The Morning Record, January 25, 1899

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The Morning Record, January 25, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




I of Oara of ika



Jaa. M.—Bo|


Oomnl.dour Oox lUkM inB«peri

laM paar waa alaa oaatt Mphar
thaateabowa^ thte oaaean. Oe^
Boaor Ora aoaoaate for tbte. bow>
r. froa the tael that to iba toot aaaT»a tba aearapa wapa waa takaa troa
tba wbeto eUa raiTiaal toataad of
)oat Ufloa aapk^ad at tbte tlaa laat
pear. Alao. tbte paar a aora pcaatal
aad aot a* apoelSe eaaeaae waa aada
^ aot aoaSaad ao elooalp to klpb
'prtood labor. “
raport wlU abow aa

d roUaf
aad ladipoat 03
qaota la tba Spaalah
r.TbakiUpto▼Idaa that aa aMoat aot to
I of TaUom ft>4
o(a aam aa tka
Par Dap Pali tk Tarloaa
ofoallaad valeaUoa of tka atata ha apwapa from ii.n u St.n.
proprlatad tor tbia parpaaa.
Werklac Ita aad Wemm,
I li rnkU aaah aoaatp tka pfoaaeatlac atlAMlar. ^aa. M.-Tba foUowlaff la SZVQ OBCAM TAns ATAOBTXOH
loaaay. )adra of probata, dark aad aapaopala of tba eoataata of tba ra•M*.
OrawB Pnaoe OMtaf ProetetoaaUT XaItow Tork. Jm. S4.—TM Bw*I4’s
pert of 06n«laalooar Cos of tka Mlabh
traotod with UM «a<
tk»t AfvlMUo
' taa Labor Baroaa. Bf*l>r roUabia aad
Tkaaa boarda ara oatpewarad to aaStoekkola. Jaa. If.-Klap Oeeafte
—‘ • PkUlp^ rwpmMit *t
phpaleteaa bare ordarad bla to take a
HaMtoi tkto Mrmlac- Tbw* wt
ooaaletaraat. Bte aajeetp kae poae
Of tbte 1
p«Wte il^nMlri-— M llMlU.
to tbe botba of Bodartelje aad wUl
Tk«St»«l^ «»»U
*iU ^
d to tba aadlMr faaami for Oarmaa; 6. Irteb: «. BoUaadora:
probablp lake qalte aa eatoaded raeaMlfrMbTtk*
tion. OnwaPriBeeOaataf. ketrlotbe
Mtb«rlU« M C«b« M« raportad ackw
Bofllab: I. Oaaadlaaa: «. Praaob;
!■( Md tka t»VA te MdMCMd.
tbnea. baa baea yroritieBallp iai
Polaa. and tbe nmaialap 5 par oa
ad wiU tba po<
raarcaeat ifl BattooalHIea. The aet
^1.^ Ua ABanaau tka aertk*
ape apt wae n pear* aad M per aa
pMvlaeat «U1 probaWp aUaiapt
ateka»« bla poka wUkMt 4aU/. aa OompstitloD in Soffar Bnsl- ip-aoraa par cent had aaplopaeat at
•kay aia Bnalp «PP«i«< V> hto aaaiaa.
Then were 9 OS? ebllBM« Dlsaatroos.
BaadUtlaa Map Baapaa.
drea raporud bp t.i» of thooe bavtap latolp, bat ba faela tba need of real aad
faalltea. The «,«7« report baviap 17.- bat baea adrtead torellaqateb tba earaa
Madrid, daa. M.-TkapraaUr, kaaar
wara 1810 who ofatatoaafaraa ponlbla. Bte aajaetp
«g«aata. daelaraa kraiaaldo baa I ‘
«ka UbaraUoa of tka Spaalah pr)ae
Tka Traat Masafara to Oal Xhla|0 owaad their hoaea, M per eeat of waa 70 pcan old Uat (tetardap. aad aawhoa had tbea free froa toeaa- tarallp bcpia* to feel aoaawhat tba
te Ika PkUlpplaa bUada aeadlU
Bqvallaa^ tdUla.
braaea. Of tbeae eaaranad M per eeat weipbt of ape.
•poakpalataaorBlalar tka PkUlpplaa
Datrolt, daa. 14—Tba war balwraa
bad taead froa their earalape aod U -MeV—r-rt.* ■««!..»
rapaMia aad allptor hm*U tkarata.
tka aarar traat aad tba new radoarlaa per ceot tbiak Uaa are laprorad. Tba
Aralaalda. It la addad. baa ai»Uarl)
Btartad laat fall baa raaallad la a tbor- tolal nrarape tlaa worked at Ua nridModadtha TaUaaa<a roeofalUaBof
oafb daoMrallnOea of prloaa all orar
to » pear* aad aa averDaacc tleket laeladaeapper.
tba ooaatry.
MlahiffaD }obbofa an ape of 10.1 aoetba per pear. Tbe aearA dUpaiab tt«a MaalU aaya: '*Tba
oaUlBf balow ooal or aaeraUp rldaf ra- ^ wape* of tbe 0.872 aalaa waa SI U
Maa la wklab ika laaerpeau ba*a al1* oa* of the chief
lawad tka Aaarieaaa to raeoralie ihelr bataa, aad thara U a c*ka>«l faalikff -er dap.
ba doaa to atop
e wape of each eUa of
the rakaoat ooiepaUtloe. tka oalj raper dap etae aa follow*; 1---------------------baaUllilaa an rcpaelad to raopea.
daaaloc faatara of tba )obbaia' do»
$1 7a:-tcreaeB, SZ.79; ‘
“Affalaaldo kaam}tiaatad tkaraUeae
taaaadaaoBBlMloB to aafoUaUfer baiiif iba tart that tba ratalian baro artteU, A.M; Uraad <'Baplds Sre deao tar nfoaad to bap dlraet troa tba partaeat, S2.0I: iteoaprapbrn. Sl-Ot;
^ ralaaaa of tba olarl»la."
ladapaodaot ralaarloa.
With a «la» of sablaf aoaa battar
rTaarasaol, It paaalblr. a dalaratloo aaofalDteU. S2.00; millwripfau, corpenr promlDOCi Mlohlfao Jobban will
ra aad eblpballdera, tl.9»: bl*ckAf(aad That Ar»r »aorraoUaaoo «rt ihb eroDlarfor Maw York. U
iltb*. SI.B8: bUekaalth bripen. SI 40;
»1U Sboald Pnoada BaUfioaUoa
ladadaa Willlan B. Braoa. tba oaip
Datrolt BaabaroftbaMIcklraa WbolaPaaoa Traaip.
aaU Orooan'aaaoeUUoa. aad Maaara. S2.U7; earloeer*. Sl.tte; Sreaea. SI.34*
Made by Michigan Tele­
alIowa.apaakla» for ika ad«lotatra- daia Uboo aad 8aac«r of Sraad Bap- •awpen aad filer*. $S 01: psitoraaakphone Company for any
an. S2.M: aacbtae baada. •I.4R; aleeMoo la opaalaf >ba dabaWoo tba ar.p la.
Tba plaa la to paleb op a daal wUk Uielaaa. St.W: brewrrp workara. SI Te;
class of service desired.
rMfraaintloB Mil todap. ravodad tba
BavoBapw of iba traai oa oaa baad plaaben.SS.l7; ileaerm. Si W; woolea
la aot bataf paabad la tba aoa- aad Arbaekla. Doaebar aad Bowall oa Bill worker*,tl.e3;lanBdr7.S1.00;aoaltba olbar bp wbleb
den, SI.P7: eabloet aakar* aad foralOaaafalBallaald ikat tka wmaol will apraa to dirlda their bualaea be- tan workera. f 149; barken, SI 4C; mar­
At the end of six months
twaaa tbaoe foar eoBeeraa. ffirlaf the ble aad etooe cntton, SI-93; paiaun.
tkatnatp - .
or change to any class of
ta tka arotp woald .ba aaUUad to la- larpeat aban to eaoarb Sl.W:br*a* workrn. 9107; meUi polsert^cc at will.
aiaat alaabanra. Kor that raaaoa ba to tbr otkera ao thrp wllldel Mltoipaa labcn. SI.01: blepcie worken, SI 44;taedleraalooeand eaable tba Jibbera
arpad thr fraai aad aoaaawarabla oa,r. SI.4I: alllrr*. S1.9S: tollon. SS 41;
Telephone the mana­
aaaaUr*(or Innaadlaw raorpaalaatl-r to aaka a llviec.
paper Bill*. SI.39; earrlape and wapoo
John Barry, to call
of tba arap. If iba Uaatp la raUtad
work*. SI &B: wood worken, SI 43; Iroa
botora aa arap la prorldad. ha bald.iba
worken, SI tO; box maker*. |14S; car
and explain new rates
•oaatrp woald baplaoad to a poalUaa
repalrera, S1.4S; street car rmplopee,
adopted by the company
that eofaodp woald oan to be
M XcDotxald of Lowell. Maoo.. WaaU SI.4.': batcher* aad aeal cntton. Si 37:
toaaster*. SI 3K; dap laboran. Si ‘-lOiap
kU fac.
to Moat H a to Piftaaa
prrotioea. 7s'ceBU:mipM-llaaeou».ll.3l.
Ba aade it plala that ratldcatloa of
Monad OoBtoat.
The total arerapc wap* la tbr lalar
tka traatp la aot balap dalaprd bp tba
McDonald of Lowall. H
paaonlafalp of Heoator Ooraaa or the
atraaptb of tba opo^ltioa. batalaplp aeoda la a cbaUeape to aort Jaaw
Ctar .tba aeltoo of Hroator Utrla. wbo
to bold It till aoldlara an elanaU. wbo baa ba«a auplaf la tbla
clip aoaa tier. Be waaa a eoalnt
profidad to taka the plaora of tboaa
of flftora nmoda for
a alda at aap
aow boldlof the ooc«taarad torrltorp.
Uaaor plaee that aap baaprerd npoo.
A tarorabla report waa aada todap
with dT»H)BBee rleera.
Mar<iuU of
•a MaMIllaa'a bill, approprtaiiartiw.iBabare rnla to prevail.
aoo tor a lUblbooaa taedar for Laka

Blair’s Tablets
Hinsdill Tablets
Acme Tablets
Hurd’s Tablets
Beynold’s Tablets
Pencil Tablets
Ink Tablets




Ten Year Contracjs

Subscribers May Cincel

Now ON~

I It'S An ExlraoriliRary Sale
obIv low prieee weVe pnt on every Jacket
I sodf^pe in ibe bI;ock—all
l— - of this keen's manofacture—To
• doss oat by Fsbroary 1st D
s for Udi«, misses and children.


See Onr East Window For Prices.


118 UaloB Street.

II* iTortitax-x* aasontswa..
Bat kept cot ol *lpbt uoill *nob a time aa wanted.


Michigan Telephone Co.

Dr. Xappoai Sapa Pope Will Sarelee
UatU 1901 atLaaet.
Be. Jan. 24.—Dr. (.aopoal, tbe
Pope'* phpelclan. eape tbefrenri
pooUff'* (->aetiU.lloa te ^ atroapeat
be baaerer kaowo. aod predicu that
bla bollaea will lire to eee tbe tweotl-

•d laportaot OoaDacUeea
The aew N^bars Trlrpboae Ooapaap. wbleb U eoBatraetiaf a epstra
la tbla dtp haee eloaed aereral dAU
wharrbp tba eoapaap baeoauw owaara
of tbe iadrpeadral eaeliaapoa la Hetoak«p, Ckrbopfaa. Wulrarine. Harbor
Itpriafa aiMl frllatoa. Direct oo<
tlog will tberabp ba aatablkabrd over
. ThoBiaa W. t awaoa Asquirca tba Xatka aew Itoe to ike potou aeatii
Uia Stock
Pnaeml of Hermaa Karha.
B«atoa. MoM.Jaa., 24.—Aa end to
datleea Bap. Jaa. »4 —Tke fnaeral of Ibcfaaou* Hra. Tboaas W.
Beraaa Marba bald tkla aoratop aadar arsatioa coatmvmap wa* r*Mb*d to.
tka dtractiea of Uadartakar Aaderw a dap, wbea Mr. (Hl*la-«ad Mr. naSuw.
•f TrarrfM Otp. waaoao oftbe larpaat la coatldetatlM of Sm.OOO |tiaa*farrad
ever kald la Iwelaaaa ooaatp. Tba to Tboaaa W. Uwaoa tbe aatbe atoek.
akatcb waa orewdad wlU Meoda of tka plaata. and flowen. with aUitbe rlpkte
............ froa all orerthaoooBlpaada
leapproeatoioBOf taaaa followad tka
raaalaa to tka oaaotorp two aUea
oeatk waloftkerUlapa.
Hew Orrai
• to ba OapttsUaad
» Jaakrl.
Alaa. MIek.. Jaa. 94.—lUpara for
‘ laaatop. Jaa. t4.—Tka flakeriea
alUMa bane deeldad to bapto work bp tba feraaUaa of a beat aopar aoapaap
arebolap drawa ap aad orrasiaaUoa
laapaeUap ib« Detroit kaUkariaa a
wUI b* rffaetod Best wack. Tba capSaUrdap That akpbt Uep wUt po
Oraad koptda wkera tkep wtU apeod fUlluUoa Wtil be S400.000 or aora.
Seadap Oo Moodap tkep will pe to Aereopa te batop pUdpad dallp aad
Parte aad oa Tandap to Ckarfaroto. tba reqalred aaeut wfll aoaa be
Tkop eiptct to reack tka Koo. tka Uat
of tka atatioBi to ba laepartod. bp
orf AT LAST.
Thoraiap of aaat weak.
Thirtp VMt Mtoblcaa are Baardtop
Tiaaaporta for Ooba.
Aaotkar Big Oopper Ooapaap.
Taaaab. Jaa. 94.—Tba traonMwt
Laaalap. Jaa. M-—ThaOoppar Baapa
tor. which wUl earrp tba Tblrtratiapiap of Hoopktoa. aapitoliaa
firat Mlcbipaa to Ctoafaarea. airirad
pt.MlO.«ao. ftlad a^Uelea todap.
bte armooB aad tba Icadlap of, oapItea aad cqelpaaat itorta bapaa-X
CoUaal OardBor *ajr«-tka roplaaat
Of Uoeelabntad Tri-oa-fa Bkoea. wUl fo aboard toaorrow aad the boat
oalpSI-M eqnaltoaap |t«l Skoe.
wUl aaS at klfh tide tawocraw alpht.|
•oa tba* kt th* SMtoa Sieea.

Talepboae No. 43.

The Finest Stock Funeral Goods



“City Bookfltope.”

I «20 Front St.

pit.a.<7noA.x. xrsTPa«TA.»i


BOSTonsr stoirie
Our Great Linen Sale, beginning with today, will attract the ladies en masse. This, our first attempt
to put marvelous values in linen before a wide-awake public will attract attention unknown heretofore. We
have been fortunate to secure a handsome stock of new Ijnens at a bang-up bargain, which, together with
the stock on band, bought when the tariff did not exist, makes our linen department the strongest in North­
ern Michigan.
In order to make this sale more effective we have made special cuts throughout this department. We
place on sale today:


tSMparda all llaaa Slavaaa eraob, par

73 tacb all liara «blto aatto daaaol
wertb SI.13 par para for....................

3800pard* all Itoaa twill Btoroweraab

HspkiiM To BUtch

Moe parda aU liaaa chaekad t<

..... ........

rr 6c

18 Iftcl
worth ltof<
73 iaeh all lUea wbita daaaok worth
7»e par pard for....................................
n laA all ilaaa wtalto Mila daaaok
wertb SI-00 par pard for......................

S ale* bloacbad fiaa aapkiaa

W/Wih S3 50 for..............................

worth »3e for.............................
Tarkep rad tabU elaib worth 30




73 toefa halt blaaebrd ainiaea daaato QQ^
worU 30e for....;............................ OOC
73 iacb ball Waa<dMd aU Uoaa
worth Me fCr......................

■ellaaa back taaaU wortb



It will pay TOO well to attend this special’sale to replenish your linen stock for this y^r. We invite
yon cordially to visit us during this sale, whether you buy or not. if it is only to admire our display of dainty
and snowy white articles of tbe flax spinners' ingenuity.

The Boston Store,
F^nt Street.


• THS Moumfo K»00«r. W»nWD*.'I,i*HPA.BY M. 1888
CRB Kouna BBOOBDTIUTXMB orrr. ■ wcbioab

swAss M murraraa.
•tart. Uta«Mlta

itO Y\zzz%


•MOoOBf* !<?»«•
irmXmt U tta «bU«« nmm ia MaHaaM*** tall.
Ab rsMaaaraaaaw *

k tta mar

MAm tke food am «adnn «•< «

ptoaBtaaldaottainaia a*n of tta
Uataa Mata.” «aaa|M a teira atara
of itaarMtar. Warraa OMMraaa
I ^
... T.._ —
Udttaa«mallM aad Bmt
---------I ..j
iMT iDOttar.tti-Uv ttat
t<a^ waa oaa of aataia'a
•MlMtardtaa attain. It »aa a Aaettar BmMMT Baaltac Ctatan
. la akiah aU i
bvl beaotiiWra."
TbOTB M. aaoltar -atctad fmart
MWMtaoMktMt. -Itajadna of tM plaa at tta bowUng alia; faatrr
.. . waa eaUad tta bow
taoldad ta tartr o< tta safab**.
fterBOOO. tatweea tta aagloa
ita •Ortf—OeraUBd
A bllad WoffaiAkal atalcb of Bor* UBM aad a plntad tcaai froa I
artOr«t7 waa praaMiad bj Mta War. . wsa a abarp ootitMt|\^a
aa aiaalac oat bj H potata
Kirt ffaaaa of too laaiagB aaob
plajodaad ta# atda
IB of tta aoatetr «M *
la ISa ffhy taaiaga i
•m* Satan Varta.
aatU tta aert lagwlwwllag. wbleb
tta failowiag: “Tbia b to eertify ttat
Itba- I waaaWrrible aaffarv fruu fallow
Tta Mat tata^
»***^ ■*" will be baU Wodaaaday Ortalag.
Beat bad tta hlgbaa t
Mfattawladaat of tta aalla af tta
ulta. aad wa*
lag iw Oay Coa waa tta arst kigb.
raary I.
hu ■■»>» Mu m ‘ifoe
treated ^ aoi i« of tba beat phyalriaa*
strata orataa. It taa tata
T aad all to DO9 Iaeall Ifo
ptataaaaftta ba* traAarU aaa<
I^Mrt ttat a .iart« tav waa *
Bbariff laaua TraU of Mootaalw
m I waa catiroly earad. t i
Btta tataaau ct auaateotarw
laat Orta, graal pleaaure la r
•Miaat tta lataraBii •( acriaaltaia. A
O. Oox. Faaroa Clarka. O. 0« aad
M- pe„o, aaffariag
with a patl**^
^ ovlow.
from '><« trrri
ftafaatolattaiaowaflOoatrUl piota
Claad Pa>«or. taaobar of abrwtbaad Haley. Tta city taan: BrewB.Oaa. pu aaltay. 1 an gratafe'ie
, M.
If. A Bonrty.
Boc^y. LeaUgtoo,
LealartM. K» " SoW j
aad typawriUag at tta baahMW cd- BCU. Moor, fibanpkn aad Baak
X Wall ud J. U- Jtaawn. drug- J
la tta laat raar wa ta*a tad ita lar»laga. b aaffartag frou aa attaak of tta
Mt aspart tnda ta oar tartorr. aad tta
I^Mrt tart taaa tta larfaat taaaftel- grip.
Hbarl Bioear aad Alela Bwllh ara y. A Jaetaoa Kae Fst laTwotboa.:
•ftaotttaUaraaBa. Ofttayaarta.aaadTaaa.
gtaM tta prodoaU of tA« fara raaatad •w Btadaau at tba Traearaa City
Ibday John A. Jaekaoa will 6abh
a Miaa of MW.000.000. taeJodtof brota- bobbaw aoUega.
WUi wifhtaaaa. elark at tta Soul paulag la bb aaaaoa'a aapply of lea.
b tta Aaeat eeor Utaa,
IMM. ataap. tobaoao. aad fnilia. WbUtag b aaffarlar aa MUeh of tta
fron Boardaeaa laka Tta lea b l<
Bnadatafla aara tta largaat la Talaa, grip.
Uehra Uiek and aa elaar aa eryatal.
^ca balag wade for tba
H* baapatla I.OM toaa Mr Jaekaoa
iBPftk, aad tobaaeo Aftb- Tta greai- boy'a'Baad wlaatral parfenaaaea aad will begin tomorrow to eat lea for tka |
•M taatBaaa waa la prodaeia growa oa Hob n. U. Taraar wlU aarea aa laUr Haaaah A Uy Co.
•vary farai U tta Ualtad HUM. Mortb «ator.
Bbbop UUlaopU wUl praaeb U Oraoa
aad loatb. Tba csporU of applM aad
Smploymaot fur Xaay Kba.
attar fralU. grtaa, drtad. or prworrtd. Bpbotaol
Tbataday crtalag.
Ctarlrt (larlaad baa baaa ckoaa
AVoaatadtota.OU.ta]. Ttaaaportaof Tba puhile b eordtally laeiud.
anploylDg agaat for Ue Cleeclaad.'
hm artoaawd u lia.w.tu-atora
Tba Ladlao Aid Boelaty of tta Ooa- n Sa Iroa Co. of Cookb MUlfo-Bear
doabla tta aaporta of lav?
gTta*tloeal ebareb wDi uaat la the OladetoDc. upper pralaaula Mr. Oir*
{late tta Dtaglaf tariff Uw itaas* obarab
landareurod Ua poaitloa Uraacb T. w . w
“ ‘
yaru of biaadataff. ba*a lociBaaad atl:»o‘cloek. Ttara will ta Uaper- H. Noble, eaa of Ue ownan of tie Iff IS
MI.WW.000. tba BBporU of prortalooa, taat baalBaw. alao a qaaatloa boi oa plaat. HU datlaa will ta to laaare tba
Mblag ta uaat aad dalrg prodaau. piaatloal aabjaeta. pwtaielsg to tta
tata laaraaaad gtt.QM.OOO. aad Itarc tama aad ebarab. AU Ua ladlaa are
Am baaa laorMa la Ua aaporU of baj. eordlaUy larlud to be praaaat
•laat aad new man are ooa«UBt'y
»naad. Mr Otrland will make
To daUr yoar pureb^of fomliore.
OUta. BMatablaa aggm. aad faattar*.
Tka aaaaal elaetloa of tta Ckaaooat
bftagtag tta graad total of oaporu of kaad raaalud U Cbarlaa Reaala belag
tan ptodacu ap to •
preaideat aad Charier Ba.'a eblt nelghboriag altlaa from time to world aad we flod Uat aecrythiar ba»
fflo.ew.ow la 1107. M« la iwo.
pad ptM.000,000 la law.
' i lot of woooy bj ta.lor of Iho" pro.-1 i
W. W. Wbaalook of BalUeCMak.
• anvatock.
Td dlapatobw laat alght aaaooaead dUaetor of tta aa w NorUara Talrpboaa a law dayattat Agalaaldo hta pcoclaluad a ra- Co .b la Ua city la Ua Utercato of tta
MbUe 1a tta MilUpplaw, aad ttat tba lupaay.
■olrb Llverr Bara BolA
Ltula BMty Hall b qalU U1 wlU
Dpilad HUUa baa baaa rlrtO aatll toThe Ueary barn oa Bum atreet.'owDdM to raeogaUa tba tadopaadaaoa of tta grip
ad foraona Una by Oeorga Moir. baa
Hoota FnrnmbinK StoreIta lalaada. It aaoua ttat tba tawar
Little DoiwUy Moffatttb abk artU ebaagad baada Tta aew proprlHor
>Mt ablaf ladaurmlaad to tart troable tta gripb Oeorge Cbrae of Elk take, wbo baa
New Store. 120 Front Street.
tPtib tba Oaltad »HuUa raffardlaw of
taaad Ua barn aad wUI eoadaet
(1. U. BoallgofNarUpartwaragt
ItaartetaB »l a larga pTMonloa of tta at Ut WklUag yaatarday.
Ua baalnaaa baraafter
Iptabiuau wbo favor oloaar ralatloaa
Hra. Vaa Darwarh of Aldea .rialtad
vSb tbiB eoaatry. Agataaido baa baaa trlaada kara yaatarday.
Mr ud Kra Qul
AMwa to tart dliaeMd bto aoaraa aeOo Monday ceeaiag the Three UutrTkaCraaoaat baad oappar toM
paaPiap U bb pocaoaa] laUraauaad ttoraooB wUl be tta Aacai taa.eaat tarB- B Clabdroeeoat oa Ua taaiaM^Mybaaaotbw laaUaor. What- Mread artr girta la tta eliy. Chtekaa. ania and aorprlaed Mr. ud Mn Jaoob
papr bb parpoaa It b qaluj Ubaly ttat
' taikey aad aaay oUar good Ulaga. A
Ita adulabtraUoe will daal with Ue
tiatat U tta daaoa: will aatltla Ua a caarrwl lolly Une fon
Mfada da b daemad advbabla for tbalr
bolder to aappar. BnppaiaBread trow gran nod a tab rapper e
Iptaaata. aad If iatarfai
4 o'cloek U tta afUraooa.
pitawlll twra ibat a i
Mppotladapat^** aadar tba aBbtIgfOTadlllaaawai act go wiU Ptaalin C. B Caeb' billiard hall ware pUyrd
dtatMelflalay. avae tboogb tba vatl.
If they ache—get a Ixjt- j
laat BighL C. B Bale defeated <Jaa
gpp aad Hpala aboald by aay etaaea
pear la Traearaa “^tty aeaa at than Dabae by a reora of 100 to 44 aad J B.
nt r' ~ tta rapiaUb. twhiah b very
tie of Rose’s Corn Cure j
carry drat claw aupportlag oanpaaba MrOougk dafUtod Bart Qaaaatt by a |
aadoUan only fair aapporl.
More •eore of luo to n.
— 15c — and take them;
It b BOW daeiai«d-ttat tbara b nry ofua wbara a particular alar b faaout—It
don't make the;
dab SanpUoa FcatpoBad.
waodraaaoa for delay la ttaratlAea- tared Ua attracUoo perolrta Itaelf la­
OwIbm to Ua alekaeaa of ao maay
fba oftta treaty ofipaaea. Itbargata te a ooe-naa abow. Tbta U Ua
foot sore.
naobera of tta elab. Ua uaual r*.!
Ip tta aaaaw ttat tta nosaat tba WlU Mr. W. B. Uartigaa.
bapa a alag>« axeopUoa Ua aapport of eeptloo of tta Womu-a dab baa baea
•wty b raUBod tba
iadaftaUaly poatpoaed.
■ta ^ ooaaldared out of aarvloa. It b
Itanfiiii urged that tta ar«y raorgaa night waa eary poor, ta fact oaworUy
die Bid.
aed before tta each a clote relaUoa to a really good
iMtloa bill maat.>
j'a eery
iNa^ b dbpoaa^
•'Yws::1,-bfld thcni
kaUa altaatloa ti ibb regard, ttara eleear utarpretatkn of tta^bte role ■Itun. ^ I
jboald be no delay la ratifying Ue
-How?- aakKi Uo oth<r nu
WMty and equal baaw Uould be aaer gteea aone eery powerful dallaaaUoa*
Ua two dianatrleally oppoied
"I wpt liwbdy a (rata of canaobtg
MiMia paeaUg Ue arwy.blll. BoU
pro vary IwporUat meaauraa aad ao ebaraelara Be b one of a eary few who that iberr i« n<. rnoui lo rim tbeoi id
ur of Um- Tooiii* of the JoIuuhid flat"
Okabrlt abould be plaocd la Ua way tarcatlonplad Ub noat dlOcalt plaee
rork oa Ua dranalle alaga and —Indianapiilii) Joarnal
•ftfUar. Wblle It nay be
I a aaeena of li.aad beb earthly
loAbpoaa of Ua arny bill tratUe
The Heiabl of Pallleaew.
Mdk fawalBi Uat aatll Ua treaty b warUyof avroaadlaga whieb go to
Mrx Pane.-—iYill von kindly etaaga
> up a perfect pradwmtlea of yoor Beat. »ir. w ttat yoo will be be­
wIMad llUla progrew can be nada la
nderfal. wiard aad etrikiag play. tween me and tbrae eonng ladiraT
tta FblUppiaa problan.
Old Oratlemua—Cermialy * Don't
C r. Taxbury, agaat for tta New
Ura. pMta4^NV Indeed' Ttatwonld
ivreyrode- 1 am itair ctaperon.—
OUM Baada Maat Saar U York Lite laaaraaeeOo.. leart« today
Y, Wa^Iy.
tea two waaka' trip to tta; Boo aad New York
HOBBiBu Saooao—Oearbaarlagaao) polabBorU.
Howard OUl of MorUpert. b U ttal
^■■Ulla Uh AvalM. U wbleb It
■paatatad Uatqalt alain daada did
H. P. Pbalpa aad W. J. Hut of Hoa>«q>^
or. warn U tta city yaatarday oa barifpraaaa Uw. aad ware qalw gaaerally
teeti.» agalaal Ub d
MMfdad wltboav 1 Ulak It might be
Balph D. White of WUUaanburg waa
M iBUreal to pablbh Ua foUowiag axyear be««a aad |
yea feel a tc . doing bailarti U tta city Monday.
aad feeer. wlU *
natelea.' ta< . ebUU
iMOi froB tta rallaga of Ua OoainbKarl
acre tbronL oalp I ibe baea of Ua *
plapar of lataraal Eartoaa at Weak.
aad aiub- *
tenariT of Ub el^. arrieod la Iowa
Ipfioa. aew before nr:
bore cough yoB may kao w you have tba
yaatarday aad U Naawiag old acqualai Orlp, ud ttal JOB need Dr KlaghNew'
•qtall etaUa daeda are aabjert to
Dbeoeary. It will promptly
ptiM aoewdlag to tta ealaa of tta
.>t'y eare tbe
eoagb. baal Ue lofltmed
pMwarty ooartyed
AaeakUa ainhAny Party.
a. kill Ua
dbaaae germa aad
Wkaa wa ooaaldar Uat a qall elain
Yaateday waa little Oortrada Baa- TaalUa dreaded after rfl-cb
0ooi b a eonplaU tiaaefar of what.
Prte &0 eu and pI.W
Bub foarU kirtboay ualeereary aad
not cared. A trial '
ff^*^ ^ ^ ^
unatanorata Ua aeut atautar- at Ua drag etoraa of
8. ]
^mmrod. It woald hardly be. falx that
talaad tar liula eenpaakni of Ua
tbM Uoald aaeapo Ua aUnp tax.
Mbaaa Durfaa aad BQUaga- klador^
rm4B« WBI.TIM.
gartaa elaaa. Oaadlaa, Mkca and aiun bgliHi Bstta
Srrrtd ewvaetly at tta i
W. X. Sally rtturaad laat W^aiag afffWdad Ael«bi to tta UtUa Maad^
fcpe a baalawa trip to Kiepalay.
Tra«Mt Rppw
MfeMMdtvkfy ttfptr
Sarrtd by Creaeeat band. Foraatea
Serrtd by Oreaeut bawd. Form tea f
ka'iTtorad»ytro«4wH. Kbgutlf
•MBA Daaaa ta £uow. Daweel.
tWiat adniu to aappar.




-«u\ ukk Vum V» t<H fow.


We Place


5 ^
j Pingree.* Smitb.



Blame Your


B. H. ROSE t SON.'

Selz, Schwab*&i,Co.,
Nettleton and Rindge
Make of foot-

Off you get your money's

Not old itpck-not eld st7le«o


Li118 Frout Strict.

The Old Reliable Shoe Man

H. t L Co s. BEST FIOUR,
Best in name and <}nality on the market


I Onyx Tables
I and Japdinieres.


We are having a special sale on Onyx:
^ Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks
—some of them going at cost. Nothing beauti­
fies a room more than a handsome Onyx Table
and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op^ portunity to secure one or both at prices tmheard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices ■
: firom $2.60 up.


^CTI^Og^O BBOOMDc ^Pjgg^, JJjn^T SB. lSa9.
wiU tho wrif. aad U b





In *


A aosbar a< ostbara Miablcaa
aportMaa wlU aodaaw to te«a tba
The old Chtuttoa uuisrcy at Tksk
When aa old Uwyir who te bad SS
casalawaassidad tgr tba l^blatara bets of wsory^ ptetaraa palatad k ana of Uw »inww>m aiybts to that
ftnwyr tote. Joai vS a bs*y tboruss^- be declarwte^M it kooxatobaaemw
•o M to Uslt tba des- ataw^a M U daya
Sba tehad w at Ms aad bsrbad. tore. aader on apcwni anhway. u a tbtoy vary mnch ost of the wsiS
fcas Oetobar *0 U Koresber A It b
bsvT woods iraie. wseb w<n by the
•ftMUC^tetk* ^««k fMioflM la ,«
-I bad a man come to my-oBoote
ate eewMdsed advbaMa to Ustt tba natr cyeo set. thM paftaA and a Ups uf tlwe. fliicklT atsdded with (an
▼acaa saaa if mauelpatad kon- ■-auw
*• •Mia fatal oftariMMteM. la'U
[•aM fwrtiii wttk takber day." rriaSa aa attotd^ wto
to him wltb tba raalbactoa of bi-r da- OMtM.- aaih and pruvidrd with a |wudi bs loox dose boatosa os QrtvwgW
»awU MaUar hM^MU^K
yiotB kaoker Tbe latter, bowers, p. ftreet. "tobaveawmakecsiadaadlor■taaJi ikMa nice pteev if rsl w<tate «bk« ba IsA
A% Warae. WOltaa BSmU. afad M.' ^ ■ acatfal poalUoa. aot iadkatiac
ioBt ponhaiMl fur hie wife aaa Hrthdsr
aad Mn. JmU Ctrka«>4. tfad -rt i
far diala Uaa Irala* tba tact tbal work apoa It Isd baaa ra-,5™.y^
arldceUy -------- a latya, wall'-d ts>4i-i«utv. half gante paewDi Ue U a brifrtit boaissi saa.
> ■arrt«4 flMaidaj. TWI »■»“
«■ aactoa. akall ha«a •asad aftor a hrlat aaapaaakw. oayal •CoUaettoe of aOckar aba latawa. half yrnreyiird. wb>-rv aa tmliaa worn
aa is banRiaR oat i-lMlMa amesy tb< aad Wanted I
. > baaa broacbt la a fall aiop and ba*« that tba woU ‘ii acaia aa Ua l«ca.“
»>tod bacbla«ty.
• pspiTB 3
ynssi white tooha It u If ysn ston tbeycxMLldbeprvtwU. PnUdsaipttos
lAdkatad by wbinlaalraal ibai rirbt
tkia ilaiardaf
borwd been, and tlw plao Was •ffordi'd by the abctisct asd aD
e< way la daalrad.
Tba (aad wUeb
k*^lUwtnaiiw I look I
of/a chai
west vwtoimiuyly till 1 tnnad to him WbU* Uad-loaHar tor tba Ball A waa plaoad to bar atall
*1.000. BsaiMA 17.000 la ia»o. IM poav
•sd awted hi* wife'* Bame.
*■•• raaaipta far lOH war* fTO.OOO m Xaaw>a Oe.. la tba rMalty at tba Uktoc. wsboellsbodaAlcktof
Bar (aea Aaataad aad________ __ .
walla and lu ysardiaa laid lue that
'<Hl ym. if cosTw—wife's Mim
ik^a •Bad
eacd her browa
ayaa. 8br caacht bar SOtiy (Kople twisr (O him to iQqwtre fur
Waiakai ri«ar tfidm, UM Tasday. toaaareb ot aosrtbtoc bettor to'
aosparad wltb la itaa.
braatb u aba mubad tba bKWi of bar tbe uisobist -R "aa Amvriso poK' rery neceiwy . to be eareV asd It was
m« a
plains he lowe that he wm ^atltar
•osa Harbor SprlMt* saa with a

... .
acatooi bet aide tbra obe waat
waaBotaaOeiaatlooaabla bor to fM m;
far Uioe wfaUe maktoy ereay eftet to
raeoBS wbara bralaa ara aaoaUy S b»
^f(Sad.oaaaartadablasla doc bolowf •aow aad loUowad it aavaral aallaa. dowa acaia ^tbeat coaoldotaMo ba-i *^a'va ass seb etbrr rrrry day.
If oaty for a few BotaeBU. durlu«
1 N«.l 1. tb.
lo-tol .cMr
lac S aa aeqaaiataaea lato a dM^ wbM ba oaaM wiUla a taw rodi at tba
wltb |>i-r- aaUwr of "Hoiun.
I^n. bwi
bwrrt Homo, os owoMed aad fcaJiT turned hu bsdt os
Kaar Baotoo Bsbor Mra. Prmak aesrty two tnoatba. awsiac
brmaatta by Iba llbaral w of Mack aalMl- Iteroaaad afacVfaBrMdtel
nptMBapcBiair while be loukwlootif toewtoaps
vQctai. frtoad- U bear* tba fullowtoy
-------- ------------...--------its aiikw:
fatal. Tba owaar o( tba dc« taaad a taw nda trow bis. Upoa aaaUr his Daiay. acad U,
stbuoyh retiif wt«v4o befoand dMm
to aoBsit aslclda befora dayllfbt Mos-' iAaU forcaL”
"In BiesufT of Jufan Howard Hayu,
aat tba asab oasa. aad a Jaatlea of
••Wotddo t that bst yoo- ' ba oxbat toUawad U tar a loar tlsa a«t of day somlBC- With a braadkalfa aba I -Itencorer “Too bare
satbor <f -ti.fis. Swi-et Husw’ Botii clalsrd. she turned siowlr back. *^11
tba paoM will do tba rwt
baU eat hor throat aad tbaa Ispad dowa a,' car* Wo much. But to tbe North ibeia Jane A I7S1; died April fl. lUt be hkiWvd if I ran rwaU biT Bame Tos
- At Kraakiort. tba Aaa ArborraUroad
&ivt,il .V O IS.-.:, •
that bM beea
owTsalUss M (oot wall.
I o'sloek aha
they usd to roll ber PM' wbes-Aw
aospany ara aow raabad wltb tbalr
lAuirtit-aii Aru»—tn;de MumosBIvd •me a irirl at bottw aad that waa bir
dariac tba wlatar
f raad wltb hsbead ost of tba watar.' iau> t f dis eorridori of Un- pa«t.'
byo.dto"tPliir.',q.L*uiim. "1 "Died oauH.' with lue ap to two ytmi> ofim osr
Ibe aqtsi
At dtaadlib Mr. roraaraoaaUy bada:
at the Aiuertrau ixausilale ia Taaia. marrisre. when 1 la«Bia calliny ber
baadrada of oara ara awalUac trasd
bard ftybt wlU a wUdcat with aa ax. osly tblac toat srad tba wosaa tros eaivtat aroood tbe asIlliiK er« He Aged GO y-nm a-irt in
ponatks (rota tba wst aad asrtb
•Ma«^ • : rooldp t MI yes bs BSS*
drowBlacwaa that tba paspb tabaa conld tbna IlEhlly tos ailde tbe m-oleoslac oC tba vietnr.
"iBtoeiiKiib baueaib tbUstosatbe
wsk Tba Aaa Arbor ear tarris N<a
woraUrcaratthaboates of tba walL lertlon of dHre*. of whrellB* .loan poet '-remaut* Uy buried fur SO ysra If it W.TV a capital udeoiw Dot to know
At Eatoo Kapida Baary J. MoMtoo. Sba wasraacaad with difiralty.
1.1 aad A aad ataasar AUaa StaSord.
ara dotajr nsklay idpa b«s Maals. Jr. afod 4 yaara. draab aoarty a boU?a
At Baldisc Barrtes Blodcatt ws bad Hid. “Oko a besadlctloa." aod tba aoil taken away In fau native land,
It wooUs t. m be hurried away asd
toatasily kUtod Mooday by a fasd of eveolui{» abeo ha SBC wltb daUiwla where ihi-y mvived booor aad floal
woaaad Kowaaaaa, Wla., >aad Maal*- faUot
aod track* UppiMonar
tippiac on
os bis.
- tiwlDuatluB and aspbaain abooi -.r»u boria! in tbe cil.v <d Wadnnytoo Jusa is as buur ws tack with hk wtfeV
tiqaA Mick., aad ara braMtarrinc look aaarly two boart' ws : to fat bis
tos^c broke latUac tba troeka
:" MkI “lora.** AD tbi-ae iboucbta 8. lt.bS '’nHDbi-viotrot. puorheark'*' fBUsame .maaUpif paper—Osnit
aboat^ao oara orory twaat-toar to oot ot daafar.
boraaa. aad^^J
AlIJias MUkrafodU.a
aa tba losd waat ovs. U* i
ur«et 1
To FYolB. ber.wl
,re iks*.
old asd had a latca faslly.
“Keally. yoo nees Bxwt iBiiateni to
At Oooataatiar. Mia. Blras H. Ear- MlUs ot Braeklya. abotbl'
■ lUi »m,« <mi«trewW
Ued'a ancvlwkl.
-Tbere'* so sosapW shoot Mkv
baaotue ruerely a pulka-dnt ta my sm-u'Uol.-.Hu.iulmii,i
wood. ac*d U yaara, waattoaltdowa
Flypi>e. anyhow, mnarkad Baysor
ory. Itoot yoa tblak. area tbrs. 1
ta a abalr daaday ahanoea. 8bt
••NoT -aaid WhysecooM alwaya apot jouT
"Kil I haflpeuid in at a atora toe
taaad, bat aai boa»Uy dowa apea the
"Jairt If you oioai; toil ouy. ah. stay,
(air lady, oo tblr |•erfel1 <U>: 1 pfuto- e*tle'» UKM paOi.cic aiitbi-ui toould--------------------------other day where ehe----------ws baviny a pair
Amt. .atriklac bcr bead rloiaatly
lae-. •
t a Mt o lae to do anyUUaf say aaylbfuc. If have died » luaur lb<ea*uid mOw BW«y ^ ^ ^h.ew. STk- waai ...
acalMt aosa taraitarr. Tba aboek
yon will Dot yo.fnuB bose.-Louduo eketoh.
l ,hi- didn't try to foul tue by aetettoy » ,
waa too craat tar tka eld lady, aad ab#{
“You wat quite poellsl." ibe uhL
-----------------------. pairtwoei*.-wi.a.«mallforherfam'‘— •spirad la a abort Use Hbaeasato:
■weetly. Tlu-re k ito iOrer tooua
Sack — MaaM.
I dkayu Trileine
fortbearei-ud Tera.-.”
ODaataoUae U. 1804. Bar bMbaad. I
Tbi- (iilluwiny iia-tdimt 1taappesed at ._____________
•Tbanka for tbe aoKc-eUoB'-raiber
•Ctd M. U aUll IMdc aad ia food' Owinc to a lack ot ataipe oScara aad | (or iba os of tba commiaHry dapanof tbe "•-atevuii-iii '■ which ore —-------------•tllBy.
baaltb. Tbay oMrbratad tba alitiatb '
"I'otue; my Umtem wlU tbtub 1 aa M-W ,x.-nMuwtly to Sx^Und fiwMl toe DR. HIQQlNS, DENTIST '
Secratary Leoc
be aoabia. j saat of tba United Stats army la toe
ueinU-ra of tbe kirk of e vettain dw- .
asalearsry of tbelr sarrlaca oe Jaa.: lo, aa iedotalu period to ra tatoblhh FbUipptoae- Tba plant aa dslyard loid."
"Wbea a woiuau wUL ohe wilL"
I. ItW. Sba toa*s (oar ebUdno. alz {
Uaiied Stats saral atoUooa: will ba oaa of tba iarymt of its klad
He relurtaatly fidlowed. 7Tx-y walk­
crasd obUdfw asd two ersHPasd- ^
ed borne Ibroucb tbe rplry. fnitraul
tii'ju wys 'AuHUiR a iboniaml tnen I
(toas Sayaaia. prise stouter of sppvwtH bare and ahlppiay
Spato. bs aaooaacad that tba
*"■ I ^k m»l 1«- co.«l.t>y. I leave oo ba>-« fiHuiii lOH-. but auiuuu a thuomnd
a aaasUos at a (asaral to Bosar by rayaot will ooBvaoe toe Corts oo the «*ker place by ptoea. U aboot
^^1* irolo io-m«rtuw. i^id never wuui II have 1 tirtiD’l <i>,l
appaarlac to tba prooattos with a day foUowloytoe sUisUoa of tba ‘ “
' aea pevide at till-M.nlutL It mak<« toe oue JIM aiKi ifixl and upriybu Aad
an old Sc-dehwiluali. w'-eu fhip-'Dad
b^y of saay wlos. The year of psae trsty by tka Uaitad Statoa
; Mooday la tbe p
* of tba Palop-1 Sbr itood oo »be «ii>; wltb
‘ '
tba vehicle waa para whlia. brilUast
WY-eirt II a A iMWeeut and yi^e-l troth, gut
It krwporwd from Berlla that Prtos
psrUoalarly to the dktrlcto o'I
Lnokitix'up at the Utile r
rad wbaaU asd Mm pasala oa tba box.
r««oter ! EyparkaU aod Pbtliatra la tba depart-: bellluus curU blown aiwut uiKler i
ber damii-i• up and Wk- toVier
Bsbart Bismark U aboat
viimiueO oiraaaielaB
maotof Heaaeola. os tba-toaiao ooaat. { wble. Mick lut. be Ml aa I:
-H «A''ehe loi^tudAtoanUy. her W.eiir»eUae et MMX.
Twaaty sasbara of tha Paotoa poMlc aarvloa. probably to a
AaiWolar. ler etteaetl
Uaaioti -U<0‘'<l'tuid why that aau Bte UuMaad ■
lotbatowD af Ryparisia. a saaibar •
Uebt Oaard (oread '• baid of m>a><>
It WM Mnaniirnae daiivK wmnso pasnee w« saa he aa
to loa*a tba plas at the potot of tbelr
Ssator Oeboe prepoas a natlosal of hoasa which was damayad by San
Vh^enwhn. You have ylven
be niw in hi« cusipuiy '
MUbayoaate The aosad* bad soda •oldlers' borne at Abraham Llacola'a day'a abocki collapoad Mooday arwv> I oe oiaov haifiv iiaya. and 1 ehall atwe WiM-ooHia
r< ithink dt' you In thi*
tbasslrs oSasiva. Aa tba ptoesa- Urtbplas la Keatacky.
soaa.lnjonarmaay In osa vUlaya Stty,‘ way*
auey. «
l« nf tiu
akM pasad thsoch tba atraato, wbie
(alHl. 1
tls ware Mowa aad tba papslas
baek-w Ui?"
WlU »ui •baarad IwUty.
looaed s a Ce-i-ertupa.
j f-’or tborouKh linooa—Addreop 81
ar tbaa toat of any other Iowa
Jofaa Blldabrasdt. of North Uteac. eoaatry. William Kilby wm appolstaO ' adlaa port sme ubore (ros tba Beav-1 KniimiC l•rav.■l> . toe went wsrily np

B.-Chaniberlain. Box J87.
■ Lake Ban
sat with a pMsntiar aecidast Monday to tka oils to I8UU. aad bk dliwcl <>•■ I rwv,“ii._o».
______i «
vioe-ve. -oi- n.w,,.

SMrolac. Be went to tba bars to take
lU have baadlad ton malls aver I *•*“ •‘<»khabaora. rvliyKSa sfarvs
.,,|.-.l to his He .wiue bark
from Bnwia, pat tbelr (evt on Oaasd.oB ; ^niowbnt ranfuaed. Obe piiuieil tkeui
ms of bu borae Ha wat a aad oy by
{•oil. Tha tsmlyraoU bare left lor]
tba aalBxt'a bead aad apoka abarply.
•Th. y n-ally briewy to yoo."
•aytoy. “ataad oes." wbaa tba boraa hm adopted a rt aolatios ladoralsy ext WEARE^-=:7
whaalad aaddasly aad Wt bk soi
wa« blddi-n. and be i-uuld
panaloo aod iaviiiay Prmldeat McRlala Atlanta recently, that the govern-' tut'se tn-w pub- ube bad-i;niw-i. doalas to bla (ace
lay to visit Anyi
.t aboald «sl4 fs the >wvea of tbe \ ytSl*
faf «« "■«.ft7v”tete
Near Nils, Frank Rlny. n wall toTbrs asall boys are arrvu In ,
4n (arater rsidiny ia Fena towpabip Boka
oka City.
City, ldabo.for atta.pUny to «**•<“■»«• «osf. *• baanny fmlt- Aa
_____ iZ?
- -ih bauds *ud<l.-nly'' Ormtoa Short
InwatlyatloB k now U
In proyreH by tba
tbe j prefUMd ayalnet her tbiwaL and tbe
Jaat aeros tba auw line fall from a wreek tba
war department to locate tbe yravs
gTavs nf tear* blindly uubeed.d aa atw- sbload ot hay. biwaklay bis sack. Usib train.
tfae coofederale*. aatlcipatiny some ‘"jl ®u^___
In Spain many ssy vlHsn has de­
If 70D haTA any to tell corrACpeDd with the
D M Buay. praaidaat of tba Istay clared in favor of Doa Carloe. aad It teykIaUoo by onsyres alooy tbe Haee ! hn’iVisi ao Ay: alwny* nwdy for a
by the orealdenl. Oeoeral .| dnor
a ride: kaowi/iy hi* favorite
Manatoehiriac eospaay. Uwoaao. baa •eema certain that the arsy will yo
TraTersA City IiumbAr Co. Wa harA aIbo
over to bis IB a body should be go to _______ A- Bvasa. of Atlaata. ba* pro- ^ tausli- and *uiiy*. .Now
vided tbe drparimeol with a report of' over. B«nioinKlnit_tbr..iicIi hi. deA he
sassmoftoaolty. to eas ba dss
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Tbe Late tVilliaa EadicotU wbo died
| j^mov.-U ibi- eL-t.ili- amuod itieiu aud
sot amada to oariato labor dasaada by recently at Bewriy. Maaa, waa lOo!j fedemte aaldkta.
Kaple Flooripg,
Ibe line*. Out fromI lekundy (vad u
Fab. IS Ba k sot to Um lasat stars- yean old. Ue waa a dliwct dawwodant
tbe »biTls of one IlUlli-lvd a wiTben-d
Usple Wood.
• 1.
of Joba Badiuoit. the famoos Parilao
vbdet. It fell t.11 tb.- dour.
!u Stxitber be found n 1|E,y .I.IWT «f
Bvbart Sebrivtw of Goodrich, wboaa lasdar. at wboae old bomstead. "(to all a MlUaW (tollan- WartO OwM
Jewnmioe. Sb.- had wor
wile coma tied aakida aboat two i-bard Farm,'' in Uaaver*. be waa born.
’ l.uuih of It one njpbt. These few be
> otiiuitry
are ibetv i ... had UdKill (irf aud U3d '•-•-II .lelli-d I
week* 0(0 hw Ukao oat a UeesM to
Kivwiawau. ve>Hiwaaw.« ua< •... muv
Mill mai hirtry of all liuecriptiun*. iDcladiDK two mwed saotos womaw
wavuraiad uie Mark Terem when the
nuUI the i.-»t ui.wnll.y. wL-u lii. r.- i
1. -..J
IZ? wTAe.!.-! Stoti^a-'-'Miouftlii pnaUlion. It “ , wx* yrani.vl wiib a few pi' 1 te—
pin. i. sel works, carrisue aod uwa. A cumpkfto
Tbapra.-ilsoftylby boras oa tba ZZ
____ ____
WH aoaaoooco.
nu ownbooArably
by a kwdmi: Ylai.lcn lane word*, lle-y hstl bei-u at the <H*ero.
MW .nill plant for isle.
•trmt fs hoara at a Use la cold
Ue baa volaate^ only (New Vurki rfiaim.ud di.alcr that tbuie atnl uuder ih<- uinyic.or tl»- uiu.le be
tow without OTeriay baa started aa (s tbe war.
Into her •-}.••. aianled by ili- ir
' are npwunl .. *i00.'■«.««
...................... wonh
....... of biMed
syltatioB at Newayo (or tbe oryaalu
Up. ivnid eee . Ue-ui
The eapiud at Uslfotd. Conn., le ta riian»..xi.i.i in tht» unaotry
Moreover. A«-|.
tloB of a hasaaa aoriaiy.
A claim wai prvaeaiad at tba raewat

saaUny ol the Ciiatoo Coaaty Farmara* bed ebamber*.
iuai<-ti. i-arviuii*
.-areraily u.-iu
b.-ld h ,v
lii aa iriEor. and
laaarssm Co. which auaek tba dtracAt WoaaUr. Ark.. Tbarvdaj, 81m »oan itoetitur* baw devvlipwl a pmees__________________
ton dash with amaxenaot at toe
. _1. :___ ^________
Gtbrrid&e'* UtUe boy a
tally shot
••ebsk“ dUplayad, Tbe rvqast
asd killed kk little i yesr-oU aktor.Be
tost tba eanpaay Bay a 1ow> of •l.4(w
kt baadllay a toy yoa.
oa a ooapla of baraa wbieb toul barwad
J. J. Lowery, wbo owns aa otcbsrd b iQCTvaMed prubsblv luon than two- .
Mybtooo atootka-sflar tba i
<ir.iO* feet. 1* lK.lMKi.-d
oa them bad axpiiwd toroayb sos-osy- of S.OOO peaeb tns Is Pettk eonaiy., fold.
d iiydr->|nHi wle-rw
Tbe OubA city of .kinatadam haa
saatof ao ■ssamant. Naadles to Mo., rvporm that tbe beds are sU
............. _
3*1 fe.*t. This
been toe ynwidiauusdcnltiwK center .f ' evonni* for ibv euriuu. fa.-i ibmi ibes
oay tba elMs wu not •
toe wurld lium time imaM.-iuacial aod , 1 no orEBDlc life bi-low tbal depth.
A Topeka. Kastsa. ams carrts A4oa.- np toafrw yaws ago over. lAOOO
Tba polls are li
(s a asooto fallow who bH awiadiad 000 lUe Isaorasee.
pie in tbs place were dln*:tiy Ot
SprinyBeld. Maax^ dark W
cllr depetuluiii upon thia trade
pbtir. Tto
a- «■»:.
•■»a*es for tbl* i>b<aawlyall toe drs^aktr* to Detroit
k outflow
.10 art- explained
.pbtned by tbe qul.A
Bryan, aged 74 yoaro, fonnorty parti Hot it
oatot sriou asm of otosay.
of Ibv-.■e.h
ibrouyfa_tbe .Bua.
■track toe town aabort Use aye aad
pboroiw. while iwlt waler eomlny from
h- Mean
rwprasatod himaalt aa U. B Bryant owns of tbe Union, abot aod killed
— ---------------- enii-r* thro—“ tbe dtptha
of toe Coaaol.datad Faakles pUto aum- hlmstf Monday. Be fonsded
ler* ou the anrfa.v
pssy of Temple-pl.Bstos.aBd of Park, Boaaekeepioy asd tbe Paper ffoild. tertd,*NM!^*Y.^^*^lIy
dnarmeni* to dkmuCKt entUTK aad aa '
therefore, stki.I.itHy l-y
A few moatoa ago be set with bsai- indnotry haa b>vu Eradnally tault 1
London aad New York
Be wt
btrisMiuI ctirreB.B of
248 Front StrAAf
Of conoldenilil
bviv that i> uuw v.-n- Cwishiufi and r-Tiv. aiel v.-r.l<-»l .-ortY-ots which
palkkad talker and be aat forth that
light .-arry the r-Yvi.-'i-, sase* 'Tmtu
' Uuii> D.
kkoospany wu to «rivc away *UM
Tbe Hume corrrepasdeat of tov Lim- prufitu.1.- I:i
IV botinm to tbe eiirfaiv auil fresh
worth of fsbian plats to latrodaca Its OB DaOy Mali aaya: "The Itallaa Boston iuveuied a tnaebiac (or rotting oVT^’"
“tirfaev to ib* huitum
aod ptfi-.bliiE diamcodx and aioce tl
work, bat that a email pam bad to be Btcsmrr Orieov. Capuin Lararelle. iiapnn'eto'Sjis .taw
made apoo it are hardly ever notleealHe. Tbe walvr
PsM Aowa to pay (or btodlny. azprmi from Basoo* Ayres. Jen. t. arrived at thsi are very impertaLUt. The fur-'—~ fit etvai »l.plh* I* sow so Mtnrated
with mil|>burti' gni by the dMoiegn
ebsryw.atc. Tbk aos was fortboosSbV'reports that os Jsa. n a
ki of utraiilc matter olsklny u> the
toy to saoy laauaoaa The dreow
womaa. aaraed Ferrariai. la a bst in tlu* toantiy marbinery
-BUY A BOX OPry it
k Urse- :
satera sever Tasked U»a. tmahlos fit of iaasBltr. threw her three little ly UM-d.
' ,
into the sen and toea leapad
A famro gein .-rprrt filaoeotfaejtotal.
BaUrcsd Comskvioes Waaslioa baa
at over f i,o«i.«w.( which dSiO.kaaadseirvalartotbvyeaeral oflsra days later her batbaad aad dangbier 000.000 wrirto artia the baada of'dculOf oU Mkbina railroad*. ataUay that jamped lato the oh aad were ieei. os. caini-d a* Moik All of tovkuher
Mace than half a mIlUao arwlag maarv made every vvsr la tbe
tba alsw law proridlpy thaiaU sytos Tbe remaining tan)wbo haa made a (or| diaaKBulY arv iu toe baailsof pnvstols- t-_i
Stairo. klay slae-trntoa ef
tone la LaPlatta. laaded at Ueaos." V
ortrstoaaball bebrooybt to a
e made oa: toe
the ylube.
- oUU before mwalny toe traeks of other
Bold by oU daslam.
Mads by
v etoptoyed In t
OoL Lev. ehiefqaan.
isUrondA where eroslays ara oot prodepanmest of toe lakea. •Sflty aaawecvd. exrept in tos awe of htdoatrybaa Invited propissk for toe srettte
rod, and ba bm I
of s teta NfritersUsrpteil St MmIs


S\vod,'5Tt&\v 'Kea>sS\oi\e& |

&eTveTa5k'Kcv»s S>^envs *'*'^~*^


- **s>: .»»■■.»■» ■


»-w, .m

Banjo Instruction.

iimmm mmmmmmmmmmiA

I BuviofiLo&s! ]



lands For Sale-Suitable For Fams.

TRiyEnsE cmr

lumber co.




lOc a quart



“Diamond J ’
or “Traverse Belle"
A. W. JAHRAUS, Toiielier BM



A CM. M Mrir mrr tai«!ceK

CteTNcfc 0 (mUs« ot ehm.
dlMMBdt ku
—-«aA.<h* ortclwutr of tkU «v1b«I« act____
_ _
_ _
flaktoo akia* la «u rmr at aovard
.kf AIMAM.

ii tk* rteUqi ivire kc or ike
la Ike tnek of i «V»o«kt. or tkat tka
UaiktfaUt* kaa cka&ced.
Tk* aanal aoUoa U (hu hr F^ax U-

1W Koaaral pabOc m «eU aa JavM* ' 4oon. rkaaclac to baiT>« dotkiag or
■mu are avara that diawiada ot a jui' Saalak tlBse. or. aa tkcr are ca^ la
<ke Case. *wa*a.’' aro vortk rarjr UU
' O*.
Large atoae* of ikl* oMor. atw
vkaa vdgkliK fron taa to IM caraia.


tloaa are an veil tuoagk. bet tk* tral
aad awat efieaeioii Beaur* ahoold ki
to reatota tk* anlck Bow of vara blood

to make ay aoqnniuaen

Tk* aetkeda ot tk* ladlrSdaal ro- ' at cold vaatkor. of otareoat aad urn. marred to were as foUova:
Ha porbreiU.
Tkdr Bctkod vkao tk* t>
I a dnaatltr of *^a»oo atoaa*- I
-iMtkaabr aainpleret lagCBloupro- :
tk* body or axtrMalUa* le loverad.
- oaM kaocaadad la laipkrtlBg to tkeaa ' or a aoddte cUII or quick ckaag* frosi
. aa eeaaaaeaat ptulty of color.
Tkls • trara to cold ausaapker* U codurad.
dase hr pronnag tvo ordlaary 1« to labale tkra* or tear deep breatk*.
•Clfai. a kattl* of bolUag water, and espand tk* luafe to tbeir fulleat eztm.
. a tkraapanar packet of naara dra ' bolding erery Ua* tk* lakaled afr aa
-The -gallov- dlanond vkJch vu par- to&C aa poaalbl* aad then alovly (ettlag
kaga aet la a gold Hog or pla. was It forth through tke aoetrils.
.nadraly dipped In tk* glaa* eontalnlDg '
Id doing this tk* laBaUon of tkaIk* dr* and than In cl«n boUlng va- langa aeu tke keen Into sack quick
tar half a doxen time* aad alloved to ntotlon that tke blood la drlren vltk
drr. vbaa it praaenied all the appear- ' vnaaiia] force aJorg iu ekannels aad
-Mo*. area to tke *r* of *n expert, of ‘ ao nns out Into tke ttnlaat eelna
.« ■agalficant atone of the Brat water. |
This radUte* a glow down to tk*
*Tka next more was to place tk* nog toca and finger tips and ana sp a quick
•oa tk* Sager and tka vaU drassad dyar , raarUon against the chill. Tbs vbols
voald sally fonb. enie<- a pavnkroher's i «lf*rt U to stir the blood and sat It In
«ad pledge tke ring for at least tkree , BMtloa as from rapid ezerciasi

S: 5“


Ever Burned Ont?
Optieha>-Tas; yoasaedoobto Bew
OORaet lb* tooit with ninraarlt* '
Hayha it Ian'I
twioa. aftm alU-Jawel«cs' Weakly.

__ _ Tcsvuw..
js ewuc. nuraoer but- . fmeawoenc.................
aa;" beef aSev. “saued Irtok;" peak ' Buttvr, par to...........
andbeana./-'B«tan tobor and ChKago ' >na. per doaea...
capita;'"corved beef aandvir^
Pmvtoaa. par bo...

tke eow in the face:" mash sad mUk.
eat is cakned a Persi* and kaa a vnla*
"disturbedbea fruit;" Spaadikanelet.
A yoong lawyer a cne-of the lading I
enlr 44 ceota
■Santiaaonfce walk;” ckocolsteeclair,
■ y.-’.' .-------------"FVntcli aoU vid blat^ dirt oa it;’* lakeciima recently imaed a ffw days at 1 _ . _
rice aad ctewn. “Chiaem white wadAny of the Baaonh BiSeaor Company
dime." and au OB owtil erewy astide on
M boys wb'' wtoh to make appllntioa
Ike iHU.dfkrc has it* «n name. -Why I
for extra pey or pewsioni wilt be sopdo we talk datway todeaoMr’ adced
• «I““*
one of tke wniter* in mply to a query. ^
-Why. denr hlokim srouldn't know{^
rar* Imnirad
what yonse wo* uOkin nkoot if yaom

Take them oot of their eeittng ud
real them Into boiling water, when If
they are ''doublet." they win speedily I
A Jeseler will exper-1
iaue no dlBIculty In reunlllng ibem u ,
before, but U most be remembered that
« to all Intenu ud pur* I

jjesi H LTRAJTOJa.
O. P. OAMTUL Agant

Bicycle Riders.
.b® tkat I do all kind* of im
that I eaa
pairing nnd csamMing, and
and do give yon tke best
ooa in the eity forth* B
be deceived b;
tbe- eantrsry.

New Methods

barrel of specie aent from the froaUer I
u> Berlin wa* robbed and Sited with ^
sand. TbU wu supposed to hare bora
done oa the way to Berllm The eolnaot
chemist. Prof. Eb.wnbargh. obtained
aunpics of aU Ike sand

1. Fnu,..' .MM

... .M 0.1. '




.be human body which 1* never dupU- ) .L.ts.1 tuxnc'
cated In mu or woman is the markings j
^ Ooerir •Un.


on tbe skis of tbe thumb. The face,
Fiftv^onr th.mutal diAian Sar a
aad Sgore may be altered at will, bnt; ^
^rip .rf InuA' BnL itom. It
tbe line* on the ihumb-never!
For|,.^ „„ Fjjn,
Uis) few
tb* deaecilon of crlmlnaU an Impres-,
y gcaxcc op Uuit a-ay.
Sion ot tke tkoinb is stamped upon pa>. Hontington paid tke cask.

At the Uqeen City Baslawr
Cnlllo* to the oroprietor.

Collis P.



I WakliWf Aoior tweei\-«d it. ud it will
elog. tllPreaiai

I help hiiii V. keep tke wedf from the door
Elertrlrlav li
- —
' uu..
the wlnl^w. .TV- erwet fwd
r"'*? “*.? ,.*’'**7* |
The too fv* .mrip Ir L8.'. f.-ri
occupation of blcjig bees hu been
ku^fth. It i* on tlweast idd.-.f Fifth
«d»^« *ren more rlessut by u
wrath'td Fifty-uM-iilh street.
trie Invention
wbleu ubvlata the necea-1
[* U
4^ tbe
tbe northcriy
n..rthcriy end
end of a lug plot
------------------------------------------------------------------; It
I ally of keeplne a vatek on tbe hives | ,anbaucd n-oeatiy by Mr. AsKc. Mr.
:<-alh prowiitI at awannlng tlx*.
j Huutiugton r palatial tome U oath*
a> a y. nor'. ttwMW Rewdlwg (*' tke Haelev.
The bul* Of Ik* npparatwa t* Ih* «m-I
of Fiftyuevwth etrect Blr. AsA( a dinner tbe olber evening. Ur. version of the srug
motion of tk*. ar'n idot to Bootfa «f to. Mr. Arur to /^ILMAT a <»*T*».a«ter®«rv- Speelalat
VT tesUaa IV Prahsw praettc*- BaemviaaC
Weldon, brad-mutcr of lUrrow. the swarm into power. As the bees swwrm : to IrnDd un the plot. Mr HnnttaiUvMatUeCe mock.
wotod Engllxo school, told a good aiory. | out they cauih two small, easy avinf inirpo to fond of air. ud h<- duu sot
“la order.” he aaid. "ihal 1 might b* In* door* to open outward.
A litUe
Mr. A.*U>r'* new redduare to
raahlwd 10 deal witb the subject of, hammer, which ref* upon thru doors -Manki-t" lito la>nw on the wjoth.
hutiby and unhealthy ilierwinre. there' when closed and U connected »Uk a; Ht-ntv hto purchase of the rtrip. which
wuiinidJwnio'meaUifeeeieeiJonof Utiery. drop*, u
doom swing apen.: wiU iocreu- ttoeA.vtance U-lwe.-u the
It contained 1 opon a mall metal teaf. and the riec-jhooHi-*. High jiritva for choice piecee
hoaw sad ol
‘Wo*r*puiMofcrimln*U.*ioMeaof pru* trlcal eonnectlon thus eHected rings a .< gronad to mold atory now in New •Mi«*Pri*drick bl.rta
flgku. ud srnuiJuBal accouu of bell in tke bee grower's hoo*e.
, school life. etc. When this parcel cam#;
--------------------------------------It to rertain tkat the |ireeent social
1 wu starting oh a visit to tbe parent.
»•-*■ Ptorv atm OmmU,
__________ _______________._______ w-n-ci will bo rvmrmberedfortfceiiiagot a Harrow boy. ud I put a good **-1. Any
xmtractor. wboao
cumulatti while hi* work de- | Dtiic, nee ^t it* enK-rtainin'-ato. Tlioee
- weahb
laelion of stories In my p
iir^Id'the"bous* Shortly before din- cays, ought to read, with a blwk ot '•lltc fav.urd eel rejreeonwd in Wall

mS.., o,





John R. Santo,
' itnral hsnaiM.


Next, eet atllWrtytbe
inn* aad
maerle* and other obstrwell
make rood tke rtreoUtlon.
We have
tkea pot all tha sysv
liberated eoodltioB. 1and
kelp to eorieb the Mood, ud
weak orgens qntokrr.
per arrivalaa« 4epenir,a> ireiBs at Areveets
Tfaoosaods have beea cured after all
OUv.ts •*vnl««r».
eiee weed failed.
saesBsvs* va

Srul Ktpiib t liillui R. S

raw FUlamBriala. 66 aaBts.
jlmratira'lf o^^'
I i.rre are e tew of the bandsnme system with medieioa
■ennah Rrfle taemoriaia left, which
I care not what yoc allmeni
ran be h^nrbl at the City Book*love bow long-ludlng. If possib.. .. ...
fnr AS cents eech.
yoD cube made strong and bMlby.
let it be rbeom ''
. . y.
LeOies^Ald sUiety Second K. E acbee, eattarrb. deafara. in fact every
ebnreh will give (en cent sapper in ailment too nametpav to mention, men
Fores'erv' hsll Wednevdey evening. ud women sorter froiq eu be cored in
Jee. :s. Uene6t ot the ebnreh.
s short time end pel^wueotly by Frof.
Drimmar, opnitk^ ii:, B Unloa street

“ *'»,

"Doublet*.'' u tkc same

to the stone It U desired to counterfeit
Tkeu “doublets" look u well u. osu. .ally better tbu. bona Sde stones, excepUng those of tbe fiaut qnallty. ud
are to be discovered by only one tmt.



... a,,I

' Wllm. era made In two plecaa.
. ..' half It usually a genoln* tlos*.
uerally a wbita upphlre beaulifollr
t and polished.
TbU U lolned by
invisible cemeqt to a ’ pule ’ bottom
ur even to uotber white upphlre,
ptdnied en tk* side where tke Joint U


the aged
"Vretty good.” repHed tk* lawyer.
“What ye dan sowP’
A party it men aad
“Pwteueing tow."
waiting for a train at tfae tiraitd Cen­
“ Wbat’s yoor brockar Jim daiar’
tral KtetioD on » reorat aerning aUractAMD WITH
doa baQdiBf •<
"Jim u ronsing • hotel." and be
id moreancDtioD than waMgreeabie to
Baaed cam of tb* latgns* pobtic hoaam
Ifaaa boewaae of tbeir dm and tk*
' In the city.
»e*-ef*wa *r «a*
■n» wo"UJiaiiiarrtadyetr
dart akiita. with- for ooato.
Made plain aad commoa eenselBrnto'
TkAexccuton of the Isv in Borop*
aU. Pint. I take tkc gwrae of diseaea
bare been svlft to aelie upon dlacoeor- and the toe* wore bsney kaSMrbocATbe old man totoad bis head wttk a from *11 parte of tke eyetem at one
>a aclenrc to help them to run down' en. with pea Jackats and for enpa. A ocanmiaon&Dg glaaea.
Then he dryly llmdi tkat are caulng eofferiag aad
criminal*. A curious use was raceatly, pile of snowMm beaide them indicated
J wp tb
pale ud eatiwg
tbe vltalllg of
—^ f<« tkeirdrsa. and ,.,.r
the rtBsen
tbe spec- <*»r*ed:
made of Ike mlcrnoeope In

k of these gems cannot be imparted
glau or "pMin“
For traodnlent pur-

ge gems.


I.T espanmem ooa c( Hr. Edtoon’s
lantan wocb oai with tb* atrain.
d. “Why don’t yon worry a UtA*
■t it. Ur. SdisonP-


Utore wondend where Aicy wwe going I
to ftod asoir ettoogb f<g tke ^urt I
xuioBi dnn^
« may wae saowsboe* to
Tw Bxst asLTn In the world for
adruntageamad New Yurie. Altertbe
Olaarm Salt
1. Fever Sore*. Tetter. C3»apped
big mowmtona uf senvnl weeks ago a
.ChllbIMna. Coma,
member of the Lotoeeinb who lire* oot f HanM^UbMn*.
^.rnm and aU SUb
wptk»a.n»d poaitivwly ewra* PUaa.
-ray way Inlarlng the stone.

„ BO pafraqwired. It to gwarwntoad
•toubiea. upphlre* nnd emeraWi may • croecope. found aand of tbe autlon at
to five xarieet utUfactlon or money
be lalUted ao excellenUy in “paste-; which It had been emptied nnd Blled.
SoniUynramng rafonded. Priee tseenm perbox. For
anle bv J- D Johnun and A E Walt.
aa to dacetre any aye. bat tk*


Fiat b*

turn for aa. and did ma the
dedkntang n book
bin to Ml oa
him. bu I did Mt into*

wnold deal** *wu
-----tkraogb rvarr raia. aad ao kr boat lo­ ».
triad plaia. Tke vaitn * eate to the
auatlr cooataract tk* UttJ* ekilL
Oa*. perhapa tk* dsplat aatkod of kUdKB wodU be i» tb* cbokot Bov
Mag tkla. kaa k*co leaned hr
«ko ataad oa eekUael daqr. vko are’
okUged to eaBer msre or lee* aipoaor*
la vtoter. or vko aeon tk* eomforta

an «Blu eokiMOB. aad vUl oalr (etch
ta tka BarkH from £1 to C« pot carat,
the ralne, of oosra*. lacraaalaff la ratio
•vttk tke valghL
Diaamad* of tk*
aoBU vaickt. If oC tk* Brat voter, or
CartecUr eolorlea*. voald be vorth
traa flr* to tea tiat« as aaek.

%a*e dlaappaared and tke poor pawnbnksr could only vondsr what on I
eank was wrong with Us ayes' Whan j
Am adraseed *o mack nosey os such I
M ruUuw atone.
VbrUaately. owing to tb* magnliode '
t this
Indlvldnal's opereUona
-Crawl ku been discorered. and now |
pawnbrokers, if they are ausplclou of ,
a diaaood's color, ImmaaM It in nitric i
acid, which, of coarse, destroys any j



So lUcht U tb« cAlU oftcalUM tkot
BOt BBUI tbc proHoil—ry me

- A Mtk«d ct ■BCUMTbI IVrOMltlM

a. A am
amj. TnaasalS^*:^
------- ------------------^
-What cm mrtfa fa« Plena CM tea
to yonr- was tb* anatoer.
“Oh. airaply that oae* i^in * (in*
be mode up kis mind tknt be vasgnlnt

pwm kM«B. i« tkc rwtth at a ko^
pic* *Miertcr« of tr«i dreiUtte of
Mood, to vUeh OM U firct MUlttr*

Within tvelee hours. 1
hoverer. tk* effect* of the dy* would

.... B^onTSAiiiiun

BMov to a Bat«(tk* kniAg uvd tail





» ■ = ,-■ V .-••—e ^

Traverse City.
Here awhile after 11
itotee Case* can be treat­
weeks in Hsotoi
ed bv writing; send letter with particoUrs.Entlrelynew method of disgnneiog
your ease, c-xrwrtly showing wvaktaees. loc-allua and doratlon of disease
pers.>n 1 t-eateau bare private
be their own
iittetsTt E~i iI¥|-TB~ii¥r
docMv. and been tbemtelves and fam
My in good health for few cratr per
If ssttoked with your doctor,
dnoe with bm. if oot eallud get
LVFSI bresvb u
circular ud fri« edvlre. I have
c time for talks with enriosity
ler*. Everybody call.
Trals sfri^X^M lu^bMri. FV ^syaa.
enres dsily.
Ortroll. 0«sBd KspISs. y WO p ■..
Frivate dieesaea of mee
Trsis iMrisr Tnnmv City el 11:14*. m.
ooDidentlally trewted.
IU\S a - as.
curedrad wastedorgseacu^e stronger
■ I |i I fiiw "in- ‘ BspUsloCIwlnvall.
than evor In a short time, every oae
Trela Ueriss Trswnr Ul; st IM p. w.bes
cu trest theaselvce privately. Have perk-r rev iv (IrsDV (UtVds.
Trsis Uvnnr Trswrvr City si 4 A p. m. bs
reliable rvfereneea ud etandl^^rm..........................'.rsbd Ksptdv u> C'SIcecu.

f iU H?;

ine Ca.tto

Ofiee boers. » a. m. to 0 p. m.
ays. IQ a. m to t p. mMany made well ud happy dsring
past i wrelci by professor's treatment.
Will remain here unUI Jan. 3L ; Ckl)

c. L. ..~..,o.>Sn'v"S"T*i':vK,V

West Michigan.
a|r. a-|A.-a.|

This ad. appears every other day.



Sr XrssV lb
Lv Oraven,


Un Psi-CUc litliffl.
Mae. OeLomar s truthful and n
Roman work under en emperor wnoa* ,.
__________ ,j i_.
t«T. indicating that there wonld be qoreign begu ekscUy IWO years ego.
avto^^U nigimS loevUs tw ■
rraaon fw curtailing expenww
To do u tbe Romus did may sometnoltiinilbonsinw h»re men (heir*
mean a decent to ---------------------«hn,ns
tb* lowest
U the earlier sge* dancing w
sna tnej
with aitiutnction.
sod they
cated a* a cure for slcknesa Uctrgua „ce*. bat It may also signify a noble j^vc^Vd^-ir wiv.w ud dsuThte^
toosgbt back from India sad Egypt to--------------------------------------- j
with tke sdd.-d
Vaeademonto notion* ^ nmdto-rellg-,
Dis.'t w—. it Tbv.
that hs. come to them. The
Imu duce* ud enacted that tka Spareccenlrie old genUemu placed In iehedsie
fnnctiojmnow made up to a
tu fooUt »houM be brought ap gmqj- , ^
m, ,^e a board with tha ji,i ^4 dinnets. ball* ud i»rti« tar out
fnUy ud symmetricsilr^lB
------------.. ------------ following genertma offer
. thereof tbeewdinsryin pointof brillimra
vstebM of tke night. '

meaelBB appvawd <M

[ tk* towu BU Douy,
-I wilt giTc Ibis Md to uy mu
il'-u a ■hsaltk
■ " giving, who to eontentrd."
“He toon had ac applimnt.
---------------------------“Wen. my mu. you ere a rantented
•aeev TarkHk Caatam.
leUnw?” asked tk# dM grallemsn.
Amoni tb* Turk* bath money foera
u Rem In every marriage eontrset, ths I
-^^en why do you ^t my ffeld?"


husband engaging to *»«•» 61*
emtain sum tor balking pnrpo***. U it.

The applicant did not wait to reply.

fas withheld, she bai only to go belors,
tbe udi. and tarn ber slipper upside
down, if tbe wmplalnt be not tka
drraed. U to ground for dlvofcs.
le. line to

otSeet leUblteg naaee.

and oat.
Oeasaa *r PelaealBS.
At * meeting of tke toagoe feumed (0
eocure akorter to«r» f® draggHto'
ttorki tbe Adame poison csss was allud­
ed to aa one of muy illorastions of
tkc need of extra care in roBpcnnding
ud seUing drugs in ordm to prevent
JoknOalla^er. who spoke in tbe inWsrted tke league tn the Second Ave-

taSIs tolek le Ptaste.
India bai perhaps a grsatar varlaty



yonr city.

It wax betU la tka lime of King

tk* inwesm

OBa. of Hereto, ibout tkc you 7>5. ud f
thus to over 1.1W yai ■ old. U U ot.

be mid. •‘Onetovolnnlinsl. and two are invol-

and bore tke name St. Oeraun'a Oats.

Tobacco wax dlacevered la 8u Do-

mt pUnis thu uy otbm country in the mlngo In HM;
in Toeatu by/
world, haring 16.000 naf
Spaniards In 1620. It wa* introda
' wbll* tk* flora of tke entlr* continent' tnto Fruce la 16CC, ud lato
of Marape only emWaesa sboal U.000. | m U8L


Tbme hare been dinmn to Sampmm.
dinnera to Schley and dinnna to Miles
and Hbafra and Booaevelt but they
win *U psle into In.dgpIfiiAtice wbu
tke dinner to Admiral Dewey to held,
nans tar such a dinner are already un­
der way. altbongb the time of tke admiraVs letun to tkls country to uncarAUied Cbameand to SKTriaiycf
Bitaee wkldi to arranging ter tha

t OmnaUepM

ettlea all aroond yon of baatneeB ud


aU kinds of iBpwtoni maltoraudoeto lives of people





bee advlee.


Sb* gives pul

ud fotur* accmalelr aad advto* on
OrssS navlSs.Hleb.

aU affairs to life both private ud buriud againat
aboald call aad






madiuB a

trial, to know tbe fntore to
aU atrtoUy coofldeattol.

lUlSRE ilD lOBm&SRU ft. L

Tboae livtog

ont ot tke dty.

OUlvulv f® toraa, rcadlnga eu be giraa vrilk
■AS. imti
toek of hair ud Ume ot bMk. Tb*


meat prmsineat people oonsnlt bar to
aU riUea os baslnem. etc.
short tima

4o so by teqalrim at tbe OC


Tbit lady has muy teatimontola from


B«ru tor a

■loTv rebrveuNtbs

.VV> BKKT-Puratobva iwom ae4 boa
A two ivStM or isss esi wtic, f<______

weeks ud where ake met with wmal
darfal aneeam.


Houca B a.

m. to»

iliS "sr

•• M •( ».

Twta WsaMsla

Ckll over 612 Sooth OnioB atnet.

All eiUes she riaiu to ber rrilaUe reeyrefapd*d.


m. Dnrtoc tk* pra 6 weeks tb* madaiu


(•o' 4 ll'll.*

All toritod to call aad ff*(
Cornea here from Max

where eke has been for tke past elevcm

k« foVtt* octagonal abape. the upper porUon be-

sp tbe house contalM IM cable teat


liable raedluo. to now in

kukeu to Ttavetae City aha kudon*
as axteaslve bestoeaa, aad wUl reosla

CravULsSv.U TVSTCVOT oily Aprawrst
ybsw «(«. Oo *r l« J. W. Lus. Ueg

iasi *ssss“
llg •ml




Ml at •kMise'* MUl twice 4
r M sb4 Wu Kaesr «a R
This OoMpssr
■apssr issnvss tbe ■rivOsgs «f
(be Umc ef aWtv (tab M tbetr



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