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The Morning Record, July 19, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
W. Wbaelodk WUi« /m aaka liaper-
Urf* KU A*.
«igiuzwat to SaccMd Otla.
Talrpboaa Eaebaaca..
Tba ebattal atartcafa os tba pteat
of tba 'Mortbara Telaphou eo«|
wee forveioaed Taatardap. aad bid la
by Mr. W. Wbeelock tor tlO.OOO. A
craat deal of laoeey baa baas oipaadad
U patttBf tba pleat la rood abapa. aad
ao expeaaa will ba apartd to aiake tba
llata aeoaaH la ardBy way. Tbera
will ba ae ebaapa la tba ■aaafaBaaatj
tba tlaa will atUl be operated by tba
Mertban Tdepfaoaa eon
Ewry a
ba omployad to improra tbe aarriaa
aad mrit tbe patipyra of tba people.
OrowtR IiMt Y«ar.
be OotaalaatlOB Paid la Twa Ti
DaAtb Olmlau AnoaBUBK to Orar
cf Wu qcrt^»omd—ME-paMlbU
•A.OOOOOO(»d Haa a Earplas of
for ft Eimt OeattaMt EftvortBC
AdOO.OOO-laiportaat ObaarKUM •• mirtftfT •ormer of »iu
oa EaotMaaaodad Aattor Sbrm Ua
ipptM XfttftftA»-OM Vr(UrX>ftdftrw
LiwltaUoo of iba •arptaa.
tkftto-toiarftarPact Baron. July 1< —Thu al|«U
WMklBrtoa. /ftlj >• —U WM fttfttad
bianaial review of Ue auprame teat of
•t Uft Wftr dftwtawt todft^ Ihftt BO
That we ate aeUing during
tba Ealrkta of Maeaabeaa. formally
BtMftUoB (rbftteTBr wo>14 be pftM 1o
opaaad tbU moralap wltb alphty-Sva
tbe-r«^ roMB'-of ibe MeaUft «or>
dalarataa la
feepoBdntft. A proUftt bae sot bees
nearly arary atata and Canada.
«nt to GeflBTB) OUft. fts4 U U Bftld win
report of D P. Markey abowi a aat inaot bft. Bad Onarft} OtU wUi not be
creaae la membarUlp daMap Ue bleu
BftUftd ftpoft for ftft e>plftBftUan. leadaid paruM of tl.tsi. The Ineraaae ol
AIUobUb** iBtlDUed that rtrj ao- Maalataa Cotta will Oroaa Bate wltb
mamberUlp Id Ue aatira ordWb>wbleb
OOBTBirlBf aewB bae bees received from
tba Vrw 7 Or«eaia-d HuaUari Xoladudaa Ua enpreme teat, praat
tbe Pbillpoiaae end ibat tba alteaUeB
’ d«7 aad Xoaorrow.
Udlaa orpaalxatlan. durlap Ue bi
la ■eeh beUar tbaa baa bees tasaraUp
Today will oaeur tba drat ball rame ennial period waa W.OSS. The mambera
Are higher priced eboM, elf
batwaaa tbe oewly orfftolx Hi Haatlare of tbe auprame uat at Ue preaeal
gant fitters. oe$r 1810 toee—
Jama CreeltBaa. who b on hk w%j
aad tba ManUlaa Oo)la.Maaarar Eahoa I time U l»Q.tSl. Several
ancient laste—All are cut
bona troa HftoUft. baa , eahlad froa haa
time daeoftad
derraft oonaldarable time and am. ^ »«mm. _
tlona ware made, one beinp Ue aptioedoa to tba Ea« York Jonraftl
from 50c to tl-50 a pair.
arryuorather with the local pltyeta, to potntmealof a board ofanprame madl
loof dlepateb ooearl^ ataeb the aai
rat tofatbar a flrat daaa team aad cal axamlaata lasload of one ae preefroead ae tbe maiM naaMra froca while UU will be Ue flrat fame It U
Boat Koac. OraalMB la -Ua eablaaipaeted that tba borne team will Uow i Tbe deaU rate of Ue pait urm baa
fTM. a»ld. aaoaf otbar thtacs:
ap U rood form. Tbara will be aa-' been ala par Uonaaod. Baporu abow
"After barlar apaat aarerBl matba otbar rama tcaaomw aad Ua pm
anapenalona to one daaU
-aHtb oar U«o|> la tba .PbUlppli
will eome in feet after UU WMk wltb taa Boanelal atatamant abowa a ear,
We don't intend to carry
%m inaljr eoarlaead that Balas Oaaar*
£.et daaa taama There baa alwaya plaaoabaadofflacB.oss. Tbaaaprama
•BlOtla te reaiovad aad a
over a pair—They're yonre
bean a praat rivalry batwaaa Ua Hanfaaaral pat la aomnaad tba whole Utaa aad Travarae City taama aad UU teat baa paid fll.tet.SOO la Ufa banaflu
at big rednctiona.
for Ua patt two yaara.
ffB will be a faUare.
year wUl prove no axoeptloe to
We never diMppoint yon
The report of PaUer Boyntoa, favor
"lb ba perfaeUy plala. Uaa. Otla la a rale, and Ue lovere ol Ue pame may
ed Ua prapoaad ameadmaat to limit
in quality and alwaya please
faMy old maa. aaaaeaatained to aaybe aeanrad of flrat daaa ooaiaata.
t^ aarplca or amarpancy fond u a rea- ^
tbiar bat rwlBaatal eoBiaaad aad
baa bean lapoaalble for Ua man- aonabla per capita, aad wbaa Ue ae•taiatad wltb tba Ideaa aad mtlioda
naat U dUtributa all Ue books eamulatloa la Uat fnad ezeaada ao
of tba roatlaa dark Ha la a maa who
leribad for. but those anUUad. to amount anfi slant U oover one —m
baa r«wB old aarTlac la tbe reflBaat, them can eacnre Uam at Ue Uekat
>ant oo tboaa mamban who ham been
aad bla aapariaaoa and ablHUaa do aet
oflSoa at Ue prounda. >Dtributom for Are year, aad upward,
to OBtalda of tba rarlBMtal Haaa.
Tba new team atarU oat wiU to rellevu.Uam from paymaat.
"It waa baoaaaa ot ttaia kBowladfa bripbt proapaeu and for Ue balanoe of
Theaupram hire of Ladlm of Ue
that Adabal Dewey, without eoaaalt* Uaaeasonpood ball will ba played
Maccabeca ^ opened iu aeaelon UU
Bad Oea. OUa. prirutaly eablad Praal-. and Ua manapament v.1 1 apare no efAsat MeKlalay aaulnr blB to aaad to forte to make UU Ua beat team Trav momlnp. Tbe annual report of Mrs.
It pays to trade here and
M. Uulluter. euprame oom-1
Maallaa aatll eoaalatloa of maa. arae City aver h 1__________
moat people have found it
maadar, Uowad Uat for two yeart.
aklUad la atateBBaaablp aad diplooiendlnp laat Deeembflr B17. deaU claim
aay. Wbaa Aaaliy la daapair of any
warraau. am^onUapu M6»,roo were
aatloe by Oaa. OUa. Adalral Daway
paid aad nloe dUabUltyclaim.amoont-,
bf«aa to taka poaaaMloa of tba otbar
lalaada, Oaa. OtU wrote to tba*adBlraI Wm X.lo7d Oarriaon TalAa Eeckleas- lap to tl.ooo Ourlnp Ue eame period ' ~
Bt.l» new membara 'ware Initiated la ' ~
ly te EoaWa Mrproaa Ebeut
abluarlattar eonplalalac that tba
tba euprame blva aad 8,4»4 in Ua
Bcaaa Pillplnoa.
aary waa forriat. tba rampalca
BoaUn. July Iti.—WUIlam MoydOar- MlUlpaa blva.
teaWTbara U now a vary atroar aenti- rUoD.V..iadnlpbtaddraaaeda meat*
■aat ajtpraaaad la tbe praaa of tbe aaat iopofeoloradpaeolewbohave orpanU (aror of aaadinff MUaa to aoeaaad irbd Ue Boaton oolorad branch of Ue
AaU-ImperialUtlc leapne.
He Uid
YaehUag Tarty Beaded by E. D.
The Waeblairioa Poet, whieb for a Uam that Ue party of Liaeola and tba
Blair, Tromiaaai Theatrical Manof Ualr race bad daoartad
loaf time baa bean tba
ftffvr. Here Xmat Vtgbk.
of Uea- from lu noble motlvea. Uat It
A party of diiUnjreUbad Uaatrieal
atallfitts. prlniaalaadar. aaUlap for atood for practically Ue aama Ulnpa aa
neacbed UU city lut evenior
MUaa' aaalpamaat U Ua Ptalllppinaa.
Be apoke of “Ue ontemptnona atU> oa board the pretty yacht Grace, which
"Wbataver may be aald or U^bt ot
MUaa la oUer raapacta. tbara U and Ude manlfeatcd by Called Sutaa aol- left Detroit about two week, ago for
aataoded emUe Urourb
oaa ba but oaa aatlmate of blm aa a dleia toward Ua brave and faarole rUi- an
whom Uey called "alppara," rraat lake.. Tba party U headed by
aoldiar la action.'' aare Ua Pa
aa did Ua SooU apeaklap of Ualr own Mr. E. D. Stair, wbo operates more
U acpariaaeod in oommaad.
kaowa aa a fipbtar of raaonraa and naproaa. Had cdorad meo any aasar- Uaatrea Uaa uy oUer man in Ue
are made possible hy the favt
prowaai. aad It la a faet that wbaa anee. be aekad. Uat Urn same aol' Conakry, bavlng uadar hU immedUta.
that time and space can now
meatof Uapraaantraaaral offiaara of diera, on Uelr relnm to UU oouolry. control flfiaaa popular play booam to '
oar army ware dUar la dvU life or la would not "aboot down Ue oolorad pa-: varlott. parte of Ua rolled Stataa.
be practically annihilated.
Taryaobordlaata reUltary pcalUoaa, ba trloU of UU eonntry." U directed to do OUeri of Ue company are Mrv £. D.
A telephone in the office or
Stair. Mr. Geo. H. Nieoall. general
ama laadlap divlaloaa in Ue moat tra-* •o by "a tyrant adminUtraUsn?"
home, aavea tbe one thing,
Ba called i^poa them to "aaawar de- maaager for Ur. Stair, accompanied by
maodona aoDfllet of modem Umaa. and
if loot, can never be
maklap f'>r blanelf a brilliant raeord
back uesMB to men who would ao de- Detroit, aad J. K Cookaoa. manager of
la Ue aooaU ot wartai*"
Tbe WuhlmrUe Tlmee eaya: "Put noanoa Uam," and to "oontlnne to Ue Lyeeom Uaatra la Cleveland.. Mr.
Milee at Manila with UaBerml Wbadar flpki for Uemaalvea In Ulaeoontry aad Orrin Star. ntaDager of Pjwcr. Opera
ler, aad we are likaly for Ua brave iahabltanta of Ue Pblllp- Houae. Oraod Opera Houcc aad
Lake PaTllUon in Grand Rapid., ac
to bear differ it Ulnpa from o
companied by bUwife and Ur*. Clark:
aUo Mr. Jacob Stair. faUar of Ue two
Maw York. Jaly 18.-Tba Waablnptoo eorraapondant of Ue Herald ^ootaa 8traaT*«Mailway Man Wtll Bnfbroa gaoUrmen manUonad, jiinad Ue yacht
latt evening, arriving from Grand Bapa member of Ue cabinet aa follow.:
Tbelr Zlamaoda.
Ida OD Uc evening train
"ElUerUeneralOUaorUe newapapei
Oelrolt. July 18.—Afl.lra betwaea
The yacht U In command of Captain
aonaapoadanto mutt go. To depori Ua atraek BaUway Bmployea’ aaaoclaUc oorTMpoadeoU would probably be Uoa aad tbe company aaam to bare Wm. HuSmaB aad a craw of five aad
Ue ladies ara attoadad by a malA The
aooaptcd at bM# aad abroad aa a re TeacbadaarUU.
U awaed by Mr. E. D. Stair aad
tara to the old Spaauh mcUod of mo.
Tba maa aay khak anlaaa Uay reoelva
aliBf Ua proa*. To relUve Oeaersl a daflalta answer from Ua eampaay U a hatidaome.roomy and well appoint
OUa will mass Ueoffiiial aekpowlodr- wlulB Ua aaat kbcp* Oaye Uey will ed cVafu 75 feat in lengU. buUt for
ooBvaalenoe aad pleasure pnrpoaea.Tba
■Mk of bU failure and Ua damora
«. ■ , . " .
------------------- I party U out for raeraatioG and a good
htoa p< mlUtory dUdpUaa.
TbayclalmUatpety.eramtlcn.^ tlmeaad wlU Ua facUliiaa at
Uey I eommnd arebarlnglt to eoploui
eltc Ue iai
It of a motormaa, who. i
Vanvea of Thraa rroviseca ata Eigbt- Uay atom, was compcllad to "wkiahc eatos^Ua bLr's^a'wIU^to**^
iBfl Ua Tacalaa.
fm « o
Siraday m ralag aaUl > » .upply Ula monlag and dear lor
Manila. July IB.-Ilic aatlvoa of Ue
peovlaoaa ot Alhay, BoaU CUmarlaae
laid off.
--------end MorU CUmarlasf ara aaflaavarlaf
It b mU Uat Ua eompaay baa daKAXB OASXRS.
toUrow off Ua AamlaatlM of Ue
Tacalaa. There U reporlad to have elded to give Ue maa ao an.war grant- la v
Tha TJaderukar. Baa
bean flchUac betweaa Ua paople of
loor aakcd for, wUb oUer oooecaaiona.
B. L. Qartor bu bMS •<
oflbgalaa wbo have bean qaartorad The atrikaa la Brooklyn aad Qavalaad
have aaooaragad Ua local atraat car for some time U. maanfactarc of eaakBfoa Uam. aad rualag Ua looa! govmen aad oaa maa mid Uat a largaau- euaad bow be baa made defialu ar•ramaalB. It U also raporud tUt Ua
to bagla Ua bnatnaM
raopla la qaasUon are wilUag to de- jvlty of Usman ara for golag ^t If
eoanaoUm wlU bta aadenaklag aatobMart aUagiaaea to Ua Uaitad Slatm Ua aompany did not at oaea give la.
litotmaatoB BoaU Oalon street. Ba
wbM troopt ara aaat to protoet Uam nOHZO AT THATXBSI HHAOH.
baa aaearad Ue aerrkac of aa axpmicaoad eloU eaakst worbaua from
Mim Hammond Batortolsod
Oraad Ba^ aad baa already began
*^'-wUaa. Mr. OatotobwabaadaBt,
a*A Mar XitA ronana Hraka* Uat
ToHMbliar Sloek.
t U bia balldlag aad be ai^aoto to
Mha Bammoad aatortolaad
Btombara of bar teaday Bebool slam Uat to aztoad Ua baelawi as eoedltloM da*
Mia. WUliam DaWlu of Fenwood
lag vary daUgbtMUy. Tba young
had Ua mUtertana laai avaalag to taU'
N wars drivas to Travana BmoA
«t Ua bask atop at bar borne WlU Ua
Horatio Algto Bead.
twaltofbwtorwrmbaUgbnhaa. Br.
Katto, Maaa, Jalg IL-Bmatto
Oanar aat Ua boms and it la hoped
TbayrokaiMfi by moomll^t all Algw.'Jr , tha well kaowa wrltor of
that Mia, DsWiu wUl ba abto to MS AatoarlagUay bad bad a Aaligbtfal
boys'aiortoa.dtod at tbe bom of bU
tiN Bajartd matobtr U a flaw waaba
tUMr.MraAtotoObaaoy. here today.
L.L ABnlldliic.
rntoAUtm M E prMaud i* tu
next threff w«k. are asnally the dullest of
A the jear^sort of "between grass and bar"—
Just to shake up the dry bones we ^ke a............,
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
nia will reUeve oi of the regnlar faU malt-keep on men
busy and give youJhe beoefit of rock bottom pricea.
In our west window are eome framea we turned ont
yeaterday—we pride ooraelrea oa tbe artiatic
style and workm^nahip. Bring down your picturea and let ns
give yon an eatimate.
Clean Sweep
Shoe Sale
8.1. Of Oon.la.-6oo.
of a kind, at 7 to 17c each.
220 Front Stre?‘
Ill Summer SliOBS
Must Be Closed Dot.
Hv .Collar
Cnfle Belt
"New Idea”
Call for August Fashion Shect-FKEE.
Fin losunRce.
I^rf ,
^ •0<z,-LAPlES'WA«T.
Where Is
The Marktiaoi Block?
It is located in the busiest parCof Traverse City—
on Front street—between the stores of J. A. Monta
gue and A. A. McCoy & Sou.
And in tbe Markham Block is located the
Beadqnarters of The ¥. W-Kimball Co.
The piano that is used by more families in this
Vicinity than any other piano made.
Mran8’ Hanna Clpr
Are h^e—Any atyle pattern
pattern* carried
-,.,041., instock.
Michipo Teleilioee Co.
With Our Compliments
August Styles
« Raw ThiagWortli Caltiratiag
Uow vrho
lake UoU
away froc
S. BENDA & CO.'rSfW"
tsl roar Daalet for Them,
Every Tenth -Sale
Given Free
Jost oopacked 50 dozen beantifol new tie«—tbe
swellest patterns we ever had, at 25 and 50c.
First Class Hauoa Cigar,
Goad Size,
Fieelleal Qoalit),
Ralph Oonnable Jr.. Manage.
''1""''°^ deportoieot-Now
IS the time to buy clothing at a song.
Alfred V.
Gate Post
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
.s berf”
Also a fnll line of small musical instruments, muslcial merchandise and popular sheet mnsic.
} Markham B’oek
N. E. Strong, Manager
We State
Simple Facts
Whan w M7 w hbTe tha bast Ladlaa’
Shoalntha aty tor *2D0 ABdl $3DOOxtordi AtlW. BO. 760, $1.00, $1R6.
$1.60 and $800. New Iloa of SUppan
Jost raealTsd.
Parker Bros.
THX vouraro b»oo»p« waowMPAT, roi/T i9, leee.
Bopttot To»« FcoHob Ooelotr Ftoa
ymATBBSX OITT. • iacBiO£
••4 o C»to«dac <*«»■
A eery ploMont oorvM reoopttiy
•lASG^u vuMt'aniU).
u T. Batm
J. W. BAnn.
9, m. BAvn*. Wiwr uid Mamc«.
■ Aff------------ «<
A M tM
M Tnwmett Cut.
far tbA im
Bt^ rrMtMTMt wUta erwbti «»«— «U1 MAt WtUi tbi W«.T*1 of
*W7bodj. portieoUrlj bj tbo ow»m
titmm*. TblAaUMiUbAlBrubjMV
gi to 1iinrni‘~f bM*7 tnnl ud tbe
iMrodBAUoi of lb* CTMhwi nooA wUl
wlU eoMidmWB Istorost
tmi «titf»ettoa. Wo bort bod o eroobAToeMtlBO. lria<fdki oow wo or*
|»ho*oorbllor. wbkb te on oboaloU
9mmlv <« U>*
fit Ik* otroou. No Btoro Importoai is>yioioanl bi-------*---------* tbo cawU
tar tom* Umo ond tbo fconU of tbo InTotlmmr for IbU pnrpoM ^iUbofn)!;
Tu ODoncil boo Ukoo o otrp in tbo
rlfbt dlroetJon In proridlaf eoo'
laa*m tor blepolo rtdWA ' Tbo ooubUobMot of bierelo potbo to oomot
IkotbAA boon looked forwoid to tor
■OM tlBO witb (root InUroit, ond now
Ont tbo whoelmon ore borrod frem
Iko wolko oomotblnc moot be don
Unr tbo lorite or*y of rtdort. A trifUnf ospood.Mrobp tbo coooeU olonr
Ibo UbOB tnrr««U<l *1 lloDdof nlfhtk
VOOOof will BMt tbo opprorol of tbo
(Hpoixdro ond bo o roeofnlilon of tbo
rlfbW of bondredo of ai'UM to wbi
tt* MapoU boo boeoaio o neoMoity.
T>t boom la troffie on tbo froot
Jahaai* onproeedoatad ond tbo rotoo
•r# U po* oont. kiffkor thoa in 16U, ‘
par ooat blfbor tboo in Itoe ond
porooaV bUrborthon in l»»7-»8. Tbo
rmt of boAiiKM oil unsor boo
Ptod 0 oooreltp of kooU ond there la no
flaunt of o eeowtloa nnUl tko elooe
Of aorlfotloa. Wofea of oonoro ond
ptbor boot bOBdo bore odrooeod ■otartaUp ond oltofeibor the proiperitp
praoUeollp deatoutroted on tbo lokde
to a ‘'ooedltlon to bo (reoUp tbonkfnl
ptaxaod by tbo Yoai« Toopto’o ooetofr
of tbo Pint BoptliAobafeb. w»o fflroo
Eoo. ood Mro. W. T. Woodhoi»oot tbo
bone of B Wllbolw. 4U Boot BirbU
OMot, iMi ooenlof. Tbo ottroeUve
r ond oroiyone bolpod to
•ulbBU «e tbo OTonlnc-o oojayistot.
I woo eorrlod oot
by o oaBtaor of yonaf lodiao In n oary
UOT. Tbo foUawlar oe> fond«od. oU with oboralac froee:
PioBo oolo-Wlao Bdao Soldo worth.
FUebom. Pioneon Bl«rtM ond Vido
MoodoUn ond ynllor daoi—Klaooo
Hondo Oraipton ond Clore Botacr.
Soproso oolo-Mloi Bboido Doon.
Ptea oolo—MIm Uyoee Canal«rbo«
Se^roao oolo-Mtao-Groco BooUnfo.
Plonooolo-MlM Ulllot Poole.
BoelMtion—MIm dlBB. uof DotroiL
Toward tbo loUor port of tbo orenIny mfreobmonlo' of lee ereo* ood cake
wore oerred. After the procroB tbo
OTonlnc woe epont lo aoelol ooloyBoat
by both yeene and olA
■BMtoare by Mm. Gawa.
• SOLimoto OF EA- O -d rtoOEXU
On Hoodoy ereoior Jfrm. C f Grown
Poser by Sopt. J. P. Bront Gteon |
ootortolood tbe.na-wboro of tbo Book
Eoriow cleb and tbeir bubando a
boBo oo Woeklnftoo otm i
oociai erealar and cnreBoly -ptoMoat i the ABorteaa AeU-fialeoa Ui^e are
to both bootoM oM yaceta. Mr. and | tbo r>«*<* of Dr^ -B. M. Piirkbaret at
Mrv Grown are wKM to leaee tbo elty | Lake Blatf. lU., tw tbo next tea daye.
Grows »->tiybttbttoi
ty tocatertaiotnre'.BbBeBlH
the foB\1y leave for tHeir new bosr in b<Cetberfarex»fereb«« npon Bcikodt
Ypellaatt. Beeldoa the aoelal eloment aadtbo awlfuot poooible oolatlon of
appetitiny refreelMDU were oereed. tbeoaloon probloB. Papera wUl br
ylett by Uo eartoaa oaporlntendonU
Traeotoo Bor Kteo Plcale.
epoB tte orineipleo and Botbods of the
TVaveno Bay H e. wilt etj .y p pie- loayee. Sept. J. F. Brant of Lanolny
nte on Tbnraday i^t Beet Boy. All the who bM been apendlny boom time Id
BeBberaand tbobJ.-ioodo are Inv.trf tbo el^, reeelved yeaterday a tnleyrom
to attend and briny eeaetblny for Bylny that bla paper bad been yivec
an booorary place os the preyratn for
Tbe 'ladiea aib reqneated to aMetjtbU monlny. and be left oai the C. A
with Hra. Tbaek^ea BiatACtraet: j ' t' W. M. laat niybt to be preeent at Uie
eoaforeaee. It an oxeestlee meietlny
wrat of Park P>^.
of tbo locU board U was decided tc
there prompUyaVlOo'eioek to «
bold another antl-oaloon leayno Bnn
them to tbo yroanda.
day ooaae ttme in Oct >ber.
To Bnjoy OampUfe.
A n«Bber of proBlnent people
left yee’erday b mlny tor Oarp
Lakr wbare Giey will be eramped
for aoBse tlBe. Ai
eeatorday are, C B. Morray and foBily
L W. TtpkhaB aod family. P A Bari,
and family and Mr«. Barnns end
H4WW.TMP atBAJtBOE BPBUrOB. daoybiera. J W. MUliken and faary
and otbere will join the party later.
Botaert. Gone and *«. M. M.. Uoe
TraTrlliiK Van Pintd.
Bode Han and Wife.
A. Broab. a trarellny Ban froB
Bobort Gone, tonaorly of tblo elty.
bat sow in boolBOM la -ConnoOBt. Ohio, Grand Btpida. went troei fleblny on
woe lathe elty Bondoy on bU way to tne Boardaan river Monday eveniny
Borbor Spriny*. where on HcBdoy n bet bad the miafortnnetoeateb a nnmnorrloye took plooe In wbkb Mr. Gone ber of BodenUed difa. wlU the yeenlt
Ayored ne the yraoB and Mro. B M. thatbewaa aooybt by Deputy Game
Elee. a milUner who forBerly eosdaet- Warden Mark Craw, and brosyht be
odobnetaBB on dootb Union etreet. fore Jsdye Roberta yeeterday mominrcoaia.
woe the bride. Both ore well known Be waa fined fit and »i
bore. They wUl toko a wodding trip
lo tbo 8oo and other oolata In nvtbem
Plana are Approvad.
Mieblcu and return oborUy to Ohio .
Tbe atau board of correcUona and
abartilea held aeeaaion at tbe Nortbera
aaylum here yeaterday. at wbeb time
The baU yama today wUl beyln at tbe plana and apec fieationa for the
ooeteBplated oew bniidinya were anbOraoe Clurcb Galld will moel Bitted, carefeliy esamiped and apthto afternoon at * o'doek witb proved, witboni ebaflye. by tbe boerd.
Mra Arohle OaBOron. of Wobater
atroal. A full attendance of the ladioa
WINDOW "was a success.
to rrqneated.
B o> la* aiAeweib a
Tba ladlea of Amanda Blra No SIS.
Held lb* Crowd.
are plannlny to -drive to Bk Bapida
Cornea from Dr. D. B. Caryile. of
Waahlta. I. T. He wrltea: ' Four boi
Uca of Electric BitM baa cured Mrs
Brewer of aerofula, wbfeb had causer
ber great snfferiny for yeatv Terri
ble sores would break oni on her bear
aod face, and tbe beat doctom could
yive no help; but her cere U coi
and ber health U ctellent."
shows wbat thonaands have pr____
that Electric Bittera U tbe bmt blood
purifier known. It's the supreme rem
edy for eesems. tetter, salt rheum,
nloers. boUs and running eorea
stlmnlatea liver, kidneys and boweU.
expels poisons, helps dlyeatlon. bulldt
np tbe strength. Only -JO ernu. Sole
by Johnson and Walt,dmyyisu. (Guar
anteed ) ____ .
I ■-!
Quick Meal, Blue Flame
Wickless, Oil
or Gasoline Stove.
We have a fall line of GaioUne Stored from $8
up—Oil Stov«d fr< m $1 up. We sell on easy uy-uenta—A little ('oun and a liUly at a time—Yoa
have them' paid for and do not'^oow bow it hap
New &iore
House Furnisher
120 Front Street.
Georye McL^llan eceployr
’ Baker ontalde of I
«na uj -liUA Bww ve c very beat that can ^ '
rybody should tty |
* ‘wkrwalk thr nlyht M-foro.
fcH fast a*l>-<'p in a <-haIr In the middiv of itH- wliMlow. I was on Ux- iioliit
of waklny btni np and ylvlny bln fits.
wM'O I happen^ lo nuiln- bow t-sm-nMiy ludl< rimN b«-lookM. Ills bnid
„n onr sliK-. bis .-uonnWis luomb
widi- open, and bix llmlis n-lau-d In
the oddest postun-s loiaylnaldt-; in
abort, be was a ]>erfn-t pktuix- of a
May mural In happy slumber. That
btrr, yratihlny a pb-<f of pasielioarti
1 dashed off a slyu. 'Dn-anilny of Our
Dollar Shirts.’ aud itwsl It ijul.-tl»
his kn>v>s. Then I yestly rullOM Mission Meoortaca.
ad op tbe curtain and awatii-d dfvel
Twelve of Old Mission's reeortem .optuenta Well, the hit tiuic windoK
vtoJted tbia city yeaterday for a few
tradition of th.- store
bonra having made the paaeaye down to this day., IVopV aliuply bloraded
Bay on the ateamer Onekema. the sidewalk, and yon rould bear
Prom Etoat Bay the party waa driven ih.-ni lanyhlny a Idork away. The
over to tkU city In earriayea and all TnuiU.-st i«irt alstut It
•uppiHH-)! for I tuonirnl li could
partook of dinner at tbe Park Place
hotel after which all esjoyod aevatal pomdMy br the real Ibluy. The>
tbouyfat II wa» a clever pli-or of act
bonn In tbe ehy eeelny the slyhta.
thy. or elM- a woBderfuI wax flyure.
Those Id the party were: Mrs. W. That tbe coon was actually aslee]Trumbull. Mm. J. J. Hayoe and aoe. nvv«-r occurred lo any tme. and 1
Mr*. Charles M. Sbaldoa. Ni*. R. & Bioud around with my bean In
Marrlam. Mtoaes, Gertrude Howard, mouth for fear tbe noise would aronaBaxanna Johnaoa.QartrudeLeaaywaU. him. It didn't, however, aud he snora. Mary R. RoterU. *<1 away |•ra^efuIly until nearly 4
and'M«aara William Bwtay. Cbarlaa L. | o’clock. Then be woke up with a
Trambull. and N. 8. TrumbolL
» aorprti-d he laiuMr*. 8. G. Packard and Mra C
near jampiny tbrooyb tbe ptole ytaaa.
HofWi of Bontb Baean, BOtbor and
Tbia lAdy #a* Abocat Minded.
| The apectaior* howled, end that night
iPMor of Mra W. Oarey Ball, arrlvod
Caabman Bonae palroaa bad all,
the same aebemr
Ipot plyk4 oo<>
o <•« *wko
klnda of fan yeaterday moniay at the' .nerward hut » was a feUare. Tbtpltb Mra Bnll.
expeaae of a lady guest of the bonae. ^.rtir couldn't preieod worth a e«iLpr. B. D. Aahton and Dr. £. U Aah
wboM borne Is not a thousand bUm -j,-.. o. 'nturs IJemocrat
loo and taBllloa arooaaplayatBoanio
from Travetuc -(»iy. A nlekel-la-tbeJbpko for a eonplo of daja
slot nacblne bad amaaed tba crowd for
B. P. K«y oo<l B. C. SaryeM el Glen
aomc MBe, and tbe heroine of tbe Inei-fievn dc Uiv*' from Boston. Wearyr
Arbor are In tbe elty for a abort stay.
“Xsw. Wot It iirdent bad ukaa aoBs part in tlM play.
H. r. Oan and Ooorf Qomont of
“tVhy, de ptve« coirmishBer* baa orGoing to tbe Ball box to mail a leUar,
* not to act oat dr
Mapto City wore In town yan
D. H. MeDonald of EBplro. to in tbe with bar Bind sGll on tbe nickel Me, grlnks fVr yeDtlem^n of de foad."
aba dropped a five east piaoa .In^Uaele I ' tVot kls you eai«c’ from Boston.
MW aUMdlny to boalnoao
Barn's Ball
| tMsty? Look st de rvci-nl of de town.
O. W. 8barp of TbompoonrlUa to in
It *as dat suns or Boston del taught
Intended loiter. Ber trtooda eonaMar- de red man de tavto of firewater. Look
Ik* elty.
lt a "got
1 Joke.--Prtoakoy Bo at him now. It was B-wton dat used
/ Mtoa Marion Wltbey of Grand Rapto sbdp de rum and mltilonarlea all In
Ida. Mra. C. T. Onteboon and Mtoo W.
one esmio. to de bmiyhled African
A Bonton Harbor Wodding.
Ia. Ooteboaa of Waabinyton. a a.
beallbn. An' de lienlybted heathen
cards bate been n
drann de rum an' ate de m:ssioBartca.
•Mata at Onena. wort In tbadty yea__ ________ 00 July #lb of Fred aa' /e demand was atrany an' «eady.
"iMday r^toterwd at the Park Plana.
•* **
Mra Gooryo B. Delano and tbme Davidaon and MIm
ykUdian of Otaryo. laft tor boma yea- Gny.attha bride's boas In Benton '^.TJ^rboat It? Where"* your .'digiMday aftdr rtoltlny with trtonda In Hnrbor- Mr. nnd Mrs. Itovldsos will' nerty? All we’ll do wlU he to ebaae de '
make Ueir koma in 'Eimyo. wkare duck around de oumkirts as' confine
•bio elty.
Mr. DavldKB has boon located for sot- our und* nrlrtty t
Tbo ladlao of Amaoda aTro. No. «u. •ral yten. Bto eaany trtonds to this
Matty a mac win spend five times the
MO rr^oMted to moot attbalr
alky and to Tnmlanaw Manly, bto tor< anmunt to a day for drtnka and cigars
MpomwaatteMfaarttlotpn dwBk ■mr boae. wUl extend sincere oonwho ttatoka W cents tor new s^rnytu
aa extraTsgan.a.
fmm wbare they wUl fnralab Boaie.
<>tA H. Peterson and family have
fOpo to fiottont Bay and Umena for a
Ktoa Ubbia Kabrweeker of Marlon,
Okie. 1a rWlUny bar Bother, Mra L.
tllTinirr of Waat Seventh atroet.
Mn. B- J- MaBBoad and danybtar
Hvalya. yo to Old Mieakm thU afteraooo tor a awo waaka vialt with
Kn. Goo. Ball of Grand Raplda. forMarly of tbia elty. to vtolUny Mn.
OPaa Baelor of lAke Avonna
John Baiaha of CbarleveU to wtoltlny
U* yrandBotbar. Mrs. M. P. Baroa.
Mr*- OaO'
f Kaao«n waa In tbo
and Save Labor
Da<oty <
Tbe Kamo
the alayant new raaldenee to U Wilt
cbkayo.- aald a
by Jacob Purtach, after plana by W. A. ^|„rt,.w drra«T. “I tand a My window
Dean, on Slitb atreai. Tba dwelliny on ctork atr»-rt that an-mrd aa It tr
when ooBplated wUl bo one of tbe beet
boo>loot->l. Xo nintler wbat 1 put
In the city and wUl add to tbe attrac- tht-rv. It ap;i;aPMl to lx- lniiK»»ll>lo to
attrart any aii.-titl.m. and il.t- jiian.
U to expected timt the now organ -K'-r- -who w«. k«-D aa a hawk, bekindly donated Graoo ebursb by Mr*
to yr^W,- M-<*iow- be nrv.T »w
Jamoi Moryan of Weoyo. wui w in
WaiLotbo I
no yo. njuMayae la tryi^ ic evolve a eebcBe for place Sunday. If It to ptmlbla to yet
porpatnal peaoe amony natiana, the everything ready a fine mnakal aorvler 4,^. ,vbco i wax fwlln* prt-Jty Moo.
| i,iid <>ur«ioyn> i>ort«T to <-b-ar .-rt-ry.
pnoaah and navy yarda of tbe world will be riven.
Everybody ebooldfo to the baaeba’l ihlnc oat pr.-iuir!U-ry to luakluy *
aie raabed with work, tnmlny oot im
yamee at Twelfth street park today Me dloplay vf a siHH-lal lliir of o'lin*.
fiimoAt* an<t,»nnlUoan of war.
and help tbe Haulers defeat tbo Man-. lit- was a fat. Mn< k. triliinc MI00-.
tote* Oolu.
: Mtoi LvnaPlayy has taken a poallion
Howard WhlU y left yeat«day lor
DolMit, where be will attend the koree In J. W. Slalwr’a famUklny store.
' A very pleatlny recital wiU be yi' '
room to be hold there tblo week.
Hn. Alfnd OartbOB of CinoiaaaU 1 tbe Oonyreyalional cbnrch next’
and Mtoao Lney Proetorof Poorla, were week by a nnBbor of tbe prorn’oeat
Tbe pipe organ land
y^tolorod at the Park I’laoe yeoterday,
iBlltee bsve been aronnd eoHeitiny
OP Ibolr way to OBoaa.
Mtoi Mand Uodyeo of U*rti*U waa, tor tbe affslr and tbe following have
agreed to take part; Prof. Bormt. Prof
Iplbo olty yentefday.
Alborte. Mtokaa White. Boborta and,
Mra C. B. Paylor left ymterday for
WUhelm and E. E. White.
lOOtevUle for a flail with lolatitet.
Tom Sbana has yoae to Chicago after
Bkorman White and Walter Carver
at BlokBoad. Ind.. have yooa to OsMia a aarload of horses_________
“JS^Keep Cool
stock CMlara. All colon
All /ktailfi of the profession looked after in a pro*
fessional manner.
i lo.SI!-;jniu SM
woifld be a funny thing to sell, yet if you
really wanted each an article we would
sell it to you. A whole suit would be
better. Perhaps on that last warm day
your suspendera s-ained your linen coat
—got to get another?-Got stacks of ’em.
Bometimes you go without your coat,
and you tors your vest—better get a
new ono-won't cost yon much. Did
you go to the party Euid the “other
fellow” had white duck trousers aud
you did not -Don't let it happen
agafa. We can fit you nicely—Not
quite soon enough to buy a fall suit
and you want a cheap suit to/last
you through"—Got some dirt-cheap.
Going camping, and you want a “camidng
shirt” that wont show soil—there's where
we're strong — got them from 60c up.
What about a Bicycle, Tennis, or Golf Cap Got a rack full, show-case full, shelves
fulL They're selling fast, from 2Bc. np.
Want a “party tie,” or a “best girl tie,” or
a “Sunday tie.” Greatert assortment yon
. ever saw. All the new elmpes and color*
Get one to-night, and then you'll have
It when you want to ,dre» in a burry.
We are the men’s fufmshers of Michigan.
iMOMriiia hfcdoBi) wgpywpAY. /uly 19. laes.
AjK jk ji
latf ite<«.li.^i_..r~< x~.
iimpfm*^ •bo«»{
m^arrn, Fr^rtc
11 The etlier d«}' a rln ««i stndliw
» U mn M«
«M tkiNCkt M tiM •muwlowt U erogaei.
g «trm le W«tKlcKtoii
W«tKlCKtoB ««uii
«c» s rtrr
9 tiMta tewtaM Mitead. Otbm! L«r« Kitclicaer't (avortt* book, ae- pentf ve «fMt coetfn(;*(tv« «iiir. Shf
M/tb« ateialM te thai of aoM ladiu
«> (»« L^mdaii leader, is u«
|w««ir. or tb«
. «j.i.——•— KsMR. Be hsa a COPT
and rrateful. «-ut e««r j>
I aivars vitk him.
, torn hair and the cbanr.iet lunrsai e
ilta ha* *
vlurh a}«-a> ■ sucfMii a too
PlBrtUrt7 7«an Jaaaph riasiaf kMj Mist Man* wmistiu of Wi«Mta
aad ««rkad a
a *am
(arm U
arvaalaed .s socirtr
socirtr of
of women
A aat at CMaac« raaaotl* nra birth raawd ““
a ;; ar»*oi*.<l
who wiu ^
S\&U Mem
0^ Mv\erert. {
Tr...Tii sirti ^ ts.i_
■'w'l “”i’ ruBslon.
U walhlac U-y do aol oae their extra ,^7.“, * ?* Poka«oa towaahlp, la j
, _
AII I2kJ5c,i8c. and 25c
Colored Pique
j roe* tore the mairr and pater faira] laacoBw «p aad a* the three were turt-
I^. A»«.l->U-,
F»«bf« .mwlOTTr Mteh of «. ! »cnie V,i,rmii M<K-Utlgn.
^ iiirTi,^ir «r.d r»d iio <^duiiu «itb
:f rreil bewlldera-.rr.i Thee rte
tiebard Foeta, a farmr aaar btaadqaartcr of an t
-tnperor leads a recalar
Paw Paw maa'i
peter, arked "iirr. -u.t
lah, atartad a flra to keep away
He bres-kfssts rverr mornllia. [ ll mesr.t. ar,4 locked ever tls ehoold-r
«altoas. aad the Uiaa spread to Ua,^,
aammer and winter, at S o'clock, oa to r^sd It «rs-viu blai. This u wLsi
hara. which teas totally daairoyoa, to-1,,
eeme cold meet end e cuo of coffee.. K «sid:
rkadsr of tAa crop.
At noor. he wk*i luncheon, and at l|
-is betwen K and S abeai USt*‘
fathar with tha horaaa laaidc IL Aa-1
H* drinks cr.e flsas Of beet; Chsrt'e"
Maiaball post >fflca baa bean dcaif- dlnr.tr
Other oecarraaec of a aim lar aatsra laat
dalir and * few pls..-s of wine, al-; • Fsy rspa.“ s* eeked. -wbst sort of
a dapo^tor^ tba poatefloa
waak wia at Haaoa. whare a ma aiart
adaamadraia h’a ehlakae b-__ ___
. tar tba
■bar of
Tba tara j****^.‘|^*'
I>r Nansen Is now to be aJdsd to the
Ar.d then, a* a broad prln beaaa t«
aaarht tra. and vbUa tba naa waa' aawll offima lb aortben Miebicaa. net cf srpirartt for the honor of beta* evrrsi read the old rerlUn-*r * fare I
In order to £nieh np the summer business as
kasUlnc aroBod to pat oat the Am be Tbara are only amo aimUar oecca la firel at the souifa pole. He lliliMi lliil and h» tpelkd cut -K-t-f-ft" the «:rl
11 le an easier Uek than to reach tha ‘urnej a very rerj- red. pat her hardij
feUdowaaflIffbtof ataln aad broka
north pole, and had considered Iheaab-' 'o her face. — • e..td up
.._ the
.w------Kept ....«
we started it (with a rush) and also to clean np
The rfUac* marabal at Bartlord M, feet ever, before th- famous enterprise IcW the bet
kUwrtat Tba Art dapartmsat pat
Pram Before detennlnla* hla ‘
oat the Ire bafora tba ban waa bara> worirtar oat aa Idea tbit year that la
what's left in snmmer stuff, we make this big revn riacs, however, be will, the ScatsAll traw(a
ad. bat tbay alao pat oat tba aaad#e. of baacAl In two waya
sn lars. xlve s fslr Held to the Brttao that tba cbiekaa Ilea an aUll dolar wbo ttrlke town are arraated and pat
A Kansas boy sritb the repalar* so
dactiOQ in these floods.
A and German esredttions
in work claarlaf the airaeta of weeds.
la* to UsnIU. write# tho* “Fca- a
baaiaMa at tba old stead.
time this morr'nc we were verr badly
Wkila tba 4 year old dparhtar of By the time the atreeu hare baaa pat
frlffatecrd, because we tbousbt we
^oba AbiiarM of IILreb Raa. wai play- U rood ahapa Ue word will hare ^
“Jame*.” Ue old man salA feebly, were lo« at see. One of the saiu.rs
lac la tba (roat yard a fatoeloaa ball- paaaed throacboot trampdom to aVoid *Wll you rat my halrf It's seitln* toe K'ld us that the captain hnd neslrei-d
‘ U wind op the cumpaas the nisbt bedaff owaad by Cbarlec Hatehinaoa Bartlord aad that the rltlafe will be larji **
••At lastr exclaimed the patriareb'i
broke tba chela which was boldUf it few from both weeds aad hoboes
were, or which ;
were 2Sc a yard. We ^re marked a clean np
eldest sor., under his breath.
aad attaekad the wild, uariaf oaa
while me found .
taebaak In a bombla maaaar and other
those fool‘sailor
price on them at |5cj|jjj(grt. This is, positirelj
An attraeUoad Ue repatoUoa of
arioa'maUlatlac bar faoc. Tba doff
that bad within it the TOnc«eiraied rc*
watabot. aad tba d'ciors tblak (he wblab will natarally attract Ue attan- venae of dosCns ot
the best .value ever offered io all-wool goods at
tloa of Uaatrefoers. wdl play aa aa>
abUd will reeOTer.
ffarataeat at dlalnberff's Uraad. Weda century before.
Sapbael dal Vaiu arrlred at A^a
this price.'
aaeday evealnr. Aaf. 2. The eompaaj
Arbor Monday Iron baa Jaan da Porto
I superb I
laisa- CnamAlfluads
filao for t ts paipoaa of Ukiac a ooniaa
Uaorffc McLellan empinr** Ua beat
tloa at Ue bead of srbicb b Marie Lala iaedUlaa at tha uaieanlty. Tbia
caady maker outside cf Detroit aad
moar.^ brlll ant eomediaone from
Don't wait till the best styles are'picked out.
■akaa Are Port® Bioaas Dew there lor
Ue loscloae erpam a)>B'tt>.*s now bcDalyh Tbsairr. New York. ThI*
made an Ue ear# b«sl that can
raalsatlon U preseaUnr for Ua Arat
Veerybody ahould try
•i. Ussmaad wn*i ss
William Laporte. a tiara
time la Amariet
- drirar wbo
-- --------------------- 1 ta elerar eomedy. “A
a *« o*m« ter maklse »haaearrladtba malU balwaen Dow- Wlae Womaa," Ueaalhorahlp of which
aclae aad Oawopedia for Ut paat alaa M Wilfred Clark's.
The oompaay
yaar^. has traeanai that road »,I17 which brs been aelevtid to support
Umaa and traealed orar M.140 miles Mlsa Lsmoar la Ue preieataUon of
Ibis woald take him aroaad Ue srerl4 Mr. Clark's comedy, coatalos many
twice, aad eawAfU erer. Be la e& wall-kaoira player*; the beat known of
years old.
The little women csmol
which la probably Frsderle Marphy,
begin too early to koow (Bw
1. U BalMas ot Maatao. Ja' 74 yaara last aaaaonleadlarmaa for Jolla Marvery beet of shoe leather; ti#+eld. email physically aad doea not
losrs “A Wise Woman*’ reealred lu
lieat. mr«t |>liBb)«v
pear able to do aay srork. yet alnoe Arat prodaction at tba Straad Theatre.
and moetUatiugaboe
laataprlnchchaadaff sHUaUoeel ao Loadoo. whare It haa a record of (St
That ie precisely the Biitf
rods of a ooaaty dra^D: has loffred and alffhts to eaormoas raoeipts This, la
they want for their iloBrn.
cleared Are aeraa of land; done aomc ltoelf.lsc
Nothing i$ too good fur dolfyv
farmlaraad asaJsUd wiU Ue ebons'
•thorns Be la
The Blatehford KaTaaa«b aad I
And DO we have Arranged to give every girl in TraweTBU
ncT'i Boy't Coaoen oompaay that U
hay aad wheat erop and axpaeta to
City who. Accompanied by a parent, brlogg hpr doll to tb*
carat* 40 rode more ot Uc drain UM appear la Traeerac aiy, Taasday ceaa•ammer.
lB(. Auyaat 1st, will be Ucfrcatmual
■tore on Baturdsy. a pair of ganuios "Vici Ktd" Slippers forDeputy Oama Warden Baaeh of oal crant of Ue aeaaoa. Blaclifard
the little play chlld’a feet. Wo matter how big the doll.
Saall Ate. Marie. eeUed t.700 panada of EaTauafb will be remembered aa Ue
BDdariltrd wblteAth at Pennel'a mills. moat wonderful boy aopraao uia ooonhow little, we have a pair of ellppere ready for fte feet.
IS miles from tbs “ttoo.'' on Lake Se- try haa ever prodneed.
Chiparlor. Tke Asberman eUlma that Ua
■*■■>■ '^"■*8* ■lipi>era of real V»ci
caeo. be drew such larffe audiences
m»sh of bit aeta are of lefal slsc.
Kid—the (test and coatiieet kid tbit (;oes into ahoeaY Of -marse rum
do Sometiiing for nothing isn’t the' n^ual way. It isn’t the wey
■. a. WheelerDfPorl Huron, baa a Uat Btany buedreds were tureed away
with these Vici Kid slippers, either
pockeibook which sraa carried Uroaffb al each aertiee and as a eoaceri singer,
imanded li.txw a aigbi.
Ihere 18
i8 but one
ooe geonine Vici
Vioi Kid. Mr, Hebert H. Poerderer
three'war*. It was oriffibaliy
ago he was wlUOrawn from
prodoced that kid and named
------ _ It
ibere aie
many imiutiona
imitations We
property of Mr. Wbaaler's ffreat frandfaUer, wbo toafhl nader Wasbinflon charcb and concert work oa account ot
\ ici looks hke end feels like. Then the men will all know. t<y>.
One counter full of child’s short pants
and woo earrlcd the pockatbook theaatnrai ebaage of voice. Three
Aud iw we nwke th^dolla ehppeni, knowing well that in her
Uroacb Ua rorelaUopary smr. Cbarlea
—seJling from
to 85c, to close at n
platr-Ulk dolly will tell bow soft and easy they are. and tbe little girl
Whaalar oarrlad U all Uroufb Ua clrll Prof. Keaey and Uere ba* been develand all the boost' will see how handsome and tODgb they
,jey ai
war aad Clement Wheeler, of Port pped a barltooe vole*, of “Ue same
|>erf.vt shoo leather the;
they ai made of. This will make them ell a___
Baroa, oarried U Uroofb the Cnbaa mellow sweetaeee. the baanUng leaLot child's suits, handsome braid
deraeee aad sympaiheUc quality'' as of
i Kid sboea for themseiveA end lake them insist opon getti^
ed goods with rests. siz« 3 to J | QQ
tbe genuine.
old. wlU a marked addiuoa of domes
ic-fooi Hcraonab alllfator that tic power, iniarpreUtlOB and auturUy
reduced to •
oas of Ue boya of Company B broogtat r style.
home from the aonU was Ua atar at
Be appeared before the Preas Clab of
lirmg the dolly, bic or little. H se b.reo't . 6t r««ly for her,
traction al Fage Kaaee park at Adrlao. Chicago Id November, leue, and
Afiother lot reduetd'
we 11 make the slippers to order.
ttaaday- During Ue nlgbt he took
ae of
Darini this week we are teaching shoe care 4y propel
French leave and the pam will oaate old. Uu sucoeae before aa andtaace
It means ’better wear, better looks, better asf
to be a caaUr for Sunday acbool pleales of newspaper wriiera. literary and muamoney in one’s pocket.
till Ua runaway u capiarcd.
leal erlUoa. waa ccmpletc and aaA few lert of extra fine novefties. • fl A A
The Indian Lake aea serpent baa equivocal.
from #3.50 to ^.00, now .. .\... OwiUU
beaa aeen aeveral Umes this summer.
The oUer members of the company
Be appears to be about 11 feel long aad are of highest ariUtlc and muslesU merUarrlei Dement Packard. dramaUe
S|>ecial lots.................$1.86. $1.60, $2 00
Ilka an arrow. Thos far eery tew have abprano. Is giftad wHb a rarely exprae' baea able to get a cloaa elew of it. alve voice of great natnral beauty and
To close out- former prices J'.’ OO to $3.00.
owing to fu sbyaeaa The oaly daager higbeet eulUvaUon aad la a singer that
to be felt ie that It might enddeoly riae never dlaappoiaU. Muter Jamie Cripaoma Ume under a boat, eaptlse Ue pea. eoatralto, hae proven aa Inetaaooeopanta and poaaibly kill
laaMus aad nelveraal tavorite. Master
Tara-wer«e C±'by, MioJiagaxL.
them WiU iu tail in iu eff«t to get Arthur Goff, oometist. .-xeentea Uedifaway.
AcuU aoloe of Uvy. Arbaekla aad I
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
F. K Harrlnian, proprietor of Ue oUers WIU grealeat aata.
Master Percy Hm'deoroagb. eoloUton I
Vapor baU bouae at Petoakay. di«l
private baths h^e been added, making it one of the most
Moaday moroiag ot aeuralgla of Ue Ue Violin, eaxoiphoae aud clarionet U
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Address for
heart, attar only a few konra' Ulaem.
rates and other infQrmalion
Be waa a prominent and raepeeted eitMr.
Isan and high
ist and mukieal director. i« one of Uc
The poor oommlaMon at Adrlaa had
moat aoeompllUed ma.ielstas la Ue
a call from a womaa who aaid aba did
waat. He wm maaknl director of Ue
not feel Ilka aaldag tor eery maU la
National Paaoc JnbUea. Cblugc. Oetway of pablle
obar im and has trained more boya lawoald liks a tow artlelea ssai to bar
hoBsa. Than she named her waata aa
follows: A load of wood, sack of Aoar.
oaa broom, two poaadt of battar, two
Aae organ now belag plmod I
poaada of lard, aoap, Ars pounds of
Bplacoiml church of Uto el ly.
tvaanlatad sugar, ona bottle vaallls.
Now 9c Yard.
4 Pieros Ufl cf Ughl Coloreil Wool Bools that
Save $$$ By Spending $$$
Dolls’ Day
A Bargain Guaranteed on any of
the Following items-
Park Place HoteH
See theee by all means — Great induce- meats offered on all summer
Hamilton Clotbing Co.
Tbe Oanadlan Jabliaa aUgar*
oas dosen eggs, two pounds brown
eagar. two pounds ooffee. one pnekaffa tlBod a small aadleaee la Htal
yeast foam, aaok of salt, two poaada Grand last eveaiag. They breei
ehaeae, two qaaru of baaas. oas pnek- varied program af popular seam
sga mlaoemsat, eome apples and rtoe. dies aad iastrameatal masU, laelndlag
U pli
John Kaahlet. aged Tfi ymira. weal to
Uadm-takar Dlterle’s parlor* at Asa work was axoacAlagry g«oA i.ad devalepad aoma vary Ana
Arbor. Batarday night, aad told him ba
fait Uat hla Uma had eome. aad Uat istlrof tba nagra. Mlw Uadai wood.Ue
“Black Melba." poasamea a Asa.. altar
ha might as waU gel hu ea^t ready
ior him. Ue waat home, and aoma aopraao voiee ot wide rahga aad bar
Ived WiU aaatia
Urns daring tba alghl suffered a stroke 1
applaaae which was a ttlbaia to
ofapppiexy. Be was foapd dead la
axeaptlanai vocal talcak
had Sanday moralag.
All Ua aarnban ware wall r taderad
Uclatoa afa hnmaa Mag laa aaad j
la wall aaiaaawti rmy
Charlaa W. Faast want to Ostnit oa
•mm panpU laalat Uat Uc brnma arc a bualaam trip yaatarday.
1 & Smith make
Now $100
300 pairs
Regular $2.00
$1.00 buys
Tbs Old BeUaMs Shoe Xaa
Good hardwood in stove lengths.
Black A Tans
Half Price
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
Bicycle Sa^e—Guaranteed for three year*^
Look at them whether yon need one or not$800 or $10.00 will bny a good second-hand bi
cycle-$25 wUJ bny the best new wheel on tbc;
market—Come ind see my display before goingr
118 Front Strset
. ^ MRS. H. E. GIBBS
■H:an Mastuo row lifer aihcd It*
peremelTe loeo.
Bvee the
,.««1.«... W
•1 duDOo,*' mtlled Farm* Ceniot •
ie arma.
•ri. “J doal weal no Ufr Ibwb«»
The nan who doea aochlec aeveadi
fee fot an I bis carrr. an' nr wUt
aartbiht «TOB»
vaole me to etop aome o' that
I ,
Whec a ivrr ha^a tt U an eBort
tiopr roQ can't bai I'm a trnttafcl mab >
A i^atUl to Um Oileoco Chronk't an' I alB'i r>ln' to rtpreee no poaltlea ; titanf le inittce
Tbt aallrcai la popular bacauat ol
«TMt OMvcrwjithtt tb« wild told oplsloD till afler I'TC heard ron talk
r retrbtta way*.
. MtolBi of Mood Adoaa, to be nbiotted aabUc.'‘-Wa»bln»ioo «iar.
Lorw mar paU witta all hta nUbt
AillieParieeipeotUM. will be o«et
Mrcr with hit maet
Twotoe beodi«d pmu6» of fold ee^•lie abeold never ccmcM! aartl
A«t«le wilt be rei^elred to Mbe the
bone cara and from ber buaba^-cacept her fauH
•«we. iieelpCor HitbM. who
. .
the foDowlof rep-;
a «oe9ctfui ibtes. Or.e
waa OTerhaerd os a downiowa
i« r.ibbit wm keep aome owe fithiea
•eeti the A«ericM Gild tlotoe Co. of
• 1 II a.>
Sow Tork, otMo to perebM* tbo baiThrmoet enaaaira aamiBcr firl li
tlM. eowplete iboetotde.Md delieer it
plo( in It"
I ( -e whe ireurte tbe Uraett eoltecUoo
«0«b0 Oolotwbo ODBBiWtOBW M Uw
er.aaaeinect rinfa
Parle apaoltloo AprU 1. IWO.
rbe trile *rtic It able to retalr. her holS
Coot- Wmiaw a.
Aadonoo. who
her bnaband'i heart r.eter bai
» m wbea be e»ti hU hair cut
He-1 am rraUy earprlaed at Dr.J
tanr a man who citlir.i to -be i
ZT-Vh^i^ala to
AH-r *.'U.S^r famUy doctor
1 ef hli own fortnne iriee
T ^
for reara. and lr.-alln« me for aU aorta,
»o.«t ttmetnre on a lO-not
ntoaaer Bclbeto. Be waa la ao ea- of ihloci.
aud to think of
of aU
aU ibe
tbe mon-, ^
tmwtod aod delerloaa ooedltkm.
! 6eti<x«X 'Kent
OnrleeBmlth. aatroar robMt Hty.
• ** raan old.ofKe* Tork. died fro*
latfair eantad by waarln*
tUtbt a
A Ooonaetteul waddlaf waa daolared
^ the laat of tbe week beoaaae wbea
Aha bride appeared ready tor tbe ear*iiai-j the croon objKlcd to bar low
m aAiod fowB.
A nan aamad
of Haa
Praocheo. na* robbed «f noJ»0 BatarAar BorttiBr to a bote,I in Pari* where
be waa etopplec- Be left tbe moery
ndw hhplUew while be weot iaio the
n^ela iec rerm whieb waa ocenpied br
MaWite. Wbaa be rewraed tbe moaey
■aaeee baa aelUad dowp ae a
wwUDaqoireaad eportamaB.
«OMlderableCB». lie oa
afe ininrancf compaByl-TW-BIU.
-VE bare a ebwt that waou a loan of!
MOO OB non-periahable penoaalpro-i
perty. valae tlloo. WUl five llbetal
booBaaods paroeat loMraat WQl:
pay half In
in ttU aoBtba. balah-w In
BiDC Mtb
Partin arc WB^ormlc.
1 protUble IraHTWti*
lee I
______ s\i.ilea Bank ef BapCiet Be
cart, w rodi along tic abor*
per acre. Will aeli 6 or 10 acrca.
FOE SALE—SSJ-Lot S block 9. WmI
Froot aireet. between Cedar aad
Spreee. Lave leval with auMt: 6»x
be M low M any offered.
FuE SALE-d2S-Far* loO acrca S'*
mile* wMt ol city. W aerca onocr
eoltlvatiOB, tiO bearing apple, pear
and ploB ireei, two baraa. one jMt Both •PbOdiea. 94belli, new windmill and well, wa'tor
pipe* to barn*, all neeeaaary aheda.
peltry bonae. yard* and good drain
Ane new modern booie. it
room*, atone fonodauoci,*toee ecUar.
4 borae*. 14 now*, harneaaea. baggie*,
wngona, aieigbv. ceUer*. all farming
implCBirtti, ail crop* of wbieo there
are 90 acre* contlatlng of wheat,
GOTO, oau. hay. potatoM. 10 acrca
Properly nerved in n neit din
Ane grove. Tnu farm ia known m
ing room.
tbeWeldoeft farmor Hillildc dairy;
coil, and a gold mineI for I
Price for all. SA.000
Hopkins Bros.
tcep" at ibe polU
- one after brepk*
fcopb, .one of t^ bicbcat eammlta la
jaw in tbe peat tea dayi la Boatoa.
The vteUma were bore injored la lade-
Oeclu la a peenHar form of tnianlty
that rai ci a man to loll Inceeuntly
•nt'i rmarkabic." mW Doric ADco
wUI set a U. BBOVM, Aiterssr sec Oesssuur s<
Rparka. “bow lltilc Wowlnc the Cbt-, f.* or r # for hi. la»>or.
O. Lsw. apeeisl^siMBUOB u aaUraUwi
o<-i« do. when one ootea how miicb
pee'de oeo day aecidasta.
lUcy ruB to Longa."
akat dletrtet
There have baee alx deatlu from lock
The Boan ara expeetlac war
twiee eaca
•waca drlU with ariaa to ihalai an Inwaaioa.
A Helboarae fAaetralia) lady, wboee
haibaad h in the Ueyclc trade, loet a
•old Bacrat bciMeh the other day while
a^irllacaloaroB'ber wheel.
KUda boul-kcaper fot a ponetBia U
AhUre theaaa»eda>. aad took tbe bireyale to tbe ebop of the bnebaed aforemld. with the reealt
1 eat brooch
the wlfel
The voleaeo
_____A aa Amereaa eyadleato for noo.OaobyOea GMpar danehtrei who bM
ailaaa the tolphar depoait la tbe volAbM for twea^-flre yeara.
.At BoBMtacl. 8. D . Archie H. Brow•r. part owaer of amall Mat
bam arTMted on a char(a of
lo-klHiaca "Biialac llak." whieb
oax of the attfaetloM of iba axblbltloa.
^TbaabMiMaa while atrarcllac with
Chair edk baconaaacry aad atraek It
oa tbe hmd with a eleb.
Tbe freak
.died la a few boar*.
U had tbowa
k UtelllCNOCtbai the ai
faanaediauly pat Brawer aader arrMl
.Maebarge of murder.
Brewer Mye
abM tbe mlMlagitoh
a moakey.
A MOVMwatti OB t»l to
bsild a
***• ***•
l^th of tbcAialoof Coaaeelieou
J p B>}.at ef Bardwall. Ky
•aU (0 be the owner of the largnt
stxawbercy pateta la tbe worlA Ite.v-
CIKX IKSrKANCX-RMM -Uwvr tkan *v*r
a aklaaa Araioa Salew
newy abla-bodiwi man U pat tbroac>> A
Probably the rtchcit penon In Cnba
' a w-oir.an, Seaera Roie Abten.
wni mllUoDa and van e.tilei. but Is
dcicucratlc In UKc. and favor, the
t'nlled PUtca
Oenerat Phil Sheridan', widow atlll
live. ID the hODie in Warhlnaton which
waa prnenue to the aeniral by h.i
friendi when he look command of !he
army. It coil Ml.ow, and hai trebled
In value.
tVhen a maid of honor In Queen Vic
toria hM lurrlved hi-r youlhlul charm*
and at middle axe )• *U>i unmarrl.d.
she !• relieved of duty and hai her lalary Incrcared from liOW a year lo
Tn B IT SALva In the world for
Onto. Bi Um, Sotm.
Dleem, 8x11
Uiaam. • w BorM. 'Teiter, Chapped
Haada. C\ Iblxloa. Ooraa. and all SWa
trapUoni and poaiUvely eniaa PUm.
orno pai wqnlred. It u yaaraatoed
to rive pi feet aatlafaetion or menoy
•afaaded. Prieelteentaperbox. Tor
nandfl. a Walt
wriu-n s> enr* W B. Jw ■sctlax * scenry.
>■•^*4 M prowpily.. Pkes*«. B*ll Itf; Bvrtbvftirie
OStvs s«.T«>cerll*r block. 2IS Praei ■Ires*.
a S-SMLV O OODOB. AUorsay sM «e«e*A
JXLlerstUv. OBera.OUy Oparo Bona* BIk.
Onaa Ala ids.
George ' cLellan cmployM the beat
m keronuldeof Detrait and
candy n
cream ali
the ^ '
iJ Somoc.
a Rew
General Mllfb le fond of the theater, QOMFR-r r Olk^Wawy lor , irac
hul win never attend a military play.
•The iB.t drama lhal had lolditr. in MraA^L- I.’IsTwiitoSiw
4t tbit I aaw.” hr Mva -«ot every thing
M IwUted and w-r.uir about them aa lo
eointiletelr break the llluilon and ipoll
the whole thing for
The London Mall tclli of an Enxll.h
Boctor who refused to attend a man dynt bemorrhaxc.
. .
naxe. becauie hli fe<(SK ol
two I ntlllnlEi and alxpenci .and
wife had only two .hllllnxi
J^SnVTi lOIN^orv
refarm* aod cllyl^l
Ml*. J MM l*r.l»Froot
401*1^ (awUy wUboBi
MOBa-1 rroD .
iMxae by exeaMlec clgaratto
mined npon
they deter
Forepaogb- {
->o*rat* I
Twenty aerm mea of tbe 6th lataa«y, atbthwid at Santiaco. died of yel
iliw. appli u Ir. Faitoe. pwato »
>DUel of
t. Kailei
’. howl Addm, * mat* ■
-------------------------- ---------------------
"Ebete-weaa Hi ll.M loat raan
6rud KipUt t luiUiBi K.i.
..Dentist.. ■
FOB SALE—MS—Uonaeand lot. -OarfiridavcBoe. MSO.
FOE SALE—MT—Dw-elllsg. Webever
atreet. 10 room* M.600. Bmj paymeau
FOB SALE—STS-Slnty acre farm.
goodbolldiDgk. »2.3d0.
FOB SALE!—ST8,-Uood frame boose
and eight acre* of land, aitnated
aboot one mile from center of city.
house 14x34, nix rooms
■OB SALE-599—Hooae and lot, Doha
street, ten rooms, stone
fooodatioo and etOM boMment, cooapleto.
John R. Santo,
Cinril lisiraict.
steamer ( aekama
Ospt./. tI imozy.
SSSCFESSSC :e :Sfi8S8e«3Si,
*^i*^wa4 8«.
IDS car U OtwM
West Michigan.
oonto aotTB.
Arrive our------
* 4t
you S.A.X.KJ
:a*:i^?:id.byuu 6,___
'.iKTfii r;.r i^^S^^BDGGlESandflAGONS
. md tha death of S3
^111 gnenlatee ell loan*.
WB have a client who waoU 81300 on
Arat-elaaa seal eauu eecnrity.
WB have for tale Bcaidence property
Aonr mllla, botela. grocery atoriu.
general atocka. boot and shoe atoeks.
torma, Umber land, -vacant iota, pat Ar^ PrwkvT
.tor* lotulr*. JullB.SwlBlwrx.
ent rlcku: to fact, we heve elmctl
anytbieg yoo want, and at aelling
l^eca. Always pleated to tee yop.
Will do our beat to suit yon Always
ready to ahow yon what we“v* got to
Wa forgot to meotion that we
hev* 40 acTM of the Aoeet Poturt
Clay to the world
Veto to
RSkLC-Tv, l»r*v Sooc e.eJ tr
feet deep eod covert tbe whole
)a.iu.keBOB sfaurMBiv fr«o.
edge of 60. lays within TS feet of B.
B , underlying thto bed of eley to n
B. J. MORGAN. Proprietor.
ledge of red aad whiu-aand etenaTbto to the moat valuable bed of clay
1 Platform Wagoo. 6 eeatt, aU to good
to tbe Cnlud Suua
Have refnaed
order, prle* Ms 00.
810-000 tor IL It will pay capUaltoU
1 two-seat extossioa top Cton
to invcetlgau thto m there to plenty
: newly painted, price MS 00.
of mart adjacent to
1 Pbneton Bnggy. good «dsr. Mo.OO.
— vpeaNvwt tBarali«u»l>*>avrwi~
'foggy, all to good ehape. 8*6.00.
__/nto»venreaU bergalne. and
..MvBcm.U rMwt MfMl. ae vialr*.
Wagon, good m new, 8*6.08.
be boaght on easy terms. We 1
totlehL________ ________________
ber Wegona
thoasande of dblleri worth of other
-wotenrklaCla Snv
WAWTlMa -«e
to trade tor n pony
bwge'ns la farm and dlly property.
Oome and see u» If yon want to bey
tlM Os. Block. Traven
Lto^onr property with ns if yon want
r lllBorv can b
ibowB oomplewly: be and Ur. Cole
owned the Forepangh ahow aoA con
trol nod direct the toon of Buffilo
Bill'a Wild Weal, while the SelU Bro*.
owned aod opmled the ahow bcMing
Newa from Gaatcmala indleatei that their name. The geoeral acheme of
«oih England aad Germany ihraaien the eombloatlon of these mansgers
•JbpmakeankTaldemonatrationlherw •
lion which reaol.
After being loet la the wllda of Bril- lion ef tbe Forepangh and Sells Broth
lah Colombia for eighteen daya and ers show*. They were the two Urgost
•Bflertng terribly. J. Bdwarda from clrcni abowi left In the eoonlry after
e Barporaaed Ballcw ahow went to
Sew York State, reached Beealasd, B.
_ igland. each quite ^le
able to take care
ofluelf.' Bit their porpoM Is now
___________________ -n aiw drifting down
Mr. Bailey bM made the Barnuv and
«Ea Yokon. beplng tknt tbe Dniud
Bailey chow ao BngUah ocrporatloo,
ent will bring them oot^whtoh be bM already made IS.
600.000 aad yet reUine eontiwl of tbe
ahow. Itu one of tbe blggMt aad
•The noodlhe exhibit at tha Tnrto meat BBcccMfol Ananeial rentnree of
-hcR year will iMlnd* foor tbo werld'e meirapolie la a good many
«4M<<the»lrglnfcld, rnlaed at 83,• years, and to far and nwny the grantent
don in
thto year bM
toongfat of. tuanecM
df tor ridlnf thirty mi^ on bin bley- MtaUtohed Mr.
Bailey'* ability m a TTtOXeAl
a«*. I
BtobU. Otaat. MMV
>• to equal bto
vtfa. Barry Park of Sinking Valley. Fa., tnanetor. wbk
Now tbe deelarst^'
UbAxmAeosteslyof toe wntor and faU
vtal Clara
11 «a . iMuira » B------ttoa of maaagtn. that they intend the
rprapangh and.8cl'n- show to take tbe
place MpedaUr In Ue BMtern ecuatry
W. Ptaysair. a Loodoo phyalelan. otm aad largeat riOea. of the Baranm and
BaUsy Show. hM bean crgaolsed apea
It M a ne**t aotocBobllc accident rea eealc eo vmI thto year that it to boaad
rtlT. He WM rultic op a hm when
loattractvary gnaewal atteatkm and
Lrave Old M
Mtblvm nave war and the earrux*
Arrive Elk 8
Mi to roll backward down tbe rtoi
Leave RkB
e driver nppUed tbe power brake
Arrive Old h
VMT wtmetoi fergattleg that
be was iMa of the conntty that thto dty hM
Leave Old V
With the reMli that bMeelrctodMcaeofthcpeinuol
1. With
Arrive Bk BasUe....
. «he carriage ctood
iLeeveKlk Beplde...........
11 be here WednMdny.
itaanrard. brutoluf
Wtol npoo him.
«1 tbf» died Jelyjii oibar* from
lajarlea tweeived then. 'Loekjiw can*
Rbop^t-p^ov^. Bay
All wOTkerklgnMi poMlbW craM. FlMgeU
work a epoclaUr
VewOflos. ■n^hsm Block
8 lU <■ r ol • 'ion rie of the b'ggeat
low fever In two weeka.
HnvonllteCo Block
Inr asl* end built to order
Bepair —ork
mand Wldeopraad AdmiraUoa.
BmU mwe Snvel. .________ ,«r: in.i
O. Sir2,‘aSSS''i,S7'.,'!fi
O u-lerr*> .
tit north Opr >
AOiroM Which M .Boned to O
Thera la n» longer aey
Cl^an of Bv«ry Kind
______ id at rv
leooesDd Sixth street.
.of Elmwoc
Sroombnnac. good earn, welii MVeral frail and
ornameatal trMS. |
amall frail aad good garden. Tata
1* a targe lot and big properly lar
amall price—Price »*lw
rOEsALE-au9—Sw, of ne'« aec Si.
tovrn Ss-j A good frame bouae 16x24
withw.egallfuroUbed. Wind mill
wel . water plof* frtni well to
e. too beariog apple, tlum. cherry
Barn S4x60 Farm all impror.
ed, lay* :s mom nortbof Wmiamaborg oo Elk Eapid*road.Price.tl.MiO.
rOESALE-«15—Xw* ofawi*»<c 17,
town sr. Dortfa M wMt. 40 acrM, 36
aerta ondcr coluration, good barn.
Price. ASIA.
FOB SALE-616-40 acre farm four
north of Elk Bapida. 6du fralt
tieea JyM I old amall frame honie.
gder eolUvatlon.
FuB SALE—6 IT—Weal SO acfM, lot t.
accT, S». 10, lay* on abore road.
Peoinaola. orchard 60 apple treea, 60
e^rry tree*. ISO pear, plums, peach.
'■SS- I. liSfflraL? J-2SS.“,.Ti'71
not to be called a TrniL
15 cents
JUso I fill liieol Conteciionni
FMi SA LE-600—Five acre lot on Gardeld aveoBc. Price S60u.
FOB SALE—LOU 19 and 30, block
Perry Hannah'* aecond add. corner
Bobeoia and
llth street.
FOBSALB-604-SKofa* i *•
IrilLBBBT A OATBS.Anoraoy*. epoetsisl
SS—n—about e.i octm aolld ____
ber. hardwood. baiMm.e*dar awoMp.
Soeae cedar t ,k*n ooL
FOB SALE—60T Urooery atock this
city Invoice about MOO.
n. TC8KEB.
st law. Bsb FC« SALE-S94-BoQBe aod lot on
O llMeSHUUkaaBleek.TmTwnCiw.
Seven roomaniotly Soiabad. good well water, fruit and armental treea, large lot. dCxSOO. amall
barn. Price M60
FOE SALE;-S96-10 acTMon Peoinaola
SS •««» from city, uoo apple, plum,
cherry aad peach treea, all bearing.
tolp.B. Tolopbaao.lt
Carpenter Hill. AoMt loeatioo op PenTTT A DXtJC. «rrkll*«. -ill kvrvstlrr bo
i^ula^will ukc part city property.
the part of the grMt afaow eomblnaUen
'.Mara Saacbe.
tj U* Moecy to loon. OSe**. OUy Opers
Houw Block.
Tfie reanutarture and ule of dolli 'n
Europe exreedi. at a low- eitlmate M.000.000 per annum one firm in Pari,
alone turni out 2.000 dolli a day. and
many other h'ouiei make cveo larser
Price RedindtiCMDtLiL
kMka, good bMUMM property, cen-i
cna employ for Bicycle
Alwaya. rwnta tor'
good Aaere, DOW Icsacd for 1 year!
Quick work.
witb privilege S yeara. aut-j.-ei to
eale. Bent* for Sfo par moaib Lewcat cMb price, Sl.toO.
FOEbaLE-«»-.N> of aci, of awl* IIS roioB Street
ace 2V. IB, 11. SO acrca ail under enitlvatioa. 400 bearing trait tmw, good
honee ane barn.^good^priog^ater.
Sp ;fl»r» Ihoold reloicv abet it ralM
the call .cd doxB
pa adoxicai ai It mar mcb. well wa M apoe ber and for Mver yeara she
tt e >te makee people IIL
wilhatood iu severMt toaU. bet ber
A . an ian't necenirUy in tbe awln vital orgaai were enderaoieed and
be drtnki like a Bah.
' kth seemed immiBcnL For three
On< cm acquire an claaltr tread by . Qtha ahe coogbed loecsaaetly. and
blui.—S|wrv Municuix.
eonld not tlerp. She Anally diaeovered
cpBiii u:y wtarlnc luLbcr booti.
women take pair.i wlib ibeir a wry to recovery, by pnrciiMing of na
.. >ax'<-IIuw an- you ycttlDy alonf ptm»
e othen cive a boUJe of Dr. Ring’i -New Dlteovery
appeatan<e while
tor Conaumptioii. aad wm to meek rwwitb yoor wooluc of bllM Uulilrux? j (b»m
takieg the Arat doM that ahe
JMX-Well. Bbc wrote me two lete\-,i
___..____ jlght; and with two hotUea
bM beep abaolutely cored. Her name
ia Mra. LeUer Lola.” Tboa wrilca W.
e -o’ and >o'."-Span
A loi ar.fwcr n
C. Hamelek A Oo.. of Shelby. K. C
Trial boltlea 10 eta. at the drugetorea ol
Ilk tor queelloni
8. E. Wait aod J. 6. JokBaon. Begolar Bite 60c and SI. Ewy botUe gear,
"Yon Americana boait of j
- uiualiy makci a antoed.
"» K.'iiS,':
Trm, caartty.
kfra. ncni>«joc—So yoa did a
of charity today (
the berden
«( TArtaarkes. to theeoalh
Mh.-Chlc^ Daily
Gas Lamp--
RnI Esuti, littioiwis,
Tntits, koiei liueis.
Provident Life
and Trust Company
ot Phlt.d.lphl..
Write twtwwa.
Leri T. Penoiagtosi, Dintrict A«t'
Traveraa Otr. WahlBae.
* *T* “ *
' .flee to at *1
Too will f
of stairway.
to left, lake Arat door to right; onr
sign to alcvslds tha doer. We are not
on tha groend Aoor, at least onr ofiee
toa'L We are. AgnraUrely epeeklng.
Sc far M haring the largest Itot aod
bMt faargalne; we are elrleUy la it.
We work all the time, we enn eeU yonr
Idgeifu at bottom of stain. Big bargatoa at top ot stain. . 8ist door to
the right after yon tarn to left at bead
211 FroitSl
W. Wbaelodk WUi« /m aaka liaper-
Urf* KU A*.
«igiuzwat to SaccMd Otla.
Talrpboaa Eaebaaca..
Tba ebattal atartcafa os tba pteat
of tba 'Mortbara Telaphou eo«|
wee forveioaed Taatardap. aad bid la
by Mr. W. Wbeelock tor tlO.OOO. A
craat deal of laoeey baa baas oipaadad
U patttBf tba pleat la rood abapa. aad
ao expeaaa will ba apartd to aiake tba
llata aeoaaH la ardBy way. Tbera
will ba ae ebaapa la tba ■aaafaBaaatj
tba tlaa will atUl be operated by tba
Mertban Tdepfaoaa eon
Ewry a
ba omployad to improra tbe aarriaa
aad mrit tbe patipyra of tba people.
OrowtR IiMt Y«ar.
be OotaalaatlOB Paid la Twa Ti
DaAtb Olmlau AnoaBUBK to Orar
cf Wu qcrt^»omd—ME-paMlbU
•A.OOOOOO(»d Haa a Earplas of
for ft Eimt OeattaMt EftvortBC
AdOO.OOO-laiportaat ObaarKUM •• mirtftfT •ormer of »iu
oa EaotMaaaodad Aattor Sbrm Ua
ipptM XfttftftA»-OM Vr(UrX>ftdftrw
LiwltaUoo of iba •arptaa.
tkftto-toiarftarPact Baron. July 1< —Thu al|«U
WMklBrtoa. /ftlj >• —U WM fttfttad
bianaial review of Ue auprame teat of
•t Uft Wftr dftwtawt todft^ Ihftt BO
That we ate aeUing during
tba Ealrkta of Maeaabeaa. formally
BtMftUoB (rbftteTBr wo>14 be pftM 1o
opaaad tbU moralap wltb alphty-Sva
tbe-r«^ roMB'-of ibe MeaUft «or>
dalarataa la
feepoBdntft. A proUftt bae sot bees
nearly arary atata and Canada.
«nt to GeflBTB) OUft. fts4 U U Bftld win
report of D P. Markey abowi a aat inaot bft. Bad Onarft} OtU wUi not be
creaae la membarUlp daMap Ue bleu
BftUftd ftpoft for ftft e>plftBftUan. leadaid paruM of tl.tsi. The Ineraaae ol
AIUobUb** iBtlDUed that rtrj ao- Maalataa Cotta will Oroaa Bate wltb
mamberUlp Id Ue aatira ordWb>wbleb
OOBTBirlBf aewB bae bees received from
tba Vrw 7 Or«eaia-d HuaUari Xoladudaa Ua enpreme teat, praat
tbe Pbillpoiaae end ibat tba alteaUeB
’ d«7 aad Xoaorrow.
Udlaa orpaalxatlan. durlap Ue bi
la ■eeh beUar tbaa baa bees tasaraUp
Today will oaeur tba drat ball rame ennial period waa W.OSS. The mambera
Are higher priced eboM, elf
batwaaa tbe oewly orfftolx Hi Haatlare of tbe auprame uat at Ue preaeal
gant fitters. oe$r 1810 toee—
Jama CreeltBaa. who b on hk w%j
aad tba ManUlaa Oo)la.Maaarar Eahoa I time U l»Q.tSl. Several
ancient laste—All are cut
bona troa HftoUft. baa , eahlad froa haa
time daeoftad
derraft oonaldarable time and am. ^ »«mm. _
tlona ware made, one beinp Ue aptioedoa to tba Ea« York Jonraftl
from 50c to tl-50 a pair.
arryuorather with the local pltyeta, to potntmealof a board ofanprame madl
loof dlepateb ooearl^ ataeb the aai
rat tofatbar a flrat daaa team aad cal axamlaata lasload of one ae preefroead ae tbe maiM naaMra froca while UU will be Ue flrat fame It U
Boat Koac. OraalMB la -Ua eablaaipaeted that tba borne team will Uow i Tbe deaU rate of Ue pait urm baa
fTM. a»ld. aaoaf otbar thtacs:
ap U rood form. Tbara will be aa-' been ala par Uonaaod. Baporu abow
"After barlar apaat aarerBl matba otbar rama tcaaomw aad Ua pm
anapenalona to one daaU
-aHtb oar U«o|> la tba .PbUlppli
will eome in feet after UU WMk wltb taa Boanelal atatamant abowa a ear,
We don't intend to carry
%m inaljr eoarlaead that Balas Oaaar*
£.et daaa taama There baa alwaya plaaoabaadofflacB.oss. Tbaaaprama
•BlOtla te reaiovad aad a
over a pair—They're yonre
bean a praat rivalry batwaaa Ua Hanfaaaral pat la aomnaad tba whole Utaa aad Travarae City taama aad UU teat baa paid fll.tet.SOO la Ufa banaflu
at big rednctiona.
for Ua patt two yaara.
ffB will be a faUare.
year wUl prove no axoeptloe to
We never diMppoint yon
The report of PaUer Boyntoa, favor
"lb ba perfaeUy plala. Uaa. Otla la a rale, and Ue lovere ol Ue pame may
ed Ua prapoaad ameadmaat to limit
in quality and alwaya please
faMy old maa. aaaaeaatained to aaybe aeanrad of flrat daaa ooaiaata.
t^ aarplca or amarpancy fond u a rea- ^
tbiar bat rwlBaatal eoBiaaad aad
baa bean lapoaalble for Ua man- aonabla per capita, aad wbaa Ue ae•taiatad wltb tba Ideaa aad mtlioda
naat U dUtributa all Ue books eamulatloa la Uat fnad ezeaada ao
of tba roatlaa dark Ha la a maa who
leribad for. but those anUUad. to amount anfi slant U oover one —m
baa r«wB old aarTlac la tbe reflBaat, them can eacnre Uam at Ue Uekat
>ant oo tboaa mamban who ham been
aad bla aapariaaoa and ablHUaa do aet
oflSoa at Ue prounda. >Dtributom for Are year, aad upward,
to OBtalda of tba rarlBMtal Haaa.
Tba new team atarU oat wiU to rellevu.Uam from paymaat.
"It waa baoaaaa ot ttaia kBowladfa bripbt proapaeu and for Ue balanoe of
Theaupram hire of Ladlm of Ue
that Adabal Dewey, without eoaaalt* Uaaeasonpood ball will ba played
Maccabeca ^ opened iu aeaelon UU
Bad Oea. OUa. prirutaly eablad Praal-. and Ua manapament v.1 1 apare no efAsat MeKlalay aaulnr blB to aaad to forte to make UU Ua beat team Trav momlnp. Tbe annual report of Mrs.
It pays to trade here and
M. Uulluter. euprame oom-1
Maallaa aatll eoaalatloa of maa. arae City aver h 1__________
moat people have found it
maadar, Uowad Uat for two yeart.
aklUad la atateBBaaablp aad diplooiendlnp laat Deeembflr B17. deaU claim
aay. Wbaa Aaaliy la daapair of any
warraau. am^onUapu M6»,roo were
aatloe by Oaa. OUa. Adalral Daway
paid aad nloe dUabUltyclaim.amoont-,
bf«aa to taka poaaaMloa of tba otbar
lalaada, Oaa. OtU wrote to tba*adBlraI Wm X.lo7d Oarriaon TalAa Eeckleas- lap to tl.ooo Ourlnp Ue eame period ' ~
Bt.l» new membara 'ware Initiated la ' ~
ly te EoaWa Mrproaa Ebeut
abluarlattar eonplalalac that tba
tba euprame blva aad 8,4»4 in Ua
Bcaaa Pillplnoa.
aary waa forriat. tba rampalca
BoaUn. July Iti.—WUIlam MoydOar- MlUlpaa blva.
teaWTbara U now a vary atroar aenti- rUoD.V..iadnlpbtaddraaaeda meat*
■aat ajtpraaaad la tbe praaa of tbe aaat iopofeoloradpaeolewbohave orpanU (aror of aaadinff MUaa to aoeaaad irbd Ue Boaton oolorad branch of Ue
AaU-ImperialUtlc leapne.
He Uid
YaehUag Tarty Beaded by E. D.
The Waeblairioa Poet, whieb for a Uam that Ue party of Liaeola and tba
Blair, Tromiaaai Theatrical Manof Ualr race bad daoartad
loaf time baa bean tba
ftffvr. Here Xmat Vtgbk.
of Uea- from lu noble motlvea. Uat It
A party of diiUnjreUbad Uaatrieal
atallfitts. prlniaalaadar. aaUlap for atood for practically Ue aama Ulnpa aa
neacbed UU city lut evenior
MUaa' aaalpamaat U Ua Ptalllppinaa.
Be apoke of “Ue ontemptnona atU> oa board the pretty yacht Grace, which
"Wbataver may be aald or U^bt ot
MUaa la oUer raapacta. tbara U and Ude manlfeatcd by Called Sutaa aol- left Detroit about two week, ago for
aataoded emUe Urourb
oaa ba but oaa aatlmate of blm aa a dleia toward Ua brave and faarole rUi- an
whom Uey called "alppara," rraat lake.. Tba party U headed by
aoldiar la action.'' aare Ua Pa
aa did Ua SooU apeaklap of Ualr own Mr. E. D. Stair, wbo operates more
U acpariaaeod in oommaad.
kaowa aa a fipbtar of raaonraa and naproaa. Had cdorad meo any aasar- Uaatrea Uaa uy oUer man in Ue
are made possible hy the favt
prowaai. aad It la a faet that wbaa anee. be aekad. Uat Urn same aol' Conakry, bavlng uadar hU immedUta.
that time and space can now
meatof Uapraaantraaaral offiaara of diera, on Uelr relnm to UU oouolry. control flfiaaa popular play booam to '
oar army ware dUar la dvU life or la would not "aboot down Ue oolorad pa-: varlott. parte of Ua rolled Stataa.
be practically annihilated.
Taryaobordlaata reUltary pcalUoaa, ba trloU of UU eonntry." U directed to do OUeri of Ue company are Mrv £. D.
A telephone in the office or
Stair. Mr. Geo. H. Nieoall. general
ama laadlap divlaloaa in Ue moat tra-* •o by "a tyrant adminUtraUsn?"
home, aavea tbe one thing,
Ba called i^poa them to "aaawar de- maaager for Ur. Stair, accompanied by
maodona aoDfllet of modem Umaa. and
if loot, can never be
maklap f'>r blanelf a brilliant raeord
back uesMB to men who would ao de- Detroit, aad J. K Cookaoa. manager of
la Ue aooaU ot wartai*"
Tbe WuhlmrUe Tlmee eaya: "Put noanoa Uam," and to "oontlnne to Ue Lyeeom Uaatra la Cleveland.. Mr.
Milee at Manila with UaBerml Wbadar flpki for Uemaalvea In Ulaeoontry aad Orrin Star. ntaDager of Pjwcr. Opera
ler, aad we are likaly for Ua brave iahabltanta of Ue Pblllp- Houae. Oraod Opera Houcc aad
Lake PaTllUon in Grand Rapid., ac
to bear differ it Ulnpa from o
companied by bUwife and Ur*. Clark:
aUo Mr. Jacob Stair. faUar of Ue two
Maw York. Jaly 18.-Tba Waablnptoo eorraapondant of Ue Herald ^ootaa 8traaT*«Mailway Man Wtll Bnfbroa gaoUrmen manUonad, jiinad Ue yacht
latt evening, arriving from Grand Bapa member of Ue cabinet aa follow.:
Tbelr Zlamaoda.
Ida OD Uc evening train
"ElUerUeneralOUaorUe newapapei
Oelrolt. July 18.—Afl.lra betwaea
The yacht U In command of Captain
aonaapoadanto mutt go. To depori Ua atraek BaUway Bmployea’ aaaoclaUc oorTMpoadeoU would probably be Uoa aad tbe company aaam to bare Wm. HuSmaB aad a craw of five aad
Ue ladies ara attoadad by a malA The
aooaptcd at bM# aad abroad aa a re TeacbadaarUU.
U awaed by Mr. E. D. Stair aad
tara to the old Spaauh mcUod of mo.
Tba maa aay khak anlaaa Uay reoelva
aliBf Ua proa*. To relUve Oeaersl a daflalta answer from Ua eampaay U a hatidaome.roomy and well appoint
OUa will mass Ueoffiiial aekpowlodr- wlulB Ua aaat kbcp* Oaye Uey will ed cVafu 75 feat in lengU. buUt for
ooBvaalenoe aad pleasure pnrpoaea.Tba
■Mk of bU failure and Ua damora
«. ■ , . " .
------------------- I party U out for raeraatioG and a good
htoa p< mlUtory dUdpUaa.
TbayclalmUatpety.eramtlcn.^ tlmeaad wlU Ua facUliiaa at
Uey I eommnd arebarlnglt to eoploui
eltc Ue iai
It of a motormaa, who. i
Vanvea of Thraa rroviseca ata Eigbt- Uay atom, was compcllad to "wkiahc eatos^Ua bLr's^a'wIU^to**^
iBfl Ua Tacalaa.
fm « o
Siraday m ralag aaUl > » .upply Ula monlag and dear lor
Manila. July IB.-Ilic aatlvoa of Ue
peovlaoaa ot Alhay, BoaU CUmarlaae
laid off.
--------end MorU CUmarlasf ara aaflaavarlaf
It b mU Uat Ua eompaay baa daKAXB OASXRS.
toUrow off Ua AamlaatlM of Ue
Tacalaa. There U reporlad to have elded to give Ue maa ao an.war grant- la v
Tha TJaderukar. Baa
bean flchUac betweaa Ua paople of
loor aakcd for, wUb oUer oooecaaiona.
B. L. Qartor bu bMS •<
oflbgalaa wbo have bean qaartorad The atrikaa la Brooklyn aad Qavalaad
have aaooaragad Ua local atraat car for some time U. maanfactarc of eaakBfoa Uam. aad rualag Ua looa! govmen aad oaa maa mid Uat a largaau- euaad bow be baa made defialu ar•ramaalB. It U also raporud tUt Ua
to bagla Ua bnatnaM
raopla la qaasUon are wilUag to de- jvlty of Usman ara for golag ^t If
eoanaoUm wlU bta aadenaklag aatobMart aUagiaaea to Ua Uaitad Slatm Ua aompany did not at oaea give la.
litotmaatoB BoaU Oalon street. Ba
wbM troopt ara aaat to protoet Uam nOHZO AT THATXBSI HHAOH.
baa aaearad Ue aerrkac of aa axpmicaoad eloU eaakst worbaua from
Mim Hammond Batortolsod
Oraad Ba^ aad baa already began
*^'-wUaa. Mr. OatotobwabaadaBt,
a*A Mar XitA ronana Hraka* Uat
ToHMbliar Sloek.
t U bia balldlag aad be ai^aoto to
Mha Bammoad aatortolaad
Btombara of bar teaday Bebool slam Uat to aztoad Ua baelawi as eoedltloM da*
Mia. WUliam DaWlu of Fenwood
lag vary daUgbtMUy. Tba young
had Ua mUtertana laai avaalag to taU'
N wars drivas to Travana BmoA
«t Ua bask atop at bar borne WlU Ua
Horatio Algto Bead.
twaltofbwtorwrmbaUgbnhaa. Br.
Katto, Maaa, Jalg IL-Bmatto
Oanar aat Ua boms and it la hoped
TbayrokaiMfi by moomll^t all Algw.'Jr , tha well kaowa wrltor of
that Mia, DsWiu wUl ba abto to MS AatoarlagUay bad bad a Aaligbtfal
boys'aiortoa.dtod at tbe bom of bU
tiN Bajartd matobtr U a flaw waaba
tUMr.MraAtotoObaaoy. here today.
L.L ABnlldliic.
rntoAUtm M E prMaud i* tu
next threff w«k. are asnally the dullest of
A the jear^sort of "between grass and bar"—
Just to shake up the dry bones we ^ke a............,
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
nia will reUeve oi of the regnlar faU malt-keep on men
busy and give youJhe beoefit of rock bottom pricea.
In our west window are eome framea we turned ont
yeaterday—we pride ooraelrea oa tbe artiatic
style and workm^nahip. Bring down your picturea and let ns
give yon an eatimate.
Clean Sweep
Shoe Sale
8.1. Of Oon.la.-6oo.
of a kind, at 7 to 17c each.
220 Front Stre?‘
Ill Summer SliOBS
Must Be Closed Dot.
Hv .Collar
Cnfle Belt
"New Idea”
Call for August Fashion Shect-FKEE.
Fin losunRce.
I^rf ,
^ •0<z,-LAPlES'WA«T.
Where Is
The Marktiaoi Block?
It is located in the busiest parCof Traverse City—
on Front street—between the stores of J. A. Monta
gue and A. A. McCoy & Sou.
And in tbe Markham Block is located the
Beadqnarters of The ¥. W-Kimball Co.
The piano that is used by more families in this
Vicinity than any other piano made.
Mran8’ Hanna Clpr
Are h^e—Any atyle pattern
pattern* carried
-,.,041., instock.
Michipo Teleilioee Co.
With Our Compliments
August Styles
« Raw ThiagWortli Caltiratiag
Uow vrho
lake UoU
away froc
S. BENDA & CO.'rSfW"
tsl roar Daalet for Them,
Every Tenth -Sale
Given Free
Jost oopacked 50 dozen beantifol new tie«—tbe
swellest patterns we ever had, at 25 and 50c.
First Class Hauoa Cigar,
Goad Size,
Fieelleal Qoalit),
Ralph Oonnable Jr.. Manage.
''1""''°^ deportoieot-Now
IS the time to buy clothing at a song.
Alfred V.
Gate Post
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
.s berf”
Also a fnll line of small musical instruments, muslcial merchandise and popular sheet mnsic.
} Markham B’oek
N. E. Strong, Manager
We State
Simple Facts
Whan w M7 w hbTe tha bast Ladlaa’
Shoalntha aty tor *2D0 ABdl $3DOOxtordi AtlW. BO. 760, $1.00, $1R6.
$1.60 and $800. New Iloa of SUppan
Jost raealTsd.
Parker Bros.
THX vouraro b»oo»p« waowMPAT, roi/T i9, leee.
Bopttot To»« FcoHob Ooelotr Ftoa
ymATBBSX OITT. • iacBiO£
••4 o C»to«dac <*«»■
A eery ploMont oorvM reoopttiy
•lASG^u vuMt'aniU).
u T. Batm
J. W. BAnn.
9, m. BAvn*. Wiwr uid Mamc«.
■ Aff------------ «<
A M tM
M Tnwmett Cut.
far tbA im
Bt^ rrMtMTMt wUta erwbti «»«— «U1 MAt WtUi tbi W«.T*1 of
*W7bodj. portieoUrlj bj tbo ow»m
titmm*. TblAaUMiUbAlBrubjMV
gi to 1iinrni‘~f bM*7 tnnl ud tbe
iMrodBAUoi of lb* CTMhwi nooA wUl
wlU eoMidmWB Istorost
tmi «titf»ettoa. Wo bort bod o eroobAToeMtlBO. lria<fdki oow wo or*
|»ho*oorbllor. wbkb te on oboaloU
9mmlv <« U>*
fit Ik* otroou. No Btoro Importoai is>yioioanl bi-------*---------* tbo cawU
tar tom* Umo ond tbo fconU of tbo InTotlmmr for IbU pnrpoM ^iUbofn)!;
Tu ODoncil boo Ukoo o otrp in tbo
rlfbt dlroetJon In proridlaf eoo'
laa*m tor blepolo rtdWA ' Tbo ooubUobMot of bierelo potbo to oomot
IkotbAA boon looked forwoid to tor
■OM tlBO witb (root InUroit, ond now
Ont tbo whoelmon ore borrod frem
Iko wolko oomotblnc moot be don
Unr tbo lorite or*y of rtdort. A trifUnf ospood.Mrobp tbo coooeU olonr
Ibo UbOB tnrr««U<l *1 lloDdof nlfhtk
VOOOof will BMt tbo opprorol of tbo
(Hpoixdro ond bo o roeofnlilon of tbo
rlfbW of bondredo of ai'UM to wbi
tt* MapoU boo boeoaio o neoMoity.
T>t boom la troffie on tbo froot
Jahaai* onproeedoatad ond tbo rotoo
•r# U po* oont. kiffkor thoa in 16U, ‘
par ooat blfbor tboo in Itoe ond
porooaV bUrborthon in l»»7-»8. Tbo
rmt of boAiiKM oil unsor boo
Ptod 0 oooreltp of kooU ond there la no
flaunt of o eeowtloa nnUl tko elooe
Of aorlfotloa. Wofea of oonoro ond
ptbor boot bOBdo bore odrooeod ■otartaUp ond oltofeibor the proiperitp
praoUeollp deatoutroted on tbo lokde
to a ‘'ooedltlon to bo (reoUp tbonkfnl
ptaxaod by tbo Yoai« Toopto’o ooetofr
of tbo Pint BoptliAobafeb. w»o fflroo
Eoo. ood Mro. W. T. Woodhoi»oot tbo
bone of B Wllbolw. 4U Boot BirbU
OMot, iMi ooenlof. Tbo ottroeUve
r ond oroiyone bolpod to
•ulbBU «e tbo OTonlnc-o oojayistot.
I woo eorrlod oot
by o oaBtaor of yonaf lodiao In n oary
UOT. Tbo foUawlar oe> fond«od. oU with oboralac froee:
PioBo oolo-Wlao Bdao Soldo worth.
FUebom. Pioneon Bl«rtM ond Vido
MoodoUn ond ynllor daoi—Klaooo
Hondo Oraipton ond Clore Botacr.
Soproso oolo-Mloi Bboido Doon.
Ptea oolo—MIm Uyoee Canal«rbo«
Se^roao oolo-Mtao-Groco BooUnfo.
Plonooolo-MlM Ulllot Poole.
BoelMtion—MIm dlBB. uof DotroiL
Toward tbo loUor port of tbo orenIny mfreobmonlo' of lee ereo* ood cake
wore oerred. After the procroB tbo
OTonlnc woe epont lo aoelol ooloyBoat
by both yeene and olA
■BMtoare by Mm. Gawa.
• SOLimoto OF EA- O -d rtoOEXU
On Hoodoy ereoior Jfrm. C f Grown
Poser by Sopt. J. P. Bront Gteon |
ootortolood tbe.na-wboro of tbo Book
Eoriow cleb and tbeir bubando a
boBo oo Woeklnftoo otm i
oociai erealar and cnreBoly -ptoMoat i the ABorteaa AeU-fialeoa Ui^e are
to both bootoM oM yaceta. Mr. and | tbo r>«*<* of Dr^ -B. M. Piirkbaret at
Mrv Grown are wKM to leaee tbo elty | Lake Blatf. lU., tw tbo next tea daye.
Grows »->tiybttbttoi
ty tocatertaiotnre'.BbBeBlH
the foB\1y leave for tHeir new bosr in b<Cetberfarex»fereb«« npon Bcikodt
Ypellaatt. Beeldoa the aoelal eloment aadtbo awlfuot poooible oolatlon of
appetitiny refreelMDU were oereed. tbeoaloon probloB. Papera wUl br
ylett by Uo eartoaa oaporlntendonU
Traeotoo Bor Kteo Plcale.
epoB tte orineipleo and Botbods of the
TVaveno Bay H e. wilt etj .y p pie- loayee. Sept. J. F. Brant of Lanolny
nte on Tbnraday i^t Beet Boy. All the who bM been apendlny boom time Id
BeBberaand tbobJ.-ioodo are Inv.trf tbo el^, reeelved yeaterday a tnleyrom
to attend and briny eeaetblny for Bylny that bla paper bad been yivec
an booorary place os the preyratn for
Tbe 'ladiea aib reqneated to aMetjtbU monlny. and be left oai the C. A
with Hra. Tbaek^ea BiatACtraet: j ' t' W. M. laat niybt to be preeent at Uie
eoaforeaee. It an oxeestlee meietlny
wrat of Park P>^.
of tbo locU board U was decided tc
there prompUyaVlOo'eioek to «
bold another antl-oaloon leayno Bnn
them to tbo yroanda.
day ooaae ttme in Oct >ber.
To Bnjoy OampUfe.
A n«Bber of proBlnent people
left yee’erday b mlny tor Oarp
Lakr wbare Giey will be eramped
for aoBse tlBe. Ai
eeatorday are, C B. Morray and foBily
L W. TtpkhaB aod family. P A Bari,
and family and Mr«. Barnns end
H4WW.TMP atBAJtBOE BPBUrOB. daoybiera. J W. MUliken and faary
and otbere will join the party later.
Botaert. Gone and *«. M. M.. Uoe
TraTrlliiK Van Pintd.
Bode Han and Wife.
A. Broab. a trarellny Ban froB
Bobort Gone, tonaorly of tblo elty.
bat sow in boolBOM la -ConnoOBt. Ohio, Grand Btpida. went troei fleblny on
woe lathe elty Bondoy on bU way to tne Boardaan river Monday eveniny
Borbor Spriny*. where on HcBdoy n bet bad the miafortnnetoeateb a nnmnorrloye took plooe In wbkb Mr. Gone ber of BodenUed difa. wlU the yeenlt
Ayored ne the yraoB and Mro. B M. thatbewaa aooybt by Deputy Game
Elee. a milUner who forBerly eosdaet- Warden Mark Craw, and brosyht be
odobnetaBB on dootb Union etreet. fore Jsdye Roberta yeeterday mominrcoaia.
woe the bride. Both ore well known Be waa fined fit and »i
bore. They wUl toko a wodding trip
lo tbo 8oo and other oolata In nvtbem
Plana are Approvad.
Mieblcu and return oborUy to Ohio .
Tbe atau board of correcUona and
abartilea held aeeaaion at tbe Nortbera
aaylum here yeaterday. at wbeb time
The baU yama today wUl beyln at tbe plana and apec fieationa for the
ooeteBplated oew bniidinya were anbOraoe Clurcb Galld will moel Bitted, carefeliy esamiped and apthto afternoon at * o'doek witb proved, witboni ebaflye. by tbe boerd.
Mra Arohle OaBOron. of Wobater
atroal. A full attendance of the ladioa
WINDOW "was a success.
to rrqneated.
B o> la* aiAeweib a
Tba ladlea of Amanda Blra No SIS.
Held lb* Crowd.
are plannlny to -drive to Bk Bapida
Cornea from Dr. D. B. Caryile. of
Waahlta. I. T. He wrltea: ' Four boi
Uca of Electric BitM baa cured Mrs
Brewer of aerofula, wbfeb had causer
ber great snfferiny for yeatv Terri
ble sores would break oni on her bear
aod face, and tbe beat doctom could
yive no help; but her cere U coi
and ber health U ctellent."
shows wbat thonaands have pr____
that Electric Bittera U tbe bmt blood
purifier known. It's the supreme rem
edy for eesems. tetter, salt rheum,
nloers. boUs and running eorea
stlmnlatea liver, kidneys and boweU.
expels poisons, helps dlyeatlon. bulldt
np tbe strength. Only -JO ernu. Sole
by Johnson and Walt,dmyyisu. (Guar
anteed ) ____ .
I ■-!
Quick Meal, Blue Flame
Wickless, Oil
or Gasoline Stove.
We have a fall line of GaioUne Stored from $8
up—Oil Stov«d fr< m $1 up. We sell on easy uy-uenta—A little ('oun and a liUly at a time—Yoa
have them' paid for and do not'^oow bow it hap
New &iore
House Furnisher
120 Front Street.
Georye McL^llan eceployr
’ Baker ontalde of I
«na uj -liUA Bww ve c very beat that can ^ '
rybody should tty |
* ‘wkrwalk thr nlyht M-foro.
fcH fast a*l>-<'p in a <-haIr In the middiv of itH- wliMlow. I was on Ux- iioliit
of waklny btni np and ylvlny bln fits.
wM'O I happen^ lo nuiln- bow t-sm-nMiy ludl< rimN b«-lookM. Ills bnid
„n onr sliK-. bis .-uonnWis luomb
widi- open, and bix llmlis n-lau-d In
the oddest postun-s loiaylnaldt-; in
abort, be was a ]>erfn-t pktuix- of a
May mural In happy slumber. That
btrr, yratihlny a pb-<f of pasielioarti
1 dashed off a slyu. 'Dn-anilny of Our
Dollar Shirts.’ aud itwsl It ijul.-tl»
his kn>v>s. Then I yestly rullOM Mission Meoortaca.
ad op tbe curtain and awatii-d dfvel
Twelve of Old Mission's reeortem .optuenta Well, the hit tiuic windoK
vtoJted tbia city yeaterday for a few
tradition of th.- store
bonra having made the paaeaye down to this day., IVopV aliuply bloraded
Bay on the ateamer Onekema. the sidewalk, and yon rould bear
Prom Etoat Bay the party waa driven ih.-ni lanyhlny a Idork away. The
over to tkU city In earriayea and all TnuiU.-st i«irt alstut It
•uppiHH-)! for I tuonirnl li could
partook of dinner at tbe Park Place
hotel after which all esjoyod aevatal pomdMy br the real Ibluy. The>
tbouyfat II wa» a clever pli-or of act
bonn In tbe ehy eeelny the slyhta.
thy. or elM- a woBderfuI wax flyure.
Those Id the party were: Mrs. W. That tbe coon was actually aslee]Trumbull. Mm. J. J. Hayoe and aoe. nvv«-r occurred lo any tme. and 1
Mr*. Charles M. Sbaldoa. Ni*. R. & Bioud around with my bean In
Marrlam. Mtoaes, Gertrude Howard, mouth for fear tbe noise would aronaBaxanna Johnaoa.QartrudeLeaaywaU. him. It didn't, however, aud he snora. Mary R. RoterU. *<1 away |•ra^efuIly until nearly 4
and'M«aara William Bwtay. Cbarlaa L. | o’clock. Then be woke up with a
Trambull. and N. 8. TrumbolL
» aorprti-d he laiuMr*. 8. G. Packard and Mra C
near jampiny tbrooyb tbe ptole ytaaa.
HofWi of Bontb Baean, BOtbor and
Tbia lAdy #a* Abocat Minded.
| The apectaior* howled, end that night
iPMor of Mra W. Oarey Ball, arrlvod
Caabman Bonae palroaa bad all,
the same aebemr
Ipot plyk4 oo<>
o <•« *wko
klnda of fan yeaterday moniay at the' .nerward hut » was a feUare. Tbtpltb Mra Bnll.
expeaae of a lady guest of the bonae. ^.rtir couldn't preieod worth a e«iLpr. B. D. Aahton and Dr. £. U Aah
wboM borne Is not a thousand bUm -j,-.. o. 'nturs IJemocrat
loo and taBllloa arooaaplayatBoanio
from Travetuc -(»iy. A nlekel-la-tbeJbpko for a eonplo of daja
slot nacblne bad amaaed tba crowd for
B. P. K«y oo<l B. C. SaryeM el Glen
aomc MBe, and tbe heroine of tbe Inei-fievn dc Uiv*' from Boston. Wearyr
Arbor are In tbe elty for a abort stay.
“Xsw. Wot It iirdent bad ukaa aoBs part in tlM play.
H. r. Oan and Ooorf Qomont of
“tVhy, de ptve« coirmishBer* baa orGoing to tbe Ball box to mail a leUar,
* not to act oat dr
Mapto City wore In town yan
D. H. MeDonald of EBplro. to in tbe with bar Bind sGll on tbe nickel Me, grlnks fVr yeDtlem^n of de foad."
aba dropped a five east piaoa .In^Uaele I ' tVot kls you eai«c’ from Boston.
MW aUMdlny to boalnoao
Barn's Ball
| tMsty? Look st de rvci-nl of de town.
O. W. 8barp of TbompoonrlUa to in
It *as dat suns or Boston del taught
Intended loiter. Ber trtooda eonaMar- de red man de tavto of firewater. Look
Ik* elty.
lt a "got
1 Joke.--Prtoakoy Bo at him now. It was B-wton dat used
/ Mtoa Marion Wltbey of Grand Rapto sbdp de rum and mltilonarlea all In
Ida. Mra. C. T. Onteboon and Mtoo W.
one esmio. to de bmiyhled African
A Bonton Harbor Wodding.
Ia. Ooteboaa of Waabinyton. a a.
beallbn. An' de lienlybted heathen
cards bate been n
drann de rum an' ate de m:ssioBartca.
•Mata at Onena. wort In tbadty yea__ ________ 00 July #lb of Fred aa' /e demand was atrany an' «eady.
"iMday r^toterwd at the Park Plana.
•* **
Mra Gooryo B. Delano and tbme Davidaon and MIm
ykUdian of Otaryo. laft tor boma yea- Gny.attha bride's boas In Benton '^.TJ^rboat It? Where"* your .'digiMday aftdr rtoltlny with trtonda In Hnrbor- Mr. nnd Mrs. Itovldsos will' nerty? All we’ll do wlU he to ebaae de '
make Ueir koma in 'Eimyo. wkare duck around de oumkirts as' confine
•bio elty.
Mr. DavldKB has boon located for sot- our und* nrlrtty t
Tbo ladlao of Amaoda aTro. No. «u. •ral yten. Bto eaany trtonds to this
Matty a mac win spend five times the
MO rr^oMted to moot attbalr
alky and to Tnmlanaw Manly, bto tor< anmunt to a day for drtnka and cigars
MpomwaatteMfaarttlotpn dwBk ■mr boae. wUl extend sincere oonwho ttatoka W cents tor new s^rnytu
aa extraTsgan.a.
fmm wbare they wUl fnralab Boaie.
<>tA H. Peterson and family have
fOpo to fiottont Bay and Umena for a
Ktoa Ubbia Kabrweeker of Marlon,
Okie. 1a rWlUny bar Bother, Mra L.
tllTinirr of Waat Seventh atroet.
Mn. B- J- MaBBoad and danybtar
Hvalya. yo to Old Mieakm thU afteraooo tor a awo waaka vialt with
Kn. Goo. Ball of Grand Raplda. forMarly of tbia elty. to vtolUny Mn.
OPaa Baelor of lAke Avonna
John Baiaha of CbarleveU to wtoltlny
U* yrandBotbar. Mrs. M. P. Baroa.
Mr*- OaO'
f Kaao«n waa In tbo
and Save Labor
Da<oty <
Tbe Kamo
the alayant new raaldenee to U Wilt
cbkayo.- aald a
by Jacob Purtach, after plana by W. A. ^|„rt,.w drra«T. “I tand a My window
Dean, on Slitb atreai. Tba dwelliny on ctork atr»-rt that an-mrd aa It tr
when ooBplated wUl bo one of tbe beet
boo>loot->l. Xo nintler wbat 1 put
In the city and wUl add to tbe attrac- tht-rv. It ap;i;aPMl to lx- lniiK»»ll>lo to
attrart any aii.-titl.m. and il.t- jiian.
U to expected timt the now organ -K'-r- -who w«. k«-D aa a hawk, bekindly donated Graoo ebursb by Mr*
to yr^W,- M-<*iow- be nrv.T »w
Jamoi Moryan of Weoyo. wui w in
WaiLotbo I
no yo. njuMayae la tryi^ ic evolve a eebcBe for place Sunday. If It to ptmlbla to yet
porpatnal peaoe amony natiana, the everything ready a fine mnakal aorvler 4,^. ,vbco i wax fwlln* prt-Jty Moo.
| i,iid <>ur«ioyn> i>ort«T to <-b-ar .-rt-ry.
pnoaah and navy yarda of tbe world will be riven.
Everybody ebooldfo to the baaeba’l ihlnc oat pr.-iuir!U-ry to luakluy *
aie raabed with work, tnmlny oot im
yamee at Twelfth street park today Me dloplay vf a siHH-lal lliir of o'lin*.
fiimoAt* an<t,»nnlUoan of war.
and help tbe Haulers defeat tbo Man-. lit- was a fat. Mn< k. triliinc MI00-.
tote* Oolu.
: Mtoi LvnaPlayy has taken a poallion
Howard WhlU y left yeat«day lor
DolMit, where be will attend the koree In J. W. Slalwr’a famUklny store.
' A very pleatlny recital wiU be yi' '
room to be hold there tblo week.
Hn. Alfnd OartbOB of CinoiaaaU 1 tbe Oonyreyalional cbnrch next’
and Mtoao Lney Proetorof Poorla, were week by a nnBbor of tbe prorn’oeat
Tbe pipe organ land
y^tolorod at the Park I’laoe yeoterday,
iBlltee bsve been aronnd eoHeitiny
OP Ibolr way to OBoaa.
Mtoi Mand Uodyeo of U*rti*U waa, tor tbe affslr and tbe following have
agreed to take part; Prof. Bormt. Prof
Iplbo olty yentefday.
Alborte. Mtokaa White. Boborta and,
Mra C. B. Paylor left ymterday for
WUhelm and E. E. White.
lOOtevUle for a flail with lolatitet.
Tom Sbana has yoae to Chicago after
Bkorman White and Walter Carver
at BlokBoad. Ind.. have yooa to OsMia a aarload of horses_________
“JS^Keep Cool
stock CMlara. All colon
All /ktailfi of the profession looked after in a pro*
fessional manner.
i lo.SI!-;jniu SM
woifld be a funny thing to sell, yet if you
really wanted each an article we would
sell it to you. A whole suit would be
better. Perhaps on that last warm day
your suspendera s-ained your linen coat
—got to get another?-Got stacks of ’em.
Bometimes you go without your coat,
and you tors your vest—better get a
new ono-won't cost yon much. Did
you go to the party Euid the “other
fellow” had white duck trousers aud
you did not -Don't let it happen
agafa. We can fit you nicely—Not
quite soon enough to buy a fall suit
and you want a cheap suit to/last
you through"—Got some dirt-cheap.
Going camping, and you want a “camidng
shirt” that wont show soil—there's where
we're strong — got them from 60c up.
What about a Bicycle, Tennis, or Golf Cap Got a rack full, show-case full, shelves
fulL They're selling fast, from 2Bc. np.
Want a “party tie,” or a “best girl tie,” or
a “Sunday tie.” Greatert assortment yon
. ever saw. All the new elmpes and color*
Get one to-night, and then you'll have
It when you want to ,dre» in a burry.
We are the men’s fufmshers of Michigan.
iMOMriiia hfcdoBi) wgpywpAY. /uly 19. laes.
AjK jk ji
latf ite<«.li.^i_..r~< x~.
iimpfm*^ •bo«»{
m^arrn, Fr^rtc
11 The etlier d«}' a rln ««i stndliw
» U mn M«
«M tkiNCkt M tiM •muwlowt U erogaei.
g «trm le W«tKlcKtoii
W«tKlCKtoB ««uii
«c» s rtrr
9 tiMta tewtaM Mitead. Otbm! L«r« Kitclicaer't (avortt* book, ae- pentf ve «fMt coetfn(;*(tv« «iiir. Shf
M/tb« ateialM te thai of aoM ladiu
«> (»« L^mdaii leader, is u«
|w««ir. or tb«
. «j.i.——•— KsMR. Be hsa a COPT
and rrateful. «-ut e««r j>
I aivars vitk him.
, torn hair and the cbanr.iet lunrsai e
ilta ha* *
vlurh a}«-a> ■ sucfMii a too
PlBrtUrt7 7«an Jaaaph riasiaf kMj Mist Man* wmistiu of Wi«Mta
aad ««rkad a
a *am
(arm U
arvaalaed .s socirtr
socirtr of
of women
A aat at CMaac« raaaotl* nra birth raawd ““
a ;; ar»*oi*.<l
who wiu ^
S\&U Mem
0^ Mv\erert. {
Tr...Tii sirti ^ ts.i_
■'w'l “”i’ ruBslon.
U walhlac U-y do aol oae their extra ,^7.“, * ?* Poka«oa towaahlp, la j
, _
AII I2kJ5c,i8c. and 25c
Colored Pique
j roe* tore the mairr and pater faira] laacoBw «p aad a* the three were turt-
I^. A»«.l->U-,
F»«bf« .mwlOTTr Mteh of «. ! »cnie V,i,rmii M<K-Utlgn.
^ iiirTi,^ir «r.d r»d iio <^duiiu «itb
:f rreil bewlldera-.rr.i Thee rte
tiebard Foeta, a farmr aaar btaadqaartcr of an t
-tnperor leads a recalar
Paw Paw maa'i
peter, arked "iirr. -u.t
lah, atartad a flra to keep away
He bres-kfssts rverr mornllia. [ ll mesr.t. ar,4 locked ever tls ehoold-r
«altoas. aad the Uiaa spread to Ua,^,
aammer and winter, at S o'clock, oa to r^sd It «rs-viu blai. This u wLsi
hara. which teas totally daairoyoa, to-1,,
eeme cold meet end e cuo of coffee.. K «sid:
rkadsr of tAa crop.
At noor. he wk*i luncheon, and at l|
-is betwen K and S abeai USt*‘
fathar with tha horaaa laaidc IL Aa-1
H* drinks cr.e flsas Of beet; Chsrt'e"
Maiaball post >fflca baa bean dcaif- dlnr.tr
Other oecarraaec of a aim lar aatsra laat
dalir and * few pls..-s of wine, al-; • Fsy rspa.“ s* eeked. -wbst sort of
a dapo^tor^ tba poatefloa
waak wia at Haaoa. whare a ma aiart
adaamadraia h’a ehlakae b-__ ___
. tar tba
■bar of
Tba tara j****^.‘|^*'
I>r Nansen Is now to be aJdsd to the
Ar.d then, a* a broad prln beaaa t«
aaarht tra. and vbUa tba naa waa' aawll offima lb aortben Miebicaa. net cf srpirartt for the honor of beta* evrrsi read the old rerlUn-*r * fare I
In order to £nieh np the summer business as
kasUlnc aroBod to pat oat the Am be Tbara are only amo aimUar oecca la firel at the souifa pole. He lliliMi lliil and h» tpelkd cut -K-t-f-ft" the «:rl
11 le an easier Uek than to reach tha ‘urnej a very rerj- red. pat her hardij
feUdowaaflIffbtof ataln aad broka
north pole, and had considered Iheaab-' 'o her face. — • e..td up
.._ the
.w------Kept ....«
we started it (with a rush) and also to clean np
The rfUac* marabal at Bartlord M, feet ever, before th- famous enterprise IcW the bet
kUwrtat Tba Art dapartmsat pat
Pram Before detennlnla* hla ‘
oat the Ire bafora tba ban waa bara> worirtar oat aa Idea tbit year that la
what's left in snmmer stuff, we make this big revn riacs, however, be will, the ScatsAll traw(a
ad. bat tbay alao pat oat tba aaad#e. of baacAl In two waya
sn lars. xlve s fslr Held to the Brttao that tba cbiekaa Ilea an aUll dolar wbo ttrlke town are arraated and pat
A Kansas boy sritb the repalar* so
dactiOQ in these floods.
A and German esredttions
in work claarlaf the airaeta of weeds.
la* to UsnIU. write# tho* “Fca- a
baaiaMa at tba old stead.
time this morr'nc we were verr badly
Wkila tba 4 year old dparhtar of By the time the atreeu hare baaa pat
frlffatecrd, because we tbousbt we
^oba AbiiarM of IILreb Raa. wai play- U rood ahapa Ue word will hare ^
“Jame*.” Ue old man salA feebly, were lo« at see. One of the saiu.rs
lac la tba (roat yard a fatoeloaa ball- paaaed throacboot trampdom to aVoid *Wll you rat my halrf It's seitln* toe K'ld us that the captain hnd neslrei-d
‘ U wind op the cumpaas the nisbt bedaff owaad by Cbarlec Hatehinaoa Bartlord aad that the rltlafe will be larji **
••At lastr exclaimed the patriareb'i
broke tba chela which was boldUf it few from both weeds aad hoboes
were, or which ;
were 2Sc a yard. We ^re marked a clean np
eldest sor., under his breath.
aad attaekad the wild, uariaf oaa
while me found .
taebaak In a bombla maaaar and other
those fool‘sailor
price on them at |5cj|jjj(grt. This is, positirelj
An attraeUoad Ue repatoUoa of
arioa'maUlatlac bar faoc. Tba doff
that bad within it the TOnc«eiraied rc*
watabot. aad tba d'ciors tblak (he wblab will natarally attract Ue attan- venae of dosCns ot
the best .value ever offered io all-wool goods at
tloa of Uaatrefoers. wdl play aa aa>
abUd will reeOTer.
ffarataeat at dlalnberff's Uraad. Weda century before.
Sapbael dal Vaiu arrlred at A^a
this price.'
aaeday evealnr. Aaf. 2. The eompaaj
Arbor Monday Iron baa Jaan da Porto
I superb I
laisa- CnamAlfluads
filao for t ts paipoaa of Ukiac a ooniaa
Uaorffc McLellan empinr** Ua beat
tloa at Ue bead of srbicb b Marie Lala iaedUlaa at tha uaieanlty. Tbia
caady maker outside cf Detroit aad
moar.^ brlll ant eomediaone from
Don't wait till the best styles are'picked out.
■akaa Are Port® Bioaas Dew there lor
Ue loscloae erpam a)>B'tt>.*s now bcDalyh Tbsairr. New York. ThI*
made an Ue ear# b«sl that can
raalsatlon U preseaUnr for Ua Arat
Veerybody ahould try
•i. Ussmaad wn*i ss
William Laporte. a tiara
time la Amariet
- drirar wbo
-- --------------------- 1 ta elerar eomedy. “A
a *« o*m« ter maklse »haaearrladtba malU balwaen Dow- Wlae Womaa," Ueaalhorahlp of which
aclae aad Oawopedia for Ut paat alaa M Wilfred Clark's.
The oompaay
yaar^. has traeanai that road »,I17 which brs been aelevtid to support
Umaa and traealed orar M.140 miles Mlsa Lsmoar la Ue preieataUon of
Ibis woald take him aroaad Ue srerl4 Mr. Clark's comedy, coatalos many
twice, aad eawAfU erer. Be la e& wall-kaoira player*; the beat known of
years old.
The little women csmol
which la probably Frsderle Marphy,
begin too early to koow (Bw
1. U BalMas ot Maatao. Ja' 74 yaara last aaaaonleadlarmaa for Jolla Marvery beet of shoe leather; ti#+eld. email physically aad doea not
losrs “A Wise Woman*’ reealred lu
lieat. mr«t |>liBb)«v
pear able to do aay srork. yet alnoe Arat prodaction at tba Straad Theatre.
and moetUatiugaboe
laataprlnchchaadaff sHUaUoeel ao Loadoo. whare It haa a record of (St
That ie precisely the Biitf
rods of a ooaaty dra^D: has loffred and alffhts to eaormoas raoeipts This, la
they want for their iloBrn.
cleared Are aeraa of land; done aomc ltoelf.lsc
Nothing i$ too good fur dolfyv
farmlaraad asaJsUd wiU Ue ebons'
•thorns Be la
The Blatehford KaTaaa«b aad I
And DO we have Arranged to give every girl in TraweTBU
ncT'i Boy't Coaoen oompaay that U
hay aad wheat erop and axpaeta to
City who. Accompanied by a parent, brlogg hpr doll to tb*
carat* 40 rode more ot Uc drain UM appear la Traeerac aiy, Taasday ceaa•ammer.
lB(. Auyaat 1st, will be Ucfrcatmual
■tore on Baturdsy. a pair of ganuios "Vici Ktd" Slippers forDeputy Oama Warden Baaeh of oal crant of Ue aeaaoa. Blaclifard
the little play chlld’a feet. Wo matter how big the doll.
Saall Ate. Marie. eeUed t.700 panada of EaTauafb will be remembered aa Ue
BDdariltrd wblteAth at Pennel'a mills. moat wonderful boy aopraao uia ooonhow little, we have a pair of ellppere ready for fte feet.
IS miles from tbs “ttoo.'' on Lake Se- try haa ever prodneed.
Chiparlor. Tke Asberman eUlma that Ua
■*■■>■ '^"■*8* ■lipi>era of real V»ci
caeo. be drew such larffe audiences
m»sh of bit aeta are of lefal slsc.
Kid—the (test and coatiieet kid tbit (;oes into ahoeaY Of -marse rum
do Sometiiing for nothing isn’t the' n^ual way. It isn’t the wey
■. a. WheelerDfPorl Huron, baa a Uat Btany buedreds were tureed away
with these Vici Kid slippers, either
pockeibook which sraa carried Uroaffb al each aertiee and as a eoaceri singer,
imanded li.txw a aigbi.
Ihere 18
i8 but one
ooe geonine Vici
Vioi Kid. Mr, Hebert H. Poerderer
three'war*. It was oriffibaliy
ago he was wlUOrawn from
prodoced that kid and named
------ _ It
ibere aie
many imiutiona
imitations We
property of Mr. Wbaaler's ffreat frandfaUer, wbo toafhl nader Wasbinflon charcb and concert work oa account ot
\ ici looks hke end feels like. Then the men will all know. t<y>.
One counter full of child’s short pants
and woo earrlcd the pockatbook theaatnrai ebaage of voice. Three
Aud iw we nwke th^dolla ehppeni, knowing well that in her
Uroacb Ua rorelaUopary smr. Cbarlea
—seJling from
to 85c, to close at n
platr-Ulk dolly will tell bow soft and easy they are. and tbe little girl
Whaalar oarrlad U all Uroufb Ua clrll Prof. Keaey and Uere ba* been develand all the boost' will see how handsome and tODgb they
,jey ai
war aad Clement Wheeler, of Port pped a barltooe vole*, of “Ue same
|>erf.vt shoo leather the;
they ai made of. This will make them ell a___
Baroa, oarried U Uroofb the Cnbaa mellow sweetaeee. the baanUng leaLot child's suits, handsome braid
deraeee aad sympaiheUc quality'' as of
i Kid sboea for themseiveA end lake them insist opon getti^
ed goods with rests. siz« 3 to J | QQ
tbe genuine.
old. wlU a marked addiuoa of domes
ic-fooi Hcraonab alllfator that tic power, iniarpreUtlOB and auturUy
reduced to •
oas of Ue boya of Company B broogtat r style.
home from the aonU was Ua atar at
Be appeared before the Preas Clab of
lirmg the dolly, bic or little. H se b.reo't . 6t r««ly for her,
traction al Fage Kaaee park at Adrlao. Chicago Id November, leue, and
Afiother lot reduetd'
we 11 make the slippers to order.
ttaaday- During Ue nlgbt he took
ae of
Darini this week we are teaching shoe care 4y propel
French leave and the pam will oaate old. Uu sucoeae before aa andtaace
It means ’better wear, better looks, better asf
to be a caaUr for Sunday acbool pleales of newspaper wriiera. literary and muamoney in one’s pocket.
till Ua runaway u capiarcd.
leal erlUoa. waa ccmpletc and aaA few lert of extra fine novefties. • fl A A
The Indian Lake aea serpent baa equivocal.
from #3.50 to ^.00, now .. .\... OwiUU
beaa aeen aeveral Umes this summer.
The oUer members of the company
Be appears to be about 11 feel long aad are of highest ariUtlc and muslesU merUarrlei Dement Packard. dramaUe
S|>ecial lots.................$1.86. $1.60, $2 00
Ilka an arrow. Thos far eery tew have abprano. Is giftad wHb a rarely exprae' baea able to get a cloaa elew of it. alve voice of great natnral beauty and
To close out- former prices J'.’ OO to $3.00.
owing to fu sbyaeaa The oaly daager higbeet eulUvaUon aad la a singer that
to be felt ie that It might enddeoly riae never dlaappoiaU. Muter Jamie Cripaoma Ume under a boat, eaptlse Ue pea. eoatralto, hae proven aa Inetaaooeopanta and poaaibly kill
laaMus aad nelveraal tavorite. Master
Tara-wer«e C±'by, MioJiagaxL.
them WiU iu tail in iu eff«t to get Arthur Goff, oometist. .-xeentea Uedifaway.
AcuU aoloe of Uvy. Arbaekla aad I
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
F. K Harrlnian, proprietor of Ue oUers WIU grealeat aata.
Master Percy Hm'deoroagb. eoloUton I
Vapor baU bouae at Petoakay. di«l
private baths h^e been added, making it one of the most
Moaday moroiag ot aeuralgla of Ue Ue Violin, eaxoiphoae aud clarionet U
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Address for
heart, attar only a few konra' Ulaem.
rates and other infQrmalion
Be waa a prominent and raepeeted eitMr.
Isan and high
ist and mukieal director. i« one of Uc
The poor oommlaMon at Adrlaa had
moat aoeompllUed ma.ielstas la Ue
a call from a womaa who aaid aba did
waat. He wm maaknl director of Ue
not feel Ilka aaldag tor eery maU la
National Paaoc JnbUea. Cblugc. Oetway of pablle
obar im and has trained more boya lawoald liks a tow artlelea ssai to bar
hoBsa. Than she named her waata aa
follows: A load of wood, sack of Aoar.
oaa broom, two poaadt of battar, two
Aae organ now belag plmod I
poaada of lard, aoap, Ars pounds of
Bplacoiml church of Uto el ly.
tvaanlatad sugar, ona bottle vaallls.
Now 9c Yard.
4 Pieros Ufl cf Ughl Coloreil Wool Bools that
Save $$$ By Spending $$$
Dolls’ Day
A Bargain Guaranteed on any of
the Following items-
Park Place HoteH
See theee by all means — Great induce- meats offered on all summer
Hamilton Clotbing Co.
Tbe Oanadlan Jabliaa aUgar*
oas dosen eggs, two pounds brown
eagar. two pounds ooffee. one pnekaffa tlBod a small aadleaee la Htal
yeast foam, aaok of salt, two poaada Grand last eveaiag. They breei
ehaeae, two qaaru of baaas. oas pnek- varied program af popular seam
sga mlaoemsat, eome apples and rtoe. dies aad iastrameatal masU, laelndlag
U pli
John Kaahlet. aged Tfi ymira. weal to
Uadm-takar Dlterle’s parlor* at Asa work was axoacAlagry g«oA i.ad devalepad aoma vary Ana
Arbor. Batarday night, aad told him ba
fait Uat hla Uma had eome. aad Uat istlrof tba nagra. Mlw Uadai wood.Ue
“Black Melba." poasamea a Asa.. altar
ha might as waU gel hu ea^t ready
ior him. Ue waat home, and aoma aopraao voiee ot wide rahga aad bar
Ived WiU aaatia
Urns daring tba alghl suffered a stroke 1
applaaae which was a ttlbaia to
ofapppiexy. Be was foapd dead la
axeaptlanai vocal talcak
had Sanday moralag.
All Ua aarnban ware wall r taderad
Uclatoa afa hnmaa Mag laa aaad j
la wall aaiaaawti rmy
Charlaa W. Faast want to Ostnit oa
•mm panpU laalat Uat Uc brnma arc a bualaam trip yaatarday.
1 & Smith make
Now $100
300 pairs
Regular $2.00
$1.00 buys
Tbs Old BeUaMs Shoe Xaa
Good hardwood in stove lengths.
Black A Tans
Half Price
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
Bicycle Sa^e—Guaranteed for three year*^
Look at them whether yon need one or not$800 or $10.00 will bny a good second-hand bi
cycle-$25 wUJ bny the best new wheel on tbc;
market—Come ind see my display before goingr
118 Front Strset
. ^ MRS. H. E. GIBBS
■H:an Mastuo row lifer aihcd It*
peremelTe loeo.
Bvee the
,.««1.«... W
•1 duDOo,*' mtlled Farm* Ceniot •
ie arma.
•ri. “J doal weal no Ufr Ibwb«»
The nan who doea aochlec aeveadi
fee fot an I bis carrr. an' nr wUt
aartbiht «TOB»
vaole me to etop aome o' that
I ,
Whec a ivrr ha^a tt U an eBort
tiopr roQ can't bai I'm a trnttafcl mab >
A i^atUl to Um Oileoco Chronk't an' I alB'i r>ln' to rtpreee no poaltlea ; titanf le inittce
Tbt aallrcai la popular bacauat ol
«TMt OMvcrwjithtt tb« wild told oplsloD till afler I'TC heard ron talk
r retrbtta way*.
. MtolBi of Mood Adoaa, to be nbiotted aabUc.'‘-Wa»bln»ioo «iar.
Lorw mar paU witta all hta nUbt
AillieParieeipeotUM. will be o«et
Mrcr with hit maet
Twotoe beodi«d pmu6» of fold ee^•lie abeold never ccmcM! aartl
A«t«le wilt be rei^elred to Mbe the
bone cara and from ber buaba^-cacept her fauH
•«we. iieelpCor HitbM. who
. .
the foDowlof rep-;
a «oe9ctfui ibtes. Or.e
waa OTerhaerd os a downiowa
i« r.ibbit wm keep aome owe fithiea
•eeti the A«ericM Gild tlotoe Co. of
• 1 II a.>
Sow Tork, otMo to perebM* tbo baiThrmoet enaaaira aamiBcr firl li
tlM. eowplete iboetotde.Md delieer it
plo( in It"
I ( -e whe ireurte tbe Uraett eoltecUoo
«0«b0 Oolotwbo ODBBiWtOBW M Uw
er.aaaeinect rinfa
Parle apaoltloo AprU 1. IWO.
rbe trile *rtic It able to retalr. her holS
Coot- Wmiaw a.
Aadonoo. who
her bnaband'i heart r.eter bai
» m wbea be e»ti hU hair cut
He-1 am rraUy earprlaed at Dr.J
tanr a man who citlir.i to -be i
ZT-Vh^i^ala to
AH-r *.'U.S^r famUy doctor
1 ef hli own fortnne iriee
T ^
for reara. and lr.-alln« me for aU aorta,
»o.«t ttmetnre on a lO-not
ntoaaer Bclbeto. Be waa la ao ea- of ihloci.
aud to think of
of aU
aU ibe
tbe mon-, ^
tmwtod aod delerloaa ooedltkm.
! 6eti<x«X 'Kent
OnrleeBmlth. aatroar robMt Hty.
• ** raan old.ofKe* Tork. died fro*
latfair eantad by waarln*
tUtbt a
A Ooonaetteul waddlaf waa daolared
^ the laat of tbe week beoaaae wbea
Aha bride appeared ready tor tbe ear*iiai-j the croon objKlcd to bar low
m aAiod fowB.
A nan aamad
of Haa
Praocheo. na* robbed «f noJ»0 BatarAar BorttiBr to a bote,I in Pari* where
be waa etopplec- Be left tbe moery
ndw hhplUew while be weot iaio the
n^ela iec rerm whieb waa ocenpied br
MaWite. Wbaa be rewraed tbe moaey
■aaeee baa aelUad dowp ae a
wwUDaqoireaad eportamaB.
«OMlderableCB». lie oa
afe ininrancf compaByl-TW-BIU.
-VE bare a ebwt that waou a loan of!
MOO OB non-periahable penoaalpro-i
perty. valae tlloo. WUl five llbetal
booBaaods paroeat loMraat WQl:
pay half In
in ttU aoBtba. balah-w In
BiDC Mtb
Partin arc WB^ormlc.
1 protUble IraHTWti*
lee I
______ s\i.ilea Bank ef BapCiet Be
cart, w rodi along tic abor*
per acre. Will aeli 6 or 10 acrca.
FOE SALE—SSJ-Lot S block 9. WmI
Froot aireet. between Cedar aad
Spreee. Lave leval with auMt: 6»x
be M low M any offered.
FuE SALE-d2S-Far* loO acrca S'*
mile* wMt ol city. W aerca onocr
eoltlvatiOB, tiO bearing apple, pear
and ploB ireei, two baraa. one jMt Both •PbOdiea. 94belli, new windmill and well, wa'tor
pipe* to barn*, all neeeaaary aheda.
peltry bonae. yard* and good drain
Ane new modern booie. it
room*, atone fonodauoci,*toee ecUar.
4 borae*. 14 now*, harneaaea. baggie*,
wngona, aieigbv. ceUer*. all farming
implCBirtti, ail crop* of wbieo there
are 90 acre* contlatlng of wheat,
GOTO, oau. hay. potatoM. 10 acrca
Properly nerved in n neit din
Ane grove. Tnu farm ia known m
ing room.
tbeWeldoeft farmor Hillildc dairy;
coil, and a gold mineI for I
Price for all. SA.000
Hopkins Bros.
tcep" at ibe polU
- one after brepk*
fcopb, .one of t^ bicbcat eammlta la
jaw in tbe peat tea dayi la Boatoa.
The vteUma were bore injored la lade-
Oeclu la a peenHar form of tnianlty
that rai ci a man to loll Inceeuntly
•nt'i rmarkabic." mW Doric ADco
wUI set a U. BBOVM, Aiterssr sec Oesssuur s<
Rparka. “bow lltilc Wowlnc the Cbt-, f.* or r # for hi. la»>or.
O. Lsw. apeeisl^siMBUOB u aaUraUwi
o<-i« do. when one ootea how miicb
pee'de oeo day aecidasta.
lUcy ruB to Longa."
akat dletrtet
There have baee alx deatlu from lock
The Boan ara expeetlac war
twiee eaca
•waca drlU with ariaa to ihalai an Inwaaioa.
A Helboarae fAaetralia) lady, wboee
haibaad h in the Ueyclc trade, loet a
•old Bacrat bciMeh the other day while
a^irllacaloaroB'ber wheel.
KUda boul-kcaper fot a ponetBia U
AhUre theaaa»eda>. aad took tbe bireyale to tbe ebop of the bnebaed aforemld. with the reealt
1 eat brooch
the wlfel
The voleaeo
_____A aa Amereaa eyadleato for noo.OaobyOea GMpar danehtrei who bM
ailaaa the tolphar depoait la tbe volAbM for twea^-flre yeara.
.At BoBMtacl. 8. D . Archie H. Brow•r. part owaer of amall Mat
bam arTMted on a char(a of
lo-klHiaca "Biialac llak." whieb
oax of the attfaetloM of iba axblbltloa.
^TbaabMiMaa while atrarcllac with
Chair edk baconaaacry aad atraek It
oa tbe hmd with a eleb.
Tbe freak
.died la a few boar*.
U had tbowa
k UtelllCNOCtbai the ai
faanaediauly pat Brawer aader arrMl
.Maebarge of murder.
Brewer Mye
abM tbe mlMlagitoh
a moakey.
A MOVMwatti OB t»l to
bsild a
***• ***•
l^th of tbcAialoof Coaaeelieou
J p B>}.at ef Bardwall. Ky
•aU (0 be the owner of the largnt
stxawbercy pateta la tbe worlA Ite.v-
CIKX IKSrKANCX-RMM -Uwvr tkan *v*r
a aklaaa Araioa Salew
newy abla-bodiwi man U pat tbroac>> A
Probably the rtchcit penon In Cnba
' a w-oir.an, Seaera Roie Abten.
wni mllUoDa and van e.tilei. but Is
dcicucratlc In UKc. and favor, the
t'nlled PUtca
Oenerat Phil Sheridan', widow atlll
live. ID the hODie in Warhlnaton which
waa prnenue to the aeniral by h.i
friendi when he look command of !he
army. It coil Ml.ow, and hai trebled
In value.
tVhen a maid of honor In Queen Vic
toria hM lurrlved hi-r youlhlul charm*
and at middle axe )• *U>i unmarrl.d.
she !• relieved of duty and hai her lalary Incrcared from liOW a year lo
Tn B IT SALva In the world for
Onto. Bi Um, Sotm.
Dleem, 8x11
Uiaam. • w BorM. 'Teiter, Chapped
Haada. C\ Iblxloa. Ooraa. and all SWa
trapUoni and poaiUvely eniaa PUm.
orno pai wqnlred. It u yaaraatoed
to rive pi feet aatlafaetion or menoy
•afaaded. Prieelteentaperbox. Tor
nandfl. a Walt
wriu-n s> enr* W B. Jw ■sctlax * scenry.
>■•^*4 M prowpily.. Pkes*«. B*ll Itf; Bvrtbvftirie
OStvs s«.T«>cerll*r block. 2IS Praei ■Ires*.
a S-SMLV O OODOB. AUorsay sM «e«e*A
JXLlerstUv. OBera.OUy Oparo Bona* BIk.
Onaa Ala ids.
George ' cLellan cmployM the beat
m keronuldeof Detrait and
candy n
cream ali
the ^ '
iJ Somoc.
a Rew
General Mllfb le fond of the theater, QOMFR-r r Olk^Wawy lor , irac
hul win never attend a military play.
•The iB.t drama lhal had lolditr. in MraA^L- I.’IsTwiitoSiw
4t tbit I aaw.” hr Mva -«ot every thing
M IwUted and w-r.uir about them aa lo
eointiletelr break the llluilon and ipoll
the whole thing for
The London Mall tclli of an Enxll.h
Boctor who refused to attend a man dynt bemorrhaxc.
. .
naxe. becauie hli fe<(SK ol
two I ntlllnlEi and alxpenci .and
wife had only two .hllllnxi
J^SnVTi lOIN^orv
refarm* aod cllyl^l
Ml*. J MM l*r.l»Froot
401*1^ (awUy wUboBi
MOBa-1 rroD .
iMxae by exeaMlec clgaratto
mined npon
they deter
Forepaogb- {
->o*rat* I
Twenty aerm mea of tbe 6th lataa«y, atbthwid at Santiaco. died of yel
iliw. appli u Ir. Faitoe. pwato »
>DUel of
t. Kailei
’. howl Addm, * mat* ■
-------------------------- ---------------------
"Ebete-weaa Hi ll.M loat raan
6rud KipUt t luiUiBi K.i.
..Dentist.. ■
FOB SALE—MS—Uonaeand lot. -OarfiridavcBoe. MSO.
FOE SALE—MT—Dw-elllsg. Webever
atreet. 10 room* M.600. Bmj paymeau
FOB SALE—STS-Slnty acre farm.
goodbolldiDgk. »2.3d0.
FOB SALE!—ST8,-Uood frame boose
and eight acre* of land, aitnated
aboot one mile from center of city.
house 14x34, nix rooms
■OB SALE-599—Hooae and lot, Doha
street, ten rooms, stone
fooodatioo and etOM boMment, cooapleto.
John R. Santo,
Cinril lisiraict.
steamer ( aekama
Ospt./. tI imozy.
SSSCFESSSC :e :Sfi8S8e«3Si,
*^i*^wa4 8«.
IDS car U OtwM
West Michigan.
oonto aotTB.
Arrive our------
* 4t
you S.A.X.KJ
:a*:i^?:id.byuu 6,___
'.iKTfii r;.r i^^S^^BDGGlESandflAGONS
. md tha death of S3
^111 gnenlatee ell loan*.
WB have a client who waoU 81300 on
Arat-elaaa seal eauu eecnrity.
WB have for tale Bcaidence property
Aonr mllla, botela. grocery atoriu.
general atocka. boot and shoe atoeks.
torma, Umber land, -vacant iota, pat Ar^ PrwkvT
.tor* lotulr*. JullB.SwlBlwrx.
ent rlcku: to fact, we heve elmctl
anytbieg yoo want, and at aelling
l^eca. Always pleated to tee yop.
Will do our beat to suit yon Always
ready to ahow yon what we“v* got to
Wa forgot to meotion that we
hev* 40 acTM of the Aoeet Poturt
Clay to the world
Veto to
RSkLC-Tv, l»r*v Sooc e.eJ tr
feet deep eod covert tbe whole
)a.iu.keBOB sfaurMBiv fr«o.
edge of 60. lays within TS feet of B.
B , underlying thto bed of eley to n
B. J. MORGAN. Proprietor.
ledge of red aad whiu-aand etenaTbto to the moat valuable bed of clay
1 Platform Wagoo. 6 eeatt, aU to good
to tbe Cnlud Suua
Have refnaed
order, prle* Ms 00.
810-000 tor IL It will pay capUaltoU
1 two-seat extossioa top Cton
to invcetlgau thto m there to plenty
: newly painted, price MS 00.
of mart adjacent to
1 Pbneton Bnggy. good «dsr. Mo.OO.
— vpeaNvwt tBarali«u»l>*>avrwi~
'foggy, all to good ehape. 8*6.00.
__/nto»venreaU bergalne. and
..MvBcm.U rMwt MfMl. ae vialr*.
Wagon, good m new, 8*6.08.
be boaght on easy terms. We 1
totlehL________ ________________
ber Wegona
thoasande of dblleri worth of other
-wotenrklaCla Snv
WAWTlMa -«e
to trade tor n pony
bwge'ns la farm and dlly property.
Oome and see u» If yon want to bey
tlM Os. Block. Traven
Lto^onr property with ns if yon want
r lllBorv can b
ibowB oomplewly: be and Ur. Cole
owned the Forepangh ahow aoA con
trol nod direct the toon of Buffilo
Bill'a Wild Weal, while the SelU Bro*.
owned aod opmled the ahow bcMing
Newa from Gaatcmala indleatei that their name. The geoeral acheme of
«oih England aad Germany ihraaien the eombloatlon of these mansgers
•JbpmakeankTaldemonatrationlherw •
lion which reaol.
After being loet la the wllda of Bril- lion ef tbe Forepangh and Sells Broth
lah Colombia for eighteen daya and ers show*. They were the two Urgost
•Bflertng terribly. J. Bdwarda from clrcni abowi left In the eoonlry after
e Barporaaed Ballcw ahow went to
Sew York State, reached Beealasd, B.
_ igland. each quite ^le
able to take care
ofluelf.' Bit their porpoM Is now
___________________ -n aiw drifting down
Mr. Bailey bM made the Barnuv and
«Ea Yokon. beplng tknt tbe Dniud
Bailey chow ao BngUah ocrporatloo,
ent will bring them oot^whtoh be bM already made IS.
600.000 aad yet reUine eontiwl of tbe
ahow. Itu one of tbe blggMt aad
•The noodlhe exhibit at tha Tnrto meat BBcccMfol Ananeial rentnree of
-hcR year will iMlnd* foor tbo werld'e meirapolie la a good many
«4M<<the»lrglnfcld, rnlaed at 83,• years, and to far and nwny the grantent
don in
thto year bM
toongfat of. tuanecM
df tor ridlnf thirty mi^ on bin bley- MtaUtohed Mr.
Bailey'* ability m a TTtOXeAl
a«*. I
BtobU. Otaat. MMV
>• to equal bto
vtfa. Barry Park of Sinking Valley. Fa., tnanetor. wbk
Now tbe deelarst^'
UbAxmAeosteslyof toe wntor and faU
vtal Clara
11 «a . iMuira » B------ttoa of maaagtn. that they intend the
rprapangh and.8cl'n- show to take tbe
place MpedaUr In Ue BMtern ecuatry
W. Ptaysair. a Loodoo phyalelan. otm aad largeat riOea. of the Baranm and
BaUsy Show. hM bean crgaolsed apea
It M a ne**t aotocBobllc accident rea eealc eo vmI thto year that it to boaad
rtlT. He WM rultic op a hm when
loattractvary gnaewal atteatkm and
Lrave Old M
Mtblvm nave war and the earrux*
Arrive Elk 8
Mi to roll backward down tbe rtoi
Leave RkB
e driver nppUed tbe power brake
Arrive Old h
VMT wtmetoi fergattleg that
be was iMa of the conntty that thto dty hM
Leave Old V
With the reMli that bMeelrctodMcaeofthcpeinuol
1. With
Arrive Bk BasUe....
. «he carriage ctood
iLeeveKlk Beplde...........
11 be here WednMdny.
itaanrard. brutoluf
Wtol npoo him.
«1 tbf» died Jelyjii oibar* from
lajarlea tweeived then. 'Loekjiw can*
Rbop^t-p^ov^. Bay
All wOTkerklgnMi poMlbW craM. FlMgeU
work a epoclaUr
VewOflos. ■n^hsm Block
8 lU <■ r ol • 'ion rie of the b'ggeat
low fever In two weeka.
HnvonllteCo Block
Inr asl* end built to order
Bepair —ork
mand Wldeopraad AdmiraUoa.
BmU mwe Snvel. .________ ,«r: in.i
O. Sir2,‘aSSS''i,S7'.,'!fi
O u-lerr*> .
tit north Opr >
AOiroM Which M .Boned to O
Thera la n» longer aey
Cl^an of Bv«ry Kind
______ id at rv
leooesDd Sixth street.
.of Elmwoc
Sroombnnac. good earn, welii MVeral frail and
ornameatal trMS. |
amall frail aad good garden. Tata
1* a targe lot and big properly lar
amall price—Price »*lw
rOEsALE-au9—Sw, of ne'« aec Si.
tovrn Ss-j A good frame bouae 16x24
withw.egallfuroUbed. Wind mill
wel . water plof* frtni well to
e. too beariog apple, tlum. cherry
Barn S4x60 Farm all impror.
ed, lay* :s mom nortbof Wmiamaborg oo Elk Eapid*road.Price.tl.MiO.
rOESALE-«15—Xw* ofawi*»<c 17,
town sr. Dortfa M wMt. 40 acrM, 36
aerta ondcr coluration, good barn.
Price. ASIA.
FOB SALE-616-40 acre farm four
north of Elk Bapida. 6du fralt
tieea JyM I old amall frame honie.
gder eolUvatlon.
FuB SALE—6 IT—Weal SO acfM, lot t.
accT, S». 10, lay* on abore road.
Peoinaola. orchard 60 apple treea, 60
e^rry tree*. ISO pear, plums, peach.
'■SS- I. liSfflraL? J-2SS.“,.Ti'71
not to be called a TrniL
15 cents
JUso I fill liieol Conteciionni
FMi SA LE-600—Five acre lot on Gardeld aveoBc. Price S60u.
FOB SALE—LOU 19 and 30, block
Perry Hannah'* aecond add. corner
Bobeoia and
llth street.
FOBSALB-604-SKofa* i *•
IrilLBBBT A OATBS.Anoraoy*. epoetsisl
SS—n—about e.i octm aolld ____
ber. hardwood. baiMm.e*dar awoMp.
Soeae cedar t ,k*n ooL
FOB SALE—60T Urooery atock this
city Invoice about MOO.
n. TC8KEB.
st law. Bsb FC« SALE-S94-BoQBe aod lot on
O llMeSHUUkaaBleek.TmTwnCiw.
Seven roomaniotly Soiabad. good well water, fruit and armental treea, large lot. dCxSOO. amall
barn. Price M60
FOE SALE;-S96-10 acTMon Peoinaola
SS •««» from city, uoo apple, plum,
cherry aad peach treea, all bearing.
tolp.B. Tolopbaao.lt
Carpenter Hill. AoMt loeatioo op PenTTT A DXtJC. «rrkll*«. -ill kvrvstlrr bo
i^ula^will ukc part city property.
the part of the grMt afaow eomblnaUen
'.Mara Saacbe.
tj U* Moecy to loon. OSe**. OUy Opers
Houw Block.
Tfie reanutarture and ule of dolli 'n
Europe exreedi. at a low- eitlmate M.000.000 per annum one firm in Pari,
alone turni out 2.000 dolli a day. and
many other h'ouiei make cveo larser
Price RedindtiCMDtLiL
kMka, good bMUMM property, cen-i
cna employ for Bicycle
Alwaya. rwnta tor'
good Aaere, DOW Icsacd for 1 year!
Quick work.
witb privilege S yeara. aut-j.-ei to
eale. Bent* for Sfo par moaib Lewcat cMb price, Sl.toO.
FOEbaLE-«»-.N> of aci, of awl* IIS roioB Street
ace 2V. IB, 11. SO acrca ail under enitlvatioa. 400 bearing trait tmw, good
honee ane barn.^good^priog^ater.
Sp ;fl»r» Ihoold reloicv abet it ralM
the call .cd doxB
pa adoxicai ai It mar mcb. well wa M apoe ber and for Mver yeara she
tt e >te makee people IIL
wilhatood iu severMt toaU. bet ber
A . an ian't necenirUy in tbe awln vital orgaai were enderaoieed and
be drtnki like a Bah.
' kth seemed immiBcnL For three
On< cm acquire an claaltr tread by . Qtha ahe coogbed loecsaaetly. and
blui.—S|wrv Municuix.
eonld not tlerp. She Anally diaeovered
cpBiii u:y wtarlnc luLbcr booti.
women take pair.i wlib ibeir a wry to recovery, by pnrciiMing of na
.. >ax'<-IIuw an- you ycttlDy alonf ptm»
e othen cive a boUJe of Dr. Ring’i -New Dlteovery
appeatan<e while
tor Conaumptioii. aad wm to meek rwwitb yoor wooluc of bllM Uulilrux? j (b»m
takieg the Arat doM that ahe
JMX-Well. Bbc wrote me two lete\-,i
___..____ jlght; and with two hotUea
bM beep abaolutely cored. Her name
ia Mra. LeUer Lola.” Tboa wrilca W.
e -o’ and >o'."-Span
A loi ar.fwcr n
C. Hamelek A Oo.. of Shelby. K. C
Trial boltlea 10 eta. at the drugetorea ol
Ilk tor queelloni
8. E. Wait aod J. 6. JokBaon. Begolar Bite 60c and SI. Ewy botUe gear,
"Yon Americana boait of j
- uiualiy makci a antoed.
"» K.'iiS,':
Trm, caartty.
kfra. ncni>«joc—So yoa did a
of charity today (
the berden
«( TArtaarkes. to theeoalh
Mh.-Chlc^ Daily
Gas Lamp--
RnI Esuti, littioiwis,
Tntits, koiei liueis.
Provident Life
and Trust Company
ot Phlt.d.lphl..
Write twtwwa.
Leri T. Penoiagtosi, Dintrict A«t'
Traveraa Otr. WahlBae.
* *T* “ *
' .flee to at *1
Too will f
of stairway.
to left, lake Arat door to right; onr
sign to alcvslds tha doer. We are not
on tha groend Aoor, at least onr ofiee
toa'L We are. AgnraUrely epeeklng.
Sc far M haring the largest Itot aod
bMt faargalne; we are elrleUy la it.
We work all the time, we enn eeU yonr
Idgeifu at bottom of stain. Big bargatoa at top ot stain. . 8ist door to
the right after yon tarn to left at bead
211 FroitSl
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