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The Morning Record, November 19, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tliipd T«r-No m.
Aacriean ' Tortm in
»j 2
/aaacoMardoekctUdiaaaVaata tbo
Vo Mon Brpertt to bo Soai Oot by
Admiral for Ttee FrooidODi.
Fiorldo Oaolalo.
To Stop BaUroad Traffle at UPorta. leA. No*. U.-Jamo* Mdr
JKkmviUo. ria.. No*. U-—Tbo
dock of Lafayolto. oao of tbo boot
Ln«m With FrtondliMM.
kaowa Democrat* la tbo oiat*. oa,
PortlUBpoaty ood Miami are sow
aa'taiorTiow that tbo oeaUntoat of tbe
•o oompUuar oador eootrol that ao
Owrt»L>wtaa fBaUsK SU'A«tmm aero oSsHl ropMla will be aaat oot Booia OOBtiaao to Sombard Lady- lodlaaa Demoerat* I* favor^le to tbe
PBltb with Me SbalJs and UtUo BomloatioB of Adiq^ debley a* *loe
Jnm 0«roM to Futqal-m*UnM« I
ibe otau board of boalU.
XSbot-Btreae SflOrto to Cboek prooldoat oa a tiekot with W. J.
OstefSoriaentUllatwAMd WIU Uootta U*o ocewrod for oeTwal doya.
Advaaeo of BrtUab to BoUoro Ooa- Bryaa.
Mr. Mardoek 1* crodUod with Doiac
aaUue that ibo haallb aatboriUoo oay
oral Vblta-SorUo Bade from ladyaeaadldat* for tbe
—Acolaaldob aenetaiy iUU VoM that tboro M DO danyer of lU oproadmttbby layllah aad Boom Drivaa eonlral c
p aad
iaf. QoafmaUoo wiU be kept op Ull
ta alao op^oa of tor aaUoaal
mmittbo loot ToeUr* of tbo fever Imtoo.
from lodlaaa.
Loroax} Marqeex. DoUyoa Bay. No*
ao a
Waablacloa, No*. It- — DUpauboi
ia.-TboofBela] Volkotea of Pretoria
ware roeoltod at tbo war departotoat
mpor^ ttet'tbo r^t bridt^'
tto i *^‘**“‘ movamoat to .tart a Bryaa
today from Ooooral Otlo. r>*lor dotafla
«««. aaddchloyboomlathoeuia.
Tayela river, near Ooloaoo.
of tbo advaaoo of Ooaoralo lAwtoB aad Webiiaa atarah Oo. Bat told 900 plotoly deotroyed Wodnooday. Tbo
Toai to BoatOB aad Obioaco rtmo
Boomam looktae forward with yreat
••Qoaoral Lawton oaiarod Oorona
to Two Ordora.
Interoit to tbo inpoadlay oaeonator Bfforta to bo Bad* to Float
yoatarday aad poobed bto advaaoo to
Tho-axtoat of tbo baolooai of tbo
Paaiqol. a few mUe* boyoad. Tke lala iu la fancy. Col«i» ud bb»d«. Atedt UO
w.btaiU». K.t. l.-Th. Clr»
borrhom, with eannon, are roardiay |
Helpmakerpaaa, elrbto
DaBdee,t6baSI< any etrateyioal av oBeembem believe that if abe caa
tempt to reooeopy Dnndee by tbe Plet- maoaye to approach toe wreck and
ermaritxbary-Greytown route.
«ortb of Torlae to Paalqal. but the
BeUtod dUpatebM from a eo
dealer and tbe reaMlader to a Boaloa
on«iae* and oara were parUy deotroyed
beaea Theaa order, will require II deat with tbe Boem wear Ltdyumlth,
by tbe toobTFoat*. oa retmatlar.
oamtoablp. SWpmeaU to U. eaet ap to Tueodey. are arririny bare. They
SaBebmt ToUloy otoeh eaa b* ropolrod
throw tome li(bl oa tbe flybtlnc al
have already becaa.
ao laopro railroad oorvle*.
Tbe North Star Potato lour, tbe fln- ready reported from other aourcee.
Tbo iadleatlOBO are ^t tbe laonrIn Bveolay a* toe L^mlt.
oetprodnet of tbe tteU>ry. la belay They tay that on Nov 10. elybt lyddite
Cn> troop. ... wld.lj «»it.r«l. »=..
flrod Into tbe
Traeevall^ - Dm Molnee, la., Nov. !(.—Tbe City
eblpped eztonalvely in addiUoa to tbe tbelli«
rotrmUac into tbo provlno* of SamPearl braad. wbieb 1* laryely need la oeatral artillery poeltloa wUtaoot do- Oonacll of Dm MoIom bis pateed aa
boU* la woetera Loton."
ordlnaaoc maklay It a
maaataetarinc- dll tbe local groow iny any barm.
“A dlopateb Srea Ooaoral Lawtoa.
mmaadaat ffaltbach eaptared a for any pemoa to be found --lolterioir
are eelUar the potato Boar, wbieb te
dated on the road between Saa Nlcbolao
1. who reported that General White OB tbe itroeU aftar ll o'clock at
enperiortoeom etartb for enlltoery
aad Baa Maaaol. traaomlto diepa|obo*
parpoem ai>» U already Badlny favor wae wounded aad bed yoae to Pleter- Blybi.” A penalty la attaebad for viofrom Uoaoral Yoabf aad Major Ralmarttxbary. leaviny Gaaoral French la latiQn.of not more than twenty day* la
amoor boaaewlvm of tbe city.
laaoot who worn at Aelacaa aad Boaalo*
Tbe eompany te atlll recelvtay all oommaad. ThU, however, doM Bot tbe eonnty Jail.
Vorembor l» aad le Ibe former wae
tbe potatoe* they eaa bandU at pree- tally with the Tranevaalb informauoa.
•aoetlB oa Poxarrdbto. aboat twel*o
aak Tbe factory la ooaaumlac 1.000 The prtaeeer aleo reported that the
' aUo* oaet of Ban Fablaa aad twentybaebel* a day and tbe etoek eoaUnava' BritiubforoM were bidlay la nader•r* Blip* waet of San Niebola, wbor*
to oome from bay polaU by boat aad yrooad ebambera. la order to av^ tbe
Major Bwlfert foaad
ehelU, and eald-tbat tbme warn aboat
eded la tbe boapitala.
doabert bae been todiapeeod
bat U better.
Bitooart. Natal. Nov. 18 —A raaaer
FaBeandalarr* «««“'________________
8om« of tbo reoooiu
arrivad her* from Ladyemitb today
Gsoeral White
why tbo sAloa of Sorooio
wboreporu all wall there. He adde
are so pheaomonsl.
tohabitaato. It would appear tbit ibe
that the Boer ebelU ba*e do effect.
lat-They moke a loot look well.
taearveaU have boan driven aerth- Board of Pub ic Worka Did Mot Bo- Oeaeral White recently made a aorUe
What U more at'ractive than
aad drove tbe Boem from tbair yaae
a bandeome foot? '‘SoroeU"
aad poaltloa. Tbe Britiab did not lone
will make vonra eo no mat
|OB report* tbedrownlacofLlcatetiant
WUl Go oa Ooaety Iroaada
ter what oil Imaa e< tbe Tblrty-foarlb lataniry. i
p.blte worke decided
iind—Expert* in footwetr enTbebombardm.-at of Ladyamith U
dorueaud pui
BleaM aad two mea of bU eecorl, la^
{( would not be OMUaned daily with bly yaat. The
. mother*. *Uvee d-urh''eromlnc lb* Ayno river. He aUo reto permit MePbemoa Poet. Boem eadeavored November 14 to
(fm Dl entitled with Ue
porM that Lleuteaaat Thuyar aad tea ^
^ g
U,elr flay pole on the make a eloaer iDVMtaent bot wera
enor ana .eaibvr buvlneai
) eeai to eommualeate
General o. A. a lot la Oakwood eomeiory. repnlaed. >G«aeral White followed
wear-SORuSIS •' They know
what ehoM thould be.
I are evlll mlMlny. Be eaye he ApplIcaUontoeetthe pole there wae thie up witb a aortie which drove the
3rd—They are both beautiful
acaia rMur to tbe forUtnde. made by tke poateome week* aya At Boem from all their poeiUona, with
and oomfJTteble 1. aderu of
wpdaraaoe aad ebaerfalneM of bU a later meeUny of tbe board a roquect
f*<blon. women who eet the
Tbe B 'em am aeGeneral Beym joet tole- wae prMonted eeklay tor% reoonotderafeehion of bow to drea* wear
ported to bo ehort of provieloha.
-bOBGSIS ' beevaee of their
FTaobe from Sam UMro that be bolde Uon of tbe deelalon. Tbe matter wm
L-rndOB, Ns*. IS —All lollM
ehyatil dMlyn People who
Agptoaldo'e eemrotary of interior. Tbo then laid over aaUl tbe .poet
to ebow that tbe Boer toradem of Nalal
don't care mueh for faablon
>w point
foo4 Blttoe, Oommaader .Smith.
wear them becauee they are
and Gape Colony are tarainy their at"eo eaey' and etay in shape.
Marvla and P. F- Orear could be invlt- tentloato ebeeklny the expected adAth—Their coBBiruclioD i* thor•d toooae befom tbd board and talk vaoceofthe BriiUb relief column to
puybly byylenlo Handrcdt
TfiXBUTB TO THB VO .DVTBBB Hover. Laet nlybt the eoBiBittee apLadyemitb. and to thb end are conof wom-'B lose their heeltb
peaipd before the board aad the onS- eentmtiny in tbe aelyhborbood of
every year by weariny Im
•oa. ObariM Kta« Saya Be Iwaraod
properly conetrucied aboea
leet wae diaeaaead. Tue board pointed Eitoourt.
5th-3oroaU aboee do not tire
Baeb la tbe FbUlHilBM.
out the roaeona wbieb prompted tbeir
It U tbonybt likely that the eomthe wea-vr. You can buy
Aai» Arbor. No*, li —Oen. CbarlM
, explained that while mando* which beve boea reported ee
pymv of shoe* that are reKlBir. who baa reeenUy retaraod from there wae no epeeial objeetloo nor atovloy In Z iluland and northward of
eomm a led ae beffly-iust a*
y v-T? bat there U only one
Abe PblllpplnM. epoke before tbe Stu- prr jodlce oa tbe part of tbe membem Greytowaarenoe ceatered at Weenen.
-rliK 'SlS-'-uud we have toe
a laet nlybt oa of tbe board, they eoaeldered it an uo------from which p^lni they will be able to
(X Vative eale.
precedeut to allow a day.pole to move mpidly on either Coleoeo
•Wltb VoluniMm at Manila” He paid
Abe hlybeat Ulbate to tbe eitlzMi eol- be erected In tbe cemetery, Another Beteoart—each of theee place* beiny
dlery that a roynlar army offloer conld. reaeoo wae that
elybteeo mllM from Weenen.
■■Wbeo tbe Tolunleem from tbe mlybl fall and dai
Tbe burybere apparently hold the
aevoral etotee arrived at Baa Kraaeiaco.*'
railroad at Eaaeredale. a few milM to
paid be. -for tiaoaporl to the PblUpi diUua which conld not be foraeen. and the DorthwMt of Eateoart, and It 1*
plaet. they were tbe qnelnteat lot of tbe board did not dMire to take the not improbable that It will
poMtem ever eeeo. but la tlx montb*
learned that the Mool river bridye ha*
they were ae dnely dlael^iaed. ae
Hie board ’aeeured tbe committee beea dMtroyed. ton* entUny off
adbeaWely and finely trained, ae any that they reyretted that tbe eoneidemmil communleeUoa with Bitcourt
warp* of rcynlara H tbe dybt around Uon of the future aad tbe tatemeU
There le no reliable daU ee to
ManlU. when I yave the word to private reetlny place* adjoinlny the
•treayth of the comnmndoM which are
■ohaiye. It wae a maynlficent move A. B- lot prompted Giem to deny u re- paylny attentloo to Btteourl, but if the
aent. and la twenty-two minute* we queet made with each ptaieworthy report that 4 .000 burynem have been
bad captured everythiny in elyhl.
detached from the Ladyemith force U
■■A* I would uaUfy before my Maker. I However. Ibe pole will fiyure
correct, it would eecm tbet at leaat
1 want to eay tbet tbe Flllploo*
I powte piece and eerve the purpoee for •^000 Boem are prepared to dlapntc the
tbeflreiebot in tbe war. The bonib !
^ intended. At the laet advance of Qeneml Bildyard'e rellevloy
Dakota reylmeat did not take the p,^uny of tbe board of eapervUor* eoluma. which will be hardly ready to
tolttatlva Wbeo the Ncbraeka eeaU
ilttee naked permlMlon
lake the fleld.cff<cU*clj la 1cm than e
aal cbailenyed tbe Filipino offloer and erect the pole on the con^ty yroundt
three eoldlem to halt, and mleed ble Bear tbe court boaea. Tbe reqi
There la no eoU^tlon of tbe etory
yaato bU aboulder, the laearyeata ymntodaadthepolewin.b* rained aa that a British column le wltbia fifty
opened Are on the eeailnel and it wae aooB aa tbe neceeeary arranyemenu
mllM of Elmberley- The eloryof tbe
poboed by too yaae from bidden FiU- caa be effected. Tbia requmt
recent reconaoiaanee. la which Colonel
in tbe bambooa Old rvynlar that arnde after tbe action of tbe board of
Eeltb-Fblcoaer wae kUted. i* curtoualy
I count a* tbe aeoet valaable of public work*, but tbe poet, preforriny
aiy looy aad varied experleaee tbe to have it on tke G. A B. lot. la tbe
TbeTsioMMyo it naderatandc toe
a 1 spent with tbe volantaMa.”
oemetery. they naked the latter board Duke of Ooanauybt, formerly, eom-chlef of
------UH expected to bi
place la time for the--------------Be was even wiUiay to waive Ua
to the nonlM of tbe new eonrt bonaa A flne eoalority in order to aeoompUab thie
parpoae. bat It was daamed laexpad
Vew American Po*
ieat tbaa an ofieer ao aealer to rank
Waablaytea. D. C.. Nor. 18.—Aceord- played on tke yiOBada apoa aU pabGeneral BnUar aboald aarvs aadar
'mineot New York official
tot to a ptopoelUoa deacribed at tbe
iral oae of the teleetatameat la
mMttoy of Ue Oabiaet. Beerotary of
.WILL ALWAYS BBTAIV SAMOA, _______________
re Newu i* to
Ayricaltare Wllaoa wUl aooo beyla a
toe effect that there are 1.33S Mdtlah
itly proteeaut Uf® *nd property
aerlM of ayricaltual exparimenu la w-i— DfclarM It WUl be Oermaa an
' a
at Pretoria.
>T©r 60 per cant, easier.
Oaba, Porto Bleo. Hawaii, aad tba
Losy M tk* Bmptm Laeta.
Pblllaplapa If ConyrpM will make the
Tdepooning in case of fire, ac
Kiel. Nov. IS —The amaeror.
cident or bnrglary has become s
diPMlny reeroUa yeeterday aad alladrecogni^ aeoessity.
port, the aeeretary promiaM to carry iay to toe loM of tbe German and
oa iBveatiyatka* of aoU aad climate 4M«leaa wamhipa off Samoa la IMS,
Every well reffolataad their adaptabUlty to eertaia
far a Deer.
ed hooaehdd has s
Batumi prodaeto which wUl be of ymat aald: **TbM laad U bow oam aad will
News bm naebed the] dty that
remain oam eo Imc aa them la a GerHsve yoo one in
WUeea believe* that rabbrn' caa maa emptra. aad aa toe Oermaa eayl*
3f Norwood, ton* boaa
William Barrte of
be prodaeed la Porto Bleo ae woU as la
yoor home?
ittay aaar Oaylotd. It
Idlled vrikO* haa<'
Boatb Amerteaad CMMl Amarim.
a fleet dmttoed to protect oar brolbact teaappeaed tout_____
be wae mietakBa for a
: dear. No detail* are flvaB.
abeoad.'u b
Art Cameo
Is the very latest novelty.
We received some of the
first by express, direct from \ew York City.
Ver>- few
cities will have them on sale. this, the first season^
They sell for 25 to 85c each.
Of some kind makes an accepuble present if it is put
up in an up-to-date manner.
in this work.
We excel all competition
Come in and seejour stock.
!9»-232 Front Sm«l
B«lpli;OoimmbI» lr„ Xuiagw.
Caps Caps Caps
For men
For boy's
For children
25e. SOc, TSc.
$1.00. SI.2S aad $1.50
Ctriini Buuq Ci|»
ageuiH Sate cps
The Rew Shoe For Womeo
u-j: .—»-—«« -
Eiclnsirea^l for “SorosisSAMS''
Have You A
Rough Coat?
or are you waltloy for rouyb wcatoer - Don't
tiun i make
maxe a mlemietake The weather won't wait for vou. It ia likely to catcb
kwarM ..
at toieermtlceeatoB M.’
of toe year.
ymx. Commun
...nia tell
.—II yon
— to ————M—1#
eenae should
ivide youneir
with oae of our
-roay'i ccate” bow and tout be prepared for any atnw>«''hM-.cODtlnyency
that may —.
Our W.v..—«
—w.. to
Itaarpaulny- It never wat to complete.
tVe cell at the A
very lowHt price* contittent with quality. We invite you 1
to call aad iatpect our offeriay*.
is popular with
all men who
care to be
Beatly and com
fortably dressed.
The fact that meo
who hsve once worn
the Muosing Uoioo
will buy
no other kind
is evidence of merit
and accounts for the consuotly
iocreasitiF demand.
Wilhelm Bros.
jPublic guardians
wm W T ^ D Moll
neipi Natal Ci
if There's Any Question
in your mind as to tbe best place to pnrebase
your footwear, you can easily settle it by call
ing at our store and getting our prices. We
mention only a few ...
For Ladies__
Th« '‘Valvat'- Shoe . - - $3.00
Tha ■Kelly.’’Welt Sol® - - 8.60
The Minor," Hand Torn . . 3.00
The “Oahill." Kid Lined . - 8.60
Fer 6eBtfemee- ^ ■
The Thoa’ Bmareon. lenther lined, blnek end tnn $6.00
The Thoa’ Kmereon, *‘Velioar Onlf"
The J. B. Beynolde “Boerded Oelf” - 8.60 nad 8.00
Front Street
McNamara block
TKS HOBHOia UOOmi>. 8TnrOA%« VOVZKBBB le. law
fM Koumro uooBO.
9IICI1 School S>«toat«d
Bot TootboU OobC.
(. T. B*Mi *■» J- W. a*»wo- X..
th> Coa-Mi, Wbi«b BitV.ry 01«t
—HM lT9ik cl OiMbai. Lcrg
vortby: *iff
SAWMOurMCBcitfcAcia u«i*
(or Ko’kMhc.
■aag BaMtlfa' Pr oae ta be am SxbP.
MUoa a. Boatoa sum.
igemeau are aboat complatcd
tortbemMk ball at tbe Ciiy O.era
loM OB Tbaakagtrtag aigbt eader
tbe aaeplen of the Marry Social Kiaa
Tne pr's** ar>
to tbe be-t dre re * Ti ‘y. gfi weteb to
tba beat dr*a*vd gtBuimat; gold rlag
to tbe beet cbaracur ooaUiBU. lady or
pair of opaia glaaaea to
tba Best bnt cberaeur ecaMme. Tbe
moat graorfsl wa''s re wUI rvcelte 'a
bMat’fal toilet aet end gold-rieg. Tba
prisM wil> beosvsbiblUoa tor a faw
days at tbe Bwioo store.
Tova or BtzrsxM
Mr. aad Wn. W Lola {•Door vUl TIatt
Prtotipal thaaten ta Large CiUta.
O. Lou Silver aad wife were ia tba
tity yesUrdar oa tbeir way to Chimgo,
wbare tbay wUl bagta a toor of aiateea
r tba leading veadatllle
tbeatres of the eoantry. They will
(a*rodoaa Toar aaw niaalreted eongs
Djrlag U.r4; war tbe; wia pity cog^CBCBU ta Cbkago, 5fw. Tark.
Batfalo. ToroBto. Mrat'rr-1, Detroit
aad other large cities. Tkvy wUi be
le Detroit 0.e*m>-ar 4 .b.
NaxtaprlBg .Mr. Siivar will p«t oo
tba road a floe circas. aurtiag oot
from Travane'Ciiy.
Oae of ibc eloMCt. oMtvxeltUf cod
boU^ eoaucicd cu*** o( foot b^I ever
M» d the tuto «u
KslkMkc ywlcrdoy. Is
•boBIfb wObBl WUB cl
Dear Bi
wesldowB ccforcs clmlUr te»i
Fraak '1 Oaamood and W. F. Bowes.
UBdertaher Asdereoa baa beoa re
!oi Ebihs/kc. lb« f»m» wm foil ot
; from tbair
modellBg bU BcderUklng rooms, asd
.iui« u..
rtuBder Lake, im tbe epper panIkey BOW prrasBt a very oooy aad pt■
■ bsd it woB Ull tb« lut nianU of plcj
UKdaU appcaraKoc. Tbe front «-ad Of H4BSula They left tbe other members
iT'bu bMO ssBOBMod is lb« diepet
A Brockinjn
tba baildiag bn been rearranged, aoc
■ that tb« COB'leu •srdrobe of
tba oAce arparatad from tba otbar aad Mark Craw, siUl at the camp. Tbe
tH.to.'do'. .IK bu b~ ~I«.rrf «~lUl,.mpK,.d iKlbbUtliroiilb
room, by topeatry ao tet from ibe party bM aaeuredegbtdatr Um (sf.
OdUiblllliO».Ul.«llbl-«lK b.r- 0.11b. r.». <bl°tb 11.7 TO. b.
front there to ao eagaeatloa of tbe Tbey report tbem aaosaally plaatifal
wU. There ia M bl«»eBt of SBOfr- flasl^ to WMkeoe*' <be esd of tbr anangemcaU for tbe dead.
bat bard U gas. 00 aosoaut of the dry
abool tba sember of bcrrela. It teat ball. Tbe pane • > played oa lu
A party of taoBtera pamad tbroagb nan of the woods and tbe fact tbat
toq«itcp»e»>tetbata barrel or two
there is noaaow.
v%bt bare baas aMe-traeaed a1oi« that uaa pat pat dpa >bade the bel
Lake Aaa U a oamp near Fife Lake
tba Use dcrisf tbe fli^bt of the rec- ter arUele of (ooibalV Traeeiac aty
They ware William Bates. L. B. Woodoral asd hb wlfa Bat a few barreU lacked airetirtb ia iDUrfcrcaee. aad if
; qaallllaa «< Cbsmberlala'a Ctougb
oock and Prank Bates.
■ora or Icoa. woald maka bo d/«rr- tkat defect aaa be reBodlad, they will
Bemady, to kaow tbat people averyGeorge and Frank Nelaoa aad Lowto wbere uke plsMure io relating tbeir
^•ea 10 tbe np to^daU war eorraa- pUy a (aatUai
o^loek tba paBM waa called by Odal were (oano gaUty of etaaUng «va azperieaek la the nae of tbat aplendid
poBdeat- Bowevar. Mi*. Arolaaldo
medicine and in tailing of tbe benrfl'.
wUl bpea tbe apvpatby of a rraat Ketarea Araold of Kalkatka, with ehlekaaa from Neto OleoOB at Sattooa they have
Jived from it. of bad coida
■BBj Amarleaa ladlea who woald be Cbarlaa Beaaia actlap aa ampira. BeS Bay reoanUy. aad ware Baataaerd u it bM eared,
ired.<of ihrcauund attacks of
'Bis it baa averted and
of tbe
fted of M ordtary daratcfa traak (all kUked off for l^aeeraa City, aad the pay flaea aad ooau aggragaUag SU
The UB ceat anpoar gives by tba children It bM Mved from attacks of
fi mrdreba. to tbp aothlad of tardea kali waaaaoaiad kp
eroao and wbooplng eoogb. It to a
.traof tbadald. Tba bdl
Womaa'a B
grand, good medicine. For sale hy 9
vanead rapidly for a Ubm. wbeo Bidgo- log will b^la at 4 o'clock and euikmuc. K Walt and F. C Tbompaoo.draggistk
EbuutrcD'e bietory oootdaa'Baay ley Uciried Lelgktaa lor a all yard antil ?. All are invited to geta^good |
raeorda of brave Brltooe. bat faw will loaa. aad tbe ball west to KaliMba
meal for 10 eenu.
ablaa trUta praatar brllllaaey tbaa tbe dowaa. Bidfalay oeada -* tear fale
way of gloves. «rom the 15
A special train wm is tbe city Fri
working glove U a
SS silk llaec
b«oie darisK of Ueatcaaat Cbniebill. aroond tefl ead, aad waa palled dowa day oa the M. A N B. with tbe ofieen
pTMObkld. 8.
8 Beoda
A Co.
Thabarobmof Bobaon tbe ABericaa by Laocworlby. A litUe later tbe ball of tbe road on board, maklog a general
Waa loat oa dowaa.
aadCkarAUi tba
iaapeeUcB of tbe road. The oSoers ----------- ,------ Cupw - WarntoT’e
Saoaball made two abort ralna for here were: Edward Baeklry, general
d typea of tba Aaflo•aaoa race, asd tbelr deada wUl be Travane City, boi tbe ball waa loat os maaager: Wm. iftoglM. general anper- Whitt Wtae hi Tar Syrap. th.
best coagb remedy on earth, cures a culd
pafatad to with arida by two craM dowaa. A- foal tackle was claised intandeat: 8. J. Soott. roadnMter.
in oBc dsy if taken in umc.
and 50 eta
•atlOBa M tba ablaiar esaoiplaa of ibe Bidraley tackled SauabaU bigb. bat
Tbe Woman's Belief Corps will give Sugley KoMert
tbe claim waa aot allowed.
a Un cent sapper la Grange hall to
Ridgcley made aaotber k»g gala
Irla maadad that Acolaaldo «IU arooad U ft cad Aad agalB wba atopped
Bany Gardoar aad M
•oi be approaebad by Dalted SUtea by Laagwontay-l .Tbaa tba ball vna
went banUag at Foaeb
b Friday
oCdala with propcalUoaa to ^oireBdar Ipatoa dowaa.
Little gala waa made by ^Vaverae rwtaroad Ust avealng. Xb^ aecorad
dera caab ooBaldaratioB. Tbia peed
•ot worry bio. bowevar, aa the laetara City HD Kalkaaka agala got tbe ball
M.C.Orlatt'apony bad a litUe ex
plailCTB asd vaadevilla aUfe are atUl OB dowaa. galkaaka made a gaia of a
yard, aad tbea tomblod, daeabai: eitomrot all by luelf yatterday afUr
ope* aad if be to rlfud with tbe «
was oa tba ball la aa baataal, aad tbe neoa ia a rosaway. starting oa Prom
■atdal ImUbcI wlib wbleb be
fint baU etoaed with the ball la Trav atraei. Tbe animal dMbed aboat tbe
•radiud be will sot oeplaet bto opf
, ........................ .....
■ttceta and broagfat ap on E'gbth street,
Of tbe dald. aad no aeore made by where it wm atopped by George
(tpcaoo to oavacl Itoa 1
either team.
Sbearna Tbe boggy wm aligbUy damof tba oeBlrlfagBl idea baa abowa ibat
EalkMka kicked ot ia tka accond asad.
tba waur wbleb tbe elty ia forced to half, aad stoppad Ibe roa oa Traverse
P. E. Bayaea, one of tbe aaleamea in
vaaama caa be aaid'y parlflrd. ~
City's n-yard line. SoBaball bad
Senator Milltken'a store, baa porebaaed
pariBcaU bare baea aiade with grali- loterfrrenee.mad was uckicd for a bg
thir raaldepoe on WMbington aireei
(jriag reanlia. bt. Loaia may
loss, aad tbe ball west over, bat wai now beieg occaplrd by William Cle
krsatba freely. If rbe caa panaade lot ImmedtoUly bv KalkMka oa
meat. Be will make several attrac
for 5C and Pin Trays.
Ohtoago to mat tba water of tbe fambic.
live Improvemeau to tbe pUoe.
grataaga eaaal before It to dumped lato
Napkin Rings, Flatas,
Tbaa IbtgBB a aariis of fine Kae
'TXm shower of leonids will not
Tooth Pick Holders,
ataaablBg by Baakball. Bevea times is
oeSar tbto eeaaoo. Tbe brilllaat spec
Pepper and Saks.
be ttruek tba liae. maklog
Aci-uaiJw baa baea dtOsltaly loeat- gala each time. Tbea Leighton was taCle bM been asDonreed one year too
adagalo: tbia time be baa beca da- sent against the lire twice tor gains, sooa ” Tbto aanoancement to made
apavedatKnorrabio. It toabootaa whan tbe ball wm loat on a fambla.
by: Dr. J. L. See. one of tbe MironbardtodaUraaloatbaolJaeUva peiaw
By a Irtek plaj. a very clever doable oniem in tbe government aervioe. Dr
gg lha wily gaaaral aa it u te dtooover p4M from Lew a to Balero.tbe ball was See says the meteoric dtoplay which
A big stock to select
aa iaulliglble proBoaciatloe of the ■eat over tbe line for a tonehdawa. aad Bat been a mere spatter tbto year.
from. 3.50. 4-7.>. 5-00
The baU waa be repeated at about tbia daU in
and np. Made to lit
brought oat aad Lewto kicked a goal Nowembar. IMXi. Be believes tbe dis
play will be M brillladltoM tbe oar
is fine style, msKlag tbe score •: U a in
observed by Bomboldt la Veajzaela in
|>lBalTrlpof Koitb<ra ICiab. Kua- favbr of CUInaka.
Baff kicked off. aad Bldgrly got the
panaticB Oo Bieaneta Xov. 99.
Six Frightfol Pailarea.
ball, but WM alopped.C, On tbe next
B. B. l‘ope. agaat of tbe
Ibe ball
• lost on a fnmble. and
Mlablgaa Traoaporutioa Co. ia tbh Bsff got 1
rn o!d's,
to sc early grave. All
gtij. bat received aotlce to advtoe abip- floallae baekiag,. bat tbe ball went said hr hadO a. fatal
Stafford’s. Diamond
long troable and
peta that tbeaiecBcr of tbe liae will over at iMt on dowaa while very Ibat be most soon die
But he was
at 5c. IOC up to pints
•ake ber last Uip from Chicago ant dangerooily Bear Kalluaka's goal, so urged to try Dr. Klrg’s New Dtocovrry
and quarts.
Afur takiog five
weak, laavlag tbat city ca tbe :!«rd. near io fact tbat it looked like ibto for Coorampilob.
bottles be wm eotlrely cured. It to
Tbto bat;beea tbe beavleat acaaco for would be a toaebdowa.
sUlvely goaraoteed to* cere all dtoesare
tba coBipaDy alace tbeir Use waa ea
liraat. Cbcet
and Laagm. inclnding
With only 30 seconds u plar. Kal- of Throat,
■Mka made a doable pom. and Oalcro | Oo'Fh*-Co'.dsU Orippe.^Paeumonla.
: Kroacfaitto,
:bitto. Asioma, Hay Fever, Croap
aga'B went aroond tbe ead aad started Wboopiog Cougb. Me aed gl 00
at 5c the skein, in aii
for Travarae City's goal. But May- j botUes'°*cU at Jaa. O. Johnson’s ana
colors and lots of it.
disUogatobiDg S. B. Wait's dro« stores.
(dgbteas ibcIWork of -Mra. ^Bouafa' aanl, who had
tlf all the gam :byblsliLe work.!
Makes the warmest
Whoaa Biubaad Waa Xtllrd.
eaogbt tbe fleet footed iiiUe Kalkaska , CotdBToy SultB
tarmera aear tbe Ulnalcy acbool foU-baek, and tbe play atopped with
Paou. Coe's. Vesu for Men aad
1 tbelr aym tbe UU la Kalkaska's bands, aad that
Boys at S K-nda A C«'s
pathy aad good will-dor ,Mrt. Boaab. town a winner, b to o.
Wboae buabaad was killed by lightA reura'game will be played here
gtag aoBe lime ago. Tbe klod nelgb> tbe Twelfth street park Friday
single plates and odd
bora basked overj too buabeto of eora afUmooB. aod a hoiur oonteei than
lor the bereaved .widow, baalrd it
pieces. .Make a hand
Ibrea milaa aad cured lit properly la
some gift. 50c, i.oo.
bm bara. tboa aavtag^ber a targe ei1.25.1.50.
paaae aad a great deal of troable. Mm. B. Wright............L B.
Boaab WM graufultforl the kiadacM B. Bamaid......L.T....
MO. 330 Solid Goldcw Oak. hi«k
Carved Back. Brace Arms, 3
$tretcbera all around, (^ne Seat—a good chair—.111.75 for six—20Dtr Qrtil. discount CO Xd
makes St........................ 5>y*4*U
li you want a nit^ outfit fb'r your
dining room for Thanksgiving now
is the time to get it.
1 have a large sioA of fine pol
ished Golden Oak Sideboa^^ Din
ing Tables and Chairs, and in order
to move them out quick I will g^•e you
20 Per Cent. Discount
I-or a few days. If >-ou want a gooti couch-we will put
them in at the sanie discount.
J. W. Slater.
lao Front St.
Hon«e Fomiabiug stor«.
Win Andcroon
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Telephones. No. »S.
318 Union Street
Little Vases
Inks •
Saxony Yarn
O. Meyer.
J. TbomM
ebaBbarlals'e rala baiai..Caraa Otb- B BMgeley
an,Wby.|Vot Tou?
My wife bM beea oalag Oiamberlalaw Faia Balm, with good raanlta.
OBeUaaally tor alae yean. We have
triad all Made of medldaea aad doetan witboat raeaivlag aay
(res aay of tbem- Oae day vre aaw
aaadveiitoameatof tbUoiadkiBe aad
tboagbt of trylag it. ableh wc
arlkbtbebaatofaaliafactioa Bbe
and oaly oae bottle aad bar aboalder
la alsoat well.—Adolpb L. Milieu.
Haaebaatcr. N. H. For aale by 8. &
Wall aad F.C Thoar —
Ai Ug^tWo&dinreftliiWoria.
Tba Pyramida o( Bgypt.
ol Babylon.
. i'.ardcaa of
Tba Temple of Dlaaa (at
TbeSuineof Japlur (at Olympia).
1>a MaBsaleum at HmlkarBaaaaa
Taa OalomM at Bbodca.
Tbe Pbarca iLlgbtboaae) at Alasaa^*t^l'toasnof all Clatcra-Baadato
•‘Zme” rislcn at from 94 M to Wt.oo.
mui WB«ad»^r«xt?
Eroae Sxploraaa.
Uke Sualey and Uvingatooe. foaad
It bander to overcome Malaria, rever
tbaa Mvage coaolWli; bat ibonaanda
have foaad tbat Bleotrie Bittern is a
sroaderfol cure (or all malarial dla If ya« have ebUto wi
wlU terer.
tired, won-oat f««Unga. a trial wll.
eonvlDee yon of tbelr merit. W. AKnU ot Webb, HI.. wnUa; -My ebU
draBoaSaredformoa* tbaa a year with
to aod faser: Uua two botUM of
Electric Blttas eared them." Only M
eeau. Try^tbem. Goanateed. Hold
by Jaa. O. iakaaoa aad S. X Walt,
ThaUtefbU BhbpM
$2.00, $2.60,
$3.00, $3.60.
Frank Friedrich
U8 Front Btr«et
Fancy China
Ladies Purses Umbrellas
A big assortment of
the latest styles, 25c,
35c. 50c, 1.00. t.25i.
1.50. 2.0C>
for a round dollar.:
The best article eversold for the moncy.•All styles of handles.
Men’s Trowsers Tablets
Want an extra pair ?
Cost you an)rwhere
from 1.50 to 6.00. See
our new goods.
for one cent and a
dandy line of Writing .
Paper Tablets at 5c
and IOC.
Woman’s Shoes Bedsteads
The Gray Bros, cel
ebrated 1-iue Shoes;
One of the finest
makes. 3.00. 3.50, 4.00
Ladies’ Hose
IOC buys a fine fleec
ed lined Hose. 15c an
all wool, _5c fancy
Men’s Shoes
Don’t overlook the
“Hu-man-ic" Shoe at
4.00 when buying
your next pair.
Got to have a new
one' See our wood
at 2.25 and 3.75 and
iron at 3.25.
Gift Books
The hand.-^omest bin
dings ever put on
books. Over 400 titles—sey at ^c ea,ch.
I)inin,f Tables from
.1.75 up, Onttr Tab
les from little ones at
t.75 to the Bnest at
25 00 and 3000.
Men’s Collars Handkerchiefs Men’s Hose
and Cuffs. Those
most necessary arti
cles—The best goods
made—IOC, 15c. 20c.
and Romona Fleets!
Flannel at loc the
yard. Makes the best
morning wiappers.
for one cent and up
to the finest, 50c, 75c.
Ten Cent
A big table full of
the biggest things for
IOC. Can’t tell Jrou
all—Must be seen.
25c buys a pair of
ught or heavy wool
Cashmere — Merino
— striped or plaid
Pens and ■
^e cent. All the
Dixon, Faber aod
Eagle Co's makes of
best pencils 5c and IOC
The HaBDah & Lay Mercantile Co.
TH» MO^MIHO B»OOBp flUirp^y MOV^fir^py
KMlint DAaoit Ki>.T AIETi
‘icatoaat Betuaa to Aaeapt the Beaip-
aattoa of tha fBawaitoa Offiaial.
Waablaptoo. Ro*. 18—The Preaidant
*«»P» the reaipnattoa
Pamoo. the Bawailaa mkatotor
o5 ftnteres^. J
-The toet'rorhdl Bla«.
The rorlp Ulsi»r}' of ibe weddlop
rinp to not eaup 10 iraAV. a* It wee apt
to be eobfowd wttb rtie brtrothal Hop
Tbto aaH once tbe more bniwrtaiH of
tbe two. for to tbe .to,s of oar ton-fa
there tbe l-in.iluil * a* tbe etrwi ceretnen-laire onl.r Hw ratlflcetUe .-ont,^.. Tben a apcow
rw-r 01
At the mreOap:
of uia
th4 uaaiea
Ladtoe MbrarTAeaodlatloByeatonla*
! ewm Cbkttardoii.
O.* Uborcr U^llap eetorutommt
taplofbd M-lb* »r»ii(i Rftpidt, B«ld
wr * **»ria»* raflmsd, wbOe ,w«!klbp
^ • fr»*el ir»fo fall in bet<^
*tot« Federattoo of Womao'a .
altaa Uland.
jrf ^|«n.uil or bemnlui! wee ivirhrai
^Mld »M crMbad Xo dMih.
Clew lb 4achaoa. Mm Keaeiard paea t
^^,1.,^ poh-ionay a. the
! A poamr MB uaMd Afford. MlUBf a report «f the ItoWip aad Wednaa-;*** ^“*
^* *'**'“'“’F
rontraii of a fuidre "ei<-ruel U>dJ of
^iMOi. wbllf marnlar on the r*™ dap meeUape. which effKded a preai i
douhiA.lhe r.a«.o Cor tl.ua
froBB taaeUar trip ae»r Mem. he deal of ralnabie Information She tol-1 “* *‘*'^** *"**‘*'^ Thle potanit waa ».deiunl«luj: an euKUKemem War that
k««pp MMr« Md Bert. e^MBfted be lowed the oroeeediaa* cloaelT aad her ““
“ orpaniaatlon of to «w« ot violea.e add la*le«iu.-to
«P*tolHto. aad it waa »»«'
thomjht it oeedfui tu prokbloed e meotiee WieebBter. end report^a. eniermioiap ae it waa'^**"
Me*-htirtr1ithebd c(T. OU home to
U Cbteeco.
I Ellto ThoapM. e^oenr 1
waa-Tlrcn at tee maeiinp bp Mae.
_ ou«ioe mtMoea.
rouumHil<-«iUm. .1 Ix-iruthal aemli-e
k>eo of deeper. left t«« week« e«0 for tJhermaa of Vpa'IaaU. Tnto wa. alio k
"•‘FMtoon waa tendered under
whi. h etlll fonue i-irt of tf.e
^e north wood* on e baDtinr «•> end
ralnabie contrlbatloa
ftteae oonditiooa. bat aaHr. D.bob baa Freneb end Julian ritual, n-.d. ln>1.-.-0.
The maatiarnext Satardap will
termlaalad ihe ooaDeeuoa-toe- fi»- flrat iian of the Ati^lhau nuirpree ktUed hp e cboetleir eeetdasb.
hUateU and tbe ortantxxiioa re- rleae rtte Uub-u to Ibe wotuan'e -|
^(Htp Hoekejoo. » «eil enrrter of darotoa to UatoaJna to tbe
uauatap to too remaiod*r
accaptaoee » lll" 1. elm,.Iv the old he.mtbal
keleneeoo. wentnorth on e deer>Dnet- of the report of the ft
tof tHp. Word hee dm reeneed thet
Meauirkaale Tawora.
ke rrMbceldeoUj ehot.
Borne retiuirkalile'ret-ordi> of lumoru
[ A lenre rock eree pleord on the treck
Unkaowa Mn Ztlied.
err* alren lu The
i tit- laiiiet. The
t ii.- i*rx.'—i
M the MIcblCM Oentrtol betvMp Cter ■aeorfiSf TbHone CoaVate on
The norO. bound trala on the 6, R. auown to ■ nirrlie- turner lUt w,-.kn.r.l
^OUe end qbretor for the
Gridlm. ^
A I. peatordap momlap Inetaatlp I'C. iM>iio>ls. d.-«-riU-.l l.j a d.^^ur of
wreefcinc the trela. bet it wee provlNew York. Nor, ia.-followlBp__ killed aa unkaowa man near Etmrs. Hu<-iierrrt.
Ilmuer ivuH.ved our
keoUeUj dlteoerr^ la
tbe foot ball aoorea ia earioiu loeaU- Thcpaesenpereoathclraia were not wrlehln* 140 iwunJa'from a wouian
‘ At Heciaeer. Mre. Alloa C MeLmn tlee peatordap:
aware of tbe aeddeat. ae the trala dd wh.wr a-.-lKl>i without iIh-tuiuor
went too orer e prate fire end bar
Yale, U: Barrard. 0.
not stop. Tbe bodp was dtooprarad bp JlR |•ullnlIs. Thr tore>-M .<>l>d luimu of
tbto .-toss urlelxxl lOti imuiuls. Tbe
^roa cehfkt fire. Khe wee bedlp
Miehipan. tk; Chae School, aera- the crew of the aoath bound train.
rmvnl for ovoricD lumorn to held lip
karaed eboet the feer.ermeeBd beade. land. 0
a ChinrM- iMitlriii. h bo bail oue wdsbAnnapolto. 14: Lehtpb. 0.
I Jeo Coort A Son of Merehall. here
ObtoFuiraraltp,*: MadiealAdlepe.O.
tor :.uw terkepe tor ThaaheL'olreniip of Kanaaa. to; Ualrerailp tee rxchanpe. shows the ii
>Ds« sne- , of UU |H>un<l» anil a ttoniia'u nnr of
prior end eommeneed kllllar Tbaree intoatj
Fur niMiunar.r inmom a oaM- Is
fiep. elearbteriar beiwrea too end eno of Nebtmaka. 0.
eeee Marks B
f 1 on n-rnni wlu-rr ibr gruntli in one
ftellp. ThtoletbelerreMeforlo ordar
ttaorpatowh Coltop*. (h Volranitp of dtp.
Ibroaeed *’'*'**' wrlrlinl G4 |n>uD<to auil In tbe
Vlrpiala. (I
krer ebipped bp e K'ebiren flna.
I At Paw Pew. Cherlee Botram
LafapetU. Ip-WDckaeU. a
the Grand last ereatnp was an e
Iwelp leaned hie arm on the mau’e of
Iowa UalrecaUp. 3J; Knox Collepe. 0 moue ODC. it to tboapht thaa all preriDUa-l Kboit HU Pms.
Oa^aaaae. V*-. Uraape A. O,. «.
oas raoords for attaadaoee will be broJohn I. Ulalr In lito rarlicr lU.rs OWO'
Pardoe. lU: Botre Oame, lo
kaa tonlpbt. wbea the Marks Brotbira ed u wt-Ktrru mllroad alunp ibr rviitr
[ Fcenk Cole, a prooBneat ferotar ilrof, wlili-li tic- eMtililtolird a m-Hm of
Urtaaell. G: Iowa State Collie. 0.
present the famous Naw York aao
li)D< bronnix. at wlil--h i';ii|*lorc.os of tbe
Wtwo mllea aontb of Webbrnllle,
WiaenmiB. l*: Mlaaeaoia. 0.
"Tbe Bareest of Sin."
^ eeektoBunpeboibp a oeichhor
This oompanp to th« best repertoire road wt-rr to Im' ebargi-d .Vi ■■■•nis and
ail |uis>eDc<Tii T.'i c-c-iiiK. Mr. Rlalr un<-v
Ibrmer wbUe banUap portridre. The
dilii-d at one of Uimm- idai-nc and. Con^ert« aaiered bto feee, neck end aid*
Tbep appear here beplnutop Mondap, dndlDjc hto niral. told down a baU dul4a«to« Otmtaa to ill wMfa aeiaile Dar. 4.
BBd lafllotod eerere woanda.
Urij While OatUre U. Mepere tf dec. rhcumattom.
“Uold onr crird the mshler. •'Yon
Mtoa <Iraw Oavatapham want
Xarried to Ferswood.
»aw WM hoatiar near Sleaford FrW
don't U-lunp to ibto n-niir’
“I know nun." re|d.«l Mr, BUIr.
lap. be Bleeped to rent on e top. wod
Y’caterdap nMmlap Mtoa Marp Kinp
hto pan wee MeldeaieUp dtoeherred.
of Fmwood. and Mr. John Barton of "Tlu- road le-loucs to lae.”
kto left thamb wee ebot oS and three hariap hie ejaa teeted for pla
MonroeOentor. wrre married at the'
fcapm on the left bead bedlp man aaw the Miehipaa foot ball patoa pea ' rrsldanoe <f John Kinp. in Femwood.
limn- are botled. The Aral flaper on the ripht tordap.
The earemoap was parforatod bp Rut. twoi-n u«Hi uud U««> nu-ii in New York
W. O. pheljto pawedthroapt the ciw
bead wee eleo bedlp tora and one ebot
J. Peanirptea.
w-bci are ivonlc Xl.issi.iaat or iiinrv. In
laet alpbt oe hie wap froth Urand BapWaned tbroapb the lip.
Jm:.. o li.'ii New York liad a pnpnblllon
SMtalar Drpew.
} Howard Mine, eoadnetor on the Port Ida to Bellaira.''
of nft.«i00. there won- onlp It) m*-n who
NntliliiK Ik more lniiitii|>n-ti<-nMMe
C B Setae retnmed'to bto home fa
wore- a-ceeased at fino.tmn or wore, and
Hufim Bleetrk railway. wee pireae
Eim>]a-an wrM<-rH tbao the .tinerlran the lilglioct aa-xoMiueut was oolr F20U,^ pold piece bp a paaeenper far a fere. BalM la*t Bipii.
jimtiuu of bn-aklQK eitxK In a bIbsk. Octii.
Joe Plaek. who baa beM bopiap peMd la tom para it out to aaother pea
M. IN-IM-W like* lo fidlow 4bu
fiuper for a aiekel. The flret peaera- tatoea laHantoa. rctnraed to tbe dW Ami-rlc-iiu •'lufoni. aud one day tbe
The ccMl of koo|<lne tip tbe drluklnif
^ wme to Uitto for fato aMoep, who laetalphl.
waller at the Hold de Bmcac. In Pap fniiniaitio and eaitU- tniitxlia in l-uuduO
aip Clerk A. W. Blekafd left laet Im told bhii Ik- miuin't du It. Tlh-rr to
denied rtceiriap it. fie la taro weat
per niiiniui.
idnL'Io iroupb In
was » dts|.<ite. and ibi- lead waller a Ima,- tboriniclifan- e..«fe Ji'iO.
W the emad peeeeaper. wbo at firat alpbt to apead Soadhp la Aama
Frank Sm.lb retarn.d fromaboM naa •-nilc-d ••T!ie cto««c»s i-atinol to4ld ool remember peiUnp it. but fvand
pnipcrip »a»Ii.-d'Mi wa- etpiaitM-d
The wllliiwl* one- of tlie mo«l adapt|amoaphU ckanpe. The paid piece nee* trip to Manton laki nlpht.
aide of |>laiit<. .4 willuw <iwlti-h stuck
C P. ItoTla reuraad laet aveniop ••Tbr.v-atv rnliu-d "
Wa» reeorered els boara Utor.
"Nodk.-nw.- xaid |)e|a-w. “my p«-tFmlt ratoert in aontUm Miebipah frqm a lumbar laspecUap trip to ants at lioiue ib> il every day lu liie In the wvi will almost invarluldj take
rooi^ alraadp beooailnp alarmed tor oexi BlipneCitp.
y.-nr. fee a little mon- eito>w'i:rea»e.”
Then Mr. I»ej»-W bitike bis c-BB Into
dbaeea'a crop The rrarm weatber ol
Mtw F. BIxard of Orawn waa (a tha
lie- Bln—, .1. ti«iial. and the waiter
ikeUatfew weake bee uaaaed peach clip peatordap.
wnli l»-d lilm. U'lieii the slnK< wn« mvi
to Bwell aatU tbep are aa larpe aa
Mre. A. H. Widrifi of BeadoB ra- B.lde he .-aiiie wliha dcmliian, .-tti.-ki-vl
lk«7Bbould be on Hep 1. Saaeafraa tnrard borne laet ereiilfip after hariap tiH- sin— .m hin Imui lu-d nnd nnd dl»hut I ••\-ilienr.l
aj.|a-ared whli tbe fr«i:u..-ni.. •|•llr ''I'" ........... that iiei.e ..f the |.biurp«
IWde are brulcea oat. while hiekorp^ apeatt a taw dept bare abopplB
« «n-wniii -\n RuHery were uue.
^llow aad maop o'her treea abow
W. Porter who has beea at Bellalre ebarpe for ilm sin- wa« on tlr. Im-l'"
IH-w a bill, and he refniM-d to iwp It. Ue**u the
■pnrtf aaeeoDd erpplo one pear,
tbe paet week attondi'pp to b
wa« tv«> scant a eunti'icu-r lo uiake au-j ll"''«""U
Imr. and —’
■aade aramarkabip rrarm winter w retamed homr peatordap.
pry. no the h.ilel |.«>|ile nniiUcl.udEheT < "" hitt elw- '"
teare a pood crop.
knew timi Mra. ln |a w »«. sains t«l
w-al Ic. a
Mra. J. Dixon who hai >een
J^Three death* from epiaal menlapUto
pto—vraa Inpenloiisly worked into her' 'Mmi'llde Ile nfroiii N. w Vi.ik,
i^re cauted coneteraatlOD at Oaiamet. tondlnp her mother who waa rerp 111. bin. and khe paid for it. but Mr. In- I"'’
• the people fear a repeUtion of the retamed borne laet nlpht
la-n didn't know It for many motithtl___ ■.
ik>demie which carried awap ao
Mim Oara Crawford of Qrairn wae in aficTward. wIm-ii he waa tellins'thr {
story na an iUKinm-e of hto ■>uvva->a iij
t^prr eoanup people laet winter, and the citp peatordap rletilap Mende.
mimierav litis the esioiiiou- of Ftircv
alrinpeat method* are belap emploped
Mtoa Cora Wheat of Umwa retniaed iM-aU
hotel keeper-.
tfiprereatibedtoeaMfrocD epreadUp borne latl ereninp after hariap epent
’Xen ouchls'-rp to the ameuaiol tJ. thrM moaths in the ettp.
f atu a pear apo eneb a tbtop
tnhaeleea pnrcbaaed for the cnpi
M.ee C Eifpiof Urawa waa la the elec-uic car waa urkanwa la Apalraeerinp ahope of tbe I’alreraliv il dtp peaierdapTbe cars in a lew principal towns tbst
Miehlpaa. It aowatola of a milllnp
Mtoa Uarioa Banker left tost craninp cou.d boast of hSTiiur tramwapa of anp
BMebiae. a aereaUeo-lDch bp trreire for UrawD where she will apend San- kind were drawn throupb the strecia
fAl latbe. a prindlap maeblae for do dap with Mm Cora Wheal of that
i'p-lrol pace br bonws, o
Consumption, la
tap ^ork re«ialr1np more acearacp place.
frepuentlp mules. U itbiB tbe lau few
thaaoBO be obialoed wUh a latbe.
^’••-Cora Woodmfl of Urawn. who tnoDibs. however, fnreipn enterprise
and ao automatic bolt and DDt thread- baa been in town about two moatbs. has been tbe means of inaupuratiop
lap macblar. The puUep. neeeeearp retamed home laai oreainp.
atoetrie sractioa ia toe etreea of Mad
tot- the aettinp op of tbe aiacblnerp are
Fred Brown aad Albert -Norotep rid. Barcelona. Valencia. BUbeva and
San Sebsatian. and tbe lead thus takei
helap made in tbe capinecriap
............. ---------. !i»™»d last alpbt from a trip tbroapb
tbe principal tramway c moanies In
tonap splendid
kiiL*ni4ii4 broose
A.—...' . — a
...__ ofwarjthe
___ !
east, riaitiap .'ameatown. N. Y. bp
tbe chief cities of Spsin to like!
wi'l adorn tbe respeciire com- Hnffalo and other cities. Tbep hare qnicklp followed bp oibrm.
been pone aearlp two mewtbs.
j Iht tiaiAkH MAtOY
Quick fieitl-msoL.
It lathe
Hon. and Mra. 0 C. Leach are apeadJ. M.
. .
____ ..
eeator. rrae the plft lo tbe dip of inp ^nndap la tbe dip.
Unitod Btau* Benevolent Societr of
OmrleeUacklep.andtheetatoea come
Miss Walsh of the asplua bse pone Sapiaaw, was in Hellaire rreertlp for
from the aame beneficent eonroe. Tbe to Sdmore to spend her raeation.
the purpose cfaauiirp with Emorp C.
etaUitee w.li beof bronie. heroic du
Frank Friedrich went to Cbdillac Denamore. whoYiad carried a potlep
with tbe f 8. HeneTolent tor some
and wilt oaeili.wxieach- Twoof them, peatordap on an oil inspntlnp trip.
pear*. Mr. Dapsmore recaivad *00 for
etatates of Prasident Llaeoln and Ad
C F Reed weat to hto camp near thr Injnrp raoaived s few weeks since.
miral Farrapni. here been deelpaed bp
Otoar members of tbe aaaoclatlon of
CbarleeH.NiehauiafHew York, aad 'Rap Schofield wUl apend tbe dap
tbeothers of liaaerai Urant aad Oeaer- with hU aunt in Manton.
Bon. U. G. Corell retnraed laet alpbt
al fiberman, bp J. Manap Bhlnd, *i««>
Grand Rapida He was aooom- DcBaasore tost toe aaaoslation of Bew York. Tha toofi^ from tha from
paaied bp bto wife.
^ deaeirinpof toe patroaape of everp
wapa aamar.—Antrim Oonntp fianUnel.
•rU two were faedrad aereral monthe
C»a^M, Hsperretumed laet nlpht
apo. Md tbe etatoto of Farrapat to al- fcoes Fife Lake, where he to baplnp
Blem Proteeten
rtadp eompietod. T«a
^eat aad poutoea Be baa alra^
varp useful for elarte. aoeka. barW« are now praparad to aall oor axorcr 5,000 baabeto of gmla^
apoB which tha etatatea will beplaaed,
toadara, ate.. lOe par pair. & ~ ' callanUead-PQTATOPl'LP. which
arah raadpia poalUoo. aad tto pe«al ^alam ^nanutp readp Ux aUp- AOa
we have on hand at all Umaa in a cwact
ankplaa totoharetha atataw iaad«
dealrable atata.
for unrelllnp with tapramira
R B SamU wiij spend the dap to
VtoafitMAtAim AM OalttiMi'8 SianU
tooalea on Memorial Dap. I9D0.
toe dtp. Hebe,
OB a bn!fn«= BparVanriah.
In order to introduce oor feed to the
tewb Huph Brown, of tbe Fontlac trip soBib.
faadm wr have radaaad onr price to
pnhS^eehools. to etlll wapi^,^
lOcper 100, wbleh compared with the
«ade Tonap Apato.
apaiaai tbe fortp or fiftr school bops
ThMikapirlnpavaat Oolaasbia halL
BBtot IT jmr» of ape who persist In
West Side. Mot. 2«. BUI SO cent aalativc valve ol the ether (eeda makea
"One of Dr. Klap** New Life Pllto
tt eoat about one third of aay other
wkepma of tohaoeo. Fire tobaoeo dealMuale bp Bala aad BUkmlae.
----------------^ •» the iaetaaoe
U Brown.
nerof Dempeeplown. Pa Tbep’ra tbe
To Curo m vom hi Oho Day. I Some of toe moet infloenlial feeder*
beet to toe world fortbeUw.SW
M aad Bowato.
Pardp emrat^ Take Wsnicr's Whiu- Wine of Tar nij have iriven this prodoet a thoronrh toet
ifae Iwat cough ratmiy on earili.
an. and report that it to desirable ia every
reapret and eqnsi to all that to claimed
j fior iL Ha have eompleted an ideal arTuey werk.
p(rc a Stfonp Stoal Ranaer Sleipb.
Born* of the prltea
t for loading into wagons
The todiat era lavitod to call at Mi
W. O Lawrance'amUllBarTatoewaod'eic.
and 'etc.. aad wereapecifally Invite all feediaapeet her larre naw atorir of fancy
to toy onr feed.
■ . ■
work in all toe lawat nattra.
II For Monday, Nov. 20.
“ Some idvertlpe “blue Monday apei-iale.” bot nil ue.
os they are 8lwa>-a bright and cbeerfuL
to Kive you u)or.|attention than we poeeiBly could on Saturday,
beeidea We. pel better adveriieiiiK on Sonday 1k*a apy other
day of tbe week.
We offer a choice of 100 ladies’ jackets of all wool Keraeya. all sl^ea and alylea, valoee op to 112. for Moo day only/......................................
Kra'i Wonted
nkeat ccdianAlM. SOc.
& Benda .
^toe^^D Sunitoaeial nd.. it
The Micbipi Stuck Co.
Tnra.. Otr, lllcb
For Monday only.*choice of sll the beat ingrain carpeU,
inciodioK Lowelle, retrardleaa of advanced prioea.. .
60 ladies* Buita left after a iLoat aatiafactory bnaineai
to onr cloak department—For Monday only we offer
^ .choice of ibe entire lot, ooDBiatinK of all wool aeripja,
CH liome^noa, heavy all wool (-afsimeres and cheviota—
Jacketa all nilk lined, well made and tinished, aplenBK <^><1 lilUia. at tbe moat extraordinary epccialvut
price of.................................................................................................$7.60
86 Oolf Capai to aelect from, all atylea and conbina- lions of oolure, pricea ranKin« np io flo, yonr ckoice
of any for Monday only___ .........................................................$7.60
Ohoice of oar beat aud doest incL'a ahoea, biacka and
tana, dn<-et woikmanabip and finish, IncladiLR onr
$4 60 and $5.00 ralucT, for Monday only........................... $3.60
Choice of ladiee’ beat and tinpst aboea, all thie aeaaonV
make, none better, valma op to t400.'Mond#y only $B.G0
For Monday only we will jpve you yonr choice of oot fin
est lik'ht co!or.-<l covert top coafa, inclodirtR oor
valnea f..r............................................................................................$12.60
For Monday only we will Hive you your choice of out
men's finest eniu’ nothing reserved, inclading B.
KuppenbeinitT & (Va beat make—gtyris op to $20
............................................................. »is.eo
We earn' b ftill line
The McCall
Bazar Patterns,
lOC. NONEHICHfR. | 5c.
..Fashion »bet-is Hailed Free..
The Variety Slore^225 Front St.
I p Buy-“ salt .nnd pepfR-r s/akers. farcy cut glass
I II sauce dishi's. g'ass tumblers and several differ
ent sizes of china butler •dishes.
Ap Buys Uirgc ^i2c farcy cut glass pkkk- dishes,
lump diimntts. fancy, t-tjuare cut glass tooth
pick holders.
Qp Buys fancy cut glass fooled fruit lx»wls, large
goblets, fancy cut gla.ss fruit dish.
Jp Buis f.*iticy cut gl.Tss sngar bowl with cover,
fancy cut gUn.^^s crei>m pitcher, fancy cut glass
deep fruit dish. '.
Cp Buvb fancy cut glass va.«es.. water pitcher, cup
Oo and saucer—10c plate for 5c.
SfieciBl priw ou mlire uccx fn<- Sxiurdxy oriv. Nr.*, isto.
•t rif Stviub*r/'5 Opera H«m*e
.4 Fwifit
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
We do oot know of
any dull daye but we piare onr aperial «A)«a on Monday, co aa
about Men's
—Wa’ve got tbe ho^teat line that ever
e-ame over th«-highway. New, itobby
effects in blacks and tane, silk veatlog
tope. Scou-h cute—.1 gr.-at variety of meffl’a fine heavy sole
ahuee in bux calf, willow tan calf and enamel IcAtker. New.
colura, new tcaa—right nt the top in style and tbe price will joa
auit you.
Dozen atylea ia tan.................................$2.00 to $4.00
Fifty alylea in blacks........................... $t 18 to $8.60
Boy’e Un and black......................... *.. ..98c to $2.00
Aten’s River Shoes
With our name OD them, and every pair warranted.attfiefblIrywroff pnc«:-4IW. $1.9S. $215. $2 48, $2.69, 12-96. $3.26.
Rubbers tu fit all tbe lateal style ahoea.
1S6 V-ront Street
The Pisotleel Shoe Heir
TH» MO^MIHO B»OOBp flUirp^y MOV^fir^py
KMlint DAaoit Ki>.T AIETi
‘icatoaat Betuaa to Aaeapt the Beaip-
aattoa of tha fBawaitoa Offiaial.
Waablaptoo. Ro*. 18—The Preaidant
*«»P» the reaipnattoa
Pamoo. the Bawailaa mkatotor
o5 ftnteres^. J
-The toet'rorhdl Bla«.
The rorlp Ulsi»r}' of ibe weddlop
rinp to not eaup 10 iraAV. a* It wee apt
to be eobfowd wttb rtie brtrothal Hop
Tbto aaH once tbe more bniwrtaiH of
tbe two. for to tbe .to,s of oar ton-fa
there tbe l-in.iluil * a* tbe etrwi ceretnen-laire onl.r Hw ratlflcetUe .-ont,^.. Tben a apcow
rw-r 01
At the mreOap:
of uia
th4 uaaiea
Ladtoe MbrarTAeaodlatloByeatonla*
! ewm Cbkttardoii.
O.* Uborcr U^llap eetorutommt
taplofbd M-lb* »r»ii(i Rftpidt, B«ld
wr * **»ria»* raflmsd, wbOe ,w«!klbp
^ • fr»*el ir»fo fall in bet<^
*tot« Federattoo of Womao'a .
altaa Uland.
jrf ^|«n.uil or bemnlui! wee ivirhrai
^Mld »M crMbad Xo dMih.
Clew lb 4achaoa. Mm Keaeiard paea t
^^,1.,^ poh-ionay a. the
! A poamr MB uaMd Afford. MlUBf a report «f the ItoWip aad Wednaa-;*** ^“*
^* *'**'“'“’F
rontraii of a fuidre "ei<-ruel U>dJ of
^iMOi. wbllf marnlar on the r*™ dap meeUape. which effKded a preai i
douhiA.lhe r.a«.o Cor tl.ua
froBB taaeUar trip ae»r Mem. he deal of ralnabie Information She tol-1 “* *‘*'^** *"**‘*'^ Thle potanit waa ».deiunl«luj: an euKUKemem War that
k««pp MMr« Md Bert. e^MBfted be lowed the oroeeediaa* cloaelT aad her ““
“ orpaniaatlon of to «w« ot violea.e add la*le«iu.-to
«P*tolHto. aad it waa »»«'
thomjht it oeedfui tu prokbloed e meotiee WieebBter. end report^a. eniermioiap ae it waa'^**"
Me*-htirtr1ithebd c(T. OU home to
U Cbteeco.
I Ellto ThoapM. e^oenr 1
waa-Tlrcn at tee maeiinp bp Mae.
_ ou«ioe mtMoea.
rouumHil<-«iUm. .1 Ix-iruthal aemli-e
k>eo of deeper. left t«« week« e«0 for tJhermaa of Vpa'IaaU. Tnto wa. alio k
"•‘FMtoon waa tendered under
whi. h etlll fonue i-irt of tf.e
^e north wood* on e baDtinr «•> end
ralnabie contrlbatloa
ftteae oonditiooa. bat aaHr. D.bob baa Freneb end Julian ritual, n-.d. ln>1.-.-0.
The maatiarnext Satardap will
termlaalad ihe ooaDeeuoa-toe- fi»- flrat iian of the Ati^lhau nuirpree ktUed hp e cboetleir eeetdasb.
hUateU and tbe ortantxxiioa re- rleae rtte Uub-u to Ibe wotuan'e -|
^(Htp Hoekejoo. » «eil enrrter of darotoa to UatoaJna to tbe
uauatap to too remaiod*r
accaptaoee » lll" 1. elm,.Iv the old he.mtbal
keleneeoo. wentnorth on e deer>Dnet- of the report of the ft
tof tHp. Word hee dm reeneed thet
Meauirkaale Tawora.
ke rrMbceldeoUj ehot.
Borne retiuirkalile'ret-ordi> of lumoru
[ A lenre rock eree pleord on the treck
Unkaowa Mn Ztlied.
err* alren lu The
i tit- laiiiet. The
t ii.- i*rx.'—i
M the MIcblCM Oentrtol betvMp Cter ■aeorfiSf TbHone CoaVate on
The norO. bound trala on the 6, R. auown to ■ nirrlie- turner lUt w,-.kn.r.l
^OUe end qbretor for the
Gridlm. ^
A I. peatordap momlap Inetaatlp I'C. iM>iio>ls. d.-«-riU-.l l.j a d.^^ur of
wreefcinc the trela. bet it wee provlNew York. Nor, ia.-followlBp__ killed aa unkaowa man near Etmrs. Hu<-iierrrt.
Ilmuer ivuH.ved our
keoUeUj dlteoerr^ la
tbe foot ball aoorea ia earioiu loeaU- Thcpaesenpereoathclraia were not wrlehln* 140 iwunJa'from a wouian
‘ At Heciaeer. Mre. Alloa C MeLmn tlee peatordap:
aware of tbe aeddeat. ae the trala dd wh.wr a-.-lKl>i without iIh-tuiuor
went too orer e prate fire end bar
Yale, U: Barrard. 0.
not stop. Tbe bodp was dtooprarad bp JlR |•ullnlIs. Thr tore>-M .<>l>d luimu of
tbto .-toss urlelxxl lOti imuiuls. Tbe
^roa cehfkt fire. Khe wee bedlp
Miehipan. tk; Chae School, aera- the crew of the aoath bound train.
rmvnl for ovoricD lumorn to held lip
karaed eboet the feer.ermeeBd beade. land. 0
a ChinrM- iMitlriii. h bo bail oue wdsbAnnapolto. 14: Lehtpb. 0.
I Jeo Coort A Son of Merehall. here
ObtoFuiraraltp,*: MadiealAdlepe.O.
tor :.uw terkepe tor ThaaheL'olreniip of Kanaaa. to; Ualrerailp tee rxchanpe. shows the ii
>Ds« sne- , of UU |H>un<l» anil a ttoniia'u nnr of
prior end eommeneed kllllar Tbaree intoatj
Fur niMiunar.r inmom a oaM- Is
fiep. elearbteriar beiwrea too end eno of Nebtmaka. 0.
eeee Marks B
f 1 on n-rnni wlu-rr ibr gruntli in one
ftellp. ThtoletbelerreMeforlo ordar
ttaorpatowh Coltop*. (h Volranitp of dtp.
Ibroaeed *’'*'**' wrlrlinl G4 |n>uD<to auil In tbe
Vlrpiala. (I
krer ebipped bp e K'ebiren flna.
I At Paw Pew. Cherlee Botram
LafapetU. Ip-WDckaeU. a
the Grand last ereatnp was an e
Iwelp leaned hie arm on the mau’e of
Iowa UalrecaUp. 3J; Knox Collepe. 0 moue ODC. it to tboapht thaa all preriDUa-l Kboit HU Pms.
Oa^aaaae. V*-. Uraape A. O,. «.
oas raoords for attaadaoee will be broJohn I. Ulalr In lito rarlicr lU.rs OWO'
Pardoe. lU: Botre Oame, lo
kaa tonlpbt. wbea the Marks Brotbira ed u wt-Ktrru mllroad alunp ibr rviitr
[ Fcenk Cole, a prooBneat ferotar ilrof, wlili-li tic- eMtililtolird a m-Hm of
Urtaaell. G: Iowa State Collie. 0.
present the famous Naw York aao
li)D< bronnix. at wlil--h i';ii|*lorc.os of tbe
Wtwo mllea aontb of Webbrnllle,
WiaenmiB. l*: Mlaaeaoia. 0.
"Tbe Bareest of Sin."
^ eeektoBunpeboibp a oeichhor
This oompanp to th« best repertoire road wt-rr to Im' ebargi-d .Vi ■■■•nis and
ail |uis>eDc<Tii T.'i c-c-iiiK. Mr. Rlalr un<-v
Ibrmer wbUe banUap portridre. The
dilii-d at one of Uimm- idai-nc and. Con^ert« aaiered bto feee, neck end aid*
Tbep appear here beplnutop Mondap, dndlDjc hto niral. told down a baU dul4a«to« Otmtaa to ill wMfa aeiaile Dar. 4.
BBd lafllotod eerere woanda.
Urij While OatUre U. Mepere tf dec. rhcumattom.
“Uold onr crird the mshler. •'Yon
Mtoa <Iraw Oavatapham want
Xarried to Ferswood.
»aw WM hoatiar near Sleaford FrW
don't U-lunp to ibto n-niir’
“I know nun." re|d.«l Mr, BUIr.
lap. be Bleeped to rent on e top. wod
Y’caterdap nMmlap Mtoa Marp Kinp
hto pan wee MeldeaieUp dtoeherred.
of Fmwood. and Mr. John Barton of "Tlu- road le-loucs to lae.”
kto left thamb wee ebot oS and three hariap hie ejaa teeted for pla
MonroeOentor. wrre married at the'
fcapm on the left bead bedlp man aaw the Miehipaa foot ball patoa pea ' rrsldanoe <f John Kinp. in Femwood.
limn- are botled. The Aral flaper on the ripht tordap.
The earemoap was parforatod bp Rut. twoi-n u«Hi uud U««> nu-ii in New York
W. O. pheljto pawedthroapt the ciw
bead wee eleo bedlp tora and one ebot
J. Peanirptea.
w-bci are ivonlc Xl.issi.iaat or iiinrv. In
laet alpbt oe hie wap froth Urand BapWaned tbroapb the lip.
Jm:.. o li.'ii New York liad a pnpnblllon
SMtalar Drpew.
} Howard Mine, eoadnetor on the Port Ida to Bellaira.''
of nft.«i00. there won- onlp It) m*-n who
NntliliiK Ik more lniiitii|>n-ti<-nMMe
C B Setae retnmed'to bto home fa
wore- a-ceeased at fino.tmn or wore, and
Hufim Bleetrk railway. wee pireae
Eim>]a-an wrM<-rH tbao the .tinerlran the lilglioct aa-xoMiueut was oolr F20U,^ pold piece bp a paaeenper far a fere. BalM la*t Bipii.
jimtiuu of bn-aklQK eitxK In a bIbsk. Octii.
Joe Plaek. who baa beM bopiap peMd la tom para it out to aaother pea
M. IN-IM-W like* lo fidlow 4bu
fiuper for a aiekel. The flret peaera- tatoea laHantoa. rctnraed to tbe dW Ami-rlc-iiu •'lufoni. aud one day tbe
The ccMl of koo|<lne tip tbe drluklnif
^ wme to Uitto for fato aMoep, who laetalphl.
waller at the Hold de Bmcac. In Pap fniiniaitio and eaitU- tniitxlia in l-uuduO
aip Clerk A. W. Blekafd left laet Im told bhii Ik- miuin't du It. Tlh-rr to
denied rtceiriap it. fie la taro weat
per niiiniui.
idnL'Io iroupb In
was » dts|.<ite. and ibi- lead waller a Ima,- tboriniclifan- e..«fe Ji'iO.
W the emad peeeeaper. wbo at firat alpbt to apead Soadhp la Aama
Frank Sm.lb retarn.d fromaboM naa •-nilc-d ••T!ie cto««c»s i-atinol to4ld ool remember peiUnp it. but fvand
pnipcrip »a»Ii.-d'Mi wa- etpiaitM-d
The wllliiwl* one- of tlie mo«l adapt|amoaphU ckanpe. The paid piece nee* trip to Manton laki nlpht.
aide of |>laiit<. .4 willuw <iwlti-h stuck
C P. ItoTla reuraad laet aveniop ••Tbr.v-atv rnliu-d "
Wa» reeorered els boara Utor.
"Nodk.-nw.- xaid |)e|a-w. “my p«-tFmlt ratoert in aontUm Miebipah frqm a lumbar laspecUap trip to ants at lioiue ib> il every day lu liie In the wvi will almost invarluldj take
rooi^ alraadp beooailnp alarmed tor oexi BlipneCitp.
y.-nr. fee a little mon- eito>w'i:rea»e.”
Then Mr. I»ej»-W bitike bis c-BB Into
dbaeea'a crop The rrarm weatber ol
Mtw F. BIxard of Orawn waa (a tha
lie- Bln—, .1. ti«iial. and the waiter
ikeUatfew weake bee uaaaed peach clip peatordap.
wnli l»-d lilm. U'lieii the slnK< wn« mvi
to Bwell aatU tbep are aa larpe aa
Mre. A. H. Widrifi of BeadoB ra- B.lde he .-aiiie wliha dcmliian, .-tti.-ki-vl
lk«7Bbould be on Hep 1. Saaeafraa tnrard borne laet ereiilfip after hariap tiH- sin— .m hin Imui lu-d nnd nnd dl»hut I ••\-ilienr.l
aj.|a-ared whli tbe fr«i:u..-ni.. •|•llr ''I'" ........... that iiei.e ..f the |.biurp«
IWde are brulcea oat. while hiekorp^ apeatt a taw dept bare abopplB
« «n-wniii -\n RuHery were uue.
^llow aad maop o'her treea abow
W. Porter who has beea at Bellalre ebarpe for ilm sin- wa« on tlr. Im-l'"
IH-w a bill, and he refniM-d to iwp It. Ue**u the
■pnrtf aaeeoDd erpplo one pear,
tbe paet week attondi'pp to b
wa« tv«> scant a eunti'icu-r lo uiake au-j ll"''«""U
Imr. and —’
■aade aramarkabip rrarm winter w retamed homr peatordap.
pry. no the h.ilel |.«>|ile nniiUcl.udEheT < "" hitt elw- '"
teare a pood crop.
knew timi Mra. ln |a w »«. sains t«l
w-al Ic. a
Mra. J. Dixon who hai >een
J^Three death* from epiaal menlapUto
pto—vraa Inpenloiisly worked into her' 'Mmi'llde Ile nfroiii N. w Vi.ik,
i^re cauted coneteraatlOD at Oaiamet. tondlnp her mother who waa rerp 111. bin. and khe paid for it. but Mr. In- I"'’
• the people fear a repeUtion of the retamed borne laet nlpht
la-n didn't know It for many motithtl___ ■.
ik>demie which carried awap ao
Mim Oara Crawford of Qrairn wae in aficTward. wIm-ii he waa tellins'thr {
story na an iUKinm-e of hto ■>uvva->a iij
t^prr eoanup people laet winter, and the citp peatordap rletilap Mende.
mimierav litis the esioiiiou- of Ftircv
alrinpeat method* are belap emploped
Mtoa Cora Wheat of Umwa retniaed iM-aU
hotel keeper-.
tfiprereatibedtoeaMfrocD epreadUp borne latl ereninp after hariap epent
’Xen ouchls'-rp to the ameuaiol tJ. thrM moaths in the ettp.
f atu a pear apo eneb a tbtop
tnhaeleea pnrcbaaed for the cnpi
M.ee C Eifpiof Urawa waa la the elec-uic car waa urkanwa la Apalraeerinp ahope of tbe I’alreraliv il dtp peaierdapTbe cars in a lew principal towns tbst
Miehlpaa. It aowatola of a milllnp
Mtoa Uarioa Banker left tost craninp cou.d boast of hSTiiur tramwapa of anp
BMebiae. a aereaUeo-lDch bp trreire for UrawD where she will apend San- kind were drawn throupb the strecia
fAl latbe. a prindlap maeblae for do dap with Mm Cora Wheal of that
i'p-lrol pace br bonws, o
Consumption, la
tap ^ork re«ialr1np more acearacp place.
frepuentlp mules. U itbiB tbe lau few
thaaoBO be obialoed wUh a latbe.
^’••-Cora Woodmfl of Urawn. who tnoDibs. however, fnreipn enterprise
and ao automatic bolt and DDt thread- baa been in town about two moatbs. has been tbe means of inaupuratiop
lap macblar. The puUep. neeeeearp retamed home laai oreainp.
atoetrie sractioa ia toe etreea of Mad
tot- the aettinp op of tbe aiacblnerp are
Fred Brown aad Albert -Norotep rid. Barcelona. Valencia. BUbeva and
San Sebsatian. and tbe lead thus takei
helap made in tbe capinecriap
............. ---------. !i»™»d last alpbt from a trip tbroapb
tbe principal tramway c moanies In
tonap splendid
kiiL*ni4ii4 broose
A.—...' . — a
...__ ofwarjthe
___ !
east, riaitiap .'ameatown. N. Y. bp
tbe chief cities of Spsin to like!
wi'l adorn tbe respeciire com- Hnffalo and other cities. Tbep hare qnicklp followed bp oibrm.
been pone aearlp two mewtbs.
j Iht tiaiAkH MAtOY
Quick fieitl-msoL.
It lathe
Hon. and Mra. 0 C. Leach are apeadJ. M.
. .
____ ..
eeator. rrae the plft lo tbe dip of inp ^nndap la tbe dip.
Unitod Btau* Benevolent Societr of
OmrleeUacklep.andtheetatoea come
Miss Walsh of the asplua bse pone Sapiaaw, was in Hellaire rreertlp for
from the aame beneficent eonroe. Tbe to Sdmore to spend her raeation.
the purpose cfaauiirp with Emorp C.
etaUitee w.li beof bronie. heroic du
Frank Friedrich went to Cbdillac Denamore. whoYiad carried a potlep
with tbe f 8. HeneTolent tor some
and wilt oaeili.wxieach- Twoof them, peatordap on an oil inspntlnp trip.
pear*. Mr. Dapsmore recaivad *00 for
etatates of Prasident Llaeoln and Ad
C F Reed weat to hto camp near thr Injnrp raoaived s few weeks since.
miral Farrapni. here been deelpaed bp
Otoar members of tbe aaaoclatlon of
CbarleeH.NiehauiafHew York, aad 'Rap Schofield wUl apend tbe dap
tbeothers of liaaerai Urant aad Oeaer- with hU aunt in Manton.
Bon. U. G. Corell retnraed laet alpbt
al fiberman, bp J. Manap Bhlnd, *i««>
Grand Rapida He was aooom- DcBaasore tost toe aaaoslation of Bew York. Tha toofi^ from tha from
paaied bp bto wife.
^ deaeirinpof toe patroaape of everp
wapa aamar.—Antrim Oonntp fianUnel.
•rU two were faedrad aereral monthe
C»a^M, Hsperretumed laet nlpht
apo. Md tbe etatoto of Farrapat to al- fcoes Fife Lake, where he to baplnp
Blem Proteeten
rtadp eompietod. T«a
^eat aad poutoea Be baa alra^
varp useful for elarte. aoeka. barW« are now praparad to aall oor axorcr 5,000 baabeto of gmla^
apoB which tha etatatea will beplaaed,
toadara, ate.. lOe par pair. & ~ ' callanUead-PQTATOPl'LP. which
arah raadpia poalUoo. aad tto pe«al ^alam ^nanutp readp Ux aUp- AOa
we have on hand at all Umaa in a cwact
ankplaa totoharetha atataw iaad«
dealrable atata.
for unrelllnp with tapramira
R B SamU wiij spend the dap to
VtoafitMAtAim AM OalttiMi'8 SianU
tooalea on Memorial Dap. I9D0.
toe dtp. Hebe,
OB a bn!fn«= BparVanriah.
In order to introduce oor feed to the
tewb Huph Brown, of tbe Fontlac trip soBib.
faadm wr have radaaad onr price to
pnhS^eehools. to etlll wapi^,^
lOcper 100, wbleh compared with the
«ade Tonap Apato.
apaiaai tbe fortp or fiftr school bops
ThMikapirlnpavaat Oolaasbia halL
BBtot IT jmr» of ape who persist In
West Side. Mot. 2«. BUI SO cent aalativc valve ol the ether (eeda makea
"One of Dr. Klap** New Life Pllto
tt eoat about one third of aay other
wkepma of tohaoeo. Fire tobaoeo dealMuale bp Bala aad BUkmlae.
----------------^ •» the iaetaaoe
U Brown.
nerof Dempeeplown. Pa Tbep’ra tbe
To Curo m vom hi Oho Day. I Some of toe moet infloenlial feeder*
beet to toe world fortbeUw.SW
M aad Bowato.
Pardp emrat^ Take Wsnicr's Whiu- Wine of Tar nij have iriven this prodoet a thoronrh toet
ifae Iwat cough ratmiy on earili.
an. and report that it to desirable ia every
reapret and eqnsi to all that to claimed
j fior iL Ha have eompleted an ideal arTuey werk.
p(rc a Stfonp Stoal Ranaer Sleipb.
Born* of the prltea
t for loading into wagons
The todiat era lavitod to call at Mi
W. O Lawrance'amUllBarTatoewaod'eic.
and 'etc.. aad wereapecifally Invite all feediaapeet her larre naw atorir of fancy
to toy onr feed.
■ . ■
work in all toe lawat nattra.
II For Monday, Nov. 20.
“ Some idvertlpe “blue Monday apei-iale.” bot nil ue.
os they are 8lwa>-a bright and cbeerfuL
to Kive you u)or.|attention than we poeeiBly could on Saturday,
beeidea We. pel better adveriieiiiK on Sonday 1k*a apy other
day of tbe week.
We offer a choice of 100 ladies’ jackets of all wool Keraeya. all sl^ea and alylea, valoee op to 112. for Moo day only/......................................
Kra'i Wonted
nkeat ccdianAlM. SOc.
& Benda .
^toe^^D Sunitoaeial nd.. it
The Micbipi Stuck Co.
Tnra.. Otr, lllcb
For Monday only.*choice of sll the beat ingrain carpeU,
inciodioK Lowelle, retrardleaa of advanced prioea.. .
60 ladies* Buita left after a iLoat aatiafactory bnaineai
to onr cloak department—For Monday only we offer
^ .choice of ibe entire lot, ooDBiatinK of all wool aeripja,
CH liome^noa, heavy all wool (-afsimeres and cheviota—
Jacketa all nilk lined, well made and tinished, aplenBK <^><1 lilUia. at tbe moat extraordinary epccialvut
price of.................................................................................................$7.60
86 Oolf Capai to aelect from, all atylea and conbina- lions of oolure, pricea ranKin« np io flo, yonr ckoice
of any for Monday only___ .........................................................$7.60
Ohoice of oar beat aud doest incL'a ahoea, biacka and
tana, dn<-et woikmanabip and finish, IncladiLR onr
$4 60 and $5.00 ralucT, for Monday only........................... $3.60
Choice of ladiee’ beat and tinpst aboea, all thie aeaaonV
make, none better, valma op to t400.'Mond#y only $B.G0
For Monday only we will jpve you yonr choice of oot fin
est lik'ht co!or.-<l covert top coafa, inclodirtR oor
valnea f..r............................................................................................$12.60
For Monday only we will Hive you your choice of out
men's finest eniu’ nothing reserved, inclading B.
KuppenbeinitT & (Va beat make—gtyris op to $20
............................................................. »is.eo
We earn' b ftill line
The McCall
Bazar Patterns,
lOC. NONEHICHfR. | 5c.
..Fashion »bet-is Hailed Free..
The Variety Slore^225 Front St.
I p Buy-“ salt .nnd pepfR-r s/akers. farcy cut glass
I II sauce dishi's. g'ass tumblers and several differ
ent sizes of china butler •dishes.
Ap Buys Uirgc ^i2c farcy cut glass pkkk- dishes,
lump diimntts. fancy, t-tjuare cut glass tooth
pick holders.
Qp Buys fancy cut glass fooled fruit lx»wls, large
goblets, fancy cut gla.ss fruit dish.
Jp Buis f.*iticy cut gl.Tss sngar bowl with cover,
fancy cut gUn.^^s crei>m pitcher, fancy cut glass
deep fruit dish. '.
Cp Buvb fancy cut glass va.«es.. water pitcher, cup
Oo and saucer—10c plate for 5c.
SfieciBl priw ou mlire uccx fn<- Sxiurdxy oriv. Nr.*, isto.
•t rif Stviub*r/'5 Opera H«m*e
.4 Fwifit
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
We do oot know of
any dull daye but we piare onr aperial «A)«a on Monday, co aa
about Men's
—Wa’ve got tbe ho^teat line that ever
e-ame over th«-highway. New, itobby
effects in blacks and tane, silk veatlog
tope. Scou-h cute—.1 gr.-at variety of meffl’a fine heavy sole
ahuee in bux calf, willow tan calf and enamel IcAtker. New.
colura, new tcaa—right nt the top in style and tbe price will joa
auit you.
Dozen atylea ia tan.................................$2.00 to $4.00
Fifty alylea in blacks........................... $t 18 to $8.60
Boy’e Un and black......................... *.. ..98c to $2.00
Aten’s River Shoes
With our name OD them, and every pair warranted.attfiefblIrywroff pnc«:-4IW. $1.9S. $215. $2 48, $2.69, 12-96. $3.26.
Rubbers tu fit all tbe lateal style ahoea.
1S6 V-ront Street
The Pisotleel Shoe Heir
THB aoKjfnro
5ewt«V T!le»t
0^ \\\e "VDoAd.
Oharlea L Borf. when arraalad
Obieafo for forgery, although be baa
BO bapda, eonfaaaad to the crime, and
ahowad tbe oBeara haw he waa able to
naka a paatal money order for 16 75
with a pen bald la bla month.
Tha heavy froaU la Alabama have
praeUeaMy ktUad tha frowta of top
eottoa. Beporla from aeveral oobbUb
ahow that the eottoa Oalda have prae
apin)A». ■ovbiibbb 19. iw
Wh»i aistr 1
Tba UaaUt BaeoiA.
Fraak VoabarFdlad yaalarday at hit
teoalnSttweiU City, afod M yean
Tba faoaral wUl be bald la the SoBaoiU
aty ehanb today at l;M o'eloak.
VonUtaad bj tba BwpMtlv* ObBnha
It tll Hvuud*
IB tbt rpcIUL
TIm- Bonanl of tLr (lilliK come* IBM
alrtr ooly ' wL« u on<'
oo tb«
sp*.H BDii dU-«-i>' B-itli whl<-b CDinUruttB
BAtUar la bow Si daya) parta ara made to <lu tbeir duty. Tbe
oat from Eodmli.
Alaaka. and U la
•»>« ct.uueeiluK
• “*«»««
tavM limt
wat aha
aae baa
oaa cotta
(osa dowo
wo o taoae to-orooaw welaliI, w.mi- thw au
<d tba matty atorai|a»«.a» h.*«
and fortb 6ra
awapl tba eoaat. Tba »aaael Ml ‘***|umea a aacood. Trai Umea a aerood.
Alaakao port October le asd
tbe rud of every >m«ke. ibe pUiuo
baaa heard from aloeaPhaaoaaoal eoTB cropa were r^aad couiHiioo 10 a vi lwUy of l.mw feel par
Itik tffir-r la tbe Eaakakae rar>o«. Bilnnta la ona-iwruih-ih of a erooad.
ladlaaa A aaBber of ylalAa of froa Tba driaa wbraU mae-ura more (baa
a rod ai er.-ry ravolotlon. but wbra
•iffaty to alaatT ba^U per acre. Tbe
foiDB ou tniltw an hour ibay muei tura
lowlaada abow tba grmtiml yielda. aaa Bora Ihao .ti»» Uuia. a lutBUta.
firat-i u tba Ktakakaa rallay are
Sixty nillre an b»ur U iba.niaraat
braaklof ap thonaaada of aerea tbta rommunplace to tba mlad of Iba up
fall wbleb wiU b^ plastad la aorav«aat to data ntilruad man. but It ait«ni
otbar tbluA> lawlda* iboM- UawrlU-d
A MkMo^aoapla were aarriad tba tbai ara wundartiil (u tlia ouieldar. It
other day after a week's erttaaietaaae
Tba Eaaaas City Joarael admlu that
ibare waa aotklaf praelpiuu ao far aa
tba bcld^rooB waa oooeaniad. aa tba
b>lda paaeaBed property ealead at
After batUiac all alrbt with bar laaaaa haabaad. Mre. Baif of (H Loala.
Sbabad baaa kept a prlaoaar by ber
btubaad for three daya wltboat food.
All farnar reported attanpU to boy
oreell tba Lakaa of ClUaraay barlar
eoeie to aolblar.'u la aow aanoBBCod
that tba propariy will be aold at auc
tloe NoreBber «1. at Dahlia. Tba eatata tae'adea the laanalon. tba daBeaoe
(which aaUraly aerTonada the middle
Lake of EUlaraay. and to a larra ex«eat boeoda tba apparaad lower lakaa)
the deer toreaU. case praaarraa. B«h
laf. lakaa. noanulaa aad lalaada.
eoalalaiac axelaaira of water, aboot
14.000 aarea.'
At Baatlato da Oaka Friday Borelng
at 0:15 o'clock a decided eartbqaeka
ahoek waa fait laatlar oaarly a Bloate
Sevafal honaaa la the cUy were badly
damaffad aad the froat of tba meriae
hoapltal o«M fall btoaUaA da airaat.
Ko pofaoaal lojnrlaa are reported, bat
tbe naUraa ware bedly frichtaaad.
Mrm. Laae Betx. tbe Obiaaffo
apanked her haabaad twlaa a day bemaaa. M aha aald la eonrt. It waa food
farkUceaeral health, tba food cry
feUowlac the ehaeUaemaat balaf ooadaelre to appetite, haa bean placed la
aHtoapItal aad u to be axamiaad aa to
haraaalty. Bar haabaad aaya aha la
praay. bet It la fait that a more com
petaat taatlaoay will be Beaded to
prove it.
la Taxaa, a wealthy atoekman will
ttaaaa aeloBobile foi saklaf loapacUoa tripa aroead tba wire taaee of bli
Taaeh. Tkaaonatry balaf Ural aad
free from bnitb aad other obatractlona
It U tboofbl that tba aatoBOblla will
I onmoB snnoM tooi.t.
Ooraar WaahUwMB airaat ab4 BobHun areaua.
i<L A
Bol* ConmaBioB
at a»:«S
a .
Moi^iiif eerrloa aad ierBoa at 10;S0
dnaday debool a
BraaiBA aarvloa at 7 p b.
All are oordlaliy iaeltad
CHCarH < r <'RU»T.
Sarriaaa held la Uraafa ball.
gooday tcheol at B:30 a. i
Martha Webetar died Friday at
’ ber faoiaa la WUllataaborr. at the age
Ip, g. year*
H*e aoaa aad one
daeehter aorrlee bar. her botbaod
haelac bean dead tor eeiae ye ara. Tbe
hmaral will oeear at tie WHUa aBbery
ebareh thla aftaraooe at i JO.
LctI Maeaay.a ploaaer of U»l» rafloa.
d ad yMlerday at bia hoBC 5 mllra aoet h
of tbb city la the Btrmley aalfbborbood [
Bndaaror ai 6:00 p. B.
► “ 8abj*et. *'A Of paeemoDta.ared aiyaara. Mr.Maaaey \
Po-pcwa la Life.
avelaran ot Ua rabellioB and a
naar Hrruonrr.
Baaberof MePbaratB Pact. Be baa
Bea.J.a.Breedr. peuar.
bean a Banda? acbool worker tor ever
Saaday—Praaablaf at lOiMa. b. aad 40 yean aad waa aaperiataadaB* ot tba
7 . n.
BirBlay Baaday aebooi. Be laavaa a
Claaa aaatlac at B:*0 a. b. "
Saaday acbool at tha clcaa df Bore- wife aad two aoaa. Berta, who la taaeb
iar tba Blrmlay acbool. aad Laasdar
iaf aarrioa.
who la bow dear baatlaf in tbe appar
panlasala Tbe foaaral will be bald
of a eacun.1. H meaiii tliat op lo lUe "t’^'vaainf aobiaet. "Tba Oteet Sel- from tbe Birsley aebo^ boaae.
ceb Iba Orawau U throe-iae Into the
fnnuipa two-ilitnU of a toa of coal
Tbnnday—Oaaaral prayer Baetlof
aarry hour. No. labi Imro* coal fa>iicr .*t 7;oo p. a
Tbe new Plamlab aad Draadan datban tan lucu can niluc It It mean*
All an aordtally Invited lo atload.
alfBB In Bxtl
two tiuarta of oil cv,Ty bour to keep
bptbodbt tiU BMi.
bar foumal txixee xivaecd and every_
IbLc ni.nln,
li .1...... il,.i
tlieeiiBlDe »ltl. lu baif down cere and
darabie varaleb made
loBfl of human frelctii U movlBf
itamuLcb aitare witii iw U*' tbe |>ue-rr of
Ttaemeof Boralnf dlaeoarea, '*OobMIBCELLAHBUU8 WANTB.
a allot from a Kkl ion sun. it weana eersatloo." the aaooad la the aarUa oa
tliat the coeliirer haa V.>rt**l her up -a CbrUUaa Life."
In tlic polui Hiirre ahe eaii me- ercry
CIbm Bcatlaf at B:45 a. m.
: WANNU>-KaB airf *i
once .if «teaoi. tb»i be U i^eixlnp ber Sunday acbool at 11:45 a. m.
•amllluwIrrrMf Ids
a* a J<«-key or-.-ea lilti inonni In a Berea
P “V'
U»N UBVO'ite'raar.
------. and yet 1. meaux tb.t In-1« ready
« WAKTIU-Toao t
I aeeond'i nolle*- lo tnove the re- at .-50^ in
. .tcplr St liewslllni
vcraUiR lever and apply the alrbrakea
-------.that will Blup tlie mltlit.T avabm-lte
r dlniance that it covers aa
on tbe track«.-Karl W. *e*.w.TW.
wtoB UAUa-Taree borw*. tkrrr (ut». lU J
, MoralBf aarvlae 10:S0a. m.
tlayo In Alnslrt-'a
r barreh na< vlaiar av>ph-«. wa <ao» guoa i
I MoralngSQbjaet,'-tiegl6Dlat a Ba- tunotar bar cearquirh Uro Itoiuh. 7B1 >f*>
rpOXXCn*Sil»-rorT™»vraarU7pro|»rt7. |
l„ lu.
.U It....... ...
W/roKBYTO L04X--0B panoaal pfwny.
O K Breaa at rvoat at
_^yer meaUag Tharaday avaalng.
-noamON waNTKD-Aa FOaK. d>ptar>*am
Jr firt orto,la gascral heuaraovk. Apply
at too Sasib Voios aiT*ri
ruKxna cai'aca.
Be*. BstUj Jones, pastor.
Charch, Cor. Oak aad Fifth atraata.
Baaday acbool at
Public worablp n:00a.m.
Y P. S. C. E pray*' nkcaUng 5:45
tkaaa sirrtcaa.
Barmoa Wing aad
' ha*. D.OMklis. naswr.
, Naalaermon In «ie aariaa "On
Borne" at 10:30 a. m.
it 1.0.1
*7.*^; "S!*®*
a tbe siad;
Ypoa HALX-Thrac ateww
X! Baal PToel
$4.00 to $22 00.
“Warmback” Dlsters
Manufactured exclusively by Hart. Schaffner & Marx,
have won their way into popular favor strictly on their
merits—being made by a firm whose Tiame is so* well
and favorably known to every clothing buyer, is in it
self a guarantee of their perfection.
See them early.
Upder- *
laqulra si tW
^j^AMTXD A rtvt ■' 8«(iTpb
laodlaf. baatBOTtraa aboiguD
ITOR SAUE OC KXCBANOg-ror prepare la
or aaar Travaroa City. Alarm Id Krai
rcHialj. KIrb <»ood bviMlaga. rood orrbard.
vrU aatarod, IWu ailloa (roa. Aourlablar
la.,Dire ef C
B .Oix-karar.
W>rONKY TU LOAIf^n •00,1 aororlly. Ap-'
4XL plyUrtttaivatnvior tst Lake a^ouv. ^
lbl« SD5*?loa^br«int.^.‘‘Wlai7 5SKr7w ■
VVKNI8HSD nOOna-Biraw b*at. alarirta
C Ufbi Isqatte •> Beo-Toa reaiauri^. ^
there, and to this rib, s|ia<.-ed apaa at , In'ermndiaia society ot Ch
TJW>a SALK CRnAP-tioad rabtdi Sac A4- '
regular Intervals, thnugb they are all deavor at 4 p. m.
C diraiClowWrUa. P 0. Boi Ko. tM 7»tl
contained wliblu a total si«arr of Utile ' Y’ouag People's aoeiety ot CbrlstlaB
r^IBL WANTXD-tloDrral houaooark. »
more tban a quarter of an Inch, there , Endeavor at 5:45 p m.
\X matr BiTori. Mm X X HIlIrr
ni-l( :
areaturhed-Jliurl.>uUiiy, bony books. ‘ Bua-lay eraolBg gospel meeting at
There Is a little thickening at the baseP-" ...
j vi w j
of each hoJir Where nature ha.
Bring your Wands and shaka hands,
strengthened It. and one is Inclined to
swrnisu i.rTHeaAS.
Orr niam
regard tbe hooka as Inset separately I Bervicea eonduetad by J. O. Lind, ■ r la Ihrir qw
israUU-soaklr Drand to look for the riveU wherewith •indent of Aaguatana Lalheran Chi *r" 0?*
■ Bu.sal opportoeliwa an
1. anpl».u. sfP-sd.
they were aecured to the (date or rib '*5^.
b a Park. ao< aiSunday scl
school at i: B
fruni which th«-y spring.
ton Bnlldlng.; >k-«ga.
Bvaaing sarvlea at 7:3o"
The tower edge of the npper wing.
ao4 boacsi
All ara eordlaUy mfitad to thaae ear'
laukeO at under tbe mtcroacoiw. la
to be curled op Into a flange or irougL. ,
_ _
,-rM,a pipratt*. Sjmlfhl. boas-flSn. Do bow
DO )«aS salair rallleo prrBaaral Our nt- I
rwocra: aar haak tasnytosb Ii^^Baii.lr:
In the very finest grades—Chinchilla, Montagnac and
Irish Fricgc goods — every style ol make up — satin
shoulder lining, black clay wool worsted lining, (heavy
Farmer's satin or wool linii^ in the cheaper grades).
X -r*0 bauaa* aD« eJ(bi lou la Orard RaptSa laaBlra at Er. noaralbal TbampMD. Parb
mc<.|lUR of lln- Ni-w York 51|.
crtmcuplcsl KK-lcty the prunUIcni of the
orgaulnatiuu cxhUdicd. Imide* other
tbiuga. dif boDcyiNV's wlug.^bowlug
tbe booklets by means of which
lowt-r of till- two wlupi of the l>ae Is
Joined (o the up|>er wing ln QylitE. ibiia
making them pracllcally a stugic wing.
Tbe up|H>r of the two wings Is alnut
half au Inch lu length: Ui<- lower a biila
sborUT. The wings
where they are Joliw*. ... .m,! When the
they are otherwise separate.
bee goes Into it. hive, it folds It* wings
together. oi.e l.-flf over the other, so
that they n ill take up liw* room. When
It goes alinad. It spreads Its wings and
ctwplea them lygvtlicr wlih the b.Mks.
.. hen looked at uuder the lulcrtAcojie.
the upiier eilge of the lower wing is
iNilies to both deiianinoits moitioool.inlow
Advloaa from /.ulaland testify to tba Uielcwerwing liitu that flange ortrougb
-You don'1 say.'
iBloa OoBtwn.T, Drp-. 2. Cklragv.
growiaf aaeaslaeas of Brit«h rml- at the lower e.lge of the up|ht wing
t hh. boy i
••Y»-s. Teu years ago be
WaKT la*urB-cr al aay kJad lo am
daata. whoae aterea ara looted bv tha and M makes the two w ings praetkwi- out WithI a till bucket I milk tbe cow. :
ne.-New York Sun.
Th. W.. ...J
Boara. with tba reanlt that tha Knlns
-y nnever lieard any MrrroDiUrCo Block,Travrrar <'117. Si44we
tbamaalvea are frawlof iaaoleni, flvalK.iit the l«oy until the other ^
Jawaa'a OaM-r «(area.
iBf rlae to a fear that they mar attack
d.n.r. wlu-n he ajijsvired at his father's. —
Japant-M- are lory foul of atralllDg -aic and antioiiii.-itl w li» lx- was I
aha ananned B-ltisb popnlation.
thiougb tbfir h3*aii;»- V»u i-uivr at
the old luaii a suit of clulli.-s.
A steamer arrlviof at
out- door aiKl l.-«v^ liy amnbpr. Couila
a Iwy ninro."
weal Afrieaa porta imports that an Eng for MilF are illKptayxd on «aoh 4>ide of goM wiii.-h-lind
'rawfoAt hrouglit
"Tl.l-It I1 a,;)ip|MDU>
lish trader named Thompson and Bve> aiaire that wind tlimugh tbe letigth
iiti-,1 <-nir
laea bare baaa masaaered by natlvea at!t of thv ahop. i*aiwlug up aud duvrn
LAbora. A foree of Bancgalaae baai the-w aWIra. thor lead you lo the
ond and ofu-u third aiory of the build- 1 kiu-ki-i
bean cant to pnalah the mat^erert.
A bicycle factory .In Faansylvs^ lug BQil thi-D lul.'k aga:o thniugli diff.-n-nt nl'lx.. ,-iiii«lnx ynu 10 tnrt-l Uu- •
K»«ia Bultdar Amy.
baa just eoBpleted a number of jinrikkuctli of lln- e*iatJi«lin..-iit many! “1 »iipix.«-you don't Ihluk. we make
China, Japan. South AMcal
-* IIUI.-K, riiialt you MV the .l.-'.rw.-iy a mu.-lt of n allowing." aald Ikom Paul to
wW the PmiipplaoA Thebadimoflhe fe»
'Oweriagea are of wood aadaome of Ibelaiual irav.-l ihia iiuixe aeveral ilmm lu , "I mu*l aay iln-re are not many
of -'-w
glory and*«u.ort»r
wbaelaare of biegcle flaiak. »rilh rob- ‘ h-Oi.-ili to ew-ap<' d.-n<-<v •>'
ak U veryrenlfnl In I "Well, you'll have t<> vsxnr around
lotallf I
bertiraa. All have topa to protect the
an'unil on the fl.xsr. ' w lnai we're mn «> l»u*.v if you warn to
rldera from tbe beat of the tropical • pan.' You .
Dt! in w»iui- »h.,r.« jlii-y Itrlnc you cup.
alp aud a "hiluu-ur from . laure.vtj;^* at work elvatiing blur
A natural aonp mine and a imlnt
whU-h to lijrtii ,yonr pit>v.-BaUliiwi« ' Uuumw. the ineiiilvrx of the l.rai
mine are two of tke lateat enriaaiUo Sun.
i are prarticlng at the Hilt- range and
which have been Alaeoverad la Brttwh
------ --------1 jjjj, u,i|i,arjr tallora are all working
The Baeheloe.
j overtime reloforsiug the eatalry'*
ColamWa. BevenU aoda lake* have
A ba.-lieUv ia a .■uuar'l and a falh , p80(Bhk>na. You'll have to make a few
boea found in the faothUU netr Aahgrofl. B. C Their baUoma and eboree ■re. lie ahate* and iHlmpo. but la too aliowaneett.**
cowardly to put hia arm around aooAre •aeruited with a natnrwl •mahlngj,
and pn-u It to hfai buoom. He roHow's This.
Aompouad eoDUialar borax and aoda. •n1v<-« 10 lua iT> et erv day for 40 yearn,
We oSer One Hunderd Dollars fieItia^aiteeqnalto the waabing pow- but w-ben the hour'for the duel arward tor any ca»e of Oalan-b that can
^•n ia ooamoD oae for eleaaaiar rlveo. wiii-B In the prenenee of trem not be cured bv flail's Ontarrb Cure.
9«nMMa About 275 tone of the 00 B- bling. may olwvka. when beauty abakeo
F. J. CaB«r * Co., Prop , Toledo, O.
We, the vodarnlgned. have known F.
•■aad have been cat aad Ukea out of her curia, iita courage moee. and be
MO lake. It U haadlBl aaacUy tbe Aeea the Held without even (evnlng of 3. Chaney forthe last IS yean, and bellevo him perfaeily hoaorabla la all
aameaalee. Oaelake alaoa ooatalae tbe cow|iatfa that leads to matrimony. bnaiaeB traBMCilooa aad flaaxkcially
Dotter be eld darky 'Kaatoa in bla
i<V400 toaa.
eabln. where he holds old Dinah’s band able to carry onl any obllcatiaos made
Barbed wire fence, are need
and asks. "Who's aweetr and Dinah by their firm
alvelg U Boath Africa, aad moat of the dropa ber bead on his sbookler and Wnri Tai-ax. WboloMle DraRlatn.
' You mBycBtcf) cold
I with Jaro; Hyj:ieoic
I UoderwT&r.but youMI
ih»v« to try to —it
i»b$orb9 njoisturCf
‘&f}d proofs tbe $Kii)
'sgftinst clirnstic
cbBOXes —ooo irri, tstio?.
\ "I T^E do our share
N V in keeping the
people warm. 'JAROS'
onderwear and ‘Warmback’ ulsters are a com
bination that's hard to
beat—Ask your neigh
bor about ‘Jaros’—ten
to one he’s wearing it—
It costs no more than
cheap underwear, con
sidering the 8cr\'icc it
gives—Our pure wool
scarlet, fine camel hair,
cotton and a'ooI fleece
—heavy ribbed wool were all bought before
the advance in price,,
and arc therefore ex
cellent valu* for the
’Oneita’ combination
suits for gentlemen, fit
to perfection.
Remember, it is a pleasure to show good goods•Ask to See above.
Hamiltim Clothing Co.
You Can't Do Better
•nalOTiid la imported from the Ualted aaya ~Bofe of t»a."-8hnwaee Datly
^ cSia' ,omea at the Korth OaroHaa
?tate Sormal acbool ocmdnel a dalir
Mand—This is my encagesaent rlns.
nad Bilk flfty Jeraef e»«A
lent 11 lovely?
Edlth-rerfeetly adorable! Bow genSditor Beea Woadwn.
eront Fred was to give you such n
Editor W. V. Barry of Lextacton. raluable one! And to think that ftdka
Tenn.. In explorin* MaBBOth 0a*e,
«T that your father paid tor tt!-Boatoo Traascripc.
■ale DrnrrirtA Toledo, 0.
Ball's OatniTh Cara U Uken Internal
ly. acting dlreeUy npon tha blood and
mnoous aarfane of the syatem. Price
75c. per bottia Sold by all Dnigglsta.
Testimonials are tree.
Hall's Family PUU are the beet.
XAdiaa. yn au "Jup on ILtnule n
it. bat it will come op amlling every,
time.'* Caiman's Elaetic Floor Varniab.
8. £. Walt.
Clcnr rndarvlntidlan at Btart.
(O^ InflaBmallon, and aU BodUp
Kewlywed (after the cerenooyt—Do
Sraptiona. Oaly SH at Jaa. J. Johnaoo you really think 1 ahall make a good QkllfkBU fS89 W«E.
Fancy work tor OhrlatiBaa preaenta, '
mate, darting?
hnajMtbMraortvedbyMra. W. O.
Mra Newlyvred-Ob. you're nil i1^;
Imwrane*, in new and bemlenn
Bow do you like your cnpuln?—PhUa^ teBBUn Unnd DMk OenM Blth delphia
SmSb^^ At 8. BwU * Cv* h.
Than to come to THIS STORE for your CIOIK PURCHISES ^
All desirable styles of jackets. Capes, Suits, Skirts, Furs, etc,, are well represented id our cloak stock.
^ For the qualities offered, are ceruin HERE. No store can sell you good honest
^ merchandise at lower than «'c do.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
ontpoat irt (hr .aky !• a f*ato»» of ow^rs warfare.
ooonda siraa«* to speak of picketiar the hMvens and palrolllnf
the empyrean, but such is the «-ay In
which the HrItlsb arc waiehtai Boer
apseatlena In South Africa at the pres•d: time.
Ballnooe. It It troe. are nol ahotetl
wew IB warfare. They sere ated about
Paris durlQf the Franco-PruaalaB
and le taci’bad been put to a test <lurIhC our oan civil aar- A balloon also
e flaared' In the capture of Aaatlaco.
as a ceneral think >l must be coDfc
that the kite and balloon corps was ahv«r looked upon as a very valuable ad
junct to an army.
It a-ai not until Ibe lavenlloo of wireleaa leiearaphy that military ballouDtac became a valuable auslllary to iba
advance kusrd of an army This won
derful dlacovery hrouyhi abooi the v<m‘
The Power Behind the Afrifender Thron&
] br tbc ip> - )al
I srrtloa of tbr| fu<-h wirk a* pk-kMInK th* tkr tial-i c**i««-* l-»k <almlv doa« Into tb« r
■ royal rc*>B*rn> ror months
amy s csmp
jnUu bafora
teforr «ar urally oallii
call* fi.r
for fii«-n
ni>-n of itaa
lta» utmost
utnoal dardar> I'omy‘i>
r*’*ip or
ar aloni:
aluiii: thalr
thoir linaa.
linva. ohu
| bpikr •■ui a> the loser end of the dark Inc and <-<>urase gu< h a Mckel prar- serve e\.' y tmrvehieni that Is l>etRs
I ■
ooOllnem the Kn«hsh mlltiary oflk-I.Os tleallj
takes his life Into his ..an made and .«elJ«ra|.h
the Informati.m
' had been busily eiperlmenilnf with Cbe bands mhen be ..nee slrFa Into bis little l>4<-fc to the ntinc line. When this
bcDixn as a sar Instnimenl at Alder- ^ ear and Is hurled up aniona the clouds d.ihe. and his observations have all f—rn
shot Usre they made oianr achaust- i to baas daoceroutly over the camp of i made, the trouble of the balluoo p. i.et
to be up to date by havlnc do leas than
M war balloons at the <?ape. Ten of
thaae arc In Natal and t.-n distribute^
at other points.
Throe tiall.Hins ar^
made of icold beaters' skin arid have
proved quite Impermeable. havlDK kept
Up six months at Aldershot s iibout loatns ibolr llftlnr power.
The Dritlsb have already pul Ibelr
balloons to actual u^ In nWrvliic the
operations .if the ibf(-rs and bave found
them parMcularly valuable, owing <n
< taking place. The most succiatful of these ball.M.ns In actual op
eration were the smaller class, wHh a
capacity of 11.000 cubic feel of gas and
able 10 soar up Into the clouds wiih
two men sod all the nevcMry wiuip-
The power behind Abe throne ti. S .iiih .\fricuii |«.|m<s le Jan H.didrlcll
H•■fnleyT, the chief of the funiuus Dutch Artikand.v bund and the tlfelun*
m.-iid ..f I't.-i.leiit Kryger of th.. TtausCaal. Ii.•rllle>r eat for a numt-r «<
years In ihe
h.iusc- of assembly uii-l In |v»] Ish’siiic a menile-i of the eXs
.-.'Utlve . ouiicll. show Ing a pr.-t allins 'endcii. ) I-. I•'.'.■me a mo.|lai"r le-IwecS
Ihe anlagonistl. Dutch and Dnalish ; ii-i--is ih. neh in his earlb-i yesra bg
had taken a^ll«.• j«n wIili tin- former in their d.t-.|s of sedition at Hie Tape
He Is now. however, a pi.itasonksl of Dvllih supiema.y under ih-' liritlsfe
rnisn. on av..<>unt of his Kr.al shrewdness and yxiwer hr Is ressrded as thh
-boss " of rape Col.my p.»mics. and he it was who made the last Tinal effort oS
the Iiart of the Afrikanders for a si.lutlon of the iwesent diaculiivw wllhool
resorting i
the horrors of v
ll-ie are tli- KnKHsh and Portuguese ofllors who are at |.res.nl worktstf
Ingeihe! In an -rr-in to weed shoe trading/ful of Central Afrl.-A This eipedSs
lion, ann.ne ihe nior- stirtins events whi# have be. n allrarting attention al
the tti. le soutb.-Hy iMin ..f Ih- dark .-oiiOiiein. has been quite loot sight oC
notwithsiaii.llng the fa. i ihai it will have an imponam eff-cl In delermlnlaf
the drslinl-s of the .entral imrt of Africa. The lirit.sh for.-es are'underiM
cmitnand .'f Captain IVar.-e. wh*' has'some Ml tralhed native troops, llg
Sikha two Uagrttis an.l two 7 pnun-lers In his command. The Portuguog
are even more str.ihgiv n piesenled. iNiili n, Infanuy and artillery. The indU
vlduals whom this es|HsIiu..n are after aie the chiefs of Mkwamba, EaraA
and Malaka. all notorious «lnve traders.
The Ne.( Cuban Stan®.
to liesdquarlers. the receiver
■msll captive bultoun which cst
•d sbout at will by one man
,^-here the larger class of bslloon bss
h^n used. a smaller.one has usually
bdea made to art as a tender. tboiiKb
aa a genera! rule |t has been foun-l that
tbs smaller balloon has been the
•atlsfactory In ev.-o' way. tx-inK
oaslly handled wh.n Inflated. le.*s
%ls to transport and till with kbs and ckp-iimvnis w
more easllj KS^-ovrrvHl when «ixe sent and the result
^louu brigade was on
The operation of these new aerinl war | iv.yal engineeis (or
I ftouth Africa U looked after ' Africa.
Home Por Wfiicfi the Boers Are Piohtino.
■mmm•TPkwl Dutch fariDatcad 1
r ttieturca ara being printed la ccnsectloa
lUnstratloo. from a ptaotbgmpb et a
r where the BHtlah and the Beers arc
. D A wag. (or that gnlotnaa and poace( Uf« tor which the B«w ta today aghtliig so brkveir wbne vnioly
I bwek that rsotl— gplrll of ndvance and progrcM which the
r hrouckt w«h htaa whoa ho Am lavadod tha TtuoTML
an.-horvd h
Is likely to .Irlv
stran'I-'il u •!.«- ii of
f. w ihousanil
the enemy^ where a cbooce shot or the
slightest mlsmanagem.'nt of the ap
paratus by .U^onn hand means ■■ilher
Instant deat|y<ir falling into the nands
of the foe. It requires the coolest n. n .IKilscd up above the earth
or 1,000
0 ffeet and
1 powerful nrld-
A Curious Hitten,
Su ih.' Ilf.' of the oults.st In thv sky 'S
iivv'.T an .-asy -ine
Wh.-n some si«-c;al
gun IS . ontrlved for Ihv .lestrucii..n -*.f
his fragile aii>hlp. ih- 'Uncers ..f this
flghivr w h"i Is neither lan.lsinan n .f
seaman will !“■ even cr.-aler.
Hare te a hitten which li the proud
posaessor or S4 toaa. This unique mUe |
(h* ;
property of MUs
RawlaloD. the
actreaa. and. bealdei belr« an
anatomical curloally. has also
a claim on dlsitnctloB because
a t
trick playing.
This Utllr kitits affectloBate
lany i
and. while traveling, comfortably raposes In a well padded baaket eopcciglIf made for the purpooe.
In the modern army the medical J«a
(artmenC is one of the inosl impbrtauL
i*(tl,erri ^o on «he prlm-l|.l- that, whilg
hoping fur th* le-si. one must be pro*
{.ared for the worst so for this reasodl
the army .leiunim ni ..f the KnglUt
fonr« In South Afro a has beCO gmafO
of the .pinion
that it Is one .>(
Ira.llve stain|o.
the Islai.d. The d-stgtis of "(her denomtnal t'.r-s in (he same issue arc
efiuiif' |'l•ae■ng
An Oddfu Name'd Towa
Tbe 'Pali Ball Gasette rocesUy printed a partial list of the great men of
Knglaod of whom there are do livtag
male dveendanU. AjnoDg them are
Chaucer, Sbakeopeare. Bpenser. Ullion.
Butler. Dryden. Pope. Swift, Addison.
ter Baleigh. Sir Fronds Drake. Nelson.
Sir Robert Walpole. Derd BoUngbroke.
Isord Chatham. Charles Jamas Fog.
Bdmnad Burke. Bocen. Nowton. L«eka.
Sir Humphry Dory. Hume, Cltwon and
Macanlay. Several of those were nevsr
| The GuanJian ol the Uouiv’ed
The hvidsol
ly Issued^
veries of po-iage stamps of t'ul.a Is the
■ entnv..stamp'.
pi.-iure . of
whlih Is herewith
The design rep.
r.—.-ntr ii gr.iup
of imliii tf.-e*.
and . tii-rteii. .-.1
Tho iraraler in Now Zoaland Is ottsn stnitt hy 1
nameo which are given by tho natlvef to many of tbolr
towna The accompanying pietttfw, fortastanco. shows as
bnrg which has to straggle along under the very angnst and tncongnioBs sobr^wet of "Jarasalam." Just why it was so namod no oao has ever been aHt
row S..............................................d Mt. thoucb the Now
s have also a Dsnd^ aad a -BrBM.
•d for OB a plan never before hnuw%
The.medical and nursing -taS Is a trSd
mendous uoe. though. In view of IhS
fact that s grrat number of sronnde4
bave to be Uken care of. It has provsi
Bone too Urge. The bead of thU staff
li Surgeon General T. D. Wilson, whosn
msny rears’ ekKnence as a war doo*
tor has well mted him for such a fWs
sponsible post.
Fortunately, tho dh
mate at t »e seat of war Is of the bish
so that tt
the wounded have a chaneo J
recovery without those eompUcatloM
d fever and cholera that are so ofts*
more disastrous than the shot and she*
of the vnemf.
The foreign com norot of tho MM4
States daring tb> month of Angwt w«
the moat proAUMe ta the bistorr d M
ontpoat irt (hr .aky !• a f*ato»» of ow^rs warfare.
ooonda siraa«* to speak of picketiar the hMvens and palrolllnf
the empyrean, but such is the «-ay In
which the HrItlsb arc waiehtai Boer
apseatlena In South Africa at the pres•d: time.
Ballnooe. It It troe. are nol ahotetl
wew IB warfare. They sere ated about
Paris durlQf the Franco-PruaalaB
and le taci’bad been put to a test <lurIhC our oan civil aar- A balloon also
e flaared' In the capture of Aaatlaco.
as a ceneral think >l must be coDfc
that the kite and balloon corps was ahv«r looked upon as a very valuable ad
junct to an army.
It a-ai not until Ibe lavenlloo of wireleaa leiearaphy that military ballouDtac became a valuable auslllary to iba
advance kusrd of an army This won
derful dlacovery hrouyhi abooi the v<m‘
The Power Behind the Afrifender Thron&
] br tbc ip> - )al
I srrtloa of tbr| fu<-h wirk a* pk-kMInK th* tkr tial-i c**i««-* l-»k <almlv doa« Into tb« r
■ royal rc*>B*rn> ror months
amy s csmp
jnUu bafora
teforr «ar urally oallii
call* fi.r
for fii«-n
ni>-n of itaa
lta» utmost
utnoal dardar> I'omy‘i>
r*’*ip or
ar aloni:
aluiii: thalr
thoir linaa.
linva. ohu
| bpikr •■ui a> the loser end of the dark Inc and <-<>urase gu< h a Mckel prar- serve e\.' y tmrvehieni that Is l>etRs
I ■
ooOllnem the Kn«hsh mlltiary oflk-I.Os tleallj
takes his life Into his ..an made and .«elJ«ra|.h
the Informati.m
' had been busily eiperlmenilnf with Cbe bands mhen be ..nee slrFa Into bis little l>4<-fc to the ntinc line. When this
bcDixn as a sar Instnimenl at Alder- ^ ear and Is hurled up aniona the clouds d.ihe. and his observations have all f—rn
shot Usre they made oianr achaust- i to baas daoceroutly over the camp of i made, the trouble of the balluoo p. i.et
to be up to date by havlnc do leas than
M war balloons at the <?ape. Ten of
thaae arc In Natal and t.-n distribute^
at other points.
Throe tiall.Hins ar^
made of icold beaters' skin arid have
proved quite Impermeable. havlDK kept
Up six months at Aldershot s iibout loatns ibolr llftlnr power.
The Dritlsb have already pul Ibelr
balloons to actual u^ In nWrvliic the
operations .if the ibf(-rs and bave found
them parMcularly valuable, owing <n
< taking place. The most succiatful of these ball.M.ns In actual op
eration were the smaller class, wHh a
capacity of 11.000 cubic feel of gas and
able 10 soar up Into the clouds wiih
two men sod all the nevcMry wiuip-
The power behind Abe throne ti. S .iiih .\fricuii |«.|m<s le Jan H.didrlcll
H•■fnleyT, the chief of the funiuus Dutch Artikand.v bund and the tlfelun*
m.-iid ..f I't.-i.leiit Kryger of th.. TtausCaal. Ii.•rllle>r eat for a numt-r «<
years In ihe
h.iusc- of assembly uii-l In |v»] Ish’siiic a menile-i of the eXs
.-.'Utlve . ouiicll. show Ing a pr.-t allins 'endcii. ) I-. I•'.'.■me a mo.|lai"r le-IwecS
Ihe anlagonistl. Dutch and Dnalish ; ii-i--is ih. neh in his earlb-i yesra bg
had taken a^ll«.• j«n wIili tin- former in their d.t-.|s of sedition at Hie Tape
He Is now. however, a pi.itasonksl of Dvllih supiema.y under ih-' liritlsfe
rnisn. on av..<>unt of his Kr.al shrewdness and yxiwer hr Is ressrded as thh
-boss " of rape Col.my p.»mics. and he it was who made the last Tinal effort oS
the Iiart of the Afrikanders for a si.lutlon of the iwesent diaculiivw wllhool
resorting i
the horrors of v
ll-ie are tli- KnKHsh and Portuguese ofllors who are at |.res.nl worktstf
Ingeihe! In an -rr-in to weed shoe trading/ful of Central Afrl.-A This eipedSs
lion, ann.ne ihe nior- stirtins events whi# have be. n allrarting attention al
the tti. le soutb.-Hy iMin ..f Ih- dark .-oiiOiiein. has been quite loot sight oC
notwithsiaii.llng the fa. i ihai it will have an imponam eff-cl In delermlnlaf
the drslinl-s of the .entral imrt of Africa. The lirit.sh for.-es are'underiM
cmitnand .'f Captain IVar.-e. wh*' has'some Ml tralhed native troops, llg
Sikha two Uagrttis an.l two 7 pnun-lers In his command. The Portuguog
are even more str.ihgiv n piesenled. iNiili n, Infanuy and artillery. The indU
vlduals whom this es|HsIiu..n are after aie the chiefs of Mkwamba, EaraA
and Malaka. all notorious «lnve traders.
The Ne.( Cuban Stan®.
to liesdquarlers. the receiver
■msll captive bultoun which cst
•d sbout at will by one man
,^-here the larger class of bslloon bss
h^n used. a smaller.one has usually
bdea made to art as a tender. tboiiKb
aa a genera! rule |t has been foun-l that
tbs smaller balloon has been the
•atlsfactory In ev.-o' way. tx-inK
oaslly handled wh.n Inflated. le.*s
%ls to transport and till with kbs and ckp-iimvnis w
more easllj KS^-ovrrvHl when «ixe sent and the result
^louu brigade was on
The operation of these new aerinl war | iv.yal engineeis (or
I ftouth Africa U looked after ' Africa.
Home Por Wfiicfi the Boers Are Piohtino.
■mmm•TPkwl Dutch fariDatcad 1
r ttieturca ara being printed la ccnsectloa
lUnstratloo. from a ptaotbgmpb et a
r where the BHtlah and the Beers arc
. D A wag. (or that gnlotnaa and poace( Uf« tor which the B«w ta today aghtliig so brkveir wbne vnioly
I bwek that rsotl— gplrll of ndvance and progrcM which the
r hrouckt w«h htaa whoa ho Am lavadod tha TtuoTML
an.-horvd h
Is likely to .Irlv
stran'I-'il u •!.«- ii of
f. w ihousanil
the enemy^ where a cbooce shot or the
slightest mlsmanagem.'nt of the ap
paratus by .U^onn hand means ■■ilher
Instant deat|y<ir falling into the nands
of the foe. It requires the coolest n. n .IKilscd up above the earth
or 1,000
0 ffeet and
1 powerful nrld-
A Curious Hitten,
Su ih.' Ilf.' of the oults.st In thv sky 'S
iivv'.T an .-asy -ine
Wh.-n some si«-c;al
gun IS . ontrlved for Ihv .lestrucii..n -*.f
his fragile aii>hlp. ih- 'Uncers ..f this
flghivr w h"i Is neither lan.lsinan n .f
seaman will !“■ even cr.-aler.
Hare te a hitten which li the proud
posaessor or S4 toaa. This unique mUe |
(h* ;
property of MUs
RawlaloD. the
actreaa. and. bealdei belr« an
anatomical curloally. has also
a claim on dlsitnctloB because
a t
trick playing.
This Utllr kitits affectloBate
lany i
and. while traveling, comfortably raposes In a well padded baaket eopcciglIf made for the purpooe.
In the modern army the medical J«a
(artmenC is one of the inosl impbrtauL
i*(tl,erri ^o on «he prlm-l|.l- that, whilg
hoping fur th* le-si. one must be pro*
{.ared for the worst so for this reasodl
the army .leiunim ni ..f the KnglUt
fonr« In South Afro a has beCO gmafO
of the .pinion
that it Is one .>(
Ira.llve stain|o.
the Islai.d. The d-stgtis of "(her denomtnal t'.r-s in (he same issue arc
efiuiif' |'l•ae■ng
An Oddfu Name'd Towa
Tbe 'Pali Ball Gasette rocesUy printed a partial list of the great men of
Knglaod of whom there are do livtag
male dveendanU. AjnoDg them are
Chaucer, Sbakeopeare. Bpenser. Ullion.
Butler. Dryden. Pope. Swift, Addison.
ter Baleigh. Sir Fronds Drake. Nelson.
Sir Robert Walpole. Derd BoUngbroke.
Isord Chatham. Charles Jamas Fog.
Bdmnad Burke. Bocen. Nowton. L«eka.
Sir Humphry Dory. Hume, Cltwon and
Macanlay. Several of those were nevsr
| The GuanJian ol the Uouiv’ed
The hvidsol
ly Issued^
veries of po-iage stamps of t'ul.a Is the
■ entnv..stamp'.
pi.-iure . of
whlih Is herewith
The design rep.
r.—.-ntr ii gr.iup
of imliii tf.-e*.
and . tii-rteii. .-.1
Tho iraraler in Now Zoaland Is ottsn stnitt hy 1
nameo which are given by tho natlvef to many of tbolr
towna The accompanying pietttfw, fortastanco. shows as
bnrg which has to straggle along under the very angnst and tncongnioBs sobr^wet of "Jarasalam." Just why it was so namod no oao has ever been aHt
row S..............................................d Mt. thoucb the Now
s have also a Dsnd^ aad a -BrBM.
•d for OB a plan never before hnuw%
The.medical and nursing -taS Is a trSd
mendous uoe. though. In view of IhS
fact that s grrat number of sronnde4
bave to be Uken care of. It has provsi
Bone too Urge. The bead of thU staff
li Surgeon General T. D. Wilson, whosn
msny rears’ ekKnence as a war doo*
tor has well mted him for such a fWs
sponsible post.
Fortunately, tho dh
mate at t »e seat of war Is of the bish
so that tt
the wounded have a chaneo J
recovery without those eompUcatloM
d fever and cholera that are so ofts*
more disastrous than the shot and she*
of the vnemf.
The foreign com norot of tho MM4
States daring tb> month of Angwt w«
the moat proAUMe ta the bistorr d M
MILES IN ANIGHTi«tr WUau«> IMU la.TntxCM-* TAw
M)**« iBt*
aB-l V*<«r
!• lAal
JohnC-Vlizantapeelal agent for the
When the r«al >*>rinc wa* put down
VnloB raelHe. ha* nuumeil front Caaper. Wyo_ when be wa* eugageO for
a week In fitting out parile* to go in
at Itutrr aUmt elk <ir eight year* aco
by Mr. F. Krady ^n the idle of the .dd
('hnliliel tiimiel wort* Hen- wen- it;dl.-stiluti* In the core* uf*ihe ptvs.ii.-e
the rnlon Paclfto mall train, say* the
nrnalia S.*-. He *H|*-rlalendeiI Ifal*
Bw U ■ r«rn that baiklH*«i pIf'lP'l
Bp by Il>.for l*».vrhlc«l Ur■e«rrh. wy* iIh- S^anl.- roM-IntoUi-
IV-Ik for u H-k :iad .lieu 111*: 1' »
orer t» .ither agent* of the <•«Ulp*By
and returned to headnuarter* to gire
hi* atieutlun to offli-e huslws*. which
l.r. R. W. F.-lkiti. who ba<l
Bccotnpanini Kuiln
on a tour
had iMa-Q ac*-iitnulatltig.
"It wa* the firwt eipelienee of IhU
throusb L'canil* and adjawnt ^••rTlttry. U n-.i«.u«lbla for li.
H»- iu»y>‘
that avmc l oir laai ynar l>i« party
kind I erer had." said Mr. Vlizard.
"and 1 am not anilou* for any iu«n\
I nerer loiw *ueb a eounlr> a* tlial
through whk-h the baiulii* made their
way after holding up the train, tine
bad P>( IXK-k to l^da about a tliun■and Bjil.* «.0tb of Khtmini. and
that he had
wltboBl Jfltora from
Bnropo for a roar. Naturally, he wa«
ImpailoBi for tidinea. In that part of
Africa hr Iiatl often come arroaa ^1*
•rda. who pretondt-d
to tranafonn
themaeirn Into hotu or other anlmalK
At night, ami to trar<4 ItDineDxe ill*
tasoe* In thi« giilar. They alao a*io‘rt
that the.t
may drive fur V«i m»<-» and nerer we
a Immaii lielng
WIn d you rearti the
mimnialii* It i* fiNdldi fur any one to
aiti-nipi iu g» thronch them e»'*-|ii be
I* thuruiiclily fanilliar wllh all the
ImiU and f.mt imth*. *Hily the «-uwl*iy* and ram-hnieo are fitnd to *ueci-*»fnlly pur*ue *neh a •■tttvli.
-•The I.iil.t honw* u»U there which
w ill drire an Fawern ninii erazr try
ing -to p*-t titem 'linnitl.
When a
wa* n-ndr to *ian it
ter la repinl to thi-ae alh-gid feat*, h.- . niuuntiii
bad • rtiatii'e to TCTlfy one of their »r* tti a iiuarter uf an huitr fighting
One nomlng after hi* arriral at
lAdo a, taaD eame to hla teirt. evlSeatly in great egelietnenl. and aahl
that the local wlsard. or “ui'logo, '
bad been ruamlng about the cooniry
the night l* fon-. In the form-'of a
the Imrklng bnmet* U-fure they yfileled down and were n>ndr to go as dlreete.1.
We trleil to |>a«-k pMvl»l.«i«
on their iMi-fc* fur the use of the seotttIng lutrile*. and while It took fmir or
five men to load one borw. the brute
would rid llmdf of the -burden In a
|ir»liab]y .-Mnid* ..v.-r a
*ill.|iiille.J to au:ily*l*. « llli highjy mi' ,,
iBliii-iory n-*uli*. n wa*h.*l Miinpl.- uT I
the .ir.- yl.-ldliig d.VS jier t*-ni of Iron. I
on- and Hu- m.-iuager lufunui*! in.- that
a wiikh.d samph- li*iii*l at the work*
yl«-I.I.*l )m-Iu>*-ii -Vl and rtl jier .•elit uf
r1eb.-r quiillty than the Wealden In.nMoue worted iu Kent and Sussex a
<*‘iiuiry ago. 1‘nif. Rnyd Dawklli*. In
n p.-i|>er read lierore the Brlti*h a*«oelation In IWM. d.**'rllM-d a sample oh.
iiilm*l from tli. original IkiHiik
In Imrset. when- it o.vnr* l*‘tw.*-n iiie
K’lnnm-rlilg.- .-lav al*>vi- and theri^ir-
He w»* an
kunn-ii, to fear.
An esnnitde "f hi*
iierre «a« given when he »tarted up
the wnahuiil wliere llie loilidlt* were
*ng)j* .till laqi i«»i...w|P dll
be brouclii tiefore hliu. and <iue«-
*--en ie,l ill an effuti to take them. In
till* attempt he rendred the- «1iut
wMi li a few .......... later nwnltisl In
tkined the fellow,
"TThen- did ymi go la*t iilghi?"
III* death.
-I wa* at M.*hera el Kek."
“I aaw I»i> «ii-amm arrlrlug frein
ainiAeli-** powder and In ihi-rf ran.
yous'ii 1* next to lm|ioaailde to Imwte
*«b. tbU I* Domtenaet
You eould
■M poMildy bare been at Metu-hera el
tlM'tti. When they flivil at their ptir*nera n<> one i*>nM lidl from wbeuee
Hie rti*.ri eauii'. There wa* On *nioke
*1 wa* there." the wizard replied
•BRihatli’all.i. ".tnd with tl»e aieain-
to guide and the echo e«mru*i'il the
luost ex|HTI
wniindeil the slierirr they- iiMtk advan
tage of the ruurRslon whieii naturally
fiHliiweil and mured further tiiin ilie
Tlie jKi*«e raptured the
•n wa* an KnglUliniaa. a «hurl tnaa
with a big l■ea^d.•'
■'9'ell. what wa* hi* nilKslunT'
“Be aay* ihai the gn-at |>a*ha at
Xbanniti hnd «<-nt him. ami be ha*
hoiwe* iM-hinging to the outfit, which
<tirri<*l '*i*i niund* of aniiDuiilHon.
•one paper* for you
He I* Btartinc
•reriand lu-morrow. brlngtug the |ia-
Till* wa* liiiiMirtant and weakened
their n*«l*ilng puwi-r to a iiiDNUleniMr
pera with him, and he will Iw Imre
•bODl thirty day* from u.m."
Dr. Kelkiti nay* Mint thlrty lwo «lar*
■ «f B>l
It I* fur Ie«* ea*v to et-l
bier the KiiitlUhiiinn did arrire at
Lado. and thnt be bmiighi letter* for
llitle park. lD<-l\w*i by a mil irou xtmt
Ini:, wlili h*ik<qt^lHixe* m the nneb-*.
ft liirce iiiid Ktrutic niiUlary luirraek at
Ibe n«r. anil Held eaiinoii |*w|.*l li-n-
M-«.a itaiiiaotM.
Is a irttb- iMiivr pnl.|lNhi*l at Anbiim
iind there. <*iiiM *innil a iNOimb-ral.h*leKe. and. with a failhfiil RnrtlHon.
>ftata priwiii by III.- prlHi>iH>r* tbvrv. lli<fonowliia triUiii.- t<i kJaiiil ltalllnxl<«
woiiW la- pn*if aimiu-t almu*i any
mob allaek.
Tlu-lv I* no .-ml of eil-
Booth, by Nil. 24.73.V a|HMiin*l m*iii
It. HTb thi- Ni-w Yurt Mail Mini Kx
qw-lte InvoK-i-d in the approii.h to miu
Yet I wa* favori*l with
•■On Kaiimlay Mr*. Booth h-d ao vn
furiimate uppurtaulih-a for *.*-iU|: .Mr.
Kinion Sam.
tho«la*tl. MU.I ••niwdvd mM-ilns In th.•haptl
Tall and maealve. wllh an litinipn«c
paum-h. and featiire* and hoe that Are
Aft.T iirayrr and a hymn H«-
StK-h tiiimhlnx. lorln* wnnU
niMV to «poak.
Thi- luivillou-like )uihi<*- in
iIk- riinniii .b- Mai-*, *ittToiiml.*n..v H«
gaya that he t< Mili*tiei| lli.-il tlie Inali
wa* nerer inii'lde hi* nailre vlilace
In hi* life.
tyiih-ally African, a* .vou Raze ni him
lir hi* enmptimn* nnifonn. c<o-i;eoli*
with cold lai*- and a hriiliam *ilk
they imi*i l«- Iiitiril to bo apprtvlai<*l.
Bo pen <1111 <l«i Ju*H.v In tlmm; only
BOinVr* .if Him V. P. I,, .-an form Hi*-
w-arf. .vnn i-aiiDot help ph-inrine bi
y-oor mlud's eye hi* hypoiheih-al a|>.
lih-a of .tholr bi-an.tnii,-hin;
pearani-i- a* a mld-Afrlenn chief, wlib
I* *aff to Miy there w<i*
huce feather* Iu his lujikiiot. nul.v a
rattle.lieaded eloui slmai hi* loin*, a
nnll situlded wareliih In om- hand, and
B0t a heon nmune tbo nto neo pr<-*OOt that w n ■ not brlKhb-ne.1 and ciaiV
•4e»ed by Mr* KiMiiir* roh*-. • It ha*
other iiramlni; ccnilemeo in paady
tmiipincK with tiukllnc *|mp» and
Jlnclllic *«onl». Pn-sldcut Sam, how.
ever. I* not. a* It a|ip<-nr* itus far. a
"glMii.Ilns I.K.1U odly wo* to I** li.i.I
iB the bift 1 liois'l at tlie KID'-ral nv*i.
tuf on Min.liiy moralni;.
A ^•<lr,ll.ll.
nuiD to be perMinally fear>*l
•pontaneoii* .>mbur*t of hnndrlapplin:
froeted Mr*. Itnnth and her roadjii
III* *e-
b-cHon wa* a <-<>ni|xn>nilHO and Ite It
only the ficarehcad of the imueot oU
tots 00 thv.v walk)>d to the platform.
fW wamiili of her reoeption oouhl
can-li*. iioeinc a* a modi-rate *1810*
man. w-hih- In truth bo U only a
rather dinne-liraincd. *low-winod and
lotre DO do-.ibi In her mind as to ibv
pure she bohl* in onr heart*.
b-lharylc old soldier. It I* imJerstood
that Id state affair* be I* almost whnlty
euided by bl* nilblstom. of whom Bra.
tos St. Victor. In cbarer of the foreIn
••Mrs. Boom told of the <wotliilitnc
■ psecos of ihi- niurement for the rell.-f
•( dlsrbanri*! prlaonem and derlared
-that It had turned the critl<wl point,
•ad that Hu- wort had arrived at th.•Ufe when «lii- cmttld ny with Impllnt
department, and Tancrrde A«cti*ie of
the depanmeat of/the Interior, are
ceefidraro that ihr moreineot wa* an . probably the ablest.
•attre su<**-a.
By way of prartloal
deaKHUttniHtm. the Tittle mother' trl
a**e« Or a TwrawSc.
In ITBO Opcmida. In the U'e*i Indlea.
•npbaatly annouaced that fifiy-alnr
•at of sixty mrn. whoae rrloaae *hr
wa* vuiw hr a tumado with siniruUr
Vullke similar pheixomina
this wa* to the lahabltaais a prerldcuiisl deUrerauce from a pest which
ihrvatrtied their ecoDoalc ruin. Bone
roenitly ai* nM] from Joliet prison tin4or th* new iDdetenatnate oe^iem-v
•Bd parole law. were aerrlny their
•Bployen loyally and were otherwle,Boharina tlu-Bmi i»e*.
lira. Booth's
Ume previously the formica oaerbartTora. a aiiccle* of ant appeared In
«nrh Dumtier* a* to make the annlblla.
•teaste *t^-:i1 st the riose of the serv.
Ico for pi-Dli.-nt* to embraco a new lifr
•m thirty men arose."
tl.iQ of tbe siiear-cane a question of a
few week* only. After In vain trying
many exiwrimenta. aud .iff.-ring laiwe
Mt.ioS by She Till*.
reward* for a remedy aRalDot the
plaroe. the helpicw people reeolv<*l to
*Teo, huKliand's folay to yet me two
aUndon their homes In a body and
betake ibem*elves to another Island.
By this fumoiu tempest Providenre
accomplished in a few momenta what
man. with all bis appIlam-eA. had
faDed to orernime. Tbe ant was ex-
•optco of I-ord Bereoford'a 'Break-up
tt China’ a* eocm aa Ifa out"
-Colnf to Klre then awayr
Mewland SCaU-$LOO. $8 00. $3.00
I'm rulnc to else one to eat^
^ my table •lite.*'-ClereUDd .Plain
alnated.—Ran Francisco Chronicle.
Itew rrvw Sha aobarta.
Oastomer tat rillate ttore)—"Are
|tirar tbe tallest waders yoti’re potr"
Uerchaat-"Great &«tt! ThcM cone
•W op above yoor kaeet Bint do
•vs waot of any hlgbcr mesT*
CwtoBMw"! want to ptetr aay
“nere's toother one of those ahoottng case* In the negro district."
Have they caught the
“There were foor of them.
wm footing etapa. yon know."rbOadStOtla N'otth-Asaertean.
“Zero” TJlaters—$4.60 to $86X)0
In a . rysiiilliiH- Iu**.-, paitly uf eah-iuiii
.nrlHinate'and |iarHy of Iron earUm-
Ale*hi>'. nimete.
What a Dollar Will Do
iKinlilh-** ther,- I* tm tutrt of the
ennh il*- ellmali- of wTileh I* a* little Are Ueaiorcd anu Fe iUIIZ'd oad
theUody I lied w. h >e« Life
>inder*ti>*l by Hu- nveraci- niau and
anJ V({or, by Using
ivonxaii a* fbiil of .Mn*ka. *aya the S<-.
atile PoKt-lulellicen.vr.
Mo*! of lb.'
|n*>ph- Of the l'lilt.<d Siatt-*. e*p)-<-lal1.r
ihi.M- east of the IbM-kte*. have only a
haz.v n**dl<*lloii of Al.n*kH or "Un-Aln
In ,\iiierlcB." a* desorilM*! in tlu-lr
■-hiliIhn.MrK ccocraphy: mid the m-Hh-ni
"Klnuilike" ha* only diH*l|iati*1 ih.-ii
Iww suOlrieuiIy lo allow llu-lr vMod
ind profe*-iona1 men wonld
i. i In ciim*-iiinii4*l on that one jH.liit.
*>nie by l.tain iaR. nervoo.
To tlH-in whatever bn|.|ii-ti. in "Klon
dyspeuata nnd headache: tcscbcrs an.l
.like" of i*>iir*.' hnpix-ns in nil oili-r
s-u-lenu iTou.-l ooi be exhausted hv
|,an* of Ala<kn
thrir work, -od womenI wonld
They furci-i that Hie Klondike and
pair, weak auij iirrv-ius.
. .
111.- Viikiin tfu^niry I* w|>iinit<*l from
- oe-lliv ilerMiiRenieDU
iRemenU of tbcu
III.- lumHiem •*ia*l by n ranee of cr- ni
Iv feminine oru«nfm.
otininlit*. and ihai i*>n*eiiiienHy the
*t ihe cause of these trouldss
lua.t line Jia* a va«tlv dlff.-tvm .-li■ .. ....i.u ....I__ ,1,-. the wasted
male rr.>m that of il... interior. Tli. v
Chase’s Nerve
-roximllv of |be I'licltrestest reuorauc w.-*i. rly wiu.1*
soencc. They
over Ihai f**-:in. cive the xnillo-ni
iircathe, uor di»ve they the ,
•*oi*t:il n-clon ..r AI.-i*k.-i a elimalc hav- wrakeoiiiR effect uf * putgsUve, hot re- ;
liic a rtimpaniilv. 1y Nitiall ixinse <if
store bv hmldinc I'P 'he system.
teiiiiH-mtiire: while ti»- Ini.-rlor shut
Dr. A W Ch*-«'» Nerve and Blood ,
off from ihew luiMlifyini; Infliiem-e*. 1*
Pill* are prepared from the fsvoriie pt«-..’lijiH-i to tnilv iiri-iu- rliwir* Iu wiuier
SCripiion ol Ur A. W. Chase, the fsmwhieh *.-ar«*-ly afr. ei ihc Koiiilieni «■*-- nos author ol Dr. Chase's Recipe Book,
lion*. It Is aafe to -a.v ihal la-fon- the sad Lax-e proveu th* Rrcateit cure of tb*
iIiMsivery of C'dd in Hie Kloti.llk.- ^e for disease* atisin|> *roni thfn,
*<iiri*-ly otiiin im knew the
walerv l-Uki I and rzbauslrd nerves.
li'iicth nnd breiidih of llicjUmriel. ,-iiid
A few weeks' ret-ulsr ireaimeni wfb
wirae of Ihc mistiik,- .TndTnheKe* are thi* ponulat renietlj will completely reludleroM* iii-th.- .-Mi.-mc.
More pale, week, mrxous men. women
SoiiilH-nsieni Ala*kn. nt |.-a*l as far and cbildreu to rohnsl besltb.
By ioa* l■-u||>•ratn^•- i*.mlitlnn* ari- .-oii- crcasioi! the corpsisclrs in tbe blood,
«*-riii*I. ha* a i-llmat.- thal nutiiy of the and cre«tiiiR new nerve furi-v, they fill
«l:!i.-» limy .-livy, r- m.-mK-rlnc the w- the hmiy with new life and viRor. ond
.verilv of the .*ild wa«.-.
Imve hti df»et*e from tbe system. There
swept the i-oimirv f^.m M-miaim to is no Kups- work ahont the resulU ol Dr.
Florida- It I* iriie Hint *Miilla-a*l.-ii Chase's Nerve and HI«od Pills.
ha* a
.-.•usi-h-rably cr.-at.T can tvlv ahsolntelv on thrir restorai:
.imomil of pn‘ ii.il:illMii and nior- sod cnrativ
itive i-ropef ic*.
rainy or snowy .lay* Hinn lii.-t <«f ilo- all dealer*
cr». or hy mail on re .-ipi o
*tai.'* .if iIh- im'.oii: how.'V.T. the al- price, til
. Chsw Medicin
*.-i..*- of .add wav.-* and .ll.a*iroii*’y Co-. Buff.
On every box o
Hiiihh n ehaiisi-.. Ill icnii--raiiir«- w'll c-II be fonod portrait an>
-n*lii side ..f the sonih
More of Dr. A. W. Chase
nor. ih prtv.-.l
Al.-rskn l.*li:dlThe I:
There are few people free from this diseaf e, which developB
when negle"ted, into serious, and man> timea
iocurabl* conditions
G. H. SNOW. M. D. SpBcialisi
iHns been remaiktbly snucettfnl in tbe treatuaut of catarrh. Bit*
melbodB are the repnlt of extensive Btndy and e.xi'erience in tbia field
-and will be fonnd to give great relief t . all. ami in tbe majority of
Icaaee a cure. For one dollar be will furniab oi e month’# t«?atmettt
: for any caae of nasal, ihroat or bronehial caUrrh, including all eerv,icea and all medi<-inps nxjnired.
TLedoi-tor also treau all chronic diMsea and dUeases of women '
•as well as dieeaeea of the eye. i*ar. nose and Ihroat. He baa been’
■ very euiTeeafall in treating cancer and aethma.
I Glasses Sciealificall|[ Fiiieil. fwtli etiracief witlioulpain.ISc.
1-Office in Hamilton dfc Miliikeu Block. Case Street Entrases
these smuiiiic ccnilcwen in taU.bats
leriac hetiri
One «-onld llKten to h*T
•U day aiiit lun Im*\xiiu- weary.
*1-111* very *liig(dnr idi.vslenl eliara-l.ri*lie*_ It i* ^*iui|*>*<*l uf diiikbniuii. Nhinlng gmiii* uf hydniied ox-ide of ln>H. like Hillli-i *<-i*i. )in>M-d<l«*l
alHiut him a band of du*kv *nvac>-*
more naked thas liimseir. Inei.-ad of
<bt rifle wlii-'li plainly tolls that ii
•emeo from tin- .It-pth* of a true ami
"la reapoiiM-
li u aU.i plij'i
eiilly I.|i-niliiil wllh Ibe ralmibh- iron
on- wurkt*! fur iimnr rear* In W.-*-i.
bury. wm*liln-. The ImnKton.
prveideui of llslil tbau m Mr. M.-Klnley of the White Houm-. ka.v* l,.-*li.''*
the part.v. The new-<imier wa* l.up
nn Bi‘y
Of the wizjml Hr. Felkiu
An excellence of selections and values only possible at Benda's. $6ccto$ao.t».
\Vc simply coax your examination of them. The selling we leave to the superior val
ues of the many handsome garments.
Everything that’s right in Gloves, Collars. Underwear. Neckwear, Mufflers, etc.
Klake and Huddh-*t.-ii at Ablmtnbury.
Hr wa* popular at «'a*|M-r
• and 111* death produml great ■um.w
"the t«didit« are tuipplle.1
"What were you doing thereT"
went te MIC autue frleinW'
•'tl'bal did yon xeey
The Same in Overcoats.
thi* U appear* lliat till* 1**11/{ Iron nnI* hleiilii-iil with that d.-*<-rll>ed b>
Iillian n«.-ks la-lew.
Pr. Kelklii rbll<-uU>d the «t<>ry.
MATERIALS—Rough surface woolens in gray and brown, striped cheviots,
soft heavy Serges, fancy \\ orsteds in the neat stripes and checks, and the ever pop
ular unfinished and black clay weave Worsteads.
FASHIONS—The short, boxy, single breasted sacks, the longer four-button
single-breasted and the medium length double-breasted sacks, the new short Univer
sity Business I’rocks, the Prince Albert, the Tuxedo.
Double and single-breasted \ esis.
Trousers on the best fashionable lines.
Iron. The ana'.y*!* *h»w* that the ore
I* fn-e fioiu sulphur and phuspliuni*
The ore I* idnted to In- of mneh
wanlid supplie* to the
Bnain l’a*li;i t<"ik the thing inure eiTf-
New Suits for Men—$7.00 to $25.
<in visiting tin- eolliery w.irk* lu day [
1 lii*|M* it*| a <*in*l.1erable Imik of ih- j
do over ngaln. Finally, we manasi^
to sitiire *uiue buekiMiard* and f»r-
•nee of tin- KoglUti offlivr aiinuiiuniyiBg the bunt*.
The strength of our inducements for your patronoge is in the unquestioned
merit of our goods. Always the BEST at Benda s. The highest standard of the
tailor’s art. the positive correctness of style, the absolute worth of material, the sel
ections .ALL N-EW—the prices no larger than you find at the stores where uncertain
values prevail. Surely we are entitled to your patronage. We ask your comparison,
your judgment.
tw.'he fe.-i
amounted tu alnml .TVi
Samph-* uf Hi.- on- hare l** n |
that two aii a’iiera luid Juki arrlvi<d at
thi* polnr. uiic! bad bnnigM iii:ill*. He
•1*0 dewritii-,1 luiiiulely the a{>|*-ur.
•Ttheriff Hiiwn of ra»|*er led one of
llieilr*! parh.-* 1 started fruiu fa*|ier.
K you like irutMel ''ads." read
nr- a. the quantity tv-llig pnulhwMy mi
liiiilled. TIk- diameter of the shaft I*
lu.-iity r.*-i and the quutitlly bmUithi
tu ilie *urfa<v lb tiuiw'iig ihruiuth ibe
folly n-'in milo away. Ik-iwih-u
and KhaniiiiL
The wltanl ileHanil
—You often get
elsewhere. But we're not intallibic; if ever our goods don’f Utisfy ‘'VeX^R hlONhY BACK" ought to.
tui* Ju*l 1m*9i airu.k at a depih »f
rather Kn* than Iw.-lve f.*-t tlihk nn.l
few nilnule* after Hie loud wa* *eetningly iMfiire. and we luid uur tetirk in
Ituii.atl.iu* hav<- u.-w ii!»ve«l .-..rr.-.-!
*ar* fixe laiuduu Chronlele. ,
la the .-ouiwe ..f Kiuklllg the No. 2
1**1 ..f raliial.ie .*.||tle ln«u .m-
Kuring 'hi*
■nflogo” liad vielted MciwhcT* «•! Uek.
Hunting Season Now On!
Lots of_m*n hunting^for cloih«^«nik^^^oin^ gunning for the clothier afterward.
..f li.m ..re in tke Klnila Ulwe.-n .Mri
;,i ,1 iiii r.- t In ni Til.- *-,:rTM.v.
Th.- .xuist Him- ha* h id .*ui*ld-r:il.!ni'.iv mill or show i!:!iti the iiiiiiiih’iid
.liMi.-nii and Sk.<e«iy iii»l Hi.- nvm
I-T of eh-nr and iulrtly .-l.uidx iliiy* nt
Jii.'liaii mid Skaptuy 1-. m-n- timu
iwi.'*- a* stvat n« nt Sltkn .ninl Kill.tl.«>.
in fiiet Ihe xvluter weniher ..f
Jiiiieait aud Skaciiay will riivonildy
ei-mimre with Hint of any --f Hie tiorlliern stole* -lnd<**l. with Miiiny of Hi-soiiThem. The w.-*t.-ni luiivnil hulh*
tin* of Feb IS r>p,'n.*1 a temiM-raturc
of 2 dearw* bi-h-w x.-m a* luivlnc ■*--'
eitm*i .ilTthc mill at Talliihassee, Fla.
On that date, at Jiim-au and at Bltka.
Ihc loweKi leiii|»-ratn!v* were; Ju
neau. 3.1 deifrc-s: Rlika. X. degrex-o.
while the lowest temperature thus far
of the witiier wa* 4 tlepree* b*-h>w
ieh> at Skagua.v. In Di**-ml><-r and
January. NVhen it I* reincml>ered that
Rkaguay 1* abutii k’lVKi mile* farther
north from the ciuaior than Tallaha*ore. the diffetenoc to-comc* ttii.re strikinir. and should tqm thi- tide of win
ter travel toward Alaska.
H2 next December. Grover CTevelsnd.
WiUlam Dean
Howell*. Whitolaw
Held, ami Hxxrace Porter are all the
iiame,Sge. and any one of them would
object to Ixelng called
-Fine MilllWork
Cold weather is coming.
New desigos
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in onr
ter and Admiral Schley are OS. qiiauneey M. Itepx'w. Benjamin
aud Chief Justice Fuller have
Been 65 winter*. Dewey Is still lo bis
"How gray your hair's gxdting. dear]
It BMd to be anch a pretty black."
I "Yes, dear, and btnr red yours haa
gotl It oaed to toe a pretty black,Aoor
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 2.
^Traverac City, Mich.
We have many new
things in jewelry also.
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
Jewelery store to look them
Merritt. General
4Cear Admiral Bampsoo. and Joseph
Clmmberlaln are a few- moutht older.
The Rev. Dr. Lyman AbUitt. John G,
CariUle. General ehafter. Bishop Pot
Now is the time
to place your orders for
romparx*! with many of the
prominent In
Dewey I* not an old man. He will be
J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
Morse Bros., House Paieteis
Oira them a call.
483 H Blmwood Ata
hemlock eogikgs
Sidawslk Lnmlwr in *U •ise*
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
BOMcon to Ttatum Olty Lumber Oo.
*h« Ohm ■•■Mm.
poO'^ml Iib 4-xt>liat]oa a* hr dn^ t’lp
<«t fruBi liM aln^tb
smtiM] Ibe «ttrfns».
on. b»at)<«-alii'« matt." aaid tli>
Wttcbt lifted tl»- UKb oT< blah, bni
iliat m..o*eni «t«nf I'uu.
^ madtian
iiiau ■iwii made
uin.iv thleiiK
IUIOI.I. lin
o«.il.r frr a
parij of four |■•l■l••l■>wa
iiwa ttnlM'nui-ii
• t">
had ranii-'d aloDn ilii' Itankn lifnlhe
! at
Join'll. » Li> non at■l"•:!^•<l. bmnin-d like
______•■ 4..H, >wii 11.^ I.lr«> wm iraklac.
tbutidiT Ob lib -tartW Mr:
"Hold: .MTO'i. yuti rtM'air
And In- fteHMil round, no Hint WII
foil ('••ul'i M*. Iilm. Till' .vouue xi'.ot
Ic-.kfd ii|. at
l.liii w.ili a •«•«. «’•■■■»
, ruM>n^l. ibi'O tiirfioO
“ToBiwinton." iii- -lamm.rPd. “1-1
wan ■ lltiii- In li'iuor
III I r-iiiimtw }«ar
____ __________
If waa duriUB tin- Huio of powd-red
hair and .'.. ke.J bai.-n.o ,Wr ITM.
Off niOnilr-ltihta U.i llie iweno'Cnn
had 1 kiHiwu who U wa»-“
“KiioiiBh.' an»»i'i*<1 the laft.-r; “I
niauil of ruiiimoi.irp Panl Jon-*.
ITiotv wi-r.- ill ilie-ciO' many iieMnin*
»b<i l»ad ni-ii-i •Mb tlial n-niartai.le
Burn, anii’iis ilmn B<ti Wilnou n iriiu.
forclri- .von '
Thfai In nim«rou WrlBhl.
“Tin- .i.iiri.m.inial wa« a
had hii-n nnoOier aailor. alno a aallor.
' aained Tliouia% WrlshT. who haled
Iiui Wrlelit III hi. plair- ‘J'fr him a
round doaeti. iheii lot Wni Im- luokon
ik-kiti* dl>|■•^mou. kittKod to do bliu
•oiuo Injory.
IloD «hl|i|iod alHianl tlie Ariel, that
be mielii wTTo iinihr the renowned
l.niBinc that Hi-o elilpiied.
n'ncIA Vlui.. like the .foiiiii-r.
ftever A-n JuiH'*. aleo l*.-ame one of
tbe -Ariel-* rn.w. Sellber. boweref.
roold ye! fei a *li:ht of (He foinmodun>, who wa* alao-ut—would U"t hr
baik for a week.
In a f.'W day* Wrisht wa* clioM-n to
•rt'in iila.v Ilf the Iwaii.walii'* mate,
who wa* at that Him- III
HI* dulle..
beside* hlowiui: on Hie eall. eie.. now
belna to |iuu>*h w ith tiie eoTl- a (nil of
rojie from two to ihm- feet tuns—and
ahu> with the eat.Ii'-ulm-lull*, n.nally
terun<d tla- “eat.'' Moeh of the Kailor*
a* “olfeudi'd-- nKalntl Ibe rule* of Hie
ahlp. be ardi'UiIy ioiH-d iTiat he mleht
TH bare a rbaueo lu Boa with hi*
mtel lacli Hie man he hated for win
nlBf )>n>Uy Sii.an.
grante,) )H-rml**ion to a« a*lioiv. The.v
a frli'lidly tree,
Krojn hi- lofty in-ri'li
t!;.-ai- WIT- mu.il- to hU I'.-irK.
Haldol Yeaeor. Kulp> rompan
atiineii out to floil iiU frleiiil. lie i
1(1 atuut
n hi. lofty |nT<
liliie til,, hull
ami irtit in tbo aftrreuanl."
Now. Y’eaeor luia won aome h'l-al
wore re|>uutloo «. n *|»rlnier. and etarted
IVrielil. with every urns' f„r,
acaltiet him afii-r till*. Ilii eiieh an iin-I dniueht.
He won hy a leugtli. I•nl
bn|>t<) life aboani the Arh-l that lie at- suaid In water Q|i (obi* nei-k white the
me bleht to ih-~'rt fmm (he
ill Hie
liy a marine on etuiril and ordeml to
ivmie iiai'k. hnt. mn ote-yiti^. ho waa
pairuili.d the liauk and ,4llyhh>d
iiilim iHtwei-u hi* two iirlw'ii.
Yeaser and Kulji were kejit Ibu* for
two limir*.
nfiiil ihrwiel, the head ami kilhil.
Aa to Wn-m
neiTr after that,
Jiim.-* It.'liruer and M’a«hlnc1on SliaUer. Hh- two Ollier meiiil*'i> of Hie p-arly. tliiaily ii|iix-nr,*l In their l*ial. ami
crfatlr to ilie >oy of hi. iirelty -wife
Kn.nii, would h" iiim li allotliiT drop of
York .Vewti.
a( ouie dho-ovi-red the mail liiitl -uvonlnit ou the Inmk*: and the aorry
tdlaht of liH-lf eoiiipaiilon*.
Kor an
Hli> at KspeK
A treat d,uil of atienilou ha* lieeii
ahoiild bare reimlreil to the Immi. the
iKilphln-a. invem not
twenty yard*
fn>iu Hie landlux.
Here (he landlord
•ei'OimDodaii'd hiiu with a xlaaa of
brandy, whi. 1. the yoiiuic man Ilfb-d
blRh. myliijc al Hie aaMe lime, in a
Soud robe:
Hit Hiey knew mu what to do. lull
iwlil of hvVdi year* to eihihlHou re- : iii„i7ly
iruek Hiem ihai did
volrer ami rifle aliixiiinit. and the fr— ' the
trick- Si-UlliE an old ple.e of nil
wlih whii-li really eipiTi .hot. ini'i'i
(hlHllel in Ha- iMiltoili of Hi^lauil. they
iiiilier of hol»led It- 111* laiviiie maJeKly *aw It
ha* irn-ail.r tm-reaM<d the
exlrauntiliary feat* whleh eauI now
tioW be
he : and made for the Uuii. 1*11111111: iimr^simed lo the cnifl. Sbuner niid lleiKiier
performed with n-Tolretw and rltli-a.
led the hull a liTi'ly cha*e U|- Hi• Huffolo Bill-' wa. one of Hie lluf»l
Btn<Bni. and when at a *nf<- di.tanee
.hot* erer Been In thi* eoaniry. alkulp {;<•( oul of the tree and Yeaeer
ihiiDith evhllililon markamaiiahlp
i-JIlUp. ll'-f
i.oui 10.- -eo. and
nreatl.v Inniroved «lme
‘Hr >»•« . they foiitul eviTythTliR In a demoliehml
Then be left^be ptura-. not lo fo lo
the tmul, bin iltleudlua lo aiek MUUe
ether tavern
It wa* 11 !):irk iilsbl. but by Hie
bHfbt llitlii vimiiiiliii: ihnniirli ihe
Window * ..t III.- houae Ib-ii toiiM ai-e a
»lddIliiR-*l7..-d. I.r.uid «h..ii1.l<'ii-.| man
rnreiii|.-,| ill ,1 ahaRity ovel^^.nt.w.-lt•-h
InR him wlifi a nilin:t-.l .-xi.n-aaliui of
•lem dUiipi.Mwnt am] amiiaeiii.'iii on
bl* bniail. ni-aHii'r-lN'al
iau.~ >aid till* per
'•» f«»nr*- ">■ au(*-e«- i-ould not U' dla . Relgner. who manattwl to encaiie.
______^ ................ ............... ............................................. j-----------------------------------"•”>«•« ■» ■">'
Aelkrr W*«*«.
«Wrlnc Into a while Uiard
Frtn Ihe purely ».-1etit1lli' view. Imw®*-** aliori. ibH-heaih'd laek* with live erer. Hm pUenotm-iia of wlrele** lel.-.
i-omuviiiUo *hot« from a dl-ianee Jtt*l
Rrapby are mo«t marveinn*. They
abort euoujtb to allow of Hie taeka to
tdinw II* that ihl* remarkalde medium,
be ai-enmielj alRbied.
a* aeiher. will, h eni'oiriiwaae* u* almut
Not only wn» -Biiiralo Hlira-- aim
marvel.undy u.-euraie, but It waa ex- on every able. |*-n.-lraHDR the deii*.'«l
Clveu u rr|M<aier
a* well a* Hie rar>>«i form* of miiiter
lie would aland or alt ou Ida famou*
.-lay •
iKly U'1
and tnibiR Ihe whole .a-li'alUil *|.a.-e. i«
in a
Mate of elidiM di*llirbaii-e.
ermwed ami te, ru«»e<niy wave* of (11-
bad lime I
e fall eourw.
-oiliile of r
Hut Jl.. H..r.|everry. a i'r.'ii.-liman.
>|||<] ptt.luildy Rive tail. Cody |Hilut*
Hi* ac*'»r:ii']'
liulte rarb-l.v.
In hi* addn--* on Hie
•SI* Riitewa.i* of Knowhilse." l.«.nl
Kelvin im. .-alb'll attention io Hie
traordliiary (piiet.
"va*f Ran
Ra|i iN'ium'ii diMi xli.riiii.iii* n.r
iii.l of a miller IhrIi t.-ii*ee.ind. Ihii.iaai.iM
Hid rniditlly < f iiUu Jirt' aliiildy 4*t.m1 a diKlau-eof nil feel hi' can
II a |.!e.-.'Uif <tinllHinf|l Ihn.iiRli Hie
iRe a* It 1* |-iIm*I iipiJiiJln' head of
1 a**i*iaul.
Al a alnitlar db'tuiiee.
leaulUR hhueelf dal ou Id* liaek oViT
Hi.- It
.'.f rlbmllon
.■orre*j.olidlliR lo dull red UrIiI.
Hi.-refor.- Hi.- lowo-t rate 11 til.' *!*'<tniiii. Kill now Hull Hei 7 ha* rIv.-i,
it* uetlier wuv.'* iiiillb.u* of mile* l.ui
•on. lay biu a hand on Id* almulder. the aeat of a chair, w lih a |.l*><>l
••Wlinl * Jotir mim-. aud what «hlp do hand, he «yiu ~ nd *nibidliR a n-peiiuy
you U-loiiR i.ir*
•'^.Ii'*e wlib-li r.-*!*. Jialf-hkldeii. ii|kui
how moruioiwly lui* Hit* mne.- U*
wbl. m'd'; IVilliiii Ihi* mliRe tli. r.ri«mi for H « ii'«'» In ('la.i'of IIv.-, ea.
"My mime-r YVIry, now. m> name I*
B»'u \VH*oii. mill my hIiI|> U ibe .\riel.
but Mai
i''ir I kiiow what Imslui
t'dual In rails.- to Hio*e wj- liarew
liri *,ni
An.l If i-a. h.«1iould n-veal 1
mu.'ll :i« dc*** the
wliai an
amiiKliiR w-ealili of kimwledce woiil.l
(*- our*. Uid««'<l. I/iilRe ha* *iiRCi'*i.'il
It 1* of}.I
"It I* Him- .1011 w.'iil lo Ihi- (mat. \
Will R.-l yoiii-Hi-lf Hilo irouM.' if y
dnu-l Ro iii_lHr,.'. K.'ar n luiml ”
. all w-ll. bin I aiuT readv
ret. d.i you -.-r
I Ro
nii r rrle.l-lb'ii.
rrlexl lb-n. aiiRrl!)',
Ru of ni.-r
but the (liber, half NjullihR. RF.n|»-d
bim yi'l ■m■^• liriuiv.
rii.-li It. 1, im«l.- a Mow <M ldM..uhiel,
hla Ha*l''innt * lii'iid.
He w ill knock
Ho- a*li
.-iRar at a dblauie of
a»li .iff your .-iRar
.HI feel, or HrIiI y.iur w
If you eare lo liold li. At 111 yari
ran eui <1 HWiiiRiUR ihn-ad.
in-ad. and a
*anie dUiaiim- wllti BliceeWKlre *bnia
be will kii.*k off iliree aiiiall iritle*
the other ll|*m Hie
h.-ml ..f liU n.-l*n
luriiie hi* mnbi Held be wUl bit
nil ■•t-<'irbiil ih-ery of rUlon lui'M'd .m
coh.-ivr a.-Hoii. Hut why iiiny
Hi.-*.- H.-rttlaii ware* liare Mi'ii «1ivn.ly uliliy..-.! by oiir on.-aiii-inV We
an- told Hull Hie iLiy lluit C.-n, C.ir.
dou wn*.kini''l at Kliartoiim Hie
n|e in Hie Mn*-I« and laci.-ir* of Cnlni
kii.-w .if it. ilioiiRli III.' .I.Malt.-.' ill n
tbe man ii:irii.-.|. wh.-ii n •iriisRl.- .'ii
•node th-ii f.iUL'lH hl« liewi. bnl tlie
ll.iHi.u bull'* .'»(-• In «eren *eeoml*.
U.'Volier HiiM.liliR I* R.-nemlly .-on.M-ivd
Hiliiiit.-lv iii-'r.' .11111'till
ihatT-ritl.- urins. jiml lli.'lv an- .-.Tlaiu
ly fewer et^m-n rer.jlvt*r Ilian title
man Bt l.-nsHi *ii.'ti-edi-d In Rr.-iapius
bini nuHHl !■■•- arm* from iH-liiml. in
*b.ii*:—Itiii .iiiiour .................
wb-tder* of ih- -*lKMitiiiR iron" 1* aa
KriC*h ..tli.-.-r In AfshatiU'.-in n.-irnii.-*
that liif.ininiiion of Hie lt■l.•ml.■•l niore-
Whh-h p.-iii.iii WUitun wa* lll.-rally Aui.-rt.-au B.'i.U.-maU. a Mr. {tlephi*!.*.
earrh-d t.. w ithin a f.'W faHmiu* of Hie with wlnun. however. Hie f.-iM-iiiatiae
boat wh.-li, M-.',nK a iiuiiiM-r of Hie. liractl.e J» .uily a jatMliiie.
■Bllur* approa. bine, the aimncer «.A r.-ry ..rf.-.'iire feai Mr. Rienlieiis
roedt of
diirioR the wnr at ill*(amyw »» or
U»' mil.-* away wa*
known to the itnllvi-* al them' |*diil«
nlmiwi Imim-di.H.-ly. alHioueb no «'r-
leaaed Id* la.I.I aud. laURldiiR, made iw>rfonu* pritat.lr eiuialM* of * amlliie
off In Ha- .larlgie**.
*!x liRhted mtidl.w upon a Im-iu-Ii. rem-uHiiR al*mi 411 fm-l. and i.iiMliiR out
"It* Inckt ton i-aim- when
sahl the covwain "We w.inhln t har.
one i-amth' after an.iih.-r wiih the i-on
walte.1 r.T y.m iminy M-.a-ml* loiiRcr." l.'nt* of hi* »3x-.-liaml*'r.'.l r>-volter. On
~1 w..uWli l luive M-,m here If old one m-i-a*liic Hie »aim- R.-uileman.
iialine of niiy *.iri emild U- d.-te<-i<-.l.
Wlial worbN of t>.<**fMi' *.'ii'.'ili>.n lie
.-rti alauit u* in th.-a-n.-ili.-r wave*, and
>»iek or *...........
like him
bruoRhl me." wa* ihe n-ply.
YNTlRhl. V I,., had l>-eii alt uii«-en wl|.
beat of-the *iniRRle toward li* n-rml.
DailuD. (>ni xvlio. in ih- Rlmmi. had not
been at-b- i.. obtain a Rood View of tbe
•rrauR< r'* (ai-e. ma.Ie bl* app<-arance.
ComlUR III ih.' ume dliy'Ciion lu which
u ha.l V iiil«lH-d.
"Hwa* l.' lie w'ldKiH-r,-.t to tbe eox*. |
wain. "W ho l.nuiRhi Wibmn.
He at- i
.Mi..-l lim- I* l."’«i in;].-* and m- t"bRTn|.h •-oiHi.'.i* lli.-.e <-lil.'«.
.(-nil a
wli-n Hi.-*- or.- ritll.v r-.-otfiiii.-<l. will,
wlial 1rvui.'U.l..n» .iipabililii-* w ill the
HtandliiR under a cherry live Vlih a
n-vtdver It) each hand, cut the Ht.iuea
f elRlil vherrbui lu II aeeon.ls, Of
* fin-tl. one
human rai*- M- einlow.-d; lu Hi- eU.
(lueiit w-onl* of T.riidall: "The nir
aiwui na may la- full of heaven * lialli-luiili*. wldlr'we mar li.-ar only tbe
fe.-b|.- whl*i>.-r o^^r .iw ii pmyera."—
only Rnir-ed the .-berry
it wa* alim*]
at and the uHier waa loat’ln myatery.
But tbe f.-ai was a very wumb-rful
one. e«pechiay for an amateur »buL—
I.Bkw MraraCM
Thl* hHoR* «»—a* Ihe reader w-lll
see b.r f.dlo.vinR the route on the may
-to Ijtke Nb-arama. wlii.-h
I* on a
Ap«^ of the rreat bat qoeatlon,
blRta table.land. and I* the HUirce of
supply for l>oth..............
the ............................
laek.-.! It..' i..-ar the IMpliln. becamte 1
aRiiatlnR tbe'wofld of |ro«lp anew by
(be wewteni’iie.ll<.n» of the canal. The
reoue*i.*l h.m i-
the eatTiuated esiiemliture of a l*ar(«. ! lake Im* an extreme leiiRtb of peK |
to the boat.
1 had
to Jet him I.***- when 1 Rot him m.»«i
bin Iteautv of *oniethinR
bere: ami rum a. you'wiw
ou *aw tor
for 1
I wa*
per annul
annum on her hew.lRear. It la In-
* TlSta«rr
was soon
When WrlRh
a time lu n-ponlnR
.Ml 1. I...1 l«.n
like BS.AOO
hap* 100 mile* and an eiireme wWih
«. or a aurfac*
, It^rt-MliiR
t^rv-Mlns to
1,. notice that Ihe
the rlcar
rlc.r of
we«t end (too
,„d ,,„a.-
by Wilanu. This liye biter denied, of
eontwe, asyliiR it wa* a cltlr.en and a
•tranaer with w-houi be had b.-id hb
combat, bni h- waa not b>'Ii.-re.l.
Tbe Conn miirtial wa* beld tbe next
day. when Jonea arrived on board.WU•00 belBR *till k.-pt lu Ihe brlR. whence
be could not see Ibe commodore. Tb.-re
,.ht,n h«* Is awkine for Ihe onln
a..nie 3.000
^ that of
*’• ineateet depth Is SOO
uiV.lr '
’*’' salllnf line
enters and lean-* it Is, In round
abimy of a church cloak^?“fOT tbe ' "IT"!.;"" [1“'
drainaee area
siomge of bat* durli.R «irrl(-e hour*. !
of 12.900 sgiiarc miles. H>e Inflow ..f
Of cour»*.. Hii* «|u.-*i|i>n at prenent con- ’
water -darlus the peri<H* of gn-at
<vm* only ib.> r.-Rulaih>n chlnmcy-iio'
rainfall 1* *o»uetlniea sufficient to
sacred u. the rigors of
male attire
Bni the
aorface five Incbea lo 48
It. maximum outflow- I. 50.W0
cuWe feet per second.
was a alDRUbr (xpivasloo In the I*eo
Of Paul Jonc»^,*b(dnb^cojicHSarila?
was ended, aud the awroce of the
From his scat on high Olympus tbe
ptisuner^lun b*he* on ttm liai* bark god
Mar* contemplated The Hague
With tbe (Wi—wa» pronounced.
long and earnestly.
Tbe next ■nomine waa apiiolnled for
"Can you see your finlsbr
Ibe execuHoti of tbe aentence. When Jupiter, who. a* the patatlre father of
tbe time cnine. the ma*ler-at.arnis gods and men. took a passing Intercsi
bfottRlii np ilie prtaoncr and took off lu the affair*
Tbe eeapora-
Hon la eailmated at three and one.
half lo fire fed annnally. Thtri-iR the
dry season tbe enipnntlaB exeeeda (be
It Is beller(-d that doling
bulda good the entire yiwr.
*• •
Buctuatlon In tbe elevation ,
«* rarlons
Tliere are reports extant that |
bis Irons- On one of the RiaiinRS.
placvHl JoM forward of the ganirway.
be waa made l» stand, bis feet brine
“No," rvi.lli-d Mars.
“At ihU dis.
Wttcc I can see nothing but W. T.
fastened with wormloR and bis ban(b
Sometimes it bippens that personallb^wean 100 and 110 feet
ilea become so Urge as to get In tbe
ava-b^el. and at no Infreqnent
e*.--OetreU Jonnial.
. ‘■tcrrala.-Hafpef. Weekly.
way «t b
•ecnrrd. w ide a|iari. to (be bolwark*.
AloBg coma Wrf|d>(. •cuveiy able to
hiillKlilti ]uiw till’ lurf
In.IIiiuk of RiK>-. hut
w«e ,onleir..l
to return to ,the i,hl|>
at *,Mte.| Kiiiihiml.
-- -- hi. nm«t
a r,.,uli „f Ihe niad pmiik. of
• ortm-k.
The iKMUKWaltia
liuaiKwaliia mate.
mate. *„nd.Tful
*ond.Tful f.-m
f.-nt. wa* not petierally j-r-, ,he hull, Tlmv aoiiRln other iiuari.-r*.
.,,,1 ll-« «ll«,u ....
„J SI..,.., ..J
“ “*
o.-. a- I,
I'oforiui........ Ben
..... ........
drank, .MM
and ...
In .
•tale of partial inluzlcallun be yi»lted.
• few mlume* l*.fore t» o-eh- k-wben In-
Paid For Accideni and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.
aeiuary aiidioui'e wa» IohI a* tin- liiatailor innih- lih wn.v aeniaa a B<‘ld ami
aoiiehl aali-ty amoue the hmtii'l.in of
roaftniuil I'nnl Joui-e
"t waund to
■on- If ihin Wr.tfht tronld ri-alli have
llie hi-arf to I'arry imi lit* T«lM'!i*H*d
WHmt, and
raueht Hehl of him. Alelonn of ilte
Kimiihh uatlutial «|Miri flarhi-d aenMU
bin lulnd. hut the al'ldaum- of the liu-
and Kite r-
poncrful. yolina Ja<k Tnr of 2.V wlm
had Uti'iv inarriiil Sumid Crar. a humHe l.ot IniKttifu! datnnrl of lA. Tln-ie
Wliaon (■■-niine Rnnaa hmt prefemid
him. and vtio. Ix'liia of • mie), i
ain am. Fniik Kuli> ttaa udi- of ilir
hut when aleiut to i-aat lil* lloi' he
raUKhl kIbIii of a hie risl hull thal had
II wa» >oii wbo iMd: i>"ld of me.
b.r Ihe ^loliililu lanni. and i-ai
Invi. Cod
“V -‘•‘‘I"''
rurk Bl JVU
know, 1 woiihl not
aliip A{}i'l. iom-anirMl niidi r ii>e c»ni-
One day aouie
IVrkbMueii <iB Jai-ob lloyer
n fanu.
The nieialier» nf tlie i>ari}, ufier tryIne ihi'lr nktll with
Hear their ■•atai». tliuuehl1 they wo
lui|iroVe tln-ir lui-k
irllier ii|i
*“• *»““
»» ^
[Tl •‘"Tf -^ Ivrej and to rise as
thigh as llk> fed. It certainly does
Is the amount paid to members from January 1st, 1899, to Nov
ember 1st, 1899. $4,260.78 of tbe above sum was paid to mem'
bers in Traverse City and vicinity during the above period.
This record should convince all that in order to be safely
protected it is best for you to carry your
Accident i Sickness Insurance
' ■
Claims Paid From
Branch Office at Traverse City,
Since .anuary 1st, 1898.
- T».\vgmB i -rrv.
c. w.ri.k.................... I
m- r reuetsia ........
D H Hnrtibr
Asrol- H*arr
XO.SesBBn . . . .
s<^ (Hdutiin
Frank Mruaae
U I>rl*(
J B BmI*....................
i.iH. i. .*Dr
Ac— HMIfirr
P. (■ Ttm«|Mn. ...
S-rap-i. i-M- .. ..
V ka. llra'aUfi-or, G Canipl>-ll
Ja> Ki.parrk
N.O. Palin-r
> .1
Fr»i.k WoW
P .V J .1.—
i: d
Mail DmjTo
Jim. Ptl.By
».« L-r
f>al Bu*r. .
' u-barC (InoilaU
Ja^ ^ujthra)
Wb Blokle .
Anbiir P(***
Allird Writ
lU >
SI cn
Frank MliBvj .
Pu' hrr^iit
(**11. Vabllykr
A .V HlU*r
J A Pra«-
irlli-rr Bi.b(.
• S h-
Ck rl.Nnirte*
JrrUen Bnwe
U A Dean
■ Elltl.
' ss
Blai-t -fa<]..i
Mn*» l^arral-i
Job* W M**lib.in]
haul* Bura-.l
A>.*uu Lar-M.
?ud‘pr^" .
F.J Keaaei..-
« Ha.l,nr.
kOh- W-l«b
l> ui
Ha* rn-k-r
}J '*
Ocn r-<xaDt
8 aiasrr
H. W MrlrblBx
E. C lri«b
Fnek Bart*7
(1 E Hurrki
AnUrrm H-nil*
W J Hanroi-U
I ha. It
1 rt
Allwn Snarp ..
W'B f-rttr.
1.1 lU
i‘rasr . ■ rt
Tti.- P.-.-r.
Wn, Iv.uKia*
ii*i. Pmi-r
U-*t-r li.t *r
« a
W » Carr
(I B. LeVallr,
Max Frlrker
D. E H-n(tt
B*M Harr.
Cba> II. i.a^
Wrstev Kir-s
W. A FUnUcra
W F. Dngartl .
Frank Hawke, .
W , U Hi-e . .
AHe-n Rbaji.
k_t ► r
D.'lliVLa'TlarS-ratik Waikr* . .
Tlx- U«-kr
ba* IV-..-r
Wm. tict.ltli*
W. M Arkrr ..
EU* Hra~-b
Enapp ,
s s,
* K. Craati.rO
C. M Tbarlar . .
('. M. n.ackrr.
(• W M-rk,*
I.ulb-r Ua-i-
Ja*. Mc**]>................
Jo«. Dim’"^.. .
Ja. MooUr . .
rvank BaiKve ...
G. H AraeVTOOC ..
Aul t. T.m.ua. '
Mariim tfblt- ... .
*■«> •-dralli
Ju. K Hm.lr, .
rtiaa Q.l»ut, . .
(*‘y. “'-6*“'!!!.'."
J J. Miller ...
rr*(U.'—-I* .
A. Daki-Bkulb
E E Silxr* .
W. L- Xa»li ...
Cba. Ila.l
r<) (Vavk.rro
.Ur. U.k-cball. ..
J (> llut.|>rrl
*M( Kral*>-r
K l> UllM- . ____
tVarrrij I ai-arc«
X U-’
i.tir-™" ■::
WllUul kf. A^-..
A O k-i.Il
Bert HarJ^W w.^
EU tVf*r
r s L'.-iitr
KApro ctrr.
Jnu. Al—u*
Ja* Eru>*i
W.A Witliaai.
W E UrW itl.................
tuilaa-a H*D|.ter
JS'. t-auv-bru ....
Frank 0boii<
. ..
^ Wj
I lu *»
Fit.aunt, Bi>pV.s
('ba. J. ETa*.
Ni.rBan Hander.
(-ba. Elan.
t M <n
( h.% itrou*i>i>
(• T MK^ulrheoo
N •: Hanndera
J E H.. l.arU.
B r l>TE*nH.rr ...
It tt
» UT)
P Rlrerler.....................I S! »0
Jobn (.aurorr
T 00
it (**
Gcu M<
mie, »Ttoney
............( 1* m
Wb T Bri.'bv
Ik ou
R Haa.
. . * In 7U
fi-U Kat-ar
. . .
It Tf
Ik 31
f IT «
Je.ee Sawea ...
t « 00
Frank Bart ....................• ■ tO
Frank W Lnntner___ oa Do
Prank ■allloti............ t Cm
. After reading this advertisement, and you are convinced
that tOU should carry accident and sickness insurance, call at
my ofELce over Johnson’s drug store, and information will be
furnished by competent clerks.
Send a postal card and we will ipail you particulars.
Do not wait for some one to call on you—take the insurance"
before you are hurt or get sick.
This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.
APPLY TO...............
J. M. Blakeslee
District Superintendent
Btaicli DHice, Bocm I, loliisoj Btoct
Traters* City, Michlgai
■•■iiirM %a«lr» Daws.
« «ll«t P. inilliltM. ttr rogwW of tb«
tuioaal tM-wkitaiM-r ivrpunikMi kuuwa
a tbe LiUlrtl I'm-, and ibp InvMiiW
^ n>llll|«‘ ip|. .nai.Ulr riK).-. a ijpk*>.
Ainwii-ao. who ha» pui many
^optTwbrrr aiu..aa yoiinp
«*lDDPra U*« a.
KlDP-irfllii» of thr youDg
XnvwMOnr Kus*<
iMlow ia a im of tbr barjur *mA
__ _ ___ ___
thrown tbe «»yp and tartlioni _
i, ih.- rumjMB;- of U»p lalkailrp c
u, ,|,e nli«ay car.
i wli,4e l-enodw- lb the e^.rk Iw,
iCon* liiiu. (lie •ui-cnafot mail of tba
cTpiute muai Buow hie bualuexs from
^ 10 Z
Tlie Dell gn-al diawlmck to aocresa
-via WleiM-»». .Vutblnc worth while Ik
tmccompIleL.-.] wlihoiit work, and plenty
.-af H. Thing* do noi happen wlihout
i.a omae. and Udilod ev.-ry great life
vlkere are yiwra of eouoeoirated energy
^ ^--- . _
. ..
iB tUa cteptPT Pbb) tmta t# tba '
' dataea ^ Ortiana toward one ana
pSk Sr
a» bp abovnl ibp DP*wpa|wr Into the
* Oo. B«v
,,,, ,„r.,rtn,n»«l o<r«i
fc«a per dox.........................
, BmhUt *n»*«<L
la tb« ranauung part Codflab par *........................
, «d tbr chapter br di*t>qr»fa npoo the
.............................. .
^ manner in wbitdi Chnatiaiu wbo are
Better per
1C OSCM ne>rTt»D.-be- block. n< mat atrm
r» 1
P« »•
to I J^Atn-T C
added, aliuoit’ tearfnUy. “thai
«orld U l.ut a amln* abow."
thia •*«*« >* the faith abooM n»e their CreameryBatter.ft..
•a per ft..
Cbriattan Hbertr. potnUng oat the fact . V
par bo (new,)..
Tbaf. «oe way of look- »!>*» ____________ ,.________
be oard in ,OaW
way ti>«»
w . pSS^^^.”!
-------- r
a -V
»i-t wMww {■.1^-.- m4M
:b.r»; that tboach they are free and
,e„ in
ii. freedom, yet tk.jp
their free- Baitparnw...
and hiuiling amnod to make tbla
____ duiu aboald b»t lixoiDe n
rth« **oe‘'*b**'Floor per bbl..
worid anr bi-ilerr
j block in the way ..f othero
In .rtl
stTOie 1
-Whafa the u«.r
! »orda. Paul declaree that liberty ahoold
-Of rourw.
Ing at it.
r.e felt (bml way about It
nowlf. Rot let me aek you
tbiog. Are you puitlttg In your Qi.nef
T^n W a aw * Mooc.»eorr»li»..-.iee*lw.
XJ «rieel«ll»o> ne. ear. CIO*.-aed eerlie oH
Bail rtl******.
-Id rbM>e.W>.Kr*. lOT. OS
r Opeca Ho»
. oa<-ea, oily Open
• s?.
f-kR A ^ HOU.IDAT. irTadaate Toeoaw
U VolTeni^i>*<»Io^VoBmoBid« Tfcoo
“^>11. you'll etrnae »■•for qneatlon- be t»rapemd with lore; that *e ahoold *vfcea^ old, per bn.............
log yoo, bm you refenvdlo the worid not in*i.«t on doing all that we hare a Whewi, per bn.(new)..
aa a fleeilog «lii>w.
t'lu n ttaeairlral rigbt to da bnt lie gorernxd by the ueta. No. 1, per ba. (oei
edowa ID .*.ld blood, and yet ho* few
rwieo trcognlv. or. reeocLlalog. me up
- to Ibe axiom that labor couguera aU
Idlene** and the co'um-1iiu*u<w* of In•rampetemy ahould make auy man
.Haltamo.1 of lilioM-lf and drive blni to
.te aoiuethlug dial I* worth the doing,
.ft U wliblu the gm»i. of every >
kaara aonie otic thing that will yield
.both (ileanun- and profit.
•woiiKW only to thnae uiio «et-k II.
w.ll ooi
hare to be a.lvl-d
.Bow to sorcet.l.
lie may learn murh
.■ByWu.lylngtl.efKllun.*«roiher*. b.iw-wrer. am) by will alway* llod. after a
-anrvey of the great legion of the un-------c.-**ful. Mliat
two causes
iBrougbt them l
their r
•Hart «f ^ If-le-iru-dlot. wn<^ hi* li»«ly for the aake of hi* • Appl'e;_Cnlia and wlDdfalla. I0« prr i
“Thai', mil right.
\ ou didn't pay
weak brother.
J. * HUU™i«
•nythlng to gvi Into Ihla fleeting ahow.
{hmi n<,t ,.uly
lay* down tbi* prind>
cnlla.' (Viebigan Sureb ,totp.m. TalaeboDe.Tl
______ (Nicbl
Cbri«tian Co .1
.) aoeordinR
aoeordiuR tc onalltr.
onallty. lOlSc.
pie of li»*Tty and lore in the Chrirtian
1 i>R*7M Hcv.FKTiMLTitnMP«oK: cm.-e
y eriaiiily not.
life, l^nt
l.nt girt*
give* many reaaon* to eopjeirt'
‘Thereyouare. •Tlier.-'stbe oM. old Li* i*»ition
UBecatwe Chri-1 di»«i
died fcg
fflg ^ V»««i by Briti.h
Hritbh Bo
Be diera ..
Kwition t.Becamie
ij nr* oenr-.
n nuuie-II
1 never
the weak a-Well a* the rtrong.' ”De-j
Capi. C C Deoniaon la well Loown I ^Beu'-phi.i.-- ».v~
* a -lendltend who wasn't a
-or not
not him
him wilJi
wilJi thy
thy meat
meat for
for whom
I CTiri.l
iri*l di.d." It Wogld
Wogid be eitreii
prv]•^>•te^,ll* for any
WIIIIbm'* l.ae
riere I* a g***! *inry of
AVilllani. «Ih> t*eng>ige<l
, w-lnd-iw-
a to claim
perainal lil»Ttr in a
y t’ ill w.mltl imike I1iri*ff death on
One morning WllUaiiL in*t.-ad-if
all over Africa aa comtnannr of 'be|w.*H h. e kl'^oh. ■•b
force* that raptured the f -mnos
-mno* rebel; J-' Bl". t
of N
N ’*rm
bo«h-cn rk ■«'
I'ld.-rdau1- of
f''>m Vryburg,
Refare start ng on the Istti
ledy. which
which II u«d
*»*d myae
doing hi* work, waa nnm.lug hliu*elf .V‘>«r g.-id b-evil ai-.kcn trf.
Liberty i„ubled
with bowd
bowel e.eompiai
in a . bad glrrn to my men. and to every ;
j,r rea.lli.g the cdiper. and. a* 1»d lutk
“ •'<1-~it>We. bnt if n«id in
/ptild have It. il.rmanager h*>ke.I in.
“*** re*uU* >n evil it would i-ai-t caae II proved moat bem fie al.” For
. ]f'aae>y8 E WailacdPC Tbompaor. '
-Wha'f* ibl-T' he said William «a*
«l»’U (T»n*tia)
-Plek up your things C^rtmuit.v gavo n* * rU--------- ---------—
'ami go. " said the manager.
fto |«*tr tVilllan. wi-iu to the olB.-e.
drew the money which wo* owing to
rcpnti.ttoii of t .n-d.imiir ^
the oiber servants, and there he hap-
■"T principlcof onr rcligi.m. for it con- ] Dec 1st-
lUy. a* be *1
stopped bis buckboard
:«a front of the gate.
Uncle Hlrani surveyed the outfit sub^Wouafy from where be Mt on the
iarmbonae steps waltluf for dinner
-«nd eridenily readied hi* own conclu'^nsasto II* nature.
<^«'*» wlndowsV"
“Tes. sir."
'""b like a handy *.wt of chap.
la*l man ‘.Os. but I'U
weak.' The moment that wbich we do
injure* another that tuooieut it be-
-Waal," he replied alow ly. "1 dtiuno
«a 1 need DU ellxycr o' life er aure cure
“Thank you, sir." sahl •nil'.tm; and
«TDng for u» to do it. no
msiter how inoffensire the thing lUelf,
In* yeT' anked-tbe atmuger
“rio yc
‘So l‘*lf *n hour he wa* Imek In the considered iiloue. mar he.
elennliig the window
-I alu'i no isiteut med clne render.
«'lnd'"f ,
The application of this aobjert-to the
— - - -began Ihe sirangiT.
• till* time, and not
It n-adiug
n*adiug the iNiiMT.—
tui|MT.— temperance <iae*tion
tjnestion t* eaailr imade. Tc
drink wine <g intoxicating ^nka mod-Ker air llghtnlu roda a fav’rltr lo- i TW-Blla.
emtejy I if we can I insy be onr rit^t,
broke In L'nde
"And I got all the IsMka 1 want, got
D 'l••Da ter since thet
lore readlD n ■■an'l••Da
•C«eyclu)se<lyer feller rojsed me ii
\r«f, will, ,1...
Jl’-rd ‘‘loia ^
«oum-^ rwh-Hiram d«-ld«lly.
I alD t no iKs.k agent.' denied the
Tan.llady *|-ik-hi* name with
mrinlie swe. in.-**, for >be foiidlr
1-7: xxii. .tT-38; R.«» xii, V. lit; xiii,
10: 1 Cor. viii. v-i:!; *iii, mS; 11 Cor.
binied he woixl.l |wy hi*
ri. l-lii;(isl. V. 1. HMfi. 1 Pel. li, 16.
10: 11 Pet. ii. 17-:»: 1 John ir. 1-3.
-la." lni.Trti|.t.*J I'uele Hiram.
ti ain't iM'UiD nuihio: I'm aonor a
"I be." affirmed the mratiger. "Uy
•*»aw-'B ■'■■usln.AmandiT
"rm not ihlrki,v."
i French Pr..t.»Unts in the time* thot
It is a matter .if eonJ.-.-tore whether for .-melty hare bad fewi'qnal*- It was
auui-U-o'youKn. 8Ue Harrow- It wa* emuth.n
I've heom tell o' aomcthln
ilkr ihvL" arkuuwk-dgiHl t'oele Hiram
dhoiighifolly. ••Waal, pm yi-r Uobs in
dbe barn; ihrt's gi**l euuff fer dluuev'.
..r stage
that enng hr George Wisliart when taken
tarniah in a sweet state.
which i* |
by cattle,
Md bog* and which we
" '■ • P—■
•' "
TbU feed i* fattanlog.-and
ing Words broke from the lip* of John t such shape that it can
Abe wan is spun ..iit, be will tremble
■and swear and grow appri'beasive. ' If
( *i«ikcn by Sir Tboiiia.* More, "who was
fte has been six luuDihs In servkv. he
knows every bugle «-all
A* Ihe i-all
i fuiMoii* through Enro]ae fur eli*jn>'Uce
' Slid wi*doin. ' a* h-- laid hi* h.-nd upon
; the hlu k.
It* vk-v.-nt.-i-ntli v.-r»-. writ-
cwmes lu ailvaui'e the ri<h-r cm feel
Him working at the hli with hU longue
U-iwei-D ill* t•*'lh.
] ten by St. Angvvitine apin, the wall of
{ bis rick i-huiiiia-r. did not uwk.- the test j
t auy the le** real to the gr>-.it German i
As he
xnovcKoul he nill clrh.T *e.-k |.> get ■■tl
(a*ti>r than hi- *b.>ul.i or Im.Ii
H,- eau
tint boll, however.
-rnrwt and have •l.iur n llh IKl* aoon aa
A man *<'|cl.>iu • ric* out
wbee hit to the iiimiull of battU*.
>s the *anic with
Horwc World.
A Teertae Tw.ble.
- MOM vfart.-Iou* of all the storlea of
ItTeal fall* 1* ih.* aix-uuni of Charles
-Voowr, „ mn.
Th>- liiu'* will ear
ry him furwar.1. ami after a ailirote he
A'iU crip. Ik.v hack tii* ear*, and one
.“an fi'c! liisBiiihIcii rvMulve to tirare the
rr,.m . brtebt
tenecm-ls. and he was makluga (vanehuie d.-iviit
The paraeiM.te refused
ones till
liti within
wiihlo liki or 2iio feet from
ta open
■ be ground
Then II apread
■deni}' ami b]>IIi.
The anronuiiate man enisfaed both
-wnkh'* RU<l lK<th kuee*. broke his right
thlgb and bip. «1i*lo<-aled hi* s|iloal cotumo and sufft-n-d other Injiiriea. Yet
after a year In a hospital he reeor. e*«d auffirlroily to write an accoom of
- what wa* prolaibly the mom fearful
mccMent nwnal man ever anrxlved.
They bad been alttlnc together ter
ftaU an boor.
“I hare etijoyrd our converai
/aacbr abe esi-taimed. aa abe roae I
*Tl U M realful to talk With yen;
■ftad after abe bad left him be
t be ^dnt beea aide to
«ho whale coareemttaH.
fcNV* 1 ill'll
i.K-k*.i-All.v Sh.per.
I'lBhrrlla tllploMary.
A man wltL an umhr>-IIa wa* walk
Th.- n-renth v.-r*e of this |
same pwliu waa f.>uml oi> a tablet of
tainled ini
barrels, bo* wagoos. etc . aod can
E. W. Hastings
hv ,
bpff*7o move the umbrelU lo the posik. .*.*ri_v o
k« ... ...i.... o *
Itane^TdTfriin^o^" eUhTrsWe nr^ i
fn ^
- i
rpinta in Hi* n. li and sat-
«“ ZJi
teeted him from tha rain while ro-Tlr-i***®^*
from the omlireUa.— I
forever above the ro.-re
tu the drippitu
inalio of petition, and all doubt or mis
MVman's Hotm Compantnn.
giving aa t.) it* answer ia lost in the
hiiiglier wish,
•ish, not that onr particular reTea,
certainly --------lovely.
------- —
—I ---------------,
... Qoes
loesta .Jiall
shall. be granted, but
bnt that the
tbongh It liad cost bm eighteen dollar* srill
wiU of G-id
>■*1 mar be known and dune.—
^^d- iblriei-n vents; quit! JBer. F. W. Baldwin. D. D.. in Cemgrethat Smith woman’s, which had
.nearly a liiimtred.
“But (be Smiths ^
are ab]
i more eoD*i>lcnoD* >
Alt le CHareeler.
"Well, tber cant come I
• friend for his inward
is any Ukt than we can," she ex. K»ce« and not for hie outward appear....—. radiantly.—Detroit
,it journaL
ance. A handsome face cannot be a perclaimed,
. yoB know I diaap.
Hie Michigan Starch Co.
WarsWo's BloBk.
. l3'5?y,'S''b;.Sf' “ Ita
isid I
i M»kup., u. b«. I, i.
WOUamT. an-
ll;l^jw IrslB bsa esrier car to OrwaS
-per (irwaSRspU* W niieia-
Tb*4:«)p. m. Irsl
iralBbBB pBriwesi^ Uraai
Rapids, and Bleep
*t?BlL^raia^ 1 ;*n p. « ba* Bleeper CIbriBBBU uiOraad RapIdBasdeoaek and sleep.
IBS car CbtcBfO toViraod Raplda a»d rhalresr
Train arrlvlag at SOnp b. ha* rbair rar n.
Wayoe totiraod Rapid..ao.l c air ear Urwa*
Kaplok to PeloBkry
John R. Santq,
Geuerul lusurance.
TrwwBvweCttv. bbk
Chicago —
West Michigan.
Fire Insurance.
Tr.vpre. C'ity,'Mi, h I
norito wofTR.
tPeiMkey ..>e«s
7ya.er.eC/ '*»*■'
rOrdUapld*. X40pw;
L. L A Buildlngr
II to
Cblraso^^___ 10 ISp.™'
' i
^ PH
I 7 tS
'll S
<>rd Rapid.
<«rd Rapid.
TraTprM?/. :•« U. K top ■>.
Lt Tra—ravC/.
' Ar Blk Rapid. '
Lv Elk Rapid. |
Ar Tra.evatCy !
15it is
Traverse ORp.
iuism UP lotmisTHi 1.1.
ANGEUNE MANUFACTUdNC CO.. 0r»<d MhMv Kdv. sad ior Srie by Al Dveg^
Just The Thing
For A Chilly Day
At our soda counter
We dispense
tnanent boais for a friendship.
roots of friextdsblp are all in charectcoc
It is what onr friend is that drawa sa
him. This is the reaacm why only
tme men and wotnsti
•pkooe TX
.r, -r-.™ l«t<.
Fire Insurance
nipper auiid the i-t.-msl ro->WMm the
biglK.wt pdut of the esrth'a sortace
•hy "Wasli
"Wosl me. and I
•’5AI-' B«-<hy
shall1 he
L whit<T t han *now.' —-Si-lected.
S2£6? iStSSfiStiflaftSSSa :
ing In the rain: an umhrellale** frl. ud
Utaber Seaae at t>rwr»r.
Ji'ined him nod «liared Ibe prat.-vlIOD.
There i* no way ,J making on.-'*
vner noiiecd
• that
iwayer* real sod etrennous save as God
a getting <Hily half protecilou. as i,
niade tewi
it mad
IireMPut in one's
the rain and the drippings from the I tboogbts.
* w<-li ivo
fell ..u
on uue
one e,
should.-r '
seoM. of
wlity to an alse’Ut'dcity
friend without -a
or to pat aonl and passion, faith and
h. oivo.vi i.im in .nt nf the w*t .
lore into words that
now had .-mplete prot.<tlon.
IrBi bimI d
flt.T. II
« unatance. John Rogers rejwated it* .hipped In .mr load lolv
cunfiwKiun* and tnnniphant ]iurHt)*on
led free of charge.
to III.- fir.-* of Kmit
Kmiihfield. The
wiinl* Ilf the Hclirew |iHslmi*t w.re
«w Ing* Into line ami w ait* Ihi- hur*r
vgrowk mfvous oviT thr waiting
cniid Itipldi t umim K. I
eonaiderablydMa than bsif the cost of
Hu*» at the pUc* of hiaexeentiun, mar
Vew OfBew. VBrkham Blnob
)oii should HOC
own and herlm*1>MDd'*death. it* Imrn-ipotatoe* and other feeds, avid it is Is
Tbe tavalry Horse.
work ef hlgfewi puMlble gr«as. Vtae i
work B speciBllr
Successors to
which we will aetl this
fewd >» order to introdnee it will be
err for moivv wa* reiwabai bv Lady i»
A retiuwD ■■atalry tiurw- parukc* of
eftr bo|*-s and fmra of Itaitle just the
•aaine-a* bl> n.ler.
A* the i-oltimn
Jane Orey m»m the fateful day of her ' cattle woo borae# prefer tbiaffecd
<0 gi-l II
bBWMtbiaa ua* B
f— It,,.,
Bicycle Enameled
Traverse Ch|[ lumber Co.
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle Traverse Cit)i, - - Michigan
‘•auwM thi- Han wiih the Yellow Whl»- prisoner before hi* martyrdom
at 8t ;thesaDie amount of feed stuff* oonh*'" to ku.*-*.
iiily (hat he up- Andrews Ita opening verse was the dy-’ tatned in all wheat bran aod midd»^t a “It o'lliir.-Ro*tou Journal,
■ry of the Kcoilish martvr. Tbutnaa y™
ftot ye can't stay all iilgbi on it. mind
ye."-New York H orid.
Pretrii neat time
to think about having tout
John F. On & Co.
N'o remedy
equal* Warvfk's Whit;'
K OK Tar s. .
• 'e at.
t.d fatal di*ease.
H boure, and fo- the ixiugh that t
* La Grijipu i'. -ever fails U> gi
Priev. 25c and .50c.
Onr eseellent Potato Pulp,
It is ini)*iB*il
cotmsln o' your u." announcevl tha of the law* of cti.|ueito aud era'ha- power of the Fifty- fir*t Psalm npuu
Htranger. with di-sperato rapldliy.
King*. whci
uisra and cottagers
**Yo be'/" gueriod I'ncle lUraui doubtllisni you—”
Ibareriail il with tb^name spiritual
A far-awa> 'l<M>k ■■anic intn his pv.f pr<£t. It wa* Ihe d^TIr M>ng of the
15c Straight •
Ilf Uoioii Street.
0 Can U Cripp* ii 24 H«are.
"-------haAk^ime nv*t.-r stewr
The Man will, the Freckle* <
N.w*. ill(.-,| iw.k hi* .-hair In detiaq.-e
nnwallr wrong,
-Ps <'***■
R*'"'!*****^—P"Ixt. I-3;J.t
aaltangcrearuesilj.-rm" "Ngiber do 1 hold liy patent plowa.
f Smoker!
You might a'Bo see me about storing
your srberl FREE for the winter
No better cratrelln? that our*
Mt«p in and talk it over.
are oaed and endmed by Use leading
iraalclana everywhere. No iSBProp*
atreet, N E Stroog. manager. 7S: ft
sulN.-rllied for
»6 «" 1«
Ximball Piaoos and Organs
wine n<g anything whereby thy bruthff
Htnnihicih or i* offended or is made
jger <-(>u*Uiui>il»ti lerday "
r**r churn*, aer windmill*, nw nu.Ui-
Tbankteiring Day EzcotsIsb Katas-
“*n'‘n* r- B.-ction njion it. 8. Beranae
ChrisUauity i» not "meat and drink.
lienrd to run arri»s the manager, who fi-de m internal grace* rather than in
rwogntae him In bis beat coat, outward ohaerritDctw
4. Becanse it is
did not. r
a ioh» asked the murallr wrong to do ev«n what U lawfnl in iteelf if ji injure* otlier*.
good ncjlber to eat
nor to drink
"Vcs, air." aald WlllUm.
f TiUt. It«
HouiB t. Ha
. amt then w.-nt iii*.talr* and put bat nghteoq*ne** and i«.oe and joy in
■ T . '
•»._ 11.1..
•• -P.,__ r__ I.. »_____ ___ on hi* Siimlar rloilie*. Coming down, the Holy Ohiwt.
Ti: refrain from <«t-, wlibin l»0 mUea of milling station av^
be went to My ~g<KHl-hy'* to some of ing meat or n*ing drink due* not violate | one and ooe-thlrd fare.
Betorn llibitj
Vwrlr Hlraw Waaa't Mweb tmpeeaaed
by (hr ftrlatteaahtp.
________ *
^ (y‘HL“i i,s5?a^ra^v°
The young man who I* re«Hy In ;-|Va:;;rar r'.vrtain'big^.nteriiV'V!on-«rn.H.t
QILRERT.Attonie)r. RpeelalaneBitoii
ItoK^ltle^ 'ileek**
:and tln-le*> induairy.
Idiotic** w ill'manager, and I'lu Inien-eti-d In anyeffivts of onr ac-tioaa apm others. Pant - orn. per bn.............................
take any man a fallnre- inielllgenl thing In ibe *bow line. Now. I notice bad a i* rf<H*t right (o eat meat offered : Potatoea, per br...................
to idol«. bnt if the aoc of hii liberty in ' ?y*r
-work will hind auy mail aimmg the 'hat .rou ain't I
•peel injoi
this tvepe«-i
injond a bruthiT. for whom
It it all ao tluiplemnd *o «f thit worlil. i
died, Patilil waa wtUing to aarr
y that I am. The ID- Cbriet di
-arlle that one b..*liati.* lo put the fart
• ‘'"“‘i »*J'
iPig Tail!
lUble «eck
,er. ta Wtm *c« btadiag on the coo ' Shm Cat Pork per B
'ociimee^tbrfinaJJrrrwebopolata Float, H U * Oo-Beau.
eat that ^brwmaM wbo are orenc
tttryluivrpi.krdooif«rihfDj*clvr». Be• an UQlimiK'd eupi.ly of i Bcrgy
IB Tra*
Tetakv aBen Wadgreds/. Jaa. II.IHO.
HaaBM Otty
SA'a HUl
___ la Abb
Ttats assrsa,
Cbooeteta ta tha poblk.
h Hot Boaf Tha. Hot L
a for a flna ehoeoUto flavor aommenda onr 1
JAS.Q.JOHN1^N, Dru{gist
Tliipd T«r-No m.
Aacriean ' Tortm in
»j 2
/aaacoMardoekctUdiaaaVaata tbo
Vo Mon Brpertt to bo Soai Oot by
Admiral for Ttee FrooidODi.
Fiorldo Oaolalo.
To Stop BaUroad Traffle at UPorta. leA. No*. U.-Jamo* Mdr
JKkmviUo. ria.. No*. U-—Tbo
dock of Lafayolto. oao of tbo boot
Ln«m With FrtondliMM.
kaowa Democrat* la tbo oiat*. oa,
PortlUBpoaty ood Miami are sow
aa'taiorTiow that tbo oeaUntoat of tbe
•o oompUuar oador eootrol that ao
Owrt»L>wtaa fBaUsK SU'A«tmm aero oSsHl ropMla will be aaat oot Booia OOBtiaao to Sombard Lady- lodlaaa Demoerat* I* favor^le to tbe
PBltb with Me SbalJs and UtUo BomloatioB of Adiq^ debley a* *loe
Jnm 0«roM to Futqal-m*UnM« I
ibe otau board of boalU.
XSbot-Btreae SflOrto to Cboek prooldoat oa a tiekot with W. J.
OstefSoriaentUllatwAMd WIU Uootta U*o ocewrod for oeTwal doya.
Advaaeo of BrtUab to BoUoro Ooa- Bryaa.
Mr. Mardoek 1* crodUod with Doiac
aaUue that ibo haallb aatboriUoo oay
oral Vblta-SorUo Bade from ladyaeaadldat* for tbe
—Acolaaldob aenetaiy iUU VoM that tboro M DO danyer of lU oproadmttbby layllah aad Boom Drivaa eonlral c
p aad
iaf. QoafmaUoo wiU be kept op Ull
ta alao op^oa of tor aaUoaal
mmittbo loot ToeUr* of tbo fever Imtoo.
from lodlaaa.
Loroax} Marqeex. DoUyoa Bay. No*
ao a
Waablacloa, No*. It- — DUpauboi
ia.-TboofBela] Volkotea of Pretoria
ware roeoltod at tbo war departotoat
mpor^ ttet'tbo r^t bridt^'
tto i *^‘**“‘ movamoat to .tart a Bryaa
today from Ooooral Otlo. r>*lor dotafla
«««. aaddchloyboomlathoeuia.
Tayela river, near Ooloaoo.
of tbo advaaoo of Ooaoralo lAwtoB aad Webiiaa atarah Oo. Bat told 900 plotoly deotroyed Wodnooday. Tbo
Toai to BoatOB aad Obioaco rtmo
Boomam looktae forward with yreat
••Qoaoral Lawton oaiarod Oorona
to Two Ordora.
Interoit to tbo inpoadlay oaeonator Bfforta to bo Bad* to Float
yoatarday aad poobed bto advaaoo to
Tho-axtoat of tbo baolooai of tbo
Paaiqol. a few mUe* boyoad. Tke lala iu la fancy. Col«i» ud bb»d«. Atedt UO
w.btaiU». K.t. l.-Th. Clr»
borrhom, with eannon, are roardiay |
Helpmakerpaaa, elrbto
DaBdee,t6baSI< any etrateyioal av oBeembem believe that if abe caa
tempt to reooeopy Dnndee by tbe Plet- maoaye to approach toe wreck and
ermaritxbary-Greytown route.
«ortb of Torlae to Paalqal. but the
BeUtod dUpatebM from a eo
dealer and tbe reaMlader to a Boaloa
on«iae* and oara were parUy deotroyed
beaea Theaa order, will require II deat with tbe Boem wear Ltdyumlth,
by tbe toobTFoat*. oa retmatlar.
oamtoablp. SWpmeaU to U. eaet ap to Tueodey. are arririny bare. They
SaBebmt ToUloy otoeh eaa b* ropolrod
throw tome li(bl oa tbe flybtlnc al
have already becaa.
ao laopro railroad oorvle*.
Tbe North Star Potato lour, tbe fln- ready reported from other aourcee.
Tbo iadleatlOBO are ^t tbe laonrIn Bveolay a* toe L^mlt.
oetprodnet of tbe tteU>ry. la belay They tay that on Nov 10. elybt lyddite
Cn> troop. ... wld.lj «»it.r«l. »=..
flrod Into tbe
Traeevall^ - Dm Molnee, la., Nov. !(.—Tbe City
eblpped eztonalvely in addiUoa to tbe tbelli«
rotrmUac into tbo provlno* of SamPearl braad. wbieb 1* laryely need la oeatral artillery poeltloa wUtaoot do- Oonacll of Dm MoIom bis pateed aa
boU* la woetera Loton."
ordlnaaoc maklay It a
maaataetarinc- dll tbe local groow iny any barm.
“A dlopateb Srea Ooaoral Lawtoa.
mmaadaat ffaltbach eaptared a for any pemoa to be found --lolterioir
are eelUar the potato Boar, wbieb te
dated on the road between Saa Nlcbolao
1. who reported that General White OB tbe itroeU aftar ll o'clock at
enperiortoeom etartb for enlltoery
aad Baa Maaaol. traaomlto diepa|obo*
parpoem ai>» U already Badlny favor wae wounded aad bed yoae to Pleter- Blybi.” A penalty la attaebad for viofrom Uoaoral Yoabf aad Major Ralmarttxbary. leaviny Gaaoral French la latiQn.of not more than twenty day* la
amoor boaaewlvm of tbe city.
laaoot who worn at Aelacaa aad Boaalo*
Tbe eompany te atlll recelvtay all oommaad. ThU, however, doM Bot tbe eonnty Jail.
Vorembor l» aad le Ibe former wae
tbe potatoe* they eaa bandU at pree- tally with the Tranevaalb informauoa.
•aoetlB oa Poxarrdbto. aboat twel*o
aak Tbe factory la ooaaumlac 1.000 The prtaeeer aleo reported that the
' aUo* oaet of Ban Fablaa aad twentybaebel* a day and tbe etoek eoaUnava' BritiubforoM were bidlay la nader•r* Blip* waet of San Niebola, wbor*
to oome from bay polaU by boat aad yrooad ebambera. la order to av^ tbe
Major Bwlfert foaad
ehelU, and eald-tbat tbme warn aboat
eded la tbe boapitala.
doabert bae been todiapeeod
bat U better.
Bitooart. Natal. Nov. 18 —A raaaer
FaBeandalarr* «««“'________________
8om« of tbo reoooiu
arrivad her* from Ladyemitb today
Gsoeral White
why tbo sAloa of Sorooio
wboreporu all wall there. He adde
are so pheaomonsl.
tohabitaato. It would appear tbit ibe
that the Boer ebelU ba*e do effect.
lat-They moke a loot look well.
taearveaU have boan driven aerth- Board of Pub ic Worka Did Mot Bo- Oeaeral White recently made a aorUe
What U more at'ractive than
aad drove tbe Boem from tbair yaae
a bandeome foot? '‘SoroeU"
aad poaltloa. Tbe Britiab did not lone
will make vonra eo no mat
|OB report* tbedrownlacofLlcatetiant
WUl Go oa Ooaety Iroaada
ter what oil Imaa e< tbe Tblrty-foarlb lataniry. i
p.blte worke decided
iind—Expert* in footwetr enTbebombardm.-at of Ladyamith U
dorueaud pui
BleaM aad two mea of bU eecorl, la^
{( would not be OMUaned daily with bly yaat. The
. mother*. *Uvee d-urh''eromlnc lb* Ayno river. He aUo reto permit MePbemoa Poet. Boem eadeavored November 14 to
(fm Dl entitled with Ue
porM that Lleuteaaat Thuyar aad tea ^
^ g
U,elr flay pole on the make a eloaer iDVMtaent bot wera
enor ana .eaibvr buvlneai
) eeai to eommualeate
General o. A. a lot la Oakwood eomeiory. repnlaed. >G«aeral White followed
wear-SORuSIS •' They know
what ehoM thould be.
I are evlll mlMlny. Be eaye he ApplIcaUontoeetthe pole there wae thie up witb a aortie which drove the
3rd—They are both beautiful
acaia rMur to tbe forUtnde. made by tke poateome week* aya At Boem from all their poeiUona, with
and oomfJTteble 1. aderu of
wpdaraaoe aad ebaerfalneM of bU a later meeUny of tbe board a roquect
f*<blon. women who eet the
Tbe B 'em am aeGeneral Beym joet tole- wae prMonted eeklay tor% reoonotderafeehion of bow to drea* wear
ported to bo ehort of provieloha.
-bOBGSIS ' beevaee of their
FTaobe from Sam UMro that be bolde Uon of tbe deelalon. Tbe matter wm
L-rndOB, Ns*. IS —All lollM
ehyatil dMlyn People who
Agptoaldo'e eemrotary of interior. Tbo then laid over aaUl tbe .poet
to ebow that tbe Boer toradem of Nalal
don't care mueh for faablon
>w point
foo4 Blttoe, Oommaader .Smith.
wear them becauee they are
and Gape Colony are tarainy their at"eo eaey' and etay in shape.
Marvla and P. F- Orear could be invlt- tentloato ebeeklny the expected adAth—Their coBBiruclioD i* thor•d toooae befom tbd board and talk vaoceofthe BriiUb relief column to
puybly byylenlo Handrcdt
TfiXBUTB TO THB VO .DVTBBB Hover. Laet nlybt the eoBiBittee apLadyemitb. and to thb end are conof wom-'B lose their heeltb
peaipd before the board aad the onS- eentmtiny in tbe aelyhborbood of
every year by weariny Im
•oa. ObariM Kta« Saya Be Iwaraod
properly conetrucied aboea
leet wae diaeaaead. Tue board pointed Eitoourt.
5th-3oroaU aboee do not tire
Baeb la tbe FbUlHilBM.
out the roaeona wbieb prompted tbeir
It U tbonybt likely that the eomthe wea-vr. You can buy
Aai» Arbor. No*, li —Oen. CbarlM
, explained that while mando* which beve boea reported ee
pymv of shoe* that are reKlBir. who baa reeenUy retaraod from there wae no epeeial objeetloo nor atovloy In Z iluland and northward of
eomm a led ae beffly-iust a*
y v-T? bat there U only one
Abe PblllpplnM. epoke before tbe Stu- prr jodlce oa tbe part of tbe membem Greytowaarenoe ceatered at Weenen.
-rliK 'SlS-'-uud we have toe
a laet nlybt oa of tbe board, they eoaeldered it an uo------from which p^lni they will be able to
(X Vative eale.
precedeut to allow a day.pole to move mpidly on either Coleoeo
•Wltb VoluniMm at Manila” He paid
Abe hlybeat Ulbate to tbe eitlzMi eol- be erected In tbe cemetery, Another Beteoart—each of theee place* beiny
dlery that a roynlar army offloer conld. reaeoo wae that
elybteeo mllM from Weenen.
■■Wbeo tbe Tolunleem from tbe mlybl fall and dai
Tbe burybere apparently hold the
aevoral etotee arrived at Baa Kraaeiaco.*'
railroad at Eaaeredale. a few milM to
paid be. -for tiaoaporl to the PblUpi diUua which conld not be foraeen. and the DorthwMt of Eateoart, and It 1*
plaet. they were tbe qnelnteat lot of tbe board did not dMire to take the not improbable that It will
poMtem ever eeeo. but la tlx montb*
learned that the Mool river bridye ha*
they were ae dnely dlael^iaed. ae
Hie board ’aeeured tbe committee beea dMtroyed. ton* entUny off
adbeaWely and finely trained, ae any that they reyretted that tbe eoneidemmil communleeUoa with Bitcourt
warp* of rcynlara H tbe dybt around Uon of the future aad tbe tatemeU
There le no reliable daU ee to
ManlU. when I yave the word to private reetlny place* adjoinlny the
•treayth of the comnmndoM which are
■ohaiye. It wae a maynlficent move A. B- lot prompted Giem to deny u re- paylny attentloo to Btteourl, but if the
aent. and la twenty-two minute* we queet made with each ptaieworthy report that 4 .000 burynem have been
bad captured everythiny in elyhl.
detached from the Ladyemith force U
■■A* I would uaUfy before my Maker. I However. Ibe pole will fiyure
correct, it would eecm tbet at leaat
1 want to eay tbet tbe Flllploo*
I powte piece and eerve the purpoee for •^000 Boem are prepared to dlapntc the
tbeflreiebot in tbe war. The bonib !
^ intended. At the laet advance of Qeneml Bildyard'e rellevloy
Dakota reylmeat did not take the p,^uny of tbe board of eapervUor* eoluma. which will be hardly ready to
tolttatlva Wbeo the Ncbraeka eeaU
ilttee naked permlMlon
lake the fleld.cff<cU*clj la 1cm than e
aal cbailenyed tbe Filipino offloer and erect the pole on the con^ty yroundt
three eoldlem to halt, and mleed ble Bear tbe court boaea. Tbe reqi
There la no eoU^tlon of tbe etory
yaato bU aboulder, the laearyeata ymntodaadthepolewin.b* rained aa that a British column le wltbia fifty
opened Are on the eeailnel and it wae aooB aa tbe neceeeary arranyemenu
mllM of Elmberley- The eloryof tbe
poboed by too yaae from bidden FiU- caa be effected. Tbia requmt
recent reconaoiaanee. la which Colonel
in tbe bambooa Old rvynlar that arnde after tbe action of tbe board of
Eeltb-Fblcoaer wae kUted. i* curtoualy
I count a* tbe aeoet valaable of public work*, but tbe poet, preforriny
aiy looy aad varied experleaee tbe to have it on tke G. A B. lot. la tbe
TbeTsioMMyo it naderatandc toe
a 1 spent with tbe volantaMa.”
oemetery. they naked the latter board Duke of Ooanauybt, formerly, eom-chlef of
------UH expected to bi
place la time for the--------------Be was even wiUiay to waive Ua
to the nonlM of tbe new eonrt bonaa A flne eoalority in order to aeoompUab thie
parpoae. bat It was daamed laexpad
Vew American Po*
ieat tbaa an ofieer ao aealer to rank
Waablaytea. D. C.. Nor. 18.—Aceord- played on tke yiOBada apoa aU pabGeneral BnUar aboald aarvs aadar
'mineot New York official
tot to a ptopoelUoa deacribed at tbe
iral oae of the teleetatameat la
mMttoy of Ue Oabiaet. Beerotary of
.WILL ALWAYS BBTAIV SAMOA, _______________
re Newu i* to
Ayricaltare Wllaoa wUl aooo beyla a
toe effect that there are 1.33S Mdtlah
itly proteeaut Uf® *nd property
aerlM of ayricaltual exparimenu la w-i— DfclarM It WUl be Oermaa an
' a
at Pretoria.
>T©r 60 per cant, easier.
Oaba, Porto Bleo. Hawaii, aad tba
Losy M tk* Bmptm Laeta.
Pblllaplapa If ConyrpM will make the
Tdepooning in case of fire, ac
Kiel. Nov. IS —The amaeror.
cident or bnrglary has become s
diPMlny reeroUa yeeterday aad alladrecogni^ aeoessity.
port, the aeeretary promiaM to carry iay to toe loM of tbe German and
oa iBveatiyatka* of aoU aad climate 4M«leaa wamhipa off Samoa la IMS,
Every well reffolataad their adaptabUlty to eertaia
far a Deer.
ed hooaehdd has s
Batumi prodaeto which wUl be of ymat aald: **TbM laad U bow oam aad will
News bm naebed the] dty that
remain oam eo Imc aa them la a GerHsve yoo one in
WUeea believe* that rabbrn' caa maa emptra. aad aa toe Oermaa eayl*
3f Norwood, ton* boaa
William Barrte of
be prodaeed la Porto Bleo ae woU as la
yoor home?
ittay aaar Oaylotd. It
Idlled vrikO* haa<'
Boatb Amerteaad CMMl Amarim.
a fleet dmttoed to protect oar brolbact teaappeaed tout_____
be wae mietakBa for a
: dear. No detail* are flvaB.
abeoad.'u b
Art Cameo
Is the very latest novelty.
We received some of the
first by express, direct from \ew York City.
Ver>- few
cities will have them on sale. this, the first season^
They sell for 25 to 85c each.
Of some kind makes an accepuble present if it is put
up in an up-to-date manner.
in this work.
We excel all competition
Come in and seejour stock.
!9»-232 Front Sm«l
B«lpli;OoimmbI» lr„ Xuiagw.
Caps Caps Caps
For men
For boy's
For children
25e. SOc, TSc.
$1.00. SI.2S aad $1.50
Ctriini Buuq Ci|»
ageuiH Sate cps
The Rew Shoe For Womeo
u-j: .—»-—«« -
Eiclnsirea^l for “SorosisSAMS''
Have You A
Rough Coat?
or are you waltloy for rouyb wcatoer - Don't
tiun i make
maxe a mlemietake The weather won't wait for vou. It ia likely to catcb
kwarM ..
at toieermtlceeatoB M.’
of toe year.
ymx. Commun
...nia tell
.—II yon
— to ————M—1#
eenae should
ivide youneir
with oae of our
-roay'i ccate” bow and tout be prepared for any atnw>«''hM-.cODtlnyency
that may —.
Our W.v..—«
—w.. to
Itaarpaulny- It never wat to complete.
tVe cell at the A
very lowHt price* contittent with quality. We invite you 1
to call aad iatpect our offeriay*.
is popular with
all men who
care to be
Beatly and com
fortably dressed.
The fact that meo
who hsve once worn
the Muosing Uoioo
will buy
no other kind
is evidence of merit
and accounts for the consuotly
iocreasitiF demand.
Wilhelm Bros.
jPublic guardians
wm W T ^ D Moll
neipi Natal Ci
if There's Any Question
in your mind as to tbe best place to pnrebase
your footwear, you can easily settle it by call
ing at our store and getting our prices. We
mention only a few ...
For Ladies__
Th« '‘Valvat'- Shoe . - - $3.00
Tha ■Kelly.’’Welt Sol® - - 8.60
The Minor," Hand Torn . . 3.00
The “Oahill." Kid Lined . - 8.60
Fer 6eBtfemee- ^ ■
The Thoa’ Bmareon. lenther lined, blnek end tnn $6.00
The Thoa’ Kmereon, *‘Velioar Onlf"
The J. B. Beynolde “Boerded Oelf” - 8.60 nad 8.00
Front Street
McNamara block
TKS HOBHOia UOOmi>. 8TnrOA%« VOVZKBBB le. law
fM Koumro uooBO.
9IICI1 School S>«toat«d
Bot TootboU OobC.
(. T. B*Mi *■» J- W. a*»wo- X..
th> Coa-Mi, Wbi«b BitV.ry 01«t
—HM lT9ik cl OiMbai. Lcrg
vortby: *iff
SAWMOurMCBcitfcAcia u«i*
(or Ko’kMhc.
■aag BaMtlfa' Pr oae ta be am SxbP.
MUoa a. Boatoa sum.
igemeau are aboat complatcd
tortbemMk ball at tbe Ciiy O.era
loM OB Tbaakagtrtag aigbt eader
tbe aaeplen of the Marry Social Kiaa
Tne pr's** ar>
to tbe be-t dre re * Ti ‘y. gfi weteb to
tba beat dr*a*vd gtBuimat; gold rlag
to tbe beet cbaracur ooaUiBU. lady or
pair of opaia glaaaea to
tba Best bnt cberaeur ecaMme. Tbe
moat graorfsl wa''s re wUI rvcelte 'a
bMat’fal toilet aet end gold-rieg. Tba
prisM wil> beosvsbiblUoa tor a faw
days at tbe Bwioo store.
Tova or BtzrsxM
Mr. aad Wn. W Lola {•Door vUl TIatt
Prtotipal thaaten ta Large CiUta.
O. Lou Silver aad wife were ia tba
tity yesUrdar oa tbeir way to Chimgo,
wbare tbay wUl bagta a toor of aiateea
r tba leading veadatllle
tbeatres of the eoantry. They will
(a*rodoaa Toar aaw niaalreted eongs
Djrlag U.r4; war tbe; wia pity cog^CBCBU ta Cbkago, 5fw. Tark.
Batfalo. ToroBto. Mrat'rr-1, Detroit
aad other large cities. Tkvy wUi be
le Detroit 0.e*m>-ar 4 .b.
NaxtaprlBg .Mr. Siivar will p«t oo
tba road a floe circas. aurtiag oot
from Travane'Ciiy.
Oae of ibc eloMCt. oMtvxeltUf cod
boU^ eoaucicd cu*** o( foot b^I ever
M» d the tuto «u
KslkMkc ywlcrdoy. Is
•boBIfb wObBl WUB cl
Dear Bi
wesldowB ccforcs clmlUr te»i
Fraak '1 Oaamood and W. F. Bowes.
UBdertaher Asdereoa baa beoa re
!oi Ebihs/kc. lb« f»m» wm foil ot
; from tbair
modellBg bU BcderUklng rooms, asd
.iui« u..
rtuBder Lake, im tbe epper panIkey BOW prrasBt a very oooy aad pt■
■ bsd it woB Ull tb« lut nianU of plcj
UKdaU appcaraKoc. Tbe front «-ad Of H4BSula They left tbe other members
iT'bu bMO ssBOBMod is lb« diepet
A Brockinjn
tba baildiag bn been rearranged, aoc
■ that tb« COB'leu •srdrobe of
tba oAce arparatad from tba otbar aad Mark Craw, siUl at the camp. Tbe
tH.to.'do'. .IK bu b~ ~I«.rrf «~lUl,.mpK,.d iKlbbUtliroiilb
room, by topeatry ao tet from ibe party bM aaeuredegbtdatr Um (sf.
OdUiblllliO».Ul.«llbl-«lK b.r- 0.11b. r.». <bl°tb 11.7 TO. b.
front there to ao eagaeatloa of tbe Tbey report tbem aaosaally plaatifal
wU. There ia M bl«»eBt of SBOfr- flasl^ to WMkeoe*' <be esd of tbr anangemcaU for tbe dead.
bat bard U gas. 00 aosoaut of the dry
abool tba sember of bcrrela. It teat ball. Tbe pane • > played oa lu
A party of taoBtera pamad tbroagb nan of the woods and tbe fact tbat
toq«itcp»e»>tetbata barrel or two
there is noaaow.
v%bt bare baas aMe-traeaed a1oi« that uaa pat pat dpa >bade the bel
Lake Aaa U a oamp near Fife Lake
tba Use dcrisf tbe fli^bt of the rec- ter arUele of (ooibalV Traeeiac aty
They ware William Bates. L. B. Woodoral asd hb wlfa Bat a few barreU lacked airetirtb ia iDUrfcrcaee. aad if
; qaallllaa «< Cbsmberlala'a Ctougb
oock and Prank Bates.
■ora or Icoa. woald maka bo d/«rr- tkat defect aaa be reBodlad, they will
Bemady, to kaow tbat people averyGeorge and Frank Nelaoa aad Lowto wbere uke plsMure io relating tbeir
^•ea 10 tbe np to^daU war eorraa- pUy a (aatUai
o^loek tba paBM waa called by Odal were (oano gaUty of etaaUng «va azperieaek la the nae of tbat aplendid
poBdeat- Bowevar. Mi*. Arolaaldo
medicine and in tailing of tbe benrfl'.
wUl bpea tbe apvpatby of a rraat Ketarea Araold of Kalkatka, with ehlekaaa from Neto OleoOB at Sattooa they have
Jived from it. of bad coida
■BBj Amarleaa ladlea who woald be Cbarlaa Beaaia actlap aa ampira. BeS Bay reoanUy. aad ware Baataaerd u it bM eared,
ired.<of ihrcauund attacks of
'Bis it baa averted and
of tbe
fted of M ordtary daratcfa traak (all kUked off for l^aeeraa City, aad the pay flaea aad ooau aggragaUag SU
The UB ceat anpoar gives by tba children It bM Mved from attacks of
fi mrdreba. to tbp aothlad of tardea kali waaaaoaiad kp
eroao and wbooplng eoogb. It to a
.traof tbadald. Tba bdl
Womaa'a B
grand, good medicine. For sale hy 9
vanead rapidly for a Ubm. wbeo Bidgo- log will b^la at 4 o'clock and euikmuc. K Walt and F. C Tbompaoo.draggistk
EbuutrcD'e bietory oootdaa'Baay ley Uciried Lelgktaa lor a all yard antil ?. All are invited to geta^good |
raeorda of brave Brltooe. bat faw will loaa. aad tbe ball west to KaliMba
meal for 10 eenu.
ablaa trUta praatar brllllaaey tbaa tbe dowaa. Bidfalay oeada -* tear fale
way of gloves. «rom the 15
A special train wm is tbe city Fri
working glove U a
SS silk llaec
b«oie darisK of Ueatcaaat Cbniebill. aroond tefl ead, aad waa palled dowa day oa the M. A N B. with tbe ofieen
pTMObkld. 8.
8 Beoda
A Co.
Thabarobmof Bobaon tbe ABericaa by Laocworlby. A litUe later tbe ball of tbe road on board, maklog a general
Waa loat oa dowaa.
aadCkarAUi tba
iaapeeUcB of tbe road. The oSoers ----------- ,------ Cupw - WarntoT’e
Saoaball made two abort ralna for here were: Edward Baeklry, general
d typea of tba Aaflo•aaoa race, asd tbelr deada wUl be Travane City, boi tbe ball waa loat os maaager: Wm. iftoglM. general anper- Whitt Wtae hi Tar Syrap. th.
best coagb remedy on earth, cures a culd
pafatad to with arida by two craM dowaa. A- foal tackle was claised intandeat: 8. J. Soott. roadnMter.
in oBc dsy if taken in umc.
and 50 eta
•atlOBa M tba ablaiar esaoiplaa of ibe Bidraley tackled SauabaU bigb. bat
Tbe Woman's Belief Corps will give Sugley KoMert
tbe claim waa aot allowed.
a Un cent sapper la Grange hall to
Ridgcley made aaotber k»g gala
Irla maadad that Acolaaldo «IU arooad U ft cad Aad agalB wba atopped
Bany Gardoar aad M
•oi be approaebad by Dalted SUtea by Laagwontay-l .Tbaa tba ball vna
went banUag at Foaeb
b Friday
oCdala with propcalUoaa to ^oireBdar Ipatoa dowaa.
Little gala waa made by ^Vaverae rwtaroad Ust avealng. Xb^ aecorad
dera caab ooBaldaratioB. Tbia peed
•ot worry bio. bowevar, aa the laetara City HD Kalkaaka agala got tbe ball
M.C.Orlatt'apony bad a litUe ex
plailCTB asd vaadevilla aUfe are atUl OB dowaa. galkaaka made a gaia of a
yard, aad tbea tomblod, daeabai: eitomrot all by luelf yatterday afUr
ope* aad if be to rlfud with tbe «
was oa tba ball la aa baataal, aad tbe neoa ia a rosaway. starting oa Prom
■atdal ImUbcI wlib wbleb be
fint baU etoaed with the ball la Trav atraei. Tbe animal dMbed aboat tbe
•radiud be will sot oeplaet bto opf
, ........................ .....
■ttceta and broagfat ap on E'gbth street,
Of tbe dald. aad no aeore made by where it wm atopped by George
(tpcaoo to oavacl Itoa 1
either team.
Sbearna Tbe boggy wm aligbUy damof tba oeBlrlfagBl idea baa abowa ibat
EalkMka kicked ot ia tka accond asad.
tba waur wbleb tbe elty ia forced to half, aad stoppad Ibe roa oa Traverse
P. E. Bayaea, one of tbe aaleamea in
vaaama caa be aaid'y parlflrd. ~
City's n-yard line. SoBaball bad
Senator Milltken'a store, baa porebaaed
pariBcaU bare baea aiade with grali- loterfrrenee.mad was uckicd for a bg
thir raaldepoe on WMbington aireei
(jriag reanlia. bt. Loaia may
loss, aad tbe ball west over, bat wai now beieg occaplrd by William Cle
krsatba freely. If rbe caa panaade lot ImmedtoUly bv KalkMka oa
meat. Be will make several attrac
for 5C and Pin Trays.
Ohtoago to mat tba water of tbe fambic.
live Improvemeau to tbe pUoe.
grataaga eaaal before It to dumped lato
Napkin Rings, Flatas,
Tbaa IbtgBB a aariis of fine Kae
'TXm shower of leonids will not
Tooth Pick Holders,
ataaablBg by Baakball. Bevea times is
oeSar tbto eeaaoo. Tbe brilllaat spec
Pepper and Saks.
be ttruek tba liae. maklog
Aci-uaiJw baa baea dtOsltaly loeat- gala each time. Tbea Leighton was taCle bM been asDonreed one year too
adagalo: tbia time be baa beca da- sent against the lire twice tor gains, sooa ” Tbto aanoancement to made
apavedatKnorrabio. It toabootaa whan tbe ball wm loat on a fambla.
by: Dr. J. L. See. one of tbe MironbardtodaUraaloatbaolJaeUva peiaw
By a Irtek plaj. a very clever doable oniem in tbe government aervioe. Dr
gg lha wily gaaaral aa it u te dtooover p4M from Lew a to Balero.tbe ball was See says the meteoric dtoplay which
A big stock to select
aa iaulliglble proBoaciatloe of the ■eat over tbe line for a tonehdawa. aad Bat been a mere spatter tbto year.
from. 3.50. 4-7.>. 5-00
The baU waa be repeated at about tbia daU in
and np. Made to lit
brought oat aad Lewto kicked a goal Nowembar. IMXi. Be believes tbe dis
play will be M brillladltoM tbe oar
is fine style, msKlag tbe score •: U a in
observed by Bomboldt la Veajzaela in
|>lBalTrlpof Koitb<ra ICiab. Kua- favbr of CUInaka.
Baff kicked off. aad Bldgrly got the
panaticB Oo Bieaneta Xov. 99.
Six Frightfol Pailarea.
ball, but WM alopped.C, On tbe next
B. B. l‘ope. agaat of tbe
Ibe ball
• lost on a fnmble. and
Mlablgaa Traoaporutioa Co. ia tbh Bsff got 1
rn o!d's,
to sc early grave. All
gtij. bat received aotlce to advtoe abip- floallae baekiag,. bat tbe ball went said hr hadO a. fatal
Stafford’s. Diamond
long troable and
peta that tbeaiecBcr of tbe liae will over at iMt on dowaa while very Ibat be most soon die
But he was
at 5c. IOC up to pints
•ake ber last Uip from Chicago ant dangerooily Bear Kalluaka's goal, so urged to try Dr. Klrg’s New Dtocovrry
and quarts.
Afur takiog five
weak, laavlag tbat city ca tbe :!«rd. near io fact tbat it looked like ibto for Coorampilob.
bottles be wm eotlrely cured. It to
Tbto bat;beea tbe beavleat acaaco for would be a toaebdowa.
sUlvely goaraoteed to* cere all dtoesare
tba coBipaDy alace tbeir Use waa ea
liraat. Cbcet
and Laagm. inclnding
With only 30 seconds u plar. Kal- of Throat,
■Mka made a doable pom. and Oalcro | Oo'Fh*-Co'.dsU Orippe.^Paeumonla.
: Kroacfaitto,
:bitto. Asioma, Hay Fever, Croap
aga'B went aroond tbe ead aad started Wboopiog Cougb. Me aed gl 00
at 5c the skein, in aii
for Travarae City's goal. But May- j botUes'°*cU at Jaa. O. Johnson’s ana
colors and lots of it.
disUogatobiDg S. B. Wait's dro« stores.
(dgbteas ibcIWork of -Mra. ^Bouafa' aanl, who had
tlf all the gam :byblsliLe work.!
Makes the warmest
Whoaa Biubaad Waa Xtllrd.
eaogbt tbe fleet footed iiiUe Kalkaska , CotdBToy SultB
tarmera aear tbe Ulnalcy acbool foU-baek, and tbe play atopped with
Paou. Coe's. Vesu for Men aad
1 tbelr aym tbe UU la Kalkaska's bands, aad that
Boys at S K-nda A C«'s
pathy aad good will-dor ,Mrt. Boaab. town a winner, b to o.
Wboae buabaad was killed by lightA reura'game will be played here
gtag aoBe lime ago. Tbe klod nelgb> tbe Twelfth street park Friday
single plates and odd
bora basked overj too buabeto of eora afUmooB. aod a hoiur oonteei than
lor the bereaved .widow, baalrd it
pieces. .Make a hand
Ibrea milaa aad cured lit properly la
some gift. 50c, i.oo.
bm bara. tboa aavtag^ber a targe ei1.25.1.50.
paaae aad a great deal of troable. Mm. B. Wright............L B.
Boaab WM graufultforl the kiadacM B. Bamaid......L.T....
MO. 330 Solid Goldcw Oak. hi«k
Carved Back. Brace Arms, 3
$tretcbera all around, (^ne Seat—a good chair—.111.75 for six—20Dtr Qrtil. discount CO Xd
makes St........................ 5>y*4*U
li you want a nit^ outfit fb'r your
dining room for Thanksgiving now
is the time to get it.
1 have a large sioA of fine pol
ished Golden Oak Sideboa^^ Din
ing Tables and Chairs, and in order
to move them out quick I will g^•e you
20 Per Cent. Discount
I-or a few days. If >-ou want a gooti couch-we will put
them in at the sanie discount.
J. W. Slater.
lao Front St.
Hon«e Fomiabiug stor«.
Win Andcroon
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Telephones. No. »S.
318 Union Street
Little Vases
Inks •
Saxony Yarn
O. Meyer.
J. TbomM
ebaBbarlals'e rala baiai..Caraa Otb- B BMgeley
an,Wby.|Vot Tou?
My wife bM beea oalag Oiamberlalaw Faia Balm, with good raanlta.
OBeUaaally tor alae yean. We have
triad all Made of medldaea aad doetan witboat raeaivlag aay
(res aay of tbem- Oae day vre aaw
aaadveiitoameatof tbUoiadkiBe aad
tboagbt of trylag it. ableh wc
arlkbtbebaatofaaliafactioa Bbe
and oaly oae bottle aad bar aboalder
la alsoat well.—Adolpb L. Milieu.
Haaebaatcr. N. H. For aale by 8. &
Wall aad F.C Thoar —
Ai Ug^tWo&dinreftliiWoria.
Tba Pyramida o( Bgypt.
ol Babylon.
. i'.ardcaa of
Tba Temple of Dlaaa (at
TbeSuineof Japlur (at Olympia).
1>a MaBsaleum at HmlkarBaaaaa
Taa OalomM at Bbodca.
Tbe Pbarca iLlgbtboaae) at Alasaa^*t^l'toasnof all Clatcra-Baadato
•‘Zme” rislcn at from 94 M to Wt.oo.
mui WB«ad»^r«xt?
Eroae Sxploraaa.
Uke Sualey and Uvingatooe. foaad
It bander to overcome Malaria, rever
tbaa Mvage coaolWli; bat ibonaanda
have foaad tbat Bleotrie Bittern is a
sroaderfol cure (or all malarial dla If ya« have ebUto wi
wlU terer.
tired, won-oat f««Unga. a trial wll.
eonvlDee yon of tbelr merit. W. AKnU ot Webb, HI.. wnUa; -My ebU
draBoaSaredformoa* tbaa a year with
to aod faser: Uua two botUM of
Electric Blttas eared them." Only M
eeau. Try^tbem. Goanateed. Hold
by Jaa. O. iakaaoa aad S. X Walt,
ThaUtefbU BhbpM
$2.00, $2.60,
$3.00, $3.60.
Frank Friedrich
U8 Front Btr«et
Fancy China
Ladies Purses Umbrellas
A big assortment of
the latest styles, 25c,
35c. 50c, 1.00. t.25i.
1.50. 2.0C>
for a round dollar.:
The best article eversold for the moncy.•All styles of handles.
Men’s Trowsers Tablets
Want an extra pair ?
Cost you an)rwhere
from 1.50 to 6.00. See
our new goods.
for one cent and a
dandy line of Writing .
Paper Tablets at 5c
and IOC.
Woman’s Shoes Bedsteads
The Gray Bros, cel
ebrated 1-iue Shoes;
One of the finest
makes. 3.00. 3.50, 4.00
Ladies’ Hose
IOC buys a fine fleec
ed lined Hose. 15c an
all wool, _5c fancy
Men’s Shoes
Don’t overlook the
“Hu-man-ic" Shoe at
4.00 when buying
your next pair.
Got to have a new
one' See our wood
at 2.25 and 3.75 and
iron at 3.25.
Gift Books
The hand.-^omest bin
dings ever put on
books. Over 400 titles—sey at ^c ea,ch.
I)inin,f Tables from
.1.75 up, Onttr Tab
les from little ones at
t.75 to the Bnest at
25 00 and 3000.
Men’s Collars Handkerchiefs Men’s Hose
and Cuffs. Those
most necessary arti
cles—The best goods
made—IOC, 15c. 20c.
and Romona Fleets!
Flannel at loc the
yard. Makes the best
morning wiappers.
for one cent and up
to the finest, 50c, 75c.
Ten Cent
A big table full of
the biggest things for
IOC. Can’t tell Jrou
all—Must be seen.
25c buys a pair of
ught or heavy wool
Cashmere — Merino
— striped or plaid
Pens and ■
^e cent. All the
Dixon, Faber aod
Eagle Co's makes of
best pencils 5c and IOC
The HaBDah & Lay Mercantile Co.
TH» MO^MIHO B»OOBp flUirp^y MOV^fir^py
KMlint DAaoit Ki>.T AIETi
‘icatoaat Betuaa to Aaeapt the Beaip-
aattoa of tha fBawaitoa Offiaial.
Waablaptoo. Ro*. 18—The Preaidant
*«»P» the reaipnattoa
Pamoo. the Bawailaa mkatotor
o5 ftnteres^. J
-The toet'rorhdl Bla«.
The rorlp Ulsi»r}' of ibe weddlop
rinp to not eaup 10 iraAV. a* It wee apt
to be eobfowd wttb rtie brtrothal Hop
Tbto aaH once tbe more bniwrtaiH of
tbe two. for to tbe .to,s of oar ton-fa
there tbe l-in.iluil * a* tbe etrwi ceretnen-laire onl.r Hw ratlflcetUe .-ont,^.. Tben a apcow
rw-r 01
At the mreOap:
of uia
th4 uaaiea
Ladtoe MbrarTAeaodlatloByeatonla*
! ewm Cbkttardoii.
O.* Uborcr U^llap eetorutommt
taplofbd M-lb* »r»ii(i Rftpidt, B«ld
wr * **»ria»* raflmsd, wbOe ,w«!klbp
^ • fr»*el ir»fo fall in bet<^
*tot« Federattoo of Womao'a .
altaa Uland.
jrf ^|«n.uil or bemnlui! wee ivirhrai
^Mld »M crMbad Xo dMih.
Clew lb 4achaoa. Mm Keaeiard paea t
^^,1.,^ poh-ionay a. the
! A poamr MB uaMd Afford. MlUBf a report «f the ItoWip aad Wednaa-;*** ^“*
^* *'**'“'“’F
rontraii of a fuidre "ei<-ruel U>dJ of
^iMOi. wbllf marnlar on the r*™ dap meeUape. which effKded a preai i
douhiA.lhe r.a«.o Cor tl.ua
froBB taaeUar trip ae»r Mem. he deal of ralnabie Information She tol-1 “* *‘*'^** *"**‘*'^ Thle potanit waa ».deiunl«luj: an euKUKemem War that
k««pp MMr« Md Bert. e^MBfted be lowed the oroeeediaa* cloaelT aad her ““
“ orpaniaatlon of to «w« ot violea.e add la*le«iu.-to
«P*tolHto. aad it waa »»«'
thomjht it oeedfui tu prokbloed e meotiee WieebBter. end report^a. eniermioiap ae it waa'^**"
Me*-htirtr1ithebd c(T. OU home to
U Cbteeco.
I Ellto ThoapM. e^oenr 1
waa-Tlrcn at tee maeiinp bp Mae.
_ ou«ioe mtMoea.
rouumHil<-«iUm. .1 Ix-iruthal aemli-e
k>eo of deeper. left t«« week« e«0 for tJhermaa of Vpa'IaaU. Tnto wa. alio k
"•‘FMtoon waa tendered under
whi. h etlll fonue i-irt of tf.e
^e north wood* on e baDtinr «•> end
ralnabie contrlbatloa
ftteae oonditiooa. bat aaHr. D.bob baa Freneb end Julian ritual, n-.d. ln>1.-.-0.
The maatiarnext Satardap will
termlaalad ihe ooaDeeuoa-toe- fi»- flrat iian of the Ati^lhau nuirpree ktUed hp e cboetleir eeetdasb.
hUateU and tbe ortantxxiioa re- rleae rtte Uub-u to Ibe wotuan'e -|
^(Htp Hoekejoo. » «eil enrrter of darotoa to UatoaJna to tbe
uauatap to too remaiod*r
accaptaoee » lll" 1. elm,.Iv the old he.mtbal
keleneeoo. wentnorth on e deer>Dnet- of the report of the ft
tof tHp. Word hee dm reeneed thet
Meauirkaale Tawora.
ke rrMbceldeoUj ehot.
Borne retiuirkalile'ret-ordi> of lumoru
[ A lenre rock eree pleord on the treck
Unkaowa Mn Ztlied.
err* alren lu The
i tit- laiiiet. The
t ii.- i*rx.'—i
M the MIcblCM Oentrtol betvMp Cter ■aeorfiSf TbHone CoaVate on
The norO. bound trala on the 6, R. auown to ■ nirrlie- turner lUt w,-.kn.r.l
^OUe end qbretor for the
Gridlm. ^
A I. peatordap momlap Inetaatlp I'C. iM>iio>ls. d.-«-riU-.l l.j a d.^^ur of
wreefcinc the trela. bet it wee provlNew York. Nor, ia.-followlBp__ killed aa unkaowa man near Etmrs. Hu<-iierrrt.
Ilmuer ivuH.ved our
keoUeUj dlteoerr^ la
tbe foot ball aoorea ia earioiu loeaU- Thcpaesenpereoathclraia were not wrlehln* 140 iwunJa'from a wouian
‘ At Heciaeer. Mre. Alloa C MeLmn tlee peatordap:
aware of tbe aeddeat. ae the trala dd wh.wr a-.-lKl>i without iIh-tuiuor
went too orer e prate fire end bar
Yale, U: Barrard. 0.
not stop. Tbe bodp was dtooprarad bp JlR |•ullnlIs. Thr tore>-M .<>l>d luimu of
tbto .-toss urlelxxl lOti imuiuls. Tbe
^roa cehfkt fire. Khe wee bedlp
Miehipan. tk; Chae School, aera- the crew of the aoath bound train.
rmvnl for ovoricD lumorn to held lip
karaed eboet the feer.ermeeBd beade. land. 0
a ChinrM- iMitlriii. h bo bail oue wdsbAnnapolto. 14: Lehtpb. 0.
I Jeo Coort A Son of Merehall. here
ObtoFuiraraltp,*: MadiealAdlepe.O.
tor :.uw terkepe tor ThaaheL'olreniip of Kanaaa. to; Ualrerailp tee rxchanpe. shows the ii
>Ds« sne- , of UU |H>un<l» anil a ttoniia'u nnr of
prior end eommeneed kllllar Tbaree intoatj
Fur niMiunar.r inmom a oaM- Is
fiep. elearbteriar beiwrea too end eno of Nebtmaka. 0.
eeee Marks B
f 1 on n-rnni wlu-rr ibr gruntli in one
ftellp. ThtoletbelerreMeforlo ordar
ttaorpatowh Coltop*. (h Volranitp of dtp.
Ibroaeed *’'*'**' wrlrlinl G4 |n>uD<to auil In tbe
Vlrpiala. (I
krer ebipped bp e K'ebiren flna.
I At Paw Pew. Cherlee Botram
LafapetU. Ip-WDckaeU. a
the Grand last ereatnp was an e
Iwelp leaned hie arm on the mau’e of
Iowa UalrecaUp. 3J; Knox Collepe. 0 moue ODC. it to tboapht thaa all preriDUa-l Kboit HU Pms.
Oa^aaaae. V*-. Uraape A. O,. «.
oas raoords for attaadaoee will be broJohn I. Ulalr In lito rarlicr lU.rs OWO'
Pardoe. lU: Botre Oame, lo
kaa tonlpbt. wbea the Marks Brotbira ed u wt-Ktrru mllroad alunp ibr rviitr
[ Fcenk Cole, a prooBneat ferotar ilrof, wlili-li tic- eMtililtolird a m-Hm of
Urtaaell. G: Iowa State Collie. 0.
present the famous Naw York aao
li)D< bronnix. at wlil--h i';ii|*lorc.os of tbe
Wtwo mllea aontb of Webbrnllle,
WiaenmiB. l*: Mlaaeaoia. 0.
"Tbe Bareest of Sin."
^ eeektoBunpeboibp a oeichhor
This oompanp to th« best repertoire road wt-rr to Im' ebargi-d .Vi ■■■•nis and
ail |uis>eDc<Tii T.'i c-c-iiiK. Mr. Rlalr un<-v
Ibrmer wbUe banUap portridre. The
dilii-d at one of Uimm- idai-nc and. Con^ert« aaiered bto feee, neck end aid*
Tbep appear here beplnutop Mondap, dndlDjc hto niral. told down a baU dul4a«to« Otmtaa to ill wMfa aeiaile Dar. 4.
BBd lafllotod eerere woanda.
Urij While OatUre U. Mepere tf dec. rhcumattom.
“Uold onr crird the mshler. •'Yon
Mtoa <Iraw Oavatapham want
Xarried to Ferswood.
»aw WM hoatiar near Sleaford FrW
don't U-lunp to ibto n-niir’
“I know nun." re|d.«l Mr, BUIr.
lap. be Bleeped to rent on e top. wod
Y’caterdap nMmlap Mtoa Marp Kinp
hto pan wee MeldeaieUp dtoeherred.
of Fmwood. and Mr. John Barton of "Tlu- road le-loucs to lae.”
kto left thamb wee ebot oS and three hariap hie ejaa teeted for pla
MonroeOentor. wrre married at the'
fcapm on the left bead bedlp man aaw the Miehipaa foot ball patoa pea ' rrsldanoe <f John Kinp. in Femwood.
limn- are botled. The Aral flaper on the ripht tordap.
The earemoap was parforatod bp Rut. twoi-n u«Hi uud U««> nu-ii in New York
W. O. pheljto pawedthroapt the ciw
bead wee eleo bedlp tora and one ebot
J. Peanirptea.
w-bci are ivonlc Xl.issi.iaat or iiinrv. In
laet alpbt oe hie wap froth Urand BapWaned tbroapb the lip.
Jm:.. o li.'ii New York liad a pnpnblllon
SMtalar Drpew.
} Howard Mine, eoadnetor on the Port Ida to Bellaira.''
of nft.«i00. there won- onlp It) m*-n who
NntliliiK Ik more lniiitii|>n-ti<-nMMe
C B Setae retnmed'to bto home fa
wore- a-ceeased at fino.tmn or wore, and
Hufim Bleetrk railway. wee pireae
Eim>]a-an wrM<-rH tbao the .tinerlran the lilglioct aa-xoMiueut was oolr F20U,^ pold piece bp a paaeenper far a fere. BalM la*t Bipii.
jimtiuu of bn-aklQK eitxK In a bIbsk. Octii.
Joe Plaek. who baa beM bopiap peMd la tom para it out to aaother pea
M. IN-IM-W like* lo fidlow 4bu
fiuper for a aiekel. The flret peaera- tatoea laHantoa. rctnraed to tbe dW Ami-rlc-iiu •'lufoni. aud one day tbe
The ccMl of koo|<lne tip tbe drluklnif
^ wme to Uitto for fato aMoep, who laetalphl.
waller at the Hold de Bmcac. In Pap fniiniaitio and eaitU- tniitxlia in l-uuduO
aip Clerk A. W. Blekafd left laet Im told bhii Ik- miuin't du It. Tlh-rr to
denied rtceiriap it. fie la taro weat
per niiiniui.
idnL'Io iroupb In
was » dts|.<ite. and ibi- lead waller a Ima,- tboriniclifan- e..«fe Ji'iO.
W the emad peeeeaper. wbo at firat alpbt to apead Soadhp la Aama
Frank Sm.lb retarn.d fromaboM naa •-nilc-d ••T!ie cto««c»s i-atinol to4ld ool remember peiUnp it. but fvand
pnipcrip »a»Ii.-d'Mi wa- etpiaitM-d
The wllliiwl* one- of tlie mo«l adapt|amoaphU ckanpe. The paid piece nee* trip to Manton laki nlpht.
aide of |>laiit<. .4 willuw <iwlti-h stuck
C P. ItoTla reuraad laet aveniop ••Tbr.v-atv rnliu-d "
Wa» reeorered els boara Utor.
"Nodk.-nw.- xaid |)e|a-w. “my p«-tFmlt ratoert in aontUm Miebipah frqm a lumbar laspecUap trip to ants at lioiue ib> il every day lu liie In the wvi will almost invarluldj take
rooi^ alraadp beooailnp alarmed tor oexi BlipneCitp.
y.-nr. fee a little mon- eito>w'i:rea»e.”
Then Mr. I»ej»-W bitike bis c-BB Into
dbaeea'a crop The rrarm weatber ol
Mtw F. BIxard of Orawn waa (a tha
lie- Bln—, .1. ti«iial. and the waiter
ikeUatfew weake bee uaaaed peach clip peatordap.
wnli l»-d lilm. U'lieii the slnK< wn« mvi
to Bwell aatU tbep are aa larpe aa
Mre. A. H. Widrifi of BeadoB ra- B.lde he .-aiiie wliha dcmliian, .-tti.-ki-vl
lk«7Bbould be on Hep 1. Saaeafraa tnrard borne laet ereiilfip after hariap tiH- sin— .m hin Imui lu-d nnd nnd dl»hut I ••\-ilienr.l
aj.|a-ared whli tbe fr«i:u..-ni.. •|•llr ''I'" ........... that iiei.e ..f the |.biurp«
IWde are brulcea oat. while hiekorp^ apeatt a taw dept bare abopplB
« «n-wniii -\n RuHery were uue.
^llow aad maop o'her treea abow
W. Porter who has beea at Bellalre ebarpe for ilm sin- wa« on tlr. Im-l'"
IH-w a bill, and he refniM-d to iwp It. Ue**u the
■pnrtf aaeeoDd erpplo one pear,
tbe paet week attondi'pp to b
wa« tv«> scant a eunti'icu-r lo uiake au-j ll"''«""U
Imr. and —’
■aade aramarkabip rrarm winter w retamed homr peatordap.
pry. no the h.ilel |.«>|ile nniiUcl.udEheT < "" hitt elw- '"
teare a pood crop.
knew timi Mra. ln |a w »«. sains t«l
w-al Ic. a
Mra. J. Dixon who hai >een
J^Three death* from epiaal menlapUto
pto—vraa Inpenloiisly worked into her' 'Mmi'llde Ile nfroiii N. w Vi.ik,
i^re cauted coneteraatlOD at Oaiamet. tondlnp her mother who waa rerp 111. bin. and khe paid for it. but Mr. In- I"'’
• the people fear a repeUtion of the retamed borne laet nlpht
la-n didn't know It for many motithtl___ ■.
ik>demie which carried awap ao
Mim Oara Crawford of Qrairn wae in aficTward. wIm-ii he waa tellins'thr {
story na an iUKinm-e of hto ■>uvva->a iij
t^prr eoanup people laet winter, and the citp peatordap rletilap Mende.
mimierav litis the esioiiiou- of Ftircv
alrinpeat method* are belap emploped
Mtoa Cora Wheat of Umwa retniaed iM-aU
hotel keeper-.
tfiprereatibedtoeaMfrocD epreadUp borne latl ereninp after hariap epent
’Xen ouchls'-rp to the ameuaiol tJ. thrM moaths in the ettp.
f atu a pear apo eneb a tbtop
tnhaeleea pnrcbaaed for the cnpi
M.ee C Eifpiof Urawa waa la the elec-uic car waa urkanwa la Apalraeerinp ahope of tbe I’alreraliv il dtp peaierdapTbe cars in a lew principal towns tbst
Miehlpaa. It aowatola of a milllnp
Mtoa Uarioa Banker left tost craninp cou.d boast of hSTiiur tramwapa of anp
BMebiae. a aereaUeo-lDch bp trreire for UrawD where she will apend San- kind were drawn throupb the strecia
fAl latbe. a prindlap maeblae for do dap with Mm Cora Wheal of that
i'p-lrol pace br bonws, o
Consumption, la
tap ^ork re«ialr1np more acearacp place.
frepuentlp mules. U itbiB tbe lau few
thaaoBO be obialoed wUh a latbe.
^’••-Cora Woodmfl of Urawn. who tnoDibs. however, fnreipn enterprise
and ao automatic bolt and DDt thread- baa been in town about two moatbs. has been tbe means of inaupuratiop
lap macblar. The puUep. neeeeearp retamed home laai oreainp.
atoetrie sractioa ia toe etreea of Mad
tot- the aettinp op of tbe aiacblnerp are
Fred Brown aad Albert -Norotep rid. Barcelona. Valencia. BUbeva and
San Sebsatian. and tbe lead thus takei
helap made in tbe capinecriap
............. ---------. !i»™»d last alpbt from a trip tbroapb
tbe principal tramway c moanies In
tonap splendid
kiiL*ni4ii4 broose
A.—...' . — a
...__ ofwarjthe
___ !
east, riaitiap .'ameatown. N. Y. bp
tbe chief cities of Spsin to like!
wi'l adorn tbe respeciire com- Hnffalo and other cities. Tbep hare qnicklp followed bp oibrm.
been pone aearlp two mewtbs.
j Iht tiaiAkH MAtOY
Quick fieitl-msoL.
It lathe
Hon. and Mra. 0 C. Leach are apeadJ. M.
. .
____ ..
eeator. rrae the plft lo tbe dip of inp ^nndap la tbe dip.
Unitod Btau* Benevolent Societr of
OmrleeUacklep.andtheetatoea come
Miss Walsh of the asplua bse pone Sapiaaw, was in Hellaire rreertlp for
from the aame beneficent eonroe. Tbe to Sdmore to spend her raeation.
the purpose cfaauiirp with Emorp C.
etaUitee w.li beof bronie. heroic du
Frank Friedrich went to Cbdillac Denamore. whoYiad carried a potlep
with tbe f 8. HeneTolent tor some
and wilt oaeili.wxieach- Twoof them, peatordap on an oil inspntlnp trip.
pear*. Mr. Dapsmore recaivad *00 for
etatates of Prasident Llaeoln and Ad
C F Reed weat to hto camp near thr Injnrp raoaived s few weeks since.
miral Farrapni. here been deelpaed bp
Otoar members of tbe aaaoclatlon of
CbarleeH.NiehauiafHew York, aad 'Rap Schofield wUl apend tbe dap
tbeothers of liaaerai Urant aad Oeaer- with hU aunt in Manton.
Bon. U. G. Corell retnraed laet alpbt
al fiberman, bp J. Manap Bhlnd, *i««>
Grand Rapida He was aooom- DcBaasore tost toe aaaoslation of Bew York. Tha toofi^ from tha from
paaied bp bto wife.
^ deaeirinpof toe patroaape of everp
wapa aamar.—Antrim Oonntp fianUnel.
•rU two were faedrad aereral monthe
C»a^M, Hsperretumed laet nlpht
apo. Md tbe etatoto of Farrapat to al- fcoes Fife Lake, where he to baplnp
Blem Proteeten
rtadp eompietod. T«a
^eat aad poutoea Be baa alra^
varp useful for elarte. aoeka. barW« are now praparad to aall oor axorcr 5,000 baabeto of gmla^
apoB which tha etatatea will beplaaed,
toadara, ate.. lOe par pair. & ~ ' callanUead-PQTATOPl'LP. which
arah raadpia poalUoo. aad tto pe«al ^alam ^nanutp readp Ux aUp- AOa
we have on hand at all Umaa in a cwact
ankplaa totoharetha atataw iaad«
dealrable atata.
for unrelllnp with tapramira
R B SamU wiij spend the dap to
VtoafitMAtAim AM OalttiMi'8 SianU
tooalea on Memorial Dap. I9D0.
toe dtp. Hebe,
OB a bn!fn«= BparVanriah.
In order to introduce oor feed to the
tewb Huph Brown, of tbe Fontlac trip soBib.
faadm wr have radaaad onr price to
pnhS^eehools. to etlll wapi^,^
lOcper 100, wbleh compared with the
«ade Tonap Apato.
apaiaai tbe fortp or fiftr school bops
ThMikapirlnpavaat Oolaasbia halL
BBtot IT jmr» of ape who persist In
West Side. Mot. 2«. BUI SO cent aalativc valve ol the ether (eeda makea
"One of Dr. Klap** New Life Pllto
tt eoat about one third of aay other
wkepma of tohaoeo. Fire tobaoeo dealMuale bp Bala aad BUkmlae.
----------------^ •» the iaetaaoe
U Brown.
nerof Dempeeplown. Pa Tbep’ra tbe
To Curo m vom hi Oho Day. I Some of toe moet infloenlial feeder*
beet to toe world fortbeUw.SW
M aad Bowato.
Pardp emrat^ Take Wsnicr's Whiu- Wine of Tar nij have iriven this prodoet a thoronrh toet
ifae Iwat cough ratmiy on earili.
an. and report that it to desirable ia every
reapret and eqnsi to all that to claimed
j fior iL Ha have eompleted an ideal arTuey werk.
p(rc a Stfonp Stoal Ranaer Sleipb.
Born* of the prltea
t for loading into wagons
The todiat era lavitod to call at Mi
W. O Lawrance'amUllBarTatoewaod'eic.
and 'etc.. aad wereapecifally Invite all feediaapeet her larre naw atorir of fancy
to toy onr feed.
■ . ■
work in all toe lawat nattra.
II For Monday, Nov. 20.
“ Some idvertlpe “blue Monday apei-iale.” bot nil ue.
os they are 8lwa>-a bright and cbeerfuL
to Kive you u)or.|attention than we poeeiBly could on Saturday,
beeidea We. pel better adveriieiiiK on Sonday 1k*a apy other
day of tbe week.
We offer a choice of 100 ladies’ jackets of all wool Keraeya. all sl^ea and alylea, valoee op to 112. for Moo day only/......................................
Kra'i Wonted
nkeat ccdianAlM. SOc.
& Benda .
^toe^^D Sunitoaeial nd.. it
The Micbipi Stuck Co.
Tnra.. Otr, lllcb
For Monday only.*choice of sll the beat ingrain carpeU,
inciodioK Lowelle, retrardleaa of advanced prioea.. .
60 ladies* Buita left after a iLoat aatiafactory bnaineai
to onr cloak department—For Monday only we offer
^ .choice of ibe entire lot, ooDBiatinK of all wool aeripja,
CH liome^noa, heavy all wool (-afsimeres and cheviota—
Jacketa all nilk lined, well made and tinished, aplenBK <^><1 lilUia. at tbe moat extraordinary epccialvut
price of.................................................................................................$7.60
86 Oolf Capai to aelect from, all atylea and conbina- lions of oolure, pricea ranKin« np io flo, yonr ckoice
of any for Monday only___ .........................................................$7.60
Ohoice of oar beat aud doest incL'a ahoea, biacka and
tana, dn<-et woikmanabip and finish, IncladiLR onr
$4 60 and $5.00 ralucT, for Monday only........................... $3.60
Choice of ladiee’ beat and tinpst aboea, all thie aeaaonV
make, none better, valma op to t400.'Mond#y only $B.G0
For Monday only we will jpve you yonr choice of oot fin
est lik'ht co!or.-<l covert top coafa, inclodirtR oor
valnea f..r............................................................................................$12.60
For Monday only we will Hive you your choice of out
men's finest eniu’ nothing reserved, inclading B.
KuppenbeinitT & (Va beat make—gtyris op to $20
............................................................. »is.eo
We earn' b ftill line
The McCall
Bazar Patterns,
lOC. NONEHICHfR. | 5c.
..Fashion »bet-is Hailed Free..
The Variety Slore^225 Front St.
I p Buy-“ salt .nnd pepfR-r s/akers. farcy cut glass
I II sauce dishi's. g'ass tumblers and several differ
ent sizes of china butler •dishes.
Ap Buys Uirgc ^i2c farcy cut glass pkkk- dishes,
lump diimntts. fancy, t-tjuare cut glass tooth
pick holders.
Qp Buys fancy cut glass fooled fruit lx»wls, large
goblets, fancy cut gla.ss fruit dish.
Jp Buis f.*iticy cut gl.Tss sngar bowl with cover,
fancy cut gUn.^^s crei>m pitcher, fancy cut glass
deep fruit dish. '.
Cp Buvb fancy cut glass va.«es.. water pitcher, cup
Oo and saucer—10c plate for 5c.
SfieciBl priw ou mlire uccx fn<- Sxiurdxy oriv. Nr.*, isto.
•t rif Stviub*r/'5 Opera H«m*e
.4 Fwifit
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
We do oot know of
any dull daye but we piare onr aperial «A)«a on Monday, co aa
about Men's
—Wa’ve got tbe ho^teat line that ever
e-ame over th«-highway. New, itobby
effects in blacks and tane, silk veatlog
tope. Scou-h cute—.1 gr.-at variety of meffl’a fine heavy sole
ahuee in bux calf, willow tan calf and enamel IcAtker. New.
colura, new tcaa—right nt the top in style and tbe price will joa
auit you.
Dozen atylea ia tan.................................$2.00 to $4.00
Fifty alylea in blacks........................... $t 18 to $8.60
Boy’e Un and black......................... *.. ..98c to $2.00
Aten’s River Shoes
With our name OD them, and every pair warranted.attfiefblIrywroff pnc«:-4IW. $1.9S. $215. $2 48, $2.69, 12-96. $3.26.
Rubbers tu fit all tbe lateal style ahoea.
1S6 V-ront Street
The Pisotleel Shoe Heir
TH» MO^MIHO B»OOBp flUirp^y MOV^fir^py
KMlint DAaoit Ki>.T AIETi
‘icatoaat Betuaa to Aaeapt the Beaip-
aattoa of tha fBawaitoa Offiaial.
Waablaptoo. Ro*. 18—The Preaidant
*«»P» the reaipnattoa
Pamoo. the Bawailaa mkatotor
o5 ftnteres^. J
-The toet'rorhdl Bla«.
The rorlp Ulsi»r}' of ibe weddlop
rinp to not eaup 10 iraAV. a* It wee apt
to be eobfowd wttb rtie brtrothal Hop
Tbto aaH once tbe more bniwrtaiH of
tbe two. for to tbe .to,s of oar ton-fa
there tbe l-in.iluil * a* tbe etrwi ceretnen-laire onl.r Hw ratlflcetUe .-ont,^.. Tben a apcow
rw-r 01
At the mreOap:
of uia
th4 uaaiea
Ladtoe MbrarTAeaodlatloByeatonla*
! ewm Cbkttardoii.
O.* Uborcr U^llap eetorutommt
taplofbd M-lb* »r»ii(i Rftpidt, B«ld
wr * **»ria»* raflmsd, wbOe ,w«!klbp
^ • fr»*el ir»fo fall in bet<^
*tot« Federattoo of Womao'a .
altaa Uland.
jrf ^|«n.uil or bemnlui! wee ivirhrai
^Mld »M crMbad Xo dMih.
Clew lb 4achaoa. Mm Keaeiard paea t
^^,1.,^ poh-ionay a. the
! A poamr MB uaMd Afford. MlUBf a report «f the ItoWip aad Wednaa-;*** ^“*
^* *'**'“'“’F
rontraii of a fuidre "ei<-ruel U>dJ of
^iMOi. wbllf marnlar on the r*™ dap meeUape. which effKded a preai i
douhiA.lhe r.a«.o Cor tl.ua
froBB taaeUar trip ae»r Mem. he deal of ralnabie Information She tol-1 “* *‘*'^** *"**‘*'^ Thle potanit waa ».deiunl«luj: an euKUKemem War that
k««pp MMr« Md Bert. e^MBfted be lowed the oroeeediaa* cloaelT aad her ““
“ orpaniaatlon of to «w« ot violea.e add la*le«iu.-to
«P*tolHto. aad it waa »»«'
thomjht it oeedfui tu prokbloed e meotiee WieebBter. end report^a. eniermioiap ae it waa'^**"
Me*-htirtr1ithebd c(T. OU home to
U Cbteeco.
I Ellto ThoapM. e^oenr 1
waa-Tlrcn at tee maeiinp bp Mae.
_ ou«ioe mtMoea.
rouumHil<-«iUm. .1 Ix-iruthal aemli-e
k>eo of deeper. left t«« week« e«0 for tJhermaa of Vpa'IaaU. Tnto wa. alio k
"•‘FMtoon waa tendered under
whi. h etlll fonue i-irt of tf.e
^e north wood* on e baDtinr «•> end
ralnabie contrlbatloa
ftteae oonditiooa. bat aaHr. D.bob baa Freneb end Julian ritual, n-.d. ln>1.-.-0.
The maatiarnext Satardap will
termlaalad ihe ooaDeeuoa-toe- fi»- flrat iian of the Ati^lhau nuirpree ktUed hp e cboetleir eeetdasb.
hUateU and tbe ortantxxiioa re- rleae rtte Uub-u to Ibe wotuan'e -|
^(Htp Hoekejoo. » «eil enrrter of darotoa to UatoaJna to tbe
uauatap to too remaiod*r
accaptaoee » lll" 1. elm,.Iv the old he.mtbal
keleneeoo. wentnorth on e deer>Dnet- of the report of the ft
tof tHp. Word hee dm reeneed thet
Meauirkaale Tawora.
ke rrMbceldeoUj ehot.
Borne retiuirkalile'ret-ordi> of lumoru
[ A lenre rock eree pleord on the treck
Unkaowa Mn Ztlied.
err* alren lu The
i tit- laiiiet. The
t ii.- i*rx.'—i
M the MIcblCM Oentrtol betvMp Cter ■aeorfiSf TbHone CoaVate on
The norO. bound trala on the 6, R. auown to ■ nirrlie- turner lUt w,-.kn.r.l
^OUe end qbretor for the
Gridlm. ^
A I. peatordap momlap Inetaatlp I'C. iM>iio>ls. d.-«-riU-.l l.j a d.^^ur of
wreefcinc the trela. bet it wee provlNew York. Nor, ia.-followlBp__ killed aa unkaowa man near Etmrs. Hu<-iierrrt.
Ilmuer ivuH.ved our
keoUeUj dlteoerr^ la
tbe foot ball aoorea ia earioiu loeaU- Thcpaesenpereoathclraia were not wrlehln* 140 iwunJa'from a wouian
‘ At Heciaeer. Mre. Alloa C MeLmn tlee peatordap:
aware of tbe aeddeat. ae the trala dd wh.wr a-.-lKl>i without iIh-tuiuor
went too orer e prate fire end bar
Yale, U: Barrard. 0.
not stop. Tbe bodp was dtooprarad bp JlR |•ullnlIs. Thr tore>-M .<>l>d luimu of
tbto .-toss urlelxxl lOti imuiuls. Tbe
^roa cehfkt fire. Khe wee bedlp
Miehipan. tk; Chae School, aera- the crew of the aoath bound train.
rmvnl for ovoricD lumorn to held lip
karaed eboet the feer.ermeeBd beade. land. 0
a ChinrM- iMitlriii. h bo bail oue wdsbAnnapolto. 14: Lehtpb. 0.
I Jeo Coort A Son of Merehall. here
ObtoFuiraraltp,*: MadiealAdlepe.O.
tor :.uw terkepe tor ThaaheL'olreniip of Kanaaa. to; Ualrerailp tee rxchanpe. shows the ii
>Ds« sne- , of UU |H>un<l» anil a ttoniia'u nnr of
prior end eommeneed kllllar Tbaree intoatj
Fur niMiunar.r inmom a oaM- Is
fiep. elearbteriar beiwrea too end eno of Nebtmaka. 0.
eeee Marks B
f 1 on n-rnni wlu-rr ibr gruntli in one
ftellp. ThtoletbelerreMeforlo ordar
ttaorpatowh Coltop*. (h Volranitp of dtp.
Ibroaeed *’'*'**' wrlrlinl G4 |n>uD<to auil In tbe
Vlrpiala. (I
krer ebipped bp e K'ebiren flna.
I At Paw Pew. Cherlee Botram
LafapetU. Ip-WDckaeU. a
the Grand last ereatnp was an e
Iwelp leaned hie arm on the mau’e of
Iowa UalrecaUp. 3J; Knox Collepe. 0 moue ODC. it to tboapht thaa all preriDUa-l Kboit HU Pms.
Oa^aaaae. V*-. Uraape A. O,. «.
oas raoords for attaadaoee will be broJohn I. Ulalr In lito rarlicr lU.rs OWO'
Pardoe. lU: Botre Oame, lo
kaa tonlpbt. wbea the Marks Brotbira ed u wt-Ktrru mllroad alunp ibr rviitr
[ Fcenk Cole, a prooBneat ferotar ilrof, wlili-li tic- eMtililtolird a m-Hm of
Urtaaell. G: Iowa State Collie. 0.
present the famous Naw York aao
li)D< bronnix. at wlil--h i';ii|*lorc.os of tbe
Wtwo mllea aontb of Webbrnllle,
WiaenmiB. l*: Mlaaeaoia. 0.
"Tbe Bareest of Sin."
^ eeektoBunpeboibp a oeichhor
This oompanp to th« best repertoire road wt-rr to Im' ebargi-d .Vi ■■■•nis and
ail |uis>eDc<Tii T.'i c-c-iiiK. Mr. Rlalr un<-v
Ibrmer wbUe banUap portridre. The
dilii-d at one of Uimm- idai-nc and. Con^ert« aaiered bto feee, neck end aid*
Tbep appear here beplnutop Mondap, dndlDjc hto niral. told down a baU dul4a«to« Otmtaa to ill wMfa aeiaile Dar. 4.
BBd lafllotod eerere woanda.
Urij While OatUre U. Mepere tf dec. rhcumattom.
“Uold onr crird the mshler. •'Yon
Mtoa <Iraw Oavatapham want
Xarried to Ferswood.
»aw WM hoatiar near Sleaford FrW
don't U-lunp to ibto n-niir’
“I know nun." re|d.«l Mr, BUIr.
lap. be Bleeped to rent on e top. wod
Y’caterdap nMmlap Mtoa Marp Kinp
hto pan wee MeldeaieUp dtoeherred.
of Fmwood. and Mr. John Barton of "Tlu- road le-loucs to lae.”
kto left thamb wee ebot oS and three hariap hie ejaa teeted for pla
MonroeOentor. wrre married at the'
fcapm on the left bead bedlp man aaw the Miehipaa foot ball patoa pea ' rrsldanoe <f John Kinp. in Femwood.
limn- are botled. The Aral flaper on the ripht tordap.
The earemoap was parforatod bp Rut. twoi-n u«Hi uud U««> nu-ii in New York
W. O. pheljto pawedthroapt the ciw
bead wee eleo bedlp tora and one ebot
J. Peanirptea.
w-bci are ivonlc Xl.issi.iaat or iiinrv. In
laet alpbt oe hie wap froth Urand BapWaned tbroapb the lip.
Jm:.. o li.'ii New York liad a pnpnblllon
SMtalar Drpew.
} Howard Mine, eoadnetor on the Port Ida to Bellaira.''
of nft.«i00. there won- onlp It) m*-n who
NntliliiK Ik more lniiitii|>n-ti<-nMMe
C B Setae retnmed'to bto home fa
wore- a-ceeased at fino.tmn or wore, and
Hufim Bleetrk railway. wee pireae
Eim>]a-an wrM<-rH tbao the .tinerlran the lilglioct aa-xoMiueut was oolr F20U,^ pold piece bp a paaeenper far a fere. BalM la*t Bipii.
jimtiuu of bn-aklQK eitxK In a bIbsk. Octii.
Joe Plaek. who baa beM bopiap peMd la tom para it out to aaother pea
M. IN-IM-W like* lo fidlow 4bu
fiuper for a aiekel. The flret peaera- tatoea laHantoa. rctnraed to tbe dW Ami-rlc-iiu •'lufoni. aud one day tbe
The ccMl of koo|<lne tip tbe drluklnif
^ wme to Uitto for fato aMoep, who laetalphl.
waller at the Hold de Bmcac. In Pap fniiniaitio and eaitU- tniitxlia in l-uuduO
aip Clerk A. W. Blekafd left laet Im told bhii Ik- miuin't du It. Tlh-rr to
denied rtceiriap it. fie la taro weat
per niiiniui.
idnL'Io iroupb In
was » dts|.<ite. and ibi- lead waller a Ima,- tboriniclifan- e..«fe Ji'iO.
W the emad peeeeaper. wbo at firat alpbt to apead Soadhp la Aama
Frank Sm.lb retarn.d fromaboM naa •-nilc-d ••T!ie cto««c»s i-atinol to4ld ool remember peiUnp it. but fvand
pnipcrip »a»Ii.-d'Mi wa- etpiaitM-d
The wllliiwl* one- of tlie mo«l adapt|amoaphU ckanpe. The paid piece nee* trip to Manton laki nlpht.
aide of |>laiit<. .4 willuw <iwlti-h stuck
C P. ItoTla reuraad laet aveniop ••Tbr.v-atv rnliu-d "
Wa» reeorered els boara Utor.
"Nodk.-nw.- xaid |)e|a-w. “my p«-tFmlt ratoert in aontUm Miebipah frqm a lumbar laspecUap trip to ants at lioiue ib> il every day lu liie In the wvi will almost invarluldj take
rooi^ alraadp beooailnp alarmed tor oexi BlipneCitp.
y.-nr. fee a little mon- eito>w'i:rea»e.”
Then Mr. I»ej»-W bitike bis c-BB Into
dbaeea'a crop The rrarm weatber ol
Mtw F. BIxard of Orawn waa (a tha
lie- Bln—, .1. ti«iial. and the waiter
ikeUatfew weake bee uaaaed peach clip peatordap.
wnli l»-d lilm. U'lieii the slnK< wn« mvi
to Bwell aatU tbep are aa larpe aa
Mre. A. H. Widrifi of BeadoB ra- B.lde he .-aiiie wliha dcmliian, .-tti.-ki-vl
lk«7Bbould be on Hep 1. Saaeafraa tnrard borne laet ereiilfip after hariap tiH- sin— .m hin Imui lu-d nnd nnd dl»hut I ••\-ilienr.l
aj.|a-ared whli tbe fr«i:u..-ni.. •|•llr ''I'" ........... that iiei.e ..f the |.biurp«
IWde are brulcea oat. while hiekorp^ apeatt a taw dept bare abopplB
« «n-wniii -\n RuHery were uue.
^llow aad maop o'her treea abow
W. Porter who has beea at Bellalre ebarpe for ilm sin- wa« on tlr. Im-l'"
IH-w a bill, and he refniM-d to iwp It. Ue**u the
■pnrtf aaeeoDd erpplo one pear,
tbe paet week attondi'pp to b
wa« tv«> scant a eunti'icu-r lo uiake au-j ll"''«""U
Imr. and —’
■aade aramarkabip rrarm winter w retamed homr peatordap.
pry. no the h.ilel |.«>|ile nniiUcl.udEheT < "" hitt elw- '"
teare a pood crop.
knew timi Mra. ln |a w »«. sains t«l
w-al Ic. a
Mra. J. Dixon who hai >een
J^Three death* from epiaal menlapUto
pto—vraa Inpenloiisly worked into her' 'Mmi'llde Ile nfroiii N. w Vi.ik,
i^re cauted coneteraatlOD at Oaiamet. tondlnp her mother who waa rerp 111. bin. and khe paid for it. but Mr. In- I"'’
• the people fear a repeUtion of the retamed borne laet nlpht
la-n didn't know It for many motithtl___ ■.
ik>demie which carried awap ao
Mim Oara Crawford of Qrairn wae in aficTward. wIm-ii he waa tellins'thr {
story na an iUKinm-e of hto ■>uvva->a iij
t^prr eoanup people laet winter, and the citp peatordap rletilap Mende.
mimierav litis the esioiiiou- of Ftircv
alrinpeat method* are belap emploped
Mtoa Cora Wheat of Umwa retniaed iM-aU
hotel keeper-.
tfiprereatibedtoeaMfrocD epreadUp borne latl ereninp after hariap epent
’Xen ouchls'-rp to the ameuaiol tJ. thrM moaths in the ettp.
f atu a pear apo eneb a tbtop
tnhaeleea pnrcbaaed for the cnpi
M.ee C Eifpiof Urawa waa la the elec-uic car waa urkanwa la Apalraeerinp ahope of tbe I’alreraliv il dtp peaierdapTbe cars in a lew principal towns tbst
Miehlpaa. It aowatola of a milllnp
Mtoa Uarioa Banker left tost craninp cou.d boast of hSTiiur tramwapa of anp
BMebiae. a aereaUeo-lDch bp trreire for UrawD where she will apend San- kind were drawn throupb the strecia
fAl latbe. a prindlap maeblae for do dap with Mm Cora Wheal of that
i'p-lrol pace br bonws, o
Consumption, la
tap ^ork re«ialr1np more acearacp place.
frepuentlp mules. U itbiB tbe lau few
thaaoBO be obialoed wUh a latbe.
^’••-Cora Woodmfl of Urawn. who tnoDibs. however, fnreipn enterprise
and ao automatic bolt and DDt thread- baa been in town about two moatbs. has been tbe means of inaupuratiop
lap macblar. The puUep. neeeeearp retamed home laai oreainp.
atoetrie sractioa ia toe etreea of Mad
tot- the aettinp op of tbe aiacblnerp are
Fred Brown aad Albert -Norotep rid. Barcelona. Valencia. BUbeva and
San Sebsatian. and tbe lead thus takei
helap made in tbe capinecriap
............. ---------. !i»™»d last alpbt from a trip tbroapb
tbe principal tramway c moanies In
tonap splendid
kiiL*ni4ii4 broose
A.—...' . — a
...__ ofwarjthe
___ !
east, riaitiap .'ameatown. N. Y. bp
tbe chief cities of Spsin to like!
wi'l adorn tbe respeciire com- Hnffalo and other cities. Tbep hare qnicklp followed bp oibrm.
been pone aearlp two mewtbs.
j Iht tiaiAkH MAtOY
Quick fieitl-msoL.
It lathe
Hon. and Mra. 0 C. Leach are apeadJ. M.
. .
____ ..
eeator. rrae the plft lo tbe dip of inp ^nndap la tbe dip.
Unitod Btau* Benevolent Societr of
OmrleeUacklep.andtheetatoea come
Miss Walsh of the asplua bse pone Sapiaaw, was in Hellaire rreertlp for
from the aame beneficent eonroe. Tbe to Sdmore to spend her raeation.
the purpose cfaauiirp with Emorp C.
etaUitee w.li beof bronie. heroic du
Frank Friedrich went to Cbdillac Denamore. whoYiad carried a potlep
with tbe f 8. HeneTolent tor some
and wilt oaeili.wxieach- Twoof them, peatordap on an oil inspntlnp trip.
pear*. Mr. Dapsmore recaivad *00 for
etatates of Prasident Llaeoln and Ad
C F Reed weat to hto camp near thr Injnrp raoaived s few weeks since.
miral Farrapni. here been deelpaed bp
Otoar members of tbe aaaoclatlon of
CbarleeH.NiehauiafHew York, aad 'Rap Schofield wUl apend tbe dap
tbeothers of liaaerai Urant aad Oeaer- with hU aunt in Manton.
Bon. U. G. Corell retnraed laet alpbt
al fiberman, bp J. Manap Bhlnd, *i««>
Grand Rapida He was aooom- DcBaasore tost toe aaaoslation of Bew York. Tha toofi^ from tha from
paaied bp bto wife.
^ deaeirinpof toe patroaape of everp
wapa aamar.—Antrim Oonntp fianUnel.
•rU two were faedrad aereral monthe
C»a^M, Hsperretumed laet nlpht
apo. Md tbe etatoto of Farrapat to al- fcoes Fife Lake, where he to baplnp
Blem Proteeten
rtadp eompietod. T«a
^eat aad poutoea Be baa alra^
varp useful for elarte. aoeka. barW« are now praparad to aall oor axorcr 5,000 baabeto of gmla^
apoB which tha etatatea will beplaaed,
toadara, ate.. lOe par pair. & ~ ' callanUead-PQTATOPl'LP. which
arah raadpia poalUoo. aad tto pe«al ^alam ^nanutp readp Ux aUp- AOa
we have on hand at all Umaa in a cwact
ankplaa totoharetha atataw iaad«
dealrable atata.
for unrelllnp with tapramira
R B SamU wiij spend the dap to
VtoafitMAtAim AM OalttiMi'8 SianU
tooalea on Memorial Dap. I9D0.
toe dtp. Hebe,
OB a bn!fn«= BparVanriah.
In order to introduce oor feed to the
tewb Huph Brown, of tbe Fontlac trip soBib.
faadm wr have radaaad onr price to
pnhS^eehools. to etlll wapi^,^
lOcper 100, wbleh compared with the
«ade Tonap Apato.
apaiaai tbe fortp or fiftr school bops
ThMikapirlnpavaat Oolaasbia halL
BBtot IT jmr» of ape who persist In
West Side. Mot. 2«. BUI SO cent aalativc valve ol the ether (eeda makea
"One of Dr. Klap** New Life Pllto
tt eoat about one third of aay other
wkepma of tohaoeo. Fire tobaoeo dealMuale bp Bala aad BUkmlae.
----------------^ •» the iaetaaoe
U Brown.
nerof Dempeeplown. Pa Tbep’ra tbe
To Curo m vom hi Oho Day. I Some of toe moet infloenlial feeder*
beet to toe world fortbeUw.SW
M aad Bowato.
Pardp emrat^ Take Wsnicr's Whiu- Wine of Tar nij have iriven this prodoet a thoronrh toet
ifae Iwat cough ratmiy on earili.
an. and report that it to desirable ia every
reapret and eqnsi to all that to claimed
j fior iL Ha have eompleted an ideal arTuey werk.
p(rc a Stfonp Stoal Ranaer Sleipb.
Born* of the prltea
t for loading into wagons
The todiat era lavitod to call at Mi
W. O Lawrance'amUllBarTatoewaod'eic.
and 'etc.. aad wereapecifally Invite all feediaapeet her larre naw atorir of fancy
to toy onr feed.
■ . ■
work in all toe lawat nattra.
II For Monday, Nov. 20.
“ Some idvertlpe “blue Monday apei-iale.” bot nil ue.
os they are 8lwa>-a bright and cbeerfuL
to Kive you u)or.|attention than we poeeiBly could on Saturday,
beeidea We. pel better adveriieiiiK on Sonday 1k*a apy other
day of tbe week.
We offer a choice of 100 ladies’ jackets of all wool Keraeya. all sl^ea and alylea, valoee op to 112. for Moo day only/......................................
Kra'i Wonted
nkeat ccdianAlM. SOc.
& Benda .
^toe^^D Sunitoaeial nd.. it
The Micbipi Stuck Co.
Tnra.. Otr, lllcb
For Monday only.*choice of sll the beat ingrain carpeU,
inciodioK Lowelle, retrardleaa of advanced prioea.. .
60 ladies* Buita left after a iLoat aatiafactory bnaineai
to onr cloak department—For Monday only we offer
^ .choice of ibe entire lot, ooDBiatinK of all wool aeripja,
CH liome^noa, heavy all wool (-afsimeres and cheviota—
Jacketa all nilk lined, well made and tinished, aplenBK <^><1 lilUia. at tbe moat extraordinary epccialvut
price of.................................................................................................$7.60
86 Oolf Capai to aelect from, all atylea and conbina- lions of oolure, pricea ranKin« np io flo, yonr ckoice
of any for Monday only___ .........................................................$7.60
Ohoice of oar beat aud doest incL'a ahoea, biacka and
tana, dn<-et woikmanabip and finish, IncladiLR onr
$4 60 and $5.00 ralucT, for Monday only........................... $3.60
Choice of ladiee’ beat and tinpst aboea, all thie aeaaonV
make, none better, valma op to t400.'Mond#y only $B.G0
For Monday only we will jpve you yonr choice of oot fin
est lik'ht co!or.-<l covert top coafa, inclodirtR oor
valnea f..r............................................................................................$12.60
For Monday only we will Hive you your choice of out
men's finest eniu’ nothing reserved, inclading B.
KuppenbeinitT & (Va beat make—gtyris op to $20
............................................................. »is.eo
We earn' b ftill line
The McCall
Bazar Patterns,
lOC. NONEHICHfR. | 5c.
..Fashion »bet-is Hailed Free..
The Variety Slore^225 Front St.
I p Buy-“ salt .nnd pepfR-r s/akers. farcy cut glass
I II sauce dishi's. g'ass tumblers and several differ
ent sizes of china butler •dishes.
Ap Buys Uirgc ^i2c farcy cut glass pkkk- dishes,
lump diimntts. fancy, t-tjuare cut glass tooth
pick holders.
Qp Buys fancy cut glass fooled fruit lx»wls, large
goblets, fancy cut gla.ss fruit dish.
Jp Buis f.*iticy cut gl.Tss sngar bowl with cover,
fancy cut gUn.^^s crei>m pitcher, fancy cut glass
deep fruit dish. '.
Cp Buvb fancy cut glass va.«es.. water pitcher, cup
Oo and saucer—10c plate for 5c.
SfieciBl priw ou mlire uccx fn<- Sxiurdxy oriv. Nr.*, isto.
•t rif Stviub*r/'5 Opera H«m*e
.4 Fwifit
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
We do oot know of
any dull daye but we piare onr aperial «A)«a on Monday, co aa
about Men's
—Wa’ve got tbe ho^teat line that ever
e-ame over th«-highway. New, itobby
effects in blacks and tane, silk veatlog
tope. Scou-h cute—.1 gr.-at variety of meffl’a fine heavy sole
ahuee in bux calf, willow tan calf and enamel IcAtker. New.
colura, new tcaa—right nt the top in style and tbe price will joa
auit you.
Dozen atylea ia tan.................................$2.00 to $4.00
Fifty alylea in blacks........................... $t 18 to $8.60
Boy’e Un and black......................... *.. ..98c to $2.00
Aten’s River Shoes
With our name OD them, and every pair warranted.attfiefblIrywroff pnc«:-4IW. $1.9S. $215. $2 48, $2.69, 12-96. $3.26.
Rubbers tu fit all tbe lateal style ahoea.
1S6 V-ront Street
The Pisotleel Shoe Heir
THB aoKjfnro
5ewt«V T!le»t
0^ \\\e "VDoAd.
Oharlea L Borf. when arraalad
Obieafo for forgery, although be baa
BO bapda, eonfaaaad to the crime, and
ahowad tbe oBeara haw he waa able to
naka a paatal money order for 16 75
with a pen bald la bla month.
Tha heavy froaU la Alabama have
praeUeaMy ktUad tha frowta of top
eottoa. Beporla from aeveral oobbUb
ahow that the eottoa Oalda have prae
apin)A». ■ovbiibbb 19. iw
Wh»i aistr 1
Tba UaaUt BaeoiA.
Fraak VoabarFdlad yaalarday at hit
teoalnSttweiU City, afod M yean
Tba faoaral wUl be bald la the SoBaoiU
aty ehanb today at l;M o'eloak.
VonUtaad bj tba BwpMtlv* ObBnha
It tll Hvuud*
IB tbt rpcIUL
TIm- Bonanl of tLr (lilliK come* IBM
alrtr ooly ' wL« u on<'
oo tb«
sp*.H BDii dU-«-i>' B-itli whl<-b CDinUruttB
BAtUar la bow Si daya) parta ara made to <lu tbeir duty. Tbe
oat from Eodmli.
Alaaka. and U la
•»>« ct.uueeiluK
• “*«»««
tavM limt
wat aha
aae baa
oaa cotta
(osa dowo
wo o taoae to-orooaw welaliI, w.mi- thw au
<d tba matty atorai|a»«.a» h.*«
and fortb 6ra
awapl tba eoaat. Tba »aaael Ml ‘***|umea a aacood. Trai Umea a aerood.
Alaakao port October le asd
tbe rud of every >m«ke. ibe pUiuo
baaa heard from aloeaPhaaoaaoal eoTB cropa were r^aad couiHiioo 10 a vi lwUy of l.mw feel par
Itik tffir-r la tbe Eaakakae rar>o«. Bilnnta la ona-iwruih-ih of a erooad.
ladlaaa A aaBber of ylalAa of froa Tba driaa wbraU mae-ura more (baa
a rod ai er.-ry ravolotlon. but wbra
•iffaty to alaatT ba^U per acre. Tbe
foiDB ou tniltw an hour ibay muei tura
lowlaada abow tba grmtiml yielda. aaa Bora Ihao .ti»» Uuia. a lutBUta.
firat-i u tba Ktakakaa rallay are
Sixty nillre an b»ur U iba.niaraat
braaklof ap thonaaada of aerea tbta rommunplace to tba mlad of Iba up
fall wbleb wiU b^ plastad la aorav«aat to data ntilruad man. but It ait«ni
otbar tbluA> lawlda* iboM- UawrlU-d
A MkMo^aoapla were aarriad tba tbai ara wundartiil (u tlia ouieldar. It
other day after a week's erttaaietaaae
Tba Eaaaas City Joarael admlu that
ibare waa aotklaf praelpiuu ao far aa
tba bcld^rooB waa oooeaniad. aa tba
b>lda paaeaBed property ealead at
After batUiac all alrbt with bar laaaaa haabaad. Mre. Baif of (H Loala.
Sbabad baaa kept a prlaoaar by ber
btubaad for three daya wltboat food.
All farnar reported attanpU to boy
oreell tba Lakaa of ClUaraay barlar
eoeie to aolblar.'u la aow aanoBBCod
that tba propariy will be aold at auc
tloe NoreBber «1. at Dahlia. Tba eatata tae'adea the laanalon. tba daBeaoe
(which aaUraly aerTonada the middle
Lake of EUlaraay. and to a larra ex«eat boeoda tba apparaad lower lakaa)
the deer toreaU. case praaarraa. B«h
laf. lakaa. noanulaa aad lalaada.
eoalalaiac axelaaira of water, aboot
14.000 aarea.'
At Baatlato da Oaka Friday Borelng
at 0:15 o'clock a decided eartbqaeka
ahoek waa fait laatlar oaarly a Bloate
Sevafal honaaa la the cUy were badly
damaffad aad the froat of tba meriae
hoapltal o«M fall btoaUaA da airaat.
Ko pofaoaal lojnrlaa are reported, bat
tbe naUraa ware bedly frichtaaad.
Mrm. Laae Betx. tbe Obiaaffo
apanked her haabaad twlaa a day bemaaa. M aha aald la eonrt. It waa food
farkUceaeral health, tba food cry
feUowlac the ehaeUaemaat balaf ooadaelre to appetite, haa bean placed la
aHtoapItal aad u to be axamiaad aa to
haraaalty. Bar haabaad aaya aha la
praay. bet It la fait that a more com
petaat taatlaoay will be Beaded to
prove it.
la Taxaa, a wealthy atoekman will
ttaaaa aeloBobile foi saklaf loapacUoa tripa aroead tba wire taaee of bli
Taaeh. Tkaaonatry balaf Ural aad
free from bnitb aad other obatractlona
It U tboofbl that tba aatoBOblla will
I onmoB snnoM tooi.t.
Ooraar WaahUwMB airaat ab4 BobHun areaua.
i<L A
Bol* ConmaBioB
at a»:«S
a .
Moi^iiif eerrloa aad ierBoa at 10;S0
dnaday debool a
BraaiBA aarvloa at 7 p b.
All are oordlaliy iaeltad
CHCarH < r <'RU»T.
Sarriaaa held la Uraafa ball.
gooday tcheol at B:30 a. i
Martha Webetar died Friday at
’ ber faoiaa la WUllataaborr. at the age
Ip, g. year*
H*e aoaa aad one
daeehter aorrlee bar. her botbaod
haelac bean dead tor eeiae ye ara. Tbe
hmaral will oeear at tie WHUa aBbery
ebareh thla aftaraooe at i JO.
LctI Maeaay.a ploaaer of U»l» rafloa.
d ad yMlerday at bia hoBC 5 mllra aoet h
of tbb city la the Btrmley aalfbborbood [
Bndaaror ai 6:00 p. B.
► “ 8abj*et. *'A Of paeemoDta.ared aiyaara. Mr.Maaaey \
Po-pcwa la Life.
avelaran ot Ua rabellioB and a
naar Hrruonrr.
Baaberof MePbaratB Pact. Be baa
Bea.J.a.Breedr. peuar.
bean a Banda? acbool worker tor ever
Saaday—Praaablaf at lOiMa. b. aad 40 yean aad waa aaperiataadaB* ot tba
7 . n.
BirBlay Baaday aebooi. Be laavaa a
Claaa aaatlac at B:*0 a. b. "
Saaday acbool at tha clcaa df Bore- wife aad two aoaa. Berta, who la taaeb
iar tba Blrmlay acbool. aad Laasdar
iaf aarrioa.
who la bow dear baatlaf in tbe appar
panlasala Tbe foaaral will be bald
of a eacun.1. H meaiii tliat op lo lUe "t’^'vaainf aobiaet. "Tba Oteet Sel- from tbe Birsley aebo^ boaae.
ceb Iba Orawau U throe-iae Into the
fnnuipa two-ilitnU of a toa of coal
Tbnnday—Oaaaral prayer Baetlof
aarry hour. No. labi Imro* coal fa>iicr .*t 7;oo p. a
Tbe new Plamlab aad Draadan datban tan lucu can niluc It It mean*
All an aordtally Invited lo atload.
alfBB In Bxtl
two tiuarta of oil cv,Ty bour to keep
bptbodbt tiU BMi.
bar foumal txixee xivaecd and every_
IbLc ni.nln,
li .1...... il,.i
tlieeiiBlDe »ltl. lu baif down cere and
darabie varaleb made
loBfl of human frelctii U movlBf
itamuLcb aitare witii iw U*' tbe |>ue-rr of
Ttaemeof Boralnf dlaeoarea, '*OobMIBCELLAHBUU8 WANTB.
a allot from a Kkl ion sun. it weana eersatloo." the aaooad la the aarUa oa
tliat the coeliirer haa V.>rt**l her up -a CbrUUaa Life."
In tlic polui Hiirre ahe eaii me- ercry
CIbm Bcatlaf at B:45 a. m.
: WANNU>-KaB airf *i
once .if «teaoi. tb»i be U i^eixlnp ber Sunday acbool at 11:45 a. m.
•amllluwIrrrMf Ids
a* a J<«-key or-.-ea lilti inonni In a Berea
P “V'
U»N UBVO'ite'raar.
------. and yet 1. meaux tb.t In-1« ready
« WAKTIU-Toao t
I aeeond'i nolle*- lo tnove the re- at .-50^ in
. .tcplr St liewslllni
vcraUiR lever and apply the alrbrakea
-------.that will Blup tlie mltlit.T avabm-lte
r dlniance that it covers aa
on tbe track«.-Karl W. *e*.w.TW.
wtoB UAUa-Taree borw*. tkrrr (ut». lU J
, MoralBf aarvlae 10:S0a. m.
tlayo In Alnslrt-'a
r barreh na< vlaiar av>ph-«. wa <ao» guoa i
I MoralngSQbjaet,'-tiegl6Dlat a Ba- tunotar bar cearquirh Uro Itoiuh. 7B1 >f*>
rpOXXCn*Sil»-rorT™»vraarU7pro|»rt7. |
l„ lu.
.U It....... ...
W/roKBYTO L04X--0B panoaal pfwny.
O K Breaa at rvoat at
_^yer meaUag Tharaday avaalng.
-noamON waNTKD-Aa FOaK. d>ptar>*am
Jr firt orto,la gascral heuaraovk. Apply
at too Sasib Voios aiT*ri
ruKxna cai'aca.
Be*. BstUj Jones, pastor.
Charch, Cor. Oak aad Fifth atraata.
Baaday acbool at
Public worablp n:00a.m.
Y P. S. C. E pray*' nkcaUng 5:45
tkaaa sirrtcaa.
Barmoa Wing aad
' ha*. D.OMklis. naswr.
, Naalaermon In «ie aariaa "On
Borne" at 10:30 a. m.
it 1.0.1
*7.*^; "S!*®*
a tbe siad;
Ypoa HALX-Thrac ateww
X! Baal PToel
$4.00 to $22 00.
“Warmback” Dlsters
Manufactured exclusively by Hart. Schaffner & Marx,
have won their way into popular favor strictly on their
merits—being made by a firm whose Tiame is so* well
and favorably known to every clothing buyer, is in it
self a guarantee of their perfection.
See them early.
Upder- *
laqulra si tW
^j^AMTXD A rtvt ■' 8«(iTpb
laodlaf. baatBOTtraa aboiguD
ITOR SAUE OC KXCBANOg-ror prepare la
or aaar Travaroa City. Alarm Id Krai
rcHialj. KIrb <»ood bviMlaga. rood orrbard.
vrU aatarod, IWu ailloa (roa. Aourlablar
la.,Dire ef C
B .Oix-karar.
W>rONKY TU LOAIf^n •00,1 aororlly. Ap-'
4XL plyUrtttaivatnvior tst Lake a^ouv. ^
lbl« SD5*?loa^br«int.^.‘‘Wlai7 5SKr7w ■
VVKNI8HSD nOOna-Biraw b*at. alarirta
C Ufbi Isqatte •> Beo-Toa reaiauri^. ^
there, and to this rib, s|ia<.-ed apaa at , In'ermndiaia society ot Ch
TJW>a SALK CRnAP-tioad rabtdi Sac A4- '
regular Intervals, thnugb they are all deavor at 4 p. m.
C diraiClowWrUa. P 0. Boi Ko. tM 7»tl
contained wliblu a total si«arr of Utile ' Y’ouag People's aoeiety ot CbrlstlaB
r^IBL WANTXD-tloDrral houaooark. »
more tban a quarter of an Inch, there , Endeavor at 5:45 p m.
\X matr BiTori. Mm X X HIlIrr
ni-l( :
areaturhed-Jliurl.>uUiiy, bony books. ‘ Bua-lay eraolBg gospel meeting at
There Is a little thickening at the baseP-" ...
j vi w j
of each hoJir Where nature ha.
Bring your Wands and shaka hands,
strengthened It. and one is Inclined to
swrnisu i.rTHeaAS.
Orr niam
regard tbe hooka as Inset separately I Bervicea eonduetad by J. O. Lind, ■ r la Ihrir qw
israUU-soaklr Drand to look for the riveU wherewith •indent of Aaguatana Lalheran Chi *r" 0?*
■ Bu.sal opportoeliwa an
1. anpl».u. sfP-sd.
they were aecured to the (date or rib '*5^.
b a Park. ao< aiSunday scl
school at i: B
fruni which th«-y spring.
ton Bnlldlng.; >k-«ga.
Bvaaing sarvlea at 7:3o"
The tower edge of the npper wing.
ao4 boacsi
All ara eordlaUy mfitad to thaae ear'
laukeO at under tbe mtcroacoiw. la
to be curled op Into a flange or irougL. ,
_ _
,-rM,a pipratt*. Sjmlfhl. boas-flSn. Do bow
DO )«aS salair rallleo prrBaaral Our nt- I
rwocra: aar haak tasnytosb Ii^^Baii.lr:
In the very finest grades—Chinchilla, Montagnac and
Irish Fricgc goods — every style ol make up — satin
shoulder lining, black clay wool worsted lining, (heavy
Farmer's satin or wool linii^ in the cheaper grades).
X -r*0 bauaa* aD« eJ(bi lou la Orard RaptSa laaBlra at Er. noaralbal TbampMD. Parb
mc<.|lUR of lln- Ni-w York 51|.
crtmcuplcsl KK-lcty the prunUIcni of the
orgaulnatiuu cxhUdicd. Imide* other
tbiuga. dif boDcyiNV's wlug.^bowlug
tbe booklets by means of which
lowt-r of till- two wlupi of the l>ae Is
Joined (o the up|>er wing ln QylitE. ibiia
making them pracllcally a stugic wing.
Tbe up|H>r of the two wings Is alnut
half au Inch lu length: Ui<- lower a biila
sborUT. The wings
where they are Joliw*. ... .m,! When the
they are otherwise separate.
bee goes Into it. hive, it folds It* wings
together. oi.e l.-flf over the other, so
that they n ill take up liw* room. When
It goes alinad. It spreads Its wings and
ctwplea them lygvtlicr wlih the b.Mks.
.. hen looked at uuder the lulcrtAcojie.
the upiier eilge of the lower wing is
iNilies to both deiianinoits moitioool.inlow
Advloaa from /.ulaland testify to tba Uielcwerwing liitu that flange ortrougb
-You don'1 say.'
iBloa OoBtwn.T, Drp-. 2. Cklragv.
growiaf aaeaslaeas of Brit«h rml- at the lower e.lge of the up|ht wing
t hh. boy i
••Y»-s. Teu years ago be
WaKT la*urB-cr al aay kJad lo am
daata. whoae aterea ara looted bv tha and M makes the two w ings praetkwi- out WithI a till bucket I milk tbe cow. :
ne.-New York Sun.
Th. W.. ...J
Boara. with tba reanlt that tha Knlns
-y nnever lieard any MrrroDiUrCo Block,Travrrar <'117. Si44we
tbamaalvea are frawlof iaaoleni, flvalK.iit the l«oy until the other ^
Jawaa'a OaM-r «(area.
iBf rlae to a fear that they mar attack
d.n.r. wlu-n he ajijsvired at his father's. —
Japant-M- are lory foul of atralllDg -aic and antioiiii.-itl w li» lx- was I
aha ananned B-ltisb popnlation.
thiougb tbfir h3*aii;»- V»u i-uivr at
the old luaii a suit of clulli.-s.
A steamer arrlviof at
out- door aiKl l.-«v^ liy amnbpr. Couila
a Iwy ninro."
weal Afrieaa porta imports that an Eng for MilF are illKptayxd on «aoh 4>ide of goM wiii.-h-lind
'rawfoAt hrouglit
"Tl.l-It I1 a,;)ip|MDU>
lish trader named Thompson and Bve> aiaire that wind tlimugh tbe letigth
iiti-,1 <-nir
laea bare baaa masaaered by natlvea at!t of thv ahop. i*aiwlug up aud duvrn
LAbora. A foree of Bancgalaae baai the-w aWIra. thor lead you lo the
ond and ofu-u third aiory of the build- 1 kiu-ki-i
bean cant to pnalah the mat^erert.
A bicycle factory .In Faansylvs^ lug BQil thi-D lul.'k aga:o thniugli diff.-n-nt nl'lx.. ,-iiii«lnx ynu 10 tnrt-l Uu- •
K»«ia Bultdar Amy.
baa just eoBpleted a number of jinrikkuctli of lln- e*iatJi«lin..-iit many! “1 »iipix.«-you don't Ihluk. we make
China, Japan. South AMcal
-* IIUI.-K, riiialt you MV the .l.-'.rw.-iy a mu.-lt of n allowing." aald Ikom Paul to
wW the PmiipplaoA Thebadimoflhe fe»
'Oweriagea are of wood aadaome of Ibelaiual irav.-l ihia iiuixe aeveral ilmm lu , "I mu*l aay iln-re are not many
of -'-w
glory and*«u.ort»r
wbaelaare of biegcle flaiak. »rilh rob- ‘ h-Oi.-ili to ew-ap<' d.-n<-<v •>'
ak U veryrenlfnl In I "Well, you'll have t<> vsxnr around
lotallf I
bertiraa. All have topa to protect the
an'unil on the fl.xsr. ' w lnai we're mn «> l»u*.v if you warn to
rldera from tbe beat of the tropical • pan.' You .
Dt! in w»iui- »h.,r.« jlii-y Itrlnc you cup.
alp aud a "hiluu-ur from . laure.vtj;^* at work elvatiing blur
A natural aonp mine and a imlnt
whU-h to lijrtii ,yonr pit>v.-BaUliiwi« ' Uuumw. the ineiiilvrx of the l.rai
mine are two of tke lateat enriaaiUo Sun.
i are prarticlng at the Hilt- range and
which have been Alaeoverad la Brttwh
------ --------1 jjjj, u,i|i,arjr tallora are all working
The Baeheloe.
j overtime reloforsiug the eatalry'*
ColamWa. BevenU aoda lake* have
A ba.-lieUv ia a .■uuar'l and a falh , p80(Bhk>na. You'll have to make a few
boea found in the faothUU netr Aahgrofl. B. C Their baUoma and eboree ■re. lie ahate* and iHlmpo. but la too aliowaneett.**
cowardly to put hia arm around aooAre •aeruited with a natnrwl •mahlngj,
and pn-u It to hfai buoom. He roHow's This.
Aompouad eoDUialar borax and aoda. •n1v<-« 10 lua iT> et erv day for 40 yearn,
We oSer One Hunderd Dollars fieItia^aiteeqnalto the waabing pow- but w-ben the hour'for the duel arward tor any ca»e of Oalan-b that can
^•n ia ooamoD oae for eleaaaiar rlveo. wiii-B In the prenenee of trem not be cured bv flail's Ontarrb Cure.
9«nMMa About 275 tone of the 00 B- bling. may olwvka. when beauty abakeo
F. J. CaB«r * Co., Prop , Toledo, O.
We, the vodarnlgned. have known F.
•■aad have been cat aad Ukea out of her curia, iita courage moee. and be
MO lake. It U haadlBl aaacUy tbe Aeea the Held without even (evnlng of 3. Chaney forthe last IS yean, and bellevo him perfaeily hoaorabla la all
aameaalee. Oaelake alaoa ooatalae tbe cow|iatfa that leads to matrimony. bnaiaeB traBMCilooa aad flaaxkcially
Dotter be eld darky 'Kaatoa in bla
i<V400 toaa.
eabln. where he holds old Dinah’s band able to carry onl any obllcatiaos made
Barbed wire fence, are need
and asks. "Who's aweetr and Dinah by their firm
alvelg U Boath Africa, aad moat of the dropa ber bead on his sbookler and Wnri Tai-ax. WboloMle DraRlatn.
' You mBycBtcf) cold
I with Jaro; Hyj:ieoic
I UoderwT&r.but youMI
ih»v« to try to —it
i»b$orb9 njoisturCf
‘&f}d proofs tbe $Kii)
'sgftinst clirnstic
cbBOXes —ooo irri, tstio?.
\ "I T^E do our share
N V in keeping the
people warm. 'JAROS'
onderwear and ‘Warmback’ ulsters are a com
bination that's hard to
beat—Ask your neigh
bor about ‘Jaros’—ten
to one he’s wearing it—
It costs no more than
cheap underwear, con
sidering the 8cr\'icc it
gives—Our pure wool
scarlet, fine camel hair,
cotton and a'ooI fleece
—heavy ribbed wool were all bought before
the advance in price,,
and arc therefore ex
cellent valu* for the
’Oneita’ combination
suits for gentlemen, fit
to perfection.
Remember, it is a pleasure to show good goods•Ask to See above.
Hamiltim Clothing Co.
You Can't Do Better
•nalOTiid la imported from the Ualted aaya ~Bofe of t»a."-8hnwaee Datly
^ cSia' ,omea at the Korth OaroHaa
?tate Sormal acbool ocmdnel a dalir
Mand—This is my encagesaent rlns.
nad Bilk flfty Jeraef e»«A
lent 11 lovely?
Edlth-rerfeetly adorable! Bow genSditor Beea Woadwn.
eront Fred was to give you such n
Editor W. V. Barry of Lextacton. raluable one! And to think that ftdka
Tenn.. In explorin* MaBBOth 0a*e,
«T that your father paid tor tt!-Boatoo Traascripc.
■ale DrnrrirtA Toledo, 0.
Ball's OatniTh Cara U Uken Internal
ly. acting dlreeUy npon tha blood and
mnoous aarfane of the syatem. Price
75c. per bottia Sold by all Dnigglsta.
Testimonials are tree.
Hall's Family PUU are the beet.
XAdiaa. yn au "Jup on ILtnule n
it. bat it will come op amlling every,
time.'* Caiman's Elaetic Floor Varniab.
8. £. Walt.
Clcnr rndarvlntidlan at Btart.
(O^ InflaBmallon, and aU BodUp
Kewlywed (after the cerenooyt—Do
Sraptiona. Oaly SH at Jaa. J. Johnaoo you really think 1 ahall make a good QkllfkBU fS89 W«E.
Fancy work tor OhrlatiBaa preaenta, '
mate, darting?
hnajMtbMraortvedbyMra. W. O.
Mra Newlyvred-Ob. you're nil i1^;
Imwrane*, in new and bemlenn
Bow do you like your cnpuln?—PhUa^ teBBUn Unnd DMk OenM Blth delphia
SmSb^^ At 8. BwU * Cv* h.
Than to come to THIS STORE for your CIOIK PURCHISES ^
All desirable styles of jackets. Capes, Suits, Skirts, Furs, etc,, are well represented id our cloak stock.
^ For the qualities offered, are ceruin HERE. No store can sell you good honest
^ merchandise at lower than «'c do.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
ontpoat irt (hr .aky !• a f*ato»» of ow^rs warfare.
ooonda siraa«* to speak of picketiar the hMvens and palrolllnf
the empyrean, but such is the «-ay In
which the HrItlsb arc waiehtai Boer
apseatlena In South Africa at the pres•d: time.
Ballnooe. It It troe. are nol ahotetl
wew IB warfare. They sere ated about
Paris durlQf the Franco-PruaalaB
and le taci’bad been put to a test <lurIhC our oan civil aar- A balloon also
e flaared' In the capture of Aaatlaco.
as a ceneral think >l must be coDfc
that the kite and balloon corps was ahv«r looked upon as a very valuable ad
junct to an army.
It a-ai not until Ibe lavenlloo of wireleaa leiearaphy that military ballouDtac became a valuable auslllary to iba
advance kusrd of an army This won
derful dlacovery hrouyhi abooi the v<m‘
The Power Behind the Afrifender Thron&
] br tbc ip> - )al
I srrtloa of tbr| fu<-h wirk a* pk-kMInK th* tkr tial-i c**i««-* l-»k <almlv doa« Into tb« r
■ royal rc*>B*rn> ror months
amy s csmp
jnUu bafora
teforr «ar urally oallii
call* fi.r
for fii«-n
ni>-n of itaa
lta» utmost
utnoal dardar> I'omy‘i>
r*’*ip or
ar aloni:
aluiii: thalr
thoir linaa.
linva. ohu
| bpikr •■ui a> the loser end of the dark Inc and <-<>urase gu< h a Mckel prar- serve e\.' y tmrvehieni that Is l>etRs
I ■
ooOllnem the Kn«hsh mlltiary oflk-I.Os tleallj
takes his life Into his ..an made and .«elJ«ra|.h
the Informati.m
' had been busily eiperlmenilnf with Cbe bands mhen be ..nee slrFa Into bis little l>4<-fc to the ntinc line. When this
bcDixn as a sar Instnimenl at Alder- ^ ear and Is hurled up aniona the clouds d.ihe. and his observations have all f—rn
shot Usre they made oianr achaust- i to baas daoceroutly over the camp of i made, the trouble of the balluoo p. i.et
to be up to date by havlnc do leas than
M war balloons at the <?ape. Ten of
thaae arc In Natal and t.-n distribute^
at other points.
Throe tiall.Hins ar^
made of icold beaters' skin arid have
proved quite Impermeable. havlDK kept
Up six months at Aldershot s iibout loatns ibolr llftlnr power.
The Dritlsb have already pul Ibelr
balloons to actual u^ In nWrvliic the
operations .if the ibf(-rs and bave found
them parMcularly valuable, owing <n
< taking place. The most succiatful of these ball.M.ns In actual op
eration were the smaller class, wHh a
capacity of 11.000 cubic feel of gas and
able 10 soar up Into the clouds wiih
two men sod all the nevcMry wiuip-
The power behind Abe throne ti. S .iiih .\fricuii |«.|m<s le Jan H.didrlcll
H•■fnleyT, the chief of the funiuus Dutch Artikand.v bund and the tlfelun*
m.-iid ..f I't.-i.leiit Kryger of th.. TtausCaal. Ii.•rllle>r eat for a numt-r «<
years In ihe
h.iusc- of assembly uii-l In |v»] Ish’siiic a menile-i of the eXs
.-.'Utlve . ouiicll. show Ing a pr.-t allins 'endcii. ) I-. I•'.'.■me a mo.|lai"r le-IwecS
Ihe anlagonistl. Dutch and Dnalish ; ii-i--is ih. neh in his earlb-i yesra bg
had taken a^ll«.• j«n wIili tin- former in their d.t-.|s of sedition at Hie Tape
He Is now. however, a pi.itasonksl of Dvllih supiema.y under ih-' liritlsfe
rnisn. on av..<>unt of his Kr.al shrewdness and yxiwer hr Is ressrded as thh
-boss " of rape Col.my p.»mics. and he it was who made the last Tinal effort oS
the Iiart of the Afrikanders for a si.lutlon of the iwesent diaculiivw wllhool
resorting i
the horrors of v
ll-ie are tli- KnKHsh and Portuguese ofllors who are at |.res.nl worktstf
Ingeihe! In an -rr-in to weed shoe trading/ful of Central Afrl.-A This eipedSs
lion, ann.ne ihe nior- stirtins events whi# have be. n allrarting attention al
the tti. le soutb.-Hy iMin ..f Ih- dark .-oiiOiiein. has been quite loot sight oC
notwithsiaii.llng the fa. i ihai it will have an imponam eff-cl In delermlnlaf
the drslinl-s of the .entral imrt of Africa. The lirit.sh for.-es are'underiM
cmitnand .'f Captain IVar.-e. wh*' has'some Ml tralhed native troops, llg
Sikha two Uagrttis an.l two 7 pnun-lers In his command. The Portuguog
are even more str.ihgiv n piesenled. iNiili n, Infanuy and artillery. The indU
vlduals whom this es|HsIiu..n are after aie the chiefs of Mkwamba, EaraA
and Malaka. all notorious «lnve traders.
The Ne.( Cuban Stan®.
to liesdquarlers. the receiver
■msll captive bultoun which cst
•d sbout at will by one man
,^-here the larger class of bslloon bss
h^n used. a smaller.one has usually
bdea made to art as a tender. tboiiKb
aa a genera! rule |t has been foun-l that
tbs smaller balloon has been the
•atlsfactory In ev.-o' way. tx-inK
oaslly handled wh.n Inflated. le.*s
%ls to transport and till with kbs and ckp-iimvnis w
more easllj KS^-ovrrvHl when «ixe sent and the result
^louu brigade was on
The operation of these new aerinl war | iv.yal engineeis (or
I ftouth Africa U looked after ' Africa.
Home Por Wfiicfi the Boers Are Piohtino.
■mmm•TPkwl Dutch fariDatcad 1
r ttieturca ara being printed la ccnsectloa
lUnstratloo. from a ptaotbgmpb et a
r where the BHtlah and the Beers arc
. D A wag. (or that gnlotnaa and poace( Uf« tor which the B«w ta today aghtliig so brkveir wbne vnioly
I bwek that rsotl— gplrll of ndvance and progrcM which the
r hrouckt w«h htaa whoa ho Am lavadod tha TtuoTML
an.-horvd h
Is likely to .Irlv
stran'I-'il u •!.«- ii of
f. w ihousanil
the enemy^ where a cbooce shot or the
slightest mlsmanagem.'nt of the ap
paratus by .U^onn hand means ■■ilher
Instant deat|y<ir falling into the nands
of the foe. It requires the coolest n. n .IKilscd up above the earth
or 1,000
0 ffeet and
1 powerful nrld-
A Curious Hitten,
Su ih.' Ilf.' of the oults.st In thv sky 'S
iivv'.T an .-asy -ine
Wh.-n some si«-c;al
gun IS . ontrlved for Ihv .lestrucii..n -*.f
his fragile aii>hlp. ih- 'Uncers ..f this
flghivr w h"i Is neither lan.lsinan n .f
seaman will !“■ even cr.-aler.
Hare te a hitten which li the proud
posaessor or S4 toaa. This unique mUe |
(h* ;
property of MUs
RawlaloD. the
actreaa. and. bealdei belr« an
anatomical curloally. has also
a claim on dlsitnctloB because
a t
trick playing.
This Utllr kitits affectloBate
lany i
and. while traveling, comfortably raposes In a well padded baaket eopcciglIf made for the purpooe.
In the modern army the medical J«a
(artmenC is one of the inosl impbrtauL
i*(tl,erri ^o on «he prlm-l|.l- that, whilg
hoping fur th* le-si. one must be pro*
{.ared for the worst so for this reasodl
the army .leiunim ni ..f the KnglUt
fonr« In South Afro a has beCO gmafO
of the .pinion
that it Is one .>(
Ira.llve stain|o.
the Islai.d. The d-stgtis of "(her denomtnal t'.r-s in (he same issue arc
efiuiif' |'l•ae■ng
An Oddfu Name'd Towa
Tbe 'Pali Ball Gasette rocesUy printed a partial list of the great men of
Knglaod of whom there are do livtag
male dveendanU. AjnoDg them are
Chaucer, Sbakeopeare. Bpenser. Ullion.
Butler. Dryden. Pope. Swift, Addison.
ter Baleigh. Sir Fronds Drake. Nelson.
Sir Robert Walpole. Derd BoUngbroke.
Isord Chatham. Charles Jamas Fog.
Bdmnad Burke. Bocen. Nowton. L«eka.
Sir Humphry Dory. Hume, Cltwon and
Macanlay. Several of those were nevsr
| The GuanJian ol the Uouiv’ed
The hvidsol
ly Issued^
veries of po-iage stamps of t'ul.a Is the
■ entnv..stamp'.
pi.-iure . of
whlih Is herewith
The design rep.
r.—.-ntr ii gr.iup
of imliii tf.-e*.
and . tii-rteii. .-.1
Tho iraraler in Now Zoaland Is ottsn stnitt hy 1
nameo which are given by tho natlvef to many of tbolr
towna The accompanying pietttfw, fortastanco. shows as
bnrg which has to straggle along under the very angnst and tncongnioBs sobr^wet of "Jarasalam." Just why it was so namod no oao has ever been aHt
row S..............................................d Mt. thoucb the Now
s have also a Dsnd^ aad a -BrBM.
•d for OB a plan never before hnuw%
The.medical and nursing -taS Is a trSd
mendous uoe. though. In view of IhS
fact that s grrat number of sronnde4
bave to be Uken care of. It has provsi
Bone too Urge. The bead of thU staff
li Surgeon General T. D. Wilson, whosn
msny rears’ ekKnence as a war doo*
tor has well mted him for such a fWs
sponsible post.
Fortunately, tho dh
mate at t »e seat of war Is of the bish
so that tt
the wounded have a chaneo J
recovery without those eompUcatloM
d fever and cholera that are so ofts*
more disastrous than the shot and she*
of the vnemf.
The foreign com norot of tho MM4
States daring tb> month of Angwt w«
the moat proAUMe ta the bistorr d M
ontpoat irt (hr .aky !• a f*ato»» of ow^rs warfare.
ooonda siraa«* to speak of picketiar the hMvens and palrolllnf
the empyrean, but such is the «-ay In
which the HrItlsb arc waiehtai Boer
apseatlena In South Africa at the pres•d: time.
Ballnooe. It It troe. are nol ahotetl
wew IB warfare. They sere ated about
Paris durlQf the Franco-PruaalaB
and le taci’bad been put to a test <lurIhC our oan civil aar- A balloon also
e flaared' In the capture of Aaatlaco.
as a ceneral think >l must be coDfc
that the kite and balloon corps was ahv«r looked upon as a very valuable ad
junct to an army.
It a-ai not until Ibe lavenlloo of wireleaa leiearaphy that military ballouDtac became a valuable auslllary to iba
advance kusrd of an army This won
derful dlacovery hrouyhi abooi the v<m‘
The Power Behind the Afrifender Thron&
] br tbc ip> - )al
I srrtloa of tbr| fu<-h wirk a* pk-kMInK th* tkr tial-i c**i««-* l-»k <almlv doa« Into tb« r
■ royal rc*>B*rn> ror months
amy s csmp
jnUu bafora
teforr «ar urally oallii
call* fi.r
for fii«-n
ni>-n of itaa
lta» utmost
utnoal dardar> I'omy‘i>
r*’*ip or
ar aloni:
aluiii: thalr
thoir linaa.
linva. ohu
| bpikr •■ui a> the loser end of the dark Inc and <-<>urase gu< h a Mckel prar- serve e\.' y tmrvehieni that Is l>etRs
I ■
ooOllnem the Kn«hsh mlltiary oflk-I.Os tleallj
takes his life Into his ..an made and .«elJ«ra|.h
the Informati.m
' had been busily eiperlmenilnf with Cbe bands mhen be ..nee slrFa Into bis little l>4<-fc to the ntinc line. When this
bcDixn as a sar Instnimenl at Alder- ^ ear and Is hurled up aniona the clouds d.ihe. and his observations have all f—rn
shot Usre they made oianr achaust- i to baas daoceroutly over the camp of i made, the trouble of the balluoo p. i.et
to be up to date by havlnc do leas than
M war balloons at the <?ape. Ten of
thaae arc In Natal and t.-n distribute^
at other points.
Throe tiall.Hins ar^
made of icold beaters' skin arid have
proved quite Impermeable. havlDK kept
Up six months at Aldershot s iibout loatns ibolr llftlnr power.
The Dritlsb have already pul Ibelr
balloons to actual u^ In nWrvliic the
operations .if the ibf(-rs and bave found
them parMcularly valuable, owing <n
< taking place. The most succiatful of these ball.M.ns In actual op
eration were the smaller class, wHh a
capacity of 11.000 cubic feel of gas and
able 10 soar up Into the clouds wiih
two men sod all the nevcMry wiuip-
The power behind Abe throne ti. S .iiih .\fricuii |«.|m<s le Jan H.didrlcll
H•■fnleyT, the chief of the funiuus Dutch Artikand.v bund and the tlfelun*
m.-iid ..f I't.-i.leiit Kryger of th.. TtausCaal. Ii.•rllle>r eat for a numt-r «<
years In ihe
h.iusc- of assembly uii-l In |v»] Ish’siiic a menile-i of the eXs
.-.'Utlve . ouiicll. show Ing a pr.-t allins 'endcii. ) I-. I•'.'.■me a mo.|lai"r le-IwecS
Ihe anlagonistl. Dutch and Dnalish ; ii-i--is ih. neh in his earlb-i yesra bg
had taken a^ll«.• j«n wIili tin- former in their d.t-.|s of sedition at Hie Tape
He Is now. however, a pi.itasonksl of Dvllih supiema.y under ih-' liritlsfe
rnisn. on av..<>unt of his Kr.al shrewdness and yxiwer hr Is ressrded as thh
-boss " of rape Col.my p.»mics. and he it was who made the last Tinal effort oS
the Iiart of the Afrikanders for a si.lutlon of the iwesent diaculiivw wllhool
resorting i
the horrors of v
ll-ie are tli- KnKHsh and Portuguese ofllors who are at |.res.nl worktstf
Ingeihe! In an -rr-in to weed shoe trading/ful of Central Afrl.-A This eipedSs
lion, ann.ne ihe nior- stirtins events whi# have be. n allrarting attention al
the tti. le soutb.-Hy iMin ..f Ih- dark .-oiiOiiein. has been quite loot sight oC
notwithsiaii.llng the fa. i ihai it will have an imponam eff-cl In delermlnlaf
the drslinl-s of the .entral imrt of Africa. The lirit.sh for.-es are'underiM
cmitnand .'f Captain IVar.-e. wh*' has'some Ml tralhed native troops, llg
Sikha two Uagrttis an.l two 7 pnun-lers In his command. The Portuguog
are even more str.ihgiv n piesenled. iNiili n, Infanuy and artillery. The indU
vlduals whom this es|HsIiu..n are after aie the chiefs of Mkwamba, EaraA
and Malaka. all notorious «lnve traders.
The Ne.( Cuban Stan®.
to liesdquarlers. the receiver
■msll captive bultoun which cst
•d sbout at will by one man
,^-here the larger class of bslloon bss
h^n used. a smaller.one has usually
bdea made to art as a tender. tboiiKb
aa a genera! rule |t has been foun-l that
tbs smaller balloon has been the
•atlsfactory In ev.-o' way. tx-inK
oaslly handled wh.n Inflated. le.*s
%ls to transport and till with kbs and ckp-iimvnis w
more easllj KS^-ovrrvHl when «ixe sent and the result
^louu brigade was on
The operation of these new aerinl war | iv.yal engineeis (or
I ftouth Africa U looked after ' Africa.
Home Por Wfiicfi the Boers Are Piohtino.
■mmm•TPkwl Dutch fariDatcad 1
r ttieturca ara being printed la ccnsectloa
lUnstratloo. from a ptaotbgmpb et a
r where the BHtlah and the Beers arc
. D A wag. (or that gnlotnaa and poace( Uf« tor which the B«w ta today aghtliig so brkveir wbne vnioly
I bwek that rsotl— gplrll of ndvance and progrcM which the
r hrouckt w«h htaa whoa ho Am lavadod tha TtuoTML
an.-horvd h
Is likely to .Irlv
stran'I-'il u •!.«- ii of
f. w ihousanil
the enemy^ where a cbooce shot or the
slightest mlsmanagem.'nt of the ap
paratus by .U^onn hand means ■■ilher
Instant deat|y<ir falling into the nands
of the foe. It requires the coolest n. n .IKilscd up above the earth
or 1,000
0 ffeet and
1 powerful nrld-
A Curious Hitten,
Su ih.' Ilf.' of the oults.st In thv sky 'S
iivv'.T an .-asy -ine
Wh.-n some si«-c;al
gun IS . ontrlved for Ihv .lestrucii..n -*.f
his fragile aii>hlp. ih- 'Uncers ..f this
flghivr w h"i Is neither lan.lsinan n .f
seaman will !“■ even cr.-aler.
Hare te a hitten which li the proud
posaessor or S4 toaa. This unique mUe |
(h* ;
property of MUs
RawlaloD. the
actreaa. and. bealdei belr« an
anatomical curloally. has also
a claim on dlsitnctloB because
a t
trick playing.
This Utllr kitits affectloBate
lany i
and. while traveling, comfortably raposes In a well padded baaket eopcciglIf made for the purpooe.
In the modern army the medical J«a
(artmenC is one of the inosl impbrtauL
i*(tl,erri ^o on «he prlm-l|.l- that, whilg
hoping fur th* le-si. one must be pro*
{.ared for the worst so for this reasodl
the army .leiunim ni ..f the KnglUt
fonr« In South Afro a has beCO gmafO
of the .pinion
that it Is one .>(
Ira.llve stain|o.
the Islai.d. The d-stgtis of "(her denomtnal t'.r-s in (he same issue arc
efiuiif' |'l•ae■ng
An Oddfu Name'd Towa
Tbe 'Pali Ball Gasette rocesUy printed a partial list of the great men of
Knglaod of whom there are do livtag
male dveendanU. AjnoDg them are
Chaucer, Sbakeopeare. Bpenser. Ullion.
Butler. Dryden. Pope. Swift, Addison.
ter Baleigh. Sir Fronds Drake. Nelson.
Sir Robert Walpole. Derd BoUngbroke.
Isord Chatham. Charles Jamas Fog.
Bdmnad Burke. Bocen. Nowton. L«eka.
Sir Humphry Dory. Hume, Cltwon and
Macanlay. Several of those were nevsr
| The GuanJian ol the Uouiv’ed
The hvidsol
ly Issued^
veries of po-iage stamps of t'ul.a Is the
■ entnv..stamp'.
pi.-iure . of
whlih Is herewith
The design rep.
r.—.-ntr ii gr.iup
of imliii tf.-e*.
and . tii-rteii. .-.1
Tho iraraler in Now Zoaland Is ottsn stnitt hy 1
nameo which are given by tho natlvef to many of tbolr
towna The accompanying pietttfw, fortastanco. shows as
bnrg which has to straggle along under the very angnst and tncongnioBs sobr^wet of "Jarasalam." Just why it was so namod no oao has ever been aHt
row S..............................................d Mt. thoucb the Now
s have also a Dsnd^ aad a -BrBM.
•d for OB a plan never before hnuw%
The.medical and nursing -taS Is a trSd
mendous uoe. though. In view of IhS
fact that s grrat number of sronnde4
bave to be Uken care of. It has provsi
Bone too Urge. The bead of thU staff
li Surgeon General T. D. Wilson, whosn
msny rears’ ekKnence as a war doo*
tor has well mted him for such a fWs
sponsible post.
Fortunately, tho dh
mate at t »e seat of war Is of the bish
so that tt
the wounded have a chaneo J
recovery without those eompUcatloM
d fever and cholera that are so ofts*
more disastrous than the shot and she*
of the vnemf.
The foreign com norot of tho MM4
States daring tb> month of Angwt w«
the moat proAUMe ta the bistorr d M
MILES IN ANIGHTi«tr WUau«> IMU la.TntxCM-* TAw
M)**« iBt*
aB-l V*<«r
!• lAal
JohnC-Vlizantapeelal agent for the
When the r«al >*>rinc wa* put down
VnloB raelHe. ha* nuumeil front Caaper. Wyo_ when be wa* eugageO for
a week In fitting out parile* to go in
at Itutrr aUmt elk <ir eight year* aco
by Mr. F. Krady ^n the idle of the .dd
('hnliliel tiimiel wort* Hen- wen- it;dl.-stiluti* In the core* uf*ihe ptvs.ii.-e
the rnlon Paclfto mall train, say* the
nrnalia S.*-. He *H|*-rlalendeiI Ifal*
Bw U ■ r«rn that baiklH*«i pIf'lP'l
Bp by Il>.for l*».vrhlc«l Ur■e«rrh. wy* iIh- S^anl.- roM-IntoUi-
IV-Ik for u H-k :iad .lieu 111*: 1' »
orer t» .ither agent* of the <•«Ulp*By
and returned to headnuarter* to gire
hi* atieutlun to offli-e huslws*. which
l.r. R. W. F.-lkiti. who ba<l
Bccotnpanini Kuiln
on a tour
had iMa-Q ac*-iitnulatltig.
"It wa* the firwt eipelienee of IhU
throusb L'canil* and adjawnt ^••rTlttry. U n-.i«.u«lbla for li.
H»- iu»y>‘
that avmc l oir laai ynar l>i« party
kind I erer had." said Mr. Vlizard.
"and 1 am not anilou* for any iu«n\
I nerer loiw *ueb a eounlr> a* tlial
through whk-h the baiulii* made their
way after holding up the train, tine
bad P>( IXK-k to l^da about a tliun■and Bjil.* «.0tb of Khtmini. and
that he had
wltboBl Jfltora from
Bnropo for a roar. Naturally, he wa«
ImpailoBi for tidinea. In that part of
Africa hr Iiatl often come arroaa ^1*
•rda. who pretondt-d
to tranafonn
themaeirn Into hotu or other anlmalK
At night, ami to trar<4 ItDineDxe ill*
tasoe* In thi« giilar. They alao a*io‘rt
that the.t
may drive fur V«i m»<-» and nerer we
a Immaii lielng
WIn d you rearti the
mimnialii* It i* fiNdldi fur any one to
aiti-nipi iu g» thronch them e»'*-|ii be
I* thuruiiclily fanilliar wllh all the
ImiU and f.mt imth*. *Hily the «-uwl*iy* and ram-hnieo are fitnd to *ueci-*»fnlly pur*ue *neh a •■tttvli.
-•The I.iil.t honw* u»U there which
w ill drire an Fawern ninii erazr try
ing -to p*-t titem 'linnitl.
When a
wa* n-ndr to *ian it
ter la repinl to thi-ae alh-gid feat*, h.- . niuuntiii
bad • rtiatii'e to TCTlfy one of their »r* tti a iiuarter uf an huitr fighting
One nomlng after hi* arriral at
lAdo a, taaD eame to hla teirt. evlSeatly in great egelietnenl. and aahl
that the local wlsard. or “ui'logo, '
bad been ruamlng about the cooniry
the night l* fon-. In the form-'of a
the Imrklng bnmet* U-fure they yfileled down and were n>ndr to go as dlreete.1.
We trleil to |>a«-k pMvl»l.«i«
on their iMi-fc* fur the use of the seotttIng lutrile*. and while It took fmir or
five men to load one borw. the brute
would rid llmdf of the -burden In a
|ir»liab]y .-Mnid* ..v.-r a
*ill.|iiille.J to au:ily*l*. « llli highjy mi' ,,
iBliii-iory n-*uli*. n wa*h.*l Miinpl.- uT I
the .ir.- yl.-ldliig d.VS jier t*-ni of Iron. I
on- and Hu- m.-iuager lufunui*! in.- that
a wiikh.d samph- li*iii*l at the work*
yl«-I.I.*l )m-Iu>*-ii -Vl and rtl jier .•elit uf
r1eb.-r quiillty than the Wealden In.nMoue worted iu Kent and Sussex a
<*‘iiuiry ago. 1‘nif. Rnyd Dawklli*. In
n p.-i|>er read lierore the Brlti*h a*«oelation In IWM. d.**'rllM-d a sample oh.
iiilm*l from tli. original IkiHiik
In Imrset. when- it o.vnr* l*‘tw.*-n iiie
K’lnnm-rlilg.- .-lav al*>vi- and theri^ir-
He w»* an
kunn-ii, to fear.
An esnnitde "f hi*
iierre «a« given when he »tarted up
the wnahuiil wliere llie loilidlt* were
*ng)j* .till laqi i«»i...w|P dll
be brouclii tiefore hliu. and <iue«-
*--en ie,l ill an effuti to take them. In
till* attempt he rendred the- «1iut
wMi li a few .......... later nwnltisl In
tkined the fellow,
"TThen- did ymi go la*t iilghi?"
III* death.
-I wa* at M.*hera el Kek."
“I aaw I»i> «ii-amm arrlrlug frein
ainiAeli-** powder and In ihi-rf ran.
yous'ii 1* next to lm|ioaailde to Imwte
*«b. tbU I* Domtenaet
You eould
■M poMildy bare been at Metu-hera el
tlM'tti. When they flivil at their ptir*nera n<> one i*>nM lidl from wbeuee
Hie rti*.ri eauii'. There wa* On *nioke
*1 wa* there." the wizard replied
•BRihatli’all.i. ".tnd with tl»e aieain-
to guide and the echo e«mru*i'il the
luost ex|HTI
wniindeil the slierirr they- iiMtk advan
tage of the ruurRslon whieii naturally
fiHliiweil and mured further tiiin ilie
Tlie jKi*«e raptured the
•n wa* an KnglUliniaa. a «hurl tnaa
with a big l■ea^d.•'
■'9'ell. what wa* hi* nilKslunT'
“Be aay* ihai the gn-at |>a*ha at
Xbanniti hnd «<-nt him. ami be ha*
hoiwe* iM-hinging to the outfit, which
<tirri<*l '*i*i niund* of aniiDuiilHon.
•one paper* for you
He I* Btartinc
•reriand lu-morrow. brlngtug the |ia-
Till* wa* liiiiMirtant and weakened
their n*«l*ilng puwi-r to a iiiDNUleniMr
pera with him, and he will Iw Imre
•bODl thirty day* from u.m."
Dr. Kelkiti nay* Mint thlrty lwo «lar*
■ «f B>l
It I* fur Ie«* ea*v to et-l
bier the KiiitlUhiiinn did arrire at
Lado. and thnt be bmiighi letter* for
llitle park. lD<-l\w*i by a mil irou xtmt
Ini:, wlili h*ik<qt^lHixe* m the nneb-*.
ft liirce iiiid Ktrutic niiUlary luirraek at
Ibe n«r. anil Held eaiinoii |*w|.*l li-n-
M-«.a itaiiiaotM.
Is a irttb- iMiivr pnl.|lNhi*l at Anbiim
iind there. <*iiiM *innil a iNOimb-ral.h*leKe. and. with a failhfiil RnrtlHon.
>ftata priwiii by III.- prlHi>iH>r* tbvrv. lli<fonowliia triUiii.- t<i kJaiiil ltalllnxl<«
woiiW la- pn*if aimiu-t almu*i any
mob allaek.
Tlu-lv I* no .-ml of eil-
Booth, by Nil. 24.73.V a|HMiin*l m*iii
It. HTb thi- Ni-w Yurt Mail Mini Kx
qw-lte InvoK-i-d in the approii.h to miu
Yet I wa* favori*l with
•■On Kaiimlay Mr*. Booth h-d ao vn
furiimate uppurtaulih-a for *.*-iU|: .Mr.
Kinion Sam.
tho«la*tl. MU.I ••niwdvd mM-ilns In th.•haptl
Tall and maealve. wllh an litinipn«c
paum-h. and featiire* and hoe that Are
Aft.T iirayrr and a hymn H«-
StK-h tiiimhlnx. lorln* wnnU
niMV to «poak.
Thi- luivillou-like )uihi<*- in
iIk- riinniii .b- Mai-*, *ittToiiml.*n..v H«
gaya that he t< Mili*tiei| lli.-il tlie Inali
wa* nerer inii'lde hi* nailre vlilace
In hi* life.
tyiih-ally African, a* .vou Raze ni him
lir hi* enmptimn* nnifonn. c<o-i;eoli*
with cold lai*- and a hriiliam *ilk
they imi*i l«- Iiitiril to bo apprtvlai<*l.
Bo pen <1111 <l«i Ju*H.v In tlmm; only
BOinVr* .if Him V. P. I,, .-an form Hi*-
w-arf. .vnn i-aiiDot help ph-inrine bi
y-oor mlud's eye hi* hypoiheih-al a|>.
lih-a of .tholr bi-an.tnii,-hin;
pearani-i- a* a mld-Afrlenn chief, wlib
I* *aff to Miy there w<i*
huce feather* Iu his lujikiiot. nul.v a
rattle.lieaded eloui slmai hi* loin*, a
nnll situlded wareliih In om- hand, and
B0t a heon nmune tbo nto neo pr<-*OOt that w n ■ not brlKhb-ne.1 and ciaiV
•4e»ed by Mr* KiMiiir* roh*-. • It ha*
other iiramlni; ccnilemeo in paady
tmiipincK with tiukllnc *|mp» and
Jlnclllic *«onl». Pn-sldcut Sam, how.
ever. I* not. a* It a|ip<-nr* itus far. a
"glMii.Ilns I.K.1U odly wo* to I** li.i.I
iB the bift 1 liois'l at tlie KID'-ral nv*i.
tuf on Min.liiy moralni;.
A ^•<lr,ll.ll.
nuiD to be perMinally fear>*l
•pontaneoii* .>mbur*t of hnndrlapplin:
froeted Mr*. Itnnth and her roadjii
III* *e-
b-cHon wa* a <-<>ni|xn>nilHO and Ite It
only the ficarehcad of the imueot oU
tots 00 thv.v walk)>d to the platform.
fW wamiili of her reoeption oouhl
can-li*. iioeinc a* a modi-rate *1810*
man. w-hih- In truth bo U only a
rather dinne-liraincd. *low-winod and
lotre DO do-.ibi In her mind as to ibv
pure she bohl* in onr heart*.
b-lharylc old soldier. It I* imJerstood
that Id state affair* be I* almost whnlty
euided by bl* nilblstom. of whom Bra.
tos St. Victor. In cbarer of the foreIn
••Mrs. Boom told of the <wotliilitnc
■ psecos of ihi- niurement for the rell.-f
•( dlsrbanri*! prlaonem and derlared
-that It had turned the critl<wl point,
•ad that Hu- wort had arrived at th.•Ufe when «lii- cmttld ny with Impllnt
department, and Tancrrde A«cti*ie of
the depanmeat of/the Interior, are
ceefidraro that ihr moreineot wa* an . probably the ablest.
•attre su<**-a.
By way of prartloal
deaKHUttniHtm. the Tittle mother' trl
a**e« Or a TwrawSc.
In ITBO Opcmida. In the U'e*i Indlea.
•npbaatly annouaced that fifiy-alnr
•at of sixty mrn. whoae rrloaae *hr
wa* vuiw hr a tumado with siniruUr
Vullke similar pheixomina
this wa* to the lahabltaais a prerldcuiisl deUrerauce from a pest which
ihrvatrtied their ecoDoalc ruin. Bone
roenitly ai* nM] from Joliet prison tin4or th* new iDdetenatnate oe^iem-v
•Bd parole law. were aerrlny their
•Bployen loyally and were otherwle,Boharina tlu-Bmi i»e*.
lira. Booth's
Ume previously the formica oaerbartTora. a aiiccle* of ant appeared In
«nrh Dumtier* a* to make the annlblla.
•teaste *t^-:i1 st the riose of the serv.
Ico for pi-Dli.-nt* to embraco a new lifr
•m thirty men arose."
tl.iQ of tbe siiear-cane a question of a
few week* only. After In vain trying
many exiwrimenta. aud .iff.-ring laiwe
Mt.ioS by She Till*.
reward* for a remedy aRalDot the
plaroe. the helpicw people reeolv<*l to
*Teo, huKliand's folay to yet me two
aUndon their homes In a body and
betake ibem*elves to another Island.
By this fumoiu tempest Providenre
accomplished in a few momenta what
man. with all bis appIlam-eA. had
faDed to orernime. Tbe ant was ex-
•optco of I-ord Bereoford'a 'Break-up
tt China’ a* eocm aa Ifa out"
-Colnf to Klre then awayr
Mewland SCaU-$LOO. $8 00. $3.00
I'm rulnc to else one to eat^
^ my table •lite.*'-ClereUDd .Plain
alnated.—Ran Francisco Chronicle.
Itew rrvw Sha aobarta.
Oastomer tat rillate ttore)—"Are
|tirar tbe tallest waders yoti’re potr"
Uerchaat-"Great &«tt! ThcM cone
•W op above yoor kaeet Bint do
•vs waot of any hlgbcr mesT*
CwtoBMw"! want to ptetr aay
“nere's toother one of those ahoottng case* In the negro district."
Have they caught the
“There were foor of them.
wm footing etapa. yon know."rbOadStOtla N'otth-Asaertean.
“Zero” TJlaters—$4.60 to $86X)0
In a . rysiiilliiH- Iu**.-, paitly uf eah-iuiii
.nrlHinate'and |iarHy of Iron earUm-
Ale*hi>'. nimete.
What a Dollar Will Do
iKinlilh-** ther,- I* tm tutrt of the
ennh il*- ellmali- of wTileh I* a* little Are Ueaiorcd anu Fe iUIIZ'd oad
theUody I lied w. h >e« Life
>inder*ti>*l by Hu- nveraci- niau and
anJ V({or, by Using
ivonxaii a* fbiil of .Mn*ka. *aya the S<-.
atile PoKt-lulellicen.vr.
Mo*! of lb.'
|n*>ph- Of the l'lilt.<d Siatt-*. e*p)-<-lal1.r
ihi.M- east of the IbM-kte*. have only a
haz.v n**dl<*lloii of Al.n*kH or "Un-Aln
In ,\iiierlcB." a* desorilM*! in tlu-lr
■-hiliIhn.MrK ccocraphy: mid the m-Hh-ni
"Klnuilike" ha* only diH*l|iati*1 ih.-ii
Iww suOlrieuiIy lo allow llu-lr vMod
ind profe*-iona1 men wonld
i. i In ciim*-iiinii4*l on that one jH.liit.
*>nie by l.tain iaR. nervoo.
To tlH-in whatever bn|.|ii-ti. in "Klon
dyspeuata nnd headache: tcscbcrs an.l
.like" of i*>iir*.' hnpix-ns in nil oili-r
s-u-lenu iTou.-l ooi be exhausted hv
|,an* of Ala<kn
thrir work, -od womenI wonld
They furci-i that Hie Klondike and
pair, weak auij iirrv-ius.
. .
111.- Viikiin tfu^niry I* w|>iinit<*l from
- oe-lliv ilerMiiRenieDU
iRemenU of tbcu
III.- lumHiem •*ia*l by n ranee of cr- ni
Iv feminine oru«nfm.
otininlit*. and ihai i*>n*eiiiienHy the
*t ihe cause of these trouldss
lua.t line Jia* a va«tlv dlff.-tvm .-li■ .. ....i.u ....I__ ,1,-. the wasted
male rr.>m that of il... interior. Tli. v
Chase’s Nerve
-roximllv of |be I'licltrestest reuorauc w.-*i. rly wiu.1*
soencc. They
over Ihai f**-:in. cive the xnillo-ni
iircathe, uor di»ve they the ,
•*oi*t:il n-clon ..r AI.-i*k.-i a elimalc hav- wrakeoiiiR effect uf * putgsUve, hot re- ;
liic a rtimpaniilv. 1y Nitiall ixinse <if
store bv hmldinc I'P 'he system.
teiiiiH-mtiire: while ti»- Ini.-rlor shut
Dr. A W Ch*-«'» Nerve and Blood ,
off from ihew luiMlifyini; Infliiem-e*. 1*
Pill* are prepared from the fsvoriie pt«-..’lijiH-i to tnilv iiri-iu- rliwir* Iu wiuier
SCripiion ol Ur A. W. Chase, the fsmwhieh *.-ar«*-ly afr. ei ihc Koiiilieni «■*-- nos author ol Dr. Chase's Recipe Book,
lion*. It Is aafe to -a.v ihal la-fon- the sad Lax-e proveu th* Rrcateit cure of tb*
iIiMsivery of C'dd in Hie Kloti.llk.- ^e for disease* atisin|> *roni thfn,
*<iiri*-ly otiiin im knew the
walerv l-Uki I and rzbauslrd nerves.
li'iicth nnd breiidih of llicjUmriel. ,-iiid
A few weeks' ret-ulsr ireaimeni wfb
wirae of Ihc mistiik,- .TndTnheKe* are thi* ponulat renietlj will completely reludleroM* iii-th.- .-Mi.-mc.
More pale, week, mrxous men. women
SoiiilH-nsieni Ala*kn. nt |.-a*l as far and cbildreu to rohnsl besltb.
By ioa* l■-u||>•ratn^•- i*.mlitlnn* ari- .-oii- crcasioi! the corpsisclrs in tbe blood,
«*-riii*I. ha* a i-llmat.- thal nutiiy of the and cre«tiiiR new nerve furi-v, they fill
«l:!i.-» limy .-livy, r- m.-mK-rlnc the w- the hmiy with new life and viRor. ond
.verilv of the .*ild wa«.-.
Imve hti df»et*e from tbe system. There
swept the i-oimirv f^.m M-miaim to is no Kups- work ahont the resulU ol Dr.
Florida- It I* iriie Hint *Miilla-a*l.-ii Chase's Nerve and HI«od Pills.
ha* a
.-.•usi-h-rably cr.-at.T can tvlv ahsolntelv on thrir restorai:
.imomil of pn‘ ii.il:illMii and nior- sod cnrativ
itive i-ropef ic*.
rainy or snowy .lay* Hinn lii.-t <«f ilo- all dealer*
cr». or hy mail on re .-ipi o
*tai.'* .if iIh- im'.oii: how.'V.T. the al- price, til
. Chsw Medicin
*.-i..*- of .add wav.-* and .ll.a*iroii*’y Co-. Buff.
On every box o
Hiiihh n ehaiisi-.. Ill icnii--raiiir«- w'll c-II be fonod portrait an>
-n*lii side ..f the sonih
More of Dr. A. W. Chase
nor. ih prtv.-.l
Al.-rskn l.*li:dlThe I:
There are few people free from this diseaf e, which developB
when negle"ted, into serious, and man> timea
iocurabl* conditions
G. H. SNOW. M. D. SpBcialisi
iHns been remaiktbly snucettfnl in tbe treatuaut of catarrh. Bit*
melbodB are the repnlt of extensive Btndy and e.xi'erience in tbia field
-and will be fonnd to give great relief t . all. ami in tbe majority of
Icaaee a cure. For one dollar be will furniab oi e month’# t«?atmettt
: for any caae of nasal, ihroat or bronehial caUrrh, including all eerv,icea and all medi<-inps nxjnired.
TLedoi-tor also treau all chronic diMsea and dUeases of women '
•as well as dieeaeea of the eye. i*ar. nose and Ihroat. He baa been’
■ very euiTeeafall in treating cancer and aethma.
I Glasses Sciealificall|[ Fiiieil. fwtli etiracief witlioulpain.ISc.
1-Office in Hamilton dfc Miliikeu Block. Case Street Entrases
these smuiiiic ccnilcwen in taU.bats
leriac hetiri
One «-onld llKten to h*T
•U day aiiit lun Im*\xiiu- weary.
*1-111* very *liig(dnr idi.vslenl eliara-l.ri*lie*_ It i* ^*iui|*>*<*l uf diiikbniuii. Nhinlng gmiii* uf hydniied ox-ide of ln>H. like Hillli-i *<-i*i. )in>M-d<l«*l
alHiut him a band of du*kv *nvac>-*
more naked thas liimseir. Inei.-ad of
<bt rifle wlii-'li plainly tolls that ii
•emeo from tin- .It-pth* of a true ami
"la reapoiiM-
li u aU.i plij'i
eiilly I.|i-niliiil wllh Ibe ralmibh- iron
on- wurkt*! fur iimnr rear* In W.-*-i.
bury. wm*liln-. The ImnKton.
prveideui of llslil tbau m Mr. M.-Klnley of the White Houm-. ka.v* l,.-*li.''*
the part.v. The new-<imier wa* l.up
nn Bi‘y
Of the wizjml Hr. Felkiu
An excellence of selections and values only possible at Benda's. $6ccto$ao.t».
\Vc simply coax your examination of them. The selling we leave to the superior val
ues of the many handsome garments.
Everything that’s right in Gloves, Collars. Underwear. Neckwear, Mufflers, etc.
Klake and Huddh-*t.-ii at Ablmtnbury.
Hr wa* popular at «'a*|M-r
• and 111* death produml great ■um.w
"the t«didit« are tuipplle.1
"What were you doing thereT"
went te MIC autue frleinW'
•'tl'bal did yon xeey
The Same in Overcoats.
thi* U appear* lliat till* 1**11/{ Iron nnI* hleiilii-iil with that d.-*<-rll>ed b>
Iillian n«.-ks la-lew.
Pr. Kelklii rbll<-uU>d the «t<>ry.
MATERIALS—Rough surface woolens in gray and brown, striped cheviots,
soft heavy Serges, fancy \\ orsteds in the neat stripes and checks, and the ever pop
ular unfinished and black clay weave Worsteads.
FASHIONS—The short, boxy, single breasted sacks, the longer four-button
single-breasted and the medium length double-breasted sacks, the new short Univer
sity Business I’rocks, the Prince Albert, the Tuxedo.
Double and single-breasted \ esis.
Trousers on the best fashionable lines.
Iron. The ana'.y*!* *h»w* that the ore
I* fn-e fioiu sulphur and phuspliuni*
The ore I* idnted to In- of mneh
wanlid supplie* to the
Bnain l’a*li;i t<"ik the thing inure eiTf-
New Suits for Men—$7.00 to $25.
<in visiting tin- eolliery w.irk* lu day [
1 lii*|M* it*| a <*in*l.1erable Imik of ih- j
do over ngaln. Finally, we manasi^
to sitiire *uiue buekiMiard* and f»r-
•nee of tin- KoglUti offlivr aiinuiiuniyiBg the bunt*.
The strength of our inducements for your patronoge is in the unquestioned
merit of our goods. Always the BEST at Benda s. The highest standard of the
tailor’s art. the positive correctness of style, the absolute worth of material, the sel
ections .ALL N-EW—the prices no larger than you find at the stores where uncertain
values prevail. Surely we are entitled to your patronage. We ask your comparison,
your judgment.
tw.'he fe.-i
amounted tu alnml .TVi
Samph-* uf Hi.- on- hare l** n |
that two aii a’iiera luid Juki arrlvi<d at
thi* polnr. uiic! bad bnnigM iii:ill*. He
•1*0 dewritii-,1 luiiiulely the a{>|*-ur.
•Ttheriff Hiiwn of ra»|*er led one of
llieilr*! parh.-* 1 started fruiu fa*|ier.
K you like irutMel ''ads." read
nr- a. the quantity tv-llig pnulhwMy mi
liiiilled. TIk- diameter of the shaft I*
lu.-iity r.*-i and the quutitlly bmUithi
tu ilie *urfa<v lb tiuiw'iig ihruiuth ibe
folly n-'in milo away. Ik-iwih-u
and KhaniiiiL
The wltanl ileHanil
—You often get
elsewhere. But we're not intallibic; if ever our goods don’f Utisfy ‘'VeX^R hlONhY BACK" ought to.
tui* Ju*l 1m*9i airu.k at a depih »f
rather Kn* than Iw.-lve f.*-t tlihk nn.l
few nilnule* after Hie loud wa* *eetningly iMfiire. and we luid uur tetirk in
Ituii.atl.iu* hav<- u.-w ii!»ve«l .-..rr.-.-!
*ar* fixe laiuduu Chronlele. ,
la the .-ouiwe ..f Kiuklllg the No. 2
1**1 ..f raliial.ie .*.||tle ln«u .m-
Kuring 'hi*
■nflogo” liad vielted MciwhcT* «•! Uek.
Hunting Season Now On!
Lots of_m*n hunting^for cloih«^«nik^^^oin^ gunning for the clothier afterward.
..f li.m ..re in tke Klnila Ulwe.-n .Mri
;,i ,1 iiii r.- t In ni Til.- *-,:rTM.v.
Th.- .xuist Him- ha* h id .*ui*ld-r:il.!ni'.iv mill or show i!:!iti the iiiiiiiih’iid
.liMi.-nii and Sk.<e«iy iii»l Hi.- nvm
I-T of eh-nr and iulrtly .-l.uidx iliiy* nt
Jii.'liaii mid Skaptuy 1-. m-n- timu
iwi.'*- a* stvat n« nt Sltkn .ninl Kill.tl.«>.
in fiiet Ihe xvluter weniher ..f
Jiiiieait aud Skaciiay will riivonildy
ei-mimre with Hint of any --f Hie tiorlliern stole* -lnd<**l. with Miiiny of Hi-soiiThem. The w.-*t.-ni luiivnil hulh*
tin* of Feb IS r>p,'n.*1 a temiM-raturc
of 2 dearw* bi-h-w x.-m a* luivlnc ■*--'
eitm*i .ilTthc mill at Talliihassee, Fla.
On that date, at Jiim-au and at Bltka.
Ihc loweKi leiii|»-ratn!v* were; Ju
neau. 3.1 deifrc-s: Rlika. X. degrex-o.
while the lowest temperature thus far
of the witiier wa* 4 tlepree* b*-h>w
ieh> at Skagua.v. In Di**-ml><-r and
January. NVhen it I* reincml>ered that
Rkaguay 1* abutii k’lVKi mile* farther
north from the ciuaior than Tallaha*ore. the diffetenoc to-comc* ttii.re strikinir. and should tqm thi- tide of win
ter travel toward Alaska.
H2 next December. Grover CTevelsnd.
WiUlam Dean
Howell*. Whitolaw
Held, ami Hxxrace Porter are all the
iiame,Sge. and any one of them would
object to Ixelng called
-Fine MilllWork
Cold weather is coming.
New desigos
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in onr
ter and Admiral Schley are OS. qiiauneey M. Itepx'w. Benjamin
aud Chief Justice Fuller have
Been 65 winter*. Dewey Is still lo bis
"How gray your hair's gxdting. dear]
It BMd to be anch a pretty black."
I "Yes, dear, and btnr red yours haa
gotl It oaed to toe a pretty black,Aoor
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 2.
^Traverac City, Mich.
We have many new
things in jewelry also.
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
Jewelery store to look them
Merritt. General
4Cear Admiral Bampsoo. and Joseph
Clmmberlaln are a few- moutht older.
The Rev. Dr. Lyman AbUitt. John G,
CariUle. General ehafter. Bishop Pot
Now is the time
to place your orders for
romparx*! with many of the
prominent In
Dewey I* not an old man. He will be
J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
Morse Bros., House Paieteis
Oira them a call.
483 H Blmwood Ata
hemlock eogikgs
Sidawslk Lnmlwr in *U •ise*
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
BOMcon to Ttatum Olty Lumber Oo.
*h« Ohm ■•■Mm.
poO'^ml Iib 4-xt>liat]oa a* hr dn^ t’lp
<«t fruBi liM aln^tb
smtiM] Ibe «ttrfns».
on. b»at)<«-alii'« matt." aaid tli>
Wttcbt lifted tl»- UKb oT< blah, bni
iliat m..o*eni «t«nf I'uu.
^ madtian
iiiau ■iwii made
uin.iv thleiiK
IUIOI.I. lin
o«.il.r frr a
parij of four |■•l■l••l■>wa
iiwa ttnlM'nui-ii
• t">
had ranii-'d aloDn ilii' Itankn lifnlhe
! at
Join'll. » Li> non at■l"•:!^•<l. bmnin-d like
______•■ 4..H, >wii 11.^ I.lr«> wm iraklac.
tbutidiT Ob lib -tartW Mr:
"Hold: .MTO'i. yuti rtM'air
And In- fteHMil round, no Hint WII
foil ('••ul'i M*. Iilm. Till' .vouue xi'.ot
Ic-.kfd ii|. at
l.liii w.ili a •«•«. «’•■■■»
, ruM>n^l. ibi'O tiirfioO
“ToBiwinton." iii- -lamm.rPd. “1-1
wan ■ lltiii- In li'iuor
III I r-iiiimtw }«ar
____ __________
If waa duriUB tin- Huio of powd-red
hair and .'.. ke.J bai.-n.o ,Wr ITM.
Off niOnilr-ltihta U.i llie iweno'Cnn
had 1 kiHiwu who U wa»-“
“KiioiiBh.' an»»i'i*<1 the laft.-r; “I
niauil of ruiiimoi.irp Panl Jon-*.
ITiotv wi-r.- ill ilie-ciO' many iieMnin*
»b<i l»ad ni-ii-i •Mb tlial n-niartai.le
Burn, anii’iis ilmn B<ti Wilnou n iriiu.
forclri- .von '
Thfai In nim«rou WrlBhl.
“Tin- .i.iiri.m.inial wa« a
had hii-n nnoOier aailor. alno a aallor.
' aained Tliouia% WrlshT. who haled
Iiui Wrlelit III hi. plair- ‘J'fr him a
round doaeti. iheii lot Wni Im- luokon
ik-kiti* dl>|■•^mou. kittKod to do bliu
•oiuo Injory.
IloD «hl|i|iod alHianl tlie Ariel, that
be mielii wTTo iinihr the renowned
l.niBinc that Hi-o elilpiied.
n'ncIA Vlui.. like the .foiiiii-r.
ftever A-n JuiH'*. aleo l*.-ame one of
tbe -Ariel-* rn.w. Sellber. boweref.
roold ye! fei a *li:ht of (He foinmodun>, who wa* alao-ut—would U"t hr
baik for a week.
In a f.'W day* Wrisht wa* clioM-n to
•rt'in iila.v Ilf the Iwaii.walii'* mate,
who wa* at that Him- III
HI* dulle..
beside* hlowiui: on Hie eall. eie.. now
belna to |iuu>*h w ith tiie eoTl- a (nil of
rojie from two to ihm- feet tuns—and
ahu> with the eat.Ii'-ulm-lull*, n.nally
terun<d tla- “eat.'' Moeh of the Kailor*
a* “olfeudi'd-- nKalntl Ibe rule* of Hie
ahlp. be ardi'UiIy ioiH-d iTiat he mleht
TH bare a rbaueo lu Boa with hi*
mtel lacli Hie man he hated for win
nlBf )>n>Uy Sii.an.
grante,) )H-rml**ion to a« a*lioiv. The.v
a frli'lidly tree,
Krojn hi- lofty in-ri'li
t!;.-ai- WIT- mu.il- to hU I'.-irK.
Haldol Yeaeor. Kulp> rompan
atiineii out to floil iiU frleiiil. lie i
1(1 atuut
n hi. lofty |nT<
liliie til,, hull
ami irtit in tbo aftrreuanl."
Now. Y’eaeor luia won aome h'l-al
wore re|>uutloo «. n *|»rlnier. and etarted
IVrielil. with every urns' f„r,
acaltiet him afii-r till*. Ilii eiieh an iin-I dniueht.
He won hy a leugtli. I•nl
bn|>t<) life aboani the Arh-l that lie at- suaid In water Q|i (obi* nei-k white the
me bleht to ih-~'rt fmm (he
ill Hie
liy a marine on etuiril and ordeml to
ivmie iiai'k. hnt. mn ote-yiti^. ho waa
pairuili.d the liauk and ,4llyhh>d
iiilim iHtwei-u hi* two iirlw'ii.
Yeaser and Kulji were kejit Ibu* for
two limir*.
nfiiil ihrwiel, the head ami kilhil.
Aa to Wn-m
neiTr after that,
Jiim.-* It.'liruer and M’a«hlnc1on SliaUer. Hh- two Ollier meiiil*'i> of Hie p-arly. tliiaily ii|iix-nr,*l In their l*ial. ami
crfatlr to ilie >oy of hi. iirelty -wife
Kn.nii, would h" iiim li allotliiT drop of
York .Vewti.
a( ouie dho-ovi-red the mail liiitl -uvonlnit ou the Inmk*: and the aorry
tdlaht of liH-lf eoiiipaiilon*.
Kor an
Hli> at KspeK
A treat d,uil of atienilou ha* lieeii
ahoiild bare reimlreil to the Immi. the
iKilphln-a. invem not
twenty yard*
fn>iu Hie landlux.
Here (he landlord
•ei'OimDodaii'd hiiu with a xlaaa of
brandy, whi. 1. the yoiiuic man Ilfb-d
blRh. myliijc al Hie aaMe lime, in a
Soud robe:
Hit Hiey knew mu what to do. lull
iwlil of hvVdi year* to eihihlHou re- : iii„i7ly
iruek Hiem ihai did
volrer ami rifle aliixiiinit. and the fr— ' the
trick- Si-UlliE an old ple.e of nil
wlih whii-li really eipiTi .hot. ini'i'i
(hlHllel in Ha- iMiltoili of Hi^lauil. they
iiiilier of hol»led It- 111* laiviiie maJeKly *aw It
ha* irn-ail.r tm-reaM<d the
exlrauntiliary feat* whleh eauI now
tioW be
he : and made for the Uuii. 1*11111111: iimr^simed lo the cnifl. Sbuner niid lleiKiier
performed with n-Tolretw and rltli-a.
led the hull a liTi'ly cha*e U|- Hi• Huffolo Bill-' wa. one of Hie lluf»l
Btn<Bni. and when at a *nf<- di.tanee
.hot* erer Been In thi* eoaniry. alkulp {;<•( oul of the tree and Yeaeer
ihiiDith evhllililon markamaiiahlp
i-JIlUp. ll'-f
i.oui 10.- -eo. and
nreatl.v Inniroved «lme
‘Hr >»•« . they foiitul eviTythTliR In a demoliehml
Then be left^be ptura-. not lo fo lo
the tmul, bin iltleudlua lo aiek MUUe
ether tavern
It wa* 11 !):irk iilsbl. but by Hie
bHfbt llitlii vimiiiiliii: ihnniirli ihe
Window * ..t III.- houae Ib-ii toiiM ai-e a
»lddIliiR-*l7..-d. I.r.uid «h..ii1.l<'ii-.| man
rnreiii|.-,| ill ,1 ahaRity ovel^^.nt.w.-lt•-h
InR him wlifi a nilin:t-.l .-xi.n-aaliui of
•lem dUiipi.Mwnt am] amiiaeiii.'iii on
bl* bniail. ni-aHii'r-lN'al
iau.~ >aid till* per
'•» f«»nr*- ">■ au(*-e«- i-ould not U' dla . Relgner. who manattwl to encaiie.
______^ ................ ............... ............................................. j-----------------------------------"•”>«•« ■» ■">'
Aelkrr W*«*«.
«Wrlnc Into a while Uiard
Frtn Ihe purely ».-1etit1lli' view. Imw®*-** aliori. ibH-heaih'd laek* with live erer. Hm pUenotm-iia of wlrele** lel.-.
i-omuviiiUo *hot« from a dl-ianee Jtt*l
Rrapby are mo«t marveinn*. They
abort euoujtb to allow of Hie taeka to
tdinw II* that ihl* remarkalde medium,
be ai-enmielj alRbied.
a* aeiher. will, h eni'oiriiwaae* u* almut
Not only wn» -Biiiralo Hlira-- aim
marvel.undy u.-euraie, but It waa ex- on every able. |*-n.-lraHDR the deii*.'«l
Clveu u rr|M<aier
a* well a* Hie rar>>«i form* of miiiter
lie would aland or alt ou Ida famou*
.-lay •
iKly U'1
and tnibiR Ihe whole .a-li'alUil *|.a.-e. i«
in a
Mate of elidiM di*llirbaii-e.
ermwed ami te, ru«»e<niy wave* of (11-
bad lime I
e fall eourw.
-oiliile of r
Hut Jl.. H..r.|everry. a i'r.'ii.-liman.
>|||<] ptt.luildy Rive tail. Cody |Hilut*
Hi* ac*'»r:ii']'
liulte rarb-l.v.
In hi* addn--* on Hie
•SI* Riitewa.i* of Knowhilse." l.«.nl
Kelvin im. .-alb'll attention io Hie
traordliiary (piiet.
"va*f Ran
Ra|i iN'ium'ii diMi xli.riiii.iii* n.r
iii.l of a miller IhrIi t.-ii*ee.ind. Ihii.iaai.iM
Hid rniditlly < f iiUu Jirt' aliiildy 4*t.m1 a diKlau-eof nil feel hi' can
II a |.!e.-.'Uif <tinllHinf|l Ihn.iiRli Hie
iRe a* It 1* |-iIm*I iipiJiiJln' head of
1 a**i*iaul.
Al a alnitlar db'tuiiee.
leaulUR hhueelf dal ou Id* liaek oViT
Hi.- It
.'.f rlbmllon
.■orre*j.olidlliR lo dull red UrIiI.
Hi.-refor.- Hi.- lowo-t rate 11 til.' *!*'<tniiii. Kill now Hull Hei 7 ha* rIv.-i,
it* uetlier wuv.'* iiiillb.u* of mile* l.ui
•on. lay biu a hand on Id* almulder. the aeat of a chair, w lih a |.l*><>l
••Wlinl * Jotir mim-. aud what «hlp do hand, he «yiu ~ nd *nibidliR a n-peiiuy
you U-loiiR i.ir*
•'^.Ii'*e wlib-li r.-*!*. Jialf-hkldeii. ii|kui
how moruioiwly lui* Hit* mne.- U*
wbl. m'd'; IVilliiii Ihi* mliRe tli. r.ri«mi for H « ii'«'» In ('la.i'of IIv.-, ea.
"My mime-r YVIry, now. m> name I*
B»'u \VH*oii. mill my hIiI|> U ibe .\riel.
but Mai
i''ir I kiiow what Imslui
t'dual In rails.- to Hio*e wj- liarew
liri *,ni
An.l If i-a. h.«1iould n-veal 1
mu.'ll :i« dc*** the
wliai an
amiiKliiR w-ealili of kimwledce woiil.l
(*- our*. Uid««'<l. I/iilRe ha* *iiRCi'*i.'il
It 1* of}.I
"It I* Him- .1011 w.'iil lo Ihi- (mat. \
Will R.-l yoiii-Hi-lf Hilo irouM.' if y
dnu-l Ro iii_lHr,.'. K.'ar n luiml ”
. all w-ll. bin I aiuT readv
ret. d.i you -.-r
I Ro
nii r rrle.l-lb'ii.
rrlexl lb-n. aiiRrl!)',
Ru of ni.-r
but the (liber, half NjullihR. RF.n|»-d
bim yi'l ■m■^• liriuiv.
rii.-li It. 1, im«l.- a Mow <M ldM..uhiel,
hla Ha*l''innt * lii'iid.
He w ill knock
Ho- a*li
.-iRar at a dblauie of
a»li .iff your .-iRar
.HI feel, or HrIiI y.iur w
If you eare lo liold li. At 111 yari
ran eui <1 HWiiiRiUR ihn-ad.
in-ad. and a
*anie dUiaiim- wllti BliceeWKlre *bnia
be will kii.*k off iliree aiiiall iritle*
the other ll|*m Hie
h.-ml ..f liU n.-l*n
luriiie hi* mnbi Held be wUl bit
nil ■•t-<'irbiil ih-ery of rUlon lui'M'd .m
coh.-ivr a.-Hoii. Hut why iiiny
Hi.-*.- H.-rttlaii ware* liare Mi'ii «1ivn.ly uliliy..-.! by oiir on.-aiii-inV We
an- told Hull Hie iLiy lluit C.-n, C.ir.
dou wn*.kini''l at Kliartoiim Hie
n|e in Hie Mn*-I« and laci.-ir* of Cnlni
kii.-w .if it. ilioiiRli III.' .I.Malt.-.' ill n
tbe man ii:irii.-.|. wh.-ii n •iriisRl.- .'ii
•node th-ii f.iUL'lH hl« liewi. bnl tlie
ll.iHi.u bull'* .'»(-• In «eren *eeoml*.
U.'Volier HiiM.liliR I* R.-nemlly .-on.M-ivd
Hiliiiit.-lv iii-'r.' .11111'till
ihatT-ritl.- urins. jiml lli.'lv an- .-.Tlaiu
ly fewer et^m-n rer.jlvt*r Ilian title
man Bt l.-nsHi *ii.'ti-edi-d In Rr.-iapius
bini nuHHl !■■•- arm* from iH-liiml. in
*b.ii*:—Itiii .iiiiour .................
wb-tder* of ih- -*lKMitiiiR iron" 1* aa
KriC*h ..tli.-.-r In AfshatiU'.-in n.-irnii.-*
that liif.ininiiion of Hie lt■l.•ml.■•l niore-
Whh-h p.-iii.iii WUitun wa* lll.-rally Aui.-rt.-au B.'i.U.-maU. a Mr. {tlephi*!.*.
earrh-d t.. w ithin a f.'W faHmiu* of Hie with wlnun. however. Hie f.-iM-iiiatiae
boat wh.-li, M-.',nK a iiuiiiM-r of Hie. liractl.e J» .uily a jatMliiie.
■Bllur* approa. bine, the aimncer «.A r.-ry ..rf.-.'iire feai Mr. Rienlieiis
roedt of
diirioR the wnr at ill*(amyw »» or
U»' mil.-* away wa*
known to the itnllvi-* al them' |*diil«
nlmiwi Imim-di.H.-ly. alHioueb no «'r-
leaaed Id* la.I.I aud. laURldiiR, made iw>rfonu* pritat.lr eiuialM* of * amlliie
off In Ha- .larlgie**.
*!x liRhted mtidl.w upon a Im-iu-Ii. rem-uHiiR al*mi 411 fm-l. and i.iiMliiR out
"It* Inckt ton i-aim- when
sahl the covwain "We w.inhln t har.
one i-amth' after an.iih.-r wiih the i-on
walte.1 r.T y.m iminy M-.a-ml* loiiRcr." l.'nt* of hi* »3x-.-liaml*'r.'.l r>-volter. On
~1 w..uWli l luive M-,m here If old one m-i-a*liic Hie »aim- R.-uileman.
iialine of niiy *.iri emild U- d.-te<-i<-.l.
Wlial worbN of t>.<**fMi' *.'ii'.'ili>.n lie
.-rti alauit u* in th.-a-n.-ili.-r wave*, and
>»iek or *...........
like him
bruoRhl me." wa* ihe n-ply.
YNTlRhl. V I,., had l>-eii alt uii«-en wl|.
beat of-the *iniRRle toward li* n-rml.
DailuD. (>ni xvlio. in ih- Rlmmi. had not
been at-b- i.. obtain a Rood View of tbe
•rrauR< r'* (ai-e. ma.Ie bl* app<-arance.
ComlUR III ih.' ume dliy'Ciion lu which
u ha.l V iiil«lH-d.
"Hwa* l.' lie w'ldKiH-r,-.t to tbe eox*. |
wain. "W ho l.nuiRhi Wibmn.
He at- i
.Mi..-l lim- I* l."’«i in;].-* and m- t"bRTn|.h •-oiHi.'.i* lli.-.e <-lil.'«.
.(-nil a
wli-n Hi.-*- or.- ritll.v r-.-otfiiii.-<l. will,
wlial 1rvui.'U.l..n» .iipabililii-* w ill the
HtandliiR under a cherry live Vlih a
n-vtdver It) each hand, cut the Ht.iuea
f elRlil vherrbui lu II aeeon.ls, Of
* fin-tl. one
human rai*- M- einlow.-d; lu Hi- eU.
(lueiit w-onl* of T.riidall: "The nir
aiwui na may la- full of heaven * lialli-luiili*. wldlr'we mar li.-ar only tbe
fe.-b|.- whl*i>.-r o^^r .iw ii pmyera."—
only Rnir-ed the .-berry
it wa* alim*]
at and the uHier waa loat’ln myatery.
But tbe f.-ai was a very wumb-rful
one. e«pechiay for an amateur »buL—
I.Bkw MraraCM
Thl* hHoR* «»—a* Ihe reader w-lll
see b.r f.dlo.vinR the route on the may
-to Ijtke Nb-arama. wlii.-h
I* on a
Ap«^ of the rreat bat qoeatlon,
blRta table.land. and I* the HUirce of
supply for l>oth..............
the ............................
laek.-.! It..' i..-ar the IMpliln. becamte 1
aRiiatlnR tbe'wofld of |ro«lp anew by
(be wewteni’iie.ll<.n» of the canal. The
reoue*i.*l h.m i-
the eatTiuated esiiemliture of a l*ar(«. ! lake Im* an extreme leiiRtb of peK |
to the boat.
1 had
to Jet him I.***- when 1 Rot him m.»«i
bin Iteautv of *oniethinR
bere: ami rum a. you'wiw
ou *aw tor
for 1
I wa*
per annul
annum on her hew.lRear. It la In-
* TlSta«rr
was soon
When WrlRh
a time lu n-ponlnR
.Ml 1. I...1 l«.n
like BS.AOO
hap* 100 mile* and an eiireme wWih
«. or a aurfac*
, It^rt-MliiR
t^rv-Mlns to
1,. notice that Ihe
the rlcar
rlc.r of
we«t end (too
,„d ,,„a.-
by Wilanu. This liye biter denied, of
eontwe, asyliiR it wa* a cltlr.en and a
•tranaer with w-houi be had b.-id hb
combat, bni h- waa not b>'Ii.-re.l.
Tbe Conn miirtial wa* beld tbe next
day. when Jonea arrived on board.WU•00 belBR *till k.-pt lu Ihe brlR. whence
be could not see Ibe commodore. Tb.-re
,.ht,n h«* Is awkine for Ihe onln
a..nie 3.000
^ that of
*’• ineateet depth Is SOO
uiV.lr '
’*’' salllnf line
enters and lean-* it Is, In round
abimy of a church cloak^?“fOT tbe ' "IT"!.;"" [1“'
drainaee area
siomge of bat* durli.R «irrl(-e hour*. !
of 12.900 sgiiarc miles. H>e Inflow ..f
Of cour»*.. Hii* «|u.-*i|i>n at prenent con- ’
water -darlus the peri<H* of gn-at
<vm* only ib.> r.-Rulaih>n chlnmcy-iio'
rainfall 1* *o»uetlniea sufficient to
sacred u. the rigors of
male attire
Bni the
aorface five Incbea lo 48
It. maximum outflow- I. 50.W0
cuWe feet per second.
was a alDRUbr (xpivasloo In the I*eo
Of Paul Jonc»^,*b(dnb^cojicHSarila?
was ended, aud the awroce of the
From his scat on high Olympus tbe
ptisuner^lun b*he* on ttm liai* bark god
Mar* contemplated The Hague
With tbe (Wi—wa» pronounced.
long and earnestly.
Tbe next ■nomine waa apiiolnled for
"Can you see your finlsbr
Ibe execuHoti of tbe aentence. When Jupiter, who. a* the patatlre father of
tbe time cnine. the ma*ler-at.arnis gods and men. took a passing Intercsi
bfottRlii np ilie prtaoncr and took off lu the affair*
Tbe eeapora-
Hon la eailmated at three and one.
half lo fire fed annnally. Thtri-iR the
dry season tbe enipnntlaB exeeeda (be
It Is beller(-d that doling
bulda good the entire yiwr.
*• •
Buctuatlon In tbe elevation ,
«* rarlons
Tliere are reports extant that |
bis Irons- On one of the RiaiinRS.
placvHl JoM forward of the ganirway.
be waa made l» stand, bis feet brine
“No," rvi.lli-d Mars.
“At ihU dis.
Wttcc I can see nothing but W. T.
fastened with wormloR and bis ban(b
Sometimes it bippens that personallb^wean 100 and 110 feet
ilea become so Urge as to get In tbe
ava-b^el. and at no Infreqnent
e*.--OetreU Jonnial.
. ‘■tcrrala.-Hafpef. Weekly.
way «t b
•ecnrrd. w ide a|iari. to (be bolwark*.
AloBg coma Wrf|d>(. •cuveiy able to
hiillKlilti ]uiw till’ lurf
In.IIiiuk of RiK>-. hut
w«e ,onleir..l
to return to ,the i,hl|>
at *,Mte.| Kiiiihiml.
-- -- hi. nm«t
a r,.,uli „f Ihe niad pmiik. of
• ortm-k.
The iKMUKWaltia
liuaiKwaliia mate.
mate. *„nd.Tful
*ond.Tful f.-m
f.-nt. wa* not petierally j-r-, ,he hull, Tlmv aoiiRln other iiuari.-r*.
.,,,1 ll-« «ll«,u ....
„J SI..,.., ..J
“ “*
o.-. a- I,
I'oforiui........ Ben
..... ........
drank, .MM
and ...
In .
•tale of partial inluzlcallun be yi»lted.
• few mlume* l*.fore t» o-eh- k-wben In-
Paid For Accideni and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.
aeiuary aiidioui'e wa» IohI a* tin- liiatailor innih- lih wn.v aeniaa a B<‘ld ami
aoiiehl aali-ty amoue the hmtii'l.in of
roaftniuil I'nnl Joui-e
"t waund to
■on- If ihin Wr.tfht tronld ri-alli have
llie hi-arf to I'arry imi lit* T«lM'!i*H*d
WHmt, and
raueht Hehl of him. Alelonn of ilte
Kimiihh uatlutial «|Miri flarhi-d aenMU
bin lulnd. hut the al'ldaum- of the liu-
and Kite r-
poncrful. yolina Ja<k Tnr of 2.V wlm
had Uti'iv inarriiil Sumid Crar. a humHe l.ot IniKttifu! datnnrl of lA. Tln-ie
Wliaon (■■-niine Rnnaa hmt prefemid
him. and vtio. Ix'liia of • mie), i
ain am. Fniik Kuli> ttaa udi- of ilir
hut when aleiut to i-aat lil* lloi' he
raUKhl kIbIii of a hie risl hull thal had
II wa» >oii wbo iMd: i>"ld of me.
b.r Ihe ^loliililu lanni. and i-ai
Invi. Cod
“V -‘•‘‘I"''
rurk Bl JVU
know, 1 woiihl not
aliip A{}i'l. iom-anirMl niidi r ii>e c»ni-
One day aouie
IVrkbMueii <iB Jai-ob lloyer
n fanu.
The nieialier» nf tlie i>ari}, ufier tryIne ihi'lr nktll with
Hear their ■•atai». tliuuehl1 they wo
lui|iroVe tln-ir lui-k
irllier ii|i
*“• *»““
»» ^
[Tl •‘"Tf -^ Ivrej and to rise as
thigh as llk> fed. It certainly does
Is the amount paid to members from January 1st, 1899, to Nov
ember 1st, 1899. $4,260.78 of tbe above sum was paid to mem'
bers in Traverse City and vicinity during the above period.
This record should convince all that in order to be safely
protected it is best for you to carry your
Accident i Sickness Insurance
' ■
Claims Paid From
Branch Office at Traverse City,
Since .anuary 1st, 1898.
- T».\vgmB i -rrv.
c. w.ri.k.................... I
m- r reuetsia ........
D H Hnrtibr
Asrol- H*arr
XO.SesBBn . . . .
s<^ (Hdutiin
Frank Mruaae
U I>rl*(
J B BmI*....................
i.iH. i. .*Dr
Ac— HMIfirr
P. (■ Ttm«|Mn. ...
S-rap-i. i-M- .. ..
V ka. llra'aUfi-or, G Canipl>-ll
Ja> Ki.parrk
N.O. Palin-r
> .1
Fr»i.k WoW
P .V J .1.—
i: d
Mail DmjTo
Jim. Ptl.By
».« L-r
f>al Bu*r. .
' u-barC (InoilaU
Ja^ ^ujthra)
Wb Blokle .
Anbiir P(***
Allird Writ
lU >
SI cn
Frank MliBvj .
Pu' hrr^iit
(**11. Vabllykr
A .V HlU*r
J A Pra«-
irlli-rr Bi.b(.
• S h-
Ck rl.Nnirte*
JrrUen Bnwe
U A Dean
■ Elltl.
' ss
Blai-t -fa<]..i
Mn*» l^arral-i
Job* W M**lib.in]
haul* Bura-.l
A>.*uu Lar-M.
?ud‘pr^" .
F.J Keaaei..-
« Ha.l,nr.
kOh- W-l«b
l> ui
Ha* rn-k-r
}J '*
Ocn r-<xaDt
8 aiasrr
H. W MrlrblBx
E. C lri«b
Fnek Bart*7
(1 E Hurrki
AnUrrm H-nil*
W J Hanroi-U
I ha. It
1 rt
Allwn Snarp ..
W'B f-rttr.
1.1 lU
i‘rasr . ■ rt
Tti.- P.-.-r.
Wn, Iv.uKia*
ii*i. Pmi-r
U-*t-r li.t *r
« a
W » Carr
(I B. LeVallr,
Max Frlrker
D. E H-n(tt
B*M Harr.
Cba> II. i.a^
Wrstev Kir-s
W. A FUnUcra
W F. Dngartl .
Frank Hawke, .
W , U Hi-e . .
AHe-n Rbaji.
k_t ► r
D.'lliVLa'TlarS-ratik Waikr* . .
Tlx- U«-kr
ba* IV-..-r
Wm. tict.ltli*
W. M Arkrr ..
EU* Hra~-b
Enapp ,
s s,
* K. Craati.rO
C. M Tbarlar . .
('. M. n.ackrr.
(• W M-rk,*
I.ulb-r Ua-i-
Ja*. Mc**]>................
Jo«. Dim’"^.. .
Ja. MooUr . .
rvank BaiKve ...
G. H AraeVTOOC ..
Aul t. T.m.ua. '
Mariim tfblt- ... .
*■«> •-dralli
Ju. K Hm.lr, .
rtiaa Q.l»ut, . .
(*‘y. “'-6*“'!!!.'."
J J. Miller ...
rr*(U.'—-I* .
A. Daki-Bkulb
E E Silxr* .
W. L- Xa»li ...
Cba. Ila.l
r<) (Vavk.rro
.Ur. U.k-cball. ..
J (> llut.|>rrl
*M( Kral*>-r
K l> UllM- . ____
tVarrrij I ai-arc«
X U-’
i.tir-™" ■::
WllUul kf. A^-..
A O k-i.Il
Bert HarJ^W w.^
EU tVf*r
r s L'.-iitr
KApro ctrr.
Jnu. Al—u*
Ja* Eru>*i
W.A Witliaai.
W E UrW itl.................
tuilaa-a H*D|.ter
JS'. t-auv-bru ....
Frank 0boii<
. ..
^ Wj
I lu *»
Fit.aunt, Bi>pV.s
('ba. J. ETa*.
Ni.rBan Hander.
(-ba. Elan.
t M <n
( h.% itrou*i>i>
(• T MK^ulrheoo
N •: Hanndera
J E H.. l.arU.
B r l>TE*nH.rr ...
It tt
» UT)
P Rlrerler.....................I S! »0
Jobn (.aurorr
T 00
it (**
Gcu M<
mie, »Ttoney
............( 1* m
Wb T Bri.'bv
Ik ou
R Haa.
. . * In 7U
fi-U Kat-ar
. . .
It Tf
Ik 31
f IT «
Je.ee Sawea ...
t « 00
Frank Bart ....................• ■ tO
Frank W Lnntner___ oa Do
Prank ■allloti............ t Cm
. After reading this advertisement, and you are convinced
that tOU should carry accident and sickness insurance, call at
my ofELce over Johnson’s drug store, and information will be
furnished by competent clerks.
Send a postal card and we will ipail you particulars.
Do not wait for some one to call on you—take the insurance"
before you are hurt or get sick.
This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.
APPLY TO...............
J. M. Blakeslee
District Superintendent
Btaicli DHice, Bocm I, loliisoj Btoct
Traters* City, Michlgai
■•■iiirM %a«lr» Daws.
« «ll«t P. inilliltM. ttr rogwW of tb«
tuioaal tM-wkitaiM-r ivrpunikMi kuuwa
a tbe LiUlrtl I'm-, and ibp InvMiiW
^ n>llll|«‘ ip|. .nai.Ulr riK).-. a ijpk*>.
Ainwii-ao. who ha» pui many
^optTwbrrr aiu..aa yoiinp
«*lDDPra U*« a.
KlDP-irfllii» of thr youDg
XnvwMOnr Kus*<
iMlow ia a im of tbr barjur *mA
__ _ ___ ___
thrown tbe «»yp and tartlioni _
i, ih.- rumjMB;- of U»p lalkailrp c
u, ,|,e nli«ay car.
i wli,4e l-enodw- lb the e^.rk Iw,
iCon* liiiu. (lie •ui-cnafot mail of tba
cTpiute muai Buow hie bualuexs from
^ 10 Z
Tlie Dell gn-al diawlmck to aocresa
-via WleiM-»». .Vutblnc worth while Ik
tmccompIleL.-.] wlihoiit work, and plenty
.-af H. Thing* do noi happen wlihout
i.a omae. and Udilod ev.-ry great life
vlkere are yiwra of eouoeoirated energy
^ ^--- . _
. ..
iB tUa cteptPT Pbb) tmta t# tba '
' dataea ^ Ortiana toward one ana
pSk Sr
a» bp abovnl ibp DP*wpa|wr Into the
* Oo. B«v
,,,, ,„r.,rtn,n»«l o<r«i
fc«a per dox.........................
, BmhUt *n»*«<L
la tb« ranauung part Codflab par *........................
, «d tbr chapter br di*t>qr»fa npoo the
.............................. .
^ manner in wbitdi Chnatiaiu wbo are
Better per
1C OSCM ne>rTt»D.-be- block. n< mat atrm
r» 1
P« »•
to I J^Atn-T C
added, aliuoit’ tearfnUy. “thai
«orld U l.ut a amln* abow."
thia •*«*« >* the faith abooM n»e their CreameryBatter.ft..
•a per ft..
Cbriattan Hbertr. potnUng oat the fact . V
par bo (new,)..
Tbaf. «oe way of look- »!>*» ____________ ,.________
be oard in ,OaW
way ti>«»
w . pSS^^^.”!
-------- r
a -V
»i-t wMww {■.1^-.- m4M
:b.r»; that tboach they are free and
,e„ in
ii. freedom, yet tk.jp
their free- Baitparnw...
and hiuiling amnod to make tbla
____ duiu aboald b»t lixoiDe n
rth« **oe‘'*b**'Floor per bbl..
worid anr bi-ilerr
j block in the way ..f othero
In .rtl
stTOie 1
-Whafa the u«.r
! »orda. Paul declaree that liberty ahoold
-Of rourw.
Ing at it.
r.e felt (bml way about It
nowlf. Rot let me aek you
tbiog. Are you puitlttg In your Qi.nef
T^n W a aw * Mooc.»eorr»li»..-.iee*lw.
XJ «rieel«ll»o> ne. ear. CIO*.-aed eerlie oH
Bail rtl******.
-Id rbM>e.W>.Kr*. lOT. OS
r Opeca Ho»
. oa<-ea, oily Open
• s?.
f-kR A ^ HOU.IDAT. irTadaate Toeoaw
U VolTeni^i>*<»Io^VoBmoBid« Tfcoo
“^>11. you'll etrnae »■•for qneatlon- be t»rapemd with lore; that *e ahoold *vfcea^ old, per bn.............
log yoo, bm you refenvdlo the worid not in*i.«t on doing all that we hare a Whewi, per bn.(new)..
aa a fleeilog «lii>w.
t'lu n ttaeairlral rigbt to da bnt lie gorernxd by the ueta. No. 1, per ba. (oei
edowa ID .*.ld blood, and yet ho* few
rwieo trcognlv. or. reeocLlalog. me up
- to Ibe axiom that labor couguera aU
Idlene** and the co'um-1iiu*u<w* of In•rampetemy ahould make auy man
.Haltamo.1 of lilioM-lf and drive blni to
.te aoiuethlug dial I* worth the doing,
.ft U wliblu the gm»i. of every >
kaara aonie otic thing that will yield
.both (ileanun- and profit.
•woiiKW only to thnae uiio «et-k II.
w.ll ooi
hare to be a.lvl-d
.Bow to sorcet.l.
lie may learn murh
.■ByWu.lylngtl.efKllun.*«roiher*. b.iw-wrer. am) by will alway* llod. after a
-anrvey of the great legion of the un-------c.-**ful. Mliat
two causes
iBrougbt them l
their r
•Hart «f ^ If-le-iru-dlot. wn<^ hi* li»«ly for the aake of hi* • Appl'e;_Cnlia and wlDdfalla. I0« prr i
“Thai', mil right.
\ ou didn't pay
weak brother.
J. * HUU™i«
•nythlng to gvi Into Ihla fleeting ahow.
{hmi n<,t ,.uly
lay* down tbi* prind>
cnlla.' (Viebigan Sureb ,totp.m. TalaeboDe.Tl
______ (Nicbl
Cbri«tian Co .1
.) aoeordinR
aoeordiuR tc onalltr.
onallty. lOlSc.
pie of li»*Tty and lore in the Chrirtian
1 i>R*7M Hcv.FKTiMLTitnMP«oK: cm.-e
y eriaiiily not.
life, l^nt
l.nt girt*
give* many reaaon* to eopjeirt'
‘Thereyouare. •Tlier.-'stbe oM. old Li* i*»ition
UBecatwe Chri-1 di»«i
died fcg
fflg ^ V»««i by Briti.h
Hritbh Bo
Be diera ..
Kwition t.Becamie
ij nr* oenr-.
n nuuie-II
1 never
the weak a-Well a* the rtrong.' ”De-j
Capi. C C Deoniaon la well Loown I ^Beu'-phi.i.-- ».v~
* a -lendltend who wasn't a
-or not
not him
him wilJi
wilJi thy
thy meat
meat for
for whom
I CTiri.l
iri*l di.d." It Wogld
Wogid be eitreii
prv]•^>•te^,ll* for any
WIIIIbm'* l.ae
riere I* a g***! *inry of
AVilllani. «Ih> t*eng>ige<l
, w-lnd-iw-
a to claim
perainal lil»Ttr in a
y t’ ill w.mltl imike I1iri*ff death on
One morning WllUaiiL in*t.-ad-if
all over Africa aa comtnannr of 'be|w.*H h. e kl'^oh. ■•b
force* that raptured the f -mnos
-mno* rebel; J-' Bl". t
of N
N ’*rm
bo«h-cn rk ■«'
I'ld.-rdau1- of
f''>m Vryburg,
Refare start ng on the Istti
ledy. which
which II u«d
*»*d myae
doing hi* work, waa nnm.lug hliu*elf .V‘>«r g.-id b-evil ai-.kcn trf.
Liberty i„ubled
with bowd
bowel e.eompiai
in a . bad glrrn to my men. and to every ;
j,r rea.lli.g the cdiper. and. a* 1»d lutk
“ •'<1-~it>We. bnt if n«id in
/ptild have It. il.rmanager h*>ke.I in.
“*** re*uU* >n evil it would i-ai-t caae II proved moat bem fie al.” For
. ]f'aae>y8 E WailacdPC Tbompaor. '
-Wha'f* ibl-T' he said William «a*
«l»’U (T»n*tia)
-Plek up your things C^rtmuit.v gavo n* * rU--------- ---------—
'ami go. " said the manager.
fto |«*tr tVilllan. wi-iu to the olB.-e.
drew the money which wo* owing to
rcpnti.ttoii of t .n-d.imiir ^
the oiber servants, and there he hap-
■"T principlcof onr rcligi.m. for it con- ] Dec 1st-
lUy. a* be *1
stopped bis buckboard
:«a front of the gate.
Uncle Hlrani surveyed the outfit sub^Wouafy from where be Mt on the
iarmbonae steps waltluf for dinner
-«nd eridenily readied hi* own conclu'^nsasto II* nature.
<^«'*» wlndowsV"
“Tes. sir."
'""b like a handy *.wt of chap.
la*l man ‘.Os. but I'U
weak.' The moment that wbich we do
injure* another that tuooieut it be-
-Waal," he replied alow ly. "1 dtiuno
«a 1 need DU ellxycr o' life er aure cure
“Thank you, sir." sahl •nil'.tm; and
«TDng for u» to do it. no
msiter how inoffensire the thing lUelf,
In* yeT' anked-tbe atmuger
“rio yc
‘So l‘*lf *n hour he wa* Imek In the considered iiloue. mar he.
elennliig the window
-I alu'i no isiteut med clne render.
«'lnd'"f ,
The application of this aobjert-to the
— - - -began Ihe sirangiT.
• till* time, and not
It n-adiug
n*adiug the iNiiMT.—
tui|MT.— temperance <iae*tion
tjnestion t* eaailr imade. Tc
drink wine <g intoxicating ^nka mod-Ker air llghtnlu roda a fav’rltr lo- i TW-Blla.
emtejy I if we can I insy be onr rit^t,
broke In L'nde
"And I got all the IsMka 1 want, got
D 'l••Da ter since thet
lore readlD n ■■an'l••Da
•C«eyclu)se<lyer feller rojsed me ii
\r«f, will, ,1...
Jl’-rd ‘‘loia ^
«oum-^ rwh-Hiram d«-ld«lly.
I alD t no iKs.k agent.' denied the
Tan.llady *|-ik-hi* name with
mrinlie swe. in.-**, for >be foiidlr
1-7: xxii. .tT-38; R.«» xii, V. lit; xiii,
10: 1 Cor. viii. v-i:!; *iii, mS; 11 Cor.
binied he woixl.l |wy hi*
ri. l-lii;(isl. V. 1. HMfi. 1 Pel. li, 16.
10: 11 Pet. ii. 17-:»: 1 John ir. 1-3.
-la." lni.Trti|.t.*J I'uele Hiram.
ti ain't iM'UiD nuihio: I'm aonor a
"I be." affirmed the mratiger. "Uy
•*»aw-'B ■'■■usln.AmandiT
"rm not ihlrki,v."
i French Pr..t.»Unts in the time* thot
It is a matter .if eonJ.-.-tore whether for .-melty hare bad fewi'qnal*- It was
auui-U-o'youKn. 8Ue Harrow- It wa* emuth.n
I've heom tell o' aomcthln
ilkr ihvL" arkuuwk-dgiHl t'oele Hiram
dhoiighifolly. ••Waal, pm yi-r Uobs in
dbe barn; ihrt's gi**l euuff fer dluuev'.
..r stage
that enng hr George Wisliart when taken
tarniah in a sweet state.
which i* |
by cattle,
Md bog* and which we
" '■ • P—■
•' "
TbU feed i* fattanlog.-and
ing Words broke from the lip* of John t such shape that it can
Abe wan is spun ..iit, be will tremble
■and swear and grow appri'beasive. ' If
( *i«ikcn by Sir Tboiiia.* More, "who was
fte has been six luuDihs In servkv. he
knows every bugle «-all
A* Ihe i-all
i fuiMoii* through Enro]ae fur eli*jn>'Uce
' Slid wi*doin. ' a* h-- laid hi* h.-nd upon
; the hlu k.
It* vk-v.-nt.-i-ntli v.-r»-. writ-
cwmes lu ailvaui'e the ri<h-r cm feel
Him working at the hli with hU longue
U-iwei-D ill* t•*'lh.
] ten by St. Angvvitine apin, the wall of
{ bis rick i-huiiiia-r. did not uwk.- the test j
t auy the le** real to the gr>-.it German i
As he
xnovcKoul he nill clrh.T *e.-k |.> get ■■tl
(a*ti>r than hi- *b.>ul.i or Im.Ii
H,- eau
tint boll, however.
-rnrwt and have •l.iur n llh IKl* aoon aa
A man *<'|cl.>iu • ric* out
wbee hit to the iiimiull of battU*.
>s the *anic with
Horwc World.
A Teertae Tw.ble.
- MOM vfart.-Iou* of all the storlea of
ItTeal fall* 1* ih.* aix-uuni of Charles
-Voowr, „ mn.
Th>- liiu'* will ear
ry him furwar.1. ami after a ailirote he
A'iU crip. Ik.v hack tii* ear*, and one
.“an fi'c! liisBiiihIcii rvMulve to tirare the
rr,.m . brtebt
tenecm-ls. and he was makluga (vanehuie d.-iviit
The paraeiM.te refused
ones till
liti within
wiihlo liki or 2iio feet from
ta open
■ be ground
Then II apread
■deni}' ami b]>IIi.
The anronuiiate man enisfaed both
-wnkh'* RU<l lK<th kuee*. broke his right
thlgb and bip. «1i*lo<-aled hi* s|iloal cotumo and sufft-n-d other Injiiriea. Yet
after a year In a hospital he reeor. e*«d auffirlroily to write an accoom of
- what wa* prolaibly the mom fearful
mccMent nwnal man ever anrxlved.
They bad been alttlnc together ter
ftaU an boor.
“I hare etijoyrd our converai
/aacbr abe esi-taimed. aa abe roae I
*Tl U M realful to talk With yen;
■ftad after abe bad left him be
t be ^dnt beea aide to
«ho whale coareemttaH.
fcNV* 1 ill'll
i.K-k*.i-All.v Sh.per.
I'lBhrrlla tllploMary.
A man wltL an umhr>-IIa wa* walk
Th.- n-renth v.-r*e of this |
same pwliu waa f.>uml oi> a tablet of
tainled ini
barrels, bo* wagoos. etc . aod can
E. W. Hastings
hv ,
bpff*7o move the umbrelU lo the posik. .*.*ri_v o
k« ... ...i.... o *
Itane^TdTfriin^o^" eUhTrsWe nr^ i
fn ^
- i
rpinta in Hi* n. li and sat-
«“ ZJi
teeted him from tha rain while ro-Tlr-i***®^*
from the omlireUa.— I
forever above the ro.-re
tu the drippitu
inalio of petition, and all doubt or mis
MVman's Hotm Compantnn.
giving aa t.) it* answer ia lost in the
hiiiglier wish,
•ish, not that onr particular reTea,
certainly --------lovely.
------- —
—I ---------------,
... Qoes
loesta .Jiall
shall. be granted, but
bnt that the
tbongh It liad cost bm eighteen dollar* srill
wiU of G-id
>■*1 mar be known and dune.—
^^d- iblriei-n vents; quit! JBer. F. W. Baldwin. D. D.. in Cemgrethat Smith woman’s, which had
.nearly a liiimtred.
“But (be Smiths ^
are ab]
i more eoD*i>lcnoD* >
Alt le CHareeler.
"Well, tber cant come I
• friend for his inward
is any Ukt than we can," she ex. K»ce« and not for hie outward appear....—. radiantly.—Detroit
,it journaL
ance. A handsome face cannot be a perclaimed,
. yoB know I diaap.
Hie Michigan Starch Co.
WarsWo's BloBk.
. l3'5?y,'S''b;.Sf' “ Ita
isid I
i M»kup., u. b«. I, i.
WOUamT. an-
ll;l^jw IrslB bsa esrier car to OrwaS
-per (irwaSRspU* W niieia-
Tb*4:«)p. m. Irsl
iralBbBB pBriwesi^ Uraai
Rapids, and Bleep
*t?BlL^raia^ 1 ;*n p. « ba* Bleeper CIbriBBBU uiOraad RapIdBasdeoaek and sleep.
IBS car CbtcBfO toViraod Raplda a»d rhalresr
Train arrlvlag at SOnp b. ha* rbair rar n.
Wayoe totiraod Rapid..ao.l c air ear Urwa*
Kaplok to PeloBkry
John R. Santq,
Geuerul lusurance.
TrwwBvweCttv. bbk
Chicago —
West Michigan.
Fire Insurance.
Tr.vpre. C'ity,'Mi, h I
norito wofTR.
tPeiMkey ..>e«s
7ya.er.eC/ '*»*■'
rOrdUapld*. X40pw;
L. L A Buildlngr
II to
Cblraso^^___ 10 ISp.™'
' i
^ PH
I 7 tS
'll S
<>rd Rapid.
<«rd Rapid.
TraTprM?/. :•« U. K top ■>.
Lt Tra—ravC/.
' Ar Blk Rapid. '
Lv Elk Rapid. |
Ar Tra.evatCy !
15it is
Traverse ORp.
iuism UP lotmisTHi 1.1.
ANGEUNE MANUFACTUdNC CO.. 0r»<d MhMv Kdv. sad ior Srie by Al Dveg^
Just The Thing
For A Chilly Day
At our soda counter
We dispense
tnanent boais for a friendship.
roots of friextdsblp are all in charectcoc
It is what onr friend is that drawa sa
him. This is the reaacm why only
tme men and wotnsti
•pkooe TX
.r, -r-.™ l«t<.
Fire Insurance
nipper auiid the i-t.-msl ro->WMm the
biglK.wt pdut of the esrth'a sortace
•hy "Wasli
"Wosl me. and I
•’5AI-' B«-<hy
shall1 he
L whit<T t han *now.' —-Si-lected.
S2£6? iStSSfiStiflaftSSSa :
ing In the rain: an umhrellale** frl. ud
Utaber Seaae at t>rwr»r.
Ji'ined him nod «liared Ibe prat.-vlIOD.
There i* no way ,J making on.-'*
vner noiiecd
• that
iwayer* real sod etrennous save as God
a getting <Hily half protecilou. as i,
niade tewi
it mad
IireMPut in one's
the rain and the drippings from the I tboogbts.
* w<-li ivo
fell ..u
on uue
one e,
should.-r '
seoM. of
wlity to an alse’Ut'dcity
friend without -a
or to pat aonl and passion, faith and
h. oivo.vi i.im in .nt nf the w*t .
lore into words that
now had .-mplete prot.<tlon.
IrBi bimI d
flt.T. II
« unatance. John Rogers rejwated it* .hipped In .mr load lolv
cunfiwKiun* and tnnniphant ]iurHt)*on
led free of charge.
to III.- fir.-* of Kmit
Kmiihfield. The
wiinl* Ilf the Hclirew |iHslmi*t w.re
«w Ing* Into line ami w ait* Ihi- hur*r
vgrowk mfvous oviT thr waiting
cniid Itipldi t umim K. I
eonaiderablydMa than bsif the cost of
Hu*» at the pUc* of hiaexeentiun, mar
Vew OfBew. VBrkham Blnob
)oii should HOC
own and herlm*1>MDd'*death. it* Imrn-ipotatoe* and other feeds, avid it is Is
Tbe tavalry Horse.
work ef hlgfewi puMlble gr«as. Vtae i
work B speciBllr
Successors to
which we will aetl this
fewd >» order to introdnee it will be
err for moivv wa* reiwabai bv Lady i»
A retiuwD ■■atalry tiurw- parukc* of
eftr bo|*-s and fmra of Itaitle just the
•aaine-a* bl> n.ler.
A* the i-oltimn
Jane Orey m»m the fateful day of her ' cattle woo borae# prefer tbiaffecd
<0 gi-l II
bBWMtbiaa ua* B
f— It,,.,
Bicycle Enameled
Traverse Ch|[ lumber Co.
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle Traverse Cit)i, - - Michigan
‘•auwM thi- Han wiih the Yellow Whl»- prisoner before hi* martyrdom
at 8t ;thesaDie amount of feed stuff* oonh*'" to ku.*-*.
iiily (hat he up- Andrews Ita opening verse was the dy-’ tatned in all wheat bran aod midd»^t a “It o'lliir.-Ro*tou Journal,
■ry of the Kcoilish martvr. Tbutnaa y™
ftot ye can't stay all iilgbi on it. mind
ye."-New York H orid.
Pretrii neat time
to think about having tout
John F. On & Co.
N'o remedy
equal* Warvfk's Whit;'
K OK Tar s. .
• 'e at.
t.d fatal di*ease.
H boure, and fo- the ixiugh that t
* La Grijipu i'. -ever fails U> gi
Priev. 25c and .50c.
Onr eseellent Potato Pulp,
It is ini)*iB*il
cotmsln o' your u." announcevl tha of the law* of cti.|ueito aud era'ha- power of the Fifty- fir*t Psalm npuu
Htranger. with di-sperato rapldliy.
King*. whci
uisra and cottagers
**Yo be'/" gueriod I'ncle lUraui doubtllisni you—”
Ibareriail il with tb^name spiritual
A far-awa> 'l<M>k ■■anic intn his pv.f pr<£t. It wa* Ihe d^TIr M>ng of the
15c Straight •
Ilf Uoioii Street.
0 Can U Cripp* ii 24 H«are.
"-------haAk^ime nv*t.-r stewr
The Man will, the Freckle* <
N.w*. ill(.-,| iw.k hi* .-hair In detiaq.-e
nnwallr wrong,
-Ps <'***■
R*'"'!*****^—P"Ixt. I-3;J.t
aaltangcrearuesilj.-rm" "Ngiber do 1 hold liy patent plowa.
f Smoker!
You might a'Bo see me about storing
your srberl FREE for the winter
No better cratrelln? that our*
Mt«p in and talk it over.
are oaed and endmed by Use leading
iraalclana everywhere. No iSBProp*
atreet, N E Stroog. manager. 7S: ft
sulN.-rllied for
»6 «" 1«
Ximball Piaoos and Organs
wine n<g anything whereby thy bruthff
Htnnihicih or i* offended or is made
jger <-(>u*Uiui>il»ti lerday "
r**r churn*, aer windmill*, nw nu.Ui-
Tbankteiring Day EzcotsIsb Katas-
“*n'‘n* r- B.-ction njion it. 8. Beranae
ChrisUauity i» not "meat and drink.
lienrd to run arri»s the manager, who fi-de m internal grace* rather than in
rwogntae him In bis beat coat, outward ohaerritDctw
4. Becanse it is
did not. r
a ioh» asked the murallr wrong to do ev«n what U lawfnl in iteelf if ji injure* otlier*.
good ncjlber to eat
nor to drink
"Vcs, air." aald WlllUm.
f TiUt. It«
HouiB t. Ha
. amt then w.-nt iii*.talr* and put bat nghteoq*ne** and i«.oe and joy in
■ T . '
•»._ 11.1..
•• -P.,__ r__ I.. »_____ ___ on hi* Siimlar rloilie*. Coming down, the Holy Ohiwt.
Ti: refrain from <«t-, wlibin l»0 mUea of milling station av^
be went to My ~g<KHl-hy'* to some of ing meat or n*ing drink due* not violate | one and ooe-thlrd fare.
Betorn llibitj
Vwrlr Hlraw Waaa't Mweb tmpeeaaed
by (hr ftrlatteaahtp.
________ *
^ (y‘HL“i i,s5?a^ra^v°
The young man who I* re«Hy In ;-|Va:;;rar r'.vrtain'big^.nteriiV'V!on-«rn.H.t
QILRERT.Attonie)r. RpeelalaneBitoii
ItoK^ltle^ 'ileek**
:and tln-le*> induairy.
Idiotic** w ill'manager, and I'lu Inien-eti-d In anyeffivts of onr ac-tioaa apm others. Pant - orn. per bn.............................
take any man a fallnre- inielllgenl thing In ibe *bow line. Now. I notice bad a i* rf<H*t right (o eat meat offered : Potatoea, per br...................
to idol«. bnt if the aoc of hii liberty in ' ?y*r
-work will hind auy mail aimmg the 'hat .rou ain't I
•peel injoi
this tvepe«-i
injond a bruthiT. for whom
It it all ao tluiplemnd *o «f thit worlil. i
died, Patilil waa wtUing to aarr
y that I am. The ID- Cbriet di
-arlle that one b..*liati.* lo put the fart
• ‘'"“‘i »*J'
iPig Tail!
lUble «eck
,er. ta Wtm *c« btadiag on the coo ' Shm Cat Pork per B
'ociimee^tbrfinaJJrrrwebopolata Float, H U * Oo-Beau.
eat that ^brwmaM wbo are orenc
tttryluivrpi.krdooif«rihfDj*clvr». Be• an UQlimiK'd eupi.ly of i Bcrgy
IB Tra*
Tetakv aBen Wadgreds/. Jaa. II.IHO.
HaaBM Otty
SA'a HUl
___ la Abb
Ttats assrsa,
Cbooeteta ta tha poblk.
h Hot Boaf Tha. Hot L
a for a flna ehoeoUto flavor aommenda onr 1
JAS.Q.JOHN1^N, Dru{gist
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