The Morning Record, October 26, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 26, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■' i






-Kef m


Alfred V. Friedrich

LoodM, Oet.«S:-lAUr<oUMU
BU Of WllMB ft Irwin on
AoBoor loooca at BlawteUafta g1*o
ftdlitionB WBS AUowod.
Aeondlar to a Bnuaete
WltaM OiMpproeaa of Bit
^ ^klrlM Brtttob Xm«« Md VlMt7- Dr. L«pM.A« diplomatic ofoot of too Ooetraeter
Partaerte Boad Propoaltioa «ad m
ITnirtrt ftmuwlw tn
■lateMat that Uto Booro havo aeo
Bead «M Patatehed-aalaae
ntef L«d WoM«r Aeewd of acarip 100,000 mb la tbe leld ac toiArac A Dole to be Paid-^XaBwac
DoMorlmt B«forU Fnm •eoA Af- Iowa;- Boer rcralar, tS.OOO; artUletr.
for Ae Now AddlUone Awarded to
iM ■—>>■ Tal« Md WklM l.UOipoUea. l.TM;-OraoM Fm StoU
9. ». SMtoaed X. W. SaetAga
X*T« JotM»6 Wortm.
Katal Bomra.; BMaaBalaad aad
After a warm little eklrmteb A the
Umdfm. OtX. U.-A Modal diopotek
Bbedeataa Bom •,000;.fonlrB
board Of edaeatkm Aet evonlng. bo-from Oapo towA. 4aUd at «:lo Ate e.OOO; Aaterloaite, t.OOO: Oormaaa, e.OOO;
tween J. A. Moon oo Ae one hand Md
Tbo perfect fittinB,eTen wearWlAon A Irwta, F. X Meoro aad Ae
inff qaalitiee of
deaadaaarteaa. «00; Praeh Hotea Md rest of Ae board on Ae oAer. It wee
tba Boara ware rapnlaad. The Brltteb ItaUaat, too. Tha Ja«ra,lt appoara.are
voted Aat Ae bUl of eatras enbmitted
nMiaUlta are placed at four killed aad
dolor police work.
bv Ae eoatraewrs aed eodoteed by F.
I, all TMk Md fila
I While tbe Brltteh ofiiiaU do not coo- X Moore, tbv areblteet.aad B C. HoOMcral White haa I
{oeal their kaowledre of GoraoM. Preach gM. Ae saperioteadent. be alAwed'71'’"^ “”T
—--r *7“ I Md BnaateB aDtarootem pad their lirl- aad orderod paid. This eettAe a matter
1. U.
uu™u,»,.t. U.., Jo «» .i™ U» Aat has eaoted a good deal of differ> tWelea Britteb
ellrhtcet hlat Aat Baropeae hoetilltp
of ooAioa aad MBseqaeat dk*
lae woBBded Md flee will erpetalllM lato Mp probable overt
caeslon oo Ae part of tbe v^ns
acL Bat the belief Aat Great Brlia'a BMmbera of tha board. The desire
. Aavedal dtepatoh fnaa LadpaalA
toi^tber with tbe saviof; of
of a criete or evea of a was to gire to the oontraetore all that
oepa that the traop of the Birkteaeth
60c to 75c on each pair, have
was Aeir dne. hot some of Ae mem­
a which weal aatrap la
ma<l.* these the moei popular
ber* of the board were at a loee for
AeBoma^ AibatUe of Ol„poe u.',
shoes in town.
•ome time to know whether tbe - items'
Bae arrived la LadTemlA. Ac troop* vors the eontorvaUve view that Ae
included In tbe bUkwero really extra*
bavlar fooflht their waj Aroaffb with remarkable miliUry and naval aetivUp
or wtethor Aey should have been in-'
a loee of three horeea
embrace ail the la1<-st atylee.
U dne only to a desire to takethorongb c'nded in Ae regnA’r contract.
Tbe war ofltoe Ate morDlar tetued
For dr- ss wear, fine H>{ht
Tbe matter was brought directlr be­
AefollQwliirballetlB; -Tberetenotb
vici kid shoes with warranted
it etreagth-1 fore tbe bosrd for aeUon by tbe motion
lac to add to Oeeeral White'* deecrip.
silk vestin«or kid tops and
. Fremben-'jof B W. Bonod that Ae bill,
«km of todap'e eaffapeMal, ee rlvea
li»?ht «'>l-s. street.ser­
bAUtodap-eepii “NoAAg poAte to I amoonting to RS4 M. be allowed and
ia bte dtepateb, eaoept that we aow
vice, new mniitiisb shapee
tbeeveotaelKpof any AtervenUoa of
learn of caanalttee anoaaUnc to Air Barope in te'vor of Ae Boers." Tbe ordered paid. Be ttoted in making tbe
with heavy soles, just tbe
toto killed: alntp-Aree wooaded
shoes for wet weather. All
psprr add* tbat Germany especially te WiA Ae Smead system in Ae old
three atteelBa.”
same price.
resolved not to depart from berattltade bnildlnga that Aere was no evid-noe
' AfterreelUoreltelofBritteboficere
of neutrality.
Aat any of Ae liemt of expense re­
oaptorad Ae balleUa edd*:
Cape Town. Oct.
Advibec from ferred to were Incurred in Ae construe“It te preeoiaed that Ae whole lyaf Orange river. Cape Colony, near Oraage
droa of Ae B^htoeoA Bateare eadei Free State border. Mnonnoe that Ae Ate of Ae additions. A. E. Bingham
snoported Ae motAn. and J. A. Moore
eoMind of Ae ofiloeri aamed were Boers have taken Krelpdam.
Immediately arose and OMoed the dlsBarlp West. norA of Kimberley, ft te enssTon. speaking against Ae ptyment
■apposed that Ae Bjors are advancing of tbe bin Be said Ae bill was pot
on Dongles, aonAwest of Kimberley.
in sneb sbspe Aat It-was nniotelligible.
.tag Ae 1 fii ;tel report* from Ae front
and Aere was only one thing. Ae
and there te e stfeneoo* demMd
bnildlDg of tbe eldewalk. Aat
aidto for a reveiaioa to Ae eerller
ext/a. Be anted tbat Aat
praetice. when tbe reporte of Oea Sir
Oecege Stewart White. Ae BritUb Presldsnt’s ProclsmstioD Is- alone iM paid frtr as m •extra by Ae
board. Be said Aat Ae eontraet
r A Natal, were given oat
to rover all Item* of expease, aad tbat
tood Tsstordsy.
tMtaallp whan received. Wolaelepb
the work thoald ooms Inside Ae ap.
oBtoMTT. read A Ae hosM of eoai'
toM peetordap. epohe of General Tbarodap. Xoveuber SOtF, Desigsat- propriatloD.
F. E Moore. Ae arcUteet. amured
WhlM ae havAg foaght
ed ae Ae Ooeastea of Sproiel TtaMksAe board Aat tbe extra* bad all crept
aettea. whereae Oeaeral Wblteb owa
gieleg-Wearoat ■Peace WiA Ae la 00 tbe old bnlldlng. aad Aat Aere
aeeoaat pale M eatlrelp different
cent of Ae claim Aat' re­
plcatod ea Aeaitaa^, redaeee Ae
ferred to Ae work done on Ae eddlProsperity teOenee ter Thaaka
tooveMat to Ite proper propm^oae
aad ebowe that farther eacilAg IntelWnehAgtoB. OeL ss.—Tbe preaident tiooa He declared Aat Ae coairaeur*' claim was a jnst one, aad appeal­
Ugeann w be eapectod from Ae today teeaed Ae foUowAg pro
ed tor jostiee from Ae board.
ease qaartor at aap taoMaa It te tio'e: “A aatloaal oeatom dear
the bUl be
•videaithat Ae war A Naialhaa onlp bearteof Ae people ealte for cettAg
taken ap Item by item, bet be was asart a day each year as Ae i
sored boA by Ae committee aad by
I at loaAg I
•peetel thMki^vAg toOod.
Acat two battlea Mmp experU are
■■Seldom has Ate aetion bad greater: Ibe arobiteet that Ate woald be impoeaibla When Ae vote was taken oe
aettefled that Uaaeral Joabert U evee canse for prafoand AMkaglvlng.
Ths man who makes a hit in
aow eleee at Ae heele of Ae Britteb,
has Avaded onr Aocea tbe moUon. it wee earrled by yeas aad
buBinese is the men who is thoraad-Aatadeetelve action te probable Liberal employmMt watte apon Uber. Bays. Mr. Moore eaating Ae only dieongbly np-to-dste.
todar or tocKimw.
AboadMt eiops have rewarded Ae
If yon dem't have a telephone
In Ae matter of Ae addlUoaal work
The mA test that Ae Britteb were efforts of Ae hashMdiaM. Inereeeed
people are liable to think tbat yon
forced to evacaato Ae Retal trteagle. eoaitorte have came to tbs home. Tbe to have boon door by Ae roetraetorr,
whiA Ae Boree aataially Md rightip aatiOBal flnanoes have been etrangthen- toraAetbe b jildlaftJ eettefactory Vo
Th^ wiU probablv
as a coospfeaene eaeoeee, te ed and pablte credit Btede firmer. All Ae board, it was reported Aat Ae
think that yon are
■k bad not been done, owing to Ae
of Adattiy aad trade have
arevAg M anpalateMe pill to Ae
even slower tbaoyon
poroibilltyof obtaining tbe meWr* pabUe,wboeeappeUtohatbeeawhettod had an aaeqaal degree of proaperlty
The rontraeton bad aot filed
yr eaceewee aesasaed to be gneater and there bee been e steady gain in tbe
Nohodv wants
moral aad ednoatioaal growA of oar Ae bond for ti.soo as agreed toat Ae
Am Aep reallp were.
deal wii b people who
Cbnrcbca Md i last meeting by Ae board and
Leadoa, Got- tt.—Generali Talc Md national charaeter.
ere behinefthe times
White SBOoeeded Ale peeterdap hfAr- leboete have fliartebed. Patrtotam I IrwA. aad Mr. Wilson declared that
aoee A JsAAg foreee sear LadpamlA. lae been exalted. Tboee engaged la ' be vvonld never eoneent to fornlsh tbe
The matter of adjastiog Ate
ateeraecrea of brtiiiaat marches and matetoinlBg Ae honor of oor flsg WiA hood.
MortwoekirmteheawlA Ae B«Mra inch signal aeoeesees. have been large- diff>reoee we* left to Ae rommittee
yspared from disaster Md disease. Aa on hnllding* aod gronode.
Their total force te now lees tbM
Tbe bill of Arms A Cole, which
dM, bat Aep eoeelder it enatclent to i-woroble peace has been ratified .wtA
nation wtA wbteb we wero at war act allowed at Ae last muting |of Ae
■set sap oomMaod foroe of Ae Boore
board, WM taku up, aod oe motion of
be and wa are now on friendly
aad Ae Pro
Bound wu ordered paid. U
wlA every power on earth.
able to lead
Whoa Joobert eB«ete e eoajaneUoo
fhe trnet we eesumed for Ae bea-fll fonnd that all the work -done by Aem
it te eedmatod bp Ae BrUwh that be of Ae people of Cuba ha* been faith­ wu neocee^, on -eceonat of Ae
wiU have fhUp 12.000. The
fully edvMoed WbUe Ae Insarrce- ■Mltary condition of the ^bnlldinga
tloo stlU rootlnnee in Ae Island of This bill lnclDdad»S36< 00 tbe Boardprobably aaaggeroud. bat
«reat Ae eambtoed Bser foreee eet- LcM.baataac* ii resnmiagiU activity, mM avanne bnUdlng and rf-«9 on tbs
and coaldcaec A Ae good porpoces of
aaaber Ae Britteb eeeilp two
Tkerommlttu oo Mbrols and tuATbelateM reporte from Ae front A- Ae United fiutee has bcea iMldly
flteato tMt OMoral White Md Oeaeral eolabltebcd Aroagboat Ac arehipel- era reported Ae employment of Miss

Baoosnur Took
Plooo >ow Lodynlth.



in Boata. Full Fipfurea aod Baa Relief, the fint
that ewatrock the city. Only aamall aHortme&t
hM been onpacked, will have tnore the latter part
of tbe week—better drop ia today and aee tbeee,
then oflU agAin later—pricea 35c up.

Have yon read .
The Hon. Peter Stirling,
by Paul Lctobastcr Font?
The character is eoppoeed to be none other thaa
Orover Cleveland who champions pure politics id

$1.98 Shoes

New Vorii state and taken the reader tbrongb a
ward caacoa to the governor’! chair ia a moat
realis ie manner—It is ibe beet hiatory of apoUticel oareer that is in type—Can sell yon a cloth
copy for only 7oc.

290-222 Front Street

Efllph Ooimflblfl Jr. MAnne«r.

, You Will Do Wolf To Trust Tourselnes to Benila's Guidaoci

$1.98 a pair.


the most impottaat aews ia
this morniag's Record.






SHI Bts only
■ear tbst te eeteally worA Md would
sell right now at SI SO. SI 2i. tl.(to end 7s-per garment (If we had the
drawen to mstob)—Until ell are gou. pick u you like for only SOc.
Yon ought to know wbcA<IT yon ean afford to misa eoA a ehMee.
Initisi Silk Bendk-rchiefs. 3S Md SOc.



& OO.

124 Front Street.

Fasblonable OnAttere

The leadar in Fine Shnes.




Tate erlU Imiaedtetoly attock a A^
body of Free Stators, who have last
enured Natal vA TAtwa Fnae, Md af­
ter the vieWrp.^whAh te eoaOdcatlp
ted. and before Joabart
naei. they wUl torn from Ac scaH
Froo fitatwa and offer battle to JoebarU who, at iaet acaoMte. wan
thM 40 mtlcrbway.
Tbe Britteb commaaders deea
toaA wteer to strike two de^ve blow*
U qaWk eaccesMoo Am to rtek battle
almaltaacoaely wlA twesamU detach-

*^ybr Acae roacaas aad ooaaUoM
etbcra, I beroby name Tbaraday, Ac
AlrtteA day of November, as a day of
...................... »ga»6proyar.aadl
advtee Aat reUgoec oxerotee A
dacted by all dcaomlaatloae ia order
Aatto Aceceialfaatoroaf Acdayite
' ' "
Botbe lect Mgkt
oL bat Aat torveat prayers be offarod
to Ae Most High fer Aa eoatlaaeace
of Aat dlvias gaidaaee wiAoet which
■M’s efforte are vain, aad tor divine
otetioo to Aoae wboae kiadnd
Md Meade have eeerifieed Aatr bves
Of coana tbte te simply Ae Britteb
tor the conntry.
plaa. aad OHj be earrled oat aad may
>. ^rp artUlsry aklrmteh was ebartty abeaad toward Ae elek, needy
feagbtywterday batweaa White aad aad poor."
Jaahertaabegt dtetoaee acrAenat of
Z^ljamlA. Tbe battle. Aeagb la
Xtehap rettor Off w Orlamt
gslat of iMto «ae of Uttie
8m Fraadeec, Oet *s.—Btehop Hea
aaeaea, was la ecMMerable valae to ry C. Pottar of Mew York aaUed last
ttotiteovsnd Yale's moveapeat aad I lahc fer Boaolala sad Ae FhOtpaltowed htm to jeia wlA G«

Britteb MpdrmeUhB
gn was aBaased. bat record, ao Icoooo

[m mm Urn*

(OoaUnoed on Aird pege. |

Serse; Met
Full lined.
Box front coat.
ttrxp trimmed.

isttot BpIMfir cbarA ad Amt-


Coinfortable Hosiery

Fleece Lined Cotton Hose
^tection from dam-. cold wuAer ills — not ucomturteble to wur.
We have fleue Un^ boaiery tor ladlu'. mteeee, boy'e Md Aildroa—Ae

STEINBERG’S “‘“it-S'iSfJ.SSPa'SiSi?'"

Pair Ingraina...'.

. 16,18.26.80. 86c

Ail wool Ingraina................................... 60, 66o
Extra Soper Ingraina................................. 60c
Bracaala, Meqnettaa, Tapaatriaa and Axmlniatara...................................68c to $1.86

Leawa sronr ordera—
wa do the reat

e 0RIE.HTA L '5// K

Where It’s Made
Where i oigBr is made is a
‘ ‘ weight to
matter of c<
particnlar amokers. aod it is to
tbem we speak.
Oor work rooms are clean,
light and pleaaank
Our stock is clean, finely cor­
ed and fragrant.
Oar workmen are neat, akillfnl and efficient, osing tbe beat ot
These things make our cigars
die favorite brands with ao many

Gan Post, striielit lOc
Diinoiii J,3for-2Sc
Trinrse Btlle—05c


fflro Anit a MIL

4»P SmvdoftAwft

We want to talk about, n'Step in and
look over our line. We have the little
soft sole shoe for tbe babj, and also the
shoe for that boy of yours.
Baby's Shoes..........25. 35. 50, 75c, $1.00
Child’fi Shocfi..... .60. 75c, $1.00. $1.25
We have everything you can imagine in
MUsefi’ and Boy’a School Shoes—See
our “Little Gents” high cut Box Calf
Shoe for $1.50.
McNamara Block.




■ l^' -.


TBM Komao MBOOKi). THnaSDA-k, UUYOSn M. 1M»



DMlhoC Btabu« SOms Wm Om
t» • fMMiiir Aodte t WUah OMMd
AaraUttoa o< • VUCet.
A pwoliv MdAot hM cMMia the
Acfttti of Etebwd OeLoor, one of Iho
oUrMtdMUof Tnrwnt City, ot Uo
l»r« bom «t«r M*pic City.
A mtk MO Um auaftfoy Ur. &••
Loot «m 0b?lM tor *«ow lb Ub bon
wbMOMOfhto&ocm bw» oM»fai
. ■ *11*' to »b# rop# with wWrt.Uo oo» WM

••tayttod. Tbe rope WM twlMd bboot
tbe Asfer to Mcb bw^- M sot to be
•Mily romoba bad when tbo eow
jerked her bead eeeecbt UMk, Mr. DeLoer^ tnyer wm terribly V>r». Tbe
■obbathbtbmpotblian WM neennary and Dr. Frallek wm
called and the operoiton perfo
wm ee»enty-one
gaciMT ifntm fro* the poetbl dopbifobt b( WMbtortM bbow tbbt yeeeaof arc and on aceooDt of hUyaaro
•bb *OB«y ordet bMiaaeb o< the Ublied thepbyabdan did not dee* It w^ «
•ibMb hM beooBM a W( pbytof b«>i- adminleter an anaeetbeUe. Tbe ahcek
•bbb. Tbe ftrot ypor of tbe bystoa tbe WM ao MTore that the bid rentleman
lotb to tbe roeorsiDeet wm fr.ot? «pow died fro* iu iffecu bnraday afier-


MibMoftlb. Thelbbae of tbe toat
•bbbl year wm
171 nooey order*
FOptbMnttof to ealee
nib wMbb toerwii over the prevbids
fmr of l.tu,V4*. lb tbe Boabe
prdarbbbd lM.ie4.47S to tbe a*
paid. Durto* tbe laat feeal year tbe
pet profit to tbe roearabbeat wm bbd to the preMst year tbk
fitobbbt will be largely toereaaed.
TbbM OcarM daMOMlraU tbe crowJef popelarlty of tbe ayatem.aUo the
iMt that tbe people are hartoff bm
M elrealata. 'The profit to the corera•eat albo dlaplay* a perfeov eyeie*
pad irood butoc* *etbod* to

Deoceaed wm well btown to Ttar'
erM Wiy and hl/biy t teemed. Up to
n ilule more tbao a year nyo ba re-

ope of the early ploneera of tbe dty
nod WM a onrputer. It wm be an
aeeerol otbera wbo bnUt Park Place
Hotel, end many other «ood baUdinfa
in tbe city i^retent Ua ekUl and
BeeidM bln widow be lanTae om eon.
C B. Orlioac of tbia dty. Tbe fanernl will take place today at S o'clock
and tbe bddy WIU be laid to a fwa on
tbe farm onlli next aprlnf when It
wUi be remoead to tbe family plat at
Mow that Obleafo la raUeeed of the St. Cbariee. lUa
'•Uti-tnperlallbiB-'eooferoooe plea^ of
Um win be allowed to pWe eerlou
Poemmter Hafl bM retoroad from
podteebplatiOB to ooe FarMwonb, wbo Detroit, where he attended the coaren'
bMbta of bavlny bad forty-two wleee. tlen of poaUnattara.
foot fellow; it WM hard esoogb to be
Mia. A. J. Doyla want to' Weaford
pe badly eBtaafled. He aboald be
- ppared tbeaotortoty of b*to« tbe eeaier
Mr. a. Blaba of Clerelaad, OUo. wm
make bU home in tbIa city.
Mia. C. W. Joyce will retara to
•StnilO PQWjr TO BVfiUTBM. Grand Bapida thb afternoon, after a
two weeka' dalt with her mother, Mia.
•torch Paeiory ttaned op Teeterday M J. Wolfa
With a Moroe of 80 X
F. M. Patoe. tbe fioriat. will iro to
Ubofitoatotook like real butom Grand Baplde today to get a new aioek
phobt tbe plant of the Mlehifan of plaato.
Dan X«ndoa of the MereeotUe Oo.
•torob Oo. DOW. Yeeierday. after aer«rpl trtolb to ret the eqolpaent to cood wUl go toGraad Bapida thb OMralng

trorklnr order, tbe factory wm atarted on bnalnaM.
Mayor HamUtoa retaraed toet algbtt
apwlU all Ue macUnery worhi^.
from a bnatoeM trip to BaCelo and
The plant beraa on two '
Boeheater. where he ha* been parebat' >MhaU of poUtoee. which will
Bade toto tbe ftoUbed prodoet and lag good* for the Hamilton Cloihbig
nady for market by.tonlrbt. Tbe oa- Oo.
G. M. Dame of Morthport waato tbe
paelty of tbe teeiory 1* bubele
peeary t* hodra. bet owtor>to the alow city yeeterday.
P. A. Clary od Grand B^dde. b to tbe
•orbtnent of potatoea. tbe dally ooo*
puaptlOB will be rorrrned by the asp- dty.
Dr. B. W. Barba of Empire, regbply of atodc. Boweeer, the ootlook la
Mrhter than at any Use atooe tbe teredetthe Wbitlag yeeterday.
OharlM CbrbtiaaaoD of Mael
panaoB opened an^ farmeie are r<ndpally findtof that the t(tni
WM la tbe dty yeeterday.
Eddie Wheeler paeeed ihroagh the
The company he* toked in tbn far dty yeeterday. on hb way eoolh from
^.000 bMhel*nnd.the factory wUl be tbe Boo. He hM not decided whether
wUl play aaat year wlU Btog/pa wlu a force eoffieleakto eee fro*
|^bubcl*adayfor.a while, which bamptoa. Dayton or Detroit, fro* all
arlU be rradnally Increeaed m tbe three of which eleha he hM flattertog
•aUeerle* become beneler. The plant oHere to play third been.
Ptorted yeeterday with a foree of IS -Geo. Beyee of Maatoa. b ebiUng
■Mployea. which will be Inernaeed Meade to the dtyC. D. Cbmpbell of Fife Lake, b lo tbe
Inrtbly m aoon m tbe qnantity of po­
letone will warrant a nlrht
dty 00 beaineae.

Beoda'a Twirlere ea High fichoo'l.

Via. Farroat meoe.eed X O t. K.
gaaaranee on Life of Alfred Ferrant.
Mn- Angelina Farraat, mother of
yklfred Farrant wbo died reeeaily In
Mtogalry. hM J<ut rccelred e check for
ppM, tbe betonee oa a policy for
■arried on tbe life of Alfred Farraat in
the Knigbu of the Maoeabeea. tbe
•tbar $50 baring already been adraaced
pa a dbebllity claim before tbe death
ft tbe laeurod. Toe check wm reoelred
within twenty day* after tbe death of
ptr. Farrant. ahowlng the promptacM
With wbleb death elalma are paid by
toe Macoabeee.

A good beM ball game wm played
yMterdey afternoon between Bcnde'*
Twlrlera end tbe Uigli Bebool nine. At
the end of the third inntog tbe eeore
atoodStoJ. The High beboob went
to tbe bat to tbe fourth and
to Modiag a man aeram Ue plato.
when Ue game WM called oo account
ofdarkocm, and m five ianlnga had
not bMD played, neither aide could
claim a victory. It wm a fine enbibltlon all Ue way through and boi.y
contceted on both *idM. Tbe game
not being oompletod. it will be finUbed
Ub afunooe at 5:M.
Tbe battorie* were Blackbnra. Bora
aad Dana; Somera aad Dunn.

Wedded Uat Xeeaiag. '
A qaiet bat eery pretty wedding ta^
pUae toet eeenlag at tbe borne of Mr.
•Pd Mta. Freak Each. 4M Barlow
pmet. tbe ooatraeUng partUe betog
HMi Aaaa OUehrbt and Mr. Mike
tbbo. both of thb dty. Theeerwony
tad by the Bee. 0. Ooeblto,

tod Toagui
Ooald not eapTOM Ue rapture of Anale X SpriagM, of Pniladelpbla. when
Dr. Klag*. New Dbeoeery carM her of
a hacktog cough Uat for many yuaru,
had Btode lUe a burden. She Nye: "Aftar all other remedle* aad doetora
tail^ It eoon relbved Ue pato to my
chMt aad^ can now *le^ •oandly,
Ing I can ecaroely reaMmber doIrtde and groom. The bride wm tog before.
prabc* Uroaghout Ue UalearM
Mtla and pearl colored trlmmiaga. and King'* New DlMoi^ b gaaraai
pprrlad bridal roaaa Mbe Katb GU- cure aU troablm of the throat, e
ghfUt. deter of tbe bride, acted m
totdeamald and wm dr*wii to a dalaiy
orgaadie and wore earaatlona. while.
Dedplee C. X BoalaL
•1 Beymoar eapportad tbe groom.
The eoeial givua iMt eecatog at Ue
After tbe ceremony i
pU adjoarped to tbcdtoli
omeof Miu. N. X Strong hf Uc
OkrinUaa XadMeor eoeiaty of the
Mr. aad Mra Tabo will beat hem to
tot*- friend* oa BmI Eighth ntreet af* wiy. Tbtre wm a good attaadaaeh
a^UwMaroty anjeyabU aSair few
tMMoePtobar 1.____________
gob Ooalda’t Bare Stood ib
If ba'd bad Itebtog PUca. Tbey^

Bbaurek'i Iron Xoree
Wm Ua ruaalt of hb optoadld haalU.
ladomluUe wlU and tromaadoM an
argy are not foaad whoru Stomaeb,
FUm oa earth. It bM ................ ......
Uror, gidneya, and Boweb are oat of
fbr Injarlca. Pato* or Bodily EroptioM eedor. tf you want Ua*e qaaUtlM
ffa^^ bMt calre la t£T^ld.'‘''priaa aad the neema Uey brlag, bm Or.
Ktog^NewUte PUla. Only 15 eeata
at Jaam* O. Johaacs'aaad X X Waltb


Mdies the food nnra <Md«n a>l«





MreC C T. Ornwr Intarriawcd Vpon

•p«ui Tnl. b. B.U1.


Baurnrh bare proalaed to take to the
p^ c. T. Orawn, formeriy anperascotnlon to Grand Bapldt today on totendent of tbe Trarerae City pnblie
the O. E. A 1. to Inmire the aoeoeu of .ehooU.
Tbe toterelew deala with
tbe effortt to eeenre e epeeiel train. pracUeal tiatolnr to tbe YpeilanU
and iMt eeeninr aeranreuenu were Normal Cotlcre. where Prof Orawn la
apeeial enear- director of tbe trolnl
iMriugttabdty accord with the age of progrcM to ed*.
ai 5 o'clock. Tbe train will roe direct eatloB. In tbe ertlde eommeadatoty
to Grand Bapld*. and to eaae Uere are aeatloa b made of Ue ebllUy of Pro100 wbo dMire to make Ue trip.tieketo (mot Grnwa aad bla long errrice to
waibeeoldalfiJ.7tforUerooBdtrip. Traraneaty. If leM than iOO go. Ue fare wfll be
--------------------------04 SO. one fere for tae round trip.
I citj Oonadlakaa J. L. Beilly; of
Ticketo will be good for reUra few Clerelaad. hM fellen.idr to pW.OOU
Urea deye. aad a large nnmW wUl poor yeera ago. while to Sen Antonio,
doobileM Uke Ub opportnaliy to <ivn.. Mr. BcUly et^ped a rnnaway
make a cheap ti^p to Grand Bapida
proeably harl^ Meed Ue life
The oeeaetoa of the eacaraloa b Ue ^f Ue drirer. a wealUy farmer of
-ling of Eaebe Temple. D O, K. K.. p»ia,». Te*., aemed Jobo Wellare.
end eSee time baotlelpeted hy Ucae ata arm wm eo badly Irjered in Ur
who hare planned lo go. Orer e boaUat for a Ume ampnUUoc
drad hare already alga;fltd Uelr toUooght
tbe trip.
tentlon of makingr tJ
ereataally It heeled. OaBetnrdey Mr.
Bellly reoelred notice from Sen
AotOBlo Uat Mr. Wallace bad died aad
left bl* a legacy of 060,000.
Arrived Taudey WtU Ua iTwentyfiizU Infantry.
The-Baenty Uat AUraeu M«n.
Weabingloa. Oeb IS.—Tbe foliowtog
It b not ao mDcb to Ue fretarm m
im Geo,
Geo- to a clear, healthy complrxlnp, ai'
dbpetoh WM rccelred today from
eralOtb: ’'rbe traatport Uraat
Ue Twenty-elnih eotoouei* aao ro- langnld
uogaid women
women ere fnlly reetore
ernlte arrirad yMterdey 1 DO cMaalUee. robnet bealU by Ue i
CbBM'e Narre and Blood Plb. a eoeThe Attec wlU
9 food wbleb
rired Ub moralng.
ire blood sd new nerre timer. Fact
Manila. Oct *S —Tbe Tweaty-elnU
re of Dr. A
iBfaatry. which arrived here on Ue w i
tranaport Grant yMterday.
olio, today WIU
Tbe toeen
rrgWu have returned‘to Uc
Cblambia. Tbey are to inereaaed :

Still, liight BunniDg. First Class, Ouarantoed for five years only $16.76. Just like
Wpftmiiata your .
home oomplete...

Ijasy* Use of .
springs end mattreafles.-

120 Front St

Home Furaishing Store.

Both Telephones, No. 43.

Practical Embalprs
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street

Hra. A. W. gahraa* Xetartatoed to
Bonor cf Bar BIrUday.
Imat cveatog Mrr. A. W. Jahi
caterUined a company of ladiee i
five o'clock tea, Ue occMlon being Ue
birthday anniverMry of Ue b
After dbcomlng Ue drligbtfal
which Hr* Jabrau knowing well bow
to oreparc, the ladica pamedaometime
Id game* aod eoeial
When tbey
tried Uey enprrMcd




. The annual meetiog of tbe Xeedlework Guild of America will be held
Friday evening at T;30 at tbe borne of
Mra. P. J. Curtii



The Detroit Club of Ue Enlgbto of
PyUlM. for Ue big -oovrDUon
Tear, now number fifty member*.




No Mors Rhsumfitism.
il.m. Hli.-inaJ miin) rrimGim but cot mHr iMUrtlLaud
iMUrtll. aud me bad aluut civraurall
bopeafiellerebrairvbrardofCVlnT Kmc.
and ni}- v,|v baKan ualn* It. Thl. grval
iiiedlHae tma appalvnHy, drivrn all tbe
potaoo out of herat-wriu.and bar rvnalnijr
rrltu^ tMr from
tarn a lue of
or paH>—<'.


rb. UtvraudKidDrva Moldbf
PAc-aodiOc. «

That in btylUh. for Jadied'
wear—See car Bona Calf
aad Box Calf Welt Sboea—
We show aome of tbe aeireatdeeigoa oot io high cute,
at low prioea.

Tbe DM Reliable
Shoe Mae

Frank Friedrich
118 VtOBt StTMt.



Everybody—American—German — Bohemian — Polish - French
—All treated alike—promptly and courteously—
using your own “Mother tongue.”

“Sock et
“I saw you sliding
down the cellar door.” tu um”
taid a fond moUcr to her young hopeful.
-Oldnt yon know Uat cIoUm coat
money?’' ’'They don't m much m Uey
Mt«r."*aid young John. “OauM up at
Ue Oompanyu Uey're aelllng boyb «tiita
for 01 00. 01.»o and 0S.OO; up to 06 00 and
th* feller *aid they wm all wool and he
looked honeat.” And Ue boy wm right
—Our auitc arc all wool and Ue beet
wearer* ever eolA

The war in Africa
b Ue Brut thing yon read about whan you
pick up a newapaper. ' Bead -‘Story of an
African Farm” by OUro Sehriaer. TcU*
yon aU about U«. Boare. Ue Bazhan, Ue
UlUandcrm. aad Ualr Ufe to Ub tar away
.and eelb for 17e
amaU 16 mo. cloU btodtog. “Swallow"
b coeof B. Bidcr Haggard'* Utnt prodaettoaa aad Scab wlU Uom *am* people m
only Bagfard can. Bulb for 01 40.

Tb.t'« wh.t rw) eu do otth oar .cbool
•hoee-pUy foot ball-*tub your tom over
rough planks—ride bicycle wlU ebarpeut
rat trap pedal*—run rrnoM orer *taay road*
—and *U11 Uey/ etand the wear. HMvy
mUd calf youth'! ehoe 01.»S. Ue eame to
boy-e alu 01 M.
High Top Seal Grot
water-proof Uoe St 01 TS and fit oo. Oar
gaafanUe--'M6ney refunded If goods m*
BOt eattoteetory” bold* a* good here, m
anywhere to oar etorc.

A Fall Overcoat
b aa abeolute aeeuMlty just Oow. Aocao
glOBearere. Mlltone aad Oorerta arp joat
out of Ue maker* hand*. A doctor
chargM yon a dollar a rialt, toeay aoUtog
of l^e drag bill and “ct cetera*” ja*t for
a lltU* cold, wbleb might lead to aome.
Utogwutue. AU of which might he Mved'
hy owning one of oar Orerooata. We'd
be willlDg to take tit. 0is. «r even fit for

The HaoDah & lay Mercantile Co.


I •

TH« k»uo«i>, thpbsi.a». ooiobbh as. isss.


»n»r»t» wri
^ w*m»t la (am of tba cevcrair
•f MteWtaa (or t».m bM baae dra«.
tbla betac tbr 6r«t luiaKaeat of ibc 7t<.M(ortarpaatMatb. Tba raavt
waa raea rao aad tba elalau were ordouwt »ar ^im.


‘ Bait [^Baa.” wUabalfrara i

lOoaUaard (roe flm pafc. ]
Etbal DBaaaataaebarlatbaMaoa<)aad;(

* jp . __

• $4.75
"'*'■> ■•"•“'••■ ~»j r


ra «iU b* rl*M u»lfht la tba Oly
Me by the PriebM Sto^. aad ^
A be Me of tba beat pUved | W

r^“? oTT i.a llybt boeaa.

Wm atasp Uad aroaad Hareay
*••*•**• aataJdarad
•wtblaM b ao» bald at a btyh dcaro
oa aeaoaat of tba raaaat ditaomy of
eoal la tba ridaity.

Mn- Mary r<
» OM boadrad aad aaeoad Mrtbday
•I Beat Moaday trltb ao laforeal raOOpUOB.'.
d. J. Obareb of Arllartoa ran afaioat
a tbora aad tba reasit was ampauiioa
of ibaarM.

IbU pteae U oae of tba' «
d Ora’t of tbe modera drama aad I £
faw llffbt rapart^raeomDODlaa atteant' ^
lit Ard wbaa ylrea 4a
Tbe reorlpl of flu ao forelya taltlM naeaer It moat be by a flrat clam eom-! ft
waa reported by Sapariaiebdeat C.• H. . pooy Tba cbarmeter
of Matbiaaft
Hora. Tba report
raeelaed aad aaaayed laai olyhi by M-. Uuy B k<
Oa MoiloB of Mr Blaybam tbaappar- iaioraat of tba aUy eeatree aboot tbla! £
lataadaat a I taatracted to collect (ur- .abaracter aad to ba well portrayed ft

U.< . I. brr«™. » l.r .. i
b. m ,ooi b..d.,
WbU. Mr.. ♦
; Hoffcaaa worka bard aad enaryeiici’ly ft
Tbe matter of laaetmoce for tba aew jio talay
additkmt to tbe f!
maau, hiaattempu doea aot
Boerdmaa aveaaa
baUeiaya waa eatboaa a Traearaa City aadleaoe.
broaybt ap by Mr Booed, aad oa moUM of Mr. Hoyt, it waa rot^d to la- ________
...I., her. b; uun .bo r.bk wllb *
«>..tb..Mr,.blarrtM..tb. Eto-:,b;b,.Ul,'lb,
wood aecDae baildlay from to
________ oa the Hoardmaa araaael tjemeibloy aew la comlay to to-

Velvet collar:
Half lined,

Uarebarf to Boyara CUy.
waa (oaad dead by tbe roadalde with
bb bead croabad. real play b ana
•avael Ooerla. ifbtia bateherlof
bogeata alaarblar boaae la Chelera.
(aU late a hatUa of bolilur «aw aad
waa aemaly aealdad all orar bb body of Ulaa<
abOB.a aa |
.nteraat tba atald aad aolld dtUae
plaaad with Joba B -Saato. aad tba wboaiU below. It la a aaw aad daaseapt bb b^ aad araw.
At L^wrimtm Laoaa Waat. Loobe oUardl.OOO wltb B. W. BasUaya
.Madly clarer moBloal faioa oomedy la
Tba report of tba city traaaarar waa
Waal aad I'eartOraebao. all oader 10
Ureaacu, aatUlad “A Hall Boy.”
yaare of aye, ware aerapad off tba back fMalvadaed flied. abowiay a faalmaea la brlmfuU of bnmor: Ua diale., _
of a boraa that waat aadar a elothaa la tba trraaDry of lie 7St.
arrer dali. tba altuatlooa eery faaay.
la tba tea'-tar of Ua ebaayaa to ba
U»a aad all aaaaraly lajarad
aodUaralamiieh to pleaae Ua aye.
«i6 OompllcAted FarcicAl
made la tbe aaw addiUooa before Ury
At Oaedae (oeklaaa baatan are
ware flaally aeoapud by tba board. It affeeu and lota of praUy ylrla The
aaaaloy oooaldarabla alana. A cbarya
WM decided to laaae Ua matter wlU oompaay preaaatlay '-A Bell Beyof abet atraek tba aide of a rntdeaea
the oommittaa on balldlaya aad la aa aioellant oae la arery raapeet
wllblB tba eorporatlon while aeraral
yi^ada to report to Ua ar«t mectlay. and eOBUlaa aoma of Ue beat kaowa
poopla ware alaadiay la tba door yard.
To UU oommittea waa addrd for Ue artiau la the dramatic world. It will
A oow baleayUf to Cbaa. 'larBex «aa
praaeat Ua apma of A* B. Blaybam. ba aoaa bare arat Wadoradty araaliiy.
abot wblla raaalay la tba paatara. A
Ua prasldeat aBaoDDclay uar ka Noe. I. at Steiabary-a Orand.
lady waa baartof lloaa cm tba elotbaawoald make a panaaaeBi appoloimaai
lioa wbaa a ebarta of blrdabot data- at Ue ant mretlay.
Brarybody aojoya Ua eoaoerU of Ua
a«ed aareral farmaata. Tea dotlara
Tbe report of tbe anparlotaad'eat of OuaeaCliygiarUl,baion aoeonal ol
reward baa baaa offered for tba appraacboola abowad aome^atareatlay facta. •be eoH rain laal alyht ararytody waa
boaaloa of the aareloM baaUra
Tba anmbor la atiaadaaea apM Ue aot praaeat la Slalabarr'a Oread U
*laaly Morria waa aeeldaatly abot by acbooUaiUa elcMa of,^Ua moaU of lUWB U Ue esealleat muleal proyrem
H. W. Nawbooaa, editor of tba dtaatoe (Mptambar sraa l.SM. Ua Utal (or yitea (or Ua baarflt of Ue Conyrayaaipoar. Mr. Mawboaaa, wblla oat Ua etoaU barley baaa 1 771. Tba Uoaal church pipe oryaa fund. BowbaaUar.abotlatoafloekof^aall that nambar tor Ua praaeat moaU eaaaot
. la talta of Ue relo. there waa a
bad aaulad lato a ulamp of boabaa Mr. aowbeylrea. bat will doabUeaa br fair andleace end Uay ware well re­
liofTb, Boba^wB losNewbOBaa. waa laryar. Tba flyarea yiraa do aot la paid for braelay the aurm. lie qoarMl tba oppoalta aide aad reaalrod tba cladtUeBooatlllaacbool. The aeai- tat baa a.oi beabaeea lo town for aoma
obarra la Ua braoat aad Me aye.
barofboya la «ts. aad of ylrla, ws. time, therefore'tbla appeereooa waa
■arl rarmltar. ayed u. waa (aUlly Thaaveraya of atiaadaaea waa ws.2S eapaelallypleaaeanend Uay ware at
lajarad by Jamplay from a trata owr- prr eaat.
r beat, lo yood roloe, wiu ao aa NuMiberiDc
lay at the rata of so mllaa aa boar oa
Tba matter of dafecUva blackboards tlrel> aaw program of flaa aalaetloas
tba Oblaayo. Kalamaaoo A Saylaaw la the Elmwood araaaa baUdlac w»i Ue oompeay kept Ua aoaienM well
ralleray. tbraa foartba cf a mile aoolb preaaatad by Ua aupenataadeat. aad aataruloM tbraagbont Ua aeeBlay
of Cbaaaay. wbera be realdad.
war raferrad U tba oommittaa oa Tba quartet la eompoaad of Mr. B B
Speciel Boenery, Cstchy
White. Hr F H. Parka, Mr. Ralph
Tba pardoa board are eoaaldarlay balldlap and yroaada.
J. A Moore uad^ bla raaiyaatloe Haalau aad Mr. C. P. Boater, la adMusic, Prstty Qirls.
tbaaaaeof Haary Stewart, tba oldaai
aoorlet la poiot of aarrl«« la Mioblyaa. me member of Ua oommittaa op balld dlUoB to tbe aelactlOBi by tbe ejuartet
Ua waaaaol from Oetralt thirty yeara loya aad yroaada. la orgad bla lack Mr Baalell and Mr. Parka each favor­
ayp for Ufa for klUlay a maa aa tba lat­
TbP quartet waa edasirebly lupportwrUylretomaeb of bla time to U<
ter Uy la bed wbiU Stewart
At Ur aararei ad by Howard Beaaa Locy. ^iiouay
MltUay a barylaiy. Tbeoaly wltaeu work aa ba bad.
waa tba rlatlm-a wife, who baa alaoa aoUeiUtloa of Ur oUar membara ol aad ulaated Tiatialat. wboee akill waa
Wati-h for aoDOUDCemvol of
demoaatrated la aoma dimUa
baaa ooadaad la tba leiOBa aaylum at
Pootlae. Stewart, wbaa rlaltad roeaat- bla raaiyaatloe for Ua laMt. eolt alaeea which ba eaeeuted wlU Ur stlvaaco ule of
Wbaa a'-joaramaat waa ramebad. It yreea and floeaaaa of tone wbleb dely la JaekaoB prlaoo. aaeerted that be
notea >tody eombiaad with real taleoL
meet a
bad ao rea^leoUoa of oommlttioy tba
Mordar. Ha owaa tba priaoe priatlay ooaaldarUa r^ort of Ua < lamittee Hlaa Juaapblae Vadar aarved aa aconmpaaUi aod gave aome piano aoloa which
oaUbllabwoat aad ba* bawma adeeatod oa U; ebaayaa la Ua aaw ad
Invited Ibe entboalaatlc applaoae Ueir
darlayblalaoorearaUoa. .
leellance deaervad.
U rlaw of tbe warm waotbar wa are
Leon TUua flgurad la aome ebaracter
-kaataylaat at praaeat tba ' (ollowlay -raaMtad WlU a Sword la TreaUa
of ooDatderabie merit aad Ua
tromUaCllalOB Utohl la of lataraat:
of Ua audience abowed clear­
**Tblrty yaara ayo Taaaday OMralay
TrMtOB. N J.. Oct »S.-Admlral ly Uat be bad made a decided bit.
^ people of tbla aaeUMOwoke to fled
So well waa tbe ^ogram appreciaud
tea^ laebaa of aaow m tba yroaad. Sampaoa aad wife aiflred today for Uat
each number waa heartily encored
tbe earemoalat of Ua aword praacou and tbe entire program waa rendered
Tbm wore more tbaa a
rale of applea piled up oa tba airaaM of UoaU Ua admiral by Ua atata of .Sew WlU a drgree of excellence not ofua
■aay. Tba caremoolM beyaa wlU found ia vialilng profeaalooal coatba elllaya aad It boeame ao oold - that
addreaa by Senator Kawbam. ehalr- paoiea.
they all Iror-. Oa the eortb aide of
aofUrJMat eommitbaa. Ba aald
balldlaya auma of that aama aaow radesigns aod fancy
Uat tba blyb auu of rBelaaey of \be
•talaad aalll tba followlay aprlay."
oarywasdua to Sampaos'a aklll aad
woods'wiih new decorations
l.ANUaaamall boy waa eaaybt la a
ability more Ihea Uat of aay oUar
■ioaepipe flue a few daya ayo aad aaarKeep these in mind when
ly leal bU Ufa. Tba lad waa playlay ladleldaal.
Waraba'a Bloeb.
TVaverea City. Mleb
apataUm aad poked bte bead dowa
|dowD town and call in our
tbroayb Ue bole to look lato tba lower
the ebaarful ylft of tba people of a pat­
ffoeat. la aome maaaar bU bead yot
Jewelery store lo look them
riotic atata. wlU whom Sampaoa bad
eaaybt la tba bole, aad try aa be ooold
loay made bU boma^ "The plaa of
over. We have many new
ba waa uaabla to relaaaa bimaalf. tnbbattle -bleb dcwiroyadCerrarm'aflaat.''
araambaraof tba family eama to bla
ooaeladed Ue yoreraor. -was matured
things in jewelry also.
•mlaUaoamad after hard work ba waa
byyoarqalat atady mad eoaanmmata
L. L A. BuUdlng
rellavad from bla aapleaaaot predlea•kill mad serried oat by yoor flan
aaaat. Tba boy aaffared aoaalderably
wlUoat a aiayla error.”
aad waa namrty dead. A pbyalelaa,
bowarar. brouybl him Mt all rlyhb
nM hum I
, ntlehthd lo
Tba taonaoaa amoaat of Ulayrapb
aad ulapbMa pol«a wblab baa boaa ta- Vaacaiaf of Ua Spaolab Oaaaoo ta
baa oat of tba Upper Paalaaala raoeatPoatpoaed UaUI (ka Sprtey
ly.baayraatlydapleiadtba oadar tim­
TbraaOaA, Mteb.. Oct. »».—In view
ber aad baa eauaad a yraal eartaUmaat of.Admlial Dawey-a oaaealiag all ea.
la tba oatpat of tiaa la foot moat of
maato aad daellalny all InvltaUa oedar oompaalaa are aaabla to aaUaMforUlafal', and Ua rapid appara aapwbare aaar tba qaaaUty of tlaa yvaUay waai. aad tbe prlae baa adraaead
- to aaarly so eeata. Many owaarm of eldad that "Ua oaraowi
oadar atampaya rafaaa to dltpoaa of It wlU Ua aavaillBy of Ua Daway caoat aay prlea.
la Oeway Oaaaoa park.TkfM Oaka.
U abow yoa oar rallabla liaa of footwear.
Tba pipe llaaa for tba aaw ayatom of
matpMad aaUl aprlagitbat ptpparaAll wa aak from you la U Inapacl Ua abaowater worka at BMt Jordaa are aaarly
it for tba moBBtlay of Ua eaaoM
luUlyUteat atylaa la Maa't and Womaa-a
all laid. Tfca tower wbksk U to aapport badlaeooUBaaditbatUehUtorie ralle
aboM wa tall.


Wednesday EYe.RoYl.

A Bell Boy
The Newest, Brighnst Farce
Comedii Hit of tlie Seasoa.
Exceptional!}’ Strong
Artistic Company

26 People

Don't fl?erlook “A BEU BOY".


John R. Santo,
Gaaeial lasoraaea.



Jacket I THE SKILL OF 2,500

E^tra value for «
Ibe price.
m..,* j \ff MILLIKEN *

Fire insurance.

The Boston Store
_.W THE.-

Known to the craft,
yuidedl by maatcr
miada fat desientog
and fittfaiy, fa crystal*
bed fa> KUPPENHEMERU'yh Grade
Qothfate. Noduaoe
of mfabti no iw at
dsappofaitment—it h
custom tailoring oa a
huge Kale reduced to
a Acknee that makes
it ready -to put right
on and wear, and the
economy of quantity
makes the uving fat
cost about ooc-halL

No "lb, Ands or Buts" About thb Arsumenl


The Guarantee Label
tewed in the farnide coat
poeke^dk eloquently
whm tbe MAKERS stand
matter and tbe

At 310.00 we are Mpocially stroDg, for $10.00 ia a popaUr
price to pay for a auiL The rantie of cloths ie extra fine—fanev
woreteila, heavy cheviots, plaida and cb^ks.
coata, high
cut vests—eopecially good value these.
At 318 00—very stylish Oxford mixed, Fanner’s satin
lined, sack coat, high cut vesta.
At $14 60- the new Oxford Grey, jnat in and so popular
east Sack coals, satin piped, lined with heavy Fanner's satin,
half faced, artistic tailoring.
At $l800-bioe. all wobh,heavy serge, fancy serge lin­
ings, sack coata, vest high cut
At $16.00, $16 60. $17 60. 818 00. $88 00-Su<ts you
will vastly admire—a magnificent line to select from—plain aiid
fancy worsteds, and iirevailinir stripes and checks—coats have
Bfitio piped seams, and are lined with finest Italian cloth -suite
you csD wear with great sattefaction -are fit <for any dreasy
■•Oonipare” is our constant watchword. It oQght to be
yours also. It enables os l<> always give the vary best clothing
for the least money—from the purchaser.

The Boston Store,


Here You Have an
Opportunity To Make Big Money.
112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted am
offer, as they must be sold by December 15.
Also No. 431 Washington street., -44 foot lot, good'
No 542 Webster street, house built about fouryeaifei
— in good condition, modern improvements.
Look these over at once aod see

BARNUM & [j^HI^JohnsoD Block, Phone 73.
Real fstaie Eichangb!


J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,

Fox- OT3.X -b±irL©


They are jost what yaa wait.

•aot (roM Ua yroaad lo Ibe Up of Ua
krtek work, aad (rem Up of isak u
lowwt point M Mala atreaV. over IM
ioat. Tka water wlU ba (rota walla
sad foraad laU Ua teak by pampa op-ataud by a yaaallaa aaylae. Tba ayw
«BM wU ba aouplaUd wlUia a tow

tba flay plaoad os tba ataff la Daway
Oaaaoa part for Praaidaat McKialey'a
vtalt ba raplaeed by a aaw oaa aa oftea
aa required, and that tba atan aad
U wave tbara day aad
sight, sammar aad wiaur. ao tony aa
abu SISloaabaUUat. ar U it plaaaa
Ood. aaUl Uma abatl ba M

m OsM ki Om
Take Wararr'i tVldte Wine of Tar Sx-nif
Ibe beat ooqghNMcdyoaearU. flb un.

OswsMWMms Cwps-Wanisra
WMta ftiM «f Tmp


lyselstb Islta.

Moat avarybody kaowa Ua praaeat Ilka.
conditloB ta oar bnatnau. Tba aaeaeallad
ealau wc have bMO yirlay U our cwtomaiu b boat Uld ia tbe larya
bad laeraaaiay baalaeu ooattaatly eomlay U Bt. It la U ear lataraat
U plaOM Ua pablte wbleb wa aodcavor u do by ylvlay Ua boat valaa la
oboe iMUar Uat exparianoa aad aklU oaa prodaoe. It baa paid ui U
make aad tall Ua beat ahou Uat Ua prtoaa would panaU aad wa (aal
ooaSdaat that If yoa aae oar aboaa yoa will ba plaaaad aad If yda bay
Uam yon will wear ao oUar. Yonr patronaye will be appradaUd.

beat cough remedy on earth, curea ac-’^
laoocdayiftekeniattnte. aSmadaOSavaial variatiaa (or aala at PatMb
Mraasboaaa. BavaaU atraat. ?71-*i»

136 Front 8t

PnetiMl 8bos Mon

_Fine Mill Work
Cold weather is coming. Now is tbe time
to place your orders for



Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.


J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 2.

Trave^rselCity. Mich.


TBM Hoamitt «B<mU>, THDBSPAT, OOTOMm »6. laW




W. B-^WMU. • kwlMM MM 0f CU

Jkt a MTtfac mt tba Uafas' Atl
aotfatj a( tba Q
Mm. J.
praaUutcf (ba aoafatf la pUea a(
Mm J. A. MuMffaa, taalcaad.
n# Oaacbfam «.! ftabahU an
aaaataa to omat la L O. O. F. baU Fri­
day aftaraau at «aa o'elaeh. ^ Tba
ladlw am aikad to briar aaadlca aad
Ju CMaama la tookiaf lor Ufa paitr
whoatoUbtaWeyclatroto tbe rack at
■atraaoi to Ua Wbar
m am aafar to iv baada u

fnm U«
1—ir OHy 91 LBrtwtUt «rtw to wu
•SirilMMl (reM-XkteaCo. *ommi far
•i.JoM»k, Mtek.
Jus Cfarefa. s CaUB. uJ kis awwifaMrt. Miw till lUkoMy. UsrktOT
«( • frsMWut paUlahar. wm fusA
■ 4«uJTMad»7tath*iw4 sur rwrfa.
a elab «ai maat tomorKU. <far«fa ksJ afapt Ua rlrl u4 «bu mo aftaraaM la
U IWalar aaaafaa. Tba
.falaMaU. nMOaku «w auwadof aabj-et wUi ba “Art," aadar tba
«ka riri asd.wutaJ fa aunv bar. bat laadambly of Mm. J. V. Mclataab.
Tbara oUl bo too eaadidataa far tba
Ulrd raak at tba maaUa( of tba
/ «a<rf(MUfarmla,«belaaWU^Mas>m KalffbU of Pythlaa tbia ea^aff.
fau arrirad at tba Oltyaf Ma^ffam
Tba aauqaarada ball ftma la Ooi• aUmb fa tba rarr afmmlt ef.PaitoUtambfa ball by Lmia Bladar aad 8.
toltoUtobau. Itlaaaid'ky tba MarlCratM Taaaday aJffbt «u larfoly atMaa (abfaa Irifaf at tba baaa at tba
laadaa aad a ^aaaui party. Tba
•vataaso (bat Mlaa Bowaau la tba Amt
yoaac ama am arraafla* far aaothar
tootou to aaeaad to tbauult etarto ba rlma la a fao woaka. obkb oUl
Aaoklac tba emtor. altboarb a aasbar
ba r«wUy mjeyabla
Ifava mtaraad troto tba volaaaa aaaartArthur Naal ou la tba city yaatarA^ Ibat tbay bad luebrd Ue top- Tba
metsal aaeaatoi tba voleaao b^uat day with a vary badly daatacad baad.
a atatloa altutoa half way !'«aaaad by aoolaat oltb a bou
joat balow tba par- Norrta- ailll at Oadar Baa Tba Aaram
Itaa. Mtoa Booms made are badly laearatod. tboacb aoaa at
aba aaaut from Tialemaeaa to tba aam- tbam warn aatamd.ud It te hoped that
toittaala aad osa-half boara. She aooa will have to ba ampis'aMd.

bal«w la a Uat eJtba tnrtir


Sim Your Guests


tba Bffw member, of tba Un»«da family—tbe i
--------a —

S=Ja=S!^.”-:;;::;: "‘S



sSii I



fStJfrxSs:ECt7.5irSt^SKT-SS .1,SSiSi!SJ
Ssisa 1


M'iY, s.-ssS'SrK-rs.sTS:



t?»; ss,- riT.’Sf.s "•"’™ “-j-.





in A repertoir* of

Standard Plays.
La Belle Ethel
at«Ml tbe audience* eyerywher®.

Specialtits by Eitira Compiiy.

Pretty eeir time
to thiol obout hatiie yoat
SagoRry-.g “
“ - """T >-»»■»- r- >•••"•
—---------------- —
ANCAUNE HANUeACTUtmC CO., faafa AfaU. Mwh. aad iw $U bjr Al OmuMk


Tour winter's wood
at once to insure delivery. W£ HAVE

me about atoriac
ypo- wheel FBEE f--' tb
No better eaameUDg ti
Step iB ud talk it orer.

II* DBioB-Strwk

Giuli iipMi * Mlui I. k
arrival and deparuire of Iralw »< TruTmO
I' efln-t Oneber Irt. >k».

Hemlock lumber in all Aise*.


160 Bcree 12 milee eoath of towa in tbv l>ut famiiui; country in
ibie county, '70 acre* ciMreJ. good orchard. Urge bam with etoae ba^
moot b feet bigb. wind mill. sniBll frame bouae. liniWr enough on tbe
place to almoat pay-for it. Nu 1 aoil. Price $2 600.
-10 acre* 2fliilt* from tbe city in Leelanau O- 30 acres cleared,
aty of limber for wood, fine frame house coat $750. well ^watered by
re creek on Uie north side, b acrea out to fruit, beat location for
icning. frloe $1,660.
30 acres i mile# west of town baa no buildimta 40 nice la^ peach
« ready to bear next season. 60 apple Irffes. a nice lot of timbers
tb end of lot. a nice lot of laud for potatoes and fruit. Price $600.
80 acres 4 miles from tbe village of Lake Atm. small frame bouto
bare. 26 acres cleared, plenty of timlier on place to pay for. U.
Price ^00
40 acrea 2 mile# north of Lake Aun. amal} frame house log Urn,
30 acres cleared, small orchard, nice location ou four comers. -Price
tO acr-e iu Grant 4 miles wwt of Wexford, on county line road in
nice farming country, 35 acres of nice Uml>er on the place, small frame
house log barn, small orchard, nice large clearing free from etuoipsPrloe $1,200
40 acres ou Elm» o<*l avenue near the large farm of the Aeylum.
m acres of nice rich swamp land, mostk cleared,
location for
u or garden and the beet of bay land. Price $3600.
10 acre s on road going south from Fernwooil, all clear of atumpa
K»d building spot. Pidee $1,000.

”TraJBamviMai»top ■ kMChaliaar n.
wS^“i5«»-aBd aa*id.*a4 « oU «or Onto
. lo rciaskrjr.
- O.B.Ht7BBAT.Atto«

oeawoopa a„OT—a *■■(*■


West Michigan.


B. .1- AlORGAN, Prop.

.jgja;''--.T‘.; English

aadSu Ua palafal raulkof tanagat
MdMu am ilka»wrtM befan Ua
mSwIbI laAaakto dr PrTT W. Obmaak
KM^-limr Kik

Frislut Stock

Pricea of admiwion—16c, 25o

““-f.'srA-.' .‘iss'.tiv.


The Celebrated

and 85o.

p.-i.'-itss j.'ss.’ Ksrrr‘“


Tbe arooderfnl child actrew. Her
aiogihg and doaetog hare captiv>

NoremedvequBU Warsek'S Whi-tk
V ine ok "faK HVKfP for this Wrri.leand fatal dlrf-fc-e. If taken'blv and in time, it will c«r»- a ca-e
IIH huutw, and toe the cough that b.liw« L^Uripite 11 never talk to give
’• f. Pri.V. a&c and-■■Oil.

Tbla BOTBlor tba anaatruetloi
plaatod tba Aaaarku aad Mazlcaa
uo rraral aad aaataat. aldaoalk wilt
Mara oa tba BBrnmlt.
to ^taad from tbe aaal
WaltorL. Faraaoortb. arrratod ati ba baraa.
Bf.s/.Vffis i'ARim. 4Chtoar>.eaa abarra of blramy. ba.
XcN.m.m baUdiar. aoo'oamobfaaaad that ba bat t: oima ^v«r. !«al»d by Parker Broa’ ahoa atore. to <a a. auowa. atMcnay am
•d tbnmrboBt tba world. Ba aaya
« la Earopa. foor la Cblaa. ud three baak. iBrladiar tbe froau of
ptia^a laaiRANoa-iutM^owr
Bemi'iloD aothinc Co. aad J. '
la Para.
0Bi» rWSi't'^rBapeo^**H*»«*• pollrj
MiUlken aad Parker Brae. It will
Frairbt aam loaded with merebaa
dike far tbe Amcrku cxblblt at tbe
Park aapoaltoa are arrieiar la Wafa**"*
■artoa emrr dee.
^ boatlor for urUidre ud quail. •.taBsS^prowe-O IW-, BelUaf. Bo«*.
11^ every oey
Taey tfid sot orlor baak maBy of tba
fVB J. a W1LBS.a. pBjBlviaB BBiSBBrrMn.
Bevy dapartmeat will sot aaad a .
lA Urtoaaw of I'l iver-ltj of r»8o»»lva01*
------ -.J
Colamblu pOrto
OSmb B»*TooB*Uf- Mook. «* rraet bitvoL.
«bU1 fartbar .adrkad
-Hew’A Till.
rovoUUoury morciBut. Tba MarbleWe offer Ooe Mudard Oollam Bebaad k probably sow aomewhem iff ward for aoy eaea of Catarrh that euT^B waa W. S, Boob. a*»»r»lpr«-itr*Bl«.
Aba aoai of iloadaru aad k wltblo a Bot be cored by ftallb CAIarrb Cure.
P J Ciw.xo A I'o . Prop , Toledo. O.
May or two of Ue cable atatloB If aba
We. U" uoaereicaed. bam kcowa F Irr Opom Boavr Block.
•boald ba seeded
J Cbeoey far tbe laat IS yeart. aod bala tba tbraa yearn that tba LmdoB Hem bim perfectly boanrable la all
aeially Bobbc aioBk.
laatltotioa for Loot and biarvlBr Cats baaii
t made
baa bau aatabllabad lawt aaimaU eble---------br tbeir Arm
ham bau raoelmd aad eared tor. or. If WrwtA Tb('a\ Wbfilaeale Drocckta.
mbaoUtaly bomalaaa aad upbcalUy, Tcled.i-O
Waifisi. KiavAii A Uamvik. Whole- acveosUlr Oo Block
palalaaaly dbatroyad is lethal boaae
tale Itrorcitla. 'l'<.ler.o. i».
■m H.FOeTMB. *«Sor*M»S Uw. BPoaUl
Xbara am to ba u doebad boram is
Ball't CAurrh <bre t takea lataraal- W. BitaettoeutoxUiUB
Oolarado. A Uw baa bawpaaaad mab- - - - ior directly uooo Ue blood aad Kxaas a. TCBNHX. XtUctMS W Uw. nu>
It au'ftce of the eyatem. Priee U moBAMlUlkBaBt.ok.T>* iiiMnu
lac It BolawfBl to Import uy boraaa
^U dookad talk, aa wall aa lllaral Ta't’moBlalaare free
for a bo'raa owaar to ao muUlata uy
Uallb Family p.i], «re Ue bmt.
•almal ba owu A Asa of sot laaa
T A.TBi.aKON M. n OkMUHaamua
X. A-ktUukrichl^^ naar«.*to 11 a.*- 1
Ahufioo. orHdaya' imarkoameat ia
■ liblaa B-ledeer.
tba paaalty.
With a (uud deal uf ruDDlnc. fmturTXfl, aosBWTHaLTHOaPWVN. offcc. Park
Tba Brltkb mllllary aatboritiaa hope tap ud tbuutla'c tbe herd was flully L/ Pla<v Bold. SooWB W BSd 8t Wobfb'b
•o ham the wiralaaa ularmpb la opara- bronebt tuto the iacloaum, oaly a few
Of the ail^t eDltuals eacapiBC over
Akm la ttoaU Africa wtUla Urea
the fell, peat eume of the little cbltdraa. aaya tbe Ceatary. Biuhlnr Idto tbe tocloaure In aB aabroken stream JxL S. a arowB. Zll Ftobi u
iad,aaltwUl oalybaa<
tbu a tbooMBd aalBiala. tbe CVS ekLB--Piru-claa4 ar» iBf horwe. w*l«bt
aa*a herd did not eeaM runaiog~ihe rein­ r 1 X7k. a ycM oU. IT BB04. ^h. BOoS .^1*
Vofat tram wblU tba ardiaary wlrea deer la alvayi on the more, except at ordooUc l»,|Bli*a»ro*no»e«.
Ita regtHdf reatinc time*—bat conUo- wp >B r|KT-D*bUIb( hoBM o* WBBblactaa
oed to elrrke acalmt tbe aua. Tbe r BWOOI Apply kovl—- fattPkk
ThaTorty-alrhUvolaatoar Istulry, reladeer la tbcaa eln-ukr moUou al- QTtvieB r?dBWO<>atArr>bop.aiy blejrta
aowMdatyatFortTbomaa.Ey., bu vaye runa apalnsi tbe aao; If it ruou
bau ordered to proaaed to' Bu with It It la a ales of dlaeaae of the
Praaakeo u Eo«. 7.
bmln. In tbe midat of tbe reindeer. F brick roubdaiioo.aBdtwelM'*; ptoocmi
It boM tbi> wMkkUltakrv It. *M>
r far the PbUIppUce
r and buttlDC tn a orrrd.aW;
eovb. tMUaDcr tooa Hwr. Oworr toaviog city
admiral Daway baalsfautad bia new friendly way. while firing out ibelr toBMB lor MlllBd. Ib^ulrrku Wrbalar at. TTTM
peculiar gtuailDg aouod. tbe ptetureahoaaa ud espraaaad btoualf aa dalirbtque flfures of uur I.apponiao frleodi.
•d with it. aaylBC be eoald ut c*l were leeii. aurrounded by a tbirkei t>t
momd Into tt too eooo. A tew mlaor borua
rrM> aerr-Kurnut
uur buatee*. htrlof bung ber baby 1 al>« Ulebr-ear
arlU bk eurcaatloBe
Tbe umirel to a birch In the oiiddU- of the Incloa' ‘S'f/
my. After alt. «kll other citlee. oat it ure. bIuinI. like • uuuiber u( wtlu-r WOUiKMlIy glrU. alih a woudea acoup
ariil dot br eattl aprlss
r hand, n-ady to mHk the 0r«t of
the female reludeer caught: wblh- at
bobbed Ua arare.
AblartllBc larddeat k urratad by tbe •lUlaklrla of the 1iH-lui.ur«- atiMid a
Jobs Oilrer of Pblladelpbla. aa fallooe; ouBilM-r lit liilldreu wlib large juiiU i«
-<ia<Nj girl lor r-i-----••1 WM IB u awfal ooadlUoB My akiL re<-<-lvc III.- milk 71-001 Ib.- k.<<K>)>i>. ibe '^^ayrwD-oooo
ao >r >e me JrdFreus
waa almoat yellow. eymaaBken. tOBfai -auiall.-r li. Mr.-u .-liber ruiiultik a).-.iit
B. H a L Cu. eiin »B
coaled, pale omtlBually la >»-«»> aad playiiii: •■lll•l-ll- ilk.- i-auiii
aldaa. bo appaUta, prowlBc weaker det salt sud aiitfi-lli.'a to aonn- .>r the lam- I mmawTal>.lMF»rf*l o>f^.^^orjitotrtc«^e^rby day. three phyaleiaaa had c>rei> e*i aniuihU. Tbe moet lui|H>ruDl .nei- i ■7ia
of the sreue. buwerer. were the I Wlllieg to “
map. Tbea 1 wai adrieed to oar
per r*«ri»
D uinrlug alowl) about In the mMvi elr.Mr «Bplora.eul mliB eoueual oppo«BBlABtoeUie Bittern; to my preal Jiy, far
Mrat bottle made' a da. tded impreve of tbe herd, boldlug the Uaeu toetalutl
tout. I aooUBaad ihair naa for Urar their back iu the right baud and look
fBleago.______________ uy"
waaki. ud am sow a wall mu. 1 Ing aharpbLat the ninning anlmala.
.................................... ig a laaao wblahaow Uay robbed tba rmm of SBoUei
e frtgfaieued antdallm.'' No OM aboatd tall to Vy
ImaH rvcnlllug and then tnermalug
tbam. Oaly Me. ruruiaad. at
Fohaaoa'audM E Wall a dror atorca tbeir apeed. When tbe laaao bit

bireb while tbe mllkiog wae done.
Tbr FrkbuAiock
Bo they kept OB for nearly two hour*.
Tbe quantity of mUk yielded by each
animal k very email, at the moat aboot
-aomku o^uUatioB of fe
faaHt Uu oar Uaatra-goam e___ ___ a learupfnl. hot H k of mry blgb nu T;w>a aaLB O00« tr»«-cla»o
kaawamot Tba elam af pla^a ud trium quality. Tba milking, which k
by no meaua tegular, la doM, If pcaSlbte. once a day.
». Baldam k Xm am a eompaay (haw ti
lAraaref « morn amaly haluaad
' ma eapabla^^i^^yy lekB^^w^: molhars pkem of bona am tied Into
Uair mootba or tha oddtn am ba
dr raaditka of Ua park aaalcafa ■mearad with tar. Boma of tha Lappa
abow aarafal olady aad a dasira eotoldar ft alnful to milk tba wlndrar MMUMowufaa^ maolmM
b plaaaa tbair aBdiim. Tba apaetal- and Una daprim tha calraa of tbeb
' ■ are aaauraAaad aad ap-to-diMMr.
rfabu k a c«atlamu wU balkma la
Votioa faTazpayato.
MHoma Btua
a alautka of rapartoin aad k to be
FbwwwaitoMaeBMba^maretB■Jtoat fa ewr rtoAm Uaa a raeord at
■to of Ua maak; Thamfaiy. * ~
Mi" Friday. '>Da*M Oarrtek:"
a. m. Md bam la'cloek W e.a’ckah am. <k



■aS» aalg Ay aaTtOAai. kiaeVIT CXIMPAarT.


ncwf uaipfibiMaMn.

City Opera House

Notice! Notice!


J. :ii L._ 11.

The building which Mr. L.
Warsowsky has leased, 225
j Front Street, one door west
0 DaBAvax.o r. a..
OrooS Sayiaa
lof Steinberg’s will be opened
by bim Kov. 10th with

A good garment for tbe
Haying coat collar.

1 Fust Class Variety
of Hetchaadisa.


Goad laity latw. IT-lk.
We sell

0R.SPIIKTSVSa.5S-J=-J! Oook,
anr aoBMii Blk.

»• ““ •■rt

Wait for the opening.

J.W. Milliken


ti i»






J-. It. ui*.


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