The Morning Record, December 16, 1899

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The Morning Record, December 16, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Third Ye»r-No. 817





Btaal Weatan WUl be BoBad Tan
Par Cant
BBpabUatn VBtioiutl OcnTBii>
Plttabarg, Daa. lA—A
tios WUl b« Bald TbMA
oeaMof lOpareaMNn wagaa la tba
1,000 amploya* of tbalr Baaaamar ataal
' 'boon graatad by tba The Data Fixed by BapaMleaa Haalonal OemmlttM to Jane IB-Obl
bfltok iB AonaaAUagblUItnn aad Stool
to taka ataat /an. 1.
Mgo DafMtad by Only Om Tota«M VM* 9t tk« («M ••rlMM D*A aimllar advaaoa la all dapartmoata
Vew Turk Hade Strong Olaiaa Bat
of tba big plant to
Ooald Vet Wla—St. Xmato Alao
•f Ika l-TTM M t« M
After ti.
aigaad. Tbto wUl affeat
AMh te W«l«»« to Um*m
WaaUngtoB, U. a. Daa. It.- Tba eoai
toat for tka Repablkaa national ooo
ataMUr ten l«ft •
•Uoa bar# today wm aplrftadaad
WonlAbo Tbiof Who Said op Imnto olaM batwBM nhlMgo aad PhUadal-

nmts&Tf M

"two cents


•ofUa tiM'0«prra*lat SfliMt

✓""VW Santa Clans will bs at our



A 4i*p*teb «TM 1mm4 froa Um nr
««M Uta Uat alffat UBoueii
•ktrailih m W«d»Md*j la wUsA the
Arttteh war* aaaoMfal. Oa raoatrlac
I of Um advMM of l.MO
Boon (eward
rt«Mh Mat forward CoIomI Pertar
wUk Uraa rarlmrata of aaralrt aad
foarrvaaMctMMUoBWraahMi. Two
BoarroM wera qaloklr tUoaead aod
tha barflwm lawraod M tkalr *
d that the MyU was all
djamUh carrlwB bad nadt a aorUa aad
^daawojrad tba brldfa at Moddaraprolt.
A a»MUl froB Vrara ca«p Mja that
ad Oalaaao a farloaa arUllarj daal ooaiaiTT^ batwaaa Ua farrlaoa of Ladyaadihaad tba Boon oa Umbalwaaa
T oonaapoadBit at -odd« H-m
wltaa: -«aa aad ICaalai Srlaf baa
boaaproeaadlafatoM »:>0 tbla montAt 10 o*alook tba aaaaoaadlac
waa proeaadlar- bt 1 o'aloeb the %bl'
waa raportad to te aarara. Tba
■oar forea aloaf tba rivar baab la ba-

*5ff32lfaaJiaaaad that JIdl;
•pa, waat of MafakUt. »» boahardad
oa tba Utb. d^arp dfbtlair ooearrad.
Tba Boon attaakod a Britlab poat at
MMablac oa tba aiffbt of tba loth.
Aftar aaaara Ubtlnf tba Boaaa ware
fapalaad aad raUrad to floyataa-a fort..
boodoB, Dae. is—Wiaatoa Cbarebin,
aea of Lady Baadolph
arbo waa eapturad by tba Boara at
Cbaralay aad t^aa to J^torla, wbara
ha waa bald aa roonbataat oSaar. baa
MMpad Lady Baadolph b
a lattar from Wlaatoab Mrraat. firing
tba elreanataaoM of bla eaptara
ColaaaoLoadOB. Doe. 15 -The OaM Town
aoriaapaadont of the DaUy Now. Mra
that tba datMt of Oaaarat Metbaea
faUowiac Oaaaral Uataara'a rararao
baa bad a moat dapraatlng tfleet.
Datab diMffaetlon la rapidly grow
lag. aad a largo aaoiloa of tba lababluaunaad lltUo paraaadlag to Join
tba Boara. Diatorbiog roporta ara ro•alrod from tba aaatara bordar of tba
**nM^mparUl aatboritlaa la laapoBM
do ropMiad reqaaau bara armad tba
loyal faraaara la tba Btattarbalm aad
Balrad dMtrleta
Taa moat aartoaa fact of tba aaoaaaat
from tba Prttiab point of view la tba
•adoabtad gTMt Dateb dbatfacUoa la
Cbpa Colony, not oaly on tba bordara,
bat la tba aoatb. M far M Klag WilUam'e Town, and alaewhare la tba
■tfhboraaod of Boat London.
The oritiea ara Improaaad by what
mod that more
troo^ba aaat to Sonib Atrlea
' Tbara ia no ladieetlM of the origin
of the report that Ladyemilh bad been
t^alred, aor U tbara tba laaat ooaSnaatlcm of Ik Tbara to aagar. araa
paiafol, aoalety fornawe from Ueaeral
Bailer, wboae adraoaa to the relief of
Ladyamitb la widely belalvad to bare
began Tbaraday. “Wban it bagioa,”
aaya ooa critic, "tba feta of tba am.
plre wUl be eeatared la tbto eamp."
Tba gorernmast'a aaaoanaeaMnt
that a fiareatb Army dirtooa will be
aubllUad to erarywhera.walcomad. • It
will ooaatot of aboat 11.000 man. It to
that prepara'Uoat here
alrdady bagao t moblltoe aa alghtb
' of lafantry aad three of eaialry.
fMtain maba It clear that, bat ter the
dtoaatartotbe Highland brigada, tba
Britwh lam woeld bare baaa aomparaUealy laaigalfteaat. It to arldaat that
uanaral Batbaaa pnabad forward tba
Blgblaadara la tba darkaaat, la tba
bapa of tmrprtolag the aaamy. who
ware too waxy or too well Informed by
tbAr aeonm. Ttoe faUare to aU the
man aiaaparaUng to tba Britlab, baa tka atinek aMmad m near to

HaamBot Tat Oabtarad, and
'probably Will Bat ba.
Tba blgbwaymaa wba bald ap aad
triad to rob Loato UaQara Tbaraday
erealag baa not bMi apprabe
aad tbara eaama lltUa probability that
tba poUaa wUl gat him, aa tbara to
prMtl<mllxAStl>iag to giro tbom a olae
aa to bto IdeaUty. Hadara aaya that
be bad a good 1«A Into bla faM by tba
light of the laalMB that waa la the
wagon, aad that ba woald reaogaiaa
him If ba arar mw him agaia. Bat
' tblaf wUl probably taka
palaa tkat Hedara akail not aaa him
ataaebatlmeaatbapolioaaic bandy.
Tom M array think* that ba aaw the
maa maa, tb^b ba Maaot be oartala.
ofamiiw. Ha waa on Elmwood aranaa
aosa time attar tba bold-np. aad a
auapielou looking okaractar aakad
at ware aaggaetira
Tbe man alood with hto kaad la hto
pocket Ian way tkat ooggaatod that ke
light baea tboofbt Mr. Marry aa of■aar, aad that ba waa prepared to.
reaiat it aaab waa tba Mae.
Soma boya who were akatlag
tba ptoee wbara tba hold-ap ooearrad
ware qneatloaad M to tba matter by
Oblaf of Holloa Baaaia TbayMldtbal
Abey had not aaaa any oaa
bat tbay bMrd the ptotoi




Kilitn-r Bendqaartaia
iB^MaMloa of Taqato.

Urts, S^l^ra. Maatoo, Dae IS.—UaaUa baa arrived bora with
an aaeoryof nlue aoldlara, and reporU
bavlag d^aniorad a baad of ranegada
Taqato M«t of Pitayapaaa.
ladtoaa oataumfaorod bto otoort twloa
over, aad .u ^ ruaalag Bgbl one of bto
'<••1 The oeeorronea et«
farther oat« uaval over tbo abort route
from tba rnimary haadqnartan oa tba
river and mabm it ImpuMable naUl
tbe Mctloa to again awapt by a atroag
foTM of aoldiara.
Moo lea daaerlbM
Tarrab metbodaof tba Uat two waeba
M being eSaeUea Inward mantag
dowa tba rabaUioai Indiana, and that
tnalda of a month thorn will be
aeed of Aghilag. bat bMvy gairtoona
wUl have to be amlatained along tbe
river to aSerd proteatloa to tba paner.
able Indian aad Maalaaa lababitnau
la tba river ooantxy.

of Doaortion Preferred

Bit VUa WM Withdrawn.
Tbe onte of Mra. Wm. Gala againat
Winum Gala, anqshq^ Thnraday on a
charge of abandanmaat preferred by
ato wita, wm Mttlad yeaianUy nod tba
priaonar waa relaaaad by Jadge Rob­
erta. Gala gave hto wife tlTS and tbe
8ta waa withdrawn.
Gala Mya that tbay ware married tan
yearaagoaad tUat hto wife left him
GirM year* iaiar. aad that ba bM
■aiohad fM- her over alaoa.
Mra Gala left with bar money yeaterday. for Detroit
aoBBtUy of Hidden BlSaa OiVM up ia
Caba-«eaaral Wood Pratoad.
Santiago 'Da Cuba. Daa IS.-Pnr
aoma mootba it hM been Vapeemd
that large qaaatiUaa of militarT^blorm
were in tbe pamwilnB of Oafaaae at
point la the iatarier. Ymtarday
tba mayor«f Taato, a email town la
the dtotriet of Holgnta. volnalnrlly
dtoeloacd tba loMtlon and
tbina aPectlva Said gaaa 10,000 riftea,
aad a large amount of ammaalUoa to
tU Amarloana Tbe gnat bad baaa
rtornd la aa obsenre plaoe, la a roagb
a leaf blind*.

'"p.U.a.lphl. w,. m >7 ou nu.
aaearlng IS, while CBtoage oama la a
«loM aaoond with u rotaa.
The data decided apon waa Jane l»;'

I store this afternoon and evisning with bis
book to lake
tbs names of all tbe little girls nod
boya and their report for behavior '
daring the past year preparatory to
bis distribati(» of presents.
Sale on Bissell Otrpei Sweepers at
9.00 A m.—lOo. Better select yonr
preeente today, next week may be

Wbat more nsefui or
aotvputbLe holiday pres­
ent OSD yon purebase
for yoar mother, your
siaUr. your daughter or
yonr fneuda than "80R
0818- SHOES.
AU 8tyl« "ROrOH
RIDER" for Wet Wenther. heavy but flexible
• -weltaoleaforatreet a"d
aemi drees wtssr, light
turn soles for dress servion,

Tba Rapnbllcan aailonal oommittaa
metat the Hotel Arliagtoa to aalaet
tbe place for tba eoavaaUoa. QbairA. Hanna prMidad. Prior to
tba opaaiag aaaaion a brief ezaeaUva
aaaaioB waa bald. Tbe oorridora of tba
hotel were thronged with delegatioe*
from varion* oiilee.
Tba delegatee from tba different;
cIUm ware Invited to prabeat sbair
claim* immadiataly after a abort eaacatlve aaaaion. An boor waa aoooHad
to the daicgatlona from each city. The
Aral beard from wm MUmga
A pletura of tbe batldlng la wbieb
the eoBvenUoB woald ba bald
blblMd. It WM gaaraatoed that CAlea^ woald lalOl nay reqaaat that tbe
eommlnaa might maka
r elalma were aUo prtMntad by
8k Lone. Mo. Senator Ckai
Dapaw wa* greeted with ehear* when
ba aroM to praaeat the elalma of New
York. Beapoka of New York'* preamiaant aqalpmcat aad added: "Tbe
preaeaea of tbe eonvention there will
have an inaplrtng ataet apoa
gTMtaat of oar atatoo, wboae elaet«ial
ExcImItc MHtlvSsrvitibMi
votabMaooftan taraad tba aeala la
alaeUona to tba preaidaacy. It wUl
iag ontbatoam to tbe Baaabl
ConnMtira'. and Maw ietaay, who
bav« raaoaad from free rilvor tboM
ordinarily Demoerajlc etatM."
b. P. Sblelda, ebalrman of the oam
peiga oommittaa of Pbiladalpbl*.
praMotod Phlladalpbla'a eUlma Hr
lotrodooed Henry Borke. ebairmao of
tbe eltlcen'* oommittaa, who Mid that
Pblladalpbla bad not Mked anyihlag
of tba Repnbllean parly for 28 yMta,
aliboagh It bad tba largeat BepabUean
maj >rity la tbe unioa. Basidaa, Paan•yivantoha* raiaad tba largeat oampaign land la two aatioaal Mmpalgaa
Mayor Samnal H. Aabbrldge followed
with a atroag praMBtatloa mf the
elalma aad attracUon* of Philadelphia.
TBe argumoBia la behalf of'^a v*rA prominent New York officiel
lona eltiea were made Mrly ja- the aa*•ion, bat the vole waa not taken naUl said tbe general use of tbe U-lephone bad made tbe task of efficInto In tba nftarnona.
ently protecting life and property
over 50 per cent, easier.
Telephoning in case of fire, ac­
cident or burglary has become a
Baaa way Teatarday Oaaaad Bzoita- recognised necessity.

One Price

3.60 a pair


Bnlpli Ooniutbln Jr.,

1 lOc to $2.50 1


I Cold Weather
jPubllcgnarmans j Clothing.


Every well regulated hnusebokl bss s
Have you one in
your home?

meat —Bagey Wracked and
Orivar SiigkUy injured.
A raaaway ocearrad yaatarday fore­
noon Bear tbe M.
N. K. depot A
borne bitobad to a light boggy atortod
la near tba Pangbora botol and
taraiag tbe coraar, raoad down throogb |
the yard where aome man wore raoiov.
lag aome poUtoM from oae car to an­
other. Tba men Jampad down from
plaaktag apoa which they had
•taadiag to work, and Eire none
too qoiek. for tbe boraa rca into tbe
p'.aaR* and kooekad them down, and,
makiog a sbort turn, triad to rn*h be­
tween two oar* wbieb atood vary nenr
together. Tba boraa aaoeoadod la getUag throogb. bat be left the boggy
behind In ralnc m ha galloped on oat
Tbe maa wac tbrowa from tbe bog­
gy, bat received no Injory other
tew bralaaa- He made no maatlon of
bla name bat proeaadad to tbe baaiaoM
oframoring hi* baggy aad looking





up-l».d*w CkrliioiM

preariil <or * lailf. Ua«r too -eeo
eorvlreaot new User kM«»v>7*11 color*.-*U price*.


Hamilton Watches,

Fancy Clocks,
Elegant Effects
In Diamonds,
Beautiful Novelties in Jewelrj’



Finest assortment I have ever carried. The line
this year is especially fine and you should see it be­
fore deciding on your Holiday Gifts.

Post OfBde Building.

upvecA—Pl*ta, (UnrvA.

ru> ctM*.o>lrrarel-iaikli»l*-*Bd
*e »U1 OU them *i tev**> C(ur«
Wiu mu7 Oder 4**U«d. Tb«; *r<

ItwUI COM roueotS-

lof 10 look OTcr ta* Um. *t

Wait's Drug Store.

Adalbsrt Ray WUl Ball Don. 80. to

Stop Oae KlVaate

Oaadldatc la A. O. V. W. Severely,
|««^ag polm for a poe*ible oprlclag.

I All groaod SploM (pare)........ Ste per lb
•'bara Leao* Soap............................... Ue
OaraooWan»er.tbel.vlalrmri*tarof ,, S;;
■- .
Ctiy Attorney JoMpb Haffakcr wm
MibaclMia. Bvoa tb. dAedcof Leelaaaa eoaaty. bM taken s com ^mpkla
abet aad *Mtoa*ly------- -------- -amoam. even tM
tautto bUacelf a wife. Tbe ladv wm
t blttor Oaban i
formerly Mlm Veac Steffeae alM oL, * **“•
..................... .............**e
koiog laiUaiad In a lodge
la pralcing him m a -JAw
elMt Urder of United
laj try Ic cald to bare bee
battkcmcmbcemol thole

*• “*

Wilh the chill taken VO
off" the
ouc- pricea.^Our
overcoats auu
ulvters are
garments— right ap]to tbe minute in
,perfect. „---------Is—are
style—are made of dependable
materiaiA and are rightly priced.
Tbe greaU-st stock in town is hen*—This month we’ll
sell you overcoats, ulsters and suits at too per cent, disooant
from our already low prices. Come and look.

For Christmas Presents.

Loadon. Dac. U.-PuHaga for Mr,
Adalbnrt 8. Hay. the aowly appolatod
Amoricaa ooacal to Pretoria, ba* been
M CM Wbat we oca do for yon.
booked on the •tcamcr Moor, wbkb
We can cell yoa
for Sonlh Africa Deeembar »0.
Strtetly frech Egg*..
Me per dot
to Sad them oalMC tkelr wberMboat*
Loraaso Marqac*. Dec. IS.—Obarlec Cbolev dairy Batter..
..Me per lb
had bcaa revealed. Tbe Holguin d:»- B Maerem- Ute United Stntre Conaal
**?*•?”.................. Kksperlb
k.» ot U» -4U_1 Ui o. Uud. ’ .1 Prkork.'wUl 1-™ lor N.w York i


fflO-asa Front stroel


We still continue to sell our 3.60
and 4 00 ladies’ shoes for 8.00
You'd better buy while we have
all sizes and widths.
Just received another consignment
of those ane trimmed soft sole
shoee—The price is very low—SOa

McNamara block



Momanra »»oobp.
«UTKUE atrr


». Eavm
f. W. lAM.


iBFBTertf AxpttaioA

J. W. HiW•

■igb Maal I^BS •by* Vwel*
bio ArcBMBta.
Wai Avardo^' to TtaltlBC OoBtootMia-Oalptwo Potato of DtAroBOe


-CbarUa »o*ak Woo Uo Hoaoia
terXadlridakl Arr>B«at
no bM CBpoetod dobau batoooo
tbo SoBtor l^ooaa aad tho PraBhllB
a«b of Maatatoo, ofaeaiTod last Bifht.
aad tbo dodaloa of tho Jodf«
Maamoo tbo oioMy. Bat It woo aelooo
- - aot ba*o boaa elooar la
_____________ ao haow »hat tho doeloloe^ tbo jBdcoo womld bo aatU U waa
Cbarioa Korak of Tibyom
ThsTwMtUtk 0Mt«i7OU/oarriodofitbohoBMof tbo ladl
•KtotMsUosMto wb« »k* tw«
Ttdoal dobatan. g1*lac tho bwt ad
IMk emtmry W»to* hM nrfislfw^
awk ea«troTtf*7 sad eoasldmUa diooa of tho OYoaiaf.
Jrtalt. MB of loecralwil UarBlar
B ao ar»a
ar«la« »ka» ll hsc»»*
___ t.tboorb ihoy did Bot
alB) otbor Uafsod mb dBolarloc »ks»
show BP ao wall aa tbo yooBfi bob
Mw ao» OBBiBrT bactas ob the first 4b7
•fJoaoBiT. IMO. Tbal Uo iwBBUoUi troB tbo LyooBB la tba Mtlar of
«MtBT7biVlaSOBiM. 1. IWJ. MM dalivary aad aowpoaltloat.
Tho raptaooataUrto of tbo Blfh
loth* Rbuobd. to ho b07«ad dlopoto
bAtkOBlaiata atado that it bofilBo •ehool praoootod Ualr arroBoata woU.
wMk Job. l, Boat. Tbo Ghleoco Trlb- aad with ooBBoadabla oootaaaa. la
of OBOh opltbato as ••FiUolaoa,*'
sao^MdooBoUmhUteooj U op■cHlff-i to this Utlor orroMSt sad la -‘Spaalarda,’' ‘■B«aicbto9ibrathoiaa of
^ S^l^oflUfoaltioBiHiblUhoa a tot- lboopporlti08."”L'tUe npotad* fn>»
«M.(ro« ObBOtor Cbrtatio of tba Rora) a Bhrh oahod." ala
no oily Opara HoBoa. whan the
OhaorYatorTaiOMOwleh. whtoh-fal
debate waa bald, waa baaottfally
for the oeeaaion. with flafa.
,u- doeorated
baBtlBd. pletaroB. ate. Back of tba
ataro whara tiio apaalnTa wore oeated,
bnotier of blao asd white tba FraakHo Ciob ooloea. waa draped oo one aide
of the eteffa. vhUa, oa tbo other aide
hoBf the black aad fold of the BIdh
oMOad eoatarp berlaa with i D. too a^bool. Two Urea ftafe were draped
nan aftor the b^rlaslM o1 tho flnt praeatBlIy aerooa the troet of the
pear, aad oo oa lor tbo • aoooodlnc
T^ «aiik»wai folly dlvsoMd at
A larfa aad oBtbealaaUe aadleaea
fiUed tho aaata weU to tbo baek, aad
the Hlfih aebeol eolora wore Baeh la
tlMOBlId. attor qaoUac Yarioot aaoYideaee. Bat tbo dabatora bOB MaaUtoe ware fiiroB aa appcaelatiYa aad
till JaBoairT^ wi.
iBpartlal bearlafi. aad oaly whoB tboy
aoBOBOtof ihk otootlsfi woo prlatod
toeaoh epithete aa -UtUe
ipatarta froB tho Blffh aebool'' did tho
aadlenee ahow Ita dleapproral.
ne jadffoa, Superlateadoata Lott of
Bik Boplda. Blodffottof Ladlafftoa aad
Tn appdatmoBt of Ooaoral Wood Eaya of Oadtllae. ware aaoted la differ•• Biutary go^anor of Cabo lo a fittlap eat parte of tbe itwB. aad their ReeleMlbBtato oaporior exaeaUee ability
»od a neacBltloa of bla oxeelloot
teacB other.
i idrMDt la dealloc with a dlffieolt
Very eborUy after « o'eloek tho MbB'
^blOB. The roeord of Ooaoral Wood iBtee dabatore appeared aad war*
to Baottaco whoro be eroatod pood r>*- ffraoted with ffraat eathoelaaB. Thea
•(•BOBt aad a ooDdlUoo of porfoet or Prof. C £. Borat'a
faalxatloB oot of chaoe. eoBBBeadebla elrack ap « fiaa oeleetloa which waa
tetbeAaorloaapoople aa a'saa of
tlly applaaded. The roproaeateIBponor worth aad worthy the ooafl, of the two otffaalxatloae took
dweo of the adBlolotratloo lo a trylap their plaeeo oo tbe eteffe aad wen
peaittoe. Tho appotatBoat will boo! pleaded with eqoal ealhiielaeB.
with tbo approval of tbo ABorlaaa
Wlleoa Babbell. preheat of the LypBDple aad Ooaeral Wood wUl ooottaae
>BB. epoke briefly, otatlaff tbe aataro
to^OBoeotrato tbo paeollar oxoobUyo of tbe debate, the eoadlUoae fforar '
•WUty whoro wlodoa aad loot aro It aad fflrlBff the aaBCo of tbe Jodffea
fvoBUy acodod.
aad tbo coateeteote^ After aaotbrr
eeleetloo by the oreheetra tbe qaeoUoa
To tkeaa who ha«a doebta aboat the M etated aad the daUte wae baffoa.
VlBdoB of a dty owalof Ha owo water
no Mo)a>ioa waa: "RBolYed. That
WOrka ayetoB. It wUl ba latereaUoc to tbo policy of the Ualted Btatae lo the
toBW that la tbo city of Loadoa. Oat. PblUpploB te joeilflabla” Maalake
tba profit OB tba dty plaat la oaa yir bad the effirouiira
araa tot.ooa TbU la oaly oae el a
Bay L Hwift opooad the debate for
tba Fraaklla aab. Ba defiaed the
baoB raalistd by a i
policy of the aaUoa fros the prealaUBfi lu owe eyetcB la addltloa to dcafe BCBaffe. aad defeoded that
tower ratee for the oopeeBer.
policy wtib the preoeatatioD of oareral
llaea of arffaMoL Ba epoke of the
coBetltatloaallVof expaaelon, ae there
Mia. J. Petalartoa reforaod from waa ao claaae tSt fotUda It .whaa tha
power of expaaaioa waa elaarly Im­
Labe Abo yaaterday.
' C L. Welle of iBke Aaa. waa la tba plied la It. He declared that la tbU
wa are oaly foUowlaff preeedeal. aa
WW yeaterdayi
lira. OteorBlar aad aoa Alfred of foar flflba of tbe territory of
•wadolph atraet. laft yeoterday for a Halted Stelae ha« been added alaee tbe
of tha eoBatitatloa.
tbraa weeka rldt with rolaUveo la adopUoa
nrffod the rijrhtwf any eorareiffa naUon
HIB Aldea of Qrasd Raplda. la rlolt to extend tta borderO. and declared
that froB a ateadpoiat of lateraatlonal
tofi her deter. Mrs. A. tL Cook.
^ Staaley aad Bd. F. Deaeiaora of lew. we were riffht la oar policy, aa
Hapla City, were la the dty yaaterday we CBM to tha lolaada lo a method
that BatloaB recoffo eeae proper. "
pad raeate at the Whltlof.
t, B OoUlaaof Baplra. waa la tba arffod the aaeaoelty of ABOfteBa «
patloB of tbe lelaade in order to pro­
na atoro wlndowa bto already tak- tect tbe lateraoto of tbe nation, aad
toff OB a bollday appaaraaeo aad tbe eloaodwlth the eteteBcnt that
BaJwityoftbeFlllplooadeolro Ai
ioBitallim- aad dlaplaya of the local
pWBhaBte are taetetal aad BBfffaaUYa leaa aatbority la tba anAtpallaffO.
Cbarlaa Novak opeaod tba debate for
theacffatlYA Ha apoko of tho aapopno atareh factory nodrod aboat
Blarltyof oppoeitwa to tbe preaent
},400 boahele of poteteaa yaaterday.
policy of thoffovaraBent. bat declared
toUephyaleal ttot tbe tneff eiUreaahlp wm that
Moaday Kietit
alffht which waa wUUoff aotoBlyteatead by
paltara eatorBiemen* mitmumf
aril be » end for adallo. tea eeate tha ffoverBBOBt, bat to help ffot U
fffftoB fur fBooTYed mb. Childrea ae- riffht wbaa It waa iB tba wroBff.
aiBfiiBlr* to' lAelr pareeta wlU be ad- nfarrodto Dew^*e eoBBlaalOB, at
toM*d free; U maaoooBpBol.
iaff alBply tha deetraetlOB o( tha
pnte will be abarfed.
Bpaalak fleet, and aakad tf tba defeat
of that arBoda on tbe ahora of Spain
iMOt abowlaff. Tbe roaalt i
woald have made It a Batter of aat
Bran Maa nil
al hcoer that wp bold Spain. He roTlcttM to etoBach.llYor aad kldM
ealled the telcfiraB of lleway aektnff
tboeoopccatloBof Affalaaldola oeeariBff tba oarrondar of Manila, aad tbo
action of Oea. MafrlU when, after the
Bet tbero'e ao aood to feel
«w ibat. J. W. eaidaer. IdariUo. OBireBder of tbo city ha rofnaed to
Cffnlio the FUlplaea. He qnoted
IbA. aBya; • Bactrie Blttora aro
«hh thlaff for a MB whea Im don’t ear* loaa aathoriUea to abow that tha war
vhotber ba Hyoo or dloa. It ffare ao waa praeii^tatod by tba ABarieane, aad
atroBfftk aad ffood apfwUte. I
MBaowoaPaaytblBfiaadhaYoa aow that they had ateadUy rafnaed all ov
tnrao of paaeo exeopt aboolate and i




LMVWchf* DwbHU iMddAd


Band aa that Bade to *»>• Spaalarda.
BodrewateUiBffpBrBllelbotwaea tbo
wr to tbo FhlHpplBoa and that of 1770


Melees tiM food more <Mdous and V
Ylelory aawsff the ladiridnal debatera.
la ABorie*. and dcelarod that wa have aad Bay L. Smith waa fflYon aeeoad
mn riffht to tba t^UIpplbaa tbaa
Fraaee wonld have bad to oar terri­
tory. Mr. Kovek'a addraoe wpe aforoefal one. abd ealled forth a ffraat deal
MMiatM delwtera will retam
t appUaaa from tbe aadleaeo.
today. ^Thoy «U1 ^
Tador C. Jamea waa the eaeond
llodffetk who will ffoOB to Lai
epoaker for tba anrBatlva. Be apoke
of tbe expaaaioa of the pact ia the
United Stateo. and tbaffood it has
to tbo world. Ha drew a pletnre of
tba oroaeat aad poet of tbe FUlplnoa
aad of the fatnra if they woald ffiva
Bp to tbo Onlted Siatea
aatbority. Be epoke of the beaeflt to
be derivod from tho pooMion.of the
Iriandc. aad deelarod that oar poUey 4c
not oaly a mper oae. bat that it Ic
the only oae that la pooeible nnder the
Charlee Salabery apoke of tba ffraat
opportaalty of ABorlea to Bake heradf a ffraat liberator, her epleadid
work la llberatloff tbe Cabaae troB a
yoke of bpaalah eerrltade. aad thea
her work la emahlaff tba first repablle oftbeorloat. Be apoke of tbe
Eepoblleaa Idea of
, by the eonaoot erf' the
ffovemed, and tbe i
aaroraaad. abont IS
InebB le diameter aad are made to be
fired from a cannon. Be objected to the
apet. and the Idea of Injeetloff ehrietlanity into the bodlee
tbrooffb ballet boles. He declared that
tbora is a worse tbinff than to have
tbe flaff torn down, and that la to have
tbe Biaaloa of the fltff chanffed from
Irony to tyranny Be eloeotf with a
Btffnifloeat and eloqneat t Ibate to
the etare sad etr'pea.
The third epeskor oa the aMrmatlve
wae Lealle SBnrtbwaite. 'Be befian
with an attempt at humor which wae
hardly a ■neoaac. aad thee ter a toe
Uiod to refnio some of tbe arffamea'
of tbe acffaUve. ehaUeofflaff a aomber
of them as -net In aooordaaoa with tbe
facte la tbe ease." Be arffed tbattbe
pilley of tbe United Stetea is JoaUfiable beeanse bmI of tbe cltiseas of this
intry opbold Itf that the FUlplaea
Ineapahle of self ffoverament aad
that weabonld care for theta: tbat troi
a ecleatiflc, an educational and a rellffmdpolnt tbe policy of this ffovIt la a proper one.
■ Uilbert was tbe third speaker
» Lycenm. He qoesUoaed tbe
abaolntedleiatereetedoeea of tbe Philippine eommlBioa, so oflea quoted by
tbe aflrmatlve. Ue eald tbat Dewey
and Otle would not be likely to erltleiae
and that tbe o^her mei
here of tbe ooBBiaaion were ohoaen by
t to eapport the admialevatioa-aad did it. SpeakinffofUe
belief tbat tbe Filiplnoa are incapable
of self ffoveraaent. he asked what nttioa eoaeidered the Uelted Stateo capa­
ble of self ffovemment when they drat
indypandent. Be referred to
the claim tbat tbe ABeriean people
would find a maa to aetUe any quMtloa
tbat would come up. aad asked for the
who waa to settle the Indian
qveatioo. tbe ncffro qnration. tbe tract
qaeotlon. Ue e^ke of tbe elalBO m to
what tbe United Stateo wonld
the natives of tbe Philipp
a-k«d what they bad done for the In
Cbarlaa Novak ably closed the arffuBcnt for the neffstive, and Bay L.
Swift followed In the elcainff epereh
for tae aSrmaUve. when_tbe jadffcs
Ired After a aeleeUorty the or- j
cbeatrm. ibry relumed aad renderedthrlr decUlon. Mantatee was awarded
victory on tbe debate ea a whole,
with a mark of n polou to ib.CbarlB
Novak waa naanlmooaly awarded the



; VHM Don't you vnnt to
buy A pair of ihoc*
that you wont
fUYc to bother

fiiidwe«rwcn??> TbnffiPinfree's *'Coa4KMlte.’' Wt sresok
8o»d By

Frank Friedrich

/■TAtiere « no ptmeai that would
plehMflUttle girl better than
a little OBjpet eweeper, then
they coaid help mamma sweep.


bare a sice aaeortmeot of child’s
sweepers from 25c up. A full Use
of large sweepers from $1.75 to $3,00.
Tbeymske • mske a tiioe present

that will esve lots of woA •ud'will sooa
tbe price ot the caipet.



GANNETT J. W. Slater's >

W. C. &. B. A.

House Furnishing Store.


If it I. fine Wntnhnn, J.wnlry, Silverware or Silver NoteltU«, Diamocdii or iVecioiu
Slones of any kind, in noy
kind of monnting, tbat you
nre seekinE. yon enu find *«n
nt Gnnnett's.

Make a nice present—Verer
mind the fit, we'll attend to

f. C. ft a A. SANNEH
137 Front Street.

190 Freni street

WUl Anderson

Ralph Anderson

and Embalmers
Both Telephones, No 43.

Chris Kringto

31S Union Street


Certainly Coming.

Cootemplating their coming^, we caicniate certain curiotifl care*
iul people is quite correct to completely canvass
the countless concerns this clean city contains. Careful con­
servative buyers have collected from the great cities from
coast to coast The calls of our customers tbat keep constant­
ly coming lo C what the “Company” carries, caused us to con­
vert our colossal store into a complete cheery Christmas car­
nival of charming, cute, convenient collections. Come—C—be
convinced-'Carry away- your chrihtmas gifts.

Candle Sticks

rhinQ ^
bewildering collection.
UlilUtL All manner of shapesand decor­
ations Platesfrom lOc to 4 50 Creamers tions 25c. Beautiful hand painted ones
and sugars from 25c to 2.50. Bon bon <5c. Odd shaped ones always attractive,
never out of place.
dishes 10c to 1.50

Christmas Candles

rinthini^ Suits for the Httleones from
UlULUlUg 1.00 up. Suits for the older
ones from 8.50 up. No nicer gift than 15c the box ofas, 24 or 36 candles. Fan­
an overcoat selling from 5.00 up to the cy twisted candles at 5c each. Beauti­
ful decorated ones at 35c tbe pair.

Christmas Candies St

Calendar Pads

5c the pound. Stick Candy at 10c. Best No reason to forget your engagements.
Sell at 10c each: ,
Creams at 30c the pound.

Charming NoYelUes l"eTS: Cnp and Sancers
Paper Cutters, Emery Balls.
Erasers, Mucilage Cups. Manicure Sissors, Button Books, Shoe Bnttoners.
Hundreds of other articles.

cute ones at 35c. beautiful decorated
ones forl OOaud 1.50.driuking cups 25c,
mustache cups 50c, shaving cups 5c. 10c,

CMldrra’s carls

fiflnchfS'A most accepublcChristmas gift.
• Sell from 8.50 up, upholstered in from 40c. Doll beds 25c up. Doll cab»
plush, velour and leather. Big stock to ^oc and 60c. Ever^'thing that dolly wants.
select from.
Ch&iPS Rocking chairs from 75c, Dining
room chairs from 3.50 the set Odd
Tnlf Tats for the little ones from 5c up.
Cards, Cars, Cut up games and shaped rockers, all manner of makes of
puzzles 35c. Crockinole at 1.00, Caroms wood, upholstered in plush, velour and
at 2.25.

The Hannah & Lay Merantile Go.


AlM««lw4»wMrlaOiMce mmaij
bfotaf w plMi M HO-m cntaN
et mW»w U«W
«p tkin.
XWra «riU bt 0w M.OOO tnm, mem of
IkM Ofipl* M»d UorMpMT.
Jobs TorrMi of if sUMfte, is ssdsr
smsi M Cbksco ebsfjrsd with sus)
laf SJ.SOO froa his tetbsr's <Oss. A
I>»»rbl OswssAsr. s woodass. was
kiUsd is 0hsrla,4>sstsrs Map aasr
MulslM Oraastor Tbsradsp aormlacasksdsbadoflofsosspslr of imfo* whosk. »bteb sllppsd oo tbs
ffOStj rnasd. Tbs toarms ttoask s
st«a» ssd brobs, tbs load droppsd ssd
Us drtpsr'i sMt ^relf. A 6yimg pises
4raad Bssaa trass are Aaafsreai
UiacB far fslioirs lo Isas ap. sdslasi
wbae asatsy boas froa a. aiybt aitb
UsbOTS. Oas oa tbs eorssr of WssbiariM mU Blrbt straat ta -ae blpbip
ebarfsd aith alsetrisitr Uat Us
•aaU beys of tbs asirbborhood are
dally fattlsf slretrls stroka troa It.
Aa Mtsrprisiar faaUy mbs to tbU
etiy aad loata^ ta tbs i^bU wars.
TBs asabaia ea eoalsf bare left aoUlaababladat Uslr (orasr plea of
rsMdsass. sM ssea tbsir Uoas. Tbs
Utta was tors dows is ssetioea sad
pbaad ea s ear aad raaosed to Hasksfsa. tovetba wlU
aad tbs faatlly faraltars. Tbs ssetioea
of Us boaa wars rebam '
aed tbs baUdlaf U bow oeesp
Us fsaUy a a boaa - Masksfoa
ObrUtias U«ursr. scad u. wa Is
staaUy kltlsd Tbstadsy Boralay by i
Mfsblcae OeotrsI trals at Us Bartoi
assase sroMlad ta Uraad Bsplds Hi
bad bees la tbs eoaetry to f*t sobs
wood, sad was Jut
d Ua eroaslsy. A pai
tatormad bln Uat Ua trals eras eOB
lay and that bs soald fcet yat aeroaa.
tet ba whipped ap bU bersaa sad
Beds Ua attempt. Tbs train atrsek
Ua wayss and acaaabad It isw splintan. ksoeklay tb^old bss se fast Isto
sdltsb./ Halaaeasa wlla aad aaearal
Barry rresBaa, aow of Oaorya fi
■aa. a fariatr iirlay lostbwmt of
BsHseiUs, disappeared troB borne Moaday. Das 11. Tad yossy aas. wbo
was 91 yaan of ays. was sllybUy
Bsatsd, aad has beaa waiobad by bU
paraata for aoeu tlma. bat dually nade
bla aaeapa ft la Uooybt by people
wbo kasw kasw him well Ua* ha bM
doaaaway wlU blauelf orbas wasdci
od lau Ua woods aad Is lost or frosea
A larya party U oat la aaarsb of Ua
^*A*/stU^6raak Bss BabM a praotloa
of faatlay for a taw days wbaasear be
doM sot faaj wall, aad olalBs Uat so
dotay alwaya teatotea bU bai
from foar Uslybt days ta aba aaoal
laayU of bla faaia.
Tba alts oa wbleb Ua edd Oosyraya
Uoaat cbereh at Pilot baa stood for U
jaars. oorser of Hsoood and baylaaw
Btreeta. ba* bsea sold to W A. Patter
aoa tortil.MO. tbeseelsty barley deoldod to oreet e new boasa of worablp.
Bsr. J G. Halyh U pastor.

iM. 7%ej »m ftlw mm t«Mh tmm
M. Oartls.who was strleksa wlu paral­
ysis a few dpys i«a Tastsrd^ MB-;
iar Us patlSBt abowsd alfps of IbSBsat. bwt Utsr Is tbs day ba
bsfsB to taU seals, aad It k sot bs, llsrod Uat be aaa rseorer.
Ajillypat^of yosaf paepls wsat
lastalebtuus MtUsr sebool boaae.
dresUsatroB tbs dty, to a aeelal
elrw by MlB BUal
fIfteoB Bsw ‘pboass are beUf pat Is
by Maaaesr Barry of Us Mleblcsa
UlspbOBs sssbsara ^ittass sxtra
Bsa are SBplc.ysd Is tbs work.
Tbs Klaoyea wblst dab bald a dcUrbtfal -‘bosas wanBlBC" U tbelr saw
•aUsrsaldsoesof Aldaraas
vsrs aarrsd after tbs play of Us etas-;
BnraasWsbbef LadlnrtoB who la
Tlaltlsf bU taUsr, Oapials Wabs ot
city, baa Bads eery rapid adeaaesIt slaee bs bayaa Us work for Us
Pars Mar^aetis Brat Nat Ba bscaa
MBsoe as oUsr. aad la sow aeoond
Tbsrs will bs a Uaare ia tlBs os
tbs O. R A I. b^rtsiny Saaday Tbs
sreslar UroBfb trals fblnC BorU os
Us BBls Use will yo oo to Maeklsss
City, Instssd Harbor Sprisys, aa sow.
OoUabrasab Ua trals wbleh sow
UaeaabmatcM will laaea at «-»S
after Saaday. 0\ber trains rsBals
P. &. Btrsbla bsa opased a two Uair
barber abop ts Us frost part ot Losye's
bleysla abop. Ms BoaU Doios atroat.






Whoopiny Ceuyh. Asthma.
Brwnohma and IrtolpUnt
'Oortnt^mption, la


jTbe Fibist Line
Eyer Seen in
This city ,


Frolt KalTeR,
Knife and Fork SeU.
Berry Spoona,
Orange Spoona,
Salad Bpoons,
Soop Spoona,
Oyiter Forks,
Full Seta KnlYse
and Forks.
Elrwant gifts iu aU kiods
of Jewelry.

AUalqbs Poaatais.
A vsrr baadsoBS foanUin bas bssa
planed la Us rsadlay roos ot Us Lion
saloon, wbleb Is nelqas la dwlya aad
vary attraedva ItlabalRla oetayoa'
foTB, of yalvaalsad Iroa, aad aat beBoaUUsdoma la Ua sallioy. Tba
(DsUl la palatad in imiutioo of Bsrbla
asd aroaad tba tank are set, la plaees
Idad, aarerml pou of palBs aad
t. Tbc spray is eoBpoaad of laermblo straans foreed-np from Ua
aaetsr pises, starabapr. eorered wUb Munson Block.
varl-eolored ylaas. eadersaatb wbleb
k aa alsctrie Ilybt Aa Ue water
aboou ap Us effect of Ue eolored
llybte k vary pretty. ProB Jeta aroead
tbe dsBS aereral atrsaas of water raa
Into Ue Uek below creatlay a very
pratWtffvcL Tba foaaiaie la a aovo\ty and Ue only one of lu kind in
Mlehtyae. It wee dsnlyaed by Henry
Toaneller aed esada by Arms A OoU.


A Keea.Olaar Brala.
Year bwt fesllaya, year aodal posi­
tion or boslseas eoeoew depend laryely
on Ue perfect aeUoa ot roar Siotaaeb
aad Liter. Dr. Kler's
Ilea's New Ufa Pills
ylre loereaaed streay
eegU, a kaaa, elear
Jaat Saved Bla Ufa
bralo, blyb aBbltloa. A Ift oaat b-s
It was a Urllllny rooape Uat Cbarlw '
a new belay.
SOS aad S R. Oavla of Bowrrttoe. O .Uuly bad* from
a triybtfni dwtb. Por two years a atvsre leey troehle coestantly yrew
worse nntll it aaensd be oust die ot'
Ooesenpllon Tbea be bryaa to nw
Or. Kley's New Oueoveiy and lately
wrow: ■■Ityavelastaat rrllef aed ef­
fected a pernaaent cere.’* Hnebwop.j
dcrfel cerw hare for it yean. Vraveo
Ik porter to core all Tfaroat, Cawi sod
I-IISL WAITTBO-Ter arerral k
Lerytrooblw. Pries SOe aad II 00. '
\T Apt>» >« Mr*. ». Vroevr. «IV
Brrry botUe yoaraetevtl. Trial bHUes
Jobnaon's and 8. B.,
T 0«-Lw» alcht
It •> cilr Opvre nos**. Meek iOe atJas. G
line reP"* eaS eare*. but ae Wall's drey storea.


It’s Up-To-Date.




Saqulrv of Tko» T,

STBCr JprvoT ruvB. rmiuv
I'Bna 1% Wilp«>n>« Aa;.!!
Vraak a Masn Slk MbpI4>


vpoB SXruARdB - Hob
aiivri WUI take In
PaM Dear for Ble Iwy.
B D Blaatoeof Ttaacbervilla, Tea..
U two year, paid oref MOO.OO to dos- I^UMsv
OS pnsosAL rjortora to core a Buaniey Hors oo b s ley.
Tsas Uey waaisd to oet It off,
fnOSSNT-BouMBkdBrvtclkaabara ■. S.
•d it wlU
—-----boa ot Beeklaab
■loerard. m SbbI Sink sirvrl.
VlO tf
Arslea Salve. Oearaetaad cure for
PUaa Ue a boa. bold br Jaa. O. ^TSL ^AOfTIIh-^Sar rvwral kouciBVVork.
o asd b. R Wait. drsyyUU.

Tt Cm U Sriwt l* M Iwn.

TpoSSALS-avBVB fociw k

No mDH^CKiuelii WaRNCB'a Wuirr r ka*. mrtrUBWan. S
WiMK OP Tau Svai l* for UU wmMe and fatal dl>eaM. If takes Ihur- I^IS BALB OB REST-0*4
oo^br aed In Uo»a It »iU core a
tan loi. So. nr. I
in M Sours, and fo- Ue oonyh Uat lollows La (irlppe 1'. never falla to ylve ElCI'iS" “ ““
rellof. Pr*M.8Scaad 60a
■: raiiara.

■9Si yrtiUI 9blaa
Cbolse plaeea. Joet Ua Uiay for
ObrlaUBs ylfta, at Ua atadlo of MIm
Ploreaoe Jaokaon, 41 Bast BlybU
sweat, ati-it 1

Wa«K rwrj aaluiaa






kwuaS of toasrbor
to"-—- SpriefB.
■— ’U oelyiTpuastASsn
• ‘---------------------------------laeUoS
aiv«s*-Y»p«tt wtik saeat
Ue BBlB lisa Ob »19
**-------------- -------------------- ._e Usls will leave st III p. I
■■ Isttesd ot4:10 p ao, O b«r inJac

bordered, frem 3e op.

For a Christinas Gift
What is prettier or more appropriate than
an artidR of Jewelry from onr assortment.

The same old prices prevail—as low as ever. Very 6ne
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks, SilrerwaTe, Opti­
cal Goods, Pins, Opera Glasses.


'fsss.-iv.s.. srs

'----------BOBrv.WavanvCUf. Hkek

I AXnvbTtVVa
oAvit tot

StoiG Too^i-iMortti Witet-it.ib
to H.16.

S. M0.Ktmetv|

«bb>kki»S KKaXKass KSUiiiKKKXliliw




sidewalk Lumber In .11 ilm.

SnooMSors to TrsYerao Oity Lnmber Oo

New Goods and New Fixtures
In mj store




KHB. .Wilkin goodi at modwmt. priow^Floik
^ MlebigM bioreb Oa k atiU Is
tbs Bsrkst for psU Md Bold r«a


»oo\4 Tteotomeit* ^ot i CVnUmw %v\l.

.217 Front Street

s ta Tme OB O. B A L By'

Some very handsome goods for small boys— ^

SI ages three to ten—beautifully woven and dyed—ooc,

■tDlTTMtUt ^OT ftoo ^e&Tt.

IA<«ol< a
nd BaavdMvvf awk.
et«ki. J. O. Jnwaa.



a $1.25 toSi.sofor best grades.

caded silks—handsome Bssortment patterns—booutl.
fhl linen goods from 26c to 60c—cotton, in plain and


rM#r oi
.--Tra,*r.r B<wl
a B. Rsbooloraft A o WUI Ooadset
AarUwR os oo Volos Airest.
jpoa bbls mb»i Bvu^^k^wr en-^ir
Iked B UoU. forBsrly o< Hoeor. aad
wbo tor Us peat two moaUs bas beep
ortifliir-it lUi. Bu»,m Biud U. r. i:bu or bVSoodseUsy > yroosry store os Ue dPTMMn
J arsros. Bur It airk.
oorser of NtaU and Haioe streets, has
a B*LS-«loia'pBrr 'oH.lo,
SoU'tbebuslBSMto C. R bsboolcraf^
IVBBI I kB.r IWVD en.iBB. ll«oi drirrrs
la Ikr <>ouBlr<, «BOI'oivll kM-Buar I Cu ool
AOc. wbo et pmsB t are la Ue yreeary oBvciSow.
bealsawoB Bast Prool street. Tbs
eoBpaay win eoedeet boUstom. Mr
Criulrr Oval Wuad Duk Co
Bolt bu'sot Bade keowB bis plans for C«OS MLS-flood k •» M«rlf Drv>. looiCflw,
Oval Wful lM»k Co
Ue fstors. bet will probably leare Ua r

*» saasaaasw»•
I Wool Sweaters

white hemstitchoa. with or without imtUl—tency bro­




I« Fine

» 3Vtv

With colored bordsrs—new desIgOA-plain

b. uw4 lot kl.
HMML M BvvovC oHro





The Boston Store

cigar than

Mt il


What About a Christmas Bonnet?
No better present to suggest for yonr wife or sweetheart.
Feast your eyes on onr bMntiful window displays and in­
terior Christmat decorations sad yon will have no tronble to
make yonr moat appropriate selections of Christmas gi^.

B}' choosing an; other

M”re£S’.‘jrau"s— -srr.’

p*rl«Br«. Boi lot.allr

DnUl tbe Uat day. The variety will not be ae good, axid we
cap give you better atteation now. Oome to the B^tcn Store
—b^qoartert for evembing. groaped under one roof. Onr
are wwii
well luapiayw,
diepUywi, aua
and t_________,
OhrUtmaa • gifts anggaai tbamselves without a aiWial effort on yonr part
CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS for th> nobby dM^m-alipP®TB for the cold feet.
A wealth of handkerchieU displayed on our main floor,
from the penny kind to tbe band embroidared.
Kid Gloves and Mittena from TiOc to $1.60.
ArUstioally embroidered Oxford Hnfllere in atyliab ahadings.
A Jacket, Cepe or jriece of Fur would be a moct appropri­
ate gift for a lady.
A dreea pattern ont of onr mammoth dry goods department
u a moat nat*ful present, to ba well appreciated.
A 6n» dress pant, a fancy vast, a dreae anil or overcoat are
anbetaiiUal preeeiita, and yonr money well invented.

You Will Make
A Mistake

R y. DsBsmore Beys -BedmoeL*'
Ywtcrday B.J Mon^a aold bla sy»d-

at IkU uBrr.

The Boston Store
Do Ibt Delay
Your Cliristinas Shopping

We are abowinK a rery large ato^^
oflbeUleatnorem^i,. ^

kO. 7*0, 4I.U. *1.00 to «S,00.



Best lot ever brought to Trav­
erse City. I will have here on Dec­
ember 20, a carload of the best
horses from Indiana. Before buy­
ing call and see them.


l-^'^-^'^aiUiUiUimmUiUimUUliUUlUlUlUl^BrodhaEen-. Bam. But. St



At Bwm «)m fa«OTl •mmMx bM
«1mM WUthar B*EMr. r*dlAl, ol
WtimmwM, Zvieb. to bo frooldoat of
•orllowUai tor IMO. Bo to m« vioo'
Aa oAooaoo of » tot) U |wr ooai. Is
ibo frtoo «(stoToo ssd rssfv boo boos
4ooU«4«sbrtboA«MtsUoso( 8t»*o
Hsssteotoron. sow Is ooooloe si OW«sfs. Tbo s4tsseo wOt Utco oflcit
Asassrj I.
TboGormssoratoortooobto to took
«(l« Uoma Ifitorccts to VesnsoU
orblto fooelottoasiT ktotorbsisoo oes»
A toototf Ust of tbo tosd ohpvt tbst
twsB^-oU SMS or«ro kUtod br too
■As^ to tho Osrbes BUI alMStCtor'
kosido. Wsih.
«ostnou tor tko dolloorr «< dOO.OOO.ODO
Boot of »too tofo to bUIo to tko Ttotoltgr
«r DoloU.
«rost BrooktTS brldfs, to dosd to Bow
Tariksfod »1. Bo wso s oirU war *otOspk etfoboo bu osltod tron Borfolk. Vs., with tko UtUoohtt ~
to brtof bstto from Hsrsas tbo bodtoo
ofM^ dtosoior oleitoM, bsrtod to
Ootos ooBotorr.
BrsoU wUl ofisisU/ protoot s«stoot
tboAMfto-VoBotootSB srbitrstlds
■ooort'o award, boessao it r '*«
r to tbo
Ttoe towfol kto( of Ksbtods, Africa,
to a jsaitor to a Has ITranotoeo oBee
toolidlac oad wtoldo a braom to lln of
•B oeopior. Bo boa lately petluoaed
-both Qoooo Vietorto sad RinyCbarloo I
«f Portacal. tor rootorattoo of bU law
fsl riebta, wbtob, bo ny*. wosld bo
oaly tbo Battor of a war skip or twa
Kabiada to eftaatod botwoas tbo pooaoBtoat of Portsfal asd rraaeo
«ad to part of tbo Oooco Froo
Stato. Tbo klne. wbo to kseors to dao
Brsaptoeoao plats Jasoo Jaekooe, oayo
that' bo loft hto own oossb7 aboot
twOB^-dro yosfs afo, wbas it yoaro
eld, to 000 tbo world, and after roinr
to Bs^asd drifted aboot till booamo
to ABortca, aboattwelro yeaistaro.
OoroBO^ jaryi
Utof tb
Waob.. 1
MlaodtoOBter at narboealo. Wi
orkieb W 11?b wore loot, last wvok.
toaro aboidrod tbo eompasy from blame
boeaaio tbo mtoars were to tbo bablt
«f amoktoc to tbo mlaa
Oos. Jaapor Paekard, dtoUaentobod
«lrb war oeteraa,^ dead to Lafayette.
fad., acod 67.
Bobort Ot^dy.
ily dead.
hat torsod ap'to a bo^tby oosdlUos to
€htooffo asd olx of hto frtosda asd rol
atlfoo are belsy prooeontod for eoUeettor loonraseo os bto life, koowiar bis

i tka oU
I taoorlta, *'Bast Iasm*”
madllably yrimatod to Btoiaborfb
Oraad taatalrkt. wttk Mtoa Bail aa
Lady iBbaL Tbto part to to «aod
baadoaad tka ethor ekaneton
•qaally waU portrayed. Tbto aftori"UastoToBbOabto’‘wUlbo tka
lettoo at Iks matlaos aad tkto
oroal^-Tb^ Oarroot of Sto.- wUl
r baa booked Mr.
Alfred Loa to “Tbo Baobotorto Baby,'
far Doeombar M. Tbto to a romidnr.
rotWkto«, froiby. mlUiary eomody aad
tko loadlar oplrlt. Mr. Loa. to dootorad
to bo amoar tbo moot laUated
a llaao to tko baataoao.
Aaotkorgeod atuaeitoa wktoh baa
MS oocarod far tko soar fsWro to
“Tba Adraataro of Lady Diaala.** Tbto
play hao baaa aU tba rare is tbo oaatara eiUoo aad to proaasud by oaa of
D.slal Krobmaab boot eompaatoi
Jobs BarroupbK. tbr auibor
critic. In Ilia liojboud nsK a M-boulmaie
of Joy OoaM.
Tboodorr Crwby. wbo ctolow to be
a drw-rudoDi frulu Alfrrtl ib<- (arrmt,
baa brill 0 vutrr at CaBaudalriia. N.
T., for 7fi yrara.
Dmitri HMwlvftrb Hrpjaptn. tbe
arw Hniuinii mlnUirr of tb«- liitortor.
00 a bmiibli- Jueiliv of i)ir to-arv tu
ir of tb«- Muwea fttoiricin.
Priurr liaUd uf llHwall. a urpbrw
of former gut-ru l.llliiukaUal. oti
that he )ia« alKiiit <lii-l<li<d to m
TVaabInvtou bio |wri»aiH-ui bumr.
J«w-|>li Arub. tbr lalK>r tuember of
wliom l.eilv
ally tVarwi<-k Is
book bruui
JB« to ]-uiaif
irriiNl Mid rriire froo
tlce. I* to be DiflrHiN)
T)*e flfot Wi-ddlUK at tbe Tower of
London In many yt-am a ao tbat of tbe
dauEbler of H.r Ilurb (ieurb to C. il.
Btylc. celebrated rweuUy. Tbe l>rldal
port.T wao ••e.t.nert l-y tbe Yoemas
WortlenMwf ibe Tower.
When Jumlre nucknill of Cardiff,
Walee. pnimiuiK-ed raplul aeuiencc
for tbe tint time In bio Jodlctol career
recently be broke down and wept, aa
tbe priooner waa o womaiL wbo wonld
leave oeveral lltUe chUdren mnUxelea.

* ofCood

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House

Dec. 4th
to 16th

Dramiic Compiit.
Sapportios: the Joint

Begins in the
growing. Anywhere
between the plantation and^ the coffee pot. the .
flavor may be changed, the )quali^ spoiled by care­
lessness, inexperience, or unscrupulous methods.
From the time Arbuckles' Coffee leaves the hands of the
grower until it reaches the user in a sealed packet, it is handled
with the same watchful care, the same thought for cleaniiness,
that you would give any article of food that goes on your table.
The house of Arbuckle is the largest and oldest coffee house in the world. Its employees have grown up caring for this great
business; the business has grown great under the care of its
employees. As a result of this personal care,

Plays Changed Every
Kight^Con tinnous
MatiDe«2:30 this*aftemooa

Uncle Toni’s Cabin



Roasted Coffee

They Were I'eM M II.
H. A. Tarbol of cleTclanA wbo la
is used every day in more than a million American homes.
of aoutbem estrartlou. told tbe followIts reliability is recognized ; its quality is appreciated ; its
; atory In illuotratfon of tbe different
. lOU of view from wtil<-b the luaecuflavor is enjoyed; , its price is a revelation.
------------llnt- and fciulnlue uilodB often look
npoo tbe nine subject, "itome years
Ask the grocev for Atbucklet’ Routetl CoSee, and be *ute
aro o cenain blabop of one of tbe
imiotatrs aoutb of Maan^ and Dlkon'a
tations of Arbuckles’.
line." said Mr. TsrlKix.V^'ho vlalttog
ao»x friends of mine In Alabama,
wboui for ivuvcnieuee aake I will call
tbe Kmiihs. Tbe blidiop. reiumlof
from a walk, found ibe family cal
swlmmliia artmbd In and vainly tryiffCKUB BRIMi.,
Ins to aet out of tbe bfim-l from
New Voefa city, N.V.
which tbe drinklnc water tvaa drawn.
After rem-iilnE liinuiy the binlic
lisliop entered tbe tiouse. and. Amlli ; Ur. and
Mro. Kuilili in tbe sluing
rIOMsI tbe ctrcumatanie. whereat tbe
bead of tbe bouM* ItecauH- aouewhat
traewMOlVy Baifart.
etelled mill went out. mi be aald,
below to a Uat of toe buytog and Bell­
have the water bull ehangnl. Mra.
Rmlib. liiiwever. men-ly remarked; ing prioes of yeatorday for groeenat.
“Dear little kilty, she .ifleii does that. - rlaloae aad farm prodneto la Tymv
only bo|>e
poor ililiig hasn't
eSHglit cold.’ -Hie bl«li
- - 1io|. during tbe
iwlame of' Ills stay
Slay r»“gaiinleil the water
acrv««d at talile
■' w1lb an of frave


Tkodrot Lafayette dollar, tbo sa>
KaoopoelmoDastbortood byfeosrroM
bo aid tbo fond for tboSoraetloo of o
Imtoyette mosamoot to Parto. waa
Tbe colored regulars in tbr Ph'llpatradfoff at tbo PblladelpbU mlat
plnea err as quick at reparttn- as they
All sizes—all colors—all grades—a complete
TkafOday. It wUl bo prooeoted by
arc promiH to utu-y ordera. A black
the prooldoBt of tbo Uaiud Sutoo to serm-ant wbo n-as balled by a biveay
new line just in for holiday trade.
ProoldoBl Loobort of Praaeo. Fifty
western rolunitt-r. -‘Well. nig. what
t will be eiraek. to be .are you going to do beivr' n-jillod,
Ask to see them.
Ai^oecd of at« a pleee.
I "We'n going to take up tbr white
man'o bonlpn. I suitiios. ’'
OlrelBBailtosblpploc eight ean of
Myaon baa been troubled for vss
how per week to Manila.
eltbe’lroala^arritoea. SomeilmesL
' 0<-a. Bates' troaty}wUk the snlUn of I pe-vended biro to take aome of Cbsm....................

Jolohae beea made public. Tt pco- brrl.ij'aOoUe. CKolera sod Diarrhoea
Fnfllcal Slw lu
wldMforeompletoUnltod tttatoe tovla’aebrwai cared I g'-«el‘'ls;HranperlOO-..
orntaotyorer the.wuhaii'e terrltoriee.
Three Men On Pour Wheels.
enlsl. 1
lee'mlla'ly Buckwheat Plonr nor bbl..........
^ves freedom of.religinn to all. allowe
' bemSiMl.
Three men on tour wheels is Jerome
Ml tlNo RATIcrot
-alnvB to bay tbemMlee*. -grunu tbe - rhomee C
Olaaooe. O.
E. Jeroote's rntber eeeeoUic title far
tbe eeriee of humorous sioriee whteb he
an.tan a ealary of tf&o per manib. and •ale by 8.
Wheat, old. per bu.........
bus Just ooroplrled for Tbe Satorday
Wbeek per bu. (new)..
ia elleat aboal polygamy.
Pvvulng Pre^f PblUdeIpbla. Every
Oats. No. I, per ba. (nev
Unntomala's government hae-boione wbo he« read Three Meo In a
ipwed SMW.eou nnd eent some troope to
.-ckaMaome revolaliantsts out of tbe
and bis two o
e aetwo pari of tbe repnblle.
Butter. p«r fa.
dnamgator'eDwtwaefoaadta tbe
AogeUaa River bottome near Necoedo
ebea. Teaae, a few days ago, by June Arc Quickly Queoched simI thf '^‘utoea, cnlla. (Miebigau Starch
Tbe first story of Mr. Jerome's
B Harris. In which waa tbe mother
Oo-.laeeardingtoqaallty. It itc.
Skio Beautifully Healed by
sariM will anpear in tbe Post of Janaad eighty youagotjec about one foot
" lltostrallong. Tbe mother was e foot long. He
nOO Seward. $100.
aieoeaptnred the meeeot of the alllraep
•t«B taatlly. m large loggerhead turtle,
one dreaded dieease tbat science bav
which waa in tbe neek Mr. Berria
be«D able to cere in all Its sugee, and
The lortuics of ccaraia arc (taqoeotly Ihet to eatarrah. Hall's Catarrab Cure
atatea tbat tbto ovlparcnu.aalmal to isvariably foand with tbto Bpwdw of np- beyond codursece, asd at Ibe Scab be­ to tbe only poaltlre core known to tbe
comes ta* sod tbe iicbing and bniniog medical fratornity. Oatorrah being a
Ule while tbe yoang are la a atate of
eonstitnUooal disease, rrquiree e eon-!
etitnttonal treatmenk Hall's Uatarrab I
Aa a eata far rheamattom Cbambww in Christmas preslalan Pain Bslm to galnlag a wide
D B. Jobaatoa of Bleb- uined. Msnv also give up in
trou' ‘
But there Is hope. There la i
preMi-t. ^ OaTlood Sclected From Indiana Stock, JuBr v
that yon can be cured by i

! np-to.datt
. _
of U be eaye: "I never foand aayihing
--------------- ortboasaads
doing iu work. Tbe propriethat woald relieve m» aaUI I a^ rejoice over
a effected by this great toeuAave
ao mneh faith in iu curative
Chambwlain'e Pain Balm. It acta Ilka rcinedy. Here are
spler of
c* grateful
powentbat they afEir oae fanndred
« witn me. My foot wae ewollea lellen from eared i___
id paining me vwy maeb. bat one
Miss MsDW GrBiicn, Sio Wolf street. doUanferany eaee that It faila to
- • * Itot of.....................
•od appUeaiioa of ^ Balm relieved Syracom. N. Y.. writes: ‘‘I need Dr.
Barn on 8tat« gtreet
LB. Wait and P. C Chase's Oietmeat for ecsema on my
yon ever saw. We offer tbe
face. It relieved tbe terrible itching
week at a special price, in ronnd
burning at tbefiratanplication, and
Tfa Omro m MM M OM Day. and
and square styles. Note prices: ^
Tube Warner 's White Wine of Tar St-rop aoon effected a compla* cure, leaving
the skin clear and pert- .y heeled.*’
tlm bem congh remedy cm earth. 2i> sn<
Large Medalions,-vritb extra
Ml. P. S. Boae, of «M Sixteenth
Btreek Buffalo. N. Y.. wntee: “Onr
Rilt frame...........................;....48e
babv boy euflered for aome time with
in smar#* sixe for.............38c
that wretched eemma. and we were un­
able to find anything to cure or even re­
Still smaller aises for........86c
Panum are reqanrted to brlngntraw lieve hto pain. aTU epplleatioiis of
to my bam forMdlar. taking ma- Dfr-A. W. Omse's Ointment stopped tbe
Remember we offer bondreds of
Every hasband wants one—every wife wants
WMM WiM «f Tm* Synwr ^
nare In aacbengn- J. O. Jenaen.
bat ooogh remedy oe earth, enra acold articlea at a special bargain. If
her husband to have one of them—moderate prices—
’ rwesMittan bm QilaaB’i XiaRk
la ooe day if uhen in tiiae. faandbQcta. yoQ want to save money in Christ­
|4.50 to $10.0)—every style and color—all su^
mas gifts, call at the
■ival ae an ebrolnu cate ________ XaqnmdsBall.
Sbeom. Bcaema and all iteUag al Ibe
Tbmn wtU be a masquerade hoU In
Pnraeme deatrlag nfaa taoAan’ MUe akin: yocenua boa, at all daalan, or
at eeat wUl do wan to isqnirn of J. Di.L W. Omn M^ne Ga., Balalo,
Ofudoorwan of
B Baniay. Nt North Bpnaa ntraok
Blakafay'n orobaotra.
Stainborf^ OtaM Opma BoMi.

gSJESiESe:*;.”'.::;;;;: '"S



A. S. Fryman,



Raging Fires
of Eczema

Dr. Chase’s Ointmenl.




House Coats.

Variety Store



«rttv-n* «liik «t

•M Vond at tM.
II to mU tbu Mm4« •« I

WkM a MM -P»« kto kMTT M
«i«kt tc *n Ua toootk.
A uttoUalMi aafltoitw tba vorM'a
itodakMkMM at tlM.M.000,000.
‘ Tba Tartar eaa ka)d aaoUar toaa'a
Jaw vkaa ha caat bold bla ova.
Wbaa a tmmI aakaa a **loac nach"
aha vrohablr «eaa tt .«ltb bar ‘'Tard
*^ara roa arar aahaaaadad by a
aoaitoaar n<«: bot I ala«7a Sad
Uoto mac ta valLAm aCK aoaatar baa baaa taraatM.
A to oalr food aftar tba agsa bate
booB batcbad. bevarar.
BocarailUoaa barbart tblnk that tb*
Boaac aanad br abarlac 4aaA awa U
tacky ta caabU vltb.
Baatboraa voald bava buaad bl*
-Adalalda’ bad It aoi baaa tot a lilene
et kto —1—1 Bartb.
utrldca aball. vhicb
Md U flrinc, U BO*
aoBlas lato naa 1b tba mack an
Wbafa tba dlCaraaaa batvaaa a
BBdapolleaaaaB? Ooe cooka tba BMat.
aad tba otbar Baata tba cook.
toolbar—“No*. Barer lot aa catch
TOO at tba )aB acala.*' WUUi
tried Bot ta tot TOO catch bm tbU
WoBlddn It ba tea avtsllr a*oet Ua
Bin eooid OBir cbaBca bar draaa at
Baay tlaaa U a day aa aba cbaasea
bar Blad?
Otar aoBBor anlkcbt to aald to
boaatrata tba MadlterraBaaB aaa ta a
depth or 1 jCM feat; artatar aoaUcbt to
•air CM feat.
Dr. JabaaoB. botac aakad ta t*^t
daflalttoB ot BOBaaoea. rapllad; *^tr. K
to BOBaoBae ta bolt'the dodr vltb
benad eorreLT«o Oileaira banka bare faned wUb/ ti a vaak. Tba oflleatB probablr patroalaad tba raataaraat at tba fair for a
- ooBPla of dara.
Tba-bloa aaaltt .of baaaaa'
ftarar hrokea lata by barctara OcBtie•UB la that protaadoa doat travel Is
that dlracUoB.
Ma* auy eoma aad bob Bar to: bat
for caoalBC aad koine, the earraat cin
baa a record that aartr *111 ba broken
•leapt by haraatt
tba-"Ho* waa yanr apieeb at tbe
•lab raealred tba ether niebtr He—
*Wbaa I aat do*a they Mid It waa tb«
boat tblac 1 erer did."
Tba OoloBbtaa poeU
It eouldat
la BllawtaK aa twice as Bttcb tor «
DnrlBC a raecBt tbnndar atorm la
btalaa tba akin of a boy wbo wee
■track by Ilcbtalnc turned a dark par*
pia. aap baa raBalaed an erer alaec.
Tba coat-tail flirtation la the latest.
91 wrlaklad ccat-ull. baariai doA toeBarka oa a rajacted suitor. Bcaaa. **I
have apokan to year father."
Afford to Ktva aa peany poataga. bat It
tor. Abaontaind—"It la pretty cold
to bare." Barber—Tea. air;
CblUy tbla foornlDC.*' tor. Abaentinind
—"U you have no ebjaedoa. ni keep
* toy hat on while yon are eattlnc ay
TrlTTOt—"Wbat are yea dalnc,
XMearr Dlrar—"1 an aUll laoktag for
BOBatbtac to tarn op." TnTrat—“But
you denT Bead to look taitbar than
pour Boaa tor tbaL"
Nad--Wbara-a ToB? He la icaaerBlly iB ttBa." Fred—"Toic’s ebair «lii
ba aanty for aoBO day* He bouitbt a
btryela yaatarday. Tbcn ba tbouaht It
weald bo ouch a plaaaara to be able to
•idA New ba wrltaa U would ba auch
A ^aaaora to ba able ta walk."
At A railway atatioa. aa old lady
■aid ta a vary poBpoua-looklaff pintleBaa. wbo 1
•taoB?" "Steam, au'iij^ Is' ab—ab.
•tatB to------" •’1 kasw that chap
■ooldat tall ya." aald a
tallow ■UBdlnc by; "bpt ateam Is s
boekA of water la a tremaadona periplratloa."


Bald-baadad Maada find tt dlSeolt
to part.
Baal cratUnda to Barsr aabataod of
BaBbla baaafactara
Aboat tbe craatsA drawbadt to a
toaa'a bapplnaas Is blaaalt
Bad lack la aaaU caaBUdB Bakes



la Ua rack A Ottnttar Usra an

Mta MeKlBtor~iraald to tow
■bom AN tottart a day.
fflBaa bis raAdanea ta
BbUo Eoia to wld ta bare oatmjmo
tr aoatrltmtad Urea sobb
WUltam Wataoa. tba poet, has roaAvad. by tba dsalb U a dtoUat
tlTA a Iwaey wbieb will nadar bton
ladapaadwt tor Uto.
Tba AUbaBa Isctoiatsra baa paaaed
a raaAaUon raeoBBaadlac tba appoUtBsst ot Osnaral WbaaJsf to ba
Balor ccaeral la Ua tocalar army, aa
■OOB aa a vacaacy aball ocaor.
Jeaeph V. QuarlsA Ua aew otBatar
toon Wlaai->ata. to a endoato of the
Dnlveratty of MlcbtcaB. aad. bAac a
football aaUBtoaA. atteada aaarly
every case played by Ua atoraa of
that eoDecA
Gaorca Tbayor. a eaco taaoaa abo#
mioatot and tbe fatbA of SsBaal R.
Thayer, of tolaaeapoUs. Btnlstar to
tbe NAbertsBds nndA Prwldaat RarrlBOB. baa laA ealabraiad bis tXd btoUday to BoebsAA. N. T.
Rev. to. J. Buckley aad Rev. P. )
Ackley, twin bratbera. of Newbaryport. toaaa. were ordained to a prieA
hood A Brlcbtoa Ua Aher day. They
war* educated at Ua same paroebUI
acbool, eollsca and Baatoarr.
A reAdnary baqaeA of a larac
aaoaat baa been made to the will of
Ooloaal Wllllaa B. McCray of Hartford
to tba HsMfnrd bnaplla! for A ware
for trleadlew women. Ua aoaay to be
BTsUable after Ua daaU of Ua tsAator's widow.
Tba Bamorla) to tbe lata Piiiclpal
Calrd to to take Ua fora of a aUtoed
paaa window to Ua Bata Hall, OUa
caw. Tbe dealra, which baa tba approral of Mtn. Calrd and the nuAer of
BalUoI. eonslsu ot twelve flraraa—fonr
phlloaopbers. four thaoloclana aad four
allacorleal flpjres.
SUtto Paaba to about to leave tbe
^ryptton army. In order that be may
spend tba reBslader of bis days amooK
hls friends to AuAria.
He bed
enongh of the flendaa durini the advanes on Obdurmaa. He left Vienne
for Cairo at the age of 11, and tlx yearn
later was appointed by Gordon coverBor of Darfur.
Senator Rtirrowa, of Vlrblgma. has
a Urge collertloo A arrapbooka. cooUlnlng nearly every printed article re­
lating to hlmaalf from bis flrst election
to Congress In tbe Kalanacoo district
down to tbe present day. These srrapbooki arcompany their owner every­
where he goes in a political capacity
tor say leactb ot ttma.
tor John Bdmaad Conmerelt. who
w aowretlred. became aaaocUted anth
tbe British navr to 1841. and alUloed
the rank A admiral of tbe fleet to 18Sr..
He baa a vei7 toll acHve-aervIre rec­
ord. dating back to 1*45, to which Vrar
he took part to tbe River Plate af­
fair. In 1854 be absred to tba bard- ,
ships and dangers of tbe CriineaB
He also went tbrongb the Chins w
]RS»-80. and Ue flnt Ashsntee war. to
tbe Utter ot which be waa aeverely
Prof. Dicker, tbe well-known asatylA. blatorlan aad lawyer, to to snrceed
Sir John Lubbock as principal of the
WAktogman'a college. Great Ormond
Street. London. This InAltatlon was
about half a century ago by
Maurice. T<
Bugbea and Charles Kingsley. Its piirpose being to unite tbe students, who
are for the moA part wc*klngmen. and
tbe learbert, by aaaocUilng them in
tbe common work A taacblac


OoAdora bava ba« klUad ta Para
wlU vlags ot forty toot spread.
Belaattota are A oplaloa Uait aesM
toabaraa laA for 2M yaara.
Tbara are abom MOO Uaatras la
BorapA Italy pewMaii bom.
Tweatr-Acht vartatiaa A Ua Iwub
crow ta Italy; la rnaw Aavea.
Tbara are tweaty-tbraa acres A Uad
to every labaMtaat A Ua clobA
Oaly oaa pacaoa to every aevaa baadrad llvaa to reach Us so A sicbiy.
A Baa's alas are bto eradltora. and.
Uka UsB. Uar are son to find blB

WbCB war VMsalB saA ta batUc
they otioo clva each eUar a blowiag
PMAa Barer Utok A wblaUtac to
Iralaad. It to a vloUUoa ot Ua divtoe
Tba ktoc A Italy. Uka kto tatber.
Viator BBasaal. oaly takaa oao mooj
a day.
Tba Boakays at tba aooiacleal cardaa la Vlaaaa bava aU died ot

8At watA, folta atronc. ased -peratotaaUy for a UmA will pravant Ue
hair traa talllag out
A speck af cold wetgblac tba mlilloaeU part of a crala may ba eaally
aaan by tba aakad aya
In Malaga woUaea an allowed fif­
teen Binnies' leleara la avary hour to
amoka ctgarattaA
Tba Oarmaa ampacA recently irauwl
an ordA againat oflicers la Ua Amy
(lag single eyrclaaaaa
Boat man era ao coatriantlons that
Uay Barer put off anything tUl toBArow but tba bill collector.
Tba coat A eaubllUlag n aatBeg
plaatatloB to very high, nod'for ten
yaara at least there can ba no ratnra.
Tha colored people to Ua United
Bute malntAn Mvea collegaA aavciftaea aeadrmlea. aad fifty blch Abools
Tba BAt woadcrfal vegetable In the
world to Ua truBe; It baa aeitber
toou. stem. legsea. flovera. aor seeds
la Corfu sbAts A papA pans tor
Boney; one ekeat taya one fluart of
TiA. or twaty shrata a plsA A bemr
Tbe quwn A Coras aalatalat a lad)
pbysiclaB who Uva to the royal pallet
and rsAlvA a yurly aalary of 816.000
Bvary workman to Japan wrara on
bto cap and on bis back aa InArlpMou
giving bto buBtocA and bto aaployer's

A oorraapoBdeat wants to know bo*
to remove palaL The bAt way U to
ait down on It. aad Uw c« «P and
walk away.
A lumlDona At. made A tin. and
painted with pbospbaruA bA beer
patented. It to Intended to frlghtcr
away nto and bIa.
Tba royal train to which Qnaaa Vic­
toria traveli aevA exceeds tweaty-flvt*
BllM aa hour during tbe night, ine ob­
ject being to prevent bar majesty from
being dtoturbad wbUa ebe 1« asleep.
-Why are yau so aangbty. Johnayr
It aecma to me that. wlU mammn
worn out aad papa with a brakA arm.
you might try to ba good." “Oh." Aid
Johnny, "ibsi's Juat Ua time to ba hadNo one can Uek ba"


laaoB A iBAana
Tbe akelAoB meaturea one Inch leas often speaks a tba rau A 86» WAds
Uan the hngbt A the liAng msa.
per minute.
Traveling fifty miles an boar, a loBx-SanstA Call A Florida aUU fol­
aomotlve glv^ont 62,800 puttA
lows bto old custom A eanylnc aU als
A good camel wlU travA IM mJ}
papers to hls high hat

day for ten dayA
DurlBC bto two ysars la ofcte
The oldest maa la Vienna has lately Governor TaylA of Tcbbsaa granied
been keeping bto llltb birthday.
692 pardons. eommutatloBS aad
Parts alone, dnrtng tbe winter aea- spItA On tbe last day of bto i
on. spAda about UM.OOO on llUea A be signed forty-Urea pardona
tba vAiay.
tors Jobn RusmII Toung to prepsrTba average life A a Beta A tbe lag fA ^bllAtloD a Ampliation ot
Bank A BagUad to a little lara than Ue beat writlnga and lattara ot her
aaveaty davA Notaa are boa rats- bAband. Ua lata Ubrarian f Con
nra has paaeil
Tb.a fly lays foar times each ai)Bmer
ad alcbty acre each Uma. Tbe dec- n raAlutlon i
idtng tbe ap.
to be
eondants of one female fly ia a Aagle polntment of Gaacra] Wbeeh
aaaaoa may number 2.080420.
Bajor-geaeral la Ue ragulA army as
It bat be«n fouad to Bwitaerlaad that soon u a vaeaney sbaU occur.
la balldlBt a railway, laborera could
WAk only ona-tblrd as long at a kelgbt “RMty." died Ue oUer day at tte
ot lO.OW tart aa a sUa Iowa.
WcAmorclaad Home In OmaabaTg.
An average man A 164 pounds Pa Ha was Ua oldest printA la Penn
weight bsA U is aald. enough Iran la gylranu. being 7# years A age. “Kusty
kia eoastltoRon to make a plougbsbare. trampcd Ue oouatry betwcA Hainr
aad enough pboapborea to mafca half and California fA forty yearA and war
known la noarly avery nowapapA oBce
a Billion matebaA
iroken-wlndad bom to rarely aaen oa tbe long roatA
Tba faatenU made Taeaat ta U<
to Norway. Tbe fact to aecounted for
by Ua autameat tbA a backet A Fraacb Academy by Ue death A to
water is always placed wlUto raacb Edouard Herva baa a peculiar dlsot tba bom when be ta feedlac. and tiseUoe- Since tba estobltohaMnt or
Ua aatmal Aiaraately takaa a bmU- Ua Academy In 1(24 It baa bean occu­
pied by a-Jinaer numbA A members
fat A bay and a alp A wsto.
than any oUa cbAr. That la to uy.
daring tstp ABtarlA and n half It bat

A man loasa kto appallu for a lot A
thiaca while waltlac tor tbarn.
‘ Tba tralB boy books ■
than tba gaaeral paaaoBCor scant.
Boas tailors pva eoAoBara I
Wblto etbara fin tbsB soaralakBA
Xaay ot oar wota troablsa are tboaa
Which wa aapsA but aarar happen.
Tba leas a maa aaoBnta to tba bots
ba beaaa at tba daada at hit aaaeatorA
im Barely Ua tall A a cefltary.
’ A Baa wbe looka only M one Ada of
Bapotatloa—OalT a babble whan
A Ibtoc ttoactooa aratT Mbar Baa doaa
•ada by a blowA.
Snob—A man wbo thtaka oUara
! Wo an M4 that wealth doM ba
.ttrtac happinaaa aad wa know that think him betiA Uaa be to.
Btrataev—Tba aetoaca A <ad*etafl
oUera to walk Into year trap.
Wbaa a Baa'doas •
to m tbA roa bad uwoebt at d6iac
aleable—Tba argaatoat we «aa to
|to blB tt warps tba coldSB rvla
prove Ua~bUA taUew la wroac' Probably tba BiUlBA raallm bar IBTberBometar—A device Ia regaUtig Ue price A eoal and Ica
BbUUy ta Bake Sat birds A flaa toath■ta, aa «ba daeentaa kato with tbsB.
Laagaaca—fioaBeUtoc that eaakUa
A W«A fflda Ban who bppmms bta
BSB to aacar aoat bis Ueochta.
BaUdoa-SoBaUtac that makes a
aalctav poor BhfMd ate tavtac hSMi

oatMeal and


A dlsBMd tA enttlBc gtaaa tatoa
■boat Um bobUa
Spain has fawA dally papara than
any oUa oouatry.
Tba TsaoB A U* ootaa. tt onh
lowad. la birmliB
Tba heart A a Giylaad ^ala to a
yard la dlaBsur.
"I baUeva to tahtag Uto «atoUy." toBarked UaUlat
Tbara are ova IS.dM ▼arlsttoa A
poataga ataapa to Us world.
AU obataclA to.Ua aaa A atoetna
traction bava now boon got oror.
Only tea pA cant, ot Oennan •oboalbeya are aald to go ta tor nUlaUca.
Batata are aA mads ta a day. bat
tonaars eaa ba made ta a bobsbcCsUfornla. Dalawan. Ksatacky. and
Iowa are practioally 0at A data.
Ugbt-balrad paoplt. aa a rala. are
longer itvA Uan Ua dAk-balrad.
RuMtana are ^orot atalciad wUb
bUndaaas than any oUa natloaallty.
There are asAly as many aUaalona
to BBRoa aa to baA ta Bbakaapaara.
Tbs King of Spain la a vary a^ong
boy. agly, bat bright and guod-toBpared.
Tba BOBA that to Ua root A Al aril
to Ua BOBA Uat la In nnothsr'a poe-

Oruc lattnbitnnta A Parts L47SJO0*
Uva by tba labA A Uelr bands.
F»^ ^ nearly a bandred nxn
pAladicnk Uan U bad n yanr ago.'
Aboat $apj000.vuo worth A robbA
waa exportid from BrasD last you.
A nuie organlasrioii of OruggitW
bu been effected at Dearor,
The AdeA INaahyterlaa congtagaam.
^ bKsted at Stww

Daring tbe wtotA SS.000 men will
out Ane logs to kllcbigan. Wlacooata
and tolnoesoia.
A vanilla bran k«-A to tbe sagA bog
Inpan* a dHlclous flavor to sagar.
Tba 2>encb know tbla.
There are totUy 40.000 negro atndents to the bigtier educaUoual Instltuilooa A this <-ountry.
Onrlng tbe tori Utrty years Eng­
land has Uxighi of Canada woA to
Ua ralnc <>f f:::i$c.u)o.ot«.
Women grooms tn attend yoBA pereons when ilu-y ride ore a recent Lon­
don tonovatlon.
There ere In Franra ISlOjnS Indnetrial raiaI.Ushi»rtiU eiuploylA
Uan founeeii iiersons.
Two leuiianle cmiBned to one cage
to the PltteUnrc Zoo rerenlly fought
onlll l««h wen- fHtjilly Injured.
ITh* eoH of Kgypi dt the prraent day
to tlllwl by exac-ily the luiiae kind of
oloarb (bat was UM-d 5.0U0 venrs a

Tba Caarp throaa to m14 to ba worth
four tlBM u Back aa Quean Vietorla'g
A bAbA to cnllad a toaaorial artist
when ba bacoBM an Apart at drawing
An orange tm in Florida bu borne
fifteen Uounnd oraagaa during
post aeaaon.
Tba UAted States of America baa
960 UBlvareitlaa. 4440 profaaton. aad
69.400 atudentg
Tba peraoB who enn least spars It to
ortaa moat willing to give oUas n
pleoa A bis mlnA
Tba Chinese emit fa Bora than 1,200 BilM long, gaoarally over Utn>
feet blgb. and twenty-four feat Ulck.
Tba apretetors may regard a ball­
player as bad. but oftentlasa ba lan't
half M bad M bs flalda.'
Mora tobacco to naad by tba Aostrians to proportion to tba population
Uan by any other aatioa.
Vltan a young mas to on Ua way to
Ttolt bto gtrl you can tell by bis haate
that bto business to pmriag.
It to Milmsted that to England one
man la 600 geu a eollsca education,
and to America one to trerr 200.
A ttr'estern leeturA bu Mlected for
bto auhjeet "A Bad Egg." This cubJact oftM strikes a lacturA unfavor­
Bealu are now made that will weigh
Ua flame of a eaodla or tbe Bmallesr
strand of balr plnckad tram Ua eye­
Those wbo BOtlea tbe rapid growth
of tbeir finger-nails should be bsppv
fA It to MCiridared to Indtcato good
baaltb. ^
Natives of the Solomon Islands think
that hurricanes are caosed by tbe flap­
ping of tbe wings of soma Boaster tnTtolble bird.
The man with an only bob—"Wbai
klad of Abolara do yon turn ont at
this inetltuilon?" Prtoelbal—“Those
wbo won't study."
A man bought a rubbA rtog
Broadway tbe othA day, and put It
bit flngA tn remind him Uat ba bad
lafl bto ambrella at boms.
“neaullecM may ba next to godllBMa." uid the praaehA. "but T dA'i
npprova of a soap adveritaaBant
Ue sida A Uto eborcb."
Ullea are ralaad u a ragnlA flelo
crop to Ue Barmudaa. In ooe A the
largeot fields over 100.000 ba be
in bloom at the same Uma.
A qnarter A web generation dlbefore Atalning tba age of SAAteen,
but a mao thlrty-tvw year* of age mav
wpact to Uva for anotbar ;blrty-twe
Edwla Oould bu a collaeUon A 20 ■09 newspaper clippings on tbe death
A bto father. Ja Oould. which.'uin
bInM. conrtUuta an oWtuary six mile.*


. -BY^

John F. On & Go.
Seccessors to
Ireierse City leiober Ca
Trarerse City. - - MicUeae


werkAhlgtonpoMliaograaa. Plugi
work a SfoclaltrVew ones. Varttbun BloA

rweaiy five Tenia’OoastnntUaa Without n Fallnrc.
Tbe first todieatlA Aeroup to bonrae
ocaa.nod to a child ankject to Uat
i may ba lakan u a aura alga
chofanattm '
" “
, rough
If Cb
rlaie's Cough Bem
given u
D M tbe child
oomec boane. a even
You might also see me aboat stAinff
eoAh appeals, it will priveotUe at ronr whMl FREB fa Ue wlntw.
-nek. U U naad In many Uouunds of
No better enameling Ua*! onia.
homes in Uto Dread land and nevA disStop to aad talk It ova.
tppoints Ue anxious mothers
have yet to learn of a tingle InstonA i
vhicb it bu not proven effectual. N
■iher preparation can show such a n liaDoionStiwL
■ • • - • • conaUal

-Pretty eear time
to thiet aboat belief; year

Bicycle Enameled

Grito Htpldi > IndlUM I. R
VIA U. B. A 1.
Ooe and one UIrd fare for tbe rona.
f iu. TIekeU on ule DeAiabA H. 24.
4S. Uand 31. law. and Jaunarv 1. Iwo.
Good to return onUl January 9, IWM.

Acrlralsto A



g M. BuowM. atu M) aa* Ueaasauar i
O. Lav Bpeelal a •aiioB t« eeUaeUoi
roa. ph)*lrUa aad ■uegt
lies Block. Dor or algae Cl
•lleoCeC u> prowp-J
p-i). Pboae*. Bell IM; Moi

OBce* oc*r Touoeliei bkwh. XK rraat atreot
TVlcphooc Mo too.


ayrONLY O DODOa. aewncl oa« eoBOMi
XsA larol law. OBeea.Oltr Opera Beno* BIk
T^a. W. a. a V. a. Moua, geaeral pnclkev alac

T\a. A. a HOLUDAT. graduate TOraet.
U t^^rerrtty^trttc* |ggoaooaBiag. ’Paea.

i ::



Tbe Ilia A m. iralB ba* parlor carter
l■M*.aaC aJeeper Oraad lUpM* to C
TnriJtip. B train has parlor c
—r....... —
- *l»»p:ng
ear aoa c
lsp.Cs loCLIcago.
tr t-blcago toOmaS Eaplttoae

C a. Hl'BI

Ab«iB«s A TIUo.

ictp.a. Tolot.tooo.71

mcD-. OI..I chlUlrea-* dlncmw-. s •prclallg. OI-


on I- >».

West Michigan.
oonio eoLTH.

•TkK. R. a FLOOD. 0«.i.c la o»» Toaar
U Block C»IU
Nortbrrti -pi

set •« Waa

Lr Patosko) .. . ( «
TraveneCT. peosBArMIUplds. eeopm


• II »,



Lr Cblc^


41 eo



Mento at regnlu bourn. Short ordA
cooking at all Umea. day a algbL
Oyatera served in nil atytoa
The first rasunrant fA woman only
Uader TonnAlm BIaU.
wu raeently opened to Copenbagan.
In a recent divorce anti ou of tbe
toftaneas of croeltr alleged by the wife
u ■ gronad fA diroree wu that ber
buaband rAused to 1« bA bare a bt
Tba French goraniBeat to buttdlA
at Capa Grinn an electric llgbtbouir
which will ba visible at a dtstanA
li. L, A. Bnlldlng.
forty-eight mllca. It will equal thr
light A 2.000.000 ordinary candles.
Fru llbrariM are not wanted in
aome parte A London. Tba three ad
Jotolag purlsbaa A lallegtoa. 8L Pea
eras Ad tosAtobenc have refoaed tc
TVavaraoCItv. Hto
uUbUsb Ucm arera wbA* Ua booki Wartberg Boob.
ware offered u a gift.
A Bowltog OracB mas who wun't
avAaga A tsreaty
used to Ue talAbont aakad central tc
Sir Jobn Edmond ComBaraU. wbo give klm kto wife, and gA Bad when
ratirad. baeaBs nasoeUiad concral uked him "What noaberr
wtU Ue Brltlab navy to 1*41. aad at- Bvt ba coolA down to a mtaata ud Studio at 335 Wnshingrtoa Street
that aba wu bto third.
gstntd tba rank A admiral A tar
Tba dlstgBA fiWB New York to Bar.
flow to 1*96. Ha kasn vary tail aeuve•ctoica record. daUac back to Novem- Fnnelsoo to 24S7 bUm; troa Bar
to Haaotala. 2.089 Biles
toff 1945. to wkicb year ka todk pan
la Ue RITA Plata affair. In UM be •ftoB HoBotnln to Bong Kong. 4461
shared to tbe bardskipa aad dancers mam-, from Hoag Seng to "
A Ue CrlBeaa wa. wbm ha won nboot >20 allaa.
The United fftttaa Daportamit oi
many bonara Incladlag Ua V. C. Be
atoe want Uroogb Ua China wa a Agrtealtare baa, by az]
1269-80 and Ua first AshnnUa WA. to Uat Ua tore* at o growtag poapkit
BBSetont to lift two aad ona-bai;
2be lattor A which ho wan aaTanly
toes, proridad tba Wfdgbt to ae plaeee
a* aw to totAfara wiU Ua grawtb o<


Firs hisurane.




ona DBSATgM.O.P.
araaC R

lUBIB ilD K»nsffiiat L1.

John R. Santo,
Genial lisiraice.
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
' TndsVyatoCillin.


|1S -S^Sr

iisi -S~.
■ '0| «B|


■t E. W. Hastings’

Fire lisitua Office

MMl dnta«MK«ff Um Btataahta

7 U


Tm IteitWNGi R^Sb. SA'TDKDAY. bSfiEkBBk 15. ISW.

Oa."kr ISeigItL'bs
J*Jot of Osh-wootiJidSL

t. W.

and has some exceptional fine
bargain^ to offer.' Can name
you prices and terms on

Vacant Lots
' in Oak Heights
As well as all other parts! of
the city.

Some 5 acre lots at $150
80 acre farm at $500
Good resideoce, W. 8th St.. $1,000
Ooo on Washington street, $1,000
One on Webster street with fnraacc and
modetn improvemeals, $1,150
One on Bates street, $750
One on 14 street. $650
One on 15tb street, $350
A Special Bargain-Residence with ali
modern imptoirements. East 8th street,
neat Onion.

Some Very Desirable
Business Property
You should certainly «ee

'Phone 73.

Johesoe Bloch

Trawerss City, Kich.

W. L.

and Builder
Having bought the balance of
the vacant lots in this addition,
will build for you such a house
as you may want, on very easy
terms, or make you an excep­
tionally low price on any of the
Can show you other very
desii-able real estate that will
pay well as an investment, and
a number of residences that are
3 new dwellio'’s, Barlow street
I new dweliio' West 10th street
I small dwellin’ Cedar street
i smaii dwelling, Secondlstreet
I good place. Bap street
Also Fine New Hotel, splendid locatioa
I good farm, 72 acres, well improrad,
'ood land, near Acme.
On any of the above I will
make the prise right.
And I am always open tor a
Inquire for

W. Li Brown
Contractor and Boilder,
Residaoce 315 W. jOth street

Bell 'Phoie'l69.Nottheral59
Traverse Oi^, Kich.

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