The Morning Record, October 27, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 27, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




AM Teu-No T74.



White Bter Lraaf Mu Mawa aad
Mamatad by a Baifa.


UvadyoeL Oat. M-Aa tba White
Star tiaa eteamar Oarvaate vaa laavtar iw doek at tba ylar to taka ay Iw

I) Taira rwM* Bm« :
.▲fttrslMifanO Mv*
■atah Bayort Thai the Sl«klaaatk
maMM Wm
Oa»tar«L Bat
Piatorla, Oal. M.. ate Lotaaaa Marqaea —TheboaaardMatof Matekliit
r^mUf. ne woaMB m4 ekUdraa
vara fflraa aapla Um to laaaa the
tawa. U vaa raeavad at daaWaak
- atra.
- Lovdea. Oei. ae -Tha war oAsa baa
raeatvad iba foUovlaf
Oaaarai watte, dated at Udya
today: •>lt:«a p. M.—Oaaaral Yalab
aataaa baa laat sarebad la bare after
a vary bard mareb daruf a aicbt of
atwayttcaatly baary rata. Tba i
tboafb doM ap. are ia rood ^ilrtu aad

ni^^o OoBgfoM WIU OompUiii of FrUrs.
tatotaltolito to Ttalt Moata to Brotaat

Bav York, a nmm hoyyar harye raa
at fall ayaad Uto Om vabaalb port
laartar. v^ar a bola taralva laat
(qaara la tba atoaaMr.
Tba two viaiiti rateilaad toekad to*
ratbarloraoM Uwa. aad arbaa tbay
alaaiad aaab otbar It vraa aaaa tb«t tba
rad. Tba
Oatteaaie'a eaytala rataraad
v to Ite doA. latU raaaal wUl not
tell for Now York thia trip.
Am -itaa Britoaate to aafarad aa a
troop ably tba Oaaada wU) taka tka
I'm otall toteorrow.
roar of tba Oaraaale^ atarb
plataa are aaaabad la, tba fraaaa are
hrobas, aad tba atriarar plataa eat.
A heavy for pravatlad at tba tlaie of
tba QonUioB.

Afiaff Tbata BraeUoaa-Arululda
Obamotortaaa IMeto aa lairlfBaie
iqatttto Oauaad XtowmteU of Spaia.'
MaalU.Oat. M.-Tba FUiplao eop.
rraaa baa aalacted a
aaUra prteato to proeaad to Bosa to
axplalB to tba pope tba abuaaa and
ialquiUtoof tbatrtaia aad aak oorraet-


Arntaaldo. ta a raaaat to*«eb at
Ibrtaa. ebaraetorlEad tba friaia M laUliraotaandabBaanof bow>r and the
law of ■orallty. aad daelarad that
tbay bad eompaaaad Spala'a downfall
ta tba Hbl
bilipptaaa. Be added:
-We can have no eonalderatlon for
tbe friaiu. wboaa taiquitlto and ahoaaa
ara'donbtleto anknowu ni tba Vatican,
where only tba frlara' own mlaloadinr
raporta are racalrad.
If thU ooaitaaioabaaaot yet left Manila, t a
fact tedaa to tbe macbinatioa and tn<
asitb. To avoid tba riak of life,
trirne of Blabop Noxalada of Manila,
boodoa With
a loaf sareb would bava aotellad, tba
wbo It moat affeaelonaly aldinr oor
woasdad Fare left at Duadaa uadar
Tarau to Submit.
aemlea ”
Maw York. Ool. to-A; Waabtartou
Waablnrton. Oct lA—BeporU from
Martial lav baa
dlapatcb to a loaal paper aa7a:A"8oaor Maaila contain aome aUrtlinr tafonua*
tbmcboat Hatel. aad tba rovaraor Aatoulo Bf«tdar. oov is Loudoo. will tloB of tba apraad of ramhUng and
•aaaral baa vdlad oat tba B flt aaao toil for tbr Ualted Statea vUbla .three other forma of dUalpatioa amuy the
Olatioo tor tba dataaaa of Plaursar- voaba, aad aa a fully aoeradited rap- aoldiera.
ESdra are baiar made to
auUvaof AruloaldovUl rapreaaat break up tbe evil practioa*. with every
Tba death of Uaa. Blr Wllllaa Paoa
'ruaideot MeRiolay nev tanaa for arfdanea that the auihorlUas will meet
Oysooa. tba BritUb oomiaaadar at aedlar boaUllUea aad reeoaatmaUrr oltbaucoeaa.
Olaaaoa. wbo vaa ahot in tba atowaeb
roveramat of tba lalaad Tba
Army offlteTu bava bean detailed to
daii^tbabatUeoaOeV M. vaa t« cotolar of the repreaeatativa la kept a make ayawmatic touru of inapeetioB
!loaa Mcrut by tba admInUtraUoa. hot and to raid any place wbleb has tba
mooa today. Tba Boatu' campaWro la from a hlyb authority it la laaraed appaaranna or baata tbe reputation ol
balnr ptohad ao atraauoualy aad oa that tbaae are tba exact tormi. Aruin- bainr a rambtlor joint Captain Mcraaab aonad ateatacioal ItaM that the aldo dtolrca:
rlaoo of the Twaotlatb Infantry bat
altnatioa of tba BHtUb teuat la all
free trade between made a number of arraato, bla latest
. probability rl»«
‘‘“P' the
litedSteteaand ibc HbUIppina aelznre of petuoya and property belnr
u U dittcuH to Me boo tba Ulanda. earrylnr with it tba fullaat | four Cb
a large
d fore* at Ladyamith, will ooramareial favor betwaaa the two, battaato
be able to Uba iba arrto“'»« Immed eounirlto
tataly. Aoart from tbolr fallrue. rer*
Two—Perfaat relirlona fretoom. aa
ImanU Ilka tbs Uirdon
extate under tbr rovrrniMnt of
aad Royal rifles have been practically :
After Pour Years of Hard Work at



Ordara were iaaoed today for an ad
dltloaal t.OOO iroopa to aalT for South
Afrito bofora Nov. U
B rbMaalb Bueuars Safa.
lyondou. Oct. *<> —Tbe aorrrapoodaat
ef the Talarrapb at Ladysmith oonArms tbs report of tba arrival there of
tba mltolBC tpoopa of tbe B«btoantb
BMaara. Ha aayn that Oanaral Yule,
whan at Ulanaoe. aaat them to Inter«apt tba Boera, wbo ware retiaattay
ftoto Blandslaacto. They fought thalr
aray aofoaa tba Blgfaiubarf. tba Boera
pwuutafftbam. ,
U waa paralateatly reported yaa^
day that a squadron of tba Rigbuontk
. Buaaara. wtBi Liautonant^lonal Mol
tor. two eapt^aa and flva Haute
bnd bean aaptured by tba Boaru.
The Bvaulag News publUhad a dla■ateb from Ladysmith, dated Oct «l.
avbtcb aaid: -A troop of tbe Blgbteanth
fioasara, which went aatray near DnU'
•4aa while purautag tbe Boaru. arrived
barn today."
OUelaU at tba war ofllaa. wban quae
t» —« eonoaralag ibte report, aaid
tboufb tbalr loflrmatloa that tb<
•qaadtoa bad baaa captured was nnot'
Setal, tbare wna ao rMvoa to doubt Ha
eauoral Mavis Ballavaa Sbey are not
Bqnal to Saif Oorarni
Waabtafton. Oot st.—Tba burden of
a rupori joat anbmltted to tbe aaeruUry
of war by Oen Oeorgo W. Davla, mili­
tary fovaruor of Porto Rloo. Is that tba
natlvH are not now and aevar wUI be
able to govern tbemealvca.. It la upon
tbs information oontataad ta tfaU
mualtatlon the prealdont wlU baaa tbe
runommandt!'""* rulativu to Porto Eico
la bla fortbeomtag aannal mmaag
Ounaral Davta aays It will take yaara
to aducato tba Porto Btonna. for tbay
arv mart, aad the prorrtoalva Amwloanaplritw^UbavotobalnatUtad Into
tbam atowly.aa they do not grwp
fpAt* with anoouiufinr rapidity, trow
ebeemHiTT- ao far made. Uaseral
OavM thtaba it te adrtaabta that a gov
•mor funatal tbould be appotatod.
VMtod with oartota poware. To aid
tomtbaNnbouldbaaboiy of AiMri•au to aat ta tba unaalty of a Abinta

totatafMattvubody.baww, an to

uTrSSiummmAimMAit^ m-


Alfred V. Friedrich

in BuaU. Fall Fi^re* And Baa Relief, the finrt
that ever atrnck the city. Only a anall aMortment
haa been nnpacked, will have more the Utter part
of tbe week—better drop in today and aee thftc.
then call again Uter—prioea 33c np.


Have you- read ^ r
The Hod. Peter Stirliog,
by Paul Lelchaator Ford?
The character u aupposed to be none other Owa
Grover Cleveland who champions pnre politics in
New York elate and takea the reader thnmgb a
ward canena to the govemor'a chair in a nraat
reuliatfc manner—It U ibe beet history of a poHtic »l career that u in type—Ckn sell yon a cloth

We Ran jest: receiv­
ed a larje shipmeit
ef ladies' sheas, sqlish ie shape, fit aad:
appearaece. They
wear as well as most'
S2.00 sheas. We are
solo; to sell them for

cjpy for only 75c.

gao-gsa Front Street

Balphyonnabls Jr. Xanaesr.

-Kiw ..f S R.n^s A

sn<l >on no

..8 so to SIS I <*aiufur

$i.4a a pair.


.. .8 50 to ass Beefera for boy*.
. toototowi •«w»,torw'for.SSe
Underwear for


I0ctoss.s5 (U^ for boy* ..


Acaiu we pound on tbe fact that all gixxU found
iu this store are NEW!


The leading Shoe House.


Agent of American Bxpraaa Co
Be Will Taka a Beat.

Comforlable Hosiery

I F«»K \0\V IS

United butea upon all luioor.taot islanda of tbe archipelago, to be aelecied
by Uie United Slates and ceded
right forever by the Piliplnoa. Thia
would iocluda Manila.
Pour—Military naervaUons at Ma­
nila, Iloilo, Panay. .Mindoro. Ni
Maabate. Samar. Mindonea, and sneb
other iaianda as may be determined
upon by both govarnmanta.
Plva—The amploymant Ot United
Statea ofDclaU in tba onauma and all
oibar tatamal branebas of tba governmeat, to be aotUad by tba United
Statea and paid by tba PUlptaogovara-

P. (i Durfee. agent of tbe American
Exprem Co. iu this city, has sent io hii
resignation to tbe kamdqusrters of tbe
company, to Ukr affect av soon as tbe
■aary a^r^emenu to fill tbe va­
cancy can be made. Mr. Durfea wiii
go to bla eoontry home west of the
city, ta Elmwood townsbln. for tbe
winter to Uke a well earned reat Ra
bogan bla eerviea for the company four
years ago next January and baa n> t
The man wnormakee a hit in
left bla oSIm for a reat sinea that
bnaioeusiB the man wbo ia thortima During tbe past foar].yeare tie
'oughly dale.
-am boaioaaa bare bat doubled and
If yoo riou’i have a telephone
li atDl tac easing, tbls'belng tbe moat
ipevple are liable to think that yoo
Important p^lat north of lUrmnd B»PIds
lee o> American
They will probable
think that yon are
Savan-Tbe aatabllabaant efa Jodialowertban yon
alary aa non axMto ta tba laland of
XoIkwIv wanta
Bight—Tba raoonatruotloa of tbe aa- One Wbioh Will Cover all of Orand
*«il with p^plc who
Traveipe Ocunty aa Wall aa the
Mre Plllploo foverumenl upon Uni
re Whina the timea
nearly oonaUteat with tboaa pruact
DUyby tba eonatttntlon of the Ualted Statea
A rep^uUtivu of tbe Polk Direc­
and adapted to tbe aeqnlramante ol tbe tory Oo. of Detroit, la in->tbe city
piling matorial for a dlruetory of Trav­
Nine—BacogntUoa of tba Pillplno
el tj aad Urund Traverue oouaty.
The volume wUl be oomplete In every
uifBer a protectorute of tba United detail, ooatatalng 'aamea of all
lente ta tke'oouBty. and detelltag
Saaor Bagidor will have plenlpotenuary powora to treat with tba United realdenoe of each peraon. OoUlde tba
Statea govarnment upon all of tbeaa city tbe namw will be ao recorded aa
polau ta order to reach an agreement to enable one U flud a peraon’e location
by which boetllltiee may eeaaa
itbout trouble. Tbe aame rule
PreeldentMcKlnley baa been fami­ ■wilt of oonrae pruvall ta the city de­
liar with the terma atlpnlated by tba
but tbe eompllatloa of a
PlUptao goversmani for more than two
iplate directory of tbe county la u
' deparUre. and one which wUI
prove of gnat value.
1%e Polk company an the modi
teaaln dlrwiory pabllabera ta
Wlierc a cigar ia made ia a
United Stataa aad publlab. dinetoriaa
Brevantod a Big Bira
ta all tbe largMt elUee. and tnany of matter of conaiJerable weight to
npMvUla Mtab.. Oat U.- tbe taaller placta.
particuUr smokeru. and it.U to
PlM waa dlaeovurud ta tbatwoodyard
them we apeak.
■e Cob. factory at about
Our work rooma are clean,
1I:M laat Bight. Prompt action by tba
light and pieaaanl
boaa oempany, naateted by tba aasaU
Our stock ia clean, finely car*
at tbalr nriii, aavud tba aaed and fragrant.
Uru yard, atoek abada and probably tba
Onr workman am neat, skilllaetacy itealf from buntag. TBa Iona
fol and efficient, naiog the beat of
wUl be nllgbt. 10 to M eorda of vrood
only being daatroyed, fuUy novured
These thinga make onr eigara
bylMumaaA QaaMOffirula nnknovn
Uie favorite bnnda with ao many

IrYni’ Get

1 A .Tclewksi





Fleece Lined Cotton Hose

^ • Protection from damr. cold weatber ilU — not ubcomfortable to weer.
» U> have flcMv l'«~I boaiery for ladlea'. micMa. boyb and chlldrei—tbe
pricea are loc to 50c.


I Shirt Waists
Made of all wool 6aooel.
colors black, cardinal and Davy









BrUliotinaa - $1,763 and $1^6

All Sill ami Satie Waists
At Popojax Prises...___


■Where It’s Made



^S^toTpSto EtaaM. Tbe aottaaa of

tmtun an

ta. Candy



Ina Mountata. Oet M.-At 8 oieloek
tbla morataf CbarUa Nairn. Etabard
edbyaauxplMtanofdypnmlto ln tba
Oandymlna. Tbe man war* ebargtag
bole pnpartng torn bleat.
It ta

Iv.QO t»a\-


Gin Post, stnigti TOc
Diimnt J,3fgi-2Sc
Triverst Relle—OSe
Sold by aU dealers.



»i. >D.m\\Vwv =

lorse BtoSh Nusi Paiitm


4» V Smwwod Atm

We want to talk about. (Step in and
look over onr line. We hare the little
soft sole shoe for>tbe baby, and also the
shoe for that boy of yours.
Baby’s Shoes..........25. 35. SO. 75c. $1.00
Child’s Shoes..........60. 75c. $1.00, $1.25
We have.everythiag yon can imagine in
Misses’ and Boy's School'Shoes—See
oor ‘Tittle Gents” high cut Box Calf
Shoe for $1.50.
McNamara Blodt.



TH> vouraio mBOOSD, F&IDAY,
!«■ Moumra ksoobd.
«4mas CITT, •

BABW' Vino* OBftAVXnD.

Vaik Baaoapibkad Xbat VigM By
». m. Va*«*r.
1. & Waaaar aeeaadad ta argoaialaglb* barbae* lato a BBlaalBBt **«*•
b^. Tb* teUawiag waat la a* ebarfor
Hawmm. biBbari: Bart Wlaala, Biwaod Batlar,
C H rbbar, B B. lUvaea. ‘IVMua J
Mami* inaa.Bsr*W Heyward. C W Browr,
B. C Slobs. A. M. Otlau. H J- OoopV. M. Bahaar aad Gaorg* A Bowar.





3. W.

t. W. Bams, kdlw wd

•oM Wotd* for •eswAl VbllA.
U wQl U r*MBb«r«d tkAt At U»
lAAt AMAiOA A( UM UffMAlAn A ) >>At
•OfoslUAA (»■ UM bO«M AAd AAAAl
fTAA AVROlDtAd lO lAtAAtlfAfo tb« »8*ln
rmr* dcpArt.
TkA*Ij>ritjof Um «
9ftru6 ibAtAbAontiAMt oitkAdAP^rtBMt WAA Akow rAprOAAb AAd IkAi
•hA ArdAOM rwork of r^alpplAg
HloWiTAn troop* hod koAA ocoAomtoAJly
PArriod o*t aodAr the ueltoAeai
pslAtad. Tb* alaorlty of Ue oott
foo Ai**r*lf crttieiAod th* oeodaet
QAArtarmAMv Ooaota) WAlu** dcpATtMAt «sd A **aatiw»
10*4. A pABpbUi hA* kMA tMA*d
vUcb fo A roboh* to tboa* wbo
•OATbt to MAllffB GonafAl Walt*. Aod
TOfoM tb* ADtraroAl *uUiAeat of IboM
iBApOAlUM to kAOOi tbAt OaSATaI
WbltA hAOdUd A AtApAAfToOO* <
diseiilt eifconMlAAOi*. «itb a
MAI AAd AbUltp wbleb ooBtaAodad
ttAAlf to tb* fATOTAbl* oonAidATAlio
IbA pAopla of tb* AtAt*. Dorlof the
ASAltABAAt wAkdi proTAUoo ABdar tbe
Barrfod OAll for troop* «*oerAl Wblio
- «AA nqBtTAd to oqBip tb* MlebirAs
Itoo^ tor AcUr* •brrio* opaa rtj
■bort aoUa*. AAd tb*r« wa* bo tut*
wbOBA troop* wore *o well
MBipped. AAd
pta*. Aad BAdar tb* **1*0*4 •
dUloo* tb* •Aoaoeaj ***rci**d wa*
It to tbOAA who UBpiAAttarofo
4Ar«toed tb* d>fl
lAttAB Wblcb OeoATAl Whit* bA*
PAAOWed All A book of
pAfA*. Aod tbe
UBt I* b*Ad*d bj A wp oompllB**pOBBBBlAAtlOS ffOB SoerOlAIT
Wat bliAf. followed by tbe ettoAt* of
(boMleblfBa brlfAd* from aoIobaI*
dotra to llABtABAat*. All *odor*liic tb*
leerk.of tb* «ju*rur*A*l*r ir*B*rAl
tb* blfbaet torm*. IbAi* b** 0**B
4a*bt IB tb* Blsd of ABJOB* who kO*W
IbAAOBdItloutbAt tb* MlebUTAB *ol-'
Alar* war* esAApUoBAlly well oar*d
far. tf lb*r* bad b**B tb* pABpbUi
^l»d*d to eteetaAlly dUpaU eaek
doabiA bBdA*totb* aeoBoay e**r
piMd. tb* rOAOrd* tbABAAlT*. elABd A.
M abiqiMt tBUBoolAl to tba AWlliy
«f OamiaI Wbtt*. A*d bl« AAT* for tb*
faltira*t*of tb*tA*pAy*r* efth**tAt*.
M waU A* tor tb* aealfAT* of tb* aol-

A good deal ba* bees piibll*b*d lAt*>
lyngArdiAftb* propoead ehAaga* la
•ba Saboab lAlAod* *M *ob* *4*001*•loabAt baen lAdatgad Ib regardlBg
|b* poelUoB of Eoglaad aad tb* Mtara
aftb* AOBPABiAtiori *b* d«BABd* for
^*r iBtATMU to tb* bUBda
It b nportad that Baglaad b wUllag
tonllAiiaUb bar rifbb fB fouBO* to
p**B*By If tb* lAtlar will taro o**r to
|b* BrKUh gof«rBB*Bt tb* OeraiAB
portloB of U>* UlABd of Mew (lulBeA.
Ifaat u AiutraliA, Mew Ualnea b tbe
}arg**l blABd lo tb* world. It b *1*
tbaee a* large a* Kogland aad b on'y
papAratad from tba ABatraUaB oooUP*Bt by A ahAllow atralt. which b
ptfbty Bile* wide io iU narroweei pan.
jr*« Ualaea b l.MW mile* loag and
from twenty to «so bUb* Ib width. Tb*
iBlABd bdlvided into thro* partA.b< 1 )ogfag r**pecU**ly to Bollaad. Gennkay,
Bad OrMit Brltaia.
Tb* Dalab cIaIb
^tat from llil, wbaa aoearAlgnty wm
•roAlAlmed orar tb* w**u*b b*lf of tb*
{BABd.Tbe MB*lad*r b *lmo*t r<|a*lly
«l*U*d b*tWAB>te^*BdAadO*rBADy.
«b* divbtoa bkving b*«a B*d* la l*»i.
C«l**r WUbalB** Laad. wbleb b tbe
aCdal A*a* of tbe UerBaa*' larrttory.
4* Bader-lb* aoatrol of tb* Octbab
8*w 0«Ib*a aompABy. It ba* *a ar«A
gf T0.000 aqaAr* bU**, *bo«t tb*
M* a* that Of tb* *foU of MbaoBri.
•ad A popBlatloa of 100.000, of whom
IBM tbaa too ar* Y*rop**aa Tb*
UMrlorof tb* Ulaad batUl ab alamt
•ibBowa ooBAtry. It eoaUla* aany
aBAABUm* BOBBlAlB* AAd gTBAt rltar*
8lah dapoalb of gold bar* b**a to*Bd
m4 the foraab aboBad ta abosy
•ad otbar TAla*bla wood* laoladad
fa tba OorBAa protoetarat* b tb* BbSAiBk arehlpaUgo. aoBAbtlag of a
JarfA BBBhar of Uiaada adjadalag
XatM* Wllbala'* tmbd.

aim tab afwooa afwr lodge.
nwriff StBpMB ba* iBtarBod from a
trip to Holla*, wbor# b* w*at to brlag
baek Wllllaa Bant, aa lB**a* bab
wbo ba* lived with bb parwu aeae
Maara*C*aue. l*i ijbo bad e*eap*d
aad WB* llriag witb a abtar at Holiae.
Tb* BAB waa pUoed la tb* aaylom.
Tb* gAB* of ball that wa* to bar*
b**a pUy*d y**tord*y betaaea tb*
BIgh fbboob aad Head*'* Twlrlar*.
wae poapoaed oa aouptst of tb* poor
of tbe groaaot.
Tb* euaaer thin, b toaebed tbb
port oa bee aorth boBad trlpysi^y8b* l*ft a large q**aUty of freight
from Chicago
At tb* Boetlag of tb* Ladba Aid 80riaty of tb* Pint M B. choreb. tbe tollowtag cfbear* ware eleetod: Pr**idaat. Hra J. A. Braadyi Ut rice prsldaau Mr*. Mary Jab*b»; lad elce
pre^aat. Mr*. Lyoo; **er*i*ry. Mr*.
J T. 8bl*l<b; trtaaarw^. Mr*. Lackey
Dr. AadarBOB and Gwvg* W. Miller
bkv* bad great aport over tb* ai
«mfalb*BtlBg trip of *OB*of tbalr
tbrirfrfoada Mow they bar*
Uer* theBuel***. aad tb^ «•
aayiaga «oed.
A d*ligbtr«l Juvaai* party took
plao* Wodoaaday eTenlag. at the aomi
of C. W. PtekalL lb* oceaeioa wa* t
•nrprlto party for AbbI* Piekril wbo
e year* olA SaeeBteeo eblldren
were awbc
AboBt M of tbe ladlr* of Asaad*
bit* ^*at tb* aftamoon y«urday
wltb.Mra trtab. They esj^ad a vary
plaaaast tlBt. Delleai* refiaaba
A plaaaaat aodal daae* wa* esjoyed
laat night at Mnrtongb'* aeadaBy,
new raaldaao* te being built for
0*oeg* KUatar on tloatb Diririoa
Tb* ban bring bnilt oa tb* lot of
Fraak Smith oa Sixth *tr«et I* nearing
A UBB batoaglag to B. LoomU of
8«tMDa Bay took fright at tb* train la
froBi of tb* aurag* waraboa** of J.
C. Morgan and ran away. Tb* frost
•ad gate of tb* wagon cam* ont and
abont half of lb* load of apple* wa*
ipUl*d OB tb* •treat- Mrither man aor
Mam wa* tojarad.
M. B U*tw. formerly of the Arm of
OilbartAGeM*. ba* kcoeptod • po*l>
UoB aa tr*T*hag r*pre*enUtl** of

M*aB)oapH*b«B*iHbyT.S«a<fogme for A. KoatagB*.
Tlaloe %. Moataga* ha* b*c*a tb*
to be
tbttaaataalllBgyaobttatbl* part of
tb* etato. lU* a alaop-rtggad araft,
aad wlU eenbla* ^aad with Btrac^tb
aad •eawortblar** Tb* t***«1 I* to
b* B»*d with a ■Ball eabt* beuae, aad
will b* aot oaly a bo* *e**el bat aa
aaoaadlagly eoBfertaU* «*M 'tar a
TbatoUowiagdiBMBlouVwiU ahow
«l«arly wbattb* boat will b* wb*a
oomplotod: Uaglb ot*t all, 41 feet;
laagtb at load water Ua*. e« feet;
beam. 11 f**t; draft. I fort S ineb**:
l«a*t ffoeboard. t to*t • lacb**; oabla
booto. length. • feet; bright from door
to oeiliBf, t feet 10 Inebr*; tail arr*.
B«tD*ail. 0*0 iqaar* f*et: jib. 3to
j The cxkpit wUl b* 17 fMt la length.
' t* laebc* aboT* tbe water Ud*. aad
will be drained by •eapoer* Wbaa
all M made tight, tb* boat will be no•inkabi*. aad *b* will ba at all time*
aoeapaitaWe. a* tbe keel will be load­
ed witb 4.000 poBBdi of Iran, aad there
will be an eqnal qnanUty o^' larid*

Mr* Edward Lautner baa rataroed
from EaUmaz w, where aha attended
tbe etreet falr,^
MiB Lucy Sereraaeo. wbo baa been
ill for aome lima and aaable to attend
bar datiee •« teacher io tbe Eighth
grade in tbe central eebnoi^ ia aoacba t ia DM able to ra
tarn to her work. MUa Sarah Prali
All her place
Mr. and Mr*. W. O. Bol
yeeterdey from a trip to Chicago.
br. Ecrelmnd made a baaiaa** trip to
latarloeben ycaterday.
tbcee who left yeatorda* oa
tb* D U. K. K. cxenralon -werT; C. R..
Prig*, .laoob
Fnrueb. A. V. Friedrich, Mode Rich. [
Cbarir* Roaentbal and R. C. Compton.,
a. M. J.Reryof bemmlt City wta a
TATw** City rUitor yeatarday.
J. BnlllTan of Cedar wa* la tbe city
Mlaa Qartrude Kneelaad iBtanod
yMtorday'ttom Qiaad Rapid*.
Bd Boaner b** gone on an extooded
rUit to aontberm Michigan aad Indi­
Mi** J***i* Allen wbo came with tbe
other leacben from Fraokfort laat
night, iaauyiog with her friend*. Mr.
and Mtv J. W. Patobtp.
Frank Goodrich left iMt night on a
bnriaea* trip to PeUa'tey.
Jolla* Paige went to Grand Rapidi
yeaterdey on onitneB. and wae aecomp»ol*d by bU mother. Mr* C. M. Paige,
wbo will epond a tew
.i.uinir lo
tbe city .
Mr*. Ed. Lauinerba* returned from
klamttso. where eh* (pent *omc
time daring tb* *tr*et fair, and waa
forturate aa. to aee Preaident aud
Mr*. McKlpley_____________

Dr. Flood he* no* telephone eonneeA Urge BBBbar took t* lb* *xeBr*loa tlm In bit' IB M Ip tbe new Tonneller
tbe Mortbem. namber 32 nbd
to Uraad Bapld* yaatanUy to tb* wt- block:
Bell, aomber 261.
lag of Kaaba TasplA Anlgbfo of Korleaaa.
TraTaiw City Cbaptar. Mo. 102, R. A.
M.. will bold »tiMdal ooBTOoatloa to­
night at 7:H *barp for work la tba
Royal Arab degroa A toll attandanee
I* darirad. After tb* work rctreabmeaU will be aerred.
Tb* Bridge Builder*' mlarionary my
Whaoping Cough, Aathma.
ri*ty of tb* Oongr«g*tioB*] ebnreb will
>t ibU •Teniag at tb* bom* of Mr*.
Conauinptlon, la
Barney Andereoo, corner of Waablng-


Solid Gearfort.
We can give it so yon
will feel comfortable. If
a nan pays topmnch for
a conch or'easy rocker

b anre to eon* — Yon
would be'wine to pfo|iAra
for it now-

We atart ia with a good
hetTj anderahirt tt So
for nnaUeAt aixe and ap.

Our Ladies’

he can never take com*
fort in them. If yon buy
at SLATER’S yon will
never be harassed with any such thoughts as that.
We bare a very large line to select frbnL over 5S dif­
ferent stvles in coticbes and bed lounges, over 300
diSi rent styles in rockers to select from.

180 Front 8t

At 16c are worth inveetigating — Combination
Snita at 860
Ton'll be aatociahod at
the TAlnea at 86c. 60c
RSd $1.00.


J.W. Milliken




Tht dOMAN RmoV



If the glrb who left
their uamee with ne for
r oU BUppere wlU cell at
our Btore Friday. Oet 87
at 4.00 o'clock they win
receive them.

Frank Friedrich
,118 Frost Street




and Funeral Directors

318 Union Street.









ton and Fraoklln etreeU. Tbe meeting
will be la charge of Ml** Clara Carr,
and a *p*elal coat** of stody for tbe
•nsBlng year wlU'b* taken up.
W. C. Jobneo*. tb* prontotar wbo U
working tbe Old Mtaalon and Northport ralliray entorpriee, reuiraad from
Be ha* bean attMidlng tbe Mktloaal Oonfentloa of
Street ear men aad looking after tbe
InureeU of the propoeed Uaee here
laeidentally. He etatoe that everytHlBf U etui bright for tbe
t of tbe railway aroand
Grand TraTeree bay. While la Chicago
Mr. Jobaeoa elceed a deal for iM mllea
or railroad In MIommiI and for an
riaetria line U ladiaaa forty
loag.8oma Ume ago when Frank Friedrteb gara oat flol kid allppar* for tb*
doU* of tb* UUI* flria of tba city
many wblcb coold not bo flttod.
Tbe dlaai^lntod ooaa left tbrir
aad allppan were ordered from tbe
itaetarar. Mr.Vrtadriabaow aaaeoacaa that lb* aUppoc* baf* arriTad
aad tboa* whoa* aamea war* loft at tbe
•tore CAB eaeare'tbem by apriylag At 4
o'clock today.
Laat aTaatag Bar. J. W. MUlar performed tbe BBirlage ^eerwnoay which
naltod Artbnr R Batiman aad Mba
Mary Bopklaa. both of tble city. The
marrlaga took


Practical Embalmers


John R. Santo,
Siuiil lisiruca.

House Furnishing store.

Poth Telephones, No. 43.



..r, lt»7, Rot.
a. A . Do
__ M. R Chanh.
-------- It. W. Va.. eontraat‘ ■
taCChMbarlalB'* Oolie, ■Mth. P
DianteM Bawdy. '
arid wbleb wm atteafod
(com tbo ba^Blag'^ ririMr e^L
1^. Ba aaya: "After raadlag u a
aambar of a»«allad ’apBdfica.' MaaUy
kept ia the bOMa, to no parpoae, I
man tbOBMAa
•ATad (COB atlaehe
-laerd a hoUle of Ohuabirlafo'e
h Ramedy. w^ aried Uka a
___ A I aoet abaarfally raeommaad
It to tba pnhtle.'' For aala by 8. R
Writ aai r. a
Waltaad f. a XbampBrn, Aran«fo-


87. IM»


Everybody—American—Gorman — Bohemian — Folish - French
—All treated alike-promptly and courtecusly—
using ycur cwn “Wether tongue.”

“Sock et
down the cellar door."
"1 saw you sliding

told a fond'motber to beryoang hopeful.
-Didn't you know that elotbea eoei
money?" ‘‘Tbey don’t ae much aa they
nator."iald young John. "CauM up at
tbe Company* they 're eelling boy'* eulu
forSl.OO. Sl 30aBdS2.OO;ap to *6.00 and
tbe feller eaid they wm all wool aad be
looked boneet.'' And tbe boy wm right
—Oor euiu an all wool and tbe beet
wearen ever eblA

The war in Africa
la tbe Aiat thing yon read abont when you
pick np a newepaper. Bead -'Htoiy of an
African Farm*' by Olia* Sebrlaer. Telia
yea all abont the 6oera. tbe Borgben, tbe
Uitlandere. and tbrir Ufa In thU far away
wonderful caantry. and Mila for 17e in
•mall 16 mo. cloth binding. '■Swallow''
te one of R Rider Bnggard’a latMt produc . tlona and deala witb tbeM Mm* paopia ad
only Baggard can. Salla for *1 40.

That'* wbat yon can do with oor echoAl
•boea—play foot ball—atub your toea.OTer
rough plaulca—ride bicycle witb ebarpeet
rat trap priale—ran raoM over etony raada
-and eUll tbey eland tbe wear. Heavy
MUn calf youth'• eboe *1.23. tbe Mme In
boy'e ilze Jl 06.
Sigh Tc^ Seal Goat
water-proof eboe at *1 73 and t» 00. Our
gaarantoa-' Money refunded If good* are
aot Mtlafaetory" bride m good here, m
anywhere lo onr etore.

A Fall Overcoat
1* an afaaolnta naoeBlty jnet now. Tbcaa
SlOBMver*. MUtone aad Covarte are jaat
ont of tbe BMkere banda A doctor
chargea you a dollar a ririt. toaay notblag
af tbe drag bill and “et cetorM" JmI for
a little erid. wbleb might lead to aomatolngwoTM. AU of wbleb ml^t ba aavad
by owning ona ef om Ovmeafo. Wrid
be willing to take SI*. Sis. ar avaa gi* -for

The HaoDah & Lay Mercantile Co.
/ - .





I fAtXt Mom




BdeBaBafS-taBaa* MlBaAta LtM^,


•»r ri*>te^ K»Um>w ^m%j.
U • IMM 9t wood* .whtA but
m wwUd do wou tft 0«0(4 IB lb
<•» yOM IM fOnOM b*T« bMB
AtMtlbm, dwafibaateiBUj.
M»«.^obB»l«r*.B*.*«tkOBy AdM BbuIb OroBb, bB» b*tB ItrlBf
tor iw* TBBn BB OBkBB mAB BBV Of
mbBB toBr.ralUd OBU Bad botbmbI
•idritBBUlj. ab« ba* frowB rorj (bte.

ltd. B. Clark. I
paaladbytea ef th* leech era of the
Braakfort aeboeU. arrived la tb* dty
taet alrbt. Tb«y wUl epead today la
looklar late tba wortriac* of Travata*
V at. for tb* beacdiof tbeir owa work la Praakfort
Tb* party eoB*leU of li*p*rtatOBd*Bt
i. B. Clark aad IUbm Allea M. Boaaey. Or*o* B. Kortoa. Praacea B. La*,
tdrlia Bold. Addle Parker. Jaedc AIlaa. V«*ta Araatroac. Mary Bambaafkaad Vasa Jobaaoa.

tOBBltBUBlBlCbdBrdrrtBrtt* lll*PMUd or biwklsr tai« tbc <i. B A I: JaMB Doaebany Ha* Boachl tha
». a. eAoa BBd BBoartac s aam of
Peptt'ar BaUac Mo***.
. ^oBBf tbai WBB la aa aoloebad Baf«.
Uat Blpht Prsak Nay aold hto re*UTMd BhMb 8oUaad*rB ar* prBpar- Ueraat. popelarly kaowo a* ‘-PeW*
»•» loraaMBWBUBC Uto OBaai.r. BaeUaraat.’' to Jama O lafkarty. wbo
wmukapoaaaaloaarstMMday. Mr.
tabaa ffttorabl* to ib. Bobi* (b U>«
N*y •apoeu to aaemfe la th* aat
TraaBBaal war. poUacid bmUmbI U
aarket boaloea eotald* the city.
Mmflp la favor ef the Bow Bid*, aod
iHspoMlbl* that aa *BorV will be
mdBlorBlBBfaada^oaU tbair bbb**
The patroo* of tb* BIfb aebool leetAt DaMi, Joba Moaroa. atad it orc coerM will be drlifhted to afalb
7aM.Baa aararal of hi* aompaaloB* •Bjoy tbc cloqacace of Rw Thomu
raoBd a eartrUfa aad barriad to tba
MaraBl allB7, wbar* a oaasfua* wai ber ef tb* eoara* am Kooday alfbl.
aapoiatad to lavwilfau tba dad. Jobt> Ur 1) lOD waa bar* iMliaaaoB aad he
wa* Bboaaa a* tb* ^tor of aaraaMa- •l•etri6•d a lain aedicaee with bi*
la*. Baplaaad tba
aafoaUe eloooaaec. HI* •aljwt tbl*
atOBa Bad lataaotbard rap OB top of It. lia* wUl b* tb* -Battfa Cry of Pre*
wbUa th* oibar lad. wla*Iy r«a away. doa" th* bat la bl* coiImiIob of lactTba doeior bopat that tb* boy'a ai(bt
. Ur. DUoo k rIftaUy daalraated
trill Bot b* t.paifBd parma^Uy
Mtho-'plalferahiBr" aad the**.wbo
lApaar Praabytariaaa daeidad to aa- bav* beard blm will readily ooaoad*
While tber*
t«d a 0*11 to Ear, J u. MoDoaald of him that aavlabl* tlUa
l^toabay. at a aalary of • par hu b**B a larn advaara ale of r*
ar**d aau. tbar* ar«. *1111 .boat ISO
aau wblob i»Ul be very dalrabl^ *1Haaltata-Mari* Bptaaopaltaa*
thoarb aot oa tba plat u raaarved
baOd a daa bow ebareb wbutb
■*au Every *cat la the hoaa eboald
aoat fia.ooe.
b* dllrr'.
Tba Adrtaa Talafrapb UlU of *
Idaat of that alty who baa aot toa
Tb* Priabra Hloeb fa*« * oorj ploa*a raaoria bit tae* alaa* laau.
iaf performaea of "Bat Lyaae" lat
■l«oa LBMtwMof Maaberoo. baa «v*8lDf lo tb* City Opera Bona to tb*
Cap* Nobm. Alaaka, aad laryat andleao* bf tbe •ofafroiat
brOBfbi baok M.OW) la fold, wblob he Tb* eompaay praaaud tb* atiraetloa
aaya ba daf eat of lb* baaeb la two la vary, oredlubt* etyla. Toalfbt
-David Uarrlek” will be flv*a. Tewaaba. B* ba* au olaiiM tharo. oae morrow aTteraaoa a matlaa will fa*
of wblob ba U uylac to dlapoa* of for f>v«B, tb* prapram belof vaadevUI*
tatara. _______________
$M,000 Ba will ratara Bail April.
Two pallaBB* war* kUlad la the
harbor at Oraad Maral* tb* other day
They w*r*tb*t<.tofth.*pwd*. *r*r
aaaa tbar* aad oaaMd a treat deal of
Oa# of tbaa
aaraa foot alfbl taoba* froai tb* Up of
OB* wlat to tb* Up of tb* other. Tbr
other aavaa feet two laebaa. Tb* ....
of tb* dr*t wa* tw«l*« lacb** la Uaftb
BBdofth*.oth*r«l*t*a laebat.
Aatoa fobaaoa, ailaalaf from Haoo
vlaa* elaea Sepumbar li. w** foaad
«maiortlhfroad«*arOarb*y, with a
ballet hole le bl* bead. U* w>
proapma* bB*ta«a« ■*■ aad cam
tad aelold* while trmporarUy law
Boa. Urlaa^o M. BaraM. oaoa damoeraUe oaadldaU torfoTarBororMleblfB«. for aarwal yaai* If lob«aa>* rap•autlv* oa tb* d
oomaiuae. aedoa*'oftb*b**t kaowo
baalaaM maa la Mlablfa^, U lylaf at
Uapolatof deatb aa the raanlt of a
•troh* ef paraly*!* which b* aaff <rtd
two wcakaato.

Bobbad tb* Brava.
A atarUlBf iaaldaat la aarratad by
loba Oliver of Pblladalpbla. a follow*:
‘t wa* la aa awful ooadltloo Hy akta
WM almat yellow, •ytainakea. toafnr
•oaud. pala ooaUaaUr la back aad
«lda ao appetlt*. rrowlof waker day
by day. Tbrc* pbyalelaa* bad fiveb
aienp Tbea I wa adrlacd to aa
Blatrle HItwr*; to mv rrai joy. tbe
drel botU* aadeS< de Ided improve
lead tbeir nee for tbrMwte. aa?°i I BOW a well maa. 1
ihay iobbed tbe f rave of aaotbei
rleUm." No one aboald fall to trr
them Oaly aoc. rnaraaieed. at Ja U
Joboaoa'eaadd K WaU<e drnf storm
balow la a list of tba Oaviag and alliBf priea of yaarday for fraeerler.
eromloaa.and farm prodacta la Trat

Ooldwalor. Albert Brlchtmaa.
Btad la. wbo uHad to batB tb* Biala
• bhildiat la tb* atai* pablle aebool. baa
baaacoatacd la jail alaa* Jaly tt
Tbar* la ao other place for him.. Noae
Of the *ut« loaUtatlOM will tab* him
Bad be eaaaot be i*fally **01 to cither
CUtcbprlMia or lb* relurm ecbool ai
* -LaBaiaf. U* 1* noatally laeompatMt.
bat tber* U ao room for him at Upecr.
Bo U kept w'ltb th* t
lajUU. booaaao he U fraatk wbea



alsca. BawaaaboatUyaan old BBd
aabjaet w ^aU* of tamporary iaaaaity.
A Tboaaaad TaBfBaa.
QbbU aot *apr«m tb* isprar* ef Aa
Word COM ftOM Ohaaa. L*ka Ooua*
- SprlaMr,
0 ■ PhUadalpblB. wbea
tp. that amall poi baa brake* eat ate
Dr. Klar* Maw L

T* 9m% m OM ta’PM •il^

ajsMrtkMkh I
•eveesl varteUaa ter eala at Pal**'*
flraebh—a. ■****» etraet rri-su
UitasyMMSltain ttMaafteM
H. bBl 11 MU eaaa* ap aaUllaf oeaiy
Mm*. QOmbItaattePlearVarBbh.

Right In Line
Hbt Department U e busy comer tbeee
* “howm^ of op-to-datc etylee as ours it
should be. rap«:ially as our prii-ra are always a little nuder
what others aak.


OdBduwhotlMn Ompw - WarMP**
WMIo Wtod Bf Tar tyrvo, tbe
best CDOph mnoly on earth, cum » rdd
io<acd*yifukraialiffle. SaodAocu.

evhdCBca af tbe People to Badere*
Every CUIbi Med* for

We are soie agents
for the “Roswelle” Hat


— Do nut irritate tbe
moat tender akin-Several qaalitiee from 6c

—^oarat^ for a year. It ha* ever held its head at leaet on
a lead with others, but this ynu it sorpase I them all in desiun.
Pome in all elylisli shape*-hr.
Town and black. It ia
Tollj- to
for a hat
no bettor
better whei
when you can boy a Roe-


The Astoria is a new square crown hat. .made of tbc
beat aelectod for felt. It will pey yon to etop in and examine
Ihem-tbe equal of any $350 bat-$8 90.

Dr. CHASE'S ointment -

Cur Challenge Hat is as it* name implies, a challenee
as to style, finish aod quality for the price—$2,26


Tb* OBly Obi

Everv claim mode for Dr. Cbaec'a
OietDMBt If bcertUy radotad by I
(boeaniU ol cored mca aad womca, I
wbo wriie moct graiefuily of ibe wea-1
dcrfal cnretive propertla of tbl* freat <
"rray Ihet Dr. Cbaa'e Oiatmeet •• i
u abaluie core for blind, iicbinf, :
blacdlof or pruirudiaa pile* U bol lo
tom np lb« CTidcore oi ll
letirre wfal
Mr. M.
uemra voebunrbeod wbiiia/. BuSeio. I
N V., wnim: "I eel troubled with pro-

Black aad Brown Stiff Hats, correct sliapee, $1 26. $1.76

and up

Fedoras in bisek and brown, 60o up to $2 00.

Ncw- designs


‘The Paahar in tana, browns, black -a nobby -bat for
careful yonoR dreesem-tl.OO up to $2.90.
The new Bough Blder in pearl seems to be yonr
favorite. jadgioR by the number we seU—$1.00 up.
All the late thioRs in fall capa.—also winter cape in plush,
kereey and fancy cheviot*.
Come in and look our stock over. We are sore to have
what you want, and riRhlly priced.
^ ^

The Boston Store,


Keep these in mind when
lirtly cored, end cbcvrtulJy rmomnead ,
Ibeoloioieoi to any one •offering alib dOWD tOWD and
coold be aad lire.
Dr. Cbeec't Oiotmeat i* endoried hy


reUeved tb* p*la la aiy
ebeat aad 1 aaa aow ateip eoaodly,
. 1 eaa
oaa aearaaly
eearoaly imaamber dolag before. 1 feel like
Mb** tbraacboat tb* U;_______
Klar*MewPleeoreri tenAraateed to
ear* all troeWaa ol tb* throat, shaal or
laifa Price Me a»d |1. Trial betUa
10 A at laa O. lobaaea'e aad B. B.

l^ewelery store to look tbem

We have man, new
i?*th^ things in jewdry also.

m^lcine. It le a poeitive rare for pili
to core
caw of bllad. liebieg.
UnOtag pllaa Or. A.
meet; 50 cent* a hoe.
Dr. A. W. Chaw
N. Y.

tbe moei eerioa
W. Cb
ai all


Perfect Comfort,
and Economy

* VWaW.\


>De tuytc\ \a stU \\ Vo
^ouT&t. *SVvtTt
\i more tttan wve Teutm
wt tWU.
iVtrt—>0* aeW bettw bnqTa\tv» \katv ati^ rtW

StcQiv& - M3e ion\ cW^e
an^ tuort ^or
OUTS \W ttve olVitT JtVVow wko
kvs \a
u 400& aa ourw'
'iVATd-'VDe atVVTAOTt caTytka tttatv aiv\i ottvtT
&\oTt. VktTt^oTt wt aVtoai^ kaue ittw kkVrv^b \o
aVow ^wjl.

I £A,woVe\xms

..Dentist. ■

a** Oteae, Barkhaa ateeh.

roles. brsHS rods, ale.

a. AO. mvvvUw

^11 physicians endorse it—
JUST FOR A. GUESS-we should say we are
now showing fully fifty different styles, prices and
colors of Underwear in our regular lines--prices 2Sc
to $2.50 a garment—When we tell you that we buy
underwear by the case (34 to 36 dozen of each kind
in a case) you get some idea of the immense line we
WE WOULDN’T CARRY such a large line noleMVe bad large Underwear sales.
' WE WOULDN'T HAVE sneh large sales of
Underwear unless we had just what the people want
and at the right prices.
Bring your Underwear “wants” to us.


*>0* Vaub aVwa^b been keeAquariera ^or ttita ,
^\ooT touennq-'Don\ ^TV\o see out sVocV—
\0 new yVetes Vus\ ai4e4—a\ \>te o\4 yr\te.

Ask about it-

wav* ctaifaaai yaaalMa-gieha. *m*|


„ Call ID OUr


The co-ad* of the aaiverelty rariad a
draa* reform awremeat, tb* drat aiap
bclat tb* qeaatloa of bate. A low bat
of aott fall wai adroeated. bat tb* com■KiUa* diaatraad oa tb* qawtloB of
oalor aad tha moromoai baa •track a
aaat. Tb* aatbaalaaUlo hyrtoale ce-ad
tealaia that tha tbform will come befor*
tbaoloaaaf the aoilace year aad Chat
JceapbSbook. a piocoar of Vaaaar
lb* alaaa-rooM will ecaaa to ba obaad a vateraaof tbra* wan, oalabratod
atraetod by aolay beadeear.
A week afo Albert DIeklaaaB. a' bb alasty-Sttb birthday Wadaeaday.
bb an. Mr. Sbacdi b vary act
fanaar llvlaffMar Bdmora. aiarlad oat
toma>tbiiwlf*aBdba*aot bceaaaaa V* aad bat jaat rraklaflad bb beaa*

Tab* Wenwr** While Wine of Tar Sviw
mbeetmaifhnBMdyosaanh. »ai>.<

Will follow (hie warm
apeil aod poo aboald be
ready for it with j^ood,
eabataAtihl ooderwear—
Toie stock offer* every
indocement to boyere—
The elesde Jersey rib­
bbed Boode are very aatiafactory for children—
All cotton., heavy fieece

Jaros H\'fflenic

Mlea Mary OoBwamlth of Ooldwatar.
vhoal^torfoBrwaekelaet aaeamcr.
wtll be takCB 10 Aaa Arber for treatmmt BbaeUabraa baWtot taUlaf
palaaf aad ramalalaff la a aoaava*
atato far ihra* or fear d«ya U

The Boston Store



Oaort* Wmiaawof Upecr. at*d la.
who waa mlMtag. hea retaroed. B* I*
Mtally oDbalaaced aad ImaflaM h*
.1* wealthy aad owo* »«*cral farata.

>*d by dra tkla 1
•baft bad joet beta taiabed aad tb*
aaa ware oat of tb* atla*. The ala*
will be Ued ap for two w**ka at leaet
aad tu aea w»i be laid . ff Tb* loa
of wan* aad cortalla at* of p>«.
deetloa will dr*rr «p-u> dM 000. T1 *
•napeay I* balldlaf a aew eb^ *o,
there will b* 00 rapetiUoa ofa*iaila^

Your winter's wood
atlonoe to insure de­
livery. WE Have


lombAV in all .izM.

Here You Have an
Opportunity To 3Iake Big aioney'
112 LotsinOak Heights Addition. Wanted but
offer, as they must be sold by ikeember 15.
Also No. 431 Washington street. 44 foot lot, good*
No. 542 Webster street, honse built about four yeats%
—in good condition, modem improvements.
Look these over at once and sm

JihiMi Biwt, Finn 73.
Rul EsLiM tnlmga


1 bcwaX'^Uot
\Vtt ADoAi.
Urul *U«a, «k« Mtbor, wko hM
U ill k«llk IVMM UM pMt. h

TM toM •ftlMOfttelMtar MBMl
tf «usfB«tw*4 la tha aankwaM. ia«1b4IiK ViaWcM. WiawMia aad MiaA awaatar stla* barral baa Jaat baaa
MHatKaa^, rra«ba. te tha Haria
«apaaltle«. A Alaaar vaa cl«« iMlda
Aba barral to Ua IM aoofm wba aaAa

la« aMBp ■aatlag
hM laak
baUdlaca aad traaa' va'ial ak «M,atartod

Abe Bra to ban m

I fallaa aatuMal

TW Oblaaca ‘Aai
ra«( AMTioa. kba acraalaaAtoa wblab aaparaiad traa kba BalaaAtoa Arms aoaa tea a«a. baa daeldad
•Aa Abaaatlaaa kba naa of kaaboarUaa
«adokbarMlay laakroMaU baraafkar
• ikaralittoaaaaaaleaa.
Tba ft»ul aaraka of OBSa.wbicb >aa
Ba aary bad aoadlUoa. baa baaa
a^oraafbtj raorcaaUad. Aaeec kba
•aar taakaraa Iskfodaoad are tba
«0f1aki7 aad soa«7 order dlalalona.
bokb at wbiab bare baaa U aaecaMttkl

Viaktf Ukkla Panj.
■ba Bdaa MiUar H>vad a «My
proto wro jpaakarday afkaroBaa ak
kbaatfltoafbaraaela.X B. ■Olar. oa
kba oacaatoa ad bar koakb Wrtbdap.
Klaa IHkto Maa^ wan lavlkad to balp
bar oaUbraw tba aaeok. abd tba afkoraooa waa apaak ia ^yla( «aMa aad
Uataatar to raaitaktoaa. tlaraial of kba
roeata pooaaaai»( aaeb talaot ia kbak
dlraetloo lae araaa aad aaka ware
aaread Eakar la tba afkbraoaa. Ibaae
aak wan Joaaphlsa Darla, Marrarak Holdaa. Bdlkb n«baa. iolia
Kallep, Oraoa Woodboaab. MoaaUa
Baaaakk. Blaabakh Parrj.
Wricbk, Xbaa MarkU aad Bdaa MlUw.<

fiow'i This.

aAsraoo AKB maxM ama,w
Mbolasafp Xm book fkoa to Maaaml
PAitar ia Zadla.
8barea.Pa..Oek.M<-Wart waa roaUrad kodaj bp raUtiraa(rea tba Bar.
K. 0. Laa aad wUa, wbo weak treat
Vlaaaa, aaar bare, a taw aaatba apo.
to ladia. of kba- daato of kbelr l«*
abildraa bp tba rrcaat aartbqaake
tbare. Mr. and Mra Laa are «laaloaa^i^^tb^ e^tldraa were akkead-


P’stss'ia.'s-cis! ■s:

o. tJiisa.;

rteaky of Oood Beata Tat.
Thar* are BkUi about »M gw
iakbepaUeryof kba City Opera Hoaae
wbleb are not reaarved for tbe Hlpb
aebeol lecture eoarea, aad kbeee who
wlab to pay tor elapie adniaaloa klA
Ato far kba eonlap leetura by DUoa.
tba trek aanber U tbe eourae. nay be
aaaa at aaearlnp pood eeaia.
Manarak'a Iran Heree



If yoa want

tbaae qaal

ui, poL ‘0I6 JT,

.J.MO. JghwKSMd &E.W

Pwkla'iBaw Xaat

rulMr and
diatrtri of
tSTAKTRl*—darrrtl veraota
** a.-* Bianactra
ara IIn •"
iLla —aiate to repreaetl
and aurroundliie rouoilr,
FitllD( ui'iwr yearly
triy MO. paytM* vMkIy De


*SoT ^«s. tVt. vtk hVbtv
cense, cont coWr. qoV) tvaV
e\t-Mie Hs-ot sente We
W4somts^ sWts iot vsVsVs
^rVmmVik^s tse'ce eeer

Cold weather U coming.

irraaed atami^ eo**;
ioi. Build me. I'bifaeo.
TTTaKTKl>-~l>r**raI tclrhl and baaeal perW
M>ta ta rv|irr—iil u, aa
T*— <■>
hi. and alone III .-ou.iiiea Kalnry Wu> a y.
kLd rio*tiB*i. Mirtixbl. boi ''
Pualnan para
renrea nn< nnuk In tny wa
aai-* «ark ruiWuried al b.
______________________________ prd *u>
PuwinlrntVmpnay.lVpi A Cbieng
ArOXnxLB -Ferirarrwienand ii
C .Im-aluii.. or «ill*trbauf* (urr
ty W P t>ow- r
VIR UtLK—Onud nmi^-taae ton lly bi>~
.nnd n Rood drl, ua botn*. lo^ulr* ni of* of HawUwcCloil.ip<rn______________ r*t tl

r .n

I JF tOl- WAtet

of boy Bind lbJlwt

Now is the time


Notice! Notice!

' tb'^

Telephone No. 2.

Traverse City, Mich.

Wait for the opening.

aaiD oirr, MioHmaa.
(Mill Pimt III Onus

"S' ^ „


Fire Insurance


Preny aur time
to Ihiak about ha«ia^ yoar

Do they blur wbcD you read-.’ Doe*
tbe priDt ms U^ther? Do tbe eyelids
bom aad Itcb. aad U there a desire to
rub than?
. TbeocaymptoBii mean that there I* an Inequalltr of the eeu'ar maadeaor
an opUeal defect. Many nervoui diaeaaea and ebroote headacbai are Indirectly
due to defeel iveeyea.

DR. G. H. SNDW, Specialist

Bicycle Enameled

_______ ila'a^oee me aboat atorlaip
your wheel FBEE for the winter.
No better enamelinp that oara
Stop in and Ulk It orer.


H*a located permaaeokly la Traretae^ty. Do Bok tatl to <
lllOaloB Btreeb
e 'tronblea. He baa n
iDflttiapplaaaea He baa made diaeaxaa
ere a leadlae atudr ard baa bad years
re of csoei^nee aa an ocalAt and
ophtitbatmtc aurpema. He make* a ip-c
kp-cialily also of treating chronic a
eriap t
>. Prlrate Uiaeaaca. DImoi
•t Wonea. :
a of tbe Eye 1
Ear. None aodiTaroi
Tbe doctor bat bad large exper.
la pcaeral practice at well at la tpeela) werb. and baa cared
M in tbe pan of Attbi
Attbma. Cattrrb, Brooehllu. arrl«alao<l Ceearttr* »l trala, a< Traretne
Cit>. tsee*rioe«sbrr smu. itee.
...all kind. Chronic D.i
Cancer. Tumirtof
D.arrh.rt. Epllepty, lotanIty, Oolvre. (t>ie
ie bm
1i> Bbeuiaatla
i>a all f<>-m«. Pile-,
C-, L-wu-Aotor Ata«'~
-m, of Srohlll*.
Srohlll,. diteaMe
of tbe Brain. Hoiae aad N'
N^rront Svatem, Du
tbe Blood Skin Diteatee. meeatot ■>t lb<
be St >maeb Lirer aad Bowels Dlaeatet
of the Bean. In Dlaeatet of Woi
ment relleree and curef^erery caa.
detpair. for you can probtbly be rettored to health aeain.
You will And the doctoi't methodt aad U-eatmeat different aad anperiof toj'.|||g|ii;q = 5fi = S5S : Si; ,S£2A8
asylhlep yon ht>-e erer tried
Tbe duct ir eril: pire you 1 wrlileQ puarantoe to cure you or receire no pay :
f<irJ>ie terri'
k '
CootBlUilon free.


IHhnt I. R



Teeth eitracted without pain for 25c.

160 flerea 1‘2 mii«M south of lows in tbi- )>Mt farming country in
Utia county, 70 ac-r«« clear^. good orchard. large hnru with ntunc base­
ment t> fe«t bigii. wind mill, small hamc bouse. tiui)>«*r enungb on the
place- to slmost pay for it. Nu. 1 soil. Pries $8 600.
40 acres 2 miles from the city in Leelanau Co. 30 screa cleared,
plenly of timber for wooil, fine frame hooae cost $760. well watered by
I baa ala^ Oalayve creek un the DoHb side. ^ acrea out to fruit, beat location for
\ia^ai C%i^M0*«^i?aad Ebri^tto chair ear
gaixir-uiug. rrlos $1,650.
30 aersa 2 miles west of town haa no buildings 40 nicels^e peach
trees ready to l»-ar next season. 60 apple trees, a nice lot of timber on Ravtua to Peioakty
south end of lot. a nice lot of land for potatoes and fruit Prios $500.
SO acres 4 mrles from the village
Lake Ann, small frame boose
■od (tarn. 25 acres cleared, plenty m timber on place to pay for it.
Pyice $600
40-acres 2 miles north ofLake Ann. amall frame bouse log bam,
30 seres cleared, small orebani nice location on fonr corners. Prtoe
001X0 BOtTH
bO-scresin Grant 4 miles west of Wexford n oonnty line road in
uicv farming country. 36 acrea of nice timber on the place, small frame j t» rat«akM
^ ' ****. **?
house, Itq?
Itq^ bsra
bam. small orchard, nice large clearing free from stumps. Ar 6'rd Bbt>'l4x I Z Wv ■
Price $1,800.
40 acres on Elm* o«d svenue near ths large farm of tbe Acylum,
001X0 XOKTS.
30 acres of nit'e rich swamp land, mostly cleared, splendid location for


West Michigan.

farm or garden and the beat of bay land. Price $3600.
10 acres on road going south from Femwood, all clear of etumpe
a good building spot. Price $1,000,

B. J. MORGAN, Prop.

Foo? otxx- -tlxne

-ssr : ’"W


» 10
L* Trarcrac Cj.
Ar BUBmptUB [


' b U

fCBO. dbbavkx. o. p. a..

Orsto BbttoA

uicm UD uomusnii x l

to shew poB our rsllahto Une of tookwaar.
All wa aak froB you is to laspsek tba atoolately Utosk styls* to Maab and Wosaa’a
sbosawasaU. '

Thii an just wkit |oi viit.
Moat svsrytody kaowa kba pnSBBk Uka
aandikloB to oar boatoaM. Tba Bnaaesllad
valBto art hava oasa^plvtor to oar eBSkoaan M bMk told to tba torpa
liiHtoistoslat trtolBSM TrTrMtsnVj r?-*"ip ^
Ik la tooartetoraak
to pUasa kbe pahUcewUah *ra sndaaw to do by ptTtop kba bMt valaa to
sboatoakbarkbBk:axp«toBMaBdakiUcnBprod«aa. It bas paid ns to
Mbs and saUkhs bast s^oas that tbs prtoM would parmit and ws tost
aoBUsBkkbakifyontssoBrabowyoa wlUba plaasad aad If you bay
tbaw yoa will waar Bootbar. Tour pnktonspe wUl ba appraslatad.

la la A. Bofldtsg.


Pricea of admiaaiem—15c, &5o

Your Eyes!

_____baiaed lor eoUawlaa. Imii aa

titSi to rurnlab'
wd aeyeradit 1

La Belle Ethel
The wooderfal child actreeo. Har
ainaing and dancing have captiv­
ated the andienoeo everywheiA.

Specialties bf Eetira Gampaii. .

5^1 par cent toe eoUacuoa, aad ao all la.—

1 First Clfss Varitq
af ■erchiafisi.

Standard Plays.

J. E. Greilick Co.

aisias“aSs:,t';EJia ."SX

The buildiog which Mr. L. 53flSrSS-Jyf..'SS^^
Pbtbb Wenaaras.
Warsowsky has leased. 225 larmllawliui.
City Traaaursr
• ABarald BaU41a« .
FroDt Street, one door west
of Steinberg:'s will be opened
naaba. baa lad
by him Nov. lOth with
an bnroby a«t-

In s rspsrtolrs of

Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.

T;tOBaiLB-Caab or nattllBrnw. SBna leu
f in Oak HalRhta. o o KicbU. Uraat. Baton
nnd Bone nUMU and baoBah a*«Bua Bobio
la tk* vbola pUt. Ub•b. laqulra bi Baromn

Wptioe to'Taxpajrsia.
ItoUee la brraby ciran tbai ibo taa
be collet-Oen of aobooJ and city taira

Frisbee Stock

to place your orders for


i. 'VO. mvvvfttv.


-Fine Mill Work

VawBookatorL L. A.

w. “.■J2r5:drst2:“‘"''

Job genidal Have .Stood it.
U ba'd bad Ikohlap Ptleo. TheyW
Mrrtbly annoylop; bnt Buoklanb Aralea Solre will core the worak eaaa of
PUaa on earth. Ik baa cared kbouannda.
For Injeriaa, Palaa or Bodily bspUona
lk‘a tbe beak aalre In kbe world. Prise
«>- Oars poaranlead. Sold to
J^O. Jobaaoa aad S. B. Walk, dn^

Doors, Sash, Mouldings,

The Celebrated

No reoMdraquaU WabkesA Whitt:
. tKC OF- Tab Sybcf for thk ternand fetal dUaaaa. It takea kbuo
ai>d In tine, ik oiU care n caw
nMbMirm, aad fo> kba oouffh that foi:<>wa InOrippe I', tkver Ula to pivt
vliel. Prke. Sfc and SOc.

WcoCar Oaa Baadard Oellaia Barrardforaa/eaaaofCbkarTb kbak aaa
BM ba aarad bj BaUb Oatarrh Oara.
P J CiiMir A Co-. Prop . Iblado. a
Wa. kbe aadaialfaad. bare kaooa P.
Cbaaap tor kba laat Ik year*, i
BVSIA'SSS CAAVSKara bin partoaUj boaorabla_____
----------------- ----------- -■ •aaaeiallp
able to earrj o«k aaj oblipaUoaa nada
to tbatr flm
wwtA Tat'AK. Wbolaaala Drapricto
IbUdo. O
WauiiiBu, Kiaaea A Maavia, Wbola­ aalr wUeSlc aack eoeaeai. Ba** a
aala Drappiaia. Toledo, a
Hallb &karrt Cora I* takaa latnwalr ackiap dlr^Up epoa kba blood aad
laooaa aertoot of kbe tyalom. Rrloe aHsoC*dwpnMB»-lr. PboMs. bsUiat: M
Sc. p>r-bottle bold to all Umppisie
O.tlnoaiaU are free.
Ualtb Pamll; Pill* are kba baaV

boaa*. Blereakb atreek.



r» Can U IrlpH iTM Iwirt.

Hk. UMla world'a tatr proatekan are l»u.k—Tba dironp Am. Bobv Barr
waorinp akroaplp to laiae tba laat IWM-PoUy O.irer-a ProbUn, K. D.
a'llltao of tba flra aaadMl to naka
tbalr acbaata a kneeeaa- Tbap ha«a Itok-a-Pron baa to Sea, Badyard KlpUnp.
yronbaa of SMOOOO from rallraada IIW7—A dUaat SSapar. Clara Morrlk
lvo#-Tbe Uraak K. A A. Trala BobT3 C- OILBBKT,
L Pord.
ApifaaUo ayakan of offittal f*aad
Jr, M Frobaw- K*ru*»- beewa (
Jtos^Tba Black D<
Doupiaaa, CrookekL
MaieaaUle Oa ble
nad aorrmpkioa baa baaa enaartbed at S 00—A Tbabaasee
Opla Baad.
•lebaatopol. P«okp tbroa foraronaak tool—Uoder kba Bed
Bad Bobe.
Bobe, d. J. Wejnan.
.Offielau bare baaa arraakad aad wdl ba
AArtad by aonrt-nerUal Dec. t. An
Aboaaiaiaroatodaranaer>7 arary ohirf wos-i* uTliiariaa Nabob. Mauriot
napiaaar of kbe abipa In Bwala-a Black
* ■ ■
Heart and Sniord. J. 8. kVInia
•aa flaak.
sous—Ad African tofUloablre, Qi
dlooaaa WUbalnlna aad Bnna of tba Moo-Ooaeamlnp laabel Oaraaby.
-Malbcrlaada at Potadam kbe other
L Poolar.
n^-a e<H*i.' '
' anC at. Wemm-a
...l,.. Alur Ih. .,.1.1
TaR K R FLOOD. 0».* In
I In khrlr boaor ak kba Naan wo*-Tb* Sipo of tba Oroaa. A. V ^r- U mark fall. ar—rr-J r.t*.B.C«l.* 0
f>alata. which Salabad lake, kbay drore
NorLhrrii'pa»B*. B iU-U. Ml.
bomeko'kbaSkiidtoehloaa The coach- soon-.A U^nanyof tbeSaowa. Hubert
naa laat kba way and kba oodrt earrl•OlO-.Nipel Psrraod. U M Rebblaa.
•pa pok into kbe narabca and could Ml toll—Tbe Pr>fessor*a Daapbker.
■aore oaa way or kbe okhar, ibc boraea
■taktat nptolbcbody. Pollocnn bad tolT-Babeyat of Osar Kbayyan.
okbera baaleacd to fetch aabtbar oarHn>Ra.aLK Thr,
npc. aad bappHy a paoeral. alao
eonlap fron the ccacerk. drove paak Betoi
«Be epok lb a cab. wbleb be of oourac nerenanu of Clay. Clay Co.. \V. Va .
fctrsek hie lep apauwi a cake of ice in
placed at kbair aiajwttaa’ dUpoaat.
•ueb a Diaoner a* to brutee it aerere. TV« rIchMk prlrate aoldier Is kba arr- 'y. It became much hwollen and
' -vine of kbe UuUed duica ta aald to be pained him ao badly that he could i
Boa«oc W. Darla, of tbe Ttalrky-kblrd walk without the aid of eruicbea
waa trcsled by pbyiiciant. alao ui
UblUd HUkM roianteera. wbo owaa
aereral klndaof llnlneni and two a.
a half palloba of wbtakey is bakbinp Ik
but Qotblnp pare any rsllet oail! ba
«f cakkla. aaar Marfa, Texas.
topan ualnp Cbamberlaln'a t'alB Balm
. Mra. Mary Burn, wbodlod lb Mary*
broapht almoat a comp
wUU. Ma. lAoonUy, had llrad to oat is a weekb
'kb time esd
Bsd be belli
bellerea that
,1' lal,. plac*ro*l
ai; If Mid thia
>**k nuuiakr. It. kauo
bad ba Bot tMsd kbA remedy hta l««
AM at bar daacendaaia
Ian.-* lune vlwr
iienar learinr ritr
would bare had to be amputated. Palo
■rtelllBC. IiInHiiireril Welwier ai m ti
■oraiio Tannyaaa. toa laat aarvirlnp Balm U Borqualed for apraina. bruiaea
tootbar of kba laka peak laaraau. dUd aad rbeunauan. For aale by S. B ^l*L a *»<TKD-i.*n*r«l
VT werk . na etahlsf.
itahlBf. A|.ydr
l» aitle
aoddaaly a few daya apo at BriphUlnp- Wall aad F ^
waa. Ha. toe. bad wrUkaa varw.
rrvj aKWT-n
•d rooma. aim
Syaeiatb Bilto
I andtaiaav
at aitiest
Naal weak, wind nnd waathar prorj|ao^
tne fnrorabla. Barr J. B. ZakalL of
■toWdan. Oomany, will eaklocoo kbe
repot wbleb Ua to kba aartb kba blppaak
bnlloon evar eonairaekad aod will aknrk
on a nyof ibroaph kba air waleb.
•kraapeto any. ba hopea wUl laM tor
•bonk khiae nonkba. For nloaty day*
At leaat Herr Zskell hopea to flaak betweaabearenaadaarkb. too blpb «e
to area aaa kbe kowna and rlrcrs |pd
lakeaovar which be ezpecia to paaa
Tbe balloon la bow ready for kbe flp
wrhaaever kbe wind blowa fron tbe
BorkboMk. wbk-b la kbe eoadlklob Herr
Zakall iblaka neat auapleloBa He m
peeta to tall orecall of eonklnnikal Ba
roM aad to cona to land la tone part

City Opera House

J. E. Greilick Co.

136 Front St

pTModMl Shoe Mao


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