Dublin Core
The Morning Record, December 14, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
. Third Y*»r—No. 815
----- FIGHT
Oabiaai Oaaaidata Appaal far XadM-
tflal MaUad.
WaahiactM. D. C.. Dae. la.-OoaaU- OoTdnior PIbt'b* lMO*d
aratloaof tba tadaMrlal eoadiUoaot
Call XMUrdajr.
Perto Kiao aeaaaaad aaarly Ua aatlra
run» Bmmuut la Wblek BriUsk Umaofaloac aablaat aaaaUacyaatar- La^irtatar.to«aatDaoa«bar IBih to
^ a-bmUata« «* a
MtM Mmwr Lorn, Oa« BManl day. Bnradlar Oaaaral Darla, foaaraor of tba laUad, aaat paUUoaatraa
»a Babmlaaioa of Aa
■wsg KliM—FaUU AumpU t«
raaldaau aettlay forth that tba laUsd' AmaadMBt to tba OoaaUtatioa Mro
9rmk Boar UMm BrtUah Mm- waa wltboat a rarvlar ooda of Uwa. | vldlB|r for Rqoal Taxattoa-OararB>>o«m Dwlac U« BaiiU, aad bad DO poUtloal aUtu; that tbara | aor Bagarda tba Sltdatioa an BatraI at KoMm
waal»la.(rla] aUroatlonaTaryhare,
ordiaarr Ooa
aad that ttaa daaira oaaaad by tba
Lwaaa, Dm- U—Mtwt a( aaotfcar
raoaat karrioaaa had laft ptaatan aad
Detroit, Mich . Dm it —There wlU
aad a rrmt diamtmr to U« BrttUh
ethare vlthont tba maoaa of nMatlay ^ • apoeUl aeaekHt of tba l^Utare.
«aaM la tMtb AfrKa waa rMolvad
Ualr ohUraUoaa Oaaaral DarU la-’ the yovaniar harlar laaoad a call for
today. Oaawal MaUoM baa amflarad
doraad the eutasaou
[that body to m»ai on tba illh of
a baavy loaa aad ooa whleb is diabaart-,
Taa dlacaaeloB prooeadad oa the aa-' Daeeabar. Thr ni; wm aaat out by
jdaraUDdiay that aoBethW ahould ba Ooreraor Pinyrre today, tba objret be7b4 war <oftoa raeatvad
I ditea aa quickly aa poaaU^la
poaalWla to raliava lag "to coraldar the i
tba ladasirtal aad flaaDolal altuatioa. amaodmant or aaendmenu to the con■*Oar artUlary aballad a atroay poalThe Matter will he eallad to the at- atltnUoB, which will permit the enacttloa bald by tba aoeaiy la a loaf, blyb
teoUoa of oeayiesa, althar tbrooyb
maotoflawa which will provide lor
kopja. front 4 o'clock aoUl daak oa
epaelal ateeaaye froa the prealdeat
equal Usatlon.
tfanday. Il ralaad bard last alybt.
laleaUoaa addreaeed by the
The call lalla of the patMge of tba
Taa Bicblaad brlyada attarkad the
Aiklnaon railway taxation hill, and
the daeUton of the aaprema eonrt laat
Moaday. The attack-waa properly
aprlng daelariag il oDeonatltnUonal
tlaad. bet filled. The Onarda were
add aaya that beeanaa of that declalon
erdarod to protect the Ulyblaader'a
a eonatUotlonal amendment la Daccai^ht and rear. Ike cavalry aad
•ary "before lawB can be eaactod pro
Boaatad lataatry. with a bowluar
viding for equal laxatioa of all prop
doa baa aoi boea Ottcla’ly WitharUUary battery, alUeked the eoeay-e
right, Btippartad by Bald atiillary. The
luooaeludlnf hia proclamation the
bowltter artmery bad aballad the poaTba Orand Bapida Branldg Preat
goveraor aaya: "tp order to ao amend
lUoa front daybrMk.
eoatalnad laat night a diapatcb from
theooDamuUoD. the laglalatare muat
Mftiaant the Uordooa to the i Laastac atatlar that the application of
aspport of the BighUad brigade. Oar Wrigbt fora pardon baa act yet bean paMaJiint raaoTution
troopa held tbclr own la front of tba withdrawn, aaauted a few daya ago. Uta aubmlaaloD of the amaadment to
the people at thaDextaprlngoraatamn
•aamy'a aotraaebaienu nntll duak, In a diapatcb froai Haiquatla.
U la
tbalr poaltlon exundlag, Including tba anpouncod that an altatnpi waa made
"1 regard tba altuUoD aa extraordi
kopja. all mllaa toward tba Modoar to poll the applicDtton back, but that
river. Today I ani bolding my poaltlon tba protaau of David B Burna blocked nary and one that d^manda an Immed
and aaireoeblng Btyaalf. I bad to faea tba lataadod aetioa. Tba dtepateta iate remedy which can only be given
by the leglalatore-"
at laaat It.ouo nan. Our loaa la great." aaya:
'Tba mattar la aUU pending. If tbte
A diapatcb from' Uaaaral Poreailer
Walker aUtea that Uaaaral Waoebopa
the paUllon eosld ba praaentad again
U a«oat tba bUlad.
Tbawaroflea baa alao reoaived a In tba futore, wltboot prrjndloa. aa Selected aa Oovenior 'Nenaral of Cuba
dlaaatah aoalrslag a praaa lalagram having aavar bean acted apoa. If
—Uanaral Brooke to Beturs to
autlag that the raUoaa of tba garrlaoa tnraad down by tba board, howavar.
Doited diatM
at Maiaklngbad been rWuood owing it would taka onaslderabla force to
WsMIarton, D. C., I»ae. 11 -Oftielal
to tba ahortage of provlalona oaaaad by ever gat tavorabla conaldaratlon for
FBMd IBfiOO Bow*.
tbaalaga. Tba ofacial dtopaich adda,«»*ld Memhev Bnraa objected aireotbatthaaupplyof wator la the town I «>««*•» »° tu withdrawal and laaUted
^ “‘J “■
UaUll plantlfal.
| that aa tba aute had already axpendod
Beramor of Cuba to
-rrmOamp. Dm ll-Tba follow-|e«eral hnndrad doUara looking up avl- •“““*> Osoeral Brooke, wbo will re
lag diapatcb baa.bwin raoaiMd from «leBoe the board ahould act upoa ‘‘‘«i
Uaaeral White at Ledyamllh: "Dec. eaaa now. one way or the other. Much' War daparun~nt oSslaU daelinad today todiw-uaa the movementa of OanII.—Laat night Lleatenant Orloaa: bitter faetlag baa artaon
era) Brooke
Matoalfaofthe Deeond Rifle brigade, ter. the other m •mbara taallng aore bowith sou of hU battalion, made a aortle eauae Buraa loaUia upon placing them
to oaptare a bUl aad daMruy 4 7 howU- oarpoord"
Bira moontod tbara They reached the
eraal of the hill aadiaooveipd and drove
The Carpentera' Dnloc t«aat Evaaing
oB the anamy. Tba gnn waa daairoyad
Adopted Price of 85 canU an
U,.ua.., Jo... Th.0».
Hour wi'h Hina B'>nr Day.
Of tba Royal aaglnaera.
to Circait Coqit—F. C. Slihari Ba"Daiaebmant raturning fonqd Ita reAmaetiagof .be Carpectera'I'alon
Ulaadaa Attorney.
tlremant barred by H lera. but forced
wua bald laat .-^eolcg in the C. S R 8.
Ita way ihruugb, uaing faayoneU freely.
TheraUapoaaibUlty that the city hall, for the pu-poaa of arrlviag at a
Boar Icaaaa eonaidarabla.
U not parmapaaUy rid of the preaaitoa drflniie underatandiog In regard to tba
Pretoria, Dec. i: —An oSeial report of Brnao Mau, who waa aantaoced price of labor and the length of tha day
Mya: "Tba battle at the Moddar river Tataday to the Baform hehool for Boya for tba ei»ulng acaaon. The oootracibiMraa yaatorday with cannon Bring atLaaetag. ItUaanuuDead that the orv and othera who are iotereated in
and bMvy flgbUng, (woeaediag from caaa wUI ba appMlad to the circuit bnllding projejta were alao invited to
S:M la the moralng unUi U:S0, with court, and In t>iaicaaa tbara la a ooa- meat with tba uplon.
oaBBOB. Maxima and riBea. A bombard •iblUty that tba dectelon may be diBerThere waa a naaaifBoua aentlment In
ment began at 4:10 and fkgbUag atiU •ui. V. (1 UUben haa beaa reulaad favor of the Dina hour day. Tba ooncoattanaa. A balloon aroaa above tha by tba biyb father, and It waa ex iiaetoin who ware praaent ware agree
Britlab poaltlona, wbara U remained pected that the required hood of lino able to tbBarraogemeci, aa they were
fovua mlButea aad then dtMondad. would be ready before the departure of to tbeothei propoaitlon. that the wagea
Tbara «vra bMvy ralna during tba toe »:10 train >«atarday that took the to St cenu ao hour.
After conaiderable delibrmilnn. It
boy away Tha boada will probably
""AtSo'eloek tbia morainga diapatcb to filed before tba explratloo of
waa decided that the wagea ahuuld to
rider brongbt word from the Moddar ton daya provided hi
lyjaw. and the caae raiaed to that figure, aod that tine
river that all Boer poaliiona bad beaa will eoraeupat the
a January term of bruira ahonld ooDiiiiute a day'a ^ork,
malnUmrA Forty-ooe HrllUb priarn- c.rcuU cou t
ihla change to go into eBect on the
era were taken At IMO It waa reported
Brut day of April. AH time over u re
that the bcav) oannuo fire bad aomebounaday will be charged at 37
wbal abated. Ikr britUh are concenUanbour.
•tantly uting tbeir balloon The fight
Ttaeuanal wagea of the caT^oten
ing waa ailll going on at noon
Btanm and' Bot Water. With Two during the paat ■eaion waa so oeou an
bavara Cuto. Will X-«p Him Prom
bonr, and a ten hour day. It U ex
pec-.ec by the contranora that toller
Work for B imv T.me
While at work la the englna room arrvlce will to reodered duriog the
{mpramdva Oaremoniaa to be Attead
oftbeatorch factory yeaterday after aloe boura and for the higher wagea.
ad by tba iTaaldant
Toe Carpentera'Union >a Ittc'eaaing
Waabingtoa. I). C , l>ac. Il—Preal- pooe.Uana Welgand met wltb a very,
painful injury, that will lay him oB !ASmwt
daat MeKinlay baa made irrangemauta
foracoealdarable lime Ua waa „
«>e caroealer. In the city are In
to attend the
bundradth annlveraary ” i-®rh nMr a atoamgipc over bead. ih. ; L‘'
ot tba <
ttoorge Aaau.(Wtoa'a deaUi
blB Thera waa a e^maidarabla nreathey have a member'.
>alnrt tiw Mount V4
1 on. and a qtantlty of funeral tonefl:, a wlfa'a foneiwl
lUUvar an addraa. from the aiepa of
toaefit.all of wbi^ are ineludod In
d In tbaa pipe.
.Ua hUl.rl.
T.. pr».4..l
plug that eloaad the aod of tha pipe the unioB In conaequanea of mastorwill to aeoompamed by tba 1
Buy now. read them and
five them away Xmas.
"Richard Oarrel" by Churchill
‘ Janioe Meredith" by Ford
. 1.3$
“Life on the Miaaiaaippi"—Mark Twain 79o
“Adventurea of Franooi^i—Mitchell . eOo
'‘Pbroao" by Anthony Hope
"Priaooera of Zenda"—Hope
. 680
Webater’a Dii-fioEary (onabridged) - 78o
Same in leather ....
# 75
Keat little gift books 18c, 8S0, 38, up to 8O0
Chess India—large size
. lOo
Bacijammoa Board. Checker Board
au 1 1. beckera '
Slippers-Id wlvet-enihroideml, felt
vici kid, fine Iliuwin calf.
Tn all the
See u
290-222 Front SI rwl
We an* ai'Hiot; more
Cbruitmafi Slip|MirH limn all
To ladle* of refined taate is our liutfftiificent line of
other aUmie oonbiDed, be
cause wc bavi- tbe right
Hanging In prloea at from tOc to $886.
Ererything in Mufflars, Glores, Sweaters.
"liters S. BENDA & CO.
; Cold Weather
jPubllcguarmana I Clothirifi:.
'Vith thf ( hill ukfn off thepricca. Our overcoats and
uJ-tore arc p.-rfi-ct gHrmt*nU-ar,* right up to the miiiuU* in
Btyl«—s^re made of dij)eDdable materin'e, sad art* rightly prii-ixl.
The great. k1 (dock in town i« h.*r.‘—Tliiw month w«3’ll
Bfll you oviTcoaf*. ulntr-ra and suilt* st ten per cent, <Uscoant
from our slrcady low pric^. Come and hvA.
niiiient NVw York uthciHl
i«‘ geueml us<> of the U-lephoue had made the task of effic••ntly protecting life and properly
er .’iU per cent, easier.
Telepbouing in caae of fire, ac
cident or burglary haa become a
ivc jgnir.-U liecepaity.
Hamilton Watches,
Fancy Clocks,
Elegant Effects
In Diamonds,
Kvery well regulat
ed hnusehtdd has a
Have you one in
f OlSTAN'Cll your h.iiney
IkbUu TelfipboM Co.
Beautiful Novelties in Jewelry
For Christmas Presents.
r.ir •
Finest assortment I have ever carried. The line
this year is especially 6nc aod you'sbould see it be
fore deciding on your Holiday Gifts.
U«w <mi
i.r. Iior-
Lair.j »tj-
in—dra.rii- -all color* all pni-ra.
Post Office Building.
n.* atilt uii* ard'Plata. c^-urrU.
.'Utrla.. lAirn.rra -uUklad.- .aC
• Itbaar oOor ilr-.,rr4. Tbcraia
a>lll real 700 e«tr-
lo< loloot O.rr (hr Iiik a>
Wait’s Drug Store.
The exercla~ at the tomb of Waab-lT®**^'
icctoo will conalal of a fuanral aw^lca I *"
•triking bta hand on
I Over B^rt that Xlaomnrk Bna Ofidantlcal In cbaractar with tba aarvlea >“
«WU»« » •M»
atoam In
DanUb Want
j —- '
------baldovarWa.hlngton'.bodyabundrwl'”’”'"^*........... ................yaaiuagct Tb« eervicea will to m 1
»P«> *»l“-*»“ h**
XndlaatoDeitod SutM
'^Vftvv ftno 'TWv»t«k»
eharga of tha Maaona
lebm ^ acvarely aeelded.
Waablngtou. D C-. Dm l> —Tbe r«-1
U tbe aveolng Senator Oepaw will
Alto-xlto the Injured mar. port that Deomaik bM oflerad to aell!
And aaa wbat we can do for you
dnllvw aa oratton in Convaailoa ball. I
Injurtoa are the Dunlab Waat Indlaa to tba United '
We can Mil
anil yoa
U WaablagtoD.Lundur tba auaplaua
k!^^ It
dUto. for fi3DOO,Otol. giving cone™ strictly fraab Egga............... toe par dor
10; Order of Had Maa.
. to tba Oenii;g govern:
Cbalee dniry Bniicr.................. JOc
roc «r
per u.
10c per lb
j Bolleton, tba German
ranulat^ Sugar..
Oaxan Beepoaaibla.
The aaw mill rau tba peat aeawxn by ' vUitad the aute dapartmeot yaatorday , Heat soc Tea for ..
per lb
MoDtrcal. DmIA—Mtv Jamaa Mann. * A. Boatrand at Lake Ann, baa beaa ' X> Inqutra whether tbe report waa true. ;B-at
o..ti om:
600 Tea lor
par lb
owner, and Edward IVrklna, h
j r.s's."'”'
The Very Busy Fashionable Furnishers.
Hnlph Oonn.bln Jr., Manacar.
lew patterna and
■ Cbildnoi'a lUd
A Flurry in Books
Today Only
We'll show you the nifwt aaeortmeDt of ChrUtmae
alippere in town.
had agreed to aaw hia Icwa
___ I had bean carried onainoe the failure of v
four Uvea ware laat, ware ebargad with , he baa bean aawiiig lorTothm and
attempt of tbla government to 4
ualaughteroD the ground that tha iMvtag
Mlnar'a loga to a
aocumlata. The i P°*^®*** l^ie Bland of St TUi........
pramUM wer. not provid<d with fire clalmofMr. MlaarMtor
SCa^btiaAt Bail
Judg. .
and >M0.
Dund ^i
lAai It "wal ^
on the groui
e will h
Mbllj €.« inU. both
t ^ prorinalal s»d i faM OhllfUM FKMtt.
nblan I _ ,
« ween
la sol aaaladunl. who
«« nt
at fault,
Aboxof-ft>yal lataat t
avaalag. Dm It. Huala by I
lag tlmk dba law wna Ml
maaaalla tham. b
Blnkntay'B craMMin.
Bit l
They All
Go At $3.00
From now untU JanoAiy let. we wlU c«U
AD7 of our $3.60 And $4 00 Welt end Hand
lurned Ladiee’ Shoee for $3.00.
These Shoes
are New and Up-to-date
And ere well worth the regnlmr retail price
—It’e our Ohrietmae preaent to yon.
will pay you to call and eee tham.
Mae fawaaHa. tU
MMav prwr vMBMWVt
rmATWMnarn. ■
miomioaji Wot Ovw
• Otttuy Tokm Wf
n«M«0mof Mortkpgrt
Lm* SvwUc.
.iMwaOUl.»prMp«oM temw of
Sartkport. took bti trot lido «■
*MP J.
roOrcoi Urn otm » hoit oomimrj »«»
s. m. Mamwmb. UIMT Md ItoMfW. ■tfki. H« kM toes la tkit Meiloo of
Uo ttou fw tk« poM M vwfa. a»d la
all ihM tUao hao M«ar baas w tar a*
to Tattoo City Wtora.
Ba easa to gaebaa. aad kaU a eaataiy
acoBorad to Saraia. takU« at that
Uaa tka oaly rtda OB tka railroad tkat
ka a«ar bad aatU Uat alffkv Ba oasr
l> Mortbport by book ^ for tka paat
Styaarabaa attaadad ao atrletly to
baalBMa that ba baa aarar baaa oat od
ooBBty. Mr. OUl b a trealUy
farmar. bat bb Uara b aot apaat la
traraltaf. Ba taada to tka far«. Ba
Toua«a«o tka »raat Lakaa.
loft laat araalat for Mt. Piaaaaat. f<»
Tka aaricatloB aAaoa ]ut eleaad kaa a rbit oltk kb danfktor.
baaaoaaof tka »oat proaporoat oa
«ka rraat lakaa, la tka blatory «d tka
•saaVT. Kwoey atraar of a aaaaal of
aa; aoct aapabU of aataly oarrylaf •oma larltadOaaaB wbo Batpad Hia
Moea Bia UU.
Iralffkv kaa Mda Boaay oat of U aad
kad Mora kaalaoM tbaa tka boat
Joho r. Ott. aealor Baabar of tba
apaU kaadla- Tka aaaaoo alao baa iBBbar flna of Jobo F. Ott * Oo.. bat
kaaa ramaritablz traa trom atoraia aararal Uaaa daaoaatrated tka rare
vkiek aaaally. UU la tka year, eaaaa trait of belap a hoaplubla eatertalaar.
ai—akipvraek. aad tkla yaar
Several Uaea hb trleada in Ikb
■ad for maay yaan to city have bad'oeeaaloB to aajiypood
semo aa tka Boat fortnnata la that ra- ebaer of Mr. Oii'a dbpaaabip. aad laat
nrd. Wkaa aa»lc»Uoe eloaad>lfcara araalap aaolbar oaportaaliy wu plvwaaaUll ao Md to tka baalaaaa la aa. Tba laaber flna b uariap dowa
Clfht. aad Baoy ablp owaan brarad tbe old oBoa aad dry kUaa aad yaaiorIka daafara of tka lakaa la apita of tka day the aew oflUa, oppoaita. waa ready
that tka parlod for laaaraaaa of. (or ooeapanoy.
PMiili aad tmrtim bad aaplrod. Tkr
Tka flrs look formal paBBiloa of
plea# of tka aaaaoa b aarkod by aa a*- ibalr aaw ofioe late bi the afternoon
paranna nf t br««y labe traSe erzt and tka event waa sada tka oooaaloa'
fou aad raaaalBiaa ara prepariaf acaterUlBBiaat tor a few Uivlted
ppto burly.
frieada. Tba laat artbla of valoa to
raw paopla raalUa
Bafaltada of remova waa tba blp aafa. aad Mr. On
dba oomBiroe oa tba ^haa, tbarafora invited a few ooapenbl aplrita. aU
pOBa «forw eOBpUad by tka Chloapo atroapBaa. to oome ortr and kelp
tatar Ooaao will prora taUroaUap.
'0 It Tbe iavlUtloB waa eaperly
Tba froipbt paaalap ihroarb the aeeapted and a larpe ooBpaay eame to
leoka of tka St. Maryb oaaal Op to tba tba ofiea aad—wateked aoBe atronpar
pad of MoraBbar arpropatad tt.eu.tt)
laa Bova tka aafa
KBa. ao laeraaaa orar lB»t of It per
Attar ike aafa waa aafaly atowad
PML OftkblltBt.OOOwoa waa Iroa away in Ita new coraer tba invited
pra, aa apalaat 10,000.000 toaa laat yaar. paeau aat down for a reat aad wkda
Of wbaat tbara waa »« 870,000 bBtheb. raatlnp partook eaperly of tka pood
•ritb D7.MO.000 baahala of otkar pralo.
r provided by Mr. On. Hot trankpad t.004.000 barreb of floor. Losber' fartera, twiuer ebaeaa, wafara. etc.,
pklpBoata ware 1.011 000,000 foot. Coal
forped the mean aod the paeau Bade
^ Ike aatoaal of S8I,1M toaa of antkraan attack wbon it which prored lu eipita aad atmt S.ooa.000 tooa of bltmii
ealleaoa. Fraprant elpart ware peeeed
laoaa waat to Lake Boperlor. Vaat arooad after the lunebeoa waa db^laalltlaa of peaeral laarebandbe were
plao carried aorih. Tire aoBoal frelpbt
IraBe tkroopk the St Mary'a oaaal b
Bora tbaa five Umaa tkat VbroBpta tba
Jim Dekerty kU aa Bidtlap Bxperl•an eaaal' enoa Last Might..
Kore tbaa one-balf Ike eomBereblly
Jim Doherty of the I’p-to Date reapffaeUra auaot reaMl toaaape of tba
taaranl had an ecperlanee at mldnlpbt
laat nipbt that waa more iatereatlop
1,000 toaa repbUr do not eooat for tbaa plaaaanU Ba waa la tbe reauur
pack Oa the lake* there were 00 ant when be beard the aoond of a aeaf/aaeDolMt. the date of the latcat fle aoroaa tbe eireei. Be baaUned to the
' pCalai report, in steam vmmU of place, aad foand that one of tbe aerap
),000 toaa or more, apprepatlap lit.
had ran down Oaaa street, but be
fU leas. Oa the Atlantic aad Onlf came back at once aad Joined Doherty
peaab there were only »« eoeb veeeela, and the other man. They went to the
pfprepall>« ***
tone. On tbe Faeiflo the front of the Wbitlnp bout, when
poaat there were only » each veMcla. tbe quarrel that eauaed tbe first mi*
raa resumed Hoth of tbe mea
ppprvpaUnp Ul.m tone. The preeeat
faeal year U not likely to add many were ‘ iippy."and Doherty tried to eeppomeb to the lake fleet OwlnptoUa arau them, aad prevent m seblef. Be
mat demand lor aieal. ship plalea are wae trylap to pet one of them away,
hardly obulnable at prieea which when the other, a very larpe aad heavy
met the views of boUdeta aad lavae, draw a knife oa him Jim took
the other fellow by the collar, and
ole eoaalderable beau in hb deparT*e oflclal anaonaoeBaBt froa
re. He dfclered that that spot had
charm fdr-'talm after be eaw the
Kaalla that there ao lonpar ezbu an
Pfpaalsed rebellion la the bland of flint of etael. There wae no further
tmaOB. b very pratlfylnp. aad tbe troohla__________________
platement that every tbreateaad town
la aocapled by American troops ta abo
palbfactory, aad tUnatrates the vlpor
trlU which Oeaerai Oba aad fab mea
•ava eoadoeted tbe eampalpn elnee the
of tba rainy aeaaon. While everyIblap polaU toaeoppreealonof all orMlaed raalataaee. the Inaorrectloa b
poi yet compleUiy broken. It will
lake eome tlmb to pet tblapa atralpbtpped oat eo that a aatuble form of
•ovarameat can be malallaed. free
IroB the laflneaces of tbe dbtarblnp
p1aaiT~* A paerlUa warfare will
prekably ooeapy tbe attaatloa of ear
Iroeya for aoma tfme to eoma.
Fraepect of a Oem* Between Two Lo
cal Teams.
There b a proepaet of a fame of foot
ball next Saturday betwaaa two local
tcama. provldlup tbe followlnp cha^
Travaree City. Dee i>. UW.
We. tbe “Moee back" foot ball team
of TraveiaeC
City hereby eballaope the
to be eomaoeed of TVavity playeie
only, to a match fame
•rue dly
of foo| ball to
U he played In tbe Twelfth
Dec. le. at three
atreet|yark Batarday.
o'clock, weather pormtttinp. or ne soon
Ibareafur aa tka caplalu eaa apree
Oa b^f of Iba "mam baeka*-.
WUl Snaahall. Chptaia aad hump
Lovl T. PaaBiaptoB, draw back.
John OeUury. haap-bndt.
Arehb Novotny, fall-back.
Fred Maynard. half-faU-baek.
Ed. Boyar, euy-baek.
Oabatu Kew Tom. or prepnly
p^opklap. Brooblya. has a oandldaU
lor the Bapablbaa aomlaatlon for vloa
■nsldaBt la the peraoa of LlaateDsat
Omraor Woodraft.
The Pcmb of
Braoklya b aacklap ap Mr. Woodruff
vtib eommaadabU enarpy.
•mUya Baple. one of tka atroapaM
IleBnrn“- orpana la tba aUW of Mew
Tork,oc«eaoalholdly,after aa
tap the klpk qaaliiBtloaa of Mr. 8VPJLBBB OOUBT BBFBBSBO IT.
Woodrafl. asd atpaa tka Ra
OaM of 0«orp* Fhelp* va C. A W. ■.
pgnj to BOBloaU him.
My. Oo. Xmkaa Oat la ImMlap
Th* aapcom coart ha* ravataad ^
•appar a»d taaoy Booda Bale
wSMob of the eireall court hara la th«
Tka ladiaa of Ika OoaprapaUoa
iM of Ucorpu Fhalpa va- Tb« Ohloapo
pharak pave a oappar aad faaey pooda
pple al Ika akarek parlora last evaatap.
ItwUl be ramembarert that aomc
|i»oy paopla look advaatapa of ika Uma apo Ikclpa waa lajarud while
pale le Uy U a aapply of ftaa <»ftet- awitehlap fralpht ear* at Petoakey. Be
paa prasMB aad tka rapaUUoa of tba breaphtealt apalaat the company la
tadl«M,eeoha made tka paopla am- tbealrealteoartaad ecearad a verdtet
tarn tka opportaaity 1e pi a taa of SMO. The MM far the aoMpaay la
tkBtrtal hma WM ceaAaelad by Pratt
Abes of BeyallatealM
AbnofRoiyal lataat elpan. ThL
A Nice
Parlor Suit
Makes tlie food oioTe Mdous and T
. Moribem Telepbrae Oo
In Leelnaaa BrJ'yed SpecbUlea la
Sulabcrp'a Over tbe Wire.
Ike Mortbera Telephone Oo. has
adopted a aniqae plan of entortalalap
their eaheerlbere la luelenau eoanty
durlap the eepapemeat la StMaberp a
Grand of the Marka Brother* Company.
A larpe receiver has Aan placed above
tbe atape. connected with the ulepboae
Uae. Laetnlpbt the line wae left open
durinp tbe performaaee and stoat
thirty auhacrlben la varloua paru of
Leelanaa ooaniy enjoyed a porUot of
the pertorBaaee. WkUe tbe dlalopae
waa IndbUael, tba aonpe ware heard
p’ainty and thoec who availed them•elvee of tbe privUepe proaoaneod the
eoheme a preat aoeoaaa
Tbpetkor Wllk a Good fropram TeoIctday.
The Junior LyeeuB held aaolher ot-e
of their InlereeUap meetlape laet even
lap after eehool la tbe Hiph eckool
Bbiy room The propram waa andar tbe ebarpe of B. B- SwlfU who
aleo pave the critic’s report.
Tbe diaeamlon proved to ba tbe moat
lUraatlop and cscltlnp one yet upon
the quealloD, -Keaolved. Tkat the nest
Oonpreetabould make aa appropriation
for a waterway at least fourteen feet
dMp ooBoeeUap Chicapo with the Mimtaaippl river "
Sub sidea were ably
handled. Nellie Wall and Ethel Pope
looklnp after the attirBative and
Myrtle Tbompeou. Nellie OraywMi aad
Roy Wyakoopa^lnp tbeaepatlyealde
of the queatou. Floyd Beach.’Harvey
Tripp aad Arthur /.immersaa spoke
la peaeral discumlon for the affiraulive and Irviap Murray, Cleon Champney. Carrol Bala and Claude Baker for
tbe nepative. The decision waa ren
dered la favor of tbe afli'Ballve.
Tbe music was alao a pleaalop fee
tore. Mica Lure Ashton favored with
an eseellant vocal solo with plaao aceimpnnled by MUa Btlsabeib Cardaer.
A violin duet by tbe Miaaea Della Martinek and BernUe Roberuoa. was welt
Lacy SUpan iwad an esoellent ah
atrast on “E^rovlDcial Boston " A pood
recitation OD "Tbe Prisoner for Debt"
waa piven by Fannie Tbnmpaon.
ly. "Colonial Life la New Enpland"
was well ptven by May WiuUra. The
Ideut. Lonli jDrdaall was called
upon for remarks and be raapooded In
very Intereslinp manner.
Mr*. Barrlsoe Hc-dford of Cbarlei
• * el Inp Mrs William Thirlby.
The Can Hurt Cmesi
. Whoopinp Couch. Aethma.
Consumption, Is
J 'TVic Sermam i^eoy^
r tuwt^oav and \una
dru^iX** 25d^S0rttJ
Mystic Circle Barquet.
Attar the rapalar aeaatoa of the
Frataraal MysUe Circle laet evanlap.
the aaembere eat down to a ve^ fine
•peead.to which they did ample JaeUce.
lally pood time waeoajoy'
W. C. & B. A.
Would make a nice Christmas Present for
your wife or daughter. I have ten different
styles in suits, ranging from $12.50 up. A
fine 5-piece suit, upholstered in three colors
V'etour, for only $19.75.
* bargain.
We have odd Rockers and Chairs in velodr, silk brocatelle, silkjdamask and leather. Morris chairs, the most
comfortable chair rnadf. upholstered in cotton goods,
velour and corduroy from $6.75 up.
Couches and bed lounges of all kinds. We can please
you.in upholstered goods.
J. W. Slater,
and Opticians.
If it isfiiin \VaU heB.Jewflry, SilverwHre or Siivt>r Noveltiea, Diamooda or Pitvioua
Slones of any kirn), in any
Will Anderson
kind of Inountill^;. timt you
are seeking, you i-an find ’em
at Oannelt's.
Spectacles ^
Make a nice pres<-iit—>^ever
mind the fit. we'il Htteiul to ^
Don’t mlBS this sale
Frank Friedrich
118 Front 8t>oot
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
W. C. 4 B. A. CAHNEn [
l-JT L'-,,... l-'._ ...
Front Strwl.
Both Telephones, No 43.
318 Union Street
The Question Solved . . .
Every department contributes its share to
ward making it easy for The “Buyers of
Presents" (a vast army that includes
everybody these days) to make
all their purchases under one
roof and at one time, and
have it off their minds
The que8tlon“What
to give" answer
ed eatisfactorlly.
^arpet Sweeper
Kid Gloves
always pleases the “woman of the house” at 1.00. 1.50. and 2.0c in all colors, nothing
sells at 2.00, 2.25, 2.50. 3.00 in Natural. nicer for a ^ristmas present.
Golden, Antique and English Oak.
Women’s Purses
Buys A Man’s
Honfle Fnmlnhing Btoro.
180 Front 8t
Pocket Books and Shopping Bags; to
please the most exactiag al 20c. 25c, 50c.
75c. 1.00, 1.50, 2.00.
Men’s Night Robes
in sateen, different colors 1.25 to 1.75: Out
ing fiaanel $oc to 1.00; All wool knit 2.00.
Holiday Slippers
Ghristmaa Gandies
for the ‘'little people” sell at 5c the pound
Our 10c kind can't be beaten'
Children’s Fur Sets
at 1.25. 1.75., 2.00, 2.50. and 3.00. Made
for warmth and to wear.
Men’s Slippers
in velvet, leather and felt, sell from 75c
up. Man "feel at home” when they wear
Black sateen juliets, fur trimmed for 1.38. them,
The same for the felt, fur trimm|d.
Gentlemen’s Gloves
Smoking Jackets
Shaving Sets
A wonderful display with covers of serge
in Mocha, wool lined sell from 75c to 1.50 sateen and silk, all shapes of crook and
Mocha, lamb lined at 3.00. Reindeer, squr- cape horn handles from 75c to 10.00.
rel lin^ at 5^x1.
with warranted razor, a good strop,brush,
from 3.50 to 5.00 a most acceptable pres cake of soap, magnesia, stick of cc^etique, cup for 1.75.
ent. A good stock to select from.
The Hannah & Lay Mercaitile Co,
5lA«T6rt. J
W IP ■ •mtf
Be«e of the frtoode of Mtoe Mbit
WhiBB«7 of Hortk Btwwood b««bbb,
awt Uet Blrht Bt the Bom of UteM
Wood. Bod ttea west «Bl«Uf to the
Whlaoerj leBidesee. ooatpUtely evprteioc the TOBBT Udj. Beob of the
rBOUcOMB farOBTht B pOBBd of tOgV
toteaeod is the taffy
lOBMUterlB the eteotaff. eod tb«
iBdtae broorbt BteTooir pletee to bbbUi
Mte WhlBoery 1b rewewMciBf ti.<
dey. A *ery pUMBSi Um wee «b
j^yed by bIL
Ml«rfrtoM trUl loMI* U B»Ul« Oe^k.
BMkw««oa>MlM (or %h» auvlMMf«a<bwitiifaed*ud ewt*! «»S<xu
Om town hM 0
Md kbe oUmt or tM.Ouu. Itoib OBierphom or* bMkad br ObloMTo e»pll*l
TIm mom teetorlM »tU uplor Kboai
▲ttaBtiOB Site.
400 MB BBd WOMB.
fUhe will Met Bt ?:M eterp toolcht
Mte UNTfic Bbtef. Bfod BboBi u
BBd Bfter recBlBr
foon BBd dMfbtar of m pro»lnM.l
the ploy Bt HUlBberr'4 Oreod.
BtoekMB. DorU oT M*rloUo. oom rPMta or the MBrhe Uroe. After the
MHMMi mIoMo TbomUj. tthB ted pley they wiU reUm to the lodffe
\ tern iB ted for two work*, mod T«te rooow where e rery eleboTBle eopper
-4b7 MniBf diMpp«*r«d tr«m the BodtoeOBtartBlBOteet will be pro*td
koBoe. teereh wm SBetltoUd. tei It ed. fCrery Elk 1b the eity U ri
^ Bot .BtU Blfht ttet her body WB.
fOBBd lo B wBterior tronfh fosr feet |,
f /
deep. She hBd orewled iBto the troafb
throofb B hole hBrely iBrye BBOuh lo
Bee Beeper* Bt TbonpeOBrUli
Bllow the pBaaoce of ber body. N >
The State He» Keeper*' AeeocietlOB
epBea la keo *b tor her ^ of eelf w^ljteet Bt TbonpeooTille JeoBory
BBd I. SpeelBl rela* here beeo Mde
The Borth helf of the oew dem by the reUroBde Bad the hoteU tere
Boroo* the Mnakecoa rlr«r Bt Mew- rirea b r^of 7» eeota per dey.
Bytro. teUt tor the Beweyto PortUad
llBlloJtleeBtaBded to Bll people
OoMSt Co. Bt B eoei of •W.ooo. west
ireeted lo bee keeplaf to BttaBd.
out Teeedey aoralBf.
Tb* UttMi la Ae**rualeeDerld V. WBUrntB. Bcod 11 yeoiB.
A ni-w w-liciiK' of adif-rilKlU|; wa* reof the City BtaBiB iBOBdry of Sooth eorliil lu bj a pr.>ifiv*alrf l•UJ4ltll■M
Heron, wee ImUbU? killed Toeedey Ann lit a i>rw|a-r<>iiK Hi> In ilif Miuth.
BftarMOB by the electric oerreot troB Tbf Jiiuiur lumiifr of U>r linn
the city electric Ufht pleat pBtelar out a warrant for liw ortfot »r the aentbroBfh hie body. Ha had hold of b lor itanuer ou tb«> itriniml that be vaa
k*mh1> Itrluw <t>Ht and tlial the
eoeket ot bb eleevta leap of bb aelltUK
Brni' n a* (ousiauily loalup looui-y
Bloetrta iBisp wtes the UBBstorMr ob Ibereliy.
UtaBeiD etreoU tent, eesdlBC the
Till- mac come up ID court, aud i!
BBtlra eoltare IhroBfh hie body, kill- CUUDWI for the aeulor |tartll<T BMk>
m fia
l&ff bia Inetaaily. Be wee onnerrled. for a lautiiKiiieineiit In
iu«r>- iluie I4> |>re(tan-. blr mae. T
At HBr^oette the hcBrleet eabw
................ ....
etora Is yaeiB. ourpeetloff area the
M-lilur ineiiila-r reieaaetl.
rreet eiorn of lB«t Mereh. eeme Moadey Blchi. BBd raced all TBoaday.
will KO o
More thOB o foot of enow tell ob tbo
il the flni
lerel, oBdit heedflfud IB plaoea orer ............... ........
the feooee. ReUroada were obllced to
^Vheu the cbm- wa* amiin cnllcd do
oee the m*uai u.rttaB* La v*,. phi“"in’ Hl'J-'iiri-d atiil 111,' chantr wna
BM the froeteel eaerUooe to koep d|„„|«*Hl. The Bru. bad i.u.-.-.-Hled Id
tteir lleea opoo. ^Itroet eare failed to u.^ .,i.>vt ihe, were efu-r-edvmiaedo thia ooapletaly. The tr»ek of the
O. S. 9. A A. railway, whleh rpBB oloae
to Leke Superior, eoutb of ihe eUy.
wee Boderained by the weree aad tea
eareof a fralcbt trala paeelBC a
I'unrasr 1* our iliigc aud braredo
1* euiMbt>r.
dropped taw the bole. Sereral
them went taW the teke and one
Tbr etvraio- iubd mould reibrr Lom
proiiilK,. Hub llxbl.
repo tad w have flatad away,
Yi'iir "nurle" <if |>nwi»itKip n-iiiiwD b
fetaltilee or lajerlea.
a burllirr* n-InlinU.
The SheSeld OarOo. at Three Bh
tVbi-11 u i;r>H*>r eilvmlMw Ibat lib
bee iuai ebip'ped Ita eabiblt tor the rCCK
Ik- InwI. avoid iillu.
world'e feir el Perla.
Jo.uir |»o|ilv mould tn-ml •Imui Ibr
At PoaUacCherlee BeaiB took parle mi-nlb.'i ir II railMHi hIImt doltni-H.
Advli-r o mi n<-lor: -M'lu-ii
croon. bec*o*e hi* wife wa* applyinc
for e divorce, mod died Moodey morn mliUil.- Mi«> I.N.I. out ft.r III.- 10.-U
-V Ju. killifr b a .1: IUS.TOUJP IllltU,
John Seade, hi yean ofece. and Mra. but II l-ai'i n* dninn-mim nr a laik|N.i
Daniel L. Cody. B7 yean old. two of
Wboii ■ uian ibM-r jou n favor UMorthvUle'e lone Ume realdBote took bbnl voiir Iwt.-k hr b n|>l Ui let you
their Int etreei ear ride oae dey loot kUoH of il luiliMillnl
It nriiiitvr •■viraoiviiiuiry aMlli.v to
Aaelbert B Yousc. eeehler ot e de- I'Unblr mi.\ iiinti lo lo- prulllably aud
nafi-ly dblniiiorabk-.
fmet bank at MaooeloBB.
.t k’ovrninu-iit b.hd draw* iiiui-li lor.
at Shelby end U now in jell et Hellaire.
iiiliTONl tbnii n jiauit lirkol. Ijiji II
The eharce U tetae pretaaee* la eecur. luoiv |•rolluld•• lo llir ludtlrr.
tac depo*lU- ■ Tne benk felled a year
It ie ralil iboi bitliii: iih|ir,»r« i
•Cor.rt:, IVrl.n|» It ilu.-r. but ili.-iv •
Tfae *tatc crance Dever wlineeeed liiiiov mbru Ik>lIiii: ]>ulr bdb
BBch e repreecotailuD e» I* omen'.
A mral <-iliior ibu* mrliii. of u aorletheasBuel eee*Kn which oommea
»r m-<*ldlU8' •'Tbr srouu'r J>IV-WUI
■Dine Allot the
tlir brldr «*« n limidroiiir diamond
eabordtaaterrepc** «rv»»iied dartac briMH-h. bi>ld.-« juati.v otlirr Inuiillful
the year are reprreeoWd, aad the ea- tblnt:* lu ru) cUu.,"—('UlmKv iMlIy
paeUy of BepreeeataUre hall wa*
od w the atWrmoet.
Mra A. J Uarnaey of Itawraaee, eel*
•breted her elebtieth birthday by dalehlac e Bilk qillt which oontalac M
pleeaa She oejoy* eseelleat healt
Dr. Altert Uoaard of Syraeaa* hae
- aBBonnoei hie aooeptanoe of the ^teldeaey ot the Miehlcan etaw aormal
aebool ayatem.
Bear Utaceborc. Harry Tata, need
Myean. waa loetaDUy killed by a falllac tree while et work ta the wooda
Near Pontiac. Hyroo DenderaoB. a
promlaent farmer Urine on tbe banka
of Strait lake, bad bb arm torn off
while feedlBR e eom ehreddder.
The rlUec* of ColDaa. hw eerernl
cwMeofaaeaUpen. aad the otore* ara
eloaed W prereat a epraad ot the
At Pltat Joha Clark, a tramp,
asaWBood w pay a <oe of Sc, or «
• on the atreet for IS paya Clark b the
tint tramp arraatad nader the elty orAinaao* adootad aome time aco for the
nppreaaiOB of boboea. aad whleh pre
eidea that falltnc W pay the Aae impoasd. the pereoa ehar^ with «acraw^ahall te worked od the atreet aad
oredltad with M eaata for aaeh day’*
Tbr Inlr l.,,r<!
fr* *unl\iiii;
Th.' latoLt |b.|„ o!i l‘n-«lilrut Knip*r
111 tlir KiiKlbl>f.t...,. luatr* Idm cm
a tUimiimi aud -iiiirK lUal bb rral
aaiw b «'r<vr.
Tiir llrv, I..
liullMTtt. a mbciou.
ary. i« *nid lo b- ti... orlcJn.il dliiror
t-rvr ot t'afr- N<.mr cold <l<-|Mmlt*.
Mr*. JrffrrNoti |i(ivb I* au ••JtcellrDi
tJr.i k m-liubir nud b i-rbi lnliy foad uf
rvwdiiic Hum,-I in i|i,. oHclual.
Ilovrnior Stour of IVllll■yl\aula
pn-ami Hu-o|>liiloii that rtrr\ hu«b
Itliould d<<tsl to lib wlfr tbr lioiiHWIrad.
Tbr llrv. «•. Jl. Slirldoo. aulboT of
"In lib Str|w." b to n Hd a urw auiry
tp bb «iitictvtriitlon ibb minirr Id |>bor
of tbr rrcular Kuiidny rvruluc <u-rmnn.
■ illr‘* tiioflirr. alllmncb
rr HU y.n old, rraib ell of Ibr lead
I I.oUili>t
O. K B. A. SlMtlea.
BleeUo^f oaeera will be held et
At the eanaal mcMlac of the a M. '
the aeetlBC cf the eerpeatm Ualoa
B A. leet Bicht the toUowtac i fBeeta
thle eraatac at the C S. P. 8. ball. AU Treeleetad;
the Mtabero BfB eapeeially Bread to te
Preeldeat—Pal Barden.
Plret Vice Preaideat—Joaepb PerfoaCora J. BeUtac hae ftled a peUUoD
Seeoad Vice Preheat—Tbac'^yar.
for divoToe from her haafaaad, 'John J.
Reoordtac Seerctary-J. M. HaellBeUtac, on the croaad ot deearttaa.
The Baneel doll lata of the Jaaior
Aaelataat Beeerdtag Secretary—M.
Worhen of Uraoe eknreb will ooear to J. Bolmea
morrow creeioc. TheLedlee OaUd will
Pinaaeial Saerotary->A P. Baellhare faDey work for eale at IhU Ume, maatel.
aad aappor will he ear
Treaiaref Jaa Verraaa.
Manbal-Jea Piotaaeber.
Sour ^uick work wee dooe Tawdey
Unard—A. eacaoa.
reatac by the Boardn^ BIrer ElecTr«*taaa-J. Barry. Pat Barden aad
trie Uyhi A Power Co. One of their
Uchta wee blown down at ihe corner J. M. Baailmaatal.
Delecata w Graad OoaacU-A. P.
oe tTelUactoh aad WehMwatreata.
W. Tiakham talrphoaed W the <
Aluraata—L. P. Balcea.
paay. and ta half an boar liaemea bad
reached the epot. reptaoed tbo lamp
and cot the wiroa taw ehape.
The atatloo et Poach ob the M. A N.
E. will cloee for the eeaeoB Dec. lOth
After that Um aU tr«cht maet be
[ of Booklen'.
Arnica Salre. Oaarantaed care tor
Jae. O.
W. K. Uiaat. Ireaaarer of Oarfleld Pile*.
Wwaehlp, wUl be at Xyealka'* *toi«
erary Satarday, oommrnelDCtbieweek,
w eolleet taxee for the Wwnebip.
VIA o. X A I.
Oae and one third fare for the ronad
la Tieketa on eale Droember fS, 14.
ISW, ud Jeonary I. IMO.
Goorr* X Babbalar of Lake Ajib M
Good W retoro udUI Janaary S. lUO
at theOolambta.
H. Orlhl of Elk Bapida, la la the
—t&lia you MB "Jasy ea tt-trampl* es
(t, batlt wllloome np amlllnc every.
tlBW." Chlmeae' Bleatic Pioor Vernleh.
Dr. W. J. SbllUday of Lake Au
ta the elty yeatardey.
J. M. Myen of Fife Lake wa* mTnj>
me City Tleltor yeeterday.
P. X Barth of Omeu, U at tte
Roaad trip eaenreloe UekvU will be
told toOaoadiaa potau Dec. 14. is. le
P. A. Clary of Qrud Rapid*, b ta and 17. retaro limit January S. ivoo at
the ehy oa bueiaeae for ihe Pena one fare tor round trip.
Mntaal Life laearaaee Co.
Oouly Aceot MeDooald left yeetarday with Bruno Man* for the reform
atory at Lanalrc.'
W. H. Oibb* will leere today for New
York for two week* od buelnea*.
JokD Bobbin* of PeW»key. U in the
city rleiitac friend*. Re ie a coMt of
the family of J. M. Tbomee.
Ludlord brnodeceof Boaor, waa la
Wwn oa bnaineM yeatardey.
A. R UiDchem *rmsta WUItaMbarc
on baetaee* yeatardey.
J M. Btakcelee I* la Petoakey oa baaInaea tor the United State* Benefolent
Mra A. T. Peck la uwrtainlnc her
•other. Mi* W. H. Miller, of Orud
Mra Oeonre Kerr and eblldrea will
j da Mr. Kerr la Brithk Oolembta im
mediately after the holiday*
Kerr hat been there for tbe peel year
Brave Men I'all
vhereanlielnloaeof appetite, poleop*
>nthe blood. bmekacDe. nervoa*Dee*.
needeebe end tired. Ilatleae, ran down
feeltac. But ibere'* no need to f««l
Ike that. J W. Oardaer, loeville.
lad., eey*: ■Elretrie Bitter* are jo*t
'■be tbiac for e meu when he don't carr
• bather be Uvea or diet. Il c>*e me
'ew airenctb and pood appetite. 1
at now rat anyhioK ud have a Drw
'a ve oo tifr." UoIt SOe at Ja*. U.
lobnaon'eaoo S. B. Wall'a druc atorn.
Every bottle cuaranteed.
OrmpuloD Sterlee for 1000.
Tbeetorltapubllabed ta tbe Y'oulb'*
Companion poniey tbe manly and
womanly vlr-ne* with no kacritice ol
laureet or viuJUy. and they appeal to
ibe aympatliiie of old and younc alikn
Darlnc 1*0(1 Tbe Companion wilt effer
*peclaT »crir*of atoriw—amonr ihrir
Marram Iieland. E/z>beth Kliian
Pbelp*. Kdllb Wbarton. Kate> Chnpin
aud Marram Sanceter. There
fiur eeriel aioriee-"A prairl- Infanta,’
br Eve Wilder Brodheed: "Runnlnc e
Merry OoR>und.’’by CbSMM Adam*:
■■TbeSehoolbonae Parlbeat Wret," by
C A Steven*; end -'BDehinc Brolt
All new •ubecriber* will receive Tbr
Companion for tbe remalolnc weeka cl
imHi free from tbe time of •ubeeripUoo.
end then for e full year, dfiy-two
week*, to Jeanary 1. IWI; aleo tbe
(Ximpanlon'i new Calendar far 1W».
aniteble ea an ornament fjr tbe yreitleat
room lo tbe boaae.
*un'« DMtVt'iUrUI*.
e fall prcMveetaa of the v 1
Dr. Ooraey Spaldtac. of Kiecara Gontalnlnr
ume for IMO will te aant free to any
oaaty. New York. I* the yoeaceat
TUB Youra's companion,
GET YOCR...........
We are allowing a very
large aUx-k of the lateet
Doveltiee in ... .
The Finest Line
Ever Seen in
This City
Fruit KnlT«s
Koifd And Pork Sets
Berry Spoons
Orange Spoons
Salad Spoons
Soup Spoons
Ovster Forks
Pull Sets KniveS and Forks
Elegant gifts in' all kin'is of
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House
mm Dress
You are looking for. here is where
the most fastidious tastes
can be gratified.
& Weil Pants
Are made upon the latest approved pat
terns—the weaves are exclusive—cut. shap
ed and finished as only first-class merchant
tailors can turn out, the only difference
being that we can save you from 35 to 50'
I>er cent, on the made-to-order garments.
Every pair warranted to«satisfy you or
your money back. Give us a trial, as you
run no chances.
Kef IcCeirs Pittens ud Ftshlon SheeU Just IfrlieiL
The Boston Store,
60c ?5C
100 1.26
2 60
made i^th either double Caeod or satin
back-^ handsome a line of
patterns as the weavers esn produce
Hamilton Clothing Co.
For a Christmas Gift
Marks Bros.
The same old prices prevail—as low as ever. Very fine
Dramatic Company.
Suppop^og the Joint
Plays Changed Every
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks. Silverware, C^tical Goods, Pins. Opera Glasses.
New Goods and New Fixtures
Id my store
....217 Front Street.
“The Major’s
... Bride”
He or She
rake Weraerh White wnae of Tir Symp
^^teoaochraeBedyonamth. tSeiu
What is prettier or more appropriate than
an article of Jewelry from our assortment.
T« Cm Lt BrifftbTu iMti.
iBOMdAyitUhaatattea. VaadMeta.
Dec. 4th
to 16th
101 OolambaeAva.
Buelon, Mam.
A Xeea. Cl ear Brala.
Yoar teat ferUaca. yoar aoelal peal CkilftmM BiUea
tlon or haataeea eaeoae* depend^Uyl||
Pereoa* deeirlnf nice teachen' blbl*
oa the perfect aetloa of year Stomeeb
do well to Isaalr* of J
' Stefs on tele at the box
aad Urer Dr. Klac'a New Ufa Pill*
forth Sprao* atreet.
Cl«c taereaeed etreacth. e keea, clear
brmln. bleb embltloa. A U oeat box
Telaphone 112 for seate.
will make yon feel Ilk* e new balnr.
lUd by iae. O. Johaeoa aad S B.
Admission lOo, 16c, 86o
lo my bam for teddlar, tak
BaTod Sb Ufa.
Walt, drayybw.
nare ta exebaace- J. O. J*i
U wa* a thriUlBc aaeap* that Charlea
Darb of Bowanwa. O.Jetely had from
a Mebtfol death. Pw two year* a **No rrmo^ etinaU WAHSTorB White
» laac troable oooitaaUy
or fAH 'BVHUP for ibb terrimn*t' die*of ViKE
•Iraod fetal dlMmae. If taken tboi^
Or. Cla^ Hew Dbooreiy aad tataly •ucblyaDd in tiuir. it will cure a oaee
wrote: "It care Inetaat relief aad af- D Z4 hour*, and iu- the oourh that lolftetad aparmaaaateare.'’ Saoh woadmfal earaa hare for is y«ia. proroa
tta powm to eare all Threat, Ca«t aad BaAlyaiAtetekisA.
Laac^blaa Prtae Me aad tl.oo
Who has not seen our new neckwear
*■4 Dollar* wenk
lor S«U4or Tree*
aratybotuanarmawed. Trial botOee
has something in store for them—It's a
Ptamee Sttekeoa. 41 Baat Blchth
sight worth seeing.
m om te om
The Boston Store
i CVvvvs\mas &v^\s
SvVV '\Davs\ PatttTws at
hull out a
900&& an Vks 6\.1b aw4
li.OO qnaVk^s. ICot maa^ eoiae saAf aai'^ ^rst
^TvoVW Wtve
V.tb aU \.M «Uk qaaVUkss
rStkeTA Kent
morning record.
■*!««• hr whtoh • Mm
Railwar MrUc* Wmm.
(iSttveADotU. i
A hlfh UMtIe brMcv ujorr Umw a
^lurter of • mlto tons, rappordne tb«
< Cat Tbraof That Aeo Pot
ix»d. spaa* Uic rflli-y of (>rud rlT«.
CMt of ralanrlllF. U. Tbr bridec U
BomUo intta teMlly e< D- K. KliEora,
Ultlc Vidor Ibao ibo dlstapco bMvM
lOaced d(bl
tboajrbt aba
woald dJe.' or too tocb« apart, tbe apaee botweao
1 .twine otwn ^ tbo tlrvr below.
A yoDDc man wf^ cruaard rceaotty
and It waa aoaelodad tbo otbardaj
bad a tbrlUlne npoiiooea on tbo
tbat bw Ufa mlcbt ba aarad Ibroacb
bridso. Ur had Ju>t paaaod tbe eenttf
aklB rrafUBf- A amaabar of bar faS'
when a faai tialu rounded Ibe eeira
il7 mada lha aaeriEoa. bat to m affaat “V-blDd blni.
A»,tbe on«lDe wbtatled
MdUraaaalaad tor TOBBCBlrAodar- be dulckeot-d bt* paeo.
With OTOfT
f^ons man atumbb-d and
.one Bw-eep with It and aerer the Jogu-
llkr that of a druaulug mau. bla flo
at a ooat of SttOO.OOO.
»»•« rte.iH-d aronnd It.
on which the in-
*“ •""•''r
toiKh«l the wel-
plant., mnkln*
ialanda amkll
wd tha woHm will ample/ o
Iron l«r tlmi vlhmtrd w hlely from aide
At lam the train i«a>.i-d. and tba
young man w aa aide 4o vlluih aluwly to
tbe trai'k alaive
runerve.1 hy the try
•dvieea from Oarwm. and
reports that
m<- a grvai frkbi and ruinph-ti-ly unD.'TVed mr.
I waa abaving ig- yo^g
man. and lu iwaalug fr»ui oii'e akiv of
On tba night of
Beeryooe fled from hU houM .
Into the public aqoara.
A few bou.a
.‘. r.VeeT.e-. rmrZ~’'~
joc MeCormk-k of th.- Ini.-ruatluul
rulp c-omiuany telU n d.-lh-lmu. aiury of
waa raportad that tbe water
|«i>er making lu roumvih-ui.
was rising In lha bay of Ambonla- Tha
abowa that ojwraiing a.mlll 1« not
In tbe
of ai‘
a, • - rlnu. tnati.-r a. tb.-n.- big proprl,^
tbe shape
shape of
a— .M»1 ....
fr.rn.ui tbVwatsr'
“ ‘" "‘'v*- Strolling
bags tidal waae and forood the water ,
cvtintryalde In bay-making
foat oral
tba lowlanda.
Il.-r faih.-r put In m.«t of tils
time at h.-r lailalde.
Om- afternoon •*'*'*■
while ahi- waa aaln-p be came ftr In-re |
get abaxit
He waa ao ekbauated
kiK'ormlih Upiamil on a
At Pauboly; ||,tlr|wt"T will w bleb buia.il merrily
•nd Bamaaoeroa. on the bay. tba waees, in a abady 0.-11. witb meryibiug cleui
•wept over the tope of trees thirty fe«t! and ewti-l around It:
A look In tba
Out of nearly U.ooo Inbabliantt >Mhi- abow.il ii.MUie Ibm-. and tbe vlawan.h-rtHl ov.t the lulll, bop««ly forty aaeapod.
II lior tbim *'<>t>'l''tYil
I log to llud wmit- one to whom be eould
Tba Coatses, thread mannfactarera,
. talk hualneaa. Tin- lua.-liiue waa bum
•re dsroUng large aumi to raaiorlug ming aloug. and It mi-iuihI lm|ioaalUe
«ld eathedrala tor the ebnreb
a library for a Yonng Men’t
I was aUun
Baeoa raUUa ftr
in blngaporr.
msnay: bams. » totUooaiA,
and lard
tteiulamlllct and baa ai,,a.l Its toiart.w lu Imuce. To
'Sr-T. J. A. Woody, of
tbe olber
They lik.il il.i-bum
h.-l.l a Imlc higli.-r than i^e
aiigi-U ylr.coDM-tit to la- b.-l.iv(il.
pliaiu- of |>r.i'i«ilty
l.il up
I'n-u.-h IU1I..U. wln-rt- that buibou^
fashk.uqf pr<iwrtiig an Iniclleetnal bin
clMgyatao In Nebraska
oldcal' of tmrf fur guoie found na
lahl.-a. Jiihi as N-riain cotcrl.-H of wo-
father, Milan, inherited >4,«<io.uu<i from j ni.-u pn-acrll-- It i.Hlay.
of i
uilti two. talk of
Rown la
Bar* With ibe sua.
Tbe l^mdou Iraliy
Mall saya If an
Bmton couple were In Now York tbe a.-rlal iiMs.-hlue were caiuihle of travel«ther day and wore much ombar aaaed ! ‘“f •« •»'> «‘v up to i.uuo mil.
ekr in It. otartlug vealWArd
the onihudaaUo cbeere which
fu.w tiOudoD at a siM-til of 000 mlleu
greeted them wbilo walking om Broadan hour, would arn-st the prqgrvua of
If be Btsned at lo a. m.. It
uoiild nlsays iv to blui lu a. m.
tlOO SfWud. tlOO.
NLould m- Dud Ills uii.-u.litig day moi.num.. he could rei.rat- bla dlrooThe
Tbo readers ol
of this paper will bo
qul.'k su.n-ssloD of
pleaoed to loara that there U at least. Ueu
OM dreaded d'oeave that te'eneo baa.sbur
shun days aud ulghla of some ate
been oble to cure In all lu stagcA and hours' duration. Iijg be ci.ul.1 tvgulate
l;.st to teterrab
UiU's Catarrab Cure the Icfigtb by the s|mh1 of tila maM the only poalUvo cure known to the cblire. duppoar be traveled from Igmfrntemity. Ctoterrab being a
Hslraitoteraab j •• • •Peed of l.uw miles per boor. He
ex]HTtt«<i- ■
ly apoB tbo blood and mucnoiu anr
taote of tbe aystem. tboroby Oaatroying
s the foundsUon of the diaoase. and giv
ing the pattent auengib by balldlng
“The young man wbo g«-is cbcatraL”
«p the oonsUlutloa and asalatlnr na- aaht tbr com f.il pblk>aoptH-r. "thinks
taro in doing lu work. Tbo propriotbr otber fclluw wonderfully ainart.
tera have ap much faith In lu esrattvo
but tbe elderly perotio wbo gnes up
powMstbat they cflEvr om handrodngnlnzt It admits hintaelf to be a fooL”
-Indianapolis JdarnoL
Sir^dtisro.'Si'uiLffiir “
AddiOM F. J. CcuikT A Oo. Toledo,
tVbea old baebrion kla* babira. tbe
bat tea don't llkr It any iM-tier than do
y Fiite Are the bask
wiuter eliort
lie uas uml.-r tbe In
Lsdlra' extra q <aliiy viel kii and b- z calf lace ab-Ma. new
mannub aud opera toes tipped hand luroed or ezleniioo
welt wileu. ttneo or kii lined. Compare ibem with oth
ers’$3 uo afaoes and yoo will boy onra at...........................................
flueuct- of'Cfber at the time aud did
B.>l fcuow. but afterward, wli.-u b<liiwnt of the .-ircuuisUuiivB attending
tba dd bacbeterA-Cblcngo Record.
to m-e them is to
l.xdies' eztra fiae vioi k d and ve’ourea f la-raaboea, new
opera a--d modern t-ss •iti->-d. beavy "el’ oy llg t fl-zlble
aules—they are lb- ssm - q ia'ily you nsuslly pay t: S'l for
—OUf prior.......................................... ...............................................................................
girl had di.ll siidd.-uly In ibe gn-ati-si
Bgouy. rulliug fur her father Just Ix-
have it
sir furasev.
a.Lork Bos Ilk
J|S>K “AkB
r‘irHs?i(.I? r*
ajipreciate their arliKtii; liia-s.
work sewing up th<- »<.iih.|i
Wc give yon n ah- rt
!.*(> es’ . ztra
a trood <
-y nay wearing ahoea. in p'ump
•Pvk.v-c kM
buuoD, good valoe a’ A.' uO.
a n..ws<-nger .-am.- to say lliui the little
b.-r da-atb.
defu-ription. iiut
we stanched tin- tion of M.sii the Is-sl
We knew bon
Kteu as th.- d.ilor
f..n- she tb.ll.
ulwHys iotfir-
what wc liav.- bi*fore you 5iuy your
Ladies’ cz’Ts aeleeiod v'c'. k’d teoe and huttou sb-M«. band
turned or ez-roBlen we't a-i'os, new bon-ton and manslah
Voea. regn'ar or Frcn-rh heoia—Y* a cannot bnv better
aboes f--' >3 to or Pt oo—eu' «oeclal p: ..e it...................................
beard ber call aa bt- lay tlieiv aslrrp
III Hie chair and that It was h.-r cry
that had .aus.i1 him to make Ills sutl
deU ino.i-llii-UI.
"For yeaj> afl.-r the ati-hlent he con
A f|
rhsMs tor aUwr
Rubbers tu fit ail tbe Utest ntyle shoes.
\ou i-an'l (lu b tier than to buy your footwear of
imuiil to Vila.e In the sum.- abup
wher.- It had tsi-iirnil. and it was
ue\cr un-mluu.il
lie .urrhil a re
mluder of ll for tin- remulu.ler of his
i:i.-| Front Sirii-t.
Ilf.lu iiddiliou lu the sear oil bis
thnmi. the tlugers of his right hand
r wlitea.
■-rurulshod rC SmOteU- SI
m-Tso Vos: t-allsrs. fcirrsu a
>cb "ood Bosrdtl srrirrek. .
irCay sigh.
J O-
1 Vin^ajs-
i«ororrd TsrtvrS^Gnt pr.iprny^ k
^I'KNIIBBO R-vaua Torrn. «l’k Beard
Bnuo.rr. sl->Wr.tA .rots .un-l Mra
b-«>tlcallsl in
rr Ore ICfe. "Ill
I.iass prr
u> •hi>B u
w.-ri- all diuwn up and aMds-“s.
House Coats
FAKcy piAiDS
No Budsomef
Gooiusboffii Ro;ffbert at Ptmm
lluilik Ihe wielder of Ihe lAZ.-r ihat It
was uo won.The pr..1.!.hll.li.-s are
that II wiis qiilck anion h,. ihe lairls-r
lhat pn-.eniiil a liad etii
A shgut
Diek ofleu >roiil.l hli.e bu n a i-qsa- fur
thi- d.sti.i"oi .-oiouer w, iv k uoi for
grateful therefor, j «>'»'*
To make matters worse, Mrs.
iiii; it to y->o.
was the iini u. act. although half
eraztii. He li.irrl.il f..r a d<i-lur wbile
was HI
T (mroRiALBOM Easy TgBMs-«
Jl4 Ol
rmoiNtm: Cltn-t on «sst fUsto
-Irorl: KnWi os Bsrlnw Mrrrl. IMI (rrl OB
HO.N .trri-i;hou*rs»a.'Ofoo. lot ot EssKkst*
tirsrrsllr,.id.ll»n; » t-s.l lo» oo Bssi S.sO^
Isnd nrsr -sySrU U
,ir MSI IIW *.srr-.
ni» ; imr >sU.bc ouiBi oor
.-Ii'hsker lor lo.1 lu rl'
and want the opportunity of nhow-
“Tbegiiau who'had dooenh.. mltiug
.Vine tini.-s out of teb «ln-n--lhe |s-rs00
At |x>i>Qlar priccu
• (itioif t.i everyone.
gellUig iluivail r>i.-lu-sa hiek aud lay>
Ihc l.lainc ou the luilU-r h. stmUld
•l>•^lil.•^.lu^^-; «Ith eight, th.-ilm-artw
ach-u.-.. lux-utl.m. with six. i«.llil.-a cw
I pl,ll.*..,.l.j; «m, four, w-oilim-m. rx,
tbe admiral's
Thli was her
king. b„i
alrikisg reaemolance | y..oim If: <-g.n-u. tn'h.ugi to the iiic-a'
Is not particularly
who was a U>'s<''ui'‘ tVilh Ik* at tald.-. talk vuyagcw
te Admiral Di-wey,.and just at pr««.nt tct<-.''- Elfa« Ulm-y
sot unlike
.All d»Zi-liH of llislau<i-i Wlieiv II libS
lii-ii Old.. Ihe m.ivst eliami- lhat has
jui-veuiiil at-rh.Us If aim final mlsbaiis
bog raiaor belora be' oamo
tl.iu of churiiilDK W..IO.-U. UMil l» piv
,|.c «il-J.ii ..f talk f..r dlun.-r
.MitekuuaLd rod Hall.
teLiMaquaud rooiiaii
Charlaa T Rowe, a
''Sii.id.'li iii.>ii'iiu'l>ls wlilh- Id the lAfber's .-hnlruri-niwaysain i.. ti-iiii.-u.l
111 wItJi stwlous r.-suMs. an.l I .i.ul.l re
TbeklngofServia. Alraander 1.. la
moana. bears a
With a
lla left nvj H-piBid<-phatHgreat-!
Wmc. ('aiiiiiuii. wh»w- ad.i.i- may Iw
to ha*.- f.iniinl a uli.-l.- gem-ra-
iy>a poorest potentate in Europe
hiagTwndfstber'. Miloaai.
niith.iia: dU.\ii4l»u. not on the right of
Bolara u aooud aa ivory
He shewed j »-omaii t.Aht4yilh.i. but wh.-ilHT'tbe
tbe pleoe of silver, wbicb be bad In h a
left cheek.
today T wa. um-
ever,the blade of ll«' razor. So ilac.l1
was be llial hi- could Dot realize whni
‘Ihi y..ii iiM-au to asy Ibai the mill
runs ttia-lfr'
quarter la my month for 11
Wataon say..
At first
. chair, with tlie hlooil atreaniUig fnnn
' bii ttir.«i aud tlug.-CK.
»OeKKTBrtOK-l.«»l Is or Dear OwlstN-ra v
OprrsUou.^. Me*. rC lor reiorn
I Imd
don't mind'll much
,!(TEl>-ri'f eesri
SI «iia wnr
sb.1 B«slrssts
his M-ai lu lilt- Hialr o.-xi to tbe one
“tVeU. who a tbr owm-rr.
*'Wby. I am. to U- «uce.*'
\V.- rurt her up at 0 In the
morning, and ah.- ruua till ti In tbe
Thia mlira iMim weantil.
Itolomoa Wataon, of Chtoago. aa tba |
elraiig.-r: alo- don't mill a ourwe.
raaaU of a bet. haa bad a silver quarter
tVhth- I'm g>-lilug In ha.t ah.- puts half
la bla mouth, night and day. alnco
a ton of
ou the rt.ll
-Cee up.
Bept 4
He found tha money tbot!
Trade Journal.
day. ends banur that be oould not!
koop for a year led to this novel wager. {
Table Talk.
time it
ITV1 HtXT—llouw sod Brwi cls^twts
BicNsrC.-lCT tta.1 Klatk sMse.
“I do.” was ihc reidy.
____________ _____
.. waa
____ ___________I
for ....
>10. ■'ll
agreed | Rather curiously U..ram-In ••(Tr*00
that 1 must sat. aloeo and drink with ^ Hergentc" iM-iouga to the ruudern
I ibw.irong.bteltbyaod a^ve. Onepill; ——i
fi-oin Ills chilli he thn-w out his hau.l
to fr.1- hlms<-If. and his Dug.-i's chnuil
,i„. unreal
...................... c. F"f.v.i;o's;was-'S"
cbbb.b, sb-bbo. M.r I
tlmroughl) awak.-, ami as In- luiaglu.il
ruaa tbbi tiilliV
high prices tbAl prevail
rm rraiik A Soars Btk Rapida
thn.Ugh lack of alea-p tliol be fell
a«ln-p tiuiii.i1iat.-ly after he ha.l taken
his child
»>.Ogo donated by tba Wabaab Btllroad I o„p „ hen h.- g-i within bcarftig. “wlw
toatlOD of tbe Amoriean paeken to tba
Olailon Ai
that S..UU- one was Lohlliig him liack
Wly. Mo., which U Ui be orauriod with
Oonaul Uaneral Moseley ealla tbe at
aluriii he Htsruil up Just us the tuirlu-r
laid the razor agaliisi bis n.-ck
the ll.-sh It sank
He was uol y.-t
"He dn-um.ll that suuie one bad
come Into the ^lair to tell him Ibpt
nnee. But evi-ii sliouilng fnihiLlo bring
forth aigiiB of lir.-. an.l Mr. Mct'»rmi<%
H Isa Helen Uonid baa giron 11 000 te
lieLliid whi.-h I UBS at Work.
Hint Ihen- Kbniild Ik- m. »u<- lu allcnd-
pOel^N VAOT»-nr
I town. N.
^ery bad
pitnr AM> MT novmvK
wltblu an a.i- of
™ b,
Into tbe bay antranoe.
4]naka that aaemsd to work from north j
It's a ainipie matier to teal tbe kidoeyt. Yoo need not con«olt a doctor.
By asking yoerielf three qaestiou you
determine whe.ncr or not year
kldoeya are deranged.
Firat; '' Have vou backache or weak,
Seoood: "Do voo have difficuUy in
I tbo frequent dcaire to
-am of unar and ibrvc-fourtbs of a
slaablng blui. and only a quick Jump
! enp ..r wai.-r ..v.-r a v.-ry boi tirv. I>e
laick saved him.
Tin- pcr-plrai
Dot Mtlr afier li.illng baa h>-gun. Rr
blood out on ui.‘. and I bad to call
^ move from the tin- aa KM.n ae ih.-n- la a
ol Ceram were
•wakened by a terrlfle shock of earth
to Ilia fan-.
aud unateady llinha. made hl> way te
firm ground^-4'h-v. laud U-adt-r.
erta oonal and agitated ibe lalanda adthe aaeond tbe people
• bskpe. TbU ■asSTUoe real. Will
has roal MroM rMars u A J. Monrw
A -TiVi .Bt
KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. br nsrO for kl. -kerb."
.loctorcd ID vain until dre-Mr.. J. ACan.. AaceU Hlrt.
. W. Cbarf'l Kidnrv-Liver Pills
hroughi to my notice, and they
bare conn
-oujplclrly cored me. I cannot say la ihr eounir..
ilrt. w.ai «
.o».ll Wauee I
enough in prsii i ol tbeir
If you have kidoev diaeaic,
a fnlm y.-llu« Huge to ibe Uke Ur.
Chaw's Kidney-Liver
Pills ,
I Blnip. Take 1h<- ahelhii oula nlie aimwith perlect confidence that what baa
-Itut the wuiwi aivideni I ever saw,
cbeap. EtHiulre Oral w’sSd’b’S'oa!
•n prt->-vloualy proved an slaidate c
U, . U.rl-r
.Lll, 1
tbousandi of cases will not fsil yoA
'---------------------------------------f a lar;
...rkliiK lu a .Ui#U lo.u la tba waai.,
HouM- ae Kae. gigklb
So long as the celU of the kidneys are
Uaa or ,b,. |».r,.a. o, tba plaa, ..a
“ , not completely weitcd ewey. as in the
wbu* ,H'n.r.oM lb--Wb;
..n „,b,l
Bright's oitea^ "
Tlieae iveli».-« aud llhistniiton areglw-; Ifjf *.**®?-onu
- ____
daiigbii-r waa lying at rtie |<ulut of
a trifle, an.l In- moviil lila bead and
deoly JUal aa 1 W.-0I to put iIh- blad.-
'atretrheil aepwa the nilla and. then
rlalng to bla f.-et, wlib bUnihed faca
qnakya el Nosembar aboeked the JapaJaaaat U> tba empire.
Ihi- chair I). tli<- otbei a l>uii»n of my
waNii-oai c-augbi In hl« balr
It puthil
ing eiiN-rleo.-e. be lay for a uioni.-nt
ware daatreyad on that
taland alone whan tba draadfal aartb-
World's Qreateat KIdoey Cure
Third: "Ate there depeaiu like brick
dul in tbe urine after it bai stood lot ■ra and^ntl'^4«
Urb.ldrvo -A M."
' Iwenty-iour bour*?'
In ita early aiagca kidney dUcaae U
t«a<lily coied by a lew boxea ol Dr.
table., ebaira ai
Cbasc-» Kidnev-Urcr I'llla,
lion wbicb haa made Ur. Cl
' Ibrougbout tbe world for bis wonderful
ol diieasea of tbe kidoe;
day. it waa only a fi-w- .tn>a ago liiut
I altuoat bad ao .aivhl.-in that gaw
>,000 men.
ABd H They ar* Oteeaaad Use Um
nnu.—Ball one cup of granulated aug-
even nleklug Ibe man I am abaving.
In fai-t, aoi h an oivurn-u.v uuk.-a me
of aorta for lliiI of tbe
like ataoiMhlp Amerienn Mam, whieh
awb accideiiii. aud have a borror of
haa arrlead from the Orient, broaght
u ilir man In
I hav.- a«-en a number of
the chair.
For a moment
te atloe M to areet a plant af anfielanl
aa^t/ tooantwiaaaii ottbaoompa
wrap In anutber aeeded rateln; roll te
bgre no wamlog unr any opportunity
i«rta of ibe bridge, and. with a grip
Onard-Mra Maria Nemoe.
to aave yourself.
■ flue granulate.! augar.
-There la'alwaya a ebanee of a aert-1
Caudh-d AIBion.la and Engllah Wal-
Tba oompaa/baa par-
hand. am-irb.Hl blindly out lH f..re him,
obaeada tnatof too aorcaon tba teland
onds. Engilab walnuia or candied eberUea; eluee each ralalo tbua tilled and
lou.-brd a round Iron lar, l»T4rliig two
«oat SkOO.OOO.
There would be nothing to prevent
bla doing tueb a thing, and you wotfld
BeMOMor fnmaoee
TrcMorwr-Mra. Katie FraaU.
p—-rtaldadamt am Galman't
on tbe tnatam. Bappoae. for Instance, nuins os one aide and tvmove tba
tUt tbe twrtier abould go Inaaoe.' *re<lB: flU with blu of bUnt-bed aim-
Baob of tbeae tnmaoea wlU
Financial Soe.—Mra. Oarrio MarkMr.
p«r tbe ChrUtmM Dtaiert.
lar vein, and you woulAlw dead nlmod j
brldgr aa tbe iuoonwtlve
''‘jf ^
allppory with rrvaae fr..in drip
Cronnd waabroKoa for tbe ftratof Uw
Iper glTlrg tbe atnie lumioou* effect aa
the prraaed leav.-.. The atem. and ten-
are not a uumber of people killed In bought and faaieued them In with tbe
that way every year.
It would be putty, making u Ultunlaaled window
tbe eaaleat thing In tbe world fur tbe of (reat beauty.
barlH-r aa be wIeld.-O bU maor to make
That tba AmwIobb Staal A Wira Or.' bo bad Juat time to awlue blmiH.-ir over
wUl balld lu Iwmonae so.ooo.ooo plant
Vlaa Prte.-Mtw Annie SteoM.
Seeratarr—Miw. Marla Faifarah.
Tmatapa Mia. K. Kratoebefl, Mca.
batqoei thelodfo haa pat no tor a lore Maria WUhalm and Mrs. B. IBadalc.
“It aeema a <iu.vr queatlon. 1 know,
j,rr dedgn waa flniabed. abe corbnt It la a wonder to me tliat Ibeee ered eneb pane with the oth.-ra abe bad
jaUnod the train waa el.ioo brblnd.and
«a Norilla ialaad. a aabnrb of pitta-'
tiarab te new a aattlod tecL Monda*
arrant and
aeiarately. tbe ilaaue pa-
with on.- Onser.
Tbe bartwr amllrd ,B»ne'tege and adding a few butterfllea
to reaaanre lila cuaiomer and aald:
| wbk-b abe twuebt from a coUecUon.
r iriaee for vbirb bo bad
apodal procram
for the man that abarea yoo to klU ^
Tbe man In tbe chair aal up qnleklj
Iba baro of tba. tborr wa* not a uiuiurni to Utae.
IBa otbw da/b# barad biaami
little hartwf. “bow ea«y It would be ^tb purple tteane pep«r. etntlng out
and ke>k<-cl r-an-fblly at tbe barber, drlla abe painted In oUa. guniming the
who waa feeling the edge of the inaor bwraa nnd gmpee In place with a URla
■ea. wbo baa tear baao as admlrar of' awp'ibc train u aa wblne noarar. and
Aba jaaae lad/, to be
Marks trotherm.
pto*^ of glaaa tbe esaet alte of those ' of apedalUta baa
tmm Advaatace Of-Xareowi ^
| tba parformaMO wUl hare additional
rram aeriaaa —- > Then abe covered tbe UBPea of tbe winAfter tba ahow tha Blka
Pathrra Dream.
.flow with pn-w-d aotuina grape leavett ..j
wtli ratam to
FbUadMpbU. waa banad ao aarloatlr, tbo laiU. and tbo itot
that It waa
A totoo* MtMow Eoma.
TMirht TrawM atr Udc*. No.
Tbe Now Took THboao toQ. of tbo
m. B P. O Klk« wUl MtM>4 \k» per- tha nnnnnl aaaattec of tha tedtea ol ttia
iConloM maiiaor la wblcb odo vobob
wreoaod •
window oTortookinc ■
a D. aoelat/:
inelebbor’annattimetlTehaekyar^ Bbe,8tetaharrbOtaBd.aatb«caaato< tbei
IproetiRd from tbe glaaier. a nuaiWr of
•iiMttr inrk of Cir Nirkf4 1‘lat* imllA tew wooka aro MIm CUn Oraao. a
Ibe uati-hfulD.-ss of tbe hurlH-r. Here
y.-alcrday I bap|H-n.-d to .Iraw t.looil
from a young fellow's fa.-e m-nr bla
«Ar. and he made a gntot fuss aliuut It.
until t showed him that M was only
the sinideu wiili.lrawal of tbe razor
many men who call at our
store anticipate receiving a gift
of one of these handsome coats
— almost indispensable to a.
gentleman's comfort around the
house—popular priced goods.
which resulted tu Ihe sllgiit uiek that
pn-.euted him kwlug a g.nl |«n of bis
twr. TIh-ii bt- was grateful aud iliank-«d me. IwsidtA pruuilsliig to he more
careful in the future.
"Itut iberv are other ways tbe barber T
lias of g.-illlig eveA" eoullum-d the Ut
ile'baris-r after n-latlM-rlug one aide of
bla ettolomer'a fa.-e. "Tbeiv la oo oe.^
of bUWalilng a man lie can Inflk-t
Injuries ibat will make bis victim ov
cidedly lUKvmfurtable. and at tbe aai
tiUl- the tatter will ool In
what to Is-liig d.>no.“ Wliat
mtAOt by this last remark :
did not ask.- New York Fun
DMa*« kmuAb Wltk ibe Meal.
Jom-a Wbai were tbe boys all lao^
tag so biwrtlly overt
Josea-Wby didn't yon Isngb with
tbe rtatt
BrowD-li wucs BA—CniBtebu <0J
flenia inonteL
Sidflwalk Lomber In all riiiefl.
PU Loxx—Or rUt nr (sm
r-.f rrdrrsood a fmlot. Wl U
s>.\I.B-Hu;rl and
O .i»klui
jr V.IC W*KTIn.«rs-c»of any kind IB Bra.
X clsss <-o«piM>irs nr o> buy s bousr, >oi or
fsrw .-all 00 A:It» A BIrdsstI rooas t ssd B
Urr.-s.illr.'n Block TrsrnrarTiu. HK-4wa
Something new in (.'hristmu pr«fl>
A glance »t
down will
our show win.
show you
ibe preUie>t,
up-to date
yuu ever saw.
week at a
We offer them tbia
s{)ecial price, in
and sqtiare stylee.
Note prices:
Large Medaliooa, witti
gilt frame................................................... 48e
Some in smaller size tor................. 88o
Still smaller aizes tor......................... 85o
Remember we <^er bandreds of
articles at a special basgain.
yon want to aave money in ObrisL
mas gifts, call at tbe
JOHN F. OTT & 00 .Variety Store
SnoMMm U TrawM Oily Ltunbw Oo.
One doer wast of
Op«n Boms.
, aaagwgg—'
Tffl! iioftmNe JaSCaRD. 'rgBR5ftA?|D»CBMBBR ii 1»9.
eeagooio borlss.
tuak WEU bin.
•Mttiafe BM •< r*«ak
CLtVEft, BUT^UliEsa.
▲ tow y«M» apa pubUc raitany waa
•toi tk> CkTorttr fan tor BOUaarr
MUpOMi. Tbf« tM]M* look btOX. Of
MWM. Wk«
ti ■OBT COBMCttaf
netted by tb* rartona baaaa called tbe
**drrU baaaa of Mezlra.- which abopkeeprra placed In tbelr wtadowa They
nomewbat rooe^lad
It&k bMwM ibfotwlvw wd tb« M»wttb wkk-k they *r« worn. u«
bcana In abape abd color. They were
alao kaowB aa tba •yumptag brana.'
•«M «1>«* no •rtoiU trlBBlBt ot
■Itt «r bW* ta om
tk* 40MbM «•
•wing to tba fact that from time
tlBa they
Talaabto tofWattoa
........................................... t -.aid a y«Mg pby>n not long ago. “for I aa not tn
aoclety. but If many aortrty wooiea an
•rograpblc offle* tbrougb flMUag boi-
like one 1 know hero lu town I think
itoa tbrowa ovactmard by ataaaMra aad
aafer to be uai of It
rooorored by paaaing ahlpa. which re
and tbr number of tbr bottle
laat algbied by aoBC raaaal.
meana. at laoat up to tba very edge,
I out a great deal and waa ontactolned a great deal
In tbU
r tbe direction It baa driftod
______________________ » UknJy VO h* coniJn#
I did not Inform tbe family till one
day tbr daugbirc asked me to trU ber
fraukly wbai brr motbrr'a condition
waa and Just how long abe could Ure.
There are aome rocent rotma which
abow that botitoa
tb« bllBl
Ii tbco drapwl witb a wfi aenrf of
cmuD ootond raol rcMtiMBCc lor*. or>
bare lloatod tbeu-
aaoda of mtlea. and oar baa a record of,
1 tol*l ber that tbr old tody couM not
covering Z400 mUea tn 82 daya
bottle was
p k'urat ].
18D6. about too miles
tnacod IB on appHqBc detdcn upon
gmond of monmeUac dr Mtr In
fliifir ohodr of crcom color and ftn-
Ust more than a fortnlgbL
Bbc begged me not to let anybody
know bow serious ibr case was. ffbc
k on May 1.
1 In tba vicinity of Olurkatndt on the
Elbe. The distance between tbr two
week sfier that 1 read In tbe papera
ibai Ura. [>a»b. Ihe daughter of my dy
polnta following tbr roaia through tb*-
Tbr bcana grew oa a aaiaU buab in
tba Mexican moantalua and It to con
jectured that they bMengrd to the or
^Itob channel, to about Z400 mile.,
glrlog 26 mitoa as tbe lowest poesIMe
oatlmate of iba daOy average velocity
ing |■allenl. liad amt out tnviutiona
for a large daurtng party.' to be given
on an eveotug a fMtnigbl away. My
toockto of rblarmooM.
der onpbortilaccaa. Tbe bean reallr
ronalaied of three almUar poda wbicli
with which tbo bottle traveled east
patient dt«l not live aa long as I bad
TlM day after abe died 1
formed a alngle bean, ll to uauaU.i a
third of the bean which was eiblblt.Kl
botile was one thrown from tliesieaui
aa a curioaliy.
ablp KIcctrIcUn. which corrred iktoki
miles In a lliile«vvr three year., or an
On opening
tbr pi»l-
read In the |ui|H-r« that -owing to tbo
sudden death of her mother Mra. Doab
by ant
Boat that of a toreador or turbaa and
tbc crown to^rovrrod cloarly with
It WBK found that It rauUlord a amiill
torra aometbing like (bat frequeuilv
foiintl In rbratnuiK. It la thU Utile o<-
woad^olly mhoratr rtubroldrry In
pair KTora and Utor cbraUlr. brighi
ad with twUtrd tbrradf of gold and
cu)uim wlileb glrra motion 10 tbe le-ali
by Ito Jerk* aud tbumpa agalnai the
If tbe toau la •JIghi.
S2T days, or an average of 1S.3 kuoi.
I> warmed. It bertna to turn from aid*
to aide and periuipa, witb a aurttU-n
Amilber good rivord for a boltle I. .Viri uillea In 16 daya, or an nver
tge of 1K.S Luols a day.
In front, bnt allgbtly on oar
aldr. Ibrrr to a big buneb of bright
dark vtotou. with a ctlB white ocpccy
to tbc canter and a amanlf tied bow
aide of Ita borne.
Jump, tuna complrtol.T over
aunda on one end. aud ibeo.
a. by >
ccocire Jumpa. uiorea quite a dlatai
aaya the fti-lentiSc American.
Tb<»e wh«i are not In tbe neerrt are
o'ten greallr puttied b.t thia ctrange
bean. An enterprtalug Jeweler derlae.1
a acbeme of uillltlng them to make a
mairir clock. He acconipitobed tin. I>.v
Imliailng the atiapc
of two
other lioMie traveled 6.000 miles In
6T4 days, or an average of eight knot.
Sh*- could not bare afforded It.
and she 'bluffed.' I bave cold ahivrra
rhlle «llll another made^P.UUi mile. In
every ilmr 1 are ho-.'-Clevelaod Plain
which on Ibe crulars of two of H. vc
oela bad tbrown Into tbr a#a TtO hotties, of which 30 have been recnrcrc<l
Taken collrcilTelj,
pniba followed by tlieae floailugrbni
ties give a good Idea of tbe drifi out
of Ibe North Atlantic.
Tbe tin-
ibi- end* of the haoda.
worka w*-re. of courae. cap-fully hid
den from clew.
All Ihat waa In evi
dence waaoliecardlioarrt Hock ^la* aud
the jumpiug le-aua. among which were
p>or youug gala
ba r turn .valler'r s.k.-d I'lKle Ebea.
"I alu't Ufter taeani tell of ennything
of that klud."
In tbe v«iuntr,v.. You kuow them four
gato whai .laid all auiumer ore.
I'liUNln Ellen .1-
Wlien they fust *•ome^
they'd big blow n ey*-. an fa'r oouiplexloDs au right .taller ha'r.
thirty noon
t aide the hat to lifted off tbr hair
by a BlBllar biiocb of eMrtm. bat In a
amaltor aUe. of caurB. and a Unto
knot of white tulle.
every oik- *>f '*-m'a ha'r begin to get
Strenk*.! Id fcpols, au l>ef*)re the sum
ibua lelling Ibe lime of day. atkl ii>piildl* was groally iDU-reeted by ll>e
mer w ux gom- ilii-y all Itad rich brown
ha’r. Theu I s*i one of 'em what mads
llieir ba r turn brown, su sbe aaid It
wux alto's brow-ii. but that the excltln
iM-eu llTin in t'bli-ag*». wbar
slie bail to t'-l 111 a thi-oit-r every Bight,
made 11 iiim .vall.v.
the Deck Bud Iwrdered lop and l•»lttMU
witb an edging of oablc. It to then dn-
IW Iblng!
I'H.ked so mii.-h iM-iier at the *-nd of the
summer that I hale lu ibluk of her
tabed under tbe cbla with two Unto
aabto bead, and a buucb of uila .m altbar elda. In ibe crater (here to n Mg
<-oiiiln t>a*-k to till, greai. wicked Ctty."
—<'bl<-ago Juuroal.
A cartooa <-ou>hlnBttou of for. cbiffon
.aad amaU fruit may be arm on eome of
the neweel Parti beta, eud a rb
tog mtak toque to 1rtn.nM4.onty with
a nearf drapery of emerald giwo chlf(ea and Anlabed at the aide witb unto
bonAae of purple and iwle gnwo
grapB and one or two very tiny plui
For ercryday
ClaUy arttb tailor made guwua. tbera
la eUU nothing neater or emanrr «»«■■
a toga* In glace allk or In cloth, c
Baatrd either with many rowa of fine
mft^lag or with toag Unra of
•arrow allk braiding, woreu In ooe
with the material Iteelf. Tbeee toqnca
arc In the beat toate when ibey matcb
the fowaa with which they are 1
They are trimmed for tite moat part
quite aimply with ooe'or two qolUe1 and
.a bockle.
Of tbr two etyUeh bate Ulnatratod
•Be baa cblachUto for Ita brim aad a
woodrrful amngemrni of • atltcbid
oloctrtc roirct fur Ita crown, a ouuh of
t the toft
r w!^
ffldr. togrtber
with a quaint
ring oc'
•amiat of cryetaL
Tbe other amr>
Btoui creation, a bat with round. up>
tar«ad brim, to a whim from Parta
The wboto affair, crown, brim. ot>
acytblng. to compoaod of qullla: la tbto
toatanra of a rich royal blur boa.
iWJndgad aa aufftotoutly dreoratirr la
ftoatr. a large cboo of blue roirat
atrroa aa tbr rxrttuiro adoruaaot.
pigaoa awl tbr aea gnU are the
Myttob Wrda la mllUarry Juat aow.
•treat gterra In glace or caatar wttb
fpw buttoaa are ibr proper Utng.
Far taqaaa aad tarbana of mbia or
cblacklUa trim mod with roIrM roarttoa, Mrda. wlnga or bonebaa of etotola ware trots well dowa oa tbc tero. band at tbc New York bacne abow.
Xtoaaaaa drag tba gronad ragardtoac
Tba long cloth ctwt In pale paatelto
tomdaa fopranoata tba Magaat oraalag
•aft plBBea of hackle foatbrea ara
boooBlag and faahkioibto
lie cauie here to wrhe up Ihe ex|M>.i
tton for a Mg. noribeni dally. 8h»ithen be ha. M-eo In all sona of em
ploy. and. heiuF-a BohemlaD M Muha. iM'rer atuck very long to an*
particular Job
"AI pci-«*nt he la earning a pre.a
riniia iiT<-llliivMl by
Helling atoric..
akeiehea, a_ud a lliile of ewryihlng i*111'- illffer*-ii'
York. 1 sirork him In an Intwrral of
r\a.^ a. «.
called tbe "duaier," much the same lu
app*-aran<v aa a I'arpet .wecjier. TbU
conlaJos a chamber In w•hlch an c\
fcu.i 1. nuiltiiaii>e<t by me
means of a sti'tioo fsn moved by paaaat
paaaagaBC the d<,j,.e
«l<v over
over tbe
tbr carpel.
carpet. Tb
Tiiere to also »
the railed Flaies. The sal
mon llaherles yielded »2.tt77.01» It.
1MI7. and uearty H.000.000 In iwtv
The exact Ogurea are net yet known
nteyeiss la rwsM-h.
ryritots I*y a l*enny ai Ft. James'
rhorch. Marylehooe. and their wbi-els
8(nce,atiuexatlon the total output of
the sainmn fl.berlea has exceeded <.m
are Ilrkeied and looked after dnrtng Onn.ntn.
leuer to eongresa
service by an attendant
par? for
-Vt i rnlbsl
I eommlBsloDer of
nuchincs has been prarided by Rev. !I giMy
and p,
fl.bertes ettlmated the value of
H. R. Haw-els, tbe loeumbeni. who j the
aajf tbe arrangement has Itrvn made whales and aeala. at <tf7.FOO.OOn. The
at the request of numernuA cyrtlsis
ev'i ***T*B*^f
**** " room for
„ esiimatea
cycles at Rrlxton Independent cborch, at <d.*ioo.(iin. althotirh the exa« fignod Rev. \\ Ctfille of fft. Mtry-ai . urea nrs Bet obUlnahlc
near the Monument, also pro- 1
---------------- --1-------------Mfe CUitodj for tbe eyrtiag wor- j
ahiper's "bike."—Boston TVaveier.
RhooMng Tenant
called fine cumb
Tbr uut*x)ibed sida
(.•omba of this sort are use*i uo various
kinds of dogs. Iiu-ludlng. fur loaunce.
By choosing any other
his Ohsl plate of lea cream la a city
if be looke.1 w-lib soma dia-
TbblB a^TtwalSn.p
rks'r esrpb
C, a Mt'RaaV.Ageat
U Locawoop. U P A T A . Ursod BAfMs
<vi I. MM.
West Michigan.
ooiwo aoCTB.
Lv PMosksy
‘TrsTeraB Or
Ar Clr« ItApIds.
t KrtCDaa
Meals at regular hourw. Short ovder
cooking at all ilmea. day cr night. -
Ls CkIrsgB .
Dnroll ..
Ar Orff Rapid.
Lv Urd RAplds
Lt Dk Raptds .
At TrararBsOy
Teo amsll.
I'nrla 'Fs-k'i-l Watson waa accuatomi lu a*-clug good sIxeO squares of cup
Ike. 'lei-tlou c-ake or glugerbrvad on
tba supix-r ubie. and wlien ba bad
iraib srvIriscM 1W A ■. bas stospBr OU<-ti,os*l u>.*rsadKspld*s<>drasrb six’ slvss
lue.-sr ( bicseo toUrsnd Bspldsaae aksiraro
It*ff Up-To>0«te.
Under Tooneller Block.
Fire Insurane. unmt UD nimisini 1.1.
I- L. A. BsUdloc.
asked hU
nleca. who was doing tbc booora of
tbe city for bar uocla.
•The Ice on-am to ftrai rate." cald
Uncle •E.-k'al.
“I call it axtry good.
But whan you coma to thaea tblnga."
ba added. Ilfilnf oue of tbe eponga
"lady fingi-ra'' and aurveylng it doubt
fully. "I prevuma to ray they're all
right auougli. wbat tbaro la of 'am.
but there
enough of
When I conaMar wbat aome books
hare ilofia for tba world and wbat they
pain, give au Ideal Ufa to tboea whose
homes ara bard aud cold. blo*l together
They ara gnterally aueccas
distant ages and foreign lauds, ereau
«' 'f. «>■""-)
new worlds of beauty, bring down
truths from heaven. I give eunal
Merolaga for thin gift
John R. Santo,
Genial liserten.
Wershera ateab
MliMA'AtoAk aw.
VroeeraeCItT. tola
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
'em: Just
nothing but ga|ie and - swallowrYouih'a UomiMinlon.
Dongald-lfa sot a had pUee to live 1
aaUrlea, hut ara In this country for
^t wbat was ye think o' hayin' to tbe role purpose of eatchlqg Araerteaii
Oyatera aert ed in all atylaa
New York Bun.
are doing bow they keep up our hope,
aw-akao new courage and faith, eootbe
travel 13 mtlea for a giaaa o'wbuskev*
:■ . ■
1. S<Bltl>.
--■1 W's-b
Sll ffw
Buc toutbed ••ouib In Us general aba]
but it to larger, loolli.-d on
f alda
only auil <-tuirwr toullinl tin
and legatioB
Wasblnglon has attaeltos who draw
the grouset-What a beautiful pla.v
to live. IWiugald!
You Will Make
A Mistake
TiH-re are oilii-r ste*-I i-ouibs that are
for '
■ ■■
TNU U x. riXMD, oa.T IB Des Tcseenei
U Bl*wk Cells SBsserva)pruap*l> ds) oi
Birhi W*>rthera-ptios.. Xt; Bell.ssi,'
iBirtoo >lrevi.
leugib and Oner toothed (ha otber
And il.co ili.-re was .me comb
Xisees Psr aetrras KSSMVS.
That Ihe Impovertobad arloaa of
I blin.v are after American
SS9BE ':8«SBfiS«R8ffS8Sa : |
olva'ssrorblldniO-sillsasHe.ssprrtoUT. Of.
liM.ked niucli like a *vml> of the ordluary klmt. <-<iarro loutbcd for half
used Tor a similar punoue. as steal
combs n>a*le i*. *x>nib dugs with. Tba
some peo,.l. lack the ftctiliv
nf mnalc. My Inlenilnui* are good, but
Fasts Atsssl Alsshs.
tbs nerve ceniera are mlaaingIt
The terrilory of Alaska cost fT.flno,
w-onlrt he exactly the tame If I bad
OOO. I'p to date tbe ^ur eompwtil.-s
nfiv thousand a year'
<33.0(10,<mo wonh of s.-at
Next day 1 met him by appnlntmrai.
and It* was In high feather
He bail ; kklna. They bave yiald Into the trea.jDBt etshed a check for tTh and In
ury more than <6,OOO.uw as royalil.-.,
stoied Oil pbitittg boat and ordering with <1.340.S.\*I IB dispute, aaya tbe
-I have eaptiirsd nm- of
Baiurriay Evening Tost. No estimate
offered by -------.' he Mid.
of the whale llabertes to aec-saihle. hua well known piUiii.-an.Yii
the value of the product la ruiiglit*
tVhat was the sny>]e.-t of ynijr
eler I lnqnlr~1
placed at ffZOOtMKip a year, and tbe
6rud Rtplii t mUiH K. I
There was one of tbex- *-»mbs Itiat
4he chamber designed to
veyed by means of a pipe t
air. where It Is d>s<-iiarge<l.
lU Dnios Stroev
C'iS.I S8SSi'‘»J3f?2.'iiSv*”
fur fuuDd u|H.u Inquiry tliat they were
ua*-d by furriers In combing furx
(bat l.a.l i.-eili fur half Its k-ugtb. tba
Build end aervlug^ a ban<lU-. . .
You might also AM me about atnrlw
four wheel FREE for tbe winter
No better ecamellag that puiw.
Step In BBd talk It over.
-rirsl sM aapansTs of iratos st Tr
(hto. to sOroi Oewber Sro. IM.
dere*l w bat Meel i-ombs c*>ultl be used
roury broom which lifts tbe nap
be dt«i.H,s.,l
by tbe
" air nirrvnt A dlaiDfe*
‘ ' .............
spray for ihe air to alw provided
a,-cumulated din. The air which
been drawn through tbe carpet to eoii-
piled." -New
cigar th^a
r-L^rr^rbeVair^bKf re7,hr.tdrmrb;":i.ar^
provklence In a highly
. amualng
amiitlng f«.b
■ e said he had
averaged alwiui
•VI a week for the tost year, hni t«
he hadn't .been able m
pay ga room rent with ani sort of *>
regularity. What hft-ame of hi.
r he dl.tn't know. T Uek
o C OiLBBBT.Ausraay. BpsetslattesUsa
C. Is Prabsls praeUes. Bssm S ssv iO
------- xsuiv 00 Block.
steel CsmbS.
man wl„. MW Id a slilewalk abowwomc S1.-.-I combs and who won-
Bewly Invented dertee the dirt Is llierally sucked out of tbe eanirt by m*-au.
of an air ciirrenL Tbe plant for |»erfortnlng ibto work eonslata of wbat to
. gesvral pracUre slse
lUMV SBd gealM urt«.»;Ke«. WT. Off.
ss. sB«c lOi. rsMsasv iSi. "
bow of white tulle to arrve ai n back•round far a bunch of bright rioleta.
Wbito two k>Og atule rode of gtai-e allk
tilltod and edged witb fur taU i
dtotaace below the watot
"Well. I see It Witb luy own eyesleamwlse I see It turn bruim agio after
tb*- |H«r •b-aiw wux rasied all summer
the cardboard. Aa they moved arioin.l
Ibey carried the Iron U-ana with llieii::
bare hero prorktod. Tbr ruffle to of
white glace allk. gathered fully round
Vsv ones. Harkhsm Block
PretiT tear timt
10 thfak abtui liaviaf roar
"il»« do you know It makes people's
a carpet
wbleb dtoilfigiihibed them from' Uicir
lively comtMiilona.
AUwsrksfklgfess*a<«alMs grass. Flas gi
wsrk a saselslty
Q H. Buomi.
O. Lsw
ipselsl sussusa ts
clsg. tlirrosiB
ever tln*l li. so sisy right la It till
Irave riiUag...--
wliboui tbe atleudeni lalxir of taking
ll up from tbe door la very ailraetlv-
Inirlllgeni'e-ebown by the two le-an*.
ha'r torn
mnv<d by the bands 0/ the clock
that il><-\ were alni<»t in icminci wiih
•pretaU/ to wear with ibto dalaty
toque a very lorrly ruffle and muff
Tranrst City, - - MicYigaa
wiadtalla. kOe per
I to liei Hl<-b big cities. I'm s-goln
right out u< 'l.lxa Jaue'a b*iua<-. ef I kin -
over the concealed bamb*
ilnmagnets attacheil. The inagneta wer>-
Applaa-Calto ami
lOO lbs.
away. "Tiito ycr I'bK-ago life to‘nongb
to make aeuau's b ar turn gray.-
yaller jlat on an-ount of the excitement
all ibeiM- *-ar« an rallros*U on atllu
au bowlin i>-«p)e ibi-n’a wb*-n 1 aay It's
to a groat many bouaekeepen.
Iranrse CHy limlnr Go..
■ffta. par doaea............
Tkit w. a. a w. a.
way of s Bireel t-ar that was yet SO foot
of tbe numerous boiilee caai adrift Im-
tbe gold aud silver painted Iron tx'ana
Tbeee wetv placed on the cardboard
Siccassors M
Oatn, No. 1. poi
Oora. por tow..
r^toaa.par b«
OBcse se^fcsylie. Ueek. tia
abave:- exclaimed I’ncle Eben aa bo
dragged bto worthy ajHiuse out of the
oiaklo a
The acheme for cleaning
John F. On & Go.
batbsof toavkmk cttt
•H:o«h. Marier. bui that wua a ctoao
It dune. IT. decenl and reapecubto to
bave gray ba r, but when it cornea to
like tbe dial of a clm-k. but deroid of way to Ibe Windward laUnda. tbr Iki
Ibe banda. Tbto dial waa located
Jiauiaa. or to tbc wcaiern aborea of the
Ibe worfca of a large i lo** which
liulf of Mexliv.
placed face upwal
rani on the floor-of the
■tore window. He
:le fnaieiied anutll iiiiig-
T^B. a. B. Kiwoa.
my the rnieoas Olrfa Brsww Hair
Tsewsa Usldew Bwea.
ly. aa la evldetn-ed by tbe desiiusiloi.
tweeu Uadena aud Cape liau Ko.|<ic.
all of wbleb ultlBaiely Touud ib. lr
a DOgOB. AUsrav^ S'
lion of tbe water ocems to be wr.i.'r.
JumplUg heana on a tliiU while pHa-e
or paaiehoard. oulhmsl and uumh<-nal
U oAev FMcailcn
ajM^toprowp-ly.. rSosM. BcU of: Mona-
*TwuuhiuT lx- no ba*l ef ttaei wua all
Mber b* allcered. Tile pre|iared Iron
heana wetv placed with ibe ordluary
In »-oDilii<-ting tiK cxp>-rlme(ita thinavy de|>artuieDt baa bad tbe n>-o|M-r
and reported
of ibe
beaiu. making tbe dummy lieaDa out
of Bofi Iron: one be glided and the
bad t•em compelled to rrcaU ber InvlUtlooa'
“Rbe had never laiendod to glrr a
average of nearly six miles a day. An
11 00
"Of course I told nobody, and Jnat a
hair, la ibe center of tbr froot. wbrro
tbc brtm to rat down, tbrte to a Unto
Hbto'bcad and aborc tbr bead a Mf
Tbr tongest distance made
ill M
didn’t want her young dangbtacs dtotrrsdrd. she said.
Capo Ran, and ncoverod oa Auguat
labad at tbr bark witb loc« fringed
aada. wbtcb droop .a Itttlc orer tbc
along (hr rdgr of tbr crown wHb a
narrow Uar af aatde. Tbr rhaiir U al-
•The moibrr fell akk with a com
plaint wbleb I knew would prove fataL
•treogtb of tba eturant can be ac
curately antlmated.
bdax cm down to froat lo o rery
4imlM osd boTol (Ahkm. Tbr crows
paitonta au elderly woman who
lived with the dangblar'a family. Tba
daughter Uvad. If not beyond bw
Ingtim aiay know tbr dlraettoa tafcn
by the bottle aiacc p«t Into tba aaa or
knck iDU) r»TOf. Tbr hit ta
■ wkl«r Ut*B tbr ordlIM. •»! both brim atkd
H waa not
aeasun. but It wasn't ao loag ago
but tbai plenty of people con remambrr tbe clrramatancea
I bad among
port tba exact polnta at wbleb they
Were foand. Prrquratly tba botilea
baca noted, ao that the offlro la Waab-
and aoU-
'"I don’t know much -of tba ways oc
aaaot «eaaa
currrata baa brea obtaiaad by tbc ay-
are picked up and again toaaad over
board after tbr ladtudr and toagitnde
•• ar eeilkmu. wkiok wUl
Wirt tkr loqa* with tb» rwt «C lk«
«T«VB M COVM«d vllb
batow la a Itot o(kh*
•m Wwmaa<s Kew Way la Wbioto aa
Far Boom Dobto.
■BB Fem Jtoawo.
«iTMd7 T«7
BU »BI MW* Wlirttlf
« “‘^F.oVlLDipm
4 M Ar OHkBM Jjafa bv
it S
Stodio at 3d6 Waabiagtoii Streot.
r E. W. Hastings’ ^^SfU”71Z,.‘ZJSVUS
Fire lisuraice Office
Tfflt ktammisi'RBcotffi; 'gflgKSftAv.gicay^^tfw.
i-H <=^ig~h “ha
A H H t ±n o-n
J*/at of OaH'woott.Mi*
E. W.
and has some exceptional fine
bargains to offer. Can name
you prices and terms on
Vacant Lots
in Oak Heights
As well as all other parts] of
the city.
SomiS acre lots at $150 _
80 acta farm at $500
Gooil rasideaca, W. 8tli St., $1,000
Oaa oa Weshingtaa street, $1,000
Oae 00 Webstet street with fotaace^ed
modera improremeats, $1,150
Oae OB Bates street, $750
OaeoalA street. $650
Ooe ea I5tb stteet, $350
A Special Batgaia-Res^deace with all
medeta improremeats. East Btb street.
Bear Uatoa.
Some Very Desirable
Business Preperly
WELL located.
You should certainly see
'Pkeae 73.
Jehasoa Bl^
Traverse Olty, Klch.
W. L.
and Builder
Having bought the balance of
the vacant lots in tbls addition,
will build for you such a hoiue
as you may want, on very easy
terms, or make you an excep
tionally low price on any of the
Can show you other very
desirable real estate that will
pay well as an investment, and
a number of residences that are
2 eew dwellia°s, Barlow street
I tew dwellio' West lOli street
I small dwellia" Cedar street
I small dwellitg, Secood street
I good place, Ba] street
Also Fiae New Hotel, spleodid locatfea
I good farm,' 72 acres, well Improved,
•ood laad, eear Acme.
On ally of the above I will
make the price right.
And I am always open tor a
Inquire for
W. L. Brown
Coatractor aed Bellder,
Residetce 315 W. lOtb street
Bell Pbeae 163, loittere 153
Traverse City, Hloh.
. Third Y*»r—No. 815
----- FIGHT
Oabiaai Oaaaidata Appaal far XadM-
tflal MaUad.
WaahiactM. D. C.. Dae. la.-OoaaU- OoTdnior PIbt'b* lMO*d
aratloaof tba tadaMrlal eoadiUoaot
Call XMUrdajr.
Perto Kiao aeaaaaad aaarly Ua aatlra
run» Bmmuut la Wblek BriUsk Umaofaloac aablaat aaaaUacyaatar- La^irtatar.to«aatDaoa«bar IBih to
^ a-bmUata« «* a
MtM Mmwr Lorn, Oa« BManl day. Bnradlar Oaaaral Darla, foaaraor of tba laUad, aaat paUUoaatraa
»a Babmlaaioa of Aa
■wsg KliM—FaUU AumpU t«
raaldaau aettlay forth that tba laUsd' AmaadMBt to tba OoaaUtatioa Mro
9rmk Boar UMm BrtUah Mm- waa wltboat a rarvlar ooda of Uwa. | vldlB|r for Rqoal Taxattoa-OararB>>o«m Dwlac U« BaiiU, aad bad DO poUtloal aUtu; that tbara | aor Bagarda tba Sltdatioa an BatraI at KoMm
waal»la.(rla] aUroatlonaTaryhare,
ordiaarr Ooa
aad that ttaa daaira oaaaad by tba
Lwaaa, Dm- U—Mtwt a( aaotfcar
raoaat karrioaaa had laft ptaatan aad
Detroit, Mich . Dm it —There wlU
aad a rrmt diamtmr to U« BrttUh
ethare vlthont tba maoaa of nMatlay ^ • apoeUl aeaekHt of tba l^Utare.
«aaM la tMtb AfrKa waa rMolvad
Ualr ohUraUoaa Oaaaral DarU la-’ the yovaniar harlar laaoad a call for
today. Oaawal MaUoM baa amflarad
doraad the eutasaou
[that body to m»ai on tba illh of
a baavy loaa aad ooa whleb is diabaart-,
Taa dlacaaeloB prooeadad oa the aa-' Daeeabar. Thr ni; wm aaat out by
jdaraUDdiay that aoBethW ahould ba Ooreraor Pinyrre today, tba objret be7b4 war <oftoa raeatvad
I ditea aa quickly aa poaaU^la
poaalWla to raliava lag "to coraldar the i
tba ladasirtal aad flaaDolal altuatioa. amaodmant or aaendmenu to the con■*Oar artUlary aballad a atroay poalThe Matter will he eallad to the at- atltnUoB, which will permit the enacttloa bald by tba aoeaiy la a loaf, blyb
teoUoa of oeayiesa, althar tbrooyb
maotoflawa which will provide lor
kopja. front 4 o'clock aoUl daak oa
epaelal ateeaaye froa the prealdeat
equal Usatlon.
tfanday. Il ralaad bard last alybt.
laleaUoaa addreaeed by the
The call lalla of the patMge of tba
Taa Bicblaad brlyada attarkad the
Aiklnaon railway taxation hill, and
the daeUton of the aaprema eonrt laat
Moaday. The attack-waa properly
aprlng daelariag il oDeonatltnUonal
tlaad. bet filled. The Onarda were
add aaya that beeanaa of that declalon
erdarod to protect the Ulyblaader'a
a eonatUotlonal amendment la Daccai^ht and rear. Ike cavalry aad
•ary "before lawB can be eaactod pro
Boaatad lataatry. with a bowluar
viding for equal laxatioa of all prop
doa baa aoi boea Ottcla’ly WitharUUary battery, alUeked the eoeay-e
right, Btippartad by Bald atiillary. The
luooaeludlnf hia proclamation the
bowltter artmery bad aballad the poaTba Orand Bapida Branldg Preat
goveraor aaya: "tp order to ao amend
lUoa front daybrMk.
eoatalnad laat night a diapatcb from
theooDamuUoD. the laglalatare muat
Mftiaant the Uordooa to the i Laastac atatlar that the application of
aspport of the BighUad brigade. Oar Wrigbt fora pardon baa act yet bean paMaJiint raaoTution
troopa held tbclr own la front of tba withdrawn, aaauted a few daya ago. Uta aubmlaaloD of the amaadment to
the people at thaDextaprlngoraatamn
•aamy'a aotraaebaienu nntll duak, In a diapatcb froai Haiquatla.
U la
tbalr poaltlon exundlag, Including tba anpouncod that an altatnpi waa made
"1 regard tba altuUoD aa extraordi
kopja. all mllaa toward tba Modoar to poll the applicDtton back, but that
river. Today I ani bolding my poaltlon tba protaau of David B Burna blocked nary and one that d^manda an Immed
and aaireoeblng Btyaalf. I bad to faea tba lataadod aetioa. Tba dtepateta iate remedy which can only be given
by the leglalatore-"
at laaat It.ouo nan. Our loaa la great." aaya:
'Tba mattar la aUU pending. If tbte
A diapatcb from' Uaaaral Poreailer
Walker aUtea that Uaaaral Waoebopa
the paUllon eosld ba praaentad again
U a«oat tba bUlad.
Tbawaroflea baa alao reoaived a In tba futore, wltboot prrjndloa. aa Selected aa Oovenior 'Nenaral of Cuba
dlaaatah aoalrslag a praaa lalagram having aavar bean acted apoa. If
—Uanaral Brooke to Beturs to
autlag that the raUoaa of tba garrlaoa tnraad down by tba board, howavar.
Doited diatM
at Maiaklngbad been rWuood owing it would taka onaslderabla force to
WsMIarton, D. C., I»ae. 11 -Oftielal
to tba ahortage of provlalona oaaaad by ever gat tavorabla conaldaratlon for
FBMd IBfiOO Bow*.
tbaalaga. Tba ofacial dtopaich adda,«»*ld Memhev Bnraa objected aireotbatthaaupplyof wator la the town I «>««*•» »° tu withdrawal and laaUted
^ “‘J “■
UaUll plantlfal.
| that aa tba aute had already axpendod
Beramor of Cuba to
-rrmOamp. Dm ll-Tba follow-|e«eral hnndrad doUara looking up avl- •“““*> Osoeral Brooke, wbo will re
lag diapatcb baa.bwin raoaiMd from «leBoe the board ahould act upoa ‘‘‘«i
Uaaeral White at Ledyamllh: "Dec. eaaa now. one way or the other. Much' War daparun~nt oSslaU daelinad today todiw-uaa the movementa of OanII.—Laat night Lleatenant Orloaa: bitter faetlag baa artaon
era) Brooke
Matoalfaofthe Deeond Rifle brigade, ter. the other m •mbara taallng aore bowith sou of hU battalion, made a aortle eauae Buraa loaUia upon placing them
to oaptare a bUl aad daMruy 4 7 howU- oarpoord"
Bira moontod tbara They reached the
eraal of the hill aadiaooveipd and drove
The Carpentera' Dnloc t«aat Evaaing
oB the anamy. Tba gnn waa daairoyad
Adopted Price of 85 canU an
U,.ua.., Jo... Th.0».
Hour wi'h Hina B'>nr Day.
Of tba Royal aaglnaera.
to Circait Coqit—F. C. Slihari Ba"Daiaebmant raturning fonqd Ita reAmaetiagof .be Carpectera'I'alon
Ulaadaa Attorney.
tlremant barred by H lera. but forced
wua bald laat .-^eolcg in the C. S R 8.
Ita way ihruugb, uaing faayoneU freely.
TheraUapoaaibUlty that the city hall, for the pu-poaa of arrlviag at a
Boar Icaaaa eonaidarabla.
U not parmapaaUy rid of the preaaitoa drflniie underatandiog In regard to tba
Pretoria, Dec. i: —An oSeial report of Brnao Mau, who waa aantaoced price of labor and the length of tha day
Mya: "Tba battle at the Moddar river Tataday to the Baform hehool for Boya for tba ei»ulng acaaon. The oootracibiMraa yaatorday with cannon Bring atLaaetag. ItUaanuuDead that the orv and othera who are iotereated in
and bMvy flgbUng, (woeaediag from caaa wUI ba appMlad to the circuit bnllding projejta were alao invited to
S:M la the moralng unUi U:S0, with court, and In t>iaicaaa tbara la a ooa- meat with tba uplon.
oaBBOB. Maxima and riBea. A bombard •iblUty that tba dectelon may be diBerThere waa a naaaifBoua aentlment In
ment began at 4:10 and fkgbUag atiU •ui. V. (1 UUben haa beaa reulaad favor of the Dina hour day. Tba ooncoattanaa. A balloon aroaa above tha by tba biyb father, and It waa ex iiaetoin who ware praaent ware agree
Britlab poaltlona, wbara U remained pected that the required hood of lino able to tbBarraogemeci, aa they were
fovua mlButea aad then dtMondad. would be ready before the departure of to tbeothei propoaitlon. that the wagea
Tbara «vra bMvy ralna during tba toe »:10 train >«atarday that took the to St cenu ao hour.
After conaiderable delibrmilnn. It
boy away Tha boada will probably
""AtSo'eloek tbia morainga diapatcb to filed before tba explratloo of
waa decided that the wagea ahuuld to
rider brongbt word from the Moddar ton daya provided hi
lyjaw. and the caae raiaed to that figure, aod that tine
river that all Boer poaliiona bad beaa will eoraeupat the
a January term of bruira ahonld ooDiiiiute a day'a ^ork,
malnUmrA Forty-ooe HrllUb priarn- c.rcuU cou t
ihla change to go into eBect on the
era were taken At IMO It waa reported
Brut day of April. AH time over u re
that the bcav) oannuo fire bad aomebounaday will be charged at 37
wbal abated. Ikr britUh are concenUanbour.
•tantly uting tbeir balloon The fight
Ttaeuanal wagea of the caT^oten
ing waa ailll going on at noon
Btanm and' Bot Water. With Two during the paat ■eaion waa so oeou an
bavara Cuto. Will X-«p Him Prom
bonr, and a ten hour day. It U ex
pec-.ec by the contranora that toller
Work for B imv T.me
While at work la the englna room arrvlce will to reodered duriog the
{mpramdva Oaremoniaa to be Attead
oftbeatorch factory yeaterday after aloe boura and for the higher wagea.
ad by tba iTaaldant
Toe Carpentera'Union >a Ittc'eaaing
Waabingtoa. I). C , l>ac. Il—Preal- pooe.Uana Welgand met wltb a very,
painful injury, that will lay him oB !ASmwt
daat MeKinlay baa made irrangemauta
foracoealdarable lime Ua waa „
«>e caroealer. In the city are In
to attend the
bundradth annlveraary ” i-®rh nMr a atoamgipc over bead. ih. ; L‘'
ot tba <
ttoorge Aaau.(Wtoa'a deaUi
blB Thera waa a e^maidarabla nreathey have a member'.
>alnrt tiw Mount V4
1 on. and a qtantlty of funeral tonefl:, a wlfa'a foneiwl
lUUvar an addraa. from the aiepa of
toaefit.all of wbi^ are ineludod In
d In tbaa pipe.
.Ua hUl.rl.
T.. pr».4..l
plug that eloaad the aod of tha pipe the unioB In conaequanea of mastorwill to aeoompamed by tba 1
Buy now. read them and
five them away Xmas.
"Richard Oarrel" by Churchill
‘ Janioe Meredith" by Ford
. 1.3$
“Life on the Miaaiaaippi"—Mark Twain 79o
“Adventurea of Franooi^i—Mitchell . eOo
'‘Pbroao" by Anthony Hope
"Priaooera of Zenda"—Hope
. 680
Webater’a Dii-fioEary (onabridged) - 78o
Same in leather ....
# 75
Keat little gift books 18c, 8S0, 38, up to 8O0
Chess India—large size
. lOo
Bacijammoa Board. Checker Board
au 1 1. beckera '
Slippers-Id wlvet-enihroideml, felt
vici kid, fine Iliuwin calf.
Tn all the
See u
290-222 Front SI rwl
We an* ai'Hiot; more
Cbruitmafi Slip|MirH limn all
To ladle* of refined taate is our liutfftiificent line of
other aUmie oonbiDed, be
cause wc bavi- tbe right
Hanging In prloea at from tOc to $886.
Ererything in Mufflars, Glores, Sweaters.
"liters S. BENDA & CO.
; Cold Weather
jPubllcguarmana I Clothirifi:.
'Vith thf ( hill ukfn off thepricca. Our overcoats and
uJ-tore arc p.-rfi-ct gHrmt*nU-ar,* right up to the miiiuU* in
Btyl«—s^re made of dij)eDdable materin'e, sad art* rightly prii-ixl.
The great. k1 (dock in town i« h.*r.‘—Tliiw month w«3’ll
Bfll you oviTcoaf*. ulntr-ra and suilt* st ten per cent, <Uscoant
from our slrcady low pric^. Come and hvA.
niiiient NVw York uthciHl
i«‘ geueml us<> of the U-lephoue had made the task of effic••ntly protecting life and properly
er .’iU per cent, easier.
Telepbouing in caae of fire, ac
cident or burglary haa become a
ivc jgnir.-U liecepaity.
Hamilton Watches,
Fancy Clocks,
Elegant Effects
In Diamonds,
Kvery well regulat
ed hnusehtdd has a
Have you one in
f OlSTAN'Cll your h.iiney
IkbUu TelfipboM Co.
Beautiful Novelties in Jewelry
For Christmas Presents.
r.ir •
Finest assortment I have ever carried. The line
this year is especially 6nc aod you'sbould see it be
fore deciding on your Holiday Gifts.
U«w <mi
i.r. Iior-
Lair.j »tj-
in—dra.rii- -all color* all pni-ra.
Post Office Building.
n.* atilt uii* ard'Plata. c^-urrU.
.'Utrla.. lAirn.rra -uUklad.- .aC
• Itbaar oOor ilr-.,rr4. Tbcraia
a>lll real 700 e«tr-
lo< loloot O.rr (hr Iiik a>
Wait’s Drug Store.
The exercla~ at the tomb of Waab-lT®**^'
icctoo will conalal of a fuanral aw^lca I *"
•triking bta hand on
I Over B^rt that Xlaomnrk Bna Ofidantlcal In cbaractar with tba aarvlea >“
«WU»« » •M»
atoam In
DanUb Want
j —- '
------baldovarWa.hlngton'.bodyabundrwl'”’”'"^*........... ................yaaiuagct Tb« eervicea will to m 1
»P«> *»l“-*»“ h**
XndlaatoDeitod SutM
'^Vftvv ftno 'TWv»t«k»
eharga of tha Maaona
lebm ^ acvarely aeelded.
Waablngtou. D C-. Dm l> —Tbe r«-1
U tbe aveolng Senator Oepaw will
Alto-xlto the Injured mar. port that Deomaik bM oflerad to aell!
And aaa wbat we can do for you
dnllvw aa oratton in Convaailoa ball. I
Injurtoa are the Dunlab Waat Indlaa to tba United '
We can Mil
anil yoa
U WaablagtoD.Lundur tba auaplaua
k!^^ It
dUto. for fi3DOO,Otol. giving cone™ strictly fraab Egga............... toe par dor
10; Order of Had Maa.
. to tba Oenii;g govern:
Cbalee dniry Bniicr.................. JOc
roc «r
per u.
10c per lb
j Bolleton, tba German
ranulat^ Sugar..
Oaxan Beepoaaibla.
The aaw mill rau tba peat aeawxn by ' vUitad the aute dapartmeot yaatorday , Heat soc Tea for ..
per lb
MoDtrcal. DmIA—Mtv Jamaa Mann. * A. Boatrand at Lake Ann, baa beaa ' X> Inqutra whether tbe report waa true. ;B-at
o..ti om:
600 Tea lor
par lb
owner, and Edward IVrklna, h
j r.s's."'”'
The Very Busy Fashionable Furnishers.
Hnlph Oonn.bln Jr., Manacar.
lew patterna and
■ Cbildnoi'a lUd
A Flurry in Books
Today Only
We'll show you the nifwt aaeortmeDt of ChrUtmae
alippere in town.
had agreed to aaw hia Icwa
___ I had bean carried onainoe the failure of v
four Uvea ware laat, ware ebargad with , he baa bean aawiiig lorTothm and
attempt of tbla government to 4
ualaughteroD the ground that tha iMvtag
Mlnar'a loga to a
aocumlata. The i P°*^®*** l^ie Bland of St TUi........
pramUM wer. not provid<d with fire clalmofMr. MlaarMtor
SCa^btiaAt Bail
Judg. .
and >M0.
Dund ^i
lAai It "wal ^
on the groui
e will h
Mbllj €.« inU. both
t ^ prorinalal s»d i faM OhllfUM FKMtt.
nblan I _ ,
« ween
la sol aaaladunl. who
«« nt
at fault,
Aboxof-ft>yal lataat t
avaalag. Dm It. Huala by I
lag tlmk dba law wna Ml
maaaalla tham. b
Blnkntay'B craMMin.
Bit l
They All
Go At $3.00
From now untU JanoAiy let. we wlU c«U
AD7 of our $3.60 And $4 00 Welt end Hand
lurned Ladiee’ Shoee for $3.00.
These Shoes
are New and Up-to-date
And ere well worth the regnlmr retail price
—It’e our Ohrietmae preaent to yon.
will pay you to call and eee tham.
Mae fawaaHa. tU
MMav prwr vMBMWVt
rmATWMnarn. ■
miomioaji Wot Ovw
• Otttuy Tokm Wf
n«M«0mof Mortkpgrt
Lm* SvwUc.
.iMwaOUl.»prMp«oM temw of
Sartkport. took bti trot lido «■
*MP J.
roOrcoi Urn otm » hoit oomimrj »«»
s. m. Mamwmb. UIMT Md ItoMfW. ■tfki. H« kM toes la tkit Meiloo of
Uo ttou fw tk« poM M vwfa. a»d la
all ihM tUao hao M«ar baas w tar a*
to Tattoo City Wtora.
Ba easa to gaebaa. aad kaU a eaataiy
acoBorad to Saraia. takU« at that
Uaa tka oaly rtda OB tka railroad tkat
ka a«ar bad aatU Uat alffkv Ba oasr
l> Mortbport by book ^ for tka paat
Styaarabaa attaadad ao atrletly to
baalBMa that ba baa aarar baaa oat od
ooBBty. Mr. OUl b a trealUy
farmar. bat bb Uara b aot apaat la
traraltaf. Ba taada to tka far«. Ba
Toua«a«o tka »raat Lakaa.
loft laat araalat for Mt. Piaaaaat. f<»
Tka aaricatloB aAaoa ]ut eleaad kaa a rbit oltk kb danfktor.
baaaoaaof tka »oat proaporoat oa
«ka rraat lakaa, la tka blatory «d tka
•saaVT. Kwoey atraar of a aaaaal of
aa; aoct aapabU of aataly oarrylaf •oma larltadOaaaB wbo Batpad Hia
Moea Bia UU.
Iralffkv kaa Mda Boaay oat of U aad
kad Mora kaalaoM tbaa tka boat
Joho r. Ott. aealor Baabar of tba
apaU kaadla- Tka aaaaoo alao baa iBBbar flna of Jobo F. Ott * Oo.. bat
kaaa ramaritablz traa trom atoraia aararal Uaaa daaoaatrated tka rare
vkiek aaaally. UU la tka year, eaaaa trait of belap a hoaplubla eatertalaar.
ai—akipvraek. aad tkla yaar
Several Uaea hb trleada in Ikb
■ad for maay yaan to city have bad'oeeaaloB to aajiypood
semo aa tka Boat fortnnata la that ra- ebaer of Mr. Oii'a dbpaaabip. aad laat
nrd. Wkaa aa»lc»Uoe eloaad>lfcara araalap aaolbar oaportaaliy wu plvwaaaUll ao Md to tka baalaaaa la aa. Tba laaber flna b uariap dowa
Clfht. aad Baoy ablp owaan brarad tbe old oBoa aad dry kUaa aad yaaiorIka daafara of tka lakaa la apita of tka day the aew oflUa, oppoaita. waa ready
that tka parlod for laaaraaaa of. (or ooeapanoy.
PMiili aad tmrtim bad aaplrod. Tkr
Tka flrs look formal paBBiloa of
plea# of tka aaaaoa b aarkod by aa a*- ibalr aaw ofioe late bi the afternoon
paranna nf t br««y labe traSe erzt and tka event waa sada tka oooaaloa'
fou aad raaaalBiaa ara prepariaf acaterUlBBiaat tor a few Uivlted
ppto burly.
frieada. Tba laat artbla of valoa to
raw paopla raalUa
Bafaltada of remova waa tba blp aafa. aad Mr. On
dba oomBiroe oa tba ^haa, tbarafora invited a few ooapenbl aplrita. aU
pOBa «forw eOBpUad by tka Chloapo atroapBaa. to oome ortr and kelp
tatar Ooaao will prora taUroaUap.
'0 It Tbe iavlUtloB waa eaperly
Tba froipbt paaalap ihroarb the aeeapted and a larpe ooBpaay eame to
leoka of tka St. Maryb oaaal Op to tba tba ofiea aad—wateked aoBe atronpar
pad of MoraBbar arpropatad tt.eu.tt)
laa Bova tka aafa
KBa. ao laeraaaa orar lB»t of It per
Attar ike aafa waa aafaly atowad
PML OftkblltBt.OOOwoa waa Iroa away in Ita new coraer tba invited
pra, aa apalaat 10,000.000 toaa laat yaar. paeau aat down for a reat aad wkda
Of wbaat tbara waa »« 870,000 bBtheb. raatlnp partook eaperly of tka pood
•ritb D7.MO.000 baahala of otkar pralo.
r provided by Mr. On. Hot trankpad t.004.000 barreb of floor. Losber' fartera, twiuer ebaeaa, wafara. etc.,
pklpBoata ware 1.011 000,000 foot. Coal
forped the mean aod the paeau Bade
^ Ike aatoaal of S8I,1M toaa of antkraan attack wbon it which prored lu eipita aad atmt S.ooa.000 tooa of bltmii
ealleaoa. Fraprant elpart ware peeeed
laoaa waat to Lake Boperlor. Vaat arooad after the lunebeoa waa db^laalltlaa of peaeral laarebandbe were
plao carried aorih. Tire aoBoal frelpbt
IraBe tkroopk the St Mary'a oaaal b
Bora tbaa five Umaa tkat VbroBpta tba
Jim Dekerty kU aa Bidtlap Bxperl•an eaaal' enoa Last Might..
Kore tbaa one-balf Ike eomBereblly
Jim Doherty of the I’p-to Date reapffaeUra auaot reaMl toaaape of tba
taaranl had an ecperlanee at mldnlpbt
laat nipbt that waa more iatereatlop
1,000 toaa repbUr do not eooat for tbaa plaaaanU Ba waa la tbe reauur
pack Oa the lake* there were 00 ant when be beard the aoond of a aeaf/aaeDolMt. the date of the latcat fle aoroaa tbe eireei. Be baaUned to the
' pCalai report, in steam vmmU of place, aad foand that one of tbe aerap
),000 toaa or more, apprepatlap lit.
had ran down Oaaa street, but be
fU leas. Oa the Atlantic aad Onlf came back at once aad Joined Doherty
peaab there were only »« eoeb veeeela, and the other man. They went to the
pfprepall>« ***
tone. On tbe Faeiflo the front of the Wbitlnp bout, when
poaat there were only » each veMcla. tbe quarrel that eauaed tbe first mi*
raa resumed Hoth of tbe mea
ppprvpaUnp Ul.m tone. The preeeat
faeal year U not likely to add many were ‘ iippy."and Doherty tried to eeppomeb to the lake fleet OwlnptoUa arau them, aad prevent m seblef. Be
mat demand lor aieal. ship plalea are wae trylap to pet one of them away,
hardly obulnable at prieea which when the other, a very larpe aad heavy
met the views of boUdeta aad lavae, draw a knife oa him Jim took
the other fellow by the collar, and
ole eoaalderable beau in hb deparT*e oflclal anaonaoeBaBt froa
re. He dfclered that that spot had
charm fdr-'talm after be eaw the
Kaalla that there ao lonpar ezbu an
Pfpaalsed rebellion la the bland of flint of etael. There wae no further
tmaOB. b very pratlfylnp. aad tbe troohla__________________
platement that every tbreateaad town
la aocapled by American troops ta abo
palbfactory, aad tUnatrates the vlpor
trlU which Oeaerai Oba aad fab mea
•ava eoadoeted tbe eampalpn elnee the
of tba rainy aeaaon. While everyIblap polaU toaeoppreealonof all orMlaed raalataaee. the Inaorrectloa b
poi yet compleUiy broken. It will
lake eome tlmb to pet tblapa atralpbtpped oat eo that a aatuble form of
•ovarameat can be malallaed. free
IroB the laflneaces of tbe dbtarblnp
p1aaiT~* A paerlUa warfare will
prekably ooeapy tbe attaatloa of ear
Iroeya for aoma tfme to eoma.
Fraepect of a Oem* Between Two Lo
cal Teams.
There b a proepaet of a fame of foot
ball next Saturday betwaaa two local
tcama. provldlup tbe followlnp cha^
Travaree City. Dee i>. UW.
We. tbe “Moee back" foot ball team
of TraveiaeC
City hereby eballaope the
to be eomaoeed of TVavity playeie
only, to a match fame
•rue dly
of foo| ball to
U he played In tbe Twelfth
Dec. le. at three
atreet|yark Batarday.
o'clock, weather pormtttinp. or ne soon
Ibareafur aa tka caplalu eaa apree
Oa b^f of Iba "mam baeka*-.
WUl Snaahall. Chptaia aad hump
Lovl T. PaaBiaptoB, draw back.
John OeUury. haap-bndt.
Arehb Novotny, fall-back.
Fred Maynard. half-faU-baek.
Ed. Boyar, euy-baek.
Oabatu Kew Tom. or prepnly
p^opklap. Brooblya. has a oandldaU
lor the Bapablbaa aomlaatlon for vloa
■nsldaBt la the peraoa of LlaateDsat
Omraor Woodraft.
The Pcmb of
Braoklya b aacklap ap Mr. Woodruff
vtib eommaadabU enarpy.
•mUya Baple. one of tka atroapaM
IleBnrn“- orpana la tba aUW of Mew
Tork,oc«eaoalholdly,after aa
tap the klpk qaaliiBtloaa of Mr. 8VPJLBBB OOUBT BBFBBSBO IT.
Woodrafl. asd atpaa tka Ra
OaM of 0«orp* Fhelp* va C. A W. ■.
pgnj to BOBloaU him.
My. Oo. Xmkaa Oat la ImMlap
Th* aapcom coart ha* ravataad ^
•appar a»d taaoy Booda Bale
wSMob of the eireall court hara la th«
Tka ladiaa of Ika OoaprapaUoa
iM of Ucorpu Fhalpa va- Tb« Ohloapo
pharak pave a oappar aad faaey pooda
pple al Ika akarek parlora last evaatap.
ItwUl be ramembarert that aomc
|i»oy paopla look advaatapa of ika Uma apo Ikclpa waa lajarud while
pale le Uy U a aapply of ftaa <»ftet- awitehlap fralpht ear* at Petoakey. Be
paa prasMB aad tka rapaUUoa of tba breaphtealt apalaat the company la
tadl«M,eeoha made tka paopla am- tbealrealteoartaad ecearad a verdtet
tarn tka opportaaity 1e pi a taa of SMO. The MM far the aoMpaay la
tkBtrtal hma WM ceaAaelad by Pratt
Abes of BeyallatealM
AbnofRoiyal lataat elpan. ThL
A Nice
Parlor Suit
Makes tlie food oioTe Mdous and T
. Moribem Telepbrae Oo
In Leelnaaa BrJ'yed SpecbUlea la
Sulabcrp'a Over tbe Wire.
Ike Mortbera Telephone Oo. has
adopted a aniqae plan of entortalalap
their eaheerlbere la luelenau eoanty
durlap the eepapemeat la StMaberp a
Grand of the Marka Brother* Company.
A larpe receiver has Aan placed above
tbe atape. connected with the ulepboae
Uae. Laetnlpbt the line wae left open
durinp tbe performaaee and stoat
thirty auhacrlben la varloua paru of
Leelanaa ooaniy enjoyed a porUot of
the pertorBaaee. WkUe tbe dlalopae
waa IndbUael, tba aonpe ware heard
p’ainty and thoec who availed them•elvee of tbe privUepe proaoaneod the
eoheme a preat aoeoaaa
Tbpetkor Wllk a Good fropram TeoIctday.
The Junior LyeeuB held aaolher ot-e
of their InlereeUap meetlape laet even
lap after eehool la tbe Hiph eckool
Bbiy room The propram waa andar tbe ebarpe of B. B- SwlfU who
aleo pave the critic’s report.
Tbe diaeamlon proved to ba tbe moat
lUraatlop and cscltlnp one yet upon
the quealloD, -Keaolved. Tkat the nest
Oonpreetabould make aa appropriation
for a waterway at least fourteen feet
dMp ooBoeeUap Chicapo with the Mimtaaippl river "
Sub sidea were ably
handled. Nellie Wall and Ethel Pope
looklnp after the attirBative and
Myrtle Tbompeou. Nellie OraywMi aad
Roy Wyakoopa^lnp tbeaepatlyealde
of the queatou. Floyd Beach.’Harvey
Tripp aad Arthur /.immersaa spoke
la peaeral discumlon for the affiraulive and Irviap Murray, Cleon Champney. Carrol Bala and Claude Baker for
tbe nepative. The decision waa ren
dered la favor of tbe afli'Ballve.
Tbe music was alao a pleaalop fee
tore. Mica Lure Ashton favored with
an eseellant vocal solo with plaao aceimpnnled by MUa Btlsabeib Cardaer.
A violin duet by tbe Miaaea Della Martinek and BernUe Roberuoa. was welt
Lacy SUpan iwad an esoellent ah
atrast on “E^rovlDcial Boston " A pood
recitation OD "Tbe Prisoner for Debt"
waa piven by Fannie Tbnmpaon.
ly. "Colonial Life la New Enpland"
was well ptven by May WiuUra. The
Ideut. Lonli jDrdaall was called
upon for remarks and be raapooded In
very Intereslinp manner.
Mr*. Barrlsoe Hc-dford of Cbarlei
• * el Inp Mrs William Thirlby.
The Can Hurt Cmesi
. Whoopinp Couch. Aethma.
Consumption, Is
J 'TVic Sermam i^eoy^
r tuwt^oav and \una
dru^iX** 25d^S0rttJ
Mystic Circle Barquet.
Attar the rapalar aeaatoa of the
Frataraal MysUe Circle laet evanlap.
the aaembere eat down to a ve^ fine
•peead.to which they did ample JaeUce.
lally pood time waeoajoy'
W. C. & B. A.
Would make a nice Christmas Present for
your wife or daughter. I have ten different
styles in suits, ranging from $12.50 up. A
fine 5-piece suit, upholstered in three colors
V'etour, for only $19.75.
* bargain.
We have odd Rockers and Chairs in velodr, silk brocatelle, silkjdamask and leather. Morris chairs, the most
comfortable chair rnadf. upholstered in cotton goods,
velour and corduroy from $6.75 up.
Couches and bed lounges of all kinds. We can please
you.in upholstered goods.
J. W. Slater,
and Opticians.
If it isfiiin \VaU heB.Jewflry, SilverwHre or Siivt>r Noveltiea, Diamooda or Pitvioua
Slones of any kirn), in any
Will Anderson
kind of Inountill^;. timt you
are seeking, you i-an find ’em
at Oannelt's.
Spectacles ^
Make a nice pres<-iit—>^ever
mind the fit. we'il Htteiul to ^
Don’t mlBS this sale
Frank Friedrich
118 Front 8t>oot
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
W. C. 4 B. A. CAHNEn [
l-JT L'-,,... l-'._ ...
Front Strwl.
Both Telephones, No 43.
318 Union Street
The Question Solved . . .
Every department contributes its share to
ward making it easy for The “Buyers of
Presents" (a vast army that includes
everybody these days) to make
all their purchases under one
roof and at one time, and
have it off their minds
The que8tlon“What
to give" answer
ed eatisfactorlly.
^arpet Sweeper
Kid Gloves
always pleases the “woman of the house” at 1.00. 1.50. and 2.0c in all colors, nothing
sells at 2.00, 2.25, 2.50. 3.00 in Natural. nicer for a ^ristmas present.
Golden, Antique and English Oak.
Women’s Purses
Buys A Man’s
Honfle Fnmlnhing Btoro.
180 Front 8t
Pocket Books and Shopping Bags; to
please the most exactiag al 20c. 25c, 50c.
75c. 1.00, 1.50, 2.00.
Men’s Night Robes
in sateen, different colors 1.25 to 1.75: Out
ing fiaanel $oc to 1.00; All wool knit 2.00.
Holiday Slippers
Ghristmaa Gandies
for the ‘'little people” sell at 5c the pound
Our 10c kind can't be beaten'
Children’s Fur Sets
at 1.25. 1.75., 2.00, 2.50. and 3.00. Made
for warmth and to wear.
Men’s Slippers
in velvet, leather and felt, sell from 75c
up. Man "feel at home” when they wear
Black sateen juliets, fur trimmed for 1.38. them,
The same for the felt, fur trimm|d.
Gentlemen’s Gloves
Smoking Jackets
Shaving Sets
A wonderful display with covers of serge
in Mocha, wool lined sell from 75c to 1.50 sateen and silk, all shapes of crook and
Mocha, lamb lined at 3.00. Reindeer, squr- cape horn handles from 75c to 10.00.
rel lin^ at 5^x1.
with warranted razor, a good strop,brush,
from 3.50 to 5.00 a most acceptable pres cake of soap, magnesia, stick of cc^etique, cup for 1.75.
ent. A good stock to select from.
The Hannah & Lay Mercaitile Co,
5lA«T6rt. J
W IP ■ •mtf
Be«e of the frtoode of Mtoe Mbit
WhiBB«7 of Hortk Btwwood b««bbb,
awt Uet Blrht Bt the Bom of UteM
Wood. Bod ttea west «Bl«Uf to the
Whlaoerj leBidesee. ooatpUtely evprteioc the TOBBT Udj. Beob of the
rBOUcOMB farOBTht B pOBBd of tOgV
toteaeod is the taffy
lOBMUterlB the eteotaff. eod tb«
iBdtae broorbt BteTooir pletee to bbbUi
Mte WhlBoery 1b rewewMciBf ti.<
dey. A *ery pUMBSi Um wee «b
j^yed by bIL
Ml«rfrtoM trUl loMI* U B»Ul« Oe^k.
BMkw««oa>MlM (or %h» auvlMMf«a<bwitiifaed*ud ewt*! «»S<xu
Om town hM 0
Md kbe oUmt or tM.Ouu. Itoib OBierphom or* bMkad br ObloMTo e»pll*l
TIm mom teetorlM »tU uplor Kboai
▲ttaBtiOB Site.
400 MB BBd WOMB.
fUhe will Met Bt ?:M eterp toolcht
Mte UNTfic Bbtef. Bfod BboBi u
BBd Bfter recBlBr
foon BBd dMfbtar of m pro»lnM.l
the ploy Bt HUlBberr'4 Oreod.
BtoekMB. DorU oT M*rloUo. oom rPMta or the MBrhe Uroe. After the
MHMMi mIoMo TbomUj. tthB ted pley they wiU reUm to the lodffe
\ tern iB ted for two work*, mod T«te rooow where e rery eleboTBle eopper
-4b7 MniBf diMpp«*r«d tr«m the BodtoeOBtartBlBOteet will be pro*td
koBoe. teereh wm SBetltoUd. tei It ed. fCrery Elk 1b the eity U ri
^ Bot .BtU Blfht ttet her body WB.
fOBBd lo B wBterior tronfh fosr feet |,
f /
deep. She hBd orewled iBto the troafb
throofb B hole hBrely iBrye BBOuh lo
Bee Beeper* Bt TbonpeOBrUli
Bllow the pBaaoce of ber body. N >
The State He» Keeper*' AeeocietlOB
epBea la keo *b tor her ^ of eelf w^ljteet Bt TbonpeooTille JeoBory
BBd I. SpeelBl rela* here beeo Mde
The Borth helf of the oew dem by the reUroBde Bad the hoteU tere
Boroo* the Mnakecoa rlr«r Bt Mew- rirea b r^of 7» eeota per dey.
Bytro. teUt tor the Beweyto PortUad
llBlloJtleeBtaBded to Bll people
OoMSt Co. Bt B eoei of •W.ooo. west
ireeted lo bee keeplaf to BttaBd.
out Teeedey aoralBf.
Tb* UttMi la Ae**rualeeDerld V. WBUrntB. Bcod 11 yeoiB.
A ni-w w-liciiK' of adif-rilKlU|; wa* reof the City BtaBiB iBOBdry of Sooth eorliil lu bj a pr.>ifiv*alrf l•UJ4ltll■M
Heron, wee ImUbU? killed Toeedey Ann lit a i>rw|a-r<>iiK Hi> In ilif Miuth.
BftarMOB by the electric oerreot troB Tbf Jiiuiur lumiifr of U>r linn
the city electric Ufht pleat pBtelar out a warrant for liw ortfot »r the aentbroBfh hie body. Ha had hold of b lor itanuer ou tb«> itriniml that be vaa
k*mh1> Itrluw <t>Ht and tlial the
eoeket ot bb eleevta leap of bb aelltUK
Brni' n a* (ousiauily loalup looui-y
Bloetrta iBisp wtes the UBBstorMr ob Ibereliy.
UtaBeiD etreoU tent, eesdlBC the
Till- mac come up ID court, aud i!
BBtlra eoltare IhroBfh hie body, kill- CUUDWI for the aeulor |tartll<T BMk>
m fia
l&ff bia Inetaaily. Be wee onnerrled. for a lautiiKiiieineiit In
iu«r>- iluie I4> |>re(tan-. blr mae. T
At HBr^oette the hcBrleet eabw
................ ....
etora Is yaeiB. ourpeetloff area the
M-lilur ineiiila-r reieaaetl.
rreet eiorn of lB«t Mereh. eeme Moadey Blchi. BBd raced all TBoaday.
will KO o
More thOB o foot of enow tell ob tbo
il the flni
lerel, oBdit heedflfud IB plaoea orer ............... ........
the feooee. ReUroada were obllced to
^Vheu the cbm- wa* amiin cnllcd do
oee the m*uai u.rttaB* La v*,. phi“"in’ Hl'J-'iiri-d atiil 111,' chantr wna
BM the froeteel eaerUooe to koep d|„„|«*Hl. The Bru. bad i.u.-.-.-Hled Id
tteir lleea opoo. ^Itroet eare failed to u.^ .,i.>vt ihe, were efu-r-edvmiaedo thia ooapletaly. The tr»ek of the
O. S. 9. A A. railway, whleh rpBB oloae
to Leke Superior, eoutb of ihe eUy.
wee Boderained by the weree aad tea
eareof a fralcbt trala paeelBC a
I'unrasr 1* our iliigc aud braredo
1* euiMbt>r.
dropped taw the bole. Sereral
them went taW the teke and one
Tbr etvraio- iubd mould reibrr Lom
proiiilK,. Hub llxbl.
repo tad w have flatad away,
Yi'iir "nurle" <if |>nwi»itKip n-iiiiwD b
fetaltilee or lajerlea.
a burllirr* n-InlinU.
The SheSeld OarOo. at Three Bh
tVbi-11 u i;r>H*>r eilvmlMw Ibat lib
bee iuai ebip'ped Ita eabiblt tor the rCCK
Ik- InwI. avoid iillu.
world'e feir el Perla.
Jo.uir |»o|ilv mould tn-ml •Imui Ibr
At PoaUacCherlee BeaiB took parle mi-nlb.'i ir II railMHi hIImt doltni-H.
Advli-r o mi n<-lor: -M'lu-ii
croon. bec*o*e hi* wife wa* applyinc
for e divorce, mod died Moodey morn mliUil.- Mi«> I.N.I. out ft.r III.- 10.-U
-V Ju. killifr b a .1: IUS.TOUJP IllltU,
John Seade, hi yean ofece. and Mra. but II l-ai'i n* dninn-mim nr a laik|N.i
Daniel L. Cody. B7 yean old. two of
Wboii ■ uian ibM-r jou n favor UMorthvUle'e lone Ume realdBote took bbnl voiir Iwt.-k hr b n|>l Ui let you
their Int etreei ear ride oae dey loot kUoH of il luiliMillnl
It nriiiitvr •■viraoiviiiuiry aMlli.v to
Aaelbert B Yousc. eeehler ot e de- I'Unblr mi.\ iiinti lo lo- prulllably aud
nafi-ly dblniiiorabk-.
fmet bank at MaooeloBB.
.t k’ovrninu-iit b.hd draw* iiiui-li lor.
at Shelby end U now in jell et Hellaire.
iiiliTONl tbnii n jiauit lirkol. Ijiji II
The eharce U tetae pretaaee* la eecur. luoiv |•rolluld•• lo llir ludtlrr.
tac depo*lU- ■ Tne benk felled a year
It ie ralil iboi bitliii: iih|ir,»r« i
•Cor.rt:, IVrl.n|» It ilu.-r. but ili.-iv •
Tfae *tatc crance Dever wlineeeed liiiiov mbru Ik>lIiii: ]>ulr bdb
BBch e repreecotailuD e» I* omen'.
A mral <-iliior ibu* mrliii. of u aorletheasBuel eee*Kn which oommea
»r m-<*ldlU8' •'Tbr srouu'r J>IV-WUI
■Dine Allot the
tlir brldr «*« n limidroiiir diamond
eabordtaaterrepc** «rv»»iied dartac briMH-h. bi>ld.-« juati.v otlirr Inuiillful
the year are reprreeoWd, aad the ea- tblnt:* lu ru) cUu.,"—('UlmKv iMlIy
paeUy of BepreeeataUre hall wa*
od w the atWrmoet.
Mra A. J Uarnaey of Itawraaee, eel*
•breted her elebtieth birthday by dalehlac e Bilk qillt which oontalac M
pleeaa She oejoy* eseelleat healt
Dr. Altert Uoaard of Syraeaa* hae
- aBBonnoei hie aooeptanoe of the ^teldeaey ot the Miehlcan etaw aormal
aebool ayatem.
Bear Utaceborc. Harry Tata, need
Myean. waa loetaDUy killed by a falllac tree while et work ta the wooda
Near Pontiac. Hyroo DenderaoB. a
promlaent farmer Urine on tbe banka
of Strait lake, bad bb arm torn off
while feedlBR e eom ehreddder.
The rlUec* of ColDaa. hw eerernl
cwMeofaaeaUpen. aad the otore* ara
eloaed W prereat a epraad ot the
At Pltat Joha Clark, a tramp,
asaWBood w pay a <oe of Sc, or «
• on the atreet for IS paya Clark b the
tint tramp arraatad nader the elty orAinaao* adootad aome time aco for the
nppreaaiOB of boboea. aad whleh pre
eidea that falltnc W pay the Aae impoasd. the pereoa ehar^ with «acraw^ahall te worked od the atreet aad
oredltad with M eaata for aaeh day’*
Tbr Inlr l.,,r<!
fr* *unl\iiii;
Th.' latoLt |b.|„ o!i l‘n-«lilrut Knip*r
111 tlir KiiKlbl>f.t...,. luatr* Idm cm
a tUimiimi aud -iiiirK lUal bb rral
aaiw b «'r<vr.
Tiir llrv, I..
liullMTtt. a mbciou.
ary. i« *nid lo b- ti... orlcJn.il dliiror
t-rvr ot t'afr- N<.mr cold <l<-|Mmlt*.
Mr*. JrffrrNoti |i(ivb I* au ••JtcellrDi
tJr.i k m-liubir nud b i-rbi lnliy foad uf
rvwdiiic Hum,-I in i|i,. oHclual.
Ilovrnior Stour of IVllll■yl\aula
pn-ami Hu-o|>liiloii that rtrr\ hu«b
Itliould d<<tsl to lib wlfr tbr lioiiHWIrad.
Tbr llrv. «•. Jl. Slirldoo. aulboT of
"In lib Str|w." b to n Hd a urw auiry
tp bb «iitictvtriitlon ibb minirr Id |>bor
of tbr rrcular Kuiidny rvruluc <u-rmnn.
■ illr‘* tiioflirr. alllmncb
rr HU y.n old, rraib ell of Ibr lead
I I.oUili>t
O. K B. A. SlMtlea.
BleeUo^f oaeera will be held et
At the eanaal mcMlac of the a M. '
the aeetlBC cf the eerpeatm Ualoa
B A. leet Bicht the toUowtac i fBeeta
thle eraatac at the C S. P. 8. ball. AU Treeleetad;
the Mtabero BfB eapeeially Bread to te
Preeldeat—Pal Barden.
Plret Vice Preaideat—Joaepb PerfoaCora J. BeUtac hae ftled a peUUoD
Seeoad Vice Preheat—Tbac'^yar.
for divoToe from her haafaaad, 'John J.
Reoordtac Seerctary-J. M. HaellBeUtac, on the croaad ot deearttaa.
The Baneel doll lata of the Jaaior
Aaelataat Beeerdtag Secretary—M.
Worhen of Uraoe eknreb will ooear to J. Bolmea
morrow creeioc. TheLedlee OaUd will
Pinaaeial Saerotary->A P. Baellhare faDey work for eale at IhU Ume, maatel.
aad aappor will he ear
Treaiaref Jaa Verraaa.
Manbal-Jea Piotaaeber.
Sour ^uick work wee dooe Tawdey
Unard—A. eacaoa.
reatac by the Boardn^ BIrer ElecTr«*taaa-J. Barry. Pat Barden aad
trie Uyhi A Power Co. One of their
Uchta wee blown down at ihe corner J. M. Baailmaatal.
Delecata w Graad OoaacU-A. P.
oe tTelUactoh aad WehMwatreata.
W. Tiakham talrphoaed W the <
Aluraata—L. P. Balcea.
paay. and ta half an boar liaemea bad
reached the epot. reptaoed tbo lamp
and cot the wiroa taw ehape.
The atatloo et Poach ob the M. A N.
E. will cloee for the eeaeoB Dec. lOth
After that Um aU tr«cht maet be
[ of Booklen'.
Arnica Salre. Oaarantaed care tor
Jae. O.
W. K. Uiaat. Ireaaarer of Oarfleld Pile*.
Wwaehlp, wUl be at Xyealka'* *toi«
erary Satarday, oommrnelDCtbieweek,
w eolleet taxee for the Wwnebip.
VIA o. X A I.
Oae and one third fare for the ronad
la Tieketa on eale Droember fS, 14.
ISW, ud Jeonary I. IMO.
Goorr* X Babbalar of Lake Ajib M
Good W retoro udUI Janaary S. lUO
at theOolambta.
H. Orlhl of Elk Bapida, la la the
—t&lia you MB "Jasy ea tt-trampl* es
(t, batlt wllloome np amlllnc every.
tlBW." Chlmeae' Bleatic Pioor Vernleh.
Dr. W. J. SbllUday of Lake Au
ta the elty yeatardey.
J. M. Myen of Fife Lake wa* mTnj>
me City Tleltor yeeterday.
P. X Barth of Omeu, U at tte
Roaad trip eaenreloe UekvU will be
told toOaoadiaa potau Dec. 14. is. le
P. A. Clary of Qrud Rapid*, b ta and 17. retaro limit January S. ivoo at
the ehy oa bueiaeae for ihe Pena one fare tor round trip.
Mntaal Life laearaaee Co.
Oouly Aceot MeDooald left yeetarday with Bruno Man* for the reform
atory at Lanalrc.'
W. H. Oibb* will leere today for New
York for two week* od buelnea*.
JokD Bobbin* of PeW»key. U in the
city rleiitac friend*. Re ie a coMt of
the family of J. M. Tbomee.
Ludlord brnodeceof Boaor, waa la
Wwn oa bnaineM yeatardey.
A. R UiDchem *rmsta WUItaMbarc
on baetaee* yeatardey.
J M. Btakcelee I* la Petoakey oa baaInaea tor the United State* Benefolent
Mra A. T. Peck la uwrtainlnc her
•other. Mi* W. H. Miller, of Orud
Mra Oeonre Kerr and eblldrea will
j da Mr. Kerr la Brithk Oolembta im
mediately after the holiday*
Kerr hat been there for tbe peel year
Brave Men I'all
vhereanlielnloaeof appetite, poleop*
>nthe blood. bmekacDe. nervoa*Dee*.
needeebe end tired. Ilatleae, ran down
feeltac. But ibere'* no need to f««l
Ike that. J W. Oardaer, loeville.
lad., eey*: ■Elretrie Bitter* are jo*t
'■be tbiac for e meu when he don't carr
• bather be Uvea or diet. Il c>*e me
'ew airenctb and pood appetite. 1
at now rat anyhioK ud have a Drw
'a ve oo tifr." UoIt SOe at Ja*. U.
lobnaon'eaoo S. B. Wall'a druc atorn.
Every bottle cuaranteed.
OrmpuloD Sterlee for 1000.
Tbeetorltapubllabed ta tbe Y'oulb'*
Companion poniey tbe manly and
womanly vlr-ne* with no kacritice ol
laureet or viuJUy. and they appeal to
ibe aympatliiie of old and younc alikn
Darlnc 1*0(1 Tbe Companion wilt effer
*peclaT »crir*of atoriw—amonr ihrir
Marram Iieland. E/z>beth Kliian
Pbelp*. Kdllb Wbarton. Kate> Chnpin
aud Marram Sanceter. There
fiur eeriel aioriee-"A prairl- Infanta,’
br Eve Wilder Brodheed: "Runnlnc e
Merry OoR>und.’’by CbSMM Adam*:
■■TbeSehoolbonae Parlbeat Wret," by
C A Steven*; end -'BDehinc Brolt
All new •ubecriber* will receive Tbr
Companion for tbe remalolnc weeka cl
imHi free from tbe time of •ubeeripUoo.
end then for e full year, dfiy-two
week*, to Jeanary 1. IWI; aleo tbe
(Ximpanlon'i new Calendar far 1W».
aniteble ea an ornament fjr tbe yreitleat
room lo tbe boaae.
*un'« DMtVt'iUrUI*.
e fall prcMveetaa of the v 1
Dr. Ooraey Spaldtac. of Kiecara Gontalnlnr
ume for IMO will te aant free to any
oaaty. New York. I* the yoeaceat
TUB Youra's companion,
GET YOCR...........
We are allowing a very
large aUx-k of the lateet
Doveltiee in ... .
The Finest Line
Ever Seen in
This City
Fruit KnlT«s
Koifd And Pork Sets
Berry Spoons
Orange Spoons
Salad Spoons
Soup Spoons
Ovster Forks
Pull Sets KniveS and Forks
Elegant gifts in' all kin'is of
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House
mm Dress
You are looking for. here is where
the most fastidious tastes
can be gratified.
& Weil Pants
Are made upon the latest approved pat
terns—the weaves are exclusive—cut. shap
ed and finished as only first-class merchant
tailors can turn out, the only difference
being that we can save you from 35 to 50'
I>er cent, on the made-to-order garments.
Every pair warranted to«satisfy you or
your money back. Give us a trial, as you
run no chances.
Kef IcCeirs Pittens ud Ftshlon SheeU Just IfrlieiL
The Boston Store,
60c ?5C
100 1.26
2 60
made i^th either double Caeod or satin
back-^ handsome a line of
patterns as the weavers esn produce
Hamilton Clothing Co.
For a Christmas Gift
Marks Bros.
The same old prices prevail—as low as ever. Very fine
Dramatic Company.
Suppop^og the Joint
Plays Changed Every
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks. Silverware, C^tical Goods, Pins. Opera Glasses.
New Goods and New Fixtures
Id my store
....217 Front Street.
“The Major’s
... Bride”
He or She
rake Weraerh White wnae of Tir Symp
^^teoaochraeBedyonamth. tSeiu
What is prettier or more appropriate than
an article of Jewelry from our assortment.
T« Cm Lt BrifftbTu iMti.
iBOMdAyitUhaatattea. VaadMeta.
Dec. 4th
to 16th
101 OolambaeAva.
Buelon, Mam.
A Xeea. Cl ear Brala.
Yoar teat ferUaca. yoar aoelal peal CkilftmM BiUea
tlon or haataeea eaeoae* depend^Uyl||
Pereoa* deeirlnf nice teachen' blbl*
oa the perfect aetloa of year Stomeeb
do well to Isaalr* of J
' Stefs on tele at the box
aad Urer Dr. Klac'a New Ufa Pill*
forth Sprao* atreet.
Cl«c taereaeed etreacth. e keea, clear
brmln. bleb embltloa. A U oeat box
Telaphone 112 for seate.
will make yon feel Ilk* e new balnr.
lUd by iae. O. Johaeoa aad S B.
Admission lOo, 16c, 86o
lo my bam for teddlar, tak
BaTod Sb Ufa.
Walt, drayybw.
nare ta exebaace- J. O. J*i
U wa* a thriUlBc aaeap* that Charlea
Darb of Bowanwa. O.Jetely had from
a Mebtfol death. Pw two year* a **No rrmo^ etinaU WAHSTorB White
» laac troable oooitaaUy
or fAH 'BVHUP for ibb terrimn*t' die*of ViKE
•Iraod fetal dlMmae. If taken tboi^
Or. Cla^ Hew Dbooreiy aad tataly •ucblyaDd in tiuir. it will cure a oaee
wrote: "It care Inetaat relief aad af- D Z4 hour*, and iu- the oourh that lolftetad aparmaaaateare.'’ Saoh woadmfal earaa hare for is y«ia. proroa
tta powm to eare all Threat, Ca«t aad BaAlyaiAtetekisA.
Laac^blaa Prtae Me aad tl.oo
Who has not seen our new neckwear
*■4 Dollar* wenk
lor S«U4or Tree*
aratybotuanarmawed. Trial botOee
has something in store for them—It's a
Ptamee Sttekeoa. 41 Baat Blchth
sight worth seeing.
m om te om
The Boston Store
i CVvvvs\mas &v^\s
SvVV '\Davs\ PatttTws at
hull out a
900&& an Vks 6\.1b aw4
li.OO qnaVk^s. ICot maa^ eoiae saAf aai'^ ^rst
^TvoVW Wtve
V.tb aU \.M «Uk qaaVUkss
rStkeTA Kent
morning record.
■*!««• hr whtoh • Mm
Railwar MrUc* Wmm.
(iSttveADotU. i
A hlfh UMtIe brMcv ujorr Umw a
^lurter of • mlto tons, rappordne tb«
< Cat Tbraof That Aeo Pot
ix»d. spaa* Uic rflli-y of (>rud rlT«.
CMt of ralanrlllF. U. Tbr bridec U
BomUo intta teMlly e< D- K. KliEora,
Ultlc Vidor Ibao ibo dlstapco bMvM
lOaced d(bl
tboajrbt aba
woald dJe.' or too tocb« apart, tbe apaee botweao
1 .twine otwn ^ tbo tlrvr below.
A yoDDc man wf^ cruaard rceaotty
and It waa aoaelodad tbo otbardaj
bad a tbrlUlne npoiiooea on tbo
tbat bw Ufa mlcbt ba aarad Ibroacb
bridso. Ur had Ju>t paaaod tbe eenttf
aklB rrafUBf- A amaabar of bar faS'
when a faai tialu rounded Ibe eeira
il7 mada lha aaeriEoa. bat to m affaat “V-blDd blni.
A»,tbe on«lDe wbtatled
MdUraaaalaad tor TOBBCBlrAodar- be dulckeot-d bt* paeo.
With OTOfT
f^ons man atumbb-d and
.one Bw-eep with It and aerer the Jogu-
llkr that of a druaulug mau. bla flo
at a ooat of SttOO.OOO.
»»•« rte.iH-d aronnd It.
on which the in-
*“ •""•''r
toiKh«l the wel-
plant., mnkln*
ialanda amkll
wd tha woHm will ample/ o
Iron l«r tlmi vlhmtrd w hlely from aide
At lam the train i«a>.i-d. and tba
young man w aa aide 4o vlluih aluwly to
tbe trai'k alaive
runerve.1 hy the try
•dvieea from Oarwm. and
reports that
m<- a grvai frkbi and ruinph-ti-ly unD.'TVed mr.
I waa abaving ig- yo^g
man. and lu iwaalug fr»ui oii'e akiv of
On tba night of
Beeryooe fled from hU houM .
Into the public aqoara.
A few bou.a
.‘. r.VeeT.e-. rmrZ~’'~
joc MeCormk-k of th.- Ini.-ruatluul
rulp c-omiuany telU n d.-lh-lmu. aiury of
waa raportad that tbe water
|«i>er making lu roumvih-ui.
was rising In lha bay of Ambonla- Tha
abowa that ojwraiing a.mlll 1« not
In tbe
of ai‘
a, • - rlnu. tnati.-r a. tb.-n.- big proprl,^
tbe shape
shape of
a— .M»1 ....
fr.rn.ui tbVwatsr'
“ ‘" "‘'v*- Strolling
bags tidal waae and forood the water ,
cvtintryalde In bay-making
foat oral
tba lowlanda.
Il.-r faih.-r put In m.«t of tils
time at h.-r lailalde.
Om- afternoon •*'*'*■
while ahi- waa aaln-p be came ftr In-re |
get abaxit
He waa ao ekbauated
kiK'ormlih Upiamil on a
At Pauboly; ||,tlr|wt"T will w bleb buia.il merrily
•nd Bamaaoeroa. on the bay. tba waees, in a abady 0.-11. witb meryibiug cleui
•wept over the tope of trees thirty fe«t! and ewti-l around It:
A look In tba
Out of nearly U.ooo Inbabliantt >Mhi- abow.il ii.MUie Ibm-. and tbe vlawan.h-rtHl ov.t the lulll, bop««ly forty aaeapod.
II lior tbim *'<>t>'l''tYil
I log to llud wmit- one to whom be eould
Tba Coatses, thread mannfactarera,
. talk hualneaa. Tin- lua.-liiue waa bum
•re dsroUng large aumi to raaiorlug ming aloug. and It mi-iuihI lm|ioaalUe
«ld eathedrala tor the ebnreb
a library for a Yonng Men’t
I was aUun
Baeoa raUUa ftr
in blngaporr.
msnay: bams. » totUooaiA,
and lard
tteiulamlllct and baa ai,,a.l Its toiart.w lu Imuce. To
'Sr-T. J. A. Woody, of
tbe olber
They lik.il il.i-bum
h.-l.l a Imlc higli.-r than i^e
aiigi-U ylr.coDM-tit to la- b.-l.iv(il.
pliaiu- of |>r.i'i«ilty
l.il up
I'n-u.-h IU1I..U. wln-rt- that buibou^
fashk.uqf pr<iwrtiig an Iniclleetnal bin
clMgyatao In Nebraska
oldcal' of tmrf fur guoie found na
lahl.-a. Jiihi as N-riain cotcrl.-H of wo-
father, Milan, inherited >4,«<io.uu<i from j ni.-u pn-acrll-- It i.Hlay.
of i
uilti two. talk of
Rown la
Bar* With ibe sua.
Tbe l^mdou Iraliy
Mall saya If an
Bmton couple were In Now York tbe a.-rlal iiMs.-hlue were caiuihle of travel«ther day and wore much ombar aaaed ! ‘“f •« •»'> «‘v up to i.uuo mil.
ekr in It. otartlug vealWArd
the onihudaaUo cbeere which
fu.w tiOudoD at a siM-til of 000 mlleu
greeted them wbilo walking om Broadan hour, would arn-st the prqgrvua of
If be Btsned at lo a. m.. It
uoiild nlsays iv to blui lu a. m.
tlOO SfWud. tlOO.
NLould m- Dud Ills uii.-u.litig day moi.num.. he could rei.rat- bla dlrooThe
Tbo readers ol
of this paper will bo
qul.'k su.n-ssloD of
pleaoed to loara that there U at least. Ueu
OM dreaded d'oeave that te'eneo baa.sbur
shun days aud ulghla of some ate
been oble to cure In all lu stagcA and hours' duration. Iijg be ci.ul.1 tvgulate
l;.st to teterrab
UiU's Catarrab Cure the Icfigtb by the s|mh1 of tila maM the only poalUvo cure known to the cblire. duppoar be traveled from Igmfrntemity. Ctoterrab being a
Hslraitoteraab j •• • •Peed of l.uw miles per boor. He
ex]HTtt«<i- ■
ly apoB tbo blood and mucnoiu anr
taote of tbe aystem. tboroby Oaatroying
s the foundsUon of the diaoase. and giv
ing the pattent auengib by balldlng
“The young man wbo g«-is cbcatraL”
«p the oonsUlutloa and asalatlnr na- aaht tbr com f.il pblk>aoptH-r. "thinks
taro in doing lu work. Tbo propriotbr otber fclluw wonderfully ainart.
tera have ap much faith In lu esrattvo
but tbe elderly perotio wbo gnes up
powMstbat they cflEvr om handrodngnlnzt It admits hintaelf to be a fooL”
-Indianapolis JdarnoL
Sir^dtisro.'Si'uiLffiir “
AddiOM F. J. CcuikT A Oo. Toledo,
tVbea old baebrion kla* babira. tbe
bat tea don't llkr It any iM-tier than do
y Fiite Are the bask
wiuter eliort
lie uas uml.-r tbe In
Lsdlra' extra q <aliiy viel kii and b- z calf lace ab-Ma. new
mannub aud opera toes tipped hand luroed or ezleniioo
welt wileu. ttneo or kii lined. Compare ibem with oth
ers’$3 uo afaoes and yoo will boy onra at...........................................
flueuct- of'Cfber at the time aud did
B.>l fcuow. but afterward, wli.-u b<liiwnt of the .-ircuuisUuiivB attending
tba dd bacbeterA-Cblcngo Record.
to m-e them is to
l.xdies' eztra fiae vioi k d and ve’ourea f la-raaboea, new
opera a--d modern t-ss •iti->-d. beavy "el’ oy llg t fl-zlble
aules—they are lb- ssm - q ia'ily you nsuslly pay t: S'l for
—OUf prior.......................................... ...............................................................................
girl had di.ll siidd.-uly In ibe gn-ati-si
Bgouy. rulliug fur her father Just Ix-
have it
sir furasev.
a.Lork Bos Ilk
J|S>K “AkB
r‘irHs?i(.I? r*
ajipreciate their arliKtii; liia-s.
work sewing up th<- »<.iih.|i
Wc give yon n ah- rt
!.*(> es’ . ztra
a trood <
-y nay wearing ahoea. in p'ump
•Pvk.v-c kM
buuoD, good valoe a’ A.' uO.
a n..ws<-nger .-am.- to say lliui the little
b.-r da-atb.
defu-ription. iiut
we stanched tin- tion of M.sii the Is-sl
We knew bon
Kteu as th.- d.ilor
f..n- she tb.ll.
ulwHys iotfir-
what wc liav.- bi*fore you 5iuy your
Ladies’ cz’Ts aeleeiod v'c'. k’d teoe and huttou sb-M«. band
turned or ez-roBlen we't a-i'os, new bon-ton and manslah
Voea. regn'ar or Frcn-rh heoia—Y* a cannot bnv better
aboes f--' >3 to or Pt oo—eu' «oeclal p: ..e it...................................
beard ber call aa bt- lay tlieiv aslrrp
III Hie chair and that It was h.-r cry
that had .aus.i1 him to make Ills sutl
deU ino.i-llii-UI.
"For yeaj> afl.-r the ati-hlent he con
A f|
rhsMs tor aUwr
Rubbers tu fit ail tbe Utest ntyle shoes.
\ou i-an'l (lu b tier than to buy your footwear of
imuiil to Vila.e In the sum.- abup
wher.- It had tsi-iirnil. and it was
ue\cr un-mluu.il
lie .urrhil a re
mluder of ll for tin- remulu.ler of his
i:i.-| Front Sirii-t.
Ilf.lu iiddiliou lu the sear oil bis
thnmi. the tlugers of his right hand
r wlitea.
■-rurulshod rC SmOteU- SI
m-Tso Vos: t-allsrs. fcirrsu a
>cb "ood Bosrdtl srrirrek. .
irCay sigh.
J O-
1 Vin^ajs-
i«ororrd TsrtvrS^Gnt pr.iprny^ k
^I'KNIIBBO R-vaua Torrn. «l’k Beard
Bnuo.rr. sl->Wr.tA .rots .un-l Mra
b-«>tlcallsl in
rr Ore ICfe. "Ill
I.iass prr
u> •hi>B u
w.-ri- all diuwn up and aMds-“s.
House Coats
FAKcy piAiDS
No Budsomef
Gooiusboffii Ro;ffbert at Ptmm
lluilik Ihe wielder of Ihe lAZ.-r ihat It
was uo won.The pr..1.!.hll.li.-s are
that II wiis qiilck anion h,. ihe lairls-r
lhat pn-.eniiil a liad etii
A shgut
Diek ofleu >roiil.l hli.e bu n a i-qsa- fur
thi- d.sti.i"oi .-oiouer w, iv k uoi for
grateful therefor, j «>'»'*
To make matters worse, Mrs.
iiii; it to y->o.
was the iini u. act. although half
eraztii. He li.irrl.il f..r a d<i-lur wbile
was HI
T (mroRiALBOM Easy TgBMs-«
Jl4 Ol
rmoiNtm: Cltn-t on «sst fUsto
-Irorl: KnWi os Bsrlnw Mrrrl. IMI (rrl OB
HO.N .trri-i;hou*rs»a.'Ofoo. lot ot EssKkst*
tirsrrsllr,.id.ll»n; » t-s.l lo» oo Bssi S.sO^
Isnd nrsr -sySrU U
,ir MSI IIW *.srr-.
ni» ; imr >sU.bc ouiBi oor
.-Ii'hsker lor lo.1 lu rl'
and want the opportunity of nhow-
“Tbegiiau who'had dooenh.. mltiug
.Vine tini.-s out of teb «ln-n--lhe |s-rs00
At |x>i>Qlar priccu
• (itioif t.i everyone.
gellUig iluivail r>i.-lu-sa hiek aud lay>
Ihc l.lainc ou the luilU-r h. stmUld
•l>•^lil.•^.lu^^-; «Ith eight, th.-ilm-artw
ach-u.-.. lux-utl.m. with six. i«.llil.-a cw
I pl,ll.*..,.l.j; «m, four, w-oilim-m. rx,
tbe admiral's
Thli was her
king. b„i
alrikisg reaemolance | y..oim If: <-g.n-u. tn'h.ugi to the iiic-a'
Is not particularly
who was a U>'s<''ui'‘ tVilh Ik* at tald.-. talk vuyagcw
te Admiral Di-wey,.and just at pr««.nt tct<-.''- Elfa« Ulm-y
sot unlike
.All d»Zi-liH of llislau<i-i Wlieiv II libS
lii-ii Old.. Ihe m.ivst eliami- lhat has
jui-veuiiil at-rh.Us If aim final mlsbaiis
bog raiaor belora be' oamo
tl.iu of churiiilDK W..IO.-U. UMil l» piv
,|.c «il-J.ii ..f talk f..r dlun.-r
.MitekuuaLd rod Hall.
teLiMaquaud rooiiaii
Charlaa T Rowe, a
''Sii.id.'li iii.>ii'iiu'l>ls wlilh- Id the lAfber's .-hnlruri-niwaysain i.. ti-iiii.-u.l
111 wItJi stwlous r.-suMs. an.l I .i.ul.l re
TbeklngofServia. Alraander 1.. la
moana. bears a
With a
lla left nvj H-piBid<-phatHgreat-!
Wmc. ('aiiiiiuii. wh»w- ad.i.i- may Iw
to ha*.- f.iniinl a uli.-l.- gem-ra-
iy>a poorest potentate in Europe
hiagTwndfstber'. Miloaai.
niith.iia: dU.\ii4l»u. not on the right of
Bolara u aooud aa ivory
He shewed j »-omaii t.Aht4yilh.i. but wh.-ilHT'tbe
tbe pleoe of silver, wbicb be bad In h a
left cheek.
today T wa. um-
ever,the blade of ll«' razor. So ilac.l1
was be llial hi- could Dot realize whni
‘Ihi y..ii iiM-au to asy Ibai the mill
runs ttia-lfr'
quarter la my month for 11
Wataon say..
At first
. chair, with tlie hlooil atreaniUig fnnn
' bii ttir.«i aud tlug.-CK.
»OeKKTBrtOK-l.«»l Is or Dear OwlstN-ra v
OprrsUou.^. Me*. rC lor reiorn
I Imd
don't mind'll much
,!(TEl>-ri'f eesri
SI «iia wnr
sb.1 B«slrssts
his M-ai lu lilt- Hialr o.-xi to tbe one
“tVeU. who a tbr owm-rr.
*'Wby. I am. to U- «uce.*'
\V.- rurt her up at 0 In the
morning, and ah.- ruua till ti In tbe
Thia mlira iMim weantil.
Itolomoa Wataon, of Chtoago. aa tba |
elraiig.-r: alo- don't mill a ourwe.
raaaU of a bet. haa bad a silver quarter
tVhth- I'm g>-lilug In ha.t ah.- puts half
la bla mouth, night and day. alnco
a ton of
ou the rt.ll
-Cee up.
Bept 4
He found tha money tbot!
Trade Journal.
day. ends banur that be oould not!
koop for a year led to this novel wager. {
Table Talk.
time it
ITV1 HtXT—llouw sod Brwi cls^twts
BicNsrC.-lCT tta.1 Klatk sMse.
“I do.” was ihc reidy.
____________ _____
.. waa
____ ___________I
for ....
>10. ■'ll
agreed | Rather curiously U..ram-In ••(Tr*00
that 1 must sat. aloeo and drink with ^ Hergentc" iM-iouga to the ruudern
I ibw.irong.bteltbyaod a^ve. Onepill; ——i
fi-oin Ills chilli he thn-w out his hau.l
to fr.1- hlms<-If. and his Dug.-i's chnuil
,i„. unreal
...................... c. F"f.v.i;o's;was-'S"
cbbb.b, sb-bbo. M.r I
tlmroughl) awak.-, ami as In- luiaglu.il
ruaa tbbi tiilliV
high prices tbAl prevail
rm rraiik A Soars Btk Rapida
thn.Ugh lack of alea-p tliol be fell
a«ln-p tiuiii.i1iat.-ly after he ha.l taken
his child
»>.Ogo donated by tba Wabaab Btllroad I o„p „ hen h.- g-i within bcarftig. “wlw
toatlOD of tbe Amoriean paeken to tba
Olailon Ai
that S..UU- one was Lohlliig him liack
Wly. Mo., which U Ui be orauriod with
Oonaul Uaneral Moseley ealla tbe at
aluriii he Htsruil up Just us the tuirlu-r
laid the razor agaliisi bis n.-ck
the ll.-sh It sank
He was uol y.-t
"He dn-um.ll that suuie one bad
come Into the ^lair to tell him Ibpt
nnee. But evi-ii sliouilng fnihiLlo bring
forth aigiiB of lir.-. an.l Mr. Mct'»rmi<%
H Isa Helen Uonid baa giron 11 000 te
lieLliid whi.-h I UBS at Work.
Hint Ihen- Kbniild Ik- m. »u<- lu allcnd-
pOel^N VAOT»-nr
I town. N.
^ery bad
pitnr AM> MT novmvK
wltblu an a.i- of
™ b,
Into tbe bay antranoe.
4]naka that aaemsd to work from north j
It's a ainipie matier to teal tbe kidoeyt. Yoo need not con«olt a doctor.
By asking yoerielf three qaestiou you
determine whe.ncr or not year
kldoeya are deranged.
Firat; '' Have vou backache or weak,
Seoood: "Do voo have difficuUy in
I tbo frequent dcaire to
-am of unar and ibrvc-fourtbs of a
slaablng blui. and only a quick Jump
! enp ..r wai.-r ..v.-r a v.-ry boi tirv. I>e
laick saved him.
Tin- pcr-plrai
Dot Mtlr afier li.illng baa h>-gun. Rr
blood out on ui.‘. and I bad to call
^ move from the tin- aa KM.n ae ih.-n- la a
ol Ceram were
•wakened by a terrlfle shock of earth
to Ilia fan-.
aud unateady llinha. made hl> way te
firm ground^-4'h-v. laud U-adt-r.
erta oonal and agitated ibe lalanda adthe aaeond tbe people
• bskpe. TbU ■asSTUoe real. Will
has roal MroM rMars u A J. Monrw
A -TiVi .Bt
KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. br nsrO for kl. -kerb."
.loctorcd ID vain until dre-Mr.. J. ACan.. AaceU Hlrt.
. W. Cbarf'l Kidnrv-Liver Pills
hroughi to my notice, and they
bare conn
-oujplclrly cored me. I cannot say la ihr eounir..
ilrt. w.ai «
.o».ll Wauee I
enough in prsii i ol tbeir
If you have kidoev diaeaic,
a fnlm y.-llu« Huge to ibe Uke Ur.
Chaw's Kidney-Liver
Pills ,
I Blnip. Take 1h<- ahelhii oula nlie aimwith perlect confidence that what baa
-Itut the wuiwi aivideni I ever saw,
cbeap. EtHiulre Oral w’sSd’b’S'oa!
•n prt->-vloualy proved an slaidate c
U, . U.rl-r
.Lll, 1
tbousandi of cases will not fsil yoA
'---------------------------------------f a lar;
...rkliiK lu a .Ui#U lo.u la tba waai.,
HouM- ae Kae. gigklb
So long as the celU of the kidneys are
Uaa or ,b,. |».r,.a. o, tba plaa, ..a
“ , not completely weitcd ewey. as in the
wbu* ,H'n.r.oM lb--Wb;
..n „,b,l
Bright's oitea^ "
Tlieae iveli».-« aud llhistniiton areglw-; Ifjf *.**®?-onu
- ____
daiigbii-r waa lying at rtie |<ulut of
a trifle, an.l In- moviil lila bead and
deoly JUal aa 1 W.-0I to put iIh- blad.-
'atretrheil aepwa the nilla and. then
rlalng to bla f.-et, wlib bUnihed faca
qnakya el Nosembar aboeked the JapaJaaaat U> tba empire.
Ihi- chair I). tli<- otbei a l>uii»n of my
waNii-oai c-augbi In hl« balr
It puthil
ing eiiN-rleo.-e. be lay for a uioni.-nt
ware daatreyad on that
taland alone whan tba draadfal aartb-
World's Qreateat KIdoey Cure
Third: "Ate there depeaiu like brick
dul in tbe urine after it bai stood lot ■ra and^ntl'^4«
Urb.ldrvo -A M."
' Iwenty-iour bour*?'
In ita early aiagca kidney dUcaae U
t«a<lily coied by a lew boxea ol Dr.
table., ebaira ai
Cbasc-» Kidnev-Urcr I'llla,
lion wbicb haa made Ur. Cl
' Ibrougbout tbe world for bis wonderful
ol diieasea of tbe kidoe;
day. it waa only a fi-w- .tn>a ago liiut
I altuoat bad ao .aivhl.-in that gaw
>,000 men.
ABd H They ar* Oteeaaad Use Um
nnu.—Ball one cup of granulated aug-
even nleklug Ibe man I am abaving.
In fai-t, aoi h an oivurn-u.v uuk.-a me
of aorta for lliiI of tbe
like ataoiMhlp Amerienn Mam, whieh
awb accideiiii. aud have a borror of
haa arrlead from the Orient, broaght
u ilir man In
I hav.- a«-en a number of
the chair.
For a moment
te atloe M to areet a plant af anfielanl
aa^t/ tooantwiaaaii ottbaoompa
wrap In anutber aeeded rateln; roll te
bgre no wamlog unr any opportunity
i«rta of ibe bridge, and. with a grip
Onard-Mra Maria Nemoe.
to aave yourself.
■ flue granulate.! augar.
-There la'alwaya a ebanee of a aert-1
Caudh-d AIBion.la and Engllah Wal-
Tba oompaa/baa par-
hand. am-irb.Hl blindly out lH f..re him,
obaeada tnatof too aorcaon tba teland
onds. Engilab walnuia or candied eberUea; eluee each ralalo tbua tilled and
lou.-brd a round Iron lar, l»T4rliig two
«oat SkOO.OOO.
There would be nothing to prevent
bla doing tueb a thing, and you wotfld
BeMOMor fnmaoee
TrcMorwr-Mra. Katie FraaU.
p—-rtaldadamt am Galman't
on tbe tnatam. Bappoae. for Instance, nuins os one aide and tvmove tba
tUt tbe twrtier abould go Inaaoe.' *re<lB: flU with blu of bUnt-bed aim-
Baob of tbeae tnmaoea wlU
Financial Soe.—Mra. Oarrio MarkMr.
p«r tbe ChrUtmM Dtaiert.
lar vein, and you woulAlw dead nlmod j
brldgr aa tbe iuoonwtlve
''‘jf ^
allppory with rrvaae fr..in drip
Cronnd waabroKoa for tbe ftratof Uw
Iper glTlrg tbe atnie lumioou* effect aa
the prraaed leav.-.. The atem. and ten-
are not a uumber of people killed In bought and faaieued them In with tbe
that way every year.
It would be putty, making u Ultunlaaled window
tbe eaaleat thing In tbe world fur tbe of (reat beauty.
barlH-r aa be wIeld.-O bU maor to make
That tba AmwIobb Staal A Wira Or.' bo bad Juat time to awlue blmiH.-ir over
wUl balld lu Iwmonae so.ooo.ooo plant
Vlaa Prte.-Mtw Annie SteoM.
Seeratarr—Miw. Marla Faifarah.
Tmatapa Mia. K. Kratoebefl, Mca.
batqoei thelodfo haa pat no tor a lore Maria WUhalm and Mrs. B. IBadalc.
“It aeema a <iu.vr queatlon. 1 know,
j,rr dedgn waa flniabed. abe corbnt It la a wonder to me tliat Ibeee ered eneb pane with the oth.-ra abe bad
jaUnod the train waa el.ioo brblnd.and
«a Norilla ialaad. a aabnrb of pitta-'
tiarab te new a aattlod tecL Monda*
arrant and
aeiarately. tbe ilaaue pa-
with on.- Onser.
Tbe bartwr amllrd ,B»ne'tege and adding a few butterfllea
to reaaanre lila cuaiomer and aald:
| wbk-b abe twuebt from a coUecUon.
r iriaee for vbirb bo bad
apodal procram
for the man that abarea yoo to klU ^
Tbe man In tbe chair aal up qnleklj
Iba baro of tba. tborr wa* not a uiuiurni to Utae.
IBa otbw da/b# barad biaami
little hartwf. “bow ea«y It would be ^tb purple tteane pep«r. etntlng out
and ke>k<-cl r-an-fblly at tbe barber, drlla abe painted In oUa. guniming the
who waa feeling the edge of the inaor bwraa nnd gmpee In place with a URla
■ea. wbo baa tear baao as admlrar of' awp'ibc train u aa wblne noarar. and
Aba jaaae lad/, to be
Marks trotherm.
pto*^ of glaaa tbe esaet alte of those ' of apedalUta baa
tmm Advaatace Of-Xareowi ^
| tba parformaMO wUl hare additional
rram aeriaaa —- > Then abe covered tbe UBPea of tbe winAfter tba ahow tha Blka
Pathrra Dream.
.flow with pn-w-d aotuina grape leavett ..j
wtli ratam to
FbUadMpbU. waa banad ao aarloatlr, tbo laiU. and tbo itot
that It waa
A totoo* MtMow Eoma.
TMirht TrawM atr Udc*. No.
Tbe Now Took THboao toQ. of tbo
m. B P. O Klk« wUl MtM>4 \k» per- tha nnnnnl aaaattec of tha tedtea ol ttia
iConloM maiiaor la wblcb odo vobob
wreoaod •
window oTortookinc ■
a D. aoelat/:
inelebbor’annattimetlTehaekyar^ Bbe,8tetaharrbOtaBd.aatb«caaato< tbei
IproetiRd from tbe glaaier. a nuaiWr of
•iiMttr inrk of Cir Nirkf4 1‘lat* imllA tew wooka aro MIm CUn Oraao. a
Ibe uati-hfulD.-ss of tbe hurlH-r. Here
y.-alcrday I bap|H-n.-d to .Iraw t.looil
from a young fellow's fa.-e m-nr bla
«Ar. and he made a gntot fuss aliuut It.
until t showed him that M was only
the sinideu wiili.lrawal of tbe razor
many men who call at our
store anticipate receiving a gift
of one of these handsome coats
— almost indispensable to a.
gentleman's comfort around the
house—popular priced goods.
which resulted tu Ihe sllgiit uiek that
pn-.euted him kwlug a g.nl |«n of bis
twr. TIh-ii bt- was grateful aud iliank-«d me. IwsidtA pruuilsliig to he more
careful in the future.
"Itut iberv are other ways tbe barber T
lias of g.-illlig eveA" eoullum-d the Ut
ile'baris-r after n-latlM-rlug one aide of
bla ettolomer'a fa.-e. "Tbeiv la oo oe.^
of bUWalilng a man lie can Inflk-t
Injuries ibat will make bis victim ov
cidedly lUKvmfurtable. and at tbe aai
tiUl- the tatter will ool In
what to Is-liig d.>no.“ Wliat
mtAOt by this last remark :
did not ask.- New York Fun
DMa*« kmuAb Wltk ibe Meal.
Jom-a Wbai were tbe boys all lao^
tag so biwrtlly overt
Josea-Wby didn't yon Isngb with
tbe rtatt
BrowD-li wucs BA—CniBtebu <0J
flenia inonteL
Sidflwalk Lomber In all riiiefl.
PU Loxx—Or rUt nr (sm
r-.f rrdrrsood a fmlot. Wl U
s>.\I.B-Hu;rl and
O .i»klui
jr V.IC W*KTIn.«rs-c»of any kind IB Bra.
X clsss <-o«piM>irs nr o> buy s bousr, >oi or
fsrw .-all 00 A:It» A BIrdsstI rooas t ssd B
Urr.-s.illr.'n Block TrsrnrarTiu. HK-4wa
Something new in (.'hristmu pr«fl>
A glance »t
down will
our show win.
show you
ibe preUie>t,
up-to date
yuu ever saw.
week at a
We offer them tbia
s{)ecial price, in
and sqtiare stylee.
Note prices:
Large Medaliooa, witti
gilt frame................................................... 48e
Some in smaller size tor................. 88o
Still smaller aizes tor......................... 85o
Remember we <^er bandreds of
articles at a special basgain.
yon want to aave money in ObrisL
mas gifts, call at tbe
JOHN F. OTT & 00 .Variety Store
SnoMMm U TrawM Oily Ltunbw Oo.
One doer wast of
Op«n Boms.
, aaagwgg—'
Tffl! iioftmNe JaSCaRD. 'rgBR5ftA?|D»CBMBBR ii 1»9.
eeagooio borlss.
tuak WEU bin.
•Mttiafe BM •< r*«ak
CLtVEft, BUT^UliEsa.
▲ tow y«M» apa pubUc raitany waa
•toi tk> CkTorttr fan tor BOUaarr
MUpOMi. Tbf« tM]M* look btOX. Of
MWM. Wk«
ti ■OBT COBMCttaf
netted by tb* rartona baaaa called tbe
**drrU baaaa of Mezlra.- which abopkeeprra placed In tbelr wtadowa They
nomewbat rooe^lad
It&k bMwM ibfotwlvw wd tb« M»wttb wkk-k they *r« worn. u«
bcana In abape abd color. They were
alao kaowB aa tba •yumptag brana.'
•«M «1>«* no •rtoiU trlBBlBt ot
■Itt «r bW* ta om
tk* 40MbM «•
•wing to tba fact that from time
tlBa they
Talaabto tofWattoa
........................................... t -.aid a y«Mg pby>n not long ago. “for I aa not tn
aoclety. but If many aortrty wooiea an
•rograpblc offle* tbrougb flMUag boi-
like one 1 know hero lu town I think
itoa tbrowa ovactmard by ataaaMra aad
aafer to be uai of It
rooorored by paaaing ahlpa. which re
and tbr number of tbr bottle
laat algbied by aoBC raaaal.
meana. at laoat up to tba very edge,
I out a great deal and waa ontactolned a great deal
In tbU
r tbe direction It baa driftod
______________________ » UknJy VO h* coniJn#
I did not Inform tbe family till one
day tbr daugbirc asked me to trU ber
fraukly wbai brr motbrr'a condition
waa and Just how long abe could Ure.
There are aome rocent rotma which
abow that botitoa
tb« bllBl
Ii tbco drapwl witb a wfi aenrf of
cmuD ootond raol rcMtiMBCc lor*. or>
bare lloatod tbeu-
aaoda of mtlea. and oar baa a record of,
1 tol*l ber that tbr old tody couM not
covering Z400 mUea tn 82 daya
bottle was
p k'urat ].
18D6. about too miles
tnacod IB on appHqBc detdcn upon
gmond of monmeUac dr Mtr In
fliifir ohodr of crcom color and ftn-
Ust more than a fortnlgbL
Bbc begged me not to let anybody
know bow serious ibr case was. ffbc
k on May 1.
1 In tba vicinity of Olurkatndt on the
Elbe. The distance between tbr two
week sfier that 1 read In tbe papera
ibai Ura. [>a»b. Ihe daughter of my dy
polnta following tbr roaia through tb*-
Tbr bcana grew oa a aaiaU buab in
tba Mexican moantalua and It to con
jectured that they bMengrd to the or
^Itob channel, to about Z400 mile.,
glrlog 26 mitoa as tbe lowest poesIMe
oatlmate of iba daOy average velocity
ing |■allenl. liad amt out tnviutiona
for a large daurtng party.' to be given
on an eveotug a fMtnigbl away. My
toockto of rblarmooM.
der onpbortilaccaa. Tbe bean reallr
ronalaied of three almUar poda wbicli
with which tbo bottle traveled east
patient dt«l not live aa long as I bad
TlM day after abe died 1
formed a alngle bean, ll to uauaU.i a
third of the bean which was eiblblt.Kl
botile was one thrown from tliesieaui
aa a curioaliy.
ablp KIcctrIcUn. which corrred iktoki
miles In a lliile«vvr three year., or an
On opening
tbr pi»l-
read In the |ui|H-r« that -owing to tbo
sudden death of her mother Mra. Doab
by ant
Boat that of a toreador or turbaa and
tbc crown to^rovrrod cloarly with
It WBK found that It rauUlord a amiill
torra aometbing like (bat frequeuilv
foiintl In rbratnuiK. It la thU Utile o<-
woad^olly mhoratr rtubroldrry In
pair KTora and Utor cbraUlr. brighi
ad with twUtrd tbrradf of gold and
cu)uim wlileb glrra motion 10 tbe le-ali
by Ito Jerk* aud tbumpa agalnai the
If tbe toau la •JIghi.
S2T days, or an average of 1S.3 kuoi.
I> warmed. It bertna to turn from aid*
to aide and periuipa, witb a aurttU-n
Amilber good rivord for a boltle I. .Viri uillea In 16 daya, or an nver
tge of 1K.S Luols a day.
In front, bnt allgbtly on oar
aldr. Ibrrr to a big buneb of bright
dark vtotou. with a ctlB white ocpccy
to tbc canter and a amanlf tied bow
aide of Ita borne.
Jump, tuna complrtol.T over
aunda on one end. aud ibeo.
a. by >
ccocire Jumpa. uiorea quite a dlatai
aaya the fti-lentiSc American.
Tb<»e wh«i are not In tbe neerrt are
o'ten greallr puttied b.t thia ctrange
bean. An enterprtalug Jeweler derlae.1
a acbeme of uillltlng them to make a
mairir clock. He acconipitobed tin. I>.v
Imliailng the atiapc
of two
other lioMie traveled 6.000 miles In
6T4 days, or an average of eight knot.
Sh*- could not bare afforded It.
and she 'bluffed.' I bave cold ahivrra
rhlle «llll another made^P.UUi mile. In
every ilmr 1 are ho-.'-Clevelaod Plain
which on Ibe crulars of two of H. vc
oela bad tbrown Into tbr a#a TtO hotties, of which 30 have been recnrcrc<l
Taken collrcilTelj,
pniba followed by tlieae floailugrbni
ties give a good Idea of tbe drifi out
of Ibe North Atlantic.
Tbe tin-
ibi- end* of the haoda.
worka w*-re. of courae. cap-fully hid
den from clew.
All Ihat waa In evi
dence waaoliecardlioarrt Hock ^la* aud
the jumpiug le-aua. among which were
p>or youug gala
ba r turn .valler'r s.k.-d I'lKle Ebea.
"I alu't Ufter taeani tell of ennything
of that klud."
In tbe v«iuntr,v.. You kuow them four
gato whai .laid all auiumer ore.
I'liUNln Ellen .1-
Wlien they fust *•ome^
they'd big blow n ey*-. an fa'r oouiplexloDs au right .taller ha'r.
thirty noon
t aide the hat to lifted off tbr hair
by a BlBllar biiocb of eMrtm. bat In a
amaltor aUe. of caurB. and a Unto
knot of white tulle.
every oik- *>f '*-m'a ha'r begin to get
Strenk*.! Id fcpols, au l>ef*)re the sum
ibua lelling Ibe lime of day. atkl ii>piildl* was groally iDU-reeted by ll>e
mer w ux gom- ilii-y all Itad rich brown
ha’r. Theu I s*i one of 'em what mads
llieir ba r turn brown, su sbe aaid It
wux alto's brow-ii. but that the excltln
iM-eu llTin in t'bli-ag*». wbar
slie bail to t'-l 111 a thi-oit-r every Bight,
made 11 iiim .vall.v.
the Deck Bud Iwrdered lop and l•»lttMU
witb an edging of oablc. It to then dn-
IW Iblng!
I'H.ked so mii.-h iM-iier at the *-nd of the
summer that I hale lu ibluk of her
tabed under tbe cbla with two Unto
aabto bead, and a buucb of uila .m altbar elda. In ibe crater (here to n Mg
<-oiiiln t>a*-k to till, greai. wicked Ctty."
—<'bl<-ago Juuroal.
A cartooa <-ou>hlnBttou of for. cbiffon
.aad amaU fruit may be arm on eome of
the neweel Parti beta, eud a rb
tog mtak toque to 1rtn.nM4.onty with
a nearf drapery of emerald giwo chlf(ea and Anlabed at the aide witb unto
bonAae of purple and iwle gnwo
grapB and one or two very tiny plui
For ercryday
ClaUy arttb tailor made guwua. tbera
la eUU nothing neater or emanrr «»«■■
a toga* In glace allk or In cloth, c
Baatrd either with many rowa of fine
mft^lag or with toag Unra of
•arrow allk braiding, woreu In ooe
with the material Iteelf. Tbeee toqnca
arc In the beat toate when ibey matcb
the fowaa with which they are 1
They are trimmed for tite moat part
quite aimply with ooe'or two qolUe1 and
.a bockle.
Of tbr two etyUeh bate Ulnatratod
•Be baa cblachUto for Ita brim aad a
woodrrful amngemrni of • atltcbid
oloctrtc roirct fur Ita crown, a ouuh of
t the toft
r w!^
ffldr. togrtber
with a quaint
ring oc'
•amiat of cryetaL
Tbe other amr>
Btoui creation, a bat with round. up>
tar«ad brim, to a whim from Parta
The wboto affair, crown, brim. ot>
acytblng. to compoaod of qullla: la tbto
toatanra of a rich royal blur boa.
iWJndgad aa aufftotoutly dreoratirr la
ftoatr. a large cboo of blue roirat
atrroa aa tbr rxrttuiro adoruaaot.
pigaoa awl tbr aea gnU are the
Myttob Wrda la mllUarry Juat aow.
•treat gterra In glace or caatar wttb
fpw buttoaa are ibr proper Utng.
Far taqaaa aad tarbana of mbia or
cblacklUa trim mod with roIrM roarttoa, Mrda. wlnga or bonebaa of etotola ware trots well dowa oa tbc tero. band at tbc New York bacne abow.
Xtoaaaaa drag tba gronad ragardtoac
Tba long cloth ctwt In pale paatelto
tomdaa fopranoata tba Magaat oraalag
•aft plBBea of hackle foatbrea ara
boooBlag and faahkioibto
lie cauie here to wrhe up Ihe ex|M>.i
tton for a Mg. noribeni dally. 8h»ithen be ha. M-eo In all sona of em
ploy. and. heiuF-a BohemlaD M Muha. iM'rer atuck very long to an*
particular Job
"AI pci-«*nt he la earning a pre.a
riniia iiT<-llliivMl by
Helling atoric..
akeiehea, a_ud a lliile of ewryihlng i*111'- illffer*-ii'
York. 1 sirork him In an Intwrral of
r\a.^ a. «.
called tbe "duaier," much the same lu
app*-aran<v aa a I'arpet .wecjier. TbU
conlaJos a chamber In w•hlch an c\
fcu.i 1. nuiltiiaii>e<t by me
means of a sti'tioo fsn moved by paaaat
paaaagaBC the d<,j,.e
«l<v over
over tbe
tbr carpel.
carpet. Tb
Tiiere to also »
the railed Flaies. The sal
mon llaherles yielded »2.tt77.01» It.
1MI7. and uearty H.000.000 In iwtv
The exact Ogurea are net yet known
nteyeiss la rwsM-h.
ryritots I*y a l*enny ai Ft. James'
rhorch. Marylehooe. and their wbi-els
8(nce,atiuexatlon the total output of
the sainmn fl.berlea has exceeded <.m
are Ilrkeied and looked after dnrtng Onn.ntn.
leuer to eongresa
service by an attendant
par? for
-Vt i rnlbsl
I eommlBsloDer of
nuchincs has been prarided by Rev. !I giMy
and p,
fl.bertes ettlmated the value of
H. R. Haw-els, tbe loeumbeni. who j the
aajf tbe arrangement has Itrvn made whales and aeala. at <tf7.FOO.OOn. The
at the request of numernuA cyrtlsis
ev'i ***T*B*^f
**** " room for
„ esiimatea
cycles at Rrlxton Independent cborch, at <d.*ioo.(iin. althotirh the exa« fignod Rev. \\ Ctfille of fft. Mtry-ai . urea nrs Bet obUlnahlc
near the Monument, also pro- 1
---------------- --1-------------Mfe CUitodj for tbe eyrtiag wor- j
ahiper's "bike."—Boston TVaveier.
RhooMng Tenant
called fine cumb
Tbr uut*x)ibed sida
(.•omba of this sort are use*i uo various
kinds of dogs. Iiu-ludlng. fur loaunce.
By choosing any other
his Ohsl plate of lea cream la a city
if be looke.1 w-lib soma dia-
TbblB a^TtwalSn.p
rks'r esrpb
C, a Mt'RaaV.Ageat
U Locawoop. U P A T A . Ursod BAfMs
<vi I. MM.
West Michigan.
ooiwo aoCTB.
Lv PMosksy
‘TrsTeraB Or
Ar Clr« ItApIds.
t KrtCDaa
Meals at regular hourw. Short ovder
cooking at all ilmea. day cr night. -
Ls CkIrsgB .
Dnroll ..
Ar Orff Rapid.
Lv Urd RAplds
Lt Dk Raptds .
At TrararBsOy
Teo amsll.
I'nrla 'Fs-k'i-l Watson waa accuatomi lu a*-clug good sIxeO squares of cup
Ike. 'lei-tlou c-ake or glugerbrvad on
tba supix-r ubie. and wlien ba bad
iraib srvIriscM 1W A ■. bas stospBr OU<-ti,os*l u>.*rsadKspld*s<>drasrb six’ slvss
lue.-sr ( bicseo toUrsnd Bspldsaae aksiraro
It*ff Up-To>0«te.
Under Tooneller Block.
Fire Insurane. unmt UD nimisini 1.1.
I- L. A. BsUdloc.
asked hU
nleca. who was doing tbc booora of
tbe city for bar uocla.
•The Ice on-am to ftrai rate." cald
Uncle •E.-k'al.
“I call it axtry good.
But whan you coma to thaea tblnga."
ba added. Ilfilnf oue of tbe eponga
"lady fingi-ra'' and aurveylng it doubt
fully. "I prevuma to ray they're all
right auougli. wbat tbaro la of 'am.
but there
enough of
When I conaMar wbat aome books
hare ilofia for tba world and wbat they
pain, give au Ideal Ufa to tboea whose
homes ara bard aud cold. blo*l together
They ara gnterally aueccas
distant ages and foreign lauds, ereau
«' 'f. «>■""-)
new worlds of beauty, bring down
truths from heaven. I give eunal
Merolaga for thin gift
John R. Santo,
Genial liserten.
Wershera ateab
MliMA'AtoAk aw.
VroeeraeCItT. tola
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
'em: Just
nothing but ga|ie and - swallowrYouih'a UomiMinlon.
Dongald-lfa sot a had pUee to live 1
aaUrlea, hut ara In this country for
^t wbat was ye think o' hayin' to tbe role purpose of eatchlqg Araerteaii
Oyatera aert ed in all atylaa
New York Bun.
are doing bow they keep up our hope,
aw-akao new courage and faith, eootbe
travel 13 mtlea for a giaaa o'wbuskev*
:■ . ■
1. S<Bltl>.
--■1 W's-b
Sll ffw
Buc toutbed ••ouib In Us general aba]
but it to larger, loolli.-d on
f alda
only auil <-tuirwr toullinl tin
and legatioB
Wasblnglon has attaeltos who draw
the grouset-What a beautiful pla.v
to live. IWiugald!
You Will Make
A Mistake
TiH-re are oilii-r ste*-I i-ouibs that are
for '
■ ■■
TNU U x. riXMD, oa.T IB Des Tcseenei
U Bl*wk Cells SBsserva)pruap*l> ds) oi
Birhi W*>rthera-ptios.. Xt; Bell.ssi,'
iBirtoo >lrevi.
leugib and Oner toothed (ha otber
And il.co ili.-re was .me comb
Xisees Psr aetrras KSSMVS.
That Ihe Impovertobad arloaa of
I blin.v are after American
SS9BE ':8«SBfiS«R8ffS8Sa : |
olva'ssrorblldniO-sillsasHe.ssprrtoUT. Of.
liM.ked niucli like a *vml> of the ordluary klmt. <-<iarro loutbcd for half
used Tor a similar punoue. as steal
combs n>a*le i*. *x>nib dugs with. Tba
some peo,.l. lack the ftctiliv
nf mnalc. My Inlenilnui* are good, but
Fasts Atsssl Alsshs.
tbs nerve ceniera are mlaaingIt
The terrilory of Alaska cost fT.flno,
w-onlrt he exactly the tame If I bad
OOO. I'p to date tbe ^ur eompwtil.-s
nfiv thousand a year'
<33.0(10,<mo wonh of s.-at
Next day 1 met him by appnlntmrai.
and It* was In high feather
He bail ; kklna. They bave yiald Into the trea.jDBt etshed a check for tTh and In
ury more than <6,OOO.uw as royalil.-.,
stoied Oil pbitittg boat and ordering with <1.340.S.\*I IB dispute, aaya tbe
-I have eaptiirsd nm- of
Baiurriay Evening Tost. No estimate
offered by -------.' he Mid.
of the whale llabertes to aec-saihle. hua well known piUiii.-an.Yii
the value of the product la ruiiglit*
tVhat was the sny>]e.-t of ynijr
eler I lnqnlr~1
placed at ffZOOtMKip a year, and tbe
6rud Rtplii t mUiH K. I
There was one of tbex- *-»mbs Itiat
4he chamber designed to
veyed by means of a pipe t
air. where It Is d>s<-iiarge<l.
lU Dnios Stroev
C'iS.I S8SSi'‘»J3f?2.'iiSv*”
fur fuuDd u|H.u Inquiry tliat they were
ua*-d by furriers In combing furx
(bat l.a.l i.-eili fur half Its k-ugtb. tba
Build end aervlug^ a ban<lU-. . .
You might also AM me about atnrlw
four wheel FREE for tbe winter
No better ecamellag that puiw.
Step In BBd talk It over.
-rirsl sM aapansTs of iratos st Tr
(hto. to sOroi Oewber Sro. IM.
dere*l w bat Meel i-ombs c*>ultl be used
roury broom which lifts tbe nap
be dt«i.H,s.,l
by tbe
" air nirrvnt A dlaiDfe*
‘ ' .............
spray for ihe air to alw provided
a,-cumulated din. The air which
been drawn through tbe carpet to eoii-
piled." -New
cigar th^a
r-L^rr^rbeVair^bKf re7,hr.tdrmrb;":i.ar^
provklence In a highly
. amualng
amiitlng f«.b
■ e said he had
averaged alwiui
•VI a week for the tost year, hni t«
he hadn't .been able m
pay ga room rent with ani sort of *>
regularity. What hft-ame of hi.
r he dl.tn't know. T Uek
o C OiLBBBT.Ausraay. BpsetslattesUsa
C. Is Prabsls praeUes. Bssm S ssv iO
------- xsuiv 00 Block.
steel CsmbS.
man wl„. MW Id a slilewalk abowwomc S1.-.-I combs and who won-
Bewly Invented dertee the dirt Is llierally sucked out of tbe eanirt by m*-au.
of an air ciirrenL Tbe plant for |»erfortnlng ibto work eonslata of wbat to
. gesvral pracUre slse
lUMV SBd gealM urt«.»;Ke«. WT. Off.
ss. sB«c lOi. rsMsasv iSi. "
bow of white tulle to arrve ai n back•round far a bunch of bright rioleta.
Wbito two k>Og atule rode of gtai-e allk
tilltod and edged witb fur taU i
dtotaace below the watot
"Well. I see It Witb luy own eyesleamwlse I see It turn bruim agio after
tb*- |H«r •b-aiw wux rasied all summer
the cardboard. Aa they moved arioin.l
Ibey carried the Iron U-ana with llieii::
bare hero prorktod. Tbr ruffle to of
white glace allk. gathered fully round
Vsv ones. Harkhsm Block
PretiT tear timt
10 thfak abtui liaviaf roar
"il»« do you know It makes people's
a carpet
wbleb dtoilfigiihibed them from' Uicir
lively comtMiilona.
AUwsrksfklgfess*a<«alMs grass. Flas gi
wsrk a saselslty
Q H. Buomi.
O. Lsw
ipselsl sussusa ts
clsg. tlirrosiB
ever tln*l li. so sisy right la It till
Irave riiUag...--
wliboui tbe atleudeni lalxir of taking
ll up from tbe door la very ailraetlv-
Inirlllgeni'e-ebown by the two le-an*.
ha'r torn
mnv<d by the bands 0/ the clock
that il><-\ were alni<»t in icminci wiih
•pretaU/ to wear with ibto dalaty
toque a very lorrly ruffle and muff
Tranrst City, - - MicYigaa
wiadtalla. kOe per
I to liei Hl<-b big cities. I'm s-goln
right out u< 'l.lxa Jaue'a b*iua<-. ef I kin -
over the concealed bamb*
ilnmagnets attacheil. The inagneta wer>-
Applaa-Calto ami
lOO lbs.
away. "Tiito ycr I'bK-ago life to‘nongb
to make aeuau's b ar turn gray.-
yaller jlat on an-ount of the excitement
all ibeiM- *-ar« an rallros*U on atllu
au bowlin i>-«p)e ibi-n’a wb*-n 1 aay It's
to a groat many bouaekeepen.
Iranrse CHy limlnr Go..
■ffta. par doaea............
Tkit w. a. a w. a.
way of s Bireel t-ar that was yet SO foot
of tbe numerous boiilee caai adrift Im-
tbe gold aud silver painted Iron tx'ana
Tbeee wetv placed on the cardboard
Siccassors M
Oatn, No. 1. poi
Oora. por tow..
r^toaa.par b«
OBcse se^fcsylie. Ueek. tia
abave:- exclaimed I’ncle Eben aa bo
dragged bto worthy ajHiuse out of the
oiaklo a
The acheme for cleaning
John F. On & Go.
batbsof toavkmk cttt
•H:o«h. Marier. bui that wua a ctoao
It dune. IT. decenl and reapecubto to
bave gray ba r, but when it cornea to
like tbe dial of a clm-k. but deroid of way to Ibe Windward laUnda. tbr Iki
Ibe banda. Tbto dial waa located
Jiauiaa. or to tbc wcaiern aborea of the
Ibe worfca of a large i lo** which
liulf of Mexliv.
placed face upwal
rani on the floor-of the
■tore window. He
:le fnaieiied anutll iiiiig-
T^B. a. B. Kiwoa.
my the rnieoas Olrfa Brsww Hair
Tsewsa Usldew Bwea.
ly. aa la evldetn-ed by tbe desiiusiloi.
tweeu Uadena aud Cape liau Ko.|<ic.
all of wbleb ultlBaiely Touud ib. lr
a DOgOB. AUsrav^ S'
lion of tbe water ocems to be wr.i.'r.
JumplUg heana on a tliiU while pHa-e
or paaiehoard. oulhmsl and uumh<-nal
U oAev FMcailcn
ajM^toprowp-ly.. rSosM. BcU of: Mona-
*TwuuhiuT lx- no ba*l ef ttaei wua all
Mber b* allcered. Tile pre|iared Iron
heana wetv placed with ibe ordluary
In »-oDilii<-ting tiK cxp>-rlme(ita thinavy de|>artuieDt baa bad tbe n>-o|M-r
and reported
of ibe
beaiu. making tbe dummy lieaDa out
of Bofi Iron: one be glided and the
bad t•em compelled to rrcaU ber InvlUtlooa'
“Rbe had never laiendod to glrr a
average of nearly six miles a day. An
11 00
"Of course I told nobody, and Jnat a
hair, la ibe center of tbr froot. wbrro
tbc brtm to rat down, tbrte to a Unto
Hbto'bcad and aborc tbr bead a Mf
Tbr tongest distance made
ill M
didn’t want her young dangbtacs dtotrrsdrd. she said.
Capo Ran, and ncoverod oa Auguat
labad at tbr bark witb loc« fringed
aada. wbtcb droop .a Itttlc orer tbc
along (hr rdgr of tbr crown wHb a
narrow Uar af aatde. Tbr rhaiir U al-
•The moibrr fell akk with a com
plaint wbleb I knew would prove fataL
•treogtb of tba eturant can be ac
curately antlmated.
bdax cm down to froat lo o rery
4imlM osd boTol (Ahkm. Tbr crows
paitonta au elderly woman who
lived with the dangblar'a family. Tba
daughter Uvad. If not beyond bw
Ingtim aiay know tbr dlraettoa tafcn
by the bottle aiacc p«t Into tba aaa or
knck iDU) r»TOf. Tbr hit ta
■ wkl«r Ut*B tbr ordlIM. •»! both brim atkd
H waa not
aeasun. but It wasn't ao loag ago
but tbai plenty of people con remambrr tbe clrramatancea
I bad among
port tba exact polnta at wbleb they
Were foand. Prrquratly tba botilea
baca noted, ao that the offlro la Waab-
and aoU-
'"I don’t know much -of tba ways oc
aaaot «eaaa
currrata baa brea obtaiaad by tbc ay-
are picked up and again toaaad over
board after tbr ladtudr and toagitnde
•• ar eeilkmu. wkiok wUl
Wirt tkr loqa* with tb» rwt «C lk«
«T«VB M COVM«d vllb
batow la a Itot o(kh*
•m Wwmaa<s Kew Way la Wbioto aa
Far Boom Dobto.
■BB Fem Jtoawo.
«iTMd7 T«7
BU »BI MW* Wlirttlf
« “‘^F.oVlLDipm
4 M Ar OHkBM Jjafa bv
it S
Stodio at 3d6 Waabiagtoii Streot.
r E. W. Hastings’ ^^SfU”71Z,.‘ZJSVUS
Fire lisuraice Office
Tfflt ktammisi'RBcotffi; 'gflgKSftAv.gicay^^tfw.
i-H <=^ig~h “ha
A H H t ±n o-n
J*/at of OaH'woott.Mi*
E. W.
and has some exceptional fine
bargains to offer. Can name
you prices and terms on
Vacant Lots
in Oak Heights
As well as all other parts] of
the city.
SomiS acre lots at $150 _
80 acta farm at $500
Gooil rasideaca, W. 8tli St., $1,000
Oaa oa Weshingtaa street, $1,000
Oae 00 Webstet street with fotaace^ed
modera improremeats, $1,150
Oae OB Bates street, $750
OaeoalA street. $650
Ooe ea I5tb stteet, $350
A Special Batgaia-Res^deace with all
medeta improremeats. East Btb street.
Bear Uatoa.
Some Very Desirable
Business Preperly
WELL located.
You should certainly see
'Pkeae 73.
Jehasoa Bl^
Traverse Olty, Klch.
W. L.
and Builder
Having bought the balance of
the vacant lots in tbls addition,
will build for you such a hoiue
as you may want, on very easy
terms, or make you an excep
tionally low price on any of the
Can show you other very
desirable real estate that will
pay well as an investment, and
a number of residences that are
2 eew dwellia°s, Barlow street
I tew dwellio' West lOli street
I small dwellia" Cedar street
I small dwellitg, Secood street
I good place, Ba] street
Also Fiae New Hotel, spleodid locatfea
I good farm,' 72 acres, well Improved,
•ood laad, eear Acme.
On ally of the above I will
make the price right.
And I am always open tor a
Inquire for
W. L. Brown
Coatractor aed Bellder,
Residetce 315 W. lOtb street
Bell Pbeae 163, loittere 153
Traverse City, Hloh.
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