The Morning Record, August 20, 1899

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The Morning Record, August 20, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nsTanin ami






•aeratair Baot Kaa Ordanl Three

Bad FftUUty ftt N*-*b-tewuxte Yaaterday.
SvwMlV.Bob*n.«redSS as« Kit
KiM Ymt Old



•vlVBtBC Md tb«T«a West Dewa
tiTMVwiof Wai
s fttallT •( KtMrUi* Vho lavM
ta CUtiaatti.

for rUUpptaa Hertloa.
Waahlactoe, Aw. lo Baeratafy
Eoot iaaaad order* today tor the Twea^•Sereath. ThliV-Tint aad Thirtyto proceed to Sao
Praaeitoo at oaoe. They will toll
are prorlded.
The qaartoratatur'e depamaeat to­
day dlraetod that the eteaiaen Qleaocle aad Taeoaa of the Nortbara Hacite btoaaahip liae be chartered to earry the troops to Manila. The Gleaocle
will carry am aad the Tacoma AM.
Ordere were loeaad by the war de­
partment placlnc all nujota. captains
and Uaoteaanu appointed fiw tbe new
rccimeaton reemltlac daty. The firmt
tonracimeau of •rolaateare are com.
eosplato aad ther*> atarplaaof aboai
for racimeau la the PhlJiipplaea, Bpeakiac of tbe ordere tsaaed today for thrw raclweoM tto preoaad to Ban Pranoiaeo, Adjataat Qea
oral Corbin aaid that not only were tbe
other recimenU to follow eoon. bat
that the tea reeeaUy ordered would be
seat to Manila as aooa as orcanlsed.
Charlss B. Muir of Hiehtcan was to­
day appointed a malor to tbe new rolnntear InfaBtry.

WUl Go to PhiUppin



Kxpeetad to Beach There by Bad of
Batay teaeoa-irui Mot Take Commaadta tto Field. Bor Buparaede
•an. Otla Bat Will Aasmt la Prooaeatlac tto Oampaicn by •aparrtetoC Operatic^


Prank Maore waa arrested last area-,
lac for reckleas dririnc upou ■ the city
Be tamed from tbe comer at.
BUU straei to L’oion and was salllac
dowa that atreet ■when he collided
with a woman on a wheal, VnriHUiiy
her dewa. Be did not stop to see if she
was lejurad or not, bat kept oa golag
until stopped by ofBMre aad Ukea be­
fore Jsdee BoberU, where be was
ipUy ftnad $5. Chief Baula says
that thte was aa example, and that
more would follow the eaase road U
carelem dririnc was not stopped.

Chlcaco.Anc. lA—A epaelal dispatch
. A md
drowniair aaddaet at
to the Beoord from Waehlartoa says
H^ah-ta- iraato Uat tTMiar aboet fl*a
that Mej. Oaa. Nelson A. Miles.. eoi
e'aUek eaat a rlooca avar the popalar
maadlac ccMral af the army, te colac
taaortaad broafkta UrriUt aaitUoa
to tbe Pbllippiaee. He srilt start tbe KXCVBS10S6 TBDH TUB 80XTTB
to a happr tamllj dmla.
lattor part of October.
Be will aot
Tkt vleUtoi «t-e little Barold Hobart
Uke eommand of tbe forces la tbe field. Ballroadi Broacht Throne* to tto
alaejearaof ace, aad hie maela. EreBar sHll he euparaade Oaaaia! OUe. Be
raU W. Kobart. acad u /aanOlty Xmat Blchl
will howeser, act Id hU capacity of
yeanrnaawaa the brotber of J. I).
Whau the S:SS train OB the C. A W.
Ccneral of the araiy and will hare a
Hobart, a promlaeat citiiea of ClaelaM. arrired from tto south laat ereninc
euparrteloD orar fisld operatlont. Be
aatl aad the bay wat the aoa of the lat­
there were six coaches packed with exwill direct the aeslcumeat of the differ­
ter. Mr. Bobarfe faatlly bare beea
cureionteu oomlac north, taklnc adent reclmeata aad partieipav»<a mapatoylBcat Ne-ah-Uwaaia darlac the
ranuca of the cheap rates offered by
plncoutplaaeof campalcas. He will
aatoater eeaton aad Mr. Hobart and fait
the railroads. Many met friends at
reach tbe Phlllpplem about the cioae
brother Brarett only arrired yesterday.
and othere came for
of tbe raloy aeaaoa and may remain
It wae a happy meeUncaad the family
tbe flnt time to seedhe country. Thera
until peace te restored.
looked forward to laaay daye of dewera a larce number ulao on the 10:55
This etatement is made upon excel­
liChlfol reereeUoa at the raaori. Laie
lent authority. Oeaeral Mllea bus or­
la tbe afteraooB the yoaac maa took
The 0. H A I. bronchi a larce crowd
dered a iropial outfit, luclndioc new
the lltUe boy HaiaU to tbe beaeh,
also, althouch so extra ooaehee ware
nnlformt, etc . aad the fact that ha 1s
where they weot loewlmmlacrequired on the branch. Oa the main
There iee raftaaehored
colac Is pleaslnc to the new eeercUry
althoncb Mr. Eocl did not eufChore la ehallow water aad the two
west la faetbioc from tbe raft. Tbe
Ceei it to Oeaeral Miles. There will
poeacBiaa ewam beck aad forth aod
be coatiauad dealals of thla eUtomeav
8 BtaAsAOe.
~ raated ocoaaloaally oa tbe rafk After ThrAe Ken Killed and Horri­ and General Miles and bte frleade will
hare boncht a bif lot of woolens aad
awklle it wae aoUoed that the raft bad
lose ao opportunhy to dteeredlt It
will nuke your clothloc to order. If
brokao iU aaehorece aod was floaUac
yoB don't care to bay ‘Kady Maldv"
■eat. Wbea tble wae diaoorcred tbe
around bte plans as they did when he
craft was la aboat tan feet of water. Boiler of Tbreebinc Kachlne Bxpled- left for Cuba to aasist Oeaeral Bhafur
ad aad One Other was Tatally Xn- before baatlaco. Oeaeral Mllea will,
The yoaac nan bainc aa azoallaat
awtmaer. did Dot think tarioualy of
Jnrad—Xacloa aad Bsparator Da- of coarse, uke taU tuff, aad ble party
thia, aad iaetaad of ealUoc for aaeiau
moltehad and Tart of Bollar Blown will be formidable la nambera He
aaea to c*t the raft back ba ooaelodad'
190 Teat-Dead ^a wera Snosrn will be of material aaatetaaaa la proaeto swim aebora. Ho be moaated tbe
catlDC an actire eampaicn.
and Base Belatlsae Bera.
bay apes hk beck and starud for tha
ezploaloB of a ttaraohloc malead.
eblae boUer at Osbom. Bse mUca aaat
'ItMtheacbt that Mr. Hobart
atrtekaa with a aramp before raaobioc of Empire, Uto Triday aftonioao. reshallow waur.aad aaeble.wlth the boy •ultad la the inataBt death and borrlI Bnltewd Baca Tor
of Ihraa man and proba­
cUaclBC to Mm to MTS bimaalf or the
Phlllpalaa Saraloe Taatordaybly faul lojarlaa of oae other.
other. There ware eeeeral pereoae
The threehiac machine seat owned
tbe beaeh aad tbe yoaac man tried to
Trareree City has contributsd eleren
Pricr-B that will move
attract attention bat ooald oat de ao by Kellocc Bros, and threabiaf sraa beore of her eoas for aerriec la tbe
them quickly.
We have
aatU It WM too late and both aaok to- iBf done on tbe farm of Mike Karai
when the accident occurred. The mea Uultod BUtca Tolnnteer army. Cbpt. A.
Cather. When It wae eeea that
fiome tau shot-B left sad bare
thlac was wTOBC the two sank from killed were Lymaa E. Pilbeam. enclcut off all the profit and
alcht aad did not rlae to the eurfaee Im- neer;Bobert Nephew,feeder apd Archie llen yeetoHar oioralnc In thelHuellmore ID order to close them
itol huildloc and before 3 o'clock 21
Antop. band cutter.
The srater had
madlataly. A etmcEle «ae
thew the alarm wba c>r«o ^ot aU ef­ become low In tbe boiler when another sad Ukeu tbe ezsmintitloo bat oat of
forts to reach tha nnfortaaatae lo Um# supply wae aent for. In tbe meaaUme that Bomber oaly 11 were passed by
the enfincar srae waraad that It sras
were anaTalllnc.
Latlies' fine tan shoes, new
CtepUln McCabe roeeired erders early
The bodlM war*.i«WeoTered half aa dapcerens to oontlaue roaninc the enatvlea, we have s d them for
hoar later and erary meani haowa Clne nntU the boiler wae supplied with a tbe afternoon to send the troops ea1200 until
r, they are—
adapted to raatore life Two or Urae
them to the Tblrty-oUth
titoto tha litUe fallow opened bU eyes scarcity of srater by the Indleaior but
aad a hop# wai eatertaiaad that ha bte adsloe wae not heeded aad tbe en- United suiee roluntoere now In eerriee
weald recaln eooaclonaaam, bat the cine sras kept ranalnc at a cwd apeed. at Manila. This te tbe ekeleton recit bri-r SUad out wUh rolonteen
Boddealy there sraa a terrific ezploeloa
eforti (ailed aad life wm eooa
Ladies' fine tan shoes, esrbe estiaei.
aad the eaciae srae ahattorad and the and the Tisrerae City boys will colnio
recl shapes, 11.50 shoes, for
Uadertoker Aadeteoa
three men msaUonad dashed to iuetant actire eerrine at once. They wera tent
from Trareree City and he want to tha aad horrible death.
The lajurlee of out on tbe 4:30 a A V. U. trale with I
raaort and prepared the bodies for Oilbartwerafrichtfol. Hit latostlaae ruUons to l•.■lnDUl they reach Chios-'
were tom out aofi one of hie arms Cowblc-- - ill toatto'cloek thte mora­
aUpoMat to Ciaelonatl.
The etaamer Craaeaat will
and a lec were brokea by flyinc parts ine. Tb-r will leare Cbicaro Wnl«bl
herefrom Hrrthporl today after the
Be was thrown some for Ban H .Ticiaco, where they will cn
Children’s tan shoes at
Hretidio barrack* to raeeire
eaekele and the bodies will be broacht dtetaace upon a etraw stack. Peter
46c and 66e that sold for
hare aad seat aoulh this eraalacBlllmaa aad Asher AUlneon auo re- their rqu p-ueul for eerrioe. Capuin
hi>,'her prices.
MaOabe suied that they would prob­
oicred painful Injoriee.
Tbe bodies of the three dead mea' ably retzuin in Ban Pruncteoo about
were terribly mutilated. Pilbeam ^ two weeks then go direct to Manila
MifUies' tan shoes for 76c
The recimeot this squad te aaalcned to
and $1 00
You save 2oc
thrown 75 feel Into the air and hte
m. d. Xaaraey Puahad a Job* Which
commanded by Colonel Bell, an offito oOc ou each pair
body waa picked up about IM feel
Bmb^I 8.600.000 Vast Throuch from the eoeae of the caUetrophe. Tbe
Xatartoadlata Kiaar m Quick Tima.
boast of bte limbs sfere brokea la many ately. Bis reclmenl has been conspienout In itreral ImpsrUnt encacemenU
M. J. Kearney, maaacar for the Trar- places aad hte fleab Was tore frichtful- lately and there te a prospect thav onr
eras City Lumber Co., returned from ly. Nephew Is supposed to hare been boys will sec iutoreetlac times soon.
Bellalra laat nichl, after hariac direct­ strnek la the neck i(y tbe belt of the
The recralu oonetet of William H.
ed the blcreat Job of loc drlTiac known enclne. Tbe top ofbU bead was Utor- Roberu. aoa of Jadee Lorin Boberts:
la that locality la many ycara. Tbe aUy tore away. The body of Anton Jnrnen Boblasoo. Han* P. Bapensoa.
badly maacled' and at
Lamber Oompaay owned feet
J. Labytn. W J, Bebebv. Jas. R.
hemlock la tbe Tleialty of Intermedi­ brokea.
Tto end of the betler at the fire box Sublee. Ben Belley. Pred A. Wriebt,
ate lake, and owlnc to the
Arthor Vanderroru, Lee A. Cunnlnc-aa
of net belBC able te c»t tbe timber out
ham and Lewie Curaro.
Popular Shoe Souee.
tbe caac mw of the mUl had not yet trucki Ufud Into tha air and throwa
Roberu, SUplae aad Btpenaon w.
been started. Last Tuesday Mr Hear with terrific force l:o feat.
of Company M. 3A11
aey want to Uellaire for the purpose of throBchlhe separator In iU fllcht. Trararae City boys axcepl Behober.wbo
Bsaklnc aa effort to cet the loce out Tbe whole ontfit was a oompleto rain Urea la Elk Rapids, and Wrlcbt. who
aad etarted towards the lay.where they aad the eoeae about the place wae hor­ comes from Cbarleroix.
oould be towed to tbU city. Be eacac- rible to bsbold.
Cnplain MeCsbe placwl tbe squad in
Anton was a yonnc maa aad
ed e gmug of nearly eixty men and eom' of Will Boluru. who will re­
meaeed operatloae. peiaanilly direct- rlsd. Nephew was II yean of ace *and main U ebarca uutU they ranch Chlealearce
iBf theworh. Tbe work wae mabed
Mr. Roberu wae eelectod to Uke
aad the l(«a atartod throuch the riser a brother of Jim PUbeam of thte city. ebarcc of the recralu because of hie
Into Oraas Lake Tha maaaesnaat of OUbert, whose tojariee are faul has a experlnnee In the eerrlcetwofaetortea aad a mw mill oa the riser wife and lour chUdran. Mary Hunt
Ordera ware reeelred by OapUln Mc­
ssere ladneed *10 ekdt..dowa ee m and BnU Kannedy of this dty ara ate- Cabe yaatorday lo dote the eUUon
to allow all the srater poaelble ao that ton of Napbew. The funarsl sf the hera and raport at ones In Detroit to
tha lacs could be run oser the dam. Tbe dead mea wlU be held today.
arraaceto rrjoln bte reclmaat, tto
Owlnc to an lotorruptloo in tha tele
srorh s»ee puabed with eueb slcnr that
Thirtieth infantry, uudar Colonel
by Thureday ntchi the antlre amount crapble avrlos Trlday niebt It waa Im- Gardner. He will co to Petoakey thte
ca jtaw
Ible toc«t -the partienlan of
seas rmbed throuch Ue riser.and (last
mornlBcaPd leare for Detroit Monaoeldeat
lent throuch to thte dty, tto oaly
alChtlbere sraa t,000.000feet at loce at word bdac a prirato mstsace lata la «»7
Y'ea, we are all in one nation, and
the bead of Torch; Lake, aad l.MO.. tto nichu
have been so for over 100 yeare.
ElChtt Tor tto Binreh Taotorr.
Dorr Armatroac. drirar for B. J. Mi
000 tael sraltlac »t Clam Lake to be
tossed down. Thk U aot only the Uc- Caa aod J. 6. Beajeada,
Tha Starch toetoryhaa 1st tto eon- Bat we never got eo cloto together
^ Kimball
Pl4M Oo..of this dty.
----------- -----------Oo..
Caat drise paaaad tbroach the riser la
oaly a abort Atetaaoe away at tto traet for wlrlnc sad llchtlnc their as is now tbe cnee, when the long
yaaiu but tbaca te no reeord of aaek a ------and witaestod tto aoddeat.
plant to the B. B. B. L. A P. Oo. They difUnce telephone haa pat all tbe
^aanUty bainc dHraa tbmicb la each Tto raport msda by the
will also pul In tto Waraer Watch- oonntry at the elbow of every en.
aaborttema Ordinarily tba ssork heard asraral mllse away.
weald base aoasaiaad two waoka or
terpriaing bnaineae man.
Tba dtettnea mads tram tba VehsTsaaiMUM
tto exact hour of tto watohman'e rtelt
It is no longer neceesary to write
» ah
aboat M mUm.
Blartinc foiat ssaa
nlu for -Blc Maa”-Juat r>t'sm
ime^^oftto bnlldlnc wUl be
r tba bay
ealtotaetory. A Banda A Op.
or telegraph. All that ia reqniaite
' will be
is to- talk and get nn’answer then
lOMTiiy BlM
aoartad'ranalac racalari^tto**am
aew dram eult cam
Tonne nun who known the city to and there.
sslU saw between and lU.aoo
so^ettylow ,
drire Pony Bxpriii See Mark Craw
to tto aw Book Stars.





; Fzaak Koore TaM 86 for M^-fc|fws

The man who afflicted a aatiafied
nation «ith that aaloUlion U dead—
It e probably warm enooch for him now.
There are several ways to cool off:
. . Uto
, get one of onr uauimocxa—
with i-ool colors—made in a cold ell«
m-ite—will fit any ehape—we're got 'em
from 66 cents op.

A Fine Stock of Mian Baskets
Going fast at rock bottom prices.
Bff'AEKSBBEB—Our store eloeM'TreDlnge next
week, except Tueedey and Saturday.

290 Front Street

WOW le the time to ask your huaband for e new HAT
The prevailing rage:

Ladies’ Cubanola Pointer HATS

Qc Each
Several^hundred to choose from at

?"'S.BtNDA&1!0. .SS
New Embroideries
Lar^e lines of new embroideries and laces
for ihe fall sewing, jnst received aod
placed on sale here. Btj-les are pretty.
Valui e are right. .


$1.50 pr.


SI.00 pr.




Batph Oonnable Jr., Kana^er.

Music on
the Water..,

—in camp, on mountain
or on shore adds addi­
tional charm to mid-sum*
________ _
mer amusements. Don't
leave for jour summer outing without a good guitar,
violin, mandolin, or banjo. If jou are without one
look at our^stock of musical instrum^ts. Onr stock
of fine Kimball pianosjindjmusical instruments em­
braces the best that are made. Our prices are low.

I. E. SIEOKG, ItiiKii.

m FtoB SL, lunin Hod


NOtm .sotrm .




Ws are agenu for the oelebruted Velvet
Shoes for Udlee. Step in and see tht m—
They ere beauties.

Special Sale on Laities' Oifords.
Bemember os when you pnrohai
Obildren*! School Shoes.

143 Float Street.


tBM Mounsro


- Koumre ,mmoobd.

t car. • MJCHJOA* Wcfmtr te««watj Sm



•ad V«tt« «f «ek la tk« BoM


n«te«r AlMka.
MnL VwTMa bM raMt«cd • lett«r

uoobd'. stthdat. auqubt


ao. lece.

Kaearre U j-i joy'nff ---------- enio HeoMaa diet ba* pooeM a IBW
B fro*I bit dotioe at the •mMb (vqoirtnff boAelort to pay 25 |>er eosL
t BOi« IncoMO tax than BiaiTlod Bmb. U
Tbo' fioon of tbo Bi(h
thle neoanre bad oriffinatod In any '
MlTinca ooat of
mttro«e xoto*. H ««»>d
toBdont Borabao rep*ae^ tbo old. ^ W1I1I7
talnly hare been quoted a* an examplo
Bms of dobnoos'i ooqyeiModia “kboi .
t)i>i nlcht


I ua> J. W. BAwm. bt>aJ>*tM haadimM wkfckjrtli U at

•: si
Tl»iOii OUf.

Tb* Tla ruto ladtwuy.
Tow pootiW ia tblo oautry bow oa
Moo ofUo iH^ grontk erf U. tla
ph*a iadwtry ia AtaorkaPtUm to
}»lth««WMOoollU)etln fUto foe
ivy la tho L'oltod SUtao. tbo frolt of
Uo aaaiMoMd nyvlBoaU of oa AmorTodoy. aot qaUo
•Iftatyaon oftor tbo McKinley toHS
Mi) wont Into eKoet. taore ore flfty-two
savsfaetvlaf ploau, oad 20,000
•ad boyo ore drowUi£ wo£co fron the
A few yeoro ofo
Mt 0 eboot of tla ptoto 1
Hiotooi today s.lOl.m
*».» (I.en botoo. of tin pinto
MB bo pradaeod annwlly. and for at
laootHOdayo iatbo year ttto.ooein
WBffoo (o ovBod dallT.
Tbo dmlopMBt of Mto bow ladnaUy U weaa »ofo «pM than that of
•Mol. U woo bard to indoM tbo unde
tapnrebaoo Amoriooo otoel tben, and
•MDBfaetororo were fain to IbIUU the
Sbofield bcaade. It woe different in
Uaplaw- AltbonrbtboiadMtry
MtablUbed tbronfb the McKinley
Iff law of llrei. the Worldb Fair <
WMon at Chleerffo deaonotroted
two yoaro later that Amorlean tin plalo
VBO felly equal In all qulltieo to tbo
bMt WoUb plau.
Thirl, Uu»«.a,., ua ilrU

laurwt to U* Tr»»e«o aty frlMd*M/. BeadnM i* lecaUd at Alles City.
B.C.. Inthoffoldrefflow. He left 8oattlo Tab. If. tbo boot on wbteb be took
pavoffo belnff on t In a wry oewro
•torn for « bow* /dnritff tifo week's
trip to Spokane. On Mareb e bo loft
for the Inland with a party
rioUnff of olfffat F<
Eajclkbun. and tbe trip wan made cM
foot. pnUlnff oladpoa oontninlaff tbeir
and ontflta. *'-------- -------bard trip to Allen City, and Mr. Bondao U1 that for fllteoo days be
aad bU load had to bo palled aloBff by
bloparUMTa. Tboyensnpod in teeu ot
Biffkt, aad tbe weather was very oold
When Allen City waa reached two ebarItablo ladico volnnteered to care for
Mr. Uoadroan aad their food nurslnf
pnllod blm tbroBffb. Alten City, be reporte as a very nice litiid city of abent
t.OOO. bat tbo prlB* prrvaUlnff there
aro aoBkotbiaf anrprialBff to people
frwoi tbo SMteo. Tbe gold field waa
not np to expectations, bat tbe proapoeu are fair. To qaote drom Mr. Bondreaa's letter; “I tocA two bench
clatms, one (reek claim tad throe min­
eral claims, bnt cannot toll tUl 1 work
them whether they are ffood or not.
“1 am lirinff on a very blffh monntoln
which I was tbe Im white man to
climb. One day 1 took tome wood and
made a erooo which I caerled a mile np
the moantoln. It was filiean foot loop
and the arms fonr feel.
1 planted it
and named tbe moontaln Bondrean
moantoin. On tbe crest t wrote ‘Thia
bao bpoc planted by Peter Bon­
drean from Seattle. Waab . «th avenBe.
March 1st. in tbe honor of tbe Mother
ofOod.' Tbe day waa M cold that I
bad to threw myaelf into tbe aaow aad
rah my face with it to keep from freerinff On my way back down tbe monatoto I foaad three miMral claima, I
the recorder aad bad Ue name
of tbe monaulB and Uo claimo recordiloff Ue etaim St. AatbMy «t
Padna. but moot people call Ue monntala Frattob mouMla.
Meat that
ffo by write Ueir aamm oa tbo ereoa.
lamliriBff amoDff Uc BogliU aad
iboy call me tbe Montroal Freaebman.
f have made a ffmvlen on one of my
claima and have planted
tuee. onions, earrota, tnmlpa, potatoeo
i. alt of which look fine. I am
working aa hard as when 1 was twenty
yean old, And feeling ffood.

MBdoato aad ofioe and ebtppiaff eMrk*
SiOb mlUreqolroalOO baadofor oeory
B^af of three torno. and the 800 mm*
e follow* for ooeb tnm ol
0 doy'o work
Hoilor, 18; donbler.'is to M: heater, It
• oMoher. »3.«S; eorewboy. »5: ehearman,
, •! »0; helper, eonetimei employed by
rollv. •* *5. In whleh cooe the roUer’e
dMly belnff on o ton aoffC Imeti
•Monau to lew than ts; oold roller. It
toU: eold-roil catcher. II.Ml; pokinff
boy. II K) to II TJ; annealer. M
Friday night. JammF. Cook, living
plakler. IS to IS. Tbeae waffe* are near Clio, waa awakened by tbe stompbo*cd on the icole which recently went log of borsea. Be Invmtigated aod his
did likewise, bot by anoUer door.
Tbo aon mistook the faUor for a bergJIxxT Toeaday the oanltary eonven- lar and ent him op badly wlU an
Urn* to be conducted In tbli city under Tbo horrified son. on
tbe anspleeo of tbe Stole Board ot ilBMke, drove with bis fotber oeveral
BoatU. will bcffin, and It U rxpeetod mlloa toClio for aonrgoon. Tbe father
that tbo proffram will attrael large
may recover.
dlOBOos in Stolnberg's Urand during
the aooilon of two days. Tbo proffmm
Owing to the lllnms !of Bev. W. T.
pOBtoins iBbjeott of eoasidorabto Im Woodboooe. Eev. W. & Brown of the
etrolt conference, will apeak
pertoneo from many poinia ot view.
Itao nmst important to Traverae City tomperance moetlnff tkU afternoon.
popple being the matter ot pabllc watm anpply. UooiTe W. Bafur. who in1
TOOtIffatod ourresoureeaaometlmeago.
* Bakery.
wQl be one of the principal apeakert
and his coming will be of more than
Ofdlnary intoreat, as it wUl give TraraiM City peopleaflrst classopportanity
10 iBqotre more inteUtgenUy into the
matter of water works from Mr, Uaftor's point of view, aad the fact
Us report has been Ue basla ot all diapomtoa OB Ue great local problem
makM hU pn
Mayor Hamilton rroeived notice
iMt evening that Or. V. C. Vaughan of
Dm Ann Arbor University will be here
■loo, a» l aa Ur. Vaaghan Is an accept­
ed aothorlly on ooDlurr maitera be
srlU 00 pnKieularly areleome to Ue
nonvenUon. Traverse City people
tkOBld make it a point to attend all
Ue seaaioas.
uid you



ar^od of '<

is a ^ood time to take adrantage of the
1-4 off on Gasoline and oil stores. We
give jon 1-4 and the use ol one for a few
of these hot days will pay you tbe other 3*4.


Os all U.IM paM V




Bon Ton Cafe

Through errors the name of Prank
Frcidrieh was omitted ywterdsy from
tbe list of those
thL-. who will close Ueir
orcaataevon o'clock.
A SCO waa bom to Mr. and Mn. Anm Wilhelm yeaterday.
Re*. Oavld Bowell will ooenpy Ue |
pulpit at the Prcabjterlan ebureb in
Ue momior service today.
l.tdie« of lirace ebnreb are makin|
airanffmeaiB for an eatertaiomeat la
Ue near tBlure. It la 'o be given by
children and will be a bone tolBfT
B«r. Brown ot the Detroit, conlertlatebnrch .
T. Woodbouae. wno ia 111.
U. [>. Campbell A Sons will blow Ue
waier works whiaile at T 0 clock oa
Monday. Wedneaday. Thumday and
, so that
Friday evenings, oy ri
iiorea may be
g hour of
Bev. A. A. Wall, the Conffregational
mlnlsur at Omens, has rented a bonse
In Ue city and wUl live here so that
hia children may attend school during
;bool year.
Endeavorers realized H8 from
Tbe E
it <concert in the Friends
Uair excellent
chnfieh Friday nlgbu This amount
be used toward deeraaslng U
ebarch debt.
Tbe following point
•ached by the liorthen
apany from Traverse City; Keswick,
icbam. Suttons Bay. Omens. Northport. Frovemont and Leland. At SatMBS Bay Ucre are ten phoacs. at
NorUport four, and at Laland tsro.
Jack Abbott. "Hero at large," aa be
baa been called
the Spaniab
the only recruit aecnred at MusksffoD for the I'hUippines. Jack 1
to Cabs anyway, altbongh be did
peas the examination. Be made him
self generally usrfu'. although be got
no pay Now be ha< at last accomplish
bis pnrpoae of becoming a aoidlcr of
L'ntlc oam.
Michael Einfield. a Uerman farmband near Sagiaaw. vras killed by a
Michigan Central freight train.
It U
sappoecd be was wa'king on the track.
Tbe body was terribly mangled, and
had erldeni’.y been dragged along tbe
Mck a dUtonee of UW yardA
IS large add
d you 1want knee panto for
< him. bri g him
' sizV knee
kne pant*.

of SlalDbars Oprrs Uou»a



ed atttjtBWo.



Lunches and
Order Coohwg.



Now Doing BoginesA


la onr iuiuj«-no<‘ etoi'k iliert* Br? many
linfs that l)(H.-unie brok.-n-only ciTtuin
Bjzos left
If you'r** firrtuiiBte eiiougb
to timl your tit you get b bargaia
Tlu-se arn some of our Hnee: - ■4 Lultoa woiuau'o uffr-ta _ glove. woniBit’s
Fr«uob Lioie gloveti, woiiiau’e kid giovfa, all .sliadeo.
"A larg- iim-of blfu-k aud wbUesilk


all Htylea
of bunlvre and

, n that a
or a
tliil every «♦ r.r from the smsl'esl for yourae’f
U) thatI for the• largeat familv. The IsTgest
IWm suit eaaee from
•lock in the• state
o Telescopes from « the


Making qnick room fur ibe ufw fall
'That means lowering tbe
price — way down—on many etyit>a.
Havu th. m in lacu and ribbon trimmtKl
-Every corset
faulflussly curved —
{suUlewly correct—purfecl form fitting.

Bine Serge Salts

salts — children's



Sewing Machines
are sold now that will enable every
fami y to have one. If yooSe the cash
ill band it means just the one peyment
If not, then you can leave some from
each pay-day. Yon’l) be aurprisctl to
eee how soon it's paid for. Take your
choice of a White. Vuten, Comeetic or



ladit-ij’ lioee

Going on an Exenrsion?

^OT c\v\.VJiTe.Tv'6 qomtva au4 s\.Vv6"'\Do w
aro hoVVor vrepatod Watt eoer before, m
In white fnrni 3c to lOc per Irani.
In colored front 5c to 20c pet yard.
Out b attd So kVttda oatvttoV he ecpiaV-

120 Front Street.

Fro.nt Street.

'90'Ol are read^ ^ov We
toVi A»\tv\6T xCvqVvts, ttva\ art awe Vo
come-lVooti ioXa^ atti 'pTevar® 'awtrseVnos—'SWe Vs aoVhVaq Vo Vake V\\e *
vVaoe 0^

|.J. W. Milliken.

BOW cbBa I


icbeae Camp No :S4.t 5
Urns will t>! CO (r«> <■!>■
• BBMld Sopt
mtagve hall. Monday e
I paid CuriBir ■wpteail'er ISrr* W
lendanee is desired.
steamer Charlevoix sriu
srtU take on ; K«i'uLps'./^ir7« aBd'pa'*^"” “
The Steamer
- for
- Chicago
— '

; fear thrrr
thara will
will Ua
U ek%r(aO a p
O bushlm ot applet
eect. for collrat
she reaches here today.
U Campbell A .Sons' wa
umped f
yesterday pump<
water. There b


you." said the fair'I*
***^^pliln H
ItMtcss. "Vou sec 11 U a game
Vblcb grace and skill predumloste.
The thrower—or pltther—a dear lltUs
illUrv. sunde In the middle of tbe
Uodc and throws a ball at anotber,
0 lunds on one corner with a bugs
“ t ihr^i
dans in bis band. Tbe
In bll the cane and ^be other rent
_____ ....................
- thrower
it with the ball. Some ot the

amoBe railroad men but other eoaneo “'r*ar»w«k«
for r^mioE o*

VS a

was vlalttng her.
"Indeed I would.*’ wu tbe eply. "I'
How Is '
sever aaw a gam<


2.S! '^h'fi^h c.’'s;.7ssi"i

; It js ww W wwwnsnmtiM

n attend tbe base

tke way quirk enough and when they
It hit they
y have to drop the rane
cane and
Blay tag around the tblock; bul
srIiBga can1 stand'there
-f the darliBgi
(ever geti ihelr canes bll once. The
bandaome fellow who wean a silver•lated toilet mask and sUnds Jnst heilnd the knocker la called the catcher.
fU U lust too dellghinilly brave foi

racril, punhunl rf W. S Oo.n^l.. U. U. «•» o««i- au.u-IOh. ■
Tbe 10;SS C A W. M.
Min last niffht
1 made to lay on womens wheels
broBffbt in an advartlainff ear for ue; 1• tax twice as beary as that on men's
“Indoairial Scienoe Taoffht by mall." wbeola and It tnUwl by a very ciooe
ofSerwaton. Pa. Tbe only advortio- 'vole.
tba.eai is an explanation ;
Inff done
do by tl
Votioe to Saxpayen.
ear. 11 baa a oomplete rail road
loUcc W iMrrbj M
on tbe ea' aad is fixed up in

< i<it just a
fvw to cloee,
and ibeso go


Look at theae moving prices—WVU
start at ISc—50c one for 2ye—another
style at 3ac-7l»c make for 69c-the
dollar grxxls for 7.>c They’re beauUea,
•-very oue of them.
Just the sale
you've waitKl for.

Golf Gapes and Fall Gloah
(’an t fwy.too uiiuh ab<-ut these swell
goods They’re tbe finest products of
tbe great eastern factories, Can soil
tbe most fastidious and fashion has
decreed tbe Style. $5.00 givM you b
good one.
.More elaborate ones At
prices np to tlS-OO.

pet cent.
All manner
of stylus to
fit your bead
and pocket.
A goo.1 one


^ Bicycle Talk


Never too late to boy
a wheel— aod JOBt DOW
is the
money saving
time Our remakable
offer of a Warranted
IvBohoe for $20 00 started tbe move

a few more days will clear us emt—just
what we expected. Then onr bicycle
snndrieH — everything need»d to make
your wheel whole. Can furnish extra
parts for nearly every wheel made.

The Hannah S Lay Mercantile Co.

TBM ■PBIIOH? MOO at). atnrPAT, ApOOg;r,<}. ISOS.
ovraaLmnni Toiux I



I n 11 nn rn iTTn
os tba C. * «. X. witb beadkwtehadby tba»anpacitivaObttrBbw
ra bara for arar Baa ywrt. bar
baea tranafarrad to a almflnr poMUoe
«nai3 <znac»fAi.| cst-KBat loola (w tba D O. R A W. J. W. n«*. oam. T. asMk kwser.
Doyle, eon of John Oerle, will take
Ooajter Waabinyuw suaat a^ Boardbk^eeabm.
VMV i«t «r «r m w mm« Mra. F. C Ooefe/ tauimad* yaMerday man
Holy Commaaian at S:40 a m.
Maealny servloe aad aarnsoa at 10:M
rfMk Fob lot Um od «f Ut Utl from a visit at Oo^ppraeiUe.
Sa^y School at if
k««l (areAacv ia a cUaplar f*
Bvwlay sarviee at TiSO a m.
Olay for a abort
ite CU«lw Mo«« WOTkk. Friday____
AU are cordially invit^te thaaa earnail with relativaa at Old MiMlon.
laf.Tbla w»km Um toanb pmcm U>
Hon. A. K D»nybarty of E k Btplda
Um UMlr tjifert at ihU laet<^ 1b that was la tbe city yeaterday.
meoozo mkibomr.
•asbar «4 soattaa.
Mra Voyelaoay U ia Aldan fornabort tM. H. a. neuck. PMUr.
■barv &roa. of CoUwatar ure
Claaa meaUay at lo a m.
a. by Eev W. E.
«M«ad tba MMfaawi* of a ^alaaa
Mr. aad Mta. C. B. Hevr awl aw of
eonrereacecarrtK*. (hair owb isrotioa. Tba CbiciyearathaywatoofDr. and Mn Brown of the Detroit c
z is playing haroc here jost now. Mowing down and slashing prices right aod :
•wSfU «{ tba aarriaci frill ba MiO f.K.Brim
eaaiplatad Hjdel ahowt
CommanioB service 740 p. as.
liny for a visit with
afford to throw off our eotiie profits, even lose money on all summer :
Ea». J. A r
that It »U1 ba aaoaaaBiaat aad alaraai
rods. 8ha wui atop at Orani) Bepldt
z goods now, we reap the benefits late®—The discounts for ready cash during the '
aabidt. aaally
on her way for a abort Tislt.
Prayer meetlay Tbutadsy evenlay.
than make up for the loss, and we mean to make an unmerciful slaugh
of afaklar tart Uma
Dick Campbell, B McNa . . ...
All are cordially lavited to tbeae aerOraod HaaoD olda fair to Jiaip iato Cbaa Fautaon ratnraed laftevanloy vioea
= ter in every department. Carloads of merchandise are on tbe way for us. We :
rasT ifZT«oM*r.
proaUouea aa a aaBaar raaori. aad u from Sarieaw.where tbry atuodad '
throw some of our goods away to make place for them. Come and :
street fair aod caraivkl.
Or. Thoi
b«s. i. a. BraaCj, pastor.
OTldaaea of the fact It la aBnonocad SOD, who also atteodad tba eaniii
: pick up some of these bargains.
Sands) 1 LaatscarWrlyBeaUay of
that tba Urasd riaar 1b tba vlolaity la want oe to Ike Soo.
(be oooferenee year.
oaoBplad by alUfatoia. A aoBber of
MIm OrlSih of loala, baa been asazLotafesai atOifS a. B., fidlospad by
yaara tfo a coaple aacapad tron a cir- pectedly called borne mneb to tba re- brirf address ai d Holy QomBnaluB.
yrrt of Iboae who had had the pleaaura
A17:30P m. B«>. J. W. MUlar. pracaa tbaia aad dUappaarad. Nov
of meetlay her. Mi>a Griffith with the
Jad Baraaa aad WUl Maolloa. who MIsaaa Bwnseh and Ka»e were riaUloy ■idiay elder. »U1 preach.
Watle all are eoidially ii
,i they eapturad ably Be*. aodrM.a- M £.‘-Benacb.
north■yator aaar tbalr aaiap. bottbatliaab
aaqaastlyaaeapad tran tbam. Tbalr em roaorta before ratarniay home.
Swrc la aomathlay for you—If yon e»n w<
i' D-<airola lace or buttoa aboaa valne
Mias Otlle White baa rateraed U
<4. 3B. or 4t size suit, yon can yrt a i
aiory baa aroraad eoDaidarabla aaclta?! S'l. tale price..........................................
• Bteomplste. tnapendara ioduded. wi
Moroiny Sarviee at 1040
Mias Mmude BbdyM of Mayftald,
Ladies'black kid aboet. ft r stitched, patent
Subjtct: “Slate MUalona*’
A li-yaar-old daaybtar of Albert came to the city yesterdayUpa, lace or bntton ?1 10 value, fw..............
- ndayaehool. If a.
Farria. Ufiay aaar RarraioB. fal| from
P- C. and J- H. UaapmdSsbad la the
Ladles' chocolate kid veatiny .
Boardmaa yeaterday.^
aa apple tree, aaataiai&y iojarlat froi
lace, value $1 71. sale price-.
Will Bradl^ of Colon atreet. Is eo- Iny."
wbleb aba died.
Ladiea' chocolate kid lace aboaa. new toe,
All art cordially invited to tbeaeaarVaorya Moaroa. a aarpaotar llalar at te^niny T. J. Bradley of BatUe
yood Sf 00 value, for .
GayaowB. vhiia workUiroB tba roof
B. A. HilU aad family of MlcbawancHKiitnax sciz.Ncz
ofabara 'lB Gratiot lowmbip. Tvaaola ka. are beUy anuriainad by B. Bvana
Sarvieea every Sunday at 1040 a. m |
value for. .............................................................
ooBBty. fall to tba groeod a dlataai
of Divlaiod aueet
Thursday at 74o p m. in. K O T. M.
u d.u ulu m.d.
M feet. aaataiaUty. tarriUa'Isjoriaa.
Mlaa Bbtffird baa Tataracl to her hall, m ProDl atreek
: hr.....................................................................
“fi I
Tba. doeion eapaet him to pull ho-ne la Ann Arbor, after a visit with Sb< j ct for momlny aarvioe. “Cbriat
rKIZMIl* ('Hl'Hc'Z.
Mr. aad Mrs. Feyoa and dauyhter
While dlyyloy yraael oa hla farm at

bate rrtorrtd
ltd toat.e
tone aafter a two weeks
Bav Btrciay Jones. Haator.
^ We are aacrifteiny all Sd (w. Si oo and (c oo bau
lba.oBUklru of Owaaao. L Uopklsa outlay at Beat Lodya
UU.»' U,c».. prir. brU.
CbBTCh, Cor. Osk and Fifth atrwta
dlaeoraradibaakelaiODaof aareral InMrs. B A. Wriyht of Cblcayo la the
diapa, .or tba fire oralz akulla found yueal of her parama, Mr. and Mra. Asa
only two ware well prpaarrud. Fros Hale of Seventh street.
Eev. FV. Baner has raturaed from
tlBt to Ubs Indian aknlla and raltea of
Banr kiada have bean picked op on Irand Bsplds. where be attended tbe
Tba snbj «i both momlny and evennnoralofBftt. Ft. Palcber.
tbai farm.
..........- tancy aatb ribhooa. 35. 40 and lOe
Mra. J. G. Birdwll bae yone to Bock- Iny will be of intartet to the public.
The public are cordially Invited to
L«at aprlnr Charlea B yara of Plain ford fora Booths' vUIl
tbaaa aarvioea.
wall, who owna a larye peach orchard,
^ **thaV^ O rnate”
variety at Iw
LMXO ttZUATIOX A tooneladad that theaararalyoold waatb
a«r. D. Ceeblla. pester.
■ Men's yood workioy a«i. deep topa. lOe quality ,
•r bad killed all tba Uwaa. aad bad
Snoday—Preaehlny at lO;S0 a. m
Mra. Q K Campbell and
ebopped down 400 of tbam whea be
3 “Peaoeand tbe Peace Confmwace’'
: Men's black aod brown yood draw tez, worth me ^
a M £ Baaeb- of Fontlac
was called away frotn borne. Wbaa ba are vlslUoy the family of C. J Bbner.
Sunday school st noon
Y. P. S C. E. at 640 p m. AU yonny
raUrsod tba traaa ba bad lafi ware la
J. Vaaelaky and wife of Cblcayo are
people Invited.
bloaaoB and loaded with fmlt.
vlaiUny friends aad relatives bare.
a»e =
CbUdrrn’n sc boar, an slsea from S to t;,'. hslf
Snadsy avanf^ Gaapel service at
flc Z
Mr. and Mra G M. Wiley and daayb- 7: SO p a.
DiwnlorABollUof NaabrlHe bava
Cboms choir plaaaa meal in aiady
aUppad a carload of Maple anyar to a sr of Detroit are tbe yaaata of Mr.
od Mra £. C. K-oL
before the service.
Ann in New York eltr Tba ear con­
Z A yo^ w
Mr. and Mra 6 Thorp of Cblcayo are
FziutwooK (uarr.L
Idren't Jackeu ao soc oa the dollar.
tained »0,<WO pon^ of pare maple aneiMenierUiaed bT Mr. and Mra. C.
Sunday school, s:oo p.mWriyht.
yar. aod the loToioa price waa sa,0U2.0l
Pree Methodist prayer maetiny TueaNo summer goods of any ascription reserved. We most clean them out. S
Tbla la nod^ubtedly lac larycat order
A. B. Coanable of Kalamaroo spent dsy evcolo*. 740.
= StocEupaow (The trade supplied ) '
of Bombandlaa or prednoa e4br abip- ycaterdsy here with bla brother Ralph
Itnlnn prayer maetlny Priday evaaaod aoj ived bimself on tbe yolf llnka
ped o«t of NaabaUla la one ablpBanU In tbe evenlay ba left for Foioakay ac iny. 7;3U.
cordially invited lo tbeae aerazerpi wool, aayt tba NaabaUla Nawi.
npanilied by bis brother, wbo wlU
lad Huoday
luoday ibi
The county bonaa at SXanwood was
Jay SpanyU Surprised.
Mra Niakirk raturna today t
daatroyad by Ira Friday nlybL Adolph
lliUiiUUj liliiiiliil
Bsplds after s visit with Mrs. Uonser.
Aaout fifty aeiybbors aud frieods
Nurrlo, the only one In the Inaana
Mn. H.
- Frarl aod dauybtar Rorill rstbered last eveolny at the home of i
I. F
ward, loat bla Ufa. He waa awaitlny a went
I Nirwood yesterday, wber
place In the Trarerae City atylnm. The they willl spend two weeks with
wttb friendi
windmill water aupply waa «at cfT
Mr. and Mra Koloaon of Kalkaska
law. Mr. L J. Spanylr.
Card yarae*
wbo base been visitiay in ibis
laarloy no Sre prolectios. The
Seats to b B«'Brd on Ksia Floor of
Charlevolz yeiierosy
and asocial time wbiledaway tbe bourt
inataa were all Uken to a place of eafeCity Opera Ho ite
Bpeadlny a few days with friends.
of the earl) evaniny, wbea tbe front
ty. allboujrb there ware many narrow
lawD was Hybt op.UblM were bronybl
Wilhelm. Bsrtak A Co. are plannluy I
aacapaa. L-ma
out and bountiful eaubles aod refi^b lo make some very attractive aid de- j
to spend s tew days.
npon them.
tbe sirable improvemenu in the City Opera
A blactny aioak oar. loaded with cat­
MIsa Louisa Porter, yrbo baa been af
tle. war a nlyhl wltnaaaad by Um farm Modlny the teachers' InsUlute tor tbe eompab) ecj >yed a hearty renast and a Uooae. Tbe seats in tbe aiidltoriucn^
Tbe will be yrsdusily raised from tbe front j
an near Port Huron. Wban tba train past three weeks, returned to her jo ly time for a enuple of hours.
borne at Old Missioo yksteroay.
leave taklny wonod up witb a ebaae to tbe rear, permiltiny a much better;
banda law tba Ira tba train wu atop
Mrs. James Dizod sad dauyhter after Mr. Spancle by several of tbe view of the staye than at present. Tbe |
pad, the blazloyear dataebedani the Bbea went to Wezfard yesterday.
youay ladies and brinffiny him back, isles OB the msin d vir and In the yal-1
ealUa ralaaaad before any of tbam
Mr. and Mrs. Beaymjllar and danybt- tbe number of his yesrs were soundly
lerles will be carpeted and tbe sUir-';
bnroad to death.
A wreckiny train ter Bessie of Cblcayo are vlsltiny at
upon his back.
the borne of Mrs. Bee^mlller's fslber. reyistered
___ '3ii,
I ways will be Improved in a similar manMBi to the reacue wat alao wracked.
to remind him of the yood
time all
J J blaoton.
■Ishiny *^him ilirrm for I oef-The manayemenl will cootioue to!
A-. Plncbnty fozea are ao plenllfml
Mr. MdMrs.
Mrs. Kritbare eniertslnloy
' Improve tbe opera bouse and make it |
that farmers are wayiny a war’ of
Mr. Keith's brother. M B K- tU. sod
more pr-aular than ever.whi e the book-1
termination ayaintt tbam. Oj a
(rife and dsuybter of JobosUwD. Wla Poor Outi a I.eaf.
iny of 6'si claat attr«eti.:os will betarma entire Hocka of poultry kare
Mia. B. J. Moryan aod dauyhter.
After tuoay we will sell bread
Cbarlecents a loaf
ifalralybi. Palace Bakery pushed duriny the season. Tbcee ad-1
baea daairoyed by ’Beyaarda.
*0i* I
II tf
dilioDS wi'l add to tbe reputation of i
At Alleyma, Mra. Uprayur, an ladian ) ;load
tbe bouse as oce of tbe best in north-;
-woman, left her baby ob tb e yra«t
ern Micblyan, and it is already the j
■n'. fall overcoats rlyhl
while fbe waa plckiny huekleberrlef ia
the “Tailor's

Needle" at S Benda
.t laryestI
U srae bltMB flee Umaa by
a r.ttlMoaka aod died before medical
Ftar Oasu a Leaf
aid could be admlniitered.
with doable brcsstel vesta for bo3-s
After today we will aell bret.l i
will spenc
A beary oak tie wat knooke d off the
I from } lo 8 years old—you'll find
'. B^nf
eenu a loaf atrilyhl. Palace Bski
Micblyan Central track near OtUtemo
Alice Goodrich, wbo hM beeo vlsltiny
bill by a local frelyht
It bad baaa
Us Mary Hunter, returned to her
>me In St. LouU. Mo., yesterday.
imrried Boo (ect from the pilaThla l» the
Mis. Prank Yealab and iwoohildren.
third attempt at train wreokl&y in that
wbo have been vUiliny in Alma, nvicinity.
d home laatnlybt.
Eiward Bart, a farmer Uvlny near
and Mrs. Jamas Lake and chil­
Weet Krancb baa laoneblve honey aa dren of Bsndotpb street left yesterday
bine aa a bead, and la tbe earns hive tor s week's visit at Kalkaska.
pale bine and aome yraen. It la Jnat aa
Man'y C. Dodya roturned from a
byslnaas tflp to Cadillac last erenlny.
yood to eat aa any other hooey.
L W. W. Kelley ool State street yo
Graaahoppara are rulnitur the aayar. to Cbarlavtdz this b
momlny for a fesa
beet crop In Ckawpolia. Tbeyr-browae
lyi' vialb
. off the lopa in a way that diehearleoa
Miss Georyiatta Uorfan went to AIthe farmera.
den last aveniny for a few days visit
At At. Joaepb llybtenlny alruck aev with frieods.
Miss Lena Play of Kalkaska was la
eral vlneyarda In the Bldyedbtriet aad
tbe Worden yrapaa Instead of dylny. tba city yeaterdvJacob U. Bara, bis dauyhter. Mrs.
beyaa to ripen aod Is bow on tbe mar­ Plowman and yraad dauyhter ol
1 8t.
ket brlnyiny faaey prioaa This kind ' >hns. are rislUny P. B. Bartt aad
of yrape Bever rlpana aader ordinary' mily for a few days.
eirenmauneea natil tba middle of SapUmber.
aztended visit * h friends.
Mr. Baniett of Walled L«ke, while
Bowlay yraaa near a Larye aiump sraa Slcyt'at (Htu Away
Wvua by a ratUeanake. and U ra<iotrWe wish to dispose of a larye atoek
•d two aod one-half qnarta of whUkay of biyh yrade bicycles between now
Wheels are
It tba polaoa. No lam than and Monday. Auy. fist.
now on ezbiblilon at Lsdar.a's Bicycle
alz peraaMbara baen bitten by raiila- Repair Shop on Colon atreet near
BBakes, In this vicinity this season, but Front. Tba auction sale advertlaod for
Saturday tailed to come off. owloy to
BO fauUtiaa have occurred
aa accident to the aoeUooeer. The
U/U rpr BDd w» can oonvince yon that othai
wheels were marked for private sale
don’t aeU $2.t0 and $3.00 ahooa at SI 9
Guite a number sold, bat wishiny to
of new fall bate iwaalvad at B. Banda
■ ave been
A Co'a.
___ _
10, a '
. .... .. AUbcyelaayuar.
hsattay tlsaaduta.
aateed for one year. A)ll parties wbo
Walt aaUl aU of ov faU atoak ia la pitrchaawd at prioaa inarkod Saterday





0^ intCTert.»

Tremeniloys Reductinns

And Extraordinary Low Prices


without mercy. We muBt have room, and we shall have room. :


I Ctimneneine Tuesday. Aigust 22.8 a. m., aad continuiae far the balance al the week,
_________ we surrender our esiablishmeni to bargain sealers.
Commencing with oni Clothing Departm ant.'

orpii.t'T'iiris “pisira

In Our Elegani Millioery Degartmaot.



1.75 j

2.25 =

i Sants'Udias' aad Children's Furnishings. I



..................... *




STORE traiersecity,Mich. ?

* i^aAon

I Handkerchief



Newest Colors.

Fifty cents.

Seventy five cents!

An immense line on the


way—Be here next


week—See it.


It will be worth the




Another invoice new Hats j


at tbe same time.


^;Sty*£.;S?b?5S:“8.1aa*£‘5 (IbotewbacU.

716 U-






The Old Beliable.



■AST ffimMSt AT OKStoA.

L«m* ICaUfw. U ymn of if* m>

Thm Mmart to jPepoUr osd
Bri«bur Ftc^Wto Am I
FollowlBf ore tbe Utoet onfnto ot
Omeoo tan:
Goptoto Wbitmoa. Groad Bopido;
a Hobo;

m«M a*lU»B«r. » 7Mfi of w*. WO'
fcMod to dwtb
tko OKploolM c
. « OM of rMoiiae io
kwmmt li
«ko boM of Uia forav rirl >■ Otkofo
. rrU»T
Tbo lofloIoUve eooowl of Wooten
AoitnUo boo pooeod o blU osfnaohloiRf wevOB-ffor tbOMlOMOOM 0»d
tlMof '-0c»fedar«e Bonad." where
4.0M follower* of the eoeiben coaac
II« borled. Ooocreoenu Moon, of Cbl*
c*(o. will, at the neat meetUf of ooatfnai, aak for aa appropriaUoa.
awboarebarled'aadertbe monad
ereraprtooaeriotwm at Camp Doep, All Hrer traffic oo the 8t Lawrence
lebelac earimulr Impeded bp deaae
mmoke from foreetAtr*. The eton
Seel* waa delaped aereral boai* PriAap. and all eemel. more about with
Abe rreatent eanlioa.
It ia oow aekaowledped that the
toaboate plarae befan at Oporto. Paraafal.ooJunee laat.*lnee which Ume
aberc bare been n caaea. IS prodac
Wb. Baldwin, a direr of SeatUe loot
hi* Ufa Bear TaeoB* wbUe trplag to
raachtbeeankenabip. Andelena• haddaeoeoded ISO feel when be alg,naiad dlatrem, bnt hU life waa enubed
out by the terrible premnre before he
.oonld be bronght to the enrfaoe.
A woman'* oinb baa been *urted in
TL^ndoo, to which no ope under *1*
feel in belghih will be admitted.
‘The Lntheran ehnreb In loeland U
.MtlBaiad at aboni T.MO baptlied mei
By aa enploelon in the Lloet eolllery
.in Olamorganebtre, Walm. St peraon*
were killed and a large number InJared. PatbeUc eoenee were wltneaeed
me the bodlecmere brongbt to the
f aee. men. women and eblldren crying
nod eagerly waiting lor tiding* of the
ootombed All the Bring bare been
Tbonaaod* of pereoa* hare
gathered aronnd the month of the
ta a rault at the crematory on 8wlntoume laUad. aurrouBded by the aabea
of-anclalmed and pauper dead, tboae
of Ool. Oeorge E Waring hare been al­
lowed to Ue almoei e year, without *o
much a* an inqolry oonoemlog them
by family or triaada The plain Un
can conulning t^em la marked only by
abe plain Inaeription of hla name. Tbut
ie being cared for all that remain* of
that pnbUc aerrant wboae death waa
doe to yellow ferer, oonlraeted while
In Ceba In U« eerrloe of the gorem-

bereral bay femr prtleou are <
peeted el Omena Inn. whieh
whi ' wUl be
opea uaUl October.
te oow eotertac to N
^rt. a

, toBC of them eotUfere. bet
BO*Uf ell at the laa. All roiewl
tbe»eel*M pleoeed ead bore azproMod
a wl»b to oonc afala.
OoBBa ha. BOW brlfhtor proapeete
tbaa at aaj time alaee the bellaiad of
the Ion.

j;.oca> Taleat.

:ert to be
a of the
giren in the 8wedbh Lntberaa ehnrch
Wedamday. Aug. So. will eontala
ecUeat featorea. Ibe partielpaam bara
all rolnnleared toaerict and the
oeada will be deroled to Ue expeaee of
orerhanllng the church, which ka to be
tly tmprored. The following U
iba program:
8el*cvlou........ ............Slopan Qnartetu
'oeal Duet, tola* Bllda Nord aad Mr.
Uro Nord
ViolU Sol*.........
V.ealik'lo. -a
Plano aod Violin Duet. Tb* Mia

Hot Weather Goods
sad the genersl sppreeiAtion of real

leads iM to add still more good things to the extra
sjtadal attractions. Bemember, lou offered at this


Vocal Solo, "The Plaina of Peace.'
..............Mlm Baby Dean
... Jette and May Strong
Plano Daet
aim Me a Pictore of Solo ---------------------------- the
Old Pireeid*.” Ma<
Maokln. Dr J. A. Sny.
Morurka. Uodard).
PiaMSolo. (Sd M>
Nl»a Loular Bnek
Violin Solo (Kauai t
E UomtVocal Solo. "All in a Oarden raD.'
Wataon. Mlm J<tepba Wilhelm.
Selection........................Stepan Qnartatte
elotblng at greaUy reduoed prieea at
8 Bend* A Co'a.

sale go qaiek as the

Prices are Extremely Lew.
A lot of kid glovee, formerly solddt 75c and 11.00, now---- 38o

Chililrei's agd Ladies' faecr Parasols, 34 price.
Leatlier Belts at 1-2 price.
Two Gtrnfb Bicyclra, value I5S.00, to cloee at..............$86 00
One Ladies Bicycle, tmlue $<6,00, to cloje at............... .$88 00

A lot Black Silk lace, 5c purl.
Ladies’ Union Suits, light weight wool, value fUOO, at........60c
Ladies’ Union Suits, blsck. winter weight, value $1.25, at 88^0
Three pieces Linen Suiting, value 46c, at............................. 18o
Orgeodies, LsppeU, Lawns, talues 10, 15 to 20c, st................


Udies and Misses iackets, 98c and $3.90.

isilr. fnia Plir-lib or -’laoui bBi:dia«*. «•'
rbrap bou«r aud lot OB ouuairt* ol rill ^

y^ornn to gailKT-t Bf»rr **%-.« aDd Ft

'A Success

^^aKT*DTi> g*>"r-rrB«>«^oa*|^oo Fwt
Bn».:n Fromn.
^JI^AVrnUTO KKS'T—Frotii oB.-r.oa
BroB. 8*'Fru^Lir^* ***'*'



Removal Sale j

' *IHt-

Idloc o> four



'C'OK SALE—Kr— boUMOB.I :oi 08 E*at aide.


:s, S'..”


Lut week's eelee for e^doU eeaeon were away
ahead of our expectation*
The extraordinary low prices we are making
make the goods go fast.

Real Estate, tuctioaeers,
Traders, Moaet loeaers.

Fi^'R BALl-e t-« a
JtOBlUa, and an autopay today reraal
in her atomaeh the handle* of Bre *11- X}B8ALE-*I» Haaaaai
and ElBwood
uer apooua and fifty cambric needle*,
«■» .
and la the boweU nearly fifty more F'lRHALE
naedim. About a yearAgo the woman FOB RALE «r
told an atundam abe had awaUowed
eereral apoon*. but an cEamlnatlon
(dm IM.-rmiFroati.L.
tailed to diaeloae the preaeno* of aoT
foreign object In her atomaeh. The re­ ^eao'
markable fratnre of the eaea ta that
I to auffar FOBaiLB-e 1—laualto fsBt ceroBr Mad
any pain or hare any trouble with her

South Bide



September First
We Remove to the Beadle Block

Dress Goods

Comer Front and Case Streets.
Until then we will make eweeping reductions on
the former low prlcee on all the balance of the Vc>
Namara stock and also on all new goods Just recelTsd.
Look^oyer our bargain tables.
Woidbq'b Tad Iecf and button aboee....................................... 89c
Woman's kid and dongola button hand turned shoes..........86c
Woman's slipperB, band turned............................................... 68c
Woman's white duck oxford ties, band turned..................... S6c
Woman'a tine rici kid chocolate, lace, up-to date stales.

kid Um,' .lock tip!, K


Woman's fine dongola lace, stock tip, up-'toJste. f2 00 va!-

at prices 10c to S’?.00. just received.

New FalL

Prints, Outing Flannels, Fleeced
Goods, Ginghams, Linjens, etc.
All in good variety—prices that'll please you.

A great variety of boy’s and girls’ school shoes—wear
reaistere—at very low prices.
New goods aod old goods are included in this removal sale
—Get our prices and compare.

n'KaALE'OIr- FstBiMartTBi
r.. Bile* from n'lUlaarbBr*
ULE «ll-m acc« tan

Front Street


FOR BALE-at»-nn am
CBSlrr '
U ta certainly gratifying to
!-Cotea Baal FreelatraBl.
lie to know of tone ooucera In
who are not afruid to bejrenereu* to The aborr air ealy a (a* ol Ur bar*alaa *r
the neadr and auffering. 'A* propria- allot Wr de ibr bnaleesa. aJvar* ee U« bsa
tbr MIUAK. alaan ub acalaat
Aon of Dr. King'* New DlaooreTT for Ur.alaarrea
Ibr caar Wr arr haidrard, bBllrt..pnKit aed
OooauBptkm, Cough* aod Cold*, hare trrrpnarltilr to aaaault; *• mors baaliina.
mlren away orer tan mlUioe trial bet- make aors daaU. barr a larear llai
ikaa aU tk* ra« pel <oe«U
Aim of thta great medicine, aad bar* OBroOmt
Ah* mtlafaetlon of knowing It baa ab- Teu will are aor
■ at lb*
tolutely cured tbouaanda of bopelem rw. 0*_e»
iM u riirhi’ ear el^ U ak
Asthma. BronchlU*. Hoane- Wr
aem. Aathma.
arr aM Be Ibr creaed C____ — taaal ear
• of the Throat.
,*M and all dtae
I by
Cheat and Lung* are aurely.euw^by
•ft Call on the Dru|^ta 8 B. Wall raiBi, wr arr alririlr la It Wr wert all lEr
And J.O.Johnaoaandgetatoial bettl A 10 eto. E*fular ai** »c and »l. mrabrr W« alfaa ai boiiam of aiatn. B)«
M rery bottle guaranteed, or price iw/ABded. _____________

Wade Bros.

Froit St.

Many other lots to close before large shipments of gooda from
the east arrive.



■ nBloB r*r»a at oBta.

Jewel* onoe worn by the Qdeen re­
gent of Spain nr* now the prlaad prop­
erty of two Amerioao women. Derld
MuSat. a Colorado miUionair*. while
Abroad rooently purobaeed a diamond
i-Braidrarr pra|i«n7 t
■eeklaoe tor and a diamond U- rOR b.SLE
r Ban,
Ara for Both bad been glreb to
Aha Spanlab treaaury by the Qaaen re­
gent derlng the war with the United
State*, and Mr. Motai, after much FOR a*LB-»«»-*l>aorr*taipro»*d, Cr««d In obtaining them.
^R*Ut^-0*#Um» on Wobatrr ^
Me kept them a* a aurpriae for hi*
Fi'R BALE-Ma—«i*rrr (ara. lruii.WBaand Bleoe.
The llllnol* Society for the PrerenUon of CounmptlcB la preparing pliAa
u 'is ■
for the wUblubment of e aUte aanl■B.rtir.Fead d-rltarium for the treatment of oonanmptlre*. which It will aak the next legialature to build. The fuudamantal purpoae of the project la to proride
tor the treatment of the poor who are
AUabled by the diaeaee. Ooremor FOB b»LE-y‘-,-« a<-r» farm 6 mib
Taaner ha* Indicated hi* Intention of
aapportlng It and of approring the parlluiur aoC lar.;. 1
poae of the aoelety in aaklng tor an
stLE-eCO-aodar aoC S arr«.
approprlaUoD of SSOO.OO* with which n>KS
Eo build tb* eanltarlnm.
BUM Day. colored, aged »0 year*, a
patieul at the Columbna SUte boapiul.
who waa rceelred from Marlon. Ohio,


Hear It

Op Stiirs

_____ ________-I •i.«i«.

pum saw life.,
ttekly, n»:d^
Weenm. SoUbyJ.
B. Wall.-------- •


We are showing the new and correct things in

Bargain Shoe Store

For MeXtnley Olub P>c' Ie.
An exebaage. In apeuklng of an enArrangemeau bare been made by term lament givea by Hey wood'* Celewbieb tb* Oolnmbla wUl .Uke paaaenbritie*. miy*
geiu to tb* annual picnic of she McEiaThe entertaiimeat i
ley club at Bower*' Harbor, Tueeday,
lb* *111* ol the ettr. aamong whom
u promtBeal ehnaea people
who do
Aug. IS. fur IS cent* for the round trip.
They emme to
peykemageto mealeal talent aad
■preads Like WUdftr*.
weat away highly plaaaed.
member ta entitled to tb* blgb encomi­
New* of it truTel* fa*t. Wbeo thlug* um* accorded them by the prea*. Murare "the beat" they become "the beet pbeyaboro honored them with a pey•eUtig.” Abr*b*ni Here, » leading
bonee. aed Uke* plcMure In reeom.
drugguhef Bellerille, O. wriieac'Blec- mending tbvm to loven of good and
Iric Bitten *r* the beat eeUlng binen enltuM luaieal
I have ever bandied In my >0 yean exraclion will appear 1
perlaooe." Yon kaow why? Moat dieWednmi^a*]
-------bmrtb in dtaorden ia the atomaeh
liver. Wtoey. bowel*, blood aad aerre*
Bncklens Armtoa talva.
Beetric Bitten tonm up the **OB»«b.
The B*»t Salve la the World f
relate* liver, kidney* and bowel*, nta. Bmtaee, Sorea. Ulean. 8i
purlto tb* blood, atrengtbea* the nerr_-


BnptiOA*. and peelUvely enrea niea.
nr DO pay required. It ta guaraateed
lo-gtve pm * ‘

8. BamduA Oob.

Perfectly tailored—elegant materials—at the low
prices of |8.50 aod $15.00. We want you to see

New Hats
New Neckwear
New Colored Shirts
See our stocks' of these goods.
Styles and prices to please.




THE KOBimra REOOBD SOHuAT, aTOHST so 1809 -Part Two.

Santo Domingo a Hotbed of Revolution.

X ycAT the poUtk-lAB* &Dd POIIUCAI ! He at oDce declartd. uodcr tbe rul»
writera aela* with avtdii>- upoe asy o
««r*»Bcc tbat <
the real object of
---------------------------- .. —------------ ------------------ -------------ley ID aeixlln* aar•tain caD be brousbl Into ridicule la ablr* to SaDtp Domlac* wa* not tn re-aome way, ao mueb tbe bMlor. foT con- ;ator* order, but -to be on band to aeite
tlnrntal Europe la deaperaiely Jeskiua the tlrat opponunlly to "UHei-vene" for
Of ui.
(he t>ur|>oae of addlna <be nanfe of
Tbia fact waa abundaolir lllastrated Banto iMmliyo to oar Hat of roloolal
•anely ebrleked that
aJle*ed rcrolutlonarlea were really
e play to t
r fer- 1 paid
d /
Amertcan acMiU. aent down there
- . .
-reate a dlalurbanre In order to rive
report oter tbe wh'-le aorld that Prea- the rolled Ktalea aa exruae to land
Idenj lleureaua of the republic ofjlroopi and thoa.Ineert the wed8».
Baato I>omlii»o had l>»en aaaaaalnated. which would be a neceaaary prelltnAi aooD aa the newa waa verllled Prea- ‘ Inary to our vrabbbifi tbe talaod.
tdenl blcKInley aent tao aarablpa Into | Now It la not netful tu be overburIbooe watera to jirolecl •
lolereau jdenrd alth gray nlalter to undcratand
gad Uvea of Ameriraaa aad mber for- the abaurdlly of all thU. Tba abaerp.
•«gaen. Tba vice preaidaet of Santa ' tloo of Santo Domingo a.

moat uBi>ropRiow for any
reat «barv. aad
agaJnat Baato Domingo a-ei » It even their Dumbera iBcregaed ao rapidly, tbat
we aould.i
entertain la 107 B|>aln gave tip lb e werlem part
auefa a au^estlOn for a moment.
I of the taland to Fraree.
intereating to note, however. |
This weaiem pan of the Inland baa


malnect uh.!.t Spnnlrh rul-IMI. »h--n thnlrrc.l
u|i hy iheenr.crtic >f ih.-ir'n- lL-hl»'ia
u:n fr»-Jciin. d-.>'l<lab In ihr»u off th.
.«l-ari»h yoke. «.ii Fell,
Imi. they
Jrclaird their lnde|>eii<!--ti<
A oon.Ututlon »ae framed and Pedro
Sunluna t»a» .lc<led i>re.lilvnt
H. reeigliid In IM^ and aeveral lin-n tried to
euiiU- the f.irtunee of the repuhtli under
nulllar)' rule In 1C7 a rebellmn broke'
.lUl and Preeldent Itaec waa driven out
Bumatiu and lllcerallani aaotn I'ame
lilt.I laiwer. Jn. IV61 Sanlani. Hvk at
h'wn over hla inaldlity to |.r-.eer\>. or­
der. euddenly Invited S|-aln to resume
authority. Spedn rent ineipa over.
• Illoii Icmke
' lighting, in
which every r. ic.ivalile oli.eily na.
pnmmlti<-d. Biain «ua f..n.".il
tire. and ttaea waa recalled to uuUlor-

pretldenl. while a Benor JImenex look
the opportunity to atart a amall relwlllOB
alondf the govn

thought of this conntry under any
clrrumatHncva. The proaeiii time, too.
when we have our hands foil trying to
alralghieti out the tirngle reaultliig from
eenturlea of mlarolg In Cuba. Porto
Hlvo Htid the Phllligilnen. would be tbe

Water Boiling on ke.

Tbe WhisUing Buoy.

'f modern arlc-nce In beior« demonatrated. and
e of the moat
Wonderful lainga




redhut atove lid.
and a keltleful
nrating on
r away I
na Ice cake will
It be- frciteapot on the hob. Air n
sen at jiuch a amall expei
aoon be uaed for nunieroua mochanlcal
. and manufacturing purpoM-a.

Admiral Schley’s “Better Halt"

Borelv preraeO l>y inva.loiia from their
dour nvlghboni. the Haltlana,
oc upy the other half of
The Irluiid hna hud iiiuny
It waa diacotered by Columbur In 1»7. '
The flmt S|oinli*h vdoiiy in Mhe n. «•
World waa founded on the n-irth ahore
a'nd a.-m the whole taland bc-

Pew- Individuals in the fnll-d St.itca h
past IwrlyrltiuDlh lb.:n Admiral .<• hley
bvt-n forced tu voiitent Ihi.liiselves tvMli

her bualan.
mil of. rik.-s pouk .
3. G. Hleetand. the

-en more pictured during tho
he newat-aio-rs have hllbcrta
. d-a< rtptiona of hla apoBaA

y of friends on the rear plnifomi of n car at the r

The Motor Scout In Action.

In D7I Pr~eldenl Grant
commlartonera to examine into ih- con­
dition of tbe rvputdic whore inhabitonla
a!mo-i uiianliih.ualy veiled foi annexail'.n, The.r r. i-.rt itaa fuvi.rabl., but
eongre-a look no avlloti.

of oftice wonid have ended
Ilrlllah Admiral Drake ]
aeUed Santo Ivimlngo c-lty. nnd only
rellmiulahed it cm re..eiviiiK a runr. ; .
27' Itno dui uta. About
the Frem h *

Where “Yankee Doodle” Was Written.

tanaclc-a. would

cm that danger
t of Etigaau Thla
^.^llah euaat.
machine la what
la known aa the
whUlling buoy.
It la eatable of
giving out a
much more cffi^ctlve aignul than the edd fathloned
bell buoy which U baa Juat replaced off
hlanuc ICB.
Ttda new l>uoy
autoniallcally. and every ahort whde
cmlla a moat doleful but farreaching

One of tbe remarkable features of a receni automobile ahow waa the metog
scout, shown I- ;:i.
. i ■'anying lllusirallon. This remarkable vehicle Is
tended (or '..-c in
.irfare end uur • xhiblled by Its Inventor. Ur. PredarMfe
Th-' carriage Is fti-d w'llli a IS horsepower molot. which can propel
y. at a ai>.--d Ilf I' mll.-s an hour. Uounted on thla csirrlage 18
i lightly I
»trucir*J iluxim gun. »-i arranged that It can be Bred In giijr db*
slr-l dlr-« and wh- n the car Is g-Ing at any rale of ai>c*Hl. This molet
scout <-an>late I,««i rounds -'f ammumli-n snd during tests At thS
exhiblllun le-bave-l admlisMy on all kl»-la <-f ground and tt on the admiration o(
military experts

A Fair Disciple of Landseer.

Old^ome Week In New Hampshire.
Here la the houac which can claim the eapc-rlal diailm-ilon ae being ih*
place where "Yankee Doodle" w aa w rltien. Thla plain hut famoua houae. whb h
haa been aomewhat renovated of late. aiatuU In KaM cir.-nwii-h. opi.oute
Albany. N. T.. and waa nrlBinally built in lei-. It war lirwt -rect..d for Johannes
Van StenFselaer and for over JkO yeara remained In Ihe |-.a»es»lon of the V«n
Itenaaelaer family, lielng the first atruciure built by them in America, lieorge
Washington haa dined In U. and It waa here thgl the young surgeon
English army. Dr. Schurkburgh. composed the imm-.rial «vor ! of "Tanl
IVoodle." One day the Hrlilsh offlc'era were being > nteriuin.d
alead of the Van Kenaarlaer family when a lurly of c-.unir> men and laJa
Icaaaed by to Join the army. Thc'y- pres.-nl.^l smh an un.^iuth ap[»eara.*ic-.
awkward and clad In a moWey variety of rvatumes; th.vl ih- gu*eia could not
restrain their laughter and derisive remark*.
The i ireumstaitee gave the
young Engllrh surgec.n Inspiration for hlf doggerel wriw-s, and It la claimed
t^ul hr wrefte the words while sitting on the edge of the well In the rear
.houae. This old well la still there, but its high stone curb waa demolished years

The accompanying Illustration Is the |a>rtralt of a fair artlal whoae pIctBrM
of animsls t--day btiglil.n ih<- ti.»mes of c..untless ihi-usands. both li
1 Nngland, This >
_; lady
. I
le-fl H.-himl." K Iid In.-^lea" and "The Its!
the Standard,*
a f-illow. r of li-iulieui and t«ndseer In her love for d^mewi
rewtlc peta.
Miss Moody, who In unpnifewsinnil Ilf- t« Mrs. Gilbert IKing, la I
iremely datnt)- and pretty woman, with nothing of tbe- Uobemlanlara of tht

The Peace Conference Postal Card.

A aalQua e^bratlon viu b* Inaugurated duHog tbe week from Aug. SS to
■lat t. when Fhat In future U to be known aa "Old Home Week" wUl be ob.
awed ta the atau of New Hampahlre. On thli occaalon the energetle Qtaatta Mate will attempt to gather unto hereeU all »f her scattered eons aad
daagbtera who wUl travel from far and near to meet at their oM bomea In a
Mwnd reunion. Frank W. RelllnA Ue able and popular governor of the Orwntte State, le the originator •( thla rcanhm plan. and. U saocMaful. tha eecasion
*euU ba oat of the pleasaateot of all the diSereat celebraUoM o( the year.

If (be peaoe conferenea la n
B ultimate aucceaa. I
not be tba fault
> alone untoraed
the BM«tlt« at
Tbe Hague Tbit apectai postal eard Msoed for Tbe Hague cottfereaee and
uaed by all lU members shows the Houae In the Woode and tbe bead of the
Ruaala slgnlBcaetty encircled with ollvo brancbec. The dMlgner g( this
peatat eard evidently beileved that a straw mag turo a stream and did Mo beat
to topply the neceaaatr auaw.

fraternity of the palette and broah about her. Uke all idv*r* of anllMlA itm
entera Into their mooda and palnia them caprtcWua. bopeful. eager or
tpoodent. as they appear to her aj the time. She haa her own Ideas ahasA
painting anlroala. and one of these la a diallke of carteataring. Uke
othei■a who have achieved tame aa portrayers of doga, abe InfloUely proton a
models any stray animal, mongrel or otherwtoa, who may come her wray. M
pelae doga whose owitera Inatst on absolute portrayal od good polata ratuift
than any special fsaturca they may pBsasis
8be was always very bandy with a peocU and paint boA but bad M thought of nalng her talents to obtain a Uvlag antU bsr tatbrr. a waU
art Instructor in London, hers me a eoB&rtnsd iBvalid. thus tareUw boraattetf’
glstars to provide for tbs hotmobsld.







^ VMkvr rtak WW BatahM
VMB« la BU Baaih.
__ Kite
„ tbo.« U a ___________
Lodtjaw a-beo raoacd by a wosad
Is tb«
I Baku. I
bSB been kf»»B rrooi «rly Blblt l*a loaf bw^D cwiutdwO Incwabto. and
Cmm. It U d«Jl.atM to tbe Aportle! It ta only of Ut« foaia that a few toSteoB or
Ii koowB aa Tllapla i atanwa of aucceaafol tRacmeM have vegetable oU aud Uwa ao tUao coat
it has no rival,
tfnoota and la eepw-UDy common la t bo«> recordwL the moat atrikln* belnt
PslMUar ffad the •.« or lake of TIbeefferted by: the Indtas wooraU ead tbi~ demafj^ for tlila paname ta
ftoa. Seai;y all (heae flebea bare a |
tod I'y enomioua doaea of aloo- ■"■nataDlly on tm- Increaao. Nolhtag
Stanlar u^etbod «f caring for their l>"l- Two caaea are tet>orted In whicb .H»«- Is buni«d on ra.lwajs In ceuiral
MU. At tbe lime of apawning tbe 1 *11 the aUrmlog aymptoma were re Aaia. cbc Caucasus and suuibem Uuaib« Black aea. Caspian and
•Other .flab forma a UitJe o«t among nwr*«l by ^W*nt peraplratloo^aeeord> tbe LoDduO tilube. Tbe flnt river steatnera and the iDDumerable
the reeds and roabea. In which afae '
MOitB perl*a|si 2u0 green eggs, about was that of a yoting man of 22. wbo Industrial works wblcb are springing
tta aUe of shot, wblcb abe Immediate, bad the mtsfonune of having bla band Into existence on iI..- .tx.i.r ilitoral. In
tr deaeru. Curt-.wly enough. In aU caught in the gearing,of a tbraablng ilicrallwayawbicbcuiplo.Tthlssubrilthatbouaaods of flsbea but three orfonr macbloe: pan of 4bc skin was carried luu* for'coal. Iwsiiuoilie u-Dders are
^atinrfi are kn-wn where tbe mother off. but in the c«irw* of a fortnight noi idled high wlUi black dlauiunda,
41af>laya any aOesnlon for beryoD&g or ! everytblng •eeme.l 'pfugresalng toward bin ■■arry a sheet Inm asiatki unk.
fgPUlTii by ibviu.
{ ■ speedy core, wbeo one womlng tbe wt.icb Is flUed b.v pmupiug or Ibe fore*
Tbe father stations himself by tba I patient awoke with a strange rigidity of grarity. .Vutueroua arc the srstemt
Bsat and |>nw.-nily anwara to l*dlnlng ‘ tn Wa daws, rloleat inln all over tbe of feeding hirtui«.a with astatkl. and.
the eggs, but If be la can-fully ( sb mum. Inienulttcut dltflculty of Indis.^!. every engineer has
all la
!i the pet apiMrattn
e pr
watched It will Im- B-en tliat he Is lak
|g[f them Into bis uiouth with tbe lower lluil*- A <Ps-tor U-lng called in. tliat of the Roofs t>Iosrer A comnt
fTMtest care and not awattowing be Inimcllately prureebd to throw tbe of aleatu. or air. carrying
(bam. Tlic.v are lodgisl in what cor- patient Into a violent |wrsplratlon. For with It the fuel In minute aul-dlvlslon,
ra^lMda tu tbe ebeka and held there. this purpose be bad l>oo|>s put under Is forced at high firesaure Uiroogb a
Tbe eggs soon hatch, tbe- little flsbea the tM-dcloibes In oriler to prevent tlieir oipczle. called a "pnleerUcer.’* Into the
t with tbe issly, and then got tubiiLir loiorlor of the lioller to be
fttm and tbe ruonienaDcc of Mr. Tttg.
becomes gnwtly awolleo and puff- four deep puls tilliil wlili quicklime, healed. Tbe result Is an ictens..|y
M iublaoce m Ibis former wlilcfc be allgbtJy moistened with wi ite. roaring Oaioe. and Id pulver9 ont of all M'lublance
l*< n« of tbe latest i.vpe tbe value of
He cannot begin 'to ctuae bla water.
ftU. Be
To prevent tbe akin from being anatkl as comiiare.1 with coal on a
Bentb and preaenta a moat ektraordlsi-orebed each pot was wmppeil la st.^iiii raiser Is as 2>-to 1. Tbe former
iiile of sells at Havu at
(wr ton. and
accommodate and protect
anrirltig family tbe flsb eubmits to \ the patient, otvlera being given to tbe when the pljie line connecting Dial
'----- - ■----------•------ -[termlts
j family
to jmoisten the quicklime from place with Hatum Is cuiuplt-te astatkl
and only
tbao to escape when It is a physical < Huh- to Uiue and to cliaoge It when will l>e dellvend a
c steamer's side
iS^oaalblllty to bold them any longer. | exhausted. The beat engetulered was at something like Pt. At tbe lath
At tbla time the fniber will undergo ' so Inii-nse that on Die first day tbe bed- prU-<' cual will cU^riy l>e unable t
grvere treeiment rather than relln- ! clothes caught Ore. whicb. however. con>|N-te with Its youthful rival,
golab hU progeuy. Be baa Iteen thrown { was spe«IIIy extlogulsbed. As for the do the advaiitag>-s of astatkl emi with
evt open the iK-scb. but still clinge to : istspIratkHi, it was so Immoderate as Its cheaimirsH. Kugines burning It rebla charge, even during bis d«>ntb | to pass all belief. On tbe fifth day all quire no army of stokers, for all that
atntgrles. Many of Ibe young rvuuilu tetanic symptoms bad disappeared: tbe Is necessary In ilic largest la a man to
is this singular rradle until they are * pailoni was In a state of cumplete proa- regulate the
ie«r iBcba to length.—I'hlladelphla trailon. which was. however, removed no smoke, litter
nfflirisliim-m. ami a few days wnger on an ocean steamer will blesa
-------------------------after all traces of the dangerous af- the clay when astatkl shall supplant
fectloo bad disappeared.
cool, and tbe stokers wbo are roasted
The second case was that of a day nllve In the tropical waters will bare
■catch Casla
AB Anelei
labors, wbo. when tbe doctor came, still greater ^reason to l*c thankful for
app<afed In a dylug state. He at first Utc revoIuilW-PalJ Mall Magarine.
•ir John Kinclalr's "Huilstical .Ac- denied Uvtng bad
wound, hot
MBt Of SculUud " conuln. notices of
Oceans Bade (• Ordre.
Injury caused by
•any old cuatoma wblcb still contln- ^ hobnail

The great Sahara desert was once an
on one of
Bad to Is* oWrv..d Id the Hlghlanda. }
iBce tbe pa- iDbnd sea. It would out be a very
difficult matter to coneeri It Into ono
tleot bad furgolieti. Tbe i
^pt from tbe eleventh volume
tbe aame'and attended with tbs "imlo A canal 00 miles long, connect.
ATMt work, which was published lo •une IMUU.
>ng wirb tbe AtUnilc tbe vast deprea1791 tad the succeeding years, wa
__ _
aloo which mas clone up to tbe coast
iaam. on tbe authority of tbe mlBlster
r»w Baatn al alee*.
, nearly midway between tbe twentieth
•r CallaBder. Penhsliire. that tbe boys
Some of tbe greatest woRera of onr and thirtieth paralH'la of latitude,
•r tbe township assrmUetl la a body day. Biya Tbe Britlab Medical Jonmal, mould do tbe buelnesa beauiirnlly. Wa•pec tbe moors omUay day. and pr>- have done with much less than eight ter m-ould not cover Ibe entire aurfare
gaadad to dig a circular ttvneh. leaving bonia of tlsep. Dr. James l.egge. pro- of tbe denert. Here and there are purfba toll lo (he center undisturbed, so as feaaor of Cblneae In tbe University of (Iona lying above tbe sea level. These
to form a low uMe of green turf, euf- Oxford, who baa recently died at the would become the Islands of tbe aew
tcltnt to alM ta accommodate tba age of 62, was. It B Mid. In the habit Sahara ocean. What would lie tbe rew^ie party.
of rising at 8 a. w. and allowing him- siiUa that mould ensue u|>on tbla
They llgbt<«d a fire and preparod a ..........
self only
five hour* of sleep. BnincI, ’ peudous transforruatlon? Some would
of milk and eggs,
and a large
--- -.
. |the
the famous engineer, for a considerable Iw phmS and some Igid. Among the
gatneal cake, which they hak^ upon a j part of Ula life worked nearly 20 hours latter may be mentloDi-d the imdial.le
gtnse placed In the emirera When they a day. Sir George Elliott, afterward di-strurtlun of the-vineyards of s.mtbkid eaten tbe custard, they divided tbe j Lord UeatbBeld. who maa In command em Enro|K-. wblcb det«-nd for
cake Into as many equal portlona as throughout the great alege of Glbralwinds
fbere were persona lu the nas4-mbly and
dgubed one of tboae plecea with ebar- during all (bat time alept more than , As some comix-nsatlon for this, bowMal until It m-as perfectly black. They four hours out of the 24. He lived to cvi-r. Ilic mcneniile marines of (lie natban placed all the pieces of cake to­ (be age of 84. ■‘At I get old." said tlons
m ould iw onuMi'd to gain
gether Id a l>onn<-L and each In turn , llumlnldt. "1 m-ant more alccp-four Imiuolinic and easy access t.. vast
drew one blindfolded, the holder of the ' t,u„„ at least, tt'beo I was .voung nTl.uis uom giVi-u ,.v.-r to Imrbnrlsm.
kOBset iK'Ing ciiiIHmI lo tbe last plis-e.
„f aleep were quite enough ami n m-rl.-s of s«-api-rt towns would
Tba boy mho drew the blacken.-d p..r- for me." On Prof.-awir Max Muller spring np ail along the southern Iwr
glOB was d.-silned to be aacrlficed aud hinting that be found this a bard My dens of Morwci>and Alg-ria. where tbe
BBS eoroi».'Ib-.l to leap .three times lug. Hnmboldi said: "It Is quite a mla- mcsicrn of tbe Nile sinks
tbrongh the flames.
^ [take, ibougb It Is very widely spread. Into the desert, and ou the nortbern
Although tbe ceremony had degen- we mam servo or eight hour* <.f frontier of the Kongo Fns- 8inio. In
anted lino a mere imstlmc for hoys. It ,1,,,^
yVaa your age. I simply a similar manner the greater istrilon
Ii erldeut that It must onec u|em a |*y
on the wign. turned .!om-u m.e of the ceutral Australhin des.-rt, cuvtint have the actual saerlfloo
,,,0 „f„.r
fours' id.vp I maa oriiig au area of fully l.too.tsw square
^ B human Iwlng. In onlcr to rentier • ^
as ever." He lived to be «3. miles, migin U- fl-Hsled. The isUnJ
the wining summer fniltful.-Gentle-iexainHvs aro. to use the con- ct»ntliieni m-.uld ihi-n l>e rec.nverteil
j ■ecraled phrasi- of the hnglogropbera. Iiitt> a gigantic atoll au<l would reeemI for Imlta—’------ '---------‘
rt.tighly. au oval tllsh. of which
,-------„.ve t^
Tbe Chliifse .Umuimc Is Hie mo« gevliy aud a small allom-ani-e of sleep Iw ctneretl mlib mater and only the
largely clreiihittsl imi.llrailou in tbg ^ o^t In all case* Incompatible.
"rim" InbaWted.
world, tbe citpics pHuiett and sold
yMriy reaching several tnllllous. It laFish Prwdwee lllk.
(afe* Thai Defy Barwtara.
printed at IVklng nu.l Is a m<>m>|H<ly of
A shelinsb kuoWD as (be planna 4n
The dls<vrer.r of mangaueae steel
emperor, no other almanac Itcliig
- the Medttcimnea|i has the curious has menut the nianufaciure of the ls><t
Blnol to 1iH'
h‘ sold lu
In that
ihai country. • p„,vor of spinning a rlacld silk which i.nrgbr pr.H.f safe*. Wb. ii this metal
mlnlnlng nIInldc
Although aonlnlnlng
niinldc astro- i*
p, miidc
„„„ip lu Itt
Italy Into a regular fabric.
dlscoten-d, It mas liiipoHslUc to
-iiiBlIou, Its chief mission <n,(.
U s]U
U iiud aeeiirate luforuia- ' prsi place for (he jiurixwc of attaching
doiK-d through wblcb It Is as rcadl^ for selecting Ineky pbices for js-r |,„qf
,j„. r^^dcs
It Is-..........
able to
tbe ty ...ia|Hsl
»Iui|hs1 ns the Inferior grade of stei-l
fOTnlng ull the
d sm.iH. <],.|i<.ale filament*; to the projwr place Nothiiig e-innlliig maugnm-se ste.d In
of everylay life
ry act uf g,„|
pine llitjm fast, and If they the comldiosl pru|H!rtles of barvlni
life In UiliiB. however trivial. dep.-iids
r.-pr.Klu<H' them, and toughness' has slo<-e Ikh-o pr.v
for lie aufc.101 ou the time Id wUlcb The mat.Tlal, wli,*i gathertsl. whkh li ilo.vsl E\t~ rliuent* with gun cotton
d the dirocilou tiHdtit ^ comjiasBi to- done at j„„.
**dlbcdlrocilou.|H.lnt.rcomj«issiiolow tide. I waah.Hl In soap and and dynamite .m mnngatie^c steel
ward which It Is done. It la of the ut- w-wter. dried a
■tralgbtcDcd. one pl.-ii<-s li.ive demonstniosi that the re­
Buet inji-rtanc. (bat every one should • p,.und of the co ar fliatneui yleldhig slsiamv of this nietnl to the nerlon of
bare ct'rrvci inforimitiaD at all tlui<-s (hn<v ounces of lb Due thread, which, etphislvi-s Is umsiuali-d by that of any
Available to runble lilni so to order bis
apun. I
> lovely burnished metal known to science. The onlinary
life as to avoid luid luck and culainlty -,,|,|,.n brown
lor.—ClnrinnaU En- nieth.sls f.dlowetl i-y nocturnal visitors
Bad secure goo.1 luck and pro*|ieriiy. qoirer.
are of DO avail In (he rase of manga­
So great Is tbe luitve fallb lu Ua In- 1
---------------nese steel safea.
fgUlbllliv that not long slucc tbe Clil- C*st*#i** Taroagh BasAkereBlefa.
sese mlulater to Germany n-fuaed to | Western nnsllcaj auih«rnk-» are cm |
Flrearoof Iwsalattam.
fit on a day wtih-li bad Us-n apimlnted , Mdlng agalua- tbe nae of tbe bandkerA fireproof mau-rial has recently
bswnae It ma* dis-lansi In tbe aluiauac ' chief. While tbtty suggest no sutwtl i-ts-n derlsetl sod Is maih- o( granite
to be nnluoky.-ClucInnatl Enquirer. ; tutc. they argue that the banJkcrcblcf rhli>s flm-ly pomder^l, molded into
________________ must go. because It broods diaeaae. Dr.
form and then fused together at a Icm"V:. . • '
e l•llg^ltn• Jounjal of Medleluc, nys; "Colds In *■ .
and la
rrogrcM" in B.slford jail. wb.« he the bmd and «*e throats ^e tbe
insulation on el«-trlc railWMwnflmsl for hit religion .K Qua^ ' roundt of whole fatnlllea. TIh- hand
|, mav Iw heausi rtnlhot and
• wme to the prison and thus ad- kcroblef aa usually employod U fax
In cold »-at;r without
4iea»ed him;
from U-lng an Bseptlc device aa II i„,u_ while it *-ili rosut the action of
-friend Bunyan. the Lord hath sent could well be. J.aed repeatedly and J„. odd. aid a kallt ' It ha^ l*-cn
•e 10 Bvk for thee, and 1 have been thrown lu a moist condition into tbe
trot, with liquid
t^h Mveral
In •‘xwj'l* ct tame i^-kct. the
must romaln „„ „ ,
^ and nom- I am glad J Lave found tbero from dar to dy. relnfcctlni


The Newest-The Best
The Cheapest
Without boas* cr t rag. ftar or favor. Benda's new fall and
winur (took of men's boys' and Cblldrea's Clothing, Uats. Caps,
Furnishings, wi 1 bs




•M apeak truth In sayiug the Liord
MBt (hn- to mt-ek for me. for the Lord
well knows that I have l•eeD In this
An luilu medical Journal calls at)atl for aome years,. and If be b.nd #en» ' teotioD lo the fa« -that a Bnisaela
thee be would liBve
liBfe sent thee bere dl- ■ bank dlalnf.-cis all lu soiled notes and
commends tbe j^ractlcc which Is fol■acily.
lowed by the baiGk of England of dcatroylng all lu ^tro ibal come liaek
Of bright.
tbe bank. (»ir own govcrumcot
Ip cvet
(ourae. Whete the notes are very
they at* destroyed. It Is into, but
bard couinioD si iis<- they are not so
every note ongbt to l>e as anon aa It
aaay to fiHd.-l*uttxanUmney Spirit
gets In tbe band* of Ibe government,
Infection by papi-r currency Is prot»bly not very firgnent bni at the nm«
Tbe greaiest nuiMt
•unity ls.thr person who ntakro a ape- tlBe there are eases on record wblcb
glalty of finding germa ta tb* food.- can be dlrectlf attributed la tbi*
•TBabtogtoB Post.

______________ ____
sentlal aa
wnb-r l*tb< quite as much
| uiauy tovaild* and the weak, tallow,
1 aplrltleaa class that arc tx-ltber well
1 nor 111. Take tl>c clotblug off and sit
| or be lo a room m-berv tbe smishlne
DC on you. t'hange your |N>al
as to have lu effect on all pur; tlons of your body. Kcvcv. Tnlort the
' tauiilng or tbe lirowiHpg
rvsldeiilng. but toughen yom
full effect Tou will nec<1 bs
after awbUc. catch cold less esalty
bare a more vigorous,clrcnlailon. bet­
ter ^Irita and berier bealtb.—Bt-


cvfr broitfbt to Travel se City. Come aud see advance stylea

The prliiCi-sB of Ws!.-* r______ ,.
the hu.-si ixllecilous i.f ’ace In the
world. She Alu-a.vs lort-d t-iuHful
la.-.-, and soon a.'ier her niarrt.ige hcgnii DiaKKig a .-..ll.s-ih.n. w'hvh l» now '
Mid In I*, worth aUmt $rsM*«k Ii
»'a» (he king *>f the Ib-lgtans' w.-.liiin*
pivseut to her of aUnn
of lieautlrul lace which »i;iri.-,l (he
princs-s. as au enthii-lasile .vdipeinr.
The priii.s-w of W«:.-s 1* I.oi alone i
among roy«| ladle* In her 'lol.j.y for
lac- for (he tsa-iixa u ktionu to l»sjos-lall.t fi.tid of it. Oi„. of ii„. most
rxqiilsiir ►i»x-iniHi.. p,.*Mo.M-d b> her
ImiH-rlal ma).-sTy is a sup.-r1> piece of .
rbanillly pnW.-nied her bM vear by
the French goTerunieui a* a hlrthdi

. Anticipaticn
of a feael in emooth. rich
aod fine ice cream dnrioR
tbe ,eammer months, as
well aa



dainties, is yoara when
yoa aecore a free ler from
onr etock

We have them

in all eizea and all prices,


Ahd money inreated in one will return yoa more plesaore
and comfort dating the heated term tfaau tbe same amoact

It cure*, bate made M a r»eat fav-'*-:
with the people e»*rT«bere
. by S B Wait and F C Tboicpaon,

iavested io anything else. -

Piano Practice
Causes Disease 9(•

140 Front atreet

Traveraa City, Mich

Declares Dr. Wae'ihold in an
ArJe e OH
Ctalorosit. Neuro-ilf and Other Ner«
vous Olaoidirs From .Vhicb So
Manv (iirls jafter .*ald to

Is (hr Hriii-b M dicsl Journal is disnssrd In
tVn.lzbvId'S siHrle CD
Nvrves," la whicE bv
gisiui* tbst ihr sisruilng ihcica*e iti
mouv di-oi-l'r* in young girts w due
l"r "lira...) I'usloui" ul bimmcnug
iC k*-b aid.
Wbt'thei or iiol tbc route it dne to
piano iessoDt remstu a qurttiun,
bui there i« no lU'iiying ibc tact tbst.
1 is so trmmuu* lorrvtse of nerv.
di*es«"s „ae ;'g young gitlt at ihe
critical gge ul twelve lo sixlceo,
■D. whro
iboid of
ibf) are ]uat co-'-nig tbe
.» t'ttnns■ arc


>oc| nr'Voii;i. and siiflet ibe re*.ulu of
irregBisriliro of the delicate fetuioioe
A* B n-Uorutive for p*Ie, weak girlt.
an.1 wot: en -uavring with the Hit
peculisi Uj tlieir *»x, ihere it no lre»luivnt io Iw (oinpare-l »nh Hr A. \V.
Chat -'t S'.Tve ac-l HI. o.l
tbe great
pruslc pr,»irip ion ol lit.
W. Cbs-e.
vbove ]-oiirs I and sigoalure is bn evrry
itoX nl Hie
iuod .nd livive cell*, bring hack ihe
'co'or *.. Ill* .ticksend Ihe rouodness to
Ibe fetoj to ceiili a box. si all deslett,
-. A. W Cuase Med. Co .• Uuifa.o.


Fresh Gpods—Attractive Packages.

12-i Street±Bt

Good Hardwood io StoVe Leogtlifi.
Also Four Foot Maple Blaba aud Edgtoga.

Traverse City Lui^ber Co.

Park Place Hotel!
Xiraarse-TT-e Cl-tgr, M±cla.a^a.ri..

Newlv painted papered, and cat peled—Rooms with
private baths hare been added. makinE it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Address for
rates and other information
Maoa ger

Than Tiaieise Belle
Th^rite-5cClEar'^„,j„g MendaMug, 14.

e as Dccesaary to your health as
e the alone burrs to a giiat mill.


Satordar, log. 19,
Is becomlrg popular, too. We lilf clean jonr Teetb aid
. v£a.
Biggest aod best! 0 coot cigar'
eiamine tbein
I have rvnumi-.l boFiuyss at mj
baki-ry and aitl bv pliEFt-d lo tv- for the price.
ceivi* the patn>Dsgv of all my old
cuelop.vr* and n*-* oers aa well
All Itrob Lek.ll gwds of th.
erst qoalily.

John Wheeler.

413 Union Street

Madfi by

A. W. JahrausJ**^ BosjoNOEnuimiofis,
Oorssr Front asd Csm Stnata,



TB» KO^atoa RXOOSD.'SnHOAT. AUOTI8T 20. 1808.
^caatts pr


tmouokt. .


Tmf M UMKntcS e«o«».-e


« ,lor,.-SU

A PBlatvl
m-nrk «w
. «r*l
t* m cIm* hy r*rrli>c
CW TmaliMM Cmw4 «■ M*«M «•

Tbm !• Bottiinc Is lilxorr tbac cor-



v"i^wl SAC B

oBAcioDi at I_____


easHy furgiil those faulu wbkb are
only to o^trsrlrea.—La Kucbcfoll-

Idauacd tbr trip with ts-

JJoan„ ,, p«thlae; If oor IDs a
parable. It is PLcfaleful: if renedib
b vaio.-C.rttou. ,
Jleo p-wseasiot DiBds wbleb are
io.lemi.. add Inlb-iiUe. enjoy.^ u»
of dicuiiy iksB
gi-ncral. a gn-ai<^ abi
We sbould orWB hare reason to be
a.lianie.! of our ii-t brilllaiJl aHioos. tt
tbe world are theV-lIre from which they
apriiig.—Lo llcH-br-roucald.
The lilt'.- mind wbi. lorea Itself
write «t..l
:t..l think with the raltar; l«t tbe
great toiad will de brarely ecceDi ric. and
sc.rti the brateb rosJ. from oBlri-raal
beDeruleaee.—Oidil b.
As ABialf IctteA hurt the sithl. so o ■
anialJ mnii.-rs
hlin-jhat .!• t-s.
mu<-h id
-rs hi.________
Ibew;! they res
and stir np
bi.L i«N-ts St* svil batdl in bim
uce to cilral. r sffuirs.^riutart h.
icb Bien! are a.-cus.^
llM'it ow^ wctki

that If Ik- rvuM bkwI tlK-B face to tactbe coubl nMivltKv Uatu Uiat tbe

I be Bsketl.
Oive btui a
S e
erutvd. aud be was cdafldeitl tUat
* could
*lu tbetn orer.
Tbe (irt-«bli-ai started from WasbtapoB wllb a clilpuD bU sbouldt-r. The
TACT Km crowd l«- uu-t ku< It off
WItlioul n-rviuooy. 'll soon Ixaute
clear tbe |K-<>|ile were tn a reseutrul
mood. bimI arier two or tbn-e clasloa
aomc of Mr. Jobusou's Imkc fri<a<is
rltaiige of {mimiuUM-.
klaoy bell
Ibat Ibe |>n«bleUl.'">^
of the in-»]ile. would
lor. ^ I
yield, but they dbla'
r tbe ptan.
1 bail seen bint facft all aorls of crowiii



blniself as an euulne authority. Sunnnenioou be was In tbe l«y win-




iliv >.-f.Uall.




bsiked oot
er nod eyt-

IDd dAsbetl «
were going to |•:;ll a I



■tarted for tbe be
fits-d up
. list de-

llveryiuaii raised tbe



*fiK maklag sugar
aixl aah.
The Carleaa Seels That These laca*
It Is a remarkalde fact that, as a rale.
•tene Inseele 4'aMleaes.
the si-wiLK done hr niab- lnil-Ki is nratA ctiri»*us SJK-.11-S of luiuvt la tlte
6ner and BMreanifuns than that dune
traisUstr spider. M boar ue«t mnalsla of
1 In tU- eanb to tbe
figbt Inebea.
It Is al-

the Calbolir .-burch throni-hnul the w.wld
Is £Vi.M1)ir.XS: uf rfuesunt ebun-bes.

depth of
«-aya llu-

D Fpaic ItelifTwa are
to etect sad maimam bouse. of*C^rsblp

isly constructed door.
»llb an
Une aofi of dour cluaea Into tbe neet

md rain in

with I
t-fftn-twl l-y J
e on ftabaliuhl -D
.*u» uf Ih. sik Thi
birds win,

last year.


ry l.iirl. r, nn.l the n-Hiing lo .listlugulsl- It :
a N.-weasib- ef l«t1 of tiic main n.-'l.


Then the pnaldeht aaM. more praB^lehard
riotisly. ••Won't you aUuw yourself. ‘ im,'i|,-. .isw'
W. 5. Gill
Grunt siepiied forward, and. after a; w.irUnc li-mr- -r-mi ...r
nttmd of r!i,n-rs. III.- isHHilc wer.' aa -

ciisiriieiw) of iu<>r<-t.v 1
and In tb.- recess,-s „r
bad .-stablisli.Hl

ony of w li

no- a

.5 Z".

•eoMetl them Iti bis b.-ert's ooiii.-u


aeeminl 1,1 enjoy Ibe |s-rforuuiiKv BN a;
war bons. would a l-.tlo
The jss.pie
tmiu the S.-..1.11MB in PHKI tutri nml le. F
allEed that Ib.'V ba.l Mimi- In e.iiiln.4 ' ...






™ "7
T- l-n.'..«. ja­
Tlioy! „r gl.V.I

The Aral duty of a real man la to da
•JMa nal duty «r«.-Kaiisaa CUy War.

U|>*n the thin) finger ..f bis b-ft hand, is
of a blai-k onyx si.m.- lieBriDg in ni.inograin the iiiitisle J.'. .t. M.
Mrs. C.Jlis
T ork. hS'given flt'.issi to liuil.l a .1-iini
turv for girl, at »-.k. r T. Ws.hinctoD's
Tii»keg. e Colb-g,. for'd V..iirti. In
the Uat ten y.-ah. h.-r huelwnJ. Mr.
Iliiniinutnn. has given lii all gltNi.onri.

Ib-ynolds, I..aivr»-D.x-.____
J. M, W rnrner rarely siffno
siCTisl. J,f and
i: is '
Hi-rtnan O. .tnr).i
given -rjtl.fliri to,
Wash. Tbe gif?
127 •rn-s.of la
house and lot it

I 1i.-ar,l l--Mt


Bunps. alw> riel for c es
Arplr to lirs a. a.

Ll n. 1 mi.ri.-,. JS.«|

Mpj.-«1*e. 10,TT; j

?;;r;i7¥'S:,^;;n;s s?v.,S:

. in.


rial dottfa. baa foupd tlnte to store bef
miwi w Itb all aorta of olugltw and Isma
Mr. aud Mrs. Gews w III give a lunch­
eon at CTatvuoDl la huuor Of Uieli
arvdlte daughter.


•ri Jo D Vrelst,

East rn>m sinen
Bewlmon i^pewrlter. aa


le Eiroria ani! Cuihria are fourtei-n
i-srs .,..[ snii have .Incle .. rews. while

TMOAs-Tbe (sir


Fs. B etr.Tbe el
bfljslii. Tbsre
“Frances." 1
ma. who wai
tbe parlor, "yon <v>iue dowu'inalrs so
of tbe blSI o
The stories told by and

Dulslly that you ci.nid tie beanl all
over the b«uiae. Yon kn<»w how to do
11 bi-tier than tt«t. Now go back and
come .lowusiairs Uke a lady."

almiit Mu. are liinnmrrnMe.
Une far
ustsl to (el) against hims-lf apropos of


bis oh n ittiHlical ofni-ersblp of Ibe HubIln m-tr.‘i-il t;.ti |s.Iin-.
tim- Kun.lay
aftomiM.ii a . rowd was standing out.

this tin

side a piibllr house l«-fore the psy' lmlogkal nioiuoDt arrivisl. Dr. N.sll.-.v
appr.».h.sL and was rooicnllnl :


some of Ho- . r..wd- WbMi opemsl n
to It l Mm iwiss. one of tliein reiiii.r
log; " th.- .liK-ior iiasii, Is.ys; sii
Is; lias k:It mor.1 |sdls ipau all Ibe I

BolsHy. for 1
quietly if you

iiea rv-cutered the parir roe come downatalra
lui gUd you came .lewn
<l.*n t H I me a-\t-r nave

Indit-a how volt

"Th.- last
»f Jastlre Wlskea.
•iii'iii- port of Aiistr
R p.-ilnful case iH-f..

I pel se Ue pgl I
1 O
rt> CoFl
00 ball-... . ,
eoilre propeHA bf 1
a bie iiaiTS'c u>as:

rbs^at r

Kran.s-a n ilnsl. aud afli-r the laps*

. Isterw.' expl

wrj',ss',si- “r;:™

M-e that you can come
will. N..W, tell tiK-« Tj^ANTFD rials Nresauiin- ss4 taw-ts
tnatiag,-.! to <x>iii.- dow-n W ~..i I Dose to the k-ae Ware. 7 V
pee .'BY ; .1! SI. ..r s.i.ltvs 3W ee.l S reniti
SlvviDd •iuie, w bile the
nui.le so uiii.'b mils-'."
le 1 slid down ihe banii.-.i..e, near.
Acd Framv-a.—Harper's sieiju.jir. J M
ell war. as well aa itb Spain, diarrhoea war tb* e.’ii..r iliiv paper Isr funbe* p%n>--a'
,t tmobli-aome dtarwafis
to coBt-od Kith
Ir C-1 " ea.-:i >» >• -V ST-IBB -For.aI» 4sp(r
SLt ifit became chrot ic and L/ SI BKr«st><

II-- tl- S.VI,,.-. |s-rliRps til.d
kindly pass
e (f m.- pliCv COO


Miff - from
iof Wn«J Rilg.
>e of these.
• sea i hambi riarn’o 1 o'te, CMolera an.'
Diarrhoea Rer-* dr 1 Ld says hr r.evr.
found anything that wru'd g'v- bin
MIth quick re'fsf
I - <s*or S*le by S
E Wail and F. C. ThODfwi.n, dreg


r Hi",

giro's ran b
t> •SWasbia

,,„or»sl with f,e -

d'C W-U hSY
lop one rf i

il,-Ir wings.
th.- pbit.-s. (lie w th Birdirines.
> sliinles. w.-re ; tie daog* ter had


tore w

of. b*' 'C
ig seemed 'o <*o her a
byte »CT-rilaeBent
r.itr pmpvi ____
lat ChaDtK-elsin'a Co'
,'bf • wings that l!
Cholera and '' a 'f,
'hoea Remedy s
ants liad sbakon off fillisl a large l.a
highly rec-miurDdcd.
nrtd^cd. and sent and ,
Wbal lierauio of the ants tli.-i
a bottle a-once
' "•''«'•«
-"Hntmta a*
of the veir bwt eed'
_r ««
. i ••
in the bouse It save
M Ibt*'"*" «*l11elal.
or‘eecr’^Doa- !
ter'aK'e. lamanxi

er to knew wbat an
'eovwedlcire I
De.laal.n Baa.
It la
Rad I known
-t>M yon ever uotlc." be askml. Thi
first It -COM !
have saved me a great deal
lod my liti le daoghwr mur
■ v”. J".’
i'”E 1- - " I
ly. Mr- -Fi'RIiK-K
— iI,.' II
I>'T —I'-t Llterty, R I
i E
log tiy conifairison
StilL tbe ruse Is ao , and F
W.-11 know-n O..W that tbe iioasosslon of :
is siitlleU-uf—


'IVby. no one. of course,'my dear," ^
"wi.';'"" " 1» -M—ng. lor .-■.■.I
lelUug a





• L ewd etrioio^ 4
-Te k«t

•roDi Btreet. up

^ BeNsmaias Sbew emwa
'TfctMaw lee.

dental work.


ru BsLi.ub aveave. a«we
kiu, il. Ibe wSol' plsi. Lll>euBh. loijBlie at Krreaw

s' lecU wimes'



slie Ibuugbt

ibe'd gvi one.—t'bleagu I'uat.

"West Michigan R’y."
CHICAGO..................* a SO
IlKTROIT ...............
y f*.
TOLEIW ................
r T«CLEVKI-tND........
e W
ST. IJ>CIS............
15 S'.'.
WEST mcnio.oc route
tojm all stationa Bay V«ew^o Traeeraa

Ita Chief tse.
A little lioy writing a conipoaltion on
■ day waa ro.|uesi<-J
.to dea*
tbe aulmaJ afld to inenUuo
owfut for. .\fii-r d.vp re-

~"^h^*I*epiBg ears to Oiicago anri
Ig. 1 31


'M tMAWocOMeotmaaBB... .«.i >.1 arowACn. irm m< n
' Mile Lacte Fai ire. the only .langhter
Att lriah pliUtMoplu-r saya !t%
*r I•^fslde1lt Fauk. A-hose cngticejueoi Idesaing that
late in tb«
to M. Gtwrges ('kirii
deraundB Latin, ttrw
bas wHiira a l-ook of
ol fravels. TTie bride- ‘““f”'
__ . _____
gvoEmi-elort'a bthk.
Uf^' fwt«iftB*p^
paxiplc wV rob Peter to pay



-I- .

wrole: -Tbe lebra Is like a
sn.l d.s-in-i b®r
tl i- cblcfly naed
Ttisi'a whsi ! E-,11 to mnsirate tbe letter E."

*oF^fc.„iw-aoM pvc.

et flk.*, » I

‘V.'“ Br-'---'there's
k.i..w M at nil.

Z^RUaLg-^siHdiM boat SawrsF power enX* rlFK.. B«ii JR fset bA « foot bess. raoe S
wUfs perbour. .•(Ipeaes uut ot sbpp
srntir. s'l -e gsed shape, srtre »a>i
1-ke pan pa.aieai Uosu. balaere ea« year'*

•bey r

o s going (0 buy a pug?" she ask- j
'Who ever ib.iiigbt of getting *

Of .New Hampshire
hat .-omni.inw.-idth.l'V sttciidlac fhnn-h Just U-fore
lieinc aw rn ini., affi.r the .*iher rffiy. Tbe
reilHrg fcvernorj Ksnikd.-U. sai l-eii.I#
him. rod lli-h.ip illl- or the |•I^,t.■.tant
Ei.i.cipal Oiurrhln-a.l the seni.-.-,
Urwvl /.anew ill Uyr hr once ..v.-rbrard
S-n.i- Jews......................................................
•ws dl«cul»'ng him.
"II.-'s not
saM one. | "He la one of tu and

inewsroBeiieorHrw W Cmwf
Is* ilnl Aias Isi-krt Wiib pa-Dle*Mia iinIDS / The fiuUer •ril) be ewardeU by memln f
to lb. con.erot^«e.mogtoa and otaw^^reets.
realdeace ol M


wharves and .-lM-« l,e.T. 20(1 are . leaning
the stneis ntiil 2>a) more are cleuniua the
Tbe Is-se niUF of Atlantic liner, in IWH

1 ltini.-.U at«;

plie,l_ 10 all Ui.-lr taunts, lalke.1 bnek lo
in Ihi- .H.nntrv.
lii.linii Tb.-y nliuliled b
irv. ’ In.
every lunu that uinuml Ids moiitli and ] iM..c
Ix.^ on fits
his Wyombig
V yqmuig Tam-li.-s.
ram-li.-s. li%
In luis
tb- nud Ib.-re sli.N.k .

Strictly, there la no aneb thing ai lbs
ptsraatl of hapidness; we alnifily dodga
tmhapplneaa.-Detroit Joursal.

k strata I
1} This lea.

of th.. railond fMiu the g-ivenioient den k

an eiioiiiy alinuM efT.s-i
J euirai
the lawful oii-iiicini of
qtiicily slip into the sld<- lirauoli. .dose ' ■
a cigar
'bs>r iilid iliore n-iiiri in In «.s-iirliy
wIiMc the Intruder w»od .-rs. wlial has
-Hint, hi* become of li.-r—Otir .Uilniml I'rleuda.

lug an liisinni. tlratii rafsAsl bis luind. j
tiilsr-., ihijc-rre
made a gi-siui>- toward Jolnisoii afi.l - d.,|. uf d*. I'.^ri-Hianr-.
•aul rl.-nrly. *1'bc of the I or-t.-r ef ihs 1-. ui-h d'lb
... Hay wBi> lawoght up
rnlt.-.l Kli
ui) IIS a )si\ was a reguThi
•Ill waa a simple »
bill It
!.mi *il lli-^Pc-.I.Mel
ilii- rc-Bbyleriaii 8un«
MOB. Grant's fh.v
1 .. W.Ill
rid r.-pnaiob.
The Hesr.1 family, of W.v.|iinct..n.Ga_
crowd. n.-e.s.tltiL- Ills rel.iike. list
l.s< tiii*-1iiiiii«‘.l ill ih.-ir ..1.1 h-use
I tlie r..mi in wl.i.h'tli. C.-nf.-l.-rale C.Pi
to Ibe presl.l.-ul for nii hour.
I n.-l hel-t its b.i nicluc.'
president did mil sjian- *be |Nsi|i|e

tarna at night to share the .log's bed.



...- - .............

, who
had n-ilivsl to the rear of.lUe
lie pbitf
pbiifonn.' w«s tl*.and
Illy, "GeneniL youI wlli
, hea
to S,S-Ak
lerai Grai t aahl deeUlvi-ly. "I will

year of each olb.-r's aoelety in peace
and hariminy. Tb.-.v sl.-ep logeih.T aud
play with earh oilier numb after tbe
gnaniier of two frotlcsoiue puj». The
fog baa perfeej fr<-edoui ot action, com­
ing an.l going at will but be always tv-

booes '7

daughter of naiiker Henry \T. Clews.


thev iimy luive alioih-

took his seairwllh the remark timt Ite!
7t U
i. si. hard ibal^
"•■n-at. More curlWoilld like til clear the grounds with a ^ i.-.i. win not wojk it. the |-■l^itie;lI•..n• n''“
•» «'*e lug.-iiully of the bntii.-h
brigade of eavniry.
| l-ine only three .i-grres In bar.lii.-SF truj.loor tbal is 10 say. a d.s.r tb;it
1. bsiklng down on tbe tlimnll.
the dlamoad,
o|s-us fty.iii the main ntnu.-l of

oas CBMwpaaUwa.
tv Keiiu. Us' .l.nimal tells ot a BMB
Vbb has a r..K und a bound that are
tiooa coni|tanluns. When IsaDi nnlimua
weee in the pup st.ige. they wen- plac­
ed logvtber ami have now a

Mlsa Elsie TV. Cl.-wa, ibe charalng


tessd I'mssyaariBa


. Bigkt Cp as ;j *


Still other spiders have iutier d.mra
ts-sldes mif.-r. so thal If llielr flrsl de-

the .dasldng cnvwlrymBU :

a uom.'Ul's b.-altailon:
. “No; I am a lmtids.imev man than
Bewanl. My name U Fnrr*gui."-Oii;
Cago Inter Oc-.iu


The (b-rnxn debt U g^. ring eoDslant- ;
lysT th.-rat.-.fsb -ui *;’C
tuisi a >ear. ;
In JSV. i,
the end :
of IMtS II Was thre.- time. «.
Thes.- figur.-- are fmm .a Oenntin stall.:
I|••t. The tMal d.-M,
. ►™a:i a. .l.-bii CO ill thi. age.
Al..iir 2..SSI CuluiDK ID Ha.ana have

ater Gap-ii.-.
that be e..iil.l .|iil.4 the tumult. Tbe | tlonof ih- Cnlii-d[Sini.-s on Jan, I pln«J
crowd was frlmdly. but It blm .ynl'f «f inhabilatit. at over ...-

Kaimgiit. In .-n-ssing the of
the capliol. came, ujkid a group of ladlea. one of whom turned toivarvl l.lin
and eagerly liiquln-il.
SewanI?" Katpciil answered wiilimit


. POOTU. Attorani at L

Itlpl-I to the Vniled ?IUes
J"« r.-eel'.nl the degree of doelor
• In «>rflh»-r were rolued at Of philosophy from Colnnibm college.
Inst M.!.;:-: th.-same tuuDlh

" s..;"

of |ia|M-r.

Cd at the .g.s-tiou that fall.
Bewartl's far,- at siiebjiiecltiigs Wi
a study. Tbe wound In' III s OA>'k wa
oiri.v fairly b.-.-ibsl.
le js-oiile t.H.I
a deferential uitlimU- imawi
rarO him. »u
Still everyliody wanted to aw bliii aud
Shake hands wllb blm.



per ft.,
im pe-do*en

io »iu,r*„g

silk, and It ta eluMa]

“• *"
“r-"* out”"*.
«f tbe move, and »«• was at furious as f j„..e.i
l^^sv^ee tsio.lon ***<* wbeu tUv Dtat It plaetal. at It ueube was betplest. In ovny Interval of' In Km
lest wine nisrket'in (he world. bUF 1a «D a alu]>lug Itauk. 1| opens uptjnlet be would attempt to s|a«k. bnt
9 fear of I
The gobl produrtk-n of tbe I'ultid ward, ao that I
every word lie uttered would lie lost In
tales for 1TO\ atssTdlnc t^the dlreetm gnplug, Tbe object . ’ tbe iraiiduur la j
tbe thunder of the aliouu for Grant.
the mint. wa. aieiTK?fiTT
*m.ts2.(l.. a
a esin
ud ctvnm^iueully |
I. ... .
i.tarijaki orer thal MW7
TTie latest devf4u{mii-ui of the -r. o# •• la always ruade
body was ,
^ral surfav
silverlBenirnl has a|i|N-an-<l In
I (be cbalrtnai

■vial of liiui. I

Nbeax old. per I79. .------------•lata. So. l^perbu. (sew)..

I Jwn-d. Ji'7',-r


; I4n.2n7.n2n.• .... -____ ....

s..n .iT I


• borne. 11.*' I

\F..t.i.t ,iK.nnds in
slums, whirb arc ;*!
In slum,
han lh>
those of Loo- »
even greater *

Al one Iiolni a crowd of 7-o.aon people

I lleq
beard I

; G‘s.i

of the.

bad gaib<-n*d. multily to aee «rant. I
Farragui and Seward. There
meadoiia eutbualanD otvr tbe party,
and tbe preald.'Dt was elnted.
when be ro«e lo a|M-ek tbe crowd boot­
ed and iilaserl Btld set Up a great about j
for Cram. Tbe people bad Men through
the pn-aldeot'a acbeoie and w«-rt- turn- ,j
Ibe Ubiei on him by osing Grant!




Berlin is i.-le|iltoBlcsny coeis
and wal.lP.1 I.. Hgbt. Tb
dl.l other citiea. j
Ireland where uiaij.l.-.l bis Ho. an.1 t*.e
Fiv are .is ^bools
A poli.-ejunn now In Tit
Iriidi is taught. 7
.ns than Iriah in The wb.
^TT..-re a^^iB*»re'

ADd Btrt|K-s. aud 1 knew tiul be would
retlah keenly a-ecrap wlUi tboae wbo
deOcrl bl-jj


ru>ar. U L. A Co. Beat................
lye Flour, H. UACaBmL..
Neal. B. L ACo Bwt..................
1 H
reed. B. LAOe. Beak.................
Vs rersli; ot ■ese.ylswa;
SRCe pet do*................................
Flier ttork. n« Praat sti*
^fiah per ft....................................
0« I
Suiter pei ft n^ tj...........................
>eamery Bottor.ft...........................
besae ger ft ........................................
eeite ur 1iw. otr>
aVs per bn (old).......... .. ................. ..
I lee Oprrs'Boise Biers'
—I t*-- bJ olu- .............................
Potetow. per be..............................
.CBoee. Atierart
Bran per J00.............

the sU jargwt mhippiBi
pwt* in the a^rld ate EuKa
lArndnn. Liren«<>l.
sit.l Ilidl.
--le rec MarseJles. New York

.. KI.W I.I s;"tw"'‘":rr,;,'’ ■'‘
be alttiatlni
canghi the

of t!

en.w-d now.
The average ddratiuD of bos
aU.oT .Tl yest*. \

•een bltu, when a niob tbn-nu-oi-d bla
Ufe. airlde out luio ybe Mreei aud
march tbe full b-otrib of tbe city at tlie
bead of a prisn-ssloB. carrying liie'atara

.‘S D'

Belai., workmea are fond of c-ck"owlna roai.-tiiiues. Tb.- oilier <U?


dollarn. d.-a.t or al
roloi-. -for tlDt b«rs.-r


baLtw U Usliat of the metar Md mU

tug pricaa of yesterday lor rrocorioa
prorfabma aud farm prodaott is Troe- MsAaeararaaeiBg. tiiPmatta
erne (Sty:
pint msrAa»rc-«aaBs s
r Prowm settleaeni. caikretsl 1
-le*r Pont par bW. BOW-........... m io oalr
le isoie ssoeS

Sheri Cut Pork............................
Sbcrt Cot Pork por ft................

the hand
Of o
loiited. --M.-iItr Aud all I
in nnl... iU., B.. injuiT u.. t. Onn. ..
oad-ra .m Ibr hliK* oUy»l.
KJt Ibe lie- maMles and l>nes und.-rorslh by
bore.-Tcu ibitlara to ••‘d.len jobs ..r viok-ut W.-w s.
;■ UM- ilist linrse
An'‘ire-ensis-r.'* fur w> Mr <-b tbe shoea
nos^i «b.- ■•ItisrD. '*® *^l‘l*'>7 Slr.-els. h». Isett IDVrBted by
lead ei
ledy. ]| bs. smsH .teri to is- IncM, t.t-th to pierce tbe b-e as the w.stt-r
lytiinn itas hired walks, eod cau be applied to tke sole la
n.vlng tbe hiidmit *‘-n s.-coiiU.
'll show bitji! Tea
bb authority, has Idprtrv for bis keep,

grlbtilug wiu-elBian ir«ii
wiKile oiilfll lin. k to Ibi- e\Hle.l
*TDbll<-h blm;" be shniited. “.'^oinel«Iy wni J..IV l.ig ,m.n. v form.: Call
Id iu. i__ .
,-liDxi tb<-re
a |«t!ol wagon. \Vl,ai:s your natuer- ,
.Iwhieb tibf oWBt-T knows
Then tbe clllaen luru.-d |wte and'
But of.—Sain.
"Tbree wLKe f.*.l: My horse has but
The pieskleutial term In Frai
■ gelltb-ro-'t and Ifldi.-H." Tor then* w

wblb- be was uillltarf Koveruor of
TeuueaBee. 1 bad beard him amid tbe
leaillUB clllaeua of NasliVlIk- aa Imwould a lot of artKiol dilldreti: had



PmHlrSt JuLDsOU rrMD WsklillltftOB
Cbl«K0 lif way uf Uobio Hood's bAto.

S«SI « aa rlclrt and <H>uyisDe wrong. To
sot tUt- lore oT llio |n-o|>l<- be carried
wllb bits t.<-o<*raJ r;rouL Admiral I'urngtit. lWr«-tari(<* to-wanl. VVHU-* and
Bacdall. <;«tu-ral Custer and utlier uien
Well iuown io tlie |ieo|d<-. Uv rvasousi|«Uled by llii- po|>ular
Idols /ff tl
». be would be sort- of
las tie
ft i-ry wLere. That

rMVMn Qttf mBthBL

Tb« Ahm
B8B in J«pAD Uitoo tbflr

Ihns (bt ApfMWBW of
-ulu- resideoi kitoara
Ufd bate
they law
have U
ta «hom
abotn U
as BuoL
mueb u
of b»rs4-s as be does of
b«t» fhaae
^kM» ta
*• w&«d tkfjr
1 “SJfbj hKWi" nrWott#>d IB
tbe lecbnic of tiger bouilng. but a
•Dd rrfmi^ io tW first
Hs|i4iHas is reSectire. like tbe Ufht of few weeks airo b«' |<ald KJisi for a FlOO' to thr“wkr-liTO™‘Jar^Md'Totes*
borae aod «dnce tbal bas bs>k>-tl upon country. .

rwpoiwU to tUl <• oodccful •«!&« or

Salto cuuoIda.
lie pii'lMl
Llmtolf M
Idcd blmaclf
-btrinf a cviiiiuuiMT.
iDd be beliered
tbai be uu'bTstuud tbe
tb« people
pnople aud

Mr Kaete Befara.

ANGeiDE MAM.rACn«NC) CO. Graad

HMl. and hr SAe by Al DragfWi.

G»>. DaHavaff. e. P. A..

SUNPAY. Al'CrjlT *7.
TVafr win leave Trarerar Qty at 9
. IB. U.-ave Bay View at 6:M p. a.
;xte. *1- Del ghtfnl plaees for a 8«*day VE‘1.

JI.J4 jj


a toBayTltw


iriaw Snaday only 8i OO. ‘lYUa Uavt
it «:io a. m. mwnlag at ?;« p.«.






Onv.U ^aWrnl7a«


ONc or NAnmrs co-



Wefaesdif.Eniine, Atg. }3d

Tb« ahVoMU dlffMlao of CbrUtiaBl-'
tj thruD«bo«t the world ud ib tri- th. <m«k
m Bm iwr
«nph CT0 the UBsdemi of tbc world .
Km la Ba OMchi
•re MRired. Ckrtrti ppiaWe of tb«|
m Bto Ow»
leaves rod tbe/Ml bMtstortitsosr to
tb« &nt •tslrmest. asd Dasiei t lot«r-i
--------pretatioB of tbe dmm of NrbocbadtfetOw of the attein|»t« at portcM-plpbcar to Uw aecosd. Bst tb«ae rafercBm inc dnriar tbe jubllt^ efleUratluo Uiat
the police record* bapI groonda no

«ruw iw riMk u
Tmtj ‘
TarUUM. TH II b Ta*r
•MCht Tmt.

.They were bealtatloy wbo abould
hare tbe flnt drink, wben as
aoinalntanee )olnrd ttaeui. Pretending
they bad Joat drunk, one of tbem
Landed tbe new-cuuier tbe wblaky. re11 In a drink,
/n—4 .•
U •» irti I 1
Mi-omi OIEOI in lue urr-aoiaa. n
few uiluutea
. Cbrilt a Inqsdon) la to tp«od »^„wT, trranrv detiartweni offl-*f«io to pel
_______ J» Wanda of tbe dtroap.
*roap. They
Tbej j 1 jtTadoallytbrooRhDOt
tbe w^^
Iu.klut bU
1.1. way
w.. Ihrontl. ti.H
ilw " l“■«^"l •'"I
••Xow. bo>a yon’H bare
M onlr »Ul I»roii» .<.iu.iDt« iiiU-1 ^
,% IS l■'■e■
lo C-.
««■?"aUH, will.
tl"-! will l^» ' '"•S“
"Wasna tbal wed managed. uonT
.n..u=™ 1. ilwlr wm. -vi ,
T."?J •
-> -I' ■- 'I.*' I>" H*"aald one to Ilia pal afierwapl.
“A.T. it was." said Ibe uiber aob-mn.
e they vrlll be fed os Ibero If
■but It was a Ur«wdfn- rUtf'-Tbe

TCItw Bom of tbe Cocoa asd ChHa-


.iHl .11. ....nibBni Ibe aM>eorai
.flke liabItB of the animal wLli b
IBacome pnn of the Atnerlmn fauna an•Be worst peint* in bla cliaraeier. Ilia
•■ate ii not ao liad. It 1* not as c-mkI
.. but
..w. It
.. Is
- gn-ni
.............M* brollnl l(>l»ti-r.
^rwetueni ou anuy l■■ef. Tbe taro'rgte way of pn-panne
«rab for dinner Is lo rmisi idm In a
■r go.Ni
c with'r.-«l hot sion.-s. Another
ru»k the creature Is to spill
Aim and
a then
Ih^n broil
bim over tbe
•nw m-e er.b hi soiitetldug like the
mennli . ml. of the North Atlantic
0oa*l. with tiH- .-Kv-pilon that bln ahwsJoiiH-n Is Did soft, and' iberrf..r.- he
.due* not have .to hum for a sh.-ll to
pnit.-.t b1in*.-ir. Tbe claws are *0
poeicrrid that Ibe cml> iliid* It a ph-as( and i«*y task to <m<-fc cnenanuta.
-arid, h atv III* cblcf aniclr of diet, nret
till-busk .>ff. and ib.-n Ih-l».
M-rt. III. ebiw* in tbe ttiPN- little holes
Wbl. !. are In t-v.-ry
pomi.U 11 on a sunn- till'll Kpllis. or
jlf iliF nut lie parileulnrly .bard, ha
.rUuitw tbi- tPN-wllb it and drups it lo
•«ir ground.
Crab hunting Is carried on In many
IWays >n all tlo- Island* .if the Pacific,
kn aiiiue pla.-cs llii- nnlives tieP aa bnnch
iOf gram around tb<- Inv
kaniv fruDi the ground afl.-r



The Uiikc of Ahruxxl baa left Boma
Tor Norway en roiiie for Mie |*ibir
Stomc Jii* royal blghneas t.K.k leave
«r the king and the other meiutx-ra of
ABa royal famUy. who all wlabad bln

S<H*1 luck In bis csp.NUtlon to the
smrlb IHile. Tlie duke will leave Kmoi
Jose/ Idind for the far north imiuedi- |
mtely. Thi* preparallous for the <-*■peiimon have been «-ou.|ilet.Rt. The
royal eiplorjT think* Ws voyage will
acupy two yeara. lie has high espOrtAtl
i- result* of
. aaugualne of
Aadlug Andrei-.
Th* Way II Werkvd.

Mrilug hU dlallke of a ivnala rough

r»r to .bar,- with him something that
Jfcn luive. It will be much iH-ti.-r (a
•very way "
Xxtd Harold said he woBld.
'Tbe next day be laveoted 10 rents
In a baker’s ph-. and just as be bad
purchased It M.- met tbe odious "Jer*



... CoRcert

It City






1 .

1 -g jf-SPSssBfss-esj



£ ;

.rrlNe feoa Or%s-l Kb'aU. Cli
*:»»•. S.
(res MaekiBsw> wsU Pvta
r«troK Rl.-lit
-------------- . Fort Wayaa,
pl.u. at r-U s. w
.rmeS Sart'i'l*.
Nie iMvIaa a> '<:1S a. la. Sa* ckair ear
^^a.'les“at‘^'^^^ a. a. kaa Ckalr^
... TuleUSTia KeM Cut
Traic lrav»f t V ■■ r as .iMpiaa car* Wat-*
loll t..Ctira»o. Cirieiro*
l.»a..'lUA, laSlaBlapuiis anS Ui. U-ui». dlau< ear M OraaA

. Reiuemlier ihe dale..



Desirable Property,

Render Individual fwho Is not at all j®
ronifonabl.'i -TIu-e ‘husM'S ougl.i to -»
charge hr w.-lglil.
"rhe Pm
If tln-y
Pal lI .M*narplyt-^h:




Fall of HU knhlMT.
Tbe Uomiletlc rierl.-w says; "At the
ci.NH- of the fori-uooll io-**lou of a nilDtbe kingdom, of .Christ shall be.«N*.
He wins, said the t,
loe. in aiiuuuueiug tbe
o|N-ulng Kiibji- 1 for the afiertio.n sea.
rcept Him
thrown Thmu. that accept
Hie aball '
Sion. Hu- pr»-*u..n« oIB.-.t stat.Nl that
d Ibns all
be governed by Him. and
all kingKl.ter
t.r*-s*-ut a |ui|-er on
dolus shall be connnered by Him.
isbliigton P.u>t.
Tlic d. vll.' and added: •I'l«-a*e ha
■ bl»B.ed privilege w*
|.MU.iii In ati-ndatir.- for Hr».tliir H—
le pert li
ha* a carr-fully preiBr.*! pa)HT, and Is
veraal ei>read of tlje kingdom of C'brisL '
full of hi* a.ihj.Ht.' Imagine hi* . haAre. we doing
- oni
. -)«rt. of the work!
grin when au upniar of laughi.-r re*« bare been leavened, are we leaven„,j
‘“f ,‘>‘bcn at home abruad, that the
1 spank whoever dl.l 11.” liiluiled him of III.- uubnpi-y wUll.-Ism
‘"-T ^ hrarened? If act
j,„, Hanks, gaxliq; si-Tt-rely at be bad blumh-red Into."
may we not qoestlon oat own leaven- her IhtUKesMBakl* IJMlacilaa. Ingt Can we be kwed and not interWell. then, you'd b.'ltiT iM-gln to
snrio got .le notlim. Mr. lUii. dat
t-st.*] in the salvation of olbeni
get up your Uiu*.-1<-." said Tummy,
Uible EUadingr.i-rK. II. 1-lP; laa. ii. gleefully, "'<-o» |B1W'* luvkeo It."— dal ur dug etl yuUe don' lak me ter 00
l-8iix. «. 7; III. t;lxii, l-l«:Dan. ii. Uanwr's Uaxar.
"lude.->i; And what reason do yoa
44: Iv. 8: Keh. i. 13; Mic- Iv, 18;
Bare [or making that dedueilonl"
Mstb. Ti. 11); xkvtii- l». SO: Luka
"1 d'raw* tn.-r' dueiion*. ksU Tom de
xxiv. 4C>: Acts Bom. x. 14, 15;
Knddy-Thai was ab odd pr.fack ilat he done t.N>k a uioufful outer
Rev. vii, 8, 10. {
uieiit that Hen Tl.ay.-r aud .<
nier lalg alN«ii >t mon' «rgu. an' ba
Moore found ihem*<-1v>-a lb.
balu' irebed me s«uee."—Boston CooA malstef'a Bnsln'aaa.
Duddy-l bey an- .leaf mutes, a
A minister of tbe gospel sbonld iM they ;.
Tb.-y rla.pcd ea<h
Weak AdTir*.
"Aim blgh." erh-O tbc ch-rh-al visitor
you know. *■> lie »-ou:du'i
b.- en.leiiv.nv.1 to rou*c the moral
and a Uwver in matters of properly, f
“ilT h'ni, and she wa* un.nhh
iq marry
aiiililllun uf the brlghl-fiiced SaudayAnd it is Ibe miniiler'a bn.ioe. to be
nad.-B.«-n.u Transcript
s<huol lads and lasah-a b.-fore him.
as well Informed! and able to advise
"Alui highr
those in biscare a^ tbefami^physician
, th* VaervirafA Kiag.
"Not mueb," Inletrupt.-d a amall boy
the family lawy,«T. To be eneb be
Hull-'Who wa* that g.-utk-man you
on the ftuui bench: ••that'* what th',
must be not only fbmiliar with bis doc- nodd.-d to In th.-Itallway}
dhl. an' see what bapiR-ni-d
trine, hot saturated with tbe spirit of
Bcar-Hel Ob. he's Dunbar, the milto
(lu m:"-rh-relaud rialn Dealer.
Ibe Bible, iuibned with tbe mind of Hoiialn-.
Christ, bare tbe taleart and genins of a
Bull-And who wa* that man you
A MalrlfBNQlsl MsaIsk.
pa-lor andsneh knowledge uf human baud* wllb aud gave a cigar In
The average y.mii'g man thinks he I*
nature and fact in dealing wllb all tb.- elevator'r
In a position lo marry If Iw ha* J'-.0
cla»seeof men as [will enable bim at
ll.-ar-He? Oil. he's ilugglna. tbe in Ivink and a *l-' Joh. Ho]h- h. a
ODE-., lo know and lappreciate tbe ni-eds Jabltor.
gri-fli fai-ior in a love affair, .tfter th.of bis people and isatisfy tbem by dis-------------------------mac Is 411 he womb-r* l.«w be ever illd
{H-UMng to tbem Ibe rich treasnre* of
Kraiwr Hoot*.
^ and wi.eti be eai* pi.- at night and
troth and grace oyer which Christ bat Mm. Hcop.v|H-i k ilu tbe midst of her
“rh» niebtmBrr*lje alw
made bim a steward.-Reformed roadlw I mv that a man over in »'»«• “>p nigbimare be alw
Cborch M«a;engerj
FmalllK-rg Im* got Into troulde by mar,
I rylug three wi>an-n,
*'»r<*M»aa Seaae.
| Mr. Ueonypivk lundi-r bla breath.—
He Might Hav. Kossn.
Kow la tbe lime I
tbe aofafr,: I km-w a man a g.Hxl dml
•Tholl.v', the hllui. told Klhel that hh
tbongbtfal. intelligent Jody of tba home wbo got Into tr..uMe by auirry- IovinI her so be wl»b«-d then- w.-tv two
Aunru.m jkople |u a*sertl itself. Wo lug
1- worurtii.—ro.'k.
af her."
mu-i uoi U- stamiiedid in eitber direc­
•I think that niilK-r bright."
tion .r tv I-I.y l-akl.r., u- i:-:iller Imw
W*i»s1 Or-lsa To«*ih»r.
"So .lid rtolly, but now she I* Jeal.
dirtiugoiAli. .1 No taW glillL-r of |«l.lttle lllrl Ho vl*iton—My papa
tbe Imaginary otln-r."—Indiana.
triotiKiii mnsi b« allowed to datxie na good uuin. He'll go to b.-avi-u, won't, polls Journal.

.......... . ......

I have rec-uily l«-ard of a fond



A;,'i'i..'.breb u.ib- cw..i.«,.i




of tbe crowd He
EoMpe, Kbub iotlam leavens KogUnd.

slUK hi* way to the left wben
wbicb leaven* Aiaeri— .n/t »™t*r Er>e.
be fell a tuB nt bis wati-U-»*baln. Ills
land and .*.merioa
w . band to hi* waicb-jNMki-t Inleavening tbe world. Oradnall;
nd if ♦’Sbtly, and b<- found bln wali'b clan*
«rely. tbe
uie BiugbCAui
klng^ et»reus,
epreada,■ auu,’ u .. .........
• -iKNl-l.wklug. w.-lldiwonraged Ibal It I* not fast ieuoagh,
let n. r-cU the i*i^r of tbe leaven. «ln ^1
fell..*. «sa rigbi Uh-iv.
Tb. .rrwj'j
I"„l,-.w,ml) I. lb. f..w
pread ig cSrii
to be oniveruL Tbeapreadof the leav- “
,,fc- i
en was gradnsl. but at U.l it leavened
tbe whole lump, and tbe sV>ne not only
*l! i
aiuote tbe iiDBge.Ibnt became a great
........ .. ’
tuoanlsin and Blled the whole ei^nb. “■■‘’'‘"J '
Cbrist'e kinu.loui Is lo be a worldwide
knowing au.uti.UK-aiN>ut
kingdoui Men have tried tnfoand onl- '
‘■'‘•I' 0 make
versal kingdoms, hot hare failed, t piekiRx-kei.
asury olUelal *lz.-d the .ronug
Worldwide empire bas been tbe dream
of more than one earthly piitentate. bnt
ba* ulways failed uf realiaati.m. Bnl
J<'k -. that.” be aald. "Now.
Christ wiU not fafl. Hla kingd.uu ■hsll * '•
“ ' nile In-i will. yiJU oiys.-tf.
Extend from eea to sea and fmm tbe m <>et you > hull, h of :t-lor-r. cb.-lM->l*
rivers to Ibe ends «d Ibe esrih.

1 iiili.uii-s and
... Christ‘a kiugu.iiu
kingdom will inaniiiD
over all oth.-rkiuBl.mjs. In SebneUd- this wal. b you trl.Ni n. pln-di. an.l
a.—... tbe
.n- kingdote*
ni,....!...-. of
w.» Ik. h'o'ie a srah at 11
' nenar'i drtaim
by an image yoinig niiiD.
•vi.nhI Im-i. and I take you—you're
I luetala. Cbri»i'i
cooipoeed of t
*al.l tbc young mau. Jum|iliig
hand., and



.1 Pmi™-. b.mbi .^.j^^^lllob. «■

. 111.1 .h.n. w™ .n.1.1. 111.





........S" iSSSfSSS ;=;-ri* ==--

1 Ihey
nml. tlthinking that tbi>y
mchrd the ground, let go quicki;
rdcr to «<'Uttle away. Put they
Praia urea of the akull.
M utlier things that wait for |H-rmM»'
•ml cralsi that fall from ire<-*. Then
lAc and hungry oallvi- falls on
.She animal, ties It to his spear and
bears It away In trliiiunh to the pot.
fiautber l.lands wh.-n- the uatlre. are
met so comph-iely laxy. they rtlmh af«rr tbe rrusly prey, and there are Interrsth.g race. In ilu- itv.-to|M. with
Aer.-c batthvat tbe finiah.for the palmclimbing rrul) cao g.-l a pndty go.rd
crip with ttMwe <-o<v«uut-cnckvra of
Bla.- New York I’rias.

CityO[)eraHonse UtM Ufidt« MUH L I.


West Michigan.
•unablef.-rt«o (».
osn r KVBR.VV.
Cerxer Wrbstsr aaO rraKAliii
Lt (ifd Baptm
Lt DriTolt ..

Must be Sold.
• —

Ficflic Parties,
Fishing Parlies,
end Funerals.





I ts s k> r >n

k *) l« U




« «k I u. » *)
k 10 * AS « »l


I hare just addnl a fiat* ht<-k,
several roomv two- nnd thVee-spated ritis, iH-sides ao increased noniber of niw carriages. 1 am now
prepared to do ao exteoaive livery
buameae in addition tofe«dingaod
caring for teams.
Drivers furnished if desired.
Everything in firat*claaa shape.

lUqiJHl lU


T ik ir«» * tj"
. . ■ S IS I to « 10
I a k US I k»



Fire losoraoce.

Oumg Nertk cverr day cieepi 8
..rate TrsrrrmeClIj........................

: Sr





i-kpC'tartrvoli R.'B. Ourk
<tulca nuuib r<erT Say eareptatiaSay.
VJua ■
III (D a ■
• NuKkjwrt .......
Tr»»er*r oily
«uip •braTisg<r4.

L L. A. Bonding.




Gas Larap-S2.00.... •

Price Reduced lo Close Oil LoL

(•o<oaaoaih eTerrSay eacept Sunday.
t^arcNonhport ..............

Oseoa .
autlor* Bay . .
Kes*ia«*Dta ...
Tr*T*r«e City
(i«lvc Kanb every day eserpi Snsday..
Leave Tra-rraeCity. .............................. itOOpia
Keabtawaata................................... S-wp«
Simoo Bay .................................. dJcpw


Best workmanship money
can employ for Bicycle
(Juick work.

|t:lus'eloek a m.

118 Union Street


a 4ti . « 1C Le
» «t 4 IZ r.O P M DepM

uu««uu ,

aon senae. which cannot oe fool.
" browbeaten -to amert itwif. ' mamma.-l*m8butg
Whatever our devirion. let it be made' r*l.b.

' -■:;.r

Relict of m-purit-d rullllclan-Yes;
but one thing I didn't like, wbat bt
bInjuI Tom
QUinI e»eii
every oiof1UUI having
uat lug utiiNi
flct- in the gift of
SlWweilelr •irk.4 ";
Ik awrk abuut -4l«ofy ol> •Nil. Ibk, Ilat

<aaa av«^ •«

BCUPSE lOTER ud BOH CO. if til:

to a«-bool."
I for iwl* ao* bunt tc
I "tVhiit an lU.-a: WliyV"
! oromptlr ailcD4e-l to
I "W.-1I, you
1—I couldn't de- I-'”was n-al' vIlDc '-ri.lla.Ivlpl.b. North Am.-rtcan.

BostuD Transi-ript
Hoe* rh*s Re C*aM gtasd.
••Yea." Mid the patty wbo was
speaking of tbe old.-si Inhabitant; "he
ine old and apparently in
good health Just before he dlrf."
••Yient oS suddenly, did UeT
“Rather. He heard of a man aged
Km tn tbe next county and tbe shock
kUleil him.”—Puck.

-*’^“Hello. kid!" Shouted the latter; “I V* gM as i> tUe'* c4*K« and
• c* loth ^
tMliw eLr Iw,
f«c«s ril have lo lick yer agin." .
Kor answer Harold broke the pie la K« dnSB U« he h*j ^
twine and gave tbe larger half to tbe
wnrlikt- youth, wlio guliw*] It down Bm «* ate i«inn), id
with crum* «r MtUfaotiuQ.
“8*y. kid.” hei- mumia.-d.
"that was TMt a**4UW WNNK) u. s.]l Usa wU
Munal M ih WA.
Bar. Wbat made yer gluitue lir’
or oim
'•Becauw youI bit me yesterday,” lib's too** «t ol rnl w evil timd
lllstreM-Brldget. I told yon I wante gentle a:
Lb *11 ai.Kia:
a* Vk* vMli aw ua ap hub k»s* waM gaari •d oU tbe eggs for breakfast aoft. and
. in* Wl (>*• Ma.
severni were qnlte bud.
Bridget-Sure. mnm. they were all In
•Now. go gti another pie."
bile tbe Mm* length of time, only
%mw York Herald.


BaDki-riraclo.if;'s that riot
n at tbe town ball?

It'* Just tba

Xb M*w Tsrh'* Fsar Hasdtad.
▼sey Oss4. Is FM*.

TtoA vto tot-t -tosatalB hmi mA* (

-NVh/ after aba got her Alvoree aha
tot tw* whole days go by bafor* sha
mrtod agmla.*‘-Clevaland Flaladsal•«Mabl*faMw.laCtoWlm«

John R. Santo,
Genial lisufance.

Travsrss Cliv, HU

deipbla v„-i.
Nonb American.

^be Mllkman-1 will not. ma'am. It

OUS PkoB* m. irCsM uren. espssIM EaBeoM. Travers* City. Hleb.

rsaerfsl la tUhsto.
A. —{tpouier la a pretty able debater,
laa-t he?
-I abould My ao! Why. be can of PhlUdelphU^i‘,n opponent liar and a scoundrel
different ways wltboBl vlolaUng
Leri T. Peoniiigtom, District
the rules of order,
TMeana Olty.HJehlowa

Provident Life
and Trust Company

•TVhat," Inquired the pedanUc man.

wytiat a remaikably aoezgeUc
wninan tbnt Mn. Glitter ur
Inn't abaf I never knew ber to
a bat Mcm"

Rrpair *«rt
Shop Bear C<a.-*. Bay



* IT
e CO
a IV
V .»

4 m Ar Obekasta J'cl'a
4 4U
Ckl*f Lsk*
4 Sti


• lU 0» *(M
I0» » IB
10 to k •

is! IS
IS a» e H,

to IT •« B,
•IS eo *180
11 GO « M<



SMrwaa * MUl



■slCh'i Crgaolag
Trsewse Lily

Trsla* eoaoMt s4 a • rwaas Mill tve|e*4slly.

•Kb*pi Ouday. t* *
tUeer Brsoeh.
Tkt* ovwpaay n


____ _


steamer Onekama
Ospt. J. U. Xmory.
UavoOId MIsalon.................. 8:00 a.m.
Arrive Elk Bsplda.................. 8:40 a. m.
LoavoRlk £o^................... 11:00a.m.
Arrive Old Mtaabm..................11:40 a. m.
LaavoOld Mlaoloa.................. tMp-m.
Arrive Elk Bapidi..................t:40p. st.
Leave Elk Bof&....................7:00 p. m.
Arrive Old IfiMioH................. 7:40 a. m.
Bm wlU leave tbe MmeostUe Oo^'

And wUbont besUUtlon MUa Coy~
and r • OoBb-Take bim oU nronnd. be'a •
enna onsweta. "YVomen's methods e(
pretty good feOow.
My Denta] Office will be _____
0 mm. rmlt ear artu
Boab-Yea. I bars dlacorered that coocaallng lL"-Waablng1oa Stnr.
Tbrnn•fur taking him oU nronnd lut night
clos^ two
Lwo wbcei
weeks, conunencigh te borrow |B of
■ pdrtod.-Ctor«taiMl as yef ttoo my cbignour “H
wool CUo*. sn's yobd wtdo.S. O. SAWYER. D. D. S.

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