Missouri Pacific railway, cut A
stalk w hich was U feet and 4 Inches In belyfat. With the husks from tU9
one stalk be decorated hla carrlaxe in“the manner ahown in the accumpanyin*
lllusiraqi^ which la from a photocraph.

The accompanyins Illuatratlon »how8 one of the very handsome sroupa
on exhibition at the Hatlooal Export exposition which la now lakins
place ID the city of Philadelphia and will continue there until Nov. ». This
leal of the woolen trade, and la a irood example of tbe different rvpIhls unique exhibition.




liOndM poelety haa oe«n awMwhat ruTM over tbe ronmaUe olopment of
Prlnee Lobensula. tba Uatnbeic chief who baa beM in nttendance at tbe
»9Bth African exhibit nt Earra court in London, and Mlau rioreoee Kate Jewdl a w»ll bora and w*a to do KnslUh rlrl. Aa tbe elopins eoupla ware nnable to PMure nny one wUUns to marry them In London, tbey atralghtway took
•taamor for South Africa, wbero they willkeep kraal tofethcr. n will be ramamtonwd that London waa tooaewhat acaadallaed by the attenUona which Biwllih
joclety woman b«aU>«rM upon tbe XaOn takins pnn in the iwoMt eolonlal exW.WW.- —
-w--------- -a
nklhnad natlraa Ulm
•otkaa pnrticuUrty toaOna ntttbUdh to the oenndnL

Cows# la tbe Newport of Encland. or perhaps It woald be more fltu^ ts
ly that Newport la the Cowas of Amortes. Everybody who is eaybody la
Here la tba beuae m the hlshlanda of Scotland where that much talked of
poet and author. Mr. Rudyard Xlpllas. haa bean apendlng bis summsf. WUle
UUns hla holiday la tbe blshlnnds Mr. Klpllns has been atudylns the native
In hla ^ baatbary wUda. and It la not Imprutoable that bafdte very ions the
world wui have some more of the pblloaophlstas* of **incAndrewa.- Itoe
b^ which the author of the "Seven Seas" has been eoeapytns la the m.ww
af CrMeh. atandlns naar om of thoae ever aliracUve hlsbUnd lock# which
nlwaya scere the dUlfht M the ptaaatue huniar and the haallb aaokar.

the do* days. The ■
a the q«c«a*s yacht, the Ytotoru and Albert, lylnc off Cowea. where It can ueually be found each i_____
awalUn* the orders of lu royal mistraaa While of late tbo qooen uoally hM
been *otnc direct from Windsor to Balmoral her sanuntr home la
of the royal femUy stUI have a fouMam for the frlvoUtlao of Cowm

TH» MOBir.'Ha taOOBtf, BPyPA-X. yaPTEMBBB S4, 16W


B>Mb*r't fac»;
• Ibadosie'tf taj tab; arm.


Bm I bsT. Mr bn tonaf ^
fka Ttatla.
Shatmm>-* DrCaU
glM mt War Sr*a Mb* (h* DesrrlBtt*. •( a
brbaal Plral*.
"Well."«id tb«

Footprint to Slag
bandfnl tt

|7P«. *'if I didn't b«re a time of it sti­
lly down ben oat of tbon monaMina”
••Been op in tba aiM?” inqnind
"Ye^" replied tbcFootiwinL
Mae oat


Footed it tron Angela to

Milton jniterda; nod rode into iitock(OB on a tide door oieeper laol nigbt. A
ftde door ileeper." conlinntd tbe Fi>o(priat “la not tb« ino*l comfortable
PM)de of tnvrltng
PereonallT I prefer

ed to S»4XXl.iMJ.

tptn m3 ajMlte [■>»t

luil.tvtiunii. iLc

U{]nor be verbally contracted to waybill
Be from Millon to tbe divUion end at
We went op etreet to take
•be drink and— well, yon know bow one
word bringa on anetber. By train time
tbe $4 1 bad sank In my jeans bad been
Baked to tbe lorfape and eentecroM tbe
bar for red liquor.
“The braletnan wa« fall when be
atarted for tbe yarda So war I when I
•tarted after bim. .The brakeman conBded to me cm tbe way tbrongh the

yarda tbat be owned tlie whole train
aad I oonld ride anywhere and any way
I wanted ta I told bim tbat 1 wa« enrroOBding at leaet a qnail of Milton

wbleky and If it wae pll tbe eame to
blD and be bad a nice. dry. empty box
Mr 1 wonld be abipped aa an unbroken
orlftMl package. Be agreed, and we
went over where tbe train wee atand
lag made np to Bod tbat empty.. The
brakeman ran a Dour open, gave me a
bnrried booet In and ran tbe door ebnt
pad locked it After a Lit 1 atrnck ■
Batcb to look abont and wbat do yon
mppoee tbat com bad done?"
•■Give it tp," aaid Sing Seven
“Billed me ai live rtock. by gnml
raeti There I wat locked in a box with
two molea. both looee, and all of ne
mwd to keep company to tbe dIvirion
end. Wbat wae tbat Sberman aaid
aUMtwait Said It wae badee. didn't
bet Well, it ain't ll'e only an iniiutioB. Tbe recL ortbudox, roae colored
bad« it to ept-sd a nigbt in a locked
trx car with two moanuin ranch molea
•'It ion't a long rnn from Milton in.
and I conrloded. after tbe train bad
bnmped along almnt three miicB and
tboee aeared niulea bad begun to charge
aroood and kick a rat-a-tat-tat>tat on
tbe eidn of tbe car. that the only plan
•f campaign left to me waa a B»k
movement and a inddin moanting of
ewe of tbe animah
It wouldn't be a
draam of pleturnre CD that uiole'e back,
bat It wooiil t>e mfer tbno dodging fonr
npid Bre bind beele nnlimbered fur ac­
1 got on tbe iiwle all right and
alier a liulu bocLiug be eieediird down
tolrrably well TLe aniiual wae evldwUy ecared to death and teemed to
take , comfort in being atraddled by a
••Well. I wa« jntt chnckling to myaelf over tbe state of affaire in the live
etock department of tbe Kepee railway
and Bgnring tbat amitber btmr woold
ae# sa in tbe diviaiun yards, where my
friend tbe hrakeninn wunid ojien the
door, when tbe train Flop]>ed, evidently
at a aiding, aa 1 knew wu weren't near
■ atallon. We linuip'-d aliunt a bit and
i took a donlili' ivriip iufla'mnlr'aeani;
tbM we ftood etiU while
me other
d tfara I
cara were tmmiied ahunt and
beard two aburt t< ota nf the whialle and
a ramble Uist gradually grew fainter

Aad bFha.n4d*B>*andmtaa4-.
labiUrk thf^itow tbai nowbddawt
m brIllBd.
I MI b» band

Llrvd or bought e«.VH Ibe New York
Klin, hae been presw-d into aervice by
tlA- lumbennen.oD tb.- g;int lakea. and
ocean ablpmenis of lomtHV from aoutbem (Kirta are enormona.
Itallroed tide tracta are run Into all
the large lomber yanla. aud ibeec ancrowded witb'iara In proce»e of l«»dlog. Ibe deniaDiTfor Sat fivIgUi .-ara to
Ibe weal and aonib acverel.i ir.xing tbe
rveourree of the comiiaalea.

Uj happy
Tb«V C..U BBC.
WkU gr.1 heboid

(be U»e e«

Stockton I made on foot, tbne complettoga jonmey of IM milee 8 furfonim in a atralght line bftwee® two
given points tbat are bnt SO milea
apart a malbematicaHTiinpoaaible feat
aceonplisbed by one jackaae with tbe
aid of two reUtives on tbe male side of

wbb b

Ilk tbat a man wbc bad traveled M
far ander aneb circnm«tanc«s moat ba
Bry.-^icago Inter OceanBew Tvrii ■ Cl^x •( Aw*****Jlaw York ia the city of auctiona
There are 800 repniahle anctioo benaaa
asd three time* tbat nnmber of ancttooeen in New Y'urk, and they do a
yMrlybUBlnem of abnnt gTA.OflU.OOO .
TblidcMOOi lake into consideratirai
(be transaction! of ecoree of omall ancticnerrewbo devute ibemselves cDtiidy

tbe wanu of Ibe east aida—New

Ytrk HaraM____________________





& CO.
Fashionable Outfitters.

^Y„iingt»n timi tberanadlou luml.T________________ _
an- urging ibe i>rupniaT«<»f pol­

time it preyed heavily on my mind and
would bate done ao nntil lo­
probably w<

ABSTRALIAB giNER s LUCK, xhc PickHiis Sea.soii
is now at hand

ling a tax on iuml>er coming from I’m
Vnlii-d Stall-* into t'anaila. .Kmerican
log* and lumber are now admittni |

day bad it
which righted up
-..-.If v,r«Mv «.*I1 iafoetimd
-oelf pretty well informed

‘“P* •"*



On the averag.-3i».«XMiii0 fe« of |

extremely bept^ when I hw him
tbeetreetf again and to all appearancea



I Of

hi. ivsimrceK



a great iKwm In

l.iilldlng oi«tutkms



frulth-iw work,

whl.h left

N''* Orleans and To-

1,-iw tbat I bad driven over and Injm
If there ever wae a little fellow <
wrapped npin bedclolbea

back and fei.-h his tcsijs. thui
fell uffJn the hulldlug nx-ord of a year , »,refully explaiu.-il thai he would 1 oi
wero I'hUadelphta aud Louisville.
It ha^-e lak.-ti the trouble n. d.. this If Il­
ls estlmali^ tliat R.ia..«..,taw was ox,..j.

little sieter taken down

" ariilngton. Milwaukee. Cblca- '„f„.e,.„,n„Hre.

, V'"" *



fruit ou the market this fall.

of ,he day


son of ancsiruck w]iis|--r. as if he

(tt light or wm-ly








Tlminaa' “Haiiilrt" (tbe inaane euDg
'• ■icliii>,.with“!l. me. Sweet Hum*.

I1UI1I .-tltugcther to Is-ar.

England, would give "ontold gold to
know how the stuff I* made. Not U-Ing n siax-lallat. the English consul at
Shashlh calmot test the value of such

^-TtL,". "TeT/lotLs

,U.le, tb.l
i.t niilt.. lL.»»»

be h«

Which the Intended
„ Btuobed I
n, cml. .bl.L bttet. o«
.... ___________
. .. .

Aa tpaoeb growa ao




" ben wholly dry.




‘■)u«i^NE"ku<L'FA(:TURIN0 CO.. Oraad kapab-Mth-. aad far S* by AIBmgsbb.

QAI f h;mbee, lath.shingles
Good Hardwood in Stove Len^ha.


Wc-stern farmer* are eaUlng forttat-

ony. for

t,on or
of crop*,
crop*, iney
ibey argue,
argue, wm
will i»e
be pro

", "■ * ‘”'1




the vtdapending

chamitagne and card r



e dlffland detemiinafion
cultie* that have Iwn holding them !
down. Nineteen bnndred will Inan-



Lduotkiit ,™.„.„».r..-rLlSJoli.Lurra. 1”»««iaoeu.


cUeti Tbt7 were Brat ned in tbe fifib
BBtnry of oar ara. bnt were not IB

Tbtre an 4$ different maierlak
iu conotracting a jdano. from «o fewer

Forty etarttors of ...
gnat capacity
on ^ber under ooaalructlon or pro-

MBiBOB on even in tbe twelfth cee-

tlian 1$ different ODOBtriw. aaatoytaf'
lb tariou parta of tbe weat.48 dlSeront basda

Traverse City Lumber Co.

Gas Lamp--

Sk. taasthal Thmiaa
Ba* rermved bar . « •* to Park Ptaoa
- Boisl. BaomsManc (I.Annex 717-lw
Ofln faosras to 11 a. B.. fl to 4 and



11 work et klgkeai poMlbW gru4*. not gaM
week * •gMlaltr-

Price Reduced to Close Out LoL John K. Santo,
Vow Oflea. Markbaa Mock.

Best workmsDBbip money

I Coftsumptlvn Core —W»

Tbe Japanene bare three form* of
aalotation—one for aalntiug an inferior,


ID S*. M rml tor STOMACH. Livce
ennsA p*T»ic— C-

it would pnd.aUIv I ,„-** TWrAVnrOTt
twu.e as much

UM* fata month to better Aav*ntage .dvlse: capitalists have Iwi-Dconaulted. I
than moat men.—Detroit Journal
, xhe farmer* are full of hope, energy



^c was golnTm do 1__________________________________ -

money In
«f• tbe
—» ——


Alao Four Foot Maple Slaba sod Edgioge.
’’ ‘'(51
r ‘‘"^1PeniVV'u“t%tro”!e)''
On Ussimlng quite drj It cU<nl bank had advamr-d him




time to lose on :icevunt of the Bhortiicss of the food and

'*’■ “*.*
PW'tt'D by the paale remalnlnf un-

tfu ,n
to help out apeacb

looking lump dow n ou the laid.- h,•ionn.c as he s|H.kc. aud It certuluiv wav a
womleriul sight, and a still n ------------d<-rful weight. He told

»bady place.

eh M.a tumom
-L r


invested in anythintj clse.

...e- '



uuggei .11
all 0,,.
day. b,,t
but ,1,rUII
there was
.1 i„„;,n:r.l«-r
r.. 'i'eVT.'.f.Let
A' that
tbe faluum truce of auy more g->U.

■ Lie .dJ tejllj ettnicU.. thui .
ttncelLl ..Ik
My e.ri,.dtj i. ttratlj

-iLrT:;;,;,. .tk.....



, briskly wll.i the pi.-k to hr--:ik
k up tluii
aioiii-.-If It tisik all l.iy si rein
■ligtiK It '
pretty d.-clesct
-t lu the grnliml. 1
tnton-st.Hl In some sish Iiiicuh of |nit- assiin- yim. liui'am. hill III last 1 g-it it |
terned Idm- ati.l white .-ottoy cloth,
U Is-solid giil.l lied .
ai-m .pri«'iitcl,v from Sliashtli. t'ldna. to j,.
i II liaby's lii-ad.
England last .rear, It ta-lng assoncl ,;.„-am. j avg jou.'did
vmi.'did II d.-s.-rve ihi
that manufactutvrs in Manchester.

n* Watked.


To thiuk ,

Cattaw t'lalh Keoi* Chla*.
Mamifacttircrs of tcxiili- fahrieg

-. in Scrihiier'A

••(WAain T ••

And money invested iu one will

were almost «I iH.tifcssiou. as he suld:
"Well. mu'.nii. If .voti'il iM-ll.-ve me. 1
eiirwil awitil. ] fell as if it was too

|„„„„„ „

,ai,.ii..i f. aits. an.i
.1 sh.iuM go aiHl ii.-nrly hi.-sik my Pk:
tiH-m til a varh-tr uf ways.''
Hcaiii'i tile only atom- lu the dUfr'e-V
Uiiiiaiiiis hai«- l— n evujs.n^ti-d tu some
iiiiil wit 11 all IhiMc mile, to truv.-l hackt
ext.'iii in Nhviragun. nnd. ac-c-urtllng
So I lily tlicro like Joti's frli-Ud iiiul
aiillii-utli- liifiirnmlluii. if Ih
< «jod aud wmiic<i i«> die.' .vrti-r
provi-s successful III.- luiluxtry vlll he
a lilt 1 1.1’ tilo- a p;isslou.-ttc child m lio
Ininsliiivsl Into the l«uana iikhUiHus
kii-k- ami hr.-aks i!i.- Milcig which ii:is
distrti-is throughout fcniral Amorlca.
hurt him. iitid 1 had to Is-ai that {it-iiiithe W.-si Indlos ami prol>al>l.v nil otix-r
ts-forv 1 I'ouhl r.-el (|Uict. But it «-ia
m-miiropicjil rogions where
iis> flnii III 11)1- siuiil tor my liiiiids i.>
,t,* i.auana is gn.wii. - nallimore Sun.
gel It up, so lu my rage 1 s,-l out quite



^ and comfort during the heated term ti'Hii the

tli«-m. wh.-u 111- i-mighi Ids 1...- iig.iiii>l
a stum- dll-ply imU-dded in the sand
ni.J f.-ll down,
tils vnj.-i- s.iuk to a


“Angels Ever Bright and Fitir.'' eolu: a
diiet with Brignuli. by Ulangini. nnd



We have them

Traverse City, Kicli

I, I,

tone, wbich then did die away
into a quiet gray twilight of deer, melodioDs whisper. Khesung nothing mean


.o,,v his iuirrow aud |.i. k stniul-

l.rafth bi. h«a o om l.te .
il.«« k.ra <e tb.
.lt.lahl».yceue.Ili (■Ilhtl.epamt.nlHer pi.niMiuntre. like a a.i-B. wbich


The wnv s.s-.i..-d

temp*. Ibe violinist: Wehli. pianiat;
ts'iug affts-u-d by the suuuui-r heat or
Brignoli, tenor, and Verger. Iiaritone.
. ,
... wluU-r chill, an U the cum- with fruit
...,K-tb .. ibo. ..a I
Mile. Nil.-»
W. 8t,„p™nhl,,r..e-t.«oatb ..a


our etock.

„-.iiider.-.i since If the

ai.d was wi-iirlly ilruggtiig on tuw.irti

toae. th.t era laort.l vo.c.





ever way Iw th- s.a.i; of tie- weather.
the |>re|iareil haimua
Uinrkel lu an attractive stati-, without

KiliwiD. She MDg in concert at Steinway baU: t’other artiids wer* Vieux-


you necure a frei xer

off. Ue diiell with self-.i.-i-U' ag
ror i
> he lind niili-d at hh. tm-k. - ^
,1 fa,,.,
et^iytliiug. • • •
' ■ ’
over Lis tni.-ks

for entry lag out U.e phiu. Mr. K|awn
e:.|M--ts to pta.v Ids lirsi eva|wrated

o’clock today to bear

daintiee, i'f the dlvlue mer.-y and
gisstm—s wlii.-li was so strong lu Hull
mind Just then ha* ey.r

moiv. after a trip to.Jinuakn. Iia* M-nt
r.-pres.ntntlves then- i.. enn-t u pbni

^•gw VvUL Sept SO. 1870.


„-L.-u It eame ... .he U-ist.

Evn|MK-nled luiiiuiuis un- tu be a new




in all eizee and all

delii-uey lu the imirki-t of the I'ullisl
ntuii-s. Sir. Arthur I'. S|«w u of Haiti-

return some good for tbe ill I bad done
him.''—Waabington Star.


..„|y i-iss,-o< and

J***' " ^nslderoble lu-m Of such ex***“"*'

emooth. ricb

and fine ice cream


“f-t » X-«,t deal of sM,. a^d

my face looked ae bad ae when I bad


Next morning eariv.

iH-mh-d Id hulldlug uisTUtlonstuAmerlean ellie* In the Ural six months of

picked bim up in my arms before. I
' ' ippv in being able to

of A feaat in


covered dew-rt. guided by ih<- smoke


atairs and tu a place of safety, you can
bet it waa that boy‘and girl. Tbe Mme
npon hi.
look of fright wae upon
hia face,
face, wbich
B, but
I bad not forgotten,
bot 11 don't
don't tbink


over the two or three miles -...........
of s- ....

l levetalid.

considerable danger. There i..
waa a light

rnrolng irthT fS^m and the *«.»« T •*“'


Hic maikits afford at no



h'm too weak and exhaust.Hl
^Is heavy t.Kil- baek to tiie *isu iliey
.-iMi -,4mti “
,.5,11^ •-.-amp." So he Just Oung them '
dow-|i, .nuL lis he said.

The rate of iMen-aoe I* fttl y 311
fully 3:1
The eltie. ahowine a targe
a targe

■ ffoii ii-irnui d

hitfber prices tbsu apiece of le«-*-r worth.

^ungli pathos «u the desjulr uf that


We make a special

offer you the heat se!.-clion

of food was killl left, and ti. reienec ®
^e might to the n.-arp„r,. lie
jj,. dwelt
„,ti, „
a g.Ksl deal

throughout tbe I'nlied Stai.-s during

the ci^ ^ inlviM at tTe^TlS
oeut W one of tbe upper tooma of the
aeui W OM M ine upper room* m .0*
burning building to rBcueaomechildren wbo were in the
terribly M.htenad
frightened, aa
aa tbev
they bad
l« W for
they were in
good reaaons t«.

1 went at


dwlmUlug su.ri» with him. Tli.-n-wc«
uolhing for I........................................................
ilu-irfon-. hut to turn
- ............1.

try ami Canada, but from the lucreafeil 1.H-.I demand f-.r Ameri.-an lumber
for hulldlue r.utv»“-«-_ 1
here has

tbungb I
•One rather rough nigbt abont a
year eflerward our company reaponded northWesien nartof


ant] SpiecK. *11111 as Wtiiii and B a- k Pcpic-r. .A ilspi. c.


................... .............. “J:hnson's Drug Store."

of the lncrca*ed prlci-* for .Lmerlca^
. _
arlae from
the extensive trade lielwi-en this ivuu-

Ing moved from tbe bonae where be re
end where we took bim after the
aided end
fur awhile I did not am bim.
Injury, t


We are in poeition l*i furnish Tur m.rir Parc Mu*tard

Thl* Ban had i^cli.-il th-very

,„^,h extremity nrv aluays kiud and
Tbe chief <-ao»e. however, of tbe cn-1.helpful to «ich other, be c.uld not exUrp-J Amcricau lumtar market auil 1 p„.,

fnlly recovered from Ibe injury which 1
bad inflicted npon him.. Well, tim


124 Front Street

uwtHl and bewn lo Knghiud ami tler-

tying Id tbe
•*'* street It
>• ——
. ,
onav.iidable^deut. bnt jnrt the tame
it bad Ita effect npon me. and for a

Mirupa were unknown to tbe an.


ADiertcan export ciiuiDiorce. the cblef
abipiiienia of American lumber are

fire hard lock

Tbe i
MU off
a took advantage of tbe opening to


Kxcloalve of furniture, tbe value of

“Soon after lienlered tbe fire d^rt-

tbe regiment."
“Y'uu tlatler me."
“No: Lienu-nant Wagstaff uid yoa

ing aide tracked. Tbe remainiDR three
Mika of tbe 80 between Milton and

OlotUnff, HaU, PurnlBhingB.

obstai li a to prompt ablp-

menu" retiiarkffi a bottler of tbecity

every weary minnie of alt that weary
nigbt Toqnit riding meant to go to
have) the liver and

milae and'three foriongi in tbat car.
and tbe car traveled IT mile* before be­

Every oie this seasoi's make—We have lo old stock.

luniliennen. It la reported, are obliged
to bold IweV tbeir unlera on flcixuint of


Time. It p 10
“TL-y tell me your
gait wae rvteeUK-d oue uf tbe fineat ia

bigb lights and half Pint
and kicked out of me by
BMiniain mnlee.
“1 eetimate that I rode that mole 1S6



i lomlier la greater then ui any Umc |
I lu m-ent yeent
Yanlx an- running
: nigbt atMl day. with two eblfu of laborera. loading and uuluadiug.' Bvery
aeawortbj miok I tUai can be

And know tbJi troa nj darktaed «T*a
Tne tiMnnx diado4 «ib b* tvUadAwar
One BDI.-B1B dayOk. rapiorooe

and 1 rode that mid uf a jackaai. with a
backbone like the ridge of a rbnrcb
toot Dp and dtiUD and amnnd tbat car

alcep. fall eff and


LuuiIat il.-alere

: port that tbe demand for all gradea of ‘

Tbe train bad polled not and we wm
aide ttacked. I
“We staid there till morning, too.


Uil. year guO.tiuu.t-u.;'.

Bat I Iwie latil
And bMrd God
And Biri

I came aa

Ibe brakemao with whom 1 negotiated
for an nndiatorbed paaaaga. For a caA
eoneldmtion of aix hita and a drink of


l»r ibU bad

I ei-crywbeiv OirvugLi-oi ih.- cooatr} n-

••Sore." aaid Slog SereiL
••The nnplRamntfeatnreof tbe trip,"
aOBtlnned tbe Footpiinl. “war tbe bam
betiafal of cunfidence on tbe part of



rUco to SM.OtoMaVT and froni pres^-at

lb. tp.
Aad Ml
iBx'akwvM h
That ffirlBi

to ride «0 a red mibion, bnt tbe beartlaa and exorbitant demand of tbe rail*
road troat fur apot caab compelled me
to walk or coioe at freight

praducta. . of

waa. of conrac. the chief item, amosnt-

§«fW u be aettM down on bM ftool
BBd bnpin to throw in ■

Before paying $12 00 to $16.00 elsewhere, aee our fomonsUne
of men'e high grade, tailor made

in tbe llacai yw liiM ibe exporte of






Geaeral lasaiaaca.

Qnick work.

11$ DbIm StreeV




”“"KKU'KKir3S,8ir“wm ta*i« MbMi an*, m.



I NOnaFUl «Rf OF



T^le Woe tbe Week Begtaulag Sa*d
Ul tweut br Wee. a. H. Dorl*.


gntund. m comider that a J««e 1. Intended to take part in a ^ when
II ftgntea day after day at tbe beml of ^,7^7'
the be«lng In tbe dally papera and no
warning I* uttered Iry the owner that

■o tte tjTWiDoM dame wJ»o ndea o«

be haa not tborotigbly made op bia
mind a* to wlxlber tlie borw will man
or put. wiy* tbe National Berlew.

With s rod of trm adji. at>d

it often iiaHHm that It ta tjolte Impo*.

Ttw tM l«n l« oat of date.

At lM*t
we aW

of Gideon'a band la inter- In operating etreet cam dates back 10
.. iDfpIring. Qideoo was tba to ir> year*, bat nntlltwo or three yegn
tbe jndgeaof Uracl'aDd in man7 ago tbe venture wai not attended whb

rtcbe*t and moat totrl-

tbe urcond of
:be worid-faiued u.
Ktraaborg clocks. Be­

teapecta the grealMt of them all. H.
wai called <d God lo .deliver bis people
from tbe oppremioD 6( the Medianitea
Be blew bis trumpet, and 82,(100 rallied
bia atnndard. By alii wing tbe timid
withdraw and as a reaoll of a aecond

side* an ordinary dial H uad a celemial
glow lodlcailiig Midenwl time, a yearly



waya bow rerr meekly to her dWat^



only after

tea halU. aaya the Xew Yoit Herald.
The altofHber op-to^te boateaK of
lo^y. when



bewlirb oR.

laee farbeluwed tea gown. preoldlDg
at a Kem of a tea Uble. doe* oot nae
a allree tea liall with which lo hrvw
fear refreahtua Raaatad tea.
In lieu of the ball madame baa a
preMly deilyned teaapiHm: and tbU la
IntrudDced. atirred aroaod Ja the l*JI>
lac water In tbe ahelMIke tea c«p,abU
preatot tbe work U done, and terily It
la wril done.
Of ronrae aO tbeae facta are «ood
for trade, and the bnyera who are





which are going to aell are nuty too
glad to ae« a new fad Introduced and
prorIng In trade TemacuUr “a good
The R o’clock leaapoon haa pro^-ed
Itaeir -a g<«Hl *HI<>r." aii<I being an exIrene nortHty. ha* ium|>ed Into high
farhr In wmt riyle.
Wli<-re there
were perljaT* tuiH " doten In at.e*'. there are dotena and
ena of Iben itnlay. and the demaud
for them t» t'onaiantly on the ln'-rea«e.
Tbe Bt>o«n llaetf la ■ Urge alaed leaapbon. haring dui-ble bowl*, whiib are
aeparate and work on blogea. Tbe
bowta are U>ib perforated. a« '
the tea lialla. The tea U placed In tbe
©pen liowl. the prereidtlal "leaepoon
of lea to a cnp.” the bowl* are cloaed
and Ntpt cloned by neana of a al!
ring. Then the epoun la iueerted it

Tliey can coat UD<b aud tb

ran coat little. Jiwt at preoent ifa
are rather expenalre on acceuiit
tbelr extreme nnrelty. but In a alwrt
time they wlU be wttbln reach of
nearty all the proud pnaoeoBore
dainty tea tnblru. and wi table wli
dalle complete unie** It htrda among
Ita many m-cenaoiiee at leext one ttf

affect the ebam-e of hia own nnUnal.
and if ii>ey abould happen to catch a
eold. or a cough at tbe last moment or
receive an injury on tbe training
gfunml, or mayhap, In ibe very wayao
the conrne Itwlf. and so be preventetl
fivm starting, awb
i»e ebam
a com|ib-lc alteration ma^ be DecivalUteil In the plan of campaign, and tbe
partb-nlar race fur wAilcb tbe bojau*
should start be quickly determlortl.
HIgbHitning bucaea are often much


haatle <if






by tbe talented iMuihera


r«bi. and a ape.-lmen of tbelr work
may be wen In tbe cloOt that la pla.-ed



Hnrei..Kdmotid Roatand eketebm the
portrait of Ume. BemhanU. aa f<
•*A cab atop* before the door of t
theater and a Udy wrapped , in a f
pa'a*e* t
d la tbe c< loaewty with
a.amlle. ruua lightly up
g room full of Uowere aud well warm­
ed. tbrowB bi-re a aatlu bag cvolalDliig
Innooieralib- iblnge and ibcre her
white aalln llnc.l |>cH*ac. ina*ea off her
bat. ortianieiiii-d wttb birde' winsa.
ruabea on to the dark aUge, electrify­
ing a aliadowy crowd by ber ap|M>nrance. comi-a. gu.-*. «lla all that eh
toarbea with fever, lakea her place oi
tbe gnlgnnl. teaebe* by feature#, b;
Intonatbma. Hmw and demaod* a rep<lltlon. tr> ml>lea with rage. alU dowi
again, amlli a. takci aume ten. repeat

................... ,

Oolle. Obolorm and Siorrheso Bowody-Boad Bio Bditorlol.
FVom the Times. Smadals. V*.

ret-AtgoUiDg the*.

New York Tribune,
n in.taJled at Wesrt

id of Oldover laraei'a

■J’wcuiy-fourtli .irwl and the North
river. -New York c-ity. Thl* couipnwtor

40 years
peace. Tbi* biMoric incident ba. beet.
-uracd* of God’s
>ple in tbei
igKlc ugsin

baa tour cyllu.b-r*. Tbe biggest baa a

. ' eon: ■ won a aigOLl »ict<

biTsn Up, bat Was Brought Boole

d nnregenetsta

at the top of tbe main aUlrcaae of the

incident we have tbe secret of

BrIttab muwuni.
I mcc«*. ja Cbri-tian work and warfare.
There I* an atnualng rhyme a.KR-IMCbri«tiaD work depends
ed wlib tbe alxuR-ntb-ccutury oltH-k In more npon God ibsn npon nnmbers. .
the cbgr.-b lower of St. ilary’a »tep«. Cambers are mt to be deepi-ed. but
Eseter, In a niche above It. dial there they sre often luagniSed sUive tbeir
are three mifbanlcal llgurea. Tbe cen­ desert. Tbete ie too nincb of a tend­





atruke; tbe two ride llgure.
tbe qnartera- The buniorou. folk ot

have naojed

Djnmis «ay 8t^.
I nave iccelved a cna^lff:
ny-lera and am prepared
them in any style
Dear fhellotrt Jf\

ency today in Chriitian wotk lo depend
entirely oiun external agencies.

atrlk.* tbe. bour. Inclining Its bead at



of great appcaranca
neglect God and tn

tm»t iu that ai.iib i*hnman

some rcanm or other to proceed .- - .•.lurw two <ir rtmi-.- day* l.-fnre tin*


agai»'‘t llj>» tendency.

meetiug^ Un* fed ao badly since Its arrival iJmt 11 w.mld U- In tbe blgbeet
degre»- lnJudl<-ioi». to .ul.Ject It to tbe

hiNlical balili.t and lUu* aroM- the fulrhyme:
miller’* alive,
miller’. d«id;
For every hour

In a

•eokened •■uuumuu.
.•omllllon. the
lor u>i-ui»i.<
memory »i
Which nilFlil-and. indeed, very likely
would- niln On- mtmal for life, aud
.vi-nw to raring, row.
ire far loo common,

and In nine <-*m« out of ten have been'
tmile *o by luid
of common sense.' l*«Ttiep*
frequent can«e of fbeir Iiecoming tu I.
either from iM-ing rim when uuflt to do
tbelr iNwt- and
bivak. a
bon*-'. Itesrt more tlian a M-verv strug­
gle when uid thoroiigbly tll-or from
lieing coDtlnusIly pitted agaiiud anlmabi-ibai are tbelr *u|».
Qmt Ra**t*B Pat*.
A bnndre<l year* ago Hiiiwla



In all

Abfiul SxnrdoB.

er. but by God', rpirit. true sncceaa It

1 Hneceex in Cbri.tian work dirpend* more upon tbe character of tbe
worker, than upon tbeunmberof them.
ility ii
i. more to Iw desired than

The carvwl flgure. of

quantity. - Panl, with a little band of
devont. consecrated fcllowera, stirred

Itely and Ju-tlee and the angel. au|e
porting the ro.vaJ root of ami* were
execute*! by tienuGpe I’llou. ll i. tw-

tbe whole beatben world and largely
won II for Christ.
More sitenliub

lieve.1 that It wa* the Ml of till* elo*'k
that rang the signal for ilte matwacre
of 81. Bartbolomew In ITiT’A

.boold l«.|uiid U> the .inality of CbriiI tian worker*. Too many are biudranen
I rather than bel(ui. They iuipeiie prog-

ki mad iIHr-a-Brae.

rent rather than accelerate it. They aro

gave brary.

are full of the Holy Ghost

The volume* were aceuiuuU

Those w

ted slowly and with InBulte paUi. Ii
itirely I'OD^rated to God.,
Mr. lialy and during the latter yet
to lilia,
This topic *lionld suggest a personal
of p.a'tlr genlua. Ilrtb
I’Hsb- of
Of bis
bls llf<
llfe lUi-y grew dearer
deariT lo
uudded galaxy or:p.a>tlc
, of
ind JJb kIcwb* .hHrt- the lrtn<»r of than any other of bl. varloti* Is-loms testing
.i c.orie lve*. \Ybat kind of sul:• re|ireHelitiitivi- iHiet. if lugw Through hi* old frletid. J. W dier*kDdworkcr*arewelArewetim• Sbivoule rac.-.: ami the only poet.



pun baw*.!


the flt>t |Mrt of
biis a diameter
one la 14 lueln*


irrli*. on
Tbe nest

!4 Ibe tbird
OM. and the foitftb


Here 1. a point of romiwrlKiD be­
tween the cugiue anil tbe ivuipressor.
Evpuiixion cbllU auy va|mr. and .-ompi-.-s.*ion b.-ats It. I’be steam tlmt eutei* the cyliuiler* of iiu euglue growa
cooler and .xitU-r a* It drlv.* tlie pltdon


even in 'tbe late An:
n.iln naly’M « r<-le of friend*, ku.
quite the ex’ •nt and valne of t
talned I


of tb.-lrT-..iiuiry who lutve analii<-.l and unique works, frequently payli
Wble-wnrld .■el.-br(ly.
In the pnelm- several tlKmsand dollar* for liook>•
tloiu. of till* Strang.' genlii*. THubkln. that were .-.m.lder.'d pri»-. by .-oile
lltiHslan jmetry Iliwi he.-nn»e au Inde- or*. »ay. the Itramatlc Mirror. T
l•elul•Hlt |*.wvr
ill* writing* wen- iit entire -idb-etlon is vulm-il iit not b

id and bsif b.-«ned 1 Are we worVdiy,
selbsb OiriMiana. thinking m
aometblDg .!•*■ than God. or t
wbulp bearle I. consecrated followers of

lUW ».» hiRiie.1
or |N-i lmi-*.V.ii.}i‘g,v,-*. Tbi* woiilcl !*•
i«.l for ma.-hln.-iy
It 1* .-u.tomary.
therefore, to .livid.- tli.- w..rk iiilo two
or u..<n- Ktage* au.l m-ii.I Um: hot air In­
to a|i|*imtu* for cuuling It afi.T .•ach
«oi;i|>r.-*.lou. Hy going up to only 4ti
poiiud* at the ouLwl tbe lemi»-ratHrc
U kept .i.iwu lo ill.- il.-lnlty of Ik.i or
3.*rfl degi-.*-.- Tin- foiir.tngecomp;'.*.*
or 1. with four .nol.-r*. one
for ea.-b cylinder. »> that the air .-merK

once the type and expn-xsliin of bl.
.-.mniry’s natlouallty. and they Inive

and tiuii tlgitre I. <'on*|il 1. 1;
. I'rov. :
er«>d a
m..*i .-ousercatlve e.riiunli'.
PJ -ii
Innhiim- |«in of the bouwbold Unminge
Among tb-- work, of rarlt,\ xxit . l-k; Math. X
Hi. f..7
of III. native land.
He 1. uudenlabh on Mr. luil.v’* .In-lv**. atv two voluuut t-ll
tiH-imthMinl |*M>t Of Rm»>la.
of G.-u. liraiii’.>. Ulustrot.-. G»L ti. v: u. v. ii, to
I’lmliklu'. birth and parentage anliNin- lluu ii«»all.t' lnl•-^e.tlllg and »lg-

in |«ii ami Ink by ltavi.1 K. Cr.»tiiii .
Only one .liildli'Ule I* known to .-xi*! :


that luivlnc ■••■••ii made for C.-orge \Y •

----------------------------------The W'oadee* or Ued's Power,

the .tonig.- lank* at imui.tldUB like ..rillmiry t.-mperutuf..*.
Tbe at»v! iK.tile. lu whl.-li the air 1.

V --af.-iy lliey are

.-.I m'tlu 4.iVki '|N.lind. to tbe loib
think of Uod'* }*iw*r ebietly
pul J;,:o t^TvUc. In the
wa* a (ierimiii warrb.f, who
at ii .*•«! of S3.'»ai. I’.-riuipK
whenwe areintheprewnreof
1 acme
alsnit «a> of!m.. Ku««ln ami »l>iiilu.<.l gr.-.ii ri'innvu greai.-.i ir.-a.iuv of the liliniry 1. tin oatnrslplien.-meDon.
or 111-* are to be uiwd, Th.we ar«' .■.•nm-.'iin the art of war.
nw of ibc iu<*.i >vl Houal 1.11.1.-. a volume kimn u to Un.k- tbe tiiHitd .if Hie Y'
.•d w lib en. b otlser uml wllb the. haeg
ebnit.d of the
uievstor. «'»* men the world vvi-r.
a rare bl.iory of j,nt no.ine.-nn r-fleet long u]ia>d tbe
lug tulH* foptUe car* by mean, of pipe*
Gubri.-I iSisl klii. who i>|*vns.-<l «ie l^.ndot. In iuirt,v-.lx folio v.diime*. II- nm*t comi.ionpliice brndscape or oiiirr
an.l valve*.
ejiiiw of In in.'iriii. itt." l‘r.-i. mler. ilifit lu.tral.-d «lili :tn,.«at en-gnivlnga. et.-i. osinral f*ct without Iving iiniirew-ed
Ttm foiBnl.-r of



■ loud oTtaIn phraora aud by her voU-e .. ............
lug*. wnt. i-.-ol..i> iiml Ulliognipb'.; « by it. dit i* Ib.
l iausht In a U...»elr**.
muvro the fci'linga of uid actor*, wlio ' r”’!!,,_1
lu-l of r.’liimr.
mo*i d. Tont is
atand in the aide wa ne*.
j _____________ _
V..rk Ktiig.-” uml u ~ i .if Id. k. n*. Hr*
One of the mo« denilly snakes lb In■ Mark off a eqai
1'bl* a
■*Hbr retnrua tu her rtnim to wall for
la' was caught by an army officer In
e lime and then i
tu lIs- p.wr» hl-i rUwl inipiTy. -ll-.rl*
I te ••decorator*,' with her *c!
.tndy- a
moiiselriip. a few week* ago,
m bl. uiotb.T-* .l.le
I'.-lly .■.|*H'i:il|y pri2.-.iDp tbelr denigna aud draw*
wimt tb.-re r* tu it iu the wav .’if The offi.-er. Juki a. be was g.dng lo
“ ' Pushkin’s d.'-vi
la ■«mi inotv feH-tilSome y.'ar* ago Mr. Daly pur.-hniM-.l
worn out. wijiea bet furcbead. falnix.
plam* or mim ral. b.>w it cam-- lo be lied, noticed s'lmctbii.g dart for the
.. r wii. the grRII.liiiiiigh- at n high Itgiir.- o laige .■.•lU-.-i
then all ai.oute nn>he* op to tbe Afih
,■ what it i*. how it i* . liRnging fr..Ki day door of bis l.crtna.ra nml. thinking It
•Iin wlio wa* brought n> l.-llers to aud from riinrl.-* Il.rk
•tory of tite theater, aurprlalng aud
I to .lav. HDii will gum new ...nceie to be a muskrat, he wi the trap tor It.
ler til.’Cn-ilt. who giiv.- wlihb are frU-ii.lly
aUrtqlag ih.' costumer*,I. buDla la the
• turn of the divine p.wer and wirdoni. placing It against the edge of the well,
of Uaunilal, and pli..-. .1
boxe* for rtuff*. i-omiHi
lii.-li of the lime.
T..-'tnily God', i-.tveron H lurge Kale, close to his bed. When he got up lu the
ty. wb.Tv in- now- t» tli.draperte*; g.>e* bm k to bt
lereil t.ig.-tlliT oil.- of I ' as ill .iitjDi-.'ti-,ii with ii-tr-inomy fur morning the snuke
found With Its
nl. TliM* tiH- p<»ei bl.-ndtcai'b tbr lialrtlr.tiK.-ni.
a ■ ™“'‘
.Vinidel • .•..ll.-.'ii.m* of plstbi ‘ exampl- uiipr.-*K-A . tn' p-tr-uglv'with bead crushed 1:
tbe cot.l teluiM-miii.-ui "I
wrnilb of Onw.-r* while giving an an.1,
.irdy a f.-w in..iii
'* of Chsmbfrlaii

he divtup j*.«er. but
The gr.-aisn
the Teuliui and the tier* iiiiliiiu.-.l .pir
iM-<t nil nlnio.i pri.-.-Ii'
dieuee. In-gitis tu^read some letter*
Diarrhoea B -asedy in
u little thin sruir
11 of the . bll.livn of tbe .bm-rt. To tli B
vld.h w.-re IW.. hill, a
which deeply move ber. often open,
ho*el complalnu h**
ire of defln.-.-*l.rt- be'iit.-.l mol*; lliiiii oiuber Htin bag cunulolng ev*ryililu».
made .
indard o
:.t1 R--JII .loliti Broiigli. tail, it* i.lm.».| lucre.lihle ,
nf the cIvIHxed world.
For ai
toovenuw with su English bmlr-dresaer. of iit* .tnaiier •erk*. and he niak.>*
ti.'iir till-.-orm r of Hr...... I- tbe p-rfc tion ..f detull* *u
.tfE. Wait and F. C. ThoiDp*cn
goes again on the .lagv to llglil up
uliu- street.
love of order uDil le aiiiy wl
acme dccvraihms. makes a servant feel rl.’nu de*.vnt.
.H.llectlon of foraHiiiv. mast be .inaliiieA in the div
Mb> e.ln<.Rtion wn. ermtlc. imm.
bl. pla.'e, Jeetur.-a Ibe ele.-irtclan. on
________ _______
____ __________
atvlng a wardiube
remem­ t«eeb.-n. Iiavliig ,1dm in .liorge.
I of hi* iheBtrlcul
bers a faiiti hr
nimnilited the day
. 1. .till of ,*'
I Arc Restored and Re Italixed .
fore and .-ooie* down on him wllb her I'"*' lliernior
the body I lied with New Life
pre['»red prearher with j
Indlcnalieu. goes borne to dinner sud (ralu.'d liim li tb.' lile
n- ^rivi
III. nioriirea.tir.-*.
and Vigor, b> Utlog
K like miu.le.1 c.mgregHtiuu i« like
(nmuiry. I’uNlikin wo. a |.»r m-}io1:i:
.•.•r-lN-font down
overwhelmed with fatigue,
r • yokin
I and the a*. togetbiT In
bat a
. with gypi
was the Ur*i ever mid bv tbe {H-aNUji
worshliH-d ibrunaboui tr.T- bronr*- »r m.-liil work dlKplay.-.! li
ird ul life tbi- assembly gue. ita
If aervoo. exhanari^wei
’•IH-.-SW-* for the performance while r>. and b.
Ijww cU.«w a. well a.
I'f’i*’''''"''"* "O'*
)d straiK-.iw’ay forget* w-b*t man- dcMtood, tbe number* of iuaanc aod
tbe mana^vr al Uu- door explain, num- Europe bj
of r.'nl pruiKTtl'
i.n.iKTll.'. Hint III.e..l1.-etl<.
women they are. Tbe epileptic person* would be gresllv re
tM-rlcM playa with frenxy. dls- twins a favorile with tb.- uvblllty
lati-il ill
pr.-aefavr is tbrowu back u]>»u himself dued. and there would be less parslyei
pu«es tif |iu*lii.**s .luring the entr’aete*. died at 3.N klll.-.t In a duel.
la said .
^ and requires a duoble portion of tbe ■nd oereoQ* orottrstion.
rrmaiua .u ih.- theater after tbe elose j

profe*Aiooal men would
to save him fr..m despair. Tbe
Of tbe iTifomiamv till 8 a. m. to deV
Bot be
e by brain fag, aervoo*,
The principal bartendu. of M.-xW ^Mjeriag go ..n in tbeir .in*, and tbe dyepep
... .................... . i» jbb.' duh.., ,b, 0,1.'
tod beadaebc; icacbers aod
. Ind.. had .
f^rtt into a community
d.H-a not mak.- up her mind to go home
•lodeot* would not be exhausted by of which :i.-kalde experienee reti-ntly,
tbeir work, and women would not be
til] those who BUiToaod ber begin renearly Iwiniy yi-ar* he ba* Iwen a voted to tbe raising of r.-r>-al* and 1.- ae BO immediate remedy fur tbe regen­
pale, weak and nervoot,
’apectfnily tu fall asleep, enter, ber cat.
5B0 to <7ltll«-. Both of 1b.-*r .-lai—.-* ..f
aufferer from pain In tiu- right Ittpg
eration of human society.—Reformed
liaeiie* cauacri by deraugemeaU of I
and phy.l.-lifiis have given him up a. baclenila* are well dlatrit>ut<-.l thknugb- Church Mecsenger.
pernliarlv feminine organism.
going 1
To get *1 tbe csoae of these troeblm
bulM-les. .tiOMUluptlve. Retvnlly be
bed aud wring, then Imiwia out Uugb- "
you most Ouarisb and restore tl
■r Ilf bemorrhagi-a. Tm
Wm* r
tng «
uiemL-rlitg that onT 1.
nerve cells
Dr. A W. Chase's Nerve
day be bad an-'ih.-r attack and felt
and BIoo.1
u having Hm- larg.-*t
Bloo.i rilla
riUa are the greatest reater*
-•meiblug .llal.Klge from tbe spot In
Ilatena to I
rea.-lH-« bom.
tlve* known to
lo modem*acienee.
modem sdence. They
numl-r of grain farm*.
»® "•
suddenly called into Ibe tlve.
bl. lung iliat lull! given him on mn. li
weepa. i
Theiw an-, seventy cotton ctau* in better hfe. we recogntte that a etnibge
rtrange ore
a« not
pot purgative, nor have thy tbe
rvpta tbe w.irk. .-ai no longer Bleep a
pain. Tbe foreign anbstanee waa lom
Mv-Uinw in Ver* Cruz
‘o'P'rtt* •eakeulog efiecl of a porgattve. bat re
proBta by lu r .h-i-pteaam-— to
loose and cougb—l out. Go examlua- Cooballa.
tsieiTwro. Tahaiwo head. »•*
cbaracteTized them in tb* ,
building up tbe .
tluu it was found t.> be a loutli tlint and flftrt'
’. Chase's Nerve sod Blood
days or week* inimediattlv
Hr- A.
ttl.T preceding
e prepared from the tsvoriie prehad Ueu pMlged In the lung for m-arly Ibe list b
mmuD* ■ They did not in the least
— »r».r
ripUon ot Dr. A. W. Cbaae. tbe fsmly yenr*. Mr. Itaifleld uy. that Ilona, w
ao near tbe end.Tbe human hair Indn.try Is a very
next With ns. fblapaa ha. 181 colf.v f®**' t .that they
- were
on* antbor ol Ur. Chase's Recipe Book,
sltont inei
ggtlve one in France, the departments
ewtatM. Vera Crtia nloeiy^lghl and
^ *“ I*ei“ring them for IL—
and have proven tbe greatest cure of tbi
that ga*
ber of leeib extra.
moat freqiieutly vl.lied by the hair
age for diseases arisiDg from thin
The prtn'
forty-one. Ymatan lead. In Watch:
watery blood
ezbanstrd uerves.
merrhani* i—lng ib<»e of tiorrese.
mmiM-r of !






. Crrose. Alller.





Halite VleouA The average price giv■ en for a fflU bead «f baJr I* from
|2 to $*> fuAtbe very beat quality and
color. The Rtrla of Ibe dlatrlrta. which
are exceedingly poor. atli>ulaie that
ibelr balr aball oot be eui abort in
frobt and conceal the shom appear­
ance »l the back by a dipped colored
asce at tbe bark by a dfaped colored
bankerrblef. Tbe beat
aod bJnnde hair are ob^ fr«
Germany and gwltaerlaad. aod
tkaae bigb prices are girea.

Ing haciendas being located
>bi them-State ot ramjiecbe.
cborrb Caleb any disease from tbe root
Vera fruz bn* forty-five
evil.—Ram'i Horn.
-rlcM 'planuHoo*. Botiora thirteen and Ti
of ttH- T‘0*^ twelve. Hidalgo bold.

— Iona.—8t. lioula Clulie-IteiiKHTa:
K*w e*lor*fl Pot*.
A Dieee of Atiorbey General
Mte Elizabeth A. CunlA

taieri intnalaiom Of Omar Khayyam.
or ^'^ker unck- flbe overbid one

Omar waa

a n-w cotoced port Uke Paul Dnnbar.’’
•PUtoborg Diapateb.

h.;^;nd;r5er^^rrted to t^^
^ .^e palqoe maguey. .
^ forty-live estate, devrted i

I we have, bnt never with what wo ara

• —Episcopal Recorder.
Ofalapaa cuunt. :
I ralaing sugar
A r**sow* Bwtgeaws.
. Vera ('mx inn.
It 1» better tu know )-■ iban to kaew
I. MIrtioacan 82. Oaxaca Tn.
•omacb that aiaM oa-JcA BIHIaga
Z. Pbebia 67 aod Jalisco t»

Hig Vallry. ano W. A L. E Hot
SsnotoTo'rdoaud mnra. One fare
us transfer to nolou beyopd.
Beinra lim-i U daya
ipeclal through traia from Traveiee
9:30 a m. Wedsesday, October
»to. H W.Cuanlngham. AgL F. Aditehrtl. G p. Art.


to God. It is not by might tuu by pow­

'alal. d>'

reliable reeortl.

. s o c,

and if He lie for e

wbat i* s..-uiPNt ms we *bnU
prevail. To aneceed we ujn*t Irtep clot*

I’ariAirale* fmi
<-e)rbnited l>e Vick,
'■ ‘he
whose tunvi-<-loi k. are tbe earliesi on

uffered wlifa diarrhoea for a lonr
imr and tbougbi
d. 1 had spent
,nd anSered k< moeb mltaix
•ad almost decided to g'venp all
lope of recovery and await tbe result,
■nt notlcleg
tbe advert aement oT
Clbamberlmle'a Oolle. Ckniera and Diarrbova Rrmody and also some U*UlUaiailrr how some wocdrrfnl
bad been wrought by this remedjr
I decided to try it. Alter taking a
1 was entirely well of i
ir, nble. and I wish to statA fortber to
my reader* and fellow arffaratbatlaw
> u.l; and hearty man today and fee)
as well s. 1 ever did lo my life.—U. B.
bold by S. E. Wait aod C. f.

I.'-, ’.V.:

a miller namod-Mai- chtmtian wotk . tbe mmree of power is
tbew. who WB. famed lu the dNtrci
u., greater it He
for hi. .-pN'khke puneluallty niid mej, for ns than nU they that b«

nho has hei

a oevere race

^ ^

one of tbe spire* flapped It. wlug. and
crowed at noon. TbI. marvel wa.-flu-

Is two SOUK." lu play-

jonruey ami tbe ool*c end i
of tiM- ra<i-«uuiw and It*
lug*. It uinv M> haln>eu that

ordeal of


si.mday. ami «> on.

birth to one who wn. d.-silued to I—
e 1u1glile«t .tar In ber sparsely

tbeoe pretty new apoona.

In tbe preface to a book

j ^

ibe.o*ner have a rtgbt to do a.
be think, hem for blmaeU.
Tbe pre*euc« or abaenre of certain
other dM>rM* that al* also eoteted and

uiake It alw*yi

enp of UilIlDf water, ami your cnp of
tea breae a* you atir It.
Tbene e]MK>iu come In all price* and
d««ign* ami can be bad of gold or

brt* go up. and aa be *bo paya .oe
piper ^ a rtgbt to rtiU ^ tone. «

Pro»in«t Tircinia Editor Ko«

to Perfect Beolth by Obomborlote’b

reasonable aacn-n. t'ertain dimcullte*
pccollar to that cUm of work were
overcome only after prolonged expertmeat, no that tbi* pnetij ular devrtop
meat 1* a dlKliucily mmlem one.

.prliHC of
Im-ed to

why. of conroe we wo^>'l nae aoy aiora


store pale. weak, nervons men,
and children to robust bealtta.
By incresslng tbe corpnscles in tbe blood.
- id■ creating new
force, they
IT nerve
ibey fill
e body
Bdy with
wiOi new life
aod vigor, and
b disease from the lyatam. There
it no goes* work abont the resnlts ol Dr.
Cbaae’s Nerve and Blood Pilit.
con rely abeolnlelr on tbeir restorative
sad enraUve propenica
Fifty cenla at
r*. qr by mail on receipt of
price. ^ Di.
DiT a
A.. W. Chase
Co.. Boffalo, N. Y.
Oa every box <
tbe geouiae will be found
fou« poftiail as
A. W. Chat

e B. A I. Aooaal SzeareloB.
RxenreioB to BiebmoDd Sept. fflkbflS.
Eaeuraion to Detroit. S3.
Exeurelon to Cbleago SO. Ocl. 3rd.

Annual Excursions
. ■. Via G. R.&E.
To BictiKid, Septmto Itik
ToMrattutCUalo.M. X
The 6. R A I. will give
eenralonyo Richmond <
Itb. andto Detroit and Cbteago oarweek later. O tober 3d. *nckeU will
• to Rlcbmoad
0 to Chicago.

ir*. half ratelicketa will be sold Ir-m all atatlone..
dacktnaw Cuy to II g Rapids,
lalaalve, good for return ob regnlat'
irflina for ten days.
For Detroit, choice of two ronteawtU
hecriven: One *1. F. A P. M. B. R.
•rum Reed C ty; the other, via D.. G.
H. A M. R'y f-nm Grand Raolda For
Chicago 'he ront* will be vi« V.ckabnrgr
end tbe G'ind Trunk ayaiem.
For time of train* and fn'iber Infor­
mation. apply to G. R
A 1. Ueket
agents or addreea
C- L. Lot-Kwouu.


"West Michigan R’y.'.'
DETROIT......................................85 00
JA KSON.......................................8S0O
LA CR()-5<(E................................. 8S.UI
Annual low r*t* excursion to abova
points with WMer seiTicc this year.
Spe.-ial train wO' le*»c Traverse Cfty
at 9:40 a. m s-."t ran tn Orarxl Rapid*
without a Stop south of Maelstee Cror
sing, except at White Clood (or luncb.
.<pecial t ffortA wi;' N- made to furnlab
empir seating room in eoschee anS to
make the run on ucheduled lime Tickels •'ill be good to return until Octo­
ber 13th. tha’ Is let ring deaiicaiion m
that date. Ask C .A W. M. agents for
full part'culara or tec bills advertising
Oru.'DKBavxsi, O. P. A.







That will be tbe rate from Traverse
City via C, AW M. By. and cennectlonp. Datesef s*le Sept. S6. 37
Return limit October 4
id I9 so 33 3i-«-

We liave jogt receiveij am
aiegant stock of tbe mosL
beauUfal art work in Dain^
ChioA ever dieplayed in tb«^
There are aereraB
kflodeome and new decigne^
which we invite tbe ladiee to
Oar gtock of jewelry ia tbe
finest in this part of the sUte~

Barnum & Earil
Xbomb Blook.

Tu» MOAirmo

csnm mos.
(T WAS HIE UttT SmWi OM9pool
AMto.rMT A*
«W MM IMm n All I
t at


« «ooa tiiP rtTr nBrabat of CMwtpr
City tbrPP nontta W “UiLcp nbP
boy.- that tbe omiaanN ajtalnat .hootla* pipe, and Hjnra oni of tbe mooUia

*“• ^‘»d PMdn* wUl w



t of fierfeet t
the mtotalce made, and then buret Into
peato of Kilnoln* laughter, while I.e
bend, in two. and Anally rotle on the
ground In ecau.lea of merriment Tbe
Matoyi. when In company In a canoe,
chant a pUutli-e.
Olh« llmea they are lUent
a of
^ The Mala.v le lautlou.
of girlng offruae to any one. and accordlDgly will
bealtalp to quarrel aliont money
ter*, and raiber abandon.a Ju.t debt

ellquette be la
ue ...<i ena.ll
lOally Jcaluu* of
««/.„,„rrer-n„e wit?hi.'
□ or any
e elae’e liberty. ^
*ro ,„c
.uoli an extent
]JU rtat I Malay
^r^,ni wm^be.ltnte
I waken another. even bl. own nia.ter. though
told to do *t>. Tlie higher claam. are
exceedingly ixdltc. poMeo.lng all the
repoae and quiet diguliy of the Ik-«bred BuroiM-ana. There to. however.
nnolher aide to the cliam.ier of the
Malay. He I. rm-kle... cruel and can-

t________________ _
Bad ui.
Hl> _______
A merrr war of word. iH'iween tbe '
leading man and tbe com.Hllau of a
Vienna theater n-ault.-d In the totter
TowiBg eternal hatred to bto rival aud
«uv |.iviu|Mri

n« lu.B

BMnngvr—1 don*t'knov.
“Wl>on Joni lookrtl ni If

DVt,i.„“;iSS- ETJi.'TS:


N.cato«wt.r.to4we. 10«/XUABBT A aAToa. aMemora. a»wM i
Cr MBUaawProbMeptaeUe*. SewaaBi

••And then." ..Id the pre«tber. "time




Fire InspBce.
I- U A. BnOdlng.

Grtiid SMldt a indiasi K. K
m.r*s>vretb.M? «
nJuIySih, IBS

'R ■


BMt BMI.S In JapuA

•'.t Jd|>aneiie contributor'' In tbe
PupnUr Science Monthly. *ay*: "When
1 wa. a young boy the cuaiom of eat­
ing Ifd-r liegao lu epn-ad. \n tiliejd
wa. regnnletl a* unclean, and aliui na
JaiMU had iHe-n a *tn>ng agiirulltiml
conntry. there wa. h decp-n>ote»l dlaInclination to cal lieef. lu ihl., <>f
conrae. i>ne ha. aleu to reeugntu- the
Indoencc of the vesciarton principle
of BaddbiKiu. liui to anylwtly who lutd
et'er tasted l>eef It won so' dellcloua
that he could liardly mutrul 111. uatr bto rellginu. acruple.
ural api»
"M.v father wa. one of Uio*.-■ who
knew It. taaie. and wi uow and tb.
»«■ um.1 to iivat .lurmlv.-v to tos-f.
But where did we eat It? We did u.d
• Z*™ Gold PiUmB...........
•'•' •«
e II lu the oi>en air. aud In r-ook- Platinum FillinRS..
ing and lu eating we did not um- tbe Silver Filling.............

M for 15 Days


The Best on earth.
Soaranteed for 10 years.

...$1.00 np
.......... 75c np
>ib. bnlw trow OraaC BseiOa, Clacto.......... 50c op
.250 to 3.00,
TrslB^ ^TC trow Blrhaos-*. r-"l Wbyes,
them ihln"vy Hecau.e l»i*ef w«» tin- 22 karst ({OId crowns ,3.00 to 3^0 Drirali
sod Orsbd BslIOc. st *sn fc w.
clean, and we did uoi like to .pn'sd It.
Trsls lesTlD. si <l:lt s. w. bs. cbrtr car
rsliea w orssd Bbpte.
uneleanlluiii. Into our limim wherein
“ ..
Trslb icavbie si ll:» s. a. bsa ebstresr
WsIlOD to Tols«u vis Bred CUT.
H'c 'god .beffi
. .
IrarlBf S e a. bs. sleeelH rsis Vsl- oniluary uieu.lto, wbl. u luiglii l-e j without gsa, cbloforlD Of ether,
taetaCAIeseo.CUalBas U>alsT(ll». ladlssti»c«l In making offeringfta to the g.xto. |
spelU. sed St. Levi*, dlalae esr w Orase
e ale
The day v '-.. we
«ie U-ef
i-er my
me fatber i,
t offer light, to the gml. i
L ownrrrwnn e AT A..r»»»«r ».«•-

±?;,rr,rsjr’«iir2i "-hiu-cro™.....



Comer Front and Oaaa Stroeta.


UBiin in KHiniunu L L

Boadle Block.

there'* liol»e," g«ln» a good desl of C. C. Lester. HsnsRsr.
fottv from tlici' lirl. r sk'-tebe. of men
who triumphnntly survived nliiio.l
every form of six-ldent:
A few Iiioiith. ago 'lied Thomas
Rushlon of Walkden.*»lilre. Mosl
of bto life t .i« siH-ni In hoKpitato consequent ou
" hto mau> uitohaiw. When
•• J®*"
•®‘I ‘"'I"'’' ke bad fairly recoverwl bo
'lown.ialr. aud .u.talntd a double
TbemvforwBrd bl. life wa*
l<mg .erl.-. of mtofonunc*. f»r l»- ExCOrflion EfttM lO ChiOftEO
■'‘I''’* bf'Bkliig Iwlh leg. 2.'. ilnii-.. bo
»'"*t«lncd many Injiirie. aud under­
muntics. opcniilons.
stinn time ago the lAmi’t met
tinned thc i-ase of a man who ba
fracninxl Iito nmhe six time, and o
I lie ait
o«vnrr»-d on
ii»l'»n ilic
l'leni mvurivii
Meal* and berth extra.
the .ame diiti—namely. Auguai kti. Boa_.
furi- In- ...........
wa. lu be bad ............
I. mtolinp». eo be resolved for ib«
future always to n-maln at home oo
I*’®* •'*>1' I' fhiinced. bowever,
TifketB oDsale Tbur«. Sept. lA
' l^-altbjiud actlvlly. but the lapse
'* ' 'J3 year, later, forgetting Id.
Inthiu. he went lo work
pp.xi Steamer leavaa Traverae City every
lucky day. aud on lito return slip]
down aud broke bto leg.
-Sunday and Tbnraday.

Northern Mich.
Transportation Co.



Berths $1.00 each way.

Arthur Kalfotir. first lord of the PBOVA 86
trva.ury. 1. a ueiibcw of Ixird Kalla■
Iniry. Hto i-arly home to a plain biiilil-----------------Ing which he ha. Improved by tJrci iKii Whil l)ni|t Vnil
l"lbir. and an oninmenial balnsirade. ""l
The park to dellghtfally w<H.d.-.l and |niii the WnnHmen 9
oD'tQok from the hotifc.. JUIII IMB nUUUUieil .
A» 'nierctlng Pto^ la the cottage
It U •nte. I
Thrum, w lo re J M. Barrie first sow
““I*'- I* '• ■ 'insini. pr, ity place
"f •>'* mothcr.wlunn
Tbsy eared for 1.000 taalllM.
I”‘ ‘minonnrr.eil In ••>largar»-l Ogllvy. " on asa eblldiva. last yw. W«'t«
''""I |‘•lW»D^y, the i-rline ............. .. tcJlo«s)a.t Uk.yon-bU
or <■'»■«* Rriialn. wa. bom In one of
*!”■ '"'•''H''"* home, of England. It waa
a king and wa* glvli^B:
‘‘® ’’’’
' '®
*0°f I-®^ Saltobury, in exchange
r,.p fho ....lelllwivlll., BAM, n. -et.A..I.-1A.

can probably lioa«t tbe largest fa^y
in tbe world. Ue.hat 19 cblWreq. 175

la 4S '
MloB ■rtloB




g__‘to ^'ta^'nss^rlSrpMw

_— .A.*

w ».«.
West Michigan
oomo sotrra.

AT Ord Bspid.
Lv ord Btpidv

.11 U
| I It
e »

4 »

Rsn;^’ !!!'!a::l'.&.i !S

yoi iSS.OOO

SS •ii'IS 73! 73!
S ;£ S \S
5 .toS un

.» 1 10
W. taT« avvar had mar« thu eletea aN*NMSI*—tor thc Iasi two yw« wc*rv ba« aaty

of Tudor an«l reualaaancb aicblU'ciore.
lu Market *ireei. rorentry. bondon.
to a small baltcnlaabet'* shop and a
board-above Hie shop hear* the legendblrtbptoce of Mina Ellen Terry

U •



Where Vhe^ Wee.

be bae nndergone'an enil
inge of seoHmeni
lowarda Amerl- ®'~ at 78 (Jaeon to ailU flourtoblng at
ba* bad more
. .
,_j* aln«- bto recent Ulneaa and be
^ than 40U deacend-------wltboot a clockr aald WUhe.-Ciere- now feel* very kindly toward na. Ue
°I »*>®“ =“
~ '
had • gUmpae of
tbe American children
rnUdren or grcat-grandchlMraa.
» t'"
J „ niembefa of tbe famUy
__ , haw
almost equally pcoUfle. and addi
Ming to
Carlaoa nwaras a* tacawa.
A Anrrb la t«wtoa •UR pomeonea
Tbe SnlvnUoa Axmy to talking of
*'r given to It Tor tbe
norpoae U t^lag tngati tor bamlng y*®^“,?***_**

, •« enfryto* on Itn wort to the oto»


eee*aad gnoKj atoeh and battar fudllUaa.

tas : - : ;•« '5 :SBS8

In every ■ucceeding cam-

TWIaks 1



1897. on tbe NUe In 1806; haa been
■vs. noaKwraaLT
mentioned In dtopatchefc won medal,
and baa.written a liook. ilto mother
to an American, the daughter of l.eonard Jerome of New York city.
helped to i-ake'her bu.bMd'famoui gCIiPSE lOKE Ud BOiT CO
and 1. pu.blng her aon ahead.


highly interertln*. But Iben. yon .n.
1 read only the adverttoln* pagefcP«r*‘«P«« •

Tta; 1 Mly wnatad to flee IMt vma Wadca.
•Utt tb*r«.''-Wa«.‘
' .

|-wK. W. AO w.a. <
M««. as. ocr.

«e nu

(,M Udy. whose .BtemoDlou. diguity
and courtly manner have earned for
o„ ,B. .................

IM. sow aattlod lathy Ana •«* •*«*•

i : ; ; i I " L! : -I

*>«> »•''
In bif ordlwry life _
be I. a* lni,«H*lre a. Ibe typical 8.-01
■ fond of tbe nil aduilrarl line of
conduct a. tbe American Indian,
though, unlike him. tbe Malay dot>*.
dlMenilile bt. feeling* or piny a
port. He ba. really lliUe. If any. ap-

aU France tbei« It not a householder expen.** fffratobed by hto ofllce ajK
wbo would have flared defy Frederick peared a. one Item "one gold pen.
of Prussia at the bead of a regiment *2.26." The tocal pollHclan. decided
of soldier*."
tbat ■ man wbo would induCce In such
------------ —'
' exlravagaore wa* no longer fit to

“Su--o. ,b,




m«ra t wUl ba r'«aa*d to aae

*.^1^ In tbe preaenee of the men Uiey
btmi when alone Ibp Malay ueltber
uik. nor «ln*a. In Ibl. teap^i differ,n*. mocL from the Itopaaa. who ha.
all tbe nekr,. ,nil., of chat,erla* and
rtayin* to l.lmNlf for comi-iny. Orerpay a Malay 4or aome trifle and.hi.
conntenan(.-e betraya no al*n of emo-

ping at ibetP ai!*) ••I^ be waa aorry but money ba* exirted In *ome form. In rainedUn elaboraied a acbeiue to l>e
ibto early period all Ibose wbo aeceptupon bto enemy aud
cd pledge* a* «x-urliy for loan* were ptuupter wa* the medium be employ'd
— pawnbrpker. In ibe aeuae tbai we tw earning It oti.
A lady writing fmm Vlrtbrla. B. C- to-day
Tbe leading man', memory wa* none
to a friend In Itetrolt relatM an amuaOf the antiqalty of pawnbroklng
of tbe beat, and be always placed grest
ing and ai the aame time paJbrtIr rtory are...ured. but are wllbout a clew aa dependence upon tbe preuipier,
_____ ___
#f her Japaiieoe "Itelp.- (Toing
Into to whai may have been lla
lU profv**
profvaa of
y,ry friendly fo bim. One ..-.•iie
Ibe kitchen she found him at tbe win- metamoniborta from tbe time of tbe j„ tb* am-ond acb a long and dllli.ult
- flow, with a far-away, aad and dto- Jewlab law to that of the Roman. It.'
alway. demand'd from the
treawd l»«k on bl. little brown face, analogy to lADklng. the fact' that the prompter her closest atieuilou. -Hue
■Being buninu, and wishing. If postlble. pawnbroker, later became banker., ,T*nlng the fatal nlgbl she bad
U>. be of servile to him. abe venlurtd would lead lo the eonolu.lou that prl- climbed the narrow .Ulreaae Into li.-r
to Inquire thi- cauN of hto dtoln-ss. vale pawubrukefs eatoted long before pc, ^ .Ulreaae oo narrow iliai It
aaying. "IVhHf. tbe trouble. FrankT' the aUte look eogntoau'-e of Ibe bu.l- waa liupooslUle for her to turn, ondsbe
lo Wbiek hi- niuumfully
UPU. It aeem. ptubable Ibal the couaWav. forced to make the .1iwith iDcrea.Ing empliasl. aa be ueared auni Uking of anielea tu pledges, .cent backward. Tbe llr»t aei itass-il
the end of hto wih-s:
wblcb of WK-eMliy demanded their „„ without ml.bap and the famo.ia
D Jnsi think. Mtw. Hum...............
1 have
. .
tbs rvpaymeut
... in wblcb the lending man
no tnouey. no aweetbeart and nn bley- of the loan, snggvotcd tbe like degMsIt peeW her aMl.lauce no greatly, bad
He. I am very •ad.''-l>eiroli Free of money aud valuablefc In tbI* caae commenced when a terrible cblug bap«*— ■..... _» .1_________________ 1____ e
the ___________
of the pn-w-nt Itanklnge |WDcd.
sy.icm wasorlglually a pawnshop, U>climbed ilie uarrow
Mead of a iisnk which later took up
and bad started lo cut off ibe
A large tdi«|rcaiiglil fire In a York- tbe pawn liuainesa.
button* of the old lady's lKx>t»' A
-------------------------ahlre town tvci-uily. and a liii'je crowd
airuggle beiwe.>n. modesty amt profesaoon colli'clrd. The Are bumwl furlBaN.Bs.hcr-. PatHoU.B.
sloual duly eusiied. 8be tried to gel
noaly, Iwt
Imi after a time tbe
the flaiip-*
flaiipw nc
R““ Bonbeur bad many bonon her feet out of tbe way iu rain: idie
abow^red upon her after the Bmprea.
forevd back from the front of i
atnick out ai liapbaaard. .till In vain. ,
Engenie gave her the decoration of ibe
In the imtiDtinie she bad lust the
Mlten this .was secompitoaed. to, iit,p Iivglon of Honor. 8be wa* alway. a Ibn-ad of tbe dialogue and the ixH.r i
ana- rtaui-h gat: I t. It l» related that lu
I of the crvtwri l
leading man wa. iduuglng wildly In
ger of tlrt> firm was se.‘« li ni.b luio
|■^e1!• ''.■^. crown inlniv nf l-nte cniifumvl Kent'-nees; Hie heroine wn»
Ibe doorway. Hamlier es<lii-.lly over •!•■
■' ■' •
■ haiean gi at also cotniilet.dy at sen and Hie eunatu I
beam aud Joist, and make hto way lo- »ke bind i.f a troop of rblau.
ward tbe a.-cond-floor window.
Planiiiuuiing. be asked eracloitolv
______ _____
(toolly tUing ____
a ha.tHy written plac- «»«
<Jo *»lm ibe
«rd ouio till- wludow-.m, he clambenxl
rvi-clvlng tala aud .how i
omtmw s.ith'. Ooid Pea.
•own again, while the iwwlWcrwi
I*'' *""'* A servaui | One meniU r of thc pr«. ni Mtomuirt
rrowd n-ad the bold aunouinrment:
ritnled the message to lier inl.ire»a j,pi,iatiire geta bto mall addrp*ii.xl to
returned wHli -non. flatur Bmlih, Mlanrt legl.laKun-ly *we told cheap onmigJi befotv
' Are,, bbut only wait HU li t over! the answer:
"* "Tlie
' crown prince of toor. Jeffemon City," It worried the
ProMto I. welcome to look ai the pic- ■ man ,.jerka until they discovered Hat ‘
J.A>ok oul for tbe bargalua iben!"
lure* he wtobes to tee. but Roia Bon- ReiiresenUHve 8mltb of McHonald
heur cansoi and will uM entertain ber eonnty. an exceedingly long ami lanky
i *i*dmen of the rural Mla^mrian. had
"What did you ny the baby's name country's muqueror.Tbe prlnrt, a* may be expected. W8i been nlcknam.-d "Alligator" bv the
wa.r aaked the visitor.
greatly taken aback with auch an an- -boy*" In his couniy. In order lo pn- ,
"William Henry.awer. For a moment be alood unde- | „nt undue pride on .the pari of the I
"Uold old to ber
. "UTer a yoar. lleVaa bom Is May. rtded. then aald "Well, budding aialeaman some of them .vhwHL *0 be It; hut a* 1 cannot aee tbe brvvtoteil II lo "tinttir." For ten veara •
IHOK.'.. . > ,
Tbe vtoltor prvoMHl bto band to bto •rttot. 1 do not care to oee ber pic-,-(},tur held Ibe office of IWwie ,
turv*. but tell Rota Bonbeur that .her jufig, of McDonald county. He waa -

Hlx-"Why lo you read that magaaloe: don't you

A KTMna. jartoeiaa 4aa «rrct
te rmarlea AiW. DwatoeiM
Manxaaar. paoeet. a>u tfe; Wo.

ph„a«.n and - omen are timid, and

**®* *® ’***■
*t fortni an erldeao iba. tbeN bad been at one lime^ker. la China or «,me
'“V W^-ed to .tub
Tbto road to formed In a
aatonanilal way of tor*e. Ioue
*ranlip. Now, or at lean not
“»” «'"■
>*>“• >“'1
F«»o«*d bare and tbe rain *nd flood*
Iwid *“
ronrae of time produced
de^ jmlllpa. which mlghl be deacribed
• Fragmenu only
of ■ •Jmltor road my atoo be found on
—- wa^
^ from ...
——^ to tbe great.
•'•U. Where there had btdn danger
•• «be hlghwayfc watch-tower, were
In fomer tlmea ere«ed fo? the puHK»e
of proiectlon.
Rallwaya. a. they are great amoolber. of ...r
the -.
way. -«u.u
would o—-u.,u.
bare been highly n|iprored of by t'onfuclua. and there
to no doubt that Ihey will be appreclaieO In a pnictleal way by the ChlneM*.
Shanal la ttae prorlmv on the weal and
tOmh of Peking. U 1* In tbi* pmrluce
where the exteUKivc coal fleld. are allDated. 77icy are luid
ibai the aupply of <-0*1 irum lui-m « .n
la. nrttriy Inethau.Uiae. The wheel
|d the flour mill eeen lu Chinn to of •
lyjw that l« found lu Afglianl.tan and
the lllmatoya* and pomibly all the
way between them region. and Chllta.
Tlie advantage of thl* wheel li that It
aimpllfle. the gearlug. One of
mill aionea I. merely flxed above tb the
,jje „f the water-wheel and rvvolvea
gion, «itb iV: and by Cbl. mean, oogor oth?rr ;machinery becouic unnectwury.

panment of lAlior. >hirly'btotorton.
were lntere.led In other Unea. and
The crowd moved arroaa toI Ibe pubpith- only when the royal crown___
crown was.............
lie aquarr. and after Joe Nixon had In pa* u ur tbe king took Mep. to cHib
lieen elevated to tbe bead of a barrel tbe cupidity of the hattal money lender
be aald
wa* tbe iubject of pawn, and pledged
"Boy*. It wa* our very tort privilege, ,n-n,.nr.«d jjor.x.ver. thc bl.tory of
and DOW that 'ba« been taken away
■- -- interwoven with
from n*. I'm off for Tin Cup dlggitu,
•nd every man as don't want to be an
---- --angel will feller me."
jecta to. for a time at least an Impoaty-four a. It rtblllty. From e.rlle.1 time* and with
The band Dumhered forty.four
paoBcd up tbe trail In the tfuak c
I„ni or „.™„o.


F‘^!£^?•ilSLsr.rffi si::

Malay laro to inpaRtlra. m-HU ooatofy to a totoUiIob. and in a
Chl&Mc han man/ aioia
«• jrhMi (AD
baabfoL oo that, astn .re<<«tit apeorb bp handled tbo old<v
OOP ksowa tbe i
hrttpf. oae caa pariUmpmartana withoat irtorpa. Up
forth iAp pratao «f .iravolrn. bat CbtKarcely wdU tato blood-thimy repoof U>id Raodolpb CbarrblU.
». ..»».•
any* lb« CtwlnnaU Ewiiilref.
than OOP tbp pMPrtlato ^bp MaUy to entiivly nndemowtwt- an idllepr of thp 4th HnaMia. aerred
with thp R]Aulab fotvea In Culw in
^**““«* «fFuiprl«. Ibah. with the Ualakand fore« la
*<“ *“• >*“ **»'■
"* “*
'ttwothpr of a way to a bpopfactor of Pe^n«|» »««• «» «•»'«• I*®*
•»!. aperiPA" bat rtoltora to tbe «ow- ?frtpl
^ TTL'
A«* «»ntii H* >» •!»*• •««1 deliberate la .pwA

know. If the abootlng to over and you

Oswta.'l BeM ASTOM Thra.
Wbei-lmau-l Rilnk I'll give up bicyclltig. I am aa careful as can to. bat
every now and then aomc accident
happena. Tbt* 1* tbe second time I've
been arrerted and fined for running In­
to people.
■ Bartneosman-rU tell you how to
manage. Joai start btwineaa as a had
debt riUeclor. Everybody will dodge
yon then.—Hpare Momenta.
—way Be twoked M It.
Mr. I’pwm Doama (seated by a
'•trmngvr In railway cairtage>-Wtiat
time to It by yvor watch, If yon




ahartee ttae lo.iiUtnM »t. .he t.iernnh


•M t* VotT »HaAI M« Bm Alwiy W»m



rone to tbe eoaelnakai that .aeb benofartoea bare been acaree for a Ion*

fher tel tin nn tM.^hni ■« . nniiiir In
^t «.
JJ^o r^^be L”ay «^mw
IJZrlrpTm ^
Of abooiia* a pin* hat off a atrancer-a
bead, atranaera weartaa phia bata
were few and far between In tboae
On. tat il» b.j> w.linl In pnlUm.,.
ind .n, lU, n, .nm. In nn lb, ronf of
the ataae
bad been herin,. ’ni.
HI, romina
aMioL and Iberr were at leant forty
mea in front of tbe poatoflice who
tneani to bare a obM at that hat The
wearer wa. a younglab man. who eat
and mvaeid
looked uciiiit'i
neither to
d iiu xvfueo
a I iub auii
the rigbl nor the left. The bnllete began to atribe bto bat before tbe boraea
had been pulled down from a gallop.
and a* Ibe Inmbertng rehlcie <«me to a
hah tbe fiiellUde wae like that of a
akirmtob line.
uue. r«i,re«
Hcom «i
of bulleU
uo.H-i. a.ruca
Ibe hat with a ping, bui It waa noilee.l
ihai uoi one paaaed througb il. Tbe
wearer preaerred bla calm demeanor
until erery man with a gun bad etnplied It. *rben he alowly climbed down
off the atage. and advancing to tbe
leader of Ibe moll wbo bad tvek-ouied
bim he held out bto hand for a abake
•nd Mid:
-Hlr, I llienk yon for ibto enthualaatic welcome to Cw.ter Cliy. and In cam
you hare.-bram band in town immU
not object to a after .upper."Wbaf. the matter with tbe hair
relied a docen men.
The trsTcler removed It with a how
and paamd H around. It wa. a aieel
e and wa..n« even denied.
e you bning Ibto out for wearr
• .ked-tbe
Q who made Ibe Uit 10‘
-Il'a the very totmt" repUed the
traveler "I'm miry for you boys but

snvoA aavaaniA m. iae9
BOM OP A cum voiiAir.


UMia aCMlUJNCUTm cut tn«rd U U ffllbMit tt.
'OS srr eordUUy iDvItsd U
he ssolirsttoB to say st tb* i
si rsae. er M T. wrfcitrbic.;
N Oossul. Trsrers* C<iy

ir« or ibr


Lv Dk Bsptda
At Trs'SltoOy


Orssd Bs


Colmnbii ud Loii Cnnnliip
Ootae Ksrth swry dsy saesgt I
Lssrv TVsvsrsv City ............................
•tosbtswsois........................ .

:” Cbsrlrrolx...........................

: !S::


•• CbsrlrreU B. A Deek..........
Oolae nodtb vTsry day stesnt a urfay.
•ST« Cbartoveu A A Doth......... . saSba
" CbsrleroU............................. Mosb a

Parehaaere tor the toUowtng and •Biep «nsa nmaO.
many more too nnaarona to maation:
Honae at IIS Went Front strodt.
MOD; OSM on Fifth otroet with nil
meflom laprorMnaato fllMO; om on
BtoU. •mO: one on Want Front. flMOO;
ona on Ftfsh. Urga honaa 81000; hooae
• mnnn. lot lolaKM t%, with 7t banrlng
trait tram, wmt and sooth of Front

atoavt. IIOOO; one on Bmt Eighth, nanr
Ostav Itortb avoN «m «
fMtoilaa. Urge lot. Ifioa


7M m

H. L. * Oo. Kotk

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