The Morning Record, September 02, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 02, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Ibiid Tmt—No. 717.


T«mbU BxploaloB of BoOmt
iB Bowl FMtoiy.
BafiaMr. tew/OTAsd Ta
XbM»«17 Kill*!
«m Von rnteMr
Jwo« mM Thrw B«tly S«rw-(V^
mtm *aB«7«


^Pvu of Bell* VeiM X<om
ptwiMW lo«1w ft JtmA BarrtMr
,1llEClrf flEH of
tbO OEM*.

d V Barth Atlantto
Waoblafftoa. Boat l —4t tbe-ocnelatloaof tbo Downy otlobntlea at Bow
Tork Adalnil Bbaipoc. at hB owa ta4atoi. wlU bo roUond troa tbo
■and ta tbo Kortb Atlaatk tfoadroa.
Tbo adatral hat alnady bad
■on than bit pwrtioa of toa torrloa
Bo wlU probably bo onlfaod to tbo
oouaad of oao of tbo nary yarda
U ooaaldtrlac tbo oolntloa of A4■Iral ywyttab
of tboiqaadroa. tbo
kM pnoHmiy wrowod Um UU
dowE to two OOM. tkoM of Knr LimULU fbr^akort 004 lUaoy.

Boilw Bxplosion in Piet
burr Y«BUrdA7.
Two Van Boaatod to Xioatb aad
Otban Cniabed in Bataa of Bopnblk
InwVorba BowOtben Btrtc
laJand-Tbrrlffe Ooi
Batldiafa a XUo Aw^.
Xteaaatte a Hyraty.


Pitubarg, 8^ 1.—4 boK*' nolew
fam at tbo Bopablle Irra Vorha oa
Booth Twoaty-Foartk traot ebortly
to fit OBt the chUdren ready
belandayllgbl today kl.od Bn maa
for achool. DooH let ttem
aad oorlonaly, lajnnd
atari Monday moraine with
Fin wtikk brobo oat aftor tbe ezploa.
Okwm Bu«j.
thoaa old ahoea oa tb»ir feet.
ronr IbUEloEl.
Ion added M tbt horror of tbt dbeater.
eapecialJy when WZ CAN
Tbt mUl wat parUy wracked and th#
eatln pUat hat beta
SdwBrd HolcB^ iB Ohargdd eloaa down Tbt Ibt of tbo kUled b at STYLISHLY AND 80
BbwlM V. «E}r>«*.
tollowr Dertd Kattbowa. Tbomaa
OUvor BmAor.
With B BnitBl Orime.
LOW PBICE8—a rare oomXovftn XaiekEM
Benaa. William Tbomaa, John Warm
bination, bat we do it.
Rad Troable With Kb Rift Who iatld. boatora. aad nn onknown mat
, Bobon Powwa.
cniabed beyond recognlUon.
AUtert that Ho Ooaftatad BUaaelf
Al. L*
Tbeworotlnjandare; Ualaebl Don
tbe Blayor el Farmer OaetUlae.
Sixea 5 to 8-4Bc, 660, 76c
• OoorxBM.
ekoe. badly baraed and not expeeted
Horrlee. Mleb.. Bept. l.-Bdward to roeover: Nell Donakoo. bb eon, barnSix«« 6i to 11-660,88e,66c
Boleroft, tbe alltged murderer of a ed ebOBt tbe bead and brtatu wUl die;
wealthy termer named CeetUlna In Frederick Herb, beloer. eknUj^aetor.
Mtootrepko onr kaowa la tUo tooUos Flint tlx weekt ago, was ametad at ed, burned all orer body, wQl die;
Sizea 12 to 2-76e. 98o,
of kb «atber-la>Uw, eonn Bteidien. Mllacatkl, laborer, broited
«mmd tbit aftorsoon wkoB tbobell$166
mllM eontb of hen early thb morning. aad eat. will recirer.
or la Obapmaa L Sarfoaft bowl aad
HeUred In FUnt wiih hb wife nntU
Tke expiation ooennd at tbe night
Way faetory exploded. Tbo taetory feeenily, when be eame ben to lire forte waa learlng aod tbe day force
Sizeall to 2-690.880,
and tbm witbhb fether-lndew. Ha it eeii to
ling on. to only a few wen in tbe
• blown into otormlty. tbroo ban oonfeMd kltcrtm to bb wUe a mill.
'day* aflor tbe mnrder,
Tbe eoncnMloo wat terrifle. Bnildprobably ta^y.lcjiuod and
to kill ber it tbe told It.
Inge were ebaken a mile away. Dnet
MTloatly li>jnnd.i
Sizae 2i to 64 -88c, $lJi6.
Yeetorday they qoaireled and bo filled tbe air for three blockt and near­
Tbt oxploolon took plan
eame ben and pnrcbeeed a nnlnr at ly aoffoeated eome perMoa. Fire edde*^ook aad wnobayo wat ooaitorod Bodge't eton. Be hired a Uniy rig lo edto tbe diSenlUetof reecoinc tbe
Onr quality NEVER d
Our price* ALWAYS pleeee.
-Boariy ball a mUo In onry dlroetlon. take blmbaek home.
rlctlma. Tbe Brat two bodice taten
Bb wife told ber fetber tbe ttory of oat wen thoee of Berea* and Matthew*
Tbo badlot of two of tbo klUwl wan
tbe erlme aad be notified the aatbort- They bed been rooeted to death by tbe
■anflod alBOOt beyond rooornlUon.
Uea When Holeroft reached home be beat of their own furnace.
Tboklllodan: Chariot Bandy, oo- Btarted for .hb rrtfe’t bedroom. She,
Theotbera wen fooad coon after.;
flnotf; Perry MoUafoat. eawyor; Loo bowenr. bad gone to a nelghbor’a Of- When tbe boiler bnrat a ceetlon weigh­
Baert arrind aoon after and took Hol­ ing foor tone wat blown throagh tbe I
Bitabraok: tarnor.
Badly leiarod. roeonry doobtfol,
roof aad cratbed into a dwelling. The
Popnlar 6hi>e Houm.
Flint today.
oocapanu of tbe honn eacapwl. Tbit
Obarin B. Taylor. OUver Bandera.
Boleroft deolet baring eommlttod flying portion of tbt boiler tmuhed
Boward Cttobam.
the crime. Be eayt that he U the He- tbe Matral topporu of tbe root, and
Lm eerlootly Injerod. Robert Peter- tlm of tplte work. He deeleree that they fell In. partially burying eom
be bae an naole In Pllnt who tnrnod tbo Injured. Hie canM of tbe explo•on. 41. LaOoanv Oeorrt Rleo■ion U nnnown.
Wbaa tbo body of Bnylneer Handy him down for marrying tbe girl.
The murder of Cbatlllne eoneed oonwat plekod op It wat foand that the
itattbeUme It wat
tepof bit bead bad
d on acoonnt of lu bratallly.
blown off aad bU entlro body wat a Robbery wat erldontly tbt object.
BllaaO-Brien Paid a Big Fine for
ttOM of braloM and woanda. Tbo
Kraneet Xmd of
bodlM of tbo other two kUlwL BtiaBteollag.
btook and Menafoot, wen bvrlod Oeaeral Funaton Tblnke Bold Oatboe
banoatb tbo mint and taken out by a
Would Boon Wind Up
WM decided
Judge Eobrru' court
roeeolac party. They wen horribly
yeeterday af'rrooon. Tbe acsaaation
Flliploo War.
nanyled. Tbeaoweaboat the wreck
Manila, Sept. i.-Ueneral FuntUm of wa* a grace ni.r, and the crime charged
wao one of borror aflor the emoke aad Kanaat la an Interriew ben tald: “The a very uuca'u'ul one.
l or eome t
pe»i, ibote who hare
oobM bad elearod. Brink and plaeea only toluuon of the problem in the itthe can of lou cemitery hare bees
of abattered Umbere wen thrown lony land of L-oxon la to thorongfaly whip
Wbeu you coDBidt-r this fart
and ornamenul abrnbdlaianoee In ert^ direetlob and one of; the inavgonte. Oaralry it badly need' bery. whic^ t-’-r felt »ure wa* atolen don't yon think you
ed. OurgreeUat tuoceatee here been
Ue Iron finee to Ibe boiler wat foand gained when regimental
•'leeily. Su*picion wa* wlit-u you say yuu •don't uml
up^n one.EUxa O'Briec telephone in your Luiue.''
In tbe woodt nearly half a mUe away were allowed to follow up quickly ad finally faet--\\ hat you have most precioue
Conatab'.e Auhtn
One of ibc floee itruek tbe depot end raatagee gained in batUe. Small bodice and yeev*
the world is there and in the event
ton a large bole In tbe tide of
of Americant. operating freely
of accident or dan
beforeJudg- V. >berw. where the charge
boUdtnjC. Another etrock e waroboun
tt^r you woqM need
read 1 Here ww a clear ca*e a*
t tide of ergy, oould eetily break tbe enemy. •omeof the *-. >I«n fl.>wert were femud
it even more at your
Tbe eaptun of Aguinaldo by caralry
home than at yuiir
the r»f aod parUy ibrougb tbe other
would be a lea* dlfieult propotltioo In ber boute, eome In her poceeeeioo
I ortiev. And that is
aide; in I'o Bight tearing down tele- than the eaptun of Apaebe cblefe In and »om« in a ealiae that the carried.)
______ ^sayint; a t;ood deal
She plead guilty to tbe charge, and
gra^ wire*. After tbe exploalon tbe Ar!x>ua.-'
paid a fine of >lSr aod coeU amounting
Telephone Co.
Umbeia in tbe wreck eeugbt fin and
begaa to born, but through deaperau
SneheteaUngaetbat lor which *be
•SorU tbo fln waa tabdued.
a* fined i* a rerj aggrarated and un­
Of tbe killed Handy and Mcllafont Teaiorday waa aOood Day and An­ natural offenee. It i* eepeeially
other Batch of Boerulu Wat
twteful. beeaucelteeemstomMt pro
Imretamrne*; bat BeUhrook on
pie to be little Um thauj robbing the
SentOut tmat Right
atngle man.
but!Bandera. Taylor and Eaicham. wboae
N* in the recruiting eUtion and fire
roeorery U dpabUol. wan all married
ore men won enlitted in L’nele Samb
moo. making thirty in all tbU week.
Aa the engineer wat killed It la prob- Tboae who paee«l the ezeminaUon Conditione in Lumber Induttry BheBomenaland Beery Kind of
abU that tbt eauM of tbt horror will
Edward L. Brentt and Arthur
Stock I* Hieing.
aerer bt known- U wat thought then 8. Haeklna for the i^ularo; Daniqj
Saginaw, Sept, l.—Tbe eonditiona in
wat a Ibok of water lo tbe boiler, but Lafoateee. Clannea Hetley end Tony
Maaky, tor the rolnntoeio. Of thoee the lumber Induitry are phenomenal
then it no oerulniy about that.
art adeaneirg
who applied yeeterday nine wen re­
After the exploeloa the eeene waa jected.
prlea* In the whole llet. while no (lock
^Ereagod with people, among them
Another betob of reerulu wen tent i* aeenmnlatlnf. Oae macufacturing
nany womea.,and of tbeee tbe wlret weet on tbe »;S0 C- A W. M. min laet firm ba* ju*t refneed an ciTer of tis a
of tbe Injured and dead men. l^e night Tbe party oonaUted of Walter! tbeniand for box lumber.
C. Perry, Boy Hickok, Jeeee Cota and I of 81-a tbontand within a. week and
latter eougbt frantleaUy to be allowed
Edward L Rrereit, bound for Prcetdlo j adeanoe of 83 a ihouaaad aince laet
to tee tbe bodlet of their baibeadt.
bat they wen kept away hf foroe. at aad Arthur R Baiktna for Fort Sberl-1 run* hare been adrancod to8ie and 81«
U wee tbonght beel not to hare them dan. The laet two are aaelgned to U e e thoneand and a good log
wortbflto toS34. Nvfray piece etuff
aea tbe bodlet In tueb e mangled
U worth $12 to B14 for abort lengtba
dltloD. Allot the bodlm wen «
Mule by
and up to flUi for long stuff. Na
felly ramoeed aad placed la a box
ehop lumber baaadTaDcedfrom-$22 i
Coopor-e Outfit limrd up in HaUroad 82T a tbontand. Mill cuUs arc worth
Mar tbe wrmk.
812 aad 8:s. baHng donblod In price
TbebaUdlag it a total wreck and
Tolnor'*Statioa.Tenn.. Sept, i.—A within a year.
Ue urn will exceed Bs.ooa Tbe taetory
epaolal train bearing Cooper'* cltcn*
Lath are going akyward aod are asU- A,k,wdMlw.
ww raanlng abort banded and a large
eked today by the buruUng of lag at fit ts aad 88-&0 a tbousand,
pvtlon of tbo regular fvoe waa away, aa air brake htmo. Twblr* poiaee* which la juat double tbe priee they eold
alMtberoeerd of duatb. would bare ww* Injured aad anlamla war* aoattar- at ia the aprtng. And with tb*M priow
' la all dirMtiona.
bean grealtr than It U A eoreoer’e od^to
and it la it la Impomible to got enough atock to
ladand aa iaqumt impomlbl* to aeoertala tbo oxtoat
tbo rnuimnanta of tbo maihets.
tbo lajurtea.
bald tonight. .

No OM te thought to ba totally but.
The MploaMo waa baard tor mOat,
A H King, who bn* t
I oonductand m tona abuok tbo bnUdiaga U tbo
TflllM’ iTiMtniWin
Biata 4root, bae oeU bto utoek to £,
HUaffa. ta tba otawe of ..................
doao at tbair ho«a. laquixaor adF. Forrta. who baa alao i—rYvrrl tba
Otaigtbagoodewa abalraBtcnm tba
b.MlM or VMUU.MT B.C.
■Mtw to tbo floor.
IIO>>l • VfM«T-

We want four girls from eacsli
aobool ballding (public and
OathoUo) in tbe city to call at
tbe store this morning.


..Watch This Space Tomorrow..


290-222 Front Street

Balpfa OozmAble Jr., Kuia(

Children's Shoes-

“ Suits of Childreu 2 to 16 yrars of age.”

Misses' Shoes-


Tonlh's ShOBS^

Boys' Shoes-







Than Traverse Belle
Tire Favorite Sc Cijer


Is becomine popular,'too.
Biegest Bod best ID i»nt clear
for the price.

A. W. Jahraus



s. Benda &'Co.o“"
184 Front Street


We'll HI Your Boys
(With School Clothee)

a Of dnrabl<> tjuiliiiee and right atylea—at ToaMnahle oritMa—


for, by anybody, anywhere, any time. See our gtock.


ie a well^pring of pleeanre
in the house when it has tibe
rich melody and sweet tone
of a KimbalL With pardon­
able pride in its beanty and
merit, we will show onr mag­
nificent stock of Kimball
piaooe and when you test ita
wonOei-tuI ton, yoo -ill recast,, ita aoperiority above lU
otliera. Coma in and look at otlr fine Baaortmenl.

All Sheet Music
at hall price.

Small Instruments
and Musical Merehandisca

w, w, kimbalL CO.
I. E. STEOIG, liuff.


September 1st
we will move to the McXds^ara store.

We will con-

tinoe to carry the best line ol siloes in the city, at
prices that are right.

Tin DiHiai. won.



143 Frcit Stmt




fan: voxaaio msookd.

S. ISiW.

EBST vrum


Tka WoMa^ Otak Baaumad

0*B(rflh*«------------- -«a* uti-tzpwuloktou k ttet 4nd«
VmU Mt lollow \U AntrkM tMf In
f„ aM> tnMiii-----

ThU nrfUMnt

. k«S*«tu»y dniMMd t7 *k« ir«na


«> <»»•

f«rt» Man. IW nOpptBm uA B»•ftU- Tb« cnpofU 10 Bnnnil nn rl*«B
^ •a.OM.OOO Anrinf U« iMt tol T^r,
^i#ntaMl6.»«4nmof Uo
MTiOM Jt«. «Weh woro
(mw Unn U7 oib«r jenr. Tho uMTU to Cnte won •ll.«l».T0T m
Is iBBi tbo SifkMt
Mto y*t«^ <»
^ ^
anvta ««r* tS.Uft.Bi*. eeaporoA wUb U itM.
Mien* acsm. TtMPkUIppls* flf•m nn $404,171. sn inemM oi Msrl;
$iro k*sdi*A pw oMt owT U* Wah
•sUr Mtk In (otaor r«tz«- a«ro b
•s seinsl dtBOBitraUoB otib* Mneflu
$e AverUns prodsetn br
of tb* fi5Mik)S> wbleb bsvo
M* nn4«r Ui« &SC ««risf ib* pMt
peer. Tb^ a(srw (i*ra sbor* or*
ss4 now tbo Mil* aui rMort
$$ wow otbor nrisMBt 4o Msf dl»0fdit spoB tb* kdmtniAimUon.
ty b*» bMB ftstfMtod tbnt lb* to-,
Bkl^or of tU pork fnad bo dototed
Ip tb* lojiBf ost of
^ Onnlrtl aabool gnnit nsd tb*
Hrcboolsa of *01**** for pobll* «•«■
With lb* lBprot<B«sl olrtody Bode.
PP •Bb*)ll*bB«Bt web o* mentioned.
tU 0 HtU* bwoufylsf. tbl* would
to* * detlahtfnl bfwtblst *pot nnd
n ptsM thnt would wr** for o d**lr•Wo *tort*r in tb* wey of public

OctolaotleB Will »"«*•
WIsur to nady «< Vto tto*
toormUy wd MmUens Pnrtl;«Urty
-PiMPPSt Frecrna Md Booeptlow
n* work of tbo Womnn'e anb fm
pd ywtordey nfternoon. n Inif* ■»»
bar p( tbo membeis kolMC pr*w«t e*
wMl a* eereml c««M from otbor plnew
Innrory keppy wiy tb* preeldont.
Mm M. A. 8. Bekortw welocmed the
k to elnb work. 8b* epok*
of tb* new Idon* fnlned by the
k*rtdurln»nk**nmm*r month* wbleb
ib* traated tbry wonM ebnr* wltb cneb
otbor n* tb* yenr'* work nnd ntody
d. nnd epok* iMplrlnfly of
UeVeepoet tor the eomtor monibn
tb* ebnlrmen of tbo ciBeront dlrl*
km* roportod cm tbopln. • t® be MfTied
oot by tbelr eommltteea nnd tb* propmmooBBitte* fn*r nn Inutuetinf
Tb* Club wUl derou IteeU tble yenr
to the atudy of tbo Uslied Bute* Is
Msml nnd MleblynB to pnctleulnr and
tbe work pmoilem to .he'd mueb intermt nnd wins U U om cf tb* moat
helpful nnd pmcUenl profmm*
tskn mp by the club and the mambers
propone to r*lB
from It.
Mr*. W. B. Bnnld. of DetrolV who
se on* of tbo moat noUr* mem'
durlnr bar rueldene* In tbe elty. waa
and epoken tow plenenit word*
of rrwtlac to the elnbTb* reralnr proymm wn* in chary*
o(Mre. J. B. Martin, who ysr* nn
iBUrueUny Introdnotory Ulk on U*
eulUrnUosef art In nil tu diterunt
8b* oorclndcd wltb n brlybt dlnloet
LItU* Bban MarUn yarn n eery
prutty reoltatlom In «tnm*.
Mlm Boberm dellykted nil with n
eoprnao able nnd tb* proprsm cloned with n cmnnlnypnatomlme.
‘Lewie Trar, by Bben Mnrtnls and
Onnlna SUrers,
An Isformnl rooepUon followed In
wbion club member* met nnd exobnnr
ad yreetlnys nnd toU of their eummer
tripe nnd planennt esperleneon.

The ^§ple Know


Work Tamtef.

a Good thing wkaTtqswn
And «• have bte* stvias tbou bb s<Mtal good thias for tbs
Inst tea
We bas* beeaeeUiag



Eagle and World Bicycles
at Less Than Fkctonf Cost

•ooi TIM M^Onp LM,

A Mr .. mmlraut,

... M.-,- A»p-



Asylum Tenm for n «nM , po,ebb Is tb* mornlst. r>U« *P
Vo* *aa.
I Onrp Uke os tbe etenmor Snllle. which
Tbe Old MMnloo bnie boll tenm bny* - pnd boem obnwerod far tbe camrias
tbe Idon thnt they nlao know n tUsy nsd plenleUnr Is tb* gKn am tb*
> about tbe mntlooel n»*
' nborm of Lake Mleblcns. Tbe party
Mr. nnd Mrs. O D Kennedy
nr* wUllsr tom
on seutml frounda nt Bew«pa Bnrbor nod eon Joel. Mr. nnd Mm. J. D
iw rzft n eldn. U tbe Anylmm tenm Kennedy .of Port Bsron.Mis- L. nmiU.'
lU rewofc ibey sboeld b* wHUBf of ltbnen,Mrs. & L- Wbltsay. Mr.T. B.
m meet me os sestml-tronsd*.
Tmyon nbd dnnybtor Lnnra, Mrs J. M
0. F. Svnnr.
Bsttaabury nnd dnaybtors. Bbod*.
Vers, sad Floraaoe, sad Mr. snd Mrs.
W. D. rumor snd dnsybter Alice.
MI« ttollle Boyot*.
rtoitiayMrs J. W. Hnnnen. left for
her bom* In OttefO yerwrdny.
MUlnrd Breyy, who bse bora rWtlay
bUyrsndmoUarntWcslord. rutnmed
to tb* city yeeterdey.
Mlm Alu Cbne*. woo bna been neitIky Mlm Boby Dana, reumed to brr
bom* la Otteyo yenierday.
BnrI Wnmor. who bn* bow
tornfew^nye Is Ueclty, rotsmod t:
bit home In Ohio yeetordny.
Ber. Wiley K- Wrlybt will bo is bl*
ilplt nynln u morrow, nfur n t
Tb# dock eeawn w»U opw with n
meb nt Blyb Brldy*. B D Alley wd
J. E. Bowes wwl yeewrdny. nsd will
w* to It thnt U* eenaoB ones* nil
8. W. Suomy, who bna bew rteltisy
hi* Urea eon* bora, retnmed to bl*
borne in BkknrlU*. Ohio, yeeterdey.
nwompnaled by kte *w.
Mlm Aysc* Swecknl retnmed ymtordey fmm s rlnli *tU friend* st


nd^tsge of

hare omlyTkw left, so if yon want to take adTsatSBe cS this,
co®e qaicL end do not think of buying n bicycle without m
esublished reputstioD, when you enn boy noch a bicycle as the
Engle or World st the prices we are selling them st, dbd uw
gunrunteed for one year by ■ party you know is reepoemue.

First class iHlile tilie tires,
pnranttf, ter $2.2S, ■

J. W. SLiTER'S Hflttse Fnrnisliing Store
120 Front. Street, Traverse City.

Oism of -Be Mmsion.
Tbe bom* of Alderman SmlU of
watt Biybt *ueet.wm be Ue tecse of n
meet dell^tfnl meetlsy scit Friday
liny. Tb* piet of *««. of wbleb
Mlm Ada SmlU wn* n member, bare
nrmyed for n reuslos. to take plnee
nt Ue borne of Mlm Smith. A Inrye
Bsmber of U* clam wUl be Is Ue city,
and n fine time 1* oertnls.




11 W. S. ANDERSON. 1

A Powder MIU Xzploelw
BemoreeeTemUlnyls^lyht: 1
disatle mineml pUle, but boU
miybty dssyurone. No need to dynnmtia your body wbes Dr. Klsc^ New
Life Pill* do Ue work *0 eselly
perfeeUy. Cure* Bendnche, Oomi
lion. Ouly rs east* St J. G Jobs
snd S E. Walt'* druy ntores.




Kn lOTle* Pfnnieurebmiat
Of Detroit wUl nrrirc ebout
bur It. to take ebnrye cf o.. --------makloy dapariBent. Aoyooe wUbIny to wyny* time eun do »
Iny nt U* Boeton Sloes. T$

Mlm Ella M. Bnekn* bn* retorsed
from a eUlt of Ure* week*. wbU* tnkloy her menUoB. Sbeepest U* time
vAlUsy Mwd* nnd rclnUre* nt rsrlou
pinom. Inclsdlny Petoekey. Bnrbor
Spriny* nnd Alma.
Mime* EllubeU and Charlotte
olmea, who~hnre been U* yseeu of
Mlm Mend OiU^ of ?euU Elmwood:
nrenoe tor eome lime. bn«* nturned:
ConTnntlem of Aondny •ehool# of Par- to Ueir bom* In Detroit.
ndlae n^d Kny&old «.wnnbip*.
Cktopber rpbni Died Suddenly
Mr nnd Mrs. B. E.Blll of Blebmond.
Tbe deuiU of Ue oonrentlon of U* lud . ere rle'.tlny tbelr eon io Uta city
Tt*uid*7 After fts Hen
Sunday Bebool nanoclntion of Mnyflelo They sf* eteylny *t Ue heme of B. J.
oreble Cnr**r.
sad l*srsdl** townehlp* bsrebeesoom'
a wide circle of Mendi nnd nrqnnlnt- pleted. snd lb* pixytsm It sll strsnyed.
Mr. Hill of Ue South tide barber
PPM w*r« eboeked nnd eurprleoi jf The eoarentloa U to be heldatSsBrnlt
ahop it enwrtnlnlny hie broUer and
IfPPpy to benr of tbe dentb of Ohiie- Oity, September 1. sad wUl eertnlnly
ooueln from Eiehmond. Ud.
Uyw-- pybui, wb'.cb occurred nt bU be s rood snd proatnW
Mlm Shark of Blebmond. Ihd.. U
kps* on Mndleon euWt nt nboot eeten
Followlny InUew
rialUsy nt Ue home of Mr*. E J. Ful
^stoek. Mr. Pybne' benltb bed for
Aftnenoon Bcwlos.
,1— Use been In n eoadlUon wbkb
1:30 Derotloanl eerTlee—Re«. A. U
Boberi Beynolde of Founuln City.
•nvn bl* friend* cno**lor»*rtoo* nlnrB TbsrstOB.
Ind.,ia rUiUny relniWm and friend* I
^t»o wddee nn endlnir to bUllfe wn*
In Ue city
lor *r*n' by hU wife nnd fsBMis B. a. Helre. of Orsnd Bnpid*.
to. Be bed been ntlondln* to boBC
t;0*. Intemperate Ploneuree - Mr. who. bn* been rUlUny Ue family of
dnll** nnd bnd driten down town tbe Bniyooycs.
Tho*. T. Bate*, relumed bom* yoeter
Mlooe nftornoon. bet wn* token awl.
Dieeneniw. led by H. Speer.
toy <'«*»•
nnd eeffemd
»:»a Primary work-Mrs. O. B Ball.
Mrs. Oeo G. Bntm returned to Cblenyo
pwpedlnrly nil nlpbi.
in tbe enrly
DleenMlw. led by Lucy SeeymUler. yeeurdey after a »l*li wlU friend* nnd I
pernlna be neasod annler. nnd bla wife
In Ue elty
left klB to tbe enre of Ue nvw for n
I:JA TheTewbem' Wnyee-Mis. D.
Charle* Stwe. of Jameeriile, Mich .
yew BCBonin. Suddenly tb* nun* enw Bowden.
wbo bs* bew rUlUny bU eieter. Mrs
p etenf* nnd bneiened to enU Mrs.
Moimlos, opened by Mr*. J. L. E W Butter*, for ten day*, bn* re­
pjto b«t before either eould rwentor OIbbn.
turned boms
lb* elck rooB b* wn* cone3:4t. Report of OoustT Conrwtlon.
Oecar Fredrieb baa letorned from e
Pnrtnf nlBC*t twei ty yenr* of ncUte
Boeslny 8*1*100.
bnelnem trip to Lndlnyton.
pprrlo* with Ue Meionniile OoBpnny,
DcroUosnl-Rer. Jnme* Leiub.
MW Fredda Bala** U bore risiUoy
Mr Pybu* bnd beooB* widely k:
bar mother and friend*. She will re
pplooly In Trurerec City, but tbroupb
to Whit* Cloud in s week, where
|b* ontire reflon. nsd 1
BeeluUon-ltoBn Dean.
tbe i* Ukiuy aeouree of eindy In the
aer* blfbly mpectod for bl* atorllnr
Mnele—Male gasrutWhit* Cloud hoepltnl.
^■nlltlc* of aoodnee* nnd euuneb In
Addreae-Msnbn Barney.
Mlm EdlU Gibb*, who baa
tpwriiy of purpoee sad nation,
teacblny foreeeertl year* in Ue cKy
teltblvl CBployr. n rood clllMn.n kind
»cboo>. went to Petoekey yeeterday,
pplfbbor nnd n loTieg buebsnd nnd tnwhere Ue baa aeeepud a poeltion^n
Iber. be will be locf mimed nnd elnThe Owusl Bebool BuUdlhy Will be the eebooieot that city.
ptoy eeoumed.
Mrs. William uaiitpie. who baa been
Opw IO tb* Public Today
Mr. Pybui wn* lortyel* yesn of nf*.
rialliny friande in Ue city for a wseek
kPTlnrbwn bom In Penniylrnnln In
Tb# rsnoenllay of Ue Cwtml mUooI returned to her borne in Blektrille.
till. In IVtB bU fetber enme to Lelnad bttlldiny bn* been wtlrsly
Okie. yeetMday.
Wltb bte family, nnd hi* enrly
inriW* Ue
Dr. W. E Mood left ymierday for
ppra pnaead on n tnrm in tbet vlelnlty. patron* of U* eebool* to Inepeot Ue
New York, where he wUl take up an
apMtblnr ot*^ ulnetoen yann efo be hoUdlny today. Janitor Cnrtl* bne estenalT* reriew oonro* In modielne
to Trntsn* .City nnd entered tbe been buey (Mtiny Ue bulldlny In Unpe
and *nrysr7.
pmplpy of tbe Bnnnnb A Lay Merenn- snd U* rwslt of bl* Inbois la worUy
Cbarlea Lanewter retsmed to bl*
MlP Oo-, nnd tor n number of yenr* bna
.prtotlon. BwryUiny looks tpiok work in Ue poet oMoc yeeUrday after
to eMbler U tbe frooery depnrt- snd epan wd Ue w bole bulldlny lain
e raoatioo of two weeks Aoeompanled
MSk Be bna bean for n number of
lent eondluon prepamtory to Ue by his wife be haa been rlaitiny U*
IM* * member of tb* Bond of Edu- opwlny of eebool Mcmdey.
aorUero meorta. Inelndlny Mackinaw.
pptop, nnd wna|MU«e In nil tb* InterPetoakay and Bay View.
Tnehtiay Party t
to of
elUieneblp. Mr. and Mrs. Etwnedy rcinmed
Is ml be mnrrled Mies Mnry BcookA party of plenesr* *Mkuts from Me- Port Huron tbU momlny afUr apw
Mj«r. Four ebUdrw. Bdltb, Bnlpb,
omlnee enina la on Ue eloop ynebt
■rnmn nnd Tboman. with tbe motber, Battle Brsdwell,'yesterdny nnd weal Iny ten daye wiU tkelr eon Mr. G.
y,------ tb* lom of n lored buebnnd nnd to U* Park Place for tb* alykt- The Kennedy 1 f Uli place.
hW Erelyn Morysn le entortalnlny
party coariated of Senator Baker. Miea
^*y^eml eerrlomJwlU be bald Sun- Dunntny. MW Crawford. Mr. MoOor- MW EdlU BemmUy of GainmeUl*.
Tex., on* of her aohoolraate* at I
4ay sfiemoon nt two o'clock under tbe mlek, Mr. Harmon and Mr. WelU. all
Uonal Park Seminary. WaUinytou.
^•-pollm of tb* Foreeton. of which of Mwomlnee.__________
MW Tbompaon *1 Chleayo. wko ha*
yirial— mr Pybue-WM n member.
bew Bpendiuy eome time at Cbarlerolx.
Tb* Braoecy of Woman
Mpdurt Oenib'a^Aconlee.
Waa yraadly abown by Mr*. John la tb* yuast of Mr* Jam** Meryan
Park Place, and wUl remain eereral
Only n nmrlor ar« nnnbled .
n^merr of Bnn Antonio, Ten., to year*’etmyyl*I wlU a mallywt atotf- sake.
_ trouble
______ that eaneed
nJdSim when stteewl by Aetbmn. seb
J. W. SUter left yeeterday mo
wbleb be euffered for yenrs Be ttnek* of naue* and lodlyeetlomv' Ail for a virit wlU bi* elater and frienda
hU mleerr wn* often eo rrmt (Bedim taUed to rellere bar w^ *b*
ried Bectrie Bitters. After taklay it nt St. La>u1* and lUaeh.
■I sm now
Carl Cod* of Oetroiv who ha* bow
anyUlny. It rialtlny bte eonein. Mr*. F- T- O’Neil,
r Ue while
Uaet lOU etroet, rulumed bom* Ute
ybt and feel
_____________________ S14-" It kW*
Mrs F. T. O'Neil of But TWtb
tobW. Olraution. cores dyepepela. Isiprom#
etrwttewtsrtnlslny bar tteter. Mrs
J. O.
OtU Boeemeyer. of CharleTols.
£. Wall's druy Btoros.


And they fasTtoM





Three Biggest Bargains Yet Offered

All in one day, and that is

FirstlyMisses' Kid and Goat Buttoned Shoes, with tipped
toes or plain. Worth SI.SO to Si.'"’...................................

Special Saturday Sale Price, 98 Cents
This will make a most excellent school shoe.
stand lots of good hard wearing.


Secondly-Ladies' Hand Turned, Fine Kid Buttoned Shoes.
Plain toes. Small sizes. Have always sold for S3.0a.

Special Saturday Sale Price, $1,4:8
Nice, easy shoe for house wear. When a hard day's
work is over and you want to rest, put on a pair of
these. Those corns, now' How they ache daring the
day. These shoes are better than all the com plasters

Ladies' Fine Button Shoes, Patent Tipped, Nice, Soft
Vicl Kid. The finest looking street shoe. It's a pleasnre to call with a good-finished, neat-fitting shoe.
Regular price, S'-?.50......................................................................

Special Saturday Sale .Price, $1.48
LASTL¥-“These are bargains what are bargains." The stock will
only suy with us a few hours-

Get in line early.

The Hamah & Lay Mercantile Co.

‘TMH«>arflte MoliftD. AiMkD^T, MHMRBil,- 1B9Q.
wo* rr Tu rntn won

•I SV&te iHmx,
iitXetuK. I
_ ____
•Mh»r«Mlw. Om«( ikM b«c*a
Mt ud !»*• tha ftl«ra.
t*t •Uw«4 K*btT aad lAdoaat *
■r. m4 Mm. Bpbwl tkapWll. «>
JMkm, tarn » d*U|kifmI plot «f
•mtws »t UMtr kMM. Asow
U «H M of Mtors of on oolor*. oodlotolor. br MMol oooob 1.000 bletOB*.
WkOo plovlBf OB hla Mra bmt
OwoHO wmiom aowjw MBldoaUy
whlA wm ta Ua p«raa.
iBiolbafBfrow. TkaeonBtBml.«tO«b
«M meulj la bUIa. woa aooa oorarad
•■4 laat. Bot Mac mlaaad liU l»ta la
lka«haraeoB. ■awrardeaaaet rallak
tha *Bak of aaondi o*ar iba aatti* flald
torUaaMB. bathopoafaroBd aapaeta
as abBBAaai ara^ from hla rieh
At Battla Oraak a bmoi aarloot
Aarft baa baaa omda afaloat aa asaapiojr af Iba SaolalA. Sbwmas A
Ta^la on 0a«p«B7. Ba waa Traaatlj
dlaobarrad aad It U elalnad tbat for
roaaafa ba attaaiptad 10 mis raaollaa
ts «rhh tba banaaoa taaht ao that «spkMloa woald falloir aad tba
waald aoSer Imt of baalaaaa Ba U
aUorad to bam baas oaBfbt b7 aa
aftaar aad la ooBdaed to Jail to wait
tba arrival of tba maaacar of tba
Mm AUea Ktobe aod Mlaa Kata
Orlflth. of Jaekaoa. warn vleUs* of
tTTotosieoa poiaoato( freat drtoklBr
■ak tbat had baaa kapt In
bataotoaiaa. Mr* Ktosa'a ooadltloD
waaforaUau aarioaa. bat both will
Kaar BatUa Oraak It baa bmoma to
mr7 dr7 tkai it kaa raaebrd
daarar potot. Tha dr7 rram aed the
daad Uavaa to tba weoda Iraito froi
tkd Uaat tpaik, aad almaof flraa art
rar'ac to tba atoiabm aad are
tbmatMlat tba aplaada. la tome
plaeaa tba Arat bam baraad oaf tba
drp amek ao that fmat boiaa are left
to tbarroaBd.
T>e Lapaar Praaa asT* that a oow
tkat vletoltp raoaat)7 ata three bare of
ooap aad a paakaf* of waaklor powder
wbleb bad baaa Ipft wlibto raaek.
Aboat Tbraa BImm tba drr waalbar
baa aamml7 lojarad tba Mpar baau
aad aow eomaa tba tofonaatlos that' a
aatall worm U bull7 eafacad aattor
tha heart oat of the foltac*I>r ifobeAaittoot Howard CU7 ba*
baaa appototad aarcaos of tha doldlara'
Borne, to auooMd Or. Baad. raalr&ad.
Qraao Bapid* la oot a rood plaea at
praaaet for eala«U7 howlara to bold
forth aboat lack of proaparltp. Tba
orlm of that eitp 1
arowdad with ordara t^t tber rataaed
adlO.OOO ordar wbleb a Chtoafo firm
wlabad to plaoa wUk’tbam.
Tka olbar Blrkt oaa of tka
tmlai Aar Baoooek airaok dva baad
of cattle to a booea aad killed cverp
Work will ba atortad tbU fall m anether blf houl at Pato^ar, aoI tbat
Mp be raadr for oast aaaaoa'iI raaort
Aa BalOD Bapid* maa bald a llphtad
match to tha apartnm of a tla ca« to
oaa what waa toalde of (C Hit apebrowo aod balr were atorad off aod oa«
ape oaarip pal out of buataaai by the
•sploaloo wbleb followed, boma
had bma aamt the oaa to Bold caao'
lisa aad bad latt a UiUa of that dald
la it.
Aavaa paan ape Theroa Ktoaa.
farmer aaar Bllltdala lo*t hi* pold
wawb wbtlo plowbut a del’d oa bU
farm. Bepaaaapali hope of tadtop
the timepiece, eod wa* aurprUW wheo
a few daya apo ba toraed It np ia a far­
row while p)o*nap la the aame deld.
The watch waa appareatlp little tbe
worec for iu loop ract to tbe prooBd.
C A M. B. Corell of WbiUball. w
owa lo.oet aerm of lead to Ooea
ooaatp. wUlatock iket porKon of It Iplap to Newlcld lowubip with cattle.
There I* aa abaodaaoe of ferape aad
maap broad acree of raape.
Tbe boaae of Joha Howdmi. wbo
lima near Holley, wae robbed e moatb
or eo ape aad Ij:* lakca. ThU week
ba foaad a badly bleached »10 bill
wbleb the rabbar bad dropped to bU
barrp. UrMboppen bad eataa *«reral

to It, bet It It poed.
itlnp b(
p for a

a wem arrmt-

alfnt repaired bp law.
, _______
adasamioetloo. wbleb waa dead for
•apicmber )«, aad will pat ap e flpbi
•Ull Oomlap to Spriap Beach
Tha Mlowlap arrtrod at bprtop
Beach Hotel paeterdap: Dr. 8. P. Scherrar. Dr. aadMr*. J.B. Loop, Ur. W.
V. Morpen. Waltm Morpaa, Joba Morpaa Dr. C. Battoa. Mr. M. McElwalae,
Mr. aod Mra. W. Yerraa. ^Lowell Yerraa
BdUor'* Awful Pllpht.
F. M. Blppiaa. Bdltor Saaaca
Xewa. waatfllletod for vaara wtti ....
tbat 80 doctor or remedr helped oatU
ha triad Baektoa'a Arnica 8alm, tba
Cam Aamataad. Oalp
Sold ip
J.O. JobaaoB aad &B Walt, drap-

JwwUwcfKitriW W«r*




M« -ABbMl •atWrtat M

' “OaAar tba Dom^" oaa ad aba aaaWbleb aoBb Mat.............Ill pl«7b -with ita

ia a Wi
■abaea’a Cb^ tba Jaaaalla baaa
ban oaamtbatdataatad tba Ktw^l*7
Baad taam aa aaaoraly Wadaaiday.
baaa baaa loaklaf lor aaw arorUa to
aooqwar. Tbay esM to tba d\y yaatardayforaiamaofbaUwltbtbaBlaa
brfiratba caata waa oaar.
bad daodad that tbw ara aat tba
^ ^ pUrara to tba ttata. H thay
am la tba fama all tba Um. Tba
fatra ibaaa all tho7 «>ald
atwad to, aad a trida morn.
Tba tama waa plarad oa tboTwalftb
atmat froaoda. bafare a fair atoad
crowd. It waaa boteantaal from tba
Irat. aad waa woa bj tba Blaa 8070.10
tba taaa of lo to 7. Tba batiarlaa
Baraia Ba7ao)da.Hoadomoa &7aa
aad ». Bardae for tba Blaa 8070. aad
Orataar aad Cboaft7 tar BDbaoab
Tba two taawi bam aaeb wo
ram* bow, aad tba bo7* aspaet to
pto7 eC tba Ua aooa. It will be aa totaraatur eoetaat.
Tba Bine B07* daalra to tbaak tboa*
wbo atUBdad tba ffama for tbalr
pmaaaea, a* tba rata raaalpta bam pat
Iba taam oa a rood ftaaacial baala.

Cbleapo. Sapt. 1.—Tba laiar Oaaaa la. wQl oacapp tba atape of Sufabaapb
raapomalbU far tba jollowtop aaaaa- Qraad Opera MoaM Wmlpht. It aaaaotablp
tkwal apaelal dUpatob tram New
Tarb: la tha g*m* book of 8mitb, Iba maeb talhad of harrieaaa aeaaaa
wbambp tbat Imaberlal tamilpb Aolapa abowtop tba baaatifal aoml raat bar
her at Apia betam tba alorm of March
are pomraad. It la written that
A vlaw «t tba atorm aa *acc
amrp ammmar tbe bebm of the 1
wbe Urn witbto walktop or drivl^ from tba eobaal'B beoia tou la tba
who. amsp tartkar awap, aftaraoea, a view of tba atea at aipbi
mm tba prloa (d rallwap traaaporta- dnrlap tha atorm. aad tba mapalAoact
iloa. akaU aaaambla at Poapaok. *. J.. atnpplo of tba Traatoa apalnat wind
For the aad wave. Aaotbar aaeao acaredp leoa
woatp-foank tiam tbap amambled wortbp ofmaatloaU tba parieei reofa ferry boat trip from
rpataiW at tba farm of tha late Palar
}. Smith aad to tba prove aaar iba laraap CItp to Mow Tork. Other
Notead hald hipfa earatral. abow tba aapital at Waabtoptoa. Qlud,
aamtal tamUlar Washire Maw Jancp Smltha from
aad Smlth’a Laadlap,Smith lepton loealiUaa Tka totorpretlap
Mine aad amlthrinc; tham were mp- eompanp to a pood one
itlTw of tha famlllaa that aanlad
“Uaele Tom's Cabto” aavm prows
lad pam tha preatip* of tba nama to
old. There raoa thronph It a veto of
laeh empire-aula eaatem of
pathos paesllarlp toacblap aad awcak
aadcnltara aa Smlthboro. SaUtkfiald,
Uka tka ktoa of a ehUd. It eoaqaere bp
SmlU'a Baato.Smltbla.LaBdlnp.Smttk'a
the verp tonoeeaee of lu breath. In
Mills. SmltbWwB. Smltktowa Braaek.
bctar of Sva it to nniqaa. Wko
Bmitb Vallap. SmltbrlUa Plata, aad
does not ehariak to Memorp some sweet
Bmltbvaia Soatb, L. X. Altopatbar.
anpellc ekUd, who seamed 10 toeeh thto
aeanttop maa. orommi aad oblldraa,
earth oalp at a tranalaaa^vtoltof. wbo
tbare were some qf them In Peapaw ad awap with the daw of eblldaeek todap. A blp baaaer la tba prom
bood't moratop. too pood, loo pur* for
bore Ibis announeemaat: “Welooma to
aaV Waa tbare amr a child like Bm?
the Bmitb tamllp and friaada' ranaloo.
oat Tbrm Ftopaia to ▼aaoarlap la memorp of oar aaemtom. Orpaa^ Tea. bat bar name la wrlttaa apon
pravmloom. Tbto pood old play to
Kaoktoa Taatakap.
Iced Sepumbar 6. ItTC."
aalque baeaaaa It to tbe oolp one tbat ^
Eatarprtotop adverttoara bad eeattar
A mrp palatal aeetoaat ocearmd
poWapa tbat ebaraeter.
tha Walle-Blpataa banket tactorp paa- ad dodpere abroad, beaded “HeUo,
Tbe aeenerp to axeallant la the river'
tardap, that eaamd tha lorn of three Smith,” and advooattop tha aao of__ ,
a tone one aaaa iba Soattop cakes of lee
ftnpem. Tba victim waa Bop Taakb. or baklap powder, or boroa ItolSIn,
alowlp movtop down stream. The
tae toartaaa pear old aoa of John YeaiVdpara. All tbroapb the afUrplaatatloB aeraa deplou a tppleal
I at work la tbe veaearlap nooB Biorc Smltha kapt forelap to aad
Seutbara home with IU oottoo Seld*.
of the factorp, wbea bia aonpbt amuaementa aeeordtop to tbair
Ill mantlon and iti lo/*eablna. Tbe
band WM oaapbt to tba 1
Dortop tbe afumooa OSoar
toat aoene to tbia plcioreiqae drama
aevariap tba drat three WUltom Smith dtooomred 7ohn P.
baa parbapa taxed tbe akUled patowr
dapara, catttop off tba foorth at tha SmtU. wbo to tha aoa of Eao Smith,
chaale more than anp oiber
drat }oUt. aod badlp laoarattop
and William Smith, aoa of Joha B.
apaeUele that tba atape can boaav It
tbamb. Dr. Oaraer draamd tba
Smith, to a wordy qnarrel near the ieoto not flaiterp to aap that "The BeautiJared hand, aad bopaa to aava
fnl Gaiaa Ajar” aa aow depietad bp tbe
A* ka came ap to upaiata tba*
Bd. F Davi.’ OcmpMy. to one of the
Jamaa Smith threw ae apple, which hit
moat entranelnp c^toclt* ever wto
Jobs Smith to the ape. Joha. aoi
All Oompaaloaa of Foraatam nm re- koowlap elaarlp who throw the apple, aaaaad to tbto clip.
Dari. A Uotby * Uncle Ibm * Cable
queaud to meet ihla afunoea at
toraad upon WUUam Smith aad east
Company will appear to the Uty Opera
o'clock, at Foreatem' Ball, to make 1
bim to earth. Thereupoa Wllllai
Bouae, Moeday, Sept. *■
raapaauau for tbe fmaeml of Chrlato- Smith (Sob of John B ). wbo to
pber Ppban.
ralaUoa to William s.. bit John, and
Thepreat *aoeea* of Chamberlain'i
Dab Boned, of the BacobD ettoe Joha P. ttlppad oaoo William, but Collr. Cholera and Diarrhoea Eemedv ,p
force. With hit eoaria Sam BobbO,
Jamaa, atumpttop to explain tbat be tbe treatment of bowel eomplalauha*
dthiap at Carp lake peeUrdap, with threw the ap^e. waa aelaed bp William lade it standard over Ue preater part
orld. 1Poe sale bp S
W. M. B. JaekeoB aa palda Tbap ar (prmoaublp tba special tfltoer) wbo of tbe Oiv i:*ed worl
lived to tbe clip toil araatop, with
lip hauled awap bp aaCaleb of about 75 poaada to abow for other Jamea.
their dap't apon Poor tor^ pike were
Amonp those praaant waa Jobs Smith.
oaptored. u well a* eome dne plehvreL
Nine black baaa made a part of
eaub. two of which welpbed over fonr
poaada apiaeaBaae Ball auarrel Lad to a Baaaioa to
Tbere will be n peacrnl teeebere
One Might
Mecdrder'a Oou
mcetlap thbeftcraooo et t o'clock to
A bopUb quarrel occured Thursday
the Ceatral eebool boildiap. Sept.
that led to the arrest aod trial of two
Bom wbhec e full eneidaeoe.
bop* foraaaeult aod betuir yraurday.
Mr. aad Mr* . Uaae VeoMeraa
It teem* that there wai aome dtoapreeaoetb Daloa atreet, are rejaletop <
Bteniover* eeruto point to a ball
tba advent of a aoa wbo came pecter
pame tn which Lmm Sutoberp, Praek
Boael aad Ucarp Schwab were plapinp.
Tbare will be an csoanloa aa ib<
rkc dtocuaalon of tbs potot became to
Odambto tomorrow, for Me-ah-U
warm that youap Suioberp oaed
Weata aad Omena. Tbe boat wl
aome verp uaecmpllmeaiary aa
I leave tbe dock at 0:Soa a. m. aa
wbteb Boml reaeoied. Sietobcrp
learn Omena on the reura trip 1
mub the tmaller of the boya,
tbre* o’cloek.
Thb will plm a
Boael simply took blm down and cat
admtrab’p opportualtp for a baaki
oa blm.
pieale either at Omena or Me^b-u
▲ Bomptaoas
The ball p&me went on. but the bad
Waata. The fare tor tbe toaad tri| fml^ waa atlll rife, aad at the eli
Soe&lc BpsctAcle!
will be Uc.
t pame. ftolnberp
Tbe memberi of Conn Ttaveme. I
O P.. will meet at It o'clockeharp to
morrow 10 attaad tbe funeral of Uiei
laU brother. Chrlatophar Fpbaa. wb<
bad both Boael and Sebwav arrest
-died peetordep. Bverp member
aad pmurday Uey were examined
arped to be preeeet.
Jnd^ Boberu' eoert Tbe fneu to
Tbe varloaa nnloa orpantoaltoae
tbe ease did oot warrant the judpe In
tbe dtp are preparlap for aa escanioa Impoalap any •evereponUbaent. aa It
not abowa that tbe boys 00 trial
to Xe-ah-u-waata Moadap. Tbep wil
y bad bopa. aad tbe j
leave tbe doek on the Ootombto
momlap trip out aod retora ia tbe qnarrel to tbe matter. He however,
afieraooa. TbU wUi allow ample lime pave the bov* a severe reprlmaad.
abowtop them the meaBaea* of dpbt.
for a baeket pteaie at tbe reeori
lap with a boy of ao much smaller tlxe.
every member of tbe aeveral aniom it and assured ibtm that If tbep emr
Invited to ettend with kla family aad came toto bi* court apato oa the same
or a similar ebarpe, they could be tare
Bverybodp I* torUed.
of more than a reprimand.
uip will eoai ti ceata.
50, 75c.
Beada A Co.'i atcre wea beaieped
Corn Boast at Btlliept BeipbU
.'V<at8 DOW OD sale at box office. I
with boy* aad pirls pmtorday to re
A Jolly ooro roast wa* piven laat
apoaa* to an tovluUon tbroapb
paper* to eaU and pet popeom balU ■veatop at BlUinp BIphU. ns a Uremll pe tr la honor of Mtoa LiU
Thoee wko ppaeaud tbe dnn'e adver
-^<e and Ml** Grace Veacycle.
tUemeat clipped from tbe Bacoao
Those prcaant ware: Mtoam I. «
eeleed two popeom balla. and of tbeea -caaaaaB. MoUle Sekannea. Mpruv
Sanakdll. Oepitole
Oapitola Voder, Joaepblae ‘ (•
tbaa* were a praat aamber
Voder. Alma Dmpree.
pres. Aram Bleh. Mra. i
wbiah paea to demoaattalc tba ifflsacp Oeoree W. C Navarre.
mire. Meaara. Cbarlea
Charles V
of advertUtop.
Frank Boldswortk,
Kaal. William Smli
J. L. Smith aad aoa Prad v*aat ap tb* L ................larry
wtwaoa Boei’, wUl Mew:
Mosdap aad eupad Morpaa E Palpe.
BBtU tb* cloae of tbe i treat
inmtnp wiU icf aloe
after bavl^p
It Xaa T«ar Old.
bad a pood oaUnp.
With lu laat toaae tb* CadUIae Glob*
C. D. StaaUp of Settob* Bap waa to begaa lu aeooad pear of auooeae. ^ be
tbe dtp peaUrdap.
paper to one of the rood weeklUa la
northern Mtcbiraa and lu adverttoiar
ooluma* indieau tbat Cadlllac'i baalFlaanaat TachtlBp Panp.
Mim Merpan pamadaliphtfai paebt
Bohool Oirto’ Vai
Ibp partp Wedneadap to
•--------ta la booor of bar pumt. Him Bern
mtop. lo the partp wem Mra. W O
ipatem. and thin, watery
Bolden. Mltee* Bdltb Uemmlap. Clara Mood, ha* beea fully rmtored to the
PooBd. Alloa aad Marion Boberu, Bm vigor aad buopaney ot roba*t health,
Ipn aad eraoa Morpaa. and Maaan bp uatof Dr. A W. Cbaae'a Nerve -aad
Balpb Hulclt. Fnak Parka. Ueorpo Blood Pills. Tb* healthful glow on
tba cheek aad the brlgbtnam to the
Chaae and Tbaroa Morpaa.
ep* tell of■ tha
' I bur'
which to taking
ttog Iplaee la tbe body.
Sr W.D.0eek.
Bve apeelaUai.U apato to tka dtp and Baml far tala
will plm fraa esaatoaUooa at tl«
aaatPib atmat, a'ao at povbonua if
ao profermd. Tala|im U. Maw
■pbona- 7*5 61- e

Keepbv a good thing good
U next-to making it good,



(sold only in 5 cent packages)
come to your table with all
• the goodness and crispness they
had when fresh from the oven.
Substantial enough for the
plainest meal—dainty enough
for the most elaborate banquet

New Suits

Sleinberg’s Grand

ot Sti|(

Dome I

^ Tlie
Dramllt Surprises
Surtriit SItiiUons
Sonl ECKts
of the
nrllllDE CUmuts
See the.



Many have already been made happy in our suit
department this week and we expect more before school
•-Your attention is called to those two special and
most popular lines—popular because they possess great
durability—handsome patterns and fit the best.

Little Governor Suits at SS.OO
little Captain Suits et $4.00
.Also extra special values at $i.i8. Si QO and Sa’go,
and you can depend they are right as no shoddy is per­
mitted here.



Desirable Property Musi Be S 9ld

New 8-room realdence, stone foundatiOD
and basement, well and city water, s nice
lawn and ahade tr«ee, handsomely painted
and papered, suitable for two families.



Cor. Webster and Franklin Sts.


New Fall St\ les


Pingree & Smith
Make of Footwear:

A.11 the Latest Toes S

Special K'.. The Composite Geutaen The Governor

We want your inspection-we lead the styles-You take no chances when v
2* you buy the Pingree Shoes—a shce with a record--Get them of


Frank FriedricH |

2 118 Front SmM.

Xb.o Oia.

Slnoe XXaxL 9



[ ScivvrtX
» ..


r ^ ooBor M MiB( tM am

wonL j

ValMT WrllMM. Um u«tk w^tonr.
«•< fvtf toTi vrlTr4 to Lonaea.
Ufhtetor kaoakrd • «Uld Iroa Ito
ft fttona ftt OeUto.Oft.
•oM ffWftB or tw«Btr pftopto ftl
OtmM Vprtofft, totot.. war* Md* t».toaUyfttokbyftftttoy toterftftwi
Tvftfttj thrM toftiMpBita will
•rftUftUft to oftrTT toft »to»tto«ftl nft*
MftU to tb« PkQIpptoM bftter* too
«Bd oMkto tmt.
TWftUftMr Tftoou brtofi
tkft rftftftftt ftttoapt to MiM to* torosa
«(CerM CBftto ^ ft* ftltofod mn
«t toft old roTftl tft»U7, Wftftf Boa
~ OklftboBft Tarritory tftkaa
prlda to toa tort toftt it bfti Bot ooa
poor hooaa arltoto ito tordan, ood.
naraorar, hat naad of Boaa. Tba paopU mj tbera U BOt ft panpar BtoOBf
t la BOW

bBytag ooBaa fros Porto Biro for aop.
plgtog toa ormyto that Ulasd aod
Caba. Tbia aetioa bu baas taban at a
Ma«ra of ralUf.
Ad ordar baa baan Unad by tba war
tot Port Bayard. M. V.. for
Airea of tba army.
tovaalon abown by tba Ubtoaaa foraign
toffiea In tbe negotUtlon now progreaa.
tog betwaan Cbiaa aod luly. tba tub
iaa aquadroB in Cblnaae watan will ba


Motv to »IM e< «•



dy-Baad Bla Bditorial.

Prom tbe Tinea, HUladaltoa^
wrltlpo. l>nt It never
1 suffer
a for a long
before. ICt the one poem-for iVa a
poem-thet ran make me cry. I m a time aad ihongbt I waa peat being
1 bad spent so maeb time
blatant fool every lime I bear It,
and anSerad so mneh misery
that ?bad almost decided to givee np afl
hope of recovery and await ttoe raatlUlt.
Tueaday. There waa tbe packed. atiU bot noticing tbe advert'i
. of
home. Uyron tV. Wbilney ataried to CbamberialD'e Colic. Cholera aud Dlarsing.' Pirat be bowed to a box and
t Bemedy and alao aorae teatlwonderful
then wa flm recogultod Mr». Howe
aeatvd b.r (be tflapea Wheeler. Yon enrea had baan wranght by tola ramady
1 decided to try It. After Uking a few
■bould have beard the yriL When doeea
I was aatirely weU of that
b.t 80lb blrtbabj
tronbiB, and I wUh toauta farther to
btnra har<ire
before aho
the ent
got ne
no eratlbiA
ovatloe aqua
readen and feUow enffeie that I am
to that given tbl. octogenarian. Yd
ale and baarty maa today and fe«l

- Ufa—O. B.


« wwvr of
\ fipccial Aaiiiimeat
ToMrr. J T. Tllua. A r. CemcruB. C. J. Kt>
atr.J. W.Pbk:
Btira B Or*vG. IdvarU
Wellb. Hiw Oir
iiwealred, ;.be Fuvlc. ]r , BoerC
of Uurecoe.,H
k U. Brlib.W T. Roit,ure.Je6ii
, ,
r. Boos, WJ BooUr. A. P. Bu»UaaGWl.JuM-pli a*«.olrh. CtiuralUr Br. . , W«.
Cro«*«r. ftaei* t'amFroa, a r Pvrrto. Ch*rkrfi< Burlrj . L. C. BUle. A. a C. AederMo. L.
W.TlDtbkB, a W. Buiiee>. 'Tuu> -lover. JaU*A. BdKeMSb.Hr> Agb.Brrn. T A s»»
toa Hre HlakW, k. Weruvr. S»l»en PrAMr.
W.r.Boeeo.J.T.aauoaAlt.D B LearDbeue*.
F. Krs>U>. Wu B Berl>. 8. U Broec. U>ruo Wr.i. N.
H.C. Orleii. Jabo Carroll. Iroo JsaMb.T A Cotiloa. P. A- Clar;
i.vo. F. Murrsf. B. B Pile'. O 6 Nonbrui


•peeUl Bates to Manlataa Pair.
On aoeoBBt of the Fair at ManUlee.
trip on ragulai
_____ d toI rreturn Sepv 9. ISM.,
clualva. ll^XM
a. W. Ci'SsiMHAK. Agent
r. A. MnvKBx. 0. P. A.

N 01’ IC E !
M]i deotal
will be
open Angnat KO.

S- O' 8awiee,d. d. a
John R. Santo,
Geuril lisiriict.




a •'«


-BB jw


I jia«8asRi aasaasat:


timber, aboet l.MO eorda *wd.
lead A No. 1. Piioefiftoo.
Fbr Itla—6M—MO aerea, ivo mUee out
of Maple Can.Siaftll beariag orchard,
:od timber laad.aaooad
>r Uvee Id toe etty aad


:: ::


Basiisgsds's 'saasaaata

SoU A No. 1 Price MOO.
milftt eouto wen of toe dty, It ____
Good traam barn
no boose, elay loam aad bla«k candy
T\x W. a ft W. a llaea. f*n«i«lpr*etlM aloe coil,
good a^dag water live all toe
year.Iand no better adJklBlng it held at
le* Opera Boca* Btoek.
rs per aere. Thi* gom at gStO.OO
•'OR 8ALB-64I-0S acres. Farm on
Penlnsala oae mUe from Undlng at Old
- year old orchard; plcma.
ee. pear*, applu
14 aerea, s
old. Ill acre* appler 3 eberriw)
good bama, atone foundation,
abed* and all neceaaary ont building*.
Fine large bonte coat $1700. Windmill
and well water. ThU U one of toe beet
farm* oa toe peslatula, owner hat
other bnalseea. benoe low price. $4100.
FOB SALE-644-Baaineu property
»w oeeuplrd ey ibe New York Store
iraerof Cnion and Sixth 8k Thi*
property apeaka for ita uif. needs no
T A. THOMPSON H. D OtoM la Bamilua
commendation, tbe fact that one i
*L* A HlUlkwi Bk«. Baan. 1 to 11 a. b.. 1
e boailing
ing merchanU of a boailing
lotp.ui. TtUpbcao.n
town oceuplu itahowa it*■ deiira
a* a bualncM property. Price $looo.


2jScrrs?-sL."s,w.'vr ss:

Badido. Ctaeta-

Treloa am** (tm

TraiB* am**
oi?S* froB Kaakluv
kaoCuv mod Pvtookey,
Tralo.'am*»fro«.BIcb»on/? Port WApaA,
Dviroli *Bd Graod Rapid*, ml T A p. m.
Tralo I«a<lb« at >t » a a. bu chair em
WaltOG to OfAGd Rapid*
..alb UaribK « h
11 it
It A.
A m. bm* eltalrear
WaIioa to Toledo *1* Rood Citr.

& »..« J SiIK£..«»”k2Sf.S

a iijKEa,i;s5S.''iJS--..b£

evos BALB—BAbyramAK*; uoed oor uinatfa
r 2CB I Testb etrvcL
J-l watch. OG ProGt elrovi or PcalMula road.
Reword. Apolrio clerk CoIuoib>a Bold TTril*
T OST—A «iOAll white ferret. Plodrr plea**
i_i taiar* too. C. Tbra)!. t’CB. Voiob-at . aod
^IRL WANTSD-Oood Kirl ter kvoatoI
LT houwwerk. Apply to Mr*. W B.Veater.
ito Wa*hlOKtoa-*t.
ITT t(
TTTANTRO—Good rlrl for fOGcrol heo**W work. kB*ll taally. w*kc* to per week
Coll ai «l»tii>ib-*i

HanlstM, Hlcb


S WANTKO-A >slia o< Ibrve or losr
,»» (or huu»r«MplB^^»aD aad^vi^-


West Michigan.

city wai
1 tbroogb. bath
large baatmeDk
uDk Tbit property i
wner 1700 bat having a chance to

tv P*i00k*r
Trarero* C
ArOrd Rapldi
LrOrd Bapidi
Lv Dvirolt .
' Chlcai

■ himself b

II- yg.

1 ril Preot ktroat. up alalr*
•IKG *i ib> boitoa of >t*lrvap. Oo up alAlra lurs lo te(t. lak« Bmi
_A_H JtootLPJ*-;
dbM to rlpbi: oor •Ik-G I* aloncalUv lb* door
T u It m 4 to'
W« or* eotoB
eotOB lb* KTouBd Boor, at Icoal
Iroal our
II* I m 4 i»
Dnr... . ..:
ofle* Ub'i. W* or*,
orv. ararailvrir
ararailvrip apaaklb«.
apaaklb« Be *r 0«1 Raptdt
1> I » t to I H
raraabatloc lb* Iarr**t H>l a'>d b*>t bar- Lv OrdBapUt
« ; I to t B> t to
Kblao. w* ar* atnrilr la II
Wa verK *U tba
:y., t « to to I 2 *1
tiB*. V* COG *«11 poor proprrtp, «*_co|i R^rv
S'lebFr Up alKot ai botioa of atalra. BiK
barrolo* at top of ,imlra, Ural doot lo ih« rlfbl
-*•------ou turo
iro to left
Irti at bead of
el tbe
tbr oiairo.

aasiia, isar is_

Wade Bros.
Ill Front St.


J. KSBOK. A#vok


iinSTEE UD KltnEUTDtl L I.

See This!

>ir»rt IB Prroeood.
ply ^1

n> Prost-Ki . Rook <■



o'clock a ■

mOl-akAXO LOT TOH sAUt-8ou« l^orbalaoM OB roar BoBlblr p*r<BVBI>’ W L
BrovG. KB Wo>i Wh Hi.
ubbxto, W. k CilUviw. Dab Bbarkrt. A. U
Aadbrau. JobB HalllB, H. J femb. Cfcru 1?'3B VALB-Poor. bamr«i mod buc(/
Oloueh, P. O QrwBoiub, Coorod X elllaarboBKr lor alaar. lunbrr or larm
W..odDivbfo. Oro fEoo.b, Bd. BoBorr. H. predoM. W, L. BrovG.aB Wv.1 Wb 81. r*-ii
Tblir. On, Lowrlr. M*rr L Haoe. H. A Poi.
a-, ft. ftarteWB. U. T. Brll. Loui>Bo*rvr.Kuib rpWO PARKS lor >BlrrG>-ap or « ill rvBl. «
'ouLrr, Abies No'otoj. HabUAb A Lat r
X mirv> Mulb Bit Ra|-ld> OB Klk Lakr rood.
*>rBvreIl J J, 8la*
Frast troipb Prvd l^-bly, A K Nek, Cb»» |w O' Auk«I. Kirh.

iT t«elL
4 •« 4 10 Lv
Deotal Parlors with. 4 4X 4 It P.ftP H Depot
»7 4 ft) Ar OMbABA J'efB
. I never thoogbl eueb ft (too
t 4V
IP 4 to
BaamM Zla(
poeeible, bat now I know it »0 to
t to
TJ5 State St., City " •w to to to

lUt p


10 to
t to
iO »> t 4*
ftaarsAc V KUl
10 to ttt
Lair Aaa
10 ftj « «
t'vdar Eac
to fi
« I*
lu l*
I I!
*10 » •* «>
11 vr> 1 w
Trg*—. <•■**


Teeth Cleaned Free
Br>.; Wraibprv Praeh il l>*.D Jl. Wioiarv
(.NT^oiavtH D Wood. HarrUUI Fo>. Cbo*
RroupJ 11 Kkl railaay. C. A W H ralla*,.
at..: 0.1 oikrr prr-oBi iGi*n'>i
Tb* roll ivf >(>**1*1 a
Bad' ti.i ’bV B-Mtrd oI.A-


id plao'oi.pomiGlI.v
lrr*»t»J lo I- li»ATd
A tr. Riri.
ts. mo.

The next six days


Piciic Panies,
Fishing Panies,
and Funerals.

lelspboit f»

B. BKODUCa, Prop.

A. E 8mtKKT. K. IV. Pnr't. e. W. 6ni

M. D-, Rctidroi PtiViicUb. vltb eobialllGK
llrlAoi lod turKc-nG aad j-rof*
lb* world: a plM IM
yoc tick asd dl*.

DR. SPINNET Si”»5:dV^^w^‘Sfr5s

Provident Life
and Trust Company
of PUlBdslpbU.

. KOO.I f.ldlBK I


Price Rediced lo Close Oul Lot

■tJiOR 8ALB I ba** a bOGor aail fl** oof*.
'• of
l*od .'O ronur of Hib *od Oak airmi
• III ifaij* for far* Of te**o proper!j ThlH'
flu* laralloB lorooB* (armrr -bo -Mb** Chaor* of a Ufctls* Tbo
*• H Bbr- '
------• huodrvd doUar*
W*^B^,fh^iuTMi*d'pans*bi Ouonetc*
all IcKG* aod rvi (Oo blKbcai price I07 rout
Boorr gorlAk. Wad* Broo.. Ill Peool >G.
revobi alc» hoadred Ccllara
OG pFrooGAl propenj loao*
all looa*.
Wad* Bra*. ni

•RBALR-Two b


City Beoki

on-^boW Koodk.
tioi^i.TAtllr^^l k* d> penofia; properI, iVfir* op«A from > it, lOi
loK. w»iJ' Bro> . Sll Pro t ilroal. up ilAlra.
flrai to riKbt.

TP for■WANT In*uTm-c* of tn* klGd lb Srai
X rloAa eonpAni— _______
bOGor, lot or
Ikno coll oo R U A:i<o.roDi
Uit Oo. Block.TTAter.* City


t7K>R BAlto-C< k or ioaialla*ol>. ft) do* toi
f lo Oak Bel; Iia oc llrbib. Groat. Biu
aad Roo* itr**i, aad Boanab arreur. Boa
t loUlDlb* Wkol* pUi. Ui
»*al dlocouai for UJ cook, laqulr* *1 Raroi


Tmvuna OtW.IDalUsaa.

10 to

• u
t to
1 ft

•t to to M
•0 40. *tu
* to Ito



*oiOK Soutb reefy day escept Bubday.
I to a w
buitokt B*y
TrA**r%* City
__ IbK Norlb every d*y except BoadAy.
I LcAtc TT«*vr*c City
" NcAbia*abtA
....................... Xtopa

Suttoo B*y

^ Dr.J.W.GaQflticttj
PboB* rit I If Co.. Itrcci. opt-o*ii* I
Klo* Houor. Tri*vF*r City. Nicb

steamer Onekama
Oapt J. V. Bmoty.

lor —lv AGd built u> or-:vr
Repair work
idcd to.
proapUy AUcad*

Bbop Dearr dork.


Good Hardwood in Btowe Lengths.
Also Four Foot ICapls Blab* and Edging*.


Tra-cro* Oly
*8uip «b*o PTaKKVd.



Leri T. Pennington, District Agt

GolGK tkOklS *>'
Lra<* Cbkrlr'oli K

1 Onion StrecL

L. L A. BoUdlng.




li:iis 13

i«uUK North eevry d*,. eiccpi eoBday.
Lcao Tra*cr**Ciii


Best workmanship money
employ forr Bicycle
(^uick work.

Fire Insurance.

. fbapla'a. N.
>oc>. lit.

t;V>R SALE-Or rich
T K«>d c**bi"'. d*
ply At RAMADOn'*.


Gas Lamp--

^^ANTSDTO RENT^ FrouloBce-.

s‘> 00



TfAlo eocooei ai BbcmaG * KlU ttncoSaltf,
rvrrpi ecodar to acd (row Boaor oo Flatto
Rl'rr Bras'k
•P:*f 9«lIon»
Tti. CoBponr r»«*rw. tb« on*u*eo at
cbALKiGK tb* iiiBC of al«r* uaJcA ai Ibais

^KUiriKK'-K P>'ll V,.. in m'*l~i*r

XV >lr.'< l.'l.'.i, V'.] nrioii aod Pr.rklii,

hI aucuvi

I have jnat added a &n« hnek,
several roomy two- and three-seat­
ed rin besiaea an increased num­
ber of nice carriages. I am now
prepared to do an extenBiv.- livery
noBineaB in addition to feeding nna
a B A I. Annual ExearaiOB.
ring for teams.
Excursion to Richmond Sept, teto ts.
Driven famiahed if desired.
Everything in firatH:laas shape.

A Word to Kotber*.
^otberi of children affected with
ciann or e eevere
evere cold n
need not hesitate Fluu for Caasthg.
ter Chambt
Remedy. It ooouin* do opiate nor; My canning plum* are now ready. I
narcotic in any form and may be given ■ wfll deliver in the city. tl 00 per bnas
ahel. i per cenL off on ^tal card
a confidently to toe babe a* to toe
^nlt. Tbe great Baeceu that bu
baa at-1
at- i orde
tended ita nu in the treatment of cold* '
aud croup ha* won for It toe apnro—'
and praiae It baat received toroughout '

« la



gregatlon, nearly dlaappcared.
| One fare for round trip.
Thirty five hundred peraon. witaea.«d Ue ceremoBiet at the re-lnwrment
Deueii. I. O. O. P . Sept. I6ih. One
of John Brown'u followers In toe little tare tor losnd trip
graveyard at the John Brown farm at ^ Bednoed rate* to mimy other polnta.
North Elba, K. Y. Wedneniay, "n..
» » ring*. C. E Mt-BKAT. Ag't-


.»■ -m

'gS£*»Sg 'a**—-BaB •

Boaimul osAos.

Tba'major baa Joat rrinrsad from
Boatoo. where be waa prearnt at (be
DecorfttlOD day aerrlcea lo (be Beaton
tbaater, aaya (be Pblladelpbla Preaa.
“It laya away orer any almllar criabratlro I ever aaw." be taW. "Tbera A Promlaent yirgtoto Bditor Bad
waa DOtblag moaby or hackneyed
airaa Up. bnt Waa Brought Back
aboat It. It waa tba real thing. I
to Perfect Health by gbasbarlato'a
aweeplng eniotlQS at waa awakened
OoUe. Oholeraasd Biarrheoa toemaI always knew It t

.«• E :«ISt l«I «

»braftU-4«fi-4<l aero fam m mUaa
w«t of Motofoo Oaator. Good frame
Aonaa. 7 raeoa; Prama barn: aboei to
b«rt^ trait tMM 40 M waU a
Pries gton,
nrllto-«»—M aerea on poi


tog (be raMlctorUs of ber clan in
ItlddtotKirg. Kbf U a Bftttrr aad baa
alwayi led ber vblie alrtera lo the race
for edocatloB. Sbe will becoise a
Huttor. par to.,
■gga. par dosasw

RnI EfliM, beiinws,
TrMafs, Imi Immis.
>bv Itla-MT—Two iom ea BlgbU El.
opwMwBftm^Staa of.eanb W x ■ >00.

I« •wt ftO


Kn{H-ck cHlgtilDgl—Ttaey didn't
dido have
Mo., while oat feeding eblckene drop­
ped an earring, which waa quickly gob­ toy ucber« of that kind when
bled up by one of the fowls. Sbeoonld m-rrhHl.-Clevelaod Plain Dealer,
net pick out toe partlenlar cbicken, eo
killed tbem, one by one—twenty-aeyea '
List of Lenera.
In all—but failed to find toe earring.
Pc41oirloeteUe ll.tct Irurn rrmalelef l btg.u to look around and
le reUlee I
I rodlsr AocII. ltv»."
found it In tbe gr*aa, where the fowl
bad dropped it.
There la an epidemic of deae in one cl>r*ii.^,^T.
KMlcrtr- Brrtli.
at tbe New Y'ork marketa
It U said
toat tbe lormenu have been brought, Jehnron.
from Porto Bico in tbe wer-abipe that Jrukii.s. land
are being over-hauled auhe navy yard.
and that tbe Inaecu are traveling about Daiier,
the city in all directlont In tbe
kei meo who can sff srd it bare gone
away, leevlag their clerk* in cbtrge.
Gkokoe W. Rarr
A terrible typboon raged over Poo
Chow, China, a few day* a«o. So far t
Tbe Xiniater'k Evidence,
no accurate eeUmate of the death'
id warda. Baptist mini*'
___________ .s*.. Y
. . aayp: “I do not
Btrlpped from houtee durii
_ the flrit beslute to p'orounce Dr W A Cbi
Oln'ic-n- • o-.t<live cure for blind.
momcDUof toe wind, filing* gave Oln'ic-n'
way. Aral the upperand then the lowftr
f i;

Btorlcs. under a detnge of rain. At
JCnIlasg toe ttorm wa* at its bighett. iichlok •
Men. women and children fled from toe and nee my laflae»ee to make known
fury of toe norm ihrongh toe darkneaa
*o°darfnl merittof the Bight to eeek ahelter under larye
on toe O B A I B*y
Beveniy-ffve per cent of toe »*’®**‘
“ * * *'

•aadap BBOuaioa to Bay.TUw
C. * H. M. ftxeBniea rata to Bay
VtowSBBdajrftn'yW WL TYMb laam
at. ratanlBg at t:m p. m

yoa B*TW bMr BBybedy pfedletlBC a

at my b
t 4:30 U


D holy lei tu
a atone to toe groaad onuida toe fair
tooctoanre. Five tbonaand people aaw
<,0 Its
the aocldent.
feet aobblug and alngiog at the top of
The dlacovery o'a aborter reuM batbouaaucl* of lunga If voluoie<Ta
tween Manila aod tbe Toited States
f«r (he rblllppinw
b..bOnlb.,.d.prn.ibi ril™. .p.
b.b ... pb ripb,
on some of the troopa ae It redneea
Ibalr travel pay. Tbe old roste was
tva^ i>id Hr aich r
ft,QSO miles, bat of late toe transports
Brlgg*—Tlui( waa a funny case down
have cat off tbe TOO mllaa rtqaired by fbi-re lb Maaaiu'lmaetia where
toaebing at Honolnln.
uebi-r at the otliei rellow'a wedding




iHwof jwtoiiij tor fiMwto*.
Iin'tolnw—dtompgtonto to »m
OtoBT Porto par bU. to
Oat Porkc par
to to...

A patlUon from the NatharlaBda'
Woatas'a Diaaraamaat laagaa baa
bMO praaaaud to tbe qoean, Id tba
■ana of womanhood aad Biotbar.
bood to avoid war with the Boan aad >b
It wwutu
.oull "«.t
> bibsuwiM
fclcttlul blot
usab a
' ^
maiaat.-a m-.i

At DnboU. Pa. N. C. Crimy. ts yi
Whitney aung:
eld. an aaronant of Johnstown.
*‘ ‘Id tbe glory of tbe IIIIM Cbriat
Paaainuwnay fair gronnda Tbe belt'
by which ha waa bald broke Ufore bU


9j I6W.

Traverse City Lumber Co.

eOld Miaaio
.. >:iioa. m.
re E__________
Elk Bspldi
* 40 a. m.
Leave Elk Ba^da..
-.11:00 ft. m.
Arrive Old Mtokni..
.11:40 ft. m.
LsavaOld KiMion .
.. 740p.m.
Arrive Elk Bftpldt..
7:40 ^ n
7:00 p. m.
Arrive Old Mtaalon................. ?:40p.m.
Boa will leave tbe HareftnUle Ou'
• - - ftt t:SD p. m. -Bna wUl alM eenneet
with boat ftt U:M ft. Bk. PraltsftrwQl
be at Bast HmA on Tnaadftjt, Ttam*


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