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The Morning Record, October 11, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
niKi iw—No 76a
OkUon Tab60 9nm &«ri>>C •< •
▼mmI Aftar rweatjr Sou 1
JUrUMd aaffAfUc.
PhlUU^bU. tU., Oet.
Break In Wlra of a Fira. Alarm Box
Baaily Bepawed and a Foraa of
Xxparu Waa Hot Heeded.
Yeetarday the bmvy wind canned
brmk ia the wlra of box number 33 of
the fire nlarm lyntam. Chief Banala
aad Tmmatar Dana rapalrad tha braak
within an hour, and with the axaepU<m of that period of time U waa In
perieet order. Tbe followtay bit-of
bamor diaplaya the entar^lae of the
Earle In deeeriblnr the Incident;
Tbe fire alarm syatam waa fonnd to
be rrmaded tbit morninr aad experts
have been lookinr all day for the
t' amt
-tranble." Chief Bennie li
It Host B« War or P«
TiRuun a*
Two Big Tachta Could Hot
B»ea Id a Fog.
1 VMwt«« BMt T* SoflMd b7 *<Mn
OmitaU Bjuu DosnU. wbieh arrlTe4 There wae ao Breeae and (<w the
«f «roop«
Mre today Croat Lfrorpoal Md QaamToortk TUne the Oroat Xai
e ». K. Te4»r-ri]ptabi« rut tava, tadoa
Ooataet wae a PiBla-Nrxt Atieapi
Bo«UUti« vUl b«
MUah br1« Ida Maad.
VUl be Hade Thaiaday aad After
i OclobM^ 1. t?l
fttnlt-OiMt Brttetai tia» «ak<* who
That Sreiy Oay Vatil the Baoe
aiUta troa 8aUy Book.
le aaUed SaeoeoetaUy.
Wbaa foaed tba naa wore la the
Okft Tontb, Oak lO.-TU TnMTwl ritflar of tboir partUlly eabtaorrwl
Hew York. Oet. 10—The lateraafowAMot hM MSt sa ^UaiataRi to oraft, where they had heoa aochad (or tlooal yacht moe (ok today wae de■OrwtBriUla. UoI«m tb* Uttar aom...
ao a bottle olared off ebortly after 1 i o eloek. The
pllMAt-JiUMBom'daataaUwH-wm'otnoUMta. Tbe._
attaaded | nlot wae thick at the tkae aad the
proUblr bifU tamorroir. Th« hour.
; breeee wae blowUr aot sore thaa two raoremenu for telephone- i
la the aota U » o'eloek p.
The BbyaUnd here la al^ht aoao I aUeo aa boer.
- ae of fire. The wlrinf <rill be t
asd tba damaad r«fairee the with-1 too
lied by tamacrow.
1. ae darhaaoe wae faet oomtacj The eomBlttee hae decided that the
diaaal o( all o( tha KaffUah troopaJea, ^ tha aeea earely would ha*a Iheit yacht raoe wUI he held oa ThunOne tbonmsd pamphleu of tbe Blfb
frota tha bordar. ae wall aa aU fore* ^ p^iahad U a few hoere ewre. They i day aad the eotaeaueat raeee will
•cbool loetara eoane ara beinr dleUadad eUM the Bloo>foatala ooe-.ia atameatary perU of belad'taUed oa .ueoee^r dc th«.«(.
teeaee. If thie demand to aot e— '
. oa Sondar nnUI the oonimt to tribntod. iUaetratimr Ue attractioM
that ara taappmr on the oonne thto
piled with boeUllttee wUl eaiBBt
■ tely.
/ Tae record of four peetponed raeee
Umdoa. Oeu 10.—The Loadou
inoneeerimla 'uoeqnaled la the htoejreacy publUhee the foUowtar dtotory of the American cup oontmta
pateh from Pretoria, fled at 7:40 laet
Tueneareetapproach ton was in tbe
alfbt: "Ao urveat diepateh bae Joat Mr*. Mfta Afklns Now in VIcilant-Valkyrie match of Oelbbef,
baaa handed Oonynrbaa Ureeoe. the
im. Twloe tbeae yachts svare nnable
JaU At Frankfort
Brlttob diploanatle ayeat,
to complete the ooniee within tbe etlpan axpileU'aaturaaee of tba withdraw
ulatad time, which for that eeriee sras
al wlUla fortyeirht hourt of the Brit Oiaplaya lodiffurenee Orer Ber Orlme fixed for six bonra The first time
tob troope (roa the TraneTaal bordere.
and Deoiaraa Abe Believed Bar they met, the limit expired when the
M w.ell ae the withdrawal of all BrtUeb
Oblldrm WoBid be better Dead Valkyrie was Imdiny by two milee.
forOM Undrd In South Africa elace the
Ike Vlyilast had made tbe beet etari.
Than Alive.
Bloestontaln ooafereace.''
bnt laet her advaotase by a eudden
WaatmUieter Gazette taya: -We
ThoBpeonrllle.OcV 9.—The eorooer'e ehiftof wind. Tbe ftfurth trial be
learu that the BriUth yorerniaent bae jury, in tbe Aakloa poieoniny -eaee, tween theee boata was -no race" fer
alao diepatcfaed a aoteeootalnlDretrln- bronchi in a rerdlci “that Marjorie tbe mme reason. The AmerlcaD boat
irant denauda. wbl^b matt hare croaaed Atkins came to ber dmtb from mor ontpointad and ontreaehed the Eoythe Boar nltlmaton. Diplomacy haa phine poUoD admlBietratad by
llabmaa. bnt with a lead of eeven minthue mid lie laet word; and the leat Bother. Mate Atkioe.*'
aue at tbe torn oould not finish in six
word on each aide to of the kind whleb
on the body
the other ie the leaat likely to yield.”
Marjorie Aeklna, oa bnnday, by Or.
IntheVolnataer vn. Thistle match,
Ktnnry of Prankforl, and Dr'e. ’ttarer one race was railed'off. On Sept,
The diplomatic eireoiaetaaoei au
ronadlair the preeeDietlOD ot the ulU- aad McDermott afehia riHace, aettled HU?, tbe boata ernieed arooed tbe
beyond a ahadow of doubt, the
matuB are probably a
llAhUhlptna itriuliat min, but the
•Ordinarily a (orelyD power, when ad- of death.
wind wae ao li«bt no aurt 'wae made.
drwalnr'peremptory demande to anMrn. Aakina white on tbe eUad to- The race wes poatponed nnU! tbe fol
olhar, eeade them throDyh ao embaa- day admitted thatabe came to Tbomp- lowlayday.
•ador or minuter aoeredited to lu ad- aonrllle for the pnrpoae of potUne herThe first raee between tbe Turitan
eeraary. The Tmneraal i
aelf and ehlldren oni of the way. Bald and Ueaeste in September, 1881, rehowavar. hae no dl|do«eUe
•he bottAbt IS ernine of morphine
■oltad in a fiasco. In tboae day* the
lire reeorn lead by Urmt Britain nad laterlocbeannd It ymine more at
time limit was seven hours. When the
Montacrnc White, the Tmneraal eoaenl- drop eiore here, mined tbe DO fralnt eommittae signalled "no raee." tbe
paa«nl U Lpndoa. woaldnV u rec. It with eome wine and coaxed the child Ueneata waa a mile and a half ta lee
First Prize,
•d by either the foreign oUee or the ren to drink about one third each, ebe ward of the PuriUB.
OOlonUI offlee. OooKfneatly Preeldeat Ukiny the other third. Marjorie weat
Kmcer banded the nltimallnm '
immedieuly to aleep and barar woke,
jrnfham Ureene nt Pretoria, who wired but aiea aad the mother were, awake
Second Prize.
It to the Britleh hlfh commletlooer la nmrly all alffht. Mre. Atkini wm elek
Aonth Africa, by whom It wae re-tmaa- and Tomiled. Thinklnc the doee not Olrcalt Oonrt Busy erith Oase of ffraak
mlttad to {.ondon.
•offieent to kill her ehe ewallowed aa
0. Bill vs. ffoha Oohm-Two
Aail-Boer TaeUar at tlabon.
of elorafona and at about 4
K'-ra Blvorcos
Ltoboa.*Oct. • —The papem here ei- o'clock in the moraine took SO to SS
Almost tbe v F.ole tlmeof the circuit
.» oo'Bioii II
prM a mtber aaU-Boar feeling. Tbe (rmlne of cocaine.
juriyeeterdav vas occupied with the
When aeked why ehe tried to kill
SaeaUdacUreethataltbonffh SoiclaDd
hae not aeked Purioyal to abeadoa her henrif and children ehe aaid. the me of Frank' IlDl vs. John A. Djhm.
'nantmllty, tbe i'orlurueee War Minle- tnonxht they would be better off dead
case was put', -arly in the day. an«*
tar.Ocne el Tellee. la prepariof to aead than lirine!ib« bourht part of the eoenine at ihewboirdtv .Vd not develop all of
6.000 mea to aooih Africa witblo a fortHonor and part of it at Gmnd Kspid» tbetostlmoiT • be Inuodoeed by the
cemplalean"Ye claim U tba; oiiw*'
LoadoD. 0^1. Ml -The llf ly Telo(. H.l . (s-S.
.f Frank C. H:li the
, fmph*B I.»ly»milu correepondeui eaye tbe wusan eeenied perfectly cool ano
Kxl a farm, valued :l
Ikclod.b 'imvlng no sl^n of emoti-ju.
a Uurtirortby colonial farmer ee61.800 lo I.I-,
lljbm. wife of i,.
aertethel be eew a ibuneenit em.r«l vrcD wnen aeked when ebe know h'r
r\-»poDdcDt :.
n.-oemi. r
Bjemoa ounday nithin the Natal bor -!»uk-hwr wae dead, but answered
L. 11:.; die 1
'-■liD.y that it wae eume lime in the
der. near' Cbarleelown.
Vow it is c>- Tied that at the time
Tbe abeeuce of-n' w» fro u South At- •uorniny.
til- -bi^nm-3t was made
Sumc Bare airasced tbe theory tiiM ; •••hen
rice la said to be due to n bvary block
was not
OB tbs teltHfmph line*, wbicn mey ber mlud UeiliN^ied. but she acte am •. ram vliL-coovcjance uf the pivp..r;i.
mean that the huee are occupied by talks as ra'.'onaliy ah any pt-rsuo coold as bis miud was not s.-.und. The es c
The body of httie Maijirie wai
official dUpetehee and that nefouataken to Honor for iutermcot.. beside •vll} probably be a l istr one. li msy
tlona are beln« acUrel? carried tm.
b flnisbed today, but it is doubtful.
Prom Durban it U announced that ber father, who died two year* affo.
Two divorce eases .vere dlspoeed of.'
Kmnk W. Bwer of Allepao.a brother
no code meeeatree -m be accepted for
of Mre. Askine came here and w. s wl- b Tbe case of Anna Barbara Dsw w.
any part of Sonib Africa, without the
ber at the ioqueav Mr. Bwer eeemed Isaac- F. Daw, id wbbth some of tbe
prodnclioa of the eodee.
ttry much eiT.-et^ when be met bis leellmony was taken M <nday. wai
The Tmntrnal banka bare been noti'
isbed yeetarday. and a decree
sUtar. but ehe wa
fed that no more (old will be p>
She waa taken to tbe county jail at (rrantod. The matter of alimony wa»
tad to Imre tbe country.
Kmnkfort last nlyfat by Deputy Sberiff settled out of court. Mrs. Daw roeeivBoera ere Bitter ricblem.
Gifford and wae aoeompanied by hir my 61.000.
The eaee of Allen Philips vt. Anne E
Tbe Daily Newa thla mominir pub- brMher.
Uahm an interrlew with Bertram MitTbe lltUe boy Glen la fully recovered PblUpe wae finished yeeterdey mora
f jTd. the South African noreliat. who from the effecta of the polaon and is at ine. and e decree'waa granted.
There are fonr divorce enlu yet to be
•pent twenty-fre yean
preeeat with tbe family of Dr. MeCbpe Datob. In which Mr. Mttford pre- OermoO. Mr. BsrcrwUl very probably tried and some other non-jory matters.
The oian wtio mnkim a Lit in
dleu that rictory will only bo attained take him borne with him when be re- The jury will be here tomorrow, to
eoniinoethe replevin eppeel ease ol bosiDma is the man who is tborby the BrltUb after a lone, bloody and tnrm to AUeran.
ijQlfhly up-to-ilate.
Angnst Anee vs. Eoaa Bapheel.
OMtIy war.
Just before the oonrt adjourned (or
If you don’t Lava a telephone
Be myat-The Boera wUl fyht like
taeday, teeUmony was taken aad
people are liable to think that yon
deoroe of divorce wae given Wai
' dartla. Tbe Jamoaon raid ronead them
are slow.
aad eeer aiaoa they hare been prepnr- Admiral Dewey ia Haw York oa Bto PettangiU In her eull agraloat Grant
They will probably
PettengUl. The grannd cUlmed
Inf for war aad
Way Boma
think that yon are
and-they wUl rmUt to the blttar end.
New York. Oet- lO.-Admlral Dewey
even slower than yon
••Allthepnbliebed mtinatae ^ the arrived bera today, eomlnr 1
ffhtlnc eimafth of the Boon nre an- WaahiagtoB on a apaelal train. Be
Kobody' wanta
acfamtad. Itdom not axoaad is,000 proceeded at oaca to Veraiont. where Ooneatt OotobarBe, ingWhieh They
deal with people wl
he wilt visit Or. Bai^ W^b os the
nt tha OBtaUa."
VHl Bave thalmadiag Para
are behind tbe timm
One thousanil fin hnnfreil
dollais will be ginn far
tba Rest FiDeen Stories
. abont the remarkable
Is An Art Ry Itself.
It requires experience in
baying tbo right xaaortmsnt
a( mouldingB aa well aa skill
it catting them up—The all
HD^rtant point, bowevfr. is tbe up-to-date knowledge of the
moat approved way to combine mouldings and matWrde L
bring out tbe Iwt that 48 m the picture.
It coetA no more to
have a picture framed correctly than otherwise
We make it a
point to Tiait the Urgeet Art stores in tbe citiea ao aa to kesoin
touch with the Ut^ ^nUm” in the businem. Onr two ex-
290-222 Front Street_____ Balph Oonnablfi Jr.. KanagBr.
To do a good botineas—All
“Af Benda’s, fo be sure.”
Today li's Big Headwear Values at Urtle Prices.
of cloth aad oordorov haw »t SO. 75c. 61 00.
Never forget that ALL the goods ara NEW at
Benda & Co.n»,?.f'
In Aten's Suits
in right
sat U tb<
We pot on sale thto morniag
Men’s Pall Bolta. eaek etyle. made of all pore wool heavy
corn scree—a very dreeey enlt. thorongbly well mkde and
trimmed and easily worU 613.00 to 6» oo'
to yoa at TEN
Arc im[K)rlanl. and wt‘*can sironply recom*
niL-iul ll-.e follotvinjr pc'pular linos.
Eiolusire agent ior Sorosis
Oriental ?ilk................................... 26c
Genuine N- ar Silk........................ 26c
Mercerized Satiaes........... ........ 40c •
Imported Twill Ooat Lining .. 40c
Fercalinea and Sileciae .. .8, 10.16c
Taffeta Antique............................. 16c
COBOElTE.....................20 and26c
Ih*et vi-t for facing and iutcrlinini:—(n-nuiae only at
. ,'OB Get
TinMport Varron Atrtvad atPhUlpptom Oetabar 5th.
Tho ttnnarnri, Warren wUoh mOed
ftomte TiMihii nbMt Aapt
lah.acrivad at MnnUaon tha_____
Oatabor. Ihto to tha ohlp which mrrtad
tha frat oompnny of volnataara
itaara wboanwho anItotad tram thlaolty. a
Tha Sealer clam hava ehanrod tha
data ot thair pnmpkm-pla and taOm
OOBtol tram rrlday nlfht at thto wmk
■ntilthe lattar part ot nazt sraak.
Thtothnnsa haa W daamad advtoahtoM aoMcal othm^r«ii am ta
HkOAlMothiitoaok. Tha anet data
for tha ooocart to be given la Stain
benrk Grand far thi beaafil of the
rhnreh. Tbe data has bass fix d fo
Oetobar 65. asd aa axoepUonal tnat
Tba orlglanl Qnaoii Otty gaartat will
bathaehin(nttnalkm,bBt a aambor:
of othen will have a alamos tha ^
gfam that wUl donbtlosa ba as plsaaiBff. KimJosaphlna Vadar wUl play
twopteoaatmUoM. bsaSdmaetlag aa
ntot, aad Bownrd Evans Loag.
vtoUxtot, wOl ^psar farlha flfai time
B B. fi^bnryb yald^ D
bataraaTravmm (Atj aadlaaea. Mr.
Tbmsty K., has latnraad from a toar Laea T- Tltm will ndto, aad tha
maay who hav« baud him wOl not
mlmlhaAaamofbMrtarhlm agaia.
On the Way ta Hanila
Oao. A. MeOartaar. formerly of the
BODip oompomar room, bat who anItotod In tbe reff^ army whm Cap
tain Ball wna here, to now on bto way
Be writai Will Brawn
from Hrmointn, ntathaff that ha srm
aant with a form of thbfW ratnlan to
Manila OB the transport BalfflnaKliA.
was tha only Trnvoras City .
la tha parta. Bs dsnsrfhaa Boaolnla
naabant^dty.hariaff^aatn day
bare la stffhtadnff. Tba trni
layad there bnt aday-
Tbe reason our trade is steadily increas
ing 18 that we sell better goods for,the.^
So^ ^asWe
'UA&«T«thY \s ecT^ u.Us)uVOT^ ^OT cH\.\&T«tV te«AUU tt
OB Alt& 0^ M »%^Va. t
ATV& al^« a\
^OT ^ \ATt«r film.
money than any firm in Traverse City.
Ju8t placed on sale 48 pairs ladies’ bnt/
ton shoes. $1.25 and Sl.SO^alueB. for
95c Onr $200 dress shoes for ladieg
and gentlemen are winners—See them.
■eNMira BlocL
TBa mOB«lWO *fcOO*D, WTOHaspiT. oowsmR 11. \9M.
at th»
^glAT»BSEOnT.j KIOHIOAll HdUinf Oo
•USDIujwi imuD,
kBBMl •athvttc of W. O. T. 9.
i§gm-1‘ •**■■ **»
W«fcM»-S«)ptat 9tp«n. aw*
#. W. MAm. Mllor Md MiMfr.
a<t«r«M«* *a«
Vo«18Blo.*'T**.Thml»BMM iar
To*.-* BWiMh* BMkWL
Wt*tteB.'*nM Womb 9B » SttOt*,M<«. aUo* 0»rp*Bt*r.
«B parllBMBt led br Kn. Mm
Sr. Karp Wood A11*b'i bock*. Vf*.
Ajiiuud M
la a "beaTj-ty
i^erTtoate Sul Oeeapled With Dr.talle to
with tbe
Kew OoBotp SoUdtog.
Tbe board of eaperriaoca «Ul thb
morning Ibtea to fori
atiOBt of tbe balldlng
eeTerel matteie In cob
nol the'Bew ooori boaer.
Iber* to BO proriek* to the original
plane for fiooriog to be laid to
attic aad thto wiU probably be farored
at lodapb eemion. The plaaa atoo call
forea*iBgi«X toebea wide, bat the
be made an inch wider.
At pmterdap smming's aeedon i
for SSS.W. for freight oa :«4 feet ofstad rails, was preseated bp Ue U. B.
A 1. Bp. Co. A eommanicaUoB aooompanied Ue bill suUng that Ue eon-'
tractor bad not paid Ue account and:
that Ue railwep eompanp would hold
Ue coantp for Ue amoant. It was
stoUd that Uere were other btlle of
kind, and Uis vrae fiaallp rebuilding commitiee.
' T:ia~-Piaao aolo. Kim Loalae Back:
voea) aola Laltobp. Kn. Perep Holdaworth; pUno aolo. Kim Joeeptatoe
Vaier; eecal aolo. -I Prombe Thee."
E B Wbite
Oeeotianal aerriee-M*. D Coeblto.
BeeepUoo of PraterBal Oelegatee—I.
O O T..X'<'mao'* Clab.Ladlea'Ubrarp
Aaaoctatloa and olbera
Leading Uar>ttona—Kra. Carrie Fax«n. prmidi-ot lOth Dbtrict.
Admml DevcT'i PotiUon.
amgiiig—••Some Olad Day. etc."
Atelnl De««y taMlliiad np with tbe
Sllerr apeeeb bp tbe a
•dmiaiatnUM ob Um Pb
Temporanec DoxolfWp—
ir wbleb Ubt** bo denbt
"I'rau.i' I.oc »ro«> mbe* «tl Uemloe- #4.«,
i vov:
•• to hi* attitade. H* sot onlp adviM
Praiw HIthopnatdeot to tond more warablp*
PrsU* Fslfcrr.Sm sod Boljr OUovI "
MalBit the tUipno* bat riqaeMa that
AfBtnaldo be intomed that the addi
Tbe evening addrem will deal wlU
iMal aaral etroBfth le ereated apoe
Ue labor problem and Ue (jaeatton of and Ue I
fnrnlUre from a rcprteenuUve
bteadrioa Beeiakaathe n<iacat be>e beturmenl of Ue poorer daasee.
of a Chicago eonoem. It to nol prob
•aae* Aralnaldo ha* elmlated raporu
All ere Invited U enp end all ae
able Uat tbe buUding vrlU it couithat the advlral tavorad irMac the PaUer and Kotber Steele, of NorU- ei IBS.
Uto falL
Bat the MWrniplBO* tbalr ladapaBdeBoe. The ad- porl. who have grown old in tbe worl
court room and Judge's rooms will be
«lr*l hae eaid that he oonelden the ter Ood and Umperanoa
Owing to the unavoidable abeeaee
furetobed eo.Ust Ue Jannarp aeaslon
•aUra* ot the lelaade betler fitted for
of Circuit eourt eaa be he)d in Ue
Mlf-gOTaraaMt than the Oabane, bat of Kra B. A. ‘Campbell of HorU^prt.
Mieblgan'Starcb Co Kepudiate Mcke.ha* Bot eald thatthep ehoald be Ue dtotrlet prceldeat. and of Kra P.
bnlidlng. Aepeeia! aeaaion-to January
pori Hegardlag DiStllltoR.
is being oonfiraa their ladepeBdeaoe rbrht awep. J. Howard, the riee preeideat at large,
A report which to utterip nefou
U, indeed, he taTore a rreater defrae the meeting wna preelded over bp Kr«.
t* been eireulaied about Ue country Ue city eouncU has examtoedabe pro
e< eelf-rala then la andcralood to be
A memorial hoar to honor of Kim regeHlng the Michigan Storch faeWrp. posed aewer eonnccUoa and Ue city
^aBBod for thetB.
Bat. thoafh the
adalral were In faror of Obt rrenlBal- Praooet B. WlUard wee led bp Kra P. It bte been suted that Ue plant was will bear one-half Ue expense.
Csrtla of"Tiavetee City. It wee to be uaed a* a dtotillerp and manp
Ip tn^lnjroeertbe Uland* to the PUISheriff Slmpaee left peawrdsp for
ptsoe be 1* too Biaeb of a fipbter to deImpremlve oooeeton. and Ue mem- farmers have credited tbe report.
elare for anpthlnr bat radical meaeorca iory of the woman who baa done mo«e The B»tiKi> be* known since Ue com Ionia, wlui bis two prisonerv. Memro
erhtla coaditlooa aoeb aa at preaent ex- than anp other for the cenae of tern- panp located bare that the builnem of and Partridge, each of whom is sen
to the taland* eonUnoa Inhieoem peranee we^fitttoglp honored.
Ue ooncern was exdnsivelp Ual of tenced for one pear, one tor onrglarp
■asle OB Ue altaation to the PtalllpThe followtog eommitteee were ep- manufacturing ytarch and oUer pro and Ue oUer for disposing of mort
ptoaa, to which the anU-expanaloaleU pednted:
du :t* from pbuteet dlattoeilp foreign gaged property.____________
like to refer. Admiral Dewep haa eallOredentiato—Kra Pqalrea of Fetoa to character to Ue producU of e dlsTo Chpo a COM in Ono Bap.
^ tha PUiptooa ehlldran.
It la prob- key. Kre. Ljom of Paloakep and Kra tillerp. But Ue management of Ue
Take Warner's White Wim- nf Tar >'
pbto that ha tbtoka thep meet be r*en rieh of Northpork
Starch Oo. waa interviewed peaterdap the best cuugh rwiicdy on earth• 1m— and that bow Sb the Um for
Ptoanee—Kra Stone of Petoekep. and it waa emphatlealip auted that Ue
Ike Dsltad fiuteato admtolater ik
feetorp we* never inleirded for any
Mrs. Vaagban and Kra Northrsp.
Oonrtcelee—Kra P. B. Trarto, Trav- Uing else Uan the iwrpoae -aUted
Tae toggeatloa of Jodge Kapne that
ree City, Kra P. J. Oortto. Traverae above and that Ue totentlon to engage
Iba dedtoatlon of the new eoart boaer Oltp. Kra. Kaama;CharleTolx.
to Ue dtotllUng toduetrp wea never
he made the ooeaaloB of a fitting demBeaolnUone—Kra"< Oarpanter. Bea1 Imagined bp anp member ot Ue
gwUBtlMleacoodooeand wortbpof don. Kia Kinora Traverm CH^. Kra
gPMlderaUon. Whan oompleiad thb Kndge. Charlevoix.
Bobbad Ue ttbave.
The leading paper of tbe afteraeon
gtrdetore wUI he tbe flneet ooaotp
A atartllng incident to narrated bp
koUdlng to the nortbem part of the waa enUUed “The Immediate Aim a)
John Oliver of Pbiledelpbie. ei^VUlowt
lower peniaeola. and Drand Traveree Porpoaeof tbe W. C. T. U.; What, v
ra* to an ewiul eondlUon. Hy
ketog the weeUhieet end meet Impor- aboBld do. asd bow we abould do ii
___almost yellow, epeesnakee. tongue
(anteoaatptotbbpartfoftheatate U The pe^ wee full of helpful Uoogbt. ooeted. pain continually in back and
voted a maatorfnl oatllne of sides, so ^petite, growing weaker dap
woeld be e good thing to Brrange eomr
bp dap. Three pbpsicians bad given
port of pobllc coromoDp. It b qalu
or make a Will or {five a Hill
me up. Then J was advised to ose
Ukelp that Ue Chief Joailoe ot tbe toeuaeion foUowed Ue paper.
R'MtHc Bitters: to mv great jop. tbe
of Sale or Summon a Jury or
Dtoner«and sapper were aerved to Sral bottle nmde a decided improveetat* woald aooept an toTlution to be
l)i,scharge a Mortgage. You
priiiBt and tbe ooeailon abould be in be parlora of tbe church for tbe dele menk I continued their use for tbi
weeks, and am now a well man.
keaplar wUk the ImporUDce of tbe gatm and their frlenda. Some of tbe know tbev robbed tbe grave of another
want the blanks that arc ab
eeantp and tbe ebaiaeterot.tbe bnlld- people of the town Uonght that the V v-tlm." No one »hould fail to Up
solutely correct and es})ecialtog- li wonld not be out ot place for meato were for tale, but Ula to not Ue them. Onip 50e. guaranteed, at Ja*. (•.
Tbe food la dellciout, but it I* Johnson's and S E Wail's drug sto
the board of anperriaorm to oonaidei
ly so if you want to make a
tor tbe delegatm and their trlcDda
.the Better at thb eemion.
copy of a paper already on
are used and eno.-rteo bp me leading
The evening eemion waa opened with
record. The Richmond &
muslt! an* everpnhere. So.
a aong aervioe. led bp Or. Q. A. HoUlBackus Co's blanks are ma(^e
Bueet. N. B Strong, manager.
dap. The devotional eerviee waa con9at Soar* of Public Works I>oea Vot ducted bplEcv. J. A. Breadp.
“according to law." We cary
Bellcre Befect of tbe Hew
•nie vtoltlng delegatea were wela full line of them and sell
■treoiBre Is Berioua.
amed to a few filling worda
them for 60c the quire. It
HemllUn on
The Board of public worka peaterdap Mayor Frank
may be you pay a few cents
taapeeted tbe aoatb ehaleaent ot the part of Ue city. Tbe welcome from
Union atreet bridge, which reeenUp demore a quire for them, but
V&TQtV^ Vft
OUT custom'
eetofted a crack, which todtoatad that Bev. W. T. Woodhouee of Ue BapiUt
“they’re always the same."
erh UVV us. ^OVitu Wvtih
the maeonrp waa to bad ebape. A eare- ebareb. Kra. Harvey CurtU welcomed
Use no other.
<b1 axamloaUon led tbe board to eoo- Ue vtoltore on Ue behalf of Ue Cen
uTvV^orm\^ Us\v^ \o \>tt
elad* that tbe defect was not a eerioa* tral W. C. T. I', of Ue dip. aad Kre.
PBS and that while tbe crack wa
Theee werdt ot welcome were re'%UuVt\s wo ^et\ suTt \\te
imperfection, it would not neoeea
Impair tbe etreogtb or eefetp of the apooded to by Km. Franc J W. Stone
4OO&S ATt T\)\V^.
ptraatare.' There bare been :oo too* and Kre. Jennie Kenning of Pekwkep.
earth depoaited is tbe exoaratioD
pgatoat the abotmeni. the weight of wea given bp Be*. Bardep Jones, pas
erkleb. together with the nature ot Ue tor ot Ue Friends church. The sob(eandatloo, pllee driven to the river jeetoftbe addrem waa "rhe Devil's
hed.oaoaedeeiratoor aeltllng. wbieb Flint Kill." The evils of Ue drink
ptedooed tbe erei^ mentioned. While trafllc were powerfnllp depicted, and
the board beltevm that the defect, la Uoae who arc working to Ue cause of
•otaarion*. thep will wilhold accepV temperance were urged u eontinued
anc* of Ue bridge tor a while to deier- faitbfulnem.
for these October days.
mtoe more fully the exiont of the dem- The sessions of Ue convention will
oontlnue lodap and Usurrow. FolThese are the kinds we cary
rogram for
Oontraelor Hayden oalled on City
in ail sizes to fit all makes of
. Otork Bickerd peaterdap afur Ue final
men: Fleece-lined Cotton—
payment, bot owing to tbe fact that
the board bad sot pet aeeepted Urn
»:Mk-Beedtog iourBsL
Fleece-lined Wool—Medicat
mark, the amoant ivaa withheld ontU
Superintendent’ll hoar—BvangelUtic,
jprther aottoe from Ue board.
Jail and PrtoM; Km E. L. Kellogg.
ed—Swits Conde—GeishaFlower Mtoaion: Mm .P. J. Curtla SubUnion Suits—Jersey Ribbed
dap School Work; Mm Q. S. Barsaa
Phot Ball fertheBigbSohooL
—Lansing Union Strits—25c
ne aUletle ponng men of tbe High Soldlerm and SaUors; Mm L B. Madge.
pAool have organiied e foot ball team.
buys a single article for a
•ergaKcEentlewUlbeoaptatoof tbe Mr*.
. & A. Oameroa. Work
NaretoTea, which haa been preeUetog for L««»be»meB: Ki» A. 8.
8. Qibba
small man, SOc bays a good
Li. lima
time. The line sp
BO to
“"• ^ate Young. Prem and
aa follows:
, Work; Karr ■- Hmton.
article for a bigger man.
L e. McKenslei 1. k Maynard; I. g.
lAfdtoi e. KelatoU: r. gT- Vegelsoag; ChriaUan OtUienUip: Ubbto DeaeBetter goods, more money
f, k Deaprrn; r. a Slater; q. b. Bef- more. Paper: “Tke Ideal ffomas":
■eldfi L h. Boyer; r. h.. Uighton; f. b. Km KearB*. Charlerolx.
up to $6.0‘' tbe suit; These
aesaral oSeert' hoar-Mm P. J. CarJtoeeea. TomlUlaa and Uuriep are Ue
are the finest goods made.
Ua eorrespondtog eeeretary. Kra
Franc J. W. Stooa tieaenrer- Mm P.
J. Howard. Ttoe preeldent-at-larga
Mtooellaneoas boetoem.
Ooold not rxpree* tbe rsptare of AnAdtoommenk
■to B. Springer, of Pniledelphla. when
Dr- King's New Dltcoverp cured bar of
a beUtog cough Uel for manp rears
had made life a burden. Ska ■eps; "At- B. M. Karrin, Fiaakfork
ler all other reatediee aad doctors | Bnodlag Jourael.
(ailed It soon relieved Ue pain to mp
"Our Bop* add Ubto." Kra MarUe
ebeet aad I can sow aleep aooadlp.LJ^/
eomeUtog 1 can ecaroelp remember do-, Origelp.
tog before. I feel like eouadtog lu
Paper. ‘•Ghrtotlaa CltlaaBsUp,'* Mm
(a tht* dtp U BOW In projrre- *t th*
eboretu Lendlnt »«■•
perenee worken from tbli dlatrlet
to atteadaBoe. aod tba meattoc*
fall of totereet and profit. T^oae totereated to the icmperaBCe
eaanol>fford to mba th# eemloBi of
tkla ooBTcntloB.
Betwaen fortp and fiftp dal*«atee
aie preaent now. and more will be here
lodap. Able eddreaeee and helpfaldiaeaeeloae will fiU the time todapAn exrcaUva committer meeting wea
held to the forenoon peeurdsp. atd all
readp for the opentof leretoo at t
ThU meeting waa open-. withaeeeaon of teaUmonp. The ; • j nott of the
eo&eenUon waa gfeeo at ibia moeUng
aa ••Vletoip." Among tboae wboae
Tbia pro. XBOO
Antldiap or Mahogany
Only $8.76
Oak or Mahogany M^xweat line of Hock$4.76
ers in the state.
IJO Front St }. W. SLATER’S Honst FmlsIiiiiE Store
Going to draw
Up a deed
Kimball Pianos anil Divans
■\0c are
as much to-day as'thej are
needed were in the days
of “Tom Bfbwn” only they’re
more attractive. More tab
lets, pencils and supplies are
used then ever. Finest line
of 5c tablets, attractive cov
ers and good paper. You
can use our 5c pencils up to
the last inch. All the school
books used in the city and
district schools, carried in
stock. Penholders. Erasers,
Ruler.s. Ruling Pens. Inks,
Foolscap, Legalcap, Letter
heads and all kinds of writ
ing papers.
5. AO. "Wimeft.
the Latest
The price
... - ---
A boon to the housewife—
ho longer need to say “what
will I do for my .<oup today."
Soups already prepared—
place in a suitable dish—add
pint and a half of boiling
water-—heat all thoroughly
and serve. Chicken—bouil
lon—Tomato—Mock Turtle
and Vegetable. Come in ten
cent cans. One can makes
enough good thick soup for
a family of six.
Get them
of the Old Reliable
Shoe Mae.
Inn Prise »0e and fil. Trial hottia. *■
at Jaa. O JohMtm'a and S. S.
Datiee of OMoeta. Mn. (torri* C
Wall'd drat •«*«•.
Frank Friedrich
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
The raaaat baaey troeta waaad aomLABT 9MT 1> OSCCAQO.
MdwaWa lorn to tbe taraaan of Batoe
V tbreapk tba daatreetlon at BraMdant VeXlBley Pat ia a Ba^
tbwmandi of baabala ad oalcea wbleb
had been palled and lafl on the proaad
Cbkape, Oeb lo —Today*a ^opcaa
to dry eat.
wna ao arranpad aa to perealk Preaidaat
BUbar labd la pretty cheap np In Al MeKlniay to aae tba Mi people and
ma connty. or claa boieaa coma bipb. parUapato In tbe caurtaiamenb ir
WkM ItlM KcUte CkfUMffh of Ok
4 Barrbrma man baa traded bb borac tba lean poaslbla Uma.
■■M ftwolra khk foud bv Miha'
tad beppy for olpbty aerec of land,
Tba day waa taken up with Infcrma
lfrk.Joh»ukO»TMM(b. d(*d la b<
.'jrty aeteaof which la bearlly wooded .feeaptieaa, IcnebcoBa and karqaet*.
bMidk b«r. Mn. UTkaai«i> bad bM
wlth-dne hemlock.
jealmlnaunplntbaereninp in tbe In
•fliaf tekOMUaw. bat of low fait la
At 5ilM. Miaa Anna Daffy slept on a dnatrlal papeanu
baUar baolib ibaa aba bad ai>Ja;«d for
Mr. McElaley drove In the morninp
aoM ttaa. Haan fallara waa tba bad Uek for two nipbia that contained
a bine racer over focr feet la Imtptb. to tbe baula of Manila, a pancramlc
Tba tick had raeenUy bean raSlIcd leprcdncUcm of Deweyt famooa battle
'' Uppar paaloaaU paom My that ail
with atraw.
In tbe O. A. K. Meoxaial ball be nezi
Iba bld-faakloaad waatfaar alcoa La tbak
prMted tbe army of tbeTenneeace^Tet
aatUaa ara for a Blldar arlntar UU yaaterana, to whom be made* a aborr ad■OMET Ur OABBASBB.
tbaa iaaw Tba oon aaV>a are tbts, aa
wbkb wna eatboaiaatical]*
ara alao tba caau of tba aqnlrrela.
wbUa tba blrda which alwaya fo aoo^ BanalaOouaty Fannare Pae^np a'raCelrad. Tbe pmidant and bia wife
were Iban driran to tbe ball of -the
at tba flret approach of cold weather
Mew tbdimtiT.
Wemeo'a AtbleUc Clcb. wbere a Ilpbt
are rapalrior »balr aaau for a lon^r
Betconla.Mleb..Oet. e-ParTBanof
Unebeoe waa aerecd. Many promitenas^ of tbeA.
Beetle oonaty think that tbe beet railKeMeU Bni.ayoeDfladrcaidlor to InpUnpt In It-itb anew im,nauy ^
that baa bMc onenad on la that aae. fetH we. chaerml all afonp the rente ap
Port UaroB. waa playU« with a oaa of that baa baen opened np In that aee- be betook hlmaelf to tbe Prma clab,
powderaod aoma Baiabaa. Bla hair, tloo. Three yean apo a Cblcapo eem- wbrre 8$ ipeDi tbe aoon boar recelvwaa badly alsfad and there ara a noM- mlatloa merdbaet came Into that eonn- Inc nowapaper men.
bar of aarioea bamaon bte baada aod ty aod contracted with the fnrmera to
lalac a new oabbape called tbe Holland
Adalral Deway-a flaa. which waa which waa aapeclally adapted for at«^
praaaatad to Mayor Maybary of De inc and ahtppiap lonp dlalancea. Tba
troit tbroarh the it fluenee of Pather Via Iprorad a acceeaa. and from a few
Baaaey of that elty. ebaplaln of t^e aerea the Induatry baa prawn raptdlj,
ao that farmen i^a tba eabtanpe crop
Olyspta. waa bstatad with the Hart
thalr main enurprlaa.
and aulpaa oeer the elty ball at oooa
Waahlagtou. D. C. Oct. 10.—Orders
Thla year a number of bcycra ara in
tbe navy departtbe field, for tba crop, and pricca bare “
ifor tbe departire of tbe four
At BarrUlo. Brace Lewla. apod », waa riacn u> filu per ton from IS SO. the
aoeldaotally abot and killed with aibol orlplnal contract price. A» tba yield ; naval ablpa for the PbllipplAea wlUpuv
. r>B by wuaa l-aye Pape playtolly Uaboniiutonatotbaaara. tba profit delay. The deelre for promptncaa in
aaid, "IHl aboot you.” They ware to tbe farmara will ba larpe. aa a new leavlnp for tbe AUatU amtlon U ahowo
in the inavueUoa aaat today to
bnnUarwIth.fouroiherbaya and tba
iblne for planUap tbe eabbape |
two ware left alone. It la not known praatly leaaened tba espanaa of ralalnp New York navy yard, requiring the
Is at onoa of
wbatbar yonnp Pape knew tba pan waa tbam ibU.yanr. Ona tarmar baa ra- ebipmeat to S
tba Brook
leaded or not.
tnacd $3,000 for bte field of >0 actM.
at ftrtt plaaned to have
A asolrral with four dteUaet UlU. and boyera can aecura bat few contbalabip
New York
naeb prowlep directly froaa the body, tracta at $10 per ton. aa tba ralaera ara
waa abot by A. PrUkey of Detroit. Sun boldlnp off UU time to bareeat tba
day, OB tba StorpeoD rlear. 1< mllea crop neat montb. when It la aapacted
froa Honpbtoa Una Ull ala laebaa prteea will ba aun blpbcr.
ao«u.. .ir.li—> I—
leap prowa direct from the aplaal colthat the Brooklyn baa been out Of dock
Bu; two arc on ibe left and one oa
^ It waa advUed bv
for Biz montba
Iba ripbt of tbia. each fir# Inebce lonp..
The Boston Store
Ready To Wear Garments
Tba boae of Ueorpe Weraar of Ana
Arbor waa badly daotaped by a Sre
wbleb it la aappoaed waa atanad by a
•apro wboB Waraar kicked off the
>o*eh ter botbbrinp bla tba alpht betoe. . Aa tba a^rro left he Bettered a
tbreai that be would pat area before
A COO-foot brldpe at Lapeer para way
^t aa a traeUoa eaplae earryinp Peter
Lear and a man named Van Mkkaraen
waa paailBp orcr. Tba whole ootdt
waa damped lato the rlrer, and the.
man eerlouly injorad. A boiea and
bnppy that waa croMlnp at the aame
time want down with tbe wreck, but
aeltbar aoffrred barm.
Tba Ladlaa’ Aid aoeiaty of tbe
tut ebarcb will meal tbU afternoon at
2 o'clock with Mra. ft F. Seed, Weat
Blpbtb atreat.
The Ledloa' Aid aoeiaty of tbe Conprapational ebarab will meal tbto aftaraooD at tbe boepe of Mru. S. C DeaprnaoBl'aioa aVeeLyTbara U boalbafora tfia aacUty and a
full attaodanaa U requeatad.
The Fraternal Myatic Circle will bold
iu repalar mceUnp in MoniapuH ball
thU erenlog.
Ulqn No. » of the pipe organ oommittea
a will meet with Mra. A. L. Bachant tomorrow afternoon at «:W
An addition U bcinp built to Ue
^ grocery atore of Prakop Eyaelka.
PeUr Cbulkett baa remored to tbe
they b»*e»ot yet .been reopeiu-____ corner of Sipbtatroetand Lakeareane.
WMk a 6-yenr old pirl attandlnp tbe In tbe bouec formerly occepied by
Logan atreat ackool waa atrleken with Frank Smith.
dlpbtbarla and died Monday mornitip
Percy Boldeworih ruiurocd ycevr. That aetaool waa ordered etoaed yrater- day afternoon to Wilmiagtop. North
day and a evict quaranUne waa eaUb- Carolina, wbere be U a mechanical
enpineer in the motlre power depart
Plalnwellboaatatbat ahe la known ment of the Atlantic Coast Line B'.r
' tbronpbout tba atau aa tbe "town of Co. Mr. Holdswortk ia an old Trarpretty plila.”
eiueCity boy. and baa many friends
here who will be interedied in knowHenry Dopraw, aped 14. waa drawninp of bU aneeeas In hU chosen ‘prafes•d at Baal Tawaa. Ba ateppad throupb
4ba broken fioor of the boaUionaa at
Tbe shade trees on tbe north side t f
the llfeaarlnp lUUon.
rrenth street between Pine and B At Wnrran • train atruck tba rear
bemU bare been Vimmed by Hr. Mr
wbaal of Annat Sebipt'a bicycle.
Deroiatv Their abearance ia much
. Sbrawinp him Into a fence and tcwrlop
off bla coat tail and one of bia aboca.
Allen Pbiliw of thU city and MUa
Navcrtkielaaa. be waa nnicjiired.
Mappie Cody of Charlevoix were mar
David Liebtap. aon of a Weat Rav
ried yeeVrday by Justice Verly.
Clly merchapl, fell into the rlrer and
Dr. li. H. Snow, a well known spec
waapoinp down for tbe third time,
when a oompaaloo'named McCauley lalUt of UanUtee. has locavd in Travevue City and has enpaped roo^ at tbe
Jumped In and reacned him.
Wm. Banna from MeilU. with a load Wbltlop.
This evening there will be a meet
of wbeai, fell tfarongb a bridge into
the pond at titandlah. bla load poinp to ing ia Prafesaor MurUugh's academy
ibe bottom tie btanaped to crawl oat I for the nnrpoee of orpnoizing a
Ing rloh etL'lsiively for married peobowerer. wUb bia team.
^ Whoopiitg Cough. AaVima.
Conaumptlon* la
\ Tha tfEMUN fWBESY’
Night Robes.
P. r. D -apres has pone lo Ealkaaka
for a short time.
K.. Wright U In Saginaw. !
wbera be Is atvadiag tbe Presb; terian
L. A. Pratt of Aun Arbor, is in the
Mrs. Annie SonU bat gone V Sagi
naw, where she will altcad tbe Grand
Chanter of the Order of tbe Euiera
w. B. Herbert, c. C Euowiton and
Jamea McLacghlin have gone to Grand
Itapids to attend tbe reuo.on of the
Firti Mickipao Engineers and Meccan-
.'““r s#.
lent eod ouffit. embroidered in eilk... ...................... $1.10
Plain bnhv blue and piuk. extra <ioa1ity twilled flaimeU
rnff, very dainty..........$1A6
MUa HyrUe Minor of Saranac, ia visitiag her broiher. Dr. Minor.
Burr James of Mayfield was la tbe
Mra wmum Mean and Mra Amy
T^Urol Boyne FsHs and Mra C. H.
Tyle> of MaatOB are guenu of Mr. and
Striped Oating. blue and pink, d^p donnre, rufflrti..
It is eiident we are doiag the Waist Trade
««'•■*““‘"W” ~ b«i— to u..
> X Barris of Boyne Falls U in the
“i ;»i=s-,s.r=s
navy, black...............................................$1 48 up to $S.B»
MoroerlBOd Sateon. black, new blue, purple, caniinai $200
the docking and cleaning, U would be ‘
than mad. up by the aeceleraVd I “ ‘
Mr aid Mra. Clint Biebarda have re
Tbe^New Orleana. wbleb U cn route
to tbe New York yard. wUl be Atliy turned b'ome after a vUlt In tbe aoetboverhauled and wiH leave at ouee- Tbe ern partpf the Hate.
Lowell Soars of Elk Rspida U in the
Naebville will coal at San Juan and
wltboBt coming to tbe I'elted
Statca The badger wUl also go from
— Pr—Uco-1U> U.. —,
the otberu.
^ berde Alle^Sieinberg has
„ ruturr'.
*Have Avorn for 3 years
0 Cirt U firippt iff 24 Hours.
.Vor>-m«<dv*'qii»l- Wakskh's \Viin >
. ;r;': 1>K 'l'.\K SVKl I' tor tlii:
■ Ui-d fatal
ilal <ltwa.se.
<1 in tiiu<-. it w
Linirs. andfit*'-the ■ iiugb
sLatiri{>|>e f. oeve faiU
el. Hrtee. ST*.- aiul fi
M-Bd fur vursuuolui, prnnsi
a H. SNOW, M. D., Specialist
Has locattd ia Ttaterse Cit|i at Hotel hhltiap.
Medieine Free! Services Free!
Teeth Eitracted Without Pain Fiea.
Be makes a specialty of treaUnr. ebrooie and lingering diseases, p -vcie iittsee ot w-omsn. di'casesof the eye. ear, Ddse Ad tbroav
Tbe doctor haa had a large esperieuee ie general practice as wel> as in rpec
iai work, and has cured many cases in the pssl of At'.bm\. Osrtsrrab. Brunlis. Consumpl’on. Csnc^r. rutson of si, kiTi<i», Chronic D.SThj<-a, Epiiepsy.
anltj. lioi'.re, thig neckt Bbeurasllsm of all torens, P'les. Loco Motor Ataxia
frrins of Sjrphilu, disease# of tbe Brain. Spine and Xervout. sr»ieo. disease#
of the Blood, ^kin. disease# of tbe Siomseb. .Liver snd bowels. du<
Heart. In diaeascs of womeo bis kpecUl spec.'fies and system of tre
lieves aod cures every cate S'o matter bow obstioste yoor case, do
for you can probably be restored lo health agaios
You wil; dad the doctor's methods and treatment difrercoi and superior to.
anything you have ever tried.
Cqtcra<;t cured without muttlaUog tbe eye '
T. J. O. Thacker of Concord, put bia
If you need glaset. be baa a comnieie equipo'i
band In a corn hnakcr and lent aevaral
To all who apply during this week be will Jurnikb
medicine and bU vrvioe
topeia. It la feared be will loan bla beraatUtlcallyyi liradaoed in tbe City for one week's U
And bs will all
esthetic. wbUb
0|mra Hooee tbU evening by tbe latcat
makes ibeoperai
The death of OnaUrlebat Kmlamaioo
J. B. UftaoD. oonuactbr on tbe court
Uluatratee tbe old eaylnp that be
tbe pace that killa. Ba b^ $10,Oi» in boaae. arrived la town yesterday
caab a year apo. bat dlMlpaiad It all meet tbe board of sopm^Uora.
Tba board of edccation will meet
and died Inaane. ~
Cedar eampa are apriaplnp np In all tbU evening to eonaider the new adparta of tbe north, tbe demand for Uee dPkma. wbicb are proaounoed unaatU-and polm beiap praatar than tor many faetory in aome reapecu.
year.Tim are brinplnp Sgeefits apiaee.
twice what they ware aald for laat '
Aatomatte Ait Work.
1 knv« joet got bncla from Chica
Protcoaor belper has opeaad bU auti
go. gild tfaerv gr« aboot 4,000 pain of
At Owcaao. Brneet Skinner, aaploy- malic expoaUioB at SU Front svee
factory sample ahoea following—th^.
ad In GaUy factory B. pot aU left arm where bU automatic art worka are now
will be hfie in a day or so.
la a aet of cop wbecla Monday. A hand on exhibition. TbU exhibition U enI have bought tbe entire etochof
(nl of fleab waa lorn from In front of Uraly nnique in tbU city, aothinp of
fhe elbow.
^sboe'samples, tebirh bare beeo made
tbe kind ever bavU« been .given here
for this fall's trade, from R. P. Smith
Twenty-three yeara ago MraAratenr. beforu. The price of admUaion U only
MM. The ftrut antartainmant
& Sod. of Chicago, for 33 1-8 per
now of Urand Bapida. pare away her
S-yenr-oM aon, Boben J. Armour. Sicea plvao laat night, and tbe company wUl
cent leu tbas fiictoiy coat prico
tbatday abe haanot aeen bim. She baa be bera for aoxM Uma.
—They coDkifit from oboes for a babe
beard that be ia 1‘rlnp la Indiana and
to a farmera' river boot.
la on bar way there to bunt him up.
Job OatUdaH Maec Stood ik
We'wiH sell them at prioaa aecoidingly.
If he'd had Ivhlag nira. They're
Biekory nut thieuua receaUy rlalvd
but Baeklen'e Ai, aanoylap;
WaU-h our adrertist menta—it will pay yon if you are in need of
a farm in Thedord townablp, Ganaaae terril
lea Salve will cure tbe worst cnee of
any footwear. If you do or not. tell youifUends alnot it.
On., and beb« anable to abake tbe nuta FllM on earth. It baa
from iba Vae they bad fined their eyea For iDjariea. Paine or BodUy BrupUona
apoa, pot an ax and cut it down, after ifa the beat aalva In the world. Price
tfte a bcz. Cara guaraataad. Sold by
t^btboyatrippad te eo^ataly of J^G. Jobnaca and & B. W^t. drupttafnlk
188 Front 8tre«t.
and Manufacturer of Gaskets.
Hustling! Hustling!
vrnm out
nut yet
ret by
hr any.
anr. means,
rne.iTis. is what^
ami not worn
some of our customers tell us about our 45c blao- y
kets. We-sometimes think they are most tooH~
jfood tor the money. I^erhapsVe ought to get fc
more., but guess we’ll sell the present stock
the old 45c figure. White, Grev aod Tan.
324 Uiloa Striet, Traierse Citr, Hick.
Vm KOBViMO VBOOBi), W»Dy»8DAlC» uytO—B U. IW»
lUi S OF A6E
ta*7««hMf« nm pnttj lifmt, mi
OttteteMudtekrlewuA Ito l«te>
Mid Mahxecit
r tb<9 Hr.d ti to-ni «ad TOtyid
ikr rmr'> (bad; *b«*«.
B>w»»»««d UdMtonntalb>*i7attatar«
iOoocom 1 C»U Mocmo—Oh*.
!•■ c-BM* «r ui BMidk
e^ma m4 Lbw VltalKr.
CMy Opotwl Aiw Uoually Owe ta Sow
raagoBtoat o( tbe
Bdiaoa'a toeoatlooa. too
ItwUl bo imooaboA ky
greateot of
anoataaodan Tltaaao«e
docaa anlmalod ptotnraa troa to life.
■ to MrtOMl;
Utobaeof toomoab marrcloaa pieora
Y lull, bar KaUa. vaavtas Uw
lU to VctoMr. U.. of «kmt tmbU.
Ao MMS»t Will akarUy b*
Dr. Storioa aars tkot aooio of the of aeckaalaa of toe eeatury. aad too
and iltorrbdol trooWea wUett
Bo«Bto' are . magalfleenUy preaeou(>.
prrvoll durtog ibe oamnicr sootoo The fight to ba roprodocod wae too
lb* toirt« «c hto
lixbt larch bark <awor.
_____ ■ ■ I B»r pooBildy be traced w a canao
iMomwi I7*UB of viMloM tolecniAgr. j •*KabUr" «aU>ahc. ibwa ha.
j which to ecDcrally orertooked.
. «ouen B*t»m Md K«j WMt kjr too
rbw ta a twt-1torse ouaoUitea.
Bi(bl tv hr vad.
la too men ^^4ad
A Okiear> «7o4k»to wUl b«Ud too
for ' the aake of oororolotoar fine elowa poeaonttd
<oot«>leo<e and ecoaonj. and atoto
An attrootiaa of wora toan ordinary
i tbea to tcebousca for future uae. While
mat wlU ba aaaa at Btoinberr'a
^ j toe cold aturage method may wot apI prectobly
jAnt nilraod to too totoad of HowoU.
J. rnak dktoMT. too tolUot
Ooocgto. to oooos
graatMt battle la the •irias that toe
eouBiry faae oear aeen and dosbUcM
^' bnd reouuraiii kcettera. caterera. «c» too theatre will eoatato a largo andI buy Oah. boef. rnutioo. poollcj, etc., toooe to witnoM it. Tboro wtU be alao
OMOV. K. to
(toiro. Bcrto kM a eltiaa* wko to
Mid to wolfk »T0 poiuito.
ralue of
jAieat within toe Arat M to 48 bourn.
X ymf when
loot two iMkoo to
Mf*. <lBtooo(k todrlad *t Koox-
to th* UrraiB Ibai b
wUlo, Tmo . tnm too eCecto o< ehloKMorm odBtototorod by Wctora.
A fiowoltoa mUto wko want to vtot
I oTcti weeka or niooiba. toe flab aofti
^ ' and cooklns canool render wholiy la
te aaw—' oocoous toe itoiaououa ptomalnoa seatraied by aloir decumpoaiUon or by
toe chemicals added aa pieoerratlraa.
It laaaiuuiahiug buir loog tola breed-'
toe ground for all ntobuer of germa of
Delmaterb big p
extraeaconaa. “ia Greater
Kew Twk.'* to aa opsratie toUro aad
will bo toon kero oa too okoalns of
Hovembor I
lEnnaa for StorMO.
Thooa who have a (aealty tor atoey
writing ha»o an opportunity to aaake
It pay toom well If tooy hare anOeleai
HooitKmpp taWtyahothU totorrj
Tablet Barlay of Snow
kuaaalf tolriy yoaia ago.
‘__.u-nu-r »»■«». u« ’
atraugvr than fiction lO toe fact that '
Two MBkad robbers bald np a itaga
' maMrOaray'. Colo , but oeerlookod fit.
000 In gold In tbe baggago.
nnooUcod In'ihlt axr of a*-
In OMsecUoa with too floroais
that baa baea ao meeh advertised
' .too are
and practiced
h»rH*ni,. nmrNM.iurv
<•« rfnnht
kboca. * Tbe first prise ia ftoo. .
fSM. etc- Foil particnlaia can be
tlnod of A. V. Priodrieb.
Baae Bail Tedap.
«be atomac^
:=HiS”SS*S =r:=.;*S^S
I =‘~rS=SS siSr":--==
AwldowofaPawaaaehUf in Okie , --■hoau oommlttod oulcida shortly after:
--- -
-- -- - -----.
ha»o Heed aiace
u.i, coatlus on the toarue.
matter and
ahe death of her husband boeauae he
toad glTOB awar their child In di^oateg of ala aeraonal property.
BuKlaB ozplorort are aow heay In
of Siberia.
of that country
the Kingsley team today on
«tKht gronbda. 'The two teams ka«r
played -ofore, and they are rjuite orenlym^hed. Tke Kingsley team U by
tar the beatler hut tbe Twirlera play
ball, and have heretofore beaten the
Rloga^ya. A hot game le a eerulnt;
today.' Tbe game will he called at
Don’t BiM It.
Blamarek'a Iron Meime
Was toe reenlt of bis splendid health
odomitable will and tremendooa ee
pcaotiealiy unknown to B
Jamea Brady,
a bridge
jumper of
PiUabatg. treeellng with a wUd weal
■kow. was fatally iojured la making
Aighdleeat Siraabarg. O.
Hi* head
aermek the bottom of toe tookDjtrid B 7, eon of toe Turkish gru^
wlxim. was uMbhainated in Oonataniimople by aa Albanian.
blew a train
kridga near p inuaomiya. dapaa, ktlliog
aiu patuona an« Injarlag many olbara.
At Mdwaukee. Mary Letaer, a ebamCiertaald
U too Bepnblican
oeaabed her balr aad treat to the
Mlae ropm to dry It.
near a
revolei^ ahafk around wklch bar kalr
curled until aba
baoane a
Setere toe steam could-be abut off she
seat killed.
A eplrndld black ball brought
fcho ring for toe first boll fight In Puria
leaped toe barrier,
lojarad a doxen
panic and
creeled a
coring in gendarme eaeaped
. Myrtle M. Leonard, U yean of agr.
was'ahot and kUled at Oohglaaa. Hear.
Alex Holdenaworto. aged id. a farm
Band e
by the girl's father.
Tbe girl was
walking from
'With auotoer
baa bean arreeted.
overboard by
a whale whito
bi* comrades had harpooned. Oicar i
drowaad in toe Arc-•
..Six X,sx.ssrx;;s.;-“’.J
toiwetypce in tor ten digilr I.U24 main
ctanHer are uiHiW. thw aie again «ib- '
iTC-farther diVKled
^iSSSldl ir.X..-.rr. ta. wi. th,
■taWe br-fwe him any le-n-in ..f ordinary
lally have u inil taste r»-Rar«lleas of liotv cli-an Iboy keep the luouto
wl^^t«L.Hn?"-ardto a
Ir hi* iT*.,®
Or how careful they may !*■ 4n diet
1 within five i
herauoo g.-rfiiH alwjiya act wUciv »l:e
able to
It ir cab-olatM that the chaocw ar«
drlic iticBJ away and ooiiutcract their
.ta. S4 »0.»U0 lo 1 «... ...two
Inflncncc. Thia laller claa* of pv<opla
L.„d, ..TOl„„
and the chances egaiurt all t-n oagera
u-id, iam.ica,obrr..ddu.>too.\!c.
Tke Pewer of Ubakcasear*.
I. ... w-,.
Fur many yeare fuTCKl tree plaotlog
An old Latin naying, Laadant qnod baa
in |.roi.Tvea In the wcui. with
non intclligant (They praise what they vary ing aui-coss. the fallurce being
do not andcrotandi. war once illnstrat- chiefly due to lack of knowledge ru
ed hv an Bnglirb tonriot who batqwncd ganllog the most dcriral.lc r|m>oIc8 io
into tbe Lotbvran ebnreb al EL-ioore grow in a glvcti locality and the lack of
coe Sunday momiDK- Tbe tourist did
rurd of (be Danish Ian-
p«Tsonal sup«TvWloD by a competent
mv plamcr In aetUiig a>ut and caring
ajiy cam-, the farm
gnage. hot be wnrte "The clergyman for tlic ttv.*. in many
bad a quiet earoertnew of niann.v and or (vllcd on -what be su|.|k.s«1
_ I>risna»ivc4'hiqncnci- that |>l<m«Kl and ciwtvci iDfunnatlun fnnn article* In
1 ailmircd the dU-unrse, al- the wcsi.-ni prc*». rpp<'n» of western
tbongb I did not nDderstaDd a w«wd of horlicnllural iMKiclieH. U«riU of iifriIt. " The book from which we. have ciilnirc. etc., but in most cares the
»•'” illn'«tr«ti..B of a <v>mmon staunicius were mad^ on ooiri«l ilit«o^v>llowtdg atuuidug rii-s or p|s<n vsiktIciks- us> brief
warriiit the <!<»hn'i.lon* made,
t-.ry of a Ibiu h audience listcning.ti
tile divish'ii of f.«Y»try of the I'liil.-d
tie of Sb.'»ke-i..'i • S phiVs
More ihati eno saloahle pack mu>et
Sbiles dejiarii'iciit of agrlciiliure
1 will tell voa. snch is lie. |iow.*r* <■
«m toetraoaporiSiam
by i de Sh-jk.«ipeare. that I vomv raw a jdav I'om-s to rcun-dy all this by t>. r~)uul
tie ocean
tbepltuhing oftorship during a storm
j d.' t-rcat man .-H'le.l in .At:;il!sh. in li.d- . ar-.Si-iu.c-i-'. il.c itinners aii'I iilluTs.
wken near l.ntoo.
^ I-okI. where ih-r
not vo'n |«'0-u in Fls'ii
All iw-'c-a-us has j *«•. Imsa-Uk»u ' all de b.-ns.' Init iiiy-lf c.uU ..nder- icnioi
K.Krlishm:.n "n por'.'iy '
y-«» l-t~*> ■"-»
xuiK-rint.-ed the
;dot h.miH- bat vat vasiD t'arr -dut IS. w..:T.
I..r furuisl.lni; fuel, fcniiiis.
• all i-ryitig. Ulnwiiiu dc noec and Viifp sli -her b»-lu aud windbreaks, as well
Jvery uioucli; couldn't luidrthtoud vua u» ornament,this live phintniK cannot
acieetidc lines, with a view to deter
tnine a. far as it ia oos-sible which In-
weela are a boon aud a btrsslng to man-
vu^ of <li'jday. yel all vi-^'i-ing. 8ucb fu-l I'f
of grout U-uclit. -The
bind and which are the reverse.
was d« jHiwcrs of do Cdiaki-spoarei
- nu-iliods an- iMScsl on exicuilod sorica
; ofesiwriim iiu.
While Hra. Brwln Uunaberger. of
W aai He Oi>ene4
Z$llverdsle. Pa., was rearranging artis-Tcur-Dio eoD
'•Bnitlletsiicd sisters. ' ik-gan tbe old
Dltlalaa Rod aad Water saupl*.
£'.M in a cupboard, her 3-ycar-old pob
, ■ parson, -•! shall not vbisjee any tiarticala his twnt nd.livss.lu the Gcologof a bottle of;
lawa’Jowed the
i Ur tost this
I'nniiiciit VVbll
taiher'a medicine, which had teip-1 j,„,„
II Ihv Isvk. aud. iio itkor stalcO Uuii iliorc Is a certain
porarlly hewn eetulde. There was a luattiV wb-ev, 1 slniU find the wrath cbanii iu quostious rclatliii,' lo uuderiargeamount of areenle la toe preparattou, aad the child
died wltbia two
A oorroepoadant of the Atluato don-
toat is to c>iuH- ijsin tbe wicked, wbo ground waters that U waiulns Id the
will Iw i-nt uS worn tbey have abnf&ed lootv pnwalc subjix-t of surfsev waoS tbU wort::, coto It ianuwupen. hit, for l<eiihle« toe ciciiieiii of cbaiiw.
’ usually so tleHshiful to frail buiuaulty.
Here tbe pa- a was intemplvd by a ' tbe ■•erhaiKi Mill more delightful eledeacoD wbo hi... been a*leeii, an.] bear- mem of suiM-rstltlou also conics In. and
ing the words oprii. cat and sbnfBe. for-, of late ibesdivlulug rod ha* been mocb
JonM prayed for rain tlx daye on a golhiiUHiU -Itid cried 001. "It'*yontsj In cvldcpi'e,
Ainoog tbe believer* In
i toe forkled twig there are many eduotreteb. aad when the rain eame he what did yon open out"
Tbe knrpriiw of toe good man in tbe eated
■ wna toe firat man to be drowned la It.
pulpit was great, bat tbe deaconeol-'squires, etc. In a trade circular a weU
ThewajeofatovidaBoeare paat findlip^wbentbereplycame. "Itis
known firm sutM that It is prepared
lag auV
ad on Kings."—AtlonU Goi
to Bend an e*|s>rlenced diviner to lo
Mr. aad Miu. B. W. Tucker, who
cale water by toe aid of toe rod. and
live'near Oordale. Oa.. are paroata of
A C-wrtoua Poatai tratam.
___ ^ pteald«-nt
puinu oot that It U conI and
In certain parts of Sweden, where' soling
be told,
_____ ___________
a little further
ranging la yeaiu from II to I. and all toe most abeolute confidence is reposed that, •‘although toe diviner may be *dla good health. Bevaial of toe boye to tbe boaeaty of tbe people, e v«y in- ventegeoualy employed in discovering
Awmal portal ayetem is in vogue A* springs at a moderata depth, bis aerv' -aad gtrie are married aad have large
tbe mail fleuaMgreacbesa landing idaca icee can never replace:, for deeper and
f amOlM. Tbe fatocr at tod tolr^lwa
a maa goee ashore with the letteca, ■ more Important euppUee. toe carefully
Ua farmer, and ha* a tapniatioa for
wbi<^ be pUcea to an unlocked box pn considered report of toe. bydrogeoloAonaaky. ladoatry aad aokrloky.
toeptor. Than toepamrrby wbo expechi gut.'
r open* tbe
the box.
box, tun
'-------------------■Bawebaejuatraaebad CAlia of toe a letter
aad eelecU hi* own. a
Tooaat toll of alaa ootamai to too
Dr. Soft *Bys that lo a review of tbe
crest hypoaUU baU of toe Temple Emedtco-iecBi asperta of bypnottom it la
Karaak. baUt >g Baton L o< toe atocimportant to know whether the hypaoA new Kind of CmA.
ttoed can be injured phyaleally or Men
. dyaatoj. oaac
la a paper <m toe dialect at Sawtally by bypootiaatton and whether
itaad aMabcatod
toaadUad Dr. Panetaon aaya "We
they can fall rictlma to crime. Sum
of toaortoltoatafa af aadMi Igypt. have beard ot e good janitor ot a tourch
ming np a number of case* cited m
T%a ball, vtolto la toa meat aotobla od wbo bad hie tacliagi hart fay being
bearing on toe fonner qaeation. a witt
«ba aaenmaata to Tbabm of Ita etom obaged to nee 'antlcbxtot' ooeL'.-—
er Bay* that hypnotlem to now general
to 170 toot loag by >M toot wlda. Tba Bouaefaold Wwda.
ly conceded to be a patholocknl and
•taaaraaf,aowpartlaUytoi«toa. waa
not a pbyehdoglenl condltloo; that tta
Mahoguny to eald to have faecnbronght
ortgtoally aappertad by IM aalumaa.
He, when retorted to too frequeatly.
to Sagload by Sir WaHex Baki^ in
to liable to bring oa mental decertontba lotto at wbtob warn aaarly aavoaty
IMS. bat not to'
tioa. that It may be toe cauac of chron
<aai Ugb aad twalvo toot to dtoamtor.
Me Mil im
ic baedaebe or of aa outbreak af hya11 wm built by Baton 1.. aad ton work
terta. diat at tlmee It bfia an nndealiaapaa It waa eoattonsd by bto aea and
ble effect upon pre-extotlng meatnl dla
aaaeMGr. BamoM a Tba tella aad
_ _
.to walk off when yoa
caae aad that to tome caace it may
have atatad your tide at it—Boxtouy
cvee produce aa outbreak of iMaatty.
■tllntioB from Cllaeb eounty aent toe
toe other day:
-idneya, and Boweli are out of
If you want these qnalltiea
and toe eucceee they bring, nae Dr
King's New Life Pills. Only 25 cents
at James ti. Johaaon'i and 8. £. Walt'k
irog storca.
Awx iifflpiuita.
A Wonderful KxblbiU'os of
MtwUlbarlewia too
and Talent Lut KveolngAt tiS Pmnt et.eet the room was
crowevd with admiring spccutors. and
espreated toe must unbooodeo
-'mtbaeiaam relative to tbi* novel enterbe most artistiesutomatic work tost
baa ever been placed upon exhihiUoo.
.'ppicaentiag iht vailey of toe Si!c.
rilh tbe hUlorical eveolof Cleopatra,
seccmpunled by Antony, In brr royal
gondola, propelled alflbg the Nile -by
he galley slaves.repreacnting serventa
-t tbe queen's bonsfbold, which, for
DgenuiiT of conatructioo. eomUnatloo
C3car Fork per »................................
Ssert Cot
WMckCoaboltcotodiodby toaUaaol| Short Cut Pork per b.....................
H L.AC0. Book..
19 79
4 00.
Or. ChaaetXld«ey-UY«f PilU ^
toe cveoiDg of
It is asoaUy toe kidneys wtaich find Bettor per MDatoT..
get oat of cite, end canae Imekachea.
beodw?b«* sod uriaary ‘ UotoUa.
at* per ba (new.)...
fitter* ot tbe btood toe ktdaevs work
bard to remove tocoi the bodydbe last Cora per ba., Old.....
trace of poisoaoM uric arid, but they Potatoes, par ba.....
do get tired aad cbm paia ia
the Salt per bC.....................
back, aed nalem attended to will leave Biaaparina....................
■tnnm BASMOtv
Wbeat. old, par bu................
Dr. Chase's Kidaey-Uver Pill*
Onto. Mo. 1. par bu. (now)
at toe root ol troable by maklag
Oom. per bu...............................
kidacy* suoag. beahhy and vi
Potatoes, per bu. (aew)...
diabetes and all dtoeuM of lb* kidney*,
liver and bladder, a* well a* chronic
Bgga. par dotea
Tbey hare woa toe ad
Culls aad wiadfaUa. toe par
miration ol old pe^c ia particular, ho
cause tbey make it poaaible for them to
eojoy in old age the comfort aad rest
tbev bare *o well earned.
Mr. J- O- Brigbtmao. Ledyard. N. V..
'wrius: "1 so a blackamito. aad have
had kidney disease in it* worst form.
At times 1 conM not straighten op. and
for five years 1 was never free from bsek- btv. cou>:b remedy on earth, cure* a.coid
sebe asd terrible pains. Mr. Alexander
in one day if^cn is lime. libaodSOcla.
nomas recommended Dr. A. W. Chod'a
Kidoey-UrerPiIU *0 highly that 1 tried
them. *n«l am now entirely free from
backacbe and kidney disease."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver PlUa.
one pUi.dcM.^,5^,
pill a dote. l$ cents a bnx. at ail
Cbaee Medicins
Buflalo. N,
of IsaSbi
piOI^LK—rony Mre> ot
y. W. P. Crauer.
S.COok. Smith. Li
die. B nyoa, Uurrisoa and Wright.
lay*, none.
To the Hen/.rubic. Uu S-iy-r
O'Mnrsf of lAc CYlp of TmorTve
Kelative to
Tar ByrHp, toe
toe coamnniMtic
of WTi,s-i,r:;,';sr.rs.“i™-r
he C>t.> Opera Huu~r BlOf-k
C»lo. HsTlBg rkwed
KXI.K—At * borgslo.
reduced from g5M oo to gsjw 00. noon
ssd as I
toe ux rv 1. I beg to ruoOrt as follotra: Ss>« to Ifs.v Iot Cbleago>los Irm Sav». I wlU
It In the judgireiit of the eonncll. off^f (Of •olf s Bnf •|)S»
i»e*l>tor>.5 *11j S yrsn. >>I4.
t.Sii. Mly
the reSuotiou rceommeoded is frr tbe tos polio.1. SiBf—i-r* lo laeir w»l*bl, sod iSev.
bMt interest of toe pabtie. and it U a arreiillgroouid: ih*V ArrtoOWl in f'frt r»lax opon toe orooertv dea.sr.'bed, ther
it ia wi bin the power of th> tt’Uncil. takeo '•> tor oeil wo day., (or *S».W. AIM
under Section n. Title WMII. to
-orw. OBJ deublf
etuw «». Bsff., *»ro—sod .urrey. toe
srrsia TliUootBll»Mrfcf»pM«*-»>»r«((feed UI ibinrouoiry
ousiry mm
iw-lI >111
"til l»*f Jn-l' "
proportion . everimstor * rrsl ti
L'nder the power eonferred
above Srctton. lhc council can only act
when tbe public interoat demand* iL
Private intereeta of tbi* nature, can
oot be legsil; oonsidert-d by
'pboM- Applyavll
oonncil. Whelhar tbe fleetlon raterrad
to. appllea to a ease of Ibis klni. may
admit of some doobt; asd moat depend
on whether tbe tex asked to be rehv'M
milted, ha* any oonnecGon with tbe ^jW>K UALe-Oeod dni-flsM
public Intereel.
ibe repreaentation* are wooderfnlly
SecUoni. Title X\. providee that
fe-llke end natural- Alto, in the com- the several ward aupervifora. together
-iinaUon are all tbe ealdmatic develop
with tbe eltv attorney and eiiy clerk,
•nents ehaolutely.
ly.tbe most elaborai
shall coostltuto a Bjord of Eqnallxa- ^y.lKTBU—
u-tWtic and aeientifle eolleetlon of a
tion and Beview. and gives such board
omatle works eve* prodneed.
power, among other things, to redoee
The dtotiogutohed Oermen Inventor or iscreaai the valnation ot
d iall controversy, attained property described on tbe tax roil.
i, beyond
: highest a*
Said board is required to meet oa tbe
fourth Monday In May. is each year, to
exhibition preeenu exe<
reelrw the roll, and.make such ebang
eciive feal'ires.
es in Valuation, and olherwiae. a* may
Av an intcHecEual eaten
he desatMi proper.
If orope '
menu are onquvsiioDed. a:
tan 10 appear and make ob;
bv everybody.
Ibe va'uation. O;
iplaio of any
I. m . for a fev.
I. day* I
alleged error, a* appearing upon toe
It* aL-ccmpsi ied hy cbi-dren
rail, the saqi
is p epAfod by the
bcUer acuoinmodsktioi'ii in too day
"U^ I vi
viand* *" apoioTed
and ! x*
• ■o acoouEl of targe evoni-.g
,'trd .ly ihe Vard. and when to'u '
-ol! i* ver'.ifl<-d lo, H as c<'Oolu*;v.-l> ! yjpresniu.d hr all court* and vriburs li
2r 3. S. Sssw.
b.-van i. and wi'l col be .et aside i
ert-r.v: f'*r es.’*-* -i
nef.-eiksrr her,- i
loitied al tne Ho .
.s-.l- -As-.*
ii.-taUwrpi- 3 -In- V.t*
ncl. robomnirnui.. lUenttOD
A» aoslerer power I’
II. ,yhi-.
e.-b«b, c-ar.i.B.Tfb
m.,;' hsv- urder the abol.i.ior. for fi -t c.s»* .'vn: <?'
SbU 1-y.V -I-—IS MbO n.iM-*4l
!!■' i» kaid
o', ibr
>v<- K, tl.r wboIf v:a<. UP
I of • e
Itir aU rs>*. laoulrv *; pritisa
"J .-tr v.vov ..ma-v kkiifu! ia cx-'Ts.s.T. B«v-.
-rectink.-to lU .iu:oaly and without
pain: andeuipuv' anew aiiu.tbciic rgjl rlghib . lefore toe
HeviciY. do *o at thrtr peril, and can
prepared bv b.m ulf, whicl: :k per
fedl.y ba-itiiekk but ve*y . ff^otlve. not demand tb- aciloe or relief asked
I a,-r<:b,« oo»i(.» all
Ii u. to W hoped that be 'viri r-xelvo for. a* a matter ot right.
the libe-al patronage wbiuh hi* aervi#«^ deserve
Your* vtryjvi.f^if^ttjly.
City Attorney
Of tbe Oonncil of toe City of Travoiae
’rwtik Hamilton, —, .
Present. Aldermen Parker. MonUUreitick. Basiioga. Cook, Smith.
tend Wright.
To liu ifunoruUe. (V Mopor and CUy
CtmiicU o/ Uu CUp vf rrueerse tHlp,
Works for the coatiacUog of two ban-
____ of Mr. John Tbgar at seven dol
lars and fifty eanta par M. far rough
lumber and eight deUais aad fifty
eente per M. for eaifaaad plank deliv
ered In thia dty a* toe Board of PnhUe Work* may diiaet, wu. your .
Btttoe. would rueommaad. that
jaid Board ot r
Moved by Alderman Soiib tost toe
be received aad placed
Motion earriad.
. tbe tax of ISW. assessed to George
Tuttle, on lota 24 and 55 of Hannah's
second addiUon to the cUy ol Traverae
City, be and U hereby retnUied. for the
reason that tbe valuation of said lota
was erroneou'-ly placed by toe euperAor et >5«0 toiteud of »3M}.
Resolved further, that the city clerk
be and Is heroby inetrueted to draw an
order upon toe iMntlngenl fund of aaid
cliy, for the amount of ntd tax so re
mitted. aad to place such order ia the
haade of tke c’ty treaanrer.
Moved by Alderman Cook that toe
rceolntlon be adopted aad passed.
Motloa earriad.
Yeas. Aldarmaa Parker. Montague.
Oreilick. Haatlng*. Cook. Smlto. Lar-'
die. OarrlBOQ and WrigbL
Nays. BOO*.
Moved by Aldaimaa BaeUaga that
toematur of raqulriag toe isilrood
oompaaiae to light to* laUroad eroaaiage in toe rity be refarrod to toe aommlUaa oa pahUe lighting for laveeU-
Cook that tbe at 7 o'eloek p. m. lastaad of 6 o'clock.
Motloa earriad.
Teae. Aldorme Parker. Moatague.
Smito, Uufila, Kaayoa aad
Km Aktonaaa OreQlak. Baettags
MoUoa earriad.
Tea*. Aldarmaa Patoor. Moatagaa,
OiuUlek. Baattaga, Oook, Smlto, Lardim Kaayom, aairMoa and Wrigbt
with to* a A W. M. Ballwar Oa. aoUMoved by Aldarman
^d^^Aldar^Wto^^ toe
I wtto paw«r to
fytag tons to aomptote toalr oroiMage
Where It’s Made
Where a cigar is made ia •
matter of coaaiderable weight to
particular smokers, and* it is to
them wa speak.
Our work rooms are clefiii,
light and pieasant
Our atock is clean, finely cur
ed and fragrant.
Our workmen are neat, skill*
fnl and efficient, using the best of
materials, j""
Tbeae taings make our eigars
the faTorite' Imuids with so many
Sate Phi, stnight lOc
OiMSif J,3fof—ISc
TrantM Mis—OSc
iBMMt ,
rat Mosxnto MoOMrtraPHiiflAT. ocuPMiiaiii it
tm ■■iiw
Wba« right-minded parenu ooea are '
M km at bN , tr«U-m-"
I -^Hir mM MlM GirilBcton. In a
tan U «ck« M* kiyiii tk> AtfBMt. -Bow Mraac^! Wm
Wm Ibara
«««n ta tW bam tM
•at raa wat kaav *MI >rM tt la. raa
•yifgamr atoqT br «l
-Tbai tt nay axaoae and ny apolocy
I artta aaA
-Had takaa to aasd copy bookf
ta qoafted.
-Or Ml at tba and of tba final fioor>
lab.- ba anggaaiad. boldly
•na'I la n r»r a.ml
-O.- aald Mlw Ulrilnirloa.
Rba dkJ
■01 dlalika tba bul<liiana..but II wat unexpactad. “8. P..- aba Mid. umalualy.
"Too WTOta my InlUaU. aud I caiua."
be aald. fantly.
-t tblak—I tblnk I only meant -Sat
0« • Irannar mndac Bot ao loo« Pair.’ - aba ob>aatad.
"I noticad t,lte
' «|o tba brtgbtaM. ptaMaat. lUIntSaM bntximaler aa I cama tbrouyb iba
lama aUd “wlrtadaat” bttt tb«t wm tlbole.- •
••'•"abui' aad*Sr '
'• 4aaM m
THE Him LiUlY.
T»w kladneao of hcit of Qaacoi Vic-
tv baaeflt. tbelt ritlldren may derl*.
from mnnam uoJnlng tVy wMl can1“
bumblMt of
Ulnly |>lBn for them to Vra-ilU
At Balmoral aV ofiea
TnUe Iblk.
recalvea letters of a aery naira char-
roaOr iKimr
Ooa motbera dasira to Vra b.-g
-Beallr trtms. 8. P. Mf naraa
dangtatar ieorn Vusewotk Vd Vr to
atepban Portaaroe.- ba retuniaa-n'd.
Tb»-tba- diamtas bar aemnis and herself shnio
iraat-IV Wort, ibv her obj.s-t might V ac“Vaa.” ba oaM. burrtadly.
-I «p- aompllshed uiHler her own careful ona tbay My ao.WaU. I naaerr aba axrtalmatl. to
• ■‘•‘••r fn.m poor praplr. but as tbe.r all
V-> through tba bnndo of Vr prirato
, w«Wary she le not unduly troubled.
,£>o .we .K-.-aehm a latter wns written
I lo bar majesty by a little girl begin-
«» bOW..,
One cannot lea.-b tbe dignity of Uhor the world. \a tdt.-rhnd beard that
wV doM not feel it and It la only to . tbe other side" VhA«ced to her majiboaa wb.. look upon It as skrradatkw "ty. she Iswd Vr to older Wt tV
that tt betnmes aiicb.
doU should be sent back. TV uaual
Wben In Ibe coarse of bntnanerants lluguiries «vre tumle. and tV kdier
tv maids- places become vseant. as is
apt to bspvn In the best regidaTa.1
famQiro. tbe memVrs thereof usually
sit aVui
Vtuoanlng tbe dtsMuie.1
condition of the universe. In oDe^omHy I know of. when such occtsl<w
comes, ast-h member takes part: even
the Iwyi alia.* Ibe ever-lo.V-wasbcd
dishes and tbe paierfaiuillas does not
love caste Id Ibe coinmuuliy hy lend-
>s'lng fouml geoulne. Its Hula writer
-My Dear Xaney;
Patiry my nerve,
Mary Olrllagtoo pa«aad
haring wriileo to you aln.-e tliat day
ttrongb tba raatlbiila.
when I saw yog idf. and »e lioili *aw
Varal-wofTt tnmk la one coroar wltb a reruin great nuiu'a bagga -e ai
two lalilnla OB it. oa which bar eyea aiatlun. Well, aiy dear, be did itiiuc
fllcfcar^ with a ^aam of Milafactlon.
the hotel, aud I did put ou ibai |iluk
tbaa aba slapped Into the gifrdau. and
frock, aud 1 did -well—all
aa down iba cliff pntb landing to ibe rowM I would do to prove that uoi
When tbla w«a raarbed aba
the pretty girla pco to India. Aud-O.;
alMkefiad rare, aanntarlng. as If to
well, of mui>e. we got on all rlBliT.
breatba caona w«ta bar only ob)ect lo
'and I fully menni lo lell liliii
jwe'd heetbDIi- great frleUdK IbiM
Tba tide was ont; tba beat* was de; known almiil bit iHiuiiug and really
aaited aara for a abrtmpar far
Vied to vapilraie him Ju»l
the rock poola: tba aand waa amooil
»*b I, But.
auzuebow. 1 don't tbiuk
and yellow, as tamptlnc aa the famile |
. . ,
I after all. Tbara waan't nwteb
t piped.
The cirvular ruffle on tbo
At any rate. tba. tem^
tatloB aeamed too gtaat for tba famili
or MlM Olrilagton'B snnsbada; with t
mil. tnu.l. m 11; tlm>. wm>
atabornv ranlfaaDeas sbe trailed
pmty aunahade up and down In som.^
thing n trifle mora abapely.
tbU was dona aba gnra n iurraptlilnns
gtaoca of bar man? ayaa toward the
cUff path, than aanntared on aeroas
ach. vailing bar attnabada me abe
.gare a boga atratab of oootentment.
11 l.v
p.y'KSE jssK K=£'rn",:
Ooroer Front and Onaa Btraata,
Beadle Block.
C. O. LtabT. Manager.
Cnut topidi * liiUui 11
............................ '*Me-»-perUli..
- tSHUlre SI ur sddr
•s llsktac Psrh.r- Ml
;deari.ring lo .wrupt tbow whom
“H’a good to ba In Pnginnd for n
time.- ba thought, “and free-and Idia I ' AH that the Finlaiulcrs can now do
—In a little place wbara no one knows.' !■ >o pndast at home and tHiucaic ptil.
horsewomen use. a qu.-cr machine .it
home or at tbe gymuastutu«.
liin.-tiloc takes the .urr.-<-t nioilou of
IS- a burse Is vapiil.lr uf,
1 pointer and puU-
HU face fell. -O! Ton are one of cial Adverli'.T.
There are two rival
Ther«- I. sierliDg stuff In the "1
—of that sort.
BM^Tbants .-ogag.'.t In It. ou o,)|K>elie of Mrs. Oilplant." To re;.d imw i
-No.- aV replied calmly, “but they aide* of Ihirk I’la.v. near tbe eieratad I hiisy uoveliKi did b.-r work all ihro'
My I om.statlou.
K»ih are idd men. and as 'h<*r nr.. slo.uM uuak.- mauy mod
•omen workera blush for ili.-lr .i
• He v»<wvl. -I am no galtaot.- be
Ko far from setting
deriared. alm^y. -bat Maio. unv>eatahUsliiot
lobed-usi V s..| down .V' proWemail.wl.
-Ab! I am not that.” she admliteil.
No otVr Iditstry .-alls for so amall a tillpliant. pr.-'
-But I Vpe yon don’t think It dl» space, the suK*-ln tride cooslMtng of • luall} wrt.n- her stories sliiiiig fiiiind
reapectfol or egtraoidinary of m.- to two ordlnarv fumN.-ra of water,
in ' »1‘'' family tal.h-. while other iii..iuViw
Bprak to yon like tblo^wlthont Intm- eacb of whhh one of tbe “lilies’
bouM.Vld talked and worked.
lo 1- .bri-in. 1.. Obr.. el-
.... l'*'l.l dulh~,
-1 Vve been led to VUer* It ia natgTvrw soft of way. and a piece .ff • ev.tbes and w•rak- abe Mid demmelr.
brown paper-lB which a doten or so of i.«ul<.n. while a
Kta grave eyes twinkled. He foH
eager os n Vy.
-I mant teU yoa tVl I Vd Vee or
dered Vme for a rest from Indla-not
re strips of Mack putty and even the
lU. you know,
tVl 1 oio
.. bot
..... fbgged:
.-MTM. lua.
net want to come much,
mneb. and did not *****
******^ ***
nm BM---------------- to --------------knew wVre to go; that while
We attained vrt«dh«,
Us-Muse ilore sre Individual ixiinis to
Is- i-onstdi-nsl. siH h Ss age. weight, and
Ho- son- of rilling to Tie dune
A wolii
nil who ls>w|s iiloiig a few miles
nn asiihslKsl pavement in
slr<s-is of II .city .-an eh.ihc herwlf
“TtM-J^ir.w train bM. parlor c.r «> OraM
lUr-r-. «»•' -;rcpou: c.r y-l rtuu-b UrMS
Tram'i-roi'sg.t I>-P.w bs* slecaerClScltiBXi ■.-•-rsi-ri fUpi-I.Bi>dct»cbMd sWpmv c.r< bii-.i.-1«.«ir»iMt Rspl'‘* sVvb.Ircer
Tr.i..rrl>ln< SI STUB b. ks.cli^r rar Ft.
W.-u-i-ilTsirii UspolsM-l c Sir car OraaS
1-CO IVtu.krx
c «. I
TBWoorvn »
L.lbraM VsU>
Tbe figbl wns delayed from k:3n to
10;S0 by U>e oprntor in order to hsvp n<l
nrrnnntnenU tor it's repmdnciion per
fect in every del*ll.
AM . I
l>Mis.kc> . - ' s 4S
Trs.rn.rt> svi-ai
ienn Com^ny reprodneltur the weneJ
with amodel mschioesnd there to
No FlIckcrhiR. Nul irirg Thgl-ygM.
KcalitaitfainUfc. Facli .Move Fcr-' ___twlrw.
jL.ooc.ro ..
* **
Don't Forget Tbe Date.far
The Modern Woodmen
of Jlmerica-
! V»
« »s 1
L. iSkKsr-iArTr»>r—-o
But V did ^,oora, v'
All woiiicn do uui wear the same
kmil of iM. y. lc suit, not simply V■ niise ih.ic is diversity of ta.stc. hat
Tlicll ISs.B tr.lu Ij.s i-arkorcsr koOraaS
OMld.. .D« *i»cprr lirasd Rapid, la tturtii-
trap AbraiX-
TboB be noted tba amall fooipHnts nod Mc hellu. lu order to siu.lv the l liiIV tiBll of the auDiVda. nod nnhea-, msh
guMlI.m fur
for tbeniselr
themselves. Xny. In
ilsb question
UaUngly V f lowed them.
's.-)eit .-Iri-h-s In the Russian .'apllal.
At IV eod of the ttall be foui^ tV „a,H-h.w. uulv.-rsall.v applau.le.1. l.iive
plak Udy-tv daintiest tittle persot,
,^i„Und. and It
had ever seen—and
be otood .... ........ ......w..... . ... ......
abaabed before her ao sbe looked
with wide. Inuocent eyes, as if bi
-1—I beg your pordoB.” he AUmMored. -but I feel almost as If IAVttt tv ui»l curious Industry
conldnt help speaking to yoo.wayfarer
•ayfnrer. wUl encounter In X.-w York
8V smiled tolerantly. -So autny say streets Is that of -u-Hlug Thin.
tVl.” tV oigbed.
ter-UHes.” says thi- X.-w Turk Commer
Hl.-v- h- riding having now htsoue
■lmo-.i as .tmiiuon a baUli as walking.
Hip hlry.'lc oislume Is an tnlen-Hliug
suhjis-i lo iiii-si women, although it Iao longer ilo- Imruiug loplc that it was
at ttr.1, wli.-ii It skTVed as a Ikiiic of
e-ill<-U1loli for cIM'llilsis Isith Iiro-aiid
li all lu|
(IIP ypstci
HirppL .A tall l>k)Ude girl and a stylish
bruupttp mpi at the cntruuiv uf uur
of ibp big dc|iannicni sti>rc» .md then
Hit' hruucii’' tlnipiusl her liundlcs and
threw up Isdli hands cxi-blmliig“tVhy. P>lliii. w hat Id. riic u-.ild is ibp
mailer? Ilavp ton gone --raxy?"
The blonde reiurorsl
her slarih-d
gate with nn cxireiuply nnsynipaibetic
Bbd bis face flusbod. and his eyes wera U'vn visliod daily by Busslana d.wlr
“Il'a nothing, of ■'onrse. ous to hu.v the norks of {b.'cs-lehratM
druiMsI rf>tjiii veiling.—B-i><on Ili-rald.
GreatestOUllftize Figiits.
Repioduceil Bf Edison's latest
Impioied Vitascopei
Giien Is Perfect Is The Most
Powerful Electric Effects
Could Make Possible.
Beali^ k± Ijfe.
Chicago ««
West Michigan.
'"iiunme uc icnHusnu it
the BussLau caplial has r.-is-lv.-d a
number ui calb fmm cniits'ui
ICuseiaus. perfect stniugcrs to him. who
have axinvssed their horror ami ivgr.-t
Battle in the ring.
skirt, lb.- IkiiiiW .m the is-vcrs. and tbe
Vlt .ire ull
stiK'k iut.1 lie are e.lgc.1 wilh full ruf.
n.-» of the -am.-, tlolf hst .»f .-n-aiu
wliito tin.- -iniw.
crown . triiiimct with hla.-k %.-lvei
hand and hlu- k qtiiils llmisi Through
• rr.-irhi
lii-l.-eA. appn-|iriale io Idcycle cluHilng.
f^bcapest incurnnee in the '
whii-ti sh.-uld !>e always of Ibe tallor.
(iRi> pgBAVBie.ti. P A .
tirud RmpIS.
iiiiide order. Irlm. dose, and fr.s- fMin
lloatliig ends and flullering accessorl.-s. than SI birth.
hut white
mastic, and |>ale gray
gowns. iHiii-ni leather sbis-s. and slm
l-owesi average dpsts raIP, being in-i
-gxtwm aLA.mr>
II. -ir Bltlre may be worn by (be easy
lst>. b(Ul« S'per l.uuo membera.
----------------rider, who Is <suitcnie<l with a sp;u
Teukppflpri WeOs^M-'Pss. Ikltoi.
aiMiiiid ih<->i|Uare. wliereas the coun
I tiWo'eleek s-w.
I.UUi ....................................... ■—
try excursionist must get Vrw-lf up
-I Rpsd V>B :
In a far uion- suls-i.sDilal fashion.
fftaad again.
«i ibe ivup tTeUi In noland. IV Flu-Tbara odd.” ba muttered at length, nUb Iks* mart at the same place bas
U'a 4 quww colnclden.'s.'*
great deal of .-Xerilou and •Mns.s|uent
warmth, iin.tie to wilt frilU and furls-.
.WS, Frills and furla-lows are never-
. ‘nwtL like tba pink lofly. ha Mun-'paas.^ Iirhigv with it fresh pristfs ihai
(arad on. but now bU ayes ware on tbo In 8i. feterslturg li)i.-ir iheiv - is a
gronad. and be prodded wltb bU stick siroug Coaling of Indlguaiiou at tbe reas ba WOOL
When, bowacer. he ectlonarr mmiuilgu-now belug csrr.M
roBcbad tba spot wbara tbe emootbBaM uo ogelusi the autonomy of Kliilau.l.
bad bean nlreodj miriad. bis tbougbU Tbe luisior of the 8w.sllsh church in
racelaed a Jerk: tbara were two graot
'leitera written In tbe saud. and halt
oonectoaaly be etoppad to read tbwn.
Then ouddraty be etappad bock, and
Wednesday Oct. 11.
much more dniutlly Huu one who
lak. s long lrli>« over Miigh coiiniry
roads, wliciv iiuid. wai-T, and diis, are
at-undaiii. tumbles a Ihiug to Is- an■ Icipal.sl. ami a drenching slc-w.-r m-t
an liii|Missllimiy. to say noihlug of a
• or caraa, wbalhar yon'rv a power In Hr oplubm ahnuirt. p:ven in Knse a
tbe Und or a irupper from Iowa. But they alnwdy p»s«w the symiwthles of
I wonder what ftV lad me here, of nil «be moiv ms«ml and vnllghleotsl poipUcM In the wortdr
jtlonof the .tnuuniuiiy- Kverj dny ijiat
ourtled at 4V latraalon.
not lora away.
W* O^rs Be«w Btark.
luietv^iUig and etit.-rtaluing. She
irav.-itd ulth-hpr huslwiMl In most re
mote parts .if the .s.Huiry. au.l recnvla
trodar on the daaeried beach, tod the
B«»brikov's euiissv-l" are Indusaawcomer apread taU arms slowly, and triously tumi
lu raiu. luM.pllyi. cti-
Bot 8. r;
........76c ap
....60c op
; WbiU* crownn. ...... .2.50fa>&00
22 karat tp>ld crownn. .3.00 to 8^0
Bride, work
.3.00 per toolk
Painlew estraoUnj; and filling
chloform or ether.
Termn oaali.
Platinum Fillinga.
OM.SS scsTMasUer hteek. til
traveled exienalvely wHb Vr btishnud
In the east. Her picturvi. <»f Turkish
Ufe-li, ■•Kvery.Iay Mf.- Iti Turkey
his im.J.-si
and I'rof.
MS Mfv«M I Gold. Ktllingfi----------
Ih.uaiuglily n.-ll rcnuHl lu the cliarai-I.Tlsit.-« ..r ilW iiKHtem tJivek-haviug
terror, -ays
Tbe aoUlary abrimpar aeeined no in-' people and htirry them Inn.
GiaroDtetil lot 10 foors.
h a A unioa.
the wife of the profeKvor of Iwllii at
^l.>ell itiilviTslty. Mrs. i(auui.-y Is
, m •m,Sr..l«m..l i.. mil i'...
r pail
cepsorsblp" has been rigoroiiriy
>a. of nxtdarnV bright, honest featnira. and tanned caaplesion!
lit, forved Bgainsi Ulfi dsll.v and wei'kiy
atroMad along almtenaly. smoking t press; agents pn.vo.'ateiini are s.'O.irrlgar. and looking alternately out t<,'lng Ibe <<etinlry. Insidiously eniloav.irling to work U|s>U Ihe fm-llugs of the
s and at tbe
Best 01 Mtilu
Att>-s1sO-J .Teusetute ut trais* St Tn
( >;.« . in eneel Tlciohre Isl. IT«*.
Mra W, M. Kan.-.-.v. wV Vs Jiurt
written a taU- of roodem thvek life.
ralle.1 "Thi- Kinuaiic.* of Kll*avel." Is
> .-.iH.iUs eXIM-rielS-iv. title of the
OHtnt liitereellng .lialUers Is the »tie
whl.di .letu rils-. I’r.if, llumse.v'> .lisrov.-ry of the i<>nile.t.>Di- of uii I'srly
bishop- .t. I>. I'll! the ..................................
tbe.T'Tv deseniwKl.
which Vars IV carll.el known ntliv
you coming to Miwinl another diiVl Sion to the vinrlti Mary. A fragui. uV
Krer yours.
uf tV SI..lie ttiis iirok.-n off aixl wua
"P. 8.—I're l^ope eoeh a ridleuion* iwrrie.1 Ismi.' m .Wr.le.-ii iu n liiiii.lle
of wra|>s.
The pop.- Intlinsi.sl liiat
such ail iUM-iiplhw u'oulil Ik- liiraliiH;
Oe.ober: Me to the iurlsillr w.iiiil. so III.- -.Illlstl
lum.led m.T the stun.' mu the .h-ch
do -s-m to go n. It,
i,-. ..... .„....ri..e - of the Jnliil.H- nf hi-. hn]iii.v» a
years ago jitiil ITof, Rauis.waamclii>hsl
j. 'q .. -Llti.vtl's Newti
tbi' gift hy s.-tidliig his |irts-i..ii. frag1.
iw|iul giihf iisslal s:i- -inii k
In their honor lo gruilliide for sin li i
At the IKveeni
muiueni the Pin
landers are living lunler Monieililng
e tjil.-riiii nuisruiu i
K.iiik'. uilli
Ooibinanun govm of jdaln wb*ta
I'l-I Fuihrvht. rad pique. All tV edges
A TaimM 1
A few mlnniaa uior. fnOy aqalp
thM erar. I
-Wall.-ha aald tboogbtfoHy. “ Poll
In ay word. I don't tblnk It matiara—
toy «B tba bM.
MerrMtU* Oe. mock.___________________________
..r b, rtob --'•|‘'¥S,2.'’;r'„u,'r, Tb,..b,i„m
Soon after the dainty
.\or wns ibis d..m-'lu a nl«w: ’•I’-a'’ l-a^y Queen.” and going
spirit of martyrdom. Imt .we of a-lK.le. i »u to relate that h.-r d.01 had fnUen
sale Joyoosaesa. irmenilK-red by U.ib l»<« « bole In the blUa and aV snpyMn after wltb tv greatest pleasure.'pMcd It Vd dropiM-d right through
log a bond wben^t borne
a In eitbar
eitbat tbo
cause of cleanliness or cooking.
can »WHi-|< and dust .a uwn: as deftly
ntb flood bafra tba i ilrror In f^lapban Punaactia or fiai Kutr. The
os any maid, cook a meal aud even
W l»lroo> U tb. bottl.
make lusad rattier Vtter Hum tV
moat of tVm. all without niakluc a
Crock aboot bar walM by meona of o' „
muss <ir losing hU temper. Teiiijierf
atla aub. abd looklag hack at bar ra- ] ^
^ot iba man wna ao
Why. It Is ai Us sunuiest un su.-li o- casl.iBs-the
.-iitlre faiuily really rather
•actloa aa abe did an. On bar bead mid wlnnifiK. and after -nil h wa
tbe frullcs they inak.- of lli.-m.
n j Kaia'e dul^g. ao aba crumpled bar pink
■ iam
a a» era. Their mono «-.'uik u, be "il.-lpfulneos
■hndy bnt-ln b«r oyaa lay a twlnkla bllluwa
cloualy a* If the rot* bad bean her pri- versus hel|des«ni-M."
. «r mlacblar. and bar e
• Ub«.
ecsntKss CAims
. M> «4 « i
Uielr coosiaui .-oindld her lilerary
’ she had not
worhl. IWI a wid.
It 3a she faced h
i li:
I V. :
p <.p>
t to
t U
MbbMpp Xia«
•- -ta
- { PCM
b >»■
V l»
;j, ..
TV revival of the pprfump cult
l.rtMighi to notip.. autuher tad which
.•ly it
r that fuuctitm every hosiesa now
tb.>ugb she has left a name l<el?fnd her
ot w lHi cbncptaic dragpps nr other
as ..no of tl... al.Wi women imvelist^
lieille-kUhws. as ibe cam- may V, |
............... .. ..........
JMyhtiK. yet she never
aevpr t ap|i
ouk. bad any higher atnldikiL.....................said, uf
t-h she prettily and pressUigly
filoag today I mw tV nea here, and ;
'“’tyou to lurtaki- after harfnx
lod a ! iBvi
Mt tv train and came to U. Tho«bl
to any oBP tVn to he’a good, loving mol Vr ai
red jruur aUotied tnip of fhlRpiitlp. tispful woman.
' swallowi
I would V led by (ate for awhUe. I
“ entVslast.
mvu- OT-ctur.
If the vlalior be a man
TV two old cha|w ttl(* to tbeto
-------------------- ---- --------«d If fate, wetv pBaylng rap aad
he pmlwldy declines, UDless much la
taU wltb BW.love, or else re<alrpd to pusliMPSe his
Vrfnl "miPB" notwHbsuodlng. as reHjHJi VsUt» very
ibln. and .-ut Into large ••iirdew. Uai....
marked bpfote. tVt nobody vis ever
onM. deprwcattBcly.
en <V edges With water, and In tV
It Is a toMOt
sweeties and there
Uant «adlA
. iveeu to nuy n
- lacge
.................... apriroc
H*' canter put a
cboculaira CDOBumed lo b
d*^ **
*-rhto avaalBf- V coethincd. -I twk
OKI Jam and fold
threelimes to- iV
to pnialyne Zr
with asionls:
«y tm atroB
tv bene*,
and laere.iw
tberv.|«< *rery vwwity.wuwo
twenty, would not oeciiue
decHoe la
ueaca. ano
to warn
ward me
the miaaie,
BaV at oare.
<once, aad
dddle, Mav
y« aad dtoaay any proCesaor uf hy.
a^tui I Vvt aewr net eyea on VI receive tV eoelra outfit o( eitber old irban anarty done-^av with white o(
1.1 saw
a lalUaU writtan aa‘to*nkin ana gift.
nbPraiBS't I
K S !5
>• and .niicllv said
“1 fag i-. -we
iKiiot id
yi>ur remarks.
IxTUise. tint I ililnk that .vmi have
cln»en a <|ti,sT plais- for your Je*i. "
•t>h, verv wpH. ' rpj'lhsi ............ .
____ .Ip her «e
wllhout any hat
.Aud Iheu Ihe ld->nde scream..
TPaehed for Ihe toil -‘E R-r head,
he grasTHsI her frt.-n.rs arm ai
bey darp.l luio.Ih- stew
he niillluer.t
lonls to Im- heard wet
h.ug I
lui 1 couldn't think wbai —'
iw<l of «hop|H-rs
gan to II
i•IVl» dp »>
Ilford IT Mcoonemeu.
Yob Mil tOMd to b( viiboat IL
Gas Lamp-
.Tbis Cewpaar
ckBcglM tkr IIWP
Price RedDced to Close Ool Lot Colombia aod Lon A. CnmmiiiAs
temg North prprs ria. •
Beat workiuaoahip money
can employ for Bicycle
Repairing. Quick work.
m DaloaStTMt.
CbBriPtoii B a. Iha-k............... iPtSpa
Ootag H»«lh ererj dmr rl
TBraChBrierala K A CkKh
. sassa
“upiapofx .
. . .
John R. Santo,
Geiotol lisiruee.
TMwaras City, ■>«»
OotDaaoslfeerarT Am escBpt naBAay.
OsiBC Msnk eravjr Bay sMpv BanSar.
' !' *
m usanitt iu^wiB. vnB»iai)A». oatoMm n, im
On B. a. da On.
It be mad* bk da(y. to atrtetly eofotne
tba tfoaaay laoo la tbk ally. Donag
my diu year la tbia ofli^ I waa
oalborlaad only to leak mp aaeb eaaea
of traaa«y aa Tiieldeoily «ma aoder
oiy ohaerratlon.
botk eager to aea__________________
and dnriug ti
remarkable akllL ‘ntoae who are Inlaat year my authority waa even mnre earable are traakly bold aa. kaay who
limited, aad 1 eonldlook np
of hare doeturad for
or yante
yeue aan
and 1baee been
adontU Oeioher a. tm
uaaaey only whoa apedaUy aotid<k given np aa iPcarabU
mnaU by
' tba
lodooo by the inoarlaUBdeat. Tboae and abyaielana anapaedilyai
the aebooi ebildroa who were la thd nanlJy reatored1 10 baaltb.
orraed regoior MOtiag of Board of
iiablt of playing tz
truant were not long la who baea
Tt g, 'Tx’a-woaJBO 0±'t5r,
. _ iBcoUoa btfd ti aottteil roos,
log that a
Oetohar 3.1«*».
oedar by adraotage of that faeL From my ra>
If yam liave not already
TOk Hoa
tee la tbla eooBeeiloo. 1 ti^b re make their ekll ‘to Trei
k^brntTkoS^ Moon.
be only way la which tbk malier four weein and invite all wio^S
OStoe Moan from 0 a m. to 8 p. m
* properlr haadlod k by haring a afflicted to vialt then at tbelr private
tmaei otteer who k required to derate rooma at tbe Whiting Hotel
bk entire time to tbc dntiea of the
■n • A a
kloatea of laat rccalar maeUag ware office, aad who baa fall aatbority
rod aod aporored.
wltboat dieiotioa
T’l the Utmimb’r the Doer4 iif Ed\
from aay pereoa..f Trooerre l «l<. k»cliitf««NTmeUof...........
i}K>TLaMU<:-tami«cinaatodhy kr.
I aome conaolatloD to flad yottnwlf
ai Columbia BaU. Tnaoday mmlng,
e bottacB of the bddrr wbea^ U ipbe froorru of ibi* city, to oolify merit. I
p jfxKvta
Oriober St Joboeoa A Poote orriiaerpD lhai there e no» doe and owing to
tn. Everybody iarited. ISL!
aim from keaara Wilaon A Irwia. who
koved by kr. M ore bat t...- eonarenodor eoouact wUu ytur bornwlieatioaI be rreelved
xeeelved aaad that kr.
tblr body to make rerUlo improre Marvin be employed ea
aa ttruant , Seer
menu acd reualrt apoa the Elmwood until the mid-winter faolidayaat a o
oofflIt la an M17 natter for
arcane aetool boilding. of ibU city, the pentatloB of g») car moeib.
eatate deolera to make OM
nm of one handled aad aeraatoea aad
kuiion ca rird.
B»leblll«. '
Lblrtyfoo' one-baodredtbadollara.nor
ri formoaib of
Wbeoeree a mao hppi>eo* to «ak.- a •orb and Ubor performed ^ maWr
ernU*; aad
good gnroa be Iwgtna to Ulk about hia iak iorola- rd in lathing and plaaaiarly carried. .1
iog mid Elm rood arena* aebool boild- aorrpieo and urdtrvd placed OB film
good iudgnieot.
The luan who -cooaldeta hU own iag. aa by agreeweai witb aa>d Wilaon
Beporta of sueerAtaadeat, of aonfanita baa bat tittle to aay comerulUK
re«.deM tuition e 1l*«t»d lu Keptemner
* Y."'“are ala> fartbar aotUled that
»»4 7U. Uior»V-n’ leea
the fanita of other*. •
laung -uj gl.w) aad booka
A ibarlUWe aj^ech la l«t Uule raid Jobo iTobert baa aaarly oomplet
suld ao
dug t» gl4 64. were precredit to the toao who te afraid to p.it cd a lub of lathing and plitt
areane aebool building,
ved by k' Moore that tbe
bU hasd la hla |>ockel.
n-toru uf auperin
A tuna may be gtaiefnl for what he m.dj
‘ yoor and placed on die
Ivea, but tt la bard for biw
bint 10
' iw
OyriiiK to the mioraal UrRe permake ciTtalQ imbodj
HuilOD Chivied.
ikfni for tbe tbluga tluit are wlib- joBuralle
October 3. IBW
CFiita^ of culls BU.1 unmerrhantbeld.
Tlie youibfnl grnrtnaie la proIiaW.r log aald John Probert for the aaq
1. the U'lnunil-lr B»urtl uf Gduoutlim ahle |K>tatop« this erooUt we have
te oDlr iieraon who koowi enouicb >0 targe aum of money from «ld W .laon A
SViii-erir <'1(1/. .Hirfihfeii.
decided iu order to muk^ a market
■ •anti.KUKN; Wa, yuoroommlUee 00
Irwin, the exact amount being '
rally. ■
ways and meaua. reap*etfally rep-rt for same,'to nip onr factory
known to talm at tbia Ume. bat
Btupid petqde are enimed to cat. but mid Job will be fully
lly complrted
by ibatwehave examined the following many of tbia Krmie of -poUtoew os
they abould lint talk. Tbelr im.illli* him In a few daya. when
bea there will be elalma. aud having foand them correct.,
the would roeorameod their paymrai aa ve can obtain.
... .<1 fl,b,.. Imuka uf <
!“! doe and owing to him therefor,
Intended f
aad foUowa:
kum of two hundred wd
Our factory. whi<’b liM a c«ptwenty dreone-hundredtba dollara.
acity ot 10,000 buahels of poUtoe*
Yon are tboretore hereby rrqueated JsBlior.-paj rol
I retain oat of tbe aotount uow due Aurwia HuVM
day, ia now 4*omplete and we
^taoat In.ihllDt
' , the aald Wi
TUviaa* Farker. i ork avibr!V-«birai
are ready to take all ibe cull po
- rapa--No; what made yod think I
tatoes that are offered ua for
Bnt you forgot to eat your
which we will pay their fnll^ value.
You™ re»prcttully.
didn't you. pajaT'
MatiLT C. Dowix
UnMawrt HrlWu ^jhwBoa*. rlaan. Save ail your anmercbantable,
TOBIIIIT .aged ot-'-lkiHi. did y-n
ID t of All Pkaaaaa and Waa
' Tba Kurt Bnoceaafi.: aod Sc-.antiflcTrai
Dated MepL 14 IKM.
end yonr ollVe «hl» mornlngV
potatoes and write us for quotaof Ksaklad Poaoible to Obtain.
I•■pa-“<K couriM- 1 did. Too.
- .vlUartne fora
The offlir k JOfl where It alway*
IU tbr VMwd Hiai
A kM
gol^. the contraclon.
iial. lb tl
Touitny—-I birird Mr. tUauk lelllns A iTwlo. have paid Mr Probert on ac
IwwA IrvlB, loaypl) us rusmeu
Imi.C iFvlo.for clira a
. .unt. the follewlag ennu:
as a lAyJI'rrai
a. aaU estltle* bin u> U* ruil
latu aaDOTin*.
.........r ajrrlnc
Traveree I'ity, Mich,
wa« raining gently > d llltle 4 y*wr.old s.pt 14-18W. by.caahon Elm
il of the
50 0.1
Hargl.- wa* aoiue'
■r fatw IB tbeukM.'.
ml Ibal bM .
wood avenue 5’^...................
bvali^^aU u
|,la«<vriuc aouiiTillr
DreRle*- alie liail 1 n the aoniiiicr t*lainiuar
fore. ••Oh.
IKFOSTANT TO LAStSS eayriy. 'Twu'i It m«wi time for 41.'
ThU leavea a baUoee of >i«SS.3i<
Caetipid. lajisit .i-uada.iiKi lur
hopper ahllHw to etituer'
Ir. Probert. that !• aUll open and
••Whv are you alwaya dniuiiidni: oc
the talde. Ti-inmyr' a»k«l a iie.ilier «d
: Ih.leiA
her &-year-.dd aoii.
g»ie*M ifa • "•i'Sm*tAJMWD poaiTitniocKB
raiiw I'll, like a icirkey. " aiiN
Dated Oct. 2. I8W-.*
lur ibaawtul ufitei. o< rarl.i <ic' au,: iLv nu■aivaarTUa IHal lolloa ;o lu, Iraiu
D uhsii V
«that the
VMW Wliitte.
▲ MHk k OOM Ib» aMi«f««l7 9m
MvtwAn onbrtdM pMios mtomtmm
IcMk to ^ telter.
•^Tho nsk k »«T opt to fc* htbJod
wllb bl> biMiBMi oSoIrn.
R*« M «MT BoUor to rbaoe OUT
»OB ron 'VO fPt oo thr to.
Bwy inmn k onorr or kw o( O Koo•Ip. tMit hr rKoam to odnlt II.
It k fnr hotter to foil to O good
OUMP than to fiD In • had otw.
Abool the lodiknl atgtal wr errr aaw
waa a ftt*inao trylog m look <nitr.
. nitkcP ta donWy gohkn when yon
TO't think of a aalUfartory anawer.
The child la wlaer In hl« altoiillrlty
- tbui the i-hUoaopher in bla wladoin.
When tbr drop cnnala gore down
■ten go oot and pnt down another
liualtatiH lid luoiutMi Fret' u< Siricily Cufifiultiil
OftboBeocdoridoaottoa oltha Oiiy
Troamo Olty.
OaoowMBt of tho obaaaae of Uo
pr>aMcat»adactk aod oaearal memuwin
h«a of Ika Booed of Bdououos. Uw
> bare
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Inericu bdial ud Sugictl Isstitite of lislitH. Uck
Oct. 12,1899.
To Faraers aid Potato Shippeis
waa tin- n-Iily.
ria(u. agnl h. ma iilayliis with l»-r
dnUhw. “S..W 5 11 lay hen-.’' *Im- acid
to one. and 1« an iij.T. "yuu lay th.-r.-,“Whj, ..'Ura." aald her inoihcf. -y. u
know ibat'lao't
>t lao'i right: ja.n ahould *a>
lie.- -Tlrnfa wlier; jou'iv wruUK.
mamma." ■eplled CUra. •'I'lu playlni;
they are .-lilvkrB*.".
“Now. hnyii." aaM tbe teadn'r of tlw
Jnvt^ile elaea. “who eaa tell un- wliai
the dark agw of the. world wer>-7
•I can. air." anawered a little fellow
gt tbe foot of the rdaaa. , “Very wril.
What were tbeyr aaked lb.- uwrh. r.
-The agio, before a|aHnarl.» w.-n
vented." waa tbe irtumphani rrii
Mich , dent 82. IWti.
H.xinrul.le Ihatr.l uf
Ciiu. Mich.:
have carefully examGXK^
Bsardman avenue aebool
loed tl
be plaoa aud apccificatlona orepared for tbc aame by me. and hereby
Kb^t the aame as completed aod
* city.
■raain ae ri>
<-buul Puram
J.N. Larkiea fi
mod the B.mwood avenue
ing and dud tbe same to comply
the plana and
for aame by
iompleiedand aaikfactory,
The Michigai StarcIrCo.
an tpcedll)'. rawelrtvl}- at»l prrmaBeail}
New designs and fancy Ilea er Ur •■era. orwaiur* rear..
woods with new decorations!
Keep these in mind when “tciiLTi,;,.
.li. ---------- -riu
down town and call in our
permatmtilj cufwJ t>» Ue laiwi approrrd M.tj cawariireU IB
SSriu iiS
eur*U la wwry e
Jewelery store to look theni
a<-b p*r»uB st’Slr'er lor wertcal trvaltb.i pa<-'d S'-si lb tbs aareiug piw
We have many new
things in jewelry also.
lAttericanrlglMtcdln aneleni Rome
cteU IB olJ ca,w«
.The rh«w.-ratte Js roor»r teuaelojis of
‘‘^E“*keore, SnpL
life than any other IomvI.
H iwually take* aW.uc five year*
9“Case* acil evrrvpoo.lrt.cr cooflOrotlal. Tnatwaat scut O. (
with p.
tail the akin nf an clcpbant.
Uglit-halred p.v|dc, it le aald. aa a
Motion cnrrled.
rale live lung.'r tban dark-haired.
7b the H-oi-mil'Ie
fi.»..ci«i..o -/
KruMS the great Oenuau gun nian1'm.en., C’iiu, klehitMi.
jBfaeiuivr. baa ntade 2D.onn eannotia
«Ki«Ti.XMXNr Bt virtue of yoor ap
polnUn-*l. 1 have! for the part two
Umi C H.iti.
iUed the position of Ttuan’
KkaNk Kri>;i»i.< II,
No fewer than 2.401 patent" ki‘ve Oficar in this city.
Inmy mtlmation this la a v-ey
been Uken nut on pro.e*t« for uink.
Meved by Mr. Moore that tbe n-port
poetant office, and one to which are
log sugar and salt.
..... dalim aboB.cJbe altend- ne accepted and all bill* be ordered
Tbe finest, purcet. and moat notrl.
th“' lie’.
*.*- paM except tbc bill of Wilaon A Irwin
tk>us animal ] "
of SiSt SC for exlia work and tbe bill
tematle maoi
from eleiibant
brt ugh to my of Arms A Oole. of S102.3J for pluming,
In lh» posiilt
attention somv facu which, perbsoe.
loiixn carried
may have easaped tbe notice ot
of souiisome of
Moved by Mr. Cocblia thal the City
livn and steel wire rupee.
the raembe™ of thl* beard, and 1 i
- oiifl,
Clerk and- Ciiy
Trtasurcr he oolierd
Tbe greateat de|Hb to which rahip tbe liberty
tJ off*r a few suggealu
Iberly U
lonry to Wilaor A Irwtn
;g.-f oay no mirr mot
boa been am-bored it 2.U(tO fnlbniua In tbe‘'«™i r'.
coutracl or for extras until further
d in
coDsIderably more tban two wile*.
thata truant oiiider be anp
atborised by tbe board
Tbe dlsianee'from ilte farthest point Uma ao that he ma.v et ter upon t
MoiioD carried
ot I’olar discovery to the |k>le Itsrtf Is dntlmof bkoffl-esAsoooai aebool
Moved i'V Mr Hort that the com Kew Store, New MatiMm Blk.
opened. Heretofore It ha- been c.
4«0 tulle*. '■
At Its |>rFsent rate of eomhuxtlon It tomary to watt until after tba school mittee on aetaoolt aud teaehen and the
be authorized to aecore
I* tboui^t tbe auu will last from T.- meeting, dr even a longer lime. b*f. re auperintcooi-ni
sking tbe appointment. But ibere i*- an aaaislaut levher for tbt aecond and
wn.nn) to 1
arge number of aebool children who
Motion ea r
e amplored in faelorin and
A Spaulab aolbcr has wHtteo fl'e
aces who* will not attend aebool
Bevel* of a untune deacrlpttoa. 1 b-II ,v.'lBten"*r't
drat k wltlmot Ibe teller .t. the
th *.••- ,^meneemeni noleaa they ai-e I
clDdargartea aupplloa, music
>Ut 1. the after. There is another ciaaa of cblldand wltlamt E. the ihlrtl without
I ptiob pipoA Internattoiial
MB wboae parenta are not able
fonrtb wiiliout O. and the Sftb
Is. Is. A. BoUding.
clothe them in a auluble rntnoer
out C.
d by the auperintoD
attendingaeh-ol. and these eaaea b
. hill
. . for same at
to be looked np and reported to
or of tbe poor, aad provided for
Holioo carried
itoffleer. before they can attend
TlH- «ti1v time annie penona get
Moved by Mr Ooehlio that the com
there la another eiasa wboee
carrlag*- tide Is wbvu tb.-y go i<’ fu oarenis do net noderatasd - that ■
mittoe OB bnlldlnga aad grounds be
Give tbem a call.
have adopted tbc free text book system antborized to InvMt'
423 N Slmwood Ata
What's lu a name? Apparently
and Ibarafore do not aeod thel^r ebUd- sabturr connltioD ,
aveoue school huildit.
lag. wiM-n the i-bnA aitavlied
rmi to school boeauae they have
proves wortbleaa.
booka for tbem. If the truant offleer not aathfactory. to instract tbe Amarim Fouod'y A Fornaoe Oo. to pal
M'by la li that the swaniw «•:
iu>e 11 a sanitary cjudltloo at oaee.
Areo one see* la farming aeilieuieiita
Motion carried.
vrar. ibeae ehlldroB can ail be l-uAed
are geoerally tow-beaded?
Moved by Mr Coeblin
Why k It a w<*mn always dwell* np and be made to attsad school just
cat 'I- .______
ranted leave
... . of
■KtunfuUy on the ake of ah.*-* ai.e ao much sooner and -Itb no great
visit the OudUlae
OudUlue aeb(
aaonot of labor on the part of the
W«n> when she was married?
dsyinthe* >ath of^Oetol
ll la so «*asy to iw*i>ecl other* of truant offleer
Moiiou csr-ned.
- Motice to Taxparnn.
1 would nrxtanffast that the trnanl
wrong motive* and ao bard apiuirMoi ■ by Mr. Hoyt that when we
of&oerbe omployed tor Ue schawl year
entlv to credit them with good one*.
ai J turn, weadjmra to moat Oeiabar
la under lean obllgatluna i<- a
11. IBM), at 6 o'cloekp. m.
4> for
pawnbroker than to a friend when the
Motion Carried.
- '—
que«tl.->o of money borTOWtng la lu ..r>tcvk
On motion of Mr. Moore duly oarrled.
board adjoaiwad.
Tbu fear of a caterpillar k atronsw
A. W. RicaasD,
......rbargvU «ur coJlvrttes, bat aa
In »ome women than thal of a mouse,
4Ulax*s--------•which smtemem ipakea It morv imHemlock Itunber le ell eizee.
mr Itl as4 pak Vorlax^wt^
*‘*^\ronlde with ambition k It gen- Sg^tbonfroB will fully equal tbe
***^*^**^ * ’TtSb wcawa^
•rally atUeU ita when we are not
aay ■tvleatJaefcsou'a eon>,
•OTO e«d^ to ftgbt tbe battle 10
y. IwrmiSU—745—U-4. Brnmi,t.Bwak Bauciag.
I wiwH MMimiMl thil tbe tTOBV
SMUt^^--rbUadelphla Bm-urE
We buy Eggs, 16c a dozen.
Good Dairy Buttei. I7d8c.
We sell
un CoHee-ll IDs for $1.
Hiram Cook,
u> any part af O.A
WHS B s ten PBiyiTE«n» iRn uiisiFens.aii!H
I will have a car load of horses
here on Wednesday, Oct. 11. They
wiU weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs.,
and will be a fine lot.
If you want a good horse at a
reasonable price call for
Morse Bros.. House Paloters
Fire Insurance.
at Brodhagen’s Bam
Tour winter’s wood
at once to insure de
livery. WE H
. -
niKi iw—No 76a
OkUon Tab60 9nm &«ri>>C •< •
▼mmI Aftar rweatjr Sou 1
JUrUMd aaffAfUc.
PhlUU^bU. tU., Oet.
Break In Wlra of a Fira. Alarm Box
Baaily Bepawed and a Foraa of
Xxparu Waa Hot Heeded.
Yeetarday the bmvy wind canned
brmk ia the wlra of box number 33 of
the fire nlarm lyntam. Chief Banala
aad Tmmatar Dana rapalrad tha braak
within an hour, and with the axaepU<m of that period of time U waa In
perieet order. Tbe followtay bit-of
bamor diaplaya the entar^lae of the
Earle In deeeriblnr the Incident;
Tbe fire alarm syatam waa fonnd to
be rrmaded tbit morninr aad experts
have been lookinr all day for the
t' amt
-tranble." Chief Bennie li
It Host B« War or P«
TiRuun a*
Two Big Tachta Could Hot
B»ea Id a Fog.
1 VMwt«« BMt T* SoflMd b7 *<Mn
OmitaU Bjuu DosnU. wbieh arrlTe4 There wae ao Breeae and (<w the
«f «roop«
Mre today Croat Lfrorpoal Md QaamToortk TUne the Oroat Xai
e ». K. Te4»r-ri]ptabi« rut tava, tadoa
Ooataet wae a PiBla-Nrxt Atieapi
Bo«UUti« vUl b«
MUah br1« Ida Maad.
VUl be Hade Thaiaday aad After
i OclobM^ 1. t?l
fttnlt-OiMt Brttetai tia» «ak<* who
That Sreiy Oay Vatil the Baoe
aiUta troa 8aUy Book.
le aaUed SaeoeoetaUy.
Wbaa foaed tba naa wore la the
Okft Tontb, Oak lO.-TU TnMTwl ritflar of tboir partUlly eabtaorrwl
Hew York. Oet. 10—The lateraafowAMot hM MSt sa ^UaiataRi to oraft, where they had heoa aochad (or tlooal yacht moe (ok today wae de■OrwtBriUla. UoI«m tb* Uttar aom...
ao a bottle olared off ebortly after 1 i o eloek. The
pllMAt-JiUMBom'daataaUwH-wm'otnoUMta. Tbe._
attaaded | nlot wae thick at the tkae aad the
proUblr bifU tamorroir. Th« hour.
; breeee wae blowUr aot sore thaa two raoremenu for telephone- i
la the aota U » o'eloek p.
The BbyaUnd here la al^ht aoao I aUeo aa boer.
- ae of fire. The wlrinf <rill be t
asd tba damaad r«fairee the with-1 too
lied by tamacrow.
1. ae darhaaoe wae faet oomtacj The eomBlttee hae decided that the
diaaal o( all o( tha KaffUah troopaJea, ^ tha aeea earely would ha*a Iheit yacht raoe wUI he held oa ThunOne tbonmsd pamphleu of tbe Blfb
frota tha bordar. ae wall aa aU fore* ^ p^iahad U a few hoere ewre. They i day aad the eotaeaueat raeee will
•cbool loetara eoane ara beinr dleUadad eUM the Bloo>foatala ooe-.ia atameatary perU of belad'taUed oa .ueoee^r dc th«.«(.
teeaee. If thie demand to aot e— '
. oa Sondar nnUI the oonimt to tribntod. iUaetratimr Ue attractioM
that ara taappmr on the oonne thto
piled with boeUllttee wUl eaiBBt
■ tely.
/ Tae record of four peetponed raeee
Umdoa. Oeu 10.—The Loadou
inoneeerimla 'uoeqnaled la the htoejreacy publUhee the foUowtar dtotory of the American cup oontmta
pateh from Pretoria, fled at 7:40 laet
Tueneareetapproach ton was in tbe
alfbt: "Ao urveat diepateh bae Joat Mr*. Mfta Afklns Now in VIcilant-Valkyrie match of Oelbbef,
baaa handed Oonynrbaa Ureeoe. the
im. Twloe tbeae yachts svare nnable
JaU At Frankfort
Brlttob diploanatle ayeat,
to complete the ooniee within tbe etlpan axpileU'aaturaaee of tba withdraw
ulatad time, which for that eeriee sras
al wlUla fortyeirht hourt of the Brit Oiaplaya lodiffurenee Orer Ber Orlme fixed for six bonra The first time
tob troope (roa the TraneTaal bordere.
and Deoiaraa Abe Believed Bar they met, the limit expired when the
M w.ell ae the withdrawal of all BrtUeb
Oblldrm WoBid be better Dead Valkyrie was Imdiny by two milee.
forOM Undrd In South Africa elace the
Ike Vlyilast had made tbe beet etari.
Than Alive.
Bloestontaln ooafereace.''
bnt laet her advaotase by a eudden
WaatmUieter Gazette taya: -We
ThoBpeonrllle.OcV 9.—The eorooer'e ehiftof wind. Tbe ftfurth trial be
learu that the BriUth yorerniaent bae jury, in tbe Aakloa poieoniny -eaee, tween theee boata was -no race" fer
alao diepatcfaed a aoteeootalnlDretrln- bronchi in a rerdlci “that Marjorie tbe mme reason. The AmerlcaD boat
irant denauda. wbl^b matt hare croaaed Atkins came to ber dmtb from mor ontpointad and ontreaehed the Eoythe Boar nltlmaton. Diplomacy haa phine poUoD admlBietratad by
llabmaa. bnt with a lead of eeven minthue mid lie laet word; and the leat Bother. Mate Atkioe.*'
aue at tbe torn oould not finish in six
word on each aide to of the kind whleb
on the body
the other ie the leaat likely to yield.”
Marjorie Aeklna, oa bnnday, by Or.
IntheVolnataer vn. Thistle match,
Ktnnry of Prankforl, and Dr'e. ’ttarer one race was railed'off. On Sept,
The diplomatic eireoiaetaaoei au
ronadlair the preeeDietlOD ot the ulU- aad McDermott afehia riHace, aettled HU?, tbe boata ernieed arooed tbe
beyond a ahadow of doubt, the
matuB are probably a
llAhUhlptna itriuliat min, but the
•Ordinarily a (orelyD power, when ad- of death.
wind wae ao li«bt no aurt 'wae made.
drwalnr'peremptory demande to anMrn. Aakina white on tbe eUad to- The race wes poatponed nnU! tbe fol
olhar, eeade them throDyh ao embaa- day admitted thatabe came to Tbomp- lowlayday.
•ador or minuter aoeredited to lu ad- aonrllle for the pnrpoae of potUne herThe first raee between tbe Turitan
eeraary. The Tmneraal i
aelf and ehlldren oni of the way. Bald and Ueaeste in September, 1881, rehowavar. hae no dl|do«eUe
•he bottAbt IS ernine of morphine
■oltad in a fiasco. In tboae day* the
lire reeorn lead by Urmt Britain nad laterlocbeannd It ymine more at
time limit was seven hours. When the
Montacrnc White, the Tmneraal eoaenl- drop eiore here, mined tbe DO fralnt eommittae signalled "no raee." tbe
paa«nl U Lpndoa. woaldnV u rec. It with eome wine and coaxed the child Ueneata waa a mile and a half ta lee
First Prize,
•d by either the foreign oUee or the ren to drink about one third each, ebe ward of the PuriUB.
OOlonUI offlee. OooKfneatly Preeldeat Ukiny the other third. Marjorie weat
Kmcer banded the nltimallnm '
immedieuly to aleep and barar woke,
jrnfham Ureene nt Pretoria, who wired but aiea aad the mother were, awake
Second Prize.
It to the Britleh hlfh commletlooer la nmrly all alffht. Mre. Atkini wm elek
Aonth Africa, by whom It wae re-tmaa- and Tomiled. Thinklnc the doee not Olrcalt Oonrt Busy erith Oase of ffraak
mlttad to {.ondon.
•offieent to kill her ehe ewallowed aa
0. Bill vs. ffoha Oohm-Two
Aail-Boer TaeUar at tlabon.
of elorafona and at about 4
K'-ra Blvorcos
Ltoboa.*Oct. • —The papem here ei- o'clock in the moraine took SO to SS
Almost tbe v F.ole tlmeof the circuit
.» oo'Bioii II
prM a mtber aaU-Boar feeling. Tbe (rmlne of cocaine.
juriyeeterdav vas occupied with the
When aeked why ehe tried to kill
SaeaUdacUreethataltbonffh SoiclaDd
hae not aeked Purioyal to abeadoa her henrif and children ehe aaid. the me of Frank' IlDl vs. John A. Djhm.
'nantmllty, tbe i'orlurueee War Minle- tnonxht they would be better off dead
case was put', -arly in the day. an«*
tar.Ocne el Tellee. la prepariof to aead than lirine!ib« bourht part of the eoenine at ihewboirdtv .Vd not develop all of
6.000 mea to aooih Africa witblo a fortHonor and part of it at Gmnd Kspid» tbetostlmoiT • be Inuodoeed by the
cemplalean"Ye claim U tba; oiiw*'
LoadoD. 0^1. Ml -The llf ly Telo(. H.l . (s-S.
.f Frank C. H:li the
, fmph*B I.»ly»milu correepondeui eaye tbe wusan eeenied perfectly cool ano
Kxl a farm, valued :l
Ikclod.b 'imvlng no sl^n of emoti-ju.
a Uurtirortby colonial farmer ee61.800 lo I.I-,
lljbm. wife of i,.
aertethel be eew a ibuneenit em.r«l vrcD wnen aeked when ebe know h'r
r\-»poDdcDt :.
n.-oemi. r
Bjemoa ounday nithin the Natal bor -!»uk-hwr wae dead, but answered
L. 11:.; die 1
'-■liD.y that it wae eume lime in the
der. near' Cbarleelown.
Vow it is c>- Tied that at the time
Tbe abeeuce of-n' w» fro u South At- •uorniny.
til- -bi^nm-3t was made
Sumc Bare airasced tbe theory tiiM ; •••hen
rice la said to be due to n bvary block
was not
OB tbs teltHfmph line*, wbicn mey ber mlud UeiliN^ied. but she acte am •. ram vliL-coovcjance uf the pivp..r;i.
mean that the huee are occupied by talks as ra'.'onaliy ah any pt-rsuo coold as bis miud was not s.-.und. The es c
The body of httie Maijirie wai
official dUpetehee and that nefouataken to Honor for iutermcot.. beside •vll} probably be a l istr one. li msy
tlona are beln« acUrel? carried tm.
b flnisbed today, but it is doubtful.
Prom Durban it U announced that ber father, who died two year* affo.
Two divorce eases .vere dlspoeed of.'
Kmnk W. Bwer of Allepao.a brother
no code meeeatree -m be accepted for
of Mre. Askine came here and w. s wl- b Tbe case of Anna Barbara Dsw w.
any part of Sonib Africa, without the
ber at the ioqueav Mr. Bwer eeemed Isaac- F. Daw, id wbbth some of tbe
prodnclioa of the eodee.
ttry much eiT.-et^ when be met bis leellmony was taken M <nday. wai
The Tmntrnal banka bare been noti'
isbed yeetarday. and a decree
sUtar. but ehe wa
fed that no more (old will be p>
She waa taken to tbe county jail at (rrantod. The matter of alimony wa»
tad to Imre tbe country.
Kmnkfort last nlyfat by Deputy Sberiff settled out of court. Mrs. Daw roeeivBoera ere Bitter ricblem.
Gifford and wae aoeompanied by hir my 61.000.
The eaee of Allen Philips vt. Anne E
Tbe Daily Newa thla mominir pub- brMher.
Uahm an interrlew with Bertram MitTbe lltUe boy Glen la fully recovered PblUpe wae finished yeeterdey mora
f jTd. the South African noreliat. who from the effecta of the polaon and is at ine. and e decree'waa granted.
There are fonr divorce enlu yet to be
•pent twenty-fre yean
preeeat with tbe family of Dr. MeCbpe Datob. In which Mr. Mttford pre- OermoO. Mr. BsrcrwUl very probably tried and some other non-jory matters.
The oian wtio mnkim a Lit in
dleu that rictory will only bo attained take him borne with him when be re- The jury will be here tomorrow, to
eoniinoethe replevin eppeel ease ol bosiDma is the man who is tborby the BrltUb after a lone, bloody and tnrm to AUeran.
ijQlfhly up-to-ilate.
Angnst Anee vs. Eoaa Bapheel.
OMtIy war.
Just before the oonrt adjourned (or
If you don’t Lava a telephone
Be myat-The Boera wUl fyht like
taeday, teeUmony was taken aad
people are liable to think that yon
deoroe of divorce wae given Wai
' dartla. Tbe Jamoaon raid ronead them
are slow.
aad eeer aiaoa they hare been prepnr- Admiral Dewey ia Haw York oa Bto PettangiU In her eull agraloat Grant
They will probably
PettengUl. The grannd cUlmed
Inf for war aad
Way Boma
think that yon are
and-they wUl rmUt to the blttar end.
New York. Oet- lO.-Admlral Dewey
even slower than yon
••Allthepnbliebed mtinatae ^ the arrived bera today, eomlnr 1
ffhtlnc eimafth of the Boon nre an- WaahiagtoB on a apaelal train. Be
Kobody' wanta
acfamtad. Itdom not axoaad is,000 proceeded at oaca to Veraiont. where Ooneatt OotobarBe, ingWhieh They
deal with people wl
he wilt visit Or. Bai^ W^b os the
nt tha OBtaUa."
VHl Bave thalmadiag Para
are behind tbe timm
One thousanil fin hnnfreil
dollais will be ginn far
tba Rest FiDeen Stories
. abont the remarkable
Is An Art Ry Itself.
It requires experience in
baying tbo right xaaortmsnt
a( mouldingB aa well aa skill
it catting them up—The all
HD^rtant point, bowevfr. is tbe up-to-date knowledge of the
moat approved way to combine mouldings and matWrde L
bring out tbe Iwt that 48 m the picture.
It coetA no more to
have a picture framed correctly than otherwise
We make it a
point to Tiait the Urgeet Art stores in tbe citiea ao aa to kesoin
touch with the Ut^ ^nUm” in the businem. Onr two ex-
290-222 Front Street_____ Balph Oonnablfi Jr.. KanagBr.
To do a good botineas—All
“Af Benda’s, fo be sure.”
Today li's Big Headwear Values at Urtle Prices.
of cloth aad oordorov haw »t SO. 75c. 61 00.
Never forget that ALL the goods ara NEW at
Benda & Co.n»,?.f'
In Aten's Suits
in right
sat U tb<
We pot on sale thto morniag
Men’s Pall Bolta. eaek etyle. made of all pore wool heavy
corn scree—a very dreeey enlt. thorongbly well mkde and
trimmed and easily worU 613.00 to 6» oo'
to yoa at TEN
Arc im[K)rlanl. and wt‘*can sironply recom*
niL-iul ll-.e follotvinjr pc'pular linos.
Eiolusire agent ior Sorosis
Oriental ?ilk................................... 26c
Genuine N- ar Silk........................ 26c
Mercerized Satiaes........... ........ 40c •
Imported Twill Ooat Lining .. 40c
Fercalinea and Sileciae .. .8, 10.16c
Taffeta Antique............................. 16c
COBOElTE.....................20 and26c
Ih*et vi-t for facing and iutcrlinini:—(n-nuiae only at
. ,'OB Get
TinMport Varron Atrtvad atPhUlpptom Oetabar 5th.
Tho ttnnarnri, Warren wUoh mOed
ftomte TiMihii nbMt Aapt
lah.acrivad at MnnUaon tha_____
Oatabor. Ihto to tha ohlp which mrrtad
tha frat oompnny of volnataara
itaara wboanwho anItotad tram thlaolty. a
Tha Sealer clam hava ehanrod tha
data ot thair pnmpkm-pla and taOm
OOBtol tram rrlday nlfht at thto wmk
■ntilthe lattar part ot nazt sraak.
Thtothnnsa haa W daamad advtoahtoM aoMcal othm^r«ii am ta
HkOAlMothiitoaok. Tha anet data
for tha ooocart to be given la Stain
benrk Grand far thi beaafil of the
rhnreh. Tbe data has bass fix d fo
Oetobar 65. asd aa axoepUonal tnat
Tba orlglanl Qnaoii Otty gaartat will
bathaehin(nttnalkm,bBt a aambor:
of othen will have a alamos tha ^
gfam that wUl donbtlosa ba as plsaaiBff. KimJosaphlna Vadar wUl play
twopteoaatmUoM. bsaSdmaetlag aa
ntot, aad Bownrd Evans Loag.
vtoUxtot, wOl ^psar farlha flfai time
B B. fi^bnryb yald^ D
bataraaTravmm (Atj aadlaaea. Mr.
Tbmsty K., has latnraad from a toar Laea T- Tltm will ndto, aad tha
maay who hav« baud him wOl not
mlmlhaAaamofbMrtarhlm agaia.
On the Way ta Hanila
Oao. A. MeOartaar. formerly of the
BODip oompomar room, bat who anItotod In tbe reff^ army whm Cap
tain Ball wna here, to now on bto way
Be writai Will Brawn
from Hrmointn, ntathaff that ha srm
aant with a form of thbfW ratnlan to
Manila OB the transport BalfflnaKliA.
was tha only Trnvoras City .
la tha parta. Bs dsnsrfhaa Boaolnla
naabant^dty.hariaff^aatn day
bare la stffhtadnff. Tba trni
layad there bnt aday-
Tbe reason our trade is steadily increas
ing 18 that we sell better goods for,the.^
So^ ^asWe
'UA&«T«thY \s ecT^ u.Us)uVOT^ ^OT cH\.\&T«tV te«AUU tt
OB Alt& 0^ M »%^Va. t
ATV& al^« a\
^OT ^ \ATt«r film.
money than any firm in Traverse City.
Ju8t placed on sale 48 pairs ladies’ bnt/
ton shoes. $1.25 and Sl.SO^alueB. for
95c Onr $200 dress shoes for ladieg
and gentlemen are winners—See them.
■eNMira BlocL
TBa mOB«lWO *fcOO*D, WTOHaspiT. oowsmR 11. \9M.
at th»
^glAT»BSEOnT.j KIOHIOAll HdUinf Oo
•USDIujwi imuD,
kBBMl •athvttc of W. O. T. 9.
i§gm-1‘ •**■■ **»
W«fcM»-S«)ptat 9tp«n. aw*
#. W. MAm. Mllor Md MiMfr.
a<t«r«M«* *a«
Vo«18Blo.*'T**.Thml»BMM iar
To*.-* BWiMh* BMkWL
Wt*tteB.'*nM Womb 9B » SttOt*,M<«. aUo* 0»rp*Bt*r.
«B parllBMBt led br Kn. Mm
Sr. Karp Wood A11*b'i bock*. Vf*.
Ajiiuud M
la a "beaTj-ty
i^erTtoate Sul Oeeapled With Dr.talle to
with tbe
Kew OoBotp SoUdtog.
Tbe board of eaperriaoca «Ul thb
morning Ibtea to fori
atiOBt of tbe balldlng
eeTerel matteie In cob
nol the'Bew ooori boaer.
Iber* to BO proriek* to the original
plane for fiooriog to be laid to
attic aad thto wiU probably be farored
at lodapb eemion. The plaaa atoo call
forea*iBgi«X toebea wide, bat the
be made an inch wider.
At pmterdap smming's aeedon i
for SSS.W. for freight oa :«4 feet ofstad rails, was preseated bp Ue U. B.
A 1. Bp. Co. A eommanicaUoB aooompanied Ue bill suUng that Ue eon-'
tractor bad not paid Ue account and:
that Ue railwep eompanp would hold
Ue coantp for Ue amoant. It was
stoUd that Uere were other btlle of
kind, and Uis vrae fiaallp rebuilding commitiee.
' T:ia~-Piaao aolo. Kim Loalae Back:
voea) aola Laltobp. Kn. Perep Holdaworth; pUno aolo. Kim Joeeptatoe
Vaier; eecal aolo. -I Prombe Thee."
E B Wbite
Oeeotianal aerriee-M*. D Coeblto.
BeeepUoo of PraterBal Oelegatee—I.
O O T..X'<'mao'* Clab.Ladlea'Ubrarp
Aaaoctatloa and olbera
Leading Uar>ttona—Kra. Carrie Fax«n. prmidi-ot lOth Dbtrict.
Admml DevcT'i PotiUon.
amgiiig—••Some Olad Day. etc."
Atelnl De««y taMlliiad np with tbe
Sllerr apeeeb bp tbe a
•dmiaiatnUM ob Um Pb
Temporanec DoxolfWp—
ir wbleb Ubt** bo denbt
"I'rau.i' I.oc »ro«> mbe* «tl Uemloe- #4.«,
i vov:
•• to hi* attitade. H* sot onlp adviM
Praiw HIthopnatdeot to tond more warablp*
PrsU* Fslfcrr.Sm sod Boljr OUovI "
MalBit the tUipno* bat riqaeMa that
AfBtnaldo be intomed that the addi
Tbe evening addrem will deal wlU
iMal aaral etroBfth le ereated apoe
Ue labor problem and Ue (jaeatton of and Ue I
fnrnlUre from a rcprteenuUve
bteadrioa Beeiakaathe n<iacat be>e beturmenl of Ue poorer daasee.
of a Chicago eonoem. It to nol prob
•aae* Aralnaldo ha* elmlated raporu
All ere Invited U enp end all ae
able Uat tbe buUding vrlU it couithat the advlral tavorad irMac the PaUer and Kotber Steele, of NorU- ei IBS.
Uto falL
Bat the MWrniplBO* tbalr ladapaBdeBoe. The ad- porl. who have grown old in tbe worl
court room and Judge's rooms will be
«lr*l hae eaid that he oonelden the ter Ood and Umperanoa
Owing to the unavoidable abeeaee
furetobed eo.Ust Ue Jannarp aeaslon
•aUra* ot the lelaade betler fitted for
of Circuit eourt eaa be he)d in Ue
Mlf-gOTaraaMt than the Oabane, bat of Kra B. A. ‘Campbell of HorU^prt.
Mieblgan'Starcb Co Kepudiate Mcke.ha* Bot eald thatthep ehoald be Ue dtotrlet prceldeat. and of Kra P.
bnlidlng. Aepeeia! aeaaion-to January
pori Hegardlag DiStllltoR.
is being oonfiraa their ladepeBdeaoe rbrht awep. J. Howard, the riee preeideat at large,
A report which to utterip nefou
U, indeed, he taTore a rreater defrae the meeting wna preelded over bp Kr«.
t* been eireulaied about Ue country Ue city eouncU has examtoedabe pro
e< eelf-rala then la andcralood to be
A memorial hoar to honor of Kim regeHlng the Michigan Storch faeWrp. posed aewer eonnccUoa and Ue city
^aBBod for thetB.
Bat. thoafh the
adalral were In faror of Obt rrenlBal- Praooet B. WlUard wee led bp Kra P. It bte been suted that Ue plant was will bear one-half Ue expense.
Csrtla of"Tiavetee City. It wee to be uaed a* a dtotillerp and manp
Ip tn^lnjroeertbe Uland* to the PUISheriff Slmpaee left peawrdsp for
ptsoe be 1* too Biaeb of a fipbter to deImpremlve oooeeton. and Ue mem- farmers have credited tbe report.
elare for anpthlnr bat radical meaeorca iory of the woman who baa done mo«e The B»tiKi> be* known since Ue com Ionia, wlui bis two prisonerv. Memro
erhtla coaditlooa aoeb aa at preaent ex- than anp other for the cenae of tern- panp located bare that the builnem of and Partridge, each of whom is sen
to the taland* eonUnoa Inhieoem peranee we^fitttoglp honored.
Ue ooncern was exdnsivelp Ual of tenced for one pear, one tor onrglarp
■asle OB Ue altaation to the PtalllpThe followtog eommitteee were ep- manufacturing ytarch and oUer pro and Ue oUer for disposing of mort
ptoaa, to which the anU-expanaloaleU pednted:
du :t* from pbuteet dlattoeilp foreign gaged property.____________
like to refer. Admiral Dewep haa eallOredentiato—Kra Pqalrea of Fetoa to character to Ue producU of e dlsTo Chpo a COM in Ono Bap.
^ tha PUiptooa ehlldran.
It la prob- key. Kre. Ljom of Paloakep and Kra tillerp. But Ue management of Ue
Take Warner's White Wim- nf Tar >'
pbto that ha tbtoka thep meet be r*en rieh of Northpork
Starch Oo. waa interviewed peaterdap the best cuugh rwiicdy on earth• 1m— and that bow Sb the Um for
Ptoanee—Kra Stone of Petoekep. and it waa emphatlealip auted that Ue
Ike Dsltad fiuteato admtolater ik
feetorp we* never inleirded for any
Mrs. Vaagban and Kra Northrsp.
Oonrtcelee—Kra P. B. Trarto, Trav- Uing else Uan the iwrpoae -aUted
Tae toggeatloa of Jodge Kapne that
ree City, Kra P. J. Oortto. Traverae above and that Ue totentlon to engage
Iba dedtoatlon of the new eoart boaer Oltp. Kra. Kaama;CharleTolx.
to Ue dtotllUng toduetrp wea never
he made the ooeaaloB of a fitting demBeaolnUone—Kra"< Oarpanter. Bea1 Imagined bp anp member ot Ue
gwUBtlMleacoodooeand wortbpof don. Kia Kinora Traverm CH^. Kra
gPMlderaUon. Whan oompleiad thb Kndge. Charlevoix.
Bobbad Ue ttbave.
The leading paper of tbe afteraeon
gtrdetore wUI he tbe flneet ooaotp
A atartllng incident to narrated bp
koUdlng to the nortbem part of the waa enUUed “The Immediate Aim a)
John Oliver of Pbiledelpbie. ei^VUlowt
lower peniaeola. and Drand Traveree Porpoaeof tbe W. C. T. U.; What, v
ra* to an ewiul eondlUon. Hy
ketog the weeUhieet end meet Impor- aboBld do. asd bow we abould do ii
___almost yellow, epeesnakee. tongue
(anteoaatptotbbpartfoftheatate U The pe^ wee full of helpful Uoogbt. ooeted. pain continually in back and
voted a maatorfnl oatllne of sides, so ^petite, growing weaker dap
woeld be e good thing to Brrange eomr
bp dap. Three pbpsicians bad given
port of pobllc coromoDp. It b qalu
or make a Will or {five a Hill
me up. Then J was advised to ose
Ukelp that Ue Chief Joailoe ot tbe toeuaeion foUowed Ue paper.
R'MtHc Bitters: to mv great jop. tbe
of Sale or Summon a Jury or
Dtoner«and sapper were aerved to Sral bottle nmde a decided improveetat* woald aooept an toTlution to be
l)i,scharge a Mortgage. You
priiiBt and tbe ooeailon abould be in be parlora of tbe church for tbe dele menk I continued their use for tbi
weeks, and am now a well man.
keaplar wUk the ImporUDce of tbe gatm and their frlenda. Some of tbe know tbev robbed tbe grave of another
want the blanks that arc ab
eeantp and tbe ebaiaeterot.tbe bnlld- people of the town Uonght that the V v-tlm." No one »hould fail to Up
solutely correct and es})ecialtog- li wonld not be out ot place for meato were for tale, but Ula to not Ue them. Onip 50e. guaranteed, at Ja*. (•.
Tbe food la dellciout, but it I* Johnson's and S E Wail's drug sto
the board of anperriaorm to oonaidei
ly so if you want to make a
tor tbe delegatm and their trlcDda
.the Better at thb eemion.
copy of a paper already on
are used and eno.-rteo bp me leading
The evening eemion waa opened with
record. The Richmond &
muslt! an* everpnhere. So.
a aong aervioe. led bp Or. Q. A. HoUlBackus Co's blanks are ma(^e
Bueet. N. B Strong, manager.
dap. The devotional eerviee waa con9at Soar* of Public Works I>oea Vot ducted bplEcv. J. A. Breadp.
“according to law." We cary
Bellcre Befect of tbe Hew
•nie vtoltlng delegatea were wela full line of them and sell
■treoiBre Is Berioua.
amed to a few filling worda
them for 60c the quire. It
HemllUn on
The Board of public worka peaterdap Mayor Frank
may be you pay a few cents
taapeeted tbe aoatb ehaleaent ot the part of Ue city. Tbe welcome from
Union atreet bridge, which reeenUp demore a quire for them, but
V&TQtV^ Vft
OUT custom'
eetofted a crack, which todtoatad that Bev. W. T. Woodhouee of Ue BapiUt
“they’re always the same."
erh UVV us. ^OVitu Wvtih
the maeonrp waa to bad ebape. A eare- ebareb. Kra. Harvey CurtU welcomed
Use no other.
<b1 axamloaUon led tbe board to eoo- Ue vtoltore on Ue behalf of Ue Cen
uTvV^orm\^ Us\v^ \o \>tt
elad* that tbe defect was not a eerioa* tral W. C. T. I', of Ue dip. aad Kre.
PBS and that while tbe crack wa
Theee werdt ot welcome were re'%UuVt\s wo ^et\ suTt \\te
imperfection, it would not neoeea
Impair tbe etreogtb or eefetp of the apooded to by Km. Franc J W. Stone
4OO&S ATt T\)\V^.
ptraatare.' There bare been :oo too* and Kre. Jennie Kenning of Pekwkep.
earth depoaited is tbe exoaratioD
pgatoat the abotmeni. the weight of wea given bp Be*. Bardep Jones, pas
erkleb. together with the nature ot Ue tor ot Ue Friends church. The sob(eandatloo, pllee driven to the river jeetoftbe addrem waa "rhe Devil's
hed.oaoaedeeiratoor aeltllng. wbieb Flint Kill." The evils of Ue drink
ptedooed tbe erei^ mentioned. While trafllc were powerfnllp depicted, and
the board beltevm that the defect, la Uoae who arc working to Ue cause of
•otaarion*. thep will wilhold accepV temperance were urged u eontinued
anc* of Ue bridge tor a while to deier- faitbfulnem.
for these October days.
mtoe more fully the exiont of the dem- The sessions of Ue convention will
oontlnue lodap and Usurrow. FolThese are the kinds we cary
rogram for
Oontraelor Hayden oalled on City
in ail sizes to fit all makes of
. Otork Bickerd peaterdap afur Ue final
men: Fleece-lined Cotton—
payment, bot owing to tbe fact that
the board bad sot pet aeeepted Urn
»:Mk-Beedtog iourBsL
Fleece-lined Wool—Medicat
mark, the amoant ivaa withheld ontU
Superintendent’ll hoar—BvangelUtic,
jprther aottoe from Ue board.
Jail and PrtoM; Km E. L. Kellogg.
ed—Swits Conde—GeishaFlower Mtoaion: Mm .P. J. Curtla SubUnion Suits—Jersey Ribbed
dap School Work; Mm Q. S. Barsaa
Phot Ball fertheBigbSohooL
—Lansing Union Strits—25c
ne aUletle ponng men of tbe High Soldlerm and SaUors; Mm L B. Madge.
pAool have organiied e foot ball team.
buys a single article for a
•ergaKcEentlewUlbeoaptatoof tbe Mr*.
. & A. Oameroa. Work
NaretoTea, which haa been preeUetog for L««»be»meB: Ki» A. 8.
8. Qibba
small man, SOc bays a good
Li. lima
time. The line sp
BO to
“"• ^ate Young. Prem and
aa follows:
, Work; Karr ■- Hmton.
article for a bigger man.
L e. McKenslei 1. k Maynard; I. g.
lAfdtoi e. KelatoU: r. gT- Vegelsoag; ChriaUan OtUienUip: Ubbto DeaeBetter goods, more money
f, k Deaprrn; r. a Slater; q. b. Bef- more. Paper: “Tke Ideal ffomas":
■eldfi L h. Boyer; r. h.. Uighton; f. b. Km KearB*. Charlerolx.
up to $6.0‘' tbe suit; These
aesaral oSeert' hoar-Mm P. J. CarJtoeeea. TomlUlaa and Uuriep are Ue
are the finest goods made.
Ua eorrespondtog eeeretary. Kra
Franc J. W. Stooa tieaenrer- Mm P.
J. Howard. Ttoe preeldent-at-larga
Mtooellaneoas boetoem.
Ooold not rxpree* tbe rsptare of AnAdtoommenk
■to B. Springer, of Pniledelphla. when
Dr- King's New Dltcoverp cured bar of
a beUtog cough Uel for manp rears
had made life a burden. Ska ■eps; "At- B. M. Karrin, Fiaakfork
ler all other reatediee aad doctors | Bnodlag Jourael.
(ailed It soon relieved Ue pain to mp
"Our Bop* add Ubto." Kra MarUe
ebeet aad I can sow aleep aooadlp.LJ^/
eomeUtog 1 can ecaroelp remember do-, Origelp.
tog before. I feel like eouadtog lu
Paper. ‘•Ghrtotlaa CltlaaBsUp,'* Mm
(a tht* dtp U BOW In projrre- *t th*
eboretu Lendlnt »«■•
perenee worken from tbli dlatrlet
to atteadaBoe. aod tba meattoc*
fall of totereet and profit. T^oae totereated to the icmperaBCe
eaanol>fford to mba th# eemloBi of
tkla ooBTcntloB.
Betwaen fortp and fiftp dal*«atee
aie preaent now. and more will be here
lodap. Able eddreaeee and helpfaldiaeaeeloae will fiU the time todapAn exrcaUva committer meeting wea
held to the forenoon peeurdsp. atd all
readp for the opentof leretoo at t
ThU meeting waa open-. withaeeeaon of teaUmonp. The ; • j nott of the
eo&eenUon waa gfeeo at ibia moeUng
aa ••Vletoip." Among tboae wboae
Tbia pro. XBOO
Antldiap or Mahogany
Only $8.76
Oak or Mahogany M^xweat line of Hock$4.76
ers in the state.
IJO Front St }. W. SLATER’S Honst FmlsIiiiiE Store
Going to draw
Up a deed
Kimball Pianos anil Divans
■\0c are
as much to-day as'thej are
needed were in the days
of “Tom Bfbwn” only they’re
more attractive. More tab
lets, pencils and supplies are
used then ever. Finest line
of 5c tablets, attractive cov
ers and good paper. You
can use our 5c pencils up to
the last inch. All the school
books used in the city and
district schools, carried in
stock. Penholders. Erasers,
Ruler.s. Ruling Pens. Inks,
Foolscap, Legalcap, Letter
heads and all kinds of writ
ing papers.
5. AO. "Wimeft.
the Latest
The price
... - ---
A boon to the housewife—
ho longer need to say “what
will I do for my .<oup today."
Soups already prepared—
place in a suitable dish—add
pint and a half of boiling
water-—heat all thoroughly
and serve. Chicken—bouil
lon—Tomato—Mock Turtle
and Vegetable. Come in ten
cent cans. One can makes
enough good thick soup for
a family of six.
Get them
of the Old Reliable
Shoe Mae.
Inn Prise »0e and fil. Trial hottia. *■
at Jaa. O JohMtm'a and S. S.
Datiee of OMoeta. Mn. (torri* C
Wall'd drat •«*«•.
Frank Friedrich
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
The raaaat baaey troeta waaad aomLABT 9MT 1> OSCCAQO.
MdwaWa lorn to tbe taraaan of Batoe
V tbreapk tba daatreetlon at BraMdant VeXlBley Pat ia a Ba^
tbwmandi of baabala ad oalcea wbleb
had been palled and lafl on the proaad
Cbkape, Oeb lo —Today*a ^opcaa
to dry eat.
wna ao arranpad aa to perealk Preaidaat
BUbar labd la pretty cheap np In Al MeKlniay to aae tba Mi people and
ma connty. or claa boieaa coma bipb. parUapato In tbe caurtaiamenb ir
WkM ItlM KcUte CkfUMffh of Ok
4 Barrbrma man baa traded bb borac tba lean poaslbla Uma.
■■M ftwolra khk foud bv Miha'
tad beppy for olpbty aerec of land,
Tba day waa taken up with Infcrma
lfrk.Joh»ukO»TMM(b. d(*d la b<
.'jrty aeteaof which la bearlly wooded .feeaptieaa, IcnebcoBa and karqaet*.
bMidk b«r. Mn. UTkaai«i> bad bM
wlth-dne hemlock.
jealmlnaunplntbaereninp in tbe In
•fliaf tekOMUaw. bat of low fait la
At 5ilM. Miaa Anna Daffy slept on a dnatrlal papeanu
baUar baolib ibaa aba bad ai>Ja;«d for
Mr. McElaley drove In the morninp
aoM ttaa. Haan fallara waa tba bad Uek for two nipbia that contained
a bine racer over focr feet la Imtptb. to tbe baula of Manila, a pancramlc
Tba tick had raeenUy bean raSlIcd leprcdncUcm of Deweyt famooa battle
'' Uppar paaloaaU paom My that ail
with atraw.
In tbe O. A. K. Meoxaial ball be nezi
Iba bld-faakloaad waatfaar alcoa La tbak
prMted tbe army of tbeTenneeace^Tet
aatUaa ara for a Blldar arlntar UU yaaterana, to whom be made* a aborr ad■OMET Ur OABBASBB.
tbaa iaaw Tba oon aaV>a are tbts, aa
wbkb wna eatboaiaatical]*
ara alao tba caau of tba aqnlrrela.
wbUa tba blrda which alwaya fo aoo^ BanalaOouaty Fannare Pae^np a'raCelrad. Tbe pmidant and bia wife
were Iban driran to tbe ball of -the
at tba flret approach of cold weather
Mew tbdimtiT.
Wemeo'a AtbleUc Clcb. wbere a Ilpbt
are rapalrior »balr aaau for a lon^r
Betconla.Mleb..Oet. e-ParTBanof
Unebeoe waa aerecd. Many promitenas^ of tbeA.
Beetle oonaty think that tbe beet railKeMeU Bni.ayoeDfladrcaidlor to InpUnpt In It-itb anew im,nauy ^
that baa bMc onenad on la that aae. fetH we. chaerml all afonp the rente ap
Port UaroB. waa playU« with a oaa of that baa baen opened np In that aee- be betook hlmaelf to tbe Prma clab,
powderaod aoma Baiabaa. Bla hair, tloo. Three yean apo a Cblcapo eem- wbrre 8$ ipeDi tbe aoon boar recelvwaa badly alsfad and there ara a noM- mlatloa merdbaet came Into that eonn- Inc nowapaper men.
bar of aarioea bamaon bte baada aod ty aod contracted with the fnrmera to
lalac a new oabbape called tbe Holland
Adalral Deway-a flaa. which waa which waa aapeclally adapted for at«^
praaaatad to Mayor Maybary of De inc and ahtppiap lonp dlalancea. Tba
troit tbroarh the it fluenee of Pather Via Iprorad a acceeaa. and from a few
Baaaey of that elty. ebaplaln of t^e aerea the Induatry baa prawn raptdlj,
ao that farmen i^a tba eabtanpe crop
Olyspta. waa bstatad with the Hart
thalr main enurprlaa.
and aulpaa oeer the elty ball at oooa
Waahlagtou. D. C. Oct. 10.—Orders
Thla year a number of bcycra ara in
tbe navy departtbe field, for tba crop, and pricca bare “
ifor tbe departire of tbe four
At BarrUlo. Brace Lewla. apod », waa riacn u> filu per ton from IS SO. the
aoeldaotally abot and killed with aibol orlplnal contract price. A» tba yield ; naval ablpa for the PbllipplAea wlUpuv
. r>B by wuaa l-aye Pape playtolly Uaboniiutonatotbaaara. tba profit delay. The deelre for promptncaa in
aaid, "IHl aboot you.” They ware to tbe farmara will ba larpe. aa a new leavlnp for tbe AUatU amtlon U ahowo
in the inavueUoa aaat today to
bnnUarwIth.fouroiherbaya and tba
iblne for planUap tbe eabbape |
two ware left alone. It la not known praatly leaaened tba espanaa of ralalnp New York navy yard, requiring the
Is at onoa of
wbatbar yonnp Pape knew tba pan waa tbam ibU.yanr. Ona tarmar baa ra- ebipmeat to S
tba Brook
leaded or not.
tnacd $3,000 for bte field of >0 actM.
at ftrtt plaaned to have
A asolrral with four dteUaet UlU. and boyera can aecura bat few contbalabip
New York
naeb prowlep directly froaa the body, tracta at $10 per ton. aa tba ralaera ara
waa abot by A. PrUkey of Detroit. Sun boldlnp off UU time to bareeat tba
day, OB tba StorpeoD rlear. 1< mllea crop neat montb. when It la aapacted
froa Honpbtoa Una Ull ala laebaa prteea will ba aun blpbcr.
ao«u.. .ir.li—> I—
leap prowa direct from the aplaal colthat the Brooklyn baa been out Of dock
Bu; two arc on ibe left and one oa
^ It waa advUed bv
for Biz montba
Iba ripbt of tbia. each fir# Inebce lonp..
The Boston Store
Ready To Wear Garments
Tba boae of Ueorpe Weraar of Ana
Arbor waa badly daotaped by a Sre
wbleb it la aappoaed waa atanad by a
•apro wboB Waraar kicked off the
>o*eh ter botbbrinp bla tba alpht betoe. . Aa tba a^rro left he Bettered a
tbreai that be would pat area before
A COO-foot brldpe at Lapeer para way
^t aa a traeUoa eaplae earryinp Peter
Lear and a man named Van Mkkaraen
waa paailBp orcr. Tba whole ootdt
waa damped lato the rlrer, and the.
man eerlouly injorad. A boiea and
bnppy that waa croMlnp at the aame
time want down with tbe wreck, but
aeltbar aoffrred barm.
Tba Ladlaa’ Aid aoeiaty of tbe
tut ebarcb will meal tbU afternoon at
2 o'clock with Mra. ft F. Seed, Weat
Blpbtb atreat.
The Ledloa' Aid aoeiaty of tbe Conprapational ebarab will meal tbto aftaraooD at tbe boepe of Mru. S. C DeaprnaoBl'aioa aVeeLyTbara U boalbafora tfia aacUty and a
full attaodanaa U requeatad.
The Fraternal Myatic Circle will bold
iu repalar mceUnp in MoniapuH ball
thU erenlog.
Ulqn No. » of the pipe organ oommittea
a will meet with Mra. A. L. Bachant tomorrow afternoon at «:W
An addition U bcinp built to Ue
^ grocery atore of Prakop Eyaelka.
PeUr Cbulkett baa remored to tbe
they b»*e»ot yet .been reopeiu-____ corner of Sipbtatroetand Lakeareane.
WMk a 6-yenr old pirl attandlnp tbe In tbe bouec formerly occepied by
Logan atreat ackool waa atrleken with Frank Smith.
dlpbtbarla and died Monday mornitip
Percy Boldeworih ruiurocd ycevr. That aetaool waa ordered etoaed yrater- day afternoon to Wilmiagtop. North
day and a evict quaranUne waa eaUb- Carolina, wbere be U a mechanical
enpineer in the motlre power depart
Plalnwellboaatatbat ahe la known ment of the Atlantic Coast Line B'.r
' tbronpbout tba atau aa tbe "town of Co. Mr. Holdswortk ia an old Trarpretty plila.”
eiueCity boy. and baa many friends
here who will be interedied in knowHenry Dopraw, aped 14. waa drawninp of bU aneeeas In hU chosen ‘prafes•d at Baal Tawaa. Ba ateppad throupb
4ba broken fioor of the boaUionaa at
Tbe shade trees on tbe north side t f
the llfeaarlnp lUUon.
rrenth street between Pine and B At Wnrran • train atruck tba rear
bemU bare been Vimmed by Hr. Mr
wbaal of Annat Sebipt'a bicycle.
Deroiatv Their abearance ia much
. Sbrawinp him Into a fence and tcwrlop
off bla coat tail and one of bia aboca.
Allen Pbiliw of thU city and MUa
Navcrtkielaaa. be waa nnicjiired.
Mappie Cody of Charlevoix were mar
David Liebtap. aon of a Weat Rav
ried yeeVrday by Justice Verly.
Clly merchapl, fell into the rlrer and
Dr. li. H. Snow, a well known spec
waapoinp down for tbe third time,
when a oompaaloo'named McCauley lalUt of UanUtee. has locavd in Travevue City and has enpaped roo^ at tbe
Jumped In and reacned him.
Wm. Banna from MeilU. with a load Wbltlop.
This evening there will be a meet
of wbeai, fell tfarongb a bridge into
the pond at titandlah. bla load poinp to ing ia Prafesaor MurUugh's academy
ibe bottom tie btanaped to crawl oat I for the nnrpoee of orpnoizing a
Ing rloh etL'lsiively for married peobowerer. wUb bia team.
^ Whoopiitg Cough. AaVima.
Conaumptlon* la
\ Tha tfEMUN fWBESY’
Night Robes.
P. r. D -apres has pone lo Ealkaaka
for a short time.
K.. Wright U In Saginaw. !
wbera be Is atvadiag tbe Presb; terian
L. A. Pratt of Aun Arbor, is in the
Mrs. Annie SonU bat gone V Sagi
naw, where she will altcad tbe Grand
Chanter of the Order of tbe Euiera
w. B. Herbert, c. C Euowiton and
Jamea McLacghlin have gone to Grand
Itapids to attend tbe reuo.on of the
Firti Mickipao Engineers and Meccan-
.'““r s#.
lent eod ouffit. embroidered in eilk... ...................... $1.10
Plain bnhv blue and piuk. extra <ioa1ity twilled flaimeU
rnff, very dainty..........$1A6
MUa HyrUe Minor of Saranac, ia visitiag her broiher. Dr. Minor.
Burr James of Mayfield was la tbe
Mra wmum Mean and Mra Amy
T^Urol Boyne FsHs and Mra C. H.
Tyle> of MaatOB are guenu of Mr. and
Striped Oating. blue and pink, d^p donnre, rufflrti..
It is eiident we are doiag the Waist Trade
««'•■*““‘"W” ~ b«i— to u..
> X Barris of Boyne Falls U in the
“i ;»i=s-,s.r=s
navy, black...............................................$1 48 up to $S.B»
MoroerlBOd Sateon. black, new blue, purple, caniinai $200
the docking and cleaning, U would be ‘
than mad. up by the aeceleraVd I “ ‘
Mr aid Mra. Clint Biebarda have re
Tbe^New Orleana. wbleb U cn route
to tbe New York yard. wUl be Atliy turned b'ome after a vUlt In tbe aoetboverhauled and wiH leave at ouee- Tbe ern partpf the Hate.
Lowell Soars of Elk Rspida U in the
Naebville will coal at San Juan and
wltboBt coming to tbe I'elted
Statca The badger wUl also go from
— Pr—Uco-1U> U.. —,
the otberu.
^ berde Alle^Sieinberg has
„ ruturr'.
*Have Avorn for 3 years
0 Cirt U firippt iff 24 Hours.
.Vor>-m«<dv*'qii»l- Wakskh's \Viin >
. ;r;': 1>K 'l'.\K SVKl I' tor tlii:
■ Ui-d fatal
ilal <ltwa.se.
<1 in tiiu<-. it w
Linirs. andfit*'-the ■ iiugb
sLatiri{>|>e f. oeve faiU
el. Hrtee. ST*.- aiul fi
M-Bd fur vursuuolui, prnnsi
a H. SNOW, M. D., Specialist
Has locattd ia Ttaterse Cit|i at Hotel hhltiap.
Medieine Free! Services Free!
Teeth Eitracted Without Pain Fiea.
Be makes a specialty of treaUnr. ebrooie and lingering diseases, p -vcie iittsee ot w-omsn. di'casesof the eye. ear, Ddse Ad tbroav
Tbe doctor haa had a large esperieuee ie general practice as wel> as in rpec
iai work, and has cured many cases in the pssl of At'.bm\. Osrtsrrab. Brunlis. Consumpl’on. Csnc^r. rutson of si, kiTi<i», Chronic D.SThj<-a, Epiiepsy.
anltj. lioi'.re, thig neckt Bbeurasllsm of all torens, P'les. Loco Motor Ataxia
frrins of Sjrphilu, disease# of tbe Brain. Spine and Xervout. sr»ieo. disease#
of the Blood, ^kin. disease# of tbe Siomseb. .Liver snd bowels. du<
Heart. In diaeascs of womeo bis kpecUl spec.'fies and system of tre
lieves aod cures every cate S'o matter bow obstioste yoor case, do
for you can probably be restored lo health agaios
You wil; dad the doctor's methods and treatment difrercoi and superior to.
anything you have ever tried.
Cqtcra<;t cured without muttlaUog tbe eye '
T. J. O. Thacker of Concord, put bia
If you need glaset. be baa a comnieie equipo'i
band In a corn hnakcr and lent aevaral
To all who apply during this week be will Jurnikb
medicine and bU vrvioe
topeia. It la feared be will loan bla beraatUtlcallyyi liradaoed in tbe City for one week's U
And bs will all
esthetic. wbUb
0|mra Hooee tbU evening by tbe latcat
makes ibeoperai
The death of OnaUrlebat Kmlamaioo
J. B. UftaoD. oonuactbr on tbe court
Uluatratee tbe old eaylnp that be
tbe pace that killa. Ba b^ $10,Oi» in boaae. arrived la town yesterday
caab a year apo. bat dlMlpaiad It all meet tbe board of sopm^Uora.
Tba board of edccation will meet
and died Inaane. ~
Cedar eampa are apriaplnp np In all tbU evening to eonaider the new adparta of tbe north, tbe demand for Uee dPkma. wbicb are proaounoed unaatU-and polm beiap praatar than tor many faetory in aome reapecu.
year.Tim are brinplnp Sgeefits apiaee.
twice what they ware aald for laat '
Aatomatte Ait Work.
1 knv« joet got bncla from Chica
Protcoaor belper has opeaad bU auti
go. gild tfaerv gr« aboot 4,000 pain of
At Owcaao. Brneet Skinner, aaploy- malic expoaUioB at SU Front svee
factory sample ahoea following—th^.
ad In GaUy factory B. pot aU left arm where bU automatic art worka are now
will be hfie in a day or so.
la a aet of cop wbecla Monday. A hand on exhibition. TbU exhibition U enI have bought tbe entire etochof
(nl of fleab waa lorn from In front of Uraly nnique in tbU city, aothinp of
fhe elbow.
^sboe'samples, tebirh bare beeo made
tbe kind ever bavU« been .given here
for this fall's trade, from R. P. Smith
Twenty-three yeara ago MraAratenr. beforu. The price of admUaion U only
MM. The ftrut antartainmant
& Sod. of Chicago, for 33 1-8 per
now of Urand Bapida. pare away her
S-yenr-oM aon, Boben J. Armour. Sicea plvao laat night, and tbe company wUl
cent leu tbas fiictoiy coat prico
tbatday abe haanot aeen bim. She baa be bera for aoxM Uma.
—They coDkifit from oboes for a babe
beard that be ia 1‘rlnp la Indiana and
to a farmera' river boot.
la on bar way there to bunt him up.
Job OatUdaH Maec Stood ik
We'wiH sell them at prioaa aecoidingly.
If he'd had Ivhlag nira. They're
Biekory nut thieuua receaUy rlalvd
but Baeklen'e Ai, aanoylap;
WaU-h our adrertist menta—it will pay yon if you are in need of
a farm in Thedord townablp, Ganaaae terril
lea Salve will cure tbe worst cnee of
any footwear. If you do or not. tell youifUends alnot it.
On., and beb« anable to abake tbe nuta FllM on earth. It baa
from iba Vae they bad fined their eyea For iDjariea. Paine or BodUy BrupUona
apoa, pot an ax and cut it down, after ifa the beat aalva In the world. Price
tfte a bcz. Cara guaraataad. Sold by
t^btboyatrippad te eo^ataly of J^G. Jobnaca and & B. W^t. drupttafnlk
188 Front 8tre«t.
and Manufacturer of Gaskets.
Hustling! Hustling!
vrnm out
nut yet
ret by
hr any.
anr. means,
rne.iTis. is what^
ami not worn
some of our customers tell us about our 45c blao- y
kets. We-sometimes think they are most tooH~
jfood tor the money. I^erhapsVe ought to get fc
more., but guess we’ll sell the present stock
the old 45c figure. White, Grev aod Tan.
324 Uiloa Striet, Traierse Citr, Hick.
Vm KOBViMO VBOOBi), W»Dy»8DAlC» uytO—B U. IW»
lUi S OF A6E
ta*7««hMf« nm pnttj lifmt, mi
OttteteMudtekrlewuA Ito l«te>
Mid Mahxecit
r tb<9 Hr.d ti to-ni «ad TOtyid
ikr rmr'> (bad; *b«*«.
B>w»»»««d UdMtonntalb>*i7attatar«
iOoocom 1 C»U Mocmo—Oh*.
!•■ c-BM* «r ui BMidk
e^ma m4 Lbw VltalKr.
CMy Opotwl Aiw Uoually Owe ta Sow
raagoBtoat o( tbe
Bdiaoa'a toeoatlooa. too
ItwUl bo imooaboA ky
greateot of
anoataaodan Tltaaao«e
docaa anlmalod ptotnraa troa to life.
■ to MrtOMl;
Utobaeof toomoab marrcloaa pieora
Y lull, bar KaUa. vaavtas Uw
lU to VctoMr. U.. of «kmt tmbU.
Ao MMS»t Will akarUy b*
Dr. Storioa aars tkot aooio of the of aeckaalaa of toe eeatury. aad too
and iltorrbdol trooWea wUett
Bo«Bto' are . magalfleenUy preaeou(>.
prrvoll durtog ibe oamnicr sootoo The fight to ba roprodocod wae too
lb* toirt« «c hto
lixbt larch bark <awor.
_____ ■ ■ I B»r pooBildy be traced w a canao
iMomwi I7*UB of viMloM tolecniAgr. j •*KabUr" «aU>ahc. ibwa ha.
j which to ecDcrally orertooked.
. «ouen B*t»m Md K«j WMt kjr too
rbw ta a twt-1torse ouaoUitea.
Bi(bl tv hr vad.
la too men ^^4ad
A Okiear> «7o4k»to wUl b«Ud too
for ' the aake of oororolotoar fine elowa poeaonttd
<oot«>leo<e and ecoaonj. and atoto
An attrootiaa of wora toan ordinary
i tbea to tcebousca for future uae. While
mat wlU ba aaaa at Btoinberr'a
^ j toe cold aturage method may wot apI prectobly
jAnt nilraod to too totoad of HowoU.
J. rnak dktoMT. too tolUot
Ooocgto. to oooos
graatMt battle la the •irias that toe
eouBiry faae oear aeen and dosbUcM
^' bnd reouuraiii kcettera. caterera. «c» too theatre will eoatato a largo andI buy Oah. boef. rnutioo. poollcj, etc., toooe to witnoM it. Tboro wtU be alao
OMOV. K. to
(toiro. Bcrto kM a eltiaa* wko to
Mid to wolfk »T0 poiuito.
ralue of
jAieat within toe Arat M to 48 bourn.
X ymf when
loot two iMkoo to
Mf*. <lBtooo(k todrlad *t Koox-
to th* UrraiB Ibai b
wUlo, Tmo . tnm too eCecto o< ehloKMorm odBtototorod by Wctora.
A fiowoltoa mUto wko want to vtot
I oTcti weeka or niooiba. toe flab aofti
^ ' and cooklns canool render wholiy la
te aaw—' oocoous toe itoiaououa ptomalnoa seatraied by aloir decumpoaiUon or by
toe chemicals added aa pieoerratlraa.
It laaaiuuiahiug buir loog tola breed-'
toe ground for all ntobuer of germa of
Delmaterb big p
extraeaconaa. “ia Greater
Kew Twk.'* to aa opsratie toUro aad
will bo toon kero oa too okoalns of
Hovembor I
lEnnaa for StorMO.
Thooa who have a (aealty tor atoey
writing ha»o an opportunity to aaake
It pay toom well If tooy hare anOeleai
HooitKmpp taWtyahothU totorrj
Tablet Barlay of Snow
kuaaalf tolriy yoaia ago.
‘__.u-nu-r »»■«». u« ’
atraugvr than fiction lO toe fact that '
Two MBkad robbers bald np a itaga
' maMrOaray'. Colo , but oeerlookod fit.
000 In gold In tbe baggago.
nnooUcod In'ihlt axr of a*-
In OMsecUoa with too floroais
that baa baea ao meeh advertised
' .too are
and practiced
h»rH*ni,. nmrNM.iurv
<•« rfnnht
kboca. * Tbe first prise ia ftoo. .
fSM. etc- Foil particnlaia can be
tlnod of A. V. Priodrieb.
Baae Bail Tedap.
«be atomac^
:=HiS”SS*S =r:=.;*S^S
I =‘~rS=SS siSr":--==
AwldowofaPawaaaehUf in Okie , --■hoau oommlttod oulcida shortly after:
--- -
-- -- - -----.
ha»o Heed aiace
u.i, coatlus on the toarue.
matter and
ahe death of her husband boeauae he
toad glTOB awar their child In di^oateg of ala aeraonal property.
BuKlaB ozplorort are aow heay In
of Siberia.
of that country
the Kingsley team today on
«tKht gronbda. 'The two teams ka«r
played -ofore, and they are rjuite orenlym^hed. Tke Kingsley team U by
tar the beatler hut tbe Twirlera play
ball, and have heretofore beaten the
Rloga^ya. A hot game le a eerulnt;
today.' Tbe game will he called at
Don’t BiM It.
Blamarek'a Iron Meime
Was toe reenlt of bis splendid health
odomitable will and tremendooa ee
pcaotiealiy unknown to B
Jamea Brady,
a bridge
jumper of
PiUabatg. treeellng with a wUd weal
■kow. was fatally iojured la making
Aighdleeat Siraabarg. O.
Hi* head
aermek the bottom of toe tookDjtrid B 7, eon of toe Turkish gru^
wlxim. was uMbhainated in Oonataniimople by aa Albanian.
blew a train
kridga near p inuaomiya. dapaa, ktlliog
aiu patuona an« Injarlag many olbara.
At Mdwaukee. Mary Letaer, a ebamCiertaald
U too Bepnblican
oeaabed her balr aad treat to the
Mlae ropm to dry It.
near a
revolei^ ahafk around wklch bar kalr
curled until aba
baoane a
Setere toe steam could-be abut off she
seat killed.
A eplrndld black ball brought
fcho ring for toe first boll fight In Puria
leaped toe barrier,
lojarad a doxen
panic and
creeled a
coring in gendarme eaeaped
. Myrtle M. Leonard, U yean of agr.
was'ahot and kUled at Oohglaaa. Hear.
Alex Holdenaworto. aged id. a farm
Band e
by the girl's father.
Tbe girl was
walking from
'With auotoer
baa bean arreeted.
overboard by
a whale whito
bi* comrades had harpooned. Oicar i
drowaad in toe Arc-•
..Six X,sx.ssrx;;s.;-“’.J
toiwetypce in tor ten digilr I.U24 main
ctanHer are uiHiW. thw aie again «ib- '
iTC-farther diVKled
^iSSSldl ir.X..-.rr. ta. wi. th,
■taWe br-fwe him any le-n-in ..f ordinary
lally have u inil taste r»-Rar«lleas of liotv cli-an Iboy keep the luouto
wl^^t«L.Hn?"-ardto a
Ir hi* iT*.,®
Or how careful they may !*■ 4n diet
1 within five i
herauoo g.-rfiiH alwjiya act wUciv »l:e
able to
It ir cab-olatM that the chaocw ar«
drlic iticBJ away and ooiiutcract their
.ta. S4 »0.»U0 lo 1 «... ...two
Inflncncc. Thia laller claa* of pv<opla
L.„d, ..TOl„„
and the chances egaiurt all t-n oagera
u-id, iam.ica,obrr..ddu.>too.\!c.
Tke Pewer of Ubakcasear*.
I. ... w-,.
Fur many yeare fuTCKl tree plaotlog
An old Latin naying, Laadant qnod baa
in |.roi.Tvea In the wcui. with
non intclligant (They praise what they vary ing aui-coss. the fallurce being
do not andcrotandi. war once illnstrat- chiefly due to lack of knowledge ru
ed hv an Bnglirb tonriot who batqwncd ganllog the most dcriral.lc r|m>oIc8 io
into tbe Lotbvran ebnreb al EL-ioore grow in a glvcti locality and the lack of
coe Sunday momiDK- Tbe tourist did
rurd of (be Danish Ian-
p«Tsonal sup«TvWloD by a competent
mv plamcr In aetUiig a>ut and caring
ajiy cam-, the farm
gnage. hot be wnrte "The clergyman for tlic ttv.*. in many
bad a quiet earoertnew of niann.v and or (vllcd on -what be su|.|k.s«1
_ I>risna»ivc4'hiqncnci- that |>l<m«Kl and ciwtvci iDfunnatlun fnnn article* In
1 ailmircd the dU-unrse, al- the wcsi.-ni prc*». rpp<'n» of western
tbongb I did not nDderstaDd a w«wd of horlicnllural iMKiclieH. U«riU of iifriIt. " The book from which we. have ciilnirc. etc., but in most cares the
»•'” illn'«tr«ti..B of a <v>mmon staunicius were mad^ on ooiri«l ilit«o^v>llowtdg atuuidug rii-s or p|s<n vsiktIciks- us> brief
warriiit the <!<»hn'i.lon* made,
t-.ry of a Ibiu h audience listcning.ti
tile divish'ii of f.«Y»try of the I'liil.-d
tie of Sb.'»ke-i..'i • S phiVs
More ihati eno saloahle pack mu>et
Sbiles dejiarii'iciit of agrlciiliure
1 will tell voa. snch is lie. |iow.*r* <■
«m toetraoaporiSiam
by i de Sh-jk.«ipeare. that I vomv raw a jdav I'om-s to rcun-dy all this by t>. r~)uul
tie ocean
tbepltuhing oftorship during a storm
j d.' t-rcat man .-H'le.l in .At:;il!sh. in li.d- . ar-.Si-iu.c-i-'. il.c itinners aii'I iilluTs.
wken near l.ntoo.
^ I-okI. where ih-r
not vo'n |«'0-u in Fls'ii
All iw-'c-a-us has j *«•. Imsa-Uk»u ' all de b.-ns.' Init iiiy-lf c.uU ..nder- icnioi
K.Krlishm:.n "n por'.'iy '
y-«» l-t~*> ■"-»
xuiK-rint.-ed the
;dot h.miH- bat vat vasiD t'arr -dut IS. w..:T.
I..r furuisl.lni; fuel, fcniiiis.
• all i-ryitig. Ulnwiiiu dc noec and Viifp sli -her b»-lu aud windbreaks, as well
Jvery uioucli; couldn't luidrthtoud vua u» ornament,this live phintniK cannot
acieetidc lines, with a view to deter
tnine a. far as it ia oos-sible which In-
weela are a boon aud a btrsslng to man-
vu^ of <li'jday. yel all vi-^'i-ing. 8ucb fu-l I'f
of grout U-uclit. -The
bind and which are the reverse.
was d« jHiwcrs of do Cdiaki-spoarei
- nu-iliods an- iMScsl on exicuilod sorica
; ofesiwriim iiu.
While Hra. Brwln Uunaberger. of
W aai He Oi>ene4
Z$llverdsle. Pa., was rearranging artis-Tcur-Dio eoD
'•Bnitlletsiicd sisters. ' ik-gan tbe old
Dltlalaa Rod aad Water saupl*.
£'.M in a cupboard, her 3-ycar-old pob
, ■ parson, -•! shall not vbisjee any tiarticala his twnt nd.livss.lu the Gcologof a bottle of;
lawa’Jowed the
i Ur tost this
I'nniiiciit VVbll
taiher'a medicine, which had teip-1 j,„,„
II Ihv Isvk. aud. iio itkor stalcO Uuii iliorc Is a certain
porarlly hewn eetulde. There was a luattiV wb-ev, 1 slniU find the wrath cbanii iu quostious rclatliii,' lo uuderiargeamount of areenle la toe preparattou, aad the child
died wltbia two
A oorroepoadant of the Atluato don-
toat is to c>iuH- ijsin tbe wicked, wbo ground waters that U waiulns Id the
will Iw i-nt uS worn tbey have abnf&ed lootv pnwalc subjix-t of surfsev waoS tbU wort::, coto It ianuwupen. hit, for l<eiihle« toe ciciiieiii of cbaiiw.
’ usually so tleHshiful to frail buiuaulty.
Here tbe pa- a was intemplvd by a ' tbe ■•erhaiKi Mill more delightful eledeacoD wbo hi... been a*leeii, an.] bear- mem of suiM-rstltlou also conics In. and
ing the words oprii. cat and sbnfBe. for-, of late ibesdivlulug rod ha* been mocb
JonM prayed for rain tlx daye on a golhiiUHiU -Itid cried 001. "It'*yontsj In cvldcpi'e,
Ainoog tbe believer* In
i toe forkled twig there are many eduotreteb. aad when the rain eame he what did yon open out"
Tbe knrpriiw of toe good man in tbe eated
■ wna toe firat man to be drowned la It.
pulpit was great, bat tbe deaconeol-'squires, etc. In a trade circular a weU
ThewajeofatovidaBoeare paat findlip^wbentbereplycame. "Itis
known firm sutM that It is prepared
lag auV
ad on Kings."—AtlonU Goi
to Bend an e*|s>rlenced diviner to lo
Mr. aad Miu. B. W. Tucker, who
cale water by toe aid of toe rod. and
live'near Oordale. Oa.. are paroata of
A C-wrtoua Poatai tratam.
___ ^ pteald«-nt
puinu oot that It U conI and
In certain parts of Sweden, where' soling
be told,
_____ ___________
a little further
ranging la yeaiu from II to I. and all toe most abeolute confidence is reposed that, •‘although toe diviner may be *dla good health. Bevaial of toe boye to tbe boaeaty of tbe people, e v«y in- ventegeoualy employed in discovering
Awmal portal ayetem is in vogue A* springs at a moderata depth, bis aerv' -aad gtrie are married aad have large
tbe mail fleuaMgreacbesa landing idaca icee can never replace:, for deeper and
f amOlM. Tbe fatocr at tod tolr^lwa
a maa goee ashore with the letteca, ■ more Important euppUee. toe carefully
Ua farmer, and ha* a tapniatioa for
wbi<^ be pUcea to an unlocked box pn considered report of toe. bydrogeoloAonaaky. ladoatry aad aokrloky.
toeptor. Than toepamrrby wbo expechi gut.'
r open* tbe
the box.
box, tun
'-------------------■Bawebaejuatraaebad CAlia of toe a letter
aad eelecU hi* own. a
Tooaat toll of alaa ootamai to too
Dr. Soft *Bys that lo a review of tbe
crest hypoaUU baU of toe Temple Emedtco-iecBi asperta of bypnottom it la
Karaak. baUt >g Baton L o< toe atocimportant to know whether the hypaoA new Kind of CmA.
ttoed can be injured phyaleally or Men
. dyaatoj. oaac
la a paper <m toe dialect at Sawtally by bypootiaatton and whether
itaad aMabcatod
toaadUad Dr. Panetaon aaya "We
they can fall rictlma to crime. Sum
of toaortoltoatafa af aadMi Igypt. have beard ot e good janitor ot a tourch
ming np a number of case* cited m
T%a ball, vtolto la toa meat aotobla od wbo bad hie tacliagi hart fay being
bearing on toe fonner qaeation. a witt
«ba aaenmaata to Tbabm of Ita etom obaged to nee 'antlcbxtot' ooeL'.-—
er Bay* that hypnotlem to now general
to 170 toot loag by >M toot wlda. Tba Bouaefaold Wwda.
ly conceded to be a patholocknl and
•taaaraaf,aowpartlaUytoi«toa. waa
not a pbyehdoglenl condltloo; that tta
Mahoguny to eald to have faecnbronght
ortgtoally aappertad by IM aalumaa.
He, when retorted to too frequeatly.
to Sagload by Sir WaHex Baki^ in
to liable to bring oa mental decertontba lotto at wbtob warn aaarly aavoaty
IMS. bat not to'
tioa. that It may be toe cauac of chron
<aai Ugb aad twalvo toot to dtoamtor.
Me Mil im
ic baedaebe or of aa outbreak af hya11 wm built by Baton 1.. aad ton work
terta. diat at tlmee It bfia an nndealiaapaa It waa eoattonsd by bto aea and
ble effect upon pre-extotlng meatnl dla
aaaeMGr. BamoM a Tba tella aad
_ _
.to walk off when yoa
caae aad that to tome caace it may
have atatad your tide at it—Boxtouy
cvee produce aa outbreak of iMaatty.
■tllntioB from Cllaeb eounty aent toe
toe other day:
-idneya, and Boweli are out of
If you want these qnalltiea
and toe eucceee they bring, nae Dr
King's New Life Pills. Only 25 cents
at James ti. Johaaon'i and 8. £. Walt'k
irog storca.
Awx iifflpiuita.
A Wonderful KxblbiU'os of
MtwUlbarlewia too
and Talent Lut KveolngAt tiS Pmnt et.eet the room was
crowevd with admiring spccutors. and
espreated toe must unbooodeo
-'mtbaeiaam relative to tbi* novel enterbe most artistiesutomatic work tost
baa ever been placed upon exhihiUoo.
.'ppicaentiag iht vailey of toe Si!c.
rilh tbe hUlorical eveolof Cleopatra,
seccmpunled by Antony, In brr royal
gondola, propelled alflbg the Nile -by
he galley slaves.repreacnting serventa
-t tbe queen's bonsfbold, which, for
DgenuiiT of conatructioo. eomUnatloo
C3car Fork per »................................
Ssert Cot
WMckCoaboltcotodiodby toaUaaol| Short Cut Pork per b.....................
H L.AC0. Book..
19 79
4 00.
Or. ChaaetXld«ey-UY«f PilU ^
toe cveoiDg of
It is asoaUy toe kidneys wtaich find Bettor per MDatoT..
get oat of cite, end canae Imekachea.
beodw?b«* sod uriaary ‘ UotoUa.
at* per ba (new.)...
fitter* ot tbe btood toe ktdaevs work
bard to remove tocoi the bodydbe last Cora per ba., Old.....
trace of poisoaoM uric arid, but they Potatoes, par ba.....
do get tired aad cbm paia ia
the Salt per bC.....................
back, aed nalem attended to will leave Biaaparina....................
■tnnm BASMOtv
Wbeat. old, par bu................
Dr. Chase's Kidaey-Uver Pill*
Onto. Mo. 1. par bu. (now)
at toe root ol troable by maklag
Oom. per bu...............................
kidacy* suoag. beahhy and vi
Potatoes, per bu. (aew)...
diabetes and all dtoeuM of lb* kidney*,
liver and bladder, a* well a* chronic
Bgga. par dotea
Tbey hare woa toe ad
Culls aad wiadfaUa. toe par
miration ol old pe^c ia particular, ho
cause tbey make it poaaible for them to
eojoy in old age the comfort aad rest
tbev bare *o well earned.
Mr. J- O- Brigbtmao. Ledyard. N. V..
'wrius: "1 so a blackamito. aad have
had kidney disease in it* worst form.
At times 1 conM not straighten op. and
for five years 1 was never free from bsek- btv. cou>:b remedy on earth, cure* a.coid
sebe asd terrible pains. Mr. Alexander
in one day if^cn is lime. libaodSOcla.
nomas recommended Dr. A. W. Chod'a
Kidoey-UrerPiIU *0 highly that 1 tried
them. *n«l am now entirely free from
backacbe and kidney disease."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver PlUa.
one pUi.dcM.^,5^,
pill a dote. l$ cents a bnx. at ail
Cbaee Medicins
Buflalo. N,
of IsaSbi
piOI^LK—rony Mre> ot
y. W. P. Crauer.
S.COok. Smith. Li
die. B nyoa, Uurrisoa and Wright.
lay*, none.
To the Hen/.rubic. Uu S-iy-r
O'Mnrsf of lAc CYlp of TmorTve
Kelative to
Tar ByrHp, toe
toe coamnniMtic
of WTi,s-i,r:;,';sr.rs.“i™-r
he C>t.> Opera Huu~r BlOf-k
C»lo. HsTlBg rkwed
KXI.K—At * borgslo.
reduced from g5M oo to gsjw 00. noon
ssd as I
toe ux rv 1. I beg to ruoOrt as follotra: Ss>« to Ifs.v Iot Cbleago>los Irm Sav». I wlU
It In the judgireiit of the eonncll. off^f (Of •olf s Bnf •|)S»
i»e*l>tor>.5 *11j S yrsn. >>I4.
t.Sii. Mly
the reSuotiou rceommeoded is frr tbe tos polio.1. SiBf—i-r* lo laeir w»l*bl, sod iSev.
bMt interest of toe pabtie. and it U a arreiillgroouid: ih*V ArrtoOWl in f'frt r»lax opon toe orooertv dea.sr.'bed, ther
it ia wi bin the power of th> tt’Uncil. takeo '•> tor oeil wo day., (or *S».W. AIM
under Section n. Title WMII. to
-orw. OBJ deublf
etuw «». Bsff., *»ro—sod .urrey. toe
srrsia TliUootBll»Mrfcf»pM«*-»>»r«((feed UI ibinrouoiry
ousiry mm
iw-lI >111
"til l»*f Jn-l' "
proportion . everimstor * rrsl ti
L'nder the power eonferred
above Srctton. lhc council can only act
when tbe public interoat demand* iL
Private intereeta of tbi* nature, can
oot be legsil; oonsidert-d by
'pboM- Applyavll
oonncil. Whelhar tbe fleetlon raterrad
to. appllea to a ease of Ibis klni. may
admit of some doobt; asd moat depend
on whether tbe tex asked to be rehv'M
milted, ha* any oonnecGon with tbe ^jW>K UALe-Oeod dni-flsM
public Intereel.
ibe repreaentation* are wooderfnlly
SecUoni. Title X\. providee that
fe-llke end natural- Alto, in the com- the several ward aupervifora. together
-iinaUon are all tbe ealdmatic develop
with tbe eltv attorney and eiiy clerk,
•nents ehaolutely.
ly.tbe most elaborai
shall coostltuto a Bjord of Eqnallxa- ^y.lKTBU—
u-tWtic and aeientifle eolleetlon of a
tion and Beview. and gives such board
omatle works eve* prodneed.
power, among other things, to redoee
The dtotiogutohed Oermen Inventor or iscreaai the valnation ot
d iall controversy, attained property described on tbe tax roil.
i, beyond
: highest a*
Said board is required to meet oa tbe
fourth Monday In May. is each year, to
exhibition preeenu exe<
reelrw the roll, and.make such ebang
eciive feal'ires.
es in Valuation, and olherwiae. a* may
Av an intcHecEual eaten
he desatMi proper.
If orope '
menu are onquvsiioDed. a:
tan 10 appear and make ob;
bv everybody.
Ibe va'uation. O;
iplaio of any
I. m . for a fev.
I. day* I
alleged error, a* appearing upon toe
It* aL-ccmpsi ied hy cbi-dren
rail, the saqi
is p epAfod by the
bcUer acuoinmodsktioi'ii in too day
"U^ I vi
viand* *" apoioTed
and ! x*
• ■o acoouEl of targe evoni-.g
,'trd .ly ihe Vard. and when to'u '
-ol! i* ver'.ifl<-d lo, H as c<'Oolu*;v.-l> ! yjpresniu.d hr all court* and vriburs li
2r 3. S. Sssw.
b.-van i. and wi'l col be .et aside i
ert-r.v: f'*r es.’*-* -i
nef.-eiksrr her,- i
loitied al tne Ho .
.s-.l- -As-.*
ii.-taUwrpi- 3 -In- V.t*
ncl. robomnirnui.. lUenttOD
A» aoslerer power I’
II. ,yhi-.
e.-b«b, c-ar.i.B.Tfb
m.,;' hsv- urder the abol.i.ior. for fi -t c.s»* .'vn: <?'
SbU 1-y.V -I-—IS MbO n.iM-*4l
!!■' i» kaid
o', ibr
>v<- K, tl.r wboIf v:a<. UP
I of • e
Itir aU rs>*. laoulrv *; pritisa
"J .-tr v.vov ..ma-v kkiifu! ia cx-'Ts.s.T. B«v-.
-rectink.-to lU .iu:oaly and without
pain: andeuipuv' anew aiiu.tbciic rgjl rlghib . lefore toe
HeviciY. do *o at thrtr peril, and can
prepared bv b.m ulf, whicl: :k per
fedl.y ba-itiiekk but ve*y . ff^otlve. not demand tb- aciloe or relief asked
I a,-r<:b,« oo»i(.» all
Ii u. to W hoped that be 'viri r-xelvo for. a* a matter ot right.
the libe-al patronage wbiuh hi* aervi#«^ deserve
Your* vtryjvi.f^if^ttjly.
City Attorney
Of tbe Oonncil of toe City of Travoiae
’rwtik Hamilton, —, .
Present. Aldermen Parker. MonUUreitick. Basiioga. Cook, Smith.
tend Wright.
To liu ifunoruUe. (V Mopor and CUy
CtmiicU o/ Uu CUp vf rrueerse tHlp,
Works for the coatiacUog of two ban-
____ of Mr. John Tbgar at seven dol
lars and fifty eanta par M. far rough
lumber and eight deUais aad fifty
eente per M. for eaifaaad plank deliv
ered In thia dty a* toe Board of PnhUe Work* may diiaet, wu. your .
Btttoe. would rueommaad. that
jaid Board ot r
Moved by Alderman Soiib tost toe
be received aad placed
Motion earriad.
. tbe tax of ISW. assessed to George
Tuttle, on lota 24 and 55 of Hannah's
second addiUon to the cUy ol Traverae
City, be and U hereby retnUied. for the
reason that tbe valuation of said lota
was erroneou'-ly placed by toe euperAor et >5«0 toiteud of »3M}.
Resolved further, that the city clerk
be and Is heroby inetrueted to draw an
order upon toe iMntlngenl fund of aaid
cliy, for the amount of ntd tax so re
mitted. aad to place such order ia the
haade of tke c’ty treaanrer.
Moved by Alderman Cook that toe
rceolntlon be adopted aad passed.
Motloa earriad.
Yeas. Aldarmaa Parker. Montague.
Oreilick. Haatlng*. Cook. Smlto. Lar-'
die. OarrlBOQ and WrigbL
Nays. BOO*.
Moved by Aldaimaa BaeUaga that
toematur of raqulriag toe isilrood
oompaaiae to light to* laUroad eroaaiage in toe rity be refarrod to toe aommlUaa oa pahUe lighting for laveeU-
Cook that tbe at 7 o'eloek p. m. lastaad of 6 o'clock.
Motloa earriad.
Teae. Aldorme Parker. Moatague.
Smito, Uufila, Kaayoa aad
Km Aktonaaa OreQlak. Baettags
MoUoa earriad.
Tea*. Aldarmaa Patoor. Moatagaa,
OiuUlek. Baattaga, Oook, Smlto, Lardim Kaayom, aairMoa and Wrigbt
with to* a A W. M. Ballwar Oa. aoUMoved by Aldarman
^d^^Aldar^Wto^^ toe
I wtto paw«r to
fytag tons to aomptote toalr oroiMage
Where It’s Made
Where a cigar is made ia •
matter of coaaiderable weight to
particular smokers, and* it is to
them wa speak.
Our work rooms are clefiii,
light and pieasant
Our atock is clean, finely cur
ed and fragrant.
Our workmen are neat, skill*
fnl and efficient, using the best of
materials, j""
Tbeae taings make our eigars
the faTorite' Imuids with so many
Sate Phi, stnight lOc
OiMSif J,3fof—ISc
TrantM Mis—OSc
iBMMt ,
rat Mosxnto MoOMrtraPHiiflAT. ocuPMiiaiii it
tm ■■iiw
Wba« right-minded parenu ooea are '
M km at bN , tr«U-m-"
I -^Hir mM MlM GirilBcton. In a
tan U «ck« M* kiyiii tk> AtfBMt. -Bow Mraac^! Wm
Wm Ibara
«««n ta tW bam tM
•at raa wat kaav *MI >rM tt la. raa
•yifgamr atoqT br «l
-Tbai tt nay axaoae and ny apolocy
I artta aaA
-Had takaa to aasd copy bookf
ta qoafted.
-Or Ml at tba and of tba final fioor>
lab.- ba anggaaiad. boldly
•na'I la n r»r a.ml
-O.- aald Mlw Ulrilnirloa.
Rba dkJ
■01 dlalika tba bul<liiana..but II wat unexpactad. “8. P..- aba Mid. umalualy.
"Too WTOta my InlUaU. aud I caiua."
be aald. fantly.
-t tblak—I tblnk I only meant -Sat
0« • Irannar mndac Bot ao loo« Pair.’ - aba ob>aatad.
"I noticad t,lte
' «|o tba brtgbtaM. ptaMaat. lUIntSaM bntximaler aa I cama tbrouyb iba
lama aUd “wlrtadaat” bttt tb«t wm tlbole.- •
••'•"abui' aad*Sr '
'• 4aaM m
THE Him LiUlY.
T»w kladneao of hcit of Qaacoi Vic-
tv baaeflt. tbelt ritlldren may derl*.
from mnnam uoJnlng tVy wMl can1“
bumblMt of
Ulnly |>lBn for them to Vra-ilU
At Balmoral aV ofiea
TnUe Iblk.
recalvea letters of a aery naira char-
roaOr iKimr
Ooa motbera dasira to Vra b.-g
-Beallr trtms. 8. P. Mf naraa
dangtatar ieorn Vusewotk Vd Vr to
atepban Portaaroe.- ba retuniaa-n'd.
Tb»-tba- diamtas bar aemnis and herself shnio
iraat-IV Wort, ibv her obj.s-t might V ac“Vaa.” ba oaM. burrtadly.
-I «p- aompllshed uiHler her own careful ona tbay My ao.WaU. I naaerr aba axrtalmatl. to
• ■‘•‘••r fn.m poor praplr. but as tbe.r all
V-> through tba bnndo of Vr prirato
, w«Wary she le not unduly troubled.
,£>o .we .K-.-aehm a latter wns written
I lo bar majesty by a little girl begin-
«» bOW..,
One cannot lea.-b tbe dignity of Uhor the world. \a tdt.-rhnd beard that
wV doM not feel it and It la only to . tbe other side" VhA«ced to her majiboaa wb.. look upon It as skrradatkw "ty. she Iswd Vr to older Wt tV
that tt betnmes aiicb.
doU should be sent back. TV uaual
Wben In Ibe coarse of bntnanerants lluguiries «vre tumle. and tV kdier
tv maids- places become vseant. as is
apt to bspvn In the best regidaTa.1
famQiro. tbe memVrs thereof usually
sit aVui
Vtuoanlng tbe dtsMuie.1
condition of the universe. In oDe^omHy I know of. when such occtsl<w
comes, ast-h member takes part: even
the Iwyi alia.* Ibe ever-lo.V-wasbcd
dishes and tbe paierfaiuillas does not
love caste Id Ibe coinmuuliy hy lend-
>s'lng fouml geoulne. Its Hula writer
-My Dear Xaney;
Patiry my nerve,
Mary Olrllagtoo pa«aad
haring wriileo to you aln.-e tliat day
ttrongb tba raatlbiila.
when I saw yog idf. and »e lioili *aw
Varal-wofTt tnmk la one coroar wltb a reruin great nuiu'a bagga -e ai
two lalilnla OB it. oa which bar eyea aiatlun. Well, aiy dear, be did itiiuc
fllcfcar^ with a ^aam of Milafactlon.
the hotel, aud I did put ou ibai |iluk
tbaa aba slapped Into the gifrdau. and
frock, aud 1 did -well—all
aa down iba cliff pntb landing to ibe rowM I would do to prove that uoi
When tbla w«a raarbed aba
the pretty girla pco to India. Aud-O.;
alMkefiad rare, aanntarlng. as If to
well, of mui>e. we got on all rlBliT.
breatba caona w«ta bar only ob)ect lo
'and I fully menni lo lell liliii
jwe'd heetbDIi- great frleUdK IbiM
Tba tide was ont; tba beat* was de; known almiil bit iHiuiiug and really
aaited aara for a abrtmpar far
Vied to vapilraie him Ju»l
the rock poola: tba aand waa amooil
»*b I, But.
auzuebow. 1 don't tbiuk
and yellow, as tamptlnc aa the famile |
. . ,
I after all. Tbara waan't nwteb
t piped.
The cirvular ruffle on tbo
At any rate. tba. tem^
tatloB aeamed too gtaat for tba famili
or MlM Olrilagton'B snnsbada; with t
mil. tnu.l. m 11; tlm>. wm>
atabornv ranlfaaDeas sbe trailed
pmty aunahade up and down In som.^
thing n trifle mora abapely.
tbU was dona aba gnra n iurraptlilnns
gtaoca of bar man? ayaa toward the
cUff path, than aanntared on aeroas
ach. vailing bar attnabada me abe
.gare a boga atratab of oootentment.
11 l.v
p.y'KSE jssK K=£'rn",:
Ooroer Front and Onaa Btraata,
Beadle Block.
C. O. LtabT. Manager.
Cnut topidi * liiUui 11
............................ '*Me-»-perUli..
- tSHUlre SI ur sddr
•s llsktac Psrh.r- Ml
;deari.ring lo .wrupt tbow whom
“H’a good to ba In Pnginnd for n
time.- ba thought, “and free-and Idia I ' AH that the Finlaiulcrs can now do
—In a little place wbara no one knows.' !■ >o pndast at home and tHiucaic ptil.
horsewomen use. a qu.-cr machine .it
home or at tbe gymuastutu«.
liin.-tiloc takes the .urr.-<-t nioilou of
IS- a burse Is vapiil.lr uf,
1 pointer and puU-
HU face fell. -O! Ton are one of cial Adverli'.T.
There are two rival
Ther«- I. sierliDg stuff In the "1
—of that sort.
BM^Tbants .-ogag.'.t In It. ou o,)|K>elie of Mrs. Oilplant." To re;.d imw i
-No.- aV replied calmly, “but they aide* of Ihirk I’la.v. near tbe eieratad I hiisy uoveliKi did b.-r work all ihro'
My I om.statlou.
K»ih are idd men. and as 'h<*r nr.. slo.uM uuak.- mauy mod
•omen workera blush for ili.-lr .i
• He v»<wvl. -I am no galtaot.- be
Ko far from setting
deriared. alm^y. -bat Maio. unv>eatahUsliiot
lobed-usi V s..| down .V' proWemail.wl.
-Ab! I am not that.” she admliteil.
No otVr Iditstry .-alls for so amall a tillpliant. pr.-'
-But I Vpe yon don’t think It dl» space, the suK*-ln tride cooslMtng of • luall} wrt.n- her stories sliiiiig fiiiind
reapectfol or egtraoidinary of m.- to two ordlnarv fumN.-ra of water,
in ' »1‘'' family tal.h-. while other iii..iuViw
Bprak to yon like tblo^wlthont Intm- eacb of whhh one of tbe “lilies’
bouM.Vld talked and worked.
lo 1- .bri-in. 1.. Obr.. el-
.... l'*'l.l dulh~,
-1 Vve been led to VUer* It ia natgTvrw soft of way. and a piece .ff • ev.tbes and w•rak- abe Mid demmelr.
brown paper-lB which a doten or so of i.«ul<.n. while a
Kta grave eyes twinkled. He foH
eager os n Vy.
-I mant teU yoa tVl I Vd Vee or
dered Vme for a rest from Indla-not
re strips of Mack putty and even the
lU. you know,
tVl 1 oio
.. bot
..... fbgged:
.-MTM. lua.
net want to come much,
mneb. and did not *****
******^ ***
nm BM---------------- to --------------knew wVre to go; that while
We attained vrt«dh«,
Us-Muse ilore sre Individual ixiinis to
Is- i-onstdi-nsl. siH h Ss age. weight, and
Ho- son- of rilling to Tie dune
A wolii
nil who ls>w|s iiloiig a few miles
nn asiihslKsl pavement in
slr<s-is of II .city .-an eh.ihc herwlf
“TtM-J^ir.w train bM. parlor c.r «> OraM
lUr-r-. «»•' -;rcpou: c.r y-l rtuu-b UrMS
Tram'i-roi'sg.t I>-P.w bs* slecaerClScltiBXi ■.-•-rsi-ri fUpi-I.Bi>dct»cbMd sWpmv c.r< bii-.i.-1«.«ir»iMt Rspl'‘* sVvb.Ircer
Tr.i..rrl>ln< SI STUB b. ks.cli^r rar Ft.
W.-u-i-ilTsirii UspolsM-l c Sir car OraaS
1-CO IVtu.krx
c «. I
TBWoorvn »
L.lbraM VsU>
Tbe figbl wns delayed from k:3n to
10;S0 by U>e oprntor in order to hsvp n<l
nrrnnntnenU tor it's repmdnciion per
fect in every del*ll.
AM . I
l>Mis.kc> . - ' s 4S
Trs.rn.rt> svi-ai
ienn Com^ny reprodneltur the weneJ
with amodel mschioesnd there to
No FlIckcrhiR. Nul irirg Thgl-ygM.
KcalitaitfainUfc. Facli .Move Fcr-' ___twlrw.
jL.ooc.ro ..
* **
Don't Forget Tbe Date.far
The Modern Woodmen
of Jlmerica-
! V»
« »s 1
L. iSkKsr-iArTr»>r—-o
But V did ^,oora, v'
All woiiicn do uui wear the same
kmil of iM. y. lc suit, not simply V■ niise ih.ic is diversity of ta.stc. hat
Tlicll ISs.B tr.lu Ij.s i-arkorcsr koOraaS
OMld.. .D« *i»cprr lirasd Rapid, la tturtii-
trap AbraiX-
TboB be noted tba amall fooipHnts nod Mc hellu. lu order to siu.lv the l liiIV tiBll of the auDiVda. nod nnhea-, msh
guMlI.m fur
for tbeniselr
themselves. Xny. In
ilsb question
UaUngly V f lowed them.
's.-)eit .-Iri-h-s In the Russian .'apllal.
At IV eod of the ttall be foui^ tV „a,H-h.w. uulv.-rsall.v applau.le.1. l.iive
plak Udy-tv daintiest tittle persot,
,^i„Und. and It
had ever seen—and
be otood .... ........ ......w..... . ... ......
abaabed before her ao sbe looked
with wide. Inuocent eyes, as if bi
-1—I beg your pordoB.” he AUmMored. -but I feel almost as If IAVttt tv ui»l curious Industry
conldnt help speaking to yoo.wayfarer
•ayfnrer. wUl encounter In X.-w York
8V smiled tolerantly. -So autny say streets Is that of -u-Hlug Thin.
tVl.” tV oigbed.
ter-UHes.” says thi- X.-w Turk Commer
Hl.-v- h- riding having now htsoue
■lmo-.i as .tmiiuon a baUli as walking.
Hip hlry.'lc oislume Is an tnlen-Hliug
suhjis-i lo iiii-si women, although it Iao longer ilo- Imruiug loplc that it was
at ttr.1, wli.-ii It skTVed as a Ikiiic of
e-ill<-U1loli for cIM'llilsis Isith Iiro-aiid
li all lu|
(IIP ypstci
HirppL .A tall l>k)Ude girl and a stylish
bruupttp mpi at the cntruuiv uf uur
of ibp big dc|iannicni sti>rc» .md then
Hit' hruucii’' tlnipiusl her liundlcs and
threw up Isdli hands cxi-blmliig“tVhy. P>lliii. w hat Id. riic u-.ild is ibp
mailer? Ilavp ton gone --raxy?"
The blonde reiurorsl
her slarih-d
gate with nn cxireiuply nnsynipaibetic
Bbd bis face flusbod. and his eyes wera U'vn visliod daily by Busslana d.wlr
“Il'a nothing, of ■'onrse. ous to hu.v the norks of {b.'cs-lehratM
druiMsI rf>tjiii veiling.—B-i><on Ili-rald.
GreatestOUllftize Figiits.
Repioduceil Bf Edison's latest
Impioied Vitascopei
Giien Is Perfect Is The Most
Powerful Electric Effects
Could Make Possible.
Beali^ k± Ijfe.
Chicago ««
West Michigan.
'"iiunme uc icnHusnu it
the BussLau caplial has r.-is-lv.-d a
number ui calb fmm cniits'ui
ICuseiaus. perfect stniugcrs to him. who
have axinvssed their horror ami ivgr.-t
Battle in the ring.
skirt, lb.- IkiiiiW .m the is-vcrs. and tbe
Vlt .ire ull
stiK'k iut.1 lie are e.lgc.1 wilh full ruf.
n.-» of the -am.-, tlolf hst .»f .-n-aiu
wliito tin.- -iniw.
crown . triiiimct with hla.-k %.-lvei
hand and hlu- k qtiiils llmisi Through
• rr.-irhi
lii-l.-eA. appn-|iriale io Idcycle cluHilng.
f^bcapest incurnnee in the '
whii-ti sh.-uld !>e always of Ibe tallor.
(iRi> pgBAVBie.ti. P A .
tirud RmpIS.
iiiiide order. Irlm. dose, and fr.s- fMin
lloatliig ends and flullering accessorl.-s. than SI birth.
hut white
mastic, and |>ale gray
gowns. iHiii-ni leather sbis-s. and slm
l-owesi average dpsts raIP, being in-i
-gxtwm aLA.mr>
II. -ir Bltlre may be worn by (be easy
lst>. b(Ul« S'per l.uuo membera.
----------------rider, who Is <suitcnie<l with a sp;u
Teukppflpri WeOs^M-'Pss. Ikltoi.
aiMiiiid ih<->i|Uare. wliereas the coun
I tiWo'eleek s-w.
I.UUi ....................................... ■—
try excursionist must get Vrw-lf up
-I Rpsd V>B :
In a far uion- suls-i.sDilal fashion.
fftaad again.
«i ibe ivup tTeUi In noland. IV Flu-Tbara odd.” ba muttered at length, nUb Iks* mart at the same place bas
U'a 4 quww colnclden.'s.'*
great deal of .-Xerilou and •Mns.s|uent
warmth, iin.tie to wilt frilU and furls-.
.WS, Frills and furla-lows are never-
. ‘nwtL like tba pink lofly. ha Mun-'paas.^ Iirhigv with it fresh pristfs ihai
(arad on. but now bU ayes ware on tbo In 8i. feterslturg li)i.-ir iheiv - is a
gronad. and be prodded wltb bU stick siroug Coaling of Indlguaiiou at tbe reas ba WOOL
When, bowacer. he ectlonarr mmiuilgu-now belug csrr.M
roBcbad tba spot wbara tbe emootbBaM uo ogelusi the autonomy of Kliilau.l.
bad bean nlreodj miriad. bis tbougbU Tbe luisior of the 8w.sllsh church in
racelaed a Jerk: tbara were two graot
'leitera written In tbe saud. and halt
oonectoaaly be etoppad to read tbwn.
Then ouddraty be etappad bock, and
Wednesday Oct. 11.
much more dniutlly Huu one who
lak. s long lrli>« over Miigh coiiniry
roads, wliciv iiuid. wai-T, and diis, are
at-undaiii. tumbles a Ihiug to Is- an■ Icipal.sl. ami a drenching slc-w.-r m-t
an liii|Missllimiy. to say noihlug of a
• or caraa, wbalhar yon'rv a power In Hr oplubm ahnuirt. p:ven in Knse a
tbe Und or a irupper from Iowa. But they alnwdy p»s«w the symiwthles of
I wonder what ftV lad me here, of nil «be moiv ms«ml and vnllghleotsl poipUcM In the wortdr
jtlonof the .tnuuniuiiy- Kverj dny ijiat
ourtled at 4V latraalon.
not lora away.
W* O^rs Be«w Btark.
luietv^iUig and etit.-rtaluing. She
irav.-itd ulth-hpr huslwiMl In most re
mote parts .if the .s.Huiry. au.l recnvla
trodar on the daaeried beach, tod the
B«»brikov's euiissv-l" are Indusaawcomer apread taU arms slowly, and triously tumi
lu raiu. luM.pllyi. cti-
Bot 8. r;
........76c ap
....60c op
; WbiU* crownn. ...... .2.50fa>&00
22 karat tp>ld crownn. .3.00 to 8^0
Bride, work
.3.00 per toolk
Painlew estraoUnj; and filling
chloform or ether.
Termn oaali.
Platinum Fillinga.
OM.SS scsTMasUer hteek. til
traveled exienalvely wHb Vr btishnud
In the east. Her picturvi. <»f Turkish
Ufe-li, ■•Kvery.Iay Mf.- Iti Turkey
his im.J.-si
and I'rof.
MS Mfv«M I Gold. Ktllingfi----------
Ih.uaiuglily n.-ll rcnuHl lu the cliarai-I.Tlsit.-« ..r ilW iiKHtem tJivek-haviug
terror, -ays
Tbe aoUlary abrimpar aeeined no in-' people and htirry them Inn.
GiaroDtetil lot 10 foors.
h a A unioa.
the wife of the profeKvor of Iwllii at
^l.>ell itiilviTslty. Mrs. i(auui.-y Is
, m •m,Sr..l«m..l i.. mil i'...
r pail
cepsorsblp" has been rigoroiiriy
>a. of nxtdarnV bright, honest featnira. and tanned caaplesion!
lit, forved Bgainsi Ulfi dsll.v and wei'kiy
atroMad along almtenaly. smoking t press; agents pn.vo.'ateiini are s.'O.irrlgar. and looking alternately out t<,'lng Ibe <<etinlry. Insidiously eniloav.irling to work U|s>U Ihe fm-llugs of the
s and at tbe
Best 01 Mtilu
Att>-s1sO-J .Teusetute ut trais* St Tn
( >;.« . in eneel Tlciohre Isl. IT«*.
Mra W, M. Kan.-.-.v. wV Vs Jiurt
written a taU- of roodem thvek life.
ralle.1 "Thi- Kinuaiic.* of Kll*avel." Is
> .-.iH.iUs eXIM-rielS-iv. title of the
OHtnt liitereellng .lialUers Is the »tie
whl.di .letu rils-. I’r.if, llumse.v'> .lisrov.-ry of the i<>nile.t.>Di- of uii I'srly
bishop- .t. I>. I'll! the ..................................
tbe.T'Tv deseniwKl.
which Vars IV carll.el known ntliv
you coming to Miwinl another diiVl Sion to the vinrlti Mary. A fragui. uV
Krer yours.
uf tV SI..lie ttiis iirok.-n off aixl wua
"P. 8.—I're l^ope eoeh a ridleuion* iwrrie.1 Ismi.' m .Wr.le.-ii iu n liiiii.lle
of wra|>s.
The pop.- Intlinsi.sl liiat
such ail iUM-iiplhw u'oulil Ik- liiraliiH;
Oe.ober: Me to the iurlsillr w.iiiil. so III.- -.Illlstl
lum.led m.T the stun.' mu the .h-ch
do -s-m to go n. It,
i,-. ..... .„....ri..e - of the Jnliil.H- nf hi-. hn]iii.v» a
years ago jitiil ITof, Rauis.waamclii>hsl
j. 'q .. -Llti.vtl's Newti
tbi' gift hy s.-tidliig his |irts-i..ii. frag1.
iw|iul giihf iisslal s:i- -inii k
In their honor lo gruilliide for sin li i
At the IKveeni
muiueni the Pin
landers are living lunler Monieililng
e tjil.-riiii nuisruiu i
K.iiik'. uilli
Ooibinanun govm of jdaln wb*ta
I'l-I Fuihrvht. rad pique. All tV edges
A TaimM 1
A few mlnniaa uior. fnOy aqalp
thM erar. I
-Wall.-ha aald tboogbtfoHy. “ Poll
In ay word. I don't tblnk It matiara—
toy «B tba bM.
MerrMtU* Oe. mock.___________________________
..r b, rtob --'•|‘'¥S,2.'’;r'„u,'r, Tb,..b,i„m
Soon after the dainty
.\or wns ibis d..m-'lu a nl«w: ’•I’-a'’ l-a^y Queen.” and going
spirit of martyrdom. Imt .we of a-lK.le. i »u to relate that h.-r d.01 had fnUen
sale Joyoosaesa. irmenilK-red by U.ib l»<« « bole In the blUa and aV snpyMn after wltb tv greatest pleasure.'pMcd It Vd dropiM-d right through
log a bond wben^t borne
a In eitbar
eitbat tbo
cause of cleanliness or cooking.
can »WHi-|< and dust .a uwn: as deftly
ntb flood bafra tba i ilrror In f^lapban Punaactia or fiai Kutr. The
os any maid, cook a meal aud even
W l»lroo> U tb. bottl.
make lusad rattier Vtter Hum tV
moat of tVm. all without niakluc a
Crock aboot bar walM by meona of o' „
muss <ir losing hU temper. Teiiijierf
atla aub. abd looklag hack at bar ra- ] ^
^ot iba man wna ao
Why. It Is ai Us sunuiest un su.-li o- casl.iBs-the
.-iitlre faiuily really rather
•actloa aa abe did an. On bar bead mid wlnnifiK. and after -nil h wa
tbe frullcs they inak.- of lli.-m.
n j Kaia'e dul^g. ao aba crumpled bar pink
■ iam
a a» era. Their mono «-.'uik u, be "il.-lpfulneos
■hndy bnt-ln b«r oyaa lay a twlnkla bllluwa
cloualy a* If the rot* bad bean her pri- versus hel|des«ni-M."
. «r mlacblar. and bar e
• Ub«.
ecsntKss CAims
. M> «4 « i
Uielr coosiaui .-oindld her lilerary
’ she had not
worhl. IWI a wid.
It 3a she faced h
i li:
I V. :
p <.p>
t to
t U
MbbMpp Xia«
•- -ta
- { PCM
b >»■
V l»
;j, ..
TV revival of the pprfump cult
l.rtMighi to notip.. autuher tad which
.•ly it
r that fuuctitm every hosiesa now
tb.>ugb she has left a name l<el?fnd her
ot w lHi cbncptaic dragpps nr other
as ..no of tl... al.Wi women imvelist^
lieille-kUhws. as ibe cam- may V, |
............... .. ..........
JMyhtiK. yet she never
aevpr t ap|i
ouk. bad any higher atnldikiL.....................said, uf
t-h she prettily and pressUigly
filoag today I mw tV nea here, and ;
'“’tyou to lurtaki- after harfnx
lod a ! iBvi
Mt tv train and came to U. Tho«bl
to any oBP tVn to he’a good, loving mol Vr ai
red jruur aUotied tnip of fhlRpiitlp. tispful woman.
' swallowi
I would V led by (ate for awhUe. I
“ entVslast.
mvu- OT-ctur.
If the vlalior be a man
TV two old cha|w ttl(* to tbeto
-------------------- ---- --------«d If fate, wetv pBaylng rap aad
he pmlwldy declines, UDless much la
taU wltb BW.love, or else re<alrpd to pusliMPSe his
Vrfnl "miPB" notwHbsuodlng. as reHjHJi VsUt» very
ibln. and .-ut Into large ••iirdew. Uai....
marked bpfote. tVt nobody vis ever
onM. deprwcattBcly.
en <V edges With water, and In tV
It Is a toMOt
sweeties and there
Uant «adlA
. iveeu to nuy n
- lacge
.................... apriroc
H*' canter put a
cboculaira CDOBumed lo b
d*^ **
*-rhto avaalBf- V coethincd. -I twk
OKI Jam and fold
threelimes to- iV
to pnialyne Zr
with asionls:
«y tm atroB
tv bene*,
and laere.iw
tberv.|«< *rery vwwity.wuwo
twenty, would not oeciiue
decHoe la
ueaca. ano
to warn
ward me
the miaaie,
BaV at oare.
<once, aad
dddle, Mav
y« aad dtoaay any proCesaor uf hy.
a^tui I Vvt aewr net eyea on VI receive tV eoelra outfit o( eitber old irban anarty done-^av with white o(
1.1 saw
a lalUaU writtan aa‘to*nkin ana gift.
nbPraiBS't I
K S !5
>• and .niicllv said
“1 fag i-. -we
iKiiot id
yi>ur remarks.
IxTUise. tint I ililnk that .vmi have
cln»en a <|ti,sT plais- for your Je*i. "
•t>h, verv wpH. ' rpj'lhsi ............ .
____ .Ip her «e
wllhout any hat
.Aud Iheu Ihe ld->nde scream..
TPaehed for Ihe toil -‘E R-r head,
he grasTHsI her frt.-n.rs arm ai
bey darp.l luio.Ih- stew
he niillluer.t
lonls to Im- heard wet
h.ug I
lui 1 couldn't think wbai —'
iw<l of «hop|H-rs
gan to II
i•IVl» dp »>
Ilford IT Mcoonemeu.
Yob Mil tOMd to b( viiboat IL
Gas Lamp-
.Tbis Cewpaar
ckBcglM tkr IIWP
Price RedDced to Close Ool Lot Colombia aod Lon A. CnmmiiiAs
temg North prprs ria. •
Beat workiuaoahip money
can employ for Bicycle
Repairing. Quick work.
m DaloaStTMt.
CbBriPtoii B a. Iha-k............... iPtSpa
Ootag H»«lh ererj dmr rl
TBraChBrierala K A CkKh
. sassa
“upiapofx .
. . .
John R. Santo,
Geiotol lisiruee.
TMwaras City, ■>«»
OotDaaoslfeerarT Am escBpt naBAay.
OsiBC Msnk eravjr Bay sMpv BanSar.
' !' *
m usanitt iu^wiB. vnB»iai)A». oatoMm n, im
On B. a. da On.
It be mad* bk da(y. to atrtetly eofotne
tba tfoaaay laoo la tbk ally. Donag
my diu year la tbia ofli^ I waa
oalborlaad only to leak mp aaeb eaaea
of traaa«y aa Tiieldeoily «ma aoder
oiy ohaerratlon.
botk eager to aea__________________
and dnriug ti
remarkable akllL ‘ntoae who are Inlaat year my authority waa even mnre earable are traakly bold aa. kaay who
limited, aad 1 eonldlook np
of hare doeturad for
or yante
yeue aan
and 1baee been
adontU Oeioher a. tm
uaaaey only whoa apedaUy aotid<k given np aa iPcarabU
mnaU by
' tba
lodooo by the inoarlaUBdeat. Tboae and abyaielana anapaedilyai
the aebooi ebildroa who were la thd nanlJy reatored1 10 baaltb.
orraed regoior MOtiag of Board of
iiablt of playing tz
truant were not long la who baea
Tt g, 'Tx’a-woaJBO 0±'t5r,
. _ iBcoUoa btfd ti aottteil roos,
log that a
Oetohar 3.1«*».
oedar by adraotage of that faeL From my ra>
If yam liave not already
TOk Hoa
tee la tbla eooBeeiloo. 1 ti^b re make their ekll ‘to Trei
k^brntTkoS^ Moon.
be only way la which tbk malier four weein and invite all wio^S
OStoe Moan from 0 a m. to 8 p. m
* properlr haadlod k by haring a afflicted to vialt then at tbelr private
tmaei otteer who k required to derate rooma at tbe Whiting Hotel
bk entire time to tbc dntiea of the
■n • A a
kloatea of laat rccalar maeUag ware office, aad who baa fall aatbority
rod aod aporored.
wltboat dieiotioa
T’l the Utmimb’r the Doer4 iif Ed\
from aay pereoa..f Trooerre l «l<. k»cliitf««NTmeUof...........
i}K>TLaMU<:-tami«cinaatodhy kr.
I aome conaolatloD to flad yottnwlf
ai Columbia BaU. Tnaoday mmlng,
e bottacB of the bddrr wbea^ U ipbe froorru of ibi* city, to oolify merit. I
p jfxKvta
Oriober St Joboeoa A Poote orriiaerpD lhai there e no» doe and owing to
tn. Everybody iarited. ISL!
aim from keaara Wilaon A Irwia. who
koved by kr. M ore bat t...- eonarenodor eoouact wUu ytur bornwlieatioaI be rreelved
xeeelved aaad that kr.
tblr body to make rerUlo improre Marvin be employed ea
aa ttruant , Seer
menu acd reualrt apoa the Elmwood until the mid-winter faolidayaat a o
oofflIt la an M17 natter for
arcane aetool boilding. of ibU city, the pentatloB of g») car moeib.
eatate deolera to make OM
nm of one handled aad aeraatoea aad
kuiion ca rird.
B»leblll«. '
Lblrtyfoo' one-baodredtbadollara.nor
ri formoaib of
Wbeoeree a mao hppi>eo* to «ak.- a •orb and Ubor performed ^ maWr
ernU*; aad
good gnroa be Iwgtna to Ulk about hia iak iorola- rd in lathing and plaaaiarly carried. .1
iog mid Elm rood arena* aebool boild- aorrpieo and urdtrvd placed OB film
good iudgnieot.
The luan who -cooaldeta hU own iag. aa by agreeweai witb aa>d Wilaon
Beporta of sueerAtaadeat, of aonfanita baa bat tittle to aay comerulUK
re«.deM tuition e 1l*«t»d lu Keptemner
* Y."'“are ala> fartbar aotUled that
»»4 7U. Uior»V-n’ leea
the fanita of other*. •
laung -uj gl.w) aad booka
A ibarlUWe aj^ech la l«t Uule raid Jobo iTobert baa aaarly oomplet
suld ao
dug t» gl4 64. were precredit to the toao who te afraid to p.it cd a lub of lathing and plitt
areane aebool building,
ved by k' Moore that tbe
bU hasd la hla |>ockel.
n-toru uf auperin
A tuna may be gtaiefnl for what he m.dj
‘ yoor and placed on die
Ivea, but tt la bard for biw
bint 10
' iw
OyriiiK to the mioraal UrRe permake ciTtalQ imbodj
HuilOD Chivied.
ikfni for tbe tbluga tluit are wlib- joBuralle
October 3. IBW
CFiita^ of culls BU.1 unmerrhantbeld.
Tlie youibfnl grnrtnaie la proIiaW.r log aald John Probert for the aaq
1. the U'lnunil-lr B»urtl uf Gduoutlim ahle |K>tatop« this erooUt we have
te oDlr iieraon who koowi enouicb >0 targe aum of money from «ld W .laon A
SViii-erir <'1(1/. .Hirfihfeii.
decided iu order to muk^ a market
■ •anti.KUKN; Wa, yuoroommlUee 00
Irwin, the exact amount being '
rally. ■
ways and meaua. reap*etfally rep-rt for same,'to nip onr factory
known to talm at tbia Ume. bat
Btupid petqde are enimed to cat. but mid Job will be fully
lly complrted
by ibatwehave examined the following many of tbia Krmie of -poUtoew os
they abould lint talk. Tbelr im.illli* him In a few daya. when
bea there will be elalma. aud having foand them correct.,
the would roeorameod their paymrai aa ve can obtain.
... .<1 fl,b,.. Imuka uf <
!“! doe and owing to him therefor,
Intended f
aad foUowa:
kum of two hundred wd
Our factory. whi<’b liM a c«ptwenty dreone-hundredtba dollara.
acity ot 10,000 buahels of poUtoe*
Yon are tboretore hereby rrqueated JsBlior.-paj rol
I retain oat of tbe aotount uow due Aurwia HuVM
day, ia now 4*omplete and we
^taoat In.ihllDt
' , the aald Wi
TUviaa* Farker. i ork avibr!V-«birai
are ready to take all ibe cull po
- rapa--No; what made yod think I
tatoes that are offered ua for
Bnt you forgot to eat your
which we will pay their fnll^ value.
You™ re»prcttully.
didn't you. pajaT'
MatiLT C. Dowix
UnMawrt HrlWu ^jhwBoa*. rlaan. Save ail your anmercbantable,
TOBIIIIT .aged ot-'-lkiHi. did y-n
ID t of All Pkaaaaa and Waa
' Tba Kurt Bnoceaafi.: aod Sc-.antiflcTrai
Dated MepL 14 IKM.
end yonr ollVe «hl» mornlngV
potatoes and write us for quotaof Ksaklad Poaoible to Obtain.
I•■pa-“<K couriM- 1 did. Too.
- .vlUartne fora
The offlir k JOfl where It alway*
IU tbr VMwd Hiai
A kM
gol^. the contraclon.
iial. lb tl
Touitny—-I birird Mr. tUauk lelllns A iTwlo. have paid Mr Probert on ac
IwwA IrvlB, loaypl) us rusmeu
Imi.C iFvlo.for clira a
. .unt. the follewlag ennu:
as a lAyJI'rrai
a. aaU estltle* bin u> U* ruil
latu aaDOTin*.
.........r ajrrlnc
Traveree I'ity, Mich,
wa« raining gently > d llltle 4 y*wr.old s.pt 14-18W. by.caahon Elm
il of the
50 0.1
Hargl.- wa* aoiue'
■r fatw IB tbeukM.'.
ml Ibal bM .
wood avenue 5’^...................
bvali^^aU u
|,la«<vriuc aouiiTillr
DreRle*- alie liail 1 n the aoniiiicr t*lainiuar
fore. ••Oh.
IKFOSTANT TO LAStSS eayriy. 'Twu'i It m«wi time for 41.'
ThU leavea a baUoee of >i«SS.3i<
Caetipid. lajisit .i-uada.iiKi lur
hopper ahllHw to etituer'
Ir. Probert. that !• aUll open and
••Whv are you alwaya dniuiiidni: oc
the talde. Ti-inmyr' a»k«l a iie.ilier «d
: Ih.leiA
her &-year-.dd aoii.
g»ie*M ifa • "•i'Sm*tAJMWD poaiTitniocKB
raiiw I'll, like a icirkey. " aiiN
Dated Oct. 2. I8W-.*
lur ibaawtul ufitei. o< rarl.i <ic' au,: iLv nu■aivaarTUa IHal lolloa ;o lu, Iraiu
D uhsii V
«that the
VMW Wliitte.
▲ MHk k OOM Ib» aMi«f««l7 9m
MvtwAn onbrtdM pMios mtomtmm
IcMk to ^ telter.
•^Tho nsk k »«T opt to fc* htbJod
wllb bl> biMiBMi oSoIrn.
R*« M «MT BoUor to rbaoe OUT
»OB ron 'VO fPt oo thr to.
Bwy inmn k onorr or kw o( O Koo•Ip. tMit hr rKoam to odnlt II.
It k fnr hotter to foil to O good
OUMP than to fiD In • had otw.
Abool the lodiknl atgtal wr errr aaw
waa a ftt*inao trylog m look <nitr.
. nitkcP ta donWy gohkn when yon
TO't think of a aalUfartory anawer.
The child la wlaer In hl« altoiillrlty
- tbui the i-hUoaopher in bla wladoin.
When tbr drop cnnala gore down
■ten go oot and pnt down another
liualtatiH lid luoiutMi Fret' u< Siricily Cufifiultiil
OftboBeocdoridoaottoa oltha Oiiy
Troamo Olty.
OaoowMBt of tho obaaaae of Uo
pr>aMcat»adactk aod oaearal memuwin
h«a of Ika Booed of Bdououos. Uw
> bare
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Inericu bdial ud Sugictl Isstitite of lislitH. Uck
Oct. 12,1899.
To Faraers aid Potato Shippeis
waa tin- n-Iily.
ria(u. agnl h. ma iilayliis with l»-r
dnUhw. “S..W 5 11 lay hen-.’' *Im- acid
to one. and 1« an iij.T. "yuu lay th.-r.-,“Whj, ..'Ura." aald her inoihcf. -y. u
know ibat'lao't
>t lao'i right: ja.n ahould *a>
lie.- -Tlrnfa wlier; jou'iv wruUK.
mamma." ■eplled CUra. •'I'lu playlni;
they are .-lilvkrB*.".
“Now. hnyii." aaM tbe teadn'r of tlw
Jnvt^ile elaea. “who eaa tell un- wliai
the dark agw of the. world wer>-7
•I can. air." anawered a little fellow
gt tbe foot of the rdaaa. , “Very wril.
What were tbeyr aaked lb.- uwrh. r.
-The agio, before a|aHnarl.» w.-n
vented." waa tbe irtumphani rrii
Mich , dent 82. IWti.
H.xinrul.le Ihatr.l uf
Ciiu. Mich.:
have carefully examGXK^
Bsardman avenue aebool
loed tl
be plaoa aud apccificatlona orepared for tbc aame by me. and hereby
Kb^t the aame as completed aod
* city.
■raain ae ri>
<-buul Puram
J.N. Larkiea fi
mod the B.mwood avenue
ing and dud tbe same to comply
the plana and
for aame by
iompleiedand aaikfactory,
The Michigai StarcIrCo.
an tpcedll)'. rawelrtvl}- at»l prrmaBeail}
New designs and fancy Ilea er Ur •■era. orwaiur* rear..
woods with new decorations!
Keep these in mind when “tciiLTi,;,.
.li. ---------- -riu
down town and call in our
permatmtilj cufwJ t>» Ue laiwi approrrd M.tj cawariireU IB
SSriu iiS
eur*U la wwry e
Jewelery store to look theni
a<-b p*r»uB st’Slr'er lor wertcal trvaltb.i pa<-'d S'-si lb tbs aareiug piw
We have many new
things in jewelry also.
lAttericanrlglMtcdln aneleni Rome
cteU IB olJ ca,w«
.The rh«w.-ratte Js roor»r teuaelojis of
‘‘^E“*keore, SnpL
life than any other IomvI.
H iwually take* aW.uc five year*
9“Case* acil evrrvpoo.lrt.cr cooflOrotlal. Tnatwaat scut O. (
with p.
tail the akin nf an clcpbant.
Uglit-halred p.v|dc, it le aald. aa a
Motion cnrrled.
rale live lung.'r tban dark-haired.
7b the H-oi-mil'Ie
fi.»..ci«i..o -/
KruMS the great Oenuau gun nian1'm.en., C’iiu, klehitMi.
jBfaeiuivr. baa ntade 2D.onn eannotia
«Ki«Ti.XMXNr Bt virtue of yoor ap
polnUn-*l. 1 have! for the part two
Umi C H.iti.
iUed the position of Ttuan’
KkaNk Kri>;i»i.< II,
No fewer than 2.401 patent" ki‘ve Oficar in this city.
Inmy mtlmation this la a v-ey
been Uken nut on pro.e*t« for uink.
Meved by Mr. Moore that tbe n-port
poetant office, and one to which are
log sugar and salt.
..... dalim aboB.cJbe altend- ne accepted and all bill* be ordered
Tbe finest, purcet. and moat notrl.
th“' lie’.
*.*- paM except tbc bill of Wilaon A Irwin
tk>us animal ] "
of SiSt SC for exlia work and tbe bill
tematle maoi
from eleiibant
brt ugh to my of Arms A Oole. of S102.3J for pluming,
In lh» posiilt
attention somv facu which, perbsoe.
loiixn carried
may have easaped tbe notice ot
of souiisome of
Moved by Mr. Cocblia thal the City
livn and steel wire rupee.
the raembe™ of thl* beard, and 1 i
- oiifl,
Clerk and- Ciiy
Trtasurcr he oolierd
Tbe greateat de|Hb to which rahip tbe liberty
tJ off*r a few suggealu
Iberly U
lonry to Wilaor A Irwtn
;g.-f oay no mirr mot
boa been am-bored it 2.U(tO fnlbniua In tbe‘'«™i r'.
coutracl or for extras until further
d in
coDsIderably more tban two wile*.
thata truant oiiider be anp
atborised by tbe board
Tbe dlsianee'from ilte farthest point Uma ao that he ma.v et ter upon t
MoiioD carried
ot I’olar discovery to the |k>le Itsrtf Is dntlmof bkoffl-esAsoooai aebool
Moved i'V Mr Hort that the com Kew Store, New MatiMm Blk.
opened. Heretofore It ha- been c.
4«0 tulle*. '■
At Its |>rFsent rate of eomhuxtlon It tomary to watt until after tba school mittee on aetaoolt aud teaehen and the
be authorized to aecore
I* tboui^t tbe auu will last from T.- meeting, dr even a longer lime. b*f. re auperintcooi-ni
sking tbe appointment. But ibere i*- an aaaislaut levher for tbt aecond and
wn.nn) to 1
arge number of aebool children who
Motion ea r
e amplored in faelorin and
A Spaulab aolbcr has wHtteo fl'e
aces who* will not attend aebool
Bevel* of a untune deacrlpttoa. 1 b-II ,v.'lBten"*r't
drat k wltlmot Ibe teller .t. the
th *.••- ,^meneemeni noleaa they ai-e I
clDdargartea aupplloa, music
>Ut 1. the after. There is another ciaaa of cblldand wltlamt E. the ihlrtl without
I ptiob pipoA Internattoiial
MB wboae parenta are not able
fonrtb wiiliout O. and the Sftb
Is. Is. A. BoUding.
clothe them in a auluble rntnoer
out C.
d by the auperintoD
attendingaeh-ol. and these eaaea b
. hill
. . for same at
to be looked np and reported to
or of tbe poor, aad provided for
Holioo carried
itoffleer. before they can attend
TlH- «ti1v time annie penona get
Moved by Mr Ooehlio that the com
there la another eiasa wboee
carrlag*- tide Is wbvu tb.-y go i<’ fu oarenis do net noderatasd - that ■
mittoe OB bnlldlnga aad grounds be
Give tbem a call.
have adopted tbc free text book system antborized to InvMt'
423 N Slmwood Ata
What's lu a name? Apparently
and Ibarafore do not aeod thel^r ebUd- sabturr connltioD ,
aveoue school huildit.
lag. wiM-n the i-bnA aitavlied
rmi to school boeauae they have
proves wortbleaa.
booka for tbem. If the truant offleer not aathfactory. to instract tbe Amarim Fouod'y A Fornaoe Oo. to pal
M'by la li that the swaniw «•:
iu>e 11 a sanitary cjudltloo at oaee.
Areo one see* la farming aeilieuieiita
Motion carried.
vrar. ibeae ehlldroB can ail be l-uAed
are geoerally tow-beaded?
Moved by Mr Coeblin
Why k It a w<*mn always dwell* np and be made to attsad school just
cat 'I- .______
ranted leave
... . of
■KtunfuUy on the ake of ah.*-* ai.e ao much sooner and -Itb no great
visit the OudUlae
OudUlue aeb(
aaonot of labor on the part of the
W«n> when she was married?
dsyinthe* >ath of^Oetol
ll la so «*asy to iw*i>ecl other* of truant offleer
Moiiou csr-ned.
- Motice to Taxparnn.
1 would nrxtanffast that the trnanl
wrong motive* and ao bard apiuirMoi ■ by Mr. Hoyt that when we
of&oerbe omployed tor Ue schawl year
entlv to credit them with good one*.
ai J turn, weadjmra to moat Oeiabar
la under lean obllgatluna i<- a
11. IBM), at 6 o'cloekp. m.
4> for
pawnbroker than to a friend when the
Motion Carried.
- '—
que«tl.->o of money borTOWtng la lu ..r>tcvk
On motion of Mr. Moore duly oarrled.
board adjoaiwad.
Tbu fear of a caterpillar k atronsw
A. W. RicaasD,
......rbargvU «ur coJlvrttes, bat aa
In »ome women than thal of a mouse,
4Ulax*s--------•which smtemem ipakea It morv imHemlock Itunber le ell eizee.
mr Itl as4 pak Vorlax^wt^
*‘*^\ronlde with ambition k It gen- Sg^tbonfroB will fully equal tbe
***^*^**^ * ’TtSb wcawa^
•rally atUeU ita when we are not
aay ■tvleatJaefcsou'a eon>,
•OTO e«d^ to ftgbt tbe battle 10
y. IwrmiSU—745—U-4. Brnmi,t.Bwak Bauciag.
I wiwH MMimiMl thil tbe tTOBV
SMUt^^--rbUadelphla Bm-urE
We buy Eggs, 16c a dozen.
Good Dairy Buttei. I7d8c.
We sell
un CoHee-ll IDs for $1.
Hiram Cook,
u> any part af O.A
WHS B s ten PBiyiTE«n» iRn uiisiFens.aii!H
I will have a car load of horses
here on Wednesday, Oct. 11. They
wiU weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs.,
and will be a fine lot.
If you want a good horse at a
reasonable price call for
Morse Bros.. House Paloters
Fire Insurance.
at Brodhagen’s Bam
Tour winter’s wood
at once to insure de
livery. WE H
. -
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